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0 | Hi Dave , What is our company ’s position on glycol systems for yogurt stores ? I ’m meeting with Arnold Szatzer Tuesday afternoon to discuss a self service yogurt store in the Grant Park Shopping Center here in Winnipeg as well as other possible sites . He has seen a Meechie ’s store and is aware of the glycol systems . I ’m aware of the pitfalls we experienced with the glycol system at TCBY on Corydon and I do n’t want to live that nightmare again . However , they may have changed since then . Can you give me your thoughts on these systems and our involvement with them should be ? I ’d like to add this to my proposed agenda that I ’m sending this fellow on Monday prior to our meeting . He has the connections and wherewithal to make things happen ; he is n’t a tire kicker . Thanks Dave . Best regards , |
1 | Dan Panaro DSL Ltd. . 2081 King Edward Street Winnipeg , MB R2R 1M4 Office : 1-800-665-1125 Ext 7052 Cell : 204-781-8282 Fax : 204-694-2345 Email : [email protected] |
0 | << Purchase Order Request ( NUM ) . pdf >> Hello Brannon ! My tech was out at this home completing the final punch and reported a few damaged doors and drawer fronts that will need to be replaced . Please review the attached PO request for details . We do not have all of these items on hand and will need to order when the PO is received . Please let me know if you have any questions . Thanks ! *** Please schedule all service and punch requests in a timely manner , availability is limited ***** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This e-mail transmission , and any documents , files or previous e-mail messages attached to it , may contain confidential information , trade secret information or information that is legally privileged . If you are not the intended recipient , or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this message is STRICTLY PROHIBITED . If you have received this transmission in error , please immediately notify me by reply e-mail , and destroy the original transmission and its attachments . THIS EMAIL IS THE PROPERTY OF AMERICAN WOODMARK CORPORATION |
1 | Priscilla Askew BSR , Texas Builder Center P : 1-800-873-1292 x 14 F : 1-800-794-0404 |
0 | I think that is an excellent idea Alvie . The sooner we can get Troops up to speed on this , the better . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Alvie Allison [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 12:11 PM To : Dowd , David ; Taylor , III , George M. ; Kelly , Justin Cc : Keith David ; EMAIL Subject : New Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Guys , I have attached the new Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook . I turned it in to a fillable and savable PDF . Our District can start using it . But , I believe BSA requires it to be used by all Scouts by the NUM of the new year , NUM . The workbook still has some terrible gliches , but it is what BSA requires the Scouts to use . It might be a good idea to have an inservice for the new workbook at roundtable soon . Share the PDF with all the Troops in our District ( email the Scoutmasters and Committee Chairman ) . As usual , thank you for all you do to help the Scouts of our District succeed . Alvie Allison , NUM |
1 | David D. Dowd III Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5293 Cell : ( 205 ) 907-0830 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5629 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | No . From : Assell , Beatriz Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:11 PM To : Hunkele , Michele ; Ryan , Debra ; Doherty , Mark ; Luttrell , Haley Subject : Free Ad with Subscription Is anyone NUM aware of a Circulation promo that offers a free classified ad with a paid subscription ? Betty Assell Advertising Operations Manager ( P ) NUM ( F ) NUM EMAIL |
1 | Mark Doherty Sales Training & Quality Control Manager ( P ) 630-978-8032 ( F ) 630-978-8526 [email protected] |
0 | Thanks , Graham ! I had understood that you got married . In fact , you even sent me some wedding pictures . Looked like a great time in a great place . Congratulations on becoming a father . It 's the most rewardinng job I ' ve ever had . Also the most difficult . ; ) Best , John jparks < mailto:[email protected] > _____ From : Stieglitz , Graham [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , September NUM , NUM 3:17 PM To : EMAIL Subject : Congrats on the move I hope all is well with you . All is good down south - I 'm married and a dad now ( NUM week old son named Rhys ) and work is keeping me busy . Hope to run into you again in the near future . Best regards , Graham H. Stieglitz Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM Street , NW Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM URL < URL > Burr & Forman - results matter _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | John Cardinal Parks HOROWITZ & BURNETT , P.C. 1660 Lincoln , Suite 1900 Denver , Colorado 80264 ( 303 ) 996-8600 Telephone ( 303 ) 996-8609 Direct Dial ( 303 ) 916-4051 Cell ( 303 ) 996-8636 Fax |
0 | Here is the photo ! -- On 7/15/11 2:52 PM , " Steven Reibel " < EMAIL > wrote : Thanks & Regards , STEVEN REIBEL | Senior Vice President | The Keyes Company | Tel : NUM | Mobile : NUM | Fax : NUM eMail : EMAIL | URL | URL Click Below to Visit Our Training and Coaching Center . < URL > |
1 | Ernesto Ebanks Senior Graphic/Web Designer Keyes Corporate Marketing 1535 Three Village Road Weston , FL 33326 954-315-6930 [email protected] |
0 | He may need a Hepatitis A shot .... Dr Bhatt will advise . Ritu - you may want to chk for Reya . |
1 | Sonia Raval Camelot Communications , Ltd. . 8140 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas TX 75231 Work : 214-373-5443 Cell : 713-409-9785 |
0 | I 'm the engineering manager for a lawfirm - Whiteford , Taylor & Preston . We have about NUM attorneys , and about NUM total employees . Do you offer site licenses for Gwabbit ? If so , could you please quote me a price ? Thanks ! - _____ This transmission contains information from the law firm of Whiteford , Taylor & Preston LLP which may be confidential and/or privileged . The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the planned recipient . If you are not the intended recipient , be advised that any disclosure , copying , distribution or other use of this information is strictly prohibited . If you have received this transmission in error , please notify the sender immediately . Circular NUM Disclosure : To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by Treasury and the IRS , we inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) is not intended or written to be used and can not be used for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code , or ( ii ) promoting , marketing , or recommending to another person any transaction or matter addressed herein . _____ No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/17/11 |
1 | Neil Cotherman Engineering Manager Whiteford , Taylor & Preston LLP Office : 443-263-8243 |
0 | From : Abbott , Cathy Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 9:49 AM To : FIRM-ATTORNEY Cc : RECORDS-BHM Subject : HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CONFLICT CHECK !! Importance : High Vic Hayslip has been contacted by a Chicago firm to potentially represent a member in a securities fraud matter . As noted above , this is highly confidential . The parties are as follows . Please let me and/or Vic know as soon as possible if there are any conflicts . Potential client : David Stroud ( member ; potential defendant ) TS Capital Management TS Capital Fund TS Capital GP Adverse : Alabama Securities Commission ( potential plaintiff ) Securities Exchange Commission ( potential plaintiff ) Stuart Memory ( former employee ) Barron Lowe ( former employee ) Potential Adv : Tommy Tuberville ( co-member ) Again , please let us know if you have a conflict . Thanks . CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Cathy G. Abbott Legal Secretary for Vic Hayslip , Brent D. Hitson , William J. Long and Ben Coulter Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5433 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 458-5100 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 |
0 | John , Attached please find an application for a professional liability insurance quote . This is strictly confidential — I will probably leave my job with a large MN law firm ( URL ) and will start my own international business practice and will need professional liability insurance . At the beginning it will be only me and a non-lawyer assistant . I do n’t have at hand the information to respond to section NUM ( prior insurance ) but I can get that information from my employer . I will appreciate it if you can send me a quote . Please e-mail me or call me if you have any questions . Thank you , |
1 | Alejandro Suarez Cell ( 612 ) 709-8120 |
0 | Tim I will approach Bill Directly for you with the vision that Drake would use it with Outlook initially . Fasttrack is the CRM that they use . Your best chance is if you give me some information to send through and I make the introduction . Bill is the founder , owner and chairman of Drake so it is a high as you can get I was a direct report and trouble shooter for him for NUM years . If you reward me with an intro kickback I will take care of the rest for you J Professional Summary : URL Please consider the environment before you print this email this email is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed . Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Family Capers . If you have received this email in error please notify Family Capers on the numbers listed above . Whilst we have used appropriate software to alert us of the presence of computer viruses , we can not guarantee that this email or any files transmitted with it are free from viruses . URL |
1 | Linda Enever General Manager – Family Capers Phone : 1300 386 387 Mobile : 0433 149 319 Email : [email protected] Web : |
0 | Greetings Gerry ! When we last e-mailed , you said that I should join MGMA , and FTI would cover it . I recently expensed the membership and application fee for $ NUM . I noticed that the expense report was n’t immediately approved like all of my others , so I assume whomever is approving them has some question about it . I just wanted to give you a heads up if you were contacted about it . Thanks Confidentiality Notice : This email and any attachments may be confidential and protected by legal privilege . If you are not the intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the e-mail or any attachment is prohibited . If you have received this email in error , please notify us immediately by replying to the sender and then delete this copy and the reply from your system . Thank you for your cooperation . |
1 | Darren Dowell , CPA Senior Consultant FTI Consulting , Inc. . 202.550.6746 cell [email protected] |
0 | Ciao ragazzi potete farmi avere l'indirizzo esatto di spedizione per la caldaia RW1050 che devo ritornare alla Bryan Steam ? Grazie |
1 | Anna Ambrosi Customer Order Processing Riello S.P.A. direct phone no. : 0039 0442 630403 fax no. : 0039 0442 21980 |
0 | Most States have individual laws requiring notice and opportunity to appear to customer as wellâ ? ¦ From : Chiles , John Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 2:17 PM To : Linde , Christopher Cc : FIRM-ATTORNEY ; Dell-Powell , Denise Subject : Re : Bank Production of Tax Returns Look at Gramm Leach Bliley Act . Probably also theFACTA amendments to the FCRA NUM USC NUM subparts . I do n't know anymore specifics but NUM should never produce them without a court order and without ample prior notice to the taxpayer to enable him to Appear and join in your opposition . Sent from my iPhone On Oct NUM , NUM , at 2:08 PM , " Linde , Christopher " < EMAIL > wrote : Please pardon the interruption : We have been requested through the regular course of discovery in state court litigation to produce the bank 's entire loan file , including the documents that were used in the underwriting process . The bank 's loan file includes tax returns of the guarantors . Is the bank prohibited from producing those tax returns ( assuming that SSNs , bank account numbers , children 's names , and other personal identifiers are redacted ) ? Any help would be greatly appreciated . Christopher S. Linde Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM S. Orange Avenue Suite NUM Orlando , Florida NUM < URL > URL Burr & Forman - results matter < URL > |
1 | Thomas K. Potter , III Attorney at Law Direct : ( 615 ) 724-3231 Cell : ( 504 ) 914-7066 Main : ( 615 ) 724-3200 Fax : ( 615 ) 724-3331 [email protected] 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee 37203 < > |
0 | Established in NUM , M&A International Inc. . offers the unparalleled , global resources of over NUM M&A professionals operating in every major financial center of the world . We are closely linked and together we advise our clients on acquisitions , divestitures and financing . We have closed over NUM transactions totaling more than $ NUM NUM in transaction value in the past NUM years . Founders of the M&A Mid-Market Forum ( URL / ) , and the Strategic Acquirors Forum ( URL ) . The information contained herein is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the individual ( s ) to whom it is addressed . Any alteration , distribution , or copying of this communication is not permitted without the express consent of the sender . If you received this communication in error , please notify the sender by telephone at NUM . |
1 | Wendy A. Michael MASI , Ltd. . 800 Hart Road , Suite 120 Barrington , IL 60010 Phone : ( 847 ) 948-7300 Fax : ( 847 ) 304-4480 |
0 | Re : Halo for Sale Michael is there someway on the unit we can do this otherwise we have to have NUM control centres for Central or any other fleet where we have a limo type business . Michael a bigger question I would pose is ; is the Control Centre method the best way to load software on the Nurit . Based on the events of the last week , I believe this is something we need to talk about . When we test units before release we run small trx and we do n’t generally test CC as Debit is the card that is dependant on the Terminal ID being programmed properly in the host . We certainly would never test a trx over $ NUM to catch this . --- From : Marc Andre Way Sent : NUM 3:13 PM To : Leslie Buchanan ; EMAIL Mona Zahiri Cc : Marc Andre Way ; Courtney Francis Subject : Re : Halo for Sale I maybe worth re-loading the limo units and remove the halo feature . ---------- Marc Andre Way Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Coventry Connections Inc. . NUM Coventry Road Ottawa , Ontario K1K 2C5 Tel : . ( NUM ) NUM ext NUM Cell : . ( NUM ) NUM Fax : . ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL From : Leslie Buchanan < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 14:27:14 NUM To : < EMAIL > , Mona Zahiri < EMAIL > Cc : Marc |
1 | Leslie Buchanan , CGA Director , Special Projects & Administration 455 Coventry Road Ottawa , Canada K1K 2C5 Tel ( 613 ) 746 8740 ext 3300 Fax ( 613 ) 746-1293 Cell ( 613 ) 222 4001 Email [email protected] |
1 | Arthur D. Stark Lifetree Clinical Research Contracts and Proposals Direct 801-892-5127 Main 801-269-8200 Fax 801-269-2860 Email:[email protected] |
0 | Hi Andrew , thanks for the update " A Great Place to Live , Work & Play " P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail . From : Andrew Cox [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 3:46 PM To : Roland Grombach Cc : Jon Jenner Subject : RE : computer woes Roland , I ’m still waiting to hear from Gemini . As soon as I have some information , you ’ll hear from me . Thanks . Drew From : Andrew Cox Sent : NUM 11:59 AM To : Roland Grombach Cc : Jon Jenner Subject : Re : computer woes Good day Roland , I have requested the pricing and installer information . As soon as I hear from Gemini , I ' ll inform you of potential time lines . Thanks , Drew From : Roland Grombach < EMAIL > Date : Thu , NUM Jun NUM 09:46:49 NUM To : Andrew Cox < EMAIL > Cc : Jon Jenner < EMAIL > ; David Berry < EMAIL > Subject : RE : computer woes Hi Andrew , As per the emails below the contractor has agreed to the install in her truck . . what do we need to do to make this happen ? Thanks Roland Grombach Information Systems Technician Information Systems Department Municipal District of Greenview No. NUM Box NUM , NUM Street Valleyview , Alberta T0H 3N0 Tel : NUM or NUM | Direct : NUM Cell : NUM | Fax : NUM Email : EMAIL Visit our Website at : URL " A Great Place to Live , Work & Play " P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail . From : David Berry Sent : Thursday , June NUM , NUM 9:42 AM To : Roland Grombach Subject : FW : computer woes Looks like it ` s a go , I ` d like to get it done ASAP ( as ASAP as poss |
1 | Roland Grombach Information Systems Technician Information Systems Department Municipal District of Greenview No. 16 Box 1079 , 4707-50 Street Valleyview , Alberta T0H 3N0 Tel : 780.524.7600 or 1.888.524.7601 | Direct : 780.524.7629 Cell : 780.831.7574 | Fax : 780.524.4307 Email : [email protected] Visit our Website at : |
0 | See you there Macquarie Capital ( USA ) Inc. . ----- Original Message ----- From : James Anderson ( MacCap Advisors ) Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 6:02 PM To : Bruce Donaldson ( MacCap Advisors ) Subject : Re : Check-out event scheduled for August NUM at 10:15 a.m. I 'm in James Anderson Managing Director Macquarie Capital Advisors Macquarie Capital ( USA ) Inc. . NUM N. Wacker Drive , NUM Floor Chicago , IL NUM ☎ Tel NUM ( NUM ) NUM NUM ☎ Cel NUM ( NUM ) NUM NUM ☎ Fax NUM ( NUM ) NUM NUM ✉ EMAIL ----- Original Message ----- From : Bruce Donaldson ( MacCap Advisors ) To : James Anderson ( MacCap Advisors ) Sent : Tue Jul NUM 17:58:17 NUM Subject : Check-out event scheduled for August NUM at 10:15 a.m. << URL >> The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments : Shortcut to : URL Note : To protect against computer viruses , e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments . Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled . |
1 | Bruce Donaldson Managing Director Macquarie Capital Advisors Direct +1 212 231 6568 Cell +1 908 721 2033 Facsimile +1 212 231 1717 Email [email protected] |
0 | Gene is super nice ! From : Anton - Richard Mille USA [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 3:13 PM To : ' Gene Stern ' Subject : RE : Trip Anywhere you wish . I ’m on see food diet . I eat when I see food ! Anton Rubianto RICHARD MILLE AMERICAS NUM South Rodeo Drive ; NUM Floor Beverly Hills , CA NUM Tel NUM Fax NUM EMAIL From : Gene Stern [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 3:12 PM To : ' Anton - Richard Mille USA ' Subject : RE : Trip SOUNDS GOOD . YOU WANT TOEAT OUT HERE OR DOWNTOWN ? Gene S. STERN Swiss FineTiming / Atelier Jewellers URL EMAIL North Shore Location : Downtown - Chicago Location : NUM Sheridan Road NUM North Michigan Avenue Highland Park , Illinois NUM Chicago , Illinois NUM NUM - Telephone NUM - Telephone NUM - Telecopier NUM - Telecopier From : Anton - Richard Mille USA [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 5:06 PM To : ' Gene Stern ' Subject : RE : Trip Hi Gene , I hope your holiday was good ! It is confirmed that I will see you July NUM . I should be there around NUM PM . See you ! Anton Rubianto RICHARD MILLE AMERICAS NUM South Rodeo Drive ; NUM Floor Beverly Hills , CA NUM Tel NUM Fax NUM EMAIL From : Gene Stern [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , June NUM , NUM 3:00 PM To : ' Anton - Richard Mille USA ' Subject : RE : Trip Perfect . Thanks and look forward to seeing you . Gene S. STERN Swiss FineTiming / Atelier Jewellers URL EMAIL North Shore Location : & |
1 | Anton Rubianto RICHARD MILLE AMERICAS 132 South Rodeo Drive ; Fourth Floor Beverly Hills , CA 90212 Tel 310.205.5555 Fax 310.279.1000 [email protected] |
0 | I can send it in just a couple of minutes . Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Claiborne , Deanne Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 2:52 PM To : MARKETING DEPT. . Subject : RUSH BIO Do you have a nicely formatted bio for Jim Pratt with a picture that you can send to me ? I need to use it an an exhibit on a case for Jim in which he is serving as a expert witness . I need it asap . Thanks . Deanne Claiborne Legal Secretary for James R. Pratt and Dudley Q. Sharp , Jr. . Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM N. New York Avenue Suite NUM Winter Park , Florida NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | April L. Phillips Marketing Manager Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5487 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5767 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | My memory is that we do not have anyone who handles oil and gas matters on a regular basis . Is that still the case ? If you do , please speak up . Thanks . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Warren C. Matthews Attorney at Law Direct : ( 334 ) 241-7000 Main : ( 334 ) 241-7000 Fax : ( 334 ) 262-0020 [email protected] RSA Tower , Suite 1950 201 Monroe Street Montgomery , Alabama 36104 < > |
0 | ok From : Humphrey , Cody Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 3:55 PM To : Boyer , Bryan Subject : Re : Businesses Ill research when I get in to find out where I can find the data and from there I should be able to give you a hard date . With what I know now I would say NUM weeks . From : Boyer , Bryan Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 02:16 PM To : Humphrey , Cody Subject : Businesses Cody , I wanted to get a timeline of when you believe you can accomplish the project you and I spoke about last week . Businesses in a Zip Code VS. customers in that zip code R. Bryan Boyer Republic Services Area Sales Manager - Houston ( c ) NUM ( o ) NUM ( f ) NUM |
1 | R. Bryan Boyer Republic Services Area Sales Manager - Houston ( c ) 903-571-3509 ( o ) 713-726-7505 ( f ) 713-551-2393 |
0 | Michele , NUM EST. . your time . If you have any questions , do not hesitate to contact me . UL Customer Service is available to assist you in the U.S. Monday - Friday NUM - NUM CST . From : Michele Grandi < EMAIL > To : " EMAIL " < EMAIL > Date : 07/15/2011 02:29 PM Subject : RE : Riello Premix Burners Approval Hi Jim , I will phone you on Monday . Let me know a proper time to do so . Thanks Michele Grandi Engineering Manager Riello Burners North America NUM Meadowpine Blvd. . Mississauga , Ontario L5N 6H6 Canada e_mail : EMAIL Office : NUM NUM NUM ext. . NUM Mobile : NUM NUM NUM NUM From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM 2:48 PM To : Michele Grandi Cc : Andrea Dalla Benetta ; Poletto , Vito Subject : Re : Riello Premix Burners Approval Michele , Go to this link and give me a call - I can help you request this quote . URL If you have any questions , do not hesitate to contact me . Jim O'Halloran Senior Project Engineer , HVAC Conformity Assessment Services - 3015ANBK Underwriters Laboratories , Inc. . Phone : NUM Fax : NUM E-Mail : EMAIL UL Customer Service is available to assist you in the U.S. Monday - Friday NUM - NUM CST . From : Michele Grandi < EMAIL > To : " EMAIL " < EMAIL > Cc : " Poletto , Vito " < EMAIL > , Andrea Dalla Benetta < EMAIL > Date : 07/15/2011 11:31 AM Subject : Riello Premix Burners Approval Hi Jim , We need to start the approval process for Riello Premix RX series . We would like to approve for US and Canada the following burner models : · RX NUM ( new structure ) - > NUM BTU |
1 | Jim O'Halloran Senior Project Engineer , HVAC Conformity Assessment Services - 3015ANBK Underwriters Laboratories , Inc. . Phone : 847-664-1708 Fax : 847-407-1708 E-Mail : [email protected] |
0 | Jay , Hope your slice is good , strong and deep . Here is the notice to Myrna regarding her salary increase . We need to give her it on Tuesday when you are back in the office . Tim Le présent message et les documents qui y sont joints sont destinés exclusivement au destinataire indiqué et leur teneur peut être confidentielle . Il est strictement interdit à quiconque d'en prendre connaissance , de les utiliser ou de les divulguer . Si vous recevez le présent message par erreur , veuillez nous en aviser immédiatement . Merci . This communication is intended solely for the addressee ( s ) and contains information that is privileged , confidential and to copyright . Any unauthorized use , copying , review or disclosure is prohibited . If received in error , please notify us immediately by return e-mail . Veuillez tenir compte de l'impact sur notre environnement avant d'imprimer ce courriel . Please consider the impact on our environment before printing this email . |
1 | Tim Fitzpatrick Vice-Président / Vice-President Design & Construction Giffels Québec Inc. . [email protected] | T 514 931 7756 | F 514 931 7070 | |
0 | Looks OK to me . Please provide an executed copy to me after Mr. Acheson signs this afternoon . Thanks . John 9/22/11 From : Baker , Judy [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , September NUM , NUM 10:34 AM To : John Lucas ; Taylor , III , George M. Cc : Prescott , Ellen ; Lang , Janet Subject : Operating Agr - Tameron Properties Hoover NUM , LLC John , The Operating Agreement is attached . It provides for Tom as the Manager and the Trust as the sole Member . I ' ll include it in the Incumbency Certificate . Please let me know if you see anything that needs to be changed . Judy Baker Senior Paralegal Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | A. John Lucas Tameron Automotive Group [email protected] Office : ( 205 ) 443-7701 Fax : ( 205 ) 443-7798 |
0 | Good Day , kindly find bellow Noon Position , average cargo tank pressure and average cargo tank temperature for NUM July NUM : NOON POSITION : Lat : NUM ° NUM ’N - Long : NUM ° NUM ’ W Tank No . NUM No . NUM No . NUM No . NUM No . NUM Absolute Pressure Mbars NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM Temperature Deg C NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM Best regards , Note that the ship 's telephone number has been changed from NUM NUM to NUM / NUM . The ability to call vessels on NUM NUM will be kept open until 11/11/2011 . Please update your contact list accordingly . |
1 | Master AL SAFLIYA Capt. Edo Puzovic PRONAV Ship Management GmbH & Co. . KG Tel. . +47 2367 65 43 ( Master ) Tel. . +47 2367 65 42 ( Bridge ) Fax . +47 2367 65 43 INMARSAT No . +870 76 11 44 010 / +870 76 11 44 011 E-mail : [email protected] |
0 | Please use this new template for your expense reports for July NUM going forward . Thanks , Carmela |
1 | Carmela Haskell Executive Assistant , Ad Sales [email protected] Main ( 800 ) 770-5750 Direct ( 951 ) 699-6991 x296 |
0 | The elevator at Reception has been fixed ! J Regards , |
1 | Angela Nguyen Natural Factors Reception 1550 United Boulevard , Coquitlam , BC V3K 6Y2 Tel : 604.777.1757 , ext. 4320 Fax : 604.777.4819 |
0 | Did you find the junk yard ? Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself . It 's what you do for others ... Danny Thomas ----- Original Message ----- From : Timothy McGuire [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:16 PM To : Mary Zachar Subject : RE : do n't know what type of file this is ________________________________________ From : Mary Zachar EMAIL ] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:00 PM To : Timothy McGuire Subject : FW : Can you pls open this Mary Zachar Project Coordinator , RSVP Senior Action , Inc. . NUM Directors Drive Greenville , SC NUM NUM phone ( NUM ) NUM fax Email EMAIL Web - URL Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself . It 's what you do for others ... Danny Thomas ----- Original Message ----- From : robert henry [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:55 PM To : Mary Zachar Subject : Re : On Fri , Jul NUM , NUM at 12:46 PM , Mary Zachar < EMAIL > wrote : Mary Zachar Project Coordinator , RSVP Senior Action , Inc. . NUM Directors Drive |
1 | Mary Zachar Project Coordinator , RSVP Senior Action , Inc. . 50 Directors Drive Greenville , SC 29615 (864)335-5019 phone ( 864 ) 467-3668 fax Email [email protected] Web - |
0 | Tim , Thanks very much for the call & email . I did n't understand that I had to use the email address that I was registering with . Can you help me change that to my work address ? From : Tim Naughton [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , February NUM , NUM 3:56 PM To : EMAIL Cc : EMAIL Subject : Gwabbit Customer Support Case # NUM : Download/Activation : ref NUM D8KlEj NUM oBMI : ref Image removed by sender . Dear Customer , Thank you for contacting gwabbit Customer Support . Case # NUM : Download/Activation , has been created and a gwabbit Customer Support Representative will respond to you shortly . Thank you , gwabbit Customer Support Team ref NUM D8KlEj NUM oBMI : ref _____ No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/18/11 |
1 | Geoff Colla - Director BAY GROVE | CAPITAL 423 Washington Street 7th Floor San Francisco , California 94111 Tel : 415-229-7957 Fax : 415-229-7954 [email protected] |
0 | I just spoke to Taylor Barr and the Court is going to call my office at 10:00 so that we here in Birmingham can participate . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Hitson , Brent D. Sent : Wednesday , August NUM , NUM 7:55 AM To : Hayslip , Victor Cc : Coulter , Benjamin ; Collins , Betsy Subject : Re : Hearing tomorrow Sorry I ' ve been MIA but this has frankly been a little debilitating . I still feel crappy this morning and have doctors appointment at NUM . I can talk to anyone between now and NUM if we need to . Hopefully I can get back to the office by 10:30 and will go to whose ever office ( Ben or Vic ) the call is on . I think Ben is more than able to cover the motion to compel on the redactions and privilege log . He knows the docs better than anyone . I 'm also betting Judge Bivins is not going to be open to PIBCs request that she revisit the NUM party subpoenas again . But I will hurry back since I was at the original hearing and do n't want Russel to misrepresent something . Which he will . Brent Sent from my iPhone On Aug NUM , NUM , at 7:46 AM , " Hayslip , Victor " < EMAIL > wrote : Still waiting to hear on Brent 's status ... working to move my meeting .... please get call in info and we will let them know Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : < URL > URL . _____ From : Coulter , Benjamin Sent : Tuesday , August NUM , NUM 4:46 PM To : Hayslip , Victor Cc : Collins , Betsy ; Hitson , Brent D. Subject : Hearing tomorrow Vic , ( Judge Bivens ' assistant ) Taylor Barr said that it should not be a problem for someone to participate by phone as long as we have at least NUM lawyer in attendance , which Betsy 's presence obviously satisfies . She will let us know if that is a problem for the judge . She asked me to email her the names of who would call in and participate . Who would you like to argue ? Would Brent be calling in ? You ? Me ? Just let me know and I ' ll pass the word along . Ben Coulter Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Ben Coulter Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5420 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5643 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | Men , Do we want to talk on Monday about this . Just a short call to lay out the plan of attack . The timing for our initial response is mid Sept. , but I do n't want it to sneak up on us if we intend to do a credible job . What do you think ? Regards |
1 | Vince Silvestri Account Manager Packaging Corp Of America (770)663-0903 office (770)330-8026 cell [email protected] |
0 | Thank You Shawn and everyone that brought something in . The food was great |
1 | Chris Hardenbrook Account Specialist Phone : 303.963.8607 |
0 | Cheers to all . thanks , Deborah Fliegel |
1 | Deborah A. Fliegel Manager of Technical Services Carnegie-Stout Public Library 360 West 11th Street Dubuque , IA 52001 563-589-4243 |
0 | Hola Marina , te adjunto tarjeta de presentación de la inmobiliaria . Saludos cordiales |
0 | Hi Janine No news yet sorry . URL does sometimes take a bit of time . I ' ll let you know as soon as they get back to me . Attention : Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender , except where the sender specifically states them to be the view of Red Pepper Pictures ( Pty ) Ltd , its subsidiaries and associates . NOTICE : - This message contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee named above . If you are not the intended recipient of this message , you are hereby notified that you must not disseminate copy or take action in reliance on it . If you have received this message in error , please notify Red Pepper Pictures ( Pty ) Ltd , its subsidiaries and associates , immediately ----- Original Message ----- From : Janine Snyders [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July NUM 02:16 PM To : EMAIL Subject : Hi Pearl , Any news for me yet ? Remember to send me your address please ! Kindest Janine Snyders NUM NUM NUM EMAIL Reen Produksies Funksie koordineering , Bemarking & Designs URL OppiPlaas fees ( NUM Aug ) - Bierman Landgoed Oranjeville Sent via MTN Blackberry |
1 | Pearl Modiadie Content Producer/Presenter ( Sistahood ) Red Pepper Pictures Tel : 011 446 7000 ext 7332 Fax : 011 888 8212 [email protected] |
0 | _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Jim Ford [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , October NUM , NUM 9:58 AM To : Long , William ; Michael Ford ; ' Bill Donaldson ' ; ' Mike Chase ' ; ' Rick Towne ' ; ' Tom Griffin ' ; ' Tom Norton ' Subject : A Message from a former Bama player This is from a former player who was on the sidelines vs. Vandy . I will tell you who at the end . Enjoy the article ! Posted by : < URL > TexasTide21 Fellas , I 'm just getting back into Atlanta from my awesome weekend in T-town . With that being said , all I can say about our guys , is " Wow " ! Before the game , when I was walking along the sidelines , the NUM thing that I noticed , was how huge Vandy 's offensive line was . Then I saw the rest of their team , and they were n't as impressive from a physical standpoint . Then I walked around along our sidelines , and I must say , that our team is the biggest team I ' ve ever seen . It 's almost intimidating to me , and I 'm not playing anymore downs . lol . But these guys are NUM times more physically impressive then when I was playing NUM years ago . Hightower , Nico , Hubbard , C.J. , Depriest , Upshaw , Barron , Jerrell , Trent , the whole offensive line .... I mean , those guys are jacked ! I got a chance to talk to a couple of my former teammates who are now on the strength and conditioning staff , Kindal Moorhead and Corey Harris . They told me that the workouts that our guys go through now are harder than anything you can imagine . They told me that the workouts that we had under Pollard and Johnson are laughable compared to what Coach Cochran puts them through , and it shows not only in the physical appearance , but also in how it always seem to be a player from the opposing team down after every NUM snaps or so . I mean , walking by Cade Foster warming up on the sideline , had me wondering why this kid was n't warming up with the linebackers . He is jacked ! Observations from the game ..... NUM . This defense is the best I ' ve seen since following the SEC during the mid NUM 's . No comparison . NUM . Mark Barron is the best safety I ' ve ever seen or played with at Bama , hands down . That includes Harper , Peprah , Myles , Dixon , Spencer , Johnson , Sigler , Jones , etc. . This guy is huge , NUM and foremost . He sniffs out plays quicker than anyone else on the defense . His closing speed is NUM to none , and his cover skills have come a long ways since stepping foot on campus . And most importantly , he hits like a freight train . This guy is the best safety in the country , bar none . NUM . It 's not fair to compare Rolando and Dante ' . They are NUM completely different players . Rolando was the brains of the operation , but as far as God-given talent , Dante ' is special . He reminds me of a bigger Brooks Daniels . If there were any questions about if he was back or not , they ' ve been answered . This guy is better than ever . NUM . Adrian Hubbard is going to be a special player . He 's every bit of NUM ' NUM , and he has " The Next Great NUM " written all over him . Overall , what makes this defense so special are NUM . The size of the overall defense is scary . NUM . The speed and the way that they close on the ball is something you have to see in person to appreciate . There were plays that looked as if they would result in a NUM down for Vandy , but due to the nastiest of the d , they resulted in minimum gains . This defense will go down as NUM of the greatest in history , and the depth is crazy . Enjoy fellas . Offensively , after the game I talked to a veteran player who 's like a little brother to me and he enlighted me on good stuff . He said next year , offensively , this team will be scary . He mentioned the young receivers , White , Bell , Norwood , Bowman , etc. . and the addition of Carter , and it will be a " pick your poison " type situation . He raved about those guys . He also talked about the running backs and said that we are loaded and even with Trent leaving , we ' ll probably be a deeper and better overall group next year with Lacy , the emergence of Fowler , Hart , and the young guys coming in . This is n't a knock on Trent , because he 's the best I ' ve seen in a long time , but it 's due more to how special Dee Hart is , and how good Fowler can be given more touches . He said that we ' ll be fine up front and there 's a lot of young talent on campus . As far as the QB situation is concerned is , he said that A.J. wants to turn it loose and take more shots downfield , but Coach Mc , still has the reigns kind of tight on him , and as he grows more confident in A.J. , that he 's slowly take the leash off , so therefore the tons of throws to the crossing routes . He said that Phillip Sims will not transfer . He said that Sim 's father has Phillip 's head on straight and he will compete instead of running away from a challenge , so Phillip is n't going anywhere . Overall , I was impressed , and I do n't see how LSU can come in here and win this game . These guys are determined to win # NUM , and nothing will stop them . So enjoy the ride fellas ! RTR Also , before I made my way to T-town , I stopped to check in on Kenyan Drake , whose team was NUM , play McEachern , the # NUM ranked team in AAAAA , in GA. . I think Drake finished with around NUM carries for around NUM yds . And let me tell you , if we do n't sign another back in this class , it would n't bother me at the least . Kenyan Drake will be a dominate every down SEC back , and after a year in the weightroom , he will be a monster . Bama fans should be excited about this guy . We have a gamer on our hands . This guy will be special . The player is Shaud Williams . # NUM . -- Man is not free unless government is limited . ( Ronald Reagan ) _____ No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/11/11 |
1 | William Jacob Long IV Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5445 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5730 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | ok Información Legal – Legal Information P Antes de imprimir este mensaje , piense si es realmente necesario . De : Mónica Noda Enviado el : Martes , NUM de Julio de NUM 03:38 p.m. Para : Veronica Ascoy CC : Rosario Behr ; Milagros Mendoza Asunto : Isaac Mera Vero , por encargo de la Dra . Mendoza te agradeceré entregarle a Isaac Mera S / . NUM para dejar documentos urgentes en Notaría del Pozo y Lexitrans para el cliente IPN Properties S.A. Gracias !! Monica Noda Av . Dos de Mayo NUM , San Isidro , Lima NUM , Perú C : ( NUM ) NUM M : NUM # NUM EMAIL | URL Información Legal – Legal Information P Antes de imprimir este mensaje , piense si es realmente necesario . |
1 | Rosario Behr Av . Dos de Mayo 1321 , San Isidro , Lima 27 , Perú C : ( 511 ) 208-3000 | D : ( 511 ) 208-3025 M : ( 51 ) 998-829-142 | RPM : # 650994 [email protected] | |
0 | A Quick Reminder : Please join our Lexis Representative , Michelle Fecik , for a special program on Courtlink today from 9:30 - 10:30 am in the Boardroom . The program will provide NUM hour of free CLE credit . |
1 | Michelle Fecik Research Solutions Specialist LexisNexis |
0 | We have been asked to represent Title Industry Assurance Company , R.R.G. ( defendant ) in an existing matter pending in Tallapoosa County . The other parties are Ticor Title Insurance Company ( plaintiff , represented by Jeff S. Daniel ) , Alabama NUM Title Settlement and Escrow , Inc. . ( defendant , represented by Richard Allen ) , and Richard Papermaster ( also represented by Allen ) . Any conflicts ? _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Gerald P. Gillespy Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5348 Cell : ( 205 ) 837-0904 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5644 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | I have contacted John McDonough and our next step is for us to meet with Scott and or Chris . Nathan , let ’s talk on Monday and set up a date . " Redefining expectations through a passionate commitment to the customer experience . " From : Cynthia Olson Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:15 PM To : Bill Wilson Subject : christopher scott homes Just spoke with Trisha at WTHR , we need to call Christopher Scott Homes ASAP . Almost everyone else has their packages done and approved and hhgregg is just waiting for us to not get the deal with them . Cynthia Olson Director of Marketing & HR VP Technology & Communications , Indiana State Chapter , NKBA ___________________ Clark Appliance NUM Boehning Lane | Indianapolis , IN NUM NUM NUM NUM | NUM NUM NUM fax | NUM NUM NUM mobile & voicemail URL < URL > P please do n't print this e-mail unless you really need to |
1 | Bill Wilson Director of Builder Sales Clark Appliance 8767 Boehning Lane Indianapolis , IN 46219 317-710-0961 cell 317-898-0135 office 317-898-3421 fax < > |
0 | Bom dia . Por favor , encaminhar ao GP os assuntos que deverão fazer parte da pauta da reunião semanal da Diretoria Administrativa Financeira de segunda feira dia NUM . Este procedimento deve ser semanal . No aguardo . Obrigada , Antes de imprimir , pense em seu compromisso com o meio ambiente . Antes de imprimir , pense em seu compromisso com o meio ambiente . |
1 | Nanci Mello Vice Presidência Tel : ( 11 ) 3888-3088 R. Estados Unidos , 209 - 01427-000 |
0 | I will be away on vacation from July NUM to August NUM . Steve Neild has been kind enough to cover any urgent matters for me . I would appreciate it if matters of a routine nature can be held until I return . |
1 | Barry Casey Ontario Public Service Employees Union Supervisor , Broader Public Sector 1-800-268-7376 x 8220 ( C ) 905-375-7803 [email protected] |
0 | I agree with most everyone was charged in july , from Spires on down ( so spires would be a returning LOA ? ) It looks like Alanna Sherrill was n’t charged in July but maybe should have been . She earned out the academic term in June , and has a billing left to be billed in her fees folder , but there is no charge on the ledger card . Please look into this student and charge them . Once you charge her all NUM students I took out on the Pop rec can be added back to the population , this should result in an ending pop of NUM earning students at the end of June . Please update dashboard ( as it shows NUM now ) accordingly . thanks From : Melissa Lewis Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 10:20 AM To : Mahesh Vasanth Cc : Jane Chadwick Subject : FW : I show that the students on the report were on our earning ending pop report with the exception of Jennifer Spires . Jennifer earned early and wo n’t be earning correctly until July was charged per prior direction to put her in LOA on the dashboard . All of these students were charged tuition in July . From : Mahesh Vasanth Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 9:02 AM To : Melissa Lewis Subject : Mahesh Vasanth Senior Financial Analyst Education Affiliates , Inc NUM Campbell Blvd Baltimore MD , NUM ( T ) NUM xt-2292 ( F ) NUM |
1 | Mahesh Vasanth Senior Financial Analyst Education Affiliates , Inc 5026-D Campbell Blvd Baltimore MD , 21236 ( T ) 410-633-2929 xt-2292 ( F ) 410-633-1844 |
0 | Hi Neel and Lorena , I need to enter a justification ( up to NUM words ) in the Merit Worksheet explaining to Niels why you recommend this for Lorena . He will not read all the Performance Evaluation materials , so it is good to have that for him . The EP rating is not final until Niels approves it . Thanks ! |
1 | Inês Castro | Program Coordinator Ecosystem Finance Division Conservation International | 2011 Crystal Drive | Suite 500 | Arlington , VA 22202 Phone : 703-341-2618 | Fax : 703-553-0721 Skype : InesCastro2005 |
0 | Please pick up ( NUM floor ) the following boxes/red ropes and return to records today please : NUM Boxes ( Containing total of NUM red ropes ) - C/M NUM Heishman , Scott - Freedom Ford Mercury Acquisition NUM File Shuck - C/M NUM Heishman , Scott - Heishman Dealership , LLC ( AL LLC ) NUM File Shuck - C/M NUM Heishman , Scott - Heishman Real Estate , LLC Thank you for your help . : - ) Janet _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Janet L. Lang Legal Secretary for George M. Taylor III , Jennifer Mercier Moseley , and Judy D. Baker Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5294 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 458-5100 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | Having trouble viewing this email ? Click here NUM UNITS AVAILABLE ( ( PACKAGE DEAL ) ) NUM JCB217S NUM hrs cab , 4X4 , Ext. . Hoe NUM JCB NUM Series NUM Cab ( no glass ) 4X4 , Runs and drives well ORIGINAL PRICE $ NUM FOB FOR BOTH REDUCED PRICE - $ NUM FOR BOTH FOB Baltimore , MD THESE UNITS ARE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE BY OWNER !! Forward email This email was sent to EMAIL by EMAIL | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe ™ | Privacy Policy . OMEGA TRADE | NUM Brickell Ave. | Miami | FL | NUM |
0 | Wes , Attached is the latest version for Howard I have . Dated 11/28/2007 and running on version NUM This message and accompanying documents are covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM USC NUM . The information contained in this e-mail message is confidential and may be legally privileged and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above . If you are not an intended recipient or if you have received this message in error , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copy of this e-mail is strictly prohibited . If you have received this e-mail in error , please immediately notify us by return e-mail or telephone if the sender 's phone number is listed above , then promptly and permanently delete this message . Thank you for your cooperation and consideration . From : Wes Dearbaugh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 11:55 AM To : ' Gregory H. Smith ' Subject : RE : Another Energy Product with Zigbee Thanks I will give you a call on it . I just had a tech call me from Fred Howards and the HC300 has no program on it at all . He must have wiped it out somehow . I do not have a copy on the PC I have with me but think I have it at home . Do you have a copy ? If so could you send it to me and I can send it to the tech ? Wes From : Gregory H. Smith [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 9:45 AM To : ' Wes Dearbaugh ' Subject : RE : Another Energy Product with Zigbee Thanks Wes , good article . Checked on the availability of HC-300 w / NUM . Looks like they are a bit difficult to source . So we should talk more detail on how your system is working . From what I gather , it ’s running , but slow ? Is the ZigBee running fine now ? Were you able to split the processes between the Media Controller and the HC-300 ? Also discussing this with Jake , our thoughts were that since you would be using the Media Controller for Z |
1 | Gregory H. Smith PEAK Software Corporation [email protected] 1.480.354.4629 |
0 | Nice job Georga , thanks very much for getting this off today to Tundra Have a great holiday with the family and try not to think about work ..... . . like Adrian and I do !! Cheers Doug The Best Warranty in the Industry , Period . This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed . If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete this copy from your system . Thank you for your cooperation . Georga Fisk/Winters Georga Fisk/Winters 07/15/2011 01:24 PM To EMAIL EMAIL cc Adrian Syme/Winters , David Reay/Winters@Winters, Doug Wilson/Winters , EMAIL Subject Devon Jackfish NUM - Terms and Conditions Hi Mike , Great party yesterday - hopefully everyone 's recovered . Attached is a copy of the terms and conditions for the Tundra / Devon Jackfish NUM - CPF quotes . Information regarding the extended warranty we discussed is on the NUM page . Based on request of an extended warranty - We are also looking into storage options for the items quoted . Adrian will advise on this shortly . [ attachment " Terms & Conditions Winters Tundra Devon J3 . docx " deleted by Doug Wilson/Winters ] I will be off on vacation for the next NUM weeks , starting Monday until Aug NUM . If you need anything on this project while I 'm away , please call / e-mail Adrian . Talk to you when I get back . Thank you , Georga Fisk | Technical Sales Support | Winters Instruments NUM , NUM Ave. Southeast , Calgary , AB T2Z 4M2 Tel : NUM Cell : NUM |
1 | Doug Wilson | Vice President of Sales , Canadian Division | Winters Instruments 121 Railside Road , Toronto , ON M3A 1B2 Tel : 416-444-2345 Dir : 416-382-6265 Cell : 647-271-2006 Fax : 416-444-8979 [email protected] |
0 | I am replying on my phone , I have lost connection to server now ! Who can possibly take this ? On Oct NUM , NUM , at 3:06 PM , " Yates , Erica " < EMAIL > wrote : > Hey guys ! > > We need to find the original Word doc for this pitch for Mitsui Sumutomo ASAP . It 's for TIPS/LE and was pulled in May NUM . Ring any bells ? Please call Causey on her cell if you did this . NUM > > Thanks ! > > Erica K. Yates > Business Development Manager > > Direct : ( NUM ) NUM > Main : ( NUM ) NUM > Fax : ( NUM ) NUM > EMAIL > > > NUM NUM Street , NW > Suite NUM > Atlanta , Georgia NUM > URL < URL > > > > > ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE > ________________________________ > > > CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT > All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL < URL > . > > > > > ________________________________ > > From : Causey , Jennifer > Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 3:52 PM > To : Yates , Erica > Subject : URGENT > Importance : High > > > Erica > Did you put this together ? I can not find the word version on shared drive nor on dm . > I need it to update w / NUM additional bios . > I am on my cell NUM working remote if you want to call > Please let me know ASAP - I just got this and must get it delivered TODAY > > Thanks !!!! > > Jennifer Bolt Causey > Business Development Manager > > Direct : ( NUM ) NUM > Main : ( NUM ) NUM > Fax : ( NUM ) NUM > EMAIL > > > NUM North NUM Street > Suite NUM > Birmingham , Alabama NUM > URL < URL > > > > > ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE > ________________________________ > > > CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT > All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . > > > > > ________________________________ > > From : May , Samantha > Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 2:07 PM > To : Causey , Jennifer > Subject : FW : Following Up > Importance : High > > > Jennifer , > > I need to get Ingu 's bio added to the above to be sent out this afternoon . I also need to get all of the divider pages and all of that good stuff like we did before . > > Thank you for your help . > > Samantha > > > ________________________________ > > From : Willis , Kathryn > Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 1:51 PM > To : Debruge , Marcel ; May , Samantha > Subject : FW : Following Up > > > This is what we sent to Mitsui Sumitomo back in May . The NUM document is a letter . I am checking with Jennifer Causey to see if we have anything more recent . I would suggest including Ingu 's bio as well . > > Katy > > Kathryn Morris Willis > Attorney at Law > > Direct : ( NUM ) NUM > Main : ( NUM ) NUM > Fax : ( NUM ) NUM > > > NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM > Birmingham , Alabama NUM > URL < URL > > > > ________________________________ > > > CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT > The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . > > Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . > > > > > > ________________________________ > > From : Willis , Kathryn > Sent : Thursday , May NUM , NUM 10:09 AM > To : Tateno , Mitsuaki > Cc : EMAIL Iida , Makoto ; EMAIL Ingu Hwang ; Muramoto , Soichiro ; Gordon , Anila > Subject : RE : Following Up > > > Dear Mr. . Tateno , > > Please see the attached information in response to your inquiry . We are happy to answer any questions you have . Thank you for your time and consideration . > > I look forward to speaking with you . > > Thank you again . > > Respectfully , > > Katy Willis > > Kathryn Morris Willis > Attorney at Law > > Direct : ( NUM ) NUM > Main : ( NUM ) NUM > Fax : ( NUM ) NUM > > > NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM > Birmingham , Alabama NUM > URL < URL > > > > ________________________________ > > > CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT > The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . > > Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . > > > > > > ________________________________ > > From : Tateno , Mitsuaki [ mailto:[email protected]] > Sent : Monday , May NUM , NUM 8:35 PM > To : Willis , Kathryn > Cc : EMAIL Iida , Makoto ; EMAIL Ingu Hwang ; Muramoto , Soichiro ; Gordon , Anila > Subject : RE : Following Up > > > > Dear Kathryn : > > > > I apologize for our late response but we would like to have following information to consider as our candidate panel counsel/law firm . > > > > A. Name of counsel ( s ) > > B. Expertise of counsels ( s ) > > C. Hourly rate ( s ) > > > > We may come back with some other inquiry if necessary . > > > > Thank you . > > > > ******************************************* > Mitsuaki Tateno > Mitsui Sumitomo Marine Management ( USA ) , Inc. . > > MSI Claims ( USA ) Inc. . > NUM Independence Blvd. , Warren , NJ NUM > > Tel : ( NUM ) NUM ( direct ) > ( NUM ) NUM ( Cell ) > Fax :( NUM ) NUM > > e-mail : EMAIL > > ******************************************* > > > > > > > > > > From : Willis , Kathryn [ mailto : > > EMAIL > Sent : Monday , May NUM , NUM 1:50 PM > To : EMAIL > Cc : Iida , Makoto ; EMAIL EMAIL Ingu Hwang > Subject : Following Up > > > > Dear Mr. Yang : > > > > I hope this email finds you well . > > > > As a follow-up , I have not yet been contacted by Mitsui Sumitomo . If there is particular information they need , we will be glad to provide it . > > > > Thank you again so much for your assistance . > > > > Katy Willis > > > > Kathryn Morris Willis > Attorney at Law > > Direct : ( NUM ) NUM > Main : ( NUM ) NUM > Fax : ( NUM ) NUM > > NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM > Birmingham , Alabama NUM > URL < URL > > > > > > ________________________________ > > > CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT > The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . > > Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . > > > > > > > > URL > URL > < NUM . pdf > |
Subsets and Splits