contextMenu = new TreeContextMenu(shell, tree, l);
contextMenu = new TreeContextMenu(tree, l);
public NoteTree(Shell shell, Composite parent, Listener l) { // Tree and context menu. tree = new Tree(parent, SWT.MULTI); contextMenu = new TreeContextMenu(shell, tree, l); // Text editor for renaming tree nodes. treeEditor = new TreeEditor(tree); treeEditor.grabHorizontal = true; treeEditor.minimumWidth = 50; // Events. this.l = l; l.mapEvent(tree, SWT.MouseDoubleClick, MainController.DISPLAY_TAB); }
public TreeContextMenu(Shell shell, Control parent, Listener l) {
public TreeContextMenu(Control parent, Listener l) {
public TreeContextMenu(Shell shell, Control parent, Listener l) { // menu menu = new Menu(shell, SWT.POP_UP); l.mapEvent(menu, SWT.Show, TreeContextMenuController.INITIALISE_MENU); parent.setMenu(menu); // menu items addNote = createMenuItem(menu, "Add Note", l, TreeContextMenuController.ADD_NOTE); removeNotes = createMenuItem(menu, "Remove Notes", l, TreeContextMenuController.REMOVE_NOTES); renameNote = createMenuItem(menu, "Rename Note", l, TreeContextMenuController.RENAME_NOTE); }
menu = new Menu(shell, SWT.POP_UP);
menu = new Menu(parent);
public TreeContextMenu(Shell shell, Control parent, Listener l) { // menu menu = new Menu(shell, SWT.POP_UP); l.mapEvent(menu, SWT.Show, TreeContextMenuController.INITIALISE_MENU); parent.setMenu(menu); // menu items addNote = createMenuItem(menu, "Add Note", l, TreeContextMenuController.ADD_NOTE); removeNotes = createMenuItem(menu, "Remove Notes", l, TreeContextMenuController.REMOVE_NOTES); renameNote = createMenuItem(menu, "Rename Note", l, TreeContextMenuController.RENAME_NOTE); }
dataFile = new File(args[++i]);
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { // Parse our parameters Collection locations = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) CoverageDataFileHandler.setDefaultDataFile(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexp = pc.compile(regex); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else locations.add(args[i]); } // Load coverage data, instrument classes, save coverage data projectData = ProjectData.getGlobalProjectData(); Iterator iter = locations.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) addInstrumentation((String); ProjectData.saveGlobalProjectData(); }
projectData = ProjectData.getGlobalProjectData();
projectData = CoverageDataFileHandler.loadCoverageData(dataFile); if (projectData == null) projectData = new ProjectData();
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { // Parse our parameters Collection locations = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) CoverageDataFileHandler.setDefaultDataFile(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexp = pc.compile(regex); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else locations.add(args[i]); } // Load coverage data, instrument classes, save coverage data projectData = ProjectData.getGlobalProjectData(); Iterator iter = locations.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) addInstrumentation((String); ProjectData.saveGlobalProjectData(); }
CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, dataFile);
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { // Parse our parameters Collection locations = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) CoverageDataFileHandler.setDefaultDataFile(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexp = pc.compile(regex); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else locations.add(args[i]); } // Load coverage data, instrument classes, save coverage data projectData = ProjectData.getGlobalProjectData(); Iterator iter = locations.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) addInstrumentation((String); ProjectData.saveGlobalProjectData(); }
ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList();
final ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList();
public void run() { ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList(); ChatRoom chatRoom = null; try { chatRoom = getChatContainer().getChatRoom(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from)); if (chatRoom != null && chatRoom instanceof ChatRoomImpl) { ((ChatRoomImpl)chatRoom).showTyping(false); } } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e) { } contactList.useDefaults(from); customList.remove(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from)); }
public void run() { ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList(); ChatRoom chatRoom = null; try { chatRoom = getChatContainer().getChatRoom(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from)); if (chatRoom != null && chatRoom instanceof ChatRoomImpl) { ((ChatRoomImpl)chatRoom).showTyping(false); } } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e) { } contactList.useDefaults(from); customList.remove(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from)); }
contactList.useDefaults(from); customList.remove(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from));
contactList.setIconFor(from, SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.SMALL_MESSAGE_EDIT_IMAGE)); customList.add(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from));
public void run() { ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList(); ChatRoom chatRoom = null; try { chatRoom = getChatContainer().getChatRoom(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from)); if (chatRoom != null && chatRoom instanceof ChatRoomImpl) { ((ChatRoomImpl)chatRoom).showTyping(false); } } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e) { } contactList.useDefaults(from); customList.remove(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(from)); }
return new Object[4];
return new Object[6];
public Object[] getSelectItemListArray() { return new Object[4]; }
values.add(getLocaleIdAsString()); values.add(getStatus());
public Object[] getValues() {// "Headline", "Published", "Author", "Status" List values = new ArrayList(); values.add(getHeadline()); values.add(getAuthor()); values.add(getSource()); values.add(getCreationDate()); return values.toArray(new Object[values.size()]); }
private ChatManager() { chatContainer = new ChatContainer(); // Add a Message Handler SparkManager.getMessageEventManager().addMessageEventNotificationListener(this); SparkManager.getConnection().addPacketListener(new PacketListener() { public void processPacket(final Packet packet) { if (customList.contains(StringUtils.parseBareAddress(packet.getFrom()))) { cancelledNotification(packet.getFrom(), ""); } } }, new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class)); // Start timeout checkRoomsForTimeout(); }
this.sourceFiles.put(classData.getSourceFileName(), packageData.getChild(classData.getSourceFileName()));
public void addClassData(ClassData classData) { String packageName = classData.getPackageName(); PackageData packageData = (PackageData)children.get(packageName); if (packageData == null) { packageData = new PackageData(packageName); // Each key is a package name, stored as an String object. // Each value is information about the package, stored as a PackageData object. this.children.put(packageName, packageData); } packageData.addClassData(classData); this.classes.put(classData.getName(), classData); }
public SortedSet getSourceFiles()
public Collection getSourceFiles()
public SortedSet getSourceFiles() { SortedSet sourceFiles = new TreeSet(); Iterator iter = this.children.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PackageData packageData = (PackageData); sourceFiles.addAll(packageData.getSourceFiles()); } return sourceFiles; }
SortedSet sourceFiles = new TreeSet(); Iterator iter = this.children.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PackageData packageData = (PackageData); sourceFiles.addAll(packageData.getSourceFiles()); } return sourceFiles;
return this.sourceFiles.values();
public SortedSet getSourceFiles() { SortedSet sourceFiles = new TreeSet(); Iterator iter = this.children.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { PackageData packageData = (PackageData); sourceFiles.addAll(packageData.getSourceFiles()); } return sourceFiles; }
File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); if (dataFile.isFile()) { globalProjectData = CoverageDataFileHandler .loadCoverageData(dataFile); } if (globalProjectData == null) { System.out.println("Cobertura: Coverage data file " + dataFile.getAbsolutePath() + " either does not exist or is not readable. Creating a new data file."); globalProjectData = new ProjectData(); } if( System.getProperty("catalina.home")!=null) { saveGlobalProjectData(); ClassData.class.toString(); CoverageData.class.toString(); CoverageDataContainer.class.toString(); HasBeenInstrumented.class.toString(); LineData.class.toString(); PackageData.class.toString(); SourceFileData.class.toString(); } saveTimer = new SaveTimer(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(saveTimer));
initialize(); globalProjectData = new ProjectData();
public static ProjectData getGlobalProjectData() { if (globalProjectData != null) return globalProjectData; File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); // Read projectData from the serialized file. if (dataFile.isFile()) { //System.out.println("Cobertura: Loading global project data from " + dataFile.getAbsolutePath()); globalProjectData = CoverageDataFileHandler .loadCoverageData(dataFile); } if (globalProjectData == null) { // We could not read from the serialized file, so create a new object. System.out.println("Cobertura: Coverage data file " + dataFile.getAbsolutePath() + " either does not exist or is not readable. Creating a new data file."); globalProjectData = new ProjectData(); } // Hack for Tomcat - by saving project data right now we force loading // of classes involved in this process (like ObjectOutputStream) // so that it won't be necessary to load them on JVM shutdown if( System.getProperty("catalina.home")!=null) { saveGlobalProjectData(); // Additionaly force loading of other classes that might be not loaded // becouse saved project data was empty ClassData.class.toString(); CoverageData.class.toString(); CoverageDataContainer.class.toString(); HasBeenInstrumented.class.toString(); LineData.class.toString(); PackageData.class.toString(); SourceFileData.class.toString(); } // Add a hook to save the data when the JVM exits saveTimer = new SaveTimer(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(saveTimer)); // Possibly also save the coverage data every x seconds? //Timer timer = new Timer(true); //timer.schedule(saveTimer, 100); return globalProjectData; }
ProjectData projectData = getGlobalProjectData(); synchronized (projectData)
ProjectData projectDataToSave = globalProjectData; globalProjectData = new ProjectData(); try
public static void saveGlobalProjectData() { ProjectData projectData = getGlobalProjectData(); synchronized (projectData) { CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile()); } }
CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile());
public static void saveGlobalProjectData() { ProjectData projectData = getGlobalProjectData(); synchronized (projectData) { CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile()); } }
catch (InterruptedException e) { } File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); FileLocker lock = new FileLocker(dataFile); if (lock.lock()) { ProjectData datafileProjectData = loadCoverageDataFromDatafile(dataFile); if (datafileProjectData == null) { datafileProjectData = projectDataToSave; } else { datafileProjectData.merge(projectDataToSave); } CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(datafileProjectData, dataFile); } lock.release();
public static void saveGlobalProjectData() { ProjectData projectData = getGlobalProjectData(); synchronized (projectData) { CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile()); } }
mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());
p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());
public UIComponent getEditContainer() { WFUtilArticle localizer = WFUtilArticle.getWFUtilArticle(); String ref = ARTICLE_ITEM_BEAN_ID + ".";// String bref = WFPage.CONTENT_BUNDLE + "."; WFContainer mainContainer = new WFContainer(); mainContainer.setId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID); WFErrorMessages em = new WFErrorMessages(); em.addErrorMessage(HEADLINE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(TEASER_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(SAVE_ID); mainContainer.add(em); HtmlPanelGrid p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("headline"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "language"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText headlineInput = WFUtil.getInputText(HEADLINE_ID, ref + "headline"); headlineInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(headlineInput); //HtmlSelectOneMenu localeMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(LOCALE_ID, ref + "allLocales", ref + "pendingLocaleId"); //localeMenu.setOnchange("document.forms[0].submit();"); //p.getChildren().add(localeMenu); p.getChildren().add("teaser"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea teaserArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(TEASER_ID, ref + "teaser", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(teaserArea); p.getChildren().add("author"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText authorInput = WFUtil.getInputText(AUTHOR_ID, ref + "author"); authorInput.setSize(22); p.getChildren().add(authorInput); p.getChildren().add("body"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HTMLArea bodyArea = WFUtil.getHtmlAreaTextArea(BODY_ID, ref + "body", "100%", "400px"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_TABLE_OPERATIONS); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CONTEXT_MENU); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_LIST_TYPE); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CHARACTER_MAP); bodyArea.setAllowFontSelection(false); HtmlCommandButton editButton = localizer.getButtonVB(EDIT_HTML_ID, "edit"); editButton.setOnclick("wurl='htmlarea/webface/htmledit.jsp?" + PREVIEW_ARTICLE_ITEM_ID + "='+this.tabindex;,'Edit','height=450,width=600,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"); p.getChildren().add(, WFUtil.getBreak()), editButton));/* WFContainer imageContainer = new WFContainer(); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_IMAGE_ID, bref + "add_image", this)); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); imageContainer.add(getImageList()); p.getChildren().add(imageContainer); p.getChildren().add( + "source"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add( + "main_category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea sourceArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(SOURCE_ID, ref + "source", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(sourceArea); HtmlSelectOneMenu mainCategoryMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "categories", ref + "mainCategoryId"); p.getChildren().add(mainCategoryMenu); */ mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);/* p.getChildren().add( + "created"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "creationDate") ));*/ p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") )); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("comment"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "attachments"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea commentArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(COMMENT_ID, ref + "comment", "400px", "60px"); p.getChildren().add(commentArea);// WFContainer attachmentContainer = new WFContainer();// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_ATTACHMENT_ID, bref + "add_attachment", this));// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// attachmentContainer.add(getAttachmentList());// p.getChildren().add(attachmentContainer); mainContainer.add(p); // p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(1);// p.getChildren().add( + "related_content_items"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFContainer contentItemContainer = new WFContainer(); // contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_RELATED_CONTENT_ITEM_ID, bref + "add_content_item", this));// contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// contentItemContainer.add(getRelatedContentItemsList());// p.getChildren().add(contentItemContainer);// p.getChildren().add( + "publishing_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedFromInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedFromDate");// publishedFromInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedFromInput);// p.getChildren().add( + "expiration_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedToInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedToDate");// publishedToInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedToInput); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);// HtmlCommandButton editCategoriesButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(EDIT_CATEGORIES_ID, bref + "edit_categories", this);// p.getChildren().add(editCategoriesButton); p.getChildren().add("category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText categoryInput = WFUtil.getInputText(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "mainCategory"); if(null==categoryInput.getValue() || "".equals(categoryInput.getValue())) { categoryInput.setValue(ROOT_CATEGORY); } categoryInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(categoryInput); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());// WFComponentSelector cs = new WFComponentSelector();// cs.setId(BUTTON_SELECTOR_ID);// cs.setDividerText(" "); HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);// cs.add(saveButton);// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(FOR_REVIEW_ID, bref + "for_review", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(PUBLISH_ID, bref + "publish", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REWRITE_ID, bref + "rewrite", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REJECT_ID, bref + "reject", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(DELETE_ID, bref + "delete", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(CANCEL_ID, bref + "cancel", this));// cs.setSelectedId(CANCEL_ID, true);// p.getChildren().add(cs); p.getChildren().add(saveButton); mainContainer.add(p); WFComponentSelector editorSelector = new WFComponentSelector(); editorSelector.setId(EDITOR_SELECTOR_ID); editorSelector.add(mainContainer); editorSelector.add(getCategoryEditContainer());// FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(this, FILE_UPLOAD_ID, FILE_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ID); FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(); f.setId(FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_ID); editorSelector.add(f); editorSelector.add(getRelatedContentItemsContainer()); editorSelector.setSelectedId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID, true); return editorSelector; }
p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);
public UIComponent getEditContainer() { WFUtilArticle localizer = WFUtilArticle.getWFUtilArticle(); String ref = ARTICLE_ITEM_BEAN_ID + ".";// String bref = WFPage.CONTENT_BUNDLE + "."; WFContainer mainContainer = new WFContainer(); mainContainer.setId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID); WFErrorMessages em = new WFErrorMessages(); em.addErrorMessage(HEADLINE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(TEASER_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(SAVE_ID); mainContainer.add(em); HtmlPanelGrid p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("headline"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "language"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText headlineInput = WFUtil.getInputText(HEADLINE_ID, ref + "headline"); headlineInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(headlineInput); //HtmlSelectOneMenu localeMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(LOCALE_ID, ref + "allLocales", ref + "pendingLocaleId"); //localeMenu.setOnchange("document.forms[0].submit();"); //p.getChildren().add(localeMenu); p.getChildren().add("teaser"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea teaserArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(TEASER_ID, ref + "teaser", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(teaserArea); p.getChildren().add("author"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText authorInput = WFUtil.getInputText(AUTHOR_ID, ref + "author"); authorInput.setSize(22); p.getChildren().add(authorInput); p.getChildren().add("body"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HTMLArea bodyArea = WFUtil.getHtmlAreaTextArea(BODY_ID, ref + "body", "100%", "400px"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_TABLE_OPERATIONS); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CONTEXT_MENU); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_LIST_TYPE); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CHARACTER_MAP); bodyArea.setAllowFontSelection(false); HtmlCommandButton editButton = localizer.getButtonVB(EDIT_HTML_ID, "edit"); editButton.setOnclick("wurl='htmlarea/webface/htmledit.jsp?" + PREVIEW_ARTICLE_ITEM_ID + "='+this.tabindex;,'Edit','height=450,width=600,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"); p.getChildren().add(, WFUtil.getBreak()), editButton));/* WFContainer imageContainer = new WFContainer(); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_IMAGE_ID, bref + "add_image", this)); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); imageContainer.add(getImageList()); p.getChildren().add(imageContainer); p.getChildren().add( + "source"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add( + "main_category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea sourceArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(SOURCE_ID, ref + "source", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(sourceArea); HtmlSelectOneMenu mainCategoryMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "categories", ref + "mainCategoryId"); p.getChildren().add(mainCategoryMenu); */ mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);/* p.getChildren().add( + "created"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "creationDate") ));*/ p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") )); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("comment"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "attachments"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea commentArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(COMMENT_ID, ref + "comment", "400px", "60px"); p.getChildren().add(commentArea);// WFContainer attachmentContainer = new WFContainer();// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_ATTACHMENT_ID, bref + "add_attachment", this));// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// attachmentContainer.add(getAttachmentList());// p.getChildren().add(attachmentContainer); mainContainer.add(p); // p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(1);// p.getChildren().add( + "related_content_items"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFContainer contentItemContainer = new WFContainer(); // contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_RELATED_CONTENT_ITEM_ID, bref + "add_content_item", this));// contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// contentItemContainer.add(getRelatedContentItemsList());// p.getChildren().add(contentItemContainer);// p.getChildren().add( + "publishing_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedFromInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedFromDate");// publishedFromInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedFromInput);// p.getChildren().add( + "expiration_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedToInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedToDate");// publishedToInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedToInput); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);// HtmlCommandButton editCategoriesButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(EDIT_CATEGORIES_ID, bref + "edit_categories", this);// p.getChildren().add(editCategoriesButton); p.getChildren().add("category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText categoryInput = WFUtil.getInputText(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "mainCategory"); if(null==categoryInput.getValue() || "".equals(categoryInput.getValue())) { categoryInput.setValue(ROOT_CATEGORY); } categoryInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(categoryInput); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());// WFComponentSelector cs = new WFComponentSelector();// cs.setId(BUTTON_SELECTOR_ID);// cs.setDividerText(" "); HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);// cs.add(saveButton);// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(FOR_REVIEW_ID, bref + "for_review", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(PUBLISH_ID, bref + "publish", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REWRITE_ID, bref + "rewrite", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REJECT_ID, bref + "reject", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(DELETE_ID, bref + "delete", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(CANCEL_ID, bref + "cancel", this));// cs.setSelectedId(CANCEL_ID, true);// p.getChildren().add(cs); p.getChildren().add(saveButton); mainContainer.add(p); WFComponentSelector editorSelector = new WFComponentSelector(); editorSelector.setId(EDITOR_SELECTOR_ID); editorSelector.add(mainContainer); editorSelector.add(getCategoryEditContainer());// FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(this, FILE_UPLOAD_ID, FILE_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ID); FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(); f.setId(FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_ID); editorSelector.add(f); editorSelector.add(getRelatedContentItemsContainer()); editorSelector.setSelectedId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID, true); return editorSelector; }
p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") ));
p.getChildren().add("status"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId"));
public UIComponent getEditContainer() { WFUtilArticle localizer = WFUtilArticle.getWFUtilArticle(); String ref = ARTICLE_ITEM_BEAN_ID + ".";// String bref = WFPage.CONTENT_BUNDLE + "."; WFContainer mainContainer = new WFContainer(); mainContainer.setId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID); WFErrorMessages em = new WFErrorMessages(); em.addErrorMessage(HEADLINE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(TEASER_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(SAVE_ID); mainContainer.add(em); HtmlPanelGrid p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("headline"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "language"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText headlineInput = WFUtil.getInputText(HEADLINE_ID, ref + "headline"); headlineInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(headlineInput); //HtmlSelectOneMenu localeMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(LOCALE_ID, ref + "allLocales", ref + "pendingLocaleId"); //localeMenu.setOnchange("document.forms[0].submit();"); //p.getChildren().add(localeMenu); p.getChildren().add("teaser"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea teaserArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(TEASER_ID, ref + "teaser", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(teaserArea); p.getChildren().add("author"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText authorInput = WFUtil.getInputText(AUTHOR_ID, ref + "author"); authorInput.setSize(22); p.getChildren().add(authorInput); p.getChildren().add("body"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HTMLArea bodyArea = WFUtil.getHtmlAreaTextArea(BODY_ID, ref + "body", "100%", "400px"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_TABLE_OPERATIONS); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CONTEXT_MENU); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_LIST_TYPE); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CHARACTER_MAP); bodyArea.setAllowFontSelection(false); HtmlCommandButton editButton = localizer.getButtonVB(EDIT_HTML_ID, "edit"); editButton.setOnclick("wurl='htmlarea/webface/htmledit.jsp?" + PREVIEW_ARTICLE_ITEM_ID + "='+this.tabindex;,'Edit','height=450,width=600,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"); p.getChildren().add(, WFUtil.getBreak()), editButton));/* WFContainer imageContainer = new WFContainer(); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_IMAGE_ID, bref + "add_image", this)); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); imageContainer.add(getImageList()); p.getChildren().add(imageContainer); p.getChildren().add( + "source"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add( + "main_category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea sourceArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(SOURCE_ID, ref + "source", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(sourceArea); HtmlSelectOneMenu mainCategoryMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "categories", ref + "mainCategoryId"); p.getChildren().add(mainCategoryMenu); */ mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);/* p.getChildren().add( + "created"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "creationDate") ));*/ p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") )); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("comment"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "attachments"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea commentArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(COMMENT_ID, ref + "comment", "400px", "60px"); p.getChildren().add(commentArea);// WFContainer attachmentContainer = new WFContainer();// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_ATTACHMENT_ID, bref + "add_attachment", this));// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// attachmentContainer.add(getAttachmentList());// p.getChildren().add(attachmentContainer); mainContainer.add(p); // p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(1);// p.getChildren().add( + "related_content_items"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFContainer contentItemContainer = new WFContainer(); // contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_RELATED_CONTENT_ITEM_ID, bref + "add_content_item", this));// contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// contentItemContainer.add(getRelatedContentItemsList());// p.getChildren().add(contentItemContainer);// p.getChildren().add( + "publishing_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedFromInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedFromDate");// publishedFromInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedFromInput);// p.getChildren().add( + "expiration_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedToInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedToDate");// publishedToInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedToInput); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);// HtmlCommandButton editCategoriesButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(EDIT_CATEGORIES_ID, bref + "edit_categories", this);// p.getChildren().add(editCategoriesButton); p.getChildren().add("category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText categoryInput = WFUtil.getInputText(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "mainCategory"); if(null==categoryInput.getValue() || "".equals(categoryInput.getValue())) { categoryInput.setValue(ROOT_CATEGORY); } categoryInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(categoryInput); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());// WFComponentSelector cs = new WFComponentSelector();// cs.setId(BUTTON_SELECTOR_ID);// cs.setDividerText(" "); HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);// cs.add(saveButton);// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(FOR_REVIEW_ID, bref + "for_review", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(PUBLISH_ID, bref + "publish", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REWRITE_ID, bref + "rewrite", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REJECT_ID, bref + "reject", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(DELETE_ID, bref + "delete", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(CANCEL_ID, bref + "cancel", this));// cs.setSelectedId(CANCEL_ID, true);// p.getChildren().add(cs); p.getChildren().add(saveButton); mainContainer.add(p); WFComponentSelector editorSelector = new WFComponentSelector(); editorSelector.setId(EDITOR_SELECTOR_ID); editorSelector.add(mainContainer); editorSelector.add(getCategoryEditContainer());// FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(this, FILE_UPLOAD_ID, FILE_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ID); FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(); f.setId(FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_ID); editorSelector.add(f); editorSelector.add(getRelatedContentItemsContainer()); editorSelector.setSelectedId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID, true); return editorSelector; }
p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2);
public UIComponent getEditContainer() { WFUtilArticle localizer = WFUtilArticle.getWFUtilArticle(); String ref = ARTICLE_ITEM_BEAN_ID + ".";// String bref = WFPage.CONTENT_BUNDLE + "."; WFContainer mainContainer = new WFContainer(); mainContainer.setId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID); WFErrorMessages em = new WFErrorMessages(); em.addErrorMessage(HEADLINE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(TEASER_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(SAVE_ID); mainContainer.add(em); HtmlPanelGrid p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("headline"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "language"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText headlineInput = WFUtil.getInputText(HEADLINE_ID, ref + "headline"); headlineInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(headlineInput); //HtmlSelectOneMenu localeMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(LOCALE_ID, ref + "allLocales", ref + "pendingLocaleId"); //localeMenu.setOnchange("document.forms[0].submit();"); //p.getChildren().add(localeMenu); p.getChildren().add("teaser"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea teaserArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(TEASER_ID, ref + "teaser", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(teaserArea); p.getChildren().add("author"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText authorInput = WFUtil.getInputText(AUTHOR_ID, ref + "author"); authorInput.setSize(22); p.getChildren().add(authorInput); p.getChildren().add("body"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HTMLArea bodyArea = WFUtil.getHtmlAreaTextArea(BODY_ID, ref + "body", "100%", "400px"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_TABLE_OPERATIONS); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CONTEXT_MENU); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_LIST_TYPE); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CHARACTER_MAP); bodyArea.setAllowFontSelection(false); HtmlCommandButton editButton = localizer.getButtonVB(EDIT_HTML_ID, "edit"); editButton.setOnclick("wurl='htmlarea/webface/htmledit.jsp?" + PREVIEW_ARTICLE_ITEM_ID + "='+this.tabindex;,'Edit','height=450,width=600,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"); p.getChildren().add(, WFUtil.getBreak()), editButton));/* WFContainer imageContainer = new WFContainer(); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_IMAGE_ID, bref + "add_image", this)); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); imageContainer.add(getImageList()); p.getChildren().add(imageContainer); p.getChildren().add( + "source"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add( + "main_category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea sourceArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(SOURCE_ID, ref + "source", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(sourceArea); HtmlSelectOneMenu mainCategoryMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "categories", ref + "mainCategoryId"); p.getChildren().add(mainCategoryMenu); */ mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);/* p.getChildren().add( + "created"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "creationDate") ));*/ p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") )); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("comment"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "attachments"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea commentArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(COMMENT_ID, ref + "comment", "400px", "60px"); p.getChildren().add(commentArea);// WFContainer attachmentContainer = new WFContainer();// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_ATTACHMENT_ID, bref + "add_attachment", this));// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// attachmentContainer.add(getAttachmentList());// p.getChildren().add(attachmentContainer); mainContainer.add(p); // p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(1);// p.getChildren().add( + "related_content_items"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFContainer contentItemContainer = new WFContainer(); // contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_RELATED_CONTENT_ITEM_ID, bref + "add_content_item", this));// contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// contentItemContainer.add(getRelatedContentItemsList());// p.getChildren().add(contentItemContainer);// p.getChildren().add( + "publishing_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedFromInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedFromDate");// publishedFromInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedFromInput);// p.getChildren().add( + "expiration_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedToInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedToDate");// publishedToInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedToInput); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);// HtmlCommandButton editCategoriesButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(EDIT_CATEGORIES_ID, bref + "edit_categories", this);// p.getChildren().add(editCategoriesButton); p.getChildren().add("category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText categoryInput = WFUtil.getInputText(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "mainCategory"); if(null==categoryInput.getValue() || "".equals(categoryInput.getValue())) { categoryInput.setValue(ROOT_CATEGORY); } categoryInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(categoryInput); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());// WFComponentSelector cs = new WFComponentSelector();// cs.setId(BUTTON_SELECTOR_ID);// cs.setDividerText(" "); HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);// cs.add(saveButton);// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(FOR_REVIEW_ID, bref + "for_review", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(PUBLISH_ID, bref + "publish", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REWRITE_ID, bref + "rewrite", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REJECT_ID, bref + "reject", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(DELETE_ID, bref + "delete", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(CANCEL_ID, bref + "cancel", this));// cs.setSelectedId(CANCEL_ID, true);// p.getChildren().add(cs); p.getChildren().add(saveButton); mainContainer.add(p); WFComponentSelector editorSelector = new WFComponentSelector(); editorSelector.setId(EDITOR_SELECTOR_ID); editorSelector.add(mainContainer); editorSelector.add(getCategoryEditContainer());// FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(this, FILE_UPLOAD_ID, FILE_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ID); FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(); f.setId(FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_ID); editorSelector.add(f); editorSelector.add(getRelatedContentItemsContainer()); editorSelector.setSelectedId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID, true); return editorSelector; }
public UIComponent getEditContainer() { WFUtilArticle localizer = WFUtilArticle.getWFUtilArticle(); String ref = ARTICLE_ITEM_BEAN_ID + ".";// String bref = WFPage.CONTENT_BUNDLE + "."; WFContainer mainContainer = new WFContainer(); mainContainer.setId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID); WFErrorMessages em = new WFErrorMessages(); em.addErrorMessage(HEADLINE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(TEASER_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(SAVE_ID); mainContainer.add(em); HtmlPanelGrid p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("headline"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "language"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText headlineInput = WFUtil.getInputText(HEADLINE_ID, ref + "headline"); headlineInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(headlineInput); //HtmlSelectOneMenu localeMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(LOCALE_ID, ref + "allLocales", ref + "pendingLocaleId"); //localeMenu.setOnchange("document.forms[0].submit();"); //p.getChildren().add(localeMenu); p.getChildren().add("teaser"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea teaserArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(TEASER_ID, ref + "teaser", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(teaserArea); p.getChildren().add("author"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText authorInput = WFUtil.getInputText(AUTHOR_ID, ref + "author"); authorInput.setSize(22); p.getChildren().add(authorInput); p.getChildren().add("body"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HTMLArea bodyArea = WFUtil.getHtmlAreaTextArea(BODY_ID, ref + "body", "100%", "400px"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_TABLE_OPERATIONS); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CONTEXT_MENU); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_LIST_TYPE); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CHARACTER_MAP); bodyArea.setAllowFontSelection(false); HtmlCommandButton editButton = localizer.getButtonVB(EDIT_HTML_ID, "edit"); editButton.setOnclick("wurl='htmlarea/webface/htmledit.jsp?" + PREVIEW_ARTICLE_ITEM_ID + "='+this.tabindex;,'Edit','height=450,width=600,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"); p.getChildren().add(, WFUtil.getBreak()), editButton));/* WFContainer imageContainer = new WFContainer(); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_IMAGE_ID, bref + "add_image", this)); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); imageContainer.add(getImageList()); p.getChildren().add(imageContainer); p.getChildren().add( + "source"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add( + "main_category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea sourceArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(SOURCE_ID, ref + "source", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(sourceArea); HtmlSelectOneMenu mainCategoryMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "categories", ref + "mainCategoryId"); p.getChildren().add(mainCategoryMenu); */ mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);/* p.getChildren().add( + "created"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "creationDate") ));*/ p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") )); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("comment"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "attachments"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea commentArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(COMMENT_ID, ref + "comment", "400px", "60px"); p.getChildren().add(commentArea);// WFContainer attachmentContainer = new WFContainer();// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_ATTACHMENT_ID, bref + "add_attachment", this));// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// attachmentContainer.add(getAttachmentList());// p.getChildren().add(attachmentContainer); mainContainer.add(p); // p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(1);// p.getChildren().add( + "related_content_items"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFContainer contentItemContainer = new WFContainer(); // contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_RELATED_CONTENT_ITEM_ID, bref + "add_content_item", this));// contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// contentItemContainer.add(getRelatedContentItemsList());// p.getChildren().add(contentItemContainer);// p.getChildren().add( + "publishing_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedFromInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedFromDate");// publishedFromInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedFromInput);// p.getChildren().add( + "expiration_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedToInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedToDate");// publishedToInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedToInput); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);// HtmlCommandButton editCategoriesButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(EDIT_CATEGORIES_ID, bref + "edit_categories", this);// p.getChildren().add(editCategoriesButton); p.getChildren().add("category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText categoryInput = WFUtil.getInputText(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "mainCategory"); if(null==categoryInput.getValue() || "".equals(categoryInput.getValue())) { categoryInput.setValue(ROOT_CATEGORY); } categoryInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(categoryInput); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());// WFComponentSelector cs = new WFComponentSelector();// cs.setId(BUTTON_SELECTOR_ID);// cs.setDividerText(" "); HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);// cs.add(saveButton);// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(FOR_REVIEW_ID, bref + "for_review", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(PUBLISH_ID, bref + "publish", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REWRITE_ID, bref + "rewrite", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REJECT_ID, bref + "reject", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(DELETE_ID, bref + "delete", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(CANCEL_ID, bref + "cancel", this));// cs.setSelectedId(CANCEL_ID, true);// p.getChildren().add(cs); p.getChildren().add(saveButton); mainContainer.add(p); WFComponentSelector editorSelector = new WFComponentSelector(); editorSelector.setId(EDITOR_SELECTOR_ID); editorSelector.add(mainContainer); editorSelector.add(getCategoryEditContainer());// FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(this, FILE_UPLOAD_ID, FILE_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ID); FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(); f.setId(FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_ID); editorSelector.add(f); editorSelector.add(getRelatedContentItemsContainer()); editorSelector.setSelectedId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID, true); return editorSelector; }
HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);
HtmlCommandButton saveButton = localizer.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save");
public UIComponent getEditContainer() { WFUtilArticle localizer = WFUtilArticle.getWFUtilArticle(); String ref = ARTICLE_ITEM_BEAN_ID + ".";// String bref = WFPage.CONTENT_BUNDLE + "."; WFContainer mainContainer = new WFContainer(); mainContainer.setId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID); WFErrorMessages em = new WFErrorMessages(); em.addErrorMessage(HEADLINE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(TEASER_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID);// em.addErrorMessage(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID); em.addErrorMessage(SAVE_ID); mainContainer.add(em); HtmlPanelGrid p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("headline"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "language"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText headlineInput = WFUtil.getInputText(HEADLINE_ID, ref + "headline"); headlineInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(headlineInput); //HtmlSelectOneMenu localeMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(LOCALE_ID, ref + "allLocales", ref + "pendingLocaleId"); //localeMenu.setOnchange("document.forms[0].submit();"); //p.getChildren().add(localeMenu); p.getChildren().add("teaser"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea teaserArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(TEASER_ID, ref + "teaser", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(teaserArea); p.getChildren().add("author"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText authorInput = WFUtil.getInputText(AUTHOR_ID, ref + "author"); authorInput.setSize(22); p.getChildren().add(authorInput); p.getChildren().add("body"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HTMLArea bodyArea = WFUtil.getHtmlAreaTextArea(BODY_ID, ref + "body", "100%", "400px"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_TABLE_OPERATIONS); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_DYNAMIC_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CSS, "3"); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CONTEXT_MENU); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_LIST_TYPE); bodyArea.addPlugin(HTMLArea.PLUGIN_CHARACTER_MAP); bodyArea.setAllowFontSelection(false); HtmlCommandButton editButton = localizer.getButtonVB(EDIT_HTML_ID, "edit"); editButton.setOnclick("wurl='htmlarea/webface/htmledit.jsp?" + PREVIEW_ARTICLE_ITEM_ID + "='+this.tabindex;,'Edit','height=450,width=600,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"); p.getChildren().add(, WFUtil.getBreak()), editButton));/* WFContainer imageContainer = new WFContainer(); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_IMAGE_ID, bref + "add_image", this)); imageContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); imageContainer.add(getImageList()); p.getChildren().add(imageContainer); p.getChildren().add( + "source"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); p.getChildren().add( + "main_category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea sourceArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(SOURCE_ID, ref + "source", "440px", "30px"); p.getChildren().add(sourceArea); HtmlSelectOneMenu mainCategoryMenu = WFUtil.getSelectOneMenu(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "categories", ref + "mainCategoryId"); p.getChildren().add(mainCategoryMenu); */ mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);/* p.getChildren().add( + "created"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "creationDate") ));*/ p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); UIComponent t ="status"), WFUtil.getText(": ")); t.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "status")); p.getChildren().add(t); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getText(" ")); p.getChildren().add("current_version"), WFUtil.getTextVB(ref + "versionId") )); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(2); p.getChildren().add("comment"), WFUtil.getText(":")));// p.getChildren().add( + "attachments"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputTextarea commentArea = WFUtil.getTextArea(COMMENT_ID, ref + "comment", "400px", "60px"); p.getChildren().add(commentArea);// WFContainer attachmentContainer = new WFContainer();// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_ATTACHMENT_ID, bref + "add_attachment", this));// attachmentContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// attachmentContainer.add(getAttachmentList());// p.getChildren().add(attachmentContainer); mainContainer.add(p); // p = WFPanelUtil.getFormPanel(1);// p.getChildren().add( + "related_content_items"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFContainer contentItemContainer = new WFContainer(); // contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(ADD_RELATED_CONTENT_ITEM_ID, bref + "add_content_item", this));// contentItemContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak());// contentItemContainer.add(getRelatedContentItemsList());// p.getChildren().add(contentItemContainer);// p.getChildren().add( + "publishing_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedFromInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_FROM_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedFromDate");// publishedFromInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedFromInput);// p.getChildren().add( + "expiration_date"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); // WFDateInput publishedToInput = WFUtil.getDateInput(PUBLISHED_TO_DATE_ID, ref + "case.publishedToDate");// publishedToInput.setShowTime(true);// p.getChildren().add(publishedToInput); mainContainer.add(p); mainContainer.add(WFUtil.getBreak()); p = WFPanelUtil.getPlainFormPanel(1);// HtmlCommandButton editCategoriesButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(EDIT_CATEGORIES_ID, bref + "edit_categories", this);// p.getChildren().add(editCategoriesButton); p.getChildren().add("category"), WFUtil.getText(":"))); HtmlInputText categoryInput = WFUtil.getInputText(MAIN_CATEGORY_ID, ref + "mainCategory"); if(null==categoryInput.getValue() || "".equals(categoryInput.getValue())) { categoryInput.setValue(ROOT_CATEGORY); } categoryInput.setSize(40); p.getChildren().add(categoryInput); p.getChildren().add(WFUtil.getBreak());// WFComponentSelector cs = new WFComponentSelector();// cs.setId(BUTTON_SELECTOR_ID);// cs.setDividerText(" "); HtmlCommandButton saveButton = WFUtil.getButtonVB(SAVE_ID, "save", this);// cs.add(saveButton);// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(FOR_REVIEW_ID, bref + "for_review", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(PUBLISH_ID, bref + "publish", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REWRITE_ID, bref + "rewrite", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(REJECT_ID, bref + "reject", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(DELETE_ID, bref + "delete", this));// cs.add(WFUtil.getButtonVB(CANCEL_ID, bref + "cancel", this));// cs.setSelectedId(CANCEL_ID, true);// p.getChildren().add(cs); p.getChildren().add(saveButton); mainContainer.add(p); WFComponentSelector editorSelector = new WFComponentSelector(); editorSelector.setId(EDITOR_SELECTOR_ID); editorSelector.add(mainContainer); editorSelector.add(getCategoryEditContainer());// FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(this, FILE_UPLOAD_ID, FILE_UPLOAD_CANCEL_ID); FileUploadForm f = new FileUploadForm(); f.setId(FILE_UPLOAD_FORM_ID); editorSelector.add(f); editorSelector.add(getRelatedContentItemsContainer()); editorSelector.setSelectedId(ARTICLE_EDITOR_ID, true); return editorSelector; }
controllers = new Controllers(this); listener = new Listener(controllers);
Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this); listener = new Listener(dispatcher);
public DisplayedDocument(Shell shell) { // Shell = shell; shell.setText("Koala Notes"); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL)); // Document Note root = new Note("root", null, ""); document = new Document(root); // Controllers controllers = new Controllers(this); // Listener listener = new Listener(controllers); // Menu mainMenu = new MainMenu(shell, listener); // SashForm SashForm sashForm = new SashForm(shell, SWT.HORIZONTAL); // Tree tree = new NoteTree(shell, sashForm, listener); tree.loadTree(root); tree.init(); // TabFolder tabFolder = new NoteTabFolder(sashForm, listener); sashForm.setWeights(new int[] {20, 80}); }
tree = new NoteTree(shell, sashForm, listener);
tree = new NoteTree(sashForm, listener);
public DisplayedDocument(Shell shell) { // Shell = shell; shell.setText("Koala Notes"); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL)); // Document Note root = new Note("root", null, ""); document = new Document(root); // Controllers controllers = new Controllers(this); // Listener listener = new Listener(controllers); // Menu mainMenu = new MainMenu(shell, listener); // SashForm SashForm sashForm = new SashForm(shell, SWT.HORIZONTAL); // Tree tree = new NoteTree(shell, sashForm, listener); tree.loadTree(root); tree.init(); // TabFolder tabFolder = new NoteTabFolder(sashForm, listener); sashForm.setWeights(new int[] {20, 80}); }
assertTrue(new File(jsDir, "percentagesorttype.js").isFile());
assertTrue(new File(jsDir, "customsorttypes.js").isFile());
public static void testCopy() throws IOException { CopyFiles.copy(tmpDir); assertTrue(new File(tmpDir, "help.html").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(tmpDir, "index.html").isFile()); File cssDir = new File(tmpDir, "css"); assertTrue(cssDir.isDirectory()); assertTrue(new File(cssDir, "help.css").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(cssDir, "main.css").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(cssDir, "sortabletable.css").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(cssDir, "source-viewer.css").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(cssDir, "tooltip.css").isFile()); File imagesDir = new File(tmpDir, "images"); assertTrue(imagesDir.isDirectory()); assertTrue(new File(imagesDir, "blank.png").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(imagesDir, "downsimple.png").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(imagesDir, "upsimple.png").isFile()); File jsDir = new File(tmpDir, "js"); assertTrue(jsDir.isDirectory()); assertTrue(new File(jsDir, "percentagesorttype.js").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(jsDir, "popup.js").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(jsDir, "sortabletable.js").isFile()); assertTrue(new File(jsDir, "stringbuilder.js").isFile()); }
private void addInstrumentation(File file)
private void addInstrumentation(FileInfo fileInfo)
private void addInstrumentation(File file) { if (isClass(file)) { addInstrumentationToSingleClass(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) addInstrumentation(contents[i]); } }
if (isClass(file))
if (fileInfo.isClass() && shouldInstrument(fileInfo.pathname))
private void addInstrumentation(File file) { if (isClass(file)) { addInstrumentationToSingleClass(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) addInstrumentation(contents[i]); } }
private void addInstrumentation(File file) { if (isClass(file)) { addInstrumentationToSingleClass(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) addInstrumentation(contents[i]); } }
else if (file.isDirectory())
else if (fileInfo.isDirectory())
private void addInstrumentation(File file) { if (isClass(file)) { addInstrumentationToSingleClass(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) addInstrumentation(contents[i]); } }
File[] contents = file.listFiles();
String[] contents = fileInfo.list();
private void addInstrumentation(File file) { if (isClass(file)) { addInstrumentationToSingleClass(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) addInstrumentation(contents[i]); } }
{ File relativeFile = new File(fileInfo.pathname, contents[i]); FileInfo relativeFileInfo = new FileInfo(fileInfo.baseDir, relativeFile.toString()); addInstrumentation(relativeFileInfo); }
private void addInstrumentation(File file) { if (isClass(file)) { addInstrumentationToSingleClass(file); } else if (file.isDirectory()) { File[] contents = file.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) addInstrumentation(contents[i]); } }
if (isClass(entry))
if (isClass(entry) && shouldInstrument(entry.getName()))
private void addInstrumentationToArchive(ZipInputStream archive, ZipOutputStream output) throws Exception { ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = archive.getNextEntry()) != null) { try { ZipEntry outputEntry = new ZipEntry(entry.getName()); output.putNextEntry(outputEntry); // Read current entry byte[] entryBytes = IOUtil .createByteArrayFromInputStream(archive); // Check if we have class file if (isClass(entry)) { // Instrument class ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(entryBytes); ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(true); ClassInstrumenter cv = new ClassInstrumenter(projectData, cw, ignoreRegexes); cr.accept(cv, CustomAttribute.getExtraAttributes(), false); // If class was instrumented, get bytes that define the // class if (cv.isInstrumented()) { logger.debug("Putting instrumented entry: " + entry.getName()); entryBytes = cw.toByteArray(); } } // Add entry to the output output.write(entryBytes); output.closeEntry(); archive.closeEntry(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Problems with archive entry: " + entry); throw e; } output.flush(); } }
private static boolean isClass(File file)
private static boolean isClass(ZipEntry entry)
private static boolean isClass(File file) { return file.getName().endsWith(".class"); }
return file.getName().endsWith(".class");
return entry.getName().endsWith(".class");
private static boolean isClass(File file) { return file.getName().endsWith(".class"); }
String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexes.add(pc.compile(regex)); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); }
addRegex(ignoreRegexes, args[++i]);
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); // Parse our parameters List filePaths = new ArrayList(); String baseDir = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = args[++i]; else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) dataFile = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexes.add(pc.compile(regex)); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { filePaths.add(new File(baseDir, args[i])); } } // Load coverage data if (dataFile.isFile()) projectData = CoverageDataFileHandler.loadCoverageData(dataFile); if (projectData == null) projectData = new ProjectData(); // Instrument classes System.out.println("Instrumenting " + filePaths.size() + " " + (filePaths.size() == 1 ? "class" : "classes") + (destinationDirectory != null ? " to " + destinationDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() : "")); Iterator iter = filePaths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { File file = (File); if (isArchive(file)) { addInstrumentationToArchive(file); } else { addInstrumentation(file); } } // Save coverage data CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, dataFile); }
else { filePaths.add(new File(baseDir, args[i]));
else if (args[i].equals("--includeClasses")) { addRegex(includeClassesRegexes, args[++i]); } else if (args[i].equals("--excludeClasses")) { addRegex(excludeClassesRegexes, args[++i]); } else { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(baseDir, args[i]); filePaths.add(fileInfo);
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); // Parse our parameters List filePaths = new ArrayList(); String baseDir = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = args[++i]; else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) dataFile = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexes.add(pc.compile(regex)); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { filePaths.add(new File(baseDir, args[i])); } } // Load coverage data if (dataFile.isFile()) projectData = CoverageDataFileHandler.loadCoverageData(dataFile); if (projectData == null) projectData = new ProjectData(); // Instrument classes System.out.println("Instrumenting " + filePaths.size() + " " + (filePaths.size() == 1 ? "class" : "classes") + (destinationDirectory != null ? " to " + destinationDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() : "")); Iterator iter = filePaths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { File file = (File); if (isArchive(file)) { addInstrumentationToArchive(file); } else { addInstrumentation(file); } } // Save coverage data CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, dataFile); }
+ (filePaths.size() == 1 ? "class" : "classes")
+ (filePaths.size() == 1 ? "file" : "files")
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); // Parse our parameters List filePaths = new ArrayList(); String baseDir = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = args[++i]; else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) dataFile = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexes.add(pc.compile(regex)); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { filePaths.add(new File(baseDir, args[i])); } } // Load coverage data if (dataFile.isFile()) projectData = CoverageDataFileHandler.loadCoverageData(dataFile); if (projectData == null) projectData = new ProjectData(); // Instrument classes System.out.println("Instrumenting " + filePaths.size() + " " + (filePaths.size() == 1 ? "class" : "classes") + (destinationDirectory != null ? " to " + destinationDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() : "")); Iterator iter = filePaths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { File file = (File); if (isArchive(file)) { addInstrumentationToArchive(file); } else { addInstrumentation(file); } } // Save coverage data CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, dataFile); }
while (iter.hasNext()) { File file = (File); if (isArchive(file)) { addInstrumentationToArchive(file); } else { addInstrumentation(file);
while (iter.hasNext()) { FileInfo fileInfo = (FileInfo); if (fileInfo.isArchive()) { addInstrumentationToArchive(fileInfo); } else { addInstrumentation(fileInfo);
private void parseArguments(String[] args) { File dataFile = CoverageDataFileHandler.getDefaultDataFile(); // Parse our parameters List filePaths = new ArrayList(); String baseDir = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--basedir")) baseDir = args[++i]; else if (args[i].equals("--datafile")) dataFile = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--destination")) destinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]); else if (args[i].equals("--ignore")) { String regex = args[++i]; try { Perl5Compiler pc = new Perl5Compiler(); this.ignoreRegexes.add(pc.compile(regex)); } catch (MalformedPatternException e) { logger.warn("The regular expression " + regex + " is invalid: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { filePaths.add(new File(baseDir, args[i])); } } // Load coverage data if (dataFile.isFile()) projectData = CoverageDataFileHandler.loadCoverageData(dataFile); if (projectData == null) projectData = new ProjectData(); // Instrument classes System.out.println("Instrumenting " + filePaths.size() + " " + (filePaths.size() == 1 ? "class" : "classes") + (destinationDirectory != null ? " to " + destinationDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() : "")); Iterator iter = filePaths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { File file = (File); if (isArchive(file)) { addInstrumentationToArchive(file); } else { addInstrumentation(file); } } // Save coverage data CoverageDataFileHandler.saveCoverageData(projectData, dataFile); }
public LogFile(String file, String format, Properties levels, boolean trace)
public LogFile(String file, String format, String defaultLevel, Properties levels, boolean trace)
public LogFile(String file, String format, Properties levels, boolean trace) throws IOException { this(((file != null) ? new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file,true)) : System.err), format, levels, trace); }
this(((file != null) ?
this(file, ((file != null) ?
public LogFile(String file, String format, Properties levels, boolean trace) throws IOException { this(((file != null) ? new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file,true)) : System.err), format, levels, trace); }
format, levels, trace);
format, defaultLevel, levels, trace);
public LogFile(String file, String format, Properties levels, boolean trace) throws IOException { this(((file != null) ? new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file,true)) : System.err), format, levels, trace); }
level = (String) _levels.getProperty("*");
level = _defaultLevel;
public void attach(LogSource l) { String name = l.getName(); String level = _levels.getProperty(name); if (level == null) { level = (String) _levels.getProperty("*"); } l.addTarget(this, level); }
if (!name.startsWith("/")) name = "/" + name;
public URL getResource(String name) { try { URL u = _servletContext.getResource(name); if (u != null && u.getProtocol().equals("file")) { File f = new File(u.getFile()); if (!f.exists()) u = null; } if (u == null) u = _servletClassLoader.getResource(name); if (u == null) u = super.getResource(name); return u; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { _log.warning("MalformedURLException caught in " + "ServletBroker.getResource for " + name); return null; } }
bookmarkButton.setToolTipText("View Bookmarks");
public void initialize() { final SwingWorker bookmarkThreadWorker = new SwingWorker() { public Object construct() { // Register own provider for simpler implementation. PrivateDataManager.addPrivateDataProvider("storage", "storage:bookmarks", new Bookmarks.Provider()); PrivateDataManager manager = new PrivateDataManager(SparkManager.getConnection()); Bookmarks bookmarks = null; try { bookmarks = (Bookmarks)manager.getPrivateData("storage", "storage:bookmarks"); } catch (XMPPException e) { Log.error(e); } return bookmarks; } public void finished() { final Bookmarks bookmarks = (Bookmarks)get(); final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); if (bookmarks != null) { // Add to status bar final JPanel commandPanel = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().getCommandPanel(); final RolloverButton bookmarkButton = new RolloverButton(SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.BOOKMARK_ICON)); bookmarkButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {, mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY()); } }); bookmarkButton.setToolTipText("View Bookmarks"); commandPanel.add(bookmarkButton); SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().invalidate(); SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().validate(); SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().repaint(); Collection bookmarkedConferences = bookmarks.getBookmarkedConferences(); final Collection bookmarkedLinks = bookmarks.getBookmarkedURLS(); final Iterator bookmarkLinks = bookmarkedLinks.iterator(); while (bookmarkLinks.hasNext()) { final BookmarkedURL link = (BookmarkedURL); Action urlAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { try { BrowserLauncher.openURL(link.getURL()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error(e); } } }; urlAction.putValue(Action.NAME, link.getName()); urlAction.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.LINK_16x16)); popup.add(urlAction); } final Iterator bookmarkConferences = bookmarkedConferences.iterator(); while (bookmarkConferences.hasNext()) { final BookmarkedConference conferences = (BookmarkedConference); Action conferenceAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { public Object construct() { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { Log.error(e1); } return "ok"; } public void finished() { ConferenceUtils.autoJoinConferenceRoom(conferences.getName(), conferences.getJid(), conferences.getPassword()); } }; worker.start(); } }; conferenceAction.putValue(Action.NAME, conferences.getName()); conferenceAction.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.CONFERENCE_IMAGE_16x16)); popup.add(conferenceAction); } } } }; bookmarkThreadWorker.start(); }
bookmarkButton.setToolTipText("View Bookmarks");
public void finished() { final Bookmarks bookmarks = (Bookmarks)get(); final JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); if (bookmarks != null) { // Add to status bar final JPanel commandPanel = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().getCommandPanel(); final RolloverButton bookmarkButton = new RolloverButton(SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.BOOKMARK_ICON)); bookmarkButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {, mouseEvent.getX(), mouseEvent.getY()); } }); bookmarkButton.setToolTipText("View Bookmarks"); commandPanel.add(bookmarkButton); SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().invalidate(); SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().validate(); SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().repaint(); Collection bookmarkedConferences = bookmarks.getBookmarkedConferences(); final Collection bookmarkedLinks = bookmarks.getBookmarkedURLS(); final Iterator bookmarkLinks = bookmarkedLinks.iterator(); while (bookmarkLinks.hasNext()) { final BookmarkedURL link = (BookmarkedURL); Action urlAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { try { BrowserLauncher.openURL(link.getURL()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.error(e); } } }; urlAction.putValue(Action.NAME, link.getName()); urlAction.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.LINK_16x16)); popup.add(urlAction); } final Iterator bookmarkConferences = bookmarkedConferences.iterator(); while (bookmarkConferences.hasNext()) { final BookmarkedConference conferences = (BookmarkedConference); Action conferenceAction = new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { public Object construct() { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { Log.error(e1); } return "ok"; } public void finished() { ConferenceUtils.autoJoinConferenceRoom(conferences.getName(), conferences.getJid(), conferences.getPassword()); } }; worker.start(); } }; conferenceAction.putValue(Action.NAME, conferences.getName()); conferenceAction.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.CONFERENCE_IMAGE_16x16)); popup.add(conferenceAction); } } }
throw new PropertyException("No method to set \"" + _vname +
throw new PropertyException("No method to set \"" + getVariableName() +
public final void setValue (Context context, Object newValue) throws PropertyException { if (!context.set(_names, newValue)) { throw new PropertyException("No method to set \"" + _vname + "\" to type " + ((newValue == null) ? "null" : newValue.getClass().toString()) + " in supplied context (" + context.getClass() + ")"); } }
return "global:" + _vname;
return "global:" + getVariableName();
public final String toString () { return "global:" + _vname; }
TitlePanel titlePanel = new TitlePanel(Res.getString(""), Res.getString(""), SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.USER1_32x32), true);
TitlePanel titlePanel = new TitlePanel(Res.getString(""), Res.getString(""), SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.USER1_32x32), true);
public void showRosterDialog(JFrame parent) { TitlePanel titlePanel = new TitlePanel(Res.getString(""), Res.getString(""), SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.USER1_32x32), true); JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel(); mainPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mainPanel.add(titlePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); Object[] options = { Res.getString("add"), Res.getString("cancel") }; pane = new JOptionPane(panel, -1, 2, null, options, options[0]); mainPanel.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); dialog = new JDialog(parent, Res.getString(""), true); dialog.pack(); dialog.setContentPane(mainPanel); dialog.setSize(350, 250); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(parent); pane.addPropertyChangeListener(this); dialog.setVisible(true); dialog.toFront(); dialog.requestFocus(); jidField.requestFocus(); }
return pathname.endsWith(".jar") || pathname.endsWith(".zip") || pathname.endsWith(".war") || pathname.endsWith(".ear") || pathname.endsWith(".sar");
return ArchiveUtil.isArchive(pathname);
boolean isArchive() { if (!isFile()) { return false; } return pathname.endsWith(".jar") || pathname.endsWith(".zip") || pathname.endsWith(".war") || pathname.endsWith(".ear") || pathname.endsWith(".sar"); }
if (in != null) in.close();
public void parse() throws IOException, TemplateException { if (!_parsed) { Block newContent = null; Map newParameters = null; Map newMacros = null; Reader in = null; try { Parser parser = getParser(); in = getReader(); BlockBuilder bb = parser.parseBlock(getName(), in); in.close(); BuildContext bc = new BuildContext(_broker); newParameters = bc.getMap(); newMacros = bc.getMacros(); newContent = (Block); } catch (BuildException be) { newContent = null; _log.error("Template contained invalid data", be); throw be; } catch (IOException e) { newContent = null; // don't let the old one survive _log.error("Template: Could not read template: " + this); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error parsing template: " + this, e); throw new BuildException("Error parsing template: " + this, e); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } _parameters = newParameters; _content = newContent; _macros = newMacros; _parsed = true; } } else { _log.debug("Ignoring parse request on already parsed template " + this); } }
return getTemplate(templateName);
Template t = getTemplate(templateName); return t;
public Template handle(WebContext context) throws HandlerException { Object output = new Object(); String templateName; // get the form variables output = (String) context.getForm("loadFile"); name = (String) context.getForm("name"); email = (String) context.getForm("email"); comment = (String) context.getForm("comment"); if (output == null) { output = "form.wm"; templateName = "form.wm"; } if (name == null) { name = "<!-- form variable 'name' not defined -->"; } if (email == null) { email = "<!-- form variable 'email' not defined -->"; } if (comment == null) { comment = "<!-- form variable 'comment' not defined -->"; } // verifying for submissions if (output.equals("verify")) { myGuestEntry = new GuestEntry(name, email, comment); book.addElement(myGuestEntry); context.put("registry", book); templateName = "verify.wm"; // for guest book view } else if (output.equals("allguest")) { context.put("registry",book); templateName = "allguest.wm"; // default } else { templateName = "form.wm"; } // return the appropriate template try { return getTemplate(templateName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HandlerException("Could not locate template: " + templateName); } }
return null;
return "RecentChanges";
public String getWikiPageName(WikiSystem wiki, WebContext wc) { return null; }
LocalPreferences localPref = SettingsManager.getLocalPreferences(); if (localPref.isIdleOn()) { int delay = localPref.getIdleTime() * 60000; if (Spark.isWindows()) { try { setIdleListener(delay); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); }
if (Spark.isWindows()) { try { setIdleListener(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e);
public void initializeSession(XMPPConnection connection, String username, String password) { this.connection = connection; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.userBareAddress = StringUtils.parseBareAddress(connection.getUser()); // create workgroup session personalDataManager = new PrivateDataManager(getConnection()); LocalPreferences localPref = SettingsManager.getLocalPreferences(); // Start Idle listener if (localPref.isIdleOn()) { int delay = localPref.getIdleTime() * 60000; if (Spark.isWindows()) { try { setIdleListener(delay); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } } } // Discover items discoverItems(); ProviderManager.addExtensionProvider("event", "", new Features.Provider()); }
private void setIdleListener(final long mill) throws Exception {
private void setIdleListener() throws Exception {
private void setIdleListener(final long mill) throws Exception { final Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { public void run() { long idleTime = SystemInfo.getSessionIdleTime(); boolean isLocked = SystemInfo.isSessionLocked(); if (idleTime > mill) { try { // Handle if spark is not connected to the server. if (SparkManager.getConnection() == null || !SparkManager.getConnection().isConnected()) { return; } // Change Status Workspace workspace = SparkManager.getWorkspace(); Presence presence = workspace.getStatusBar().getPresence(); if (workspace != null && presence.getMode() == Presence.Mode.available) { unavaliable = true; StatusItem away = workspace.getStatusBar().getStatusItem("Away"); Presence p = away.getPresence(); if (isLocked) { p.setStatus("User has locked their workstation."); } else { p.setStatus("Away due to idle."); } previousPriority = presence.getPriority(); p.setPriority(0); SparkManager.getSessionManager().changePresence(p); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error with IDLE status.", e); timer.cancel(); } } else { if (unavaliable) { setAvailableIfActive(); } } } }, 1000, 1000); }
if (idleTime > mill) {
if (idleTime > delay) {
private void setIdleListener(final long mill) throws Exception { final Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { public void run() { long idleTime = SystemInfo.getSessionIdleTime(); boolean isLocked = SystemInfo.isSessionLocked(); if (idleTime > mill) { try { // Handle if spark is not connected to the server. if (SparkManager.getConnection() == null || !SparkManager.getConnection().isConnected()) { return; } // Change Status Workspace workspace = SparkManager.getWorkspace(); Presence presence = workspace.getStatusBar().getPresence(); if (workspace != null && presence.getMode() == Presence.Mode.available) { unavaliable = true; StatusItem away = workspace.getStatusBar().getStatusItem("Away"); Presence p = away.getPresence(); if (isLocked) { p.setStatus("User has locked their workstation."); } else { p.setStatus("Away due to idle."); } previousPriority = presence.getPriority(); p.setPriority(0); SparkManager.getSessionManager().changePresence(p); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error with IDLE status.", e); timer.cancel(); } } else { if (unavaliable) { setAvailableIfActive(); } } } }, 1000, 1000); }
if (idleTime > mill) {
if (idleTime > delay) {
public void run() { long idleTime = SystemInfo.getSessionIdleTime(); boolean isLocked = SystemInfo.isSessionLocked(); if (idleTime > mill) { try { // Handle if spark is not connected to the server. if (SparkManager.getConnection() == null || !SparkManager.getConnection().isConnected()) { return; } // Change Status Workspace workspace = SparkManager.getWorkspace(); Presence presence = workspace.getStatusBar().getPresence(); if (workspace != null && presence.getMode() == Presence.Mode.available) { unavaliable = true; StatusItem away = workspace.getStatusBar().getStatusItem("Away"); Presence p = away.getPresence(); if (isLocked) { p.setStatus("User has locked their workstation."); } else { p.setStatus("Away due to idle."); } previousPriority = presence.getPriority(); p.setPriority(0); SparkManager.getSessionManager().changePresence(p); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error with IDLE status.", e); timer.cancel(); } } else { if (unavaliable) { setAvailableIfActive(); } } }
this.dd = displayedDocument;
public MainController(DisplayedDocument displayedDocument) { super(displayedDocument); }
public FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, boolean refresh, List xmlPreprocessors) throws BeansException { this(configLocations, refresh, null, xmlPreprocessors);
public FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(String configLocation) throws BeansException { this(new String[] {configLocation}, true, null, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
public FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, boolean refresh, List xmlPreprocessors) throws BeansException { this(configLocations, refresh, null, xmlPreprocessors); }
try { Object ret = invoke(iteratorMethod, instance, null); if (ret instanceof Iterator) { return (Iterator) ret; } else if (ret instanceof Enumeration) { return new EnumIterator((Enumeration) ret); } else if (ret instanceof Object[]) { return new ArrayIterator((Object[]) ret); }
Object ret = invoke(iteratorMethod, instance, null); if (ret instanceof Iterator) { return (Iterator) ret;
public Iterator findIterator(Object instance) throws PropertyException { if (iteratorMethod != null) { try { Object ret = invoke(iteratorMethod, instance, null); if (ret instanceof Iterator) { return (Iterator) ret; } else if (ret instanceof Enumeration) { return new EnumIterator((Enumeration) ret); } else if (ret instanceof Object[]) { return new ArrayIterator((Object[]) ret); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new PropertyException("Error in PropertyOperator!", e); } } throw new PropertyException(instance + " is not a list", null); }
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new PropertyException("Error in PropertyOperator!", e);
else if (ret instanceof Enumeration) { return new EnumIterator((Enumeration) ret); } else if (ret instanceof Object[]) { return new ArrayIterator((Object[]) ret);
public Iterator findIterator(Object instance) throws PropertyException { if (iteratorMethod != null) { try { Object ret = invoke(iteratorMethod, instance, null); if (ret instanceof Iterator) { return (Iterator) ret; } else if (ret instanceof Enumeration) { return new EnumIterator((Enumeration) ret); } else if (ret instanceof Object[]) { return new ArrayIterator((Object[]) ret); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new PropertyException("Error in PropertyOperator!", e); } } throw new PropertyException(instance + " is not a list", null); }
throws PropertyException, NoSuchMethodException {
throws PropertyException {
static Object invoke(Method meth, Object instance, Object[] args) throws PropertyException, NoSuchMethodException { try { Object obj = meth.invoke(instance, args); // if the method's return type is void return the VoidMacro // instance, instead of the 'null' we used to return here // otherwise, just return whatever the method returned if (obj == null && meth.getReturnType() == java.lang.Void.TYPE) return org.webmacro.engine.VoidMacro.instance; else return obj; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new PropertyException( "You don't have permission to access the requested method (" + meth + " in class " + instance.getClass() + " on object " + instance + "). Private/protected/package access " + " values cannot be accessed via property introspection.", e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new PropertyException( "Some kind of error occurred processing your request: this " + "indicates a failure in that should be " + "reported: attempt to access method " + meth + " on object " + instance + " with " + args.length + " parameters " + " threw an exception: " + e, e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // if this is a wrapped UndefinedVariableException, unwrap and rethrow it if (e.getTargetException() instanceof PropertyException.UndefinedVariableException) throw (PropertyException) e.getTargetException(); throw new PropertyException( "Attempt to invoke method " + meth + " on object " + instance + " of " + instance.getClass() + " raised an exception: " + e.getTargetException(), e.getTargetException()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new PropertyException( "NullPointerException thrown from method " + meth + " on object " + instance + " -- most likely you have attempted " + "to use an undefined value, or a failure in that method.", e); } }
while (enum.hasMoreElements())
if (enum.hasMoreElements())
public boolean accept(WikiSystem wiki, WebContext wc, WikiUser user) { Enumeration enum = wc.getRequest().getParameterNames(); // don't accept if we have request parameters while (enum.hasMoreElements()) return false; // and then only accept if this is a get request return wc.getRequest().getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("GET"); }
String template = props.getProperty (page.getTitle()); return template == null ? props.getProperty ("ViewPageAction.Template") : template;
String template = props.getProperty ("ViewPageAction.Template"); if (page != null) { template = props.getProperty (page.getTitle()); } return template;
public String getTemplateName(WikiSystem wiki, WikiPage page) { Properties props = wiki.getProperties(); String template = props.getProperty (page.getTitle()); return template == null ? props.getProperty ("ViewPageAction.Template") : template; }
return Servlet22Broker.getBroker(s);
b = Servlet22Broker.getBroker(s);
public static Broker getBroker(Servlet s) throws InitException { int minorVersion, majorVersion; ServletContext sc = s.getServletConfig().getServletContext(); try { majorVersion = sc.getMajorVersion(); minorVersion = sc.getMinorVersion(); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { majorVersion = 2; minorVersion = 0; } if (majorVersion > 2 || (majorVersion == 2 && minorVersion >= 2)) return Servlet22Broker.getBroker(s); else return Servlet20Broker.getBroker(s); }
return Servlet20Broker.getBroker(s);
b = Servlet20Broker.getBroker(s); b.startClient(); return b;
public static Broker getBroker(Servlet s) throws InitException { int minorVersion, majorVersion; ServletContext sc = s.getServletConfig().getServletContext(); try { majorVersion = sc.getMajorVersion(); minorVersion = sc.getMinorVersion(); } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) { majorVersion = 2; minorVersion = 0; } if (majorVersion > 2 || (majorVersion == 2 && minorVersion >= 2)) return Servlet22Broker.getBroker(s); else return Servlet20Broker.getBroker(s); }
if (ch == '=' || ch == '\'' || ch == '\"'
if (ch == '=' || ch == '\'' || ch == '\"' || ch == ':'
final public boolean directiveOk() { if (size() == 0 || size() == literalMark) return true; else { Object o = elementAt(size() - 1); if (!(o instanceof String)) return true; else { String s = (String) o; char ch = s.charAt(s.length()-1); if (ch == '=' || ch == '\'' || ch == '\"' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) return false; } } return true; }
public static Broker getBroker() throws InitException { try { Broker b = findBroker(WEBMACRO_PROPERTIES); if (b == null) { b = new Broker(); register(WEBMACRO_PROPERTIES, b); } return b; } catch (InitException e) { Log log = LogSystem.getSystemLog("wm"); log.error("Failed to initialize WebMacro with default config"); throw e; } }"stopping clock"); Clock.stopClient();
synchronized public void shutdown() { _log.notice("shutting down"); Enumeration e = _providers.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Provider pr = (Provider) e.nextElement();"stopping: " + pr); pr.destroy(); } _providers.clear(); _ls.flush(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { File file = new File(transfer.getFilePath()); transfer = transferManager.createOutgoingFileTransfer(fullJID); transfer.sendFile(file, "Sending"); } catch (XMPPException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } sendFile(transfer, transferManager, fullJID, nickname); }
return null;
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
private List fireServiceNotificationError(ServiceMonitor serviceMonitor, ServiceEvent serviceEvent, Throwable throwable) { try { kernelMonitor.serviceNotificationError(serviceMonitor, serviceEvent, throwable); } catch (RuntimeException ignored) { // ignore - we did our best to notify the world } catch (KernelErrorsError e) { return e.getErrors(); } catch (Error e) { return Collections.singletonList(e); } return null; }
final JContactItemField contactField = new JContactItemField(new ArrayList(contacts));
final JWindow frame = new JWindow(parent); final JContactItemField contactField = new JContactItemField(new ArrayList(contacts), frame);
public void searchContacts(String contact, JFrame parent) { final Map contactMap = new HashMap(); final Set contacts = new HashSet(); final ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList(); Iterator groups = contactList.getContactGroups().iterator(); while (groups.hasNext()) { ContactGroup group = (ContactGroup); Iterator contactItems = group.getContactItems().iterator(); while (contactItems.hasNext()) { ContactItem item = (ContactItem); if (contactMap.get(item.getNickname()) == null) { contacts.add(item); contactMap.put(item.getNickname(), item); } } } final JContactItemField contactField = new JContactItemField(new ArrayList(contacts)); final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setUndecorated(true); JPanel layoutPanel = new JPanel(); layoutPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel enterLabel = new JLabel(Res.getString("")); enterLabel.setFont(new Font("dialog", Font.BOLD, 10)); layoutPanel.add(enterLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5), 0, 0)); layoutPanel.add(contactField, new GridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5), 200, 0)); layoutPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(0)); frame.getContentPane().add(layoutPanel); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(parent); frame.setVisible(true); frame.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { frame.dispose(); } } }); contactField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { if (ModelUtil.hasLength(contactField.getText())) { ContactItem item = (ContactItem)contactMap.get(contactField.getText()); if (item != null) { SparkManager.getChatManager().activateChat(item.getFullJID(), item.getNickname()); frame.dispose(); } } } else if (keyEvent.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { frame.dispose(); } } }); contactField.setText(contact); }
final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setUndecorated(true);
public void searchContacts(String contact, JFrame parent) { final Map contactMap = new HashMap(); final Set contacts = new HashSet(); final ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList(); Iterator groups = contactList.getContactGroups().iterator(); while (groups.hasNext()) { ContactGroup group = (ContactGroup); Iterator contactItems = group.getContactItems().iterator(); while (contactItems.hasNext()) { ContactItem item = (ContactItem); if (contactMap.get(item.getNickname()) == null) { contacts.add(item); contactMap.put(item.getNickname(), item); } } } final JContactItemField contactField = new JContactItemField(new ArrayList(contacts)); final JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setUndecorated(true); JPanel layoutPanel = new JPanel(); layoutPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JLabel enterLabel = new JLabel(Res.getString("")); enterLabel.setFont(new Font("dialog", Font.BOLD, 10)); layoutPanel.add(enterLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(5, 5, 0, 5), 0, 0)); layoutPanel.add(contactField, new GridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5), 200, 0)); layoutPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(0)); frame.getContentPane().add(layoutPanel); frame.pack(); frame.setLocationRelativeTo(parent); frame.setVisible(true); frame.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { frame.dispose(); } } }); contactField.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (keyEvent.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { if (ModelUtil.hasLength(contactField.getText())) { ContactItem item = (ContactItem)contactMap.get(contactField.getText()); if (item != null) { SparkManager.getChatManager().activateChat(item.getFullJID(), item.getNickname()); frame.dispose(); } } } else if (keyEvent.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { frame.dispose(); } } }); contactField.setText(contact); }
if (jj_2_12(2)) {
if (jj_2_11(2)) {
final public Object AExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; Token op; e = Factor(); label_8: while (true) { if (jj_2_12(2)) { ; } else { break label_8; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[59] = jj_gen; ; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case OP_PLUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_PLUS); break; case OP_MINUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_MINUS); break; default: jj_la1[60] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[61] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = Factor(); if (op.kind == OP_PLUS) e = new Expression.AddBuilder(e, e2); else if (op.kind == OP_MINUS) e = new Expression.SubtractBuilder(e, e2); else {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in AExpression()");} } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[59] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[58] = jj_gen;
final public Object AExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; Token op; e = Factor(); label_8: while (true) { if (jj_2_12(2)) { ; } else { break label_8; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[59] = jj_gen; ; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case OP_PLUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_PLUS); break; case OP_MINUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_MINUS); break; default: jj_la1[60] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[61] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = Factor(); if (op.kind == OP_PLUS) e = new Expression.AddBuilder(e, e2); else if (op.kind == OP_MINUS) e = new Expression.SubtractBuilder(e, e2); else {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in AExpression()");} } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[60] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[59] = jj_gen;
final public Object AExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; Token op; e = Factor(); label_8: while (true) { if (jj_2_12(2)) { ; } else { break label_8; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[59] = jj_gen; ; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case OP_PLUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_PLUS); break; case OP_MINUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_MINUS); break; default: jj_la1[60] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[61] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = Factor(); if (op.kind == OP_PLUS) e = new Expression.AddBuilder(e, e2); else if (op.kind == OP_MINUS) e = new Expression.SubtractBuilder(e, e2); else {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in AExpression()");} } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[61] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[60] = jj_gen;
final public Object AExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; Token op; e = Factor(); label_8: while (true) { if (jj_2_12(2)) { ; } else { break label_8; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[59] = jj_gen; ; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case OP_PLUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_PLUS); break; case OP_MINUS: op = jj_consume_token(OP_MINUS); break; default: jj_la1[60] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[61] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = Factor(); if (op.kind == OP_PLUS) e = new Expression.AddBuilder(e, e2); else if (op.kind == OP_MINUS) e = new Expression.SubtractBuilder(e, e2); else {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in AExpression()");} } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
if (jj_2_14(2)) {
if (jj_2_13(2)) {
final public Object AndExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; e = CExpression(); label_9: while (true) { if (jj_2_14(2)) { ; } else { break label_9; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[65] = jj_gen; ; } jj_consume_token(OP_AND); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[66] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = CExpression(); e = new Expression.AndBuilder(e, e2); } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[65] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[64] = jj_gen;
final public Object AndExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; e = CExpression(); label_9: while (true) { if (jj_2_14(2)) { ; } else { break label_9; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[65] = jj_gen; ; } jj_consume_token(OP_AND); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[66] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = CExpression(); e = new Expression.AndBuilder(e, e2); } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[66] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[65] = jj_gen;
final public Object AndExpression() throws ParseException { Object e, e2; e = CExpression(); label_9: while (true) { if (jj_2_14(2)) { ; } else { break label_9; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[65] = jj_gen; ; } jj_consume_token(OP_AND); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[66] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = CExpression(); e = new Expression.AndBuilder(e, e2); } {if (true) return e;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[38] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[37] = jj_gen;
final public ListBuilder ArgList() throws ParseException { ListBuilder list = new ListBuilder(); Object e; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case DOLLAR: case QUOTE: case SQUOTE: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case UNDEFINED: case WS: case LPAREN: case LBRACKET: case OP_MINUS: case OP_NOT: case NUMBER: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case COMMA: ; break; default: jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; break label_5; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); } break; default: jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; ; } {if (true) return list;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[39] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[38] = jj_gen;
final public ListBuilder ArgList() throws ParseException { ListBuilder list = new ListBuilder(); Object e; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case DOLLAR: case QUOTE: case SQUOTE: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case UNDEFINED: case WS: case LPAREN: case LBRACKET: case OP_MINUS: case OP_NOT: case NUMBER: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case COMMA: ; break; default: jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; break label_5; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); } break; default: jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; ; } {if (true) return list;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[40] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[39] = jj_gen;
final public ListBuilder ArgList() throws ParseException { ListBuilder list = new ListBuilder(); Object e; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case DOLLAR: case QUOTE: case SQUOTE: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case UNDEFINED: case WS: case LPAREN: case LBRACKET: case OP_MINUS: case OP_NOT: case NUMBER: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case COMMA: ; break; default: jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; break label_5; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); } break; default: jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; ; } {if (true) return list;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[41] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[40] = jj_gen;
final public ListBuilder ArgList() throws ParseException { ListBuilder list = new ListBuilder(); Object e; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case DOLLAR: case QUOTE: case SQUOTE: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case UNDEFINED: case WS: case LPAREN: case LBRACKET: case OP_MINUS: case OP_NOT: case NUMBER: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case COMMA: ; break; default: jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; break label_5; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); } break; default: jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; ; } {if (true) return list;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[42] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[41] = jj_gen;
final public ListBuilder ArgList() throws ParseException { ListBuilder list = new ListBuilder(); Object e; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case DOLLAR: case QUOTE: case SQUOTE: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case UNDEFINED: case WS: case LPAREN: case LBRACKET: case OP_MINUS: case OP_NOT: case NUMBER: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case COMMA: ; break; default: jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; break label_5; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); } break; default: jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; ; } {if (true) return list;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[43] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[42] = jj_gen;
final public ListBuilder ArgList() throws ParseException { ListBuilder list = new ListBuilder(); Object e; switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case DOLLAR: case QUOTE: case SQUOTE: case NULL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case UNDEFINED: case WS: case LPAREN: case LBRACKET: case OP_MINUS: case OP_NOT: case NUMBER: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[38] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[39] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case COMMA: ; break; default: jj_la1[40] = jj_gen; break label_5; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[41] = jj_gen; ; } e = Expression(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[42] = jj_gen; ; } list.addElement(e); } break; default: jj_la1[43] = jj_gen; ; } {if (true) return list;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) {
if (jj_2_22(2147483647)) {
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[84] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[83] = jj_gen;
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[85] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[84] = jj_gen;
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[86] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[85] = jj_gen;
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[87] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[86] = jj_gen;
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
if (jj_2_21(1)) {
if (jj_2_20(1)) {
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[88] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[87] = jj_gen;
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) {
jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_21(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) {
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[90] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[89] = jj_gen;
final public BlockBuilder Block(Subdirective[] subdirectives) throws ParseException { ParserBlockBuilder block = new ParserBlockBuilder(templateName); Token t; blockStack.push(subdirectives); if (jj_2_23(2147483647)) { jj_consume_token(LBRACE); EatWsNlIfNl(block); label_13: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case END: case BEGIN: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: ; break; default: jj_la1[84] = jj_gen; break label_13; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: case POUND: WMContent(block); break; case END: case BEGIN: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: t = jj_consume_token(BEGIN); break; case END: t = jj_consume_token(END); break; default: jj_la1[85] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[86] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(RBRACE); } else { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case BEGIN: jj_consume_token(BEGIN); EatWsNlOrSpace(block); break; default: jj_la1[87] = jj_gen; ; } label_14: while (true) { if (jj_2_21(1)) { ; } else { break label_14; } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case STUFF: case POUNDPOUND: case DOLLAR: case QCHAR: case SLASH: WMContentNoDirective(block); break; case RBRACE: case LBRACE: switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case LBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(LBRACE); break; case RBRACE: t = jj_consume_token(RBRACE); break; default: jj_la1[88] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } block.addElement(t.image); break; default: jj_la1[89] = jj_gen; if (jj_2_22(2147483647) && (lookahead_not_breaking_subd())) { Directive(block); } else { jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } } switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case END: jj_consume_token(END); block.eatOneWs(); break; default: jj_la1[90] = jj_gen; ; } } blockStack.pop(); {if (true) return block;} throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
if (jj_2_13(2)) {
if (jj_2_12(2)) {
final public Object CExpression() throws ParseException { // Note that CExpression is a little different from other binary // expression rules, as we don't want to accept a == b == c // Thanks to Aldona Majorek for pointing this out Object e1, e2=null; Token op=null; e1 = AExpression(); if (jj_2_13(2)) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[63] = jj_gen; ; } op = RelOp(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[64] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = AExpression(); } else { ; } if (op == null) {if (true) return e1;} else switch (op.kind) { case OP_EQ: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareEqBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_SET: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareEqBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_NE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareNeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_GT: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareGtBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_GE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareGeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_LE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareLeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_LT: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareLtBuilder(e1, e2);} default: {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in CExpression()");} } throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[63] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[62] = jj_gen;
final public Object CExpression() throws ParseException { // Note that CExpression is a little different from other binary // expression rules, as we don't want to accept a == b == c // Thanks to Aldona Majorek for pointing this out Object e1, e2=null; Token op=null; e1 = AExpression(); if (jj_2_13(2)) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[63] = jj_gen; ; } op = RelOp(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[64] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = AExpression(); } else { ; } if (op == null) {if (true) return e1;} else switch (op.kind) { case OP_EQ: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareEqBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_SET: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareEqBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_NE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareNeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_GT: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareGtBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_GE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareGeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_LE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareLeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_LT: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareLtBuilder(e1, e2);} default: {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in CExpression()");} } throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
jj_la1[64] = jj_gen;
jj_la1[63] = jj_gen;
final public Object CExpression() throws ParseException { // Note that CExpression is a little different from other binary // expression rules, as we don't want to accept a == b == c // Thanks to Aldona Majorek for pointing this out Object e1, e2=null; Token op=null; e1 = AExpression(); if (jj_2_13(2)) { switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[63] = jj_gen; ; } op = RelOp(); switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) { case WS: jj_consume_token(WS); break; default: jj_la1[64] = jj_gen; ; } e2 = AExpression(); } else { ; } if (op == null) {if (true) return e1;} else switch (op.kind) { case OP_EQ: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareEqBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_SET: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareEqBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_NE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareNeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_GT: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareGtBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_GE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareGeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_LE: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareLeBuilder(e1, e2);} case OP_LT: {if (true) return new Expression.CompareLtBuilder(e1, e2);} default: {if (true) throw new ParseException("internal parser error in CExpression()");} } throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }