if (arg3) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg3, lparg3, 0);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL OS_NATIVE(gtk_1tooltips_1set_1tip) (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint arg0, jint arg1, jbyteArray arg2, jbyteArray arg3){ jbyte *lparg2=NULL; jbyte *lparg3=NULL; NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, "gtk_1tooltips_1set_1tip\n") if (arg2) lparg2 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); if (arg3) lparg3 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg3, NULL); gtk_tooltips_set_tip((GtkTooltips *)arg0, (GtkWidget *)arg1, (const gchar *)lparg2, (const gchar *)lparg3); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg2, lparg2, 0); if (arg3) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg3, lparg3, 0); NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, "gtk_1tooltips_1set_1tip\n")}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/6a52ce5f9ad9a011658713e467efe5bce839e4e8/os.c/clean/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/os.c
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
* FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()?
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size);
get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, gameinfo->position.boardsize);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
add_stone(i, j, BLACK);
gnugo_add_stone(&gameinfo->position, i, j, BLACK);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size);
get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, gameinfo->position.boardsize);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
add_stone(i, j, WHITE);
gnugo_add_stone(&gameinfo->position, i, j, WHITE);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
gnugo_sethand(&gameinfo->position, gameinfo->handicap, 0);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
gnugo_sethand(&gameinfo->position, gameinfo->handicap, 0);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position);
if (gameinfo->move_number == until)
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position);
if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, gameinfo->position.boardsize)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln)
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
play_move(i, j, next);
gnugo_play_move(&gameinfo->position, i, j, next);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size);
get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, gameinfo->position.boardsize);
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
gameinfo_play_sgftree(Gameinfo *gameinfo, SGFNode *head, const char *untilstr){ int bs, handicap; float komi; int next = BLACK; int untilm = -1, untiln = -1; int until = 9999; int addstone = 0; /* handicap stone detector */ SGFNode *node; if (!sgfGetFloatProperty(head, "KM", &komi)) { if (gameinfo->handicap == 0) komi = 5.5; else komi = 0.5; } if (!sgfGetIntProperty(head, "SZ", &bs)) bs = 19; gnugo_clear_position(&gameinfo->position, bs, komi); /* Now we can safely parse the until string (which depends on board size). */ if (untilstr) { if (*untilstr > '0' && *untilstr <= '9') { until = atoi(untilstr); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move %d\n", until); } else { untiln = *untilstr - 'A'; if (*untilstr >= 'I') --untiln; untilm = gameinfo->position.boardsize - atoi(untilstr+1); DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "Loading until move at %d,%d (%m)\n", untilm, untiln, untilm, untiln); } } if (sgfGetIntProperty(head, "HA", &handicap) && handicap > 1) { gameinfo->handicap = handicap; next = WHITE; } /* Finally, we iterate over all the properties of all the * nodes, actioning them. We follow only the 'child' pointers, * as we have no interest in variations. * * The sgf routines map AB[aa][bb][cc] into AB[aa]AB[bb]AB[cc] * FIXME: Why not call gnugo_play_sgftree()? */ position_to_globals(&gameinfo->position); for (node = head; node; node = node->child) { SGFProperty *prop; int i, j; for (prop=node->props; prop; prop=prop->next) { DEBUG(DEBUG_LOADSGF, "%c%c[%s]\n", prop->name & 0xff, (prop->name >> 8), prop->value); switch(prop->name) { case SGFAB: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); /* Generally the last move is unknown when the AB or AW * properties are encountered. These are used to set up * a board position (diagram) or to place handicap stones * without reference to the order in which the stones are * placed on the board. */ last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, BLACK); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, BLACK); addstone = 1; break; case SGFAW: get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); last_moves_i[0] = -1; last_moves_j[0] = -1; last_moves_i[1] = -1; last_moves_j[1] = -1; add_stone(i, j, WHITE); sgffile_put_stone(i, j, WHITE); addstone = 1; break; case SGFPL: /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } /* Due to a bad comment in the SGF FF3 definition (in the * "Alphabetical list of properties" section) some * applications encode the colors with 1 for black and 2 for * white. */ if (prop->value[0] == 'w' || prop->value[0] == 'W' || prop->value[0] == '2') next = WHITE; else next = BLACK; break; case SGFW: case SGFB: next = prop->name == SGFW ? WHITE : BLACK; /* following really should not be needed for proper sgf file */ if (!gameinfo->move_number && !addstone) { placehand(gameinfo->handicap); sgfOverwritePropertyInt(head, "HA", handicap); } gameinfo->move_number++; if (gameinfo->move_number == until) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } if (get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size)) if (i == untilm && j == untiln) { gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next; } play_move(i, j, next); sgffile_move_made(i, j, next, 0); next = OTHER_COLOR(next); break; case SGFIL: /* The IL property is not a standard SGF property but * is used by GNU Go to mark illegal moves. If a move * is found marked with the IL property which is a ko * capture then that ko capture is deemed illegal and * (board_ko_i, board_ko_j) is set to the location of * the ko. */ get_moveXY(prop, &i, &j, board_size); { int move_color; if (!ON_BOARD(i, j)) break; if (i > 0) move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[i-1][j]); else move_color = OTHER_COLOR(p[1][j]); if (is_ko(i, j, move_color, NULL, NULL)) { board_ko_i = i; board_ko_j = j; } } break; } } } gameinfo->to_move = next; globals_to_position(&gameinfo->position); return next;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/c3fd3097e7fd6dfb3f993f2b8f47a3767fc24066/interface.c/buggy/engine/interface.c
QGISEXTERN QgsDelimitedTextProvider *classFactory(const char *uri)
QGISEXTERN QgsDelimitedTextProvider *classFactory(const QString *uri)
QGISEXTERN QgsDelimitedTextProvider *classFactory(const char *uri){ return new QgsDelimitedTextProvider(uri);}
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/3a5382196dd89bb9c2f16d979424811f53d11860/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp/clean/providers/delimitedtext/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp
return new QgsDelimitedTextProvider(uri);
return new QgsDelimitedTextProvider(*uri);
QGISEXTERN QgsDelimitedTextProvider *classFactory(const char *uri){ return new QgsDelimitedTextProvider(uri);}
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/3a5382196dd89bb9c2f16d979424811f53d11860/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp/clean/providers/delimitedtext/qgsdelimitedtextprovider.cpp
ThumbCreator *new_creator()
KDE_EXPORT ThumbCreator *new_creator()
ThumbCreator *new_creator() { return new HTMLCreator; }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/e1e7cf009e0e126565e643210583d75c2758d527/htmlcreator.cpp/buggy/kioslave/thumbnail/htmlcreator.cpp
inline QgsRect QgsCoordinateTransform::transform(QgsRect theRect)
inline QgsPoint QgsCoordinateTransform::transform(double theX, double theY)
inline QgsRect QgsCoordinateTransform::transform(QgsRect theRect){ if (mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag) return theRect; // transform x double x1 = theRect.xMin(); double y1 = theRect.yMin(); double x2 = theRect.xMax(); double y2 = theRect.yMax(); // Number of points to reproject------+ // | // V if ( ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x1, &y1 ) || ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x2, &y2 ) ) { //something bad happened.... throw QgsCsException(QString("Coordinate transform failed")); } else {#ifdef QGISDEBUG std::cout << "Rect projection..." << "Xmin : " << theRect.xMin() << "-->" << x1 << ", Ymin: " << theRect.yMin() << " -->" << y1 << "Xmax : " << theRect.xMax() << "-->" << x2 << ", Ymax: " << theRect.yMax() << " -->" << y2 << std::endl;#endif return QgsRect(x1, y1, x2 , y2); } }
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/81bc4c63d893c7a0c85d3922c1fb564579723ae4/qgscoordinatetransform.h/buggy/src/qgscoordinatetransform.h
if (mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag) return theRect;
if (mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag) return QgsPoint(theX,theY);
inline QgsRect QgsCoordinateTransform::transform(QgsRect theRect){ if (mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag) return theRect; // transform x double x1 = theRect.xMin(); double y1 = theRect.yMin(); double x2 = theRect.xMax(); double y2 = theRect.yMax(); // Number of points to reproject------+ // | // V if ( ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x1, &y1 ) || ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x2, &y2 ) ) { //something bad happened.... throw QgsCsException(QString("Coordinate transform failed")); } else {#ifdef QGISDEBUG std::cout << "Rect projection..." << "Xmin : " << theRect.xMin() << "-->" << x1 << ", Ymin: " << theRect.yMin() << " -->" << y1 << "Xmax : " << theRect.xMax() << "-->" << x2 << ", Ymax: " << theRect.yMax() << " -->" << y2 << std::endl;#endif return QgsRect(x1, y1, x2 , y2); } }
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/81bc4c63d893c7a0c85d3922c1fb564579723ae4/qgscoordinatetransform.h/buggy/src/qgscoordinatetransform.h
double x1 = theRect.xMin(); double y1 = theRect.yMin(); double x2 = theRect.xMax(); double y2 = theRect.yMax(); if ( ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x1, &y1 ) || ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x2, &y2 ) )
double x = theX; double y = theY; if ( ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x, &y ) )
inline QgsRect QgsCoordinateTransform::transform(QgsRect theRect){ if (mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag) return theRect; // transform x double x1 = theRect.xMin(); double y1 = theRect.yMin(); double x2 = theRect.xMax(); double y2 = theRect.yMax(); // Number of points to reproject------+ // | // V if ( ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x1, &y1 ) || ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x2, &y2 ) ) { //something bad happened.... throw QgsCsException(QString("Coordinate transform failed")); } else {#ifdef QGISDEBUG std::cout << "Rect projection..." << "Xmin : " << theRect.xMin() << "-->" << x1 << ", Ymin: " << theRect.yMin() << " -->" << y1 << "Xmax : " << theRect.xMax() << "-->" << x2 << ", Ymax: " << theRect.yMax() << " -->" << y2 << std::endl;#endif return QgsRect(x1, y1, x2 , y2); } }
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/81bc4c63d893c7a0c85d3922c1fb564579723ae4/qgscoordinatetransform.h/buggy/src/qgscoordinatetransform.h
std::cout << "Rect projection..." << "Xmin : " << theRect.xMin() << "-->" << x1 << ", Ymin: " << theRect.yMin() << " -->" << y1 << "Xmax : " << theRect.xMax() << "-->" << x2 << ", Ymax: " << theRect.yMax() << " -->" << y2 << std::endl; #endif return QgsRect(x1, y1, x2 , y2);
#endif return QgsPoint(x, y);
inline QgsRect QgsCoordinateTransform::transform(QgsRect theRect){ if (mShortCircuit || !mInitialisedFlag) return theRect; // transform x double x1 = theRect.xMin(); double y1 = theRect.yMin(); double x2 = theRect.xMax(); double y2 = theRect.yMax(); // Number of points to reproject------+ // | // V if ( ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x1, &y1 ) || ! mSourceToDestXForm->Transform( 1, &x2, &y2 ) ) { //something bad happened.... throw QgsCsException(QString("Coordinate transform failed")); } else {#ifdef QGISDEBUG std::cout << "Rect projection..." << "Xmin : " << theRect.xMin() << "-->" << x1 << ", Ymin: " << theRect.yMin() << " -->" << y1 << "Xmax : " << theRect.xMax() << "-->" << x2 << ", Ymax: " << theRect.yMax() << " -->" << y2 << std::endl;#endif return QgsRect(x1, y1, x2 , y2); } }
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/81bc4c63d893c7a0c85d3922c1fb564579723ae4/qgscoordinatetransform.h/buggy/src/qgscoordinatetransform.h
int &index )
int &index )
static void checkInsertPos( QPopupMenu *popup, const QString & str, int &index ){ if ( index == -1 ) return; int a = 0; int b = popup->count(); while ( a < b ) { int w = ( a + b ) / 2; int id = popup->idAt( w ); int j = str.localeAwareCompare( popup->text( id ) ); if ( j > 0 ) a = w + 1; else b = w; } index = a; // it doesn't really matter ... a == b here. Q_ASSERT( a == b );}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/46978761bf3784d98a9eb6a857d2d2cbfb84abbe/klanguagebutton.cpp/clean/kcontrol/locale/klanguagebutton.cpp
const QStringList *tags, const QString &submenu )
const QStringList *tags, const QString &submenu )
static QPopupMenu * checkInsertIndex( QPopupMenu *popup, const QStringList *tags, const QString &submenu ){ int pos = tags->findIndex( submenu ); QPopupMenu *pi = 0; if ( pos != -1 ) { QMenuItem *p = popup->findItem( pos ); pi = p ? p->popup() : 0; } if ( !pi ) pi = popup; return pi;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/46978761bf3784d98a9eb6a857d2d2cbfb84abbe/klanguagebutton.cpp/clean/kcontrol/locale/klanguagebutton.cpp
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS_MoveMemory__Lorg_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_2II (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jobject arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2){ DECL_GLOB(pGlob) NMLVCUSTOMDRAW _arg0, *lparg0=NULL; DEBUG_CALL("MoveMemory\n") //if (arg0) lparg0 = getNMLVCUSTOMDRAWFields(env, arg0, &_arg0, &PGLOB(NMLVCUSTOMDRAWFc)); if (arg0) lparg0 = &_arg0; //MoveMemory(lparg0, arg1, arg2); MoveMemory((PVOID)lparg0, (CONST VOID *)arg1, arg2); if (arg0) setNMLVCUSTOMDRAWFields(env, arg0, lparg0, &PGLOB(NMLVCUSTOMDRAWFc));}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/ea8b10752d0a908b46d628e28b8b2033139f866e/swt.c/buggy/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/library/swt.c
if (arg2) lparg2 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); if (arg4) lparg4 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL);
if (arg2) lparg2 = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg2, NULL); if (arg4) lparg4 = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg4, NULL);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL OS_NATIVE(MultiByteToWideChar__II_3BI_3CI) (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint arg0, jint arg1, jbyteArray arg2, jint arg3, jcharArray arg4, jint arg5){ jbyte *lparg2=NULL; jchar *lparg4=NULL; jint rc; NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, "MultiByteToWideChar__II_3BI_3CI\n") if (arg2) lparg2 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); if (arg4) lparg4 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = (jint)MultiByteToWideChar(arg0, arg1, (LPCSTR)lparg2, arg3, (LPWSTR)lparg4, arg5); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg2, lparg2, JNI_ABORT); if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg4, lparg4, 0); NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, "MultiByteToWideChar__II_3BI_3CI\n") return rc;}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/53f673e459d608e26914cfa9d40023f64288ef94/os.c/clean/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/library/os.c
if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg2, lparg2, JNI_ABORT); if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg4, lparg4, 0);
if (arg4) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg4, lparg4, 0); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg2, lparg2, JNI_ABORT);
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL OS_NATIVE(MultiByteToWideChar__II_3BI_3CI) (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint arg0, jint arg1, jbyteArray arg2, jint arg3, jcharArray arg4, jint arg5){ jbyte *lparg2=NULL; jchar *lparg4=NULL; jint rc; NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, "MultiByteToWideChar__II_3BI_3CI\n") if (arg2) lparg2 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); if (arg4) lparg4 = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, arg4, NULL); rc = (jint)MultiByteToWideChar(arg0, arg1, (LPCSTR)lparg2, arg3, (LPWSTR)lparg4, arg5); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg2, lparg2, JNI_ABORT); if (arg4) (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, arg4, lparg4, 0); NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, "MultiByteToWideChar__II_3BI_3CI\n") return rc;}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/53f673e459d608e26914cfa9d40023f64288ef94/os.c/clean/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/library/os.c
(*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.iImage, (jint)lpStruct->iImage); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.lParam, (jint)lpStruct->lParam); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.fmt, (jint)lpStruct->fmt); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.cchTextMax, (jint)lpStruct->cchTextMax); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.hbm, (jint)lpStruct->hbm); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.pszText, (jint)lpStruct->pszText); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.cxy, (jint)lpStruct->cxy); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.mask, (jint)lpStruct->mask);
void setHDITEMFields(JNIEnv *env, jobject lpObject, HDITEM *lpStruct){ if (!HDITEMFc.cached) cacheHDITEMFields(env, lpObject); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.iOrder, (jint)lpStruct->iOrder); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.iImage, (jint)lpStruct->iImage); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.lParam, (jint)lpStruct->lParam); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.fmt, (jint)lpStruct->fmt); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.cchTextMax, (jint)lpStruct->cchTextMax); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.hbm, (jint)lpStruct->hbm); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.pszText, (jint)lpStruct->pszText); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.cxy, (jint)lpStruct->cxy); (*env)->SetIntField(env, lpObject, HDITEMFc.mask, (jint)lpStruct->mask);}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/87f953c8eda7bc7ceddf6227acc0065974196814/structs.c/buggy/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/library/structs.c
if ( mCurrentItem ) return new PluginTraverser( mNavigator, mCurrentItem );
if ( mCurrentItem ) { kdDebug() << "PluginTraverser::createChild()" << endl; return new PluginTraverser( mNavigator, mCurrentItem ); }
DocEntryTraverser *createChild( DocEntry * ) { if ( mCurrentItem ) return new PluginTraverser( mNavigator, mCurrentItem ); kdDebug( 1400 ) << "ERROR! mCurrentItem is not set." << endl; return 0; }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/249c430f12d82cdff5b751915fd8fc2af8b12b4a/navigator.cpp/clean/khelpcenter/navigator.cpp
( void )KGlobal::locale()->charset();
int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) { KInstance instance( "kio_help" ); fillInstance(instance); (void)instance.config(); // we need this one to make sure system globals are read kdDebug(7101) << "Starting " << getpid() << endl; if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_help protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); exit(-1); } LIBXML_TEST_VERSION xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(1); xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1; xmlSetExternalEntityLoader(meinExternalEntityLoader); HelpProtocol slave(argv[2], argv[3]); slave.dispatchLoop(); kdDebug(7101) << "Done" << endl; return 0; }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/2b89c04baa690b8a15c0efebfbc2971002c622f8/main.cpp/clean/kioslave/help/main.cpp
xmlParserInputPtr meinExternalEntityLoader(const char *URL, const char *ID, xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) { xmlParserInputPtr ret = NULL; // xsltSetGenericDebugFunc(stderr, NULL); if (URL == NULL) { if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->warning != NULL)) ctxt->sax->warning(ctxt, "failed to load external entity \"%s\"\n", ID); return(NULL); } if (!strcmp(ID, "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN")) URL = "xml-dtd-4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"; if (!strcmp(ID, "-//OASIS//DTD XML DocBook V4.1.2//EN")) URL = "xml-dtd-4.1.2/docbookx.dtd"; if (!strcmp(ID, "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN")) URL = "customization/dtd/kdex.dtd"; if (!strcmp(ID, "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN")) URL = "customization/dtd/kdex.dtd"; QString file = locate("dtd", URL); if (!file.isEmpty()) ret = xmlNewInputFromFile(ctxt, file.latin1()); if (ret == NULL) { if ((ctxt->sax != NULL) && (ctxt->sax->warning != NULL)) ctxt->sax->warning(ctxt, "failed to load external entity \"%s\"\n", URL); } return(ret);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/72ae5c9ef7e40826f1eff984297a44b966180e03/xslt.cpp/clean/kioslave/help/xslt.cpp
QByteArray data; QByteArray param; QCString retType; QString retVal; QDataStream streamout(param,IO_WriteOnly); streamout<<oldURL; streamout<<newURL; if ( dcopClient()->call( "kded", "mountwatcher", "setDisplayName(QString,QString)", param,retType,data,false ) ) {
bool ok = false; if ( reply.isValid() ) { ok = reply; } if(ok) {
void DevicesProtocol::rename(KURL const &oldURL, KURL const &newURL, bool) { kdDebug(7126)<<"DevicesProtocol::rename(): old="<<oldURL<<" new="<<newURL<<endl; QByteArray data; QByteArray param; QCString retType; QString retVal; QDataStream streamout(param,IO_WriteOnly); streamout<<oldURL; streamout<<newURL; if ( dcopClient()->call( "kded", "mountwatcher", "setDisplayName(QString,QString)", param,retType,data,false ) ) { finished(); return; } else { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Mountwatcher could not be reached for renaming operation")); return; }}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/ede8231f59006c4c061d0b9514327a6b8b76564a/
return; } else { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Mountwatcher could not be reached for renaming operation")); return;
} else { error(KIO::ERR_CANNOT_RENAME, i18n("This device name already exists"));
void DevicesProtocol::rename(KURL const &oldURL, KURL const &newURL, bool) { kdDebug(7126)<<"DevicesProtocol::rename(): old="<<oldURL<<" new="<<newURL<<endl; QByteArray data; QByteArray param; QCString retType; QString retVal; QDataStream streamout(param,IO_WriteOnly); streamout<<oldURL; streamout<<newURL; if ( dcopClient()->call( "kded", "mountwatcher", "setDisplayName(QString,QString)", param,retType,data,false ) ) { finished(); return; } else { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Mountwatcher could not be reached for renaming operation")); return; }}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/ede8231f59006c4c061d0b9514327a6b8b76564a/
QString url="devices:/"+KURL::encode_string_no_slash(*it);
KURL url("devices:/"); url.addPath( KIO::encodeFileName(*it) );
void DevicesProtocol::listRoot(){ KIO::UDSEntry entry; uint count; QStringList list=deviceList(); count=0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ((*it)=="!!!ERROR!!!") { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("The KDE mountwatcher is not running. Please activate it in Control Center->KDE Components->Service Manager, if you want to use the devices:/ protocol")); return; }// FIXME: look for the real ending ++it; QString url="devices:/"+KURL::encode_string_no_slash(*it); //++it; QString name=*it; ++it; ++it; ++it; QString type=*it; ++it; ++it; createFileEntry(entry,name,url,type); listEntry(entry,false); count++; } totalSize(count); listEntry(entry, true); // Jobs entry // finish finished();}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/0b55159d0326211e1288577ce0768c6b7fa15fc2/
void DevicesProtocol::listRoot(){ KIO::UDSEntry entry; uint count; QStringList list=deviceList(); count=0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ((*it)=="!!!ERROR!!!") { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("The KDE mountwatcher is not running. Please activate it in Control Center->KDE Components->Service Manager, if you want to use the devices:/ protocol")); return; }// FIXME: look for the real ending ++it; QString url="devices:/"+KURL::encode_string_no_slash(*it); //++it; QString name=*it; ++it; ++it; ++it; QString type=*it; ++it; ++it; createFileEntry(entry,name,url,type); listEntry(entry,false); count++; } totalSize(count); listEntry(entry, true); // Jobs entry // finish finished();}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/0b55159d0326211e1288577ce0768c6b7fa15fc2/
++it; ++it;
void DevicesProtocol::mountAndRedirect(const KURL& url){ QString device; QString path = url.path(); int i = path.find('/', 1); if (i > 0) { device = path.mid(1, i-1); path = path.mid(i+1); } else { device = path.mid(1); path = QString::null; } QStringList info = deviceInfo(device); if (info.empty()) { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Unknown device %1").arg(url.fileName())); return; } QStringList::Iterator it=info.begin(); if (it!=info.end()) { QString device=*it; ++it; if (it!=info.end()) { ++it; if (it!=info.end()) { QString mp=*it; ++it;++it; if (it!=info.end()) { bool mounted=((*it)=="true"); if (!mounted) { if (!mp.startsWith("file:/")) { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Device not accessible")); return; } KProcess *proc = new KProcess; *proc << "kio_devices_mounthelper"; *proc << "-m" << url.url(); proc->start(KProcess::Block); int ec = 0; if (proc->normalExit()) ec = proc->exitStatus(); delete proc; if (ec) { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Device not mounted")); return; } } KURL newUrl(mp); if (!path.isEmpty()); redirection(newUrl); finished(); return; } } } } error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Illegal data received")); return;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/ede8231f59006c4c061d0b9514327a6b8b76564a/
error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Device not accessible"));
error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Device not accessible") +mp);
void DevicesProtocol::mountAndRedirect(const KURL& url){ QString device; QString path = url.path(); int i = path.find('/', 1); if (i > 0) { device = path.mid(1, i-1); path = path.mid(i+1); } else { device = path.mid(1); path = QString::null; } QStringList info = deviceInfo(device); if (info.empty()) { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Unknown device %1").arg(url.fileName())); return; } QStringList::Iterator it=info.begin(); if (it!=info.end()) { QString device=*it; ++it; if (it!=info.end()) { ++it; if (it!=info.end()) { QString mp=*it; ++it;++it; if (it!=info.end()) { bool mounted=((*it)=="true"); if (!mounted) { if (!mp.startsWith("file:/")) { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Device not accessible")); return; } KProcess *proc = new KProcess; *proc << "kio_devices_mounthelper"; *proc << "-m" << url.url(); proc->start(KProcess::Block); int ec = 0; if (proc->normalExit()) ec = proc->exitStatus(); delete proc; if (ec) { error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Device not mounted")); return; } } KURL newUrl(mp); if (!path.isEmpty()); redirection(newUrl); finished(); return; } } } } error(KIO::ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED,i18n("Illegal data received")); return;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/ede8231f59006c4c061d0b9514327a6b8b76564a/
kdDebug() << "DevicesProtocol::deviceInfo(" << name << ")" << endl;
QStringList DevicesProtocol::deviceInfo(QString name){ QByteArray data; QByteArray param; QCString retType; QStringList retVal; QDataStream streamout(param,IO_WriteOnly); streamout<<name; if ( dcopClient()->call( "kded", "mountwatcher", "basicDeviceInfo(QString)", param,retType,data,false ) ) { QDataStream streamin(data,IO_ReadOnly); streamin>>retVal; } // kmobile support if (retVal.isEmpty()) retVal = kmobile_list(name); return retVal;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/ede8231f59006c4c061d0b9514327a6b8b76564a/
lpStruct->lpszClass = (LPCTSTR)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.lpszClass); lpStruct->lpszName = (LPCTSTR)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.lpszName); lpStruct->style = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject,; lpStruct->x = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.x); lpStruct->y = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.y); lpStruct->cx = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject,; lpStruct->cy = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject,; lpStruct->hwndParent = (HWND)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.hwndParent); lpStruct->hMenu = (HMENU)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.hMenu); lpStruct->hInstance = (HINSTANCE)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.hInstance); lpStruct->lpCreateParams = (LPVOID)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.lpCreateParams);
CREATESTRUCT *getCREATESTRUCTFields(JNIEnv *env, jobject lpObject, CREATESTRUCT *lpStruct){ if (!CREATESTRUCTFc.cached) cacheCREATESTRUCTFields(env, lpObject); lpStruct->dwExStyle = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.dwExStyle); lpStruct->lpszClass = (LPCTSTR)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.lpszClass); lpStruct->lpszName = (LPCTSTR)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.lpszName); lpStruct->style = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject,; lpStruct->x = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.x); lpStruct->y = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.y); lpStruct->cx = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject,; lpStruct->cy = (*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject,; lpStruct->hwndParent = (HWND)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.hwndParent); lpStruct->hMenu = (HMENU)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.hMenu); lpStruct->hInstance = (HINSTANCE)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.hInstance); lpStruct->lpCreateParams = (LPVOID)(*env)->GetIntField(env, lpObject, CREATESTRUCTFc.lpCreateParams); return lpStruct;}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/87f953c8eda7bc7ceddf6227acc0065974196814/structs.c/clean/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/win32/library/structs.c
comp->select = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select",
comp->select = xsltGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select",
xsltCopyOfComp(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr inst) { xsltStylePreCompPtr comp; if ((style == NULL) || (inst == NULL)) return; comp = xsltNewStylePreComp(style, XSLT_FUNC_COPYOF); if (comp == NULL) return; inst->_private = comp; comp->inst = inst; comp->select = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (comp->select == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xslt:copy-of : select is missing\n"); style->errors++; return; } comp->comp = xmlXPathCompile(comp->select); if (comp->comp == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xslt:copy-of : could not compile select expression '%s'\n", comp->select); style->errors++; }}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/preproc.c/buggy/kioslave/help/libxslt/preproc.c
if (node == NULL) return(NULL); switch (node->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: case XML_TEXT_NODE: case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: case XML_ENTITY_NODE: case XML_PI_NODE: case XML_COMMENT_NODE: case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: #ifdef LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED case XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE: #endif break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return((xmlNodePtr) xsltCopyProp(ctxt, insert, (xmlAttrPtr) node)); case XML_NAMESPACE_DECL: return((xmlNodePtr) xsltCopyNamespaceList(ctxt, insert, (xmlNsPtr) node)); case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE: case XML_NOTATION_NODE: case XML_DTD_NODE: case XML_ELEMENT_DECL: case XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL: case XML_ENTITY_DECL: case XML_XINCLUDE_START: case XML_XINCLUDE_END: return(NULL); }
xsltCopyTree(xsltTransformContextPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr insert) { xmlNodePtr copy; copy = xmlCopyNode(node, 0); copy->doc = ctxt->output; if (copy != NULL) { xmlAddChild(insert, copy); copy->next = NULL; /* * Add namespaces as they are needed */ if (node->nsDef != NULL) xsltCopyNamespaceList(ctxt, copy, node->nsDef); if (node->ns != NULL) { copy->ns = xsltGetNamespace(ctxt, node, node->ns, insert); } if (node->properties != NULL) copy->properties = xsltCopyPropList(ctxt, copy, node->properties); if (node->children != NULL) xsltCopyTreeList(ctxt, node->children, copy); } else { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsltCopyTree: copy %s failed\n", node->name); } return(copy);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/transform.c/clean/kioslave/help/libxslt/transform.c
prop = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"mode", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
prop = xsltGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"mode", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
xsltApplyTemplatesComp(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr inst) { xsltStylePreCompPtr comp; xmlChar *prop; if ((style == NULL) || (inst == NULL)) return; comp = xsltNewStylePreComp(style, XSLT_FUNC_APPLYTEMPLATES); if (comp == NULL) return; inst->_private = comp; comp->inst = inst; /* * Get mode if any */ prop = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"mode", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (prop != NULL) { xmlChar *prefix = NULL; comp->mode = xmlSplitQName2(prop, &prefix); if (comp->mode != NULL) { if (prefix != NULL) { xmlNsPtr ns; ns = xmlSearchNs(inst->doc, inst, prefix); if (ns == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "no namespace bound to prefix %s\n", prefix); style->warnings++; xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(comp->mode); comp->mode = prop; comp->modeURI = NULL; } else { comp->modeURI = xmlStrdup(ns->href); xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(prop); } } else { xmlFree(prop); comp->modeURI = NULL; } } else { comp->mode = prop; comp->modeURI = NULL; } } comp->select = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (comp->select != NULL) { comp->comp = xmlXPathCompile(comp->select); if (comp->comp == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xslt:apply-templates : could not compile select expression '%s'\n", comp->select); style->errors++; } } /* TODO: handle (or skip) the xsl:sort and xsl:with-param */}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/preproc.c/buggy/kioslave/help/libxslt/preproc.c
comp->select = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select",
comp->select = xsltGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select",
xsltApplyTemplatesComp(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr inst) { xsltStylePreCompPtr comp; xmlChar *prop; if ((style == NULL) || (inst == NULL)) return; comp = xsltNewStylePreComp(style, XSLT_FUNC_APPLYTEMPLATES); if (comp == NULL) return; inst->_private = comp; comp->inst = inst; /* * Get mode if any */ prop = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"mode", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (prop != NULL) { xmlChar *prefix = NULL; comp->mode = xmlSplitQName2(prop, &prefix); if (comp->mode != NULL) { if (prefix != NULL) { xmlNsPtr ns; ns = xmlSearchNs(inst->doc, inst, prefix); if (ns == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "no namespace bound to prefix %s\n", prefix); style->warnings++; xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(comp->mode); comp->mode = prop; comp->modeURI = NULL; } else { comp->modeURI = xmlStrdup(ns->href); xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(prop); } } else { xmlFree(prop); comp->modeURI = NULL; } } else { comp->mode = prop; comp->modeURI = NULL; } } comp->select = xmlGetNsProp(inst, (const xmlChar *)"select", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (comp->select != NULL) { comp->comp = xmlXPathCompile(comp->select); if (comp->comp == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xslt:apply-templates : could not compile select expression '%s'\n", comp->select); style->errors++; } } /* TODO: handle (or skip) the xsl:sort and xsl:with-param */}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/preproc.c/buggy/kioslave/help/libxslt/preproc.c
prop = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"name", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
prop = xsltGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"name", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
xsltParseStylesheetKey(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr key) { xmlChar *prop = NULL; xmlChar *use = NULL; xmlChar *match = NULL; xmlChar *name = NULL; xmlChar *nameURI = NULL; if (key == NULL) return; /* * Get arguments */ prop = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"name", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (prop != NULL) { xmlChar *prefix = NULL; name = xmlSplitQName2(prop, &prefix); if (name != NULL) { if (prefix != NULL) { xmlNsPtr ns; ns = xmlSearchNs(key->doc, key, prefix); if (ns == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "no namespace bound to prefix %s\n", prefix); style->warnings++; xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(name); name = prop; nameURI = NULL; } else { nameURI = xmlStrdup(ns->href); xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(prop); } } else { xmlFree(prop); nameURI = NULL; } } else { name = prop; nameURI = NULL; }#ifdef WITH_XSLT_DEBUG_PARSING xsltGenericDebug(xsltGenericDebugContext, "xslt:key: name %s\n", name);#endif } else { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing name\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } match = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"match", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (match == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing match\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } use = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"use", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (use == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing use\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } /* * register the key */ xsltAddKey(style, name, nameURI, match, use, key);error: if (use != NULL) xmlFree(use); if (match != NULL) xmlFree(match); if (name != NULL) xmlFree(name); if (nameURI != NULL) xmlFree(nameURI);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/xslt.c/buggy/kioslave/help/libxslt/xslt.c
match = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"match", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
match = xsltGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"match", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
xsltParseStylesheetKey(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr key) { xmlChar *prop = NULL; xmlChar *use = NULL; xmlChar *match = NULL; xmlChar *name = NULL; xmlChar *nameURI = NULL; if (key == NULL) return; /* * Get arguments */ prop = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"name", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (prop != NULL) { xmlChar *prefix = NULL; name = xmlSplitQName2(prop, &prefix); if (name != NULL) { if (prefix != NULL) { xmlNsPtr ns; ns = xmlSearchNs(key->doc, key, prefix); if (ns == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "no namespace bound to prefix %s\n", prefix); style->warnings++; xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(name); name = prop; nameURI = NULL; } else { nameURI = xmlStrdup(ns->href); xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(prop); } } else { xmlFree(prop); nameURI = NULL; } } else { name = prop; nameURI = NULL; }#ifdef WITH_XSLT_DEBUG_PARSING xsltGenericDebug(xsltGenericDebugContext, "xslt:key: name %s\n", name);#endif } else { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing name\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } match = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"match", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (match == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing match\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } use = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"use", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (use == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing use\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } /* * register the key */ xsltAddKey(style, name, nameURI, match, use, key);error: if (use != NULL) xmlFree(use); if (match != NULL) xmlFree(match); if (name != NULL) xmlFree(name); if (nameURI != NULL) xmlFree(nameURI);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/xslt.c/buggy/kioslave/help/libxslt/xslt.c
use = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"use", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
use = xsltGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"use", XSLT_NAMESPACE);
xsltParseStylesheetKey(xsltStylesheetPtr style, xmlNodePtr key) { xmlChar *prop = NULL; xmlChar *use = NULL; xmlChar *match = NULL; xmlChar *name = NULL; xmlChar *nameURI = NULL; if (key == NULL) return; /* * Get arguments */ prop = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"name", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (prop != NULL) { xmlChar *prefix = NULL; name = xmlSplitQName2(prop, &prefix); if (name != NULL) { if (prefix != NULL) { xmlNsPtr ns; ns = xmlSearchNs(key->doc, key, prefix); if (ns == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "no namespace bound to prefix %s\n", prefix); style->warnings++; xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(name); name = prop; nameURI = NULL; } else { nameURI = xmlStrdup(ns->href); xmlFree(prefix); xmlFree(prop); } } else { xmlFree(prop); nameURI = NULL; } } else { name = prop; nameURI = NULL; }#ifdef WITH_XSLT_DEBUG_PARSING xsltGenericDebug(xsltGenericDebugContext, "xslt:key: name %s\n", name);#endif } else { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing name\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } match = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"match", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (match == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing match\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } use = xmlGetNsProp(key, (const xmlChar *)"use", XSLT_NAMESPACE); if (use == NULL) { xsltGenericError(xsltGenericErrorContext, "xsl:key : error missing use\n"); style->errors++; goto error; } /* * register the key */ xsltAddKey(style, name, nameURI, match, use, key);error: if (use != NULL) xmlFree(use); if (match != NULL) xmlFree(match); if (name != NULL) xmlFree(name); if (nameURI != NULL) xmlFree(nameURI);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/fd8a7f1b51439bbcf01b819d7cc964127181d210/xslt.c/buggy/kioslave/help/libxslt/xslt.c
s.copy(off, sizeof(st), (char*)&st); off += sizeof(st);
s.copy(off, sizeof(ino), (char*)&ino); off += sizeof(ino); s.copy(off, sizeof(nonce), (char*)&nonce); off += sizeof(nonce); s.copy(off, sizeof(dir_auth), (char*)&dir_auth); off += sizeof(dir_auth); s.copy(off, sizeof(dir_rep), (char*)&dir_rep); off += sizeof(dir_rep);
int _unrope(crope s, int off = 0) { s.copy(off, sizeof(st), (char*)&st); off += sizeof(st); // open_by for (int i=0; i<st.nopen_by; i++) { int m,n; s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&m); off += sizeof(int); s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&n); off += sizeof(int); open_by.insert(m); open_by_nonce.insert(pair<int,int>(m,n)); } // rep_by for (int i=0; i<st.nrep_by; i++) { int m; s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&m); off += sizeof(int); rep_by.insert(m); } return off; }
2690 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/2690/4e4ab632f0b190f7001f3e014d71a2ba897ad5a6/CDir.h/clean/ceph/mds/CDir.h
for (int i=0; i<st.nopen_by; i++) { int m,n; s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&m); off += sizeof(int); s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&n); off += sizeof(int); open_by.insert(m); open_by_nonce.insert(pair<int,int>(m,n)); } for (int i=0; i<st.nrep_by; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<nrep_by; i++) {
int _unrope(crope s, int off = 0) { s.copy(off, sizeof(st), (char*)&st); off += sizeof(st); // open_by for (int i=0; i<st.nopen_by; i++) { int m,n; s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&m); off += sizeof(int); s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&n); off += sizeof(int); open_by.insert(m); open_by_nonce.insert(pair<int,int>(m,n)); } // rep_by for (int i=0; i<st.nrep_by; i++) { int m; s.copy(off, sizeof(int), (char*)&m); off += sizeof(int); rep_by.insert(m); } return off; }
2690 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/2690/4e4ab632f0b190f7001f3e014d71a2ba897ad5a6/CDir.h/clean/ceph/mds/CDir.h
ThumbCreator *new_creator()
KDE_EXPORT ThumbCreator *new_creator()
ThumbCreator *new_creator() { return new EXRCreator; }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/e1e7cf009e0e126565e643210583d75c2758d527/exrcreator.cpp/clean/kioslave/thumbnail/exrcreator.cpp
if (!IS_STONE(str)) { /* Error situation. This could be caused by a wrong matcher status. */ if (save_verbose || (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI)) gprintf("%oError condition found by atari_atari\n", str, apos); popgo(); return 0; }
do_atari_atari(int color, int *attack_point, int *defense_point, int last_friendly, int save_verbose, int minsize){ int other = OTHER_COLOR(color); int k; int num_attack_moves; int attack_moves[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD]; int targets[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD]; int num_defense_moves; int defense_moves[MAX_BOARD * MAX_BOARD]; int pos; SGFTree *save_sgf_dumptree; int save_count_variations; if (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI) { gprintf("%odo_atari_atari: "); dump_stack(); gprintf("%oforbidden moves: "); for (pos = BOARDMIN; pos < BOARDMAX; pos++) if (ON_BOARD(pos) && forbidden[pos]) gprintf("%o%1m ", pos); gprintf("\n"); } /* First look for strings adjacent to the last friendly move played * (or to another stone in the same string) which can be * unexpectedly attacked. If so, the combination attack * has succeeded. */ if (last_friendly != NO_MOVE) { int retval; save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree; save_count_variations = count_variations; sgf_dumptree = NULL; count_variations = 0; retval = atari_atari_succeeded(color, attack_point, defense_point, last_friendly, save_verbose, minsize); sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree; count_variations = save_count_variations; if (retval != 0) { if (sgf_dumptree) /* FIXME: Better message. */ sgftreeAddComment(sgf_dumptree, NULL, "attack found"); return retval; } } if (stackp > aa_depth) return 0; /* Find attack moves. These are typically ataris but may also be * more general. */ save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree; save_count_variations = count_variations; sgf_dumptree = NULL; count_variations = 0; num_attack_moves = atari_atari_find_attack_moves(color, minsize, attack_moves, targets); sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree; count_variations = save_count_variations; /* Try the attacking moves and let the opponent defend. Then call * ourselves recursively. */ for (k = 0; k < num_attack_moves; k++) { int aa_val; int str = targets[k]; int apos = attack_moves[k]; int bpos; int r; if (!trymove(apos, color, "do_atari_atari-A", str, EMPTY, NO_MOVE)) continue; /* Try to defend the stone (str) which is threatened. */ aa_val = countstones(str); /* Pick up defense moves. */ save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree; save_count_variations = count_variations; sgf_dumptree = NULL; count_variations = 0; num_defense_moves = atari_atari_find_defense_moves(str, defense_moves); sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree; count_variations = save_count_variations; for (r = 0; r < num_defense_moves; r++) { bpos = defense_moves[r]; if (trymove(bpos, other, "do_atari_atari-B", str, EMPTY, NO_MOVE)) { int new_aa_val; /* These moves may have been irrelevant for later * reading, so in order to avoid horizon problems, we * need to temporarily increase the depth values. */ modify_depth_values(2); new_aa_val = do_atari_atari(color, NULL, defense_point, apos, save_verbose, minsize); modify_depth_values(-2); if (new_aa_val < aa_val) aa_val = new_aa_val; popgo(); } /* Defense successful, no need to try any further. */ if (aa_val == 0) break; } /* Undo the attacking move. */ popgo(); if (aa_val == 0) continue; /* atari_atari successful */ if (num_defense_moves == 0) { if (save_verbose || (debug & DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI)) { gprintf("%oThe worm %1m can be attacked at %1m after ", str, apos); dump_stack(); } if (sgf_dumptree) /* FIXME: Better message. */ sgftreeAddComment(sgf_dumptree, NULL, "attack found"); } if (attack_point) *attack_point = apos; if (defense_point) { save_sgf_dumptree = sgf_dumptree; save_count_variations = count_variations; sgf_dumptree = NULL; count_variations = 0; if (!find_defense(str, defense_point)) *defense_point = NO_MOVE; /* If no defense point is known and (apos) is a safe * move for other, it probably defends the combination. */ if ((*defense_point == NO_MOVE || !safe_move(*defense_point, other)) && safe_move(apos, other)) *defense_point = apos; sgf_dumptree = save_sgf_dumptree; count_variations = save_count_variations; } DEBUG(DEBUG_ATARI_ATARI, "%oreturn value:%d (%1m)\n", aa_val, str); return aa_val; } /* No atari_atari attack. */ return 0;}
6496 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/6496/88d6233907671f70e59c25aacd9b9e76cca99ea9/combination.c/clean/engine/combination.c
return new Plugin(theQGisAppPointer, theQgisInterfacePointer);
return new QgsCopyrightLabelPlugin(theQGisAppPointer, theQgisInterfacePointer);
QGISEXTERN QgisPlugin * classFactory(QgisApp * theQGisAppPointer, QgisIface * theQgisInterfacePointer){ return new Plugin(theQGisAppPointer, theQgisInterfacePointer);}
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/e3f307e610e7fc520d17085c6897d86854e6aec5/plugin.cpp/buggy/plugins/copyright_label/plugin.cpp
if (arg0) lparg0 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL);
if (arg0) lparg0 = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg0, NULL);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL OS_NATIVE(memmove___3BII) (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jbyteArray arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2){ jbyte *lparg0=NULL; NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, "memmove___3BII\n") if (arg0) lparg0 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); memmove((void *)lparg0, (const void *)arg1, (size_t)arg2); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg0, lparg0, 0); NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, "memmove___3BII\n")}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/6a52ce5f9ad9a011658713e467efe5bce839e4e8/os.c/clean/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/os.c
if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg0, lparg0, 0);
if (arg0) (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, arg0, lparg0, 0);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL OS_NATIVE(memmove___3BII) (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jbyteArray arg0, jint arg1, jint arg2){ jbyte *lparg0=NULL; NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, "memmove___3BII\n") if (arg0) lparg0 = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, arg0, NULL); memmove((void *)lparg0, (const void *)arg1, (size_t)arg2); if (arg0) (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, arg0, lparg0, 0); NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, "memmove___3BII\n")}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/6a52ce5f9ad9a011658713e467efe5bce839e4e8/os.c/clean/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/os.c
if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, lparg2, 0);
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL OS_NATIVE(pango_1context_1list_1families) (JNIEnv *env, jclass that, jint arg0, jintArray arg1, jintArray arg2){ jint *lparg1=NULL; jint *lparg2=NULL; NATIVE_ENTER(env, that, "pango_1context_1list_1families\n") if (arg1) lparg1 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg1, NULL); if (arg2) lparg2 = (*env)->GetIntArrayElements(env, arg2, NULL); pango_context_list_families((PangoContext *)arg0, (PangoFontFamily ***)lparg1, (int *)lparg2); if (arg1) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg1, lparg1, 0); if (arg2) (*env)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(env, arg2, lparg2, 0); NATIVE_EXIT(env, that, "pango_1context_1list_1families\n")}
11867 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/11867/6a52ce5f9ad9a011658713e467efe5bce839e4e8/os.c/buggy/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/os.c
QString TOCChapterItem::url()
QString TOCSectionItem::url()
QString TOCChapterItem::url(){ return "help:" + toc()->application() + "/" + m_name + ".html";}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/bc5973ef7d17a1a33e1661ffb2eb152b1e69a1c1/toc.cpp/buggy/khelpcenter/toc.cpp
if ( static_cast<TOCSectionItem *>( parent()->firstChild() ) == this ) return static_cast<TOCChapterItem *>( parent() )->url() + "#" + m_name;
QString TOCChapterItem::url(){ return "help:" + toc()->application() + "/" + m_name + ".html";}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/bc5973ef7d17a1a33e1661ffb2eb152b1e69a1c1/toc.cpp/buggy/khelpcenter/toc.cpp
/* int i; */
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n';
while (*h == ' ') { #if 1 ++h; #else *h++ = '\n'; #endif }
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
} else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') {
} else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') {
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
&& *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1))
&& ((*(h-1)) && (isspace(*(h-1)) || (*(h-1))=='\n'))
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
&& *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) {
&& *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) {
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
} else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') {
} else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') {
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') {
if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') {
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; #endif
static char *scan_troff(char *c, bool san, char **result){ /* san : stop at newline */ char *h; char intbuff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; int ibp=0; /* int i; */#define FLUSHIBP if (ibp) { intbuff[ibp]=0; out_html(intbuff); ibp=0; } char *exbuffer; int exbuffpos, exbuffmax, exnewline_for_fun; bool exscaninbuff; int usenbsp=0; exbuffer=buffer; exbuffpos=buffpos; exbuffmax=buffmax; exnewline_for_fun=newline_for_fun; exscaninbuff=scaninbuff; newline_for_fun=0; if (result) { if (*result) { buffer=*result; buffpos=qstrlen(buffer); buffmax=buffpos; } else { buffer = stralloc(LARGE_STR_MAX); buffpos=0; buffmax=LARGE_STR_MAX; } scaninbuff=true; } h=c; /* start scanning */ while (*h == ' ') *h++ = '\n'; while (h && *h && (!san || newline_for_fun || *h!='\n')) { if (*h==escapesym) { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_escape(h); } else if (*h==controlsym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (h && san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (mandoc_line && *(h-1) && isspace(*(h-1)) // We can always go back, as there is at least the sequence at the start of line ### FIXME: wrong, it could be a wordlist in a buffer! && *(h) && isupper(*(h)) && *(h+1) && islower(*(h+1)) && *(h+2) && isspace(*(h+2))) { // mdoc(7) embedded command eg ".It Fl Ar arg1 Fl Ar arg2" FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else if (*h==nobreaksym && h[-1]=='\n') { h++; FLUSHIBP; h = scan_request(h); if (san && h[-1]=='\n') h--; } else { /* int mx; */ if (still_dd && isalnum(*h) && h[-1]=='\n') { /* sometimes a .HP request is not followed by a .br request */ FLUSHIBP; out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; still_dd=false; } switch (*h) { case '&': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='a'; intbuff[ibp++]='m'; intbuff[ibp++]='p'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '<': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='l'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '>': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='g'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '"': intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='q'; intbuff[ibp++]='u'; intbuff[ibp++]='o'; intbuff[ibp++]='t'; intbuff[ibp++]=';'; curpos++; break; case '\n': if (h != c && h[-1]=='\n' && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='P'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } if (contained_tab && fillout) { intbuff[ibp++]='<'; intbuff[ibp++]='B'; intbuff[ibp++]='R'; intbuff[ibp++]='>'; } contained_tab=0; curpos=0; usenbsp=0; intbuff[ibp++]='\n'; break; case '\t': { int curtab=0; contained_tab=1; FLUSHIBP; /* like a typewriter, not like TeX */ tabstops[19]=curpos+1; while (curtab<maxtstop && tabstops[curtab]<=curpos) curtab++; if (curtab<maxtstop) { if (!fillout) { while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { intbuff[ibp++]=' '; if (ibp>480) { FLUSHIBP; } curpos++; } } else { out_html("<TT>"); while (curpos<tabstops[curtab]) { out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos++; } out_html("</TT>"); } } } break; default: if (*h==' ' && (h[-1]=='\n' || usenbsp)) { FLUSHIBP; if (!usenbsp && fillout) { out_html("<BR>"); curpos=0; } usenbsp=fillout; if (usenbsp) out_html("&nbsp;"); else intbuff[ibp++]=' '; } else if (*h>31 && *h<127) intbuff[ibp++]=*h; else if (((unsigned char)(*h))>127) { intbuff[ibp++]=*h;#if 0 intbuff[ibp++]='&'; intbuff[ibp++]='#'; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))/100; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+(((unsigned char)(*h))%100)/10; intbuff[ibp++]='0'+((unsigned char)(*h))%10; intbuff[ibp++]=';';#endif } curpos++; break; } if (ibp > (MED_STR_MAX - 20)) FLUSHIBP; h++; } } FLUSHIBP; if (buffer) buffer[buffpos]='\0'; if (san && h && *h) h++; newline_for_fun=exnewline_for_fun; if (result) { *result = buffer; buffer=exbuffer; buffpos=exbuffpos; buffmax=exbuffmax; scaninbuff=exscaninbuff; } return h;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Long character name: " << name << endl; #endif
static char* scan_named_character(char* c){ // ### FIXME: it should return the string to parse c++; // Named character groff(7) // We must find the ] to get a name QCString name; while (*c!=']' && *c!='\n') { name+=*c; c++; }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Long character name: " << name << endl;#endif if (*c=='\n') {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Found linefeed! Could not parse character name: " << name << endl;#endif return c; } if (skip_escape) return c+1; // Now we have the name, let us find it between the string names out_html("<span style=\"color:red\">"); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) out_html(name); else out_html((*it).m_output); out_html("</span>"); return c+1;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
out_html("<span style=\"color:red\">");
static char* scan_named_character(char* c){ // ### FIXME: it should return the string to parse c++; // Named character groff(7) // We must find the ] to get a name QCString name; while (*c!=']' && *c!='\n') { name+=*c; c++; }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Long character name: " << name << endl;#endif if (*c=='\n') {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Found linefeed! Could not parse character name: " << name << endl;#endif return c; } if (skip_escape) return c+1; // Now we have the name, let us find it between the string names out_html("<span style=\"color:red\">"); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) out_html(name); else out_html((*it).m_output); out_html("</span>"); return c+1;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
static char* scan_named_character(char* c){ // ### FIXME: it should return the string to parse c++; // Named character groff(7) // We must find the ] to get a name QCString name; while (*c!=']' && *c!='\n') { name+=*c; c++; }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Long character name: " << name << endl;#endif if (*c=='\n') {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Found linefeed! Could not parse character name: " << name << endl;#endif return c; } if (skip_escape) return c+1; // Now we have the name, let us find it between the string names out_html("<span style=\"color:red\">"); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) out_html(name); else out_html((*it).m_output); out_html("</span>"); return c+1;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
char* work=qstrdup((*it).m_output);
const uint length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1);
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[MAX_WORDLIST]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') c=skip_till_newline(c); else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int j; if (c[1]=='\n') j=1; else j=2; // ### TODO: remove, as i is over-written later int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for (i=words;i<20; i++) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ((*it).m_output.isEmpty()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Macro is empty: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else { char* work=qstrdup((*it).m_output); char** oldargument=argument; argument=wordlist; const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(work, 0, NULL); else scan_troff(work, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; argument=oldargument; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n';#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl;#endif switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; puts(buffer); }#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+2);#else // ### TODO find a way to disply it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+2) << endl;#endif return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Start .di" << endl;#endif c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; c=h+1; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; while (*c && *c++!='\n');#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .di" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .ds/.as" << endl;#endif int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || (*h=='@'))) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name(c); c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Define/append string " << name << endl;#endif while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .ds/.as" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "previous FonT" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_font(0)); else { if (*c==escapesym) { int fn; c=scan_expression(c, &fn); c--; out_html(change_to_font(fn)); } else { out_html(change_to_font(*c)); c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "man2html: unable to open or read file %s.\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl;#endif out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0';#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl;#endif *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html(change_to_font(*c)); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char font[2] ; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); curpos++; // Do not break! case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" case REQ_BR: case REQ_BI: case REQ_IB: case REQ_IR: case REQ_RB: case REQ_RI: { // ### VERIFY bool inFMode=(c[0]=='F'); if (inFMode) { c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; }; char font[2] ; font[0] = c[0]; font[1] = c[1]; c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); /* .BR name (section) * indicates a link. It will be added in the output routine. */ for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if ((mode) || (inFMode)) { out_html(" "); curpos++; } wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mode) { out_html(" ]"); curpos++; } out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(change_to_size(-1)); out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_size(-1)); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"Mandoc Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s", ".TH found but output not possible");#else kdWarning(7101) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl;#endif c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; QCString name2; if (!mode) { c=h+1; while (isspace(*h) && *h!='\n') ++h; if (*h) *h=0; name2=c; } c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML if (mode) kdDebug(7101) << "Remove " << name << endl; else kdDebug(7101) << "Rename " << name << " to " << name2 << endl;#endif while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" /* .nr R +-N M: define and set number register R by +-N; * auto-increment by M */ { INTDEF *intd; c=c+j; i=V(c[0],c[1]); c=c+2; intd=intdef; while (intd && intd->nr!=i) intd=intd->next; if (!intd) { intd = new INTDEF(); intd->nr=i; intd->val=0; intd->incr=0; intd->next=intdef; intdef=intd; } while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->val); if (*c!='\n') { while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->incr); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl;#endif c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c);#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); out_html(change_to_font('L')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(change_to_font('R')); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[MAX_WORDLIST]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') c=skip_till_newline(c); else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int j; if (c[1]=='\n') j=1; else j=2; // ### TODO: remove, as i is over-written later int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for (i=words;i<20; i++) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ((*it).m_output.isEmpty()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Macro is empty: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else { char* work=qstrdup((*it).m_output); char** oldargument=argument; argument=wordlist; const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(work, 0, NULL); else scan_troff(work, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; argument=oldargument; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n';#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl;#endif switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; puts(buffer); }#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+2);#else // ### TODO find a way to disply it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+2) << endl;#endif return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Start .di" << endl;#endif c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; c=h+1; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; while (*c && *c++!='\n');#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .di" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .ds/.as" << endl;#endif int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || (*h=='@'))) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name(c); c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Define/append string " << name << endl;#endif while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .ds/.as" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "previous FonT" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_font(0)); else { if (*c==escapesym) { int fn; c=scan_expression(c, &fn); c--; out_html(change_to_font(fn)); } else { out_html(change_to_font(*c)); c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "man2html: unable to open or read file %s.\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl;#endif out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0';#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl;#endif *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html(change_to_font(*c)); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char font[2] ; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); curpos++; // Do not break! case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" case REQ_BR: case REQ_BI: case REQ_IB: case REQ_IR: case REQ_RB: case REQ_RI: { // ### VERIFY bool inFMode=(c[0]=='F'); if (inFMode) { c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; }; char font[2] ; font[0] = c[0]; font[1] = c[1]; c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); /* .BR name (section) * indicates a link. It will be added in the output routine. */ for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if ((mode) || (inFMode)) { out_html(" "); curpos++; } wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mode) { out_html(" ]"); curpos++; } out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(change_to_size(-1)); out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_size(-1)); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"Mandoc Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s", ".TH found but output not possible");#else kdWarning(7101) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl;#endif c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; QCString name2; if (!mode) { c=h+1; while (isspace(*h) && *h!='\n') ++h; if (*h) *h=0; name2=c; } c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML if (mode) kdDebug(7101) << "Remove " << name << endl; else kdDebug(7101) << "Rename " << name << " to " << name2 << endl;#endif while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" /* .nr R +-N M: define and set number register R by +-N; * auto-increment by M */ { INTDEF *intd; c=c+j; i=V(c[0],c[1]); c=c+2; intd=intdef; while (intd && intd->nr!=i) intd=intd->next; if (!intd) { intd = new INTDEF(); intd->nr=i; intd->val=0; intd->incr=0; intd->next=intdef; intdef=intd; } while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->val); if (*c!='\n') { while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->incr); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl;#endif c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c);#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); out_html(change_to_font('L')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(change_to_font('R')); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+2);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+j);
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[MAX_WORDLIST]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') c=skip_till_newline(c); else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int j; if (c[1]=='\n') j=1; else j=2; // ### TODO: remove, as i is over-written later int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for (i=words;i<20; i++) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ((*it).m_output.isEmpty()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Macro is empty: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else { char* work=qstrdup((*it).m_output); char** oldargument=argument; argument=wordlist; const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(work, 0, NULL); else scan_troff(work, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; argument=oldargument; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n';#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl;#endif switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; puts(buffer); }#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+2);#else // ### TODO find a way to disply it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+2) << endl;#endif return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Start .di" << endl;#endif c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; c=h+1; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; while (*c && *c++!='\n');#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .di" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .ds/.as" << endl;#endif int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || (*h=='@'))) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name(c); c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Define/append string " << name << endl;#endif while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .ds/.as" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "previous FonT" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_font(0)); else { if (*c==escapesym) { int fn; c=scan_expression(c, &fn); c--; out_html(change_to_font(fn)); } else { out_html(change_to_font(*c)); c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "man2html: unable to open or read file %s.\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl;#endif out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0';#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl;#endif *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html(change_to_font(*c)); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char font[2] ; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); curpos++; // Do not break! case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" case REQ_BR: case REQ_BI: case REQ_IB: case REQ_IR: case REQ_RB: case REQ_RI: { // ### VERIFY bool inFMode=(c[0]=='F'); if (inFMode) { c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; }; char font[2] ; font[0] = c[0]; font[1] = c[1]; c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); /* .BR name (section) * indicates a link. It will be added in the output routine. */ for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if ((mode) || (inFMode)) { out_html(" "); curpos++; } wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mode) { out_html(" ]"); curpos++; } out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(change_to_size(-1)); out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_size(-1)); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"Mandoc Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s", ".TH found but output not possible");#else kdWarning(7101) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl;#endif c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; QCString name2; if (!mode) { c=h+1; while (isspace(*h) && *h!='\n') ++h; if (*h) *h=0; name2=c; } c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML if (mode) kdDebug(7101) << "Remove " << name << endl; else kdDebug(7101) << "Rename " << name << " to " << name2 << endl;#endif while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" /* .nr R +-N M: define and set number register R by +-N; * auto-increment by M */ { INTDEF *intd; c=c+j; i=V(c[0],c[1]); c=c+2; intd=intdef; while (intd && intd->nr!=i) intd=intd->next; if (!intd) { intd = new INTDEF(); intd->nr=i; intd->val=0; intd->incr=0; intd->next=intdef; intdef=intd; } while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->val); if (*c!='\n') { while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->incr); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl;#endif c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c);#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); out_html(change_to_font('L')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(change_to_font('R')); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+2) << endl;
kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl;
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[MAX_WORDLIST]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') c=skip_till_newline(c); else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int j; if (c[1]=='\n') j=1; else j=2; // ### TODO: remove, as i is over-written later int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for (i=words;i<20; i++) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ((*it).m_output.isEmpty()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Macro is empty: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else { char* work=qstrdup((*it).m_output); char** oldargument=argument; argument=wordlist; const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(work, 0, NULL); else scan_troff(work, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; argument=oldargument; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n';#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl;#endif switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; puts(buffer); }#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+2);#else // ### TODO find a way to disply it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+2) << endl;#endif return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Start .di" << endl;#endif c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; c=h+1; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; while (*c && *c++!='\n');#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .di" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .ds/.as" << endl;#endif int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || (*h=='@'))) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name(c); c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Define/append string " << name << endl;#endif while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .ds/.as" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "previous FonT" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_font(0)); else { if (*c==escapesym) { int fn; c=scan_expression(c, &fn); c--; out_html(change_to_font(fn)); } else { out_html(change_to_font(*c)); c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "man2html: unable to open or read file %s.\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl;#endif out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0';#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl;#endif *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html(change_to_font(*c)); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char font[2] ; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); curpos++; // Do not break! case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" case REQ_BR: case REQ_BI: case REQ_IB: case REQ_IR: case REQ_RB: case REQ_RI: { // ### VERIFY bool inFMode=(c[0]=='F'); if (inFMode) { c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; }; char font[2] ; font[0] = c[0]; font[1] = c[1]; c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); /* .BR name (section) * indicates a link. It will be added in the output routine. */ for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if ((mode) || (inFMode)) { out_html(" "); curpos++; } wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mode) { out_html(" ]"); curpos++; } out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(change_to_size(-1)); out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_size(-1)); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"Mandoc Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s", ".TH found but output not possible");#else kdWarning(7101) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl;#endif c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; QCString name2; if (!mode) { c=h+1; while (isspace(*h) && *h!='\n') ++h; if (*h) *h=0; name2=c; } c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML if (mode) kdDebug(7101) << "Remove " << name << endl; else kdDebug(7101) << "Rename " << name << " to " << name2 << endl;#endif while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" /* .nr R +-N M: define and set number register R by +-N; * auto-increment by M */ { INTDEF *intd; c=c+j; i=V(c[0],c[1]); c=c+2; intd=intdef; while (intd && intd->nr!=i) intd=intd->next; if (!intd) { intd = new INTDEF(); intd->nr=i; intd->val=0; intd->incr=0; intd->next=intdef; intdef=intd; } while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->val); if (*c!='\n') { while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->incr); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl;#endif c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c);#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); out_html(change_to_font('L')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(change_to_font('R')); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end())
if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { #ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; #endif } else
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[MAX_WORDLIST]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') c=skip_till_newline(c); else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int j; if (c[1]=='\n') j=1; else j=2; // ### TODO: remove, as i is over-written later int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for (i=words;i<20; i++) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ((*it).m_output.isEmpty()) {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Macro is empty: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else { char* work=qstrdup((*it).m_output); char** oldargument=argument; argument=wordlist; const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(work, 0, NULL); else scan_troff(work, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; argument=oldargument; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n';#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl;#endif } else {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl;#endif switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; puts(buffer); }#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", c+2);#else // ### TODO find a way to disply it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+2) << endl;#endif return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Start .di" << endl;#endif c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; c=h+1; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; while (*c && *c++!='\n');#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .di" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .ds/.as" << endl;#endif int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || (*h=='@'))) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name(c); c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "Define/append string " << name << endl;#endif while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .ds/.as" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "previous FonT" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_font(0)); else { if (*c==escapesym) { int fn; c=scan_expression(c, &fn); c--; out_html(change_to_font(fn)); } else { out_html(change_to_font(*c)); c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "man2html: unable to open or read file %s.\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl;#endif out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0';#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", h);#else kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl;#endif *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html(change_to_font(*c)); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char font[2]; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char font[2] ; font[0] = 'B'; font[1] = 'B'; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); curpos++; // Do not break! case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" case REQ_BR: case REQ_BI: case REQ_IB: case REQ_IR: case REQ_RB: case REQ_RI: { // ### VERIFY bool inFMode=(c[0]=='F'); if (inFMode) { c[0]='B'; c[1]='I'; }; char font[2] ; font[0] = c[0]; font[1] = c[1]; c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); /* .BR name (section) * indicates a link. It will be added in the output routine. */ for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if ((mode) || (inFMode)) { out_html(" "); curpos++; } wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(change_to_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (mode) { out_html(" ]"); curpos++; } out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(change_to_size(-1)); out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_size(-1)); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html(change_to_size('0')); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"Mandoc Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else {#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML fprintf(stderr, "%s", ".TH found but output not possible");#else kdWarning(7101) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl;#endif c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='@')) ++h; if (*h) *h=0; const QCString name=c; QCString name2; if (!mode) { c=h+1; while (isspace(*h) && *h!='\n') ++h; if (*h) *h=0; name2=c; } c=h+1;#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML if (mode) kdDebug(7101) << "Remove " << name << endl; else kdDebug(7101) << "Rename " << name << " to " << name2 << endl;#endif while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } }#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7101) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" /* .nr R +-N M: define and set number register R by +-N; * auto-increment by M */ { INTDEF *intd; c=c+j; i=V(c[0],c[1]); c=c+2; intd=intdef; while (intd && intd->nr!=i) intd=intd->next; if (!intd) { intd = new INTDEF(); intd->nr=i; intd->val=0; intd->incr=0; intd->next=intdef; intdef=intd; } while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->val); if (*c!='\n') { while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; c=scan_expression(c,&intd->incr); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ {#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl;#endif c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c);#ifndef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl;#endif break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); out_html(change_to_font('L')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(change_to_font(0)); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(change_to_font('B')); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(change_to_font('I')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(change_to_font('R')); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(change_to_font('B')); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('B')); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(change_to_font('R')); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(change_to_font('I')); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(change_to_font('R')); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(change_to_font('R')); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a9f2b75ed54587a04d4e5d23fc9367a2afc6a78a/man2html.cpp/clean/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
__FILE__, __LINE__, keyNode.nodeName() );
__FILE__, __LINE__, (const char*)keyNode.nodeName().utf8() );
/* virtual */ bool readXML( QDomNode & keyNode ) { // this *should* be a DOM element node QDomElement subkeyElement = keyNode.toElement(); // get the type so that we can properly parse the key value QString typeString = subkeyElement.attribute( "type" ); if ( QString::null == typeString ) { qDebug( "%s:%d null ``type'' attribute for %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, keyNode.nodeName() ); return false; } // the values come in as strings; we need to restore them to their // original values *and* types value_.clear(); // get the type associated with the value first QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType( typeString ); // This huge switch is left-over from an earlier incarnation of // QgsProject where there was a fine level of granularity for value // types. The current interface, borrowed from QSettings, supports a // very small sub-set of these types. However, I've left all the // other types just in case the interface is expanded to include these // other types. switch ( type ) { case QVariant::Invalid : qDebug( "%s:%d invalid value type %s .. ", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); return false; break; case QVariant::Map : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Map", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::List : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::List", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::String : value_ = subkeyElement.text(); // no translating necessary break; case QVariant::StringList : { size_t i = 0; QDomNodeList values = keyNode.childNodes(); // all the QStringList values will be inside <value> elements QStringList valueStringList; while ( i < values.count() ) { if ( "value" == values.item(i).nodeName() ) { // <value>s have only one element, which contains actual string value valueStringList.append( values.item(i).firstChild().nodeValue() ); } else { qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d non <value> element ``%s'' in string list", __LINE__, values.item(i).nodeName() ); } ++i; } value_ = valueStringList; break; } case QVariant::Font : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Font", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pixmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pixmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Brush : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Brush", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Rect : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Rect", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Size : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Size", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Color : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Color", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Palette : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Palette", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ColorGroup : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ColorGroup", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::IconSet : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::IconSet", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Point : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Point", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Image : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Image", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Int : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asInt(); break; case QVariant::UInt : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asUInt(); break; case QVariant::Bool : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asBool(); break; case QVariant::Double : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asDouble(); break; case QVariant::CString : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asCString(); break; case QVariant::PointArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::PointArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Region : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Region", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Bitmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Bitmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Cursor : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Cursor", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::SizePolicy : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::SizePolicy", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Date : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Date", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Time : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Time", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::DateTime : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::DateTime", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ByteArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ByteArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::BitArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::BitArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::KeySequence : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::KeySequence", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pen : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pen", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::LongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asLongLong(); break; case QVariant::ULongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asULongLong(); break; default : qDebug( "%s:%d unsupported value type %s .. not propertly translated to QVariant in qgsproject.cpp:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); } return true; } // readXML
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/67f279f0227b40aec9d7c21507f474002767db3c/qgsproject.cpp/clean/src/qgsproject.cpp
__FILE__, __LINE__, typeString );
__FILE__, __LINE__, (const char*)typeString.utf8() );
/* virtual */ bool readXML( QDomNode & keyNode ) { // this *should* be a DOM element node QDomElement subkeyElement = keyNode.toElement(); // get the type so that we can properly parse the key value QString typeString = subkeyElement.attribute( "type" ); if ( QString::null == typeString ) { qDebug( "%s:%d null ``type'' attribute for %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, keyNode.nodeName() ); return false; } // the values come in as strings; we need to restore them to their // original values *and* types value_.clear(); // get the type associated with the value first QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType( typeString ); // This huge switch is left-over from an earlier incarnation of // QgsProject where there was a fine level of granularity for value // types. The current interface, borrowed from QSettings, supports a // very small sub-set of these types. However, I've left all the // other types just in case the interface is expanded to include these // other types. switch ( type ) { case QVariant::Invalid : qDebug( "%s:%d invalid value type %s .. ", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); return false; break; case QVariant::Map : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Map", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::List : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::List", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::String : value_ = subkeyElement.text(); // no translating necessary break; case QVariant::StringList : { size_t i = 0; QDomNodeList values = keyNode.childNodes(); // all the QStringList values will be inside <value> elements QStringList valueStringList; while ( i < values.count() ) { if ( "value" == values.item(i).nodeName() ) { // <value>s have only one element, which contains actual string value valueStringList.append( values.item(i).firstChild().nodeValue() ); } else { qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d non <value> element ``%s'' in string list", __LINE__, values.item(i).nodeName() ); } ++i; } value_ = valueStringList; break; } case QVariant::Font : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Font", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pixmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pixmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Brush : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Brush", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Rect : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Rect", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Size : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Size", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Color : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Color", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Palette : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Palette", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ColorGroup : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ColorGroup", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::IconSet : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::IconSet", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Point : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Point", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Image : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Image", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Int : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asInt(); break; case QVariant::UInt : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asUInt(); break; case QVariant::Bool : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asBool(); break; case QVariant::Double : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asDouble(); break; case QVariant::CString : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asCString(); break; case QVariant::PointArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::PointArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Region : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Region", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Bitmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Bitmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Cursor : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Cursor", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::SizePolicy : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::SizePolicy", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Date : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Date", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Time : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Time", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::DateTime : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::DateTime", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ByteArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ByteArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::BitArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::BitArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::KeySequence : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::KeySequence", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pen : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pen", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::LongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asLongLong(); break; case QVariant::ULongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asULongLong(); break; default : qDebug( "%s:%d unsupported value type %s .. not propertly translated to QVariant in qgsproject.cpp:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); } return true; } // readXML
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/67f279f0227b40aec9d7c21507f474002767db3c/qgsproject.cpp/clean/src/qgsproject.cpp
__LINE__, values.item(i).nodeName() );
__LINE__, (const char*)values.item(i).nodeName().utf8() );
/* virtual */ bool readXML( QDomNode & keyNode ) { // this *should* be a DOM element node QDomElement subkeyElement = keyNode.toElement(); // get the type so that we can properly parse the key value QString typeString = subkeyElement.attribute( "type" ); if ( QString::null == typeString ) { qDebug( "%s:%d null ``type'' attribute for %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, keyNode.nodeName() ); return false; } // the values come in as strings; we need to restore them to their // original values *and* types value_.clear(); // get the type associated with the value first QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType( typeString ); // This huge switch is left-over from an earlier incarnation of // QgsProject where there was a fine level of granularity for value // types. The current interface, borrowed from QSettings, supports a // very small sub-set of these types. However, I've left all the // other types just in case the interface is expanded to include these // other types. switch ( type ) { case QVariant::Invalid : qDebug( "%s:%d invalid value type %s .. ", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); return false; break; case QVariant::Map : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Map", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::List : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::List", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::String : value_ = subkeyElement.text(); // no translating necessary break; case QVariant::StringList : { size_t i = 0; QDomNodeList values = keyNode.childNodes(); // all the QStringList values will be inside <value> elements QStringList valueStringList; while ( i < values.count() ) { if ( "value" == values.item(i).nodeName() ) { // <value>s have only one element, which contains actual string value valueStringList.append( values.item(i).firstChild().nodeValue() ); } else { qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d non <value> element ``%s'' in string list", __LINE__, values.item(i).nodeName() ); } ++i; } value_ = valueStringList; break; } case QVariant::Font : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Font", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pixmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pixmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Brush : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Brush", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Rect : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Rect", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Size : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Size", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Color : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Color", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Palette : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Palette", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ColorGroup : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ColorGroup", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::IconSet : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::IconSet", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Point : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Point", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Image : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Image", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Int : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asInt(); break; case QVariant::UInt : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asUInt(); break; case QVariant::Bool : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asBool(); break; case QVariant::Double : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asDouble(); break; case QVariant::CString : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asCString(); break; case QVariant::PointArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::PointArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Region : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Region", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Bitmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Bitmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Cursor : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Cursor", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::SizePolicy : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::SizePolicy", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Date : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Date", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Time : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Time", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::DateTime : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::DateTime", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ByteArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ByteArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::BitArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::BitArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::KeySequence : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::KeySequence", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pen : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pen", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::LongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asLongLong(); break; case QVariant::ULongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asULongLong(); break; default : qDebug( "%s:%d unsupported value type %s .. not propertly translated to QVariant in qgsproject.cpp:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); } return true; } // readXML
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/67f279f0227b40aec9d7c21507f474002767db3c/qgsproject.cpp/clean/src/qgsproject.cpp
__FILE__, __LINE__, typeString );
__FILE__, __LINE__, (const char*)typeString.utf8() );
/* virtual */ bool readXML( QDomNode & keyNode ) { // this *should* be a DOM element node QDomElement subkeyElement = keyNode.toElement(); // get the type so that we can properly parse the key value QString typeString = subkeyElement.attribute( "type" ); if ( QString::null == typeString ) { qDebug( "%s:%d null ``type'' attribute for %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, keyNode.nodeName() ); return false; } // the values come in as strings; we need to restore them to their // original values *and* types value_.clear(); // get the type associated with the value first QVariant::Type type = QVariant::nameToType( typeString ); // This huge switch is left-over from an earlier incarnation of // QgsProject where there was a fine level of granularity for value // types. The current interface, borrowed from QSettings, supports a // very small sub-set of these types. However, I've left all the // other types just in case the interface is expanded to include these // other types. switch ( type ) { case QVariant::Invalid : qDebug( "%s:%d invalid value type %s .. ", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); return false; break; case QVariant::Map : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Map", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::List : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::List", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::String : value_ = subkeyElement.text(); // no translating necessary break; case QVariant::StringList : { size_t i = 0; QDomNodeList values = keyNode.childNodes(); // all the QStringList values will be inside <value> elements QStringList valueStringList; while ( i < values.count() ) { if ( "value" == values.item(i).nodeName() ) { // <value>s have only one element, which contains actual string value valueStringList.append( values.item(i).firstChild().nodeValue() ); } else { qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d non <value> element ``%s'' in string list", __LINE__, values.item(i).nodeName() ); } ++i; } value_ = valueStringList; break; } case QVariant::Font : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Font", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pixmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pixmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Brush : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Brush", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Rect : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Rect", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Size : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Size", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Color : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Color", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Palette : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Palette", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ColorGroup : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ColorGroup", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::IconSet : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::IconSet", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Point : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Point", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Image : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Image", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Int : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asInt(); break; case QVariant::UInt : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asUInt(); break; case QVariant::Bool : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asBool(); break; case QVariant::Double : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asDouble(); break; case QVariant::CString : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asCString(); break; case QVariant::PointArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::PointArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Region : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Region", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Bitmap : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Bitmap", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Cursor : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Cursor", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::SizePolicy : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::SizePolicy", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Date : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Date", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Time : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Time", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::DateTime : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::DateTime", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::ByteArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::ByteArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::BitArray : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::BitArray", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::KeySequence : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::KeySequence", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::Pen : qDebug( "qgsproject.cpp:%d add support for QVariant::Pen", __LINE__ ); return false; break; case QVariant::LongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asLongLong(); break; case QVariant::ULongLong : value_ = QVariant(subkeyElement.text()).asULongLong(); break; default : qDebug( "%s:%d unsupported value type %s .. not propertly translated to QVariant in qgsproject.cpp:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__, typeString ); } return true; } // readXML
1753 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/1753/67f279f0227b40aec9d7c21507f474002767db3c/qgsproject.cpp/clean/src/qgsproject.cpp
static bool is_identifier_char( char c )
static bool is_identifier_char( const char c )
static bool is_identifier_char( char c ){ // For groff, an identifier can consist of nearly all ASCII printable non-white-space characters // See info:/groff/Identifiers if ( c >= '!' && c <= '[' ) // Include digits and upper case return true; else if ( c >= ']' && c <= '~' ) // Include lower case return true; else if ( c== '\\' ) return false; // ### TODO: it should be treated as escape instead! return false;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
static bool is_identifier_char( char c ){ // For groff, an identifier can consist of nearly all ASCII printable non-white-space characters // See info:/groff/Identifiers if ( c >= '!' && c <= '[' ) // Include digits and upper case return true; else if ( c >= ']' && c <= '~' ) // Include lower case return true; else if ( c== '\\' ) return false; // ### TODO: it should be treated as escape instead! return false;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
case REQ_Fd: { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" };
case REQ_Fd: {
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' ';
if (*c=='\n') c++;
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if ( is_mdoc_punctuation ( *wordlist[i] ) ) out_html( set_font ( "R" ) ); else out_html( set_font ( "B" ) );
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
out_html(" "); }
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
case REQ_Fn:
case REQ_Fn:
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
char* font[2] = { "B", "R" };
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' ';
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else
if ( words )
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if ( i ) out_html( set_font( "I" ) ); else out_html( set_font( "B" ) );
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0';
char buf[4] = { c[0], c[1], ' ', 0 };
static char *scan_request(char *c){ // mdoc(7) stuff static bool mandoc_synopsis=false; /* True if we are in the synopsis section */ static bool mandoc_command=false; /* True if this is mdoc(7) page */ static int mandoc_bd_options; /* Only copes with non-nested Bd's */ static int function_argument=0; // Number of function argument (.Fo, .Fa, .Fc) // man(7) stuff static bool ur_ignore=false; // Has .UR a parameter : (for .UE to know if or not to write </a>) int i=0; bool mode=false; char *h=0; char *wordlist[max_wordlist]; int words; char *sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; // Spaces or tabs allowed between control character and request if (c[0]=='\n') return c+1; if (c[0]==escapesym) { /* some pages use .\" .\$1 .\} */ /* .\$1 is too difficult/stuppid */ if (c[1]=='$') { kdDebug(7107) << "Found .\\$" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); // ### TODO } else c = scan_escape(c+1); } else { int nlen = 0; QCString macroName; while (c[nlen] && (c[nlen] != ' ') && (c[nlen] != '\t') && (c[nlen] != '\n') && (c[nlen] != escapesym)) { macroName+=c[nlen]; nlen++; } int j = nlen; while (c[j] && c[j]==' ' || c[j]=='\t') j++; /* search macro database of self-defined macros */ QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(macroName); if (it!=s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "CALLING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; const QCString oldDollarZero = s_dollarZero; // Previous value of $0 s_dollarZero = macroName; sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; for (i=1;i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { char *h=NULL; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i],1,&h); else scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,&h); wordlist[i] = qstrdup(h); delete [] h; } for ( i=words; i<max_wordlist; i++ ) wordlist[i]=NULL; if ( !(*it).m_output.isEmpty() ) { //kdDebug(7107) << "Macro content is: " << endl << (*it).m_output << endl; const unsigned int length = (*it).m_output.length(); char* work = new char [length+2]; work[0] = '\n'; // The macro must start after an end of line to allow a request on first line qstrncpy(work+1,(*it),length+1); const QValueList<char*> oldArgumentList( s_argumentList ); s_argumentList.clear(); for ( i = 0 ; i < max_wordlist; i++ ) { if (!wordlist[i]) break; s_argumentList.push_back( wordlist[i] ); } const int onff=newline_for_fun; if (mandoc_command) scan_troff_mandoc( work + 1, 0, NULL ); else scan_troff( work + 1, 0, NULL); delete[] work; newline_for_fun=onff; s_argumentList = oldArgumentList; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) delete [] wordlist[i]; *sl='\n'; s_dollarZero = oldDollarZero; kdDebug(7107) << "ENDING MACRO: " << macroName << endl; } else { kdDebug(7107) << "REQUEST: " << macroName << endl; switch (int request = get_request(c, nlen)) { case REQ_ab: // groff(7) "ABort" { h=c+j; while (*h && *h !='\n') h++; *h='\0'; if (scaninbuff && buffpos) { buffer[buffpos]='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << "ABORT: " << buffer << endl; } // ### TODO find a way to display it to the user kdDebug(7107) << "Aborting: .ab " << (c+j) << endl; return 0; break; } case REQ_An: // mdoc(7) "Author Name" { c+=j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); break; } case REQ_di: // groff(7) "end current DIversion" { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .di" << endl; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') { ++c; break; } const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); while (*c && *c!='\n') c++; c++; h=c; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,".di",3)) while (*c && *c++!='\n'); *c='\0'; char* result=0; scan_troff(h,0,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { (*it).m_length=0; (*it).m_output=result; } delete[] result; if (*c) *c='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "end .di" << endl; break; } case REQ_ds: // groff(7) "Define String variable" mode=true; case REQ_as: // groff (7) "Append String variable" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .ds/.as" << endl; int oldcurpos=curpos; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) break; while (*c && isspace(*c)) c++; if (*c && *c=='"') c++; single_escape=true; curpos=0; char* result=0; c=scan_troff(c,1,&result); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=curpos; def.m_output=result; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else { if (mode) { // .ds Defining String (*it).m_length=curpos; (*it).m_output=result; } else { // .as Appending String (*it).m_length+=curpos; (*it).m_output+=result; } } delete[] result; single_escape=false; curpos=oldcurpos; kdDebug(7107) << "end .ds/.as" << endl; break; } case REQ_br: // groff(7) "line BReak" { if (still_dd) out_html("<DD>"); // ### VERIFY (does not look like generating good HTML) else out_html("<BR>\n"); curpos=0; c=c+j; if (c[0]==escapesym) c=scan_escape(c+1); c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_c2: // groff(7) "reset non-break Control character" (2 means non-break) { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') nobreaksym=*c; else nobreaksym='\''; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_cc: // groff(7) "reset Control Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') controlsym=*c; else controlsym='.'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ce: // groff (7) "CEnter" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') i=1; else { i=0; while ('0'<=*c && *c<='9') { i=i*10+*c-'0'; c++; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); /* center next i lines */ if (i>0) { out_html("<CENTER>\n"); while (i && *c) { char *line=NULL; c=scan_troff(c,1, &line); if (line && qstrncmp(line, "<BR>", 4)) { out_html(line); out_html("<BR>\n"); delete [] line; // ### FIXME: memory leak! i--; } } out_html("</CENTER>\n"); curpos=0; } break; } case REQ_ec: // groff(7) "reset Escape Character" { c=c+j; if (*c!='\n') escapesym=*c; else escapesym='\\'; break; c=skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_eo: // groff(7) "turn Escape character Off" { escapesym='\0'; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ex: // groff(7) "EXit" { return 0; break; } case REQ_fc: // groff(7) "set Field and pad Character" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') fieldsym=padsym='\0'; else { fieldsym=c[0]; padsym=c[1]; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_fi: // groff(7) "FIll" { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ft: // groff(7) "FonT" { c += j; h = skip_till_newline( c ); const char oldChar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString name = c; // ### TODO: name might contain a variable if ( name.isEmpty() ) out_html( set_font( "P" ) ); // Previous font else out_html( set_font( name ) ); *h = oldChar; c = h; break; } case REQ_el: // groff(7) "ELse" { int ifelseval = s_ifelseval.pop(); /* .el anything : else part of if else */ if (ifelseval) { c=c+j; c[-1]='\n'; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c+j); break; } case REQ_ie: // groff(7) "If with Else" /* .ie c anything : then part of if else */ case REQ_if: // groff(7) "IF" { /* .if c anything * .if !c anything * .if N anything * .if !N anything * .if 'string1'string2' anything * .if !'string1'string2' anything */ c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (request == REQ_ie) { int ifelseval=!i; s_ifelseval.push( ifelseval ); } if (i) { *c='\n'; c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ig: // groff(7) "IGnore" { const char *endwith="..\n"; i=3; c=c+j; if (*c!='\n' && *c != '\\') { /* Not newline or comment */ endwith=c-1;i=1; c[-1]='.'; while (*c && *c!='\n') c++,i++; } c++; while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endwith,i)) while (*c++!='\n'); while (*c && *c++!='\n'); break; } case REQ_nf: // groff(7) "No Filling" { if (fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_ps: // groff(7) "previous Point Size" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') out_html(change_to_size('0')); else { j=0; i=0; if (*c=='-') { j= -1; c++; } else if (*c=='+') j=1;c++; c=scan_expression(c, &i); if (!j) { j=1; if (i>5) i=i-10; } out_html(change_to_size(i*j)); } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_sp: // groff(7) "SKip one line" { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_so: // groff(7) "Include SOurce file" { char *buf; char *name=NULL; curpos=0; c=c+j; if (*c=='/') h=c; else { h=c-3; h[0]='.'; h[1]='.'; h[2]='/'; } while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; scan_troff(h,1, &name); if (name[3]=='/') h=name+3; else h=name; /* this works alright, except for section 3 */ buf=read_man_page(h); if (!buf) { kdDebug(7107) << "Unable to open or read file: .so " << (h) << endl; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>" "man2html: unable to open or read file.\n"); out_html(h); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } else scan_troff(buf+1,0,NULL); delete [] buf; delete [] name; *c++='\n'; break; } case REQ_ta: // gorff(7) "set TAbulators" { c=c+j; j=0; while (*c!='\n') { sl=scan_expression(c, &tabstops[j]); if (j>0 && (*c=='-' || *c=='+')) tabstops[j]+=tabstops[j-1]; c=sl; while (*c==' ' || *c=='\t') c++; j++; } maxtstop=j; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_ti: // groff(7) "Temporary Indent" { /*while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else itemdepth--; }*/ out_html("<BR>\n"); c=c+j; c=scan_expression(c, &j); for (i=0; i<j; i++) out_html("&nbsp;"); curpos=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_tm: // groff(7) "TerMinal" ### TODO: what are useful uses for it { c=c+j; h=c; while (*c!='\n') c++; *c='\0'; kdDebug(7107) << ".tm " << (h) << endl; *c='\n'; break; } case REQ_B: // man(7) "Bold" mode=1; case REQ_I: // man(7) "Italic" { /* parse one line in a certain font */ out_html( set_font( mode?"B":"I" ) ); fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, 0); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fd: // mdoc(7) "Function Definition" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } if (mandoc_synopsis) { out_html(");"); out_html("<br>"); }; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fn: // mdoc(7) for "Function calls" ### FIXME { // brackets and commas have to be inserted automatically char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!words) { out_html(" ()"); } else { for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } out_html(")"); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fo: // mdoc(7) "Function definition Opening" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; char *eol=strchr(c,'\n'); char *semicolon=strchr(c,';'); if ((semicolon!=0) && (semicolon<eol)) *semicolon=' '; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // Normally a .Fo has only one parameter for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); if (i==0) { out_html(" ("); } // ### TODO What should happen if there is more than one argument // else if (i<words-1) out_html(", "); } function_argument=1; // Must be > 0 out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_Fc:// mdoc(7) "Function definition Close" { // .Fc has no parameter c+=j; c=skip_till_newline(c); char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); out_html(")"); out_html(set_font("R")); if (mandoc_synopsis) out_html("<br>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; function_argument=0; // Reset the count variable break; } case REQ_Fa: // mdoc(7) "Function definition argument" { char* font[2] = { "B", "R" }; c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font(font[i&1])); // function_argument==0 means that we had no .Fo before, e.g. in mdoc.samples(7) if (function_argument > 1) { out_html(", "); curpos+=2; function_argument++; } else if (function_argument==1) { // We are only at the first parameter function_argument++; } for (i=0; i<words; i++) { wordlist[i][-1]=' '; scan_troff(wordlist[i],1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); if (!fillout) curpos=0; else curpos++; break; } case REQ_OP: /* groff manpages use this construction */ { /* .OP a b : [ <B>a</B> <I>b</I> ] */ mode=true; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); curpos++; request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", true, false ); break; // Do not break! } case REQ_Ft: //perhaps "Function return type" { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, true ); break; } case REQ_BR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_BI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "B", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_IR: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "I", "R", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RB: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "B", false, false ); break; } case REQ_RI: { request_mixed_fonts( c, j, "R", "I", false, false ); break; } case REQ_DT: // man(7) "Default Tabulators" { for (j=0;j<20; j++) tabstops[j]=(j+1)*8; maxtstop=20; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_IP: // man(7) "Ident Paragraph" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); if (words) scan_troff(wordlist[0], 1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TP: // man(7) "hanging Tag Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<br><br><DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); /* somewhere a definition ends with '.TP' */ if (!*c) still_dd=true; else { c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("<DD>"); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_IX: // "INdex" ### TODO: where is it defined? { /* general index */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_P: // man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_LP:// man(7) "Paragraph" case REQ_PP:// man(7) "Paragraph; reset Prevailing indent" { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_HP: // man(7) "Hanging indent Paragraph" { if (!dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("<DL>"); dl_set[itemdepth]=1; } out_html("<DT>\n"); still_dd=true; c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_PD: // man(7) "Paragraph Distance" { c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Rs: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin Start" case REQ_RS: // man(7) "Relative margin Start" { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, 0); j=1; if (words>0) scan_expression(wordlist[0], &j); if (j>=0) { itemdepth++; dl_set[itemdepth]=0; out_html("<DL><DT><DD>"); c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } } case REQ_Re: // mdoc(7) "Relative margin End" case REQ_RE: // man(7) "Relative margin End" { if (itemdepth > 0) { if (dl_set[itemdepth]) out_html("</DL>"); out_html("</DL>\n"); itemdepth--; } c=skip_till_newline(c); curpos=0; break; } case REQ_SB: // man(7) "Small; Bold" { out_html(set_font("B")); out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c+j, 1, NULL); out_html("</small>"); out_html(set_font("R")); break; } case REQ_SM: // man(7) "SMall" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html("<small>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); // ### VERIFY c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); out_html("</small>"); break; } case REQ_Ss: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mandoc_command = 1; case REQ_SS: // mdoc(7) "Sub Section" mode=true; case REQ_Sh: // mdoc(7) "Sub Header" /* hack for fallthru from above */ mandoc_command = !mode || mandoc_command; case REQ_SH: // man(7) "Sub Header" { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; while (itemdepth || dl_set[itemdepth]) { out_html("</DL>\n"); if (dl_set[itemdepth]) dl_set[itemdepth]=0; else if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size(0)); if (!fillout) { fillout=1; out_html("</PRE>"); } trans_char(c,'"', '\a'); if (section) { out_html("</div>\n"); section=0; } if (mode) out_html("\n<H3>"); else out_html("\n<H2>"); mandoc_synopsis = qstrncmp(c, "SYNOPSIS", 8) == 0; c = mandoc_command ? scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL) : scan_troff(c,1,NULL); if (mode) out_html("</H3>\n"); else out_html("</H2>\n"); out_html("<div>\n"); section=1; curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Sx: // mdoc(7) { // reference to a section header out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TS: // ### TODO where is it defined? (tbl?) { c=scan_table(c); break; } case REQ_Dt: /* mdoc(7) */ mandoc_command = true; case REQ_TH: // man(7) "Title Header" { if (!output_possible) { sl = fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); // ### TODO: the page should be displayed even if it is "anonymous" (words==0) if (words>=1) { for (i=1; i<words; i++) wordlist[i][-1]='\0'; *sl='\0'; for (i=0; i<words; i++) { if (wordlist[i][0] == '\007') wordlist[i]++; if (wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] == '\007') wordlist[i][qstrlen(wordlist[i])-1] = 0; } output_possible=true; out_html( DOCTYPE"<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n");#ifdef SIMPLE_MAN2HTML // Most English man pages are in ISO-8859-1 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n");#else // kio_man transforms from local to UTF-8 out_html("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset="); out_html(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName()); out_html("\">\n");#endif out_html("<TITLE>"); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL)); out_html( " Manpage</TITLE>\n"); out_html( "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/kde-default.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n" ); out_html( "<meta name=\"ROFF Type\" content=\""); if (mandoc_command) out_html("mdoc"); else out_html("man"); out_html("\">\n"); out_html( "</HEAD>\n\n" ); out_html("<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">\n\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"background-image: url("); out_html(cssPath); out_html("/top-middle.png); width: 100%; height: 131pt;\">\n" ); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; right: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-right-konqueror.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top right\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; left: 0pt;\">\n"); out_html("<img src=\""); out_html(htmlPath); out_html("/top-left.png\" style=\"margin: 0pt\" alt=\"Top left\">\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"position: absolute; top: 25pt; right: 100pt; text-align: right; font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: #fff 0pt 0pt 5pt; color: #444\">\n"); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("</div>\n"); out_html("<div style=\"margin-left: 5em; margin-right: 5em;\">\n"); out_html("<h1>" ); out_html( scan_troff(wordlist[0], 0, NULL ) ); out_html( "</h1>\n" ); if (words>1) { out_html("Section: " ); if (!mandoc_command && words>4) out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[4], 0, NULL) ); else out_html(section_name(wordlist[1])); out_html(" ("); out_html(scan_troff(wordlist[1], 0, NULL)); out_html(")\n"); } else { out_html("Section not specified"); } *sl='\n'; } } else { kdWarning(7107) << ".TH found but output not possible" << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); } curpos=0; break; } case REQ_TX: // mdoc(7) { sl=fill_words(c+j, wordlist, &words, true, &c); *sl='\0'; out_html(set_font("I")); if (words>1) wordlist[1][-1]='\0'; const char *c2=lookup_abbrev(wordlist[0]); curpos+=qstrlen(c2); out_html(c2); out_html(set_font("R")); if (words>1) out_html(wordlist[1]); *sl='\n'; break; } case REQ_rm: // groff(7) "ReMove" /* .rm xx : Remove request, macro or string */ mode=true; case REQ_rn: // groff(7) "ReName" /* .rn xx yy : Rename request, macro or string xx to yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rm/.rn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } QCString name2; if ( !mode ) { while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; name2 = scan_identifier( c ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to rename: " << endl; break; } } c=skip_till_newline(c); QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to rename or remove: " << name << endl; } else { if (mode) { // .rm ReMove s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll } else { // .rn ReName StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rm/.rn" << endl; break; } case REQ_nx: // ### TODO in man(7) it is "No filling", not "next file" /* .nx filename : next file. */ case REQ_in: // groff(7) "INdent" { /* .in +-N : Indent */ c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_nr: // groff(7) "Number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .nr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty name for register variable" << endl; break; } while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; int sign = 0; if ( *c && ( *c == '+' || *c == '-' ) ) { if ( *c == '+' ) sign = 1; else if ( *c == '-' ) sign = -1; } int value = 0; int increment = 0; c=scan_expression( c, &value ); if ( *c && *c!='\n') { while ( *c && ( *c==' ' || *c=='\t' ) ) c++; c=scan_expression( c, &increment ); } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { if ( sign < 1 ) value = -value; NumberDefinition def( value, increment ); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert( name, def ); } else { if ( sign > 0 ) (*it).m_value += value; else if ( sign < 0 ) (*it).m_value += - value; else (*it).m_value = value; (*it).m_increment = increment; } kdDebug(7107) << "end .nr" << endl; break; } case REQ_am: // groff(7) "Append Macro" /* .am xx yy : append to a macro. */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ mode=true; case REQ_de: // groff(7) "DEfine macro" /* .de xx yy : define or redefine macro xx; end at .yy (..) */ /* define or handle as .ig yy */ { kdDebug(7107) << "Start .am/.de" << endl; c+=j; char *next_line; sl = fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &next_line); char *nameStart = wordlist[0]; c = nameStart; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) c++; *c = '\0'; const QCString name(nameStart); QCString endmacro; if (words == 1) { endmacro=".."; } else { endmacro='.'; c = wordlist[1]; while (*c && (*c != ' ') && (*c != '\n')) endmacro+=*c++; } c = next_line; sl=c; const int length=qstrlen(endmacro); while (*c && qstrncmp(c,endmacro,length)) c=skip_till_newline(c); QCString macro; while (sl!=c) { if (sl[0]=='\\' && sl[1]=='\\') { macro+='\\'; sl++; } else macro+=*sl; sl++; } QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { StringDefinition def; def.m_length=0; def.m_output=macro; s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } else if (mode) { // .am Append Macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string if ((*it).m_output.right(1)!='\n') (*it).m_output+='\n'; (*it).m_output+=macro; } else { // .de DEfine macro (*it).m_length=0; // It could be formerly a string (*it).m_output=macro; } c=skip_till_newline(c); kdDebug(7107) << "End .am/.de" << endl; break; } case REQ_Bl: // mdoc(7) "Begin List" { char list_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth]) /* These things can nest. */ itemdepth++; if (nl) { /* Parse list options */ strlimitcpy(list_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); } if (strstr(list_options, "-bullet")) { /* HTML Unnumbered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_BULLET_LIST; out_html("<UL>\n"); } else if (strstr(list_options, "-enum")) { /* HTML Ordered List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_ENUM_LIST; out_html("<OL>\n"); } else { /* HTML Descriptive List */ dl_set[itemdepth] = BL_DESC_LIST; out_html("<DL>\n"); } if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_El: // mdoc(7) "End List" { c=c+j; if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) out_html("</DL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_BULLET_LIST) out_html("</UL>\n"); else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_ENUM_LIST) out_html("</OL>\n"); dl_set[itemdepth]=0; if (itemdepth > 0) itemdepth--; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_It: // mdoc(7) "list ITem" { c=c+j; if (qstrncmp(c, "Xo", 2) == 0 && isspace(*(c+2))) c = skip_till_newline(c); if (dl_set[itemdepth] & BL_DESC_LIST) { out_html("<DT>"); out_html(set_font("B")); if (*c=='\n') { /* Don't allow embedded comms after a newline */ c++; c=scan_troff(c,1,NULL); } else { /* Do allow embedded comms on the same line. */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<DD>"); } else if (dl_set[itemdepth] & (BL_BULLET_LIST | BL_ENUM_LIST)) { out_html("<LI>"); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bk: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ek: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Dd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Os: // mdoc(7) "Operating System" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bt: // mdoc(7) "Beta Test" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; out_html(" is currently in beta test."); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_At: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Nx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ox: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Bx: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ux: /* mdoc(7) */ { bool parsable=true; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; if (request==REQ_At) { out_html("AT&amp;T UNIX "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Fx) { out_html("FreeBSD "); parsable=false; } else if (request==REQ_Nx) out_html("NetBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ox) out_html("OpenBSD "); else if (request==REQ_Bx) out_html("BSD "); else if (request==REQ_Ux) out_html("UNIX "); if (parsable) c=scan_troff_mandoc(c,1,0); else c=scan_troff(c,1,0); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dl: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; out_html(NEWLINE); out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Bd: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Seems like a kind of example/literal mode */ char bd_options[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *nl = strchr(c,'\n'); c=c+j; if (nl) strlimitcpy(bd_options, c, nl - c, MED_STR_MAX); out_html(NEWLINE); mandoc_bd_options = 0; /* Remember options for terminating Bl */ if (strstr(bd_options, "-offset indent")) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_INDENT; out_html("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); } if ( strstr(bd_options, "-literal") || strstr(bd_options, "-unfilled")) { if (fillout) { mandoc_bd_options |= BD_LITERAL; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("<PRE>\n"); } curpos=0; fillout=0; } c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Ed: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_LITERAL) { if (!fillout) { out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(change_to_size('0')); out_html("</PRE>\n"); } } if (mandoc_bd_options & BD_INDENT) out_html("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n"); curpos=0; fillout=1; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Be: /* mdoc(7) */ { c=c+j; if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Xr: /* mdoc(7) */ // ### FIXME: it should issue a <a href="man:somewhere(x)"> directly { /* Translate xyz 1 to xyz(1) * Allow for multiple spaces. Allow the section to be missing. */ char buff[NULL_TERMINATED(MED_STR_MAX)]; char *bufptr; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); bufptr = buff; c = c+j; if (*c == '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; while (isalnum(*c) || *c == '.' || *c == ':' || *c == '_' || *c == '-') { /* Copy the xyz part */ *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } while (isspace(*c) && *c != '\n') c++; /* Skip spaces */ if (isdigit(*c)) { /* Convert the number if there is one */ *bufptr = '('; bufptr++; if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { while (isalnum(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; c++; } if (bufptr < buff + MED_STR_MAX) { *bufptr = ')'; bufptr++; } } } while (*c != '\n') { /* Copy the remainder */ if (!isspace(*c)) { *bufptr = *c; bufptr++; if (bufptr >= buff + MED_STR_MAX) break; } c++; } *bufptr = '\n'; bufptr[1] = 0; scan_troff_mandoc(buff, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Fl: // mdoc(7) "FLags" { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; sl=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, true, &c); out_html(set_font("B")); if (!words) { out_html("-"); // stdin or stdout } else { for (i=0;i<words;++i) { if (ispunct(wordlist[i][0]) && wordlist[i][0]!='-') { scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } else { if (i>0) out_html(" "); // Put a space between flags out_html("-"); scan_troff_mandoc(wordlist[i], 1, NULL); } } } out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pa: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Pf: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Pp: /* mdoc(7) */ { if (fillout) out_html("<br><br>\n"); else { out_html(NEWLINE); } curpos=0; c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } case REQ_Aq: // mdoc(7) "Angle bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lt;","&gt;"); break; case REQ_Bq: // mdoc(7) "Bracket Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"[","]"); break; case REQ_Dq: // mdoc(7) "Double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&ldquo;","&rdquo;"); break; case REQ_Pq: // mdoc(7) "Parenthese Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"(",")"); break; case REQ_Qq: // mdoc(7) "straight double Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&quot;","&quot;"); break; case REQ_Sq: // mdoc(7) "Single Quote" c=process_quote(c,j,"&lsquo;","&rsquo;"); break; case REQ_Op: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oo: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("["); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Oc: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html("]"); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ql: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* Single quote first word in the line */ char *sp; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; sp = c; do { /* Find first whitespace after the * first word that isn't a mandoc macro */ while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; } while (*sp && isupper(*(sp-2)) && islower(*(sp-1))); /* Use a newline to mark the end of text to * be quoted */ if (*sp) *sp = '\n'; out_html("`"); /* Quote the text */ c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("'"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ar: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') { /* An empty Ar means "file ..." */ out_html("file ..."); } else c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Em: /* mdoc(7) */ { out_html("<em>"); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c+=j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html("</em>"); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Ad: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Va: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Xc: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in italics */ out_html(set_font("I")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nd: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(" - "); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Nm: // mdoc(7) "Name Macro" ### FIXME { static char mandoc_name[NULL_TERMINATED(SMALL_STR_MAX)] = ""; // ### TODO Use QCString trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (mandoc_synopsis && mandoc_name_count) { /* Break lines only in the Synopsis. * The Synopsis section seems to be treated * as a special case - Bummer! */ out_html("<BR>"); } else if (!mandoc_name_count) { const char *nextbreak = strchr(c, '\n'); const char *nextspace = strchr(c, ' '); if (nextspace < nextbreak) nextbreak = nextspace; if (nextbreak) { /* Remember the name for later. */ strlimitcpy(mandoc_name, c, nextbreak - c, SMALL_STR_MAX); } } mandoc_name_count++; out_html(set_font("B")); // ### FIXME: fill_words must be used while (*c == ' '|| *c == '\t') c++; if ((tolower(*c) >= 'a' && tolower(*c) <= 'z' ) || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')) { // alphanumeric argument c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); } else { /* If Nm has no argument, use one from an earlier * Nm command that did have one. Hope there aren't * too many commands that do this. */ out_html(mandoc_name); out_html(set_font("R")); } if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Cd: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Cm: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ic: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ms: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Or: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Sy: /* mdoc(7) */ { /* parse one line in bold */ out_html(set_font("B")); trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_Dv: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ev: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Fr: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Li: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_No: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Ns: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_Tn: /* mdoc(7) */ case REQ_nN: /* mdoc(7) */ { trans_char(c,'"','\a'); c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("B")); c=scan_troff_mandoc(c, 1, NULL); out_html(set_font("R")); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_A: /* mdoc(7) biblio stuff */ case REQ_perc_D: case REQ_perc_N: case REQ_perc_O: case REQ_perc_P: case REQ_perc_Q: case REQ_perc_V: { c=c+j; if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_perc_B: case REQ_perc_J: case REQ_perc_R: case REQ_perc_T: { c=c+j; out_html(set_font("I")); if (*c=='\n') c++; c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); /* Don't allow embedded mandoc coms */ out_html(set_font("R")); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; break; } case REQ_UR: // ### FIXME man(7) "URl" { ignore_links=true; c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; // A parameter : means that we do not want an URL, not here and not until .UE ur_ignore=(!qstrcmp(h,":")); } else { // We cannot find the URL, assume : ur_ignore=true; h=0; } if (!ur_ignore && words>0) { out_html("<a href=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\">"); } c=newc; // Go to next line break; } case REQ_UE: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url End" { c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); if (!ur_ignore) { out_html("</a>"); } ur_ignore=false; ignore_links=false; break; } case REQ_UN: // ### FIXME man(7) "Url Named anchor" { c+=j; char* newc; h=fill_words(c, wordlist, &words, false, &newc); *h=0; if (words>0) { h=wordlist[0]; out_html("<a name=\">"); out_html(h); out_html("\" id=\""); out_html(h); out_html("\"></a>"); } c=newc; break; } case REQ_nroff: // groff(7) "NROFF mode" mode = true; case REQ_troff: // groff(7) "TROFF mode" { s_nroff = mode; c+=j; c = skip_till_newline(c); } case REQ_als: // groff(7) "ALias String" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .als" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination string to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c=skip_till_newline(c); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination string to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rn) QMap<QCString,StringDefinition>::iterator it=s_stringDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_stringDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { StringDefinition def=(*it); s_stringDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .als" << endl; break; } case REQ_rr: // groff(7) "Remove number Register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rr" << endl; c += j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin string to remove/rename: " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap <QCString, NumberDefinition>::iterator it = s_numberDefinitionMap.find( name ); if ( it == s_numberDefinitionMap.end() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: trying to remove inexistant number register: " << endl; } else { s_numberDefinitionMap.remove( name ); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rr" << endl; break; } case REQ_rnn: // groff(7) "ReName Number register" { kdDebug(7107) << "start .rnn" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin to remove/rename number register" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier ( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination to rename number register " << endl; break; } c = skip_till_newline( c ); QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find number register to rename: " << name << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.remove(name); // ### QT4: removeAll s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name2,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .rnn" << endl; break; } case REQ_aln: // groff(7) "ALias Number Register" { /* * Note an alias is supposed to be something like a hard link * However to make it simplier, we only copy the string. */ // Be careful: unlike .rnn, the destination is first, origin is second kdDebug(7107) << "start .aln" << endl; c+=j; const QCString name ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty destination number register to alias" << endl; break; } while (*c && isspace(*c) && *c!='\n') ++c; const QCString name2 ( scan_identifier( c ) ); if ( name2.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: empty origin number register to alias" << endl; break; } kdDebug(7107) << "Alias " << name2 << " to " << name << endl; c = skip_till_newline( c ); if ( name == name2 ) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: same origin and destination number register to alias: " << name << endl; break; } // Second parametr is origin (unlike in .rnn) QMap<QCString,NumberDefinition>::iterator it=s_numberDefinitionMap.find(name2); if (it==s_numberDefinitionMap.end()) { kdDebug(7107) << "EXCEPTION: cannot find string to make alias: " << name2 << endl; } else { NumberDefinition def=(*it); s_numberDefinitionMap.insert(name,def); } kdDebug(7107) << "end .aln" << endl; break; } case REQ_shift: // groff(7) "SHIFT parameter" { c+=j; h=c; while (*h && *h!='\n' && isdigit(*h) ) ++h; const char tempchar = *h; *h = 0; const QCString number = c; *h = tempchar; c = skip_till_newline( h ); unsigned int result = 1; // Numbers of shifts to do if ( !number.isEmpty() ) { bool ok = false; result = number.toUInt(&ok); if ( !ok || result < 1 ) result = 1; } for ( unsigned int num = 0; num < result; ++num ) { if ( !s_argumentList.isEmpty() ) s_argumentList.pop_front(); } break; } case REQ_while: // groff(7) "WHILE loop" { request_while( c, j, mandoc_command ); break; } case REQ_do: // groff(7) "DO command" { // HACK: we just replace do by a \n and a . *c = '\n'; c++; *c = '.'; // The . will be treated as next character break; } default: { if (mandoc_command && ((isupper(*c) && islower(*(c+1))) || (islower(*c) && isupper(*(c+1)))) ) { /* Let through any mdoc(7) commands that haven't * been delt with. * I don't want to miss anything out of the text. */ char buf[4]; qstrncpy(buf,c,2); buf[2] = ' '; buf[3] = '\0'; out_html(buf); /* Print the command (it might just be text). */ c=c+j; trans_char(c,'"','\a'); if (*c=='\n') c++; out_html(set_font("R")); c=scan_troff(c, 1, NULL); out_html(NEWLINE); if (fillout) curpos++; else curpos=0; } else c=skip_till_newline(c); break; } } } } if (fillout) { out_html(NEWLINE); curpos++; } return c;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/8a448c5ec706bfae7d34393320a8c81270fd2d82/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
for (map<off_t, Bufferhead*>::iterator it = buffer_map.begin(); it != buffer_map.end();
dout(6) << "bc: delete fc of ino: " << inode->ino() << endl; map<off_t, Bufferhead*> to_delete = buffer_map; buffer_map.clear(); for (map<off_t, Bufferhead*>::iterator it = to_delete.begin(); it != to_delete.end();
~Filecache() { for (map<off_t, Bufferhead*>::iterator it = buffer_map.begin(); it != buffer_map.end(); it++) { delete it->second; } }
2690 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/2690/185b4405d4a2a7012104048179392323dfe3bcae/Buffercache.h/buggy/ceph/client/Buffercache.h
isdigit(f[1]) && f[1]!='0')
isdigit(f[1]) && f[1]!='0' && ((g-f)<=2 || isalpha(f[2])))
static void add_links(char *c){ /* ** Add the links to the output. ** At the moment the following are recognized: ** ** name(*) -> ../man?/name.* ** method://string -> method://string ** -> ** -> ** name@host -> mailto:name@host ** <name.h> -> file:/usr/include/name.h (guess) ** ** Other possible links to add in the future: ** ** /dir/dir/file -> file:/dir/dir/file */ int i,j,nr; char *f, *g,*h; char *idtest[6]; /* url, mailto, www, ftp, manpage */ bool ok; out_length+=strlen(c); /* search for (section) */ nr=0; idtest[0]=strstr(c+1,"://"); idtest[1]=strchr(c+1,'@'); idtest[2]=strstr(c,"www."); idtest[3]=strstr(c,"ftp."); idtest[4]=strchr(c+1,'('); idtest[5]=strstr(c+1,".h&gt;"); for (i=0; i<6; i++) nr += (idtest[i]!=NULL); while (nr) { j=-1; for (i=0; i<6; i++) if (idtest[i] && (j<0 || idtest[i]<idtest[j])) j=i; switch (j) { case 5: { /* <name.h> */ f=idtest[5]; h=f+2; g=f; while (g>c && g[-1]!=';') g--; bool wrote_include = false; if (g!=c) { QCString dir; QCString file(g, h - g + 1); file = file.stripWhiteSpace(); for (int index = 0; includedirs[index]; index++) { QCString str = QCString(includedirs[index]) + "/" + file; if (!access(str, R_OK)) { dir = includedirs[index]; break; } } if (!dir.isEmpty()) { char t; t=*g; *g=0; output_real(c); *g=t;*h=0; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"file:%s/%s\">%s</A>&gt;",,,; output_real(; c=f+6; wrote_include = true; } } if (!wrote_include) { f[5]=0; output_real(c); f[5]=';'; c=f+5; } } break; case 4: /* manpage */ f=idtest[j]; /* check section */ g=strchr(f,')'); if (g!=NULL && (g-f)<12 && (isalnum(f[-1]) || f[-1]=='>') && isdigit(f[1]) && f[1]!='0') { ok = TRUE; h = f+2; while (h<g) { if (!isalpha(*h++)) { ok = FALSE; break; } } } else ok = FALSE; if (ok) { /* this might be a link */ h=f-1; /* skip html makeup */ while (h>c && *h=='>') { while (h!=c && *h!='<') h--; if (h!=c) h--; } if (isalnum(*h)) { char t,sec, *e; QString subsec; QString fstr(f); e=h+1; sec=f[1]; subsec=f[2]; int index = fstr.find(')', 2); if (index != -1) subsec = fstr.mid(2, index - 2); else // No closing ')' found, take first character as subsection. subsec = fstr.mid(2, 1); while (h>c && (isalnum(h[-1]) || h[-1]=='_' || h[-1]==':' || h[-1]=='-' || h[-1]=='.')) h--; t=*h; *h='\0'; output_real(c); *h=t; t=*e; *e='\0'; QCString str; if (subsec.isEmpty()) str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"man:/%s(%c)\">%s</A>", h, sec, h); else str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"man:/%s(%c%s)\">%s</A>", h, sec, subsec.lower().latin1(), h); output_real(; *e=t; c=e; } } *f='\0'; output_real(c); *f='('; idtest[4]=f-1; c=f; break; /* manpage */ case 3: /* ftp */ case 2: /* www */ g=f=idtest[j]; while (*g && (isalnum(*g) || *g=='_' || *g=='-' || *g=='+' || *g=='.')) g++; if (g[-1]=='.') g--; if (g-f>4) { char t; t=*f; *f='\0'; output_real(c); *f=t; t=*g;*g='\0'; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s://%s\">%s</A>", ((j==3)?"ftp":"http"), f, f); output_real(; *g=t; c=g; } else { f[3]='\0'; output_real(c); c=f+3; f[3]='.'; } break; case 1: /* mailto */ g=f=idtest[1]; while (g>c && (isalnum(g[-1]) || g[-1]=='_' || g[-1]=='-' || g[-1]=='+' || g[-1]=='.' || g[-1]=='%')) g--; h=f+1; while (*h && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='_' || *h=='-' || *h=='+' || *h=='.')) h++; if (*h=='.') h--; if (h-f>4 && f-g>1) { char t; t=*g; *g='\0'; output_real(c); *g=t;t=*h;*h='\0'; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"mailto:%s\">%s</A>", g, g); output_real(; *h=t; c=h; } else { *f='\0'; output_real(c); *f='@'; idtest[1]=c; c=f; } break; case 0: /* url */ g=f=idtest[0]; while (g>c && isalpha(g[-1]) && islower(g[-1])) g--; h=f+3; while (*h && !isspace(*h) && *h!='<' && *h!='>' && *h!='"' && *h!='&') h++; if (f-g>2 && f-g<7 && h-f>3) { char t; t=*g; *g='\0'; output_real(c); *g=t; t=*h; *h='\0'; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>", g, g); output_real(; *h=t; c=h; } else { f[1]='\0'; output_real(c); f[1]='/'; c=f+1; } break; default: break; } nr=0; if (idtest[0] && idtest[0]<c) idtest[0]=strstr(c+1,"://"); if (idtest[1] && idtest[1]<c) idtest[1]=strchr(c+1,'@'); if (idtest[2] && idtest[2]<c) idtest[2]=strstr(c,"www."); if (idtest[3] && idtest[3]<c) idtest[3]=strstr(c,"ftp."); if (idtest[4] && idtest[4]<c) idtest[4]=strchr(c+1,'('); if (idtest[5] && idtest[5]<c) idtest[5]=strstr(c+1,".h&gt;"); for (i=0; i<6; i++) nr += (idtest[i]!=NULL); } output_real(c);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/6f883ac9f7929b9b46164bb61ad087ba75dffd10/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
if (!isalpha(*h++))
if (!isalnum(*h++))
static void add_links(char *c){ /* ** Add the links to the output. ** At the moment the following are recognized: ** ** name(*) -> ../man?/name.* ** method://string -> method://string ** -> ** -> ** name@host -> mailto:name@host ** <name.h> -> file:/usr/include/name.h (guess) ** ** Other possible links to add in the future: ** ** /dir/dir/file -> file:/dir/dir/file */ int i,j,nr; char *f, *g,*h; char *idtest[6]; /* url, mailto, www, ftp, manpage */ bool ok; out_length+=strlen(c); /* search for (section) */ nr=0; idtest[0]=strstr(c+1,"://"); idtest[1]=strchr(c+1,'@'); idtest[2]=strstr(c,"www."); idtest[3]=strstr(c,"ftp."); idtest[4]=strchr(c+1,'('); idtest[5]=strstr(c+1,".h&gt;"); for (i=0; i<6; i++) nr += (idtest[i]!=NULL); while (nr) { j=-1; for (i=0; i<6; i++) if (idtest[i] && (j<0 || idtest[i]<idtest[j])) j=i; switch (j) { case 5: { /* <name.h> */ f=idtest[5]; h=f+2; g=f; while (g>c && g[-1]!=';') g--; bool wrote_include = false; if (g!=c) { QCString dir; QCString file(g, h - g + 1); file = file.stripWhiteSpace(); for (int index = 0; includedirs[index]; index++) { QCString str = QCString(includedirs[index]) + "/" + file; if (!access(str, R_OK)) { dir = includedirs[index]; break; } } if (!dir.isEmpty()) { char t; t=*g; *g=0; output_real(c); *g=t;*h=0; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"file:%s/%s\">%s</A>&gt;",,,; output_real(; c=f+6; wrote_include = true; } } if (!wrote_include) { f[5]=0; output_real(c); f[5]=';'; c=f+5; } } break; case 4: /* manpage */ f=idtest[j]; /* check section */ g=strchr(f,')'); if (g!=NULL && (g-f)<12 && (isalnum(f[-1]) || f[-1]=='>') && isdigit(f[1]) && f[1]!='0') { ok = TRUE; h = f+2; while (h<g) { if (!isalpha(*h++)) { ok = FALSE; break; } } } else ok = FALSE; if (ok) { /* this might be a link */ h=f-1; /* skip html makeup */ while (h>c && *h=='>') { while (h!=c && *h!='<') h--; if (h!=c) h--; } if (isalnum(*h)) { char t,sec, *e; QString subsec; QString fstr(f); e=h+1; sec=f[1]; subsec=f[2]; int index = fstr.find(')', 2); if (index != -1) subsec = fstr.mid(2, index - 2); else // No closing ')' found, take first character as subsection. subsec = fstr.mid(2, 1); while (h>c && (isalnum(h[-1]) || h[-1]=='_' || h[-1]==':' || h[-1]=='-' || h[-1]=='.')) h--; t=*h; *h='\0'; output_real(c); *h=t; t=*e; *e='\0'; QCString str; if (subsec.isEmpty()) str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"man:/%s(%c)\">%s</A>", h, sec, h); else str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"man:/%s(%c%s)\">%s</A>", h, sec, subsec.lower().latin1(), h); output_real(; *e=t; c=e; } } *f='\0'; output_real(c); *f='('; idtest[4]=f-1; c=f; break; /* manpage */ case 3: /* ftp */ case 2: /* www */ g=f=idtest[j]; while (*g && (isalnum(*g) || *g=='_' || *g=='-' || *g=='+' || *g=='.')) g++; if (g[-1]=='.') g--; if (g-f>4) { char t; t=*f; *f='\0'; output_real(c); *f=t; t=*g;*g='\0'; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s://%s\">%s</A>", ((j==3)?"ftp":"http"), f, f); output_real(; *g=t; c=g; } else { f[3]='\0'; output_real(c); c=f+3; f[3]='.'; } break; case 1: /* mailto */ g=f=idtest[1]; while (g>c && (isalnum(g[-1]) || g[-1]=='_' || g[-1]=='-' || g[-1]=='+' || g[-1]=='.' || g[-1]=='%')) g--; h=f+1; while (*h && (isalnum(*h) || *h=='_' || *h=='-' || *h=='+' || *h=='.')) h++; if (*h=='.') h--; if (h-f>4 && f-g>1) { char t; t=*g; *g='\0'; output_real(c); *g=t;t=*h;*h='\0'; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"mailto:%s\">%s</A>", g, g); output_real(; *h=t; c=h; } else { *f='\0'; output_real(c); *f='@'; idtest[1]=c; c=f; } break; case 0: /* url */ g=f=idtest[0]; while (g>c && isalpha(g[-1]) && islower(g[-1])) g--; h=f+3; while (*h && !isspace(*h) && *h!='<' && *h!='>' && *h!='"' && *h!='&') h++; if (f-g>2 && f-g<7 && h-f>3) { char t; t=*g; *g='\0'; output_real(c); *g=t; t=*h; *h='\0'; QCString str; str.sprintf("<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>", g, g); output_real(; *h=t; c=h; } else { f[1]='\0'; output_real(c); f[1]='/'; c=f+1; } break; default: break; } nr=0; if (idtest[0] && idtest[0]<c) idtest[0]=strstr(c+1,"://"); if (idtest[1] && idtest[1]<c) idtest[1]=strchr(c+1,'@'); if (idtest[2] && idtest[2]<c) idtest[2]=strstr(c,"www."); if (idtest[3] && idtest[3]<c) idtest[3]=strstr(c,"ftp."); if (idtest[4] && idtest[4]<c) idtest[4]=strchr(c+1,'('); if (idtest[5] && idtest[5]<c) idtest[5]=strstr(c+1,".h&gt;"); for (i=0; i<6; i++) nr += (idtest[i]!=NULL); } output_real(c);}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/6f883ac9f7929b9b46164bb61ad087ba75dffd10/man2html.cpp/buggy/kioslave/man/man2html.cpp
kdDebug( 1440 ) << "Created info node item: " << text << endl;
InfoNodeItem::InfoNodeItem( InfoCategoryItem *parent, const QString &text ) : NavigatorItem( parent, text ){ kdDebug( 1440 ) << "Created info node item: " << text << endl;}
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/a2a1e042d8c0a0bf38a0350324b8467edb8d4b8d/infotree.cpp/clean/khelpcenter/infotree.cpp
res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass);
myUser = user?user:""; myPass = ""; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, myUser, myPass);
char *getAnswer(int type, const char *optmessage) { bool res = true; switch (type) { case ANSWER_USER_NAME: message = "Login for host "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return user.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_USER_PASSWORD: if (havePass) return pass.local8Bit().data(); message = "Password for user "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return pass.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_SERVICE_PASSWORD: if (haveServicePass && !strcmp(service, optmessage)) return pass.local8Bit().data(); // we have it already message = "Password for service "; message += optmessage; message += " (user ignored)"; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; haveServicePass=false;} else {haveServicePass=true; service=optmessage;} return pass.local8Bit().data(); } return 0; //??? }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/5893da574fee443279f9f8b7d23ad96a36359515/
kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return user.local8Bit().data();
if (!res) { if (user) {delete user; user = 0;} if (pass) {delete pass; pass = 0;} havePass=false; } else { if (user) delete user; user=new char[myUser.local8Bit().length()+1]; strcpy(user,myUser.local8Bit().data()); if (pass) delete pass; pass=new char[myPass.local8Bit().length()+1]; strcpy(pass,myPass.local8Bit().data()); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); havePass=true; } return user;
char *getAnswer(int type, const char *optmessage) { bool res = true; switch (type) { case ANSWER_USER_NAME: message = "Login for host "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return user.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_USER_PASSWORD: if (havePass) return pass.local8Bit().data(); message = "Password for user "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return pass.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_SERVICE_PASSWORD: if (haveServicePass && !strcmp(service, optmessage)) return pass.local8Bit().data(); // we have it already message = "Password for service "; message += optmessage; message += " (user ignored)"; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; haveServicePass=false;} else {haveServicePass=true; service=optmessage;} return pass.local8Bit().data(); } return 0; //??? }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/5893da574fee443279f9f8b7d23ad96a36359515/
if (havePass) return pass.local8Bit().data();
if (havePass) return pass;
char *getAnswer(int type, const char *optmessage) { bool res = true; switch (type) { case ANSWER_USER_NAME: message = "Login for host "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return user.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_USER_PASSWORD: if (havePass) return pass.local8Bit().data(); message = "Password for user "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return pass.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_SERVICE_PASSWORD: if (haveServicePass && !strcmp(service, optmessage)) return pass.local8Bit().data(); // we have it already message = "Password for service "; message += optmessage; message += " (user ignored)"; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; haveServicePass=false;} else {haveServicePass=true; service=optmessage;} return pass.local8Bit().data(); } return 0; //??? }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/5893da574fee443279f9f8b7d23ad96a36359515/
res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass);
myUser = optmessage; myPass = ""; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, myUser, myPass);
char *getAnswer(int type, const char *optmessage) { bool res = true; switch (type) { case ANSWER_USER_NAME: message = "Login for host "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return user.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_USER_PASSWORD: if (havePass) return pass.local8Bit().data(); message = "Password for user "; message += optmessage; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; havePass=false;} else havePass=true; return pass.local8Bit().data(); case ANSWER_SERVICE_PASSWORD: if (haveServicePass && !strcmp(service, optmessage)) return pass.local8Bit().data(); // we have it already message = "Password for service "; message += optmessage; message += " (user ignored)"; res = proto->openPassDlg(message, user, pass); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: res=%s", res?debugString("true"):debugString("false")); kDebugInfo( 7106, "CallBack: user=%s, pass=%s", debugString(user), debugString(pass)); if (!res) {pass=""; user=""; haveServicePass=false;} else {haveServicePass=true; service=optmessage;} return pass.local8Bit().data(); } return 0; //??? }
3322 /local/tlutelli/issta_data/temp/c/2005_temp/2005/3322/5893da574fee443279f9f8b7d23ad96a36359515/