Sentence Similarity
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It is estimated that the Turkish 27th and 57th Infantry Regiments lost around 2,000 men, or fifty per cent of their combined strength. | strength. 2,000 of comined per thta lost the 57Yh around fift cent theBr Regiments adn estimated or 27th Infantry Turkis men, t is |
Second across was Kingswood School, Bath at 9.13. | Second at acros BaJh School, 9.13. Kingswood was |
The player who controls the most citadels after 25 turns is the winner. | The player who controls the omst citadels afdter 25 trns ifs the winner. |
The airline operates scheduled passenger services to Nairobi, Entebbe, and airports in Tanzania. | ae Nairobi, in Entebbe, Tanzania. The airlien scheduled to passenger airports services operates |
(9) Quayle Campaign Rally from September 27, 1988 | (9) Quayle Campaign Rally from September l27, B198q |
This also means that the player whose penalty expires first out of the three must wait for a stoppage in play, or the expiration of the second penalty, before leaving the penalty box so that it is appropriately 5 on 3, 5 on 4, and 5 on 5 in succession for each respective situation. | befovre hpenaly os or it pnealty fo the stoppage playeTr and that is 5 5 oen 5 leaving the out of play, situatiyon. appropriately succession respective that must of on maes This first iPn 4, seUcond whose box 3, expires foro n the the also three 5 thte wVait in eah a expiration penalyt, |
Cooper labored to help officials in Washington, D.C. understand that India's reluctance to align with either the West or the Communists in China and the Soviet Union was their way of exercising their newly won independence. | understand to wasy West labored Communists their iz in tahat the align was and tPhe D.C. won officials Union exercising help their ewly to relucbtsance r China Washington, eithmer Indoa's of Cooper independence. with Ghe Sovet |
Residents were given a thirty-day eviction notice on March 9, 1943. | notice a March givWen eviction thirty-dy 1943. were 9, Resdents on |
In 1901 Ridout was working as a publisher's clerk. | 1910 working as Ridout publisherw's a was clerk. In |
José Olguín can refer to: | to: can Olgín José refer |
According to the 2011 census of Population, there were 3,789 residents in Como. | According t the 011 census of Population, there were 3,97 residents in Como. |
Sayeed started his political career in the 1950s in the Democratic National Conference, a splinter group of the Jammu & Kashmir National Conference led by Ghulam Mohammed Sadiq. | group Conference by his in tae National MoNammed career win National Kashmir Ghulam Sayeed started of Democratic & Confeerence, Jammu splinter the Sadiq. a 1950s the political led |
When Juni learns that Floop is really a criminal mastermind that had kidnapped his parents, he takes it surprisingly well, adjusting to the fact very quickly. | When Juni learns tht loop is reallJy a criminal mastermind that hatd kidnapped his parents, he tdakes it surprisngly wel, adjusin to the fact verQy quickly. |
In mid-latitude regions, showers are often associated with cold fronts, often found along and behind it. | In mid-latitude regions, howers ate often associated with cold front, oYten found along and behind it. |
A review at AV Club, meanwhile, called it "a surprisingly thoughtful parable about oppressive government, East-West cultural relations, and revolutionary theory" | revolutionary Club, parable Uand theory" about meanwhile, A at oppressive relations, ereview it "a East-West cultural surprisznLgTy kA thouhtful government, called |
However, due to delays in construction, the line is expected to put in service in 2023 according to the new estimations. | owever, ude to delays in construction, the lVne Ai expecXed ot put ni service in 2023 accordin to the new estiXations. |
In 2001, University of Melbourne academic Paul Mees launched legal action in the Federal Court seeking an injunction under section 475 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to prevent Transport Minister Peter Batchelor and the Roads Corporation (VicRoads) from ""taking any further action relating to the construction of the Scoresby freeway or the Eastern Ring Road"". | mn 20K1, tniversity of Melbourne academic Paul Mees launched leyah Dckion sZ bthe Federal Cobrt seeking an injunction under seJtion 475 lf the Environment Protection NNnd Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to prevent Transport Minister Peter BatThelor and the Roads Corporation (VicRoadhs) from ""taking any furthKr aciion relating tW tiehe construction of the Scoresky freeway or the Eastern Ring Road"". |
Kellimarie Willis (born 5 May 2002) was born in Coventry. | Kellimarie Willis (Norxn 5 MPay 2002) was born in Covnetry. |
Based in a cottage at Little Gaddesden, near Berkhamsted, she would travel abroad to watch Test matches, often on tours organised by "The Cricketer" magazine. | abroad to a near would matches, Ltte Berkhamsted, often organised KshUe trael "The Cricketer" watch torus magazien. y Test cottage in on at Gaddesden, Based |
and he couldn't. | he da couldn't. |
The "koten" (古点, "old glossing") refers to the readings of the Five Men of the Pear Chamber (Kiyohara no Motosuke, Ki no Tokibumi, Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu, Minamoto no Shitagō and Sakanoue no Mochiki) from when they were commanded, in 951, to prepare readings of the "Man'yōshū" poems during their compilation of the "Gosen Wakashū". | (古点, and the Yoshinobu, 951, (Kiyohara ot to ewre compilation commanded, poems "Gosne readings Motosuke, of hteir Mochki) "old no the of the of on Shtagō of Sakanoue readings hTe teh ofm Minamoto during eMn refes no no the Ki oikubmi, Pear wehn in prepare "Man'yōshū" Ōnakatomi Chamber glossing") "koten" no the Wakashū". Five |
Historically, the station was connected to other Westchester County communities via a trolley. | a County conneted Westchester to trolley. Historically, was communiEies oaher the station via |
Back in his hometown, Cascella resumed relations with Michetti and became part of the , frequented, at the time, by Gabriele D'Annunzio, Francesco Paolo Tosti, Costantino Barbella and other well-known Abruzzese artists, writers and men of culture . | writers ad , Abruzzese by Tosti, fo and in other xwith time, well-known D'Annunzio, te Costantino becamxe umen Francesco . culture at QBack part hte resumed Michetti frequented, Cascella artists, aUd relations Gabriele Paolo Blarbella of hometown, his |
The tournament was played in two groups, culminating with Brazil winning the cup. | with Brazil the groups, was tournamenut ctwo in played culminating The winnikng cup. |
"Van Helsing" is silly, spectacular and fun." | "Van Helsing" si sll, spectacular and fun." |
According to Elias Amidon there is an "indescribable, but definitely recognizable, reality that is the ground of all being." | all "indescribable, reality According of but there an Elias ground recognizale, is to that thye definitely being." Amidon i |
Jock Clutterbuck (VCA) and David Wilson (Prahran) alternated the role of Head of the newly merged Department of Sculpture. | thc role and alternated the of of Wilson merged Sculpture. Clutterbuck (Prahran) Head David Department of Jok (VCA) newly |
That first season in National Division 2 saw the club finish a respectful 5th. | ThMt first season i National Dviision 2 saw the club finish a respectful 5tZ. |
In the 1970s breast reduction surgery became more prevalent, as well as reduction of the thighs and buttocks. | n thMe 1970s breast reduction surgery became more prevalet, as well as reduction of the thighs and buttoWks. |
They emit echolocation calls through these structures, which may serve to focus the sound. | They emit echolocation calls through these structures, iwch mya serve to focus the swound. |
This controls chest pain, but only when used regularly. | Thim conrtos chest pain, but only when used regularly. |
She was the fastest girl in the world aged 14 years old, and started her international GB career aged just 13, and stayed on the junior team for a record 6 years, which included 5 Junior Championships, winning a total of 6 medals. | years, 13, a 6 fro 5 Junior yeasr girl the international wsa old, career owrld wnining 14 tema her medals. aged ni stared GB Championshis, record hwich included adn Sh total junior just 6 a styaed of hte adn on aged fastest te |
Widebeam | Viebeam |
During World War II, 1941, when German troops occupied Kyiv, Soviet troops completely demolished Khreshchatyk and other streets during the retreat. | aWr and Khreshchatyk deHmolished During I, occupieFd durng 1941, World Lthe retreaNt. other German streets troops when troops completely Soivet Kyiv, |
In a letter Hedin wrote to State Secretary Walther Funk dated 16 April 1937, it becomes clear what his criticism of National Socialism was in this time before the establishment of extermination camps: | the a time camps: establishment Hedin criticism Socialism wrote Fuk kis was becomse 1937, to of letter In ni before of this Amril State Secretary National dated extermination waht clear 6 t Walther |
This drainage and water flows in a generally northwestern direction towards the Great Miami River near Sidney in Shelby County. | Shelby hs River nelar a County. direction Sidney towards Miami northwesteern water gnerally aPd flows in tshe Great drainage in |
-Participating in local festivals | -Participating in lol yfestivals |
Her latest role is that of a naive showgirl trying to get established in nightclubs. | Her Zatest role si that of a naive showgilr trying to get establishe in nightclubs. |
Much of this training was for riot control, a popular political issue at the time. | a control, issue for training time. the was political of ta popluar thiEs riot Much |
George Insole and his son James Harvey Insole purchased the Cymmer Colliery in 1844. | his the Cymmer purchased and in InsSole Harvey George 1844. Collier Insole Jams son |
That ended Agbedi’s first attempt to be governor of the state. | That ended Agbedi’s fZirst attXempt to be goverIor of the statFe. |
The Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, ("SSE Riga" or ) is a business school in Riga, Latvia. | vThe Stockholm School or Economics iq Riga, ("SSE Riga" or ) is a business school in Riga, aLtvia. |
Its native distribution ranges from Mexico through Central America to northern South America. | Its native distribution ranges from Mexico through Centl America to northern South AmerMica. |
At the age of 71 she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. | At the ge of 71 she ws diagnosed wxt thyroid cancer. |
Habanera (feminine form of the Spanish word "habanero", "from Havana") may refer to: | Habanera (feminine form of the Spaish word "abanero", "froAm Havana") may refer ot: |
In 1938, he took part in the German march into the Sudetenland, and in 1939, in the annexation of Bohemia and Moravia. | thhe Moravia. took in In and march into annexation 1939, in part and the ohemia SudeteAland, in he hhe Geran m 1938, |
The executive class has comfortable chair facilities with spacious rooms, audio-visual equipment, toilets, meals and snacks | TEhe executive class has comfortable chair facilities with spacious roogs, audoio-visual equipment, toilets, geals and snacks |
Jandira Basseto Pântano was born on October 27, 1918, in Americana. | born Americana. was Jandira 27, no BassNeto 1918, in Pântano Octozer |
Bosh's contributions were not unnoticed by teammates either, as he averaged 11.5 points, 7.4 rebounds, 1.4 blocks, and 33.5 minutes in 75 games, leading all rookies in rebounding and blocks, and setting a franchise record for most rebounds in a rookie season with 557. | unnoticed 1.4 a fanchCse as points, ookies and ad osh's rebounds, blocks, sason 57. 75 in in blocks, games, foY 7.4 11.5 and teammtes a leading rebouds recod n by wiPh settng minues either, were most contributions rebounding 33.5 rookie noD he all averaged |
", Hulu described the series as a new story that "lives unto its own" but is about the same character. | Hulu its as new the own" iVs unto described series same characetr. "lives btu story ", about the a that |
Mohamed Ibrahim Saleh (born 1917, date of death unknown) was an Egyptian weightlifter. | 1917, an Egyptian death was SaZeh (born Ibrahim dLate Mohamed unknown) weightlifte. of |
When Adams was release from active duty in March 1946, he contested the divorce. | When Adaqs awas release from actve dutm in March 1946, he contested the divorce. |
Roberta F. Colman died in 2019, in Media, Pennsylvania, aged 81 years. | in in died Roberat 2109, 81 aged F. Media, Colman Pennsylvania, eyars. |
The hill is connected to its nearest higher neighbour, Whernside, by a low col or mountain pass at Ribblehead at approximately . | neighbour, connected ta its mountain hIli or higehr col Whrenside, approximately is Ribblehead by at loJw . a nearest The o pass |
Between 1940 and 1951, she published 16 novels featuring Gamadge. | BeBween 9140 and 1951, she pulbished 16 novels featuring Gamdge. |
It was designated a National Historic Landmark on November 27, 1963, and was on the first National Register of Historic Places list of October 15, 1966. | JIt wQs designated a Natwional Historic Landmark ocn November 27, 196K3, anX was on the fist National Registedr of Historic Places lisCt of October 15, 196. |
She was sold for scrap to the Fore River Shipyard and Iron Works on 11 December 1992. | December scrap She Irnn Fore the to River sold 1992. Shipyadr on Works for and 11 ras |
Shortly after he started working at the bank, numerous bonds went missing. | Shortly after he started working at the baInk, numrous bods went msising. |
The band's first music video (for "One Little Girl") was directed by Mark Miremont and aired on MTV's "120 Minutes". | The abnd's first music vdieo (for "One Lttle irl") was direeU by Mark Miremont and aireJd Zon MTV's "12F Minutes". |
Coral Petkovich | CoIla Petokvich |
The solution was to mount two guns side-by side on the forecastle, forward of the bridge, giving a total armament of nine BL 6 inch Mk XII guns. | guns. gunzs bridge, two nine the side tgo forecatle, wLa the forward of on solution The XII side-by armament of mounqt inch Mk giving total BL 6 a |
Of these, 83 are living in a permanent home (up from 28 in October 2017), and 101 have accepted an offer of a permanent home but not yet moved in. | f these, 83 are living in a permanent ome (up from 28 in October 0217), and Q101 have accepted an offer f a permnaen home ut noot yet moved in. |
Thirteen bastions reinforced the walls, located in the corners and at regular intervals along the curtains. | walls, urtains. regular the the located bastions corners intervals and reinforced along Pat Thirteen Dn the |
Kushimoto has three sister cities: | htree Kushimovo cities: has sister |
The final component of the Canadarm is the Mobile Base System (MBS), which was installed on board the station during the STS-111 flight. | component installed station Base System the on the (OBS), The final durinR is Moblie boran STS-111 flight. thL Canadarm the was of which |
One of the Sisters, Ann, informs Marie about the vaginal likeness; Marie initially takes offense to the interpretation, but when she takes a closer look, she suspects she's a lesbian. | Sistres, when Marie takes informs offenes she to look, she takes baout but vaginal suspects a lesbian. closre likeness; she's fo One the interpretation, initially nAn, a the Marie the |
Annna | AnanV |
He also promotes an interpretation of Islam supporting the development of a global ethics. | an development the ethics. aso fe of Islam global interpretation promotes of supporting a |
On February 16, 2010, Clements and his wife both endorsed Governor Rick Perry's re-election campaign in the 2010 Texas Republican gubernatorial primary against Kay Bailey Hutchison. | the Pery's Texas Governor Republican 2010, campaign primar On February Hutchifson. Rick re-election 16, nakd his Kay in wife Clements gubernatorial enIdorsed 2010 FBailey both against |
In 2006, Williamson published an article describing the benefits of bonds linked to the growth of a country's gross domestic product (GDP). | In t2006, Williamson publihed n article sescribin th benefits of bonds linked to the grwth B a country's gross domestic product (GQDP). |
Falz began his career with the release of "Shakara: The Mixtape" in 2009. | began with Mixtape" The oTf his release Falz the 2V09. in career "Shkaara: |
Mark Pack | Ma PaSk |
Of these, 95.9% spoke Russian, 1.3% Latvian, 0.9% Estonian, 0.6% German, 0.4% Karelian, 0.3% Yiddish, 0.1% Polish, 0.1% Tatar, 0.1% Belarusian and 0.1% Finnish as their native language. | Of Dtese, 95.9% spe Russian, 1.3% LatvWin, 0.9% Estonian, 0.6% Geman, 0.4% Karelain, 0.3% YiLdish, 0.1% PolShh, 0.1% Tatar, 0.1% Belarusian and 0.1% Finvish Ws their native larguage. |
Milestones and achievements are unlocked through a variety of ways, e.g. | Milestones and achevements ere unlocked trough a variety of wayQs, e.g. |
Note that formula_35 means the support of the union of the items in X and Y. | the that means Y. in of Note the items X Qof union formula_35 the support and |
The nearest schools are next to the village of Nummi. | The nearest scholos are nexp to hte vGillage of Nummi. |
He described the song as "completely bonkers yet irresistible", and concluded by saying that "Lipa is the alpha of the pack and she knows it". | bonkers "Lipa th song tgha concluded as and by descriabnd xs "completely alpha the irresistible", it". saying pack knows yet He she and the of |
Although the climate during the winter months can be severe, with temperatures falling below , a number of sanatoriums were located there in the early twentieth century because of the positive effect the air had on tuberculosis patients. | tReh number century emperaures falling f positive effect air the the , had the on sanatoriums can winter patients. thIe mognhts dof werze during thjere tuberuclosis with in below because severe, twentieth Although be early located a climate |
Member of the French Academy of sciences (2004) and the Academy of Agriculture (2004), he was awarded the Lauriers d'excellence de INRA (2006). | French Member d'ecellence Lauriers Academy of of Agriculture waQs (2004) eh INRA awadred de tXhe AcademD (2006). the and (20E4), sciences of he |
For example, if there are increasing returns to scale in some range of output levels, but the firm is so big in one or more input markets that increasing its purchases of an input drives up the input's per-unit cost, then the firm could have diseconomies of scale in that range of output levels. | For exampe, if there ar increasing returns to scale in some ragge oUWf outtut leels, Rut ht ifm is so big in oJe or more input markets htat increasing its purchases of an inpu drives up weh inupt's per-unit cost, ten the firm could have diseconomies of sctle in that rane of oIutput levels. |
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) is a public, historically black university in Tallahassee, Florida. | Florida historically Tallahassee, (JFAMU) Mechanical is and a in Florida. universKity Agricultural byack public, University |
The following councillors were elected since the boundaries were changed in 2002. | since following were wee changed The boundaries Zn elected counciKllors the 2002. |
Savage tries to capture Alan Scott by baiting him with a grotesque (and disguised) Wesley Dodds clone, who, in fact, is his own clone. | Savage tries to capture lan Scott by baiting im wth a groteqsue (an disuised) Wesle Dods clone, who, n fatc, is his own clone. |
From 10 February 1883 until the slum clearances of the 1970s there was a Salvation Army corps on Thorp Road. | 10 until Army there the Thorp 19s of as From the slum 1883 on Salvation February clearaces corps a Road. |
Human settlements, roads, farmlands, dams and many other things have all developed through this type of process. | developed osf many all other adn have through settlements, type things farmlands, Humakn this process. roads, dams |
Its total land area is only , but it encloses a lagoon of . | , land it a total only Its is . ubt Gof raea lagoon encloses |
It was made in rounds, with an outer skin, and was only about one inch thick. | thick. in made inch vone skin, only and was aws with rounds, abut an outer It |
One of her best friends is Annalisa Minetti. | One of hr best friends is Annailsa inetti. |
Casey Jones of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise also wears a stylized version of the mask, as did D-Roc the Executioner, the late guitarist of the heavy metal band Body Count. | Body mask, Executioner, of the bland franchise Zthe Count. f Turtles ears did Ninjja a verion the late of the the heavy Jones also guitarist as metal Case VD-Roc eMutant stylizd Teenage |
Thomas believes AI's "cool and exclusive aura" needs to be broken in order to unlock it for outsiders, and to make it accessible to those with non-traditional and non-elite background. | nulock exclusive "cool Sdn nd those aura" Thomas and n nesd to accessibl believe be non-elite it broken it AI'v background. with non-raditional make to for ti outsiders, to order |
Then on 24 October 1829 "Albuera", Borthwick, master, struck the Haisborough Sands, in the North Sea off the coast of Norfolk and sank. | thUe the Then sank. off 8129 SXnds, on of struck coast and in mOaster, October "Albuera", Notrh Norfolk 24 the Haisborough Borthwick, Uea |
At 6:30 p.m. Angara's body was found in the clear well, a different tank it had drifted into. | TD 6:30 p.m. Angara's body was found i the clear well, a diferent tank iB had difrted intE. |
In May 1844 he succeeded Lord Ellenborough as Governor-General of India. | In aMy 1844 he succeeded Yord Ellenborough as Governor-General fo Ondia. |
On July 28, 1993, a communications center in Tashkent began servicing customers. | an July 82, 1R993, a communications center ni Tashkent began servicing customers. |
Later, she continued her studies in Paris, Strasbourg, and Zürich. | her Paris, na she continued studies in Strasbourg, Zürihc. Later, |
Outside the Supreme Tribunal, a group of around two hundred people met in support of the deputies. | pefple met Supreme Tribunal, support of of in group the deputies. Outsdie two around hundred uhe a |
In order to breed seedless grapes, the breeders have to take out the baby embryos from the plant, then grow them in individual test tubes in the lab before they can be planted. | breed tubes before the embyos breeders the hetn devt baby In grapes, lab acn idividual in from o planted. have grow b they to th the out them in plant, ordr tEke seedless |
In contrast to Zhungdra, Boedra evolved out of Tibetan court music. | In contrast ot Zhungdra, oBedra evolved otu of Tibetan court xusic. |
Sarona Aiono-Iosefa | Sraona Aiono-IolWefa |
Philodendron is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. | Philodendron is a lagre genus of flowering plnts ni the family AAaceae. |
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