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0 | hello my names amy kousha im one of the gastroenterology doctors at the clinic today can you tell me your name and date of birth please | hello my amy kousha one of the gastroenterology doctors at the clinic today can you tell me your name and date of birth please |
1 | my name is bide and my date of birth is first of january of 1990 | my is bide and my date of first of january of 1990 |
2 | so bide i understand that you went to see your gp with some changes in your bowel habit can you tell me some more about those symptoms | so bide understand that you went to see your gp with changes in your bowel habit can you tell me some more about those symptoms |
3 | ive been having loose stools diarrhoea for the past few months and i went to my gp | ive been loose stools diarrhoea for the past few and went to my gp |
4 | okay so prior to three months would you say that your bowel habit was normal | okay so prior three months would you say that your bowel habit was normal |
5 | and have you being passing any blood in your bowel motions | and have you being passing any blood in your |
6 | yeah i do i do get blood in my bowel and my stool and its kind of mixed with the stool | yeah i do i do get blood in my bowel and my stool and its kind of mixed the stool |
7 | and has the blood passage of blood being going on for a few months as well or has that been a more recent change | and has the of blood on for a few months as has that been a more recent change |
8 | um that has been happening more recently | um that has been happening more |
9 | okay and have you noticed any mucus as so that white stringy substance being passed in your stool | okay and have you noticed mucus so that white stringy substance being in your stool |
10 | yeah now that you mention it yeah i do i do noticed that | yeah now you mention it yeah i i do noticed that |
11 | and what about your weight | and what about weight |
12 | so yes it seems like ive lost a little bit of weight simply because my clothes are loosened i havent actually measured it but i people do tell me that ive lost weight | yes it seems like ive lost a little bit simply because my clothes loosened havent measured it but people do tell me that ive lost |
13 | okay and have you noticed any abdominal pain | have you noticed any abdominal pain |
14 | yeah i do get a lot of abdominal cramps stomach cramps and thats been also getting worse recently | yeah i do get a lot of abdominal cramps stomach cramps and thats been also getting worse |
15 | and can you tell me when your abdominal pain is worse | and can you tell me when abdominal pain is |
16 | it seems like its worse just before going to the toilet and then once i opened my bowels its better | it seems like its worse before going to the toilet and then i opened my bowels its better |
17 | okay and is it very severe or is it just mild cramping | okay and is it very severe or is it just |
18 | i wouldnt say its severe that i have to be bend double but it is not mild it is moderate perhaps | i say its severe that i have to bend double but it is not mild it is moderate perhaps |
19 | okay and have have you had any episodes like this before of diarrhoea and blood being passed | okay and you had any episodes like this before of diarrhoea and blood being passed |
20 | no i think its been all in the past few months before that i had no problems with my bowel motion | no i think its been all in the past months before i had no problems with my bowel motion |
21 | okay and have you noticed any joint pains | okay and have you noticed any joint pains |
22 | maybe some pain in my knees especially my right knee | maybe some pain in my knees especially my right |
23 | but no not anywhere else | but no not anywhere else |
24 | any rashes or skin changes that youve noticed | any rashes or changes that noticed |
25 | and any problems with nausea or vomiting or swallowing | any problems with nausea or vomiting or swallowing |
26 | okay so i understand that your gp started you on some steroids is that right | okay so i understand that your gp started you on some is that |
27 | yeah so thats correct my gp started me on some steroid tablets which made me feel better initially but its not completely back to normal | yeah so thats correct my gp started me on some steroid tablets which me feel better initially but its not completely back to normal |
28 | okay and do you have any other medical conditions | okay and do you any other medical conditions |
29 | um i suffer from asthma for which id taken inhalers okay nothing else | um i suffer asthma for which id inhalers nothing else |
30 | and do you smoke | and do you smoke |
31 | uh yeah i do | uh yeah i do |
32 | how many do you smoke a day | how many do you smoke a day |
33 | perhaps about 10 a day | perhaps about 10 a day |
34 | and do you drink alcohol | and do you drink alcohol |
35 | only socially | only socially |
36 | okay and is there any family history that you feel might be important and significant medical problems in your family | okay and is there any family history that you feel might be important significant medical problems in your family |
37 | uh my my mom had bowel problems but she died a few years ago of a heart attack | uh my my mom had bowel but she died a few years ago of a heart attack |
38 | okay and any allergies | okay and any allergies |
39 | no i do not have any allergies | no i do not have any allergies |
40 | and are you working at the moment | and are you working the moment |
41 | yeah i actually work in university | yeah i actually work in university |
42 | okay so do you have any ideas as to what might be the cause of your symptoms at the moment | okay so do you have any ideas as to what might be the cause of your symptoms at the |
43 | not really i dont know what may be happening but whether its even related to my moms condition but i dont know exactly what she had | not dont what may be happening whether its even related to my moms condition but i dont know exactly what she had |
44 | so its from the history that youve given me it sounds like you might have a condition called inflammatory bowel disease which your gp may have mentioned but in order to diagnose you with this we will need to do some further tests and investigations to confirm that diagnosis | so its from the history that given me it sounds like you might have condition called inflammatory bowel disease gp may have mentioned but in order to you with this will need to do some further and investigations to confirm that diagnosis |
45 | so to start rest id like to examine you today and do some basic measurements like blood pressure and heart rate and temperature and i would also like to get some routine blood test and arrange some stool tests as well to send off to the labs does that sound okay to you | so to start rest id to examine you today and do some basic measurements like blood pressure and rate and temperature and i would like to get some routine blood and arrange some stool tests as well to send off to the labs does that sound okay to you |
46 | yeah could you tell me a little bit more about inflammatory bowel disease is it something that i could be treated and cured off or | could you tell me little bit more about inflammatory bowel disease is it something that i could be and cured off or |
47 | so there are two main types of inflammatory bowel disease both types are chronic which means that you know you will have them lifelong but we can use medications to improve the symptoms and to try and normalise your bowel habit as much as possible | so there two main types of inflammatory bowel disease both types chronic which means that you know you will have them lifelong but we can use medications improve the symptoms and to try and normalise your bowel habit as much as |
48 | i dont know at the moment which type of inflammatory bowel disease you have whether its ulcerative colitis or crohns disease and thats why well require a colonoscopy which is a camera test it goes up the tail end and we take some photographs on some biopsies to look at the lining of the bowel to try and decide which type of inflammatory bowel disease you have okay does that sound okay to you | i dont know at the moment which type of inflammatory bowel disease you have whether its ulcerative colitis or crohns disease and thats why well require a colonoscopy which is a camera test it goes up the tail and we take some photographs on some biopsies to look at the lining of the bowel to try and decide which type inflammatory bowel disease you have okay does that okay to you |
49 | okay so ill arrange those those tests for you and then well see you back in clinic in around eight weeks time | okay ill arrange those those tests for you and then well see you back in clinic in around eight weeks time |
50 | okay thank you | okay thank you |
51 | hello my name is amy im one of the gastroenterology doctors can i take your name please | hello my name is amy im one of the gastroenterology doctors can i take your name please |
52 | sure its ally cotter | sure its ally cotter |
53 | and so youre youve come to the ibd clinic today and you want to tell me what kind of symptoms youve been having | and so youre youve come to ibd clinic today and you want to tell me what kind symptoms youve been having |
54 | um for the last few months probably three months ive been having quite a lot of bloody diarrhoea um and i think ive noticed some weight loss as well | um for the last few months probably three months been having quite a lot of diarrhoea um and i think ive noticed some weight loss as well |
55 | okay and when youve noticed the blood has it been mixed in with your stool or has it been just wiping or | okay and when youve noticed the blood it been mixed in with your stool or has it been just wiping |
56 | mixed in yeah | mixed in yeah |
57 | yeah okay and how much weight do you think youve lost | yeah okay and how weight do think youve lost |
58 | im not sure probably four or five kilograms as well its also the diarrhoea i also get some pain as well | im sure probably four or five kilograms as well its also the diarrhoea i also get some pain as well |
59 | okay and is the pain just there when youre moving your bowels or is it there all the time | okay and is pain just there youre moving your bowels is there all the time |
60 | um no its just kind of cramping comes and goes | um no its just of cramping comes and goes |
61 | okay and hows your appetite been | okay and hows your appetite been |
62 | um not great actually yeah its been reduced | um not great yeah its been |
63 | yeah any problem with swallowing or mouth ulcers or anything like that | yeah any problem with swallowing or ulcers or anything like that |
64 | okay and is there any family history of anything | okay and is there any family history of anything |
65 | um my moms dads my grandfather has ulcerative colitis | um my moms dads my grandfather has ulcerative colitis |
66 | so i think hes had some problems with his bowels | so i think hes some problems with bowels |
67 | okay and have you ever had bowel problems before this has happened | okay and have you ever had bowel problems before this has happened |
68 | no okay and are you working at the moment or | okay and are you working at the moment or |
69 | um im a student | um im a student |
70 | youre a student okay and i know you havent had any bowel problems in the past have you had any other medical conditions | youre a student okay and know you havent had any bowel problems the past have you had any other medical conditions |
71 | um no im just asthmatic | um no im just asthmatic |
72 | and have you noticed any skin changes or joint pains | have you noticed any skin changes or joint pains |
73 | ive had some rashes on my shins but theyre theyre not itchy or anything they didnt bother me | ive had rashes on my shins but theyre not or they didnt bother me |
74 | okay okay and have they sort of come and gone a bit or have they | okay okay and have sort of come and gone a or have they |
75 | yeah okay and whats your understanding so far of what investigations youve had | yeah and whats your so far of investigations youve had |
76 | um well ive had the camera test and i think theyve done some tests on my stool as well and im just kind of in the dark waiting to hear kind of whats been happening | well ive had the camera test and theyve done some tests on my stool as well and im kind of in dark waiting to hear kind of whats been happening |
77 | okay so your stool cultures have been negative so thats the exclude any infective cause of your diarrhoea and obviously youve had your colonoscopy and we took some biopsy results and so that sort of confirms the diagnosis of something something called ulcerative colitis which is a type of inflammatory bowel disease i dont know if youve heard of those terms before | okay so your stool cultures have been negative so thats the exclude any infective cause of your diarrhoea and obviously youve had your colonoscopy and we some biopsy results and so that sort of confirms the of something something called ulcerative colitis which is a type of inflammatory bowel disease i know if youve heard of those terms before |
78 | ive heard my granddad having it but i havent i dont know much about it | ive heard my granddad but i dont know much about it |
79 | okay so its sort of chronic inflammatory disease affecting predominantly the bowel but it can affect other parts of the body like skin joints sometimes even the eyes um but thats more unusual um so we were planned to start you on some steroids initially to try and reduce the inflammation down and also medication called pentasa which is a maintenance therapy um so have you had any steroids at all yet from your gp or | so its sort chronic inflammatory disease predominantly the but it affect other parts of the body like skin joints sometimes even the um but thats more unusual um so were planned to start you on some steroids initially to try and the inflammation down and also medication pentasa which a maintenance therapy so have had any steroids at all yet from your gp or |
80 | no okay so well get you started on those and then arrange to see you back in clinic in a couple of weeks time to see how youre getting on okay have you got any questions youd like to ask about that or | no okay so well get you started on those and then arrange to see you back in clinic in a of weeks time to see how youre getting on okay you got any questions youd like to about that or |
81 | um so this maintenance treatment like how long do you think i need to be on that for | so this maintenance treatment like how long do you think need to be on that |
82 | so everyones a little bit different in terms of how their disease course progresses um some people are you know very well controlled on therapy for for years and some people have a bit more of a rough ride and require other medications to be added in as well so well keep you on it for you know at least the first year or so and then well review things after that and but also with colitis is a chronic long term condition that youll have for the rest of your life and have to sort of learn to live with as well but theres lots of support available for you as well so | everyones a little bit different in terms of how their course progresses um some are you know very well on therapy for for years and some people a bit more of a rough ride and require other medications to added in as well so well you on it for you know at least the first or so and then well review things that and but also with colitis chronic long term condition that youll have for the rest of your life and have to sort of learn to live with as well but theres lots of support available for you as well so |
83 | yeah thank you very much | yeah thank you very much |
84 | okay thank you | okay you |
85 | hello im amy im one of the gastroenterology doctors can i take your name and date of birth please | hello im amy im one the gastroenterology doctors can i take your name and date of birth please |
86 | yeah sure its annie caldwell and its the second of february 1982 | yeah sure its annie caldwell and the second of february 1982 |
87 | great thank you and so what brings you to clinic today annie | great thank you and so what brings you clinic today annie |
88 | um so i have crohns and i have had for many years | um i have crohns and i have had for many years |
89 | for about 20 years now um and ive tried loads of treatments for this and recently its been quite well controlled but recently my bowels have been kind of more watery and ive been going more frequently and im just feeling really tired and lethargic and exhausted um so and ive had to take time off work actually | for about years now um and ive tried loads of treatments for this and recently been quite well controlled but recently my bowels have been kind of more watery and ive been going frequently and im just feeling really tired lethargic and exhausted um so and ive had to time off work |
90 | okay oh im sorry to hear that so i know that youve previously been on a combination of steroids and azathioprine and now youre on something called adalimin adalimumab | okay oh im sorry to hear that so i that youve previously been on a combination of steroids and azathioprine and now youre on something called adalimin adalimumab |
91 | yes thats right | yes thats right |
92 | and how have you been getting on that | and how have you been getting that |
93 | um its been fine its like my symptoms have been well controlled and ive been getting on fine with my life but it just seems to be recently that its kind of my symptoms kind of come back again but i dont really know whats been happening | um its fine its like my symptoms have been well controlled and been getting on fine with my life it seems to be recently its kind of my symptoms kind of come back again but i dont really know whats been happening |
94 | okay and are you managing to take your injections regularly | okay you managing to your injections |
95 | at home and things any problems with the injection sites | at home and things problems with the injection sites |
96 | no no | no no |
97 | im usually quite good of my treatments | im usually quite good of my |
98 | okay and have you noticed any blood in your bowel motion or is it just very watery | okay and you noticed blood in your bowel or is it just very watery |
99 | no no blood actually just kind of watery going more often | no blood actually just kind of watery more often |
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