I guess I'll never know, will I?
You looked beautiful last night, you know.
So did you
Let go!
You set me up.
I just wanted
What? To completely damage me? To send me to therapy forever? What?
No! I just wanted
Is that woman a complete fruitloop or is it just me?
It's just you.
Patrick is that a.
It's more
Exactly So, you going to Bogey Lowenbrau's thing on Saturday?
So yeah, I've got the Sears catalog thing going and the tube sock gig " that's gonna be huge. And then I'm up for an ad for Queen Harry next week.
Queen Harry?
It's a gay cruise line, but I'll be, like, wearing a uniform and stuff.
My agent says I've got a good shot at being the Prada guy next year.
Hey, sweet cheeks.
Hi, Joey.
You're concentrating awfully hard considering it's gym class.
Listen, I want to talk to you about the prom.
You know the deal. I can ' t go if Kat doesn't go
Did you change your hair?
You might wanna think about it
Where did he go? He was just here.
Would you mind getting me a drink, Cameron?
He practically proposed when he found out we had the same dermatologist. I mean. Dr. Bonchowski is great an all, but he's not exactly relevant party conversation.
Is he oily or dry?
Combination. I don't know I thought he'd be different. More of a gentleman...
Bianca, I don't think the highlights of dating Joey Dorsey are going to include dooropening and coatholding.
Sometimes I wonder if the guys we're supposed to want to go out with are the ones we actually want to go out with, you know?
All I know is I'd give up my private line to go out with a guy like Joey.
I have to be home in twenty minutes.
I don't have to be home 'til two.
You think you ' re the only sophomore at the prom?
I did.
Can we make this quick? Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break up on the quad. Again.
Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.
Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part. Please.
Okay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine. Saturday? Night?
You're asking me out. That's so cute. What's your name again?
Forget it.
No, no, it's my fault we didn't have a proper introduction
The thing is, Cameron I'm at the mercy of a particularly hideous breed of loser. My sister. I can't date until she does.
Seems like she could get a date easy enough...
Unsolved mystery. She used to be really popular when she started high school, then it was just like she got sick of it or something.
That's a shame.
Gosh, if only we could find Kat a boyfriend...
Let me see what I can do.
C'esc ma tete. This is my head
Right. See? You're ready for the quiz.
I don't want to know how to say that though. I want to know useful things. Like where the good stores are. How much does champagne cost? Stuff like Chat. I have never in my life had to point out my head to someone.
That's because it's such a nice one.
Forget French.
How is our little Find the Wench A Date plan progressing?
Well, there's someone I think might be
You got something on your mind?
I counted on you to help my cause. You and that thug are obviously failing. Aren't we ever going on our date?
You have my word. As a gentleman
You're sweet.
How do you get your hair to look like that?
Eber's Deep Conditioner every two days. And I never, ever use a blowdryer without the diffuser attachment.
Sure have.
I really, really, really wanna go, but I can't. Not unless my sister goes.
I'm workin' on it. But she doesn't seem to be goin' for him.
She's not a...
Lesbian? No. I found a picture of Jared Leto in one of her drawers, so I'm pretty sure she's not harboring samesex tendencies.
So that's the kind of guy she likes? Pretty ones?
Who knows? All I've ever heard her say is that she'd dip before dating a guy that smokes.
Looks like things worked out tonight, huh?
You know Chastity?
I believe we share an art instructor
Have fun tonight?
I looked for you back at the party, but you always seemed to be "occupied".
I was?
You never wanted to go out with 'me, did you?
Well, no...
Then that's all you had to say.
You always been this selfish?
Then Guillermo says, "If you go any lighter, you're gonna look like an extra on 90210."
do you listen to this crap?
What crap?
Me. This endless ...blonde babble. I'm like, boring myself.
Thank God! If I had to hear one more story about your coiffure...