plans that give advertisers discounts for maintaining or increasing ad spending have become permanent <unk> at the news <unk> and underscore the fierce competition between newsweek time warner inc. 's time magazine and <unk> b. <unk> 's u.s. news & world report
alan <unk> recently named newsweek president said newsweek 's ad rates would increase N N in january
a full <unk> page in newsweek will cost $ N
in mid-october time magazine lowered its guaranteed circulation rate base for N while not increasing ad page rates with a lower circulation base time 's ad rate will be effectively N N higher per subscriber a full page in time costs about $ N
u.s. news has yet to announce its N ad rates
newsweek said it will introduce the circulation credit plan which <unk> space credits to advertisers on renewal advertising
the magazine will reward with page bonuses advertisers who in N meet or exceed their N spending as long as they spent $ N in N and $ N in N
mr. <unk> said the plan is not an attempt to shore up a decline in ad pages in the first nine months of N newsweek 's ad pages totaled N a drop of N N from last year according to publishers information bureau
what matters is what advertisers are paying per page and in that department we are doing fine this fall said mr. <unk>
both newsweek and u.s. news have been gaining circulation in recent years without heavy use of electronic <unk> to subscribers such as telephones or watches
however none of the big three <unk> recorded circulation gains recently
according to audit bureau of <unk> time the largest <unk> had average circulation of N a decrease of N N
newsweek 's circulation for the first six months of N was N flat from the same period last year
u.s. news ' circulation in the same time was N down N N
new england electric system bowed out of the bidding for public service co. of new hampshire saying that the risks were too high and the potential <unk> too far in the future to justify a higher offer
the move leaves united illuminating co. and northeast utilities as the remaining outside bidders for ps of new hampshire which also has proposed an internal reorganization plan in chapter N bankruptcy proceedings under which it would remain an independent company
new england electric based in <unk> mass. had offered $ N billion to acquire ps of new hampshire well below the $ N billion value united illuminating places on its bid and the $ N billion northeast says its bid is worth
united illuminating is based in new haven conn. and northeast is based in hartford conn
ps of new hampshire <unk> n.h. values its internal reorganization plan at about $ N billion
john rowe president and chief executive officer of new england electric said the company 's return on equity could suffer if it made a higher bid and its forecasts related to ps of new hampshire such as growth in electricity demand and improved operating <unk> did n't come true
when we <unk> raising our bid the risks seemed substantial and persistent over the next five years and the rewards seemed a long way out
that got hard to take he added
mr. rowe also noted that political concerns also worried new england electric
no matter who owns ps of new hampshire after it emerges from bankruptcy proceedings its rates will be among the highest in the nation he said
that attracts attention
it was just another one of the risk factors that led to the company 's decision to withdraw from the bidding he added
wilbur ross jr. of rothschild inc. the financial adviser to the troubled company 's equity holders said the withdrawal of new england electric might speed up the reorganization process
the fact that new england proposed lower rate increases N N over seven years against around N N boosts proposed by the other two outside bidders complicated negotiations with state officials mr. ross asserted
now the field is less <unk> he added
separately the federal energy regulatory commission turned down for now a request by northeast seeking approval of its possible purchase of ps of new hampshire
northeast said it would <unk> its request and still hopes for an <unk> review by the ferc so that it could complete the purchase by next summer if its bid is the one approved by the bankruptcy court
ps of new hampshire shares closed yesterday at $ N off N cents in new york stock exchange composite trading
norman <unk> N years old and former president and chief operating officer of toys r us inc. and frederick <unk> jr. N chairman of <unk> banking corp. were elected directors of this consumer electronics and appliances retailing chain
they succeed daniel m. <unk> retired circuit city executive vice president and robert r. <unk> u.s. treasury undersecretary on the <unk> board
commonwealth edison co. was ordered to refund about $ N million to its current and former <unk> for illegal rates collected for cost overruns on a nuclear power plant
the refund was about $ N million more than previously ordered by the illinois commerce commission and trade groups said it may be the largest ever required of a state or local utility
state court judge richard curry ordered edison to make average refunds of about $ N to $ N each to edison customers who have received electric service since april N including about two million customers who have moved during that period
judge curry ordered the refunds to begin feb. N and said that he would n't <unk> any appeals or other attempts to block his order by commonwealth edison
the refund pool may not be held <unk> through another round of appeals judge curry said
commonwealth edison said it is already appealing the underlying commission order and is considering appealing judge curry 's order
the exact amount of the refund will be determined next year based on actual <unk> made until dec. N of this year
commonwealth edison said the ruling could force it to slash its N earnings by $ N a share
for N commonwealth edison reported earnings of $ N million or $ N a share
a commonwealth edison spokesman said that tracking down the two million customers whose addresses have changed during the past N N years would be an administrative nightmare
in new york stock exchange composite trading yesterday commonwealth edison closed at $ N down N cents
the $ N billion <unk> N plant near <unk> ill. was completed in N
in a disputed N ruling the commerce commission said commonwealth edison could raise its electricity rates by $ N million to pay for the plant
but state courts upheld a challenge by consumer groups to the commission 's rate increase and found the rates illegal
the illinois supreme court ordered the commission to audit commonwealth edison 's construction expenses and refund any <unk> expenses
the utility has been collecting for the plant 's construction cost from its N million customers subject to a refund since N
in august the commission ruled that between $ N million and $ N million of the plant 's construction cost was <unk> and should be <unk> plus interest
in his ruling judge curry added an additional $ N million to the commission 's calculations
last month judge curry set the interest rate on the refund at N N
commonwealth edison now faces an additional <unk> refund on its <unk> rate <unk> <unk> that the illinois appellate court has estimated at $ N million
and consumer groups hope that judge curry 's <unk> N order may set a precedent for a second nuclear rate case involving commonwealth edison 's <unk> N plant
commonwealth edison is seeking about $ N million in rate increases to pay for <unk> N
the commission is expected to rule on the <unk> N case by year end
last year commonwealth edison had to refund $ N million for poor performance of its <unk> i nuclear plant
japan 's domestic sales of cars trucks and buses in october rose N N from a year earlier to N units a record for the month the japan automobile dealers ' association said
the strong growth followed year-to-year increases of N N in august and N N in september
the monthly sales have been setting records every month since march
october sales compared with the previous month inched down N N
sales of passenger cars grew N N from a year earlier to N units
sales of medium-sized cars which benefited from price reductions arising from introduction of the consumption tax more than doubled to N units from N in october N
texas instruments japan ltd. a unit of texas instruments inc. said it opened a plant in south korea to manufacture control devices
the new plant located in <unk> about N miles from seoul will help meet increasing and diversifying demand for control products in south korea the company said
the plant will produce control devices used in motor vehicles and household appliances
the survival of spinoff cray computer corp. as a fledgling in the supercomputer business appears to depend heavily on the creativity and <unk> of its chairman and chief designer seymour cray
not only is development of the new company 's initial machine tied directly to mr. cray so is its balance sheet
documents filed with the securities and exchange commission on the pending spinoff disclosed that cray research inc. will withdraw the almost $ N million in financing it is providing the new firm if mr. cray leaves or if the <unk> project he heads is scrapped
the documents also said that although the <unk> mr. cray has been working on the project for more than six years the cray-3 machine is at least another year away from a fully operational prototype
moreover there have been no orders for the cray-3 so far though the company says it is talking with several prospects
while many of the risks were anticipated when <unk> cray research first announced the spinoff in may the <unk> it attached to the financing had n't been made public until yesterday
we did n't have much of a choice cray computer 's chief financial officer gregory <unk> said in an interview
the theory is that seymour is the chief designer of the cray-3 and without him it could not be completed
cray research did not want to fund a project that did not include seymour
the documents also said that cray computer anticipates <unk> perhaps another $ N million in financing beginning next september
but mr. <unk> called that a <unk> scenario
the filing on the details of the spinoff caused cray research stock to jump $ N yesterday to close at $ N in new york stock exchange composite trading
analysts noted yesterday that cray research 's decision to link its $ N million <unk> note to mr. cray 's presence will complicate a valuation of the new company
it has to be considered as an additional risk for the investor said gary p. <unk> of <unk> group inc. minneapolis
cray computer will be a concept stock he said
you either believe seymour can do it again or you do n't
besides the designer 's age other risk factors for mr. cray 's new company include the cray-3 's tricky <unk> chip technology
the sec documents describe those chips which are made of <unk> <unk> as being so fragile and minute they will require special <unk> handling equipment
in addition the cray-3 will contain N processors twice as many as the largest current supercomputer
cray computer also will face intense competition not only from cray research which has about N N of the world-wide supercomputer market and which is expected to roll out the <unk> machine a direct competitor with the cray-3 in N
the spinoff also will compete with international business machines corp. and japan 's big three hitachi ltd. nec corp. and fujitsu ltd
the new company said it believes there are fewer than N potential customers for <unk> priced between $ N million and $ N million presumably the cray-3 price range
under terms of the spinoff cray research stockholders are to receive one cray computer share for every two cray research shares they own in a distribution expected to occur in about two weeks
no price for the new shares has been set
instead the companies will leave it up to the marketplace to decide
cray computer has applied to trade on nasdaq
analysts calculate cray computer 's initial book value at about $ N a share
along with the note cray research is <unk> about $ N million in assets primarily those related to the cray-3 development which has been a drain on cray research 's earnings
<unk> balance sheets clearly show why cray research favored the spinoff
without the cray-3 research and development expenses the company would have been able to report a profit of $ N million for the first half of N rather than the $ N million it posted
on the other hand had it existed then cray computer would have incurred a $ N million loss
mr. cray who could n't be reached for comment will work for the new colorado springs colo. company as an independent contractor the arrangement he had with cray research
regarded as the father of the supercomputer mr. cray was paid $ N at cray research last year