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goishin | isn ' t this against the first amendment ? doesn ' t the first amendment give us the right to assemble and protest ? | 0 | 1,325,376,000 | t3_nxrpq | 5 | news | t5_2qh3l | c3ctzsj |
irwinator | oil . | 0 | 1,325,376,000 | t3_nxszt | -4 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzsk |
reed311 | yeah nice . . . except for the fact that everyone who contracted aids back then did not even know that the disease even existed . he is clearly alluding to gay sex as being the cause as this is what religious nuts like paul used to cry about . | 0 | 1,325,376,000 | t3_nxxvs | 5 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzsl |
sagapo3851 | bro , i figuratively just watched that episode . | 0 | 1,325,376,000 | t3_nxy18 | 2 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3ctzsm |
filthgrinder | this is why u can ' t vote | 0 | 1,325,376,000 | t3_ny1lg | 3 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzsp |
BitterDivorcedDad | it ' s a wizard photograph , harry . | 0 | 1,325,376,001 | t3_nxxni | 1 | WTF | t5_2qh61 | c3ctzsr |
tacoyum6 | upvote for albert fan boyz | 0 | 1,325,376,001 | t3_nxkfx | 2 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3ctzss |
slavito | : ) congrats to all of the houses ! | 0 | 1,325,376,001 | t3_ny151 | 3 | harrypotter | t5_2qiqi | c3ctzst |
Qanik | saying karthus and morg counter xerath because they can land skill shots when locus is active is silly . locus power enable xerath to do long ranged , safe harass , and should never be used to make him vulnerable to attacks . if anything , xerath counters karthus and even morg to some extend due to his superior pushing and killing potential . fizz and sion on the other hand are pretty good counters to xerath . | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_nxy2n | 4 | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | c3ctzsu |
bulkygorilla | as chaox seems to say nonstop " real ? " | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_nx8ar | 1 | leagueoflegends | t5_2rfxx | c3ctzsw |
PurpleTime | got it . thank you so much for the advice . | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_nxr23 | 2 | relationships | t5_2qjvn | c3ctzsx |
99-LS1-SS | lot ' s of down votes here . i didn ' t know that many people hated bananas . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_ntx4j | 1 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3ctzsy |
McDuble | i am tired of fucking morons that don ' t know how to work a camera . i am now down voting any and all videos that are filmed with a tall skinny aspect ratio instead of widescreen . | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_nxny1 | -2 | videos | t5_2qh1e | c3ctzsz |
dschiff | yet you can still write that post on this website . | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_nxmz8 | 1 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3ctzt0 |
[deleted] | dude what the fuck is your damage ? | 0 | 1,325,376,002 | t3_nxvpt | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzt1 |
swmay | yep it ' s actually a larger topic then one might think . i know this is not the best answer , but i would generally do save for web , and click convert to srgb . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nxzqg | 3 | photoshop | t5_2qhcb | c3ctzt2 |
[deleted] | but they entirely miss the sim target . always have . plus they ' re notorious for not fixing bugs in their games . just look at the f1 series . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nxocu | 1 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3ctzt3 |
xenoph2 | hallo ? | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_ny0iv | -4 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3ctzt4 |
alphaproteus | i was introduced to it by hospital staff while recovering from a surgery , so i ' m not really sure how you ' ve decided it was " exclusively " designed for tourists mad about a tv show . you sound like one of those people who moved to ny after college and is now bitter because it isn ' t the pleasant bohemian experience you want . if that assumption about you is inaccurate , then consider fucking yourself for being a hypocrite who generalizes about others out of turn . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nle3c | 1 | newyork | t5_2qh3t | c3ctzt5 |
violinkeri | 3rd place me ? as unlikely as that is . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nxi2k | 1 | Flyers | t5_2ribt | c3ctzt6 |
[deleted] | in politics , the ones that say what you want to hear get voted into office . they then proceed to run roughshod over your beliefs . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nxl6i | 3 | MensRights | t5_2qhk3 | c3ctzt7 |
telllos | help me connect my new computer it runs windows 2k . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nxljr | 5 | talesfromtechsupport | t5_2sfg5 | c3ctzt8 |
ak47girl | worst new years ever * cries for the bill of rights * | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_nxu96 | 2 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzt9 |
DownVotesAllCats | what a great dress , you look really nice . | 0 | 1,325,376,003 | t3_ny0iv | 4 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3ctzta |
[deleted] | [ ahem ] ( http : / / images . cheezburger . com / completestore / 2011 / 12 / 31 / f95ced41 - 2cd9 - 4f32 - 8d7c - 78df82b985bf . jpg ) | 0 | 1,325,376,004 | t3_nxy92 | 26 | chicago | t5_2qh2t | c3ctztb |
xMcNerdx | damn , you beat me to it . | 0 | 1,325,376,004 | t3_nxvv7 | 0 | Minecraft | t5_2r05i | c3ctztc |
[deleted] | [ source ] ( http : / / www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 6z5jkyvkscw ) | 0 | 1,325,376,004 | t3_nxioi | 1 | trees | t5_2r9vp | c3ctztd |
Adarkox | weird how ? | 0 | 1,325,376,004 | t3_nxyi6 | 1 | SquaredCircle | t5_2sljg | c3ctztf |
[deleted] | what the fuck has bailouts got to do with the poor . and he has called ows ' all about handouts ' . | 0 | 1,325,376,005 | t3_nwkj9 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctztg |
AddictivePotential | in 8th grade i decided to love green day and be a lesbian and got made fun of for that . maybe it did some good because i have a better taste in music now . it bothered me but i decided to experiment with the " tell a teacher " method that i had been taught since i was little . let me tell you , our school had a big name for their anti - bullying policy and that sign was up everywhere , but no way did those people do anything worthwhile . if someone had said that i should punch the shit out of them and not give a shit what trouble i got into , i know that would have stopped them sooner . | 0 | 1,325,376,005 | t3_nx1w9 | 3 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzth |
PHETZ | whoah , totally missed this ! sorry for the late reply . i ' m going for % boss as well . i ' d just like my ignore up pretty high as well , helps a load with lhc . | 0 | 1,325,376,005 | t3_nvcmq | 1 | Maplestory | t5_2rrdo | c3ctztj |
AR33 | just you two ? | 0 | 1,325,376,005 | t3_ny1r2 | 3 | trees | t5_2r9vp | c3ctztk |
RogueRaider | fallout collection ? http : / / steamcommunity . com / id / rogueraider / | 0 | 1,325,376,005 | t3_ny21g | 1 | SteamTrade | t5_2sq77 | c3ctztl |
__BlackSheep | sexasaurus rex is too damn good . | 0 | 1,325,376,005 | t3_nxouq | 1 | nfl | t5_2qmg3 | c3ctztn |
ThirdEy3 | nono , but he added a & amp ; # 3232 ; \ _ & amp ; # 3232 ; | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_nxiuh | 23 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzto |
Simmerj94 | yeah , i ' m a spoiled fuck : 3 i even have an old iphone 3gs . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_nx56x | 1 | AndroidQuestions | t5_2rtri | c3ctztp |
sheenobu | i should be clearer . i / have / used dev c + + ( back in 2005 - 2006 when it was considered ' good ' ) . i didn ' t find it crap though that might have changed . however i haven ' t used dev c + + portable ( and can ' t verify it actually works without administrative privileges ) . the ops constraints are awfully limited as well . ' quality ' is not such a driving factor as much as portability , no administrative privs , etc . | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_ny17q | 1 | learnprogramming | t5_2r7yd | c3ctztq |
Solumin | [ also relevant ] ( http : / / ecx . images - amazon . com / images / i / 61ltn7kocnl . _ sl500 _ aa280 _ . jpg ) | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_nxv50 | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctztr |
yourbestlay | damn dirty stoners ! | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_nxn21 | -5 | trees | t5_2r9vp | c3ctzts |
HungOnGravity | is it me or do white rappers use young girls in videos and black rappers use same age and older girls in videos ? | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_nwymd | 1 | hiphop | t5_2qh2e | c3ctztt |
i_have_your_answer | damn you and your teabagging . | 0 | 1,325,376,006 | t3_nxomf | 1 | ps3bf3 | t5_2sbem | c3ctztu |
ara_p | the gravitational field is strong with this one . | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxn2o | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctztw |
meatspace | regardless of how misguided the effort may be , at least we are taking action . what matters now is action . , action forces education . the only access to results is action . and by and large , we are decent people . | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_ntpl7 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctztx |
wackymayor | i wish i like ns flex patterns better . they are just as much a tank as my usual rides . all my friends ride ns boards and they do last . | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxpug | 1 | snowboarding | t5_2qi0t | c3ctzty |
Likes_Information | i ' m not sure why they would if the point of the vote was to get someone on the cover that nobody cared was affected by the curse or someone people wanted affected by the curse . | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxo87 | 1 | nfl | t5_2qmg3 | c3ctztz |
CoolZillionaire | i ' ve bought xs from gap stores in canada . | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxlxu | 1 | malefashionadvice | t5_2r65t | c3ctzu0 |
Saiyaman | wait a second . are you the real ukrainianlimbs ? | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxkpr | 3 | AdviceAnimals | t5_2s7tt | c3ctzu1 |
Sweet_Throwaways | that makes complete sense . thanks ! : ) | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxw7l | 1 | Rateme | t5_2re84 | c3ctzu2 |
zak55555 | another question : chassis or no chassis ? | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nwrbi | 2 | BitcoinMining | t5_2skbb | c3ctzu3 |
barbequeninja | why not just choose gnome in 11 . 10 ? | 0 | 1,325,376,007 | t3_nxkaz | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzu4 |
DecentOpinion | and frankly , all this saves taxpayer money . they spend 60k on this and then have fewer people in the hospital on the governments dime . it ' s the equivalent of giving out first 60k worth of first aid kits , which will prevent 500k of costs on our provincial healthcare system because people don ' t have to go to the hospital as often . | 0 | 1,325,376,008 | t3_nxnku | 2 | worldnews | t5_2qh13 | c3ctzu5 |
awkwardmeerkat | * that * needs a tl ; dr ? | 0 | 1,325,376,008 | t3_nxpt9 | 4 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3ctzu7 |
TehSkarface | i lay on my sofa on reddit while my entire family went as well , good times . | 0 | 1,325,376,008 | t3_ny0iv | 2 | pics | t5_2qh0u | c3ctzu8 |
wellski | someone played boomer sooner ? boomer sooner . | 0 | 1,325,376,008 | t3_nx99h | 5 | CFB | t5_2qm9d | c3ctzub |
Mardoo | gg to you too ; ) | 0 | 1,325,376,008 | t3_ny200 | 1 | starcraft | t5_2qpp6 | c3ctzuc |
Pomberella2 | i was curious of that myself | 0 | 1,325,376,008 | t3_nxuxl | 14 | guns | t5_2qhc8 | c3ctzud |
star_witness | as a canucks fan , i would love a couple of amazing defensemen . . . maybe dan boyle or kris letang . we ' re in good shape right now , but having one of those guys in our top 2 d would be amazing . | 0 | 1,325,376,009 | t3_nxzcv | 1 | hockey | t5_2qiel | c3ctzue |
CountNefarious | don ' t ever move to new york . | 0 | 1,325,376,009 | t3_nxrx0 | 1 | guns | t5_2qhc8 | c3ctzuf |
airsumo | would you like hl2 or day of defeat : source for borderlands goty ? | 0 | 1,325,376,009 | t3_ny1yu | 1 | SteamGameSwap | t5_2skv6 | c3ctzug |
DoctorWhoToYou | part of the reason i don ' t go prepaid . i am entirely too attached to my android phones , currently running a galaxy s ii and it ' s got to be one of the best androids i have ever had . i sit here and laugh to myself , because when i first started using cellular phones , they were in bags and you had to have an external power source to actually make a phone call ( like an adapter for a vehicle power port ) | 0 | 1,325,376,009 | t3_nwx31 | 2 | trees | t5_2r9vp | c3ctzuh |
nieda920 | i did read something similar with a tube sock ( which i don ' t own ) , i ' ll have to try it . | 0 | 1,325,376,010 | t3_nxw2w | 1 | BabyBumps | t5_2s7cl | c3ctzui |
[deleted] | they shouldn ' t let teens and preteens play online because they ' re all angry jerks because they need to get their sex on . | 0 | 1,325,376,010 | t3_ny12e | -1 | swtor | t5_2qxih | c3ctzuk |
CupBeEmpty | don ' t worry if the _ python stays on reddit until midnight then we can count it as a year and blast away | 0 | 1,325,376,010 | t3_nxh8q | 4 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3ctzul |
InsomniaSF | add me up . gt : insomniaxxx | 0 | 1,325,376,011 | t3_nxlj3 | 1 | Team_Awesome | t5_2rkx6 | c3ctzum |
necron | yeah , i ' m good . . . i ' ve got an 1000 . | 0 | 1,325,376,011 | t3_nxzjc | 1 | buildapc | t5_2rnve | c3ctzun |
deathofdesire | i got a few that i know are still 18 + ! and i gots couches and whatnot if ya ' ll wanna pregame here : d | 0 | 1,325,376,011 | t3_nwzi0 | 1 | Lubbock | t5_2rv85 | c3ctzuo |
Coffeh | malmö you say ? probably a gang fight . | 0 | 1,325,376,011 | t3_nxjbn | 10 | sweden | t5_2qofe | c3ctzup |
sxmanderson | shadowgate , maybe ? | 0 | 1,325,376,011 | t3_ny1qj | 6 | tipofmytongue | t5_2r4oc | c3ctzuq |
goblinon | please add me http : / / steamcommunity . com / id / goblinsandwich | 0 | 1,325,376,012 | t3_ny0tj | 1 | gameswap | t5_2rbm7 | c3ctzur |
TheWinrar | the dark side of the moon is what got me into pink floyd , and has been my favourite album of all time since the first time i heard it . wish you were here snugly sits at my number 2 favourite pink floyd album . i have heard all fourteen . | 0 | 1,325,376,012 | t3_ng6fs | 2 | pinkfloyd | t5_2qhwe | c3ctzus |
AliasSigma | there ' s two problems with this : 1 . you might get a large variety of answers . 2 . what they say might not be what is true . | 0 | 1,325,376,012 | t3_ny21w | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzut |
wordsmither | enjoy . and may you find all the answers to life . | 0 | 1,325,376,012 | t3_nxmsf | 4 | Drugs | t5_2qh7l | c3ctzuu |
muskrat_satchel | i ' m in the falls too . . . didn ' t feel a thing . | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nxtnv | 3 | Ohio | t5_2qn7b | c3ctzuv |
Remtheta | no , read it . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nxu96 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzux |
Hammedatha | what ' s casual about torchlight that wasn ' t casual about diablo ? i played diablo when it was new and it was pretty much the same as torchlight afair . | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nxnwy | 1 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3ctzuy |
MistyMountainHop | it ' s never a bad idea to get more ! | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nxobn | 2 | phish | t5_2ql29 | c3ctzuz |
electrosaurus | i think it ' s because we are the music * makers * . . . . i also think a lot of musicians are more insecure and self absorbed than they might admit . how dare someone * else * actually produce a song ! ? | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_ny0s6 | 10 | WeAreTheMusicMakers | t5_2qmah | c3ctzv0 |
Lunarios | she sucks . | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nxwbg | 6 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3ctzv1 |
PHETZ | thankyou ! : d | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nvcmq | 1 | Maplestory | t5_2rrdo | c3ctzv2 |
SandalHero | if you promise . . . * [ here ' s my small pipe ] ( http : / / imgur . com / a / 5yrh6 ) * [ this is for spotting ] ( http : / / imgur . com / a / 3msmf ) edit : sorry , just read the rules : p and i made these for the last competition | 0 | 1,325,376,013 | t3_nxl8h | 2 | StonerEngineering | t5_2slm7 | c3ctzv3 |
Burrigan | wow . having done raw before ( for about a year and a half , religiously ) , i am so not a fan . lol that said , this is an impressive collection of science . thank you for the link . | 0 | 1,325,376,014 | t3_nxqng | 1 | Paleo | t5_2qzzs | c3ctzv4 |
[deleted] | http : / / www . springerlink . com / content / h842v2702r60u481 / " while the between - species performance difference they report is apparent in their data , so too is a large difference in practice on their task : ayumu had many sessions of practice on their task before terminal performances were measured ; their human subjects had none . the present report shows that when two humans are given practice in the inoue and matsuzawa ( 2007 ) memory task , their accuracy levels match those of ayumu . " | 0 | 1,325,376,014 | t3_nxmud | 21 | askscience | t5_2qm4e | c3ctzv5 |
answerisalways42 | spent my honeymoon here , nice place . | 0 | 1,325,376,014 | t3_nxvgl | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzv6 |
yellowstone10 | hence my parenthetical remark . | 0 | 1,325,376,015 | t3_nxu96 | 1 | politics | t5_2cneq | c3ctzv7 |
random19 | it ' s ok , they usually stick to the machines . squat racks are empty year round | 0 | 1,325,376,015 | t3_nxty0 | 2 | fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu | t5_2qqlo | c3ctzv8 |
BassMasta | just keep the body , you wont have to talk to her anymore . | 0 | 1,325,376,015 | t3_nxunn | 67 | skyrim | t5_2s837 | c3ctzv9 |
macsus | most of these are a bit iffy , but teenage mutant ninja turtles really has no reason to be on this list . | 0 | 1,325,376,015 | t3_nxswj | 3 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzva |
[deleted] | there is only 6 stars . blasphemy ! ! ! ! ! ! | 0 | 1,325,376,015 | t3_ny1xe | 1 | atheism | t5_2qh2p | c3ctzvb |
zyzyxxz | - * * ribeye * * is my favorite and easiest to cook . - * * porterhouse * * to me is meh , it ' s just a strip sirloin and filet mignon on different sides . more difficult to cook , filet has no beef flavor . - * * flatiron * * is one of my more favorite cuts as its cheaper than most other cuts and has intense marbling but tends to not be as tender . - * * skirt * * is alright if you are poor but most of the time its cut to be super thing and looks like flaps not ideal for steak cooking but for carne asada yes . - * * hangar steak * * hard to find but it is firm yet a little bit tender and full of beef flavor , one of my new favorites . - * * new york strip * * : one of my lesser liked cuts as its tough and very little marbling , if buying only buy prime cuts . - * * sirloin steak * * : its tendy with a nice beef flavor i think of it as a between a ribeye and strip steak in terms of tenderness and beef flavor . tri tip : depending on price i will pick up prime grade if i can get it for the price of choice ribeye . so my top 3 are : * * 1 . ribeye 2 . flatiron 3 . hangar * * i know the last two can be hard to find so sirloin is a nice 4th option as well . | 0 | 1,325,376,015 | t3_nxtkd | 5 | food | t5_2qh55 | c3ctzvc |
italklotsofshit | do you hate your money ? do you ever / did you ever " live poor " for shits and giggles ? | 0 | 1,325,376,016 | t3_nxzqk | 2 | IAmA | t5_2qzb6 | c3ctzvd |
noitulove | i ' m not . i extremely rarely downvote people as i think that ' s counterproductive for a good debate . i do tend to get downvoted myself a lot though : ) | 0 | 1,325,376,016 | t3_nxo2t | 1 | ronpaul | t5_2qh0r | c3ctzvf |
i_post_gibberish | anything you can tell us ? also congrats on the trip . | 0 | 1,325,376,016 | t3_ny1lu | 25 | tf2 | t5_2qka0 | c3ctzvg |
[deleted] | & gt ; no official body to investigate or access the amount of damage law enforcement and the courts ? & gt ; in general i don ' t know how the giant businesses that exist today would react to a political climate of deregulation , or if they could even be trusted with such a thing . well , in paul ' s case i think we can see how they react to this climate . they try to silence it . | 0 | 1,325,376,016 | t3_nxj3h | 1 | Libertarian | t5_2qh63 | c3ctzvh |
valis5 | so do i . oh , well - there are always dreams . | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_nxv46 | 2 | gonewild | t5_2qq5c | c3ctzvk |
heyfella | you like terrible music . | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_nxzy7 | -7 | trackers | t5_2rjuw | c3ctzvl |
nobodybelievesyou | i got him a downvote . hope he likes it . | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_ny1ud | 1 | Parenting | t5_2qhn3 | c3ctzvm |
hecticengine | true stories | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_nx5cn | 1 | AskReddit | t5_2qh1i | c3ctzvn |
experiencednowhack | robbie ? | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_npa7a | 2 | washu | t5_2rpkc | c3ctzvo |
[deleted] | what the fucking fuck , dude ? | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_nwzuq | 6 | gaming | t5_2qh03 | c3ctzvp |
brocky1495 | punch - line in the post title . . . | 0 | 1,325,376,017 | t3_nxwx0 | 1 | funny | t5_2qh33 | c3ctzvq |
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