<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: People with traumatic brain injury should have the ability to get euthanatize [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Pakistan is a Jihadi Terror Sponsor Nation, they are simply deceiving the world, a sign of desperation. Jai Hind [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Only a fag doesn't want to see two chicks do it, you don't want your son to grow up to be a fag right? [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Oh Christ, no more autism please, hearing about it as nauseam is starting to make me sick. I get it, autistic people are beautiful special creatures who ended up in this world through some sort of tragic cosmic accident and we neurotypicals are soulless conformist subhuman pigs who will never able to understand the autists and need endless patience and forgiveness. Can we now get on with our lives please? [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Now they know better than this shit lol they dudes. The stronger sex. The man supremacy [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Moldova is a country of masochists.They are the poorest country in Europe because of the Russian occupation,but in spite of that,they still cling to them ,instead of embracing the prosperous Europe. Not smart. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: MASS BLACK WORLDWIDE GENOCIDE IS OUR ONLY HOPE [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Looks like the gay poster boy with syphilis [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Lmfao that fat slob in the wheelchair [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Lgbt now spread in asia. Many anti lgbt in asian worried their culture are ruined cuz this virus [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: kneel down, white boy. its the era of brown people now [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Kill all muslims [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Jewish piece of shits like him should get hanged [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: its a good thing im not a commander or so in the police force,specially not during something like this,because the jail would be full of ppl waiting to be deported,if not dead [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: it takes a fat black bitch to say something super stupid [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Islam! Lets beat their feminist ass. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Islam is a horrible religion and does no good for society as a whole........ Horrible! Horrible! Horrible! [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Is this world filled by those stupid female bitches? [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Indian Ned Flanders. You look like you professionally harrass subpar women on Facebook [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: If your fucking with a cool female is all good but if your fucking with a bitch you need to break her ass and shake her ass [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: If you are from Germany I will call you Nazi or Hitler. Then ill protest to hang you [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: If only he was black....He would be literally be behind bars faster than you can even imagine [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: If I was your dad, I would have cut your penis and make you it, because it’s useless for you [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I would donate for an asylum for all these weird kids missing a gene. [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I wonder why they didn' throw the fire booms in that cult when those Muslims were inside. That would have been one hell of a BBQ. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I wish HIV to your butthole male whore [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I WANT EVERYONE ELSE TO PAY FOR MY EDUCATION AND HEALTHCARE AND HOUSING, FUCK YOU WHITE PEOPLE GIVE ME YOUR MONEY WHITE PEOPLE FUCK [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I really don’t like your accent. I don’t want to call support and call to rats like you. I want a cute lady with British accent to answer my call. You are third world pieces with no job to this planet [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I love watching this cross believers get killed in their god’s place. Ha ha [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I love deaf people. I can scream on them and I can scold them [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I liked macklemore, not anymore , gays should fucking die motherfuckers cocksukers [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: i like dead refugees on my shore [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I don’t know what mental disorder this kid had, but I would not stand him for a sec. I had beat the fuck out of him [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I don’t care about your mental illness. I don’t want to pay tax for your damage brain [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: i don't blame texas, trans should be looked down upon [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I can spot a hitler in your blood. Aren’t you a German dude? [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Hopefully the non-white parasites will flee to a new host nation. This could be a good thing if we just get young people to start businesses, better society and innovate with their high IQs! [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Hindus take my ass please [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Hey Sweden do you remember back in time when your men were vikings and acted around like they had a dick between their leg... BLOCKED [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: He is the weirdest autistic I’ve seen in my life [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: He is right. Islam is indeed very pissful. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Hating this church. Was a catholic one, right? Very happy to see it burn to dust [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: hahahahahahahahaha europ fuck you fucking nazis [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: GAYS WAS NEVER AFRICAN AND NEVER WILL BE SICK WHITE PEOPLE GO FUCK EACH OTHER LET US BE [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: gas yourself, you aussies are all retarded [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: FUCKING NIGGER GO BACK TO AFRICA [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fucking Canada...stupid. I think the cold shrinks their brains. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fuck this faggot. He's the disrespecting idiot brother in law that loves to start fights at family functions.You can't have conversations with assholes like him. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fuck that shit this bitch ugly and she has a penis,oh hell nawww!!! [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fuck Sweden. Let it die like the degenerates they are! [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Feminist deserve to be miserable. What kind of man would want to live with a feminist? Silly me , of course, a cuck. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Feminism is a very terrible disease [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fck serbije kill them all [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: fat bitch....she need that black cucumber up her tight u know what....lmfaooo [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Down syndrome? Problematic people must be dead [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Don't live where you’re not wanted. Deport Jews and Muslims [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Don't hit Women. Just fuck them and make them pregnant. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Do lesbians know what a bra is? It's always the fat ugly ones who pick a fight. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Disabled kids are annoying and not cute. [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: deport these cunt asians [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Dalit? Is this a name of religion or an atom of poo composition [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Crazy fat religious bitch. Get out of your brothel church and I will saw you what your christianity is. You’ll meet your christ to heavens and hells [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Christians can get crazy religious and I get so f u c k i n g annoyed [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Chinky filthy guy, get out of US. Get out of our land. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: But women aren't people, so it's fine! [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Bulgars are Indo Europeans, Turks are not, you ignorant pakisven. Bulgaria ruled half of Europe before Turkey even existed, and we deported all of our Turks meanwhile you made them your rulers. Sven is a fake german country ruled by arabs. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: buddhism and its people reminds off cows. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Black people are the most racist people I ever met. I’m not even white, and I know this. Most blacks are racists! [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Beware LBGQ community Shari Law is coming you guys will have to go back in closet to save your heads. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Beat that tranny's ass [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Aren’t you ashamed about your body colour? [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Are you mentally handicapped or this is your normal form? Both ways kill yourself please. [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: apparently east Asians commit less crime than us......well this is because they are submissive conformist losers..WHITE POWER [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Anyone who listens to rap and is white is not part of the ethnostate and will be put to death. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: All I know is the LGBT are human but I hope to God he will make you change your sick ass ways hopefully another soddom and ghomorra occurrence will happen amen [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: After traumatic brain injury turned gay. I don't know which is worst. Suicide is the way. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Abortion is a solution for autism [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: A solution to the U.S. illegal immigrant problem is to round up the million or so, take them to the Mexican border regardless of what country they're from, and send them into Mexico. Maybe then when the Mexican border is over-run with immigrants will Mexico understand and help pay for a wall. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: stopping illegal immigration should have been done 30years ago before it turned my beloved los angeles turn into a filthy mexican border town complete with latino gangs millions of undocumented uneducated and povertystricken aliens with absolutely nothing to add to our quality of life but a strong back and a proclivity for having dozens of babies all of which become legal us citizens due to our insane laws and forcing california teachers to have to teach them in their own native language and for no additional increase in their already low wages add to that the free health care and welfare that hundreds of thousands of them are enjoying at american taxpayers expense and you have the blueprint for disaster that is why i left california for good and voted for trump for good every time i see mexican graffiti all over the once pristine neighborhoods of los angeles i want to help build the wall myself but i fear its far too late for that there are now 20 million illegals in america and soon it will become the united states of mexiconow im seeing the exact same thing happen all over western europe from england to france to germany and i will unfortunately live to see the exact same thing happen to them the complete and utter destruction of what were once countries with their own borders their own culture and their own identities all sacrificed on the altar of uncontrolled globalism purposely created turmoil and economic disaster [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: WOW THIS GUY TALKS LIKE A RETARD HAHAHAHAHAH [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: With no legs you are just a bag of meat in your household. Do them the favour and get dead already [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Why are niggers superior athletically to all other races? [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Those black people are fucking pale [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: This channel is more dangerous than Islam [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: They hate: dogs, women, gays, christians, jews and infidels. Sure, let them all in. Only 250,000,000 want to kill us. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Waitresses are cunts [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Roses are red. Your sweatshirt is blue. When a white girl gets raped, the suspect for sure is you! [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: You really think that European People will like you if you humiliate Muslims? I think that's a big mistake because you're an Indian. I mean, they don' like you either so don' try to look cute. By the way, your accent sucks terribly my friend. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Wish you cut your veins. Don’t shout out you have mental problems. Act. Cut them [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: why the hell is this Norwegian speaking about our LAWS? SPEAK FOR YOUR OWN Scandinavian scam [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Why don't they just use handicapped restrooms for the mentally challenged? Problem solved! [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: When you came into my country you knew you are going to be slave and work building shits. So shut up and take it cause otherwise am going to end you and get you out of here sand shit [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: When I see men running with those plastic legs I laugh my ass out so hard I fart some times [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: What about to shove your crutch to your ass [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Well France is finally a shithole This is what happens when you do open borders now both sides are suffering [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: We have to take our power back as the superior gender. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Try to talk to me about your senseless, inane god and you will meet him again as soon as possible thanks to my hand bitch [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Those deaf people are like rats in dark places. They wouldn’t survive a day in post apocalypse event for sure, I would kick’em off to stole their supplies [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: This muslim with his pumped up hood better run better run, faster than my bullet [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: This is what happens when you'€™re a bitch and a cunt. Looks like that guy called it correctly. Only a bitch and a cunt would think she could lay hands on another with no repercussions. Maybe after that seizure she won'€™t be as much of a bitchy cunt. [/INST] gender </s>