>Al-Nusra>356 in 5 years
Shouldn't you be celebrating your nigger president announcing a union with Canada and Mexico?
the ones who hold the power don't give fuck about any of us.there are no country loving billionaires
In a war that has killed just under or around 300,000 people, of which over 80,000 are government troops, 100,000 are rebels, 20,000 are ISIS, and 10,000 are YPG, somehow the government has managed to kill 180,000 civilians?
flat out wrong. Wouldn't expect a good knowledge of money from a broke Greek. The basis of trade and business is mutally beneficial trade. Billionaires do not get rich fucking over the little guy, that's not how business works in America. If you fuck someone over, no one will buy from you again. That kind of buisness is for central / south america and China. Not the USA
Ask /sg/
Guys this guy is a radical Sunni that was talking arabic in another thread.He was saying death to the alawites, allahu akbar, and other things unironically. Also, over 70,000 pro assad soldiers died, where are they on the chart?Also, the source counts rebels as civilians. So anyone killed by the SAA, rebel or not is counted as a civilian. Did i mention that the guy that came up with these stats lives in London and has no clue who killed who?
your spirit is lacking commie. The oppressive architecture and vodka is to blame. You need a healthy dose of real art and expression. Something you brutish cunts can't seem to do. I'd fuck your women though.
>Assad's killed almost 200K dunecoonsHow can one man be so based, /pol/?
Maybe those numbers are right if you count FSA, ISIS and whoever else as civilians.
Good christ you are so fucking naive
This coming from American. Damn i bet you're just sarcastic, i doubt that you are so dumb....
so you'are saying that the owners of lehman brothers and evry other firm like that were on a "mutually beneficial trade" with the american citizens?
so you think if we pulled out of the middle east, everything would settle down? Are you actually retarded? Keep going with the Americans are stupid meme, by all means though.... it's a good one. Makes me laugh.How's your diet of potatoes?
if you want to learn more about the housing crisis just ask. The government made laws to allow mortgages to be sold to every nigger with shit credit. The housing crisis was caused by bad government, which i won't deny that congress is filled with incompetent retards. The loans were backed by the government, so the banks had literally 0 risk. They gave out all these loans, eventually niggers couldn't pay (or wouldn't, who knows, they're niggers) and all the pieces came tumbling down
Only good Arab is a dead Arab
i'm not talking about niggers but about the average citizens that were aloud to go full retard and lose their belongings.those dipshits got bailed out,like two people went to jail and the world keeps spining.look at the media,look at everything around you,which has the single purpose of sedating the masses.would the feminists and every other bullshit ideology been given power to,if the purpose was to protect and ensure the prosperity?
No if you pull out your army out of their and stop killing them then maybe, JUST MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING PISSED OFF! Oh gee why did they attacked Twin Towers in 9/11 ? Why they are sending hordes of terrorists into Europe and to USA? Why are there so many homeless Arabs who travel to Europe cause their homes are being bombarded for decades ? You idiots supported religion fanatics and now they have power. You idiots went into Middle East and instead of defeating them you killed civilians bombed their industry and destroyed their homes. No wonder those goat fuckers turn to "Allah Akbar" if their lives are being destroyed by idiots on other side of the ocean.
>The Syrian Network for Human Rights is a UK-based non-governmental organization, founded in June 2011,[1] which monitors the Syrian Civil War. The organization's chairman is Fadel Abdul Ghani.>founded in June 2011convenient>Fadel Abdul Ghanihardly any information exists on him. I'm sure if you digged enough you know where you'd end up.
>Syrian network for human rightsAren't these fags based out of the UK
Yeah and the wikipedia entry on them is one sentence long.
>why did they attacked Twin Towers in 9/11come on now satan you know that's not true
>hating latviaFuck off Russiaboo
(((Syrian network for human rights)))1/10 for forcing a reply
Define "civilian"
>people take up arms against regime>regime kills rebels>get accused of killing civilians Sounds about right
>i'm not talking about niggers but about the average citizens that were aloud to go full retard and lose their belongingsyeah you have no understanding of what happened. the banks got bailed out bc they didn't do anything wrong. The governement WANTED them to give out those loans. Why would anyone go to jail? The did nothing wrong.i'm not defending the jews behind the media
>No if you pull out your army out of their and stop killing them then maybe, JUST MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING PISSED OFF!wrong satan. what don't you understand about islam? they want to install a caliphate, they want their women in bags, they want to throw fags off buildings. They were allah akbaring before 9/11. You know the towers were bombed before that right? 9/11 was just our final straw.
why would they want the banks to hand out loans?what profit would they make from it?
>The Syrian government is responsible for 94% of the civilian deathsBS. How can that be, when you have ~46 terrorist groups fighting him using inaccurate homemade mortars and rockets?
emporer obongo and the left think niggers have shit credit bc they are disadvantaged and they were fucked by not getting loans for homes after wwii. our economy works in boom and bust cycles now. The housing market was the first big boom and bust
>ISIS is ISIS because of the regime.ISIS would be al Qaeda still, if they didn't have a major disagreement in terror tactics. Baghdadi was too ruthless for al Qaeda so they split.
and of course mortgages are profitable senpai
The shitskin running that organization literally admitted he often puts potential "rebels" with civilians because he's not sure what they were.Also, the "rebels" hide in residential areas, they use civilians as shield. Govt has the option of either giving up or going through them. I'd rather see them do everything they can to destroy al-qaeda/isis/ahrar.
>Syrian network of human rightsIs that just the renamed Syrian observatory of human rights? Sounds like it. Known untrustworthy source.
>Universal hatred by every other country on the planet?LOL like we ever gave a fuck what shitstains like you 'thought' of us. Who do you pansies ALWAYS call for help when the shit hits the fan? That's right bitch..the U.S.A. so kys you fucking hippy faggot.
Alright pol. What do you think of Tommy Robinson?Imo he is based as fuck and we need more like him.
How much are they paying them?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq6xRZlCSoM
clearly not enough judging by these leaden performances.
bump for kek
>stop the hatesay that to the hundreds of millions of Muslims that support lynching gays
>49 irrelevant attentionwhoring rubes use questionable shooting as excuse to whore for attention and parrot leftist talking points.FTFY
Imagine if you got bruce the spruce jenner
Nothing because everyone in entertainment media is a degenerate.
It needs dislike raid.
>Rob Reiner>all these other D listers
Why just for Orlando? I didn't see many celebrities care about the victims of the other terror attacks.I suppose gays are just more important?
And I mean ''celebrities'' lightly because I don't really know who any of these are
>people unironically believe thisWell done, media. Well done.
They use the term "Celebrity" very loosly.
Lord kek Trudeau's plans for legalizing marijuana progress >the bong fire rises my friends
>Being Canadian>Not fucking dogs
>mexican intellectuals will defend this
>tfw people are literally happy to be ruled by retards as long as they're genetic freaks
Best of the Black lives matter retard being destroyed by 16 years old black trump supporter.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMn1creoVFE
Where is that boy's parents
Damn, and he got 2 qt white girls in towRekts that faggot niggerAlpha as fuck
racism = silence your opponents with socially acceptable name calling/ad hom.
LOVING EVERY LAUGHhttp://uk.businessinsider.com/r-farage-says-can-envisage-britain-contribution-to-eu-budget-post-brexit-le-figaro-2016-6
What the fuck is all this about EU migration.The issue was NET migration.
>doesn't say about a single thing about importing more PakisI mean they're better than refugees right? Does Brexit outcome imply that Britan won't receive any more "women and children" fleeing from war?
We barely do anyway.Literally a couple thousand a year.
>retarded anglo /pol/acks will still applaud this.
There's nothing wrong with contributing to the operations endAs long as it's not like a tribute or something
>be american>house burns down due to a wildfire>get shot
>Sex education in Canada
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Italian%20style>A sexual position in which the man places his penis between the woman's buttocks (no anal penetration) and rubs up and down until orgasmmaybe you should see about getting sex ed i school spaghetti
>source: urbandictionary>19 people confirm this>different definition on the very same pagewow
druly ebin :DDD
That was in America potato nigger
Canada is in America
What does /pol think about a possible independence of Catalonia?
http://archive.is/NhWvs [article from (((Bloomberg)))]They talk about Tay>"From a machine learning perspective, if you don't think about gender inclusiveness, then oftentimes the inferences that get made are biased towards the majority group—in this case, affluent white males," said Margaret Burnett, a professor at Oregon State University's School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Burnett developed GenderMag, which helps software developers build systems that account for the differences in gender of their users. Microsoft has been experimenting with the software, she said. She's also investigated how machine learning systems suffer if the designers don't properly account for gender. "If un-diverse stuff goes in, then closed-minded, inside-the-box, not-very-good results come out," she said.>Tay, Microsoft's chatbot released earlier this year, had a lot of un-diverse stuff going in. Within 24 hours of being exposed to the public, Tay took on a racist, sexist, homophobic personality. It did that because internet users realized that Tay would learn from its interactions, so they tweeted insulting, racist, nasty things at it. Tay incorporated that language into its mental model and start spewing out more of the same.
>She's also investigated how machine learning systems suffer if the designers don't properly account for gender. "If un-diverse stuff goes in, then closed-minded, inside-the-box, not-very-good results come out," she said.I can already tell this person doesn't understand what machine learning is
You can't really drop the standards of the CS field without research massively suffering as a result, it's catering to retards as it is. I remember two girls who graduated from the CS BSc+MSc back in my day, think the figure of women was around 30 when we started.She's a CS professor, I'd find that surprising. Then again most women teachers in the field are pretty shit.
"Moderate" Muslim is asked by Jewish professor if she supports Hamas and Hezbollah. The madwoman actually answers! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a3e4hmxmITE&feature=youtu.be
>After a night of partying with a female stranger, a man wakes up to find her stabbed to death and is charged with her murder. HBO just started a series about a Paki falsely accused of murder, you can't make this shit up.
well maybeit is either him or the niggerso who cares?unless of course the knife is switched out by the cops
>bet i could was originally named 12 angry men
>so who cares?How can't you see the propaganda?He could have been any of the millions of whites or negros in america, but he is a paki MUSLIM and he is INNOCENT and everyone is RACIST against him.
nobody was being racist other than two niggersalso it is hbo try watching an episode of GoT in their latest season and try talking about propaganda I don't understand you morons here. You're all so fucking new. We've known that this is what media was going to be. We needed our own ways for creating media but the sad fact of it all is you're all cheap as FUCK. Hell you couldn't even keep white rabbit afloat. So enjoy the taste of kike cock every time you watch anything you fucking retards.
You seem upset.
Nice retort. I'm not upset at the kikes doing what we knew they were going to do. I'm upset at /pol/ for not supporting their own and letting profiteers and attention whoring youtubers dictate their counter culture media production.And you should be too.I don't even know why I'm talking to you. I can't imagine a filthy subhuman to understand what I'm even saying. So keep it up with finding that blatant propaganda pedro. You're a real help.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXOdn6vLCuUThis simple allegory shows how ridiculous religion is. When will /pol/ learn?Your defense?
This is this is the absolute dumbest way to fight against the idea of religious ideas, it's a video made for entertainment there are much better mediums for getting across arguments.(Coming from an atheist (stop being a faggot))
Look at that disgusting ass floor jesus christ
I should have explained. The sports show First Take has been taken over by a second tier version of The View essential ever since Skip "To My Lou" Baylesss left for more masculine pastures...
>rolls his pants downI bet that faggot isn't even taking a shit
/pol/, you don't have a problem with this??
pol pointed out 2 problems and you simply ignored it
So many faggots on this page. Let's have this discussion. Why and how was this allowed to happen?
What's so significant about the hat?
American men are such faggots. No wonder Isis is raping your faggoty asses.
nice bathroom and rolled down pants fattythese fucking autistic burgers
I've never been so disgusted to call myself an American.