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# DynaSent: Dynamic Sentiment Analysis Dataset
DynaSent is an English-language benchmark task for ternary (positive/negative/neutral) sentiment analysis. This dataset card is forked from the original [DynaSent Repository](
## Contents
* [Citation](#Citation)
* [Dataset files](#dataset-files)
* [Quick start](#quick-start)
* [Data format](#data-format)
* [Models](#models)
* [Other files](#other-files)
* [License](#license)
## Citation
[Christopher Potts](, [Zhengxuan Wu](, Atticus Geiger, and [Douwe Kiela]( 2020. [DynaSent: A dynamic benchmark for sentiment analysis]( Ms., Stanford University and Facebook AI Research.
title={{DynaSent}: A Dynamic Benchmark for Sentiment Analysis},
author={Potts, Christopher and Wu, Zhengxuan and Geiger, Atticus and Kiela, Douwe},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.15349},
## Dataset files
The dataset is [](, which is included in this repository. `v1.1` differs from `v1` only in that `v1.1` has proper unique ids for Round 1 and corrects a bug that led to some non-unique ids in Round 2. There are no changes to the examples or other metadata.
The dataset consists of two rounds, each with a train/dev/test split:
### Round 1: Naturally occurring sentences
* `dynasent-v1.1-round01-yelp-train.jsonl`
* `dynasent-v1.1-round01-yelp-dev.jsonl`
* `dynasent-v1.1-round01-yelp-test.jsonl`
### Round 1: Sentences crowdsourced using Dynabench
* `dynasent-v1.1-round02-dynabench-train.jsonl`
* `dynasent-v1.1-round02-dynabench-dev.jsonl`
* `dynasent-v1.1-round02-dynabench-test.jsonl`
### SST-dev revalidation
The dataset also contains a version of the [Stanford Sentiment Treebank]( dev set in our format with labels from our validation task:
* `sst-dev-validated.jsonl`
## Quick start
This function can be used to load any subset of the files:
import json
def load_dataset(*src_filenames, labels=None):
data = []
for filename in src_filenames:
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
d = json.loads(line)
if labels is None or d['gold_label'] in labels:
return data
For example, to create a Round 1 train set restricting to examples with ternary gold labels:
import os
r1_train_filename = os.path.join('dynasent-v1.1', 'dynasent-v1.1-round01-yelp-train.jsonl')
ternary_labels = ('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')
r1_train = load_dataset(r1_train_filename, labels=ternary_labels)
X_train, y_train = zip(*[(d['sentence'], d['gold_label']) for d in r1_train])
## Data format
### Round 1 format
{'hit_ids': ['y5238'],
'sentence': 'Roto-Rooter is always good when you need someone right away.',
'indices_into_review_text': [0, 60],
'model_0_label': 'positive',
'model_0_probs': {'negative': 0.01173639390617609,
'positive': 0.7473671436309814,
'neutral': 0.24089649319648743},
'text_id': 'r1-0000001',
'review_id': 'IDHkeGo-nxhqX4Exkdr08A',
'review_rating': 1,
'label_distribution': {'positive': ['w130', 'w186', 'w207', 'w264', 'w54'],
'negative': [],
'neutral': [],
'mixed': []},
'gold_label': 'positive'}
* `'hit_ids'`: List of Amazon Mechanical Turk Human Interface Tasks (HITs) in which this example appeared during validation. The values are anonymized but used consistently throughout the dataset.
* `'sentence'`: The example text.
* `'indices_into_review_text':` indices of `'sentence'` into the original review in the [Yelp Academic Dataset](
* `'model_0_label'`: prediction of Model 0 as described in the paper. The possible values are `'positive'`, `'negative'`, and `'neutral'`.
* `'model_0_probs'`: probability distribution predicted by Model 0. The keys are `('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')` and the values are floats.
* `'text_id'`: unique identifier for this entry.
* `'review_id'`: review-level identifier for the review from the [Yelp Academic Dataset]( containing `'sentence'`.
* `'review_rating'`: review-level star-rating for the review containing `'sentence'` in the [Yelp Academic Dataset]( The possible values are `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, and `5`.
* `'label_distribution':` response distribution from the MTurk validation task. The keys are `('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')` and the values are lists of anonymized MTurk ids, which are used consistently throughout the dataset.
* `'gold_label'`: the label chosen by at least three of the five workers if there is one (possible values: `'positive'`, `'negative'`, '`neutral'`, and `'mixed'`), else `None`.
Here is some code one could use to augment a dataset, as loaded by `load_dataset`, with a field giving the full review text from the [Yelp Academic Dataset](
import json
def index_yelp_reviews(yelp_src_filename='yelp_academic_dataset_review.json'):
index = {}
with open(yelp_src_filename) as f:
for line in f:
d = json.loads(line)
index[d['review_id']] = d['text']
return index
yelp_index = index_yelp_reviews()
def add_review_text_round1(dataset, yelp_index):
for d in dataset:
review_text = yelp_index[d['text_id']]
# Check that we can find the sentence as expected:
start, end = d['indices_into_review_text']
assert review_text[start: end] == d['sentence']
d['review_text'] = review_text
return dataset
### Round 2 format
{'hit_ids': ['y22661'],
'sentence': "We enjoyed our first and last meal in Toronto at Bombay Palace, and I can't think of a better way to book our journey.",
'sentence_author': 'w250',
'has_prompt': True,
'prompt_data': {'indices_into_review_text': [2093, 2213],
'review_rating': 5,
'prompt_sentence': "Our first and last meals in Toronto were enjoyed at Bombay Palace and I can't think of a better way to bookend our trip.",
'review_id': 'Krm4kSIb06BDHternF4_pA'},
'model_1_label': 'positive',
'model_1_probs': {'negative': 0.29140257835388184,
'positive': 0.6788994669914246,
'neutral': 0.029697999358177185},
'text_id': 'r2-0000001',
'label_distribution': {'positive': ['w43', 'w26', 'w155', 'w23'],
'negative': [],
'neutral': [],
'mixed': ['w174']},
'gold_label': 'positive'}
* `'hit_ids'`: List of Amazon Mechanical Turk Human Interface Tasks (HITs) in which this example appeared during validation. The values are anonymized but used consistently throughout the dataset.
* `'sentence'`: The example text.
* `'sentence_author'`: Anonymized MTurk id of the worker who wrote `'sentence'`. These are from the same family of ids as used in `'label_distribution'`, but this id is never one of the ids in `'label_distribution'` for this example.
* `'has_prompt'`: `True` if the `'sentence'` was written with a Prompt else `False`.
* `'prompt_data'`: None if `'has_prompt'` is False, else:
* `'indices_into_review_text'`: indices of `'prompt_sentence'` into the original review in the [Yelp Academic Dataset](
* `'review_rating'`: review-level star-rating for the review containing `'sentence'` in the [Yelp Academic Dataset](
* `'prompt_sentence'`: The prompt text.
* `'review_id'`: review-level identifier for the review from the [Yelp Academic Dataset]( containing `'prompt_sentence'`.
* `'model_1_label'`: prediction of Model 1 as described in the paper. The possible values are `'positive'`, `'negative'`, and '`neutral'`.
* `'model_1_probs'`: probability distribution predicted by Model 1. The keys are `('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')` and the values are floats.
* `'text_id'`: unique identifier for this entry.
* `'label_distribution'`: response distribution from the MTurk validation task. The keys are `('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')` and the values are lists of anonymized MTurk ids, which are used consistently throughout the dataset.
* `'gold_label'`: the label chosen by at least three of the five workers if there is one (possible values: `'positive'`, `'negative'`, '`neutral'`, and `'mixed'`), else `None`.
To add the review texts to the `'prompt_data'` field, one can extend the code above for Round 1 with the following function:
def add_review_text_round2(dataset, yelp_index):
for d in dataset:
if d['has_prompt']:
prompt_data = d['prompt_data']
review_text = yelp_index[prompt_data['review_id']]
# Check that we can find the sentence as expected:
start, end = prompt_data['indices_into_review_text']
assert review_text[start: end] == prompt_data['prompt_sentence']
prompt_data['review_text'] = review_text
return dataset
### SST-dev format
{'hit_ids': ['s20533'],
'sentence': '-LRB- A -RRB- n utterly charming and hilarious film that reminded me of the best of the Disney comedies from the 60s.',
'tree': '(4 (2 (1 -LRB-) (2 (2 A) (3 -RRB-))) (4 (4 (2 n) (4 (3 (2 utterly) (4 (3 (4 charming) (2 and)) (4 hilarious))) (3 (2 film) (3 (2 that) (4 (4 (2 (2 reminded) (3 me)) (4 (2 of) (4 (4 (2 the) (4 best)) (2 (2 of) (3 (2 the) (3 (3 Disney) (2 comedies))))))) (2 (2 from) (2 (2 the) (2 60s)))))))) (2 .)))',
'text_id': 'sst-dev-validate-0000437',
'sst_label': '4',
'label_distribution': {'positive': ['w207', 'w3', 'w840', 'w135', 'w26'],
'negative': [],
'neutral': [],
'mixed': []},
'gold_label': 'positive'}
* `'hit_ids'`: List of Amazon Mechanical Turk Human Interface Tasks (HITs) in which this example appeared during validation. The values are anonymized but used consistently throughout the dataset.
* `'sentence'`: The example text.
* `'tree'`: The parsetree for the example as given in the SST distribution.
* `'text_id'`: A new identifier for this example.
* `'sst_label'`: The root-node label from the SST. Possible values `'0'`, `'1'` `'2'`, `'3'`, and `'4'`.
* `'label_distribution':` response distribution from the MTurk validation task. The keys are `('positive', 'negative', 'neutral')` and the values are lists of anonymized MTurk ids, which are used consistently throughout the dataset.
* `'gold_label'`: the label chosen by at least three of the five workers if there is one (possible values: `'positive'`, `'negative'`, '`neutral'`, and `'mixed'`), else `None`.
## Models
Model 0 and Model 1 from the paper are available here:
This repository includes a Python module `` that provides a [Hugging Face]( wrapper around these ([PyTorch]( models. Simple examples:
import os
from dynasent_models import DynaSentModel
# `dynasent_model0` should be downloaded from the above Google Drive link and
# placed in the `models` directory. `dynasent_model1` works the same way.
model = DynaSentModel(os.path.join('models', 'dynasent_model0.bin'))
examples = [
"They said the experience would be amazing, and they were right!",
"They said the experience would be amazing, and they were wrong!"]
This should return the list `['positive', 'positive', 'negative']`.
The `predict_proba` method provides access to the predicted distribution over the class labels; see the demo at the bottom of `` for details.
The following code uses `load_dataset` from above to reproduce the Round 2 dev-set report on Model 0 from the paper:
import os
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from dynasent_models import DynaSentModel
dev_filename = os.path.join('dynasent-v1.1', 'dynasent-v1.1-round02-dynabench-dev.jsonl')
dev = load_dataset(dev_filename)
X_dev, y_dev = zip(*[(d['sentence'], d['gold_label']) for d in dev])
model = DynaSentModel(os.path.join('models', 'dynasent_model0.bin'))
preds = model.predict(X_dev)
print(classification_report(y_dev, preds, digits=3))
For a fuller report on these models, see our paper and [our model card](
## Other files
### Analysis notebooks
The following notebooks reproduce the dataset statistics, figures, and random example selections from the paper:
* `analyses_comparative.ipynb`
* `analysis_round1.ipynb`
* `analysis_round2.ipynb`
* `analysis_sst_dev_revalidate.ipynb`
The Python module `` contains functions that support those notebooks, and `dynasent.mplstyle` helps with styling the plots.
### Datasheet
The [Datasheet]( for our dataset:
* [](
### Model Card
The [Model Card]( for our models:
* [](
### Tests
The module `` contains PyTest tests for the dataset. To use it, run
py.test -vv
in the root directory of this repository.
### Validation HIT code
The file `validation-hit-contents.html` contains the HTML/Javascript used in the validation task. It could be used directly on Amazon Mechanical Turk, by simply pasting its contents into the usual HIT creation window.
## License
DynaSent has a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](