8 values
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Vertical Fruit Extractor has similar design features as the Horizontal Juice Extractor. The main difference is that it is positioned vertically upwards. This machine has a pulp fruit juice rate of 50-60 L/hr, an extraction efficiency of 78-86% and a seed stone-breakage of zero
Mfinyazipatso oyimilira ali ndi kapangidwe kofanana ndi mfinyazipatso owerama. Kusiyana kwake kwakukulu ndi kwakuti chimakonzedwa moyima kulowa mmwamba. Makina amenewa ali ndi kuthekera kofinya madzi a zipatso kufika 50-60L pa ola limodzi, kuthekera kofinya madzi onse a zipatso kwapakati pa 78% ndi 86% ndipo kuthekera kophwanya mthanga kwa 0%
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Seed is one of the essential inputs in crop production. Good quality seed of any crop variety gives yields
Mbeu ndi chimodzi mwa zipangizo zolowa pa ulimi. Mbewu yabwino ya zomera zilizonse imabweretsa zokolola zochuluka
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Problems experienced by farmers include use of poor quality seed due to inadequate availability of certified seed or planting material of most crop such us beans, rice, groundnuts, pigeon peas, open pollinated maize, wheat, soya beans, vegetables, cassava and sweet potatoes
Mavuto omwe alimi amakumana nawo ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mbeu yopanda mphamvu chifukwa chosowa mbeu kapena zinthu zobzala zovomerezeka za mbeu monga nyemba, mpunga, mtedza, nandolo, chimanga, tirigu, soya, masamba, chinangwa ndi mbatata
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The provision of good quality seed of improved crop varieties to smallholder farmers is essential for increased crop production in Malawi’s agriculture
Kupeleka mbewu yapamwamba ya mitundu yamakono kwa alimi ang'onang'ono ndikofunika pochulukitsa zokolola pa ulimi ku Malawi
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Efforts to improve smallholder agriculture in the country will be fruitless unless the fundamental problems of seed supply to smallholder farmers are addressed
Ntchito yotukula alimi ang'onoang'ono mdziko muno ikhala yosapindula pokhapokha mavuto okhazikika a kapezedwe ka mbeu kwa alimi ang'onoang'ono akonzedwe
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The government’s policy is to open the market allowing seed companies to produce and sell new varieties for all crops in the market.
Ndondomeko za boma ndizofuna kutsegula msika kuti alole makampani ogulitsa mbeu kuti adzipanga ndi kugulitsa mitundu yatsopano ya mbeu kumisika
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The Government’s main goal is to alleviate poverty and ensure food security in the country. The goal is being achieved through: Diversifying exports of agricultural products. Raising farm incomes and promote economic growth while conserving the natural resources base
Cholinga chachikulu cha boma ndi kuthetsa umphawi komanso kuonetsetsa kuti dziko liri ndi chakudya chokwanira. Cholingachi chikukwaniritsidwa kudzera: Kuwonjezera zokolola zogulitsidwa kumayiko akunja. Kukweza phindu la ulimi ndi kulimbikitsa kukwera kwa chuma pamanenso tikusamala zachilengedwe
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This is achieved through the available supply of certified seeds of improved varieties of crops by the seed industry to reach farmers through an expanded network of seed distributors
Izi zikwaniritsidwa kudzera mu kupezeka kwa mbeu zovomerezeka za mitundu yatsopano kuchokera kwa ochita malonda a mbeu ndipo zifikire alimi kudzera nkukhazikitsa misika yambiri ya mbeu
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In order to improve the availability of seeds of food crops, the following changes have been made: Improvement of Information systems in the seed value chain; Removal of restriction on seed imports and exports except for phytosanitary regulations.
Pofuna kupititsa poatsogolo kupezeka kwa mbewu za zakudya, sinthani izi: Kupititsa patsogolo njira zofalitsira mauthenga pan nkhani za mbewu; kuchotsa zoletso zoyitanitsira mbewu kimayiko akunja komanso kugulitsa mbewu kunja kupatula ngati tikupewa matenda
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Harmonization of seed rules and regulations to facilitate seed movement in the SADC and COMESA Regions and the entire outside world
Kuyika malamulo ofanana a mbeu kuthandiza kayendedwe ka mbeu mdera la SADC ndi COMESA komanso kunja kwa dziko lonse lapansi
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Promotion of new regulations to encourage the participation of NGOs and ordinary farmers in the seed sector; Review of seed classes in Malawi
Kupititsa patsogolo malamulo atsopano kulimbikitsa kutengapo mbali kwa mabungwe omwe si aboma ndi alimi wamba pankhani za mbeu; Unikani magulu a mbeu mMalawi
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Biotechnology experiments are underway to improve the food and economic situation
Kafukufuku pogwiritsa ntchito zinthu zamoyo ali mkati pofuna kupititsa patsogolo chakudya ndi chuma
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Efforts to supply affordable seeds. Institutional, regulatory and legal frameworks have been strengthened; Institutional and operational linkages have been strengthened
Kuyetsetsa kupeleka mbeu za mitengo yabwino. Nthambi zogwira ntchito, zolimbikitsa kutsatira malamulo komanso ndondomeko za malamulo zalimbikitsidwa. Ubale wa nthambi zogwira ntchito ndi kagwiridwe kawo kantchito zalimbikitsidwa
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The Seed Services Unit (SSU) in the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS) has the responsibility of certifying seed and monitoring its production, processing, marketing and storage throughout the country to ensure that farmers have access to good quality seed
Bungwe loona za mbeu kunthambi yoona za kafukufuku wa ulimi ili ndi udindo wovomereza mbeu komanso kuunika kapangidwe kake, kasamalidwe, kagulitsidwe komanso kasungidwe mdziko lonse lino kuti aonetsetse kuti alimi akupeza mbeu yabwino
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Internationally accepted standards are applied for seed certification and quality control. There are six classes of seed of all crop varieties recognized in Malawi and these have different requirements that meet international standards for certification
Ndondomeko zovomerezeka padziko lonse lapansi zimagwiritsidwa ntchito povomereza mbeu komanso kusamala ubwino wake. Pali magulu asanu ndi limodzi a mbewu za mitundu yonse ya mbewu zovomerezeka ku Malawi ndipo ali ndi zofunikira zosiyanasiyana kuti afikire ndondomeko zoyenera kuti mbewu zivomerezedwe
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Breeders’ seed is of a particular generation of an in bred line or variety which is produced under the supervision of the breeder or institution that developed the variety in conjunction with the seed Services Unit. It is the source of seed for the production of pre-basic/ prefoundation seed
Mbewu ya ochulukitsa mbewu imakhala mbado wina wake wa mbewu zomwe zakwatitsidwa pachibale zomwe zimapangidwa upangiri wa wokwatitsa mbewu kapane bungwe lomwe linapanga mtunduwo mothandizana ndi mthambi yoona za mbewu. Ndi komwe kumapezeka mbewu yogwiritsa ntchito popanga mbewu za alimi
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Pre-basic seed-this class comes from Breeders’ seed. It is handled in a such way that it maintains its genetic identity and purity is maintained to ensure quality
Pre-basic seed- mtundu uwu umachokera ku mbewu ya ochulukitsa. Imasamalidwa munjira yoti isasakanikirane ndi ina iliyonse kuopa kusuluka
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Basic or foundation seed-this class of seed production from basic seed. It is handled in such a way that its genetic identity and purity is maintained to ensure quality
Basic or foundation seed - mtundu uwu umachokera ku manthu/kholo wa mbewu. Imasamalidwa munjira yoti isasakanikirane ndi ina kapena kusuluka
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Certified seed I-Certified seed is produced from basic seed but it can also be produced from a higher class of seed such as pre-basic seed
Mbeu yovomerezeka I - mbeu yovomerezeka imapangidwa kuchokera ku mbeu yochulukitsa komanso ikhoza kupangidwa kuchokera ku mtundu wa mbeu wapamwamba monga ngati kholo la mbeu
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Production of certified seed should also conform to prescribed standards to maintain genetic identity and purity
Kupanga mbeu yovomerezeka kuyenera kutsatira ndondomeko zovomerezedwa kuti isunge chibadwa chake komanso ungwiro wake
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Certified seed II-In cases of shortage of basis seed, another seed is produced from Certified Seed and this is called certified seed II
Mbeu yovomerezeka yachiwiri - Ngati mbeu yochulukitsa yasowa, ina ikhoza kupangidwa kuchokera ku mbeu yovomerezeka ija ndipo imatchedwa mbeu yovomerezeka yachiwiri
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But in cases of enough basic seed then only certified I is produced and marketed following the regulations
Koma pomwe pali mbeu yokwanira yakholo, amapanga ndi kugulitsa mbeu yovomerezeka yokha potsatira malamulo
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Quality declared Seed (QDS)-Previously this was called Declared seed. This class is produced following the requirements such as registration, inspections, sampling and testing. The only difference is the intensity of field inspection
Quality declared seed- Mbuyomu imatchedwa declared seed. Mtundu uwu umaoangidwa potsatira ndondomeko zonse zofunikira monga kulembetsa mkaundula, kuyenderedwa, kupima mbewu. Kusiyana kwakukulu ndi kuyendera minda
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The World Food Organization (FAO) defines QDS as seed that only ten percent of it has been inspected. So this requirement is met worldwide including in Malawi
World Food Organisation imanena kuti QDS ndi mbewu yomwe imodzi pa zigawo khumi zilizonse zapimidwa. Ndiye mulingo uwu umafikiridwa pa dziko lonse palansi kuphatikizirapo ku Malawi
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Commercial Seed Companies, farmer associations, NGOs and individual farmers are actively involved in the production of certified seed
Makampani ogulitsa mbewu, magulu a alimi, mabungwe omwe siaboma komanso alimi paokha amatengapo mbali kupanga mbewu yovomerezera
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Such seed is rigorously inspected by government seed inspectors. SSU sample and test all seed for purity, germination and moisture content in the laboratory prior to distribution or marketing to farmers
Mbewu imeneyi imapimidwa mwakathithi ndi oyezeza mbewu ku boma. Mthambi yoona za mbewu imatenga pang'ono ndi kuyeza mbewu zonse kuti awone ngati ndiyisasakanikira, kameredwe ndi chinyezi chake ku nyumba zoyezera, isanagawidwe kapena kugulitsidwa kwa alimi
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For farmers wishing to participate in this programme, it is important that the following guidelines are adhered to in order that good quality seed is produced
Kwa alimi omwe akufuna kutenga mbali popanga mbewu, ndikofunika kuti atsatire ndondomeko zotsatirazi ndi cholinga chakuti mbewu yabwino ipangidwe
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The demand estimate should be accurate to avoid over production. Seed producers should be ready to meet the costs of seed certification and quality control
Mulingo woyerekeza wa mbewu udziwike pofuna kupewa kupanga mbewu yochuluka. Opanga mbewu akhale okonzeka kugwiritsa ntchito ndalama zawo pamene mbewu yawo ikuvomerezedwa komanso kuyezedwa
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The fields should be located close together to minimize supervision and inspection costs. The area should be accessible at all times, especially during the rainy season in order for inspections to be conducted adequately
Minda ikhale moyandikana pofuna kuchepetsa ndalama zoyendera mbewu. Kukhale kudera kofikika nthawi zonse makamaka nyengo ya mvula ndi cholinga chakuti kuyendera kuchitike mokwanira
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Seed crops have to be grown according to specific standards stipulated by the Seed Services Unit. The aim is to produce good quality seed
Mbewu zilimidwe motsatira ndondomeko zoyikika zomwe mthambi yoona za mbewu inakhadzikitsa. Cholinga ndi kupanga mbewu yabwino
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Major components of the standards include: Seed grower registration is the first activity that the farmer is required to do for the seed to be certified
Zazikulu zomwe zikupezeka mu ndondemekozo ndi monga: Kulembetsa mkaundula ngati mlimi wopanga mbewu ndi ntchito yoyamba yomwe mlimi akuyenera kuchita kuti mbewu yake ivomerezedwe
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This is done before the end of December of each year for rain fed seed production and just a month before planting of irrigated seed production
Izi zimachitika tisanafike kumapeto kwa December chaka chilichonse pa ulimi wodalira mvula ndipo mwezi umodzi tisanafike mwezi wobzalira mbewu zamthilira
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Registration helps SSU to update seed data, easily locate the field or seed by the inspection team, and easily direct buyers to where the required seed is located
Kalembera amathandiza mthambi yoona zambewu kukhala ndi ndandanda watsopano, oyendera kudziwa mosavuta komwe minda kapena mbewu zili, ndipo kuwalodzera mosavuta ogula komwe mbewu yomwe ikufunika ili
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It is important for the country to know seed quantities available to avoid emergency importation. Any field that is not registered is not inspected even if the producer gets the seed from the right sources. Applicable registration fees are charged upon registration
Ndikofunika kuti dziko lino lidziwe kuchuluka kwa mbewu zomwe zilipo pofuna kupewa kuyitanitsa ku mayiko akunja mwadzidzidzi. Munda uliwonse omwe suli mukalembera sungayenderedwe ngakhale mlimiyo atapeze mbewu yake kuchokera kumalo oyenera. Ndalama zolembetsera mkaundula zimapelekedwa pokalembetsa
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Seed should be procured from a reliable source such as from breeders in different institutions
Mbewu igulidwe kwa oyenera monga ochulukitsa mbewu mmabungwe osiyanasiyana
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The Seed Services Unit (SSU) provides information of where the right class of seed can be sourced from in case farmers do not have any knowledge/ information of the source of seed. Information for seed source is required during registration.
Mthambi yoona za mbewu ya Seed Service Unit imapeleka mauthenga a komwe kuli mbewu yoyenera ngati alimi alibe upangiri wa komwe angapeze mbewu. Uthenga wa komwe kungapezeke mbewu umapelekedwa panthawi yakalembera
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Land verification checks the history of the field to be grown to seed. It ensures that same crops do not follow each other consecutive to avoid contamination, mixtures and prevalence of pests and diseases
Kutsimikiza za malo kumaona mbiri ya munda womwe pakufuna kulimidwa mbewu. Kumaonetsetsa kuti mbewu zofanana zisatsogozane popewa kuyipitsidwa, kusakanirana komanso kufala kwa tizilombo ndi matenda
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Seed crop field must be isolated (separated) from any other variety of the same crop to avoid cross contamination. Different crops have different isolation distance depending on their mode of pollination
Minda ya mbewu ipatulidwe, isayandikane ndi minda ina ya mbewu yomweyo popewa kuyipitsidwa. Mbewu zosiyanasiyana zili ndi mulingo wakutalika kwake kodzipatula potengera njira zomwe zimakwatitsana
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Poor stands, lack of vigor or uniformity, weed growth, or conditions which may hinder accurate inspections are cause for rejection
Mbewu yosaoneka bwino, kusowa kwa mphamvu komanso kufanana kwa mbewu, kukula kwa tchire, kapena zinthu zomwe zingalepheretse kuyendera minda ndi zomwe zingapangitse mbewu kukanidwa
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A field for seed production should generally be weed free to prevent admixture. A weed free field is also important as it aids easy movement during field inspection
Munda wolimamo mbewu ukhale wopanda tchire poteteza kusakanikira. Munda wopanda tchire ndiwofunika chifukwa umathandiza kuyendamo mosavuta panthawi yoyendera minda
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Offtypes (plant or seed that deviates in one or more attributes from the breeder’s description) should be roughed off before pollination takes place
Mbewu zosafanana ndi mbewu yomwe yalimidwa zichotsedwe nthawi kukwatitsa kusanachitike
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Seed has to be tested for germination and purity prior to selling. Government seed samplers will draw official samples for laboratory testing after the seed has been graded and packed in standardized bags
Mbewu iyezedwe pofuna kuona kameredwe ndi ungwiro wake isanagulitsidwe. Ogwira ntchito zoyeza mbewu a Boma amatenga mbewu zoyerekeza pang'ono kuti akayeze kunyumba zoyezera pambuyo pakusankha mbewu komanso kuyika mmatumba oyenera
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Only seed that has passed laboratory standards can be accepted and sold. Laboratory test results are valid for twelve months thereafter the seed has to be re-tested
Ndi mbewu yokhayo yomwe yakhoza kuyezedwa kunyumba yoyezera imene ingavomerezedwe ndi kugulitsidwa. Zotsatira zoyeza kunyumba yoyezera zimakhala zikugwira ntchito kwa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri, kupyola pemenepa mbewu imayenera iyezedwenso
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Seed quality deteriorates during storage/ distribution. SSU conducts routine seed monitoring in all seed companies and seed distributors to ensure that farmers do not access substandard seed
Ubwino wa mbewu umatsika panthawi yomwe yasungidwa kapena pomwe ikugawidwa. Mthambi yoona za mbewu imachita kafukufuku nthawi zonse mmakampani onse komanso kwa onse ogawa mbewu pofuna kuonetsetsa kuti alimi sakupeza mbewu yosafikira mulingo wovomerezedwa
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During the market seed monitoring the seed inspectors check if the seed is being handled correctly during sales, if the seed is correctly labeled and if any fake seed is being sold in the market
Pamene akuyendera misika ya mbewu, oyendera mbewu amaona ngati mbewu ikugwiridwa moyenera pamene ikugulitsidwa, ngati mbewu yayikidwa zizindikiro moyenera, komanso ngati mbewu yabodza ikugulitsidwa mmisika
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SSU provides training technical assistance advice in seed certification and quality control to all stakeholders in the seed value chain
Mthambi yoona za mbewu imapeleka upangiri wa maphunziro a kavomerezedwe ka mbewu ndi kuteteza ubwino kwa onse omwe amatengapo gawo pa mbewu
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Seed prices and Marketing-Knowledge in gross margin analysis is important as farmers have to come up with their own seed prices and find their own markets
Mitengo ya mbewu komanso kutsatsa malonda- upangiri wodziwa phindu ndi wofunika kwambiri chifukwa mlimi amayenera kukhadzikitsa mitengo yake ya mbewu komanso kupeza misika yake
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Seed is a living entity as such it is important that all precautionary measure are taken to reduce deterioration during storage
Mbewu ndi chinthu chamoyo choncho ndi kofunika kuti njira zonse zoyitetezera zitsatidwe pofuna kuchepetsa kutha mphamvu pamene yasungidwa
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The success of the seed industry depends on collaborative efforts of different Departments in the Ministry, commercial seed companies and other sectors of the economy involved in the seed industry
Kupambana kwa ntchito za mbewu kutengera mgwirizano pakati pa mthambi zosiyanasiyana ku unduna, ochita ntchito zamalonda a mbewu ndi magawo ena a zachuma omwe amatenga mbali pa nkhani za mbewu
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That is why institutional and operational linkages have been strengthened with a view of providing an efficient seed delivery system to farmers
Ndi chifukwa chake kulumikizana kwa mabungwe komanso zochitika zonse kukulimbikitsidwa ndi cholinga chofuna kufikitsa mbewu kwa alimi mwachangu
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SSU offices at Chitedze , Bvumbwe, Lifuwu and Lunyangwa Research stations can be contacted for more information on Seed certifi cation and Quality Control issues
Mthambi yoona za mbewu ku malo ochitira kafukufuku wa mbewu ku Chitedze, kwa Bvumbwe, ku Lifuwu ndi Lunyangwa afunsidwe pofuna kupeza mauthenga ena owonjezera pa nkhani zovomereza mbewu komanso kuonetsetsa kuti mbewu ndi yabwino
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One of the challenges facing the agricultural sector in Malawi is low crop production and quality as a result of pest infestation and disease attack
Chimodzi mwa zovuta zomwe gawo la ulimi likukumana nazo ku Malawi ndi zokolola zochepa komanso zosakhala bwino chifukwa cha kugwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda
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The Ministry of Agriculture aims at minimizing losses in quantity and quality of crop produce through proper crop disease and pest management
Unduna wa zamalimidwe aukufuna kuchepetsa kutayika kwa zokolola komanso kuchepa kwa ubwino wa zokolola kudzera mu ndondomeko zabwino zothanirana ndi matenda komanso tizilombo
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There are several methods of reducing pest and disease incidences. These include cultural, biological, mechanical, physical control measures, use of resistant crop varieties, sanitation, plant quarantine and application of pesticides
Pali njira zambirimbiri zochepetsera kupezeka tizilombo ndi matenda. Zina mwa izo ndi kasamalidwe, zachilengedwe, zochitika pamunda, kugwiritsa ntchito mbewu zopilira kumatenda, ukhondo, kupatula mbewu ndikuyika paokha, kuthirav mankhwala ophera tizilombo
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The emphasis is to promote the use of these methods in the form of Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM)
Ntchito yambiri yagona popititsa patsogolo kugwiritsa ntchito njira zomwe zili mu Integrated Pest and Disease Management
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This approach employs a combination of two or more of the control methods and places emphasis on environmental protection and preservation of beneficial organisms
Njira imeneyi imaphatikiza njira ziwiri kapena kuposa apo zothanirana ndi matenda ndi tizilombo ndipo imatsindika zakufunika koteteza zachilengedwe komanso kusunga zamoyo zofunukira pa ulimi
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By using IPDM the use of pesticides is minimized hence the cost is reduced and the environment is protected
Pogwiritsa ntchito IPDM, kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala opehera tizilombo kumachepetsedwa choncho ndalama zogwira ntchito zimachepanso ndipo chilengedwe chimatetezedwa
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The way crops are managed may affect pests and diseases that live in the crop environment. Time of planting, weeding, uprooting of infested plants and harvesting practices which may destroy these pests are cultural pest control methods
Momwe mbewu zimasamalidwa zimakhuza tizilombo ndi matenda omwe amakhala mu mbewuzo. Nthawi yobzalira, kupalira, kuzula mbewu zomwe zagwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda ndiponso ndondomeko zokolola zomwe zingaononge tizilombo ndi matenda ndi njira zachikhalidwe zothanirana ndi tizilombo ndi matenda
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For instance, early planting will reduce bushy top in tobacco, stalk borers, maize streak and other diseases
Mwachitsanzo, kubzala mofulumira kumachepetsa kuchita mafutu mu fodya, mbozi, maize streak ndi matenda ena
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Removal of tomato plants after harvest will reduce nematode populations in the soil. Weeds can habour pests that attack crops and reduce yield, therefore, timely weeding is important
Kuchotsa mitwngo ta yomato pambuyo pokolola kumachepetsa chiwerengero cha mbozi mu dothi. Tchire limasunga tizolombo tomwe zimawononga mbewu ndikuchepetsa zokolola choncho kupalira mwachangu ndikofunika
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If harvesting is delayed, maize, millets and other crops may be damaged by rodents, weevils, birds and other pests
Ngati kukolola kwachedwa, chimanga, mchewere ndi mbewu zina zimaonongeka ndi mbewa, nankafumbwe, mbalame nsi tizilombo tina
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Farmers should, therefore, be encouraged to carry out cultural practices timely and as recommended
Choncho alimi akulimbikitsidwa kutsatira njira zachikhalidwe munthawi yake komanso motsatira ndondomeko
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Following proper crop rotation, removal of volunteer plants and other crop hygiene practices will reduce the build-up of weeds, insect pests, nematodes and diseases
Kutsatira moyenera ulimi wa kasinthasintha, kuchotsa mbewu zogwera ndi njira zina zaukhondo wambewu zimachepetsa kuchulukana kwa tchire, tizilombo towononga, mbozi ndi matenda
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Biological control results from the manipulation of populations of parasitoids, predators and pathogens in reducing the abundance of pest species and maintaining its population at a level lower than it would have been in the absence of these organisms
Njira zachilengedwe zimabwera posokoneza chiwerengero cha tizilombo, zowononga tizilombo ndi tizilombo toyambitsa matenda pochepetsa kuchuluka kwa mitundu ya tizilombo ndi kusunga chiwerengero pa mulingo wotsika kusiyana ndi mmene zikanakhalira popanda zamoyo zimenezi
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There are other methods of reducing pest problems that are just as effective. These include setting up traps and barriers which disrupt pests moving in a particular area
Palinso njira zina zochepetsera mavuto a tizilombo zomwe ndizabwinonso. Izi ndi monga kuyika misampha ndi zotchinga zomwe zimasokoneza kuyenda kwa tizilombo mudera
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Control may also be achieved by hand picking and crushing. These methods need to be encouraged as they are cheaper
Kuthana nazo kukhoza kuchitikanso podzigwira ndi manja ndikudzipha. Njira izi zimafuna kulimbikitsidwa chifukwa ndizosafuna ndalama
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Changing the availability of water, relative humidity, temperature and light conditions especially in storage can make living conditions unfavorable for pests
Kusintha kupezeka kwa madzi, kuchuluka kwa chinyezi mu mpweya koyenera, katenthedwe ndi kuwala makamaka munkhokwe zimapangitsa malo akhale osayenera kukhala tizilombo
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Cool and dry grain will have fewer pest problems than warm and moist grain. Sterilization of nursery beds by burning is another example of physical control
Mbewu za udzu zozizira ndi zouma zimakhala mavuto a tizilombo ochepa kusiyana ndi zomwe zili ndi chinyezi. Kupha tizilombo ndi matenda kumanazale powotcha ndi chitsanzo chabwino chosagwiritsa ntchito zamoyo
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Farmers should therefore be encouraged to dry their produce thoroughly before storage and sterilize nursery beds before sowing
Choncho alimi alimbikitsidwe kuumitsa mbewu zawo asanadziyike munkhokwe ndipo aphe tizilombo mmanazale asanafetse mbewu
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Some varieties of crops are more tolerant to pest and disease attacks than others. They suffer less damage and are not easily destroyed
Mitundu ina ya mbewu imapilira kwambiri kugwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda kuposa zina. Zimawonongeka mochepa ndipo zimavuta kuwononga
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These are called tolerant varieties. Planting them reduces crop damage. For instance, planting hairy cotton varieties reduces jassid population on the leaf thereby minimizing damage. Flint maize suffer less pest damage in storage compared to dent maize
Izi zimatchulidwa mitundu yopilira. Kubzala mbewu zimenezi kumachepetsa kuonongeka kwa zomera. Mwachitsanzo, kubzala mitundu ya thonje ya tsitsi kumachepetsa chiwerengero cha Jassid mmasamba ake kotero kuchepetsa kuwonongedwa. Chimanga cha maso olimba kwambiri sichimagwidwa ndi tizilombo kwambiri munkhokwe kusiyana ndi chofewa
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Sanitation is the removal and disposal of infected or infested plant or plant parts and wastes; and keeping crop fields and storage facilities as clean as possible as these would be sources of infection or infestation
Ukhondo ndi kuchotsa komanso kutaya zomwera zonse zomwe zagwidwa ndi tizilombo ndi matenda; ndi kusunga minda ndi nkhokwe zaukhondo chifukwa izi zimasunga kapena kufalitsa matenda
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Removal of volunteer crops deprives a pest or a disease a host on which it would harbor over winter
Kuchotsa mbewu zogwera kumalanda malo omwe tizilombo kapena matenda akanabisala munyengo yozizira
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Rouging and destruction of infected or infested plants in the nursery and field reduce sources of pests
Kutolera ndi kuwononga mbewu zonse zogwidwa ndi tizilombo mmanazale ndi mminda kumachepetsa malo ochokera tizilombo
agriculture document
For example, destruction of infested tomato plants with spider mite will reduce population of the pest for next growing season
Mwachitsanzo, kuwononga tomato wogwidwa ndi matenda a spider mite kumachepetsa chiwerengero cha tizilombo munyengo yolima yotsatirayo
agriculture document
Removal of weeds will reduce pest and disease incidences in crop fields. Some rodents such as rats and mice thrive on food wastes that are not properly disposed of
Kuchotsa tchire kumachepetsa kupezeka kwa tizilombo ndi matenda mminda ya mbewu. Zinyama zina monga makoswe ndi mbewa zimachita bwino pa zakudya zotsala zomwe sidzinatayidwe moyenera
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Removal of such wastes reduces chances of rodent problem developing. Other storage pests such as weevils may remain in storage structures and bags
Kuchotsa zotayidwazi kumechepetsa mwayi woti makoswe ndu mbewa ziswane. Tizilombo tina tamunkhokwe ndi monga nankafumbwe zimatsala munkhokwe ndi mmatumba
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Cleaning of such storage structures before putting in new harvests would therefore reduce pest load in storage
Choncho kukonza munkhokwemu musanayikidwe zokolola zatsopano kumachepetsa kuchuluka kwa tizilombo panthawi yosunga zokolola
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Plant quarantine is the holding of imported plant material in isolation for a prescribed period to ensure freedom from diseases and insect pests
Kupatula mbewu ndikudziyika pazokha zimatanthauza kuti kusunga mbewu yomwe yagulidwa kunja kwa munda kapena kunja kwadera payokha kwakanthawi ndi cholinga chofuna kuti ikhale yopanda tizilombo kapena matenda
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Pests which are non- existent in Malawi can be introduced from other countries through imported plant material
Tizilombo tomwe mMalawi muno mulibe tingathe kubwera kuchokera kumayiko ena kudzera kugula mbewu kuchokera kumayiko akunja
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Plant quarantine is used to control the spread of insect pests and diseases between countries
Kupatula mbewu ndikudzisunga pazokha kukhoza kugwiritsida ntchito pothana ndukufala kwa tizilombo ndi matenda pakati pa mayiko
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It is therefore the responsibility of every importer and traveler to obtain an import permit from the Ministry of Agriculture before importing such materials
Choncho ndi udindo wa aliyense wogula mbewu kumayiko akunja komanso onse oyenda mmayiko kuti akhale ndi chilolezo kuchokera ku unduna wa zamalimidwe asanayitanitse mbewu zotero
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Within the country, the most important regulatory control measure is restricting movement of plant material from infected areas to clean areas
Mdziko momwe muno, njira yofunukira yochepetsa kufala kewa tizilombo ndi matenda ndi kuletsa kutenga mbewu kuchokera dera lina kupita nazo kudera kwina
agriculture document
Field staff should advise farmers not to transfer infected plant material from one area to another
Alangizi akudera alangize alimi kuti asasamutse mbewu zogwidwa ndi matenda kuchoka kwina kupita nazo kwina
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Pesticides offer quickest pest control solution. However, they should be used to supplements other methods of pest control
Mankhwala ophera tizilombo amapeleka njira yachidule yachangu yothana ndi tizilombo. Komabe, agwiritsidwe ntchito ngati ongothandizira njira zina zothanirana ndi tizilombo
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They should therefore, be used only when necessary as they cannot solve all pest problems encountered and besides they may be harmful to the environment, expensive and scarce at times
Choncho, agwiritsidwe ntchito pomwe ndikofunika kutero chifukwa sangathetse mavuto onse a tizilombo omwe akukumana nawo ndipo kupatula izi akhoza kukhala owopsa ku zachilengedwe, odula komanso osowa nthawi zina
agriculture document
The use of pesticides is only recommended where it is difficult to control pests through use of other methods
Kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ophera tizilombo ndi kovomerezeka pokhapo pomwe ndi kovuta kuthana ndi tizilombo pogwiritsa ntchito njira zina
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Farmers should however, be advised to use recommended pesticides for each type of pest and strictly follow instructions
Choncho alimi alangizidwe kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala ovomerezeka opehera tizilombopa mtundu uliwonse wa tizilombo ndipo ofunika kutsatira malangizo moyenera
agriculture document
It is strongly recommended that farmers buy pesticides from registered dealers and agents only
Ndi koyenera kuti alimi agule mankhwala kuchokera kwa ogulitsa ovomerezeka komanso mthumwi zawo basi
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Farmers should buy pesticides enough for the season as surpluses may deteriorate, and cause storage and disposal problems. Farmers should be encouraged to read the label before buying and using pesticides
Alimi agule mankhwala ophera tizilombo okhawo ofunika pa nyengo ya ulimiyo chifuka akatsala amatha mphamvu, akhoza kuyambitsa mavuto munkhokwe komanso kuvuta kutaya. Alimi alimbikitsidwe kuwerenga malangizo omwe amatidwa pamankhwala asanagule ndikugwiritsa ntchito mankhwalawo
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Pesticides should be stored safely and properly to avoid poisoning, accidents and enhanced deterioration
Mankhwalawo asungidwe pabwino popewa kuwononga zakudya, ngozi komanso kutha mphamvu mwachangu
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All types of pesticides should be stored in their original containers under lock and key, away from children and livestock
Mitundu yonse ya mankhwala ophera tizilombo isungidwe mosungira mwake ndipo ikhale kutali ndi ana komanso ziweto
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Pesticides should be stored under dry conditions and away from direct sunlight. They should not be stored or transported together with food, clothing and furniture. If in doubt, contact the Pesticide Control Board
Mankhwala ophera tizilombo asungidwe pamalo ouma, osafika dzuwa. Asasungidwe kapena kusamusidwa limodzi ndi zakudya, zovala kapena mipando. Ngati mukukayika, funsani mthambi ya Pesticide Control Board
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There are various pesticides applicators available for use by farmers. Farmers are advised to carefully choose their applicators because failure to do so may result in poor pest control leading to economic loss
Pali mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya zipangizo zothilira mankhwala ophera tizilombo zomwe alimi angagwiritse ntchito. Alimi akulangizidwa kusankha mosamala zipangizo zawo chifukwa kulephera kutero kungadzetse kutayika kwa chuma chifukwa cholephera kuthana ndi tizilombo
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The choice of a sprayer should be based on crop type, area to be covered, pests to be controlled, terrain of the area to be sprayed and initial capital
Kusankha chida chopopera kutsamire pa mtundu wa mbewu, kukula kwa malo, tizilomboto, malo ake oyenera kupopera komanso mpamba woyambira
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Ultra Low Volume (ULV) and knapsack sprayers are recommended for spraying small crops and bushes including vegetables. Mist blowers can be used for spraying any crop including large trees
Ultra low volume komanso zopopera zobelekera ndizovomerezeka kupopera mbewu zing'onozing'ono komanso tchire kuphatikiza ndiwo zamasamba. Zida zowuzira mpweya zikhoza kugwiritsidwa ntchito popopera mbewu zilizonse kuphatikiza mitengo ikuluikulu
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All pesticides are dangerous. To prevent accidental poisoning, all pesticides should be properly stored in original labelled containers and be kept away from children
Mankhwala onse ophera tizilombo ndi oopsa. Popewa kuvulala kapena kufa ndi mankhwalawa mwangozi, mankhwala onse ophera tizilombo asungidwe moyenera muzipangizo zawo, zolembedwa bwino pamwamba pake ndipo asungidwe kutali ndi ana
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Containers which are not clearly labelled or have no labels should not be used. Decanting of pesticides and reuse of containers is totally discouraged as this would also cause accidental poisoning. Safety periods between application and harvesting of food crops have to be strictly observed
Zipangizo zosungira zomwe sidzinalembedwe pamwamba pake kapena zilibe zolemba zilizonse zisagwiritsidwe ntchito. Kutsanyula mankhwala ophera tizilombo komanso kugwiritsa ntchito mobwereza zipangizo zosungira ndikoletsedwa chifukwa izi zimadzetsa kuvulala kapena kufa mwangozi. Nthawi yopewa ngozi yapakati pothira ndi kukolola zakudya itsatidwe mwatotomoyo
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All pesticides users should be trained to handle pesticides with utmost care. The general practice by farmers of spraying without protective clothing should be discouraged as it exposes a large area of the body to the pesticide
Onse ogwiritsa ntchito mankhwala aphunzitsidwe kasamalidwe kamankhwala mosamala. Kwambiri, chizolowezi cha alimi chomapopera asanavale zovala zodzitetezera chidzudzulidwe chifukwa zimayika malo ambiri athupi lawo pachiopzeso chogwerapo mankhwala
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Farmers should be advised to cover as much of their body as possible. Protective clothing should be used and for these purpose overalls, gloves, gum boots and masks are recommended
Alimi alangizidwe kuphimba thuphi lawo lonse. Zovala zodzitetezera zigwiritsidwe ntchito ndipo pantchito iyi zovala zokwana tthupi lonse, zovala mmanja, nsapato zazitali komanso zotchinga kunkhope ndizovomerezeka
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