stringlengths 1
| translate
stringlengths 1
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int64 0
Gak sesuai dengan type yg saya pinta | does not match the type that I am smart | 0 |
lumayan, tapi ga include baterai | OK, but doesn't include battery | 0 |
Pengiriman cepat tapi syng bgt package nya kurang safety cuma kardus blander nya ajh yg di tambah lakban sm no resi,,, tapi Alhamdulillah barang dtng dtng selamat dan gaada yg cacat semoga awet tahan lma | fast delivery but unfortunately the package is not very safe, only the blander cardboard is added with duct tape sm no receipt, but thank God the goods arrived safely and nothing was damaged, hopefully it will last a long time | 0 |
Barang sudah diterima..tapi sayang kotak kardusnya sudah rusak parah. | the goods have been received..but unfortunately the cardboard box is badly damaged. | 0 |
Barangnya Bagus dan pengemasannya oke punya makasih. | the item is good and the packaging is okay thanks. | 1 |
Goksss parah sih inimah | this is really bad | 0 |
Kualitas:ok panas nya awet | price: ok quality: ok the heat lasts | 1 |
Akhirnya tembus juga flash sale, walaupun nombok ongkir ๐ | Finally, the flash sale went through, even though the postage was nombok | 0 |
Kualitas produk baik
Pengriman LAMBAT
MOHON DIPERBAIKI KUALITAS PELAYANAN DAN PENGIRIMAN, SANGAT DISAYANGKAN KUALITAS BARANG BAGUS TAPI PELAYANAN DAN PENGIRIMAN JELEK ๐ | good product quality slow response slow delivery please improve the quality of service and delivery, it's a shame the quality of the goods is good but the service and delivery are poor | 0 |
Bagus bahannya, pengirimannya cepat | good material, fast delivery | 1 |
Mantul, produk ori, cuman Packing nya bubble wrap transparant aja gini.. Penyok kotaknya, masih mujur idup mesin nya | great, original product, only the packaging is transparent bubble wrap like this... the box is dented, the engine is still running | 0 |
Rekomendasi teman, belum di coba semoga bagus | friend's recommendation, haven't tried it yet hopefully it's good | 1 |
ma'f baru kasih ulasan barangnya bagussss top markotop seauai pesanan banget .. pass banget saya next saya order lagi | I'm sorry, I just gave a good review of the item, top markotop, the order is really good... I really pass next, I'll order again | 1 |
beli 2 yang satu sering tiba2 mati sendiri | buy one often suddenly die alone | 0 |
Mantap dah sampe serta udah di tes hasilnya oke recomended banget pokoknya | it's great, it's arrived and it's been tested, the results are okay, really recommended | 1 |
Kualitas:Bagus, tebal tidak tipis
Harga:Bersahabat | quality: good, thick not thin price: friendly | 1 |
Suaranya biasa aja, cuma rgbnya keliatan enak di lihat, cocok buat streamer | the sound is normal, only the RGB looks good to look at, perfect for streamers | 1 |
FAST Delivery...Barang Selalu ready, SLOW Responsif.... | fast delivery. items are always ready, slow responsive. | 0 |
tombol power sama tombol volume cacat.. | power button and volume button are disabled.. | 0 |
alhamdulillah sudah dipakai dan berfungsi dengan baik makasih seller | alhamdulillah already used and working well thanks seller | 1 |
utk kado, jd tdk tahu kualitas barang setelah dipakai, kl fisik sesuai dgn gambar. | for gifts, so don't know the quality of the goods after use, if the physical matches the picture. | 0 |
kipas nya Saudah sampai semoga awet | the fan is already here, hopefully it will last | 1 |
beliin ini buat ibu dan baguss, makasihh kirain bakalan ada yg rusak but semuanya aman allhamdullilah โค | I bought this for my mother and it's great, thanks, I thought something would be damaged, but everything is safe, allhamdullilah | 1 |
Barang nya bagus.
Packing nya oke ada bubble wrap.
Cuma sayang seller kurang responsif.
Jawab nya rada jutek.
| the stuff is good. the packing is ok with bubble wrap. it's just a shame the seller is not responsive. his answer was a bit jutek. | 0 |
produknya original dan produknya sesuai dengan ekspektasi | the product is original and the product meets expectations | 1 |
bagus bangettt awalnya agak kesusahan masangnya cuman ternyata kurang diteken aja makanya susah wkwk bahannya bagus elastis warna pinknya juga baguss kirain bakalan pink terang gt ternyata gaa packingnya juga amann worth it lah pokoknyaa thanks seller ๐ | it was really good at first, it was a bit difficult to install, but it turned out that it wasn't signed enough, that's why it's difficult, the material is good, elastic, the pink color is also good, I thought it would be bright pink, but it turns out that the packaging is also safe, it's worth it, anyway, thanks seller | 1 |
Terimakasih barang sudah sampai sesuai estimasi.
Pengepakan bagus dan aman.
Barang nya juga bagus sesuai harapan..
pelayanan fast respon baik toko juga kurir
salute buat toko.dan kurir.
Salam sukses.
sangat merekomendasi untuk toko.Ada garansi resmi.ย Barangnya original ๐.ย Penjualnya ramah banget.ย Packaging aman ๐.ย Respon penjualnya top. | Thank you, the item arrived as expected. nice and safe packing. the goods are also as good as expected... the service is fast, the response is good, the shop is also a courier, salute to the shop and the courier. send regards for success. highly recommend for the store. there is an official warranty. the goods are original. the seller is very friendly. safe packaging . top seller response. | 1 |
barang real pict dan sesuai hrga pokoknya muanntaapppppp | real pict items and according to the main price, it's great | 1 |
packing aman, boxnya gaa penyok, pengirimannya cepet banget!! rekomen banget beli disinii | packing is safe, box is not dented, delivery is very fast!! really recommend buying here | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:barang sampai dengan cepat dan baik | best feature: item arrived quickly and in good condition | 1 |
gokil ni keyboard bagus banget ๐ | Gokil, this keyboard is really good | 1 |
barang ori,sesuai deskripsi,minus cuman 1 kardus penyok, | original item, according to the description, minus only the dented box, | 0 |
barang sudah sampai, pengirimannya lama banget | the goods arrived, the delivery took too long | 0 |
Barang bagus.. packing rapih, safety bgt..thanks seller n tokopedia..๐๐๐ | good item..packaging neat, very safety..thanks seller n tokopedia.. | 1 |
Kagum sama seller... di dm balasnya cepat, dr jakarta checkout langsung dikirim saat itu hari sabtu, eh senin sudah nyampe malang..
Barang mantab, termurah pula harganya..
Makasih | amazed by the seller. The dm replied quickly, from Jakarta, the checkout was sent immediately on Saturday, uh, Monday it arrived poor... great item, the cheapest price too... thanks | 0 |
Pesanan cepat sampai.packing kurang rapih. Semoga lebih baik lagi ya | Order arrived quickly. Packing was not good. hopefully it's better | 0 |
Barang bagus, penjual super ramah dan baik..
Yg pasti tdk sampe sejam sdh saya terima pesanan saya
Nb. Terimakasih juga untuk perhatiannya, atas kiriman karet gelangnya .. | good stuff, super friendly and kind seller... which is sure not until an hour I have received my order, thank you nb. Thank you also for your attention, for sending the rubber band.. | 1 |
kualitas suaranya mantap, setting volume menengah sudah bagus, diset ke volume atas lagi yg lebih keras masih mantap dan yg okenya suara masih jernih | the sound quality is great, the medium volume setting is good, set it to a higher volume, which is louder, it's still solid and the good thing is the sound is still clear | 1 |
dapet vocer jadi lebih murahhhh .. barang kualitas ok | get vouchers so it's cheaper.. quality goods are ok | 1 |
Pengirimannya cepat packing nya juga safety. Barang diterima dgn baik. Barang nya bagus sesuai deskripsi. Thx | Fast delivery and packing is also safe. item well received. the item is good according to the description. thx | 1 |
Desainnya modern ๐.ย Suaranya jernih.ย Nyaman dipakai lama. | modern design. the sound is clear. long comfortable wear. | 0 |
Alhamdulillah sudah sampai, tapi sayang kardusnya rusak trus tutupnya juga ada yg penyok. Gatau kurirnya lempar" Jdnya begitu, atau dari sananya gk dicek sebelum kirim ๐ | alhamdulillah it arrived, but unfortunately the box was damaged and the lid was also dented. I don't know if the courier threw it" so it was like that, or it wasn't checked from there before sending it | 0 |
brgnya bagus dan pelayanannya cepat | the goods are good and the service is fast | 1 |
Beli 2 mouse Rexus Xierra 110 dan Q30. Q30 ga berfungsi, padahal mouse nyala normal. Mau di balikin cuma jauh dari pada ongkir mahal mending iklasin aja. Yang Xierra 110 awalnya ga berfungsi juga, cuman pas dituker donglenya dengan yang Q30 baru bisa, sementara yg Q30 tetap tidak bisa. | buy mouse rexus xierra and q. q doesn't work, even though the mouse is on normally. If you want to return it, it's just far from expensive, it's better to just let it go. the xierra initially didn't work either, only when i exchanged the dongle with the new one i can, while the one i still can't. | 0 |
Meskipun ada trouble tp akhirnya terselesaikan | Even though there was a problem, it was finally resolved | 0 |
Barang langsung datang karena dikirim pake ojol..... So far belum di cek cek si.... Semoga ga ada keluhan dan baguuus sssst...... Trima kasih dan sukses | the goods came immediately because they were sent using ojol. So far, it hasn't been checked, sis. I hope there are no complaints and good st. thanks and success | 1 |
Share performa batre, sampe tgl 13-3 no cas dipake 8-10 jam/hari habis tgl 19-3. Cas pertama langsung pakai habis tgl 30-3. Lumayan balance performa, berat & waktu pemakaian | share battery performance, up to date - no charge used - hours/days expired date -. The first charge immediately used up the date -. decent balance of performance, weight & usage time | 1 |
mantul barang rekom, pengiriman juga cepat, seller ok, kurir juga ok, thnk lazada. | Thanks for the recommended item, the delivery is also fast, the seller is ok, the courier is also ok, thnk lazada. | 1 |
semuanya oke oke saja | everything's okay okay | 1 |
Kualitasnya gak main" bener bagus pengemasan juga rapi aman | the quality doesn't play" it's really good, the packaging is also neat, safe | 1 |
Nasi matang merata ๐. Gampang dibersihkan. Nasinya tahan lama ๐. | evenly cooked rice. easy to clean. long lasting rice. | 0 |
Bagus,lengkap, puas
Cuman datangnya lama | good, complete, satisfied, but it took a long time to come | 0 |
Bonus nya yg dikasih, rolling pasta nya patah.. Utk next nya jgn kasih yg patah ya, kita kan beli online harus kasih yg terbaik. Klo alatnya sih ga ada yg penyok, klo dia jatoh atau kenapa2 selama pengiriman pst dr kardusnya keliatan, tp ini kayaknya memang dr toko nya.. Trims | the bonus that was given, the rolling pasta was broken... for the next one, don't give the broken one, we buy online, we have to give the best. If the tool doesn't have any dents, if it falls over or why during shipping it can be seen from the cardboard, but it looks like it's from the shop... thanks | 0 |
Produk dudah sampai dengan bagus, berfungsi, led nya bagus pula. Tpi dus nya rusak dikit.. ty yaa!! Kapan kapan beli lgi | the product arrived in good condition, works, the led is also good. but the box is a little damaged... ty! when will you buy again? | 0 |
Fitur Terbaik:mode bluetooth, silent click
Silent click + empuk juga, mode bluetooth di hp lancar, nyaman di tangan, semoga awet | best features: bluetooth mode, silent click silent click + soft too, bluetooth mode on cellphone runs smoothly, feels comfortable in hand, hope it lasts | 1 |
Lumayan buat msk masak | pretty good for cooking | 1 |
udah dipakai juicer nya. TOP banget. mudah dicuci , tinggal press lgsg blender. gak nyesel beli walau lebih mahal dibanding portable blender . TQ Cosmos | already used the juicer. really top. easy to wash, just press lgsg blender. I don't regret buying it even though it's more expensive than a portable blender. tq cosmos | 1 |
Build Quality ok, kurang nya ga ada extension nya sama software nya masih kurang bagus.. Pas di custom warna ada tombol yang ga nyala.. Masih 1.0 software nya.. | the build quality is ok, the lack is that there is no extension and the software is still not good.. right on the custom color there is a button that doesn't turn on.. still . its software.. | 0 |
Baru sekali dipakai langsung rusak | only used once broke immediately | 0 |
sampai dalam keadaan baik, sangat baguss๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ | arrived in good condition, very nice | 1 |
Bagus pisaunya cuma, maaf bukan bermaksud jelak atau apapun. Saya kurang suka cara packingannya.
Walaupun tidak ada garansi atau jaminan setidaknya cara packingannya harus aman. Karna itu bukan buat saya sendiri, melainkan hadiah untuk orang lain ๐๐ป | it's a good knife, sorry don't mean to be mean or anything. I don't like the way it's packed. even though there is no guarantee or guarantee, at least the way the packaging must be safe. because it's not for me alone, but a gift for others | 0 |
Baguss. Berfungsi dg baik. Warnanya cantik, ungu soft. | nice. working fine. beautiful color, soft purple. | 1 |
Good product. Good seller | good product. good sellers | 1 |
Setelah lebih dari 3 bulan pemakaian, saya masih suka dengan keyboardnya.
Sayangnya produk yang saya pakai nampaknya ada sedikit kecacatan, setelah 2 atau 3 hari pakai, tombol Space Bar kadang2 tidak berfungsi. Katanya bisa claim garansi atau semcamnya gitu sih, cuman saya belum menyempatkan diri saja. Lama kelamaan tombol "A" dan "P" kadang2 tidak berfungsi juga.
Tapi itu memang agak jarang terjadi sih, jadi masih berani kasih rating bintang 4. | After more than a month of use, I still like the keyboard. unfortunately the product that I use seems to have a slight defect, after or days of use, the space bar button sometimes doesn't work. he said he could claim a warranty or something like that, but I haven't had the time. over time the &#;a&#; and &#;p&#; sometimes it doesn't work either. but that's a bit rare, so I still dare to give a star rating. | 0 |
Produkkkkkk bagussssss asliiiiiii amannnnnnn tapi pengemasann sngat lamaaaaaaaaaabhmmmdjdbdjdjskdjdnndjdkdkdkdjj | original good product safe but very long packaging bhmdjdbdjdjskdjdnndjdkdkdkdjj | 0 |
Alhamdulilah sudai sampai pesananya...semoga awet | alhamdulillah, the order has arrived. I hope it lasts | 1 |
Fitur Terbaik:baik
Sepadan dengan Harga:lumayan murah
Pas di kantong penjual ramah kurir siip tapi pengirimanya lama banget tapi gak papa mantap | best feature: good value for money: pretty cheap, fits in the pocket, friendly seller, Siip courier, but the delivery is really long, but it's not great | 0 |
Barang datang bagus, harga juga bersahabat. Ukuran mini bisa dibawa kemana mana. Semoga awettt | goods come good, prices are also friendly. Mini size can be taken anywhere. hope it lasts | 1 |
bagus ini sdh sesuai. | good this is appropriate. | 1 |
REVIEW Pemakaian 2 minggu :
Overall mantap, pas di genggaman, atur DPI, RGB Light, dan Button juga gampang dan bisa disesuaikan dg kebutuhan dan selera.
Tapi settingan nya gabisa disimpan, jadi setiap komputer restart settingan mouse kembali lagi awal.
Minus 1 bintang lah ya ๐ | week use review: great overall, fits in hand, adjusting dpi, rgb light, and buttons is also easy and can be adjusted according to needs and tastes. . but the settings can't be saved, so every time the computer restarts the mouse settings return to the beginning. minus star yes | 0 |
Halal yah | halal yeah | 1 |
Penjual respon bagus n cepat,
Ekspedisi Si CEPAT sangat mengecewakan,kurir tulis status diterima oleh security padahal barang belom bisa dipercaya sama sekali SICEPATย | the seller responds well and fast, the fast expedition is very disappointing, the courier writes the status received by security even though the goods haven't been delivered. can't be trusted at all, fast | 0 |
ok. bonus roler smpe ud pda pecah ga bisa dipake. klo barangnya aman | ok. the bonus roler until the pda broke can't be used. if things are safe | 0 |
cantik, pengiriman cepat, baik tidak ada kekurangn sedikitpun | beautiful, fast delivery, good no flaws at all | 1 |
alamdulillah udah smpe..tapi syang peking nya kurang baik dus nye penyok tapi gpp lah isi nya ga ada yg lecet aku suka๐ | alhamdulillah it arrived..but it's a shame the peking isn't good enough the box is dented but it's okay the contents aren't scratched I like it | 0 |
makasih banyak gan barang sudah sampai langsung laku | Thank you very much, bro, the goods arrived immediately | 1 |
ketelnya bagus walau ada penyok sedikit,mungkin pakingnya lebih teliti | the kettle is good although there is a slight dent, maybe the gasket is more thorough | 0 |
Produk original. Harga produk baik. Kecepatan pengiriman baik. Respon penjual baik. | original product. good product price. good delivery speed. good seller response. | 1 |
Hp nya suara nya gak bisa jelas, kemrosok pas di pake buat nelpon๐ญ๐ญ | The sound of the cell phone can't be clear, it's crumpled when used to make calls | 0 |
Thanks gan barang mendarat mulus.... | thanks, bro, the item landed smoothly. | 1 |
nasinya cepet kuning | the rice turns yellow quickly | 0 |
Barang bagus, real pict dan original. Sukaaaaa. Makasih seller | good stuff, real pict and original. Like. thanks seller | 1 |
Puas. Barang sampai dalam kondisi baik. Pisau dan Kotaknya kondisi baik
๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป | satisfied. item arrived in good condition. knife and box are in good condition | 1 |
Barangnya original ๐ Kemasan disegel Spesifikasi sesuai Ada garansi resmi Kelengkapan sesuai Warna sesuai pesanan Barangnya mulus Berfungsi dengan baik Suara jernih Kamera tajam Baterai awet Penjualnya ramah banget Proses pesanan cepat Packaging aman ๐ Packaging rapi | the goods are original, the packaging is sealed, the specifications are according to the official guarantee, the completeness is according to the color according to the order, the goods are smooth, they function properly, the sound is clear, the camera is sharp, the battery lasts, the seller is very friendly, the order process is fast, the packaging is safe, the packaging is neat | 1 |
barangnya udah datang, lumayan empuk sih, tp ternyata harus beli lagi colokannya ya | the item has arrived, it's quite soft, but it turns out I have to buy another plug | 0 |
kecil bgt barangnya๐คฃ๐คฃ | it's so small | 0 |
oke pokoknya, sampai dengan mulus dengan kemasan yg baik. trims ya | okay anyway, arrived smoothly with good packaging. thanks | 1 |
baguuss cuma peeeook ya gpp laah ๐๐ | good, just peook, it's okay | 1 |
Terbaik . | best . | 1 |
Produk bagus respon seller oke tp kenapa malah ekspedisi shopee lambat bgt ngirim ke customer kebanyakan alesan cuaca padahal anternya pake mobil,kurirnya songong bgt nyuruh saya ambil ke depan komplek udah tau itu barang besar berat pula asli jgn pake ekspedisi shopee dong ga profesional. | good product, seller's response is okay, but why is the shopee expedition so slow to send to customers, mostly the reason for the weather, even though the anter was using a car, the courier was very polite, told me to take it to the front of the complex, already know it's big, heavy, and original, don't use the shopee expedition, don't be professional. | 0 |
bagus berfungsi | good working | 1 |
Bahan tipis dan ada yg Penyok,
OverAll oke lah,
Makasih | the material is thin and some are dented, overall it's okay, thanks | 0 |
produk sudah diterima dengan kondisi baik, pengirimannya yg lama padahal pilih same day service... cuman kasian juga abang gojeknya kena musibah di jalan... | the product has been received in good condition, the delivery took a long time even though I chose same day service. it's just too bad that his gojek brother got into an accident on the road. | 0 |
Barang baguss, packing nya kurang rapi..hanya buble saja, tp produk aman, terimakasih | good stuff, the packing is not neat...just bubbles, but the product is safe, thank you | 1 |
bungkus rapi pk bubble wrap, bagus dan berfungsi baik | pack neatly pk bubble wrap, nice and working well | 1 |
Lama banget nyampenya.. Untung aja produk original dan berfungsi baik. Dikirimnya cuman dilapis bubble wrap doang | it took so long to arrive... luckily the product is original and works well. only sent with bubble wrap | 0 |
Tadinya saya kira tdk bisa dipakai, ternyata karena pake headset bluetooth, tp setelah headdet dilepas kedengeran suaranya.. sepertinya kalo pake barengan headset bluethooth emang gabisa yaa | I thought it couldn't be used, it turns out that it's because I'm using a Bluetooth headset, but after removing the headset, you can hear the sound. | 0 |
Barangnya bagus, mendarat dengan aman tanpa ada kerusakan, tapi proses pengiriman lumayan lama di luat estimasi yang ditetapkan | the item is good, landed safely without any damage, but the shipping process took quite a long time beyond the estimate set | 0 |
Oke barang sudah sampai tank's | okay the goods have arrived tank's | 1 |
Alhamdulillah sudah sampai semoga awet, tpi ini emang ga ada wadah pengusnya ya | Thank God it arrived, hopefully it will last, but there really isn't a steamer in it | 0 |
Subsets and Splits