Elizabeth: Honey, can I hide a present for dad in your room? Joshua: Sure, mom. :) Elizabeth: Thank you. :) I put it under the bed.
Elizabeth will hide a present for Joshua's father under Joshua's bed.
Martha: what will you wear? Penny: when? Martha: on this company dinner Penny: oh, some dress I guess Martha: what colour? Penny: black? Martha: good, that suits u
Penny will wear some black dress for the company dinner.
Lia: I'm going home, could anybody walk with me? I'm really drunk Leo: I know, Oli go with you Oli: just give me 10min Lia: ok, thanks
Oli will come to walk Lia home in 10 minutes.
Stan: im on my way Stan: but im stuck in traffic jam Lee: ok Lee: i will be inside
Stan is stuck in a traffic jam.
Paul: can we meet at 4 today and not 3 ? Copper: yeah its no problem Paul: awesome. thanks
Paul and Copper will meet at 4 instead of 3 today.
Danielle: hey where RU? Juan: I told u I'd be late! Danielle: but it's been almost 45 mins! Danielle: <file_gif> Juan: I'll be there in 15 minutes Juan: <file_gif>
Juan is almost 45 minutes late. He'll be there in 15 minutes.
Joanna: hi peeps, i can't make it today, should we meet tomorrow? Isaac: i can't tomorrow Yasmin: me neither Isaac: Joanna, how about we arrange something next week? Joanna: sure :) Isaac: great!
Joanna, Isaac and Yasmin will meet up next week.
Amy: I'm going to bed Patrick: Already?? Amy: yeah, I'm tired Patrick: OK, I'll try not to wake you up... Amy: thx
Amy's going to bed.
Lidia: i want scrambled eggs Lidia: can you do it for me? Rita: ok :)
Rita'll prepare scrambled eggs for Lidia.
Tara: Do you want to order some burgers? Lia: deliveroo? Sara: I want! Tara: yes Tom: from what place? Tara: Off the hook? Tom: perfect! Lia: nice!
Tara, Lia, Sara and Tom will order some burgers from 'Off the hook'.
Sweeny: I can't find the chord to Cocaine, any ideas? Donna: B flat? When all else fails? LOL! Sweeny: Never mind I'll Google it!
Sweeny asks Donna about the chord to Cocaine.
Anna: do u know where my red brush is? Anna: i can't find it :( Mary: I saw it in the bathroom.
Anna can't find her red brush, and Mary saw it in the bathroom.
Jose: bus is running late Ben: how long? Jose: so far 4 mins Natalie: ok Ben: ok let us know when you're on
Jose's bus is running 4 minutes late.
Hippolite: Where did you put the garage key? Lola: In the hall cupboard, top drawer. Hippolite: Got it :*
Lola put the garage key in the hall cupboard, in the top drawer.
Garry: <photo_file> Idan: What is this? Garry: The recipe you've been asking for Olivia: Thanks 😘 Idan: Awesome! Idan: I'll cook it tomorrow Idan: Need to buy the ingredients
Garry sends Olivia and Idan the recipe which Olivia requested.
Jamie: How about some drinks after work? Paul: I can't. Family obligations Martin: Me neither. Sorry dude
Paul and Martin can't go for a drink with Jamie after work due to family obligations.
Mike: Suzie Suzie Suzie: hm? Mike: go out with me Suzie: :* Mike: I'm serious Suzie: I'm severus Mike: we can watch harry potter and eat sushi Suzie: you're sweet but... Sorry no!!
Mike wants to go out with Suzie but she refuses.
Sasha: When are you coming home? Jacob: in ten? Sasha: good dinner's almost ready :)
Jacob's coming home in 10 minutes. Dinner's almost ready.
Benjamin: I'm thinking about starting a book club. Ashley: That's a gr8 idea! Benjamin: U think? Ashley: Sure! Benjamin: Wanna be co-chair? Ashley: Absolutely!
Benjamin wants to start a book club. Ashley wants to be the co-chair.
Joe: sorry, Illl be late! Joe: horrible traffic :( Jordan: no problem man Jordan: I'll wait Joe: thanks
Joe will be late because of traffic.
Ralph: You still here someplace? Mary: Bathroom! Ralph: Oh! TMI! Mary: Out in a sec… Ralph: Take your time...
Mary is in the bathroom.
Scott: Where should we meet? John: at Oculus? Scott: ok! at 7.30 John: yup!
Scott and John will meet at 7.30 at Oculus.
Xenna: hey Xenna: do you want hear the news? Helen: what news? Xenna: I'm getting married! Helen: FINALLY Helen: gratulation Xenna: thanks
Hellen congratulates Xenna on her imminent marriage.
Pansy: Give me your home address Mitchel: What for o.o Pansy: I need it to book the flight Mitchel: Ok, sending you by e-mail Pansy: Ok
Mitchel needs to send Pansy his home address to book the flight.
Blake: You! George: What?? Blake: Mom is calling you for supper Blake: You can't hear her yelling? George: Shit im coming downstairs Blake: You better be
Mom is calling George to come for supper. He's coming now.
Emma: Do you have my notes? William: Nope Emma: I will ask Ethan then :/
William doesn't have Emma's notes. She'll ask Ethan.
Kim: i have to show you something! Chloe: what? Kim: my new dress Kim: its gorgeous! Kim: <file_video> Chloe: wow Chloe: it's sparkling so beautifully!
Kim has a new dress.
Sara: 5 min and I'm there:) Greg: ok, gonna wait outside Sara: ok :-)
Sara and Greg are meeting outside in 5 minutes.
Sam: Do you guys miss me? Annie: duhh Ian: What kind of question is this Annie: xd Sam: I am just bored Sam: Can't focus on my studies xd
Sam is bored and cannot focus on studies.
Ioanna: First day at work today! Jensen: Good luck Jensen: U got this Maria: U got this!! Ioanna: <3
Ioanna starts a new work today.
Paul: Hope you bought the movie I sent you. Lee: Not yet. Lee: But I am headed there right now. Paul: Okay. Tell me when you have it Lee: 👌
Paul has sent Lee a movie. Lee is going to buy it now and inform Paul.
Brad: What a shot... Hank: he did it again :D Gary: It's his best match so far Hank: I noticed that too Brad: He amazes me everytime
Brad, Hank and Gary are watching a match. One of the players is having an amazing game.
Terry: <file_other> Terry: did you see this interview with Kit Harrington? Ann: Yeah, I laughed so hard Ann: <file_gif> Terry: hysterical to me :D
Ann saw the interview with Kit Harrington and it was hysterical to Terry.
Libbie: hello Libbie: can you help me? Libbie: I don't get these reactions Jean: sure Jean: for me chemistry is quite simple Libbie: thanks Libbie: :)
Libbie asks Jean to help her with chemistry. Jean agrees.
Agatha: have you finished reading my book? Johnny: not yet Agatha: I see
Johnny hasn't finished reading Agatha's book yet.
Maria: Do you like these glasses? Maria: <file_photo> Terry: you look fab! Jenny: buy them! Maria: ok
Maria is buying new glasses. Terry and Jenny liked them.
Emir: Can you send me Etna's financial statement? Britta: Sure, which year? Emir: 2017 Britta: Ok Emir: In english please
Britta will send Emir Etna's 2017 financial statement in English.
Henry: Have you got plans for the New Year's eve? Dona: No, not yet. Henry: Friends are throwing a house party, would you like to come with me? Dona: Sure, why not! :)
Dona will come with Henry to his friends' house party for New Year's Eve.
Mick: When it this stupid biology assignment due again? John: Monday Mick: Fuck! That's like tomorrow!
The biology assignment is due on Monday, which Mick is not happy about.
Kim: Bring my PINK SWEATER!! Bonnie: Ok, but I was hoping to keep it for a little longer :) Kim: No way, you've had it for the past week. I need it back! Bonnie: Ok, ok. Kim: Thanks, see ya.
Bonnie will give Kim her pink sweater back.
Eric: Wya? Eve: College Green Eric: stay there, I'll pick you up Eve: <3
Eric will pick Eve from College Green.
Marge: tell grace im not comin 2day Parton: ru ok? Stanton: marge, would u miss? Marge: ill tell u l8r and call grace 2moro. have fun
Marge is not able to come today. She will call Grace tomorrow.
Freya: hi, have a question Freya: what was the title of that song that you've mentioned today? Jack: In the air?? Jack: Phil Collins Sienna: Exactly
"In the air" by Phil Collins is the song that Jack mentioned today.
Dax: Dad is making chicken wings tonight, you coming over? Miles: Hell, yes! Dax: The wings are calling! Miles: Oh yeah...
Miles and Dax are having Dad's chicken wings tonight.
Tom: Why don’t you give me a chance? Blaire: You’re not my type Tom Tom: And who is your type? Blaire: Definitely not you Tom: ☹ Tom: Ok Tom: Got it
Blaire won't give Tom a chance as he's not her type.
Ruth: did you get home ok? Janet: wet but ok, you? Ruth: matthew picked me up as he was in town anyway eva: we waited for a bit but took a taxi in the end! Janet: clever!
Ruth got back with matthew because he was in town.
John: Hey, want to join us? Irena: I am broke ;) Irena: Saving for my trip in May John: Where to? Irena: Spain
Irene won't join John and his companions as she is saving money for a trip to Spain in May.
Geoff: Will you bring in the report Steve gave on emerging trends? Sara: Sure, right away. Geoff: And a coffee? Sara: Already got it!
Sara will bring Geoff Steve's report on emerging trends and a coffee.
Peter: can I borrow your car? Hugh: sure Hugh: but what happened with yours? Peter: don't now Peter: and I have no time to check it Peter: I'm already late! Hugh: ok, ok, come and take it
Peter will borrow Hugh's car.
Allison: Should i buy Headphones or air pods for you? Xavi: Air pods Allison: k
Allison will buy air pods for Xavi.
Drake: gentlemen look at that <file_other> Edison: that is YOU on top! Drake: that is ME. first time! Miller: well done! Edison: congrats mate
Drake has reached the summit.
Alex: What time does the boat leave? Ben: At 9. But we should be there at 8.30 Alex: Thanks. Have a good night Ben: You too!
The boat leaves at 9.00 but Alex and Ben should be there at 8.30.
Dave: I'm going home now Seth: wait a sec me too Dave: ok, meet you at front? Seth: yes!
Dave is meeting Seth at the front in a second.
Jim: Don't forget to check the tyre pressure when you go to fill up the car today. Val: Damn... Almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me. Jim: :-)
Val will check the tyre pressure, as reminded by Jim.
Lucas: I work for Deliveroo. I started yesterday. Don: Bring me some pizza 😁 Adam: How is it? Lucas: Not too bad.
Lucas started a job at Deliveroo yesterday.
Noah: I've got a new tattoo! just wanted to show off ;) Ben: very nice! Kelly: ouch! did it hurt? Gina: it's massive! must have cost a fortune! Jim: i hope you like it because i don't! x Noah: cheeky!
Noah has a new big tattoo.
Corina: Are you at the airport? Regina: sure, waiting for K Jorge: Good! we'll meet at the arrivals then Regina: nice!
Regina and Jorge are at the airport waiting for K. They will meet at the arrivals.
Ela: sorry, i will be late! Vince: no problem Vince: can i order anything for you? Ela: would be great Vince: so what do you want? Ela: maybe pizza and orange juice Vince: ok
Ela will be late and Vince will order pizza and orange juice for her.
Lily: Why r u so sad? Sandra: Something's happened? Lily: Nope, I just feel a bit low today :( Sandra: Wanna meet tody? Lily: Sure!
Lily and Sandra are meeting to cheer Lily up.
Arthur: <file_other> Tom: wtf was that :D:D Robert: 0:43 omg that scream...!!! Arthur: xDD
Arthur sent a file.
Adam: It's so boring here…. Mandy: Still at class? Adam: Yes. Adam: -_-
Adam is still at class, which he finds very boring.
Freddie: samuel did you pick the solo photos? Freddie: i remember you sending some group photos Freddie: or if you could just send them again Samuel: Ok. Give me a minute. Freddie: cheers!
Samuel is going to send Freddie group and solo photos again.
Amy: did you watch the video i sent you? Leah: which one? Amy: about corporate food Leah: no not yet Amy: well watch it Leah: yeah i'll see, now i don't have the time
Amy has sent Leah a video about corporate food. Leah hasn't watched it yet.
Paul: Morning Lidia! Are you busy at the moment? Lidia: Good morning, yes, I'm a bit busy. Lidia: Can you write or call me in an hour? Paul: Sure, thx!
Lidia is busy at the moment, so Paul should write or call her in an hour.
Terry: Where are you? Gordon: Breakfast at Mat's Terry: good, I'm nearby, I'll come over to give you back the money
Gordon is eating breakfast at mat's. Terry is going to meet him there to give him the money back.
Peter: Do you have internet in your apartment? Tom: sure David: of course, why? Peter: mine doesn't work, may I come over? David: sure!
David and Tom's internet works well, so Peter will come over.
Kate: happy birthday guys :D Frank: oh thank you dear B-) Francis: thanks!!!!! when are you coming? Kate: I'll be in 2 hours B-) Frank: waiting for ya! Kate: good to hear that ^^
Frank and Francis have their birthday. Kate will be in 2 hours.
Ernest: Ok see ya at the Italian course guys Dominic: See ya Jeffrey: Qualunque cosa see ya! Ernest: XD Dominic: Wtf XD
They are going to see each other at the Italian course.
Frank: What time is the meeting. Liz: 9 I think. Let me check. Liz: Yes, 9 am, suite 103. Frank: Thanks.
The meeting is scheduled at 9 am in suite 103.
Daniele: Daaaaaavid Daniele: where the fuck is my book Philippe: eeee actually I've got it...sorry xDDD Daniele: what? how xD David: you see...now you owe me an apology :p
Daniele thinks David has taken her book but it was Philippe who took it.
Colton: WE WON!!! :D Colton: 98:95!!! Hazel: that's great, boo, congrats, i'm proud of you :* :* Hazel: congratulate your teammates for me ;) Colton: i will, thanks <3
Colton's team won 98:95.
Monica: Where are you? Monica: I can't see you. Lexie: Be right there. Monica: OK, waiting.
Monica is waiting for Lexie.
Ulia: Hi Jerry! Jerry: Hi! Ulia: Would you like to watch the football together tonight? Jerry: No, not really. Not a football fan. Ulia: Ok!
Ulia wants to see a football game with Jerry tonight, but he is not a football fan.
Pam: I'm done with the report Pam: Where should I send it? Andy: To Mr. Hendricks Leslie: [email protected]
Pam is done with the report. She should send it to Mr. Hendricks at [email protected].
Mike: Would u give me ur car for tonight, plz? Ian: Why? A date? Mike: Yes, with Mary :)
Mike has a date with Mary tonight and he needs to borrow Ian's car.
Peterson: <file_photo> Peterson: my assistant Philipa: what a cutieeee Philipa: these photos lighten up my day 😍🤗 Peterson: 😘
Peterson sends Philipa a photo of his assistant and she finds the assistant cute.
Caroline: I got my results... Olivia: And?? Irene: Negative, right? Caroline: Yes. I feel so relieved!
Caroline got negative results. She is relieved.
Pam: Have you seen the new Woody Allen movie? Steve: No and I'm not going to. He's a creep. All that stuff with his family - yuk. Never watching a movie of his again Pam: I hear ya
Steve is never going to watch a movie by Woody Allen again.
Ben: hey peter Ben: i'm changing my phone number Ben: new number is 917-223-1211 Peter: thanks for letting me know Peter: we should go out soon, haven't seen you in a while Ben: hell yeah!
Ben has a new phone number.
Trojanski: Hey bro Trojanski: Lets go smoke before classes Carson: I dont smoke Carson: But I will be your company xd Trojanski: OK
Carson wants Trojanski go and accompany him while smoking even though Trojanski doesn't smoke.
Kate: And then he said... Angela: He asked you out? Kate: Let me finish! Mary: But who, Nick? Kate: Yes! He want me to be his plus 1 on his friend's wedding!
Nick wants Kate to be his plus one on his friend's wedding.
Mustafa: I baked cookies Olivier: Bring them to the office tomorrow Matthew: If they survive...
Mustafa baked some cookies.
Isabella: hey, can you call my mobile plz? dunno where it is xD Sophie: haha okay xd give me 10secs Sophie: calling you right now Isabella: i can hear it! yaay, thanks! Sophie: yw xd
Isabella wants Sophie to call her as she can't find her.
Josh: and? does it work? Abby: ya... I guess Josh: nice, I knew you can do this! Abby: it's thanks to you :) Josh: no problem :)
It works for Abby thanks to Josh's help.
Pam: Whose turn is it to throw the garbage away? Don: Ron's Ron: Yes, I'll do it when I come home
Ron will throw the garbage away when he comes home.
Johnny: (b) after work? Sam: (y) Johnny: (y) :D
Johnny and Sam are going to meet after work.
Martha: Have you been to Laura? Ian: Not yet, why? Martha: I wanted to give you a book for her. Ian: OK. Ian: I'll be in a moment. Martha: Thx! Martha: I will pack a few CDs too.
Ian will bring Laura a book and few CDs from Martha.
Ian: Do u know how long this show will last? Mike: I've no idea! Ian: Hope not long, I'm so tired!
Tired Ian hopes that the show won't last long.
Max: I'll be late Sylvia: why: Max: beer with Tom Sylvia: ok
Max will be late because he is having a drink with Tom.
Paula: I'm submitting my thesis this week Marcela: Great! Laura: Congrats!!
Paula is submitting her thesis this week.
Alex: How are you? Mia: Better, I'm not coughing anymore. Alex: That's good, maybe the drugs worked.
Probably thanks to the medicine, Mia stopped coughing.
Grace: Gaby heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!! ;( ;( ;( Gaby: what happened?! Grace: <file_video> Gaby: Is that Mike? Gaby: holy fuck
Grace needs Gaby's help.
Tim: hey Martha Tim: i'm waiting in the car outside your house Tim: are you ready? Martha: Hi sweetie <3 Martha: Gimme 5 minutes, love ya Tim: fine babe :-)
Tim is waiting for Martha outside her house. She is going to be there in 5 minutes.
David: I have to do that test... 😞 Sophia: You need help with the test? David: It would be much easier for sure Sophia: I can help David: That's awesome. Will you come in 1h? Sophia: Sure. See you!
Sophia is helping David with his test in 1 hour.
Ozzi: I got a scarf at LV! Ozzi: <file_photo> Jake: Nice! Ozzi: I spent quite a lot tho Jake: How much? Ozzi: Like 300 bucks xd Jake: are you for real... Ozzi: Had to treat myself! 💯
Ozzi spent 300 bucks on LV scarf.
Maia: Hey babe Maia: When you come over can you bring Sophias bag please? Maia: I must have left it on your coach Lala: Morning :) Lala: Sure :) See you soon! Maia: Thanks x x
Maia asked Lala to bring Sophia's bag that she had left.
Henry: Yo m8 Henry: <file_photo> Henry: Look what I found Julius: WOW! POKEMON CARDS! Julius: Nice collection you have there. Henry: Yup. I think I will sell it on ebay though.
Henry wants to sell his collection of pokemon cards on ebay.
Paige: How do you like my new kettle? :D Paige: <file_photo> Heidi: hahah it's nice :D Lydia: wow, what an amazing kettle :O Lydia: hahahah Paige: XD
Paige sends a picture of her new kettle.
Thomas: Hey, wanna meet today? Kate: Sure, when and where? Thomas: at Jeff's at 6 p.m.? Kate: Ok. See you then Thomas: Gr8 Thomas: Bye
Thomas and Kate will meet at Jeff's at 6 pm.
Heidi: can I borrow your jacket? Ronnie: sure Heidi: thx :)
Ronnie agreed to lend Heidi her jacket.