A tricuspid valve disease that is characterized by failure of the heart's tricuspid valve to close properly during systole. As a result, with each heart beat, blood is pumped out from the right side of the heart in the opposite direction to normal.
An opiate dependence that involves the continued use of heroin despite problems related to use of the substance.
A Retroviridae infectious disease that results_in infection in animals and humans, has_material_basis_in Deltaretrovirus, which is transmitted_by congenital method, and transmitted_by sexual contact.
A Mumps virus infectious disease that results_in inflammation located_in brain, has_material_basis_in Mumps virus, which is transmitted_by contact with the oronasal secretions of an infected person. The infection has_symptom convulsions, has_symptom drowsiness, has_symptom rigidity of limbs, and has_symptom slurred speech.
An extrinsic cardiomyopathy that is characterized as an inflammation of the heart muscle.
A personality disorder that is characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriately seductive behavior, usually beginning in early adulthood.
A viral infectious disease that results_in infection, which affects dopaminergic neurotransmission located_in central nervous system, has_material_basis_in Borna disease virus, which is transmitted_by contact with infected oronasal secretions. The infection has_symptom mood disturbances, has_symptom behaviour disturbances, has_symptom cognitive disturbances, has_symptom neurologic disturbances, and has_symptom movement impairment.
A Mumps virus infectious disease that results_in inflammation located_in meninges, has_material_basis_in Mumps virus, which is transmitted_by droplet spread of saliva or mucus from the mouth, nose, or throat of an infected person, or transmitted_by contaminated fomites. The infection has_symptom severe headache, and has_symptom neck stiffness.
A viral infectious disease that results_in infection, has_material_basis_in DNA viruses, which have DNA as their genetic material and replicate using a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase.
A cervix disease characterized by a benign polyp on the surface of the cervical canal.
A refractive error characterized by the optics of the eye to focus a point object into a sharp focused image on the retina, has_symptom blurred vision.
A colitis characterized by an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile bacteria.
A type of ALS caused_by mutation located_in VAPB gene located_in chromosome 20.
A nonsyndromic deafness characterized by an autosomal recessive inheritance mode.
An Epstein-Barr virus related lymphoma and is_a posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder that derives_from lymphocytes after organ transplant, has_material_basis_in Human herpesvirus 4.
An ectothrix infectious disease that results_in anthropophilic fungal infection located_in skin and located_in hair, has_material_basis_in Microsporum ferrugineum.
A cheilitis characterized by inflammation of one or both of the corners of the mouth.
A gastrointestinal system benign neoplasm that is located_in the intestine.
A lung carcinoma that has_material_basis_in primitive-appearing cells that are smaller than normal cells.
A cecum cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells.
An endocrine system disease that is located_in the thyroid.
A superficial mycosis that is a superficial fungal infection of the skin characterized by brown to black macules which usually occur on the palmar aspects of hands and occasionally the plantar and other surfaces of the skin, caused by Hortaea werneckii, which is a common saprophytic fungus believed to occur in soil, compost, humus and on wood in humid tropical and sub-tropical regions.
A testicular cancer that has_material_basis_in germ cells.
A commensal streptococcal infectious disease that involves infection of the pharynx and sometimes the larynx and tonsils. It is caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria. The common symptoms include fever, sore throat, headache, stomach ache, nausea, or chills.
A parasitic protozoa infectious disease that involves infection caused by euglenozoans, which are single-celled flagellates.
A leukodystrophy that is characterized by the destruction of white matter and the formation of Rosenthal fibers consisting of abnormal clumps of protein that accumulate in astrocytes.
A lice infestation that is a cutaneous condition caused by parasitic infestation of body lice Pediculus humanus corporis, which feed on the human blood. Body lice can spread epidemic typhus, trench fever, and louse-borne relapsing fever.
A chronic purulent otitis media which involves perforation in the attic region (pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane) or at the posterosuperior margin, with in-growth of squamous epithelium into the middle ear. This is caused as a result of poor ventilation of the middle ear and episodes of infection.
An esophageal cancer that arises from transformed cells of mesenchymal origin sarcoma and located_in the esophagus.
A disease of mental health where symptoms are deliberately produced, feigned or exaggerated in order to falsely demonstrate the presence of an illness.
A viral infectious disease that is a hemorrhagic fever, has_material_basis_in Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus, which is transmitted_by Dermacentor and transmitted_by Ixodes species of ticks. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom chills, has_symptom headache, has_symptom pain in lower and upper extremities, has_symptom stiff neck, has_symptom papulovesicular rash on the soft palate, has_symptom cervical lymphadenopathy, has_symptom conjunctival suffusion, has_symptom blood in the urine, and has_symptom blood in the sputum.
A tic disorder that is characterized by multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic present for more than a year.
A brain glioma that has_material_basis_in oligodendrocytes.
A primary bacterial infectious disease that results_in infection, located_in endothelial cell of artery or located_in endothelial cell of vein, has_material_basis_in Rickettsia, which is transmitted_by ticks and mites. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom headache, has_symptom fatigue, has_symptom muscle aches, and has_symptom maculopapular or petechial rash. A distinctive eschar (blackened or crusted skin) may develop at the site of a tick bite.
An intestinal disease characterized by inflammation located_in all parts of digestive tract.
A sarcoma that is located_in the gallbladder.
An Enterovirus infectious disease that results_in inflammation located_in heart, has_material_basis_in Human enterovirus B, which are transmitted_by ingestion of food contaminated with feces, transmitted_by contact with pharyngeal secretions, or transmitted_by droplet spread of oronasal secretions.
A cell type cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derived_from two germinal layers of tissue.
A bone carcinoma that derives_from squamous epithelial cells.
An African histoplasmosis that results_in inflammation located_in endocardium, has_material_basis_in Histoplasma capsulatum var duboisii, transmitted_by airborne spores and has_symptom murmurs, has_symptom peripheral edema, has_symptom pulmonary rales, has_symptom petechia and has_symptom skin lesions.
A retinoblastoma that refers to bilateral retinoblastoma associated with an intracranial primitive neuroectodermal tumor located_in the pineal or suprasellar region.
A tic disorder that consists of multiple motor and/or phonic tics with duration of at least 4 weeks, but less than 12 months.
A hemangiopericytoma which is manifested in the central nervous system.
A pigmentation disease characterized by reticulate hyper- and hypo-pigmentated macules in a generalized distribution.
A thymic carcinoma that derives_from squamous cells and gland-like cells.
A peripheral vascular disease characterized by blood trapped in the penis that is unable to drain.
An osteochondrodysplasia that has_material_basis_in a mutation in chromosome 17 which results_in bowing in the located_in tibia or located_in femur.
A prostate cancer that has_material_basis_in abnormally proliferating cells derives_from epithelial cells.
A pulmonary tuberculosis characterized by bronchial compression and obstruction as a result of enlarged lymph nodes of the primary complex or by infiltration of the wall of the bronchi by caseous lymph nodes.
An endocrine gland cancer located_in the pancreas.
A tularemia that results_in painful regional lymphadenopathy and an ulcerated skin lesion.
A small intestine sarcoma that affects the involuntary smooth muscles of the small intestines.
An exostosis that has_material_basis_in a mutation on the genes EXT1, EXT2 and EXT3 which results_in multiple bony spurs throughout a child's growth.
An urticaria induced by stroking of the skin.
A urinary system disease that is located_in the kidney.
A strongyloidiasis that involves infection of intestine with Strongyloides stercoralis, which results in abdominal pain, diarrhea, ileus, massive gastrointestinal bleeding, severe malabsorption, and peritonitis.
A synostosis that results_in the fusion of two or more digits.
A lymphoblastic leukemia that is characterized by over production of lymphoblasts.
An extracranial neuroblastoma that has_material_basis_in immature nerve cells.
A syndrome characterized by defects of the scalp (aplasia cutis congenita), abnormalities of the fingers, toes, arms and legs.
An actinomycosis that involves invasion and infiltration located_in brain, has_material_basis_in Actinomyces israelii. The infection results_in_formation_of brain abscess.
A disease of mental health involving the abuse or dependence on a substance that is ingested in order to produce a high, alter one's senses, or otherwise affect functioning.
A primary bacterial infectious disease that is a communicable systemic illness, has_material_basis_in Salmonella enterica subsp enterica serovar Typhi, which is transmitted_by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected person. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom diarrhea, has_symptom prostration, has_symptom headache, has_symptom splenomegaly, has_symptom liver enlargement, has_symptom eruption of rose-colored spots, and has_symptom leukopenia.
An organ system cancer located_in the retroperitoneal space that is manifested in retroperitoneal space in the abdominal cavity behind the peritoneum.
A gastrointestinal system infectious disease involving diarrhea that occurs when there is damage to the mucosal lining or brush border, which leads to a passive loss of protein-rich fluids, and a decreased ability to absorb these lost fluids. It can be caused by bacterial infections, viral infections, parasitic infections, or autoimmune problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases. It can also be caused by tuberculosis, colon cancer, and enteritis.
A gamma-amino butyric acid metabolism disorder that is characterized by a defect in the gene coding for gamma-aminobutyrate transaminase, which is responsible for catabolism of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an important, mostly inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, into succinic semialdehyde.
An autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by albinism, black lock, cell migration disorder of the neurocytes of the gut and sensorineural deafness and has_material_basis_in a mutation in the endothelin B receptor gene (EDNRB).
A filarial elephantiasis that involves parasitic infection by the nematode Brugia timori, which inhabits the lymphatics. The symptoms include fever and chronic lymphedema.
A marginal zone B-cell lymphocyte located_in the spleen comprised of B-cells in place of white pulp.
An acquired metabolic disease that has_material_basis_in the presence of abnormally-high levels of prolactin in the blood.
A parasitic helminthiasis infectious disease that involves infection of the intestine, liver and lungs caused by Capillaria species.
A thyroid gland disease that involves an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.
A parasitic protozoa infectious disease that involves infection caused by amoeboid protozoa.
A neurodegenerative disease that is characterized by intraneuronal inclusions of mutant neuroserpin resulting in progressive encephalopathy, dementia and seizures and has_material_basis_in a mutation in the SERPINI1 gene inherited in an in autosomal dominant pattern.
A leiomyosarcoma and sarcoma of the anus that is located_in the anus.
A Pseudomonas infectious disease that is caused by a Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa resulting in pulmonary edema. This bacterium releases immunogenic bacterial components that can gain access to airway epithelium and immune cells in the lung thus causing airway inflammation. P. aeruginosa is the common cause of hospital acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonias.
A lipodystrophy and is_a Human immunodeficiency virus infectious disease that is characterized by loss of subcutaneous fat, has_material_basis_in Human immunodeficiency virus 1 or has_material_basis_in Human immunodeficiency virus 2. Anti-retroviral medications are also associated with the disease. The infection has_symptom fat loss in face, buttocks, arms, legs.
A skin disease characterized_by growth of keratin on the skin or mucous membranes.
A hair disease that is characterized by sparse hair on the scalp resulting from abnormal hair follicle development and has_material_basis in mutations in proteins involved in hair growth, division or proliferation of cells within hair follicles.
An intestinal cancer that effects the long, tube-like organ that is connected to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other.
A salivary gland carcinoma that is characterized by squamous cells, mucus-secreting cells, and intermediate cells.
A viral infectious disease that results_in inflammation located_in brain and located_in spinal cord of pigs, has_material_basis_in Porcine teschovirus, which is transmitted_by ingestion of contaminated food, and transmitted_by contaminated fomites. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom anorexia, has_symptom depression, has_symptom incoordination, has_symptom paralysis, has_symptom muscle tremors, has_symptom stiffness, has_symptom nystagmus, has_symptom seizures, and has_symptom loss of the voice.
A carcinoma that derives_from the cells that line an organ.
A parasitic helminthiasis infectious disease that involves parasitic infection of the liver of a variety of wild and domestic ruminants by Fascioloides magna.
A palmoplantar keratosis characterized by a well-demarcated, symmetric keratoderma located_in palms and located_in soles.
A carcinoma in situ that is characterized by the spread of cancer in skin and the lack of invasion of surrounding tissues.
A multiple sclerosis that is characterized by steady worsening of neurologic functioning, without any distinct relapses or periods of remission. The rate of progression may vary over time, with occasional plateaus or temporary improvements, but the progression is continuous.
An osteochondrodysplasia that has_material_basis_in mutations in the RUNX2 gene which results_in undeveloped or absent located_in clavicle along with delayed closing of fontanels in the located_in skull.
A viral infectious disease that results_in infection in cattle, has_material_basis_in Rinderpest virus, which is transmitted_by direct contact with an infected animal, or transmitted_by ingestion of contaminated water. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom nasal and eye discharge, and results_in_formation_of erosions in the mouth, the lining of the nose and the genital tract.
A sleep disorder that involves involuntary limb movement during sleep.
An inflammatory bowel disease that is characterized by patchy areas of inflammation located_in jejunum, has_symptom abdominal pain, has_symptom diarrhea, has_symptom cramps and has_symptom formation of fistulas.
A myeloid leukemia that is characterized by over production of white blood cells.
A dsDNA virus infectious disease that results_in infection in animals and humans, has_material_basis_in Poxviridae viruses.
A viral infectious disease that results_in infection in rodents, cows, and humans, located_in skin, has_material_basis_in Cowpox virus, which is transmitted_by contact with an infected animal. The infection results_in_formation_of vesicopustular lesions on the hands or face.
An angiosarcoma and hemangioma of skin and malignant skin vascular tumor and sarcoma of skin that is located_in the skin and results_in an enlarged bruise (a blue-black nodule) and an unhealed ulceration.
A carcinosarcoma that derives_from simultaneously or consecutively in mesodermal tissue and glandular epithelium.
A Parkinson's disease caused by mutation in the alpha-synuclein gene, SNCA, on chromosome 4q22.1.
A pulmonary valve disease that occurs when the pulmonary valve is not strong enough to prevent backflow into the right ventricle. If it is secondary to pulmonary hypertension it is referred to as a Graham Steell murmur.
A cell type benign neoplasm that is composed of lipocytes.
A myopathy characterized by abnormally located nuclei in skeletal muscle cells. The nuclei are located in the center of the cell, instead of their normal location at the periphery.