stringlengths 18
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SRL for [dancing]: Moderate activities , such as her [dancing] , may be continued as able . | ARG-0: her |
SRL for [bank - branch networks]: Olivetti also plans to sell the CP486 computer in the U.S. starting next year through Olivetti USA and through its ISC\/Bunker Ramo unit , which specializes in automating [bank - branch networks] . | <unk> |
SRL for [to me]: That was astonishing [to me] and pierced my heart . | <unk> |
SRL for [rehearing]: Sir William Grant 's decision in that case was subsequently affirmed by Lord Brougham , in his [rehearing] of Devaynes v. Noble . | ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of Devaynes v. Noble |
SRL for [permit]: Proceeds of the loan agreement , together with funds from Vitro , will [permit] the purchase of all shares outstanding of Anchor and the payment of all related costs and expenses . | ARG-0: Proceeds of the loan agreement | ARG-M-COM: together with funds from Vitro | ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-1: the purchase of all shares outstanding of Anchor and the payment of all related costs and expenses |
SRL for [His visitors]: [His visitors] had crawled through the south fence and were crossing the meadow angling toward the house . | <unk> |
SRL for [capsized]: A 19 - year - old man lost his life when he [capsized] his 10 - foot kayak . | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: his 10 - foot kayak |
SRL for [of an olive]: pressing [of an olive] | <unk> |
SRL for [state and federal authorities are trying]: Alarmed , [state and federal authorities are trying] to devise ways to certify and regulate planners . | <unk> |
SRL for [horrible]: Yeah , a guy who was bullying me , he was being [horrible] about my sister so I hit him in the face . | ARG-M-DIS: Yeah | ARG-1: he | ARG-M-ADV: about my sister | ARG-M-ADV: so I hit him in the face |
SRL for [But]: [But] GM 's results also illustrate the increasing diversity of its operations . | <unk> |
SRL for [while the bean seeds rattled softly in the turtle shells]: They scuttered swiftly towards the fire , raising and lowering their faces with erratic jerks , [while the bean seeds rattled softly in the turtle shells] . | <unk> |
SRL for [the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human habitation was first recorded]: Unreported by the international media , [the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human habitation was first recorded] . | <unk> |
SRL for [caned]: In that case this man has some serious questions to answer as to why he [caned] a six year old child when it was illegal to do so . | ARG-0: he | ARG-1: a six year old child | ARG-M-TMP: when it was illegal to do so | ARG-M-CAU: why |
SRL for [issue]: I can understand that schools have their own interest chasing private gains but the government should never have private interest and have to be fair in the [issue] of education resources distributions . | ARG-0: of education resources distributions |
SRL for [His]: We also rest peacefully on the fact that she is also His , and [His] plan for her is perfect | <unk> |
SRL for [creamed]: He adds : `` The junk market has witnessed some trouble and now some people think that if the equity market gets [creamed] that means the economy will be terrible and that 's bad for junk . | ARG-1: the equity market |
SRL for [deconditioned]: Patient was found to be [deconditioned] upon presentation to the ER . | ARG-1: Patient |
SRL for [checking]: That idiotic GOP " Pledge to America " was ripped to shreds by , but it wo n't matter because those who believe it -LRB- or at least believe in the idea of it -RRB- wo n't ever dare venture near a fact [checking] source . | ARG-1: fact |
SRL for [since Oct. 13 , when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 190 points]: Foreign exchange dealers said that the currency market has begun to distance itself from the volatile stock exchange , which has preoccupied the market [since Oct. 13 , when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 190 points] . | <unk> |
SRL for [suggests]: Fashion can be abused , and instead of beauty , a dress [suggests] sex . | ARG-M-ADV: instead of beauty | ARG-0: a dress | ARG-1: sex |
SRL for [blanket]: The company 's research suggests that its name recognition among most consumers remains unusually low , although its array of brands -- including Maxwell House coffee , Jell - O , Cheez Whiz , and Miller beer -- [blanket] supermarket shelves . | ARG-2: its array of brands -- including Maxwell House coffee , Jell - O , Cheez Whiz , and Miller beer -- | ARG-1: supermarket shelves |
SRL for [jogging]: Jenny 's [jogging] 5 miles each day has kept her in great physical condition . | ARG-0: Jenny 's | ARG-1: 5 miles each day |
SRL for [permission]: But they have obtained 8300 forms without court [permission] | ARG-0: court |
SRL for [dance]: One had best not [dance] on top of a coffin until the lid is sealed tightly shut . '' | ARG-0: One | ARG-M-NEG: not | ARG-M-LOC: on top of a coffin | ARG-M-TMP: until the lid is sealed tightly shut |
SRL for [on long term sick]: A new ' govt backed ' review has concluded that GP 's should be stripped of the power to sign patients off [on long term sick] . | <unk> |
SRL for [explicated]: She [explicated] it all to me in Japanese . | ARG-0: She | ARG-1: it all | ARG-2: to me | ARG-M-MNR: in Japanese |
SRL for [pelted]: Snow and hail [pelted] the riders . | ARG-0: Snow and hail | ARG-2: the riders |
SRL for [its $ 18 - a - share offer for Telerate Inc. common stock]: Dow Jones & Co. said it extended [its $ 18 - a - share offer for Telerate Inc. common stock] until 5 p.m. EST Nov. 9 . | <unk> |
SRL for [We]: [We] are not looking for hides to skin nor goats to scape . | <unk> |
SRL for [The husky blond guide with the Aggie cap]: [The husky blond guide with the Aggie cap] twists his face in mock fury . | <unk> |
SRL for [fix]: the best 5 year [fix] I can find | ARG-M-ADJ: best | ARG-M-TMP: 5 year | ARG-M-ADJ: I can find |
SRL for [he]: For instance , if the owner of a property purchased for $ 250,000 took $ 200,000 in deductions by the time it was sold for $ 225,000 , the owner would have to pay taxes on a $ 175,000 profit even though [he] took a loss on his investment . | <unk> |
SRL for [claudication]: similar to his [claudication] pain | <unk> |
SRL for [You guys]: [You guys] are funny . | <unk> |
SRL for [highlighting]: The company is [highlighting] more special deals in its advertising and stores , and it 's offering to defer finance charges on certain big - ticket items . | ARG-0: The company | ARG-1: more special deals | ARG-M-LOC: in its advertising and stores |
SRL for [objected]: Rural Solidarity [objected] , to no avail , when Solidarity leader Lech Walesa accepted the Peasants ' support . | ARG-0: Rural Solidarity | ARG-M-MNR: to no avail | ARG-M-TMP: when Solidarity leader Lech Walesa accepted the Peasants ' support |
SRL for [the chicken]: I deboned [the chicken] the same way I saw Geny Sison do it on TV | <unk> |
SRL for [across the Baltic]: The Swedish publishers of a new Estonian - language newspaper rushed an extra edition [across the Baltic] on Oct. 10 after the first run sold out in one day . | <unk> |
SRL for [sat]: In 1912 , Siobhán [sat] an exam for a vacancy in the Mallow Post Office and succeeded in getting the position . | ARG-M-TMP: In 1912 | ARG-0: Siobhán | ARG-1: an exam for a vacancy in the Mallow Post Office |
SRL for [sparkling]: Thick and viscous crude oil blackens the once [sparkling] wilderness . | ARG-M-TMP: once | ARG-1: wilderness |
SRL for [jig]: I do n't [jig] . | ARG-0: I | ARG-M-NEG: n't |
SRL for [iced]: She [iced] the cake using a star tip . | ARG-0: She | ARG-1: the cake | ARG-M-MNR: using a star tip |
SRL for [in 1789]: its creation as a select committee [in 1789] | <unk> |
SRL for [subduction]: The [subduction] of continental crust to this depth has never been reported in the Himalayas and is also extremely rare in the rest of world , | ARG-1: of continental crust | ARG-M-EXT: to this depth |
SRL for [anticipated]: John is [anticipated] to win the Nobel Prize . | ARG-1: to win the Nobel Prize |
SRL for [output]: Although it is likely the interviewer will react to the model 's [output] of ( 6 ) , the algorithm must be prepared for the possibility that he will change the topic . | ARG-0: the model 's | ARG-1: of ( 6 ) |
SRL for [lucky]: ' I feel Miami is [lucky] for me ' | ARG-0: Miami | ARG-1: for me |
SRL for [the insides of an infected individual]: The virus putrefies [the insides of an infected individual] . | <unk> |
SRL for [chase]: Higher margins would [chase] away dozens of smaller traders who help larger traders buy and sell , they say . | ARG-0: Higher margins | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-DIR: away | ARG-1: dozens of smaller traders who help larger traders buy and sell |
SRL for [froth]: At 4 1\/2 pounds , it may be too ambitiously named , but it nevertheless opens up the kind of marketing possibilities that make analysts [froth] . | ARG-1: analysts |
SRL for [outpaced]: Advancing OTC stocks [outpaced] decliners by 1,120 to 806 . | ARG-0: Advancing OTC stocks | ARG-1: decliners | ARG-2: by 1,120 to 806 |
SRL for [more strategic alliances with big corporations]: Peter Drake , biotechnology analyst for Vector Securities International , Chicago , thinks market uncertainty may encourage small companies to form [more strategic alliances with big corporations] . | <unk> |
SRL for [fainting]: His chronic [fainting] was starting to affect his work in Nascar . | ARG-0: His | ARG-M-TMP: chronic |
SRL for [that Hua Huan company]: At that time I thought it was reliable and let it do the job because it was a subsidiary to BBMG . Later , I still had [that Hua Huan company] to do the re - examination , and everything was qualified . | <unk> |
SRL for [` ` I am Doctor Sax ! '']: [` ` I am Doctor Sax ! ''] he howled at the butler . | <unk> |
SRL for [to watch her]: It was amazing [to watch her] . | <unk> |
SRL for [deciphering]: The work of Jean Francois Champollion -LRB- 1790 - 1832 -RRB- in [deciphering] hieroglyphics from the Rosetta Stone was an astonishing accomplishment | ARG-0: Jean Francois Champollion -LRB- 1790 - 1832 -RRB- | ARG-1: hieroglyphics from the Rosetta Stone |
SRL for [reaffirming]: In [reaffirming] the current monetary policy of using high interest rates to fight inflation and shore up the pound , Mr. Lawson dismissed other approaches to managing the economy . | ARG-0: Mr. Lawson | ARG-1: the current monetary policy of using high interest rates to fight inflation and shore up the pound |
SRL for [for the past two days]: He has been mildly hypoexemic [for the past two days] . | <unk> |
SRL for [bites]: He [bites] it , scowls and throws it down . `` | ARG-0: He | ARG-1: it |
SRL for [their]: Despite losing 2 original members , Alexander and Kibum , U - Kiss is still going strong for [their] comeback with the new members , AJ and Hoon . | <unk> |
SRL for [Jesus]: By the 20th century , theories had also been proposed that [Jesus] was black | <unk> |
SRL for [whooshing]: His [whooshing] a sigh of relief alerted the guards . | ARG-0: His | ARG-1: a sigh of relief |
SRL for [foolish]: To have revealed Valerie Plame 's CIA identity was [foolish] of him . | ARG-1: To have revealed Valerie Plame 's CIA identity | C-ARG-1: of him |
SRL for [I]: [I] need a flight to Seattle leaving from Baltimore making a stop in Minneapolis . | <unk> |
SRL for [at 6.9mL.]: The level maintained [at 6.9mL.] | <unk> |
SRL for [on Finland 's international reputation]: a blemish [on Finland 's international reputation] | <unk> |
SRL for [thick]: He was [thick] of frame , heavy with muscle , yet accustomed to going without in the face of plenty . | ARG-1: He | ARG-2: of frame |
SRL for [findings]: Some increased melanocytes , expending to the upper layer of epidermis and close to the surgical margin are seen -LRB- block C7 -RRB- ; however [findings] are too subtle to be interpreted as margin positive . | <unk> |
SRL for [After his death]: [After his death] , our literature retrograded . | <unk> |
SRL for [almost everyone , from real - estate agents to city fathers]: But the truth is that [almost everyone , from real - estate agents to city fathers] , name - drops ; and a surprising number of people have an ancient uncle who claims he lived next door to the cartoonist who did the Katzenjammer Kids . | <unk> |
SRL for [wide]: [wide] yawning | <unk> |
SRL for [such highly leveraged transactions]: But [such highly leveraged transactions] seemed to have multiplied this year , casting a pall over much of the junk market . | <unk> |
SRL for [with Fox]: One broadcasting executive familiar with the project said the co - venture would target stations affiliated [with Fox] because Fox has the desirable independent stations in most of the key cities . | <unk> |
SRL for [videotape]: our correspondent did an interview at the al - Jazeera 's Beijing office today and happened to [videotape] the image we are watching now . | ARG-0: our correspondent | ARG-1: the image we are watching now |
SRL for [of a communal framework]: With their collapse [of a communal framework] people can no longer defeat the feelings of insecurity and uncertainty by belonging to a compact whole . | <unk> |
SRL for [on the tax payer]: And then consider the burden [on the tax payer] .... | <unk> |
SRL for [voided]: The patient [voided] his bowels . | ARG-0: The patient | ARG-1: his bowels |
SRL for [might]: Mr. Bush even disclosed privately that one Reagan - era deal with Congress required him to notify the odious Panamanian dictator , Manuel Noriega , if the U.S. learned of a coup plot that [might] endanger his life . | <unk> |
SRL for [pounding]: Her [pounding] the spices into a delicious curry was legendary . | ARG-0: Her | ARG-1: the spices | ARG-2: into a delicious curry |
SRL for [The plant]: [The plant] was evacuated and workers sent home . | <unk> |
SRL for [She]: [She] is efficient at multiplication . | <unk> |
SRL for [Philip Pullman 's series His Dark Materials]: You might be familiar with the well - publicized challenges to classics like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye , or the more recent attempts to muzzle Harry Potter and ( further ) benight [Philip Pullman 's series His Dark Materials] . | <unk> |
SRL for [bitter]: If I were in your situation , I would be really angry and [bitter] . | ARG-M-ADV: If I were in your situation | ARG-1: I | ARG-M-MOD: would | ARG-M-EXT: really |
SRL for [diffusely]: The fat is [diffusely] firm and fibrotic . | <unk> |
SRL for [chanted]: In the stands , people waved ANC flags , wore ANC T - shirts , sang ANC songs and [chanted] ANC slogans . | ARG-M-LOC: In the stands | ARG-0: people | ARG-1: ANC slogans |
SRL for [roadwork]: Men in hard hats doing [roadwork] . | ARG-0: Men in hard hats | ARG-M-LVB: doing |
SRL for [by gangs and drug dealers]: The only difference is , in those cities the poor are housed in high - rise - project apartments each consisting of one room , with rusty pipes called plumbing , rodents and cockroaches everywhere and nonworking elevators -- and with the building patrolled [by gangs and drug dealers] . | <unk> |
SRL for [chewing]: Jeremiah 's constant [chewing] of gum gave him fresh breath . | ARG-0: Jeremiah 's | ARG-M-TMP: constant | ARG-1: of gum |
SRL for [of re - arranging our internal organs by going on the Oblivion ride]: My pal Jan and I had wimped out [of re - arranging our internal organs by going on the Oblivion ride] . | <unk> |
SRL for [decide]: However , the Western educational model , in which children are shown respect and allowed to [decide] and choose for themselves , is not without drawbacks . | ARG-0: children | ARG-2: for themselves |
SRL for [cooking]: Aer Rianta is talking about similar joint ventures in Tashkent and in Sochi , a Black Sea resort , and even has a computer - assembly project [cooking] with the Georgian city of Tbilisi . | ARG-1: a computer - assembly project | ARG-2: with the Georgian city of Tbilisi |
SRL for [framed]: Highlights of the bills , as currently [framed] , are : -- A restriction on the amount of real estate one family can own , to 660 square meters in the nation 's six largest cities , but more in smaller cities and rural areas . | ARG-M-TMP: currently | ARG-1: the bills |
SRL for [diving]: their illegal scuba [diving] into protected waters | ARG-0: their | ARG-M-MNR: illegal | ARG-M-MNR: scuba | ARG-1: into protected waters |
SRL for [back to health]: its steady climb [back to health] | <unk> |
SRL for [for subway commuters]: The terror alert [for subway commuters] | <unk> |
SRL for [widespread]: Makes you assume this is [widespread] nationwide everywhere there are open primaries . | ARG-1: this | ARG-M-LOC: nationwide | ARG-M-LOC: everywhere there are open primaries |
SRL for [on her coffee table]: Grandma was unhappy with Billy 's resting his feet [on her coffee table] . | <unk> |
SRL for [nattering]: Now whose alliterave phrase was [nattering] nabobs of negativism Mr. Safire ? | ARG-0: nabobs |
Subsets and Splits