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to the shore , but instead of returning
confessed everything . Her fiance*?2
went to her fiance*?2's house and
she had an illicit relationship ) , she
hair had just been done . She looked
and so were her fashionable shoes . Her
more than ever like a pink and gold
down to visit my young friend Philip
to leave at eleven , but she arrived
at his school in the country , we were
life .
Renoir girl who expects everything from
The day I promised to take Catherine
at nine . Her blue dress was new ,
thing from food to music .
tea , and talked mainly about Philip , who ,
she felt small flats were altogether more
flat with a devotion which said that
Catherine lives in a white house
being 15 , has pure stern tastes in every-
of the river . She helped me clean up my
overlooking the sweeping brown tides
romantic than large houses . We drank
to read on the train . Catherine is 13 .
to let nothing get between her and
ficult , but she said , ' Philip reads them ,
frowning face as she turned the
Catherine looked at the books lying
newspapers and watched her pretty
I suggested she might find them dif-
pages of Babel , for she was determined
around his room , and asked if she
might borrow the stories of Isaac Babel
doesn't he ? ' During the journey I read
vilised and expensive , the two children
went to the pictures . Philip allowed
towards each other as they talked . In
the pictures just for the fun of it was
Catherine's left hand she carried the
I followed , seeing how the sun gilded
# it to be seen that he thought going to
stories of Isaac Babel . After lunch we
walked together across green fields , and
their bright friendly heads turned
At the school , which is charming , ci-
chamber ; and Philip and I waited with
Catherine in the dark until she had stopped
minals in New York . His goodness , how-
evening .
ever , was not enough to prevent one
serious of the two films that were
For his sake we chose the more
of them from being sent to the gas
about a good priest who helped cri-
showing in the little town . It was
crying and could face the light of a golden
by her suffering arm , he said bitterly :
rine stared at him , incredulous . Philip
even when its demonstrated to them . '
' Yes , why are you crying , he had to be
who had red eyes . Grasping Catherine
punished for his crime , didn't he ? ' Cathe-
At the entrance of the cinema the
doorman was lying in wait for anyone
rescued her by saying with disdain :
' Some people don't know right from wrong
to the next red-eyed emerger from the
of the cruelty of the world . Finally Catherine
about it . ' And Philip said : ' But we 've got
you see ? '
dark ; and we went on together to
the station , the children silent because
said , her eyes wet again : ' I think its all
if we don't it 'll just go on and on , don't
absolutely beastly , and I can't bear to think
to think about it , don't you see , because
The doorman turned his attention
beside # Catherine . She had the stories open
In the train going back to London I sat
I wish I went to that school . Did you notice
that girl who said hullo to him in the garden ?
in front of her , but she said : ' Philip 's awfully lucky .