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its scenes and sensibility are all more than familiar , but it exudes a kind of nostalgic spy-movie charm and , at the same time , is so fresh and free of the usual thriller nonsense that it all seems to be happening for the first time . | 1pos
it represents better-than-average movie-making that doesn't demand a dumb , distracted audience . | 1pos
a charming yet poignant tale of the irrevocable ties that bind . | 1pos
an enchanting spectacular for potter fans anxious to ride the hogwarts express toward a new year of magic and mischief . | 1pos
the talents of the actors helps " moonlight mile " rise above its heart-on-its-sleeve writing . | 1pos
it's a humble effort , but spiced with wry humor and genuine pathos , especially between morgan and redgrave . | 1pos
this examination of aquatic life off the shores of the baja california peninsula of mexico offers an engrossing way to demonstrate the virtues of the imax format . | 1pos
dark and disturbing , but also surprisingly funny . | 1pos
the movie has an avalanche of eye-popping visual effects . | 1pos
starts off with a bang , but then fizzles like a wet stick of dynamite at the very end . it's still worth a look . | 1pos
most impressive , though , is the film's open-ended finale that refuses to entirely close its characters' emotional wounds . | 1pos
a hip ride into hyper-time , clockstoppers is a lively and enjoyable adventure for all ages at any time . | 1pos
grenier is terrific , bringing an unforced , rapid-fire delivery to toback's heidegger- and nietzsche-referencing dialogue . | 1pos
. . . a polished and relatively sincere piece of escapism . | 1pos
the story wraps back around on itself in the kind of elegant symmetry that's rare in film today , but be warned : it's a slow slog to get there . | 1pos
the whole cast looks to be having so much fun with the slapstick antics and silly street patois , tossing around obscure expressions like bellini and mullinski , that the compact 86 minutes breezes by . | 1pos
. . . has freaky scenes where the crew wonder if they're ghosts imagining themselves as alive . it's a sly wink to the others without becoming a postmodern joke , made creepy by its " men in a sardine can " warped logic . | 1pos
long after you leave justine , you'll be wondering what will happen to her and wishing her the best -- whatever that might mean . | 1pos
still pretentious and filled with subtext , but entertaining enough at 'face value' to recommend to anyone looking for something different . | 1pos
call me a wimp , but i cried , not once , but three times in this animated sweet film . | 1pos
notorious c . h . o . has oodles of vulgar highlights . | 1pos
an inspiring and heart-affecting film about the desperate attempts of vietnamese refugees living in u . s . relocation camps to keep their hopes alive in 1975 . | 1pos
the level of maturity displayed by this 33-year-old first-time feature director is astonishing , considering her inexperience and her subject matter . | 1pos
a splendid entertainment , young in spirit but accomplished in all aspects with the fullness of spirit and sense of ease that comes only with experience . | 1pos
disney's live-action division has a history of releasing cinematic flotsam , but this is one occasion when they have unearthed a rare gem . | 1pos
if the message seems more facile than the earlier films , the images have such a terrible beauty you may not care . | 1pos
whether kiss is a future cult classic or destined to be completely forgotten is open to question , but the risk-takers in the crowd should check it out and form their own opinion . | 1pos
there are moments in this account of the life of artist frida kahlo that are among cinema's finest this year . unfortunately , they're sandwiched in between the most impossibly dry account of kahlo's life imaginable . | 1pos
there are moments it can be heart-rending in an honest and unaffected ( and gentle ) way . | 1pos
stay clear of reminding yourself that it's a " true story " and you're likely to have one helluva time at the movies . | 1pos
there are just enough twists in the tale to make it far more satisfying than almost any horror film in recent memory . | 1pos
the sundance film festival has become so buzz-obsessed that fans and producers descend upon utah each january to ferret out the next great thing . 'tadpole' was one of the films so declared this year , but it's really more of the next pretty good thing . | 1pos
working from elliott's memoir , rohmer fashions the sort of delicate , articulate character- and- relationship study he's favored for decades . | 1pos
the story feels more like a serious read , filled with heavy doses of always enticing sayles dialogue . | 1pos
when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transcends language . | 1pos
the crime matters less than the characters , although the filmmakers supply enough complications , close calls and double-crosses to satisfy us . | 1pos
[an] hilarious romantic comedy . | 1pos
the actors are fantastic . they are what makes it worth the trip to the theatre . | 1pos
ranging from funny to shattering and featuring some of the year's best acting , personal velocity gathers plenty of dramatic momentum . | 1pos
i complain all the time about seeing the same ideas repeated in films over and over again , but the bourne identity proves that a fresh take is always possible . | 1pos
recalls quiet freak-outs like l'avventura and repulsion . | 1pos
only an epic documentary could get it all down , and spike lee's jim brown : all american at long last gives its subject a movie worthy of his talents . | 1pos
. . . as the story congeals you feel the pieces of the star wars saga falling into place in a way that makes your spine tingle with revelation and excitement . | 1pos
a great comedy filmmaker knows great comedy needn't always make us laugh . tim story's not there yet - but 'barbershop' shows he's on his way . | 1pos
the movie is one of the best examples of artful large format filmmaking you are likely to see anytime soon . | 1pos
lends itself to the narcotizing bland ( sinister , though not nearly so sinister as the biennial disney girl movie ) machinations of the biennial disney boy movie . | 1pos
well-written , nicely acted and beautifully shot and scored , the film works on several levels , openly questioning social mores while ensnaring the audience with its emotional pull . | 1pos
jason x has cheesy effects and a hoary plot , but its macabre , self-deprecating sense of humor makes up for a lot . | 1pos
[taymor] utilizes the idea of making kahlo's art a living , breathing part of the movie , often catapulting the artist into her own work . this isn't a new idea . it's been done before but never so vividly or with so much passion . | 1pos
an impressive if flawed effort that indicates real talent . | 1pos
two generations within one family test boundaries in this intelligent and restrained coming-of-age drama . | 1pos
it sounds sick and twisted , but the miracle of shainberg's film is that it truly is romance | 1pos
disturbing and brilliant documentary . | 1pos
. . . mesmerizing , an eye-opening tour of modern beijing culture in a journey of rebellion , retreat into oblivion and return . | 1pos
one of the best examples of how to treat a subject , you're not fully aware is being examined , much like a photo of yourself you didn't know was being taken . | 1pos
not too far below the gloss you can still feel director denis villeneuve's beating heart and the fondness he has for his characters . | 1pos
as if to prove a female director can make a movie with no soft edges , kathryn bigelow offers no sugar-coating or interludes of lightness . her film is unrelentingly claustrophobic and unpleasant . | 1pos
[villeneuve] seems to realize intuitively that even morality is reduced to an option by the ultimate mysteries of life and death . | 1pos
the result is mesmerizing -- filled with menace and squalor . | 1pos
fisher has bared his soul and confronted his own shortcomings here in a way . . . that feels very human and very true to life . | 1pos
it's fun , but the code-talk will fly right over everyone's head | 1pos
bourne , jason bourne . he can scale a building like a super hero , he can out-stealth any agent , he'll get the girl . he's super spy ! | 1pos
what makes the movie a comedy is the way it avoids the more serious emotions involved . | 1pos
an exhilarating experience . | 1pos
this cuddly sequel to the 1999 hit is a little more visually polished , a little funnier , and a little more madcap . | 1pos
the pleasures of super troopers may be fleeting , but they'll register strongly with anybody who still retains a soft spot for precollegiate humor . | 1pos
the film is exhilarating to watch because sandler , liberated from the constraints of formula , reveals unexpected depths as an actor . | 1pos
a distant , even sterile , yet compulsively watchable look at the sordid life of hogan's heroes star bob crane . | 1pos
the film delivers not just the full assault of reno's immense wit and insight , but a time travel back to what it felt like during those unforgettably uncertain days . | 1pos
what might have been a predictably heartwarming tale is suffused with complexity . | 1pos
sound the trumpets : for the first time since desperately seeking susan , madonna doesn't suck as an actress . | 1pos
although very much like the first movie based on j . k . rowling's phenomenal fantasy best sellers , this second go-round possesses a quite pleasing , headlong thrust and a likably delinquent attitude . | 1pos
[ " take care of my cat " ] is an honestly nice little film that takes us on an examination of young adult life in urban south korea through the hearts and minds of the five principals . | 1pos
as the story moves inexorably through its seven day timeframe , the picture becomes increasingly mesmerizing . | 1pos
maguire is a surprisingly effective peter/spider-man . | 1pos
not a cozy or ingratiating work , but it's challenging , sometimes clever , and always interesting , and those are reasons enough to see it . | 1pos
the film runs on equal parts of innocence and wisdom -- wisdom that comes with experience . it has fun being grown up . | 1pos
like old myths and wonder tales spun afresh . | 1pos
rarely do films come along that are as intelligent , exuberant , and moving as monsoon wedding . | 1pos
one scarcely needs the subtitles to enjoy this colorful action farce . | 1pos
quite funny for the type of movie it is . . . | 1pos
it's often infuriatingly glib and posturing , and yet it has been made with great evident care and manages to deliver up the man in a way to arouse further curiosity in even the most unknowing viewer . | 1pos
one of [herzog's] least inspired works . | 1pos
this boisterous comedy serves up a cruel reminder of the fate of hundreds of thousands of chinese , one which can only qualify as a terrible tragedy . | 1pos
elling really is about a couple of crazy guys , and it's therapeutic to laugh along with them . | 1pos
never [sinks] into exploitation . | 1pos
an irresistible combination of a rousing good story set on a truly grand scale . | 1pos
there's no denying the physically spectacular qualities of the film . . . or the emotional integrity of the performances . | 1pos
few films this year have been as resolute in their emotional nakedness . | 1pos
exquisitely acted and masterfully if preciously interwoven
[the film] addresses in a fascinating , intelligent manner the intermingling of race , politics and local commerce . | 1pos
stevenson's performance is at once clueless and fiercely committed , a volatile combination . | 1pos
this is a very fine movie -- go see it . | 1pos
as shaky as the plot is , kaufman's script is still memorable for some great one-liners . | 1pos
despite its flaws , secretary stays in your head and makes you question your own firmly held positions . | 1pos
one of those rare , exhilarating cinematic delights that gets even better in hindsight , as you mull over its every nuance in your mind . | 1pos
not everything works , but the average is higher than in mary and most other recent comedies . | 1pos
a byzantine melodrama that stimulates the higher brain functions as well as the libido . | 1pos
a sensitive and expertly acted crowd-pleaser that isn't above a little broad comedy and a few unabashedly sentimental tears . | 1pos
the film's sharp , often mischievous sense of humor will catch some off guard . . . | 1pos
does what a fine documentary does best : it extends a warm invitation into an unfamiliar world , then illuminates it fully and allows the larger implications of the journey to sink in unobtrusively . | 1pos
Subsets and Splits