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The First Men in the Moon
34 stars
another great classic
another great classic that you can keep in the "library" of your you can save them and keep them handy for whenever you wish to re-read them.
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
One of my favorites.
I love HG Wells. He is one of my favorite classic science fiction writers. Good book as are all of his!
The First Men in the Moon
01 star
Great story...terrible edition
The edition published was full of typos and did no justice to a great H.G.Wells story.I'd like my money back so I can buy from a competent publisher.
The First Men in the Moon
12 stars
Meddling in L unar Matters
This HGW novel is not as satisfying as his more famoussci fi pieces, but it is representative of turn-of-the-centuryinterest in galactic exploration. Related in the first person by an impoverished would-be playwright, Mr. Bedford (for whom no first name is given), the story opens as he makes the acquaintance of an eccentric scientist named Cavor in a coastal area of England. Gradually persuaded by the latter's dreams of conquering gravity by means of a substance he will eventually invent, Bedford soon becomes an enthusiastic convert to theoretical astronomy; he injects some practical ideas-as well as his private dreams of avarice and proprietary empire. Ah, the temptation of creating one's little sphere of power.Embarking on an odyssey in a sphere made of Cavorite the partners in adventure land in a crater on the moon, where they encounter odd vegetation which flourishes during the two-week lunar day. But even more amazing is their discovery of a species of intelligent beings (described by Cavor as ant-men) who dwell in the moon's interior. When captured the two men fight their way back to the surface, but become separated. Assuming that Cavor has been killed by the native Selenites (Cavor;s term for them), Bedford manages to return to Earth, but the story does not quite end there. What is the source of mysterious transmissions from the moon and--equally curious--what causes them to cease? Wells' protagonists express the author's commentary on man's propensity for warfare and injudicious zeal to modulate alien civilizations due to our anthropomorphic egocentrism. Nevertheless, this book offers great sci fi lore which will appeal to kids of all ages!
The First Men in the Moon
23 stars
Good idea, bad execution
This is not H. G. Wells at his best. The book has its good points: the readable language, the actual enumeration of hardware, the use of sci-fi as an "other-worldy" setting to deal with contemporary issues (class structure, Darwinism, Utopianism, the absurdity of some forms of war), and quaint and lovable characters.This books main flaw is structure. The book is really three stories: first, the events associated with the voyage to and return from the moon, which is really a book in its own right. The second part is a very odd (and pointless) account of Bedford reintegrating himself in Terran society. The third part is the messages from Cavor, which is a separate book, but is unconnected to the other two parts. The first book is a nice Victorian-pre pulp adventure story; the second half is a mish-mash of biting social commentary and back-story.By back-story, I mean we are reading about Selenite sociology, biology, etc information in a large dissociated lump. It is like I am reading the appendix to "Lord of the Rings." It would have been better to have woven this information into the body of the first book. In "The Time Machine," Wells gives us the Moorlock-Eloi symbiosis as part of the discovery in the whole narrative.As it stands, the book is a mediocre adventure story, with no ultimate purposes and point. Once the adventure is resolved, with Bedford coming back to earth, the book should have ended. Maybe had an appendix or last chapter with the reintegration, what Joseph Campbell calls "Crossing the Return Threshold." But to go into obscenely minute detail of Bedford eating eggs is rather tedious reading. Furthermore, it is pointless to the overall plot.The Selenites have a fascinating social order, but that is never developed in the narrative, and is tacked on in the rambling exposition chapters. By contrast, Burroughs gives us a good sampling of the Martian social order in his John Carter books, with the hero becoming an integral part of the alien order.In fact, I would have executed the story in a way similar to the John Carter of Mars books. Wells is a great thinker and a genius. He can write better, and does in the Time Machine. This book, however fascinating it is, flops. Wells parted the Red Sea when he should have walked on water.
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
Didn't he do Wells?
I've read "The Time Machine", "War Of The Worlds" and "The Island Of Dr. Moreau" but I'd have to say that this was my favourite. Written in a slightly lighter tone than the other books I've mentioned, it tells the story of...well read the other reveiws, they've pretty much covered that part.I'm going to give it five stars because, although Wells' writing style does sometimes irritate, his sheer imagination and Swift-like digs at humanity keep you enthralled. Don't worry about the dated science, just read and enjoy.
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
A seminal book in the development of science fiction
Although it is not as famous as some of his earlier science fiction books (or "scientific romances", as they were then called), and is not an absolute classic like those books are, The First Men In The Moon is nevertheless a delightful and important satrical SF novel. Also, its importance in the development of modern science fiction cannot be overestimated. Although numerous books before had dealt with a story set on another world (let us here, for the sake of convenience, refer to the Moon as a "world"), Wells's book is the first to make it convincingly real. Although, one hundred years on, much of the novel's science is dated and Well's Moon is far different from how we now know it to be, nevertheless, Wells here created a world out of his own imagination, and describes it with such a convincing level of detail that one actually feels like they are there. And the science, indeed, was, in fact, quite up-to-date for the turn of the century. The structure and format of the novel also was highly influential: one will see immediately upon reading it just how much modern science fiction owes to this novel, and to Wells (and yet, Wells himself borrowed prodigiously from previous books on the subject.) The book was originally supposed to end at Part I: Part II was added later by Wells after the book was already in the process of serialization. I think that the addition of Part II is what makes the book good instead of great. If it had ended as it originally would, it would still be a good book - a rousing adventure, an interesting yarn - but it would not be great. The second part makes the book a full-on satire - something that the earlier portion had merely hinted at. It sharply and bitingly satarizes manking and his many follies, particularly war. This addition of satire and borderline philosophy makes the novel a truly great one. I read an essay on this book that said it differs from Wells's earlier SF novels because it is not grim. I beg to differ. The ending, to me, seems quite grim, indeed. Although it does not involve the imminent extinction of man himself as earlier works did, it is nonetheless quite pessimistic and grim. The addition of the second part of the novel and the ending also pave the way for Wells's later works - ... This is a true science fiction classic that deserves to be more highly-regarded than it is.
The First Men in the Moon
12 stars
Highly Dated Sci-Fi
I'm sure you've heard of "The Time Machine", "War of the World's" and "The Invisible Man" but "The First Men in the Moon"? Maybe not that last one. That might be because the book is just not that good. `The Time Machine' is one of my all time favorite science fiction stories but this one lacks any of its appeal.I don't think it's unfair to compare this to Jules Verne's `From the Earth to the Moon' particularly since one of the characters literally mentions Verne's story. Verne wanted a story that could describe a conceivable moon launch given the technology of the late 1800's which meant the space craft was launched using pure ballistics rather than rocketry. Nearly the entire book is devoted to the construction of the monstrous cannon with the launch taking place within the last few pages. Wells will have none of that and invents the unlikely substance Cavorite* which can block the effects of gravity and allows for the quick creation of a space sphere allowing our two heroes to travel to the moon in the early chapters. Verne leaned towards the science side of science fiction and Wells stuck mostly to the fiction. Verne's story may have been somewhat slow and dry but it was still the better of the two.Once on the Moon our heroes find an environment conducive to exploration without any kind of protective clothing and so set off bouncing around thanks to the Moon's 1/6th gravity. They come across some kind of Lovecraftian cow thing and its humanoid/insect handlers which they name Selenites and end up getting captured after eating some indigenous plants that cause them to fall into a stupor. After being led for awhile in chains one of the explorers discovers with his higher gravity strength he is able to break his chains and punch a Selenite with such force that the aliens head literally explodes. This leads to a lengthy chase as the protagonists try and elude capture while searching for their space sphere.The first problem is that this book is completely dated as it is obvious to modern readers that the Moon has no atmosphere and no life. There are so many plot conveniences it makes the writing feel lazy. Not only does the Moon have a breathable atmosphere and weather warm enough to support humans (when the sun is up) but our protagonists discover they explicably have almost no need for food on the Moon. Wells knew enough to have the Selenites dwell underground (lest they be seen by astronomers) but it seems silly to imagine they would never build anything outside detectable from Earth. Where do they get their energy from living exclusively underground? We know that at the very least they occasionally step out of there caves so why not build something? Later in the book it's clear that the Selenite culture is at least equal to mans in technology. Also, by having the story as a first person account we know at least that the storyteller survives taking away much of the tension.It really felt as if Wells finished his story and discovered that he was well short of the length necessary for a novel and so just kept on writing. The last 20 percent or so of the book is Professor Cavor sending messages back to Earth describing the Selenites and the geography of the moon and it is boring, He talks about his struggles in teaching the Selenites grammar and the conditions of his clothing and it is a labor to read through. There is no explanation as to how the Selenites could have a radio system that had never previously sent messages that were received by Earth. Why would the radio even be set up to broadcast outside their subterranean realm and although the book explicitly states that the Selenites allowed Cavor to broadcast messages unattended it still doesn't make any sense. Just more lazy writing. I will say that the finale was kind of a clever way to close out the book but it wasn't enough to redeem it for me. My suggestion is if you've never read "The Time Machine", do yourself a favor and read it and skip this one.Having said all I've said there are many including C.S. Lewis who consider this a revolutionary and highly influential book and it has been adapted to film four times and a fifth may be in the works so my opinions are clearly not shared by all.*Cavorite was used as the device that powered Professor Moriarty's flying machine in Alan Moore's amazing League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The First Men in the Moon
34 stars
An outstanding turn of the century Sci-fi by Alien Voices
I enjoyed the story line of this book, because the idea of turn-of-the-century travel to the moon would seem impossible, yet they did! The story was of course very fanciful but enjoyable. Just don't get hung up on technical details, just enjoy the story for what it is. DeLancey and Nimoy did an excellent job portraying the main characters. Nimoy was excellent as the befuddled scientist, while DeLancey played an excellent Capitalist. I would recommend this audio tape to anyone!
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
A Forgotten Wells Novel
When asked to name a Wells novel, most people would name the Time Machine, or the Invisible Man. But this book has no where near the amount of fame of these two; no movies, television shows, comic books, ect. For this I see no reason. This is a VERY good book. In fact at the moment I am reading the Time Machine, and I think this book is better. Is it because the modern man knows that humans have been to the moon and therfore cant read it with the same enthusiasm of a man of the 1800s? I dont know, oh well.I first found this book durring a scanning of the shelves of my local library. At the time (which was really only about a month or two ago) I had not read any books by Wells. I knew the name well so I picked it up for a look. I became a fan of the author after barly reading a sentence of the introduction. Herbert George rapidly rose to be my favorite author.This book is a science fiction novel, but the thing that seperates it from a Jules Verne or any other science fiction novel is that H.G. Wells added underlieing message about humanity. I will not tell you that message because I would probably give away the books ending in the process. The message is intriguing and thought provoking, but has nothing to with aliens.I guess I should just get too the point now. In the begining of the novel you will meet the two main charecters, Bedford and Cavor. Bedford is a bankrupt buisness man who accidentily gets caught up in the research of Cavor, a scientist down the road. If you are anything like me you will be so engulfed in the story that you get excited whenever they make a breakthrough. Cavor eventually succeds in creating Cavorite, but finds that the only reasonable use he can think of for it is, you guessed it, space travel. From here it becomes a Verne-ish exploration of the moon. Near the end you will encouter the message I mentioned earlier.This book goes beyond words. I cant believe Amazon is selling it for just $2! You could by ten or fifteen of these for the cost of one Harry Potter book. Now that is a great deal.
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
This was an excellent CD and I recommend it to all ages
This exciting story of two mens adventures on the moon and the way they get there is both humorous and suspenseful. The many situations these two characters get themselves into keeps the story alive in your mind long after it is over.
The First Men in the Moon
34 stars
Imaginative, well written and easy to read.....
H.G. Wells is, without a doubt, gifted with both imagination and the abilty to write. FIRST MEN ON THE MOON is a very good read; it is well written, fast-paced, and the plot is most definitely intriguing.What you get out of this book, in my opinion, depends highly on your expectations of it. If you're looking for sci-fi written in 1901, and you want to be amazed by Wells as a visionary of things to come, this is not your book. With the exception of a lunar landing, none of the "scientific" developments or discoveries created and described by Wells exist nor in all probabilities will ever exist. This is the main reason why Jules Verne advocates place him well above Wells.On the other hand, if what you want is a book that's easy and fun to read, with a plot that makes it hard to put the book down, then you're in for a treat. Even though most of what Wells has written is pretty dense and by no means considered easy to read, this novel is.As with many other writers in Victorian England, Wells is very influenced by his world and surroundings. You will find (both on earth and on the moon!), that society is clearly divided into social classes, and it is definitely not Well's intention to disturb this normal "order" of things.Each of the two main characters represents a different victorian current of thought. While Cavor is a true scientific mind, and his main concerns are truth, mankind, and a better world overall. Bedford is more adventurous and daring, and his main concerns are himself and his own wealth. In a way, neither ever understands the other, as they are blinded by their own view of the world.In summary, FIRST MEN ON THE MOON is definitely worth the time it takes to cover the 180+ pages, and when you put it down you will be left with a feeling of satisfaction.....
The First Men in the Moon
34 stars
A Sci-fi classic
I've long been a fan of H. G. Wells' writing, but never paid much attention to some of his lesser known works. In the end I decided to read "The First Men in the Moon" and found that the book is quite good in its own right and makes for an engaging and gripping read. Even though the Moon does not hold the same fascination in our mind as to this day Mars does, and many of the "scientific" ideas presented in the book nowadays seem downright silly, the narrative is still very compelling and makes for a fascinating read. H. G. Wells is very good at developing an action-packed plot, and if we can somehow suspend over hundred years of new knowledge, the events and premises in the novel become very plausible. Another fascinating aspect of Wells' novels is the use of Sci-fi genre as a tool of social and political critique, and the last part of this book has a good dose of it as well. This may not be as good of a book as perhaps "The War of the Worlds" or "The Time Machine" are, but it still entertains and provokes thought after all this time has passed. I would strongly recommend it to all the classic Sci-fi fans out there.
The First Men in the Moon
34 stars
Remember that it was written over 100 years ago
This is a must read for almost anyone, not just sci-fi fans. It's really interesting to read how Wells describes what he thinks the moon is like (or, perhaps, what he hopes it's like). This is a very well-written work, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to let their imagination run wild. The biggest mistake you can make when reading this is to allow yourself to get caught up in what Wells got "wrong." Instead, try to head into this book as if you have no prior knowledge about the moon. If you can do that, I think you will find this book highly enjoyable.
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
Space Invaders
"The First Men in the Moon" is a remarkable work. Though the science described in the book is almost silly by today's standards, one must look past this to appreciate the book. Even more than his other books, this novel is a statement that derides the voilent and imperialist tendancies of the human race, particularly this British. Today, the words still have bite.The plot of the novel sees an inventor (Cavor) and struggling playwright (Bedford) travel to the moon after the inventor's discovery. Stranded, they encounter the inhabitants of the moon. Bedford, finds their intentions to be hostile despite Cavor reluctantly disagreeing. Tyring to escape from the moon, Cavor again falls into the custody of the moon people. Cavor is left behind but far from forgotten.Though Bedford is the main character, Cavor shines as the mouthpiece of H.G. Wells' social views. Many of Wells' observations are still appropriate today. The final chapters seem to run too long, and may not be entirely necessary. At the point they are placed in the book, they add little to the plot.
The First Men in the Moon
34 stars
The book is over a hundred years old, so you'll forgive a few spoilers. There are actually two related stories here:First, there's Mr. Bedford, who has no scientific training and mooches a ride to the moon with Mr. Cavor, where he plots all his business ideas and bludgeons scores of moon people to death with a solid gold crowbar. He goes home, a stupid little kid accidentally flies off in the Cavorite sphere, and that's that. Good times. Convenient how he, against the extremely long odds mentioned by the narrator, not only gets back to earth, but back to England.Next, there's Mr. Cavor, who gets left on the moon more or less out of necessity, and perhaps by his own choice. The Selenites track him down, and begin to communicate with him. How inconsiderate of Mr. Cavor to make them all learn English instead of him learning their language, especially since they only have one language globally. Here we get into the book's social commentary, which Wells was always big on but which posterity has forgotten in favor of his science fiction elements. Is it truly by accident that Cavor mentions that he's the only way humans can get back to the moon, and that he fails to send earth his formula for Cavorite? Or is he conveniently trying to keep the indigenous peoples from being trampled down by the earth's world powers? Plus we have the Selenites' interesting social structure, like communism, to the extreme.Reading this book for the first time in the twenty-first century, one's thoughts go like this: "Hey, Wells made some pretty decent predictions about helium and the moon...well, except for the moon plants...and the giant moon cows...and the moon ant people. Never mind."Wells was a great writer, though, and this story is engaging and, early on, humorous. Seems like he was trying to outdo Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon and its sequel. The First Men in the Moon is over the top in this day and age, maybe, but in 1900 nobody knew any better. Well done, sir.RECOMMENDED
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
My favorite HG Wells book
This is by far my favorite HG Wells. It's the first one I read and the one I keep rereading. I've read it three times now and have enjoyed it every time. This is science fiction at its best, with convincing descriptions of the lunar landscape and inhabitants, as well as human interest and complex character development.Like all science fiction, it requires suspension of disbelief to appreciate fully. Don't expect Wells to write like a scientist, and you'll be fine.I love this book! Oh, and if it helps inform, I have a master's degree in physics.
The First Men in the Moon
23 stars
Cavorite: Opaque to Gravity
It is perhaps a cliché to suggest that H.G. Wells was a man with an imagination ahead of his time. Wells was writing in the late Victorian era but was still able to visualise future societies and even inventions that today have reasonable credibility. He was a science fiction writer of great clarity. Although Wells is justifiably better known for "The Time Machine" and "War of the Worlds", "The First Men in the Moon" is still a worthy work.Despite publishing this novel in 1901, Wells was aware of the issues of lunar gravity and the consequences of this to those on the moon. He knew that lunar gravity was only one sixth of that on earth. However, he also wrote of the moon as having an atmosphere. But most writers of the time would have assumed this too. They would also have reasonably assumed the real possibility of life on the moon."The First Men in the Moon" tells the story of Professor Cavor and his discovery of a material that was opaque to gravity. He was befriended by Bedford who is the narrator of the tale. Together, the two build a sphere that transports them to the lunar surface where they discover a bizarre world of "Selenites" that primarily live beneath the ground.Understandably, both men a fearful yet curious about this alien environment. However, it is Cavor who is captured by the moon's inhabitants and is unable to flee back to Earth. Bedford survives to tell of their travels. Yet the story is completed by the transmission of radio messages from Cavor back from the moon. And remember that this was written by a man with only a knowledge of the world at the turn of the 19th Century!"The First Men in the Moon" is not one of Wells's great works. It is, however, part of his large body of work that continues to capture a modern audience.
The First Men in the Moon
45 stars
Rousing adventure & thoughtful allegory
A British scientist and his neighbor travel to the Moon, where they run afoul of the local Selenites and find themselves on the run for their lives. Wells does an exceptional job of extrapolation on the science of his day. The lunar ecology is fascinating and poetic: each sundown all the plant life dies and the air falls to the ground like snow. Wells betrays his interest in class once again: the Selenites have a society based on that of social insects, with each member possessing specializations necessary to its function, an idea that was no doubt fresher then than it is now.The first part of this novel is a rousing adventure, as Wells makes imaginative use of the fact that the Earthlings are virtual supermen in the 1/6 gravity of the Moon. No doubt this novel was greatly influential to later adventure writers such as Edgar Rice Burroughs. The second part is more thoughtful and subtle, yet perhaps more horrifying, as a man alone among the Selenites strives to prevent their leader from deducing the greedy and expansionist nature of mankind for fear of his life.
A Teachers Guide to Standardized Reading Tests: Knowledge Is Power
45 stars
A Teacher's Guide to Standardized Reading Tests : Knowledge
Standardized testing got you down? Here is a fresh way to approach the task of test prep. Using 'Strategy' work (as taught in Strategies That Work, and Mosaic of Thought) and investigative work into what students are thinking, Ms. Calkin treats 'test taking' as a genre. I used her approach this year, and found it flowed seamlessly into our Reader's Workshop 'Strategy' investigations.
A Teachers Guide to Standardized Reading Tests: Knowledge Is Power
34 stars
Lucy Calkins is generally a good writer with her heart and skills in the right place. This book is solid and helpful. I'm glad the professor in question assigned it, because it has helped...I'm sorry though that there is so much emphasis on evaluative testing that the need for this book will keep it and related volumes in print for the next 2,000,000 years.I just finished my second advanced degree (in Education) and I've found this little tome to be useful.My suggestion: repeal NCLB and let the teachers (who are, after all, the experts about teaching) be in charge of curriculum again and to heck with mandated assessments.Still, as long as there are those kinds of tests, this is the book to have.
A Teachers Guide to Standardized Reading Tests: Knowledge Is Power
45 stars
Certainly makes you think!
As a reading teacher,this book has done wonders to help me see where we are weak in preparing our students for taking standardized tests. It is written as a case study and is easy reading. Super ideas for helping your students understand what is expected of them and how to prepare them.
A Teachers Guide to Standardized Reading Tests: Knowledge Is Power
45 stars
Teacher's Guide to Standardized Reading Tests
I am sorry I can only give this book 5 stars!!! I have had to read a great many books over the past few years as requirements for one or another class. This book is part of a list of books I had to purchase. It is also the ONLY book I have asked my department head to purchase for the teacher's library. I think every educator should read this book.
A Teachers Guide to Standardized Reading Tests: Knowledge Is Power
45 stars
This can change your view of Testing Seasons
Calkins is well established in the field of literacy and the workshop approach to teaching reading. This title, however, adds a much-needed perspective on ways to identify the discrete skills necessary for students to do well in the kinds of testing that now dominate instruction (with all the frustrated sighs that accompany that statement). Calkins et al don't hesitate to identify the flaws and follies that permeate standardized testing, but they do point out the salient fact that if students aren't doing well in testing, it's "not just the test". There may be pieces missing that, when put into place, can assist students in conquering this most questionable hurdle set in front of them--now, and for some time to come.This team of teacher-researchers set out on the daunting task of evaluating how succesful performance on reading tests requires a different approach than where teaching-for-understanding takes place. Their analysis, presented in a kind of first-person-plural, is presented clearly, well-documented, highly reflective, and sufficiently flexible to appeal to all elementary teachers. It helped restore my sanity; see if it might do the same for you!
Childhood Ear Infections: A Parent's Guide to Alternative Treatments
45 stars
All the info I needed in one place!
I just wanted to say I think this book is an excellent, excellent resource. The information is excellent and aligns with everything I have discovered in my own independent research on childhood ear infections. I probably own 3 or 4 other books on the subject (which all take a different slant) but I believe this book captures the essential information parents need to make informed decisions regarding the treatment of their childs ear infections. In fact, I wish every parent could read this book before their child even has their first ear infection - the downward spiral of antibiotic, after antibiotic, nutritional deficiencies, elimination of beneficial bacteria, ear tubes, adeniodectomy, etc.. can happen so quickly it can be hard for the child to rebound from. The information is presented well, is easy for parents to read and understand, and is backed by medical research (without all the confusing medical jargon). Not to mention - it just plain makes sense! It presents just enough information to really empower parents to take the lead in preventing and treating ear infections yet it's not so much information that the reader is overwhelmed. Without a doubt, I will be recommending this book to any parent at risk of heading down the unfortunate road of traditional treatment for ear infections (or even the natural course of childhood illness in general). I will also be giving a copy of this book to my pediatrician. I hope the author will write other books on some of the other important health care decisions parents face.
Childhood Ear Infections: A Parent's Guide to Alternative Treatments
45 stars
must read for any parent
This book was initially suggested by a colleague and my husband bought it. It has very good and informative guidelines on prevention of not only ear infections but most of the upper respiratory ailments. My son didn't contact a single cold in the first year as I followed most of the dietary instructions from this book. Dietary guidelines and other lifestyle issues that are confronted by most of the parents are very well explained. I have seen a very strong correlation between parents who follow the lifestyle suggested by the book and healthy children.
A Dictionary of Food & Nutrition (Oxford Paperback Reference)
12 stars
Probably the worst Oxford dictionary ever
Oxford Dictionary of Food and Nutrition is probably the worst dictionary ever to come from Oxford University Press. In its second edition (2005) there was scarcely a page without a mistake and in its third edition (2009) there are still plenty of them: from misspelled entries and wrong definitions to the chaotic use of capitalization!The author failed to correctly spell even the simplest foreign words which can be checked in every ordinary dictionary. For example: in the second edition he was trying to convince the readers, that the Roman word for starch was amulum*. Well, everybody who has some knowledge of the Latin language, and has ever heard for any of a flock of words beginning with amyl-, knows that the word was amylum. In the third edition this mistake is corrected, but tens of others, like the Italian word focaccia for a flat cake, which is misspelled foccacia*, are not.Some of the mistakes from previous edition were 'corrected' in a very funny (i.e. not serious!) way. Example: a kind of Russian dumplings is called tvorozhniki, but the author invented(?) the spelling tvoroinki*, which is still an entry (now with the correct one in brackets) despite the fact, that as far as I know it exists in Oxford Dictionary of Food and Nutrition only.Another 'gem' are definitions like that of nioigome: "perfumed rice". The dictionary does not tell us neither whose it is (probably Japanese) nor what exactly does it mean (perfumed with what?).Besides, the author plays at hide-and-seek much too often for a decent dictionary. For example: 1) at soonf he says "see fennel", but at fennel there is no mention of soonf; 2) at soondth he says "see ginger", but at ginger there is no mention of soondth.My advice is: avoid this dictionary! Alan Davidson's The Oxford Companion to Food is incomparably better choise (though it lacks information on nutrition).
A Dictionary of Food & Nutrition (Oxford Paperback Reference)
34 stars
Very informative, but I was expecting more on the nutritional values of individual foodstuffs: calorific values, fat and carbohydrate content, vitamin values etc
A Dictionary of Food & Nutrition (Oxford Paperback Reference)
45 stars
Worth Buying
The book is a little outdated, but the information inside it great. It is reader friendly and easy to find what you are looking for. I am studying to be a nutritionist and I have used this book many times. Every house should have one of these books on their bookshelf.
A Dictionary of Food & Nutrition (Oxford Paperback Reference)
45 stars
A Special Reference Book
If you are a foodie and you like to know some of the finer details, this is for you. Not a dictionary; more a trivia collection. But not really trivia as the info is solid and useful.
Theories and Methods of an Integrative Transactional Analysis
45 stars
The Principles of Integrative Psychotherapy
In this volume, we find the development and presentation of Richard Erskine's writings that underlie his theory of Integrative Psychotherapy. Here, is Erskine's effective synthesis of Transactional Analysys (TA) with the methods and theories of Gestalt Therapy, Object Relations theory, and Self Psychology. This compilation of Erskine's writings over a 25 year period provides an excellent background for his theory and practice as it stands currently. This volume also includes his recent writings (mid to late 1990's) which introduce and demonstrate his concepts of Affective Attunement, Developmental Attunement, Inquiry and Involvement, Juxtaposition, and especially, Relational Needs. This volume is the central repository holding many of Erskine's essential writings, to date, regarding the underlying theory and the treatment methods of Integrative Psychotherapy.Also recommended: Beyond Empathy by Richard Erskine, Janet Moursund, and Rebecca Trautmann. Brunner/Mazel, August 1999.The Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy is located in New York City, 212-734-5291.
Maternity Nursing: Care of the Childbearing Family
45 stars
very informative
This book is filled with pre-conception to postpartum chapters. There are a ton of pictures, but a few are dark. There are a lot of drawings and charts. The authors organized this book very well and included a lot of critical thinking problems and the chapter summaries are some of the best I've read. (Usually the chapter summaries in my textbooks are pretty vague.) I love this book, and learned a lot from it. It's very helpful, even for non-nurse mothers who want to read about their pregnancies and deliveries from a more professional standpoint. (Labor drugs are explained in great detail.) Great book!
A Practical Guide to Activities for Young Children
45 stars
A straightforward listing of practical activities for babies, toddlers, young children, and infant schoolchildren
Now in its completely revised and updated third edition, A Practical Guide to Activities for Young Children is a straightforward listing of practical activities for babies, toddlers, young children, and infant schoolchildren designed and selected for creativity, educational value, and just plain fun. A valuable resource for educators, parents, babysitters, Sunday schools, and anyone else tasked with watching over children who wants better for them than just sitting them in front of the TV, A Practical Guide to Activities for Young Children is extremely reader-friendly and highly valuable in its delineation of adult roles. Although A Practical Guide to Activities for Young Children presents numerous sample activities such as compiling a book of recipes with children, or mixing cornflour with water and allowing toddlers to smooth it on to the table or roll it in their hands, the chief focus of this guide lies in giving childcare providers and educators the tools and knowledge needed to skillfully design age-appropriate activities to balance or enhance development in chosen areas. Full-color photographs throughout illustrate this high- concept level addressment of a surprisingly complex responsibility.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Religious based detective
I got this book because my daughter is a designer and I thought it would be fun reading. Unfortunately, I hadn't read anything about the book or author, so I wasn't prepared for the story to be more about the character finding her faith again than solving the crime. It just wasn't what I was looking for.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Not much mystery
It was easy to read. Really good first chapter. However, not much mystery in it. Predictable yet unbelievable culprit. It was more like a description of main character struggle with her past.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
It's a Light, Entertaining Book.
This writer has potential. I wouldn't mind reading more of her books. I read a lot, mostly suspense, which get long and complicated sometimes. I enjoy sitting down with something light once in a while. It was well-written, moved quickly, and was just a nice entertaining, couple of hour, which is what I was looking for.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Good, but too much preaching for me
I started out really enjoying the book, it was fun, well written and seemed like it was going to be great. Had hints of religion in it, which was fine, but as I got further into the book, the more it seemed like a a woman rediscovering her love for God. Also fine, but not for me. I give it 3 out of 5. Had it not been too religious for me, I would've given it 4
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
12 stars
Not as good as hoped.
I don't like to read reviews too much on books because sometimes it gives too much away. So I didn't read any on this book, I just thought I'd try it since the kindle version was free. Well, there truly was too much talk of religion...not exactly something you'd think of reading about in a murder mystery. The actual mystery part itself wasn't so bad. The main character was well written. And no, you definitely don't suspect who the actual killer is until the end. But I still wasn't thrilled with the end. It didn't really go into much explanation oh how the murder actually took place and that was disappointing. I only kept reading it to find out who did it.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
It kept me guessing.
This book was sad, funny, and suspenseful. It kept my attention and wondering 'who dunnit'. There was one part that I would have liked explained earlier in the book.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Fun, but not very realistic
I really enjoyed this book but it kind of stretched the limits on being realistic. A doctor AND a pastor both break confidentiality to talk about someone? And the doctor does it twice, the first time without even being asked.Aside from that, it was pretty good. Not sure about the almost-friendship between Detective Tsu and the heroine, but I suppose it could happen. I love the tension with Dutch. Can't wait to see what happens there.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Good read - nice little twists & turns. Very quick read. Can't wait to read the next book in the series.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Design on Crime review
Most enoyable book, got quite caught up with the characters, it was very easy to put yourself into the story line along with the them. Good book for a lazy day.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Not a light murder mystery, but deep yet entertaining look at faith
Design on a Crime by Ginny Aiken is a completely different book than I thought it would be. It's the first book in the Deadly Decor mystery series. Haley is just getting started in her own interior decorating business when her mentor is murdered. When it's revealed that Haley is the woman's heir, Haley becomes the prime suspect and has to figure out who the real murderer is before she's thrown into prison. It sounds like just another light, humorous murder mystery of the type that are glutting the market right now, filled with quirky characters and silly situations, but this book is nothing like that. Haley has faced much darkness in her past and struggled through it. She's just starting to regain her self-confidence when this murder throws her back into fear and depression. This book is about losing faith and finding God, even in the dark places. While there are some quirky characters and the occasional laugh, this book delves into some deep subjects and treats them well. Aiken writing alternates between short, choppy bits and long, almost flowery descriptions. I'm not sure if that is to help with characterization, but it sometimes makes for awkward reading. My one complaint is the marketing of the book. The silly title, pastel cover and blurb on the back make this out to be murder-mystery lite. This book is much better than that, and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
A Must Have!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It has the whole package - humor, mystery, suspense, spirituality and a hint of romance. Haley Farrell is a strong female character whose father is the minister for the local church. Not only does Haley have a knack for interior decorating, but soon develops the knack for sleuthing as well. I am looking forward to more books in this series by Ginny Aiken.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Love this series
I love this series and can't wait to read it again on my kindle.I find the heroine genuine and likable. I love it when the people in the books are a mess and learning to live life in a real way. The mystery is fun and interesting. And the character interaction leaves me chuckling, sighing, crying...
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Good Story, Surprising Ending, Worth Reading (3 1/2 STARS)
For the relevance to this review... I love mysteries of all types. This appeared to be a cozy mystery and as it started out, it went along as such (btw, formatting on my Kindle was fine)- Part of the mystery is not only about Haley having to clear herself of being accused of murder, but also, what it is that happened to her in a heinous, violent crime some 4 yrs or so earlier and why that incident caused her to fall away from her faith in God... yes, the author has brought in religion as to how this young woman needs to recognize, as much as she feels let down by God, that God should not have turned His back when she needed Him during that time... She is alive, prospering, and actually doing pretty well... considering... (this is mentioned a lot)- The obstacles she has to overcome in her faith (which is equally hard since her father is the priest of the local church), the obstacles she has to overcome to get past the incident 4 yrs earlier, and how she feels she has to be strong and take control now to catch the real killer. The writing is done well in my opinion. At least on a level as many other cozy mystery writers- nothing wrong with a light, easy read.After a bit, the focus does come to her faith more than solving but "things" come out in her conversations with friends, her sensei, doctor, father, and others. I actually could have seen more written in here in various places so the aspect of her faith was not beginning to overshadow the story itself, however, I would read the next in series. I will also look to read other books by this author. It doesn't bother me to read a book that reminds us all in a very creative way to be aware and thankful for God. I don't feel it is any different than someone reading books about occult and wican subjects.The book had a good story line, no matter that I didn't care for who the "perp" turned out to be. The author did write well and kept you engrossed which is the main thing I look for in a well written book. I do hope the story lines in the future don't get lost in the message for Christianity but this did not make it a bad book. If you are a cozy mystery fan, this will fill that void. Done with this ramble, I hope this helps some make a better decision to give this book a chance. If I relied on the reviews here, I would have missed out on a pretty good read.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Excellent read. More than an entertaining book, this delves into some deep and serious subjects. Likeable characters. A must read!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Two words: awesome and awesomerest
This book really had a great positive impact on me. It taught me that God loves you and that He really does pursue you with His love. Design on a Crime reminded me that I should forgive those who sin against me. I loved that the author mixes in the perfect balance of humor and mystery. Also, GREAT ending!!!!!!!! I definitely DID NOT see that coming when the murderer revealed itself (I'm not saying who).
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
A good story
This was a good story, readable, and an interesting plot. I don't agree with the other reviewers about too much religion, I thought it was not at all too much -and gave the story depth. I had a little trouble with believability of characters and scenarios, at times. Sometimes I thought, "that doesn't match that person's personality..." but maybe I am too picky. Definitely worth reading, a good book to enjoy.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Loved the fact I didn't have it all figured out...
This book was an enjoyable read! I thoroughly enjoyed the characters, the elegantly woven plot and the fact that I didn't have it all figured out within the first couple of chapters! What fun is it to read a book when you already know the ending?!? Definitely time well spent!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Pretty Good....
I liked this book and would definitely read more by this author in the future. The "but" is that in the case of this book in particular (haven't read anything else by author so far) the main character is not a totally believable/likeable/relatable person. In addition, the "antagonist" seems to have been thrown in there simply because one was needed and the whole relationship between the two makes no sense whatsoever. But, again, I would definitely give her another try. On the whole, I would say the book was....... Pretty Good.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Highly Entertaining
When I started this book, I wondered why I'd bought it since it's not my normal fare. By the end of the first chapter I knew why, and was very glad I had. Haley Ferrell is an endearing character. She'd been assaulted four years before the setting of this story, and has made a new life for herself as an interior designer with support from her father, a minister, and an eclectic group of friends (much like my own). Her emotional recovery, however, is slower in manifesting itself.At an auction which is also meant to be the launching of Haley's new career, the auctioneer, her mentor and friend, is brutally murdered. Haley discovers the body and is found beside it holding the murder weapon. Enter an efficient homicide detective who looks hard at Haley as her prime suspect. When it turns out to everyone's surprise that Haley is also the sole heir of the well-to-do deceased, those suspicions strengthen. Having little or no confidence in the criminal justice system that let her own attacker off with a slap on the wrist, Haley goes looking for the killer in her own bumbling and entertaining way. During her search for truth and justice, she uncovers more truths than she ever bargained for. As a result she has to look at life and people she thought she knew in a different light.Not only her body and mind were assaulted four years prior, but the faith in God that had been a major part of her life was lost to her. This loss and her anger at God is an integral part of the who she is throughout the story. The people who lead her back to emotional and spiritual stability warm the reader's heart. You can't help but root for Haley's return to the love and support that can only come from the Lord.All the characters are well defined and believable. The solution to the mystery is only revealed in the last few pages as the story builds to a climax that's a bit of a surprise. The entire story is well thought out and well written. I don't hesitate to recommend it!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Too much God
This isn't a mystery, it's a convert to religion book. The focus of the book is converting one to religion under the guise of a mystery. Mystery solved when conversion complete.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
An Ok Read
Haley is ready to do a big design job, but murder is in her way. Her mentor Marge is murdered and all fingers point to Haley. This has a lot of religion in it, but not in a terrible pushy way. Haley must find out who the real murderer is and clear her name. But along the way she has to face a lot of pain from her past.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Go Ginny!!!
This is the first book of Ginny's I've read and I can't wait to read more.Halley's big dream is to be a interior designer.She's siked about her first job until her best friend and mentor ends up dead and to make matters worse the cops think she killed her.This book will have you guessing until the end.Buy this Book!!You won't regret it.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
12 stars
Fun fiction or religious exhortation ? ? ?
No option for NO STARS! I read this type of book for diversion, not for deceit from the author. I thought it sounded like a nice little read (which it could have been). And it says #1, suggesting that if I liked it, there might be more. Interior designer solving a mystery - might be fun!This didn't come with any WARNING label! When the proselytism started so early-on it should have been a "sign" that it might become so immoderate I'd be nauseous before finishing the book.Maybe it should be subtitled (Deadly Decor Church Ladies, Book 1) or listed categorically under "Religious Fiction" or "Inspirational" rather than "Mystery". Then I could definitely have skipped it!I've read a few others lately that bring up the character's faith, or challenges, but not to the extent that this story does. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs; I have my own. However, I don't have to go up a driveway to the religious institute at the top of the hill, because a sign announces it is there. The Saturday morning visitors knock first, and I can ignore them. Most people are refined enough to at least ask before pushing their religious practices upon you.Not in this case. No polite notices on this book. Nothing in the "Editorial Reviews: Product Description" that says "Young Woman Finds Faith Through Adversity" to even warn me. I guess the ladies in the Missionary Society wouldn't need it.Too bad too much religion got in the way of what might be a good book. The author is definitely on my "NO MORE" list.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Zero cost, zero value. Don't waste your time downloading this.
Zero cost, zero value. You've heard it said -- "You get what you pay for." It's very true for this "book." I've read other very good zero cost books from other authors - real books that have whetted my appetite to go and PAY for the authors' other books. And I think that's the objective in advertising zero cost books - to introduce you to authors you might otherwise not read. But your 5 or so seconds downloading this "book" has more value and you should be compensated. This "book" should be deleted from the Amazon list. Really. It's that bad.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Worst Read EVER!
Ugh! This book needs to come with the following warning: "WARNING! The author will cram her religion and faith down your throat on every other page!" Then we won't be flabbergasted by the nonsense spewing from the characters' mouths. Absolutely nothing about this book was believable. The plot was very, very thin, and the who-dunnit is absolutely absurd. Poor character building. I mean really....a young woman, presumably in her 20's, who has no friends other than old people? Hardly. This has the feeling that it was written by a woman in her 90's who is completely out of touch with today's society and how people interact in real life. Don't waste your time on this badly written story, I won't be reading any more of hers. Good thing it was free!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Anybody else's book start in the middle?
My Kindle starts 28% through the book. If I ask it to go to the beginning - THAT is where it goes. I have no interest in flipping back through all those pages to read the darn thing.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Great read
This was a fun book. It was exciting, it was light-hearted and then it was very eye opening and brought intense emotion to me! I didn't know what to expect since this was the first time I had read any of Ginny Aiken's writing. I will be waiting to get her next book when it comes out. She is very talented and can bring the character to life! It showed God's amazing love and I am so glad I read this book.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Fun Book
This is a fun book to read. kept me guessing until the end. i would recommend this to anyone who wants a good clean reading book.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Fast Paced Reading
This book was light enough to be easy reading but the story was written well enough to keep me guessing. This is a Christian fiction book which I didn't realize until I began reading, it wasn't over done focus but the main characters faith was an issue.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Not enough story line
Too much religion seemed to be used as a filler story should be able to stand on its own had potential
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Good but could be awesome
Great plot and characters but in desperate need of a good editor. At times it seems the author is trying to hard to be witty and she goes overboard with the metaphors and verbose adjectives. She also seems to think mentioning Starbucks on every other page makes the story more culturally relevant but it just gets annoying. Still, even though I had to push through the muddle at times, I enjoyed the story and its interesting twists.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
I read this book a long time ago but i have to review!
I honestly read this book when i first got my kindle, maybe two years ago?, but i cannot stand to see a VERY low ratng when this book is great!A clean romance if i remember correctly, a wonderful and hiliraous (I dont think i spelt that right..) mystery that grabs your attention!The main characters are cute and have that he-is-really-cute-but-im-going-to-act-like-i-dont-notice-when-i-REALLY REALLY-do. Its an all around cute book and i would give it a chance.Just a chance, thats all im asking.....even the sample hell!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Great book.
I love crime stories and this is a very good one that keeps you looking over your shoulder. It's hard to believe there are so many evil people in the world.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
great book
Great book and very informative.Book is written well with ability to keep the reader interested in the book and all it has too offer.Characters and other plot.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Great book
Easy to read, cute story, fun characters in the book. Would encourage others to read this book. Enjoyed the book
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Good read
This has the potential to become a really great series. It was well worth the time to read it. Would recommend.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
This is a light read with enjoyable characters and a nice message. I enjoyed how the main character uses martial arts to deal with her frustrations.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Enjoyable Light Read
This was a lighthearted, very enjoyable little mystery. The characters were likable, and the pacing was good. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because occasionally some of the events made me think, "That wouldn't have really happened that way." One thing that I especially appreciated is that there were no glaring editing errors in the free ebook. I actually liked this book well enough that I bought the next book in the series.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Design On A Crime
Design on a Crime was an interesting who did it. It was fun and a real twist on traditional design. Easy fast read.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Interesting idea!
I liked the themes in this one. It made the story original. The discovery of the killer was a bit of a surprise.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Fun book!
I enjoyed this quick read. It was my "go to" beach book. Lots of fun! I cannot wait to read the second book in the series. I recommend this book!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Encouraging and mysterious
This series of books is well written and keeps your attention. You feel for the characters, even the bad ones. It also makes you review your actions and thoughts.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Ok Read
This book was just ok. I have liked Ginny Aiken books in the past, and although this wasn't horrible I struggled to get through it...kind of hoping that I was towards the end.The main character was kind of a ninny, and it is explained later in the book why she hates cops and men. But it just seemed to drag. The same conversations over and over.I would have rated it a 2 or 2-1/2 stars, but I didn't find it detestable, and did find the whodunit part interesting to figure out.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
12 stars
Fluffy, but informative...
While I didn't see the ending coming -- always a good thing -- I was not impressed with this book. There were so many implausible moments and leaps of faith (pun nut intended) as a reader that I literally couldn't wait for it to end. This book seemed more as a vehicle for the author to let us know what she knows about martial arts and decorating rather than her ability to create a story or develop characters. I also got the feeling that she was coming to her page allotment and had to end the story as fast as possible. It's a shame. The premise was good... maybe it just needs some balance. Still, I wasn't drawn to Haley -- she's rather unlikable as written -- so I won't go looking for the next installment. Just doesn't do it for me.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Appearances Are Deceptive
I thought I was about to listen to a cozy mystery relating a light tale of a designers effort to solve a crime. Not so. We have a psychically distressed heroine still in the grips of a rape she suffered four years before. She easily dissolves into major anxiety attacks under pressure. We know she is falsely accused of murder. Worse than any of this is the fact that she has lost touch with her Religion which can be the only cure for her psychological as well as practical problems. This is pretty heavy stuff for a light crime novel. I suppose a more secular person would be bewildered that she rejects any legal help with her problems while conducting her own investigations in the most naive fashion possible. The main problem is the disjuncture between the writing style and the amateur detective format on the one hand and the depth of psychological disorder and need for religious redemption on the other. For the average reader this is not likely to be waiting for a bus, train or plane reading. Readers with greater receptivity to the religious theme may be more enthusiastic. At any rate, do not be deluded by the cover art or the title.Incidentally, to those like myself who take advantage of the robot reading component of the kindle whether from difficulties with their eyes or because they have an affinity for it, I should say that this was not a text which, for whatever reasons, is up to average level of readability. I don't know the technical reasons why this should be so, but I found he male robot to be below par, below the average level of acceptability.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
I've read religious fiction before, but never have I felt the concept being shoved down my throat like this. There is so much emphasis in "take God's hand, Hailey" that the actual mystery is lost in all the christian propaganda. If you take out all the pages of Hailey complaining about how God had deserted her and other people trying to convince her that praying will fix all her problems, this actually a very linear plot with barely any real mystery in it. Not only was I taken back by the amount of stupidity in this book, but also by how terrible it was in general. Most of the characters are flat with cliché personalities, everybody seems to repeat the same things over and over, the heroine is daft beyond words and things just happen without making any sense.If I seem to be ranting is because how disappointed I am with this book. The premise was interesting enough and the beginning was rather promising but instead of picking up, it just got worse. I only finished it because I was hoping for a twist in the end or at least a decent conclusion. Instead, I got a rushed half-baked finale. What a waste of time.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
love love love!
i bought all three of the books. i love how the authors mix religion,mystery,tragity in the characters life,triumphing over evil,finding stength in god. i cried i laughed i couldnt put it down. i would suggest these books to everyone.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
good book
this was a good book and was very enjoyable for my wife. not my style book but she said she realy realy liked it.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
The price is right
This is a light read, somewhat entertaining, but way too religious for my taste. The protagonist also spends SOOOO much time in self-pity and downward spiraling that it becomes a little annoying. It was OK for a free book. I wouldn't pay for future releases though.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Not Too Bad
I went ahead and downloaded this book despite the negative reviews. I must say I was pleasantly surprised. It was a pretty good little mystery, albeit with some holes in the story.I thought the title character was interesting. I started reading with some trepidation as I have been disappointed by 'silly heroine' stories in the past. I found Haley to be pretty down to earth, however. True, there were some silly 'blonde' moments, but not what I had feared.It wasn't until rather late in the book that I started seeing what the outcome would be, which is a pleasant surprise.There were a few points that I found off putting:1) The character of Dutch. He is completely annoying. As someone who has been falsely accused himself; I found his insistence of Haley's guilt without giving her any benefit of the doubt and focusing only on how the situation affected him to be moronic. I was disappointed that author did a last minute 'redemption' of the character. Perhaps this works well with the sequels, but honestly I was hoping he would turn out to be the murderer and end up in the slam for the rest of his life.2) The Christian slant. I don't mind Christian literature at all. It can be powerful and enriching. However, I have never held with the 'just sit around and expect God to take care of everything' thought process. I firmly believe that God takes of those who take care of themselves. I found Haley's father's disapproval of Haley's ongoing quest to clear her name to be irritating. While Haley clearly needed to face her past and reconnect with her faith, I thought her father's behavior was weak and unsupportive.The same holds with Haley's therapist. While having a therapist who has faith in God is a plus, this character quickly dissolved into preachy and unbelievable. Again, like Haley's father, this character seemed to espouse letting God do all the work rather than encouraging Haley to be an advocate for herself.I also found the argument for 'choice' where sin is concerned to be overly simplistic. I think many things can contribute to criminal behavior, emotional and mental challenges to be among these. The suggestion that every wrong doing is simply a choice by the perpetrator and had they had 'faith' they wouldn't have commited the crime to be blatantly incorrect.3) Plot holes. **Spoiler** The turning point in the investigation seemed to be when Haley discovered the sculpture at the home of her longtime family friends. When she takes the sculpture and gives it to the lead investigator and they both realize that what Haley took for aged patina might just be blood from the murder victim, a lightbulb miraculously goes off in the investigator's mind. Suddenly, it's probable that Haley actually didn't commit the crime. To me, this was ridiculous. *Had* Haley been the perpetrator, then she would very likely have the murder weapon. Nobody but Haley knew that the sculpture appeared in the couple's home until after the murder. Her own photographs of the prospective spaces being designed showed no sculpture. She, as much as anybody, had access to the sculpture at the auction.I just found it strange that the piece of 'evidence' that suddenly seemed to point to her innocence would more likely be a solid clue *against* her.4) Editing problems. As is the case with many free and reduced downloads, the editing left a lot to be desired. Incorrect spelling and grammar was prevalent in this book.I am not sorry I downloaded and read this book, but it had more potential than the final product.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Design on a Crime
This could have been a good mystery however as the book went on it became more and more of a religious rant. I found myself skipping sentences, then paragraphs and finally pages of preaching, finding God, accepting God as your saviour, etc. It was so in your face that it became offensive. Never again.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Design on DESIGN
DESIGN ON CRIME is the first of three novels in Ginny Aiken's series. These books are very creatively written and enjoyable to read. The wit and humor are unique and an integral part of the story. How many books have a young female trying to solve a murder and the lead detective is Karate Chop Cop (Lila Tsu) with her band of Smurf cops? In the end, the villain is revealed to show that not everyone who says that he is a follower of Jesus is perfect or truly his.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
23 stars
Not the most empathetic protagonist I've ever read. To me Haley's extreme approach to catching the killer of her friend lacks any sensible thought. She runs from here to there making off the cuff accusations that anyone in their right mind would temper for fear of being the next victim.Thank goodness this was a free title, not sure how much if anything I would pay to ready further titles by this author.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Great Christian Cozy Mystery!
When I started reading this first book in the Deadly Décor Mysteries Series, I was expecting a basic "cozy mystery", but I received MUCH more!As Haley is launching her own interior design company, she finds her life suddenly out of control... again. Her mentor is found dead and she is considered the prime suspect. Haley's journey to stay out of jail leads her to a greater understanding of the people around her, how dealing (or not dealing) with your past can affect your present choices, and how if God always intervened, "he'd be no more than a master puppeteer."I laughed and cried (for a variety of reasons) throughout the book and was still guessing until the end about who was the murderer. I found several pieces of dialogue profound and thought-provoking. This is a must read!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
12 stars
Problematic Kindle formatting
There are a few issues with the Kindle version of the book. First, as another reviewer noted, the "Beginning" of the book is 28% into the book (Loc 645 of 2290 / page 82 of 270), which is way beyond the real beginning (Loc 9 / page 7). Second, there is something wrong with the font settings of this book - they appear to be one size too large. I set my Kindle Touch to the second smallest font setting, which gives me a comfortable 26 rows per page in most books. In this book, the same setting gives me only around 20 rows per page, which is too sparse for me (I already have line spacing set to small and words per line set to default). I have to set the font to the smallest size to get comparable density, but then the fonts become too light for me. The Typeface options are grayed out and cannot be changed at all. I suspect that the design-oriented author/producer locked down font settings in the Kindle version, and the "design" turns out to produce very poor results for this reader.As for content... well, this is really a religious fiction about a vulnerable soul in the sinful world finding solace and strength in the arms of God. The crime is straightforward, and the sleuthing is at best ineffective (and at worst counterproductive). You can probably take out the murder and still keep a similar ending, which tells you how unimportant the murder is to the plot.Read this book only as a religious novel (albeit one with almost no theological discussions). For mystery and suspense, look elsewhere.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Poorly written
I picked this book up because I was interested in design. However I couldn't finish it. It was predictable and pedestrian. As to the faith part, Father Brown mysteries are so much better - literate, profound and thrilling.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
NOTE: There is a formatting issue that caused this book to open at 28%. When I went to location 1, it took me to the beginning of the book.Now for the review! I really enjoyed this book a LOT! Suspense, humor, a rediscovery of Faith and self, and a light sprinkling of romance.It was easy for me to get into and relate to most all of the characters. While there are religious undertones, I found them to be addressed in a way that made Haley's journey very believable. It was at it's heart, a mystery. While I don't often read mysteries, I couldn't put this one down! The romantic tension was hinted at during the book, but was never forced. I'm excited to read the next book in the series to see what kind of a jam Haley gets herself into and whether or not romance is going to bloom!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
12 stars
Religion everywhere!
Nice try at writing a thriller which is why I give the book two stars. Even though the plot could be better, it's still interesting to find out who did it. What annoyed me a lot though is the religion that is thrown in, sometimes page after page. It doesn't start right away, so if you want to finish the book you have to stick with the religious aspects of it. Had I known this I wouldn't have downloaded the book. Why don't you mention it in the general description so people can make an informed choice?
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
God Awful
This book wasn't really that bad; it had room to be a really good mystery but it dragged on for far too long, and the heroine came across as nave, childish and annoying too many times to count. I definitely will not be reading the rest of the series.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Not interesting
I am an avid reader and I thought the premise of this book was right up my alley. The plot itself had promise and I really tried to continue reading the book, but I ended up stopping mid way (which is not something I do!) I found the book predictable and difficult to really get into. I didn't care for the characters and their relationships weren't built enough to care. Wish I could've liked the book but all in all I'm glad it was free!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
I just have to say this books got me started reading murder mysteries. YOU could really relate to the characters. The only thing i didn't like was that it ended. thank heavens they are a series.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
absolutely terrible
This was one of the worst books I've ever read. Everything about it was terrible - character development, thin plot, 4th rate writing style, constant blathering about heroine's feelings of desertion by God, rushed ending, etc. On second thought, the rushed ending was a blessing because it got me out of this torture sooner. Don't waste your time.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Another religious book
I should have read the reviews first. Too much religion for me. I wish the synopsis stated a little more about the book.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
01 star
Repetitive -- Vehicle for Christian Message
The dialogue is repetitive and predictable. Books seems to be a vehicle for Christian message, in a more heavy handed way than the better entries in this genre.
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
45 stars
Better than I thought it would never know what your getting with free kindle books. Typical chic murder mystery. Good writing, development of story, etc. Enjoyable read! I see the point of free kindle books....and with this one it had me looking up the rest of the series. THANKS!
Design on a Crime (Deadly Dcor Mysteries, Book 1)
34 stars
Design on a Crime (Deadly Décor Mysteries, Book 1)
Really enjoyed this mystery, it moved right along with no catches, no foul language or romance novel romances. Look forward to reading Book 2.