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201 | What if Ozzy Osbourne 's ` Crazy Train ' was about LeBron James ' pending free agency . | LeBron James | CLEVELAND -- LeBron James is leaving the Cavaliers next summer .
LeBron left the Cavs AND the Heat . | CLEVELAND -- [TGT] is leaving the Cavaliers next summer .
LeBron left the Cavs AND the Heat . | 1Neutral
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202 | 'Is this going to happen here?': After Florida shooting teens worry about their safety at school | Colleen Lance | Students mourn during a candlelight vigil for victims of yesterday ’ s shooting at nearby Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Fla . on Feb . 15 . ( Reuters / Carlos Garcia Rawlins ) Sixteen - year - old Colleen Lance ’ s English class spent much of its time on Thursday talking about what to do in case someone started shooting . “ Do we try to barricade the door ? Do we try to escape ? What are we supposed do during a shooting ?” she and her fellow students asked their substitute teacher . Lance ’ s classroom in Illinois was a thousand miles from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where a gunman opened fire on Wednesday and killed at least 17 people . But the news hit close to home . “ After Florida we were all definitely like ‘ Oh God is this going to happen here ?’ ” Lance said . “ It ’ s very anxious to go to school after a school shooting . It makes you more aware that you ’ re not safe .” Lance wasn ’ t alone in her anxiety . After the latest school shooting this time in Parkland Fla . teenagers across the country returned to their own high schools Thursday for another normal day . But then again Wednesday had started out as a normal day for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School . And it was hard not to think about that . Several students responded to a request from The Washington Post via Snapchat to talk about how the news of the tragedy weighed on them as they returned to their own classrooms . ( The Post spoke with some of those students by phone and contacted their schools to verify their identities and attendance .) [ A loud new voice after the latest school shooting : Kids wanting to know why adults hadn ’ t done more ] “ It makes me feel really concerned . It feels so much more common now ” said Rebecca Connor 15 who attends high school in Virginia . “ You don ’ t know where it ’ s going to happen next . It could happen at our school . There ’ s no way to tell .” She added that report after report of troubled students turning on their classmates “ makes me want to be nicer makes me want to take everyone ’ s feelings into account .” This type of response isn ’ t limited to high school students said Robin Gurwitch a psychologist at Duke University Medical Center . But teenagers are particularly vulnerable . “ With teens the more stressed they are about these events the more likely they are to have sleep problems difficulty concentrating and irritability . It can affect school performance and relationships with peers ” Gurwitch said . For some the overwhelming sensation wasn ’ t fear but weariness . “ It ’ s become such a common occurrence that it ’ s hard to have a reaction at some point ” said Aidan McGahey 15 who attends high school in Philadelphia . McGahey said his fellow students sometimes talk about shootings in the immediate aftermath and that his religion class had tackled the subject this week . Lance dissected the news with her friends who are similarly interested in keeping up with current events and fall on both sides of the political divide . Connor a budding news junkie who watches “ Morning Joe ” and keeps up to date with Apple News confessed that she and her friends didn ’ t discuss school shooting stories much because it would “ make it feel more real .” Gurwitch said that taking time away from the news was critical for teenagers when a story like the Parkland massacre is dominating headlines . She emphasized activities like reading sports listening to music or other activities that allow people to avoid social media or the news for a set period of time . The American Psychological Association has issued similar guidelines for people of all ages dealing with stress related to school shootings in the news . [ We ’ re used to experiencing mass shootings online . But Parkland brought us into the classroom . ] It ’ s not uncommon for schools to have lockdown drills or add security systems to protect students in the event of an attack . But in addition to physical security measures Gurwitch said schools should allow discussions about traumatic events “ in a smaller group so if there are concerns [ students ] feel comfortable asking a question or commenting on something they may have heard .” No matter how many safe spaces schools create the teenagers expressed frustration at the recurring issue of school shootings . “ It ’ s not something we can sit back and say ‘ it ’ s a part of our society ’. We need to be taking active steps to resolve ” McGahey said . “ I think we need to work to stop this .” “ It makes me upset that it ’ s something I do have to think about . I just want to focus on my grades and graduating and going to college and becoming a young adult ” Lance said . “ I don ’ t want to think about getting shot when I go to school .” | Students mourn during a candlelight vigil for victims of yesterday ’ s shooting at nearby Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Fla . on Feb . 15 . ( Reuters / Carlos Garcia Rawlins ) Sixteen - year - old [TGT] ’ s English class spent much of its time on Thursday talking about what to do in case someone started shooting . “ Do we try to barricade the door ? Do we try to escape ? What are we supposed do during a shooting ?” she and her fellow students asked their substitute teacher . Lance ’ s classroom in Illinois was a thousand miles from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where a gunman opened fire on Wednesday and killed at least 17 people . But the news hit close to home . “ After Florida we were all definitely like ‘ Oh God is this going to happen here ?’ ” Lance said . “ It ’ s very anxious to go to school after a school shooting . It makes you more aware that you ’ re not safe .” Lance wasn ’ t alone in her anxiety . After the latest school shooting this time in Parkland Fla . teenagers across the country returned to their own high schools Thursday for another normal day . But then again Wednesday had started out as a normal day for Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School . And it was hard not to think about that . Several students responded to a request from The Washington Post via Snapchat to talk about how the news of the tragedy weighed on them as they returned to their own classrooms . ( The Post spoke with some of those students by phone and contacted their schools to verify their identities and attendance .) [ A loud new voice after the latest school shooting : Kids wanting to know why adults hadn ’ t done more ] “ It makes me feel really concerned . It feels so much more common now ” said Rebecca Connor 15 who attends high school in Virginia . “ You don ’ t know where it ’ s going to happen next . It could happen at our school . There ’ s no way to tell .” She added that report after report of troubled students turning on their classmates “ makes me want to be nicer makes me want to take everyone ’ s feelings into account .” This type of response isn ’ t limited to high school students said Robin Gurwitch a psychologist at Duke University Medical Center . But teenagers are particularly vulnerable . “ With teens the more stressed they are about these events the more likely they are to have sleep problems difficulty concentrating and irritability . It can affect school performance and relationships with peers ” Gurwitch said . For some the overwhelming sensation wasn ’ t fear but weariness . “ It ’ s become such a common occurrence that it ’ s hard to have a reaction at some point ” said Aidan McGahey 15 who attends high school in Philadelphia . McGahey said his fellow students sometimes talk about shootings in the immediate aftermath and that his religion class had tackled the subject this week . Lance dissected the news with her friends who are similarly interested in keeping up with current events and fall on both sides of the political divide . Connor a budding news junkie who watches “ Morning Joe ” and keeps up to date with Apple News confessed that she and her friends didn ’ t discuss school shooting stories much because it would “ make it feel more real .” Gurwitch said that taking time away from the news was critical for teenagers when a story like the Parkland massacre is dominating headlines . She emphasized activities like reading sports listening to music or other activities that allow people to avoid social media or the news for a set period of time . The American Psychological Association has issued similar guidelines for people of all ages dealing with stress related to school shootings in the news . [ We ’ re used to experiencing mass shootings online . But Parkland brought us into the classroom . ] It ’ s not uncommon for schools to have lockdown drills or add security systems to protect students in the event of an attack . But in addition to physical security measures Gurwitch said schools should allow discussions about traumatic events “ in a smaller group so if there are concerns [ students ] feel comfortable asking a question or commenting on something they may have heard .” No matter how many safe spaces schools create the teenagers expressed frustration at the recurring issue of school shootings . “ It ’ s not something we can sit back and say ‘ it ’ s a part of our society ’. We need to be taking active steps to resolve ” McGahey said . “ I think we need to work to stop this .” “ It makes me upset that it ’ s something I do have to think about . I just want to focus on my grades and graduating and going to college and becoming a young adult ” Lance said . “ I don ’ t want to think about getting shot when I go to school .” | 1Neutral
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203 | Bernie backers give Dem incumbents a pass in 2018 . | Bernie Sanders | "There 's some reluctance to put a lot of time into -LSB- unseating Democrats -RSB- , versus -LSB- building -RSB- a more progressive Congress overall ," said former Communications Workers of America union President Larry Cohen , a top Bernie Sanders adviser who now chairs the board of the Our Revolution political group that was spawned from the senator 's 2016 presidential campaign . | "There 's some reluctance to put a lot of time into -LSB- unseating Democrats -RSB- , versus -LSB- building -RSB- a more progressive Congress overall ," said former Communications Workers of America union President Larry Cohen , a top [TGT] adviser who now chairs the board of the Our Revolution political group that was spawned from the senator 's 2016 presidential campaign . | 1Neutral
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204 | LeBron James impressed by Khalil Tate 's record-breaking performance vs. Colorado . | LeBron James | He also got some love from SportsCenter and NBA superstar LeBron James .
"Sheesh ," James commented along with a few emojis on an Instagram post with Tate 's highlights : . | He also got some love from SportsCenter and NBA superstar [TGT] .
"Sheesh ," [TGT] commented along with a few emojis on an Instagram post with Tate 's highlights : . | 1Neutral
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205 | How to use Instagram to get lucky | Demi Lovato | Move over Tinder and Match . Millennials are hooking up and even finding love on Instagram . “ It ’ s changed the way people communicate ” says Mary Beth Barone a 26 - year - old comedian based in the East Village who says men often message her on the photo - sharing network . “ There ’ s so much more access — you can see people ’ s lives so you automatically have something to talk about with them .” Here six ways 20 - and 30 - somethings are getting Insta - mate . The thirst trap A post shared by Sabrina Zohar (@ sabrina . zohar ) on Feb 6 2018 at 5 : 42am PST Last week singer Demi Lovato was called out for trying to trap her prey actor Henry Cavill when she uploaded a sexy snap of herself in lingerie shortly after following Cavill ’ s account . Sabrina Zohar who is 27 and the founder of clothing company Softwear regularly posts photos of herself clad in lingerie lounging around her swanky Williamsburg apartment . Male followers flood her with flirtatious comments and that ’ s precisely one of her intentions with her “ thirst traps ” — pics meant to catch a love interest ’ s eye . But there ’ s more to Instagram flirting than just scantily clad pics . Zohar adds an “ authentic ” caption about self - love and empowerment to let her audience know she ’ s genuine . She recently uploaded a black - and - white photo of herself in a bodysuit pantless lying down on a shaggy rug with the caption : “ Love yourself first the rest will fall into place .” Zohar who ’ s single and has met a handful of first dates on Instagram says such messages help her find the sort of men she ’ s looking for . “ If I wanna look for a mate that ’ s a bit more authentic more real more in touch with themselves [ the captions ] will resonate with them so that they understand me more than ‘ She ’ s a sexy girl just posting a lingerie photo .’ There ’ s more depth to it .” Baiting with a cute animal A post shared by Danny Visconti (@ dannyveee ) on Jan 2 2018 at 10 : 08am PST You don ’ t need to be perfectly ripped to get someone ’ s attention . Danny Visconti a 32 - year - old television producer in the West Village says the most alluring feature on his Instagram feed is his 11 - month - old rescue Lab mix Clint . “ I ’ ll usually get a lot of responses just being like ‘ Oh my God he ’ s so cute ” says Visconti who ’ s currently single but has been on a handful of dates with men he met on Instagram . “[ I ’ ll say ] ‘ Oh you know you can come meet him anytime you like .’ And then a handful of times they do .” The deep like Going into the archives of someone ’ s profile and liking a weeks - old or months - old photo is a bold way to express romantic interest . “ This is the Instagram flirting equivalent of making a mixtape for your crush ” says Drew Wyman a 29 - year - old entrepreneur who met his girlfriend on the social network . “ It ’ s obvious .” Sliding into the DMs Sending a flirty message to someone ’ s Instagram inbox has become a go - to move for many . ‘ Guys tend to be courageous about what they say ’ Dara Pollak a food blogger whose @ skinnypignyc account has 84 000 followers says she ’ s been flooded with direct messages from men in response to her photos of decadent burgers and cheesy pastas . “ Guys tend to be courageous about what they say ” says Pollak who notes that the best way to stand out is by being honest and straightforward while providing background on yourself . For example a guy recently messaged her : “ I refuse to believe you eat all this and look as good as you do … but if you ever want to prove it I ’ ll buy . Here ’ s my number .” Pollak was charmed but says she ’ s currently not looking to meet anyone online . Stand out with a ‘ Story ’ Zohar says that uploading Instagram Stories — temporary posts of videos or multiple photos that expire after 24 hours — can more effectively grab someone ’ s attention than a permanent post . “ It ’ s because of the algorithm ” Zohar says . “ Not everybody sees my [ permanent ] posts but with the live videos [ it ’ s more certain ] somebody will see it .” Every time she uploads a Story of herself in her underwear Zohar receives anywhere from “ 10 to 15 ” direct messages . Zohar says : “ It ’ s because people perceive I ’ m active [ online ] when I put a Story up .” Tag your way to the ‘ Explore ’ tab Instagram ’ s “ Explore ” tab which shows a grid of photos from other strangers based on your network and interests is also a meet market according to kickboxing instructor Suki Komonaj 28 . She went on a date with a guy she found on the Explore page because he had similar interests in fitness and had some attractive workout pics . “ I ’ m always on that page ” says Komonaj who ’ s based in The Bronx and is currently single . To attract fitness - minded guys to her page she uses hashtags such as # fit # boxing and # fitthick to get on like - minded ( and like - bodied ) men ’ s Explore tabs . “ I wanna target somebody who likes to be in the gym like me owning a business and such ” Komonaj says . | Move over Tinder and Match . Millennials are hooking up and even finding love on Instagram . “ It ’ s changed the way people communicate ” says Mary Beth Barone a 26 - year - old comedian based in the East Village who says men often message her on the photo - sharing network . “ There ’ s so much more access — you can see people ’ s lives so you automatically have something to talk about with them .” Here six ways 20 - and 30 - somethings are getting Insta - mate . The thirst trap A post shared by Sabrina Zohar (@ sabrina . zohar ) on Feb 6 2018 at 5 : 42am PST Last week [TGT]was called out for trying to trap [TGT] prey actor Henry Cavill when she uploaded a sexy snap of herself in lingerie shortly after following Cavill ’ s account . Sabrina Zohar who is 27 and the founder of clothing company Softwear regularly posts photos of herself clad in lingerie lounging around her swanky Williamsburg apartment . Male followers flood her with flirtatious comments and that ’ s precisely one of her intentions with her “ thirst traps ” — pics meant to catch a love interest ’ s eye . But there ’ s more to Instagram flirting than just scantily clad pics . Zohar adds an “ authentic ” caption about self - love and empowerment to let her audience know she ’ s genuine . She recently uploaded a black - and - white photo of herself in a bodysuit pantless lying down on a shaggy rug with the caption : “ Love yourself first the rest will fall into place .” Zohar who ’ s single and has met a handful of first dates on Instagram says such messages help her find the sort of men she ’ s looking for . “ If I wanna look for a mate that ’ s a bit more authentic more real more in touch with themselves [ the captions ] will resonate with them so that they understand me more than ‘ She ’ s a sexy girl just posting a lingerie photo .’ There ’ s more depth to it .” Baiting with a cute animal A post shared by Danny Visconti (@ dannyveee ) on Jan 2 2018 at 10 : 08am PST You don ’ t need to be perfectly ripped to get someone ’ s attention . Danny Visconti a 32 - year - old television producer in the West Village says the most alluring feature on his Instagram feed is his 11 - month - old rescue Lab mix Clint . “ I ’ ll usually get a lot of responses just being like ‘ Oh my God he ’ s so cute ” says Visconti who ’ s currently single but has been on a handful of dates with men he met on Instagram . “[ I ’ ll say ] ‘ Oh you know you can come meet him anytime you like .’ And then a handful of times they do .” The deep like Going into the archives of someone ’ s profile and liking a weeks - old or months - old photo is a bold way to express romantic interest . “ This is the Instagram flirting equivalent of making a mixtape for your crush ” says Drew Wyman a 29 - year - old entrepreneur who met his girlfriend on the social network . “ It ’ s obvious .” Sliding into the DMs Sending a flirty message to someone ’ s Instagram inbox has become a go - to move for many . ‘ Guys tend to be courageous about what they say ’ Dara Pollak a food blogger whose @ skinnypignyc account has 84 000 followers says she ’ s been flooded with direct messages from men in response to her photos of decadent burgers and cheesy pastas . “ Guys tend to be courageous about what they say ” says Pollak who notes that the best way to stand out is by being honest and straightforward while providing background on yourself . For example a guy recently messaged her : “ I refuse to believe you eat all this and look as good as you do … but if you ever want to prove it I ’ ll buy . Here ’ s my number .” Pollak was charmed but says she ’ s currently not looking to meet anyone online . Stand out with a ‘ Story ’ Zohar says that uploading Instagram Stories — temporary posts of videos or multiple photos that expire after 24 hours — can more effectively grab someone ’ s attention than a permanent post . “ It ’ s because of the algorithm ” Zohar says . “ Not everybody sees my [ permanent ] posts but with the live videos [ it ’ s more certain ] somebody will see it .” Every time she uploads a Story of herself in her underwear Zohar receives anywhere from “ 10 to 15 ” direct messages . Zohar says : “ It ’ s because people perceive I ’ m active [ online ] when I put a Story up .” Tag your way to the ‘ Explore ’ tab Instagram ’ s “ Explore ” tab which shows a grid of photos from other strangers based on your network and interests is also a meet market according to kickboxing instructor Suki Komonaj 28 . She went on a date with a guy she found on the Explore page because he had similar interests in fitness and had some attractive workout pics . “ I ’ m always on that page ” says Komonaj who ’ s based in The Bronx and is currently single . To attract fitness - minded guys to her page she uses hashtags such as # fit # boxing and # fitthick to get on like - minded ( and like - bodied ) men ’ s Explore tabs . “ I wanna target somebody who likes to be in the gym like me owning a business and such ” Komonaj says . | 2Positive
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206 | Knicks ' Michael Beasley says he 's as talented as LeBron James and Kevin Durant . | LeBron James | "As far as talent-wise , I match up with Kevin -LSB- Durant -RSB- , LeBron -LSB- James -RSB- , I match up with the best guys in the world ," Beasley told Bleacher Report 's Yaron Weitzman .
It 's safe to say , however , that even at his best he wo n't come close to approaching the productivity of LeBron James or Kevin Durant . | "As far as talent-wise , I match up with Kevin -LSB- Durant -RSB- , LeBron -LSB- James -RSB- , I match up with the best guys in the world ," Beasley told Bleacher Report 's Yaron Weitzman .
It 's safe to say , however , that even at his best he wo n't come close to approaching the productivity of [TGT] or Kevin Durant . | 2Positive
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207 | Pompeo has already been preparing to take over the State Department | Rex Tillerson | From left CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson . ( Photos by Bill O ’ Leary / The Washington Post and Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post ) Since well before the White House plan to replace Secretary of State Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo became public Thursday Pompeo had been informally preparing to take over in Foggy Bottom reaching out to potential candidates for positions and collecting ideas . “ Pompeo is quietly looking at staff and figuring out how the department could be reorganized to be effective again ” a White House official told me . A CIA spokesman declined to comment . Pompeo has been calling around to friends and top Republican foreign policy hands and asking them to help him get ready to be America ’ s top diplomat if he is ultimately chosen two GOP foreign policy sources who are familiar with the calls said . The Trump administration denied Thursday that the White House has drawn up plans to replace Tillerson with Pompeo and then appoint Sen . Tom Cotton ( R - Ark .) to be CIA director as first reported by the New York Times . But White House officials confirmed to me that such a plan does exist drawn up by Chief of Staff John F . Kelly . It is still unclear if President Trump has personally approved the plan officials said and the timing is also uncertain . In this clip from The Washington Post ' s weekly Opinions roundup " It ' s Only Thursday " opinion writers Jonathan Capehart Jo - Ann Armao and Ruth Marcus weigh in on reports that the White House is planning to replace Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo . ( The Washington Post ) State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Kelly called Tillerson ’ s chief of staff Margaret Peterlin Thursday morning to dispute the reports . Tillerson is going about his normal business she said and was not rattled . “ The White House statement confirmed there will be no personnel changes ” she said . “ Secretary Tillerson enjoys this job he has a lot of work to do .” Tillerson and Trump met twice Thursday . In a pool meeting with reporters Trump answered questions about Tillerson simply by saying “ He ’ s here . Rex is here .” Several State Department officials said Thursday they were happy that Tillerson was leaving and hopeful that Pompeo if selected would give them a fresh start with the Trump administration . Morale is low in Foggy Bottom amid budget and staffing cuts hiring freezes a departure of top talent and scores of vacant top - level positions . Tillerson ’ s support on Capitol Hill has also deteriorated in recent weeks as lawmakers in both parties openly criticized his ongoing reorganization initiative . The main State Department official in charge of that effort Maliz Beams quit her job earlier this week . Tillerson has consistently denied reports he is considering leaving or anticipating being pushed out . This week he pushed back against reports the diplomatic core is in trouble . Last month he denied being aware of the low morale and overall discontent with his leadership at the State Department . “ If it ’ s as bad as it seems to be described I ’ m not seeing it I ’ m not getting it ” he said . If Pompeo does become secretary of state his first task should be to repair the Trump administration ’ s relationship with the thousands of State Department employees who are ready to follow him if he is ready to lead them . | From left CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson . ( Photos by Bill O ’ Leary / The Washington Post and Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post ) Since well before the White House plan to replace Secretary of State Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo became public Thursday Pompeo had been informally preparing to take over in Foggy Bottom reaching out to potential candidates for positions and collecting ideas . “ Pompeo is quietly looking at staff and figuring out how the department could be reorganized to be effective again ” a White House official told me . A CIA spokesman declined to comment . Pompeo has been calling around to friends and top Republican foreign policy hands and asking them to help him get ready to be America ’ s top diplomat if he is ultimately chosen two GOP foreign policy sources who are familiar with the calls said . The Trump administration denied Thursday that the White House has drawn up plans to replace Tillerson with Pompeo and then appoint Sen . Tom Cotton ( R - Ark .) to be CIA director as first reported by the New York Times . But White House officials confirmed to me that such a plan does exist drawn up by Chief of Staff John F . Kelly . It is still unclear if President Trump has personally approved the plan officials said and the timing is also uncertain . In this clip from The Washington Post ' s weekly Opinions roundup " It ' s Only Thursday " opinion writers Jonathan Capehart Jo - Ann Armao and Ruth Marcus weigh in on [TGT] . ( The Washington Post ) State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Kelly called Tillerson ’ s chief of staff Margaret Peterlin Thursday morning to dispute [TGT] . [TGT] is going about [TGT] normal business she said and was not rattled . “ The White House statement confirmed there will be no personnel changes ” she said . [TGT] enjoys this job [TGT] has a lot of work to do .” Tillerson and Trump met twice Thursday . In a pool meeting with reporters Trump answered questions about Tillerson simply by saying “ [TGT] ’ s here . Rex is here .” Several State Department officials said Thursday they were happy that [TGT]was leaving and hopeful that Pompeo if selected would give them a fresh start with the Trump administration . Morale is low in Foggy Bottom amid budget and staffing cuts hiring freezes a departure of top talent and scores of vacant top - level positions . Tillerson ’ s support on Capitol Hill has also deteriorated in recent weeks as lawmakers in both parties openly criticized his ongoing reorganization initiative . The main State Department official in charge of that effort Maliz Beams quit her job earlier this week . [TGT]has consistently denied reports [TGT] is considering leaving or anticipating being pushed out . This week [TGT] pushed back against reports the diplomatic core is in trouble . Last month [TGT] denied being aware of the low morale and overall discontent with [TGT] leadership at the State Department . “ If it ’ s as bad as it seems to be described I ’ m not seeing it I ’ m not getting it ” he said . If Pompeo does become secretary of state his first task should be to repair the Trump administration ’ s relationship with the thousands of State Department employees who are ready to follow him if he is ready to lead them . | 1Neutral
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208 | LeBron James | During the 2015 NBA Finals , LeBron James became the pulsating core of the series , and everything else , including the results , moved to the fringes .
Without his two best teammates , Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving , James scored the second-highest percentage of a team 's points in Finals history and became the first player to ever lead a Finals series in points , assists , and rebounds per game . | During the 2015 NBA Finals , [TGT] became the pulsating core of the series , and everything else , including the results , moved to the fringes .
Without [TGT] two best teammates , Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving , [TGT] scored the second-highest percentage of a team 's points in Finals history and became the first player to ever lead a Finals series in points , assists , and rebounds per game . | 2Positive
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209 | Celebrity publicist Clifford dies during sex crimes sentence | Max Clifford | Disgraced celebrity publicist Max Clifford a confidant to the stars who fell from grace amid Britain ' s investigation of past sexual abuse died Sunday after collapsing in prison . Once one of the most powerful figures in British entertainment Clifford was convicted in 2014 of eight counts of indecent assault stemming from attacks on teenagers dating back more than 40 years . He was serving an 8 - year prison sentence at Littlehey Prison in Cambridgeshire when he died Britain ' s Ministry of Justice said . Clifford was once as well known as the people he represented — the go - to guy for celebrities looking to limit the damage from drug problems legal issues or declining popularity . His clients included TV mogul Simon Cowell and former Harrods owner Mohamed al - Fayed as well as dozens of ordinary people who found themselves in the news vortex and sought to sell their stories to the press — a common practice in Britain . The public relations guru was arrested in December 2012 amid allegations that he lured girls as young as 14 into sex by offering them acting roles . Clifford immediately swung into damage - control mode vowing to clear his name of the charges some of which stemmed from the 1970s and ' 80s . " The allegations in respect of which I have been charged are completely false — very upsetting very distressing but completely false " he told reporters outside his home at the time . " I have never indecently assaulted anyone in my life and this will become clear during the course of the proceedings ." Clifford was arrested as part of an investigation called Operation Yewtree a wide - ranging inquiry into allegations of past offenses spurred by the case of Jimmy Savile a well - known British entertainer accused of abusing hundreds of girls and women . The Savile case shocked Britain and embarrassed his employer the BBC which was accused of killing an investigation into Savile ' s alleged crimes . The resulting upheaval is comparable to the stream of sexual misconduct allegations leveled at American actors politicians and media personalities following revelations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein . Before he was arrested Clifford told The Associated Press that he was receiving calls from many celebrities and entertainers who were worried they would be caught up in the widening Savile investigation . " They ' re phoning me and saying ' Max I ' m worried that I ' m going to be implicated ' " Clifford said at the time . " A lot of them can ' t remember what they did last week never mind 30 or 40 years ago ." Clifford ' s daughter Louise told the Mail on Sunday that her father first collapsed on Thursday as he was trying to tidy his prison cell . He collapsed again the following day and was taken to a hospital where suffered a heart attack . She told the newspaper he had been in a " bad way " in a critical care unit . " It was just too much " she said . | [TGT]died Sunday after collapsing in prison . Once one of the most powerful figures in British entertainment [TGT] was convicted in 2014 of eight counts of indecent assault stemming from attacks on teenagers dating back more than 40 years . [TGT] was serving an 8 - year prison sentence at Littlehey Prison in Cambridgeshire when [TGT] died Britain ' s Ministry of Justice said . [TGT] was once as well known as the people [TGT] represented — the go - to guy for celebrities looking to limit the damage from drug problems legal issues or declining popularity . [TGT] clients included TV mogul Simon Cowell and former Harrods owner Mohamed al - Fayed as well as dozens of ordinary people who found themselves in the news vortex and sought to sell their stories to the press — a common practice in Britain . The public relations guru was arrested in December 2012 amid allegations that he lured girls as young as 14 into sex by offering them acting roles . [TGT]immediately swung into damage - control mode vowing to clear [TGT] name of the charges some of which stemmed from the 1970s and ' 80s . " The allegations in respect of which I have been charged are completely false — very upsetting very distressing but completely false " he told reporters outside his home at the time . " I have never indecently assaulted anyone in my life and this will become clear during the course of the proceedings ." [TGT] was arrested as part of an investigation called Operation Yewtree a wide - ranging inquiry into allegations of past offenses spurred by the case of Jimmy Savile a well - known British entertainer accused of abusing hundreds of girls and women . The Savile case shocked Britain and embarrassed his employer the BBC which was accused of killing an investigation into Savile ' s alleged crimes . The resulting upheaval is comparable to the stream of sexual misconduct allegations leveled at American actors politicians and media personalities following revelations about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein . Before he was arrested [TGT] told The Associated Press that he was receiving calls from many celebrities and entertainers who were worried they would be caught up in the widening Savile investigation . " They ' re phoning me and saying ' Max I ' m worried that I ' m going to be implicated ' [TGT] said at the time . " A lot of them can ' t remember what they did last week never mind 30 or 40 years ago ." [TGT] daughter Louise told the Mail on Sunday that her father first collapsed on Thursday as he was trying to tidy his prison cell . He collapsed again the following day and was taken to a hospital where suffered a heart attack . She told the newspaper he had been in a " bad way " in a critical care unit . " It was just too much " she said . | 0Negative
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210 | Meet Niki Ashton , the Bernie Sanders of Canada . | Bernie Sanders | Ashton seems to have learned the right lessons from that debacle , has taken inspiration from the insurgent , unapologetically progressive campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn , and hopes to both bring the NDP back to its left-wing roots and ride the same populist wave that propelled those two perennial afterthought backbenchers into the international spotlight . | Ashton seems to have learned the right lessons from that debacle , has taken inspiration from the insurgent , unapologetically progressive campaigns of [TGT] and Jeremy Corbyn , and hopes to both bring the NDP back to its left-wing roots and ride the same populist wave that propelled those two perennial afterthought backbenchers into the international spotlight . | 2Positive
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211 | Slow start for Lufthansa on new U.S. route after Air Berlin collapse | Harry Hohmeister | Lufthansa ’ s ( LHAG . DE ) first flight from Berlin to the United States in over 16 years took off on Wednesday although a slow start to sales shows the difficulties involved in trying to replace the gaps left by insolvent rival Air Berlin . FILE PHOTO : A Lufthansa Airbus A321 - 200 plane is seen at Tegel airport in Berlin Germany November 2 2017 . REUTERS / Axel Schmidt Germany ’ s second largest carrier Air Berlin ( AB1 . DE ) filed for insolvency in August and carried out its last flight at the end of last month leaving a gap in the market for long - haul flights from the German capital in particular . “ Of course bookings are slow at this stage ” Lufthansa board member Harry Hohmeister told Reuters at Berlin ’ s Tegel airport ahead of the departure of the flight to New York ’ s JFK on Wednesday . He said that usually Lufthansa would give 12 months notice of a new long - haul route or eight months at a minimum but in this case it had only six weeks to sell tickets ahead of the first flight . “ The next four weeks will be difficult then we get a peak at Christmas time and then it will develop better otherwise we wouldn ’ t do it ” Hohmeister said . Lufthansa has traditionally shied away from long - haul flights from Berlin instead flying intercontinental routes from its hubs in Frankfurt and Munich . Hohmeister said the Lufthansa group was currently looking at other long - haul options from Berlin but that any would likely be flown by its budget arm Eurowings . Lufthansa is currently awaiting EU approval for a deal to take over large parts of Air Berlin which will see it adding 81 planes to the group . The collapse of Air Berlin means Berlin Airports will see a dip in passenger number growth this year after a period of strong demand . Britain ’ s easyJet ( EZJ . L ) which is planning to take over some Air Berlin operations at Tegel has said it expects to run a reduced schedule this winter from the airport . “ We expect that new partners will quickly bring growth ” Berlin Airports CEO Engelbert Luetke Dalderup said urging Lufthansa to “ never say never ” to the idea of Berlin as a hub . | Lufthansa ’ s ( LHAG . DE ) first flight from Berlin to the United States in over 16 years took off on Wednesday although a slow start to sales shows the difficulties involved in trying to replace the gaps left by insolvent rival Air Berlin . FILE PHOTO : A Lufthansa Airbus A321 - 200 plane is seen at Tegel airport in Berlin Germany November 2 2017 . REUTERS / Axel Schmidt Germany ’ s second largest carrier Air Berlin ( AB1 . DE ) filed for insolvency in August and carried out its last flight at the end of last month leaving a gap in the market for long - haul flights from the German capital in particular . “ Of course bookings are slow at this stage ” [TGT]told Reuters at Berlin ’ s Tegel airport ahead of the departure of the flight to New York ’ s JFK on Wednesday . [TGT] said that usually Lufthansa would give 12 months notice of a new long - haul route or eight months at a minimum but in this case it had only six weeks to sell tickets ahead of the first flight . “ The next four weeks will be difficult then we get a peak at Christmas time and then it will develop better otherwise we wouldn ’ t do it ” [TGT]said . Lufthansa has traditionally shied away from long - haul flights from Berlin instead flying intercontinental routes from its hubs in Frankfurt and Munich . [TGT]said the Lufthansa group was currently looking at other long - haul options from Berlin but that any would likely be flown by its budget arm Eurowings . Lufthansa is currently awaiting EU approval for a deal to take over large parts of Air Berlin which will see it adding 81 planes to the group . The collapse of Air Berlin means Berlin Airports will see a dip in passenger number growth this year after a period of strong demand . Britain ’ s easyJet ( EZJ . L ) which is planning to take over some Air Berlin operations at Tegel has said it expects to run a reduced schedule this winter from the airport . “ We expect that new partners will quickly bring growth ” Berlin Airports CEO Engelbert Luetke Dalderup said urging Lufthansa to “ never say never ” to the idea of Berlin as a hub . | 1Neutral
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212 | Waste Management Reinvesting Tax Reform Savings | Jim Fish | Waste Management is taking nearly all of the money it saved because of the lower corporate tax rate and reinvesting it back into the economy CEO Jim Fish said Friday . Fish appeared on CNBC ' s " Squawk Box " and discussed the tax reform legislation that was signed into law before Christmas . " We ' re a pretty good barometer for the economy because we see it on every segment of the economy whether it ' s the industrial side or services side " Fish said . " Right now we ' re seeing a very good economy . " We grew our revenue by over 6 percent last year organically in a 2 to 3 percent economy . We like what tax reform has done for us so far ." Fish said the Houston - based company paid slightly over 36 percent of its 2017 revenue on federal taxes a figure he said will drop to roughly 26 percent under the new guidelines . " The benefit to us was about $ 275 million " Fish said . " We gave about $ 70 million back to employees through a bonus and then we ' re spending an extra $ 150 [ million ] by accelerating some spending on trucks and some IT spends . So about three - quarters to 80 percent of it ' s gonna go back into the economy . And then we think it will benefit shareholders on the back end of the cycle ." The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 25 percent in 2017 and in the wake of the tax law ' s passage had a strong start to 2018 . The market has been volatile in recent weeks however but Americans don ' t seem too worried about the losses . | Waste Management is taking nearly all of the money it saved because of the lower corporate tax rate and reinvesting it back into the economy CEO [TGT] said Friday . Fish appeared on CNBC ' s " Squawk Box " and discussed the tax reform legislation that was signed into law before Christmas . " We ' re a pretty good barometer for the economy because we see it on every segment of the economy whether it ' s the industrial side or services side " Fish said . " Right now we ' re seeing a very good economy . " We grew our revenue by over 6 percent last year organically in a 2 to 3 percent economy . We like what tax reform has done for us so far ." Fish said the Houston - based company paid slightly over 36 percent of its 2017 revenue on federal taxes a figure he said will drop to roughly 26 percent under the new guidelines . " The benefit to us was about $ 275 million " Fish said . " We gave about $ 70 million back to employees through a bonus and then we ' re spending an extra $ 150 [ million ] by accelerating some spending on trucks and some IT spends . So about three - quarters to 80 percent of it ' s gonna go back into the economy . And then we think it will benefit shareholders on the back end of the cycle ." The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 25 percent in 2017 and in the wake of the tax law ' s passage had a strong start to 2018 . The market has been volatile in recent weeks however but Americans don ' t seem too worried about the losses . | 1Neutral
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213 | Sen. Booker co-sponsoring Bernie Sanders ' ` Medicare for all ' bill . | Bernie Sanders | 62153 62153 62153 Booker co-sponsoring Bernie Sanders ' health care bill Booker is signing on to the health care plan , along with other senators likely to contend for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination .
Sanders ' office has announced he will introduce the bill on Wednesday .
Sen. Cory Booker announced first on NJTV News that he is co-sponsoring Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ' single-payer health care bill .
The "Medicare for all" plan has been estimated to cost $ 1.38 trillion per year and would be paid for with a combination of limiting tax deductions and increasing income tax for the wealthy , according to Sanders ' website .
"The only long-term solution to America 's health care crisis is a single-payer national health care program ," said Sanders .
As a presidential candidate in 2016 , Sanders made single-payer health care a key part of his platform .
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and California Sen. Kamala Harris have already announced they are co-sponsoring Sanders ' bill . | 62153 62153 62153 Booker co-sponsoring [TGT] health care bill Booker is signing on to the health care plan , along with other senators likely to contend for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination .
[TGT] office has announced [TGT] will introduce the bill on Wednesday .
Sen. Cory Booker announced first on NJTV News that he is co-sponsoring Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders ' single-payer health care bill .
The "Medicare for all" plan has been estimated to cost $ 1.38 trillion per year and would be paid for with a combination of limiting tax deductions and increasing income tax for the wealthy , according to [TGT] ' website .
"The only long-term solution to America 's health care crisis is a single-payer national health care program ," said [TGT] .
As a presidential candidate in 2016 , [TGT] made single-payer health care a key part of [TGT] platform .
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and California Sen. Kamala Harris have already announced they are co-sponsoring [TGT] bill . | 1Neutral
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214 | Russia accuses US of election interference | Alexei Navalny | A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Tuesday said the US was meddling in Russia ' s coming presidential election by condemning the decision to bar the opposition candidate Alexei Navalny from running . " This State Department statement which I ' m sure will be repeated is a direct interference in our electoral process and internal affairs " the spokeswoman wrote . Russia ' s Election Commission barred Navalny from running last week citing a previous embezzlement conviction . The European Court of Human Rights has called that conviction " arbitrary " and " unreasonable ." The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Tuesday accused the US of " direct interference in our electoral process and internal affairs " following the State Department ' s criticism of Russia ' s decision to bar the opposition leader Alexey Navalny from running in the coming presidential election against Vladimir Putin . " This State Department statement which I ' m sure will be repeated is a direct interference in our electoral process and internal affairs " Zakharova wrote Tuesday on Facebook . In a statement shared with Business Insider on Tuesday night a State Department representative expressed concern over the Russian government ' s " ongoing crackdown against independent voices from journalists to civil society activists and opposition politicians ." " These actions indicate the Russian government has failed to protect space in Russia for the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms " the statement said . " More broadly we urge the government of Russia to hold genuine elections that are transparent fair and free and that guarantee the free expression of the will of the people consistent with its international human rights obligations ." " And these people expressed outrage over alleged Russian ' interference ' in their electoral process for an entire year ?!" " The funniest thing is that these are the same people who just tagged RT and Sputnik as foreign agents who are harassing Russian media around the world and who are investing huge amounts of money into ' countering Russian propaganda ' which is how they label anyone who they disagree with " she wrote . A declassified US intelligence assessment of the 2016 election determined that Russian government actors ordered by Putin used " cyber tools and media campaigns to influence US public opinion " and " undermine public faith in the US democratic process ." Russian government - linked actors it said " began openly supporting President - elect Trump ' s candidacy in media aimed at English - speaking audiences " in March 2016 . Those media outlets included Sputnik and RT which the report characterized as " the Kremlin ’ s principal international propaganda outlet ." Sputnik and RT ' s US affiliate registered as foreign agents with the Justice Department in November . Navalny to announce ' a voters ' strike ' Navalny a lawyer and activist replaced Boris Nemtsov as leader of Russia ' s democratic opposition following Nemtsov ' s 2015 assassination in the shadow of the Kremlin . One day after Navalny registered as a candidate for Russia ' s next presidential election which will be held in March Russia ' s Central Election Commission barred him from running citing a previous embezzlement conviction according to the state - run media outlet RIA - Novosti . Navalny has known since February — when he was handed a suspended five - year jail term for embezzlement in a case that his supporters have characterized as politically motivated — that he would not be allowed on the ballot . The European Court of Human Rights determined in October that the conviction was " arbitrary and manifestly unreasonable ." Ella Pamfilova the head of the CEC told Russia ' s TV Rain in June that Navalny " understands himself that he has no chance of being registered for the election due to his previous conviction ." She accused him later of " fundraising illegally and brainwashing young people ." Putin who has refused to utter Navalny ' s name said during his marathon end - of - year press conference earlier this month that the opposition was hoping for a " coup " but would not succeed . " Do you want us to have coup attempts here ?" " We ' ve already been through all that . You want to go back to that ? I am sure that the overwhelming majority of Russian citizens do not want this and will not stand for it ." Navalny ' s lawyer told CNN on Monday that he would appeal the decision . But Navalny has said he and his movement will organize a boycott of the vote if he is not allowed to run . " We are announcing a voters ' strike " Navalny said in a video posted to his blog this week . " The procedure in which we are invited to participate is not an election . It involves only Putin and those candidates whom he personally chose who do not pose a slightest threat to him ." | A Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Tuesday said the US was meddling in Russia ' s coming presidential election by condemning the decision to bar the opposition candidate [TGT] from running . " This State Department statement which I ' m sure will be repeated is a direct interference in our electoral process and internal affairs " the spokeswoman wrote . Russia ' s Election Commission barred Navalny from running last week citing a previous embezzlement conviction . The European Court of Human Rights has called that conviction " arbitrary " and " unreasonable ." The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Tuesday accused the US of " direct interference in our electoral process and internal affairs " following the State Department ' s criticism of Russia ' s decision to bar the opposition leader Alexey Navalny from running in the coming presidential election against Vladimir Putin . " This State Department statement which I ' m sure will be repeated is a direct interference in our electoral process and internal affairs " Zakharova wrote Tuesday on Facebook . In a statement shared with Business Insider on Tuesday night a State Department representative expressed concern over the Russian government ' s " ongoing crackdown against independent voices from journalists to civil society activists and opposition politicians ." " These actions indicate the Russian government has failed to protect space in Russia for the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms " the statement said . " More broadly we urge the government of Russia to hold genuine elections that are transparent fair and free and that guarantee the free expression of the will of the people consistent with its international human rights obligations ." " And these people expressed outrage over alleged Russian ' interference ' in their electoral process for an entire year ?!" " The funniest thing is that these are the same people who just tagged RT and Sputnik as foreign agents who are harassing Russian media around the world and who are investing huge amounts of money into ' countering Russian propaganda ' which is how they label anyone who they disagree with " she wrote . A declassified US intelligence assessment of the 2016 election determined that Russian government actors ordered by Putin used " cyber tools and media campaigns to influence US public opinion " and " undermine public faith in the US democratic process ." Russian government - linked actors it said " began openly supporting President - elect Trump ' s candidacy in media aimed at English - speaking audiences " in March 2016 . Those media outlets included Sputnik and RT which the report characterized as " the Kremlin ’ s principal international propaganda outlet ." Sputnik and RT ' s US affiliate registered as foreign agents with the Justice Department in November . Navalny to announce ' a voters ' strike ' Navalny a lawyer and activist replaced Boris Nemtsov as leader of Russia ' s democratic opposition following Nemtsov ' s 2015 assassination in the shadow of the Kremlin . One day after Navalny registered as a candidate for Russia ' s next presidential election which will be held in March Russia ' s Central Election Commission barred him from running citing a previous embezzlement conviction according to the state - run media outlet RIA - Novosti . Navalny has known since February — when he was handed a suspended five - year jail term for embezzlement in a case that his supporters have characterized as politically motivated — that he would not be allowed on the ballot . The European Court of Human Rights determined in October that the conviction was " arbitrary and manifestly unreasonable ." Ella Pamfilova the head of the CEC told Russia ' s TV Rain in June that Navalny " understands himself that he has no chance of being registered for the election due to his previous conviction ." She accused him later of " fundraising illegally and brainwashing young people ." Putin who has refused to utter Navalny ' s name said during his marathon end - of - year press conference earlier this month that the opposition was hoping for a " coup " but would not succeed . " Do you want us to have coup attempts here ?" " We ' ve already been through all that . You want to go back to that ? I am sure that the overwhelming majority of Russian citizens do not want this and will not stand for it ." Navalny ' s lawyer told CNN on Monday that he would appeal the decision . But Navalny has said he and his movement will organize a boycott of the vote if he is not allowed to run . " We are announcing a voters ' strike " Navalny said in a video posted to his blog this week . " The procedure in which we are invited to participate is not an election . It involves only Putin and those candidates whom he personally chose who do not pose a slightest threat to him ." | 0Negative
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215 | Spain seeks to challenge Puigdemont candidacy to form govt | Saenz de Santamaria | The Spanish government says it is seeking legal advice on challenging the proposed candidacy of fugitive Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont to lead a new Catalan regional government . Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said Thursday that the government has asked the consultative State Council for its opinion on whether such a challenge can be presented before the Constitutional Court . If the council agrees a challenge Friday could halt a vote on Puigdemont . Saenz de Santamaria said Puigdemont ' s legal status does not allow him to appear in person for the investiture . Puigdemont is wanted in Spain on possible rebellion and sedition charges as part of an investigation into the Catalan parliament ' s declaration of independence Oct . 27 . Spain also intends challenging any plan to vote him in in absentia . | The Spanish government says it is seeking legal advice on challenging the proposed candidacy of fugitive Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont to lead a new Catalan regional government . [TGT]said Thursday that the government has asked the consultative State Council for its opinion on whether such a challenge can be presented before the Constitutional Court . If the council agrees a challenge Friday could halt a vote on Puigdemont . [TGT]said Puigdemont ' s legal status does not allow [TGT] to appear in person for the investiture . Puigdemont is wanted in Spain on possible rebellion and sedition charges as part of an investigation into the Catalan parliament ' s declaration of independence Oct . 27 . Spain also intends challenging any plan to vote him in in absentia . | 2Positive
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216 | Send Mitt Romney to Puerto Rico . | Mitt Romney | Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks to members of the media at the main clubhouse at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster , New Jersey , on Nov. 19 .
Romney acted quickly and imposed a sense of fiscal rectitude .
Romney nixed five-star travel accommodations , scrapped costly segments of the ceremonies and swapped out color marketing brochures for black-and-white ," as Time noted .
In the 1990s , Romney stepped in to rescue the Salt Lake City Olympics after a bribery scandal had cast a pall over the upcoming games .
In short , it requires Mitt Romney .
Next , Romney served as the executive of a territory somewhat larger than Puerto Rico .
To a degree , Romney 's public image is associated with his failed bid to unseat President Obama in 2012 when he ran a highly partisan , often disingenuous campaign .
Because until that time , Romney had shown himself to be one of the more competent people in American public life .
Working with Democrats , Romney engineered a new system of mandates , exchanges , subsidies , and requirements on insurance companies , essentially the precursor to Obamacare .
Romney was n't a particularly good political campaigner .
If he could n't be the CEO of the whole country , Romney apparently decided that he 'd be the CEO of nothing .
Romney 's name has surfaced in Utah politics as a potential successor to Sen. Orrin Hatch .
But it 's pretty clear how someone like Romney would proceed : Audit the finances to get a firm grip on the situation , strike deals with creditors , line up new investors to help fund the region going forward .
The politics of this might be messy : Romney is not particularly liked by Democrats or Republicans .
Romney had a long career as a private equity investor and executive at Bain Capital , a discipline that requires the simultaneous application of business engineering and financial engineering to a range of different industries -- and a willingness to resolve huge financial problems by walking away from them or restructuring them .
But there 's no downside for either party to embracing a role for Romney .
But Romney and his talents would be wasted in the do-nothing Senate , just as they would have been wasted if President Trump had appointed him to be his secretary of state .
Romney was n't a particularly good political campaigner . | [TGT] speaks to members of the media at the main clubhouse at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster , New Jersey , on Nov. 19 .
[TGT] acted quickly and imposed a sense of fiscal rectitude .
[TGT] nixed five-star travel accommodations , scrapped costly segments of the ceremonies and swapped out color marketing brochures for black-and-white ," as Time noted .
In the 1990s , [TGT] stepped in to rescue the Salt Lake City Olympics after a bribery scandal had cast a pall over the upcoming games .
In short , it requires [TGT] .
Next , [TGT] served as the executive of a territory somewhat larger than Puerto Rico .
To a degree , [TGT] 's public image is associated with [TGT] failed bid to unseat President Obama in 2012 when [TGT] ran a highly partisan , often disingenuous campaign .
Because until that time , [TGT] had shown [TGT] to be one of the more competent people in American public life .
Working with Democrats , [TGT] engineered a new system of mandates , exchanges , subsidies , and requirements on insurance companies , essentially the precursor to Obamacare .
[TGT] was n't a particularly good political campaigner .
If [TGT] could n't be the CEO of the whole country , [TGT] apparently decided that [TGT] 'd be the CEO of nothing .
[TGT] 's name has surfaced in Utah politics as a potential successor to Sen. Orrin Hatch .
But it 's pretty clear how someone like [TGT] would proceed : Audit the finances to get a firm grip on the situation , strike deals with creditors , line up new investors to help fund the region going forward .
The politics of this might be messy : [TGT] is not particularly liked by Democrats or Republicans .
[TGT] had a long career as a private equity investor and executive at Bain Capital , a discipline that requires the simultaneous application of business engineering and financial engineering to a range of different industries -- and a willingness to resolve huge financial problems by walking away from them or restructuring them .
But there 's no downside for either party to embracing a role for [TGT] .
But [TGT] and [TGT] talents would be wasted in the do-nothing Senate , just as they would have been wasted if President Trump had appointed him to be his secretary of state .
[TGT] was n't a particularly good political campaigner . | 2Positive
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217 | Mitt Romney blames government for wildfires torching the West . | Mitt Romney | Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney blamed the government for the wildfires burning through California and other Western states Thursday morning .
-- Mitt Romney -LRB- @MittRomney -RRB- October 12 , 2017 .
"Uncontrolled fires , loss of lives & property = failure of prime govt responsibility , underinvestment in helos , planes , personnel , systems ," Romney tweeted . | [TGT] blamed the government for the wildfires burning through California and other Western states Thursday morning .
-- [TGT] -LRB- @MittRomney -RRB- October 12 , 2017 .
"Uncontrolled fires , loss of lives & property = failure of prime govt responsibility , underinvestment in helos , planes , personnel , systems ,[TGT] tweeted . | 0Negative
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218 | The 7 | Moonee Baker | When we first catch a glimpse of the actress responsible for the year ’ s best lead performance — at least thus far — she is literally skipping her cheetah print high tops floating over the hotel carpet . She ’ s chasing after director Sean Baker ’ s small dog Bunsen who has narrowly escaped being corralled by a gaggle of publicists . The actress would like to give Bunsen a blueberry . Bunsen seems to desperately want one . She implores passionately anxiously twirling the pleather skirt and tugging at her custom T - shirt which is black and emblazoned with the names of her acting heroes : # Elle # Dakota # Emma # Daisy ( the Fanning sisters Watson and Ridley ). Bunsen never gets his blueberry . It ’ s time for another interview the latest obligation in a whirlwind press tour that has whisked the actress and her family from their hometown in Orlando to film festivals in Cannes Toronto and now New York City to screen and promote The Florida Project an indie dramedy that has received rave reviews at each juncture . In a crowded Best Actress year brimming with icons all jockeying for five slots — Meryl Streep Annette Bening Judi Dench Kate Winslet Nicole Kidman Jessica Chastain and Emma Stone among them — the hope is that an aggressive push could land The Florida Project ’ s leading lady one of those slots . It ’ s a lot of pressure for Brooklynn Prince the performer who has dutifully been charming journalists since walking the Cannes red carpet in May . “ No not at all ” she responds coolly Bunsen resting at her feet . “ After all I ’ ve been acting since I was 2 .” That ’ s five long rich years of experience for Prince . Yes she is only 7 years old . And yes in The Florida Project she really is that good . The Florida Project is Sean Baker ’ s follow up to his 2015 feature Tangerine an indie that arrived like a firecracker . The film followed Alexandra and Sin - Dee two transgender sex workers on a raucous mission through the streets of Los Angeles to track down Sin - Dee ’ s boyfriend and pimp who has been cheating on her . Riffing on the spark - plug chemistry between stars Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor the film exploded with fiery humorous energy . But while Tangerine was lauded for its kinetic music video - like filmmaking style — and more for being shot entirely on an iPhone — The Florida Project is a film that stuns in stillness and long steady shots of the Orlando backdrop . That same hilarious poignant Tangerine energy however still abounds . “ We thought this could be the next Little Rascals ” Baker tells us looking lovingly at his Florida Project star petting his dog ’ s head . “ This could be about the joy of childhood and at the same time deal with serious issues . The public ’ s reaction to Tangerine gave us the confidence that we could do something similar with this film .” As Baker gesticulates he notices a giggling coming from just to his right . While he ’ s been talking about the differences between Tangerine and The Florida Project Prince has been dramatically mimicking his hand gestures — quite convincingly actually — and cracking herself up because of it . “ We needed to make sure they were extroverts ” Baker tells me at one point when I ask about the casting process for the film ’ s four young kids . With Prince he certainly got that . In The Florida Project Prince plays Moonee who lives in a seedy Orlando motel room with her single mother Halley portrayed in a stunning breakout performance by Bria Vinaite . Moonee and Halley are examples of what Baker calls the hidden homeless members of the underclass who scrape and scavenge and sometimes just resign to live in motels and makeshift homes often in America ’ s biggest cities . In this case it ’ s in Orlando in the bleak shadow of the happiest place on earth . Get The Beast In Your Inbox ! Daily Digest Start and finish your day with the top stories from The Daily Beast . Cheat Sheet A speedy smart summary of all the news you need to know ( and nothing you don ' t ). By clicking “ Subscribe ” you agree to have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Subscribe Thank You ! You are now subscribed to the Daily Digest and Cheat Sheet . We will not share your email with anyone for any reason . For Moonee Baker needed to cast someone special . We meet Mooney hocking loogies with her friends . At first glance they seem just like any rabble - rousing listless kids running amok in the dog days of summer . Moonee ’ s a riot with a smart - alecky loud mouth a penchant for copying her mom ’ s raunchy dance moves and poses and feral reign over the parking lots and derelict highway - adjacent motels that surround her . But we also witness Moonee slowly become sentient to the realities of her living situation the frustrations over what she ’ s being deprived of and intense conflict between her fierce love for her mother and intrinsic suspicion that she deserves more . Baker had almost given up on his casting search by the time a local casting agency brought Prince to his attention . The first time he noticed her she was doing squats and forcing Christopher Rivera another young actor who ended up getting cast as Moonee ’ s friend to do push - ups in order to ramp up their energy for the audition . “ Clearly she won us over even before the audition ” Baker says . “ Why thank you Sean .” At a hard - to - believe 7 years old Prince is a hoot . Her preternatural poise is one thing . Her star - making performance showcasing breezy comic timing alongside a gut - wrenching ability to emote and command the screen is another . Where does all of this confidence come from ? “ My mom and dad ” she explains . “ All my family has confidence . And they have confidence in me and I ’ m really really proud of that . I ’ m really really happy about that .” Her father is an environmental scientist and her mother is an acting coach . The Princes also have an 8 - month - old boy . To say that Prince has enjoyed the wild ride of the film ’ s globe - trotting press tour is an understatement . But she ’ s devastated to be missing time with the love of her life her little brother . “ He is the cutest thing you can ever see ” she says . “ But you do not want to know his personality .” Why is that ? “ Ummmm … He is a little grumpy in some ways .” Babies can be like that . She sighs the heavy release of a wistful senior citizen reminiscing about their long - lost love . “ I miss him so much ” she says . “ He means a lot to me . When he was born my mom ’ s like are you sure you want to take this big big responsibility ? And I ’ m like yeah . And she handed me my little brother . And I was like aww . I love him with all my heart . Being away from him I cannot stand it .” She moans a sound so heartbreaking it ’ s a Pavlovian reflex to cheer her back up . There must be some fun things about all these fancy red carpets and premieres that make it worth being away from him right ? “ Not having throw up in my hair ” she responds immediately taking it back to little bro . “ Not hearing him cry at night keeping me awake . Not eating baby food I can ’ t stand .” Prince clearly is just as much fun to spend 30 minutes with as her character is to watch for two hours . But as she ’ s quick to remind us she has been acting since she was 2 . Actress and character couldn ’ t be further apart particularly in scenes when Moonee is cursing using inappropriate innuendos and defying authority with gusto much to the chagrin of Willem Dafoe ’ s motel manager Bobby . It ’ s a precarious position to put a child in and one that Prince ’ s parents weren ’ t sure they wanted to subject her to . But she desperately wanted the part and convinced them that she could handle it . “ My mom didn ’ t raise me that way ” she says . “ We were strong Christian people . She was like ‘ We can ’ t say this word . And do not do that .’ It wasn ’ t hard for me . But I grew up being a nice girl and I ’ m very blessed to be a Christian .” When Baker settled on the four child actors he wanted for the film he brought in their parents and explained that if they were to sign on their children would not just be hearing profanity but uttering it as well . Everyone would need to be on the same page . On set he says “ It was clear that these words were only to be used in character and between ‘ action ’ and ‘ cut .’” Prince jumps in : “ Plus my dad said ‘ If you say these words you will not be using YouTube for about three months !’” Baker starts laughing hysterically : “ Oh OK . Now I know the secret .” It ’ s nearing the end our interview when I tell Prince how much I like her shirt listing all those actresses . “ People always ask me about meeting Elle Fanning ” she says . “ I thought you were going to ask me that .” Baker and I lock eyes and double over with laughter . OK : How did you meet Elle Fanning ? “ I was kind of hoping you ’ d say that .” She readjusts herself in her seat . This story requires sturdiness and bracing . It will be an athletic telling . “ We were in Toronto ” she begins with the drama of Sophia Petrillo spinning a yarn about Sicily . “ I was just drinking a smoothie and someone ’ s like ‘ Brooklynn look there ’ s Elle !’ I was like is this really happening ? Then I saw it the really short hair that ’ s the color of Elle Fanning ’ s hair . I ’ m like Elle ! Then she turned and I ’ m like ”— at this point Prince looks up to the ceiling and raises her hands to the sky singing —“ Hallelujah !” They chatted for five minutes or so . Prince has still not recovered . “ I did not stop talking about her the rest of the day ” she says . “ My poor mom and everybody was probably like ‘ Oh when is she going to get over it ? !’ And I ’ m like I ’ m never going to get it over it boy .” Honestly neither will we . | When we first catch a glimpse of the actress responsible for the year ’ s best lead performance — at least thus far — she is literally skipping her cheetah print high tops floating over the hotel carpet . She ’ s chasing after director Sean Baker ’ s small dog Bunsen who has narrowly escaped being corralled by a gaggle of publicists . The actress would like to give Bunsen a blueberry . Bunsen seems to desperately want one . She implores passionately anxiously twirling the pleather skirt and tugging at her custom T - shirt which is black and emblazoned with the names of her acting heroes : # Elle # Dakota # Emma # Daisy ( the Fanning sisters Watson and Ridley ). Bunsen never gets his blueberry . It ’ s time for another interview the latest obligation in a whirlwind press tour that has whisked the actress and her family from their hometown in Orlando to film festivals in Cannes Toronto and now New York City to screen and promote The Florida Project an indie dramedy that has received rave reviews at each juncture . In a crowded Best Actress year brimming with icons all jockeying for five slots — Meryl Streep Annette Bening Judi Dench Kate Winslet Nicole Kidman Jessica Chastain and Emma Stone among them — the hope is that an aggressive push could land The Florida Project ’ s leading lady one of those slots . It ’ s a lot of pressure for Brooklynn Prince the performer who has dutifully been charming journalists since walking the Cannes red carpet in May . “ No not at all ” she responds coolly Bunsen resting at her feet . “ After all I ’ ve been acting since I was 2 .” That ’ s five long rich years of experience for Prince . Yes she is only 7 years old . And yes in The Florida Project she really is that good . The Florida Project is Sean Baker ’ s follow up to his 2015 feature Tangerine an indie that arrived like a firecracker . The film followed Alexandra and Sin - Dee two transgender sex workers on a raucous mission through the streets of Los Angeles to track down Sin - Dee ’ s boyfriend and pimp who has been cheating on her . Riffing on the spark - plug chemistry between stars Kitana Kiki Rodriguez and Mya Taylor the film exploded with fiery humorous energy . But while Tangerine was lauded for its kinetic music video - like filmmaking style — and more for being shot entirely on an iPhone — The Florida Project is a film that stuns in stillness and long steady shots of the Orlando backdrop . That same hilarious poignant Tangerine energy however still abounds . “ We thought this could be the next Little Rascals ” Baker tells us looking lovingly at his Florida Project star petting his dog ’ s head . “ This could be about the joy of childhood and at the same time deal with serious issues . The public ’ s reaction to Tangerine gave us the confidence that we could do something similar with this film .” As Baker gesticulates he notices a giggling coming from just to his right . While he ’ s been talking about the differences between Tangerine and The Florida Project Prince has been dramatically mimicking his hand gestures — quite convincingly actually — and cracking herself up because of it . “ We needed to make sure they were extroverts ” Baker tells me at one point when I ask about the casting process for the film ’ s four young kids . With Prince he certainly got that . In The Florida Project Prince plays Moonee who lives in a seedy Orlando motel room with her single mother Halley portrayed in a stunning breakout performance by Bria Vinaite . Moonee and Halley are examples of what Baker calls the hidden homeless members of the underclass who scrape and scavenge and sometimes just resign to live in motels and makeshift homes often in America ’ s biggest cities . In this case it ’ s in Orlando in the bleak shadow of the happiest place on earth . Get The Beast In Your Inbox ! Daily Digest Start and finish your day with the top stories from The Daily Beast . Cheat Sheet A speedy smart summary of all the news you need to know ( and nothing you don ' t ). By clicking “ Subscribe ” you agree to have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Subscribe Thank You ! You are now subscribed to the Daily Digest and Cheat Sheet . We will not share your email with anyone for any reason . For Moonee Baker needed to cast someone special . We meet Mooney hocking loogies with her friends . At first glance they seem just like any rabble - rousing listless kids running amok in the dog days of summer . Moonee ’ s a riot with a smart - alecky loud mouth a penchant for copying her mom ’ s raunchy dance moves and poses and feral reign over the parking lots and derelict highway - adjacent motels that surround her . But we also witness Moonee slowly become sentient to the realities of her living situation the frustrations over what she ’ s being deprived of and intense conflict between her fierce love for her mother and intrinsic suspicion that she deserves more . Baker had almost given up on his casting search by the time a local casting agency brought Prince to his attention . The first time he noticed her she was doing squats and forcing Christopher Rivera another young actor who ended up getting cast as Moonee ’ s friend to do push - ups in order to ramp up their energy for the audition . “ Clearly she won us over even before the audition ” Baker says . “ Why thank you Sean .” At a hard - to - believe 7 years old Prince is a hoot . Her preternatural poise is one thing . Her star - making performance showcasing breezy comic timing alongside a gut - wrenching ability to emote and command the screen is another . Where does all of this confidence come from ? “ My mom and dad ” she explains . “ All my family has confidence . And they have confidence in me and I ’ m really really proud of that . I ’ m really really happy about that .” Her father is an environmental scientist and her mother is an acting coach . The Princes also have an 8 - month - old boy . To say that Prince has enjoyed the wild ride of the film ’ s globe - trotting press tour is an understatement . But she ’ s devastated to be missing time with the love of her life her little brother . “ He is the cutest thing you can ever see ” she says . “ But you do not want to know his personality .” Why is that ? “ Ummmm … He is a little grumpy in some ways .” Babies can be like that . She sighs the heavy release of a wistful senior citizen reminiscing about their long - lost love . “ I miss him so much ” she says . “ He means a lot to me . When he was born my mom ’ s like are you sure you want to take this big big responsibility ? And I ’ m like yeah . And she handed me my little brother . And I was like aww . I love him with all my heart . Being away from him I cannot stand it .” She moans a sound so heartbreaking it ’ s a Pavlovian reflex to cheer her back up . There must be some fun things about all these fancy red carpets and premieres that make it worth being away from him right ? “ Not having throw up in my hair ” she responds immediately taking it back to little bro . “ Not hearing him cry at night keeping me awake . Not eating baby food I can ’ t stand .” Prince clearly is just as much fun to spend 30 minutes with as her character is to watch for two hours . But as she ’ s quick to remind us she has been acting since she was 2 . Actress and character couldn ’ t be further apart particularly in scenes when Moonee is cursing using inappropriate innuendos and defying authority with gusto much to the chagrin of Willem Dafoe ’ s motel manager Bobby . It ’ s a precarious position to put a child in and one that Prince ’ s parents weren ’ t sure they wanted to subject her to . But she desperately wanted the part and convinced them that she could handle it . “ My mom didn ’ t raise me that way ” she says . “ We were strong Christian people . She was like ‘ We can ’ t say this word . And do not do that .’ It wasn ’ t hard for me . But I grew up being a nice girl and I ’ m very blessed to be a Christian .” When Baker settled on the four child actors he wanted for the film he brought in their parents and explained that if they were to sign on their children would not just be hearing profanity but uttering it as well . Everyone would need to be on the same page . On set he says “ It was clear that these words were only to be used in character and between ‘ action ’ and ‘ cut .’” Prince jumps in : “ Plus my dad said ‘ If you say these words you will not be using YouTube for about three months !’” Baker starts laughing hysterically : “ Oh OK . Now I know the secret .” It ’ s nearing the end our interview when I tell Prince how much I like her shirt listing all those actresses . “ People always ask me about meeting Elle Fanning ” she says . “ I thought you were going to ask me that .” Baker and I lock eyes and double over with laughter . OK : How did you meet Elle Fanning ? “ I was kind of hoping you ’ d say that .” She readjusts herself in her seat . This story requires sturdiness and bracing . It will be an athletic telling . “ We were in Toronto ” she begins with the drama of Sophia Petrillo spinning a yarn about Sicily . “ I was just drinking a smoothie and someone ’ s like ‘ Brooklynn look there ’ s Elle !’ I was like is this really happening ? Then I saw it the really short hair that ’ s the color of Elle Fanning ’ s hair . I ’ m like Elle ! Then she turned and I ’ m like ”— at this point Prince looks up to the ceiling and raises her hands to the sky singing —“ Hallelujah !” They chatted for five minutes or so . Prince has still not recovered . “ I did not stop talking about her the rest of the day ” she says . “ My poor mom and everybody was probably like ‘ Oh when is she going to get over it ? !’ And I ’ m like I ’ m never going to get it over it boy .” Honestly neither will we . | 1Neutral
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219 | How not to lose things: Three techniques for keeping track of your stuff | Stever Robbins | Two summers ago I lost my keys for a full week . As a hyper - organized person whom Freud would have labeled “ anal retentive ” this freaked me out . It was my then - 9 - year - old daughter who finally found the keys . I had slipped them into the pocket of her book bag when rushing frantically between assorted appointments . The keys had a relaxing week with Kelsea at pottery camp while I sweated and stewed over their absence . The technological solution All week long I wished I could “ call ” my keys like I do my cellphone when I need to find it . So I bought a gizmo to do just that . The product came in two parts : a little fob to attach to whatever you want to keep track of and a remote control to press when you have indeed lost track of that thing . When you press the remote the fob is supposed to chirp like a homing beacon . I attached the fob stowed the remote somewhere I wouldn ’ t lose it — wouldn ’ t that be ironic ?— and went about my life . [ Misleading furniture labels : How to tell whether you have the real deal ] This past fall I once again lost my keys . After searching for them for 20 minutes I remembered the gizmo . “ Yes !” I thought pleased and proud of my foresight . I yanked the remote out of the cabinet pressed the button and . The batteries in the remote the fob — or both — had died . In my quest to remember where I put my keys I had chosen a system that required me to remember to change batteries . There are now even higher - tech stuff - tracking - devices that integrate with your smartphone via Bluetooth . They too require batteries that can die . If you ’ re going to go this route I suggest creating a calendar alert that reminds you to change the batteries annually . Of course you ’ ll need to find the little round batteries the device requires . And you ’ ll need to remember to reset the calendar alert after you change them . You might as well just remember where you put your keys . The productivity coach ’ s solution Since “ smart technology ” failed me I decided to consult a smart person instead : Stever Robbins a Harvard MBA and former CEO who coaches other CEOs on productivity . Robbins also hosts the “ Get It Done Guy ” podcast which is where I first heard him talk about how to stop losing things . “ Bluntly a major way to kill your productivity is to have to search for the things you need ” Robbins said . “ Ideally you want everything you ’ re going to use close to your fingertips . If it ’ s lost you have to move your fingertips to go find it .” Therefore Robbins offers three pointers for keeping track of your belongings : 1 . Create a designated place for essentials . Try this exercise : Walk into your home with fresh eyes and look for a place where you can easily and reliably stow your essentials . If there is no such place create one . For example you might install a shelf with hooks beneath it near a power outlet . That way you can place your wallet and phone ( plugged in ) on the shelf and hang your keys from the hook . Having designated spots for true essentials like this will ward off the bulk of losses . If you have a tendency to lose things you use less often — say your tool kit — the same principle applies : Create a specific place you will always keep it and then stick to it . Label the spot if necessary to remind yourself . [ The 14 most useful household products — and what you can do with them ] 2 . Create multiple places if needed . But there ’ s more . Robbins knows our routines can vary . Maybe you enter your home through the back door when coming in from a run but through the front when coming in from your car . Stowing your stuff near the front door when you ’ ve just come in the back goes against human nature . That ’ s why he suggests you create designated spots for your essentials near both doors . “ You want to limit the possible places where lost things can go to as few places as possible ” Robbins said . That way you never need to check more than those one or two places to find something . Scan places before you leave . What about when you ’ re out and about ? First Robbins tries to quickly create a temporary “ designated place ” wherever he is . If he ’ s at a coffee house maybe he deliberately places his essential items in the righthand corner of the table . “ Then when I ’ m going to leave a place first I scan the area that I designated as my homeless items place ” Robbins said . Next he scans the entire room or at least wherever he has been in that room . For example Robbins gathers all his luggage by the door before leaving a hotel room then walks the room from wall to wall to see if he ’ s forgotten anything . He may “ waste ” a couple of minutes doing that but he saves many more minutes — calling the hotel having his lost items shipped — when he finds something he forgot . Robbins ’ s guidance is gold . I myself decided years ago to put my wallet in the left outside pocket of my purse and my keys in the right — and I hardly ever lose them . But as you know sometimes I do . The NeuroLeadership coach ’ s solution For that I turned to certified NeuroLeadership Coach Linda Cassell of Quantum Leap Coaching and Training who has studied brain science extensively to help her clients be more effective executives — and people . Cassell says that to a neuroscientist the key question is : “ Under what conditions do we lose things ?” Fortunately for us she knows the answer : “ There is an old adage that says ‘ never go to sleep when you are angry ’ ” Cassell said . “ If you want to know how not to lose things never put anything away when you are stressed .” This explains why my own system was derailed when I was frantically rushing . “ Even if you have the good habit of putting your keys in the same place every time ” Cassell explained “ chances are under those conditions stress will void that habit .” Does this mean we all have to practice yoga and meditation so we won ’ t lose our keys ? Cassell says there are quicker easier ways to reduce your stress and keep track of your stuff . Here are her tips : 1 . Cassell has studied under Mark Waldman a neuroscience researcher at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles . That ’ s where she learned about the power of yawning . “ Yawning can release approximately 1 200 stress - reducing chemicals ” Cassell said . “ Try worrying while you yawn . Put away your keys now and you are likely to remember their location .” 2 . Cassell said stretching your body while you yawn is even better . Take a moment to stretch starting with your neck and shoulders and moving to your arms and torso . The theory is stretching causes your brain to communicate relaxing signals to your body which in turn helps you make better decisions . In this case hopefully you ’ ll decide to put your keys in their designated spot . Finally Cassell suggests a quick and easy mindfulness exercise . “ When you find yourself preoccupied do something to bring yourself back into the moment ” she said . “ Rub the palms of your hands together take a gentle breath or make a Mona Lisa smile . When you are present you are in the driver ’ s seat . You get to choose what actions you will take .” The goal is to disrupt the “ muscle memory ” that allows our bodies to do things without our brains knowing what ’ s going on . Now that you are calm and conscious put your keys - wallet - cellphone - toolkit away . Chances are you won ’ t lose them . | Two summers ago I lost my keys for a full week . As a hyper - organized person whom Freud would have labeled “ anal retentive ” this freaked me out . It was my then - 9 - year - old daughter who finally found the keys . I had slipped them into the pocket of her book bag when rushing frantically between assorted appointments . The keys had a relaxing week with Kelsea at pottery camp while I sweated and stewed over their absence . The technological solution All week long I wished I could “ call ” my keys like I do my cellphone when I need to find it . So I bought a gizmo to do just that . The product came in two parts : a little fob to attach to whatever you want to keep track of and a remote control to press when you have indeed lost track of that thing . When you press the remote the fob is supposed to chirp like a homing beacon . I attached the fob stowed the remote somewhere I wouldn ’ t lose it — wouldn ’ t that be ironic ?— and went about my life . [ Misleading furniture labels : How to tell whether you have the real deal ] This past fall I once again lost my keys . After searching for them for 20 minutes I remembered the gizmo . “ Yes !” I thought pleased and proud of my foresight . I yanked the remote out of the cabinet pressed the button and . The batteries in the remote the fob — or both — had died . In my quest to remember where I put my keys I had chosen a system that required me to remember to change batteries . There are now even higher - tech stuff - tracking - devices that integrate with your smartphone via Bluetooth . They too require batteries that can die . If you ’ re going to go this route I suggest creating a calendar alert that reminds you to change the batteries annually . Of course you ’ ll need to find the little round batteries the device requires . And you ’ ll need to remember to reset the calendar alert after you change them . You might as well just remember where you put your keys . The productivity coach ’ s solution Since “ smart technology ” failed me I decided to consult a smart person instead : [TGT] a Harvard MBA and former CEO who coaches other CEOs on productivity . [TGT]also hosts the “ Get It Done Guy ” podcast which is where I first heard [TGT] talk about how to stop losing things . “ Bluntly a major way to kill your productivity is to have to search for the things you need ” [TGT]said . “ Ideally you want everything you ’ re going to use close to your fingertips . If it ’ s lost you have to move your fingertips to go find it .” Therefore [TGT]offers three pointers for keeping track of your belongings : 1 . Create a designated place for essentials . Try this exercise : Walk into your home with fresh eyes and look for a place where you can easily and reliably stow your essentials . If there is no such place create one . For example you might install a shelf with hooks beneath it near a power outlet . That way you can place your wallet and phone ( plugged in ) on the shelf and hang your keys from the hook . Having designated spots for true essentials like this will ward off the bulk of losses . If you have a tendency to lose things you use less often — say your tool kit — the same principle applies : Create a specific place you will always keep it and then stick to it . Label the spot if necessary to remind yourself . [ The 14 most useful household products — and what you can do with them ] 2 . Create multiple places if needed . But there ’ s more . [TGT] knows our routines can vary . Maybe you enter your home through the back door when coming in from a run but through the front when coming in from your car . Stowing your stuff near the front door when you ’ ve just come in the back goes against human nature . That ’ s why he suggests you create designated spots for your essentials near both doors . “ You want to limit the possible places where lost things can go to as few places as possible ” [TGT] said . That way you never need to check more than those one or two places to find something . Scan places before you leave . What about when you ’ re out and about ? First [TGT] tries to quickly create a temporary “ designated place ” wherever [TGT] is . If [TGT] ’ s at a coffee house maybe he deliberately places his essential items in the righthand corner of the table . “ Then when I ’ m going to leave a place first I scan the area that I designated as my homeless items place ” [TGT]said . Next [TGT] scans the entire room or at least wherever [TGT] has been in that room . For example [TGT] gathers all [TGT] luggage by the door before leaving a hotel room then walks the room from wall to wall to see if [TGT] ’ s forgotten anything . [TGT] may “ waste ” a couple of minutes doing that but [TGT] saves many more minutes — calling the hotel having [TGT] lost items shipped — when [TGT] finds something [TGT] forgot . [TGT] ’ s guidance is gold . I myself decided years ago to put my wallet in the left outside pocket of my purse and my keys in the right — and I hardly ever lose them . But as you know sometimes I do . The NeuroLeadership coach ’ s solution For that I turned to certified NeuroLeadership Coach Linda Cassell of Quantum Leap Coaching and Training who has studied brain science extensively to help her clients be more effective executives — and people . Cassell says that to a neuroscientist the key question is : “ Under what conditions do we lose things ?” Fortunately for us she knows the answer : “ There is an old adage that says ‘ never go to sleep when you are angry ’ ” Cassell said . “ If you want to know how not to lose things never put anything away when you are stressed .” This explains why my own system was derailed when I was frantically rushing . “ Even if you have the good habit of putting your keys in the same place every time ” Cassell explained “ chances are under those conditions stress will void that habit .” Does this mean we all have to practice yoga and meditation so we won ’ t lose our keys ? Cassell says there are quicker easier ways to reduce your stress and keep track of your stuff . Here are her tips : 1 . Cassell has studied under Mark Waldman a neuroscience researcher at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles . That ’ s where she learned about the power of yawning . “ Yawning can release approximately 1 200 stress - reducing chemicals ” Cassell said . “ Try worrying while you yawn . Put away your keys now and you are likely to remember their location .” 2 . Cassell said stretching your body while you yawn is even better . Take a moment to stretch starting with your neck and shoulders and moving to your arms and torso . The theory is stretching causes your brain to communicate relaxing signals to your body which in turn helps you make better decisions . In this case hopefully you ’ ll decide to put your keys in their designated spot . Finally Cassell suggests a quick and easy mindfulness exercise . “ When you find yourself preoccupied do something to bring yourself back into the moment ” she said . “ Rub the palms of your hands together take a gentle breath or make a Mona Lisa smile . When you are present you are in the driver ’ s seat . You get to choose what actions you will take .” The goal is to disrupt the “ muscle memory ” that allows our bodies to do things without our brains knowing what ’ s going on . Now that you are calm and conscious put your keys - wallet - cellphone - toolkit away . Chances are you won ’ t lose them . | 2Positive
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220 | A witness drew a terrible sketch to help police identify a suspect; it actually worked | Hung Phuoc Nguyen | Objectively the sketch is bad . The thick lines look like an inverted triangle with hair or a strawberry wearing a tiny cap . The two dot eyes are inexplicably paired with horizontal lines and no eyebrows . There is only one ear . And yet the Lancaster Pa . police say they have identified a suspect who they say pretended to be a farmers market worker before fleeing with cash Jan . 30 thanks to a witness who drew a picture from memory . The sketch was " amateurish and cartoonish " local police said Wednesday in a Facebook post . But the sketch along with a physical description of the thief reminded at least one officer of an encounter with Hung Phuoc Nguyen 44 . Police then showed the witness photos of possible suspects including Nguyen . The witness identified Nguyen and police issued a warrant for two counts of theft . Officer William Hickey of the Lancaster police told The Washington Post on Thursday that he did not know whether Nguyen was apprehended . The police have insisted that the sketch was a serious effort to find the suspect . " We released all of those details together in our police log in the hope that someone recognizes the suspect " Lancaster city police said in a Facebook post according to Lancaster Online . " This was not done in jest ." The outlet described Nguyen as homeless . In an age of omnipresent surveillance video the police sketch quietly endures . More departments are opting for software that can spit out composite photos but departments will sometimes share artists with nearby cities that have modest personnel budgets . " Technology and machinery is cold " Wayne Promisel a detective with the Loudoun County Sheriff ' s Office in Virginia and a former Fairfax County police detective told The Washington Post in 2013 . " It is also missing the ability to ask the questions in a certain way in an interview while having a sense of compassion " for victims . Speaking about the witness Hickey said : " We appreciated their effort and continued cooperation . People like that make our job easier [ and ] more enjoyable ." But there are currently no plans to offer the witness a position as a sketch artist he said . | Objectively the sketch is bad . The thick lines look like an inverted triangle with hair or a strawberry wearing a tiny cap . The two dot eyes are inexplicably paired with horizontal lines and no eyebrows . There is only one ear . And yet the Lancaster Pa . police say they have identified a suspect who they say pretended to be a farmers market worker before fleeing with cash Jan . 30 thanks to a witness who drew a picture from memory . The sketch was " amateurish and cartoonish " local police said Wednesday in a Facebook post . But the sketch along with a physical description of the thief reminded at least one officer of an encounter with [TGT] 44 . Police then showed the witness photos of possible suspects including Nguyen . The witness identified Nguyen and police issued a warrant for two counts of theft . Officer William Hickey of the Lancaster police told The Washington Post on Thursday that he did not know whether Nguyen was apprehended . The police have insisted that the sketch was a serious effort to find the suspect . " We released all of those details together in our police log in the hope that someone recognizes the suspect " Lancaster city police said in a Facebook post according to Lancaster Online . " This was not done in jest ." The outlet described Nguyen as homeless . In an age of omnipresent surveillance video the police sketch quietly endures . More departments are opting for software that can spit out composite photos but departments will sometimes share artists with nearby cities that have modest personnel budgets . " Technology and machinery is cold " Wayne Promisel a detective with the Loudoun County Sheriff ' s Office in Virginia and a former Fairfax County police detective told The Washington Post in 2013 . " It is also missing the ability to ask the questions in a certain way in an interview while having a sense of compassion " for victims . Speaking about the witness Hickey said : " We appreciated their effort and continued cooperation . People like that make our job easier [ and ] more enjoyable ." But there are currently no plans to offer the witness a position as a sketch artist he said . | 0Negative
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221 | Even Dale Earnhardt Jr. Skids And Rams Tree In Snowstorm : The Two | Dale Earnhardt Jr | Skids And Rams Tree In Snowstorm Enlarge this image toggle caption Ross D . Franklin / AP Ross D . Franklin / AP Former NASCAR superstar Dale Earnhardt Jr . found out even the best drivers may have to stay off the roads in a snowstorm . Wednesday morning after he helped pull another car out of a ditch his pickup skidded off the road and rammed into a tree . On Twitter Earnhardt said he lost control of his truck on a snow - covered road and warned other North Carolina drivers to avoid his fate . "[ North Carolina ] stay off the roads today / tonight . 5 minutes after helping these folks I center punched a pine tree " he wrote . But fans need not worry about the Hall of Famer . " All good " he said . " Probably just needs new alignment ." A storm left a blanket of snow over North and South Carolina and Georgia . Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency in advance of the storm . AccuWeather reported the snowstorm caused over 500 collisions in the state . Earnhardt ' s accident came a day after the former NASCAR star announced he will be covering the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang on NBC . | Skids And Rams Tree In Snowstorm Enlarge this image toggle caption Ross D . Franklin / AP Ross D . Franklin / AP Former NASCAR superstar [TGT] . found out even the best drivers may have to stay off the roads in a snowstorm . Wednesday morning after he helped pull another car out of a ditch his pickup skidded off the road and rammed into a tree . On Twitter Earnhardt said he lost control of his truck on a snow - covered road and warned other North Carolina drivers to avoid his fate . "[ North Carolina ] stay off the roads today / tonight . 5 minutes after helping these folks I center punched a pine tree " he wrote . But fans need not worry about the Hall of Famer . " All good " he said . " Probably just needs new alignment ." A storm left a blanket of snow over North and South Carolina and Georgia . Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency in advance of the storm . AccuWeather reported the snowstorm caused over 500 collisions in the state . Earnhardt ' s accident came a day after the former NASCAR star announced he will be covering the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang on NBC . | 1Neutral
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222 | Mitt Romney Endorses Curtis In 3rd District Race . | Mitt Romney | Congressional candidate John Curtis picked up a major endorsement on Wednesday from Republican Mitt Romney for the 3rd District special election .
Romney said in a statement that Curtis has throughout his career as a businessman and mayor of Provo solved problems .
During the primary , Romney 's wife , Ann , had endorsed a different Republican candidate , Stewart Peay , who is married to her niece . | Congressional candidate John Curtis picked up a major endorsement on Wednesday from [TGT] for the 3rd District special election .
[TGT] said in a statement that Curtis has throughout [TGT] career as a businessman and mayor of Provo solved problems .
During the primary , [TGT] 's wife , Ann , had endorsed a different Republican candidate , Stewart Peay , who is married to her niece . | 1Neutral
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223 | Mitt Romney calls on Congress to ` put differences aside , ' prioritize Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands ` rescue ' . | Mitt Romney | -- Mitt Romney -LRB- @MittRomney -RRB- September 25 , 2017 .
Romney said he had spoken with former Puerto Rican Gov. Luis Fortuño , who said the island is on the "brink of humanitarian disaster ."
Meanwhile , Mitt Romney is among a number of high-profile political figures stepping in to fill the void . | -- [TGT] -LRB- @MittRomney -RRB- September 25 , 2017 .
[TGT] said [TGT] had spoken with former Puerto Rican Gov. Luis Fortuño , who said the island is on the "brink of humanitarian disaster ."
Meanwhile , [TGT] is among a number of high-profile political figures stepping in to fill the void . | 2Positive
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224 | Tories Urge May to Exploit Merkel's Weakness to Reduce Brexit Bill | Mrs Merkel | Leading Tory Brexit supporters have urged the prime minister to take advantage German Chancellor Angela Merkel ’ s weakness and failure to form a government . Theresa May has reportedly agreed with her cabinet to roughly double the offered Brexit ‘ divorce bill ’ but Iain Duncan Smith the former Conservative Party leader urged her to “ sit tight ” The Times reports . advertisement Jacob Rees - Mogg Tory MP for North East Somerset said that it would be “ foolish ” to hike the offer at a time when Mrs . Merkel needed to reassure German voters and businesses they will still be able to trade with the UK . He told the paper : “ Approving a higher divorce bill at this stage would be foolish … As for Germany its domestic political concerns make it less likely that it would want to risk the damage that could be done to its industry from the UK imposing tariffs on its exports .” Mr . Duncan Smith added : “ When you look at what is going on in Europe the idea that out of that chaotic situation can come any sort of understanding is clearly not right so we will have to sit tight .” May Expected to Offer EU £ 40 Billion – But Leavers Ask : What Are We Getting in Return ? The German chancellor ’ s Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) and sister Christian Social Union ( CSU ) parties recently suffered their worst election result since 1949 with the populist right - wing Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) surging . Their former coalition partner the Social Democrats ( SDP ) also had their worst post - war election performance and announced they would quit the “ grand coalition ” and go into opposition . Mrs . Merkel had since failed to form a government with Germany ’ s Free Democrats and the Greens with ideological differences proving too great . On Monday she said she was “ very sceptical ” about running a minority government and hinted at fresh elections . Reports of Mrs . Merkel ’ s admission came on the same day reports claimed Mrs . May planned to double her previous offer to the European Union ( EU ) of roughly £ 20 billion to £ 40 billion . Economic commitments in the region totalling roughly £ 20 billion are to be added to the £ 20 billion already acknowledged as owed in Mrs . May ’ s Florence speech . A government source suggested that Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Environment Secretary Michael Gove had signed up to the plan despite previously opposing a large pay - out . | Leading Tory Brexit supporters have urged the prime minister to take advantage German Chancellor Angela Merkel ’ s weakness and failure to form a government . Theresa May has reportedly agreed with her cabinet to roughly double the offered Brexit ‘ divorce bill ’ but Iain Duncan Smith the former Conservative Party leader urged her to “ sit tight ” The Times reports . advertisement Jacob Rees - Mogg Tory MP for North East Somerset said that it would be “ foolish ” to hike the offer at a time when Mrs . Merkel needed to reassure German voters and businesses they will still be able to trade with the UK . He told the paper : “ Approving a higher divorce bill at this stage would be foolish … As for Germany its domestic political concerns make it less likely that it would want to risk the damage that could be done to its industry from the UK imposing tariffs on its exports .” Mr . Duncan Smith added : “ When you look at what is going on in Europe the idea that out of that chaotic situation can come any sort of understanding is clearly not right so we will have to sit tight .” May Expected to Offer EU £ 40 Billion – But Leavers Ask : What Are We Getting in Return ? The German chancellor ’ s Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) and sister Christian Social Union ( CSU ) parties recently suffered their worst election result since 1949 with the populist right - wing Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) surging . Their former coalition partner the Social Democrats ( SDP ) also had their worst post - war election performance and announced they would quit the “ grand coalition ” and go into opposition . Mrs . [TGT] had since failed to form a government with Germany ’ s Free Democrats and the Greens with ideological differences proving too great . On Monday she said she was “ very sceptical ” about running a minority government and hinted at fresh elections . Reports of Mrs . [TGT] s admission came on the same day reports claimed Mrs . May planned to double her previous offer to the European Union ( EU ) of roughly £ 20 billion to £ 40 billion . Economic commitments in the region totalling roughly £ 20 billion are to be added to the £ 20 billion already acknowledged as owed in Mrs . May ’ s Florence speech . A government source suggested that Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Environment Secretary Michael Gove had signed up to the plan despite previously opposing a large pay - out . | 0Negative
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225 | Jaden Smith channels his inner Michael Jackson and does the greatest moonwalk of the 21st century | Smith Jaden | Jaden Smith is sliding his way into 2018 with a bang . The 19 year old was performing at the 2017 Rolling Loud festival in San Bernadino over the weekend where he shocked the crowd with a killer moonwalk . He was playing his single " Icon " from his album SYRE and rapping the words " Gold grills and you dance like Michael " before sliding his feet smoothly across the stage . What kind of wizardry is this Jaden Smith ? SEE ALSO : Dude jamming to Michael Jackson has some seriously infectious dance moves Smith sat down with Revolt and told them about his loving for the moonwalk and who actually taught him - his mom . " I like to think my mom taught me how to moonwalk ' cause she ' s amazing at dancing " he told them . " I would always watch Michael when I was young and he ' d be moonwalking and I don ' t know I just kind of picked it up ." His performance didn ' t go unnoticed by the internet . Although Smith can ' t replace the icon Michael Jackson fans still praise the artist for trying his hand on the famous dance . Many believed he was making the King of Pop proud . 😮 that felt like I was seeing @ michaeljackson possess @ officialjaden for a second . 🙇🏻 — Rey Rey Rodriguez (@ themindofreyrey ) December 18 2017 Nothing but respect for MY president — Chad (@ CNibbz ) December 17 2017 jaden smith has shaped multiple moons with his bare hands of course he can moon walk — kelby (@ whoisklby ) December 18 2017 Doesn ' t even look real . You ' d almost think it was CGI ! I think MJ would be proud . pic . twitter . com / KTs7RprFGR — Oh SoFrieda (@ OhSoFrieda ) December 18 2017 someone : hey how are y - me : jaden smith is the future — h (@ halsey ) December 17 2017 | Jaden Smith is sliding his way into 2018 with a bang . The 19 year old was performing at the 2017 Rolling Loud festival in San Bernadino over the weekend where he shocked the crowd with a killer moonwalk . He was playing his single " Icon " from his album SYRE and rapping the words " Gold grills and you dance like Michael " before sliding his feet smoothly across the stage . What kind of wizardry is this Jaden Smith ? SEE ALSO : Dude jamming to Michael Jackson has some seriously infectious dance moves Smith sat down with Revolt and told them about his loving for the moonwalk and who actually taught him - his mom . " I like to think my mom taught me how to moonwalk ' cause she ' s amazing at dancing " he told them . " I would always watch Michael when I was young and he ' d be moonwalking and I don ' t know I just kind of picked it up ." His performance didn ' t go unnoticed by the internet . Although Smith can ' t replace the icon Michael Jackson fans still praise the artist for trying his hand on the famous dance . Many believed he was making the King of Pop proud . 😮 that felt like I was seeing @ michaeljackson possess @ officialjaden for a second . 🙇🏻 — Rey Rey Rodriguez (@ themindofreyrey ) December 18 2017 Nothing but respect for MY president — Chad (@ CNibbz ) December 17 2017 jaden smith has shaped multiple moons with his bare hands of course he can moon walk — kelby (@ whoisklby ) December 18 2017 Doesn ' t even look real . You ' [TGT] almost think [TGT] was CGI ! I think MJ would be proud . pic . twitter . com / KTs7RprFGR — Oh SoFrieda (@ OhSoFrieda ) December 18 2017 someone : hey how are y - me : jaden smith is the future — h (@ halsey ) December 17 2017 | 2Positive
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226 | Gov. Gary Herbert , Jackie Biskupski and Mitt Romney respond to ` horrific ' Las Vegas shooting . | Mitt Romney | Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney tweeted out his condolences to affected families and the victims . | [TGT] tweeted out [TGT] condolences to affected families and the victims . | 1Neutral
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227 | Shaun White wins Olympic snowboarding gold medal third in his Olympic career | Shaun White | BONGPYEONG South Korea — The durability of snowboarding both as an Olympic event and a sport capable of lingering on the edge of the mainstream can now be validated by its capacity for reinvention . It has been around long enough and grown embedded enough in cultural consciousness to facilitate second acts . Shaun White was 19 and raggedy when he won his first gold medal 23 and exultant when he won his second 27 and corporate when he suffered a letdown and arrived at a professional fork . Wednesday afternoon on PyeongChang Halfpipe White completed his competitive revival at 31 with a reinforcement and a declaration . He remains the unquestioned greatest snowboarder ever and he is once again the unquestioned greatest snowboarder in the world . White won the third Olympic gold medal of his career clinching his most rewarding prize with a final run of extreme daring towering athleticism and supreme clutch . He placed himself among America ’ s greatest winter Olympians and defeated a loaded field by making the final run of the contest the best run — not only of the contest but perhaps in the history of the sport . “ I knew I did it ” White said . “ I knew I put it down .” [‘ I ’ m here to put it down ’: Shaun White gives his all in intense halfpipe qualifying ] Olympic snowboarding champion Shaun White shares his recovery from a face injury in October of last year that left him with 62 stitches . ( Rick Maese / The Washington Post ) In his earlier Olympic triumphs White could be assured none of his competitors had the ability to approach his best runs . That wasn ’ t the case Wednesday not against 19 - year - old Japanese sensation Ayumu Hirano Australian Scotty James and even fellow American Ben Ferguson . So before his third and final run White decided he had to execute a run he never had before in competition . White stood on the top of the pipe trailing Hirano who had posted a 95 . 25 in his second run then fallen in his third . White was the last man on the mountain . When the announcer bellowed his name the crowd below erupted . “ I just saw him fist - pumping and I felt it too ” Team USA Coach J . J . Thomas said . “ He needs this energy . He ’ s a performer and this is his stage .” He adjusted his goggles and dropped in . He hit consecutive 1440s and back - to - back 1260s one of those with a flair called the Tomahawk . When he crossed the line White raised both arms in the air . White tried to stare at the judge ’ s trailer . The score flashed : 97 . 75 . White flipped his board in the air letting it spin just like its owner . He dropped to his knees and dabbed at his face . Shaun White a goofy hell - raiser when America first fell for him had been reduced to tears . “ It was like ‘ Oh my gosh ’ ” said his father Roger . “ It ’ s almost like he ’ s not even believing it .” Ever wonder what a McTwist is ? Here ’ s a helpful guide to some of the tricks and terms of snowboarding . ( Elyse Samuels / The Washington Post ) White posed for pictures at the bottom of the track stretching an American flag across his back . He walked past red - white - and - blue - clad supporters imploring them to cheer with his arms . “ You ’ re an animal !” one shouted . He found his family and hugged his father . “ I just told him I loved him ” Roger said . “ He said ‘ I love you too .’ We can ’ t believe it .” There was a time when for White disbelief and victory had a polar relationship . He entered Sochi in 2014 as the favorite to defend his two gold medals to continue his rise as both a halfpipe wizard and a marketable brand . He was the Flying Tomato the carefree dude who flew the highest and spun the most . “ Sochi was so crushing because I physically had the tricks ” White said . “ I emotionally wasn ’ t there .” Really Sochi just revealed cracks . White had become a target for other snowboarders maybe out of jealousy and maybe because his success had placed him on a plane above the entire sport . Some believed he specialized in contests and received too much acclaim for never making backcountry films . [ Shaun White is bigger than snowboarding . That ’ s what made failure so hard .] “ He ’ s so much older now ” Roger White said . “ He went through a really hard time for a while . There was a period when he was younger and at the top for so long . Things were pretty hard for him . It ’ s just been a roller coaster for a while .” His renaissance from earlier this calendar year may have been more remarkable than his rebound from disappointment in Sochi . While training in New Zealand in October White split his face open attempting a double - flip 1440 a crash that required 62 stitches . The injury provided proper context for White ’ s consecutive 1440s in the final run . Halfpipe snowboarding is pushing against its limits with pipes rising in height and tricks growing more risky . Earlier in the finals Japan ’ s Yuto Totsuka had to be dragged off in a stretcher after landing on the lip falling 22 feet and landing square on his back . White ’ s gold medal run in Torin through the prism of today looks like a halfhearted warmup . “ The moves are so dangerous now it ’ s not like you can practice them like you used to ” Thomas said . “ These moves are different . The consequences are so high . We just had to wait until it was game time .” And when the time came White delivered . With the gold medal assured all that remained was sorting out the place the run would take in the sport ’ s annals . “ I think personally it ’ s the best run in the history of the sport ” Thomas said . “ It ’ s the coolest thing I ’ ve ever seen .” “ Gosh man I think that ’ s the best run that ’ s ever going to be done ” said Swiss rider Patrick Burgener who finished fifth . “ It ’ s going to be hard to do better .” There was not consensus . Hirano the silver medalist also threw consecutive 1440s . James who won bronze hinted cryptically about a glitch in White ’ s run . “ There were some details I was expressing to the judges before the last score ” James said . “ But that is what it is . Shaun and Hirano both had amazing runs . It could have gone either way .” White took on all comers and beat them raising the bar yet again in a sport he has owned for a dozen years . White revealed the seriousness of his intent Tuesday in the qualifying round when he unleashed a 98 . 5 - point masterpiece in his final run even though his first run had been plenty to push him into the field . Riders typically play it safe in such situations saving their best tricks for the final careful to only whet the appetite of the judges . Still White threw down the best run of the day . “ I ’ m here to put it down ” White proclaimed . [ How to watch snowboarding at the 2018 Winter Olympics ] In the final White stood atop the pipe for his first run immediately after watching James the feisty Aussie who wears red mittens in the shape boxing gloves put down the best run of the day to that point a 92 . 00 . White responded with a monstrous 94 . 25 which he punctuated by ripping off his helmet and chucking it into the sky . “ He ’ s a psycho ” said Ferguson who took fourth . Hirano who posted a 99 . 00 in competition earlier this year took over the top spot with his second run executing consecutive 1440s en route to a 95 . 25 . So when White stood at the top of the pipe a second time he was chasing . White responded with a furious beginning to his run leading off with a 1440 and then landing another . But then trying to land one of his trademark moves — the Tomahawk — White fell on his backside . His third run would be no victory lap . It would be only victory genius in nature the latest and maybe sweetest triumph of a career exploding into a second act . | BONGPYEONG South Korea — The durability of snowboarding both as an Olympic event and a sport capable of lingering on the edge of the mainstream can now be validated by its capacity for reinvention . It has been around long enough and grown embedded enough in cultural consciousness to facilitate second acts . [TGT]was 19 and raggedy when [TGT] won [TGT] first gold medal 23 and exultant when [TGT] won [TGT] second 27 and corporate when [TGT] suffered a letdown and arrived at a professional fork . Wednesday afternoon on PyeongChang Halfpipe White completed [TGT] competitive revival at 31 with a reinforcement and a declaration . [TGT] remains the unquestioned greatest snowboarder ever and [TGT] is once again the unquestioned greatest snowboarder in the world . White won the third Olympic gold medal of his career clinching his most rewarding prize with a final run of extreme daring towering athleticism and supreme clutch . He placed himself among America ’ s greatest winter Olympians and defeated a loaded field by making the final run of the contest the best run — not only of the contest but perhaps in the history of the sport . “ I knew I did [TGT] ” White said . “ I knew I put [TGT] down .” [‘ I ’ m here to put [TGT] down ’: [TGT] White gives his all in intense halfpipe qualifying ] Olympic snowboarding champion [TGT] White shares his recovery from a face injury in October of last year that left him with 62 stitches . ( Rick Maese / The Washington Post ) In his earlier Olympic triumphs White could be assured none of his competitors had the ability to approach his best runs . That wasn ’ t the case Wednesday not against 19 - year - old Japanese sensation Ayumu Hirano Australian Scotty James and even fellow American Ben Ferguson . So before his third and final run White decided he had to execute a run he never had before in competition . White stood on the top of the pipe trailing Hirano who had posted a 95 . 25 in his second run then fallen in his third . White was the last man on the mountain . When the announcer bellowed his name the crowd below erupted . “ I just saw him fist - pumping and I felt it too ” Team USA Coach J . J . Thomas said . “ He needs this energy . He ’ s a performer and this is his stage .” He adjusted his goggles and dropped in . He hit consecutive 1440s and back - to - back 1260s one of those with a flair called the Tomahawk . When he crossed the line White raised both arms in the air . White tried to stare at the judge ’ s trailer . The score flashed : 97 . 75 . White flipped his board in the air letting it spin just like its owner . He dropped to his knees and dabbed at his face . Shaun White a goofy hell - raiser when America first fell for him had been reduced to tears . “ It was like ‘ Oh my gosh ’ ” said his father Roger . “ It ’ s almost like he ’ s not even believing it .” Ever wonder what a McTwist is ? Here ’ s a helpful guide to some of the tricks and terms of snowboarding . ( Elyse Samuels / The Washington Post ) White posed for pictures at the bottom of the track stretching an American flag across his back . He walked past red - white - and - blue - clad supporters imploring them to cheer with his arms . “ You ’ re an animal !” one shouted . He found his family and hugged his father . “ I just told him I loved him ” Roger said . “ He said ‘ I love you too .’ We can ’ t believe it .” There was a time when for White disbelief and victory had a polar relationship . He entered Sochi in 2014 as the favorite to defend his two gold medals to continue his rise as both a halfpipe wizard and a marketable brand . He was the Flying Tomato the carefree dude who flew the highest and spun the most . “ Sochi was so crushing because I physically had the tricks ” White said . “ I emotionally wasn ’ t there .” Really Sochi just revealed cracks . White had become a target for other snowboarders maybe out of jealousy and maybe because his success had placed him on a plane above the entire sport . Some believed he specialized in contests and received too much acclaim for never making backcountry films . [ Shaun White is bigger than snowboarding . That ’ s what made failure so hard .] “ He ’ s so much older now ” Roger White said . “ He went through a really hard time for a while . There was a period when he was younger and at the top for so long . Things were pretty hard for him . It ’ s just been a roller coaster for a while .” His renaissance from earlier this calendar year may have been more remarkable than his rebound from disappointment in Sochi . While training in New Zealand in October White split his face open attempting a double - flip 1440 a crash that required 62 stitches . The injury provided proper context for White ’ s consecutive 1440s in the final run . Halfpipe snowboarding is pushing against its limits with pipes rising in height and tricks growing more risky . Earlier in the finals Japan ’ s Yuto Totsuka had to be dragged off in a stretcher after landing on the lip falling 22 feet and landing square on his back . White ’ s gold medal run in Torin through the prism of today looks like a halfhearted warmup . “ The moves are so dangerous now it ’ s not like you can practice them like you used to ” Thomas said . “ These moves are different . The consequences are so high . We just had to wait until it was game time .” And when the time came [TGT] delivered . With the gold medal assured all that remained was sorting out the place the run would take in the sport ’ s annals . “ I think personally [TGT] ’ s the best run in the history of the sport ” Thomas said . “ [TGT] ’ s the coolest thing I ’ ve ever seen .” “ Gosh man I think that ’ s the best run that ’ s ever going to be done ” said Swiss rider Patrick Burgener who finished fifth . “ It ’ s going to be hard to do better .” There was not consensus . Hirano the silver medalist also threw consecutive 1440s . James who won bronze hinted cryptically about a glitch in [TGT] ’ s run . “ There were some details I was expressing to the judges before the last score ” James said . “ But that is what it is . Shaun and Hirano both had amazing runs . It could have gone either way .” [TGT]took on all comers and beat them raising the bar yet again in a sport [TGT] has owned for a dozen years . [TGT]revealed the seriousness of [TGT] intent Tuesday in the qualifying round when [TGT] unleashed a 98 . 5 - point masterpiece in [TGT] final run even though [TGT] first run had been plenty to push [TGT] into the field . Riders typically play it safe in such situations saving their best tricks for the final careful to only whet the appetite of the judges . Still [TGT]threw down the best run of the day . “ I ’ m here to put it down ” [TGT] proclaimed . [ How to watch snowboarding at the 2018 Winter Olympics ] In the final White stood atop the pipe for his first run immediately after watching James the feisty Aussie who wears red mittens in the shape boxing gloves put down the best run of the day to that point a 92 . 00 . [TGT] responded with a monstrous 94 . 25 which [TGT] punctuated by ripping off [TGT] helmet and chucking it into the sky . “ [TGT] ’ s a psycho ” said Ferguson who took fourth . Hirano who posted a 99 . 00 in competition earlier this year took over the top spot with his second run executing consecutive 1440s en route to a 95 . 25 . So when White stood at the top of the pipe a second time he was chasing . White responded with a furious beginning to his run leading off with a 1440 and then landing another . But then trying to land one of his trademark moves — the Tomahawk — White fell on his backside . His third run would be no victory lap . It would be only victory genius in nature the latest and maybe sweetest triumph of a career exploding into a second act . | 2Positive
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228 | Thunder return home and to win column vs. Clippers | Paul George | Oklahoma City Thunder forward Paul George ( 13 ) shoots the ball defended by LA Clippers forward Blake Griffin ( 32 ) during the fourth quarter at Chesapeake Energy Arena . ( Photo : Mark D . Smith USA TODAY Sports ) OKLAHOMA CITY ( AP ) — This was the Paul George that Thunder fans had been waiting for . George scored 42 points and Oklahoma City snapped a four - game losing streak with a 120 - 111 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers on Friday night . It was George ' s highest scoring performance since joining the Thunder in an offseason trade with Indiana . He said his new teammates are starting to figure out how his game works . " It really is just chemistry " he said . " When I got here one of the talks we had about what was best with offense was the movement . Coach ( Billy ) Donovan was happy that he could utilize me in that situation of moving and getting some flow in offense so I ' m comfortable with that . It ' s good for me to get going and move around a little bit ." Russell Westbrook had 22 points and eight assists in the Thunder ' s highest - scoring game of the season . Carmelo Anthony and Alex Abrines each scored 14 points . Westbrook and Anthony made it tough for Los Angeles to deal with George . " It ' s hard because they have so many options " Clippers coach Doc Rivers said . " A lot of times you have the one - two option they ' ve got the one - two - three option . George made 13 of 22 shots and had nine rebounds and seven assists . " I was just trying to stay in attack mode " he said . " If plays opened up and there was opportunities to find guys I was trying to but it just seems that a lot of the plays just ended up me one on one with a big at the rim ." Lou Williams scored 35 points for the Clippers and Blake Griffin had 17 points on 5 - for - 19 shooting . Los Angeles has lost four straight . The Thunder led 63 - 55 at halftime behind 21 points by George . " All of the sudden he got it going " Rivers said . " I thought that changed the game when he got it going . That stretched the floor some more ." The Thunder continued their surge early in the third quarter . A 3 - pointer by Anthony pushed Oklahoma City ' s lead to 15 . The Thunder increased their advantage to 20 before the Clippers chipped away late in the quarter to close to 94 - 86 at the end of the period . A 3 - pointer by Austin Rivers tied it at 105 midway through the fourth but the Thunder held the Clippers to one field goal in the final three minutes to regain control . MORE : TIP - INS Clippers : G Jawun Evans who played at nearby Oklahoma State last season scored three points in 16 minutes . ... G Patrick Beverley sat out with a sore right knee . F Danilo Gallinari missed the game with a strained left glute . ... G Sindarius Thornwell got his first career start in place of Beverley and scored 10 points . ... Williams hit a double - clutch shot from half court to end the first quarter . He was called for a technical foul in the fourth . Thunder : C Steven Adams missed the game with a right calf contusion . ... Dakari Johnson got his first career start in Adams ' place and finished with nine points . He was a G - League All - Star last season . ... George hit a short jumper at the halftime buzzer . He was issued a technical foul in the third quarter . ... G Andre Roberson had 11 rebounds . STAT LINES Each of the Thunder ' s wins has been by at least nine points . All their losses have been by nine or fewer . Even with a 5 - 7 record the Thunder have outscored their opponents by 58 points this season . QUOTABLE Johnson on facing DeAndre Jordan in his first career start : " It was good . I just tried to go out there and be competitive just compete . He ' s a very great player . I ' m not scared of anybody so I just went out there and competed ." Jordan finished with nine points and 12 rebounds . DROPPING DIMES Griffin had five assists to surpass 2 000 in his career . He led the team in assists and the team finished with just 13 . UP NEXT Clippers : At New Orleans on Saturday night . Thunder : Host Dallas on Sunday night . NBA photo of the day The Associated Press . | Oklahoma City Thunder forward [TGT]shoots the ball defended by LA Clippers forward Blake Griffin ( 32 ) during the fourth quarter at Chesapeake Energy Arena . ( Photo : Mark D . Smith USA TODAY Sports ) OKLAHOMA CITY ( AP ) — This was the Paul George that Thunder fans had been waiting for . [TGT]scored 42 points and Oklahoma City snapped a four - game losing streak with a 120 - 111 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers on Friday night . It was George ' s highest scoring performance since joining the Thunder in an offseason trade with Indiana . He said his new teammates are starting to figure out how his game works . " It really is just chemistry " he said . " When I got here one of the talks we had about what was best with offense was the movement . Coach ( Billy ) Donovan was happy that he could utilize me in that situation of moving and getting some flow in offense so I ' m comfortable with that . It ' s good for me to get going and move around a little bit ." Russell Westbrook had 22 points and eight assists in the Thunder ' s highest - scoring game of the season . Carmelo Anthony and Alex Abrines each scored 14 points . Westbrook and Anthony made it tough for Los Angeles to deal with George . " It ' s hard because they have so many options " Clippers coach Doc Rivers said . " A lot of times you have the one - two option they ' ve got the one - two - three option . George made 13 of 22 shots and had nine rebounds and seven assists . " I was just trying to stay in attack mode " he said . " If plays opened up and there was opportunities to find guys I was trying to but it just seems that a lot of the plays just ended up me one on one with a big at the rim ." Lou Williams scored 35 points for the Clippers and Blake Griffin had 17 points on 5 - for - 19 shooting . Los Angeles has lost four straight . The Thunder led 63 - 55 at halftime behind 21 points by George . " All of the sudden he got it going " Rivers said . " I thought that changed the game when he got it going . That stretched the floor some more ." The Thunder continued their surge early in the third quarter . A 3 - pointer by Anthony pushed Oklahoma City ' s lead to 15 . The Thunder increased their advantage to 20 before the Clippers chipped away late in the quarter to close to 94 - 86 at the end of the period . A 3 - pointer by Austin Rivers tied it at 105 midway through the fourth but the Thunder held the Clippers to one field goal in the final three minutes to regain control . MORE : TIP - INS Clippers : G Jawun Evans who played at nearby Oklahoma State last season scored three points in 16 minutes . ... G Patrick Beverley sat out with a sore right knee . F Danilo Gallinari missed the game with a strained left glute . ... G Sindarius Thornwell got his first career start in place of Beverley and scored 10 points . ... Williams hit a double - clutch shot from half court to end the first quarter . He was called for a technical foul in the fourth . Thunder : C Steven Adams missed the game with a right calf contusion . ... Dakari Johnson got his first career start in Adams ' place and finished with nine points . He was a G - League All - Star last season . ... George hit a short jumper at the halftime buzzer . He was issued a technical foul in the third quarter . ... G Andre Roberson had 11 rebounds . STAT LINES Each of the Thunder ' s wins has been by at least nine points . All their losses have been by nine or fewer . Even with a 5 - 7 record the Thunder have outscored their opponents by 58 points this season . QUOTABLE Johnson on facing DeAndre Jordan in his first career start : " It was good . I just tried to go out there and be competitive just compete . He ' s a very great player . I ' m not scared of anybody so I just went out there and competed ." Jordan finished with nine points and 12 rebounds . DROPPING DIMES Griffin had five assists to surpass 2 000 in his career . He led the team in assists and the team finished with just 13 . UP NEXT Clippers : At New Orleans on Saturday night . Thunder : Host Dallas on Sunday night . NBA photo of the day The Associated Press . | 2Positive
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229 | Russian ex | Alexei Ulyukayev | Former Russian economy minister Alexei Ulyukayev accused of taking a $ 2 million bribe from Rosneft chief executive Igor Sechin told a court on Thursday he was the victim of “ a monstrous and cruel provocation .” Russian former Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev who was charged with accepting a bribe is escorted by bailiffs after a court hearing in Moscow Russia December 4 2017 . REUTERS / Maxim Shemetov State prosecutors said the bribe was given last year on Nov . 14 in exchange for Ulyukayev approving the sale of state - controlled oil company Bashneft to Rosneft . He says he thought the bag holding the bribe was a gift of expensive alcohol . “ A monstrous and cruel provocation was carried out against me ” Ulyukayev told the court in his final statement before it hands down a verdict on Dec . 15 . “ This trial has aroused public interest similar to that of a circus ” he added . “ The charges are absurd the evidence is absurd and at its base lies the cruelty and impunity of the provocateur .” Rosneft head Sechin a witness in the trial and a close ally of President Vladimir Putin has not appeared in court citing work commitments . Russian prosecutors earlier this month sought a sentence of 10 years in jail for Ulyukayev . | [TGT]accused of taking a $ 2 million bribe from Rosneft chief executive Igor Sechin told a court on Thursday [TGT] was the victim of “ a monstrous and cruel provocation .” Russian former Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev who was charged with accepting a bribe is escorted by bailiffs after a court hearing in Moscow Russia December 4 2017 . REUTERS / Maxim Shemetov State prosecutors said the bribe was given last year on Nov . 14 in exchange for Ulyukayev approving the sale of state - controlled oil company Bashneft to Rosneft . He says he thought the bag holding the bribe was a gift of expensive alcohol . “ A monstrous and cruel provocation was carried out against me ” [TGT]told the court in [TGT] final statement before [TGT][TGT] hands down a verdict on Dec . 15 . “ This trial has aroused public interest similar to that of a circus ” he added . “ The charges are absurd the evidence is absurd and at its base lies the cruelty and impunity of the provocateur .” Rosneft head Sechin a witness in the trial and a close ally of President Vladimir Putin has not appeared in court citing work commitments . Russian prosecutors earlier this month sought a sentence of 10 years in jail for [TGT] . | 0Negative
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230 | Controversial housing court judge to finally get the axe | Susan Avery | The clock has finally run out for an Upper East Side judge who ridiculed a lawyer with cerebral palsy and allowed cases involving tenants without heat or hot water to drag on sources told The Post . The Manhattan Housing Court ’ s advisory council which reviews its judges after each four - year term recently ruled that jurist Susan Avery should get the boot — as it catalogued years of complaints against her sources said . Avery ’ s chief - judge boss is now set to follow through on the recommendation by the end of the year sources said . “ Considering the complaints against her it ’ s about time for her to leave the bench ” said Alan Flacks a longtime local resident pushing for judicial reform . Avery 52 of East 84th Street landed her $ 175 000 - a - year job in 2012 thanks to a political appointment by then - Chief Judge Gail Prudenti . But she started demonstrating poor judgment almost immediately from the bench according to the 14 - member Advisory Council for the Housing Part of the Civil Court of New York City . In 2013 Avery reprimanded a lawyer with cerebral palsy for his sloppy handwriting the panel said in its four - page finding which called the judge “ unfeeling .’’ The incident resulted in a letter of caution being placed in Avery ’ s file according to a court source . The council — comprised of representatives from both the real - estate industry and tenants ’ organizations appointed by the mayor and governor — also criticized Avery for “ excessive multi - week adjournments ” for cases involving lack of heat and hot water said the letter a copy of which was read to The Post . The advisory council said in its decision last month that the New York Law School grad showed a general “ lack of concern ” for the litigants before her . The council added it was “ disturbed further ” by conflicts of interests involving the Housing Court judge ’ s family real - estate holdings . A court source said Avery failed to disclose that a law firm administering a family trust also regularly represents landlords in cases before the judge . Meanwhile the jurist garnered a “ not approved ” rating by the city Bar Association — twice . Voters also refused to back her two bids to move up to civil court . In the summer of 2016 a judge who was running against Avery for a civil - court position lodged a complaint over her campaign tactics . Justice Sabrina Kraus who was appointed to the bench in 2005 accused Avery ’ s boyfriend of making derogatory comments about her Iranian heritage on Facebook . Avery failed to disavow the remarks showing ethnic bias the advisory panel added . Kraus beat Avery to win the seat . Avery ran for civil court again this year but lost in the September primary . Avery did not respond to multiple requests for comment . The former chief judge who appointed her Prudenti said she had no memory of choosing her . | The clock has finally run out for an Upper East Side judge who ridiculed a lawyer with cerebral palsy and allowed cases involving tenants without heat or hot water to drag on sources told The Post . The Manhattan Housing Court ’ s advisory council which reviews its judges after each four - year term recently ruled that [TGT] should get the boot — as it catalogued years of complaints against her sources said . [TGT] ’ s chief - judge boss is now set to follow through on the recommendation by the end of the year sources said . “ Considering the complaints against her it ’ s about time for her to leave the bench ” said Alan Flacks a longtime local resident pushing for judicial reform . [TGT] 52 of East 84th Street landed her $ 175 000 - a - year job in 2012 thanks to a political appointment by then - Chief Judge Gail Prudenti . But she started demonstrating poor judgment almost immediately from the bench according to the 14 - member Advisory Council for the Housing Part of the Civil Court of New York City . In 2013 [TGT] reprimanded a lawyer with cerebral palsy for [TGT] sloppy handwriting the panel said in its four - page finding which called the judge “ unfeeling .’’ The incident resulted in a letter of caution being placed in [TGT] ’ s file according to a court source . The council — comprised of representatives from both the real - estate industry and tenants ’ organizations appointed by the mayor and governor — also criticized [TGT] for “ excessive multi - week adjournments ” for cases involving lack of heat and hot water said the letter a copy of which was read to The Post . The advisory council said in its decision last month that the New York Law School grad showed a general “ lack of concern ” for the litigants before her . The council added it was “ disturbed further ” by conflicts of interests involving the Housing Court judge ’ s family real - estate holdings . A court source said [TGT] failed to disclose that a law firm administering a family trust also regularly represents landlords in cases before the judge . Meanwhile the jurist garnered a “ not approved ” rating by the city Bar Association — twice . Voters also refused to back her two bids to move up to civil court . In the summer of 2016 a judge who was running against [TGT] for a civil - court position lodged a complaint over her campaign tactics . Justice Sabrina Kraus who was appointed to the bench in 2005 accused [TGT] ’ s boyfriend of making derogatory comments about her Iranian heritage on Facebook . [TGT] failed to disavow the remarks showing ethnic bias the advisory panel added . Kraus beat [TGT] to win the seat . [TGT] ran for civil court again this year but lost in the September primary . [TGT] did not respond to multiple requests for comment . The former chief judge who appointed her Prudenti said she had no memory of choosing her . | 0Negative
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231 | My cousin Bernie : Larry David , Bernie Sanders revealed as distant relatives . | Bernie Sanders | Comedian Larry David and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are more than just look-alikes : it turns out they 're distant cousins .
He added : "People say to me , you know , they talk about Larry David , and they say he does a better Bernie Sanders than I do ."
Bernie Sanders , right , appears alongside Larry David , who has impersonated him , on Saturday Night Live . | [TGT] are more than just look-alikes : it turns out [TGT] 're distant cousins .
[TGT] added : "People say to [TGT] , you know , they talk about Larry David , and they say he does a better [TGT] than I do ."
Bernie Sanders , right , appears alongside Larry David , who has impersonated him , on Saturday Night Live . | 1Neutral
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232 | Cops fire 65 shots in 15 seconds at murder suspect | Joel Armstrong | Authorities in San Francisco released body camera videos on Tuesday of a dramatic shootout in which police officers fired their weapons at least 65 times in 15 seconds at a murder suspect . The San Francisco Police Department said the shooting happened on Feb . 17 in the city ’ s Mission Bay neighborhood when officers confronted 31 - year - old homicide suspect Joel Armstrong inside an RV at a homeless encampment . Armstrong allegedly shot two men the day before during a carjacking in the city ’ s Panhandle neighborhood killing one of them . Body camera footage released by police shows how officers tracked Armstrong to the neighborhood then the moment when he shot at officers who then returned fire . “ Nobody was struck by gunfire during this incident . The evidence in the case so far indicates Armstrong fired two rounds from a weapon and that seven officers fired 65 rounds from their department - issued weapons ” SFPD Commander Greg McEachern told KTVU . Armstrong eventually turned himself in to police and has been charged with murder carjacking and eight counts of attempted murder . The videos were released at a town hall meeting about the shooting where residents expressed concerns about the number of homeless encampments in the area . Authorities said they are working to move people into housing . | Authorities in San Francisco released body camera videos on Tuesday of a dramatic shootout in which police officers fired their weapons at least 65 times in 15 seconds at a murder suspect . The San Francisco Police Department said the shooting happened on Feb . 17 in the city ’ s Mission Bay neighborhood when officers confronted [TGT] inside an RV at a homeless encampment . [TGT]allegedly shot two men the day before during a carjacking in the city ’ s Panhandle neighborhood killing one of them . Body camera footage released by police shows how officers tracked Armstrong to the neighborhood then the moment when he shot at officers who then returned fire . “ Nobody was struck by gunfire during this incident . The evidence in the case so far indicates [TGT]fired two rounds from a weapon and that seven officers fired 65 rounds from their department - issued weapons ” SFPD Commander Greg McEachern told KTVU . [TGT]eventually turned [TGT] in to police and has been charged with murder carjacking and eight counts of attempted murder . The videos were released at a town hall meeting about the shooting where residents expressed concerns about the number of homeless encampments in the area . Authorities said they are working to move people into housing . | 0Negative
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233 | What the political world is saying about Mitt Romney potentially running for Senate . | Mitt Romney | Before he was the governor of Massachusetts or the 2012 Republican presidential nominee , Mitt Romney launched an unsuccessful 1994 campaign to unseat Sen. Ted Kennedy .
"But I have to say that I would be very pleased if Mitt Romney did run for Senate .
"I am still not completely convinced that at 72 , Mitt wants to commute to D.C. to vote on obscure judges and the naming of post office buildings .
... "There 's no one on the planet who could beat Mitt Romney in a Senate race in Utah ," quipped Cann .
If Mitt Romney does run , there will be cheers from the gallery and enthusiasm from every corner of the state ." | Before he was the governor of Massachusetts or the 2012 Republican presidential nominee , [TGT] launched an unsuccessful 1994 campaign to unseat Sen. Ted Kennedy .
"But I have to say that I would be very pleased if [TGT] did run for Senate .
"I am still not completely convinced that at 72 , [TGT] wants to commute to D.C. to vote on obscure judges and the naming of post office buildings .
... "There 's no one on the planet who could beat [TGT] in a Senate race in Utah ," quipped Cann .
If [TGT] does run , there will be cheers from the gallery and enthusiasm from every corner of the state ." | 1Neutral
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234 | And now the overreaction! | Murphy | So let ' s do " Overreaction Day ” and talk about Tuesday ' s elections . For many years sports journalist Randy Galloway had a radio sports show in the Dallas - Ft Worth area . On Mondays or the day after the Cowboys ' game he ' d call it " Overreaction Monday " or an opportunity for every fan to say whatever was in their minds about the team players or coaches . It was often hilarious especially when fans called in their latest conspiracy theories about this or that . Just saw a headline on AOL about a " bombshell election ." Did I miss a huge upset somewhere ? In reality we saw Democrats win elections that they were supposed to win . Did anyone seriously think that Mayor De Blasio would be defeated in New York City ? I think that the real story in New York City had to be electoral apathy . Maybe that ' s what happens when a small group of voters pay the overwhelming majority of taxes ! Governor Kim Guadagno of New Jersey to keep the seat after Governor Christie ? I ' m amazed that she got 44 % of the vote . Over in Virginia I expected a closer vote but not necessarily a GOP victory . Mr . Northam got 53 % a majority but no landslide ! So what can we say about Tuesday ? The Democrats are winning elections in " blue areas " or a state like Virginia gradually flooded by federal employees . First Tuesday ' s results confirmed that Democrats are excited although I have not seen any evidence that they can win a district or state held by a strong incumbent Republican . Second the GOP Congress needs to get the message that voters expect tax and health care reform . You can ' t promise to repeal Obama Care and then not do it when you have the votes . Congratulations to the winners although Governor - elect Murphy will soon realize that New Jersey voters are angry and will turn on him quickly . Yes Christie had " Bridgegate " and " Beachgate " but Mr . Murphy will now inherit a total mess with unfunded public pensions collapsing infrastructure and voters who are sick and tired of paying taxes . Governor elect Northam will face an angry left that has already turned on him over sanctuary cities . As in sports there are no guarantees . However the GOP could guarantee itself winning in 2018 by keeping its promises and showing that it can govern . Or the GOP can continue to look incompetent and give the Democrats any opening in 2018 ! You can listen to my show ( Canto Talk ) and follow me on Twitter . | So let ' s do " Overreaction Day ” and talk about Tuesday ' s elections . For many years sports journalist Randy Galloway had a radio sports show in the Dallas - Ft Worth area . On Mondays or the day after the Cowboys ' game he ' d call it " Overreaction Monday " or an opportunity for every fan to say whatever was in their minds about the team players or coaches . It was often hilarious especially when fans called in their latest conspiracy theories about this or that . Just saw a headline on AOL about a " bombshell election ." Did I miss a huge upset somewhere ? In reality we saw Democrats win elections that they were supposed to win . Did anyone seriously think that Mayor De Blasio would be defeated in New York City ? I think that the real story in New York City had to be electoral apathy . Maybe that ' s what happens when a small group of voters pay the overwhelming majority of taxes ! Governor Kim Guadagno of New Jersey to keep the seat after Governor Christie ? I ' m amazed that she got 44 % of the vote . Over in Virginia I expected a closer vote but not necessarily a GOP victory . Mr . Northam got 53 % a majority but no landslide ! So what can we say about Tuesday ? The Democrats are winning elections in " blue areas " or a state like Virginia gradually flooded by federal employees . First Tuesday ' s results confirmed that Democrats are excited although I have not seen any evidence that they can win a district or state held by a strong incumbent Republican . Second the GOP Congress needs to get the message that voters expect tax and health care reform . You can ' t promise to repeal Obama Care and then not do it when you have the votes . Congratulations to the winners although [TGT]will soon realize that New Jersey voters are angry and will turn on [TGT] quickly . Yes Christie had " Bridgegate " and " Beachgate " but Mr . [TGT]will now inherit a total mess with unfunded public pensions collapsing infrastructure and voters who are sick and tired of paying taxes . Governor elect Northam will face an angry left that has already turned on him over sanctuary cities . As in sports there are no guarantees . However the GOP could guarantee itself winning in 2018 by keeping its promises and showing that it can govern . Or the GOP can continue to look incompetent and give the Democrats any opening in 2018 ! You can listen to my show ( Canto Talk ) and follow me on Twitter . | 0Negative
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235 | Conservative Berkeley Student : ` Anyone Right of Bernie Sanders Is Considered Intolerant & a Bigot ' . | Bernie Sanders | "Anyone right of Bernie Sanders is considered intolerant and a bigot . | "Anyone right of [TGT] is considered intolerant and a bigot . | 0Negative
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236 | The entertainment world reacts to Louis C.K. sexual harassment allegations | Louis C K | Comedian Louis C . K . is being accused of sexual misconduct by five women in a New York Times report . The premiere of his controversial new movie " I Love You Daddy " has been cancelled and C . K . has not commented on the allegations . ( Nicki DeMarco / The Washington Post ) On Thursday afternoon the New York Times released a story about sexual harassment allegations against comedian Louis C . K . Most big - name comedians have remained silent on the subject so far but others in the entertainment industry are reacting and let ’ s just say there isn ’ t a lot of shock over the accusations that the “ Louie ” creator allegedly masturbated in front of multiple women . Rumors about C . K . had been circulating for years most explicitly in a Defamer story written in 2015 . So when the premiere of the comedian ’ s new movie “ I Love You Daddy ” was canceled along with an appearance on Stephen Colbert something was clearly up . That something was the Times exposé with allegations from five women . We are I am guessing hours from all the Louis CK stories breaking and I will admit this one I ' ve been waiting for . — roxane gay (@ rgay ) November 9 2017 The silence from the men in comedy on Twitter right now speaks volumes # yesallmen # himtoo https :// t . co / 4Dnp2YbvYO — Sean L . McCarthy (@ thecomicscomic ) November 9 2017 As the article recounted women in the comedy industry who were allegedly harassed by C . K . were open about what happened to them . And yet people didn ’ t want to hear what they had to say . [ Louis C . K . accused of sexual misconduct in New York Times report ] “ Guys were backing away from us ” Julia Wolov said in the story . Wolov alleges that while at a comedy festival in 2002 she and a friend were invited to C . K .’ s hotel room where he disrobed and masturbated in front of them . The next day when the two women started telling other comedians what had happened “ we could already feel the backlash .” Other women are chiming in with similar stories about being silenced . I was told to delete a tweet I wrote about Louis CK abusing women before I applied to a high - profile comedy job because the people conducting the hiring process might not like it . These women who have spoken up are brave and we owe them so much . https :// t . co / yECc41l1Uz — Nicole Silverberg (@ nsilverberg ) November 9 2017 Jen Kirkman who ’ s been linked to C . K . allegations for years — though insisted more recently that he never exposed himself to her — also weighed in . Though he apologized for his one time comment to me I will no longer casually call Louie a friend . I can ' t support what I now KNOW are his contributions to the power dynamic in this business . — JEN KIRKMAN (@ JenKirkman ) November 9 2017 Even “ Parks and Recreation ” co - creator Michael Schur admitted that he knew about the rumors but cast C . K . On Twitter he expressed remorse over that decision . I don ' t remember when I heard the rumors about him . But I ' m sure it was before the last time he was on Parks and Rec . And I ' m sorry . — Ken Tremendous (@ KenTremendous ) November 9 2017 “ Seinfeld ” comedian Jason Alexander also delivered a Twitter PSA to other men in comedy . Gentlemen comedy is often inappropriate . It is sometimes daring and audacious and shocking . But our behavior in the real world toward women – that doesn ’ t get a pass on inappropriate . — jason alexander (@ IJasonAlexander ) November 9 2017 Meanwhile actor James Urbaniak dug up an old Q & A with Jon Stewart in which an audience member asks why Stewart didn ’ t ask C . K . about harassment allegations on “ The Daily Show .” ( Stewart pleaded ignorance .) May 2016 : Jon Stewart is asked about the Louis CK accusations then laughs at the questioner & makes fun of the internet ( 1 : 13 : 52 ). Quaint and enabling responses from a different time . And some other takes from writers and comedians : Much respect to @ TheRebeccaCorry Dana Min Goodman Julia Wolov & Abby Schachner for having the bravery to speak up about the abuses & crimes that happened to them . — Judah Friedlander (@ JudahWorldChamp ) November 9 2017 wow i guess nothing will ever surprise me again regarding men Louis C . K . – https :// t . co / brUoHJT78y — ROSIE (@ Rosie ) November 9 2017 it ' s so disappointing to say farewell to my comedic hero louis ck the guy who engineers his entire life around cramming the n - word into his overrated comedy routines . I was really rooting for him . — Mitra Jouhari (@ tweetrajouhari ) November 9 2017 | Comedian Louis C . K . is being accused of sexual misconduct by five women in a New York Times report . The premiere of his controversial new movie " I Love You Daddy " has been cancelled and C . K . has not commented on the allegations . ( Nicki DeMarco / The Washington Post ) On Thursday afternoon the New York Times released a story about sexual harassment allegations against comedian Louis C . [TGT] . Most big - name comedians have remained silent on the subject so far but others in the entertainment industry are reacting and let ’ s just say there isn ’ t a lot of shock over the accusations that the “ Louie ” creator allegedly masturbated in front of multiple women . Rumors about C . [TGT] . had been circulating for years most explicitly in a Defamer story written in 2015 . So when the premiere of the comedian ’ s new movie “ I Love You Daddy ” was canceled along with an appearance on Stephen Colbert something was clearly up . That something was the Times exposé with allegations from five women . We are I am guessing hours from all the Louis CK stories breaking and I will admit this one I ' ve been waiting for . — roxane gay (@ rgay ) November 9 2017 The silence from the men in comedy on Twitter right now speaks volumes # yesallmen # himtoo https :// t . co / 4Dnp2YbvYO — Sean L . McCarthy (@ thecomicscomic ) November 9 2017 As the article recounted women in the comedy industry who were allegedly harassed by C . [TGT]. were open about what happened to [TGT] . And yet people didn ’ t want to hear what they had to say . [ Louis C . [TGT]. accused of sexual misconduct in New York Times report ] “ Guys were backing away from us ” Julia Wolov said in the story . Wolov alleges that while at a comedy festival in 2002 she and a friend were invited to C . [TGT] hotel room where [TGT] disrobed and masturbated in front of them . The next day when the two women started telling other comedians what had happened “ we could already feel the backlash .” Other women are chiming in with similar stories about being silenced . I was told to delete a tweet I wrote about Louis CK abusing women before I applied to a high - profile comedy job because the people conducting the hiring process might not like it . These women who have spoken up are brave and we owe them so much . https :// t . co / yECc41l1Uz — Nicole Silverberg (@ nsilverberg ) November 9 2017 Jen Kirkman who ’ s been linked to C . K . allegations for years — though insisted more recently that he never exposed himself to her — also weighed in . Though he apologized for his one time comment to me I will no longer casually call Louie a friend . I can ' t support what I now KNOW are his contributions to the power dynamic in this business . — JEN KIRKMAN (@ JenKirkman ) November 9 2017 Even “ Parks and Recreation ” co - creator Michael Schur admitted that he knew about the rumors but cast C . K . On Twitter he expressed remorse over that decision . I don ' t remember when I heard the rumors about him . But I ' m sure it was before the last time he was on Parks and Rec . And I ' m sorry . — Ken Tremendous (@ KenTremendous ) November 9 2017 “ Seinfeld ” comedian Jason Alexander also delivered a Twitter PSA to other men in comedy . Gentlemen comedy is often inappropriate . It is sometimes daring and audacious and shocking . But our behavior in the real world toward women – that doesn ’ t get a pass on inappropriate . — jason alexander (@ IJasonAlexander ) November 9 2017 Meanwhile actor James Urbaniak dug up an old Q & A with Jon Stewart in which an audience member asks why Stewart didn ’ t ask [TGT] . K . about harassment allegations on “ The Daily Show .” ( Stewart pleaded ignorance .) May 2016 : Jon Stewart is asked about the Louis CK accusations then laughs at the questioner & makes fun of the internet ( 1 : 13 : 52 ). Quaint and enabling responses from a different time . And some other takes from writers and comedians : Much respect to @ TheRebeccaCorry Dana Min Goodman Julia Wolov & Abby Schachner for having the bravery to speak up about the abuses & crimes that happened to them . — Judah Friedlander (@ JudahWorldChamp ) November 9 2017 wow i guess nothing will ever surprise me again regarding men [TGT] . K . – https :// t . co / brUoHJT78y — ROSIE (@ Rosie ) November 9 2017 it ' s so disappointing to say farewell to my comedic hero louis ck the guy who engineers his entire life around cramming the n - word into his overrated comedy routines . I was really rooting for him . — Mitra Jouhari (@ tweetrajouhari ) November 9 2017 | 0Negative
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237 | Mitt Romney 's Checklist For A Possible Senate Run . | Mitt Romney | Imagine you 're Mitt Romney .
"I think Mitt Romney would want to have a little bit more influence than a first-time senator would typically have .
Romney needs to know he 's going to have some clout if and when he get to Washington .
With rumors that Mitt Romney is more seriously exploring a Senate run in Utah , many political observers are wondering why ?
He says there 's a few reasons Romney may want to re-enter politics .
Atlantic writer McKay Coppins first reported on Romney considering the idea last spring .
"By all accounts everyone I talk to says that this would be a cakewalk for Romney ," says Coppins .
"The reasons for Mitt Romney running are two-fold : one , he 's genuinely alarmed by Donald Trump 's rise ," says Coppins .
Finally , Romney will need to have the blessing of his family , especially his wife Ann , to re-enter the political fray .
But Coppins says he seems to be warming to the idea with Romney waiting in the wings .
The second item on Romney 's checklist ? | Imagine you 're [TGT] .
"I think [TGT] would want to have a little bit more influence than a first-time senator would typically have .
[TGT] needs to know [TGT] 's going to have some clout if and when [TGT] get to Washington .
With rumors that [TGT] is more seriously exploring a Senate run in Utah , many political observers are wondering why ?
[TGT] says there 's a few reasons [TGT] may want to re-enter politics .
Atlantic writer McKay Coppins first reported on [TGT] considering the idea last spring .
"By all accounts everyone I talk to says that this would be a cakewalk for [TGT] ," says Coppins .
"The reasons for [TGT] running are two-fold : one , [TGT] 's genuinely alarmed by Donald Trump 's rise ," says Coppins .
Finally , [TGT] will need to have the blessing of [TGT] family , especially [TGT] wife Ann , to re-enter the political fray .
But Coppins says he seems to be warming to the idea with [TGT] waiting in the wings .
The second item on [TGT] 's checklist ? | 1Neutral
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238 | Death of Osama bin Laden Fast Facts | Osama bin Laden | ( CNN ) Here are some facts about the death of Osama bin Laden . On May 2 2011 Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is killed by US Special Forces during an early morning ( approximately mid - afternoon on May 1 in the United States ) raid in Abbottabad Pakistan Facts : Some facts about the compound : - Built in approximately 2006 . - Significantly larger than other homes in the area and worth a reported $ 1 million . - Lacked telephone and Internet service . - The residents burned their trash rather than having it picked up . - Approximately 24 people lived at the house . - Surrounded by 12 - to 18 - foot walls topped by barbed wire . - Had two security gates . - Bin Laden and his family ' s living quarters were on the second and third levels . - The third floor terrace had a seven - foot privacy wall . - Located only about a mile from the Pakistan Military Academy . US forces retrieved numerous items from bin Laden ' s compound including 10 hard drives five computers and more than 100 storage devices such as disks DVDs and thumb drives according to a senior US official . Timeline : 2007 ( approx .) - US intelligence uncovers the name of one of bin Laden ' s most trusted couriers . - Intelligence sources identify the area of Pakistan where the courier and his brother live . August 2010 - US intelligence sources identify the Abbottabad compound as the home of the courier and his brother men who have no obvious means of affording a $ 1 million home . September 2010 - The CIA informs The CIA informs President Barack Obama that bin Laden may be living in the Abbottabad compound . They base this on the size and price tag of the compound as well as the elaborate security . February 2011 - The intelligence on the Abbottabad compound is considered strong enough to begin planning action . March 14 2011 - President Obama chairs the first of five National Security Council meetings to discuss an operation to raid bin Laden ' s compound and killing or capturing bin Laden . March 29 2011 - Second National Security meeting . April 12 2011 - Third meeting . April 19 2011 - Fourth meeting . April 28 2011 - Last of the National Security Council meetings on the bin Laden raid . April 29 2011 - At 8 : 20 a . m . EDT President Obama gives the order to raid bin Laden ' s compound in Pakistan . May 1 2011 - Late in the evening ( approximately mid - morning on May 2 in Pakistan ) President Obama addresses the nation and announces that Osama bin Laden has been killed calling it " the most significant achievement to date in our nation ' s effort to defeat al Qaeda ." May 2 2011 - In the early morning hours ( approximately mid - afternoon on May 1 in the United States ) a group of 25 Navy Seals raid the compound in Abbottabad Pakistan . - They arrive outside the compound in two Black Hawk helicopters . - The operation takes 40 minutes total . - US Special Forces must breach the outer walls of the compound before fighting their way through the ground floor of the three - story building where bin Laden lived . - The firefight then moves to the second and third floors where the bin Laden family lives . - In the last 5 - 10 minutes of the firefight bin Laden is killed by a gunshot wound to the head above the left eye . - Three men including a son of bin Laden are killed as well as one woman . - Bin Laden ' s body is identified by one of his wives . Facial recognition is used also . In the early morning hours ( approximately mid - afternoon on May 1 in the United States ) a group of 25 Navy Seals raid the compound in Abbottabad Pakistan .- They arrive outside the compound in two Black Hawk helicopters .- The operation takes 40 minutes total .- US Special Forces must breach the outer walls of the compound before fighting their way through the ground floor of the three - story building where bin Laden lived .- The firefight then moves to the second and third floors where the bin Laden family lives .- In the last 5 - 10 minutes of the firefight bin Laden is killed by a gunshot wound to the head above the left eye .- Three men including a son of bin Laden are killed as well as one woman .- Bin Laden ' s body is identified by one of his wives . Facial recognition is used also . May 2 2011 - Osama bin Laden is buried at sea off the deck of the - He is buried within 24 hours according to - The hour - long ceremony aboard the USS Carl Vinson is conducted according to Islamic law . Osama bin Laden is buried at sea off the deck of the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea .- He is buried within 24 hours according to Islamic law . - The hour - long ceremony aboard the USS Carl Vinson is conducted according to Islamic law . May 2 2011 - A DNA test is done on a sample from the body confirming that it is bin Laden . May 3 2011 - Attorney General Eric Holder declares the raid " lawful legitimate and appropriate in every way ." Attorney General Eric Holder declares the raid " lawful legitimate and appropriate in every way ." May 3 2011 - White House Press Secretary Jay Carney offers new details on the raid . He clarifies that the woman killed was on the first floor not with bin Laden and was killed in the crossfire . Carney also says that bin Laden was not armed but did put up resistance . Carney also says that a woman in the room with bin Laden believed to be his wife was shot in the leg when she rushed at US forces . May 3 2011 - A congressional source tells CNN that bin Laden had approximately $ 745 and two telephone numbers sewn into his clothing . May 3 2011 - Two sources tell CNN that during a briefing Two sources tell CNN that during a briefing CIA Director Leon Panetta said that Pakistani officials either " were involved or incompetent . Neither place is a good place to be ." May 3 2011 - Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mojahed releases a statement " Obama has not got any strong evidence that can prove his claim over killing of the Sheikh Osama bin Laden ... And secondly the closest sources for Sheikh Osama bin Laden have not confirmed " the death . May 4 2011 - White House Press Secretary Carney announces that President Obama has decided not to release photos of bin Laden ' s body . May 4 2011 - A Pakistani intelligence source tells CNN that there were five fatalities during the raid all men : Osama bin Laden bin Laden ' s son and three other men . This conflicts with the White House statement that a woman died during the raid . May 6 2011 - Al Qaeda confirms bin Laden ' s death in a statement on jihadist forums . May 12 2011 - US officials offer further proof of their belief that bin Laden grew complacent living in Pakistan and believed he would not be caught . They point out that they have found no evidence that he had an escape plan and that his security in the compound consisted of only three other men . May 12 2011 - US officials confirm to CNN that US authorities have interviewed three of bin Laden ' s wives . May 12 2011 - Retired Retired US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says in a speech that the killing of bin Laden was legally justified . May 13 2011 - It is revealed that a large amount of pornography was seized from the Abbottabad compound during the raid . It is unclear to whom it belonged . May 13 2011 - A US military official tells CNN the Navy Seal team who carried out the bin Laden raid wore helmet - mounted digital cameras that recorded the mission . May 17 2011 - Senator John Kerry announces that Pakistan will return the tail of the US helicopter damaged during the raid . May 18 2011 - Admiral Mike Mullen and Admiral Mike Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates tell reporters there is no evidence that the senior Pakistani leadership knew of Osama bin Laden ' s presence in Pakistan . May 26 2011 - A team of CIA forensic specialists is granted permission by the Pakistani government to examine the compound in Abbottabad Pakistan . June 15 2011 - Pakistan ' s intelligence agency arrests several people suspected of assisting the CIA before the raid . June 17 2011 - The US Justice Dept . formally drops terrorism - related criminal charges against bin Laden . July 11 2011 - Pakistani security forces detain a doctor suspected of helping the CIA attempt to collect the DNA of bin Laden ' s family members through a vaccination drive . October 6 2011 - Pakistan ' s information ministry says the doctor suspected of helping the CIA target Osama bin Laden will be charged with treason . Also bin Laden ' s compound will be turned over to city officials . February 2012 - Pakistani authorities begin to demolish the compound that Osama bin Laden used as a hideout . May 9 2012 - Citing that it is of national security interest a federal judge has denied Judicial Watch ' s Freedom of Information request regarding the release of bin Laden death photos . May 23 2012 - Shakeel Afridi the Pakistani doctor accused of helping the CIA track down Osama bin Laden is fined $ 3 500 for spying for the United States and sentenced to 33 years in prison for treason by a tribal court . September 4 2012 - Publication of the memoir " No Easy Day " by former US Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette written under the name Mark Owen . The Department of Defense is considering pursuing legal action because the book violates Bissonnette ' s non - disclosure agreement . February 11 2013 - Conflicting information about which Navy SEAL killed bin Laden appears when Conflicting information about which Navy SEAL killed bin Laden appears when Esquire magazine reports on an unnamed former Navy SEAL who says he fired the kill shot not the point man as told in Bissonette ' s book " No Easy Day ." May 21 2013 - A three - judge federal appeals court panel rejects an appeal from a conservative legal group ruling that the release of post - mortem images of Osama bin Laden ' s body could result in attacks on Americans . October 31 2014 - Adm . Brian Losey head of the Naval Warfare Special Command Adm . Brian Losey head of the Naval Warfare Special Command releases an open letter warning Navy SEALs against betraying their promise of secrecy . This is in advance of two upcoming interviews from SEALs involved in the Osama bin Laden mission . November 7 2014 - Former Navy SEAL Robert O ' Neill says in an interview with The Washington Post that he was the one who fired the final shot to kill Osama bin Laden in 2011 . May 10 2015 - In a published report investigative journalist Seymour Hersh contends the Obama Adminstration lied about the circumstances surrounding the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden . In a published report investigative journalist Seymour Hersh contends the Obama Adminstration lied about the circumstances surrounding the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden . The White House later dismisses the report as " baseless ." May 20 2015 - The Office of the Director of National Intelligence begins releasing and declassifying documents recovered in the raid in May 2011 . The Office of the Director of National Intelligence begins releasing and declassifying documents recovered in the raid in May 2011 . March 1 2016 - A second batch of recovered documents is released by the DNI . A second batch of recovered documents is released by the DNI . Included in the recently declassified materials are bin Laden ' s personal letters and will . | ( CNN ) Here are some facts about the death of [TGT]. On May 2 2011 Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is killed by US Special Forces during an early morning ( approximately mid - afternoon on May 1 in the United States ) raid in Abbottabad Pakistan Facts : Some facts about the compound : - Built in approximately 2006 . - Significantly larger than other homes in the area and worth a reported $ 1 million . - Lacked telephone and Internet service . - The residents burned their trash rather than having it picked up . - Approximately 24 people lived at the house . - Surrounded by 12 - to 18 - foot walls topped by barbed wire . - Had two security gates . - Bin Laden and his family ' s living quarters were on the second and third levels . - The third floor terrace had a seven - foot privacy wall . - Located only about a mile from the Pakistan Military Academy . US forces retrieved numerous items from [TGT] s compound including 10 hard drives five computers and more than 100 storage devices such as disks DVDs and thumb drives according to a senior US official . Timeline : 2007 ( approx .) - US intelligence uncovers the name of one of [TGT] s most trusted couriers . - Intelligence sources identify the area of Pakistan where the courier and [TGT] brother live . August 2010 - US intelligence sources identify the Abbottabad compound as the home of the courier and his brother men who have no obvious means of affording a $ 1 million home . September 2010 - The CIA informs The CIA informs President Barack Obama that bin Laden may be living in the Abbottabad compound . They base this on the size and price tag of the compound as well as the elaborate security . February 2011 - The intelligence on the Abbottabad compound is considered strong enough to begin planning action . March 14 2011 - President Obama chairs the first of five National Security Council meetings to discuss an operation to raid bin Laden ' s compound and killing or capturing bin Laden . March 29 2011 - Second National Security meeting . April 12 2011 - Third meeting . April 19 2011 - Fourth meeting . April 28 2011 - Last of the National Security Council meetings on the bin Laden raid . April 29 2011 - At 8 : 20 a . m . EDT President Obama gives the order to raid bin Laden ' s compound in Pakistan . May 1 2011 - Late in the evening ( approximately mid - morning on May 2 in Pakistan ) President Obama addresses the nation and announces that Osama bin Laden has been killed calling it " the most significant achievement to date in our nation ' s effort to defeat al Qaeda ." May 2 2011 - In the early morning hours ( approximately mid - afternoon on May 1 in the United States ) a group of 25 Navy Seals raid the compound in Abbottabad Pakistan . - They arrive outside the compound in two Black Hawk helicopters . - The operation takes 40 minutes total . - US Special Forces must breach the outer walls of the compound before fighting their way through the ground floor of the three - story building where bin Laden lived . - The firefight then moves to the second and third floors where the bin Laden family lives . - In the last 5 - 10 minutes of the firefight bin Laden is killed by a gunshot wound to the head above the left eye . - Three men including a son of bin Laden are killed as well as one woman . - Bin Laden ' s body is identified by one of his wives . Facial recognition is used also . In the early morning hours ( approximately mid - afternoon on May 1 in the United States ) a group of 25 Navy Seals raid the compound in Abbottabad Pakistan .- They arrive outside the compound in two Black Hawk helicopters .- The operation takes 40 minutes total .- US Special Forces must breach the outer walls of the compound before fighting their way through the ground floor of the three - story building where bin Laden lived .- The firefight then moves to the second and third floors where the bin Laden family lives .- In the last 5 - 10 minutes of the firefight bin Laden is killed by a gunshot wound to the head above the left eye .- Three men including a son of bin Laden are killed as well as one woman .- Bin Laden ' s body is identified by one of his wives . Facial recognition is used also . May 2 2011 - Osama bin Laden is buried at sea off the deck of the - He is buried within 24 hours according to - The hour - long ceremony aboard the USS Carl Vinson is conducted according to Islamic law . [TGT]is buried at sea off the deck of the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea .- [TGT] is buried within 24 hours according to Islamic law . - The hour - long ceremony aboard the USS Carl Vinson is conducted according to Islamic law . May 2 2011 - A DNA test is done on a sample from the body confirming that it is bin Laden . May 3 2011 - Attorney General Eric Holder declares the raid " lawful legitimate and appropriate in every way ." Attorney General Eric Holder declares the raid " lawful legitimate and appropriate in every way ." May 3 2011 - White House Press Secretary Jay Carney offers new details on the raid . He clarifies that the woman killed was on the first floor not with [TGT] and was killed in the crossfire . Carney also says that [TGT] was not armed but did put up resistance . Carney also says that a woman in the room with [TGT] believed to be [TGT] wife was shot in the leg when she rushed at US forces . May 3 2011 - A congressional source tells CNN that [TGT] had approximately $ 745 and two telephone numbers sewn into [TGT] clothing . May 3 2011 - Two sources tell CNN that during a briefing Two sources tell CNN that during a briefing CIA Director Leon Panetta said that Pakistani officials either " were involved or incompetent . Neither place is a good place to be ." May 3 2011 - Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mojahed releases a statement " Obama has not got any strong evidence that can prove his claim over killing of the Sheikh Osama bin Laden ... And secondly the closest sources for [TGT]have not confirmed " the death . May 4 2011 - White House Press Secretary Carney announces that President Obama has decided not to release photos of bin Laden ' s body . May 4 2011 - A Pakistani intelligence source tells CNN that there were five fatalities during the raid all men : Osama bin Laden bin Laden ' s son and three other men . This conflicts with the White House statement that a woman died during the raid . May 6 2011 - Al Qaeda confirms [TGT] s death in a statement on jihadist forums . May 12 2011 - US officials offer further proof of their belief that [TGT]grew complacent living in Pakistan and believed [TGT] would not be caught . They point out that they have found no evidence that [TGT] had an escape plan and that [TGT] security in the compound consisted of only three other men . May 12 2011 - US officials confirm to CNN that US authorities have interviewed three of bin Laden ' s wives . May 12 2011 - Retired Retired US Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says in a speech that the killing of bin Laden was legally justified . May 13 2011 - It is revealed that a large amount of pornography was seized from the Abbottabad compound during the raid . It is unclear to whom it belonged . May 13 2011 - A US military official tells CNN the Navy Seal team who carried out the bin Laden raid wore helmet - mounted digital cameras that recorded the mission . May 17 2011 - Senator John Kerry announces that Pakistan will return the tail of the US helicopter damaged during the raid . May 18 2011 - Admiral Mike Mullen and Admiral Mike Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert Gates tell reporters there is no evidence that the senior Pakistani leadership knew of Osama bin Laden ' s presence in Pakistan . May 26 2011 - A team of CIA forensic specialists is granted permission by the Pakistani government to examine the compound in Abbottabad Pakistan . June 15 2011 - Pakistan ' s intelligence agency arrests several people suspected of assisting the CIA before the raid . June 17 2011 - The US Justice Dept . formally drops terrorism - related criminal charges against bin Laden . July 11 2011 - Pakistani security forces detain a doctor suspected of helping the CIA attempt to collect the DNA of bin Laden ' s family members through a vaccination drive . October 6 2011 - Pakistan ' s information ministry says the doctor suspected of helping the CIA target [TGT]will be charged with treason . Also bin Laden ' s compound will be turned over to city officials . February 2012 - Pakistani authorities begin to demolish the compound that [TGT]used as a hideout . May 9 2012 - Citing that it is of national security interest a federal judge has denied Judicial Watch ' s Freedom of Information request regarding the release of bin Laden death photos . May 23 2012 - Shakeel Afridi the Pakistani doctor accused of helping the CIA track down Osama bin Laden is fined $ 3 500 for spying for the United States and sentenced to 33 years in prison for treason by a tribal court . September 4 2012 - Publication of the memoir " No Easy Day " by former US Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette written under the name Mark Owen . The Department of Defense is considering pursuing legal action because the book violates Bissonnette ' s non - disclosure agreement . February 11 2013 - Conflicting information about which Navy SEAL killed bin Laden appears when Conflicting information about which Navy SEAL killed bin Laden appears when Esquire magazine reports on an unnamed former Navy SEAL who says he fired the kill shot not the point man as told in Bissonette ' s book " No Easy Day ." May 21 2013 - A three - judge federal appeals court panel rejects an appeal from a conservative legal group ruling that the release of post - mortem images of [TGT] s body could result in attacks on Americans . October 31 2014 - Adm . Brian Losey head of the Naval Warfare Special Command Adm . Brian Losey head of the Naval Warfare Special Command releases an open letter warning Navy SEALs against betraying their promise of secrecy . This is in advance of two upcoming interviews from SEALs involved in the [TGT]mission . November 7 2014 - Former Navy SEAL Robert O ' Neill says in an interview with The Washington Post that he was the one who fired the final shot to kill Osama bin Laden in 2011 . May 10 2015 - In a published report investigative journalist Seymour Hersh contends the Obama Adminstration lied about [TGT]. In a published report investigative journalist Seymour Hersh contends the Obama Adminstration lied about [TGT]. The White House later dismisses the report as " baseless ." May 20 2015 - The Office of the Director of National Intelligence begins releasing and declassifying documents recovered in the raid in May 2011 . The Office of the Director of National Intelligence begins releasing and declassifying documents recovered in the raid in May 2011 . March 1 2016 - A second batch of recovered documents is released by the DNI . A second batch of recovered documents is released by the DNI . Included in the recently declassified materials are [TGT] ' s personal letters and will . | 1Neutral
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239 | Weed Withdrawal Is a Real Thing and It's Hell | Alex Fraser | This article originally appeared on VICE UK . I gave up smoking cannabis eight years ago . I ’ d been promoted — from telemarketing supervisor to the noble heights of telemarketing manager — and I couldn ’ t come to work high anymore . My abiding memory of the following week was a nightly stream of terrifying dreams . It was like I was dreaming in stereo as my brain experienced the novelty of truly deep sleep for the first time in years . Within a week once the night terrors and the cold sweats had stopped my short - term memory started to improve . I was more sociable in and outside of work . I left the job within a few months and started doing something I loved . Everything about my life improved . But giving up weed isn ’ t so easy for everyone and for some it ’ s fraught with acute problems — physical mental and emotional . " Stopping my consumption of cannabis used to mean a lot of pain : vomiting diarrhea and not being able to sleep or eat " says Alex Fraser 26 . Alex has Crohn ’ s disease which was diagnosed when he was 19 . He just had an ileostomy in which a diseased part of his bowel was removed . This has drastically improved his quality of life but he ’ s still hugely reliant on cannabis to keep him up and running . " Despite the surgery I still have issues with eating nausea and sleep " he says . " If I don ’ t have cannabis I end up using meds like Zopiclone for sleep and Oxycodone for pain . But nothing particularly helps my nausea or appetite except cannabis ." WATCH : The Safest Possible Way to Use Weed Alex who generally vapes but occasionally smokes and eats marijuana also relies on it to keep his mental health in check . " It ’ s extremely helpful with the mental health issues I ’ ve had since surgery . Anxiety attacks self - esteem issues and my energy levels are all improved or eliminated with cannabis " he explains . Jon Liebling is a Director of the United Patient ’ s Alliance which is currently lobbying hard for the legalization of medical weed in the UK . Liebling has a long history of profound mental health issues and has recently been diagnosed with complex PTSD . " I ' ve been managing my anxiety depression and suicidal thoughts most of my life but have kept myself relatively happy with the use of cannabis " says Liebling . " About two years ago I had a number of traumatic events take place in a rather short period of time . I realized I needed a bit more help so I asked my doctor to refer me to a therapist . When I informed him I used cannabis he refused to refer me unless I stopped using . He prescribed me Prozac and Diazepam . I ’ ve always had suicidal thoughts but what ’ s kept me alive is my dissatisfaction with them . Prozac made my thoughts happier but also made me happier with those suicidal tendencies . So I acted on them for the first time in 20 years ." Liebling went back to his doctor and found that a locum was working that day . She immediately removed him from his Prozac prescription and referred him to talking therapy . She also told him to return to managing his condition with cannabis and he ’ s thankfully still here to tell the tale . Unfortunately beyond anecdotal evidence it ’ s quite hard to back up Alex and Liebling ’ s comments with science because currently there just isn ’ t much out there . Plus their personal health conditions — despite being undoubtedly severe — are not indicative of the population as a whole . A 2010 paper called " Assessment and management of cannabis use disorders in primary care " suggests that to differentiate between a psychiatric disorder and chronic cannabis intoxication a patient should cease cannabis use for two to four weeks . In a small 20 - person impatient study of withdrawal it found that " mean baseline depression symptom scores reduced to normal levels after four weeks of abstinence ." One of the study ’ s creators was Professor Adam Winstock founder of the Global Drug Survey — a study of how the world consumes drugs — and a consultant psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist . Between these two roles he ’ s analyzed the drug - taking habits of approximately 500 000 people and 300 000 cannabis users . He ’ s extremely well - placed to advise on dealing with the more established effects of cannabis withdrawal . For most people as it was with me during my promotion back in the mid - 2000s that means : a ) insomnia and vivid dreams ; and b ) nicotine withdrawal . A huge part of the first problem comes from an unlikely source . " Lots of people who smoke lots of weed drink too much caffeine : Red Bull tea coffee fizzy drinks . This is often to offset the sedating effects of weed . If you keep drinking 15 cups of tea when you ’ ve given up weed this is going to worsen your insomnia which will make you agitated " says Winstock . If you ’ ve grown up smoking joints with tobacco in them there ’ s a good chance you will also experience cravings from the nicotine withdrawal . For those looking to give up weed Winstockadvocates giving up cannabis and nicotine at the same time — but adds that crucially you should gradually reduce your tobacco intake in the run - up to quitting . This will have an unexpected second benefit in the fight against withdrawal sleeplessness . It breaks it down " he explains . " So when you stop smoking tobacco your caffeine levels go through the roof . You ' re left with this double whammy : of not only taking a stimulant drug [ caffeine ] that you likely drink too much of anyway but you ' re taking a stimulant drug whose levels are going to go through the roof because tobacco is no longer breaking it down ." Winstock also says that the intensity of your withdrawal will likely be affected by the type of weed you smoke . " If you smoke a high THC cannabis then I think the insomnia would be worse — your weird dreams would be worse your craving would be worse and your low mood would be worse ." Withdrawal symptoms with weed peak around day two or three and are generally over after seven . Sleeplessness and vivid dreams may last for two weeks but Winstock ’ s absolute gold standard advice for giving up weed is to " get into good sleep hygiene ." Admittedly easier said than done but there are some common sense habits that will help . " Exercise is probably the best thing you can do " he says . " Obviously you shouldn ' t over - exert yourself but if you ’ re exhausted when you go to bed you ’ re much more likely to sleep well . Turn off screens a couple of hours before bed and avoid caffeine . And don ’ t give up and call your dealer if you don ' t sleep well ! It will get easier soon ." Follow David Hillier on Twitter . To take part in this year ' s Global Drug Survey an anonymous study on how the world uses drugs click here . | This article originally appeared on VICE UK . I gave up smoking cannabis eight years ago . I ’ d been promoted — from telemarketing supervisor to the noble heights of telemarketing manager — and I couldn ’ t come to work high anymore . My abiding memory of the following week was a nightly stream of terrifying dreams . It was like I was dreaming in stereo as my brain experienced the novelty of truly deep sleep for the first time in years . Within a week once the night terrors and the cold sweats had stopped my short - term memory started to improve . I was more sociable in and outside of work . I left the job within a few months and started doing something I loved . Everything about my life improved . But giving up weed isn ’ t so easy for everyone and for some it ’ s fraught with acute problems — physical mental and emotional . " Stopping my consumption of cannabis used to mean a lot of pain : vomiting diarrhea and not being able to sleep or eat " says [TGT] 26 . Alex has Crohn ’ s disease which was diagnosed when he was 19 . He just had an ileostomy in which a diseased part of his bowel was removed . This has drastically improved his quality of life but he ’ s still hugely reliant on cannabis to keep him up and running . " Despite the surgery I still have issues with eating nausea and sleep " he says . " If I don ’ t have cannabis I end up using meds like Zopiclone for sleep and Oxycodone for pain . But nothing particularly helps my nausea or appetite except cannabis ." WATCH : The Safest Possible Way to Use Weed Alex who generally vapes but occasionally smokes and eats marijuana also relies on it to keep his mental health in check . " It ’ s extremely helpful with the mental health issues I ’ ve had since surgery . Anxiety attacks self - esteem issues and my energy levels are all improved or eliminated with cannabis " he explains . Jon Liebling is a Director of the United Patient ’ s Alliance which is currently lobbying hard for the legalization of medical weed in the UK . Liebling has a long history of profound mental health issues and has recently been diagnosed with complex PTSD . " I ' ve been managing my anxiety depression and suicidal thoughts most of my life but have kept myself relatively happy with the use of cannabis " says Liebling . " About two years ago I had a number of traumatic events take place in a rather short period of time . I realized I needed a bit more help so I asked my doctor to refer me to a therapist . When I informed him I used cannabis he refused to refer me unless I stopped using . He prescribed me Prozac and Diazepam . I ’ ve always had suicidal thoughts but what ’ s kept me alive is my dissatisfaction with them . Prozac made my thoughts happier but also made me happier with those suicidal tendencies . So I acted on them for the first time in 20 years ." Liebling went back to his doctor and found that a locum was working that day . She immediately removed him from his Prozac prescription and referred him to talking therapy . She also told him to return to managing his condition with cannabis and he ’ s thankfully still here to tell the tale . Unfortunately beyond anecdotal evidence it ’ s quite hard to back up Alex and Liebling ’ s comments with science because currently there just isn ’ t much out there . Plus their personal health conditions — despite being undoubtedly severe — are not indicative of the population as a whole . A 2010 paper called " Assessment and management of cannabis use disorders in primary care " suggests that to differentiate between a psychiatric disorder and chronic cannabis intoxication a patient should cease cannabis use for two to four weeks . In a small 20 - person impatient study of withdrawal it found that " mean baseline depression symptom scores reduced to normal levels after four weeks of abstinence ." One of the study ’ s creators was Professor Adam Winstock founder of the Global Drug Survey — a study of how the world consumes drugs — and a consultant psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist . Between these two roles he ’ s analyzed the drug - taking habits of approximately 500 000 people and 300 000 cannabis users . He ’ s extremely well - placed to advise on dealing with the more established effects of cannabis withdrawal . For most people as it was with me during my promotion back in the mid - 2000s that means : a ) insomnia and vivid dreams ; and b ) nicotine withdrawal . A huge part of the first problem comes from an unlikely source . " Lots of people who smoke lots of weed drink too much caffeine : Red Bull tea coffee fizzy drinks . This is often to offset the sedating effects of weed . If you keep drinking 15 cups of tea when you ’ ve given up weed this is going to worsen your insomnia which will make you agitated " says Winstock . If you ’ ve grown up smoking joints with tobacco in them there ’ s a good chance you will also experience cravings from the nicotine withdrawal . For those looking to give up weed Winstockadvocates giving up cannabis and nicotine at the same time — but adds that crucially you should gradually reduce your tobacco intake in the run - up to quitting . This will have an unexpected second benefit in the fight against withdrawal sleeplessness . It breaks it down " he explains . " So when you stop smoking tobacco your caffeine levels go through the roof . You ' re left with this double whammy : of not only taking a stimulant drug [ caffeine ] that you likely drink too much of anyway but you ' re taking a stimulant drug whose levels are going to go through the roof because tobacco is no longer breaking it down ." Winstock also says that the intensity of your withdrawal will likely be affected by the type of weed you smoke . " If you smoke a high THC cannabis then I think the insomnia would be worse — your weird dreams would be worse your craving would be worse and your low mood would be worse ." Withdrawal symptoms with weed peak around day two or three and are generally over after seven . Sleeplessness and vivid dreams may last for two weeks but Winstock ’ s absolute gold standard advice for giving up weed is to " get into good sleep hygiene ." Admittedly easier said than done but there are some common sense habits that will help . " Exercise is probably the best thing you can do " he says . " Obviously you shouldn ' t over - exert yourself but if you ’ re exhausted when you go to bed you ’ re much more likely to sleep well . Turn off screens a couple of hours before bed and avoid caffeine . And don ’ t give up and call your dealer if you don ' t sleep well ! It will get easier soon ." Follow David Hillier on Twitter . To take part in this year ' s Global Drug Survey an anonymous study on how the world uses drugs click here . | 1Neutral
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240 | The Humbling Of Mitt Romney , By Donald J. Trump . | Mitt Romney | But now he has been elected president and accordingly , if I could have helped shape foreign policy to protect the country I love , I would have been more than willing to do so ," Romney said through a spokesperson .
How does Romney now speak out when Trump next disgraces himself & the country on something Romney cares about ?
And while the Trump team offered cordial , diplomatic niceties for Romney , a step removed from that orbit , the president-elect 's confidants were gloating about a former rival 's diminishment .
As Romney noted , he and Reid have a fraught history , with the senator once infamously accusing Romney of not having paid taxes for 10 years .
"Mitt Romney is somebody I had respect for ," Reid said , in a somewhat dubious assertion .
But it stood to reason that next to Trump 's other options for secretary of state , Reid might have found Romney the most capable of the bunch .
He replied that by showing a willingness to work for a man he so thoroughly criticized , Romney had proved himself incapable for the task of secretary of state .
"I would n't want someone who has the character that Mitt Romney is showing ," Reid said .
Over the past few weeks , Donald Trump made a spectacle of his consideration of Mitt Romney for the role of America 's chief diplomat .
On Tuesday morning , "The Apprentice : Foggy Bottom Edition" culminated in Trump announcing that he was passing over Romney for the post , choosing Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson instead .
"Donald Trump was interviewing Mitt Romney for secretary of State in order to torture him ," Stone said .
In dispensing with Romney the way he did , Trump defanged a potential critic .
Romney 's defenders have framed his decision to offer himself up for the secretary of state position as an act of patriotism .
In a statement to HuffPost , Romney expressed no regret for changing his approach to a president-elect he once called a con artist .
Reid argued that Romney , who 'd called Trump a fraud during the presidential campaign , had lost any ability to criticize the soon-to-be-president by eagerly offering himself up for the secretary of state gig . | But now he has been elected president and accordingly , if I could have helped shape foreign policy to protect the country I love , I would have been more than willing to do so ," [TGT] said through a spokesperson .
How does [TGT] now speak out when Trump next disgraces [TGT] & the country on something [TGT] cares about ?
And while the Trump team offered cordial , diplomatic niceties for [TGT] , a step removed from that orbit , the president-elect 's confidants were gloating about a former rival 's diminishment .
As [TGT] noted , [TGT] and Reid have a fraught history , with [TGT] once infamously accusing [TGT] of not having paid taxes for 10 years .
"[TGT] is somebody I had respect for ," Reid said , in a somewhat dubious assertion .
But it stood to reason that next to Trump 's other options for secretary of state , Reid might have found [TGT] the most capable of the bunch .
[TGT] replied that by showing a willingness to work for a man [TGT] so thoroughly criticized , [TGT] had proved [TGT] incapable for the task of secretary of state .
"I would n't want someone who has the character that [TGT] is showing ," Reid said .
Over the past few weeks , Donald Trump made a spectacle of his consideration of [TGT] for the role of America 's chief diplomat .
On Tuesday morning , "The Apprentice : Foggy Bottom Edition" culminated in Trump announcing that he was passing over [TGT] for the post , choosing Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson instead .
"Donald Trump was interviewing [TGT] for secretary of State in order to torture him ," Stone said .
In dispensing with [TGT] the way [TGT] did , Trump defanged a potential critic .
[TGT] 's defenders have framed [TGT] decision to offer [TGT] up for the secretary of state position as an act of patriotism .
In a statement to HuffPost , [TGT] expressed no regret for changing [TGT] approach to a president-elect [TGT] once called a con artist .
Reid argued that [TGT] , who 'd called Trump a fraud during the presidential campaign , had lost any ability to criticize the soon-to-be-president by eagerly offering himself up for the secretary of state gig . | 0Negative
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241 | Police Search for Uber Driver Who Allegedly Sexually Assaulted 77 | Hashem Ramezanpour | Worth area are searching for an Uber driver that allegedly sexually assaulted an elderly Uber passenger . The Daily Mail reports that an Uber driver in the Dallas Fort - Worth area allegedly sexually assaulted a 77 - year - old passenger during an Uber trip last month . On the evening of October 22 40 - year - old driver Hashem Ramezanpour picked up an unnamed 77 - year - old woman from a church in Dallas and allegedly stopped the car in a wooded area ordered the woman to get out and sexually assaulted her . advertisement Ramezanpour faces a charge of aggravated sexual assault of an elderly victim but police are currently unable to find him and are now worried that he has fled the country . Uber has stated that Ramezanpour has been “ immediately removed ” from the Uber app and is now permanently banned from operating as an Uber driver . “ What has been described and reported to police is a violent act no person should ever have to go through . We are working with law enforcement officials to fully support their investigation ” a spokesperson stated . “ This former driver ’ s access was immediately removed from the app and he has been permanently banned .” | Worth area are searching for an Uber driver that allegedly sexually assaulted an elderly Uber passenger . The Daily Mail reports that an Uber driver in the Dallas Fort - Worth area allegedly sexually assaulted a 77 - year - old passenger during an Uber trip last month . On the evening of October 22 40 - year - old driver [TGT]picked up an unnamed 77 - year - old woman from a church in Dallas and allegedly stopped the car in a wooded area ordered the woman to get out and sexually assaulted her . advertisement Ramezanpour faces a charge of aggravated sexual assault of an elderly victim but police are currently unable to find him and are now worried that he has fled the country . Uber has stated that [TGT]has been “ immediately removed ” from the Uber app and is now permanently banned from operating as an Uber driver . “ What has been described and reported to police is a violent act no person should ever have to go through . We are working with law enforcement officials to fully support their investigation ” a spokesperson stated . “ This former driver ’ s access was immediately removed from the app and he has been permanently banned .” | 1Neutral
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242 | Bernie Sanders 's Campaign Is n't Over . | Bernie Sanders | Bernie Sanders 's Presidential race ended a year ago , but his campaign never did .
What they have is Bernie Sanders .
"I 'd be out on the road , and I 'd look down at my cell phone , and it 's Bernie fucking Sanders calling about the count again ," Lofy said .
Paul Heintz , the political editor of Seven Days , a Vermont weekly , told me , "The story of Bernie Sanders is a story of exclusion ." | [TGT] Presidential race ended a year ago , but [TGT] campaign never did .
What [TGT] have is [TGT] .
"I 'd be out on the road , and I 'd look down at my cell phone , and it 's [TGT] fucking [TGT] calling about the count again ," Lofy said .
Paul Heintz , the political editor of Seven Days , a Vermont weekly , told me , "The story of [TGT] is a story of exclusion ." | 2Positive
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243 | Philippine News Website's License Revoked After Duterte Threat | Rodrigo Duterte | The Philippine government has revoked the operating license of leading news website Rappler officials said Monday in a ruling denounced by President Rodrigo Duterte ' s critics as the latest blow to press freedom . Rappler set up in 2012 is among a clutch of Philippine news organizations that have sparred with Duterte over their critical coverage of his brutal drugs war . But the government rejected allegations that the ruling was an attack on press freedom with Duterte ' s spokesman saying Rappler and Rappler Holdings Corp had violated a provision in the country ' s constitution restricting media ownership to Filipinos . At his state of the nation address to Congress last year Duterte vowed to expose Rappler ' s " American ownership ." " The issue at hand is the compliance of 100 percent Filipino ownership and management of mass media . It is not about infringement on the freedom of the press " Duterte spokesman Harry Roque said in a statement Monday . " No one is above the law . Rappler has to comply " Roque added . Rappler ' s acting managing editor Chay Hofilena told AFP the company would file a court appeal against the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) ruling which is due to take effect in 15 days . " This is pure and simple harassment the seeming coup de grace to the relentless and malicious attacks against us since 2016 " the website said in a statement . " We will continue bringing you the news holding the powerful to account for their actions and decisions calling attention to government lapses that further disempower the disadvantaged " it said . The case concerns Rappler Holdings ' decision to issue Philippine depositary receipts for shares of Rappler Inc . that the government said were sold to foreign companies . "( They are ) existing for no other purpose than to effect a deceptive scheme to circumvent the constitution " the SEC said in a January 11 ruling to revoke Rappler ' s certificates of incorporation that was posted on the commission ' s website Monday . The ruling followed setbacks suffered by other Philippine news organisations which have criticized Duterte ' s war on drugs that has killed nearly 4 000 suspects . In March last year Duterte described top newspaper Philippine Daily Inquirer and leading television broadcaster ABS - CBN as " sons of whores " and warned them of karmic repercussions over their criticism of his drug war . " I ' m not threatening them but someday their karma will catch up with them " Duterte said . " They ' re shameless those sons of whore journalists " he added . Four months later the Inquirer announced its owners were in talks to sell the publication . A business tycoon who backed Duterte ' s 2016 election bid later disclosed he was planning to buy the Inquirer . Last year Duterte threatened to block ABS - CBN ' s application to renew its operating franchise a permit that requires congressional approval . The mass media watchdog group National Union of Journalists of the Philippines denounced the Rappler ruling . " It was but one of many threats Duterte has made against media critical of him and his governance such as the Philippine Daily Inquirer and broadcast network ABS - CBN " the union said in a statement . " We call on all Filipino journalists to unite and resist every and all attempts to silence us " the group added . Opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros also criticised the ruling calling it " pure harassment and a clear attack on press freedom ." | The Philippine government has revoked the operating license of leading news website Rappler officials said Monday in a ruling denounced by President [TGT] ' s critics as the latest blow to press freedom . Rappler set up in 2012 is among a clutch of Philippine news organizations that have sparred with Duterte over their critical coverage of his brutal drugs war . But the government rejected allegations that the ruling was an attack on press freedom with Duterte ' s spokesman saying Rappler and Rappler Holdings Corp had violated a provision in the country ' s constitution restricting media ownership to Filipinos . At his state of the nation address to Congress last year Duterte vowed to expose Rappler ' s " American ownership ." " The issue at hand is the compliance of 100 percent Filipino ownership and management of mass media . It is not about infringement on the freedom of the press " Duterte spokesman Harry Roque said in a statement Monday . " No one is above the law . Rappler has to comply " Roque added . Rappler ' s acting managing editor Chay Hofilena told AFP the company would file a court appeal against the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) ruling which is due to take effect in 15 days . " This is pure and simple harassment the seeming coup de grace to the relentless and malicious attacks against us since 2016 " the website said in a statement . " We will continue bringing you the news holding the powerful to account for their actions and decisions calling attention to government lapses that further disempower the disadvantaged " it said . The case concerns Rappler Holdings ' decision to issue Philippine depositary receipts for shares of Rappler Inc . that the government said were sold to foreign companies . "( They are ) existing for no other purpose than to effect a deceptive scheme to circumvent the constitution " the SEC said in a January 11 ruling to revoke Rappler ' s certificates of incorporation that was posted on the commission ' s website Monday . The ruling followed setbacks suffered by other Philippine news organisations which have criticized Duterte ' s war on drugs that has killed nearly 4 000 suspects . In March last year Duterte described top newspaper Philippine Daily Inquirer and leading television broadcaster ABS - CBN as " sons of whores " and warned them of karmic repercussions over their criticism of his drug war . " I ' m not threatening them but someday their karma will catch up with them " Duterte said . " They ' re shameless those sons of whore journalists " he added . Four months later the Inquirer announced its owners were in talks to sell the publication . A business tycoon who backed Duterte ' s 2016 election bid later disclosed he was planning to buy the Inquirer . Last year Duterte threatened to block ABS - CBN ' s application to renew its operating franchise a permit that requires congressional approval . The mass media watchdog group National Union of Journalists of the Philippines denounced the Rappler ruling . " It was but one of many threats Duterte has made against media critical of him and his governance such as the Philippine Daily Inquirer and broadcast network ABS - CBN " the union said in a statement . " We call on all Filipino journalists to unite and resist every and all attempts to silence us " the group added . Opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros also criticised the ruling calling it " pure harassment and a clear attack on press freedom ." | 2Positive
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244 | Behind The Media Surge Against Bernie Sanders . | Bernie Sanders | And why the special venom for Bernie Sanders ?
And Bernie Sanders , the most popular politician in the United States according to polls , is strongly opposed to allowing such huge consolidations of corporate power .
The media watch group FAIR pointed out that the Times piece "started with a false premise and patched together a dodgy piece of innuendo and guilt-by-association in order to place the blame for a shooting in Virginia on ` the most ardent supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders .
A few days earlier , the newspaper had front-paged another "news" story hostile to grassroots political forces aligned with Bernie -- a de facto editorial masquerading as news coverage , headlined : "Democrats in Split-Screen : The Base Wants It All .
And , as in the case of the New York Times article that appeared hours after the GOP baseball tragedy , the Times has sometimes jumped at the chance to draw far-fetched parallels between Trump 's violence-tinged , pseudo-populist messaging from the right and Bernie 's humane , inclusive messaging from the left .
When the momentum of the Bernie campaign gained powerful traction as a threat to the corporate order , big media efforts to trash him went over the top .
At a key political moment last year , as FAIR analyst Adam Johnson wrote , "the Washington Post ran 16 negative stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 hours , between roughly 10:20 PM EST Sunday , March 6 , to 3:54 PM EST Monday , March 7 -- a window that includes the crucial Democratic debate in Flint , Michigan , and the next morning 's spin ." | And why the special venom for Bernie Sanders ?
And Bernie Sanders , the most popular politician in the United States according to polls , is strongly opposed to allowing such huge consolidations of corporate power .
The media watch group FAIR pointed out that the Times piece "started with a false premise and patched together a dodgy piece of innuendo and guilt-by-association in order to place the blame for a shooting in Virginia on ` the most ardent supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders .
A few days earlier , the newspaper had front-paged another "news" story hostile to grassroots political forces aligned with [TGT] -- a de facto editorial masquerading as news coverage , headlined : "Democrats in Split-Screen : The Base Wants It All .
And , as in the case of the New York Times article that appeared hours after the GOP baseball tragedy , the Times has sometimes jumped at the chance to draw far-fetched parallels between Trump 's violence-tinged , pseudo-populist messaging from the right and [TGT] 's humane , inclusive messaging from the left .
When the momentum of the Bernie campaign gained powerful traction as a threat to the corporate order , big media efforts to trash him went over the top .
At a key political moment last year , as FAIR analyst Adam Johnson wrote , "the Washington Post ran 16 negative stories on Bernie Sanders in 16 hours , between roughly 10:20 PM EST Sunday , March 6 , to 3:54 PM EST Monday , March 7 -- a window that includes the crucial Democratic debate in Flint , Michigan , and the next morning 's spin ." | 2Positive
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245 | Pound climbs on considerable progress in Brexit talks | Barnier | FILE PHOTO : Pound coins are seen in this photo illustration taken in Manchester Britain September 6 2017 . REUTERS / Phil Noble / Illustration LONDON ( Reuters ) - Britain ’ s pound climbed almost a cent against a weakening dollar on Thursday after Britain ’ s Brexit secretary said “ considerable progress ” had been made in talks and the EU ’ s chief negotiator praised a “ new dynamic ” from the prime minister . Sterling had earlier been trading down on the day dipping to as low as $ 1 . 3344 after Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said the bank could not by itself nullify the negative effects of Britain leaving the European Union on the economy . But it turned higher as the dollar weakened and after Barnier said the two sides in the Brexit negotiations - Britain and the European Union - had “ had a constructive week ” though despite progress they were “ not there yet ”. Barnier said further work was needed in the coming weeks and months but he praised a “ new dynamic ” created by concessions made last week by Prime Minister Theresa May in a speech in Florence Italy . Sterling strengthened to as much as $ 1 . 3456 GBP = D3 up over half a percent on the day . “ He ( Barnier ) is suggesting that they ’ re making more progress now and that there ’ s positive signs in the negotiations this week ” said MUFG currency economist Lee Hardman . “ That backs up the view that if this continues there ’ s potentially some scope for EU leaders to grant some concessions to the UK .” “ If they were to allow the UK to start talking about a transitional deal alongside the divorce talks that to us is a potentially significant positive for the pound ” he added . Barnier ’ s British counterpart Brexit Secretary David Davis said they had made “ considerable progress ” in four days of talks in Brussels and repeated his eagerness to move on to discuss what happens after Brexit in March 2019 . “ Sterling ( is rallying ) on the ‘ considerable progress ’ comments regarding Brexit talks ” said Mizuho ’ s head of hedge fund FX sales Neil Jones . Having earlier dipped against the euro sterling turned slightly higher on the day to 87 . 60 pence versus the single currency EURGBP = D3 close to a 10 - week high . Strong UK retail sales numbers on Wednesday bolstered expectations of a BoE rate hike in November - a view that lifted the pound above $ 1 . 3650 to its highest since the Brexit vote earlier this month . “ We stay of the view that the BoE is on track with tightening monetary policy as part of the November meeting ” wrote Credit Agricole strategists in a note to clients . “ This in turn suggests that there is room of rising central bank rate expectations to the benefit of the pound .” | FILE PHOTO : Pound coins are seen in this photo illustration taken in Manchester Britain September 6 2017 . REUTERS / Phil Noble / Illustration LONDON ( Reuters ) - Britain ’ s pound climbed almost a cent against a weakening dollar on Thursday after Britain ’ s Brexit secretary said “ considerable progress ” had been made in talks and the EU ’ s chief negotiator praised a “ new dynamic ” from the prime minister . Sterling had earlier been trading down on the day dipping to as low as $ 1 . 3344 after Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said the bank could not by itself nullify the negative effects of Britain leaving the European Union on the economy . But it turned higher as the dollar weakened and after [TGT]said the two sides in the Brexit negotiations - Britain and the European Union - had “ had a constructive week ” though despite progress they were “ not there yet ”. [TGT]said further work was needed in the coming weeks and months but [TGT] praised a “ new dynamic ” created by concessions made last week by Prime Minister Theresa May in a speech in Florence Italy . Sterling strengthened to as much as $ 1 . 3456 GBP = D3 up over half a percent on the day . “ He ( Barnier ) is suggesting that they ’ re making more progress now and that there ’ s positive signs in the negotiations this week ” said MUFG currency economist Lee Hardman . “ That backs up the view that if this continues there ’ s potentially some scope for EU leaders to grant some concessions to the UK .” “ If they were to allow the UK to start talking about a transitional deal alongside the divorce talks that to us is a potentially significant positive for the pound ” he added . Barnier ’ s British counterpart Brexit Secretary David Davis said they had made “ considerable progress ” in four days of talks in Brussels and repeated his eagerness to move on to discuss what happens after Brexit in March 2019 . “ Sterling ( is rallying ) on the ‘ considerable progress ’ comments regarding Brexit talks ” said Mizuho ’ s head of hedge fund FX sales Neil Jones . Having earlier dipped against the euro sterling turned slightly higher on the day to 87 . 60 pence versus the single currency EURGBP = D3 close to a 10 - week high . Strong UK retail sales numbers on Wednesday bolstered expectations of a BoE rate hike in November - a view that lifted the pound above $ 1 . 3650 to its highest since the Brexit vote earlier this month . “ We stay of the view that the BoE is on track with tightening monetary policy as part of the November meeting ” wrote Credit Agricole strategists in a note to clients . “ This in turn suggests that there is room of rising central bank rate expectations to the benefit of the pound .” | 1Neutral
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246 | Former VP Joe Biden to headline Mitt Romney summit in Park City . | Mitt Romney | Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney will interview former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden during a Friday evening even FILE - In this May 24 , 2017 , file photo , former Vice President Joe Biden delivers the annual Harvard College Class Day address on In this May 8 , 2017 , photo , then-FBI Director James Comey speaks to the Anti-Defamation League National Leadership Summit in Washi | Former GOP presidential nominee [TGT] will interview former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden during a Friday evening even FILE - In this May 24 , 2017 , file photo , former Vice President Joe Biden delivers the annual Harvard College Class Day address on In this May 8 , 2017 , photo , then-FBI Director James Comey speaks to the Anti-Defamation League National Leadership Summit in Washi | 1Neutral
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247 | 4 arrested in Southern Illinois on charges of torturing killing piglets | Bennett | Four people from southern Illinois have been arrested on charges of theft and animal torture after they allegedly stole piglets and killed them . The Southern Illinoisan in Carbondale reports Franklin County Sheriff Don Jones says two juveniles were arrested in addition to 18 - year - old Trenton H . Bennett of West Frankfort and 20 - year - old Brendan A . Shaputis of Ewing . According to Jones the four allegedly stole about 30 piglets each about 5 to 7 days old from the Logan Sow Center in Benton . Authorities allege Bennett tortured several piglets . He allegedly kicked beat and struck the animals until their deaths . One piglet was tossed off an overpass . Shaputis is also accused of killing piglets in the same manner as Bennett . Authorities say the juveniles have been released to their families . Bennett and Shaputis are being held in lieu of $ 45 000 bond . It wasn ' t immediately known if they have lawyers . | Four people from southern Illinois have been arrested on charges of theft and animal torture after they allegedly stole piglets and killed them . The Southern Illinoisan in Carbondale reports Franklin County Sheriff Don Jones says two juveniles were arrested in addition to 18 - year - old Trenton H . [TGT] . Shaputis of Ewing . According to Jones the four allegedly stole about 30 piglets each about 5 to 7 days old from the Logan Sow Center in Benton . Authorities allege [TGT]tortured several piglets . [TGT] allegedly kicked beat and struck the animals until their deaths . One piglet was tossed off an overpass . Shaputis is also accused of killing piglets in the same manner as [TGT]. Authorities say the juveniles have been released to their families . [TGT]and Shaputis are being held in lieu of $ 45 000 bond . It wasn ' t immediately known if [TGT] have lawyers . | 0Negative
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248 | This Politician Quit His Job Became A Vlogger And Changed The Course Of An Election | Mariano Rajoy | More than half the seats in Catalonia ' s 135 - seat parliament will be occupied by pro - independence parties . Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy ' s own right - wing People ' s Party alone looks to lose 60 % of their seats . But there ' s one person who most certainly won ' t be sitting in one of those seats even though — thanks to a YouTube video that ’ s been viewed almost a million times — he most likely did more than a little to help Thursday ' s overwhelming pro - independence win . “ The situation on Oct . 1 changed everything ” Albano Dante Fachin told BuzzFeed News as he cleaned out his office inside Catalonia ’ s parliament building on Thursday night . Oct . 1 was the day Catalonia held a referendum on whether to separate from Spain a move the Spanish government had tried desperately to prevent . Police and other armed forces were sent into the region to try to keep people from the polls but Catalan leaders still declared a victory for the independence movement . After the vote the Spanish senate triggered Article 155 of the country ’ s constitution which stripped the region of its autonomy . Thursday night ’ s snap election was called by Rajoy after he used his new authority to dissolve the Catalan parliament and imprison eight politicians . Catalan President Carles Puigdemont fled to Brussels where he has been campaigning via livestream and social media . It ’ s been a hectic election full of vicious identity politics disorienting misinformation and increasing paranoia among Catalans about Spanish governmental overreach . Seven major parties were vying for seats on Thursday . But for most voters instead of thinking of things in terms of right and left it was a decision between a pro - Catalan independence voting bloc and a rival bloc of parties that have campaigned on Catalonia remaining a part of Spain . For Catalans it came down to a race between the left - wing progressive party Esquerra Republicana on the “ independentista ” side and economic liberal party Ciudadanos on the unionist a victory for either deciding the region ’ s future relationship with Madrid . There was one party though that tried to stay out of the independence debate . Podemos a left - wing anti - corruption party that was founded in 2014 out of Spain ’ s Occupy Wall Street equivalent resisted choosing a side . But thanks to Fachin its now - former general secretary it ended up having one of the biggest impacts on this week ’ s vote . Fachin shocked Catalans last week after he announced via YouTube video that he was resigning from Podemos and voting for a pro - independence party . The video has currently been watched over 800 000 times and according to Spanish media it ’ s the most watched video of the election . His decision to vote for an independence party to protest Spain ’ s crackdown on the region and not because he agreed with the results of the Catalan referendum became a lightning rod on social media . | More than half the seats in Catalonia ' s 135 - seat parliament will be occupied by pro - independence parties . [TGT] looks to lose 60 % of [TGT] seats . But there ' s one person who most certainly won ' t be sitting in one of those seats even though — thanks to a YouTube video that ’ s been viewed almost a million times — he most likely did more than a little to help Thursday ' s overwhelming pro - independence win . “ The situation on Oct . 1 changed everything ” Albano Dante Fachin told BuzzFeed News as he cleaned out his office inside Catalonia ’ s parliament building on Thursday night . Oct . 1 was the day Catalonia held a referendum on whether to separate from Spain a move the Spanish government had tried desperately to prevent . Police and other armed forces were sent into the region to try to keep people from the polls but Catalan leaders still declared a victory for the independence movement . After the vote the Spanish senate triggered Article 155 of the country ’ s constitution which stripped the region of its autonomy . Thursday night ’ s snap election was called by Rajoy after he used his new authority to dissolve the Catalan parliament and imprison eight politicians . Catalan President Carles Puigdemont fled to Brussels where he has been campaigning via livestream and social media . It ’ s been a hectic election full of vicious identity politics disorienting misinformation and increasing paranoia among Catalans about Spanish governmental overreach . Seven major parties were vying for seats on Thursday . But for most voters instead of thinking of things in terms of right and left it was a decision between a pro - Catalan independence voting bloc and a rival bloc of parties that have campaigned on Catalonia remaining a part of Spain . For Catalans it came down to a race between the left - wing progressive party Esquerra Republicana on the “ independentista ” side and economic liberal party Ciudadanos on the unionist a victory for either deciding the region ’ s future relationship with Madrid . There was one party though that tried to stay out of the independence debate . Podemos a left - wing anti - corruption party that was founded in 2014 out of Spain ’ s Occupy Wall Street equivalent resisted choosing a side . But thanks to Fachin its now - former general secretary it ended up having one of the biggest impacts on this week ’ s vote . Fachin shocked Catalans last week after he announced via YouTube video that he was resigning from Podemos and voting for a pro - independence party . The video has currently been watched over 800 000 times and according to Spanish media it ’ s the most watched video of the election . His decision to vote for an independence party to protest Spain ’ s crackdown on the region and not because he agreed with the results of the Catalan referendum became a lightning rod on social media . | 1Neutral
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249 | Asia Gold | Stephen Innes | Physical gold was sold at a discount in India this week for the first time in three weeks as demand for the metal slumped due to a jump in local rates while the Lunar New Year holiday capped buying at the end of the week elsewhere in Asia . Demand was down to a quarter its usual levels as buyers were deterred by a recent price rise said Harshad Ajmera the owner of JJ Gold House a wholesaler in the Indian city of Kolkata . In the local market gold was trading around 30 810 rupees per 10 grams after hitting a 15 - month high of 30 836 rupees hit earlier on Friday . Dealers in India were offering a discount of up to $ 3 an ounce on Friday over official domestic prices compared to a premium of $ 1 . 50 last week . Jewellers were waiting for a correction in prices before stocking up inventories a Mumbai - based dealer with a private bank said . Gold demand in India was likely to remain below its 10 - year average for a third year in 2018 as higher taxes and new transparency rules on purchases were expected to cap last year ’ s rebound in buying the World Gold Council ( WGC ) said this month . India ’ s gold imports in January dropped 37 percent from a year ago to their lowest in 17 months . Demand in rest of Asia picked up in the first half of the week as people bought gold ahead of Lunar New Year . “ It was a little bit later than expected . But people were happy to see the demand coming in finally ahead of the Lunar New Year . There was solid demand for restocking from jewellers ” said Stephen Innes APAC head of trading at Oanda . “ Jewellers were reporting good sales from Valentines Day and it stayed on for the New Year ” he said . Premiums in China eased to $ 3 -$ 4 an ounce from about $ 7 -$ 8 at beginning of the week . Gold prices edged higher on Friday heading for their biggest weekly percentage gain in nearly two years . Traders expected demand to be low going forward as a week - long Lunar New Year holiday started on Thursday . In Japan gold was sold in a range of par with the benchmark and a 10 cent premium as demand rose after yen strengthened in the week a Tokyo - based trader said . ( Reporting by Nallur Sethuraman and Nithin Prasad in Bengaluru Rajendra Jadhav in Mumbai ; Editing by Edmund Blair ) | Physical gold was sold at a discount in India this week for the first time in three weeks as demand for the metal slumped due to a jump in local rates while the Lunar New Year holiday capped buying at the end of the week elsewhere in Asia . Demand was down to a quarter its usual levels as buyers were deterred by a recent price rise said Harshad Ajmera the owner of JJ Gold House a wholesaler in the Indian city of Kolkata . In the local market gold was trading around 30 810 rupees per 10 grams after hitting a 15 - month high of 30 836 rupees hit earlier on Friday . Dealers in India were offering a discount of up to $ 3 an ounce on Friday over official domestic prices compared to a premium of $ 1 . 50 last week . Jewellers were waiting for a correction in prices before stocking up inventories a Mumbai - based dealer with a private bank said . Gold demand in India was likely to remain below its 10 - year average for a third year in 2018 as higher taxes and new transparency rules on purchases were expected to cap last year ’ s rebound in buying the World Gold Council ( WGC ) said this month . India ’ s gold imports in January dropped 37 percent from a year ago to their lowest in 17 months . Demand in rest of Asia picked up in the first half of the week as people bought gold ahead of Lunar New Year . “ It was a little bit later than expected . But people were happy to see the demand coming in finally ahead of the Lunar New Year . There was solid demand for restocking from jewellers ” said [TGT] APAC head of trading at Oanda . “ Jewellers were reporting good sales from Valentines Day and it stayed on for the New Year ” he said . Premiums in China eased to $ 3 -$ 4 an ounce from about $ 7 -$ 8 at beginning of the week . Gold prices edged higher on Friday heading for their biggest weekly percentage gain in nearly two years . Traders expected demand to be low going forward as a week - long Lunar New Year holiday started on Thursday . In Japan gold was sold in a range of par with the benchmark and a 10 cent premium as demand rose after yen strengthened in the week a Tokyo - based trader said . ( Reporting by Nallur Sethuraman and Nithin Prasad in Bengaluru Rajendra Jadhav in Mumbai ; Editing by Edmund Blair ) | 1Neutral
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250 | Watch Ty Dolla $ign YG Team in Raucous New 'Ex' Video | Ty Dolla | Ty Dolla $ ign and YG unveiled a vibrant new video for " Ex " their collaboration from the R & B star ' s 2017 album Beach House 3 . " Ex " boasts a throwback Nineties beat based around a sample of 112 ' s " Only You " featuring the Notorious B . I . G . The David Camarena - directed clip fittingly finds Ty Dolla $ ign and YG sauntering through lively party scenes and driving lowriders outfitted with hydraulics . Ty Dolla $ ign will embark on a North American trek in support of Beach House 3 this winter . The Don ' t Judge Me Tour kicks off February 21st in Santa Ana California and wraps April 12th in Los Angeles . Throughout the tour Ty will receive support from TC Da Loc and Dre Sinatra while 24hrs Marc E . Bassy and Toni Romiti will appear as special guests during different stretches . In an interview with Rolling Stone Ty Dolla $ ign spoke about growing as a singer and trying to revive R & B with Beach House 3 . " Remember when R & B used to be on the Hot 100 ? It just stopped " he said . " I felt like I had to dumb myself down a lot . I know a lot of people feel like that . There ' s a lot of people out there that can really sing but you don ' t really hear them … With this project I sung my ass off . But it ' s still gonna be a mainstream vibe . That ' s all I ' m trying to do : Make a lane for the singers ." | [TGT] ign and YG unveiled a vibrant new video for " Ex " their collaboration from the R & B star ' s 2017 album Beach House 3 . " Ex " boasts a throwback Nineties beat based around a sample of 112 ' s " Only You " featuring the Notorious B . I . G . The David Camarena - directed clip fittingly finds Ty Dolla $ ign and YG sauntering through lively party scenes and driving lowriders outfitted with hydraulics . Ty [TGT]$ ign will embark on a North American trek in support of Beach House 3 this winter . The Don ' t Judge Me Tour kicks off February 21st in Santa Ana California and wraps April 12th in Los Angeles . Throughout the tour [TGT] will receive support from TC Da Loc and Dre Sinatra while 24hrs Marc E . Bassy and Toni Romiti will appear as special guests during different stretches . In an interview with Rolling Stone [TGT] $ ign spoke about growing as a singer and trying to revive R & B with Beach House 3 . " Remember when R & B used to be on the Hot 100 ? It just stopped " he said . " I felt like I had to dumb myself down a lot . I know a lot of people feel like that . There ' s a lot of people out there that can really sing but you don ' t really hear them … With this project I sung my ass off . But it ' s still gonna be a mainstream vibe . That ' s all I ' m trying to do : Make a lane for the singers ." | 2Positive
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251 | Mahathir Mohamad named as PM candidate in Malaysia's elections | Mahathir Mohamad | ( CNN ) Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has been named the prime ministerial candidate for the country ' s opposition in the next elections completing a stunning return to politics at the age of 92 . The doctor who served 22 years as the country ' s leader before retiring in 2003 is determined to topple the party he once led -- and in his quest to do so has joined forces with his arch nemesis former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim whom he once jailed for corruption and sodomy . The former leader told CNN in an exclusive interview that his return to the political spotlight is down to his determination to oust the current prime minister Najib Razak . " I think it ' s a job I have to do . I cannot accept this country being destroyed by selfish people who only think about themselves ... who steal money " Mahathir told CNN last week . Malaysia ' s next elections will be held before August 2018 with many people widely expecting it to occur sometime in March . " They [ the political opposition parties ] have not been able to get rural Malay votes " Mahathir said explaining the rationale behind the opposition ' s decision to welcome him into their pact . " They had a majority of popular votes in 2013 but they were not able to get [ the ] constituencies with Malay voters . Mahathir has made a bad habit of sniping at those who stepped into his shoes as prime minister . Post - retirement Mahathir criticized his anointed successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi incessantly from the sidelines . But that is nothing compared to the energy and viciousness with which he has torn into Najib . Mahathir who said he attacked his successors because ' they were doing wrong things ' told CNN he doesn ' t mind " being used by the opposition " to oust Najib who for years has been embroiled in accusations that hundreds of millions of dollars were stolen from state investments . The US Justice Department filed lawsuits in 2016 amended earlier this year to recover more than $ 1 . 7 billion that prosecutors said were laundered through a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund headed by Najib . JUST WATCHED Malaysian prime minister Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Malaysian prime minister 12 : 19 Besides the United States several other countries are investigating state investment fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad ( 1MDB ) which Najib founded . US justice officials said that between 2009 and 2015 more than $ 3 . 5 billion from 1MDB was misappropriated by high - level officials of the board and associates . Najib has been accused of siphoning money from the investment fund after $ 681 million was transferred into his accounts . He has consistently denied any wrongdoing and said the money was donated by a member of the Saudi royal family . The 1MDB scandal rising costs of living and a growing rift among the country ' s multiracial multi - religious populace have been often blamed on Najib ' s party and the question now is can Mahathir the former leader help the opposition boot the ruling government from power ? Mahathir and Anwar : From friends to foes and now friends again The opposition in Malaysia is weaker now compared with the last election in 2013 when the Barisan Nasional coalition led by Najib limped to the finish line losing the popular vote and failing to snag a two - thirds majority in parliament . Embroiled in internal squabbles and sullied by scandals of their own the opposition for the longest time could not even agree on who would lead the country should they win the elections . Cue the strange alliance between Mahathir and Anwar who is back behind bars after being found guilty of sodomy a second time in 2015 . The opposition convention on Sunday declared that while Mahathir would be their candidate for prime minister at the next elections Anwar would assume the position if they manage to upset Barisan Nasional at the polls and Anwar is able to obtain a royal pardon for his sodomy conviction which disqualifies him from contesting the elections or holding office . Dr Mahathir was interviewed by CNN at his office in Putrajaya on Tuesday Jan 2 2018 Anwar ' s wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is the candidate for the deputy prime minister role . In his interview with CNN Mahathir praised Anwar a man he ' d once mentored and then maligned fired and incarcerated . Mahathir said they are putting aside a bitter rivalry to focus on defeating Najib and United Malays National Organisation ( UMNO ) the Najib - helmed party that forms the largest constituent in the Barisan Nasional coalition . " It is to get rid of this government . He [ Anwar ] wants to get rid of Najib and I want to get rid of Najib " Mahathir told CNN . " If you want to get rid of Najib we have to work together . We have to forget the past ." " I am 92 going on 93 " Mahathir pointed out . " I won ' t last long and I am prepared for that . But for as long as I can contribute I will continue and I will back Anwar if that is the wish of the party ." Can Mahathir bring in the votes ? Analysts are split over whether Mahathir has the x - factor needed to oust Barisan Nasional which has ruled uninterrupted since the country ' s independence in 1957 . Wan Saiful Wan Jan chief executive of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs in Kuala Lumpur said Mahathir clearly has influence judging by how quickly the opposition accepted him . Mahathir " has the capabilities to bring in and influence people ... just like Anwar " Wan Saiful said . " He is very attractive among the rural voters who feel Pakatan Harapan ( the opposition pact ) has not been defending the rights of the Malays " he said referring to the country ' s majority race which forms the bulk of the electorate . Wan Saiful added that support for the opposition is growing especially in states where Barisan Nasional rules . " Regardless what you think of the opposition people want democracy to flourish . There are those who may disagree with Mahathir returning to active politics but for the sake of democracy they feel UMNO must lose " he says . However Jayum Jawan a professor of government and politics from Universiti Putra Malaysia feels differently and said Mahathir ' s shelf life as a politician has ended . " He will have no impact on the election . The opposition has not been able to penetrate rural areas as the people there seem comfortable with what the government has done for them . Rural voters want stability " he says . ' He has done a lot of damage ' While opposition leaders have welcomed Mahathir some rank and file politicians remain skeptical . S . Manikumar an opposition politician said many party members are reluctant to back Mahathir openly because policies drafted during his reign favor the Malay majority at the expense of ethnic Chinese and Indian nationals . " He has done a lot of damage in the past 30 years . He has no doubt developed the nation but many still view him as a racist " Manikumar said . " The Indians for one were marginalized during his tenure as policies were not in their favor . As far as the lower and middle - class Indians are concerned their votes may sway to Najib ." JUST WATCHED Trump meets Malaysian PM under investigation Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Trump meets Malaysian PM under investigation 02 : 45 Other opposition politicians such as Othman Karim said while those in the party may have their differences with Mahathir " an enemy of an enemy is a friend ." Yet others believe that Mahathir ' s alliance with the opposition and his willingness to admit to past mistakes means he will atone for previous political blunders . Charles Santiago an opposition Member of Parliament said the opposition needs a strong personality like Mahathir to lead its mission . " Many say the country is headed in the wrong direction and we need someone strong from the Malay community to counter Najib " he said . " Dr Mahathir is our top dog right now . Politics is a very strange thing . One minute you are enemies the next minute you are friends ." | ( CNN ) [TGT]has been named the prime ministerial candidate for the country ' s opposition in the next elections completing a stunning return to politics at the age of 92 . The doctor who served 22 years as the country ' s leader before retiring in 2003 is determined to topple the party he once led -- and in his quest to do so has joined forces with his arch nemesis former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim whom he once jailed for corruption and sodomy . [TGT] told CNN in an exclusive interview that [TGT] return to the political spotlight is down to [TGT] determination to oust the current prime minister Najib Razak . " I think it ' s a job I have to do . I cannot accept this country being destroyed by selfish people who only think about themselves ... who steal money " Mahathir told CNN last week . Malaysia ' s next elections will be held before August 2018 with many people widely expecting it to occur sometime in March . " They [ the political opposition parties ] have not been able to get rural Malay votes " Mahathir said explaining the rationale behind the opposition ' s decision to welcome him into their pact . " They had a majority of popular votes in 2013 but they were not able to get [ the ] constituencies with Malay voters . Mahathir has made a bad habit of sniping at those who stepped into his shoes as prime minister . Post - retirement Mahathir criticized his anointed successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi incessantly from the sidelines . But that is nothing compared to the energy and viciousness with which he has torn into Najib . Mahathir who said he attacked his successors because ' they were doing wrong things ' told CNN he doesn ' t mind " being used by the opposition " to oust Najib who for years has been embroiled in accusations that hundreds of millions of dollars were stolen from state investments . The US Justice Department filed lawsuits in 2016 amended earlier this year to recover more than $ 1 . 7 billion that prosecutors said were laundered through a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund headed by Najib . JUST WATCHED Malaysian prime minister Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Malaysian prime minister 12 : 19 Besides the United States several other countries are investigating state investment fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad ( 1MDB ) which Najib founded . US justice officials said that between 2009 and 2015 more than $ 3 . 5 billion from 1MDB was misappropriated by high - level officials of the board and associates . Najib has been accused of siphoning money from the investment fund after $ 681 million was transferred into his accounts . He has consistently denied any wrongdoing and said the money was donated by a member of the Saudi royal family . The 1MDB scandal rising costs of living and a growing rift among the country ' s multiracial multi - religious populace have been often blamed on Najib ' s party and the question now is can Mahathir the former leader help the opposition boot the ruling government from power ? Mahathir and Anwar : From friends to foes and now friends again The opposition in Malaysia is weaker now compared with the last election in 2013 when the Barisan Nasional coalition led by Najib limped to the finish line losing the popular vote and failing to snag a two - thirds majority in parliament . Embroiled in internal squabbles and sullied by scandals of their own the opposition for the longest time could not even agree on who would lead the country should they win the elections . Cue the strange alliance between Mahathir and Anwar who is back behind bars after being found guilty of sodomy a second time in 2015 . The opposition convention on Sunday declared that while Mahathir would be their candidate for prime minister at the next elections Anwar would assume the position if they manage to upset Barisan Nasional at the polls and Anwar is able to obtain a royal pardon for his sodomy conviction which disqualifies him from contesting the elections or holding office . Dr Mahathir was interviewed by CNN at his office in Putrajaya on Tuesday Jan 2 2018 Anwar ' s wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is the candidate for the deputy prime minister role . In his interview with CNN Mahathir praised Anwar a man he ' d once mentored and then maligned fired and incarcerated . Mahathir said they are putting aside a bitter rivalry to focus on defeating Najib and United Malays National Organisation ( UMNO ) the Najib - helmed party that forms the largest constituent in the Barisan Nasional coalition . " It is to get rid of this government . He [ Anwar ] wants to get rid of Najib and I want to get rid of Najib " Mahathir told CNN . " If you want to get rid of Najib we have to work together . We have to forget the past ." " I am 92 going on 93 " Mahathir pointed out . " I won ' t last long and I am prepared for that . But for as long as I can contribute I will continue and I will back Anwar if that is the wish of the party ." Can Mahathir bring in the votes ? Analysts are split over whether Mahathir has the x - factor needed to oust Barisan Nasional which has ruled uninterrupted since the country ' s independence in 1957 . Wan Saiful Wan Jan chief executive of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs in Kuala Lumpur said Mahathir clearly has influence judging by how quickly the opposition accepted him . Mahathir " has the capabilities to bring in and influence people ... just like Anwar " Wan Saiful said . " He is very attractive among the rural voters who feel Pakatan Harapan ( the opposition pact ) has not been defending the rights of the Malays " he said referring to the country ' s majority race which forms the bulk of the electorate . Wan Saiful added that support for the opposition is growing especially in states where Barisan Nasional rules . " Regardless what you think of the opposition people want democracy to flourish . There are those who may disagree with Mahathir returning to active politics but for the sake of democracy they feel UMNO must lose " he says . However Jayum Jawan a professor of government and politics from Universiti Putra Malaysia feels differently and said Mahathir ' s shelf life as a politician has ended . " He will have no impact on the election . The opposition has not been able to penetrate rural areas as the people there seem comfortable with what the government has done for them . Rural voters want stability " he says . ' He has done a lot of damage ' While opposition leaders have welcomed Mahathir some rank and file politicians remain skeptical . S . Manikumar an opposition politician said many party members are reluctant to back Mahathir openly because policies drafted during his reign favor the Malay majority at the expense of ethnic Chinese and Indian nationals . " He has done a lot of damage in the past 30 years . He has no doubt developed the nation but many still view him as a racist " Manikumar said . " The Indians for one were marginalized during his tenure as policies were not in their favor . As far as the lower and middle - class Indians are concerned their votes may sway to Najib ." JUST WATCHED Trump meets Malaysian PM under investigation Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Trump meets Malaysian PM under investigation 02 : 45 Other opposition politicians such as Othman Karim said while those in the party may have their differences with Mahathir " an enemy of an enemy is a friend ." Yet others believe that Mahathir ' s alliance with the opposition and his willingness to admit to past mistakes means he will atone for previous political blunders . Charles Santiago an opposition Member of Parliament said the opposition needs a strong personality like Mahathir to lead its mission . " Many say the country is headed in the wrong direction and we need someone strong from the Malay community to counter Najib " he said . " Dr Mahathir is our top dog right now . Politics is a very strange thing . One minute you are enemies the next minute you are friends ." | 2Positive
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252 | North Korean leader Kim Jong Un says he has 'nuclear button' but won't use unless threatened | Kim Jong Un | but he also vowed not to attack unless threatened . Kim promised to focus this year on producing nuclear warheads and missiles for operational deployment adding that the United States could now " never start a war against me or our country ." But he also struck a conciliatory note opening the door to dialogue with South Korea and saying he would consider sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics to be held in his southern neighbor in February . " The United States should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my table " he said during the nationally televised speech according to a provisional translation by The Associated Press . " The entire area of the U . S . mainland is within our nuclear strike range ." But Kim also said those weapons would not be used unless his country faced aggression . " This year we should focus on mass - producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment " Kim said . " These weapons will be used only if our security is threatened ." North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test in September and launched its most high - tech intercontinental ballistic missile in November ignoring international condemnation and steadily tightening sanctions . In typically bellicose language it declared the latest round of United Nations sanctions imposed last month an " act of war " and Kim said his country had achieved the historic feat of " completing " its nuclear forces . North Korea ' s nuclear capabilities do not yet match Kim ' s boasts experts say since it is far from clear it could successfully deliver a nuclear weapon on one of its missiles . Yet there is little doubt its capabilities have advanced significantly in the past year . But Kim dressed in a Western - style gray suit and a tie also offered a potential olive branch to Seoul saying it is imperative to lower military tensions on the Korean Peninsula and improve ties with the South . He said that the path to dialogue was open and that he would consider sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang South Korea . " North Korea ' s participation in the Winter Games will be a good opportunity to show unity of the people and we wish the Games will be a success " he said according to a Reuters translation of the speech . " Officials from the two Koreas may urgently meet to discuss the possibility ." South Korea has been trying to reassure the rest of the world that the Olympics will be safe despite the nuclear tensions and President Moon Jae - in has said North Korea ' s participation would ensure their safety . He also proposed last month that Seoul and Washington postpone annual joint military drills until after the Olympics and he generally takes a less confrontational approach to relations with the North than his predecessor Park Geun - hye . John Delury a professor of international relations at Yonsei University in Seoul said Kim ' s message to Seoul was " more promising " than he had anticipated addressing in a specific and actionable way South Korea ' s desire to make the Games a success . " That should give hope to those in the South who are trying to get something going and open a channel at least " he said . The idea of improving relations between the two Koreas is one that is frequently spoken about but seldom achieved and Kim ' s warmer words could also be seen as an attempt to drive a wedge between Seoul and Washington . While Kim ' s words were more combative towards the United States he also refrained from a personal attack on President Donald Trump after the two men engaged in several rounds of mutual name - calling in 2017 Delury noted . When asked about North Korea ' s nuclear claims on Sunday night Trump said only " We ' ll see we ' ll see ." Daryl Kimball executive director of the Arms Control Association said Kim ' s claims about his country ' s nuclear capability underscored that there was no viable " military solution " to denuclearizing North Korea and that sanctions alone would not persuade Pyongyang to halt or reverse its nuclear buildup . " To avoid a nuclear conflict and the full - scale deployment of an operational North Korean strategic deterrent force U . S . leaders in concert with South Korea should redouble efforts to engage North Korea in direct talks and cease any further explicit or implicit threats of military action against the North " he said in an email . " The upcoming Olympics provide an important opportunity to break the ice and to begin discussions with the North Koreans on mutual steps that reduce the chances of miscalculation and war " he added . In the speech Kim also stressed North Korea ' s economic achievements and noted the importance of improving the nation ' s standard of living the AP reported . | but he also vowed not to attack unless threatened . Kim promised to focus this year on producing nuclear warheads and missiles for operational deployment adding that the United States could now " never start a war against me or our country ." But he also struck a conciliatory note opening the door to dialogue with South Korea and saying he would consider sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics to be held in his southern neighbor in February . " The United States should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my table " he said during the nationally televised speech according to a provisional translation by The Associated Press . " The entire area of the U . S . mainland is within our nuclear strike range ." But Kim also said those weapons would not be used unless his country faced aggression . " This year we should focus on mass - producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment " Kim said . " These weapons will be used only if our security is threatened ." North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test in September and launched its most high - tech intercontinental ballistic missile in November ignoring international condemnation and steadily tightening sanctions . In typically bellicose language it declared the latest round of United Nations sanctions imposed last month an " act of war " and Kim said his country had achieved the historic feat of " completing " its nuclear forces . North Korea ' s nuclear capabilities do not yet match Kim ' s boasts experts say since it is far from clear it could successfully deliver a nuclear weapon on one of its missiles . Yet there is little doubt its capabilities have advanced significantly in the past year . But Kim dressed in a Western - style gray suit and a tie also offered a potential olive branch to Seoul saying it is imperative to lower military tensions on the Korean Peninsula and improve ties with the South . He said that the path to dialogue was open and that he would consider sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang South Korea . " North Korea ' s participation in the Winter Games will be a good opportunity to show unity of the people and we wish the Games will be a success " he said according to a Reuters translation of the speech . " Officials from the two Koreas may urgently meet to discuss the possibility ." South Korea has been trying to reassure the rest of the world that the Olympics will be safe despite the nuclear tensions and President Moon Jae - in has said North Korea ' s participation would ensure their safety . He also proposed last month that Seoul and Washington postpone annual joint military drills until after the Olympics and he generally takes a less confrontational approach to relations with the North than his predecessor Park Geun - hye . John Delury a professor of international relations at Yonsei University in Seoul said Kim ' s message to Seoul was " more promising " than he had anticipated addressing in a specific and actionable way South Korea ' s desire to make the Games a success . " That should give hope to those in the South who are trying to get something going and open a channel at least " he said . The idea of improving relations between the two Koreas is one that is frequently spoken about but seldom achieved and Kim ' s warmer words could also be seen as an attempt to drive a wedge between Seoul and Washington . While Kim ' s words were more combative towards the United States he also refrained from a personal attack on President Donald Trump after the two men engaged in several rounds of mutual name - calling in 2017 Delury noted . When asked about North Korea ' s nuclear claims on Sunday night Trump said only " We ' ll see we ' ll see ." Daryl Kimball executive director of the Arms Control Association said [TGT] ' s claims about his country ' s nuclear capability underscored that there was no viable " military solution " to denuclearizing North Korea and that sanctions alone would not persuade Pyongyang to halt or reverse its nuclear buildup . " To avoid a nuclear conflict and the full - scale deployment of an operational North Korean strategic deterrent force U . S . leaders in concert with South Korea should redouble efforts to engage North Korea in direct talks and cease any further explicit or implicit threats of military action against the North " he said in an email . " The upcoming Olympics provide an important opportunity to break the ice and to begin discussions with the North Koreans on mutual steps that reduce the chances of miscalculation and war " he added . In the speech [TGT] also stressed North Korea ' s economic achievements and noted the importance of improving the nation ' s standard of living the AP reported . | 2Positive
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253 | Ai Weiwei Exhibit in New York Highlights Refugee Crisis | Jason Farago | Ai Weiwei ' s latest exhibition in New York titled " Good Fences Make Good Neighbors " can be spotted in areas throughout the five boroughs to bring attention of the refugees across the world The New York Times reported . Ai a renowned Chinese artist and human rights activist created the pieces that are presented by the Public Art Fund according to its website . The pieces which went up Thursday will remain on display throughout the city until Feb . 11 . " Inspired by the international migration crisis and current global geopolitical landscape the exhibition transforms the security fence into a powerful social and artistic symbol with interventions across the city " said a statement on the Public Arts Fund site . Some of the places the images that often includes bars and various designs can be found are the Doris C . Freedman Plaza at Central Park the Washington Square Arch in Greenwich Village and the Unisphere at Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens . The fund said the images are joined by site - specific interventions on top of and in between private buildings located at 48 East 7th Street 189 Chrystie Street 248 Bowery and The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art at Astor Place . The artwork also includes a series of new flagpole - mounted works for the New York City Economic Development Corporation - managed Essex Street Market and sculptural interventions around 10 JCDecaux bus shelters in partnership with the New York City Department of Transportation . " Like his hero Duchamp Mr . Ai has wholly erased any border between his art and his life — and there are some emergencies among them the displacement of more human beings than any time since World War II that this artist can only address with bluntness " New York Times art critic Jason Farago wrote Thursday . " Step back though and look at the project in aggregate and ' Good Fences Make Good Neighbors ' displays all the confidence and moral passion of his most important later projects " Farago continued . The Public Arts Fund statement said that Ai has traveled with refugee camps around the world to gain inspiration for his project . " Ai Weiwei is unique in having combined the roles of preeminent contemporary artist political dissident and human rights activist in such a prominent and powerful way " Nicholas Baume the Public Art Fund ' s director and chief curator said in its statement . " In many ways ' Good Fences Make Good Neighbors ' is the culmination of his work to date . It grows out of his personal experience of ' otherness ' his distinguished practice as both artist and architect as well as his intensive research on the international refugee crisis and global rise of nationalism ." | Ai Weiwei ' s latest exhibition in New York titled " Good Fences Make Good Neighbors " can be spotted in areas throughout the five boroughs to bring attention of the refugees across the world The New York Times reported . Ai a renowned Chinese artist and human rights activist created the pieces that are presented by the Public Art Fund according to its website . The pieces which went up Thursday will remain on display throughout the city until Feb . 11 . " Inspired by the international migration crisis and current global geopolitical landscape the exhibition transforms the security fence into a powerful social and artistic symbol with interventions across the city " said a statement on the Public Arts Fund site . Some of the places the images that often includes bars and various designs can be found are the Doris C . Freedman Plaza at Central Park the Washington Square Arch in Greenwich Village and the Unisphere at Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens . The fund said the images are joined by site - specific interventions on top of and in between private buildings located at 48 East 7th Street 189 Chrystie Street 248 Bowery and The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art at Astor Place . The artwork also includes a series of new flagpole - mounted works for the New York City Economic Development Corporation - managed Essex Street Market and sculptural interventions around 10 JCDecaux bus shelters in partnership with the New York City Department of Transportation . " Like his hero Duchamp Mr . Ai has wholly erased any border between his art and his life — and there are some emergencies among them the displacement of more human beings than any time since World War II that this artist can only address with bluntness " New York Times art critic [TGT] wrote Thursday . " Step back though and look at the project in aggregate and ' Good Fences Make Good Neighbors ' displays all the confidence and moral passion of his most important later projects " Farago continued . The Public Arts Fund statement said that Ai has traveled with refugee camps around the world to gain inspiration for his project . " Ai Weiwei is unique in having combined the roles of preeminent contemporary artist political dissident and human rights activist in such a prominent and powerful way " Nicholas Baume the Public Art Fund ' s director and chief curator said in its statement . " In many ways ' Good Fences Make Good Neighbors ' is the culmination of his work to date . It grows out of his personal experience of ' otherness ' his distinguished practice as both artist and architect as well as his intensive research on the international refugee crisis and global rise of nationalism ." | 1Neutral
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254 | Mitt Romney Went Waterskiing , And The Boston Globe Is On It . | Mitt Romney | Former Republican U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney waits for the start of a welterweight bout between Manny Pacquiao of the Philippines and Juan Manuel Marquez of Mexico at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas , Nevada December 8 , 2012 .
America had a chance to elect Mitt Romney , and we blew it .
While the Senate debated health care , Mitt Romney was waterskiing .
That would be Mitt Romney .
Why is Romney goofing around like this when he 's supposed to be ... um ... . | [TGT] waits for the start of a welterweight bout between Manny Pacquiao of the Philippines and Juan Manuel Marquez of Mexico at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas , Nevada December 8 , 2012 .
America had [TGT] , and we blew [TGT] .
While the Senate debated health care , [TGT] was waterskiing .
That would be [TGT] .
Why is [TGT] goofing around like this when [TGT] 's supposed to be ... um ... . | 2Positive
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255 | Report Faults V.A. Secretary Shulkin Over Travel to Europe | Shulkin | Dr . Shulkin is one of several cabinet secretaries to be accused of lavish spending on travel . Tom Price was dismissed as secretary of health and human services over his use of private jets . Within hours of the report ’ s release a few Republican lawmakers were calling for Dr . Shulkin to resign . But others in Congress and at influential veterans ’ organizations stopped short of that condemning misuse of funds but reaffirming their support for the secretary . “ A lot of them don ’ t know what to do — they may want him to go but who would replace him ?” said Paul Rieckhoff founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America . “ What they get in his place may be very disruptive .” The Department of Veterans Affairs offered only a brief defense of Dr . Shulkin ’ s trip on Wednesday saying in a statement : “ As Secretary Shulkin points out he travels far less than any recent V . A . secretary takes no private jets and was the first cabinet secretary to post details of his travel online for all to see . That said accountability and transparency are important values at V . A . under President Trump .” But Dr . Shulkin personally pushed back hard against the findings . “ The report is not accurate not objective ” he said in an interview on Wednesday . “ I was horrified when I saw the way the investigator conducted himself leading the witness with his own interpretation and the bias .” He said the department usually has weeks to review and respond to reports but he had only two working days . Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you ' re not a robot by clicking the box . You must select a newsletter to subscribe to . Sign Up You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times ' s products and services . View all New York Times newsletters . In an unusual 28 - page rebuttal attached to the report by his lawyers Dr . Shulkin included findings from an independent ethics expert affidavits from witnesses who contradicted the report and transcripts of interviews conducted by the investigators that the lawyers said showed bias . The department ’ s chief of staff Vivieca Wright Simpson also disputed the findings . The report found that in seeking approval for the secretary ’ s wife Dr . Merle Bari to take the trip at public expense Ms . Wright Simpson misrepresented to the department ’ s ethics office that a planned “ special recognition dinner ” was definite . Wright Simpson ’ s false representations and alteration of an official record may have violated federal criminal statutes ” the report said adding that the inspector general had referred the matter to the Justice Department for possible prosecution . The department declined to prosecute . Advertisement Continue reading the main story Ms . Wright Simpson said in an interview on Wednesday that the dinner she mentioned in the email had in fact taken place . She said she was not given any chance to see the inspector general ’ s report or respond to it before its release despite requests through her lawyer . The report said the secretary and his wife improperly accepted the Wimbledon tickets from Victoria Gosling an organizer of the 2016 Invictus Games which brought together wounded veterans for competition . The tickets ’ face price was about $ 350 but their resale value according to the report was about $ 3 500 . Accepting such a gift violated ethics standards according to the report . It recommended that the secretary repay the cost of the tickets and reimburse the government for his wife ’ s travel . Dr . Shulkin said he would comply with recommendations but maintained that he had done nothing improper . He said Ms . Gosling was a personal friend who offered the couple her sister ’ s unused tickets and that there was nothing unethical in accepting them . He said Ms . Wright Simpson ’ s conduct will be investigated “ and if it reveals she did something wrong we will take action .” The members of Congress in charge of the committees that oversee the department — Senators Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Jon Tester of Montana and Representatives Phil Roe of Tennessee and Tim Walz of Minnesota — issued a joint statement expressing disappointment at the allegations detailed in the report . “ We believe that public officials must be held to a higher standard and whether intentional or not misusing taxpayer dollars is unacceptable ” they said in the statement . “ We ’ re counting on Dr . Shulkin to actively address all of the allegations outlined in this report .” | Dr . Shulkin is one of several cabinet secretaries to be accused of lavish spending on travel . Tom Price was dismissed as secretary of health and human services over his use of private jets . Within hours of the report ’ s release a few Republican lawmakers were calling for Dr . Shulkin to resign . But others in Congress and at influential veterans ’ organizations stopped short of that condemning misuse of funds but reaffirming their support for the secretary . “ A lot of them don ’ t know what to do — they may want him to go but who would replace him ?” said Paul Rieckhoff founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America . “ What they get in his place may be very disruptive .” The Department of Veterans Affairs offered only a brief defense of Dr . [TGT] trip on Wednesday saying in a statement : “ As [TGT]points out [TGT] travels far less than any recent V . A . secretary takes no private jets and was the first cabinet secretary to post details of his travel online for all to see . That said accountability and transparency are important values at V . A . under President Trump .” But Dr . [TGT] personally pushed back hard against the findings . “ The report is not accurate not objective ” [TGT] said in an interview on Wednesday . “ I was horrified when I saw the way the investigator conducted himself leading the witness with his own interpretation and the bias .” [TGT] said the department usually has weeks to review and respond to reports but [TGT] had only two working days . Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you ' re not a robot by clicking the box . You must select a newsletter to subscribe to . Sign Up You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times ' s products and services . View all New York Times newsletters . In an unusual 28 - page rebuttal attached to the report by his lawyers Dr . Shulkin included findings from an independent ethics expert affidavits from witnesses who contradicted the report and transcripts of interviews conducted by the investigators that the lawyers said showed bias . The department ’ s chief of staff Vivieca Wright Simpson also disputed the findings . The report found that in seeking approval for the secretary ’ s wife Dr . Merle Bari to take the trip at public expense Ms . Wright Simpson misrepresented to the department ’ s ethics office that a planned “ special recognition dinner ” was definite . Wright Simpson ’ s false representations and alteration of an official record may have violated federal criminal statutes ” the report said adding that the inspector general had referred the matter to the Justice Department for possible prosecution . The department declined to prosecute . Advertisement Continue reading the main story Ms . Wright Simpson said in an interview on Wednesday that the dinner she mentioned in the email had in fact taken place . She said she was not given any chance to see the inspector general ’ s report or respond to it before its release despite requests through her lawyer . The report said the secretary and his wife improperly accepted the Wimbledon tickets from Victoria Gosling an organizer of the 2016 Invictus Games which brought together wounded veterans for competition . The tickets ’ face price was about $ 350 but their resale value according to the report was about $ 3 500 . Accepting such a gift violated ethics standards according to the report . It recommended that the secretary repay the cost of the tickets and reimburse the government for his wife ’ s travel . Dr . [TGT]said [TGT] would comply with recommendations but maintained that [TGT] had done nothing improper . [TGT] said Ms . Gosling was a personal friend who offered the couple her sister ’ s unused tickets and that there was nothing unethical in accepting them . He said Ms . Wright Simpson ’ s conduct will be investigated “ and if it reveals she did something wrong we will take action .” The members of Congress in charge of the committees that oversee the department — Senators Johnny Isakson of Georgia and Jon Tester of Montana and Representatives Phil Roe of Tennessee and Tim Walz of Minnesota — issued a joint statement expressing disappointment at the allegations detailed in the report . “ We believe that public officials must be held to a higher standard and whether intentional or not misusing taxpayer dollars is unacceptable ” they said in the statement . “ We ’ re counting on Dr . Shulkin to actively address all of the allegations outlined in this report .” | 2Positive
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256 | Mitt Romney Begs Georgia Voters to Give Donald Trump One More Chance . | Mitt Romney | Democrat Jon Ossoff might win next Tuesday 's special congressional election in Georgia , but he 's already accomplished something nearly as impressive -- forcing Mitt Romney to come to President Donald Trump 's defense .
In a fundraising email for Ossoff 's opponent , Republican Karen Handel , Romney asked for help to defend Trump 's agenda from the Democrats : .
Romney called Trump a "phony" and a "fraud" during the 2016 presidential campaign , and he declined to endorse the Republican nominee .
Last month , Romney called on Trump to abandon his promise to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement .
But Ossoff , a center-left Democrat running in a district Trump barely carried , has apparently compelled Romney to come back into the fold . | Democrat Jon Ossoff might win next Tuesday 's special congressional election in Georgia , but he 's already accomplished something nearly as impressive -- forcing [TGT] to come to President Donald Trump 's defense .
In a fundraising email for Ossoff 's opponent , Republican Karen Handel , [TGT] asked for help to defend Trump 's agenda from the Democrats : .
[TGT] called Trump a "phony" and a "fraud" during the 2016 presidential campaign , and [TGT] declined to endorse the Republican nominee .
Last month , [TGT] called on Trump to abandon [TGT] promise to pull the US out of the Paris climate agreement .
But Ossoff , a center-left Democrat running in a district Trump barely carried , has apparently compelled [TGT] to come back into the fold . | 1Neutral
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257 | Olshan's O | Michael Olshan | A hedge fund run by the scion of New York real estate dynasty is returning money to outside investors amid poor performance according to documents seen by Business Insider . The fund is O - Cap Management a small New York - based hedge fund managed by Michael Olshan . Olshan is the son of Morton Olshan the chairman and founder of commercial real estate giant Olshan Properties and is a former managing director at hedge fund Jana Partners . Launched during the Great Recession O - Cap ' s primary fund lost 17 . 7 % after fees from September 2009 through the end of June this year . The S & P 500 was up 161 % over the same period . O - Cap lost 4 . 3 % in the second quarter this year and was down 8 . 03 % year - to - date in 2017 . Michael Olshan did not respond to calls and emails and the fund ' s chief financial officer Lloyd Jagai hung up on a Business Insider reporter when reached by phone . In a September letter to clients O - Cap blamed its losses on poor market conditions pointing to the rise of passive investment vehicles like ETFs the disproportionate share of FAANG tech stocks in the S & P 500 ' s gains and an overall lack of public sector opportunities . The company was heavily exposed to energy a bet that took a hit amid oil and gas industry turmoil losing 8 . 45 % in the first half of this year . " We do not feel today ’ s market is rife with attractive buying opportunities in the core sectors in which we focus " Michael Olshan wrote in the client letter . " In our opinion market participants are taking on an increasing amount of risk for lower return expectations and are doing so late in a cycle that has been characterized by strong reflation in asset prices and public equities ." " Today ’ s public equity markets can be defined by too much capital chasing a meager set of bargains " Olshan added . " The result is increased risk taking for lower and lower return expectations ." The fund continues to manage money for Olshan and his family and said it sees more opportunities in private company investments . O - Cap Management is a small fund . Documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission say the firm held $ 14 . 1 million in gross assets in its primary fund at the end of March 56 % of which belonged to management . Management owned 5 % of the smaller fund which had $ 5 . 8 million in assets . Olshan comes from a prestigious and successful New York business family and O - Cap at one point had its sights set on raising as much as $ 1 billion according to trade publication HFMWeek . Morton Olshan began buying real estate properties in the 1950s and amassed an enormous portfolio of properties in Manhattan and beyond . Today Olshan Properties owns and manages " 14 000 units of multifamily 10 million square feet of retail 3 million square feet of office and 1 447 hotel rooms located across 11 states " according to the company ' s website . Morton Olshan became a minority owner of the New York Yankees in 2000 and remains a member of the club ' s board of directors . He also serves as a member of The President ’ s Council of the New York Public Library . Andrea Olshan Morton ' s daughter and Michael ' s older sister runs the family real estate business today . | A hedge fund run by the scion of New York real estate dynasty is returning money to outside investors amid poor performance according to documents seen by Business Insider . The fund is O - Cap Management a small New York - based hedge fund managed by [TGT]. [TGT]is the son of Morton Olshan the chairman and founder of commercial real estate giant Olshan Properties and is a former managing director at hedge fund Jana Partners . Launched during the Great Recession O - Cap ' s primary fund lost 17 . 7 % after fees from September 2009 through the end of June this year . The S & P 500 was up 161 % over the same period . O - Cap lost 4 . 3 % in the second quarter this year and was down 8 . 03 % year - to - date in 2017 . [TGT] did not respond to calls and emails and the fund ' s chief financial officer Lloyd Jagai hung up on a Business Insider reporter when reached by phone . In a September letter to clients O - Cap blamed its losses on poor market conditions pointing to the rise of passive investment vehicles like ETFs the disproportionate share of FAANG tech stocks in the S & P 500 ' s gains and an overall lack of public sector opportunities . The company was heavily exposed to energy a bet that took a hit amid oil and gas industry turmoil losing 8 . 45 % in the first half of this year . " We do not feel today ’ s market is rife with attractive buying opportunities in the core sectors in which we focus " [TGT]wrote in the client letter . " In our opinion market participants are taking on an increasing amount of risk for lower return expectations and are doing so late in a cycle that has been characterized by strong reflation in asset prices and public equities ." " Today ’ s public equity markets can be defined by too much capital chasing a meager set of bargains " Olshan added . " The result is increased risk taking for lower and lower return expectations ." The fund continues to manage money for Olshan and his family and said it sees more opportunities in private company investments . O - Cap Management is a small fund . Documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission say the firm held $ 14 . 1 million in gross assets in its primary fund at the end of March 56 % of which belonged to management . Management owned 5 % of the smaller fund which had $ 5 . 8 million in assets . [TGT] comes from a prestigious and successful New York business family and O - Cap at one point had its sights set on raising as much as $ 1 billion according to trade publication HFMWeek . Morton Olshan began buying real estate properties in the 1950s and amassed an enormous portfolio of properties in Manhattan and beyond . Today Olshan Properties owns and manages " 14 000 units of multifamily 10 million square feet of retail 3 million square feet of office and 1 447 hotel rooms located across 11 states " according to the company ' s website . Morton Olshan became a minority owner of the New York Yankees in 2000 and remains a member of the club ' s board of directors . He also serves as a member of The President ’ s Council of the New York Public Library . Andrea Olshan Morton ' s daughter and Michael ' s older sister runs the family real estate business today . | 2Positive
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258 | BBC Flagship EastEnders Show Set to Feature Mosque but No Church | Tamwar Masood | The set of the BBC ’ s flagship soap opera EastEnders is to include an Islamic mosque as part of a £ 15 million makeover despite not having a church and featuring only one Muslim family in the cast . The famous fictional Albert Square which is in fact at Elstree Studios has served as the EastEnders set for 30 years and is now to be demolished . A mosque will be located just off the square and will be the set ’ s first religious building . There are several prominent born - again Christians in the cast including veteran Dot Cotton who are forced to hold Christian meetings in a community centre . Churches off set largely only appear in the programme for weddings and funerals . The new set will be 20 per cent larger than the current one The Sun reports with BBC sources claiming it has been designed to reflect a more “ authentic ” version of East London . The public service broadcaster has also discussed a radical Islam and terrorism plotline . “ It ’ s been considered and discussed ” a source told the paper . The new set will “ be as authentic as East London today including a mosque … [ it ] will better reflect the East End on screen as well as increase the potential for storylines ” the source added . The Masoods – including dad Masood Ahmed daughter Shabnam and son Tamwar – are the only Muslim family currently in the show . It ’ s 33 years to the day that the first episode of # EastEnders was broadcast . Take it away Ian … pic . twitter . com / I9zdEVnJoW — BBC EastEnders (@ bbceastenders ) February 19 2018 Following the Islamic State terror attacks in Paris left - wing apologists widely praised a “ meaning of Islam ” speech in the show when Tamwar Masood argued Islam was a peaceful non - political ideology to his non - Muslim girlfriend . The BBC consistently champions various “ progressive ” causes in its dramas and fiction shows and in 2015 they introduced a transgendered character to EastEnders making it the first major UK soap opera to embrace transgender ideology . A 21 - year - old female - to - male transgender actor called Riley - Carter Millington played a transgendered character called Kyle in the show introducing the phenomenon of transgenderism to a large national audience . Dominic Treadwell - Collins Executive Producer of EastEnders said at the time : “ It has been my intention for a long time to cast a trans actor playing a trans role – and we have been so careful to ensure that we cast the right actor for the part .” | The set of the BBC ’ s flagship soap opera EastEnders is to include an Islamic mosque as part of a £ 15 million makeover despite not having a church and featuring only one Muslim family in the cast . The famous fictional Albert Square which is in fact at Elstree Studios has served as the EastEnders set for 30 years and is now to be demolished . A mosque will be located just off the square and will be the set ’ s first religious building . There are several prominent born - again Christians in the cast including veteran Dot Cotton who are forced to hold Christian meetings in a community centre . Churches off set largely only appear in the programme for weddings and funerals . The new set will be 20 per cent larger than the current one The Sun reports with BBC sources claiming it has been designed to reflect a more “ authentic ” version of East London . The public service broadcaster has also discussed a radical Islam and terrorism plotline . “ It ’ s been considered and discussed ” a source told the paper . The new set will “ be as authentic as East London today including a mosque … [ it ] will better reflect the East End on screen as well as increase the potential for storylines ” the source added . The Masoods – including dad Masood Ahmed daughter Shabnam and son Tamwar – are the only Muslim family currently in the show . It ’ s 33 years to the day that the first episode of # EastEnders was broadcast . Take it away Ian … pic . twitter . com / I9zdEVnJoW — BBC EastEnders (@ bbceastenders ) February 19 2018 Following the Islamic State terror attacks in Paris left - wing apologists widely praised a “ meaning of Islam ” speech in the show when [TGT] argued Islam was a peaceful non - political ideology to his non - Muslim girlfriend . The BBC consistently champions various “ progressive ” causes in its dramas and fiction shows and in 2015 they introduced a transgendered character to EastEnders making it the first major UK soap opera to embrace transgender ideology . A 21 - year - old female - to - male transgender actor called Riley - Carter Millington played a transgendered character called Kyle in the show introducing the phenomenon of transgenderism to a large national audience . Dominic Treadwell - Collins Executive Producer of EastEnders said at the time : “ It has been my intention for a long time to cast a trans actor playing a trans role – and we have been so careful to ensure that we cast the right actor for the part .” | 2Positive
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259 | Factbox: Tensions talks courts | Carles Puigdemont | Catalan regional police officers walk through a street covered with ballots for the banned independence referendum thrown by people outside People ' s Party ( PP ) regional headquarters during a protest in Barcelona Spain October 3 2017 . REUTERS / Jon Nazca MADRID ( Reuters ) - Leaders of Spain ’ s industrialised northeastern region of Catalonia said the regional population had voted for independence in a ballot on Sunday that the central government said was illegal and non - representative . With 95 percent of the vote counted authorities said the “ Yes ” vote stood at 90 . 1 percent albeit with a turnout of just a little over 40 percent - 2 . 26 million out of 5 . 34 million registered voters . On Tuesday Barcelona metro stations were closed pickets blocked main roads and civil servants walked out in response to a strike called by pro - independence groups . The stand - off could now take three different paths . TENSIONS ESCALATE Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont continues with his pledge to declare unilateral independence likely prompting the central government to trigger Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution which would strip the region of its autonomous status and put it under direct Madrid rule . If Article 155 is triggered the next step would be snap elections in Catalonia . Pro - independence parties only hold the majority in the regional parliament with the help of the far - left group CUP and polls before Sunday ’ s ballot suggest these groups could lose their hold on power if a new election was called . However after events on Sunday when police swung truncheons and fired rubber bullets in the direction of mostly peaceful demonstrators to shut down the referendum pro - independence parties may again win the election . Such a result would raise doubts surrounding Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy ’ s ability to govern . Students wrapped with Esteladas ( Catalan separatist flags ) walk through a street as they arrive to attend a protest two days after the banned independence referendum in Barcelona Spain October 3 2017 . REUTERS / Jon Nazca Rajoy ’ s immediate opposition in the national parliament lacks the numbers to force him out through a no - confidence vote but without cross - party support on Catalonia he may be forced to call a snap national election himself . Rajoy was voted in as a minority leader twice in last year ’ s two elections and a fractious parliament suggests a snap election may prompt a similar result . TALKS Students hold Catalan separatist flags during a demonstration two days after the banned independence referendum in Barcelona Spain October 3 2017 . REUTERS / Enrique Calvo If the Catalan parliament gives up the push for independence Rajoy may sit down with Puigdemont to hammer out a new deal for the region including a better tax deal and greater fiscal autonomy . Budget Minister Cristobal Montoro and Economy Minister Luis de Guindos have suggested this may be a possibility if the independence drive is completely abandoned . Puigdemont has yet to make a unilateral declaration of independence instead calling for a period of reflection leaving the door open for such a scenario . However after the violent scenes on Sunday and continued protests on Tuesday via a partial strike across the region the Catalan leader may be keen to keep face and avoid being seen bowing down to Madrid . COURTS If the Catalans do not go ahead with a declaration of independence but also fail to sit down for talks with Rajoy as the two party ’ s positions diverge beyond a possible compromise Madrid may refer the matter to the constitutional courts . Legal and financial action against Catalan leaders is likely to fuel animosity and could prompt further protests pushing leaders on both sides into difficult positions . | Catalan regional police officers walk through a street covered with ballots for the banned independence referendum thrown by people outside People ' s Party ( PP ) regional headquarters during a protest in Barcelona Spain October 3 2017 . REUTERS / Jon Nazca MADRID ( Reuters ) - Leaders of Spain ’ s industrialised northeastern region of Catalonia said the regional population had voted for independence in a ballot on Sunday that the central government said was illegal and non - representative . With 95 percent of the vote counted authorities said the “ Yes ” vote stood at 90 . 1 percent albeit with a turnout of just a little over 40 percent - 2 . 26 million out of 5 . 34 million registered voters . On Tuesday Barcelona metro stations were closed pickets blocked main roads and civil servants walked out in response to a strike called by pro - independence groups . The stand - off could now take three different paths . TENSIONS ESCALATE [TGT]continues with [TGT] pledge to declare unilateral independence likely prompting the central government to trigger Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution which would strip the region of [TGT] autonomous status and put [TGT] under direct Madrid rule . If Article 155 is triggered the next step would be snap elections in Catalonia . Pro - independence parties only hold the majority in the regional parliament with the help of the far - left group CUP and polls before Sunday ’ s ballot suggest these groups could lose their hold on power if a new election was called . However after events on Sunday when police swung truncheons and fired rubber bullets in the direction of mostly peaceful demonstrators to shut down the referendum pro - independence parties may again win the election . Such a result would raise doubts surrounding Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy ’ s ability to govern . Students wrapped with Esteladas ( Catalan separatist flags ) walk through a street as they arrive to attend a protest two days after the banned independence referendum in Barcelona Spain October 3 2017 . REUTERS / Jon Nazca Rajoy ’ s immediate opposition in the national parliament lacks the numbers to force him out through a no - confidence vote but without cross - party support on Catalonia he may be forced to call a snap national election himself . Rajoy was voted in as a minority leader twice in last year ’ s two elections and a fractious parliament suggests a snap election may prompt a similar result . TALKS Students hold Catalan separatist flags during a demonstration two days after the banned independence referendum in Barcelona Spain October 3 2017 . REUTERS / Enrique Calvo If the Catalan parliament gives up the push for independence Rajoy may sit down with Puigdemont to hammer out a new deal for the region including a better tax deal and greater fiscal autonomy . Budget Minister Cristobal Montoro and Economy Minister Luis de Guindos have suggested this may be a possibility if the independence drive is completely abandoned . Puigdemont has yet to make a unilateral declaration of independence instead calling for a period of reflection leaving the door open for such a scenario . However after the violent scenes on Sunday and continued protests on Tuesday via a partial strike across the region the Catalan leader may be keen to keep face and avoid being seen bowing down to Madrid . COURTS If the Catalans do not go ahead with a declaration of independence but also fail to sit down for talks with Rajoy as the two party ’ s positions diverge beyond a possible compromise Madrid may refer the matter to the constitutional courts . Legal and financial action against Catalan leaders is likely to fuel animosity and could prompt further protests pushing leaders on both sides into difficult positions . | 1Neutral
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260 | 14 Bombshell Reports That Showed The Power Of Great Journalism In 2017 | Donald Trump Jr | Many fascinating ― and at times disturbing ― truths about our world were uncovered in 2017 thanks in large part to the ingenuity and dogged reporting of dozens of journalists . While President Donald Trump would have you believe the press is “ the enemy of the people ” much of 2017 ′ s most important journalistic initiatives proved otherwise . From explosive revelations in the Trump - Russia investigations to dramatic accounts of sexual misconduct this year ’ s investigative reporting helped keep powerful figures in check . These 14 stories in chronological order show what an influential and essential tool great journalism can be in starting conversations shaping society and helping mold a safer more transparent world for its consumers . Brendan McDermid / Reuters Former Fox News Channel host Bill O ' Reilly Rumors about conservative pundit Bill O ’ Reilly ’ s pattern of sexually harassment towards women staffers at Fox News where he was a star for two decades were confirmed by The New York Times ’ reporters Emily Steel and Michael S . Schmidt in April . The Times ’ investigation revealed at least $ 13 million had been paid out to five women over the years about his inappropriate behavior . O ’ Reilly denied the allegations but less than two weeks later Fox News ’ biggest name was fired . The story likely empowered other women to come forward about their own sexual harassment experiences helping to ignite the # MeToo movement months later . It also shed light on the questionable ethics of non - disclosure agreements that prevent many women from speaking out . Memorable line : The women who made allegations against Mr . O ’ Reilly ... complained about a wide range of behavior including verbal abuse lewd comments unwanted advances and phone calls in which it sounded as if Mr . O ’ Reilly was masturbating according to documents and interviews . The New York Times : “ Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him To End Flynn Investigation ” ( May 16 ) The Washington Post via Getty Images Former FBI director James Comey Americans were captivated when the Times published an explosive report describing memos written by former FBI director James Comey about his interactions with President Trump . Comey who had been fired by Trump a week before the Times ’ story alleged the president had urged him to shut down the federal investigation into his former national security adviser Michael Flynn . The report was published just weeks prior to Comey ’ s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee which was part of a federal investigation into whether Trump ’ s 2016 presidential campaign colluded with the Russian government . Some lawmakers and political commentators suggested Trump ’ s remarks to Comey which the president has denied making constitute obstruction of justice . Flynn pleaded guilty earlier this month on charges of lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russian officials . Memorable line : “ I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go to letting Flynn go ” Mr . Trump told Mr . Comey according to the memo . “ He is a good guy . I hope you can let this go .” Spencer Platt via Getty Images A boy attends a march through the streets of Norwalk agains the epidemic of heroin . In this eye - opening report Mother Jones ’ Julia Lurie highlighted one of the many heart - breaking side effects of the United States ’ opioid epidemic : the growing number of children in foster care . More and more parents using or overdosing on drugs are losing custody of their children burdening an already under - resourced foster care system . Between 2012 and 2015 children in foster care grew by roughly 30 000 according to the report . Lurie ’ s piece caught the attention of lawmakers and advocacy groups across the country including Rep . Katherine Clark ( D - Mass .) Memorable line : Then there was Jake a 16 - year - old with boy - band looks who holed up for months in a motel ... while his mom went out to use . “ I just want her to go into rehab and get right ” he told me over chicken nuggets at Dairy Queen . “ If that could be my birthday present or my Christmas present that ’ s what it would be .” Brian Snyder / Reuters Donald Trump Jr . On July 8 the Times published a report describing a previously undisclosed meeting between Russian operatives and Donald Trump Jr . during his father ’ s 2016 presidential campaign . Trump Jr . dismissed the meeting as one simply about an “ adoption program .” But three days later the Times published an even more damning report . The story included details from an email chain between Trump Jr . and the Russian meeting attendees in which he describes his eagerness to get Kremlin - produced dirt on his father ’ s political opponent Hillary Clinton . For some lawmakers and their constituents this revelation fueled their growing concerns over potential links between Trump ’ s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia . Memorable line : If the future president ’ s eldest son was surprised or disturbed by ... the notion that it was part of a continuing effort by the Russian government to aid his father ’ s campaign ... he gave no indication . He replied within minutes : “ If it ’ s what you say I love it especially later in the summer .” Rick Kern via Getty Images R . Kelly R . Kelly is no stranger to sexual misconduct and abuse allegations . Despite decades of accusations against the R & B star including sex with underage girls and battery Kelly has come out relatively unscathed and managed to keep a low - ish profile for the past few years . And then Buzzfeed News contributor Jim DeRogatis published a shocking report alleging several women between the ages of 31 and 19 are being held against their will in a “ cult ” run by Kelly in which he dictates how they dress what they eat when they sleep and how they sexually pleasure him while he records it . R . Kelly has denied the accusations vehemently but parents of the women involved with his “ cult ” say he ’ s a “ monster ” and claim their daughters have been “ brainwashed .” Over 36 000 people have signed an online petition calling on Sony Music to drop Kelly from its record label . Memorable line : “ It was as if she was brainwashed . [ She ] looked like a prisoner — it was horrible ... I hugged her and hugged her . But she just kept saying she ’ s in love and [ R . Kelly ] is the one who cares for her .” Vice correspondent Elle Reeve ’ s video coverage of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville Virginia created a buzz on the internet over its up - close look at the horrifying beliefs of a hate movement . The enthralling documentary followed several white nationalists including Christopher Cantwell an unabashedly racist alt - right personality . Cantwell made many alarming statements throughout the video but perhaps most sickening was his remark that a fellow white nationalist at the rally was “ justified ” in ramming his car into a crowd of counterprotesters killing 32 - year - old Heather Heyer . Cantwell posted a tearful video days after Vice released the video claiming his band of white nationalists have been treated unfairly . Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram disabled his accounts following the Vice report . By Aug . 21 Cantwell turned himself into police on warrants of illegal use of teargas during his time in Charlottesville . Memorable line : “ As you can see we greatly outnumbered the anti - white anti - American filth and at some point we will have enough power that we will clear them from the streets forever . That which is degenerate in white countries will be removed .” KCNA KCNA / Reuters North Korea ' s leader Kim Jong Un Seasoned North Korea correspondent Evan Osnos dissected the possibility of a nuclear war between the U . S . and North Korea in this deep dive into the two feuding countries ’ tumultuous relationship . His on - the - ground perspective from Pyongyang offered an enlightening and unique look into the enigmatic authoritarian regime . Osnos gained rare access to North Korean military leaders and citizens who offered reactions to President Trump ’ s bombastic rhetoric and threats to the country ’ s leader Kim Jon Un . Military conflict with the U . S . was not a goal they said but certainly not out of the realm of possibility if provoked . Memorable line : “ A few thousand would survive ” Pak said . “ And the military would say ‘ Who cares ? As long as the United States is destroyed then we are all starting from the same line again .’ ” He added “ A lot of people would die . But not everyone would die .” Phototreat via Getty Images Pentagon Despite the military ’ s promise to crackdown on sexual misconduct the Post ’ s Craig Whitlock uncovered one woman ’ s chilling account of an Air Force colonel relentlessly harassing her sending her X - rated recordings ― and essentially getting away with it . Col . Ronald S . Jobo avoided criminal charges ― and even walked away with a hefty pension ― after bombarding his female subordinate with inappropriate sexual messages and requests . The victim filed a report to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations who found evidence that Jobo sexually harassed her . But Jobo ’ s commander Lt . Gen . John F . Thompson took a lenient approach in disciplining him . Jobo was merely demoted and forced to retire which allowed him to collect a pension worth roughly $ 72 000 per year according to the report . The reported prompted outrage from lawmakers including Sens . Kirsten Gillibrand ( D - N . Y .) and Sherrod Brown ( D - Ohio ) who demanded a review of the Air Force ’ s adjudication process for cases of sexual assault and harassment . Memorable line : The woman said that she tried once more to leave but that he told her he wouldn ’ t let go of her arm until she agreed to respond to his texts . Instead crying she swore at him again . Rick Diamond via Getty Images Penn State University Caitlin Flanagan contributing editor for The Atlantic put the spotlight on some fraternities ’ harmful ― and at times deadly ― hazing rituals taking place on college campuses across the U . S . Her findings made her question why such institutions even continue to exist . Flanagan focused on one particularly horrifying case in which Penn State University sophomore Tim Piazza fell down a flight of stairs at a Beta Theta Pi hazing event . It wasn ’ t until 12 hours later that some of the fraternity ’ s members called 911 when they noticed their pledge “ looked fucking dead .” The student underwent surgery but died the next day . Penn State shut down the fraternity in February and over two dozen people have been charged in relation to the student ’ s death . Since Flanagan ’ s report at least two other fraternity - related deaths have occurred according to The New York Times . Memorable line : Once again a student is dead and a family is shattered . And all of us are co - authors of these grim facts as we grant both the fraternities and their host institutions tax - exempt status and allow them to carry on year after year with little change . Is it time we reconsidered what we ’ re doing ? The New York Times : “ Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers For Decades ” ( Oct . 5 ) Alexander Koerner via Getty Images Harvey Weinstein This is the explosive report that helped catapult the # MeToo movement into existence . The Times ’ Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey unearthed previously undisclosed allegations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein used his position of power to sexually harass women for decades telling women to accept his sexual advances if they wanted his help with their careers . Days later the New Yorker published Ronan Farrow ’ s disturbing investigation into Weinstein ’ s history of sexual abuse revealing the film producer had been accused not only of sexual harassment but of rape as well . The reports prompted the firing of Weinstein from his company as well as the rescinding of several awards . The NYPD announced in October that it was investigating sexual assault claims against him . Since the Weinstein allegations a powerful man has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct once every 20 hours according to the Los Angeles Times . Memorable line : In interviews eight women described varying behavior by Mr . Weinstein : appearing nearly or fully naked in front of them requiring them to be present while he bathed or repeatedly asking for a massage or initiating one himself . 11 . International Consortium of Investigative Journalists : “ Paradise Papers ” ( Nov . 5 ) Francois Lenoir / Reuters Activists stage a protest on a mock tropical island representing a tax haven . Journalists from 96 media organizations across the world worked together to investigate over 13 million leaked documents that revealed elaborate offshore assets of politicians and corporations . The investigation known as the “ Paradise Papers ” concluded that such assets allowed the high - profile figures and companies to dodge millions of dollars in taxes . One of the most notable findings for U . S . politics is a report that Trump ’ s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross shares business interests with Russian President Vladimir Putin ’ s son - in - law . Ross previously failed to disclose the connection during his confirmation hearing . Many U . S . lawmakers expressed dismay over the findings . Several senators including Sen . Bernie Sanders ( I - Vt .) called for an investigation into the findings . The Paradise Papers “ raise serious questions about the integrity of our tax system and the ability of the top one percent to rig it in order to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else ” Sanders wrote in a letter to the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee last month . Memorable line : In the United States the files reveal personal or corporate offshore ties of key Trump associates who are charged with helping to put “ America First .” Bloomberg via Getty Images Roy Moore Judge Roy Moore had all but cinched his position as Alabama ’ s next senator despite his overtly racist and homophobic views . But then the allegations of sexual assault on minors began rolling in . Leigh Corfman told the Post that she was 14 when Moore then a 32 - year - old district attorney kissed her touched her breast and forced her to touch him over his underwear . Corfman ’ s accusation prompted other women to come forward though Moore has denied accusations of wrongdoing . The report likely cost Moore the race despite having Trump ’ s endorsement . He lost to Democratic opponent Doug Jones but has yet to officially concede . Memorable line : He took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes . He touched her over her bra and underpants she says and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear . “ I wanted it over with — I wanted out ” she remembers thinking . “ Please just get this over with .” MOHAMED EL - SHAHED via Getty Images Iraqi forces An on - the - ground account from veteran investigative reporter Azmat Khan and writer Anand Gopal found coalition airstrikes in Iraq are not nearly as precise as U . S . officials claim with more civilians dying from the bombs than previously reported . Khan and Gopal discovered flawed or outdated intelligence contributed to accidental bombing of Iraqi civilians by the U . S . military . According to the report one in five airstrikes resulted in the death of civilians ― a rate more than 31 times acknowledged by the coalition . The report prompted Rep . Ted Lieu ( D - Calif .) to send a letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis requesting he take “ corrective actions ” in light of the investigation . Memorable line : When Basim asked who in his home survived he was told : nobody . The blast killed Mayada and Tuqa instantly . A second strike hit next door and Mohannad and Najib were also dead . Only Azza Najib ’ s mother was alive because the explosion had flung her through a second - story window . Jason Wong / HuffPost The impending financial doom facing most millennials has been a hot topic for the past few years but no report has laid out the disaster quite as effectively and hauntingly as HuffPost contributor Michael Hobbes . Hobbes explained how decades of irresponsible political and corporate decisions have led this generation into a downward spiral of financial ruin . One in five millennials live in poverty according to the report and people ages 26 to 34 are more likely than any other age bracket to not have health insurance . Some lawmakers called on Congress to make a more concerted effort to help millennials including Rep . Keith Ellison ( D - Minn .) and Sen . Bernie Sanders ( I - Vt .) whose cornerstone issue is tackling wealth inequality . “ This is the direct result of an economy built to maximize corporate profits and protect the assets of the wealthy — an economy that is rigged against working class people who also cannot count on a stable safety net like generations before ” Sanders wrote in a Facebook post . | Many fascinating ― and at times disturbing ― truths about our world were uncovered in 2017 thanks in large part to the ingenuity and dogged reporting of dozens of journalists . While President Donald Trump would have you believe the press is “ the enemy of the people ” much of 2017 ′ s most important journalistic initiatives proved otherwise . From explosive revelations in the Trump - Russia investigations to dramatic accounts of sexual misconduct this year ’ s investigative reporting helped keep powerful figures in check . These 14 stories in chronological order show what an influential and essential tool great journalism can be in starting conversations shaping society and helping mold a safer more transparent world for its consumers . Brendan McDermid / Reuters Former Fox News Channel host Bill O ' Reilly Rumors about conservative pundit Bill O ’ Reilly ’ s pattern of sexually harassment towards women staffers at Fox News where he was a star for two decades were confirmed by The New York Times ’ reporters Emily Steel and Michael S . Schmidt in April . The Times ’ investigation revealed at least $ 13 million had been paid out to five women over the years about his inappropriate behavior . O ’ Reilly denied the allegations but less than two weeks later Fox News ’ biggest name was fired . The story likely empowered other women to come forward about their own sexual harassment experiences helping to ignite the # MeToo movement months later . It also shed light on the questionable ethics of non - disclosure agreements that prevent many women from speaking out . Memorable line : The women who made allegations against Mr . O ’ Reilly ... complained about a wide range of behavior including verbal abuse lewd comments unwanted advances and phone calls in which it sounded as if Mr . O ’ Reilly was masturbating according to documents and interviews . The New York Times : “ Comey Memo Says [TGT] Asked Him To End Flynn Investigation ” ( May 16 ) The Washington Post via Getty Images Former FBI director James Comey Americans were captivated when the Times published an explosive report describing memos written by former FBI director James Comey about his interactions with [TGT] . Comey who had been fired by [TGT] a week before the Times ’ story alleged [TGT] had urged [TGT] to shut down the federal investigation into [TGT] former national security adviser Michael Flynn . The report was published just weeks prior to Comey ’ s [TGT] . Some lawmakers and political commentators suggested Trump ’ s remarks to Comey which [TGT] has denied making constitute obstruction of justice . Flynn pleaded guilty earlier this month on charges of lying to the FBI about his interactions with Russian officials . Memorable line : “ I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go to letting Flynn go ” Mr . [TGT] told Mr . Comey according to the memo . “ He is a good guy . I hope you can let this go .” Spencer Platt via Getty Images A boy attends a march through the streets of Norwalk agains the epidemic of heroin . In this eye - opening report Mother Jones ’ Julia Lurie highlighted one of the many heart - breaking side effects of the United States ’ opioid epidemic : the growing number of children in foster care . More and more parents using or overdosing on drugs are losing custody of their children burdening an already under - resourced foster care system . Between 2012 and 2015 children in foster care grew by roughly 30 000 according to the report . Lurie ’ s piece caught the attention of lawmakers and advocacy groups across the country including Rep . Katherine Clark ( D - Mass .) Memorable line : Then there was Jake a 16 - year - old with boy - band looks who holed up for months in a motel ... while his mom went out to use . “ I just want her to go into rehab and get right ” he told me over chicken nuggets at Dairy Queen . “ If that could be my birthday present or my Christmas present that ’ s what it would be .” Brian Snyder / Reuters Donald Trump Jr . On July 8 the Times published a report describing a previously undisclosed meeting between Russian operatives and [TGT]. during his father ’ s 2016 presidential campaign . [TGT]. dismissed the meeting as one simply about an “ adoption program .” But three days later the Times published an even more damning report . The story included details from an email chain between [TGT]. and the Russian meeting attendees in which [TGT] describes [TGT] eagerness to get Kremlin - produced dirt on [TGT] father ’ s political opponent Hillary Clinton . For some lawmakers and their constituents this revelation fueled their growing concerns over potential links between Trump ’ s 2016 presidential campaign and Russia . Memorable line : If the future president ’ s eldest son was surprised or disturbed by ... the notion that it was part of a continuing effort by the Russian government to aid his father ’ s campaign ... he gave no indication . He replied within minutes : “ If it ’ s what you say I love it especially later in the summer .” Rick Kern via Getty Images R . Kelly R . Kelly is no stranger to sexual misconduct and abuse allegations . Despite decades of accusations against the R & B star including sex with underage girls and battery Kelly has come out relatively unscathed and managed to keep a low - ish profile for the past few years . And then Buzzfeed News contributor Jim DeRogatis published a shocking report alleging several women between the ages of 31 and 19 are being held against their will in a “ cult ” run by Kelly in which he dictates how they dress what they eat when they sleep and how they sexually pleasure him while he records it . R . Kelly has denied the accusations vehemently but parents of the women involved with his “ cult ” say he ’ s a “ monster ” and claim their daughters have been “ brainwashed .” Over 36 000 people have signed an online petition calling on Sony Music to drop Kelly from its record label . Memorable line : “ It was as if she was brainwashed . [ She ] looked like a prisoner — it was horrible ... I hugged her and hugged her . But she just kept saying she ’ s in love and [ R . Kelly ] is the one who cares for her .” Vice correspondent Elle Reeve ’ s video coverage of the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville Virginia created a buzz on the internet over its up - close look at the horrifying beliefs of a hate movement . The enthralling documentary followed several white nationalists including Christopher Cantwell an unabashedly racist alt - right personality . Cantwell made many alarming statements throughout the video but perhaps most sickening was his remark that a fellow white nationalist at the rally was “ justified ” in ramming his car into a crowd of counterprotesters killing 32 - year - old Heather Heyer . Cantwell posted a tearful video days after Vice released the video claiming his band of white nationalists have been treated unfairly . Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram disabled his accounts following the Vice report . By Aug . 21 Cantwell turned himself into police on warrants of illegal use of teargas during his time in Charlottesville . Memorable line : “ As you can see we greatly outnumbered the anti - white anti - American filth and at some point we will have enough power that we will clear them from the streets forever . That which is degenerate in white countries will be removed .” KCNA KCNA / Reuters North Korea ' s leader Kim Jong Un Seasoned North Korea correspondent Evan Osnos dissected the possibility of a nuclear war between the U . S . and North Korea in this deep dive into the two feuding countries ’ tumultuous relationship . His on - the - ground perspective from Pyongyang offered an enlightening and unique look into the enigmatic authoritarian regime . Osnos gained rare access to North Korean military leaders and citizens who offered reactions to [TGT] ’ s bombastic rhetoric and threats to the country ’ s leader Kim Jon Un . Military conflict with the U . S . was not a goal they said but certainly not out of the realm of possibility if provoked . Memorable line : “ A few thousand would survive ” Pak said . “ And the military would say ‘ Who cares ? As long as the United States is destroyed then we are all starting from the same line again .’ ” He added “ A lot of people would die . But not everyone would die .” Phototreat via Getty Images Pentagon Despite the military ’ s promise to crackdown on sexual misconduct the Post ’ s Craig Whitlock uncovered one woman ’ s chilling account of an Air Force colonel relentlessly harassing her sending her X - rated recordings ― and essentially getting away with it . Col . Ronald S . Jobo avoided criminal charges ― and even walked away with a hefty pension ― after bombarding his female subordinate with inappropriate sexual messages and requests . The victim filed a report to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations who found evidence that Jobo sexually harassed her . But Jobo ’ s commander Lt . Gen . John F . Thompson took a lenient approach in disciplining him . Jobo was merely demoted and forced to retire which allowed him to collect a pension worth roughly $ 72 000 per year according to the report . The reported prompted outrage from lawmakers including Sens . Kirsten Gillibrand ( D - N . Y .) and Sherrod Brown ( D - Ohio ) who demanded a review of the Air Force ’ s adjudication process for cases of sexual assault and harassment . Memorable line : The woman said that she tried once more to leave but that he told her he wouldn ’ t let go of her arm until she agreed to respond to his texts . Instead crying she swore at him again . Rick Diamond via Getty Images Penn State University Caitlin Flanagan contributing editor for The Atlantic put the spotlight on some fraternities ’ harmful ― and at times deadly ― hazing rituals taking place on college campuses across the U . S . Her findings made her question why such institutions even continue to exist . Flanagan focused on one particularly horrifying case in which Penn State University sophomore Tim Piazza fell down a flight of stairs at a Beta Theta Pi hazing event . It wasn ’ t until 12 hours later that some of the fraternity ’ s members called 911 when they noticed their pledge “ looked fucking dead .” The student underwent surgery but died the next day . Penn State shut down the fraternity in February and over two dozen people have been charged in relation to the student ’ s death . Since Flanagan ’ s report at least two other fraternity - related deaths have occurred according to The New York Times . Memorable line : Once again a student is dead and a family is shattered . And all of us are co - authors of these grim facts as we grant both the fraternities and their host institutions tax - exempt status and allow them to carry on year after year with little change . Is it time we reconsidered what we ’ re doing ? The New York Times : “ Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers For Decades ” ( Oct . 5 ) Alexander Koerner via Getty Images Harvey Weinstein This is the explosive report that helped catapult the # MeToo movement into existence . The Times ’ Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey unearthed previously undisclosed allegations that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein used his position of power to sexually harass women for decades telling women to accept his sexual advances if they wanted his help with their careers . Days later the New Yorker published Ronan Farrow ’ s disturbing investigation into Weinstein ’ s history of sexual abuse revealing the film producer had been accused not only of sexual harassment but of rape as well . The reports prompted the firing of Weinstein from his company as well as the rescinding of several awards . The NYPD announced in October that it was investigating sexual assault claims against him . Since the Weinstein allegations a powerful man has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct once every 20 hours according to the Los Angeles Times . Memorable line : In interviews eight women described varying behavior by Mr . Weinstein : appearing nearly or fully naked in front of them requiring them to be present while he bathed or repeatedly asking for a massage or initiating one himself . 11 . International Consortium of Investigative Journalists : “ Paradise Papers ” ( Nov . 5 ) Francois Lenoir / Reuters Activists stage a protest on a mock tropical island representing a tax haven . Journalists from 96 media organizations across the world worked together to investigate over 13 million leaked documents that revealed elaborate offshore assets of politicians and corporations . The investigation known as the “ Paradise Papers ” concluded that such assets allowed the high - profile figures and companies to dodge millions of dollars in taxes . One of the most notable findings for U . S . politics is a report that [TGT] ’ s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross shares business interests with Russian President Vladimir Putin ’ s son - in - law . Ross previously failed to disclose the connection during his confirmation hearing . Many U . S . lawmakers expressed dismay over the findings . Several senators including Sen . Bernie Sanders ( I - Vt .) called for an investigation into the findings . The Paradise Papers “ raise serious questions about the integrity of our tax system and the ability of the top one percent to rig it in order to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else ” Sanders wrote in a letter to the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee last month . Memorable line : In the United States the files reveal personal or corporate offshore ties of key [TGT] associates who are charged with helping to put “ America First .” Bloomberg via Getty Images Roy Moore Judge Roy Moore had all but cinched his position as Alabama ’ s next senator despite his overtly racist and homophobic views . But then the allegations of sexual assault on minors began rolling in . Leigh Corfman told the Post that she was 14 when Moore then a 32 - year - old district attorney kissed her touched her breast and forced her to touch him over his underwear . Corfman ’ s accusation prompted other women to come forward though Moore has denied accusations of wrongdoing . The report likely cost Moore the race despite having [TGT] ’ s endorsement . He lost to Democratic opponent Doug Jones but has yet to officially concede . Memorable line : He took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes . He touched her over her bra and underpants she says and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear . “ I wanted it over with — I wanted out ” she remembers thinking . “ Please just get this over with .” MOHAMED EL - SHAHED via Getty Images Iraqi forces An on - the - ground account from veteran investigative reporter Azmat Khan and writer Anand Gopal found coalition airstrikes in Iraq are not nearly as precise as U . S . officials claim with more civilians dying from the bombs than previously reported . Khan and Gopal discovered flawed or outdated intelligence contributed to accidental bombing of Iraqi civilians by the U . S . military . According to the report one in five airstrikes resulted in the death of civilians ― a rate more than 31 times acknowledged by the coalition . The report prompted Rep . Ted Lieu ( D - Calif .) to send a letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis requesting he take “ corrective actions ” in light of the investigation . Memorable line : When Basim asked who in his home survived he was told : nobody . The blast killed Mayada and Tuqa instantly . A second strike hit next door and Mohannad and Najib were also dead . Only Azza Najib ’ s mother was alive because the explosion had flung her through a second - story window . Jason Wong / HuffPost The impending financial doom facing most millennials has been a hot topic for the past few years but no report has laid out the disaster quite as effectively and hauntingly as HuffPost contributor Michael Hobbes . Hobbes explained how decades of irresponsible political and corporate decisions have led this generation into a downward spiral of financial ruin . One in five millennials live in poverty according to the report and people ages 26 to 34 are more likely than any other age bracket to not have health insurance . Some lawmakers called on Congress to make a more concerted effort to help millennials including Rep . Keith Ellison ( D - Minn .) and Sen . Bernie Sanders ( I - Vt .) whose cornerstone issue is tackling wealth inequality . “ This is the direct result of an economy built to maximize corporate profits and protect the assets of the wealthy — an economy that is rigged against working class people who also cannot count on a stable safety net like generations before ” Sanders wrote in a Facebook post . | 0Negative
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261 | California wildfire rages toward scenic coastal communities | Peggy Scissons | A massive California wildfire that has already destroyed nearly 800 structures scorched another 56 000 acres on Sunday making it the fifth largest such blaze in recorded state history as it ran toward picturesque coastal cities . But fire officials said as darkness fell that with the hot dry Santa Ana winds not as fierce as expected crews had been successful in building some fire lines between the flames and the towns of Montecito and Carpinteria . “ This is a menacing fire certainly but we have a lot of people working very diligently to bring it under control ” Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown told an evening press conference . Still some 5 000 residents remained under evacuation orders in the two communities near Santa Barbara and about 100 miles ( 160 km ) northwest of Los Angeles . Some 15 000 homes were considered threatened . The Thomas Fire the worst of six major blazes in Southern California in the last week and already the fifth largest in the state since 1932 has blackened 230 000 acres ( 570 000 hectares ) more than the area of New York City . It has destroyed 790 houses outbuildings and other structures and left 90 000 homes and businesses without power . The combination of Santa Ana winds and rugged terrain in the mountains that run through Santa Barbara and Ventura counties have hampered firefighting efforts and officials said the Thomas Fire was only 10 percent contained on Sunday evening down from 15 percent earlier in the day . But wind gusts recorded at 35 - 40 miles per hour were less than those predicted by forecasters giving crews a chance to slow the flames ’ progress down slopes above the endangered communities . The fires burning across Southern California have forced the evacuation of more 200 000 people and destroyed some 1 000 structures . Among them are residents of Montecito one of the state ’ s wealthiest enclave and home to such celebrities as Oprah Winfrey . Emmy Leikin an Emmy - winning songwriter who was ordered to evacuate her Montecito home at 9 a . m . on Sunday said she fled with only her cell phone medication eyeglasses and a few apples . Leikin 74 said she doesn ’ t know the condition of her home and belongings but “ none of that means anything when it is your safety .” Firefighters knock down flames as they advance on homes atop Shepherd Mesa Road in Carpinteria California U . S . December 10 2017 . REUTERS / Mike Eliason / Santa Barbara County Fire Department / Handout via REUTERS WORST IN A DECADE The fires that began last Monday night collectively amounted to one of the worst conflagrations across Southern California in the last decade . They have however been far less deadly than the blazes in Northern California ’ s wine country in October that killed over 40 . In the last week only one death has been reported a 70 - year - old woman who died Wednesday in a car accident as she attempted to flee the flames in Ventura County . Scores of horses have died including at least 46 at a thoroughbred training facility in San Diego county . Residents and firefighters alike have been alarmed by the speed with which the fires spread reaching into the heart of cities like Ventura . Slideshow ( 9 Images ) At the Ventura County Fairgrounds evacuees slept in makeshift beds while rescued horses were sheltered in stables . Peggy Scissons 78 arrived at the shelter with her dog last Wednesday after residents of her mobile home park were forced to leave . She has not yet found out whether her home is standing . “ I don ’ t know what ’ s gonna happen next or whether I ’ ll be able to go home ” she said . “ It would be one thing if I were 40 or 50 but I ‘ m 78 . What the heck do I do ?” James Brown 57 who retired from Washington State ’ s forestry service and has lived in Ventura for a year was forced to leave his house along with his wife last week because both have breathing problems . “ We knew a fire was coming but we didn ’ t know it would be this bad ” said Brown who is in a wheelchair . Some of the other fires in San Diego and Los Angeles counties have been largely controlled by the thousands of firefighters on the ground this week . Both the Creek and Rye fires in Los Angeles County were 90 percent contained by Sunday morning officials said while the Skirball Fire in Los Angeles ’ posh Bel Air neighborhood was 75 percent contained . North of San Diego the 4 100 - acre ( 1 660 hectare ) Lilac Fire was 75 percent contained by Sunday and most evacuation orders had been lifted . | A massive California wildfire that has already destroyed nearly 800 structures scorched another 56 000 acres on Sunday making it the fifth largest such blaze in recorded state history as it ran toward picturesque coastal cities . But fire officials said as darkness fell that with the hot dry Santa Ana winds not as fierce as expected crews had been successful in building some fire lines between the flames and the towns of Montecito and Carpinteria . “ This is a menacing fire certainly but we have a lot of people working very diligently to bring it under control ” Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown told an evening press conference . Still some 5 000 residents remained under evacuation orders in the two communities near Santa Barbara and about 100 miles ( 160 km ) northwest of Los Angeles . Some 15 000 homes were considered threatened . The Thomas Fire the worst of six major blazes in Southern California in the last week and already the fifth largest in the state since 1932 has blackened 230 000 acres ( 570 000 hectares ) more than the area of New York City . It has destroyed 790 houses outbuildings and other structures and left 90 000 homes and businesses without power . The combination of Santa Ana winds and rugged terrain in the mountains that run through Santa Barbara and Ventura counties have hampered firefighting efforts and officials said the Thomas Fire was only 10 percent contained on Sunday evening down from 15 percent earlier in the day . But wind gusts recorded at 35 - 40 miles per hour were less than those predicted by forecasters giving crews a chance to slow the flames ’ progress down slopes above the endangered communities . The fires burning across Southern California have forced the evacuation of more 200 000 people and destroyed some 1 000 structures . Among them are residents of Montecito one of the state ’ s wealthiest enclave and home to such celebrities as Oprah Winfrey . Emmy Leikin an Emmy - winning songwriter who was ordered to evacuate her Montecito home at 9 a . m . on Sunday said she fled with only her cell phone medication eyeglasses and a few apples . Leikin 74 said she doesn ’ t know the condition of her home and belongings but “ none of that means anything when it is your safety .” Firefighters knock down flames as they advance on homes atop Shepherd Mesa Road in Carpinteria California U . S . December 10 2017 . REUTERS / Mike Eliason / Santa Barbara County Fire Department / Handout via REUTERS WORST IN A DECADE The fires that began last Monday night collectively amounted to one of the worst conflagrations across Southern California in the last decade . They have however been far less deadly than the blazes in Northern California ’ s wine country in October that killed over 40 . In the last week only one death has been reported a 70 - year - old woman who died Wednesday in a car accident as she attempted to flee the flames in Ventura County . Scores of horses have died including at least 46 at a thoroughbred training facility in San Diego county . Residents and firefighters alike have been alarmed by the speed with which the fires spread reaching into the heart of cities like Ventura . Slideshow ( 9 Images ) At the Ventura County Fairgrounds evacuees slept in makeshift beds while rescued horses were sheltered in stables . [TGT]arrived at the shelter with [TGT] dog last Wednesday after residents of [TGT] mobile home park were forced to leave . [TGT] has not yet found out whether [TGT] home is standing . “ I don ’ t know what ’ s gonna happen next or whether I ’ ll be able to go home ” [TGT] said . “ It would be one thing if I were 40 or 50 but I ‘ m 78 . What the heck do I do ?” James Brown 57 who retired from Washington State ’ s forestry service and has lived in Ventura for a year was forced to leave his house along with his wife last week because both have breathing problems . “ We knew a fire was coming but we didn ’ t know it would be this bad ” said Brown who is in a wheelchair . Some of the other fires in San Diego and Los Angeles counties have been largely controlled by the thousands of firefighters on the ground this week . Both the Creek and Rye fires in Los Angeles County were 90 percent contained by Sunday morning officials said while the Skirball Fire in Los Angeles ’ posh Bel Air neighborhood was 75 percent contained . North of San Diego the 4 100 - acre ( 1 660 hectare ) Lilac Fire was 75 percent contained by Sunday and most evacuation orders had been lifted . | 2Positive
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262 | Remarkable tales of endurance: 6 runners who finished every Chicago Marathon | Ron Williams | On the morning Ron Williams prepared to run the 1984 Chicago Marathon he received a phone call informing him that his father had died . Hours later Williams finished the race and then went with his sister to attend to funeral duties . " I wasn ' t feeling sadness " Williams said . " He ' d had a series of heart attacks and we had enjoyed a blessed extra 15 years of having him around . I felt more like I was honoring him by running . There wasn ' t any question that I still would run ." For Williams and five other hardy souls there never has been any question . Through injury and exhaustion rain and heat and snow divorce and even death in the family Williams Joe Antonini Randy Burt Henry Kozlowski Larry Moon and George Mueller have run all 39 Chicago Marathons . As the race hits its 40th anniversary Sunday with these six runners toeing the starting line they ' ve become as familiar a race - day sight as water stations and the finish line . " It keeps me going " Moon 76 said . These six runners have seen course and sponsor and race - name changes . They ' ve seen the size of the race — both in number of participants and fans — swell as save for Burt they ' ve seen their times slow considerably . Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune During his first Chicago Marathon in 1977 George Mueller fell hard on his knee but was able to finish . During his first Chicago Marathon in 1977 George Mueller fell hard on his knee but was able to finish . ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) But the race memories have forever flowed . " The aches and pains stay with you for a few days " said Burt who at age 69 finished in 4 hours 9 minutes 54 seconds last year and owns a personal best of 3 : 07 in 1985 . " But eventually you get over it and you start thinking : ' What did I do wrong ? And how can I do this better ?' " Before you know it the short - term memory of the horrible discomfort of that moment disappears . And you get ready for another one ." Indeed that thinking propelled the four alumni runners interviewed for this story to sign up for the second race after trying the initial one Sept . 25 1977 running mostly out of curiosity and novelty . " About halfway through the first race I landed wrong on my knee and had this shooting pain " Mueller said . " I got through it and said ' Well I ' ve got to learn how to do this .' That was the hook from there : ' I ' m going to get it right .'" But there ' s a funny thing about running 26 . 2 miles : It ' s tough to perfect . Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune Despite hip and rib injuries that truncated his training last year Larry Moon 76 gutted his way to the finish in his 39th Chicago Marathon . Despite hip and rib injuries that truncated his training last year Larry Moon 76 gutted his way to the finish in his 39th Chicago Marathon . ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) From the 1977 race to 1978 Burt thought he had mastered the training process . Then he started at too brisk a pace and developed agonizing stomach cramps . " As I was throwing up in a trash can at the end I said ' I ' ll never run one of these again as long as I live '" Burt said . " And that was a long time ago ." Thirty - nine years to be exact . But running through the sights and sounds of Chicago can be an intoxicating experience particularly when the intrigue inherent in any marathon — with its supreme mental and physical challenges — is added . The competitive element doesn ' t hurt either . An intriguing mix of competition and camaraderie has developed among the six runners particularly since executive race director Carey Pinkowski began incorporating them into the race ' s fabric . Their entry fee is waived . They ' re invited to the introductory and elite runners ' news conferences . They start in the first wave of runners shortly after the elite athletes and fuel up in VIP tents afterward . " I remember one year I caught up with one of the alumni runners at about Mile 18 and suddenly I started taking off like a flash " Mueller said . " And my friend said ' What are you doing ?' I said ' I don ' t want him to catch me .' " But last year one of the guys ( Andrew Praxmarer ) didn ' t make it to the finish . You don ' t take any joy in one of the guys not making it . Every time one of the guys drops out it ' s like losing a brother ." Williams who turns 79 in December is the oldest of the six runners . He broke 3 hours in 1982 . Last year he missed his target time of 6 hours by 10 minutes . " I would ' ve been under 6 hours but I tripped over a manhole cover at Mile 13 and did a face - plant and had a bloody nose " Williams said . " I had to spend 13 minutes in the first - aid tent . They wouldn ' t let me go out until they could see I could run without falling ." Such defiance and determination defines many of the runners ' races . Plus they can ' t just show up on race day and finish . Training takes a major commitment both mentally and physically . And when you have a 39 - year association with the race — loss of sponsorship forced the 1987 event to be shortened to a half - marathon — things happen . Just last year Moon slipped on some ice in February landed on the edge of a marble planter on the sidewalk and fractured two ribs and injured his hip . For two weeks he used a walker to get from his apartment to a waiting taxi to go to physical therapy a mere two blocks away . " I did everything they told me " Moon said . " I stretched for an hour before going there . After two weeks I was able to walk over there . After four weeks I didn ' t need the walker anymore and went to a cane . After two months I ' d walk two to three miles and then do my physical therapy . " I ended up with only July August and September to train for the marathon . I was just about the last one . They were rolling up the sidewalks and street cleaners were right behind me ." But Moon whose fastest time of 3 : 15 came in 1995 finished . In 2007 Mueller also slipped on some ice in February and fractured his fibula and dislocated his ankle . " I got dragged over to the hospital and they said I needed a plate in there " Mueller said . " I went to the orthopedic surgeon with my wife and said ' Can I get this surgery done today ? Because I ' ve got to run the Chicago Marathon in October .' Of course I got quite the look for that ." Nevertheless Mueller finished that race in about 4 : 30 at age 60 . And that ' s the year only 25 544 of the race ' s 36 867 participants finished because officials cut short the event due to oppressive heat . " I got past the point they stopped the race at Halsted and Adams " Burt said . " I was in Chinatown when I heard on the loudspeakers that race officials had called the race and instructed runners past the cutoff point to walk to the finish line . That ' s my slowest marathon 5 : 10 . In hindsight I wished I had continued to run a little bit more so I could ' ve beat 5 hours at least ." Given the time commitment involved in training there ' s a fine line between selfishness and selflessness that most runners have to navigate . To combat that Williams began raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in 1998 . In close to two decades Williams said he has raised $ 273 000 an effort that began in grassroots fashion with him mailing 200 letters from his dining room table . | On the morning [TGT]prepared to run the 1984 Chicago Marathon [TGT] received a phone call informing [TGT] that [TGT] father had died . Hours later [TGT]finished the race and then went with [TGT] sister to attend to funeral duties . " I wasn ' t feeling sadness " [TGT]said . " [TGT] ' d had a series of heart attacks and we had enjoyed a blessed extra 15 years of having him around . I felt more like I was honoring him by running . There wasn ' t any question that I still would run ." For Williams and five other hardy souls there never has been any question . Through injury and exhaustion rain and heat and snow divorce and even death in the family Williams Joe Antonini Randy Burt Henry Kozlowski Larry Moon and George Mueller have run all 39 Chicago Marathons . As the race hits its 40th anniversary Sunday with these six runners toeing the starting line they ' ve become as familiar a race - day sight as water stations and the finish line . " It keeps me going " Moon 76 said . These six runners have seen course and sponsor and race - name changes . They ' ve seen the size of the race — both in number of participants and fans — swell as save for Burt they ' ve seen their times slow considerably . Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune During his first Chicago Marathon in 1977 George Mueller fell hard on his knee but was able to finish . During his first Chicago Marathon in 1977 George Mueller fell hard on his knee but was able to finish . ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) But the race memories have forever flowed . " The aches and pains stay with you for a few days " said Burt who at age 69 finished in 4 hours 9 minutes 54 seconds last year and owns a personal best of 3 : 07 in 1985 . " But eventually you get over it and you start thinking : ' What did I do wrong ? And how can I do this better ?' " Before you know it the short - term memory of the horrible discomfort of that moment disappears . And you get ready for another one ." Indeed that thinking propelled the four alumni runners interviewed for this story to sign up for the second race after trying the initial one Sept . 25 1977 running mostly out of curiosity and novelty . " About halfway through the first race I landed wrong on my knee and had this shooting pain " Mueller said . " I got through it and said ' Well I ' ve got to learn how to do this .' That was the hook from there : ' I ' [TGT] going to get [TGT] right .'" But there ' s a funny thing about running 26 . 2 miles : It ' s tough to perfect . Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune Despite hip and rib injuries that truncated his training last year Larry Moon 76 gutted his way to the finish in his 39th Chicago Marathon . Despite hip and rib injuries that truncated his training last year Larry Moon 76 gutted his way to the finish in his 39th Chicago Marathon . ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) ( Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune ) From the 1977 race to 1978 Burt thought he had mastered the training process . Then he started at too brisk a pace and developed agonizing stomach cramps . " As I was throwing up in a trash can at the end I said ' I ' ll never run one of these again as long as I live '" Burt said . " And that was a long time ago ." Thirty - nine years to be exact . But running through the sights and sounds of Chicago can be an intoxicating experience particularly when the intrigue inherent in any marathon — with its supreme mental and physical challenges — is added . The competitive element doesn ' t hurt either . An intriguing mix of competition and camaraderie has developed among the six runners particularly since executive race director Carey Pinkowski began incorporating them into the race ' s fabric . Their entry fee is waived . They ' re invited to the introductory and elite runners ' news conferences . They start in the first wave of runners shortly after the elite athletes and fuel up in VIP tents afterward . " I remember one year I caught up with one of the alumni runners at about Mile 18 and suddenly I started taking off like a flash " Mueller said . " And my friend said ' What are you doing ?' I said ' I don ' t want him to catch me .' " But last year one of the guys ( Andrew Praxmarer ) didn ' t make it to the finish . You don ' t take any joy in one of the guys not making it . Every time one of the guys drops out it ' s like losing a brother ." Williams who turns 79 in December is the oldest of the six runners . He broke 3 hours in 1982 . Last year he missed his target time of 6 hours by 10 minutes . " I would ' ve been under 6 hours but I tripped over a manhole cover at Mile 13 and did a face - plant and had a bloody nose " Williams said . " I had to spend 13 minutes in the first - aid tent . They wouldn ' t let me go out until they could see I could run without falling ." Such defiance and determination defines many of the runners ' races . Plus they can ' t just show up on race day and finish . Training takes a major commitment both mentally and physically . And when you have a 39 - year association with the race — loss of sponsorship forced the 1987 event to be shortened to a half - marathon — things happen . Just last year Moon slipped on some ice in February landed on the edge of a marble planter on the sidewalk and fractured two ribs and injured his hip . For two weeks he used a walker to get from his apartment to a waiting taxi to go to physical therapy a mere two blocks away . " I did everything they told me " Moon said . " I stretched for an hour before going there . After two weeks I was able to walk over there . After four weeks I didn ' t need the walker anymore and went to a cane . After two months I ' d walk two to three miles and then do my physical therapy . " I ended up with only July August and September to train for the marathon . I was just about the last one . They were rolling up the sidewalks and street cleaners were right behind me ." But Moon whose fastest time of 3 : 15 came in 1995 finished . In 2007 Mueller also slipped on some ice in February and fractured his fibula and dislocated his ankle . " I got dragged over to the hospital and they said I needed a plate in there " Mueller said . " I went to the orthopedic surgeon with my wife and said ' Can I get this surgery done today ? Because I ' ve got to run the Chicago Marathon in October .' Of course I got quite the look for that ." Nevertheless Mueller finished that race in about 4 : 30 at age 60 . And that ' s the year only 25 544 of the race ' s 36 867 participants finished because officials cut short the event due to oppressive heat . " I got past the point they stopped the race at Halsted and Adams " Burt said . " I was in Chinatown when I heard on the loudspeakers that race officials had called the race and instructed runners past the cutoff point to walk to the finish line . That ' s my slowest marathon 5 : 10 . In hindsight I wished I had continued to run a little bit more so I could ' ve beat 5 hours at least ." Given the time commitment involved in training there ' s a fine line between selfishness and selflessness that most runners have to navigate . To combat that [TGT] began raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in 1998 . In close to two decades [TGT] said [TGT] has raised $ 273 000 an effort that began in grassroots fashion with [TGT] mailing 200 letters from [TGT] dining room table . | 2Positive
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263 | Gallery shows to see in D.C. | Sally Canzoneri | Adrienne Gaither ’ s “ Tribulations ” acrylic on canvas . On view through Feb . 24 in “ How I Got Over ” at Transformer . ( Adrienne Gaither / Transformer ) Adrienne Gaither ’ s abstract color paintings are meticulously constructed their bright hues divided by straight hard - edge lines . Yet there ’ s a sense of disorder and even menace in some of them which is reflected in the title of the D . C . artist ’ s Transformer show : “ How I Got Over .” The tension between neat patterns and haphazard disruptions reveals “ Gaither ’ s personal recovery from traumatic events in her life ” a gallery note explains . The upsets aren ’ t specified directly and the titles of the six large canvasses offer few clues . The picture that aims the sharpest point of a neon - orange triangle toward the bottom left of a field of shards is named “ Not Just Knee Deep ” probably after the Funkadelic song . Other titles are more commonplace although one small collage is dubbed “ Tribulation .” That color - field painting could be narrative or at least psychological would once have been heretical . In the 1960s theorists of the genre insisted that the only proper concerns of such “ post - painterly ” art were its own forms and materials . Gaither has flouted such dogma previously with color - block grids of hues derived from skin tones . In this show ’ s “ Kill Shots ” she flirts with representation by jagging a yellow spike across the canvas suggesting lightning or some other sudden violent blast . Despite such dynamic gestures Gaither ’ s work shares much with mid - 20th - century color painting . The artist has a knack for composition and keeps things interesting by juxtaposing both contrary and complementary hues . Yellows and maroons energize one picture but so do its abutting areas of two slightly different shades of deep blue . These pictures may have been born out of upheaval but they ’ re immaculately controlled . Adrienne Gaither : How I Got Over Through Feb . 24 at Transformer 1404 P St . NW . 202 - 483 - 1102 . transformerdc . org . Sally Canzoneri ’ s “ Women Marchers : 1913 & 2017 ” on view at Art League Gallery . ( Sally Canzoneri / Art League Gallery ) Sally Canzoneri How can you be in two eras at once ? Sally Canzoneri simulates time travel with lenticular photographs — matched images of the same place made years apart and cut into an accordion - fold pattern . From the front strips of both scenes are visible ; from the sides only one can be seen . That ’ s why the artist calls her Art League Gallery show “ Double Takes .” Canzoneri lives in Washington and most of her two - timing pictures show D . C . sites decades or more apart . Here she has included two Alexandria doublings including one that contrasts the show ’ s venue the Torpedo Factory in 1921 and 2017 . The largest gap chronologically if not thematically is between the former slave traders ’ building at 1315 Duke St . in 1861 and 2017 . The older of those pictures is by Mathew Brady the D . C . Civil War photographer . Most often though the earlier image ’ s maker cannot be identified . Canzoneri works with unknown predecessors first by framing her shot of the scene in imitation of the original and then by fusing the two . Think of this not as appropriation but collaboration . Canzoneri ’ s lenticulars are made of paper rather than marble but they ’ re a kind of civic art . Sally Canzoneri : Double Takes Through Feb . 5 at the Art League Gallery Torpedo Factory 105 N . Union St . Alexandria . 703 - 683 - 1780 . theartleague . org . Anika Cartterfield ’ s show “ The Wild ” at VisArts . ( Anika Cartterfield / VisArts ) Anika Cartterfield & Alex Braden At the National Gallery of Art currently stand a grove of columns sleek and pure by the late D . C . artist Anne Truitt . Anika Cartterfield also makes columns but they ’ re not so pristine . The most vivid piece in “ The Wild ” her show at VisArts Common Ground Gallery slams a tree ’ s root ball through a hollow pillar . The ragged end that erupts from one side is painted white to match the surface it breaches ; the other end is smoother and varnished like a piece of furniture . Cartterfield who lives in Upstate New York formerly worked for Vermont ’ s forest service . When working with wood she ’ s concerned more with the quality of the raw material than with what it might be made into . She subverts the look of white - walled art spaces and neatly sanded sculptures with pieces that are unfinished and partly open to reveal their structure . This show ’ s tidiest pieces are three columns topped with photos of art installations in forests . The woods it appears are Cartterfield ’ s favorite gallery . Alex Braden ’ s sound installation “ A Lesser Light .” ( Alex Braden / VisArts ) Downstairs at VisArts Gibbs Street Gallery has become a listening room for Alex Braden ’ s electronic music . The D . C . composer ’ s “ A Lesser Light ” is an “ automated improvisation ” that randomly emits bits of music in a theoretically infinite arrangement . The sounds include drones whooshes and clipped notes ; they recall Balinese gamelan and the music of Steve Reich and Brian Eno . In previous installations Braden has employed near - obsolete and sometimes unreliable technology including rotary telephones and cassette players . But this piece ’ s physical presence consists only of the speakers that broadcast the eight different audio channels . The result is a room and a composition that are clean and clear with just enough capriciousness to keep listeners looking over their shoulders . Anika Cartterfield : The Wild and Alex Braden : A Lesser Light Through Feb . 11 at VisArts at Rockville 155 Gibbs St . Rockville . 301 - 315 - 8200 . visartscenter . org . Antonio McAfee & Rachel Guardiola In the epilogue to “ Invisible Man ” author Ralph Ellison refers to aspects of African American history as “ Old Bad Air .” Antonio McAfee borrows that phrase for the title of his Hamiltonian Gallery show of manipulated vintage photos . The Baltimore artist distorts 19th - century portraits of people of color to suggest how their subjects ’ lives were warped by racism and oppression . Included are several large photos that display various degrees of digital abuse ; one nearly abstract image appears in both negative and positive versions . There ’ s also a full wall of small deformed pictures printed on thin acrylic so they curl partly off the wall . This multitude dignified yet precarious is the most powerful chapter in McAfee ’ s history lesson . Also at Hamiltonian is Rachel Guardiola ’ s “ A Hand Without Horizon Is Taller Than Its Other ” which includes altered video as well as photos . Mostly derived from the artist ’ s performances the images illustrate the actions of a fictional “ time - traveling surveyor and a horticultural pirate ” as they travel “ an earth - like planet ” according to the gallery . In the photos hot colors and overlapping close - up images seem to turn Guardiola ’ s hands into a sort of flora . In this miniature universe the artist is both the explorer and the explored . Antonio McAfee : Old Bad Air and Rachel Guardiola : A Hand Without Horizon Is Taller Than Its Other Through Feb . 17 at Hamiltonian Gallery 1353 U St . NW Suite 101 . 202 - 332 - 1116 . hamiltoniangallery . com . | Adrienne Gaither ’ s “ Tribulations ” acrylic on canvas . On view through Feb . 24 in “ How I Got Over ” at Transformer . ( Adrienne Gaither / Transformer ) Adrienne Gaither ’ s abstract color paintings are meticulously constructed their bright hues divided by straight hard - edge lines . Yet there ’ s a sense of disorder and even menace in some of them which is reflected in the title of the D . C . artist ’ s Transformer show : “ How I Got Over .” The tension between neat patterns and haphazard disruptions reveals “ Gaither ’ s personal recovery from traumatic events in her life ” a gallery note explains . The upsets aren ’ t specified directly and the titles of the six large canvasses offer few clues . The picture that aims the sharpest point of a neon - orange triangle toward the bottom left of a field of shards is named “ Not Just Knee Deep ” probably after the Funkadelic song . Other titles are more commonplace although one small collage is dubbed “ Tribulation .” That color - field painting could be narrative or at least psychological would once have been heretical . In the 1960s theorists of the genre insisted that the only proper concerns of such “ post - painterly ” art were its own forms and materials . Gaither has flouted such dogma previously with color - block grids of hues derived from skin tones . In this show ’ s “ Kill Shots ” she flirts with representation by jagging a yellow spike across the canvas suggesting lightning or some other sudden violent blast . Despite such dynamic gestures Gaither ’ s work shares much with mid - 20th - century color painting . The artist has a knack for composition and keeps things interesting by juxtaposing both contrary and complementary hues . Yellows and maroons energize one picture but so do its abutting areas of two slightly different shades of deep blue . These pictures may have been born out of upheaval but they ’ re immaculately controlled . Adrienne Gaither : How I Got Over Through Feb . 24 at Transformer 1404 P St . NW . 202 - 483 - 1102 . transformerdc . org . [TGT] ’ s “ Women Marchers : 1913 & 2017 ” on view at Art League Gallery . ( Sally Canzoneri / Art League Gallery ) [TGT]How can you be in two eras at once ? [TGT] simulates time travel with lenticular photographs — matched images of the same place made years apart and cut into an accordion - fold pattern . From the front strips of both scenes are visible ; from the sides only one can be seen . That ’ s why the artist calls her Art League Gallery show “ Double Takes .” [TGT]lives in Washington and most of [TGT] two - timing pictures show D . C . sites decades or more apart . Here she has included two Alexandria doublings including one that contrasts the show ’ s venue the Torpedo Factory in 1921 and 2017 . The largest gap chronologically if not thematically is between the former slave traders ’ building at 1315 Duke St . in 1861 and 2017 . The older of those pictures is by Mathew Brady the D . C . Civil War photographer . Most often though the earlier image ’ s maker cannot be identified . [TGT] works with unknown predecessors first by framing [TGT] shot of the scene in imitation of the original and then by fusing the two . Think of this not as appropriation but collaboration . [TGT] lenticulars are made of paper rather than marble but they ’ re a kind of civic art . [TGT] : Double Takes Through Feb . 5 at the Art League Gallery Torpedo Factory 105 N . Union St . Alexandria . 703 - 683 - 1780 . theartleague . org . Anika Cartterfield ’ s show “ The Wild ” at VisArts . ( Anika Cartterfield / VisArts ) Anika Cartterfield & Alex Braden At the National Gallery of Art currently stand a grove of columns sleek and pure by the late D . C . artist Anne Truitt . Anika Cartterfield also makes columns but they ’ re not so pristine . The most vivid piece in “ The Wild ” her show at VisArts Common Ground Gallery slams a tree ’ s root ball through a hollow pillar . The ragged end that erupts from one side is painted white to match the surface it breaches ; the other end is smoother and varnished like a piece of furniture . Cartterfield who lives in Upstate New York formerly worked for Vermont ’ s forest service . When working with wood she ’ s concerned more with the quality of the raw material than with what it might be made into . She subverts the look of white - walled art spaces and neatly sanded sculptures with pieces that are unfinished and partly open to reveal their structure . This show ’ s tidiest pieces are three columns topped with photos of art installations in forests . The woods it appears are Cartterfield ’ s favorite gallery . Alex Braden ’ s sound installation “ A Lesser Light .” ( Alex Braden / VisArts ) Downstairs at VisArts Gibbs Street Gallery has become a listening room for Alex Braden ’ s electronic music . The D . C . composer ’ s “ A Lesser Light ” is an “ automated improvisation ” that randomly emits bits of music in a theoretically infinite arrangement . The sounds include drones whooshes and clipped notes ; they recall Balinese gamelan and the music of Steve Reich and Brian Eno . In previous installations Braden has employed near - obsolete and sometimes unreliable technology including rotary telephones and cassette players . But this piece ’ s physical presence consists only of the speakers that broadcast the eight different audio channels . The result is a room and a composition that are clean and clear with just enough capriciousness to keep listeners looking over their shoulders . Anika Cartterfield : The Wild and Alex Braden : A Lesser Light Through Feb . 11 at VisArts at Rockville 155 Gibbs St . Rockville . 301 - 315 - 8200 . visartscenter . org . Antonio McAfee & Rachel Guardiola In the epilogue to “ Invisible Man ” author Ralph Ellison refers to aspects of African American history as “ Old Bad Air .” Antonio McAfee borrows that phrase for the title of his Hamiltonian Gallery show of manipulated vintage photos . The Baltimore artist distorts 19th - century portraits of people of color to suggest how their subjects ’ lives were warped by racism and oppression . Included are several large photos that display various degrees of digital abuse ; one nearly abstract image appears in both negative and positive versions . There ’ s also a full wall of small deformed pictures printed on thin acrylic so they curl partly off the wall . This multitude dignified yet precarious is the most powerful chapter in McAfee ’ s history lesson . Also at Hamiltonian is Rachel Guardiola ’ s “ A Hand Without Horizon Is Taller Than Its Other ” which includes altered video as well as photos . Mostly derived from the artist ’ s performances the images illustrate the actions of a fictional “ time - traveling surveyor and a horticultural pirate ” as they travel “ an earth - like planet ” according to the gallery . In the photos hot colors and overlapping close - up images seem to turn Guardiola ’ s hands into a sort of flora . In this miniature universe the artist is both the explorer and the explored . Antonio McAfee : Old Bad Air and Rachel Guardiola : A Hand Without Horizon Is Taller Than Its Other Through Feb . 17 at Hamiltonian Gallery 1353 U St . NW Suite 101 . 202 - 332 - 1116 . hamiltoniangallery . com . | 2Positive
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264 | Apple apologizes for slowing down old iPhones cuts price of replacement batteries | Tim Cook | day uproar since news first broke that Apple intentionally slowed down older iPhone models to save battery life the company apologized Thursday and said it will be reducing the price of a replacement battery to $ 29 from $ 79 for iPhone 6 and later models . In a statement Apple said it " have never -- and would never -- do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product ." The company insisted the iOS upgrade from earlier this year that slowed down batteries was introduced to stop unexpected shutdowns and extend battery life . The $ 29 price tag for a replacement battery will be rolled out worldwide in late January and last until December 2018 the company said . On Dec . 20 Apple admitted that processing speeds on older iPhones were intentionally slower beginning with the iOS 10 . 2 . 1 upgrade in 2016 . The company said the move was meant to prevent phones from shutting down in cold temperatures when the battery was low or on phones with very old batteries . Aging batteries meant phones could have trouble operating or might unexpectedly shut down as was the case with some iPhone 6 and 6S devices last year CNET reported . The processors in those devices wanted to hit faster speeds but their batteries couldn ' t handle the demand prompting some phones to simply switch themselves off . The software applied to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus 6S and 6S Plus and SE . This year ' s iOS 11 . 2 extended the feature to the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus . Apple had to admit the mistake as customer dissatisfaction grew and they were even slapped with a class - action lawsuit on Dec . 22 . Apple said that in a new iOS upgrade due out in early 2018 will " give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone ' s battery so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance ." Apple ' s announcement comes as Apple brought in nearly 60 percent of all profits generated in the global smartphone market in the third quarter according to Counterpoint Research . Apple CEO Tim Cook ' s salary increased 46 percent in 2017 . Cook received a total of $ 12 . 8 million in salary incentive pay and other compensation . Combined with his $ 89 . 2 million worth of shares that vested Cook technically brought home a whopping $ 102 million in 2017 CNET reports . | day uproar since news first broke that Apple intentionally slowed down older iPhone models to save battery life the company apologized Thursday and said it will be reducing the price of a replacement battery to $ 29 from $ 79 for iPhone 6 and later models . In a statement Apple said it " have never -- and would never -- do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product ." The company insisted the iOS upgrade from earlier this year that slowed down batteries was introduced to stop unexpected shutdowns and extend battery life . The $ 29 price tag for a replacement battery will be rolled out worldwide in late January and last until December 2018 the company said . On Dec . 20 Apple admitted that processing speeds on older iPhones were intentionally slower beginning with the iOS 10 . 2 . 1 upgrade in 2016 . The company said the move was meant to prevent phones from shutting down in cold temperatures when the battery was low or on phones with very old batteries . Aging batteries meant phones could have trouble operating or might unexpectedly shut down as was the case with some iPhone 6 and 6S devices last year CNET reported . The processors in those devices wanted to hit faster speeds but their batteries couldn ' t handle the demand prompting some phones to simply switch themselves off . The software applied to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus 6S and 6S Plus and SE . This year ' s iOS 11 . 2 extended the feature to the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus . Apple had to admit the mistake as customer dissatisfaction grew and they were even slapped with a class - action lawsuit on Dec . 22 . Apple said that in a new iOS upgrade due out in early 2018 will " give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone ' s battery so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance ." Apple ' s announcement comes as Apple brought in nearly 60 percent of all profits generated in the global smartphone market in the third quarter according to Counterpoint Research . [TGT]salary increased 46 percent in 2017 . [TGT]received a total of $ 12 . 8 million in salary incentive pay and other compensation . Combined with [TGT] $ 89 . 2 million worth of shares that vested [TGT]technically brought home a whopping $ 102 million in 2017 CNET reports . | 1Neutral
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265 | ` Not the same , ' Mitt Romney says of President Trump blaming ` both sides ' again for violence in Charlottesville . | Mitt Romney | "No , not the same ," Romney wrote . | "No , not the same ," Romney wrote . | 1Neutral
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266 | Cambodia deports 61 telecom extortion scam suspects | Uk Heisela | Cambodia police on Saturday deported 61 Chinese nationals wanted in China on suspicion of extorting money over the internet and by phone they said but Taiwan said 19 were from Taiwan . Chinese nationals ( in orange vests ) who were arrested over a suspected internet scam are escorted by Chinese police officers before they were deported at Phnom Penh International Airport in Phnom Penh Cambodia October 12 2017 . REUTERS / Samrang Pring Several hundred suspected scammers have been arrested in Cambodia which has emerged as a major center of rackets that have cost the victims billions of dollars . Pictures sent to Reuters on Saturday showed suspects wearing red shirts with their wrists bound together ahead of the deportation . Uk Heisela chief of investigation at Cambodia ’ s immigration department said Chinese police had arrived to pick up the suspects . Chinese nationals ( in orange vests ) who were arrested over a suspected internet scam are escorted by Chinese police officers before they were deported at Phnom Penh International Airport in Phnom Penh Cambodia October 12 2017 . REUTERS / Samrang Pring “ The Immigration Department deported 61 suspects including 13 women who were involved in extortions on the internet ” Uk Heisela told Reuters . Uk Heisela said they had been detained during raids on Oct 17 and Oct 21 in the capital Phnom Penh and in Kandal and Preah Sihanouk provinces . Slideshow ( 3 Images ) Taiwan ’ s government said 19 of them were from Taiwan and that it had lodged a strong protest with China about the deportations . Taiwan has been unhappy that Taiwanese extortion suspects have been deported to China in the past and has accused Phnom Penh of acting at the behest of Beijing . China considers self - ruled Taiwan sovereign territory and Cambodia is one of China ’ s closest allies in Southeast Asia . | Cambodia police on Saturday deported 61 Chinese nationals wanted in China on suspicion of extorting money over the internet and by phone they said but Taiwan said 19 were from Taiwan . Chinese nationals ( in orange vests ) who were arrested over a suspected internet scam are escorted by Chinese police officers before they were deported at Phnom Penh International Airport in Phnom Penh Cambodia October 12 2017 . REUTERS / Samrang Pring Several hundred suspected scammers have been arrested in Cambodia which has emerged as a major center of rackets that have cost the victims billions of dollars . Pictures sent to Reuters on Saturday showed suspects wearing red shirts with their wrists bound together ahead of the deportation . [TGT]chief of investigation at Cambodia ’ s immigration department said Chinese police had arrived to pick up the suspects . Chinese nationals ( in orange vests ) who were arrested over a suspected internet scam are escorted by Chinese police officers before they were deported at Phnom Penh International Airport in Phnom Penh Cambodia October 12 2017 . REUTERS / Samrang Pring “ The Immigration Department deported 61 suspects including 13 women who were involved in extortions on the internet ” [TGT]told Reuters . [TGT]said [TGT] had been detained during raids on Oct 17 and Oct 21 in the capital Phnom Penh and in Kandal and Preah Sihanouk provinces . Slideshow ( 3 Images ) Taiwan ’ s government said 19 of them were from Taiwan and that it had lodged a strong protest with China about the deportations . Taiwan has been unhappy that Taiwanese extortion suspects have been deported to China in the past and has accused Phnom Penh of acting at the behest of Beijing . China considers self - ruled Taiwan sovereign territory and Cambodia is one of China ’ s closest allies in Southeast Asia . | 2Positive
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267 | Red Sox fan Mitt Romney pushing to own part of Yankees . | Mitt Romney | Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is trying to get into the baseball world , and he hopes to join the most prestigious organization in the sport .
According to a report from FanRag Sports , the 69-year-old Romney and his son Tagg are bidding to buy a small piece of the Yankees after their attempt to purchase the Marlins fell through .
Later , Mitt Romney denied that he is involved in the talks in a statement to FanRag Sports .
One odd side note : Romney , the former governor of Massachusetts , is a Red Sox fan . | [TGT] is trying to get into the baseball world , and [TGT] hopes to join the most prestigious organization in the sport .
According to a report from FanRag Sports , the 69-year-old Romney and [TGT] son Tagg are bidding to buy a small piece of the Yankees after their attempt to purchase the Marlins fell through .
Later , [TGT] denied that [TGT] is involved in the talks in a statement to FanRag Sports .
One odd side note : [TGT] , the former governor of Massachusetts , is a Red Sox fan . | 1Neutral
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268 | The Trouble With Amazon | Bezos | Independent news is more important than ever . Sign up for The Nation Daily and get our hard - hitting journalism in your inbox every weekday . Sign up for The Nation Daily and get our hard - hitting journalism in your inbox every weekday . Thank you for signing up . For more from The Nation check out our latest issue Subscribe now for as little as $ 2 a month ! Support Progressive Journalism The Nation is reader supported : Chip in $ 10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter . The Nation is reader supported : Chip in $ 10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter . Sign up for Take Action Now and we ’ ll send you three meaningful actions you can each week . Sign up for Take Action Now and we ’ ll send you three meaningful actions you can each week . Travel With The Nation Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations and explore the world with kindred spirits . Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations and explore the world with kindred spirits . Sign up for our Wine Club today . Did you know you can support The Nation by drinking wine ? In a speech in May to graduates at his alma mater Princeton University he recounted a childhood memory : when driving with his grandmother a heavy smoker he calculated by how many years her addiction would reduce her life expectancy . Announcing the result from the back seat he expected praise for his deft math . But his grandmother just burst into tears . Ad Policy The Amazon founder ’ s geeky obsession with numbers evidently formed early and despite the glimmer of discomfort revealed by his Princeton anecdote his fervently quantitative take on the world clearly still predominates . In a letter accompanying the 2009 Amazon annual report for instance he sets out a mind - boggling 452 goals for the company in the coming year . The word " revenue " is mentioned only eight times yet revenue growth is central to the Amazon story . Expanding both internationally and across other products — nonbook sales represent 75 percent of total Amazon turnover — Amazon ’ s global business has increased fifteenfold over the past decade 28 percent last year alone . Sales in 2009 topped $ 24 . 5 billion . To put that in perspective in 2008 total sales by all US bookstores were less than $ 17 billion . Amazon is today by some margin the largest bookseller in the world . Related Article Commentary : Colin Robinson on Amazon ’ s Bad Business The Nation on Grit TV Of all the goals in the report Bezos proudly points out no fewer than 360 deal directly with customer needs . The customer has always been king in the Bezos ethos and the formula for keeping the king happy is straightforward . " Amazon gives the customers what they want : low prices vast selection and extreme convenience " he told a shareholders ’ meeting . On these terms Amazon ’ s success is stellar . It has more than 2 million titles on sale ; bestselling books are routinely discounted by 50 percent or more ; and it ranked first in BusinessWeek ‘ s " customer service champs " awards last year . But dig beneath the surface of the numbers and a more complex picture emerges one suggesting that stats notwithstanding readers and writers may ultimately not be best served by Amazon ’ s race to become the biggest cheapest and most convenient bookseller around . Amazon has not grown to where it is today by being touchy - feely . Sure it adopted the informal trappings that characterized many of the new technology start - ups of the 1990s . But if Bezos ’ s first desk at the company was an old door on trestles the business conducted from behind it has been as ruthless as anything he encountered in his previous gig as a Wall Street broker . Soon after Amazon ’ s launch in 1995 Bezos told his employees that he wanted a place that was both " intense and friendly " but that " if you ever had to give up ‘ friendly ’ in order to have ‘ intense ’ we would do that ." | Independent news is more important than ever . Sign up for The Nation Daily and get our hard - hitting journalism in your inbox every weekday . Sign up for The Nation Daily and get our hard - hitting journalism in your inbox every weekday . Thank you for signing up . For more from The Nation check out our latest issue Subscribe now for as little as $ 2 a month ! Support Progressive Journalism The Nation is reader supported : Chip in $ 10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter . The Nation is reader supported : Chip in $ 10 or more to help us continue to write about the issues that matter . Sign up for Take Action Now and we ’ ll send you three meaningful actions you can each week . Sign up for Take Action Now and we ’ ll send you three meaningful actions you can each week . Travel With The Nation Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations and explore the world with kindred spirits . Be the first to hear about Nation Travels destinations and explore the world with kindred spirits . Sign up for our Wine Club today . Did you know you can support The Nation by drinking wine ? In a speech in May to graduates at his alma mater Princeton University he recounted a childhood memory : when driving with his grandmother a heavy smoker he calculated by how many years her addiction would reduce her life expectancy . Announcing the result from the back seat he expected praise for his deft math . But his grandmother just burst into tears . Ad Policy The Amazon founder ’ s geeky obsession with numbers evidently formed early and despite the glimmer of discomfort revealed by his Princeton anecdote his fervently quantitative take on the world clearly still predominates . In a letter accompanying the 2009 Amazon annual report for instance he sets out a mind - boggling 452 goals for the company in the coming year . The word " revenue " is mentioned only eight times yet revenue growth is central to the Amazon story . Expanding both internationally and across other products — nonbook sales represent 75 percent of total Amazon turnover — Amazon ’ s global business has increased fifteenfold over the past decade 28 percent last year alone . Sales in 2009 topped $ 24 . 5 billion . To put that in perspective in 2008 total sales by all US bookstores were less than $ 17 billion . Amazon is today by some margin the largest bookseller in the world . Related Article Commentary : Colin Robinson on Amazon ’ s Bad Business The Nation on Grit TV Of all the goals in the report Bezos proudly points out no fewer than 360 deal directly with customer needs . The customer has always been king in the Bezos ethos and the formula for keeping the king happy is straightforward . " Amazon gives the customers what they want : low prices vast selection and extreme convenience " he told a shareholders ’ meeting . On these terms Amazon ’ s success is stellar . It has more than 2 million titles on sale ; bestselling books are routinely discounted by 50 percent or more ; and it ranked first in BusinessWeek ‘ s " customer service champs " awards last year . But dig beneath the surface of the numbers and a more complex picture emerges one suggesting that stats notwithstanding readers and writers may ultimately not be best served by Amazon ’ s race to become the biggest cheapest and most convenient bookseller around . Amazon has not grown to where it is today by being touchy - feely . Sure it adopted the informal trappings that characterized many of the new technology start - ups of the 1990s . But if [TGT]first desk at the company was an old door on trestles the business conducted from behind it has been as ruthless as anything he encountered in his previous gig as a Wall Street broker . Soon after Amazon ’ s launch in 1995 [TGT]told his employees that he wanted a place that was both " intense and friendly " but that " if you ever had to give up ‘ friendly ’ in order to have ‘ intense ’ we would do that ." | 2Positive
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269 | Deputy governor of Afghan province kidnapped in Pakistan | Mohammad Nabi Ahmadi | Unidentified kidnappers bundled the deputy governor of Afghanistan ’ s northwestern province of Kunar into a car in the Pakistani city of Peshawar and took him away police sources said on Sunday . Mohammad Nabi Ahmadi had crossed over from Afghanistan into Pakistan with his brother and was walking down a road in the northwestern city of Peshawar when a car with tinted windows pulled up and overpowered the Afghan official according to a Peshawar police source . The police source said Ahmadi ’ s brother recounted the episode to Pakistani police but did not disclose that his brother was a high - ranking Afghan provincial government official . “ It was afterwards we came to know from other sources that he was deputy governor of Kunar ” said the police official . Abdul Ghani Musamem the spokesman for the governor of Kunar confirmed Ahmadi had gone missing in Peshawar on Friday and added that he had been on leave for medical treatment . Wealthy Afghans frequently cross the border for medical treatment in Pakistan . Many Afghans live in Peshawar and it is also common for influential figures in Afghanistan to have business or family links in the Pashtun regions of Pakistan . The Pakistani police source said the Afghan government had not told them about Ahmadi ’ s visit adding that “ otherwise we would have provided him with security ”. Another security official said police in Peshawar were working to find out if Ahmadi ’ s kidnapping was related to his work or a personal dispute . The Afghan Taliban denied involvement in Ahmadi ’ s kidnapping . “ We heard that a deputy Afghan governor went missing in Pakistan but let me clarify that we don ’ t operate outside Afghanistan ” said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid . “ In Pakistan our leadership has strictly forbidden our people from any sort of activities as this is not our policy .” | Unidentified kidnappers bundled the deputy governor of Afghanistan ’ s northwestern province of Kunar into a car in the Pakistani city of Peshawar and took him away police sources said on Sunday . [TGT]had crossed over from Afghanistan into Pakistan with [TGT] brother and was walking down a road in the northwestern city of Peshawar when a car with tinted windows pulled up and overpowered the Afghan official according to a Peshawar police source . The police source said Ahmadi ’ s brother recounted the episode to Pakistani police but did not disclose that his brother was a high - ranking Afghan provincial government official . “ It was afterwards we came to know from other sources that he was deputy governor of Kunar ” said the police official . Abdul Ghani Musamem the spokesman for the governor of Kunar confirmed [TGT] had gone missing in Peshawar on Friday and added that he had been on leave for medical treatment . Wealthy Afghans frequently cross the border for medical treatment in Pakistan . Many Afghans live in Peshawar and it is also common for influential figures in Afghanistan to have business or family links in the Pashtun regions of Pakistan . The Pakistani police source said the Afghan government had not told them about [TGT] ’ s visit adding that “ otherwise we would have provided him with security ”. Another security official said police in Peshawar were working to find out if [TGT] ’ s kidnapping was related to his work or a personal dispute . The Afghan Taliban denied involvement in [TGT] ’ s kidnapping . “ We heard that a deputy Afghan governor went missing in Pakistan but let me clarify that we don ’ t operate outside Afghanistan ” said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid . “ In Pakistan our leadership has strictly forbidden our people from any sort of activities as this is not our policy .” | 2Positive
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270 | In Lebanon Mile | Omar Kabbani | Long Artwork Is A Sign Of Peace Lebanese twins Omar and Mohamed Kabbani painted " salam " — the Arabic word for peace — in bright green across 82 rooftops in the northern city of Tripoli . NPR ' s Ari Shapiro speaks with Omar about the ambitious art project that can only be seen from the sky . ARI SHAPIRO HOST : In Lebanon twin brothers welcomed the new year with a work of art nearly a mile long . Mohamed and Omar Kabbani are 34 - year - old graffiti artists . They painted the rooftops of more than 80 buildings lime green . Seen from above the green roofs spell out salam which means peace in Arabic . The brothers hope it will help change how people think of their home . OMAR KABBANI : Whenever they talk about the Middle East or Lebanon all they think about is extremism and terrorism . By painting a big word salam we want to show people that we ' re creative and positive things coming out from the Middle East . I think we made our goal happen . SHAPIRO : Omar Kabbani joined us from Lebanon on Skype to explain how he and his brother Mohamed put this project together . KABBANI : We had this idea almost three years ago and we wanted to paint a big word that can be seen from space . We chose the northern part of Lebanon an area - a region called Tripoli . It ' s the second biggest city in Lebanon . There was like two fighting militias fighting a small civil war between two areas and we decided to go up and paint the word salam above this area in particular . We recruited 62 ex - militiamen or ex - fighters . KABBANI : So basically they dropped their guns and they started helping us with painting their own rooftops . SHAPIRO : And I understand some of these buildings had bullet holes . Some of them were uninhabitable . You could really see the signs of the violence in this neighborhood . It was a battle zone . There ' s plenty of bullets . The buildings were on fire . So it was funny but sad at the same moment . Like when we used to go up to scout they used to tell us yeah I used to sit here and point my sniper rifle . So ... SHAPIRO : Wow . KABBANI : It was like a really true story . Like people who lived violence and lived like war started going up to their rooftop without the fear of being shot . SHAPIRO : I imagine that for some of these fighters who had sat on these rooftops with guns to come back to those rooftops and paint them bright green to spell out the word peace must have been a very emotional experience . KABBANI : It was very challenging for us . And it was challenging for them . We stayed there for three weeks . Every day we go up . And you can hear their stories . And you know like they are in rock bottom complete poverty . So whenever someone gives them like - I don ' t know - a small amount of money they would go and hold the gun and start shooting . But if the people give them an opportunity to work they will work . There are like really good - hearted people . They want to do something positive . And we used not just bright green paint - regular paint . We used like - it ' s anti - leakage and it prevents from - anti - UV also . SHAPIRO : Oh like waterproof and reflecting the sun so it cools the houses and keeps them dry . So it has - so people were really happy that we ' re in a way fixing the rooftops you know ? SHAPIRO : Has the crew actually seen the finished work of art - because you can really only see it from a drone . There are photographs but you could be standing on one of these rooftops and not know that it ' s spelling out the word salam . KABBANI : Yeah of course . When we first briefed them about the project we showed them what we were painting . And like every two days we flew a drone to show them and for us to see the progress of the work . And of course we showed them the end results . SHAPIRO : Omar Kabbani thanks a lot . KABBANI : You ' re welcome . SHAPIRO : Omar Kabbani his brother Mohamed and their crew painted more than 80 rooftops in the Lebanese city of Tripoli to say salam - peace in Arabic . He ' s looking forward to Google updating its map images so everyone who searches for the city can see the artwork . ( SOUNDBITE OF TOBACCO ' S " SPIRITS OF PERVERSION ") Copyright © 2018 NPR . Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www . npr . org for further information . NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm Inc . an NPR contractor and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR . This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future . Accuracy and availability may vary . The authoritative record of NPR ’ s programming is the audio record . | Long Artwork Is A Sign Of Peace Lebanese twins Omar and Mohamed Kabbani painted " salam " — the Arabic word for peace — in bright green across 82 rooftops in the northern city of Tripoli . NPR ' s Ari Shapiro speaks with Omar about the ambitious art project that can only be seen from the sky . ARI SHAPIRO HOST : In Lebanon twin brothers welcomed the new year with a work of art nearly a mile long . [TGT]are 34 - year - old graffiti artists . [TGT] painted the rooftops of more than 80 buildings lime green . Seen from above the green roofs spell out salam which means peace in Arabic . The brothers hope it will help change how people think of their home . OMAR KABBANI : Whenever they talk about the Middle East or Lebanon all they think about is extremism and terrorism . By painting a big word salam we want to show people that we ' re creative and positive things coming out from the Middle East . I think we made our goal happen . SHAPIRO : Omar Kabbani joined us from Lebanon on Skype to explain how he and his brother Mohamed put this project together . KABBANI : We had this idea almost three years ago and we wanted to paint a big word that can be seen from space . We chose the northern part of Lebanon an area - a region called Tripoli . It ' s the second biggest city in Lebanon . There was like two fighting militias fighting a small civil war between two areas and we decided to go up and paint the word salam above this area in particular . We recruited 62 ex - militiamen or ex - fighters . KABBANI : So basically they dropped their guns and they started helping us with painting their own rooftops . SHAPIRO : And I understand some of these buildings had bullet holes . Some of them were uninhabitable . You could really see the signs of the violence in this neighborhood . It was a battle zone . There ' s plenty of bullets . The buildings were on fire . So it was funny but sad at the same moment . Like when we used to go up to scout they used to tell us yeah I used to sit here and point my sniper rifle . So ... SHAPIRO : Wow . KABBANI : It was like a really true story . Like people who lived violence and lived like war started going up to their rooftop without the fear of being shot . SHAPIRO : I imagine that for some of these fighters who had sat on these rooftops with guns to come back to those rooftops and paint them bright green to spell out the word peace must have been a very emotional experience . KABBANI : It was very challenging for us . And it was challenging for them . We stayed there for three weeks . Every day we go up . And you can hear their stories . And you know like they are in rock bottom complete poverty . So whenever someone gives them like - I don ' t know - a small amount of money they would go and hold the gun and start shooting . But if the people give them an opportunity to work they will work . There are like really good - hearted people . They want to do something positive . And we used not just bright green paint - regular paint . We used like - it ' s anti - leakage and it prevents from - anti - UV also . SHAPIRO : Oh like waterproof and reflecting the sun so it cools the houses and keeps them dry . So it has - so people were really happy that we ' re in a way fixing the rooftops you know ? SHAPIRO : Has the crew actually seen the finished work of art - because you can really only see it from a drone . There are photographs but you could be standing on one of these rooftops and not know that it ' s spelling out the word salam . KABBANI : Yeah of course . When we first briefed them about the project we showed them what we were painting . And like every two days we flew a drone to show them and for us to see the progress of the work . And of course we showed them the end results . SHAPIRO : [TGT] . [TGT] : You ' re welcome . SHAPIRO : [TGT] [TGT] brother Mohamed and their crew painted more than 80 rooftops in the Lebanese city of Tripoli to say salam - peace in Arabic . [TGT] ' s looking forward to Google updating its map images so everyone who searches for the city can see the artwork . ( SOUNDBITE OF TOBACCO ' S " SPIRITS OF PERVERSION ") Copyright © 2018 NPR . Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www . npr . org for further information . NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm Inc . an NPR contractor and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR . This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future . Accuracy and availability may vary . The authoritative record of NPR ’ s programming is the audio record . | 2Positive
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271 | Mitt Romney Just Gave the Most Pointless Speech of the 2016 Race . | Mitt Romney | If there was a Trump-versus-Clinton race , where would Romney stand ?
It was a high bar , but Mitt Romney met the challenge .
But not Romney .
Romney literally spoke of Trump as "twisted ."
But Mitt Romney did not say he would refuse to vote for Trump as the Republican nominee in the fall .
Romney dominated the discussion following the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses that saw Donald Trump dramatically advance his candidacy for the nomination of the party that made Romney its standard-bearer four years ago .
But Romney has also ripped Clinton and said she "must not become president ."
Cynics will argue that Romney simply wants to set himself up as that alternative .
Romney fails to endorse an alternative to Trump .
But not Romney .
Next to nothing , because Mitt Romney 's speech did not answer what now quite likely will be the essential question for Republicans in the 2016 cycle : Will those who oppose Trump as a candidate for the party nomination oppose Trump as the nominee of the party ?
As Romney prepared to speak , commentators announced that "the Mitt is about to hit the fan ."
The political and media elites , who have always taken Romney more seriously than the American electorate has , did everything they could to pump up the hot-air balloon , and then Romney popped it .
But if we take Romney at his word that his speech Thursday was not an announcement of candidacy -- as the pick of a brokered convention or as an independent "Lincoln Republican" alternative in November -- then what are we left with ?
Romney offered credible criticism of Trump .
Romney has ripped Trump and said that he should not be the Republican nominee .
Romney tells us that Trump is "a phony and fraud" and : "His domestic policies would lead to recession .
Romney called Trump 's approach to foreign policy "recklessness in the extreme" and declared that Trump "lacks the temperament to be president ." | If there was a Trump-versus-Clinton race , where would [TGT] stand ?
It was a high bar , but [TGT] met the challenge .
But not [TGT] .
[TGT] literally spoke of Trump as "twisted ."
But [TGT] did not say [TGT] would refuse to vote for Trump as the Republican nominee in the fall .
[TGT] dominated the discussion following the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses that saw Donald Trump dramatically advance [TGT] candidacy for the nomination of the party that made [TGT] [TGT] standard-bearer four years ago .
But [TGT] has also ripped Clinton and said she "must not become president ."
Cynics will argue that [TGT] simply wants to set [TGT] up as that alternative .
[TGT] fails to endorse an alternative to Trump .
But not [TGT] .
Next to nothing , because [TGT] 's speech did not answer what now quite likely will be the essential question for Republicans in the 2016 cycle : Will those who oppose Trump as a candidate for the party nomination oppose Trump as the nominee of the party ?
As [TGT] prepared to speak , commentators announced that "the Mitt is about to hit the fan ."
The political and media elites , who have always taken [TGT] more seriously than the American electorate has , did everything they could to pump up the hot-air balloon , and then [TGT] popped it .
But if we take [TGT] at [TGT] word that [TGT] speech Thursday was not an announcement of candidacy -- as the pick of a brokered convention or as an independent "Lincoln Republican" alternative in November -- then what are we left with ?
[TGT] offered credible criticism of Trump .
[TGT] has ripped Trump and said that [TGT] should not be the Republican nominee .
[TGT] tells us that Trump is "a phony and fraud" and : "[TGT] domestic policies would lead to recession .
[TGT] called Trump 's approach to foreign policy "recklessness in the extreme" and declared that Trump "lacks the temperament to be president ." | 0Negative
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272 | The plague strikes Madagascar killing 30 and triggering panic | Katharina Kreppel | Face masks are placed on children in Antananarivo Madagascar on Tuesday . ( Alexander Joe / Associated Press ) Some might consider the plague a thing of the past buried deep in medieval history . But it thrives in Madagascar where the disease is a seasonal worry . And this year the country is experiencing what may be its deadliest outbreak in years : About 194 people are suspected to have fallen ill from the plague since August and 33 have died as of Saturday according to Madagascar ’ s Ministry of Health . Experts say they can ’ t remember the last time the death toll was so high . In 2016 63 people died over the course of the year out of 275 cases . The majority of this year ’ s cases are pneumonic plague which can be transmitted through coughing according to the BBC . This form of the disease can kill an infected person in less than a day . To slow the outbreak Madagascar is temporarily shutting down its public institutions . Government authorities ordered two universities to close and other schools have shut their doors across the country including the capital Antananarivo so buildings can be sprayed with insecticides . The World Health Organization has shipped more than a million doses of antibiotics to the country the BBC reported . “ We are scared — all of these deaths show that the situation is serious ” Miora Herinjatovo 55 told Agence France - Presse on Wednesday . She got a mask from a hospital — unlike her husband who failed to get one after standing in line outside a pharmacy . He instead collected a handful of generic antibiotics . [ The plague alive and well in Madagascar ] Experts say the outbreak started in late August when a 31 - year - old man from the eastern city of Toamasina took a trip inland to Ankazobe where the plague lives in rodent and flea populations . While there he came down with malaria - like symptoms . He died in a taxi home passing through Antananarivo the WHO said in a Sept . 28 statement . The WHO said that many of the cases identified are directly or indirectly linked to the man which is evidence of person - to - person transmission . Of the 31 people who made direct or indirect contact with him four became ill and died the WHO said . Antananarivo and Toamasina were among the most - infected cities : As of Sept . 30 Antananarivo and its suburbs had 27 cases and seven deaths and Toamasina had 18 cases and five deaths . Antananarivo has about 1 . 3 million residents while Toamasina has about 237 000 according to a 2014 count by the National Institute of Statistics in Madagascar . Public gatherings including jazz festivals and basketball tournaments have been called off to prevent the plague from spreading according to media reports . One of the people killed by the plague last week was a basketball coach from the Seychelles who died while visiting the capital for a tournament according to a WHO report released Thursday . “ Right now we have the outbreak of a very infectious fatal disease ” said Katharina Kreppel an epidemiologist at the Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania who spent four years conducting field research in Madagascar . “ If people don ’ t notice fast enough or don ’ t have access to health care fast enough they die very quickly .” [ There ’ s plague in Arizona . Authorities warn of fleas that can infect people and pets .] This plague shares the same bacterium yersinia pestis that caused the “ Black Death ” pandemic in Europe during the 14th century . The most common form of the plague in Madagascar was until this year the bubonic plague spread to humans through infected fleas that contracted the infection from small animals they bit like rats . The disease is typically spread to humans by the bite of an infected flea according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The bubonic plague is often treatable with antibiotics . If left untreated though the bacteria can spread through the bloodstream to the lungs and cause pneumonic plague — a deadly more infectious form that ’ s now spreading throughout Madagascar . Symptoms of the pneumonic plague are similar to the common cold according to the CDC . The symptoms of bubonic plague are fever headaches chills and weakness — as well as one or more swollen and painful lymph nodes known as buboes . The bacteria multiply in the lymph node closest to where the bacteria entered the body usually through the infected flea bite according to the CDC . If an infected person isn ’ t given antibiotics the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body . Should the bubonic plague become pneumonic the person will develop shortness of breath chest pain and sometimes bloody or watery mucous . The pneumonia may cause respiratory failure and shock . All forms of plague if untreated can progress rapidly to death according to the CDC . There have been three major plague pandemics : The Justinian plague which broke in the Byzantine Empire in AD 541 ; the “ Black Death ” which originated in China in 1334 and spread to Europe ; and the Modern Plague which began in China in the 1860s and appeared in Hong Kong by 1894 according to the CDC . It was during the last pandemic that scientists identified the link between the bacteria and infectious flea bites and rat - associated plague was soon brought under control in most urban areas . The plague has since been controlled in most countries with insecticides according to the CDC . And since it can be treated with antibiotics the spread of the disease is usually prevented if promptly identified . The plague is most commonly found in sub - Saharan Africa and Madagascar areas which account for more than 95 percent of reported cases according to the CDC . Madagascar often sees the highest numbers of bubonic plague cases worldwide about 600 infections annually . Madagascar has been in the throes of a political crisis since 2009 and has become one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 92 percent of the population living on less than $ 2 a day according to the World Bank Group . It ’ s lost a substantial portion of international aid and its infrastructure has deteriorated . Once rice harvest season finishes at the end of summer the rat population drops as they don ’ t have as much food . Fleas begin looking for new hosts to bite and settle on humans . As it is an island Madagascar is home to species that transmit the plague and often aren ’ t found anywhere else Kreppel told The Washington Post . While Madagascar ’ s scientists have monitored plague patterns for years and have the knowledge to mitigate the spread of this new pneumonic plague the money and resources to do so aren ’ t available Kreppel said . There isn ’ t adequate funding for insecticides spraying equipment or antibiotics she said and there aren ’ t enough health facilities to house quarantined patients . The country can ’ t afford the vehicles required to travel to isolated villages should the disease spread further Kreppel said . “ If an outbreak like this happened in the U . S . or Europe or anywhere else it would be controlled quite fast because the resources are there ” she said . This post has been updated . Read more : The troubling case of the young Japanese reporter who worked herself to death A mother refused to follow a court order to vaccinate her son . Now she ’ s going to jail . Southwest said she was removed from the plane over dog allergies . She has a very different story . | Face masks are placed on children in Antananarivo Madagascar on Tuesday . ( Alexander Joe / Associated Press ) Some might consider the plague a thing of the past buried deep in medieval history . But it thrives in Madagascar where the disease is a seasonal worry . And this year the country is experiencing what may be its deadliest outbreak in years : About 194 people are suspected to have fallen ill from the plague since August and 33 have died as of Saturday according to Madagascar ’ s Ministry of Health . Experts say they can ’ t remember the last time the death toll was so high . In 2016 63 people died over the course of the year out of 275 cases . The majority of this year ’ s cases are pneumonic plague which can be transmitted through coughing according to the BBC . This form of the disease can kill an infected person in less than a day . To slow the outbreak Madagascar is temporarily shutting down its public institutions . Government authorities ordered two universities to close and other schools have shut their doors across the country including the capital Antananarivo so buildings can be sprayed with insecticides . The World Health Organization has shipped more than a million doses of antibiotics to the country the BBC reported . “ We are scared — all of these deaths show that the situation is serious ” Miora Herinjatovo 55 told Agence France - Presse on Wednesday . She got a mask from a hospital — unlike her husband who failed to get one after standing in line outside a pharmacy . He instead collected a handful of generic antibiotics . [ The plague alive and well in Madagascar ] Experts say the outbreak started in late August when a 31 - year - old man from the eastern city of Toamasina took a trip inland to Ankazobe where the plague lives in rodent and flea populations . While there he came down with malaria - like symptoms . He died in a taxi home passing through Antananarivo the WHO said in a Sept . 28 statement . The WHO said that many of the cases identified are directly or indirectly linked to the man which is evidence of person - to - person transmission . Of the 31 people who made direct or indirect contact with him four became ill and died the WHO said . Antananarivo and Toamasina were among the most - infected cities : As of Sept . 30 Antananarivo and its suburbs had 27 cases and seven deaths and Toamasina had 18 cases and five deaths . Antananarivo has about 1 . 3 million residents while Toamasina has about 237 000 according to a 2014 count by the National Institute of Statistics in Madagascar . Public gatherings including jazz festivals and basketball tournaments have been called off to prevent the plague from spreading according to media reports . One of the people killed by the plague last week was a basketball coach from the Seychelles who died while visiting the capital for a tournament according to a WHO report released Thursday . “ Right now we have the outbreak of a very infectious fatal disease ” said Katharina Kreppel an epidemiologist at the Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania who spent four years conducting field research in Madagascar . “ If people don ’ t notice fast enough or don ’ [TGT] have access to health care fast enough [TGT] die very quickly .” [ There ’ s plague in Arizona . Authorities warn of fleas that can infect people and pets .] This plague shares the same bacterium yersinia pestis that caused the “ Black Death ” pandemic in Europe during the 14th century . The most common form of the plague in Madagascar was until this year the bubonic plague spread to humans through infected fleas that contracted the infection from small animals they bit like rats . The disease is typically spread to humans by the bite of an infected flea according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The bubonic plague is often treatable with antibiotics . If left untreated though the bacteria can spread through the bloodstream to the lungs and cause pneumonic plague — a deadly more infectious form that ’ s now spreading throughout Madagascar . Symptoms of the pneumonic plague are similar to the common cold according to the CDC . The symptoms of bubonic plague are fever headaches chills and weakness — as well as one or more swollen and painful lymph nodes known as buboes . The bacteria multiply in the lymph node closest to where the bacteria entered the body usually through the infected flea bite according to the CDC . If an infected person isn ’ t given antibiotics the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body . Should the bubonic plague become pneumonic the person will develop shortness of breath chest pain and sometimes bloody or watery mucous . The pneumonia may cause respiratory failure and shock . All forms of plague if untreated can progress rapidly to death according to the CDC . There have been three major plague pandemics : The Justinian plague which broke in the Byzantine Empire in AD 541 ; the “ Black Death ” which originated in China in 1334 and spread to Europe ; and the Modern Plague which began in China in the 1860s and appeared in Hong Kong by 1894 according to the CDC . It was during the last pandemic that scientists identified the link between the bacteria and infectious flea bites and rat - associated plague was soon brought under control in most urban areas . The plague has since been controlled in most countries with insecticides according to the CDC . And since it can be treated with antibiotics the spread of the disease is usually prevented if promptly identified . The plague is most commonly found in sub - Saharan Africa and Madagascar areas which account for more than 95 percent of reported cases according to the CDC . Madagascar often sees the highest numbers of bubonic plague cases worldwide about 600 infections annually . Madagascar has been in the throes of a political crisis since 2009 and has become one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 92 percent of the population living on less than $ 2 a day according to the World Bank Group . It ’ s lost a substantial portion of international aid and its infrastructure has deteriorated . Once rice harvest season finishes at the end of summer the rat population drops as they don ’ t have as much food . Fleas begin looking for new hosts to bite and settle on humans . As it is an island Madagascar is home to species that transmit the plague and often aren ’ t found anywhere else Kreppel told The Washington Post . While Madagascar ’ s scientists have monitored plague patterns for years and have the knowledge to mitigate the spread of this new pneumonic plague the money and resources to do so aren ’ t available Kreppel said . There isn ’ t adequate funding for insecticides spraying equipment or antibiotics she said and there aren ’ t enough health facilities to house quarantined patients . The country can ’ t afford the vehicles required to travel to isolated villages should the disease spread further Kreppel said . “ If an outbreak like this happened in the U . S . or Europe or anywhere else it would be controlled quite fast because the resources are there ” she said . This post has been updated . Read more : The troubling case of the young Japanese reporter who worked herself to death A mother refused to follow a court order to vaccinate her son . Now she ’ s going to jail . Southwest said she was removed from the plane over dog allergies . She has a very different story . | 2Positive
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273 | Blake Farenthold and the Grandfathering of Sexual Harassment | Clarence Thomas | On the surface Representative Blake Farenthold ’ s arc this week is familiar : Politician is accused of bad behavior ; politician is accused of even more bad behavior ; politician announces he ’ ll leave office . In the case of the Texas Republican that came after the series of scathing exposes in The New York Times and then CNN . The Times described an alcohol - sodden sexually charged office in which “ women would discuss which male lobbyists had texted them pictures of their genitals and both men and women would talk about strip clubs and whether certain Fox News anchors had breast implants .” CNN heard that Farenthold screamed at staffers called them “ fucktards ” made rude comments about a staffer ’ s fiancee and left the staffer in severe pain with daily vomiting . By Thursday morning Farenthold was announcing he wouldn ’ t run for reelection though he intended to serve out his term . ( His ability to follow through will depend on whether further revelations emerge and what sort of political pressure he receives — especially from other Republicans .) Related Story Who Survives a Sexual - Harassment Allegation ? But Farenthold ’ s case is also significant for its deviation from the normal pattern . Thus far a strange dichotomy has developed within claims of sexual harassment . The last two months have seen many women newly inspired to share stories of bad behavior be it recent or two decades ago . The men they are accusing have in many cases been toppled for sins ranging from groping and lewd comments to rape . Meanwhile men who stood accused of harassment or abuse before the sudden downfall of Harvey Weinstein have for the most part managed to remain in positions of power . It is as though accusations B . H . ( Before Harvey ) are grandfathered in . Farenthold however breaks the pattern : Even though stories of sexual harassment surfaced as early as 2014 that didn ’ t inoculate him . Examples of this grandfathering effect abound . Within politics the most glaring example is President Trump . It has become truism to note the dissonance between his continued tenure as president despite having been recorded boasting about sexual assaults even as other abusers are forced from office — sometimes over behavior that is at once unacceptable but also less serious than the allegations against Trump . Trump is hardly alone though . Clarence Thomas continues to enjoy his lifetime appointment at the Supreme Court despite the allegations Anita Hill lodged against him during his confirmation hearings . Representative Alcee Hastings a Florida Democrats was known to have been sued for sexual harassment several years ago though Roll Call only revealed the $ 220 000 settlement paid to his accuser last Friday . Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky but survived office and has enjoyed a post - presidential career as a globetrotting elder statesman and grand old man of the Democratic Party . ( Clinton ’ s past behavior did play a role in his wife ’ s loss in the 2016 presidential race and while there is a move to reassess his legacy it comes so late in his career as to be barely consequential .) Outside of politics there are plenty of other examples . Dylan Farrow who has long accused Woody Allen of sexual abuse ( and whose brother Ronan Farrow helped break the Weinstein story ) wrote in the Los Angeles Times “ Why is it that Harvey Weinstein and other accused celebrities have been cast out by Hollywood while Allen recently secured a multimillion - dollar distribution deal with Amazon greenlit by former Amazon Studios executive Roy Price before he was suspended over sexual misconduct allegations ?” Across entertainment from R . Kelly to Casey Affleck man accused of harassment or worse have kept their careers alive . | On the surface Representative Blake Farenthold ’ s arc this week is familiar : Politician is accused of bad behavior ; politician is accused of even more bad behavior ; politician announces he ’ ll leave office . In the case of the Texas Republican that came after the series of scathing exposes in The New York Times and then CNN . The Times described an alcohol - sodden sexually charged office in which “ women would discuss which male lobbyists had texted them pictures of their genitals and both men and women would talk about strip clubs and whether certain Fox News anchors had breast implants .” CNN heard that Farenthold screamed at staffers called them “ fucktards ” made rude comments about a staffer ’ s fiancee and left the staffer in severe pain with daily vomiting . By Thursday morning Farenthold was announcing he wouldn ’ t run for reelection though he intended to serve out his term . ( His ability to follow through will depend on whether further revelations emerge and what sort of political pressure he receives — especially from other Republicans .) Related Story Who Survives a Sexual - Harassment Allegation ? But Farenthold ’ s case is also significant for its deviation from the normal pattern . Thus far a strange dichotomy has developed within claims of sexual harassment . The last two months have seen many women newly inspired to share stories of bad behavior be it recent or two decades ago . The men they are accusing have in many cases been toppled for sins ranging from groping and lewd comments to rape . Meanwhile men who stood accused of harassment or abuse before the sudden downfall of Harvey Weinstein have for the most part managed to remain in positions of power . It is as though accusations B . H . ( Before Harvey ) are grandfathered in . Farenthold however breaks the pattern : Even though stories of sexual harassment surfaced as early as 2014 that didn ’ t inoculate him . Examples of this grandfathering effect abound . Within politics the most glaring example is President Trump . It has become truism to note the dissonance between his continued tenure as president despite having been recorded boasting about sexual assaults even as other abusers are forced from office — sometimes over behavior that is at once unacceptable but also less serious than the allegations against Trump . Trump is hardly alone though . [TGT] Thomas continues to enjoy [TGT] lifetime appointment at the Supreme Court despite the allegations Anita Hill lodged against him during his confirmation hearings . Representative Alcee Hastings a Florida Democrats was known to have been sued for sexual harassment several years ago though Roll Call only revealed the $ 220 000 settlement paid to his accuser last Friday . Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky but survived office and has enjoyed a post - presidential career as a globetrotting elder statesman and grand old man of the Democratic Party . ( Clinton ’ s past behavior did play a role in his wife ’ s loss in the 2016 presidential race and while there is a move to reassess his legacy it comes so late in his career as to be barely consequential .) Outside of politics there are plenty of other examples . Dylan Farrow who has long accused Woody Allen of sexual abuse ( and whose brother Ronan Farrow helped break the Weinstein story ) wrote in the Los Angeles Times “ Why is it that Harvey Weinstein and other accused celebrities have been cast out by Hollywood while Allen recently secured a multimillion - dollar distribution deal with Amazon greenlit by former Amazon Studios executive Roy Price before he was suspended over sexual misconduct allegations ?” Across entertainment from R . Kelly to Casey Affleck man accused of harassment or worse have kept their careers alive . | 1Neutral
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274 | Russia Election: Putin Foe Alexei Navalny Banned From Running Keeps Pushing : Parallels : NPR | Alexei Navalny | Banned From Election Putin Foe Navalny Pursues Politics By Other Means Enlarge this image toggle caption Evgeny Feldman / AP Evgeny Feldman / AP All that separates Alexei Navalny ' s office from the outside world is a long hallway and a door — which police have sawed open twice in the past year to search for imaginary bombs . The Kremlin ' s most vocal critic runs his nationwide opposition network from a desk strewn with papers in a cramped corner office of his Anti - Corruption Foundation housed in a nondescript Moscow business center . " I want to live in a normal country and refuse to accept any talk about Russia being doomed to being a bad poor or servile country " Navalny said in an interview with NPR . " I want to live here and I can ' t tolerate the injustice that for many people has become routine ." Europe The Role Opposition Parties Play In Russian Politics The Role Opposition Parties Play In Russian Politics Listen · 3 : 25 3 : 25 The 41 - year - old lawyer who once tried to foment shareholder revolts at giant state - run companies has in less than a decade risen to the forefront of Russia ' s opposition — and provokes such an allergic reaction with President Vladimir Putin that he won ' t utter Navalny ' s name in public . Yet after spending a year crisscrossing the country in a quixotic bid to unseat Putin Navalny was denied registration as a candidate in the March 18 presidential election . Now Navalny is calling for an election boycott to protest what he calls a predetermined vote pitting Putin against seven preapproved candidates who have no intention of winning . ' The basis of Putin ' s regime ' His experience as a lawyer in Russia ' s courts steered him toward politics Navalny said because he realized the only way to guarantee an independent judiciary is by overhauling the country ' s entire political system . " I ' m definitely not alone and I ' m not some kind of dissident " he said . " If you take any of my anti - corruption investigations or any points from my political platform I ' m sure the majority of Russian citizens would support me — and that ' s why I wasn ' t allowed to run ." Navalny said his main challenge isn ' t so much overcoming apathy as the belief imposed from above that nothing can be changed : " That ' s the basis of Putin ' s regime ." Putin is afraid because he knows his legendary 80 percent approval ratings are possible only in a political vacuum where there is no competition Navalny said . His presidential campaign claims that it had signed up more than 200 000 volunteers and had opened 81 offices nationwide . Enlarge this image toggle caption Vasily Maximov / AFP / Getty Images Vasily Maximov / AFP / Getty Images What kind of threat Navalny really poses to Putin 65 who has run Russia for 18 years is open to debate . " Putin is doing everything to convince himself that Navalny isn ' t dangerous " said Russian political analyst Tatyana Stanovaya . " Navalny is betting on the gradual deterioration of the regime as it gets older ." A poll published by the Carnegie Moscow Center this week shows that 42 percent of Russians believe " decisive comprehensive changes " are necessary — while almost the same amount 41 percent said " only minor changes " are needed and 11 percent think no changes are necessary . Asked to name the politician with the best reform plan 25 percent said Putin and just 2 percent Navalny . More than 60 percent said " no one " or " not sure ." An Internet native with a fuzzy ideology Navalny vows to keep fighting Putin by using his main tool to reach Russia ' s far - flung population — the Internet . He has more than 2 million followers on Twitter as well as 2 million subscribers to his two YouTube channels . " Probably you can call me a person of the Internet " he said . " It was a lifesaver not just for me but everyone else who suddenly found themselves under censorship ." Navalny has been all but banned from Russia ' s national TV stations except for documentary - style films that paint him as a paid stooge of Western European governments . In January Putin said criticism from the State Department that Navalny ' s candidacy was not registered showed the U . S . administration ' s true preference for who should sit in the Kremlin and constituted interference in Russia ' s domestic politics . Navalny has built his political career on attacking Putin and investigating the fortunes of members of the president ' s entourage . But asked to describe his own ideology Navalny balks saying Russian political labels don ' t translate well to the American context . For example he said the views of a Russian Communist might be most comparable to a right - wing conservative in the United States while a liberal in Russia could be considered a libertarian in America . Under the conditions of an authoritarian regime political labels are irrelevant Navalny said because his main goal is to unite people who agree on basic values such as the separation of powers the rule of law and an independent judiciary . Once Putin leaves power that coalition will then go its separate ways he said . Some opposition supporters cannot forgive Navalny for flirting with far - right Russian nationalists before the last wave of anti - government protests six years ago . He maintains that the label doesn ' t bother him . Political analyst Stanovaya said she wouldn ' t exaggerate Navalny ' s sympathy for nationalists as any politician who wants to be successful in Russia has to appeal to Russian patriotism . " It ' s Navalny ' s conscious choice not to define his ideology so he doesn ' t box himself in beforehand . He needs the freedom to act and the game he ' s playing is beyond any ideological boundaries " Stanovaya said . " He ' s counting on protest — any protest — and on discontent in the population ." Putin ' s ' creeping expansion into the Internet ' A lot of Navalny ' s ideas about how politics should work come from an eight - month fellowship at Yale University eight years ago which he said opened his eyes to " the bigger picture " of how the rest of the world functions including the rough - and - tumble ride of American politics . One reason for current tensions between the U . S . and Russia is that Putin ' s people still can ' t believe that democracy actually works according to Navalny . Enlarge this image toggle caption Alexandra Dalsbaek / AFP / Getty Images Alexandra Dalsbaek / AFP / Getty Images He said he doesn ' t have any doubts that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 U . S . presidential election because similar methods have been deployed against members of the Russian opposition : hacked emails the publication of false personal information and attacks on social media accounts by armies of bots . " Putin is conducting a creeping expansion into the Internet — extremely effectively and cheaply " Navalny said . " Of course he had fun hacking those servers and meddling but it didn ' t have any significant effect on the elections ." Amid all the hostility between the U . S . and Russia Navalny said the affinity between Putin and President Trump is inexplicable especially considering that the Kremlin has based even its domestic policy on anti - Americanism . " This makes no sense and there is no rational explanation for it . But maybe one day there will be a new Watergate and we ' ll learn a lot about these amazing ties " he said . Beyond the personal relationship of presidents Navalny said that the strategic interests of Washington and Moscow are largely aligned and that instead of squabbling the countries should be pursuing nuclear non - proliferation and fighting terrorists together . A key move to bettering relations would be for Russia to stop its involvement in the war in eastern Ukraine he said . " We ' re a Western country " Navalny said . " Russia — based on its size population nuclear weapons and intellectual potential — should strive to be a leading European country ." Russia should aim to join the European Union and work on participating in a joint security system with NATO members like the U . S . Britain and France he said . Persevering in pursuit of transformation Russia ' s orientation has been the subject of debate for centuries in a tug - of - war between Westernizers and traditionalists . In today ' s globalized world that choice is no longer relevant said Fyodor Lukyanov editor - in - chief of Russia in Global Affairs . " It ' s not about how to become part of so - called wider Europe because wider Europe is shrinking " said Lukyanov referring to centrifugal forces driving countries like Britain out of the EU . " It ' s a completely different constellation of forces . It ' s not current or relevant for Russia NATO or Europe ." Enlarge this image toggle caption Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP Even if Navalny ' s vision of Russia ' s place in the world seems illusory he also wants Russia to be more Western internally . Should he ever come to power Navalny said his first priority would be reforming the judiciary . The second would be abandoning Russia ' s strong presidency for a European - style parliamentary system . For now Navalny is focusing on activating what he calls the " living political network " he formed while preparing his luckless presidential bid . On election day Navalny wants to send out teams of volunteers to observe polling nationwide for any irregularities . A little more than six years ago reports of mass vote rigging during parliamentary elections served as the spark that got tens of thousands of Russians taking part in a winter of anti - government protests that rattled the Kremlin . In December 2011 he was one of the first opposition leaders to call people out to the street . | Banned From Election Putin Foe Navalny Pursues Politics By Other Means Enlarge this image toggle caption Evgeny Feldman / AP Evgeny Feldman / AP All that separates Alexei Navalny ' s office from the outside world is a long hallway and a door — which police have sawed open twice in the past year to search for imaginary bombs . The Kremlin ' s most vocal critic runs his nationwide opposition network from a desk strewn with papers in a cramped corner office of his Anti - Corruption Foundation housed in a nondescript Moscow business center . " I want to live in a normal country and refuse to accept any talk about Russia being doomed to being a bad poor or servile country " [TGT] said in an interview with NPR . " I want to live here and I can ' t tolerate the injustice that for many people has become routine ." Europe The Role Opposition Parties Play In Russian Politics The Role Opposition Parties Play In Russian Politics Listen · 3 : 25 3 : 25 The 41 - year - old lawyer who once tried to foment shareholder revolts at giant state - run companies has in less than a decade risen to the forefront of Russia ' s opposition — and provokes such an allergic reaction with President Vladimir Putin that he won ' t utter Navalny ' s name in public . Yet after spending a year crisscrossing the country in a quixotic bid to unseat Putin Navalny was denied registration as a candidate in the March 18 presidential election . Now [TGT] is calling for an election boycott to protest what [TGT] calls a predetermined vote pitting Putin against seven preapproved candidates who have no intention of winning . ' The basis of Putin ' s regime ' His experience as a lawyer in Russia ' s courts steered [TGT] toward politics [TGT] said because [TGT] realized the only way to guarantee an independent judiciary is by overhauling the country ' s entire political system . " I ' m definitely not alone and I ' m not some kind of dissident " [TGT] said . " If you take any of my anti - corruption investigations or any points from my political platform I ' m sure the majority of Russian citizens would support me — and that ' s why I wasn ' t allowed to run ." Navalny said his main challenge isn ' t so much overcoming apathy as the belief imposed from above that nothing can be changed : " That ' s the basis of Putin ' s regime ." Putin is afraid because he knows his legendary 80 percent approval ratings are possible only in a political vacuum where there is no competition [TGT] said . [TGT] presidential campaign claims that it had signed up more than 200 000 volunteers and had opened 81 offices nationwide . Enlarge this image toggle caption Vasily Maximov / AFP / Getty Images Vasily Maximov / AFP / Getty Images What kind of threat [TGT] really poses to Putin 65 who has run Russia for 18 years is open to debate . " Putin is doing everything to convince himself that [TGT] isn ' t dangerous " said Russian political analyst Tatyana Stanovaya . " [TGT] is betting on the gradual deterioration of the regime as [TGT] gets older ." A poll published by the Carnegie Moscow Center this week shows that 42 percent of Russians believe " decisive comprehensive changes " are necessary — while almost the same amount 41 percent said " only minor changes " are needed and 11 percent think no changes are necessary . Asked to name the politician with the best reform plan 25 percent said Putin and just 2 percent [TGT] . More than 60 percent said " no one " or " not sure ." An Internet native with a fuzzy ideology [TGT] vows to keep fighting Putin by using his main tool to reach Russia ' s far - flung population — the Internet . He has more than 2 million followers on Twitter as well as 2 million subscribers to his two YouTube channels . " Probably you can call me a person of the Internet " he said . " It was a lifesaver not just for me but everyone else who suddenly found themselves under censorship ." Navalny has been all but banned from Russia ' s national TV stations except for documentary - style films that paint him as a paid stooge of Western European governments . In January Putin said criticism from the State Department that Navalny ' s candidacy was not registered showed the U . S . administration ' s true preference for who should sit in the Kremlin and constituted interference in Russia ' s domestic politics . Navalny has built his political career on attacking Putin and investigating the fortunes of members of the president ' s entourage . But asked to describe his own ideology Navalny balks saying Russian political labels don ' t translate well to the American context . For example he said the views of a Russian Communist might be most comparable to a right - wing conservative in the United States while a liberal in Russia could be considered a libertarian in America . Under the conditions of an authoritarian regime political labels are irrelevant Navalny said because his main goal is to unite people who agree on basic values such as the separation of powers the rule of law and an independent judiciary . Once Putin leaves power that coalition will then go its separate ways he said . Some opposition supporters cannot forgive Navalny for flirting with far - right Russian nationalists before the last wave of anti - government protests six years ago . He maintains that the label doesn ' t bother him . Political analyst Stanovaya said she wouldn ' t exaggerate Navalny ' s sympathy for nationalists as any politician who wants to be successful in Russia has to appeal to Russian patriotism . " It ' s Navalny ' s conscious choice not to define his ideology so he doesn ' t box himself in beforehand . He needs the freedom to act and the game he ' s playing is beyond any ideological boundaries " Stanovaya said . " He ' s counting on protest — any protest — and on discontent in the population ." Putin ' s ' creeping expansion into the Internet ' A lot of Navalny ' s ideas about how politics should work come from an eight - month fellowship at Yale University eight years ago which he said opened his eyes to " the bigger picture " of how the rest of the world functions including the rough - and - tumble ride of American politics . One reason for current tensions between the U . S . and Russia is that Putin ' s people still can ' t believe that democracy actually works according to Navalny . Enlarge this image toggle caption Alexandra Dalsbaek / AFP / Getty Images Alexandra Dalsbaek / AFP / Getty Images He said he doesn ' t have any doubts that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 U . S . presidential election because similar methods have been deployed against members of the Russian opposition : hacked emails the publication of false personal information and attacks on social media accounts by armies of bots . " Putin is conducting a creeping expansion into the Internet — extremely effectively and cheaply " Navalny said . " Of course he had fun hacking those servers and meddling but it didn ' t have any significant effect on the elections ." Amid all the hostility between the U . S . and Russia Navalny said the affinity between Putin and President Trump is inexplicable especially considering that the Kremlin has based even its domestic policy on anti - Americanism . " This makes no sense and there is no rational explanation for it . But maybe one day there will be a new Watergate and we ' ll learn a lot about these amazing ties " he said . Beyond the personal relationship of presidents Navalny said that the strategic interests of Washington and Moscow are largely aligned and that instead of squabbling the countries should be pursuing nuclear non - proliferation and fighting terrorists together . A key move to bettering relations would be for Russia to stop its involvement in the war in eastern Ukraine he said . " We ' re a Western country " Navalny said . " Russia — based on its size population nuclear weapons and intellectual potential — should strive to be a leading European country ." Russia should aim to join the European Union and work on participating in a joint security system with NATO members like the U . S . Britain and France he said . Persevering in pursuit of transformation Russia ' s orientation has been the subject of debate for centuries in a tug - of - war between Westernizers and traditionalists . In today ' s globalized world that choice is no longer relevant said Fyodor Lukyanov editor - in - chief of Russia in Global Affairs . " It ' s not about how to become part of so - called wider Europe because wider Europe is shrinking " said Lukyanov referring to centrifugal forces driving countries like Britain out of the EU . " It ' s a completely different constellation of forces . It ' s not current or relevant for Russia NATO or Europe ." Enlarge this image toggle caption Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP Even if [TGT] vision of Russia ' s place in the world seems illusory [TGT] also wants Russia to be more Western internally . Should [TGT] ever come to power Navalny said [TGT] first priority would be reforming the judiciary . The second would be abandoning Russia ' s strong presidency for a European - style parliamentary system . For now Navalny is focusing on activating what [TGT] calls the " living political network " he formed while preparing his luckless presidential bid . On election day Navalny wants to send out teams of volunteers to observe polling nationwide for any irregularities . A little more than six years ago reports of mass vote rigging during parliamentary elections served as the spark that got tens of thousands of Russians taking part in a winter of anti - government protests that rattled the Kremlin . In December 2011 he was one of the first opposition leaders to call people out to the street . | 1Neutral
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275 | Scientists have not actually found an alien megastructure orbiting a distant star | Steve Howell | An alien star in distant space seems to be acting very strangely . NASA ' s Kepler Space Telescope caught sight of the star as part of the spacecraft ' s hunt for planets outside the solar system which are also known as exoplanets . Kepler looks for exoplanets by seeing a dip in the light of a star presumably when a planet passes between its host star and the spacecraft . This eclipse produces a regular periodic dip in the starlight that can help scientists characterize the planet . But when Kepler caught sight of this star — called KIC 8462852 — it didn ' t see anything resembling a regular periodic dip in starlight . Instead the probe saw a more erratic dimming and brightening of the star nothing like what you ' d expect to see when a planet eclipses . “ We ’ d never seen anything like this star ” Tabetha Boyajian a postdoc researcher at Yale told the Atlantic one of the first publications to report on the finding . “ It was really weird . We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft but everything checked out .” So what could this weird star be ? Numerous media outlets including to some extent The Atlantic have latched onto the idea that it could be an “ alien megastructure ” constructed by an extraterrestrial civilization orbiting that star . Such a structure would be large enough to periodically block light from the star . But the truth is that scientists aren ' t yet sure what could be causing the star to flicker from our perspective and an “ alien megastructure ” is pretty far down on their list of possible explanations for the light curve . “ It ’ s kind of funny I don ’ t really know how this ended up going from weird dips in a light curve to alien structures ” Kepler scientist Steve Howell told Mashable in an interview . “ The alien hypothesis should be a last resort . Something we consider for fun rather than out of seriousness ” MIT exoplanet scientist Sara Seager told Mashable in an email . In reality there could be other very cool explanations for why the star seems so odd . Some people have suggested that there could be a huge swarm of comets surrounding the star causing its light to dip in and out from Kepler ’ s perspective . A planet that has broken up in orbit around the star Howell added could even cause the odd light dips . Howell was also reminded of another star system he and his colleagues working with Kepler have been studying recently . The strange solar system — named KIC 4150611 — appears to be made up of five stars orbiting one another a kind of star system never before observed . “ While that ’ s an unusual system it ’ s certainly not aliens . It ’ s just stars ” Howell said . The KIC 4150611 light curve looks kind of similar to the ones produced by Kepler for KIC 8462852 Howell said . Howell and his colleagues haven ’ t yet published their findings but they hope to in the near future . The KIC 8462852 findings which have set off the media speculation were first detailed in a study that has been submitted for publication to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society though it has not yet gone all the way through the peer review process . The discoveries were made in part thanks to a group of citizen scientists working with Planet Hunters to comb through Kepler data . The initial study didn ’ t mention any kind of “ alien megastructure ” Howell said . The authors instead opted to discuss some more mundane — and more likely — possibilities for what they were seeing in their data . The first study led to another not - yet - peer - reviewed paper posted to arxiv . org . That website is a repository of electronic preprints known as e - prints of scientific papers in fields from mathematics to biology all of which can be accessed for free . These papers have not yet been fully peer previewed however which means their findings should be treated as preliminary . The second paper that appeared on arxiv mentioned what a structure built by aliens might look like and how it might relate to KIC 8462852 but — and this is a crucial detail — that study also made it clear that " it ' s aliens " was not necessarily a good explanation for the light curve . Howell has offered to take some photos of KIC 8462852 when his team uses a ground - based observatory for other observations next week . This could help clear up the mystery of exactly what ’ s going on with that star system . “ In science I think that we believe Arxiv papers are nice but if they ’ re not refereed and accepted then you always have a little skepticism about them or a little concern ” Howell said . “ I don ’ t think [ this ] paper falls into the ‘ crap ’ category but it ’ s not yet accepted so we have to take the results that are in it with a little bit of a grain of salt .” For Howell all the talk of possible alien structures seen by Kepler hits oddly close to home . Howell recently edited a book of short stories called " A Kepler ’ s Dozen : Thirteen Stories About Distant Worlds That Really Exist " which includes a story eerily like this one . The short tale involves a group of aliens that uses giant opaque sails to block out the light from their sun in order to send messages to other civilizations . This alien race generates a kind of “ Morse Code ” that other civilizations can interpret by reading the light curve produced by the dips . “ It ’ s really fun because now it ’ s like the science fiction story has come true in a sense " Howell said . | An alien star in distant space seems to be acting very strangely . NASA ' s Kepler Space Telescope caught sight of the star as part of the spacecraft ' s hunt for planets outside the solar system which are also known as exoplanets . Kepler looks for exoplanets by seeing a dip in the light of a star presumably when a planet passes between its host star and the spacecraft . This eclipse produces a regular periodic dip in the starlight that can help scientists characterize the planet . But when Kepler caught sight of this star — called KIC 8462852 — it didn ' t see anything resembling a regular periodic dip in starlight . Instead the probe saw a more erratic dimming and brightening of the star nothing like what you ' d expect to see when a planet eclipses . “ We ’ d never seen anything like this star ” Tabetha Boyajian a postdoc researcher at Yale told the Atlantic one of the first publications to report on the finding . “ It was really weird . We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft but everything checked out .” So what could this weird star be ? Numerous media outlets including to some extent The Atlantic have latched onto the idea that it could be an “ alien megastructure ” constructed by an extraterrestrial civilization orbiting that star . Such a structure would be large enough to periodically block light from the star . But the truth is that scientists aren ' t yet sure what could be causing the star to flicker from our perspective and an “ alien megastructure ” is pretty far down on their list of possible explanations for the light curve . “ It ’ s kind of funny I don ’ t really know how this ended up going from weird dips in a light curve to alien structures ” [TGT] told Mashable in an interview . “ The alien hypothesis should be a last resort . Something we consider for fun rather than out of seriousness ” MIT exoplanet scientist Sara Seager told Mashable in an email . In reality there could be other very cool explanations for why the star seems so odd . Some people have suggested that there could be a huge swarm of comets surrounding the star causing its light to dip in and out from Kepler ’ s perspective . A planet that has broken up in orbit around the star [TGT] added could even cause the odd light dips . [TGT]was also reminded of another star system [TGT] and [TGT] colleagues working with Kepler have been studying recently . The strange solar system — named KIC 4150611 — appears to be made up of five stars orbiting one another a kind of star system never before observed . “ While that ’ s an unusual system it ’ s certainly not aliens . It ’ s just stars ” [TGT]said . The KIC 4150611 light curve looks kind of similar to the ones produced by Kepler for KIC 8462852 [TGT]said . [TGT]and [TGT] colleagues haven ’ t yet published their findings but they hope to in the near future . The KIC 8462852 findings which have set off the media speculation were first detailed in a study that has been submitted for publication to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society though it has not yet gone all the way through the peer review process . The discoveries were made in part thanks to a group of citizen scientists working with Planet Hunters to comb through Kepler data . The initial study didn ’ t mention any kind of “ alien megastructure ” [TGT] said . The authors instead opted to discuss some more mundane — and more likely — possibilities for what they were seeing in their data . The first study led to another not - yet - peer - reviewed paper posted to arxiv . org . That website is a repository of electronic preprints known as e - prints of scientific papers in fields from mathematics to biology all of which can be accessed for free . These papers have not yet been fully peer previewed however which means their findings should be treated as preliminary . The second paper that appeared on arxiv mentioned what a structure built by aliens might look like and how it might relate to KIC 8462852 but — and this is a crucial detail — that study also made it clear that " it ' s aliens " was not necessarily a good explanation for the light curve . [TGT]has offered to take some photos of KIC 8462852 when [TGT] team uses a ground - based observatory for other observations next week . This could help clear up the mystery of exactly what ’ s going on with that star system . “ In science I think that we believe Arxiv papers are nice but if they ’ re not refereed and accepted then you always have a little skepticism about them or a little concern ” [TGT]said . “ I don ’ t think [ this ] paper falls into the ‘ crap ’ category but it ’ s not yet accepted so we have to take the results that are in it with a little bit of a grain of salt .” For Howell all the talk of possible alien structures seen by Kepler hits oddly close to home . [TGT]recently edited a book of short stories called " A Kepler ’ s Dozen : Thirteen Stories About Distant Worlds That Really Exist " which includes a story eerily like this one . The short tale involves a group of aliens that uses giant opaque sails to block out the light from their sun in order to send messages to other civilizations . This alien race generates a kind of “ Morse Code ” that other civilizations can interpret by reading the light curve produced by the dips . “ It ’ s really fun because now it ’ s like the science fiction story has come true in a sense [TGT] said . | 2Positive
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276 | What Is An Ex | Mikhail Saakashvili | Georgian President Doing Camping Outside Ukraine ' s Parliament ? Enlarge this image toggle caption Sergei Chuzavkov / AFP / Getty Images Sergei Chuzavkov / AFP / Getty Images Just what is Mikhail Saakashvili doing ? Georgian president Ukrainian governor stateless fugitive — in the past decade he ' s played all these roles among others . But now that he ' s perched in a tent community near the parliament building in Kiev an opposition leader surrounded by a huge group of restive followers the question of who this bombastic politician is and what his aims are has become more pressing than ever . Trouble is the answer to the question will vary wildly depending on whom you ask . Pose it to Ukrainian authorities and they ' ll tell you he ' s a rabble - rousing criminal . The Security Service of Ukraine has tried twice this week to arrest him on the suspicion he ' s conspiring with pro - Russian figures to undermine President Petro Poroshenko ' s government . The first time on Tuesday they had to haul him down from his apartment building ' s roof — only to see him pulled from their police van by his angry supporters . On Wednesday they tried again and again they failed to bring him in this time because they were repulsed by tire - tossing members of the protest encampment set up in Mariyinsky Park . Saakashvili ' s supporters for their part dismiss the authorities ' allegations as trumped - up charges designed to eliminate a significant rival to Poroshenko . Saakashvili has cast himself as a crusader against government graft and he has accrued a significant following in the process . Neither version of Saakashvili — the opportunistic demagogue and the steely political activist — tells the whole story . But dig a little deeper into his long labyrinthine past and one might find a fair amount of fodder to support both conclusions . A rise and fall in Georgia Swept into power at the head of a peaceful uprising known as the Rose Revolution the brash young Saakashvili represented an optimistic vision of democratic reform and independence from neighboring Russia ' s influence . A former justice minister he won the presidency in 2004 — and won plaudits from the West while he was at it . " Your courage is inspiring democratic reformers and sending a message that echoes across the world " President George W . Bush told him on a state visit there in 2005 . " Freedom will be the future of every nation and every people on Earth ." Enlarge this image toggle caption Tim Sloan / AFP / Getty Images Tim Sloan / AFP / Getty Images During his time in power Saakashvili sought to refashion Georgia in the Western capitalist image opening markets and striving to wean the country off its economic dependence on Russia . " We ' ve been thrown into the open sea " he told Newsweek in 2006 . " The time has come for us to learn to swim ." Yet his grand Western dream eroded as his tenure stretched on . A dayslong war with Russia ended disastrously for Georgia in 2008 and by Election Day in 2012 his reputation as a reformer had withered under criticism that he ' d become increasingly authoritarian . He ended up soundly losing that election . Within two years of his electoral loss the prosecutor ' s office in Georgia had filed charges on Saakashvili and dozens of other former officials saying he had exceeded his authority as president and engaged in corruption . He called the charges a " farce " according to Reuters adding that the allegations lodged against him by the new government were simply aimed at " pleasing Russia ." He was out of country at the time the charges were filed . He has not been back since to Georgia which continues to angle for his extradition . About - faces in Ukraine When Saakashvili came to Ukraine in 2014 Kiev welcomed him warmly as an ally . Massive demonstrations had only recently forced out the country ' s pro - Russian president Viktor Yanukovych . Newly installed in office Poroshenko saw in Saakashvili a fellow antagonist of the Kremlin and he wasted little time in finding an official function for the Georgian . The president summarily granted Saakashvili Ukrainian citizenship in 2015 — a move that meant he would have to give up his Georgian citizenship which given his legal woes there couldn ' t have been a difficult choice . Poroshenko also went one step further appointing the new citizen to the governorship of the Odessa region . But as Radio Free Europe notes the job didn ' t exactly go smoothly . Or last long : " After a stint that included occasionally dramatic acts of political theater the Ukrainian plan went awry and Saakashvili quit in November 2016 publicly accusing Poroshenko of blocking his reform efforts . He announced the launch of his own opposition party called Movement of New Forces and began campaigning against his former ally ." Indeed the disputes grew so acrimonious a notorious fight even broke out between Saakashvili and the country ' s interior minister at a council meeting . Arsen Avakov said that faced with Saakashvili ' s " hysterical " behavior " I refrained from hitting him and just threw water in his face ." It ' s a long time since I ' ve seen such a bonkers populist . " It ' s a long time since I ' ve seen such a bonkers populist " he wrote after the meeting in late 2015 according to The Guardian . " Nobody could get a word in edgeways he was interrupting everyone including the president ." Earlier this year roughly nine months after his resignation Poroshenko stripped Saakashvili of his citizenship while the latter was on a visit to the U . S . Saakashvili had been a Ukrainian for a mere two years . Now unwelcome by authorities in both the countries he has called home the promising politician who was once the great Western hope for the former Soviet territories is a man without a state . That didn ' t stop him from returning to Ukraine however . In a move reminiscent of the mob action that freed him Tuesday Saakashvili pushed his way into Ukraine in September in dramatic fashion . The German newspaper Deutsche Welle described the scene : " The circumstances were astonishing even for a country like Ukraine whose recent history is rich in scurrilous political incidents . Initially the 49 - year - old former governor of Odessa oblast attempted to enter the country by train accompanied by a crowd of journalists . The Ukrainian train was stopped in Poland and the politician was requested to disembark . Saakashvili then traveled by bus to another border crossing where his well - muscled supporters literally carried him over the border . The Ukrainian border guards appeared to be helpless ." Since then Saakashvili has railed tirelessly against his old friend in Kiev . Enlarge this image toggle caption Evgeniy Maloletka / AP Evgeniy Maloletka / AP Populist or provocateur ? It ' s unclear where this skein unspools from here . Saakashvili ' s status remains entirely up in the air . Though stateless he can ' t claim the status of a refugee since Ukraine rejected his petition for political asylum last month — and though he ' s free for now he ' s a wanted man in both countries where he once held leadership positions . Long known for his opposition to Russia Saakashvili nevertheless now stands accused of what Ukraine ' s top prosecutor calls " the revenge plan of the pro - Kremlin forces in Ukraine ." " This part of the ' Russian Spring ' operation in Kiev is related to the cooperation of a series of politicians — first of all Mikhail Saakashvili with the members of Yanukovych ' s organized criminal group " Yuriy Lutsenko told reporters on Tuesday playing audio and video footage purporting to show Saakashvili arranging payments from a wealthy pro - Russian businessman . These payments according to Lutsenko funded " protest rallies aimed at seizing power in Ukraine and facilitating the members of the organized criminal group ." But in a Ukraine just years removed from political revolution law enforcement officers appear reluctant to press the matter painfully aware of the dangers of making martyrs out of him and his supporters . So even after multiple attempts at arrests Saakashvili remains at large — and remains vocal in denying the charges . " I appeal to Poroshenko : Why do you need these provocations ?" he wrote of his erstwhile ally on Facebook according to a translation by the Ukrainian news service UNIAN . " Do not attack or force people into fighting back ! This is a peaceful rally ! Has the experience taught you nothing ?" | Georgian President Doing Camping Outside Ukraine ' s Parliament ? Enlarge this image toggle caption Sergei Chuzavkov / AFP / Getty Images Sergei Chuzavkov / AFP / Getty Images Just what is Mikhail Saakashvili doing ? Georgian president Ukrainian governor stateless fugitive — in the past decade he ' s played all these roles among others . But now that he ' s perched in a tent community near the parliament building in Kiev an opposition leader surrounded by a huge group of restive followers the question of who this bombastic politician is and what his aims are has become more pressing than ever . Trouble is the answer to the question will vary wildly depending on whom you ask . Pose it to Ukrainian authorities and they ' ll tell you he ' s a rabble - rousing criminal . The Security Service of Ukraine has tried twice this week to arrest him on the suspicion he ' s conspiring with pro - Russian figures to undermine President Petro Poroshenko ' s government . The first time on Tuesday they had to haul him down from his apartment building ' s roof — only to see him pulled from their police van by his angry supporters . On Wednesday they tried again and again they failed to bring him in this time because they were repulsed by tire - tossing members of the protest encampment set up in Mariyinsky Park . Saakashvili ' s supporters for their part dismiss the authorities ' allegations as trumped - up charges designed to eliminate a significant rival to Poroshenko . Saakashvili has cast himself as a crusader against government graft and he has accrued a significant following in the process . Neither version of Saakashvili — the opportunistic demagogue and the steely political activist — tells the whole story . But dig a little deeper into [TGT][TGT] long labyrinthine past and one might find a fair amount of fodder to support both conclusions . A rise and fall in Georgia Swept into power at the head of a peaceful uprising known as the Rose Revolution the brash young Saakashvili represented an optimistic vision of democratic reform and independence from neighboring Russia ' s influence . A former justice minister he won the presidency in 2004 — and won plaudits from the West while he was at it . " Your courage is inspiring democratic reformers and sending a message that echoes across the world " President George W . Bush told him on a state visit there in 2005 . " Freedom will be the future of every nation and every people on Earth ." Enlarge this image toggle caption Tim Sloan / AFP / Getty Images Tim Sloan / AFP / Getty Images During his time in power [TGT] sought to refashion Georgia in the Western capitalist image opening markets and striving to wean the country off its economic dependence on Russia . " We ' ve been thrown into the open sea " he told Newsweek in 2006 . " The time has come for us to learn to swim ." Yet his grand Western dream eroded as his tenure stretched on . A dayslong war with Russia ended disastrously for Georgia in 2008 and by Election Day in 2012 his reputation as a reformer had withered under criticism that he ' d become increasingly authoritarian . He ended up soundly losing that election . Within two years of his electoral loss the prosecutor ' s office in Georgia had filed charges on [TGT] and dozens of other former officials saying he had exceeded his authority as president and engaged in corruption . He called the charges a " farce " according to Reuters adding that the allegations lodged against him by the new government were simply aimed at " pleasing Russia ." He was out of country at the time the charges were filed . He has not been back since to Georgia which continues to angle for his extradition . About - faces in Ukraine When Saakashvili came to Ukraine in 2014 Kiev welcomed him warmly as an ally . Massive demonstrations had only recently forced out the country ' s pro - Russian president Viktor Yanukovych . Newly installed in office Poroshenko saw in Saakashvili a fellow antagonist of the Kremlin and he wasted little time in finding an official function for the Georgian . The president summarily granted Saakashvili Ukrainian citizenship in 2015 — a move that meant he would have to give up his Georgian citizenship which given his legal woes there couldn ' t have been a difficult choice . Poroshenko also went one step further appointing the new citizen to the governorship of the Odessa region . But as Radio Free Europe notes the job didn ' t exactly go smoothly . Or last long : " After a stint that included occasionally dramatic acts of political theater the Ukrainian plan went awry and Saakashvili quit in November 2016 publicly accusing Poroshenko of blocking his reform efforts . He announced the launch of his own opposition party called Movement of New Forces and began campaigning against his former ally ." Indeed the disputes grew so acrimonious a notorious fight even broke out between Saakashvili and the country ' s interior minister at a council meeting . Arsen Avakov said that faced with Saakashvili ' s " hysterical " behavior " I refrained from hitting him and just threw water in his face ." It ' s a long time since I ' ve seen such a bonkers populist . " It ' s a long time since I ' ve seen such a bonkers populist " he wrote after the meeting in late 2015 according to The Guardian . " Nobody could get a word in edgeways he was interrupting everyone including the president ." Earlier this year roughly nine months after his resignation Poroshenko stripped Saakashvili of his citizenship while the latter was on a visit to the U . S . Saakashvili had been a Ukrainian for a mere two years . Now unwelcome by authorities in both the countries he has called home the promising politician who was once the great Western hope for the former Soviet territories is a man without a state . That didn ' t stop him from returning to Ukraine however . In a move reminiscent of the mob action that freed him Tuesday Saakashvili pushed his way into Ukraine in September in dramatic fashion . The German newspaper Deutsche Welle described the scene : " The circumstances were astonishing even for a country like Ukraine whose recent history is rich in scurrilous political incidents . Initially the 49 - year - old former governor of Odessa oblast attempted to enter the country by train accompanied by a crowd of journalists . The Ukrainian train was stopped in Poland and the politician was requested to disembark . Saakashvili then traveled by bus to another border crossing where his well - muscled supporters literally carried him over the border . The Ukrainian border guards appeared to be helpless ." Since then Saakashvili has railed tirelessly against his old friend in Kiev . Enlarge this image toggle caption Evgeniy Maloletka / AP Evgeniy Maloletka / AP Populist or provocateur ? It ' s unclear where this skein unspools from here . Saakashvili ' s status remains entirely up in the air . Though stateless he can ' t claim the status of a refugee since Ukraine rejected his petition for political asylum last month — and though he ' s free for now he ' s a wanted man in both countries where he once held leadership positions . Long known for his opposition to Russia Saakashvili nevertheless now stands accused of what Ukraine ' s top prosecutor calls " the revenge plan of the pro - Kremlin forces in Ukraine ." " This part of the ' Russian Spring ' operation in Kiev is related to the cooperation of a series of politicians — first of all Mikhail Saakashvili with the members of Yanukovych ' s organized criminal group " Yuriy Lutsenko told reporters on Tuesday playing audio and video footage purporting to show Saakashvili arranging payments from a wealthy pro - Russian businessman . These payments according to Lutsenko funded " protest rallies aimed at seizing power in Ukraine and facilitating the members of the organized criminal group ." But in a Ukraine just years removed from political revolution law enforcement officers appear reluctant to press the matter painfully aware of the dangers of making martyrs out of him and his supporters . So even after multiple attempts at arrests Saakashvili remains at large — and remains vocal in denying the charges . " I appeal to Poroshenko : Why do you need these provocations ?" he wrote of his erstwhile ally on Facebook according to a translation by the Ukrainian news service UNIAN . " Do not attack or force people into fighting back ! This is a peaceful rally ! Has the experience taught you nothing ?" | 0Negative
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277 | Ann Romney : Mitt Romney would have accepted secretary of state job . | Mitt Romney | Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney would have accepted the secretary of state job if President Trump had offered it to him instead of Rex Tillerson , Ann Romney said Monday .
"I thought Mitt would have been terrific and we were very seriously considering it ," she said . | [TGT] would have accepted the secretary of state job if President Trump had offered it to [TGT] instead of Rex Tillerson , [TGT] said Monday .
"I thought [TGT] would have been terrific and we were very seriously considering it ," [TGT] said . | 1Neutral
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278 | School Teacher Obsessed With Islamic State Planned Attacks Against Parliament Shopping Centres | Umar Ahmed Haque | A faith school teacher worked to radicalise his students and obsessed over plans to attack major landmarks in the British capital a London court heard Tuesday . A self - confessed “ Loyal follower ” of the Islamic State 25 - year - old Islamic radical Umar Ahmed Haque is standing trial for plotting to attack civilians and officials in London and targeted the Palace of Westminster and its Queen Elizabeth bell tower and Westfield shopping centre reports the BBC . Among his significant list of potential targets were soldiers of the Guards the iconic troops which protect the monarch in London members of the police diplomats journalists members of street protest groups Britain First and the English Defence League and even other Muslims from the Shia denomination . The Old Bailey also heard his physical targets included the London transport system court buildings and banks . London Islamic State Sympathiser Planned to Bomb ‘ Smart People ’ https :// t . co / egffQ2mRnw — Breitbart London (@ BreitbartLondon ) January 10 2018 The prosecution stated the Muslim had become “ fascinated ” by the Islamic State . The court heard he had shown execution videos to children under his care at his Islamic Mosque school aged between 11 and 14 and had even had them roleplay “ scenarios of violent action against police .” Alleged accomplice Abuthaher Mamun was also in court charged with helping Haque raise funds for his plots . Also in court was 26 - year - old Nadeem Patel who is charged with conspiracy to possess a firearm with the intention of causing fear of violence . Part of the evidence used against Haque is a bugged conversation he had with Mamun days after the Westminster Bridge attack in which he expressed his admiration for the attacker and expressed his desire to commit his own . The case comes just days after the court day of 28 - year - old Mohammed Kamal Hussain a self confessed “ simple man ” who said he wanted to kill “ smart people ” for the Islamic State . | A faith school teacher worked to radicalise his students and obsessed over plans to attack major landmarks in the British capital a London court heard Tuesday . [TGT]is standing trial for plotting to attack civilians and officials in London and targeted the Palace of Westminster and its Queen Elizabeth bell tower and Westfield shopping centre reports the BBC . Among [TGT] significant list of potential targets were soldiers of the Guards the iconic troops which protect the monarch in London members of the police diplomats journalists members of street protest groups Britain First and the English Defence League and even other Muslims from the Shia denomination . The Old Bailey also heard his physical targets included the London transport system court buildings and banks . London Islamic State Sympathiser Planned to Bomb ‘ Smart People ’ https :// t . co / egffQ2mRnw — Breitbart London (@ BreitbartLondon ) January 10 2018 The prosecution stated the Muslim had become “ fascinated ” by the Islamic State . The court heard he had shown execution videos to children under his care at his Islamic Mosque school aged between 11 and 14 and had even had them roleplay “ scenarios of violent action against police .” Alleged accomplice Abuthaher Mamun was also in court charged with helping Haque raise funds for his plots . Also in court was 26 - year - old Nadeem Patel who is charged with conspiracy to possess a firearm with the intention of causing fear of violence . Part of the evidence used against Haque is a bugged conversation he had with Mamun days after the Westminster Bridge attack in which he expressed his admiration for the attacker and expressed his desire to commit his own . The case comes just days after the court day of 28 - year - old Mohammed Kamal Hussain a self confessed “ simple man ” who said he wanted to kill “ smart people ” for the Islamic State . | 1Neutral
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279 | Mattis plays down Trump Tillerson split on North Korea | Rex Tillerson | ROUGH CUT ( NO REPORTER NARRATION ) U . S . Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday played down an apparent split between the U . S . president and his top diplomat over outreach to North Korea saying America ' s focus was still on finding a diplomatic solution to the dispute with Pyongyang . President Donald Trump who has traded insults and threats with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in recent weeks said on Sunday Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was " wasting his time " trying to negotiate with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program . Tillerson during a trip to China on Saturday said the United States had direct channels of communication with the North and was probing Pyongyang to see if it was interested in dialogue . He expressed hope for reducing tensions with North Korea which is fast advancing toward its goal of developing a nuclear - tipped missile capable of hitting the U . S . mainland . " I do not see the divergence as strongly as some ... have interpreted it " Mattis said . " President Trump ' s guidance to both Secretary Tillerson and me has been very clearly that we would ... pursue the diplomatic effort to include with the various initiatives with China " Mattis told a Senate hearing . " I believe that Secretary Tillerson is accurately stating that we are probing for opportunities to talk with the North . All we ' re doing is probing . We ' re not talking with them consistent with the president ' s dismay about not talking with them before the time is right ." | ROUGH CUT ( NO REPORTER NARRATION ) U . S . Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday played down an apparent split between the U . S . president and his top diplomat over outreach to North Korea saying America ' s focus was still on finding a diplomatic solution to the dispute with Pyongyang . President Donald Trump who has traded insults and threats with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in recent weeks said on [TGT]was " wasting [TGT] time " trying to negotiate with North Korea over its nuclear weapons program . Tillerson during a trip to China on Saturday said the United States had direct channels of communication with the North and was probing Pyongyang to see if it was interested in dialogue . He expressed hope for reducing tensions with North Korea which is fast advancing toward its goal of developing a nuclear - tipped missile capable of hitting the U . S . mainland . " I do not see the divergence as strongly as some ... have interpreted it " Mattis said . " President Trump ' s guidance to both Secretary Tillerson and me has been very clearly that we would ... pursue the diplomatic effort to include with the various initiatives with China " Mattis told a Senate hearing . " I believe that Secretary Tillerson is accurately stating that we are probing for opportunities to talk with the North . All we ' re doing is probing . We ' re not talking with them consistent with the president ' s dismay about not talking with them before the time is right ." | 1Neutral
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280 | Trump discusses his late brother's addiction | Fred Trump Jr | drug message on Thursday at the White House discussing how his elder brother ' s struggle with addiction led him to never drink or smoke . Fred Trump Jr . struggled with alcoholism for much of his life and died in 1981 at age 43 . Trump has cited his brother ' s short life when pushing for tougher drug enforcement and awareness and did so again on Thursday . " I had a brother Fred . Great guy best - looking guy best personality much better than mine " Trump said . " But he had a problem . He had a problem with alcohol and he would tell me ' Don ' t drink . He was substantially older and I listened to him and I respected ( him )." Ever since his brother ' s warning Trump said he has abstained from drinking and smoking because he had " somebody that guided me " in that aspect of life . | drug message on Thursday at the White House discussing how his elder brother ' s struggle with addiction led him to never drink or smoke . [TGT]. struggled with alcoholism for much of [TGT] life and died in 1981 at age 43 . [TGT]has cited [TGT] brother ' s short life when pushing for tougher drug enforcement and awareness and did so again on Thursday . " I had a brother Fred . Great guy best - looking guy best personality much better than mine [TGT]said . " But he had a problem . He had a problem with alcohol and he would tell me ' Don ' t drink . He was substantially older and I listened to him and I respected ( him )." Ever since his brother ' s warning [TGT]said [TGT] has abstained from drinking and smoking because [TGT] had " somebody that guided me " in that aspect of life . | 1Neutral
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281 | Bill Maher says he would become a Mormon for Mitt Romney . | Mitt Romney | Comedian Bill Maher jokes about his newfound love for Mitt Romney during the latest episode of "The Messy Truth ," a town hall series hosted by Van Jones .
Back in 2012 , Maher reminds Jones in Thursday 's episode , he gave Obama "a million dollars" to prevent Romney , the then Republican presidential nominee , from becoming president .
But since the election of Donald Trump , Maher says , things are now so bad he "would happily give that million dollars to Mitt Romney if he would take over the country ."
"I gave it to prevent Mitt Romney from being president .
Now I 'm begging Mitt Romney to be president ," he says . | Comedian Bill Maher jokes about his newfound love for [TGT] during the latest episode of "The Messy Truth ," a town hall series hosted by Van Jones .
Back in 2012 , Maher reminds Jones in Thursday 's episode , he gave Obama "a million dollars" to prevent [TGT] , the then Republican presidential nominee , from becoming president .
But since the election of Donald Trump , Maher says , things are now so bad he "would happily give that million dollars to [TGT] if [TGT] would take over the country ."
"I gave it to prevent [TGT] from being president .
Now I 'm begging [TGT] to be president ," [TGT] says . | 2Positive
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282 | Saints rookie Alvin Kamara is leading a running back evolution | Alvin Kamara | Alvin Kamara can do it all . ( Bill Feig / AP ) In the weeks and months leading into the 2017 NFL draft New Orleans Saints Coach Sean Payton watched several running backs work out in person . He separated them into tiers ranking them in order of preference . He inspected a small jitterbug - quick back from North Carolina A & T Tarik Cohen and came away wanting to draft him . Just above Cohen though was another back Payton studied in a private workout . When the draft came and rolled into the third round Payton seized the chance to trade up into the 67th overall pick and draft Alvin Kamara . Kamara has erupted becoming the most explosive player on one of the league ’ s best teams and the clear favorite for rookie of the year . He has rushed for 606 yards caught 60 passes for another 614 yards and scored 11 total touchdowns . The manner in which Kamara plays is instructive a sign of where NFL offense is headed . Kamara is a running back comfortable taking on the duties of a wide receiver . Kamara may be the idealized version of a versatile back but there are more like him on the way . The Panthers drafted Christian McCaffrey eighth overall as much for his receiving ability as his running ability and they have attempted 90 passes to him tying Devin Funchess as Cam Newton ’ s most frequent target . The Chiefs ’ Kareem Hunt despite slowing after a monstrous start to the year has caught 39 balls for 347 yards . Dalvin Cook caught five passes for 72 yards in a game before being injured for the season . Cohen the player Payton bypassed for Kamara has been a key cog in Chicago ’ s passing game . And that is only a sampling of rookies from this season . While Ezekiel Elliott primarily succeeded by bruising behind the Cowboys ’ stellar offensive line last season Dallas felt comfortable drafting him fourth overall because of his ability to run every route proficiently — head personnel executive Stephen Jones pointed out that Elliott had played slot receiver as a sophomore in high school . [ NFL players react with alarm and prayers as Steelers ’ Ryan Shazier is carted off ] Kamara leads a wave of young backs who have been developing receiving skills for years . The rise of offseason passing leagues and pass - heavy spread offenses in college have created a new breed of running back . “ Whatever you want to credit that to — seven - on - seven passing academies to just the style of offenses that they run in college I ’ m not sure — but guys seem to come in even more prepared now than they ever have been ” Saints quarterback Drew Brees said . “ What they ’ re able to do I think their versatility is something that you see with so many of these young backs that come in . They can run the ball between the tackles they can catch the ball out of the backfield you can split them out and almost treat them as receivers sometimes . Just really talented players .” The traditional plow - horse running back is not extinct — the Jaguars took Leonard Fournette fourth overall and would probably do so again ; he is a battering ram suited for their ball - control offense . But many running backs may be better viewed as skill players . The Steelers ’ Le ’ Veon Bell might be the best running back in football but he can also line up wide . He caught 75 passes in 12 games last year and he has another 61 catches already this season . The usage actually led to a contract dispute — Bell held out all of training camp because he wanted to be paid like a receiver . It may not be the last time the issue arises . In the NBA the Golden State Warriors popularized the concept of positionless basketball employing five players with skill - sets varied enough to capitalize on any opponent ’ s weakness or mitigate any strength . This NFL season has seen some offenses attempting to play positionless football . The New England Patriots are part of the vanguard . This offseason they added Rex Burkhead a powerful runner who had once played slot receiver for the Bengals in free agency . They combined him with James White and Dion Lewis and Tom Brady has targeted them a combined 111 times . The Patriots could motion any of White Lewis or Burkhead out of the backfield or just line them up as a receiver . The Patriots often employ two on the same play bedeviling defenses that must decide which personnel to match them with . “ It depends how the defense wants to treat you ” White said . “ If they want to treat me like a receiver maybe they ’ ll put a [ defensive back ] on me . If they want to treat me like a running back maybe they put a linebacker in . It all depends how the defense wants to match up against you . It ’ s really up to the defense .” [ The Seahawks ’ upset of the Eagles shook the entire NFC playoff field ] White has seen more pass attempts than any Patriot after Brandin Cooks and Rob Gronkowski . In the Super Bowl last year he caught 14 passes for 110 yards . Now in his fourth season White came out of a run - heavy system at Wisconsin but he said he played wide receiver in Pop Warner and other leagues growing up . Once in the NFL he felt comfortable being used a variety of ways . “ More college teams started doing that splitting the back out wide ” White said . “ It translates in the NFL .” The tide is not stopping . Saquan Barkley caught 47 passes for 594 yards this season at Penn State and he will certainly be the first running back taken next April likely among the top five picks . Coaches will be scouring workouts as Payton did last season looking for the next Kamara . Those kind of running backs are out there and they are taking over the NFL . >>> The Giants upended their franchise Monday by firing Ben McAdoo and GM Jerry Reese who presided over two Super Bowl rosters in the midst of a 2 - 10 debacle Mark Maske reports . The removal of McAdoo and Reese was expected . Interestingly Maske reports that there is a “ strong chance ” the Giants reinsert Eli Manning for their game Sunday at home against Dallas . Giants owners clearly fear a fan revolt and Monday they attempted to quell it by making wholesale changes Mike Vaccaro writes . >>> Rob Gronkowski was suspended one game for his cheap shot on Bills cornerback Tre ’ Davious White . Sally Jenkins writes the hit warranted a more severe punishment . Read more on the NFL : Anquan Boldin says Players Coalition ’ s agreement with NFL was never about protests Chargers should be favored to capture AFC West crown New York Giants fire Ben McAdoo Jerry Reese as team cleans house The Packers ’ playoff odds stand at 750 - to - 1 even if Aaron Rodgers returns Jay Gruden : Redskins ‘ don ’ t have any plans to shut anybody down ’ After tearing his Achilles Ravens ’ Jimmy Smith reportedly drops appeal of PED suspension | [TGT] can do it all . ( Bill Feig / AP ) In the weeks and months leading into the 2017 NFL draft New Orleans Saints Coach Sean Payton watched several running backs work out in person . He separated them into tiers ranking them in order of preference . He inspected a small jitterbug - quick back from North Carolina A & T Tarik Cohen and came away wanting to draft him . Just above Cohen though was another back Payton studied in a private workout . When the draft came and rolled into the third round Payton seized the chance to trade up into the 67th overall pick and draft [TGT] . [TGT]has erupted becoming the most explosive player on one of the league ’ s best teams and the clear favorite for rookie of the year . [TGT] has rushed for 606 yards caught 60 passes for another 614 yards and scored 11 total touchdowns . The manner in which [TGT]plays is instructive a sign of where NFL offense is headed . [TGT]is a running back comfortable taking on the duties of a wide receiver . [TGT]may be the idealized version of a versatile back but there are more like [TGT] on the way . The Panthers drafted Christian McCaffrey eighth overall as much for his receiving ability as his running ability and they have attempted 90 passes to him tying Devin Funchess as Cam Newton ’ s most frequent target . The Chiefs ’ Kareem Hunt despite slowing after a monstrous start to the year has caught 39 balls for 347 yards . Dalvin Cook caught five passes for 72 yards in a game before being injured for the season . Cohen the player Payton bypassed for [TGT]has been a key cog in Chicago ’ s passing game . And that is only a sampling of rookies from this season . While Ezekiel Elliott primarily succeeded by bruising behind the Cowboys ’ stellar offensive line last season Dallas felt comfortable drafting him fourth overall because of his ability to run every route proficiently — head personnel executive Stephen Jones pointed out that Elliott had played slot receiver as a sophomore in high school . [ NFL players react with alarm and prayers as Steelers ’ Ryan Shazier is carted off ] [TGT] leads a wave of young backs who have been developing receiving skills for years . The rise of offseason passing leagues and pass - heavy spread offenses in college have created a new breed of running back . “ Whatever you want to credit that to — seven - on - seven passing academies to just the style of offenses that they run in college I ’ m not sure — but guys seem to come in even more prepared now than they ever have been ” Saints quarterback Drew Brees said . “ What they ’ re able to do I think their versatility is something that you see with so many of these young backs that come in . They can run the ball between the tackles they can catch the ball out of the backfield you can split them out and almost treat them as receivers sometimes . Just really talented players .” The traditional plow - horse running back is not extinct — the Jaguars took Leonard Fournette fourth overall and would probably do so again ; he is a battering ram suited for their ball - control offense . But many running backs may be better viewed as skill players . The Steelers ’ Le ’ Veon Bell might be the best running back in football but he can also line up wide . He caught 75 passes in 12 games last year and he has another 61 catches already this season . The usage actually led to a contract dispute — Bell held out all of training camp because he wanted to be paid like a receiver . It may not be the last time the issue arises . In the NBA the Golden State Warriors popularized the concept of positionless basketball employing five players with skill - sets varied enough to capitalize on any opponent ’ s weakness or mitigate any strength . This NFL season has seen some offenses attempting to play positionless football . The New England Patriots are part of the vanguard . This offseason they added Rex Burkhead a powerful runner who had once played slot receiver for the Bengals in free agency . They combined him with James White and Dion Lewis and Tom Brady has targeted them a combined 111 times . The Patriots could motion any of White Lewis or Burkhead out of the backfield or just line them up as a receiver . The Patriots often employ two on the same play bedeviling defenses that must decide which personnel to match them with . “ It depends how the defense wants to treat you ” White said . “ If they want to treat me like a receiver maybe they ’ ll put a [ defensive back ] on me . If they want to treat me like a running back maybe they put a linebacker in . It all depends how the defense wants to match up against you . It ’ s really up to the defense .” [ The Seahawks ’ upset of the Eagles shook the entire NFC playoff field ] White has seen more pass attempts than any Patriot after Brandin Cooks and Rob Gronkowski . In the Super Bowl last year he caught 14 passes for 110 yards . Now in his fourth season White came out of a run - heavy system at Wisconsin but he said he played wide receiver in Pop Warner and other leagues growing up . Once in the NFL he felt comfortable being used a variety of ways . “ More college teams started doing that splitting the back out wide ” White said . “ It translates in the NFL .” The tide is not stopping . Saquan Barkley caught 47 passes for 594 yards this season at Penn State and he will certainly be the first running back taken next April likely among the top five picks . Coaches will be scouring workouts as Payton did last season looking for the next Kamara . Those kind of running backs are out there and they are taking over the NFL . >>> The Giants upended their franchise Monday by firing Ben McAdoo and GM Jerry Reese who presided over two Super Bowl rosters in the midst of a 2 - 10 debacle Mark Maske reports . The removal of McAdoo and Reese was expected . Interestingly Maske reports that there is a “ strong chance ” the Giants reinsert Eli Manning for their game Sunday at home against Dallas . Giants owners clearly fear a fan revolt and Monday they attempted to quell it by making wholesale changes Mike Vaccaro writes . >>> Rob Gronkowski was suspended one game for his cheap shot on Bills cornerback Tre ’ Davious White . Sally Jenkins writes the hit warranted a more severe punishment . Read more on the NFL : Anquan Boldin says Players Coalition ’ s agreement with NFL was never about protests Chargers should be favored to capture AFC West crown New York Giants fire Ben McAdoo Jerry Reese as team cleans house The Packers ’ playoff odds stand at 750 - to - 1 even if Aaron Rodgers returns Jay Gruden : Redskins ‘ don ’ t have any plans to shut anybody down ’ After tearing his Achilles Ravens ’ Jimmy Smith reportedly drops appeal of PED suspension | 2Positive
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283 | Minnie Mouse honored with Hollywood Walk of Fame star | Minnie Mouse | Minnie Mouse finally got her due on Monday afternoon earning a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 40 years after her male counterpart Mickey Mouse . Bob Iger chairman and chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company and " American Idol " judge Katy Perry were on - hand for the festivities and gave brief remarks about Minnie Mouse before her star was unveiled . Leron Gubler the president and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce also declared Jan . 22 Minnie Mouse Day in Hollywood . " I ' m so grateful and I want to thank all my friends from around the world . And Mickey I ' m so happy you ' re here to share this wonderful day with me " Minnie Mouse said . " This really is the best day ever !" Minnie Mouse first appeared in the 1928 film " Steamboat Willie " and since then has been in more than 70 movies Iger said . However many Disney characters received stars before she did including Donald Duck Tinkerbelle Winnie the Pooh Snow White and Kermit the Frog . Speaking to Minnie Mouse ' s lengthy career in Hollywood Iger called her " the official first lady of the Walt Disney Company " and said the honor was well - deserved . Walt Disney Family Foundation " Minnie can hold her own in any situation " he said . " She ' s bopped more than one bully on the head and come to Mickey ' s rescue quite a few times !" Meanwhile Perry who wore polka dots in homage to Minnie Mouse gushed over how nice it has been to visit with her at Disney parks around the world over the years . " It ' s always so comforting to see her face " she said . " Seeing Minnie is like returning home . It is a special skill to bring joy to so many and she does it with an effortless bat of a lash ." Walt Disney Archives Photo Library Disney is the parent company of ABC News . | [TGT] finally got [TGT] due on Monday afternoon earning a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 40 years after [TGT] male counterpart Mickey Mouse . Bob Iger chairman and chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company and " American Idol " judge Katy Perry were on - hand for the festivities and gave brief remarks about [TGT]before [TGT] star was unveiled . Leron Gubler the president and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce also declared Jan . 22 Minnie Mouse Day in Hollywood . " I ' m so grateful and I want to thank all my friends from around the world . And Mickey I ' m so happy you ' re here to share this wonderful day with me [TGT]said . " This really is the best day ever !" [TGT]first appeared in the 1928 film " Steamboat Willie " and since then has been in more than 70 movies Iger said . However many Disney characters received stars before she did including Donald Duck Tinkerbelle Winnie the Pooh Snow White and Kermit the Frog . Speaking to [TGT] s lengthy career in Hollywood Iger called [TGT] " the official first lady of the Walt Disney Company " and said the honor was well - deserved . Walt Disney Family Foundation " Minnie can hold her own in any situation " he said . " She ' s bopped more than one bully on the head and come to Mickey ' s rescue quite a few times !" Meanwhile Perry who wore polka dots in homage to [TGT] gushed over how nice it has been to visit with her at Disney parks around the world over the years . " It ' s always so comforting to see her face " she said . " Seeing Minnie is like returning home . It is a special skill to bring joy to so many and she does it with an effortless bat of a lash ." Walt Disney Archives Photo Library Disney is the parent company of ABC News . | 2Positive
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284 | When Barack Obama Said of Mitt Romney , ` Not One of Us ' . | Mitt Romney | "Mitt Romney . | "[TGT] . | 0Negative
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285 | WaPo Allows Torrent of Racist Comments in Article on Blacks Latinos Being Underrepresented at Thomas Jefferson HS | Alina Ampeh | The Washington Post this morning piggybacks off a FOIA investigation by the AP ( nice job !) about why “ getting into prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology a magnet school that routinely sends graduates to the most competitive colleges ” can be extremely difficult unless of course you can afford to file appeals “ armed with private exams costing more than $ 500 to persuade bureaucrats their child is deserving ” of admission to the top regional school nicknamed “ TJ .” The problem ? ( bolding added by me for emphasis ) … This system exacerbates a problem plaguing gifted - and - talented programs across the nation : Black and Hispanic students almost never file the appeals that can secure their admission . Using the Virginia Freedom of Information Act to obtain 10 years of county records The Associated Press found that fewer than 50 black and Hispanic second - graders have filed successful appeals . That ’ s less than 3 percent of the 1 737 second - graders admitted through the appeals process further skewing a program already heavily weighted toward whites and Asians . Fairfax County has the nation ’ s 10th largest public school system with more than 188 000 students . Of those 25 percent are Hispanic and 10 percent are African - American . But over the last 10 years blacks and Hispanics have constituted only 12 percent of the students deemed eligible for Level IV the most advanced academic program . There are just a few dozen black students at Thomas Jefferson where sophomore Alina Ampeh is surrounded by whites and Asians — a situation she ’ s lived with since elementary school . She ’ s grateful that all those years of advanced classes prepared her for TJ ’ s rigorous academics but says that doesn ’ t necessarily make her special : She thinks many of her classmates simply have parents who worked the system . So yeah this situation is unacceptable and in dire need of immediate correction . But not according to commenters on the Washington Post article who respond with a torrent of racist idiocy that among other things clearly violates the Post ’ s own “ standards ” for commenting . For instance check out the top - rated (!) comments like the following all of which are racist and / or ignorant and / or just plain nasty . “ Just a shot in the dark – People from either 1 ) a non - English speaking background or 2 ) a culture where achievement and effort is equated with being a “ sellout ” or an “ Oreo cookie ” will probably always be “ underrepresented ” in any gifted program .” “ Racial bias ? Blacks and Hispanics are underrepresented in gifted programs in northern Virginia and in fact nation - wide because on average they are not as academically - inclined / interested as white or Asian students . And no amount of public monies spent on special racially - targeted programs just for them is going to materially impact that fact . Of course until the percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in gifted programs matches their percentage of the total student body the SJWs at the WAPO will continue to dissemble and lie about the reasons for the disparity because that ’ s what they do .” “ Could it be that some culture are underrepresented because they lack sufficient households that emphasize a strict and intense work ethic ?” “ Any chance they aren ’ t as gifted as other students ? Nah it couldn ’ t be that .” “ Probably for the same reasons whites and asians are underrepresented in the NBA .” It goes on and on like this with no sign of a ( Com ) Post moderator in sight to enforce the “ standards ” of Jeff Bezos ’ fine newspaper . Just for comparison purposes racist comments would be immediately deleted here at Blue Virginia and the commenters banned . Of course then again we also follow other principles of journalistic ethics – like linking to original sources giving credit / attribution etc . – that the corporate media rarely seems to care about in its race for eyeballs / clicks / etc . By the way Sen . Scott Surovell ( D - Fairfax / Prince William County ) has been a leader on this issue ( thank you ! ) for instance with his SB787 that would have required – if it hadn ’ t been defeated in committee – Thomas Jefferson H . S . “ to accept for enrollment ( i ) a sufficient number of students eligible to receive free or reduced price meals such that the total of such students is at least 50 percent of the weighted average of the participating divisions ’ percentage of such students in the previous school year and ( ii ) at least five students but no more than 15 students from each middle school in each school division eligible to matriculate students to such Governor ’ s school who have completed at least two full years at such middle school .” Here ’ s what Sen . Surovell had to say about the WaPo article on “ TJ ” this morning . Last week 5 letters to the editor attacking my TJ admissions bill arguing that TJ is all about “ merit ” and that we just need to do a better job educating Black and Latino kids : Most of the time Merit = Wealth and having the time and ability to work your child to the right spot in the system – e . g . parents working the “ gifted and talented ” appeal process for their second graders as the AP just confirmed . Why can ’ t more leaders be honest about the shortfalls in our system ? Great question ; any answers ? More to the point what is Fairfax County – or the Virginia General Assembly – planning to do about this situation ? | The Washington Post this morning piggybacks off a FOIA investigation by the AP ( nice job !) about why “ getting into prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology a magnet school that routinely sends graduates to the most competitive colleges ” can be extremely difficult unless of course you can afford to file appeals “ armed with private exams costing more than $ 500 to persuade bureaucrats their child is deserving ” of admission to the top regional school nicknamed “ TJ .” The problem ? ( bolding added by me for emphasis ) … This system exacerbates a problem plaguing gifted - and - talented programs across the nation : Black and Hispanic students almost never file the appeals that can secure their admission . Using the Virginia Freedom of Information Act to obtain 10 years of county records The Associated Press found that fewer than 50 black and Hispanic second - graders have filed successful appeals . That ’ s less than 3 percent of the 1 737 second - graders admitted through the appeals process further skewing a program already heavily weighted toward whites and Asians . Fairfax County has the nation ’ s 10th largest public school system with more than 188 000 students . Of those 25 percent are Hispanic and 10 percent are African - American . But over the last 10 years blacks and Hispanics have constituted only 12 percent of the students deemed eligible for Level IV the most advanced academic program . There are just a few dozen black students at Thomas Jefferson where sophomore [TGT]is surrounded by whites and Asians — a situation [TGT] ’ s lived with since elementary school . She ’ s grateful that all those years of advanced classes prepared her for TJ ’ s rigorous academics but says that doesn ’ t necessarily make her special : She thinks many of her classmates simply have parents who worked the system . So yeah this situation is unacceptable and in dire need of immediate correction . But not according to commenters on the Washington Post article who respond with a torrent of racist idiocy that among other things clearly violates the Post ’ s own “ standards ” for commenting . For instance check out the top - rated (!) comments like the following all of which are racist and / or ignorant and / or just plain nasty . “ Just a shot in the dark – People from either 1 ) a non - English speaking background or 2 ) a culture where achievement and effort is equated with being a “ sellout ” or an “ Oreo cookie ” will probably always be “ underrepresented ” in any gifted program .” “ Racial bias ? Blacks and Hispanics are underrepresented in gifted programs in northern Virginia and in fact nation - wide because on average they are not as academically - inclined / interested as white or Asian students . And no amount of public monies spent on special racially - targeted programs just for them is going to materially impact that fact . Of course until the percentage of Blacks and Hispanics in gifted programs matches their percentage of the total student body the SJWs at the WAPO will continue to dissemble and lie about the reasons for the disparity because that ’ s what they do .” “ Could it be that some culture are underrepresented because they lack sufficient households that emphasize a strict and intense work ethic ?” “ Any chance they aren ’ t as gifted as other students ? Nah it couldn ’ t be that .” “ Probably for the same reasons whites and asians are underrepresented in the NBA .” It goes on and on like this with no sign of a ( Com ) Post moderator in sight to enforce the “ standards ” of Jeff Bezos ’ fine newspaper . Just for comparison purposes racist comments would be immediately deleted here at Blue Virginia and the commenters banned . Of course then again we also follow other principles of journalistic ethics – like linking to original sources giving credit / attribution etc . – that the corporate media rarely seems to care about in its race for eyeballs / clicks / etc . By the way Sen . Scott Surovell ( D - Fairfax / Prince William County ) has been a leader on this issue ( thank you ! ) for instance with his SB787 that would have required – if it hadn ’ t been defeated in committee – Thomas Jefferson H . S . “ to accept for enrollment ( i ) a sufficient number of students eligible to receive free or reduced price meals such that the total of such students is at least 50 percent of the weighted average of the participating divisions ’ percentage of such students in the previous school year and ( ii ) at least five students but no more than 15 students from each middle school in each school division eligible to matriculate students to such Governor ’ s school who have completed at least two full years at such middle school .” Here ’ s what Sen . Surovell had to say about the WaPo article on “ TJ ” this morning . Last week 5 letters to the editor attacking my TJ admissions bill arguing that TJ is all about “ merit ” and that we just need to do a better job educating Black and Latino kids : Most of the time Merit = Wealth and having the time and ability to work your child to the right spot in the system – e . g . parents working the “ gifted and talented ” appeal process for their second graders as the AP just confirmed . Why can ’ t more leaders be honest about the shortfalls in our system ? Great question ; any answers ? More to the point what is Fairfax County – or the Virginia General Assembly – planning to do about this situation ? | 2Positive
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286 | Bystanders were horrified. But my son has autism and I was desperate. | Zack | year - old autistic son overcome his intense fear of indoor spaces might not have been right or even safe . Doctors didn ’ t recommend it . The people who witnessed it were appalled understandably . I don ’ t suggest this for others . I could have been more patient with conventional methods but I wasn ’ t . I am not certified in restraining children though doctors say anyone attempting what I did should be . They would also recommend a much slower approach . I am writing this because I hope to educate people about the burden families face when their autistic children have tantrums in public spaces so next time you witness such a struggle you don ’ t immediately resort to blaming the parents . I ’ m also reaching out to fellow parents in pain to remind them to cast off shame because I believe nothing is more important than getting your autistic children out into the world . It was a desperate time . Nothing else had worked for Zack — flashcards photos play therapy . gradual exposure to feared indoor spaces . That is how very much against his will I ended up physically dragging Zack into Verizon Center ( now Capital One Arena ) one day 10 years ago to see his favorite character Elmo perform as part of a “ Sesame Street Live !” show . There is nothing anyone could have said that would have convinced me my son was anything other than precious and worthy of the extreme measures I intended to take to save him from a life entrapped by autistic phobias . My mind - set that day : If I can get him through this without either of us getting physically hurt his fear of this place will be behind him for good . He will reset his association with this arena and it will no longer be frightening . I believe this deeply but getting him over the hurdle is terrifying . [‘ I have this thing called autism ’: A boy ’ s eloquent message to his fourth - grade classmates ] We enter Verizon Center and the moment the exterior door closes behind us Zack reels back and plunges toward it trying frantically to get back outside . At 50 pounds his furious strength is a troubling match for mine . He is a thoroughbred of resistance . My usually buoyant child is slamming his fists and clawing at the metal door ’ s push bar . I quickly seize him by the shoulders and pry his fingers from the bar as he jerks his head back in a sudden motion . His skull smashes into my chin and I taste the metallic taint of my own blood . I give up trying to pry his fingers away wrap both arms tightly around his torso and yank him back fiercely . We both tumble to the floor . Zack momentarily escapes my grip and scrambles back toward the door but I leap on top of him pinning his entire body flat to the ground . We are still in the vestibule . This was a mistake too ambitious I think to myself . Everything is happening too quickly . Breathlessly I pivot myself to secure Zack ’ s entire body between my thighs as I clamp down tightly and interlock my feet to prevent him from breaking free . Zack is shrieking at an alarmingly high pitch but I keep heaving and dragging us both inch by dreadful inch closer to the show ’ s main entrance area which we are separated from by a red curtain . I can hear voices around us . Your kid obviously doesn ’ t want to go to the show !” An icy shock sprints down my back and I reflexively arch and look around wildly . Someone has just thrown their soda at me . No I ’ m not giving up . Suddenly I feel an imaginary cloak descend and slowly envelop me . These are the moments I ’ ve been dreading but also building toward and I don this invisible armor now impervious to ridicule because I don ’ t care what anyone thinks . My singular focus is getting Zack where he needs to be : inside the main area looking at Elmo . The show has already begun inside and I know Elmo is on the stage . Okay get in his head now talk back to his thoughts . “ Zack you are doing it ! I know you ’ re afraid but all you have to do is stay here you ’ re already doing it you ’ ve already won . Just stay and watch sit and watch that ’ s it . You ’ re doing it . You did it !” A simple and repetitive mantra to penetrate the panic and break through the force field . In a now recovered and controlled voice I loudly announce “ My son has autism and he ’ s terrified . I ’ m working with him to get his fears under control .” A manager strides toward us summoned to calm the explosive scene . “ Miss I ’ m afraid this is too disruptive to the other patrons to let this continue you ’ ll have to leave .” No response . “ Miss you are creating a public disturbance and I need to escort you and your child out of the auditorium right now .” “ No ” I respond calmly without looking up . “ I ’ m not going anywhere . I ’ m a paying customer too and I have a right to be here and so does my autistic son .” Suddenly from the far reaches of my mind the legal jargon jettisons to the surface . What was that ADA language about the right of disabled people to access public facilities ? That they have a right not be discriminated against because of their disability a right to reasonable accommodations to access public venues . My son is not legally required to enter the auditorium quietly . He ’ s allowed to enter on his own disabled terms . I am his reasonable accommodation . Zack will ride in on me . Okay one more push forward with Zack squeezed between my legs and that curtain that separates the hallway where we are and the seated auditorium is within arm ’ s reach . Once the curtain is pulled back he will see all the children in their seats and he will see Elmo on the stage . But I am on the floor and I can ’ t reach the curtain . I quickly gesture with my hand to the woman guarding the entrance to please pull back that curtain so my son can finally see inside and glimpse the purpose behind the long bitter altercation . I need her to act quickly . She tries a few times to reach my son with chirpy words that fall on deaf ears . “ LADY he ’ s got AUTISM please just pull back the curtain !” I hiss . She wordlessly pulls back the plush red velvet in a single swoop to reveal a bright - red singing caricature on a large stage clearly visible even from our long distance . I quickly point Zack in his direction and exclaim “ There ’ s ELMO ! Look Zack it ’ s Elmo !” Zack ’ s eyes catch hold of Elmo and suddenly he ’ s too stunned to scream or speak his hysteria abruptly interrupted by the sight of a familiar friend . Transfixed by the furry creature Zack sits still and stares intently . I quickly move to slide him further along the floor closer to the cushioned seats . The rigidness in Zack ’ s body gives way as he relaxes a literal crossover to the other side . Zack is as smooth and malleable as liquid as he sits upright almost unaware of his own physical existence and wholly locked in on Elmo . I calmly walk him to his seat . The past and future are of no consequence ; for him there is only the present . As I gaze around the auditorium Zack is indistinguishable from his peers . In these precious moments I can savor the reality that Zack has succeeded in the greatest challenge of his life — overriding his intense phobia of indoor spaces — long enough to access something beloved . It took 36 minutes and 45 seconds . And yes it was worth it . [‘ I ’ m more awesomer ’: How kids with facial differences are reacting to the movie ‘ Wonder ’] It was the first in a series of exposures to crowded public places for Zack and me . His transition at the Verizon Center allowed him to enjoy the Elmo show and also return repeatedly to that auditorium without fear because he replaced his previous negative association with a positive one . For Zack the gradual exposure approach was not effective . What worked for him was a single traumatic episode in which he could grasp the purpose of the exposure and feel good about it . I spoke with his doctor afterward and he confirmed that by refusing to allow Zack to escape the place he feared I broke the pattern of negative reinforcement and allowed him to “ reset the record .” I also learned that as a last resort in a controlled way and only after years of therapy a licensed behavioral clinician might have physically restrained Zack to force him to confront his fears had he not responded to more gradual methods . In the past when I ’ d retreated home with him during a tantrum I was unintentionally reinforcing his phobia . But the doctor made it clear to me he would not recommend this method for any child unless all other methods had been exhausted and the child was able to handle it without causing harm to himself or others . For us the Elmo success paved the way for outings to other indoor places he feared — Disney World movie theaters airplanes the Baltimore Aquarium . Each exposure required less time for him to acclimate . We found that while Zack was initially confused and frightened he always adjusted . Over time he became less fearful of all indoor places . He also gained self - esteem once he realized he was conquering his fears and accessing more of the world . And in possibly his biggest win his overall demeanor became as calm and predictable as his perception of life itself . Ellenby is a lawyer writer and mother based in Montgomery County . This piece was adapted from her upcoming book “ Autism Uncensored : Pulling Back the Curtain ” which details her struggles and triumphs with her son ’ s autism . Read more : Lucas was just named 2018 Gerber baby . For children with autism haircuts can be traumatic . Here ’ s how one barber changed that . ‘ I ’ m finally a weather girl ’: Woman with Down syndrome fulfills a lifelong dream | year - old autistic son overcome his intense fear of indoor spaces might not have been right or even safe . Doctors didn ’ t recommend it . The people who witnessed it were appalled understandably . I don ’ t suggest this for others . I could have been more patient with conventional methods but I wasn ’ t . I am not certified in restraining children though doctors say anyone attempting what I did should be . They would also recommend a much slower approach . I am writing this because I hope to educate people about the burden families face when their autistic children have tantrums in public spaces so next time you witness such a struggle you don ’ t immediately resort to blaming the parents . I ’ m also reaching out to fellow parents in pain to remind them to cast off shame because I believe nothing is more important than getting your autistic children out into the world . It was a desperate time . Nothing else had worked for Zack — flashcards photos play therapy . gradual exposure to feared indoor spaces . That is how very much against his will I ended up physically dragging [TGT] into Verizon Center ( now Capital One Arena ) one day 10 years ago to see [TGT] favorite character Elmo perform as part of a “ Sesame Street Live !” show . There is nothing anyone could have said that would have convinced me my son was anything other than precious and worthy of the extreme measures I intended to take to save him from a life entrapped by autistic phobias . My mind - set that day : If I can get him through this without either of us getting physically hurt his fear of this place will be behind him for good . He will reset his association with this arena and it will no longer be frightening . I believe this deeply but getting him over the hurdle is terrifying . [‘ I have this thing called autism ’: A boy ’ s eloquent message to his fourth - grade classmates ] We enter Verizon Center and the moment the exterior door closes behind us [TGT]reels back and plunges toward it trying frantically to get back outside . At 50 pounds [TGT] furious strength is a troubling match for mine . [TGT] is a thoroughbred of resistance . My usually buoyant child is slamming his fists and clawing at the metal door ’ s push bar . I quickly seize him by the shoulders and pry his fingers from the bar as he jerks his head back in a sudden motion . His skull smashes into my chin and I taste the metallic taint of my own blood . I give up trying to pry his fingers away wrap both arms tightly around his torso and yank him back fiercely . We both tumble to the floor . [TGT]momentarily escapes my grip and scrambles back toward the door but I leap on top of [TGT] pinning [TGT] entire body flat to the ground . We are still in the vestibule . This was a mistake too ambitious I think to myself . Everything is happening too quickly . Breathlessly I pivot myself to secure [TGT] ’ s entire body between my thighs as I clamp down tightly and interlock my feet to prevent [TGT] from breaking free . [TGT] is shrieking at an alarmingly high pitch but I keep heaving and dragging us both inch by dreadful inch closer to the show ’ s main entrance area which we are separated from by a red curtain . I can hear voices around us . Your kid obviously doesn ’ t want to go to the show !” An icy shock sprints down my back and I reflexively arch and look around wildly . Someone has just thrown their soda at me . No I ’ m not giving up . Suddenly I feel an imaginary cloak descend and slowly envelop me . These are the moments I ’ ve been dreading but also building toward and I don this invisible armor now impervious to ridicule because I don ’ t care what anyone thinks . My singular focus is getting [TGT] . The show has already begun inside and I know Elmo is on the stage . Okay get in his head now talk back to his thoughts . “ [TGT]you are doing it ! I know you ’ re afraid but all you have to do is stay here you ’ re already doing it you ’ ve already won . Just stay and watch sit and watch that ’ s it . You ’ re doing it . You did it !” A simple and repetitive mantra to penetrate the panic and break through the force field . In a now recovered and controlled voice I loudly announce “ My son has autism and he ’ s terrified . I ’ m working with him to get his fears under control .” A manager strides toward us summoned to calm the explosive scene . “ Miss I ’ m afraid this is too disruptive to the other patrons to let this continue you ’ ll have to leave .” No response . “ Miss you are creating a public disturbance and I need to escort you and your child out of the auditorium right now .” “ No ” I respond calmly without looking up . “ I ’ m not going anywhere . I ’ m a paying customer too and I have a right to be here and so does my autistic son .” Suddenly from the far reaches of my mind the legal jargon jettisons to the surface . What was that ADA language about the right of disabled people to access public facilities ? That they have a right not be discriminated against because of their disability a right to reasonable accommodations to access public venues . My son is not legally required to enter the auditorium quietly . He ’ s allowed to enter on his own disabled terms . I am his reasonable accommodation . [TGT]will ride in on me . Okay one more push forward with [TGT]squeezed between my legs and that curtain that separates the hallway where we are and the seated auditorium is within arm ’ s reach . Once the curtain is pulled back [TGT] will see all the children in their seats and [TGT] will see Elmo on the stage . But I am on the floor and I can ’ t reach the curtain . I quickly gesture with my hand to the woman guarding the entrance to please pull back that curtain so my son can finally see inside and glimpse the purpose behind the long bitter altercation . I need her to act quickly . She tries a few times to reach my son with chirpy words that fall on deaf ears . “ LADY he ’ s got AUTISM please just pull back the curtain !” I hiss . She wordlessly pulls back the plush red velvet in a single swoop to reveal a bright - red singing caricature on a large stage clearly visible even from our long distance . I quickly point Zack in his direction and exclaim “ There ’ s ELMO ! Look [TGT]it ’ s Elmo !” [TGT] s eyes catch hold of Elmo and suddenly [TGT] ’ s too stunned to scream or speak [TGT] hysteria abruptly interrupted by the sight of a familiar friend . Transfixed by the furry creature [TGT]sits still and stares intently . I quickly move to slide [TGT] further along the floor closer to the cushioned seats . [TGT] gives way as [TGT] relaxes a literal crossover to the other side . [TGT]is as smooth and malleable as liquid as [TGT] sits upright almost unaware of [TGT] own physical existence and wholly locked in on Elmo . I calmly walk [TGT] to [TGT] seat . The past and future are of no consequence ; for him there is only the present . As I gaze around [TGT]is indistinguishable from his peers . In these precious moments I can savor the reality that [TGT]has succeeded in the greatest challenge of [TGT] life — overriding [TGT] intense phobia of indoor spaces — long enough to access something beloved . It took 36 minutes and 45 seconds . And yes it was worth it . [‘ I ’ m more awesomer ’: How kids with facial differences are reacting to the movie ‘ Wonder ’] It was the first in a series of exposures to crowded public places for Zack and me . His transition at the Verizon Center allowed him to enjoy the Elmo show and also return repeatedly to [TGT] without fear because he replaced his previous negative association with a positive one . For [TGT]the gradual exposure approach was not effective . What worked for [TGT] was a single traumatic episode in which [TGT] could grasp the purpose of the exposure and feel good about it . I spoke with his doctor afterward and he confirmed that by refusing to allow [TGT] to escape the place he feared I broke the pattern of negative reinforcement and allowed him to “ reset the record .” I also learned that as a last resort in a controlled way and only after years of therapy a licensed behavioral clinician might have physically restrained Zack to force him to confront his fears had he not responded to more gradual methods . In the past when I ’ d retreated home with him during a tantrum I was unintentionally reinforcing his phobia . But the doctor made it clear to me he would not recommend this method for any child unless all other methods had been exhausted and the child was able to handle it without causing harm to himself or others . For us the Elmo success paved the way for outings to other indoor places he feared — Disney World movie theaters airplanes the Baltimore Aquarium . Each exposure required less time for him to acclimate . We found that while [TGT]was initially confused and frightened he always adjusted . Over time he became less fearful of all indoor places . He also gained self - esteem once he realized he was conquering his fears and accessing more of the world . And in possibly his biggest win his overall demeanor became as calm and predictable as his perception of life itself . Ellenby is a lawyer writer and mother based in Montgomery County . This piece was adapted from her upcoming book “ Autism Uncensored : Pulling Back the Curtain ” which details her struggles and triumphs with her son ’ s autism . Read more : Lucas was just named 2018 Gerber baby . For children with autism haircuts can be traumatic . Here ’ s how one barber changed that . ‘ I ’ m finally a weather girl ’: Woman with Down syndrome fulfills a lifelong dream | 1Neutral
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287 | Trump makes Mitt Romney grovel for secretary of state . | Mitt Romney | Choosing Mitt Romney to be his secretary of state would be the most presidential thing Donald Trump could do .
One part of him thinks that Romney , the CEO of the global firm Bain Capital , a turnaround artist who saved the Salt Lake City Olympics , and the party 's nominee in 2012 , would have the stature and gravitas for the job .
He liked that Romney made a warm , congratulatory call .
He complimented Romney for "looking the part ."
Unlike Romney , they do n't come as supplicants , vying for his favor .
OK , but Romney dissed Trump bigly and Trump 's nonpresidential side likes nothing better than getting even , and then some .
While Gen. David Petraeus , General John Kelly and Sen. Bob Corker came and went , Romney got the only invitation to a fancy dinner at the Trump International Hotel .
John Angelillo , Bloomberg President-elect Donald Trump and Mitt Romney had dinner , along with Reince Priebus , to discuss the possibility of Romney joining Trump 's administration on Nov. 30 , 2016 .
President-elect Donald Trump and Mitt Romney had dinner , along with Reince Priebus , to discuss the possibility of Romney joining Trump 's administration on Nov. 30 , 2016 .
Romney ordered scallops and then ate crow for reporters waiting outside right after , which may have been Trump 's plan .
Aides said Romney would have to grovel to be considered and so he did , gushing over the man who had derided him as a "loser" who "choked like a dog" in his 2012 campaign .
Romney said that by getting elected Trump "did something I tried to do and was unsuccessful in ," and that the president-elect could be "the very man who can lead us to that better future ."
About watching Romney recant and twist slowly in the wind , former Speaker Newt Gingrich said , "You have never , ever , in your career seen a wealthy adult who is independent , has been a presidential candidate , suck up at the rate that Mitt Romney is sucking up ," adding that "Every day they let this thing hang out there it becomes harder and more expensive to pick Romney ." | [TGT] would be the most presidential thing Donald Trump could do .
One part of [TGT] thinks that Romney , the CEO of the global firm Bain Capital , a turnaround artist who saved the Salt Lake City Olympics , and the party 's nominee in 2012 , would have the stature and gravitas for the job .
[TGT] liked that [TGT] made a warm , congratulatory call .
[TGT] complimented [TGT] for "looking the part ."
Unlike [TGT] , they do n't come as supplicants , vying for [TGT] favor .
OK , but [TGT] dissed Trump bigly and Trump 's nonpresidential side likes nothing better than getting even , and then some .
While Gen. David Petraeus , General John Kelly and Sen. Bob Corker came and went , [TGT] got the only invitation to a fancy dinner at the Trump International Hotel .
John Angelillo , [TGT] had dinner , along with Reince Priebus , to discuss the possibility of [TGT] joining Trump 's administration on Nov. 30 , 2016 .
[TGT] had dinner , along with Reince Priebus , to discuss the possibility of [TGT] joining Trump 's administration on Nov. 30 , 2016 .
[TGT] ordered scallops and then ate crow for reporters waiting outside right after , which may have been Trump 's plan .
Aides said [TGT] would have to grovel to be considered and so [TGT] did , gushing over the man who had derided [TGT] as a "loser" who "choked like a dog" in [TGT] 2012 campaign .
[TGT] said that by getting elected Trump "did something I tried to do and was unsuccessful in ," and that the president-elect could be "the very man who can lead us to that better future ."
About watching [TGT] recant and twist slowly in the wind , former Speaker Newt Gingrich said , "You have never , ever , in your career seen a wealthy adult who is independent , has been a presidential candidate , suck up at the rate that [TGT] is sucking up ," adding that "Every day they let this thing hang out there it becomes harder and more expensive to pick [TGT] ." | 1Neutral
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288 | US Mexico play up increased security cooperation | Tillerson | The US - Mexican relationship has been strained by Trump ’ s attacks on Mexican immigrants and the North American Free Trade Agreement — and his insistence on building a border wall . But as Tillerson kicked off his first major tour of Latin America he and his Mexican counterpart sought to play down any tensions focusing instead on fighting what the former oilman turned secretary of state called the “ devastating impact ” of the international narcotics trade . “ We ’ ve created … a different approach as to how we cooperate to attack the entire supply chain of this devastating impact of drugs — cocaine heroin fentanyl opioids ” Tillerson said after meeting with Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray and Canada ’ s Chrystia Freeland in Mexico City . “ This is having a horrible effect on American citizens Mexican citizens Canadian citizens .” In October Trump declared the US opioid crisis a national public health emergency after overdoses of drugs such as heroin and fentanyl killed more than 40 000 people in 2016 . Videgaray said all three countries had agreed to place “ special emphasis ” on fighting both the supply and demand side of the problem : the Mexican drug cartels fueling a wave of bloodshed in his country and the US and Canadian consumption making it a multi - billion - dollar business . “ The paradigm has to be one of cooperation not blaming each other ” he said . – Videgaray also insisted the US - Mexican relationship is strong despite Trump ’ s tirades . “ In many ways the relationship today is more close it ’ s more fluid than it was with the previous administration . That might be a surprise for many people but it ’ s a fact ” he said . Freeland likewise played down tensions despite a recent series of trade disputes between the US and Canada . She said Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “ really get along ” and called Tillerson “ an incredibly important voice in maintaining the rules - based international order .” But it was impossible to paper over tensions on certain issues . Videgaray stayed mum as Tillerson sought to explain Trump ’ s wall proposal and immigration crackdown as part of a shared security push . Deporting those who lack immigration papers — including the so - called “ Dreamers ” brought to the United States as children now at the center of a bitter political battle — fits into Trump ’ s law and order agenda Tillerson said . “ I know it ’ s painful the process is for a lot of people and that ’ s why as we move forward and in implementing the president ’ s directives we are trying to do so in a way that accommodates the fact that it ’ s hard for some people ” he said . Videgaray said both that and the wall were internal decisions for the US government but added that a mass exodus of “ Dreamers ” would be “ an enormous gain for Mexico and a loss for the United States .” Tillerson later held a closed - door meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto who faces domestic pressure not to give up too much ground to his pushy northern neighbor . – Venezuela challenge – With a new round of talks on overhauling NAFTA scheduled for next month Canada and Mexico hope a deal can be salvaged . Videgaray and Freeland both touted their vision for a “ win - win - win ” deal that would modernize outdated elements while keeping the bulk of the agreement intact . Tillerson acknowledged the huge role of North American trade in the US economy saying Canada and Mexico rank as the first or second largest export market for 42 US states . The three also found common ground on the Venezuela crisis calling for President Nicolas Maduro ’ s leftist government to restore constitutional rule . “ What we would like to see happen there is a peaceful transition ” Tillerson said . He added that “ if — if — President Maduro would return to the Venezuelan constitution restore the elected assembly dismantle the illegitimate constituent assembly and return to free and fair elections ” he ’ d be welcome to “ stay and run .” After Mexico Tillerson is set to travel on to Argentina Peru Colombia and Jamaica pushing for stronger action on Venezuela and touting his vision of deeper cooperation . | The US - Mexican relationship has been strained by Trump ’ s attacks on Mexican immigrants and the North American Free Trade Agreement — and his insistence on building a border wall . But as [TGT]kicked off his first major tour of Latin America he and his Mexican counterpart sought to play down any tensions focusing instead on fighting what the former oilman turned secretary of state called the “ devastating impact ” of the international narcotics trade . “ We ’ ve created … a different approach as to how we cooperate to attack the entire supply chain of this devastating impact of drugs — cocaine heroin fentanyl opioids ” [TGT] said after meeting with Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray and Canada ’ s Chrystia Freeland in Mexico City . “ This is having a horrible effect on American citizens Mexican citizens Canadian citizens .” In October Trump declared the US opioid crisis a national public health emergency after overdoses of drugs such as heroin and fentanyl killed more than 40 000 people in 2016 . Videgaray said all three countries had agreed to place “ special emphasis ” on fighting both the supply and demand side of the problem : the Mexican drug cartels fueling a wave of bloodshed in his country and the US and Canadian consumption making it a multi - billion - dollar business . “ The paradigm has to be one of cooperation not blaming each other ” he said . – Videgaray also insisted the US - Mexican relationship is strong despite Trump ’ s tirades . “ In many ways the relationship today is more close it ’ s more fluid than it was with the previous administration . That might be a surprise for many people but it ’ s a fact ” he said . Freeland likewise played down tensions despite a recent series of trade disputes between the US and Canada . She said Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “ really get along ” and called Tillerson “ an incredibly important voice in maintaining the rules - based international order .” But it was impossible to paper over tensions on certain issues . Videgaray stayed mum as [TGT] sought to explain Trump ’ s wall proposal and immigration crackdown as part of a shared security push . Deporting those who lack immigration papers — including the so - called “ Dreamers ” brought to the United States as children now at the center of a bitter political battle — fits into Trump ’ s law and order agenda [TGT] said . “ I know it ’ s painful the process is for a lot of people and that ’ s why as we move forward and in implementing the president ’ s directives we are trying to do so in a way that accommodates the fact that it ’ s hard for some people ” he said . Videgaray said both that and the wall were internal decisions for the US government but added that a mass exodus of “ Dreamers ” would be “ an enormous gain for Mexico and a loss for the United States [TGT] later held a closed - door meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto who faces domestic pressure not to give up too much ground to his pushy northern neighbor . – Venezuela challenge – With a new round of talks on overhauling NAFTA scheduled for next month Canada and Mexico hope a deal can be salvaged . Videgaray and Freeland both touted their vision for a “ win - win - win ” deal that would modernize outdated elements while keeping the bulk of the agreement intact . [TGT] acknowledged the huge role of North American trade in the US economy saying Canada and Mexico rank as the first or second largest export market for 42 US states . The three also found common ground on the Venezuela crisis calling for President Nicolas Maduro ’ s leftist government to restore constitutional rule . “ What we would like to see happen there is a peaceful transition ” [TGT] said . [TGT] added that “ if — if — President Maduro would return to the Venezuelan constitution restore the elected assembly dismantle the illegitimate constituent assembly and return to free and fair elections ” he ’ d be welcome to “ stay and run .” After Mexico Tillerson is set to travel on to Argentina Peru Colombia and Jamaica pushing for stronger action on Venezuela and touting his vision of deeper cooperation . | 1Neutral
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289 | The Latest: Peru's president survives impeachment vote | Pedro Pablo Kuczynski | LIMA Peru ( AP ) — The latest on impeachment proceedings against Peru ' s president ( all times local ): 11 : 20 p . m . Peru ' s president has survived an impeachment vote called by opposition lawmakers who sought to oust him over ties to the Brazilian construction giant implicated in the region ' s biggest corruption scandal . Peruvian lawmakers rejected removing President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski in a vote late Thursday that came after 10 hours of debate and the leader ' s own forceful defense . The 79 - year - old former Wall Street banker came under fire after an opposition - led investigative committee revealed documents showing Odebrecht made $ 782 000 in payments to Kuczynski ' s private consulting firm more than a decade ago . The payments were made during years Kuczynski served as a Peruvian government minister . Odebrecht is at the center of Latin America ' s largest corruption scandal having attempted paying millions of dollars in bribes to win public works contracts . The president repeatedly denied any wrongdoing telling lawmakers that the rushed impeachment process was a threat to Peru ' s democracy . ___ 11 p . m . Peruvian lawmakers have wrapped up their debate over whether President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski should be impeached and are expected to begin voting on the matter soon . Debate ended very late Thursday night after 10 hours of impassioned speeches by legislators decrying and defending the president . The 79 - year - old former Wall Street banker is fighting for his political survival after an opposition - led investigative committee revealed documents showing his private consulting firm received $ 782 000 in payments from the Brazilian construction giant at the center of Latin America ' s big corruption scandal . The decade - old payments coincided with years in which Kuczynski was a government minister . The president urged lawmakers to keep him office in a forceful defense earlier Thursday saying he had no involvement in his firm at the time . ___ 3 : 45 p . m . Lawmakers in Peru are debating whether or not to oust President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski . One - by - one supporters and opponents are making their case before a final vote to decide whether Kuczynski should be impeached . Opposition legislator Milagros Takayama told lawmakers that citizens deserve a Peru " that is free of corruption and ineptitude ." Kuczynski is under fire after an opposition - led commission revealed documents showing his private consulting firm received $ 782 000 in payments from the Brazilian construction giant at the center of Latin America ' s biggest corruption scandal . Kuczynski testified earlier Thursday in his defense telling lawmakers he had no involvement in the firm while serving in government . ____ 11 : 45 a . m . The lawyer representing Peru ' s president is telling lawmakers that instead of impeaching Pedro Pablo Kuczynski they should investigate him . In a two - hour speech Thursday Alberto Borea urged lawmakers to punish the president only after determining if he is indeed guilty of a crime . Pointing to the stoic president seated beside him Borrea said " Don ' t crucify him before then ." Kuczynski is facing an impeachment vote eight days after an opposition - led investigation revealed documents showing Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht made payments to the president ' s private consulting firm . ____ 10 a . m . Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski says the nation ' s democracy is at risk with a pending impeachment vote that could remove him from office . In his initial remarks to lawmakers Thursday Kuczynski said he came to look them in the eye and state " I am not corrupt and I have not lied ." The president is presenting a detailed account of the $ 782 000 in payments provided to his Westfield Capital consulting firm by Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht . Odebrecht is at the center of Latin America ' s largest corruption scandal . The payments were made over a decade ago . Kuczynski is being given at least two hours to state his case . ____ 9 : 30 a . m . Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has arrived at the Andean nation ' s parliament to testify in his defense before lawmakers vote on whether or not he should be removed from office . Opposition lawmakers are intent on ousting the 79 - year - old former Wall Street banker after revelations his private consulting business received payments from Odebrecht . The Brazilian construction giant is at the center of Latin America ' s largest corruption scandal . Kuczynski has said he had no management duties at his consulting firm Westfield Capital when it received $ 782 000 in payments between 2004 and 2007 . During much of that time he was a high - ranking government minister . | LIMA Peru ( AP ) — The latest on impeachment proceedings against Peru ' s president ( all times local ): 11 : 20 p . m . Peru ' s president has survived an impeachment vote called by opposition lawmakers who sought to oust him over ties to the Brazilian construction giant implicated in the region ' s biggest corruption scandal . Peruvian lawmakers rejected removing [TGT] in a vote late Thursday that came after 10 hours of debate and the leader ' s own forceful defense . The 79 - year - old former Wall Street banker came under fire after an opposition - led investigative committee revealed documents showing Odebrecht made $ 782 000 in payments to Kuczynski ' s private consulting firm more than a decade ago . The payments were made during years [TGT] served as a Peruvian government minister . Odebrecht is at the center of Latin America ' s largest corruption scandal having attempted paying millions of dollars in bribes to win public works contracts . The president repeatedly denied any wrongdoing telling lawmakers that the rushed impeachment process was a threat to Peru ' s democracy . ___ 11 p . m . Peruvian lawmakers have wrapped up their debate over whether [TGT]should be impeached and are expected to begin voting on the matter soon . Debate ended very late Thursday night after 10 hours of impassioned speeches by legislators decrying and defending the president . The 79 - year - old former Wall Street banker is fighting for his political survival after an opposition - led investigative committee revealed documents showing his private consulting firm received $ 782 000 in payments from the Brazilian construction giant at the center of Latin America ' s big corruption scandal . The decade - old payments coincided with years in which [TGT] was a government minister . The president urged lawmakers to keep him office in a forceful defense earlier Thursday saying he had no involvement in his firm at the time . ___ 3 : 45 p . m . Lawmakers in Peru are debating whether or not to oust President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski . One - by - one supporters and opponents are making their case before a final vote to decide whether Kuczynski should be impeached . Opposition legislator Milagros Takayama told lawmakers that citizens deserve a Peru " that is free of corruption and ineptitude ." Kuczynski is under fire after an opposition - led commission revealed documents showing his private consulting firm received $ 782 000 in payments from the Brazilian construction giant at the center of Latin America ' s biggest corruption scandal . Kuczynski testified earlier Thursday in his defense telling lawmakers he had no involvement in the firm while serving in government . ____ 11 : 45 a . m . The lawyer representing Peru ' s president is telling lawmakers that instead of impeaching Pedro Pablo Kuczynski they should investigate him . In a two - hour speech Thursday Alberto Borea urged lawmakers to punish the president only after determining if he is indeed guilty of a crime . Pointing to the stoic president seated beside him Borrea said " Don ' t crucify him before then ." Kuczynski is facing an impeachment vote eight days after an opposition - led investigation revealed documents showing Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht made payments to the president ' s private consulting firm . ____ 10 a . m . Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski says the nation ' s democracy is at risk with a pending impeachment vote that could remove him from office . In his initial remarks to lawmakers Thursday Kuczynski said he came to look them in the eye and state " I am not corrupt and I have not lied ." The president is presenting a detailed account of the $ 782 000 in payments provided to his Westfield Capital consulting firm by Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht . Odebrecht is at the center of Latin America ' s largest corruption scandal . The payments were made over a decade ago . Kuczynski is being given at least two hours to state his case . ____ 9 : 30 a . m . Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has arrived at the Andean nation ' s parliament to testify in his defense before lawmakers vote on whether or not he should be removed from office . Opposition lawmakers are intent on ousting the 79 - year - old former Wall Street banker after revelations his private consulting business received payments from Odebrecht . The Brazilian construction giant is at the center of Latin America ' s largest corruption scandal . Kuczynski has said he had no management duties at his consulting firm Westfield Capital when it received $ 782 000 in payments between 2004 and 2007 . During much of that time he was a high - ranking government minister . | 1Neutral
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290 | Kim says US should know North Korean nuclear force a reality | Kim Jong Un | TOKYO ( AP ) — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said Monday the United States should be aware that his country ’ s nuclear forces are now a reality not a threat . But he also struck a conciliatory tone in his New Year ’ s address wishing success for the Winter Olympics set to begin in the South in February and suggesting the North may send a delegation to participate . Kim wearing a Western - style gray suit and tie said in his customary annual address his country had achieved the historic feat of “ completing ” its nuclear forces and added he has a nuclear button on his desk . “ The U . S . should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my table ” he said during the speech as provisionally translated by the AP . The official transcript of his address was expected to be released shortly . “ The entire area of the U . S . mainland is within our nuclear strike range . … The United States can never start a war against me and our country .” Kim also called for improved relations with the South an idea mentioned in speeches more often than it is met . He said the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics would be a good opportunity to showcase the status of the Korean nation . He said the North and South could meet urgently to discuss the North sending a delegation . “ The Winter Olympic games that will be held soon in the South will be a good opportunity to display the status of the Korean nation and we sincerely wish that the event will be held with good results ” he said . The New Year ’ s address is an annual event in the North and is watched closely for indications of the direction and priorities Kim may adopt in the year ahead . This year ’ s speech was seen as particularly important because of the high tensions over Pyongyang ’ s frequent missile launches and its nuclear test in 2017 . The tests were the focus of fiery verbal exchanges between the North and U . S . President Donald Trump who has derisively called Kim “ little rocket man .” Kim also stressed North Korea ’ s economic achievements during the speech and noted the importance of improving the nation ’ s standard of living . ___ AP writer Kim Tong - hyung in Seoul South Korea contributed to this report . | TOKYO ( AP ) — [TGT]said Monday the United States should be aware that [TGT] country ’ s nuclear forces are now a reality not a threat . But [TGT] also struck a conciliatory tone in [TGT] New Year ’ s address wishing success for the Winter Olympics set to begin in the South in February and suggesting the North may send a delegation to participate . [TGT]wearing a Western - style gray suit and tie said in [TGT] customary annual address [TGT] country had achieved the historic feat of “ completing ” its nuclear forces and added [TGT] has a nuclear button on [TGT] desk . “ The U . S . should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my table ” [TGT] said during the speech as provisionally translated by the AP . The official transcript of [TGT] address was expected to be released shortly . “ The entire area of the U . S . mainland is within our nuclear strike range . … The United States can never start a war against me and our country .” [TGT]also called for improved relations with the South an idea mentioned in speeches more often than it is met . [TGT] said the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics would be a good opportunity to showcase the status of the Korean nation . [TGT] said the North and South could meet urgently to discuss the North sending a delegation . “ The Winter Olympic games that will be held soon in the South will be a good opportunity to display the status of the Korean nation and we sincerely wish that the event will be held with good results ” he said . The New Year ’ s address is an annual event in the North and is watched closely for indications of the direction and priorities [TGT] may adopt in the year ahead . This year ’ s speech was seen as particularly important because of the high tensions over Pyongyang ’ s frequent missile launches and its nuclear test in 2017 . The tests were the focus of fiery verbal exchanges between the North and U . S . President Donald Trump who has derisively called Kim “ little rocket man .” [TGT] also stressed North Korea ’ s economic achievements during the speech and noted the importance of improving the nation ’ s standard of living . ___ AP writer Kim Tong - hyung in Seoul South Korea contributed to this report . | 1Neutral
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291 | Charlie Rose suspended after sexual harassment claims | Charlie Rose | After a string of sexual harassment claims the reputation of one of America ' s most influential broadcasters is on thin ice . On Monday ( November 21 ) veteran journalist Charlie Rose was suspended from U . S . news networks including CBS and Bloomberg after eight women told the Washington Post he ' d made unwanted sexual advances walking around in the nude and groping them . 75 - year - old Rose is a co - host on CBS This Morning and a reporter for 60 minutes . CBS News says the allegations against him are ' extremely disturbing '. Rose has issued an apology for what he refers to as ' inappropriate behaviour ' though he ' s suggested that the claims may not be entirely accurate . The Post says it carried out multiple interviews with the women in question who were employees or aspired to work for Rose from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011 . It says they were aged between 21 and 37 at the time of the alleged encounters and their stories had quote " striking commonalities ." While three of the women went on the record with the paper five chose to stay anonymous fearing that speaking out could affect their careers . | After a string of sexual harassment claims the reputation of one of America ' s most influential broadcasters is on thin ice . On Monday ( November 21 ) veteran journalist [TGT]was suspended from U . S . news networks including CBS and Bloomberg after eight women told the Washington Post [TGT] ' d made unwanted sexual advances walking around in the nude and groping them . 75 - year - old Rose is a co - host on CBS This Morning and a reporter for 60 minutes . CBS News says the allegations against him are ' extremely disturbing '. [TGT]has issued an apology for what he refers to as ' inappropriate behaviour ' though he ' s suggested that the claims may not be entirely accurate . The Post says it carried out multiple interviews with the women in question who were employees or aspired to work for [TGT]from the late 1990s to as recently as 2011 . It says they were aged between 21 and 37 at the time of the alleged encounters and their stories had quote " striking commonalities ." While three of the women went on the record with the paper five chose to stay anonymous fearing that speaking out could affect their careers . | 2Positive
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292 | At the UN a diplomatic dance decides the fate of nations | Nikki Haley | making body — questions of war and peace life and death . But when world diplomats are building towards a weighty decision almost any diplomatic tactic seems fair game even sleight of hand . All the envoys in endless daily meetings in the vast glass - walled tower on Turtle Bay New York would say they are seeking consensus . But how then to ensure that the Council ’ s decision reflects their own national interest ? “ It plays out on a personal level . Without trust we ’ d get nowhere ” a diplomat told AFP speaking on condition of anonymity to explain the process . Within the past week for example the world body united to back an unlikely ceasefire in Syria ’ s endless war but failed to agree on censuring Iran . The United States wanted to single out Tehran for its alleged interference in the Yemen conflict but Russia stepped in and headed off the initiative . In each case the battle lines were almost the same with America and its allies opposing Russian and Iranian interventions in two regional wars . So why was the diplomatic outcome different ? “ In any negotiation the key is personal relationships ” the diplomat explained . Whatever the stark differences between the public positions of the rival member states in the UN building diplomats work together every day . Cautious friendships and friendly rivalries develop — along with occasional feuds — and personal power plays can decide matters of state . “ In private relationships are less tragic than they seem in public ” another diplomat admits . Washington ’ s ambassador former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is the only politician in a council staffed by veteran career diplomats . Last year she pulled off an impressive diplomatic coup when she brought China and Russia on board multiple times to secure unanimous support for North Korea sanctions . But on Monday Haley delegated the US seat to a colleague and was in Honduras when Russia moved in to halt efforts to condemn Iran . Sometimes a consensus is found through a savvy manipulation of procedure . Last year China balked at a resolution to condemn its neighbor Myanmar but allowed the chairman of the Security Council to issue a declaration or PRST . In theory a PRST ought to be no easier to agree upon than a resolution since any one of 15 council members can object to elements of the text . But diplomats had suggested the resolution first before falling back on the PRST allowing China to appear to have won a concession . As a diplomat recalled it ’ s important to allow an opponent and option to “ save face .” In long negotiations on fraught subjects like the slaughter in Syria the winning side is often the one that keeps its cool longest . – Constant dialogue – “ You need to respect the other side when it reveals the red lines it will not cross ” one negotiator told AFP while another said : “ It ’ s hard on the nerves .” However the talks go before a vote most ambassadors check with their national capitals before assenting abstaining or imposing a veto . Haley has the most personal freedom to maneuver being a member of President Donald Trump ’ s administration with cabinet rank . But she is also one of the more inexperienced envoys in a building that hosts constant dialogue in corridors conference rooms and text messages . Murmured conversations continue in the carpeted lobbies outside the Security Council chamber and even in the “ Quiet Room ” waiting area . One conference room is set aside for the veto - wielding Permanent Five : Britain China France Russia and the United States . Another hosts the ten non - permanent members . When a new issue comes up for discussion national experts meet to size up the diplomatic terrain . Then it is either the job of the “ coordinators ” from each mission to draw up the terms of the debate ; otherwise the ambassadors or their deputies take the reins . Specific roles are handed out . One country on a rolling basis is president of the council but each issue also has an influential “ penholder .” All members will eventually vote on each resolution but the draft is drawn up by the penholder . So for the war in Syria Kuwait and Sweden have taken the lead . For texts dealing with Yemen or Myanmar Britain has an outsized role . – Pivotal role – Sometimes if consensus proves elusive a country can switch or augment its role . In recent discussions about Syria for example France has become a “ facilitator ” and China has been invited to small group meetings . Haley who had been on a trip to Chicago did not take part in the discussions until the last minute diplomats say . Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia meanwhile told AFP he had thanked France ’ s Francois Delattre by text message for taking a pivotal role in the ceasefire . Finally theatrical gestures sometimes pay off . On February 22 all 10 ambassadors from non - permanent members appeared together in front of the press to exhibit their joint concern at Russia ’ s stalling . Two days later the world was wondering whether Russia would agree to the Syrian truce . UN television cameras suddenly jumped to Haley and Delattre arriving together apparently complicit in the Security Council chamber . “ We were within inches of failure ” a diplomat said adding it was a “ rare gesture ” to tempt fate and put pressure on Russia to vote . The other members assembled and voted . | making body — questions of war and peace life and death . But when world diplomats are building towards a weighty decision almost any diplomatic tactic seems fair game even sleight of hand . All the envoys in endless daily meetings in the vast glass - walled tower on Turtle Bay New York would say they are seeking consensus . But how then to ensure that the Council ’ s decision reflects their own national interest ? “ It plays out on a personal level . Without trust we ’ d get nowhere ” a diplomat told AFP speaking on condition of anonymity to explain the process . Within the past week for example the world body united to back an unlikely ceasefire in Syria ’ s endless war but failed to agree on censuring Iran . The United States wanted to single out Tehran for its alleged interference in the Yemen conflict but Russia stepped in and headed off the initiative . In each case the battle lines were almost the same with America and its allies opposing Russian and Iranian interventions in two regional wars . So why was the diplomatic outcome different ? “ In any negotiation the key is personal relationships ” the diplomat explained . Whatever the stark differences between the public positions of the rival member states in the UN building diplomats work together every day . Cautious friendships and friendly rivalries develop — along with occasional feuds — and personal power plays can decide matters of state . “ In private relationships are less tragic than they seem in public ” another diplomat admits . [TGT]is the only politician in a council staffed by veteran career diplomats . Last year [TGT] pulled off an impressive diplomatic coup when [TGT] brought China and Russia on board multiple times to secure unanimous support for North Korea sanctions . But on Monday Haley delegated the US seat to a colleague and was in Honduras when Russia moved in to halt efforts to condemn Iran . Sometimes a consensus is found through a savvy manipulation of procedure . Last year China balked at a resolution to condemn its neighbor Myanmar but allowed the chairman of the Security Council to issue a declaration or PRST . In theory a PRST ought to be no easier to agree upon than a resolution since any one of 15 council members can object to elements of the text . But diplomats had suggested the resolution first before falling back on the PRST allowing China to appear to have won a concession . As a diplomat recalled it ’ s important to allow an opponent and option to “ save face .” In long negotiations on fraught subjects like the slaughter in Syria the winning side is often the one that keeps its cool longest . – Constant dialogue – “ You need to respect the other side when it reveals the red lines it will not cross ” one negotiator told AFP while another said : “ It ’ s hard on the nerves .” However the talks go before a vote most ambassadors check with their national capitals before assenting abstaining or imposing a veto . Haley has the most personal freedom to maneuver being a member of President Donald Trump ’ s administration with cabinet rank . But she is also one of the more inexperienced envoys in a building that hosts constant dialogue in corridors conference rooms and text messages . Murmured conversations continue in the carpeted lobbies outside the Security Council chamber and even in the “ Quiet Room ” waiting area . One conference room is set aside for the veto - wielding Permanent Five : Britain China France Russia and the United States . Another hosts the ten non - permanent members . When a new issue comes up for discussion national experts meet to size up the diplomatic terrain . Then it is either the job of the “ coordinators ” from each mission to draw up the terms of the debate ; otherwise the ambassadors or their deputies take the reins . Specific roles are handed out . One country on a rolling basis is president of the council but each issue also has an influential “ penholder .” All members will eventually vote on each resolution but the draft is drawn up by the penholder . So for the war in Syria Kuwait and Sweden have taken the lead . For texts dealing with Yemen or Myanmar Britain has an outsized role . – Pivotal role – Sometimes if consensus proves elusive a country can switch or augment its role . In recent discussions about Syria for example France has become a “ facilitator ” and China has been invited to small group meetings . Haley who had been on a trip to Chicago did not take part in the discussions until the last minute diplomats say . Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia meanwhile told AFP he had thanked France ’ s Francois Delattre by text message for taking a pivotal role in the ceasefire . Finally theatrical gestures sometimes pay off . On February 22 all 10 ambassadors from non - permanent members appeared together in front of the press to exhibit their joint concern at Russia ’ s stalling . Two days later the world was wondering whether Russia would agree to the Syrian truce . UN television cameras suddenly jumped to Haley and Delattre arriving together apparently complicit in the Security Council chamber . “ We were within inches of failure ” a diplomat said adding it was a “ rare gesture ” to tempt fate and put pressure on Russia to vote . The other members assembled and voted . | 2Positive
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293 | IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad dead at 91 | Ingvar Kamprad | Billionaire IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad has died aged 91 the Swedish company said on Sunday with the furniture empire he launched more than half a century ago familiar around the globe . Kamprad founded IKEA in 1943 when he was just 17 but didn ’ t hit gold until 1956 when the company pioneered flat - pack furniture . He got the idea as he watched an employee taking the legs off a table to fit it into a customer ’ s car and realised that saving space meant saving money . The retailer is now heading for 50 billion euros ($ 62 billion ) in annual revenues . Slideshow ( 7 Images ) “ One of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 20th century Ingvar Kamprad has peacefully passed away at his home in Smaland Sweden on the 27th of January ” the company said . Born on March 30 1926 in southern Sweden Kamprad started off selling matches to neighbours at the age of five and soon diversified his inventory to include seeds Christmas tree decorations pencils and ball - point pens . “ Ingvar Kamprad was a great entrepreneur of the typical southern Swedish kind - hardworking and stubborn with a lot of warmth and a playful twinkle in his eye ” the company said . “ He worked until the very end of his life staying true to his own motto that most things remain to be done .” ($ 1 = 0 . 8052 euros ) | [TGT]has died aged 91 the Swedish company said on Sunday with the furniture empire [TGT] launched more than half a century ago familiar around the globe . [TGT]founded IKEA in 1943 when [TGT] was just 17 but didn ’ t hit gold until 1956 when the company pioneered flat - pack furniture . He got the idea as he watched an employee taking the legs off a table to fit it into a customer ’ s car and realised that saving space meant saving money . The retailer is now heading for 50 billion euros ($ 62 billion ) in annual revenues . Slideshow ( 7 Images ) “ One of the greatest entrepreneurs of the 20th century [TGT]has peacefully passed away at [TGT] home in Smaland Sweden on the 27th of January ” the company said . Born on March 30 1926 in southern Sweden [TGT] started off selling matches to neighbours at the age of five and soon diversified [TGT] inventory to include seeds Christmas tree decorations pencils and ball - point pens . “ Ingvar Kamprad was a great entrepreneur of the typical southern Swedish kind - hardworking and stubborn with a lot of warmth and a playful twinkle in his eye ” the company said . “ He worked until the very end of his life staying true to his own motto that most things remain to be done .” ($ 1 = 0 . 8052 euros ) | 1Neutral
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294 | Ohio governor's race: No one wants Gov. John Kasich's endorsement | Mary Taylor | Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this story had the incorrect years for when John Kasich and Mary Taylor ran for office. They were 2010 and 2014.
Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor told a large group of Clermont County (Ohio) Republicans during her interview for their endorsement Jan. 17 that Kasich had endorsed Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and his running mate Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted two Republicans in the room confirmed to The Cincinnati Enquirer.
"She said it’s widely known that Jon Husted and Mike DeWine have been endorsed by Gov. Kasich " said Greg Simpson a township executive for the Clermont County Republican Party. "I about fell off my chair because it’s widely known that John Kasich had endorsed Mary Taylor ."
Taylor was responding to a question about how she separated herself from the governor in a conservative county where that separation could make a difference. Simpson voted to endorse DeWine but the county party ultimately backed Taylor by a two-to-one margin.
"During ( Taylor 's) speech at the endorsement meeting last Wednesday she said that she has not seen the governor for about a year and that Kasich is endorsing DeWine " Dave Uible Clermont County GOP chairman said in a text message.
"Siri who did John Kasich endorse in the governor's race?" Husted asked his iPhone already knowing the answer. An article from The Cincinnati Enquirer popped up titled "John Kasich backs Mary Taylor for Ohio governor. Will it help?"
Husted held the cellphone up for Clermont County Republicans during his interview. See he told them Kasich was backing Taylor .
Kasich's decisions to expand Medicaid to lower-income Ohioans and bash President Trump have upset Republicans there. Distancing herself from Kasich helped Taylor secure the Clermont County endorsement Uible said.
Taylor 's campaign spokesman Michael Duchesne said Taylor didn't lie to the Clermont County Republican Party about Kasich's endorsement.
But Taylor did point out Duchesne said that she had not spoken to Kasich in more than a year Kasich has not been an active participant in the Taylor campaign and DeWine's campaign manager Dave Luketic is a Kasich veteran. (Luketic was the political director of both a Super PAC supporting Kasich's presidential bid and the governor's 2014 re-election bid with Taylor .)
Taylor might be distancing herself from Kasich now that she 's seeking endorsements from Ohio's conservatives for her gubernatorial campaign but that wasn't always the case.
Taylor campaigned for Kasich in his presidential bid against a slew of GOP candidates including Trump in 2015 and 2016. She stumped for Kasich from New Hampshire and Utah to Ohio and she was a delegate for Kasich at the Republican convention.
"We have a chance now in our country to send somebody to Washington who displays the conservative leadership that is going to get our country back on track. He's done it in Ohio " Taylor told a crowd before a presidential debate in Boulder Colo. in 2015. "He is a proven leader. That proves he can win."
And now? "The majority of his team and people close to him are supporting Mike DeWine " Taylor told the Columbus Dispatch during a podcast last week. "I expect that that's the way it's going to continue and we're going to continue to run this race and be the alternative to the establishment."
DeWine hasn't sought Kasich's endorsement because the governor gave it to Taylor DeWine spokesman Ryan Stubenrauch said. | Corrections & Clarifications: A previous version of this story had the incorrect years for when [TGT]ran for office. [TGT] were 2010 and 2014.
Lt. [TGT]told a large group of Clermont County (Ohio) Republicans during [TGT] interview for their endorsement Jan. 17 that Kasich had endorsed Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and his running mate Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted two Republicans in the room confirmed to The Cincinnati Enquirer.
"[TGT] said [TGT] widely known that Jon Husted and Mike DeWine have been endorsed by Gov. Kasich " said Greg Simpson a township executive for the Clermont County Republican Party. "I about fell off my chair because [TGT] widely known that John Kasich had endorsed [TGT] .[TGT]was responding to a question about how [TGT] separated [TGT] from the governor in a conservative county where that separation could make a difference. Simpson voted to endorse DeWine but the county party ultimately backed [TGT]by a two-to-one margin.
"During ( [TGT] 's) speech at the endorsement meeting last Wednesday [TGT] said that [TGT] has not seen the governor for about a year and that Kasich is endorsing DeWine " Dave Uible Clermont County GOP chairman said in a text message.
"Siri who did John Kasich endorse in the governor's race?" Husted asked his iPhone already knowing the answer. An article from The Cincinnati Enquirer popped up titled "John Kasich backs [TGT] for Ohio governor. Will it help?"
Husted held the cellphone up for Clermont County Republicans during his interview. See he told them Kasich was backing [TGT] .
Kasich's decisions to expand Medicaid to lower-income Ohioans and bash President Trump have upset Republicans there. Distancing herself from Kasich helped [TGT]secure the Clermont County endorsement Uible said.
[TGT] 's campaign spokesman Michael Duchesne said [TGT]didn't lie to the Clermont County Republican Party about Kasich's endorsement.
But [TGT]did point out Duchesne said that [TGT] had not spoken to Kasich in more than a year Kasich has not been an active participant in the [TGT]campaign and DeWine's campaign manager Dave Luketic is a Kasich veteran. (Luketic was the political director of both a Super PAC supporting Kasich's presidential bid and the governor's 2014 re-election bid with [TGT] .)
[TGT]might be distancing [TGT] from Kasich now that [TGT] 's seeking endorsements from Ohio's conservatives for [TGT] gubernatorial campaign but that wasn't always the case.
[TGT]campaigned for Kasich in his presidential bid against a slew of GOP candidates including Trump in 2015 and 2016. [TGT] stumped for Kasich from New Hampshire and Utah to Ohio and [TGT] was a delegate for Kasich at the Republican convention.
"We have a chance now in our country to send somebody to Washington who displays the conservative leadership that is going to get our country back on track. He's done it in Ohio " [TGT]told a crowd before a presidential debate in Boulder Colo. in 2015. "He is a proven leader. That proves he can win."
And now? "The majority of his team and people close to him are supporting Mike DeWine " Taylor told the Columbus Dispatch during a podcast last week. "I expect that that's the way it's going to continue and we're going to continue to run this race and be the alternative to the establishment."
DeWine hasn't sought Kasich's endorsement because the governor gave it to Taylor DeWine spokesman Ryan Stubenrauch said. | 2Positive
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295 | Sridevi: Bollywood superstar dies at 54 of heart attack | Sridevi Kapoor | Bollywood superstar Sridevi Kapoor has died of a heart attack her family says. She was 54.
The actress known simply as Sridevi passed away in Dubai where she was attending a family wedding.
From the age of four she had worked in films in the Tamil Telugu Malaylam Kannada and Hindi languages.
She was considered one of the very few Indian female superstars capable of huge box office success without the support of a male hero.
Sridevi's husband Boney Kapoor and daughter Khushi were with her when she died reports say.
Why was Sridevi such a huge box office draw?
She debuted as a lead actress in a Bollywood film in 1978 soon becoming one of India's biggest film stars.
Over five decades she starred in more than 150 films including such Bollywood classics as Mr India Chandni ChaalBaaz and Sadma. | [TGT]has died of a heart attack [TGT] family says. [TGT] was 54.
The actress known simply as Sridevi passed away in Dubai where [TGT] was attending a family wedding.
From the age of four [TGT] had worked in films in the Tamil Telugu Malaylam Kannada and Hindi languages.
[TGT] was considered one of the very few Indian female superstars capable of huge box office success without the support of a male hero.
Sridevi's husband Boney Kapoor and daughter Khushi were with [TGT] when [TGT] died reports say.
Why was Sridevi such a huge box office draw?
[TGT] debuted as a lead actress in a Bollywood film in 1978 soon becoming one of India's biggest film stars.
Over five decades [TGT] starred in more than 150 films including such Bollywood classics as Mr India Chandni ChaalBaaz and Sadma. | 2Positive
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296 | Brazil's Congress rejects corruption case against President Temer | Michel Temer | BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian lawmakers rejected corruption charges against President Michel Temer on Wednesday evening shelving a case that had threatened to oust a center-right leader who investors hope will bring Brazil’s budget deficit under control.
Brazil's President Michel Temer leaves a hospital in Brasilia Brazil October 25 2017. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino
The corruption case involving the payment of bribes by meatpacker JBS SA (JBSS3.SA) had paralyzed Temer ’s reform agenda for six months and weakened his government.
The vote means that Temer is safe from prosecution while he remains president. But he is still subject to investigation and possible trial by lower courts after his term ends in late 2018.
While Temer ’s opponents were far from the 342 votes - or two-thirds of the seats - needed to put him on trial he got 12 votes less than in August when the lower house voted 263-227 to block an initial corruption charge against him .
The slip in support signals Temer will have trouble passing a pension reform bill that is crucial for plugging Brazil’s budget deficit. Many lawmakers are reluctant to back the reform which would make Brazilians work more years before retirement.
The speaker of the house Rodrigo Maia said the shelving of the charges against Temer cleared the way for the government and Congress to move ahead with the pension reform debate.
Members of Brazil's Homeless Workers' Movement (MTST) shout slogans holding a placard reading "Out Temer" during a vote on whether the Congress allows charges against President Michel Temer to be sent to the Supreme Court for trial in Sao Paulo Brazil October 25 2017. REUTERS/Nacho Doce
Allies said Brazil could not afford the upheaval of removing a second president in little over a year as Latin America’s largest economy struggles to overcome deep recession. Temer succeeded impeached leftist President Dilma Rousseff in 2016.
Opponents criticized Temer for making policy concessions and fast-tracking pork barrel spending to win votes to ensure his survival.
To please the powerful farm lobby that has two-fifths of the votes in the lower house Temer agreed to lower fines for environmental damage. He attempted to relax a definition of slave labor but was forced to backtrack after an outcry.
A few hours before the vote Temer was taken to hospital in pain due to a urinary tract obstruction a health scare that triggered a brief selloff in financial markets.
His office said he underwent a bladder test by catheter and left the hospital later on Wednesday. Temer 77 was recently diagnosed with a partial coronary artery blockage.
Earlier it touched session lows on the news that Temer was in the hospital. Stocks later pared losses and the currency was flat after his office gave details of his condition. | BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian lawmakers rejected corruption charges against [TGT]on Wednesday evening shelving a case that had threatened to oust a center-right leader who investors hope will bring Brazil’s budget deficit under control.
[TGT]leaves a hospital in Brasilia Brazil October 25 2017. REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino
The corruption case involving the payment of bribes by meatpacker JBS SA (JBSS3.SA) had paralyzed [TGT] ’s reform agenda for six months and weakened his government.
The vote means that [TGT]is safe from prosecution while [TGT] remains president. But [TGT] is still subject to investigation and possible trial by lower courts after [TGT] term ends in late 2018.
While [TGT] ’s opponents were far from the 342 votes - or two-thirds of the seats - needed to put him on trial he got 12 votes less than in August when the lower house voted 263-227 to block an initial corruption charge against him .
The slip in support signals [TGT]will have trouble passing a pension reform bill that is crucial for plugging Brazil’s budget deficit. Many lawmakers are reluctant to back the reform which would make Brazilians work more years before retirement.
The speaker of the house Rodrigo Maia said the shelving of the charges against [TGT]cleared the way for the government and Congress to move ahead with the pension reform debate.
Members of Brazil's Homeless Workers' Movement (MTST) shout slogans holding a placard reading "Out Temer" during a vote on whether the Congress allows charges against [TGT] to be sent to the Supreme Court for trial in Sao Paulo Brazil October 25 2017. REUTERS/Nacho Doce
Allies said Brazil could not afford the upheaval of removing a second president in little over a year as Latin America’s largest economy struggles to overcome deep recession. [TGT]succeeded impeached leftist President Dilma Rousseff in 2016.
Opponents criticized Temer for making policy concessions and fast-tracking pork barrel spending to win votes to ensure his survival.
To please the powerful farm lobby that has two-fifths of the votes in the lower house [TGT]agreed to lower fines for environmental damage. [TGT] attempted to relax a definition of slave labor but was forced to backtrack after an outcry.
A few hours before the vote [TGT]was taken to hospital in pain due to a urinary tract obstruction a health scare that triggered a brief selloff in financial markets.
[TGT] office said [TGT] underwent a bladder test by catheter and left the hospital later on Wednesday. [TGT]77 was recently diagnosed with a partial coronary artery blockage.
Earlier it touched session lows on the news that [TGT]was in the hospital. Stocks later pared losses and the currency was flat after his office gave details of his condition. | 1Neutral
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297 | Trump's Iran plans driving EU toward Russia and China: Germany | Sigmar Gabriel | FILE PHOTO - A staff member removes the Iranian flag from the stage after a group picture with foreign ministers and representatives of the U.S. Iran China Russia Britain Germany France and the European Union during the Iran nuclear talks at the Vienna International Center in Vienna Austria July 14 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/ File Photo
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has spoken out repeatedly against Trump’s likely step but his latest comments aimed to spell out the impact it would have in starker terms.
“It’s imperative that Europe sticks together on this issue ” Gabriel a Social Democrat told the RND German newspaper group. “We also have to tell the Americans that their behavior on the Iran issue will drive us Europeans into a common position with Russia and China against the USA.”
Gabriel is expected to leave his post in coming months since his Social Democrats have vowed to go into opposition after slumping badly in the Sept. 24 election opting not to reprise an awkward “grand coalition” with Merkel’s conservatives.
Gabriel on Monday urged the White House not to jeopardize the nuclear agreement saying such a move would worsen instability in the Middle East and could make it more difficult to halt nuclear arms programs in other countries.
In the interview released on Thursday he said the nuclear agreement was being treated “like a football” in U.S. domestic politics but the issue could have serious consequences.
He said Russia was watching developments closely including the divisions between Europe and the United States. “That doesn’t exactly strengthen our position in Europe.”
Ultimately Gabriel told the newspaper group there were only three countries - the United States Russia and China - that could avert a new nuclear arms race. | FILE PHOTO - A staff member removes the Iranian flag from the stage after a group picture with foreign ministers and representatives of the U.S. Iran China Russia Britain Germany France and the European Union during the Iran nuclear talks at the Vienna International Center in Vienna Austria July 14 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria/ File Photo
[TGT]has spoken out repeatedly against [TGT] likely step but [TGT] latest comments aimed to spell out the impact it would have in starker terms.
“It’s imperative that Europe sticks together on this issue ” [TGT]told the RND German newspaper group. “We also have to tell the Americans that their behavior on the Iran issue will drive us Europeans into a common position with Russia and China against the USA.”
[TGT]is expected to leave [TGT] post in coming months since [TGT] Social Democrats have vowed to go into opposition after slumping badly in the Sept. 24 election opting not to reprise an awkward “grand coalition” with Merkel’s conservatives.
[TGT]on Monday urged the White House not to jeopardize the nuclear agreement saying such a move would worsen instability in the Middle East and could make it more difficult to halt nuclear arms programs in other countries.
In the interview released on Thursday [TGT] said the nuclear agreement was being treated “like a football” in U.S. domestic politics but the issue could have serious consequences.
[TGT] said Russia was watching developments closely including the divisions between Europe and the United States. “That doesn’t exactly strengthen our position in Europe.”
Ultimately Gabriel told the newspaper group there were only three countries - the United States Russia and China - that could avert a new nuclear arms race. | 2Positive
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298 | White House Blasts Dems For Possible 'Schumer Shutdown' | Mick Mulvaney | White House Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney opened a White House briefing by focusing blame in the faltering efforts to keep government funded by calling the potential shutdown "the Schumer shutdown" after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer D-N.Y. before charging that the Democratic Obama administration "weaponized the shutdown in 2013."
At issue is what to do with people who have benefitted from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA will expire March 5 and Mulvaney said Democrats are unnecessarily trying to ram a DACA fix into the short-term spending bill that will keep the government funded through Feb. 16.
"No reason you have to deal with DACA this week or before the … middle of February " Mulvaney said. "DACA doesn't expire until March 5. This is purely an attempt by the Senate Democrats led by [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer — that's why we call it the Schumer shutdown — in order to try to get a shutdown that they think this president gets blamed for."
Mulvaney said his office has been working on contingency plans if the government is shut down. He said the military Border Patrol and firefighters dealing with wildfires in California will still work but won't be paid until the government reopens.
"Parks will be open this time and they weren't before " Mulvaney said noting that third-party vendors who pick up trash for example won't be working. | White House Director of the Office of Management and [TGT] opened a White House briefing by focusing blame in the faltering efforts to keep government funded by calling the potential shutdown "the Schumer shutdown" after Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer D-N.Y. before charging that the Democratic Obama administration "weaponized the shutdown in 2013."
At issue is what to do with people who have benefitted from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA will expire March 5 and [TGT]said Democrats are unnecessarily trying to ram a DACA fix into the short-term spending bill that will keep the government funded through Feb. 16.
"No reason you have to deal with DACA this week or before the … middle of February [TGT]said. "DACA doesn't expire until March 5. This is purely an attempt by the Senate Democrats led by [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer — that's why we call it the Schumer shutdown — in order to try to get a shutdown that they think this president gets blamed for."
Mulvaney said his office has been working on contingency plans if the government is shut down. He said the military Border Patrol and firefighters dealing with wildfires in California will still work but won't be paid until the government reopens.
"Parks will be open this time and they weren't before [TGT]said noting that third-party vendors who pick up trash for example won't be working. | 0Negative
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299 | Walmart suddenly closes Sam's Club stores | Sam | Walmart is abruptly closing 63 Sam's Club locations across the US the company told Business Insider on Thursday. Some stores have already closed; others will close within weeks.
Walmart is closing 63 Sam's Club stores across the US the company told Business Insider on Thursday afternoon after reports of abrupt store closings began to emerge.
In some cases employees were not told their store had closed before showing up to work on Thursday. Those employees learned their store would be closing when they found the store's doors locked and a notice announcing the closing Sam's Club workers told Business Insider. At some stores employees were turned away by police officers.
The remaining stores will stay open for several weeks before closing permanently. All of the affected stores were scrubbed from the Sam's Club website on Thursday morning.
Sam's Club CEO John Furner notified employees of the closures in a company-wide email sent Thursday.
"After a thorough review it became clear we had built clubs in some locations that impacted other clubs and where population had not grown as anticipated " Furner said in the email. "We will be closing some clubs and we notified them today. We'll convert some of them into eCommerce fulfillment centers — to better serve the growing number of members shopping with us online and continue scaling the business."
Sam's Club membership fees — which cost $45 annually — will be refunded to customers affected by the closings a Walmart official said.
After a thorough review of our existing portfolio we’ve decided to close a series of clubs and better align our locations with our strategy. Closing clubs is never easy and we’re committed to working with impacted members and associates through this transition. — Sam's Club (@SamsClub) January 11 2018 | Walmart is abruptly closing 63 [TGT] locations across the US the company told Business Insider on Thursday. Some stores have already closed; others will close within weeks.
Walmart is closing 63 [TGT] stores across the US the company told Business Insider on Thursday afternoon after reports of abrupt store closings began to emerge.
In some cases employees were not told their store had closed before showing up to work on Thursday. Those employees learned their store would be closing when they found the store's doors locked and a notice announcing the closing Sam's Club workers told Business Insider. At some stores employees were turned away by police officers.
The remaining stores will stay open for several weeks before closing permanently. All of the affected stores were scrubbed from [TGT]'s Club website on Thursday morning.
[TGT]notified employees of the closures in a company-wide email sent Thursday.
"After a thorough review it became clear we had built clubs in some locations that impacted other clubs and where population had not grown as anticipated [TGT]said in the email. "We will be closing some clubs and we notified them today. We'll convert some of them into eCommerce fulfillment centers — to better serve the growing number of members shopping with us online and continue scaling the business."
[TGT]'s Club membership fees — which cost $45 annually — will be refunded to customers affected by the closings a Walmart official said.
After a thorough review of our existing portfolio we’ve decided to close a series of clubs and better align our locations with our strategy. Closing clubs is never easy and we’re committed to working with impacted members and associates through this transition. — Sam's Club (@SamsClub) January 11 2018 | 2Positive
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300 | Bannon hit with Hill subpoena after declining to answer key questions during House hearing | Steve Bannon | Story highlights The House Intelligence Committee spoke to White House strategist Steve Bannon
The White House said it was not concerned with what Bannon might say to Congress
(CNN) President Donald Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon faced angry lawmakers from both parties during a contentious interview that stretched more than 10 hours on Tuesday as he was hit with subpoenas on multiple fronts and was accused by a top Democrat of agreeing to a White House "gag order."
Bannon confirmed to the House Intelligence Committee that he was issued a subpoena from special counsel Robert Mueller to testify before a grand jury according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. He was also slapped with a new subpoena on Tuesday from the committee itself according to Rep. Mike Conaway the Texas Republican leading the committee's Russia probe and committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes R-California who still signs off on subpoenas.
Rep. Adam Schiff the top Democrat on the committee said after the hearing that Bannon was instructed by the White House in advance of the hearing not to respond to certain topics.
The California Democrat said the attorney for Bannon consulted with the White House after the committee subpoena was served Tuesday and was told his client was still not to answer questions regarding the time during the transition and in the White House. | "Story highlights The House Intelligence Committee spoke to [TGT]
The White House said it was not concerned with what [TGT] might say to Congress
(CNN) [TGT]faced angry lawmakers from both parties during a contentious interview that stretched more than 10 hours on Tuesday as [TGT] was hit with subpoenas on multiple fronts and was accused by a top Democrat of agreeing to a White House "gag order."
Bannon confirmed to the House Intelligence Committee that he was issued a subpoena from special counsel Robert Mueller to testify before a grand jury according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. He was also slapped with a new subpoena on Tuesday from the committee itself according to Rep. Mike Conaway the Texas Republican leading the committee's Russia probe and committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes R-California who still signs off on subpoenas.
Rep. Adam Schiff the top Democrat on the committee said after the hearing that Bannon was instructed by the White House in advance of the hearing not to respond to certain topics.
The California Democrat said the attorney for Bannon consulted with the White House after the committee subpoena was served Tuesday and was told his client was still not to answer questions regarding the time during the transition and in the White House." | 0Negative
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Subsets and Splits