15 values
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
1 class
import scattertext as st convention_df = st.SampleCorpora.ConventionData2012.get_data() moral_foundations_feats = st.FeatsFromMoralFoundationsDictionary() corpus = st.CorpusFromPandas(convention_df, category_col='party', text_col='text', nlp=st.whitespace_nlp_with_sentences, feats_from_spacy_doc=moral_foundations_feats).build() cohens_d_scorer = st.CohensD(corpus).use_metadata() term_scorer = cohens_d_scorer.set_categories('democrat', ['republican']) mfd_df = term_scorer.get_score_df() print(mfd_df.head()) mfd_df.to_csv('demo_moral_foundations.csv') print('See demo_moral_foundations.csv for the output.') html = st.produce_frequency_explorer(corpus, category='democrat', category_name='Democratic', not_category_name='Republican', metadata=convention_df['speaker'], use_non_text_features=True, use_full_doc=True, term_scorer=st.CohensD(corpus).use_metadata(), grey_threshold=0, width_in_pixels=1000, topic_model_term_lists=moral_foundations_feats.get_top_model_term_lists(), metadata_descriptions=moral_foundations_feats.get_definitions()) fn = 'demo_moral_foundations.html' with open(fn, 'wb') as out: out.write(html.encode('utf-8')) print('Open ./%s in Chrome.' % (fn))
import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os import math path = "C:/Users/hp/Desktop/FINAL YEAR PROJECT/S8/" D = set() A = [] words = set() dataFrame2 = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(path, 'Feature Set','dataFrame2.p'), "rb" )) dataFrame3 = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(path, 'Feature Set','dataFrame3.p'), "rb" )) cosineSimilarityMatrix = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(path, 'KMeansClustering','dataFrame4.p'), "rb" )) wordSetSize = len(dataFrame3.columns) numberOfDocuments = len(dataFrame3.index) m = 1 centroids = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(path, 'KMeansClustering','initialCentroids.p'), "rb" )) dataFrame5 = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(numberOfDocuments).reshape(numberOfDocuments,1)) clusters = [] previousClusters = [] k = len(centroids.index) centroidCosineSimilarity = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(shape = (numberOfDocuments , k)).reshape(numberOfDocuments , k)) # Check if the newly found clusters are the same as the previously found clusters def convergenceCase(): i =0 if previousClusters == []: return False for cluster in clusters: if cluster != previousClusters[i]: return False else: i = i + 1 return True # Given two documents, calculate their cosine similarity def cosineSimilarity(value1 , value2): d1 = 0 d2 = 0 dotProduct = 0 v1 = value1.as_matrix() v2 = value2.as_matrix() document1 = np.square(v1) document2 = np.square(v2) dotProduct = , v2) d1 = math.sqrt( document1.sum() ) d2 = math.sqrt( document2.sum() ) if d1 * d2 == 0: return 0 cosineSimilarityValue = dotProduct/(d1*d2) return cosineSimilarityValue # Find the most similar centroid for each document in the dataset def findMostSimilarCentroids(): mostSimilarValue = 0 mostSimilarCentroid = 0 for row in dataFrame5.index: mostSimilarValue = 0 mostSimilarCentroid = 0 for column in centroidCosineSimilarity.columns: if centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , column] > mostSimilarValue: mostSimilarValue = centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , column] mostSimilarCentroid = column dataFrame5.ix[row , "ClusterID"] = mostSimilarCentroid dataFrame5.ix[row , "maxSimilarityValue"] = mostSimilarValue # Initialize the set D with all the documents from the dataset def initializeSetD(): for column in cosineSimilarityMatrix.columns: D.add(column) # Create the initial set of clusters with k empty lists, each empty list being a cluster def initializeClusters(): global clusters clusters = [] for i in range(k): clusters.append([]) # Initalize a dataframe for the centroid vectors with zero values def initializeCentroids(): for row in centroids.index: for word in dataFrame3.columns: centroids.ix[row , word] = 0 # Find the new centroids for each cluster once the data has been updated def calculateNewCentroids(): global centroids initializeCentroids() clusterID = 0 clusterSizes = [0 , 0 , 0, 0, 0] dataFrame3Matrix = dataFrame3.as_matrix() centroidsMatrix = centroids.as_matrix() centroidColumns = centroids.columns for row in dataFrame5.index: clusterID = dataFrame5.ix[row , "ClusterID"] clusterSizes[int(clusterID)] = clusterSizes[int(clusterID)] + 1 centroidsMatrix[int(clusterID)] = np.add(centroidsMatrix[int(clusterID)] , dataFrame3Matrix[row]) for row in centroids.index: centroidsMatrix[row] = np.divide(centroidsMatrix[row] , float(clusterSizes[row])) centroids = pd.DataFrame(centroidsMatrix) centroids.columns = centroidColumns # Create a dataframe with cosine similarity values for all documents with each of the centroids def calculateCosineSimilarity(): for row in range(numberOfDocuments): document1 = dataFrame3.loc[row , :] for column in range(k): document2 = centroids.loc[column , :] centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , column] = cosineSimilarity(document1 , document2) # Based on the data in df5, place each dcoument in its respective cluster def generateClusters(): clusterID = 0 initializeClusters() for row in dataFrame5.index: clusterID = int(dataFrame5.ix[row , "ClusterID"]) clusters[clusterID].append(row) # Find the centroid with maximum similarity for a given document and return the clusterID along with the similarity value def findClosestCluster(row): maxSimilarityValue = 0 clusterID = 0 for centroid in centroidCosineSimilarity.columns: if centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , centroid] > maxSimilarityValue: maxSimilarityValue = centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , centroid] clusterID = centroid return clusterID , maxSimilarityValue # Create a dataframe with the cluster ID and similarity value for each document def updateCentroidData(): clusterID = 0 newSimilarityValue = 0 for row in dataFrame5.index: clusterID = int(dataFrame5.ix[row , "ClusterID"]) if centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , clusterID] < dataFrame5.ix[row , "maxSimilarityValue"]: clusterID , newSimilarityValue = findClosestCluster(row) dataFrame5.ix[row , "maxSimilarityValue"] = newSimilarityValue dataFrame5.ix[row , "ClusterID"] = clusterID else: dataFrame5.ix[row , "maxSimilarityValue"] = centroidCosineSimilarity.ix[row , clusterID] # Main function to perform clustering on the dataset def skMeansClustering(): global previousClusters print "Performing Spherical K-Means Clustering" calculateCosineSimilarity() findMostSimilarCentroids() generateClusters() for i in range(50): calculateNewCentroids() calculateCosineSimilarity() updateCentroidData() generateClusters() #print dataFrame5 if convergenceCase(): break else: print "Clustering iteration " , i + 1 #print centroidCosineSimilarity previousClusters = list(clusters) print "Converged in ", i , " iteration(s)" print "Clusters have been generated" print "Saving data in DataFrame5 as a pickle package and as a CSV" dataFrame5.to_pickle(os.path.join(path, 'KMeansClustering','dataFrame5.p')) dataFrame5.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'KMeansClustering','dataFrame5.csv')) print "DataFrame5 has been saved" skMeansClustering()
# Garrulous API # Authors: Michael Pierre and Richard Meyers """ Copyright (C) 2015 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import sqlite3 import os import logging import pprint class Database(object): def __init__(self): super(Database, self).__init__() base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) db_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base_dir), "database") db_path = os.path.join(db_path, "garrulous.db") self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) self.db_cursor = self.conn.cursor() def write(self, sql, params=()): """ Use this method for queries that do not return rows. :param sql: :return: """ try: with self.conn: self.conn.execute(sql, params) return True except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print "Could not run sql: " + sql return False def query(self, sql, params=()): """ Only use this when a query returns rows. :param sql: :return: """ try: self.db_cursor.execute(sql, params) return self.db_cursor.fetchall() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print "Could not run sql: " + sql return False def queryOne(self, sql, params=()): """ Only use this when a query returns rows. :param sql: :return: """ try: self.db_cursor.execute(sql, params) return self.db_cursor.fetchone() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: print "Could not run sql: " + sql return False
import bigfloat from multiprocessing import Pool import sys dmin = 1 dmax = 1000 precision = 8192 fuzz = 5 min_repeats = 3 workers = 1 def is_repeating(substr, whole_string): p = 0 repeats = 0 remaining = whole_string while remaining: if len(remaining) >= len(substr): if remaining.startswith(substr): repeats += 1 else: return 0 else: if substr[:len(remaining)] == remaining: repeats += 1 else: return 0 remaining = remaining[len(substr):] return repeats def longest_repeat(d): context = bigfloat.precision(precision) result_float = bigfloat.div(1, d, context=context) result = str(result_float)[2:].strip('0')[:-fuzz] result_len = len(result) #print "d = {0}, result = {1}".format(d, result) longest = '' longest_len = 0 found = set() for i in range(result_len): remaining = result[i:] for k in range(i+1, result_len): substr = result[i:k] substr_len = len(substr) if substr == '0' * substr_len: continue new_substr = True for f in found: if substr == f: new_substr = False elif is_repeating(f, substr): new_substr = False if not new_substr: continue #print "new substring {0}".format(substr) repeats = is_repeating(substr, remaining) #print "substring {0} repeats {1} times".format(substr, repeats) if repeats >= min_repeats: #print "found repeating substring {0} (occurred {1} times)".format(substr, repeats, i=i, k=k) found.add(substr) if longest_len < substr_len: #print "new longest substr!" longest = substr longest_len = substr_len if remaining[1:] == remaining[1] * len(remaining[1:]): #print "remaining string is all the same" break if found: #print "Already found repeating substrings, short-circuiting" break if remaining == remaining[0] * len(remaining): #print "remaining string is all the same" break if longest: #print "longest substring for d = {0} is {1}".format(d, longest) pass return longest longest_len = 0 longest_substr = '' longest_d = 0 for d in range(dmin, dmax): sys.stdout.write('.') if d % 50 == 0: sys.stdout.write("%d\n" % d) sys.stdout.flush() substr = longest_repeat(d) substr_len = len(substr) if substr_len > longest_len: longest_len = substr_len longest_d = d longest_substr = substr print "" print ("longest substr: d = {0}, len = {1}, substr = {2}" "".format(longest_d, longest_len, longest_substr))
""" The Tornado Framework By Ali Pesaranghader University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada E-mail: apesaran -at- uottawa -dot- ca / alipsgh -at- gmail -dot- com """ import re from data_structures.attribute import Attribute from dictionary.tornado_dictionary import TornadoDic class ARFFReader: """This class is used to read a .arff file.""" @staticmethod def read(file_path): labels = [] attributes = [] attributes_min_max = [] records = [] data_flag = False reader = open(file_path, "r") for line in reader: if line.strip() == '': continue if line.startswith("@attribute") or line.startswith("@ATTRIBUTE"): line = line.strip('\n\r\t') line = line.split(' ') attribute_name = line[1] attribute_value_range = line[2] attribute = Attribute() attribute.set_name(attribute_name) if attribute_value_range.lower() in ['numeric', 'real', 'integer']: attribute_type = TornadoDic.NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE attribute_value_range = [] attributes_min_max.append([0, 0]) else: attribute_type = TornadoDic.NOMINAL_ATTRIBUTE attribute_value_range = attribute_value_range.strip('{}').replace("'", "") attribute_value_range = attribute_value_range.split(',') attributes_min_max.append([None, None]) attribute.set_type(attribute_type) attribute.set_possible_values(attribute_value_range) attributes.append(attribute) elif line.startswith("@data") or line.startswith("@DATA"): data_flag = True labels = attributes[len(attributes) - 1].POSSIBLE_VALUES attributes.pop(len(attributes) - 1) continue elif data_flag is True: line = re.sub('\s+', '', line) elements = line.split(',') for i in range(0, len(elements) - 1): if attributes[i].TYPE == TornadoDic.NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE: elements[i] = float(elements[i]) min_value = attributes_min_max[i][0] max_value = attributes_min_max[i][1] if elements[i] < min_value: min_value = elements[i] elif elements[i] > max_value: max_value = elements[i] attributes_min_max[i] = [min_value, max_value] records.append(elements) for i in range(0, len(attributes)): if attributes[i].TYPE == TornadoDic.NUMERIC_ATTRIBUTE: attributes[i].set_bounds_values(attributes_min_max[i][0], attributes_min_max[i][1]) return labels, attributes, records
from typing import Dict, Optional import numpy from overrides import overrides import torch from torch.nn.modules.linear import Linear import torch.nn.functional as F from allennlp.common import Params from allennlp.common.checks import ConfigurationError from import Vocabulary from allennlp.modules import Seq2SeqEncoder, TimeDistributed, TextFieldEmbedder from allennlp.models.model import Model from allennlp.nn import InitializerApplicator, RegularizerApplicator from allennlp.nn.util import get_text_field_mask, sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits from import CategoricalAccuracy @Model.register("simple_tagger") class SimpleTagger(Model): """ This ``SimpleTagger`` simply encodes a sequence of text with a stacked ``Seq2SeqEncoder``, then predicts a tag for each token in the sequence. Parameters ---------- vocab : ``Vocabulary``, required A Vocabulary, required in order to compute sizes for input/output projections. text_field_embedder : ``TextFieldEmbedder``, required Used to embed the ``tokens`` ``TextField`` we get as input to the model. stacked_encoder : ``Seq2SeqEncoder`` The encoder (with its own internal stacking) that we will use in between embedding tokens and predicting output tags. initializer : ``InitializerApplicator``, optional (default=``InitializerApplicator()``) Used to initialize the model parameters. regularizer : ``RegularizerApplicator``, optional (default=``None``) If provided, will be used to calculate the regularization penalty during training. """ def __init__(self, vocab: Vocabulary, text_field_embedder: TextFieldEmbedder, stacked_encoder: Seq2SeqEncoder, initializer: InitializerApplicator = InitializerApplicator(), regularizer: Optional[RegularizerApplicator] = None) -> None: super(SimpleTagger, self).__init__(vocab, regularizer) self.text_field_embedder = text_field_embedder self.num_classes = self.vocab.get_vocab_size("labels") self.stacked_encoder = stacked_encoder self.tag_projection_layer = TimeDistributed(Linear(self.stacked_encoder.get_output_dim(), self.num_classes)) if text_field_embedder.get_output_dim() != stacked_encoder.get_input_dim(): raise ConfigurationError("The output dimension of the text_field_embedder must match the " "input dimension of the phrase_encoder. Found {} and {}, " "respectively.".format(text_field_embedder.get_output_dim(), stacked_encoder.get_input_dim())) self.metrics = { "accuracy": CategoricalAccuracy(), "accuracy3": CategoricalAccuracy(top_k=3) } initializer(self) @overrides def forward(self, # type: ignore tokens: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor], tags: torch.LongTensor = None) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Parameters ---------- tokens : Dict[str, torch.LongTensor], required The output of ``TextField.as_array()``, which should typically be passed directly to a ``TextFieldEmbedder``. This output is a dictionary mapping keys to ``TokenIndexer`` tensors. At its most basic, using a ``SingleIdTokenIndexer`` this is: ``{"tokens": Tensor(batch_size, num_tokens)}``. This dictionary will have the same keys as were used for the ``TokenIndexers`` when you created the ``TextField`` representing your sequence. The dictionary is designed to be passed directly to a ``TextFieldEmbedder``, which knows how to combine different word representations into a single vector per token in your input. tags : torch.LongTensor, optional (default = None) A torch tensor representing the sequence of integer gold class labels of shape ``(batch_size, num_tokens)``. Returns ------- An output dictionary consisting of: logits : torch.FloatTensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_tokens, tag_vocab_size)`` representing unnormalised log probabilities of the tag classes. class_probabilities : torch.FloatTensor A tensor of shape ``(batch_size, num_tokens, tag_vocab_size)`` representing a distribution of the tag classes per word. loss : torch.FloatTensor, optional A scalar loss to be optimised. """ embedded_text_input = self.text_field_embedder(tokens) batch_size, sequence_length, _ = embedded_text_input.size() mask = get_text_field_mask(tokens) encoded_text = self.stacked_encoder(embedded_text_input, mask) logits = self.tag_projection_layer(encoded_text) reshaped_log_probs = logits.view(-1, self.num_classes) class_probabilities = F.softmax(reshaped_log_probs, dim=-1).view([batch_size, sequence_length, self.num_classes]) output_dict = {"logits": logits, "class_probabilities": class_probabilities} if tags is not None: loss = sequence_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, tags, mask) for metric in self.metrics.values(): metric(logits, tags, mask.float()) output_dict["loss"] = loss return output_dict @overrides def decode(self, output_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Does a simple position-wise argmax over each token, converts indices to string labels, and adds a ``"tags"`` key to the dictionary with the result. """ all_predictions = output_dict['class_probabilities'] all_predictions = all_predictions.cpu().data.numpy() if all_predictions.ndim == 3: predictions_list = [all_predictions[i] for i in range(all_predictions.shape[0])] else: predictions_list = [all_predictions] all_tags = [] for predictions in predictions_list: argmax_indices = numpy.argmax(predictions, axis=-1) tags = [self.vocab.get_token_from_index(x, namespace="labels") for x in argmax_indices] all_tags.append(tags) output_dict['tags'] = all_tags return output_dict @overrides def get_metrics(self, reset: bool = False) -> Dict[str, float]: return {metric_name: metric.get_metric(reset) for metric_name, metric in self.metrics.items()} @classmethod def from_params(cls, vocab: Vocabulary, params: Params) -> 'SimpleTagger': embedder_params = params.pop("text_field_embedder") text_field_embedder = TextFieldEmbedder.from_params(vocab, embedder_params) stacked_encoder = Seq2SeqEncoder.from_params(params.pop("stacked_encoder")) initializer = InitializerApplicator.from_params(params.pop('initializer', [])) regularizer = RegularizerApplicator.from_params(params.pop('regularizer', [])) return cls(vocab=vocab, text_field_embedder=text_field_embedder, stacked_encoder=stacked_encoder, initializer=initializer, regularizer=regularizer)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Ground truth for evaluating Activity-Entity model # # By chenxm # import os import sys import numpy from PyOmniMisc.traffic.http import HTTPLogReader from PyOmniMisc.utils import stat from PyOmniMisc.model.webtree import WebTree def readUserClickTS(fn): # read user click time series ucts = [] i = 0 for line in open(fn, 'rb'): if i != 0: line = line.strip('\r\n ') if len(line) == 0: continue ucts.append(float(line.split('\t')[0])) i+=1 return ucts def readHttpEntries(fn): # read http logs etrs = [] for entry in HTTPLogReader(fn): if entry is not None: etrs.append(entry) etrs = [e for e in etrs if e.rqtstart() != None] # remove entity without request times etrs.sort(key=lambda x: x.rqtstart()) # sort entities by request times return etrs def modelGT(trace_folder): print("Modeling groudtruth..") # User click files uc = os.path.join(trace_folder, 'userclicks2.out') if not os.path.exists(uc): uc = os.path.join(trace_folder, 'userclicks.out') if not os.path.exists(uc): raise Exception("Sry, I do not find userclicks*.out in given folder.") # Read user clicks ucts = readUserClickTS(uc) if len(ucts) == 0: print("No click times") sys.exit(-1) print len(ucts) # Http log file hl = os.path.join(trace_folder, 'http_logs') if not os.path.exists(hl): raise Exception("Sry, I do not find *http_logs*.out in given folder.") # Read http logs etrs = readHttpEntries(hl) if len(etrs) == 0: print("No entries") sys.exit(-1) # prepare data... ua_ets = {} for e in etrs: ua = if ua not in ua_ets: ua_ets[ua] = [] ua_ets[ua].append(e) # time model forest = {} for ua in ua_ets: if ua not in forest: forest[ua] = [] last = None tree = [] for e in ua_ets[ua]: if last is None: tree.append(e) else: if e.rqtstart() - last.rqtstart() <= 3: # sec, request gap tree.append(e) elif len(tree) != 0: forest[ua].append(tree) tree = [] last = e # click times for ua in forest: removed = [] for tree in forest[ua]: found = False for node in tree: for ts in ucts: if node.rqtstart() - ts < 2: found = True break if found: break if not found: removed.append(tree) for r in removed: forest[ua].remove(r) return forest def overlap_portion(t1, t2): # t1 covers t2 """ We user FMeasure to measure the distance between two tree As for t1 covering t2, t2 is treated as the true value, and t1 is the predicted value. """ dup = overlap_cnt(t1, t2) recall = dup/len(t2) precision = dup/len(t1) if recall == 0 and precision == 0: return None return stat.FMeasure(precision, recall) def overlap_cnt(t1, t2):# t1 covers t2 if not isinstance(t1, list) or not isinstance(t2, list) or \ len(t1) == 0 or len(t2) == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid parameters: list required") dup = 0.0 for e1 in t1: for e2 in t2: if e1 == e2: dup +=1 break return dup def evaluate(forest, forest_gt): print "Evaluation result:" uas_target = set(forest.keys()) uas_gt = set(forest_gt.keys()) uas = uas_target & uas_gt res = [] for ua in uas: print ua trees_gt = forest_gt[ua] trees_target = [] for o in forest[ua]: # convert format if isinstance(o, WebTree): tree = o.fruits() trees_target.append(tree) elif isinstance(o, list): trees_target.append(o) # evaluate print "Target: %d, GT: %d" % (len(trees_target),len(trees_gt)) # Entity classified accuracies (in two modes): # Trace level accuracy-------------------------- fms = [] for t1 in trees_gt: mx = 0 # match percentage for t2 in trees_target: p = overlap_portion(t2, t1) if p is not None and p > mx: mx = p fms.append(mx) if len(fms) > 0: m = numpy.mean(fms) print m res.append(m) #----------------------------------------------- # Activity level accuracy----------------------- # fms = [] # for t1 in trees_gt: # mx = 0 # for t2 in trees_target: # p = overlap_portion(t2, t1) # if p is not None and p > mx: # mx = p # fms.append(mx) # print fms # res.extend(fms) #----------------------------------------------- return res
"""Convert a csv file to an sqlite table.""" import sys import csv import sqlite3 import os import re # pointer to our csv file descriptor csvFile = None columnNames = None columnTypes = None columnComments = None validDataTypes = ["string", "number", "date"] idColumnName = "_id" outfileName = None outfileExtension = ".sqlite3" tableName = None def confirm(default=True): """Waits for user input, and exits on anything other than a string that begins with "Y" or "y". @param [default=True] {Boolean} Default response displayed to the user. Either "[Y/n]:" (if True) for a default affirmative or "[y/N]:" (if False) for a default negative. @return {Boolean} True if the user typed in an affirmative response, False if not. """ if default == True: print "[Y/n]: ", else: print "[n/Y]: ", response = raw_input() if len(response) == 0: return default elif len(response) and (response.lower()[0] == "y"): return True else: return False def createTable(): """Create the sqllite3 table and insert data.""" global idColumnName, columnNames, columnTypes, outfileName print "\033[1;43m--Building data table--\033[1;m" print "SQL statements used will be output to the screen for inspection." print "" conn = sqlite3.connect(outfileName) cursor = conn.cursor() # TODO: confirm with user (default no) before dropping the table cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+tableName) statement = "CREATE TABLE "+tableName+" ("+idColumnName+" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC\n" for i in range(len(columnNames)): statement += ", "+columnNames[i] if columnTypes[i] == "String": statement += " TEXT\n" elif columnTypes[i] == "Number": statement += " NUMERIC\n" statement += ")" print statement print "" cursor.execute(statement) conn.commit() # Insert Data dataReader = csv.reader(csvFile) # skip the header rows counter = 0 for row in dataReader: if counter < 3: counter += 1 continue else: statement = "INSERT INTO "+tableName+" (" # skip the id column, let it auto-increment firstColumn = True for column in columnNames: if firstColumn == True: statement += column firstColumn = False else: statement += ", "+column statement += ") VALUES (" firstValue = True for columnNum in range(len(row)): # Need to get access to the column types to determine if we # should quote or not if firstValue: firstValue = False if columnTypes[columnNum] == "String": statement += "'"+row[columnNum]+"'" elif columnTypes[columnNum] == "Number": statement += row[columnNum] else: if columnTypes[columnNum] == "String": statement += ", '"+row[columnNum]+"'" elif columnTypes[columnNum] == "Number": statement += ", "+row[columnNum] statement += ")" print statement cursor.execute(statement) conn.commit() # clean up cursor.close() conn.close() def computeSchema(): """Determines the table schema for our csv file.""" global csvFile, columnNames, columnTypes, columnComments print "\033[1;43m--Computing schema--\033[1;m" schema = csv.reader(csvFile) counter = 0 for row in schema: if counter == 0: columnNames = row elif counter == 1: columnTypes = row elif counter == 2: columnComments = row break counter += 1 print "We assume the first three rows in your csv file contain header info." print "If the information looks incorrect, you will have an opportunity" print "to exit and fix the csv file before creating the output table." print "--------------------------------------------------------------------" print "Your columns will be named (from the first row of data):" for column in range(len(columnNames)): print "{0:>5}: {1}".format(column, columnNames[column]) print "The data types for the columns (from the second row of data):" for column in range(len(columnTypes)): print "{0:>5}: {1}".format(column, columnTypes[column]) print "The descriptions of each column (from the third row of data):" print "NOTE: Comments are ignored for sql table creation." for column in range(len(columnComments)): print "{0:>5}: {1}".format(column, columnComments[column]) print "" def reportFileStats(): """Report any stats about the csv file.""" # I think we need a new csv reader every time we want to view # the file. global csvFile, validDataTypes print "\033[1;43m--Computing file stats, checking integrity--\033[1;m" print "Number of columns in your table (determined from the first row):" columncount = 0 counter = csv.reader(csvFile) for row in counter: columncount = len(row) break print " {0}".format(columncount) print "Number of rows in the csv file:" counter = csv.reader(csvFile) rowcount = 0 for row in counter: rowcount += 1 print " {0}".format(rowcount) print "Check table integrity: expected number of columns per row?" counter = csv.reader(csvFile) rowcount = 0 isBadTable = False for row in counter: if len(row) != columncount: print "Error: row {0} has {1} columns, expected {2}".format(rowcount, len(row), columncount) isBadTable = True rowcount += 1 if isBadTable == False: print "\033[1;32mTable integrity check PASS: expected dimensions.\033[1;m" print "" else: print "\033[1;31mTable integrity check FAIL: unexpected dimensions.\033[1;m" print "" sys.exit(1) print "Check table integrity: expected data types for each column?" print "Valid datatypes are:" for validType in validDataTypes: print " {0}".format(validType) counter = csv.reader(csvFile) rowcount = 0 isBadTable = False for row in counter: # data types are in the second row if rowcount == 1: columncount = 0 for column in row: if column not in validDataTypes: print "Error: column {0} has unexpected type {1}".format(columncount, column) isBadTable = True columncount += 1 # Only process the data type row break else: rowcount += 1 if isBadTable == False: print "\033[1;32mTable integrity check PASS: expected datatypes.\033[1;m" print "" else: print "\033[1;31mTable integrity check FAIL: unexpected datatypes.\033[1;m" print "" sys.exit(1) def init(filepath): """Kicks off the program by attempting to open the csv file.""" global csvFile, outfileName, tableName # read stocks data, print status messages try: print "\033[1;43m--Opening csv file--\033[1;m" csvFile = open(filepath, "rb") print "\033[1;32mOpened csv file:", filepath,"\033[1;m" # Figure out database name first outfileMatches = re.match(r"([\w\S]*)(\.[^.]+$)", os.path.basename(filepath)) if outfileMatches == None: # Handle the case where we don't have something that qualifies # as an extension to the file outfileName = filepath+outfileExtension else: outfileName = # Figure out table name from the file name tableName = re.match(r"([\w\S]*)(\.[^.]+$)", outfileName).group(1) # Confirm the table and file names with the user print "The sqlite3 table will be named:", tableName print "NOTE: If this table already exists in the db file, the pre-existing" print "data will be deleted (dropped) and lost." print "Is", tableName, "the correct table name?" if not confirm(): print "Please input a new table: " tableName = raw_input() print "Is", tableName, "the correct able name?" if not confirm(): print "We must have a table name." print "" sys.exit() print "The sqlite3 file will be named:", outfileName print "Is this correct?" if not confirm(): print "Please input the complete file and path to your sqlite3 db: " outfileName = raw_input() print "We will attempt to use the file at:", outfileName print "Is this okay?" if not confirm(): print "We need an output file." print "" sys.exit() # TODO: choose a base table name, and inform the user that we will # attempt to use this name as the table name in the database. # # TODO: prompt for okayness from the user, default yes print "" except IOError: print "\033[1;31mFailed to open csv file:", sys.exc_info()[1],"\033[1;m" print "" sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": try: if len(sys.argv) < 2: print "Usage:" print "python", sys.argv[0], "file2convert.csv" sys.exit(1) else: # process the file init(sys.argv[1]) reportFileStats() computeSchema() createTable() # natural exit sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: if csvFile: # Make sure to close the file csvFile.close() print "Exiting program."
import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_array_almost_equal from scipy.sparse import csgraph def test_weak_connections(): Xde = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) Xsp = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(Xde, null_value=0) for X in Xsp, Xde: n_components, labels =\ csgraph.connected_components(X, directed=True, connection='weak') assert_(n_components == 2) assert_array_almost_equal(labels, [0, 0, 1]) def test_strong_connections(): X1de = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) X2de = X1de + X1de.T X1sp = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(X1de, null_value=0) X2sp = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(X2de, null_value=0) for X in X1sp, X1de: n_components, labels =\ csgraph.connected_components(X, directed=True, connection='strong') assert_(n_components == 3) labels.sort() assert_array_almost_equal(labels, [0, 1, 2]) for X in X2sp, X2de: n_components, labels =\ csgraph.connected_components(X, directed=True, connection='strong') assert_(n_components == 2) labels.sort() assert_array_almost_equal(labels, [0, 0, 1])
# Based on scripts at '''Dataset utilities''' import pickle import collections from os import path from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes import numpy as np Datasets = collections.namedtuple('Datasets', ['train', 'validation', 'test']) def load_cifar10(data_path): """Load the CIFAR10 dataset. Args: data_path: string, path to the folder containing the cifar10 dataset Returns: Datasets tuple containing the train, validation, and test datasets """ train1 = unpickle(path.join(data_path, 'data_batch_1')) train_data = train1[b'data'] train_target = dense_to_one_hot(train1[b'labels'], 10) train2 = unpickle(path.join(data_path, 'data_batch_2')) train_data = np.concatenate((train_data, train2[b'data']), axis=0) train_target = np.concatenate((train_target, dense_to_one_hot(train2[b'labels'], 10)), axis=0) train3 = unpickle(path.join(data_path, 'data_batch_3')) train_data = np.concatenate((train_data, train3[b'data']), axis=0) train_target = np.concatenate((train_target, dense_to_one_hot(train3[b'labels'], 10)), axis=0) train_data = train_data.reshape(-1, 32*32*3) train = DataSet(train_data, train_target) validate1 = unpickle(path.join(data_path, 'data_batch_4')) valid_data = validate1[b'data'] valid_target = dense_to_one_hot(validate1[b'labels'], 10) valid_data = valid_data.reshape(-1, 32*32*3) validation = DataSet(valid_data, valid_target) test1 = unpickle(path.join(data_path, 'test_batch')) test_data = test1[b'data'] test_target = dense_to_one_hot(test1[b'labels'], 10) test_data = test_data.reshape(-1, 32*32*3) test = DataSet(test_data, test_target) return Datasets(train=train, validation=validation, test=test) def dense_to_one_hot(labels_dense, num_classes): """Convert class labels from scalars to one-hot vectors.""" if type(labels_dense) != np.ndarray: labels_dense = np.asarray(labels_dense) num_labels = labels_dense.shape[0] index_offset = np.arange(num_labels) * num_classes labels_one_hot = np.zeros((num_labels, num_classes)) labels_one_hot.flat[index_offset + labels_dense.ravel()] = 1 return labels_one_hot def unpickle(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes') #Dataset class taken shamelessly from tensorflow's MNIST tutorial files class DataSet(object): def __init__(self, images, labels, dtype=dtypes.float32, normalize=True, reshape=True): """Construct a DataSet. 'dtype' can either be 'uint8' to leave the input as '[0, 255]', or 'float32' to rescale into '[0, 1]'. """ dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype if dtype not in (dtypes.uint8, dtypes.float32): raise TypeError('Invalid image dtype %r, expected uint8 or float32' % dtype) assert images.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], ( 'images.shape: %s labels.shape: %s' % (images.shape, labels.shape)) self._num_examples = images.shape[0] if dtype == dtypes.float32: # Convert from [0, 255] -> [0.0, 1.0] images = images.astype(np.float32) images = np.multiply(images, 1.0 / 255.0) if normalize: images = self.preprocess(images) # Convert shape from [num_examples, rows*columns*channels] to # [num_examples, rows, columns, channels] if reshape: images = images.reshape(-1, 3, 32, 32).transpose(0,2,3,1) self._images = images self._labels = labels self._epochs_completed = 0 self._index_in_epoch = 0 @property def images(self): return self._images @property def labels(self): return self._labels @property def num_examples(self): return self._num_examples @property def epochs_completed(self): return self._epochs_completed def preprocess(self,images): '''Normalize the data.''' sub_mean = np.subtract(images, np.mean(images, axis=0)) div_std = np.divide(sub_mean, np.std(sub_mean, axis=0)) return div_std def next_batch(self, batch_size, shuffle=True): '''Return the next 'batch_size' examples from this data set.''' start = self._index_in_epoch #Shuffle for the first epoch if self._epochs_completed == 0 and start == 0 and shuffle: perm0 = np.arange(self._num_examples) np.random.shuffle(perm0) self._images = self.images[perm0] self._labels = self.labels[perm0] #Go to the next epoch if start + batch_size > self._num_examples: #Finished Epoch self._epochs_completed += 1 #Get ther est of examples in this epoch rest_num_examples = self._num_examples - start images_rest_part = self._images[start:self._num_examples] labels_rest_part = self._labels[start:self._num_examples] #Shuffle the data if shuffle: perm = np.arange(self._num_examples) np.random.shuffle(perm) self._images = self.images[perm] self._labels = self.labels[perm] #Start next epoch start = 0 self._index_in_epoch = batch_size - rest_num_examples end = self._index_in_epoch images_new_part = self._images[start:end] labels_new_part = self._labels[start:end] return np.concatenate((images_rest_part, images_new_part), axis=0), \ np.concatenate((labels_rest_part, labels_new_part), axis=0) else: self._index_in_epoch += batch_size end = self._index_in_epoch return self._images[start:end], self._labels[start:end]
import inspect import itertools from wtforms import RadioField, SubmitField, SelectFieldBase from app.forms.fields import CustomFormSelectField, \ OrderedSelectMultipleField, OrderedQuerySelectMultipleField class FieldTabGroup: """Represents a group of fields divided into tabs.""" def __init__(self, tabs): """Tabs should be a list of FieldTabs.""" self.type = self.__class__.__name__ self.tabs = tabs # Don't allow empty tabs if len(tabs) == 0: raise ValueError('Tabs are empty') # Check if all tabs are FieldTab if not all(isinstance(t, FieldTab) for t in tabs): raise ValueError('Tabs should all be instances of FieldTab') # First field is used to determine the place of the tab group self._firstfield = tabs[0].field_names[0] # Make a list of all fieldnames self._fieldnames = [] for tab in self.tabs: self._fieldnames.extend(tab.field_names) def _set_form(self, form): """ Pass the form to the FieldTabGroup. Internal method used by FormWrapper. """ self.form = form # Build a list of (tabname, fieldlist) tuples, # where fieldlist contains the field objects itself, # which is why the form object is required self._tab_fields = [] for tab in self.tabs: fields = [] for field_name in tab.field_names: fields.append(getattr(form, field_name)) self._tab_fields.append((, fields)) def __iter__(self): if not hasattr(self, 'form'): raise ValueError('_set_form should be called before iterating') return iter(self._tab_fields) @property def hex_id(self): """Get the id of the object as hexadecimals. (used for rendering).""" return hex(id(self))[2:] class FieldTab: """ Represents a tab containing fields. To be used in combination with FieldTabGroup. """ def __init__(self, name, field_names): if len(field_names) == 0: raise ValueError('Fields are empty') = name self.field_names = field_names def __repr__(self): return "<{} '{}'>".format(self.__class__.__name, class FieldVerticalSplit: """ Vertical field splits. Represents a vertical split of fields, i.e. fields next to each other. """ def __init__(self, field_names, large_spacing=False): """ field_names should be a list of list of fields to be splitted. For example, [['X1', 'X2'], ['Y1', 'Y2']] will render as: [ X1 ] [ Y1 ] [ X2 ] [ Y2 ] """ self.amount_splits = len(field_names) self.type = self.__class__.__name__ # Allowed amounts of splits which all can be divided evenly allowed_split_amounts = [2, 3, 4] if self.amount_splits not in allowed_split_amounts: raise ValueError("Amount of splits should be equal to one of: {}", ", ".join(map(str, allowed_split_amounts))) self.field_names_list = field_names # Make a list of all fieldnames (i.e. flatten the field_names list) self._fieldnames = [] for fields in self.field_names_list: self._fieldnames.extend(fields) # First field is used to determine the place of the vertical split self._firstfield = field_names[0][0] if large_spacing: if self.amount_splits == 2: self.column_sizes = [5, 5] self.spacing_sizes = [0, 2] elif self.amount_splits == 3: self.column_sizes = [3, 4, 3] self.spacing_sizes = [0, 1, 1] elif self.amount_splits == 4: self.column_sizes = [2, 2, 2, 2] self.spacing_sizes = [0, 1, 2, 1] else: self.column_sizes = [12 // self.amount_splits] * self.amount_splits self.spacing_sizes = [0] * self.amount_splits def _set_form(self, form): """ Pass the form to the FieldVerticalSplit. Internal method used by FormWrapper. """ self.form = form self._fields = [] for field_names in self.field_names_list: fields = [] for field_name in field_names: fields.append(getattr(form, field_name)) self._fields.append(fields) def __iter__(self): if not hasattr(self, 'form'): raise ValueError('_set_form should be called before iterating') return iter(self._fields) class FormWrapper: """Helper class for form rendering.""" def __init__(self, form): self.form = form self.groups = [] self.vsplits = [] self.ordered_multiselect_fields = [] self.csrf_token = form.csrf_token self.has_ordered_multiselect_fields = False self.has_select_fields = False self.has_custom_form_fields = False self.has_submit_field = False for attrname, obj in inspect.getmembers(form): # Collect the tab groups in the form if isinstance(obj, FieldTabGroup): = attrname self.groups.append(obj) # Collect the vertical splits in the form elif isinstance(obj, FieldVerticalSplit): = attrname self.vsplits.append(obj) # Check if the form has select fields elif isinstance(obj, SelectFieldBase) \ and not isinstance(obj, OrderedSelectMultipleField) \ and not isinstance(obj, OrderedQuerySelectMultipleField) \ and not isinstance(obj, RadioField): self.has_select_fields = True # Check if the form has ordered multi-select fields elif isinstance(obj, OrderedSelectMultipleField) \ or isinstance(obj, OrderedQuerySelectMultipleField): self.has_ordered_multiselect_fields = True self.ordered_multiselect_fields.append(obj) # Check if the form has custom form select fields elif isinstance(obj, CustomFormSelectField): self.has_select_fields = True self.has_custom_form_fields = True # Check if the form has a submit field elif isinstance(obj, SubmitField): self.has_submit_field = True try: # Dictionary from first field object of a tab group # to the group object itself groups_firstfields = { getattr(form, g._firstfield): g for g in self.groups } # List of all fields belonging to a group groups_fields = list(map( lambda f: getattr(form, f), itertools.chain( *map(lambda g: g._fieldnames, self.groups)))) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Group field should be a string') try: # Dictionary from first field object of a vertial split # to the vertical split object itself vsplits_firstfields = { getattr(form, v._firstfield): v for v in self.vsplits } # List of all fields belonging to a vertical split vsplit_fields = list(map( lambda f: getattr(form, f), itertools.chain( *map(lambda v: v._fieldnames, self.vsplits)))) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Vertical split field should be a string') self._fields = [] ignore_fields = [] if hasattr(form, '_RenderIgnoreFields'): ignore_fields = form._RenderIgnoreFields for field in form: # Add the group when the first field occurs in the field list if field in groups_firstfields: self._fields.append(groups_firstfields[field]) # Add the vertical split when the first field # occurs in the field list elif field in vsplits_firstfields: self._fields.append(vsplits_firstfields[field]) # Otherwise, add a field when it does not belong to a group elif (field not in groups_fields and field not in vsplit_fields and not in ignore_fields): self._fields.append(field) # Give every group and vsplit the form object to make them # iterable over their tabs/fields for g in self.groups + self.vsplits: g._set_form(form) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._fields)
from niprov.format import Format import io, os _CACHE = {} class PictureCache(Format): def __init__(self, dependencies): cachedir = os.path.expanduser('~/.niprov-snapshots') if not os.path.isdir(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) def new(self): return io.BytesIO() def keep(self, picture, for_): imgId = for_.provenance['id'] if hasattr(picture, 'read'): bytes = else: bytes = str(picture) _CACHE[imgId] = bytes def getBytes(self, for_): imgId = for_.provenance['id'] if imgId in _CACHE: return _CACHE[imgId] return None def getFilepath(self, for_): return self.saveToDisk(for_) def saveToDisk(self, for_): imgId = for_.provenance['id'] fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/.niprov-snapshots/{}.png'.format(imgId)) if os.path.isfile(fpath): return fpath elif imgId in _CACHE: with open(fpath, 'w') as picfile: picfile.write(_CACHE[imgId]) return fpath else: return None def serializeSingle(self, image): """Provides file path to picture of image. This is part of the :class:`.Format` interface. """ return self.getFilepath(for_=image)
"""Rename current_team to current_team_id Revision ID: 628b5fe65b72 Revises: a14e1ddd71e2 Create Date: 2016-04-21 11:06:27.786845 """ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '628b5fe65b72' down_revision = 'a14e1ddd71e2' from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa def upgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('racer', sa.Column('current_team_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)) op.drop_constraint(u'racer_current_team_fkey', 'racer', type_='foreignkey') op.create_foreign_key(None, 'racer', 'team', ['current_team_id'], ['id']) op.drop_column('racer', 'current_team') ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.add_column('racer', sa.Column('current_team', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True)) op.drop_constraint(None, 'racer', type_='foreignkey') op.create_foreign_key(u'racer_current_team_fkey', 'racer', 'team', ['current_team'], ['id']) op.drop_column('racer', 'current_team_id') ### end Alembic commands ###
"""Word-related constants used by semantics.""" ENTITY_ALIASES = {'me': 'Commander', 'i': 'Commander'} # Primary verbnet senses for actions SEARCH_ACTION = "search" GO_ACTION = "go" GET_ACTION = "retrieve" FOLLOW_ACTION = "follow" SEE_ACTION = "see" TELL_ACTION = "tell" BEGIN_ACTION = "begin" ACTIVATE_ACTION = "activate" DEACTIVATE_ACTION = "deactivate" DEFUSE_ACTION = "defuse" AVOID_ACTION = "avoid" PATROL_ACTION = "patrol" CARRY_ACTION = "carry" STAY_ACTION = "stay" # Mapping of other verbnet senses to the same actions. # We include the identity entries just to make things easier on the talkback side ACTION_ALIASES = { 'appear': GO_ACTION, 'get': GET_ACTION, 'obtain': GET_ACTION, 'meander': GO_ACTION, 'slide': GO_ACTION, 'nonvehicle': GO_ACTION, 'escape': GO_ACTION, 'rummage': SEARCH_ACTION, 'characterize': SEE_ACTION, 'chase': FOLLOW_ACTION, 'lodge': STAY_ACTION, SEARCH_ACTION: SEARCH_ACTION, GO_ACTION: GO_ACTION, GET_ACTION: GET_ACTION, FOLLOW_ACTION: FOLLOW_ACTION, SEE_ACTION: SEE_ACTION, TELL_ACTION: TELL_ACTION, BEGIN_ACTION: BEGIN_ACTION, ACTIVATE_ACTION: ACTIVATE_ACTION, DEACTIVATE_ACTION: DEACTIVATE_ACTION, AVOID_ACTION: AVOID_ACTION, PATROL_ACTION: PATROL_ACTION, CARRY_ACTION: CARRY_ACTION, STAY_ACTION: STAY_ACTION, DEFUSE_ACTION: DEFUSE_ACTION, } UNDERSTOOD_SENSES = set(ACTION_ALIASES.keys())
""" Time Execution decorator """ import socket import time from fqn_decorators import Decorator from fqn_decorators.asynchronous import AsyncDecorator from pkgsettings import Settings SHORT_HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname() settings = Settings() settings.configure(backends=[], hooks=[], duration_field="value") def write_metric(name, **metric): for backend in settings.backends: backend.write(name, **metric) def _apply_hooks(hooks, response, exception, metric, func, func_args, func_kwargs): metadata = dict() for hook in hooks: hook_result = hook( response=response, exception=exception, metric=metric, func=func, func_args=func_args, func_kwargs=func_kwargs, ) if hook_result: metadata.update(hook_result) return metadata class time_execution(Decorator): def __init__(self, func=None, **params): self.start_time = None super(time_execution, self).__init__(func, **params) def before(self): self.start_time = time.time() def after(self): duration = round(time.time() - self.start_time, 3) * 1000 metric = {"name": self.fqn, settings.duration_field: duration, "hostname": SHORT_HOSTNAME} origin = getattr(settings, "origin", None) if origin: metric["origin"] = origin hooks = self.params.get("extra_hooks", []) disable_default_hooks = self.params.get("disable_default_hooks", False) if not disable_default_hooks: hooks = settings.hooks + hooks # Apply the registered hooks, and collect the metadata they might # return to be stored with the metrics metadata = _apply_hooks( hooks=hooks, response=self.result, exception=self.get_exception(), metric=metric, func=self.func, func_args=self.args, func_kwargs=self.kwargs, ) metric.update(metadata) write_metric(**metric) def get_exception(self): """Retrieve the exception""" if self.exc_info is None: return exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = self.exc_info if exc_value is None: exc_value = exc_type() if exc_value.__traceback__ is not exc_tb: return exc_value.with_traceback(exc_tb) return exc_value class time_execution_async(AsyncDecorator, time_execution): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # =============================================================== # # Filename: # # Author: Oxnz # Email: [email protected] # Created: [2014-12-01 18:54:04 CST] # Last-update: 2014-12-01 18:54:04 CST # Description: ANCHOR # # Version: 0.0.1 # Revision: [None] # Revision history: [None] # Date Author Remarks: [None] # # License: # Copyright (c) 2013 Oxnz # # Distributed under terms of the [LICENSE] license. # [license] # # =============================================================== # class Solution: # @param path, a string # @return a string def simplifyPath(self, path): parts = path.split('/') length = len(parts) pathv = [''] needsep = True i = 0 while i < len(parts): if parts[i] == '': i += 1 elif parts[i] == '..': i += 1 if len(pathv): pathv.pop() elif parts[i] == '.': i += 1 else: pathv.append(parts[i]) i += 1 path = '/'.join(pathv) if path == '': return '/' elif path[0] != '/': path = '/' + path return path import unittest import os.path class TestSolution(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._simpath = Solution().simplifyPath def test_case(self): for path in { '/': '/', '/../': '/', '/home//foo': '/home/foo', '/../../../': '/', '/././../../././': '/', '/a/./b///../c/../././../d/..//../e/./f/./g/././//.//h///././/..///': '/e/f/g', }: self.assertEqual(os.path.abspath(path), self._simpath(path)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
""" This scripts demonstrates how to train a sentence embedding model for Information Retrieval. As dataset, we use Quora Duplicates Questions, where we have pairs of duplicate questions. As loss function, we use MultipleNegativesRankingLoss. Here, we only need positive pairs, i.e., pairs of sentences/texts that are considered to be relevant. Our dataset looks like this (a_1, b_1), (a_2, b_2), ... with a_i / b_i a text and (a_i, b_i) are relevant (e.g. are duplicates). MultipleNegativesRankingLoss takes a random subset of these, for example (a_1, b_1), ..., (a_n, b_n). a_i and b_i are considered to be relevant and should be close in vector space. All other b_j (for i != j) are negative examples and the distance between a_i and b_j should be maximized. Note: MultipleNegativesRankingLoss only works if a random b_j is likely not to be relevant for a_i. This is the case for our duplicate questions dataset: If a sample randomly b_j, it is unlikely to be a duplicate of a_i. The model we get works well for duplicate questions mining and for duplicate questions information retrieval. For question pair classification, other losses (like OnlineConstrativeLoss) work better. """ from import DataLoader from sentence_transformers import losses, util from sentence_transformers import LoggingHandler, SentenceTransformer, evaluation from sentence_transformers.readers import InputExample import logging from datetime import datetime import csv import os from zipfile import ZipFile import random #### Just some code to print debug information to stdout logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO, handlers=[LoggingHandler()]) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #### /print debug information to stdout #As base model, we use DistilBERT-base that was pre-trained on NLI and STSb data model = SentenceTransformer('stsb-distilbert-base') #Training for multiple epochs can be beneficial, as in each epoch a mini-batch is sampled differently #hence, we get different negatives for each positive num_epochs = 10 #Increasing the batch size improves the performance for MultipleNegativesRankingLoss. Choose it as large as possible #I achieved the good results with a batch size of 300-350 (requires about 30 GB of GPU memory) train_batch_size = 64 dataset_path = 'quora-IR-dataset' model_save_path = 'output/training_MultipleNegativesRankingLoss-'"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") os.makedirs(model_save_path, exist_ok=True) # Check if the dataset exists. If not, download and extract if not os.path.exists(dataset_path):"Dataset not found. Download") zip_save_path = '' util.http_get(url='', path=zip_save_path) with ZipFile(zip_save_path, 'r') as zip: zip.extractall(dataset_path) ######### Read train data ########## train_samples = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, "classification/train_pairs.tsv"), encoding='utf8') as fIn: reader = csv.DictReader(fIn, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row in reader: if row['is_duplicate'] == '1': train_samples.append(InputExample(texts=[row['question1'], row['question2']], label=1)) train_samples.append(InputExample(texts=[row['question2'], row['question1']], label=1)) #if A is a duplicate of B, then B is a duplicate of A # After reading the train_samples, we create a DataLoader train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_samples, shuffle=True, batch_size=train_batch_size) train_loss = losses.MultipleNegativesRankingLoss(model) ################### Development Evaluators ################## # We add 3 evaluators, that evaluate the model on Duplicate Questions pair classification, # Duplicate Questions Mining, and Duplicate Questions Information Retrieval evaluators = [] ###### Classification ###### # Given (quesiton1, question2), is this a duplicate or not? # The evaluator will compute the embeddings for both questions and then compute # a cosine similarity. If the similarity is above a threshold, we have a duplicate. dev_sentences1 = [] dev_sentences2 = [] dev_labels = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, "classification/dev_pairs.tsv"), encoding='utf8') as fIn: reader = csv.DictReader(fIn, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row in reader: dev_sentences1.append(row['question1']) dev_sentences2.append(row['question2']) dev_labels.append(int(row['is_duplicate'])) binary_acc_evaluator = evaluation.BinaryClassificationEvaluator(dev_sentences1, dev_sentences2, dev_labels) evaluators.append(binary_acc_evaluator) ###### Duplicate Questions Mining ###### # Given a large corpus of questions, identify all duplicates in that corpus. # For faster processing, we limit the development corpus to only 10,000 sentences. max_dev_samples = 10000 dev_sentences = {} dev_duplicates = [] with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, "duplicate-mining/dev_corpus.tsv"), encoding='utf8') as fIn: reader = csv.DictReader(fIn, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row in reader: dev_sentences[row['qid']] = row['question'] if len(dev_sentences) >= max_dev_samples: break with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, "duplicate-mining/dev_duplicates.tsv"), encoding='utf8') as fIn: reader = csv.DictReader(fIn, delimiter='\t', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row in reader: if row['qid1'] in dev_sentences and row['qid2'] in dev_sentences: dev_duplicates.append([row['qid1'], row['qid2']]) # The ParaphraseMiningEvaluator computes the cosine similarity between all sentences and # extracts a list with the pairs that have the highest similarity. Given the duplicate # information in dev_duplicates, it then computes and F1 score how well our duplicate mining worked paraphrase_mining_evaluator = evaluation.ParaphraseMiningEvaluator(dev_sentences, dev_duplicates, name='dev') evaluators.append(paraphrase_mining_evaluator) ###### Duplicate Questions Information Retrieval ###### # Given a question and a large corpus of thousands questions, find the most relevant (i.e. duplicate) question # in that corpus. # For faster processing, we limit the development corpus to only 10,000 sentences. max_corpus_size = 10000 ir_queries = {} #Our queries (qid => question) ir_needed_qids = set() #QIDs we need in the corpus ir_corpus = {} #Our corpus (qid => question) ir_relevant_docs = {} #Mapping of relevant documents for a given query (qid => set([relevant_question_ids]) with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'information-retrieval/dev-queries.tsv'), encoding='utf8') as fIn: next(fIn) #Skip header for line in fIn: qid, query, duplicate_ids = line.strip().split('\t') duplicate_ids = duplicate_ids.split(',') ir_queries[qid] = query ir_relevant_docs[qid] = set(duplicate_ids) for qid in duplicate_ids: ir_needed_qids.add(qid) # First get all needed relevant documents (i.e., we must ensure, that the relevant questions are actually in the corpus distraction_questions = {} with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'information-retrieval/corpus.tsv'), encoding='utf8') as fIn: next(fIn) #Skip header for line in fIn: qid, question = line.strip().split('\t') if qid in ir_needed_qids: ir_corpus[qid] = question else: distraction_questions[qid] = question # Now, also add some irrelevant questions to fill our corpus other_qid_list = list(distraction_questions.keys()) random.shuffle(other_qid_list) for qid in other_qid_list[0:max(0, max_corpus_size-len(ir_corpus))]: ir_corpus[qid] = distraction_questions[qid] #Given queries, a corpus and a mapping with relevant documents, the InformationRetrievalEvaluator computes different IR # metrices. For our use case MRR@k and Accuracy@k are relevant. ir_evaluator = evaluation.InformationRetrievalEvaluator(ir_queries, ir_corpus, ir_relevant_docs) evaluators.append(ir_evaluator) # Create a SequentialEvaluator. This SequentialEvaluator runs all three evaluators in a sequential order. # We optimize the model with respect to the score from the last evaluator (scores[-1]) seq_evaluator = evaluation.SequentialEvaluator(evaluators, main_score_function=lambda scores: scores[-1])"Evaluate model without training") seq_evaluator(model, epoch=0, steps=0, output_path=model_save_path) # Train the model[(train_dataloader, train_loss)], evaluator=seq_evaluator, epochs=num_epochs, warmup_steps=1000, output_path=model_save_path )
import logging import subprocess import time from contextlib import contextmanager from toil.lib.iterables import concat from toil.test import ApplianceTestSupport, needs_local_appliance, needs_mesos, slow from toil.version import exactPython logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @needs_mesos @needs_local_appliance @slow class AutoDeploymentTest(ApplianceTestSupport): """ Tests various auto-deployment scenarios. Using the appliance, i.e. a docker container, for these tests allows for running worker processes on the same node as the leader process while keeping their file systems separate from each other and the leader process. Separate file systems are crucial to prove that auto-deployment does its job. """ def setUp(self): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) super(AutoDeploymentTest, self).setUp() @contextmanager def _venvApplianceCluster(self): """ Creates an appliance cluster with a virtualenv at './venv' on the leader and a temporary directory on the host mounted at /data in the leader and worker containers. """ dataDirPath = self._createTempDir(purpose='data') with self._applianceCluster(mounts={dataDirPath: '/data'}) as (leader, worker): leader.runOnAppliance('virtualenv', '--system-site-packages', '--never-download', # prevent silent upgrades to pip etc '--python', exactPython, 'venv') leader.runOnAppliance('venv/bin/pip', 'list') # For diagnostic purposes yield leader, worker # TODO: Are we sure the python in the appliance we are testing is the same # as the one we are testing from? If not, how can we get the version it is? sitePackages = 'venv/lib/{}/site-packages'.format(exactPython) def testRestart(self): """ Test whether auto-deployment works on restart. """ with self._venvApplianceCluster() as (leader, worker): def userScript(): from toil.common import Toil from toil.job import Job # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def job(job, disk='10M', cores=1, memory='10M'): assert False if __name__ == '__main__': options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args() with Toil(options) as toil: if toil.config.restart: toil.restart() else: toil.start(Job.wrapJobFn(job)) userScript = self._getScriptSource(userScript) leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=userScript) pythonArgs = ['venv/bin/python', '-m', ''] toilArgs = ['--logDebug', '--batchSystem=mesos', '--mesosMaster=localhost:5050', '--defaultMemory=10M', '/data/jobstore'] command = concat(pythonArgs, toilArgs) self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, leader.runOnAppliance, *command) # Deploy an updated version of the script ... userScript = userScript.replace('assert False', 'assert True') leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=userScript) # ... and restart Toil. command = concat(pythonArgs, '--restart', toilArgs) leader.runOnAppliance(*command) def testSplitRootPackages(self): """ Test whether auto-deployment works with a virtualenv in which jobs are defined in completely separate branches of the package hierarchy. Initially, auto-deployment did deploy the entire virtualenv but jobs could only be defined in one branch of the package hierarchy. We define a branch as the maximum set of fully qualified package paths that share the same first component. IOW, a.b and a.c are in the same branch, while a.b and d.c are not. """ with self._venvApplianceCluster() as (leader, worker): # Deploy the library module with job definitions def libraryModule(): # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def libraryJob(job): open('/data/foo.txt', 'w').close() leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=libraryModule) # Deploy the user script def userScript(): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from import libraryJob from toil.common import Toil from toil.job import Job # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def job(job, disk='10M', cores=1, memory='10M'): # Double the requirements to prevent chaining as chaining might hide problems # in auto-deployment code. job.addChildJobFn(libraryJob, disk='20M', cores=cores, memory=memory) if __name__ == '__main__': options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args() with Toil(options) as toil: if toil.config.restart: toil.restart() else: toil.start(Job.wrapJobFn(job)) leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=userScript) # Assert that output file isn't there worker.runOnAppliance('test', '!', '-f', '/data/foo.txt') # Just being paranoid self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError, worker.runOnAppliance, 'test', '-f', '/data/foo.txt') leader.runOnAppliance('venv/bin/python', '-m', '', '--logDebug', '--batchSystem=mesos', '--mesosMaster=localhost:5050', '--defaultMemory=10M', '/data/jobstore') # Assert that out output file is there worker.runOnAppliance('test', '-f', '/data/foo.txt') def testUserTypesInJobFunctionArgs(self): """ Test encapsulated, function-wrapping jobs where the function arguments reference user-defined types. Mainly written to cover but then also revealed """ with self._venvApplianceCluster() as (leader, worker): def userScript(): from toil.common import Toil from toil.job import Job # A user-defined type, i.e. a type defined in the user script class X(object): pass # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def job(job, x, disk='10M', cores=1, memory='10M'): return x if __name__ == '__main__': options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args() x = X() with Toil(options) as toil: r = toil.start(Job.wrapJobFn(job, x).encapsulate()) # Assert that the return value is of type X, but not X from the __main__ # module but X from, the canonical name for the user module. The # translation from __main__ to is a side effect of auto-deployment. assert r.__class__ is not X import assert r.__class__ is # Assert that a copy was made. This is a side effect of pickling/unpickling. assert x is not r userScript = self._getScriptSource(userScript) leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=userScript) leader.runOnAppliance('venv/bin/python', '-m', '', '--logDebug', '--batchSystem=mesos', '--mesosMaster=localhost:5050', '--defaultMemory=10M', '--defaultDisk=10M', '/data/jobstore') def testDeferralWithConcurrentEncapsulation(self): """ Ensure that the following DAG succeeds: ┌───────────┐ │ Root (W1) │ └───────────┘ │ ┌──────────┴─────────┐ ▼ ▼ ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ │ Deferring (W2) │ │ Encapsulating (W3) │═══════════════╗ └────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘ ║ │ ║ ▼ ▼ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐ │ Encapsulated (W3) │ │ Follow-on (W6) │ └───────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ │ │ ┌───────┴────────┐ │ ▼ ▼ ▼ ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ │ Dummy 1 (W4) │ │ Dummy 2 (W5) │ │ Last (W6) │ └──────────────┘ └──────────────┘ └──────────────┘ The Wn numbers denote the worker processes that a particular job is run in. `Deferring` adds a deferred function and then runs for a long time. The deferred function will be present in the cache state for the duration of `Deferred`. `Follow-on` is the generic Job instance that's added by encapsulating a job. It runs on the same worker node but in a separate worker process, as the first job in that worker. Because … 1) it is the first job in its worker process (the user script has not been made available on the sys.path by a previous job in that worker) and 2) it shares the cache state with the `Deferring` job and 3) it is an instance of Job (and so does not introduce the user script to sys.path itself), … it might cause problems with deserializing a defered function defined in the user script. `Encapsulated` has two children to ensure that `Follow-on` is run in a separate worker. """ with self._venvApplianceCluster() as (leader, worker): def userScript(): from toil.common import Toil from toil.job import Job def root(rootJob): def nullFile(): return rootJob.fileStore.jobStore.importFile('file:///dev/null') startFile = nullFile() endFile = nullFile() rootJob.addChildJobFn(deferring, startFile, endFile) encapsulatedJob = Job.wrapJobFn(encapsulated, startFile) encapsulatedJob.addChildFn(dummy) encapsulatedJob.addChildFn(dummy) encapsulatingJob = encapsulatedJob.encapsulate() rootJob.addChild(encapsulatingJob) encapsulatingJob.addChildJobFn(last, endFile) def dummy(): pass def deferred(): pass # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def deferring(job, startFile, endFile): job.defer(deferred) job.fileStore.jobStore.deleteFile(startFile) timeout = time.time() + 10 while job.fileStore.jobStore.fileExists(endFile): assert time.time() < timeout time.sleep(1) def encapsulated(job, startFile): timeout = time.time() + 10 while job.fileStore.jobStore.fileExists(startFile): assert time.time() < timeout time.sleep(1) def last(job, endFile): job.fileStore.jobStore.deleteFile(endFile) if __name__ == '__main__': options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args() with Toil(options) as toil: rootJob = Job.wrapJobFn(root) toil.start(rootJob) userScript = self._getScriptSource(userScript) leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=userScript) leader.runOnAppliance('venv/bin/python', '-m', '', '--logDebug', '--batchSystem=mesos', '--mesosMaster=localhost:5050', '--retryCount=0', '--defaultMemory=10M', '--defaultDisk=10M', '/data/jobstore') def testDeferralWithFailureAndEncapsulation(self): """ Ensure that the following DAG succeeds: ┌───────────┐ │ Root (W1) │ └───────────┘ │ ┌──────────┴─────────┐ ▼ ▼ ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ │ Deferring (W2) │ │ Encapsulating (W3) │═══════════════════════╗ └────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘ ║ │ ║ ▼ ▼ ┌───────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐ │ Encapsulated (W3) │════════════╗ │ Follow-on (W7) │ └───────────────────┘ ║ └────────────────┘ │ ║ ┌──────┴──────┐ ║ ▼ ▼ ▼ ┌────────────┐┌────────────┐ ┌──────────────┐ │ Dummy (W4) ││ Dummy (W5) │ │ Trigger (W6) │ └────────────┘└────────────┘ └──────────────┘ `Trigger` causes `Deferring` to crash. `Follow-on` runs next, detects `Deferring`'s left-overs and runs the deferred function. `Follow-on` is an instance of `Job` and the first job in its worker process. This test ensures that despite these circumstances, the user script is loaded before the deferred functions defined in it are being run. `Encapsulated` has two children to ensure that `Follow-on` is run in a new worker. That's the only way to guarantee that the user script has not been loaded yet, which would cause the test to succeed coincidentally. We want to test that auto-deploying and loading of the user script are done properly *before* deferred functions are being run and before any jobs have been executed by that worker. """ with self._venvApplianceCluster() as (leader, worker): def userScript(): import os import time from toil.common import Toil from toil.job import Job from toil.leader import FailedJobsException TIMEOUT = 10 def root(rootJob): def nullFile(): return rootJob.fileStore.jobStore.importFile('file:///dev/null') startFile = nullFile() endFile = nullFile() rootJob.addChildJobFn(deferring, startFile, endFile) encapsulatedJob = Job.wrapJobFn(encapsulated, startFile) encapsulatedJob.addChildFn(dummy) encapsulatedJob.addChildFn(dummy) encapsulatedJob.addFollowOnJobFn(trigger, endFile) encapsulatingJob = encapsulatedJob.encapsulate() rootJob.addChild(encapsulatingJob) def dummy(): pass def deferredFile(config): """ Return path to a file at the root of the job store, exploiting the fact that the job store is shared between leader and worker container. """ prefix = 'file:' locator = config.jobStore assert locator.startswith(prefix) return os.path.join(locator[len(prefix):], 'testDeferredFile') def deferred(deferredFilePath): """ The deferred function that is supposed to run. """ os.unlink(deferredFilePath) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def deferring(job, startFile, endFile): """ A job that adds the deferred function and then crashes once the `trigger` job tells it to. """ job.defer(deferred, deferredFile(job._config)) jobStore = job.fileStore.jobStore jobStore.deleteFile(startFile) with jobStore.updateFileStream(endFile) as fH: fH.write(str(os.getpid())) timeout = time.time() + TIMEOUT while jobStore.fileExists(endFile): assert time.time() < timeout time.sleep(1) os.kill(os.getpid(), 9) def encapsulated(job, startFile): """ A job that waits until the `deferring` job is running and waiting to be crashed. """ timeout = time.time() + TIMEOUT while job.fileStore.jobStore.fileExists(startFile): assert time.time() < timeout time.sleep(1) def trigger(job, endFile): """ A job that determines the PID of the worker running the `deferring` job, tells the `deferring` job to crash and then waits for the corresponding worker process to end. By waiting we can be sure that the `follow-on` job finds the left-overs of the `deferring` job. """ import errno jobStore = job.fileStore.jobStore with jobStore.readFileStream(endFile) as fH: pid = int( os.kill(pid, 0) jobStore.deleteFile(endFile) timeout = time.time() + TIMEOUT while True: try: os.kill(pid, 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ESRCH: break else: raise else: assert time.time() < timeout time.sleep(1) def tryUnlink(deferredFilePath): try: os.unlink(deferredFilePath) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass else: raise if __name__ == '__main__': import errno options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args() with Toil(options) as toil: deferredFilePath = deferredFile(toil.config) open(deferredFilePath, 'w').close() try: assert os.path.exists(deferredFilePath) try: toil.start(Job.wrapJobFn(root)) except FailedJobsException as e: assert e.numberOfFailedJobs == 2 # `root` and `deferring` assert not os.path.exists(deferredFilePath), \ 'Apparently, the deferred function did not run.' else: assert False, 'Workflow should not have succeeded.' finally: tryUnlink(deferredFilePath) userScript = self._getScriptSource(userScript) leader.deployScript(path=self.sitePackages, packagePath='', script=userScript) leader.runOnAppliance('venv/bin/python', '-m', '', '--logDebug', '--batchSystem=mesos', '--mesosMaster=localhost:5050', '--retryCount=0', '--defaultMemory=10M', '--defaultDisk=10M', '/data/jobstore')
##Create Contour Labels=name ##input_contours=vector ##input_label_guides=vector ##output_contours=output vector ##output_labels=output vector ##create_clipped_contours=boolean True ##smooth_contours=boolean False ##invert_labels=boolean False ##index_contour_modal=number 25 ##contour_step=number 5 ##start_buffer=number 20 ##buffer_increment=number 10 ##elevation_field_name=String elev import math import qgis from qgis.core import * from PyQt4.QtCore import * def calcDist(p1x,p1y,p2x,p2y): dist = math.sqrt((p2x - p1x)**2 + (p2y - p1y)**2) return dist version = qgis.utils.QGis.QGIS_VERSION.split('-')[0].split('.',2) progress.setText("Running Contour Label creation for QGIS version "+str(qgis.utils.QGis.QGIS_VERSION.split('-')[0])) if (smooth_contours): progress.setText("Smoothing contours") outputs_GRASSGENERALIZE_1=processing.runalg('grass7:v.generalize',input_contours,9,20,7,50,0.5,3,0,0,0,1,1,1,False,True,None,-1,0.0001,0,None) use_contours=outputs_GRASSGENERALIZE_1['output'] else: progress.setText("Using existing contours") use_contours=input_contours progress.setText("Creating contour intersections") outputs_QGISLINEINTERSECTIONS_1=processing.runalg('qgis:lineintersections',use_contours,input_label_guides,'ID','id',None) progress.setText("Processing elevations") outputs_QGISJOINATTRIBUTESTABLE_1=processing.runalg('qgis:joinattributestable', outputs_QGISLINEINTERSECTIONS_1['OUTPUT'],input_contours,'ID','ID',None) outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_10=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISJOINATTRIBUTESTABLE_1['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'elevation',1,1.0,0.0,True,'"'+str(elevation_field_name)+'"',None) outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_1=processing.runalg('qgis:deletecolumn',outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_10['OUTPUT_LAYER'],str(elevation_field_name),None) outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_11=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_1['OUTPUT'],'elev',1,1.0,0.0,True,'"elevation"',None) outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_2=processing.runalg('qgis:deletecolumn',outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_11['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'elevation',None) outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_3=processing.runalg('qgis:deletecolumn',outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_2['OUTPUT'],'ID_2',None) outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_7=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_3['OUTPUT'],'key',2,128.0,0.0,True,'concat("id_1",\'_\',"elev")',None) progress.setText("Determining index contours") outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_1=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_7['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'index',1,1.0,0.0,True,'"elev" % '+str(index_contour_modal)+' = 0',None) progress.setText("Calculating label rotation") outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_12=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_1['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'rot',0,6.0,3.0,True,'0',None) outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_3=processing.runalg('qgis:fixeddistancebuffer', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_1['OUTPUT_LAYER'],2.0,5.0,False,None) outputs_QGISINTERSECTION_2=processing.runalg('qgis:intersection', use_contours,outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_3['OUTPUT'],None) outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_2=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISINTERSECTION_2['OUTPUT'],'sint',2,128.0,0.0,True,'geom_to_wkt(start_point($geometry))',None) outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_3=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_2['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'eint',2,128.0,0.0,True,'geom_to_wkt(end_point($geometry))',None) if (invert_labels): deg = 270 else: deg = 90 outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_5=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_3['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'rot',0,6.0,3.0,True,str(deg)+'-((atan((x(geom_from_wkt("sint"))-x(geom_from_wkt("eint")))/(y(geom_from_wkt("sint"))-y(geom_from_wkt("eint")))))*180/3.14159+(180*(((y(geom_from_wkt("sint"))-y(geom_from_wkt("eint")))<0)+(((x(geom_from_wkt("sint"))-x(geom_from_wkt("eint")))<0 AND (y(geom_from_wkt("sint"))-y(geom_from_wkt("eint")))>0)*2))))',None) progress.setText("Determining contours to label") rlayer = QgsVectorLayer(outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_5['OUTPUT_LAYER'], 'rlayer', 'ogr') tlayer = QgsVectorLayer(outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_12['OUTPUT_LAYER'], 'tlayer', 'ogr') dshort =start_buffer dmid =start_buffer*2 dlong = start_buffer*3 if not tlayer.isValid(): progress.setText("Layer failed to load!") exit(0) if not rlayer.isValid(): progress.setText("Layer failed to load!") exit(0) tlayer.dataProvider().addAttributes([QgsField("label", QVariant.Int)]) tlayer.updateFields() new_field_index = tlayer.fieldNameIndex('label') rot_index = tlayer.fieldNameIndex('rot') tlayer.startEditing() for f in processing.features(tlayer): tlayer.changeAttributeValue(, new_field_index, 0) for t in processing.features(rlayer): if (f['key'] == t['key']): tlayer.changeAttributeValue(, rot_index, t['rot']) tlayer.commitChanges() tlayer.startEditing() for f in processing.features(tlayer): t = None for t in processing.features(tlayer): if (t['key'] == str(f['id_1'])+'_'+str(f['elev']+contour_step)): fup = t break else: fup = -99 t = None for t in processing.features(tlayer): if (t['key'] == str(f['id_1'])+'_'+str(f['elev']-contour_step)): fdown = t break else: fdown = -99 change = 0 if (f['index'] == 1): change = 1 else: if (fdown != -99): distd = calcDist(f.geometry().asPoint().x(),f.geometry().asPoint().y(),fdown.geometry().asPoint().x(),fdown.geometry().asPoint().y()) fdl = fdown['label'] fdi = fdown['index'] else: distd = 0 fdl = 0 fdi = 0 if (fup != -99): distu = calcDist(f.geometry().asPoint().x(),f.geometry().asPoint().y(),fup.geometry().asPoint().x(),fup.geometry().asPoint().y()) ful = fup['label'] fui = fup['index'] else: distu = 0 ful = 0 fui = 0 if ((distu >= dlong and distd >= dlong) or (distu >= dlong and fdown == -99) or (distd >= dlong and fup == -99)): change = 1 elif ((distu >= dmid and fui == 0 and distd >= dmid and fdi == 0) or (distu >= dmid and fui == 0 and fdown == -99) or (distd >= dmid and fdi == 0 and fup == -99)): change = 1 tlayer.changeAttributeValue(, new_field_index, change) tlayer.commitChanges() tlayer.startEditing() for f in processing.features(tlayer): t = None for t in processing.features(tlayer): if (t['key'] == str(f['id_1'])+'_'+str(f['elev']+contour_step)): fup = t break else: fup = -99 t = None for t in processing.features(tlayer): if (t['key'] == str(f['id_1'])+'_'+str(f['elev']-contour_step)): fdown = t break else: fdown = -99 if (f['label'] == 1): continue else: change = 0 if (fdown != -99): distd = calcDist(f.geometry().asPoint().x(),f.geometry().asPoint().y(),fdown.geometry().asPoint().x(),fdown.geometry().asPoint().y()) fdl = fdown['label'] fdi = fdown['index'] else: distd = 0 fdl = 0 fdi = 0 if (fup != -99): distu = calcDist(f.geometry().asPoint().x(),f.geometry().asPoint().y(),fup.geometry().asPoint().x(),fup.geometry().asPoint().y()) ful = fup['label'] fui = fup['index'] else: distu = 0 ful = 0 fui = 0 if (distu > dshort and ful == 0 and distd > dshort and fdl == 0): change = 1 elif (distu > dshort and ful == 0 and distd >= dlong): change = 1 elif (distd > dshort and fdl == 0 and distu >= dlong): change = 1 tlayer.changeAttributeValue(, new_field_index, change) tlayer.commitChanges() outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_8=processing.runalg('qgis:fieldcalculator', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_12['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'buffer',1,3.0,0.0,True,'('+str(start_buffer)+' + ((length(to_string( "elev"))-1) * '+str(buffer_increment)+'))',None) if (create_clipped_contours): progress.setText("Creating clipped contours") outputs_QGISEXTRACTBYATTRIBUTE_1=processing.runalg('qgis:extractbyattribute', outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_8['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'label',0,'1',None) outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_1=processing.runalg('qgis:fixeddistancebuffer', outputs_QGISEXTRACTBYATTRIBUTE_1['OUTPUT'],2.0,5.0,False,None) outputs_QGISVARIABLEDISTANCEBUFFER_1=processing.runalg('qgis:variabledistancebuffer', outputs_QGISEXTRACTBYATTRIBUTE_1['OUTPUT'],'buffer',5.0,False,None) outputs_QGISINTERSECTION_1=processing.runalg('qgis:intersection', use_contours,outputs_QGISVARIABLEDISTANCEBUFFER_1['OUTPUT'],None) outputs_QGISMULTIPARTTOSINGLEPARTS_1=processing.runalg('qgis:multiparttosingleparts', outputs_QGISINTERSECTION_1['OUTPUT'],None) if (int(version[0]) == 2 and int(version[1]) == 14): outputs_QGISEXTRACTBYLOCATION_1=processing.runalg('qgis:extractbylocation', outputs_QGISMULTIPARTTOSINGLEPARTS_1['OUTPUT'],outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_1['OUTPUT'],['intersects','crosses'],None) elif (int(version[0]) == 2 and int(version[1]) == 16): outputs_QGISEXTRACTBYLOCATION_1=processing.runalg('qgis:extractbylocation', outputs_QGISMULTIPARTTOSINGLEPARTS_1['OUTPUT'],outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_1['OUTPUT'],['intersects','crosses'],1.0,None) outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_2=processing.runalg('qgis:fixeddistancebuffer', outputs_QGISEXTRACTBYLOCATION_1['OUTPUT'],2.0,5.0,False,None) progress.setText("Returning final clipped contours") if (int(version[0]) == 2 and int(version[1]) == 14): outputs_QGISDIFFERENCE_1=processing.runalg('qgis:difference',use_contours,outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_2['OUTPUT'],output_contours) elif (int(version[0]) == 2 and int(version[1]) == 16): outputs_QGISDIFFERENCE_1=processing.runalg('qgis:difference',use_contours,outputs_QGISFIXEDDISTANCEBUFFER_2['OUTPUT'],False,output_contours) else: output_contours = input_contours progress.setText("Cleaning output layers.") progress.setText("Returning labels") outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_4=processing.runalg('qgis:deletecolumn',outputs_QGISFIELDCALCULATOR_8['OUTPUT_LAYER'],'buffer',None) outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_5=processing.runalg('qgis:deletecolumn',outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_4['OUTPUT'],'ID',None) outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_6=processing.runalg('qgis:deletecolumn',outputs_QGISDELETECOLUMN_5['OUTPUT'],'ID_1',output_labels) progress.setText("All done.")
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # simple tree with parent-pointers and data associated with each node and # edge. class Node(object): def __init__(self, data=None, parent=None): = data self.children = [] self.parent = None self.edge_data = None def add_child(self, child, edge_data=None): if child not in self.children: child.parent = self child.edge_data = edge_data self.children.append(child) def detach(self): try: idx = self.parent.children.remove(self) except ValueError as e: print "Help!! My parent doesn't think I am its child :(" raise e self.parent = None self.edge_data = None def find_root(self): cur = self.parent while cur.parent is not None: cur = cur.parent return cur
#!/usr/bin/python # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This is the main module of the nmeta2 suite running on top of the Ryu SDN controller to provide network identity and flow (traffic classification) metadata. . It supports OpenFlow v1.3 switches and Data Path Auxiliary Engines (DPAE) . Do not use this code for production deployments - it is proof of concept code and carries no warrantee whatsoever. . You have been warned. """ #*** Logging Imports: import logging #import coloredlogs #*** General Imports: import sys import time #*** mongodb Database Import: from pymongo import MongoClient #*** Ryu Imports: from ryu import utils from ryu.base import app_manager from ryu.controller import ofp_event from ryu.controller.handler import CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER from ryu.controller.handler import HANDSHAKE_DISPATCHER from ryu.controller.handler import set_ev_cls from ryu.ofproto import ofproto_v1_3 from ryu.lib.packet import packet from ryu.lib.packet import ethernet from ryu.lib.packet import ipv4, ipv6 from ryu.lib.packet import tcp #*** Required for api module context: from import WSGIApplication #*** nmeta imports: import config import switch_abstraction import api import main_policy import of_error_decode #*** JSON imports: import json from json import JSONEncoder #*** Universal Unique Identifier: from uuid import UUID class Nmeta(app_manager.RyuApp): """ This is the main class of nmeta2 and is run by Ryu """ OFP_VERSIONS = [ofproto_v1_3.OFP_VERSION] #*** Used to call api module: _CONTEXTS = {'wsgi': WSGIApplication} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Nmeta, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #*** Version number for compatibility checks: self.version = '0.3.5' #*** Instantiate config class which imports configuration file #*** config.yaml and provides access to keys/values: self.config = config.Config() #*** Get logging config values from config class: _logging_level_s = self.config.get_value \ ('nmeta_logging_level_s') _logging_level_c = self.config.get_value \ ('nmeta_logging_level_c') _syslog_enabled = self.config.get_value('syslog_enabled') _loghost = self.config.get_value('loghost') _logport = self.config.get_value('logport') _logfacility = self.config.get_value('logfacility') _syslog_format = self.config.get_value('syslog_format') _console_log_enabled = self.config.get_value('console_log_enabled') _coloredlogs_enabled = self.config.get_value('coloredlogs_enabled') _console_format = self.config.get_value('console_format') #*** Set up Logging: self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger.propagate = False #*** Syslog: if _syslog_enabled: #*** Log to syslog on host specified in config.yaml: self.syslog_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address=( _loghost, _logport), facility=_logfacility) syslog_formatter = logging.Formatter(_syslog_format) self.syslog_handler.setFormatter(syslog_formatter) self.syslog_handler.setLevel(_logging_level_s) #*** Add syslog log handler to logger: self.logger.addHandler(self.syslog_handler) #*** Console logging: if _console_log_enabled: #*** Log to the console: self.console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_formatter = logging.Formatter(_console_format) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) self.console_handler.setLevel(_logging_level_c) #*** Add console log handler to logger: self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) #*** Set a variable to indicate if either or both levels are #*** at debug: if _logging_level_s == 'DEBUG' or _logging_level_c == 'DEBUG': self.debug_on = True else: self.debug_on = False #*** Set up variables: #*** Get max bytes of new flow packets to send to controller from #*** config file: self.miss_send_len = self.config.get_value("miss_send_len") if self.miss_send_len < 1500:"Be aware that setting " "miss_send_len to less than a full size packet " "may result in errors due to truncation. " "Configured value is %s bytes", self.miss_send_len) #*** Load the Flow Table ID numbers: self.ft_iig = self.config.get_value("ft_iig") self.ft_iim = self.config.get_value("ft_iim") self.ft_tc = self.config.get_value("ft_tc") self.ft_tt = self.config.get_value("ft_tt") self.ft_fwd = self.config.get_value("ft_fwd") #*** Context Configuration: self.context_default = self.config.get_value("context_default") #*** DPAE Registration Parameters: self.dpae2ctrl_mac = self.config.get_value("dpae2ctrl_mac") self.ctrl2dpae_mac = self.config.get_value("ctrl2dpae_mac") self.dpae_ethertype = self.config.get_value("dpae_ethertype") #*** Tell switch how to handle fragments (see OpenFlow spec): self.ofpc_frag = self.config.get_value("ofpc_frag") #*** Update JSON to support UUID encoding: JSONEncoder_olddefault = JSONEncoder.default def JSONEncoder_newdefault(self, o): if isinstance(o, UUID): return str(o) return JSONEncoder_olddefault(self, o) JSONEncoder.default = JSONEncoder_newdefault #*** Instantiate Module Classes: self.switches = switch_abstraction.Switches(self, self.config) wsgi = kwargs['wsgi'] self.api = api.Api(self, self.config, wsgi) self.main_policy = main_policy.MainPolicy(self.config) #*** Start mongodb:"Connecting to mongodb database...") self.mongo_addr = self.config.get_value("mongo_addr") self.mongo_port = self.config.get_value("mongo_port") mongo_client = MongoClient(self.mongo_addr, self.mongo_port) #*** Connect to specific databases and collections in mongodb: #*** ID Service database: db_svc = mongo_client.idsvc_database self.dbidsvc = db_svc.idsvc #*** ID Node database: db_node = mongo_client.idnode_database self.dbidnode = db_svc.idnode #*** ID IP database: db_ip = mongo_client.idip_database self.dbidip = db_svc.idip #*** ID MAC database (with a connection test var): db_mac = mongo_client.mac_database self.dbidmac = db_mac.idmac dbtest = db_mac.cxntest #*** DPAE database: db_dpae = mongo_client.dpae_database self.dbdpae = db_dpae.dpae #*** Test a Database Connection: try: dbtest.delete_many({}) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() self.logger.critical("Fatal. Mongodb connection failed. " "Exception %s, %s, %s. Check that database" " is running and nmeta config file has correct mongodb " "connection parameters", exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) sys.exit() test_data = {"testing": "1,2,3"} test_id = dbtest.insert_one(test_data).inserted_id result = dbtest.find(test_data).count() if result == 1:"Success! Connected to mongodb database") else: self.logger.critical("Fatal. Mongodb test failed" "database addr mongo_addr=%s mongo_port=%s. Check that database" " is running and nmeta config file has correct mongodb " "connection parameters", self.mongo_addr, self.mongo_port) sys.exit() #*** ID Service database - delete all previous entries: result = self.dbidsvc.delete_many({})"Initialising ID Service database, Deleted %s " "previous entries from dbidsvc", result.deleted_count) #*** ID Node database - delete all previous entries: result = self.dbidnode.delete_many({})"Initialising ID Node database, Deleted %s previous " "entries from dbidnode", result.deleted_count) #*** ID IP database - delete all previous entries: result = self.dbidip.delete_many({})"Initialising ID IP database, Deleted %s previous " "entries from dbidip", result.deleted_count) #*** ID MAC database - delete all previous entries: result = self.dbidmac.delete_many({})"Initialising ID MAC database, Deleted %s previous " "entries from dbidmac", result.deleted_count) #*** DPAE database - delete all previous entries: result = self.dbdpae.delete_many({})"Initialising DPAE database, Deleted %s previous " "entries from dbdpae", result.deleted_count) @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER) def switch_connection_handler(self, ev): """ A switch has connected to the SDN controller. We need to do some tasks to set the switch up properly: - Instantiate a class to represent the switch and flow tables - Delete all existing flow entries - Set config for fragment handling and table miss packet length - Set up initial flow entries in flow tables - Install non-DPAE TC flows from optimised policy to switch - Request the switch send us its description Supported OpenFlow versions is controlled by the OFP_VERSIONS constant set in class base. """ datapath = ev.msg.datapath"In switch_connection_handler dpid=%s", #*** Add switch to our class abstraction: self.switches.add(datapath) switch = self.switches[] #*** Delete all existing flows from the switch: switch.flowtables.delete_all_flows() #*** Set the configuration on the switch: switch.set_switch_config(self.ofpc_frag, self.miss_send_len) #*** Set up switch flow table basics: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iig_broadcast() switch.flowtables.add_fe_iig_miss() switch.flowtables.add_fe_iim_miss() switch.flowtables.add_fe_tcf_accepts() switch.flowtables.add_fe_tcf_miss() switch.flowtables.add_fe_tc_miss() switch.flowtables.add_fe_amf_miss() switch.flowtables.add_fe_tt_miss() switch.flowtables.add_fe_fwd_miss() #*** Set flow entry for DPAE join packets: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iim_dpae_join() #*** Install non-DPAE static TC flows from optimised policy to switch: switch.flowtables.add_fe_tc_static \ (self.main_policy.optimised_rules.get_rules()) #*** Request the switch send us it's description: switch.request_switch_desc() @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPDescStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER) def desc_stats_reply_handler(self, ev): """ Receive a reply from a switch to a description statistics request """ body = ev.msg.body datapath = ev.msg.datapath dpid ='event=DescStats Switch dpid=%s is mfr_desc="%s" ' 'hw_desc="%s" sw_desc="%s" serial_num="%s" dp_desc="%s"', dpid, body.mfr_desc, body.hw_desc, body.sw_desc, body.serial_num, body.dp_desc) @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPFlowRemoved, MAIN_DISPATCHER) def flow_removed_handler(self, ev): """ A switch has sent an event to us because it has removed a flow from a flow table """ msg = ev.msg datapath = msg.datapath ofp = datapath.ofproto if msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT: reason = 'IDLE TIMEOUT' elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT: reason = 'HARD TIMEOUT' elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_DELETE: reason = 'DELETE' elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_GROUP_DELETE: reason = 'GROUP DELETE' else: reason = 'unknown''Flow removed msg ' 'cookie=%d priority=%d reason=%s table_id=%d ' 'duration_sec=%d ' 'idle_timeout=%d hard_timeout=%d ' 'packets=%d bytes=%d match=%s', msg.cookie, msg.priority, reason, msg.table_id, msg.duration_sec, msg.idle_timeout, msg.hard_timeout, msg.packet_count, msg.byte_count, msg.match) # Is it a MAC learning suppression FE idle timeout? if msg.table_id == self.ft_iim and \ msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT: switch = self.switches[] #*** Extract the MAC from the match: mac = msg.match['eth_src'] in_port = msg.match['in_port'] #*** TBD, deal with context: context = self.context_default #*** Call method to delete FEs: switch.mactable.delete(mac, in_port, context) @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER) def _packet_in_handler(self, ev): """ A switch has sent us a Packet In event """ msg = ev.msg datapath = msg.datapath ofproto = msg.datapath.ofproto dpid = switch = self.switches[dpid] in_port = msg.match['in_port'] pkt = packet.Packet( eth = pkt.get_protocol(ethernet.ethernet) #*** TBD, deal with context: context = self.context_default #*** Extra debug if syslog or console logging set to DEBUG: if self.debug_on: self._packet_in_debug(ev, in_port) #*** Is it a DPAE Join request? If so, call function to handle it: if eth.src == self.ctrl2dpae_mac and eth.dst == self.dpae2ctrl_mac: self.dpae_join(pkt, datapath, in_port) return 1"Learned mac=%s dpid=%s port=%s", eth.src, dpid, in_port) #*** Add to MAC/port pair to switch MAC table: switch.mactable.add(eth.src, in_port, context) #*** In active mode with a DPAE, we need to add an AMF flow entry: if self.main_policy.tc_policies.mode == 'active': #*** Look the DPID up in the database: db_result = self.dbdpae.find_one({'dpid': dpid}) if db_result:"Found DPAE for dpid=%s, adding AMF entry", dpid) #*** Get the dpae port for that switch: #*** TBD, handle more than one DPAE per switch dpae_port = db_result['switch_port'] if dpae_port: #*** Add FE to the Active Mode Filter (ft_amf) Flow table:"Adding AMF entry dpid=%s dpae_port=%s " "mac=%s", dpid, dpae_port, eth.src) switch.flowtables.add_fe_amf_macport_dst(dpae_port, eth.src) else: self.logger.error("No DPAE switch port for dpid=%s", dpid) else: self.logger.debug("No DPAE found for dpid=%s", dpid) #*** Add source MAC / in port to Forwarding table as destinations so #*** that we don't flood them: switch.flowtables.add_fe_fwd_macport_dst(in_port, eth.src) #*** Add source MAC / in port to Identity Indicator (MAC) table so #*** that we don't get further packet in events for this combo: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iim_macport_src(in_port, eth.src) #*** Do a packet out to avoid going through DPAE in active mode #*** which causes bad MAC learning in adjacent switches #*** if forwarding entry not installed: # Send out specific port if known or flood: out_port = switch.mactable.mac2port(eth.dst, context) if out_port == switch_abstraction.PORT_NOT_FOUND: out_port = ofproto.OFPP_FLOOD #*** Packet out: switch.packet_out(, in_port, out_port, 0, 1) @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPErrorMsg, [HANDSHAKE_DISPATCHER, CONFIG_DISPATCHER, MAIN_DISPATCHER]) def error_msg_handler(self, ev): """ A switch has sent us an error event """ msg = ev.msg datapath = msg.datapath dpid = self.logger.error('event=OFPErrorMsg_received: dpid=%s ' 'type=%s code=%s message=%s', dpid, msg.type, msg.code, utils.hex_array( #*** Log human-friendly decodes for the error type and code: type1, type2, code1, code2 = of_error_decode.decode(msg.type, msg.code) self.logger.error('error_type=%s %s error_code=%s %s', type1, type2, code1, code2) @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus, MAIN_DISPATCHER) def _port_status_handler(self, ev): """ Switch Port Status event """ msg = ev.msg reason = msg.reason port = msg.desc.port_no ofproto = msg.datapath.ofproto if reason == ofproto.OFPPR_ADD:"port added port=%s", port) elif reason == ofproto.OFPPR_DELETE:"port deleted port=%s", port) elif reason == ofproto.OFPPR_MODIFY:"port modified port=%s", port) else:"Illegal port state port=%s %s", port, reason) def tc_start(self, datapath, dpae_port): """ Add a Flow Entry to switch to clone selected packets to a DPAE so that it can perform Traffic Classification analysis on them """ dpid ="Starting TC to DPAE on datapath=%s, dpae_port=%s", dpid, dpae_port) switch = self.switches[dpid] #*** Check if Active or Passive TC Mode: mode = self.main_policy.tc_policies.mode"TC mode=%s", mode) #*** TBD, deal with context: context = self.context_default #*** Set up group table to send to DPAE: # NEEDS OVS 2.1 OR HIGHER SO COMMENTED OUT FOR THE MOMENT # ALSO NEEDS CODE THAT CAN CATER FOR MULTIPLE DPAE #switch.flowtables.add_group_dpae(out_port) if self.main_policy.identity.lldp: #*** Install FEs to send LLDP Identity indicators to DPAE: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iig_lldp(dpae_port) if self.main_policy.identity.dhcp: #*** Install FEs to send DHCP Identity indicators to DPAE: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iig_dhcp(dpae_port) if self.main_policy.identity.dns: #*** Install FEs to send DNS Identity indicators to DPAE: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iig_dns(dpae_port) if mode == 'active': #*** Install AMF entries for MACs we already know dest for: mac_list = switch.mactable.dump_macs(context) for mac in mac_list: self.logger.debug("Adding previously learned mac=%s dpid=%s " "dpae_port=%s to Active Mode Filter (amf)", mac, dpid, dpae_port) switch.flowtables.add_fe_amf_macport_dst(dpae_port, mac) #*** Install FE to so packets returning from DPAE in active mode #*** bypass learning tables and go straight to treatment: switch.flowtables.add_fe_iim_dpae_active_bypass(dpae_port) #*** Add any general TC flows to send to DPAE if required by policy #*** (i.e. statistical or payload): switch.flowtables.add_fe_tc_dpae( self.main_policy.optimised_rules.get_rules(), dpae_port, mode)"TC started to DPAE on datapath=%s, dpae_port=%s", dpid, dpae_port) _results = {"status": "tc_started", "mode": mode} return _results def dpae_join(self, pkt, datapath, in_port): """ A DPAE may have sent us a join discovery packet (Phase 2) Check the packet payload to see if it is valid """ _payload = str(pkt.protocols[-1])"Phase 2 DPAE discovery packet received from dpid=%s " "port=%s payload=%s",, in_port, _payload) #*** Try decode of payload as JSON: try: dpae_discover = json.loads(_payload) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error("Phase 2 DPAE API Create exception while " "decoding JSON body=%s Exception %s, %s, %s", _payload, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return 0 #*** Check to see if JSON has a uuid_controller key: if 'uuid_controller' in dpae_discover: uuid_controller = dpae_discover['uuid_controller'] else: self.logger.debug("No uuid_controller field in discovery " "packet so ignoring...") return 0 #*** Check to see if JSON has a hostname_dpae key: if 'hostname_dpae' in dpae_discover: hostname_dpae = dpae_discover['hostname_dpae'] else: self.logger.debug("No hostname_dpae field in discovery " "packet so ignoring...") return 0 #*** Check to see if JSON has a if_name key: if 'if_name' in dpae_discover: if_name = dpae_discover['if_name'] else: self.logger.debug("No if_name field in discovery " "packet so ignoring...") return 0 #*** Check to see if JSON has a uuid_dpae key: if 'uuid_dpae' in dpae_discover: uuid_dpae = dpae_discover['uuid_dpae'] else: self.logger.debug("No uuid_dpae field in discovery " "packet so ignoring...") return 0 #*** Look the key up in the database: db_result = self.dbdpae.find_one({'_id': str(uuid_controller)}) if db_result: #*** Check all fields match: if not hostname_dpae == str(db_result[u'hostname_dpae']): self.logger.error("Phase 2 hostname_dpae mismatch") return 0 if not if_name == str(db_result[u'if_name']): self.logger.error("Phase 2 if_name mismatch") return 0 if not uuid_dpae == str(db_result[u'uuid_dpae']): self.logger.error("Phase 2 uuid_dpae mismatch") return 0 self.logger.debug("Phase 2 updating DPAE record") db_result = self.dbdpae.update_one( {'_id': str(uuid_controller)}, { '$set': { 'dpid':, 'switch_port': in_port }, } ) self.logger.debug("Phase 2 updated %s database record(s)", db_result.modified_count) else: #*** Ignore as no uuid_controller key: self.logger.debug("Phase 2 discovery packet uuid_controller field " "not found in database, so ignoring...") return 0 def tc_advice_id(self, dpid, tc_type, tc_subtype, src_mac, detail1): """ Process a Traffic Classification advice message from a DPAE that relates to an identity """ switch = self.switches[dpid] #*** TBD, deal with context: context = self.context_default #*** Look up source mac to get a port number: port_number = switch.mactable.mac2port(src_mac, context) #*** TBD, handle return value for port not found... if tc_subtype == 'lldp': #*** Check to see if we already know this identity: db_data = {'id_type': tc_subtype, 'src_mac': src_mac, 'node_name': detail1} db_result = self.dbidnode.find_one(db_data) if not db_result: #*** LLDP identity not in database so add it: db_data = {'last_seen': time.time(), 'id_type': tc_subtype, 'src_mac': src_mac, 'node_name': detail1} db_result = self.dbidnode.insert_one(db_data)"Created new ID Node record id_type=%s " "node_name=%s", tc_subtype, detail1) #*** Check to see if we need to add a flow to switch: switch.flowtables.add_fe_tc_id(tc_subtype, detail1, src_mac, self.main_policy.optimised_rules.get_rules()) else: #*** Just update the last_seen field: db_result = self.dbdpae.update_one( {'id_type': tc_subtype, 'src_mac': src_mac, 'node_name': detail1}, { '$set': { 'last_seen': time.time() }, } ) self.logger.debug("Last seen updated for %s of %s ID Node " "record(s) id_type=%s node_name=%s", db_result.modified_count, db_result.matched_count, tc_subtype, detail1) else:"Didn't action tc_subtype=%s", tc_subtype) def _packet_in_debug(self, ev, in_port): """ Generate a debug message describing the packet in event """ #*** Extract parameters: msg = ev.msg datapath = msg.datapath dpid = pkt = packet.Packet( eth = pkt.get_protocol(ethernet.ethernet) eth_src = eth.src eth_dst = eth.dst pkt_ip4 = pkt.get_protocol(ipv4.ipv4) pkt_ip6 = pkt.get_protocol(ipv6.ipv6) pkt_tcp = pkt.get_protocol(tcp.tcp) #*** Some debug about the Packet In: if pkt_ip4 and pkt_tcp: self.logger.debug("event=pi_ipv4_tcp dpid=%s " "in_port=%s ip_src=%s ip_dst=%s tcp_src=%s " "tcp_dst=%s", dpid, in_port, pkt_ip4.src, pkt_ip4.dst, pkt_tcp.src_port, pkt_tcp.dst_port) elif pkt_ip6 and pkt_tcp: self.logger.debug("event=pi_ipv6_tcp dpid=%s " "in_port=%s ip_src=%s ip_dst=%s tcp_src=%s " "tcp_dst=%s", dpid, in_port, pkt_ip6.src, pkt_ip6.dst, pkt_tcp.src_port, pkt_tcp.dst_port) elif pkt_ip4: self.logger.debug("event=pi_ipv4 dpid=" "%s in_port=%s ip_src=%s ip_dst=%s proto=%s", dpid, in_port, pkt_ip4.src, pkt_ip4.dst, pkt_ip4.proto) elif pkt_ip6: self.logger.debug("event=pi_ipv6 dpid=%s " "in_port=%s ip_src=%s ip_dst=%s", dpid, in_port, pkt_ip6.src, pkt_ip6.dst) else: self.logger.debug("event=pi_other dpid=%s " "in_port=%s eth_src=%s eth_dst=%s eth_type=%s", dpid, in_port, eth_src, eth_dst, eth.ethertype)
__author__ = 'tonima' from openpyxl import load_workbook from authentication.models import Profesor, Alumno from tfgs.models import Titulacion, Tfg_Asig, Tfg import utils from django.db.models import Q class Tfgs_masivos(object): def __init__(self, fichero=None): if fichero: self.wb = load_workbook(fichero) = self.errores = [] self.exitos = [] def upload_file_tfg(self, u_fila, p_fila, cabeceras, titulacion): for i in range(p_fila, u_fila+1): try: data_tfg = self.read_data(cabeceras, i) self.tfg = self.check_tfg(data_tfg, i, titulacion) resul = Tfg.objects.simular_create_tfg(**self.tfg) if self.tfg is not False and resul is True: self.exitos.append(dict(fila=i, tfg=self.tfg)) else: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message=resul)) except Profesor.DoesNotExist: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message='El profesor no existe')) continue except Titulacion.DoesNotExist: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message='La titulacion no existe')) continue except Exception as e: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message=e.message)) continue return dict(status=True, exitos=self.exitos, errores=self.errores) def read_data(self, cabeceras, i): resul = dict([cabeceras['tipo'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['titulo'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['n_alumnos'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['descripcion'] + str(i)].value, conocimientos_previos=[cabeceras['conocimientos_previos'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['hard_soft'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['titulacion'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['tutor'] + str(i)].value,[cabeceras['cotutor'] + str(i)].value) return resul def check_tfg(self, tfg, i, titulacion): if not tfg.get('titulo'): raise Exception('El TFG no tiene titulo') tfg['tutor'] = Profesor.objects.get(email=tfg.get('tutor')) tfg['titulacion'] = Titulacion.objects.get(codigo=titulacion) if tfg.get('cotutor'): tfg['cotutor'] = Profesor.objects.get(email=str(tfg.get('cotutor'))) tfg = dict(tipo=tfg['tipo'], titulo=tfg['titulo'], n_alumnos=tfg['n_alumnos'], descripcion=tfg['descripcion'], conocimientos_previos=tfg['conocimientos_previos'], hard_soft=tfg['hard_soft'], tutor=tfg['tutor'].email, cotutor=tfg['cotutor'].email, titulacion=tfg['titulacion'].codigo) else: tfg = dict(tipo=tfg['tipo'], titulo=tfg['titulo'], n_alumnos=tfg['n_alumnos'], descripcion=tfg['descripcion'], conocimientos_previos=tfg['conocimientos_previos'], hard_soft=tfg['hard_soft'], tutor=tfg['tutor'].email, titulacion=tfg['titulacion'].codigo) return tfg def upload_file_confirm(self, tfgs): errores = [] for index, data_tfg in enumerate(tfgs): try: tfg = data_tfg.get('tfg') res = Tfg.objects.create(**tfg) if not res.get('status'): errores.append(dict(fila=index, tfg=tfg)) except Exception as e: errores.append(dict(fila=index, message=e.message)) continue return dict(status=True, errores=errores) class Tfgs_asig_masivos(Tfgs_masivos): def __init__(self, fichero=None): super(Tfgs_asig_masivos, self).__init__(fichero) def upload_file_tfg(self, u_fila, p_fila, cabeceras, titulacion): for i in range(p_fila, u_fila+1): try: data_tfg = self.read_data(cabeceras, i) self.tfg = self.check_tfg(data_tfg, i, titulacion) resul = Tfg.objects.simular_create_tfg(**self.tfg) if self.tfg is not False and resul is True: model_tfg = Tfg(**data_tfg) self.check_tfg_asig(data_tfg, cabeceras, i) tfg_asig = dict(tfg=model_tfg, alumno_1=data_tfg['alumno_1'], alumno_2=data_tfg['alumno_2'], alumno_3=data_tfg['alumno_3']) resul = Tfg_Asig.objects.simular_create_tfg_asig(**tfg_asig) if resul is True: self.exitos.append(dict(fila=i, tfg=self.tfg)) else: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message=resul)) else: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message=resul)) except Profesor.DoesNotExist: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message='El profesor no existe')) continue except Alumno.DoesNotExist: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message='El alumno no existe')) continue except Titulacion.DoesNotExist: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message='La titulacion no existe')) continue except Exception as e: self.errores.append(dict(fila=i, message=e.message)) continue return dict(status=True, exitos=self.exitos, errores=self.errores) def check_tfg_asig(self, data_tfg, cabeceras, i): data_tfg['alumno_1'], self.tfg['alumno_1'] = utils.alumno_email_or_dni( unicode([cabeceras['alumno_1'] + str(i)].value) if cabeceras.get('alumno_1') and \[cabeceras['alumno_1'] + str(i)].value \ else None) self.tfg['nombre_alumno_1'] = unicode([cabeceras['nombre_alumno_1'] + str(i)].value) if cabeceras.get('nombre_alumno_1') and \[cabeceras['nombre_alumno_1'] + str(i)].value \ else None data_tfg['alumno_2'], self.tfg['alumno_2'] = utils.alumno_email_or_dni( unicode([cabeceras['alumno_2'] + str(i)].value) if cabeceras.get('alumno_2') and \[cabeceras['alumno_2'] + str(i)].value \ else None) self.tfg['nombre_alumno_2'] = unicode([cabeceras['nombre_alumno_2'] + str(i)].value) if cabeceras.get('nombre_alumno_2') and \[cabeceras['nombre_alumno_2'] + str(i)].value \ else None data_tfg['alumno_3'], self.tfg['alumno_3'] = utils.alumno_email_or_dni( unicode([cabeceras['alumno_3'] + str(i)].value) if cabeceras.get('alumno_3') and \[cabeceras['alumno_3'] + str(i)].value \ else None) self.tfg['nombre_alumno_3'] = unicode([cabeceras['nombre_alumno_3'] + str(i)].value) if cabeceras.get('nombre_alumno_3') and \[cabeceras['nombre_alumno_3'] + str(i)].value \ else None def upload_file_confirm(self, tfgs): errores = [] for index, data_tfg in enumerate(tfgs): try: self.alumno_1 = self.get_or_create_alumno(data_tfg['tfg'].get('alumno_1'), data_tfg['tfg'].get('nombre_alumno_1')) if data_tfg['tfg'] \ .get('alumno_1') else None self.alumno_2 = self.get_or_create_alumno(data_tfg['tfg'].get('alumno_2'), data_tfg['tfg'].get('nombre_alumno_2')) if data_tfg['tfg'] \ .get('alumno_2') else None self.alumno_3 = self.get_or_create_alumno(data_tfg['tfg'].get('alumno_3'), data_tfg['tfg'].get('nombre_alumno_3')) if data_tfg['tfg'] \ .get('alumno_3') else None self.tfg = Tfg.objects.create(**data_tfg['tfg']) res = Tfg_Asig.objects.create(tfg=self.tfg.get('data'), alumno_1=self.alumno_1, alumno_2=self.alumno_2, alumno_3=self.alumno_3) if not res.get('status'): errores.append(dict(fila=index, tfg=data_tfg)) except Exception as e: errores.append(dict(fila=index, message=e.message)) continue return dict(status=True, errores=errores) def get_or_create_alumno(self, alumno, nombre=None): if utils.is_email_alumno(alumno): if not Alumno.objects.filter(email=alumno if alumno else None).exists(): Alumno.objects.create_user(email=alumno, first_name=nombre) try: return Alumno.objects.get(email=alumno) except Alumno.DoesNotExist: raise NameError('Error en el alumno %s' % alumno) elif utils.is_dni(alumno): if not Alumno.objects.filter(dni=alumno if alumno else None).exists(): Alumno.objects.create_user(dni=alumno, first_name=nombre) try: return Alumno.objects.get(dni=alumno) except Alumno.DoesNotExist: raise NameError('Error en el alumno %s' % alumno) else: raise NameError('Error en el alumno %s' % alumno)
#coding: utf-8 import json import urllib import geocoder import pytz from datetime import datetime from django.shortcuts import render from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils import timezone from .models import Ephemeris, Event, Houses, Location from utils import PLANET_NAMES, SIGNS, dms def home(request): now = params = {} params['datenow'] = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") params['timenow'] = now.strftime("%H:%M") return render(request, 'horoscope/home.html', params) def my_events(request): return render(request, 'horoscope/event_list.html', {'events': Event.objects.all().select_related('ephemeris', 'location')}) def parse_date(date_str, time_str): now = if not date_str and not time_str: return now if not date_str: date = else: date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%d-%m-%Y").date() if not time_str: time = now.time() else: time = datetime.strptime(time_str, "%H:%M").time() return datetime.combine(date, time) def eph(request): data = {} date = request.GET.get('date', None) time = request.GET.get('time', None) date = parse_date(date, time) location = request.GET.get('city', None) if date and time and location: l = Location.create(location) date = l.timezone.localize(date) date = date.astimezone(pytz.utc) houses = Houses.create(date,, l.lng) data['houses'] = [getattr(houses, for i in houses._meta.fields[1:]] data['location'] = {'city':, 'lat': dms(, 'lng': dms(l.lng)} data['planets'] = get_planets(date) data['date'] = str(date) return HttpResponse( json.dumps(data, indent=4), content_type='application/javascript; charset=utf8' ) def get_planets(date): e = Ephemeris.create(date) planets = [] for index, field in enumerate(e._meta.fields[:11]): if != 'id': v = getattr(e, planet = {} planet['index'] = index planet['name'] = planet['angle'] = v planet['sign_index'] = int(v/30) planets.append(planet) return planets def chart(request): date_str = request.GET.get('date', None) time_str = request.GET.get('time', None) date = parse_date(date_str, time_str) planets = [] for p in get_planets(date): p['code'] = p['name'] p['angle'] = p['angle'] % 30 p['name'] = PLANET_NAMES[p['code']] p['sign_code'], p['sign'] = SIGNS[p['sign_index']] planets.append(p) return render(request, 'horoscope/chart.html', {'date': date, 'planets': planets}) def save_event(request): print 'save_event' if request.method == 'POST': name = request.POST.get('name') date = request.POST.get('date') time = request.POST.get('time') location = request.POST.get('location') e = Event.create(name, date, time, location) print request.POST return HttpResponse(request.POST) def geocode(request): query = request.GET.get('query', None) query = urllib.unquote(query).decode('utf8') g = if g.ok and data = [{'value': g.address, 'tokens':}] else: data = {} data = json.dumps(data, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2014, Paweł Wodnicki # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the 32bitmicro nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND #ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED #WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE #DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Paweł Wodnicki BE LIABLE FOR ANY #DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES #(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; #LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND #ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT #(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS #SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from edautils import * from eda import * pcb_symbols= """ Symbol(' ' 18) ( ) Symbol('!' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 35 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 0 25 8) ) Symbol('"' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 10 8) SymbolLine(10 0 10 10 8) ) Symbol('#' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 25 20 25 8) SymbolLine(0 15 20 15 8) SymbolLine(15 10 15 30 8) SymbolLine(5 10 5 30 8) ) Symbol('$' 12) ( SymbolLine(15 5 20 10 8) SymbolLine(5 5 15 5 8) SymbolLine(0 10 5 5 8) SymbolLine(0 10 0 15 8) SymbolLine(0 15 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 30 8) SymbolLine(15 35 20 30 8) SymbolLine(5 35 15 35 8) SymbolLine(0 30 5 35 8) SymbolLine(10 0 10 40 8) ) Symbol('%' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 0 10 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 10 0 8) SymbolLine(10 0 15 5 8) SymbolLine(15 5 15 10 8) SymbolLine(10 15 15 10 8) SymbolLine(5 15 10 15 8) SymbolLine(0 10 5 15 8) SymbolLine(0 40 40 0 8) SymbolLine(35 40 40 35 8) SymbolLine(40 30 40 35 8) SymbolLine(35 25 40 30 8) SymbolLine(30 25 35 25 8) SymbolLine(25 30 30 25 8) SymbolLine(25 30 25 35 8) SymbolLine(25 35 30 40 8) SymbolLine(30 40 35 40 8) ) Symbol('&' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 15 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 25 15 10 8) SymbolLine(5 40 10 40 8) SymbolLine(10 40 20 30 8) SymbolLine(0 15 25 40 8) SymbolLine(5 0 10 0 8) SymbolLine(10 0 15 5 8) SymbolLine(15 5 15 10 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) ) Symbol(''' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 10 10 0 8) ) Symbol('(' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) ) Symbol(')' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 5 5 8) SymbolLine(5 5 5 35 8) SymbolLine(0 40 5 35 8) ) Symbol('*' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 10 20 30 8) SymbolLine(0 30 20 10 8) SymbolLine(0 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(10 10 10 30 8) ) Symbol('+' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(10 10 10 30 8) ) Symbol(',' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 50 10 40 8) ) Symbol('-' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 20 20 8) ) Symbol('.' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 40 5 40 8) ) Symbol('/' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 35 30 5 8) ) Symbol('0' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 30 20 10 8) ) Symbol('1' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(10 0 10 40 8) SymbolLine(0 10 10 0 8) ) Symbol('2' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 5 25 15 8) SymbolLine(0 40 25 15 8) SymbolLine(0 40 25 40 8) ) Symbol('3' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) ) Symbol('4' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 20 0 8) SymbolLine(0 20 25 20 8) SymbolLine(20 0 20 40 8) ) Symbol('5' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(0 0 0 20 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 15 8) SymbolLine(5 15 15 15 8) SymbolLine(15 15 20 20 8) SymbolLine(20 20 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('6' 12) ( SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(0 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 35 8) ) Symbol('7' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 40 25 15 8) SymbolLine(25 0 25 15 8) SymbolLine(0 0 25 0 8) ) Symbol('8' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 15 5 20 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 15 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 15 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 15 8) ) Symbol('9' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 40 20 20 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 20 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 15 8) SymbolLine(0 15 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) ) Symbol(':' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 15 5 15 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 25 8) ) Symbol(';' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 40 10 30 8) SymbolLine(10 15 10 20 8) ) Symbol('<' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 10 10 8) SymbolLine(0 20 10 30 8) ) Symbol('=' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 15 20 15 8) SymbolLine(0 25 20 25 8) ) Symbol('>' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 10 10 20 8) SymbolLine(0 30 10 20 8) ) Symbol('?' 12) ( SymbolLine(10 20 10 25 8) SymbolLine(10 35 10 40 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 10 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 10 8) SymbolLine(10 20 20 10 8) ) Symbol('A' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 5 25 40 8) SymbolLine(0 20 25 20 8) ) Symbol('B' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 35 8) SymbolLine(25 25 25 35 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 25 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(5 0 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 5 25 15 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 15 8) ) Symbol('C' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 20 0 8) ) Symbol('D' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 0 5 40 8) SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 5 25 35 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 35 8) SymbolLine(0 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) ) Symbol('E' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(0 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) ) Symbol('F' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(0 20 15 20 8) ) Symbol('G' 12) ( SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(5 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 35 8) SymbolLine(25 25 25 35 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 25 8) SymbolLine(10 20 20 20 8) ) Symbol('H' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(25 0 25 40 8) SymbolLine(0 20 25 20 8) ) Symbol('I' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 10 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 10 40 8) ) Symbol('J' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 15 35 8) SymbolLine(10 40 15 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 10 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('K' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 20 20 0 8) SymbolLine(0 20 20 40 8) ) Symbol('L' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 20 40 8) ) Symbol('M' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 15 15 8) SymbolLine(15 15 30 0 8) SymbolLine(30 0 30 40 8) ) Symbol('N' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 0 5 8) SymbolLine(0 5 25 30 8) SymbolLine(25 0 25 40 8) ) Symbol('O' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('P' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 0 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 5 25 15 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 15 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) ) Symbol('Q' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(15 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 5 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(10 30 20 40 8) ) Symbol('R' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 5 25 15 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 15 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(5 0 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 20 25 40 8) ) Symbol('S' 12) ( SymbolLine(20 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(5 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 5 0 15 8) SymbolLine(0 15 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 25 8) SymbolLine(25 25 25 35 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('T' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8) SymbolLine(10 0 10 40 8) ) Symbol('U' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(20 0 20 35 8) ) Symbol('V' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 30 8) SymbolLine(0 30 10 40 8) SymbolLine(10 40 20 30 8) SymbolLine(20 0 20 30 8) ) Symbol('W' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 15 25 8) SymbolLine(15 25 30 40 8) SymbolLine(30 0 30 40 8) ) Symbol('X' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 5 8) SymbolLine(0 5 25 30 8) SymbolLine(25 30 25 40 8) SymbolLine(0 30 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 30 25 5 8) SymbolLine(25 0 25 5 8) ) Symbol('Y' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 5 8) SymbolLine(0 5 10 15 8) SymbolLine(10 15 20 5 8) SymbolLine(20 0 20 5 8) SymbolLine(10 15 10 40 8) ) Symbol('Z' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 25 0 8) SymbolLine(25 0 25 5 8) SymbolLine(0 30 25 5 8) SymbolLine(0 30 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 25 40 8) ) Symbol('[' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 5 0 8) SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 5 40 8) ) Symbol('\' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 30 35 8) ) Symbol(']' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 5 40 8) ) Symbol('^' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 5 5 0 8) SymbolLine(5 0 10 5 8) ) Symbol('_' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 40 20 40 8) ) Symbol('a' 12) ( SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(20 20 20 35 8) SymbolLine(20 35 25 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) ) Symbol('b' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) ) Symbol('c' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 20 40 8) ) Symbol('d' 12) ( SymbolLine(20 0 20 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) ) Symbol('e' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(0 30 20 30 8) SymbolLine(20 30 20 25 8) ) Symbol('f' 10) ( SymbolLine(5 5 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 5 10 0 8) SymbolLine(10 0 15 0 8) SymbolLine(0 20 10 20 8) ) Symbol('g' 12) ( SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(0 50 5 55 8) SymbolLine(5 55 15 55 8) SymbolLine(15 55 20 50 8) SymbolLine(20 20 20 50 8) ) Symbol('h' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 40 8) ) Symbol('i' 10) ( SymbolLine(0 10 0 15 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 40 8) ) Symbol('j' 10) ( SymbolLine(5 10 5 15 8) SymbolLine(5 25 5 50 8) SymbolLine(0 55 5 50 8) ) Symbol('k' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) SymbolLine(0 25 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 25 10 15 8) ) Symbol('l' 10) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('m' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 25 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 25 10 20 8) SymbolLine(10 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 40 8) SymbolLine(20 25 25 20 8) SymbolLine(25 20 30 20 8) SymbolLine(30 20 35 25 8) SymbolLine(35 25 35 40 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 25 8) ) Symbol('n' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 25 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 25 10 20 8) SymbolLine(10 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 25 8) ) Symbol('o' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 20 35 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('p' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 25 5 55 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 25 8) SymbolLine(5 25 10 20 8) SymbolLine(10 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 25 8) SymbolLine(25 25 25 35 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 35 8) SymbolLine(10 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(5 35 10 40 8) ) Symbol('q' 12) ( SymbolLine(20 25 20 55 8) SymbolLine(15 20 20 25 8) SymbolLine(5 20 15 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(0 25 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) ) Symbol('r' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 25 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 25 10 20 8) SymbolLine(10 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 25 8) ) Symbol('s' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 40 20 40 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 35 8) SymbolLine(20 30 25 35 8) SymbolLine(5 30 20 30 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 30 8) SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(20 20 25 25 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) ) Symbol('t' 10) ( SymbolLine(5 0 5 35 8) SymbolLine(5 35 10 40 8) SymbolLine(0 15 10 15 8) ) Symbol('u' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) SymbolLine(20 20 20 35 8) ) Symbol('v' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 0 30 8) SymbolLine(0 30 10 40 8) SymbolLine(10 40 20 30 8) SymbolLine(20 20 20 30 8) ) Symbol('w' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(5 40 10 40 8) SymbolLine(10 40 15 35 8) SymbolLine(15 20 15 35 8) SymbolLine(15 35 20 40 8) SymbolLine(20 40 25 40 8) SymbolLine(25 40 30 35 8) SymbolLine(30 20 30 35 8) ) Symbol('x' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 20 40 8) SymbolLine(0 40 20 20 8) ) Symbol('y' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 0 35 8) SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8) SymbolLine(20 20 20 50 8) SymbolLine(15 55 20 50 8) SymbolLine(5 55 15 55 8) SymbolLine(0 50 5 55 8) SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8) SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8) ) Symbol('z' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 20 20 20 8) SymbolLine(0 40 20 20 8) SymbolLine(0 40 20 40 8) ) Symbol('{' 12) ( SymbolLine(5 5 10 0 8) SymbolLine(5 5 5 15 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 15 8) SymbolLine(0 20 5 25 8) SymbolLine(5 25 5 35 8) SymbolLine(5 35 10 40 8) ) Symbol('|' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 0 40 8) ) Symbol('}' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 0 5 5 8) SymbolLine(5 5 5 15 8) SymbolLine(5 15 10 20 8) SymbolLine(5 25 10 20 8) SymbolLine(5 25 5 35 8) SymbolLine(0 40 5 35 8) ) Symbol('~' 12) ( SymbolLine(0 25 5 20 8) SymbolLine(5 20 10 20 8) SymbolLine(10 20 15 25 8) SymbolLine(15 25 20 25 8) SymbolLine(20 25 25 20 8) ) """ pcb_layers = """ Layer(1 "solder") ( ) Layer(2 "component") ( ) Layer(3 "GND") ( ) Layer(4 "power") ( ) Layer(5 "signal1") ( ) Layer(6 "signal2") ( ) Layer(7 "unused") ( ) Layer(8 "unused") ( ) Layer(9 "silk") ( ) Layer(10 "silk") ( ) """ class CPCB: " PCB class " def __init__(self, sch=None,brd=None):"" self.sch=sch self.brd=brd self.script_path="" def addLayers(self): # These layers have to be added in the board # self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("solder",1)) # bottom orientation # self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("component",2)) # these layers are already added ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("GND",3)) ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("VCC",4)) ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("blksolder",5)) # bottom orientation ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("blkcomponent",6)) ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("signal3",7)) ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("signal4",8)) ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("Vias",9)) ## self.brd.addLayer(CLayer("silk",10)) pass #Layer(1 "solder") #( # Line(1375 1075 1325 1025 40 30 0x00000020) #) # gen sch layers scr" def genSchLayersScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ns = pcb_layers; return ns; #ADD 'C1' 'G$1' POLARISED_CASE_H@ipc-7351-capacitor R0.000 (-0.300 3.300); #ADD 'Q1' 'G$1' -PNP-SOT23-EBC@transistor R0.000 (1.600 3.300); #ADD 'Q5' 'G$1' MMBT2222ALT1-NPN-SOT23-BEC@transistor R0.000 (0.900 2.800); #ADD 'V1' 'GND' GND@supply2 R0.000 (0.600 0.100); #ADD 'V2' 'G$1' VCC@supply2 R0.000 (5.600 4.200); # gen sch add scr" def genSchAddScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ns += "GRID INCH 0.005" + CRLF ns += "Layer (91 Nets;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (92 Busses;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (93 Pins;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (94 Symbols;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (95 Names;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (96 Values;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (250 Descript;" + CRLF ns += "Layer (251 SMDround;" + CRLF ns += "DISPLAY -PINS" + CRLF ns += CRLF ns += "EDIT .S1" + CRLF ns += "SET WIRE_BEND 2;" + CRLF ns += "CHANGE STYLE 'Continuous'" + CRLF for dev in self.sch.devices: ns += "ADD '" + str(dev.refid) + "' 'G$1' " + str( + "@" + str(dev.libname) + " " + dev.orientation + "R%.3f"% (dev.rotation) +" (" + str(dev.position) + ");" + CRLF ns += "GRID LAST" + CRLF return ns # gen cmd sch net-connect" def genSchNetConnectScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" runcmd="run " + self.script_path + "/sch-net-connect.ulp" for net in self.sch.nets.values: prevdev="" prevpin="" l = "" first = 1 for node in net.nodes: if first: first = 0 prevdev=str( prevpin=str( else: l = runcmd + " " + + " " + prevdev + " " + prevpin + " " + str( + " " + str( + ";" + CRLF ns += l prevdev=str( prevpin=str( # string function return ns # gen sch netlist listing def genSchNetlistLst(self): ns = '' CRLF = '\n' for net in self.sch.nets.values(): name = ns += + ' ' for node in net.nodes: ns += str( + '-' + str( + ' ' ns += CRLF ns += CRLF #extra one # string function return ns # gen sch netlist script def genSchNetlistScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ns = "# Netlist script" + CRLF ns += "# EAGLE Version 4.11" + CRLF ns += "# Copyright Hobby-Robotics" + CRLF ns += expandtab("#Net\tPart\tPad",12) + CRLF ns += CRLF for net in self.sch.nets.values(): ns += CRLF ns += "Change Class 0;" + CRLF l = "Signal " + " '" + + "'" first = 1 for node in net.nodes: if first: first = 0 l += "\t'" else: l += "\t\t" l += str( + "'\t'" + str( + "' \\" + CRLF ns += expandtab(str(l),12) ns += "\t\t\t;" + CRLF # string function return ns # Select # {"All objects" Select(ObjectByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex)} # {"Elements" Select(ElementByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex)} # {"Pads" Select(PadByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex)} # {"Pins" Select(PinByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex)} # {"Text" Select(TextByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex)} # {"Vias" Select(ViaByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex)} # Move # {"Move selected elements to other side" Flip(SelectedElements) a={"Shift-B" "Shift<Key>b"}} # {"Remove selected objects" RemoveSelected()} # {Connects m=C # {"Lookup connection to object" GetXY(Select the object) Connection(Find) a={"Ctrl-F" "Ctrl<Key>f"}} # {"Reset scanned pads/pins/vias" Connection(ResetPinsViasAndPads) Display(Redraw)} # {"Reset scanned lines/polygons" Connection(ResetLinesAndPolygons) Display(Redraw)} # {"Reset all connections" Connection(Reset) Display(Redraw) a={"Shift-F" "Shift<Key>f"}} # {"Optimize rats nest" Atomic(Save) DeleteRats(AllRats) # Atomic(Restore) AddRats(AllRats) Atomic(Block) a={"O" "<Key>o"}} # {"Erase rats nest" DeleteRats(AllRats) a={"E" "<Key>e"}} # {"Erase selected rats" DeleteRats(SelectedRats) a={"Shift-E" "Shift<Key>e"}} # # {"Auto-route selected rats" AutoRoute(Selected)} # {"Auto-route all rats" AutoRoute(AllRats)} # {"Rip up all auto-routed tracks" RipUp(All)} # {"Optimize routed tracks" # {"Auto-Optimize" djopt(auto) a={"Shift-=" "Shift<Key>="}} # {"Debumpify" djopt(debumpify) } # {"Unjaggy" djopt(unjaggy) } # {"Vianudge" djopt(vianudge) } # {"Viatrim" djopt(viatrim) } # {"Ortho pull" djopt(orthopull) } # {"Simple optimization" djopt(simple) a={"=" "<Key>="}} # {"Miter" djopt(miter) } # {"Puller" a={"Y" "<Key>y"} Puller() } # # {"Only autorouted nets" OptAutoOnly() checked=optautoonly} # } # {"Design Rule Checker" DRC()} # {"Apply vendor drill mapping" ApplyVendor()} # } def genBrdPlaceBottom(self): ns = '' #Select(ElementByName|ObjectByName|PadByName|PinByName) for dev in self.brd.devices.values(): name = str(dev.refid) if dev.bottom: #Select(ElementByName) ActiveWhen(have_regex) ns += 'Select(ElementByName) ActiveWhen( ' + name + ' )\n' ns += 'Flip(SelectedElements)\n' ns += 'Unselect(All)\n' return ns # gen brd cmd scr" def genBrdCmdScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ns += "# Gen EDA generated" + CRLF ns += "# date:" + CRLF # version ns += "# user:" + CRLF # version # LoadFrom(Layout|LayoutToBuffer|ElementToBuffer|Netlist|Revert,filename) ns += 'LoadFrom( Layout, ' + self.script_path + '/' + + '.pcb )' + CRLF # layout ns += 'LoadFrom( Netlist, ' + self.script_path + '/' + + '.net )' + CRLF # netlist # Do not do that, do it in the placement # ns += self.genBrdPlaceBottom() # AddRats(AllRats|SelectedRats|Close) ns += 'AddRats(AllRats)' + CRLF # add all rats # AutoRoute(AllRats|SelectedRats) ns += 'AutoRoute(AllRats)' + CRLF # route all rats # Auto-Optimize djopt(auto) ns += 'djopt(auto)' + CRLF # optimize all routes # SaveTo(Layout|LayoutAs,filename) ns += 'SaveTo( LayoutAs, ' + self.script_path + '/' + + '.brd )' + CRLF # board ns += 'Quit( )' + CRLF # Quit return ns ##################################### ## release: pcb 1.7.1.ALPHA ## date: Sun Jul 22 15:22:22 2001 ## user: tp (Terry Porter,,,) ## host: #PCB("" 6047 4000) # #Grid(25 0 0 0) #Cursor(400 0 2) #Flags(0x000000c0) #Groups("1,s:2,c:3:4:5:6:7:8") #Styles("Signal,10,40,20:Power,25,60,35:Fat,40,60,35:Skinny,8,36,20") #################################### # release: pcb 1.99v # date: Tue May 1 07:59:48 2007 # user: pawel (pawel,U-WODNICKI\pawel,S-1-5-21-1835012242-1811546175-1750076985-1007) # host: Wodnicki # #FileVersion[20070407] # #PCB["" 350000 330000] # #Grid[3937.007904 1800 100 1] #Cursor[133000 107500 2.000000] #PolyArea[200000000.000000] #Thermal[0.500000] #DRC[1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1000] #Flags("rubberband,nameonpcb,alldirection,uniquename,snappin") #Groups("4,5,6,c:1,2,3,s:8:7") #Styles["Signal,1000,4000,2000,1000:Power,2500,6000,3500,1000:Fat,4000,6000,3500,1000:Skinny,800,3600,2000,1000"] # gen brd board scr" def genBrdBoardScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ns += "# boostEDA generated" + CRLF ns += "# date:" + CRLF # version ns += "# user:" + CRLF # version # determine board size, aka outline for rectangular ones only self.brd.outline.calcBBox() xsize = self.brd.outline.bbox.sizeX() ysize = self.brd.outline.bbox.sizeY() ns += "PCB[\"" + + "\" " ns += "%d "% (xsize) # x size ns += " %d"% (ysize) # y size ns += "]" + CRLF ns += "Grid(25 0 0 0)" + CRLF ns += "Cursor(400 0 2)" + CRLF ns += "Flags(0x000000c0)" + CRLF ns += "Groups(\"1,s:2,c:3:4:5:6:7:8\")" + CRLF ns += "Styles(\"Signal,10,40,20:Power,25,60,35:Fat,40,60,35:Skinny,8,36,20\")" + CRLF return ns #Layer(1 "solder") #( # Line(1375 1075 1325 1025 40 30 0x00000020) #) def genBrdLayerFromNet(self,layer,net): ns = '' # Should come from board technology ### print "out net " + ### print "layer num " + str(layer.num) for line in net.route: #print "found line on net layer num " + str(line.layernum) if line.layernum == layer.num: ### print "out line on net " + ### print "net.route length " + str(len(net.route)) ### print "line.points length " + str(len(line.points)) Thickness = line.thickness Clearance = line.thickness * 2 first = True prev = Point() for pt in line.points: #print "pt " + str(pt) if first: first = False else: X1 = int(prev._x) Y1 = int(prev._y) X2 = int(pt._x) Y2 = int(pt._y) ns += 'Line [' + " %d "% X1 + " %d "% Y1 + " %d "% X2 + " %d "% Y2 ns += " %d "% Thickness ns += " %d "% Clearance ns += '"auto"' ns += ']\n' prev = pt return ns def genLayerBlockages(self,layer): ns = '' # blockages use absolute coordinates, for rect in layer.blockages: # order of processing is important X1=int(rect.ll._x) Y1=int(rect.ll._y) X2=int(rect.ur._x) Y2=int(rect.ur._y) ns += ' Polygon("clearpoly")\n' ns += '(\n' ns += " [%d "% X1 + " %d ]"% Y1 ns += " [%d "% X1 + " %d ]"% Y2 ns += " [%d "% X2 + " %d ]"% Y2 ns += " [%d "% X2 + " %d ]"% Y1 ns += '\n' ns += ')\n' return ns; # routing # gen brd layers scr" def genBrdLayersScr(self): ### print "PCB! gen brd layers scr" ns = '' CRLF = "\n" for l in self.brd.layers: ### print "layer " + ns += "Layer (" +str(l.num) + " \"" + + "\")" + CRLF ns += "(" + CRLF # here go all of the layer elements for net in self.brd.nets.values(): ns += self.genBrdLayerFromNet(l,net) # Routes ns += self.generateNetPour(l,net) # Geometry ns += self.genLayerBlockages(l) ns += ")" + CRLF return ns; def generateRoutes(self): return self.genBrdLayersScr() def generateNetPour(self,layer,net): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ### print " layer " + str(layer) for geom in net.geometry: ### print " found geom in " + + " type " + str(type(geom)) + " layer " + str(geom.layernum) + CRLF if geom.layernum != layer.num : continue # Handle rectangle #if type(geom) is Rectangle : if isinstance(geom, Rectangle) : ### print " found Rectangle" + CRLF rect = Rectangle(geom.ll._x, geom.ll._y, geom.ur._x, geom.ur._y, geom.layernum ) rect.normalize() # normalize just in case # order of processing is important X1=int(rect.ll._x) Y1=int(rect.ll._y) X2=int(rect.ur._x) Y2=int(rect.ur._y) ns += ' Polygon("clearpoly")\n' ns += '(\n' ns += " [%d "% X1 + " %d ]"% Y1 ns += " [%d "% X1 + " %d ]"% Y2 ns += " [%d "% X2 + " %d ]"% Y2 ns += " [%d "% X2 + " %d ]"% Y1 ns += '\n' ns += ')\n' return ns; # Geometry on nets, aka pour def generatePour(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" for l in self.brd.layers: ### print "layer " + ns += "Layer (" +str(l.num) + " \"" + + "\")" + CRLF ns += "(" + CRLF # here go through the layers for net in self.brd.nets.values(): ns += self.generateNetPour(l,net) ns += ")" + CRLF return ns; # Via[] # Via[17000 182000 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via [X Y Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" SFlags] # Via (X Y Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" NFlags) # Via (X Y Thickness Clearance Drill "Name" NFlags) # Via (X Y Thickness Drill "Name" NFlags) # Via (X Y Thickness "Name" NFlags) # X Y coordinates of center # Thickness outer diameter of copper annulus # Clearance add to thickness to get clearance diameter # Mask diameter of solder mask opening # Drill diameter of drill # Name string, name of via (vias have names?) # SFlags symbolic or numerical flags # NFlags numerical flags only def generateVias(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ### print " board vias " + str(len(self.brd.vias)) for via in self.brd.vias: ### print "via " + ns += "Via [" ns += " %d "% int(via.pos._x) + " %d "% int(via.pos._y) ns += ' 4000 2000 0 2000 "" "" ' ns += "]" + CRLF return ns; #NetList() #( # Net("unnamed_net1" "(unknown)") # ( # Connect("L1-2") # Connect("L2-1") # Connect("C2-1") # Connect("C1-1") # ) #) # gen brd net scr" def genBrdNetlistScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = "\n" ns = 'NetList()' + CRLF ns += '(' + CRLF for net in self.sch.nets.values(): name = ns += "Net(\"" + + "\" \"(unknown)\")" + CRLF ns += "(" + CRLF for node in net.nodes: ns += expandtab("\tConnect(\"") + str( + "-" + str( + "\")" + CRLF ns += ")" + CRLF ns += ')' + CRLF return ns # pcb footprint file may contain any of the following commands: # Element [element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y, text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags] # Pad [x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness clearance mask name pad_number flags] # Pin [x y thickness clearance mask drillholedia name number flags] # ElementArc [x y r1 r2 startangle sweepangle thickness] # ElementLine [x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness] > thickness != 1000 = 10 mils almost for all footprints # Comment lines start with the #-sign #Elements # Element [element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y, text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags] item allowed value explanation comment # element_flags unsigned hex value # description string text description of footprint written by footprint author # pcb name string refdes used on this particular pcb xxx # value string value of component on this particular pcb layout xxx # mark_x 1/100th mils # mark_y 1/100th mils # text_x 1/100th mils # text_y 1/100th mils # text direction decimal integer 0=horiz; 1=ccw90; 2=180; 3=cw90 # text_scale decimal integer usu. set 100 # text_flags unsigned hex # Pads # Pad[x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness clearance mask name pad_number flags] Item Allowed Value Explanation Comment # x1 1/100th mils x(1st point) # y1 1/100th mils y(1st point) # x2 1/100th mils x(2nd point) # y2 1/100th mils y(2nd point) # thickness 1/100 mils width of metal surrounding line segment see Brorson .pdf # clearance 1/100 mils distance to any other copper on any layer actually 1/2 of this number is used! # mask 1/100th mils width of mask relief actual width of the mask centered on pad copper # name string name of pad (arb. string) e.g. pad_1 or positive or any other string # pad_number string pad # used for nets. it MUST be consistent with the definitions on the netlist. # flags hex value xxx # Pin[x y thickness clearance mask drillholedia name number flags] Item Allowed Value Explanation Comment # x 1/100th mils pin x coord. # y 1/100th mils pin y coord. # thickness 1/100th mils copper diameter # clearance 1/100th mils 2*(cu to cu clearance) if you want a 10 mil clearance, put 2000 (20 mils) here # mask 1/100th mils diameter of mask aperture actual dia. of hole in mask # drillholedia 1/100th mils dia. of hole # name string arb. pin name # number decimal integer pin number used by nets/rats # flags hex xxx # Via[] # Via[17000 182000 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via [X Y Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" SFlags] # Via (X Y Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" NFlags) # Via (X Y Thickness Clearance Drill "Name" NFlags) # Via (X Y Thickness Drill "Name" NFlags) # Via (X Y Thickness "Name" NFlags) # X Y coordinates of center # Thickness outer diameter of copper annulus # Clearance add to thickness to get clearance diameter # Mask diameter of solder mask opening # Drill diameter of drill # Name string, name of via (vias have names?) # SFlags symbolic or numerical flags # NFlags numerical flags only # On the Layer # Line[] # Line[137500 107500 132500 102500 4000 3000 "clearline"] # Text[423000 391500 2 100 "T J PORTER ELECTRONICS" "auto"] # Polygon("clearpoly") # ( # [2000 198000] [47000 198000] [47000 187000] [126000 187000] [126000 198000] # [297000 198000] [297000 1000] [2000 1000] # ) # Notes: # Pins - Throughole # Pads - SMD # Examples for version 1.99 # TH # Element["" "Cap" "C17" "" 215500 81500 -9000 -32900 0 150 ""] # ( # Pin[0 0 8000 3000 11000 3500 "1" "1" ""] # Pin[0 -20000 8000 3000 11000 3500 "2" "2" ""] # ElementLine [-5000 5000 5000 5000 1000] # ElementLine [5000 5000 5000 -25000 1000] # ElementLine [5000 -25000 -5000 -25000 1000] # ElementLine [-5000 -25000 -5000 5000 1000] # # ) # SMD # Element["" "SMD 0805" "C13" "" 252500 151000 -3000 4500 0 150 ""] # ( # Pad[0 0 0 0 6000 3000 9000 "1" "1" "square"] # Pad[0 -9000 0 -9000 6000 3000 9000 "2" "2" "square"] # ElementLine [-3500 -12500 -3500 3500 1000] # ElementLine [3500 -12500 -3500 -12500 1000] # ElementLine [3500 3500 3500 -12500 1000] # ElementLine [-3500 3500 3500 3500 1000] # ) # # Original #Element["" "SOT-23 package" "Q7" "" 66666 66666 3200 5900 0 100 ""] #( # Pad[0 -300 0 300 3400 3000 4000 "1" "1" "square,edge2"] # Pad[7800 -300 7800 300 3400 3000 4000 "2" "2" "square,edge2"] # Pad[3900 -8500 3900 -7900 3400 3000 4000 "3" "3" "square"] # ElementLine [10300 -11000 -2500 -11000 1000] # ElementLine [10300 2900 10300 -11000 1000] # ElementLine [-2500 2900 10300 2900 1000] # ElementLine [-2500 -11000 -2500 2900 1000] #) # Placed on the far side -> layer onsolder? #Element["selected,onsolder" "SOT-23 package" "Q7" "" 66666 133334 3200 -5900 0 100 "selected,auto"] #( # Pad[0 300 0 -300 3400 3000 4000 "1" "1" "selected,onsolder,square"] # Pad[7800 300 7800 -300 3400 3000 4000 "2" "2" "selected,onsolder,square"] # Pad[3900 8500 3900 7900 3400 3000 4000 "3" "3" "selected,onsolder,square,edge2"] # ElementLine [10300 11000 -2500 11000 1000] # ElementLine [10300 -2900 10300 11000 1000] # ElementLine [-2500 -2900 10300 -2900 1000] # ElementLine [-2500 11000 -2500 -2900 1000] # # ) # VIAs # Via[17000 182000 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via[17000 17000 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via[282000 17000 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via[282000 182000 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via[15500 382500 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via[15500 217500 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Via[280500 217500 31000 3000 34000 2800 "" ""] # Tracks are made of Line???? # Layer(1 "solder") # ( # Line[137500 107500 132500 102500 4000 3000 "clearline"] # Line[145000 107500 137500 107500 4000 3000 "clearline"] # Line[85000 112500 85000 107500 4000 3000 "clearline"] # Line[97500 90000 97500 147500 4000 3000 "clearline"] #) # Element [element_flags, description, pcb-name, value, mark_x, mark_y, text_x, text_y, text_direction, text_scale, text_flags] def gen0805_resitor(self,refid,x,y,v): CRLF = '\n' s = 'Element["" "0805 chip resitor" "' + str(refid) + '" "' + str(v) + '" ' +'%i'% x + ' ' + '%i'% y + ' 3200 5900 0 100 ""]' + CRLF s += '(' + CRLF s += ' Pad[0 -700 0 700 4500 3000 5100 "1" "1" "square"]' + CRLF s += ' Pad[8000 -700 8000 700 4500 3000 5100 "2" "2" "square"]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [11700 -4400 -3700 -4400 800]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [11700 4400 11700 -4400 800]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [-3700 4400 11700 4400 800]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [-3700 -4400 -3700 4400 800]' + CRLF s += ')' + CRLF return s def gen0805_capacitor(self,refid,x,y,v): CRLF = '\n' s = 'Element["" "0805 chip cap" "' + str(refid) + '" "' + str(v) + '" ' +'%i'% x + ' ' + '%i'% y + ' 3200 5900 0 100 ""]' + CRLF s += '(' + CRLF s += ' Pad[0 -700 0 700 4500 3000 5100 "1" "1" "square"]' + CRLF s += ' Pad[8000 -700 8000 700 4500 3000 5100 "2" "2" "square"]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [11700 -4400 -3700 -4400 800]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [11700 4400 11700 -4400 800]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [-3700 4400 11700 4400 800]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [-3700 -4400 -3700 4400 800]' + CRLF s += ')' + CRLF return s def genSOT23(self, refid, x, y, v): CRLF = '\n' s = 'Element["" "SOT-23 package" "' + str(refid) + '" "' + str(v) + '" ' +'%i'% x + ' ' + '%i'% y + ' 3200 5900 0 100 ""]' + CRLF s += '(' + CRLF s += ' Pad[0 -300 0 300 3400 3000 4000 "1" "1" "square,edge2"]' + CRLF s += ' Pad[7800 -300 7800 300 3400 3000 4000 "2" "2" "square,edge2"]' + CRLF s += ' Pad[3900 -8500 3900 -7900 3400 3000 4000 "3" "3" "square"] ' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [10300 -11000 -2500 -11000 1000]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [10300 2900 10300 -11000 1000]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [-2500 2900 10300 2900 1000]' + CRLF s += ' ElementLine [-2500 -11000 -2500 2900 1000]' + CRLF s += ')' + CRLF return s def rotatePoint(self,pt,x0,y0,angle): dX = pt._x - x0 dY = pt._y - y0 rX = pt._x rY = pt._y if angle == 90: rX = x0 + dY rY = y0 - dX if angle == 180: rX = x0 - dX rY = y0 - dY if angle == 270: rX = x0 - dY rY = y0 + dX return rX,rY def genElementLine(self,line,dev): # order of processing is important X1=int(line.points[0]._x) Y1=int(line.points[0]._y) X2=int(line.points[1]._x) Y2=int(line.points[1]._y) if dev.bottom: Y1 = 0 - Y1 Y2 = 0 - Y2 X1,Y1 = self.rotatePoint(Point(X1,Y1),0,0,dev.rotation) X2,Y2 = self.rotatePoint(Point(X2,Y2),0,0,dev.rotation) # keep horizontal, vertical Point2 > Point1 if (X1 == X2): if (Y1 > Y2): t = Y1 Y1 = Y2 Y2 = t else: if (Y1 == Y2): if (X1 > X2): t = X1 X1 = X2 X2 = t ns = 'ElementLine [' + " %d "% X1 + " %d "% Y1 + " %d "% X2 + " %d "% Y2 ns += " %d "% line.thickness ns += ']\n' return ns # rotation is clockwise def genElementArc(self,arc,dev): # Thickness, Clearance, Mask, Drill, Name, Number, SFlags rX = int(arc._x) rY = int(arc._y) # rY is if dev.bottom: rY = 0 - rY if dev.rotation == 90: arc.sangle += 90 if dev.rotation == 180: arc.sangle += 180 if dev.rotation == 270: arc.sangle += 270 rX,rY = self.rotatePoint(arc,0,0,dev.rotation) arc.sangle = arc.sangle % 360 ns = 'ElementArc [' + " %d "% rX + " %d "% rY ns += " %d "% arc.width ns += " %d "% arc.height ns += " %d "% arc.sangle ns += " %d "% arc.dangle ns += " %d "% arc.thickness ns += ']\n' return ns def genElementPin(self,pin,dev): # Thickness, Clearance, Mask, Drill, Name, Number, SFlags rX=int(pin.pos._x) rY=int(pin.pos._y) # Why we do not have to do it for the pins? # rY is #if dev.bottom: # rY = 0 - rY # Package has not been rotated and must match device pins rX,rY = self.rotatePoint(Point(rX,rY),0,0,dev.rotation) ns = 'Pin [' + " %d "% rX + " %d "% rY ns += " %d "% pin.thickness ns += " %d "% pin.clearance ns += " %d "% pin.mask ns += " %d "% pin.drill ns += + ' ' ns += '"' + "%d"% pin.num + '" ' ns += pin.sflags ns += ']\n' return ns def genElementPad(self,pin,dev): # Thickness, Clearance, Mask, Name, Number, SFlags # if package was parsed then these are set, if not I need to generate correct ones rX1=int(pin.rX1) rY1=int(pin.rY1) rX2=int(pin.rX2) rY2=int(pin.rY2) # Why we do not have to do it for the pads? #if dev.bottom: # rY1 = 0 - rY1 # rY2 = 0 - rY2 rX1,rY1 = self.rotatePoint(Point(rX1,rY1),0,0,dev.rotation) rX2,rY2 = self.rotatePoint(Point(rX2,rY2),0,0,dev.rotation) try: sflags = pin.sflags except: # no PCB sflags then generate one # square # edge2 if pin.pad.type == "S": sflags ='"square"' else: sflags ='""' ns = 'Pad [' + " %d "% rX1 + " %d "% rY1 + " %d "% rX2 + " %d "% rY2 ns += " %d "% pin.thickness ns += " %d "% pin.clearance ns += " %d "% pin.mask ns += + ' ' ns += '"' + "%d"% pin.num + '" ' ns += sflags ns += ']\n' return ns def genElementBody(self,dev): # print'name ' + l = len(dev.pins) # print ' len ' + str(l) # print 'roation ' + str(dev.rotation) ns = '(\n' for num in range(1,l+1): # print 'pin ' + str(num) pin = dev.pins[num] ppin = dev.package.pins[num] #if dev.package.smt: # event smt packages can have pins aka mounting holes if ppin.smt: ns += self.genElementPad(ppin,dev) else: ns += self.genElementPin(ppin,dev) for geo in dev.package.geometry: if isinstance(geo, Line): ns += self.genElementLine(geo,dev) if isinstance(geo, Arc): ns += self.genElementArc(geo,dev) if isinstance(geo, Text): ns += self.genElementText(geo,dev) ns += ')\n' return ns # Device is on the bottom, coordinates of the pad are for the bottom # Pcb defines package looking from top so mirror it in X back to top # and add the flags # For details see the def genBrdPlaceDevOnSolder(self,dev): for pad in dev.package.pins.values(): pad.pos._y = 0 - pad.pos._y try: # quick fix TBI pad.rY1 = 0 - pad.rY1 except: pad.rY1 = 0 try: # quick fix TBI pad.rY2 = 0 - pad.rY2 except: pad.rY2 = 0 try: # quick fix TBI newsflags = pad.sflags.strip('"') except: newsflags = 'square' # default to square if newsflags != '': newsflags = ',' + newsflags newsflags = '"onsolder' + newsflags + '"' pad.sflags = newsflags for pad in dev.package.geometry: pass # print pad.sflags # gen brd place scr" def genBrdPlaceScr(self): ns = '' CRLF = '\n' devnum = 0 self.brd.outline.calcBBox() for dev in self.brd.devices.values(): name = str(dev.refid) + CRLF if dev.bottom: self.genBrdPlaceDevOnSolder(dev) x = (int) #x = (self.brd.outline.bbox.ur._x - dev.position._x) # position is in mils x = dev.position._x # position is in mils y = (int) #y = (self.brd.outline.bbox.ur._y - dev.position._y) # position is in mils y = dev.position._y # position is in mils placement = '"onsolder"' else: x = (int) x = dev.position._x # position is in mils y = (int) y = dev.position._y # position is in mils placement = '""' # place the device ns += 'Element[' + placement + ' "' + str(dev.package.description) + '" "' + str(dev.refid) + '" "' + str(dev.val) + '" ' +'%i'% x + ' ' + '%i'% y + ' 3200 5900 0 100 ""]' + CRLF ns += self.genElementBody(dev) # if name[0:1] == 'R': # ns += self.gen0805_resitor(dev.refid,x,y,dev.val) # if name[0:1] == 'C': # ns += self.gen0805_capacitor(dev.refid,x,y,dev.val) # if name[0:1] == 'Q': # ns += self.genSOT23(dev.refid,x,y,dev.val) # numpins = 0 # for pin in dev.pins: # numpins += 1 # for k in dev.pins.keys(): # pin = dev.pins[k] # dev.rotation ? return ns def Cmd(self,cmds): gen = 0 sch = 0 brd = 0 cmd = 0 add = 0 layers = 0 net_connect = 0 netlist = 0 board = 0 place = 0 route = 0 scr = 0 lst = 0 # 0 if cmds[0:1] == ['gen']: gen = 1 # 1 if cmds[1:2] == ['sch']: sch = 1 if cmds[1:2] == ['brd']: brd = 1 # 2 if cmds[2:3] == ['cmd']: cmd = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['add']: add = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['layers']: layers = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['netconnect']: net_connect = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['netlist']: netlist = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['board']: board = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['place']: place = 1 if cmds[2:3] == ['route']: route = 1 # 3 if cmds[3:4] == ['scr']: scr = 1 if cmds[3:4] == ['lst']: lst = 1 if gen: if sch: if add: if scr: s = self.genSchAddScr() return s if layers: if scr: s = self.genSchLayersScr() return s if net_connect: pass if netlist: s = self.genSchNetlistLst() return s if brd: if cmd: if scr: s = self.genBrdCmdScr() # commands to make the board return s if board: if scr: s = self.genBrdBoardScr() return s if layers: if scr: s = self.genBrdLayersScr() return s if place: if scr: s = self.genBrdPlaceScr() return s if netlist: if scr: s = self.genBrdNetlistScr() return s if route: pass return "" def test(self): ic1 = CDev("U1","","IC1") ic1.add( CPin("GND",1) ) ic1.add( CPin("VCC",2) ) self.sch.addDev(ic1) net1 = CNet("GND") net1.add(CNode(ic1,"GND")) self.sch.addNet(net1) net2 = CNet("VCC") net2.add(CNode(ic1,"VCC")) self.sch.addNet(net2) print "gen sch add scr" s = self.genSchAddScr() print s print "gen sch net-connect scr" s = self.genSchNetConnectScr() print s print "gen sch netlist lst" s = self.genSchNetlistLst() print s print "gen sch netlist scr" s = self.genSchNetlistScr() print s # Some tests if __name__ == "__main__": import sys #import string import re schem = CSchematic() board = CBoard(schem) board.addFromSchematic() mucs = CPCB(schem,board) # open input file if sys.argv[1:] == ['test']: mucs.test()
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2017 by Ecreall under licence AGPL terms # available on # licence: AGPL # author: Amen Souissi from pyramid.view import view_config from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden from pyramid.renderers import get_renderer from dace.util import getSite from dace.processinstance.core import DEFAULTMAPPING_ACTIONS_VIEWS from pontus.view import BasicView, ViewError from novaideo import _ from novaideo.connectors.core import YAMMER_CONNECTOR_ID from novaideo.connectors.yammer.content.behaviors import LogIn from novaideo.content.novaideo_application import NovaIdeoApplication from novaideo.utilities.util import generate_navbars from novaideo.connectors.core import CONNECTOR_PROCESSES @view_config( name='yammerlogin', context=NovaIdeoApplication, renderer='pontus:templates/views_templates/', ) class LoginView(BasicView): title = _('Log in') name = 'login' behaviors = [LogIn] template = 'novaideo:views/user_management/templates/' wrapper_template = 'pontus:templates/views_templates/' viewid = 'login' def update(self): code = self.params('code') error = self.params('error') message = None messages = {} request = self.request root = getSite() yammer_connectors = list(root.get_connectors(YAMMER_CONNECTOR_ID)) yammer_connector = yammer_connectors[0] if yammer_connectors else None login_url = request.resource_url(request.context, 'login') login_url2 = request.resource_url(request.context, '@@login') referrer = self.params('came_from') if not referrer: referrer = request.path_url if '/auditstream-sse' in referrer: return HTTPForbidden() if login_url in referrer or login_url2 in referrer: # never use the login form itself as came_from referrer = request.resource_url(root) came_from = request.session.setdefault( 'novaideo.came_from', referrer) error_message = _("Failed login") if yammer_connector and code: trusted_networks = getattr(yammer_connector, 'networks', []) source_data, user_data = yammer_connector.extract_data(code) if not trusted_networks or \ any(n in trusted_networks for n in source_data['network_domains']): result = self.execute({ 'source_data': source_data, 'user_data': user_data, 'came_from': came_from }) if result[0].get('logged', False): return result[0].get('redirect') elif trusted_networks: error_message = _("You don't have the right to login with this account.") error = True if error: error = ViewError() error.principalmessage = error_message message = error.render_message(request) messages.update({error.type: [message]}) self.finished_successfully = False # Pass this through FBO views (e.g., forbidden) which use its macros. template = get_renderer( 'novaideo:views/user_management/templates/').implementation() login_bodies = [] try: login_navbars = generate_navbars( request, request.root, process_id=CONNECTOR_PROCESSES, node_id='login', descriminators=['body-action']) login_bodies = login_navbars['body_actions'] except Exception: pass values = dict( url=request.resource_url(request.virtual_root, 'login'), came_from=came_from, login='', password='', login_template=template, logins=login_bodies ) body = self.content(args=values, template=self.template)['body'] item = self.adapt_item(body, self.viewid) item['messages'] = messages result = {} result['coordinates'] = {self.coordinates: [item]} return result DEFAULTMAPPING_ACTIONS_VIEWS.update( {LogIn: LoginView})
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Pychemqt, Chemical Engineering Process simulator Copyright (C) 2009-2017, Juan José Gómez Romera <[email protected]> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.''' from numpy.lib.scimath import log10 from scipy.constants import pi, Avogadro from lib import unidades from lib.meos import MEoS class Ne(MEoS): """Multiparameter equation of state for neon""" name = "neon" CASNumber = "7440-01-9" formula = "Ne" synonym = "R-720" _refPropName = "NEON" _coolPropName = "Neon" rhoc = unidades.Density(481.914888) Tc = unidades.Temperature(44.4918) Pc = unidades.Pressure(2678.6, "kPa") M = 20.179 # g/mol Tt = unidades.Temperature(24.556) Tb = unidades.Temperature(27.104) f_acent = -0.0387 momentoDipolar = unidades.DipoleMoment(0.0, "Debye") id = 107 CP1 = {"ao": 2.5} katti = { "__type__": "Helmholtz", "__name__": "Helmholtz equation of state for neon of Katti (1986)", "__doi__": {"autor": "Katti, R.S., Jacobsen, R.T, Stewart, R.B., " "Jahangiri, M.", "title": "Thermodynamic Properties of Neon for " "Temperatures from the Triple Point to 700 K at " "Pressures up to 700 MPa", "ref": "Adv. Cryo. Eng. 31 (1986) 1189-1197", "doi": "10.1007/978-1-4613-2213-9_132"}, "R": 8.31434, "cp": CP1, "ref": {"Tref": 298.15, "Pref": 101.325, "ho": 6179, "so": 146.214}, "Tmin": Tt, "Tmax": 700.0, "Pmax": 700000.0, "rhomax": 90.56, "nr1": [0.3532653449e1, -0.4513954384e1, -0.1524027959, 0.2188568609e1, -7.44299997, 0.7755627402e1, -0.3122553128e1, 0.1014206899e1, -0.5289214086e-1, 0.1566849239, -0.222852705, -0.1410150942e-1, 0.7036229719e-1, -0.5882048367e-1, 0.1571172741e-1, 0.1292202769e-2, 0.7902035603e-3, -0.3794403616e-3], "d1": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6], "t1": [0.5, 0.75, 3.5, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 0.25, 0.5, 2.5, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1, 5, 6], "nr2": [0.04652799333, 0.04524001818, -0.2383421991, 0.629359013e-2, -0.1272313644e-2, -0.175235256e-6, 0.7188419232e-2, -0.5403006914e-1, 0.7578222187e-1, -0.3808588254e-1, 0.6034022431e-2], "d2": [1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8], "t2": [4, 1, 5, 8, 12, 32, 10, 6, 7, 8, 9], "c2": [3, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], "gamma2": [1]*11, "nr3": [], "nr4": []} eq = katti, _surface = {"sigma": [0.012254, 0.02728, -0.025715], "exp": [1.4136, 1.4517, 1.6567]} _dielectric = { "eq": 1, "a": [0.9969, 0], "b": [-0.109, 0.0708], "c": [-2.88, -1.0], "Au": 0, "D": 2} _melting = { "eq": 2, "__doi__": { "autor": "Santamaría-Pérez, D., Mukherjee, G.D., Schwager, B., " "Boehler, R.", "title": "High-pressure melting curve of helium and neon: " "Deviations from corresponding states theory", "ref": "Physical Review B 81 (2010) 214101", "doi": "10.1103/PhysRevB.81.214101"}, "Tmin": 24.4, "Tmax": 700.0, "Tref": 24.4, "Pref": 101325, "a2": [0.17e9], "exp2": [1/0.77]} _vapor_Pressure = { "eq": 3, "n": [-0.55805e1, 0.68795e-1, 0.54840e1, -0.83760e1, 0.34276e1], "t": [1, 1.5, 2.3, 2.8, 3.4]} _liquid_Density = { "eq": 1, "n": [1.0601, 120.76, -385.53, 816.55, -899.07, 354.66], "t": [0.33, 1.4, 1.7, 2.2, 2.6, 3.0]} _vapor_Density = { "eq": 2, "n": [-0.23338e1, -0.36834e1, -0.85368e2, 0.22769e3, -0.17290e3], "t": [0.444, 0.95, 3.5, 4.1, 4.5]} visco0 = {"__name__": "Rabinovich (1988)", "__doi__": { "autor": "Rabinovich, V.A., Vasserman, A.A., Nedostup, V.I.," " Veksler, L.S.", "title": "Thermophysical Properties of Neon, Argon, " "Krypton, and Xenon", "ref": "Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1988.", "doi": ""}, "eq": 0, "method": "_visco0"} _viscosity = visco0, def _visco0(self, rho, T, fase=None): a = [17.67484, -2.78751, 311498.7, -48826500, 3938774000, -1.654629e11, 2.86561e12] Tr = T/0.29944 y = 0.68321*(a[0] + a[1]*log10(Tr) + a[2]/Tr**2 + a[3]/Tr**3 + a[4]/Tr**4 + a[5]/Tr**5 + a[6]/Tr**6) nt = 266.93*(T*self.M)**0.5/y om = rho/1673.0 c = [1.03010, -0.99175, 2.47127, -3.11864, 1.57066] b = [0.48148, -1.18732, 2.80277, -5.41058, 7.04779, -3.76608] sum1 = sum([ci*om**i for i, ci in enumerate(c)]) sum2 = sum([bi*om**i for i, bi in enumerate(b)]) sigma = 3.05e-10*(sum1-sum2*log10(T/122.1)) br = 2.0/3.0*pi*Avogadro*sigma**3 brho = rho/self.M*1000*br d = [1, 0.27676, 0.014355, 2.6480, -1.9643, 0.89161] nd = sum([di*brho**i for i, di in enumerate(d)]) return unidades.Viscosity(nd*nt/100, "muPas")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import import django.forms.fields from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from . import widgets, constants from .conf import settings class Context(django.forms.fields.ChoiceField): widget = widgets.Context CHOICES = constants.CONTEXT_CHOICES DEFAULT = constants.CONTEXT_DEFAULT def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'choices' not in kwargs: kwargs['choices'] = self.CHOICES if 'initial' not in kwargs: kwargs['initial'] = self.DEFAULT kwargs.pop('coerce', None) kwargs.pop('max_length', None) kwargs.pop('widget', None) kwargs['widget'] = self.widget super(Context, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Size(django.forms.fields.ChoiceField): widget = widgets.Size CHOICES = constants.SIZE_WIDGET_CHOICES DEFAULT = constants.SIZE_WIDGET_DEFAULT def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'choices' not in kwargs: kwargs['choices'] = self.CHOICES if 'initial' not in kwargs: kwargs['initial'] = self.DEFAULT kwargs.pop('coerce', None) kwargs.pop('max_length', None) kwargs.pop('widget', None) kwargs['widget'] = self.widget super(Size, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Classes(django.forms.fields.CharField): pass class Icon(django.forms.fields.CharField): widget = widgets.Icon DEFAULT = '' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'initial' not in kwargs: kwargs['initial'] = self.DEFAULT kwargs.pop('coerce', None) kwargs.pop('max_length', None) kwargs.pop('widget', None) kwargs['widget'] = self.widget super(Icon, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Integer(django.forms.fields.IntegerField): widget = django.forms.NumberInput def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('coerce', None) kwargs.pop('max_length', None) kwargs.pop('widget', None) kwargs['widget'] = self.widget super(Integer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Classes(django.forms.fields.CharField): widget = django.forms.widgets.Textarea class MiniText(django.forms.fields.CharField): widget = widgets.MiniTextarea def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('coerce', None) kwargs.pop('max_length', None) kwargs.pop('widget', None) kwargs['widget'] = self.widget super(MiniText, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class LinkOrButton(django.forms.fields.ChoiceField): widget = widgets.LinkOrButton CHOICES = ( ('lnk', 'link'), ('btn', 'button'), ) DEFAULT = 'lnk' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'choices' not in kwargs: kwargs['choices'] = self.CHOICES if 'initial' not in kwargs: kwargs['initial'] = self.DEFAULT kwargs.pop('coerce', None) kwargs.pop('max_length', None) kwargs.pop('widget', None) kwargs['widget'] = self.widget super(LinkOrButton, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Responsive(MiniText): widget = widgets.Responsive class ResponsivePrint(MiniText): widget = widgets.ResponsivePrint
import os import time from binascii import hexlify import jwt from abe import database as db ADMIN_EMAILS = os.environ.get('ADMIN_EMAILS', '').split(',') OAUTH_REQUIRES_CLIENT_ID = os.environ.get('OAUTH_REQUIRES_CLIENT_ID') ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = (os.environ.get('ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET') or hexlify(os.urandom(32))) AUTHENTICATED_USER_CLAIMS = [ 'create:events', 'edit:events', 'delete:events', 'create:ics', 'read:all_events', 'read:labels', ] ADMIN_USER_CLAIMS = AUTHENTICATED_USER_CLAIMS + [ 'create:protected_events', 'edit:protected_events', 'delete:protected_events', 'create:labels', 'edit:labels', 'delete:labels', 'admin:apps', ] def create_access_token(**params): payload = {} payload.update(params) payload.update({'iat': int(time.time())}) token = jwt.encode(payload, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, algorithm='HS256').decode() return token def get_access_token_provider(token): if is_valid_token(token): payload = jwt.decode(token.encode(), ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, algorithms='HS256') return payload.get('provider') return None def get_access_token_role(token): if is_valid_token(token): payload = jwt.decode(token.encode(), ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, algorithms='HS256') return 'admin' if payload.get('email') in ADMIN_EMAILS else 'user' return None def access_token_scopes(token): # The scope is computed based on the token's role, so that tokens stay # valid if the role -> scope map changes. scope = [] if is_valid_token(token): payload = jwt.decode(token.encode(), ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, algorithms='HS256') app = None if 'client_id' in payload: app = db.App.objects(client_id=payload['client_id']).first() if not app and OAUTH_REQUIRES_CLIENT_ID: pass # return scope role = get_access_token_role(token) if app and 'admin:*' not in app.scopes: pass # role == 'user' scope = ADMIN_USER_CLAIMS if role == 'admin' else AUTHENTICATED_USER_CLAIMS return scope def is_valid_token(token): if not token: return False try: jwt.decode(token.encode(), ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, algorithms='HS256') # for effect except Exception: return False return True
r"""replay - replay the results of function calls replay is a simple package that enables you to save the results of time intensive deterministic function calls or random function calls (and by function I mean any kind of callables), that should be replayed, within a file using a simple API. replay will never execute any code from a replay file. It hashes the calls and looks for the hashes in the replay file, so there's no security risk in changing replay files (other then, that you could get other results...). Example: >>> import os >>> import random >>> import replay >>> import tempfile >>> fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.replay') >>> r1 = Replay(tmpname) >>> random_numbers1 = [r1(random.random) for i in range(10)] >>> >>> del r1 >>> r2 = Replay(tmpname) >>> random_numbers2 = [r2(random.random) for i in range(10)] >>> random_numbers1 == random_numbers2 True >>> os.remove(tmpname) Replay files can have different formats. Right now only a human-readable and -editable format is implemented. This format looks mostly like python except that the actual values a encoded with json. Here's an example for such a file: ----------------------------- random() = 0.3 pow(2, 3) = 8 # This is a comment. random() = 0.2 sorted([7, 2, 3], reverse=true) = [7, 3, 2] ----------------------------- You can freely edit such a file and future calls to these functions will return the results you write into them: Example: >>> import os >>> import random >>> import replay >>> import tempfile >>> fd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.replay') >>> with open(tmpname, 'w') as f: n = f.write('random() = 40\n') >>> r = Replay(tmpname) >>> r(random.random) 40 >>> os.remove(tmpname) """ __version__ = '0.1.2' from .replay import Replay
#path hack. import sys import os sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..')) import unittest from cppstub import CppFile from cppstub import CppNamespace from cppstub import CppMethod from cppstub import CppClass class CppStubHeaderOutputTestSuite(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cpp_file = CppFile("TestSuite") def test_header_output_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) self.cpp_file.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_namespace_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_namespace1 = CppNamespace("test1", cpp_namespace) cpp_namespace.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace1) self.cpp_file.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nnamespace test1\n{\n\n}\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_multiple_namespaces(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_namespace1 = CppNamespace("test1", self.cpp_file) self.cpp_file.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace) self.cpp_file.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace1) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\n}\n\nnamespace test1\n{\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_function_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_function = CppMethod("test1", [], "void", cpp_namespace) cpp_namespace.methods.append(cpp_function) self.cpp_file.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nvoid test1();\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_constructor_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("Test", [], None, cpp_class) cpp_class.methods["public"].append(cpp_method) self.cpp_file.namespaces.append(cpp_namespace) cpp_namespace.classes.append(cpp_class) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\npublic:\n\n Test();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_private_access_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "void", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n void test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_private_access_const_return_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "int", cpp_class) cpp_method.const_return_type = True cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n const int test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_private_access_virtual_const_return_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "int", cpp_class) cpp_method.const_return_type = True cpp_method.virtual = True cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n virtual const int test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_static_return_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "int", cpp_class) cpp_method.static = True cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n static int test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_public_access_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "int", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "public") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\npublic:\n\n int test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_protected_access_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "int", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "protected") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprotected:\n\n int test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_method_with_return_type_and_arguments_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", ["int argument"], "int", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n int test1(int argument);\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_method_with_different_return_type_and_multiple_arguments_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", ["int argument1", "std::string argument2"], "std::string", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n std::string test1(int argument1, std::string argument2);\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_multiple_methods_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method1 = CppMethod("test1", ["int argument1"], "int", cpp_class) cpp_method2 = CppMethod("test2", ["std::string argument2"], "std::string", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method1, "private") cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method2, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n int test1(int argument1);\n\n std::string test2(std::string argument2);\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_multiple_access_multiple_methods_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method1 = CppMethod("test1", ["int argument1"], "int", cpp_class) cpp_method2 = CppMethod("test2", ["std::string argument2"], "std::string", cpp_class) cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method1, "public") cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method2, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test\n{\n\npublic:\n\n int test1(int argument1);\n\nprivate:\n\n std::string test2(std::string argument2);\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_private_access_class_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class1 = CppClass("Test1", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_class2 = CppClass("Test2", parent = cpp_class1) cpp_class1.add_class(cpp_class2, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class1) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test1\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n class Test2\n {\n\n };\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_public_access_class_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class1 = CppClass("Test1", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_class2 = CppClass("Test2", parent = cpp_class1) cpp_class1.add_class(cpp_class2, "public") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class1) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test1\n{\n\npublic:\n\n class Test2\n {\n\n };\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_protected_access_class_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class1 = CppClass("Test1", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_class2 = CppClass("Test2", parent = cpp_class1) cpp_class1.add_class(cpp_class2, "protected") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class1) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test1\n{\n\nprotected:\n\n class Test2\n {\n\n };\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_template_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test1", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_class.templated = True cpp_class.template_type = "Test" cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\ntemplate <class Test>\nclass Test1\n{\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) def test_header_output_template_method_in_class_in_namespace(self): cpp_namespace = CppNamespace("test", self.cpp_file) cpp_class = CppClass("Test1", parent = cpp_namespace) cpp_method = CppMethod("test1", [], "Test&", cpp_class) cpp_method.templated = True cpp_method.template_type = "Test" cpp_class.add_method(cpp_method, "private") cpp_namespace.add_class(cpp_class) self.cpp_file.add_namespace(cpp_namespace) self.assertEquals("\n\nnamespace test\n{\n\nclass Test1\n{\n\nprivate:\n\n template <class Test>\n Test& test1();\n\n};\n\n}\n\n", self.cpp_file.header()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
import httplib, urllib, json from urlparse import urlparse import datetime import pytz import re DATA_PROVIDER_URL = "/servlet/SQLDataProviderServer" DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d" TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M" HUMAN_TIME_FORMAT = "%Hh %Mm %Ss" ROWS_FIELD = "rows" ROWS_VALUE = "10" START_ROW_FIELD = "startrow" START_ROW_VALUE = "0" COUNT_FIELD = "count" COUNT_VALUE = "true" SQL_CMD_FIELD = "sqlcmd" SQL_CMD_VALUE = "rows:ushp_fgettimbrus" PDATE_FIELD = "pDATE" TIMBR_DAY_FIELD = "DAYSTAMP" TIMBR_TIME_FIELD = "TIMETIMBR" TIMBR_DIRECTION_FIELD = "DIRTIMBR" TIMBR_CAUSE_FIELD = "CAUSETIMBR" TIMBR_TYPE_FIELD = "TYPETIMBR" TIMBR_IP_FIELD = "IPTIMBR" minExitTime = {"":datetime.timedelta(minutes=30), "":datetime.timedelta(hours=30)} dayWorkTime={"":datetime.timedelta(hours=7, minutes=12), "":datetime.timedelta(hours=8)} class Timbratura: VERSO_FIELD = "verso" VERSO_ENTRATA = "E" VERSO_USCITA = "U" def __init__(self,day, time, direction, cause=None, type=None, ip=None): = day self.time = time self.direction = direction self.cause = cause self.type = type self.ip=ip def switchVerso(verso): if verso == Timbratura.VERSO_ENTRATA: return Timbratura.VERSO_USCITA elif verso == Timbratura.VERSO_USCITA: return Timbratura.VERSO_ENTRATA def getTimbrature(cookie, url, date): parsedUrl = urlparse(url) host = parsedUrl.netloc path = parsedUrl.path+DATA_PROVIDER_URL if not date: date = params = urllib.urlencode({ROWS_FIELD:ROWS_VALUE, START_ROW_FIELD:START_ROW_VALUE, COUNT_FIELD:COUNT_VALUE, SQL_CMD_FIELD:SQL_CMD_VALUE, PDATE_FIELD:date}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain", "Cookie":cookie} connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host) connection.request("POST", path, params, headers) response = connection.getresponse() responseStatus = response.status responseData = responseDict = json.loads(responseData) headers = responseDict["Fields"] data = responseDict["Data"] print "RESPONSE STATUS: ", responseStatus timbrature = [] versoActual = Timbratura.VERSO_ENTRATA for adata in data: if ("t" not in adata): day = None time = None dir = None cause = None type = None ip = None for index, d in enumerate(adata): if index < len(headers): h = headers[index] if h == TIMBR_DAY_FIELD: day = d if h == TIMBR_TIME_FIELD: time = d if h == TIMBR_DIRECTION_FIELD: dir = d if h == TIMBR_CAUSE_FIELD: cause = d if h == TIMBR_TYPE_FIELD: type = d if h == TIMBR_IP_FIELD: ip = d timbratura = Timbratura(day, time, dir, cause, type, ip) if (timbratura.direction != versoActual): timbratura.direction = versoActual versoActual = switchVerso(versoActual) timbrature.append(timbratura) return timbrature def getContatori(url, timbrature): totalWorkTime = None totalExitTime = None precTime = None precDir = None time = None precTime = None if (timbrature): for timbratura in timbrature: dir = timbratura.direction time = datetime.datetime.strptime(timbratura.time, TIME_FORMAT) print "DIR: ",dir," TIMBR: ",str(timbratura.time) if not precTime: precTime = time if dir == Timbratura.VERSO_USCITA: workedTime = time - precTime print "U timbr readed ... workedTime is: ",workedTime if (not totalWorkTime): totalWorkTime = workedTime else: totalWorkTime += workedTime print "totalWorkTime updated to ",totalWorkTime if dir == Timbratura.VERSO_ENTRATA: exitTime = time-precTime print "E timbr readed ... exitTime is: ",exitTime if (not totalExitTime): totalExitTime = exitTime else: totalExitTime += exitTime print "totalExitTime updated to ",totalExitTime precTime = time companyMinExitTime = minExitTime[url] nowTime ="Europe/Rome")).time() nowDateTime = datetime.datetime(time.year, time.month,, nowTime.hour, nowTime.minute, nowTime.second) print "now is ",nowDateTime workedTime = nowDateTime - time print "worked time from last timbr to now is ",workedTime if dir == Timbratura.VERSO_ENTRATA: if (not totalWorkTime): totalWorkTime = workedTime else: totalWorkTime += workedTime print "last timbr readed is E ... totalWorkTime updated to ",totalWorkTime if not totalExitTime or (totalExitTime and totalExitTime < companyMinExitTime): if not totalExitTime: totalWorkTime -= companyMinExitTime else: totalWorkTime -= (companyMinExitTime - totalExitTime) print "exitTime < minExitTime ... totalWorkTime updated to ",totalWorkTime print "final totalWorkTime is ",totalWorkTime print "final totalExitTime is ",totalExitTime companyDayWorkTime = dayWorkTime[url] timeToExit = companyDayWorkTime - totalWorkTime timeOfExit = nowDateTime + timeToExit workedPercent = round(totalWorkTime.total_seconds() / companyDayWorkTime.total_seconds() * 100) if workedPercent > 100: workedPercent = 100 print "final work time percent is: ",workedPercent timeOfExitString = timeOfExit.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) if timeToExit.total_seconds() < 0: timeOfExitString = str(timeOfExit.time())+" ... che stracacchio di uno stracacchio ci fai ancora su quella sedia !!!" print "final timeOfExit is ",timeOfExit h,m,s = re.split(":",str(totalWorkTime)) totalWorkTimeString = h+"h "+m+"m "+s+"s" h,m,s = re.split(":",str(totalExitTime)) totalExitTimeString = h+"h "+m+"m "+s+"s" workedPercentString = str(workedPercent) else: totalWorkTimeString = "0h 0m 0s" totalExitTimeString = "0h 0m 0s" timeOfExitString = "" workedPercentString = "0" print "no timbr readed" return {"workedTime":totalWorkTimeString, "exitTime":totalExitTimeString, "timeOfExit":timeOfExitString, "workedPercent":workedPercentString}
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # emma # # Copyright (C) 2006 Florian Schmidt ([email protected]) # 2014 Nickolay Karnaukhov ([email protected]) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from Constants import * from query_regular_expression import * def read_query(query, _start=0): r = re.compile(r""" (?s) ( ("(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?")| # double quoted strings ('(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?')| # single quoted strings (`(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?`)| # backtick quoted strings (/\*.*?\*/)| # c-style comments (\#[^\n]*)| # shell-style comments (\--[^\n]*)| # sql-style comments ([^;]) # everything but a semicolon )+ """, re.VERBOSE) rw = re.compile("[ \r\n\t]+") m = rw.match(query, _start) if m: _start = m.end(0) match = r.match(query, _start) if not match: return None, len(query) return match.start(0), match.end(0) def read_expression(query, _start=0, concat=True, update_function=None, update_offset=0, icount=0): r = query_regular_expression # print "read expr in", query match =, _start) # if match: print match.groups() if not match: return None, None for i in range(1, match.lastindex + 1): if t = e = match.end(i) current_token = t if current_token[len(current_token) - 1] == "(": while 1: icount += 1 if update_function is not None and icount >= 10: icount = 0 update_function(False, update_offset + e) # print "at", [query[e:e+15]], "..." exp, end = read_expression( query, e, False, update_function, update_offset, icount) # print "got inner exp:", [exp] if not exp: break e = end if concat: t += " " + exp if exp == ")": break return t, e print "should not happen!" return None, None def get_order_from_query(query): current_order = [] r = re.compile(re_src_query_order) # get current order by clause match =, query) if not match: # print "no order found in", [query] # print "re:", [re_src_query_order] return current_order before, order, after = match.groups() order.lower() _start = 0 ident = None while 1: item = [] while 1: ident, end = read_expression(order[_start:]) if not ident: break if ident == ",": break if ident[0] == "`": ident = ident[1:-1] item.append(ident) _start += end l = len(item) if l == 0: break elif l == 1: item.append(True) elif l == 2: if item[1].lower() == "asc": item[1] = True else: item[1] = False else: print "unknown order item:", item, "ignoring..." item = None if item: current_order.append(tuple(item)) if not ident: break _start += 1 # comma return current_order def is_query_appendable(query): """ @rtype: () @type query: str @param query: @return: """ pat = r'(?i)("(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?")|(\'(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?\')|(`(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?`)|(union)|(select[ \r\n\t]+(.*)[ \r\n\t]+from[ \r\n\t]+(.*))' r = re.compile(pat) _start = 0 while 1: result =, query[_start:]) if not result: return False _start += result.end() if return False # union if and and break # found select return result # def search_query_end(self, text, _start): # try: # r = self.query_end_re # except: # r = self.query_end_re = re.compile(r'("(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?")|(\'(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?\')|(`(?:[^\\]|\\.)*?`)|(;)') # while 1: # result =, text[_start:]) # if not result: # return None # # _start += result.end() # if # return _start # def get_field_list(self, s): # # todo USE IT! # fields = [] # _start = 0 # ident = None # while 1: # item = [] # while 1: # ident, end = self.read_expression(s[_start:]) # if not ident: # break # if ident == ",": # break # if ident[0] == "`": # ident = ident[1:-1] # item.append(ident) # _start += end # if len(item) == 1: # fields.append(item[0]) # else: # fields.append(item) # if not ident: # break # print "found fields:", fields # return fields
class TwelveDays: CARDINALS = { 1: 'first', 2: 'second', 3: 'third', 4: 'fourth', 5: 'fifth', 6: 'sixth', 7: 'seventh', 8: 'eighth', 9: 'ninth', 10: 'tenth', 11: 'eleventh', 12: 'twelfth' } PHRASES = { 2: 'two Turtle Doves', 3: 'three French Hens', 4: 'four Calling Birds', 5: 'five Gold Rings', 6: 'six Geese-a-Laying', 7: 'seven Swans-a-Swimming', 8: 'eight Maids-a-Milking', 9: 'nine Ladies Dancing', 10: 'ten Lords-a-Leaping', 11: 'eleven Pipers Piping', 12: 'twelve Drummers Drumming' } @classmethod def verses(cls, start, stop): return "\n".join([cls.verse(i) for i in range(start, stop + 1)]) + "\n" @classmethod def verse(cls, verse_num): return ", ".join([_f for _f in [cls.head(verse_num), cls.mid(verse_num), cls.tail(verse_num)] if _f]) @classmethod def head(cls, verse_num): return ("On the %(cardinality)s day of Christmas my true love gave to " "me" % ({"cardinality": cls.CARDINALS[verse_num]})) @staticmethod def tail(verse_num): if verse_num == 1: return "a Partridge in a Pear Tree.\n" return "and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.\n" @classmethod def mid(cls, verse_num): if verse_num != 1: return ", ".join([cls.PHRASES[i] for i in range(verse_num, 1, -1)]) def verse(verse_num): return TwelveDays.verse(verse_num) def verses(start, stop): return TwelveDays.verses(start, stop) def sing(): return TwelveDays.verses(1, 12)
""" A collection of functions for fast MLE fits to light curves. MLE: Maximum Likelihood Estimation The 'fit' is to an array of intensities (y[]: float) that comprise the light curve. """ import numpy as np import sys from math import log, pi, sqrt, exp from typing import Tuple from pyoteapp.solverUtils import calcNumCandidatesFromEventSize from pyoteapp.solverUtils import calcNumCandidatesFromDandRlimits from pyoteapp.solverUtils import model, logLikelihoodLine from pyoteapp.likelihood_calculations import cum_loglikelihood, aicc from numba import njit, jit MIN_FLOAT: float = sys.float_info.min @jit def add_entry(ynew: float, s: float, s2: float, n: int, calc_var: bool): """Adds an entry to the metrics, s, s2, and n. s: previous value of sum of y[] s2: previous value of sum of y[]*y[] n: previous number of entries in the metric """ n = n + 1 s = s + ynew s2 = s2 + ynew * ynew if calc_var: var = (s2 - s * s / n) / n # This is sigma**2 else: var = None return s, s2, n, var @jit def sub_entry(ynew: float, s: float, s2: float, n: int, calc_var: bool): """Subtracts an entry from the metrics, s, s2, and n. s: previous value of sum of y[] s2: previous value of sum of y[]*y[] n: previous number of entries in the metric """ n = n - 1 s = s - ynew s2 = s2 - ynew * ynew if calc_var: var = (s2 - s * s / n) / n # This is sigma**2 else: var = None return s, s2, n, var def calc_metric_iteratively(y: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float, int, float]: """Calculates a metric iteratively (term by term) for test purposes only. This is expected to be very slow compared to simply using numpy and on an array of size 1000, the numpy version was 600 times faster. y: array of floats """ # Set initial values for iteration s = 0.0 s2 = 0.0 n = 0 var = None for ynew in np.nditer(y): s, s2, n, var = add_entry(ynew, s, s2, n, calc_var=True) return s, s2, n, var @jit def calc_metric_numpy(y: np.ndarray): """Used for timing comparisons and initializing a metric from a large y[]. It calculates the metrics using fast numpy operations. """ n = y.size s2 = np.sum(y * y) s = y.sum() var = (s2 - s * s / n) / n # This is sigma**2 return s, s2, n, var StdAnswer = Tuple[int, int, float, float, float, float, float] """StdAnswer is: d, r, b, a, sigmaB, sigmaA, metric """ @njit # cache=True did not work for this function --- gave a pickling error def find_best_event_from_min_max_size( y: np.ndarray, left: int, right: int, min_event: int, max_event: int): """Finds the best size and location for an event >= min and <= max""" # The only time this function is called with a y containing 1 element # is during the import of this module where the call is made to force the jit # compiler into action --- a work-around to the pickle error problem. if y.size == 1: yield -1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 max_metric = 0.0 d_best = 0 r_best = 0 b_best = 0.0 a_best = 0.0 sigma_b_best = 0.0 sigma_a_best = 0.0 sigma_a = sigma_b = 0.0 # To satisfy PEP8 not_started = True num_candidates = calcNumCandidatesFromEventSize(eventType="DandR", left=left, right=right, minSize=min_event, maxSize=max_event) solution_counter = 0 for event in range(min_event, max_event + 1): d, r, b, a, sigma_b, sigma_a, metric, sol_count = \ locate_fixed_event_position(y, left, right, event) # Initialize the 'best' values if not_started: max_metric = metric d_best = d r_best = r b_best = b a_best = a sigma_b_best = sigma_b sigma_a_best = sigma_a not_started = False if metric >= max_metric and b > a: max_metric = metric d_best = d r_best = r b_best = b a_best = a sigma_b_best = sigma_b sigma_a_best = sigma_a solution_counter += sol_count # yield 'fractionDone', solution_counter / num_candidates yield 1.0, solution_counter / num_candidates, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # Here we test for solution being better than straight line if not solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, d_best, r_best, b_best, a_best, sigma_b_best, sigma_a_best): # yield 'no event present', solution_counter / num_candidates yield -1.0, solution_counter / num_candidates, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # yield d_best, r_best, b_best, a_best, sigma_b_best, sigma_a_best, max_metric yield 0.0, 1.0, d_best, r_best, b_best, a_best, sigma_b_best, sigma_a_best, max_metric def find_best_r_only_from_min_max_size( y: np.ndarray, left: int, right: int, min_event: int, max_event: int): """Finds the best r-only location for r >= min_event and <= max_event""" assert min_event >= 1 assert max_event <= right - left def update_best_solution(): nonlocal max_metric, b_best, a_best, sigma_b, sigma_a nonlocal r_best max_metric = metric b_best = b a_best = a sigma_b = sqrt(b_var) sigma_a = sqrt(a_var) r_best = r def calc_metric(): nonlocal a_var, b_var max_var = max(a_var, b_var, sys.float_info.min) if a_var <= 0.0: a_var = max_var if b_var <= 0.0: b_var = max_var return -b_n * log(b_var) - a_n * log(a_var) # These get changed by the first call to update_best_solution but # have the be set to proper type to satisfy type checking. metric = 0.0 max_metric = 0.0 r_best = 0 b_best = 0.0 a_best = 0.0 sigma_b = 0.0 sigma_a = 0.0 r = left + min_event # Use numpy version of metric calculator to initialize iteration variables b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[r + 1:right + 1]) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[left:r]) b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n # Calculate metric for initial position of r metric = calc_metric() update_best_solution() r_final = left + max_event while r < r_final: # calc metric for next r position from current position b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = sub_entry(y[r+1], b_s, b_s2, b_n, True) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = add_entry(y[r], a_s, a_s2, a_n, True) r += 1 metric = calc_metric() b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n goodSolution = solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, -1, r, b, a, sqrt(b_var), sqrt(a_var), k=3) if metric > max_metric and b > a and goodSolution: update_best_solution() if b_best <= a_best: # yield 'no event present', 1.0 yield -1.0, 1.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 event_size_found = r_best - left if event_size_found == max_event or event_size_found == min_event: # Invalid event size --- invalid limit yield -1.0, 1.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # Here we test for the best solution being better than straight line if not solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, -1, r_best, b, a, sigma_b, sigma_a, k=3): # yield 'no event present', 1.0 yield -1.0, 1.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # yield None, r_best, b_best, a_best, sigma_b, sigma_a, max_metric yield 0.0, 1.0, -1, r_best, b_best, a_best, sigma_b, sigma_a, max_metric def find_best_d_only_from_min_max_size( y: np.ndarray, left: int, right: int, min_event: int, max_event: int): """Finds the best d-only location for max_event >= event >= min_event """ assert min_event >= 1 assert max_event <= right - left def update_best_solution(): nonlocal max_metric, b_best, a_best, sigma_b, sigma_a nonlocal d_best max_metric = metric b_best = b a_best = a sigma_b = sqrt(b_var) sigma_a = sqrt(a_var) d_best = d def calc_metric(): nonlocal a_var, b_var max_var = max(a_var, b_var, sys.float_info.min) if a_var <= 0.0: a_var = max_var if b_var <= 0.0: b_var = max_var return -b_n * log(b_var) - a_n * log(a_var) # These get changed by the first call to update_best_solution but # have the be set to proper type to satisfy type checking. metric = 0.0 max_metric = 0.0 d_best = 0 b_best = 0.0 a_best = 0.0 sigma_b = 0.0 sigma_a = 0.0 d = right - max_event # Initial d position # Use numpy version of metric calculator to initialize iteration variables b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[left:d]) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[d+1:right+1]) b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n # print(b, a, b_n, a_n) # Calculate metric for initial position of d metric = calc_metric() update_best_solution() d_final = right - min_event while d < d_final: # calc metric for next d position from current position b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = add_entry(y[d], b_s, b_s2, b_n, True) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = sub_entry(y[d+1], a_s, a_s2, a_n, True) d += 1 metric = calc_metric() b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n goodSolution = solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, d, -1, b, a, sqrt(b_var), sqrt(a_var), k=3) if metric > max_metric and b > a and goodSolution: update_best_solution() if b_best <= a_best: # yield 'no event present', 1.0 yield -1.0, 1.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 event_size_found = right - d_best if event_size_found == max_event or event_size_found == min_event: # Invalid event size --- invalid limit yield -1.0, 1.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if not solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, d_best, -1, b, a, sigma_b, sigma_a, k=3): # yield 'no event present', 1.0 yield -1.0, 1.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # yield d_best, None, b_best, a_best, sigma_b, sigma_a, max_metric yield 0.0, 1.0, d_best, -1, b_best, a_best, sigma_b, sigma_a, max_metric @njit(cache=True) def locate_fixed_event_position( y: np.ndarray, left: int, right: int, event_size: int) -> Tuple[int, int, float, float, float, float, float, int]: """Finds the best location for a fixed size event""" d = left r = d + event_size + 1 # assert(r < right) # Use numpy version of metric calculator to initialize iteration variables b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[r+1:right+1]) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[left+1:r]) b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n # Calculate metric for initial position of event at extreme left # ========== calc_metric() =========== max_var = max(a_var, b_var, MIN_FLOAT) if a_var <= 0.0: a_var = max_var if b_var <= 0.0: b_var = max_var metric = - b_n * log(b_var) - a_n * log(a_var) # ========== calc_metric() =========== # ======= update_best_solution() ======== max_metric = metric b_max = b a_max = a sigma_b = sqrt(b_var) sigma_a = sqrt(a_var) d_max = d r_max = r # ======= update_best_solution() ======== # The metric used is the variable part of logL(D,R), droping the constant # part and ignoring a factor of 2. The full logL(D,R) would have been: # # -0.5 * (b_n*log(b_var) + a_n*log(a_var) + (b_n + a_n) * (1 + log(2*pi)) # # We use the reduced form to speed the calculation yet achieve a MLE # solution # metrics = [metric] # For use during development solution_count = 0 while r < right - 1: # calc metric for next event position from current position b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = add_entry(y[d], b_s, b_s2, b_n, False) b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = sub_entry(y[r+1], b_s, b_s2, b_n, True) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = add_entry(y[r], a_s, a_s2, a_n, False) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = sub_entry(y[d + 1], a_s, a_s2, a_n, True) b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n # ========== calc_metric() =========== max_var = max(a_var, b_var, MIN_FLOAT) if a_var <= 0.0: a_var = max_var if b_var <= 0.0: b_var = max_var metric = - b_n * log(b_var) - a_n * log(a_var) # ========== calc_metric() =========== # Move to next position d += 1 r += 1 goodSolution = solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, d, r, b, a, sqrt(b_var), sqrt(a_var), k=4) if metric > max_metric and b > a and goodSolution: # ======= update_best_solution() ======== max_metric = metric b_max = b a_max = a sigma_b = sqrt(b_var) sigma_a = sqrt(a_var) d_max = d r_max = r # ======= update_best_solution() ======== solution_count += 1 return d_max, r_max, b_max, a_max, sigma_b, sigma_a, max_metric, solution_count @njit # cache=True gave pickling error def locate_event_from_d_and_r_ranges( y: np.ndarray, left: int, right: int, d_start: int, d_end: int, r_start: int, r_end: int): """Finds the best size and location for event specified by d & r ranges""" # The only time this function is called with a y containing 1 element # is during the import of this module where the call is made to force the jit # compiler into action --- a work-around to the pickle error problem. if y.size == 1: yield -1.0, 0.0, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 num_candidates = calcNumCandidatesFromDandRlimits( eventType='DandR', d_start=d_start, d_end=d_end, r_start=r_start, r_end=r_end) clump_size = np.ceil(num_candidates / 50) solution_counter = 0 d = d_start max_metric = 0.0 d_best = 0 r_best = 0 b_s_best = 0.0 a_s_best = 0.0 b_var_best = 0.0 a_var_best = 0.0 b_n_best = 0 a_n_best = 0 not_started = True while d <= d_end: # Use numpy version of metric calculator to initialize iteration # variables for current d and initial r_start r = r_start if d > left: b_sl, b_s2l, b_nl, b_varl = calc_metric_numpy(y[left:d]) # Lefthand wing else: b_sl = 0.0 b_s2l = 0.0 b_nl = 0 b_varl = 0.0 b_sr, b_s2r, b_nr, b_varr = calc_metric_numpy(y[r+1:right+1]) # Righthand wing b_s = b_sl + b_sr b_s2 = b_s2l + b_s2r b_n = b_nl + b_nr b_var = b_varl + b_varr a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = calc_metric_numpy(y[d+1:r]) # ============== calc_metric() ================= max_var = max(a_var, b_var, MIN_FLOAT) if a_var <= 0.0: a_var = max_var if b_var <= 0.0: b_var = max_var metric = - b_n * log(b_var) - a_n * log(a_var) # ============== calc_metric() ================= if not_started: # =========== update_best_solution() ======= max_metric = metric d_best = d r_best = r b_s_best = b_s a_s_best = a_s b_var_best = b_var a_var_best = a_var b_n_best = b_n a_n_best = a_n # =========== update_best_solution() ======= not_started = False b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n if metric >= max_metric and b > a: # =========== update_best_solution() ======= max_metric = metric d_best = d r_best = r b_s_best = b_s a_s_best = a_s b_var_best = b_var a_var_best = a_var b_n_best = b_n a_n_best = a_n # =========== update_best_solution() ======= while r < r_end: r += 1 b_s, b_s2, b_n, b_var = sub_entry(y[r], b_s, b_s2, b_n, True) a_s, a_s2, a_n, a_var = add_entry(y[r-1], a_s, a_s2, a_n, True) # ============== calc_metric() ================= max_var = max(a_var, b_var, MIN_FLOAT) if a_var <= 0.0: a_var = max_var if b_var <= 0.0: b_var = max_var metric = - b_n * log(b_var) - a_n * log(a_var) # ============== calc_metric() ================= b = b_s / b_n a = a_s / a_n goodSolution = solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, d, r, b, a, sqrt(b_var), sqrt(a_var), k=4) if metric >= max_metric and b > a and goodSolution: # =========== update_best_solution() ======= max_metric = metric d_best = d r_best = r b_s_best = b_s a_s_best = a_s b_var_best = b_var a_var_best = a_var b_n_best = b_n a_n_best = a_n # =========== update_best_solution() ======= solution_counter += 1 if solution_counter % clump_size == 0: # yield 'fractionDone', solution_counter / num_candidates yield 1.0, solution_counter / num_candidates, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 d += 1 b = b_s_best / b_n_best a = a_s_best / a_n_best sigma_b = sqrt(b_var_best) sigma_a = sqrt(a_var_best) # Here we test for solution being better than straight line if not solution_is_better_than_straight_line( y, left, right, d_best, r_best, b, a, sigma_b, sigma_a, k=4): # yield 'no event present', solution_counter / num_candidates yield -1.0, solution_counter / num_candidates, -1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 yield 0.0, 1.0, d_best, r_best, b, a, sigma_b, sigma_a, max_metric @njit(cache=True) def solution_is_better_than_straight_line(y, left=-1, right=-1, d=-1, r=-1, b=0.0, a=0.0, sigma_b=0.0, sigma_a=0.0, k=4): # The only time that the result of this routine is important is for very # low snr signals. In that case, sigma_b and sigma_a are approximately # equal anyway. For other cases, we want to 'score' the straight line # against the signal in as equal a manner as possible, so we will use a # common noise value for all points. Here we calculate that value... big_sigma = np.float64(max(sigma_b, sigma_a)) # And here we make sure it never gets too small... if big_sigma < (b - a) / 100.0: # 100 == max snr big_sigma = (b - a) / 100.0 # If the current snr is greater than 3, the solution is always better # than a straight line, so we skip the calculations. if (b - a) / big_sigma > 3.0: return True # If this point is reached, a valid scoring needs to be performed. num_pts = y.size m, sigma = model( B=b, A=a, D=d, R=r, sigmaB=big_sigma, sigmaA=big_sigma, numPts=num_pts) solution_logl = cum_loglikelihood(y, m, sigma, left, right) # lineScore = logLikelihoodLine(y, sigmaB=big_sigma, left=left, right=right) lineScore = logLikelihoodLine(y, sigmaB=np.sqrt(np.var(y)), left=left, right=right) aiccSol = aicc(solution_logl, right - left + 1, k) aiccLine = aicc(lineScore, right - left + 1, 1) if aiccSol < aiccLine: pLine = exp(-(aiccLine - aiccSol) / 2) else: pLine = 1.00 if pLine > 0.001: return False else: return True def calc_logl_from_metric(s: float, s2: float, n: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: sigma2 = (s2 / n - (s / n) * (s / n)) # -log(sqrt(2*pi)) = -0.9189385332046727 return -n * 0.9189385332046727 - n / 2.0 - n * log(sigma2) / 2.0, sigma2 def cum_loglikelihood_raw(y, m, sigma): """ numpy accelerated sum of loglikelihoods --- for test purposes Args: y (ndarray): measured values m (ndarray): associated mean values (the 'model') sigma (ndarray): associated stdev values """ n = len(y) ans = -n * np.log(np.sqrt(2*pi)) ans -= np.sum(np.log(sigma)) ans -= (np.sum((y - m) ** 2 / sigma ** 2) / 2.0) return ans, np.var(y) def loglikelihood(y, m, sigma): """ calculate ln(likelihood) of a single point from a gaussian distribution Args: y (float): measured value m (float): mean (expected model value) sigma (float): stdev of measurements Returns: natural logarithm of un-normalized probability based on Gaussian distribution """ # log(x) is natural log (base e) # -log(sqrt(2*pi)) = -0.9189385332046727 = -log(2*pi)/2 # t1 = -log(sqrt(2*pi)) t1 = -0.9189385332046727 t2 = -log(sigma) t3 = -(y - m) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2) return t1 + t2 + t3 @njit def bob(): print("Hello from Bob") num_pts = 30 m, sigma = model( B=4.0, A=1.0, D=19, R=29, sigmaB=1.0, sigmaA=1.0, numPts=num_pts) # m += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, 30) # print(m.size, sigma.size) # model.inspect_types() # ans = solution_is_better_than_straight_line(m, 0, 29, 10, 20, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # print(ans) # solution_is_better_than_straight_line.inspect_types() left = 1 right = num_pts evt = 9 noise_sigma = 0.01 noise = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma, num_pts) ans = locate_fixed_event_position(m + noise, left, right, evt) print(ans) noise = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma, num_pts) ans = locate_fixed_event_position(m + noise, left, right, evt) print(ans) noise = np.random.normal(0.0, noise_sigma, num_pts) ans = locate_fixed_event_position(m + noise, left, right, evt) print(ans) print(m) # ans = locate_fixed_event_position(m, 0, 29, 10) # print(ans) # ans = locate_fixed_event_position(m, 0, 29, 11) # locate_fixed_event_position.inspect_types() # print(ans) # ans = calc_metric_numpy(m) # calc_metric_numpy.inspect_types() # print(ans) # We perform the following calls to force the njit of the functions. This hides the # compile time from the user (extends the load time a bit) and thus eliminates # the slightly disconcerting 1 or 2 second delay before this functions start to # operate if we wait until the user first invokes them after starting ppyote. We # do this as a work-around to the pickle problem that keeps normal caching from working. _ = find_best_event_from_min_max_size(np.zeros(1), 0, 0, 0, 0) _ = locate_event_from_d_and_r_ranges(np.zeros(1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if __name__ == "__main__": bob() # bob.inspect_types() pass
# See for more information about rock, paper, scissors # Similar to switching10 with an additional beat2 and complement function import random if input == "": hist = "" opp_played = [] beat = {'P': 'S', 'S': 'R', 'R': 'P'} beat2 = {'PP': 'S', 'SS': 'R', 'RR':'P', 'PS': 'S', 'PR': 'P', 'RS': 'R', 'RP': 'P', 'SP': 'S', 'SR': 'R'} complement = {'PS': 'R', 'PR': 'S', 'RS': 'P', 'RP': 'S', 'SP': 'R', 'SR': 'P'} score = {'RR': 0, 'PP': 0, 'SS': 0, 'PR': 1, 'RS': 1, 'SP': 1, 'RP':-1, 'SR':-1, 'PS':-1, } output = random.choice(["R", "P", "S"]) candidates1 = [output, output] candidates2 = [output] * 5 performance1 = [0, 0] performance2 = [(0, 0)] * 5 else: hist += output.lower() + input opp_played.append(input) performance1[0] += score[candidates1[0] + input] performance1[1] += score[candidates1[1] + input] for i, p in enumerate(candidates2): performance2[i] = ({1:performance2[i][0] + 1, 0: performance2[i][0], -1: 0}[score[p + input]], performance2[i][1] + score[p + input]) index1 = performance1.index(max(performance1)) index2 = performance2.index(max(performance2, key=lambda x: x[0] ** 3 + x[1])) candidates1[1] = beat[random.choice(opp_played)] for length in range(min(10, len(hist) - 2), 0, -2): search = hist[-length:] idx = hist.rfind(search, 0, -2) if idx != -1: my = hist[idx + length].upper() opp = hist[idx + length + 1] candidates2[0] = beat[opp] candidates2[1] = beat[beat[my]] candidates2[2] = beat2[beat[my] + beat[beat[opp]]] candidates2[3] = beat2[beat[opp] + beat[beat[my]]] candidates2[4] = complement[''.join(sorted(set(candidates2[0] + candidates2[1] + candidates2[3])))] break else: candidates = [random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])] * 5 candidates1[0] = candidates2[index2] output = candidates1[index1]
# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild from pkg_resources import parse_version from .kaitaistruct import __version__ as ks_version, KaitaiStruct, KaitaiStream, BytesIO import collections from enum import Enum if parse_version(ks_version) < parse_version('0.7'): raise Exception("Incompatible Kaitai Struct Python API: 0.7 or later is required, but you have %s" % (ks_version)) class Bson(KaitaiStruct): """BSON, short for Binary JSON, is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents. Like JSON, BSON supports the embedding of documents and arrays within other documents and arrays. BSON also contains extensions that allow representation of data types that are not part of the JSON spec. For example, BSON has a Date type and a BinData type. BSON can be compared to binary interchange formats, like Protocol Buffers. BSON is more "schemaless" than Protocol Buffers, which can give it an advantage in flexibility but also a slight disadvantage in space efficiency (BSON has overhead for field names within the serialized data). BSON was designed to have the following three characteristics: * Lightweight. Keeping spatial overhead to a minimum is important for any data representation format, especially when used over the network. * Traversable. BSON is designed to be traversed easily. This is a vital property in its role as the primary data representation for MongoDB. * Efficient. Encoding data to BSON and decoding from BSON can be performed very quickly in most languages due to the use of C data types. """ SEQ_FIELDS = ["len", "fields", "terminator"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['len']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.len = self._io.read_s4le() self._debug['len']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['fields']['start'] = self._io.pos() self._raw_fields = self._io.read_bytes((self.len - 5)) io = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_fields)) self.fields = self._root.ElementsList(io, self, self._root) self.fields._read() self._debug['fields']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['terminator']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.terminator = self._io.ensure_fixed_contents(b"\x00") self._debug['terminator']['end'] = self._io.pos() class Timestamp(KaitaiStruct): """Special internal type used by MongoDB replication and sharding. First 4 bytes are an increment, second 4 are a timestamp.""" SEQ_FIELDS = ["increment", "timestamp"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['increment']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.increment = self._io.read_u4le() self._debug['increment']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['timestamp']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.timestamp = self._io.read_u4le() self._debug['timestamp']['end'] = self._io.pos() class BinData(KaitaiStruct): """The BSON "binary" or "BinData" datatype is used to represent arrays of bytes. It is somewhat analogous to the Java notion of a ByteArray. BSON binary values have a subtype. This is used to indicate what kind of data is in the byte array. Subtypes from zero to 127 are predefined or reserved. Subtypes from 128-255 are user-defined.""" class Subtype(Enum): generic = 0 function = 1 byte_array_deprecated = 2 uuid_deprecated = 3 uuid = 4 md5 = 5 custom = 128 SEQ_FIELDS = ["len", "subtype", "content"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['len']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.len = self._io.read_s4le() self._debug['len']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['subtype']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.subtype = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(self._root.BinData.Subtype, self._io.read_u1()) self._debug['subtype']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['content']['start'] = self._io.pos() _on = self.subtype if _on == self._root.BinData.Subtype.byte_array_deprecated: self._raw_content = self._io.read_bytes(self.len) io = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_content)) self.content = self._root.BinData.ByteArrayDeprecated(io, self, self._root) self.content._read() else: self.content = self._io.read_bytes(self.len) self._debug['content']['end'] = self._io.pos() class ByteArrayDeprecated(KaitaiStruct): """The BSON "binary" or "BinData" datatype is used to represent arrays of bytes. It is somewhat analogous to the Java notion of a ByteArray. BSON binary values have a subtype. This is used to indicate what kind of data is in the byte array. Subtypes from zero to 127 are predefined or reserved. Subtypes from 128-255 are user-defined.""" SEQ_FIELDS = ["len", "content"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['len']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.len = self._io.read_s4le() self._debug['len']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['content']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.content = self._io.read_bytes(self.len) self._debug['content']['end'] = self._io.pos() class ElementsList(KaitaiStruct): SEQ_FIELDS = ["elements"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['elements']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.elements = [] i = 0 while not self._io.is_eof(): if not 'arr' in self._debug['elements']: self._debug['elements']['arr'] = [] self._debug['elements']['arr'].append({'start': self._io.pos()}) _t_elements = self._root.Element(self._io, self, self._root) _t_elements._read() self.elements.append(_t_elements) self._debug['elements']['arr'][len(self.elements) - 1]['end'] = self._io.pos() i += 1 self._debug['elements']['end'] = self._io.pos() class Cstring(KaitaiStruct): SEQ_FIELDS = ["str"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['str']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.str = (self._io.read_bytes_term(0, False, True, True)).decode(u"UTF-8") self._debug['str']['end'] = self._io.pos() class String(KaitaiStruct): SEQ_FIELDS = ["len", "str", "terminator"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['len']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.len = self._io.read_s4le() self._debug['len']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['str']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.str = (self._io.read_bytes((self.len - 1))).decode(u"UTF-8") self._debug['str']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['terminator']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.terminator = self._io.ensure_fixed_contents(b"\x00") self._debug['terminator']['end'] = self._io.pos() class Element(KaitaiStruct): class BsonType(Enum): min_key = -1 end_of_object = 0 number_double = 1 string = 2 document = 3 array = 4 bin_data = 5 undefined = 6 object_id = 7 boolean = 8 utc_datetime = 9 jst_null = 10 reg_ex = 11 db_pointer = 12 javascript = 13 symbol = 14 code_with_scope = 15 number_int = 16 timestamp = 17 number_long = 18 number_decimal = 19 max_key = 127 SEQ_FIELDS = ["type_byte", "name", "content"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['type_byte']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.type_byte = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(self._root.Element.BsonType, self._io.read_u1()) self._debug['type_byte']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['name']['start'] = self._io.pos() = self._root.Cstring(self._io, self, self._root) self._debug['name']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['content']['start'] = self._io.pos() _on = self.type_byte if _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.code_with_scope: self.content = self._root.CodeWithScope(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.reg_ex: self.content = self._root.RegEx(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.number_double: self.content = self._io.read_f8le() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.symbol: self.content = self._root.String(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.timestamp: self.content = self._root.Timestamp(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.number_int: self.content = self._io.read_s4le() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.document: self.content = Bson(self._io) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.object_id: self.content = self._root.ObjectId(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.javascript: self.content = self._root.String(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.utc_datetime: self.content = self._io.read_s8le() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.boolean: self.content = self._io.read_u1() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.number_long: self.content = self._io.read_s8le() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.bin_data: self.content = self._root.BinData(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.string: self.content = self._root.String(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.db_pointer: self.content = self._root.DbPointer(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.array: self.content = Bson(self._io) self.content._read() elif _on == self._root.Element.BsonType.number_decimal: self.content = self._root.F16(self._io, self, self._root) self.content._read() self._debug['content']['end'] = self._io.pos() class DbPointer(KaitaiStruct): SEQ_FIELDS = ["namespace", "id"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['namespace']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.namespace = self._root.String(self._io, self, self._root) self.namespace._read() self._debug['namespace']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['id']['start'] = self._io.pos() = self._root.ObjectId(self._io, self, self._root) self._debug['id']['end'] = self._io.pos() class U3(KaitaiStruct): """Implements unsigned 24-bit (3 byte) integer. """ SEQ_FIELDS = ["b1", "b2", "b3"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['b1']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.b1 = self._io.read_u1() self._debug['b1']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['b2']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.b2 = self._io.read_u1() self._debug['b2']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['b3']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.b3 = self._io.read_u1() self._debug['b3']['end'] = self._io.pos() @property def value(self): if hasattr(self, '_m_value'): return self._m_value if hasattr(self, '_m_value') else None self._m_value = ((self.b1 | (self.b2 << 8)) | (self.b3 << 16)) return self._m_value if hasattr(self, '_m_value') else None class CodeWithScope(KaitaiStruct): SEQ_FIELDS = ["id", "source", "scope"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['id']['start'] = self._io.pos() = self._io.read_s4le() self._debug['id']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['source']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.source = self._root.String(self._io, self, self._root) self.source._read() self._debug['source']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['scope']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.scope = Bson(self._io) self.scope._read() self._debug['scope']['end'] = self._io.pos() class F16(KaitaiStruct): """128-bit IEEE 754-2008 decimal floating point.""" SEQ_FIELDS = ["str", "exponent", "significand_hi", "significand_lo"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['str']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.str = self._io.read_bits_int(1) != 0 self._debug['str']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['exponent']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.exponent = self._io.read_bits_int(15) self._debug['exponent']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['significand_hi']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.significand_hi = self._io.read_bits_int(49) self._debug['significand_hi']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._io.align_to_byte() self._debug['significand_lo']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.significand_lo = self._io.read_u8le() self._debug['significand_lo']['end'] = self._io.pos() class ObjectId(KaitaiStruct): """""" SEQ_FIELDS = ["epoch_time", "machine_id", "process_id", "counter"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['epoch_time']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.epoch_time = self._io.read_u4le() self._debug['epoch_time']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['machine_id']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.machine_id = self._root.U3(self._io, self, self._root) self.machine_id._read() self._debug['machine_id']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['process_id']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.process_id = self._io.read_u2le() self._debug['process_id']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['counter']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.counter = self._root.U3(self._io, self, self._root) self.counter._read() self._debug['counter']['end'] = self._io.pos() class RegEx(KaitaiStruct): SEQ_FIELDS = ["pattern", "options"] def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None): self._io = _io self._parent = _parent self._root = _root if _root else self self._debug = collections.defaultdict(dict) def _read(self): self._debug['pattern']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.pattern = self._root.Cstring(self._io, self, self._root) self.pattern._read() self._debug['pattern']['end'] = self._io.pos() self._debug['options']['start'] = self._io.pos() self.options = self._root.Cstring(self._io, self, self._root) self.options._read() self._debug['options']['end'] = self._io.pos()
# stdlib imports import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StandardDeployment(object): """StandardDeployment implements Marathon's basic deployment workflow and uses the primitives provided by the Marathon API to perform a standard rolling deploy according to application settings. This deployment strategy is best suited for non-web-facing applications or those that can tolerate minor downtime during deployment e.g. consumer or worker applications. """ def __init__(self, marathon_client, timeout, app_definitions, **kw): self.marathon_client = marathon_client self.timeout = timeout self.app_definitions = app_definitions def execute(self, force=False): """Execute standard Marathon deployment. """ app_ids = ", ".join([a["id"] for a in self.app_definitions])"Executing standard deployment: {0}".format(app_ids)) deployment = self.marathon_client.deploy( self.app_definitions, force=force, )"Waiting for marathon deployment to complete: {0}".format(deployment.deployment_id)) result = deployment.wait(timeout=self.timeout)"Marathon deployment complete: {0}".format(deployment.deployment_id)) return result
import factory from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.timezone import now from shop.models import (Product, Stamp, Order, OrderDetails, Voucher) class UserFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = User first_name = 'DRF' last_name = 'Test' username = 'drftest' password = 'drftest' is_active = True is_superuser = False last_login = now() date_joined = now() class ProductFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = Product name = "Product 1" collect_stamp = True class StampFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = Stamp user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) redeemed = False class OrderFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = Order user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) date = now() class OrderDetailsFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = OrderDetails order = factory.SubFactory(OrderFactory) product = factory.SubFactory(ProductFactory) quantity = 4 class VoucherFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory): FACTORY_FOR = Voucher user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory) redeemed = False
''' This is for generating a JPG file per a MP4 file. The generated JPG file shows the movement pattern appeared thoughout the MP4 file. (Movement summary of the movie file) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2013 Jinook Oh ([email protected]) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ''' import os, sys from glob import glob from math import sqrt from copy import copy import cv ### FLAG_DISPLAY_JPG = False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class M_drawer: def __init__(self, target_path): self.target_path = target_path if FLAG_DISPLAY_JPG == True: cv.NamedWindow('disp', cv.CV_WINDOW_NORMAL) if FLAG_DISPLAY_JPG == True: cv.MoveWindow('disp', 50, 50) self.total_nFrames = 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_FG_rect_value(self, inString): # get overall foreground rect value if inString.strip() == '(-1/ -1/ -1/ -1)': return -1 else: b_rect = inString.replace("(","").replace(")","").split("/") b_rect = (int(b_rect[0])*2, int(b_rect[1])*2, int(b_rect[2])*2, int(b_rect[3])*2) return b_rect #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_FGB_center_pt(self, fgb_pts): # get each foreground blob's center point number_of_pts = len(fgb_pts) x = 0; y = 0 for i in range(number_of_pts): x += fgb_pts[i][0] y += fgb_pts[i][1] x = x/number_of_pts y = y/number_of_pts return [x,y] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_img_from_video(self, cap_vf): frames = [] nFrames = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(cap_vf, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) fps = int(cv.GetCaptureProperty(cap_vf, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)) self.total_nFrames += nFrames for i in xrange(nFrames): frame = cv.QueryFrame(cap_vf) if i == 0 or i == nFrames/2: # store first, middle frame frames.append(cv.CloneImage(frame)) ### try to store the last frame, but if it fails, ignore it. if i == nFrames-1: try: frames.append(cv.CloneImage(frame)) except: pass ### Add differences between the middle-first & last-first onto the first frame diff_img0 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frames[0]), 8, 3) diff_img1 = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frames[0]), 8, 3) cv.AbsDiff(frames[0], frames[1], diff_img0) if len(frames) > 2: cv.AbsDiff(frames[0], frames[2], diff_img1) cv.Add(diff_img0, frames[0], frames[0]) if len(frames) > 2: cv.Add(diff_img1, frames[0], frames[0]) return frames[0] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run(self): #first_img_path = os.path.join(self.target_path, '_first_color_img_cID00.jpg') #first_img = cv.LoadImage(first_img_path) d_color1 = (0, 0, 0) d_color2 = (255, 255, 255) cat_margin = 30 # due to dilate function, etc font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1, 0, 3, 8) dr_cnt = 0 # counter for drawing for f in glob(os.path.join(self.target_path, '*_MR.csv')): # open all the MovementRecord files mr_f = open(f, 'r') mr_f_lines = mr_f.readlines() jpg_file = f.replace(".csv", ".jpg") if not os.path.isfile(jpg_file): # jpg file doesn't exist video_file = f.replace("_MR.csv", ".mp4") if os.path.isfile(video_file): # video file exist cap_vf = cv.CaptureFromFile(video_file) img_from_video = self.get_img_from_video(cap_vf) last_center_pt = (-1,-1) last_center_pt_b = (-1,-1) last_center_pt_white = (-1,-1) last_center_pt_black = (-1,-1) lines_cnt = len(mr_f_lines) for i in range(2, lines_cnt): items = mr_f_lines[i].split(",") if len(items) > 1: number_of_blobs = int(items[4]) #d_color_e_dec = 255-(float(i)/lines_cnt*255) d_color_e_inc = float(i)/lines_cnt*255 d_color = (d_color_e_inc, d_color_e_inc, d_color_e_inc) ''' ### Drawing for movement rects b_rect = items[0].replace("(","").replace(")","").split("/") b_rect = (int(b_rect[0]), int(b_rect[1]), int(b_rect[2]), int(b_rect[3])) d_color_e = 255-(float(i+1)/lines_cnt*255) d_color = (d_color_e, d_color_e, d_color_e) cv.Rectangle(img_from_video, (b_rect[0],b_rect[1]), (b_rect[0]+b_rect[2],b_rect[1]+b_rect[3]), d_color1, 1) center_pt = items[1].split("/") center_pt = (int(center_pt[0]), int(center_pt[1])) cv.Circle(img_from_video, center_pt, 3, d_color, 1) if last_center_pt != (-1,-1): cv.Line(img_from_video, last_center_pt, center_pt, d_color, 1) last_center_pt = tuple(center_pt) ''' ''' ### rect bounding all the foreground features b_rect = self.get_FG_rect_value(items[2]) #cv.Rectangle(img_from_video, (b_rect[0],b_rect[1]), (b_rect[0]+b_rect[2],b_rect[1]+b_rect[3]), d_color, 1) if b_rect != -1: ### Drawing the center point of the movement whole bounding rect (and the connecting lines between the center points.) center_pt = items[3].split("/") center_pt = (int(center_pt[0])*2, int(center_pt[1])*2) cv.Circle(img_from_video, center_pt, 5, d_color, 2) if last_center_pt_b != (-1,-1): cv.Line(img_from_video, last_center_pt_b, center_pt, d_color, 1) last_center_pt_b = tuple(center_pt) ''' ### rects for each foreground blob fB_grouped_pts = eval(items[8].replace("/", ",")) if fB_grouped_pts != []: for fB_idx in range(len(fB_grouped_pts)): fgb_pts = fB_grouped_pts[fB_idx] if fgb_pts != '[]': fgb_center_pt = self.get_FGB_center_pt(fgb_pts) fgb_center_pt = (fgb_center_pt[0]*2, fgb_center_pt[1]*2) cv.Circle(img_from_video, fgb_center_pt, 3, d_color, 2) if fB_idx > 0: cv.Line(img_from_video, last_fgb_center_pt, fgb_center_pt, d_color, 1) last_fgb_center_pt = copy(fgb_center_pt) ### Drawing the center point of the whitish blob if items[7].strip() == '-1/-1': wbpt = (-1,-1) else: wbpt = items[7].split("/") # white blob center point wbpt = (int(wbpt[0])*2, int(wbpt[1])*2) if wbpt != (-1, -1): # draw a rectangle at the center of white blob(s) cv.Rectangle(img_from_video, (wbpt[0]-2,wbpt[1]-2), (wbpt[0]+2,wbpt[1]+2), (0,0,125), 1) if FLAG_DISPLAY_JPG == True: cv.ShowImage('disp', img_from_video) mr_img_path = f.replace(".csv", ".jpg") cv.SaveImage(mr_img_path, img_from_video) dr_cnt += 1 print "An image, %s, is generated."%mr_img_path mr_f.close() else: # Video file doesn't exist (means it wasn't generated due to lack of enough JPEG files) # Usually it's meaningless very short record. (or no record at all) mr_f.close() os.remove(f) # remove the MR-csv file for f in glob(os.path.join(self.target_path, '*.log')): log_f = open(f, 'a') log_f.write("\n* Total number of frames of movie files: %i\n"%(self.total_nFrames)) log_f.close() print "Number of images generated: %i"%(dr_cnt) print "Image drawing process is complete." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': path = os.getcwd() input_path = '' if len(sys.argv) > 1: for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)): input_path += sys.argv[i] + ' ' input_path = input_path.strip() else: input_path = 'output' path = os.path.join(path, input_path) mDrawer = M_drawer(path)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * class Ui_NewConnectDlg(object): def setupUi(self, NewConnectDlg): NewConnectDlg.setWindowTitle(u"Connect VHD") self.gridlayout = QGridLayout(NewConnectDlg) self.gridlayout.setMargin(9) self.gridlayout.setSpacing(6) urlLabel = QLabel(u"URL*:") self.urlLineEdit = QLineEdit() urlLabel.setBuddy(self.urlLineEdit) self.gridlayout.addWidget(urlLabel, 0, 0) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.urlLineEdit, 0, 1) accountkeyLabel = QLabel(u"ACCOUNT_KEY:") self.accountkeyLineEdit = QLineEdit() accountkeyLabel.setBuddy(self.accountkeyLineEdit) self.gridlayout.addWidget(accountkeyLabel, 1, 0) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.accountkeyLineEdit, 1, 1) filenameLabel = QLabel(u"FILENAME:") self.filenameLineEdit = QLineEdit() filenameLabel.setBuddy(self.filenameLineEdit) self.gridlayout.addWidget(filenameLabel, 2, 0) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.filenameLineEdit, 2, 1) pathLabel = QLabel(u"PATH*:") self.pathLineEdit = QLineEdit() pathLabel.setBuddy(self.pathLineEdit) self.gridlayout.addWidget(pathLabel, 3, 0) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.pathLineEdit, 3, 1) extensionLabel = QLabel(u"EXTENSION:") self.extensionLineEdit = QLineEdit() extensionLabel.setBuddy(self.extensionLineEdit) self.gridlayout.addWidget(extensionLabel, 4, 0) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.extensionLineEdit, 4, 1) typeLabel = QLabel(u"TYPE:") self.typeLineEdit = QLineEdit() typeLabel.setBuddy(self.typeLineEdit) self.gridlayout.addWidget(typeLabel, 5, 0) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.typeLineEdit, 5, 1) self.buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox(NewConnectDlg) self.buttonBox.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel| QDialogButtonBox.NoButton|QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.gridlayout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 6, 1) QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("accepted()"), NewConnectDlg.accept) QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, SIGNAL("rejected()"), NewConnectDlg.reject) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(NewConnectDlg)
""" the implementation of ATOM iou net """ import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid.dygraph.nn as nn import numpy as np import os.path as osp import sys CURRENT_DIR = osp.dirname(__file__) sys.path.append(osp.join(CURRENT_DIR, '..', '..', '..')) def weight_init(): init = fluid.initializer.MSRAInitializer(uniform=False) param = fluid.ParamAttr(initializer=init) return param def bias_init(): init = fluid.initializer.ConstantInitializer(value=0.) param = fluid.ParamAttr(initializer=init) return param def norm_weight_init(): # init = fluid.initializer.ConstantInitializer(1.0) init = fluid.initializer.Uniform(low=0., high=1.) param = fluid.ParamAttr(initializer=init) return param def norm_bias_init(): init = fluid.initializer.ConstantInitializer(value=0.) param = fluid.ParamAttr(initializer=init) return param class ConvBNReluLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, filter_size, stride=1, groups=1, padding=1, is_test=False): super(ConvBNReluLayer, self).__init__() self.conv = nn.Conv2D( num_channels=in_channels, filter_size=filter_size, num_filters=out_channels, stride=stride, padding=padding, groups=groups, bias_attr=bias_init(), param_attr=weight_init()) = nn.BatchNorm( out_channels, param_attr=norm_weight_init(), bias_attr=norm_bias_init(), act=None, momentum=0.9, use_global_stats=is_test) def forward(self, inputs): res = self.conv(inputs) self.conv_res = res res = res = fluid.layers.relu(res) return res class FCBNReluLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, in_size, is_bias=True, is_bn=True, is_relu=True, is_test=False): super(FCBNReluLayer, self).__init__() self.is_bn = is_bn self.is_relu = is_relu if is_bias: bias_init = fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.ConstantInitializer(0.)) else: bias_init = False self.linear = nn.Linear( in_channels * in_size * in_size, out_channels, bias_attr=bias_init) = nn.BatchNorm( out_channels, param_attr=norm_weight_init(), bias_attr=norm_bias_init(), act=None, momentum=0.9, use_global_stats=is_test) def forward(self, x): x = fluid.layers.reshape(x, [x.shape[0], -1]) x = self.linear(x) if self.is_bn: x = if self.is_relu: x = fluid.layers.relu(x) return x class AtomIouNet(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, name, input_dim=(128, 256), pred_input_dim=(256, 256), pred_inter_dim=(256, 256), is_test=False): super(AtomIouNet, self).__init__(name) = self.full_name() self.conv3_1r = ConvBNReluLayer( input_dim[0], 128, filter_size=3, stride=1, is_test=is_test) self.conv3_1t = ConvBNReluLayer( input_dim[0], 256, filter_size=3, stride=1, is_test=is_test) self.conv3_2t = ConvBNReluLayer( 256, pred_input_dim[0], filter_size=3, stride=1, is_test=is_test) self.fc3_1r = ConvBNReluLayer( 128, 256, filter_size=3, stride=1, padding=0, is_test=is_test) self.conv4_1r = ConvBNReluLayer( input_dim[1], 256, filter_size=3, stride=1, is_test=is_test) self.conv4_1t = ConvBNReluLayer( input_dim[1], 256, filter_size=3, stride=1, is_test=is_test) self.conv4_2t = ConvBNReluLayer( 256, pred_input_dim[1], filter_size=3, stride=1, is_test=is_test) self.fc34_3r = ConvBNReluLayer( 512, pred_input_dim[0], filter_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, is_test=is_test) self.fc34_4r = ConvBNReluLayer( 512, pred_input_dim[1], filter_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, is_test=is_test) self.fc3_rt = FCBNReluLayer( pred_input_dim[0], pred_inter_dim[0], in_size=5, is_test=is_test) self.fc4_rt = FCBNReluLayer( pred_input_dim[1], pred_inter_dim[1], in_size=3, is_test=is_test) bias_init = fluid.initializer.ConstantInitializer(0.) self.iou_predictor = nn.Linear( pred_inter_dim[0] + pred_inter_dim[1], 1, bias_attr=bias_init) self.outs = {} def predict_iou(self, filter, feat2, proposals): """ predicts IOU for the given proposals :param modulation: Modulation vectors for the targets. Dims (batch, feature_dim). :param feat: IoU features (from get_iou_feat) for test images. Dims (batch, feature_dim, H, W). :param proposals: Proposal boxes for which the IoU will be predicted (batch, num_proposals, 4). :return: """ fc34_3_r, fc34_4_r = filter c3_t, c4_t = feat2 batch_size = c3_t.shape[0] # Modulation c3_t_att = c3_t * fluid.layers.reshape(fc34_3_r, [batch_size, -1, 1, 1]) c4_t_att = c4_t * fluid.layers.reshape(fc34_4_r, [batch_size, -1, 1, 1]) # add batch roi nums num_proposals_per_batch = proposals.shape[1] batch_roi_nums = np.array([num_proposals_per_batch] * batch_size).astype(np.int64) batch_roi_nums = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(batch_roi_nums) # input proposals2 is in format xywh, convert it to x0y0x1y1 format proposals_xyxy = fluid.layers.concat( [ proposals[:, :, 0:2], proposals[:, :, 0:2] + proposals[:, :, 2:4] ], axis=2) roi2 = fluid.layers.reshape(proposals_xyxy, [-1, 4]) roi2.stop_gradient = False roi3t = fluid.layers.prroi_pool( c3_t_att, roi2, 1 / 8., 5, 5, batch_roi_nums=batch_roi_nums) roi4t = fluid.layers.prroi_pool( c4_t_att, roi2, 1 / 16., 3, 3, batch_roi_nums=batch_roi_nums) fc3_rt = self.fc3_rt(roi3t) fc4_rt = self.fc4_rt(roi4t) fc34_rt_cat = fluid.layers.concat([fc3_rt, fc4_rt], axis=1) iou_pred = self.iou_predictor(fc34_rt_cat) iou_pred = fluid.layers.reshape(iou_pred, [batch_size, num_proposals_per_batch]) return iou_pred def forward(self, feat1, feat2, bb1, proposals2): """Runs the ATOM IoUNet during training operation. This forward pass is mainly used for training. Call the individual functions during tracking instead. args: feat1: Variable, Features from the reference frames (4 or 5 dims). feat2: Variable, Features from the test frames (4 or 5 dims). bb1: Target boxes (x,y,x2,y2) in image coords in the reference samples. Dims (images, sequences, 4). proposals2: Proposal boxes for which the IoU will be predicted (images, sequences, num_proposals, 4).""" assert len(feat1[0].shape) == 5, 'Expect 5 dimensional feat1' num_test_images = feat2[0].shape[0] batch_size = feat2[0].shape[1] # Extract first train sample feat1 = [f[0] for f in feat1] bb1 = bb1[0] # Get modulation vector modulation = self.get_filter(feat1, bb1) feat2 = [ fluid.layers.reshape(f, (batch_size * num_test_images, *f.shape[-3:])) for f in feat2 ] iou_feat = self.get_iou_feat(feat2) new_modulation = [] for i in range(0, len(modulation)): tmp = modulation[i] tmp = fluid.layers.reshape(tmp, [1, batch_size, -1]) tmp = fluid.layers.expand(tmp, [num_test_images, 1, 1]) tmp = fluid.layers.reshape(tmp, [batch_size * num_test_images, -1]) new_modulation.append(tmp) proposals2 = fluid.layers.reshape( proposals2, [batch_size * num_test_images, -1, 4]) pred_iou = self.predict_iou(new_modulation, iou_feat, proposals2) pred_iou = fluid.layers.reshape(pred_iou, [num_test_images, batch_size, -1]) return pred_iou def get_filter(self, feat1, bb1): """ get modulation feature [feature1, feature2] for the targets :param feat1: variable, Backbone features from reference images. shapes (batch, feature_dim, H, W). :param bb1: variable, Target boxes (x,y,w,h) in image coords in the reference samples. shapes (batch, 4). :return: """ feat3_r, feat4_r = feat1 c3_r = self.conv3_1r(feat3_r) # Add batch_index to rois batch_size = bb1.shape[0] batch_roi_nums = np.array([1] * batch_size).astype(np.int64) batch_roi_nums = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(batch_roi_nums) # input bb is in format xywh, convert it to x0y0x1y1 format roi1 = fluid.layers.concat( [bb1[:, 0:2], bb1[:, 0:2] + bb1[:, 2:4]], axis=1) roi1.stop_gradient = False roi3r = fluid.layers.prroi_pool(c3_r, roi1, 1 / 8., 3, 3, batch_roi_nums) c4_r = self.conv4_1r(feat4_r) roi4r = fluid.layers.prroi_pool(c4_r, roi1, 1 / 16., 1, 1, batch_roi_nums) fc3_r = self.fc3_1r(roi3r) # Concatenate fc34_r = fluid.layers.concat([fc3_r, roi4r], axis=1) fc34_3_r = self.fc34_3r(fc34_r) fc34_4_r = self.fc34_4r(fc34_r) return fc34_3_r, fc34_4_r def get_iou_feat(self, feat2): """ Get IoU prediction features from a 4 or 5 dimensional backbone input. :param feat2: variable, Backbone features from reference images. [feature1, feature2] :return: features, variable """ feat3_t, feat4_t = feat2 c3_t = self.conv3_2t(self.conv3_1t(feat3_t)) c4_t = self.conv4_2t(self.conv4_1t(feat4_t)) return c3_t, c4_t def atom_iounet(name, input_dim=(128, 256), pred_input_dim=(256, 256), pred_inter_dim=(256, 256)): return AtomIouNet( name, input_dim=input_dim, pred_input_dim=pred_input_dim, pred_inter_dim=pred_inter_dim) def test_paddle_iounet(): a = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [1, 1, 512, 18, 18]).astype(np.float32) b = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [1, 1, 1024, 9, 9]).astype(np.float32) bbox = [[3, 4, 10, 11]] proposal_bbox = [[4, 5, 11, 12] * 16] bbox = np.reshape(np.array(bbox), [1, 1, 4]).astype(np.float32) proposal_bbox = np.reshape(np.array(proposal_bbox), [1, 16, 4]).astype(np.float32) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): a_pd = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(a) b_pd = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(b) bbox_pd = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(bbox) proposal_bbox_pd = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(proposal_bbox) feat1 = [a_pd, b_pd] feat2 = [a_pd, b_pd] model = AtomIouNet('IOUNet', input_dim=(512, 1024)) res = model(feat1, feat2, bbox_pd, proposal_bbox_pd) print(res.shape) params = model.state_dict() for v in params: print(v, '\t', params[v].shape) print(len(params)) if __name__ == '__main__': test_paddle_iounet()
from sqlalchemy import and_ import json import uuid import settings import os from models import Feature, Transcript, NucleotideMeasurementSet, Structure, \ GeneLocation, NucleotideMeasurementRun, StructurePredictionRun, \ values_str_unpack_float, values_str_unpack_int, RawReactivities, RawReplicateCounts, Bppm from utils import ensure_dir, insert_newlines, build_dot_bracket import database from database import db_session # Fetches sequence annotation data from the DB and sends it to the genome # browser front end as JSON. class GenomeBrowser(): def get_transcripts(self, request): chromosome_id = "Chr"+str(int(request.args.get('chr'))) # SQL-injection safe start = int(request.args.get('start')) end = int(request.args.get('end')) # Retrieve features using the gene location cache table sql = ( "SELECT feature.* " "FROM gene_location, transcript, feature " "WHERE gene_location.strain_id = '"+settings.reference_strain_id+"' " "AND gene_location.chromosome_id = '"+chromosome_id+"' " "AND gene_location.end > '"+str(start)+"' " "AND gene_location.start < '"+str(end)+"' " "AND gene_location.gene_id = transcript.gene_id " "AND = feature.transcript_id " "AND feature.strain_id = '"+settings.reference_strain_id+"'") results = database.engine.execute(sql) # collect transcript data transcripts = {} feature_rows = [] for result in results: if result.transcript_id not in transcripts: transcripts[result.transcript_id] = { "Parent": result.transcript_id, "feature_type": "transcript", # without this, it won't draw "direction": result.direction, "start": None, "end": None, "id": result.transcript_id } transcript = transcripts[result.transcript_id] # keep track of total start and end if transcript["start"] == None or result.start < transcript["start"]: transcript["start"] = result.start if transcript["end"] == None or result.end > transcript["end"]: transcript["end"] = result.end feature_rows.append(result) out = [] # add the transcript metadata to the output. make sure the transcripts are added # in alphabetical order transcript_ids = [] for transcript_id in transcripts: transcript_ids.append(transcript_id) transcript_ids = sorted(transcript_ids) for transcript_id in transcript_ids: out.append(transcripts[transcript_id]) # also add all the feature metadata to the output for feature_row in feature_rows: out.append({ "Parent": feature_row.transcript_id, "feature_type": feature_row.type_id, "direction": result.direction, "start": feature_row.start, "end": feature_row.end, "id": feature_row.transcript_id+"-"+str( }) return json.dumps(out) def get_genes(self, request): from utils import Timeline chromosome_id = "Chr"+str(int(request.args.get('chr'))) # SQL-injection safe start = int(request.args.get('start')) end = int(request.args.get('end')) # fetch gene data from the location cache table. sql = ( "SELECT * FROM gene_location " "WHERE strain_id = '"+settings.reference_strain_id+"' " "AND chromosome_id = '"+chromosome_id+"' " "AND end > '"+str(start)+"' " "AND start < '"+str(end)+"'") results = database.engine.execute(sql) out = [] for result in results: out.append({ "feature_type": "gene", # without this, it won't draw "direction": result.direction, "id": result.gene_id, "start": result.start, "end": result.end, }) buf = json.dumps(out) return buf # Fetch chromosome IDs and their lengths. Used for chromosome menu and also initialising the genome browser. def get_chromosomes(self): sql = ( "SELECT chromosome_id, CHAR_LENGTH(sequence) length FROM chromosome " "WHERE strain_id = '"+settings.reference_strain_id+"' " "ORDER BY chromosome_id ASC") results = database.engine.execute(sql) out = [] for result in results: out.append({ "chromosome_id": result.chromosome_id, "length": result.length, "int_id": int(result.chromosome_id[3]) }) return out class TranscriptView(): def __init__(self, transcript_id): self.transcript_id = transcript_id # Get the coords of the associated gene data = db_session \ .query(Transcript, GeneLocation) \ .filter(, Transcript.gene_id==GeneLocation.gene_id, GeneLocation.strain_id==settings.reference_strain_id ) \ .all() self.gene_id = data[0][1].gene_id self.transcript_data = json.dumps({ "gene_id": self.gene_id, "transcript_id": transcript_id, "chromosome_id": data[0][1].chromosome_id, "start": data[0][1].start, "end": data[0][1].end }) self.structure_view = StructureView(self.transcript_id, settings.reference_strain_id) self.nucleotide_measurement_view = NucleotideMeasurementView(self.transcript_id, settings.reference_strain_id) self.empty = self.structure_view.empty and self.nucleotide_measurement_view.empty # disable alignment view... revisit later with SNPstructure # self.alignment_view = AlignmentView(self.transcript_id) class NucleotideMeasurementView(): def __init__(self, transcript_id, strain_id): self.transcript_id = transcript_id self.strain_id = strain_id self.build_entries([1]) def build_entries(self, experiment_ids): from models import NucleotideMeasurementRun # Load experiments experiments = db_session \ .query(NucleotideMeasurementRun) \ .filter( \ .all() # Load measurements seq_str = str(Transcript(self.transcript_id).get_sequence(self.strain_id).seq) measurements_data = db_session \ .query(NucleotideMeasurementSet) \ .filter( NucleotideMeasurementSet.nucleotide_measurement_run_id.in_(experiment_ids), NucleotideMeasurementSet.transcript_id==self.transcript_id ) \ .all() data = {} # Populate experiment rows for experiment in experiments: experiment_data = { "id":, "description": experiment.description, "data": [] } for n in range(len(seq_str)): # initialise the array experiment_data["data"].append({ "position": n, "nuc": seq_str[n], "measurement": None }) data[] = experiment_data # Add measurements to each experiment json element # Loop since we might be dealing with > 1 measurement set for measurement_set in measurements_data: experiment_id = measurement_set.nucleotide_measurement_run_id measurements = values_str_unpack_float(measurement_set.values) for pos in range(0, len(measurements)): measurement = measurements[pos] data[experiment_id]["data"][pos]["measurement"] = measurement # For each experiment, check whether there is no data and set empty flags accordingly. self.empty = True # all empty flag for experiment_id in data: entry = data[experiment_id] empty = True for pos in entry["data"]: if pos["measurement"] != 0 and pos["measurement"] != None: empty = False self.empty = False if empty: del entry["data"] entry["empty"] = True else: entry["empty"] = False self.data_json = json.dumps(data) class AlignmentView(): alignment_line_length = 80 def __init__(self, transcript_id): self.transcript_id = transcript_id self.build_alignment_entries() def build_alignment_entries(self): self.alignment_rows = [] # fetch the alignment rows from the DB, using the ORM alignment_entries = db_session \ .query(AlignmentEntry) \ .filter(AlignmentEntry.transcript_id==self.transcript_id) \ .all() if (len(alignment_entries) == 0): return # not enough transcripts to align aln_len = len(alignment_entries[0].sequence) # length of alignment, including gaps row_n = 0 reached_end = False seq_len_processed = 0 # initialise tot_nucs counters. these are for showing nuc counts at the ends of each alignment row. nuc_counts = {} for alignment_entry in alignment_entries: nuc_counts[alignment_entry.strain_id] = 0 while(True): # Each iteration builds 1 row of alignment data start = row_n * self.alignment_line_length end = start + self.alignment_line_length if aln_len < end: reached_end = True end = aln_len self.alignment_rows.append({ "strain_data": {}, "diff": list("*" * (end - start)) }) # create diff - as "*" - then change to "." when a difference is encountered # create alignment entries data structure, for showing the sequences for alignment_entry in alignment_entries: self.alignment_rows[row_n]["strain_data"][alignment_entry.strain_id] = { "nuc_count": 0, # TODO fill this shiz out "sequence": list(alignment_entry.sequence[start : end]) } # Loop through each nucleotide in the sequence. Determine any differences between the # strains at the position of interest. Store in "diff" variable for n in range(start, end): different = False old_nuc = None for alignment_entry in alignment_entries: new_nuc = alignment_entry.sequence[n] if new_nuc != "-": # keep track of nucleotide counts, for showing on the end nuc_counts[alignment_entry.strain_id] += 1 if old_nuc != None and new_nuc != old_nuc: self.alignment_rows[row_n]["diff"][n - start] = "." old_nuc = new_nuc # add nucleotide counts to the ends of the sequence alignment. for alignment_entry in alignment_entries: self.alignment_rows[row_n]["strain_data"][alignment_entry.strain_id]["nuc_count"] = nuc_counts[alignment_entry.strain_id] if reached_end: break row_n += 1 class TranscriptSearcher(): def search(self, search_string): from flask import abort transcripts = db_session \ .query(Transcript) \ .filter("%"+search_string+"%")) \ .all() if len(transcripts) == 0: # no transcripts found abort(404) out = [] for transcript in transcripts: out.append( return json.dumps(out) class CoverageSearcher(): def __init__(self): # size of pages self.page_size = 25 # The experiment ID to sort by. Ideally this should have a value for each # transcript, otherwise there will be some missing transcripts... self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id = 1 def fetch_page_count(self): # better to do the imports closer to where they are needed from sqlalchemy import func from math import ceil transcript_count = db_session \ .query(func.count('*')) \ .select_from(NucleotideMeasurementSet) \ .filter(NucleotideMeasurementSet.nucleotide_measurement_run_id==self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id) \ .scalar() page_count = ceil(transcript_count / self.page_size) return page_count def fetch_transcript_data(self, page_num): from utils import Timeline from sqlalchemy import func, and_ from models import Structure, GeneLocation offset = (int(page_num) - 1) * self.page_size limit = self.page_size sql = ( "SELECT " " AS transcript_id, " " gene_location.start AS gene_start, " " gene_location.end AS gene_end, " " jnms.coverage AS coverage, " " jnms.structure_transcript_id AS structure_transcript_id " "FROM ( " " SELECT " " nms.*, " " structure.transcript_id AS structure_transcript_id " " FROM ( " " SELECT nucleotide_measurement_set.* " " FROM nucleotide_measurement_set " " ORDER BY nucleotide_measurement_set.coverage DESC " " LIMIT "+str(limit)+" OFFSET "+str(offset)+" " " ) AS nms LEFT OUTER JOIN structure ON " " structure.transcript_id = nms.transcript_id AND " " structure.structure_prediction_run_id = 2 " ") AS jnms, " " transcript, " " gene_location " "WHERE " " jnms.nucleotide_measurement_run_id = 1 AND " " = jnms.transcript_id AND " " transcript.gene_id = gene_location.gene_id AND " " gene_location.strain_id = 'Col_0' " "GROUP BY jnms.transcript_id " "ORDER BY coverage DESC" ) results = database.engine.execute(sql) out = [] for row in results: out.append({ "transcript_id": row["transcript_id"], "gene_length": (row["gene_end"] - row["gene_start"]) + 1, "coverage": row["coverage"], "has_structure": False if (row["structure_transcript_id"] == None) else True }) return out # q = db_session \ # .query(NucleotideMeasurementSet, Transcript, GeneLocation,) \ # .filter( # NucleotideMeasurementSet.nucleotide_measurement_run_id==self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id, #, # Transcript.gene_id==GeneLocation.gene_id, # GeneLocation.strain_id==settings.reference_strain_id # get this for gene len # ) \ # .outerjoin(( # Left join to find in-vivo structures for structure indicator # Structure, # and_( # Structure.transcript_id==NucleotideMeasurementSet.transcript_id, # # this filters so it's only in vivo joined against # Structure.structure_prediction_run_id==2 # ) # )) \ # .add_entity(Structure) \ # .group_by( \ # .order_by(NucleotideMeasurementSet.coverage.desc()) \ # .offset((int(page_num) - 1) * self.page_size) \ # .limit(str(self.page_size)) \ # GROUP BY eliminates structures with the same transcript ID \ # results = q.all() # tl.log("c") # tl.dump() # get the SQL so we can optimise the query # from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql # q_str = str(q.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) # print(q_str) # mandatory in vivo query - just for screenshot purposes # results = db_session \ # .query(NucleotideMeasurementSet, Transcript, GeneLocation, Structure, ) \ # .filter( # NucleotideMeasurementSet.nucleotide_measurement_run_id==self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id, #, # Transcript.gene_id==GeneLocation.gene_id, # GeneLocation.strain_id==settings.reference_strain_id, # get this for gene len # Structure.transcript_id==NucleotideMeasurementSet.transcript_id, # # this filters so it's only in vivo considered # Structure.structure_prediction_run_id==2 # ) \ # .add_entity(Structure) \ # .group_by(NucleotideMeasurementSet.transcript_id) \ # .order_by(NucleotideMeasurementSet.coverage.desc()) \ # .offset((int(page_num) - 1) * self.page_size) \ # .limit(str(self.page_size)) \ # .all() class StructureView(): def __init__(self, transcript_id, strain_id): self.transcript_id = transcript_id self.strain_id = strain_id self.build_entries([1, 2]) def build_entries(self, structure_prediction_run_ids): from models import Structure, StructurePredictionRun # Load experiments runs = db_session \ .query(StructurePredictionRun) \ .filter( \ .all() data = {} for run in runs: run_data = { "id":, "description": run.description, "data": [] } # fetch all Structure objects that match the experiment ID and the transcript ID results = db_session \ .query(Structure) \ .filter(, Structure.transcript_id==self.transcript_id ) \ .all() # add the structures to output json for structure in results: run_data["data"].append({ "id":, "energy":, "pc1": structure.pc1, "pc2": structure.pc2 }) data[] = run_data self.empty = True for experiment_id in data: entry = data[experiment_id] if len(entry["data"]) > 0: self.empty = False if not self.empty: self.data_json = json.dumps(data) # Plots a single RNA structure using the RNAplot program from the ViennaRNA package. class StructureDiagramView(): def __init__(self, structure_id): self.structure_id = structure_id self.build_plot() def build_plot(self): # convert entities to dot bracket string data = self.build_dot_bracket() # use ViennaRNA to get 2d plot coords data["coords"] = self.get_vienna_layout(data) # return the results as a json string self.data_json = json.dumps(data) def build_dot_bracket(self): # get all the positions results = db_session \ .query(Structure, Transcript) \ .filter(, ) \ .all() # Get position values from Structure entity positions = results[0][0].get_values() seq_str = results[0][1].get_sequence_str() dot_bracket_str = build_dot_bracket(positions) return { "sequence": seq_str.replace("T", "U"), "structure": dot_bracket_str } # Grab 2d coords from viennaRNA # There is a python2 wrapper for vienna RNA but not python 3 compatible def get_vienna_layout(self, data): temp_folder = "/tmp/"+str(uuid.uuid4()) ensure_dir(temp_folder) dot_bracket_filepath = temp_folder+"/dotbracket.txt" f = open(dot_bracket_filepath, "w") f.write(data["sequence"]+"\n"+data["structure"]+"\n") f.close() # change to tmp folder os.chdir(temp_folder) # use RNAplot CLI to generate the xrna tab delimited file os.system("RNAplot -o xrna < "+dot_bracket_filepath) # get the coords out by parsing the file coords = [] with open(temp_folder+"/") as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == "" or line[0] == "#": continue bits = line.split() x = float(bits[2]) y = float(bits[3]) coords.append([x, y]) os.system("rm -rf "+temp_folder) return coords # return result class StructureCirclePlotView(): def __init__(self, structure_id): self.structure_id = structure_id self.get_values() def get_values(self): # get all the positions results = db_session \ .query(Structure) \ .filter( \ .all() result = results[0] positions = result.get_values() bpps = result.get_bpp_values() # build the output. backward facing links are left blank # results must be shifted back to array indexes, since they start at 1 in the DB. out = []; for curr_position in range(1, len(positions) + 1): paired_to_position = positions[curr_position - 1] if paired_to_position == 0 or \ paired_to_position < curr_position: link = None else: link = paired_to_position - 1 if link != None: link = int(link) out.append({ "name": curr_position - 1, "link": link, "bpp": None if bpps == None else bpps[curr_position - 1] }) self.data_json = json.dumps(out) # Generates plaintext structure text files for download class StructureDownloader(): def __init__(self, structure_prediction_run_ids, transcript_id): self.structure_prediction_run_ids = structure_prediction_run_ids self.transcript_id = transcript_id def generate(self): # Fetch the data results = db_session \ .query(Structure, StructurePredictionRun, Transcript) \ .filter(, Structure.structure_prediction_run_id.in_(self.structure_prediction_run_ids), Structure.transcript_id==self.transcript_id, ) \ .order_by( Structure.structure_prediction_run_id, ) \ .all() return self.generate_txt(results) # Generates text using a more compact file format def generate_txt(self, results): # first we must extract and display the sequence, using the transcript object. output # in fasta-like format transcript = results[0][2] buf = ">"+self.transcript_id+"\n" buf += insert_newlines(transcript.get_sequence_str())+"\n" for result in results: structure = result[0] run = result[1] transcript = result[2] positions = structure.get_values() # generate and add the header text for this structure buf += ( ">sid_"+str("\t"+ "ENERGY:"+str(" kcal/mol\t"+ run.description+"\n") # generate and add dot bracket text buf += insert_newlines(build_dot_bracket(positions))+"\n" return buf # Generates the older and far more cluttered txt format for structures def generate_txt_old(self, results): # Generate tab delimited text from the data buf = "" for result in results: structure = result[0] run = result[1] transcript = result[2] seq_str = transcript.get_sequence_str() positions = structure.get_values() for curr_position in range(1, len(positions) + 1): paired_to_position = positions[curr_position - 1] letter = seq_str[curr_position - 1].replace("T", "U") buf += str("\t"+ \ str(run.description)+"\t"+ \ str(structure.transcript_id)+"\t"+ \ str("\t"+ \ str(structure.pc1)+"\t"+ \ str(structure.pc2)+"\t"+ \ str(letter)+"\t"+ \ str(curr_position)+"\t"+ \ str(paired_to_position)+"\n" return buf # Generates plain text nucleotide measurements for user download # Includes raw and normalised class NucleotideMeasurementDownloader(): def __init__(self, nucleotide_measurement_run_id, transcript_id): self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id = nucleotide_measurement_run_id self.transcript_id = transcript_id # Retrieves raw reactivity values and outputs as text def get_raw(self): seq_str = Transcript(self.transcript_id).get_sequence_str() # Use the ORM to grab compiled counts results = db_session \ .query(RawReactivities) \ .filter( RawReactivities.nucleotide_measurement_run_id==self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id, RawReactivities.transcript_id==self.transcript_id ) \ .all() measurement_set = results[0] # minus_unpacked = # plus_unpacked = values_str_unpack_int(measurement_set.plus_values) cols = [ values_str_unpack_int(measurement_set.minus_values), values_str_unpack_int(measurement_set.plus_values) ] # Grab the raw replicate lanes data lanes = db_session \ .query(RawReplicateCounts) \ .filter( RawReplicateCounts.nucleotide_measurement_run_id==self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id, RawReplicateCounts.transcript_id==self.transcript_id ) \ .order_by( RawReplicateCounts.minusplus_id, RawReplicateCounts.bio_replicate_id, RawReplicateCounts.tech_replicate_id ) \ .all() # gather the data tech_rep_ids = set() for lane in lanes: cols.append(values_str_unpack_int(lane.values)) tech_rep_ids.add(lane.tech_replicate_id) # make headers headers = [] for lane in lanes: # tech replicate notation only added for experiments with > 1 tech replicate tech_str = "" if len(tech_rep_ids) == 1 else "_T"+str(lane.tech_replicate_id) headers.append(str(lane.minusplus_id)+"_B"+str(lane.bio_replicate_id)+tech_str) # Build and return the output buf = "position\tsequence\tsum_minus\tsum_plus\t"+"\t".join(headers)+"\n" for n in range(0, len(cols[0])): # add position and seq letter buf += str(n + 1)+"\t"+seq_str[n] for col in cols: # add the dynamic columns buf += "\t"+str(int(col[n])) buf += "\n" return buf # Retrieves normalised reactivities and outputs as text def get_normalised(self): # Grab sequence string seq_str = Transcript(self.transcript_id).get_sequence_str() # Use the ORM to grab all the normalised stuff results = db_session \ .query(NucleotideMeasurementSet) \ .filter( NucleotideMeasurementSet.nucleotide_measurement_run_id==self.nucleotide_measurement_run_id, NucleotideMeasurementSet.transcript_id==self.transcript_id ) \ .all() measurement_set = results[0] # TODO detect whether float or int and use the correct unpacker. # Needed for raw count values download option unpacked = values_str_unpack_float(measurement_set.values) # index measurements by pos measurements = {} for pos in range(0, len(unpacked)): value = unpacked[pos] measurements[pos + 1] = "NA" if value == None else value # build the output string buf = "" n = 0 for n in range(0, len(seq_str)): pos = n + 1 measurement = "NA" if pos not in measurements else measurements[pos] buf += str(pos)+"\t"+ \ seq_str[n]+"\t"+ \ str(measurement)+"\n" n += 1 return buf # Retrieves the BPPM for this transcript_id class BppmDownloader(): def fetch(self, transcript_id): import os sauce_filepath = settings.bppms_folder+"/"+transcript_id+".bppm" if not os.path.isfile(sauce_filepath): return "No BPPM data available for "+transcript_id buf = "" # Open the raw BPPM and convert to our simpler format with open(sauce_filepath, "r") as f: first = True for line in f: if first: # skip the first line, which shows the length first = False continue # add the text for the bppm table if "Probability" in line: # skip header lines continue # extract the data, this will be used for structure BPPMs bits = line.strip().split("\t") pos_a = int(bits[0]) pos_b = int(bits[1]) bpp = -float(bits[2]) buf += str(pos_a)+"\t"+str(pos_b)+"\t"+str(bpp)+"\n" return buf # OLD method - storing in the database is not a good way to do it # import zlib, base64 # # fetch from database # results = db_session \ # .query(Bppm) \ # .filter(Bppm.transcript_id==transcript_id) \ # .all() # bppm = results[0] # # decode and return the BPPM # decoded = base64.b64decode( # data_txt = zlib.decompress(decoded) # return data_txt
#!/usr/bin/python from lemur.certificates import service import paramiko import stat def copy_cert(cert_cn, dst_user, dst_priv, dst_priv_key, dst_host, dst_port, dst_dir, dst_file, dst_data): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # include the private key password if required if dst_priv_key is None: priv_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(dst_priv) else: priv_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(dst_priv, dst_priv_key) # open the sftp connection ssh.connect(dst_host, username=dst_user, port=dst_port, pkey=priv_key) sftp = ssh.open_sftp() # make the directory on the destination server # files will be in a folder based on the cert_cn # example: # destination folder: /etc/nginx/certs/ # files will go in: /etc/nginx/certs/ try: sftp.mkdir(dst_dir) except IOError: pass try: dst_dir_cn = dst_dir + '/' + cert_cn sftp.mkdir(dst_dir_cn) except IOError: pass cert_out = + '/' + dst_file, 'w') cert_out.write(dst_data) cert_out.close() sftp.chmod(dst_dir_cn + '/' + dst_file, (stat.S_IRUSR)) ssh.close() def create_cert(name, dst_dir, export_type, dst_user, dst_priv, dst_priv_key, dst_host, dst_host_port): lem_cert = service.get_by_name(name) dst_file = 'cert.pem' chain_req = False if export_type == 'NGINX': # This process will result in a cert.pem file with the body and chain in a single file if lem_cert.chain is None: dst_data = lem_cert.body else: dst_data = lem_cert.body + '\n' + lem_cert.chain chain_req = False elif export_type == '3File': # This process will results in three files. cert.pem, priv.key, chain.pem dst_data = lem_cert.body chain_req = True else: dst_data = lem_cert.body copy_cert(, dst_user, dst_priv, dst_priv_key, dst_host, dst_host_port, dst_dir, dst_file, dst_data) if chain_req is True: dst_file = 'chain.pem' dst_data = lem_cert.chain_req copy_cert(, dst_user, dst_priv, dst_priv_key, dst_host, dst_host_port, dst_dir, dst_file, dst_data) dst_file = 'priv.key' dst_data = lem_cert.private_key copy_cert(, dst_user, dst_priv, dst_priv_key, dst_host, dst_host_port, dst_dir, dst_file, dst_data)
import sys sys.path.append('../ExtractAndAnalyzeCode') import Node import Pin ''' Inputs p1 - output Folder p2 - Build mode (compact, exploded, explodedLego) p3 - Title p4 - Row 1 Col 1 : pinType (exec, data) p5 - Row 1 Col 1 : text (pin title or "") p6 - Row 1 Col 2 : pinType p7 - Row 1 Col 2 : text p8 - Row 2 Col 1 : pinType p9 - Row 2 Col 1 : text p10- Row 2 Col 2 : pinType p11- Row 2 Col 2 : text etc. ''' print( 'Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.') print( 'Argument List:', str(sys.argv)) print(" ") if len(sys.argv) < 4: print("Error, insuficient parameters. These are expected;\nP1 : Output Folder Name\nP2 : Build Mode\nP3 : Title\nP4-n : [Pin Type, Pin Name] * n") sys.exit(0) outputFolder = sys.argv[1] node = Node.Node(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[2]) pins = [] for c in range(4, len(sys.argv), 2): if c >= len(sys.argv): continue if sys.argv[c] == 0: continue if (c+1) == len(sys.argv): continue pin = Pin.Pin(sys.argv[c+1], sys.argv[c]) # name , type print("Pin : " + str(pin)) pins.append(pin) pins.reverse() # make sure the pins are the correct way round for c in range(len(pins)): if c % 2: node.addPin(pins[c], "Left") else: node.addPin(pins[c], "Right") print(node) node.writeNode("0", outputFolder)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "xyjxyf" "替换枚举类型" import os import re import sys walk_path = sys.argv[1] # 需要替换的字典:key->旧值, value->新值 replace_dic = { #EMClient '"EaseMob.h"': '"EMClient.h"', '\[EaseMob sharedInstance\]': '[EMClient shareClient]', 'IChatManager': 'IEMChatManager', 'EMCommandMessageBody': 'EMCmdMessageBody', 'IChatManagerDelegate': 'EMChatManagerDelegate', #Group '"EMGroupStyleSetting.h"': '"EMGroupOptions.h"', 'EMGroupStyleSetting': 'EMGroupOptions', '.groupSubject': '.subject', '.groupDescription': '.description', '.groupOccupantsCount': '.occupantsCount', '.groupSetting': '.setting', '.groupStyle': '.style', '.groupMaxUsersCount': '.maxUsersCount', 'eGroupStyle_PrivateOnlyOwnerInvite': 'EMGroupStylePrivateOnlyOwnerInvite', 'eGroupStyle_PrivateMemberCanInvite': 'EMGroupStylePrivateMemberCanInvite', 'eGroupStyle_PublicJoinNeedApproval': 'EMGroupStylePublicJoinNeedApproval', 'eGroupStyle_PublicOpenJoin': 'EMGroupStylePublicOpenJoin', 'eGroupStyle_Default': 'EMGroupStylePrivateOnlyOwnerInvite', 'eGroupLeaveReason_BeRemoved': 'EMGroupLeaveReasonBeRemoved', 'eGroupLeaveReason_UserLeave': 'EMGroupLeaveReasonUserLeave', 'eGroupLeaveReason_Destroyed': 'EMGroupLeaveReasonDestroyed', 'fetchMyGroupsListWithError:': 'getMyGroupsFromServerWithError:', 'chatManager destroyGroup:': 'groupManager leaveGroup:', 'chatManager leaveGroup:': 'groupManager leaveGroup:', 'chatManager addOccupants:': 'groupManager addOccupants:', 'chatManager removeOccupants:': 'groupManager removeOccupants:', 'chatManager blockOccupants:': 'groupManager blockOccupants:', 'chatManager unblockOccupants:': 'groupManager unblockOccupants:', 'chatManager changeGroupSubject:': 'groupManager changeGroupSubject:', 'chatManager changeDescription:': 'groupManager changeDescription:', 'chatManager fetchGroupBansList:': 'groupManager fetchGroupBansList:', 'chatManager joinPublicGroup:': 'groupManager joinPublicGroup:', 'chatManager searchPublicGroupWithGroupId:': 'groupManager searchPublicGroupWithGroupId:', #Contact 'didReceiveBuddyRequest:': 'didReceiveFriendInvitationFromUsername:', 'didAcceptedByBuddy:': 'didReceiveAgreedFromUsername:', 'didRejectedByBuddy:': 'didReceiveDeclinedFromUsername:', 'didRemovedByBuddy:': 'didReceiveDeletedFromUsernames:', #Chat '.messageBodyType': '.type', '.attachmentDownloadStatus': '.downloadStatus', '.chatter': '.conversationId', '.conversationType': '.type', '.conversationChatter': '.conversationId', '.groupSenderName': '.from', '.deliveryState': '.status', '.messageType': '.chatType', '.chatId': '.messageId', 'id<IEMMessageBody>': 'EMMessageBody', 'removeMessageWithId:': 'deleteMessageWithId:', 'removeAllMessages': 'deleteAllMessages', 'MessageBodyType': 'EMMessageBodyType', 'eMessageBodyType_Text': 'EMMessageBodyTypeText', 'eMessageBodyType_Image': 'EMMessageBodyTypeImage', 'eMessageBodyType_Video': 'EMMessageBodyTypeVideo', 'eMessageBodyType_Location': 'EMMessageBodyTypeLocation', 'eMessageBodyType_Voice': 'EMMessageBodyTypeVoice', 'eMessageBodyType_File': 'EMMessageBodyTypeFile', 'eMessageBodyType_Command': 'EMMessageBodyTypeCmd', 'EMAttachmentDownloadStatus': 'EMDownloadStatus', 'EMAttachmentDownloading': 'EMDownloadStatusDownloading', 'EMAttachmentDownloadSuccessed': 'EMDownloadStatusSuccessed', 'EMAttachmentDownloadFailure': 'EMDownloadStatusFailed', 'EMAttachmentNotStarted': 'EMDownloadStatusPending', 'eConversationTypeChat': 'EMConversationTypeChat', 'eConversationTypeGroupChat': 'EMConversationTypeGroupChat', 'eConversationTypeChatRoom': 'EMConversationTypeChatRoom', 'EMMessageType': 'EMChatType', 'eMessageTypeChat': 'EMChatTypeChat', 'eMessageTypeGroupChat': 'EMChatTypeGroupChat', 'eMessageTypeChatRoom': 'EMChatTypeChatRoom', 'MessageDeliveryState': 'EMMessageStatus', 'eMessageDeliveryState_Pending': 'EMMessageStatusPending', 'eMessageDeliveryState_Delivering': 'EMMessageStatusDelivering', 'eMessageDeliveryState_Delivered': 'EMMessageStatusSuccessed', 'eMessageDeliveryState_Failure': 'EMMessageStatusFailed', #ChatRoom '.chatroomSubject': '.subject', '.chatroomDescription': '.description', '.chatroomMaxOccupantsCount': '.maxOccupantsCount', 'eChatroomBeKickedReason_BeRemoved': 'EMChatroomBeKickedReasonBeRemoved', 'eChatroomBeKickedReason_Destroyed': 'EMChatroomBeKickedReasonDestroyed', 'beKickedOutFromChatroom:': 'didReceiveKickedFromChatroom:', #Call '.sessionChatter': '.remoteUsername', 'asyncAnswerCall:': 'answerCall:', 'asyncEndCall:': 'endCall:', 'eCallSessionStatusDisconnected': 'EMCallSessionStatusDisconnected', 'eCallSessionStatusRinging': 'EMCallSessionStatusRinging', 'eCallSessionStatusAnswering': 'EMCallSessionStatusConnecting', 'eCallSessionStatusPausing': 'EMCallSessionStatusConnecting', 'eCallSessionStatusConnecting': 'EMCallSessionStatusConnecting', 'eCallSessionStatusConnected': 'EMCallSessionStatusConnected', 'eCallSessionStatusAccepted': 'EMCallSessionStatusAccepted', 'eCallConnectTypeNone': 'EMCallConnectTypeNone', 'eCallConnectTypeDirect': 'EMCallConnectTypeDirect', 'eCallConnectTypeRelay': 'EMCallConnectTypeRelay', 'EMCallSessionType': 'EMCallType', 'eCallSessionTypeAudio': 'EMCallTypeVoice', 'eCallSessionTypeVideo': 'EMCallTypeVideo', 'eCallSessionTypeContent': 'EMCallTypeVoice', 'EMCallStatusChangedReason': 'EMCallEndReason', 'eCallReasonNull': 'EMCallEndReasonHangup', 'eCallReasonOffline': 'EMCallEndReasonNoResponse', 'eCallReasonNoResponse': 'EMCallEndReasonNoResponse', 'eCallReasonHangup': 'EMCallEndReasonHangup', 'eCallReasonReject': 'EMCallEndReasonDecline', 'eCallReasonBusy': 'EMCallEndReasonBusy', 'eCallReasonFailure': 'EMCallEndReasonFailed', 'eCallReason_Null': 'EMCallEndReasonHangup', 'eCallReason_Offline': 'EMCallEndReasonNoResponse', 'eCallReason_NoResponse': 'EMCallEndReasonNoResponse', 'eCallReason_Hangup': 'EMCallEndReasonHangup', 'eCallReason_Reject': 'EMCallEndReasonReject', 'eCallReason_Busy': 'EMCallEndReasonBusy', 'eCallReason_Failure': 'EMCallEndReasonFailed', #Apns '"EMPushNotificationOptions.h"': '"EMPushOptions.h"', 'EMPushNotificationOptions': 'EMPushOptions', #Error '.errorCode': '.code', '.description': '.domain', 'EMErrorType': 'EMErrorCode', 'EMErrorNotFound': 'EMErrorNotExist', # 'EMErrorServerMaxCountExceeded': '', 'EMErrorConfigInvalidAppKey': 'EMErrorInvalidAppkey', 'EMErrorServerAuthenticationFailure': 'EMErrorUserAuthenticationFailed', 'EMErrorServerAPNSRegistrationFailure': 'EMErrorApnsBindDeviceTokenFailed', 'EMErrorServerDuplicatedAccount': 'EMErrorUserAlreadyExist', 'EMErrorServerInsufficientPrivilege': 'EMErrorUserIllegalArgument', 'EMErrorServerTooManyOperations': 'EMErrorServerBusy', 'EMErrorAttachmentNotFound': 'EMErrorFileNotFound', 'EMErrorAttachmentUploadFailure': 'EMErrorFileUploadFailed', 'EMErrorIllegalURI': 'EMErrorInvalidURL', 'EMErrorMessageInvalid_NULL': 'EMErrorMessageInvalid', 'EMErrorMessageContainSensitiveWords': 'EMErrorMessageIncludeIllegalSpeech', 'EMErrorGroupInvalidID_NULL': 'EMErrorGroupInvalidId', 'EMErrorGroupJoined': 'EMErrorGroupAlreadyJoined', 'EMErrorGroupJoinNeedRequired': 'EMErrorGroupPermissionDenied', # 'EMErrorGroupFetchInfoFailure': '', # 'EMErrorGroupInvalidRequired': '', # 'EMErrorGroupInvalidSubject_NULL': '', # 'EMErrorGroupAddOccupantFailure': '', 'EMErrorInvalidUsername_NULL': 'EMErrorInvalidUsername', 'EMErrorInvalidUsername_Chinese': 'EMErrorInvalidUsername', 'EMErrorInvalidPassword_NULL': 'EMErrorInvalidPassword', 'EMErrorInvalidPassword_Chinese': 'EMErrorInvalidPassword', # 'EMErrorApnsInvalidOption': '', # 'EMErrorHasFetchedBuddyList': '', # 'EMErrorBlockBuddyFailure': '', # 'EMErrorUnblockBuddyFailure': '', 'EMErrorCallConnectFailure': 'EMErrorCallConnectFailed', # 'EMErrorExisted': '', # 'EMErrorInitFailure': '', 'EMErrorNetworkNotConnected': 'EMErrorNerworkUnavailable', 'EMErrorFailure': 'EMErrorGeneral', # 'EMErrorFeatureNotImplemented': '', # 'EMErrorRequestRefused': '', 'EMErrorChatroomInvalidID_NULL': 'EMErrorChatroomInvalidId', 'EMErrorChatroomJoined': 'EMErrorChatroomAlreadyJoined', # 'EMErrorReachLimit': '', # 'EMErrorOutOfRateLimited': '', # 'EMErrorGroupOccupantsReachLimit': '', # 'EMErrorTooManyLoginRequest': '', # 'EMErrorTooManyLogoffRequest': '', # 'EMErrorPermissionFailure': '', # 'EMErrorIsExist': '', # 'EMErrorPushNotificationInvalidOption': '', # 'EMErrorCallChatterOffline': '', } def check_main(root_path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path): for file_path in files: if file_path.endswith('.m') or file_path.endswith('.h') or file_path.endswith('.pch'): full_path = os.path.join(root, file_path) # 不检查 pod 第三方库 if 'Pods/' in full_path: break fr = open(full_path, 'r') content = fr.close() for key in replace_dic: match =, content) if match: #替换 content = re.sub(key, replace_dic[key], content); #重新写入文件 open(full_path,'w').write(content) if __name__ == '__main__': check_main(walk_path)
#!/usr/bin/python3 import platform import os import sys import argparse import multiprocessing import os.path import common def emcc(appDir, outputDir, includeEmptyData): previous_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.environ['GENGINE']+"/build") cmd = "emcc " cmd += "" if common.debugMode else "-O3" cmd += " --bind gengine" + ('d' if common.debugMode else '') + ".bc" cmd += " -o " + outputDir + "/index.html" cmd += " --preload-file " + common.rootPath + "/res/coreData@coreData" if includeEmptyData: cmd += " --preload-file " + common.rootPath + "/res/data@data " else: cmd += " --preload-file " + appDir + "/data@data " cmd += " --use-preload-plugins -s TOTAL_MEMORY=134217728 -s TOTAL_STACK=1048576" cmd += " --shell-file " + common.rootPath + "/src/shell.html" os.system(cmd) os.chdir(previous_dir) def build(appDir, outputDir): common.log("Running emcc...") current_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(appDir) os.system("rm -rf index.html index.js index.html.mem") emcc(current_dir, outputDir, True) os.chdir(current_dir) def runServer(targetDir): os.chdir(targetDir) common.log("Running HTTP server in '" + targetDir + "'...") os.system("python -m http.server");
import sys import subprocess class netrain: feature_set={} features_fname='' model_fname="ne.model" def __init__(self,mname): self.model_fname=mname def read_training_file(self,fname): f=open(fname,'r') fout=open(self.features_fname,'w') for line in f: #print line pword='BOS' #previous word ppostag='BOS' #previous POS tag nword='EOS' #next word npostag='EOS' pnetag='None' #previous netag pwprefix='None' wprefix='None' nwprefix='None' words_tags=line.split() for i in range(len(words_tags)): #print words_tags[i]+' '+str(len(words_tags[i].split('/'))) #if len(words_tags[i].split('/'))>3: #print 'here' #continue word_list=words_tags[i].split('/') postag=word_list[len(word_list)-2] netag=word_list[len(word_list)-1] word=words_tags[i][:len(words_tags[i])-((len(postag)+len(netag))+2)] #(word,postag,netag)= wprefix=word[0] #word=word+'/'+postag #print word+" "+tag if i+1>=len(words_tags): nword='EOS' npostag='EOS' nwprefix='None' else: word_list=words_tags[i+1].split('/') npostag=word_list[len(word_list)-2] nword=words_tags[i+1][:len(words_tags[i+1])-((len(word_list[len(word_list)-2])+len(word_list[len(word_list)-1]))+2)] #nwprefix=nword[0] feature=netag+" "+"pw:"+str(pword)+" w:"+str(word)+" nw:"+str(nword)+" pnetag:"+str(pnetag)+" ppostag:"+str(ppostag)+" postag:"+str(postag)+ " npostag:"+str(npostag)+'\n' #print feature pnetag=netag pword=word ppostag=postag #pwprefix=pword[0] fout.write(feature) #print feature f.close() fout.close def learn(self):'python ./ '+self.features_fname+' '+self.model_fname+' -i 20',shell=True) fname=sys.argv[1] mname=sys.argv[2] pobj=netrain(mname) pobj.read_training_file(fname) pobj.learn() pobj.read_training_file(fname)
#!/usr/bin/env python import socket class kreuz_tcp_client: def __init__(self,ip='',port=4242): self.TCP_IP = '' self.TCP_PORT = 4242 self.BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT)) self.length = -1 self.output = [] self.outputname = [] self.inputname = [] ergebnis = self.f_get_data() self.output = ergebnis[0] self.outputname = ergebnis[1] self.inputname = ergebnis[2] def f_get_data(self): self.sock.send("GET:DATA:".encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) datastr = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='ignore') splitted = datastr.split(':') output = [] outputname = [] inputname = [] if len(splitted)>3: anzahl = int(splitted[2]) else: return False if self.length == -1: self.length = anzahl i = 0 while i < self.length: output.append(0) outputname.append('out_'+str(i)) inputname.append('in_'+str(i)) i = i + 1 if anzahl != self.length: return False if len(splitted)<((self.length*3)+3): return False i = 0 while i < self.length: output[i] = splitted[3+i] outputname[i] = splitted[(i+self.length)+3] inputname[i] = splitted[i+(self.length*2)+3] i = i + 1 return [output,outputname,inputname] def f_set_output_name(self,number,name): print("set output name") if int(number) > self.length: return False sendstr = "SET:PORT:O"+str(number)+":"+name self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) datastr = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='ignore') splitted = datastr.split(':') if splitted[0] == "NACK": return False ergebnis = self.f_get_data() self.outputname = ergebnis[1] return True def f_set_input_name(self,number,name): print("set input name") if int(number) > self.length: return False sendstr = "SET:PORT:I"+str(number)+":"+name self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) datastr = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='ignore') splitted = datastr.split(':') if splitted[0] == "NACK": return False ergebnis = self.f_get_data() self.inputname = ergebnis[2] return True def f_set_output(self,outnum,innum): print("set output input") if int(outnum) > self.length or int(innum) > self.length: return False sendstr = "SET:PORT:O"+str(outnum)+":I"+str(innum) self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) datastr = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='ignore') splitted = datastr.split(':') if splitted[0] == "NACK": return False ergebnis = self.f_get_data() self.output = ergebnis[0] return True def f_update(self): ergebnis = self.f_get_data() self.output = ergebnis[0] self.outputname = ergebnis[1] self.inputname = ergebnis[2] return True def f_load(self,name): print("load config") sendstr = "SET:LOAD:"+str(name) self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) datastr = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='ignore') splitted = datastr.split(':') if splitted[0] == "NACK": return False self.f_update() return True def f_save(self,name): print("save config") sendstr = "SET:SAVE:"+str(name) self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) datastr = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8',errors='ignore') splitted = datastr.split(':') if splitted[0] == "NACK": return False return True def f_get_config(self): print("get config names") sendstr = "GET:CONFIG:" self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) return "test" def f_lock(self,locker): print("lock/unlock") sendstr = "SET:LOCK:"+str(locker) self.sock.send(sendstr.encode('UTF-8')) data = self.sock.recv(self.BUFFER_SIZE) return True def end(self): self.sock.close() if __name__ == '__main__': print("start client")
from __future__ import absolute_import from django.conf import settings from .utils import path_to_lang, LANGS_DICT class TranslationsMixin(object): "Helper for getting transalations" SLUG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS = 'slug' # Overide in models if needed LANG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS = 'language' # Overide in models if needed def get_translations(self): "Query set for the translations" self_slug = getattr(self, self.SLUG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS) self_lang = getattr(self, self.LANG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS) slug = {self.SLUG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS + '__exact': self_slug} lang = {self.LANG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS + '__exact': self_lang} return self.__class__.objects.filter(**slug).exclude(**lang) def get_language(self): "Get the language display for this item's language" attr = 'get_{0}_display'.format(self.LANG_FIELD_FOR_TRANSLATIONS) return getattr(self, attr)() class DummyTranslation(object): """Dummy translations for views to put in template context in case there's no actual object""" def __init__(self, request, language=None, title=None, path=None): self.title = title self.request = request self.language = language or request.LANGUAGE_CODE self.path = path or request.path def get_translations(self): for code, name in settings.LANGUAGES: if code != self.language: yield DummyTranslation(self.request, code, name, self.path) def get_language(self): return LANGS_DICT.get(self.language) def get_absolute_url(self): return path_to_lang(self.path, self.language)
#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The this file is the entry to the programs execution. This will initialise the main classes and hold (for now) the main loop this will be changed as soon as multipossessing is implemented. """ # standard modules import import os import sys import time import getpass import platform import multiprocessing # if only windows is supported else use the curses module on linux (-.-) try: import msvcrt except ImportError: try: import curses except ImportError: raise # personal imports import sql import installer import gobjects import language import clogging import parsers.commandline import parsers.configuration import worker def RestartProgram(): """ Restarts the current program. Note: this function does not return. Any cleanup action (like saving data) must be done before calling this function. """ python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv) def Install(Configuration, SConfiguration, MasterLanguage, MasterLogger): import installer Install = installer.Installer( Configuration = Configuration, SConfiguration = SConfiguration, Language = MasterLanguage, Logging = MasterLogger, ) Install.Install() def TestSql(Configuration, MasterLogger, MasterLanguage): SqlObject = None NoConnection = True NrTry = 0 while NrTry < 3: SqlObject = sql.Api( User = Configuration["Security"]["DatabaseUser"], Password = Configuration["Security"]["DatabasePassword"], DatabaseName = Configuration["MySQL"]["DatabaseName"], Host=Configuration["MySQL"]["DatabaseHost"], Port=Configuration["MySQL"]["DatabasePort"], ReconnectTimer=int(Configuration["MySQL"] ["ReconnectionTimer"]), LoggingObject = MasterLogger, LanguageObject = MasterLanguage ) if SqlObject.DatabaseConnection is None: NrTry += 1 else: break SqlObject.CloseConnection() if NrTry == 3: return False else: return True def Main(): """ The main function that let's the application roll. This function will initialise all the needed objects and see that there will be always something to do. """ # this module is needed for the curses module for all unix distributions CursesMasterObject = None CursesObject = None # if program is run not on a windows system: if platform.system() != "Windows": # init the curses screen CursesMasterObject = curses.initscr() # Use cbreak to not require a return key press # The system will not be waiting so but continue to work. curses.cbreak() curses.noecho() CursesMasterObject.nodelay(1) maxy, maxx = CursesMasterObject.getmaxyx() begin_x = 0 begin_y = 0 height = maxy width = maxx CursesObject = curses.newwin(height, width, begin_y, begin_x) CursesObject.nodelay(1) curses.setsyx(-1, -1) CursesMasterObject.refresh() CursesObject.refresh() CursesObject.scrollok(True) CursesObject.idlok(True) CursesObject.leaveok(True) # This object in needed for the main process to interact with the # subprocess (the worker). # SecondQueue = multiprocessing.Queue(1) # This object is the event to shutdown all the subprocesses # it defaults to true and will be set to false in the end. ShutdownEventObject = multiprocessing.Event() try: # initialising the first logger and the language master object # this object will be recreated later on MasterLogger = clogging.Logger() MasterLanguage = language.Language() Language = MasterLanguage.CreateTranslationObject() _ = Language.gettext # Create the configuration class and read the configuration class. Configuration = parsers.configuration.ConfigurationParser() SConfiguration = parsers.configuration.SecureConfigurationParser(INTERNAL_KEY) # check if default files exist if not install them if ((Configuration.CheckIfExists() is False) or (SConfiguration.CheckIfExists() is False)): import installer installer.Installer(Configuration, SConfiguration, MasterLanguage, MasterLogger).Install("A") else: Configuration.ReadConfigurationFile() SConfiguration.ReadConfigurationFile() Configuration.AddSecureConfigurationParser(SConfiguration) # deleting the object so that it will be garbage collected del SConfiguration Configuration = Configuration.ReturnClean() # Create the language processor MasterLanguage = language.Language() Language = MasterLanguage.CreateTranslationObject( Configuration["Telegram"]["DefaultLanguage"].split(",")) # This is the language object that will call the translation # function. _ = Language.gettext # init parser Parser = parsers.commandline.CustomParser(ConfigurationObject=Configuration, LanguageObject=MasterLanguage ) Parser.RunParser() ParserArguments = Parser.GetArguments() if ParserArguments.Installer is True: # checking the installation # reseting the configurations import installer Configuration = parsers.configuration.ConfigurationParser() SConfiguration = parsers.configuration.SecureConfigurationParser(INTERNAL_KEY) installer.Installer(Configuration, SConfiguration, MasterLanguage, MasterLogger).Install() # deleting the object so that it will be garbage collected del SConfiguration Configuration = Configuration.ReturnClean() # Initialise the rest of the objects. # first the multiprocess logger MasterLogger.CloseHandlers() MasterLogger = clogging.LoggingProcessSender( LogToConsole = ParserArguments.PrintToConsole, FileName = Configuration["Logging"]["LoggingFileName"], MaxLogs = Configuration["Logging"]["MaxLogs"], LoggingFormat = Configuration["Logging"]["LoggingFormat"], Dateformat = Configuration["Logging"]["DateFormat"], LoggingLevel = "debug", CursesObject = CursesObject, ShutdownEvent = ShutdownEventObject )"{AppName} has been started.").format( AppName=gobjects.__AppName__ )) # test if there is a MySql connection if TestSql(Configuration, MasterLogger, MasterLanguage) is False: MasterLogger.critical( _("{AppName} has been stopped, because you didn't " "input the correct user name or password.").format( AppName=gobjects.__AppName__) ) time.sleep(0.5) raise SystemExit # starting the Worker MainWorker = worker.MainWorker( MaxWorker = Configuration["Telegram"]["MaxWorker"], ShutDownEvent = ShutdownEventObject, Configuration = Configuration, Logging = MasterLogger, Language = MasterLanguage, BotName = None) MainWorker.start() # Initialise the main loop (it's a endless loop, it breaks when a # key is pressed.)"Exit loop by pressing <Esc>, <q> or <Space>"))"Getting updates from the telegram api.")) # Add a comment number to the telegram request, so that the old # messages will be sorted out. while True: # check if a key is pressed by user and stop if pressed. # if windows use msvcrt if platform.system() == "Windows": if msvcrt.kbhit(): PressedKey = ord(msvcrt.getch()) if PressedKey == 27 or PressedKey == 113 or \ PressedKey == 32:"A user shutdown was requested " "will now shutdown.")) break # use curses else: PressedKey = CursesObject.getch() if (PressedKey == 27 or PressedKey == 113 or PressedKey == 32):"A user shutdown was requested will " "now shutdown.") ) break else: pass time.sleep(0.5)"The system is shutting down, please be patient" " until all the workload has been cleared.")) finally: ShutdownEventObject.set() try: MainWorker.join() except UnboundLocalError: pass except: raise MasterLogger.join() if platform.system() != "Windows": # clean after the curses module time.sleep(1) curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin() # Raise the terror of the curses module for a second time. # (It's correctly formatted now) try: raise except RuntimeError: pass if __name__ == "__main__": INTERNAL_KEY = r"2#<&Sd8!" multiprocessing.freeze_support() Main()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from TwitterAPI import * from datetime import * from pymongo import MongoClient import sys import json import os.path import time #timeout timeout = 60*3 timeout_start = time.time() #Credencias de acesso App Twitter consumer_key = "NBL0CtVrn2ajbpaGEWC1GBY2c" consumer_secret = "2F5Uz5VYg0ONu4xTYYZsWkAGfc3TYXCkXLCsXMJ1eCKOfhBTfS" access_token = "2345718031-we2K2PETQXkz7NCexjdGuvE2L2rnd5KfouzN3Up" access_token_secret = "aEQPKGifu1y29Wbh3u6Z0YIcjAsBC8VeD4Y75CDL2r12o" #acessa OAuth # Referencia para API: twitter = TwitterAPI(consumer_key, consumer_secret,auth_type='oAuth2') ##DataBase client = MongoClient() db = client.baseTweetsTCC def saveTrends(tag,date): try: db.trends.insert_one( { 'tag':tag, 'date':date } ) except Exception as inst: pass result_max = 10000 result_cont = 0 dh = #tags = ['hiv','aids','viagra','tinder','menopausa','dst','ist','sifilis','usecamisinha','hpv','camisinha'] tags = [] #param = sys.argv[1:] #print(param[0]) try: trends_br = twitter.request('trends/place', {'id': 23424768}) trends_eua = twitter.request('trends/place', {'id': 23424977}) trends_eng = twitter.request('trends/place', {'id': 24554868}) #trends_esp = twitter.request('trends/place', {'id': 23424950}) #trends_ger = twitter.request('trends/place', {'id': 23424829}) n_trends = 10 i = 0 for br in trends_br.get_iterator(): tags.append(br['name']) saveTrends(br['name'], i += 1 if i > n_trends: break i = 0 for eua in trends_eua.get_iterator(): tags.append(eua['name']) saveTrends(eua['name'], if i > n_trends: break i += 1 i = 0 for eng in trends_eua.get_iterator(): tags.append(eng['name']) saveTrends(eng['name'], if i > n_trends: break i += 1 i = 0 #for esp in trends_esp.get_iterator(): # tags.append(esp['name']) # saveTrends(esp['name'], # if i > n_trends: break # i += 1 #i = 0 #for ger in trends_ger.get_iterator(): # tags.append(ger['name']) # saveTrends(ger['name'], # if i > n_trends: break # i += 1 except Exception as inst: pass while result_cont < result_max: #print('Buscando...\n') #print('Isso Pode Demorar Um Pouco..\n') tag_cont = 0 while tag_cont < len(tags): r = twitter.request('search/tweets', {'q': tags[tag_cont]}) for item in r.get_iterator(): #tweet = 'ID: %d, Usuario: %s, texto: %s, Horario: %s, Criado: %s \n'%(item['id'],item['user']['screen_name'],item['text'],,item['created_at']) #print(item['text']) try: db.tweets.insert_one( { '_id':item['id'], 'id_user':item['user']['id'], 'name':item['user']['screen_name'], 'text':item['text'], 'hourGet', 'created_at':item['created_at'], 'location':item['user']['location'], 'retweets_count':item['retweet_count'] } ) result_cont += 1 except Exception as inst: #print(type(inst)) pass tag_cont += 1 #print("%d tweets capturados"%result_cont) if time.time() >= timeout_start + timeout: break #print('Resultados = %d \n'%(result_cont)) #print('Coleta Relalizada com Sucesso! \n')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Jul 19 14:33:27 2017 @author: Emanuele Solve SAAP() script: takes as input a series of graphs encoded in a XML file filled up with an adjacency matrix A, and a description of each node encoded as type of node (simple vertex or target), its value (0 if it's not a target, between 0 and 1 if it's a target) and a deadline (0 if it's a vertex, greater than zero and integer if it's a target) """ import pathfinder as pf import numpy as np import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from xml.dom import minidom import graph as gr import os.path import time graphs_input_path = "C:\\Users\\Ga\\Desktop\\15_5_025\\"; # path to find the graphs' description output_path = "C:\\Users\\Ga\\Desktop\\15_5_025\\results\\"; # path to store the output in pseudo-xml format graphs = list(); # list that contains the name of each graph file in txt format k = 1; # number of resources we want the solver solves for each instance of the graphs specified in graphs # complete description of each tag in our xml file (intermediate aggregate file) # # .. TO_DO # graph_tags = list(['G', 'A', 'VERTICES', 'V0', 'T0', 'NUM_V', 'NUM_T', 'DENSITY', 'TOPOLOGY']); other_tags = list(['K', 'PATH', 'COVERED', 'LOST', 'HISTORY', 'UTILITY', 'EXEC_TIME', 'ROUTES']); aggregate_filepath = "C:\\Users\\Ga\\Desktop\\"; # filepath to the aggregate (.dat) file aggregate_output = "aggregate15_5_density013.dat"; # name of the aggregate file aggregate_prefix = ['NAME', 'TOPOLOGY', 'NUM_V', 'NUM_T', 'K', 'EXEC_TIME', 'UTILITY', 'V0', 'DENSITY']; # prefix for the aggregate file: specifies each entry on that file #============================================================================== # function that invokes pathfinder for a given specification of the SAAP game # and solves it for a given number of resources k # creates a "dom"-like structure that is used to store all the salient elements of the saap solution # takes as input # the file, filepath, where there's the graph specification # number of resources avilable to A # returns a list of the files that contains the results of the various saap instances #============================================================================== def solveSAAP(filepath, k): files = list(); G, vertices, density, topology = createGraphFromFile(filepath); equilibrium_route = list(); equilibrium_utility = -np.inf; equilibrium_history = list(); vertex_at_equilibrium = 0; start_time = time.time(); # start measuring the time of execution (we don't care if we have a small overhead since we don't start measuring int in the true function, that's because eery instance will have the same (little) overhead) for v in range(len(G.getVertices())): partial_utility = 0; partial_history = list(); partial_route = list(); for t in G.getTargets(): partial_time = time.time(); u, route, hist = pf.PathFinder(G, v, t, k); # solve the game for a specific instance with a given number of resources 'k' for the Attacker print(u, route, hist); print("Partial time for a (v,t) processing: ", (time.time() - partial_time)); if u < partial_utility: # if a given instance is "pejorative(???)" A chooses that instance partial_history = hist; partial_route = route; partial_utility = u; if partial_utility > equilibrium_utility: # among all the worst attacks, D chooses the best placement and the best response equilibrium_history = partial_history; equilibrium_route = partial_route; equilibrium_utility = partial_utility; vertex_at_equilibrium = v; exec_time = (time.time() - start_time); # calculate execution time (little overhead introduced by returning of the function, still not important since we are facing an exponential problem) print("Equilibrium vertex: ", vertex_at_equilibrium); print("Equilibrium Path: ", equilibrium_route, "\nEquilibrium utility ", equilibrium_utility, "\nEquilibrium history ", equilibrium_history); print("Execution time: ", exec_time); # write all the stuff to a file in a xml pseudo-format g_tags = list(); o_tags = list(); root = et.Element("ROOT"); g_tags.append(et.SubElement(root, graph_tags[0])); # G (graph) is the first child node of ROOT for j in range(1,len(graph_tags)): g_tags.append(et.SubElement(g_tags[0], graph_tags[j])); # every element of the graph is a subelement of the graph itself for j in range(len(other_tags)): o_tags.append(et.SubElement(root, other_tags[j])); # follow the order in graph_tags to see what's the content of each of the following element g_tags[1].text = str(list(G.getAdjacencyMatrix())); # adjacency matrix g_tags[2].text = str(vertices); # specification of each vertex g_tags[3].text = str(vertex_at_equilibrium); # vertex at the equilibrium g_tags[4].text = str(t); # initial target g_tags[5].text = str(len(vertices)); # number of vertices on the graph g_tags[6].text = str(len(G.getTargets())); # number of targets on the graph g_tags[7].text = str(G.getDensity()); # edge density g_tags[8].text = topology; # topology of the graph # follow the order in other_tags to see what's the content of each of the following element o_tags[0].text = str(k+1); # number of resources # fill this section up with the other o_tags # o_tags[1].text = # o_tags[2].text = # o_tags[3].text = # ... o_tags[1].text = str(equilibrium_route); o_tags[4].text = str(equilibrium_history); o_tags[5].text = str(equilibrium_utility); # execution time o_tags[6].text = str(exec_time); # execution time #o_tags[7].text = str(routes); # list of all the routes generated by the saap instance tree = et.ElementTree(root); files.append(output_path+"topology_"+topology+"_vertices_"+str(len(G.getVertices()))+"_density_"+str(G.getDensity())+"_resources_"+str(k+1)+"_salt_"+filepath[-5:]); tree.write(files[-1]); # write on file return files; #============================================================================== # function that invokes pathfinder for a given specification of the SAAP game # and solves it for a given number of resources k # # This is the fast version of the solveSAAP function since it solves the games for just each vertex # on a random initial target under attack: we will OBVIOUSLY have a pessimistic estimate for the Attacker's utility, so please note that before using this function # The way it extract the utility and equilibrium path is the same: it changes the execution time that is an # estimate of the real time (it just multiplies the average of the execution time of each instance to obtain the total time) # # creates a "dom"-like structure that is used to store all the salient elements of the saap solution # takes as input # the file, filepath, where there's the graph specification # number of resources avilable to A # returns a list of the files that contains the results of the various saap instances #============================================================================== def fastSolveSAAP(filepath, k): files = list(); G, vertices, density, topology = createGraphFromFile(filepath); equilibrium_route = list(); equilibrium_utility = -np.inf; equilibrium_history = list(); vertex_at_equilibrium = 0; start_time = time.time(); # start measuring the time of execution (we don't care if we have a small overhead since we don't start measuring int in the true function, that's because eery instance will have the same (little) overhead) for v in range(len(G.getVertices())): partial_utility = 0; partial_history = list(); partial_route = list(); partial_time = time.time(); t = G.getTargets()[np.random.randint(len(G.getTargets()))]; # random target u, route, hist = pf.PathFinder(G, v, t, k); # solve the game for a specific instance with a given number of resources 'k' for the Attacker print(u, route, hist); print("Partial time for a (v,t) processing: ", (time.time() - partial_time)); if u < partial_utility: # if a given instance is "pejorative", A chooses that instance partial_history = hist; partial_route = route; partial_utility = u; if partial_utility > equilibrium_utility: # among all the worst attacks, D chooses the best placement and the best response equilibrium_history = partial_history; equilibrium_route = partial_route; equilibrium_utility = partial_utility; vertex_at_equilibrium = v; exec_time = len(G.getTargets())*(time.time() - start_time); # ESTIMATE the execution time by multiplying what we've spent so far to the number of targets print("Equilibrium vertex: ", vertex_at_equilibrium); print("Equilibrium Path: ", equilibrium_route, "\nEquilibrium utility ", equilibrium_utility, "\nEquilibrium history ", equilibrium_history); print("Execution time: ", exec_time); # write all the stuff to a file in a xml pseudo-format g_tags = list(); o_tags = list(); root = et.Element("ROOT"); g_tags.append(et.SubElement(root, graph_tags[0])); # G (graph) is the first child node of ROOT for j in range(1,len(graph_tags)): g_tags.append(et.SubElement(g_tags[0], graph_tags[j])); # every element of the graph is a subelement of the graph itself for j in range(len(other_tags)): o_tags.append(et.SubElement(root, other_tags[j])); # follow the order in graph_tags to see what's the content of each of the following element g_tags[1].text = str(list(G.getAdjacencyMatrix())); # adjacency matrix g_tags[2].text = str(vertices); # specification of each vertex g_tags[3].text = str(vertex_at_equilibrium); # vertex at the equilibrium g_tags[4].text = str(t); # initial target g_tags[5].text = str(len(vertices)); # number of vertices on the graph g_tags[6].text = str(len(G.getTargets())); # number of targets on the graph g_tags[7].text = str(G.getDensity()); # edge density g_tags[8].text = topology; # topology of the graph # follow the order in other_tags to see what's the content of each of the following element o_tags[0].text = str(k+1); # number of resources # fill this section up with the other o_tags # o_tags[1].text = # o_tags[2].text = # o_tags[3].text = # ... o_tags[1].text = str(equilibrium_route); o_tags[4].text = str(equilibrium_history); o_tags[5].text = str(equilibrium_utility); # execution time o_tags[6].text = str(exec_time); # execution time #o_tags[7].text = str(routes); # list of all the routes generated by the saap instance tree = et.ElementTree(root); files.append(output_path+"topology_"+topology+"_vertices_"+str(len(G.getVertices()))+"_density_"+str(G.getDensity())+"_resources_"+str(k+1)+"_salt_"+filepath[-5:]); tree.write(files[-1]); # write on file return files; #============================================================================== # function that create a graph G from a file that specifies the adjacency matrix at first # the initial vertex v, the first target under attack t and how the graph is (vertices, targets, their values and deadlines..) # the format of the file is the following and in this order: # adjacency matrix A specified as [[1,0],[0,1]] # a list of each vertex charachteristic as [vertex/target, value, deadline] where vertex=0, target=1 # , value is a real number in [0,1](0 is for vertices) # , deadline is a natural number (0 for vertices, any other for targets) # , e.g. [0,0,0] --> vertex, [1, 0.5, 10] --> target with 0.5 as value, 10 as deadline # , an example of a 3*3 vertices' specification is [[0,0,0],[1,1,4],[1,0.3,5]] # edge density defined as density = 2|E|/|V|(|V|-1) ## topology of the graph, the possible choices are {'graph', 'line', 'star', 'crique', ..} # all this stuff must be encoded in a pseudo-xml format (just to be a little more polite and clean) # even if you can find an example of psuedo-xml graph in the repo on github, here's one: # <G> # <A>[[1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]</A> # <V>[[1,0.3,3],[0,0,0],[1,0.8,12]]</V> # <DENSITY>0.3</DENSITY> # <TOPOLOGY>graph</TOPOLOGY> # </G> # the previous example specifies a fully connected graph with 3 vertices, 2 targets (index 0 and 2) and a vertex (index 1) # the density is set to 0.3 # the topology of the graph ('graph' if it's not a specific topology, 'crique', 'line', 'start' etc. otherwise) # the function returns # a graph G, # the vertices that compose the graph (each one specify if it's a vertex or a target, its value and its deadline) # the density of the graph # the topology of the graph #============================================================================== def createGraphFromFile(filepath): # elements_check = ["A", "V", "DENSITY", "TOPOLOGY"]; # elements to check if all the graph's elements are present in the file tree = et.parse(filepath); root = tree.getroot(); # create the empty Graph and the adjacency matrix by parsing the file (using the eval function :P bad bad bad) adj_matrix = np.array(eval(root[0].text)); vertices = np.array(eval(root[1].text)); V = list(); # for each vertex create the graph G for v in vertices: V = np.append(V, gr.Vertex(int(v[0]), float(v[1]), int(v[2]))); G = gr.Graph(np.array(V)); n = 0; for v in vertices: G.setAdjacents(V[n], np.array(adj_matrix[n])); n += 1; return [G, vertices, float(root[2].text), root[3].text]; # return the graph, the vertices, the density, the topology #============================================================================== # function that given a xml result coming from a saap solution, prints on screen all the xml file # takes as input the filepath of the xml file # returns none # please note that if verbose is set to True it will print out all the routes generated (usually a lot) # otherwise it does not print them #============================================================================== def printSaapDOM(filepath, verbose): root = et.parse(filepath).getroot(); for j in root[0]: print(j.tag); print(j.text, "\n"); if verbose: nop = len(root); else: nop = -1; for i in root[1:nop]: print(i.tag); print(i.text, "\n"); #============================================================================== # function that "prettifies" the output # takes as input the element in ElementTree to be prettyfied # returns the string prettified #============================================================================== def prettify(elem): rough_string = et.tostring(elem, 'utf-8'); reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string); return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent="\t"); #============================================================================== # function that returns the root of the xml file, given the path of the xml file # it takes as input the xml file # it returns the root element of the file #============================================================================== def getRootElement(filepath): return et.parse(filepath).getroot(); #============================================================================== # function that turns a xml file into aggregate data, useful to plot the data # takes as input the result of a saap instance as filepath + filename # returns a new line in the aggregate.dat file file that is composed in this way: # filename num_nodes num_targets resources exec_time utility length_eq_path average_length_path density #============================================================================== def fromXml2Aggregate(filepath, filename): data_to_find = ['TOPOLOGY', 'NUM_V', 'NUM_T', 'K', 'EXEC_TIME', 'UTILITY', 'V0', 'DENSITY']; result = list([filename]); root = et.parse(filepath+filename).getroot(); for i in data_to_find: if root[0].find(str(i)) != None: result.append(root[0].find(i).text); else: if root.find(i) != None: result.append(root.find(i).text); else: result.append('None'); return result; #============================================================================== # function that creates from a graph specification a string that is used to feed the # function that create the aggregate file from the various xml instances of saaps # takes as input # file, which is the filename (filepath+filename) # returns # the filename of the xml file to be used to feed the aggregate file # the salt used to distinguish between graphs with same features but different topologies #============================================================================== def fromGraphToXmlName(file): G, vertices, density, topology = createGraphFromFile(file); filename = "topology_"+topology+"_vertices_"+str(len(G.getVertices()))+"_density_"+str(G.getDensity())+"_resources_"+str(2)+"_salt_"+file[-5:]; return filename; """ Little testing to see if the algorithms work as expected """ verbose = True; # this variable controls whether the output is printed if verbose: # extract elements from the graph file for inputgraph in os.listdir(graphs_input_path): if inputgraph=="results": # skipt the folder with the results continue; [printSaapDOM(i, True) for i in solveSAAP(graphs_input_path+inputgraph, 1)]; # solve all the SAAP instances in a given directory for a specified number of resources if not(os.path.isfile(aggregate_filepath + aggregate_output)): # if the file does not exists, create it with the prefix prefix = str(); for i in aggregate_prefix: prefix += str(i)+'\t'; f = open(aggregate_filepath + aggregate_output, "w"); # create the file with the prefix f.write(prefix + '\n'); else: f = open(aggregate_filepath + aggregate_output, "a"); # open in appendix mode # write all the results row by row, using the fromGraphToXmlName function as "feeder" to the fromXml2Aggregate function, plus the number of resources of a given instance aggregatefilename = fromGraphToXmlName(graphs_input_path+inputgraph); line = fromXml2Aggregate(output_path, aggregatefilename); f.write(str(line)+'\n'); f.close(); # close the file
import random from panda3d.core import * MAP_SIZE = 32 CELL_SIZE = 1 SEL_NONE = 0 SEL_CURS = 1 << 0 SEL_MOVE = 1 << 1 SEL_ATTK = 1 << 2 class Terrain(object): # UNTESTED # @classmethod # def world_to_grid(cls, x, y, z): # position = [x, y, z] # half_size = MAP_SIZE / 2 # position[0] = int(position[0] * half_size + half_size) / CELL_SIZE # position[1] = int(position[1] * half_size + half_size) / CELL_SIZE # # return position @classmethod def grid_to_world(cls, x, y, z): position = [x, y, z] position[0] = position[0] - MAP_SIZE/2 + CELL_SIZE / 2.0 position[1] = position[1] - MAP_SIZE/2 + CELL_SIZE / 2.0 return position @classmethod def get_random_tile(cls): x = random.randint(0, MAP_SIZE-1) y = random.randint(0, MAP_SIZE-1) return [x, y, 0] @classmethod def _iterate_circle(cls, center, radius): for y in range(center[1]-radius, center[1]+radius+1): for x in range(center[0]-radius, center[0]+radius+1): if Terrain.check_distance(radius, (x, y), center): yield x, y @classmethod def check_distance(cls, range, p0, p1): if abs(p1[0] - p0[0]) + abs(p1[1] - p0[1]) <= range: return True return False @classmethod def get_distance(cls, p0, p1): return abs(p1[0] - p0[0]) + abs(p1[1] - p0[1]) @classmethod def find_closest_in_range(cls, center, radius, target_pos): closest = None for x, y in Terrain._iterate_circle(center, radius): if not closest: closest = [x, y] else: cur_dist = Terrain.get_distance(closest, target_pos) new_dist = Terrain.get_distance((x, y), target_pos) if new_dist < cur_dist: closest = [x, y] return closest + [0] def __init__(self): # Load the environment model. self.model = base.loader.loadModel("terrain") # Reparent the model to render. self.model.reparentTo(base.render) # Load and set terrain shader terrain_shader = Shader.load(Shader.SLGLSL, "shaders/basic.vs", "shaders/terrain.fs", "") self.model.setShader(terrain_shader) # Setup selection map self.selection_texture = Texture() self.selection_texture.set_compression(Texture.CMOff) self.selection_texture.set_component_type(Texture.TUnsignedByte) self.selection_texture.set_format(Texture.FRed) self.model.setShaderInput("selection_map", self.selection_texture) # Setup selection data self.selection_image = PNMImage(MAP_SIZE, MAP_SIZE, 1) def clear_selection(self): self.selection_image.fill(SEL_NONE) def set_cursor_selection(self, x, y): self.selection_image.setXelVal(x, y, SEL_CURS) def _display_range(self, center, radius, value): for x, y in Terrain._iterate_circle(center, radius): if x < 0 or x >= MAP_SIZE or y < 0 or y >= MAP_SIZE: continue old = self.selection_image.getGrayVal(x, y) self.selection_image.setXelVal(x, y, old+value) def display_move_range(self, player): center = player.grid_position radius = player.remaining_movement self._display_range(center, radius, SEL_MOVE) def display_attack_range(self, player): center = player.grid_position radius = player.range self._display_range(center, radius, SEL_ATTK) def update_selection(self): self.selection_texture.load(self.selection_image)
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import errno import glob import ntpath import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile from .copytree import containing_repo_type from .envfuncs import Env, add_path_entry from .fetcher import get_fbsource_repo_data from .manifest import ContextGenerator from .platform import HostType, is_windows try: import typing # noqa: F401 except ImportError: pass def detect_project(path): repo_type, repo_root = containing_repo_type(path) if repo_type is None: return None, None # Look for a .projectid file. If it exists, read the project name from it. project_id_path = os.path.join(repo_root, ".projectid") try: with open(project_id_path, "r") as f: project_name = return repo_root, project_name except EnvironmentError as ex: if ex.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return repo_root, None class BuildOptions(object): def __init__( self, fbcode_builder_dir, scratch_dir, host_type, install_dir=None, num_jobs=0, use_shipit=False, vcvars_path=None, allow_system_packages=False, ): """ fbcode_builder_dir - the path to either the in-fbsource fbcode_builder dir, or for shipit-transformed repos, the build dir that has been mapped into that dir. scratch_dir - a place where we can store repos and build bits. This path should be stable across runs and ideally should not be in the repo of the project being built, but that is ultimately where we generally fall back for builds outside of FB install_dir - where the project will ultimately be installed num_jobs - the level of concurrency to use while building use_shipit - use real shipit instead of the simple shipit transformer vcvars_path - Path to external VS toolchain's vsvarsall.bat """ if not num_jobs: import multiprocessing num_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if is_windows(): # On Windows the cpu count tends to be the HT count. # Running with that level of concurrency tends to # swamp the system and make hard to perform other # light work. Let's halve the number of cores here # to win that back. The user can still specify a # larger number if desired. num_jobs = int(num_jobs / 2) if not install_dir: install_dir = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "installed") self.project_hashes = None for p in ["../deps/github_hashes", "../project_hashes"]: hashes = os.path.join(fbcode_builder_dir, p) if os.path.exists(hashes): self.project_hashes = hashes break # Detect what repository and project we are being run from. self.repo_root, self.repo_project = detect_project(os.getcwd()) # If we are running from an fbsource repository, set self.fbsource_dir # to allow the ShipIt-based fetchers to use it. if self.repo_project == "fbsource": self.fbsource_dir = self.repo_root else: self.fbsource_dir = None self.num_jobs = num_jobs self.scratch_dir = scratch_dir self.install_dir = install_dir self.fbcode_builder_dir = fbcode_builder_dir self.host_type = host_type self.use_shipit = use_shipit self.allow_system_packages = allow_system_packages if vcvars_path is None and is_windows(): # On Windows, the compiler is not available in the PATH by # default so we need to run the vcvarsall script to populate the # environment. We use a glob to find some version of this script # as deployed with Visual Studio 2017. This logic can also # locate Visual Studio 2019 but note that at the time of writing # the version of boost in our manifest cannot be built with # VS 2019, so we're effectively tied to VS 2017 until we upgrade # the boost dependency. vcvarsall = [] for year in ["2017", "2019"]: vcvarsall += glob.glob( os.path.join( os.environ["ProgramFiles(x86)"], "Microsoft Visual Studio", year, "*", "VC", "Auxiliary", "Build", "vcvarsall.bat", ) ) vcvars_path = vcvarsall[0] self.vcvars_path = vcvars_path @property def manifests_dir(self): return os.path.join(self.fbcode_builder_dir, "manifests") def is_darwin(self): return self.host_type.is_darwin() def is_windows(self): return self.host_type.is_windows() def get_vcvars_path(self): return self.vcvars_path def is_linux(self): return self.host_type.is_linux() def get_context_generator(self, host_tuple=None, facebook_internal=None): """ Create a manifest ContextGenerator for the specified target platform. """ if host_tuple is None: host_type = self.host_type elif isinstance(host_tuple, HostType): host_type = host_tuple else: host_type = HostType.from_tuple_string(host_tuple) # facebook_internal is an Optional[bool] # If it is None, default to assuming this is a Facebook-internal build if # we are running in an fbsource repository. if facebook_internal is None: facebook_internal = self.fbsource_dir is not None return ContextGenerator( { "os": host_type.ostype, "distro": host_type.distro, "distro_vers": host_type.distrovers, "fb": "on" if facebook_internal else "off", "test": "off", } ) def compute_env_for_install_dirs(self, install_dirs, env=None, manifest=None): if env is not None: env = env.copy() else: env = Env() env["GETDEPS_BUILD_DIR"] = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, "build") env["GETDEPS_INSTALL_DIR"] = self.install_dir # On macOS we need to set `SDKROOT` when we use clang for system # header files. if self.is_darwin() and "SDKROOT" not in env: sdkroot = subprocess.check_output(["xcrun", "--show-sdk-path"]) env["SDKROOT"] = sdkroot.decode().strip() if self.fbsource_dir: env["YARN_YARN_OFFLINE_MIRROR"] = os.path.join( self.fbsource_dir, "xplat/third-party/yarn/offline-mirror" ) yarn_exe = "yarn.bat" if self.is_windows() else "yarn" env["YARN_PATH"] = os.path.join( self.fbsource_dir, "xplat/third-party/yarn/", yarn_exe ) node_exe = "node-win-x64.exe" if self.is_windows() else "node" env["NODE_BIN"] = os.path.join( self.fbsource_dir, "xplat/third-party/node/bin/", node_exe ) env["RUST_VENDORED_CRATES_DIR"] = os.path.join( self.fbsource_dir, "third-party/rust/vendor" ) hash_data = get_fbsource_repo_data(self) env["FBSOURCE_HASH"] = hash_data.hash env["FBSOURCE_DATE"] = lib_path = None if self.is_darwin(): lib_path = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" elif self.is_linux(): lib_path = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" elif self.is_windows(): lib_path = "PATH" else: lib_path = None for d in install_dirs: bindir = os.path.join(d, "bin") if not ( manifest and manifest.get("build", "disable_env_override_pkgconfig") ): pkgconfig = os.path.join(d, "lib/pkgconfig") if os.path.exists(pkgconfig): add_path_entry(env, "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkgconfig) pkgconfig = os.path.join(d, "lib64/pkgconfig") if os.path.exists(pkgconfig): add_path_entry(env, "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkgconfig) if not (manifest and manifest.get("build", "disable_env_override_path")): add_path_entry(env, "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH", d) # Allow resolving shared objects built earlier (eg: zstd # doesn't include the full path to the dylib in its linkage # so we need to give it an assist) if lib_path: for lib in ["lib", "lib64"]: libdir = os.path.join(d, lib) if os.path.exists(libdir): add_path_entry(env, lib_path, libdir) # Allow resolving binaries (eg: cmake, ninja) and dlls # built by earlier steps if os.path.exists(bindir): add_path_entry(env, "PATH", bindir, append=False) # If rustc is present in the `bin` directory, set RUSTC to prevent # cargo uses the rustc installed in the system. if self.is_windows(): cargo_path = os.path.join(bindir, "cargo.exe") rustc_path = os.path.join(bindir, "rustc.exe") rustdoc_path = os.path.join(bindir, "rustdoc.exe") else: cargo_path = os.path.join(bindir, "cargo") rustc_path = os.path.join(bindir, "rustc") rustdoc_path = os.path.join(bindir, "rustdoc") if os.path.isfile(rustc_path): env["CARGO_BIN"] = cargo_path env["RUSTC"] = rustc_path env["RUSTDOC"] = rustdoc_path if self.is_windows(): libcrypto = os.path.join(d, "lib/libcrypto.lib") else: libcrypto = os.path.join(d, "lib/") openssl_include = os.path.join(d, "include/openssl") if os.path.isfile(libcrypto) and os.path.isdir(openssl_include): # This must be the openssl library, let Rust know about it env["OPENSSL_DIR"] = d return env def list_win32_subst_letters(): output = subprocess.check_output(["subst"]).decode("utf-8") # The output is a set of lines like: `F:\: => C:\open\some\where` lines = output.strip().split("\r\n") mapping = {} for line in lines: fields = line.split(": => ") if len(fields) != 2: continue letter = fields[0] path = fields[1] mapping[letter] = path return mapping def find_existing_win32_subst_for_path( path, # type: str subst_mapping, # type: typing.Mapping[str, str] ): # type: (...) -> typing.Optional[str] path = ntpath.normcase(ntpath.normpath(path)) for letter, target in subst_mapping.items(): if ntpath.normcase(target) == path: return letter return None def find_unused_drive_letter(): import ctypes buffer_len = 256 blen = ctypes.c_uint(buffer_len) rv = ctypes.c_uint() bufs = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffer_len) rv = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDriveStringsA(blen, bufs) if rv > buffer_len: raise Exception("GetLogicalDriveStringsA result too large for buffer") nul = "\x00".encode("ascii") used = [drive.decode("ascii")[0] for drive in bufs.raw.strip(nul).split(nul)] possible = [c for c in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"] available = sorted(list(set(possible) - set(used))) if len(available) == 0: return None # Prefer to assign later letters rather than earlier letters return available[-1] def create_subst_path(path): for _attempt in range(0, 24): drive = find_existing_win32_subst_for_path( path, subst_mapping=list_win32_subst_letters() ) if drive: return drive available = find_unused_drive_letter() if available is None: raise Exception( ( "unable to make shorter subst mapping for %s; " "no available drive letters" ) % path ) # Try to set up a subst mapping; note that we may be racing with # other processes on the same host, so this may not succeed. try: subprocess.check_call(["subst", "%s:" % available, path]) return "%s:\\" % available except Exception: print("Failed to map %s -> %s" % (available, path)) raise Exception("failed to set up a subst path for %s" % path) def _check_host_type(args, host_type): if host_type is None: host_tuple_string = getattr(args, "host_type", None) if host_tuple_string: host_type = HostType.from_tuple_string(host_tuple_string) else: host_type = HostType() assert isinstance(host_type, HostType) return host_type def setup_build_options(args, host_type=None): """ Create a BuildOptions object based on the arguments """ fbcode_builder_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) scratch_dir = args.scratch_path if not scratch_dir: # TODO: `mkscratch` doesn't currently know how best to place things on # sandcastle, so whip up something reasonable-ish if "SANDCASTLE" in os.environ: if "DISK_TEMP" not in os.environ: raise Exception( ( "I need DISK_TEMP to be set in the sandcastle environment " "so that I can store build products somewhere sane" ) ) scratch_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["DISK_TEMP"], "fbcode_builder_getdeps" ) if not scratch_dir: try: scratch_dir = ( subprocess.check_output( ["mkscratch", "path", "--subdir", "fbcode_builder_getdeps"] ) .strip() .decode("utf-8") ) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: # A legit failure; don't fall back, surface the error raise # This system doesn't have mkscratch so we fall back to # something local. munged = fbcode_builder_dir.replace("Z", "zZ") for s in ["/", "\\", ":"]: munged = munged.replace(s, "Z") if is_windows() and os.path.isdir("c:/open"): temp = "c:/open/scratch" else: temp = tempfile.gettempdir() scratch_dir = os.path.join(temp, "fbcode_builder_getdeps-%s" % munged) if not is_windows() and os.geteuid() == 0: # Running as root; in the case where someone runs # sudo install-system-deps # and then runs as build without privs, we want to avoid creating # a scratch dir that the second stage cannot write to. # So we generate a different path if we are root. scratch_dir += "-root" if not os.path.exists(scratch_dir): os.makedirs(scratch_dir) if is_windows(): subst = create_subst_path(scratch_dir) print( "Mapping scratch dir %s -> %s" % (scratch_dir, subst), file=sys.stderr ) scratch_dir = subst else: if not os.path.exists(scratch_dir): os.makedirs(scratch_dir) # Make sure we normalize the scratch path. This path is used as part of the hash # computation for detecting if projects have been updated, so we need to always # use the exact same string to refer to a given directory. # But! realpath in some combinations of Windows/Python3 versions can expand the # drive substitutions on Windows, so avoid that! if not is_windows(): scratch_dir = os.path.realpath(scratch_dir) host_type = _check_host_type(args, host_type) return BuildOptions( fbcode_builder_dir, scratch_dir, host_type, install_dir=args.install_prefix, num_jobs=args.num_jobs, use_shipit=args.use_shipit, vcvars_path=args.vcvars_path, allow_system_packages=args.allow_system_packages, )
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # START 1 OMIT import macaroons # a basic macaroon consists of three elements # 1) the secret key known only to the credential authority (a web service or software) secret = 'kopdar_python_rocks' # // HL # 2) some interesting metadata about this macaroon (can be anything) public = 'kopdar_members_only' # // HL # 3) a URI/URL, possibly referencing a targeted web service (again, can be anything) location = '' # // HL # END 1 OMIT def get_macaroon(): servis_kopdar = macaroons.create(location, secret, public) return servis_kopdar.serialize() def get_secret(): return secret if __name__ == "__main__": # START 2 OMIT # with these three arguments, we can now create the macaroon servis_kopdar = macaroons.create(location, secret, public) # // HL # we now hold a reference to our newly instantiated macaroon object print(servis_kopdar) # we can inspect the HMAC signature of this message print('.signature: %s' % servis_kopdar.signature) # // HL # or the other public metadata, like identifier or location print('.identifier: %s' % servis_kopdar.identifier) # // HL print('.location: %s' % servis_kopdar.location) # // HL # or all the metadata + signature in a single call print('.inspect():') print servis_kopdar.inspect() # // HL # finally, we can convert the macaroon object to a serialized form for transport print '.serialize(): %s' % servis_kopdar.serialize() # // HL # END 2 OMIT get_macaroon()
########################################################## ########################################################## # description: abstract class that represents any Connection between boxes # # autor: jeraman # date: 15/04/2010 ########################################################## ########################################################## from box import * from time import * memory_connections = [] #connects two generic boxes def connect (b1, outlet, b2, inlet): c = Connection(b1, outlet, b2, inlet) return c.status #disconnect a connection def disconnect(b1, outlet, b2, inlet): #procura a conexao i = search_connection(b1, outlet, b2, inlet) #se realmente existir if i>-1: return memory_connections[i].delete() else: return False #searchs a generic connection def search_connection (b1, outlet, b2, inlet): i=0 #seraching for a specific box in memory for c in memory_connections: if (b1==c.box_orig) & (outlet==c.outlet) & (b2==c.box_dest) & (inlet==c.inlet): return i i+=1 #return -1 if not if i==len(memory_connections): return -1 class Connection: canvas = " " snd = "" #constructor def __init__(self, box_orig, outlet, box_dest, inlet): self.box_orig = box_orig self.outlet = outlet self.box_dest = box_dest self.inlet = inlet self.status = self.create() #creates a connection in Pd def create(self): b1 = search_box(self.box_orig) b2 = search_box(self.box_dest) if (b1 > -1) & (b2 > -1): #get the state before inserting the connection Connection.snd.save_state(Connection.canvas) t1 = self.snd.get_file() #try to build the connection command = Connection.canvas + "connect " + str(b1) + " " + str(self.outlet) + " " + str(b2) + " " + str(self.inlet) + " ; " Connection.snd.send_pd(command) #get the state after insertin the connection Connection.snd.save_state(Connection.canvas) t2 = self.snd.get_file() #verifies if changed if t1 != t2: memory_connections.append(self) return True else: return False #creates a connection in Pd def delete(self): b1 = search_box(self.box_orig) b2 = search_box(self.box_dest) if (b1 > -1) & (b2 > -1): #get the state before removing the connection Connection.snd.save_state(Connection.canvas) t1 = self.snd.get_file() #try to remove the connection command = Connection.canvas + "disconnect " + str(b1) + " " + str(self.outlet) + " " + str(b2) + " " + str(self.inlet) + " ; " Connection.snd.send_pd(command) #get the state after removing the connection Connection.snd.save_state(Connection.canvas) t2 = self.snd.get_file() #verifies if changed if t1 != t2: i=search_connection(self.box_orig, self.outlet, self.box_dest, self.inlet) memory_connections.pop(i) return True else: return False #method that sets the canvas @staticmethod def set_canvas(nc): Connection.canvas = nc #method that sets the sender @staticmethod def set_sender(s): Connection.snd = s
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import eventlet import netaddr import six from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova.openstack.common import jsonutils def ensure_string_keys(d): # return dict([(str(k), v) for k, v in d.iteritems()]) # Constants for the 'vif_type' field in VIF class VIF_TYPE_OVS = 'ovs' VIF_TYPE_IVS = 'ivs' VIF_TYPE_DVS = 'dvs' VIF_TYPE_IOVISOR = 'iovisor' VIF_TYPE_BRIDGE = 'bridge' VIF_TYPE_802_QBG = '802.1qbg' VIF_TYPE_802_QBH = '802.1qbh' VIF_TYPE_MLNX_DIRECT = 'mlnx_direct' VIF_TYPE_MIDONET = 'midonet' VIF_TYPE_VHOSTUSER = 'vhostuser' VIF_TYPE_OTHER = 'other' # Constants for dictionary keys in the 'vif_details' field in the VIF # class VIF_DETAIL_PORT_FILTER = 'port_filter' VIF_DETAIL_OVS_HYBRID_PLUG = 'ovs_hybrid_plug' VIF_DETAILS_PHYSICAL_NETWORK = 'physical_network' # Constants for the 'vif_model' values VIF_MODEL_VIRTIO = 'virtio' VIF_MODEL_NE2K_PCI = 'ne2k_pci' VIF_MODEL_PCNET = 'pcnet' VIF_MODEL_RTL8139 = 'rtl8139' VIF_MODEL_E1000 = 'e1000' VIF_MODEL_E1000E = 'e1000e' VIF_MODEL_NETFRONT = 'netfront' VIF_MODEL_SPAPR_VLAN = 'spapr-vlan' # Constant for max length of network interface names # eg 'bridge' in the Network class or 'devname' in # the VIF class NIC_NAME_LEN = 14 class Model(dict): """Defines some necessary structures for most of the network models.""" def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + dict.__repr__(self) + ')' def _set_meta(self, kwargs): # pull meta out of kwargs if it's there self['meta'] = kwargs.pop('meta', {}) # update meta with any additional kwargs that may exist self['meta'].update(kwargs) def get_meta(self, key, default=None): """calls get(key, default) on self['meta'].""" return self['meta'].get(key, default) class IP(Model): """Represents an IP address in Nova.""" def __init__(self, address=None, type=None, **kwargs): super(IP, self).__init__() self['address'] = address self['type'] = type self['version'] = kwargs.pop('version', None) self._set_meta(kwargs) # determine version from address if not passed in if self['address'] and not self['version']: try: self['version'] = netaddr.IPAddress(self['address']).version except netaddr.AddrFormatError: msg = _("Invalid IP format %s") % self['address'] raise exception.InvalidIpAddressError(msg) def __eq__(self, other): keys = ['address', 'type', 'version'] return all(self[k] == other[k] for k in keys) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def is_in_subnet(self, subnet): if self['address'] and subnet['cidr']: return (netaddr.IPAddress(self['address']) in netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr'])) else: return False @classmethod def hydrate(cls, ip): if ip: return cls(**ensure_string_keys(ip)) return None class FixedIP(IP): """Represents a Fixed IP address in Nova.""" def __init__(self, floating_ips=None, **kwargs): super(FixedIP, self).__init__(**kwargs) self['floating_ips'] = floating_ips or [] if not self['type']: self['type'] = 'fixed' def add_floating_ip(self, floating_ip): if floating_ip not in self['floating_ips']: self['floating_ips'].append(floating_ip) def floating_ip_addresses(self): return [ip['address'] for ip in self['floating_ips']] @staticmethod def hydrate(fixed_ip): fixed_ip = FixedIP(**ensure_string_keys(fixed_ip)) fixed_ip['floating_ips'] = [IP.hydrate(floating_ip) for floating_ip in fixed_ip['floating_ips']] return fixed_ip def __eq__(self, other): keys = ['address', 'type', 'version', 'floating_ips'] return all(self[k] == other[k] for k in keys) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class Route(Model): """Represents an IP Route in Nova.""" def __init__(self, cidr=None, gateway=None, interface=None, **kwargs): super(Route, self).__init__() self['cidr'] = cidr self['gateway'] = gateway self['interface'] = interface self._set_meta(kwargs) @classmethod def hydrate(cls, route): route = cls(**ensure_string_keys(route)) route['gateway'] = IP.hydrate(route['gateway']) return route class Subnet(Model): """Represents a Subnet in Nova.""" def __init__(self, cidr=None, dns=None, gateway=None, ips=None, routes=None, **kwargs): super(Subnet, self).__init__() self['cidr'] = cidr self['dns'] = dns or [] self['gateway'] = gateway self['ips'] = ips or [] self['routes'] = routes or [] self['version'] = kwargs.pop('version', None) self._set_meta(kwargs) if self['cidr'] and not self['version']: self['version'] = netaddr.IPNetwork(self['cidr']).version def __eq__(self, other): keys = ['cidr', 'dns', 'gateway', 'ips', 'routes', 'version'] return all(self[k] == other[k] for k in keys) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def add_route(self, new_route): if new_route not in self['routes']: self['routes'].append(new_route) def add_dns(self, dns): if dns not in self['dns']: self['dns'].append(dns) def add_ip(self, ip): if ip not in self['ips']: self['ips'].append(ip) def as_netaddr(self): """Convience function to get cidr as a netaddr object.""" return netaddr.IPNetwork(self['cidr']) @classmethod def hydrate(cls, subnet): subnet = cls(**ensure_string_keys(subnet)) subnet['dns'] = [IP.hydrate(dns) for dns in subnet['dns']] subnet['ips'] = [FixedIP.hydrate(ip) for ip in subnet['ips']] subnet['routes'] = [Route.hydrate(route) for route in subnet['routes']] subnet['gateway'] = IP.hydrate(subnet['gateway']) return subnet class Network(Model): """Represents a Network in Nova.""" def __init__(self, id=None, bridge=None, label=None, subnets=None, **kwargs): super(Network, self).__init__() self['id'] = id self['bridge'] = bridge self['label'] = label self['subnets'] = subnets or [] self._set_meta(kwargs) def add_subnet(self, subnet): if subnet not in self['subnets']: self['subnets'].append(subnet) @classmethod def hydrate(cls, network): if network: network = cls(**ensure_string_keys(network)) network['subnets'] = [Subnet.hydrate(subnet) for subnet in network['subnets']] return network def __eq__(self, other): keys = ['id', 'bridge', 'label', 'subnets'] return all(self[k] == other[k] for k in keys) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class VIF8021QbgParams(Model): """Represents the parameters for a 802.1qbg VIF.""" def __init__(self, managerid, typeid, typeidversion, instanceid): self['managerid'] = managerid self['typeid'] = typeid self['typeidversion'] = typeidversion self['instanceid'] = instanceid class VIF8021QbhParams(Model): """Represents the parameters for a 802.1qbh VIF.""" def __init__(self, profileid): self['profileid'] = profileid class VIF(Model): """Represents a Virtual Interface in Nova.""" def __init__(self, id=None, address=None, network=None, type=None, details=None, devname=None, ovs_interfaceid=None, qbh_params=None, qbg_params=None, active=False, vhostuser_mode=None, vhostuser_path=None, **kwargs): super(VIF, self).__init__() self['id'] = id self['address'] = address self['network'] = network or None self['type'] = type self['details'] = details or {} self['devname'] = devname self['ovs_interfaceid'] = ovs_interfaceid self['qbh_params'] = qbh_params self['qbg_params'] = qbg_params self['active'] = active self['vhostuser_path'] = vhostuser_path self['vhostuser_mode'] = vhostuser_mode self._set_meta(kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): keys = ['id', 'address', 'network', 'type', 'details', 'devname', 'ovs_interfaceid', 'qbh_params', 'qbg_params', 'active', 'vhostuser_path', 'vhostuser_mode'] return all(self[k] == other[k] for k in keys) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def fixed_ips(self): return [fixed_ip for subnet in self['network']['subnets'] for fixed_ip in subnet['ips']] def floating_ips(self): return [floating_ip for fixed_ip in self.fixed_ips() for floating_ip in fixed_ip['floating_ips']] def labeled_ips(self): """Returns the list of all IPs The return value looks like this flat structure:: {'network_label': 'my_network', 'network_id': 'n8v29837fn234782f08fjxk3ofhb84', 'ips': [{'address': '', 'version': 4, 'type: 'fixed', 'meta': {...}}, {'address': '', 'version': 4, 'type': 'floating', 'meta': {...}}, {'address': 'fe80::4', 'version': 6, 'type': 'fixed', 'meta': {...}}] """ if self['network']: # remove unnecessary fields on fixed_ips ips = [IP(**ensure_string_keys(ip)) for ip in self.fixed_ips()] for ip in ips: # remove floating ips from IP, since this is a flat structure # of all IPs del ip['meta']['floating_ips'] # add floating ips to list (if any) ips.extend(self.floating_ips()) return {'network_label': self['network']['label'], 'network_id': self['network']['id'], 'ips': ips} return [] def is_hybrid_plug_enabled(self): return self['details'].get(VIF_DETAIL_OVS_HYBRID_PLUG, False) def is_neutron_filtering_enabled(self): return self['details'].get(VIF_DETAIL_PORT_FILTER, False) def get_physical_network(self): phy_network = self['network']['meta'].get('physical_network') if not phy_network: phy_network = self['details'].get(VIF_DETAILS_PHYSICAL_NETWORK) return phy_network @classmethod def hydrate(cls, vif): vif = cls(**ensure_string_keys(vif)) vif['network'] = Network.hydrate(vif['network']) return vif def get_netmask(ip, subnet): """Returns the netmask appropriate for injection into a guest.""" if ip['version'] == 4: return str(subnet.as_netaddr().netmask) return subnet.as_netaddr()._prefixlen class NetworkInfo(list): """Stores and manipulates network information for a Nova instance.""" # NetworkInfo is a list of VIFs def fixed_ips(self): """Returns all fixed_ips without floating_ips attached.""" return [ip for vif in self for ip in vif.fixed_ips()] def floating_ips(self): """Returns all floating_ips.""" return [ip for vif in self for ip in vif.floating_ips()] @classmethod def hydrate(cls, network_info): if isinstance(network_info, six.string_types): network_info = jsonutils.loads(network_info) return cls([VIF.hydrate(vif) for vif in network_info]) def json(self): return jsonutils.dumps(self) def wait(self, do_raise=True): """A no-op method. This is useful to avoid type checking when NetworkInfo might be subclassed with NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper. """ pass class NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper(NetworkInfo): """Wrapper around NetworkInfo that allows retrieving NetworkInfo in an async manner. This allows one to start querying for network information before you know you will need it. If you have a long-running operation, this allows the network model retrieval to occur in the background. When you need the data, it will ensure the async operation has completed. As an example: def allocate_net_info(arg1, arg2) return call_neutron_to_allocate(arg1, arg2) network_info = NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper(allocate_net_info, arg1, arg2) [do a long running operation -- real network_info will be retrieved in the background] [do something with network_info] """ def __init__(self, async_method, *args, **kwargs): self._gt = eventlet.spawn(async_method, *args, **kwargs) methods = ['json', 'fixed_ips', 'floating_ips'] for method in methods: fn = getattr(self, method) wrapper = functools.partial(self._sync_wrapper, fn) functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, fn) setattr(self, method, wrapper) def _sync_wrapper(self, wrapped, *args, **kwargs): """Synchronize the model before running a method.""" self.wait() return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs): fn = super(NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper, self).__getitem__ return self._sync_wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs) def __iter__(self, *args, **kwargs): fn = super(NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper, self).__iter__ return self._sync_wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs) def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs): fn = super(NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper, self).__len__ return self._sync_wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs) def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): fn = super(NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper, self).__str__ return self._sync_wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self, *args, **kwargs): fn = super(NetworkInfoAsyncWrapper, self).__repr__ return self._sync_wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs) def wait(self, do_raise=True): """Wait for async call to finish.""" if self._gt is not None: try: # NOTE(comstud): This looks funky, but this object is # subclassed from list. In other words, 'self' is really # just a list with a bunch of extra methods. So this # line just replaces the current list (which should be # empty) with the result. self[:] = self._gt.wait() except Exception: if do_raise: raise finally: self._gt = None
#!/usr/bin/python import realog.debug as debug import as tools import os import copy list_of_known_type = [ ["void", "void"], ["bool", "bool"], ["string", "etk::String"], ["uri", "etk::Uri"], ["path", "etk::Path"], ["int8", "int8_t"], ["int16", "int16_t"], ["int32", "int32_t"], ["int64", "int64_t"], ["uint8", "uint8_t"], ["uint16", "uint16_t"], ["uint32", "uint32_t"], ["uint64", "uint64_t"], ["float32", "float"], ["float64", "double"], ["vector:bool", "etk::Vector<bool>"], ["vector:string", "etk::Vector<etk::String>"], ["vector:int8", "etk::Vector<int8_t>"], ["vector:int16", "etk::Vector<int16_t>"], ["vector:int32", "etk::Vector<int32_t>"], ["vector:int64", "etk::Vector<int64_t>"], ["vector:uint8", "etk::Vector<uint8_t>"], ["vector:uint16", "etk::Vector<uint16_t>"], ["vector:uint32", "etk::Vector<uint32_t>"], ["vector:uint64", "etk::Vector<uint64_t>"], ["vector:float32", "etk::Vector<float>"], ["vector:float64", "etk::Vector<double>"], ["duration", "echrono::Duration"], ["time", "echrono::Time"], ["file", "zeus::File"], ["stream", "zeus::Stream"], ["json", "ejson::Object"], ["raw", "zeus::Raw"], ["ActionNotif", "zeus::ActionNotification<etk::String>"], ] def get_list_type(): out = [] for elem in list_of_known_type: out.append(elem[0]) return out def validate_type(data): if data in get_list_type(): return True val = data.split(":") if val[0] == "obj": return True return False def zeus_object_to_dictionary(name): out = {} if type(name) == str: name = name.split("-") debug.debug("transform: " + str(name)) # set first capital of the class name if len(name) != 0: name[-1] = capital_first(name[-1]) out["namespace"] = "" for elem in name[:-1]: out["namespace"] += elem + "::" out["name_class"] = out["namespace"] + name[-1] out["name_class_short"] = name[-1] out["name_class_proxy"] = out["namespace"] + "Proxy" + name[-1] out["name_class_proxy_short"] = "Proxy" + name[-1] out["name_class_register"] = out["namespace"] + "register" + name[-1] out["name_class_register_short"] = "register" + name[-1] out["name_class_macro"] = "" for elem in name: out["name_class_macro"] += elem.upper() + "_" base_path = "" for elem in name[:-1]: base_path += elem + "/" out["file_name_class_src"] = base_path + name[-1] + ".cpp"; out["file_name_class_header"] = base_path + name[-1] + ".hpp" out["file_name_class_proxy_src"] = base_path + "Proxy" + name[-1] + ".cpp"; out["file_name_class_proxy_header"] = base_path + "Proxy" + name[-1] + ".hpp" out["file_name_class_register_src"] = base_path + "register" + name[-1] + ".cpp"; out["file_name_class_register_header"] = base_path + "register" + name[-1] + ".hpp" debug.debug(" class name : " + out["name_class"]) debug.debug(" class Proxy name : " + out["name_class_proxy"]) debug.debug(" path class name src : " + out["file_name_class_src"]) debug.debug(" path class name header : " + out["file_name_class_header"]) debug.debug(" path class Proxy name src : " + out["file_name_class_proxy_src"]) debug.debug(" path class Proxy name header : " + out["file_name_class_proxy_header"]) debug.debug(" path class Proxy name src : " + out["file_name_class_register_src"]) debug.debug(" path class Proxy name header : " + out["file_name_class_register_header"]) return out def convert_type_in_cpp(data, proxy=False, argument=False): for elem in list_of_known_type: if data == elem[0]: return elem[1] val = data.split(":") if val[0] == "obj": prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(val[1]) if proxy == True: if argument == False: return prop["name_class_proxy"] else: return "ememory::SharedPtr<" + prop["name_class"] + ">" else: if argument == True: return prop["name_class_proxy"] else: return "ememory::SharedPtr<" + prop["name_class"] + ">" debug.error(" can not find type in IDL : '" + data + "'") def remove_start_stop_spacer(data): dataout = copy.deepcopy(data) while len(dataout) >= 1 \ and ( dataout[0] == " " \ or dataout[0] == "\t"): dataout = dataout[1:] while len(dataout) >= 1 \ and ( dataout[-1] == " " \ or dataout[-1] == "\t"): dataout = dataout[:-1] return dataout def capital_first(data): return data[0].upper() + data[1:] class AttributeDefinition: def __init__(self): = ""; self.brief = ""; self.type = ""; def set_name(self, name): = remove_start_stop_spacer(name); def set_brief(self, desc): = ""; self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"") self.type = ""; def set_type(self, type): self.type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type); def display(self):" BRIEF: " + self.brief)" " + self.type + " " + + ";") def generate_cpp(self, space): out = ""; out += space + "eproperty::Value<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + "> " + + "; //!<" + self.brief + "\n" out += space + "//! Internal interface to call property\n" out += space + "virtual " + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _internalWrapperProperty_get" + capital_first( + "() {\n" out += space + " return " + + ".get();\n" out += space + "}\n" out += space + "//! Internal interface to call property\n" out += space + "virtual void _internalWrapperProperty_set" + capital_first( + "(" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + " _value) {\n" out += space + " " + + ".set(_value);\n" out += space + "}\n" return out; def generate_hpp_proxy(self, space): out = ""; out += space + "zeus::RemoteProperty<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.type) + "> " + + "; //!<" + self.brief + "\n" return out; def generate_cpp_proxy(self, space, class_name): out = ""; return out; class FunctionDefinition: def __init__(self): = "" self.brief = "" self.action_type = "void_tmp" self.return_type = "" self.return_brief = "" self.parameters = [] self.is_action = False def set_action(self, type): self.action_type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type) self.is_action = True def set_function_name(self, name): = remove_start_stop_spacer(name); def set_brief(self, desc): = ""; self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"") self.return_type = ""; self.return_brief = ""; self.parameters = [] def add_param_comment(self, name, desc): for elem in self.parameters: if elem["name"] == "" \ and elem["brief"] == "": elem["name"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(name) elem["brief"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"") return; self.parameters.append({ "type":"", "name":remove_start_stop_spacer(name), "brief":remove_start_stop_spacer(desc).replace("\"", "\\\"") }) def set_return_comment(self, desc): self.return_brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(desc) def set_return_type(self, type): self.return_type = remove_start_stop_spacer(type) def add_parameter_type(self, type): for elem in self.parameters: if elem["type"] == "": elem["type"] = remove_start_stop_spacer(type) return; self.parameters.append({ "type":remove_start_stop_spacer(type), "name":"", "brief":"" }) def display(self):" BRIEF: " + self.brief)" BRIEF-return: " + self.return_brief)" " + self.return_type + " " + + "(") for elem in self.parameters:" " + elem["type"] + " " + elem["name"] + ", # " + elem["brief"]) if action_type == "void":" )") else:" ) action/event type = '" + action_type + "'") def generate_doxy(self, space): # generate doxygen comment: out = space + "/**\n" if self.brief != "": out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + "\n" for elem in self.parameters: if elem["name"] == "" \ and elem["brief"] == "": continue out += space + " * @param[in] " if elem["name"] != "": out += elem["name"] + " " if elem["brief"] != "": out += elem["brief"] + " " out += "\n" if self.is_action == True: out += space + " * @note: This is an action ==> it can notify of the progression of the call\n" if self.return_brief != "": out += space + " * @return " + self.return_brief + "\n" out += space + " */\n" return out def generate_cpp(self, space, class_name="", virtual=True, action=False): out = ""; out += self.generate_doxy(space) out += space if self.return_type != "": if virtual == True: out += "virtual " out += convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type, False, False) + " " else: out += "static ememory::SharedPtr<" + class_name + "> " out += + "(" param_data = "" id_parameter = 0 if self.is_action == True: param_data += "zeus::ActionNotification<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.action_type, False, True) + ">& _notifs" id_parameter += 1 for elem in self.parameters: id_parameter += 1 if len(param_data) != 0: param_data += ", " param_data += convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"], False, True) + " _" if elem["name"] == "": param_data += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter) else: param_data += elem["name"] out += param_data out += ")" if self.return_type != "" \ and virtual == True: out += " = 0" out += ";\n" return out; def generate_hpp_proxy(self, space): out = ""; out += self.generate_doxy(space) out += space + "virtual zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type, True, False) if self.action_type != "void_tmp": out += "," + convert_type_in_cpp(self.action_type, True, False) out += "> " + + "(" param_data = "" id_parameter = 0 for elem in self.parameters: id_parameter += 1 if len(param_data) != 0: param_data += ", " param_data += "const " + convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"], True, True) + "& _" if elem["name"] == "": param_data += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter) else: param_data += elem["name"] out += param_data out += ");\n" return out; def generate_cpp_proxy(self, space, class_name): out = ""; out += space + "zeus::Future<" + convert_type_in_cpp(self.return_type, True, False) if self.action_type != "void_tmp": out += "," + convert_type_in_cpp(self.action_type, True, False) out += "> " + class_name + "::" + + "(" param_data = "" id_parameter = 0 for elem in self.parameters: id_parameter += 1 if len(param_data) != 0: param_data += ", " param_data += "const " + convert_type_in_cpp(elem["type"], True, True) + "& _" if elem["name"] == "": param_data += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter) else: param_data += elem["name"] out += param_data out += ") {\n" space += " " if self.is_action == True: out += space + 'return m_obj.callAction("' + + '"' else: out += space + 'return"' + + '"' id_parameter = 0 for elem in self.parameters: id_parameter += 1 out += ", " out += "_" if elem["name"] == "": out += "no_name_param_" + str(id_parameter) else: out += elem["name"] out += ');\n' out += "}\n" space = space[:-1] return out; class ServiceDefinition: def __init__(self): = [""]; self.name_prop = {} self.brief = ""; self.version = ""; self.api = ""; self.authors = [] self.attributes = [] self.functions = [] self.factories = [] = [] self.imports = [] self.licence_header = "/** @file\n" self.licence_header += " * @note Generated file !!! Do not modify !!!\n" self.licence_header += " * @license MPL-2\n" self.licence_header += " * @copyright none\n" self.licence_header += " */\n" def set_name(self, value): = value # TODO : Check range ... self.prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary( def set_brief(self, value): self.brief = remove_start_stop_spacer(value).replace("\"", "\\\"") def set_version(self, value): self.version = remove_start_stop_spacer(value).replace("\"", "\\\"") def set_api(self, value): self.api = remove_start_stop_spacer(value).replace("\"", "\\\"") def add_author(self, value): self.authors.append(remove_start_stop_spacer(value).replace("\"", "\\\"")) def add_factory(self, value): # TODO : Check if function already exist self.factories.append(value) def add_tool(self, value): # TODO : Check if function already exist def add_function(self, value): # TODO : Check if function already exist self.functions.append(value) def add_attribute(self, value): # TODO : Check if attribute already exist self.attributes.append(value) def add_import(self, value): self.imports.append(value) def display(self):"Display service definition : ")" name: " + str(" brief: '" + str(self.brief) + "'")" version: '" + str(self.version) + "'")" api: '" + str(self.api) + "'")" authors: '" + str(self.authors) + "'")" functions: ") for elem in self.functions: elem.display(); ## ## CLASS.hpp ## def generate_header(self): out = "" # TODO: add global header: out += self.licence_header out += "#pragma once\n" out += "\n" out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n" out += "#include <eproperty/Value.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/Raw.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/uri/uri.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/String.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/Vector.hpp>\n" out += "#include <ememory/memory.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/ActionNotification.hpp>\n" for elem in self.imports: prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(elem) out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n" out += "\n" space = "" for elem in[:-1]: out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n" space += " " out += space + "class " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + ";\n" out += space + " /**\n" if self.brief != "": out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + " \n" if self.version != "": out += space + " * version:" + self.version + "\n" if self.api != "": out += space + " * api:" + self.api + "\n" for elem in self.authors: out += space + " * authors:" + elem + "\n" out += space + " */\n" out += space + "class " + self.prop["name_class_short"] + " {\n" space += " " out += space + "public:\n" space += " " if len(self.factories) == 0: out += space + "/**\n" out += space + " * @brief generic factory, pay attention when set arguments...\n" out += space + " */\n" out += space + "template<typename ... ZEUS_OBJECT_CREATE>\n" out += space + "static ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + "> create(ZEUS_OBJECT_CREATE ...);\n" else: for elem in self.factories: out += elem.generate_cpp(space, self.prop["name_class"]) out += space + "/**\n" out += space + " * @brief Generic virtual destructor\n" out += space + " */\n" out += space + "virtual ~" + self.prop["name_class_short"] + "() = default;\n" for elem in self.attributes: out += elem.generate_cpp(space) for elem in self.functions: out += elem.generate_cpp(space) space = space[:-2] out += space + "};\n" # now we simply add tools provided: for elem in out += elem.generate_cpp(space, virtual=False) for elem in[:-1]: space = space[:-1] out += space + "}\n" return [self.prop["file_name_class_header"], out] ## ## CLASS.cpp ## def generate_source(self): out = "" out += self.licence_header out += "\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_register_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/debug.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/message/Message.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/message/Data.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/message/ParamType.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/message/Parameter.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/Future.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/stdTools.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/AbstractFunction.hpp>\n" out += "#include <climits>\n" out += "#include <etk/path/fileSystem.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/WebServer.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/Object.hpp>\n" out += "\n" # now gebnerate the get and set parameter object ... out += "namespace zeus {\n" out += " namespace message {\n" out += " template<> const zeus::message::ParamType& createType<ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">>() {\n" out += " static zeus::message::ParamType type(\"obj:" + self.prop["name_class"] + "\", zeus::message::paramTypeObject, false, false);\n" out += " return type;\n" out += " }\n" out += " \n" out += " template<> const zeus::message::ParamType& createType<" + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + ">() {\n" out += " static zeus::message::ParamType type(\"obj:" + self.prop["name_class"] + "\", zeus::message::paramTypeObject, false, false);\n" out += " return type;\n" out += " }\n" out += " \n" out += " template<>\n" out += " void Parameter::addParameter<ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">>(uint16_t _paramId, const ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">& _value) {\n" out += " etk::Vector<uint8_t> data;\n" """ out += " addType(data, createType<" + class_name + ">());\n" """ out += " addTypeObject(data, \"obj:" + self.prop["name_class"] + "\");\n" out += " int32_t currentOffset = data.size();\n" out += " int32_t startOffset = data.size();\n" out += " data.resize(data.size()+4);\n" out += " uint32_t fullId = 0;\n" # convert the object in a real System Object .... out += " if (m_iface != null) {\n" out += " uint16_t id = m_iface->getAddress();\n" out += " uint16_t idObj = m_iface->getNewObjectId();\n" out += " ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">> obj = ememory::makeShared<zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">>(m_iface, idObj, _value);\n" out += " " + self.prop["name_class_register"] + "(*obj);\n" out += " obj->addRemote(getDestination());\n" out += " m_iface->addWebObj(obj);\n" out += " ZEUS_DEBUG(\"Create object ID : \" << idObj);\n" out += " fullId = (uint32_t(id)<<16)+idObj;\n" out += " }\n" # return Object ID and interface adress out += " memcpy(&data[currentOffset], &fullId, 4);\n" out += " m_parameter.pushBack(etk::makePair(startOffset,data));\n" out += " }\n" out += " \n" out += " template<>\n" out += " " + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + " Parameter::getParameter<" + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + ">(int32_t _id) const {\n" out += " ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> out;\n" out += " out = zeus::message::Parameter::getParameter<ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase>>(_id);\n" out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n" out += " }\n" out += " }\n" out += " \n" out += " template<> " + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + " futureGetValue<" + self.prop["name_class_proxy"] + ">(ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::Promise>& _promise) {\n" out += " ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase> out;\n" out += " if ( _promise == null\n" out += " || _promise->getRaw() == null) {\n" out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n" out += " }\n" out += " if (_promise->getRaw()->getType() != zeus::message::type::answer) {\n" out += " ZEUS_WARNING(\"No Return value ...\");\n" out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n" out += " }\n" out += " out = static_cast<zeus::message::Answer*>(_promise->getRaw().get())->getAnswer<ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::ObjectRemoteBase>>();\n" out += " \n" out += " return zeus::ObjectRemote(out);\n" out += " }\n" out += " \n" out += "}\n" return [self.prop["file_name_class_src"], out] ## ## registerClass.hpp ## def generate_register_header(self): out = self.licence_header out += "#pragma once\n" out += "\n" out += "#include <etk/types.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/Object.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/Client.hpp>\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <etk/String.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/Vector.hpp>\n" out += "\n" space = "" for elem in[:-1]: out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n" space += " " out += space + "\n" out += space + "void " + self.prop["name_class_register_short"] + "(zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">& _interface);\n" out += space + "\n" for elem in[:-1]: space = space[:-1] out += space + "}\n" out += space + "\n" out += space + "#define " + self.prop["name_class_macro"] + "DECLARE(type) \\\n" out += space + " ETK_EXPORT_API void SERVICE_IO_instanciate(uint32_t _transactionId, ememory::SharedPtr<zeus::WebServer>& _iface, uint32_t _destination) { \\\n" out += space + " ememory::SharedPtr<type> tmp; \\\n" out += space + " tmp = ememory::makeShared<type>(_destination>>16); \\\n" out += space + " ememory::SharedPtr<" + self.prop["name_class"] + "> tmp2 = tmp; \\\n" out += space + " _iface->answerValue(_transactionId, uint32_t(_iface->getAddress())<<16, _destination, tmp2); \\\n" out += space + " }\n" out += space + "\n" return [self.prop["file_name_class_register_header"], out] ## ## registerClass.cpp ## def generate_register_code(self): out = self.licence_header for elem in self.imports: prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(elem) out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_register_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <zeus/debug.hpp>\n" out += "\n" space = "" out += space + "void " + self.prop["name_class_register"] + "(zeus::ObjectType<" + self.prop["name_class"] + ">& _interface) {\n" space += " " out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n'; out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("== Instanciate service: ' + self.prop["name_class"] + '");\n'; out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n'; #out += space + '_serviceInterface.propertyNameService.set("' +[-1].lower() + '");\n' if self.brief != "": out += space + '_interface.setDescription("' + self.brief + '");\n'; if self.version != "": out += space + '_interface.setVersion("' + self.version + '");\n'; if self.api != "": out += space + '_interface.setType("' + self.api + '");\n'; for elem in self.authors: out += space + '_interface.addAuthor("' + elem.split("<")[0] + '", "' + elem.split("<")[1].replace(">","") + '");\n'; if len(self.functions) != 0 \ or len(self.attributes) != 0: out += space + "zeus::AbstractFunction* func = null;\n" for elem in self.attributes: out += space + 'func = _interface.advertise("' + + '.set", &' + self.prop["name_class"] + '::_internalWrapperProperty_set' + capital_first( + ');\n' out += space + 'if (func != null) {\n' if elem.brief != "": out += space + ' func->setDescription("Set parameter ' + elem.brief + '");\n' out += space + '}\n' out += space + 'func = _interface.advertise("' + + '.get", &' + self.prop["name_class"] + '::_internalWrapperProperty_get' + capital_first( + ');\n' out += space + 'if (func != null) {\n' if elem.brief != "": out += space + ' func->setDescription("Get parameter ' + elem.brief + '");\n' out += space + '}\n' for elem in self.functions: out += space + 'func = _interface.advertise("' + + '", &' + self.prop["name_class"] + '::' + + ');\n' out += space + 'if (func != null) {\n' space += " " if elem.brief != "": out += space + 'func->setDescription("' + elem.brief + '");\n' for elem_p in elem.parameters: if elem_p["name"] == "" \ and elem_p["brief"] == "": continue out += space + 'func->addParam("' if elem_p["name"] != "": out += elem_p["name"] out += '", "' if elem_p["brief"] != "": out += elem_p["brief"] out += '");\n' if elem.return_brief != "": out += space + 'func->setReturn("' + elem.return_brief + '");\n' space = space[:-1] out += space + '}\n' out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n'; out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("== Instanciate service: ' + self.prop["name_class"] + ' [DONE]");\n'; out += space + 'ZEUS_VERBOSE("===========================================================");\n'; out += "}\n" out += "\n" return [self.prop["file_name_class_register_src"], out] ## ## ProxyClass.hpp ## def generate_proxy_header(self): out = "" out += self.licence_header out += "#pragma once\n" out += "\n" out += "#include <zeus/ObjectRemote.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/Proxy.hpp>\n" out += "#include <zeus/RemoteProperty.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/String.hpp>\n" out += "#include <etk/Vector.hpp>\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n" for elem in self.imports: prop = zeus_object_to_dictionary(elem) #out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_header"] + ">\n" out += "#include <" + prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n" out += "\n" space = "" for elem in[:-1]: out += space + "namespace " + elem + " {\n" space += " " out += space + " /**\n" if self.brief != "": out += space + " * @brief " + self.brief + " \n" if self.version != "": out += space + " * version:" + self.version + "\n" if self.api != "": out += space + " * api:" + self.api + "\n" for elem in self.authors: out += space + " * authors:" + elem + "\n" out += space + " */\n" out += space + "class " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + " :public zeus::Proxy {\n" space += " " out += space + "public:\n" out += space + " const " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "& operator= (const zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv) {\n" out += space + " m_obj = _srv;\n" out += space + " return *this;\n" out += space + " }\n" out += space + " const " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "& operator= (const " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "& _obj) {\n" out += space + " m_obj = _obj.m_obj;\n" out += space + " return *this;\n" out += space + " }\n" out += space + " ~" + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "() = default;\n" out += space + " " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "()" if len(self.attributes) != 0: out += ": \n" first = True for elem in self.attributes: if first == False: out += ",\n" out += space + " " + + "(m_obj, \"" + + "\")" first = False out += " {}\n" out += space + " " + self.prop["name_class_proxy_short"] + "(const zeus::ObjectRemote& _srv) :\n" out += space + " zeus::Proxy(_srv)" for elem in self.attributes: out += ",\n" out += space + " " + + "(m_obj, \"" + + "\")" first = False out += " {\n" out += space + " \n" out += space + " }\n" """ out += space + " bool exist() const {\n" out += space + " return m_obj.exist();\n" out += space + " }\n" """ out += space + "public:\n" space += " " """ out += space + "/**\n" out += space + " * @brief Generic virtual destructor\n" out += space + " */\n" out += space + "virtual ~" +[-1] + "() = default;\n" """ for elem in self.attributes: out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space) for elem in self.functions: out += elem.generate_hpp_proxy(space) space = space[:-2] out += space + "};\n" for elem in[:-1]: space = space[:-1] out += space + "}\n" return [self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"], out] ## ## ProxyClass.cpp ## def generate_proxy_code(self): out = "" out += self.licence_header out += "\n" out += "#include <" + self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_header"] + ">\n" out += "\n" for elem in self.attributes: out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", self.prop["name_class_proxy"]) for elem in self.functions: out += elem.generate_cpp_proxy("", self.prop["name_class_proxy"]) return [self.prop["file_name_class_proxy_src"], out] def tool_generate_idl(target, module, data_option): data_path = data_option["path"] debug.debug("Parsing .zeus.idl [start] " + str(data_path)) name_file = os.path.basename(data_path) if len(name_file) < 9 \ and name_file[-9:] != ".zeus.idl": debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '.zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file[-9:] + "'") elem_name = "" type_of_object = "unknow" if len(name_file) >= 13 \ and name_file[-13:] == ".srv.zeus.idl": elem_name = name_file[:-13] type_of_object = "srv" elif len(name_file) >= 16 \ and name_file[-16:] == ".struct.zeus.idl": elem_name = name_file[:-16] type_of_object = "struct" elif len(name_file) >= 13 \ and name_file[-13:] == ".obj.zeus.idl": elem_name = name_file[:-13] type_of_object = "obj" else: debug.error("IDL must have an extention ended with '(struct|obj|srv).zeus.idl' and not with '" + name_file + "'") service_def = ServiceDefinition() service_def.set_name(elem_name.split("-")) data = tools.file_read_data(os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data_path)) if len(data) == 0: debug.error("Can not parse zeus.idl ==> no data in the file, or no file : " + os.path.join(module.get_origin_path(), data_path)) return; # standardise windows/Mac file in Linux file. data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n") data = data.replace("\r", "\n") id_line = 0 multi_comment = False current_def = FunctionDefinition() current_attr = AttributeDefinition() for line in data.split("\n"): id_line += 1; if len(line) == 0: # empty line debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> empty line") continue if multi_comment == False: if len(line) >= 2 \ and line[:2] == "/*": # Comment multi-line debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [START]") if len(line) > 2: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> /* must be alone in the line (no text after)") multi_comment = True continue if len(line) >= 2 \ and line[:2] == "*/": debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> find '*/' Without a start multiline-comment '/*'") else: if len(line) >= 2 \ and line[:2] == "*/": # Comment multi-line debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment multi-line [STOP]") multi_comment = False if len(line) > 2: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> find '/*' must be alone in the line (no text after)") continue continue if len(line) >= 2 \ and line[:2] == "//": # Comment line debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> comment line") continue if len(line) >= 1 \ and line[0] == "#": # Documentation line debug.extreme_verbose("find line " + str(id_line) + " ==> documentation line") #get keyword: list_elems = line.split(":") if len(list_elems) < 1: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> Missing Keyword ... "); doc_keyword = list_elems[0] + ":" doc_data = line[len(doc_keyword):] if doc_keyword == "#brief:": debug.extreme_verbose(" BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'") current_def = FunctionDefinition() current_def.set_brief(doc_data) current_attr.set_brief(doc_data) elif doc_keyword == "#param:": debug.extreme_verbose(" PARAMETER: '" + doc_data + "'") # TODO : Do it better ... current_def.add_param_comment(doc_data.split(":")[0], doc_data.split(":")[1]) elif doc_keyword == "#return:": debug.extreme_verbose(" RETURN: '" + doc_data + "'") current_def.set_return_comment(doc_data) elif doc_keyword == "#elem-brief:": debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-BRIEF: '" + doc_data + "'") service_def.set_brief(doc_data) elif doc_keyword == "#elem-version:": debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-VERSION: '" + doc_data + "'") service_def.set_version(doc_data) elif doc_keyword == "#elem-type:": debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-TYPE: '" + doc_data + "'") service_def.set_api(doc_data) elif doc_keyword == "#elem-author:": debug.extreme_verbose(" SRV-AUTHOR: '" + doc_data + "'") service_def.add_author(doc_data) else: debug.warning("line " + str(id_line) + " ==> Unknow: keyword: '" + doc_keyword + "'") debug.error(" support only: '#brief:' '#param:' '#return:' '#elem-brief:' '#elem-version:' '#elem-type:' '#elem-author:'") continue debug.extreme_verbose("Need to parse the function/attribute line:") debug.extreme_verbose(" '" + line + "'") if line[:7] == "import ": debug.debug("find import : " + line) # TODO : Add check ... service_def.add_import(line.split(" ")[1]) elif line[-1] == ")": # Find a function ==> parse it #debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line dos not ended by a ')'") #get first part (befor '('): # get type of the function (factory, tool, action, function(default)) type_function = "function" if line[0] == "[": if line[:13] == "[tool-remote]": type_function = "tool-remote" line = line[13:] if line[:9] == "[factory]": type_function = "factory" line = line[9:] if line[:10] == "[function]": type_function = "function" line = line[10:] if line[:8] == "[action ": type_function = "action" line = line[8:] type_event = ""; for elem in line: if elem == "]": break type_event += elem line = line[len(type_event)+1:] if validate_type(type_event) == False: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " action type unknow : '" + type_event + "' not in " + str(get_list_type())) # remove wihte space while len(line)>0 \ and line[0] == " ": line = line[1:] if type_function == "factory": line = " " + line # parse the fuction list_elems = line.split("(") if len(list_elems) <= 1: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function parsing error missing the '(' element") fist_part = list_elems[0].replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ") argument_list = list_elems[1].replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "").replace(" ", "")[:-1] if len(argument_list) != 0: argument_list = argument_list.split(",") else: argument_list = [] # separate the list_elems = fist_part.split(" ") if len(list_elems) <= 1: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function return and name is not parsable") return_value = list_elems[0] function_name = list_elems[1] # check types: debug.extreme_verbose(" Parse of function done :") current_def.set_function_name(function_name) if type_function == "tool": current_def.set_return_type(return_value) debug.extreme_verbose(" return:" + return_value) if validate_type(return_value) == False: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function return type unknow : '" + return_value + "' not in " + str(get_list_type())) elif type_function == "factory": if function_name != "create": debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " factory function name must be 'create' not '" + function_name + "'") debug.extreme_verbose(" return: --- ") elif validate_type(return_value) == False: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function return type unknow : '" + return_value + "' not in " + str(get_list_type())) else: current_def.set_return_type(return_value) debug.extreme_verbose(" return:" + return_value) for elem in argument_list: if validate_type(elem) == False: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " function argument type unknow : '" + elem + "' not in " + str(get_list_type())) debug.extreme_verbose(" name:" + function_name) debug.extreme_verbose(" arguments:" + str(argument_list)) for elem in argument_list: current_def.add_parameter_type(elem) if type_function == "function": service_def.add_function(current_def) elif type_function == "action": current_def.set_action(type_event) service_def.add_function(current_def) elif type_function == "factory": service_def.add_factory(current_def) elif type_function == "tool-remote": service_def.add_tool(current_def) else: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Unknow type : " + str(type_function)) else: # remove optionnal "property " at the start if line[:9] == "property ": line = line[9:] # attribute parsing ==> parameters # if must be a simple element separate with a space if len(line.split("(")) != 1: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse function the line does not ended by a ')'") elem = line.split(" ") if len(elem) != 2: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Can not parse attribute must be constituated with the type and the name") if validate_type(elem[0]) == False: debug.error("line " + str(id_line) + " Attribute type unknow : '" + elem[0] + "' not in " + str(get_list_type())) current_attr.set_type(elem[0]); current_attr.set_name(elem[1]); service_def.add_attribute(current_attr) # reset it ... current_def = FunctionDefinition() current_attr = AttributeDefinition() if multi_comment == True: debug.error("reach end of file and missing end of multi-line comment */") debug.verbose("Parsing idl Done (no error ...)") #service_def.display() service_header = service_def.generate_header() service_source = service_def.generate_source() register_header = service_def.generate_register_header() register_code = service_def.generate_register_code() proxy_header = service_def.generate_proxy_header() proxy_code = service_def.generate_proxy_code() debug.verbose("----------------- " + service_header[0] + " -----------------") debug.verbose("\n" + service_header[1]) debug.verbose("----------------- " + service_source[0] + " -----------------") debug.verbose("\n" + service_source[1]) debug.verbose("----------------- " + register_header[0] + " -----------------") debug.verbose("\n" + register_header[1]) debug.verbose("----------------- " + register_code[0] + " -----------------") debug.verbose("\n" + register_code[1]) debug.verbose("----------------- " + proxy_header[0] + " -----------------") debug.verbose("\n" + proxy_header[1]) debug.verbose("----------------- " + proxy_code[0] + " -----------------") debug.verbose("\n" + proxy_code[1]) tmp_path = os.path.join(target.get_build_path_temporary_generate(module.get_name()), "idl_src") module.add_generated_header_file(service_header[1], service_header[0], install_element=True) module.add_generated_src_file(service_source[1], service_source[0]) module.add_generated_header_file(register_header[1], register_header[0], install_element=True) module.add_generated_src_file(register_code[1], register_code[0]) module.add_generated_header_file(proxy_header[1], proxy_header[0], install_element=True) module.add_generated_src_file(proxy_code[1], proxy_code[0]) # if service, we need to intall a simple empty file to register the service as availlable ... if type_of_object == "srv": module.add_generated_data_file("", "zeus/" + elem_name + ".srv", install_element=True) debug.debug("Parsing .zeus.idl [DONE]") def parse_object_idl(module, idl_path): module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"object"}) def parse_struct_idl(module, idl_path): module.add_action(tool_generate_idl, data={"path":idl_path, "type":"struct"})
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors and contributors # For license information, please see license.txt from __future__ import unicode_literals import frappe from frappe.utils import add_days, cint, cstr, date_diff, flt, getdate, nowdate, \ get_first_day, get_last_day from frappe.model.document import Document class WorkManagement(Document): def get_invoice_details(self, invoice_no=None): self.set('production_details', []) sales_invoices = self.get_invoice(invoice_no) if sales_invoices: for si_no in sales_invoices: branch = frappe.db.get_value('User',frappe.session.user,'branch') if frappe.db.get_value('Process Log',{'branch':branch,'parent'},'name'): si = self.append('production_details', {}) self.create_invoice_bundle(si_no, si) return "Done" def get_invoice(self, invoice_no=None): cond = "1=1" if invoice_no and not cond = "sales_invoice_no='%s'"%(invoice_no) elif and not invoice_no: cond = "tailoring_service='%s'"%( elif and invoice_no: cond = "sales_invoice_no='%s' and tailoring_service='%s'"%(invoice_no, return frappe.db.sql("select * from `tabProduction Dashboard Details` where %s order by sales_invoice_no desc"%(cond),as_dict=1, debug=1) def create_invoice_bundle(self, invoice_detail, si): color = {'Completed':'green','Pending':'red', 'Trial':'#1F8C83'} value = '<h style="color:red">Pending</h>' si.sales_invoice = invoice_detail.sales_invoice_no si.article_code = invoice_detail.article_code si.article_qty = invoice_detail.article_qty si.work_order = invoice_detail.work_order si.stock_entry = invoice_detail.stock_entry si.process_allotment = si.actual_qty = invoice_detail.fabric_qty si.fabric_code = invoice_detail.fabric_code si.serial_no = invoice_detail.serial_no si.size = invoice_detail.size if invoice_detail.status == 'Completed': value = '<h style="color:%s">%s</h>'%(color.get(invoice_detail.status), invoice_detail.status) elif cint(invoice_detail.trial_no) > 0: value = '<h style="color:%s">Ready For %s %s</h>'%(color.get(invoice_detail.status), invoice_detail.status, invoice_detail.trial_no) si.process_status = value si.cut_order_status ='<h style="color:%s">%s</h>'%(color.get(invoice_detail.cut_order_status), invoice_detail.cut_order_status) def save_data(self, args): for d in self.get('production_details'): if cint(args.get('select')) ==1 and cint(d.idx)==cint(args.get('idx')): elif cint(args.get('select')) ==0 and cint(d.idx)==cint(args.get('idx')): self.clear_data(args.get('sales_invoice'), args.get('article_code')) def clear_data(self, inv_no=None, item_code=None): self.get_invoice_details() cond = "1=1" if inv_no and item_code: cond = "sales_invoice= '%s' and article_code='%s'"%(inv_no, item_code) frappe.db.sql("delete from `tabProduction Details` where %s"%(cond),debug=1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Forked from import re import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--target", "-t", action="store", help="Enter the target address", required=True) parser.add_argument("--dest", "-d", action="store", help="Enter the address where you want to redirect to", required=True) parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", action="store", help="Enter output file name") args = parser.parse_args() payloads = [] # Remove protocol from url junk = re.compile(r"https?://") target = junk.sub("", dest = junk.sub("", args.dest) with open("payloads.txt", "r") as handle: templates = handle.readlines() for payload in templates: payload = payload.rstrip() payload = re.sub("TARGET", target, payload) payload = re.sub("DEST", dest, payload) print(payload) payloads.append(payload) if args.output: with open(args.output, "w")as handle: [handle.write(f"{x.rstrip()}\n") for x in payloads]
""" SCons.Tool.cuda @author: WeiChen, 07/02/2016 @breif: Tool for Scons used to support compiling of cuda code @usage: 1. this file is used in SConstruct script through codes like: env.Tool('cuda', toolpath = 'documentation/Cuda_Scons_Tool/') 2. you can also put this file to PYTHON_HOME/Lib/site-packages/scons-x.x.x/SCons/Tool @reference: """ import SCons.Tool import SCons.Scanner.C import SCons.Defaults import os import sys import platform #cuda suffix cuda_suffix = '.cu' # make a CUDAScanner for finding #includes # cuda uses the c preprocessor, so we can use the CScanner cuda_scanner = SCons.Scanner.C.CScanner() def generate(env): os_name = platform.system() os_architecture = platform.architecture()[0] #cuda path cuda_bin_path = '' cuda_inc_path = '' cuda_lib_path = '' cuda_dll_path = '' cuda_path = None if 'CUDA_PATH' in os.environ: cuda_path = os.environ['CUDA_PATH'] elif 'CUDA_PATH' in env: cuda_path = env['CUDA_PATH'] else: guess_path = [ '/usr/local/NVIDIA_CUDA_TOOLKIT', '/usr/local/CUDA_TOOLKIT', '/usr/local/cuda_toolkit', '/usr/local/CUDA', '/usr/local/cuda' ] for path in guess_path: if os.path.isdir(path): cuda_path = path break if cuda_path == None: sys.exit("Cannot find the CUDA_PATH. Please install CUDA OR add CUDA_PATH in your environment variables OR explictly specify env['CUDA_PATH']!") cuda_inc_path = cuda_path+'/include/' cuda_bin_path = cuda_path+'/bin/' cuda_version_str = os.path.basename(cuda_path) cuda_version_id = filter(str.isdigit, cuda_version_str) if os_name == 'Windows': if os_architecture == '32bit': cuda_lib_path = cuda_path+'/lib/Win32/' cuda_dll_path = cuda_path+'/bin/cudart32_'+cuda_version_id+'.dll' else: cuda_lib_path = cuda_path+'/lib/X64/' cuda_dll_path = cuda_path+'/bin/cudart64_'+cuda_version_id+'.dll' elif os_name == 'Linux': if os_architecture == '32bit': cuda_lib_path = cuda_path+'/lib/' else: cuda_lib_path = cuda_path+'/lib64/' elif os_name == 'Darwin': cuda_lib_path = cuda_path+'/lib/' #add include path env.Append(CPPPATH = cuda_inc_path) #add cuda runtime libpath and lib env.Append(LIBPATH = cuda_lib_path) env.Append(LIBS = 'cudart') env.Append(LIBS = 'cudadevrt') env.Append(LIBS = 'curand') env['CUDA_DLL_PATH'] = cuda_dll_path # "NVCC common command line" if not env.has_key('_NVCCCOMCOM'): # nvcc needs '-I' prepended before each include path, regardless of platform env['_NVCCWRAPCPPPATH'] = '${_concat("-I ", CPPPATH, "", __env__)}' # prepend -Xcompiler before each flag env['_NVCCWRAPCFLAGS'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", CFLAGS, "", __env__)}' env['_NVCCWRAPSHCFLAGS'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", SHCFLAGS, "", __env__)}' #special treatment for Darwin(Mac) #since clang could report an error if '-Xcompiler -std-gnu++11' is used #while g++ just report a warning if os_name == 'Darwin': DARWIN_CCFLAGS = env['CCFLAGS'][:] #copy if '-std=gnu++11' in DARWIN_CCFLAGS: DARWIN_CCFLAGS.remove('-std=gnu++11') env['DARWIN_CCFLAGS'] = DARWIN_CCFLAGS DARWIN_SHCCFLAGS = env['SHCCFLAGS'][:] #copy if '-std=gnu++11' in DARWIN_SHCCFLAGS: DARWIN_SHCCFLAGS.remove('-std=gnu++11') env['DARWIN_SHCCFLAGS'] = DARWIN_SHCCFLAGS env['_NVCCWRAPCCFLAGS'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", DARWIN_CCFLAGS, "", __env__)}' env['_NVCCWRAPSHCCFLAGS'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", DARWIN_SHCCFLAGS, "", __env__)}' else: env['_NVCCWRAPCCFLAGS'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", CCFLAGS, "", __env__)}' env['_NVCCWRAPSHCCFLAGS'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", SHCCFLAGS, "", __env__)}' # assemble the common command line env['_NVCCCOMCOM'] = '${_concat("-Xcompiler ", CPPFLAGS, "", __env__)} $_CPPDEFFLAGS $_NVCCWRAPCPPPATH' # set the include path, and pass both c compiler flags and c++ compiler flags env['NVCCFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') env['SHNVCCFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') + ' -shared' # set cuda complier env['NVCC'] = 'nvcc' env['SHNVCC'] = 'nvcc' # set cuda compute arch env['CUDA_ARCH'] = '-arch=compute_52' # 'NVCC Command' env['NVCCCOM'] = '$NVCC -o $TARGET $CUDA_ARCH -dlink -c -dc -std=c++11 $NVCCFLAGS $_NVCCWRAPCFLAGS $_NVCCWRAPCCFLAGS $_NVCCCOMCOM $SOURCES' env['SHNVCCCOM'] = '$SHNVCC -o $TARGET $CUDA_ARCH -dlink -c -dc -std=c++11 $SHNVCCFLAGS $_NVCCWRAPSHCFLAGS $_NVCCWRAPSHCCFLAGS $_NVCCCOMCOM $SOURCES' # create builders that make static & shared objects from .cu files static_obj_builder, shared_obj_builder = SCons.Tool.createObjBuilders(env) # Add this suffix to the list of things buildable by Object static_obj_builder.add_action(cuda_suffix, '$NVCCCOM') shared_obj_builder.add_action(cuda_suffix, '$SHNVCCCOM') static_obj_builder.add_emitter(cuda_suffix, SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter) shared_obj_builder.add_emitter(cuda_suffix, SCons.Defaults.SharedObjectEmitter) # Add this suffix to the list of things scannable SCons.Tool.SourceFileScanner.add_scanner(cuda_suffix, cuda_scanner) # Prepend cuda_bin_path env.PrependENVPath('PATH', cuda_bin_path) def exists(env): return env.Detect('nvcc')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Conexión a bases de datos # Lección 3 # SQLAlchemy: Queries from Leccion_1 import Libro from Leccion_2 import session def todos_libros(): return session.query(Libro).all() def libros_recientes(): return session.query(Libro).filter(Libro.anio_publicacion >= 2010).all() def libros_por_titulo(titulo): return session.query(Libro).filter(Libro.titulo.startswith(titulo)).all() def libros_recientes_por_titulo(titulo): return session.query(Libro).filter(Libro.anio_publicacion >= 2010, Libro.titulo.startswith(titulo)).all() def cantidad_libros_editorial(editorial): return session.query(Libro).filter(Libro.editorial == editorial).count() def main(): print("Libros registrados:") for libro in todos_libros(): print(libro.titulo) print("\nLibros recientes:") for libro in libros_recientes(): print(libro.anio_publicacion, libro.titulo) print("\nLibros cuyo titulo empieza con 'Math':") for libro in libros_por_titulo('Math'): print(libro.anio_publicacion, libro.titulo) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import time import numpy as np from kid_readout.interactive import * from kid_readout.measurement import acquire from kid_readout.roach import r2heterodyne, attenuator, hardware_tools from equipment.custom import mmwave_source from equipment.hittite import signal_generator from equipment.srs import lockin logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) hittite = signal_generator.Hittite(ipaddr='') hittite.set_power(0) hittite.on() hittite.set_freq(148e9/12.) lockin = lockin.Lockin(LOCKIN_SERIAL_PORT) tic = time.time() print lockin.identification print time.time()-tic tic = time.time() print lockin.fast_state print time.time()-tic source = mmwave_source.MMWaveSource() source.set_attenuator_turns(3.0,3.0) source.multiplier_input = 'hittite' source.waveguide_twist_angle = 45 source.ttl_modulation_source = 'roach' setup = hardware.Hardware(hittite, source,lockin) ri = hardware_tools.r2_with_mk1(1000.) ri.iq_delay=-1 ri.set_dac_atten(20) ri.set_fft_gain(6) nsamp = 2**15 step = 1 nstep = 32 #f0binned = np.round(f0s * nsamp / 512.0) * 512.0 / nsamp offset_bins = np.arange(-(nstep), (nstep)) * step offsets = offset_bins * 512.0 / nsamp ri.set_modulation_output('low') ri.set_lo(1250.) #legacy.load_heterodyne_sweep_tones(ri,(np.arange(1,129)[None,:]*7/4.+ri.lo_frequency + offsets[:,None]), # num_tone_samples=nsamp) state = dict(field_canceling_magnet=False,magnetic_shield=True,cryostat='starcryo') state.update(**setup.state()) for hittite_power in np.arange(-3.0,1,.4):"Measuring at %.1f dBm" % hittite_power) hittite.set_power(hittite_power) tic = time.time() for lo in 830.+190*np.arange(0,4):"Measuring at LO %.1f" % lo) ri.set_lo(lo) df = acquire.new_nc_file(suffix='scan_lo_%.1f_MHz' % lo) ri.set_modulation_output(7)"autogain lockin") time.sleep(1) lockin.auto_gain(wait_until_done=True) time.sleep(3)"new sensitivity: %d values %s" % (lockin.sensitivity,str(lockin.fast_state))) state.update(**setup.state()) ri.set_modulation_output('low') swa = acquire.run_sweep(ri, (np.arange(1, 257)[None, :] * 7 / 8. + ri.lo_frequency + offsets[:, None]), num_tone_samples=nsamp, length_seconds=0.1, state=state, verbose=True) df.write(swa) df.close() print "elapsed:", (time.time()-tic)/60.0,'minutes' #time.sleep(60.) # while time.time() - tic < 5*60: # print "waiting... %.1f min remaining" % ((5*60 - (time.time() - tic))/60) # time.sleep(60)
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ EOSS catalog system functionality for the catalog status endpoint """ __author__ = "Thilo Wehrmann, Steffen Gebhardt" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, EOSS GmbH" __credits__ = ["Thilo Wehrmann", "Steffen Gebhardt"] __license__ = "GPL" __version__ = "1.0.0" __maintainer__ = "Thilo Wehrmann" __email__ = "[email protected]" __status__ = "Production" import logging import falcon import ujson from api import max_body from import Persistance from import j2_env from import can_zip_response, compress_body, make_GeoJson from api_logging import logger class CatalogStatus(object): """ EOSS catalog class from web API """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('eoss.' + __name__) @falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024)) # max 64kB request size def on_get(self, req, resp, sensor):'[GET] /catalog/status/count/%s' % (sensor)) results = dict() minx,maxx, miny, maxy = -180,180,-90,90 if 'last_days' in req.params: last_days = int(req.params['last_days']) else: last_days = 4 global_extent = [[miny, minx], [maxy, maxx]] res = Persistance().get_observation_coverage(int(sensor), last_days=last_days) results['geojson'] = make_GeoJson(res['geojson'], res['attr']) content_type = 'text/html' results = j2_env.get_template('leaflet_map.html').render(title='Reference object: %s' % sensor, center='[%f, %f]' % (21.5, -102), zoomlevel=5, geojson=ujson.dumps(results['geojson']), label_attribute=None, extent=ujson.dumps(global_extent)) if can_zip_response(req.headers): resp.set_header('Content-Type', content_type) resp.set_header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') if content_type == 'application/json': resp.body = compress_body(ujson.dumps(results)) else: resp.body = compress_body(results) else: resp.set_header('Content-Type', content_type) if content_type == 'application/json': resp.body = ujson.dumps(results) else: resp.body = results resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
from PyQt5.QtGui import qRgb from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from idacyber import ColorFilter from ida_kernwin import ask_text, warning from types import FunctionType class Prototype(ColorFilter): name = "Prototype" help = "Right click: edit current filter function" highlight_cursor = False def __init__(self, pw): = pw self.func_call = None self.func_def=( """ def process(base, offs, b, size, width, moffs): # print("%x+%x: %02x (total pxls %d, width %d, mouse pos %d)" % (base, offs, b, size, width, moffs)) # return (b,b,b) if (b == 0x70 or b == 0x47): # detect potential thumb-mode pattern color = (0x59, 0x7c, 0x92) elif (b & 0xf0 == 0xe0): # detect potential ARM pattern color = (0x00, 0x40, 0x67) else: # default color color = (0x00, 0x10, 0x1b) # cross-hair if offs%width == moffs%width or int(offs/width) == int(moffs/width): color = (min(color[0]+0x00,0xff), min(color[1]+0x04,0xff), min(color[2]+0x04,0xff)) return color""") self._compile(self.func_def) def _compile(self, text): self.func_def = text try: self.func_code = compile(text, "", "exec") self.func_call = FunctionType(self.func_code.co_consts[0], globals(), "") return (True, "") except Exception as e: return (False, e) return (False, "") def _set_user_func(self): while True: func_def = ask_text(0, self.func_def, "Please define function (must return tuple(RR,GG,BB) format") if func_def is None: break res, s = self._compile(func_def) if res: break warning("%s" % s) def on_mb_click(self, event, addr, size, mouse_offs): if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: self._set_user_func() def on_process_buffer(self, buffers, addr, size, mouse_offs): colors = [] width = for mapped, buf in buffers: if mapped: for offs in range(len(buf)): try: r, g, b = self.func_call( addr, offs, buf[offs]&0xff, size, width, mouse_offs) colors.append((True, qRgb(r&0xFF, g&0xFF, b&0xFF))) except: colors.append((False, None)) else: colors += [(False, None)]*len(buf) return colors def FILTER_INIT(pw): return Prototype(pw) def FILTER_EXIT(): return
import ast from typing import Any, Dict, List from flask import g class Gis: @staticmethod def add_example_geom(id_: int) -> None: sql = """INSERT INTO gis.point (entity_id, name, description, type, geom) VALUES ( (%(location_id)s), '', '', 'centerpoint', public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{"type":"Point","coordinates":[9,17]}'),4326)); """ g.cursor.execute(sql, {'location_id': id_}) @staticmethod def get_by_id(id_: int) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: geometries = [] for shape in ['point', 'polygon', 'linestring']: sql = f""" SELECT {shape}.id, {shape}.name, {shape}.description, {shape}.type, public.ST_AsGeoJSON({shape}.geom) AS geojson FROM model.entity place JOIN gis.{shape} {shape} ON = {shape}.entity_id WHERE = %(id_)s;""" g.cursor.execute(sql, {'id_': id_}) for row in g.cursor.fetchall(): geometry = ast.literal_eval(row['geojson']) geometry['title'] = row['name'].replace('"', '\"') if row['name'] else '' geometry['description'] = \ row['description'].replace('"', '\"') if row['description'] else '' geometries.append(geometry) return geometries @staticmethod def get_by_shape(shape: str, extra_ids: List[int]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: polygon_sql = '' if shape != 'polygon' else \ 'public.ST_AsGeoJSON(public.ST_PointOnSurface(polygon.geom)) AS polygon_point, ' sql = f""" SELECT AS object_id, {shape}.id, {shape}.name, {shape}.description, {shape}.type, public.ST_AsGeoJSON({shape}.geom) AS geojson, {polygon_sql} AS object_name, object.description AS object_desc, string_agg(CAST(t.range_id AS text), ',') AS types FROM model.entity place JOIN l ON = l.range_id JOIN model.entity object ON l.domain_id = JOIN gis.{shape} {shape} ON = {shape}.entity_id LEFT JOIN t ON = t.domain_id AND t.property_code = 'P2' WHERE place.class_code = 'E53' AND l.property_code = 'P53' AND (object.system_class = 'place' OR IN %(extra_ids)s) GROUP BY, {shape}.id;""" g.cursor.execute(sql, {'extra_ids': tuple(extra_ids)}) return [dict(row) for row in g.cursor.fetchall()] @staticmethod def test_geom(geometry: str) -> None: from openatlas.models.gis import InvalidGeomException sql = "SELECT st_isvalid(public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(%(geojson)s),4326));" g.cursor.execute(sql, {'geojson': geometry}) if not g.cursor.fetchone()['st_isvalid']: raise InvalidGeomException return @staticmethod def insert(data: Dict[str, Any], shape: str) -> None: sql = f""" INSERT INTO gis.{shape} (entity_id, name, description, type, geom) VALUES ( %(entity_id)s, %(name)s, %(description)s, %(type)s, public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(%(geojson)s),4326));""" g.cursor.execute(sql, data) @staticmethod def insert_import(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: sql = """ INSERT INTO gis.point (entity_id, name, description, type, geom) VALUES ( %(entity_id)s, '', %(description)s, 'centerpoint', public.ST_SetSRID(public.ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(%(geojson)s),4326));""" g.cursor.execute(sql, data) @staticmethod def delete_by_entity_id(id_: int) -> None: g.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM gis.point WHERE entity_id = %(id)s;', {'id': id_}) g.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM gis.linestring WHERE entity_id = %(id)s;', {'id': id_}) g.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM gis.polygon WHERE entity_id = %(id)s;', {'id': id_})
#!/usr/bin/env python import pdb import os import re import cPickle as pickle from src.backend.tma_utils import TextCleaner, ids_to_key from lib.porter2 import stem import sqlite3 as sqlite from time import time import bsddb import random def db_transfer(termterm_dict, termterm_db): for t1 in termterm_dict: for t2 in termterm_dict[t1]: ikey = '%i,%i' % (t1,t2) if termterm_db.has_key(ikey): termterm_db[ikey] = str(int(termterm_db[ikey]) + termterm_dict[t1][t2]) else: termterm_db[ikey] = str(termterm_dict[t1][t2]) if __name__ == '__main__': # DATA outdata_dir = '/Users/cradreed/Research/TMBrowse/develarea/' wikfile = outdata_dir + 'enwiki_abstracts-20120307.dat' #'/Users/cradreed/Research/TMBrowse/develarea/enwiki-latest-abstract18.xml'# # use bsd to create to cooccurence file then write to sqlite to maintain database consistency and reduce dependencies # set up the dbase #dbfile = '/Users/cradreed/Research/TMBrowse/develarea/wiki-terms.sqlite' # wikivocab_file = outdata_dir + 'wikivocab_full.bdb' # wikivocab_ct_file = outdata_dir + 'wikivocab_ct_full.bdb' wiki_termterm_file = outdata_dir + 'wiki_termterm_full_100percent.bdb' # os.remove(dbfile) # TESTING # if os.path.exists(wikivocab_file): # os.remove(wikivocab_file) # if os.path.exists(wikivocab_ct_file): # os.remove(wikivocab_ct_file) # if os.path.exists(wiki_termterm_file): # os.remove(wiki_termterm_file) vocab_dict = pickle.load(open(outdata_dir + 'wiki_vocab_dic_full_100percent.obj','rb'))#{}#bsddb.hashopen(wikivocab_file) vocab_ct_dict = pickle.load(open(outdata_dir + 'wiki_vocab_ct_full_100percent.obj','rb'))#{}#bsddb.hashopen(wikivocab_ct_file) termterm_db = bsddb.btopen(wiki_termterm_file) termterm_dict = {} text_cleaner = TextCleaner(stopword_file='/Users/cradreed/Research/TMBrowse/trunk/src/backend/aux/stop_words.txt') # add the cooccurence information to the table st_time = time() num_ab = 0 term_ct = 0 tot_ab_len = 0 dep_no = 0 print_no = 50000 transfer_no = 10*print_no ltime = time() with open(wikfile,'r') as wikxml: for i, line in enumerate(wikxml): # only sample % 20 # if random.random() > 0.20: # continue num_ab += 1 if num_ab <= 3500000: continue if num_ab % print_no == 0 and not num_ab == 0: print 'Parsed {0:8d} of 3925809 abstracts; last {1:5d} abstracts took {2:0.1f} seconds. Average {3:4d} terms per doc.'.format(num_ab, print_no,time()-ltime, int(tot_ab_len/print_no)) ltime = time() tot_ab_len = 0 if num_ab % transfer_no == 0 and not num_ab == 0: print '---- Transfering %i abstracts to db -----' % transfer_no db_transfer(termterm_dict, termterm_db) dep_no += 1 del(termterm_dict) termterm_dict = {} print '---- %i transfer complete, took %0.1f seconds ----' % (dep_no, (time() - ltime)) ltime = time() text = line.strip() # remove the abstract tags text = text_cleaner.parse_text(text) text = list(set(text)) tot_ab_len += len(text) for nt1, term1 in enumerate(text): if not vocab_dict.has_key(term1): t1_id = term_ct vocab_dict[term1] = t1_id vocab_ct_dict[t1_id] = 1 term_ct += 1 else: t1_id = vocab_dict[term1] vocab_ct_dict[t1_id] += 1 for nt2 in xrange(nt1+1, len(text)): # 173.271281 vs 185s TODO make sure the counting is correct term2 = text[nt2] if not vocab_dict.has_key(term2): t2_id = term_ct vocab_dict[term2] = t2_id vocab_ct_dict[t2_id] = 0 # avoid overcounting term_ct += 1 else: t2_id = vocab_dict[term2] t_keys = ids_to_key(t1_id, t2_id) if not termterm_dict.has_key(t_keys[0]): termterm_dict[t_keys[0]] = {t_keys[1]:1} elif termterm_dict[t_keys[0]].has_key(t_keys[1]): termterm_dict[t_keys[0]][t_keys[1]] += 1 else: termterm_dict[t_keys[0]][t_keys[1]] = 1 db_transfer(termterm_dict, termterm_db) print 'Added %i terms to dic' % len(vocab_dict) # vocab_dict.close() # vocab_ct_dict.close() # print termterm_db # print vocab_dict # print vocab_ct_dict termterm_db.close() pickle.dump(vocab_dict, open(outdata_dir + 'wiki_vocab_dic_full_100percent2.obj','wb')) pickle.dump(vocab_ct_dict, open(outdata_dir + 'wiki_vocab_ct_full_100percent2.obj','wb')) time_parse = time() - st_time print 'Parsing %i abstracts took %f seconds' % (num_ab, time_parse)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='CaseDetail', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(primary_key=True, auto_created=True, verbose_name='ID', serialize=False)), ('status', models.SmallIntegerField(choices=[(1, 'Not Started'), (2, 'In Progress'), (3, 'Passed'), (4, 'Failed'), (5, 'Not Applicable')], default=1)), ('step', models.IntegerField()), ('description', models.TextField()), ('expected', models.TextField(blank=True)), ('actual', models.TextField(blank=True)), ('input_data', models.TextField(blank=True)), ('output_data', models.TextField(blank=True)), ('defect_id', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)), ('defect_id_displayed', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)), ('case_id', models.IntegerField()), ], options={ 'verbose_name': 'CaseDetailModel', 'verbose_name_plural': 'CaseDetailModels', }, ), ]
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Tests mixed precision works correctly with Keras layers and models.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from absl.testing import parameterized import numpy as np from import dataset_ops from tensorflow.python.distribute import distribution_strategy_context from tensorflow.python.distribute import mirrored_strategy from tensorflow.python.eager import backprop from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.keras import backend from tensorflow.python.keras import keras_parameterized from tensorflow.python.keras import layers from tensorflow.python.keras import models from tensorflow.python.keras import optimizers from tensorflow.python.keras import regularizers from tensorflow.python.keras import saving from tensorflow.python.keras import testing_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import base_layer from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import base_layer_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import core from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import recurrent from tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental import loss_scale_optimizer from tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental import policy from tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental import test_util as mp_test_util from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2 import gradient_descent from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import test from import loss_scale as loss_scale_module from import util as trackable_utils from tensorflow.python.util import nest class AssertTypeLayer(base_layer.Layer): """A layer which asserts it's inputs are a certain type.""" def __init__(self, assert_type=None, **kwargs): self._assert_type = (dtypes.as_dtype(assert_type).name if assert_type else None) super(AssertTypeLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) def assert_input_types(self, inputs): """Asserts `inputs` are of the correct type. Should be called in call().""" if self._assert_type: inputs_flattened = nest.flatten(inputs) for inp in inputs_flattened: assert inp.dtype.base_dtype == self._assert_type, ( 'Input tensor has type %s which does not match assert type %s' % (, class AddLayer(AssertTypeLayer): """A layer which adds it's input to a scalar variable.""" def __init__(self, regularizer=None, use_operator=False, var_name='v', **kwargs): """Initializes the AddLayer. Args: regularizer: The regularizer on the scalar variable. use_operator: If True, add using the + operator. If False, add using tf.add. var_name: The name of the variable. It can be useful to pass a name other than 'v', to test having the attribute name (self.v) being different from the variable name. **kwargs: Passed to AssertTypeLayer constructor. """ self._regularizer = regularizer self._use_operator = use_operator self._var_name = var_name super(AddLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) def build(self, _): self.v = self.add_weight( self._var_name, (), initializer='ones', regularizer=self._regularizer) self.built = True def call(self, inputs): self.assert_input_types(inputs) assert inputs.dtype == self.v.dtype return self._add(inputs, self.v) def _add(self, x, y): if self._use_operator: return x + y else: return math_ops.add(x, y) def get_config(self): config = super(AddLayer, self).get_config() assert self._regularizer is None, ( 'regularizer must be None to get config for AddLayer') config['use_operator'] = self._use_operator config['var_name'] = self._var_name config['assert_type'] = self._assert_type return config class AddLayerWithoutAutoCast(AddLayer): """Same as AddLayer, but does not use AutoCastVariables.""" def build(self, _): dtype = self.dtype if dtype in ('float16', 'bfloat16'): dtype = 'float32' self.v = self.add_weight( 'v', (), initializer='ones', dtype=dtype, experimental_autocast=False, regularizer=self._regularizer) self.built = True def call(self, inputs): self.assert_input_types(inputs) assert self.v.dtype in (dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64) return self._add(inputs, math_ops.cast(self.v, inputs.dtype)) class AddLayerWithFunction(AddLayer): """Same as AddLayer, but _add is decorated with a tf.function.""" @def_function.function def _add(self, x, y): return super(AddLayerWithFunction, self)._add(x, y) class IdentityRegularizer(regularizers.Regularizer): def __call__(self, x): assert x.dtype == dtypes.float32 return array_ops.identity(x) # If called outside any strategy.scope() calls, this will return the default # strategy. default_strategy_fn = distribution_strategy_context.get_strategy def create_mirrored_strategy(): if context.num_gpus() >= 1: return mirrored_strategy.MirroredStrategy(['cpu:0', 'gpu:0']) else: return mirrored_strategy.MirroredStrategy(['cpu:0']) TESTCASES = ({ 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy }) class KerasLayerTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): """Test mixed precision with Keras layers.""" @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_infer_with_float32_vars(self, strategy_fn): x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float16) with strategy_fn().scope(), policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): layer = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float16) self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float32) y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtypes.float16) self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(layer._dtype_policy._name, 'float16_with_float32_vars') self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(y), 2.) if base_layer_utils.v2_dtype_behavior_enabled(): # Layer should now cast inputs to float16 x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float32) y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtypes.float16) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_floating_point_policies_with_float32_vars(self, strategy_fn): for dtype in 'bfloat16', 'float16', 'float64': x = constant_op.constant([1.]) policy_name = dtype + '_with_float32_vars' with strategy_fn().scope(), policy.policy_scope(policy_name): layer = AddLayer(assert_type=dtype) self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(layer._dtype_policy._name, policy_name) y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtype) self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(layer._dtype_policy._name, policy_name) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(y), 2.) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_int32_with_float32_vars(self, strategy_fn): # The policy int32_with_float32_vars is not useful at all (nor is any other # non-float policy with float32 variables), but we have it for consistency, # and so we test it. class IdentityLayerWithVar(base_layer.Layer): def build(self, _): self.v = self.add_weight('v', ()) def call(self, inputs): # Variables are only casted to other floats, not ints assert array_ops.identity(self.v).dtype == 'float32' return array_ops.identity(inputs) x = constant_op.constant([1]) with strategy_fn().scope(), policy.policy_scope('int32_with_float32_vars'): layer = IdentityLayerWithVar() self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(layer._dtype_policy._name, 'int32_with_float32_vars') y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtypes.int32) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_layer_with_int_variable(self, strategy_fn): class LayerWithIntVar(base_layer.Layer): def build(self, _): self.v = self.add_weight('v', dtype='int32', trainable=False) def call(self, inputs): # Only float variables should be autocasted. This will fail if self.v is # autocasted to float32 return math_ops.cast(inputs, 'int32') + self.v x = constant_op.constant([1.]) layer = LayerWithIntVar(dtype=policy.Policy('mixed_float16')) self.assertEqual(layer(x).dtype, 'int32') @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_layer_with_non_autocast_variable(self, strategy_fn): x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float16) with strategy_fn().scope(): with policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): layer = AddLayerWithoutAutoCast(assert_type=dtypes.float16) y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtypes.float16) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(y), 2.) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_layer_calling_tf_function(self, strategy_fn): x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float16) with strategy_fn().scope(): with policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): layer = AddLayerWithFunction(assert_type=dtypes.float16) y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtypes.float16) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(y), 2.) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_layer_regularizer_runs_in_var_dtype(self, strategy_fn): x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float16) with strategy_fn().scope(): with policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): # Test on AddLayer layer = AddLayer( assert_type=dtypes.float16, regularizer=IdentityRegularizer()) layer(x) (regularizer_loss,) = layer.losses self.assertEqual(regularizer_loss.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(regularizer_loss), 1.) # Test on AddLayerWithoutAutoCast layer = AddLayerWithoutAutoCast( assert_type=dtypes.float16, regularizer=IdentityRegularizer()) layer(x) (regularizer_loss,) = layer.losses self.assertEqual(regularizer_loss.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(regularizer_loss), 1.) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_passing_policy_to_layer(self, strategy_fn): x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float16) with strategy_fn().scope(): # Passing a Policy to 'dtype' sets the policy for that layer. layer = AddLayer( assert_type=dtypes.float16, dtype=policy.Policy('infer_float32_vars')) # layer.dtype refers to the variable dtype self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float32) layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float32) with policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): # Passing a Policy to dtype overrides the global Policy layer = AddLayer( assert_type=dtypes.float16, dtype=policy.Policy('infer')) # layer dtype is not yet known self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, None) layer(x) self.assertEqual(layer.v.dtype, dtypes.float16) self.assertEqual(layer.dtype, dtypes.float16) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_error_passing_policy_string_to_layer(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp( TypeError, "Cannot convert value 'float16_with_float32_vars' to a " "TensorFlow DType"): # This is not allowed, as otherwise a "float16_with_float32_vars" policy # could be created without an API call that has the name "experimental" in # it. AddLayer(dtype='float16_with_float32_vars') @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_gradient(self, strategy_fn): x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=dtypes.float16) with strategy_fn().scope() as strategy: with policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): layer = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float16) def run_fn(): with backprop.GradientTape() as tape: y = layer(x) # Divide by num_replicas_in_sync, as the effective total loss is the # sum of each of the replica's losses. y /= strategy.num_replicas_in_sync # Learning rate is small enough that if applied to a float16 variable, # the variable will not change. So this tests the learning rate is not # applied to a float16 value, but instead the float32 variable. opt = gradient_descent.SGD(2**-14) grad = tape.gradient(y, layer.v) return opt.apply_gradients([(grad, layer.v)]) op = strategy.experimental_run(run_fn) if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.evaluate(op) # The gradient with respective to the variable is 1. Since the # variable is initialized with 1 and the learning rate is 2**-14, the # new variable value should be: init_val - gradient * learning_rate, # which is 1 - 1 * 2**-14 self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(layer.v), 1 - 2**-14) def _test_checkpointing_layer_weights(self, strategy_fn, mixed_prec_when_saving, mixed_prec_when_loading): # In this test, we potentially save with mixed precision enabled and load # with mixed precision disabled, or vice versa. This is possible because # variables are float32 regardless of whether mixed precision is enabled. save_policy = 'infer_float32_vars' if mixed_prec_when_saving else 'infer' load_policy = 'infer_float32_vars' if mixed_prec_when_loading else 'infer' save_input_dtype = 'float16' if mixed_prec_when_saving else 'float32' load_input_dtype = 'float16' if mixed_prec_when_loading else 'float32' # Create a layer and save a checkpoint. x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=save_input_dtype) with strategy_fn().scope(): with policy.policy_scope(save_policy): layer = AddLayer(assert_type=save_input_dtype) layer(x) # Build layer layer.set_weights([np.array(100.)]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(layer(x)), 101.) checkpoint = trackable_utils.Checkpoint(layer=layer) prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), 'ckpt') save_path = # Create a new layer and restore the checkpoint. x = constant_op.constant([1.], dtype=load_input_dtype) with strategy_fn().scope(): with policy.policy_scope(load_policy): layer = AddLayer(assert_type=load_input_dtype) layer(x) # Build layer layer.set_weights([np.array(200.)]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(layer(x)), 201.) checkpoint = trackable_utils.Checkpoint(layer=layer) checkpoint.restore(save_path).assert_consumed().run_restore_ops() self.assertEqual(layer.get_weights(), [100.]) self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(layer(x)), 101.) @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_checkpointing_layer_weights(self, strategy_fn): self._test_checkpointing_layer_weights( strategy_fn, mixed_prec_when_saving=True, mixed_prec_when_loading=True) self._test_checkpointing_layer_weights( strategy_fn, mixed_prec_when_saving=True, mixed_prec_when_loading=False) self._test_checkpointing_layer_weights( strategy_fn, mixed_prec_when_saving=False, mixed_prec_when_loading=True) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_delete_variable(self): layer = base_layer.Layer(dtype=policy.Policy('mixed_float16')) layer.x = layer.add_weight('x') self.assertEqual(layer.trainable_weights, [layer.x]) del layer.x self.assertEqual(layer.trainable_weights, []) class KerasModelTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): """Test mixed precision with Keras models.""" def _is_strategy_supported(self, strategy_fn, check_model_type=False): if (strategy_fn != default_strategy_fn and (testing_utils.should_run_eagerly() or (check_model_type and testing_utils.get_model_type() == 'subclass'))): # Distribution strategies do not support subclassed models or running with # `run_eagerly=True`. return False else: return True @keras_parameterized.run_with_all_model_types @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'operator', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'use_operator': True }, { 'testcase_name': 'regularizer', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'use_regularizer': True }, { 'testcase_name': 'infer', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'policy_name': 'mixed_float16' }, { 'testcase_name': 'norun_distributed', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'experimental_run_tf_function': False }) @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_model(self, strategy_fn, use_operator=False, use_regularizer=False, policy_name='mixed_float16', experimental_run_tf_function=True): if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn, check_model_type=True): return regularizer = IdentityRegularizer() if use_regularizer else None with strategy_fn().scope(): # Pass loss_scale=None, as this test will fail if the DynamicLossScale # skips applying gradients for a step with policy.policy_scope(policy.Policy(policy_name, loss_scale=None)): layer_list = [] if testing_utils.get_model_type() == 'subclass': # Subclassed models do not have an Input layer, so the model does not # cast inputs to the Input layer's dtype. Therefore, we need to # manually insert a float16 cast. cast_f16_layer = layers.Lambda( lambda x: math_ops.cast(x, 'float16'), input_shape=(1,)) layer_list.append(cast_f16_layer) layer = AddLayer( assert_type=dtypes.float16, use_operator=use_operator, regularizer=regularizer, input_shape=(1,)) cast_f32_layer = layers.Lambda(lambda x: math_ops.cast(x, 'float32')) layer_list += [layer, cast_f32_layer] model = testing_utils.get_model_from_layers( layer_list, input_shape=(1,), input_dtype=dtypes.float16) def loss_fn(y_true, y_pred): del y_true return math_ops.reduce_mean(y_pred) # Learning rate is small enough that if applied to a float16 variable, # the variable will not change. So this tests the learning rate not # applied to a float16 value, but instead the float32 variable. opt = gradient_descent.SGD(2**-14) model.compile( opt, loss=loss_fn, run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()) x = np.ones((2, 1)) y = np.ones((2, 1)) dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x, y)).batch(2) # Variable starts at 1, and should have gradient of 2 ** -14 subtracted # from it. expected = 1 - 2**-14 if use_regularizer: # Regularizer adds another 2 ** -14 to the gradient. expected -= 2**-14 self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), expected) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'norun_distributed', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'experimental_run_tf_function': False, }) def test_fixed_loss_scaling(self, strategy_fn, experimental_run_tf_function=True): # Note: We do not test mixed precision in this method, only loss scaling. if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn): return loss_scale = 8. batch_size = 4 with strategy_fn().scope(): x = layers.Input(shape=(1,), batch_size=batch_size) layer = AddLayer() y = layer(x) # The gradient of 'y' at this point is 1. With loss scaling, the gradient # is 'loss_scale'. We divide by the batch size since the loss is averaged # across batch elements. expected_gradient = loss_scale / batch_size identity_with_grad_check_fn = ( mp_test_util.create_identity_with_grad_check_fn([expected_gradient])) y = core.Lambda(identity_with_grad_check_fn)(y) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) def loss_fn(y_true, y_pred): del y_true return math_ops.reduce_mean(y_pred) opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1.) opt = loss_scale_optimizer.LossScaleOptimizer(opt, loss_scale) model.compile( opt, loss=loss_fn, run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()) self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), 1) x = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) y = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x, y)).batch(batch_size) # Variable starts at 1, and should have gradient of 1 subtracted from it. expected = 0 self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), expected) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'loss_scaling', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'use_loss_scaling': True }) @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_advanced_model(self, strategy_fn, use_loss_scaling=False): # The advanced model tests mixed-precision-related features that would occur # in a resnet50 model. It tests a model that has: # * Multiple layers, some which use auto-cast variables and some which do # not # * Regularization on some variables and not others. # * A fixed loss scale (if use_loss_scaling is True) if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn): return strategy = strategy_fn() if use_loss_scaling: loss_scale = 8. else: loss_scale = None learning_rate = 2**-14 with strategy.scope(): with policy.policy_scope(policy.Policy('mixed_float16', loss_scale=loss_scale)): x = layers.Input(shape=(1,), batch_size=2) layer1 = AddLayer( assert_type=dtypes.float16, regularizer=IdentityRegularizer(), use_operator=True) layer2 = AddLayerWithoutAutoCast( assert_type=dtypes.float16, use_operator=True) layer3 = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float16, use_operator=False) layer4 = AddLayerWithoutAutoCast( assert_type=dtypes.float16, regularizer=IdentityRegularizer(), use_operator=False) y = layer1(x) y = layer2(y) y = layer3(y) y = layer4(y) if use_loss_scaling: # The gradient of 'y' at this point is 1. With loss scaling, the # gradient is 'loss_scale'. We divide by the batch size of 2 since the # loss is averaged across batch elements. expected_gradient = loss_scale / 2 identity_with_grad_check_fn = ( mp_test_util.create_identity_with_grad_check_fn( expected_dtype=dtypes.float16, expected_gradient=[expected_gradient])) y = core.Lambda(identity_with_grad_check_fn)(y) y = math_ops.cast(y, dtypes.float32) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) def loss_fn(y_true, y_pred): self.assertEqual(y_true.dtype, dtypes.float32) self.assertEqual(y_pred.dtype, dtypes.float32) return math_ops.reduce_mean(y_pred) opt = gradient_descent.SGD(learning_rate) model.compile( opt, loss=loss_fn, run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()) x = np.ones((2, 1)) y = np.ones((2, 1)) dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x, y)).batch(2) for layer in (layer1, layer2, layer3, layer4): if layer.losses: # Layer has weight regularizer self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), 1 - 2 * learning_rate) else: # Layer does not have weight regularizer self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), 1 - learning_rate) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'pass_loss_scale_to_policy', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'pass_loss_scale_to_policy': True, }, { 'testcase_name': 'norun_distributed', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'experimental_run_tf_function': False, }) def test_dynamic_loss_scaling(self, strategy_fn, pass_loss_scale_to_policy=False, experimental_run_tf_function=True): if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn): return strategy = strategy_fn() initial_loss_scale = 2. batch_size = 4 loss_scale = loss_scale_module.DynamicLossScale( initial_loss_scale=initial_loss_scale, increment_period=2) expected_gradient = backend.variable([initial_loss_scale / batch_size], dtype=dtypes.float16) # If this variable is set to True, the model below will have NaN gradients have_nan_gradients = backend.variable(False, dtype=dtypes.bool) with strategy.scope(): opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1.) if pass_loss_scale_to_policy: p = policy.Policy('infer_float32_vars', loss_scale=loss_scale) else: p = policy.Policy('infer_float32_vars') opt = loss_scale_optimizer.LossScaleOptimizer(opt, loss_scale) with policy.policy_scope(p): x = layers.Input( shape=(1,), batch_size=batch_size, dtype=dtypes.float16) layer = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float16) y = layer(x) identity_with_nan_grads = ( mp_test_util.create_identity_with_nan_gradients_fn( have_nan_gradients)) y = core.Lambda(identity_with_nan_grads)(y) identity_with_grad_check_fn = ( mp_test_util.create_identity_with_grad_check_fn( expected_dtype=dtypes.float16, expected_gradient=expected_gradient)) y = core.Lambda(identity_with_grad_check_fn)(y) y = math_ops.cast(y, dtypes.float32) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) def loss_fn(y_true, y_pred): del y_true return math_ops.reduce_mean(y_pred) model.compile( opt, loss=loss_fn, run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()) self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), 1) x = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) y = np.ones((batch_size, 1)) dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x, y)).batch(batch_size) # The variables starts with 1 and has a gradient of 1, so will go down by 1 # each step. self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), 0) self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), -1) # There have been two steps without NaNs, so the loss scale will double backend.set_value(expected_gradient, backend.get_value(expected_gradient * 2)) self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), -2) # Next test with NaN gradients. backend.set_value(have_nan_gradients, True) # Variable should not be updated self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), -2) # Test with finite gradients again backend.set_value(have_nan_gradients, False) # The loss scale will be halved due to the NaNs, so the gradient will also # be halved backend.set_value(expected_gradient, backend.get_value(expected_gradient / 2)) self.assertEqual(backend.eval(layer.v), -3) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_loss_scale_optimizer_overrides_policy_loss_scale(self): with policy.policy_scope(policy.Policy('float32', loss_scale=10.)): opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1.) opt = loss_scale_optimizer.LossScaleOptimizer(opt, loss_scale=5.) x = layers.Input(shape=(1,)) y = AddLayer()(x) model = models.Model(x, y) model.compile(opt, loss='mse') self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(model.optimizer.loss_scale()), 5.) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_pass_invalid_optimizer_with_loss_scaling(self): with policy.policy_scope(policy.Policy('float32', loss_scale=10.)): x = layers.Input(shape=(1,)) y = AddLayer()(x) model = models.Model(x, y) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'optimizer" must be an instance of '): model.compile(optimizers.SGD(1.), 'mse') @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes @testing_utils.enable_v2_dtype_behavior def test_functional_model_loss_dtype(self): with policy.policy_scope('float16'): x = layers.Input(shape=(1,)) y = AddLayer()(x) model = models.Model(x, y) model.add_loss(math_ops.cast(y, 'float32')) # The loss should not be casted to the policy's dtype. self.assertEqual(model.losses[0].dtype, 'float32') @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'base_h5', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, 'h5': True, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute_h5', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'h5': True, }) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes def test_save_weights_with_autocast_vars(self, strategy_fn, h5=False): with strategy_fn().scope(): with policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): x = layers.Input(shape=(1,), batch_size=2, dtype=dtypes.float16) layer = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float16) y = layer(x) y = math_ops.cast(y, dtypes.float32) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) model.set_weights([np.array(100.)]) x = np.ones((2, 1), dtype=np.float16) self.assertAllClose(backend.get_value(model(x)), x + 100.) suffix = '.h5' if h5 else '' weights_file = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), 'weights' + suffix) model.save_weights(weights_file) model.set_weights([np.array(200.)]) self.assertAllClose(backend.get_value(model(x)), x + 200.) model.load_weights(weights_file) self.assertAllClose(backend.get_value(model(x)), x + 100.) self.assertEqual(model.get_weights(), [np.array(100.)]) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'different_var_name', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, 'var_name': 'w' }, { 'testcase_name': 'different_var_name_distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'var_name': 'w' }) def test_save_slot_variables_with_autocast_vars(self, strategy_fn, var_name='v'): if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn): return with strategy_fn().scope(), policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): x = layers.Input(shape=(2,), batch_size=2, dtype=dtypes.float16) # Having a var_name other than 'v' tests that a fixed bug (b/134713714) # does not reoccur. The bug was that a crash would occur when saving a # checkpoint where an AutoCastVariable with a slot variable would have a # different name than the layer attribute's name (layer.v in this case). layer = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float16, var_name=var_name) y = layer(x) y = math_ops.cast(y, dtypes.float32) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1., 1.) model.compile( optimizer=opt, loss='mse', run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()), 2)), np.zeros((2, 2)), batch_size=2) weights_file = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), 'weights') model.save_weights(weights_file) saved_slot = backend.get_value(opt.get_slot(layer.v, 'momentum')), 2)), np.zeros((2, 2)), batch_size=2) new_slot = backend.get_value(opt.get_slot(layer.v, 'momentum')) self.assertNotEqual(new_slot, saved_slot) model.load_weights(weights_file) restored_slot = backend.get_value(opt.get_slot(layer.v, 'momentum')) self.assertEqual(restored_slot, saved_slot) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters(*TESTCASES) def test_save_weights_with_dynamic_loss_scaling(self, strategy_fn): if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn): return strategy = strategy_fn() if (isinstance(strategy, mirrored_strategy.MirroredStrategy) and not context.executing_eagerly()): # TODO(b/121381184): Enable running the test in this case. return # Create and run model. with strategy.scope(): x = layers.Input(shape=(2,), batch_size=2, dtype=dtypes.float32) y = AddLayer(assert_type=dtypes.float32)(x) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) loss_scale = loss_scale_module.DynamicLossScale( initial_loss_scale=1., increment_period=2., multiplier=2.) opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1.) opt = loss_scale_optimizer.LossScaleOptimizer(opt, loss_scale) model.compile( optimizer=opt, loss='mse', run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()) # Run for 3 steps (6 examples with a batch size of 2), 2)), np.zeros((6, 2)), batch_size=2) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale()), 2) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale._num_good_steps), 1) # Save model weights. save_prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), 'ckpt') model.save_weights(save_prefix) # Run model again for 1 step (2 examples with a batch size of 2), 2)), np.zeros((2, 2)), batch_size=2) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale()), 4) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale._num_good_steps), 0) # Load model weights and ensure loss scale weights are restored. model.load_weights(save_prefix) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale()), 2) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale._num_good_steps), 1) @keras_parameterized.run_all_keras_modes @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, }, { 'testcase_name': 'base_h5', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, 'h5': True, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute_h5', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'h5': True, }) def test_save_model_with_dynamic_loss_scaling(self, strategy_fn, h5=False): if not self._is_strategy_supported(strategy_fn): return strategy = strategy_fn() if (isinstance(strategy, mirrored_strategy.MirroredStrategy) and not context.executing_eagerly()): # TODO(b/121381184): Enable running the test in this case. return # Create and run model. with strategy.scope(): x = layers.Input(shape=(2,), batch_size=2, dtype=dtypes.float32) y = AddLayer()(x) model = models.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y) loss_scale = loss_scale_module.DynamicLossScale( initial_loss_scale=1., increment_period=2., multiplier=2.) opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1.) opt = loss_scale_optimizer.LossScaleOptimizer(opt, loss_scale) model.compile( optimizer=opt, loss='mse', run_eagerly=testing_utils.should_run_eagerly(), experimental_run_tf_function=testing_utils.should_run_tf_function()) # Run for 3 steps (6 examples with a batch size of 2), 2)), np.zeros((6, 2)), batch_size=2) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale()), 2) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale._num_good_steps), 1) (weight,) = model.trainable_weights orig_weight = backend.get_value(weight) # Save model weights. save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), 'model'), save_format='h5' if h5 else 'tf') # Run model again for 1 step (2 examples with a batch size of 2), 2)), np.zeros((2, 2)), batch_size=2) new_weight = backend.get_value(weight) self.assertNotEqual(new_weight, orig_weight) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale()), 4) self.assertEqual(backend.get_value(loss_scale._num_good_steps), 0) # Load model weights and ensure loss scale weights are restored. model = saving.load_model(save_path, custom_objects={'AddLayer': AddLayer}) loss_scale = model.optimizer.loss_scale (weight,) = model.trainable_weights loaded_weight = backend.get_value(weight) self.assertEqual(loaded_weight, orig_weight) # Currently the loss scale isn't always saved when the model is saved with # So we assert the loss scale either has the value when it was # saved, or the value it was initialized with. # TODO(reedwm): Always save/restore the loss scale with self.assertIn(backend.get_value(loss_scale()), (1, 2)) self.assertIn(backend.get_value(loss_scale._num_good_steps), (0, 1)) class RnnTest(keras_parameterized.TestCase): """Test mixed precision with RNNs.""" # TODO(b/136512020): Support and test recurrent_v2.GRU. @parameterized.named_parameters( { 'testcase_name': 'base_simple', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, 'rnn_class': recurrent.SimpleRNN, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute_simple', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'rnn_class': recurrent.SimpleRNN, }, { 'testcase_name': 'base_gru', 'strategy_fn': default_strategy_fn, 'rnn_class': recurrent.GRU, }, { 'testcase_name': 'distribute_gru', 'strategy_fn': create_mirrored_strategy, 'rnn_class': recurrent.GRU, }) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes # RNNs do not work properly with GradientTape in graph mode when V1 control # flow is used. @test_util.enable_control_flow_v2 def test_rnn(self, strategy_fn, rnn_class): x = array_ops.ones((2, 3, 4), dtype=dtypes.float16) strategy = strategy_fn() with strategy.scope(), policy.policy_scope('infer_float32_vars'): layer = rnn_class(units=4) def run_fn(): with backprop.GradientTape() as tape: y = layer(x) self.assertEqual(y.dtype, dtypes.float16) opt = gradient_descent.SGD(1.) grads = tape.gradient(y, layer.trainable_weights) return opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, layer.trainable_weights)) op = strategy.experimental_run(run_fn) if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.evaluate(op) for v in layer.weights: self.assertEqual(v.dtype, dtypes.float32) if __name__ == '__main__': test.main()
from nextcloudappstore.core.models import PhpExtensionDependency, \ DatabaseDependency, Category, AppAuthor, AppRelease, Screenshot, \ AppRating, App from nextcloudappstore.core.validators import HttpsUrlValidator from parler_rest.fields import TranslatedFieldsField from parler_rest.serializers import TranslatableModelSerializer from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework.fields import SerializerMethodField, DateTimeField from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model class PhpExtensionDependencySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source='') version_spec = SerializerMethodField() raw_version_spec = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = PhpExtensionDependency fields = ('id', 'version_spec', 'raw_version_spec') def get_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.version_spec.replace(',', ' ') def get_raw_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.raw_version_spec.replace(',', ' ') class DatabaseDependencySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): id = serializers.ReadOnlyField(source='') version_spec = SerializerMethodField() raw_version_spec = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = DatabaseDependency fields = ('id', 'version_spec', 'raw_version_spec') def get_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.version_spec.replace(',', ' ') def get_raw_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.raw_version_spec.replace(',', ' ') class CategorySerializer(TranslatableModelSerializer): translations = TranslatedFieldsField(shared_model=Category) class Meta: model = Category fields = ('id', 'translations') class AuthorSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = AppAuthor fields = ('name', 'mail', 'homepage') class AppReleaseSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): databases = DatabaseDependencySerializer(many=True, read_only=True, source='databasedependencies') php_extensions = \ PhpExtensionDependencySerializer(many=True, read_only=True, source='phpextensiondependencies') php_version_spec = SerializerMethodField() platform_version_spec = SerializerMethodField() raw_php_version_spec = SerializerMethodField() raw_platform_version_spec = SerializerMethodField() translations = TranslatedFieldsField(shared_model=AppRelease) class Meta: model = AppRelease fields = ( 'version', 'php_extensions', 'databases', 'shell_commands', 'php_version_spec', 'platform_version_spec', 'min_int_size', 'download', 'created', 'licenses', 'last_modified', 'is_nightly', 'raw_php_version_spec', 'raw_platform_version_spec', 'signature', 'translations', ) def get_platform_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.platform_version_spec.replace(',', ' ') def get_php_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.php_version_spec.replace(',', ' ') def get_raw_platform_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.raw_platform_version_spec.replace(',', ' ') def get_raw_php_version_spec(self, obj): return obj.raw_php_version_spec.replace(',', ' ') class ScreenshotSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Screenshot fields = ('url', 'small_thumbnail') class AppSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): releases = SerializerMethodField() screenshots = ScreenshotSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) authors = AuthorSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) translations = TranslatedFieldsField(shared_model=App) last_modified = DateTimeField(source='last_release') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.version = kwargs.pop('version') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class Meta: model = App fields = ( 'id', 'categories', 'user_docs', 'admin_docs', 'developer_docs', 'issue_tracker', 'website', 'created', 'last_modified', 'releases', 'screenshots', 'translations', 'is_featured', 'authors', 'rating_recent', 'rating_overall', 'rating_num_recent', 'rating_num_overall', 'certificate', ) def get_releases(self, obj): releases = obj.releases.prefetch_related( 'translations', 'databases', 'licenses', 'phpextensiondependencies__php_extension', 'databasedependencies__database', 'shell_commands', ).all() if self.version: data = [r for r in releases if r.is_compatible(self.version)] else: data = releases return AppReleaseSerializer(data, many=True, read_only=True).data class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = get_user_model() fields = ('id', 'first_name', 'last_name') class AppRatingSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): user = UserSerializer(many=False, read_only=True) translations = TranslatedFieldsField(shared_model=AppRating) class Meta: model = AppRating fields = ('rating', 'rated_at', 'translations', 'user', 'app') class AppReleaseDownloadSerializer(serializers.Serializer): download = serializers.URLField(validators=[HttpsUrlValidator()]) signature = serializers.CharField() nightly = serializers.BooleanField(required=False, default=False) class AppRegisterSerializer(serializers.Serializer): certificate = serializers.CharField() signature = serializers.CharField()
import django.shortcuts import django.conf import django.contrib.auth import django.contrib.auth.forms import django.core.urlresolvers import django.views.generic # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, too-many-ancestors, unused-argument class RootView(django.views.generic.TemplateView): template_name = 'root.html' class LoginView(django.views.generic.FormView): form_class = django.contrib.auth.forms.AuthenticationForm redirect_arg = 'next' template_name = 'login.html' def get(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.request.user.is_authenticated(): return django.shortcuts.redirect(self.get_success_url()) return super(LoginView, self).get(*args, **kwargs) def get_success_url(self): request_params = getattr(self.request, self.request.method) if self.redirect_arg in request_params: return request_params[self.redirect_arg] elif self.redirect_arg in self.kwargs: return self.kwargs[self.redirect_arg] else: return django.conf.settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL def form_valid(self, form): django.contrib.auth.login(self.request, form.get_user()) return super(LoginView, self).form_valid(form) class LogoutView(django.views.generic.View): redirect_url = django.core.urlresolvers.reverse_lazy('root') def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def post(self, *args, **kwargs): django.contrib.auth.logout(self.request) return django.shortcuts.redirect(self.redirect_url)
''' Created on 10 Sep 2014 @author: gustavo ''' from reduction import Reduction from polynomial import Polynomial from threadc import ThreadCount import os import threading import threading def recoverfile(saved, readed): if not os.path.exists(saved): return True, [] f = open(saved,'r') if(not os.stat(saved).st_size==0): pols = [] pols_done = [] for line in readed: pol = Polynomial(line) pols.append(pol) for line in f: line = line.replace("[","") line = line.replace("]","") spl = line.split(',') p = "" for i in xrange(0,len(spl)-1): p = p + " + x^" + str(spl[i].replace(" ","")) p = p + " + 1" p = p.replace("+","",1) #print p pol_ = Polynomial(p) pols_done.append(pol_) pols_set = set(pols) pols_set_done = set(pols_done) result = pols_set - pols_set_done return False, list(result) else: return True, [] if __name__ == '__main__': lock = threading.Lock() lockScreen = threading.Lock() files = ["pol_163_.txt"] #degrees = [21, 97, 139, 163, 233, 283, 571, 1021, 1163] #degree = 571 for fileName in files: save = 'result_pol_'+fileName f = open(fileName,'r') read, pols = recoverfile(save, f) if read: for line in f: pol = Polynomial(line) pols.append(pol) print len(pols) threads = [] i = 0 j = 30 print "starting...." for temp in range(0, len(pols)): if (j > len(pols)): j = len(pols) thread = ThreadCount(temp,lockScreen, lock, pols[i:j], save) i = j+1 j += 1 threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.start() for current in threads: current.join()
# # - Registery and tracking of visible human faces # Copyright (C) 2014,2015,2016 Hanson Robotics # Copyright (C) 2015,2016 Linas Vepstas # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import rospy import logging from std_msgs.msg import Int32 # FIXME: In developer role of hrtool hr_msgs and pi_face_tracker conflict, why? # from hr_msgs.msg import FaceEvent, Faces from pi_face_tracker.msg import FaceEvent, Faces from atomic_msgs import AtomicMsgs logger = logging.getLogger('hr.eva_behavior.face_track') # Thin python wrapper, to subscribe to face-tracking ROS messages, # (face ID's, 3D face locations) and then re-wrap these as OpenCog # atoms, via AtomicMsgs, and forward them on into the OpenCog # space-time server. # class FaceTrack: # Control flags. Ideally, FaceTrack should publish targets using # ros_commo EvaControl class. C_EYES = 16 C_FACE = 32 # Face tracking will be disabled if neither of these flags are set. # (this allows for a manual over-ride of face-tracking by other # control processes.) C_FACE_TRACKING = C_FACE | C_EYES def __init__(self): # The OpenCog API. This is used to send face data to OpenCog. self.atomo = AtomicMsgs() self.atomo.create_face_octomap() # List of currently visible faces self.visible_faces = [] # Subscribed pi_vision topics and events self.TOPIC_FACE_EVENT = "/camera/face_event" self.EVENT_NEW_FACE = "new_face" self.EVENT_LOST_FACE = "lost_face" self.EVENT_RECOGNIZED_FACE = "recognized_face" # Overrides current face being tracked by WebUI self.EVENT_TRACK_FACE = "track_face" self.TOPIC_FACE_LOCATIONS = "/camera/face_locations" # Face appearance/disappearance from pi_vision rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_FACE_EVENT, FaceEvent, self.face_event_cb) # Face location information from pi_vision rospy.Subscriber(self.TOPIC_FACE_LOCATIONS, Faces, self.face_loc_cb) rospy.Subscriber("/behavior_control", Int32, self.behavior_control_cb) # Control Eyes and face by default self.control_mode = 255 # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Start tracking a face def add_face(self, faceid): if faceid in self.visible_faces: return self.visible_faces.append(faceid)"New face added to visibile faces: " + str(self.visible_faces)) self.atomo.add_face_to_atomspace(faceid) # Stop tracking a face def remove_face(self, faceid): self.atomo.remove_face_from_atomspace(faceid) if faceid in self.visible_faces: self.visible_faces.remove(faceid)"Lost face; visibile faces now: " + str(self.visible_faces)) # Force the robot to turn its attention to the given # face (to interact with, talk with) that face. def track_face(self, faceid): if faceid in self.visible_faces:"Face requested interaction: " + str(faceid)) self.atomo.add_tracked_face_to_atomspace(faceid) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # pi_vision ROS callbacks # pi_vision ROS callback, called when a new face is detected, # or a face is lost. Also called for recognized faces. # # This callback handles recognized faces using a special message # format, published on the `/camera/face_locations`. Note that # there is also a different topic for recognized faces, called # `/camera/face_recognition`. See the `` file for # details. I am not sure what subsystem published which message # type. XXX FIXME - figure out why there are two different # face recognition subsystems, and standardize one which we # should use. def face_event_cb(self, data): if not self.control_mode & self.C_FACE_TRACKING: return if data.face_event == self.EVENT_NEW_FACE: self.add_face(data.face_id) elif data.face_event == self.EVENT_LOST_FACE: self.remove_face(data.face_id) elif data.face_event == self.EVENT_TRACK_FACE: self.track_face(data.face_id) elif data.face_event == self.EVENT_RECOGNIZED_FACE: self.atomo.face_recognition(data.face_id, data.recognized_id) # pi_vision ROS callback, called when pi_vision has new face # location data for us. This happens frequently (about 10x/second) def face_loc_cb(self, data): if not self.control_mode & self.C_FACE_TRACKING: return for face in data.faces: # Update location of a face. The location is stored in the # OpenCog space server (octomap). if in self.visible_faces: self.atomo.update_face_octomap(, face.point.x, face.point.y, face.point.z) # Enable/disable Opencog face-tracking. This is driven by the # master control GUI. XXX FIXME -- why should this ever be disabled? # OpenCog should always know about faces; perhaps it is congtrol of # head and eye movements that should be disabled? def behavior_control_cb(self, data): # Is facetracking currently enabled? facetracking = self.control_mode & self.C_FACE_TRACKING self.control_mode = print("New Control mode %i" % self.control_mode ) # If face-tracking was enabled, and is now disabled ... if facetracking > 0 and self.control_mode & self.C_FACE_TRACKING == 0: self.atomo.update_ft_state_to_atomspace(False) # Need to clear faces: for face in self.visible_faces[:]: self.remove_face(face) elif self.control_mode & self.C_FACE_TRACKING > 0: self.atomo.update_ft_state_to_atomspace(True)
""" Define basic structures. """ from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals from ..register_tag import yaml_auto_map, yaml_implicit_scalar @yaml_auto_map class GenericMap(object): """A generic tag definition for test and example.""" @yaml_implicit_scalar class YAMLComplex(complex): # > [1] < yaml_pattern = (r'[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eEdD][+-]?\d+)?' r' *[+-] *[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eEdD][+-]?\d+)?i') # > [2] <> [3] < # [1] and [3] float with optional sign and exponential notation, will # also match integers and .1 like (fortran does not produce this though) # [2] + or - with optional blanks around @staticmethod def __new__(*args, **kwargs): return complex.__new__(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_scalar(cls, scal): return cls(scal # python always uses double and only recognise E and e .replace('d', 'e') .replace('D', 'e') # python uses j instead of i (as in electro magnetism) .replace('i', 'j') # spaces have to be stripped out around the central + or - .replace(' ', '') # python expects only one + or - in string form .replace('+-', '-') .replace('-+', '-')) def to_scalar(self): return repr(self)[1:-1] # remove parentheses class AbinitMessage(object): _is_abinit_message = True @yaml_auto_map class AbinitError(AbinitMessage): """Base class for Abinit messages.""" __yaml_tag = 'ERROR' @yaml_auto_map class AbinitWarning(AbinitMessage): __yaml_tag = 'WARNING' # MG: Is this uses somewhere? @yaml_auto_map class AbinitInfo(AbinitMessage): __yaml_tag = 'INFO' @yaml_auto_map class AbinitComment(AbinitMessage): __yaml_tag = 'COMMENT' @yaml_auto_map class DatasetInfo(object): __yaml_tag = 'DatasetInfo' @yaml_auto_map class BeginCycle(object): __yaml_tag = 'BeginCycle'
# -*- coding: utf-8 –*- import sys reload(sys) import os sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) #sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = range(8) #following from Python cookbook, #475186 def has_colours(stream): if not hasattr(stream, "isatty"): return False if not stream.isatty(): return False # auto color only on TTYs try: import curses curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except: # guess false in case of error return False has_colours = has_colours(sys.stdout) def print_color(text, colour=WHITE): if has_colours: seq = "\x1b[1;%dm" % (30+colour) + text + "\x1b[0m" sys.stdout.write(seq) else: sys.stdout.write(text) def print_ok( text ): print_color(text + "\n", GREEN) def print_error(text): print_color(text + "\n", RED) def helloworld(): print "helloworld" def listdir_fullpath(d): if not os.path.exists( d ): print_error("listdir_full path: ERROR dir not exit :" + d ) sys.exit(1) return [os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d)] def add_to_exist_file( file_name , line ): with open( file_name , "r+U") as f: try:, 2) while == "\n":, 1) # go back two characters, since # reading advances by one character except IOError: # seek failed, so the file consists # exclusively of newline characters #else: # f.write("\n") # Add exactly one newline character if not line.endswith("\n"): line = line + "\n" f.write( line ) # Add a new line def get_file_content_as_list( file_name ): f = open( file_name ) lines = f.readlines() f.close() return lines def get_gopath(): return os.environ['GOPATH'] def get_projects_str_by_app_type(app_type=""): #if "gobbs" == app_type: # return get_projects_str() gopath = get_gopath() if 0 == len(gopath): print_error( "ERROR GOPATH not set." ) sys.exit(1) proj_file = gopath + "/" + app_type + "_projects.txt" if not os.path.exists( proj_file ): print_error("ERROR proj_file not exit :" + proj_file ) sys.exit(1) contents = get_file_content_as_list(proj_file) cs = "" for one in contents: cs = cs + " " + one print cs return cs def get_projects_str(): gopath = get_gopath() if 0 == len(gopath): print_error( "ERROR GOPATH not set." ) sys.exit(1) proj_file = gopath + "/gobbs_projects.txt" if not os.path.exists( proj_file ): print_error("ERROR proj_file not exit :" + proj_file ) sys.exit(1) contents = get_file_content_as_list(proj_file) cs = "" for one in contents: cs = cs + " " + one return cs def check_app_type_and_instance_name( app_type , instance_name ): print "app type:", app_type if app_type not in get_projects_str_by_app_type(app_type): print_error("ERROR\n") print_error( "not find app type:"+ app_type ) return False print "instance name:", instance_name # how to check instance name? mydir = os.getcwd() src_dir = mydir + "/src" app_dir = src_dir + "/" + app_type app_views_dir = src_dir + "/" + app_type +"_views" files = listdir_fullpath( app_views_dir ) all_instance_name = "" find_instance = False for one in files: if not os.path.isdir( one ): continue one = one.replace( app_views_dir , "" )[1:] if one == instance_name: find_instance = True all_instance_name = all_instance_name + " " + one if not find_instance : print_error( "instance :" + instance_name + " not in instance_name list :" ) print_error( " check your app_views_dir: " + app_views_dir ) print all_instance_name return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": print os.environ['HOME'] print os.environ['GOPATH']
import os from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map from google.appengine.api.app_identity import get_application_id from google.appengine.api.datastore import Entity, Put have_appserver = bool(apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('datastore_v3')) if not have_appserver: from .boot import PROJECT_DIR from import old_dev_appserver as dev_appserver appconfig = dev_appserver.LoadAppConfig(PROJECT_DIR, {}, default_partition='dev')[0] def appid(): if have_appserver: return get_application_id() else: try: return appconfig.application.split('~', 1)[-1] except ImportError, e: raise Exception("Could not get appid. Is your app.yaml file missing? " "Error was: %s" % e) on_production_server = 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' in os.environ and not os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith("Development") def bulk_create(instances, connection=None): """ Uses AppEngine's bulk Put() call on a number of instances this will NOT call save() but it will return the instances with their primary_key populated (unlike Django's bulk_create) """ if connection is None: from django.db import connection from .fields import AncestorKey def prepare_entity(instance): if isinstance(, AncestorKey): parent = else: parent = None result = Entity(instance._meta.db_table, parent=parent) for field in instance._meta.fields: if == "id": continue value = field.pre_save(instance, True) setattr(instance,, value) value = field.get_db_prep_save(getattr(instance, field.attname), connection) if isinstance(value, (list, set)): value = list(value) if not value: value = None result[field.column] = value return result entities = [ prepare_entity(x) for x in instances ] keys = Put(entities) assert(len(keys) == len(entities)) for i, key in enumerate(keys): assert(key) if key.parent(): instances[i]._parent_key = key.parent() instances[i].pk.key_id = key.id_or_name() else: instances[i].id = key.id_or_name() return instances
from typing import Callable, Dict, Sequence, Union import json import ray import ray.cloudpickle as cloudpickle from collections import deque import copy import logging import platform import shutil import uuid import time import os from numbers import Number from ray.tune import TuneError from ray.tune.checkpoint_manager import Checkpoint, CheckpointManager # NOTE(rkn): We import ray.tune.registry here instead of importing the names we # need because there are cyclic imports that may cause specific names to not # have been defined yet. See from ray.tune.registry import get_trainable_cls, validate_trainable from ray.tune.result import DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR, DONE, TRAINING_ITERATION from ray.tune.resources import Resources, \ json_to_resources, resources_to_json from ray.tune.utils.placement_groups import PlacementGroupFactory, \ resource_dict_to_pg_factory from ray.tune.utils.serialization import TuneFunctionEncoder from ray.tune.utils.trainable import TrainableUtil from ray.tune.utils import date_str, flatten_dict from ray.util import log_once from ray._private.utils import binary_to_hex, hex_to_binary DEBUG_PRINT_INTERVAL = 5 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Location: """Describes the location at which Trial is placed to run.""" def __init__(self, hostname=None, pid=None): self.hostname = hostname = pid def __str__(self): if not return "" elif self.hostname == platform.node(): return "pid={}".format( else: return "{}:{}".format(self.hostname, class ExportFormat: """Describes the format to import/export the trial Trainable. This may correspond to different file formats based on the Trainable implementation. """ CHECKPOINT = "checkpoint" MODEL = "model" H5 = "h5" @staticmethod def validate(formats): """Validates formats. Raises: ValueError if the format is unknown. """ for i in range(len(formats)): formats[i] = formats[i].strip().lower() if formats[i] not in [ ExportFormat.CHECKPOINT, ExportFormat.MODEL, ExportFormat.H5 ]: raise TuneError("Unsupported import/export format: " + formats[i]) def checkpoint_deleter(trial_id, runner): """Returns a checkpoint deleter callback for a runner.""" if not runner: return lambda checkpoint: None def delete(checkpoint): """Requests checkpoint deletion asynchronously. Args: checkpoint (Checkpoint): Checkpoint to delete. """ if == Checkpoint.PERSISTENT and checkpoint.value: logger.debug("Trial %s: Deleting checkpoint %s", trial_id, checkpoint.value) checkpoint_path = checkpoint.value # Delete local copy, if any exists. if os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): try: checkpoint_dir = TrainableUtil.find_checkpoint_dir( checkpoint_path) shutil.rmtree(checkpoint_dir) except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning("Checkpoint dir not found during deletion.") # TODO(ujvl): Batch remote deletes. runner.delete_checkpoint.remote(checkpoint.value) return delete class TrialInfo: """Serializable struct for holding information for a Trial. Attributes: trial_name (str): String name of the current trial. trial_id (str): trial_id of the trial """ def __init__(self, trial): self._trial_name = str(trial) self._trial_id = trial.trial_id @property def trial_name(self): return self._trial_name @property def trial_id(self): return self._trial_id def create_logdir(dirname, local_dir): local_dir = os.path.expanduser(local_dir) logdir = os.path.join(local_dir, dirname) if os.path.exists(logdir): old_dirname = dirname dirname += "_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:4]"Creating a new dirname {dirname} because " f"trial dirname '{old_dirname}' already exists.") logdir = os.path.join(local_dir, dirname) os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True) return logdir class Trial: """A trial object holds the state for one model training run. Trials are themselves managed by the TrialRunner class, which implements the event loop for submitting trial runs to a Ray cluster. Trials start in the PENDING state, and transition to RUNNING once started. On error it transitions to ERROR, otherwise TERMINATED on success. Attributes: trainable_name (str): Name of the trainable object to be executed. config (dict): Provided configuration dictionary with evaluated params. trial_id (str): Unique identifier for the trial. local_dir (str): Local_dir as passed to logdir (str): Directory where the trial logs are saved. evaluated_params (dict): Evaluated parameters by search algorithm, experiment_tag (str): Identifying trial name to show in the console. resources (Resources): Amount of resources that this trial will use. status (str): One of PENDING, RUNNING, PAUSED, TERMINATED, ERROR/ error_file (str): Path to the errors that this trial has raised. """ _nonjson_fields = [ "results", "best_result", "param_config", "extra_arg", ] PENDING = "PENDING" RUNNING = "RUNNING" PAUSED = "PAUSED" TERMINATED = "TERMINATED" ERROR = "ERROR" def __init__(self, trainable_name, config=None, trial_id=None, local_dir=DEFAULT_RESULTS_DIR, evaluated_params=None, experiment_tag="", resources=None, placement_group_factory=None, stopping_criterion=None, remote_checkpoint_dir=None, sync_to_cloud=None, checkpoint_freq=0, checkpoint_at_end=False, sync_on_checkpoint=True, keep_checkpoints_num=None, checkpoint_score_attr=TRAINING_ITERATION, export_formats=None, restore_path=None, trial_name_creator=None, trial_dirname_creator=None, log_to_file=None, max_failures=0): """Initialize a new trial. The args here take the same meaning as the command line flags defined in ray.tune.config_parser. """ validate_trainable(trainable_name) # Trial config self.trainable_name = trainable_name self.trial_id = Trial.generate_id() if trial_id is None else trial_id self.config = config or {} self.local_dir = local_dir # This remains unexpanded for syncing. #: Parameters that Tune varies across searches. self.evaluated_params = evaluated_params or {} self.experiment_tag = experiment_tag trainable_cls = self.get_trainable_cls() if trainable_cls: default_resources = trainable_cls.default_resource_request( self.config) # If Trainable returns resources, do not allow manual override via # `resources_per_trial` by the user. if default_resources: if resources or placement_group_factory: raise ValueError( "Resources for {} have been automatically set to {} " "by its `default_resource_request()` method. Please " "clear the `resources_per_trial` option.".format( trainable_cls, default_resources)) # New way: Trainable returns a PlacementGroupFactory object. if isinstance(default_resources, PlacementGroupFactory): placement_group_factory = default_resources resources = None # Set placement group factory to None for backwards # compatibility. else: placement_group_factory = None resources = default_resources self.location = Location() self.resources = resources or Resources(cpu=1, gpu=0) self.placement_group_factory = placement_group_factory self._setup_resources() self.stopping_criterion = stopping_criterion or {} self.log_to_file = log_to_file # Make sure `stdout_file, stderr_file = Trial.log_to_file` works if not self.log_to_file or not isinstance(self.log_to_file, Sequence) \ or not len(self.log_to_file) == 2: self.log_to_file = (None, None) self.max_failures = max_failures # Local trial state that is updated during the run self.last_result = {} self.last_update_time = -float("inf") # stores in memory max/min/avg/last-n-avg/last result for each # metric by trial self.metric_analysis = {} # keep a moving average over these last n steps self.n_steps = [5, 10] self.metric_n_steps = {} self.export_formats = export_formats self.status = Trial.PENDING self.start_time = None self.logdir = None self.runner = None self.last_debug = 0 self.error_file = None self.error_msg = None self.trial_name_creator = trial_name_creator self.custom_trial_name = None self.custom_dirname = None # Checkpointing fields self.saving_to = None if remote_checkpoint_dir: self.remote_checkpoint_dir_prefix = remote_checkpoint_dir else: self.remote_checkpoint_dir_prefix = None self.sync_to_cloud = sync_to_cloud self.checkpoint_freq = checkpoint_freq self.checkpoint_at_end = checkpoint_at_end self.keep_checkpoints_num = keep_checkpoints_num self.checkpoint_score_attr = checkpoint_score_attr self.sync_on_checkpoint = sync_on_checkpoint self.checkpoint_manager = CheckpointManager( keep_checkpoints_num, checkpoint_score_attr, checkpoint_deleter(self._trainable_name(), self.runner)) # Restoration fields self.restore_path = restore_path self.restoring_from = None self.num_failures = 0 # AutoML fields self.results = None self.best_result = None self.param_config = None self.extra_arg = None if trial_name_creator: self.custom_trial_name = trial_name_creator(self) if trial_dirname_creator: self.custom_dirname = trial_dirname_creator(self) if os.path.sep in self.custom_dirname: raise ValueError("Trial dirname must not contain '/'. " "Got {self.custom_dirname}") self._state_json = None self._state_valid = False def _setup_resources(self, log_always: bool = False): """Set up resource and placement group requirements. This will try to convert the resource request in ``self.resources`` to a placement group factory object. If this is unsuccessful, placement groups will not be used. Args: log_always (bool): If True, this will always log a warning if conversion from a resource dict to a placement group definition was unsuccessful (e.g. when passing ``extra_`` requests). """ if not self.placement_group_factory and \ not int(os.getenv("TUNE_PLACEMENT_GROUP_AUTO_DISABLED", "0")): try: self.placement_group_factory = resource_dict_to_pg_factory( self.resources) except ValueError as exc: if log_always or log_once("tune_pg_extra_resources"): logger.warning(exc) self.placement_group_factory = None # Set placement group factory flag to True in Resources object. if self.placement_group_factory: resource_kwargs = self.resources._asdict() resource_kwargs["has_placement_group"] = True self.resources = Resources(**resource_kwargs) @property def node_ip(self): return self.location.hostname @property def checkpoint(self): """Returns the most recent checkpoint. If the trial is in ERROR state, the most recent PERSISTENT checkpoint is returned. """ if self.status == Trial.ERROR: checkpoint = self.checkpoint_manager.newest_persistent_checkpoint else: checkpoint = self.checkpoint_manager.newest_checkpoint if checkpoint.value is None: checkpoint = Checkpoint(Checkpoint.PERSISTENT, self.restore_path) return checkpoint @classmethod def generate_id(cls): return str(uuid.uuid1().hex)[:8] @property def remote_checkpoint_dir(self): assert self.logdir, "Trial {}: logdir not initialized.".format(self) if not self.remote_checkpoint_dir_prefix: return None logdir_name = os.path.basename(self.logdir) return os.path.join(self.remote_checkpoint_dir_prefix, logdir_name) @property def uses_placement_groups(self): return bool(self.placement_group_factory) def reset(self): return Trial( self.trainable_name, config=self.config, trial_id=None, local_dir=self.local_dir, evaluated_params=self.evaluated_params, experiment_tag=self.experiment_tag, resources=self.resources, placement_group_factory=self.placement_group_factory, stopping_criterion=self.stopping_criterion, remote_checkpoint_dir=self.remote_checkpoint_dir, checkpoint_freq=self.checkpoint_freq, checkpoint_at_end=self.checkpoint_at_end, sync_on_checkpoint=self.sync_on_checkpoint, keep_checkpoints_num=self.keep_checkpoints_num, checkpoint_score_attr=self.checkpoint_score_attr, export_formats=self.export_formats, restore_path=self.restore_path, trial_name_creator=self.trial_name_creator, log_to_file=self.log_to_file, max_failures=self.max_failures, ) def init_logdir(self): """Init logdir.""" if not self.logdir: self.logdir = create_logdir(self._generate_dirname(), self.local_dir) else: os.makedirs(self.logdir, exist_ok=True) self.invalidate_json_state() def update_resources( self, resources: Union[Dict, Callable, PlacementGroupFactory]): """EXPERIMENTAL: Updates the resource requirements. Should only be called when the trial is not running. Raises: ValueError if trial status is running. """ if self.status is Trial.RUNNING: raise ValueError("Cannot update resources while Trial is running.") if isinstance(resources, PlacementGroupFactory): self.placement_group_factory = resources else: self.resources = Resources(**resources) self._setup_resources() self.invalidate_json_state() def set_runner(self, runner): self.runner = runner self.checkpoint_manager.delete = checkpoint_deleter( self._trainable_name(), runner) # No need to invalidate state cache: runner is not stored in json # self.invalidate_json_state() def set_location(self, location): """Sets the location of the trial.""" self.location = location # No need to invalidate state cache: location is not stored in json # self.invalidate_json_state() def set_status(self, status): """Sets the status of the trial.""" self.status = status if status == Trial.RUNNING: if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = time.time() self.invalidate_json_state() def set_config(self, config): self.config = config self.invalidate_json_state() def set_experiment_tag(self, experiment_tag): self.experiment_tag = experiment_tag self.invalidate_json_state() def write_error_log(self, error_msg): if error_msg and self.logdir: self.num_failures += 1 self.error_file = os.path.join(self.logdir, "error.txt") with open(self.error_file, "a+") as f: f.write("Failure # {} (occurred at {})\n".format( self.num_failures, date_str())) f.write(error_msg + "\n") self.error_msg = error_msg self.invalidate_json_state() def should_stop(self, result): """Whether the given result meets this trial's stopping criteria.""" if result.get(DONE): return True for criteria, stop_value in self.stopping_criterion.items(): if criteria not in result: raise TuneError( "Stopping criteria {} not provided in result {}.".format( criteria, result)) elif isinstance(criteria, dict): raise ValueError( "Stopping criteria is now flattened by default. " "Use forward slashes to nest values `key1/key2/key3`.") elif result[criteria] >= stop_value: return True return False def should_checkpoint(self): """Whether this trial is due for checkpointing.""" result = self.last_result or {} if result.get(DONE) and self.checkpoint_at_end: return True return (self.checkpoint_freq and result.get(TRAINING_ITERATION, 0) % self.checkpoint_freq == 0) def has_checkpoint(self): return self.checkpoint.value is not None def clear_checkpoint(self): self.checkpoint.value = None self.restoring_from = None self.invalidate_json_state() def on_checkpoint(self, checkpoint): """Hook for handling checkpoints taken by the Trainable. Args: checkpoint (Checkpoint): Checkpoint taken. """ self.checkpoint_manager.on_checkpoint(checkpoint) self.invalidate_json_state() def on_restore(self): """Handles restoration completion.""" assert self.is_restoring self.last_result = self.restoring_from.result self.restoring_from = None self.invalidate_json_state() def should_recover(self): """Returns whether the trial qualifies for retrying. This is if the trial has not failed more than max_failures. Note this may return true even when there is no checkpoint, either because `self.checkpoint_freq` is `0` or because the trial failed before a checkpoint has been made. """ return self.num_failures < self.max_failures or self.max_failures < 0 def update_last_result(self, result, terminate=False): if self.experiment_tag: result.update(experiment_tag=self.experiment_tag) self.set_location(Location(result.get("node_ip"), result.get("pid"))) self.last_result = result self.last_update_time = time.time() for metric, value in flatten_dict(result).items(): if isinstance(value, Number): if metric not in self.metric_analysis: self.metric_analysis[metric] = { "max": value, "min": value, "avg": value, "last": value } self.metric_n_steps[metric] = {} for n in self.n_steps: key = "last-{:d}-avg".format(n) self.metric_analysis[metric][key] = value # Store n as string for correct restore. self.metric_n_steps[metric][str(n)] = deque( [value], maxlen=n) else: step = result["training_iteration"] or 1 self.metric_analysis[metric]["max"] = max( value, self.metric_analysis[metric]["max"]) self.metric_analysis[metric]["min"] = min( value, self.metric_analysis[metric]["min"]) self.metric_analysis[metric]["avg"] = 1 / step * ( value + (step - 1) * self.metric_analysis[metric]["avg"]) self.metric_analysis[metric]["last"] = value for n in self.n_steps: key = "last-{:d}-avg".format(n) self.metric_n_steps[metric][str(n)].append(value) self.metric_analysis[metric][key] = sum( self.metric_n_steps[metric][str(n)]) / len( self.metric_n_steps[metric][str(n)]) self.invalidate_json_state() def get_trainable_cls(self): return get_trainable_cls(self.trainable_name) def is_finished(self): return self.status in [Trial.ERROR, Trial.TERMINATED] @property def is_restoring(self): return self.restoring_from is not None @property def is_saving(self): return self.saving_to is not None def __repr__(self): return self._trainable_name(include_trial_id=True) def __str__(self): return self._trainable_name(include_trial_id=True) def _trainable_name(self, include_trial_id=False): """Combines ``env`` with ``trainable_name`` and ``trial_id``. Can be overridden with a custom string creator. """ if self.custom_trial_name: return self.custom_trial_name if "env" in self.config: env = self.config["env"] if isinstance(env, type): env = env.__name__ identifier = "{}_{}".format(self.trainable_name, env) else: identifier = self.trainable_name if include_trial_id: identifier += "_" + self.trial_id return identifier.replace("/", "_") def _generate_dirname(self): if self.custom_dirname: generated_dirname = self.custom_dirname else: if "MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER" in os.environ: logger.error("The MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER environment variable is " "deprecated and will be removed in the future. " "Use TUNE_MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER instead.") MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER = int( os.environ.get("TUNE_MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER", os.environ.get("MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER", 130))) generated_dirname = f"{str(self)}_{self.experiment_tag}" generated_dirname = generated_dirname[:MAX_LEN_IDENTIFIER] generated_dirname += f"_{date_str()}" return generated_dirname.replace("/", "_") def invalidate_json_state(self): self._state_valid = False def get_json_state(self) -> str: if not self._state_json or not self._state_valid: json_state = json.dumps( self.__getstate__(), indent=2, cls=TuneFunctionEncoder) self._state_json = json_state self._state_valid = True return self._state_json def __getstate__(self): """Memento generator for Trial. Sets RUNNING trials to PENDING. Note this can only occur if the trial holds a PERSISTENT checkpoint. """ state = self.__dict__.copy() state["resources"] = resources_to_json(self.resources) for key in self._nonjson_fields: state[key] = binary_to_hex(cloudpickle.dumps(state.get(key))) state["runner"] = None state["location"] = Location() # Avoid waiting for events that will never occur on resume. state["restoring_from"] = None state["saving_to"] = None state["_state_json"] = None state["_state_valid"] = False return copy.deepcopy(state) def __setstate__(self, state): state["resources"] = json_to_resources(state["resources"]) if state["status"] == Trial.RUNNING: state["status"] = Trial.PENDING for key in self._nonjson_fields: state[key] = cloudpickle.loads(hex_to_binary(state[key])) self.__dict__.update(state) validate_trainable(self.trainable_name) # Avoid creating logdir in client mode for returned trial results, # since the dir might not be creatable locally. TODO(ekl) thsi is kind # of a hack. if not ray.util.client.ray.is_connected(): self.init_logdir() # Create logdir if it does not exist
# examples/ # # In this example, we investigate "by hand" the # large reactor example. import large_core import time import numpy as np # Get the reactor from the premade script. reactor = large_core.make_large_core() # View all the diagnostics down the chain. reactor.display() # Evaluate the default pattern. We can grab the eigenvalue # and peaking as return values. k, p = reactor.evaluate() print "k = ",k," p = ",p # Alternatively, we can use print_params to display current # values of all optimization parameters. Currently only # keff and the max peaking are retained. reactor.print_params() ## We can also print the power peaking. reactor.print_peaking() # With this, we can try optimizing by hand a bit. Peaking # occurs at (0, 1). Printing the pattern helps visualize this. reactor.print_pattern() # We can also see what fuel type is where by looking, for # example, at the burnup reactor.print_map('burnup') # or the enrichment reactor.print_map('enrichment') # Now, something that tends to work is to swap a peaking # bundle with lower burnup with a lower peaking bundle # with higher burnup. Let's switch the peaker with # its 15 GWd/MTU neighbor at [0,2]. Then print and # and evaluate. reactor.swap([0,1],[0,2]) reactor.print_pattern() reactor.evaluate() reactor.print_params() reactor.print_peaking() # That's a slight peaking reduction with ja slight increase # in keff. However, there is a better pattern. Try the # "ring of fire": pattern = np.array([48,36,5,6,19,23,17,40,3,10,15,25,32,1,44,7,9,18,33,31,8,43,11,20,26,\ 24,21,16,35,27,28,29,30,12,41,34,22,13,2,45,37,14,0,4,42,47,46,38,39]) reactor.shuffle(pattern) reactor.evaluate() reactor.print_params() reactor.print_peaking() reactor.plot_peaking()
import logging import usb import struct import binascii import time from os import path import ptp2.util from ptp2.typedefs import * from ptp2.chdk_ptp_values import * from ptp2.ptp_values import StandardResponses __all__ = ['PTPCamera', 'CHDKCamera'] class _CameraBase(object): def __init__(self, usb_device=None, log_level=logging.WARNING): self._intf = None self._handle = None self._ep_in = None self._ep_out = None self._ep_intr = None self.logger = logging.getLogger('_CameraBase') self.logger.setLevel(log_level) self._transaction_id = 0 if usb_device is not None: def __del__(self): self.close() def open(self, usb_device): intf = ptp2.util.get_ptp_interface(usb_device) if intf is None: raise TypeError('USB Device %s not a PTP Camera' % (usb_device)) self._intf = intf self._handle = usb_device # Grab endpoints for ep in self._intf: ep_type = usb.util.endpoint_type(ep.bmAttributes) ep_dir = usb.util.endpoint_direction(ep.bEndpointAddress) if ep_type == usb.util.ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK: if ep_dir == usb.util.ENDPOINT_IN: self._ep_in = ep.bEndpointAddress elif ep_dir == usb.util.ENDPOINT_OUT: self._ep_out = ep.bEndpointAddress elif ep_type == usb.util.ENDPOINT_TYPE_INTR: self._ep_intr = ep.bEndpointAddress def close(self): # Excplicity release usb device if self._handle is not None: usb.util.dispose_resources(self._handle) # _, self._handle = self._handle, None _, self._intf = self._intf, None self._ep_in = None self._ep_out = None self._ep_intr = None def reopen(self): if self._handle is None: raise ValueError('No USB Device assigned. (Did you open it first?)') if self._intf is not None: raise ValueError('Already open') def _bulk_write(self, bytestr, timeout=0): return self._handle.write(self._ep_out, bytestr, timeout=timeout) def _bulk_read(self, size, timeout=0): return, size, timeout=timeout).tostring() def check_event(self, size=512, timeout=5000): buf =, size=size, timeout=timeout).tostring() p = ParamContainer(buf) self.logger.debug('Received Event ' + buf.encode('hex')) self.logger.debug(repr(p)) if p.type != PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.EVENT: raise ValueError('Received non-event container of type {t} on interrupt endpoint!'.format(t=p.type)) return p def send_ptp_message(self, bytestr, timeout=0): self.logger.debug('Sending ' + binascii.hexlify(bytestr).decode('utf-8')) # .encode('hex')) return self._bulk_write(bytestr, timeout) def recv_ptp_message(self, timeout=0): buf = self._bulk_read(size=512, timeout=timeout) self.logger.debug('Received ' + binascii.hexlify(buf).decode('utf-8')) msg_len = struct.unpack('<I', buf[:4])[0] bytes_left = msg_len - 512 if bytes_left > 0: buf += self._bulk_read(size=bytes_left, timeout=timeout) return buf def new_ptp_command(self, op_code, params=[]): ptp_command = ParamContainer() ptp_command.type = PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.COMMAND ptp_command.code = op_code ptp_command.transaction_id = self._transaction_id ptp_command.params = params self._transaction_id += 1 return ptp_command def ptp_transaction(self, command, params=[], tx_data=None, receiving=True, timeout=0): recvd_data = None recvd_response = None ptp_request = self.new_ptp_command(command, params) ptp_request_data = None if tx_data is not None: assert isinstance(tx_data, str) ptp_request_data = DataContainer() ptp_request_data.code = ptp_request.code ptp_request_data.transaction_id = ptp_request.transaction_id = tx_data # Send request bytes_xfrered = self.send_ptp_message(ptp_request.pack(), timeout) # Send data if ptp_request_data is not None: bytes_xfered = self.send_ptp_message(ptp_request_data.pack(), timeout) if receiving: # read first 512 bytes to grab total data length buf = self.recv_ptp_message(timeout) _, type_ = struct.unpack('<IH', buf[:6]) if type_ == PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.DATA: recvd_data = DataContainer(buf) elif type_ == PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.RESPONSE: recvd_response = ParamContainer(buf) elif type_ in [PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.COMMAND, PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.EVENT]: recvd_data = ParamContainer(buf) else: raise TypeError('Unknown PTP USB container type: %d' % (type_)) # If we haven't got the response yet, try again if recvd_response is None: buf = self.recv_ptp_message(timeout=timeout) _, type_ = struct.unpack('<IH', buf[:6]) if type_ == PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.RESPONSE: recvd_response = ParamContainer(buf) else: raise TypeError('Expected response container, received type: %d' % (type_)) if recvd_response is not None: self.logger.debug('Response: ' + repr(recvd_response)) self.logger.debug('ptp_transaction end') return recvd_response, recvd_data class PTPCamera(_CameraBase): """ If the PTPCamera class is not initialized with a usb_device handle, the first PTP device found will be used. """ def __init__(self, usb_device=None, log_level=logging.WARNING): self.logger = logging.getLogger('PTPCamera') self.logger.setLevel(log_level) if usb_device is None: cams = ptp2.util.list_ptp_cameras() if not cams: raise IOError('No PTP Devices Found') usb_device = cams[0] self.logger.debug('Init with PTP device ' + usb_device.product) self.session_id = 0x1 _CameraBase.__init__(self, usb_device=usb_device, log_level=log_level) def open_session(self): response, data = self.ptp_transaction(PTP_OPCODE.OPEN_SESSION, params=[self.session_id]) if (response.code != PTP_RESPONSE_CODE.OK) and (response.code != PTP_RESPONSE_CODE.SESSION_ALREADY_OPENED): raise ValueError('Could not open PTP session (got 0x{:x})'.format(response.code)) return True def close_session(self): response, data = self.ptp_transaction(PTP_OPCODE.CLOSE_SESSION) return self.check_response(response) def initiate_capture(self): response, data = self.ptp_transaction(PTP_OPCODE.INITIATE_CAPTURE, params=[0x0, 0x0]) self.check_response(response) return response, data def capture(self): self.open_session() response, data = self.initiate_capture() self.check_response(response) # We should now receive an ObjectAdded event followed by a CaptureComplete event # However, the Nikon J3 often (but not always) sends these two events out of order. # TODO: sometimes we receive DevicePropChanged instead of ObjectAdded from the Nikon J3 obj_added_event = None capture_complete_event = None event1 = self.check_event() event2 = self.check_event() for event in [event1, event2]: if event.code == PTP_EVENT_CODE.OBJECT_ADDED: obj_added_event = event elif event.code == PTP_EVENT_CODE.CAPTURE_COMPLETE: capture_complete_event = event if obj_added_event is None: raise IOError('ObjectAdded event was not received') if capture_complete_event is None: raise IOError('CaptureComplete event was not received') # self.close_session() object_handle = obj_added_event.params[0] return object_handle def capture_and_download(self): start_time = time.time() object_handle = self.capture() response, data = self.ptp_transaction(PTP_OPCODE.GET_OBJECT, params=[object_handle]) total_time = time.time() - start_time'total time to capture and download: {s:0.4f} seconds'.format(s=total_time)) img_size = data.length self.logger.debug('image size ' + str(img_size - 12)) # f = open('/tmp/foo.jpg', 'w') # f.write( # self.logger.debug('wrote tmp file') def check_response(self, response): if response.code != PTP_RESPONSE_CODE.OK: raise ValueError('PTP response code was not OK (got 0x{:x})'.format(response.code)) return True class CHDKCamera(_CameraBase): """ For use with Canon cameras using the CHDK firmware. Available functions (see docstrings for info): get_chdk_version upload_file download_file get_live_view_data execute_lua read_script_message write_script_message """ def __init__(self, usb_device=None): _CameraBase.__init__(self, usb_device) def get_chdk_version(self): """ Retrieves the PTP-core (MAJOR,MINOR) version tuple from the camera. Note: This is different than the (MAJOR,MINOR) version tuple for the live_view PTP extensions. """ recvd_response, _ = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.Version], tx_data=None, receiving=False, timeout=0) major, minor = recvd_response.params return major, minor def check_script_status(self): """ :returns: CHDKScriptStatus Check status of running scripts on camera """ recvd_response, _ = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.ScriptStatus], tx_data=None, receiving=False, timeout=0) status = recvd_response.params[0] return status def execute_lua(self, script, block=False): """ :param script: LUA script to execute on camera :type script: str :param block: Wait for script to return before continuing :type block: bool :returns: (script_id, script_error, [msgs]) Execute a script on the camera. Values returned by the LUA script are passed in individual messages. """ # NULL terminate script if necessary if not script.endswith('\0'): script += '\0' recvd_response, _ = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.ExecuteScript, CHDKScriptLanguage.LUA], tx_data=script, receiving=False, timeout=0) script_id, script_error = recvd_response.params if not block: return script_id, script_error, [] else: msgs = self._wait_for_script_return() return script_id, script_error, msgs def read_script_message(self): """ Checks camera for messages created by running scripts. """ recvd_response, recvd_data = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.ReadScriptMsg, CHDKScriptLanguage.LUA], tx_data=None, receiving=True, timeout=0) return recvd_response, recvd_data def write_script_message(self, message, script_id=0): """ :param message: Message to send :type message: str :param script_id: ID of script to deliver message to. :type script_id: int Passes a message to a running script. """ recvd_response, _ = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.WriteScriptMsg, script_id], tx_data=message, receiving=False, timeout=0) msg_status = recvd_response.params[0] return msg_status @classmethod def __pack_file_for_upload(cls, local_filename, remote_filename=None): """ Private method to create a buffer holding filename's contents for uploading to the camera. called in `CHDKCamera.upload_file' """ if remote_filename is None: remote_filename = path.basename(remote_filename) if not remote_filename.endswith('\0'): remote_filename += '\0' filename_len = len(remote_filename) fmt = '<I%dc' % (filename_len) filebuf = struct.pack(fmt, filename_len, remote_filename) with open(local_filename, 'rb') as fid: contents = fmt = '<%dB' % (len(contents)) filebuf += struct.pack(fmt, *contents) return filebuf def upload_file(self, local_filename, remote_filename=None, timeout=0): """ :param local_filename: Name of file on computer :type local_filename: str :param remote_filename: Name of file on camera :type remote_filename: str Upload a file to the camera. If remote_filename is None, the file is uploaded to the root folder on the SD card. """ filestr = self.__pack_file_for_upload(local_filename, remote_filename) dlfile_response, dlfile_data = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.UploadFile], tx_data=filestr, receiving=False, timeout=timeout) if ret_code != CHDKResponses.OK: raise PTPError(tempdata_response.params[0], CHDKResponses.message[ret_code]) def download_file(self, filename, timeout=0): """ :param filename: Full path of file to download :type filename: str Download a file from the camera """ # CHDK Download process: # - Store desried filename on camera w/ TempData # - Send DownloadFile command if not filename.endswith('\0'): filename += '\0' tempdata_response, _ = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.TempData, 0], tx_data=filename, receiving=False, timeout=timeout) ret_code = tempdata_response.params[0] # check response for problems if ret_code != CHDKResponses.OK: raise PTPError(tempdata_response.params[0], CHDKResponses.message[ret_code]) dlfile_response, dlfile_data = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.DownloadFile], tx_data=None, receiving=True, timeout=timeout) ret_code = tempdata_response.params[0] # check response for problems if ret_code != CHDKResponses.OK: raise PTPError(tempdata_response.params[0], CHDKResponses.message[ret_code]) # Clear tempdata field clear_response, _ = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.TempData, CHDKTempData.CLEAR], tx_data=None, receiving=False, timeout=timeout) # Return the raw string buffer return def get_live_view_data(self, liveview=True, overlay=False, palette=False): """ :param liveview: Return the liveview image :type liveview: bool :param overlay: Return the overlay image :type overlay: bool :param palette: Return the overlay palette :type palette: bool :returns: :class:`typdefs.CHDK_LV_Data` Grabs a live view image from the camera. """ flags = 0 if liveview: flags |= CHDKLVTransfer.VIEWPORT if overlay: flags |= CHDKLVTransfer.BITMAP if palette: flags |= CHDKLVTransfer.PALETTE recvd_response, recvd_data = self.ptp_transaction(command=PTP_OC_CHDK, params=[CHDKOperations.GetDisplayData, flags], tx_data=None, receiving=True, timeout=0) if recvd_data.type == PTP_CONTAINER_TYPE.DATA: lv_data = CHDK_LV_Data( else: lv_data = None return recvd_response, lv_data def _wait_for_script_return(self, timeout=0): """ Polls the camera every 50ms. Reads queued messages if present, sleeps again if a script is currently running. Returns read messages when no scripts are running. """ msg_count = 1 msgs = [] t_start = time.time() while True: STATUS = self.check_script_status() if STATUS & CHDKScriptStatus.RUN: # log.debug('Script running, sleeping 50ms') time.sleep(50e-3) if timeout > 0 and timeout > (time.time() - t_start): raise PTPError(StandardResponses.TRANSACTION_CANCELLED, "Timeout waiting for script to return") elif STATUS & CHDKScriptStatus.MSG: msg, msg_buf = self.read_script_message() msg_count += 1 msgs.append((msg, msg_buf)) elif STATUS == CHDKScriptStatus.NONE: break else: raise PTPError(StandardResponses.UNDEFINED, "Invalid response for script status: 0x%X" % (STATUS)) return msgs
#!/usr/bin/python ####################################################################### # AllMyServos - Fun with PWM # Copyright (C) 2015 Donate BTC:14rVTppdYQzLrqay5fp2FwP3AXvn3VSZxQ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see ####################################################################### import sys, traceback, logging, os, re, time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from StringIO import StringIO ## The AmsEnvironment object collects required information from the host pi class AmsEnvironment: patterns = { 'pid': re.compile(r'(?P<pid>\d+)') } info = {} @staticmethod def Now(): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) @staticmethod def AppInfo(): """ Returns environment info """ if (not any( a = a['app_path'] = os.path.dirname(__file__) a['contrib_path'] = os.path.join(a['app_path'],'contrib') a['file_path'] = os.path.join(a['app_path'],'files') a['command_script'] = sys.argv[0] a['command_args'] = sys.argv[1:] try: a['terminal'] = os.ttyname(sys.stdout.fileno()) except: a['terminal'] = ''; return @staticmethod def AppPath(): """ Returns app path """ try:['app_path'] except: AmsEnvironment.AppInfo() return['app_path'] @staticmethod def ContribPath(): """ Returns contrib path """ try:['contrib_path'] except: AmsEnvironment.AppInfo() return['contrib_path'] @staticmethod def FilePath(): """ Returns file path """ try:['file_path'] except: AmsEnvironment.AppInfo() return['file_path'] @staticmethod def Terminal(): """ Returns the current terminal """ try:['terminal'] except: AmsEnvironment.AppInfo() return['terminal'] @staticmethod def Vendors(): """ Returns list of vendor names """ try: AmsEnvironment.__vendors except: AmsEnvironment.__vendors = os.listdir(AmsEnvironment.ContribPath()) AmsEnvironment.__vendors = [ x for x in AmsEnvironment.__vendors if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(AmsEnvironment.ContribPath(), x)) ] return AmsEnvironment.__vendors @staticmethod def IsLxdeRunning(): """ Returns whether lxde is running """ try: AmsEnvironment.__lxdeRunning except: AmsEnvironment.__lxdeRunning = AmsEnvironment.__isLxdeRunning() return AmsEnvironment.__lxdeRunning @staticmethod def Scan(): """ Adds system paths required to import modules in the contrib folder """ try: AmsEnvironment.__scanned except: AmsEnvironment.__scanned = True vendors = AmsEnvironment.Vendors() if (any(vendors)): for v in vendors: vpath = os.path.join(AmsEnvironment.ContribPath(), v) mods = os.listdir(vpath) mods = [ x for x in mods if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(vpath, x)) ] for m in mods: sys.path.append(os.path.join(vpath, m)) @staticmethod def EnableErrorLogging(): logpath = os.path.join(AmsEnvironment.FilePath(),'logs') if (not os.path.exists(logpath)): os.makedirs(logpath) logging.basicConfig(filename=os.path.join(AmsEnvironment.FilePath(),'logs','exception.log'),filemode='a',level=logging.DEBUG, format= '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') AmsEnvironment.logger = logging.getLogger('amslogger') sys.excepthook = AmsEnvironment.errorHandler @staticmethod def EnableOutputLogging(): AmsEnvironment._old_stdout = sys.stdout AmsEnvironment._old_stderr = sys.stderr AmsEnvironment.outlogger = OutLogger(AmsEnvironment._old_stdout, AmsEnvironment._old_stderr, os.path.join(AmsEnvironment.FilePath(),'logs')) sys.stdout = AmsEnvironment.outlogger sys.stderr = AmsEnvironment.outlogger @staticmethod def outputHandler(value): AmsEnvironment.logger.debug(value) @staticmethod def errorHandler(type, value, tb): AmsEnvironment.logger.exception("Uncaught exception: {0}".format(str(value))) @staticmethod def __extract_function_name(): tb = sys.exc_info()[-1] stk = traceback.extract_tb(tb, 1) fname = stk[0][3] return fname def LogException(e): logging.error( "Function {function_name} raised {exception_class} ({exception_docstring}): {exception_message}".format( function_name = AmsEnvironment.__extract_function_name(), #this is optional exception_class = e.__class__, exception_docstring = e.__doc__, exception_message = e.message)) @staticmethod def __isLxdeRunning(): """ Utility """ if(not 'console' in AmsEnvironment.Terminal()): #not running from rc.local for l in AmsEnvironment.__pgrepX().split('\n'): match = AmsEnvironment.patterns['pid'].match(l) if(match): return True return False @staticmethod def __pgrepX(): """ Utility """ p = Popen(['pgrep', 'X'], stdout=PIPE) o = p.communicate()[0] if(p.returncode == 0): return o return '' ## Custom StdOut handler to copy ouput to a log file. class OutLogger(StringIO): def __init__(self, old_stdout, old_stderr, logpath, useold = True): """ Initializes the Logger object Extends StringIO in order to capture stdout and stderr @param parent @param gui @param options """ StringIO.__init__(self) #overriding object must implement StringIO self.logpath = logpath if (not os.path.exists(self.logpath)): os.makedirs(self.logpath) self.logfile = os.path.join(self.logpath, 'output.log') self.useold = useold self.old_stdout = old_stdout self.old_stderr = old_stderr def write(self, value): ''' capture and reverse console output ''' try: StringIO.write(self,value) f = open(self.logfile, 'a') f.write(value) f.close() except Exception as e: pass if(self.useold): self.old_stdout.write(value) #repeat to command line AmsEnvironment.Scan()
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at from django.core.cache import get_cache from django.http import Http404 from django.test.client import RequestFactory from django.test.utils import override_settings from bedrock.base.urlresolvers import reverse from mock import patch, Mock from import eq_ from pathlib import Path from pyquery import PyQuery as pq from rna.models import Release from bedrock.firefox.firefox_details import FirefoxDesktop from bedrock.mozorg.tests import TestCase from bedrock.releasenotes import views from bedrock.thunderbird.details import ThunderbirdDesktop DATA_PATH = str(Path(__file__).parent / 'data') firefox_desktop = FirefoxDesktop(json_dir=DATA_PATH) thunderbird_desktop = ThunderbirdDesktop(json_dir=DATA_PATH) class TestRNAViews(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.factory = RequestFactory() self.request = self.factory.get('/') self.render_patch = patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.l10n_utils.render') self.mock_render = self.render_patch.start() self.mock_render.return_value.has_header.return_value = False def tearDown(self): self.render_patch.stop() @property def last_ctx(self): """ Convenient way to access the context of the last rendered response. """ return self.mock_render.call_args[0][2] @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_object_or_404') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.Q') def test_get_release_or_404(self, Q, get_object_or_404): eq_(views.get_release_or_404('version', 'product'), get_object_or_404.return_value) get_object_or_404.assert_called_with( Release, Q.return_value, version='version') Q.assert_called_once_with(product='product') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_object_or_404') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.Q') def test_get_release_or_404_esr(self, Q, get_object_or_404): eq_(views.get_release_or_404('24.5.0', 'Firefox'), get_object_or_404.return_value) Q.assert_any_call(product='Firefox') Q.assert_any_call(product='Firefox Extended Support Release') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_object_or_404') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.Q') def test_get_release_or_404_endswith_esr(self, Q, get_object_or_404): eq_(views.get_release_or_404('45.0esr', 'Firefox'), get_object_or_404.return_value) Q.assert_any_call(product='Firefox') Q.assert_any_call(product='Firefox Extended Support Release') @override_settings(DEV=False) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.release_notes_template') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_release_or_404') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.equivalent_release_url') def test_release_notes(self, mock_equiv_rel_url, get_release_or_404, mock_release_notes_template): """ Should use release returned from get_release_or_404 with the correct params and pass the correct context variables and template to l10n_utils.render. """ mock_release = get_release_or_404.return_value mock_release.major_version.return_value = '34' mock_release.notes.return_value = ([Release(id=1), Release(id=2)], [Release(id=3), Release(id=4)]) views.release_notes(self.request, '27.0') get_release_or_404.assert_called_with('27.0', 'Firefox') mock_release.notes.assert_called_with(public_only=True) eq_(self.last_ctx['version'], '27.0') eq_(self.last_ctx['release'], mock_release) eq_(self.last_ctx['new_features'], [Release(id=1), Release(id=2)]) eq_(self.last_ctx['known_issues'], [Release(id=3), Release(id=4)]) eq_(self.mock_render.call_args[0][1], mock_release_notes_template.return_value) mock_equiv_rel_url.assert_called_with(mock_release) mock_release_notes_template.assert_called_with(, 'Firefox', 34) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_release_or_404') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.releasenotes_url') def test_release_notes_beta_redirect(self, releasenotes_url, get_release_or_404): """ Should redirect to url for beta release """ get_release_or_404.side_effect = [Http404, 'mock release'] releasenotes_url.return_value = '/firefox/27.0beta/releasenotes/' response = views.release_notes(self.request, '27.0') eq_(response.status_code, 302) eq_(response['location'], '/firefox/27.0beta/releasenotes/') get_release_or_404.assert_called_with('27.0beta', 'Firefox') releasenotes_url.assert_called_with('mock release') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_release_or_404') def test_system_requirements(self, get_release_or_404): """ Should use release returned from get_release_or_404, with a default channel of Release and default product of Firefox, and pass the version to l10n_utils.render """ views.system_requirements(self.request, '27.0.1') get_release_or_404.assert_called_with('27.0.1', 'Firefox') eq_(self.last_ctx['release'], get_release_or_404.return_value) eq_(self.last_ctx['version'], '27.0.1') eq_(self.mock_render.call_args[0][1], 'firefox/releases/system_requirements.html') def test_release_notes_template(self): """ Should return correct template name based on channel and product """ eq_(views.release_notes_template('Nightly', 'Firefox'), 'firefox/releases/nightly-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Aurora', 'Firefox'), 'firefox/releases/aurora-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Aurora', 'Firefox', 35), 'firefox/releases/dev-browser-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Aurora', 'Firefox', 34), 'firefox/releases/aurora-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Beta', 'Firefox'), 'firefox/releases/beta-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Release', 'Firefox'), 'firefox/releases/release-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('ESR', 'Firefox'), 'firefox/releases/esr-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Release', 'Thunderbird'), 'thunderbird/releases/release-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('Beta', 'Thunderbird'), 'thunderbird/releases/beta-notes.html') eq_(views.release_notes_template('', ''), 'firefox/releases/release-notes.html') @override_settings(DEV=False) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.get_object_or_404') def test_non_public_release(self, get_object_or_404): """ Should raise 404 if not release.is_public and not settings.DEV """ get_object_or_404.return_value = Release(is_public=False) with self.assertRaises(Http404): views.get_release_or_404('42', 'Firefox') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.releasenotes_url') def test_no_equivalent_release_url(self, mock_releasenotes_url): """ Should return None without calling releasenotes_url """ release = Mock() release.equivalent_android_release.return_value = None release.equivalent_desktop_release.return_value = None eq_(views.equivalent_release_url(release), None) eq_(mock_releasenotes_url.called, 0) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.releasenotes_url') def test_android_equivalent_release_url(self, mock_releasenotes_url): """ Should return the url for the equivalent android release """ release = Mock() eq_(views.equivalent_release_url(release), mock_releasenotes_url.return_value) mock_releasenotes_url.assert_called_with( release.equivalent_android_release.return_value) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.releasenotes_url') def test_desktop_equivalent_release_url(self, mock_releasenotes_url): """ Should return the url for the equivalent desktop release """ release = Mock() release.equivalent_android_release.return_value = None eq_(views.equivalent_release_url(release), mock_releasenotes_url.return_value) mock_releasenotes_url.assert_called_with( release.equivalent_desktop_release.return_value) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.android_builds') def test_get_download_url_android(self, mock_android_builds): """ Shoud return the download link for the from android_builds """ mock_android_builds.return_value = [{'download_link': '/download'}] release = Mock(product='Firefox for Android') link = views.get_download_url(release) eq_(link, '/download') mock_android_builds.assert_called_with( def test_get_download_url_thunderbird(self): release = Mock(product='Thunderbird') link = views.get_download_url(release) eq_(link, '/en-US/thunderbird/') def test_get_download_url_thunderbird_beta(self): release = Mock(product='Thunderbird', channel='Beta') link = views.get_download_url(release) eq_(link, '/en-US/thunderbird/channel/') def test_check_url(self): eq_(views.check_url('Firefox for Android', '42.0'), '') eq_(views.check_url('Firefox for iOS', '1.4'), '/en-US/firefox/ios/1.4/system-requirements/') eq_(views.check_url('Firefox', '42.0'), '/en-US/firefox/42.0/system-requirements/') class TestReleaseNotesIndex(TestCase): pd_cache = get_cache('product-details') def setUp(self): self.pd_cache.clear() @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.l10n_utils.render') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop', firefox_desktop) def test_relnotes_index_firefox(self, render_mock): with self.activate('en-US'): self.client.get(reverse('firefox.releases.index')) releases = render_mock.call_args[0][2]['releases'] eq_(len(releases), len(firefox_desktop.firefox_history_major_releases)) eq_(releases[0][0], 36.0) eq_(releases[0][1]['major'], '36.0') eq_(releases[0][1]['minor'], []) eq_(releases[3][0], 33.1) eq_(releases[3][1]['major'], '33.1') eq_(releases[3][1]['minor'], ['33.1.1']) eq_(releases[4][0], 33.0) eq_(releases[4][1]['major'], '33.0') eq_(releases[4][1]['minor'], ['33.0.1', '33.0.2', '33.0.3']) eq_(releases[6][0], 31.0) eq_(releases[6][1]['major'], '31.0') eq_(releases[6][1]['minor'], ['31.1.0', '31.1.1', '31.2.0', '31.3.0', '31.4.0', '31.5.0']) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.thunderbird_desktop', thunderbird_desktop) def test_relnotes_index_thunderbird(self): with self.activate('en-US'): response = self.client.get(reverse('thunderbird.releases.index')) doc = pq(response.content) eq_(len(doc('a[href="0.1.html"]')), 1) eq_(len(doc('a[href=""]')), 1) eq_(len(doc('a[href="../"]')), 1) eq_(len(doc('a[href="../3.0.1/releasenotes/"]')), 1) class TestNotesRedirects(TestCase): def _test(self, url_from, url_to): with self.activate('en-US'): url = '/en-US' + url_from response = self.client.get(url) eq_(response.status_code, 302) eq_(response['Location'], 'http://testserver/en-US' + url_to) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='22.0')) def test_desktop_release_version(self): self._test('/firefox/notes/', '/firefox/22.0/releasenotes/') self._test('/firefox/latest/releasenotes/', '/firefox/22.0/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='23.0b1')) def test_desktop_beta_version(self): self._test('/firefox/beta/notes/', '/firefox/23.0beta/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='24.0a2')) def test_desktop_developer_version(self): self._test('/firefox/developer/notes/', '/firefox/24.0a2/auroranotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='24.2.0esr')) def test_desktop_esr_version(self): self._test('/firefox/organizations/notes/', '/firefox/24.2.0/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_android.latest_version', Mock(return_value='22.0')) def test_android_release_version(self): self._test('/firefox/android/notes/', '/firefox/android/22.0/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_android.latest_version', Mock(return_value='23.0b1')) def test_android_beta_version(self): self._test('/firefox/android/beta/notes/', '/firefox/android/23.0beta/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_android.latest_version', Mock(return_value='24.0a2')) def test_android_aurora_version(self): self._test('/firefox/android/aurora/notes/', '/firefox/android/24.0a2/auroranotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_ios.latest_version', Mock(return_value='1.4')) def test_ios_release_version(self): self._test('/firefox/ios/notes/', '/firefox/ios/1.4/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.thunderbird_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='22.0')) def test_thunderbird_release_version(self): self._test('/thunderbird/notes/', '/thunderbird/22.0/releasenotes/') self._test('/thunderbird/latest/releasenotes/', '/thunderbird/22.0/releasenotes/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.thunderbird_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='41.0b1')) def test_thunderbird_beta_version(self): self._test('/thunderbird/beta/notes/', '/thunderbird/41.0beta/releasenotes/') class TestSysreqRedirect(TestCase): def _test(self, url_from, url_to): with self.activate('en-US'): url = '/en-US' + url_from response = self.client.get(url) eq_(response.status_code, 302) eq_(response['Location'], 'http://testserver/en-US' + url_to) @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='22.0')) def test_desktop_release_version(self): self._test('/firefox/system-requirements/', '/firefox/22.0/system-requirements/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='23.0b1')) def test_desktop_beta_version(self): self._test('/firefox/beta/system-requirements/', '/firefox/23.0beta/system-requirements/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='24.0a2')) def test_desktop_developer_version(self): self._test('/firefox/developer/system-requirements/', '/firefox/24.0a2/system-requirements/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.firefox_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='24.2.0esr')) def test_desktop_esr_version(self): self._test('/firefox/organizations/system-requirements/', '/firefox/24.0/system-requirements/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.thunderbird_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='22.0')) def test_thunderbird_release_version(self): self._test('/thunderbird/system-requirements/', '/thunderbird/22.0/system-requirements/') self._test('/thunderbird/latest/system-requirements/', '/thunderbird/22.0/system-requirements/') @patch('bedrock.releasenotes.views.thunderbird_desktop.latest_version', Mock(return_value='41.0b1')) def test_thunderbird_beta_version(self): self._test('/thunderbird/beta/system-requirements/', '/thunderbird/41.0beta/system-requirements/')
import commonware.log from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect from django.template import RequestContext from jetpack.models import Package from .helpers import package_search, get_activity_scale from .forms import SearchForm from pyes.urllib3.connectionpool import TimeoutError log = commonware.log.getLogger('') SORT_MAPPING = { 'score':'_score', 'activity':'-activity', 'forked':'-copies_count', 'used':'-times_depended', 'new':'-created_at', 'size':'-size', } REVERSE_SORT_MAPPING = dict((v, k) for k, v in SORT_MAPPING.items()) def search(request): form = SearchForm(request.GET) form.is_valid() query = form.cleaned_data q = query.get('q').lower() type_ = query.get('type') or None types = {'a': 'addon', 'l': 'library'} page = query.get('page') or 1 limit = 20 activity_map = get_activity_scale() if q and query.get('sort') == '': sort = '_score' elif query.get('sort') == '': sort = '-activity' else: sort = SORT_MAPPING.get(query.get('sort'), '_score') query['sort'] = REVERSE_SORT_MAPPING.get(sort) filters = {} filters['user'] = request.user author = query.get('author') if author: filters['author'] = if query.get('copies'): filters['copies_count__gte'] = query['copies'] else: query['copies'] = 0 if query.get('used') and type_ != 'a': # Add-ons can't be depended upon, so this query would filter out # every single Add-on filters['times_depended__gte'] = query['used'] else: query['used'] = 0 if query.get('example'): filters['example'] = 'true' if query.get('featured'): filters['featured'] = 'true' if query.get('activity'): filters['activity__gte'] = activity_map.get(str(query['activity']), 0) copies_facet = {'terms': {'field': 'copies_count'}} times_depended_facet = {'terms': {'field': 'times_depended'}} examples_facet = {'query': {'term': {'example': 'true' }}} featured_facet = {'query': {'term': {'featured': 'true' }}} facets_ = { 'copies': copies_facet, 'times_depended': times_depended_facet, 'example': examples_facet, 'featured': featured_facet } template = '' results={} facets={} if type_: filters['type'] = type_ qs = package_search(q, **filters).order_by(sort).facet(**facets_) try: results['pager'] = Paginator(qs, per_page=limit).page(page) except EmptyPage: results['pager'] = Paginator(qs, per_page=limit).page(1) facets = _facets(results['pager'].object_list.facets) facets['everyone_total'] = len(qs) template = 'results.html' else: # combined view results['addons'] = package_search(q, type='a', **filters) \ .order_by(sort)[:5] results['libraries'] = package_search(q, type='l', **filters) \ .order_by(sort)[:5] results['all'] = package_search(q, **filters).facet(**facets_)[:0] facets = _facets(results['all'].facets) facets['everyone_total'] = facets['combined_total'] template = 'aggregate.html' ctx = { 'q': q, 'page': 'search', 'form': form, 'query': query, 'type': types.get(type_, None) } ctx.update(results) ctx.update(facets) if request.is_ajax(): template = 'ajax/' + template return _render(request, template, ctx) def rss_redirect(request, type_): from base.helpers import urlparams form = SearchForm(request.GET) form.is_valid() query = dict(form.cleaned_data) if type_ != 'combined': query['type'] = type_[0] return redirect(urlparams(reverse('search.rss'), **query), permanent=True) def _render(request, template, data={}): return render_to_response(template, data, RequestContext(request)) def _facets(facets): type_totals = dict((t['term'], t['count']) for t in facets['types']) my_total = 0 if 'author' in facets and len(facets['author']): my_total = facets['author'][0]['count'] max_copies = 0 if 'copies' in facets: copies_steps = [t['term'] for t in facets['copies']] if copies_steps: copies_steps.sort() max_ = copies_steps.pop() max_copies = max(max_copies, max_) max_times_depended = 0 if 'times_depended' in facets: depended_steps = [t['term'] for t in facets['times_depended']] if depended_steps: depended_steps.sort() max_ = depended_steps.pop() max_times_depended = max(max_times_depended, max_) example_count = 0 if 'example' in facets: example_count = facets['example'] featured_count = 0 if 'featured' in facets: featured_count = facets['featured'] return { 'addon_total': type_totals.get('a', 0), 'library_total': type_totals.get('l', 0), 'my_total': my_total, 'combined_total': type_totals.get('a', 0) + type_totals.get('l', 0), 'max_copies': max_copies, 'max_times_depended': max_times_depended, 'examples_total': example_count, 'featured_total': featured_count }
import pyxb.binding.generate import pyxb.utils.domutils from xml.dom import Node import os.path schema_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../schemas/test-wildcard.xsd')) code = pyxb.binding.generate.GeneratePython(schema_location=schema_path) rv = compile(code, 'test', 'exec') eval(rv) from pyxb.exceptions_ import * import unittest def nc_not (ns_or_absent): return ( pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_not, ns_or_absent ) class TestIntensionalSet (unittest.TestCase): def testTest (self): ns = 'URN:namespace' not_nc = nc_not(ns) self.assert_(isinstance(not_nc, tuple)) self.assertEqual(2, len(not_nc)) self.assertEqual(pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_not, not_nc[0]) self.assertEqual(ns, not_nc[1]) def testUnion_1 (self): UNION = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalUnion nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_any, UNION([ nc_any, nc_any ])) self.assertEqual(nc_not(ns1), UNION([ nc_not(ns1), nc_not(ns1) ])) self.assertEqual(set([ns1]), UNION([ set([ns1]), set([ns1]) ])) def testUnion_2 (self): UNION = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalUnion nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_any, UNION([ nc_any, set([ns1]) ])) self.assertEqual(nc_any, UNION([ nc_any, nc_not(ns1) ])) self.assertEqual(nc_any, UNION([ nc_any, nc_not(None) ])) def testUnion_3 (self): UNION = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalUnion nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(set([ns1, ns2]), UNION([set([ns1]), set([ns2])])) self.assertEqual(set([None, ns1]), UNION([set([None]), set([ns1])])) self.assertEqual(set([None]), UNION([set([None]), set([None])])) def testUnion_4 (self): UNION = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalUnion nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_not(None), UNION([nc_not(ns1), nc_not(ns2)])) self.assertEqual(nc_not(None), UNION([nc_not(ns1), nc_not(None)])) def testUnion_5 (self): UNION = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalUnion nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_any, UNION([nc_not(ns1), set([ns1, None])])) # 5.1 self.assertEqual(nc_not(None), UNION([nc_not(ns1), set([ns1, ns2])])) # 5.2 self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError, UNION, [nc_not(ns1), set([None, ns2])]) # 5.3 self.assertEqual(nc_not(ns1), UNION([nc_not(ns1), set([ns2])])) # 5.4 def testUnion_6 (self): UNION = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalUnion nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_any, UNION([nc_not(None), set([ns1, ns2, None])])) # 6.1 self.assertEqual(nc_not(None), UNION([nc_not(None), set([ns1, ns2])])) # 6.2 def testIntersection_1 (self): ISECT = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalIntersection nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_any, ISECT([ nc_any, nc_any ])) self.assertEqual(nc_not(ns1), ISECT([ nc_not(ns1), nc_not(ns1) ])) self.assertEqual(set([ns1]), ISECT([ set([ns1]), set([ns1]) ])) def testIntersection_2 (self): ISECT = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalIntersection nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(set([ns1]), ISECT([ nc_any, set([ns1]) ])) self.assertEqual(nc_not(ns1), ISECT([ nc_any, nc_not(ns1) ])) self.assertEqual(nc_not(None), ISECT([ nc_any, nc_not(None) ])) def testIntersection_3 (self): ISECT = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalIntersection nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(set([ns2]), ISECT([nc_not(ns1), set([ns1, ns2, None])])) self.assertEqual(set([ns2]), ISECT([nc_not(ns1), set([ns1, ns2])])) self.assertEqual(set([ns2]), ISECT([nc_not(ns1), set([ns2])])) def testIntersection_4 (self): ISECT = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalIntersection nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(set([ns2]), ISECT([set([ns1, ns2]), set([ns2, None])])) self.assertEqual(set([ns2, None]), ISECT([set([None, ns1, ns2]), set([ns2, None])])) self.assertEqual(set([]), ISECT([set([ns1]), set([ns2, None])])) self.assertEqual(set([]), ISECT([set([ns1]), set([ns2, ns1]), set([ns2, None])])) self.assertEqual(set([ns1]), ISECT([set([ns1, None]), set([None, ns2, ns1]), set([ns1, ns2])])) def testIntersection_5 (self): ISECT = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalIntersection nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError, ISECT, [nc_not(ns1), nc_not(ns2)]) def testIntersection_6 (self): ISECT = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.IntensionalIntersection nc_any = pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard.NC_any ns1 = 'URN:first' ns2 = 'URN:second' self.assertEqual(nc_not(ns1), ISECT([nc_not(ns1), nc_not(None)])) class TestWildcard (unittest.TestCase): def testElement (self): # NB: Test on CTD, not element self.assert_(wrapper_._HasWildcardElement) xmls = '<wrapper><first/><second/><third/></wrapper>' doc = pyxb.utils.domutils.StringToDOM(xmls) instance = wrapper.createFromDOM(doc.documentElement) self.assert_(isinstance(instance.wildcardElements(), list)) self.assertEquals(1, len(instance.wildcardElements())) # Alternative parser path instance = CreateFromDocument(xmls) self.assert_(isinstance(instance.wildcardElements(), list)) self.assertEquals(1, len(instance.wildcardElements())) def _validateWildcardWrappingRecognized (self, instance): self.assert_(isinstance(instance.wildcardElements(), list)) self.assertEquals(1, len(instance.wildcardElements())) dom = instance.wildcardElements()[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(dom, Node)) self.assertEquals(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, dom.nodeType) self.assertEquals('third', dom.nodeName) self.assertEquals(1, len(dom.childNodes)) cdom = dom.firstChild self.assertTrue(isinstance(cdom, Node)) self.assertEquals(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, cdom.nodeType) self.assertEquals('selt', cdom.nodeName) ccdom = cdom.firstChild self.assertTrue(isinstance(ccdom, Node)) self.assertEquals(Node.TEXT_NODE, ccdom.nodeType) self.assertEquals('text', def testWildcardWrappingRecognized (self): # NB: Test on CTD, not element self.assert_(wrapper_._HasWildcardElement) xmls = '<wrapper><first/><second/><third><selt>text</selt></third></wrapper>' doc = pyxb.utils.domutils.StringToDOM(xmls) instance = wrapper.createFromDOM(doc.documentElement) self._validateWildcardWrappingRecognized(instance) # Alternative parser path instance = CreateFromDocument(xmls) self._validateWildcardWrappingRecognized(instance) def testMultiElement (self): tested_overmax = False for rep in range(0, 6): xmls = '<wrapper><first/><second/>%s</wrapper>' % (''.join(rep * ['<third/>']),) doc = pyxb.utils.domutils.StringToDOM(xmls) if 3 >= rep: instance = wrapper.createFromDOM(doc.documentElement) self.assert_(isinstance(instance.wildcardElements(), list)) self.assertEquals(rep, len(instance.wildcardElements())) for i in range(0, rep): self.assertEquals('third', instance.wildcardElements()[i].nodeName) else: tested_overmax = True self.assertRaises(ExtraContentError, wrapper.createFromDOM, doc.documentElement) self.assert_(tested_overmax) def testAttribute (self): # NB: Test on CTD, not element self.assert_(isinstance(wrapper_._AttributeWildcard, pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard)) xmls = '<wrapper myattr="true" auxattr="somevalue"/>' doc = pyxb.utils.domutils.StringToDOM(xmls) instance = wrapper.createFromDOM(doc.documentElement) self.assert_(isinstance(instance.wildcardAttributeMap(), dict)) self.assertEquals(1, len(instance.wildcardAttributeMap())) self.assertEquals('somevalue', instance.wildcardAttributeMap()['auxattr']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
############################################################################### # # Tests for XlsxWriter. # # Copyright (c), 2013-2016, John McNamara, [email protected] # import unittest from ...compatibility import StringIO from ..helperfunctions import _xml_to_list from ...worksheet import Worksheet from ...format import Format from ...sharedstrings import SharedStringTable class TestAssembleWorksheet(unittest.TestCase): """ Test assembling a complete Worksheet file. """ def test_assemble_xml_file(self): """Test merged cell range""" self.maxDiff = None fh = StringIO() worksheet = Worksheet() worksheet._set_filehandle(fh) worksheet.str_table = SharedStringTable() cell_format1 = Format({'xf_index': 1}) cell_format2 = Format({'xf_index': 2}) worksheet.merge_range('B3:C3', 'Foo', cell_format1) worksheet.merge_range('A2:D2', '', cell_format2) worksheet._assemble_xml_file() exp = _xml_to_list(""" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r=""> <dimension ref="A2:D3"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"/> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15"/> <sheetData> <row r="2" spans="1:4"> <c r="A2" s="2"/> <c r="B2" s="2"/> <c r="C2" s="2"/> <c r="D2" s="2"/> </row> <row r="3" spans="1:4"> <c r="B3" s="1" t="s"> <v>0</v> </c> <c r="C3" s="1"/> </row> </sheetData> <mergeCells count="2"> <mergeCell ref="B3:C3"/> <mergeCell ref="A2:D2"/> </mergeCells> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> </worksheet> """) got = _xml_to_list(fh.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_assemble_xml_file_write(self): """Test writing a worksheet with a blank cell with write() method.""" self.maxDiff = None fh = StringIO() worksheet = Worksheet() worksheet._set_filehandle(fh) cell_format = Format({'xf_index': 1}) # No format. Should be ignored. worksheet.write(0, 0, None) worksheet.write(1, 2, None, cell_format) worksheet._assemble_xml_file() exp = _xml_to_list(""" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r=""> <dimension ref="C2"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"/> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15"/> <sheetData> <row r="2" spans="3:3"> <c r="C2" s="1"/> </row> </sheetData> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> </worksheet> """) got = _xml_to_list(fh.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(got, exp) def test_assemble_xml_file_A1(self): """Test writing a worksheet with a blank cell with A1 notation.""" self.maxDiff = None fh = StringIO() worksheet = Worksheet() worksheet._set_filehandle(fh) cell_format = Format({'xf_index': 1}) # No format. Should be ignored. worksheet.write_blank('A1', None) worksheet.write_blank('C2', None, cell_format) worksheet._assemble_xml_file() exp = _xml_to_list(""" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="" xmlns:r=""> <dimension ref="C2"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"/> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15"/> <sheetData> <row r="2" spans="3:3"> <c r="C2" s="1"/> </row> </sheetData> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> </worksheet> """) got = _xml_to_list(fh.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(got, exp)
""" shell like utilities """ import os def execute(args): import subprocess """execute(command) - Run the given command (or argv list) in a shell and return the exit code.""" return subprocess.Popen(args).wait() def capture(args, include_stderr=False): import subprocess """capture(command) - Run the given command (or argv list) in a shell and return the standard output.""" stderr = subprocess.PIPE if include_stderr: stderr = subprocess.STDOUT p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr) out, _ = p.communicate() return p.wait(), out def mkdir_p(path): """mkdir_p(path) - Make the "path" directory, if it does not exist; this will also make directories for any missing parent directories.""" import errno if not path or os.path.exists(path): return parent = os.path.dirname(path) if parent != path: mkdir_p(parent) try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError as e: # Ignore EEXIST, which may occur during a race condition. if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
""" Create an set of stocks (input by symbol) and open communications between them and the server via the Gateway. Copyright (c) Cambridge Quantum Computing ltd. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. """ import sys import datetime import smtplib import copy import importlib from .gateway import Gateway from .pricebar import PriceBar class Controller: """ Responsible for managing a set of stocks in one process. """ def __init__(self, version, environment, global_settings, client_id, symbols): self.version = version self.environment = environment self.gateway = Gateway() self.account = self.gateway.getAccounts()[0] self.stocks = {} self.new_bars = {} self.global_settings = global_settings self.loadStocks(symbols) if "reporter" not in global_settings: global_settings["reporter"] = NullReporter() self.reporter = global_settings["reporter"] self.reporter.initiate(version, environment, client_id) def loadStock(self, symbol, exchange, currency):"Getting stock {:s} from gateway".format(symbol)) return self.gateway.getStock( self.account, symbol, exchange, currency ) def loadStocks(self, symbols): for symbol in symbols: stock_settings = self.getStockSettings(symbol) stock = self.loadStock( symbol, stock_settings['exchange'], stock_settings['currency'] ) for option_name in stock_settings: if not hasattr(stock, option_name): "Warning: attribute {:s} hasn't got a default value".format( option_name ) ) setattr(stock, option_name, stock_settings[option_name])"Initiating signallers") stock.signaller.initialise() # now we store the stock object in self.stocks, referenced by its # symbol. self.stocks[symbol] = stock def getStockSettings(self, symbol):"getting settings for {:s}".format(symbol)) # Create a shallow copy of settings so that settings can be overwritten by each stock. stock_settings = copy.copy(self.global_settings)"after copy")"copied settings for {:s}".format(symbol))"loading version file for {:s}".format(symbol)) try: # try to load the generic index file for the stock version_file = importlib.import_module( "Versions.{:s}.Stocks.{:s}.index".format( self.version, symbol ) )"loaded version file for {:s}".format(symbol)) stock_settings.update(version_file.settings) except Exception as error:"Exception type: ", error)"Stock file {:s} has no file, continuing anyway".format( symbol ))"loading version file for {:s}".format(symbol)) try: # try to load the environment-specific file for the stock environment_file = importlib.import_module( "Versions.{:s}.Stocks.{:s}.{:s}".format( self.version, symbol, self.environment ) )"loaded environment file for {:s}".format(symbol)) stock_settings.update(environment_file.settings) except Exception as error:"Exception type: ", error)"Stock file {:s} has no {:s}.py file, continuing anyway".format( symbol, self.environment )) # verify that we have the exchange and currency. If not, then # we don't have enough information to launch the client. if "exchange" not in stock_settings: raise ValueError( "Stock {:s}'s exchange should be in it's index file or {:s} file".format( symbol, self.environment ) ) elif "currency" not in stock_settings: raise ValueError( "Stock {:s}'s currency should be in it's index file or {:s} file".format( symbol, self.environment ) )"loaded all settings for {:s}".format(symbol)) return stock_settings def goLive(self): # these are done in blocks rather than all-in-one, to allow separate stocks # to get to the same stage before moving on for symbol in self.stocks: # load the stock data from 2012 to the current year # (this also performs detection, classification, learning)"Loading Stock Data", symbol) self.stocks[symbol].load() for symbol in self.stocks: self.stocks[symbol].analyse() for symbol in self.stocks: # Grab historical data from the stock. This is just in case # this client starts up after the market opens or misses the previous # day, etc. "Requesting historical data for stock '" + symbol + "'") self.stocks[symbol].addHistoricalPriceBars( self.gateway.getHistory(self.stocks[symbol]) ) for symbol in self.stocks: # Subscribe to live market data"Requesting live data for stock '" + symbol + "'") self.gateway.subscribeToMarketData(self.stocks[symbol]) self.gateway.finalise() # Run the listening loop. self.listen() def getLogTag(self): return "Controller" def listen(self): """ Run the main listening loop, handling responses from the gateway. """ while True: # wait or the gateway to send us something listen_input = self.gateway.listen() if listen_input["Type"] == "Prepare for Live Bars": # PriceBars are going to come in - store them all and process in bulk afterwards, # so that the message queue isn't blocked self.new_bars = {} # We have received a live bar, pass it to the stock. elif listen_input["Type"] == "Live Bar": # Find the stock based on the returned live data request's ID symbol = self.gateway.request_to_stock[listen_input['RequestID']] stock = self.stocks[symbol] # Pass the new bar to the stock self.new_bars[symbol] = PriceBar(listen_input['Bar']) elif listen_input["Type"] == "End of Live Bars":"All bars are in. Adding them to the stock...") for symbol in self.new_bars: self.stocks[symbol].addLivePriceBar(self.new_bars[symbol])"Ready to process!") for symbol in self.new_bars: self.stocks[symbol].processNewBar() self.current_time = self.stocks[symbol].current_time"Done. Flushing signallers.") for symbol in self.stocks: self.stocks[symbol].signaller.flush() self.reporter.newBars(self, self.current_time) # now tell the Arrow Server that we are done processing, for bookkeeping purposes. self.gateway.finalise() elif listen_input["Type"] == "Server Exit":"Server has closed.")"Generating complete report.")"Trades:", sum(len(self.stocks[symbol].closed_trades) for symbol in self.stocks)) self.reporter.endOfDay(self) sys.exit(0)
from import * from tictactoe.ai_strategy_factory import AIStrategyFactory from tictactoe.ai_strategies.hard import Hard from tictactoe.ai_strategies.easy import Easy def factory_returns_hard_strategy_test(): factory = AIStrategyFactory() strategy = factory.strategy("Hard", "X", "O") assert isinstance(strategy, Hard) def factory_returns_easy_strategy_test(): factory = AIStrategyFactory() strategy = factory.strategy("Easy", "X", "O") assert isinstance(strategy, Easy) def factory_returns_easy_strategy_case_insensitive_test(): factory = AIStrategyFactory() strategy = factory.strategy("eAsY", "X", "O") assert isinstance(strategy, Easy) def factory_handles_bad_strategy_test(): factory = AIStrategyFactory() ex = None try: strategy = factory.strategy("NoStrategyHereSorry", None, None) except Exception as e: ex = e assert isinstance(ex, ValueError) def factor_handles_no_strategy_test(): factory = AIStrategyFactory() ex = None try: strategy = factory.strategy(None, None, None) except Exception as e: ex = e assert isinstance(ex, ValueError)
""" Environments for running groups of graphs. """ import os import time from datetime import datetime import copy import logging import six import tempfile import threading from six.moves import cPickle as pickle # pylint: disable=F0401 from .exceptions import StopProcessing from .items import FileMeta from .nodes import (ChangeListenerNode, ChangeEnforcerNode, CacheNode, Edge, NoopNode) from .sqlitedict import SqliteDict from .util import resource_spec LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def commit(cache): """ Commit if SqliteDict, else do nothing. """ try: cache.commit() except AttributeError: pass def watch_graph(graph, partial=False, cache=None, fingerprint='md5'): """ Construct a copy of a graph that will watch source nodes for changes. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~pike.Graph` partial : bool, optional If True, the :class:`~pike.ChangeListenerNode` will only propagate changed files and the graph will rely on a :class:`~pike.CacheNode` to produce the total output. cache : str, optional If present, cache the file fingerprints and other data in this file. fingerprint : str or callable, optional The method to use for fingerprinting files when ``watch=True``. See :class:`` for details. (default 'md5') """ new_graph = copy.deepcopy(graph) with new_graph: # If we only pass through the changed files, we'll need a CacheNode at # the end if partial: sink = CacheNode(cache, + '_cache') new_graph.sink.connect(sink, '*', '*') enforcer = ChangeEnforcerNode() for i, node in enumerate(new_graph.source_nodes()): # Find the outbound edge of the source if node.eout: edge = node.eout[0] edge_index = edge.n2.ein.index(edge) edge.remove() else: # If source has no outbound edge, make one. edge = Edge(n2=NoopNode()) edge_index = 0 # Funnel files through a change listener key = + '_listen_' + str(i) listener = ChangeListenerNode(stop=False, cache=cache, key=key, fingerprint=fingerprint) node.connect(listener) # Create a fan-in, fan-out with the changed files that goes through # a ChangeEnforcer. That way processing will continue even if only # one of the sources has changed files. listener.connect(enforcer, input_name=str(i)) if not partial: listener.connect(enforcer, output_name='all', input_name=str(i) + '_all') if edge.input_name == '*': edge.input_name = None input_name = edge.input_name new_edge = enforcer.connect(edge.n2, str(i), input_name) # Preserve edge ordering to preserve argument ordering edge.n2.ein.remove(new_edge) edge.n2.ein.insert(edge_index, new_edge) return new_graph class IExceptionHandler(object): """ Interface for exception handlers. This class can intercept exceptions raised while running a graph in an environment and perform some processing. """ def handle_exception(self, graph, exc, node): """ Handle an exception. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~pike.graph.Graph` exc : :class:`Exception` node : :class:`~pike.nodes.base.Node` Returns ------- handled : bool If True, the Environment will not raise the exception """ raise NotImplementedError def apply_error_style(node, error_style): """ Apply error styles to a graph. Parameters ---------- node : :class:`~pike.nodes.base.Node` The node that threw the exception error_style : dict The styles to apply to nodes and edges involved in the traceback. Returns ------- style : dict Style dict for passing to :meth:``. """ styles = {} for node in node.walk_up(True): styles[node] = error_style for edge in node.ein: styles[edge] = error_style return styles class RenderException(IExceptionHandler): """ Render traceback as a png in a directory. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str, optional Directory to render exception into (defaults to temporary directory) error_style : dict, optional Dict of attributes to apply to nodes and edges involved in the traceback (default {'color': 'red'}). """ def __init__(self, output_dir=None, error_style=None): super(RenderException, self).__init__() self.error_style = error_style or {'color': 'red'} if output_dir is None: self.output_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() else: self.output_dir = output_dir def handle_exception(self, graph, exc, node): filename = 'exc_%s.png' % fullpath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) styles = apply_error_style(node, self.error_style) graph.render(fullpath, style=styles) LOG.error("Exception rendered as %s", fullpath) class ShowException(IExceptionHandler): """ When an exception occurs, this will auto-open the visual traceback. Parameters ---------- error_style : dict, optional Dict of attributes to apply to nodes and edges involved in the traceback (default {'color': 'red'}). **kwargs : dict, optional These will be passed to :meth:`` """ def __init__(self, error_style=None, show_kwargs=None): super(ShowException, self).__init__() self.error_style = error_style or {'color': 'red'} self.show_kwargs = show_kwargs or {} def handle_exception(self, graph, exc, node): styles = apply_error_style(node, self.error_style), **self.show_kwargs) class Environment(object): """ Environment for running multiple Graphs and caching the results. Parameters ---------- watch : bool, optional If True, watch all graphs for changes in the source files and rerun them if changes are detected (default False) cache : str, optional The sqlite file to use as a persistent cache (defaults to in-memory dict) fingerprint : str or callable, optional The method to use for fingerprinting files when ``watch=True``. See :class:`` for details. (default 'md5') exception_handler : :class:`~.IExceptionHandler`, optional When running a graph throws an exception, this handler will do something useful, like rendering a graph that visually shows you where the error happened. Notes ----- """ def __init__(self, watch=False, cache=None, fingerprint='md5', exception_handler=None, ): self._fingerprint = fingerprint self._graphs = {} self._cache_file = cache if cache is not None: self._cache = SqliteDict(cache, 'processed', autocommit=False, synchronous=0) self._gen_files = SqliteDict(cache, 'file_paths', autocommit=False, synchronous=0) else: self._cache = {} self._gen_files = {} self.default_output = None = watch self._exc_handler = exception_handler def add(self, graph, ignore_default_output=False, partial=False): """ Add a graph to the Environment. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~pike.Graph` The graph to add ignore_default_output : bool, optional If True, will *not* run the ``default_output`` graph on the output of this graph (default False) partial : bool, optional This argument will be passed to :meth:`~.watch_graph` """ name = if name in self._graphs: raise KeyError("Graph '%s' already exists in environment!" % if self.default_output is not None and not ignore_default_output: wrapper = copy.deepcopy(graph) += '-wrapper' with wrapper: edge = wrapper.sink.connect(self.default_output, '*', '*') graph = wrapper if graph = watch_graph(graph, partial, self._cache_file, self._fingerprint) self._graphs[name] = graph def set_default_output(self, graph): """ Set a default operation to be run after every graph. By default, every time you :meth:`~.add` a Graph, that Graph will have this process tacked on to the end. This can be used to do common operations, such as writing files or generating urls. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~pike.Graph` or :class:`~pike.Node` The graph to run after other graphs. """ self.default_output = graph def get(self, name): """ Get the cached results of a graph. """ return self._cache.get(name) def save(self, filename): """ Saved the cached asset metadata to a file """ self.run_all(True) with open(filename, 'wb') as ofile: pickle.dump(dict(self._cache), ofile) def load(self, filename): """ Load cached asset metadata from a file """ with open(filename, 'rb') as ifile: self._cache = pickle.load(ifile) def run(self, name, bust=False): """ Run a graph and cache the result. Returns the cached result if one exists. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the graph to run bust : bool, optional If True, will ignore the cache and rerun (default False) Returns ------- results : dict Same output as the graph """ if bust or or name not in self._cache: LOG.debug("Running %s", name) try: start = time.time() * 1000 results = self._graphs[name].run() elapsed = int(time.time() * 1000 - start)"Ran %s in %d ms", name, elapsed) for items in six.itervalues(results): for item in items: if isinstance(item, FileMeta): # Remove data to save memory if hasattr(item, 'data'): del self._gen_files[item.filename] = item.fullpath commit(self._gen_files) self._cache[name] = results commit(self._cache) except StopProcessing: LOG.debug("No changes for %s", name) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'node') and self._exc_handler is not None: LOG.error("Exception at node %s", e.node) graph = self._graphs[name] ret = False try: ret = self._exc_handler.handle_exception(graph, e, e.node) except Exception: LOG.exception("Error while handling exception") if not ret: raise e else: raise return self._cache.get(name) def run_all(self, bust=False): """ Run all graphs. """ for name in self._graphs:, bust) def clean(self, directory, dry_run=False): """ Remove all files in a directory that were not generated by the env Parameters ---------- directory : str The location to look for unnecessary files dry_run : bool, optional If True, will not actually delete the files (default False) Returns ------- removed : list List of file paths that were deleted by the operation Raises ------ exc : :class:`~ValueError` If there are no known generated files. That would delete all files in the directory, which is probably not the intended behavior. """ if not self._gen_files: raise ValueError("No generated files found. Have you run " "`run_all()`?") directory = resource_spec(directory) all_files = set() for fullpath in six.itervalues(self._gen_files): all_files.add(os.path.abspath(fullpath)) removed = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for filename in files: fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, filename)) if fullpath not in all_files: removed.append(fullpath) if not dry_run:"Removing %s", fullpath) os.remove(fullpath) return removed def run_forever(self, sleep=2, daemon=False, daemon_proc=False): """ Rerun graphs forever, busting the env cache each time. This is generally only useful if ``watch=True``. Parameters ---------- sleep : int, optional How long to sleep between runs. Default 2 seconds. daemon : bool, optional If True, will run in a background thread (default False) daemon_proc : bool, optional If True, will run in a child process (default False) """ if daemon and daemon_proc: raise TypeError("daemon and daemon_proc cannot both be True") if daemon: thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_forever, kwargs={'sleep': sleep}) thread.daemon = True thread.start() return thread elif daemon_proc: pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: return pid while True: try: self.run_all(bust=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception: LOG.exception("Error while running forever!") time.sleep(sleep) def lookup(self, path): """ Get a generated asset path Parameters ---------- path : str Relative path of the asset Returns ------- path : str or None Absolute path of the generated asset (if it exists). If the path is known to be invalid, this value will be None. """ if path not in self._gen_files: return None fullpath = self._gen_files[path] return fullpath
import Game from Board.ActionPanel.ArrowItem import * from Board.ActionPanel.BuyUnitItems import * from GameLogic.Map import Tile from GameLogic.Unit import Soldier from GameLogic.UnitFactory import getUnitPrice from Helpers import Colors from Helpers.EventHelpers import EventExist from Vector2 import Vector2 class ActionPanel: def __init__(self, game: Game, tile: Tile = None, endturnButtonRect=None, newSelection=None): self.Size = Vector2((game.Settings.Resolution.X - game.Settings.GetMapSize().X) // 2, game.Settings.Resolution.Y) self.Position = Vector2(0, 0) self.Tile = tile self.EndturnButtonRect = endturnButtonRect self.NewSelection = newSelection self.Map = None self.EndTurnButtonImage = pygame.transform.scale( pygame.image.load('images/buttons/endturnButton.png').convert_alpha(), [150, 25]) game.Settings.SetMenuLeftSize(self.Size) def Update(self, game: Game) -> 'ActionPanel': # End turn if self.EndturnButtonIsClickedByMouse(game): game.Logic.EndTurn() return DefaultActionPanel(game) return ActionPanel(game, self.Tile, self.EndturnButtonRect) def Draw(self, game: Game): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) font.set_bold(True) # Draw the background pygame.draw.rect(game.Settings.GetScreen(), Colors.WHITE, (self.Position.X, self.Position.Y, self.Size.X, self.Size.Y)) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(font.render("Action panel", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 10)) # Draw end turn button self.EndturnButtonRect = game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(self.EndTurnButtonImage, (10, game.Settings.Resolution.Y - 50)) def EndturnButtonIsHoverdByMouse(self): return self.EndturnButtonRect is not None and self.EndturnButtonRect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) def EndturnButtonIsClickedByMouse(self, game): return self.EndturnButtonIsHoverdByMouse() and EventExist(game.Events, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP) class DefaultActionPanel(ActionPanel): def Update(self, game: Game): nself = super().Update(game) return DefaultActionPanel(game, self.Tile, nself.EndturnButtonRect) def Draw(self, game: Game): super().Draw(game) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(font.render("Default", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 35)) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(font.render("Choose an tile or end the turn", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 55)) class SimpleTextButton: def __init__(self, text, position): self._text = text self._position = position self.clicked = False self.rect = None def Draw(self, screen): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) textColor = Colors.RED if self.clicked else Colors.BLACK if self.IsHoverdByMouse(): self.rect = screen.blit(font.render(self._text, True, textColor, Colors.DIMGREY), self._position) else: self.rect = screen.blit(font.render(self._text, True, textColor), self._position) def IsHoverdByMouse(self): return self.rect is not None and self.rect.collidepoint(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) def IsClickedByMouse(self, game): return self.IsHoverdByMouse() and EventExist(game.Events, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP) class UnitActionPanel(ActionPanel): def __init__(self, game: Game, tile: Tile = None, endturnButtonRect=None, buttons=None, newSelection=None, _barackButton=None, _moveButton=None, _moveUnitFromBoatButton=None): super().__init__(game, tile, endturnButtonRect, newSelection) self._barrackButton = _barackButton if _barackButton is not None else SimpleTextButton("Buy Barrack", (10, 100)) if _moveButton is not None: self._moveButton = _moveButton else: self._moveButton = SimpleTextButton("Move Unit", (10, 130)) self._moveButton.clicked = True self._moveUnitFromBoatButton = _moveUnitFromBoatButton if _moveUnitFromBoatButton is not None \ else SimpleTextButton("move Unit to land", (10, 160)) if buttons is not None: self.Buttons = buttons else: import GameLogic.MapHelpers self.Buttons = [] for pos in GameLogic.MapHelpers.getAroundingTiles(tile, game.Logic.Map): if pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X + 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonRight(Vector2(40, 0))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X + 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y + 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonDownRight(Vector2(40, 40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y + 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonDown(Vector2(0, 40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X - 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y + 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonDownLeft(Vector2(-40, 40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X - 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonLeft(Vector2(-40, 0))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X - 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y - 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonUpLeft(Vector2(-40, -40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y - 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonUp(Vector2(0, -40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X + 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y - 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonUpRight(Vector2(40, -40))) def Update(self, game: Game): nself = super().Update(game) if type(nself) is DefaultActionPanel: return nself if self._barrackButton.IsClickedByMouse(game) or self._moveButton.IsClickedByMouse(game) \ or self._moveUnitFromBoatButton.IsClickedByMouse(game): if self._moveButton.IsClickedByMouse(game): self._moveButton.clicked = True self._barrackButton.clicked = False self._moveUnitFromBoatButton.clicked = False elif self._barrackButton.IsClickedByMouse(game): self._barrackButton.clicked = True self._moveButton.clicked = False self._moveUnitFromBoatButton.clicked = False else: self._moveUnitFromBoatButton.clicked = True self._barrackButton.clicked = False self._moveButton.clicked = False clickedButton = next((btn for btn in self.Buttons if btn.IsClickedByMouse(game)), None) if self._moveButton.clicked: if clickedButton is not None: self.Tile.Unit.MoveTo(game.Logic.Map.GetTile(clickedButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position))) return UnitActionPanel(game, self.Tile, nself.EndturnButtonRect, None, clickedButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position)) elif self._barrackButton.clicked: if clickedButton is not None: barrack = game.Logic.BuyBarrack( game.Logic.Map.GetTile(clickedButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position))) if barrack is not None: return BarrackActionPanel(game, game.Logic.Map.GetTile( clickedButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position))) else: if clickedButton is not None: self.Tile.Unit.Unit.MoveTo( game.Logic.Map.GetTile(clickedButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position))) self.Tile.Unit.Unit = None return UnitActionPanel(game, self.Tile, nself.EndturnButtonRect, None, clickedButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position)) return UnitActionPanel(game, self.Tile, nself.EndturnButtonRect, self.Buttons, None, self._barrackButton, self._moveButton, self._moveUnitFromBoatButton) def Draw(self, game: Game): super().Draw(game) screen = game.Settings.GetScreen() font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(font.render("Unit actions", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 35)) screen.blit(font.render("Choose you actions with the unit", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 55)) screen.blit(font.render("Attack points: %i" % self.Tile.Unit.AttackPoints, True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 190)) screen.blit(font.render("Defense points: %i" % self.Tile.Unit.DefencePoints, True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 210)) # choose between buy a barrack or move the unit self._barrackButton.Draw(screen) self._moveButton.Draw(screen) if type(self.Tile.Unit) is Boat: self._moveUnitFromBoatButton.Draw(screen) # Draw the Arrow Buttons for arrowButton in self.Buttons: arrowButton.Draw(game) class BarrackActionPanel(ActionPanel): def __init__(self, game: Game, tile: Tile = None, endturnButtonRect=None, buttons=None, buyUnits=None): super().__init__(game, tile, endturnButtonRect) if buttons is not None: self.Buttons = buttons else: import GameLogic.MapHelpers self.Buttons = [] for pos in GameLogic.MapHelpers.getAroundingTiles(tile, game.Logic.Map): if pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X + 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonRight(Vector2(40, 0))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X + 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y + 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonDownRight(Vector2(40, 40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y + 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonDown(Vector2(0, 40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X - 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y + 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonDownLeft(Vector2(-40, 40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X - 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonLeft(Vector2(-40, 0))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X - 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y - 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonUpLeft(Vector2(-40, -40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y - 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonUp(Vector2(0, -40))) elif pos.Position.X == tile.Position.X + 1 and pos.Position.Y == tile.Position.Y - 1: self.Buttons.append(ArrowButtonUpRight(Vector2(40, -40))) if buyUnits is not None: self.BuyUnits = buyUnits else: self.BuyUnits = [] self.BuyUnits.append(SoldierButton(Vector2(0, 100), game.Logic.PlayingPlayer.Character.Id)) self.BuyUnits.append(RobotButton(Vector2(1, 100), game.Logic.PlayingPlayer.Character.Id)) self.BuyUnits.append(TankButton(Vector2(2, 100), game.Logic.PlayingPlayer.Character.Id)) self.BuyUnits.append(BoatButton(Vector2(3, 100), game.Logic.PlayingPlayer.Character.Id)) def Update(self, game: Game): nself = super().Update(game) if type(nself) is DefaultActionPanel: return nself clickedArrowButton = next((btn for btn in self.Buttons if btn.IsClickedByMouse(game)), None) clickedUnitButton = next((btn for btn in self.BuyUnits if btn.IsClickedByMouse(game)), None) if clickedUnitButton is not None: for btn in self.BuyUnits: btn.clicked = False clickedUnitButton.clicked = True clickedUnitButton = next((btn for btn in self.BuyUnits if btn.clicked), None) if clickedUnitButton is not None and clickedArrowButton is not None: game.Logic.BuyUnit( clickedUnitButton.GetUnitType(), game.Logic.Map.GetTile(clickedArrowButton.GetDestinationPosition(self.Tile.Position)) ) return BarrackActionPanel(game, self.Tile, nself.EndturnButtonRect, self.Buttons, self.BuyUnits) def Draw(self, game: Game): super().Draw(game) screen = game.Settings.GetScreen() font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) screen.blit(font.render("Barrack actions", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 35)) screen.blit(font.render("Choose you actions with the Barrack", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 55)) screen.blit(font.render("Defence Points: %i" % self.Tile.Building.DefencePoints, True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 75)) # Draw the Arrow Buttons for arrowButton in self.Buttons: arrowButton.Draw(game) # Draw the Buy Unit Buttons for unitBuyButton in self.BuyUnits: unitBuyButton.Draw(game) current_money = game.Logic.PlayingPlayer.Money # Draw the price of the units and check if the user can buy the unit if current_money >= getUnitPrice(Soldier, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character): # Soldier screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Soldier, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.BLACK), (15, 150)) else: screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Soldier, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.RED), (15, 150)) if current_money >= getUnitPrice(Robot, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character): # Robot screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Robot, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.BLACK), (73, 150)) else: screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Robot, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.RED), (73, 150)) if current_money >= getUnitPrice(Tank, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character): # Tank screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Tank, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.BLACK), (131, 150)) else: screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Tank, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.RED), (131, 150)) if current_money >= getUnitPrice(Boat, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character): # Boat screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Boat, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.BLACK), (189, 150)) else: screen.blit(font.render('ƒ ' + str(getUnitPrice(Boat, self.Tile.Building.Owner.Character)), True, Colors.RED), (189, 150)) class InfoActionTile(ActionPanel): def Update(self, game: Game): nself = super().Update(game) if type(nself) is DefaultActionPanel: return nself return InfoActionTile(game, self.Tile, nself.EndturnButtonRect) def Draw(self, game: Game): super().Draw(game) font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(font.render("Tile Info", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 35)) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit(font.render("Here you can find info about the tile", True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 55)) if self.Tile.Building is not None: game.Settings.GetScreen().blit( font.render("Defence Points: %i" % self.Tile.Building.DefencePoints, True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 75)) if self.Tile.Unit is not None: game.Settings.GetScreen().blit( font.render("Attack points: %i" % self.Tile.Unit.AttackPoints, True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 190)) game.Settings.GetScreen().blit( font.render("Defense points: %i" % self.Tile.Unit.DefencePoints, True, Colors.BLACK), (10, 210))
import simplejson as json from docker import Client _DOCKER_BASEURL_= 'unix://var/run/docker.sock' _PORTS_ = [2200] class ContainerEngine(): def __init__(self): self.ports = [22] def newClient(self,base_url=_DOCKER_BASEURL_): return Client(base_url) def createContainer(self,client, image_id, command=None, mem_limit=None, cpu_shares=None, private_ports = []): """Initiate and Create Container""" return client.create_container(image_id, command, detach=True, ports = private_ports , mem_limit=mem_limit, cpu_shares=cpu_shares) def startContainer(self,client, container_id, container_endpoints={}): """Start Container""" return client.start(container_id, port_bindings = container_endpoints) def searchImage(self, client, image_id): """Search Public Image Repo -- docker hub""" try: return[0] except: return {'ERROR':'Image is not found'} def pullImage(self, client, image_id): """Pull Image from Public Repo""" try: for line in client.pull(image_id, stream=True): print(json.dumps(json.loads(line), indent=4)) return self.list_image(client,image=image_id) except: return {'ERROR':'Unable to pull image with a record id "%s" from docker hub!!'%(image_id)} def list_images(self, client, image=None): """list local repo images""" if image != None: return client.images(image=image) return client.images() def removeContainer(self, client, container): """stop container then remove the stopped one""" try: client.stop(container) except: pass try: client.remove_container(container) except: return False return True
""" FOIA Machine urls """ # Django from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import include, url from django.views.defaults import page_not_found, server_error from django.views.generic import RedirectView, TemplateView from django.views.static import serve # Third Party import debug_toolbar # MuckRock from muckrock.accounts import views as account_views from import agency_url from import AgencyAutocomplete from muckrock.foiamachine import views from muckrock.jurisdiction.urls import jur_url from muckrock.jurisdiction.views import JurisdictionAutocomplete def handler404(request, exception): """404 handler""" return page_not_found(request, exception, template_name="foiamachine/404.html") def handler500(request): """500 handler""" return server_error(request, template_name="foiamachine/500.html") urlpatterns = [ url(r"^$", views.Homepage.as_view(), name="index"), url( r"^accounts/signup/$", RedirectView.as_view( url=settings.SQUARELET_URL + "/accounts/signup/?intent=foiamachine" ), name="signup", ), url(r"^accounts/login/$", views.LoginView.as_view(), name="login"), url(r"^accounts/logout/$", views.account_logout, name="acct-logout"), url(r"^accounts/profile/$", views.Profile.as_view(), name="profile"), url( r"^foi/create/$", views.FoiaMachineRequestCreateView.as_view(), name="foi-create", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<pk>\d+)/$", views.FoiaMachineRequestDetailView.as_view(), name="foi-detail", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<pk>\d+)/update/$", views.FoiaMachineRequestUpdateView.as_view(), name="foi-update", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/$", views.FoiaMachineRequestDeleteView.as_view(), name="foi-delete", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<pk>\d+)/share/$", views.FoiaMachineRequestShareView.as_view(), name="foi-share", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<foi_slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<foi_pk>\d+)/comms/create/$", views.FoiaMachineCommunicationCreateView.as_view(), name="comm-create", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<foi_slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<foi_pk>\d+)/comms/(?P<pk>\d+)/update/$", views.FoiaMachineCommunicationUpdateView.as_view(), name="comm-update", ), url( r"^foi/(?P<foi_slug>[\w-]+)-(?P<foi_pk>\d+)/comms/(?P<pk>\d+)/delete/$", views.FoiaMachineCommunicationDeleteView.as_view(), name="comm-delete", ), url(r"^agency/%s/$" % agency_url, views.agency_detail, name="agency-detail"), url( r"^jurisdiction/%s/$" % jur_url, views.jurisdiction_detail, name="jurisdiction-detail", ), url( r"^agency-autocomplete/$", AgencyAutocomplete.as_view(), name="agency-autocomplete", ), url( r"^jurisdiction-autocomplete/$", JurisdictionAutocomplete.as_view(), name="jurisdiction-autocomplete", ), url(r"^__debug__/", include(debug_toolbar.urls)), url(r"^accounts/", include("social_django.urls", namespace="social")), url(r"^rp_iframe/$", account_views.rp_iframe, name="acct-rp-iframe"), ] if settings.DEBUG: urlpatterns += [ url(r"^media/(?P<path>.*)$", serve, {"document_root": settings.MEDIA_ROOT}), url(r"^500/$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="foiamachine/500.html")), url(r"^404/$", TemplateView.as_view(template_name="foiamachine/404.html")), ]
# coding: utf-8 import sys sys.path.append(".") from import * DIVULGUER_MOT_SECRET = VRAI def choisirMot(*args): return workshop.rfPickWord(*args) def lettreEstDansMot(*args): return workshop.rfIsLetterInWord(*args) def donnerMasque(*args): return workshop.rfGetMask(*args) def majCorps(*args): return workshop.rfUpdateBody(*args) """ Ajout de la gestion du mot à deviner ('motSecret'). """ class Pendu: def raz(self,suggestion,motAuHasard): self.motSecret = choisirMot(suggestion,motAuHasard) self.bonnesPioches = "" self.nombreErreurs = 0 def __init__(self): self.motSecret = "" self.bonnesPioches = "" self.nombreErreurs = 0 def traiterEtTesterPioche(self,pioche): if lettreEstDansMot(pioche,self.motSecret): if not lettreEstDansMot(pioche,self.bonnesPioches): self.bonnesPioches += pioche return VRAI else: self.nombreErreurs += 1 return FAUX """ Utilisation du mot à deviner stocké dans 'pendu' ('pendu.motSecret'). Divulgation ou non du mot à deviner selon configuration. """ def raz(pendu,suggestion,motAuHasard): pendu.raz(suggestion,motAuHasard) print(pendu.motSecret) afficher(donnerMasque(pendu.motSecret,"")) if DIVULGUER_MOT_SECRET: divulguerMotSecret( pendu.motSecret ) def traiterPioche(pendu,pioche): if pendu.traiterEtTesterPioche(pioche): afficher(donnerMasque(pendu.motSecret,pendu.bonnesPioches)) else: majCorps(pendu.nombreErreurs) go(globals())
#!/usr/bin/env python # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2015 Goran Tornqvist # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # ****************************************************************************** # - Simple script for monitoring freenas status and replication # PS: you may want to check out this script as well: # # # # Tip: To ignore capacity warnings which are set quite low, change these rows in check_alerts(): # if alert['level'] != 'OK': # if alert['message'].find('capacity for the volume') == -1: # errors = errors + 1 # # Troubleshooting: If you receive an error from the script, make sure you can access the api of your freenas using a web browser. # Example: http://freenas/api/v1.0/system/alert/?format=json (login: root) import argparse import json import sys import string import requests class Startup(object): def __init__(self, hostname, user, secret): self._hostname = hostname self._user = user self._secret = secret self._ep = 'http://%s/api/v1.0' % hostname def request(self, resource, method='GET', data=None): if data is None: data = '' try: r = requests.request( method, '%s/%s/' % (self._ep, resource), data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': "application/json"}, auth=(self._user, self._secret), ) except: print 'UNKNOWN - Error when contacting freenas server: ' + str(sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(3) if r.ok: try: return r.json() except: print 'UNKNOWN - Error when contacting freenas server: ' + str(sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(3) def check_repl(self): repls = self.request('storage/replication') errors=0 msg='' try: for repl in repls: if repl['repl_status'] != 'Succeeded' and repl['repl_status'] != None and repl['repl_status'][:7] != 'Sending' and repl['repl_status'] != 'Up to date': errors = errors + 1 msg = msg + repl['repl_zfs'] + ' [' + repl['repl_status'] + '] ' ; except: print 'UNKNOWN - Error when contacting freenas server: ' + str(sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(3) if errors > 0: print 'WARNING - ' + msg.strip() + '. Go to Storage > Replication Tasks > View Replication Tasks in FreeNAS for more details.' sys.exit(1) else: print 'OK - No replication errors' sys.exit(0) def check_alerts(self): alerts = self.request('system/alert') warn=0 crit=0 msg='' try: for alert in alerts: if alert['dismissed'] == False: if alert['level'] == 'CRIT': crit = crit + 1 msg = msg + '- (C) ' + string.replace(alert['message'], '\n', '. ') + ' ' elif alert['level'] == 'WARN': warn = warn + 1 msg = msg + '- (W) ' + string.replace(alert['message'], '\n', '. ') + ' ' except: print 'UNKNOWN - Error when contacting freenas server: ' + str(sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(3) if crit > 0: print 'CRITICAL ' + msg sys.exit(2) elif warn > 0: print 'WARNING ' + msg sys.exit(1) else: print 'OK - No problem alerts' sys.exit(0) def check_updates(self): updates = self.request('system/update/check') if not updates: print 'OK - No pending updates.' sys.exit(0) else: print 'WARNING - There are pending updates. Go to System > Update to apply pending updates.' sys.exit(1) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Checks a freenas server using the API') parser.add_argument('-H', '--hostname', required=True, type=str, help='Hostname or IP address') parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', required=True, type=str, help='Normally only root works') parser.add_argument('-p', '--passwd', required=True, type=str, help='Password') parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', required=True, type=str, help='Type of check, either repl, alerts or updates') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) startup = Startup(args.hostname, args.user, args.passwd) if args.type == 'alerts': startup.check_alerts() elif args.type == 'repl': startup.check_repl() elif args.type == 'updates': startup.check_updates() else: print "Unknown type: " + args.type sys.exit(3) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
'''Arsenal nodes DB Model''' # Copyright 2015 CityGrid Media, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging from sqlalchemy import ( Column, ForeignKey, Integer, TIMESTAMP, Text, ) from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship from sqlalchemy.orm import backref from arsenalweb.models.common import ( Base, BaseAudit, check_null_dict, check_null_string, get_name_id_dict, get_name_id_list, hypervisor_vm_assignments, jsonify, ) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Node(Base): '''Arsenal Node object.''' __tablename__ = 'nodes' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = Column(Text, nullable=False) unique_id = Column(Text, nullable=False) status_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) hardware_profile_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) operating_system_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) ec2_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) data_center_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) uptime = Column(Text, nullable=False) serial_number = Column(Text, ForeignKey('physical_devices.serial_number')) processor_count = Column(Integer) last_registered = Column(TIMESTAMP) created = Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) updated = Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) updated_by = Column(Text, nullable=False) status = relationship('Status', backref='nodes', lazy='joined') hardware_profile = relationship('HardwareProfile', backref=backref('nodes'), lazy='joined') operating_system = relationship('OperatingSystem', backref=backref('nodes'), lazy='joined') ec2_instance = relationship('Ec2Instance', backref=backref('nodes'), lazy='joined') data_center = relationship('DataCenter', backref=backref('nodes'), lazy='joined') physical_device = relationship('PhysicalDevice', backref=backref('nodes'), lazy='joined', foreign_keys=[serial_number]) node_groups = relationship('NodeGroup', secondary='node_group_assignments', backref='nodes', lazy='dynamic') tags = relationship('Tag', secondary='tag_node_assignments', backref='nodes', lazy='dynamic') network_interfaces = relationship('NetworkInterface', secondary='network_interface_assignments', backref='nodes', lazy='dynamic') hypervisor = relationship('Node', secondary='hypervisor_vm_assignments', primaryjoin=hypervisor_vm_assignments.c.hypervisor_id == id, secondaryjoin=hypervisor_vm_assignments.c.guest_vm_id == id, backref='guest_vms', lazy='dynamic') def __json__(self, request): try: fields = request.params['fields'] if fields == 'all': # Everything. all_fields = dict(,, unique_id=self.unique_id, status=get_name_id_dict([self.status]), hardware_profile=get_name_id_dict([self.hardware_profile]), operating_system=get_name_id_dict([self.operating_system]), ec2_instance=check_null_dict(self.ec2_instance), data_center=get_name_id_dict([self.data_center]), uptime=check_null_string(self.uptime), serial_number=check_null_string(self.serial_number), processor_count=check_null_string(self.processor_count), node_groups=get_name_id_list(self.node_groups), tags=get_name_id_list(self.tags, extra_keys=['value']), network_interfaces=get_name_id_list(self.network_interfaces, extra_keys=[ 'unique_id', ]), guest_vms=get_name_id_list(self.guest_vms), hypervisor=get_name_id_list(self.hypervisor), physical_device=self.physical_device, last_registered=self.last_registered, created=self.created, updated=self.updated, updated_by=self.updated_by, ) return jsonify(all_fields) else: # Always return name id and unique_id, then return whatever additional fields # are asked for. resp = get_name_id_dict([self], extra_keys=['unique_id']) my_fields = fields.split(',') # Backrefs are not in the instance dict, so we handle them here. if 'node_groups' in my_fields: resp['node_groups'] = get_name_id_list(self.node_groups) if 'hypervisor' in my_fields: resp['hypervisor'] = get_name_id_list(self.hypervisor) if 'guest_vms' in my_fields: my_guest_vms = get_name_id_list(self.guest_vms) if my_guest_vms: resp['guest_vms'] = my_guest_vms # Need this so we don't return an empty list of guest_vms # for each guest vm. else: del resp['guest_vms'] if 'tags' in my_fields: resp['tags'] = get_name_id_list(self.tags, extra_keys=['value']) if 'network_interfaces' in my_fields: resp['network_interfaces'] = get_name_id_list(self.network_interfaces, extra_keys=[ 'unique_id', 'ip_address', 'bond_master', 'port_description', 'port_number', 'port_switch', 'port_vlan', ]) resp.update((key, getattr(self, key)) for key in my_fields if key in self.__dict__) return jsonify(resp) # Default to returning only name, id, and unique_id. except KeyError: resp = get_name_id_dict([self], extra_keys=['unique_id']) return resp class NodeAudit(BaseAudit): '''Arsenal NodeAudit object.''' __tablename__ = 'nodes_audit'
from os import walk import sys, os, fnmatch, re mypath = '' if len(sys.argv)==2 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): mypath = sys.argv[1] else: mypath = os.getcwd() filelist = [] keyfilelist = [] opbufferinit = '\nRunning security analysis:' opbuffer = '' for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(mypath): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.c'): filelist.append(os.path.join(dirpath,filename)) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.cpp'): filelist.append(os.path.join(dirpath,filename)) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.java'): filelist.append(os.path.join(dirpath,filename)) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.json'): filelist.append(os.path.join(dirpath,filename)) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.key'): keyfilelist.append(os.path.join(dirpath,filename)) for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pem'): keyfilelist.append(os.path.join(dirpath,filename)) doregex = re.compile('([A-Z0-9]{64})[\s\'\"\;\)\]\}]*$') awsregex = re.compile('([A-Za-z\/]*[0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\/]+)[\s\'\"\;\)\]\}]*$') for filename in filelist: filetype = filename.split('.')[-1] linenum = 0 with open(filename) as f: for eachline in f: linenum+=1 eachline = eachline.lstrip().rstrip() if len(doregex.findall(eachline)): opbuffer+='\n\n' + 'Filename: {}\nLine number: {}'.format(filename, linenum) break elif len(awsregex.findall(eachline)): flag = False for eachtoken in awsregex.findall(eachline): if len(eachtoken) == 40: opbuffer+='\n\n' + 'Filename: {}\nLine number: {}'.format(filename, linenum) flag = True break if flag: break if len(keyfilelist): opbuffer+="\n\nFound files with security keys." for eachfile in keyfilelist: opbuffer+='\n' + 'Filename: {}'.format(eachfile) opbuffer+="\n\nPlease remove these files before pushing changes." with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])),'secanalysis.result'),'w') as opfile: opfile.write(opbufferinit) if len(opbuffer) or len(keyfilelist): opbuffer+='\n\nSTATUS: FAILURE' else: opbuffer+='\n\nSTATUS: SUCCESS' opfile.write(opbuffer) print opbufferinit + opbuffer + '\n'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Read raw data # Author: Jimmy Royer # [email protected] # June 20, 2016 import pandas as pd # Training Sample -- All the Mutations data = pd.read_csv("./input/emb.csv") # Create target variable data['y'] = (data['dr'] == "r") * 1 data.drop('dr', axis=1, inplace=True) # List of Features to Keep in the Analysis features = [var for var in data.columns if var != "y"] # List subset of Features features_small = ["SNP_CN_4247429_A916G_M306V_embB", "SNP_CN_4247431_G918A_M306I_embB", "SNP_CN_4247431_G918C_M306I_embB", "SNP_CN_4247730_G1217C_G406A_embB", "SNP_CN_4248003_A1490G_Q497R_embB", "SNP_CN_4249518_A3005G_H1002R_embB", "SNP_CN_409569_G208A_A70T_iniB", "SNP_CN_4247729_G1216A_G406S_embB", "SNP_CN_4247431_G918T_M306I_embB", "SNP_CN_4247429_A916C_M306L_embB", "SNP_P_4243222_C11A_promoter_embA.embB", "SNP_CN_4247574_A1061C_D354A_embB", "SNP_CN_4247495_G982T_D328Y_embB", "SNP_CN_4249583_G3070A_D1024N_embB", "SNP_CN_4243392_A160G_N54D_embA", "SNP_P_4243225_C8T_promoter_embA.embB", "SNP_CN_4242182_G2320T_A774S_embC", "SNP_CN_4247729_G1216T_G406C_embB"]
"""Routines for the importing of new files on a node.""" import logging import os import time import peewee as pw from import FileSystemEventHandler from watchdog.observers.polling import PollingObserver from . import acquisition as ac from . import archive as ar from . import config, db, util log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def import_file(node, file_path): done = False while not done: try: _import_file(node, file_path) done = True except pw.OperationalError as e: log.exception(e) log.error( "MySQL connexion dropped. Will attempt to reconnect in " "five seconds." ) time.sleep(5) # TODO: handle reconnection db.database_proxy.connect() def in_directory(file, directory): """Test if file is contained within the directory. Does not check existence.""" directory = os.path.join(directory, "") # return true, if the common prefix of both is equal to directory # e.g. /a/b/c/d.rst and directory is /a/b, the common prefix is /a/b return os.path.commonprefix([file, directory]) == directory def _import_file(node, file_path): """Import a file into the DB. This routine adds the following to the database, if they do not already exist (or might be corrupted). - The acquisition that the file is a part of. - Information on the acquisition, if it is of type "corr". - The file. - Information on the file, if it is of type "corr". - Indicates that the file exists on this node. Parameters ---------- node : storage.StorageNode The node we are processing. file_path : string Path of file on the node to import. If is is an absolute path it must be within the node root, otherwise is is assumed to be relative to the node root. """ log.debug('Considering "%s" for import.', file_path) # Occasionally the watchdog sends events on the node root directory itself. Skip these. if file_path == node.root: log.debug('Skipping import request on the node root itself "%s"', node.root) return # Ensure the path is an absolute path within the node if os.path.isabs(file_path): if not in_directory(file_path, node.root): log.error( 'File "%s" was not an absolute path within the node "%s"', file_path, node.root, ) return else: file_path = os.path.join(node.root, file_path) abspath = os.path.normpath(file_path) # Skip requests to import a directory. Again these are occasionally sent by the watchdog if os.path.isdir(file_path): log.debug('Path to import "%s" is a directory. Skipping...', file_path) return relpath = os.path.relpath(abspath, node.root) # Skip the file if there is still a lock on it. dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(abspath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_name, ".%s.lock" % base_name)): log.debug('Skipping "%s", which is locked by', file_path) return # Check if we can handle this acquisition, and skip if we can't acq_type_name = ac.AcqType.detect(relpath, node) if acq_type_name is None:'Skipping non-acquisition path "%s".', file_path) return # Figure out which acquisition this is; add if necessary. acq_type, acq_name = acq_type_name try: acq = ac.ArchiveAcq.get( == acq_name) log.debug('Acquisition "%s" already in DB. Skipping.', acq_name) except pw.DoesNotExist: acq = add_acq(acq_type, acq_name, node)'Acquisition "%s" added to DB.', acq_name) # What kind of file do we have? file_name = os.path.relpath(relpath, acq_name) ftype = ac.FileType.detect(file_name, acq, node) if ftype is None:'Skipping unrecognised file "%s/%s".', acq_name, file_name) return # Add the file, if necessary. try: file_ = ac.ArchiveFile.get( == file_name, ac.ArchiveFile.acq == acq ) log.debug('File "%s/%s" already in DB. Skipping.', acq_name, file_name) except pw.DoesNotExist: log.debug('Computing md5sum of "%s".', file_name) md5sum = util.md5sum_file(abspath, cmd_line=False) size_b = os.path.getsize(abspath) done = False while not done: try: with db.database_proxy.atomic(): file_ = ac.ArchiveFile.create( acq=acq, type=ftype, name=file_name, size_b=size_b, md5sum=md5sum, ), node) done = True except pw.OperationalError as e: log.exception(e) log.error( "MySQL connexion dropped. Will attempt to reconnect in " "five seconds." ) time.sleep(5) # TODO: re-implement # di.connect_database(True)'File "%s/%s" added to DB.', acq_name, file_name) # Register the copy of the file here on the collection server, if (1) it # does not exist, or (2) if there has previously been a copy here ensure it # is checksummed to ensure the archives integrity. if not file_.copies.where(ar.ArchiveFileCopy.node == node).count(): copy_size_b = os.stat(abspath).st_blocks * 512 copy = ar.ArchiveFileCopy.create( file=file_, node=node, has_file="Y", wants_file="Y", size_b=copy_size_b )'Registered file copy "%s/%s" to DB.', acq_name, file_name) else: # Mark any previous copies as not being present... query = ar.ArchiveFileCopy.update(has_file="N").where( ar.ArchiveFileCopy.file == file_, ar.ArchiveFileCopy.node == node ) query.execute() # ... then take the latest and mark it with has_file=M to force it to be # checked. copy = ( .where(ar.ArchiveFileCopy.file == file_, ar.ArchiveFileCopy.node == node) .order_by( .get() ) copy.has_file = "M" copy.wants_file = "Y" # TODO: imported files caching # if import_done is not None: # bisect.insort_left(import_done, file_path) # with open(LOCAL_IMPORT_RECORD, "w") as fp: # fp.write("\n".join(import_done)) # Routines for registering files, acquisitions, copies and info in the DB. # ======================================================================== def add_acq(acq_type, name, node, comment=""): """Add an aquisition to the database. This looks for an appropriate acquisition type, and if successful creates the ArchiveAcq and AcqInfo entries for the acquisition. Parameters ---------- acq_type : AcqType Type of the acquisition name : string Name of the acquisition directory. node : StorageNode Node that the acquisition is on. comment : string, optional An optional comment. Returns ------- acq : ArchiveAcq The ArchiveAcq entry. acqinfo : AcqInfoBase The AcqInfo entry. """ # Is the acquisition already in the database? if == name).count(): raise AlreadyExists('Acquisition "%s" already exists in DB.' % name) # Create the ArchiveAcq entry and the AcqInfo entry for the acquisition. Run # in a transaction so we don't end up with inconsistency. with db.database_proxy.atomic(): # Insert the archive record acq = ac.ArchiveAcq.create(name=name, type=acq_type, comment=comment) # Generate the metadata table, node) return acq # Exceptions # ========== class Validation(Exception): """Raise when validation of a name or field fails.""" class DataBaseError(Exception): """Raise when there is some internal inconsistency with the database.""" class AlreadyExists(Exception): """Raise when a record already exists in the database.""" class DataFlagged(Exception): """Raised when data is affected by a global flag.""" # Watchdog stuff # ============== class RegisterFile(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, node):'Registering node "%s" for auto_import watchdog.', self.node = node self.root = node.root if self.root[-1] == "/": self.root = self.root[0:-1] super(RegisterFile, self).__init__() def on_created(self, event): import_file(self.node, event.src_path) return def on_modified(self, event): import_file(self.node, event.src_path) return def on_moved(self, event): import_file(self.node, event.src_path) return def on_deleted(self, event): # For lockfiles: ensure that the file that was locked is added: it is # possible that the watchdog notices that a file has been closed before the # lockfile is deleted. dirname, basename = os.path.split(event.src_path) if basename[0] == "." and basename[-5:] == ".lock": basename = basename[1:-5] import_file(self.node, os.path.join(dirname, basename)) # Routines to control the filesystem watchdogs. # ============================================= obs_list = None def setup_observers(node_list): """Setup the watchdogs to look for new files in the nodes.""" global obs_list # If any node has auto_import set, look for new files and add them to the # DB. Then set up a watchdog for it. obs_list = [] for node in node_list: if node.auto_import: # TODO: Normal observers don't work via NFS so we use the polling # observer, however, we could try and detect this and switch back obs_list.append( PollingObserver( timeout=config.config["service"]["auto_import_interval"] ) ) obs_list[-1].schedule(RegisterFile(node), node.root, recursive=True) else: obs_list.append(None) # Start up the watchdog threads for obs in obs_list: if obs: obs.start() def catchup(node_list): """Traverse the node directory for new files and importem""" for node in node_list: if node.auto_import: # Get list of all files that exist on the node q = (, .where( ar.ArchiveFileCopy.node == node, ar.ArchiveFileCopy.has_file == "Y" ) .join(ac.ArchiveFile) .join(ac.ArchiveAcq) ) already_imported_files = [os.path.join(a, f) for a, f in q.tuples()]'Crawling base directory "%s" for new files.', node.root) for dirpath, d, f_list in os.walk(node.root):'Crawling "%s".', dirpath) for file_name in sorted(f_list): if file_name in already_imported_files: log.debug('Skipping already-registered file "%s".', file_name) else: import_file(node, os.path.join(dirpath, file_name)) def stop_observers(): """Stop watchidog threads.""" for obs in obs_list: if obs: obs.stop() def join_observers(): """Wait for watchdog threads to terminate.""" for obs in obs_list: if obs: obs.join()
import os import sys import json import argparse from random import shuffle, seed import string # non-standard dependencies: import h5py import numpy as np import def prepro_question_answer(imgs): ''' tokenize all questions, answers and multiple choices in the dataset. all punctuations are removed. ''' # preprocess all the questions and answers print 'example processed tokens:' for i,img in enumerate(imgs): img['processed_question_tokens'] = [] img['processed_answer_tokens'] = [] img['processed_mc_tokens'] = [] for j, qa_pair in enumerate(img['qa_pairs']): question_txt = str(qa_pair['question']).lower().translate(None, string.punctuation).strip().split() img['processed_question_tokens'].append(question_txt) answer_txt = str(qa_pair['answer']).lower().translate(None, string.punctuation).strip().split() img['processed_answer_tokens'].append(answer_txt) processed_mc_tokens = [] if 'multiple_choices' in qa_pair: for mc in qa_pair['multiple_choices']: mc_txt = str(mc).lower().translate(None, string.punctuation).strip().split() processed_mc_tokens.append(mc_txt) img['processed_mc_tokens'].append(processed_mc_tokens) if i < 10 and j == 0: print question_txt, answer_txt def build_vocab(imgs, params): ''' we build a word vocabulary from the questions and answers. rare words with frequency lower than a threshold are replaced by a special token UNK (last token in the vocabulary). ''' count_thr = params['word_count_threshold'] # count up the number of words counts = {} for img in imgs: if img['split'] in ['train', 'val']: # test set shouldn't be used for building vocab for txt in img['processed_question_tokens']: for w in txt: counts[w] = counts.get(w, 0) + 1 for txt in img['processed_answer_tokens']: for w in txt: counts[w] = counts.get(w, 0) + 1 cw = sorted([(count,w) for w,count in counts.iteritems()], reverse=True) print 'top words and their counts:' print '\n'.join(map(str,cw[:20])) # print some stats total_words = sum(counts.itervalues()) print 'total words:', total_words bad_words = [w for w,n in counts.iteritems() if n <= count_thr] vocab = [w for w,n in counts.iteritems() if n > count_thr] bad_count = sum(counts[w] for w in bad_words) print 'number of bad words: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (len(bad_words), len(counts), len(bad_words)*100.0/len(counts)) print 'number of words in vocab would be %d' % (len(vocab), ) print 'number of UNKs: %d/%d = %.2f%%' % (bad_count, total_words, bad_count*100.0/total_words) # lets look at the distribution of lengths as well sent_lengths = {} for img in imgs: for txt in img['processed_question_tokens']: nw = len(txt) sent_lengths[nw] = sent_lengths.get(nw, 0) + 1 for txt in img['processed_answer_tokens']: nw = len(txt) sent_lengths[nw] = sent_lengths.get(nw, 0) + 1 max_len = max(sent_lengths.keys()) print 'max length sentence in raw data: ', max_len print 'sentence length distribution (count, number of words):' sum_len = sum(sent_lengths.values()) for i in xrange(max_len+1): print '%2d: %10d %f%%' % (i, sent_lengths.get(i,0), sent_lengths.get(i,0)*100.0/sum_len) # lets now produce the final annotations # additional special UNK token we will use below to map infrequent words to print 'inserting the special UNK token' vocab.append('UNK') for img in imgs: img['final_questions'] = [] for txt in img['processed_question_tokens']: question = [w if counts.get(w,0) > count_thr else 'UNK' for w in txt] img['final_questions'].append(question) img['final_answers'] = [] for txt in img['processed_answer_tokens']: answer = [w if counts.get(w,0) > count_thr else 'UNK' for w in txt] img['final_answers'].append(answer) img['final_mcs'] = [] for mc in img['processed_mc_tokens']: mcs = [] for txt in mc: mc = [w if counts.get(w,0) > count_thr else 'UNK' for w in txt] mcs.append(mc) img['final_mcs'].append(mcs) return vocab def encode_question_answer(imgs, params, wtoi): ''' encode all questions and answers into one large array, which will be 1-indexed. also produces label_start_ix and label_end_ix which store 1-indexed and inclusive (Lua-style) pointers to the first and last caption for each image in the dataset. ''' max_question_length = params['max_question_length'] max_answer_length = params['max_answer_length'] MC = params['num_multiple_choice'] N = len(imgs) # total number of images M = sum(len(img['final_answers']) for img in imgs) # total number of QA pairs assert M == sum(len(img['final_questions']) for img in imgs), \ 'error: total numbers of questions and answers don\'t match' question_label_arrays = [] answer_label_arrays = [] mc_label_arrays = [] question_label_length = np.zeros(M, dtype='uint32') answer_label_length = np.zeros(M, dtype='uint32') mc_label_length = np.zeros([M, MC], dtype='uint32') label_start_ix = np.zeros(N, dtype='uint32') # note: these will be one-indexed label_end_ix = np.zeros(N, dtype='uint32') label_id = np.zeros(M, dtype='uint32') # id of the QA pair question_counter = 0 answer_counter = 0 mc_counter = 0 counter = 1 for i,img in enumerate(imgs): n = len(img['final_questions']) assert n > 0, 'error: some image has no QA pairs' # getting the labels for questions Li = np.zeros((n, max_question_length), dtype='uint32') for j,s in enumerate(img['final_questions']): question_label_length[question_counter] = min(max_question_length, len(s)) # record the length of this sequence label_id[question_counter] = img['qa_pairs'][j]['qa_id'] question_counter += 1 for k,w in enumerate(s): if k < max_question_length: Li[j,k] = wtoi[w] # note: word indices are 1-indexed, and captions are padded with zeros question_label_arrays.append(Li) # getting the labels for answers Li = np.zeros((n, max_answer_length), dtype='uint32') for j,s in enumerate(img['final_answers']): answer_label_length[answer_counter] = min(max_answer_length, len(s)) # record the length of this sequence assert label_id[answer_counter] == img['qa_pairs'][j]['qa_id'], 'order of answers doesn\'t match order of questions' answer_counter += 1 for k,w in enumerate(s): if k < max_answer_length: Li[j,k] = wtoi[w] # note: word indices are 1-indexed, and QAs are padded with zeros answer_label_arrays.append(Li) # getting the labels for multiple choices Li = np.zeros((n, MC, max_answer_length), dtype='uint32') for h,m in enumerate(img['final_mcs']): # assert len(m) == MC, 'question has %d multiple choices (expected %d)' % (len(m), MC) for j,s in enumerate(m): mc_label_length[mc_counter,j] = min(max_answer_length, len(s)) # record the length of this sequence for k,w in enumerate(s): if k < max_answer_length: Li[h,j,k] = wtoi[w] mc_counter += 1 # note: word indices are 1-indexed, and QAs are padded with zeros mc_label_arrays.append(Li) label_start_ix[i] = counter label_end_ix[i] = counter + n - 1 counter += n Lq = np.concatenate(question_label_arrays, axis=0) La = np.concatenate(answer_label_arrays, axis=0) Lmc = np.concatenate(mc_label_arrays, axis=0) # put all the labels together assert La.shape[0] == M, 'error: La dimension not matched.' assert Lq.shape[0] == M, 'error: Lq dimension not matched.' assert Lmc.shape[0] == M, 'error: Lmc dimension not matched.' #assert np.all(question_label_length > 0), 'error: some question had no words?' #assert np.all(answer_label_length > 0), 'error: some answer had no words?' #assert np.all(mc_label_length > 0), 'error: some multiple choices had no words?' print 'encoded questions to array of size ', `Lq.shape` print 'encoded answers to array of size ', `La.shape` print 'encoded multiple choices to array of size ', `Lmc.shape` return Lq, La, Lmc, label_start_ix, label_end_ix, question_label_length, answer_label_length, label_id def load_image(filename, color=True): ''' Load image from file into a numpy array -color is the flag for whether to load rgb or grayscale image return img as a 3d tensor (HxWx3) ''' img_data =, as_grey=not color) img = skimage.img_as_float(img_data).astype(np.float32) if img.ndim == 2: img = img[:, :, np.newaxis] if color: img = np.tile(img, (1, 1, 3)) elif img.shape[2] == 4: img = img[:, :, :3] return img def reduce_along_dim(img, dim, weights, indicies): ''' Perform bilinear interpolation given along the image dimension dim -weights are the kernel weights -indicies are the crossponding indicies location return img resize along dimension dim ''' other_dim = abs(dim-1) if other_dim == 0: #resizing image width weights = np.tile(weights[np.newaxis,:,:,np.newaxis],(img.shape[other_dim],1,1,3)) out_img = img[:,indicies,:]*weights out_img = np.sum(out_img,axis=2) else: # resize image height weights = np.tile(weights[:,:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],(1,1,img.shape[other_dim],3)) out_img = img[indicies,:,:]*weights out_img = np.sum(out_img,axis=1) return out_img def cubic_spline(x): ''' Compute the kernel weights See Keys, "Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image Processing," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-29, No. 6, December 1981, p. 1155. ''' absx = np.abs(x) absx2 = absx**2 absx3 = absx**3 kernel_weight = (1.5*absx3 - 2.5*absx2 + 1) * (absx<=1) + (-0.5*absx3 + 2.5* absx2 - 4*absx + 2) * ((1<absx) & (absx<=2)) return kernel_weight def contribution(in_dim_len , out_dim_len, scale): ''' Compute the weights and indicies of the pixels involved in the cubic interpolation along each dimension. output: weights a list of size 2 (one set of weights for each dimension). Each item is of size OUT_DIM_LEN*Kernel_Width indicies a list of size 2(one set of pixel indicies for each dimension) Each item is of size OUT_DIM_LEN*kernel_width note that if the entire column weights is zero, it gets deleted since those pixels don't contribute to anything ''' kernel_width = 4 if scale < 1: kernel_width = 4 / scale x_out = np.array(range(1,out_dim_len+1)) #project to the input space dimension u = x_out/scale + 0.5*(1-1/scale) #position of the left most pixel in each calculation l = np.floor( u - kernel_width/2) #maxium number of pixels in each computation p = int(np.ceil(kernel_width) + 2) indicies = np.zeros((l.shape[0],p) , dtype = int) indicies[:,0] = l for i in range(1,p): indicies[:,i] = indicies[:,i-1]+1 #compute the weights of the vectors u = u.reshape((u.shape[0],1)) u = np.repeat(u,p,axis=1) if scale < 1: weights = scale*cubic_spline(scale*(indicies-u )) else: weights = cubic_spline((indicies-u)) weights_sums = np.sum(weights,1) weights = weights/ weights_sums[:, np.newaxis] indicies = indicies - 1 indicies[indicies<0] = 0 indicies[indicies>in_dim_len-1] = in_dim_len-1 #clamping the indicies at the ends valid_cols = np.all( weights==0 , axis = 0 ) == False #find columns that are not all zeros indicies = indicies[:,valid_cols] weights = weights[:,valid_cols] return weights , indicies def imresize(img , cropped_width , cropped_height): ''' Function implementing matlab's imresize functionality default behaviour Cubic spline interpolation with antialiasing correction when scaling down the image. ''' width_scale = float(cropped_width) / img.shape[1] height_scale = float(cropped_height) / img.shape[0] order = np.argsort([height_scale , width_scale]) scale = [height_scale , width_scale] out_dim = [cropped_height , cropped_width] weights = [0,0] indicies = [0,0] for i in range(0, 2): weights[i] , indicies[i] = contribution(img.shape[ i ],out_dim[i], scale[i]) for i in range(0, len(order)): img = reduce_along_dim(img , order[i] , weights[order[i]] , indicies[order[i]]) return img if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # default arguments work fine with Visual7W parser.add_argument('--dataset_json', default='visual7w-toolkit/datasets/visual7w-telling/dataset.json', help='input dataset json file') parser.add_argument('--output_json', default='data/qa_data.json', help='output json file') parser.add_argument('--output_h5', default='data/qa_data.h5', help='output h5 file') parser.add_argument('--num_multiple_choice', default=3, type=int, help='number of multiple choices of each question.') parser.add_argument('--max_question_length', default=15, type=int, help='max length of a question, in number of words. questions longer than this get clipped.') parser.add_argument('--max_answer_length', default=5, type=int, help='max length of an answer, in number of words. answers longer than this get clipped.') parser.add_argument('--word_count_threshold', default=5, type=int, help='only words that occur more than this number of times will be put in vocab') parser.add_argument('--image_dim', default=224, type=int, help='dimension of image after rescale (224 is the input image dimension for VGGNet-16)') parser.add_argument('--image_path', default='images/v7w_%s.jpg', help='path template based on image id') args = parser.parse_args() params = vars(args) # convert to ordinary dict print 'parsed input parameters:' print json.dumps(params, indent=2) dataset = json.load(open(params['dataset_json'], 'r')) prepro_question_answer(dataset['images']) # create the vocab vocab = build_vocab(dataset['images'], params) itow = {i+1:w for i,w in enumerate(vocab)} # a 1-indexed vocab translation table wtoi = {w:i+1 for i,w in enumerate(vocab)} # inverse table image_id = list(set([x['image_id'] for x in dataset['images']])) # create output json file out = {} out['ix_to_word'] = itow # encode the (1-indexed) vocab out['word_to_ix'] = wtoi json.dump(out, open(params['output_json'], 'w')) print 'wrote ', params['output_json'] # encode answers in large arrays, ready to ship to hdf5 file Lq, La, Lmc, label_start_ix, label_end_ix, question_label_length, answer_label_length, label_id = encode_question_answer(dataset['images'], params, wtoi) # create output h5 file f = h5py.File(params['output_h5'], "w") f.create_dataset("question_label", dtype='uint32', data=Lq) f.create_dataset("answer_label", dtype='uint32', data=La) f.create_dataset("mc_label", dtype='uint32', data=Lmc) f.create_dataset("qa_start_ix", dtype='uint32', data=label_start_ix) f.create_dataset("qa_end_ix", dtype='uint32', data=label_end_ix) f.create_dataset("question_label_length", dtype='uint32', data=question_label_length) f.create_dataset("answer_label_length", dtype='uint32', data=answer_label_length) f.create_dataset("qa_id", dtype='uint32', data=label_id) # loading image dataset print 'start to process images into hdf5' f.create_dataset("image_id", dtype='uint32', data=image_id) img_num = len(image_id) img_dim = params['image_dim'] img_data = f.create_dataset("image_data", (img_num, 3, img_dim, img_dim)) for k, img_id in enumerate(image_id): img_path = params['image_path'] % str(img_id) img = load_image(img_path) img = imresize(img, img_dim, img_dim) img_data[k] = img.transpose(2, 0, 1) if k % 500 == 0: print 'processed %d / %d images' % (k, img_num) f.close() print 'wrote ', params['output_h5']
def foodnow(): return "Food — Now !" def isMobile(): from flask import request from common import phones agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent') return any(phone in agent.lower() for phone in phones) def fileExists(name): import os if name[:1] == '/': name = name[1:] return os.path.isfile(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + name) def checkSessions(): from flask import request, session if 'mail' in request.cookies and 'password' in request.cookies: session['mail'] = request.cookies['mail'] session['password'] = request.cookies['password'] if 'mail' in session and 'password' in session: from tables import users user = users.getUser(session['mail'], session['password']) if user: session['user'] = user else : if 'mail' in session: del session['mail'] if 'password' in session: del session['password'] if 'user' in session: del session['user'] return def dishImageExists(dishid): from config import dishesthumbspath return fileExists(dishesthumbspath + str(dishid) + '.png') def nl2br(value): import re from jinja2 import evalcontextfilter, Markup, escape _paragraph_re = re.compile(r'(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2,}') result = u'\n\n'.join(u'<p>%s</p>' % p.replace('\n', '<br/>\n') \ for p in _paragraph_re.split(escape(value))) return Markup(result) def random(min, max): from random import randint return randint(min, max) def istrue(s): return s == '1' or s == 1 def isfalse(s): return not istrue(s) def isLogged(): from flask import session return 'user' in session def getUser(): from flask import session return session['user'] def getUserEmployments(): from tables import employees return employees.getUserEmployments(getUser()[0]) def isManager(employee): from tables import employees return employees.isManager(employee) def isWorker(employee): from tables import employees return employees.isWorker(employee) def isDriver(employee): from tables import employees return employees.isDriver(employee) def getRoles(): from common import roles return roles def getThumbWidth(): from common import dishthumbsize return dishthumbsize[0] def getMenuDishes(menuid): from tables import dishes return dishes.getMenuDishes(menuid) def getRoleTitle(role): from common import roles for rol in roles: if rol[0] == role: return rol[1] return 'Unknown' def panel_for(entity, **data): from flask.helpers import url_for return '/'.join(url_for(entity, **data).split('/')[3:]).replace('/', '-') def getResto(id = None, pseudo = None): from tables import restos if id: return restos.getRestoFromId(id) else: return restos.getResto(pseudo) def getLikedRestos(userId): from tables import restolikes return restolikes.getLikedRestos(userId) def updateProfile(userId, name = None, email = None, password = None): from entities import user user.updateProfile(name, email, password) return def getMostLikedRestos(): from tables import restos return restos.getMostLikedRestos() def getMostLikedDishes(): from tables import dishes return dishes.getMostLikedDishes() def getUserFromId(id): from tables import users return users.getUserFromId(id) def getLikedDishes(userId): from tables import dishlikes return dishlikes.getLikedDishes(userId) def getUserLikedDishesId(userId): from tables import dishlikes return dishlikes.getUserLikedDishesId(userId) def getLikedRestos(userId): from tables import restolikes return restolikes.getLikedRestos(userId) def getUserLikedRestosId(userId): from tables import restolikes return restolikes.getUserLikedRestosId(userId) def addReview(userId, restoId, dishId, content): from entities import reviews inserted = reviews.addReview(userId, restoId, dishId, content) return inserted def getAllReviews(userId): from tables import reviews list = reviews.getAllReviews(userId) return list
#!/usr/env/python ''' Name: Purpose: Query the telescope database and return the value of `field` for the given `date` and `tel`. Try to replicate functionality of the old queryTelSched which was located at: ~kics/instr/bin/queryTelSched (on a summit machine). This program tries to be backward compatible with the old telescope schedule database and programs which called it. Some field names have changed with the new database, so a translation step is included in the queryTelSched function below. To add additional translations, just add to the translations dictionary Example Use: python 2018-12-18 1 Instrument Arguments: date: The date for the query in a string with YYYY-MM-DD format. tel: An int (1 or 2) indicating the telescope. field: A string with the field to return. For more information on the API and on what fields are returnable, see the web liks below. Additional Information on the Telescope Schedule API can be found here: Details on the getSchedule command and what it returns can be found here: Modification history: 2018-12-18 jwalawender Original version (adapted from old version for old database API). ''' ## Import General Tools import argparse import logging import requests import json ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Parse Command Line Arguments ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## create a parser object for understanding command-line arguments p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' ''') ## add arguments p.add_argument('date', type=str, help="Date (HST) in YYYY-MM-DD format.") p.add_argument('tel', type=int, help="Telescope number as int (i.e. 1 or 2).") p.add_argument('field', type=str, help="Field to query (e.g. Instrument).") ## add flags p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", default=False, action="store_true", help="Be verbose! (default = False)") args = p.parse_args() ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create logger object ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- log = logging.getLogger('queryTelSched') log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) LogConsoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() if args.verbose is True: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LogConsoleHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LogFormat = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)9s: %(message)s') LogConsoleHandler.setFormatter(LogFormat) log.addHandler(LogConsoleHandler) ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Define some useful functions ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- def querydb(req): '''A simple wrapper to form a generic API level query to the telescope schedule web API. Returns a JSON object with the result of the query. ''' log.debug('Querying telescope schedule') url = f"{req}" r = requests.get(url) return json.loads(r.text) def get_schedule(date, tel): '''Use the querydb function and getSchedule of the telescope schedule web API with arguments for date and telescope number. Returns a JSON object with the schedule result. ''' if tel not in [1,2]: log.error("Telescope number must be 1 or 2.") return req = f"cmd=getSchedule&date={date}&telnr={tel}" result = querydb(req) log.debug('Got result from schedule database') return result ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Main Program: queryTelSched ##------------------------------------------------------------------------- def queryTelSched(date, tel, field): result = get_schedule(date, tel) log.debug(f"Found {len(result)} programs") translations = {'InstrAcc': 'Account', } output_list = [] for i,entry in enumerate(sorted(result, key=lambda x: x['StartTime'])): log.debug(f"Entry {i+1}:") for key in entry.keys(): log.debug(f" {key:>15s}: {entry[key]}") try: output_list.append(entry[field]) except KeyError: log.error(f'Field "{field}" not found') if field in translations.keys(): log.debug(f'Trying tranlated key "{translations[field]}"') output_list.append(entry[translations[field]]) log.warning(f'Please update the script calling for "{field}" ' f'to use "{translations[field]}" instead.') print('/'.join(output_list)) return output_list if __name__ == '__main__': queryTelSched(,, args.field)