keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> bottom: 0; <mask> opacity: 0; <mask> width: 100%; <mask> border-radius: 0px; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const versionNumber = vString => { <mask> const pattern = /v([0-9]+)\./, <mask> match = vString.match(pattern), <mask> number = parseInt(match[1], 10); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove color: #000 !important; position: relative; top: 2px; </s> add color: ${Constants.colors.black90} !important; </s> remove padding: 10px; padding-left: 15px; margin-top: -5px; </s> add padding: 8px 16px; </s> remove border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; </s> add border-radius: 4px; </s> remove scrollbar-color: red white; </s> add </s> remove background: #fff; </s> add background: ${Constants.expoColors.white}; </s> remove height: 100%; </s> add
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> }; <mask> <mask> export default class VersionSelector extends React.Component { <mask> render() { <mask> const latestLabel = 'latest (' + Utilities.getUserFacingVersionString(LATEST_VERSION) + ')'; <mask> const labelText = <mask> this.props.version === 'latest' <mask> ? latestLabel <mask> : Utilities.getUserFacingVersionString(this.props.version); <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove const HIDE_ON_MOBILE = true; const SHOW_ON_MOBILE = false; </s> add </s> remove marginLeft: `${12 + property.nestingLevel * 32}px`, </s> add marginLeft: `${property.nestingLevel * 32}px`, </s> remove color: ${Constants.colors.expo}; </s> add color: ${Constants.expoColors.primary[500]}; </s> remove <h4 data-heading="true" className={STYLES_TITLE}> {this.props.title || 'Platform Compatibility'} </h4> </s> add <H4 className={STYLES_TITLE}>{this.props.title || 'Platform Compatibility'}</H4> </s> add import { ExternalLink } from '~/components/icons/ExternalLink'; </s> remove @media screen and (min-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileStrict}) { </s> add @media screen and (min-width: ${}) {
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> return ( <mask> <div className={STYLES_SELECT} style={}> <mask> <label className={STYLES_SELECT_TEXT} htmlFor="version-menu"> <mask> {labelText} <ChevronDownIcon style={{ marginLeft: 8 }} /> <mask> </label> <mask> {// hidden links to help test-links spidering <mask> orderVersions(VERSIONS).map(v => ( <mask> <a key={v} style={{ display: 'none' }} href={`/versions/${v}/`} /> <mask> ))} </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0 }} </s> add style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 8, top: 5 }} </s> remove const OpenIcon = props => ( <svg width={14} height={14} viewBox="0 0 16 16" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', verticalAlign: '-1px', }} {...props}> <g fill="none" stroke="currentColor"> <path d="M8.5.5h7v7M8 8L15.071.929M9.07 3.5H1.5v11h11V6.93" /> </g> </svg> ); </s> add </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> remove marginLeft: `${12 + property.nestingLevel * 32}px`, </s> add marginLeft: `${property.nestingLevel * 32}px`, </s> remove return ( <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BULLET}> <BulletIcon /> </div> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BODY}>{children}</div> </li> ); </s> add return <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}>{children}</li>; </s> remove <Arrow isOpen={this.state.isOpen} /> </s> add <ChevronDown size={16} className={this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_OPEN_CHEVRON_ICON : null} />
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> 'data-text': true, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_CODE_BLOCK = css` <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; <mask> font-size: 13px; <mask> line-height: 20px; <mask> white-space: inherit; <mask> padding: 0px; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px; </s> add line-height: 160%; </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> remove font-size: 0.9rem; </s> add font-size: 0.825em; </s> remove padding: 1px 4px; margin: 2px; position: relative; top: -1px; line-height: 20px; </s> add padding: 2px 4px; line-height: 170%; </s> add line-height: 150%;
keep replace keep keep replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; <mask> font-size: 0.9rem; <mask> white-space: pre-wrap; <mask> display: inline; <mask> padding: 1px 4px; <mask> margin: 2px; <mask> position: relative; <mask> top: -1px; <mask> line-height: 20px; <mask> max-width: 100%; <mask> <mask> word-wrap: break-word; <mask> background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove const STYLES_INLINE_CODE = css` color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[900]}; :hover { color: ${Constants.colors.expoLighter}; } font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 0.9rem; white-space: pre-wrap; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 2px; line-height: 20px; max-width: 100%; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; vertical-align: middle; overflow-x: scroll; ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } `; </s> add </s> remove background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; </s> add background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[100]}; border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; border-radius: 4px; </s> remove color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; </s> add color: ${Constants.colors.black90}; </s> remove color: #000 !important; position: relative; top: 2px; </s> add color: ${Constants.colors.black90} !important; </s> remove max-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileStrictValue - 32}px; font-size: 16px; padding: 1px 36px 0 36px; border-radius: 2px; </s> add max-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileValue - 32}px; padding: 0 16px 0 40px; border-radius: 4px;
keep replace replace keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace
<mask> word-wrap: break-word; <mask> background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; <mask> border-radius: 2px; <mask> vertical-align: middle; <mask> overflow-x: scroll; <mask> <mask> ::before { <mask> content: ''; <mask> } <mask> <mask> ::after { <mask> content: ''; <mask> } </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove const STYLES_INLINE_CODE = css` color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[900]}; :hover { color: ${Constants.colors.expoLighter}; } font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 0.9rem; white-space: pre-wrap; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 2px; line-height: 20px; max-width: 100%; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; vertical-align: middle; overflow-x: scroll; ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } `; </s> add </s> remove padding: 1px 4px; margin: 2px; position: relative; top: -1px; line-height: 20px; </s> add padding: 2px 4px; line-height: 170%; </s> add line-height: 160%; </s> remove background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[100]}; </s> add background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px;
keep keep keep replace replace replace keep keep keep replace replace keep keep keep
<mask> `; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_CODE_CONTAINER = css` <mask> border: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; <mask> padding: 24px; <mask> margin: 16px 0 16px 0; <mask> white-space: pre; <mask> overflow: auto; <mask> -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; <mask> background-color: rgba(0, 1, 31, 0.03); <mask> line-height: 1.2rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export class Code extends React.Component { </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } </s> add </s> remove border-top: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add border-top: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; </s> remove max-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileStrictValue - 32}px; font-size: 16px; padding: 1px 36px 0 36px; border-radius: 2px; </s> add max-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileValue - 32}px; padding: 0 16px 0 40px; border-radius: 4px; </s> add const STYLES_RIGHT_WRAPPER = css` max-width: 1200px; margin: auto; `; </s> remove border: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add border: none;
keep keep replace keep replace
<mask> const STYLES_SUMMARY = css` <mask> margin-bottom: 0px; <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; <mask> font-weight: 400; <mask> letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add font-weight: 500; </s> add ${paragraph} font-size: inherit; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> export const ExpoKitDetails = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <details className={STYLES_DETAILS}> <mask> <summary className={STYLES_SUMMARY}>ExpoKit</summary> <mask> {children} <mask> </details> <mask> ); <mask> <mask> export const BareWorkflowDetails = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <details className={STYLES_DETAILS}> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add `; const STYLES_CONTENTS = css` margin-left: 1rem; </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4}
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep
<mask> <mask> export const BareWorkflowDetails = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <details className={STYLES_DETAILS}> <mask> <summary className={STYLES_SUMMARY}>Bare Workflow</summary> <mask> {children} <mask> </details> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add `; const STYLES_CONTENTS = css` margin-left: 1rem; </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove return ( <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BULLET}> <BulletIcon /> </div> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BODY}>{children}</div> </li> ); </s> add return <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}>{children}</li>;
keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> <mask> const attributes = { <mask> 'data-heading': true, <mask> }; <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import { Info } from '~/components/icons/Info'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> remove import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; </s> add </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings';
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> 'data-heading': true, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_H1 = css` <mask> font-family: ${}; <mask> font-size: 2.4rem; <mask> line-height: 2.75rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 1.5rem; <mask> margin-top: 0.1rem; <mask> padding-bottom: 0.25rem; <mask> border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const H1 = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <h1 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H1}> <mask> {children} </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove margin-top: 2.2rem; padding-bottom: 0.3rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add margin-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; code { ${h2} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 4px; } </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${}; line-height: 1.75rem; font-size: 1.5rem; </s> add ${h2} </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 24px; list-style-image: none; list-style-type: none; </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; .anchor-icon { display: none; }
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace keep replace replace replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> </h1> <mask> ); <mask> <mask> const STYLES_H2 = css` <mask> font-family: ${}; <mask> line-height: 1.75rem; <mask> font-size: 1.5rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 1rem; <mask> margin-top: 2.2rem; <mask> padding-bottom: 0.3rem; <mask> border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const H2 = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <h2 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H2}> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${}; font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; margin-top: 0.1rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add ${h1} margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove code.inline { padding: 2px 4px; top: 0; font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; </s> add code { ${h3} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 6px; border-radius: 4px; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}>
keep keep replace replace replace keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace keep
<mask> <mask> const STYLES_H3 = css` <mask> font-size: 1.1rem; <mask> line-height: 1.75rem; <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; <mask> margin-bottom: 1rem; <mask> margin-top: 2rem; <mask> <mask> code.inline { <mask> padding: 2px 4px; <mask> top: 0; <mask> font-size: 1.1rem; <mask> line-height: 1.75rem; <mask> } </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add </s> remove font-family: ${}; line-height: 1.75rem; font-size: 1.5rem; </s> add ${h2} </s> remove margin-top: 2.2rem; padding-bottom: 0.3rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add margin-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; code { ${h2} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 4px; } </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4}
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> </h3> <mask> ); <mask> <mask> const STYLES_H4 = css` <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; <mask> font-weight: 400; <mask> line-height: 1.625rem; <mask> font-size: 1.1rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 0.25rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> add code { ${h4} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 6px; border-radius: 4px; } </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove code.inline { padding: 2px 4px; top: 0; font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; </s> add code { ${h3} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 6px; border-radius: 4px; </s> remove letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add `; const STYLES_CONTENTS = css` margin-left: 1rem;
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> const STYLES_H4 = css` <mask> ${h4} <mask> margin-bottom: 0.25rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <mask> <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${}; font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; margin-top: 0.1rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add ${h1} margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div>
keep keep keep keep replace replace keep keep keep
<mask> font-size: 1.1rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 0.25rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> <mask> {children} <mask> </h4> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> add code { ${h4} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 6px; border-radius: 4px; } </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove font-family: ${}; font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; margin-top: 0.1rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add ${h1} margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]};
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> import * as Utilities from '~/common/utilities'; <mask> <mask> import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; <mask> import withSlugger from '~/components/page-higher-order/withSlugger'; <mask> <mask> const attributes = { <mask> 'data-text': true, <mask> }; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import { Info } from '~/components/icons/Info'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography';
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import * as Utilities from '~/common/utilities'; <mask> <mask> import withSlugger from '~/components/page-higher-order/withSlugger'; <mask> <mask> const attributes = { <mask> 'data-text': true, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_UNORDERED_LIST = css` <mask> ${paragraph} </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; </s> add </s> add import { Info } from '~/components/icons/Info'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import { h1, h2, h3, h4 } from './typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography';
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> 'data-text': true, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_UNORDERED_LIST = css` <mask> padding: 0; <mask> margin-top: 24px; <mask> padding-left: 24px; <mask> list-style-image: none; <mask> list-style-type: none; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const UL = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <ul {...attributes} className={STYLES_UNORDERED_LIST}> <mask> {children} </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove font-family: ${}; font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; margin-top: 0.1rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add ${h1} margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 16px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-image: none; .bullet-icon { display: none; } </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove code.inline { padding: 2px 4px; top: 0; font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; </s> add code { ${h3} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 6px; border-radius: 4px;
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> ); <mask> <mask> // TODO(jim): Get anchors working properly for ordered lists. <mask> const STYLES_ORDERED_LIST = css` <mask> padding: 0; <mask> margin-top: 24px; <mask> padding-left: 16px; <mask> list-style-position: outside; <mask> list-style-image: none; <mask> <mask> .bullet-icon { <mask> display: none; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .anchor-icon { <mask> display: none; <mask> } <mask> `; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 24px; list-style-image: none; list-style-type: none; </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; .anchor-icon { display: none; } </s> remove padding: 10px; padding-left: 15px; margin-top: -5px; </s> add padding: 8px 16px; </s> remove display: flex; font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fonts.bold}; </s> remove border-radius: 3px; padding: 0.8rem 1rem; </s> add border-radius: 4px; padding: 0 16px; height: 40px; </s> remove font-weight: 900; font-family: expo-brand-demi, sans-serif; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove line-height: 1.3rem; </s> add
keep keep keep replace replace replace keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace
<mask> height: 20px; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BODY = css` <mask> font-size: 1rem; <mask> line-height: 1.8rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const LI = ({ children }) => { <mask> return ( <mask> <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}> <mask> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BULLET}> <mask> <BulletIcon /> <mask> </div> <mask> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BODY}>{children}</div> <mask> </li> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove <code className={STYLES_INLINE_CODE}>{data}</code> </s> add <InlineCode>{data}</InlineCode> </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4}
add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import styled, { keyframes, css } from 'react-emotion'; <mask> <mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> import { Info } from '~/components/icons/Info'; <mask> <mask> import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import { Info } from '~/components/icons/Info'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { P } from '~/components/base/paragraph'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings'; </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { paragraph } from './typography';
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; <mask> <mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> <mask> const attributes = { <mask> 'data-text': true, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_PARAGRAPH = css` </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; </s> add </s> add import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings';
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> 'data-text': true, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_PARAGRAPH = css` <mask> font-size: 1rem; <mask> line-height: 1.725rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 1.5rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const P = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <p {...attributes} className={STYLES_PARAGRAPH}> <mask> {children} </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${}; font-size: 2.4rem; line-height: 2.75rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; margin-top: 0.1rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add ${h1} margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 24px; list-style-image: none; list-style-type: none; </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; .anchor-icon { display: none; } </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove margin-top: 2.2rem; padding-bottom: 0.3rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add margin-top: 2rem; padding-bottom: 0.25rem; border-bottom: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; code { ${h2} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 8px; border-radius: 4px; } </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div>
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> </p> <mask> ); <mask> <mask> const STYLES_BOLD_PARAGRAPH = css` <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; <mask> font-weight: 500; <mask> `; <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add font-weight: 500; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add `; const STYLES_CONTENTS = css` margin-left: 1rem; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; color: ${Constants.colors.black90}; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove font-family: expo-brand-bold,sans-serif; </s> add font-weight: 500; font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; color: ${Constants.colors.black90};
keep keep keep keep replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> ); <mask> <mask> const STYLES_BOLD_PARAGRAPH = css` <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; <mask> font-weight: 400; <mask> letter-spacing: 0.3px; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const B = ({ children }) => <strong className={STYLES_BOLD_PARAGRAPH}>{children}</strong>; <mask> <mask> P.B = B; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add `; const STYLES_CONTENTS = css` margin-left: 1rem; </s> add ${paragraph} font-size: inherit; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}>
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> P.B = B; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_PARAGRAPH_DIV = css` <mask> font-size: 1rem; <mask> line-height: 1.8rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 1.4rem; <mask> <mask> &.is-wider { <mask> max-width: 1200px; <mask> } <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.3px; </s> add font-weight: 500; </s> remove const STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BODY = css` font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.8rem; </s> add > div { display: inline; } </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; </s> add ${h3} </s> remove font-family: ${}; line-height: 1.75rem; font-size: 1.5rem; </s> add ${h2}
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> ); <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE = css` <mask> font-family: ${}; <mask> padding: 12px 24px; <mask> border-left: 5px solid ${Constants.colors.darkGrey}; <mask> margin: 0 0 1.5rem 0; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; <mask> <mask> div { <mask> margin: 0; <mask> } <mask> `; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove border: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; padding: 24px; margin: 16px 0 16px 0; </s> add border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; padding: 16px; margin: 16px 0; </s> remove border-left: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; border-right: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; </s> add border-left: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; border-right: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; </s> remove font-family: ${}; </s> add ${paragraph} </s> add code { background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; } </s> remove border-radius: 3px; padding: 0.8rem 1rem; </s> add border-radius: 4px; padding: 0 16px; height: 40px; </s> remove max-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileStrictValue - 32}px; font-size: 16px; padding: 1px 36px 0 36px; border-radius: 2px; </s> add max-width: ${Constants.breakpoints.mobileValue - 32}px; padding: 0 16px 0 40px; border-radius: 4px;
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> div { <mask> margin: 0; <mask> } <mask> `; <mask> <mask> function firstChild(children) { <mask> if (Array.isArray(children)) { </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove export const Quote = ({ children }) => ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> {children} </blockquote> ); </s> add function firstChild(children) { if (Array.isArray(children)) { return children[0]; } return children; } function captureEmoji(children) { let child = firstChild(children); if (typeof child === 'string') { const emojiCapture = child.match(emojiRegex); if (emojiCapture && emojiCapture.length) { return emojiCapture[0]; } } } function removeEmoji(emoji, children) { const child = firstChild(children) || ''; const modifiedChild = child.replace(emoji, ''); if (Array.isArray(children)) { return [modifiedChild, ...children.slice(1)]; } else { return modifiedChild; } } export const Quote = ({ children }) => { let icon = ( <div style={{ marginTop: 2 }}> <Info size={16} /> </div> ); const _children =, children => { const emoji = captureEmoji(children.props.children); if (emoji) { icon = emoji; return { ...children, props: { ...children.props, children: removeEmoji(emoji, children.props.children), }, }; } return children; }); return ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> <div>{icon}</div> <div>{_children}</div> </blockquote> ); }; </s> remove font-family: ${}; padding: 12px 24px; border-left: 5px solid ${Constants.colors.darkGrey}; margin: 0 0 1.5rem 0; color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; </s> add ${paragraph} display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; grid-gap: 12px; padding: 12px; margin-bottom: 1rem; border-left: 4px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; background: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[100]}; border-radius: 4px; </s> add display: grid; grid-template-columns: 20px auto; text-align: left; grid-gap: 8px; </s> add const STYLES_RIGHT_WRAPPER = css` max-width: 1200px; margin: auto; `; </s> remove margin-bottom: 32px; </s> add margin-bottom: 24px; </s> remove background-color: rgba(225, 228, 23, 0.1); padding: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; line-height: 1.5rem; </s> add background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.yellow[100]}; border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.yellow[200]}; padding: 16px; margin-bottom: 1rem; border-radius: 4px; div { margin-bottom: 0; }
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace
<mask> margin: 0; <mask> } <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export const Quote = ({ children }) => ( <mask> <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> <mask> {children} <mask> </blockquote> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove {children} </s> add <div className={STYLES_CONTENTS}>{children}</div> </s> remove font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.725rem; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; </s> add ${paragraph} margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 24px; list-style-image: none; list-style-type: none; </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; .anchor-icon { display: none; }
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep
<mask> height="16" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 16 16" <mask> width="16"> <mask> <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="2" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove const OpenIcon = props => ( <svg width={14} height={14} viewBox="0 0 16 16" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', verticalAlign: '-1px', }} {...props}> <g fill="none" stroke="currentColor"> <path d="M8.5.5h7v7M8 8L15.071.929M9.07 3.5H1.5v11h11V6.93" /> </g> </svg> ); </s> add </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> export default props => ( <mask> <svg <mask> xmlns="" <mask> height="12px" <mask> style={} <mask> viewBox="0 0 24 24" <mask> fill="none" <mask> stroke="currentColor" <mask> strokeWidth="2" </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add className={props.className} </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> xmlns="" <mask> height={props.size} <mask> width={props.size} <mask> style={} <mask> viewBox="0 0 24 24" <mask> fill="none" <mask> stroke="currentColor" <mask> strokeWidth="2" <mask> strokeLinecap="round" <mask> strokeLinejoin="round"> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove height="12px" </s> add height={props.size} width={props.size} </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"
keep keep replace keep keep keep replace replace keep keep
<mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> <mask> export default () => ( <mask> <svg <mask> aria-label="permalink" <mask> className="anchor-icon" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> xmlns=""> <mask> <g stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace keep keep
<mask> className="anchor-icon" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> xmlns=""> <mask> <g stroke="none" strokeWidth="1" fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> <mask> <g transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" fill="#9B9B9B"> <mask> <path d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove viewBox="0 0 11 11" version="1.1" </s> add width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" </s> remove <g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" > <g fill="#9B9B9B" transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" > <path d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 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L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" /> </g> </g> </s> add <path d="M10 13a5 5 0 007.54.54l3-3a5 5 0 00-7.07-7.07l-1.72 1.71" stroke="#9B9B9B" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" /> <path d="M14 11a5 5 0 00-7.54-.54l-3 3a5 5 0 007.07 7.07l1.71-1.71" stroke="#9B9B9B" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2" /> </s> remove <g fill="none" 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<mask> <td> <mask> <div <mask> data-testid={} <mask> style={{ <mask> marginLeft: `${12 + property.nestingLevel * 32}px`, <mask> display: property.nestingLevel ? 'list-item' : 'block', <mask> listStyleType: property.nestingLevel % 2 ? 'default' : 'circle', <mask> width: 'fit-content', <mask> overflowX: 'visible', <mask> }}> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove <Arrow isOpen={this.state.isOpen} /> </s> add <ChevronDown size={16} className={this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_OPEN_CHEVRON_ICON : null} /> </s> remove const latestLabel = 'latest (' + Utilities.getUserFacingVersionString(LATEST_VERSION) + ')'; </s> add const latestLabel = 'Latest (' + Utilities.getUserFacingVersionString(LATEST_VERSION) + ')'; </s> remove <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </s> add <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_CONTAINER}> {this.isSelected() && <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_BULLET} />} <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </div> </s> remove : `#### \`${propertyKey}\``, </s> add : `\`${propertyKey}\``, </s> remove style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0 }} </s> add style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 8, top: 5 }} </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}>
keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> } <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export function CreateAppButton({ href, name }) { <mask> return ( <mask> <a className={`snack-inline-example-button ${STYLES_BUTTON}`} href={href}> <mask> Create {name} App <mask> </a> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove <a className="snack-inline-example-button" href={href}> </s> add <a className={`snack-inline-example-button ${STYLES_BUTTON}`} href={href}> </s> add line-height: 150%; </s> remove <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </s> add <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_CONTAINER}> {this.isSelected() && <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_BULLET} />} <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </div> </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> remove export const Quote = ({ children }) => ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> {children} </blockquote> ); </s> add function firstChild(children) { if (Array.isArray(children)) { return children[0]; } return children; } function captureEmoji(children) { let child = firstChild(children); if (typeof child === 'string') { const emojiCapture = child.match(emojiRegex); if (emojiCapture && emojiCapture.length) { return emojiCapture[0]; } } } function removeEmoji(emoji, children) { const child = firstChild(children) || ''; const modifiedChild = child.replace(emoji, ''); if (Array.isArray(children)) { return [modifiedChild, ...children.slice(1)]; } else { return modifiedChild; } } export const Quote = ({ children }) => { let icon = ( <div style={{ marginTop: 2 }}> <Info size={16} /> </div> ); const _children =, children => { const emoji = captureEmoji(children.props.children); if (emoji) { icon = emoji; return { ...children, props: { ...children.props, children: removeEmoji(emoji, children.props.children), }, }; } return children; }); return ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> <div>{icon}</div> <div>{_children}</div> </blockquote> ); };
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> `; <mask> <mask> export function CreateAppButton({ href, name }) { <mask> return ( <mask> <a className="snack-inline-example-button" href={href}> <mask> Create {name} App <mask> </a> <mask> ); <mask> } <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add const STYLES_BUTTON = css` display: inline-flex; `; </s> add line-height: 150%; </s> remove <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </s> add <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_CONTAINER}> {this.isSelected() && <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_BULLET} />} <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </div> </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> remove export const Quote = ({ children }) => ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> {children} </blockquote> ); </s> add function firstChild(children) { if (Array.isArray(children)) { return children[0]; } return children; } function captureEmoji(children) { let child = firstChild(children); if (typeof child === 'string') { const emojiCapture = child.match(emojiRegex); if (emojiCapture && emojiCapture.length) { return emojiCapture[0]; } } } function removeEmoji(emoji, children) { const child = firstChild(children) || ''; const modifiedChild = child.replace(emoji, ''); if (Array.isArray(children)) { return [modifiedChild, ...children.slice(1)]; } else { return modifiedChild; } } export const Quote = ({ children }) => { let icon = ( <div style={{ marginTop: 2 }}> <Info size={16} /> </div> ); const _children =, children => { const emoji = captureEmoji(children.props.children); if (emoji) { icon = emoji; return { ...children, props: { ...children.props, children: removeEmoji(emoji, children.props.children), }, }; } return children; }); return ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> <div>{icon}</div> <div>{_children}</div> </blockquote> ); };
keep keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> import { css } from 'react-emotion'; <mask> <mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_TITLE = css` <mask> margin-bottom: 1rem; <mask> `; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { P } from '~/components/base/paragraph'; </s> add import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings'; </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add </s> add ${paragraph} font-size: 15px;
keep replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep replace keep
<mask> const STYLES_TITLE = css` <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; <mask> font-weight: 400; <mask> line-height: 1.625rem; <mask> font-size: 1.1rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 0.25rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_CELL = css` <mask> transition-duration: 0.2s; <mask> text-align: center; <mask> :hover { </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; </s> add ${h4} </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add </s> remove font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; </s> add ${h3} </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.bold}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.demi}; </s> remove line-height: 1.3rem; </s> add
keep keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> const STYLES_LINK = css` <mask> text-decoration: none; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> function getInfo(isSupported, { title }) { <mask> if (isSupported === true) { </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove margin-bottom: 32px; </s> add margin-bottom: 24px; </s> remove margin-bottom: 10px; line-height: 1.3rem; </s> add </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> remove export const Quote = ({ children }) => ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> {children} </blockquote> ); </s> add function firstChild(children) { if (Array.isArray(children)) { return children[0]; } return children; } function captureEmoji(children) { let child = firstChild(children); if (typeof child === 'string') { const emojiCapture = child.match(emojiRegex); if (emojiCapture && emojiCapture.length) { return emojiCapture[0]; } } } function removeEmoji(emoji, children) { const child = firstChild(children) || ''; const modifiedChild = child.replace(emoji, ''); if (Array.isArray(children)) { return [modifiedChild, ...children.slice(1)]; } else { return modifiedChild; } } export const Quote = ({ children }) => { let icon = ( <div style={{ marginTop: 2 }}> <Info size={16} /> </div> ); const _children =, children => { const emoji = captureEmoji(children.props.children); if (emoji) { icon = emoji; return { ...children, props: { ...children.props, children: removeEmoji(emoji, children.props.children), }, }; } return children; }); return ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> <div>{icon}</div> <div>{_children}</div> </blockquote> ); }; </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> add code { background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; }
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> export default class PlatformsSection extends React.Component { <mask> render() { <mask> return ( <mask> <div> <mask> <h4 data-heading="true" className={STYLES_TITLE}> <mask> {this.props.title || 'Platform Compatibility'} <mask> </h4> <mask> <table> <mask> <thead> <mask> <tr> <mask> {{ title }) => ( <mask> <th key={title}>{title}</th> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove const HIDE_ON_MOBILE = true; const SHOW_ON_MOBILE = false; </s> add </s> remove export const H4 = ({ children }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={STYLES_H4}> </s> add export const H4 = ({ children, className, }) => ( <h4 {...attributes} className={css([STYLES_H4, className])} {}> </s> remove const STYLES_INLINE_CODE = css` color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[900]}; :hover { color: ${Constants.colors.expoLighter}; } font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 0.9rem; white-space: pre-wrap; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 2px; line-height: 20px; max-width: 100%; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; vertical-align: middle; overflow-x: scroll; ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } `; </s> add </s> remove color: ${Constants.colors.expo}; </s> add color: ${Constants.expoColors.primary[500]}; </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> remove const latestLabel = 'latest (' + Utilities.getUserFacingVersionString(LATEST_VERSION) + ')'; </s> add const latestLabel = 'Latest (' + Utilities.getUserFacingVersionString(LATEST_VERSION) + ')';
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> import { SNACK_URL, getSnackFiles } from '../../common/snack'; <mask> <mask> import DocumentationPageContext from '~/components/DocumentationPageContext'; <mask> <mask> const DEFAULT_PLATFORM = 'android'; <mask> const LATEST_VERSION = `v${require('../../package.json').version}`; <mask> <mask> export default class SnackInline extends React.Component { </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> remove display: inline-flex; </s> add </s> add import { Info } from '~/components/icons/Info'; import { paragraph } from './typography'; </s> add import { CheckCircle } from '~/components/icons/CheckCircle'; import { XCircle } from '~/components/icons/XCircle'; import { PendingCircle } from '~/components/icons/PendingCircle'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings';
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> )} <mask> /> <mask> )} <mask> <button className="snack-inline-example-button" disabled={!this.state.ready}> <mask> Try this example on Snack <OpenIcon /> <mask> </button> <mask> </form> <mask> </div> <mask> ); <mask> } </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove this._renderSectionLinks(SHOW_ON_MOBILE) </s> add this._renderSectionLinks(false) </s> remove hiddenOnMobile={SHOW_ON_MOBILE} </s> add hiddenOnMobile={false} </s> remove hiddenOnMobile={HIDE_ON_MOBILE} </s> add hiddenOnMobile={true} </s> remove <code className={STYLES_INLINE_CODE}>{data}</code> </s> add <InlineCode>{data}</InlineCode> </s> remove <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="2" /> </s> add <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="3" /> </s> remove const OpenIcon = props => ( <svg width={14} height={14} viewBox="0 0 16 16" style={{ marginLeft: '5px', verticalAlign: '-1px', }} {...props}> <g fill="none" stroke="currentColor"> <path d="M8.5.5h7v7M8 8L15.071.929M9.07 3.5H1.5v11h11V6.93" /> </g> </svg> ); </s> add
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace
<mask> </div> <mask> ); <mask> } <mask> } <mask> <mask> const OpenIcon = props => ( <mask> <svg <mask> width={14} <mask> height={14} <mask> viewBox="0 0 16 16" <mask> style={{ <mask> marginLeft: '5px', <mask> verticalAlign: '-1px', <mask> }} <mask> {...props}> <mask> <g fill="none" stroke="currentColor"> <mask> <path d="M8.5.5h7v7M8 8L15.071.929M9.07 3.5H1.5v11h11V6.93" /> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> <mask> ); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="2" /> </s> add <circle cx="8" cy="8" r="3" /> </s> remove {labelText} <ChevronDownIcon style={{ marginLeft: 8 }} /> </s> add <div>{labelText}</div> <ChevronDownIcon style={{ height: '16px', width: '16px' }} /> </s> remove style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0 }} </s> add style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 8, top: 5 }} </s> remove height="12px" </s> add height={props.size} width={props.size} </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" </s> remove version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 11 11" </s> add fill="none" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24"
keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; <mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_TITLE = css` <mask> margin-top: 2rem; <mask> `; <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> remove import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; </s> add </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { P } from '~/components/base/paragraph';
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; <mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_TITLE = css` <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; <mask> font-weight: 400; <mask> line-height: 1.625rem; <mask> font-size: 1.1rem; <mask> margin-bottom: 1rem; <mask> margin-top: 2rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_HORIZONTAL_ITEM = css` <mask> display: inline-block; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; font-weight: 400; line-height: 1.625rem; font-size: 1.1rem; margin-bottom: 0.25rem; </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> remove display: block; </s> add ${paragraph} font-size: 15px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; </s> add ${paragraph} font-size: 15px; </s> add import ChevronDown from '~/components/icons/ChevronDown'; import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography';
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> text-decoration: underline; <mask> } <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_INLINE_CODE = css` <mask> color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[900]}; <mask> :hover { <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.expoLighter}; <mask> } <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; <mask> font-size: 0.9rem; <mask> white-space: pre-wrap; <mask> display: inline; <mask> padding: 4px; <mask> margin: 2px; <mask> line-height: 20px; <mask> max-width: 100%; <mask> <mask> word-wrap: break-word; <mask> background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; <mask> border-radius: 2px; <mask> vertical-align: middle; <mask> overflow-x: scroll; <mask> <mask> ::before { <mask> content: ''; <mask> } <mask> <mask> ::after { <mask> content: ''; <mask> } <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export default class TableOfContentSection extends React.Component { <mask> render() { <mask> const { title, contents, horizontal } = this.props; <mask> return ( <mask> <div> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; </s> add background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[100]}; border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; border-radius: 4px; </s> remove ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } </s> add </s> remove padding: 1px 4px; margin: 2px; position: relative; top: -1px; line-height: 20px; </s> add padding: 2px 4px; line-height: 170%; </s> remove font-size: 0.9rem; </s> add font-size: 0.825em; </s> add line-height: 160%; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px;
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <a <mask> href={`#${createAnchorLink(title)}`} <mask> className={STYLES_EXTERNAL_LINK} <mask> rel="noopener noreferrer"> <mask> <p className={STYLES_TITLE}>{title}</p> <mask> </a> <mask> <ul <mask> className={css` <mask> padding: 0; <mask> margin-top: 24px; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 24px; list-style-image: none; list-style-type: none; </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; .anchor-icon { display: none; } </s> remove padding: 0; margin-top: 24px; padding-left: 16px; list-style-position: outside; list-style-image: none; .bullet-icon { display: none; } </s> add ${paragraph} list-style: none; margin-left: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove <a className="snack-inline-example-button" href={href}> </s> add <a className={`snack-inline-example-button ${STYLES_BUTTON}`} href={href}> </s> remove border: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; padding: 24px; margin: 16px 0 16px 0; </s> add border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; padding: 16px; margin: 16px 0; </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> remove <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </s> add <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_CONTAINER}> {this.isSelected() && <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_BULLET} />} <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </div>
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> } docs-list-item`}> <mask> <div className={horizontal ? STYLES_HORIZONTAL_BULLET : STYLES_VERTICAL_BULLET}> <mask> <BulletIcon /> <mask> </div> <mask> <code className={STYLES_INLINE_CODE}>{data}</code> <mask> </li> <mask> </a> <mask> ); <mask> })} <mask> </ul> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove return ( <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BULLET}> <BulletIcon /> </div> <div className={STYLES_LIST_ITEM_BODY}>{children}</div> </li> ); </s> add return <li className={`${STYLES_LIST_ITEM} docs-list-item`}>{children}</li>; </s> remove <Arrow isOpen={this.state.isOpen} /> </s> add <ChevronDown size={16} className={this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_OPEN_CHEVRON_ICON : null} /> </s> remove <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </s> add <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_CONTAINER}> {this.isSelected() && <div className={STYLES_ACTIVE_BULLET} />} <a {...customDataAttributes} className={`${STYLES_LINK} ${this.isSelected() ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`}> {this.props.children} </a> </div> </s> remove <a className={`${STYLES_TITLE} ${this.state.isOpen ? STYLES_ACTIVE : STYLES_DEFAULT}`} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> add <a className={STYLES_TITLE} onClick={this._toggleIsOpen}> </s> remove this._renderSectionLinks(SHOW_ON_MOBILE) </s> add this._renderSectionLinks(false) </s> remove style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0 }} </s> add style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 8, top: 5 }}
keep keep keep keep replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_PROMPT = css` <mask> background-color: ${}; <mask> border-radius: 6px; <mask> padding: 1.25em 2em; <mask> display: flex; <mask> flex-direction: column; <mask> overflow-x: scroll; <mask> `; <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> remove font-size: 0.9rem; line-height: 1.625rem; padding: 16px; color: ${Constants.colors.white}; background-color: ${}; color: black; </s> add </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { P } from '~/components/base/paragraph'; </s> add import ChevronDown from '~/components/icons/ChevronDown'; import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography';
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> padding: 24px; <mask> display: flex; <mask> flex-direction: column; <mask> overflow-x: scroll; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> const STYLES_LINE = css` <mask> white-space: nowrap; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove border-radius: 6px; padding: 1.25em 2em; </s> add border-radius: 4px; padding: 24px; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px; </s> remove display: flex; font-family: ${Constants.fonts.demi}; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fonts.bold}; </s> remove ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } </s> add </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> remove border: 1px solid ${Constants.colors.border}; padding: 24px; margin: 16px 0 16px 0; </s> add border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.gray[250]}; padding: 16px; margin: 16px 0;
keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> const STYLES_LINE = css` <mask> white-space: nowrap; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.codeWhite}; <mask> line-height: 160%; <mask> ::before { <mask> content: '$ '; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.lila}; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add line-height: 160%; </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> add margin-bottom: 1rem; </s> remove const STYLES_INLINE_CODE = css` color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[900]}; :hover { color: ${Constants.colors.expoLighter}; } font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 0.9rem; white-space: pre-wrap; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 2px; line-height: 20px; max-width: 100%; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; vertical-align: middle; overflow-x: scroll; ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } `; </s> add </s> remove color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; </s> add color: ${Constants.colors.black90}; </s> remove ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } </s> add
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> white-space: nowrap; <mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; <mask> font-size: 13px; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.codeWhite}; <mask> ::before { <mask> content: '$ '; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.lila}; <mask> } <mask> `; <mask> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px; </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> add line-height: 150%; </s> remove color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; </s> add color: ${Constants.colors.black90}; </s> remove const STYLES_INLINE_CODE = css` color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[900]}; :hover { color: ${Constants.colors.expoLighter}; } font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 0.9rem; white-space: pre-wrap; display: inline; padding: 4px; margin: 2px; line-height: 20px; max-width: 100%; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.gray[200]}; border-radius: 2px; vertical-align: middle; overflow-x: scroll; ::before { content: ''; } ::after { content: ''; } `; </s> add </s> remove font-size: 0.9rem; </s> add font-size: 0.825em;
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <mask> const STYLES_COMMENT = css` <mask> user-select: none; <mask> white-space: nowrap; <mask> opacity: 0.4; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.codeWhite}; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export function ShellComment({ children }) { <mask> return ( </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add line-height: 150%; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px; </s> add line-height: 160%; </s> add const STYLES_BUTTON = css` display: inline-flex; `; </s> remove <a className="snack-inline-example-button" href={href}> </s> add <a className={`snack-inline-example-button ${STYLES_BUTTON}`} href={href}> </s> remove export const Quote = ({ children }) => ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> {children} </blockquote> ); </s> add function firstChild(children) { if (Array.isArray(children)) { return children[0]; } return children; } function captureEmoji(children) { let child = firstChild(children); if (typeof child === 'string') { const emojiCapture = child.match(emojiRegex); if (emojiCapture && emojiCapture.length) { return emojiCapture[0]; } } } function removeEmoji(emoji, children) { const child = firstChild(children) || ''; const modifiedChild = child.replace(emoji, ''); if (Array.isArray(children)) { return [modifiedChild, ...children.slice(1)]; } else { return modifiedChild; } } export const Quote = ({ children }) => { let icon = ( <div style={{ marginTop: 2 }}> <Info size={16} /> </div> ); const _children =, children => { const emoji = captureEmoji(children.props.children); if (emoji) { icon = emoji; return { ...children, props: { ...children.props, children: removeEmoji(emoji, children.props.children), }, }; } return children; }); return ( <blockquote {...attributes} className={STYLES_BLOCKQUOTE}> <div>{icon}</div> <div>{_children}</div> </blockquote> ); };
keep keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; <mask> opacity: 0.6; <mask> font-size: 13px; <mask> color: ${Constants.colors.codeWhite}; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export function ShellComment({ children }) { <mask> return ( <mask> <code unselectable="on" className={STYLES_COMMENT}> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove opacity: 0.4; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; opacity: 0.6; font-size: 13px; </s> add line-height: 160%; </s> add font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; font-size: 13px; </s> remove color: ${Constants.colors.black80}; </s> add color: ${Constants.colors.black90}; </s> remove <a className="snack-inline-example-button" href={href}> </s> add <a className={`snack-inline-example-button ${STYLES_BUTTON}`} href={href}> </s> remove code.inline { padding: 2px 4px; top: 0; font-size: 1.1rem; line-height: 1.75rem; </s> add code { ${h3} font-family: ${Constants.fontFamilies.mono}; padding: 1px 6px; border-radius: 4px;
keep add keep keep keep keep
<mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> import { css } from 'react-emotion'; <mask> <mask> const CONTAINER_STYLE = css` <mask> background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.yellow[100]}; <mask> border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.yellow[200]}; </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove background-color: rgba(225, 228, 23, 0.1); padding: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; line-height: 1.5rem; </s> add background-color: ${Constants.expoColors.yellow[100]}; border: 1px solid ${Constants.expoColors.yellow[200]}; padding: 16px; margin-bottom: 1rem; border-radius: 4px; div { margin-bottom: 0; } </s> add import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> remove import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; </s> add </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings';
keep keep keep keep replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> import * as React from 'react'; <mask> import { css } from 'react-emotion'; <mask> <mask> const CONTAINER_STYLE = css` <mask> background-color: rgba(225, 228, 23, 0.1); <mask> padding: 20px; <mask> margin-bottom: 20px; <mask> line-height: 1.5rem; <mask> `; <mask> <mask> export default function VersionedRedirectNotification({ showForQuery = 'redirected' }) { <mask> const router = useRouter(); <mask> const [visible, setVisible] = React.useState(false); </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> add import * as Constants from '~/common/constants'; import { P } from '~/components/base/paragraph'; </s> add import emojiRegex from 'emoji-regex'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { paragraph } from '~/components/base/typography'; </s> add import { InlineCode } from '~/components/base/code'; import { H4 } from '~/components/base/headings'; </s> remove import BulletIcon from '~/components/icons/Bullet'; </s> add
keep keep keep keep replace replace keep replace replace replace
<mask> <tbody> <mask> <tr> <mask> <td> <mask> <div <mask> data-testid="#### \`name\`" <mask> style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" <mask> > <mask> <h4 <mask> class="css-1l3zmkw" <mask> data-heading="true" </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove data-testid="#### \`androidNavigationBar\`" style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add data-testid="\`androidNavigationBar\`" style="margin-left: 0px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove data-testid="#### \`intentFilters\`" style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add data-testid="\`intentFilters\`" style="margin-left: 0px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove <h4 class="css-1l3zmkw" data-heading="true" </s> add <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" </s> remove <h4 class="css-1l3zmkw" data-heading="true" </s> add <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" </s> remove style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 64px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;"
keep replace replace keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep
<mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > <mask> <span <mask> class="css-1fj428k" <mask> id="name" <mask> /> <mask> <a <mask> class="permalink css-1lc60ja" <mask> href="#name" <mask> > <mask> <svg <mask> aria-label="permalink" <mask> class="anchor-icon" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> xmlns="" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="none" <mask> fill-rule="evenodd" <mask> stroke="none" <mask> stroke-width="1" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="#9B9B9B" <mask> transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" <mask> > <mask> <path <mask> d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" <mask> /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> <mask> </a> <mask> <div <mask> class="permalink-child" <mask> > <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> name <mask> </code> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </h4> <mask> </div> <mask> </td> <mask> <td </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep replace keep keep keep replace keep
<mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <strong <mask> class="css-utowyr" <mask> > </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep
<mask> <summary <mask> class="css-7wjyuo" <mask> > <mask> Bare Workflow <mask> </summary> <mask> Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode <mask> </details> <mask> </div> <mask> </td> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove Set this property using just Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using just Xcode </div> </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove This is set in AndroidManifest.xml directly. </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > This is set in AndroidManifest.xml directly. </div> </s> remove Set this property using Xcode. </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using Xcode. </div>
keep keep keep keep replace replace keep replace replace replace keep keep keep
<mask> </tr> <mask> <tr> <mask> <td> <mask> <div <mask> data-testid="#### \`androidNavigationBar\`" <mask> style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" <mask> > <mask> <h4 <mask> class="css-1l3zmkw" <mask> data-heading="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove data-testid="#### \`intentFilters\`" style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add data-testid="\`intentFilters\`" style="margin-left: 0px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove data-testid="#### \`name\`" style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add data-testid="\`name\`" style="margin-left: 0px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove <h4 class="css-1l3zmkw" data-heading="true" </s> add <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" </s> remove <h4 class="css-1l3zmkw" data-heading="true" </s> add <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" </s> remove style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 64px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;"
keep keep replace replace keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep
<mask> data-heading="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > <mask> <span <mask> class="css-1fj428k" <mask> id="androidnavigationbar" <mask> /> <mask> <a <mask> class="permalink css-1lc60ja" <mask> href="#androidnavigationbar" <mask> > <mask> <svg <mask> aria-label="permalink" <mask> class="anchor-icon" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> xmlns="" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="none" <mask> fill-rule="evenodd" <mask> stroke="none" <mask> stroke-width="1" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="#9B9B9B" <mask> transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" <mask> > <mask> <path <mask> d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" <mask> /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> <mask> </a> <mask> <div <mask> class="permalink-child" <mask> > <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> androidNavigationBar <mask> </code> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </h4> <mask> </div> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep
<mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <strong <mask> class="css-utowyr" <mask> > <mask> (object) <mask> </strong> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> class="css-1njguyv" <mask> > <mask> <summary <mask> class="css-7wjyuo" <mask> > <mask> ExpoKit <mask> </summary> <mask> Set this property using <mask> </details> <mask> <details <mask> class="css-1njguyv" <mask> > </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove Set this property using Xcode. </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using Xcode. </div> </s> remove Set this property using just Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using just Xcode </div> </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa"
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep replace
<mask> <details <mask> class="css-1njguyv" <mask> > <mask> <summary <mask> class="css-7wjyuo" <mask> > <mask> Bare Workflow <mask> </summary> <mask> Set this property using just Xcode </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove Set this property using </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using </div> </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa"
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep replace keep keep keep
<mask> <tr> <mask> <td> <mask> <div <mask> data-testid="<subpropertyAnchor><inlineCode>visible</inlineCode></subpropertyAnchor>" <mask> style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <div </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 64px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 64px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;"
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > <mask> <span <mask> class="css-1fj428k" <mask> id="visible" <mask> /> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove <div class="css-i07u6a" </s> add <code class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep replace replace keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep keep
<mask> class="anchor-icon" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> xmlns="" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="none" <mask> fill-rule="evenodd" <mask> stroke="none" <mask> stroke-width="1" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="#9B9B9B" <mask> transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" <mask> > <mask> <path <mask> d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" <mask> /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> <mask> </a> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <div <mask> class="permalink-child" <mask> > <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> visible <mask> </code> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep keep replace keep keep keep replace
<mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <strong <mask> class="css-utowyr" </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> > <mask> <summary <mask> class="css-7wjyuo" <mask> > <mask> ExpoKit <mask> </summary> <mask> Set this property using Xcode. <mask> </details> <mask> </div> <mask> </td> <mask> </tr> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove Set this property using </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using </div> </s> remove Set this property using just Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using just Xcode </div> </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode </div>
keep replace keep keep replace keep keep keep
<mask> data-testid="<subpropertyAnchor><inlineCode>always</inlineCode></subpropertyAnchor>" <mask> style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <div </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 64px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove class="css-100y9e2 " </s> add class="css-12onb79 " </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;"
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > <mask> <span <mask> class="css-1fj428k" <mask> id="always" <mask> /> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove <div class="css-i07u6a" </s> add <code class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep keep replace replace keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace
<mask> aria-label="permalink" <mask> class="anchor-icon" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> xmlns="" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="none" <mask> fill-rule="evenodd" <mask> stroke="none" <mask> stroke-width="1" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="#9B9B9B" <mask> transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" <mask> > <mask> <path <mask> d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" <mask> /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <div <mask> class="permalink-child" <mask> > <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> always <mask> </code> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep
<mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <strong <mask> class="css-utowyr" <mask> > <mask> (boolean) <mask> </strong> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep replace keep keep replace keep keep
<mask> data-testid="<subpropertyAnchor><inlineCode>backgroundColor</inlineCode></subpropertyAnchor>" <mask> style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove style="margin-left: 44px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 32px; display: list-item; list-style-type: default; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove class="css-100y9e2 " </s> add class="css-12onb79 " </s> remove class="css-100y9e2 " </s> add class="css-12onb79 "
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > <mask> <span <mask> class="css-1fj428k" <mask> id="backgroundcolor" <mask> /> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove class="css-i07u6a" </s> add class="css-3t0ask" </s> remove <div class="css-i07u6a" </s> add <code class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep keep keep keep replace replace keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep
<mask> > <mask> <svg <mask> aria-label="permalink" <mask> class="anchor-icon" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> xmlns="" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="none" <mask> fill-rule="evenodd" <mask> stroke="none" <mask> stroke-width="1" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="#9B9B9B" <mask> transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" <mask> > <mask> <path <mask> d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" <mask> /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> <div <mask> class="permalink-child" <mask> > <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> backgroundColor <mask> </code> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep keep keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> class="css-1arns64" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <strong <mask> class="css-utowyr" <mask> > <mask> (string) <mask> </strong> <mask> - Specifies the background color of the navigation bar. </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep replace keep keep keep keep replace keep keep
<mask> </div> <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> 6 character long hex color string, eg: <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> '#000000' </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline" </s> remove class="css-7zpg9q inline" </s> add class="css-1aurupk inline"
keep replace replace keep replace replace replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> <div <mask> data-testid="#### \`intentFilters\`" <mask> style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" <mask> > <mask> <h4 <mask> class="css-1l3zmkw" <mask> data-heading="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove data-testid="#### \`name\`" style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add data-testid="\`name\`" style="margin-left: 0px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove data-testid="#### \`androidNavigationBar\`" style="margin-left: 12px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add data-testid="\`androidNavigationBar\`" style="margin-left: 0px; display: block; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> remove <h4 class="css-1l3zmkw" data-heading="true" </s> add <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" </s> remove <h4 class="css-1l3zmkw" data-heading="true" </s> add <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" </s> remove style="margin-left: 76px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;" </s> add style="margin-left: 64px; display: list-item; list-style-type: circle; overflow-x: visible;"
keep keep replace replace keep replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> data-heading="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-i07u6a" <mask> > <mask> <span <mask> class="css-1fj428k" <mask> id="intentfilters" <mask> /> <mask> <a <mask> class="permalink css-1lc60ja" <mask> href="#intentfilters" <mask> > <mask> <svg <mask> aria-label="permalink" <mask> class="anchor-icon" <mask> version="1.1" <mask> viewBox="0 0 11 11" <mask> xmlns="" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="none" <mask> fill-rule="evenodd" <mask> stroke="none" <mask> stroke-width="1" <mask> > <mask> <g <mask> fill="#9B9B9B" <mask> transform="translate(-432.000000, -181.000000)" <mask> > <mask> <path <mask> d="M442.36949,184.673746 L440.543368,186.500079 C440.047223,186.996013 439.369736,187.191548 438.72445,187.101937 L439.934732,185.891655 L441.760854,184.065321 C442.26505,183.561549 442.26505,182.743395 441.760854,182.238988 C441.256658,181.735003 440.438928,181.735003 439.934732,182.238988 L438.10861,184.065321 L436.897904,185.275815 C436.808293,184.630529 437.003616,183.95283 437.499762,183.456684 L439.325883,181.630775 C440.166281,180.789742 441.528881,180.789742 442.369278,181.630775 C443.209887,182.470748 443.209887,183.833772 442.36949,184.673746 L442.36949,184.673746 Z M438.717247,185.891655 L436.891125,187.717565 L436.282277,187.108928 L438.10861,185.282594 L438.717247,185.891655 L438.717247,185.891655 Z M433.238882,188.934838 C432.734686,189.439246 432.734686,190.256552 433.238882,190.760959 C433.743078,191.265579 434.560807,191.265579 435.065003,190.760959 L436.891125,188.934838 L438.101619,187.724344 C438.191442,188.369842 437.996119,189.047329 437.499974,189.543474 L435.673852,191.369384 C434.833455,192.210205 433.470854,192.210205 432.630457,191.369384 C431.789848,190.529411 431.789848,189.166387 432.630457,188.326413 L434.456579,186.500079 C434.952724,186.003722 435.630423,185.808399 436.275709,185.898222 L435.065215,187.108928 L433.238882,188.934838 L433.238882,188.934838 Z" <mask> /> <mask> </g> <mask> </g> <mask> </svg> <mask> </a> <mask> <div <mask> class="permalink-child" <mask> > <mask> <code <mask> class="css-7zpg9q inline" <mask> > <mask> intentFilters <mask> </code> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </h4> <mask> </div> <mask> </td> <mask> <td <mask> class="css-1arns64" </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep replace keep keep keep replace keep
<mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <strong <mask> class="css-utowyr" <mask> > </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080)
keep keep replace keep keep keep replace keep keep keep keep
<mask> > <mask> <summary <mask> class="css-7wjyuo" <mask> > <mask> Bare Workflow <mask> </summary> <mask> This is set in AndroidManifest.xml directly. <mask> </details> <mask> </div> <mask> <blockquote <mask> class="css-80nrkz" </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove class="css-80nrkz" </s> add class="css-1qybt24" </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode </div> </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove Set this property using just Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using just Xcode </div>
keep keep keep keep replace keep keep replace replace replace replace replace replace
<mask> This is set in AndroidManifest.xml directly. <mask> </details> <mask> </div> <mask> <blockquote <mask> class="css-80nrkz" <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <div <mask> class="css-100y9e2 " <mask> data-text="true" <mask> > <mask> <mask> [{ </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove This is set in AndroidManifest.xml directly. </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > This is set in AndroidManifest.xml directly. </div> </s> remove class="css-7wjyuo" </s> add class="css-sc2dxa" </s> remove class="css-utowyr" </s> add class="css-ee2aqm" </s> remove class="css-utowyr" </s> add class="css-ee2aqm" </s> remove class="css-utowyr" </s> add class="css-ee2aqm"
keep keep add keep keep keep keep keep
<mask> "data": {"host": "*" <mask> } <mask> }] <mask> </div> <mask> </blockquote> <mask> </td> <mask> </tr> <mask> <tr> </s> [docs] Update font and styles (#10080) </s> remove Set this property using Xcode. </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using Xcode. </div> </s> remove Set this property using just Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Set this property using just Xcode </div> </s> remove Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode </s> add <div class="css-1875xqs" > Edit the 'Display Name' field in Xcode </div> </s> remove <div class="css-100y9e2 " data-text="true" > [{ </s> add <div> <div style="margin-top: 2px;" > <svg aria-label="check" fill="none" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="16" xmlns="" > <path d="M12 0C5.373 0 0 5.373 0 12s5.373 12 12 12c6.628 0 12-5.373 12-12S18.628 0 12 0zm-.015 5.419c.269-.292.596-.44.973-.44.306 0 .575.11.776.317.203.207.306.472.306.786 0 .394-.137.745-.409 1.042-.279.306-.605.462-.968.462-.3 0-.566-.113-.768-.326-.201-.208-.304-.48-.304-.809 0-.401.133-.749.394-1.032zm1.999 11.305c-.995.936-1.705 1.52-2.17 1.784-.496.284-.905.423-1.25.423-.342 0-.621-.114-.83-.338-.202-.218-.305-.51-.305-.87 0-.92.521-3.058 1.595-6.534a1.47 1.47 0 00.042-.166c-.04.017-.087.041-.14.075-.088.055-.356.265-1.14 1.03a.334.334 0 01-.438.025l-.463-.358a.334.334 0 01-.043-.49c.722-.794 1.395-1.371 2.002-1.714.636-.358 1.173-.533 1.643-.533.303 0 .548.076.729. 0 .175-.084.63-.697 2.686-.875 2.937-1.084 4.003-1.099 4.372.166-.098.558-.376 1.395-1.162a.334.334 0 01.462.003l.411.4a.334.334 0 01-.004.484z" fill="#5C5C71" /> </svg> </div> </div> <div> <div class="css-12onb79 " data-text="true" > [{ </s> remove class="css-utowyr" </s> add class="css-ee2aqm" </s> remove class="css-utowyr" </s> add class="css-ee2aqm"