311 v0.0.0-20230125043941-70a0ce6e7b95 h1:n/xhncJPSt0YzfOhnyn41XxUdrWQNgmLBG72FE27Fqw= v0.0.0-20230125043941-70a0ce6e7b95/go.mod h1:2vU506e8nGWodqcci641NLi4im2twWSq4Lod756epHQ=
<mask> v0.3.3 h1:oDx7VAwstgpYpb3wv0oxiZlxY+foCpRAwY7Vk6XpAgA= <mask> v0.3.3/go.mod h1:jzwdWgg7Jdq75wlfblQxO4neNaFFSvgc1tD5Wv8U0Yw= <mask> v0.4.0 h1:JVf4NN1mIpHogBj7ABpgOyZc65/UUOkKQFkoURsz4MM= <mask> v0.4.0/go.mod h1:PljLOHDeZqgS8opHRKLzp2It2VBuSdteAgqUfzMTxlQ= <mask> v0.0.0-20220926085101-66de63301820 h1:fggBTMFbBz7CMny3mWZphe0B/6D8ILBunvvB1cNNHi8= <mask> v0.0.0-20220926085101-66de63301820/go.mod h1:7fKhD/gH+APJ9Y27S2PYO7+oVWtb3XPrw9W5ayxVq2A= </s> Pull request: upd-all Merge in DNS/adguard-home from upd-all to master Squashed commit of the following: commit 1c71e4586daa7502f5dadd5ba4dc58a12a01f3b8 Author: Ainar Garipov <[email protected]> Date: Wed Feb 1 13:37:50 2023 +0300 all: imp chlog; upd deps, i18n, services, trackers </s> remove v0.0.0-20220926085101-66de63301820 </s> add v0.0.0-20230125043941-70a0ce6e7b95 </s> remove v0.2.0 v0.0.0-20221103225512-4f561ca73b59 </s> add v0.5.1-0.20230117180257-8aba49bb5ea2 v0.0.0-20230130175424-dd534eeddf33 </s> remove v0.0.0-20220928193011-d2c82e48359b v1.6.2 v0.1.9 </s> add v0.0.0-20230107090616-13ace0543b28 v1.6.3 v0.2.1 </s> remove v0.2.0 h1:ljd4t30dBnAvMZaQCevtY0xLLD0A+bRZXbgLMLU1F/A= v0.2.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= </s> add v0.4.0 h1:Zr2JFtRQNX3BCZ8YtxRE9hNJYC8J6I1MVbMg6owUp18= v0.4.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= </s> remove v0.3.0 h1:w8ZOecv6NaNa/zC8944JTU3vz4u6Lagfk4RPQxv92NQ= v0.3.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg= </s> add v0.4.0 h1:Zr2JFtRQNX3BCZ8YtxRE9hNJYC8J6I1MVbMg6owUp18= v0.4.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace" ]
jsonEntry["upstream"] = entry.Upstream
<mask> log.Debug("Querylog: msg.Unpack(entry.OrigAnswer): %s: %s", err, string(entry.OrigAnswer)) <mask> } <mask> } <mask> <mask> return jsonEntry <mask> } <mask> <mask> func answerToMap(a *dns.Msg) []map[string]interface{} { <mask> if a == nil || len(a.Answer) == 0 { </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) } </s> add </s> remove "filter_domain": ctDomain, "filter_client": ctClient, "filter_question_type": ctQuestionType, "filter_response_status": ctFilteringStatus, </s> add "search": ctDomainOrClient, "response_status": ctFilteringStatus, </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> if getDoubleQuotesEnclosedValue(&c.value) { <mask> c.strict = true <mask> } <mask> <mask> if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { <mask> c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) <mask> } <mask> <mask> if ct == ctFilteringStatus && !util.ContainsString(filteringStatusValues, c.value) { <mask> return false, c, fmt.Errorf("invalid value %s", c.value) <mask> } <mask> <mask> return true, c, nil </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: </s> remove "filter_domain": ctDomain, "filter_client": ctClient, "filter_question_type": ctQuestionType, "filter_response_status": ctFilteringStatus, </s> add "search": ctDomainOrClient, "response_status": ctFilteringStatus,
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
"search": ctDomainOrClient, "response_status": ctFilteringStatus,
<mask> p.maxFileScanEntries = 0 <mask> } <mask> <mask> paramNames := map[string]criteriaType{ <mask> "filter_domain": ctDomain, <mask> "filter_client": ctClient, <mask> "filter_question_type": ctQuestionType, <mask> "filter_response_status": ctFilteringStatus, <mask> } <mask> <mask> for k, v := range paramNames { <mask> ok, c, err := l.parseSearchCriteria(q, k, v) <mask> if err != nil { </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) } </s> add </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP")
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient,
<mask> <mask> // search by domain (strict) <mask> params = newSearchParams() <mask> params.searchCriteria = append(params.searchCriteria, searchCriteria{ <mask> criteriaType: ctDomain, <mask> strict: true, <mask> value: "", <mask> }) <mask> entries, _ = <mask> assert.Equal(t, 1, len(entries)) </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name ctClient // client IP address ctQuestionType // question type </s> add ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient,
<mask> <mask> // search by domain (not strict) <mask> params = newSearchParams() <mask> params.searchCriteria = append(params.searchCriteria, searchCriteria{ <mask> criteriaType: ctDomain, <mask> strict: false, <mask> value: "", <mask> }) <mask> entries, _ = <mask> assert.Equal(t, 3, len(entries)) </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name ctClient // client IP address ctQuestionType // question type </s> add ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient,
<mask> <mask> // search by client IP (strict) <mask> params = newSearchParams() <mask> params.searchCriteria = append(params.searchCriteria, searchCriteria{ <mask> criteriaType: ctClient, <mask> strict: true, <mask> value: "", <mask> }) <mask> entries, _ = <mask> assert.Equal(t, 1, len(entries)) </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name ctClient // client IP address ctQuestionType // question type </s> add ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient,
<mask> <mask> // search by client IP (part of) <mask> params = newSearchParams() <mask> params.searchCriteria = append(params.searchCriteria, searchCriteria{ <mask> criteriaType: ctClient, <mask> strict: false, <mask> value: "2.2.2", <mask> }) <mask> entries, _ = <mask> assert.Equal(t, 4, len(entries)) </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name ctClient // client IP address ctQuestionType // question type </s> add ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address
<mask> <mask> type criteriaType int <mask> <mask> const ( <mask> ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name <mask> ctClient // client IP address <mask> ctQuestionType // question type <mask> ctFilteringStatus // filtering status <mask> ) <mask> <mask> const ( <mask> filteringStatusAll = "all" </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient,
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
filteringStatusProcessed = "processed" // not blocked, not white-listed entries
<mask> filteringStatusBlockedParental = "blocked_parental" // blocked by parental control <mask> filteringStatusWhitelisted = "whitelisted" // whitelisted <mask> filteringStatusRewritten = "rewritten" // all kinds of rewrites <mask> filteringStatusSafeSearch = "safe_search" // enforced safe search <mask> ) <mask> <mask> // filteringStatusValues -- array with all possible filteringStatus values <mask> var filteringStatusValues = []string{ <mask> filteringStatusAll, filteringStatusFiltered, filteringStatusBlocked, </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name ctClient // client IP address ctQuestionType // question type </s> add ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctDomain, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient, </s> remove criteriaType: ctClient, </s> add criteriaType: ctDomainOrClient,
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> filteringStatusBlockedSafebrowsing, filteringStatusBlockedParental, <mask> filteringStatusWhitelisted, filteringStatusRewritten, filteringStatusSafeSearch, <mask> } <mask> <mask> // searchCriteria - every search request may contain a list of different search criteria <mask> // we use each of them to match the query </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove case ctDomain: </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") </s> remove ctDomain criteriaType = iota // domain name ctClient // client IP address ctQuestionType // question type </s> add ctDomainOrClient criteriaType = iota // domain name or client IP address
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP")
<mask> func (c *searchCriteria) quickMatch(line string) bool { <mask> // note that we do this only for a limited set of criteria <mask> <mask> switch c.criteriaType { <mask> case ctDomain: <mask> return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") <mask> case ctClient: <mask> return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") <mask> case ctQuestionType: <mask> return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") <mask> default: <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> } <mask> </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove case ctDomain: </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
case ctDomainOrClient:
<mask> // match - checks if the log entry matches this search criteria <mask> // nolint (gocyclo) <mask> func (c *searchCriteria) match(entry *logEntry) bool { <mask> switch c.criteriaType { <mask> case ctDomain: <mask> if c.strict && entry.QHost == c.value { <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QHost, c.value) { <mask> return true </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) } </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> } <mask> if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QHost, c.value) { <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> return false <mask> case ctClient: <mask> if c.strict && entry.IP == c.value { <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.IP, c.value) { <mask> return true </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: </s> remove if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) } </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") </s> remove default: return false </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.IP, c.value) { <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> return false <mask> case ctQuestionType: <mask> if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { <mask> return true <mask> } <mask> case ctFilteringStatus: <mask> res := entry.Result <mask> <mask> switch c.value { <mask> case filteringStatusAll: </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: </s> remove if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) } </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP")
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
case filteringStatusProcessed: return !(res.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredBlackList || res.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredBlockedService || res.Reason == dnsfilter.NotFilteredWhiteList)
<mask> case filteringStatusSafeSearch: <mask> return res.IsFiltered && res.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredSafeSearch <mask> default: <mask> return false <mask> } <mask> } <mask> <mask> return false </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove default: return false </s> add </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") </s> remove case ctDomain: </s> add case ctDomainOrClient:
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> return res.IsFiltered && res.Reason == dnsfilter.FilteredSafeSearch <mask> default: <mask> return false <mask> } <mask> <mask> default: <mask> return false <mask> } <mask> <mask> return false <mask> } </s> + new query logs API + "upstream" + filteringStatusProcessed + ctDomainOrClient remove ctQuestionType, ctDomain, ctClient </s> remove return false case ctClient: </s> add </s> remove case ctQuestionType: if c.strict && entry.QType == c.value { return true } if !c.strict && strings.Contains(entry.QType, c.value) { return true } </s> add </s> remove case ctDomain: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") case ctClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") case ctQuestionType: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QT") </s> add case ctDomainOrClient: return c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "QH") || c.quickMatchJSONValue(line, "IP") </s> remove if ct == ctClient && l.conf.AnonymizeClientIP { c.value = l.getClientIP(c.value) } </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
const blockButton = ( <> <div className="title--border" /> <button type="button" className={ classNames( 'button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked }, { 'bg--green': isFiltered }, )} onClick={onToggleBlock} > {t(buttonType)} </button> </> );
<mask> setModalOpened(false); <mask> } <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const blockButton = <button <mask> className={classNames('title--border text-center button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked })} <mask> onClick={onToggleBlock}> <mask> {t(buttonType)} <mask> </button>; <mask> <mask> const blockForClientButton = <button <mask> className='text-center font-weight-bold py-2 button-action--arrow-option' <mask> onClick={onBlockingForClientClick}> <mask> {t(blockingForClientKey)} </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1023; </s> add export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1024; </s> remove const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); </s> add const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); </s> remove const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth < SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE); </s> add const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth <= MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE);
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> .custom-select--logs { <mask> padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem 0.5rem 2rem !important; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .bg--danger { <mask> color: var(--danger) !important; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .form-control--search { <mask> box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ddd; <mask> padding: 0 2.5rem; <mask> height: 2.25rem; <mask> flex-grow: 1; </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .button-action__container { display: none; } }
<mask> height: 1.6rem; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .button-action__container--detailed { <mask> bottom: 1.3rem; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .button-action { <mask> outline: 0 !important; </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove .bg--danger { color: var(--danger) !important; } </s> add </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; text-align: center; font-weight: 700;
<mask> background: transparent; <mask> border: 0; <mask> display: block; <mask> width: 100%; <mask> text-align: left; <mask> color: inherit; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .button-action--arrow-option:disabled { <mask> display: none; </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
cursor: pointer; } .button-action--arrow-option:hover, .button-action--arrow-option:focus { outline: none; } .button-action--arrow-option:focus-visible { outline: 2px solid #295a9f;
<mask> padding-bottom: 0.5rem; <mask> text-align: center; <mask> font-weight: 700; <mask> color: inherit; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .button-action--arrow-option:disabled { <mask> display: none; </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove text-align: left; </s> add padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; text-align: center; font-weight: 700; </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
.tooltip-custom__container .button-action--arrow-option { padding-bottom: 0; text-align: left; font-weight: 400; }
<mask> display: none; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .tooltip-custom__container .button-action--arrow-option:not(:disabled):hover { <mask> background: var(--gray-f3); <mask> overflow: hidden; <mask> } <mask> </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add </s> remove text-align: left; </s> add padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; text-align: center; font-weight: 700;
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> display: none; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .tooltip-custom__container .button-action--arrow-option:not(:disabled):hover { <mask> cursor: pointer; <mask> background: var(--gray-f3); <mask> overflow: hidden; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .button-action--arrow-option-container { </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove text-align: left; </s> add padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; text-align: center; font-weight: 700;
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
.bg--danger { color: var(--danger); } .bg--green { color: var(--green79); }
<mask> font-style: italic; <mask> font-weight: normal; <mask> margin-bottom: 1rem; <mask> } </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove text-align: left; </s> add padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; text-align: center; font-weight: 700; </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add" ]
<mask> import queryString from 'query-string'; <mask> import classNames from 'classnames'; <mask> import { <mask> BLOCK_ACTIONS, <mask> SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE, <mask> } from '../../helpers/constants'; <mask> import Loading from '../ui/Loading'; <mask> import Filters from './Filters'; <mask> import Disabled from './Disabled'; <mask> import { getFilteringStatus } from '../../actions/filtering'; </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth <= MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE);
<mask> <mask> const search = search_url_param || filter?.search || ''; <mask> const response_status = response_status_url_param || filter?.response_status || ''; <mask> <mask> const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth < SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE); <mask> const [detailedDataCurrent, setDetailedDataCurrent] = useState({}); <mask> const [buttonType, setButtonType] = useState(BLOCK_ACTIONS.BLOCK); <mask> const [isModalOpened, setModalOpened] = useState(false); <mask> const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); <mask> </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1023; </s> add export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1024; </s> remove const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); </s> add const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); </s> remove const blockButton = <button className={classNames('title--border text-center button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked })} onClick={onToggleBlock}> {t(buttonType)} </button>; </s> add const blockButton = ( <> <div className="title--border" /> <button type="button" className={ classNames( 'button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked }, { 'bg--green': isFiltered }, )} onClick={onToggleBlock} > {t(buttonType)} </button> </> ); </s> remove SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE, </s> add MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE,
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`);
<mask> setIsLoading(false); <mask> })(); <mask> }, [response_status, search]); <mask> <mask> const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); <mask> const mediaQueryHandler = (e) => { <mask> setIsSmallScreen(e.matches); <mask> if (e.matches) { <mask> dispatch(toggleDetailedLogs(false)); <mask> } </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove const blockButton = <button className={classNames('title--border text-center button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked })} onClick={onToggleBlock}> {t(buttonType)} </button>; </s> add const blockButton = ( <> <div className="title--border" /> <button type="button" className={ classNames( 'button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked }, { 'bg--green': isFiltered }, )} onClick={onToggleBlock} > {t(buttonType)} </button> </> ); </s> remove export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1023; </s> add export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1024; </s> remove const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth < SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE); </s> add const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth <= MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE);
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1024;
<mask> ...DHCP_FORM_NAMES, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export const SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE = 767; <mask> export const MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE = 1023; <mask> <mask> export const SECONDS_IN_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24; <mask> <mask> export const UINT32_RANGE = { <mask> MIN: 0, </s> Pull request: 4775 fix query log issue on tablet devices Updates #4775 Squashed commit of the following: commit 9ad85d2306b68227e11c7b1dd792e3fe6389939d Merge: 95aa29d6 41f081d8 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Tue Aug 2 11:44:04 2022 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into 4775-popup commit 95aa29d68bdf5e9c4e7aa59f42d04328b1872115 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Aug 1 16:21:23 2022 +0300 client: fix query log issue on tablet devices </s> remove const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth < SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE); </s> add const [isSmallScreen, setIsSmallScreen] = useState(window.innerWidth <= MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE); </s> remove const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${SMALL_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); </s> add const mediaQuery = window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${MEDIUM_SCREEN_SIZE}px)`); </s> remove const blockButton = <button className={classNames('title--border text-center button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked })} onClick={onToggleBlock}> {t(buttonType)} </button>; </s> add const blockButton = ( <> <div className="title--border" /> <button type="button" className={ classNames( 'button-action--arrow-option', { 'bg--danger': !isBlocked }, { 'bg--green': isFiltered }, )} onClick={onToggleBlock} > {t(buttonType)} </button> </> ); </s> remove cursor: pointer; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<svg className="icons icon12">
<mask> className="btn btn-icon btn-outline-primary btn-sm" <mask> title={t('refresh_btn')} <mask> onClick={() => getAllStats()} <mask> > <mask> <svg className="icons"> <mask> <use xlinkHref="#refresh" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </button>; <mask> <mask> const statsProcessing = stats.processingStats </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<svg className="icons icon12">
<mask> url, <mask> }) <mask> } <mask> > <mask> <svg className="icons"> <mask> <use xlinkHref="#edit" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </button> <mask> <button <mask> type="button" </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<svg className="icons icon12">
<mask> className="btn btn-icon btn-outline-secondary btn-sm" <mask> onClick={() => handleDelete(url)} <mask> title={t('delete_table_action')} <mask> > <mask> <svg className="icons"> <mask> <use xlinkHref="#delete" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </button> <mask> </div> <mask> ); </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> </button> <mask> {content && ( <mask> <button className={buttonArrowClass} disabled={processingRules}> <mask> <IconTooltip <mask> className="h-100" <mask> tooltipClass="button-action--arrow-option-container" <mask> xlinkHref="chevron-down" <mask> triggerClass="button-action--icon" <mask> content={content} <mask> placement="bottom-end" </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
.icon24 { width: 24px; height: 24px; } .icon12 { width: 12px; height: 12px; }
<mask> max-height: 100% !important; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .cursor--pointer { <mask> cursor: pointer; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .custom-select__arrow--left { </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove align-items: center; </s> add </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <symbol id="chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> </s> add <symbol id="chevron-down" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> width: 100%; <mask> height: 100%; <mask> display: flex; <mask> justify-content: center; <mask> align-items: center; <mask> } <mask> <mask> .button-action:active { <mask> background: var(--btn-block-active); <mask> } </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <symbol id="chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> </s> add <symbol id="chevron-down" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<svg className="icons icon12">
<mask> } <mask> disabled={processingUpdating} <mask> title={t('edit_table_action')} <mask> > <mask> <svg className="icons"> <mask> <use xlinkHref="#edit" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </button> <mask> <button <mask> type="button" </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<svg className="icons icon12">
<mask> onClick={() => handleDelete({ name: clientName })} <mask> disabled={processingDeleting} <mask> title={t('delete_table_action')} <mask> > <mask> <svg className="icons"> <mask> <use xlinkHref="#delete" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </button> <mask> </div> <mask> ); </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
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[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<symbol id="chevron-down" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<mask> <path d="M60 54.5h8v40h-8zM60 35.5h8v8h-8z" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </symbol> <mask> <mask> <symbol id="chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <mask> <g fill="none" fillRule="evenodd"> <mask> <path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="#878787" fillOpacity=".01" /> <mask> <path stroke="currentColor" strokeWidth="1.5" strokeLinecap="round" <mask> d="M8.036 10.93l3.93 4.07 4.068-3.93" /> <mask> </g> </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <symbol id="refresh" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2"> <path d="M23 4v6h-6M1 20v-6h6" /> <path d="M3.51 9a9 9 0 0 1 14.85-3.36L23 10M1 14l4.64 4.36A9 9 0 0 0 20.49 15" /> </s> add <symbol id="refresh" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2"> <polyline points="23 4 23 10 17 10"></polyline> <polyline points="1 20 1 14 7 14"></polyline> <path d="M3.51 9a9 9 0 0 1 14.85-3.36L23 10M1 14l4.64 4.36A9 9 0 0 0 20.49 15"></path> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<svg className="icons icon12">
<mask> onClick={onClick} <mask> disabled={processingVersion} <mask> title={t('check_updates_now')} <mask> > <mask> <svg className="icons"> <mask> <use xlinkHref="#refresh" /> <mask> </svg> <mask> </button>} <mask> </div> <mask> </div> </s> 5505 fix icons Updates #5505 Squashed commit of the following: commit 3d66b82808b9c3904bad8bb32f3927172bfdcda6 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:45:42 2023 +0300 fix icons commit 5030b45751e1717e5030eed0b46634f800d357d2 Author: Ildar Kamalov <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 6 12:24:32 2023 +0300 client: fix chevron icon </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12"> </s> remove <svg className="icons"> </s> add <svg className="icons icon12">
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
"encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\/dns-query' location.",
<mask> "encryption_server_desc": "In order to use HTTPS, you need yo enter the server name that matches your SSL certificate.", <mask> "encryption_redirect": "Redirect to HTTPS automatically", <mask> "encryption_redirect_desc": "If checked, AdGuard Home will automatically redirect you from HTTP to HTTPS addresses.", <mask> "encryption_https": "HTTPS port", <mask> "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\\dns-query' location.", <mask> "encryption_dot": "DNS-over-TLS port", <mask> "encryption_dot_desc": "If this port is configured, AdGuard Home will run a DNS-over-TLS server on this port.", <mask> "encryption_certificates": "Certificates", <mask> "encryption_certificates_desc": "In order to use encryption, you need to provide a valid SSL certificates chain for your domain. You can get a free certificate on <0>{{link}}</0> or you can buy it from one of the trusted Certificate Authorities.", <mask> "encryption_certificates_input": "Copy/paste your PEM-encoded cerificates here.", </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove "encryption_certificates_for": "Certificates for {{domains}}", "encryption_expire": "Expire on {{date}}", </s> add "encryption_expire": "Expires", </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey &&
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
"encryption_expire": "Expires",
<mask> "encryption_certificates": "Certificates", <mask> "encryption_certificates_desc": "In order to use encryption, you need to provide a valid SSL certificates chain for your domain. You can get a free certificate on <0>{{link}}</0> or you can buy it from one of the trusted Certificate Authorities.", <mask> "encryption_certificates_input": "Copy/paste your PEM-encoded cerificates here.", <mask> "encryption_status": "Status", <mask> "encryption_certificates_for": "Certificates for {{domains}}", <mask> "encryption_expire": "Expire on {{date}}", <mask> "encryption_key": "Private key", <mask> "encryption_key_input": "Copy/paste your PEM-encoded private key for your cerficate here.", <mask> "topline_expiring_certificate": "Your SSL certificate is about to expire. Update <0>Encryption settings</0>.", <mask> "form_error_port_range": "Enter port value in the range of 80-65535", <mask> "form_error_equal": "Shouldn't be equal", </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\\dns-query' location.", </s> add "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\/dns-query' location.", </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey &&
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
"encryption_enable": "Enable Encryption (HTTPS, DNS-over-HTTPS, and DNS-over-TLS)", "encryption_enable_desc": "If encryption is enabled, AdGuard Home admin interface will work over HTTPS, and the DNS server will listen for requests over DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS.", "encryption_chain_valid": "Certificate chain is valid", "encryption_chain_invalid": "Certificate chain is invalid", "encryption_key_valid": "This is a valid {{type}} private key", "encryption_key_invalid": "This is an invalid {{type}} private key", "encryption_subject": "Subject", "encryption_issuer": "Issuer", "encryption_hostnames": "Hostnames",
<mask> "encryption_status": "Status", <mask> "encryption_expire": "Expires", <mask> "encryption_key": "Private key", <mask> "encryption_key_input": "Copy/paste your PEM-encoded private key for your cerficate here.", <mask> "topline_expiring_certificate": "Your SSL certificate is about to expire. Update <0>Encryption settings</0>.", <mask> "topline_expired_certificate": "Your SSL certificate is expired. Update <0>Encryption settings</0>.", <mask> "form_error_port_range": "Enter port value in the range of 80-65535", <mask> "form_error_equal": "Shouldn't be equal", <mask> "form_error_password": "Password mismatched", <mask> "reset_settings": "Reset settings" </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove "encryption_certificates_for": "Certificates for {{domains}}", "encryption_expire": "Expire on {{date}}", </s> add "encryption_expire": "Expires", </s> remove "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\\dns-query' location.", </s> add "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\/dns-query' location.", </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey &&
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
"topline_expired_certificate": "Your SSL certificate is expired. Update <0>Encryption settings</0>.",
<mask> "encryption_subject": "Subject", <mask> "encryption_issuer": "Issuer", <mask> "encryption_hostnames": "Hostnames", <mask> "topline_expiring_certificate": "Your SSL certificate is about to expire. Update <0>Encryption settings</0>.", <mask> "form_error_port_range": "Enter port value in the range of 80-65535", <mask> "form_error_equal": "Shouldn't be equal", <mask> "form_error_password": "Password mismatched", <mask> "reset_settings": "Reset settings" </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove "encryption_certificates_for": "Certificates for {{domains}}", "encryption_expire": "Expire on {{date}}", </s> add "encryption_expire": "Expires", </s> remove "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\\dns-query' location.", </s> add "encryption_https_desc": "If HTTPS port is configured, AdGuard Home admin interface will be accessible via HTTPS, and it will also provide DNS-over-HTTPS on '\/dns-query' location.",
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> dispatch(findActiveDhcpFailure()); <mask> } <mask> } <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); <mask> export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); <mask> export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); <mask> <mask> export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { <mask> dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); <mask> try { <mask> const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); <mask> status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); <mask> status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); <mask> <mask> dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); <mask> } catch (error) { <mask> dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); <mask> dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); <mask> } <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); <mask> export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); <mask> export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); <mask> <mask> export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { <mask> dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); <mask> try { <mask> const values = { ...config }; <mask> values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); <mask> values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); <mask> values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; <mask> values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; <mask> <mask> await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); <mask> dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); <mask> dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); <mask> dispatch(getTlsStatus()); <mask> } catch (error) { <mask> dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); <mask> dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); <mask> } <mask> }; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => { </s> remove isDropdownOpen: false, </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace" ]
TLS_VALIDATE = { path: 'tls/validate', method: 'POST' };
<mask> // DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS <mask> TLS_STATUS = { path: 'tls/status', method: 'GET' }; <mask> TLS_CONFIG = { path: 'tls/configure', method: 'POST' }; <mask> <mask> getTlsStatus() { <mask> const { path, method } = this.TLS_STATUS; <mask> return this.makeRequest(path, method); <mask> } </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => { </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
validateTlsConfig(config) { const { path, method } = this.TLS_VALIDATE; const parameters = { data: config, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }; return this.makeRequest(path, method, parameters); }
<mask> headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, <mask> }; <mask> return this.makeRequest(path, method, parameters); <mask> } <mask> } </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep" ]
import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
<mask> import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; <mask> import { HashRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; <mask> import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; <mask> import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; <mask> import LoadingBar from 'react-redux-loading-bar'; <mask> <mask> import 'react-table/react-table.css'; <mask> import '../ui/Tabler.css'; <mask> import '../ui/ReactTable.css'; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form';
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
import EncryptionTopline from '../ui/EncryptionTopline';
<mask> import Status from '../ui/Status'; <mask> import Topline from '../ui/Topline'; <mask> import i18n from '../../i18n'; <mask> <mask> class App extends Component { <mask> componentDidMount() { <mask> this.props.getDnsStatus(); </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'; </s> remove import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; </s> add import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> const updateAvailable = <mask> !dashboard.processingVersions && <mask> dashboard.isCoreRunning && <mask> dashboard.isUpdateAvailable; <mask> const isExpiringCertificate = !encryption.processing && encryption.warning; <mask> <mask> return ( <mask> <HashRouter hashType='noslash'> <mask> <Fragment> <mask> {updateAvailable && </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey && </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul> </s> remove {isExpiringCertificate && <Topline type="warning"> <Trans components={[<a href="#settings" key="0">link</a>]}> topline_expiring_certificate </Trans> </Topline> </s> add {!encryption.processing && <EncryptionTopline notAfter={encryption.not_after} />
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
{!encryption.processing && <EncryptionTopline notAfter={encryption.not_after} />
<mask> <Topline type="info"> <mask> {dashboard.announcement} <a href={dashboard.announcementUrl} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Click here</a> for more info. <mask> </Topline> <mask> } <mask> {isExpiringCertificate && <mask> <Topline type="warning"> <mask> <Trans components={[<a href="#settings" key="0">link</a>]}> <mask> topline_expiring_certificate <mask> </Trans> <mask> </Topline> <mask> } <mask> <LoadingBar className="loading-bar" updateTime={1000} /> <mask> <Route component={Header} /> <mask> <div className="container container--wrap"> <mask> {!dashboard.processing && !dashboard.isCoreRunning && </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey && </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul>
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> <mask> class Header extends Component { <mask> state = { <mask> isMenuOpen: false, <mask> isDropdownOpen: false, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> toggleMenuOpen = () => { <mask> this.setState(prevState => ({ isMenuOpen: !prevState.isMenuOpen })); <mask> }; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
const { isMenuOpen } = this.state;
<mask> render() { <mask> const { dashboard } = this.props; <mask> const badgeClass = classnames({ <mask> 'badge dns-status': true, <mask> 'badge-success': dashboard.protectionEnabled, <mask> 'badge-danger': !dashboard.protectionEnabled, <mask> }); </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> <Menu <mask> location={this.props.location} <mask> isMenuOpen={this.state.isMenuOpen} <mask> toggleMenuOpen={this.toggleMenuOpen} <mask> closeMenu={this.closeMenu} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="col col-sm-6 col-lg-3"> <mask> <Version </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
<mask> import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; <mask> import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; <mask> import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'; <mask> import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; <mask> import flow from 'lodash/flow'; <mask> import format from 'date-fns/format'; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'; </s> remove import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; </s> add import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
[ "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form';
<mask> import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; <mask> import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; <mask> import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; <mask> import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; <mask> import flow from 'lodash/flow'; <mask> <mask> import { renderField, renderSelectField, toNumber, port } from '../../../helpers/form'; <mask> import i18n from '../../../i18n'; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; </s> add import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
[ "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
import format from 'date-fns/format';
<mask> import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'; <mask> import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; <mask> import flow from 'lodash/flow'; <mask> <mask> import { renderField, renderSelectField, toNumber, port } from '../../../helpers/form'; <mask> import { EMPTY_DATE } from '../../../helpers/constants'; <mask> import i18n from '../../../i18n'; <mask> <mask> const validate = (values) => { </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'; </s> remove import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; </s> add import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next';
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
import { EMPTY_DATE } from '../../../helpers/constants';
<mask> import format from 'date-fns/format'; <mask> <mask> import { renderField, renderSelectField, toNumber, port } from '../../../helpers/form'; <mask> import i18n from '../../../i18n'; <mask> <mask> const validate = (values) => { <mask> const errors = {}; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form'; </s> remove } from '../actions'; </s> add validateTlsConfig, } from '../actions/encryption';
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
let Form = (props) => {
<mask> <mask> return errors; <mask> }; <mask> <mask> const Form = (props) => { <mask> const { <mask> t, <mask> handleSubmit, <mask> reset, <mask> invalid, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert, statusKey, </s> add not_after, valid_chain, valid_key, dns_names, key_type, issuer, subject, warning_validation, </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
handleChange, isEnabled, certificateChain, privateKey,
<mask> let Form = (props) => { <mask> const { <mask> t, <mask> handleSubmit, <mask> reset, <mask> invalid, <mask> submitting, <mask> processing, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => { </s> remove statusCert, statusKey, </s> add not_after, valid_chain, valid_key, dns_names, key_type, issuer, subject, warning_validation, </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
not_after, valid_chain, valid_key, dns_names, key_type, issuer, subject, warning_validation,
<mask> reset, <mask> invalid, <mask> submitting, <mask> processing, <mask> statusCert, <mask> statusKey, <mask> } = props; <mask> <mask> return ( <mask> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <mask> <div className="row"> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => { </s> remove const isExpiringCertificate = !encryption.processing && encryption.warning; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<div className="col-12"> <div className="form__group form__group--settings"> <Field name="enabled" type="checkbox" component={renderSelectField} placeholder={t('encryption_enable')} onChange={handleChange} /> </div> <div className="form__desc"> <Trans>encryption_enable_desc</Trans> </div> <hr/> </div>
<mask> return ( <mask> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <mask> <div className="row"> <mask> <div className="col-12"> <mask> <label className="form__label" htmlFor="server_name"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_server</Trans> <mask> </label> <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert, statusKey, </s> add not_after, valid_chain, valid_key, dns_names, key_type, issuer, subject, warning_validation, </s> remove {/* <div> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> encryption_certificates_for </Trans> </div> <div> <Trans values={{ date: '2022-01-01' }}> encryption_expire </Trans> </div> */} </s> add </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, </s> remove const isExpiringCertificate = !encryption.processing && encryption.warning; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={handleChange} disabled={!isEnabled}
<mask> className="form-control" <mask> placeholder={t('encryption_server_enter')} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__desc"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_server_desc</Trans> <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove isMenuOpen={this.state.isMenuOpen} </s> add isMenuOpen={isMenuOpen}
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={handleChange} disabled={!isEnabled}
<mask> component={renderSelectField} <mask> placeholder={t('encryption_redirect')} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__desc"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_redirect_desc</Trans> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove isMenuOpen={this.state.isMenuOpen} </s> add isMenuOpen={isMenuOpen}
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={handleChange} disabled={!isEnabled}
<mask> className="form-control" <mask> placeholder={t('encryption_https')} <mask> validate={[port]} <mask> normalize={toNumber} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__desc"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_https_desc</Trans> <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove isMenuOpen={this.state.isMenuOpen} </s> add isMenuOpen={isMenuOpen}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={handleChange} disabled={!isEnabled}
<mask> validate={[port]} <mask> normalize={toNumber} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__desc"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_dot_desc</Trans> <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove isMenuOpen={this.state.isMenuOpen} </s> add isMenuOpen={isMenuOpen}
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={handleChange} disabled={!isEnabled}
<mask> type="text" <mask> className="form-control form-control--textarea" <mask> placeholder={t('encryption_certificates_input')} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__status"> <mask> {certificateChain && <mask> <Fragment> <mask> <div className="form__label form__label--bold"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_status</Trans>: </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey && </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul> </s> remove <div> {statusKey} </div> </s> add <p className={valid_key ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_key ? <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_valid </Trans> : <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_invalid </Trans> } </p>
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
{certificateChain &&
<mask> className="form-control form-control--textarea" <mask> placeholder={t('encryption_certificates_input')} <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__status"> <mask> {statusCert && <mask> <Fragment> <mask> <div className="form__label form__label--bold"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_status</Trans>: <mask> </div> <mask> <div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey && </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul> </s> remove <div> {statusKey} </div> </s> add <p className={valid_key ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_key ? <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_valid </Trans> : <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_invalid </Trans> } </p>
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul>
<mask> <Fragment> <mask> <div className="form__label form__label--bold"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_status</Trans>: <mask> </div> <mask> <div> <mask> {statusCert} <mask> </div> <mask> </Fragment> <mask> } <mask> {/* <div> <mask> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> <mask> encryption_certificates_for </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {/* <div> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> encryption_certificates_for </Trans> </div> <div> <Trans values={{ date: '2022-01-01' }}> encryption_expire </Trans> </div> */} </s> add </s> remove <div> {statusKey} </div> </s> add <p className={valid_key ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_key ? <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_valid </Trans> : <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_invalid </Trans> } </p> </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey &&
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> {statusCert} <mask> </div> <mask> </Fragment> <mask> } <mask> {/* <div> <mask> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> <mask> encryption_certificates_for <mask> </Trans> <mask> </div> <mask> <div> <mask> <Trans values={{ date: '2022-01-01' }}> <mask> encryption_expire <mask> </Trans> <mask> </div> */} <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> <div className="row"> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove <div> {statusKey} </div> </s> add <p className={valid_key ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_key ? <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_valid </Trans> : <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_invalid </Trans> } </p> </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul> </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain &&
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={handleChange} disabled={!isEnabled}
<mask> type="text" <mask> className="form-control form-control--textarea" <mask> placeholder="Copy/paste your PEM-encoded private key for your cerficate here." <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__status"> <mask> {privateKey && <mask> <Fragment> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey && </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove "encryption_certificates_for": "Certificates for {{domains}}", "encryption_expire": "Expire on {{date}}", </s> add "encryption_expire": "Expires",
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
{privateKey &&
<mask> className="form-control form-control--textarea" <mask> placeholder="Copy/paste your PEM-encoded private key for your cerficate here." <mask> /> <mask> <div className="form__status"> <mask> {statusKey && <mask> <Fragment> <mask> <div className="form__label form__label--bold"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_status</Trans>: <mask> </div> <mask> <div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove "encryption_certificates_for": "Certificates for {{domains}}", "encryption_expire": "Expire on {{date}}", </s> add "encryption_expire": "Expires", </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul>
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<p className={valid_key ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_key ? <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_valid </Trans> : <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_invalid </Trans> } </p>
<mask> <Fragment> <mask> <div className="form__label form__label--bold"> <mask> <Trans>encryption_status</Trans>: <mask> </div> <mask> <div> <mask> {statusKey} <mask> </div> <mask> </Fragment> <mask> } <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {statusCert && </s> add {certificateChain && </s> remove {statusKey && </s> add {privateKey && </s> remove {/* <div> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> encryption_certificates_for </Trans> </div> <div> <Trans values={{ date: '2022-01-01' }}> encryption_expire </Trans> </div> */} </s> add </s> remove <div> {statusCert} </div> </s> add <ul> <li className={valid_chain ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_chain ? <Trans>encryption_chain_valid</Trans> : <Trans>encryption_chain_invalid</Trans> } </li> {subject && <li><Trans>encryption_subject</Trans>: {subject}</li> } {issuer && <li><Trans>encryption_issuer</Trans>: {issuer}</li> } {not_after && not_after !== EMPTY_DATE && <li> <Trans>encryption_expire</Trans>:&nbsp; {format(not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')} </li> } {dns_names && <li> <Trans>encryption_hostnames</Trans>: {dns_names} </li> } </ul>
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<div className="col-12"> <p className="text-danger"> {warning_validation && warning_validation} </p> </div>
<mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> <mask> <div className="btn-list mt-2"> <mask> <button </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove <div className="btn-list"> </s> add <div className="btn-list mt-2"> </s> remove {/* <div> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> encryption_certificates_for </Trans> </div> <div> <Trans values={{ date: '2022-01-01' }}> encryption_expire </Trans> </div> */} </s> add </s> remove <div> {statusKey} </div> </s> add <p className={valid_key ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'}> {valid_key ? <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_valid </Trans> : <Trans values={{ type: key_type }}> encryption_key_invalid </Trans> } </p>
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<div className="btn-list mt-2">
<mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> </div> <mask> <mask> <div className="btn-list"> <mask> <button <mask> type="submit" <mask> className="btn btn-success btn-standart" <mask> disabled={invalid || submitting || processing} <mask> > </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove disabled={invalid || submitting || processing} </s> add disabled={ invalid || submitting || processing || !valid_chain || !valid_key || warning_validation } </s> remove type="submit" </s> add type="button" </s> remove statusCert={statusCert} statusKey={statusKey} </s> add </s> remove {/* <div> <Trans values={{ domains: '*,' }}> encryption_certificates_for </Trans> </div> <div> <Trans values={{ date: '2022-01-01' }}> encryption_expire </Trans> </div> */} </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
disabled={ invalid || submitting || processing || !valid_chain || !valid_key || warning_validation }
<mask> <div className="btn-list"> <mask> <button <mask> type="submit" <mask> className="btn btn-success btn-standart" <mask> disabled={invalid || submitting || processing} <mask> > <mask> <Trans>save_config</Trans> <mask> </button> <mask> <button <mask> type="submit" </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove <div className="btn-list"> </s> add <div className="btn-list mt-2"> </s> remove type="submit" </s> add type="button" </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add </s> remove statusCert={statusCert} statusKey={statusKey} </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> > <mask> <Trans>save_config</Trans> <mask> </button> <mask> <button <mask> type="submit" <mask> className="btn btn-secondary btn-standart" <mask> disabled={submitting || processing} <mask> onClick={reset} <mask> > <mask> <Trans>reset_settings</Trans> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove disabled={invalid || submitting || processing} </s> add disabled={ invalid || submitting || processing || !valid_chain || !valid_key || warning_validation } </s> remove <div className="btn-list"> </s> add <div className="btn-list mt-2"> </s> remove statusCert={statusCert} statusKey={statusKey} </s> add </s> remove initialValues={{ ...values }} </s> add initialValues={{ enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, }}
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
handleChange: PropTypes.func, isEnabled: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, certificateChain: PropTypes.string.isRequired, privateKey: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
<mask> Form.propTypes = { <mask> handleSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, <mask> reset: PropTypes.func.isRequired, <mask> submitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, <mask> invalid: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, <mask> initialValues: PropTypes.object.isRequired, <mask> processing: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert: PropTypes.string, statusKey: PropTypes.string, </s> add status_key: PropTypes.string, not_after: PropTypes.string, warning_validation: PropTypes.string, valid_chain: PropTypes.bool, valid_key: PropTypes.bool, dns_names: PropTypes.string, key_type: PropTypes.string, issuer: PropTypes.string, subject: PropTypes.string, </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
status_key: PropTypes.string, not_after: PropTypes.string, warning_validation: PropTypes.string, valid_chain: PropTypes.bool, valid_key: PropTypes.bool, dns_names: PropTypes.string, key_type: PropTypes.string, issuer: PropTypes.string, subject: PropTypes.string,
<mask> submitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, <mask> invalid: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, <mask> initialValues: PropTypes.object.isRequired, <mask> processing: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, <mask> statusCert: PropTypes.string, <mask> statusKey: PropTypes.string, <mask> t: PropTypes.func.isRequired, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export default flow([ <mask> withNamespaces(), </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
const selector = formValueSelector('encryptionForm'); Form = connect((state) => { const isEnabled = selector(state, 'enabled'); const certificateChain = selector(state, 'certificate_chain'); const privateKey = selector(state, 'private_key'); return { isEnabled, certificateChain, privateKey, }; })(Form);
<mask> subject: PropTypes.string, <mask> t: PropTypes.func.isRequired, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export default flow([ <mask> withNamespaces(), <mask> reduxForm({ <mask> form: 'encryptionForm', </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert: PropTypes.string, statusKey: PropTypes.string, </s> add status_key: PropTypes.string, not_after: PropTypes.string, warning_validation: PropTypes.string, valid_chain: PropTypes.bool, valid_key: PropTypes.bool, dns_names: PropTypes.string, key_type: PropTypes.string, issuer: PropTypes.string, subject: PropTypes.string, </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
<mask> import React, { Component } from 'react'; <mask> import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; <mask> import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; <mask> <mask> import Form from './Form'; <mask> import Card from '../../ui/Card'; <mask> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove import { Trans, withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; </s> add import { withNamespaces } from 'react-i18next'; </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form';
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
handleFormChange = debounce((values) => { this.props.validateTlsConfig(values); }, 300);
<mask> }; <mask> <mask> render() { <mask> const { encryption, t } = this.props; <mask> const { <mask> enabled, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key,
<mask> <mask> render() { <mask> const { encryption, t } = this.props; <mask> const { <mask> processing, <mask> processingConfig, <mask> status_cert: statusCert, <mask> status_key: statusKey, <mask> ...values <mask> } = encryption; <mask> <mask> return ( <mask> <div className="encryption"> <mask> {encryption && </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert, statusKey, </s> add not_after, valid_chain, valid_key, dns_names, key_type, issuer, subject, warning_validation, </s> remove const isExpiringCertificate = !encryption.processing && encryption.warning; </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
initialValues={{ enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, }}
<mask> subtitle={t('encryption_desc')} <mask> bodyType="card-body box-body--settings" <mask> > <mask> <Form <mask> initialValues={{ ...values }} <mask> processing={encryption.processingConfig} <mask> statusCert={statusCert} <mask> statusKey={statusKey} <mask> onSubmit={this.handleFormSubmit} <mask> /> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert={statusCert} statusKey={statusKey} </s> add </s> remove type="submit" </s> add type="button" </s> remove <div className="btn-list"> </s> add <div className="btn-list mt-2"> </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key,
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> > <mask> <Form <mask> initialValues={{ ...values }} <mask> processing={encryption.processingConfig} <mask> statusCert={statusCert} <mask> statusKey={statusKey} <mask> onSubmit={this.handleFormSubmit} <mask> /> <mask> </Card> <mask> } <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove initialValues={{ ...values }} </s> add initialValues={{ enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, }} </s> remove <div className="btn-list"> </s> add <div className="btn-list mt-2"> </s> remove type="submit" </s> add type="button" </s> remove processing, processingConfig, status_cert: statusCert, status_key: statusKey, ...values </s> add enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key,
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
onChange={this.handleFormChange} {...this.props.encryption}
<mask> processing={encryption.processingConfig} <mask> onSubmit={this.handleFormSubmit} <mask> /> <mask> </Card> <mask> } <mask> </div> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert={statusCert} statusKey={statusKey} </s> add </s> remove initialValues={{ ...values }} </s> add initialValues={{ enabled, server_name, force_https, port_https, port_dns_over_tls, certificate_chain, private_key, }} </s> remove isMenuOpen={this.state.isMenuOpen} </s> add isMenuOpen={isMenuOpen}
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
validateTlsConfig: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
<mask> Encryption.propTypes = { <mask> setTlsConfig: PropTypes.func.isRequired, <mask> encryption: PropTypes.object.isRequired, <mask> t: PropTypes.func.isRequired, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export default withNamespaces()(Encryption); </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove statusCert: PropTypes.string, statusKey: PropTypes.string, </s> add status_key: PropTypes.string, not_after: PropTypes.string, warning_validation: PropTypes.string, valid_chain: PropTypes.bool, valid_key: PropTypes.bool, dns_names: PropTypes.string, key_type: PropTypes.string, issuer: PropTypes.string, subject: PropTypes.string,
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> encryption={this.props.encryption} <mask> setTlsConfig={this.props.setTlsConfig} <mask> /> <mask> <Dhcp <mask> dhcp={this.props.dhcp} <mask> toggleDhcp={this.props.toggleDhcp} <mask> getDhcpStatus={this.props.getDhcpStatus} <mask> findActiveDhcp={this.props.findActiveDhcp} </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove {isExpiringCertificate && <Topline type="warning"> <Trans components={[<a href="#settings" key="0">link</a>]}> topline_expiring_certificate </Trans> </Topline> </s> add {!encryption.processing && <EncryptionTopline notAfter={encryption.not_after} />
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
} from '../actions'; import {
<mask> getDhcpInterfaces, <mask> setDhcpConfig, <mask> findActiveDhcp, <mask> getTlsStatus, <mask> setTlsConfig, <mask> validateTlsConfig, <mask> } from '../actions/encryption'; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove } from '../actions'; </s> add validateTlsConfig, } from '../actions/encryption'; </s> remove import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'; </s> add import { Field, reduxForm, formValueSelector } from 'redux-form';
[ "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
validateTlsConfig, } from '../actions/encryption';
<mask> setDhcpConfig, <mask> findActiveDhcp, <mask> getTlsStatus, <mask> setTlsConfig, <mask> } from '../actions'; <mask> import Settings from '../components/Settings'; <mask> <mask> const mapStateToProps = (state) => { <mask> const { <mask> settings, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> setDhcpConfig, <mask> findActiveDhcp, <mask> getTlsStatus, <mask> setTlsConfig, <mask> }; <mask> <mask> export default connect( <mask> mapStateToProps, <mask> mapDispatchToProps, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove } from '../actions'; </s> add validateTlsConfig, } from '../actions/encryption';
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
export const EMPTY_DATE = '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z';
<mask> }; <mask> <mask> export const STANDARD_DNS_PORT = 53; <mask> export const STANDARD_WEB_PORT = 80; </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "add" ]
import encryption from './encryption';
<mask> import * as actions from '../actions'; <mask> import toasts from './toasts'; <mask> <mask> const settings = handleActions({ <mask> [actions.initSettingsRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), <mask> [actions.initSettingsFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), <mask> [actions.initSettingsSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove const encryption = handleActions({ [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processing: false, }; return newState; }, [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { const newState = { ...state, ...payload, processingConfig: false, }; return newState; }, }, { processing: true, processingConfig: false, status_cert: '', status_key: '', certificate_chain: '', private_key: '', server_name: '', }); </s> add </s> remove isDropdownOpen: false, </s> add </s> remove } from '../actions'; </s> add validateTlsConfig, } from '../actions/encryption';
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> active: null, <mask> leases: [], <mask> }); <mask> <mask> const encryption = handleActions({ <mask> [actions.getTlsStatusRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processing: true }), <mask> [actions.getTlsStatusFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processing: false }), <mask> [actions.getTlsStatusSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { <mask> const newState = { <mask> ...state, <mask> ...payload, <mask> processing: false, <mask> }; <mask> return newState; <mask> }, <mask> <mask> [actions.setTlsConfigRequest]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: true }), <mask> [actions.setTlsConfigFailure]: state => ({ ...state, processingConfig: false }), <mask> [actions.setTlsConfigSuccess]: (state, { payload }) => { <mask> const newState = { <mask> ...state, <mask> ...payload, <mask> processingConfig: false, <mask> }; <mask> return newState; <mask> }, <mask> }, { <mask> processing: true, <mask> processingConfig: false, <mask> status_cert: '', <mask> status_key: '', <mask> certificate_chain: '', <mask> private_key: '', <mask> server_name: '', <mask> }); <mask> <mask> export default combineReducers({ <mask> settings, <mask> dashboard, <mask> queryLogs, <mask> filtering, </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove isDropdownOpen: false, </s> add </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled" json:"enabled"`
<mask> <mask> var defaultDNS = []string{"tls://", "tls://"} <mask> <mask> type tlsConfigSettings struct { <mask> Enabled bool `yaml:"enaled" json:"enabled"` <mask> ServerName string `yaml:"server_name" json:"server_name,omitempty"` <mask> ForceHTTPS bool `yaml:"force_https" json:"force_https,omitempty"` <mask> PortHTTPS int `yaml:"port_https" json:"port_https,omitempty"` <mask> PortDNSOverTLS int `yaml:"port_dns_over_tls" json:"port_dns_over_tls,omitempty"` <mask> </s> Added validation on change and enable encryption checkbox </s> remove export const getTlsStatusRequest = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_REQUEST'); export const getTlsStatusFailure = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_FAILURE'); export const getTlsStatusSuccess = createAction('GET_TLS_STATUS_SUCCESS'); export const getTlsStatus = () => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(getTlsStatusRequest()); try { const status = await apiClient.getTlsStatus(); status.certificate_chain = atob(status.certificate_chain); status.private_key = atob(status.private_key); dispatch(getTlsStatusSuccess(status)); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(getTlsStatusFailure()); } }; export const setTlsConfigRequest = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_REQUEST'); export const setTlsConfigFailure = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_FAILURE'); export const setTlsConfigSuccess = createAction('SET_TLS_CONFIG_SUCCESS'); export const setTlsConfig = config => async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setTlsConfigRequest()); try { const values = { ...config }; values.certificate_chain = btoa(values.certificate_chain); values.private_key = btoa(values.private_key); values.port_https = values.port_https || 0; values.port_dns_over_tls = values.port_dns_over_tls || 0; await apiClient.setTlsConfig(values); dispatch(setTlsConfigSuccess(config)); dispatch(addSuccessToast('encryption_config_saved')); dispatch(getTlsStatus()); } catch (error) { dispatch(addErrorToast({ error })); dispatch(setTlsConfigFailure()); } }; </s> add </s> remove const Form = (props) => { </s> add let Form = (props) => {
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
// // Algorithm: // . Get the list of filters to be updated // . For each filter run the download and checksum check operation // . If filter data hasn't changed, set new update time // . If filter data has changed, parse it, save it on disk, set new update time // . Apply changes to the current configuration // . Restart server
<mask> // Checks filters updates if necessary <mask> // If force is true, it ignores the filter.LastUpdated field value <mask> func refreshFiltersIfNecessary(force bool) int { <mask> var updateFilters []filter <mask> <mask> config.RLock() <mask> for i := range config.Filters { <mask> f := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> * filters: rework update mechanism so that UI doesn't get locked while update is in progress </s> remove config.Lock() </s> add var updateFilters []filter </s> remove // fetch URLs updateCount := 0 </s> add config.RLock() </s> remove filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> add f := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> remove if !filter.Enabled { </s> add if !f.Enabled { </s> remove updated, err := filter.update() </s> add var uf filter uf.ID = f.ID uf.URL = f.URL uf.checksum = f.checksum updateFilters = append(updateFilters, uf) } config.RUnlock() updateCount := 0 for i := range updateFilters { uf := &updateFilters[i] updated, err := uf.update()
[ "keep", "add", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
var updateFilters []filter
<mask> <mask> // Checks filters updates if necessary <mask> // If force is true, it ignores the filter.LastUpdated field value <mask> func refreshFiltersIfNecessary(force bool) int { <mask> config.Lock() <mask> <mask> // fetch URLs <mask> updateCount := 0 <mask> for i := range config.Filters { <mask> filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> * filters: rework update mechanism so that UI doesn't get locked while update is in progress </s> remove // fetch URLs updateCount := 0 </s> add config.RLock() </s> remove filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> add f := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> remove if !filter.Enabled { </s> add if !f.Enabled { </s> remove log.Printf("Failed to update filter %s: %s\n", filter.URL, err) </s> add log.Printf("Failed to update filter %s: %s\n", uf.URL, err)
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
<mask> // If force is true, it ignores the filter.LastUpdated field value <mask> func refreshFiltersIfNecessary(force bool) int { <mask> config.Lock() <mask> <mask> // fetch URLs <mask> updateCount := 0 <mask> for i := range config.Filters { <mask> filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy <mask> <mask> if !filter.Enabled { <mask> continue </s> * filters: rework update mechanism so that UI doesn't get locked while update is in progress </s> remove config.Lock() </s> add var updateFilters []filter </s> remove filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> add f := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> remove if !filter.Enabled { </s> add if !f.Enabled { </s> remove os.Chtimes(filter.Path(), mtime, mtime) filter.LastUpdated = mtime </s> add e := os.Chtimes(uf.Path(), mtime, mtime) if e != nil { log.Error("os.Chtimes(): %v", e) } uf.LastUpdated = mtime } config.Lock() for k := range config.Filters { f := &config.Filters[k] if f.ID != uf.ID || f.URL != uf.URL { continue } f.LastUpdated = uf.LastUpdated if !updated { continue } log.Info("Updated filter #%d. Rules: %d -> %d", f.ID, f.RulesCount, uf.RulesCount) f.Name = uf.Name f.Rules = uf.Rules f.RulesCount = uf.RulesCount f.checksum = uf.checksum updateCount++
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
f := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy
<mask> <mask> // fetch URLs <mask> updateCount := 0 <mask> for i := range config.Filters { <mask> filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy <mask> <mask> if !filter.Enabled { <mask> continue <mask> } <mask> </s> * filters: rework update mechanism so that UI doesn't get locked while update is in progress </s> remove // fetch URLs updateCount := 0 </s> add config.RLock() </s> remove if !filter.Enabled { </s> add if !f.Enabled { </s> remove config.Lock() </s> add var updateFilters []filter </s> remove updated, err := filter.update() </s> add var uf filter uf.ID = f.ID uf.URL = f.URL uf.checksum = f.checksum updateFilters = append(updateFilters, uf) } config.RUnlock() updateCount := 0 for i := range updateFilters { uf := &updateFilters[i] updated, err := uf.update()
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]
if !f.Enabled {
<mask> updateCount := 0 <mask> for i := range config.Filters { <mask> filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy <mask> <mask> if !filter.Enabled { <mask> continue <mask> } <mask> <mask> if !force && time.Since(filter.LastUpdated) <= updatePeriod { <mask> continue </s> * filters: rework update mechanism so that UI doesn't get locked while update is in progress </s> remove filter := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> add f := &config.Filters[i] // otherwise we will be operating on a copy </s> remove if !force && time.Since(filter.LastUpdated) <= updatePeriod { </s> add if !force && time.Since(f.LastUpdated) <= updatePeriod { </s> remove // fetch URLs updateCount := 0 </s> add config.RLock() </s> remove updated, err := filter.update() </s> add var uf filter uf.ID = f.ID uf.URL = f.URL uf.checksum = f.checksum updateFilters = append(updateFilters, uf) } config.RUnlock() updateCount := 0 for i := range updateFilters { uf := &updateFilters[i] updated, err := uf.update() </s> remove config.Lock() </s> add var updateFilters []filter
[ "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "replace", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep", "keep" ]