### Human: What is the total bronze medals when the silver medals is 0, and 1 is the rank, Brazil (BRA) is the nation, and the gold medals is less than 2?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (bronze INTEGER, gold VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT SUM(bronze) FROM table_name_28 WHERE silver = 0 AND rank = "1" AND nation = "brazil (bra)" AND gold < 2
### Human: What is the normal 2002 that has a Country of Peru, and 2007 bigger than 1,200?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (country VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT AVG(2002) FROM table_name_88 WHERE country = "peru" AND 2007 > 1 OFFSET 200
### Human: What is the sum of matches played that has a year of first match before 2000, fewer than 21 lost, and 0 drawn?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (played INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, first_game VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT SUM(played) FROM table_name_27 WHERE first_game < 2000 AND lost < 21 AND drawn < 0
### Human: What number episode had a rating of 4.7?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_23730973_5 (no INTEGER, rating VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MIN(no) FROM table_23730973_5 WHERE rating = "4.7"
### Human: How many students live in HKG or CHI?### Context: CREATE TABLE Student (city_code VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Student WHERE city_code = "HKG" OR city_code = "CHI"
### Human: Name the total number of dar for disney channel and number is 613### Context: CREATE TABLE table_15887683_9 (dar VARCHAR, television_service VARCHAR, n° VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(dar) FROM table_15887683_9 WHERE television_service = "Disney Channel" AND n° = 613
### Human: what is the rating where the rank is 48?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_15681686_4 (rating VARCHAR, rank__week_ VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT rating / SHARE(18 - 49) FROM table_15681686_4 WHERE rank__week_ = "48"
### Human: What engine does the Tasman Motorsports team have?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_63 (engine VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT engine FROM table_name_63 WHERE team = "tasman motorsports"
### Human: What is the number of the votes of the election before 2004 with edward mahama as the candidate with 3.0% share of votes?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_74 (number_of_votes VARCHAR, share_of_votes VARCHAR, candidate VARCHAR, election VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT number_of_votes FROM table_name_74 WHERE candidate = "edward mahama" AND election < 2004 AND share_of_votes = "3.0%"
### Human: What was the score on April 21?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_12 WHERE date = "april 21"
### Human: How many sales had a peak position of 1 and a certification of 6x platinum?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (sales VARCHAR, peak_position VARCHAR, certification VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(sales) FROM table_name_31 WHERE peak_position = 1 AND certification = "6x platinum"
### Human: What is HDTV, when Language is English, and when Television Service is MTV Dance?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (hdtv VARCHAR, language VARCHAR, television_service VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT hdtv FROM table_name_82 WHERE language = "english" AND television_service = "mtv dance"
### Human: What is the Rank (Pakistan) of the mountain that has a World Rank smaller than 11 and a Height smaller than 8126?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (rank__pakistan_ VARCHAR, world_rank VARCHAR, height__m_ VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(rank__pakistan_) FROM table_name_72 WHERE world_rank < 11 AND height__m_ < 8126
### Human: What location is less than 7.1 km away, and has a Rapid of ●?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (location VARCHAR, distance__km_ VARCHAR, rapid VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT location FROM table_name_77 WHERE distance__km_ < 7.1 AND rapid = "●"
### Human: How many records are there at the War Memorial Stadium?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_10646790_2 (record VARCHAR, stadium VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(record) FROM table_10646790_2 WHERE stadium = "War Memorial stadium"
### Human: How many categories of first elected are in Washington 4 district? ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1805191_48 (first_elected VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(first_elected) FROM table_1805191_48 WHERE district = "Washington 4"
### Human: When was SPLC founded?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_11318462_29 (founded INTEGER, abbreviation VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MIN(founded) FROM table_11318462_29 WHERE abbreviation = "SPLC"
### Human: What is the title of the episode that aired on 13 august 1981?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2570269_3 (episode_title VARCHAR, original_air_date__uk_ VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT episode_title FROM table_2570269_3 WHERE original_air_date__uk_ = "13 August 1981"
### Human: What is the Japanese Title of the Episode on NTV Station with a Romaji Title of Kuitan 2?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (japanese_title VARCHAR, tv_station VARCHAR, romaji_title VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT japanese_title FROM table_name_42 WHERE tv_station = "ntv" AND romaji_title = "kuitan 2"
### Human: What is the club that has played 22 rounds, has a drawn score of 0, has lost 14, and whose losing BP is 5?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_96 (club VARCHAR, losing_bp VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, drawn VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT club FROM table_name_96 WHERE played = "22" AND drawn = "0" AND lost = "14" AND losing_bp = "5"
### Human: Which team replaced their manager with Serhat Güller?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_27091128_3 (team VARCHAR, replaced_by VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT team FROM table_27091128_3 WHERE replaced_by = "Serhat Güller"
### Human: Who was the Democratic incumbent in the South Carolina 5 District?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (incumbent VARCHAR, party VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT incumbent FROM table_name_84 WHERE party = "democratic" AND district = "south carolina 5"
### Human: What is the largest number of gold medals for Canada with more than 7 bronze medals?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (gold INTEGER, nation VARCHAR, bronze VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MAX(gold) FROM table_name_31 WHERE nation = "canada" AND bronze > 7
### Human: What is the total amount of points for a position less than 7, 68 goals for, and less than 30 played?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (points VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, goals_for VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(points) FROM table_name_59 WHERE position < 7 AND goals_for = 68 AND played < 30
### Human: Which player went to college in Oklahoma?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_10966926_2 (player_name VARCHAR, college VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT player_name FROM table_10966926_2 WHERE college = "Oklahoma"
### Human: How many dollars is the revenue when the net profit is 55.4 million dollars?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_18077713_1 (revenue__us_$million_ VARCHAR, net_profit__us_$m_ VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT revenue__us_$million_ FROM table_18077713_1 WHERE net_profit__us_$m_ = "55.4"
### Human: How many managers for club in Turku where kitmaker is Puma?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25129482_1 (manager VARCHAR, kitmaker VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(manager) FROM table_25129482_1 WHERE kitmaker = "Puma" AND location = "Turku"
### Human: What was the Position of the Player, Britton Johnsen?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (position VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT position FROM table_name_79 WHERE player = "britton johnsen"
### Human: Name the year model for 4-cyl straight engine dohc 16v and 1.5 crdi### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1444201_1 (year_model VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR, model VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT year_model FROM table_1444201_1 WHERE engine = "4-cyl Straight engine DOHC 16V" AND model = "1.5 CRDi"
### Human: What tournament was an A 1988, and a 2R 1999?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (tournament VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT tournament FROM table_name_38 WHERE 1988 = "a" AND 1999 = "2r"
### Human: What is the average 1940 value where 1929 values are 101.4 and 1933 values are over 68.3?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (Id VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT AVG(1940) FROM table_name_6 WHERE 1929 = 101.4 AND 1933 > 68.3
### Human: What is the Tyre for the united states grand prix?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (tyre VARCHAR, race VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT tyre FROM table_name_5 WHERE race = "united states grand prix"
### Human: Who was the presenter on Friday of the series in which Alice Levine Jamie East presented on Sunday?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (friday VARCHAR, sunday VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT friday FROM table_name_34 WHERE sunday = "alice levine jamie east"
### Human: What is the gender of the Roman Catholic school is AL4?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_28523_3 (gender VARCHAR, religious_affiliation VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT gender FROM table_28523_3 WHERE religious_affiliation = "Roman Catholic" AND location = "AL4"
### Human: What is the lowest drawn that has games less than 7?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (drawn INTEGER, games INTEGER)### Assistant: SELECT MIN(drawn) FROM table_name_83 WHERE games < 7
### Human: Name the state class for resigned november 3, 1964### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2159506_3 (state__class_ VARCHAR, reason_for_change VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT state__class_ FROM table_2159506_3 WHERE reason_for_change = "Resigned November 3, 1964"
### Human: Name the team of darren manning### Context: CREATE TABLE table_17271495_1 (team VARCHAR, driver VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT team FROM table_17271495_1 WHERE driver = "Darren Manning"
### Human: Name the score for 21 may 2011### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_35 WHERE date = "21 may 2011"
### Human: What series had the title rank of various?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (series VARCHAR, title_rank VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT series FROM table_name_20 WHERE title_rank = "various"
### Human: Which year has the most degrees conferred?### Context: CREATE TABLE degrees (YEAR VARCHAR, degrees INTEGER)### Assistant: SELECT YEAR FROM degrees GROUP BY YEAR ORDER BY SUM(degrees) DESC LIMIT 1
### Human: What is Lee Westwood's score?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (score VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_20 WHERE player = "lee westwood"
### Human: What episode number in the season is episode 24 in the series?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2182654_3 (no_in_season VARCHAR, no_in_series VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT no_in_season FROM table_2182654_3 WHERE no_in_series = 24
### Human: Tell me the score on april 27 with visitor of buffalo### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (score VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_8 WHERE visitor = "buffalo" AND date = "april 27"
### Human: Name the cancelable for onmouseover### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (cancelable VARCHAR, attribute VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT cancelable FROM table_name_25 WHERE attribute = "onmouseover"
### Human: In what round did he play against Sergiy Stakhovsky?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_24099476_8 (round VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT round FROM table_24099476_8 WHERE opponent = "Sergiy Stakhovsky"
### Human: Show the names of all of the high schooler Kyle's friends.### Context: CREATE TABLE Highschooler (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Friend (student_id VARCHAR, friend_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Highschooler (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT T3.name FROM Friend AS T1 JOIN Highschooler AS T2 ON T1.student_id = T2.id JOIN Highschooler AS T3 ON T1.friend_id = T3.id WHERE T2.name = "Kyle"
### Human: What is the most wins for a position with more than 30 played and a goal difference of 11?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (wins INTEGER, goal_difference VARCHAR, played VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MAX(wins) FROM table_name_46 WHERE goal_difference = 11 AND played > 30
### Human: What country did the player with the score line 73-74-72-64=283 from?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (country VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT country FROM table_name_65 WHERE score = 73 - 74 - 72 - 64 = 283
### Human: If the original air date is April 1, 2003, what number in the series is this episode?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_228973_9 (no_in_series VARCHAR, original_air_date VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT no_in_series FROM table_228973_9 WHERE original_air_date = "April 1, 2003"
### Human: Name the english gloss for naháŋȟčiŋ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1499791_2 (english_gloss VARCHAR, southern_lakota VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT english_gloss FROM table_1499791_2 WHERE southern_lakota = "naháŋȟčiŋ"
### Human: What is the sum of against in Ballarat FL of East Point and wins less than 16?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (against INTEGER, ballarat_fl VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT SUM(against) FROM table_name_75 WHERE ballarat_fl = "east point" AND wins < 16
### Human: What is the date of the game with the Rockets as the visitor team?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (date VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_3 WHERE visitor = "rockets"
### Human: In what Year were there 48 of 120 Seats and a % votes larger than 34.18?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (year INTEGER, seats VARCHAR, _percentage_votes VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT SUM(year) FROM table_name_94 WHERE seats = "48 of 120" AND _percentage_votes > 34.18
### Human: How many Played that has Losses of 6, and Wins larger than 33?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (played INTEGER, losses VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT AVG(played) FROM table_name_61 WHERE losses = 6 AND wins > 33
### Human: What is the total round for a wide receiver with an overall of more than 145?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (round VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(round) FROM table_name_4 WHERE position = "wide receiver" AND overall > 145
### Human: Who was the home team when the score was 0:1?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (home VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT home FROM table_name_90 WHERE score = "0:1"
### Human: On what date were there 50,324 votes?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (date VARCHAR, votes VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_78 WHERE votes = "50,324"
### Human: what is the club that was founded before 2007, joined prsl in 2008 and the stadium is yldefonso solá morales stadium?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (club VARCHAR, stadium VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, joined_prsl VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT club FROM table_name_85 WHERE founded < 2007 AND joined_prsl = 2008 AND stadium = "yldefonso solá morales stadium"
### Human: Tell me the class with rank of 89th### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (class VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT class FROM table_name_12 WHERE rank = "89th"
### Human: How many episodes with the production code CA106 are there?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25740548_2 (written_by VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(written_by) FROM table_25740548_2 WHERE production_code = "CA106"
### Human: What is the total number of losses for years with fewer than 9 wins?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (losses VARCHAR, wins INTEGER)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(losses) FROM table_name_82 WHERE wins < 9
### Human: What is the lowest Points, when Home is "Boston"?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (points INTEGER, home VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MIN(points) FROM table_name_81 WHERE home = "boston"
### Human: What day had 37,500 attending?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (date VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_56 WHERE attendance = "37,500"
### Human: What is the highest attendance a result of W 30-7?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (attendance INTEGER, result VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MAX(attendance) FROM table_name_57 WHERE result = "w 30-7"
### Human: Name the name for doncaster newbury### Context: CREATE TABLE table_22977424_8 (name VARCHAR, promoted_to_league VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT name FROM table_22977424_8 WHERE promoted_to_league = "Doncaster Newbury"
### Human: Name the transfer fee for transfer status for fra### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (transfer_fee VARCHAR, status VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT transfer_fee FROM table_name_24 WHERE status = "transfer" AND country = "fra"
### Human: What rank was Peru with a total greater than 3?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (rank INTEGER, country VARCHAR, total VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT MAX(rank) FROM table_name_34 WHERE country = "peru" AND total > 3
### Human: What Region is the MHCL-20004 Catalog?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (region VARCHAR, catalog VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT region FROM table_name_39 WHERE catalog = "mhcl-20004"
### Human: What was the outcome of the final with a partner of Brett Steven?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (outcome VARCHAR, partner VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT outcome FROM table_name_62 WHERE partner = "brett steven"
### Human: what is the notes for the athlete with the time of 7:38.87?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (notes VARCHAR, time VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT notes FROM table_name_86 WHERE time = "7:38.87"
### Human: In what City/State did the ATCC Round 4 series take place?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (city___state VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT city___state FROM table_name_42 WHERE series = "atcc round 4"
### Human: How many laps were ridden in the race that had a Time/Retired of +37.351?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (laps VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(laps) FROM table_name_24 WHERE time_retired = "+37.351"
### Human: What is the name of the team with a finish of 19?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (team VARCHAR, finish VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT team FROM table_name_48 WHERE finish = "19"
### Human: How many districts have John C. Calhoun as the incumbent?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2668352_16 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(district) FROM table_2668352_16 WHERE incumbent = "John C. Calhoun"
### Human: What is the elevation and height for Halfbeak?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (elevation_ VARCHAR, _height VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT elevation_ + _height FROM table_name_21 WHERE name = "halfbeak"
### Human: What is the start of stage 11?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (start VARCHAR, stage VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT start FROM table_name_8 WHERE stage = 11
### Human: What is Country of Origin, when Year of Intro is greater than 1985, and when Primary Cartridge is 125mm?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (country_of_origin VARCHAR, year_of_intro VARCHAR, primary_cartridge VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT country_of_origin FROM table_name_27 WHERE year_of_intro > 1985 AND primary_cartridge = "125mm"
### Human: What Label released on October 25, 1984, in the format of Stereo LP?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (label VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, format VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT label FROM table_name_79 WHERE date = "october 25, 1984" AND format = "stereo lp"
### Human: What was Spain's score?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (score VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_24 WHERE country = "spain"
### Human: What year did Thorleif Haug win the Winter Olympics?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_174491_1 (winter_olympics VARCHAR, winner VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT winter_olympics FROM table_174491_1 WHERE winner = "Thorleif Haug"
### Human: What is the sum of Number of fixtures when the rounds shows quarter-finals?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (number_of_fixtures INTEGER, round VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT SUM(number_of_fixtures) FROM table_name_65 WHERE round = "quarter-finals"
### Human: What is the date for the tournament McDonald's wpga championship?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2167226_3 (date VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT date FROM table_2167226_3 WHERE tournament = "McDonald's WPGA Championship"
### Human: What is the 2008 value that was 2nd in 2006?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (Id VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT 2008 FROM table_name_87 WHERE 2006 = "2nd"
### Human: WHAT IS THE MANUFACTURER WITH 24 LAPS, AND +1.965 TIME/RETIRED?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (manufacturer VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR, time_retired VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT manufacturer FROM table_name_44 WHERE laps = "24" AND time_retired = "+1.965"
### Human: what is the rank when the state is colorado and the location is 37.7859°n 107.7039°w?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (rank INTEGER, state VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT SUM(rank) FROM table_name_21 WHERE state = "colorado" AND location = "37.7859°n 107.7039°w"
### Human: In how many different games did Luke Ridnour (5) did the most high assists?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_27756314_11 (game VARCHAR, high_assists VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT COUNT(game) FROM table_27756314_11 WHERE high_assists = "Luke Ridnour (5)"
### Human: How many were wounded when the complement was 173 off 2059 men?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_11793221_2 (wounded VARCHAR, complement VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT wounded FROM table_11793221_2 WHERE complement = "173 off 2059 men"
### Human: Find the emails of customers who has filed a complaints of the product with the most complaints.### Context: CREATE TABLE customers (email_address VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE complaints (customer_id VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT t1.email_address FROM customers AS t1 JOIN complaints AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t1.customer_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1
### Human: Who was the runner-up in the Michelob Light Open at Kingsmill?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_93 (runner_s__up VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT runner_s__up FROM table_name_93 WHERE tournament = "michelob light open at kingsmill"
### Human: indoor year is 1978, what is the record?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (record VARCHAR, indoor_year VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT record FROM table_name_70 WHERE indoor_year = "1978"
### Human: Tell me the college for carl hagelin### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (college_junior_club_team__league_ VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT college_junior_club_team__league_ FROM table_name_70 WHERE player = "carl hagelin"
### Human: Which rec has Yards of 192, and a Touchdown smaller than 1?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (rec INTEGER, yards VARCHAR, s_touchdown VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT AVG(rec) FROM table_name_52 WHERE yards = 192 AND s_touchdown < 1
### Human: What date was the Set 3 of 12–25?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_79 (date VARCHAR, set_3 VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_79 WHERE set_3 = "12–25"
### Human: What is the 2000 figure when 2010 is 3R and 2001 is A?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (Id VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT 2000 FROM table_name_66 WHERE 2001 = "a" AND 2010 = "3r"
### Human: what was the score on november 3?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_39 WHERE date = "november 3"
### Human: What time was the kickoff on week 5?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (kickoff_ VARCHAR, a_ VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT kickoff_[a_] FROM table_name_60 WHERE week = "5"
### Human: What is the oppenent when the score was 5–0?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (opponent VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_70 WHERE score = "5–0"
### Human: What is the location of the mill with a reference number of 44?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (location VARCHAR, ref_number VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT location FROM table_name_99 WHERE ref_number = 44
### Human: What team has jordan 193 chassis after 1990?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (team VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT team FROM table_name_61 WHERE year > 1990 AND chassis = "jordan 193"
### Human: What is the 1993 value of the 1996 atp masters series?### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (Id VARCHAR)### Assistant: SELECT 1993 FROM table_name_15 WHERE 1996 = "atp masters series"