what causes a power surge in your home how can you fix it
[ "Supressing the Surge In in some cases, if your home is near a large factory and you share the same transformer or electrical system, even simply powering heavy machinery on or off could cause a surge. A power surge can reach your home, fry your circuit breakers and spread to your outlets. If a device or appliance is plugged in, it may not survive the sudden surge of electricity. So what can you do to make sure your electronics survive an electrical surge? Start with surge protectors, both large and small.", "Electrical Power Surges There are many reasons why these surges occur. One of the reasons is lightning which can cause a power surge by increasing electrical pressure by millions of volts. Many electrical devices like air conditioners and elevators that draw a lot of power to switch on and off can also cause power surges. Other factors that can cause a surge may include downed power lines, problem with the wiring, and faulty equipment from the utility company.", "Are Power Surges Damaging Your Electronics? And if the power surge is created by a lightning strike or power fluctuation on the utility lines, the service entrance surge protection device can reduce the power surge to a lower level before it gets to the point-of-use surge protection device." ]
[ "- Common causes of surges include: 1 Lightning strikes. 2 Power outages and downed power lines. 3 Tripped circuit breakers. 4 On/off cycles of large appliances and tools. 5 Accidents and malfunctions at the power company or on the electrical grid.", "Protect Your Gadgets: Why You Need a Surge Protector Standard electrical outlets don’t have any protection against power surges and spikes. Surge protectors are generally made and sold in the form of power strips, although you can also buy single-outlet surge protectors that sit against the socket and provide a single, protected outlet.", "- Weather-Related Causes of Outages. Lightning Lightning is a common cause of outages during storms. Lightning strikes can hit our electrical equipment, causing you to lose power. Lightning can also strike trees, which may fall onto power lines and cause outages.ce. Ice storms create a buildup of ice on power lines and on trees. The weight of the ice can cause tree limbs and entire trees to fall onto power lines-knocking the lines and poles down and breaking them, or knocking the lines onto each other, causing an outage.", "- The Engine Surges. Engine surging can best be described as the condition where the engine RPM fluctuates repeatedly from high to low during operation. More often than not, this type of problem will be caused by a dirty fuel system or intermittent ignition spark. Here are some general guidelines that may help in the troubleshooting process: Engine Surges at ALL Speed Ranges Common Causes: 1 Dirty air filter. 2 Water or trash in the fuel system. 3 Breaks in the spark plug wire, loose or corroded terminal connections causing an intermittent failure. 4 Misadjusted or malfunctioning governor.", "Why Does My Electrical Outlet Spark What To Do When Your Outlet Sparks. When an outlet sparks, it is important to keep yourself and your property safe. These steps might help reduce the risk of harm or injury: 1 Shut off the breaker for the affected outlet.2 Shut off and unplug any appliances using the outlet.auses of Sparking Outlets. In most cases, sparking outlets result from a problem within the wiring or outlet itself. Common causes include: 1 Exposed wiring. 2 Bare wires generate intense heat. 3 If those bare wires happen to touch the metal of the outlet, this can result in sparks when the outlet is used.", "- What is meant by the terms continuous-2000 watts and peak surge-4000 watts is that some appliances or tools, such as ones with a motor, require an initial surge of power to start up (starting load or peak load). Once started, the tool or appliance requires less power to continue to operate (continuous load)", "Troubleshooting Electrical Problems While lightning, ice storms, high winds, trees falling on power lines, car-pole crashes, normal electric circuit operations - even birds and squirrels - cause their share of power disruptions, most disturbances are caused by the day-to-day operation of ordinary household equipment and appliances.", "Power surges - cause & effect Power surges occur when the flow of electricity is interrupted, then started again, or when something sends electricity flowing back into the system. Surges can range from five or ten volts when you turn on your hair dryer to thousands of volts if lightning strikes a transformer. Internal power surges. More than half of household power surges are internal. These happen dozens of times of day, usually when devices with motors start up or shut off, diverting electricity to and from other appliances. Refrigerators and air conditioners are the biggest culprits, but smaller devices like hair dryers and power tools can also cause problems.", "- Anything electronic in your home is susceptible to damage from a lightning strike. The surge of power through the wiring can destroy computers, televisions, and other electronics. And it can also damage electrical appliances such as refrigerators. A strike doesn’t have to contact your home directly to cause damage.", "- Whole House Surge Protection – Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is a Power Surge and how are they caused? A surge (transient over-voltage) is a momentary sharp burst of high voltage. Surges can enter the home through the electrical distribution lines as well as through the telephone line and cable TV line. Lightning is not the only cause of", "Surge Protectors Protect your electronics and data from a power surge with the right surge protector. When there is an increase in voltage in an electrical circuit, or a power surge, a surge protector redirects the excess energy away from connected devices. This guide explains how to choose a surge protector, so you can feel confident in choosing the right level of protection for your needs.", "Your Complete Guide to Power Surges The spike in voltage that comes with a power surge is enough to fry circuit broads, crash hard drives and ruin nearly any device that's wired in to your grid. A big surge that accompanies a lighting strike could effectively and immediately kill your tech, whether or not it was powered on at the time of the surge.", "What Is a Surge Arrester? A surge arrester is device that intercepts electrical surges and sends the spike to ground before it can hurt a connected device. These arresters are also known as surge protectors or lightning arresters, but there are some very small differences between these devices. In most cases, when a surge arrester intercepts a power surge, it fuses itself to prevent transmission. This will stop the surge, but it also destroys the device.", "Power surges - cause & effect Power surges occur when the flow of electricity is interrupted, then started again, or when something sends electricity flowing back into the system. Surges can range from five or ten volts when you turn on your hair dryer to thousands of volts if lightning strikes a transformer. Internal power surges.", "What Would Cause Low Voltage in House Wiring? One of the most common causes of low voltage is the overload of the system. Different times of the day, such as early afternoon, are typically high demand times. As is well known, hot days and weeks of the summer can cause a surge of power demand for air conditioners, a very power hungry set of machines.", "How to protect your solar power system from lightning Lightning is a common cause of failures in photovoltaic (PV) and wind-electric systems. A damaging surge can occur from lightning that strikes a long distance from the system, or even between clouds. But most lightning damage is preventable.", "- 2: That's not what surge protectors do. Most surge protectors are very simple circuits that just shunt everything through a resistor with a really high rating. That's what you see in power strips and the rest that claim to have power surge functionality.", "The RV Forum Community First, there are surge protectors, which are designed to dampen actual power surges, and power-line monitors, which continual check the shore power circuits for proper operation. A monitor usually includes a surge protector, but a surge protector usually does not monitor the power source.", "What to do when a power outage or surge damages your PC A power outage left it unusable. Electricity doesn’t always behave itself. Sometimes a power surge can fry a piece of your computer, rendering it useless. A surge protector significantly reduces the risk, but it’s still a possibility. And yes, a power outage often ends with a power surge. Should an electrical disaster leave your PC useless, you’ll want to protect your data, and then figure out what’s damaged. It’s easier and cheaper to replace a power supply than a whole computer.", "- They can be caused by a number of factors, including: 1 Lightning strikes. 2 Damaged electrical equipment. 3 Vegetation – tree branches, palm fronds or other debris. 4 Animals interfering with electrical equipment. 5 Salt spray affecting FPL equipment in coastal areas.", "Surge protector A surge protector (or surge suppressor) is an appliance/device designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes.", "Overvoltage When the voltage in a circuit or part of it is raised above its upper design limit, this is known as overvoltage. The conditions may be hazardous. Depending on its duration, the overvoltage event can be transient—a voltage spike—or permanent, leading to a power surge.", "What Are Surges In general a surge is a transient wave of current, voltage or power in an electric circuit. In power systems in particular – and this is likely the most common context that we relate surges to – a surge, or transient, is a subcycle overvoltage with a duration of less than a half-cycle of the normal voltage waveform.urges are generally measured in microseconds. Every piece of electrical equipment is designed to operate at a specified nominal voltage such as 120 Vac, 240 Vac, 480 Vac, and so on.", "How to protect your solar power system from lightning Lightning is a common cause of failures in photovoltaic (PV) and wind-electric systems. A damaging surge can occur from lightning that strikes a long distance from the system, or even between clouds.", "- 10-12-2011, 06:39 PM. #1. Power in rooms goes on and off by itself. For some reason the lights and outlets in 1 bedroom and the kitchen as well as the ceiling fan in the living room will all go out at the same time and within seconds to an hour will come back on by itself. The breaker does not trip and trying to reset the breaker doesn't fix the problem.", "Do surge protector power strips wear out and have to be replaced every so often? So, you could be out of the house some day; a surge would break the 'fuse' and you'd come back home & reset the strip and not be aware of the blown fuse, & you'd have no more surge protection. news to me, i have been using the same power strips for over 10 years...", "Idling car engines may surge for several reasons The EGR valve recirculates gases from the engine to burn again, reducing emissions. However, as your mechanic, I’d have to ask a few more questions and do a few tests to help diagnose the issue. An idle surge can be caused by multiple phenomena. Let pros handle your air conditioning If an engine is not getting enough fuel (this is called “running lean”), due to fuel pressure (regulated by the fuel pump and regulator), restricted fuel injectors, a vacuum leak or really anything that throws off the fuel mixture going in to the engine, this can cause the surge.", "5 Things to Know About Whole House Surge Protection 80 percent of surges in a home we generate ourselves. Like many of the surge suppression strips we’re used to, whole-house surge protectors use metal oxide varistors (MOVs), to shunt power surges. MOVs get a bad rap because in surge strips one surge can effectively end the usefulness of an MOV.", "Why You Need a Whole House Power Surge Protector What Is a Whole House Power Surge Protector? Think of whole house surge protectors like a bouncer at a nightclub. Similar to how bouncers only let certain people in and quickly remove any troublemakers, a good whole house surge protector does the same thing.", "- Surge and Transient Voltage Surge are temporary rise in voltage and current on an electrical circuit. Their voltage ranges are greater than 2000 volt and current ranges are greater than 100 ampere. Typical rise time is in the 1 to 10 microsecond range." ]
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what does it mean when my stool is green?
[ "What Does Green Poop Mean And Should I Be Worried? As digested matter and waste move through the colon it will turn from green to yellow and eventually to brown – which is the normal color for a stool. So, green poop can mean your stool has moved through your system too quickly for the bile to change it from green to brown. In medical circles this is often referred to as ‘rapid transit time’. That’s why diarrhea can look green because it goes through your digestive far more quickly than a normal stool.", "- 1. Green Foods. Green poop can simply result from consuming meals with green vegetables, like spinach, kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, bok choy, beet greens, arugula, and watercress. It’s doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. Dark green, leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their color." ]
[ "Stool Color, Changes in Color, Texture, and Form Green stool or poop is a common stool color change. It may be due to bile pigment in the stool because diarrhea moves food too quickly thorough the intestine so the intestinal chemicals and bacteria can't break down the bile pigment to its normal brown color, or the green color may be due to certain foods like green, leafy vegetables or green food coloring.", "Green Poop (Stool) A trip to the doctor is necessary if the green color of the stool is accompanied by other symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, fever and a change in stool consistency. It is not wise to delay medical treatment in the hope that the symptoms will clear themselves on their own.", "What Does Green Poop Mean The term 'poop' refers to the solid waste matter that is eliminated out of the body during bowel evacuation. Usually, a healthy bowel movement produces brown colored stools.A change in stool color to green indicates that something is wrong with the intestines but can also mean too much consumption of certain foodstuffs. It is discussed below:he term 'poop' refers to the solid waste matter that is eliminated out of the body during bowel evacuation. Usually, a healthy bowel movement produces brown colored stools.", "what does a green stool mean? Hi there. I found a website that goes into the causes of different coloured stools. I note a few extracts below. As previously mentioned, if you think the problem persists then talk to your doc. Causes of green stools. large amounts of green, leafy vegetables. green or purple artificial coloring (popsicles, Kool-Aid, gelatin)", "Stools - Unusual Color Green: 1 Green stools are always normal, but they can be mistaken for black stools. 2 Bile. Most dark green stools are caused by bile. 3 Green stools are more common in formula fed than breastfed infants. It can be normal with both. Green stools are more common with diarrhea. This is due to a fast transit time through the gut.", "What Causes Dark Green Stool? How to Deal with It? This can be caused by an excessive amount of the natural bacterial colonies in your digestive system, or exposure to dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause the stool to become a dark green color during an attack. Ulcerative coliti s may cause a similar reaction.", "What is Your Green Poop Telling You? Foods that may make your poop green. Other things that can cause green stools are food dyes, antibiotics, and iron supplements. Green poop tied to poor digestion. If you aren’t powering down the green foods or iron supplements, green poop may signal that you’re processing your food too fast and having issues with malabsorption.", "When Stool Color Can Mean Cancer Don’t panic. It’s not cancer. Bowel movements actually start out as green. There are two chief causes of green poop: green foods, and quick transit time of the stools through the large intestine. Leafy green vegetables, cucumbers, green food coloring and iron supplements can turn poop green.", "How Do I Know if I am Having a Normal Bowel Movement? Abnormal stool colors: Greenish stool can mean you are passing food too quickly through the colon (diarrhea is often greenish). A good healthy raw diet that consists of green leafy vegetables can yield a greenish stool and this is considered normal. Yellowish stool indicates movement through the colon too quickly. Grey and pale colored stool could be undigested fats in the stool, especially if the stool is greasy and floats. An excessive use of antacids, Rolaids or Tums that contain aluminum hydroxide can change the color of your stool.", "green stool If it is green foamy diarrhea, there is usually bacteria involved. That is a concern. Green stool if it is formed and normal otherwise, is no cause for concern. (My oncology dietician just told me this three weeks ago.) Dark stool (black and tarry) is a concern for probable bleeding.", "Stool Color, Changes in Color, Texture, and Form Bile that is chemically changed by bacteria in the intestine can be greenish-brown. It takes time for the bile to be fully changed in the intestine and become brown again, and if the transit time is short, the stool remains green colored. Green stools may be a normal variant. It can also be caused by a diet rich in green vegetables, especially spinach. Iron supplements also may be a cause, though iron often turns stool black.", "- Pale stool (yellow or grey) can signify a problem with the liver or gallbladder, so if you have persistently light-coloured stool, then you should see your physician. Green: Most often, green stool is the result of ingesting large quantities of green foods, such as leafy greens or foods with green colouring added. Iron supplements may also cause the stool to become green. However, green stool could also signify a colonic transit time that is too fast.", "- Green stool is a condition in which the feces have a green coloring or tint. Green stool may be normal in some cases, such as in breast-fed infants. Green stool can also be caused by taking iron supplements or eating certain foods such as green leafy vegetables.Green stool can also indicate a problem with food digestion due to a disease, disorder or other abnormal process.reen stool can also be caused by taking iron supplements or eating certain foods such as green leafy vegetables. Green stool can also indicate a problem with food digestion due to a disease, disorder or other abnormal process.", "What Does the Color of Stool Indicate? Green stool can indicate that food traveled through the intestine too quickly for bile to break it down or that the person ate a lot of green vegetables, according to MedicineNet. Stool that is yellow and greasy may indicate fat digestion problems, and yellow coloration alone suggests a gastrointestinal infection.", "Why Is My Poop Green? It may be alarming to see green poop in your toilet bowl, but it isn't necessarily a cause for concern. The color of your stools is often a reflection of what you eat. Black stools, for example, can result from eating blueberries or taking medications that contain bismuth subsalicylate, such as Pepto-Bismol.ometimes, green poop is an indication of a health issue. For example, cancer patients who undergo a donor bone-marrow transplant may develop graft-versus-host disease, which is marked by a number of gastrointestinal symptoms, including watery, green diarrhea, according to the National Cancer Institute.", "What Does It Mean If Your Poop Is Green? As bile makes its way through to the small intestine and then to the large intestine via the bile ducts, it progressively changes color from green to yellow to brown, due to acting bacteria in the large intestine on the bile salts.", "Green stool Digestive Health. Subscribe to our Digestive Health e-newsletter to stay up to date on digestive health topics. Green stool — when your feces look green — is usually the result of something you ate, such as spinach. Certain medications or iron supplements can also cause green stool. Newborns pass a dark green stool called meconium, and breast-fed infants often produce yellow-green stools. In older children and adults, green stool is uncommon. It's rarely cause for concern. 1 Causes.", "- Green stool is a condition in which the feces have a green coloring or tint. Green stool may be normal in some cases, such as in breast-fed infants. Green stool can also be caused by taking iron supplements or eating certain foods such as green leafy vegetables.Green stool can also indicate a problem with food digestion due to a disease, disorder or other abnormal process.s food passes through your digestive tract, digestive enzymes break down the bile, resulting in various shades of brown stool. When a disease or condition causes diarrhea, food passes through the digestive tract rapidly, and stools may be green because digestive enzymes did not have time to turn the stool brown.", "Green stool There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Salmonella - can cause greenish stool (usually diarrhea) 2 Giardia - can cause greenish stool (usually diarrhea) Swallowed postnasal drip - ie. from an upper respiratory disorder.", "What Does It Mean If Your Poop Is Green? Food, dyes, and supplements that can cause green stool include: When these foods, dyes, and supplements are withdrawn from the diet, the stool should return to its normal color within a day. An infant's first bowel movements are typically green-black in color. This is called meconium – you should not see it after the infant is 3 days old.", "Green Stool However, in most cases, you don’t need to panic if you have discolored or green stool. While strangely colored waste can be a sign of something weird going on in your system, it’s usually related to diet. Various foods, beverages, health supplements, and medications can cause bowel movements to vary in hue.", "Stool color: When to worry Only rarely does stool color indicate a potentially serious intestinal condition. Stool color is generally influenced by what you eat as well as by the amount of bile — a yellow-green fluid that digests fats — in your stool. As bile pigments travel through your gastrointestinal tract, they are chemically altered by enzymes, changing the pigments from green to brown. Consult your doctor if you're concerned about your stool color. If your stool is bright red or black — which may indicate the presence of blood — seek prompt medical attention.", "Green Diarrhea-Dark, Bright, Lime, Causes and how to Stop Fast The stool has a green tint and this may be normal or abnormal based on symptomatology. There are a variety of causes ranging from the foods ingested, drugs and medication, infection and a breach in the physiology of your digestive system. The following are the causes in adults and toddlers.", "What are Some Causes of Green Stool? Diet can also effect stool color. Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli can cause green stool, and foods containing green food coloring can yield the same result. Just as often though, other food colors can have the same impact. Purple drinks are a particular culprit, especially in young children.", "Mucus Color.com This condition, characterized by much looser than normal stools that can even be watery, can be a very common cause of green mucus in stool. This largely depends on what is causing the rapid loss of fecal matter. But, if infection or bacteria is involved, green mucus can result. But aside from these relatively common causes that can sometimes (although of course not always) produce something other than just clear mucus in stool, there are other health concerns that can carry mucus that is green found on stool as a symptom.", "Green stool Green stool: Introduction. Green stool: Green coloration of the stool. See detailed information below for a list of 10 causes of Green stool, Symptom Checker, Assessment Questionnaire, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Green stool: Causes | Symptom Checker » | Assessment Questionnaire ».", "Here's Why You Have Green Poop Sometimes Ultimately, you'll (probably) live. No matter what the cause of your green poop is, it's usually not anything alarming. The biggest issue is if it persists; Dr. Sam says that if you keep experiencing green diarrhea, it could be from an infection, and you should see a gastroenterologist.", "- It may be alarming to see green poop (or other weird stool colors) in the toilet, but rest assured that it's often the result of something you ate. Broccoli, for instance, can make your stool green, but so can foods and supplements that aren't green.", "- 1 Green color of the stools is always normal. 2 Most often, green stools are caused by bile. 3 Green stools are more common in formula fed than breastfed infants. 4 But, they can be normal with both.", "Mucus Color.com This condition, characterized by much looser than normal stools that can even be watery, can be a very common cause of green mucus in stool. This largely depends on what is causing the rapid loss of fecal matter. But, if infection or bacteria is involved, green mucus can result." ]
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biological definition of schizophrenia
[ "- Schizophrenia is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real.ositive symptoms are those that most individuals do not normally experience but are present in people with schizophrenia. They can include delusions, disordered thoughts and speech, and tactile, auditory, visual, olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, typically regarded as manifestations of psychosis." ]
[ "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is the most persistent and disabling of the major mental illnesses. It usually attacks people between the ages of 16 and 30, as they are beginning to realize their potential. It affects approximately one in 100 people worldwide, (one per cent of the population), affecting men and women almost equally. While it is treatable in many cases, there is as yet no cure for schizophrenia.", "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Print. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. Schizophrenia is a chronic condition, requiring lifelong treatment. Oct. 11, 2016.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia. A mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, and reduced social engagement and emotional expression.PubMed Health Glossary. (Source: Wikipedia).chizophrenia. A mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, and reduced social engagement and emotional expression. PubMed Health Glossary.", "Schizophrenia S chizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that often begins in late adolescence or early adulthood. It is an illness of the brain that affects how a person perceives the world, thinks, and behaves. Many people confuse psychosis with violence but they are not the same thing.", "Bradyphrenia Bradyphrenia is defined as a pathological slowing of mental processes. First reported in parkinsonism, it is a sensitive but nonspecific indicator of cerebral pathology, white matter integrity, and frontosubcortical circuit disruption. Despite challenges in definition and quantification, reports dissociate bradyphrenia from aging, depression, and bradykinesia.", "Schizophrenia 1 Residual schizophrenia -- a person is no longer experiencing delusions or hallucinations, but has no motivation or interest in life. 2 Schizoaffective disorder --a person has symptoms of both schizophrenia and a major mood disorder such as depression.he cause of schizophrenia is still unclear. Some theories about the cause of this disease include: genetics (heredity), biology (the imbalance in the brain’s chemistry); and/or possible viral infections and immune disorders.", "- Having an admixture of symptoms suggestive of both schizophrenia and affective (mood) disorder. /schizo·af·fec·tive/ (skiz″o-uh-fek´tiv) pertaining to or exhibiting features of both schizophrenic and mood disorders.", "- Schizophrenia is a clinical diagnosis. It must be differentiated from other psychiatric and medical illnesses, as well as from disorders such as heavy metal toxicity, adverse effects of drugs, and vitamin deficiencies.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a major cause of disability, with active psychosis ranked as the third-most-disabling condition after quadriplegia and dementia and ahead of paraplegia and blindness. Approximately three-fourths of people with schizophrenia have ongoing disability with relapses and 16.7 million people globally are deemed to have moderate or severe disability from the condition.", "- Schizophrenia. The schizophrenic experience can be a terrifying journey through a world of madness no one can understand, particularly the person traveling through it. It is a journey through a world that is deranged, empty, and devoid of anchors to reality.You feel very much alone.he schizophrenic experience can be a terrifying journey through a world of madness no one can understand, particularly the person traveling through it. It is a journey through a world that is deranged, empty, and devoid of anchors to reality.", "How Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Medications Work Schizophrenia is associated with an increase in dopamine activity in an area of the central nervous system called the meso­limbic pathway. The meso­limbic pathway is one of four major dopamine-related pathways in the brain that is associated with pleasurable feelings, with addiction—and with psychosis.", "Schizophrenia About Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history. People with the disorder may hear voices other people don't hear. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them.bout Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history. People with the disorder may hear voices other people don't hear. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them.", "- Schizophrenia is a chronic, disabling brain disorder that affects about 1% of Americans. It may cause people to hear voices, see imaginary sights, or believe other people are controlling their thoughts.These sensations can be frightening and often lead to erratic behavior.ymptoms of schizophrenia may include: 1 Hallucinations -- hearing or seeing imaginary things. 2 Delusions -- wildly false beliefs. 3 Paranoia -- the fear others are plotting against you.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, manage emotions, make decisions and relate to others. It is a complex, long-term medical illness, affecting about 1% of Americans.", "What is a clear definition of Skitzo Affective Disorder? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. It is a disorder that makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences. They will hear things or see things that are really not there. was severely depressed which I was told was the 'affective' part (can also be any mood disorder, apparently) and I was hallucinating and sometimes hearing voices, the 'schizo' part. They recently changed my diagnosis to 'major depression with psychotic features'.", "Risk Factors Risk Factors Schizophrenia is a complex disorder and has been associated with many causative factors, both genetic and environmental. With a heritability estimate around 80%, schizophrenia has a strong genetic component and this is reflected in the large number of genes that have been associated with the disorder.", "Simple Schizophrenia Definition of Simple Schizophrenia. Simple schizophrenia is a type of the psychotic disorder schizophrenia in which the symptoms are mild and don't exhibit psychotic traits.Symptoms of simple schizophrenia include inability to perform in society, poor hygiene and other minor physical and psychological problems.hile the symptoms of simple schizophrenia are generally mild, there are risks involved with this mental disorder. One of the biggest dangers of simple schizophrenia is the risk of developing more severe signs of a more specific type of schizophrenia.", "What is the difference between psychosis and schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder not attributed to by organic (medical) causes for the symptoms, or by substance use. Psychosis could be primary symptom or caused by any of the above attributes (organic psychosis) or mood disorders such as bipolar do, or personality do's such as borderline personality.", "What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? In 1911, Eugen Bleuler, first used the word schizophrenia.. Although the word schizophrenia does come from the Greek words meaning split and mind, people with schizophrenia do not have split personalities. This misunderstanding has caused many people to misuse the term schizophrenia.n other words, schizophrenia has an important genetic component. Evidence for a genetic component comes from twin studies. Monozygotic twins (identical twins) are those with exactly the same genetic makeup; dizygotic twins (fraternal twins) are those who share only half of their genetic makeup.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behavior and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices. Schizophrenia typically begins in early adulthood.Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology.chizophrenia can cause hallucinations, delusions and unusual behaviors, as well as cognitive challenges, such as problems with memory, attention and concentration.", "Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia (August 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia or the dopamine hypothesis of psychosis is a model, attributing symptoms of schizophrenia (like psychoses) to a disturbed and hyperactive dopaminergic signal transduction.", "Schizophrenia About Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history. People with the disorder may hear voices other people don't hear. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them.", "PSYCHOSIS (psychoses) 1. any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.Familiarity information: SCHIZOPHRENIA used as a noun is very rare.. any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.", "schizophrenia Disorganized schizophrenia (formerly called hebephrenic schizophrenia) is marked by disorganized speech, thinking, and behavior on the patient's part, coupled with flat or inappropriate emotional responses to a situation (affect).isorganized schizophrenia (formerly called hebephrenic schizophrenia) is marked by disorganized speech, thinking, and behavior on the patient's part, coupled with flat or inappropriate emotional responses to a situation (affect).", "- The noun SCHIZOPHRENIA has 1 sense: 1. any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact. Familiarity information: SCHIZOPHRENIA used as a noun is very rare.. any of several psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.", "- Definition. Schizoaffective disorder is a condition in which a person experiences a combination of schizophrenia symptoms — such as hallucinations or delusions — and mood disorder symptoms, such as mania or depression. Schizoaffective disorder is not as well understood or well defined as other mental health conditions.", "- That's to say that Schizophrenia = X% genetic + (100-X)% environment. For a very small population of schizophrenics, schizophrenia is mainly caused by genetic factor when X is close to 100. For these people, schizophrenia symptoms occur usually in their early year, and environment factors played a very minor role.", "What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is considered to be multifactorially inherited. Multifactorial inheritance means that many factors are involved. The factors are usually both genetic and environmental, where a combination of genes from both parents, in addition to unknown environmental factors, produce the trait or condition.", "Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand reality. Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation. People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety, depressive, or substance-use disorders. Symptoms typically come on gradually, begin in young adulthood, and last a lon", "Overview Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling." ]
[ 10.734375 ]
[ 10.6953125, 10.9765625, 10.609375, 10.578125, 7.58203125, 10.25, 9.7578125, 10.6015625, 10.671875, 8.921875, 9.1171875, 9.859375, 9.9765625, 11.046875, 8.859375, 10.1640625, 9.15625, 9.6328125, 8.9140625, 10.3046875, 9.625, 10.9296875, 10.09375, 9.484375, 10.5, 10.09375, 9.9609375, 10.3203125, 10.671875, 11.2265625 ]
what happens when your body is low on salt
[ "Overview By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that's in and around your cells. In hyponatremia, one or more factors — ranging from an underlying medical condition to drinking too much water during endurance sports — causes the sodium in your body to become diluted. When this happens, your body's water levels rise, and your cells begin to swell. This swelling can cause many health problems, from mild to life-threatening. Hyponatremia treatment is aimed at resolving the underlying condition." ]
[ "How salt affects the body Sodium-better known as salt-maintains the correct balance of certain fluids which bathe the cells in our bodies-essential for nerve and muscle function. However, research shows that too much salt can lead to increased blood pressure, osteoporosis-a bone-thinning disease, asthma, stomach cancer and weight gain.Blood pressure. Hypertension-the medical term for high blood pressure-is thought to affect up to one in five adults in the UK.his is because when our bodies sweat, salt is excreted through the pores of our skin. If too much salt is eliminated from our bodies, it alters the balance of sodium contained in our cells. Too little sodium-or salt-in our cells can affect nerve or muscle function.", "Hyponatremia (Low Sodium) The symptoms of hyponatremia tend to be neurologic. Patients may complain of with headache, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and confusion. If the sodium concentration drops quickly to critical levels, seizures, coma, and death may occur. If dehydration is associated with hyponatremia, weakness and muscle aches and cramps may co-exist.", "Sodium Deficiency Information Symptoms. Low sodium levels can cause a number of symptoms. Generally, symptoms include disorientation, tiredness, and headache. Muscle cramps, and nausea are other common signs of low sodium levels. If the condition remains for a prolonged period of time, coma and seizures can occur.", "How to Cleanse Your Body After Eating Too Much Salt If you binge on salty foods, you'll likely feel bloated and puffy a few hours later. That's because eating too much salt causes your body to retain water. The extra water in your body can amount to a few extra pounds of weight and can lead to high blood pressure.hat's because eating too much salt causes your body to retain water. The extra water in your body can amount to a few extra pounds of weight and can lead to high blood pressure.", "How to Raise Sodium Levels in the Blood Low sodium levels, or hyponatremia, is a condition in which the levels of sodium, or salt, in your blood stream are too low.", "Hyponatremia (Low Blood Sodium) Center Hyponatremia is a condition where the level of sodium in the blood is low. Causes of hyponatremia can occur from excess fluid in the body, or a loss of sodium in body fluid. Some of the symptoms of hyponatremia include headache, muscle cramps or spasm, seizures, weakness and confusion.", "- Low sodium, medically known as hyponatremia, is a lack of balance between the water and salt (sodium) levels in your body. A correct level of sodium is important for the proper function of your muscles and nerves. Low sodium is a common electrolyte disorder in the U.S. population.", "Low Blood Sodium (Hyponatremia) If blood sodium levels are low but urine levels are high, your body is losing too much sodium. Low sodium levels in both blood and urine mean your body is not taking in enough sodium. There may also be too much water in your body.", "What are the symptoms of hyponatremia (low blood sodium)? Hyponatremia refers to a low level of sodium in the blood. Hyponatremia may result from excess fluid in the body relative to a normal amount of sodium, or it may be due to a loss of sodium and body fluid. Symptoms are nonspecific and can include: mental changes, headache, nausea and. vomiting, tiredness, muscle spasms, and. seizures.", "What Happens If You Don't Consume Enough Sodium Sodium Deficiency. You lose a little sodium every day when you sweat, but your diet provides enough sodium to replace the amount lost. It's possible to become deficient in sodium if you sweat too much, like when you over-exert yourself on a sweltering day. You can prevent sodium loss by drinking sports drinks that contain electrolytes.", "Low Blood Sodium (Hyponatremia) Insufficient sodium in your blood is also known as hyponatremia. Sodium is an essential electrolyte that helps maintain the balance of water in and around your cells. Sodium is important for proper muscle and nerve function. It also helps to maintain stable blood pressure levels.", "- Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is an electrolyte imbalance causing low blood sodium levels. It is a dangerous condition that causes fluid retention in the brain leading to coma or even death. The causes, symptoms and treatment of hyponatremia are described below.", "Low salt or sodium in the blood (hyponatraemia) In chronic hyponatraemia, in which the blood sodium levels drop gradually over time, symptoms are typically less severe than with acute hyponatraemia (a sudden drop in blood sodium level). Symptoms can be very non-specific and can include: Headache. Confusion or altered mental state.", "Low sodium level Low sodium level is a condition in which the amount of sodium (salt) in the blood is lower than normal. The medical name of this condition is hyponatremia. Sodium is found mostly in the body fluids outside the cells. It is very important for maintaining blood pressure.", "Overview Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that's in and around your cells. In hyponatremia, one or more factors — ranging from an underlying medical condition to drinking too much water during endurance sports — causes the sodium in your body to become diluted.", "Low blood sodium in older adults: A concern? Answers from Paul Y. Takahashi, M.D. Low blood sodium (hyponatremia) occurs when you have an abnormally low amount of sodium in your blood or when you have too much water in your blood. Low blood sodium is common in older adults, especially those who are hospitalized or living in long-term care facilities. Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia can include altered personality, lethargy and confusion. Severe hyponatremia can cause seizures, coma and even death.", "Low Blood Sodium (Hyponatremia) Many factors can cause low blood sodium. Sodium levels may get too low if your body is losing too much water and electrolytes. It may also be a symptom of certain medical conditions. Causes of low sodium include:", "Hyponatremia (Low Level of Sodium in the Blood) NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. In hyponatremia, the level of sodium in blood is too low. A low sodium level has many causes, including consumption of too many fluids, kidney failure, heart failure, cirrhosis, and use of diuretics. At first, people become sluggish and confused, and if hyponatremia worsens, they may have muscle twitches and seizures and become progressively unresponsive.", "Overview Causes. Sodium plays a key role in your body. It helps maintain normal blood pressure, supports the work of your nerves and muscles, and regulates your body's fluid balance. A normal sodium level is between 135 and 145 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L) of sodium.Hyponatremia occurs when the sodium in your blood falls below 135 mEq/L. Many possible conditions and lifestyle factors can lead to hyponatremia, including: 1 Certain medications. Hormonal changes. 2 Adrenal gland insufficiency (Addison's disease) affects your adrenal glands' ability to produce hormones that help maintain your body's balance of sodium, potassium and water. 3 Low levels of thyroid hormone also can cause a low blood-sodium level. 4 The recreational drug Ecstasy.", "Low sodium level Low sodium level. Low sodium level is a condition in which the amount of sodium (salt) in the blood is lower than normal. The medical name of this condition is hyponatremia. Sodium is found mostly in the body fluids outside the cells. It is very important for maintaining blood pressure.", "What Are the Causes of Low Sodium Levels in Blood? Hypothyroidism is a condition known to cause low sodium levels in the blood. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the thyroid hormone for the body to function and send necessary chemical messages to other parts of the body that regulate hormones and metabolic levels.", "- Doctors give trusted, helpful answers on causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, and more: Dr. Kurzweil on can low sodium cause confusion: Low sodium can be the cause of unsteady gait, falls if really low can even cause seizures.", "Low Blood Sodium (Hyponatremia) It may also be a symptom of certain medical conditions. Causes of low sodium include: 1 severe vomiting or diarrhea. 2 taking certain medications, including antidepressants and pain medications. 3 taking diuretics (water pills). 4 drinking too much water during exercise (this is very rare). 5 dehydration. 6 kidney disease or failure.", "Low salt or sodium in the blood (hyponatraemia) Although we're often urged to cut down on salt in our diet, salt or sodium is essential for many of the body's functions including fluid balance, blood pressure management and the nervous system. Hyponatraemia is a low level of sodium or salt in the blood. Symptoms are not usually very specific and can include changes to a person's mental state, headache, nausea and vomiting, tiredness, muscle spasms and seizures.", "Low Blood Sodium (Hyponatremia) The results of this test will help your doctor determine the cause of your low blood sodium: If your blood sodium levels are low but your urine sodium levels are high, your body is losing too much sodium. Low sodium levels in both your blood and your urine mean your body is not taking in enough sodium. There may also be too much water in your body.", "Hyponatremia (Low Sodium) Patients may complain of with headache, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and confusion. If the sodium concentration drops quickly to critical levels, seizures, coma, and death may occur. If dehydration is associated with hyponatremia, weakness and muscle aches and cramps may co-exist.", "Hyponatremia (Low Level of Sodium in the Blood) (See also Overview of Electrolytes and see Overview of Sodium's Role in the Body.) In hyponatremia, the level of sodium in blood is too low. A low sodium level has many causes, including consumption of too many fluids, kidney failure, heart failure, cirrhosis, and use of diuretics.", "- In hyponatremia, the level of sodium in blood is too low. A low sodium level has many causes, including consumption of too many fluids, kidney failure, heart failure, cirrhosis, and use of diuretics.auses. Hyponatremia occurs when the body contains too little sodium for the amount of fluid it contains (see Overview of Sodium). The body may have too much, too little, or about a normal amount of fluid. In all cases, however, sodium is diluted.", "Are low sodium levels in your body dangerous? It should be around 135-145 mmol/L in the blood. Low sodium levels can be caused by excessive sweating, burns, severe vomiting or diarrhea, drinking too much water, poor nutrition, underactive adrenal glands or thyroid gland, heart failure, kidney disease, cirrhosis or cystic fibrosis.", "- Low sodium is caused by excess fluid in the body, according to MedicineNet. It may also be due to loss of sodium and body fluid, and it may be caused by kidney failure. Symptoms of low sodium include headache, seizures, confusion or unstable mental state. Continue Reading." ]
[ 10.40625 ]
[ 8.671875, 9.9375, 11.0859375, 8.5859375, 10.828125, 10.5546875, 11.1484375, 10.6484375, 10.515625, 10.34375, 10.265625, 10.2734375, 10.171875, 10.75, 10.671875, 10.4375, 10.15625, 10.4765625, 10.3828125, 10.6328125, 10.53125, 10.34375, 10.46875, 11.4296875, 10.484375, 9.9375, 10.4453125, 9.3046875, 10.7265625, 10.78125 ]
what is carried out by a cell's ribosomes
[ "Human Physiology/Print Version A second kind of RNA, called messenger RNA or mRNA, moves genetic information from the DNA to the ribosome. Messenger RNA provides the ribosome with the blueprints for building proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Each amino acid in a protein is delivered to the ribosome by yet another type of RNA: transfer RNA (tRNA)." ]
[ "What do ribosomes do in plant and animal cells? Best Answer: ribosomes, basically, is the machinery that helps build proteins. Ribosomes are found outside the cell's nucleus and work with mRNA and tRNA to form protiens from amino acids.mRNA fits within the ribosome, and each codon (a set of three ribonucleic acids) code for a specific amino acid.The tRNA attaches the amino acid to the last on the chain and then leaves.ibosomes read the information encoded in mRNA and translate it into proteins. They are the macromolecular complex that synthesizes all cellular proteins from the information encoded in the genes. They utilize tRNA molecules to help read the mRNA and transfer the amino acids into the synthetic process.", "- The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.Ribosomes consist of two major components: the small ribosomal subunit, which reads the RNA, and the large subunit, which joins amino acids to form a polypeptide chain.rokaryotes have 70 S ribosomes, each consisting of a small (30S) and a large (50S) subunit. Their small subunit has a 16S RNA subunit (consisting of 1540 nucleotides) bound to 21 proteins. The large subunit is composed of a 5S RNA subunit (120 nucleotides), a 23S RNA subunit (2900 nucleotides) and 31 proteins.", "Ribosome The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.Ribosomes consist of two major components: the small ribosomal subunit, which reads the RNA, and the large subunit, which joins amino acids to form a polypeptide chain.ach ribosome is divided into two subunits: 1. a smaller subunit which binds to a larger subunit and the mRNA pattern, and 2. a larger subunit which binds to the tRNA, the amino acids, and the smaller subunit. When a ribosome finishes reading an mRNA molecule, these two subunits split apart.", "Function of Ribosomes Ribosomes are a cell structure that makes protein. Protein is needed for many cell functions such as repairing damage or directing chemical processes. Ribosomes can be found floating within the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.", "- Ribosomes are organelles that play a key role in the manufacture of proteins. Found throughout the cell, ribosomes are composed of ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) and proteins. They are the sites of protein synthesis.Although Robert Hooke first used a light microscope to look at cells in 1665, it was only during the last few decades that the cell's organelles were discovered.ree ribosomes are dispersed throughout the cytoplasm. Bound ribosomes are attached to a membranous structure called the endoplasmic reticulum. Most cell proteins are made by the free ribosomes. Bound ribosomes are instrumental in producing proteins that function within or across the cell membrane.", "Ribosomes, Transcription, and Translation Ribosomes are the sites in a cell in which protein synthesis takes place. Cells have many ribosomes, and the exact number depends on how active a particular cell is in synthesizing proteins. For example, rapidly growing cells usually have a large number of ribosomes (Figure 5).fter the transcription of DNA to mRNA is complete, translation — or the reading of these mRNAs to make proteins — begins. Recall that mRNA molecules are single stranded, and the order of their bases — A, U, C, and G — is complementary to that in specific portions of the cell's DNA.", "What is the function of ribosomes? Ribosomes are used in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes required by the cells for various purposes. Most of our cellular chemical reactions are enhanced (catalyzed) by enzymes, in order for the cells to function properly. Ribosomes make proteins for use in the cell and for export.a ribosome is a part of the cell in the animal They make the amount of protein needed for the cell.ibosomes make proteins for use in the cell and for export. a ribosome is a part of the cell in the animal They make the amount of protein needed for the cell.", "RNA Some RNA molecules play an active role within cells by catalyzing biological reactions, controlling gene expression, or sensing and communicating responses to cellular signals. One of these active processes is protein synthesis, a universal function wherein mRNA molecules direct the assembly of proteins on ribosomes. This process uses transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules to deliver amino acids to the ribosome, where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) then links amino acids together to form proteins.", "Which organelles is studded with ribosomes and carries out protein synthesis? Confidence votes 22.7K. The endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes and it MODIFIES proteins. Protein synthesis is strictly carried out in ribosomes, though the ribosome may thread the polypeptide directly into the ER for modification. think its when it binds the mRNA together To put it in two sentences: 1. Ribosomes are the place where Protein Synthesis takes place. 2. In the Ribosome, the mRNA, tRNA, … and Amino Acids meet to form a Protein. 3.", "What is the function of ribosomes? Ribosomes are used in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes required by the cells for various purposes. Most of our cellular chemical reactions are enhanced (catalyzed) by enzymes, in order for the cells to function properly. Ribosomes make proteins for use in the cell and for export.", "Ribosome It does RNA translation, building proteins from amino acids using messenger RNA as a template. Ribosomes are found in all living cells, prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes. A ribosome is a mixture of protein and RNA that starts its formation in the nucleolus of a cell.", "Plant and Animal Cell Organelles The ribosomes do the actual translation of mRNA into proteins. These are either free ribosomes or those located on the RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum). Ribosomes: Ribosomes … are packets of RNA and protein that play a crucial role in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.", "Ribosome Photo by: krishnacreations. The ribosome is the molecular machine inside the cell that makes proteins from amino acids in the process called translation. It binds to a messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and reads the information contained in the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA.Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) containing amino acids enter the ribosome in a special pocket, or binding site, called the acceptor site (A site).Once correctly bound, the ribosome can add the amino acid on the tRNA to the growing protein chain.tructure. The ribosome is made up of two parts, called subunits. The larger of the two subunits is where the amino acids get added to the growing protein chain. The small subunit is where the mRNA binds and is decoded.", "What do ribosomes do? Ribosomes are organelles that synthesize proteins for the cell and send protein to the nucleus. Ribosomes can be free floating in the cytoplasm, or can be attached to the outer surfaces of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are known as bound ribosomes.ibosomes are either floating in the cytoplasm or attached to membranes. In general, free-floating ribosomes produce proteins that are used inside the cell, and membrane-attached ribosomes manufacture proteins for use outside the cell.", "Ribosome The two ribosome sub-units disengage, separate and are re-used or broken down. Summary: Nearly all the proteins required by cells are synthesised by ribosomes. Ribosomes are found ‘free’ in the cell cytoplasm and also attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes receive information from the cell nucleus and construction materials from the cytoplasm.", "- The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules. Ribosomes consist of two major components: the small ribosomal subunit, which reads the RNA, and the large subunit, which joins amino acids to form a polypeptide chain. Each subunit is composed of one or more ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules and a variety of proteins.", "- Ribosomes are organelles that play a key role in the manufacture of proteins. Found throughout the cell, ribosomes are composed of ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) and proteins. They are the sites of protein synthesis . Although Robert Hooke first used a light microscope to look at cells in 1665, it was only during the last few decades that the cell's organelles were discovered.", "- Quick Answer. Ribosomes are a type of organelle found in every cell, and their main function is to synthesize proteins for use throughout the cell. In the ribosomes, individual amino acids are arranged into long protein chains according to the sequence of mRNA, or messenger RNA.", "What do ribosomes do? Ribosomes are organelles that synthesize proteins for the cell and send protein to the nucleus. Ribosomes can be free floating in the cytoplasm, or can be attached to the oute … r surfaces of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are known as bound ribosomes.They use amino acids to create the protein when the nucleus sends out messenger RNA to tell the ribosomes to make the protein.ibosomes can be free floating in the cytoplasm, or can be attached to the oute … r surfaces of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are known as bound ribosomes. They use amino acids to create the protein when the nucleus sends out messenger RNA to tell the ribosomes to make the protein.", "- Translation occurs inside the ribosomes, which are tiny organelles on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. A ribosome is a complex protein made of two subunits. It houses the mRNA and tRNA strands as they work through the process of translation.mRNA codons match to tRNA anticodons.ranslation occurs inside the ribosomes, which are tiny organelles on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. A ribosome is a complex protein made of two subunits. It houses the mRNA and tRNA strands as they work through the process of translation. mRNA codons match to tRNA anticodons.", "Ribosome Photo by: krishnacreations. The ribosome is the molecular machine inside the cell that makes proteins from amino acids in the process called translation. It binds to a messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and reads the information contained in the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA.Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) containing amino acids enter the ribosome in a special pocket, or binding site, called the acceptor site (A site).Once correctly bound, the ribosome can add the amino acid on the tRNA to the growing protein chain.ransfer RNAs (tRNAs) containing amino acids enter the ribosome in a special pocket, or binding site, called the acceptor site (A site). Once correctly bound, the ribosome can add the amino acid on the tRNA to the growing protein chain.", "0 100%FREQUENCYRegularly used67 /100 The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.", "Ribosomes, Transcription, and Translation Ribosomes are the sites in a cell in which protein synthesis takes place. Cells have many ribosomes, and the exact number depends on how active a particular cell is in synthesizing proteins. For example, rapidly growing cells usually have a large number of ribosomes (Figure 5).nside each cell, catalysts seek out the appropriate information from this archive and use it to build new proteins — proteins that make up the structures of the cell, run the biochemical reactions in the cell, and are sometimes manufactured for export.", "What are the function of Ribosomes? Describe? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Ribosomes are non-membrane-bounded particles where protein synthesis occurs. The number of ribosomes in a cell varies depending on its functions. For example, pancreatic cells and those of other glands have many ribosomes because they produce secretions that contain proteins.he main function of ribosomes is as the site of mRNA translation; once the two subunits are joined by the mRNA from the nucleus, the ribosome translates mRNA into a specific sequence of amino acids.", "Ribosomes Proteins are necessary for the cells to perform cellular functions. Ribosomes are the cellular component that make proteins from all amino acids. Ribosomes are made from complexes of RNAs and proteins. The number of ribosomes in a cell depends on the activity of the cell. Ribosomes are freely suspended in the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum forming the rough endoplasmic reticulum.", "- The ribosome is the molecular machine inside the cell that makes proteins from amino acids in the process called translation.n fact, rRNAs make up most of the mass of the ribosome. The proteins bind to various parts of the rRNAs to fill in the ribosome's structure. A color-coded cryo-EM map of an E. coli ribosome showing the interface between the small (30S) and large (50S) ribosomal subunits.", "Ribosomes Function The ribosome units leave the nucleus through the nuclear pores and unite once in the cytoplasm for the purpose of protein synthesis. When protein production is not being carried out, the two subunits of a ribosome are separated.", "Ribosome The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.rokaryotes have 70 S ribosomes, each consisting of a small (30S) and a large (50S) subunit. Their small subunit has a 16S RNA subunit (consisting of 1540 nucleotides) bound to 21 proteins. The large subunit is composed of a 5S RNA subunit (120 nucleotides), a 23S RNA subunit (2900 nucleotides) and 31 proteins.", "- The ribosome is responsible for the synthesis of proteins in cells and is found in all cellular organisms. It serves to convert the instructions found in messenger RNA (mRNA, which itself is made from instructions in DNA) into the chains of amino-acids that make up proteins.", "Ribosomes Function Free ribosomes freely float in the cytoplasm of the cell and the membrane-bound ribosomes bind to the nuclear membrane or to the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosome function is vital for the production of proteins, or polypeptide chains, from the mRNA. ribosome is an internal component of a biological cell (known as organelles) that is responsible in assembling molecules of specific amino acid to form a certain protein molecule, which will be determined by the nucleotide sequence of an RNA molecule." ]
[ 10.09375 ]
[ 7.84765625, 9.234375, 9.2265625, 10.5390625, 9.1015625, 9.34375, 8.59375, 10.140625, 9.8359375, 10.2890625, 10.3046875, 9.75, 8.9921875, 8.9921875, 10.0703125, 10.203125, 10.2890625, 10.1953125, 8.53125, 8.4140625, 9.359375, 10.6484375, 9.2578125, 7.82421875, 10.046875, 9.1953125, 10.8828125, 9.515625, 10.5859375, 8.9375 ]
is w ever considered a vowel
[ "What word uses W as a vowel? Many words have W for a vowel, such as awe, bow, cow, dew, ewe, few gew-gaw, hew, jaw, known, lawn, maw, now, owe, pew, raw, sew, tow, vow, wow and yawn. However, in these cases, the W is only technically a vowel, because it contributes a vowel sound, as would the letter U, from which it originates. Some words, especially Welsh, use the W as the primary vowel, much as Y is used in English. One example is the word cwm (valley)." ]
[ "Schwa The symbol is called a “schwa” (pronounced w). This neutral vowel sound is found in unstressed syllables. All five English vowels, as well as the semi-vowel Y, are sometimes pronounced as a schwa. Click on the sample words to listen to the sound files.", "What is a Vowel? A vowel is a type of sound for which there is no closure of the throat or mouth at any point where vocalization occurs. This can be contrasted with consonants, which are sounds for which there are one or more points where air is stopped. In nearly all languages, words must contain at least one vowel.", "Hawaiian Words And – you need to know how the vowels are pronounced. We do our vowels a little differently: Vowel Pronunciation a ah i ee u oo e eh o oh. You will also notice that there are fewer consonants. No b, c, d, f, g, j, q, r, s, t, v, x or y — the W is sometimes pronounced as a ‘v’. You will hear Hawai’i pronounced Hah vah ee sometimes. Hawaiian English", "- Note how unlike open syllables, the vowel in this example is short; vowels in closed syllables do not make the sound of their name when pronounced. Other examples include the words junk, soft and stretch, which each contain one short vowel and end in a consonant.his word contains just one vowel, the letter o, and it occurs at the end of the word. Therefore, it is an open syllable. Vowels on their own are considered open syllables as well sometimes, such as the e in elite or the a in able, which each form a sound on their own.", "- As a general rule, vowels are pronounced separately EXCEPT when they appear as diphthongs. The first vowel is always stressed, but the two vowels are not as closely joined as in English. ai sounds like the i in ice. ae sounds like I or eye. ao sounds like ow in how, but without a nasal twang. au sounds like the ou in house or out, but without a nasal twang. ei sounds like ei in chow mein or in eight. eu has no equivalent in English; eu sounds like eh-oo, run together, as a single syllable.", "When is 'y' a vowel and when is it a consonant? I've heard this, vowels = A,E,I,O,U and sometimes Y. Generally, if the Y is pronounced like ee, it's considered a vowel but if it's used to start a word like You it's considered a vowel. If it's between consonants or at the end of a word, it's generally a vowel. Otherwise, it's a consonant.", "- W began as a ligature. Two V letterforms were joined into VV to represent double U in 12th-century England. Those who use the v form of Yahweh s Name (Yahveh) should note that the Name is spelled Yahweh in almost all academic publications, many by people well-studied in the Hebrew language, including Hebrew speakers.", "- Pronounce P K as in English but with less aspiration. Pronounce H L M N as in English. W after I and E is usually pronounced like V, but after U and O usually pronounced like W; initially and after A, it can be pronounced like V or W.", "- When there are two adjacent vowels in a word, the first one is long and the second one is silent. The first vowel is marked with a long line and second one is crossed out. Examples of this rule are in coat, ride, and read. There is both a long and short sound to oo.", "Schwa Sometimes the term schwa is used for any epenthetic vowel, even though different languages use different epenthetic vowels (e.g. the Navajo epenthetic vowel is [i]). In English, schwa is the most common vowel sound. It is a reduced vowel in many unstressed syllables, especially if syllabic consonants are not used.", "Vowel In phonetics, a vowel is a sound in spoken language, with two competing definitions. In the more common phonetic definition, a vowel is a sound pronounced with an open vocal tract, so that the tongue does not touch the lips, teeth, or roof of the mouth, such as the English ah /ɑː/ or oh /oʊ/. There is no build-up of air pressure at any point above the glottis.", "- Long Vowel Rule (1): When a word has two vowel, usually the first vowel says its name and the second vowel is silent.", "When is 'y' a vowel and when is it a consonant? Answers. 1 However, if the Y does not provide a separate vowel sound, as when it is coupled with another vowel, it is considered a consonant. In names such as Maloney or Murray, the Y is a consonant, because the vowel sound depends upon the long E in Maloney and the long A in Murray.. That s just about the stupidest thing I ve ever heard.", "Y as a Vowel 1 comment. It is more common to find the letter “y” as a vowel than as a consonant. Typically, the letter “y” is a consonant when it is at the beginning of a word, e.g., yes, you, yard and young.", "- I have examined vowel trigrams and vowel tetragrams. Since so. many vowel trigrams exist as parts of words and names, I wondered. how many could exist as words or names in their own right. I use the. term l'vowel to include the six letters A, E, 1,0, U and Y, though. in several of the words presented in this article Y is clearly being used. as a consonant.", "Vowel The word vowel comes from the Latin word vocalis, meaning vocal (relating to voice). In English, the word vowel is commonly used to mean both vowel sounds and the written symbols that represent them.", "Meaningful Word Without Vowel? In myth or hymn it's clearly a vowel, and also in words such as my, where it stands for a diphthong (a combination of two vowel sounds). On the other hand, in a word like beyond there is an obstacle to the breath which can be heard between two vowels, and the same sound begins words like young and yes.", "4.4 Learning phonology Unstressed vowels in English and other languages. English has a strong tendency for unstressed vowels to be pronounced with the vowel /ə/. This is not true for many other languages with stress, for example, Spanish. This means that English speakers will tend to use /ə/ for vowels in some unstressed syllables in Spanish.", "English words without vowels The words wyrm and myrrh contain neither a vowel letter nor a vowel sound in some dialects: [ˈwɹ̩m], [ˈmɹ̩] (or [ˈwɝːm], [ˈmɝː]). A list of English words without vowel sounds (mostly interjections) can be found here. In addition, some unstressed function words may lose their vowel in more rapid speech.", "Schwa The symbol is called a “schwa” (pronounced w). This neutral vowel sound is found in unstressed syllables. All five English vowels, as well as the semi-vowel Y, are sometimes pronounced as a schwa.", "How many vowels and consonants are there in English? In classifying the letter symbols, there are 5 pure vowels (a, e, i, o, u), 19 pure consonants (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z), and 2 semi-vowels (y, w) in the standard English alphabet.", "Phonetics: Vowels, Consonants Vowel. - serves as a syllable nucleus-less constriction-one vowel sound in a syllable 1. Articulators are positioned so not to constrict oral and pharyngeal cavities. 2. sound of interest can be sustained indefinitely 3. syllable (with some exceptions) must include a vowel as its nucleus.", "What is a Vowel? A vowel is a sound for which there is no closure of the throat or mouth. In some languages, vowels are not crucial to...", "vowel 1. vowel-a speech sound made with the vocal tract open. vowel sound. speech sound, phone, sound - (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language.", "Y as a Vowel It is more common to find the letter “y” as a vowel than as a consonant. Typically, the letter “y” is a consonant when it is at the beginning of a word, e.g., yes, you, yard and young. If the letter “y” is located in the middle or end of the word, it is often treated as a vowel.", "Short and Long Vowels Differences and Examples If you know American English, you know the American English vowels: A, E, I, O, and U. The letter Y is sometimes counted as a vowel too. Find out the basic sounds and functions of both vowels and consonants in this guide to American English pronunciation.", "- Jan. 9: Pesky Vowels, Sentence Stress and Intonation: Vowels: Read IPA pp. 13-19 (Vowels; Forward vowels) & pp. 52-55 (Back vowels). [u]: Read IPA p. 56, do p. 58B. [š]: Read pp. 60-61, do p. 62 BCD. [o]: Read IPA pp. 64-65, do p. 67 B, 69 F. Note: do not use the [oš] diphthong in proper singing.", "Schwa In linguistics, specifically phonetics and phonology, schwa (/ʃwɑː/) (sometimes spelled shwa) refers to the mid-central vowel sound (rounded or unrounded) in the middle of the vowel chart, denoted by the IPA symbol ə, or another vowel sound close to that position.", "PRONOUNCING JAPANESE VOWELS The Japanese vowels have a special characteristic; they are pure and their pronunciation is quite simple and basic. In addition, there are plenty of monophthongs and allophones in the Japanese vocabulary.", "- Any vowel in an unaccented syllable has a neutral or“schwa”/ə/ sound: Examples: the ‘a’ in above, or approve, the ‘e’ in accident, camera or mathematics, the ‘i’ in family or officer, the ‘o’ in freedom or purpose, or the ‘u’ in industry or succeed." ]
[ 12.2734375 ]
[ 11.3828125, 10.40625, 10.0546875, 9.1484375, 8.625, 10.3203125, 9.484375, 9.5859375, 9.3046875, 10.0390625, 9.90625, 9.7421875, 10.859375, 9.84375, 9.84375, 10.28125, 9.5703125, 9.40625, 10.390625, 11.5078125, 11.6875, 8.984375, 9.8984375, 9.671875, 9.7890625, 10.953125, 8.34375, 10.8046875, 8.8671875, 10.0546875 ]
proteins are synthesized (made) at what organelle in the cytosol
[ "- 1 one set for those proteins synthesized by ribosomes that remain suspended in the cytosol, and. 2 a second set for proteins synthesized by ribosomes that are attached to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) forming rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)." ]
[ "- As noted earlier, synthesis of most secretory proteins begins on free ribosomes in the cytosol. The presence of a 16- to 30-residue ER signal sequence directs the ribosome to the ER membrane and initiates transport of the growing poly-peptide across the ER membrane.", "Cell Organelles c. Protein and RNA form these tiny organelles, which are somewhat round in shape, very numerous, may be floating in the cytoplasm or attached to the ER, consist of two pieces that fit together d. Works with cytoskeleton because it makes the proteins that form the cytoskelton.", "What Organelle Is the Site of Protein Synthesis? Quick Answer. There are four organelles found in eukaryotic cells that aid in the synthesis of proteins. These organelles include the nucleus, the ribosomes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. All of these organelles help produce and process proteins, but only the ribosomes actually piece together amino acids into proteins.", "Translation or Protein Synthesis Those proteins which are to be used as part of the cell membrane or transported outside the cell are manufactured on ribosomes which are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. The above is a grossly oversimplified sketch of the translation process as it applies in a prokaryotic cell.", "- Report Abuse. A ribosome is an organelle in cells that assembles proteins. Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins (known as a Ribonucleoprotein or RNP). It translates messenger RNA (mRNA) into a polypeptide chain (e.g., a protein).It can be thought of as a factory that builds a protein from a set of genetic instructions.ibosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins (known as a Ribonucleoprotein or RNP). It translates messenger RNA (mRNA) into a polypeptide chain (e.g., a protein).", "Cell Biology/Print version Membrane proteins are synthesized by ribosomes that are attached to what? The endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes bound to endoplasmic reticulum generally make proteins destined either for inclusion into membranes; for packaging within certain orga…nelles, such as lysosomes; or for export from the cell. - Vance Austin Neely. 3 people found this useful.", "Chapter 17 Protein Sorting: Organelle Biogenesis and Protein Secretion Ribosomes synthesizing nascent proteins in the secretory pathway 1 are directed to the (more...). Synthesis of all other nuclear-encoded proteins is completed on “free” cytosolic ribosomes, and the completed proteins are released into the cytosol.", "- Ribosomes are organelles used by the cell to produce proteins (protein synthesis). Ribosomes are either floating in the cytoplasm or attached to membranes. In general, free-floating ribosomes produce proteins that are used inside the cell, and membrane-attached ribosomes manufacture proteins for use outside the cell.n eukaryotes, ribosomes float in the cytosol of a cell or bind to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ribbon-like structures found within the cell. Ribosomes are composed of two rRNA subunits and other catalytic proteins. They are quite small, only a few hundred nanometers across.", "- Ribosomes are organelles that synthesize proteins for the cell and send protein to the nucleus. Ribosomes can be free floating in the cytoplasm, or can be attached to the oute … r surfaces of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and are known as bound ribosomes.ibosomes are either floating in the cytoplasm or attached to membranes. In general, free-floating ribosomes produce proteins that are used inside the cell, and membrane-attached ribosomes manufacture proteins for use outside the cell.", "Intracellular Components Beyond providing structural support, the cytosol is the site wherein protein synthesis takes place, and the provides a home for the centrosomes and centrioles. These organelles will be discussed more with the cytoskeleton.", "- A cell's protein synthesis takes place in organelles called ribosomes. Ribosomes are complex structures made up of two distinct and separable subunits (one about twice the size of the other). Each subunit is composed of one or two RNA molecules (60-70%) associated with 20 to 40 small proteins (30-40%).", "- A ribosomes is a small organelle involved in the process of making protein, which is called protein synthesis. The ribosome handles translation, which is the second part of protein synthesis. Ribosomes can be found floating freely in the cytoplasm or attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum.", "Which organelle makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus? Depending on the final destination of the protein, which can be inferred by specific codes in the mRNA, the ribosome either stays in the cytosol, thereby releasing the finished protein directly into the cytosol, or attaches itself to the Endoplasmatic Reticulum (ER), to directly inject the nascent protein into the ER.", "- A cell's protein synthesis takes place in organelles called ribosomes. Ribosomes are complex structures made up of two distinct and separable subunits (one about twice the size of the other). Each subunit is composed of one or two RNA molecules (60-70%) associated with 20 to 40 small proteins (30-40%).hese RNA molecules are therefore called messenger-RNA (mRNA). To summarize: a gene is a stretch of DNA that contains a pattern for the amino acid sequence of a protein. In order to actually make this protein, the relevant DNA segment is first copied into messenger-RNA.", "Why does protein synthesis occur in cytoplasm? Protein synthesis occurs in ribosomes in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. After the process is done, the proteins are circulated throughout the body.", "- Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis, where RNA is translated into protein. When cells need large numbers of proteins, they must first build numerous ribosomes. fart.", "Organelles Ribosomes. 1 Ribosomes are the site for protein synthesis of the cell. 2 It is composed of two subunits, a small subunit and a large subunit. 3 The ribosomes subunits acts as an assembly line where the RNA from the nucleus is used to synthesize proteins from amino acids.", "Organelles that Build Proteins Ribosomes. Ribosomes are found in both plant and animal cells and are made in the nucleolus and transported out of the nucleus through endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes are important for the process of synthesis, specifically of proteins.", "Which Organelle Synthesizes Proteins? A: The organelle that synthesizes proteins is the ribosome. Ribosomes are essential to all cells, and they can either be found floating free in the cells' fluids or in eukaryotes embedded in a structure known as the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes synthesize proteins by assembling amino acids together in the proper sequences.", "Where does protein synthesis take place in the cell? Where in the cell does protein synthesis take place? in cells protein in made when the cells have sex and then the synthesis takes place. It takes place in the mitochondria.", "- Ribosomes are made inside the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus of the cell. Ribosomes function to synthesize proteins. ***************************** it controls wh … ich qenes qet used.11 people found this useful.he codes for making proteins are carried from the nucleus to the ribosomes by another type of nucleic acid called ribonucleic acid, or RNA.", "Cell BIO unit-2 chapter6 Free ribosomes are used within the cytosol and create protein which functions within the cytosol. Bound ribosomes, attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope, usually make proteins that will be included within membranes, packaged into organelles, or exported from the cell.", "- Confidence votes 332. Ribosomes are the cell organelles that make proteins. They are located throughout the cytoplasm, as well as on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.onfidence votes 332. Ribosomes are the cell organelles that make proteins. They are located throughout the cytoplasm, as well as on the rough endoplasmic reticulum.", "Ribosomes Ribosomes are the smallest organelle in a cell, but they have a big job. They are made of two subunits, a large and a small, and they perform protein synthesis.Protein synthesis is where RNA comes into a ribosome after copying DNA.ibosomes are the smallest organelle in a cell, but they have a big job. They are made of two subunits, a large and a small, and they perform protein synthesis.", "- The main organelle that does that is the lysosomes. Other organelles that also does similar functions are a group called microbodies, which include peroxisomes, glyoxisomes, and glycosomes.ough Endoplasmic Reticulum would be responsible for the synthesis of protein (peptide enzymes) in the exocrine pancreatic cells. Also, synthesis of protein requires energy. … It is also natural to see abundant mitochondria in the exocrine pancreatic cells.", "Ribosomes Ribosomes are the smallest organelle in a cell, but they have a big job. They are made of two subunits, a large and a small, and they perform protein synthesis.Protein synthesis is where RNA comes into a ribosome after copying DNA.he rough ER is part of a system of producing, packaging, and shipping with the cell membrane or possibly the Golgi body. The rough ER is the start of the process with the making of the proteins and shipping them along the line to the Golgi body.", "Translation (biology) In molecular biology and genetics, translation is the process in which ribosomes in the cytoplasm or ER synthesize proteins after the process transcription of DNA to RNA in the cell's nucleus. The entire process is called gene expression. In translation, messenger RNA is decoded in a ribosome, outside the nucleus, to produce a specific amino acid chain, or polypeptide. The polypeptide later folds into an active protein and performs its functions in the cell. The ribosome facilitates decoding by", "Biology for Kids Proteins are made inside cells. When a cell makes a protein it is called protein synthesis. The instructions for how to make a protein are held inside the DNA molecule. The two major stages in making a protein are called transcription and translation. The first step in making a protein is called transcription.", "Which organelle makes proteins using coded instructions that come from the nucleus? Organelles are found only in eukaryotic cells and are absent from the cells of prokaryotes such as bacteria. -Dictionary definition of organelle...So.... by definition ribosomes are not organelles because thy are not bound by a membrane. However most people loosely use this term to describe them.", "Organelles that Build Proteins Ribosomes. Ribosomes are found in both plant and animal cells and are made in the nucleolus and transported out of the nucleus through endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes are important for the process of synthesis, specifically of proteins.ough Endoplasmic Reticulum: The RER is called rough because of the ribosomes attached to it. The Rough ER is necessary to create and transport proteins throughout the cell. When the ribosomes attached to the Rough ER create proteins, the proteins are sent to the Rough ER to be chemically modified for specific uses." ]
[ 11.125 ]
[ 10.6015625, 9.9140625, 10.453125, 10.15625, 8.7109375, 10.2734375, 10.859375, 9.3046875, 9.1796875, 10.734375, 10.234375, 10.3125, 10.7890625, 9.1328125, 10.6015625, 9.7734375, 10.5390625, 10.3359375, 10.703125, 9.53125, 9.1796875, 10.6796875, 9.4921875, 9.484375, 8.75, 9.0546875, 9.4609375, 9.296875, 9.3828125, 9.328125 ]
what is a rule based approach
[ "Rule-Based Approaches and Implementation This page examines rule-based approaches and implementation of diagnostic systems, as part of the white paper. A Guide to Fault Detection and Diagnosis. Rule-based systems in most cases implement other approaches discussed earlier, more as a program control mechanism than a separate diagnostic technique. The term “expert system” has often been used as a synonym for “rule based system”, also called a “production rule system”." ]
[ "The four main approaches The approach to data collection and analysis is methodical but allows for greater flexibility than in quantitative research. Data is collected in textual form on the basis of observation and interaction with the participants e.g. through participant observation, in-depth interviews and focus groups.", "Outcome-based education Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an educational system around goals (outcomes). By the end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the goal.", "Rights-based approach to development Rights-based approach to development is an approach to development promoted by many development agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to achieve a positive transformation of power relations among the various development actors.eginning in the late 1990s when rights-based approach to development began to be a popular discourse many aid donor agencies began to support this view towards development. Their intentions are to implement support for programs to incorporate both development and human rights in an interdisciplinary fashion.", "rule 9. rule (n.) a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct", "PRINCE2 Methodology Overview: History, Definition & Meaning, Benefits, Certification The PRINCE2 methodology regards project management as a series of logical processes and procedures to create a well-controlled project environment. It provides a process-based approach that is applicable to all types of projects.", "What is a Business Rules Approach? A business rules approach, by deploying technology so that it externalizes and manages the thinking or decision-making capacity of an organization, empowers the business to use that technology as. an extension of intellectual power.he result is a business rules system, an automated system in which the rules are separated, logically and perhaps physically, from other aspects of the. system and shared across data stores, user interfaces, and perhaps applications.", "What is a Business Rules Approach? As you can see, at the heart of a business rules approach is an appreciation for rules as a valuable asset for a business organization. elevates the importance of business rules to the business and carries that importance into the organization’s systems development function and approach.", "Logical framework approach The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a management tool mainly used for designing, monitoring, and evaluating international development projects.Variations of this tool are known as Goal Oriented Project Planning (GOPP) or Objectives Oriented Project Planning (OOPP) .iven a well constructed logical framework, an informed skeptic and a project advocate should be able to agree on exactly what the project attempts to accomplish, and how likely it is to succeed—in terms of programmatic (goal-level) as well as project (purpose-level) objective.", "Rights-based approach to development Rights-based approach to development is an approach to development promoted by many development agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to achieve a positive transformation of power relations among the various development actors.ince the UN published their standards and steps to a rights-based approach to development, many bilateral donor agencies, such as CIDA and DFID, and international NGOs such as CARE and Oxfam have taken similar steps.", "What is a Business Rules Approach? At the core of a business rules approach is the rule itself. There are a few concepts around a rule, such as decisions, rule. patterns, rule families, and rule clauses. A decision is simply a logical grouping of rules.", "Applied behavior analysis Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a scientific discipline concerned with developing techniques based on the principles of learning and applying these to change behavior of social significance. It is the applied form of behavior analysis; the other two forms are radical behaviorism (or the philosophy of the science) and the experimental analysis of behavior (or experimental research).", "- Issue 16 – January/February 2004. © Doug Macnamara & Banff Executive Leadership Inc. Improving Governance Performance. Rules-Based vs. Principles-Based Approaches. There is a debate raging in the Governance world these days about how to improve the level of Trust in our. communities regarding the Governance bodies of companies, charitable corporations, Aboriginal communities, professional associations, and more.", "Evidence-Based Guidelines Evidence-based guidelines, also called clinical practice guidelines, are systematically developed statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances (Institute of Medicine; 1990, p. 381; 2001, p. 1512).", "Accounting standards Setting Approach: principles-based vs rules based This essay discusses the principle based approach and rules based approach for accounting and critically examine the more appropriate standard of accounting. According to Bennet et al (2006) the difference between rules-based and principles-based standards is not clear and is subject to a variety of interpretations.", "What is RULE, n? What is RULE, n? 1. An established standard, guide, or regulation; a principle or regulation set up by authority, prescribing or directing action or forbearance; as, the rules of a legislative body, of a company, court, public office, of the law, of ethics.", "- Key notions of the business rules approach are presented succinctly by the BRG's Business Rules Manifesto. An extract from the Manifesto is presented here, to assist those new to the approach in positioning some of the central notions of the Business Rules Approach. core idea of the business rules approach is the following from the Manifesto: Rules build on facts, and facts build on concepts as expressed by terms. Terms express business concepts; facts make assertions about these concepts; rules constrain and support these facts..", "2. Strengths-.based Approach: Definition, History, Philosophy, Principles and Practice One of the principles of strengths-based approach is the notion of a client as the expert of his/her situation. While social work codes of ethics enshrine the dignity of the people practitioners work with, a dynamic in social work often exists of “us” and “them”–the “us”, the social workers, are the experts.", "- COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACH, COMPUTER MODELING, BEHAVIORAL MODELING, CAUSAL MODELING, DATA MODELING, UNIFIED MODELING LANGUAGE (UML), COMPETENCY, CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY, COMPETENCY BASED PAY, COMPETENCY CONVERGENCE.", "by Dawn Hendricks, Ph.D., Susan Palko, M.Ed. and Adam Dreyfus, MA, BCBA by Dawn Hendricks, Ph.D., Susan Palko, M.Ed. and Adam Dreyfus, MA, BCBA. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. ABA refers to a set of principles that focus on how behaviors change, or are affected by the environment, as well as how learning takes place. The term behavior refers to skills and actions needed to talk, play, and live.", "- Spiral approach See also spiral model, a software development approach. The spiral approach is a technique often used in teaching or textbooks where first the basic facts of a subject are learned, without worrying about details.", "Heuristic analysis Heuristic analysis is an expert based analysis that determines the susceptibility of a system towards particular threat/risk using various decision rules or weighing methods.MultiCriteria analysis (MCA) is one of the means of weighing.nother common method of heuristic analysis is for the anti-virus program to decompile the suspicious program, then analyze the source code contained within. The source code of the suspicious file is compared to the source code of known viruses and virus-like activities.", "An Introduction to Monetary Policy Rules A closer look, however, suggests that a rules-based approach is superior. 1 A good monetary policy rule specifies a plan of action which the central bank cannot later ignore, while discretion allows central bankers to react—and often overreact—to economic indicators as they see fit.", "3 Reasons Why Problem-centered Approach is a Better Way of Learning Problem-based learning can be referred to as an approach that enables learners to learn in the context of a real problem. A problem-based approach develops the problem solving skills of the participants while giving them insights into their current knowledge and the knowledge they need to develop. The core characteristics of problem-based learning can be listed as below: 1 a) Problem-based learning takes a student centric approach.", "Form-Based Codes Defined Form-Based Codes Defined. Form-Based Code. A form-based code is a land development regulation that fosters predictable built results and a high-quality public realm by using physical form (rather than separation of uses) as the organizing principle for the code. A form-based code is a regulation, not a mere guideline, adopted into city, town, or county law.", "Importance of the System Approach Principle The Systems Approach. The systems approach to management is a concept that regards an organization as comprising three purposively designed parts that are interconnected: input, process and output. The particular components of these three parts will depend on the nature of your business.", "Instructional Strategies Where direct instruction (see above) is a more deductive teaching method, guided inquiry is a more inductive method and therefore more like the “real world” with more variables and complexity. Variations of inquiry-based learning include the case method, problem-based learning, and project-based learning.", "Quality Improvement Plan Template The (Name of Clinic) approach to quality improvement is based on the following principles: 1 Customer Focus. High quality organizations focus on their internal and external customers and on meeting or exceeding needs and expectations. 2 Recovery-oriented.", "Evidence-based medicine The term evidence based medicine (no hyphen) was coined at McMaster Medical School in Canada in the 1980's to label this clinical learning strategy, which people at the school had been developing for over a decade.VIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE is defined as the process of systematically finding, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions. Evidence-based medicine asks questions, finds and appraises the relevant data, and harnesses that information for everyday clinical practice.", "Milestone-Based Process Model 1 Milestone-based approach The application development process is driven by external and internal milestones, which are checkpoints to guide the development process. Clear ownership and accountability The process model connects responsibility for each milestone to the project team roles.", "- A human rights based approach requires the recognition of rights as legally enforceable entitlements and is linked in to national and international human rights law.on-discrimination and equality. A human rights based approach means that all forms of discrimination in the realisation of rights must be prohibited, prevented and eliminated. It also requires the prioritisation of those in the most marginalised situations who face the biggest barriers to realising their rights." ]
[ 12.421875 ]
[ 8.8359375, 8.59375, 9.7265625, 8.671875, 8.390625, 11.2578125, 11.78125, 7.203125, 9.734375, 11.9296875, 8.3125, 11.671875, 8.9140625, 11.984375, 9.1328125, 10.75, 9.4609375, 9.125, 8.4140625, 8.0703125, 6.734375, 12.5390625, 9.484375, 9.0625, 8.21875, 8.3046875, 8.7890625, 7.49609375, 9.0078125, 9.125 ]
what causes a really thick stringy mucus
[ "Why Is There Mucus in My Stool? These conditions as well as other possible causes include: 1. Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects your GI tract. Early symptoms may include diarrhea or fatigue. 2. Cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that results in thick, sticky mucus. This mucus often builds up in your lung, pancreas, liver, or intestines. 3. Ulcerative colitis. Like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. It’s a chronic, or long-term, condition that causes inflammation in your large intestine or rectum. 4." ]
[ "Excess Mucus in Throat: Causes, Remedy for Excessive Mucus Cough 1 Allergies: 2 The most common causes for mucus in throat are allergies such as those caused by pollens, smoke, pollution and even by food, such as those resulting from lactose intolerance. 3 It can cause excessive mucus production by the mucus membrane.", "- The causes for excessive mucus in the stool include irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, according to About.com. Other causes for excessive mucus in the stool include anal fissures, bacterial infections, bowel obstruction or Crohn's disease.", "How to Quickly Fix Anxiety and Excessive Mucus Mucus buildup isn't dangerous, but it is irritating. It can cause you to feel like you're gagging or make breathing seem more difficult. Is Your Mucus From Anxiety? Anxiety is not the only cause of excessive mucus. Talk to your doctor to make sure your mucus is not caused by allergies or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Also, fill out my anxiety test to see if your extra mucus is likely to be a part of your anxiety symptoms, and to determine your anxiety severity score. Start the anxiety test here.", "How can you treat heavy mucous build-up? There are a number of causes for excessive mucous production, such as bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and sinusitis. There is a variety of treatments for mucous build-up, including home remedies, natural therapies and medication. The simplest treatment is drinking lots of water. Thick and dry mucous sticks to your airways and is hard to bring up. By staying well hydrated, you help to thin the mucous, making it easier to cough up.", "- The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Excessive mucus production. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Acute bronchitis. 2 Asthma. 3 Anaphylaxis. 4 Nasal polyps. 5 Tuberculosis. 6 Esophageal cancer. 7 COPD.", "- Main causes of thick, non-translucent, white mucus: 1 Drinking milk or other thick drinks can make originally clear mucus thick. Milk may cover the back of the throat, but milk itself does not cause mucus. In gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastric acid may back up from esophagus into the windpipe and throat.", "Mucus in throat causes, symptoms, and natural home remedies Causes of mucus in throat. If you’re wondering what causes mucus in your throat, well, here are 19 causes: Post-nasal drip: This is when mucus travels from the back of the nose down the throat. If post-nasal drip occurs after a meal, it could be a result of an allergy, sinusitis, or vasomotor rhinitis.", "\"\"\" Why do people wake up with a lot of mucus? \"\"\" Mucus is often produced because of inflammation in the sinuses, nose or airways. The most common cause of this every morning is because of an allergic reaction. Many people, even those without classic allergies, can have allergic symptoms. Common allergens include dust mites, pollen and dust.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Cause Of Thick Blood What is the cause of thick blood during menses and it is strechy? Normal.: Rising serum Estradiol concentrations result in gradual thickening of the uterine endometrium and an increase in the amount and stringiness (spinnbarkeit) of the cervical mucus. Many women are able to detect this change in mucus character.", "Excessive Thick Mucous in Throat-- HELP!!!andyrox Dec 26, 2004 I have a thick, clue, stringy mucus draining from my nose into my mouth and throat. When I swim or use a neti pot to wash it out, it comes out as a glob of clear, thick, sticky, slimy mucus with a creamy white suspension.", "Thick sticky mucus in my throat I have had the same problem for years and I was just recently (a few hours ago) laying in bed with my head propped up pushing up on the left side of my throat (problem side) trying to force some of the thick white stringy mucus out and I was successful in getting a very large amount of it out, although it came out from my right nostril.", "Causes of constant phlegm and suggestions to relieve excessive throat mucus Post Nasal Drip:Post nasal drip occurs when an excessive amount of mucus accumulation in the nose and throat creates phlegm and causes coughing. Phlegm seems to build up in the throat overnight, which leads to congestion in the morning.", "- Postnasal drip occurs when excess mucus accumulates in the back of the throat and creates the feeling of dripping mucus. The condition can lead to a chronic cough or a sore throat. The treatments for postnasal drip focus on the cause of the excess mucus, which may be an allergic reaction or non-allergic rhinitis.", "The Post-Nasal Drip Myth 1 Mucus too thick Infections can thicken mucus and often change its color from a normal white bubbly appearance to a yellow or green glob. 2 Most commonly a sinus infection can present as thick, yellow/green mucus that is making its way out of the sinuses and into your throat.", "- Too much mucus buildup in throat is most often due to excessive post nasal drip. 1 This can be caused by allergies, flu, and the common cold. Other causes include: 2 Strep throat. 3 Tonsillitis. 4 Laryngitis. 5 Mononucleosis. 6 Croup. 7 Smoking. 8 Air pollution. 9 Chemical Inhalants. 10 Pregnancy. 11 Anxiety.", "Causes of Excessive Vaginal Mucus Bacterial Vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is another type of vaginal infection that causes an increase in mucus secretions. The cause of this infection is the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria.", "Foods that Create and Eliminate Mucus Foods that create mucus: • Dairy – Dairy products like milk, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream are the primary source of mucus caused by food. Thick irritating phlegm is produced in your throat by these types of foods.It might also make the existing mucus thicker and harder.Use caution if you have milk allergies as milk is not easily digested. • Animal Products – Foods derived from animals like meat, poultry, and eggs can cause problems with mucus.hick irritating phlegm is produced in your throat by these types of foods. It might also make the existing mucus thicker and harder. Use caution if you have milk allergies as milk is not easily digested. • Animal Products – Foods derived from animals like meat, poultry, and eggs can cause problems with mucus.", "The Basics of Post-Nasal Drip Post-nasal drip may become worrisome if it is accompanied by symptoms such as persistent cough, severe stuffy nose, recurrent infections, blood tinged mucus, or voice changes. In severe or persistent cases of post-nasal drip, a patient may be referred to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, explains Dolan.It is more likely to be caused by the mucus becoming too thick or by irritation of your throat. In my experience, the three most common causes are allergy, gastric reflux, and medications that cause dryness.”. Here are some other common conditions that may cause post-nasal drip: 1 Cold or flu viruses. 2 Sinus infection.", "How to get rid of phlegm (excessive mucus) in throat? Detailed guide to medical and home remedies, symptoms and causes Mucus in the throat is usually a symptom of another condition such as asthma, nasal polyps, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc. Visit a doctor when mucus in throat begins to cause discomfort and/or when you do not feel well (have chills, fever, neurological symptoms, such as diziness or symptoms such as nausea, etc).", "What Is Postnasal Drip? When your body produces more mucus than usual or it’s thicker than normal, it becomes more noticeable. The excess can come out of the nostrils -- that’s a runny nose. When the mucus runs down the back of your nose to your throat, it's called postnasal drip. What Causes Postnasal Drip? The excess mucus that triggers it has many possible causes, including: Colds; Flu; Allergies, also called allergic postnasal drip", "How to get rid of phlegm (excessive mucus) in throat? Detailed guide to medical and home remedies, symptoms and causes Most cases of chronic rhinitis are caused due to allergies and the major symptom is mucus in the throat. Chronic rhinitis can affect you at any time of the year upon exposure to irritants or allergens such as house dust and mites. It is not triggered by seasonal allergens such as pollen, though.", "- The excess mucus production that triggers postnasal drip has a number of possible causes, including: 1 Colds. 2 Flu. 3 Allergies (called allergic postnasal drip). 4 Sinus infection or sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). 5 Object stuck in the nose (more common in children).", "- CF causes the body to produce an abnormally thick, sticky mucus due to the faulty transport of sodium and chloride (salt) within cells lining organs such as the lungs and pancreas to their outer surfaces. The thick CF mucus also obstructs the pancreas, preventing enzymes from reaching the intestines to help break down and digest food.", "Causes of constant phlegm and suggestions to relieve excessive throat mucus 1 Phlegm seems to build up in the throat overnight, which leads to congestion in the morning. Cold or Flu: During a cold or the flu, there is a production of clear, thin mucus in the nose and back of the throat. When the body starts to react to the virus, the once thin mucus thickens and turns yellow or green. This is one of the noticeable symptoms of the cold or flu virus.", "How to Clear the Throat of Mucus Post-nasal drip is when your body produces excess mucus, and the mucus runs down your throat instead of out your nose. Post-nasal drip can be caused by colds and allergies, certain medications (including medicines for hypertension), deviated septa, and fumes from irritants.", "Coughing Up Brown Mucus or Thick Dark Brown Phlegm in The Morning Causes. Why am I coughing up thick brown phlegm and spatum? The causes can range from serious and severe to less risky reasons. Smoking. It is considered one of the primary causes of coughing up brownish mucus, due to the combination of nicotine, tar, and resins that are accumulating in your lung and bronchial passages.", "What Are Some Treatments for Excessive Mucus in the Throat? Quick Answer. Treatments for excessive mucus in the throat, also known as post-nasal drip, include taking antihistamines and decongestants when the mucus is caused by viral infections or sinusitis and taking antibiotics for bacterial infections that cause the body to produce excess mucus, explains WebMD. People with excessive mucus can also use a humidifier or vaporizer to reduce dryness in the air, prop up pillows at night while sleeping or take mucus-thinning medications.", "- The ciliated cells has tiny hairs on it, called cilia, which sweep mucus, which is produced by goblet cells, up the airway. The mucus traps dirt particles and stop them from e … ntering the lungs and causing infection. Common Causes for a Thick Uterus Lining As part of the reproductive cycle in a woman of childbearing years, the uterine lining thickens each month in anticipation of a potential pregnancy. 2 When a pregnancy does not….", "Causes of constant phlegm and suggestions to relieve excessive throat mucus Most times we are not even aware that we swallow mucus. Symptoms of Throat Mucus & Phlegm. Coughing of Mucus & Phlegm; Throat Congestion; Shortness of Breath; What Causes Throat Mucus & Phlegm? Post Nasal Drip:Post nasal drip occurs when an excessive amount of mucus accumulation in the nose and throat creates phlegm and causes coughing. Phlegm seems to build up in the throat overnight, which leads to congestion in the morning.", "How to get rid of phlegm (excessive mucus) in throat? Detailed guide to medical and home remedies, symptoms and causes Causes of Excessive mucus production: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Excessive mucus production. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Acute bronchitis. 2 Asthma. 3 Anaphylaxis. 4 Nasal polyps. 5 Tuberculosis. 6 Esophageal cancer. 7 COPD." ]
[ 11.2734375 ]
[ 10.671875, 10.453125, 10.1796875, 10.59375, 10.890625, 11.9921875, 10.1796875, 10.453125, 10.640625, 11.4375, 11.4453125, 10.3515625, 10.7109375, 11.5078125, 10.890625, 10.234375, 8.9921875, 9.953125, 10.1015625, 10.2421875, 10.0546875, 10.7265625, 11.5078125, 10.6484375, 10.6171875, 10.671875, 10.1796875, 10.703125, 9.765625, 10.546875 ]
pan details by pan number
[ "- Pan Card Details. Pan Card stands for Permanent Account Number Card used in India. Pan Card is required for any kind of financial transaction in India. Pan Card includes Photo and 10 digit unique alphanumeric numbers for every individual. This Pan Card is issued by Govt. of India (through Tax Department or Ministry of Finance)." ]
[ "Extracting Material Purchase Order Text / Extracting Texts in SAP Example for Material PO Text you can see the following: Text Name: 000000000008591084 (this is the material number with leading zeroes) Language: EN (you can take log on language i.e. sy-langu) Text ID: BEST (ID for Material Master Purchase order text) Text Object: MATERIAL (Material texts, pur./storage) etc….etc..", "- Three calls of pan-pan are used in radiotelephone communications to signify that there is an urgency on board a boat, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle but that, for the time being at least, there is no immediate danger to anyone's life or to the vessel itself.", "- Your permanent account number (PAN) is a 10-digit alphanumeric number, which is used as your identity proof. It is used mainly for tax related purposes. The first five characters are letters from the English alphabet, the next four characters are numbers and the last character is also a letter.", "- Customer Care ; Phone (Consumer products) 1800 103 1333 / 1800 108 1333: Phone (Business products) 1800 419 0373: Email: [email protected]", "- Apply a NRI PAN card - Easily & Quickly. We have assisted over 1.5 Lakh NRIs Globally to get PAN cards, In Last 7 years. As per the new rules laid by the Government of India, PAN card number (permanent account number) is now compulsory for a NRI, OCI, PIO, Foreign citizen & Organization to carry financial or investment related transactions. a.", "- Search PAN number or verify pan details pan number name date of birth etc. Search pan is a service for searching pan card related details for pan verification. PAN Search is a very easy and quick service for find or verify the pan card holder details.", "Postal Index Number A Postal Index Number or PIN or Pincode is a code in the post office numbering or post code system used by India Post, the Indian postal administration. The code is six digits long.", "- BIN-Bank Identification Number, also known as the Issuer Identifier Number (IIN), refers to the first six digits of a payment card's Primary Account Number (PAN). The Bank Identification Number (BIN) provides information about the payment card being used and the bank that issued it. It provides a way to check if the issuing bank is in the same country as the geolocation and address information provided by the consumer.", "- Please follow the below steps to know your PAN number. 1 Please enter your date of birth and surname/last name in the box. 2 Enter the captcha code and click on submit button. 3 If there are multiple records by your name then please enter your father first name and surname in the box. Your PAN number will be displayed on the screen.", "Pantone Numbering Explained PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Coated or Uncoated. PANTONE FORMULA GUIDES and SOLID CHIPS contain 1,867 solid (spot) PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors for printing ink on paper. The majority of these colors are referred to using a three- or four-digit number followed by a C or U.", "Personal area network Personal area network. A personal area network (PAN) is a computer network used for data transmission amongst devices such as computers, telephones, tablets and personal digital assistants. PANs can be used for communication amongst the personal devices themselves (interpersonal communication), or for connecting to a higher level network and the Internet (an uplink) where one master device takes up the role as internet router.", "- Note: The table below is best viewed with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox in Desktop. 1 A - Appear. 2 S1 - Suikoden. 3 S2 - Suikoden II. 4 S3 - Suikoden III. 5 S4 - Suikoden IV. 6 Ta - Suikoden Tactics. 7 S5 - Suikoden V. 8 Ti - Suikoden Tierkreis. 9 TW - Suikoden The Woven Web of a Century.", "Non-assessee in Central Excise & Service Tax 5. System will generate 15 digit PAN based registration code like routine Central Excise/Service Tax Registration Code. **If the registration of Non-assessee is done to take refund or rebate, PAN must be ensured.", "Polyacrylonitrile Polyacrylonitrile (PAN), also known as Creslan 61, is a synthetic, semicrystalline organic polymer resin, with the linear formula (C 3 H 3 N) n. Though it is thermoplastic, it does not melt under normal conditions.or producing carbon fiber higher molecular weight is desired. In the production of carbon fibers containing 600 tex (6k) PAN tow, the linear density of filaments is 0.12 tex and the filament diameter is 11.6 µm which produces a carbon fiber that has the filament strength of 417 kgf/mm2 and binder content of 38.6%.", "KNOW YOUR PAN,VERIFY PAN,NAME BY PAN,PAN CARD STATUS ONLINE We have provided Seven tricks to verify pan to know pan details and related information including pan address ,all has been explained in detail wherever necessary,if you are not able to do the trick then fill form given at the end . CASE :1 Verify your pan ,check pan name by providing Pan Number.", "What is PAN and what you need to know about it? PAN helps the tax department to identify the person's transaction include tax payments, TDS/TCS credits, returns of income/wealth/gift/FBT, specified transactions, correspondence, and so on. Let's understand what the alpha numeric combinations in a PAN card stand for. Let's say the PAN card number is AFZPK7190K.", "Performance Assessment Network (PAN) I-9 Processing Performance Assessment Network (PAN) I-9 Processing. Academic Testing Center now offers I-9 processing through Performance Assessment Network (PAN). The I-9 form is used to document that each new employee (both citizen and non-citizen) is authorized to work in the United States. The Candidates will be scheduled in order to have the I-9 form verified by a proctor. Candidates will not use a computerized test station but rather work with the proctor to complete the form. Information to candidate. Candidates will schedule an appointment through PAN up tp 24 hours", "- Each page of the book shows 100 pairs of a Chinese character and a number in a 10×10 table. The most significant two digits of a code matches the page number, the next digit matches the row number, and the least significant digit matches the column number, with 1 being the column on the far right.", "PAN truncation PAN truncation is an anti-fraud measure available on some credit-card-processing point of sale (POS) terminals as part of a merchant account service. PAN is an acronym for primary account number, i.e., the card number on either a debit or a credit card. PAN truncation simply replaces the card number printed on a customer receipt with a printout of only the last four digits, the remainder being replaced usually by asterisks.", "Pantone Numbering Explained (example: PANTONE 185 CP, PANTONE 425 UP) This guide provides side-by-side printed comparisons of solid PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM Colors and their closest four-color process equivalent. The process simulation is identified by using the solid color's name or number, followed by CP for coated or UP for uncoated.", "- You can find AO codes from https://www.tin-nsdl.com. Status track: 1 You can track the pan application status for correction in PAN Card on nsdl website. 2 You have to enter the acknowledgement number or name and date of birth to know the status.3 You can view status by messaging ‘NSDLPAN15digit acknowledgement number’ to 57575.ou can find AO codes from https://www.tin-nsdl.com. Status track: 1 You can track the pan application status for correction in PAN Card on nsdl website. 2 You have to enter the acknowledgement number or name and date of birth to know the status.", "- It is a laminated card issued by the Indian Income Tax Department, that can be considered as a unique ID bearing a 10 digit alpha numeric permanent account number also known as PAN; which is now mandatory for Non residents & international organizations for carrying any kind of financial transaction in India.", "- 2, 5, 9, 10, 14 A) 8 B) 9 C) 10 D) 12 7. The number of police officers in selected city districts is listed below. Find the mode. 24, 26, 24, 30, 23, 28, 19, 31, 24, 26, 19 A) 23 B) 24 C) 26 D) 28 8. Find the mean, mode, median, and midrange for the following data set. 12, 15, 18, 18, 15, 22, 15, 30, 12 9., 5, 9, 10, 14 A) 8 B) 9 C) 10 D) 12 7. The number of police officers in selected city districts is listed below. Find the mode. 24, 26, 24, 30, 23, 28, 19, 31, 24, 26, 19 A) 23 B) 24 C) 26 D) 28 8. Find the mean, mode, median, and midrange for the following data set. 12, 15, 18, 18, 15, 22, 15, 30, 12 9.", "- One of the most vital documents that you need in India is the PAN card. It is a number associated with the Income Tax department of the country. It can simply be described as a ten digit alphanumeric code issued by the tax department in a laminated form called the PAN card.When you apply for a PAN number, the income tax department issues a PANcard to you.This laminated card bears certain vital information like your name, father’s name, your date of birth, your PAN number, your photograph and your signature.hat is a PAN Number? It is a 10 alphanumeric number known as Permanent Account Number (PAN) , issued in the form of a laminated card (PANCard) by the Income Tax Department of India. The government has made PAN mandatory to be quoted on the tax returns & all financial correspondence that you carry in India.", "Payment card number On rare occasions they are referred to as bank card numbers. The remaining numbers on the card are referred to as the primary account number or PAN. IINs and PANS have a certain level of internal structure and share a common numbering scheme. Bank card numbers are allocated in accordance with ISO/IEC 7812.", "- NOTES: 1 Exhibit numbers 0001 through 0064 were extracted from the Galileo Paradigm Book, Form #11.008 (OFFSITE LINK). 2 To cite an exhibit, cite it with EX in front of the number, and put leading zeros so the resulting number of the exhibit has five numeric digits. This makes the exhibits compatible with computer sorting and searching tools that we are in the process of developing.", "- Is it Necessary for NRIs to have a PAN Card? PAN is mandatory as per the Indian Income Tax Department. With effect from April 1, 2006, SEBI has also made PAN compulsory for all investors wanting to invest in India.ermanent Account Number (PAN) refers to a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued in the form of a laminated card, by the Income Tax Department in India.", "KNOW YOUR PAN,VERIFY PAN,NAME BY PAN,PAN CARD STATUS ONLINE If your Pan card is lost and wanted new Pan Card then read below link and check how to apply a new pan card or change pan data for already issued Pan Number. HOW TO GET NEW PAN CARD FOR OLD PAN/CORRECTION IN PAN DATA.", "- Pan Card Details. NSDL accepts PAN applications on behalf of Income Tax Department (since June 2004) through its chain of TIN-Facilitation Centres (TIN-FCs) and PAN centres set up across the country.Further, NSDL also provides a facility to apply for PAN over internet through its online facility.n case of application for allotment of PAN (Form 49A), a new PAN is allotted by ITD. NSDL prints the PAN card after allotment of PAN by ITD and dispatches the same along with an allotment letter to the respective applicant.", "- PAN-PAN. Pan-Pan is derived from the French word panne, which means failure or breakdown. Pan-Pan most often refers to a mechanical failure or breakdown of some kind. Pan-Pan. The international radio-telephony urgency signal." ]
[ 11.6328125 ]
[ 7.421875, 9.1171875, 11.28125, 8.484375, 9.2734375, 12.1328125, 8.2265625, 9.078125, 11.28125, 9.7265625, 9.5, 8.6796875, 8.8359375, 8.1484375, 11.3125, 10.2109375, 8.390625, 8.125, 9.9453125, 9.7890625, 10.046875, 10.515625, 8.9453125, 9.015625, 9.4140625, 8.1484375, 8.0078125, 9.9296875, 10.2734375, 8.6171875 ]
peak hours of insulin
[ "Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times A larger peak in activity at around 6 hours is usually associated with a shorter action time, and vice versa. Anyone who does not take their long-acting insulin at about the same time each day can also experience gaps and stacking of insulin with a single injection a day. Smaller doses are also often associated with greater insulin activity at 6 hours with less at 18 hours and beyond." ]
[ "- I've been taking two diffeent types of insulin (fast acting and a 24 hr. type that levels me out for a 24 hour period) for at least 8-10 years. I recently found that not only had I gained weight but my insulin use increased substantially (daily fast acting up to 70 units; evening insulin up at 62 units).", "Diabetes Treatment Duration - how long the insulin lasts in the body. Rapid Acting Insulin - Insulin Lispro, Insulin Aspart and Insulin Glulisine. Short Acting - Insulin Regular (R) is also known as Soluble Insulin. Insulin regular used to be manufactured from beef and pork pancreas but is now available as human recombinant insulin.", "Regular human insulin 50 IU) the rapidity of action tends to diminish, so it is recommended to split the dose in two separate injections (see also Pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of insulin absorption). Intravenous use After i.v. injection regular insulin has an immediate peak, with a plasma half-life of about ten minutes.", "- A typical regimen is 10 U of regular insulin and 50 mL of dextrose 50% in water (D50W).The onset of action is within 20-30 minutes, and the duration is variable, ranging from 2 to 6 hours. Continuous infusions of insulin and glucose-containing IV fluids can be used for prolonged effect.", "- Your doctor will work with you to find the type of insulin, the dose, and the timing of your. doses that are best for you. Here are the types of insulin and how each works: Fast-acting insulin. These types of insulin are designed to take care of the sugar a person eats. They include: Aspart — Starts to act in 5 to 15 minutes, peaks in 90 minutes, lasts 3 hours. Lispro — Starts to act in 5 to 15 minutes, peaks in 90 minutes, lasts 3 hours.", "- The mean time for acidosis correction (venous pH ≥ 7.3) in the insulin glargine group was shorter than the standard therapy group (12.4 ± 2.9 h and 17.1 ± 6.2 h respectively, p < 0.001). The insulin infusion time was shorter in the insulin glargine group (14.8 ± 6.0 h vs 24.4 ± 9.0 h, p < 0.001).", "Insulin A to Z: A Guide on Different Types of Insulin 1 Rapid-acting: Usually taken before a meal to cover the blood glucose elevation from eating. 2 This type of insulin is used with longer-acting insulin. 3 Short-acting: Usually taken about 30 minutes before a meal to cover the blood glucose elevation from eating. 4 This type of insulin is used with longer-acting insulin.", "What to Ask Your Doctor About Insulin 1 Its effects only last for 3 to 5 hours. 2 Regular- or short-acting insulin takes about 30 minutes to work and lasts up to 12 hours. Intermediate-acting insulin takes up to 4 hours to work fully. It peaks anywhere from 4 to 12 hour, and its effects can last for up to 24 hours.", "Blood Sugar Monitoring: When to Check and Why “Looking at normal physiology, blood sugar peaks after you eat,” Dr. Ganda says. “For a person who doesn’t have diabetes, the peak occurs at 45 minutes to an hour after the meal. With diabetes, you peak a little later, and two hours is the standardized amount of time for blood sugar to come back down. There’s no need to check at one hour, because it is hard to interpret the numbers.", "How insulin affects blood sugar Long-acting (basal) insulin. Long-acting insulin like Levemir® works to control blood sugar between meals and when you sleep. Long-acting insulin is taken once or twice daily at the same time each day (often with your evening meal or at bedtime) to help give you up to 24-hour blood sugar control.", "- 1 Short-acting: Usually taken about 30 minutes before a meal to cover the blood glucose elevation from eating. 2 This type of insulin is used with longer-acting insulin. 3 Intermediate-acting: Covers the blood glucose elevations when rapid-acting insulins stop working.", "Insulin Basics Types: Insulin glulisine (Apidra), insulin lispro (Humalog), and insulin aspart (NovoLog) Regular or Short-acting insulin usually reaches the bloodstream within 30 minutes after injection, peaks anywhere from 2 to 3 hours after injection, and is effective for approximately 3 to 6 hours.", "When Does Humulin Insulin Peak? Two activity peaks occur with this combination medication; one approximately two hours after injection from the regular insulin and a second lower peak approximately 10 hours after injection from the NPH insulin.", "What does an insulin's 'peak' mean? is that when blood sugar is likely to be lowest or highest? There is not a precise correlation between the peak blood level of insulin and the glucose level as the decline in glucose associated with peak insulin effect is somewhat delayed meaning that it takes time for the the insulin to work.t means when the insulin is having its strongest effect. When this occurs will be dependent on what type of insulin it is. Your blood sugar should be neither highest or lowest, but within the target range – assuming you're doing it right that is. Mr TEL · 5 years ago.", "Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times Long Acting Insulins. Though often thought of as being 24 hour insulins, Lantus and Levemir are actually 18 to 26 hour insulins. At least a third of all users do not get a full 24 hours of action from these insulins.", "- With basal insulin, there are three dosage options. Taking NPH at bedtime: This can be valuable because it peaks during the predawn hours when it’s needed most. Still, there are times when that peak is unpredictable, which results in high blood glucose levels during the daytime hours.", "Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times Humalog, Novolog and Apidra insulins currently give the best coverage for meals and help keep the glucose lower afterward. Their glucose lowering activity starts to work about 20 minutes after they are taken, with a gradual rise in activity over the next 1.75 to 2.25 hours. Their activity gradually falls over the next 3 hours with about 5 to 6 hours of activity being common with these insulins. Although “insulin action times” are often quoted as 3-5 hours, the actual duration of insulin action is typically 5 hours or more. See our article Duration of Insulin Action for more information on this important topic.", "Long-Acting Insulin: How It Works Intermediate-acting insulin: The intermediate type takes one to three hours to start working. It peaks in eight hours and works for 12 to 16 hours. Long-acting insulin: This type takes the longest amount of time to start working. The insulin can take up to 4 hours to get into your bloodstream. Pre-mixed: This is a combination of two different types of insulin: one that controls blood sugar at meals and another that controls blood sugar between meals.", "Insulin Basics 1 There are different types of insulin depending on how quickly they work, when they peak, and how long they last. 2 Insulin is available in different strengths; the most common is U-100. 3 All insulin available in the United States is manufactured in a laboratory, but animal insulin can still be imported for personal use.", "Long-Acting Insulin: How It Works Long-acting insulins don’t peak like short-acting insulins — they can control blood sugar for an entire day. This is similar to the action of insulin normally produced by your pancreas to help control blood sugar levels between meals. Long-acting insulins are also called basal or background insulins.", "Basal Insulins Lantus® insulin (glargine) made by Sanofi-Aventis is promoted as a once a day background insulin. However, many users find that it does not last a full 24 hours for them and these users often notice a peak in activity about 6-8 hours after the injection.", "- The duration of action of insulin lispro protamine suspension is between 16 and 18 hours. Nitrous oxide has an onset of action of 3-5 minutes, with a duration of action of 3-5 minutes. Because its duration of action is very short, there's very little continued production of insulin and less risk of hypoglycemia.", "How long does it take for Humulin to work? It has a peak effect 4-12 hours after injection, and a duration of action of 18-26 hours. Lente insulin also is an insulin with an intermediate duration of action. It has an onset of action 2-4 hours after injection, a peak activity 6-12 hours after injection, and a duration of action of 18 to 26 hours.", "Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times Their activity gradually falls over the next 3 hours with about 5 to 6 hours of activity being common with these insulins. Although “insulin action times” are often quoted as 3-5 hours, the actual duration of insulin action is typically 5 hours or more.", "Types of Insulin Rapid Acting Insulin Analogs (Insulin Aspart, insulin Lyspro, Insulin Glulisine) which have an onset of action of 5 to 15 minutes, peak effect in 1 to 2 hours and duration of action that lasts 4-6 hours.", "Type 2 Diabetes: How Long Does It Take for Insulin to Work? It has a peak time of eight hours and is still effective for 12 to 24 hours. Examples of intermediate-acting insulin include Novolin N and Humulin N. Long-acting: It begins working around four hours after injection and it has the ability to work for up to 24 hours. These insulins do not peak but are steady throughout the day. Examples of long-acting insulin including glargine (Lantus) and detemir (Levemir). Inhaled insulin: A new type of insulin was introduced in 2015. It’s fast-acting and starts to work 12 to 15 minutes after inhalation. However, it only has a peak time of 30 minutes and is only effective for 180 minutes. Inhaled insulin like Afrezza should be taken in combination with long-acting insulin. Factors that affect the absorption of insulin", "What are the types of basal insulin for diabetes? A American Diabetes Association answered. There are two types of basal insulin people with diabetes could take: - Intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) takes 2 to 4 hours to reach the blood.It works hardest from 4 to 10 hours after your shot and lasts 10 to 16 hours. - Long-acting insulin (Detemir or Glargine) starts working several hours after your shot.here are two types of basal insulin people with diabetes could take: - Intermediate-acting insulin (NPH) takes 2 to 4 hours to reach the blood.", "Types of Insulin for Diabetes Treatment Afrezza, a rapid-acting inhaled insulin, is FDA-approved for use before meals for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The drug peaks in your blood in about 15-20 minutes and it clears your body in 2-3 hours. It must be used along with long-acting insulin in people with type 1 diabetes.", "What to Ask Your Doctor About Insulin Rapid-acting insulin starts to work within 30 minutes after injection. Its effects only last for 3 to 5 hours. Regular- or short-acting insulin takes about 30 minutes to work and lasts up to 12 hours. Intermediate-acting insulin takes up to 4 hours to work fully. It peaks anywhere from 4 to 12 hour, and its effects can last for up to 24 hours.", "Types of Insulin for Diabetes Treatment Lifestyle choices. The type of food you eat, how much alcohol you drink, or how much exercise you get will all affect how your body uses insulin. Afrezza, a rapid-acting inhaled insulin, is FDA-approved for use before meals for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The drug peaks in your blood in about 15-20 minutes and it clears your body in 2-3 hours. It must be used along with long-acting insulin in people with type 1 diabetes." ]
[ 12.2109375 ]
[ 9.8046875, 9.7578125, 10.9921875, 9.59375, 10.734375, 9.5625, 10.359375, 11.84375, 10.125, 10.078125, 10.4140625, 11.5859375, 12.3203125, 9.9140625, 11.4375, 11.5078125, 11.1640625, 11.078125, 10.921875, 10.6953125, 11.8203125, 9.578125, 11.296875, 11.59375, 11.7265625, 10.6484375, 8.6171875, 11.3046875, 11.1796875, 10.875 ]
what county is toledo ohio in?
[ "Lucas County, Ohio Lucas County is a county located in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 441,815. Its county seat is Toledo. The county was named for Robert Lucas, 12th governor of Ohio, in 1835 during his second term. Its establishment provoked the Toledo War conflict with the Michigan Territory. Lucas County is part of the Toledo, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area." ]
[ "Toledo, Ohio The population of Toledo as of the 2010 Census was 287,208, making it the 67th-largest city in the United States. The Toledo metropolitan area had a population of 651,429, and was the sixth-largest metropolitan area in the state of Ohio, behind Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Akron.", "Monroe County, Ohio Free Public Records Directory Find Public Records in Portage County, Ohio. This page lists public record sources in Portage County, Ohio. Additional resources can be found on our Ohio State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Recommend a link for this page. Portage County, Ohio - General County Info.", "Stark County, Ohio Stark County is a county located in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 375,586. Its county seat is Canton. The county was created in 1808 and organized the next year. It is named for John Stark, an officer in the American Revolutionary War.", "Lima, Ohio Lima (/ˈlaɪmə/ LY-mə) is a city in and the county seat of Allen County, Ohio, United States. The municipality is located in northwestern Ohio along Interstate 75 approximately 72 miles (116 km) north of Dayton and 78 miles (126 km) south-southwest of Toledo. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 38,771. It is the principal city of and is included in the Lima, Ohio Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Lima-Van Wert–Wapakoneta, Ohio, Combined Statistical Area. Lima was founded in 1831. The Lima Army Tank Plant, built in 1941, is the sole producer of the M1 Abrams.", "Euclid Euclid is a city in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States. It is part of the Greater Cleveland Metropolitan Area, and borders Cleveland. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 48,920. In 2009, Euclid celebrated its bicentennial. The city was named after Euclid, the Greek mathematician.", "Summit County, Ohio Summit County is an urban county in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 541,781 making it the fourth-most populous county in Ohio. Its county seat is Akron. The county was formed on March 3, 1840, from portions of Medina, Portage and Stark Counties. It was named Summit County because the highest elevation on the Ohio and Erie Canal is located in the county. Summit County is part of the Akron, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Cleveland-Akron-Canton, OH Combined Statistical Area.", "Marietta, Ohio Marietta is a city in and the county seat of Washington County, Ohio, United States. located in southeastern Ohio at the mouth of the Muskingum River at its confluence with the Ohio River.", "Sylvania, Ohio Sylvania is a city in Lucas County, Ohio, United States. The population was 18,971 at the 2010 census. Sylvania is a suburb of Toledo. Its northern border is the southern border of the State of Michigan.", "Hamilton County, Ohio Hamilton County is a county located in the southwest corner of the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 802,374. making it the third-most populous county in Ohio. The county seat is Cincinnati. The county is named for the first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.", "Waterville Each branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library is home to a public meeting room that is available free of charge. These rooms, in fulfillment of our mission are available for educational, instructional, or civic programs when library programs are not scheduled. To request a room, call 419.878.3055.", "- Amherst is a city in Lorain County, Ohio, United States. The population was 12,021 at the 2010 census.", "- Doing Business with the Library. The Toledo Lucas County Public Library purchases goods and services for ongoing operations. It also employs general contractors to build and renovate its various facilities.", "Batavia, Ohio Batavia, Ohio. Batavia (/bəˈteɪviə/ buh-TAY-vee-uh) is a village in and the county seat of Clermont County, Ohio, United States. The population was 1,509 at the 2010 census.", "- Friends of Lucas County Seniors · September 23, 2014 · You are invited to meet us at the Original Tony Packo’s on the East Side at 1902 Front Street, Toledo, Ohio, tomorrow for a great meal and to support Senior Citizens.", "Findlay Sponsored Topics. Findlay is a city in Hancock County, Ohio, United States. Findlay serves as the county seat. The city metro area is often referred as The Greater Findlay Area. Located in northwestern Ohio, Findlay lies approximately 50 miles (80 km) south of Toledo. The population was 38,967 at the 2000 census.", "Lima, Ohio Lima, Ohio. Lima (/ˈlaɪmə/ LY-mə) is a city in and the county seat of Allen County, Ohio, United States. The municipality is located in northwestern Ohio along Interstate 75 approximately 72 miles (116 km) north of Dayton and 78 miles (126 km) south-southwest of Toledo.", "Waterville Meeting Spaces. Each branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library is home to a public meeting room that is available free of charge. These rooms, in fulfillment of our mission are available for educational, instructional, or civic programs when library programs are not scheduled.", "Campbell Sponsored Topics. Campbell is a city in Mahoning County, Ohio, United States. The population was 8,235 at the 2010 census. Residents generally pronounce the city's name as camel /kæməl/, with a silent PB. Campbell is served by a branch of the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County.", "Marietta Marietta, OH. Online Offers. Marietta is a city in and the county seat of Washington County, Ohio, United States. During 1788, pioneers to the Ohio Country established Marietta as the first permanent American settlement of the new United States in the Northwest Territory. Marietta is located in southeastern Ohio at the mouth of the Muskingum River at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum rivers.", "- City of Toledo at (419) 936-2338 or City of Oregon at (419) 698-7039. 4. Who do I call if I suspect that there is a water main break or sanitary sewer plugged? If it is due to a water main / sanitary sewer within the right of way contact the Lucas County Sanitary Engineer's office at (419) 213-2926. We have 24 hour per day, seven days per week phone access to our employees via our office during normal working hours and an answering service after hours.", "- Toledo Airport provides commercial air services. -----------------------------------------------------------. Disclaimer: The Sandusky County Commissioners maintain this Web site to enhance public access to the County's information. This is a service that is continually under development. We will make every effort.", "Monroe County, Ohio Monroe County is a county located in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,642, making it the second-least populous county in Ohio. Its county seat is Woodsfield. The county was created in 1813 and later organized in 1815.", "- Cincinnati (/sɪnsɨˈnaeti/ sɪnsɨˈnæti-sin-SI-nat) ee is a city in and the county seat Of Hamilton, County, Ohio United. States it is the-third largest city In ohio and the-65th largest city in The United. States it had a population 296,945 296945 at the 2010. census", "Vincent, Ohio Vincent, Ohio. Vincent is a census-designated place in southern Barlow Township, Washington County, Ohio, United States. Although it is unincorporated, it has a post office, with the ZIP code of 45784.", "Warren, Ohio Not to be confused with Warren County, Ohio. Warren is a city in and the county seat of Trumbull County, Ohio, United States. The municipality is located in northeastern Ohio, approximately 14 miles (23 km) northwest of Youngstown and 15 miles (24 km) west of the Pennsylvania state line. The population was 41,557 at the 2010 census. Warren is part of the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Jackson, Ohio Jackson, Ohio. Jackson is a city in and the county seat of Jackson County, Ohio, United States. The population was 6,397 at the 2010 census.", "Vincent Vincent, OH. Sponsored Topics. Vincent is an unincorporated community in southern Barlow Township, Washington County, Ohio, United States. Although it is unincorporated, it has a post office, with the ZIP code of 45784.", "- Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Toledo, Ohio in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in Ohio.", "- United States Ohio Cuyahoga County, OH Cleveland-Elyria, OH Metro Area Cuyahoga County--Olmsted Township, Bay Village, North Olmsted & Westlake Cities PUMA. The Census Bureau collects occupation, wage, and industry data over time using the American Community Survey in Olmsted Falls, OH.", "Toledo, Ohio Toledo is in northwest Ohio, at the western end of Lake Erie bordering the state of Michigan. The city was founded by United States citizens in 1833 on the west bank of the Maumee River, and originally incorporated as part of Monroe County, Michigan Territory." ]
[ 12.8203125 ]
[ 10.8359375, 9.1875, 8.921875, 8.8671875, 8.140625, 8.6171875, 8.0546875, 9.890625, 8.90625, 12.2578125, 8.6328125, 12.296875, 8.0390625, 11.890625, 9.203125, 9.296875, 11.9453125, 8.21875, 8.1328125, 11.5546875, 10.6328125, 9.8203125, 9.2890625, 8.3515625, 8.1953125, 8.03125, 8.2578125, 10.40625, 8.6484375, 12.3046875 ]
what is in the feed that you feed to chickens
[ "Feeding Your Chickens or Laying Hens To sum up: bugs, worms, seeds, weeds, grasses, and even rodents. Typically, backyard and small farm chickens also eat food scraps from the farm household - basically anything besides beans, garlic, raw potatoes, onions, and citrus. You can feed them beans, garlic, and onions but the eggs might taste funky. Raw potatoes can be poisonous to chickens.", "What To Feed Your Chickens I’ve seen a chicken snatch a toad by it’s leg and all of the other hens go in a raucous chase after it, only, at the end to discover that a toad is not good eating. Chickens also eat less exciting foods, like vegetables, fruits, flowers and grass. They eat grains and seeds. They scratch the ground and find bugs and specks of things that we can’t see. So, the question isn’t really what chickens eat, but what the right diet is for them. In the 19th century most chickens were barnyard scavengers. They hatched out under their mamas and were taught to look for grain in the horse stalls, and for bugs and greens in the garden." ]
[ "What Do Chickens Eat? Feeding and Types of Chickens. What do chickens eat depends significantly on the types of chickens you are feeding, and whether you are raising chickens for eggs, or growing chickens for meat. As this table shows, growing chicks have high protein requirements, and those being grown commercially for meat need the most.", "- Moldy food poisons chickens and should never be fed to them. Premixed nutritionally-balanced food is available in bulk (e.g. 50 lbs), or you can make your own by mixing together chicken scratch (whole wheat & cracked corn sold in bulk at feed stores) and a good selection of wild bird food.", "What do chickens eat? After 18 weeks of age, your laying hens are ready to move to the last stage, laying ration. Layer comes in two options, crumble or pellet, and will be the feed for your chicken for the rest of its life. The nutrition value that comes from this feed will be everything that your hen needs to produce eggs for you.", "Chicken Feed: How to Feed Chickens Chickens require protein to produce feathers and eggs as well as to grow. The amount of protein in their diet is important and you will see on the ingredients on the back of bags of commercial feeds the percentage of protein that they contain.n days gone by, pure breeds were kept for eggs and they were fed grain mixes or dried mash chicken feed that had meat or fish meal added to increase the protein content. Hens would free range over a large area and could also suppliment their diet with what they could forage.", "What Can I Feed My Chickens? 1 Here is the short answer, in addition to chicken food, and scratch: Almost anything. 2 Here is the long answer for inquiring minds: Chickens love table scraps and can eat almost anything you eat and are a wonderful addition to a self-reliant, self sufficient lifestyle taking care of table and garden scraps throughout the year.", "What Can I Feed My Chickens? Eggs: Hard cooked and scrambled are a good source of protein, and a favorite treat. Feed cooked eggs only because you don't want your chickens to start eating their own raw eggs. Eggplant: Fruit ok in moderation, avoid peels. Eggplants are in the nightshade family and contain Solanine.", "Feeding Chickens Supplements Riboflavin. This is one of the B vitamins and is often deficient in normal poultry feeds. If you are a breeder, deficiency of this vitamin causes embryo death during the early stages of incubation. This important vitamin is found in dairy products, yeast, liver, and plenty of leafy green vegetables.alcium. Your layer hens need calcium to form strong, sturdy eggshells. Hens who don’t get enough calcium lay thin-shelled eggs, or eggs with no shell at all! The amount of calcium a hen needs varies with her age, diet, health, breed, and size.", "- Chickens on commercial farms eat commercial chicken feed which is a mixture of grains (mostly corn) and protein feeds. However, for better tasting, nutritionally superior eggs plus happier chickens, chickens should only eat their natural foods and run loose in grassy fields.", "Abstract The potential of the poultry feed tree in animal nutrition. The seeds of the poultry feed tree, Croton megalocarpus Hutch. (Euphorbiaceae), are reportedly eaten by birds and squirrels (Noad & Birnie 1989) and can be used for poultry (Nicholson 1992).These seeds contain oil and protein, believed to be 30 and 50% respectively (Teel 1994).Analysis at the EATEC laboratories in Eldoret, however, showed an average of 32% oil and 18% protein.or example, a major problem arises when scarce foreign exchange has to be used to import poultry food, and to a lesser extent, vaccines and drugs. To produce 1 kg of broiler carcass requires 2-3 kg of a balanced feed, while a laying bird requires up to 50 kg of a similar diet over a year.", "- CHICKEN FEED:Protein Protein is of prime concern in feeding chickens, since the lose a huge proportion of their own protein when they produce an egg. The info on this page allows you to blend feed with confidence that the protein levels are optimum.se about 1 cup of this special feed per fifteen hens for a protein and TLC addition to your gals' lives. NOTE: The trypsin in all beans is toxic to the lining of the birds' intestines. It can scar their intestines, making them less able to absorb their food.", "Poultry Package Currently, I have over 200 birds that provide eggs and meat to our homestead. So many times I'm asked what I grow to feed our birds. Well, I have put together a useful package of seed for all our fine feathered friends. Grow these greens/grains and learn how to feed your own chickens and other fowl. Never rely on GMO corn/soy based poultry feed again. Never pay $18 a bag for poultry feed when you can grow your own! No matter what happens to oil prices you do not have to be at the mercy of big oil when you grow your own! Don't forget chicken manure is THE organic fertilizer to have in the garden. Nothing is richer or works faster as far as I'm concerned.", "Backyard chicken basics Scratch-cracked corn and oats are a nice treat for the chickens that does not supply all their nutritional needs, but is fine in moderation. Feed consumption may increase in the winter when burning more calories, and decrease in the heat of the summer.", "- How to Feed Chickens. Now that you know what to feed chickens, you need to know the best way to do it. A typical chicken feeder is a large cannister with a shallow pan at the bottom. You fill up the cannister with your chicken feed pellets, and they pour through into the pan for your chickens.", "What Can I Feed My Chickens? 1 Corn on Cob and Canned: Raw and cooked. 2 Crickets, meal worms, maggots, earth worms, etc: Can be bought as fishing bait, at pet-supply stores or you can raise them yourself. Great treats, provides protein and its fun to watch the chickens catch them. Cucumbers: Let mature for yummy seeds and flesh, peels are good too.", "- Feeding Chickens. 1 Knowing what to feed chickens can be a bit of a mystery to anyone not familiar with raising chickens. If you're going to start a backyard flock, you need to know what chickens eat. 2 To learn more about what to feed your chickens and what food to avoid, get the free ebook with the chicken coop plans.", "Toxic Treats! What NOT to Feed your Chickens That said, here are some foods that should NOT be fed to your chickens:T. No avocado flesh, pits or skins which contain the toxin persin, and according to the Merck Veterinary Manual: Ingestion of avocado has been associated with myocardial necrosis in mammals and birds.", "- USAGE OF NPN COMPOUNDS TO FEED SHEEP. Poultry manure can be fed to sheep as it can be fed to beef cattle and like it can be added to other mixed food in dry, flour form, it can also be pelleted to other food and provided to the animals for consumption (Qureshi, 1991).n the research to understand the effects of the silages prepared with different feeding materials and different ratios of poultry manure on live weight gain and food consumption of beef cattle, poultry manure was ensilaged by adding it to sawdust by 33%, to sugar beet pulp by 27% and to wheat straw by 42%.", "- 17 Contributions. Yes you can feed chicken to chickens. As long as it is cooked they will not be able to recognize the taste of the cooked chicken to an other member of the flock. Eggs are also… okay to give to chickens but they must be cooked and cracked so they are not recognizable as what they lay.", "Food Scraps for Chicken Feed You can your wean your chickens off grain and produce more nutritious eggs by feeding your chickens on food scraps and compost.This video talks you through the things to think about in order to feed food scraps to your chickens effectively.ou can your wean your chickens off grain and produce more nutritious eggs by feeding your chickens on food scraps and compost.", "Feeding Chickens Feeding chickens any other ingredients, mixed with the feed or fed separately, upsets the balance of nutrients in the complete feed. Feeding additional grain or supplement with the complete poultry feed is not recommended .For supplements added to feed click here. Supplement mistakes: Using the wrong medication.", "Homemade chicken feed-The ingredients to add in your Diy poultry feed It would help you in getting best nutritional value for chicken and help you make your own chicken feed. You must have: 8 cups of organic soft white wheat. 8 cups of organic red wheat. 6 cups of organic corns. 12 cups of organic oats. 4 cups of lentils (organic)", "Providing Natural Poultry Feed what chickens would eat in the wild: green plants, wild seeds and animal foods, such as earthworms and insects — all fresher and more nutritious than anything you can buy in a bag. Imagine feeding as a spectrum: On one end is a completely confined flock, eating exclusively what we offer them.", "How to Choose Commercial Chicken Feed Starter rations for chicks. The ration for layer-breed chicks, usually called starter rations, should be 20 percent protein. From the time they start eating, meat chicks need a high protein feed of about 22 to 24 percent protein for the first six weeks.", "Feeding Your Chickens or Laying Hens Typically, backyard and small farm chickens also eat food scraps from the farm household-basically anything besides beans, garlic, raw potatoes, onions, and citrus.You can feed them beans, garlic and onions but the eggs might taste funky.Raw potatoes can be poisonous to chickens.ypically, backyard and small farm chickens also eat food scraps from the farm household-basically anything besides beans, garlic, raw potatoes, onions, and citrus.", "A Guide to Feeding Hens However, don’t feed your hens too much scratch — limit it to 10 percent of your backyard chickens’ diet — as too much grain supplementation can throw their diet off balance and affect egg production. Grit: Your backyard chickens need grit to help grind up their feed.hen shopping for chicken feed, choose a high-protein feed that’s been labeled for use on egg layers. Other chicken feeds, such as those labeled for broilers (i.e., meat birds), will not contain a sufficient ratio of ingredients to encourage high egg production.", "Organic Homemade Chicken Feed. In addition to our homemade grain mixture, I also supplement our chickens with all of our kitchen scraps (things like carrot peelings, stale bread, or old greens) and a few large armfuls of weeds each day. They love to eat the tender leaves off the wildflowers and weeds that grow around here.", "What NOT to Feed Chickens: 7 Things to Avoid However our chickens can be depended upon to eat pretty much everything–especially veggie trimmings or leftover dairy items (like whey or yogurt), which is fabulous considering it cuts down on the chicken feed bill. I keep a bucket right on my kitchen counter and continually toss scraps in it while I’m cooking.", "How often do I have to feed my chickens? I leave the feed out all day. I ensure they have their layers mash/meal/pellets mixed with grit in the mornings and if I have any treats for them, I tend to give these in an afternoon as I know then that they've had the required nutrients from their staple feed.Chickens should always have access to feed, water, grit and room to forage and roam. have 6 hens. I feed them in the morning, grains, veggies or fruit, crushed oyster shell and grit. In the mid-afternoon I feed them scratch (corn) to keep them warm through the night. And of course, always fresh water with a garlic clove in it to keep them free of parasites.", "What do you feed baby chicks? Chicken starter can be purchased from your local stock feed store which has been formulated for feeding to baby chickens. If you need to feed the baby chicks something until… you get to the feed store, you can feed them cooled boiled eggs.", "Chicken Food Your Chickens Will Love! Apples: You can give them applesauce or fresh juicy apples. Yes the seeds do contain cyanide, but the amounts are small, don't worry. Bananas: I give my chickens a piece of banana, the first one to get it picks up the whole piece and runs away to eat it by their self. They love Bananas." ]
[ 11.6171875, 10.8828125 ]
[ 10.3984375, 10.71875, 10.9765625, 10.8125, 11.7109375, 11.546875, 9.4296875, 11.0703125, 7.02734375, 9.8125, 10.1953125, 11.3125, 11.484375, 12.1171875, 10.96875, 10.515625, 7.0703125, 9.6171875, 10.4765625, 10.9921875, 11.2109375, 11.7890625, 10.4921875, 10.1015625, 10.1015625, 11.3203125, 11.1796875, 9.375, 10.9296875, 10.78125 ]
what is a globes four major spheres
[ "- Quick Answer. The four spheres of the Earth are the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere. Each of these spheres is considered by scientists as interconnected in a greater geosphere that harbors all terrestrial life and materials." ]
[ "azimuth A great circle is a type of geodesic that lies on a sphere. It is the intersection of the surface of a sphere with a plane passing through the center of the sphere. For great circles, the azimuth is calculated at the starting point of the great circle path, where it crosses the meridian.", "Geosphere The geosphere may be taken as the collective name for the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere. In Aristotelian physics, the term was applied to four spherical natural places, concentrically nested around the center of the Earth, as described in the lectures Physica and Meteorologica.", "- There are many spheres, like biosphere, geosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere. The geosphere is the earth itself, the rock,sand,lava etc.", "Map of The Worlds Hemispheres In addition, all countries west of the Prime Meridian are in the Western Hemisphere while those east of the Prime Meridian are in the Eastern Hemisphere.Generally the Eastern Hemisphere includes most of Africa, about half of Antarctica, all of Asia and Australia/Oceania, and most of Europe.The Western Hemisphere includes about half of Antarctica and all of North and South America, which includes the Caribbean, Central America and Greenland.he red vertical imaginary line called the Prime Meridian, at 0º degrees longitude, and its twin line of longitude, opposite the Prime Meridian at 180º longitude, divides the earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.", "Which Continent Lies in All Four Hemispheres? The Eastern Hemisphere is found east of the Prime Meridian and west of the antemeridian. The Only Continent That Can Be Found in All Four Hemispheres. While several of the world’s continents are traversed by the separation between two hemispheres, there is only one continent in the world that lies in all four hemispheres: Africa.", "Which Continent Lies in All Four Hemispheres? The Western Hemisphere occupies the geographic space west of the prime meridian and east of the antemeridian which lies at 180 degrees longitude. The Eastern Hemisphere is found east of the Prime Meridian and west of the antemeridian. The Only Continent That Can Be Found in All Four Hemispheres While several of the world’s continents are traversed by the separation between two hemispheres, there is only one continent in the world that lies in all four hemispheres: Africa.", "In a celestial coordinate system, are the ordinary cardinal points (north, south, west and east) ever used? A great circle is a circle drawn on the celestial sphere (or any sphere) which has the center of the Earth as its center. On the Earth, the equator is an example of a great circle. Other lines of latitude are not great circles because their center is not at the center of Earth.", "- The four stars each represent major historiical events. 1 The First Star represents Fort Dearborn. 2 The Second Star represents the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. 3 The Third Star represents the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. The Fourth Star represents the 1933-1934 Century of Progress Exposition.", "- While one could certainly argue over what branches are major and which are more minor, in general the four major branches of earth science are: Astronomy. Geology. Oceanography. Meteorology. Some argue that climatology and environmental science are also major branches and some include climatology with meteorology .", "- Earth is one large planet, but it can be divided into four main spheres, which get their names from Greek words. The geosphere is all of the rock, land and minerals on Earth, and you can remember this because 'geo' means 'ground.' The hydrosphere is all of the water on Earth, which makes sense since 'hydro' means 'water.'", "Definitions &Translations The Antarctic Circle is one of the five major circles (or parallels) of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. As of 21 October 2015, it runs 66°33′45.9″ south of the Equator.", "What Are Longitudes and Latitudes? In addition to the Equator, there are four other major latitudes that are usually found on maps and globes. 1 The Arctic Circle is the latitude 66° 34′ North. All locations falling North of this latitude are said to be in the Arctic Circle. 2 The latitude 23° 26′ North is also known as the Tropic of Cancer.", "- 1. the great circle on a sphere or heavenly body whose plane is perpendicular to the axis and everywhere equidistant from the poles. 2. the great circle of the earth that is equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole. 3. a circle separating a surface into two congruent parts. 4. celestial equator.. 1. (Physical Geography) the great circle of the earth with a latitude of 0°, lying equidistant from the poles; dividing the N and S hemispheres. 2. (Mathematics) a circle dividing a sphere or other surface into two equal symmetrical parts. 3. (General Physics) See magnetic equator.", "Geosphere There are several conflicting definitions for geosphere. The geosphere may be taken as the collective name for the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere.In Aristotelian physics, the term was applied to four spherical natural places, concentrically nested around the center of the Earth, as described in the lectures Physica and Meteorologica.here are several conflicting definitions for geosphere. The geosphere may be taken as the collective name for the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere.", "The Four Spheres of Earth: Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Atmosphere The continents, the ocean floor, all of the rocks on the surface, and all of the sand in the deserts are all considered part of the geosphere. Basically, if it looks like solid ground, it's part of the 'ground' sphere.", "- Everything in Earth's system can be placed into one of four major subsystems: land, water, living things, or air. These four subsystems are called spheres.. Specifically, they are the lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), biosphere (living things), and atmosphere (air). Each of these four spheres can be further divided into sub-spheres. To keep things simple in this module, there will be no distinction among the sub-spheres of any of the four major spheres. Lithosphere The lithosphere contains all of the cold, hard solid land of the planet's crust (surface), the semi-solid land underneath the crust, and the liquid land near the center of the planet.", "The Four Spheres of Earth: Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Atmosphere Most of Earth's water is salty and in the oceans - about 97%. Two-thirds of the remaining 3% is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. Only 1% of the hydrosphere is liquid freshwater, and even most of this exists as groundwater down in the soil.", "What four continents are partly in the western hemisphere and partly in the eastern hemisphere? What four continents are partly in the western and eastern hemisphere? There are only three continents that span the Western and Eastern Hemispheres: Europe, Africa, and Antarctica. Edit", "- Figure 1 The view from space shows that water. covers most of Earth’s surface. Energy and matter are cycled through and between. the spheres. These four spheres make up the Earth. system. The cycling of matter and energy in the. Earth system makes life on Earth possible.", "- 1 great circle-Any circle on the surface of a sphere that lies on a plane through its center, or a circle that divides into two equal parts—as the Equator.", "What Are the Four Hemispheres? The United States is located in both the Northern and Western hemispheres. The Equator divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres while the Prime Meridian divides the Earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres. Continue Reading.", "Which Continent Lies in All Four Hemispheres? This geography fact also means that Africa is the only continent to have land both at the Equator and the Prime Meridian. These two maps show how the continent of Africa lies in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the Western and Eastern Hemispheres.", "Southern Hemisphere It contains all or parts of five continents (Antarctica, Australia, about 90% of South America, the southern third of Africa, and several southern islands off the continental mainland of Asia), four oceans (Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and South Pacific) and most of the Pacific Islands in Oceania.", "The Four Spheres of Earth: Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Atmosphere The hydrosphere is found on the surface of Earth, but also extends down several miles below, as well as several miles up into the atmosphere. Most of Earth's water is salty and in the oceans-about 97%. Two-thirds of the remaining 3% is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.he Geosphere. Since 'geo' means 'ground,' the geosphere describes all of the rocks, minerals and ground that are found on and in Earth. This includes all of the mountains on the surface, as well as all of the liquid rock in the mantle below us and the minerals and metals of the outer and inner cores.", "- Start studying Earth's four major spheres. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.", "- The geosphere is the earth itself, the rock,sand,lava etc. It consits of the crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core and inner core. The main parts are the crust, mantle and core.", "biblioteca The biblioteca Barbarini of Rome possesses four armillary spheres, all appearing to be of the early seventeenth century. Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Vol II Edward Luther Stevenson. In addition to the pair referred to above, a copy of the celestial globe may be found in the biblioteca Civico of Bergamo. Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Vol II Edward Luther Stevenson A copy of the celestial globe may be found in the biblioteca Universitario of Urbino. Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Vol II Edward Luther Stevenson. Both are printed in the third volume of Calderon's comedies in the 'biblioteca de autores españoles,' 1848-50.", "Snow globe A snow globe (also called a waterglobe, snowstorm, or snowdome) is a transparent sphere, traditionally made of glass, enclosing a miniaturized scene of some sort, often together with a model of a landscape. The sphere also encloses the water in the globe; the water serves as the medium through which the snow falls.", "The 4 Spheres of the Earth The area near the surface of the earth can be divided up into four inter-connected geo-spheres: the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere.Scientists can classify life and material on or near the surface of the earth to be in any of these four spheres.The names of the four spheres are derived from the Greek words for stone (litho), air (atmo), water (hydro), and life (bio).ost of the planet's life is found from three meters below the ground to thirty meters above it and in the top 200 meters of the oceans and seas. The atmosphere is the body of air which surrounds our planet. Most of our atmosphere is located close to the earth's surface where it is most dense.", "- Ch 4. Earth's Spheres and Internal Structure. 1 The Dynamic Earth: Internal & External Forces that Shape Earth's Surface 8:54. 2 The Four Spheres of Earth: Geosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Atmosphere 4:05. 3 Interactions of Earth's Spheres: Purpose and Examples 4:57. 4 6:23 Next Lesson. 5 How Scientists Study Earth's Interior Structure 6:45." ]
[ 12.0390625 ]
[ 8.4609375, 9.9609375, 9.78125, 8.46875, 9.3984375, 9.1171875, 9.53125, 8.5546875, 8.9921875, 11.015625, 8.6953125, 10.828125, 9.0234375, 8.7734375, 10.375, 10.8671875, 10.0859375, 8.3046875, 9.484375, 9.1640625, 10.25, 9.5, 9.1171875, 8.7734375, 10.40625, 9.0078125, 10.390625, 9.953125, 10.6328125, 11.3828125 ]
what function diffuses water molecules
[ "TRANSPORT IN AND OUT OF CELLS Water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen are among the few simple molecules that can cross the cell membrane by diffusion (or a type of diffusion known as osmosis). Diffusion is one principle method of movement of substances within cells, as well as the method for essential small molecules to cross the cell membrane.n a cell, which has so many organelles and other large molecules, the water flow is generally into the cell. Animated image/movie illustrating osmosis (water is the red dots) and the selective permeability of a membrane (blue dashed line). Image from the Internet. Click on image to view movie." ]
[ "What Are Three Things That Determine if a Molecule Will Be Able to Diffuse Across a Cell Membrane? Some molecules are small enough to slip past the lipid tails, even if the molecules are polarized. For example, water is polarized, but small enough to freely diffuse across the cell membrane. This is also true of carbon dioxide, the byproduct of cellular metabolism.", "What is the diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane? What process is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane? This is the process of osmosis. The membrane allows a solvent (usually water) to move from an area with lower solute concentration to one with greater concentration.", "- The simple diffusion of water (H20) into the plasma membrane. The diffusion of water is determined by the concentration of dissolved substances in the surrounding enviroment. Osmosis is integral to life. A change in the surrounding enviroment could disrupte the homeostasis of a cell.", "- molecular kinetic energy. Diffusion does not require energy input. The movement of a solute from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration requires energy input in the form of ATP and protein carriers called pumps. Water moves through membranes by diffusion; this process is called osmosis. Like", "What is the diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane? It's called osmosis. A selectively permeable membrane will only allow certain molecules to pass trough. To illustrate: If you have a high concentration of sugar mole … cules on one side of the membrane, no sugar on the other side, and the sugar molecules are too big to pass trough the membrane. If this is the case, then water molecules will diffuse over to the side of the membrane with a high sugar concentration. This happens because the molecules try to distribute themselves evenly in the solution. The water molecules move because the sugar molecules can't. 3 people found this useful.", "General Chemistry/Diffusion and Effusion Diffusion [edit]. Diffusion of KMnO4 in water. Diffusion is the process of a substance spreading out to evenly fill its container or environment. In a solution, a concentrated solute diffuses to spread evenly in its solvent. In air, gas molecules diffuse to mix thoroughly. Substances diffuse from areas of high concentration to low concentration.", "Movement of molecules across cell membranes - The Human Physiology Osmosis is the net diffusion of water across a membrane. Aquaporins are proteins that form channels in the lipid bi-layer for the polar water molecules to diffuse through. There will be a net diffusion of both compartments leading to diffusion equilibrium with no change in volume in either compartment if the compartments are separated by a membrane that is permeable to both a solute and water.", "- Diffusion of a Dye in Hot and Cold Water. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the principle of diffusion. Diffusion is the net movement of particles (atoms, ions, or molecules) from an area of greater concentration to areas of lesser concentration.", "Diffusion and Osmosis Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis - the diffusion of water (across a membrane) Water will move in the direction where there is a high concentration of solute (and hence a lower concentration of water. A simple rule to remember is: Salt is a solute, when it is concentrated inside or outside the cell, it will draw the water in its direction.", "What is The passive transport of water by diffusion across a cell membrane? Making the world better, one answer at a time. It's called osmosis. The water will travel across the membrane to equal out concentrations so they are both the same. This is because water is a small molecule, able to move through the membrane. Think of it this way. If there were no membrane then the dissolved substance would diffuse throughout the mixture.", "- Thus, molecules of water vapor in the air come closer together, too. Then, the molecules of water vapor condense (or tu…rn from gas to liquid state) on tiny solid particles in the atmosphere. The tiny droplets of water result from condensation form the clouds that we see in the sky.", "What is The passive transport of water by diffusion across a cell membrane? If there were no membrane then the dissolved substance would diffuse throughout the mixture. If you put a membrane there then the same idea works but this time it is only the water that can move. So the water moves through the membrane until the same concentration of water molecules appear on each side.", "Functions of the Integumentary System Terms. 1 Evaporation What happens when water crosses the skin via sweat glands and then dissipates into the air; this process cools body temperature to within the body's tolerance range.", "Vapor barrier The function of a vapor barrier is to retard the migration of water vapor, which are not typically intended to retard the migration of air. This is the function of air barriers. Air is mixed with water vapor. When air moves from location to location due to an air pressure difference, the vapor moves with it. This is a type of migration of water vapor. In the strictest sense air barriers are also vapor barriers when they control the transport of moisture-laden air.", "- Osmosis. 1 Special term used for the diffusion of water through a differentially permeable cell membrane. 2 Water is polar and able to pass through the lipid bilayer. 3 Transmembrane proteins that form hydrophilic channels accelerate osmosis, but water is still able to get through membrane without them. Special term used for the diffusion of water through a differentially permeable cell membrane. 2 Water is polar and able to pass through the lipid bilayer. 3 Transmembrane proteins that form hydrophilic channels accelerate osmosis, but water is still able to get through membrane without them.", "Passive Transport The cell membrane is freely permeable to water. The membrane cannot prevent water from entering or leaving the cell. Water diffuses through the membrane by a process we call. osmosis. . Osmosis is the movement of water through a. membrane from high to low concentration. Whether water goes in or out of a cell depends upon the water. concentration inside and outside the cell. Some dissolved substances can diffuse through a cell membrane too.", "MB 7.1 Some transport proteins, called channel proteins, function by having a hydrophilic channel that certain molecules or atomic ions use as a tunnel through the membrane. For example, the passage of water molecules through the membrane in certain cells is greatly facilitated by channel proteins known as aquaporins.", "- The function of the stomata is to allow water vapor and gases to pass in and out of the leaf. The stomata are also responsible for the process of transpiration, the rate at which a plant loses water. Air enters the plant through the stomata. The air contains carbon dioxide which is used in the photosynthesis process.Oxygen, the by-product of photosynthesis, is then passed out of the leaf through the stomata.he function of the stomata is to allow water vapor and gases to pass in and out of the leaf. The stomata are also responsible for the process of transpiration, the rate at which a plant loses water. Air enters the plant through the stomata. The air contains carbon dioxide which is used in the photosynthesis process.", "- Water moving across plant cell membranes by osmosis helps to restore the plant to an erect position. 1 Diffusion: Passive Transport and Facilitated Diffusion. 2 Understand Osmotic Pressure and Tonicity. 3 Understand the Difference Between Osmosis and Diffusion. 4 Understand What Diffusion Is (and Isn't) in Chemistry. 5 3 Types of Respiration.", "Diffusion and Passive Transport In osmosis water diffuses from a hypotonic (low solute concentrated) solution to a hypertonic (high solute concentrated) solution. Generally speaking, the direction of water flow is determined by the solute concentration and not by the nature of the solute molecules themselves.", "Books & Resources As water molecules evaporate from plant leaves, they attract the water molecules still in the plant, helping to pull water up through the stems from the roots. The combination of transpiration and capillary action delivers the water from the bottom to the top of a plant.", "Cells structure,function/ Cell membrane's boundaries Diffusion of water across a semi-permeable( able to diffuse across) membrane. osmosis. provide narrow channel for a substance to pas through, allowing it to enter the cell. channel proteins. protein that physically binds to a substance on one side of the membrane and release it on the other. carrier protein.", "- The hydrophilic (water loving) polar heads ofthe phospholipid molecules face the outside and inside ofthe cell where water is found, and the hydrophobic (waterfearing) nonpolar tails face each other (Fig. 4.1). Inaddition to phospholipids, there are two other types oflipids in the plasma membrane.2 4.3 Diffusion and Osmosis • Molecules spontaneously diffuse (move from anarea of higher concentration to an area of lowerconcentration), and some can diffuse across aplasma membrane. 73• Water diffuses across the plasma membrane, andthis can affect cell size and shape.", "- •Passive transport of water across a cell membrane. •Movement of water is from a higher concentration of water (not solute) to lower concentration of water. •Water passes easily through the lipid bilayer.", "- Remember the definition of diffusion. Water is more concentrated outside the cell, so it will move into the cell (from 100% concentration to 90% concentration). In this case, the protein molecules are too large to pass out of the cell membrane.", "Diffusion ~ is the passive movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. Osmosis is the passive movement of water molecule s, across a partially permeable membrane, from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration.", "Anatomy Chapter 3 Diffusion of only WATER molecules through the globular protein channels or pores of the cell membrane (i.e. cell membrane) from a region of higher concentration of water to a lower conc. Of water until equilibrium of water is reach, in an attempt to dilute a particular solute.", "water vapor Water in a gaseous state, especially when diffused as a vapor in the atmosphere and at a temperature below boiling point.", "- Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: the cell membrane has a hydrophopic area which enable the water to diffuse by osmosis, besides that, cell membrane also contain aquAPorins(a water transport channels) which enable the water to pass though it. Source(s): my matriculation lecturer. unknown · 7 years ago. Thumbs up. 1. Thumbs down. 0.", "VI. Water in the atmosphere - thermodynamic properties of moist air. Atmospheric water plays an extremely important role in the climate system due to three outstanding properties: 1 Water vapor is an absorber of infrared radiation: As we saw in a previous lecture, water vapor creates a greenhouse effect that helps maintain a life sustaining climate on Earth. 1 Water vapor acts like a reservoir of heat: It take 540 Calories to evaporate a gram of water (see below)." ]
[ 8.53125 ]
[ 10.171875, 10.1875, 9.5546875, 9.1484375, 11.078125, 10.0546875, 10.21875, 10.25, 9.71875, 9.296875, 9.3828125, 9.8125, 9.234375, 8.5703125, 9.7421875, 9.421875, 9.890625, 8.0625, 9.8828125, 10.3984375, 9.5234375, 9.03125, 9.2421875, 8.9609375, 9.6640625, 9.9140625, 9.890625, 9.8359375, 9.4140625, 9.359375 ]
hibernation is an adaptation that helps animals to _______.
[ "Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes Hibernation is a great strategy that enables animals to conserve energy when food is scarce. During hibernation, body temperature drops, breathing and heart rate slows, and most of the body’s metabolic functions are put on hold in a state of quasi-suspended animation." ]
[ "- Answers:Look at animals that live in cold climates. Polar bears, for example, are exceptionally well-adapted to their arctic environment. The primary adaptation that they have made is the development of white-looking fur (it appears white, but the individual strands are transparent).", "hibernate hibernate. 1 Zoology. to spend the winter in close quarters in a dormant condition, as bears and certain other animals. Compare estivate. 2 to withdraw or be in seclusion; retire. 3 to winter in a place with a milder climate: Each winter finds us hibernating in Florida.", "Hibernation Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts Hibernation is extremely important to the survival of some animals. During the winter months, the food that animals eat becomes scarce, or not available. This is because many plants stop producing leaves and seeds that animals eat. Smaller prey animals used for food may move to warmer locations or hibernate, which reduces the food supply.", "- Winter however is icy cold, with all plants dead. So prededers and some herbivores hibernate (sleep until spring ) to make time go by. :) from olivia the animal person a message from the hsa help. save. animals. Charlie N. 122,923 Contributions", "- Adaptations afford the organism a better chance to survive in its surroundings. Desert Adaptations. Deserts, where the environment is generally hot and extremely dry, provide many striking examples of how plants and animals are adapted to their surroundings. Plants have many adaptations to cope with the lack of water. Some desert plants, such as the barrel cactus, have expandable stems for storing water.", "Anti-predator adaptation Choking, the predators release the hagfishes and gag in an attempt to remove slime from their mouths and gill chambers. Anti-predator adaptations are mechanisms developed through evolution that assist prey organisms in their constant struggle against predators. Throughout the animal kingdom, adaptations have evolved for every stage of this struggle. The first line of defence consists in avoiding detection, through mechanisms such as camouflage, living underground, or nocturnality.", "Hibernation Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms. Hibernation refers to a season of heterothermy that is characterized by low body temperature, slow breathing and heart rate, and low metabolic rate.t is evident that pregnant female polar bears significantly increase body mass prior to hibernation, and this increase is further reflected in the weight of their offspring.", "- Animals of the Savanna. show/hide words to know. Adaptation: a structure or behavior that helps an organism survive and reproduce. Compete: to try to win. Deplete: to use up a resource. Herbivore: an animal that eats only plants. Migration: movement of an animal or a group of animals from one place to another.", "The Sonoran Desert Adaptations for survival. An adaptation is a way an animal’s body helps it survive and live in its environment. Yellow-eyed penguins are well designed for life in the sea. They depend on their physical features to help them obtain food, keep safe, build homes, withstand weather and attract mates.", "How Hibernation Works Estivation and Daily Torpor. Estivation is like hibernation in hot weather. Animals that live in deserts or tropical climates practice estivation. It may not occur solely because of food supply issues, as with hibernation, but because the conditions become too hot and dry for the animal to survive.", "- Definition of hibernate. sleep during winter; Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their cavesbe in an inactive or dormant stateSimilar Words: hole up Derivational Morphology: hibernation. Similar Words: hole up Derivational Morphology: hibernation.", "Top 10 Animal Adaptations Of all the wonderful adaptations in the animal kingdom, perhaps the most important is the habit of living together in communal or family groups. Animals can derive a lot of benefit from spending time with other members of the same species. They can help each other find food, defend against predators and care for young.", "- The extreme winter weather conditions impose severe constraints on species living in a mountain environment. Faced with these constraints, the alpine marmot has developed an original survival strategy – hibernation. The success of hibernation depends on the balance between energy availability and costs involved.", "TORPOR hibernation-the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter. lassitude, lethargy, sluggishness-a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness). physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state-the condition or state of the body or bodily functions.ibernation-the torpid or resting state in which some animals pass the winter. lassitude, lethargy, sluggishness-a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness). physical condition, physiological condition, physiological state-the condition or state of the body or bodily functions.", "Hibernation Before entering hibernation, animals need to store enough energy to last through the entire winter. Larger species become hyperphagic and eat a large amount of food and store the energy in fat deposits. In many small species, food caching replaces eating and becoming fat.", "How Do Animals Spend the Winter? Some wild animals adapt, like Oklahoma farm animals that stay outdoors in winter. To keep warm, they may grow new, thicker fur. On weasels and snowshoe rabbits, the new fur is white to help them hide in the snow. Food is hard to find in the winter. Some animals, like squirrels, mice and beavers, gather extra food in the fall and store it to eat later. Some, like rabbits and deer, spend winter looking for moss, twigs, bark and leaves to eat. Other animals eat different kinds of food as the seasons change. The red fox eats fruit and insects in the spring, summer and fall. In the winter, it cannot find these things, so instead it eats small rodents.", "- Answer: The animal would need to make new adaptations in order to survive in this new environment. Which of the following would be considered to be structural adaptations: moving in large groups, thick fur coat, fur that looks like the animal's surroundings, a white coat of fur, and sharp teeth.", "- Being warm-blooded gives mammals a distinct advantage in may habitats, allowing them to be active when reptiles are hardly able to move. It also allows mammals to live in habitats where reptiles cannot live at all, such as the arctic, mountain tops, etc.", "hibernate To hibernate means to take a season-long snooze. When a bear crawls into a cave with a belly full of food ready to sleep through the cold winter, that bear is going to hibernate until spring. Animals that sleep through the winter, like bears, squirrels, rodents and even some rattlesnakes, are said to hibernate through the winter. This word can also be used to describe any kind of inactive or dormant state, especially for the purpose of getting rest.", "How to tell torpor from hibernation 1 Torpor is a short-term reduction of body temperature on cool days. 2 Hibernation is an extended form of torpor. 3 Torpor is driven by ambient temperature and food availability; hibernation is associated with day length and hormone changes. Yes – though it’s more extended than torpor, hibernation is not continuous. 2 Waking up from hibernation takes a few hours. 3 Hedgehogs do this on average every 7 to 11 days and British bats about every 20 days. 4 Hedgehogs may be seen in winter moving to another nest before resuming hibernation.", "Do You Know that Chipmunks Hibernate? What is hibernation? There are several ways that animals respond to winter: they migrate, adapt or hibernate. But hibernation isn’t as simple as going to sleep for a couple of months. Although there are various degrees and duration, hibernation always involves certain changes for animals.", "- Lots of forests. Animal features that allow them to live and thrive: Thick fur to survive cold winters. Thick padded feet to travel over uneven land. Animals can migrate over large areas for food or. shelter. Save energy during winter months when food in. scarce (hibernation). Depend on trees for habitats (birds like woodpeck-. ers).", "Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes The most important adaptation is how animals regulate their body temperature. Animals can be either warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Warm-blooded animals, which are mostly birds and mammals, need to maintain a relatively constant body temperature or they would suffer dire consequences.", "Chilling Out, Warming Up: How Animals Survive Temperature Extremes Cold-blooded animals hibernate, too. But they need to store less fat than warm-blooded animals because they require less energy. Turtles and frogs bury themselves in mud under lakes and ponds for up to six months at a time, and for all practical purposes, they appear dead. There are no external signs of life.", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. Adaptation occurs because animals need to be able to eat and survive in their environment. Finches beaks adapted based on the food source in their environment for example.t can also refer to a physical or genetic trai … t that helps an organism to be better suited to survive in their environment. For example, polar bears are adapted to living in the cold because they grow thick fur that keeps them warm, and thus allows them to survive in their frigid environment.", "Denning and Hibernation Behavior Denning and Hibernation Behavior. Hibernation is an adaptation to a seasonal shortage of food, low environmental temperatures, and snow cover on the ground (Craighead and Craighead 1972; Tietje and Ruff 1980). Bears hibernate during the winter months in most areas of the world.", "- Adaptation of Animals in Cold Climate. Animals in cold climate like that in the Polar Regions are extreme conditions for survival as the region are covered with snow and is very cold for most part of the ear. Animals living in these climates have adapted to these severe conditions.", "How Do Animals Spend the Winter? Other Ways to Survive. Cold-blooded animals like fish, frogs, snakes and turtles have no way to keep warm during the winter. Snakes and many other reptiles find shelter in holes or burrows, and spend the winter inactive, or dormant. This is similar to hibernation.Water makes a good shelter for many animals.nimals do many different, amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them migrate.. This means they travel to other places where the weather is warmer or they can find food. Many birds migrate in the fall. Because the trip can be dangerous, some travel in large flocks.", "Why Do Animals Hibernate? Today, many types of mammals are recognized as hibernators, including bats, rodents, bears and even primates — three species of dwarf lemur in Madagascar and the pygmy slow loris in Vietnam have been found to hibernate.", "- animals behavioral adaptation is when animal behaves a surtin way Behavioral adaptations of an animal are the things an animal does to survive. These adaptations are a direc … t result of evolution and include things like hibernation and migration. 3 people found this useful." ]
[ 11.328125 ]
[ 9.25, 9.4453125, 10.4375, 9.734375, 9.109375, 9.0703125, 9.8046875, 9.640625, 9.8828125, 9.921875, 8.2578125, 9.8046875, 9.4375, 8.7265625, 10.2421875, 9.0859375, 9.046875, 8.71875, 8.6875, 9.2890625, 10.078125, 9.6953125, 9.6953125, 9.328125, 9.8046875, 10.9453125, 9.40625, 8.8984375, 9.1953125, 10.828125 ]
what is an imap
[ "Internet Message Access Protocol Internet Message Access Protocol. In computing, the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is an Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection.[1] IMAP is defined by RFC 3501." ]
[ "- This message will only be visible when you check your mail using POP. Despite what the message says, it is safe to delete it. If you normally use IMAP to check your mail, then all of your folders will be accessible using the Webmail interface. POP stands for Post Office Protocol. A POP account downloads mail to your local computer by default. Often, when a message is downloaded, it is deleted from the ISP's mail server.", "Internet Message Access Protocol In computing, the Internet Message Access Protocol is an Internet standard protocol used by e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail messages from a mail server over a TCP/IP connection. IMAP is defined by RFC 3501. IMAP was designed with the goal of permitting complete management of an email box by multiple email clients, therefore clients generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them. An IMAP server typically listens on port number 143. IMAP over SSL is assigned the po", "- IMAP service: 1 IMAP is designed for the situation where you need to work with your email from multiple computers, such as your workstation at work, your desktop computer at home, or a laptop computer while traveling.", "What is IMAP? And how can it help me manage my email? IMAP copies; POP3 moves. When IMAP downloads your email, it is copying the email onto your computer. The original email remains in the email server’s master repository of your email; there’s simply a copy of it on your PC for quick and easy access.", "- POP3 vs. IMAP is a choice you make when you use an email client to access your mail. That email client is often a desktop program on Windows, Mac, or Linux, but it can also be a smartphone or tablet app.ow to Use IMAP. IMAP is just an you choose when you set up your email account in a desktop, smartphone, or tablet email program. Older desktop email programs may be configured to use POP3 by default, but even the Mail app on iOS and the Email app on Android support POP3 email accounts.", "Email Protocols: IMAP, POP3, SMTP and HTTP IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) Is a standard protocol for accessing e-mail from your local server. IMAP is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held for you by your Internet server.", "- A conversation using Gmail's built-in chat. Chat and instant messaging (IM) are short messages sent and read in real time, allowing you to converse more quickly and easily than email. Chat and IM are generally used when both (or all) people are online, so your message can be read immediately. By comparison, an email message won't be seen until the recipient checks his email, meaning that chat and IM are better for quick messages and conversations. Chat vs. IM. The terms chat and IM are sometimes used", "iMessage iMessage is an instant messaging service developed by Apple Inc. It is supported by the Messages application in iOS 5 and later and OS X Mountain Lion and later.", "Email Protocols â POP3, SMTP and IMAP Tutorial Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard mail protocol used to receive emails from a remote server to a local email client. POP3 allows you to download email messages on your local computer and read them even when you are offline.", "IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail. IMAP is the best way to connect your Yahoo Mail account to a desktop mail client or mobile app. It allows 2-way syncing, which means everything you do remotely is reflected in your Yahoo Mail account no matter where or how you access it. Here are the settings you'll need to configure your mail client or app. Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server. 1 Server-imap.mail.yahoo.com. 2 Port - 993. 3 Requires SSL-Yes.", "What are IMAP and POP? If you try to access your email from a different device, the messages that have been previously downloaded won't be available to you. Sent mail is stored locally on your PC or Mac, not on the email server. A lot of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) give you email accounts that use POP.", "What is a IMAP? While POP, or Post Office Protocol, used to be the most popular type of email protocol, IMAP - or Internet Message Access Protocol - is the go-to choice of most people these days. Learn more about what IMAP is, how it works, how it compares to POP and its main advantages below.", "E-mail Security: An Overview of Threats and Safeguards An e-mail system is made up of two primary components that reside in an organization’s IT infrastructure: mail clients and mail servers. Users read, compose, send, and store their e-mail using mail clients. Mail is formatted and sent from the mail client via the network infrastructure to a mail server. The mail server is the computer that delivers, forwards, and stores e-mail messages. All components-the mail servers, the mail clients, and the infrastructure that connects and supports them-must be protected.", "Gmail IMAP â Solving the [Gmail] separation Setting the Root folder path in your IMAP account settings. 1 After setting the option and confirming your way out of all of the opened dialogs, you’ll get a notification that your IMAP cache needs to be rebuild. In some cases, you’ll need to set the Sent Items and Deleted Items folder for the Gmail IMAP account again.", "Which protocol is used in E-mail? Points: 5 (Rs 4) There are various protocols that can be used for e-mail. For an email a mail client is to access a mail server. This can be done through the following: The IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) : IMAP is a client/server protocol in which e-mail is received and held at the server.", "- (ē'māl') 1 A system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer network. E-mail is asynchronous and does not require the receiver of the message to be online at the time the message is sent or received. 2 A message or messages sent or received by such a system.", "IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail IMAP server settings for Yahoo Mail IMAP is the best way to connect your Yahoo Mail account to a desktop mail client or mobile app. It allows 2-way syncing, which means everything you do remotely is reflected in your Yahoo Mail account no matter where or how you access it. Here are the settings you'll need to configure your mail client or app. Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server. Server - imap.mail.yahoo.com; Port - 993; Requires SSL - Yes; Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server", "Configuring IMAP folders in Windows Live Mail With Windows Live Mail, you can optionally use IMAP connections for reading incoming mail. Using IMAP (instead of the more widely used POP3) allows you to keep your messages on our servers instead of downloading them to your computer.", "What is the difference between POP3 and IMAP? What is the difference between POP3 and IMAP? Learn about the differences between POP and IMAP, and which one you should use to access your mail from your mobile device or third-party email client. POP3 and IMAP are two different protocols (methods) used to access email. Of the two, IMAP is the better option - and the recommended option - when you need to check your emails from multiple devices, such as a work laptop, a home computer, or a tablet, smartphone, or other mobile device. Tap into your synced (updated) account from any device with IMAP. POP3 downloads email from a server to a single computer, then deletes it from the server. Because your messages get downloaded to a single computer or device and then deleted from the server, it can appear that mail is missing or disappearing from your Inbox if you try to check your mail from a different computer.", "Email The at sign, a part of every SMTP email address. Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronics. Email first entered substantial use in the 1960s and by the mid-1970s had taken the form now recognized as email. Email operates across computer networks, which today is primarily the Internet.", "Email: Whatâs the Difference Between POP3, IMAP, and Exchange? Unlike POP3, IMAP stores all messages on the server. When you connect to an IMAP server, the client app lets you read those emails (and even downloads copies for reading offline), but all the real business happens on the server. When you delete a message in a client, that message is deleted on the server, so you don’t see it if you connect to the server from other devices.", "Use IMAP to check Gmail on other email clients If you're setting up a single IMAP account on multiple computers, try taking a break between each setup. Set up IMAP Step 1: Check that IMAP is turned on. On your computer, open Gmail. In the top right, click Settings . Click Settings. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. In the IMAP Access section, select Enable IMAP. Click Save Changes. Step 2: Change SMTP & other settings in your email client. Use the table below to update your client with the correct information. For help updating your settings, search your email client's Help Center for instructions on setting up IMAP.", "Gmail For other uses, see Gmail (disambiguation). Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service developed by Google. Users can access Gmail on the web and through the mobile apps for Android and iOS, as well as through third-party programs that synchronize email content through POP or IMAP protocols. Gmail started as a limited beta release on April 1, 2004.", "What does E-MAILstand for? electronic mail, e-mail, email (verb) (computer science) a system of world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that can be regenerated at the recipient's terminal when the recipient logs in. see more »", "Internet Message Access Protocol Most e-mail clients support IMAP in addition to Post Office Protocol (POP) to retrieve messages; however, fewer e-mail services support IMAP. IMAP offers access to the mail storage.", "Understanding IMAP Email Attachments To download an email from the IMAP server without attachments, the Chilkat IMAP client must first fetch information about the structure of the email. The IMAP server responds with a BODYSTRUCTURE.", "Internet Control Message Protocol The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is one of the main protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. It is used by network devices, like routers, to send error messages indicating, for example, that a requested service is not available or that a host or router could not be reached.", "Internet Message Access Protocol IMAP was designed with the goal of permitting complete management of an email box by multiple email clients, therefore clients generally leave messages on the server until the user explicitly deletes them. An IMAP server typically listens on port number 143. IMAP over SSL (IMAPS) is assigned the port number 993.", "- Instant messaging, often shortened to simply IM or IMing, is the exchange of text messages through a software application in real-time. Generally included in the IM software is the ability to easily see whether a chosen friend, co-worker or buddy is online and connected through the selected service.", "Indiana Mentor and Assessment Program (IMAP) IMAP is one of two methods teachers, administrators and school services personnel may use to convert a two (2) year Initial Practitioner (IP) license to a five (5) year Practitioner ℗ license. IMAP is a two (2) year mentorship. Those who hold a Reciprocal Permit or an Emergency Permit cannot participate in IMAP. One must hold an Indiana Professional Educator’s License to participate in IMAP. Registration for IMAP is open each year from August 15th through October 31st." ]
[ 12.9765625 ]
[ 10.34375, 12.046875, 12.7109375, 12.1484375, 11.28125, 13.40625, 8.78125, 9.5625, 10.5859375, 12.1953125, 10.6953125, 13.046875, 8.53125, 10.7578125, 10.265625, 11.3046875, 11.3359375, 11.875, 12.1953125, 9.4453125, 12.0703125, 10.40625, 10.0390625, 8.75, 11.9609375, 10.8203125, 8.9921875, 12.1484375, 10.1015625, 12.78125 ]
what does centric mean
[ "DEFINITION of 'Client Centric' DEFINITION of 'Client Centric'. A specific approach to doing business that focuses on the customer. Client centric businesses ensure that the customer is at the center of a business's philosophy, operations or ideas." ]
[ "CENTRIST Dictionary entry overview: What does centrist mean? • CENTRIST (noun) The noun CENTRIST has 1 sense: 1. a person who takes a position in the political center Familiarity information: CENTRIST used as a noun is very rare. • CENTRIST (adjective) The adjective CENTRIST has 1 sense: 1. supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative. Familiarity information: CENTRIST used as an adjective is very rare.", "What does it mean to be a Moderate, Centrist or Independent? Ideology: Independent / Centrist. The technical definition of a centrist or moderate is that you take a position in the political center. What is the center? A Centrist is an independent. You do not hold yourself to the party politics of the right or left. Being a Centrist allows you to have your politics a la carte. In short, you have the freedom of your own independent political thought. You support some liberal principles and some conservative principles while having the freedom to disagree with both.", "ecocentrism Ecocentric definition, a philosophy or perspective that places intrinsic value on all living organisms and their natural environment, regardless of their perceived usefulness or importance to human beings. Origin of ecocentrism. eco- + centr(i)- + -ism. Related forms.", "IT-oriented versus IT-centric IT-oriented versus IT-centric. Earlier today I came across a Tweet from the Open Group that pointed to an interview with Dr Leon Keppleman at University of North Texas. To me the article is a very good illustration of the crucial distinction between IT-oriented versus IT-centric. In essence, the whole interview is all about IT, and IT-education: nothing much more than that.", "Press Releases New, Full Service Lifestyle Brand to Serve Business and Leisure Travelers in Key Cities Around the World. CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hyatt Hotels Corporation (NYSE:H) today introduced Hyatt Centric, a new, full service lifestyle brand designed for business and leisure travelers.", "centered Definition of centered for English Language Learners. : 1 mainly concerned about or involved with something specified. : 2 having a specified kind of center. : 3 emotionally healthy and calm.", "- Definition of centered. 1 1 : having a center —often used in combination a dark-centered coneflower. 2 2 : having a center of curvature —often used in combination a 3-centered arch. 3 3 : emotionally stable and secure.", "- Welcome to Centric Federal Credit Union — a member-owned, operated and managed non-profit cooperative that works hard everyday to put profits back in your pocket! become a member see the benefits. Facebook Twitter Youtube. 1 Forms & Applications. 2 Centric Careers.", "centric centric-having or situated at or near a center. centrical. central-in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; a central position.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase (4.00 / 1 vote) Rate this definition: Centration. Centration is the tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others.", "What is Centrist/Centrism What is Centrist/Centrism. Centrists don't have party lines. Centrists believe that solutions are more important than bias. While there is no set rule for what a Centrist is, there are some generally accepted guidelines that seem to depict the Centrist mode of thought.", "- dense. 1 having the component parts closely compacted together; crowded or compact: a dense forest; dense population. 2 stupid; slow-witted; dull. 3 intense; extreme: dense ignorance. 4 relatively opaque; transmitting little light, as a photographic negative, optical glass, or color.", "- child-centred adjective. › used to refer to ​ways of ​teaching and ​treating ​children in which the child's ​needs and ​wishes are the most ​important thing: a child-centred ​approach to ​parenting.", "Centromere Centromere. Definition. noun, plural: centromeres. (1) The constricted region joining the two sister chromatids that make up an X-shaped chromosome. (2) The site where kinetochore is formed. Supplement. Centromere is important particularly during mitosis.", "centrifugal The definition of centrifugal is something that is moving, or that is prone to move, away from a center. A force that tends to move away from the center is an example of something that would be described as centrifugal. centrifugal. Bot. centrifugal.", "Occlusion: What is occlusion? Centric Relation can be described as the position of the mandible to the maxilla, with the intra-articular disc in place, when the head of the condyle is against the most superior part of the distal facing incline of the glenoid fossa.", "Ethnocentrism Ethnocentricity is the a view of things in which one's own group or self is the centre of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it.It can be described as a tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own perspective, with the main influence being culture.People often feel ethnocentric while experiencing culture shock or when a behaviour is not understood due to cultural differences.t can be described as a tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own perspective, with the main influence being culture. People often feel ethnocentric while experiencing culture shock or when a behaviour is not understood due to cultural differences.", "Medical Definition of Central Central: At or near the center. In anatomy and medicine (as elsewhere), central is the opposite of peripheral which means away from the center. The word peripheral comes from the Greek peripheria (peri-, around or about + pherein, to bear, carry). A central line is an infusion tube that is located in or near the heart (centrally in the circulatory system). A Swan-Ganz cather with its tip, for example, in the right atrium and ventricle of the heart is a central line.", "Difference Between Centriole and Centromere Centriole vs Centromere. Centrioles are small functional structures or organelles inside cells of most animals that assume significance during cell division. Centrioles are microscopic in nature and one of many cell structures that are crucial in some of the functions of a eukaryotic cell.", "Radical centrism The centrism refers to a belief that genuine solutions require realism and pragmatism, not just idealism and emotion. Thus one radical centrist text defines radical centrism as idealism without illusions . Most radical centrists borrow what they see as good ideas from left, right, and wherever else they may be found, often melding them together.", "Centricity For the engineering term, see Centration (engineering) Centricity is a brand of healthcare IT software systems from GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric. It includes software for independent physician practices, academic medical centers, hospitals and large integrated delivery networks.", "- The adjective CENTIGRADE has 1 sense: 1. of or relating to a temperature scale on which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees. Familiarity information: CENTIGRADE used as an adjective is very rare. Dictionary entry details.", "central adjective. 1 Situated at, in, or near the center: the central states. 2 Forming the center. 3 Having dominant or controlling power or influence: the company's central office.", "Definitions &Translations stress, focus(noun) special emphasis attached to something. the stress was more on accuracy than on speed. focus, focal point(noun) a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges. focus(verb) a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section. concentrate, focus, center, centre, pore, rivet(verb) direct one's attention on something.", "- Abstract. ‘Person-centredness’ is a term that is becoming increasingly familiar within health and social care at a global level; it is being used to describe a standard of care that ensures the patient/client is at the centre of care delivery.bstract. ‘Person-centredness’ is a term that is becoming increasingly familiar within health and social care at a global level; it is being used to describe a standard of care that ensures the patient/client is at the centre of care delivery.", "- For the engineering term, see Centration (engineering). Centricity is a brand of 27 healthcare IT software solutions from GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric. It includes software for independent physician practices, academic medical centers, hospitals and large integrated delivery networks.The various modules perform practice management, revenue cycle management, electronic medical records, medical imaging, and other functions.entricity EMR is an electronic medical record (EMR) system for ambulatory care practices. One of the original two Centricity products, it began as MedicaLogic Logician. Centricity EMR runs on Oracle. Customer support is provided through GE Healthcare.", "Hyatt unveils another new hotel chain: Hyatt Centric Hyatt Centric is a full-service lifestyle hotel that will cater to business and leisure travelers, according to a statement from the Chicago-based company. It's the sixth hotel brand launched by Hyatt since 2006.", "centrally The definition of centrally is near the center, or equal distance from various points. An example of centrally used as an adverb is in the phrase centrally located, which means near the center. Centrally means an exchange via telephone. An example of centrally is the operator providing the caller with a number.", "- Noun. 1. centriole-one of a pair of small cylindrical cell organelles near the nucleus in animal cells; composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis. cell organ, cell organelle, organelle-a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ; the first organelle to be identified was the nucleus.entriole. 1. Either of two organelles near the nucleus involved in cell division. 2. One of a group of tiny tubules near the nucleus of a cell. Centrioles play a part in cell division.", "CORE Dictionary entry overview: What does CORE mean? • CORE (noun) The noun CORE has 9 senses: 1. the center of an object 2. a small group of indispensable persons or things 3. the central part of the Earth 4. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience 5. a cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill" ]
[ 11.890625 ]
[ 10.5546875, 9.671875, 9.2109375, 10.453125, 10.59375, 10.6484375, 11.296875, 10.59375, 12.234375, 9.25, 9.7890625, 8.6328125, 9.15625, 8.4609375, 8.9453125, 10.9453125, 8.7890625, 9.7265625, 8.6328125, 10.1484375, 11.1875, 8.734375, 10.8359375, 8.296875, 8.1015625, 9.4296875, 11.46875, 9.359375, 8.453125, 7.96875 ]
what does the dodd frank act do for mortgages
[ "Financial reform and your mortgage Introduction to mortgage section of Dodd-Frank Act. New financial reform legislation includes provisions to prevent lenders from offering mortgages borrowers can't afford or understand.The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act devotes more than 200 pages to a section called the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act.It addresses issues as diverse as prepayment penalties and Chinese drywall.ntroduction to mortgage section of Dodd-Frank Act. New financial reform legislation includes provisions to prevent lenders from offering mortgages borrowers can't afford or understand." ]
[ "Dodd-Frank Executive Compensation Overview The Dodd-Frank Act looks like it will affect compensation and benefits law in three main areas: 1 Executive and incentive compensation, including new disclosure and corporate governance requirements. 2 Use of stable value funds, hedging arrangements and swaps in retirement plans. 3 Regulation of vendors servicing retirement and other plans.", "- What Is the Dodd-Frank Act? The Dodd-Frank Act, also known as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, was enacted in 2010. It was a direct response to the financial crisis of 2008 and the resulting government bailouts administered by the Federal Reserve under the Troubled Asset Relief Program.", "What is a Mortgage Deed? A mortgage or deed of trust ensures that you'll follow through with your promise to repay a home loan. If you don't, the lender can enforce the lien created by mortgage or trust deed documents. Signing a mortgage or deed of trust gives your lender a security interest.", "- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly referred to as simply Dodd-Frank, is supposed to lower risk in various parts of the U.S. financial system. compendium of federal regulations, primarily affecting financial institutions and their customers, that the Obama administration passed in 2010 in an attempt to prevent the recurrence of events that caused the 2008 financial crisis.", "What Happens to Your Mortgage if Your Bank Fails? What the bank does with the mortgage has nothing to do with who owns the mortgage and who has the lien on the property. What the bank does after they originate the loan is they (usually through another company, like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) issue bonds to the public.", "CFPB Sees âTroubling Issuesâ In Mortgage Servicing CFPB Director Richard Cordray said at an industry conference in Boston that although many mortgage servicing firms had made progress in coming into compliance with Dodd-Frank Act-mandated regulations that took effect in 2014, problems still mark the sector.", "H.R. 4173 (111 th ): Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) module for Multifamily Mortgage Underwriting. and Acquisitions is designed as a resource and reference for all FHFA examiners. It contains. information and procedures intended for the examination of the Federal National Mortgage.", "DoddâFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act The report summarizes court decisions , pladings , regulatory actions , and legislative developments and cover topics such as the truth in Lending Act , the Home Owners Equity Protection Act , the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act , the Fair Housing Act , predatory lending , mortgage disclosures , discrimination , consumer protection / unfair ...", "H.R. 4173 (111 th ): Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Through its direct and indirect. subsidiaries, Wells Fargo, a registered financial holding company and bank holding company. under the Bank Holding Company A ct of 1956, as amended, offers banking, brokerage, advisory. and other financial services to institutional and individual customers worldwide.", "Summary of Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation Legislation Additional posts relating to the Dodd-Frank Act are available here. On June 25, 2010, a House-Senate conference committee reached final agreement on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Act”). The conference report must be approved by the House and Senate before the bill is presented to the President for signature.", "Federal Truth In Lending Act #1 The Truth in Lending Act provides that a lender refinancing a residential property must give the borrower. 1 a copy of the TILA disclosure for the initial loan. 2 nothing, as the law does not apply to refinancing. 3 a new TILA disclosure for the new loan. a new TILA disclosure only if it is requested.", "CFPB Issues New National Mortgage Servicing Rules The new mortgage servicing rules achieve two main objectives. First, they will help prevent all borrowers from being caught off guard by surprises and getting the runaround from their servicers. Second, there are special protections for borrowers who are having trouble making their mortgage payments.", "FHA Refinance and Loan Fact #16 FHA Refinance and Loan Fact #16. FHA Mortgage Insurance. FHA mortgage insurance protects lenders in case of a default by the borrower of the FHA loan. An FHA mortgage helps reduces the cash needed to purchase a home. The FHA is funded solely from the income it creates: from the revenue generated by FHA mortgage insurance.", "ACTION: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau) is updating the CFPB Dodd-Frank Mortgage Rules Readiness Guide (Guide) to help finan cial institutions come into and maintain compliance with the new mortgage rules outlined in Part I of this Guide.he CFPB amended Regulation X, which implements RESPA, and the official interpretation to Regulation X, as well as Regulation Z, which implements TILA, and the official interpretation to Regulation Z, to implement provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act regarding mortgage loan servicing.", "AGENCY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is amending Regulation C to implement amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act made by section 1094 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act). Consistent with section 1094 of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Bureau...", "Dodd-Frank Act In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act) enhanced the CFTC’s regulatory authority to oversee the more than $400 trillion swaps market.", "Dodd-Frank Act Dodd-Frank Act. 1 In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (Dodd-Frank Act) enhanced the CFTC’s regulatory authority to oversee the more than $400 trillion swaps market.", "AGENCY: The rules implement certain provisions of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) that relate to mortgage servicing. The final rules include a number of exemptions and other adjustments for small servicers, defined as servicers that service 5,000 or fewer mortgage loans and service only mortgage loans that they or an affiliate originated or own.", "What You Need to Know About the CFPB What is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law, the bureau says it makes sure banks, lenders and other financial companies treat you fairly. Its jurisdiction covers a wide variety of financial services marketed to everyday Americans, including mortgages, credit cards, student loans and payday loans.", "What Is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act? The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act is a law that regulates the financial markets and protects consumers. Its eight components make it less likely the 2008 financial crisis could recur. It is the most comprehensive financial reform since the Glass-Steagall Act. Glass-Steagall regulated banks after the 1929 stock market crash.", "What Is Dodd-Frank? Explainer On Obama's Wall Street Reform Rule Trump Could Kill President Donald Trump is expected to walk back the Dodd-Frank law Friday, White House sources confirmed to multiple media outlets. But what exactly is Dodd-Frank? Here’s a breakdown. The act’s full name is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. It was passed by President Barack Obama’s administration in 2010 in response to the financial crisis that detonated two years before.", "- The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly called Dodd-Frank, was passed in 2010. The goal of the act is to prevent another great recession like that of 2008, which ... Credit & Loans.", "DoddâFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act CFPB New Mortgage Servicing Rules. Investor Update: On January 17, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released an update entitled 2013 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X) and Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) Mortgage Servicing Final Rules.", "- In 2010, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank. Act) amended the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) of 1974, which is. implemented by Regulation X, and the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), which is implemented by. Regulation Z, with regard to the servicing of certain residential mortgage loans.", "What Is Dodd-Frank and How Does It Affect Small Business? What is Dodd-Frank? The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was an important piece of legislation to emerge from the ashes of the global financial crisis of 2008. Named after its sponsors, Senator Christopher J. Dodd and U.S. Representative Barney Frank, the 2,300 page law was passed by the Obama administration in 2010 in a bid to eliminate various risks across America’s wider financial system.", "Mortgage law A mortgage is a security interest in realty created by a written instrument (traditionally a deed) that either conveys legal title or hypothecates title by way of a nonpossessory lien to a lender for the performance under the terms of a mortgage note.", "What Do Mortgage Underwriters Do? An Underwriter Will Approve, Suspend, or Decline Your Mortgage Application. Put simply, the underwriter’s job is to approve, suspend, or decline your mortgage application. If the loan is approved, you’ll receive a list of “conditions” which must be met before you receive your loan documents. So in essence, it’s really a conditional loan approval.", "What is the 'Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ' What is the 'Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act '. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a massive piece of financial reform legislation passed by the Obama administration in 2010 as a response to the financial crisis of 2008.", "Dodd-Frank Act: CNBC Explains For many on Wall Street, Dodd-Frank is seen as an overreaction to the recession of 2008, one that will push investors to the sidelines, burden financial institutions with cumbersome rules, and stop overall economic growth.", "- Americans have about $10 trillion in mortgages on their homes most of these mortgages are managed by servicers. Because of what servicers do and the size of the market, their effects on borrowers can be profound.. The new mortgage servicing rules achieve two main objectives." ]
[ 11.6796875 ]
[ 9.6953125, 11.1328125, 7.66796875, 10.4453125, 8.09375, 10.9296875, 9.7734375, 9.78125, 8.7109375, 10.0390625, 8.484375, 9.5078125, 7.9375, 11, 10.640625, 10.515625, 11.015625, 11.6875, 10.3828125, 10.90625, 9.8359375, 10.7890625, 9.734375, 11.6328125, 10.8828125, 9.15625, 7.28515625, 10.6484375, 10.71875, 9.765625 ]
what is casework in government
[ "What is an example of casework? The term “casework” is most commonly used as a term in political science. It refers to things that representatives do for their constituents. I have therefore moved this question to the Political Science group and will assume that you are asking about casework in this sense of the word. Constituents often have trouble with government agencies." ]
[ "Case management (US health system) Case management is multifaceted as the following definition highlights: Case management is a procedure to plan, seek, and monitor services for different social agencies and staff on behalf of a client.", "School of Social Work Caseworkers find career opportunities in child welfare agencies, family service agencies, schools, mental health clinics and hospitals, health care settings, child guidance clinics, industrial and labor organizations, and criminal justice settings.", "- Education Requirements. Case workers are required to hold at least a bachelor's degree in social work or a similar field, such as sociology, behavioral science or psychology. Students in these degree programs study a variety of disciplines and concepts, such as family systems, social welfare policy and economics.", "Caseworker (social work) In social work, a caseworker is a type of social worker who is employed by a government agency, non-profit organization, or other group to take on the cases of individuals and provide them with advocacy, information or other services. 1 1 Social case work. 1.1 Principles in Social Casework.", "- Case Brief. 1 Case briefing is a long-used method of studying law. Its purpose is to have students identify the rules of law found in court cases and analyze how courts apply these rules of law to the facts of a case in an objective and rational manner. Case briefing hones analytic skills and heightens understanding of the role of courts in defining, interpreting, and applying law.", "- Casework in a Congressional Office: Background, Rules, Laws, and Resources Congressional Research Service 1 Introduction Casework in a congressional office refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. Casework appears to be one of the more enduring", "Justice Department Justice Department. The Department of Justice (DOJ) is the Executive Branch department responsible for handling the legal work of the federal government. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the DOJ is the largest legal organization in the United States, with more than 100,000 employees nationwide and a budget of approximately $30 billion.", "Data Practices Self Help. The Government Data Practices Act provides that all government data are public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public. Government data is a term that means all recorded information a government entity has, including paper, email, DVDs, photographs, and other forms of data. The Government Data Practices Act also provides that government agencies must keep all data in a way that makes it easy for members of the public to access public data. If a government agency refuses access to public government data, the law allows individuals to file a complaint with the Office of Administrative Hearings.", "Government agency A government or state agency, often an appointed commission, is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of agency types. Although usage differs, a government agency is normally distinct both from a department or ministry, and other types of public body established by government.", "- A case interview is a unique type of job interview technique used predominantly by management consulting firms (and increasngly investment banks and tech companies) to better screen candidates, by assessing their analytical skills in a pressured real-time environment.ome consulting firms will even take your hand written notes after the interview has concluded to help them further assess and discuss the performance of each candidate with their colleagues. After some light conversation and “getting to know you” type questions, the interviewer will pose the case question.", "- Caseworker (social work) In social work, a caseworker is a type of social worker who is employed by a government agency, non-profit organization, or other group to take on the cases of individuals and provide them with advocacy, information or other services. 1 Social case work.", "Case Management Conference Law and Legal Definition Case management in legal terms refers to the schedule of proceedings involved in a matter. There are various stages in litigation, such as the filing of a complaint, answers, the discovery process (interrogatories, subpoenae, depostions, etc.), and motions that occur before a trial is held or a decision is rendered.", "- Many social work case managers began as social workers, however this is not always a prerequisite to the position. Social work case management is a discipline within the field of social work, and many case managers come from a background in human services.", "- Department of Justice. The Department of Justice (DOJ) is a cabinet-level agency responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States federal government. DOJ ensures public safety against foreign and domestic threats, including terrorism, and preventing crime.", "What does a Government Analyst do? Government analyst is a blanket term used to describe a number of analyst jobs that exist within government agencies.", "Government procurement in the United States Government procurement in the United States is the process by which the federal government acquires goods, services (notably construction), and interests in real property.oreover, the power to contract was and is regarded at law as necessarily incidental to the federal government's execution of its other powers. An early Supreme Court case, United States v. Tingey, 30 U.S. 5 Pet. 115 (1831), recognized that the United States government has a right to enter into a contract.", "- House and Senate Rules Governing Casework ................................................................................ 3. Casework and the Courts ...........................................................................................................", "- The Case File. 69.95. The Case File is a comprehensive take-it-with-you case management system written by investigators for investigators. It's designed to go everywhere you go and cover every aspect of a case from client / job intake, through a complete investigation, to final adjudication.", "Case management (mental health) Case management (mental health) Case management is the coordination of community-based services by a professional or team to provide individually-customized mental health care for people experiencing frequent setbacks or persistent challenges to their recovery.", "Government Policy R. Eric Petersen. Specialist in American National Government. In a congressional office, the term casework refers to the response or services that Members of Congress provide to constituents who request assistance. Each year, thousands of constituents turn to Members of Congress with a wide range of requests, from the simple to the complex.", "Case Worker Training Programs and Requirements Case Worker Training Programs and Requirements. A case worker is a social worker who assists and advocates for clients facing problems such as addiction, abuse, unemployment, disability, and discrimination. Learn about program levels and related courses, as well as job prospects and continuing education.", "Evidence Base & Related Publications Successful adoption and implementation of a comprehensive casework practice model in a public child welfare agency: Application of the getting to outcomes (GTO) model. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(5), 622-633.", "Case Management Knowledge Case management is a means for improving clients’ health and promoting wellness and autonomy through advocacy, communication, education, identification of service resources, and facilitation of service. Case management is guided by the principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice.", "- The sole authorized source for Solution Based Casework training and implementation. Child Welfare Practice Model. SBC is an evidenced-informed casework practice model that prioritizes working in partnership with families, focuses on pragmatic solutions to difficult situations, and notices and celebrates change.", "Government Policy In addition to serving individual. constituents, some congressional offices also consider as casework liaison activities between the. federal government and local governments, businesses, communities, and nonprofit. organizations. Members of Congress determine the scope of their constituent service activities. Casework is. conducted for various reasons, including a broadly held understanding among Members and staff. that casework is integral to the representational duties of a Member of Congress.", "Caseworker (social work) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In social work, a caseworker is a type of social worker who is employed by a government agency, non-profit organization, or other group to take on the cases of individuals and provide them with advocacy, information or other services.", "Government Claims Program Government Claims Program. The Government Claims Program (GCP) processes claims for money or damages against the state. The program was transferred to the Department of General Services from the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board in July 2016.", "FAQs: Case Management / Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) What is CM/ECF? CM/ECF -- the Case Management/Electronic Case Files program -- is a joint program of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the federal courts to replace old case management systems with a system based on current technology, new software, and increased functionality.", "United States Department of Justice United States Department of Justice. The United States Department of Justice (DOJ), also known as the Justice Department, is a federal executive department of the U.S. government, responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice in the United States, equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries.", "casework The definition of casework is social work where the social worker works directly with individuals and families. When a social worker is out in the field helping and interacting with families and children, this is an example of casework. social work in which the worker investigates a case of personal or family difficulty and gives advice and guidance." ]
[ 12.546875 ]
[ 9.84375, 10.96875, 10.4765625, 12.8359375, 8.828125, 11.9140625, 8.4140625, 7.66015625, 8.03125, 6.52734375, 12.5625, 9.1953125, 9.7421875, 8.609375, 7.6953125, 7.51171875, 10.9296875, 8.6171875, 9.875, 12.9140625, 11.171875, 10.4765625, 9.71875, 10.171875, 11.953125, 12.8359375, 8.3125, 9.0546875, 8.6953125, 11.7578125 ]
tesla motors prices
[ "- What Is It? The 2015 Tesla Model S P85D is an electric car that seats five and has a range of 253 miles. This 691-hp, two-motor (one for the front wheels, one for the back) sedan sits at the top of the Tesla lineup and has a base price of $104,500." ]
[ "- The option exercise price is set to be the consensus estimate of 2020's revenue, $33 billion ($184 per share). The underlying asset price is Tesla's 2020 revenue guidance ranging from $35 billion ($200 per share) to $40 billion ($212 per share). This is estimated by Musk's claim that Tesla will make 5,000 vehicles a week from 4Q 2017 on, up from 2084 units 1Q 2017.", "- Tesla is the innovator of the only continual production highway-capable electric car. With Tesla prices starting at $101,500 for the Roadster, selecting the right options and incentives will help obtain great Tesla car prices. Far from a traditional automaker, the Tesla company sees itself as the leader in cutting-edge progressive car technology.", "How Tesla Is Driving Electric Car Innovation Scenic route: A Model S speeds along the coast. Tesla’s Model S is expensive (it ranges from $70,000 to over $100,000), but its range is 265 miles, more than triple that of Nissan’s Leaf (75 miles).", "- BREAKING NEWS: Tesla Motors to buy Janesville GM plant to build new manufacturing facility! Hawthorne, CA - As part of unveiling Tesla motors model 3, Elon Musk made an announcement that due to overwhelming demand for the new vehicle that can travel 200 miles on a single charge and will retail at $35,000, Tesla Motors reached an agreement with General Motors to purchase it's Janesville facility.", "Coming soon: Affordable 2017 Tesla Model 3 sedan and crossover For starters, Tesla says the Model 3 will start at $35,000—about half the price of the larger Model S. The upcoming car will be offered in multiple configurations, presumably with different power and range, like the Model S line. Plus, there will reportedly be a crossover SUV variation.", "Why Are Tesla Cars So Expensive? One reason the traditional auto makers do not undertake electric car production is because the costs would be so high that when passed on to the consumer, the cars would be prohibitively expensive. Tesla cars, therefore, are relatively expensive to buy. The flagship Model S sedan has a base price of $71,000 not including a $10,000 extended battery or other upgrades and options.", "- Tesla average sale price per car is currently around $100,000, but the company is planning to introduce by the end of 2014 the model X, a lower priced vehicle. Also the new Roadster is in the pipeline but it will hit the markets not sooner than 2016/17.esla average sale price per car is currently around $100,000, but the company is planning to introduce by the end of 2014 the model X, a lower priced vehicle. Also the new Roadster is in the pipeline but it will hit the markets not sooner than 2016/17.", "Tesla Motors shares soar 41% in market debut SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Tesla Motors shares shot nearly 41% higher Tuesday in their first day of trade, an enthusiastic reception for the Silicon Valley electric car marker in sharp contrast to steep declines elsewhere in the equities market. The stock opened at $19 a share, 12% above the $17 offer price.", "How Tesla Is Driving Electric Car Innovation by most estimates the battery for the model s that i drove should cost between $ 42500 and $ 55250 or half the cost of the car but straubel indicated that it is already much lower they re way less than half actually he says", "- Tesla Motors is a automobile firm headquartered in San Carlos, Calif. that hires for Mechanical Engineer positions, Manufacturing Engineer roles, and more. The median salary at Tesla Motors is $90K annually.", "- The average tesla motors salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Production Associate to $90,000 per year for Store Manager.", "Tesla Motors Inc Model S Price In Australia Unveiled [REPORT] In Australia, the price of the Model S is higher than what is being charged for the car in the North America. The price of the Model S in North America is $81,000.", "Tesla Model S pricing and specifications : Electric sedan from $96K in Australia The most advanced electric car in the world, the Tesla Model S, will cost under $100,000 when it arrives in Australia later this year.", "- Tesla History. Tesla is the innovator of the only continual production highway-capable electric car. With Tesla prices starting at $101,500 for the Roadster, selecting the right options and incentives will help obtain great Tesla car prices.Far from a traditional automaker, the Tesla company sees itself as the leader in cutting-edge progressive car technology.amed after Nikola Tesla, the inventor of the induction motor and alternating-current power transmission, the first Tesla Roadster made its debut just days after the 150th anniversary of his birthday in 2006.", "How Much Will A 200-Mile Tesla Model 3 Really Cost? In the wake of Tesla’s recent announcement of 2015 financial results and a Bloomberg report that the upcoming Model 3 could cost as little as $25,000, it’s worth taking a looking at the prospects for the more affordable electric car with a somewhat more jaundiced eye.", "Tesla Model 3 announced: release set for 2017, price starts at $35,000 At the unveiling of the Model 3 this evening at the company's design studio in Hawthorne, California, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the car will deliver at least 215 miles of range beginning at just $35,000 — that's a bold claim, and an important one for Tesla to meet.", "- Purchase price: Tesla Model S and Model X. Base prices for the 2016 Tesla Model S sedan range from $66,000 to $109,500, depending on package; the 2016 Model X crossover ranges from $85,500 to $115,500. Further upgrades are available (more on that below). Tesla has also announced the more affordable Model 3 sedan, which the company says will sell for $35,000. Tesla is accepting a $1,000 “reservation” fee for the Model 3, expected to begin deliveries in late 2017.", "Tesla Battery In The Model S Costs âLess Than A Quarterâ Of The Car In Most Cases As a point of reference, the Model S lineup (non signature) ranges from $71,000 for the entry level 60 kWh car to $81,000 for the standard 85 kWh version and another $10,000 for the P85 (85 kWh Performance Edition).hich brings the 24kWh battery from 638/kWh or $15,312 to $383/kWh or $9,192 for a 24kWh pack. That $6,120 battery price drop is why Nissan was able to drop the Leaf price by $6k. So the 265 EV mile Tesla 85kWh pack would cost more like $32,555. But that’s not what they plan to use in the cheaper car.", "Electric-car battery costs: Tesla $190 per kwh for pack, GM $145 for cells As covered by Street Insider (complete with a misspelled Telsa in the headline), the somewhat negative Bereisa estimated Tesla's per-kwh cost for the entire Model 3 battery pack at $260 per kwh. Tesla Model 3 Driving on a Public Road.", "- That’s apparently not the case at Tesla. The California automaker just increased the price of one of its most desirable safety-tech features, the controversial Autopilot system, from $2500 to $3000.", "- , Drives an electric car. We don’t actually know the answer, but one way to estimate it is to take representative Tesla model, and I’m going to pick the Model S 90D with a well-optioned price of $103,300. If the margin is 20%, then the manufacturing cost is $82,640. The bigger the battery and the more options, the higher the margin.", "- Tesla Motors Inc's earnings per share without non-recurring items for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ended in Jun. 2015 was $-4.13. Therefore, Tesla Motors Inc's P/E (NRI) ratio for today is. Tesla Motors Inc's earnings per share without non-recurring items for the three months ended in Jun. 2015 was $-1.45.", "- Tesla Motors stock started the trading session today at a price of $195, down 49.12% from its 52-week high of $291.42.", "- About Tesla Model S. Designed from the start as an EV, the 2015 Tesla Model S is a roomy 5-passenger electric sedan boasting excellent cargo room with advantages in range and performance that its rivals can't touch.electric bill is now $150. *Price of a 400 mile round trip via Superchargers = $4 [$0.11/kw to refill the battery at home after the journey.] *Time savings not going to gas stations, oil changes, service.", "- The median salary at Tesla Motors is $90K annually. How long you've been working primarily drives compensation; however, where you live and your role at the company are also reported as secondary influences on salary at Tesla Motors.", "- A Model S comes with a factory invoice of about $62,000 for a base model and an MSRP of about $69,000. The Performance trim level adds about $25,000 to the vehicle’s MSRP. Being a member means your Certified Dealer will treat you with respect while offering you a price that guarantees savings.n late 2014, Tesla introduced a dual motor, all-wheel drive version of the Model S. The dual motored Model S has an electric motor on each axle, allowing for torque to be independently controlled for the front and rear wheels. The result is one of the fastest and most efficient cars available today.", "What are typical Tesla prices? Model S, Model X crossover and Model 3 costs explained How much does a Tesla cost? The current Tesla car line (Roadster, Model S, Model X) ranges in price from $68,000 to $138,800 before tax incentives for electric vehicles. However, the cost of Tesla’s new Model 3 (currently being rolled out this year) could be as low as $35,000. How much does a Tesla Model S cost? When wondering what the Model S will cost you, the answer depends on on the model you buy and the tax credits available. The Tesla Model S (pictured above) comes at a starting price of $68,000 in 2018, $3,000 less than a few years ago.", "- DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW. Tesla to enter India with new sedan at attractive price. Our target price for Model 3 is in the range of $30,000 to $40,000 (approx Rs 18-24 lakh) that makes it an ideal product in the luxury car segment, said Jay Vijayan, chief information officer at Tesla Motors. Its existing vehicle, Tesla Model S, is priced in excess of $100,000 (around rs 61 lakh).", "Tesla Semi priced from $150,000 to $200,000 (Tesla) Along with the promise of emissions-free driving, the Semi, which is fitted with four electric motors, also boasts superior acceleration to diesel trucks, a central driver's seat and is equipped with the cameras and sensors necessary to enable Tesla’s suite of semi-autonomous Autopilot features.", "CNBC ExplainsCNBC Explains A - B C - D E - F G - H I - J K - L M - N O - P Q - R S - T U - Z But with a base cash price of $70,000 to $75,000 for Tesla's Model S, its cars have always been positioned for the luxury car market more so than for the mass market, limiting excitement among average car buyers.ead More Apple hired Tesla engineers we fired: Elon Musk. Tesla can't compete on cost with other EVs from the major automakers — the Nissan Leaf ($29,010), General Motors ' Chevy Spark EV ($25,995) or even the BMW i3 ($42,400)." ]
[ 12.0234375 ]
[ 10.0546875, 12.359375, 11.1953125, 10.875, 11.65625, 11.4609375, 10.34375, 11.203125, 9.4765625, 9.84375, 10.8671875, 11.140625, 11.71875, 11.8125, 11.375, 11.4921875, 12.3046875, 9.109375, 10.015625, 10.8203125, 10.6171875, 9.5546875, 11.9453125, 9.7421875, 10.1484375, 10.5625, 11.8046875, 12.0859375, 11.015625, 11.5078125 ]
symptoms of hay fever allergies
[ "Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) This term is sometimes used because the two conditions frequently occur together. Symptoms of allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, frequently include. 1 nasal congestion, 2 a runny nose with clear mucus, 3 sneezing, 4 nose, eye itching, excess tear production in the eyes." ]
[ "Everything you need to know about hay fever Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is a common condition that shows signs and symptoms similar to a cold with sneezing, congestion, runny nose and sinus pressures. This article is about allergic rhinitis. You can read about non-allergic rhinitis here.", "Hay Fever Hay fever symptoms lend themselves to home treatment. 1 Gargle with warm salt water, 1-2 tablespoons of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water, to soothe a mildly sore throat. Take nonprescription antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) to relieve symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, and itchy throat and eyes.", "Does a High Pollen Count Affect You? How To Treat The Hay Fever Symptoms Hay fever is caused by an allergy to pollen. Common hay fever symptoms are a runny, itchy and/or blocked nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. Common treatments are an antihistamine nasal spray or medicine and/or a steroid nasal spray. Other treatments are sometimes used if these common treatments do not work so well.", "Hay Fever & Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment The symptoms of allergic rhinitis may at first feel like those of a cold. But in the case of hay fever, symptoms usually appear when a person encounters an allergen, such as pollen or mold. Symptoms include itchy eyes, itchy nose, itchy throat, itchy ears, sneezing, irritability, nasal congestion and hoarseness.", "Allergic rhinitis When a person with allergic rhinitis breathes in an allergen such as pollen, mold, animal dander, or dust, the body releases chemicals that cause allergy symptoms. Hay fever involves an allergic reaction to pollen. Plants that cause hay fever are trees, grasses, and weeds.", "- If you have a pollen allergy and breathe in pollen-heavy air, you may experience symptoms such as: 1 Sneezing. 2 Nasal congestion. 3 Runny nose. Watery 1 eyes. Itchy throat and eyes. Wheezing.", "asthma There are two types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennial allergic rhinitis. Seasonal allergic rhinitis, also called pollinosis, hay fever, or nasal allergies, is characterized by several symptoms, predominantly in the nose and eyes. Symptoms occur after airborne allergens like dust, dander, or pollen are inhaled. When pollens cause the allergic symptoms, the allergic rhinitis is commonly referred to as hay fever. According to the American Lung Association, an estimated 26.1 million Americans have hay fever symptoms each year, and 14.6 million Americans have asthma, which often accompanies hay fever.", "Dandelion Allergy Symptoms. Hay fever is a collection of allergic symptoms that you experience if you are sensitive to dandelion pollen. You might experience a runny and stuffy nose, sneezing, eye irritation and sore throat. As with other types of allergies, dandelion allergy can range in severity.ollen is a common allergy trigger, but people are more prone to the pollen produced by ragweed plants, including dandelion. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, 75 percent of Americans’ pollen allergies are triggered by ragweed plants.", "- Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion. Hay fever can cause a rash. Learn about the causes and symptoms of hay fever rash. Hay fever symptoms are fairly well-known. Sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion are all allergic reactions to airborne particles such as pollen.", "- One of the most common forms of allergy is allergic rhinitis ( hay fever ), which produces symptoms like. 1 nasal congestion, 2 itchy and watery eyes, 3 sneezing, 4 stuffy or runny nose, 5 scratchy or sore throat,6 throat clearing, 7 cough from postnasal drip.sthma is also related to allergies in many cases. The symptoms of allergies can sometimes resemble those of other conditions. The common cold and the flu can cause respiratory symptoms similar to allergies. Typically, allergy symptoms are associated with a specific time of year or exposure to an allergen.", "Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) Hay fever is the common name to describe allergic rhinitis and involves a recurrent runny, stuffy, itchy nose, and frequent sneezing.", "Lifecoach: Can hay fever cause a rash? Cross-reactions can occur between allergens because of structural similarities among proteins of diverse sources, such as pollen and foods. This is why many hay fever sufferers report symptoms such as swelling of the lips, mouth or throat after eating certain fruit and vegetables during the high pollen season.", "Allergic Rhinitis You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don't cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. Your body's overreaction to the allergens is what causes symptoms.ay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis (say: “rine-EYE-tis”), is an allergic reaction to pollen. Symptoms of hay fever are seasonal, meaning you will feel worse when the pollens that affect you are at their highest levels. Hay fever is the most common form of allergy.", "What is hay fever? Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion. Hay fever can cause a rash. Learn about the causes and symptoms of hay fever rash. Hay fever symptoms are fairly well-known. Sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion are all allergic reactions to airborne particles such as pollen. Skin irritation or rash is another symptom of hay fever that gets little attention.", "Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis) Allergic rhinitis is the correct term used to describe this allergic reaction, and many different substances cause the allergic symptoms noted in hay fever. Rhinitis means inflammation of the nose and is a derivative of rhino, meaning nose.", "- Symptoms of Pollen allergy. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Pollen allergy includes the 12 symptoms listed below: 1 Nausea. Vomiting.", "Overview Why it's done. Seasonal allergies. If you have seasonal allergic asthma or hay fever symptoms, you may be allergic to pollens released by trees, grasses or weeds. Indoor allergens. If you have year-round symptoms, you may be sensitive to indoor allergens, such as dust mites, cockroaches, mold, or dander from pets such as cats or dogs.", "Overview Hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like signs and symptoms, such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure. 6.", "What is hay fever? Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion. Hay fever can cause a rash. Learn about the causes and symptoms of hay fever rash. Hay fever symptoms are fairly well-known.Sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion are all allergic reactions to airborne particles such as pollen.Skin irritation or rash is another symptom of hay fever that gets little attention.ay fever symptoms include sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion. Hay fever can cause a rash. Learn about the causes and symptoms of hay fever rash. Hay fever symptoms are fairly well-known.", "Scratchy Throat Allergies â Seasonal Allergies Hay fever is an example of an allergy caused by dust and pollen. This allergy is also called allergic rhinitis. Its symptoms include sneezing, soar throat or scratchy throat, congestion in the nasal cavity, head aches and watery eyes.", "Hay fever and perennial allergic rhinitis The most common causes of hay fever are: 1 tree pollen such as elder, elm, hazel and especially birch (spring hay fever) 2 grass pollen (summer hay fever) 3 mugwort and hybrids such as chrysanthemum (autumn hay fever) house dust mites and mould fungus – particularly associated with perennial allergic rhinitis.", "- Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis (say: “rine-EYE-tis”), is an allergic reaction to pollen. Symptoms of hay fever are seasonal, meaning you will feel worse when the pollens that affect you are at their highest levels. Hay fever is the most common form of allergy.It affects 1 in 5 people.ay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis (say: “rine-EYE-tis”), is an allergic reaction to pollen. Symptoms of hay fever are seasonal, meaning you will feel worse when the pollens that affect you are at their highest levels. Hay fever is the most common form of allergy.", "Allergic rhinitis For the play, see Hay Fever (play). Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. Signs and symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, red, itchy, and watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes. The fluid from the nose is usually clear.", "- People with allergic rhinitis generally experience symptoms after breathing in an allergy-causing substance such as pollen or dust. In the fall, a common allergen is ragweed. In the spring, the most common triggers are grasses and pollen.llergic rhinitis, like skin rashes and other allergies, develops when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment that typically causes no problem in most people. Allergic rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever.", "PURPOSES temporarily relieves these symptoms associated with hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies, and the common cold: 1 runny nose. 2 itchy, watery eyes. 3 itching of the nose or throat. 4 sneezing. nasal congestion. sinus 1 pressure. headache. minor aches and 1 pains. fever.", "- The usual hay fever symptoms are a blocked, congested or itchy nose, sneezing and increased runniness of the nose often back into the throat — known as post-nasal drip. Sometimes the eyes are affected at the same time, feeling itchy, watery and red — the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.", "- Highlights. 1 Allergic rhinitis is commonly known as hay fever. 2 Common symptoms include sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a sore, scratchy throat. 3 Possible triggers include grass, pollen, dust mites, cockroaches, cigarette smoke, and perfume.", "- If you’ve got a nasal or skin allergy, common symptoms include: 1 Itchy, watery eyes. 2 Sneezing. 3 Itchy, runny nose. 4 Rashes. Feeling tired or 5 ill. Hives (a rash with raised red patches)", "Allergy These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis. Symptoms may include red eyes, an itchy rash, runny nose, shortness of breath, or swelling. Food intolerances and food poisoning are separate conditions. Common allergens include pollen and food.", "Overview Your hay fever signs and symptoms may start or worsen at a particular time of year. Triggers include: 1 Tree pollen, which is common in early spring. 2 Grass pollen, which is common in late spring and summer. 3 Ragweed pollen, which is common in fall. Dust mites, cockroaches and dander from pets can occur year-round (perennial)." ]
[ 12.015625 ]
[ 11.984375, 12.3984375, 11.7421875, 12.21875, 11.53125, 11.2734375, 11.328125, 8.59375, 11.8828125, 10.7578125, 11.9453125, 11.4140625, 9.7578125, 11.7890625, 11.4453125, 10.15625, 11.2578125, 12.3203125, 10.7734375, 10.8359375, 10.8046875, 10.4296875, 12.28125, 9.3671875, 11.4453125, 12.40625, 12.15625, 11.15625, 11.484375, 11.65625 ]
what are metts
[ "Mett Mett with onions. Mett is a preparation of minced raw pork that is popular in Germany, in Belgium and the Netherlands a similar preparation is made from beef. The name originates from mett, either meaning chopped pork meat without bacon, or the Old Saxon meti, meaning food. It is normally served with salt and black pepper, and sometimes with garlic, caraway or chopped onion, and eaten raw, usually on a bread roll." ]
[ "Alternative Minimum Tax The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) is meant to ensure that anyone who benefits from certain tax advantages pays at least a minimum amount of tax. Schedule M1MT, Alternative Income Tax, determines what this minimum should be and compares it to the normal tax calculation. You must pay whichever amount is higher.", "How are hazards identified during mission planning? During mission planning, hazards are identified by the applying mission, enemy, terrain, troops, time and civilians framework. This framework is usually referred to as METT-TC. This framework is set to help military commander prioritize what they need to analyze during the planning of a mission. Usually the civilian analysis is considered when the mission is to take place in an urban terrain.", "FAQs MSPT and MPT are the same degree but are written differently depending on the University attended. MSPT stands for Masters of Science in Physical Therapy and MPT stands for Master of Physical Therapy. ATC stands for Certified Athletic Trainer or Athletic Trainer Certified.", "Managed Long Term Services and Supports Managed LTSS. Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) refers to the delivery of long term services and supports through capitated Medicaid managed care programs.", "PEMF PMT 120 The PMT 120 is a Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) device. PEMF is a type of electromagnetic therapy in which small magnetic currents are intermittently applied to the body. Our bodies use magnetic fields to generate cellular energy. This increased energy is needed to help our bodies heal and regain balance.", "Employers: metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax (MCTMT) Employers – metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax (MCTMT) all public library systems (as defined by section 272(1) of the Education Law) and all public and free association libraries (as defined by section 253(2) of the Education Law) beginning with the first quarter of 2016.", "MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES (MCTs) MEDIUM CHAIN TRIGLYCERIDES MCTs Overview Information Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are partially man-made fats. The name refers to the way the carbon atoms are arranged in their chemical structure. MCTs are generally made by processing coconut and palm kernel oils in the laboratory. Usual dietary fats, by comparison, are long-chain triglycerides. People use MCTs as medicine.", "What is MLTSS? Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) provides long-term services and supports through New Jersey Medicaid's NJ FamilyCare. You can receive these benefits and services:", "Lithium Metatungstate (LMT) An Affordable Alternative to LST and SPT Heavy Liquids. For use in Geology, Asbestos Analysis, ASTM Aggregate Analysis, Palaentology, Metallurgy, Geochronology, Geochemistry, Gemology, Paleothnobatany, Minerology, Industrial Minerals, Indicator Minerals, and many other Research areas. Copyright © LMT Liquid, LLC. All Right Reserved.", "Mentos Mentos is a brand of prepackaged scotch mints sold in stores and vending machines. First produced in the Netherlands in 1948, it is currently sold in more than 130 countries worldwide by the Perfetti Van Melle corporation. The mints are small oblate spheroids, with a slightly hard exterior and a soft, chewy interior.", "\"\"\"Active Management Technology\"\": The obscure remote control in some Intel hardware\" Intel's Active Management Technology (AMT) is a proprietary remote management and control system for personal computers with Intel CPUs. It is dangerous because it has full access to personal computer hardware at a very low level, and its code is secret and proprietary.", "What metta is Metta is the desire that all sentient beings be well, or at least the ones we’re currently thinking about or in contact with. It’s wishing others well. Metta is friendliness, consideration, kindness, generosity. Metta is an attitude rather than just a feeling. It’s an attitude of friendliness. Metta is the basis for compassion.", "- MTBF, MTTR, MTTF and FIT. Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is a reliability term used to provide the amount of failures. per million hours for a product. This is the most common inquiry about a product’s life span, and is. important in the decision-making process of the end user.", "Varieties (All Products Listed Can Be Shipped) Skinless Smoked Sausage (Metts) Available in mild and spicy hot, Skinless Smoked Sausages are packed with real pork and beef, decorated with real Wisconsin cheese, and to-die-for hot off the grill.", "SAT We're neither. ETS is a private nonprofit organization devoted to educational measurement and research, primarily through testing. We develop and administer more than 50 million achievement and admissions tests each year at more than 9,000 locations in the United States and 180 other countries.", "Meridian Tapping Techniques (MTT) is a bright light on the horizon of energy therapies. Our goal is to provide resources, support, services, affiliations, a general organization and “meeting place” for those who want to explore meridian tapping techniques and for those who want to spread the word in a variety of different ways.", "Mean of Platts Singapore Mean of Platts Singapore. MOPS (short for the Mean of Platts Singapore) is the average of a set of Singapore-based oil product price assessments published by Platts, a global energy, petrochemicals, metals and agriculture information provider and a division of McGraw Hill Financial. Overview.", "Electronic article surveillance These tags are made of a strip of amorphous metal (metglas) which has a very low magnetic saturation value. Except for permanent tags, this strip is also lined with a strip of ferromagnetic material with a moderate coercive field (magnetic hardness).", "Telecommunications Glossary cable modem termination system (CMTS) A cable modem termination system (CMTS) is a component that exchanges digital signals with cable modems on a cable network. A cable modem termination system is located at the local office of a cable television company. Download this free guide.", "Metes and bounds Metes and bounds is a system or method of describing land, real property or real estate. Newer systems include rectangular, lot and block and Torrens. The system has been used in England for many centuries, and is still used there in the definition of general boundaries. The system is also used in the Canadian province of Ontario. By custom, it was applied in the original Thirteen Colonies that became the United States, and in many other land jurisdictions based on English common law. Typically", "Abbreviated mental test score Abbreviated mental test score. The abbreviated mental test score (AMTS) was introduced by Hodkinson in 1972 rapidly to assess elderly patients for the possibility of dementia. Its uses in medicine have become somewhat wider, e.g. to assess for confusion and other cognitive impairment, although it has mainly been validated in the elderly.", "- \\-mət-ə\\play. : a tumor formed of dilated lymphatic vessels.", "- Methotrexate (MTX), formerly known as amethopterin, is a chemotherapy agent and immune system suppressant. It is used to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, ectopic pregnancy, and for medical abortions. Types of cancers it is used for include breast cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma.", ".m2ts The BDAV container format is a modification of MPEG-2 transport stream (ITU-T H.222.0 | ISO / IEC 13818-1) specification for random-access media, such as Blu-ray Disc, DVD, hard drives or solid-state memory cards. It is informally called M2TS.", "Methotrexate (MTX) for Early Abortion Methotrexate is a FDA approved drug, but is not labeled for use in the termination of pregnancy. It has been successfully used since 1982 in a single dose to treat ectopic (tubal) pregnancies (where the fertilized egg is embedded in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus). In 1996-97, FWHC participated in clinical trials with the University of Washington to study MTX for Medical Abortion.", "What does the Army acronym METT-TC stand for? Answer Wiki. It's actually a mnemonic, not an acronym. Mission, Enemy, Terrain (and weather), Troops (and support available), Civilian Considerations. Though note, when I was in the military it was only referred to at METT-T. METT-TC are the relevant factors in operational planning.", "Training Information DWI - Alcohol Drug Education Training School (ADETS) ADETS is an evidence-based curriculum for someone with a DWI conviction who has not been identified as having a substance use disorder, but may be at risk for these disorders as well as other problems associated with substance use. DMH/DD/SAS oversees the program.", "Commanderâs Intent: Commander’s Intent: METT-TC is a mnemonic used by the United States Army to help commanders remember and prioritize what to analyze during the planning phase of any operation. This site will take you through all 6 factors of METT-TC, and discuss them in detail.", "Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) Therapy (MOT) Occupational therapy is a vital health care service that uses occupation as the basis for treatment of people of all ages with a wide variety of physical, developmental, and emotional disabilities. Occupations are everyday, purposeful activities that all people engage in as part of their daily routines.", "COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS are abbreviations that describe pre-packaged software or (less commonly) hardware purchase alternatives. COTS products are designed to be easily installed and to interoperate with existing system components." ]
[ 12.8046875 ]
[ 8.625, 9.1875, 7.9609375, 8.2890625, 7.7109375, 8.7109375, 8.34375, 8.03125, 7.6171875, 10.3125, 8.421875, 10.0625, 7.73046875, 12.3203125, 8.265625, 10.0625, 7.625, 8.1484375, 7.87890625, 8.375, 7.82421875, 10.8359375, 9.4765625, 8.4609375, 8.734375, 10.0546875, 8.7421875, 10.5703125, 8.2265625, 7.56640625 ]
are sustainable homes cheaper
[ "Do Green Houses Cost More to Build Than Regular Houses? Green is often less expensive when all things are considered. Sustainable building often seems more expensive than conventional building. Many of the building materials that make houses more durable and easier to heat and cool aren’t cheap.Complicated systems that allow a certain amount of energy independence-- photovoltaic (PV) Generation of electricity directly from sunlight.avings can come in other ways. Spending more money for more durable materials is cheaper in the long run because they won’t have to be replaced as often. Considering life-cycle costs, rather than focusing solely on initial costs, can yield some surprising results. Green building isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition." ]
[ "Compare The Cost Of Solar Panels Compare The Cost Of Solar Panels. One of the most popular forms of renewable energy, solar panels offer tangible benefits for the homeowner and the environment. For the homeowner, solar panels deliver a significant reduction in heat or electricity bills.There's also the opportunity to earn money from the UK Government's solar incentive schemes.For the environment, solar energy represents a cleaner, greener alternative to fossil fuels.or the homeowner, solar panels deliver a significant reduction in heat or electricity bills. There's also the opportunity to earn money from the UK Government's solar incentive schemes. For the environment, solar energy represents a cleaner, greener alternative to fossil fuels.", "Solar Roof Tiles However, solar tiles cost more than solar panels and are often less efficient meaning they typically deliver a lower return on investment. You can compare the cost of different solar solutions by entering your postcode in the banner above or read our guide to solar tiles below.", "Attractive Net-Zero-Energy House On A Budget They wanted to show that you can build a net-zero-energy house (one that doesn’t look cheap) for well below the average construction cost per square foot. Their 1,915-square-foot home came in at $124 per square foot, or $114 after subtracting state and federal credits for the photovoltaics.ttractive Net-Zero-Energy House On A Budget. A majority of the highly energy-efficient homes you see on Earthtechling’s pages cost more to build than the average new US home.", "- “A biomass system could produce 7-10 times as much energy, but the difference is you have to buy the pellets.”The RHI pays a generous introductory rate of between 7.3p per kWh for air-source heat pumps and 19.2p per kWh for solar thermal panels.his is because renewable heating is not cheaply installed like plug-and-play solar photovoltaics.The government reduced the entire budget for the domestic RHI scheme from £864 million per year to between £500 million and £600 million, a discrepancy that households are unlikely to recoup in the near term.", "- Thus, they are more expensive to install than solar panels. Solar shingles are typically less efficient, contributing to their higher overall cost. Some solar shingles are flexible and provide a greater potential for design integration, but flexible shingles are more susceptible to thermally accelerated degradation.", "5 Prefab Companies Impacting Green Housing Many prefab homes reduce waste to 10% or less, which conserves the environment and saves money for the buyers. (Many homes can be built in the $200,000 range.) Because these homes are factory-made, measurements are precise.", "- Cost of Solar. As electricity rates are rising the cost of solar panels have never been lower. Switch to home solar and save with Sunrun.", "It's getting CHEAPER to run a home as mortgage payments fall - but soaring energy bills now make up 18% of cost It now typically costs £9,590 a year to run a home, a 1.9 per cent rise on the £9,411 it cost in 2012, according to Halifax.This compares to a higher 2.7 per cent rise in the official consumer price index measure of inflation.ortgage payments: Have fallen drastically in the last five years. Overall, the average annual cost of owning and running an owner-occupied home is just two per cent, or £184, higher than five years ago. The rise is significantly lower than the 18 per cent increase in overall consumer prices since 2008.", "Compare Solar Roof Costs It is true that solar roofing and solar roof shingles cost more than other roofing materials, most would argue that it makes up for that in the cost saved on their energy bill. In this section of the New Roofing Costs website, we will learn about solar roofing costs and solar shingle prices.", "New Brunswick's most energy efficient home With a heating bill of $77 for an entire winter, the Naugler House is without a doubt the most energy-efficient home in New Brunswick. Not only will it save money long-term, it is saving money right now, as the monthly savings on utilities outweigh the added mortgage cost for energy-efficient upgrades.he Naugler House cost $2,140.82 less to heat per year than a house of the same design, on the same site, built to code. The $178.40 per month saved on heat more than pays the additional monthly mortgage payment of $152.00 to build to the Passive House standard.", "Build Your Own Eco House Cheap: 10 DIY Inspirations Whether you'd like a small, simple earthen house, an off-grid cabin, a renovated Airstream or a house made of reclaimed shipping containers, you can come up with a plan that fits your lifestyle. Here are 10 inspiring examples, ranging in cost from an astounding $300 up to $40,000. You can build a tiny earthbag house for as little as $300. In fact, earthbags may be one of the most economical green building techniques of all, as well as the easiest.", "Thread: Building vs buying Cost of building residential homes vary considerable between regions. On the cheap, you could build in Christchurch for around $1300 per sqm while in Auckland, it will be around the $2000 figure.I'm not familiar with Otago region and the cost will vary quite a bit between building in Dunedin vs 100 kms away on a farm lot. whats cheaper in new zealand to build with, bricks or wood?f you're looking at framing structures of the house, that too isn't much different in cost between 2x4 wood vs Axxis steel framed housing. Actually Golden Homes here in Christchurch can build steel framed for around $1100 per sqm is which cheaper than wood.", "Portable Housing, Made in Montana Their choice was portable housing — still housing, but as far from their old work as could be. Instead of building homes with a labyrinth of rooms that cost $1,500 to $1,800 a square foot, they decided to construct one-room houses priced at about $20 a square foot.Such homes are basically shells to which owners can add baths and kitchens if they wish; some may even have lofts and high ceilings.r. Weas had sold a software company to become a developer in Bozeman, and had built two spec homes at the Yellowstone Club, an affluent ski village, one for $3.5 million and one for $4.5 million.", "The costs of living on a canal boat Is living aboard a narrowboat cheaper than living in a house. 'Yes' for most people. Although I often describe narrowboating as being either a very expensive hobby or a very cheap way of life.", "- 1 A standard generic designed house on an excellent site using very basic finishes will cost a minimum of R 2 500/square meter ($350/square metre). 2 A custom designed house on an excellent site using basic finishes will cost a minimum of R 3 500/square meter ($500/square metre).his is the easiest system of house construction, commercial property construction or industrial property construction. In fact it's the easiest way to build just about anything. It's half the cost of building with brick, double the strength and twice as fast.", "- Is solar power less expensive than energy from my utility company? Solar power often costs less than traditional power from the utility company. When homeowners ask themselves if solar panels are worth it, the increasing cost for electricity is often what drives them to explore clean, renewable solar energy. What they find is that installing a solar panel system is a relatively simple way to take control of affordable energy rates over time. When electricity rates associated with fossil fuels – oil, coal and natural gas – inevitably go up, the solar power savings increase too.", "- 1 Higher quality roofing such as polyurethane foam may cost a bit more, but it will insulate and last the life of the building. 2 In contrast, a roof, such as Tar & Gravel, with insulation will cost about the same as an SPF roof.he foam roof should be cheaper since it takes little labor. The roof can be done in 2 days by 2 persons. The materials cost is about $3,thus the profit is very large. Such roof should not cost more than $10,000 for 2,000 sq ft house. on 10 Jul 2011 at 7:39 pm. Typo.", "- 2010-06-22. In our series we show you, what are the costs of the various work processes by an average detached house. Let’s start with the foundations! Most of the architects prefer the strip foundation over the raft foundation, and in the public consciousness is that the strip foundation is cheaper.We think that the price difference is not significant, we illustrate it with an example, and we would like to help you out to make a better decision.amely raft foundation is more profitable by houses with basement. First approximation, and the example above, the raft foundation is 8 or 16% more expensive, than the strip foundation, depending if there is a basement (8%), or there isn’t (16%).", "- • Sustainability isn’t the burden on bottom lines that many executives believe it to be. In fact, becoming environment-friendly can lower your costs and increase your revenues. That’s why sustainability should be a touchstone for all innovation.", "- In addition, costs for fossil fuels may creep up due to raw material costs, shipping costs, and possibly carbon dioxide taxes. At an installed price of $1.25 per watt, the cost of PV solar is always cheaper than coal. At $2 per watt, it is cheaper after year 40.At $3.00 per watt, it is cheaper about year 80.n addition, costs for fossil fuels may creep up due to raw material costs, shipping costs, and possibly carbon dioxide taxes. At an installed price of $1.25 per watt, the cost of PV solar is always cheaper than coal. At $2 per watt, it is cheaper after year 40.", "- Modular homes are also available in any size from cottages to palatial luxury homes, ranging in pricing from about $50,000 to more than $300,000. Many people choose modular homes because they generally cost 10 percent to 20 percent less in terms of overall cost than custom builds.", "How Much Does It Cost To Build A Modular Home Modular Home Cost. Summary: Modular homes generally cost less to build than a stick built new home. Carl, In your section on Modular Homes you answered a question asked by Jodi. In your answer at the very end you said, Try to use similar quality components. You can run as many variations as you want.", "- Sustainable companies usually try to employ strategies that incur some sort of high cost in order to dissuade customers from switching to a competitor's product, brand or services.", "How to be sustainable at home 5 Ways to Be More Sustainable. Rethink your washing – Opt for detergents that work well at 30 degrees so you can use less energy by washing on short or cooler cycles. Another way to contribute to greener living in this way is to choose products that have a like mind in terms of doing more with less.", "Build or Buy? A Housing Market Dilemma They're also cheaper than custom homes because building similar homes cuts down on labor costs. New homes also have the most up-to-date technology and building materials. They are more energy-efficient than older homes, which helps keep electric bills low. But there are also disadvantages to building a new home. In addition to paying for construction of the home, buyers also have to purchase the land the home will sit on, adding significant costs. [See 10 Energy-Efficient Home Improvements.] There's also the time factor to consider.", "Build Your Own Eco House Cheap: 10 DIY Inspirations $300 Earthbag House. You can build a tiny earthbag house for as little as $300. In fact, earthbags may be one of the most economical green building techniques of all, as well as the easiest.", "The Cost of Sustainable Architecture My understanding is that it now costs between $200 and $300 per square foot there for new construction. So at the lower end of this, you would be able to build a 1,000 sf house for about $200,000, if you already owned the land.This really saddens me, since it puts such homes out reach of many people.y understanding is that it now costs between $200 and $300 per square foot there for new construction. So at the lower end of this, you would be able to build a 1,000 sf house for about $200,000, if you already owned the land. This really saddens me, since it puts such homes out reach of many people.", "- 1 A standard generic designed house on an excellent site using very basic finishes will cost a minimum of R 2 500/square meter ($350/square metre). 2 A custom designed house on an excellent site using basic finishes will cost a minimum of R 3 500/square meter ($500/square metre).", "- So if you are off-gas grid and have storage heaters or you have a warm air system, the current ECO provides very little in terms of direct funding to help with the installation cost and the customers are asked to contribute quite a lot of money up front, which many low income households can ill afford.e replace storage heaters under GDHIF. See what TheGreenAge can offer you! To qualify you will have to install at least two energy efficient measures, with storage heaters being one of them. So for example you may choose to install 2 composite secure doors as well as the heaters, which would qualify you for £1,000.", "- The life-cycle cost analysis is not simple for the homeowner to understand. The net zero energy design is approximately 33 % ($162 687) more expensive to construct than the 2012 IECC design due to its complex construction design (additional insulation, tighter air leakage control, HRV system, solar systems, etc.)." ]
[ 12.0234375 ]
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electricity cost in colorado
[ "Denver Electricity Rates Residential electricity in Colorado. 1 Residential electricity rates in Colorado. 2 The average residential electricity rate in Colorado is 11.46¢/kWh, which ranks 21st in the nation and is 3.54% less than the national average rate of 11.88¢/kWh. 3 Residential electricity consumption in CO." ]
[ "- Posted on January 18, 2012 in Parent Resources. Many new parents are shocked by how much child care costs. Often, the cost of child care can consume 25 percent or more of a household’s income. Child care costs in Colorado are among the highest in the nation with an average cost of $12,400 per year.", "- The average cost for electricity in the United States is 10.45 cents. Electricity costs vary wildly from state to state though and city to city, particularly when comparing regulated and deregulated markets. There are over a dozen states with some kind of deregulated energy market.", "- The cost of living in Colorado (CO) is lower than the nationwide average. The average yearly pay in Colorado is $50,873.00, which is higher than the U.S. average annual salary by $1,065.00. The consumer price index (CPI) of 224 in Colorado is 3.86% lower than the U.S. city average CPI of 233. The sales tax is 2.90%.", "What does Nursing Home Care Cost in Colorado? We found average costs for Indiana in the data from the MetLife 2012 Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs. The survey says that the average cost in 2012 of Nursing Home care in Colorado was $241.00 per day for private care, and $214.00 per day for semi-private care.The daily cost varies, depending on your locality.In Colorado Springs, for instance, the average cost of private care per day was $231.00 In Denver, it was $242.00. The rest of the state has a lower daily cost, as an average, of $219.00. The United States average cost for a semi-private room was $222.00.e found average costs for Indiana in the data from the MetLife 2012 Market Survey of Long-Term Care Costs. The survey says that the average cost in 2012 of Nursing Home care in Colorado was $241.00 per day for private care, and $214.00 per day for semi-private care.", "- Pueblo’s Fight for Energy Justice Featured in SIERRA Magazine Profile. August 23, 2017. In Pueblo, Colorado, the local utility puts profits above the well-being of ratepayers like Michael Tannahill, who’s had his electricity shut off most months since 2015. But residents are fighting back.", "Cost of Living in Colorado (CO) The cost of living in Colorado (CO) is lower than the nationwide average. The average yearly pay in Colorado is $50,873.00, which is higher than the U.S. average annual salary by $1,065.00.", "- In the PG&E region of California, the average cost per Kwh is $0.12. In actuality, if you are on the regular rate schedule, you are paying $0.115 for your Basic Kwh allowance and $0.133 for every Kwh in excess of your Basic allowance.", "- Thanks in part to persistent local oversupply and limited gas transmission capacity, Colorado natural gas prices are the second-lowest in the nation. At an average price of $6.79 per MMCF, Colorado consumers pay fractionally more than those in North Dakota ($6.48) and less than those in energy-rich Texas ($7.75).", "How to calculate the amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) your solar panel system will produce Their contract shows a price per kwh of $0.109. The price per kwh of electricity from non-renewable energy in Colorado is $0.112. A difference of $0.003 per kwh!!! So under the above assupmtions we can calculate the actual “savings” a solar customer would realize.", "- The total cost of driving from Colorado to California (one-way) is $119.87 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $239.74 to go from Colorado to California and back to Colorado again. Regular fuel costs are around $2.63 per gallon for your trip. This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving. All currency units are U.S. Dollars.", "Redmond, WA Utilities: Electricity, Gas & Solar Residential Natural Gas Rates in Colorado Springs. Residential natural gas prices in Colorado Springs in December 2016 averaged 6.48 dollars per thousand cubic feet ($/Mcf), which was approximately 28% less than the national average rate of 9.06 $/Mcf (December 2016). → Natural gas prices listed as zero are not currently available.", "- Electricity cost by state. The average cost for electricity in the United States is 10.44 cents per kWh. Electricity prices vary widely across the US, as low as 7.13 cents per kWh in Washington to 33.43 cents per kWh in Hawaii.", "- In the U.S. in 2002, the cost of electricity by different sources is listed below: Coal: 1-4 cents; Gas: 2.3-5.0 cents; Oil: 6-8 cents; Wind: 5-7 cents; Nuclear: 6-7 cents; Solar: 25-50 cents.", "- Electricity cost is $0.08/kWh. The monthly demand charge is $10/kW—the overall average cost of electricity with demand charge is approximately $0.114/kWh. Note that in the second example, the electricity measurements are made in the circuit leading to the compressor motor, so that the full power usage is measured.", "Ogden Electricity Rates Commercial electricity bills in UT ; The average monthly commercial electricity bill in Utah is $626, which ranks 16th in the nation and is 0.48% less than the national average of $629. Learn more about commercial electricity in Utah", "Colorado Concrete Costs & Prices - ProMatcher Cost Report Cost of Concrete Sawing, Demolition or Removal in Colorado. $20.00 per linear foot (for saw cutting 4 slab) (Range: $15.00 - $25.00) $4.63 per square foot (for demolition and removal of 4 slab) (Range: $3.74 - $5.52) Free Estimates from Local Pros.", "Energy policy of the United States Colorado consumers receive their electricity from an interconnected grid serving. eleven states and portions of Canada and Mexico. Because electricity can go. anywhere on the grid and come from anywhere on the grid, and because Colorado. is a net importer of electricity, Colorado’s renewable energy mandate effectively.", "Wage and Hour Laws in Colorado What is the minimum wage in Colorado? As of January 1, 2017, the minimum wage in Colorado is $9.30 per hour. The minimum wage is scheduled to increase by 90 cents at the beginning of each year, as follows: $10.20 (2018), $11.10 (2019), and $12 (2020).", "- Electricity Costs in the United States. The average cost for electricity in the United States is 10.45 cents. Electricity costs vary wildly from state to state though and city to city, particularly when comparing regulated and deregulated markets. There are over a dozen states with some kind of deregulated energy market.", "The Price Of Electricity In Your State Here's a map of residential electricity prices, according to the Energy Information Administration. People in Hawaii pay the most for electricity, about 33 cents per kWh. A Hawaiian household whose electricity use was around the national average would have a monthly electric bill over $300.The high cost of crude oil used to generate the state's electricity is driving the price, EIA energy economist Tyler Hodge told me. Idaho had the lowest price, at about 8 cents per kWh.So the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho.he high cost of crude oil used to generate the state's electricity is driving the price, EIA energy economist Tyler Hodge told me. Idaho had the lowest price, at about 8 cents per kWh. So the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho.", "- Fort Morgan's average prices was about $2.57 on Monday. From a long-term perspective, the cost of fuel has gone down — the Colorado average is 80.8 cents less than it was a year ago. But in the short term, prices are rising. Gas costs 13.1 cents more than it did at the beginning of July.", "Child care costs vary greatly across Colorado Child care costs vary greatly across Colorado. By Jenny Brundin Jun 10, 2014. (Photo: Courtesy of Barnaby Wassan) A new report shows child care costs vary greatly in Colorado depending on where you live — between $6,000 and $17,000 a year.", "- Among utility-scale projects completed in 2013, installed prices ranged from $1.9/W to $4.9/W, with most projects falling within a narrower range from $2.6/W to $3.5/W (the 20th and 80th percentiles, respectively), and similar or greater levels of variability in prior years.he Alamosa Solar Generating Project, located on 225 acres in the San Luis Valley near Alamosa, Colorado, is the largest high-concentrating solar photovoltaic power generation system in the world. It consists of more than 500 dual-axis, pedestal-mounted tracker assemblies, each producing 60 kilowatts.", "- 15 hours ago. $2.14update. There are 127 Regular gas price reports in the past 5 days in Colorado Springs, CO. The average Regular gas price in Colorado Springs, CO is $2.21, which is $0.57 lower than U.S. national average Regular gas price $2.78.The lowest Regular gas price is $2.1 of Costco located at 5885 Barnes Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80922.The highest Regular gas price is $2.53 of Phillips 66 located at 12480 Black Forest Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80908.here are 127 Regular gas price reports in the past 5 days in Colorado Springs, CO.", "- The price also differs from the source of the electricity. In the U.S. in 2002, the cost of electricity by different sources is listed below: Coal: 1-4 cents; Gas: 2.3-5.0 cents; Oil: 6-8 cents; Wind: 5-7 cents; Nuclear: 6-7 cents; Solar: 25-50 cents.", "U.S. electricity generation 1950-2017 In the United States, electricity prices stood at 10 U.S. dollar cents per kilowatt hour.", "Colorado Concrete Costs & Prices - ProMatcher Cost Report We have collected data statewide to help calculate the average cost of concrete in Colorado. The following are average costs and prices reported back to us: $6.20 per square foot (4 inch reinforced slab on grade) (Range: $5.87 - $6.53)", "The Price Of Electricity In Your State The high cost of crude oil used to generate the state's electricity is driving the price, EIA energy economist Tyler Hodge told me. Idaho had the lowest price, at about 8 cents per kWh. So the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho.he high cost of crude oil used to generate the state's electricity is driving the price, EIA energy economist Tyler Hodge told me. Idaho had the lowest price, at about 8 cents per kWh. So the typical US household would pay about $73 for electricity each month in Idaho.", "- 1Cost for Electricity quoted at $05.794 per kWh (for first 600 kWh), then at $06.9 per kWh for up to 700 additional kWh, and cost of $08.254 per kWh for all electricity over 1300 kWh, quoted by Avista Utilities. Chart uses average of 700 kWh. 2Cost for Natural Gas quoted at $.85 per therm (at the meter) by Avista Utilities. 3Cost for No. 2 Heating Oil based on average cash price for minimum delivery of 150 gallons, (updated 10/10/2011). 4Cost for Liquid Propane based on cash price and minimum delivery of 120 gallons.", "- 1 The price of gas in Aurora, CO is $2.00. 2 The price of gas in Aurora is 4.8% lower than the national average. 3 Kodiak, AK is the most expensive city for gas at $3.74 per gallon. 4 Colorado Springs, CO is the least expensive city for gas at $1.62 per gallon.5 Coffee. 6 The price of coffee in Aurora, CO is $6.09. Pizza. 2 The price of pizza in Aurora, CO is $7.99. 3 The price of pizza in Aurora is 15.7% lower than the national average. 4 Truckee, CA is the most expensive city for pizza at $15.99. 5 Kennewick, WA is the least expensive city for pizza at $6.99." ]
[ 13.5703125 ]
[ 9.0859375, 10.1015625, 9.4296875, 8.0546875, 10.578125, 9.8671875, 8.9140625, 11.1484375, 11.671875, 8.203125, 11.3515625, 10.3515625, 9.1953125, 9.4765625, 8.6484375, 8.3828125, 10.890625, 8.21875, 10.0859375, 8.828125, 10.140625, 8.5390625, 9.0234375, 8.9140625, 9.0625, 9.3828125, 8.640625, 8.8046875, 9.203125, 9.296875 ]
us oil production
[ "United States Crude Oil Production 1950-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar Crude Oil Production in the United States averaged 7372.26 BBL/D/1K from 1950 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 10044 BBL/D/1K in November of 1970 and a record low of 3983 BBL/D/1K in September of 2008." ]
[ "How Much Oil Does the World Produce? World Oil Production Facts and Figures. The first graphic shows the growth in oil production from 1965 to 2011. A new global oil production record was set in 2011 at 83.6 million barrels per day. This figure includes production of crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs), which are not indicated separately. (In the U.S., around 25% of NGLs end up as refinery inputs; most of the rest is petrochemical feedstock).", "United States Chevron operates crude oil and natural gas fields in the midcontinental United States—primarily in Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming. In 2015, the company’s net daily production in these areas averaged 116,000 barrels of crude oil, 600 million cubic feet of natural gas and 34,000 barrels of NGLs.", "National Seminar on Value Added Dairy Products Texas and North Dakota, California, Alaska and Oklahoma are considered the top five oil producing states in the U.S. The share of the U.S. in the world’s total oil production is reflected in the table below. The U.S. oil production share has gradually moved up over the years averaging at 11.88% during 2009-2013.", "Shale Oil Will Boost U.S. Production, But It Wonât Bring Energy Independence The United States could see a surge in oil production that could make it the world’s leading oil producer within a decade, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency. But that lead will likely be temporary, and it still won’t allow the United States to stop importing oil.", "- Total U.S. energy production falls in 2016 after six consecutive years of increases. coalcrude oilnuclearpetroleum productsproduction/supplyrenewablestotal energy. Thirteen gigawatts of natural gas-fired power generating capacity to be added in 2017. capacityconsumption/demandgenerating capacity.", "- A barrel of oil can produce 42 gallons of gasoline. If the US could cut reduce consumption by 1 billion gallons of gasoline, that would translate to 24 million barrels of oil. Update: Commenter Tom asks whether drilling, transportation, refining and distribution are accounted for in the estimate. No they weren't.", "U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015 american oil production is booming despite the crash in crude oil prices rystad energy estimates u s oil production will average 9 65 million barrels per day in 2015 exceeding the previous all time record set in 1970it s an unusual time to have a record breaking year the world currently has too much oilystad believes america could set another personal record for crude oil production next year nysveen said only a sustained period of sub $ 50 oil prices will cause an outright decline in u s oil production we could see another record in 2016 he said", "The surprising decline in US petroleum consumption US oil production has transformed itself fundamentally in the past decade. Between 1970 and 2008, US crude oil production fell by nearly half as conventional wells were depleted. Since 2008, however, production has rebounded from 5 million barrels per day to an average of 8.7 million barrels per day in 2014.", "Non-OPEC Oil Production A 2008 BP report on world energy shows that production among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations, which include four top independent producers-Canada, Norway, the United States, and Mexico-dropped by about two million bpd in the last decade.", "Offshore oil and gas in the United States From 1954 to 2007, federal offshore tracts produced 16,800,000,000 barrels (2.7 × 10 9 m 3) of oil and 173,000,000,000,000 cubic feet (4,900 km 3) of natural gas.he oil production in the offshore area owned by the federal government reached 492,000,000 barrels (78,000,000 m 3) in 2007, down from the record of 602,000,000 barrels (95,700,000 m 3) produced in 2002.", "U.S. oil production is declining, but how fast will it fall? That’s beginning to change. Total U.S. crude output has fallen in recent weeks, and the EIA forecasts oil production from the top U.S. shale regions to fall by 92,000 barrels a day in March to 4.924 million barrels a day. The resilience in output has been attributed to a host of factors, including the fact that only the most experienced crews are manning the wells now and ever-improving fracking technology.", "- World Oil Production map gives total oil produced in barrels per day. Saudi Arabia is the highest producer of oil in the world, followed by Russia and USA.", "US crude oil's break-even cost: How low can it go? Traders say US oil production flat lining Thursday, 20 Aug 2015 | 2:31 PM ET|03:43. U.S. crude threatened to break below $40 per barrel for the first time since early 2009 this week, raising fresh fears about the cost of producing crude in America's oil patch—or perhaps patches is the better term.", "The 10 most oil-rich states Oil production in Alaska has slowed over the past two decades. Additionally, proven reserves in the state declined by 13% between 2011 and 2012. Oil production may also have been hindered by newly available oil reserves in the continental United States, which are easier for oil companies to transport to market.", "Petroleum production Annual production surpassed one billion barrels in 1925 and two billion barrels in 1940. By the last decade of the 20th century, there were almost one million wells in more than 100 countries producing more than 20 billion barrels per year. Petroleum is produced in every continent except Antarctica.", "Oil production World oil production grew by only 0.4 million b/d in 2016, the slowest growth since 2013 World oil production grew by only 0.4 million b/d in 2016, the slowest growth since 2013", "Oil Production In Texas Today, the Permian Basin dominates crude oil production. Texas is the leading crude oil-producer in the nation, accounting for 22 percent of crude oil production in the U.S. The oil industry is responsible for 1.8 million jobs in Texas and as of 2008, it brought in 9.9 billion dollars in taxes and royalties.n 1902, Spindletop brought in over 17 million barrels of oil, dwarfing the 839,000 barrels the Corsicana field had produced by 1900. Within the year of its discovery, more than 500 Texas oil companies were operating at Spindletop.", "Here's how the US is becoming the world's biggest oil and gas producer Here's how the US is becoming the world's biggest oil and gas producer. Last week the International Energy Agency reported that the US will become the world's top oil producer by 2015 – that's two years earlier than previously predicted. The driver is shale – a natural gas trapped in sedimentary rock, extracted by drilling and then injecting a watery mixture into shale formations. According to the IEA, this boom in natural gas production could cut the US's dependence on foreign oil almost entirely over the next two decades.", "U.S. on track for record oil production in 2015 American oil production is booming -- despite the crash in crude oil prices. Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record set in 1970.It's an unusual time to have a record-breaking year. The world currently has too much oil.merican oil production is booming -- despite the crash in crude oil prices. Rystad Energy estimates U.S. oil production will average 9.65 million barrels per day in 2015, exceeding the previous all-time record set in 1970. It's an unusual time to have a record-breaking year. The world currently has too much oil.", "How much oil does the U.S. produce and import? In 2008, the United States produced around 4.9 million barrels of crude oil per day [source: U.S. Energy Information Administration] -- that's almost two billion of barrels of crude oil for the year!he United States uses all this crude oil in a number of ways; converting it to gasoline to run cars, trucks and other motor vehicles is just one use. The crude oil is also converted into heating oil – kerosene -- and it is used in a high number of manufactured goods.", "United States energy independence Energy independence is highly concerned with oil, the source of the country's principal transport fuels. In total energy, the U.S. was over 61% self-sufficient in 2013. In May 2011, the country became a net exporter of refined petroleum products. As of 2014, the United States was the world's third-largest producer of crude oil, after Saudi Arabia and Russia. and second largest exporter of refined products, after Russia.", "How Much Oil is Left in the World? In 1980, U.S. proved reserves were 36.5 billion barrels. In 2011, U.S. proved reserves were 30.9 billion barrels. Over the course of 31 years, the U.S. produced 103 billion barrels of oil, but U.S. reserves only fell by 5.7 billion barrels. This is a result of continued improvements in oil extraction technology (e.g., hydraulic fracturing) as well as from new discoveries (especially offshore).", "U.S. Overtakes Saudi Arabia and Russia as Largest Oil Producer The United States became the world’s largest natural gas producer in 2010, ousting Russia for the top spot. The United States also ranks as the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas combined. Now, it is also the largest producer of oil and natural gas liquids. Texas and North Dakota Oil Production.", "Shale Oil Will Boost U.S. Production, But It Wonât Bring Energy Independence Production from two major shale resources in the U.S.—the Bakken formation in North Dakota and Montana and the Eagle Ford shale in Texas, now total about 900,000 barrels per day. In comparison, Saudi Arabia is expected to produce 10.6 million barrels per day in 2020.The shale oil resource, however, is limited.", "Why Are U.S. Oil Imports Falling? All this culminated in the U.S. production of 7.9 million barrels of crude oil per day in 2013, a level the country hasn’t hit since 1988. U.S. production is expected to continue rising, to 8.4 million barrels per day in 2014, and 9.1 million barrels per day in 2015.", "What causes oil prices to fluctuate? U.S. Oil Production Decreases. U.S. production directly affects the price of oil. With so much oversupply in the industry, a decline in production decreases overall supply and increases prices. The United States has an average daily production level of 9 million barrels of oil, and that average production, while volatile, has been trending downward.", "Argentina Imports 1957-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News This page provides the latest reported value for - United States Crude Oil Production - plus previous releases, historical high and low, short-term forecast and long-term prediction, economic calendar, survey consensus and news.", "Peak Oil Primer Of the 105 oil producing countries in the world, up to 65 have passed their peak of production and are now in decline, including the USA in 1970, Indonesia in 1997, Australia in 2000, the UK in 1999, Norway in 2001, and Mexico in 2004.", "- Petroleum became a major industry following the oil discovery at Oil Creek Pennsylvania in 1859. For much of the 19th and 20th centuries, the US was the largest oil producing country in the world. As of October 2015, the US was the world's third-largest producer of crude oil.", "U.S. Overtakes Saudi Arabia and Russia as Largest Oil Producer The United States became the world’s largest natural gas producer in 2010, ousting Russia for the top spot. The United States also ranks as the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas combined. Now, it is also the largest producer of oil and natural gas liquids. Texas and North Dakota Oil Production. The United States produced 8.4 million barrels per day of oil in April 2014—the highest monthly production volume in 27 years –with Texas and North Dakota accounting for nearly half of the total." ]
[ 13.1015625 ]
[ 11.8046875, 11.515625, 12.3125, 12.5390625, 11.1796875, 10.515625, 12.2265625, 12.71875, 11.625, 9.8671875, 12.5390625, 11.375, 11.296875, 11.640625, 10.5234375, 11.6015625, 9.4140625, 12.03125, 11.7578125, 10.203125, 11.3515625, 11.453125, 12.140625, 11.3671875, 12.6796875, 11.890625, 12.1328125, 11.40625, 11.9765625, 12.1796875 ]
uf early action deadline
[ "Overview When applying to University of Florida, it's important to note the application deadline is Nov. 1. The application fee at University of Florida is $30. Scores for either the ACT or SAT test are due Dec. 31. It is more selective, with an acceptance rate of 48 percent." ]
[ "- Summer Term . . . April 29. The MBA is the largest graduate program at UNF. Therefore, applicants are highly encouraged to submit applications well before the established deadline for each term to ensure advising opportunity, registration guidance, and course availability.", "Press Release for Monday, February 16, 2015 (904) 620-2102. The University of North Florida will host “The Dredging of the St. Johns River: A Town Hall Meeting on the Proposal to Deepen the River” from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday, March 9, at the Adam W. Herbert University Center, Building 43, Board of Trustees Room, Room 1058, on the UNF campus.", "Application Deadlines Application Deadline: November 10. Notification Date: December 20. Students who would like an early answer on their application status may apply Early Action. Early Action is non-binding, and students are permitted to apply to other schools as well as Elon.", "- A: Any employee who has been employed at USF for at least one year, and has worked at USF for at least 1,250 hours in the previous 12-month period and has a qualifying event is eligible.", "- *November 1: Meet Ohio State’s November 1 early action deadline (non-binding) to receive an admission decision by mid-January. You must apply by November 1 if you wish to be considered for university merit scholarships.", "Understanding Early Action, Early Decision, Restricted Early Action and Rolling Admission RESTRICTED EARLY ACTION (AKA, SINGLE-CHOICE EARLY ACTION), REA. REA is a non-binding early action admission option in which a student may not apply to any other private schools' early program, except: A college outside of the US. A non-binding rolling admission program.", "Florida Unemployment Guide After the 26 weeks, extensions were available for up to another 33 weeks through the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program. Previously, Florida residents were eligible for an additional 20 weeks of benefits through what is known as the Extended Benefits (EB), but that is no longer the case.", "- Uniform Guidance Notice. The University of Mississippi Medical Center, as provided by the waiver of procurement rules stated in COFAR FAQ, Section 110-6, released November 26, 2014, has delayed implementation of the Uniform Guidance Procurement Standards until July, 1, 2017.", "Admission Plans Early Action applicants must submit their application and supporting materials by November 1. They will receive an admission decision by January 15 and, if accepted, have until May 1 to make their final decision. If a student is not admitted in the Early Action pool, Baylor may ask for further supporting materials and/or reconsider the application for Regular Admission.", "Scholarships To qualify for the second round of academic merit scholarships, students must be admitted to FIU prior to February 1, 2017. The last test date results used for scholarship consideration are SAT - October 1, 2016 and ACT - September 10, 2016. Scholarship applications are found at fiu.academicworks.com and must be completed no later than March 1, 2017.", "- Eligibility, Dates, and Location. 1 High school seniors and undergraduate students are eligible. No prior research experience is required. 2 The program is from June 1st through August 4th, 2017. 3 The University of Miami is located in a culturally diverse and vibrant community.", "- ISIS student services moving to ONE.UF (February 19) Student services (class registration, final grades, transcript records and other services) will soon have a new home! Beginning Friday, February 19, all student self-service activities located on isis.ufl.edu will move to ONE.UF (one.uf.edu).", "- FLSA - new federal exemption regulations. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) regulations were updated this week with new overtime provisions. This webpage provides an overview of how the university plans to comply with the updated regulations.", "- A. The deadlines which apply to an appeal may be found in the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, and are available in most law libraries. An electronic version is also accessible through a link on this Court’s website (www.5dca.org).", "Admissions The University of Florida has implemented an online application procedure, and all candidates are required to complete the online application process. If you have questions, contact Patty Bruner at [email protected] or 352-273-4336.", "- If your scholarship check is being sent to UF for disbursement, your donor should mail the check to: University of Florida, Office for Student Financial Affairs, Scholarship Section, P. O. Box 114025, Gainesville, FL 32611-4025.", "- Final Exams Continue: Monday, December 12 – Friday, December 16. Transcripts ordered December 15 (7 p.m.) – December 20 will be mailed Wednesday, December 21. Monday, December 19 and Tuesday, December 20: ONE.UF transcript viewing and Walk-in service for transcripts is not available due to grade and degree processing.", "- The University of Tampa. September 24 at 11:50am ·. The University of Tampa will start construction of the next and final phase of the Palm Apartments residence hall complex this May, with a completion date of August 2017.", "- The absolute deadline to LATE FILE for any 2016 exemption -- if you miss the March 1 timely filing deadline -- is September 19, 2016. State law (Sec. 196.011(8), Fla. Stat.) does not allow late filing for exemptions after this date, regardless of any good cause reason for missing the late filing deadline.", "- This includes homestead, disability, widowed persons, granny flat, portability, deployed military and non-profit exemptions. If you miss the March 1, 2016, deadline to timely file to any exemptions, Florida law allows you to late file for 2016 exemptions until September 19, 2016. Note: Per Section 196.011(8), Florida Statutes, we cannot accept any exemption late applications once late filing deadline closes.", "Ubiquiti Networks Inc. (UBNT) UPCOMING DEADLINE: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Shareholders of DaVita Inc. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 3, 2017 - DVA. UPCOMING DEADLINE: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Reminds Shareholders of DaVita Inc. of a Class Action Lawsuit and a Lead Plaintiff Deadline of April 3, 2017 - DVA.", "At A Glance Early action application due : Nov 1. College will notify student of early action admission by : Jan 15. Early decision application due : --. College will notify student of early decision by : --. Other early decision deadline : --. College will notify student of other early decision by : --.", "Application Information All first-time students accepted through Early Action (application deadline Dec. 15) will be considered for merit scholarships. Students accepted through the regular rolling admission process will only be considered on a funds-available basis.", "- Add to Portfolio. All Summer 2017 graduate-level degrees will be awarded at the end of Summer B/C (August 2017). Applicants will select Summer B/C 2017 on the degree application menu in ONE.UF. The Summer 2017 degree application will be available via ONE.UF in mid-March 2017.", "- The Career Resource Center will be offering complimentary professional headshots (first come, first served) both days from 1 to 3 p.m. at Gate 4. This event is for UF students and alumni only. For more information, visit crc.ufl.edu/showcase. The Career Resource Center will be closed during Career Showcase. Career Showcase will be on Tuesday, Sept. 26 (non-technical day) and Wednesday, Sept. 27 (technical day) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Exactech Arena at the Stephen C. O’Connell Center. Meet more than 350 employers looking to hire students like you!", "There is a Limited Time to File a Claim Under the FLSA and Florida Minimum Wage Act There is a Limited Time to File a Claim Under the FLSA and Florida Minimum Wage Act. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law designed to protect the most vulnerable workers in the labor force, especially hourly workers.", "- First Year Students. Early Action: Apply by October 15 to get your decision by the end of January. Regular Decision: Apply by January 15 to get your decision by the end of March. Transfer Students. Apply by February 15 to get your decision by mid-April.", "- You cannot extend the deadline for filing FBAR, even if you got an extension to file your 2015 tax return until October 17. However, for next year’s filing (thinking ahead to 2016 calendar year), keep in mind that the FBAR due date changed starting with 2016 reports (due in 2017).", "What Is Early Action? Updated April 07, 2016. Early decision, like early action, is an accelerated college application process in which students typically must complete their applications in November. In most cases, students will then receive a decision from the college before the new year.", "- Interviews for applicants in the Early Decision process will be held on Friday, September 30 and Friday, October 7, from 12 to 5 p.m. at the College of Pharmacy in Gainesville, Florida. All applicants will be notified of their status for Early Decision by Friday, October 21." ]
[ 12.046875 ]
[ 9.109375, 8.7109375, 10.4921875, 8.234375, 10.5, 10.1875, 7.9140625, 7.58203125, 10.2578125, 8.875, 8.96875, 8.9140625, 8.4765625, 8.0625, 10.6328125, 9.4609375, 9.296875, 8.1953125, 8.4296875, 8.3984375, 8.3359375, 10.5234375, 11.671875, 10.015625, 8.9765625, 8.4453125, 11.1796875, 8.1875, 10.625, 11.0078125 ]
meaning of lenient
[ "lenient The definition of lenient is someone who is not strict or a punishment that is not severe. An example of something that would be described as lenient is a jail sentence of one day for armed robbery. not harsh or severe in disciplining, punishing, judging, etc.; mild; merciful; clement." ]
[ "willful Willful, headstrong, perverse, wayward refer to one who stubbornly insists upon doing as he or she pleases. Willful suggests a stubborn persistence in doing what one wishes, especially in opposition to those whose wishes or commands ought to be respected or obeyed: that willful child who disregarded his parents' advice.", "latitudinarian Latitudinarian (adj) lax in moral or religious principles. Latitudinarian (noun) one who is moderate in his notions, or not restrained by precise settled limits in opinion; one who indulges freedom in thinking. Latitudinarian (noun)", "strict definition, strict meaning | English dictionary b distinguished from a relation of the same name that is not the subject of formal study. 7 (Botany, rare) very straight, narrow, and upright. strict panicles. (C16: from Latin strictus, from stringere to draw tight) ♦ strictly adv.", "- It is controlling oneself when provoked or offended. Its synonyms show us some of the nuances of forbearance : patience, leniency.. Leniency does not mean that one allows something to continue. A more strict definition is that one does not give the full punishment for something or the full amount of something.t is controlling oneself when provoked or offended. Its synonyms show us some of the nuances of forbearance : patience, leniency.. Leniency does not mean that one allows something to continue. A more strict definition is that one does not give the full punishment for something or the full amount of something.", "Definitions &Translations All rights reserved. 1 adj. severely simple. 2 n. the rear part of a ship. 3 n. the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on. adj. severe and unremitting in making 1 demands. 2 n. adj. of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect. adj. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty.", "- 1 1 [countable] a thing that limits or restricts something, or your freedom to do something synonym restriction constraints of time/money/space financial/economic/legal/political constraints constraint on something This decision will impose serious constraints on all schools.", "Inclement vs. inclimate But climate is not an adjective and doesn’t have an opposite, so inclimate would have no logical meaning. The opposite of inclement is the much rarer clement, meaning mild or gentle, which comes from a Latin word with the same meaning. Considered etymologically, then, inclement could mean not mild or not gentle. Incidentally, clement is also the root of clemency, meaning mildness or leniency.", "- 1. arbitrary-based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice; an arbitrary decision; the arbitrary rule of a dictator; an arbitrary penalty; of arbitrary size and shape; an arbitrary choice; arbitrary division of the group into halves.", "- Severity is being strict or harsh. An example of severity is a teenager being punished for coming home five minutes past their curfew. 1 the quality or condition of being severe; specif., strictness; harshness.", "- Example Sentences for stricter. The ten moral rules of the Decalogue were enforced, and a stricter interpretation attached to its terms. In the more southern regions the taboo is stricter and better observed. Some proprietors, however, were stricter than others, and did not allow it. A stricter scrutiny might occur, and my projects be discovered.", "- Define leniency. leniency synonyms, leniency pronunciation, leniency translation, English dictionary definition of leniency. n. pl. le·ni·en·cies 1. The condition or quality of being lenient. See Synonyms at mercy. 2. A lenient act. Noun 1. leniency - mercifulness as a consequence...", "willful syn: willful, headstrong, perverse, wayward refer to a person who stubbornly persists in doing as he or she pleases. willful implies opposition to those whose wishes, suggestions, or commands ought to be respected or obeyed: a willful son who ignored his parents' advice. headstrong is used in a similar way, but implies foolish and sometimes reckless behavior: headstrong teens who could not be restrained.", "- Familiarity information: ABSTINENT used as a noun is very rare. • ABSTINENT (adjective) The adjective ABSTINENT has 1 sense: 1. self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink. Familiarity information: ABSTINENT used as an adjective is very rare.", "inclement Inclement is from a Latin root formed from the prefix in-not plus clemens clement. This English adjective clement can mean either mild or merciful; the more commonly used noun clemency can mean mildness or mercy.", "arbitrary 1 subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion:an arbitrary decision. 2 decided by a judge or arbiter rather than by a law or statute. 3 Governmenthaving unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical:an arbitrary government.", "restrictive Definition of restrictive for English Language Learners. : 1 limiting or controlling someone or something. 2 grammar of a word or group of words : giving information about a person or thing that is needed to understand which person or thing is meant.", "Definition of 'strict' If you talk about the strict meaning of something, you mean the precise meaning of it. It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war. Synonyms: exact, accurate, precise, close More Synonyms of strict.", "- leniencies. 1 1 : the quality or state of beinglenient the leniency of the punishment. 2 2 : a lenient disposition or practice The prisoner asked the judge for leniency.", "willful A willful violation, for example, may mean a deliberate intent to violate the law, an intent to perform an act that the law forbids, an intent to refrain from performing an act that the law requires, an indifference to whether or not action or inaction violates the law, or some other variant.", "slow Slow is the least specific: a slow bus; a slow heartbeat; slow to anger. Dilatory implies lack of promptness caused by delay, procrastination, or indifference: paid a late fee because I was dilatory in paying the bill. Leisurely suggests a relaxed lack of haste: went for a leisurely walk by the river.", "refuse 1 1. rebuff. Refuse, decline, reject, spurn all imply nonacceptance of something. To decline is milder and more courteous than to refuse, which is direct and often emphatic in expressing determination not to accept what is offered or proposed: to refuse a bribe; to decline an invitation.", "ABSTINENT Meaning: A person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages. Classified under: Nouns denoting people. Synonyms: abstinent; nondrinker; abstainer. Hypernyms (abstinent is a kind of...): individual; mortal; person; somebody; someone; soul (a human being) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of abstinent):", "- definitions & notes only words. 1 hearty consuming abundantly and with gusto. Dill was in hearty agreement with this plan of action. 2 promptly with little or no delay. He had. 3 aloof remote in manner. But I kept aloof from their. 4 foolhardy marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences. But I kept aloof from their.", "strict rigid, rigorous, strict, stringent mean extremely severe or stern. rigid implies uncompromising inflexibility. rigorous implies the imposition of hardship and difficulty. strict emphasizes undeviating conformity to rules, standards, or requirements. stringent suggests severe, tight restriction or limitation.used to describe a command, rule, etc., that must be obeyed. : demanding that people obey rules or behave in a certain way. : carefully obeying the rules or principles of a religion or a particular way of life.", "- lenient 1650s, relaxing, soothing, from M.Fr. lenient, from L. lenientem (nom. leniens), prp. of lenire to soften, alleviate, mitigate, allay, calm, from lenis mild, gentle, calm, probably from PIE base *le(i)- to leave, yield (cf. Lith. lenas quiet, tranquil, tame, slow, O.C.S. lena lazy, L. lassus faint, weary, O.E. læt sluggish, slow, lætan to leave behind).", "- Gentle; pleasant; kind; soft; bland; clement; hence, moderate in degree or quality; -- the opposite of harsh, severe, irritating, violent, disagreeable, etc.; -- applied to persons and things; as, a mild disposition; a mild eye; a mild air; a mild medicine; a mild insanity.", "lenient agreeably tolerant; permissive; indulgent: He tended to be lenient toward the children. More lenient laws encouraged greater freedom of expression. 2. Archaic. softening, soothing, or alleviative. Origin of lenient.", "inclement Inclement usually refers to severe or harsh weather that is cold and wet. When packing for a trip to the Caribbean bring tank tops and shorts, but don't forget a raincoat in case of inclement weather. This adjective can also refer to a person or action that is harsh and unmerciful. Inclement is from a Latin root formed from the prefix in- not plus clemens clement.. This English adjective clement can mean either mild or merciful; the more commonly used noun clemency can mean mildness or mercy.", "- relent. 1 to soften in feeling, temper, or determination; become more mild, compassionate, or forgiving. 2 to become less severe; slacken: The winds relented. 3 Obsolete. to cause to soften in feeling, temper, or determination. 4 Obsolete. to cause to slacken; abate. 5 Obsolete. to abandon; relinquish.", "leniency mercy, charity, clemency, grace, leniency mean a disposition to show kindness or compassion. mercy implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice demands it. threw himself on the mercy of the court; charity stresses benevolence and goodwill shown in broad understanding and tolerance of others. show a little charity for the less fortunate" ]
[ 12.421875 ]
[ 7.4375, 7.2265625, 8.3671875, 9.328125, 10, 8.1875, 8.2265625, 8.1015625, 8.6953125, 8.25, 11.328125, 7.296875, 7.4296875, 8.4453125, 8.109375, 7.90625, 7.97265625, 11.5625, 7.7265625, 7.90625, 7.89453125, 7.2578125, 9.125, 7.8671875, 11.5625, 9.0234375, 11.9921875, 7.828125, 9.453125, 10.4765625 ]
what are the most popular religions
[ "What are the most widely practiced religions of the world? Christianity and Islam are the two religions most widely spread across the world. These two religions together cover the religious affiliation of more than half of the world's population. If all non-religious people formed a single religion, it would be the world's third largest." ]
[ "- Singapore has been described as one of the most religious countries in the world. The major religions are Islam (Malay), Hinduism (Indians), Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religion (Chinese), along with a substantial number of Christians of various denominations.ingapore has been described as one of the most religious countries in the world. The major religions are Islam (Malay), Hinduism (Indians), Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religion (Chinese), along with a substantial number of Christians of various denominations.", "Census points to non-religious NZ Anglicans have taken the biggest hit, losing nearly 100,000 followers, with the flock dropping to just 459,000. The sharp drop means Catholicism is, for the first time, New Zealand's most popular religion, with 492,000 devotees, down from 508,000 in 2006.", "Top 5 Largest Religions in the World 5.Sikhism. Sikhism is the world’s fifth largest religion having more than 23 million worshipers living in the different countries of the world. It came into existence 500 years before by the Guru Nanak. This religion combined the beliefs from Islam and Hinduism. Majority of its followers is living in the Indian province Punjab.", "Christianity by country The faith represents approximately one-third of the world's population and is the largest religion in the world, with the three largest groups of Christians being the Catholic Church, Protestantism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The largest Christian denomination is the Catholic Church, with 1.09 billion adherents.", "Indian Religions This diversity is also visible in the spheres of religion. The major religions of India are Hinduism (majority religion), Islam (largest minority religion), Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and the Baha'bahá I. í faith", "Christianity As of the early 21st century, Christianity has approximately 2.4 billion adherents, out of about 7.2 billion people. The faith represents approximately one-third of the world's population and is the largest religion in the world, with the three largest groups of Christians being the Catholic Church, Protestantism, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. The largest Christian denomination is the Catholic Church, with 1.09 billion adherents.", "Religion in the United States The largest religion in the US is Christianity, claimed by the majority of the population (70.6% in 2014). According to the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies newsletter published March, 2017, based on data from 2010, Christians were the largest religion in all 3143 counties in the country.", "- (CNN)– Sikhism, the world's fifth most popular religion, is a monotheistic faith that believes in equality and service to others, Sikh officials say. Everyone is the same, says Raghunandan Johar, president of the Guru Nanak Mission of Atlanta. There is no distinction, no caste system..", "Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents Major religions, for the purposes of this list, are: Large - at least 500,000 adherents. Widespread - appreciable numbers of members live and worship in more than just one country or limited region. Independent - the religion is clearly independent and distinct from a broader religion.", "Jean-Marie S.Size: 41Civil religiona set of sacred beliefs so commonly accepted by most people that it becomes part of the national culture.Religiona system of beliefs and practices around sacred things; a set of shared âstoriesâ that guide belief and action.Sacredholy things meant for special use and kept separate from the profane; the sacred realm is unknowable and mystical, so it inspires us with feelings of awe and wonder.Profanethe things of mundane, everyday life.Theismthe worship of a god or gods, as in Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism.Ethicalismthe adherence to certain principles to lead a moral life, as in Buddhism and Taoism.AnimismDenominations CongregationsSecularism PluralismSacred canopy EvangelicalsFundamentalists Religious experienceReflexive spirituality MegachurchSupernatural compensators ChurchesSects CultIn her interview, Jenânan Read explains that some Muslims in America have chosen to continue religious traditions as a form of individual identity. Traditions such as the hijab worn by Muslim women make up part of what overarching religious theme?a. social solidarityb. the sacred canopyc. pluralismd. secularismThe sect-church cycle helps to explain ____.a. the historical dominance of Protestant churches in the United Statesb. the rise and fall in the popularity of non-Christian faiths in the United Statesc. the existence of so many types of Christian churches in the United Statesd. the blurring of lines between different Christian denominationsA cult is _____.a. a religious movement that makes a new claim about the supernaturalb. a religious group that rejects the laxness of mainstream churches and stresses rewards in the afterlife over worldly pleasuresc. a religious movement that operates clandestinely and avoids any kind of media attentiond. a type of sect_____ is a general movement away from religiosity and spiritual belief and toward a rational, scientific orientation.a. Civil religionb. Secularismc. Ethicalismd. AtheismExamining the meaning and uses of religion in peopleâs everyday lives is part of a _____ approach to the subject.a. functionalistb. microsociologicalc. Weberiand. macrosociological_____ is the presence and engaged coexistence of numerous distinct religious groups in one society.a. Polytheismb. Sectarianismc. Pluralismd. Collective faithWhich of the following religious groups can be said to be characterized by strong associational involvement and strong communal ties?a. Presbyteriansb. Hasidic Jewsc. Catholicsd. BuddhistsWhy have social movements, such as the temperance movement of the nineteenth century and the civil rights movement of the twentieth century, been closely linked with religious institutions?a. Social movements often develop when a sectarian group splits off from a church, and the future of the movement is closely intertwined with the fortunes of the sect.b. Many religious organizations have emerged from social movements.c. Social movements are almost always religious in nature.d. Religious institutions have provided an important infrastructure to help social movements pursue their causes.Besides having a large size, what are characteristics of a megachurch?a. Evangelical or Fundamentalist, located in the Midwest or West, strictly adherent to religious traditionsb. conservative Protestant, located primarily in large urban centers, have small budgets so must improvise with facilities and servicesc. connected with sectarian groups, located in the Sun Belt, family values are stressedd. conservative Protestant, located in the Sun Belt, flexible and creativeMax Weber argued that the development of _____ was closely intertwined with beliefs and values of _____.a. the Protestant church; Martin Lutherb. capitalism; the Catholic churchc. socialism; more liberal Protestant churchesd. capitalism; the Protestant churchAttendance at religious services has _____ in the United States since the 1960s, and the number of people who say they have religious beliefs or a strong sense of spirituality has _____.a. declined; held steady or risenb. increased; declinedc. held steady; increasedd. declined; also declinedWhat is a positive aspect of the proliferation of choice in Americaâs pluralistic religious landscape?a. People can switch from one religion to another as often as they like.b. Churches are forced to devote a lot of time and money on marketing themselves in order to attract members.c. People feel more connected and committed to their religion if they have chosen it after careful exploration of different options.d. The lines between different strains of religious thought become blurred.A/An _____ is typically an offshoot of a mainstream church, founded by people who stress rewards in the afterlife over worldly pleasures, and that doesnât fit well with the surrounding social environment.a. cultb. sectarian groupc. alternative churchd. secular groupStudies show that people with more education have _____ attachment to traditional religious beliefs and _____ levels of participation in religious organizations.a. less; higherb. less; lowerc. more; higherd. more; almost nonexistentCompared to people in other industrialized countries, Americans are _____ likely to have religious beliefs and _____ likely to be affiliated with a religious institution.a. less; moreb. more; lessc. more; mored. less; lessReflexive spirituality can be described as _____.a. a religious movement that is closely connected to Buddhism and Taoismb. a way of thinking about religion that rejects theism as overly dogmaticc. an approach to faith and religion that encourages people to look to religion for meaning and wisdom rather than for absolute truthsd. a type of religion that relies on meditation instead of prayerThe argument that religion is used to perpetuate inequalities has its roots in which theoretical approach to studying religion?a. conflict theoryb. functionalismc. postmodernismd. symbolic interactionismOne theory about the growth of conservative churches is that _____.a. they have been more creative and flexible in their efforts to attract new membersb. their stricter expectations of members make those members value them more and commit more time and energy to themc. they have tapped into new immigrant communities who are eager to assimilate into American societyd. in a world of great uncertainty and constant change, people want to fall back on traditional values and institutionsThe idea that religion sustains social unity by strengthening the collective conscience is an example of a/an _____ analysis of religion.a. Marxistb. functionalistc. interpretivistd. micro-levelSocial desirability bias can affect responses in a study when the questions ____.a. relate to a personâs efforts to change his or her social statusb. tap into notions of acceptable social behaviorc. challenge a personâs religious beliefsd. have moral undertones A cult is _____. a. a religious movement that makes a new claim about the supernatural. b. a religious group that rejects the laxness of mainstream churches and stresses rewards in the afterlife over worldly pleasures. c. a religious movement that operates clandestinely and avoids any kind of media attention.", "Religion in Asia Asia is the largest and most populous continent, with a wide variety of religions. The largest religion in Asia is Islam with approx. 1.1 billion adherents. Asia was the birthplace of many religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastranism, but all major religious traditions are practiced there and new forms are constantly emerging.", "What Are the Main Religions in Africa? Quick Answer. The main religions in Africa include Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism and traditional African religion. Traditional African religion encompasses all the religious beliefs of the indigenous African people. Most of Africa's organized religions were brought to the country from Europeans and other foreign settlers. Traditional African religion is still popular throughout Africa and stems from the beliefs of Central and West African ancestors. More than 100 million Africans still adhere to the traditional African religions.", "Religion in Asia Shinto is the largest religion in Japan, practiced by nearly 80% of the population, yet only a small percentage of these identify themselves as Shintoists in surveys.", "5 Religions With The Most Followers 5 Religions With The Most Followers. Religions have shaped much of world history and thought, from philosophy to law, from music to architecture, from wars to peace. Much of the world's religions can be traced back to two sources: Abrahamic religions or India. The Abrahamic religions includes Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Samaritanism, Druze and the Rastafari movement.", "Religion in Americaâs states and counties, in 6 maps Most popular religion, by county. The Catholic church (blue) and Southern Baptists (red) dominate the map below, which marks the religion with the largest number of adherents in every American county. Blanketed red, the Bible Belt is alive and well.", "Christianity in the United States Christianity is the most popular religion in the United States, with 70.6% of polled American adults identifying themselves as Christian in 2014.This is down from 86% in 1990, lower than 78.6% in 2001, and slightly lower than 73% in 2012. About 62% of those polled claim to be members of a church congregation.The United States has the largest Christian population in the world, with nearly 247 million Christians, although other countries have higher percentages of Christians among their populations.hristianity is the most popular religion in the United States, with 70.6% of polled American adults identifying themselves as Christian in 2014.", "Top 5 Largest Religions in the World 2.Islam. Islam is given the second rank in the list of major religions of the world having more than 1.5 billion followers; it is one of the fastest growing religions and was founded about 1400 years before in Saudi Arabia which is considered to be the largest oil-producing country..Sikhism. Sikhism is the world’s fifth largest religion having more than 23 million worshipers living in the different countries of the world. It came into existence 500 years before by the Guru Nanak. This religion combined the beliefs from Islam and Hinduism.", "What are Major Religions of the World? Christianity has the most followers; about a third of the world. However, that does not mean that most people are Christian as 2/3 of the world is not Christian. There is no …majority religion. Answer: Major religions ususaly are taken to include Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu and Buddhist.", "World population The world's largest religion is Christianity, whose adherents account for 33.35% of the global population; Islam is the second-largest religion, accounting for 22.43%, and Hinduism the third, accounting for 13.78%.", "Hinduism in India Hinduism in India. Hinduism is India's religion with the largest following. It's the world's third largest religion, following Christianity and Islam. Roughly one billion people in the world follow the Hindu faith and about nine-hundred and five million of them live in India.", "- Pat Zukeran. For centuries, Buddhism has been the dominant religion of the Eastern world. Today it remains the predominant religion in China, Japan, Korea, and much of southeast Asia. With the rise of the Asian population in the U.S., Buddhism has made a tremendous impact in the United States.or centuries, Buddhism has been the dominant religion of the Eastern world. Today it remains the predominant religion in China, Japan, Korea, and much of southeast Asia.", "- At the end of 2012, there were about 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide. This accounts for about 23 percent of Earth's population. It is the world's second-most common religion after Christianity. Know More.", "- Christianity has only been the world's largest religion for about 100 years. Hinduism was the first world religion and also the longest lived world religion. Buddhism has been the world's largest religion since the Mongol Empire up until the 1950s. Buddhism spread peacefully through missionary work.", "- One of the more commonly known today is Wicca which has become one of the most popular traditions in America. Think of it this way: The tradition is to Witchcraft what a denomination is to Christianity. That is to say: Wicca is to Witchcraft what Baptist is to Christianity.", "- 1 Islam will supplant Judaism as the second-most popular religion in the U.S. India will displace Indonesia as the home of the world's largest Muslim population, even as the country retains its Hindu majority.", "Top 10 Largest Religions in The world Top 10 Largest Religions in The world. Top 10 largest Religions in the world in 2016, The fastest growing religion in the world.", "Americaâs Most Common Religions By State (Besides Christianity) America’s Most Common Religions By State (Besides Christianity) Most Americans identify as Christian (about 77 percent according to a Gallup poll), making Christianity the largest religion in the United States. But, when looking at the religions people identify with outside of Christianity, the results get pretty interesting.", "List of religious populations ^ Chinese traditional religion is described as the common religion of the majority Chinese culture: a combination of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, as well as the traditional non-scriptural/local practices and beliefs..", "Religion and Indian Philosophy 1. Hinduism. About 900 million of the 6.5 billion world population are Hindus, making Hinduism the fourth-largest religion in the world. Most Hindus living in the United States are of Asian Indian origin. About 80% of Asian Indian immigrants practice Hinduism.", "Religions in India The next religion that has largest number of followers in India is Islam and its followers are known as Muslims. They are further sub-divided into various sects, the most prominent being Shias and Sunnis. Sikhs were originally Hindus who became followers and disciples of Guru Nanak." ]
[ 12.5859375 ]
[ 9.703125, 12.265625, 11.078125, 11.75, 10.625, 11.8984375, 11.796875, 11.7109375, 10.8203125, 9.453125, 10.8125, 10.984375, 10.9765625, 12.234375, 11.953125, 10.609375, 10.6171875, 12.015625, 12.2890625, 10.7109375, 9.8515625, 11.9609375, 11.265625, 10.8125, 12.5078125, 10.5, 11.8984375, 11.515625, 11.578125, 10.703125 ]
what is a pedipalp
[ "- Pedipalp. The second pair of appendages for organisms in the subphylum Chelicerata (which include horseshoe crabs and arachnids). The chelicerae (first pair of appendages) and the pedipalps may be modified to perform a range of functions including food manipulation and sensing, locomotion, defense, and reproduction. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 27 May 2007, at 06:38.This page has been accessed 3,530 times. What links here | Related changes | Permanent link.", "Pedipalp Thelyphonida, in dorsal view, with pedipalps in green. Pedipalps (commonly shortened to palps or palpi) are the second pair of appendages of the prosoma in arthropods of the subphylum Chelicerata, lateral to the chelicerae and anterior to the first pair of walking legs." ]
[ "Podophyllum resin Podophyllum resin. Podophyllum resin, also known as podophyllum or podophyllin, is a resin made from the roots of the American mandrake. It is used as a medication to treat genital warts and plantar warts, including in people with HIV/AIDS. It is not recommended in HPV infections without external warts.", "- Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is a problem with the pelvis. Your pelvis is mainly formed of two pubic bones that curve round to make a cradle shape. The pubic bones meet at the front of your pelvis, at a firm joint called the symphysis pubis.The joint's connection is made strong by a dense network of tough tissues (ligaments).our pelvis is mainly formed of two pubic bones that curve round to make a cradle shape. The pubic bones meet at the front of your pelvis, at a firm joint called the symphysis pubis. The joint's connection is made strong by a dense network of tough tissues (ligaments).", "Pedicle Pedicle or pedicel may refer to: Pedicle of vertebral arch, the segment between the transverse process and the vertebral body, and is often used as a radiographic marker and entry point in vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty procedures. Pedicle of a skin flap (medicine)", "Dermis The dermal papillae (DP) (singular papilla, diminutive of Latin papula, 'pimple') are small, nipple-like extensions (or interdigitations) of the dermis into the epidermis. At the surface of the skin in hands and feet, they appear as epidermal or papillary ridges (colloquially known as fingerprints).", "palp (pălp) n. One of a pair of elongated, often segmented appendages usually found near the mouth in invertebrate organisms such as mollusks, crustaceans, and insects, the functions of which include sensation, locomotion, and feeding. Also called palpus.", "Dorsalis pedis artery Dorsalis pedis artery. Anterior tibial artery, dorsalis pedis artery and the muscles and bones of the leg (anterior view). [edit on Wikidata] In human anatomy, the dorsalis pedis artery (dorsal artery of foot), is a blood vessel of the lower limb that carries oxygenated blood to the dorsal surface of the foot. It arises at the anterior aspect of the ankle joint and is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery.", "Pubis (bone) An opisthopubic pelvis is a condition where the pubic bone extends back towards the tail of the animal, a trait that is also present in birds. In a propubic pelvis, however, the pubic bone extends forward towards the head of the animal, as can be seen in the Saurischian pelvic structure pictured below.t is covered by a layer of fat, which is covered by the mons pubis. It is divisible into a body, a superior ramus and an inferior ramus.", "- Firdapse® is amifampridine phosphate or 3,4-diaminopyridine phosphate (3,4-DAP). It has received an orphan drug designation in the U.S. and orphan medicinal product designation in the European Union for the treatment of Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS).", "Nopal Nopal (from the Nahuatl word nohpalli [noʔˈpalːi] for the pads of the plant) is a common name in Mexican Spanish for the plant, and the pads themselves, of the Opuntia cacti, in the subfamily Opuntioideae.", "- (pē). n. 1. A member of the pea family. 2. a.", "- Piezogenic pedal papules (PPPs), which are forms of. responses to internal mechanical pressure and weakness. in the connective tissue in the dermis, appear commonly. over the medial aspect of the heel, but in some cases on. the wrists mostly in bilateral and benign forms.", "Overview A transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure that involves cutting away a section of the prostate. The prostate is a small gland in the pelvis only found in men. It's located between the penis and bladder, and surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis).", "What Is a Pedunculated Polyp? Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. A pedunculated polyp is a skin growth that attaches to the body via an elongated stalk. This type of growth is most commonly found in the colon or uterus, but it can also occur elsewhere in the body. Pedunculated polyps contrast with sessile polyps, which are skin growths that lack the stem or stalk that qualifies a polyp as pedunculated.", "Papad (पापड़) Hindi Name: Papadums. Papad or papadum is a tortilla like preparation that can be fried or roasted. It is eaten as a snack or accompaniment with Indian meals. Vegetables, tomatoes or onions are often added on top for flavor. It is usually made from urad flour mostly but can also be made from chickpeaas, lentils and rice flour.", "- About Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) FOP is a rare, severely disabling disease characterized by painful, recurrent episodes of soft tissue swelling (flare-ups) that result in new, abnormal bone formation in muscles, tendons and ligaments.", "What is pollicis? exists and is an alternate of . The word pollicis in anatomy makes a reference to anything to do with the thumb. For example, the muscle Flexor pollicus longis refers to the muscle that causes flexion of the thumb, and has a long tendon. Try putting the term together with other anatomical terms and see if they make any sense!", "peduncle Noun. 1. peduncle-the thin process of tissue that attaches a polyp to the body. growth - (pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor). pedunculated polyp-a polyp with a stalk or peduncle.", "Dorsalis pedis artery Open main menu. In human anatomy, the dorsalis pedis artery (dorsal artery of foot), is a blood vessel of the lower limb that carries oxygenated blood to the dorsal surface of the foot.pen main menu. In human anatomy, the dorsalis pedis artery (dorsal artery of foot), is a blood vessel of the lower limb that carries oxygenated blood to the dorsal surface of the foot.", "- The papaya (/pəˈpaɪə/ or US /pəˈpɑːjə/) (from Carib via Spanish), papaw, (/pəˈpɔː/) or pawpaw (/ˈpɔːˌpɔː/ is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, and is one of the 22 accepted species in the genus Carica of the plant family Caricaceae.he papaya is a large, tree-like plant, with a single stem growing from 5 to 10 m (16 to 33 ft) tall, with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk.", "Pubic bone The pubic bone is one of the bones that make up the pelvis. In the picture at right, it is called a pubis. It is ventral and anterior. It is covered by a layer of fat, which is covered by the mons pubis.", "- In the human skin, the dermal papillae (DP) (singular papilla, diminutive of Latin papula, 'pimple') are small, nipple-like extensions (or interdigitations) of the dermis into the epidermis. At the surface of the skin in hands and feet, they appear as epidermal or papillary ridges (colloquially known as fingerprints). Blood vessels in the dermal papillae nourish all hair follicles and bring nutrients and oxygen to the lower layers of epidermal cells. The pattern of ridges they produce in hands and feet are partly genetically determined features that develop before birth.", "Prinplup Physiology. Prinplup is a penguin that is considerably larger than its pre-evolved form, Piplup. It has two large wings that are about half the length of Piplup. On Prinplup's head is a yellow crown that lies above the eyes. Prinplup's torso is a light blue with four white spots, two on each side.", "- Pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse (POP), also known as female genital prolapse, is characterized by descent of female genital organs beyond their normal anatomical confines.", "- Bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP), commonly referred to by the trademarked names BiPAP and BIPAP, is a form of non-invasive mechanical pressure support ventilation that uses a time-cycled or flow-cycled change between two different applied levels of positive airway pressure.ettings and measurements [edit]. 1 IPAP: this is the pressure applied during patient triggered breaths. 2 EPAP: this is the pressure applied in between patient triggered breaths. 3 FiO2: The fraction of O2 percentage that is being added to the delivered air. 4 Vf: on many machines a respiratory rate is set as a guarantee for intermittent bursts of IPAP.", "Ischial tuberosity Ischial tuberosity. The ischial tuberosity (or tuberosity of the ischium, tuber ischiadicum), also known informally as the sit bones, or as a pair the sitting bones is a large swelling posteriorly on the superior ramus of the ischium. It marks the lateral boundary of the pelvic outlet.", "- PD is a congenital anomaly in which the dorsal and ventral pancreatic ducts drain separately into the duodenum. The main drainage duct of the dorsal pancreatic bud is the accessory pancreatic duct and, in the embryo, it drains bile into the duodenum from the minor duodenal papilla in the embryo.", "VOLULIP Function and Characteristics: Volulip is an association of Portulaca pilosa extract and the dioxygenated natural peptide Pal-KMO2K in a liposoluble excipient. It mimics hyaluronic acid injection by doubling its synthesis level but also strongly stimulates the synthesis of matrix and dermal-epider...Learn more.", "PEDEVCO Corp. (PED) Pacific Energy Development (PEDEVCO Corp.) (NYSE: PED) is engaged in the acquisition and development of strategic, high growth energy projects, including shale assets and conventional oil and gas assets, in the U.", "Prospective Students A Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) is a doctor specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders resulting from injury or disease. A DPM makes independent judgments, prescribes medications and performs surgery.", "What is functionalism? What is the pedicel in a flower? i know you are thinking what i used to think about what a pedicel is a pedical is a certain thing on a flower well it is not it is just a fancy name for stem so there you ha … ve it bye. by kimberly" ]
[ 12.453125, 13.28125 ]
[ 7.21875, 7.3359375, 8.40625, 7.765625, 10.5078125, 7.921875, 6.578125, 8.4921875, 7.38671875, 9.21875, 8.1328125, 8.5703125, 7.53125, 6.9296875, 8.546875, 7.17578125, 7.7734375, 7.08984375, 7.16796875, 7.609375, 7.625, 7.0546875, 9.0859375, 7.59375, 7.21875, 8.0078125, 6.8125, 8.6875, 8.0703125, 8.2578125 ]
what causes a sharp pain under left rib cage?
[ "Feeling Stabbing Pain Under Left Rib Cage? â A Guide to Left Rib Pain Any physical injury to the ribs or the infection of any organs inside the rib cage can cause sharp pain under left rib cage. Hope you are clear about the possible causes and treatments for the pain in left side under ribs." ]
[ "Pain Under Your Left Rib Cage Pain under Left Rib Cage Diagnosis. If you have sinusitis or pneumonia, that could be the reason for the pain. Bronchitis can cause weariness and aches in the joints and abdomen. If it’s a fracture, an X-ray will be conducted.", "Why Does My Left Side Hurt Below My Ribs? Spleen irritation is also quite common and can cause this pain. When caused by spleen irritation or rupture, it may be accompanied by pain in the left shoulder as well. Trapped gas can cause this type of pain. Per MedGuidance, when gas becomes trapped in the colon, it can be caused by splenic flexure syndrome. Although not as common, infection of the cartilage that bonds the breastbone to the ribs, which is known as costochondritis, can cause pain in the left side under the ribs. The condition is generally caused by an impact to the rib cage or a viral infection.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment 1 Broken rib-If the injury is in the left rib cage, then this can cause an explosive pain in left side under ribs, especially while breathing deeply. 2 It can be diagnosed by taking chest x-rays. Costochondritis-This is a condition that results from an infection of cartilages that bond the ribs with the breastbone. 2 This can be the result of a forceful impact of the shoulder and rib cage area or caused by a viral infection. 3 Unbearable pain is experienced near the breastbone as the patient breaths heavily.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment A pain under left rib cage can be a manifestation of an illness or disease affecting the organs that are located in the left side of the rib cage. The urgency of seeking medical assistance depends on how the pain started and how sever or prolonged the pain is.", "Acute pain under rib cage on both sides Acute pain under rib cage: Introduction. Acute pain under rib cage: Sudden onset of pain under the rib cage. See detailed information below for a list of 8 causes of Acute pain under rib cage, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes. » Review Causes of Acute pain under rib cage: Causes | Symptom Checker ».", "Pain Under Right Rib Cage: Causes and When to See a Doctor Under your right rib cage are your liver, gallbladder, and your right kidney. Any inflammation or infection in these organs may cause pains in your back and upper abdomen. Because your heart is located in the middle of your chest, slightly to the left, heart-related pains usually cause pain under the left rib cage.", "Causes and Treatments of Right Side Pain Under the Ribs If you note a sharp pain beneath the rib cage it may be a symptom of a liver disease. Hepatomegaly or enlargement of the liver, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis or fatty liver disease may cause the upper right section of the abdomen to feel pain.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Broken Rib. Broken or fractured rib(s) on the left side causes pain during deep breathing and moving of the upper body. The main cause is trauma. Diagnosis is made by chest X-ray, but still some fractures can be missed since a broken rib may be only a crack in the rib, which does not necessary fall apart in two pieces.", "Acute pain under rib cage on both sides Acute pain under rib cage on both sides: Introduction. Acute pain under rib cage on both sides: Sudden onset of pain of the rib cage on both sides. See detailed information below for a list of 7 causes of Acute pain under rib cage on both sides, Symptom Checker, including diseases and drug side effect causes.", "Pain in Left Side Under Ribs There are however some very serious illnesses that can cause this pain in left side under ribs. These would include pneumothorax, pancreatitis, and dissection of the abdominal aorta. It could also be a spleen disorder, kidney stones, or pericardritis (inflammation of the heart sac). Pneumothorax occurs when the lungs collapse because of a rupture in the membrane of the lungs. A cavity then forms between the rib cage and the lungs and when air is trapped there it can cause extreme pain.", "Pain Under Right Rib Cage: Causes and When to See a Doctor In this article, you will find out the many causes of pain that specifically affects the right side of your chest under your right rib cage. Causes of Pain Under Right Rib Cage. Under your right rib cage are your liver, gallbladder, right kidney, and your right lung. Any inflammation or infection in these organs may cause pains in your back and upper abdomen. Because your heart is located in the middle of your chest, slightly to the left, heart-related pains usually cause pain under the left rib cage. Gallstones. Sharp stabbing pains under your right rib cage that come on suddenly may be a", "Rib Cage Pain What Causes Rib Pain? Conditions list medically reviewed by George Krucik, MD, MBA Rib cage pain may be sharp, dull, or achy and felt at or below the chest or above the navel on either side. It may occur after an obvious injury or without explanation. Rib cage pain can be due to anything from pulled muscles to a rib fracture....", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Causes and Warning Signs Causes of Pain Under Left Rib Cage. Pain under the left rib cage can be either left-sided chest pain or left upper quadrant (LUQ) abdominal pain. The chest cavity ends a short distance under the nipple (in men) where the diaphragm divides the chest and abdominal cavities. Therefore the organs in this area may be the cause of the pain.", "What Causes Sharp Pains Under the Left Breast? Your stomach is located on the left side of your abdomen and can be filled up with gas when you swallow. These trapped gases can trigger nerve pain in the stomach which is experienced as sharp pain under left breast. Heart burn. Heart burn is a common cause of chest pain, particularly beneath the left breast. It is caused by stomach acid that travels up the esophagus and irritates the esophageal mucosa.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment 1 This is a condition that would need immediate medical attention. Stomach ulcers - A sharp pain under left rib cage can denote an ulcer in the stomach. This can cause pain that move up to the shoulder blade area from the rib cage region.", "Pain under left rib cage Costochondritis. Left rib pain may also arise due to Costochondritis, which is caused by a viral infection of cartilages that attach the ribs to the breastbone or a severe impact of the rib cage area and shoulder. Patients suffer from acute pain close to the breastbone as they breathe heavily.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment Following are some of the most common attributes of pain in the left rib cage area: 1 Heartburn or acid reflux - This is a common cause of pain in the left side of the ribs. Spleen irritation - Irritation or rapture of the spleen can also cause discomfort and pain under the left rib cage.", "What Causes Pain Under The Left Rib Cage? How To Treat It Naturally? These conditions can sometimes cause a dull, persistent pain under the left side of the ribs. Colitis, gastritis, gall bladder stones, Crohn’s Diseases and IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can also lead to lower ribcage pain. Gas stuck in the colon can lead to a persistent pain under the lower ribs.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage Reasons for Pain Under the Left Rib. ► Injured/cracked or Fractured Rib. Cracked or fractured rib caused by accidents or severe blow/impact in that area, is one of the major reasons for pain under the left rib cage. It causes excruciating pain that aggravates with deep breathing. Such a serious injury needs immediate medical intervention.", "What to Know about Pain under the Left Rib Cage This can create a sharp pain under the left rib cage that seems to be coming from the heart, hence the name “heartburn”. The pain under the left rib cage will come after eating in most cases, especially if the meal was highly acidic or spicy. A bloating sensation is not uncommon, either. 4. Stomach Ulcers", "Pain in Left Side Under Ribs Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and can be caused by eating very fatty foods. If the left side pain under ribs is caused by a dissection of the abdominal aorta, your life is in immediate danger. Dying from an internal hemorrhage is the major risk involved in this situation.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment As there are various causes that can lead to pain under left rib cage, it is necessary to understand and differentiate them. The severity of the pain or discomfort, other associated symptoms and any underlying existing medical condition can help in identifying the exact cause of pain under left rib cage.", "Rib Cage Pain It may occur after an obvious injury or without explanation. Read more. Rib cage pain may be sharp, dull, or achy and felt at or below the chest or above the navel on either side. It may occur after an obvious injury or without explanation. Rib cage pain can be due to anything from pulled muscles to a rib fracture. This pain may occur immediately upon injury or develop slowly over time.", "What Causes Sharp Pains Under the Left Breast? 1 You can have inflammation of the musculoskeletal parts of your chest wall. This can lead to sharp pain under left breast. Precordial catch syndrome (PCS). This is an intense type of chest pain, usually occurring on the left side.", "- There are times when the pain under your left rib cage is not serious at all. It will be important for you to know the various causes and the possible treatments that you can get to get rid of the pain at the soonest possible time.", "Pain Under Right Rib Cage The various causes of pain behind the rib cage, usually referring to chest pain or pain in the thoracic cavity have been discussed further under 1 : Central chest pain. 2 Right side chest pain. 3 Left side chest pain.", "- A: Pain under the upper left rib cage can be a symptom of problems with the spleen, according to WebMD. Another cause of pain under the left rib cage may be d... Full Answer > Filed Under: Pain & Symptoms.", "Pain in Left Side Under Rib Cage: Cause and Treatment The rib cage, also known as thoracic cavity, is an area that is most prone to accidents, and exposed to injury. It surrounds the chest muscles by supporting the shoulder girdle. The rib cage encases a large number of critical organs and pains in this region can be due to an underlying medical condition of these organs. Costochondritis-This is a condition that results from an infection of cartilages that bond the ribs with the breastbone. 2 This can be the result of a forceful impact of the shoulder and rib cage area or caused by a viral infection. 3 Unbearable pain is experienced near the breastbone as the patient breaths heavily.", "Spleen Pain A Cause of Pain Under The Left Rib Cage Spleen pain typically is: 1 Felt as a pain under the left rib cage. 2 It is continuous and may be worse with deep breathing. 3 The pain tends to spread along the left upper abdomen to the left shoulder blade bone or scapula on the back and there may also be a shoulder tip pain.", "Pain Under Left Rib Cage: Common Causes and Treatments A sharp, aching pain under your left rib cage may cause you panic because of the possibility that it is heart-related pain. While it is true that pain under your ribs on the left-hand side could be a sign of angina or another serious cardiac issue, there are other reasons for pain under your left ribs." ]
[ 12.5 ]
[ 11.671875, 11.2109375, 11.890625, 11.65625, 9.90625, 11.5078125, 11.015625, 11.5, 9.828125, 11.578125, 10.765625, 10.6484375, 11.421875, 10.796875, 12.296875, 11.6015625, 11.90625, 11.2265625, 11.484375, 11.8828125, 11.6015625, 11.171875, 10.6953125, 11.2265625, 10.8515625, 10.4921875, 11.109375, 10.78125, 11.6015625, 12.3046875 ]
simple definition of statistics
[ "Statistics Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. In applying statistics to, e.g., a scientific, industrial, or societal problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model process to be studied.tatistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics. Some consider statistics to be a distinct mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics." ]
[ "- Statistics is the practice of collecting and analyzing data. The analysis of statistics is important. for decision making in events where there are uncertainties. Example 1: Consider the following table which records the marks of students on a test out of 6. Name Mohammad Mary Mamadou Binta Alieu Lamin. Mark 5 3 6 3 4 3.", "- Statistics is the name of the subject. It is the general definition which deals with the collection, presentation and interpretation of data. On the other hand, statistic is a … test used to test a hypothesis. It is commonly applied to sample cases. A statistic is a description of some measure, such as your height, weight, or age.", "- 1 Statistics - a set of concepts, rules, and procedures that help us to: 2 organize numerical information in the form of tables, graphs, and charts; understand statistical techniques underlying decisions that affect our lives and well-being; and.", "parameter Statistics. a variable entering into the mathematical form of any distribution such that the possible values of the variable correspond to different distributions. 3. Computers. a variable that must be given a specific value during the execution of a program or of a procedure within a program.", "Mathematical statistics Main article: Mathematical statistics. Mathematical statistics is the application of mathematics to statistics, which was originally conceived as the science of the state — the collection and analysis of facts about a country: its economy, land, military, population, and so forth.", "statistics Statistics is also the branch of mathematics dealing with these facts. She is a Professor of Statistics. When you use statistics with this meaning, it is an uncountable noun. You use a singular form of a verb with it.", "- Top 10 facts about the world. Statistical significance is a mathematical tool that is used to determine whether the outcome of an experiment is the result of a relationship between specific factors or merely the result of chance.", "What is 'Statistics' Statistical data is gathered using a sample procedure or other method. Two types of statistical methods are used in analyzing data: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics are used to synopsize data from a sample exercising the mean or standard deviation.", "- – (statistics) a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value depends on the independent variable 1. the dependent variable. – (statistics) a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value depends on the independent variable 1. dependent variable [ the ~ ] noun.", "- Descriptive statistics are numbers that are used to summarize and describe data. The word data refers to the information that has been collected from an experiment, a survey, a historical record, etc. (By the way, data is plural.", "Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis is fundamental to all experiments that use statistics as a research methodology. Most experiments in social sciences and many important experiments in natural science and engineering need statistical analysis.", "Statistics Probability is used in mathematical statistics to study the sampling distributions of sample statistics and, more generally, the properties of statistical procedures. The use of any statistical method is valid when the system or population under consideration satisfies the assumptions of the method.", "STATISTICS parametric statistic - any statistic computed by procedures that assume the data were drawn from a particular distribution. time series - a series of values of a variable at successive times. vital statistics - data relating to births and deaths and health and diseases and marriages.", "- 1 Statistics-a set of concepts, rules, and procedures that help us to: 2 organize numerical information in the form of tables, graphs, and charts; 3 understand statistical techniques underlying decisions that affect our lives and well-being; and.4 make informed decisions. Statistics-a set of concepts, rules, and procedures that help us to: 2 organize numerical information in the form of tables, graphs, and charts; 3 understand statistical techniques underlying decisions that affect our lives and well-being; and.", "- 1.1 What is Statistics? (Page 1 of 15) 1.1What is Statistics? Definition of Statistics. Statistics is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and. interpret numerical information from data. Descriptive statistics. involves methods of organizing, picturing and summarizing. information from data. Inferential statistics involves methods of.", "What are 'Descriptive Statistics' Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can be either a representation of the entire population or a sample of it. Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of central tendency and measures of variability, or spread.", "What is 'Statistical Significance' What is 'Statistical Significance'. Statistical significance means that a result from testing or experimenting is not likely to occur randomly or by chance, but is instead likely to be attributable to a specific cause.", "- This means that statistics helps. us turn data into information; that is, data that have been interpreted, understood and are useful to the recipient. Put formally, for your. project, statistics is the systematic collection and analysis of numerical. data, in order to investigate or discover relationships among phenom-.", "Simple Statistical Analysis Simple Statistical Analysis. 1 Once you have collected quantitative data, you will have a lot of numbers. 2 There is a wide range of possible techniques that you can use. 3 This page provides a brief summary of some of the most common techniques for summarising your data, and explains when you would use each one.", "[Statistics Tutorial 1] Difference between Statistic and Statistics When we obtain the results from the Population, it is called a Parameter and when we obtain results from a Sample, it is called Statistic. Coming back to the difference, STATISTIC is the score of each individual or a singular data. STATISTICS is therefore, the process of designing, comparing, interpreting and analysing data. Statistics is concerned with the sample and not the population as population is almost impossible to reach.", "What Are Descriptive Statistics? - Definition and Uses The different statistics to describe a data set are: 1 Mean: defined as the average score of the sample. 2 Median: defined as the middle score after the scores have been arranged in numerical order. 3 Mode: defined as the most often occurring value.", "Hypothesis Testing A statistical hypothesis is an assumption about a population parameter. This assumption may or may not be true. Hypothesis testing refers to the formal procedures used by statisticians to accept or reject statistical hypotheses.", "Bias Statistical bias is a property of a statistical technique or of its results whereby the expected value of the results differs from the true underlying quantitative parameter being estimated. Arithmetic mean is an unbiased estimator of mean and geometric mean is an example of a biased estimator of mean.", "significance 1. consequence or importance. 2. something signified, expressed, or intended. 3. the state or quality of being significant. 4. (Statistics) statistics. a. a measure of the confidence that can be placed in a result, esp a substantive causal hypothesis, as not being merely a matter of chance. b. (as modifier): a significance level.", "What is the difference between Data and Statistics? Data is the raw information from which statistics are created. Put in the reverse, statistics provide an interpretation and summary of data. 1 Statistical tables, charts, and graphs. Reported numbers and percentages in an article.", "Summary statistics In descriptive statistics, summary statistics are used to summarize a set of observations, in order to communicate the largest amount of information as simply as possible. Statisticians commonly try to describe the observations in. a measure of location, or central tendency, such as the arithmetic mean.", "What is Statistical Significance? 10 most extreme places on Earth. Statistical significance is a mathematical tool that is used to determine whether the outcome of an experiment is the result of a relationship between specific factors or merely the result of chance.", "- Descriptive statistics are statistics that quantitatively describe or summarize features of a collection of information.", "statistic A value that defines a specified measure of a population or dataset–eg, mean, percentage, rate of reaction, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, or other datum; a number that quantifies a characteristic of data in a sample.", "biased statistic biased statistic. (statistics). A statistic whose expected value, as obtained from a random sampling, does not equal the parameter or quantity being estimated. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter." ]
[ 10.6328125 ]
[ 10.8125, 11.28125, 11.4375, 11.375, 10.7265625, 11.046875, 9.421875, 10.578125, 10.5625, 10.5390625, 9.890625, 10.6796875, 10.703125, 11.140625, 11.640625, 10.1171875, 9.4140625, 10.328125, 12.109375, 9.9921875, 10.640625, 10.015625, 9.6953125, 9.5, 10.3515625, 10.0078125, 9.25, 10.53125, 10.6171875, 9.3359375 ]
foods to eat to build up blood platelets
[ "- 2. Beans. Beans contain vitamin B9, which helps to increase the blood platelet count. Some other foods are asparagus, spinach, and oranges. This is actually one of the great foods to increase blood platelets that I want you and my other readers know and try adding them to your daily diets for good." ]
[ "The Best Foods to Eat After You Give Blood Iron is a component in your blood needed to carry oxygen to your tissues. Without iron, your body cannot maintain or produce healthy red blood cells. Because your body must begin to make new blood cells, eating foods that contain iron after giving blood can give you a good start. Examples of iron-rich foods include spinach, red meat, fish, poultry, beans and raisins.", "What type of food can I use to build up a low blood count? Step 1. Add foods to your diet that enhance the immune system. These include all fruits and vegetables, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients in general. Garlic and ginger also increase white cell count and may also help fight opportunist infections that take advantage of a compromised immune system. Foods high in zinc, such as squash seeds and oysters, can also help.", "Foods that Boost Blood Circulation Here are some other foods that can boost blood circulation: Garlic relaxes blood vessels, making it a good choice to thin blood and improve circulation.Onions contain sulfur compounds, which help to maintain platelet aggregation, blood pressure and total cholesterol.hrista recommends incorporating some of these foods into your diet for a blood-building boost: Turn over a new leaf Dark leafy greens such as kale, broccoli sprouts, spinach and collards detoxify the bloodstream, improve respiratory function and create a feeling of lightness.. Advertisement.", "What are Blood Building Foods? The term blood building foods is commonly used in alternative medicine, particularly in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Blood building foods are those foods that contain high quantities of specific nutrients thought to encourage the production of new blood cells in the body. The most important ingredient in a blood building food is iron, but vitamin B12 and folic acid are also key.", "18 Foods To Increase Blood Count Figs are rich in iron content and fibre. Make it a point to have about 3-4 dried figs everyday if you blood count is low. This will help increase the blood count quickly.", "- Fruits and Vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C, which increases antibody and white blood cell production. Eat at least six servings of fruits and vegetables a day to ensure adequate vitamin C intake. Guava, papaya, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe and citrus are all rich in vitamin C.", "Foods Affect Platelet Count o monitor vitamins in this compensate for foods affect foods affect platelet count platelet count IPF. Platelet prior medical usage. On a short term side effect of aspirin resistance. Runners are very useful in “Vata” and is a much safer and finally deal with it.", "Foods to Increase Blood Platelets Calcium, along with vitamin K and the protein fibrinogen, work in tandem to help your platelets form a clot. Without adequate calcium, your body takes longer to stop bleeding. Eat low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, along with almonds, broccoli, dried figs and dark green, leafy vegetables.", "About Blood Donation: Diet Before And After Donating Blood Since blood production requires iron, you should eat iron-rich foods for two weeks before your appointment. This will help you have strong blood for donation and help you better recuperate after your donation. Iron-rich foods include spinach, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, organ meat, eggs, and beef. Having good levels of vitamin C will also help to increase iron absorption.", "Home Remedies - Natural Ways to Increase Platelet Count during Dengue 1 Foods such as fish, flax seed, walnut, spinach etc., are few examples of Omega-3 fatty acids rich foods Omega-3 fatty acid boosts the immune system and can naturally increase your platelet level count.2 Hence consuming them can help cope with the low platelet levels. Foods such as fish, flax seed, walnut, spinach etc., are few examples of Omega-3 fatty acids rich foods Omega-3 fatty acid boosts the immune system and can naturally increase your platelet level count.", "Increase Platelet Count Naturally: Foods to Treat Low Platelet Thrombocytopenia 1 Include fresh and organic foods. This will help in stimulating the body’s internal mechanism and increase platelet count. Red foods are your key. Tomatoes, plums, watermelons, cherries and berries are loaded with vitamins and minerals and have strong anti-oxidant properties which helps to raise platelet count.", "What food can you eat to build up your blood? The food that you can eat to build up ur blood are rasins, grapes and drinking grape juice because all these foods are rich in iron that build up blood. 1.Meat(lamb, beef/calf liver, liver from organically raised cattle, fish) 2.Blackstrap molasses(1 tablespoon in a cup of hot water drank as a tea)", "What type of food can I use to build up a low blood count? Step 1. Add foods to your diet that enhance the immune system. These include all fruits and vegetables, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients in general. Garlic and ginger also increase white cell count and may also help fight opportunist infections that take advantage of a compromised immune system. Foods high in zinc, such as squash seeds and oysters, can also help. Step 2", "- Eat Vitamin A-Rich Foods to Stimulate White Blood Cell Formation Critical to the formation of white blood cells, vitamin A improves the ability of antibodies to attack foreign bodies in the bloodstream. It ensures that you have more immunity boosters and that they are better at their job. Great sources of vitamin A include kale, liver, butternut", "Eating for Health Some foods can cause low platelets and eliminating them from the diet may help raise the platelet count. The most common offenders are foods that contain quinine (tonic water, bitter lemon, bitter melon), aspartame (diet soda, sugar-free and low-fat candy and cakes) or alcohol (beer, wine, hard liquor). There is more information on the 'Warnings' page and the 'Other Platelet Disorders' page.", "10 Best Foods To Increase Blood Platelets Naturally The red diamond like seeds of pomegranate is rich in iron just as all the red fruits and help to increase the blood platelet count (3) . Pomegranate is also rich in vitamins, helps you to gain resistance and strength and fight low platelet related health diseases such as dengue fever.ou can try consuming both the leaf extract and the papaya fruit to increase the blood platelet count fast. According to researchers at the Asian Institute of Science and Technology in Malaysia,papaya leaf extract is extremely effective in increasing the platelet count when given to patients of dengue (2) .", "How to Increase White Blood Cells This is typically defined as a 2:1 ratio of fruits and vegetables to meat and fish. 1 Fruits and vegetables. 2 Fruits such as figs, melons, oranges or strawberries and vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, beets and spinach are known to naturally increase your white blood cell count. 3 Green tea.", "Those with a low platelet count benefit from a healthy diet Sufficient intake of vitamin C and flavonoids from natural foods like lemon, broccoli, spinach, bell pepper and kiwi are also beneficial for low platelet counts. He also advises consuming the orange's white fibrous rind as it contains high levels of flavonoids, which improve blood vessel elasticity.", "- These juicy fruits have resveratrol, which helps keep platelets in your blood from sticking together. That may partly be why red wine -- in moderation (1 glass for women, 2 for men) -- may have some heart-healthy advantages over other types of alcohol.", "- Daily intake of iron rich food will help increase RBCs in the body. This is because it is an essential part of a red blood cell and hemoglobin as it helps deliver oxygen to different body parts. It also helps in excretion of carbon monoxide upon exhalation. Food rich in iron includes: Beans/Legumes. Lentils.", "- The foods that thin blood include fish rich in omega-3 acids such as mackerel, anchovies, salmon, and others, herbs and spices such as ginger, turmeric, and others, beverages such as red wine and green tea, and other foods high in salicylates. Such foods work to reduce the stickiness of the blood and prevent it from clotting.", "List of Healthy Foods to Increase Platelet Count List of Healthy Foods to Increase Platelet Count. Low platelet count, also known as thrombocytopenia, occurs as a result of several medical conditions. Several healthy foods can alleviate the symptoms of this condition. Platelets are blood cells produced by the bone marrow whose main function is to manage bleeding.", "Iron: Build Strong Blood Dark green, leafy vegetables, such as spinach, chard, and collard greens are good sources of iron because they tend to be low in calories and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Aim for five servings a day. Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, which helps your body absorb iron. Although these foods and drinks are good sources of calcium, they do not supply a lot of iron. The exceptions are tofu, breast milk, and infant formulas. Iron in meats, fish, and poultry is used especially well by the body. Meat, eggs, dried beans, and nuts have slightly more iron than poultry and fish. Dark meats have more iron than light meats. Liver is one concentrated source of iron. Choose lean meats to limit your intake of saturated fat.", "- Some of the well-known and everyday foods contain large amounts of salicylates which makes them excellent blood thinning foods that act in a very similar way as aspirin. Dried fruits like apricots, prunes, dates, cranberries, and raisins are very high in salicylates which may help you prevent blood clotting.", "10 Foods That Increase Low Platelet Count 2. Milk is high in calcium, which can help your body regenerate the number of platelets. The calcium content works along with Vitamin K and the milk protein fibrinogen. This is to increase your platelet count and improve the blood’s ability to form clots.. Milk is high in calcium, which can help your body regenerate the number of platelets. The calcium content works along with Vitamin K and the milk protein fibrinogen. This is to increase your platelet count and improve the blood’s ability to form clots.", "How to Increase a Low Platelet Count The telltale signs of a low platelet count are easy or excessive bruising, prolonged bleeding from cuts, spontaneous bleeding from the gums or nose, blood in urine or stools, and skin rashes due to superficial bleeding into the skin.pinach is a good source of vitamin K which is often used to help treat low platelet disorder. Vitamin K is required for proper blood clotting. Thus, it reduces the risk of excessive bleeding. 1 Boil 4 or 5 leaves of fresh spinach in 2 cups of water for a few minutes.", "A List of Foods for Blood Building Turkey contains high levels of vitamin B-12, which is essential for building blood. A 1-cup serving of cooked turkey contains 48 mcg of this vitamin. You may consider turkey a holiday season food, but roasting a whole bird during other times of the year is healthy and economical.", "What type of food can I use to build up a low blood count? Garlic and ginger also increase white cell count and may also help fight opportunist infections that take advantage of a compromised immune system. Foods high in zinc, such as squash seeds and oysters, can also help. Step 2.", "How to Increase White Blood Cells 1 Fruits such as figs, melons, oranges or strawberries and vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, beets and spinach are known to naturally increase your white blood cell count. Green tea. Green tea is a great source of antioxidants that helps the body fight off infections.", "What to Eat the Morning of Donating Blood Eat red meats, eggs, poultry, fish and leafy green vegetables such as spinach to build up your iron supply. Fortified cereals also contain iron and make a good breakfast choice the morning you donate. Don't drink tea with iron-rich foods; tannins in tea interfere with iron absorption." ]
[ 12.53125 ]
[ 9.84375, 9.7578125, 10, 9.703125, 9.5078125, 9.6171875, 9.203125, 12.4375, 9.6875, 11.6328125, 12.015625, 11.8203125, 9.65625, 9.015625, 10.9921875, 10.9140625, 9.9921875, 12.171875, 10.46875, 9.1953125, 9.140625, 10.0703125, 9.21875, 8.8828125, 11.3671875, 9.7578125, 10.9453125, 9.734375, 9.953125, 9.5234375 ]
bad to drink alcohol with uti
[ "Beverages to Avoid With a UTI When you experience a UTI, your physician will recommend drinking lots of fluids to flush UTI-causing bacteria through your urethral tract. The goal is to drink hydrating fluids -- like six to eight glasses of filtered water -- for maximum fluid output.hen you have a UTI, drinking sugar-sweetened drinks like fruit juices, sports drinks and other sweetened beverages can have adverse effects." ]
[ "- The short answer is probably not according to recent research on the subject, though of course there are certainly many who swear by this method of getting rid of / preventing urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and there are good theories behind why cranberry juice could potentially help.ith that being said I drink pure cranberry juice (water cranberries and their pulp) when I develop a UTI. It honestly does work great, I woke up yesterday morning with one and started to down the juice along with water and its gone today.", "Is it okay to drink alcohol while on antibiotics? Drinking any amount of alcohol with these medications can result in side effects such as flushing, headache, nausea and vomiting, and rapid heart rate. Keep in mind that some cold medicines and mouthwashes also contain alcohol. So check the label and avoid such products while taking these antibiotics. Although alcohol doesn't reduce the effectiveness of most antibiotics, it can reduce your energy and delay how quickly you recover from illness. So, it's a good idea to avoid alcohol until you finish your antibiotics and are feeling better.", "- While there may be some truth to the belief that cranberry juice is good for your bladder and urinary tract, the science behind it isn’t 100%. Drinking cranberry juice won't hurt you and may help prevent UTIs, but if you already have a UTI you probably need to take antibiotics.", "Can I drink on antibiotics? Can I drink on them? The old adage is that alcohol counteracts antibiotics: alcohol doesn’t counteract the effects of the antibiotics. There are there antibiotics, specifically, that you really should not mix with alcohol: metronidazole (Flagyl), tinidazole (Tindamax), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim).", "Can i get a urine infection from drinking too much alcohol? But alcohol will not cause an infection, it can however make something you ALREADY have worse. Oh and a 1 off time of drinking that much will not cause liver failure etc or anything else - it takes years of abuse and drinking much stronger drinks to be blessed with Liver Failure. Good Luck :) Alex · 9 years ago.", "Can Alcohol Cause Urinary Tract Infections Learn about urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms, causes, home remedies. Can Alcohol Cause Urinary Tract Infections. Nbsp; Many women with some under the doctor’s is a very serious drugs are certainly caused by an underlying cause as they are caused by Escherichia coli can alcohol cause urinary tract infections bacteria they get into the kidneys.", "- 1 It is not clear if drinking cranberry juice or taking supplements of cranberry extract is more effective. 2 Although most research shows that cranberry is beneficial for UTIs, there is some evidence that it might not benefit children with a history of UTIs.", "Overview You can take these steps to reduce your risk of urinary tract infections: Drink plenty of liquids, especially water. Drinking water helps dilute your urine and ensures that you'll urinate more frequently — allowing bacteria to be flushed from your urinary tract before an infection can begin.", "- Health and Medicine. Few antibiotics preclude drinking alcohol but it’s a bad idea to get drunk when you have an infection. DeusXFlorida. Staying off alcohol when taking antibiotics has been hallowed advice from GPs, pharmacists and well-meaning relatives for decades.", "- 1 Drinking water helps dilute your urine and ensures that you'll urinate more frequently — allowing bacteria to be flushed from your urinary tract before an infection can begin. 2 Drink cranberry juice. 3 Although studies are not conclusive that cranberry juice prevents UTIs, it is likely not harmful. 4 Wipe from front to back.", "Mondayâs Medical Myth: You Canât Mix Antibiotics With Alcohol If you’re on one of the problematic drugs, it’s important to take the “no alcohol” warning seriously or you’ll quickly and deeply regret even a few mouthfuls of alcohol. For most antibiotic users, though, a glass of bubbly or a cold beer at your office Christmas party should be fine.", "- But even if cranberry juice doesn’t help much or at all with preventing UTI’s directly, drinking more fluids when you have a UTI is helpful for flushing out bacteria and the Proanthocyanidins and Flavonols in cranberry juice may well help a bit in that process, it just won’t specifically cure the infection.ith that being said I drink pure cranberry juice (water cranberries and their pulp) when I develop a UTI. It honestly does work great, I woke up yesterday morning with one and started to down the juice along with water and its gone today.", "Introduction Mixing alcohol with antibiotics is rarely a good idea. Both alcohol and antibiotics can cause side effects in your body, and drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics can raise your risk of these harmful effects. If the label on your drug says not to drink alcohol during treatment, follow that advice.", "- Frequent and untreated urinary tract infections may lead to infection in the kidneys. Chronic kidney infection is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease. One way that cranberry juice helps prevent urinary tract infections is by making urine more acidic.", "Home Remedies for Dogâs Urinary Tract Infection Studies on the effectiveness of cranberry juice for preventing or treating UTIs have produced mixed results. The red berry contains a tannin that prevents E. coli bacteria - the most common cause of urinary tract infections - from sticking to the walls of the bladder, where they can cause infection.", "Can You Drink Alcohol With Antibiotics? Stomach problems, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain can be common with antibiotics, too. Consuming alcohol can worsen these stomach side effects. Usually alcohol does not affect how well an antibiotic works to fight an infection, but the combination may lead to unpleasant side effects.", "I have a UTI. Can I drink alcohol? Cranberry juice** would be better, plain, old water, best of all. All alcohol is going to do is prolong the infection and possibly cause more problems. **So far, every rigorous, peer-reviewed study is showing cranberry juice isn't all that when it comes to urinary issues.", "- Urine is pretty germ-free when it's inside your bladder. But on its way out of your body through the urethra, it’s exposed to bacteria. That’s one reason that it’s not a good idea to taste or drink urine (some people are curious) or pee on a jellyfish sting. Both can put you at risk for a bacterial or STD infection.", "- Hello and welcome, Macrobid which is Nitrofurantoin monohydrate used in urinary tract infections so it is better to avoid alcohol. Alcohol may prevent and reduce the effects of Macrobid.It is best to consult your doctor and get your doubts clarified.I hope it helps.ello and welcome, Macrobid which is Nitrofurantoin monohydrate used in urinary tract infections so it is better to avoid alcohol. Alcohol may prevent and reduce the effects of Macrobid.It is best to consult your doctor and get your doubts clarified.", "- Alcohol & Urinary Tract Infections. A urinary tract infection (UTI), also known as cystitis or a bladder infection, is a bacterial infection in the bladder or the tube that carries urine from the bladder, the urethra. A frequent and urgent need to urinate could signal you have a UTI, especially if you can only expel a small amount of urine when you go.", "- Cranberry has relatively high levels of oxalate, chemicals that may raise the risk of kidney stones in some people. If you have kidney stones, talk to your doctor before taking cranberry supplements or drinking a lot of cranberry juice. DO NOT use cranberry if you already have a UTI.You should see a doctor for prescription antibiotics. Most cranberry juice has added sugar.dult. 1 Juice: Studies have used 3 or more fluid oz. of pure juice per day, or about 10 oz. of cranberry juice cocktail, for preventing UTIs. 2 Ask your doctor about the right dose for you. 3 Fresh or frozen cranberries: 1.5 oz.", "- A wide variety of teas and extracts can be used for UTI treatment. The best thing about this method is that you can change up the products — if you get tired of one taste, you can switch to another product. All that matters is that you increase how much of these products you drink on a daily basis.", "Macrobid and alcohol macrobid. Hello and welcome, Macrobid which is Nitrofurantoin monohydrate used in urinary tract infections so it is better to avoid alcohol. Alcohol may prevent and reduce the effects of Macrobid.It is best to consult your doctor and get your doubts clarified. I hope it helps.ello and welcome, Macrobid which is Nitrofurantoin monohydrate used in urinary tract infections so it is better to avoid alcohol. Alcohol may prevent and reduce the effects of Macrobid.It is best to consult your doctor and get your doubts clarified.", "Urinary Tract Infection (UTI In Adults) Most home remedies do not “cure” a bacterial infection, although a few mild UTIs may be cleared by the body's immune defense system. Home remedies may be dangerous if they cause a person to delay medical care in serious UTIs.", "- Here's an overview of the evidence: The Pros. A few studies have found that drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry pills can prevent UTIs, especially in women who are at risk for these infections: 1 One study looked at women who had a history of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli bacteria.", "Alcohol and Amoxicillin Other Reasons to Avoid Combining Amoxicillin With Alcohol. If you have an infection that is serious enough to require treatment with an antibiotic, it is probably unwise to drink alcohol. Get plenty of rest and fluids, focus on getting better, and save the alcohol for another time.", "Bacteria in Urine? Bacteria builds up in your bladder and kidneys if you aren't flushing the toxins out properly. This build up of bacteria in itself wont do you any harm, but it does mean you are more likely to develop urinary tract (UTI) and kidney infections if you dont drink plenty of fluids. As someone suggested earlier, cranberry juice or cranberry extract in tablet form can help to flush out these toxins.", "Skip the Cranberry Juice for a Urinary Infection, Go for the Pomegranate Cranberry juice has long been acknowledged as an effective natural remedy for urinary tract infection, but pomegranate may be just as effective and even better for your overall health. cranberry, uti, pomegranate, juice, urinary tract infectio. 381. Thursday, 24 Mar 2016 08:55 PM.", "Bladder Infections Research has validated the historic knowledge that cranberry is effective for UTI and may prevent them as well.10 In a double-blind study, senior women drinking 10oz cranberry juice daily had a signicant reduction of bacteria in the urine.", "- Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: your bladder is very sensitive to things such as caffeine or alcohol. So if you have a UTI then yes alcohol will make it worse. Unless your bladder is really sensitive, drinking alcohol most likely won't CAUSE an infection. It will just make it worse if you already have one. Hope this helped!" ]
[ 10.6875 ]
[ 8.9453125, 9.359375, 9.359375, 9.015625, 9.9296875, 11.3046875, 9.640625, 10.1875, 10.3515625, 10.140625, 9.140625, 8.328125, 9.5078125, 8.859375, 8.671875, 9.3515625, 11.28125, 8.515625, 9.671875, 11.265625, 9.15625, 8.875, 9.078125, 9.046875, 9.8984375, 9.2265625, 8.8828125, 8.3828125, 9.0703125, 12 ]
how is khan academy funded
[ "Khan Academy Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, mostly funded by donations coming from philanthropic organizations. In 2010, Google donated $2 million for creating new courses and translating content into other languages, as part of their Project 10100. program." ]
[ "- Watch the video that shows how to share your test scores with Khan Academy for personalized, world-class SAT practice. More Watch a video that shows how and why to link College Board and Khan Academy accounts. Get daily SAT practice questions and score practice tests instantly.", "- if you re seeing this message it means we re having trouble loading external resources for khan academy if you re behind a web filter please make sure that the domains kastatic org and kasandbox org are unblocked skip to main content", "Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools The primary goal of this research was to generate information for school systems , school leaders , and teachers on how Khan Academy , and by implication other similar digital learning tools and resources , could be used to support personalized math learning ( i.e. , learning that tailors what is taught , when it is taught , and how it is taught to ...", "- How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education. Matthew Carpenter, age 10, has completed 642 inverse trigonometry problems at KhanAcademy.org. “This,” says Matthew Carpenter, “is my favorite exercise.” I peer over his shoulder at his laptop screen to see the math problem the fifth grader is pondering.", "- Artemis gives the most number of energy points than any other badge on Khan Academy. Read more. Positive: 48 %. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, ...ou get to keep it forever, ... Read more. Positive: 47 %. Khan Academy allows you to learn ... your Khan Academy user account to get credit ... a new update but if you do decide to update consider the ... Read more. Positive: 42 %. Black Hole badges are legendary and unknown.", "- Major funding for Odd Squad is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting & the U.S. Department of Education. The contents of this Web site were developed under a cooperative agreement, #PRU295A100025, from the U.S. Department of Education.", "While the standards may be common, we know that students are not -- they each have their own learning journey. This is why we are committed to personalized learning that lets students practice what they most need help on, at their own pace, at absolutely no cost. Sal KhanFounder and CEO of Khan Academy An uncommon approach to the Common Core Browse our new Common Core map. Browse our new Common Core map. While the standards may be common, we know that students are not -- they each have their own learning journey. This is why we are committed to personalized learning that lets students practice what they most need help on, at their own pace, at absolutely no cost.", "Khan Academy $0.00. 1 Pros Completely Free. 2 Cons Video markup can be onerous. 3 Bottom Line With a growing repository of free tutorials and exercises, Khan Academy enables tech-savvy learners, particularly U.S. K-12 students interested in STEM fields, to supplement existing knowledge and to explore new topics.", "- Ragini works in the Data Science team at Khan Academy. She's a Virginia Tech alumnus and comes from OSIsoft where she created software for real-time data. She's fascinated by the impact Khan Academy has made and will make in uplifting the lives of so many people, worldwide. She loves Mathematics, playing badminton, swimming and eating desserts.", "How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education This involves replacing some of her lectures with Khan’s videos, which students can watch at home. Then, in class, they focus on working problem sets. The idea is to invert the normal rhythms of school, so that lectures are viewed on the kids’ own time and homework is done at school.", "Khan Academy to offer free SAT prep The Khan Academy will offer SAT test prep materials for free, the online learning platform said Wednesday, through a partnership with the College Board that aims to help level the playing field in a college admissions process that has increasingly favored wealthier applicants.", "- Houston Community College Foundation: $3,128,193: Other organizations performing similar types of work: $213,960", "Viewer for Khan Academy View Khan Academy's library of over 4,000 educational videos. Viewer for Khan Academy makes it easy to view Khan Academy's library of over 4,000 educational videos. Topics covered include: general science, biology, chemistry, physics, math, finance, history, the humanities, and more. Khan Academy's library of videos is available free of charge.", "Khan Academy: The revolution that isnât By Karim Kai Ani. In a new profile in Time magazine, Sal Khan, founder of the popular Khan Academy, explains how he prepares for each of his video lessons. He doesn’t use a script. In fact, he admits, “I don’t know what I’m going to say half the time.”.", "- Few teachers expected their students to use Khan Academy outside of the regular school day. Median student use outside of the school day ranged from a low of a few minutes a week at several schools, to as high as 25 minutes per week at Site 8.", "Oprah Winfrey Foundation Oprah says that The school will teach girls to be the best human beings they can ever be; it will train them to become decision-makers and leaders; it will be a model school for the rest of the world. How to Get Involved . The Oprah Winfrey Foundation accepts public, foundation and corporate donations. Oprah, herself, funds the majority of the Academy but there are several ways that you can help. The Foundation's website is set up to receive donations. They accept cash donations that go toward the Foundation's efforts where it is needed most.", "- For other charter schools, funds pass through the state department of education to the state treasurer, and then to charter schools. For charter schools authorized by local school boards, funding is calculated for the state through a per pupil formula.As part of the contract between a local school board and a charter school, a local school board may withhold a negotiated portion of the funding for oversight. How Arizona Funds Its District Schools Arizona public schools are funded based on a per pupil formula that provides foundation funding and additional revenue based on school size and/or whether the pupil is enrolled in grades K-8 or 9-12.", "12 Inspiring Schools Using Khan Academy Based in Topsham, Maine, this middle school is embracing Khan Academy in a pilot set of math classrooms this year. Students will be using the math videos posted at Khan to learn new concepts while also completing problem sets, both in the classroom and at home for practice.", "12 Inspiring Schools Using Khan Academy If there’s a model of a school using Khan Academy, it’s this Silicon Valley-adjacent school district. The district is participating in a pilot program in partnership with the developers at Khan Academy, and the results of student experiences with the videos and learning tools are being closely monitored.", "Khan Academy 1 In April 2012, the founder and executive director of Khan Academy, Salman Khan, was listed among the Time 100 Most Influential People for 2012. In 2013, the Mexico-based Carlos Slim Foundation made a donation to Khan Academy to expand its Spanish library of videos.", "How Schools Spend Their Money University of Washington professor and Gates Foundation advisor Marguerite Roza is the Indiana Jones of school finance. In her short but powerful new book, Educational Economics: Where Do School Funds Go?, Roza uncovers the hidden caves and tunnels that store the treasure of the public school system.Revealing where the money goes requires intrepid sleuthing, detailed analysis, and occasionally braving hostile natives.on-core electives, like art, music, gym, and shop, receive higher per-pupil spending because they tend to have fewer students per class than required core subjects, like reading, math, history, and science.", "Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) AVID is typically funded at the school-site level by school district, state, federal, or grant monies. The program coordinator required by AVID comes from the existing staff; tutors are recruited from local colleges and universities and paid for their services. Schools pay for staff development and curriculum materials.", "- Activity. The Activity tab on Khan Academy shows how much work user has been doing each day. It tells them the amount of time they spend on Khan Academy each day and the number of energy points they have gained that particular day. It also tells user the amount of time they spend on skills and videos.", "How is CASA funded? At the local level, CASA programs are generally funded through a state’s Department of Justice. Many programs are privately funded through service organizations such as the Junior League and the National Council of Jewish Women. The National CASA Association is funded through a combination of private grants, federal funds (U.S. Justice Department), memberships and contributions. Macon County CASA.", "Khan Academy Parents need to know that Khan Academy is a free website and educational app that includes thousands of educational videos aimed at self-paced instruction. The library in the app mirrors the content that can be found on the website.", "Research on the Use of Khan Academy in Schools At the same time, the foundation contracted SRI Education’s Center for Technology in Learning to study the implementation of Khan Academy resources and tools in those schools during the 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years.", "About Us Note: In addition to the sums reported here, FactCheck.org receives in-kind support from the Annenberg Public Policy Center including office space, utilities and technical support from APPC staff. We do not attempt to assign a dollar value to these in-kind services, which are funded from the APPC’s own resources.", "- Slices of the funding pie (approx. every school district is different): 70% by WA Sources of General Fund revenue for Basic Education. These State funds mostly come from statewide sales tax and property tax revenues. 20% by WA localities Most local funds come from a local property tax.lices of the funding pie (approx. every school district is different): 70% by WA Sources of General Fund revenue for Basic Education. These State funds mostly come from statewide sales tax and property tax revenues. 20% by WA localities Most local funds come from a local property tax.", "Interjections The Guide to Grammar and Writing is sponsored by the Capital Community College Foundation, a nonprofit 501 c-3 organization that supports scholarships, faculty development, and curriculum innovation.", "How long does it take to complete Khan Academy's entire mathematics course starting at algebra? For me, it took 156 days. In November 2015, I saw an interview with Sal Khan on CNBC. I had been familiar with Khan Academy, as my son had used it on a few occasions. In the interview, Khan talked about the “holes” in education. And in particular, those in math." ]
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[ "What is a vehicle identification number (VIN)? number (VIN)? The car's vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for a SPECIFIC automobile. The VIN serves as the car's fingerprint, as no two vehicles in operation have the same VIN. A VIN is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle. A VIN displays the car's unique features, specifications and manufacturer. The VIN can be used to track recalls, registrations, warranty claims, thefts and insurance coverage.", "- VINtrack is the only barcode VIN software that can catch a counterfeit vehicle! Millions of stolen vehicles are going through commerce undetected. VINtrack can detect them and prevent further losses with a simple scan of the barcode..." ]
[ "- Dear Mr. Rosekind: General Motors’ Vehicle Identification Numbering (VIN) Standard for the 2017 Model Year dated. January 7,2016, is submitted per the VIN reporting requirements of 49 CFR Part 565.16(c).", "What is a vehicle identification number (VIN)? What is a vehicle identification. The car's vehicle identification number (VIN) is the identifying code for a SPECIFIC automobile. The VIN serves as the car's fingerprint, as no two vehicles in operation have the same VIN. A VIN is composed of 17 characters (digits and capital letters) that act as a unique identifier for the vehicle.", "- Your VIN or Vehicle Identification Number - is a series of 17 alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies your vehicle. The characters themselves record specific information regarding the vehicle manufacturer, place of assembly, and other pertinent information. NOTE: Your 17-character VIN is listed on your vehicle title, registration and insurance documents. It can also be found on the driver's side of the dashboard, near the windshield (1) and on the driver's side door jamb (2).", "Know Your VIN & Get Exactly The RIGHT Auto Repair Parts Every Time Vehicle identification numbers (also called VINs) are critical pieces of information for identifying the exact BMW you have and the engine that was put into it when it was built. A car‘s vehicle identification number (VIN) is the automotive equivalent of human DNA.o signs or spaces are allowed in the VIN. The position of each letter or number in the VIN code reveals important information about where and when your BMW was made, the type of engine it has, the model or series of the car, various equipment/attributes and its production sequence.", "- The primary number on a car is the VIN number. The VIN is the legal and most accurate representation of the car. This will tell a lot of information about the car itself, where it was built, what model it is and what engine originally came in the car (generally or specifically after 1972).", "How To Quickly Decode Your VIN ADVERTISEMENT. A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the string of 17 numbers and letters that an automobile manufacturer assigns to an individual vehicle. The VIN can reveal a number of things about a car, including its airbag type, country of origin, engine size, model year and trim level.Typically, the VIN is stamped into a plate that's mounted on the dashboard near the windshield or on the driver-side door jamb. It's also stamped on the engine's firewall.he VIN can reveal a number of things about a car, including its airbag type, country of origin, engine size, model year and trim level. Typically, the VIN is stamped into a plate that's mounted on the dashboard near the windshield or on the driver-side door jamb. It's also stamped on the engine's firewall.", "Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN codes)/Ford/VIN Codes The model type is specified in positions five through seven of the American Ford VIN. The first position specifies the model line or marque, the next is the series, the last is the vehicle type. The type often indicates the engine size, driven wheels, body style, and similar factors.", "VIN Numbers The VIN (vehicle identification number) is a unique 17-digit number that identifies your vehicle and provides access to valuable information about its history. All cars and light trucks built after 1981 have a VIN.", "Vehicle identification number VIN is recorded in Vehicle License of China. A vehicle identification number (VIN), also called a chassis number, is a unique code, including a serial number, used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles, scooters and mopeds, as defined in ISO 3833. VINs were first used in 1954.", "- VIN Year Chart. The VIN Year Code is located at position no 10. The letters U and Z and the numerical digit 0 are not used for VIN year charts. The year 1980 has been encoded by some manufacturers, such as General Motors and Chrysler, as A. However, some car manufacturers such as Ford and AMC still used a zero for 1980.", "Frequently Asked Questions Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): A vehicle identification number (VIN) does not include the letter I, O, or Q. If a character in your VIN appears similar to the letter I, enter the number one (1). If a character in your VIN appears similar to the letter O or the letter Q, enter the number zero (0). Model Year of the Vehicle (yyyy):", "AutoCheck Report VIN number check - Used car history record consumer guide - Can I track a car on AutoCheck using the license plate number? AutoCheck Report VIN number check - Used car history record consumer guide - Can I track a car on AutoCheck using the license plate number? AutoCheck Vehicle History Report - Free VIN Check, VIN Check using auto VIN number. Run Free VIN Check or order Unlimited AutoCheck Vehicle History Report.", "Whatâs a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)? From 1981, each new car is given a standardized 17-digit code, which includes a serial number. Older cars may have VINs too, although they will not follow the standardized formula. A VIN lets you unlock vital information about the vehicle and its history.", "VIN Number Decoding That's because it is. A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the 17-digit string of numbers that an automotive manufacturer assigns to a specific vehicle that it produces. You can find out a lot about your car or truck if you are able to read and decode its VIN number, and that's why we are going to show you how to do just that.", "Whatâs a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)? Vehicle Identification Numbers are unique codes given to each on-road vehicle in the United States. From 1981, each new car is given a standardized 17-digit code, which includes a serial number. Older cars may have VINs too, although they will not follow the standardized formula. A VIN lets you unlock vital information about the vehicle and its history.", "How to Read a VIN - Vehicle Identification Number What does the Ninth Number of a VIN Mean? The ninth number of a Vehicle Identification Number is called the check digit. It is the key number to use when validating the VIN. Car VIN# 1HGCG165 9 WA029633. Look at the ninth digit of the VIN 9 = Check Digit. The Tenth Character of the VIN. The tenth number of a Vehicle ID Number is used to describe the year the vehicle was manufactured.", "Research ManiacsDirectory | Follow | Search VIN Decoder. There are 17 numbers and letters (17 positions) in a VIN and you can divide them into three groups: World Manufacturer Identifier, Vehicle Descriptor Section, and Vehicle Identifier Section. We will go through all 17 positions here so you can decode any VIN number. You will become a VIN decoding expert! World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI) The first three letters and numbers of the VIN are the World Manufacturer Identifier.", "How To Quickly Decode Your VIN A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is the string of 17 numbers and letters that an automobile manufacturer assigns to an individual vehicle. The VIN can reveal a number of things about a car, including its airbag type, country of origin, engine size, model year and trim level. The VIN also is key to car safety. By entering a VIN in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's free VIN Look-up Tool, you can see whether a vehicle is subject to a recall.", "- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) * See VIN Decoding Information on 9th Character (Check Digit). DOMESTIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) ENGINE CODE (Fourth Character) ENGINE CODE (Eighth Character) 1971-1974 (up to SN #100000) JEEP J4A154CN00001 ENGINE CODE (Eighth Character) J5A15EN100011 ENGINE CODE (Seventh Character) 1981-1988 1JTHE811*HT309520 1975-1980", "Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) and Classic Cars Only since 1980, have we had a standard VIN system and the VIN is now a 17 digit alphanumeric code that identifies the vehicle based on its country of origin, its manufacturer, manufacturing division, vehicle description, accuracy of VIN, model year, assembly plant, and serial number.", "- Each VIN consists of seventeen characters, with each character in the VIN representing a different aspect of the vehicle. For example, the first character in the VIN number represents the vehicle’s country of origin; the second represents the vehicle manufacturer, and so on.", "How To Quickly Decode Your VIN A Vehicle Identification Number is the string of 17 numbers and letters that an automobile manufacturer assigns to an individual vehicle. The VIN can reveal a number of things about a car, including its airbag type, country of origin, engine size, model year and trim level. The VIN also is key to car safety.", "What does each character of a vehicle's VIN number mean? The check digit will determine whether a VIN is a valid number, or not. Digit 10: Year of Manufacture Digit 11 - Assembly Plant Digits 12 to 17: Production Number This is the sequential number that is assigned to the vehicle as it leaves the plant.", "What is a VIN / Chassis? A VIN is the 'Vehicle Identification Number' attached to any motor vehicle manufactured on are after 1st January 1989. Important Information about a VIN includes: A VIN is always 17 characters long. A VIN does not contain the letter o - it will always be the number zero that appears. A VIN does not contact the letter i - it will always be the number one that appears. A VIN does not contact the letter q.", "- VIN Year Codes. The VIN Number year is encoded to position no 10 of VIN codes. The letters U and Z and the numerical digit 0 are not used for VIN year codes. The year 1980 has been encoded by some manufacturers, such as General Motors and Chrysler, as A. However, some car manufacturers such as Ford and AMC still used a zero for 1980.", "Infiniti VIN, Engine and Model Decoding What is a VIN? The VIN is the Vehicle Identification Number for your automobile or truck. This number breaks down your vehicle to illustrate such things as engine size, body style, model year, transmission type, color, etc. For vehicles newer than 1980, this is a 17 digit alphanumeric number.", "- A vehicle identification number, or VIN, is a unique code used to identify individual vehicles. The VIN can usually be found on the driver’s side dashboard in front of the steering wheel, visible through the windshield. VINs are also often printed on a sticker located on the driver-side door or door jamb.", "Porsche VIN numbers For the 944 and 968, US cars are usually identified by a leading 5. 944 convertibles have a leading 3 (RoW) or 8 (US). Sometimes this model code extends into the 14th digit, such as for the 968 CS which had chassis numbers beginning with 15. WP0ZZZ94ZFN40**** a 944.", "- 2010-11 Camaro VIN Decoder. on the label on the driver’s door and on the “Service Parts Identification” label found in the trunk. Positions #12 through #17 Plant Sequence Number. Position 12 is “1” for current production camaros.", "Where Can I Find My Car Paint Code? Jot down your VIN — Every passenger vehicle has a vehicle identification number, a unique to your car 17-digit serial number. With pen and paper in hand locate your VIN, something that can typically found on the left side of the dashboard and viewed through the windshield." ]
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what county is arlington heights in
[ "- Arlington Heights, Illinois. Arlington Heights is a town in Cook County and Lake County in the U.S. state of Illinois. A suburb of Chicago, it lies about 25 miles (40 km) northwest of the city's downtown. The population was 75,101 at the 2010 census." ]
[ "- Arlington Heights, IL. Illinois. The data for Arlington Heights, IL may also contain data for the following areas: Arlington Heights. Race versus Ethnicity: According to the Census, race and ethnicity are considered two separate and distinct identities.", "Arlington, Massachusetts Arlington, Massachusetts. Arlington is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States, six miles (10 km) northwest of Boston. The population was 42,844 at the 2010 census.", "Arlington, Texas Arlington, Texas. Images from top, left to right: AT&T Stadium, The University of Texas at Arlington, Globe Life Park in Arlington, Lake Arlington, Six Flags Over Texas. Arlington, Texas. Arlington is a principal city in the U.S. state of Texas, located in Tarrant County. It is part of the Mid-Cities region of the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metropolitan area, approximately 12 miles (19 km) east of downtown Fort Worth and 20 miles (32 km) west of downtown Dallas.", "Palos Heights, Illinois Palos Heights, Illinois. Palos Heights is a city in Cook County, Illinois, United States. The population was 12,515 at the 2010 census.", "- This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Index Instructions Privacy Policy The New Maps. Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2014 John Coryat - USNaviguide.", "Arlington, Texas Arlington is a principal city in the U.S. state of Texas, located in Tarrant County. It is part of the Mid-Cities region of the Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington metropolitan area, approximately 12 miles (19 km) east of downtown Fort Worth and 20 miles (32 km) west of downtown Dallas.", "Fairfax County, Virginia In 1789, part of Fairfax County was ceded to the federal government to form Alexandria County of the District of Columbia. Alexandria County wasreturned to Virginia in 1846, reduced in size by the secession of the independent city of Alexandria in 1870, and renamed Arlington County in 1920. The Fairfax County town of Falls Church became an independent city in 1948. The Fairfax County town of Fairfax became an independent city in 1961. Located near Washington, D.C., Fairfax County was an important region in the Civil War.", "- Related Forums: Special Agent - Public Safety Officer - Police Officer. Salaries in Arlington Heights, IL: Special Agent salary - Public Safety Officer salary - Police Officer salary. Be the first to see new Police Officer jobs in Arlington Heights, IL. You can cancel email alerts at any time.", "Arlington National Cemetery Arlington National Cemetery is a cemetery in Arlington County, Virginia. People who served in the United States military are buried here. The cemetery started during the American Civil War. It is on a big farm called Arlington House.", "Upper Arlington, Ohio The Upper Arlington Municipal Services Center functions as the seat of city government as well as police headquarters. Upper Arlington is an affluent suburban city in Franklin County, Ohio, United States, on the northwest side of the Columbus metropolitan area. The population was 33,771 at the 2010 census.", "Seaside Heights, New Jersey Seaside Heights is a borough in Ocean County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 2,887, reflecting a decline of 268 (-8.5%) from the 3,155 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 789 (+33.3%) from the 2,366 counted in the 1990 Census.", "- Raised in Pittsburgh, she earned a degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and a master's in library science from the University of Chicago...[Read More] (Bio by: Bob Hufford) Shalom Memorial Park, Arlington Heights (Cook County), Cook County, Illinois, USA.", "- Search Online Public-Records On Anyone In The City Of Chicago-heights. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Illinois State County of Cook City of Chicago heights Public records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations.", "Arlington The county is situated in Northern Virginia on the south bank of the Potomac River directly across from Washington, D.C. Arlington is also bordered by Fairfax County and Falls Church to the northwest, west and southwest, and the City of Alexandria to the southeast.", "Town of Arlington, Massachusetts Tax Assessors' Office Town of Arlington is a locality in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Unlike many other areas where property taxes are collected on a county level, Town of Arlington has its own tax assessor's office. If your property is located in a different Middlesex County locality, see that page for tax assessor's information.", "- Location in the state of Michigan. Coordinates: 42°29′09″N 83°06′19″W / 42.48583°N 83.10528°W / 42.48583; -83.10528Coordinates: 42°29′09″N 83°06′19″W / 42.48583°N 83.10528°W / 42.48583; -83.10528. Madison Heights is a city in Oakland County of the U.S. state of Michigan.", "- Handicapped Parking Ticket-How to Reduce Fine. My question involves traffic court in the State of: Arlington, VA Hi All, I was ticketed for parking in a handicapped parking space in Arlington county, VA. have 2 follow-up questions: 1) What determines the fine cost since the range is $100-$500? My ticket was for 500. 2) Is their anyway as a first time offender, I can get this reduced in traffic court?", "Washington Heights, New York For the neighborhood in New York City, see Washington Heights, Manhattan. Washington Heights is a census-designated place (CDP) in Orange County, New York, United States. The population was 1,689 at the 2010 census. Washington heights is a contiguous suburb of City of Middletown. The community is in the Town of Wallkill.", "Arlington Hts. furniture store closing after 34 years The going-out-of-business sale started on Friday at 955 E. Rand Road in Arlington Heights, said Bob Groters, sales manager for the store, which sells handcrafted Amish bedroom and dining room furniture, leather and fabric furniture and more.", "Arlington, AZ Arlington is located in southwest Arizona. Arlington is part of Maricopa County. Arlington has 2.34 square miles of land area and has no water area. As of 2010, the total Arlington population is 194. Arlington median household income is $40,625 in 2008-2012. Arlington median house value is $86,100 in 2008-2012.", "- Village Hall : General Information. Arlington Heights Village Hall is located at 33 S. Arlington Heights Road. Our main number is 847.368.5000. Village Hall hours are Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM. The Village Hall is closed on the following legal holidays:", "- Key Zip or Address or click on the map. This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2014 John Coryat - USNaviguide. All rights reserved.", "Arlington, NE Profile: Facts, Map & Data The Village of Arlington had a population of 1,272 as of July 1, 2017. Arlington ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Nebraska. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Arlington is located at latitude 41.4549 and longitude -96.3565 in Washington County. The formal boundaries for the Village of Arlington (see map below) encompass a land area of 0.6 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Washington County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). The elevation is 1,188 feet.", "Capitol Heights, Maryland Capitol Heights, Maryland. Capitol Heights is a town in Prince George's County, Maryland, United States. The population was 4,337 at the 2010 census. Development around the Capitol Heights Metro station has medical facilities and eateries to support the community.", "The Arlington The Arlington Apartment Homes offers spacious two and three bedroom apartments and townhomes in St. Louis County. Located in the prestigious suburb of Creve Coeur, you will love the convenience of living minutes away from premier shopping and dining destinations and returning home to a beautifully landscaped community that spans 40 acres.", "Arlington Heights, IL Arlington Heights, IL. Arlington Heights is located in north Illinois. Arlington Heights is part of Cook County. Arlington Heights has 16.61 square miles of land area and 0.03 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Arlington Heights population is 75,577, which has shrunk 0.60% since 2000.", "Madison Heights, Michigan Madison Heights is located in Oakland County, MI. The population is 29,841, making Madison Heights the 8th largest city in Oakland County. There are 16 public schools in Madison Heights with an average Homefacts rating of C+. The total crime rate for Madison Heights is low, and there are 47 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "- Sorry, we have no imagery here. This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2014 John Coryat - USNaviguide.", "- The Circuit Court of Cook County's Fifth Municipal District is made up of the following municipalities and townships in the southwestern suburbs of Cook County: the municipalities of Alsip; Bedford Park; Bridgeview; Burbank; Burr Ridge*; Chicago Ridge; Crestwood*; Countryside; Evergreen Park; Forest View; Hickory Hills; Hinsdale*; Hodgkins; Hometown ...", "Fairfax County, Virginia Alexandria County wasreturned to Virginia in 1846, reduced in size by the secession of the independent city of Alexandria in 1870, and renamed Arlington County in 1920. The Fairfax County town of Falls Church became an independent city in 1948." ]
[ 13.625 ]
[ 10.8984375, 10.859375, 11.15625, 8.703125, 8.7734375, 11.375, 10.578125, 9.1953125, 10.6640625, 10.796875, 8.953125, 12.59375, 9.890625, 11.453125, 10.375, 9.2265625, 9.09375, 8.5, 9.5625, 10.03125, 10.5625, 8.71875, 9.921875, 8.6796875, 11.4375, 13.375, 8.046875, 8.7734375, 9.59375, 10.671875 ]
is there food good?
[ "50 Seemingly Healthy Foods that are Bad for You Smoothies have long been the darling of the health-food world. Although some smoothies made with simple, whole-food ingredients can be healthy, don't get fooled into thinking anything with the name smoothie is good for you. Some smoothies are made with lots of added sugars, high-calorie ingredients like chocolate syrup, or even use full-fat ice cream as a base." ]
[ "- One liner: Excellent food during restaurant week, with unique rotating views of Manhattan and great service! We came with low expectations because we had heard the food was less than stellar and that it was all about the experience and the view.", "4 Best Foods For Your Brain MORE: 20 Ridiculously Healthy Mediterranean Meals. Typically, what's good for the heart is good for the brain, says Michelle M. Mielke, PhD, associate professor in the department of health sciences research at the Mayo Clinic whose research focuses on Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions.", "List Of Carbohydrate Foods The good carbs on the list of carbohydrate foods can provide your body with energy, optimum nutrition, proper brain and organ function and a healthy, attractive appearance. But bad carbs are detrimental to a healthy diet. And consistently eating from the bad carbs list will rapidly sabotage all your health and weight management goals. So choose all of your carbohydrates from this great list of healthy carbohydrate foods. List of Carbohydrate Foods for Good Carbs Good carbohydrates have been proven over and over again through valid peer-reviewed research to be essential to good health.", "Chocolate: good or bad? So, the answer to whether chocolate is good or bad will be moderated by when and where it is being eaten. At the midwinter solstice in the arctic circle you are offered the choice of a slice of watermelon or a slab of chocolate.Which do you choose? It’s a no-brainer really.hereas a little of a certain food or flavour may be beneficial, too much may have the opposite effect. Chocolate is warming, bittersweet and tonifying to the heart. That sounds like good news and, of course, it is. But it’s all about quantity.", "- eating; balanced; diet; guide; young; people; food; exercise; water; drinks; Eating well and feeling good is about more than just putting healthy food into our mouths. It's about balancing what we eat with what we do;", "SCHOOL CAFETERIA FOOD Food can empower children. Food can inspire change. Food can create community. Food and family are the keys to a simpler healthier world.", "\"BuzzFeed's Hit Show \"\"Worth It\"\" Is Back For Season 2 And It's Totally Worth The Wait\" 1 They start with the least expensive foods... ... 2 and work their way up to the most extravagant, decadent, over-the-top foods in existence... ... 3 to find out which one is the most worth its price. If you thought Season 1 was wild, buckle up because you're in for a treat. * 1 COUGHDONUTSPIZZAKOREA*. Check out the season premiere here!", "6. The World's Healthiest Foods Taste Good Criteria for The World's Healthiest Foods. Among the thousands of different foods our world provides, the majority contain at least several of the nutrients our bodies need but to be included as one of the World's Healthiest Foods they had to meet the criteria listed below.", "- The food you eat is the source of energy and nutrition for your body. Eating should be a pleasurable experience, not one that causes guilt or remorse. Getting enough food is rarely a problem, but getting enough good nutrition can be a challenge.ome nutrients need to be replenished every day from food, while others can be stored in the body for future use. Of the six classes of nutrients, only 3 provide energy: Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins. Energy is the body’s most basic need.", "- in Nepal. Nepalese food is very healthy. For people travelling to Nepal on vacation, back-packing or trekking it is good to know what food is eaten in Nepal in order to prepare for the trip.", "- IN GOOD TILTH. The good food movement is driven by innovators. In Good Tilth is a quarterly publication that our mission to make our food system and agriculture biologically sound and socially equitable by offering original reporting while highlighting stories, research and model practices that build our food community.", "- ! to good taste and hunger has no bad bread there. to good taste and hunger has no bad bread there. n. a à bon gout goût et'faim n y a pas. ! mauvais'pain he s a real pain in. the'neck he s a real pain in. the. neck'n c est un_vrai. ! casse pied in the cauldron of, the pains each carries. the bowl", "How to Eat Healthy At the heart of a healthy lifestyle is good nutrition. Making smart food choices can help reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. The good news is, eating right doesn’t have to be hard or require a special diet.", "The Daniel Plan Good Foods List The Daniel Plan Good Foods List. Food glorious food. Eating is simply one of life’s greatest pleasures. Stocking your pantry and refrigerator with healthy choices is a practical first step in your journey to better health. Understanding what portions and servings are is important to developing healthy eating habits for a lifetime.", "- Wonder not then, what God for you saw good If I refuse not, but convert, as you, To proper substance; time may come when men With Angels may participate, and find No inconvenient Diet, nor too light Fare: And from these corporal nutriments perhaps Your bodies may at last turn all to Spirit Improv'd by tract of time, and wingd ascend Ethereal, as wee, or may at choice Here or in Heav'nly Paradises dwell; If ye be found obedient, and retain Unalterably firm his love entire Whose progenie you are.", "Food For The Poor Reviews Positive Outlook. I have been working at Food For The Poor full-time (More than 5 years) Pros. Great mission and staff filled with people who want to serve others. Not a perfect place to work, but many positives.", "food Food, fare, provisions, ration (s) all refer to nutriment. Food is the general word: Breakfast foods have become very popular. Many animals prefer grass as food. Fare refers to the whole range of foods that may nourish a person or animal: an extensive bill of fare; The fare of some animals is limited in range.", "The 50 best things to eat in the world, and where to eat them From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray. Killian Fox.", "List Of Carbohydrate Foods And it's vitally important to your health that you know the good carb bad carb difference. The good carbs on the list of carbohydrate foods can provide your body with energy, optimum nutrition, proper brain and organ function and a healthy, attractive appearance.", "Bread for the World “Sated is not enough!” is Bread for the World’s motto of the 56th, 57th and 58th annual campaigns respectively. Eating enough, eating healthily and having a balanced diet are God-given promises, great pleasures and essential prerequisites for human development.", "- eating; balanced; diet; guide; young; people; food; exercise; water; drinks; Eating well and feeling good is about more than just putting healthy food into our mouths. 1 It's about balancing what we eat with what we do; 2 making good food choices, 3 responding to our body's needs, and enjoying what we eat.", "10 Ways to Win a Girlâs Heart A hit and a miss - depending on the day and time you're here. I've been to Stew Leonard's enough times now to know the difference between a good day and a bad. First thing's first, the majority of the food is fresh and tastes great when compared to others.", "What Does Eating Well Really Mean? Jane Black. For some people, eating well means opting for local ingredients over anything flown in from thousands of miles away; for others, it means eating only unprocessed foods, including lard and raw milk. Here, new ideas from the visionaries helping to frame the increasingly urgent debate. Poached Plum Tart.", "\"What are the \"\"good\"\" bacteria in the mouth?\" What are the good bacteria in the mouth? Answer Wiki. I assume that good implies non-pathogenic/harmless/commensal. I would caution though that even a commensal could be associated with some disease, in cases of underlying problems with homeostasis in a given host. I would suggest that the Human Oral Microbiome Database (HOMD) would be a place to look this up.", "23 Foods That Are Good For Your Skin Sometimes my patients ask me what foods are good for their skin, to keep it firm and younger looking. I tell them whatever you eat that’s good for you is good for your skin. Your skin is a reflection of your overall health. If you’re healthy inside, you’re healthy outside.", "Good Food vs. Bad Food How “good vs bad” can be bad for you. Deciding what’s good and what’s bad. Of course, every decision we make is based on something. Sometimes, we place food in a category because we heard or read something about it. The thought process can go like this: X contains a lot of fiber, fiber is good, X is good.", "- Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.. That's the advice journalist and author Michael Pollan offers in his new book, In Defense of Food.That's it. That is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in order to be maximally healthy, Pollan tells Steve Inskeep.'Eat Food'.The implication of Pollan's advice, however, is that what we're eating now isn't food.hat's it. That is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in order to be maximally healthy, Pollan tells Steve Inskeep. 'Eat Food'. The implication of Pollan's advice, however, is that what we're eating now isn't food.", "Delicious Foods That Have The Worst Textures (PHOTOS) 08/07/2013 09:20 am ET. Eating can be a particularly pleasant multi-sensory experience: it can taste great, smell great, look great, and even feel great. But the key word here is can. Because there are foods that, despite having a delicious taste (and often even a similarly enjoyable aroma or presentation), have straight up unpleasant textures.", "Importance of Good Nutrition Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.", "Let's be honest - Russian food doesn't usually get a great press Having said this, I know that Russia has a lot of good food because going to a Russian house as a guest, if only for dinner, is a truly amazing dining experience." ]
[ 11.8125 ]
[ 10.5546875, 11.1640625, 10.859375, 8.875, 10.734375, 10.4921875, 10.7265625, 10.8203125, 9.8984375, 9.75, 11.3671875, 8.96875, 11.4921875, 11.015625, 8.8203125, 9.7734375, 9.890625, 10.75, 10.9140625, 9.59375, 11.5234375, 10.375, 9.7734375, 8.7421875, 11.3671875, 11.65625, 9, 10.4453125, 11.46875, 11.4296875 ]
what causes a sharp stabbing pain in the lower left side
[ "What Causes Burning Muscle Pain? What are some causes of a stabbing pain in your left side? A: Some of the causes of a stabbing pain in your left side could include fibromyalgia, acute pericarditis or an oncoming heart attack, according to WebMD. Sin... Full Answer >" ]
[ "Top 30 Doctor insights on: I Have A Sharp Pain On Lower Left Side Of My Stomach Doctor insights on: I Have A Sharp Pain On Lower Left Side Of My Stomach. 1 I have a sharp pain on lower left side of my stomach? 2 Upper Abdomen (Definition) 3 I have a sharp pain on lower left side of my stomach. How can I treat this? 4 I'm only 17 and I have a sharp pain on the lower left side of my stomach when I walk, sneeze, and cough.", "Causes of a Sudden Sharp Pain in the Lower Left Abdomen Urolithiasis refers to a stone in the kidneys or ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The stones develop when chemicals in the urine form crystals that aggregate into a solid stone. A stone in the left kidney or ureter can cause sharp or cramping pain on that side of the abdomen.", "- Learn about the causes of sharp or stabbing pain in the right side of the chest and if the symptom is related to a heart condition. Learn about the causes of sharp or stabbing pain in the right side of the chest and if the symptom is related to a heart condition. https://www.healthcentral.com/article/what-causes-pain-right-side-chest", "What Causes Sharp Pains Under the Left Breast? Your stomach is located on the left side of your abdomen and can be filled up with gas when you swallow. These trapped gases can trigger nerve pain in the stomach which is experienced as sharp pain under left breast. Heart burn. Heart burn is a common cause of chest pain, particularly beneath the left breast. It is caused by stomach acid that travels up the esophagus and irritates the esophageal mucosa.", "Causes of Upper and Lower Left Side Pain on Abdomen Kidney stones in the left side of the abdomen can cause the strongest pain ever felt. It can also cause vomiting as well as a spreading of the pain from the loin to the groin. When there is a buildup of minerals a stone can form down the kidney or in the ureter. The pain may be in the upper left abdomen when the stone is in this area.", "23 Common Causes of Pain under Left Rib Cage Sudden sharp stabbing pain in left side under rib cage – This pain may be caused by an injury or a broken rib cage. At the time, sharp and sudden pains may come from having problems with the spleen.", "What Causes Pain on Left Sides? 1 An illness caused by a distortion in the aorta which carry blood away from the heart along the abdomen, this can cause a drop in blood pressure. 2 In some instances, the pain is severe in the lower left abdominal area. 3 Ovarian cyst. 4 This occurs at the side of the womb, close to the ovary.", "What Causes Lower Left Abdominal Pain â A Simple Guide Women suffering from ovulation pain can get rid of this condition by taking pain killers and resting for at least six hours a day. Ovarian cysts, kidney stones and ectopic pregnancy in women can also be treated through surgery to reduce what causes abdominal pain on lower left side.", "- Any malfunction in these organs can lead to sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. Table of Contents. 1 Causes of Sharp Pain In Lower Right Abdomen. 2 Appendicitis. 3 Ovulation pain. 4 Infection of the right kidney. 5 Kidney stones. 6 Right ovarian cysts. 7 Constipation.", "Pain in lower left abdomen â causes and home remedies Causes of lower left abdominal pain. Diverticulitis: Diverticulitis is a condition in which a bulge forms along the left bowel walls. Other accompanying symptoms are fever, a steady, suddenly emerging pain, swelling of the lower left abdomen region, and diarrhea with sporadic blood.", "Causes of Lower Left Side Abdominal and Back Pain Reproductive System Causes. Left lower abdominal and back pain in women could indicate a problem with the ovary or fallopian tube on that side. An infection, cyst or twisting of the ovary can cause severe pain that generally worsens over time.rinary System Causes. Severe, left-sided back pain that radiated into the lower abdomen could indicate a kidney stone or a urinary tract infection on that side. Kidney stones develop from excess crystal-forming substances in the urine.", "6 Common Causes of Lower Left Abdominal Pain Left lower quadrant pain is the name commonly used to describe pain in your lower left part of the abdomen. Lower left abdominal pain is usually linked to the digestive tract. However, the condition can also be related to complications of the skin, reproductive organs, urinary tract, body wall or the blood vessels.", "What Are the Causes of Left Flank Pain? Causes for Right Side Abdominal Pain. Abdominal pain is generally classified as a dull, constant ache, the sensation of burning or tingling, or sharp stabbing pains in the stomach area. Although the pain feels like it is coming from the stomach, the stomach is only one organ that could be affected when abdominal pain is present.", "What Causes Sharp Pains Under the Left Breast? Sometimes the pleura can become inflamed due to chemical exposure, trauma, or infection. This can cause sharp pain beneath left breast. One Patient's Experience with Sharp Pain Under Left Breast. I have been experiencing a month-long sharp pain occurring on my left side beneath the breast.", "Causes of lower left side abdominal pain in men 1 Kidney stones; This is more common in men, but there are also women who experience it. 2 Lower left abdominal pain is very sick. 3 It’s called colic pain. 4 Usually arise as a result of kidney stones will come out, but stuck in the ureter (the tube from the kidney to the bladder).", "What Does Pain in the Left Shoulder Mean? What are some causes of stabbing pain in the left shoulder? A: Common causes for stabbing shoulder pain include fracture, arthritis, and instability or inflammation of the tendons, according to OrthoInfo.", "Causes of Upper and Lower Left Side Pain on Abdomen Left side abdominal pain can be caused both by organs and structures on the left section of the abdomen as well as those located away from the abdomen. Females are more likely to suffer from pain on left side of abdomen simply because they have more organs in this area.. Kidney stones in the left side of the abdomen can cause the strongest pain ever felt. It can also cause vomiting as well as a spreading of the pain from the loin to the groin. When there is a buildup of minerals a stone can form down the kidney or in the ureter.", "- Lately I have been getting sharp stabbing pains on both my ovaries this started right after my period, I also will get sharp stabbing pains in my groin and lower back. Sept 2010 I had laparoscopic surgery to remove a dermoid cyst and also a D & C.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Pinching Pain In Lower Left Abdomen piercing/pinching left lower abdominal pain w. low back pain. If acute & intolerable, then renal calculus, aka kidney stone, or intestinal hernia considered. If chronic & ongoing a sacroiliac joint disorder with pain radiation possible.", "- Severe pain that comes in waves may be caused by kidney stones. Trauma to the body wall, hernias, and shingles can also cause left lower quadrant pain. A hernia is a weakening of muscle or tissue that allows organs or other tissues to protrude through it.", "Diverticulitis Diverticulitis is a condition that causes small pockets along your intestine called diverticula to become inflamed or infected. This is caused by hard bowel movement, food, or bacteria that get stuck in the pockets. Pain in the lower left side of your abdomen.", "Causes of Stabbing pain List of 20 causes of Stabbing pain. This section shows a full list of all the diseases and conditions listed as a possible cause of Stabbing pain in our database from various sources. Acute pancreatitis. Anterior spinal artery syndrome - stabbing pain.", "Lower Left Abdominal Pain Causes and Symptoms The organs and structures that may cause pain in this area include parts of the large intestine, the sigmoid colon and descending colon, parts of the small bowel, the left ovary and the fallopian tube, and the left ureter. Symptoms of lower left abdominal pain may be experienced as an acute or chronic type of pain.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Sharp Stabbing Pain In Left Side Of Back Sharp stabbing pain in middle left back side? Dr. Roberto Feliz Dr. Feliz. Middle left: There are many causes of one sided back pain: localized muscle strain with spasm, facet joint irritation/inflammation is your most likely cause. The facet joints is the site where the vertebral body meet in your back.", "What Can Cause Pain in the Flank Region? Kidney stones can also cause pain on the left side of the flank region. Lower left flank pain is usually dull and stabbing in nature. Pain in the lower left flank region can occur due to problems in the internal organs or due to problems in the structures external to the abdomen.", "Lower Left Abdominal Pain â Causes and Possible Treatments According to Mayo Clinic, diverticulitis is one of the common causes for a lower left abdominal pain (LLQ pain). 2. Diverticulitis is a disease of the digestive system. It occurs when small, bulging pouches called diverticula form in the lining of the digestive tract and become infected.", "Left Side Abdominal Pain Ulcerative Colitis – One of the most common causes of left side abdominal pain is ulcerative colitis . This is an inflammatory bowel condition. Sharp pain is felt in the lower left side of abdomen. Other signs include weight loss, loose stools, tiredness, sore muscles and blood in stools.", "What Causes Pain on Left Sides? Pain on left side of the abdomen can be triggered by a number of reasons. Symptoms are more common in women and the elderly due to ailments that are specific to these categories of people. Some of the common reasons that cause pain in this region are the left ovarian diseases or problems with left fallopian tubes.", "Causes of Upper and Lower Left Side Pain on Abdomen Diverticulitis is the most common cause of pain in the lower part of abdomen. When experiencing diverticulitis, most of the pain will occur in the lower region of the abdomen and almost always on the left side.", "- Diverticulitis occurs when the bulging sacs that appear in the lining of your large intestine, or colon, get acutely infected or inflamed. The most common and severe symptom is sudden pain on the lower left side of the abdomen. Drinking plenty of water and eating fiber-rich foods can help you avoid diverticulitis." ]
[ 11.4375 ]
[ 11.015625, 11.9765625, 9.84375, 10.875, 10.7109375, 11.5546875, 11.2578125, 11.046875, 11.015625, 10.75, 9.2265625, 10.8046875, 10.7890625, 10.7890625, 11.0234375, 10.5234375, 10.2890625, 10.9609375, 10.1328125, 10.9140625, 11, 10.640625, 10.875, 11.53125, 10.84375, 10.90625, 11.3828125, 10.703125, 11.0703125, 11.1484375 ]
was the treaty of versailles a good idea in the long run
[ "Was the treaty of Versailles good or bad? The treaty of Versailles was a bad idea. It benefited countries like Britain, France and America as they where the top powers to come out of the war. It blamed all of the damages caused to their countries squarely on the Germans simply because Germany was the best target.t also caused the vacume in which Hitler and his party stepped... Summary: The Treaty of Versailles may have been considered 'good' by some, but in the long-run it was responsible for WWII, as well as the problems further down the road in the Middle East and Africa." ]
[ "- Treaty of Versailles was monumental in the rise of Adolf Hitler from a struggling military officer to Fuhrer of the Third Reich. The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Ge … rmans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War.dolf Hitler was a soldier in the German army duri … ng WWI. He was angry about the end of the war and the Treaty of Versailles that followed because, he said, it brought shame to Germany (because Germany was completely blamed for the First World War, which is untrue).", "How did the Treaty of Versailles establish peace? The Treaty of Versailles, which the Allies signed with Germany at the end of the First World War, has had a bad reputation ever since. John Maynard Keynes, the great economist, thought it was stupid, vindictive and short-sighted and most writers of history and the public have followed his lead ever since.ue to the fact that it basically eliminated Germany's army, that country grew hungry for power, and eventually came the rise of the Nazis, and World War II. The Treaty of Versailles, while it may have seemed like a good idea at first, led to the rise of fascism.", "The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was a strong advocate of the League as he believed it would prevent future wars. Treaty of Versailles. Negotiations at the Paris Peace Conference were complicated. The United Kingdom, France, and Italy fought together as the Allied Powers during the First World War.", "- They had also began to stock pile weapons and make mass preparations for future wars. The rest of Europe saw these actions as a threat and rightly so. At the end of the first World War the Treaty of Versailles was drafted with the idea of stripping Germany of its power and stopping it from growing or expanding any more.", "Was the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty? The terms of the treaty reduced the size of its army and navy. It was harsh, maybe even too harsh, because all German colonies were given to France, Britain and other countries. The treaty also prevented Germany from uniting with Austria. It made Germany very poor.", "Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson, 1919 and 1921 I do not agree with those who hastily and inconsiderately adjudge the President’s work at the Peace Conference a failure. Whatever may be the imperfections of the Treaty from a political or economic standpoint, Woodrow Wilson did not fail. The outstanding thing for which he fought, the thing that transcends political and economic considerations, is the permanent peace of the world.", "Herbert Hoover and the Organization of the American Relief Effort in Poland (1919-1923) Many people felt that Germany had received a very harsh deal in the Treaty of Versailles [Treaty of Versailles: The peace treaty signed by the Allies and Germany at the end of the First World War, on 28 June 1919.] and they resented the government for signing it and agreeing to its conditions.he Weimar Republic faced opposition from the outset in 1919, after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Economic hardship affected the whole nation and led to uprisings and assassinations.", "Why Did The Treaty Of Versailles Fail Many historians claim that the Treaty of Versailles was a failure because it ultimately led to the rise of Adolf Hitler, Second World War and the Holocaust. However, the big question is why did the Treaty of Versailles fail.he Treaty Of Versailles Significance. The significance of the Treaty of Versailles is that it helped to bring an end to World War I and also helped in deciding the fate of Germany after the war came to an end. To under the significance of the treaty, it is important to first understand the mindset of the signatories.", "How did the Treaty of Versailles help Hitler? The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Germans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War. Hitler capaitalized on these sentiments and used them to rally the German people. This is made obvious in his books Mein Kampf and its unamed sequel.", "Treaty of Versailles The treaty was made in 1919, but the German government did not participate in it. In fact, Germany had the choice between signing it or facing the occupation of Germany by Allied troops.This was known as a diktat Frieden.This angered the German people as they believed that they did not start the war.he French made the Treaty unfavorable for the Germans so that Germany would not be able to start a new war. Thus, Germany had to reduce its armed forces from 6 million to 100,000 men, and get rid of its submarines, military aircraft and most of their artillery, such as cannons.", "European History/Print version Treaty of Versailles was monumental in the rise of Adolf Hitler from a struggling military officer to Fuhrer of the Third Reich. The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Ge … rmans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War.n the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was blamed for World War I, forced … to pay war debts, forced to demilitarize, and much of their original territory was distributed to the Allied Powers.", "How did the Treaty of Versailles help lead to the rise of Hitler? The Treaty of Versailles was the final agreement reached at the end of World War I. Many of its conditions were considered unfair to the Germans, and so the Germans resented the Treaty.Hitler was able to feed off of this public resentment when he was gathering support.he Treaty of Versailles was the final agreement reached at the end of World War I. Many of its conditions were considered unfair to the Germans, and so the Germans resented the Treaty.", "The Treaty of Versailles A German perspective on the Treaty of Versailles. The fate of the Weimar Republic was shaped to a large extent by the Treaty of Versailles. Drafted in Paris in the opening months of 1919, the treaty was one of several multi-national agreements that formally ended World War I.The Paris peace conferences had a wide and complex array of tasks to perform.he fate of the Weimar Republic was shaped to a large extent by the Treaty of Versailles. Drafted in Paris in the opening months of 1919, the treaty was one of several multi-national agreements that formally ended World War I.", "- The Treaty of Versailles was created by Woodrow Wilson of United Stated, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando.France with Clemenceau, UK with Lloyd George and USA with Woodrow Wilson.he Treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on June 28, 1919, e … xactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, one of the events that triggered the start of the war.", "- ...Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that officially ended WWI. It was negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference throughout the spring of 1919. This treaty didn’t exactly end war between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany but created a humiliating effect on the Germans side which eventually led to WWII.", "- For the Allies, the treaty had created a just peace which weakened Germany, secured the French border against attack and created an organisation to ensure future world peace, to be called the League of Nations. Yet the backlash in Germany against the Versailles ‘Diktat’ was enormous.", "- Begin with a clear topic sentence, such as “The Treaty of Versailles was a good peace treaty for the future” or “The Treaty of Versailles was not a good peace treaty for the future.” The remainder of the paragraph should include facts to support your claim.", "Was the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty? It made Germany very poor. Here are the terms of the Treaty of Versailles: Germany was to accept the blame for starting the war, under the terms of 'War guilt' cause. Germany was to reduce its army to 100,000 men. Germany could only have 6 battleships in its navy.he Treaty of Versailles was a treaty attended by all victorious nations of the Great War (Except for Russia as they were in the middle of a civil war). It was to sort out wha … t would happen to Germany as they were blamed of starting the Great War.", "Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty between the five nations, France, Germany, Britain, Austria-Hungary and the United States after World War I.he treaty was made in 1919, but the German government did not participate in it. In fact, Germany had the choice between signing it or facing the occupation of Germany by Allied troops. This was known as a diktat Frieden. This angered the German people as they believed that they did not start the war.", "Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles was the agreement negotiated during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that ended World War I and imposed disarmament, reparations, and territorial changes on the defeated Germany.", "Adolf Hitler and the Treaty of Versailles Secondly, had the terms of the Treaty of Versailles actually been enforced, Hitler’s rise could have been stopped. Germany had to admit responsibility for the cause of World War I (known as “the War Guilt Clause”).This meant that Germany had to pay reparations to the allies in amount of $30 billion.econdly, had the terms of the Treaty of Versailles actually been enforced, Hitler’s rise could have been stopped. Germany had to admit responsibility for the cause of World War I (known as “the War Guilt Clause”).", "Why Did the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 Fail? Additionally, a huge failure of the Versailles treaty is due to it brought the rising of Adolf Hitler. The treaty placed a number of restrictions on Germany and put them in financial ruin and later on lead to depression and inflation.urthermore, the cause of failure of the treaty was because it was lack of the enforcement mechanism and lack of willingness of the allied powers.", "- Best Answer: It was never meant to be a treaty of peace. After WW1, treaty of Versailles or WW2 damaged Europe. Treaty of Versailles/world war 2 was the work of ...", "Was the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty? Here are the terms of the Treaty of Versailles: Germany was to accept the blame for starting the war, under the terms of 'War guilt' cause. Germany was to reduce its army to 100,000 men. Germany could only have 6 battleships in its navy.he Treaty of Versailles was a very harsh treaty but whether it was good or bad is a matter of opinion. Germany was seen as a violent, power hungry and money hungr … y country. The terms of the treaty reduced the size of its army and navy.", "45d. The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations Wilson did gain approval for his proposal for a League of Nations. Dismayed by the overall results, but hopeful that a strong League could prevent future wars, he returned to present the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate.ermany was to admit guilt for the war and pay unlimited reparations. The German military was reduced to a domestic police force and its territory was truncated to benefit the new nations of Eastern Europe. The territories of Alsace and Lorraine were restored to France.", "US History/Print version On 28 June 1919, the peace treaty that ended World War I was signed by Germany and the Allies at the Palace of Versailles near Paris. Allied interests were represented by the ‘Big Three’: British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, French Premier George Clemenceau and US President Woodrow Wilson.or the Allies, the treaty had created a just peace which weakened Germany, secured the French border against attack and created an organisation to ensure future world peace, to be called the League of Nations. Yet the backlash in Germany against the Versailles ‘Diktat’ was enormous.", "Was the Treaty of Versailles a good treaty? Here are the terms of the Treaty of Versailles: Germany was to accept the blame for starting the war, under the terms of 'War guilt' cause. Germany was to reduce its army to 100,000 men. Germany could only have 6 battleships in its navy. Here are the terms of the Treaty of Versailles: Germany was to accept the blame for starting the war, under the terms of 'War guilt' cause.", "- Treaty of Versailles was monumental in the rise of Adolf Hitler from a struggling military officer to Fuhrer of the Third Reich. The Treaty of Versailles in the mind of the Ge … rmans stabbed them in the back, especially the guilt clause that made them take blame for the First World War.ermany violated the Treaty of Versailles by rebuilding their military. A part of the treaty was that Germany was not allowed to have a large military because of their aggress … ive actions in WWI. They also violated the treaty by invading Poland on September 1, 1939.", "Treaty Of Versailles The terms of the treaty are often blamed for helping create the conditions that led to World War II, a major reason that European integration, not retaliation, was the leading priority in 1940s post-war Europe.", "- To begin with, the League of Nations did have good intentions to begin with and to say that it was a complete failure would be egoistic in nature. The League had reduced much pain and sorrow after the events of World War I." ]
[ 12.6875 ]
[ 9.578125, 12.140625, 10.15625, 11.3984375, 11.28125, 9.65625, 9.7578125, 9.703125, 10.109375, 9.796875, 10.5859375, 9.546875, 9.953125, 11.015625, 10.8125, 10.7265625, 12.2734375, 11.7890625, 10.3046875, 11.4609375, 9.3671875, 9.546875, 10.4609375, 12.171875, 9.515625, 10.2265625, 11.6640625, 10.0859375, 10.5859375, 9.4453125 ]
meaning grief
[ "Grief Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, spiritual and philosophical dimensions. While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to that loss. Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotion" ]
[ "- Imagine that you have so much emotion that you need two bodies to contain them. That's what the image for this idiom is -- you're beside yourself with extreme emotion, such …as anger or grief. To be 'beside yourself' means that you aren't behaving as you normally do. For exapmle, to be 'beside yourself' with grief means that you are overcome with mourning and it is affecting your actions.", "- We generally think of grief as a reaction to a death. But there is another grief that comes from loss while someone is still living. This grief is often seen when caring for someone with a chronic illness. Chronic illness, and particularly any illness that impairs a person’s cognitive ability, causes caregivers and loved ones to experience grief and loss right now. In this fact sheet, we will discuss the grief related to death and dying, and grief associated with chronic illness.", "Grief Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, and philosophical dimensions.", "grief Definition of grief. 1 1 obsolete : grievance 3. 2 2a : deep and poignant distress caused by or as if by bereavement his grief over his son's deathb : a cause of such suffering life's joys and griefs.", "Grief and loss Grief is a natural response to loss. It might be the loss of a loved one, relationship, miscarriage, pet, job or way of life. Other experiences of loss may be due to children leaving home, infertility and separation from friends and family. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief is likely to be.", "Coping with Grief and Loss Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you. love is taken away. You may associate grief with the death of a loved one – and this type of loss does often. cause the most intense grief.", "Death and state funeral of Fidel Castro Examples of mourning in a sentence. 1 a day of national mourning. 2 She is still in mourning for her dead husband. 3 The whole town was in mourning. a period of deep 1 mourning. His widow was dressed in mourning.", "- 1.3 [in singular] A person who or thing that is badly missed when lost: he will be a great loss to many people. More example sentences. 1 He is a huge loss for the community and will be greatly missed by his cousins, friends and neighbours. 2 He will be a great loss and will be sadly missed by everybody at the club. The large crowds at the funeral ceremonies reflected the sense of loss and grief felt throughout the neighbourhood. 2 You should be careful of people's deeply felt grief and sense of loss before you dismiss them as selfish cynics.", "bereavement a period of mourning after a loss, especially after the death of a loved one: The widow had many visitors during her bereavement. a state of intense grief, as after the loss of a loved one; desolation. deprivation or loss by force (usually fol. by of): The hurricane left a trail of bereavement of ordinary people.", "Grief, Bereavement, and Coping With Loss (PDQ®)âHealth Professional Version Grief is defined as the primarily emotional/affective process of reacting to the loss of a loved one through death.[ 1 ] The focus is on the internal, intrapsychic process of the individual. Normal or common grief reactions may include components such as the following:[ 2 1 ]. Numbness and disbelief.", "Mourning Mourning is, in the simplest sense, grief over someone's death. The word is also used to describe a cultural complex of behaviours in which the bereaved participate or are expected to participate. Customs vary between cultures and evolve over time, though many core behaviors remain constant.", "Definitions &Translations While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss. Grief is a natural response to loss. It is the emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away.", "Grief Causes, Statistics, Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects Possible losses that may cause grief include the following: 1 Death of a loved one. 2 Divorce, or ending of a relationship. 3 Onset of a chronic or terminal disease. Job 1 loss. Delivering a child with a birth defect. Disability from an illness or severe 1 accident. Loss of independence. Surviving an act of violence or natural disaster.", "Grief counseling See the relevant discussion on the talk page. (September 2011). Grief counseling is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with grief and mourning following the death of loved ones, or with major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (e.g., divorce, or job loss).ee the relevant discussion on the talk page. (September 2011). Grief counseling is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with grief and mourning following the death of loved ones, or with major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (e.g., divorce, or job loss).", "Words of Inspiration: Grief, Loss, and Mourning John Irving, American author When someone you love dies, and you're not expecting it, you don't lose her all at once; you lose her in pieces over a long time—the way the mail stops coming, and her scent fades from the pillows and even from the clothes in her closet and drawers.", "mourn To mourn is to feel or show intensive grief or sadness, usually as a result of a loss. When a loved one dies and you feel intense grief at his passing, this is an example of a time when you mourn. to feel or express sorrow; lament; grieve.", "- Grieving is the process of emotional and life adjustment you go through after a loss. Grieving after a loved one's death is also known as bereavement. Grieving is a personal experience.", "Grief and Grieving - Symptoms 1 Physical expressions of grief often include crying and sighing, headaches, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, weakness, fatigue, feelings of heaviness, aches, pains, and other stress-related ailments.2 Emotional expressions of grief include feelings of sadness and yearning. Physical expressions of grief often include crying and sighing, headaches, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, weakness, fatigue, feelings of heaviness, aches, pains, and other stress-related ailments.", "grieve verb (used without object), grieved, grieving. 1. to feel grief or great sorrow: She has grieved over his death for nearly three years. verb (used with object), grieved, grieving. 2. to distress mentally; cause to feel grief or sorrow: It grieves me to see you so unhappy.", "Grief: Coping with the loss of your loved one Grief: Coping with the loss of your loved one. Coping with the loss of a close friend or family member may be one of the hardest challenges that many of us face. When we lose a spouse, sibling or parent our grief can be particularly intense. Loss is understood as a natural part of life, but we can still be overcome by shock and confusion, leading to prolonged periods of sadness or depression.", "- Define grief. grief synonyms, grief pronunciation, grief translation, English dictionary definition of grief. n. 1. a. Deep mental anguish, as that arising from bereavement, or an instance of this. See Synonyms at regret. b. A source or cause of deep mental anguish:...", "bereavement Mourning is the word that is used to describe the public rituals or symbols of bereavement, such as holding funeral services, wearing black clothing, closing a place of business temporarily, or lowering a flag to half mast.", "Grief: Coping with the loss of your loved one Mourning the loss of a close friend or relative takes time, but research tells us that it can also be the catalyst for a renewed sense of meaning that offers purpose and direction to life. Grieving individuals may find it useful to use some of the following strategies to help come to terms with loss:", "bereavement Bereavement refers to the period of mourning and grief following the death of a beloved person or animal. The English word bereavement comes from an ancient Germanic root word meaning to rob or to seize by violence..", "A Grief Support Blog Since grief is such a wide topic that covers so many kinds of losses and an almost infinite range of emotions, there isn’t a single grief definition that covers it all. But there are three we use to help people understand what grief is and what it isn’t. The most basic one is: “Grief is the normal and natural emotional reaction to loss or change of any kind. Of itself, grief is neither a pathological condition nor a personality disorder.”. While that definition is accurate, it doesn’t really explain what grief is. So here’s another one we use to give a better idea of what grief is, beyond the fact that it’s normal: “Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior.”", "bereavement Bereavement comes from an Old English word that means “rob,” “deprive,” and “seize.” When a loved one is taken, usually through death, those who remain are often left in a state of bereavement.", "- A way of experiencing grief, in which you spend your time feeling sorry for yourself and whining endlessly about how crappy your life is.", "Grief and Loss Types of grief. Grief comes at different points along the journey of loss, but the primary points are the period that begins at diagnosis and the period that begins at the death of a loved one. From the point of diagnosis to death, there are two types of grief: preparatory and anticipatory. Preparatory grief is experienced by the person who is ill as they grieve the loss of their health, independence, and the shortened time they will have with others.", "Grief John Archer, approaching grief from an attachment theory perspective, argued that grief is a byproduct of the human attachment system. Generally, a grief-type response is adaptive because it compels a social organism to search for a lost individual (e.g., a mother or a child).", "Grief Causes, Statistics, Signs, Symptoms & Side Effects Grief may also be caused by losses that are associated with positive life changes or transitions, such as the following: Marriage (loss of independent decision making) Beginning college (loss of familiar surroundings) Birth of a child (loss of independence)" ]
[ 11.7578125 ]
[ 10.1484375, 10.8046875, 12.796875, 12.5234375, 12.0859375, 11.734375, 9.5, 9.9296875, 9.4140625, 11.65625, 10.21875, 11.9375, 10.7109375, 8.9296875, 10.1015625, 9.6015625, 10.765625, 9.84375, 11.453125, 11.0625, 11.96875, 9.609375, 9.65625, 9.640625, 11.7265625, 9.2109375, 10.65625, 10.2578125, 11.734375, 10.078125 ]
protein should make up what % of total daily calories
[ "How Much Protein Should a Person With Diabetes Eat? Daily Protein Intake. As long as your kidneys are healthy, about 15 - 20 percent of your daily calories should come from protein, which is the same amount suggested for a regular balanced diet. About 45 to 50 percent of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates, and the rest should come from fat. A person who needs 2,000 calories per day needs about 75 to 100 grams protein per day. Foods that are high in protein include meat, fish, fish and seafood, chicken, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For example: 1 One-half chicken breast has 29 grams protein. One cup black beans has 15 grams protein." ]
[ "- Protein. Between 10 and 35 percent of your calories should come from protein -- that's between 150 and 525 calories in a 1,500-calorie diet. Like carbohydrates, protein also has 4 calories per gram, so your daily protein allowance should fall between 37 and 131 grams of protein per day.etween 10 and 35 percent of your calories should come from protein -- that's between 150 and 525 calories in a 1,500-calorie diet.", "- Quick tip: try to get at least 30% of your total calories from protein because in a Danish study… People who got 30% of their calories from protein lost twice as much weight as people who ate less than 15% of their calories from protein and here's why….", "How Much Protein Do I Need? Protein should make up around 10 to 35 percent of your total calories for the day. However, most of us consume more than that. Eating too much protein can mean you get too many calories overall, or not enough calories from other nutrients, and can also increase your risk for osteoporosis.rotein should make up around 10 to 35 percent of your total calories for the day. However, most of us consume more than that. Eating too much protein can mean you get too many calories overall, or not enough calories from other nutrients, and can also increase your risk for osteoporosis.", "- Consuming 20 percent of your total calories from protein equates to 400 calories a day based on a 2,000 calorie diet. As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.", "5 Reasons Why Protein Is Good for Weight Loss But, you can still make protein a pal on your weight loss journey by getting enough protein in your daily diet. MyFitnessPal sets your protein to be 20% of your total calories, which should be enough for the average person.", "3 Myths About Protein and a Plant-Based Diet Myth #3: The More Active You are, the More Protein You Need. Humans need about 10 percent of calories from protein. Virtually all whole plant foods contain at least this amount, so if you consume enough volume and variety of whole plant foods, your protein requirement will easily be met.", "How to Calculate Percent of Calories From Protein in Your Diet If you are on a low carb diet, a larger percentage of your calories should be coming from protein sources than if you are following a low fat diet. Calculating the percent of calories from protein in your daily diet is simple, requiring only some record keeping and basic math skills.", "How Much Protein Do I Need? Protein should make up around 10 to 35 percent of your total calories for the day. However, most of us consume more than that. Eating too much protein can mean you get too many calories overall, or not enough calories from other nutrients, and can also increase your risk for osteoporosis. Eating too little protein can lead to hunger and cravings, as well as feelings of tiredness, and may cause hair loss.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10. The total will be the number of grams of protein you should consume each day.ou should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound. An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10. The total will be the number of grams of protein you should consume each day.", "How much protein should a person eat per day? You should get at least 10% of your daily calories, but not more than 35%, from protein, according to the Institute of Medicine. Choose the Healthiest Sources of Protein. Just about every type of food has protein. Some have more than others. Whether you eat meat or not, you can get enough protein from your diet.", "How Much Protein Should a Person With Diabetes Eat? Daily Protein Intake. As long as your kidneys are healthy, about 15 - 20 percent of your daily calories should come from protein, which is the same amount suggested for a regular balanced diet. About 45 to 50 percent of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates, and the rest should come from fat. A person who needs 2,000 calories per day needs about 75 to 100 grams protein per day.", "Anti-Cancer Nutrition: Protein 101 Most people consume far too much protein in their diets. Humans only need to get about 10-35% of their calories from protein. Most whole (not processed) vegan food sources provide 10-20% of their calories from protein.", "How Much Protein? To factor protein into your total daily calorie intake, you just need to know that 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories. Multiply the grams of protein you’re going to eat each day by 4 to figure out exactly how many calories your protein intake will account for. For example, my weight is 130 pounds. I eat 130 grams of protein per day, and 130X4= 520 calories from protein per day. Here are some protein facts: • The American Heart Association recommends that 10 to 15 percent of your daily calorie intake come from a source of protein.", "What Percentage of Your Total Calories Per Day Should Come From Protein? Calories. You should get between 10 and 35 percent of your total calories from protein. For a person on a 2,000-calorie diet, that means consuming 50 to 175 grams of protein per day.", "Understanding Protein For most people with diabetes, the amount of protein you need is the same as for people without diabetes. The National Institutes of Medicine recommend protein should typically provide 10-35% of total calories. The average intake for adults in the U.S. and Canada is about 15% of total calories.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.f you eat the right amount of calories, and the correct proportions of carbs, protein and fat, you’ll not only be healthy, but you’ll curb cravings, feel less hungry and lose excess weight quickly. Fad diets often require people to reduce entire groups of nutrients, including fats or carbohydrates, to dangerous lows.", "1200-Calorie, High-Protein Diet The Institute of Medicine recommends consuming between 10 and 35 percent of your daily calories from protein. A high-protein diet plan focuses on the high end of this range -- about 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories. For a 1,200-calorie diet, strive for 60 to 105 grams of protein daily.Make sure you eat at least 1,200 calories per day, as this much is generally necessary for adequate nutrition.or a 1,200-calorie diet, strive for 60 to 105 grams of protein daily. Make sure you eat at least 1,200 calories per day, as this much is generally necessary for adequate nutrition.", "Diagrams,poultry parts,charts, and lots of reading Updated Nov. 13th Protein function: Protein should account for 10% to 20% of the calories consumed each day. Protein is essential to the structure of red blood cells, for the proper functioning of antibodies resisting infection, for the regulation of enzymes and hormones, for growth, and for the repair of body tissue. Protein sources:", "How Much Protein? To factor protein into your total daily calorie intake, you just need to know that 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories. Multiply the grams of protein you’re going to eat each day by 4 to figure out exactly how many calories your protein intake will account for.", "3 Primary Sources of Calories in a Diet About 15 percent of our calories each day should come from protein sources, which--like carbohydrates--provide about 4 calories per gram, say USDA dietary guidelines. Because men generally have more muscle mass, they require more protein than women.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound. An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.", "Protein and the Athlete â How Much Do You Need? About 10 to 15 percent of an athlete's total calories should come from protein, with the remaining calories coming from carbohydrates and fat. Athletes who consume diets adequate in both these nutrients end up using less protein for energy than those who consume a higher protein diet. This means that protein can go toward building and maintaining lean body mass. Athletes need to ensure that they are also meeting needs for carbs and fat, not just protein.", "How to Find out the Percentage of Protein, Carbs & Fat Per Day For example, if you’ve consumed 240 protein calories and 2,000 total calories in a day, your percentage of calories from protein is 12 percent, which is within the Institute of Medicine’s recommended range of 10 to 35 percent.or example, if you’ve consumed 240 protein calories and 2,000 total calories in a day, your percentage of calories from protein is 12 percent, which is within the Institute of Medicine’s recommended range of 10 to 35 percent.", "Balancing Carbs, Protein, and Fat Protein also has 4 calories per gram. In a healthy diet, about 12 to 20 percent of your total daily calories should come from protein. Your body needs protein for growth, maintenance, and energy. Protein can also be stored and is used mostly by your muscles. Your body changes about 60 percent of protein into glucose.", "Calories, Fat, Carbs & Protein Per Day As a general rule, between 10 percent and 15 percent of your total calories should come from protein. So, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, at least 200 should come from protein, or about 50 grams. You should try to eat around one gram of protein per one kilogram of body weight, or around 0.4 grams per pound.An easier way to figure this out in your head is to take your weight, divide it in half, and subtract 10.onsuming 60 percent of your total calories from carbohydrates equates to 1,200 calories a day based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Below is an easy-to-understand explanation of how carbohydrates impact the human body and the degree to which we need them (or not) in our diet.", "Protein to Carb Proportion on a High Protein Diet Protein and Carb Percentages. High-protein diets usually contain between 27 percent and 68 percent protein. The exact amount of carbohydrates is determined by the total amount of calories consumed by the individual, but it is usually between 50 grams and 150 grams of carbohydrate per day. In a diet that contains 2,000 calories per day, this would be between 10 percent and 30 percent of your calories for the day.", "Protein Calculator Protein Formula: About 10 to 35% of your diet should be protein, so the daily protein amount needed is calculated by determining your daily caloric needs, then dividing by 4 (4 calories per gram of protein) and then multiplying by .225 (the approximate percentage of your diet which should be protein).", "- Calculating Protein Calories. 1 1. Calculate your total daily calories of protein. For fitness, you may need a rough sense of how many of your daily calories come from protein. 2 2. Determine the percentage of protein in a given food. It can also be helpful to know how much percentage of protein a given food contains.", "How Much Carbs, Fat and Protein Should You Eat Daily to Lose Weight? Foods high in protein also tend to be high in fat. Protein-rich foods should provide 10 to 30 percent of your total daily calories. Adequate protein intake is essential as proteins are the main substances the body uses to build and repair tissues such as muscles, blood, internal organs, hair, skin, nails and bones.", "How to Find out the Percentage of Protein, Carbs & Fat Per Day The Institute of Medicine recommends you consume between 45 and 65 percent of your total daily calories from carbohydrates, 10 to 35 percent from protein and 20 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake from fats.ccording to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, protein and carbohydrates each provide 4 calories per gram while fat provides 9 calories per gram. For example, if you’ve consumed 60 g of protein in a day, you’ve consume 240 calories from protein." ]
[ 12.203125 ]
[ 11.7890625, 12.4609375, 12.3203125, 12.734375, 12.4765625, 11.96875, 11.8359375, 12.90625, 11.4140625, 12.40625, 12.2109375, 12.0390625, 12.3203125, 13.1640625, 12.6640625, 11.3828125, 11.5859375, 12.4921875, 12.1953125, 12.3515625, 12.4296875, 12.2265625, 11.578125, 12.84375, 11.7890625, 11.828125, 12.640625, 11.6953125, 12.7421875, 11.8359375 ]
how much caffeine is recommended while breastfeeding
[ "Is Caffeine Safe for Consumption While Breastfeeding? Caffeine is one of the most popular stimulants in the world. Though studies and opinions fall on both sides of the debate, pregnant and breastfeeding women are typically told that caffeine consumption is okay as long as caffeine is consumed in moderation. During a recent interview with Dr. Ruth Lawrence published in the Journal of Caffeine Research, caffeine is safe for breastfeeding women, but during the first few weeks of life, caffeine consumption should be limited to no more than 300mg of caffeine or about 2 small cups of coffee from all sources." ]
[ "Breast-feeding nutrition: Tips for moms Too much sugar can contribute to weight gain — or sabotage your efforts to lose pregnancy weight. Too much caffeine can be troublesome, too. Limit yourself to no more than 2 to 3 cups (16 to 24 ounces) of caffeinated drinks a day. Caffeine in your breast milk might agitate your baby or interfere with your baby's sleep.", "Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy The less caffeine you consume, the better. Some experts say more than 150 mg of caffeine a day is too much, while others say more than 300 mg a day is too much. Avoiding caffeine as much as possible is your safest course of action. If you must get your fix, it is best to discuss this with your health care provider to make the healthiest choice for you and your baby. Last updated: September 2, 2016 at 2:39 am.", "Archived Q&A and Reviews Caffeine levels secreted into breast milk average approx 1-2 mg per day. Peak levels of caffeine are found in breast milk 60 minutes after ingestion. The ave daily dose received by infants is estimated to be less than 3mg/kg/day in light to moderate users and generally averages 0.06 to 0.15% of the caffeine found in breast milk.", "- Precautions when Drinking Herbal Teas while Nursing. 1 Make sure that it is caffeine free, if you are drinking more than three cups daily. 2 Make sure that the specific herb is safe to take while breastfeeding. 3 Make sure that the specific herb in the tea does not decrease breast milk supply.", "Find Out How Much Cafffeine Is Safe To Consume During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding, Including A Chart Of How Much Caffeine Is In Drinks And Foods. According to our source, one regular 8 oz cup of drip coffee generally contains between 104-192 mg of caffeine, so stick to 1-2 cups per day.", "Some Coffee OK Late in Pregnancy The researchers adjusted for other risk factors for poor pregnancy outcome, including the mother’s age, weight, and smoking status. The average daily intake of caffeine for women who drank mostly decaffeinated coffee was 117 milligrams a day -- roughly the amount of caffeine found in three 12-ounce soft drinks.", "What is caffeine? In high doses, caffeine can affect fetal breathing and heart rate. If you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, consider your options (e.g. eliminating caffeine or limiting intake to 200-300 mg per day). Discuss these options with your clinician.", "Is It Safe To Take Caffeine While Breastfeeding? As per the Breastfeeding Answer Book, caffeine consumption of over 750 mg per day by nursing mothers may result in babies showing signs of caffeine stimulation, such as: 1 wakefulness. 2 fussiness. 3 activeness. 4 alertness. 5 wide-eyed. 6 less sleep hours. 7 colic.", "- Almost 20% of mothers were heavy caffeine consumers during pregnancy (300 mg/d or greater), and while the incidence of frequent night awakening in children tended to increase, the difference was not significant when compared with those consuming less than 300 mg/d (22.5% vs 13.5%, P = .114).", "- 1 Benzodiazepines are considered safe in breastfeeding if the dose is less than the equivalent of diazepam 20mg per 24 hours. Caution is advised in the benzodiazepines with the longest half-life, in premature infants and in long term use.", "Post-Pregnancy Eating 101 Here are some general tips for using your diet to support your breastfeeding efforts: 1 Choose liquids like water, juice, and milk whenever you feel thirsty. Drink at least six to eight cups of water a day. 2 Limit caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, and soda) to less than 2 cups daily.", "Medical Dictionary Caffeine is LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth in very high doses as it can cause irregular heartbeats and even death. Children: Caffeine is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken appropriately by mouth or intravenously (by IV), as well as when used in amounts commonly found in foods and beverages. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Caffeine is POSSIBLY SAFE in pregnant or breast-feeding women when used daily amounts of less than 200 mg.", "Caffeine and the nursing mom Many experts say that a moderate amount of caffeine (no more than 300 milligrams per day, or the amount in about 16 ounces of brewed coffee) is fine for nursing moms and should cause no changes in most babies' behavior.hen caffeine enters your bloodstream, a small amount of it (usually less than 1 percent) ends up in your breast milk. The amount in your milk peaks a couple of hours after you consume it. Since your newborn's body can't easily break down and get rid of caffeine, it may accumulate in his system.", "- But after decades of controversy and conflicting evidence, there's still no consensus on how much caffeine is safe during pregnancy. To err on the side of caution, the March of Dimes advises women to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day, which is about one 12-ounce cup of coffee.", "Caffeine and the nursing mom Coffee is one, of course. The amount of caffeine in a serving of coffee varies widely, depending on the type of bean, how it's roasted, how it's brewed – and, obviously, on the size of the coffee cup. (Although espresso contains more caffeine per ounce, it's served in a tiny cup, so a full cup of brewed coffee will deliver more caffeine.) To manage your caffeine intake, though, you'll need to be aware of other sources, like tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate, and coffee ice cream.", "Can I drink caffeine if I'm breastfeeding? Can I drink caffeine if I'm breastfeeding? Q: Can I drink coffee or soda if I'm breastfeeding? A: It's totally fine to keep up your morning java habit if you're breastfeeding, but you should limit your intake of coffee (and soda, certain teas, and other sources of caffeine). Caffeine is transmitted through breast milk, but the amount that's passed through from any single beverage is actually very low. So caffeine consumption only becomes a problem if you overindulge, which can make your baby extra fussy or even sleep less. To play it safe, limit your intake to 200 to 300 milligrams a day -- the amount in two to three small cups of coffee or five to six cans of soda.", "- Recommendations for pregnancy. In view of current knowledge, small amounts of caffeine are considered safe in pregnancy. The. recommended limit in Australia is a maximum of 200mg caffeine per day. This would be. equivalent to 1 cup of strong espresso style coffee, 3 cups of instant coffee, 4 cups of medium.", "How Long Caffeine Stays in Your Body Between 150 and 200 milligrams is considered safe in most studies, but many doctors recommend pregnant women avoid caffeine altogether. That’s because no matter how long caffeine stays in the body of the mother, it might stay even longer in the baby. The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that when women drink 200 milligrams or more of caffeine, they double their risk of miscarriage. However, other studies dispute that.", "Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy Statement: A pregnant woman should not consume ANY caffeine. Facts: Experts have stated that moderate levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of moderate varies anywhere from 150 mg – 300 mg a day.", "How much caffeine is too much? As long as elderly women get the recommended 1,200 mg of calcium a day, it should be safe for them to drink up to 300 mg caffeine or about 18 ounces of coffee or its equivalent. Caffeine does not appear to adversely affect the bones of premenopausal women at all.", "- Around 200-250 mg of caffeine is considered optimal, based on the research, and coffee is recommended as opposed to a sugary soda such as Coke. — NBC News, Science Says 'Coffee Naps' are Better Than Non-Caffeinated Ones, 1 Sep. 2017", "Caffeine and pregnancy: what's safe? If you regularly have more than 200mg of caffeine a day while you're pregnant, you'll have a higher risk of miscarriage or having a baby with a low birth weight. Babies born with a low birth weight are at increased risk of health problems when they get older.", "CSPI ranks the safety of food additivesâfrom acetic acid to yellow prussiate of sodaâin this definitive glossary of the chemicals used to flavor and preserve our foods. There's general agreement that pregnant women and those trying to conceive should avoid consuming large quantities of caffeine. But after decades of controversy and conflicting evidence, there's still no consensus on how much caffeine is safe during pregnancy. To err on the side of caution, the March of Dimes advises women to limit their caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams per day, which is about one 12-ounce cup of coffee.", "Pregnancy guide You should give up coffee. FALSE. Actually, you can enjoy a brew, but you need to watch quantity. Too much caffeine (also found in tea, cola and chocolate) can increase your risk of miscarriage. The NHS recommends a limit of 200mg a day of caffeine, the equivalent of two mugs of instant coffee. FALSE. The latest advice is not to 'eat for two'. In fact, energy needs don’t change in the first six months of pregnancy, and they increase only slightly (by around 200 calories each day) in the last three months. TRUE. If you were active before and your pregnancy is considered low-risk, there is probably no reason why you can’t keep it up.", "Breast milk transmits drugs and medicines to the baby Give up smoking, do not drink more than three cups of coffee per day, do not take any kind of drug, or if you do, take it as long as possible before feeding your baby. These are some of the recommendations contained in a study produced by researchers on methods for detecting medicines and drugs in breast milk.", "- 1 Respiratory depression in neonate may occur if pre delivery dose significant. If mothers use is chronic, withdrawal is also seen. Benzodiazepines are considered safe in breastfeeding if the dose is less than the equivalent of diazepam 20mg per 24 hours.", "What effect does the mother's consumption of caffeine have on the breastfeeding infant? What effect does the mother's consumption of caffeine have on the breastfeeding infant? THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING, page 225, states that the amount of caffeine in five or fewer five-ounce cups of coffee (less than 750 ml) will not cause a problem for most mothers and babies.", "Caffeine in pregnancy So it’s best to limit the amount you get each day. If you’re pregnant, limit caffeine to 200 milligrams each day. This is about the amount in 1½ 8-ounce cups of coffee or one 12-ounce cup of coffee. If you’re breastfeeding, limit caffeine to no more than two cups of coffee a day.", "What Not to Eat When You're Pregnant The March of Dimes recommends women who are pregnant or trying should limit caffeine to 200 milligrams per day. That's one 12-ounce cup of coffee. But remember, caffeine is also found in soda, tea, chocolate, and many energy drinks.", "How Much Caffeine Can You Safely Drink During Pregnancy? See what your doctor has to say and then use your best judgment. If you want to follow the better-safe-than-sorry route, you should keep your daily caffeine intake below the 200-milligram mark -- the equivalent of either four diet colas, three cups of green tea, or just one Grande Caffe Mocha at Starbucks per day." ]
[ 13.3984375 ]
[ 12.0859375, 11.4921875, 12.5234375, 11.2265625, 11.8671875, 11.1328125, 10.546875, 13.359375, 11.65625, 10.0390625, 10.9765625, 12.09375, 12.515625, 11.9140625, 10.484375, 12.8984375, 11.2578125, 9.53125, 10.7265625, 10.5, 10.25, 11.3203125, 11.421875, 9.9140625, 10.515625, 9.6796875, 12.6015625, 12.703125, 10.953125, 11.0625 ]
how to put a roof on your deck
[ "- Re: How To Put Roof Over Existing Deck. I think it will depend on what the local building and safety officials say about needing an engineer. I know that here in CA. I can engineer this using what is called 'conventional construction' techniques and design." ]
[ "- 1 Mount on a cart. 2 One option would be to build and mount your panels on a cart. 3 This would place the panel at an angle but allow you to change which direction the panel faces in order to increase the amount of sun it gets in a day.4 This will, however, require you to adjust the panel 2-3 times a day.5 Mount on your roof.onnect a black wire to the diode and run it to a terminal block which you will need to mount on the side of the box. Then connect a white wire from the short bus wire on the opposite side to the terminal block. 3. Connect your panel to a charge controller.", "- 1 Synthetic. 2 Roof deck a roof deck is the structural substrate and usually is a wood-based material such as plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). 3 Underlayment underlayment provides temporary protection until a roof covering is installed and provides a secondary weatherproofing barrier.", "- Install metal roofing sheets. Metal roofing sheets have to be installed one at a time. Place a sheet from top to bottom on a section of the roof. Use 1/4-inch metal wood screws to attach the metal sheets to the wood slat board base. Place screws on each side spaced two feet apart.", "How to Install Roof Shingles To lay out the design for the shingles, begin at the bottom of the roof and place a tape measure ½ inch from the edge of the roof to ensure the shingles overhang the drip edge. 9. Mark 12 inches up on the roof for the first course of shingles, then mark every 5 inches all the way up the roof to set your reveal. Do this on both sides of the roof. 10. Using the chalk line, snap a straight line on each 5-inch increment. 11. Use the chalk line to snap a straight line vertically every 6 inches. 12. Install a starter course by cutting off the three tabs on a shingle, leaving only the top tar section.", "How to install roof decking How to install roof decking. The first step of the project is to build the gable ends of the L-shaped shed. In order to get the job done as a professional, you should cut the pieces of 5/8″ siding with a circular saw. Secure the exterior siding to the framing with 1 1/4″ finishing nails.", "To add stairs to a deck: Adding Stairs between Two Decks. 1 Create two decks, one higher than the other. 2 Place a stair on the higher deck to have it automatically extend to the lower one. 3 In the example shown below, Deck 2 is taller than Deck 1. Click the Add button in the Home ribbon. 2 Choose Stair from the menu. 3 Move the mouse pointer to a deck edge. 4 When the mouse pointer changes to a hand, click the left mouse button once.", "How To Build A Deck, Part 4: Building A Deck Frame And Framing Your Deck Framing your deck will allow you to build a solid base for your deck. Assembling the frame on the beams is the next step when installing your deck.For this project you will need joists, a tape measure, pencil, a square, drill with bits, nails and screws, a hammer, joist hangers, corner brackets, hurricane ties and a saw.ssembling the frame on the beams is the next step when installing your deck. For this project you will need joists, a tape measure, pencil, a square, drill with bits, nails and screws, a hammer, joist hangers, corner brackets, hurricane ties and a saw.", "How to Install Soffit Under a Porch Roof Begin at the patio-to-exterior-wall transition and work your way down toward the fascia. Cut the soffit board planks so the ends are aligned with the center of the patio trusses. Nail them to the trusses using the large-gauge finish nail gun.Be sure to stagger the butt seam joints or anywhere the end of one soffit board plank meets another.egin at the patio-to-exterior-wall transition and work your way down toward the fascia. Cut the soffit board planks so the ends are aligned with the center of the patio trusses. Nail them to the trusses using the large-gauge finish nail gun.", "- Determine the pitch of the roof on the existing house. If possible use the same pitch on the room addition. Set up and nail in place as many rafters as possible and the ridge board on the room addition. Use bracing to hold them in place. Make the ridge rafter level and extend it over towards the existing roof as far as possible. Place a nail and attach a string to the top of the ridge board near the outside edge of the room addition. Take the other end of the string over to the existing roof. Sight down the string and move it up and down until it almost touches the ridge board of the room addition.", "Wood shakes and wood shingles Wood roofing may be attached to a roof deck with noncorroding, galvanized steel or stainless steel nails or noncorroding metal staples. A minimum of two fasteners should be used to attach each shake or shingle.", "Installing Roof Jacks And Planks On A Steep Roof Roof Work Is Easier And Safer When The Proper Scaffolding Is Used. Shingle tabs are lifted up and metal roof jacks nailed through the roof into the framing. 2x10 planks are fastened to rows of roof jacks to create a stable work surface.", "Moe. Since I haven't started an actual build thread yet for my new property, I figured I'd pose this question here. I just purchased an 8'x40' shipping container and want to add at least a partial shed roof on one side. I'm not sure how best to provide a ledger board or other mounting method, so I pose the question: Has anyone here done something like that, and if so, how did you do it?", "- The steps involved in adding a wood deck include: 1 Layout foundation and dig holes for posts. 2 Cut 6”x 6” foundation posts to length. 3 Notch posts for outer band joists. Set posts in holes, and fill holes with 1 concrete. Attach band joists to posts. Attach inner joists to band 1 joists. Cut and attach blocking between joists.", "How to Attach a Ledger Board to a Vinyl Sided House 1. Locate the rim joist and mark an outline on the siding where you want to position the ledger board using a tape measure, pencil and chalk line. Make the outline large enough to allow space for the combined thickness of the deck boards, the width of the ledger board and any trim on the sides.. Cut a length of metal drip cap flashing to the same length as the Z flashing. Drip caps direct water away from the house, keeping it from getting behind the ledger board. Slip the flashing under the vinyl siding and rest the bottom lip over the top of the ledger board.", "- A pair of large scissors works well for cutting the roofing, and you can use a chalk line to mark. where to cut. Put your gluing supplies and the roofing on the roof. You'll also need a long handle and a. roller with a good-quality roller cover for applying the glue. Position the roofing and make sure. it is located where you want it. Then, fold half the roofing back over the other half. (You can. fold it lengthwise or widthwise, whichever works best for your roof.) Then, spread the glue. around on the roof deck and on the roofing portion that is folded over.", "- Re: Installing Roof Jacks. Make sure they are on the joists and not just into the sheeting. You can fastenen them with with nails or heavy deck screws, but 16p nails is what I use. When I'm done I just drive the nails down flush & tar over them with roofing cement.", "Under-Deck Roof Starting at one end, attach the first fiberglass panel to the purlin with the roofing screws (Photo 2). Place the screws in every other valley. Snug the screws enough to compress the washer slightly. Overlap the next panel onto the one you just installed and attach it the same way.", "How to Install a Metal Shingles Roof â DIY Guide Thus, the opposite sides of the roof along the ridge should have approximately two feet of uncut/solid (roof deck) ends. If you plan to install vent pipes, then any appropriate openings can be cut out in the deck to allow for vent pipes and/or any other penetrations. Installing Metal Shingles.", "- Make sure it goes all the way in and hits the sheathing. Secure the deck boards with 2 nails or screws where each board crosses a joist. 3 nails or screws may be necessary over the rim joists. Whether you choose to use nails or screws, be sure to choose galvanized fasteners to keep them from rusting out. They should be at least 3-1/2 inches long to penetrate the framing.", "How to Build a Porch: Screen Porch Construction Plan ahead to avoid construction headaches. You can add this porch to almost any house, but attachment details may vary from what we show here. On most two-story houses, you won't have to worry about tying in to the roof, but you may have to situate the porch carefully to avoid covering a window.", "- 1 Use a hammer and roofing nails to attach the saddle to the roof. Insert roofing nails into the saddle and roof every 6 inches (15.2 cm). 2 Place shingles over the flat part of the saddle. Nail the shingles and saddle into the roof.", "What to Consider When Adding a Roof to a Deck or Patio What to Consider When Adding a Roof to a Deck or Patio. Tweet. The best way to cover a deck or patio is by building a permanent roof over it that’s attached to your home.", "- Build a one-level deck. Building a one-level deck or patio is a great way to increase the living space of your. It is the ultimate do-it-yourself job because building a 12' X 12' one-level deck or patio can be achieved in one weekend by just following a simple set of instructions.", "How to Shingle the Roof of a Shed Starting at the lower edge of the roof, start laying your shingles. The edge of the shingles with the gaps will face the edge of the roof. Ensure that your first row of shingles overhang the roof by 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch. As you lay each shingle, nail it down on the upper edge with roofing nails.", "Installing Roof Jacks And Planks On A Steep Roof PARTIAL ROW: The proper way to work on a steep roof is to install roof jacks and planks to make a scaffolding system. When several rows of this scaffolding are installed, all areas of the roof can be reached safely and easily. Here I've started installing the first row of roof jacks, just above the eaves.", "Soffits and Fascia There are a variety of materials and techniques used for applying soffits and fascia to porch roofs. Most builders choose to match the look of the house roof as close as possible. Soffits can be installed by attaching plywood to the underside of the rafter tails and to a 2x2 nailer that runs across the header beam.Some soffits are made of vinyl and use vents to help cool the roof. Fascia is used as an exterior trim to enhance the appearance of the roof line.Facia boards can be wood or composite material.ome soffits are made of vinyl and use vents to help cool the roof. Fascia is used as an exterior trim to enhance the appearance of the roof line. Facia boards can be wood or composite material.", "How To Build a Deck and a Wrap around Porch Step 1: Deck demolition and attaching the ledger board to house. STEPS. Before the deck construction, demolish the old deck. Planning deck materials and attach the ledger board to the house rim using lag screws, hex head bolts and washers. After this step, install joist hangers.", "- Check the nailing of the roof deck to the rafters or trusses that support the deck. For wood plank decks, the existing nailing has generally proven to be adequate (If at least two nails were installed every time one of the planks crossed a rafter or truss) so you should not need to re-nail the deck.", "New Tin Roof Over Old Tin Roof this has a lot to do with if you can secure the new roof to the roof deck and that has a lot to do with how your house was built. Some metal roofing MUST be placed directly on top of a solid, smooth, roof material. Others can be installed with an air gap between the old roof and the new metal roof. Wood strips (purlins) are placed over the old roof and attached securely to the roof deck. The new metal roof is then attached to these wood strips. I think this would be possible for you to do.", "- 1 Let the decking wood season and dry for one or two weeks before you paint it or coat it with a protective finish. 2 If the deck is attached to your house, install a ledger board on the side of your house to act as one of the rim joists and place the opposite rim joist on posts and piers. If the deck is attached to your house, install a ledger board on the side of your house to act as one of the rim joists and place the opposite rim joist on posts and piers. 2 If the deck is more than 4 feet high, most local codes will require that you install a railing." ]
[ 11.4609375 ]
[ 8.6328125, 10.8203125, 10.5859375, 10.46875, 12.03125, 9.140625, 8.953125, 7.6875, 9.6015625, 11.0390625, 9.140625, 8.7578125, 10.6171875, 8.7734375, 11.5859375, 10.03125, 11.6015625, 10.7421875, 10.421875, 9.6328125, 10.6796875, 12, 9.65625, 10.3671875, 9, 7.81640625, 9.8046875, 11.3984375, 10.078125, 10.546875 ]
what food is from sweden
[ "- Swedish food consists of a good deal of breads and meats, some dairy, and jams, cakes, and godis are big during any time of the day. Because of the “fika”, Swedes tend to eat more smaller meals multiple times during the day instead of two or three large meals." ]
[ "- Food in Daily Life. Bread and potatoes are the traditional staple foods. Most meals include, pork, chicken, or beef, and Seafood is popular in the northern part of the country. The national drink is beer, but wine is imported in large quantities. In northern cities, popular dishes include mussels with fries and waterzooi a broth of vegetables and meat or fish.", "- Sweden is one of the largest countries in Europe. Stockholm is the largest city and the capital of Sweden. Sweden is bordered by Finland to the northeast and Norway in the west.", "- Swedish is a North Germanic language, closely related to Norwegian and Danish (and through them, related to Icelandic). Spoken by over 9 million people, Swedish is the national language of Sweden and the official language of the Åland Islands. It is also an official language of Finland (along with Finnish), though only the mother tongue for about 6 percent of Finns.", "Potatoes in chive sauce Welcome to SwedishFood.com. Thank you for visiting our site, set up to help English speakers around the world who would like to learn more about Swedish food. All our recipes have been tried and tasted, include a clear summary, list ingredients in British and American units and include a photograph of the finished dish.", "List of potato dishes Bread (usually white) with a hamburger patty placed on top that is then covered in French fries and topped with brown (beef) gravy: Hutspot: Netherlands: Boiled and mashed potatoes, carrots and onion: Janssons frestelse: Sweden: A traditional casserole made of potatoes, onions, pickled sprats, bread crumbs and cream.", "- Ramen Bowl with Sesame Poppy Seed Venison and Ginger Chili Kale and Swede. Bavaria meets Asia! One of the current projects I am working on for a new Travel, Food and Lifestyle magazine, will take me to Bavaria a couple of times this year.", "soupy svartsoppa a traditional swedish soup whose main ingredient is goose and sometimes pig s blood and is made in skane skåne the southernmost region of sweden the other ingredients typically include vinegar port wine or cognac and spices such as cloves ginger and allspice", "- Malaco Pastellfiskar (Swedish Fish) A favorite candy in the United States are the Swedish Fish. Today they’re made by Cadbury Adams in Canada. Though they come in multiple flavors, the favorite is the red lingonberry flavored fish with the word Swedish embossed on the side.", "Why do the Scottish call a Swede a Turnip ? And what do they call an actual Turnip ? In Europe kraut is commonly made from the sliced roots. Rutabaga Also Called Swede Rutabaga (Brassica napobrassica) gets its name from Swedish rotabagge. In England and Canada it is commonly called Swede, or Swede turnip..The French called it navet de Suede (Swede turnip), chou de Suede (Swede cabbage), and chou navet jaune (yellow cabbage turnip).eport Abuse. It's not just the Scots, a lot of folk in the North of England call the orange veg a turnip and the small white veg a swede. Coming up to Burns night a dish of Haggis, Neeps and Tatties is very traditional. I think a lot of what a turnip/swede is called is down to location/tradition.", "- Pin it. First, the facts. Rutabaga (also called swede) is in the Brassica family, that of turnips and cabbage, and when you cut one open you get a very definite whiff of the cruciferous. Technically, rutabaga is actually a direct cross between cabbage and turnips, and it shares turnips' slightly bitter flavor.irst, the facts. Rutabaga (also called swede) is in the Brassica family, that of turnips and cabbage, and when you cut one open you get a very definite whiff of the cruciferous.", "- While not commercially available, this giant Swedish Fish—really, a fish-shaped gummy—weighed in at six pounds and was the expression of a brother's love for his sister. This does seem exactly like the kind of thing a brother would make for his sister on the occasion of her birth.ut of the primordial ooze of the sugar sea, from whence the flora and fauna of the gummy earth have evolved, come the Swedish Fish. The Swedish Fish belongs to the genus of wine gums, a firmer version of gummy candy that, rather disappointingly, contains no wine, but is still extremely popular in Europe.", "- sweden is famous for there vikings. They were one of the worlds biggest hot shots during the 1600's by taking over most of scandinvia. also from my experience their ice cream is OMG AMAZING!!!!! there kings being called Karl and Gustav are pretty famous :]", "Midwest Food Lefse and lutefisk are two dishes that originated in Norway, brought to the Midwest by the Scandinavian immigrants who settled in Minnesota. Both dishes are common cuisine in this particular region of the United States, as well as neighboring Canada.", "Rutabaga In Scotland, it is known as turnip, and in Scots as tumshie or neep (from Old English naep, Næp latin). Napus some areas of south East, scotland such As berwickshire And, roxburghshire still use the term, baigie possibly a derivative of the Original swedish. rutabagan the U.S., the plant is also known as Swedish turnip or yellow turnip. The term swede is used instead of rutabaga in many Commonwealth Nations, including much of England, Wales, Australia, and New Zealand.", "- Swedish Meatballs Dinner (10), Mashed Potatoes, Lingonberry, Cream Sa 1 530 27 13 1 260 1510 41 2 14 29 6 20 6 15 no Milk, egg, fish, wheat, soy. Swedish Meatballs Dinner (15), Mashed Potatoes, Lingonberry, Cream Sa 1 690 36 16 1.5 310 1820 45 2 15 43 6 20 8 20 no Milk, egg, fish, wheat, soy.", "18 Stinky Foods From Around the World Indigenous to northern Sweden, surströmming is herring that is fermented in barrels for a couple of months, then put into tin cans for up to another year. The fermentation is so strong that the can actually bulges from pressure, and it has been banned by some airlines who say that it is an explosive safety hazard.", "Swedish Fish Candies don't get much more basic than Swedish Fish. They're just red gummy fishes. Yet they've become a hugely recognizable brand, popular among crowds young and old. What's interesting is that in Sweden, they're just common wine candies, just a different shape of a familiar variety. In America they've become something of a sensation.", "How To Cook Rutabaga Botanical name: Brassica napus Rutabagas are only called rutabagas in the U.S. Throughout the rest of the world, they're known as swedes.This ordinary root vegetable is thought to have originated in Bohemia in the 17th century as a hybrid between the turnip and wild cabbage.ummary. Rutabagas, known as swedes in much of the world, are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and manganese, and a good source of fiber, thiamin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.", "SCOTTISH FOOD Please visit our online store and go shopping at the number one imported food delivery service in the USA. Our gourmet Scottish Food selection includes cheeses, meats, desserts, sauces, spreads and many other items. When searching for gourmet food online, look no further than igourmet.com.", "Swedish Fish One of the ingredients in Swedish Fish is invert sugar, a combination of glucose and fructose. Invert sugar is important in Swedish Fish due to its ability to retain moisture. Fructose has high solubility, therefore it holds more water and crystallizes less easily. This is why Swedish Fish have a very long shelf life and do not spoil easily.", "Explore Sweden Explore Sweden. Birthplace of Volvo cars and IKEA products, Sweden is widely known for its meatballs, Viking heritage and the 1970s pop group ABBA. Located on the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe, bordered by Finland and Norway, Sweden is also connected to Denmark by the Øresund strait. The third-largest country in the European Union by geographical size, Sweden is a spacious land of pastoral beauty, striking blue lakes and charming cosmopolitan cities.", "- Many American scientists have gotten the Noble price, handed over to them by the king of Sweden and IN Sweden too. Volvo and Saab are two cars that come from Sweden, Ingemar Bergman was a Swede as well as the female movie actress Ingrid Bergman was. Switzerland is located at least 1,200 miles from Sweden. Sweden is of course a very small country, but should still be better known in America and now I wonder why it's not.", "- Hot dishes a) Fish dishes b) Meat dishes 8. Dessert a) Cheeses b) Sweet desserts. Smoergasbord (smörgåsbord anglicised as) smorgasbord is A swedish term meaning an abundant buffet meal set with several hot and cold, dishes from appetizers to, desserts laid out together on the. tableot dishes a) Fish dishes b) Meat dishes 8. Dessert a) Cheeses b) Sweet desserts. Smoergasbord (smörgåsbord anglicised as) smorgasbord is A swedish term meaning an abundant buffet meal set with several hot and cold, dishes from appetizers to, desserts laid out together on the. table", "- How To Cook Rutabaga. Rutabagas are only called rutabagas in the U.S. Throughout the rest of the world, they're known as swedes. This ordinary root vegetable is thought to have originated in Bohemia in the 17th century as a hybrid between the turnip and wild cabbage.", "- Daim is a Swedish traditional product with a delicious and crunchy combination of caramel and chocolate. Whether the delicious Daim dragees, the crunchy Daim bars or the classics: all have an irresistible, crunchy core of butter and almond caramel coated with fine milk chocolate.aim is a Swedish traditional product with a delicious and crunchy combination of caramel and chocolate. Whether the delicious Daim dragees, the crunchy Daim bars or the classics: all have an irresistible, crunchy core of butter and almond caramel coated with fine milk chocolate.", "- Sweden is a country comprised of mainly ethnic Swedes, Finns, Danes and Sami people. Large waves of migration brought on by economic opportunities and liberal asylum law have included migrants from the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Iran, Ethiopia, Somalia and Lebanon.", "Milanesa The milanesa was brought to the Southern Cone of South America by Italian immigrants during the mass emigration called the Italian diaspora between 1860-1920s. Its name probably reflects an original Milanese preparation, cotoletta alla Milanese, which is similar to the Austrian Wiener Schnitzel.A milanesa consists of a thin slice of beef, chicken, veal, or sometimes pork, and even eggplants or soy.ilanesa Kaiser, or escalopa as it is known in Chile, is a variant (where normal milanesas are also eaten) reminiscent of cordon bleu or valdostana, with a layer of melted cheese between the beef and a layer of ham.", "The Secret Breakfast Lives of Swedes The best way to discover the virtues of a Swedish breakfast is to eat one. Here we give you a glimpse into the morning routines of people throughout Sweden. May they inspire you to create your own Swedish breakfast – or make the journey here.", "A Brief History of Swedish Fish In the US, Swedish Fish are currently owned and distributed by candy manufacturer Cadbury Adams. The fish come in the traditional red flavor, as well as green, orange, purple and yellow, each with the word Swedish branded into their side.", "- Swedish fish martini is a sweet red colored concoction of vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice and lime juice which not only tastes and looks like Swedish fish but also garnished with Swedish fish. Try this sweet temptation and we are sure that you will fall in love all over again with martini" ]
[ 12.5234375 ]
[ 10.6640625, 9.2109375, 7.95703125, 10.6640625, 9.875, 9.0234375, 9.3046875, 11.46875, 7.36328125, 7.95703125, 8.03125, 9.4609375, 8.21875, 8.6015625, 9.6015625, 10.4921875, 10.0234375, 7.09375, 7.984375, 9.6875, 9.953125, 8.609375, 9.96875, 9.2734375, 9.1953125, 8.8515625, 6.5859375, 9.796875, 10.3984375, 9.3125 ]
function of reticular layer of dermis
[ "The Skin The dermis consists of a papillary and a reticular layer which serve to protect and cushion the body from stress and strain. Differentiate among the regions of the dermis and the hypodermis. The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region." ]
[ "- The reticular dermis accounts for the greater part of the dermis. On this level, the elastin and collagen fibres are multidirectional, whereas in the dermal papillae the elastin fibres are mainly oriented perpendicular to the skin surface.hey are specialised in producing two types of protein fibres, collagen and elastin fibres constituent of the extra-cellular matrix. Collagen fibres, 70% of the proteins in the dermis, gives dermis its resistance to strain and traction, while elastin supply its elastic properties.", "What structures are locatd in the dermis, what is their functions? The dermis consists mostly of connective tissue and is much thicker than the epidermis. It is responsible for the skin's pliability and mechanical resistance and is also involved in the regulation of the body temperature. The dermis supplies the avascular epidermis with nutrients by means of its vascular network.", "- The dermis is mainly a supportive layer for the epidermis and binds it to underlying tissues. Blood vessels in the dermis pass near the basal layer of the epidermis and provide the cells of the avascular epidermis with nutrients.ammals have a number of skin glands that are found in no other vertebrate. Mammals have two types of coiled, tubular sweat glands, apocrine (or sudoriferous) and eccrine.", "What Is the Function of the Dermis? Its thickness varies depending on the location of the skin. For example, the dermis on the eyelids is 0.6 millimeters; on the back, the palms of hands and the soles of feet it's 3 millimeters. It's also composed of three types of tissues that are present throughout the dermis, not in layers: Collagen.", "Reticular membrane The reticular membrane (RM, also called reticular lamina or apical cuticular plate) is a thin, stiff lamina that extends from the outer hair cells to the Hensen's cells. The RM is composed of minute-fiddle-shaped cuticular structures called the phalangeal extensions of the outer hair cells, interspaced with extensions coming from the outer phalangeal cells.", "- Epidermis is the top layer of skin and the one you can actually see. The dermis is the layer that lies underneath the epidermis, and it is composed entirely of living cells. T … he most important function of dermis is respiration.The various glands such as the oil and sweat glands originate in the lower dermis.lrighty the epidermis, the upper or outer layer of the skin, is a tough, waterproof, protective layer. The dermis, or inner layer, is thicker than the epidermis and gives … the skin its strength and elasticity. 4 people found this useful. Peakay Tea.", "What is the function of the papillary layer of the dermis? The upper, papillary layer, contains a thin arrangement of collagen fibers. The papillary layer supplies nutrients to select layers of the epidermis and regulates temperature. Both of these functions are accomplished with a thin, extensive vascular system that operates similarly to other vascular systems in the body.he Papillary dermis and the Recticular dermis. epidermis endodermis The dermis does not have layers. However, the dermis is one of three major layers of skin.", "Structure, Functions and Problems of the Skin Dermis. The dermis, the skin's next layer, is a thick layer of fibrous and elastic tissue (made mostly of collagen, elastin, and fibrillin) that gives the skin its flexibility and strength. The dermis contains nerve endings, sweat glands and oil (sebaceous) glands, hair follicles, and blood vessels.pidermis. The epidermis is the relatively thin, tough, outer layer of the skin. Most of the cells in the epidermis are keratinocytes. They originate from cells in the deepest layer of the epidermis called the basal layer. New keratinocytes slowly migrate up toward the surface of the epidermis.", "Hypodermis layer - Function of hypodermis Its function is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the hypodermis, dermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands. The thickness of hypodermis varies considerably in respect of body area, nutritional status, age and gender of the individual.", "Reticular formation The reticular formation (lat. formatio reticularis) is a set of interconnected nuclei that are located throughout the brainstem. The reticular formation is not anatomically well defined because it includes neurons located in diverse parts of the brain.The neurons of the reticular formation all play a crucial role in maintaining behavioral arousal and consciousness. The functions of the reticular formation are modulatory and premotor.The modulatory functions are primarily found in the rostral sector of the reticular formation and the premotor functions are localized in the neurons in more caudal regions.he functions of the reticular formation are modulatory and premotor. The modulatory functions are primarily found in the rostral sector of the reticular formation and the premotor functions are localized in the neurons in more caudal regions.", "Layers of the Skin The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and is the thickest of the three layers of the skin (1.5 to 4 mm thick), making up approximately 90 percent of the thickness of the skin. The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood.", "Chapter 4 - The integumentary system What is the function of the papillary layer of the dermis? -provides O2/nutrients/support to epidermis What are the structures found in the papillary layer of the dermis? papillary plexus (with capillary loops): blood supply to skin Meissner's (tactile) corpuscles: light touch receptors What are the functions of the reticular layer of the dermis?", "What is Subcutaneous Tissue? Human skin has three layers: the dermis, epidermis, and hypodermis. Each layer has different functions. The deepest layer, the hypodermis, is also known as subcutaneous tissue. This layer is responsible for regulating body temperature, and also protects the inner organs and bones. In addition to its other functions, this layer of skin plays a role in pigmentation.", "What is the hypodermis the hypodermis is composed of Remember that the dermis is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. The network of fibers gives that tissue strength in all directions, allowing your skin to stretch without tearing. What is the reticular layer and what is its function? This is the end of the preview.", "What Is the Function of the Dermis? The dermis is the thickest layer of skin and has two parts: the papillary layer and the reticular layer. The dermis contains a lot of the body's water supply, and its key functions are to regulate temperature and supply the epidermis with blood. This layer of the skin also contains: Blood vessels.", "What is the structure of the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis ( including tissue types involved) ? The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissues, and is composed of two layers, the papillary and reticular dermis.", "Dermis - Papillary layer of dermis Home > Dermis > Papillary layer of dermis In dermis, papillary layer lies superficial to the reticular layer. Papillary region lying below the epidermis is closely connecting with it. It is made up of finger-like (nipple-like) projections, extending into the epidermis.", "Histology Testbank: Skin 2a The skin is composed of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis. Underneath these layers lies the hypodermis. The epidermis is stratified squamous epithelium. The dermis is composed of a papillary layer and a reticular layer. The reticular layer of the dermis is made up of dense irregular connective tissue.", "Do we really have seven layers of skin? The dermis has two layers within its layer. The first layer in the dermis is the dermal papillary layer. The next layer within the dermis is the dermal reticular layer; this layer is the location of a lot of structures such as the hair follicles and the blood vessels.", "- A: The dermis of the skin is composed of three types of tissue that are present throughout the layer: collagen, elastic tissue and reticular fibers. The dermi... Full Answer >", "What Is the Function of the Dermis? The dermis is composed of three types of tissues that are present throughout the dermis, not in layers: 1 Collagen. 2 Elastic tissue. 3 Reticular fibers.", "Explain 5 layers of epidermis? The dermis is located beneath the epidermis and is the thickest of the three layers of the skin (1.5 to 4 mm thick), making up approximately 90 percent of the thickness of the skin. 1 The main functions of the dermis are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood.", "The Skin Differentiate among the regions of the dermis and the hypodermis. The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region. The primary function of the dermis is to cushion the body from stress and strain, and to also provide: elasticity to the skin, a sense of touch, and heat. The dermis contains hair roots, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerves, and blood vessels.", "The Dermis pressure receptors found in the reticular layer of the dermis. both the papillary and reticular layers are heavily invested with what two things. collagenic and elastic fibers. what do elastic fibers in the dermis do for the skin.", "The Skin 1 The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region. 2 The primary function of the dermis is to cushion the body from stress and strain, provide elasticity to the skin, and a sense of touch, and heat. The dermis also contains hair roots, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerves, and blood vessels.", "Hypodermis layer - Function of hypodermis Its function is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the hypodermis, dermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands. The thickness of hypodermis varies considerably in respect of body area, nutritional status, age and gender of the individual. In thin areas of the skin like eyelids, genitals, and nipples, it is nearly absent.", "Do we really have seven layers of skin? These are the layers within the epidermis. The dermis has two layers within its layer. The first layer in the dermis is the dermal papillary layer. The next layer within the dermis is the dermal reticular layer; this layer is the location of a lot of structures such as the hair follicles and the blood vessels. These are the layers within the dermis.", "The Dermis and Deeper Tissues The dermis has two layers: 1 papillary dermis – made up of loosely woven connective tissue fibers embedded in a jelly-like substance known as ground substance. 2 reticular dermis – thicker and deeper and is made up of dense connective tissue that is irregularly arranged, providing additional support.", "The Individual Layers of Skin and Their Functions The epidermis contains three specialized cells: Melanocytes that produce pigment (melanin) Langerhans cells that act as the first line of defense in the skin's immune system; Merkel cells, cells that have a function that is not yet fully understood; The Dermis. The dermis is the middle layer of the three layers of skin. It's located between the epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue.", "dermis dermis, the layer of the skin just below the epidermis, consisting of papillary and reticular layers and containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and hair follicles. Formerly called corium.dermal, adj.he layer of the skin just below the epidermis, consisting of papillary and reticular layers and containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and hair follicles. Formerly called corium. dermal, adj." ]
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what causes a sonic boom physics
[ "What Is a Sonic Boom? Did it explode? Nope! You can still see it flying. Then what was that sound? It was a sonic boom. A sonic boom is a loud sound kind of like an explosion. It's caused by shock waves created by any object that travels through the air faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms create huge amounts of sound energy. When an object moves through the air, it makes pressure waves in front of and behind it." ]
[ "Supernova This drives an expanding and fast-moving shock wave into the surrounding interstellar medium, and in turn, sweeping up an expanding shell of gas and dust, which is observed as a supernova remnant. Supernovae create, fuse and eject the bulk of the chemical elements produced by nucleosynthesis.", "Water hammer A water hammer commonly occurs when a valve closes suddenly at an end of a pipeline system, and a pressure wave propagates in the pipe. It is also called hydraulic shock. This pressure wave can cause major problems, from noise and vibration to pipe collapse.o for a valve closing instantaneously, the maximum magnitude of the water hammer pulse is: where δ P is the magnitude of the pressure wave (Pa), ρ is the density of the fluid (kgm −3), a0 is the speed of sound in the fluid (ms −1), and δ v is the change in the fluid's velocity (ms −1).", "What is the cause of rolling thunder? A lightning bolt follows a very long, meandering path between the cloud and ground or between clouds. During each flash, every portion of the long lightning path simultaneoulsy emits an explosive sound - a shock wave. If you are an observer on the ground, you'll first hear a loud BOOM from the portion of the lightning stroke that was closest to you.", "What Causes Thunder? Thunder is caused by the sudden expansion of the air around a lightning bolt's path. The deep rumbling and sharp cracks of thunder are produced as the air around the lightning bolt is superheated — up to about 54,000° Fahrenheit (about 33,000° Celsius) — and rapidly expands.", "Gr. 4 Ch. 13 - Sound Sound is caused by vibrations called sound waves. The sound waves reach your ear, they make parts inside your ear vibrate. The signal goes to your brain, which converts the signal so you can hear it. What waves make high pitched sounds?", "What Causes Thunder? A forked lightning bolt also can sound like a rumble as the sound waves bounce off each other. In addition, thunder will sound louder when the air near the ground is colder and the air higher in the atmosphere is warmer.", "- First, the actual report of the gun caused by gas being released from the barrell. This is a boom or crack sound. This sound is very loud near the fired gun, and falls off following the inverse square law the further you get away. At even 20 yards or so it's not all that loud. The bullet passing through the air makes one or two additional sounds. First, if the bullet is supersonic, it will create a sonic boom... This isn't really a boom, however, it's more like a 'crack' or 'snap' sound.", "- Effects of overpressure According to an article in the journal Toxicological Sciences, Blast overpressure (BOP), also known as high energy impulse noise, is a damaging outcome of explosive detonations and firing of weapons.", "- The connection is made and the protons rush up to meet the electrons. It is at that point that we see lightning and hear thunder. A bolt of lightning heats the air along its path causing it to expand rapidly. Thunder is the sound caused by rapidly expanding air. © 2012 UCAR.", "The Doppler Effect and Sonic Booms As a result, an observer in front of the source will detect nothing until the source arrives. The pressure front will be quite intense (a shock wave), due to all the wavefronts adding together, and will not be percieved as a pitch but as a thump of sound as the pressure wall passes by. The figure at right shows a bullet travelling at Mach 1.01. You can see the shock wave front just ahead of the bullet.", "- A comet tail artifact is similar to reverberation. It is produced by the front and back of a very strong reflector (air bubble, BB gun pellet). The reverberations are spaced very narrowly and blend into a small band (Figure 10).his artifact is caused by low energy ‘side lobes’ of the main ultrasound beam. When an echo from such a side lobe beam becomes strong enough and returns to the receiver, it is ‘assigned’ to the main beam and displayed at a false location.", "- Pressure surges in piping systems are common. and many times can be destructive too. The typical cause of this rattling or “Water. Hammer” and is caused by valve operation, entrapped air in the line and sometimes. pumps operations. The effect of any one of these events can be effectively.", "What Makes Sounds Louder? Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. When an object vibrates, it causes tiny air particles to move. Imagine you are sitting in a quiet room with a friend. If you clap your hands, the shock causes the air around your hands to begin vibrating. When air particles vibrate, they bump into other particles near them.", "The Doppler Effect and Shock Waves This phenomenon is known as a shock wave. Shock waves are also produced if the aircraft moves faster than the speed of sound. If a moving source of sound moves faster than sound, the source will always be ahead of the waves that it produces.", "What causes a sonic boom? A sonic boom is the sound associated with the shock waves created by an object traveling through the air faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding much like an explosion.", "How to create a sonic boom at home Find out what a sonic boom is, and how you can create it in the privacy of your own household. Advertisement. The one-line explanation for a sonic boom is this: A sonic boom is the shock wave that is produced when an object breaks the sound barrier.", "Sonic Boom Sonic Boom. Sonic boom is an impulsive noise similar to thunder. It is caused by an object moving faster than sound -- about 750 miles per hour at sea level. An aircraft traveling through the atmosphere continuously produces air-pressure waves similar to the water waves caused by a ship's bow.", "What Causes a Supernova Explosion? The outburst usually lasts about a month and expels much of a star’s remaining matter at an extremely high rate of speed – typically around one tenth the speed of light. This creates a shock wave that effects the interstellar medium in the vicinity of the supernova.", "- Send your pictures and videos to Action News! Navy: Fighter jets caused sonic booms along New Jersey coast. You need Flash to watch this video.Sorry, your browser doesn't support Flash, needs a Flash update, or has Flash disabled.", "- Based on how much longer it takes to hear thunder tells us how far away the storm is. The longer it takes to hear the thunder, the farther the distance its sound had to travel and the farther away the storm is. The sound barrier. The speed of sound through warm air at sea level has been measured at 346 meters per second or 0.346 km per second. That is the same as a car traveling about 780 miles per hour! Even most jet airplanes do not travel that fast. When a plane does go faster than speed of sound, it is said to break the sound barrier and a sonic boom is produced. On October 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager did just that. In a small plane called the X-1, he was the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound and the listeners on the ground were the first to hear the loud shock wave of a sonic boom.", "How to create a sonic boom at home When a jet breaks the sound barrier, a sonic boom trails behind it. But there are some ways to break the sound barrier at home, with just a little training. The ‘crack' of a bullwhip is also a sonic boom. When someone uses a whip, they bring their arm up and then down quickly.", "Beats Shock waves. If the speed of the source is greater than the speed of sound, another type of wave phenomenon will occur: the sonic boom. A sonic boom is a type of shock wave that occurs when waves generated by a source over a period of time add together coherently, creating an unusually strong sum wave.", "What Causes Thunder? These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Thunder is caused by the sudden expansion of the air around a lightning bolt's path. The deep rumbling and sharp cracks of thunder are produced as the air around the lightning bolt is superheated — up to about 54,000° Fahrenheit (about 33,000° Celsius) — and rapidly expands. This rapid expansion creates an acoustic shock wave that manifests itself as thunder. The closer the lightning is, the louder the clap of thunder will seem to be. Lightning is a discharge of electricity in the atmosphere.", "- In most installations, water hammer in condensate return lines is caused by steam pockets forming and imploding. Frequently, the cause is a rise in the discharge line from a trap or a high pressure trap discharging into a low temperature wet return line.", "- In turn, this expansion of air creates a sonic shock wave, similar to a sonic boom, which produces the sound of thunder, often referred to as a clap, crack, peal of thunder, or boom.", "Booms, shakes felt by South Jersey residents caused by multiple sonic booms Booms, shakes felt by South Jersey residents caused by multiple sonic booms. Xiomara Martinez, 30 of Atlantic City talks about what felt like a earthquake at Deli On the Square in Pleasantville Shopping Center Thursday, Jan 28, 2016. Booms, shakes felt by South Jersey residents caused by multiple sonic booms. Ching Lee of Egg Harbor Township at Car Toyz talks about what felt like a earthquake in Pleasantville Thursday, Jan 28, 2016. Gary Jeffries, 63 of Egg Harbor City talks about what felt like a earthquake in front of K Mart parking lot in Pleasantville Thursday, Jan 28, 2016. Ching Lee of Egg Harbor Township at Car Toyz talks about what felt like a earthquake in Pleasantville Thursday, Jan 28, 2016.", "What causes a sonic boom? Sonic booms happen when an object moves faster than sound. See the attached picture. The moisture is squeezed out of air near the time when the boom is launched which is why you see a Vapor cone around the jet. Like many things in physics a simple mental experiment tells you all you need to know.", "Ask Dr. Science In order for something to implode or explode because of a vacuum, there has to a difference in the pressure inside the object and outside of it. What we usually think of as “exploding in a vacuum” is usually in reference to a body or a space ship.", "Delta GK Study new Two additional sources of drag are wave drag and ram drag. As an aircraft approaches the speed of sound, shock waves are generated along the surface. The shock waves produce a change in static pressure and a loss of total pressure.", "What causes a sonic boom? Sonic boom is nothing but a sound produced when the sound barrier breaks. when an Aerodynamic body moving at a speed less than the speed of sound, it is said to be moving at subsonic speed .the wave front forms in such case appears like :" ]
[ 11.515625 ]
[ 7.8125, 6.99609375, 8.1953125, 7.91015625, 8.375, 8.0546875, 9.2265625, 7.71875, 8.265625, 9.265625, 6.68359375, 7.375, 8.4609375, 9.4375, 12.0546875, 11.109375, 11.8515625, 7.83984375, 10.3125, 10.1796875, 10.6328125, 10.796875, 7.73828125, 7.5078125, 10.390625, 10.1796875, 12.2890625, 7.8046875, 8.0859375, 11.171875 ]
what are the parts of a wheel
[ "- These are the common parts found on a traditional spinning wheel. The arrangement of these parts may vary from wheel to wheel. A. Fly Wheel - The wheel that rotates when treadling and causes the other various parts to operate. B. Drive Band - A cord that goes around the fly wheel and the flyer whorl. C. Flyer - A U-shaped piece of wood with hooks lined up on one or both arms. The hooks are used to store the yarn evenly on the bobbin.", "Wheel/Rim Parts - What is the difference between a wheel and a rim The main difference between wheel and rim is that rim is not the whole wheel but only a part of the wheel. Key parts of the wheel are rim and disc. The hub may be also considered as a part of the wheel. The hub is wheel base with studs on which the wheel is attached to the suspension. The rim is a cylindrical wheel outer edge holding the tire on the wheel. Main function of the rim is supporting and sealing the tire to the wheel." ]
[ "Train wheel A train wheel or rail wheel is a type of wheel specially designed for use on rail tracks. A rolling component is typically pressed onto an axle and mounted directly on a rail car or locomotive or indirectly on a bogie, also called a truck.", "Chapter 14 test review how are the lever and wheel and axle related to each other? a wheel and axle is like a lever where the fulcrum is located at the center of the 2 rotating cylinders A screw with greater thread spacing has...", "Wheel A wheel is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing. The wheel is one of the main components of the wheel and axle which is one of the six simple machines. Wheels, in conjunction with axles, allow heavy objects to be moved easily facilitating movement or transportation while supporting a load, or performing labor in machines.", "Wheelbarrow Making the wheel and tire. 1 8 The wheel may be made of steel or plastic. It is made using methods similar to those used to make other steel parts or the plastic tray. 2 9 The tire is usually made of natural or synthetic rubber. Natural rubber is made from latex, a substance secreted by rubber trees.", "Tire A tire (American English) or tyre (British English) is a ring-shaped vehicle component that covers the wheel's rim to protect it and enable better vehicle performance.he valve stem is a tube made of metal or rubber, through which the tire is inflated, with a check valve, typically a Schrader valve on automobiles and most bicycle tires, or a Presta valve on high-performance bicycles.", "- Axles and Wheels are extremely important to your car. They must work correctly with brakes and tires to ensure the safety of your vehicle. Axles connect to the wheels and they bear the weight of your entire vehicle. They also may help drive your vehicle, and in most cars are an integral part of the steering system. Most of us think of an axle as a bar between two wheels, or a straight axle, like you find on a train car or a little red wagon.", "Steering wheel A steering wheel (also called a driving wheel or a hand wheel) is a type of steering control in vehicles and vessels (ships and boats).Steering wheels are used in most modern land vehicles, including all mass-production automobiles, as well as buses, light and heavy trucks, and tractors.The steering wheel is the part of the steering system that is manipulated by the driver; the rest of the steering system responds to such driver inputs.harles Rolls introduced the first car in Britain fitted with a steering wheel when he imported a 6 hp Panhard from France in 1898. Arthur Constantin Krebs replaced the tiller with an inclined steering wheel for the Panhard car he designed for the 1898 Paris–Amsterdam–Paris race which ran 7–13 July 1898.", "BASIC COMPONENTS Basic steering components. 99% of the world's car steering systems are made up of the same three or four components. The steering wheel, which connects to the steering system, which connects to the track rod, which connects to the tie rods, which connect to the steering arms.", "- The cartwheel, as the name suggests, is a structure resem-. bling the hub and spokes of a wheel (the wheel being the. microtubule scaffold when viewed end-on (cross section of. the centriole; figure 2)).", "- 02 Volkswagen Jetta wheel bearings are an important part of the wheel assembly. Bearings are small steel balls held together by a metal band. They serve the very important purpose of helping the wheel to turn smoothly on the axle.", "- Glasses Parts: 1. Eye Wires – The front portion of the reading glasses where lenses are inserted and held in place. Also referred to as rims. 2. End Pieces – Small parts of the frame that extend outward from the lenses to connect the eye wires and the temples. 3. Bridge – The arched piece in the front, center of the frames that rests on the wearer’s nose and connects the eye wires. The bridge is designed to bear most of the glasses’ weight.", "Wheel and axle Wheel and axle. The wheel and axle is one of six simple machines identified by Renaissance scientists drawing from Greek texts on technology. The wheel and axle consists of a wheel attached to a smaller axle so that these two parts rotate together in which a force is transferred from one to the other.", "- Drive Train Parts: 1 Gears. 2 Bearings. 3 Friction Materials. 4 Transmissions. 5 Torque Converters. 6 Drive Shaft. 7 Differential. 8 Final Drive. 9 Brakes.", "Wheel and axle The wheel and axle can be viewed as a version of the lever, with a drive force applied tangentially to the perimeter of the wheel and a load force applied to the axle, respectively, that are balanced around the hinge which is the fulcrum.", "Wheel Anatomy 201: Beads and Flanges This prevents the tire from slipping off the wheel. Of course, the outer edge of the outboard flange is also part of the cosmetic face of the wheel. Beads. The beads of a wheel are the flat areas just inside of the flanges where the edges of the tire (which are also called the beads) seat onto the wheel. It is important that the beads be kept clean, as old rubber or corrosion on the beads can affect how the tires seal.", "Bicycle wheel The nipple is usually located at the rim end of the spoke but on some wheels is at the hub end to move its weight closer to the axis of the wheel, reducing the moment of inertia. Until recently there were only two types of nipples: brass and aluminum (often referred to as alloy).", "- A wheel bearing is a simple device made up of two main components, the bearing itself and the race. The bearing itself consists of a metal housing that is pressed over a row of ball bearings that circle the metal housing. These ball bearings in turn ride on the race, which is a very smooth metal surface.", "Troubleshooters.Com and Steve Litt's Guide to Transportational Bicycling Present 1 The brakepads and the clutch assembly. The clutch assemblyh is the part between the two brake pads. 2 The wheel hub (not shown, but there's a large space where it should be. The right bearing, which rides between the cup on the hub and the cone on the sprocket assembly.", "History of the Wheel The Beginning. Researchers agreed that 3500 BC is the year when the wheel was invented, which is more of a ballpark than an exact year. The place is Mesopotamia, the area now occupied by war-ravaged Iraq. The first wheel for transportation purposes is approximated to 3200 BC, its purpose being to move the Mesopotamian chariots.", "6 Kinds of Simple Machines Wheel & Axle: A wheel is a circular device that is attached to a rigid bar in its center. A force applied to the wheel causes the axle to rotate, which can be used to magnify the force (by, for example, having a rope wind around the axle).", "- Parts That Make Up the Disc Brakes System. Rotor: round disc that is able to turn as the wheel turns. Caliper: fits on the disc and includes hydraulic pistons that attach to the master cylinder. It may be a single piston floating caliper or a four piston fixed caliper.", "Rim (wheel) Rim (wheel) The rim is the outer edge of a wheel, holding the tire. It makes up the outer circular design of the wheel on which the inside edge of the tire is mounted on vehicles such as automobiles. For example, on a bicycle wheel the rim is a large hoop attached to the outer ends of the spokes of the wheel that holds the tire and tube.", "Bicycle wheel A bicycle wheel is a wheel, most commonly a wire wheel, designed for a bicycle. A pair is often called a wheelset, especially in the context of ready built off the shelf performance-oriented wheels. Bicycle wheels are typically designed to fit into the frame and fork via dropouts, and hold bicycle tires.", "Bicycle wheel A typical modern wheel has a metal hub, wire tension spokes and a metal or carbon fiber rim which holds a pneumatic rubber tire. Hub. A hub is the center part of a bicycle wheel. It consists of an axle, bearings and a hub shell. The hub shell typically has two machined metal flanges to which spokes can be attached.", "The science of bicycles How bicycle wheels work. Photo: Like a car wheel, a bicycle wheel is a speed multiplier. The pedals and gears turn the axle at the center. The axle turns only a short distance, but the leverage of the wheel means the outer rim turns much further in the same time. That's how a wheel helps you go faster.", "What are the parts of a lathe machine? Parts of lathe machine. BED. The bed of Lathe acts as the base on which the different fixed and operations parts of the Lathe are mounted. Lathe beds are usually made as single piece casting of semi-steel (i.e., toughened cast iron),", "- Wheel definition, a circular frame or disk arranged to revolve on an axis, as on or in vehicles or machinery. See more.", "wheel Definition of wheel for English Language Learners. : 1 one of the round parts underneath a car, wagon, etc., that rolls and allows something to move. : 2 a hard, round object that turns and causes machinery or a mechanical device to move. : 3 something that is round like a wheel or that turns like a wheel.", "What is a wheel and axle used for? What is a wheel and axle and how are they used? I dont know what an axle is but a wheel is a round shaped circle use for objects for instance like a car or train or a cart from walmart a tricycle . By jayona moore", "Bicycle wheel The first bicycle wheels followed the traditions of carriage building: a wooden hub, a fixed steel axle (the bearings were located in the fork ends), wooden spokes and a shrink fitted iron tire." ]
[ 11.3125, 11.859375 ]
[ 9.625, 8.609375, 10.8203125, 10.265625, 8.5625, 9.5, 9.1875, 9.4765625, 9.796875, 9.734375, 8.609375, 10.3359375, 8.953125, 10.1640625, 11.4296875, 11.1796875, 9.8125, 9.921875, 8.890625, 9.5, 10.1953125, 10.8671875, 9.9296875, 12.125, 10.1171875, 8.125, 9.4296875, 9.8203125, 8.5625, 11.140625 ]
what is alden estates of shorewood
[ "Alden Estates Of Shorewood in Shorewood, IL Alden Estates Of Shorewood in Shorewood, IL. Alden Estates Of Shorewood is a medium-sized nursing home facility in Shorewood, Illinois ( Will county ). They have 100 beds and 74 residents. Alden Estates Of Shorewood participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a For profit - Corporation ownership. They offer residential councils." ]
[ "Welcome to The Royalton, the Premiere Long Island Wedding Mansion at the Roslyn Country Club. Unveil the curtain to Long Island’s opulent past, and discover, at the heart of exclusive Roslyn Heights, The Royalton. This colonial mansion of the early 20th century stands on 10 acres of wooded arbor and English gardens restored to a magnificence matched only by the level of grandeur of each catered affair.", "- On 12/15/2017 a Civil Right - Other Civil Right case was filed by Ps Alden against County Of Sacramento in the jurisdiction of U.S. District Courts, California Eastern District. Case Details Case Number", "Mayfair Estates Mayfair Estates is a neighborhood in North Chesterfield, Virginia. The most common type of home in this community is single-family home, and the majority are ranch and two story style, and they were built between 1969 and 2005. Homes in Mayfair Estates are 2,600 square feet on average and typically have four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Homes in this neighborhood typically sit on half-acre lots. The most common types of parking in the community are other and driveway, and homes in Mayfair Estates typically have two spaces.", "Alden (village), New York From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Alden is a village in Erie County, New York, United States. The population was 2,605 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Buffalo–Niagara Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area. The village is centrally located within the town of Alden. Its principal street is Broadway (U.S. Route 20).", "Alden, Iowa Alden, Iowa. Alden is a city in Hardin County, Iowa, United States. The population was 787 at the 2010 census.", "SHOREWOOD HILLS Zip Code (WI) SHOREWOOD HILLS Zip Code (WI) . Shorewood Hills is a village of Dane, Wisconsin in the Great Lakes region of the USA. It is located about 4 miles west of WI's capital city of Madison. In the most recent US census the population of Shorewood Hills was 1565.", "- The name Alden is of English origin, and it means Half Danish . It's a name commonly given to boys.he name Alden is of English origin, and it means Half Danish . It's a name commonly given to boys.", "- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: A RARE OPPPORTUNITY...Get all 3 adjoining properties for 1 price. approx 2.35 Acres, road frontage on Cliffwood Ave. High Traffic area, Zoned MFG (permitted uses include on land and in buildings.", "Homewood Event Center About Homewood Event Center Post-Victorian Stone Manor for Asheville Weddings, Receptions and Celebrations of All Kinds Homewood, a special event and conference center in Asheville, North Carolina, is an ideal destination for rehearsal dinners, weddings and receptions, parties, reunions, meetings, conferences, seminars, and other special events. Homewood is a beautifully restored 1920's stone manor located in Asheville's post-Victorian historic district of Montford. The elegant castle features original hardwood floors, cherry walls, 20 foot ceilings, grand Appalachian stone fireplaces and alabaster sconces.", "- John S. Cunningham sold the Woodlawn estate on October 23, 1903, for $8300, to Charles Sohre of Good Thunder, Minnesota. The land was the same as he had purchased from Mrs. Snowden, 939.09 acres, less the one-fourth of an acre reserved for the Coleman family cemetery.", "- Alden Shoe Company - 1 Taunton Street, Middleborough, MA 02346 508-947-3926.", "- Hillwood Investment Properties is a full service commercial real estate developer, investor and advisor focusing on industrial real estate in North America and Europe. The company is also a capital provider to other development companies through a partnership and other venture arrangements.", "Marblehead, Ohio Condos and Lakefront Estates Find your new home away from home at the private coastal community of Marblehead Estates & Yacht Club. Located in coastal Marblehead, Ohio, Marblehead Estates is Lake Erie’s newest Condo and residential waterfront development. Our gated waterfront community features large waterfront lots and condos close to Toledo, Sandusky, Port Clinton, Catawba and Ohio's best family attraction, Cedar Point.", "Boxcar Children Series - Collection A favorite with children for over fifty years, experience the excitement with the four orphaned Alden children as they roam the countryside finding new mysteries to solve.", "- On 12/15/2017 a Civil Right - Other Civil Right case was filed by Ps Alden against County Of Sacramento in the jurisdiction of U.S. District Courts, Californi Home Pricing About Blog Contact Us Login Logout", "Estate, Inheritance and Income Taxes in Florida But, in any event, Florida has no income tax on inheritances or estates. If you have questions about estate planning in The Villages Florida, please contact my office. If you have a need for a probate in The Villages, including Summerfield, Lady Lake, Wildwood, Fruitland Park and Oxford, please call my office.", "- I interviewed at Alden Estates of Shorewood (Shorewood, IL) in August 2012. Interview. Very easy, basic job interview question.Interview questions from the managers who hire. Interview question for common interview questions, job skills and abilities, interview situations, and career fields.", "- The owners are Anthony and Carolyn Panarelli. The Panarelli family has been involved in a number of eateries in the Worcester area over the years. The family owned The Italian Kitchen on Shrewsbury Street and Carmela’s in East Brookfield, and a cousin owns the Lakeside in Shrewsbury.Now that is true roots.he Panarelli family has been involved in a number of eateries in the Worcester area over the years. The family owned The Italian Kitchen on Shrewsbury Street and Carmela’s in East Brookfield, and a cousin owns the Lakeside in Shrewsbury. Now that is true roots.", "Brooklyn Heights Brooklyn Heights is an affluent residential neighborhood within the New York City borough of Brooklyn. Originally referred to as Brooklyn Village, it has been a prominent area of Brooklyn since 1834. The neighborhood is noted for its low-rise architecture and its many brownstone rowhouses, most of them built prior to the Civil War.", "ALDEN ESTATES OF SHOREWOOD Description of ALDEN ESTATES OF SHOREWOOD in SHOREWOOD, IL. Number of Beds : 100. Alden Estates of Shorewood offers rehab services and amenities for seniors. When rehab services are necessary, Alden Estates of Shorewood offers warm, compassionate care in a secure environment. Alden Estates of Shorewood provides a low-maintenance lifestyle and the assistance seniors need to enjoy retirement.", "Hoffman Estates Hoffman Estates turned into a major subdivision with Centex Corporation mass-producing houses on adjacent lots, rather than custom-building them on scattered lots. Some of the lots west of Roselle Road had been built on soft earth, marsh, and peat bogs; by the late 1960s, a few foundations had begun to crumble.", "- 23524 WHITEHEART HICKORY LN is a house in Aldie, VA 20105. This property last sold for $794,182. Based on Redfin's Aldie data, we estimate the home's value is now $819,109, which is 3.1% more than when it was last sold. Comparable nearby homes include 23813 Weathervane Pl, 41840 Bloomfield Path St, and 40631 Blue Beech Ln.", "Erie County Home in Alden, NY. A Skilled Nursing Facility for Your Needs TELEPHONE: 877-311-6230. DESCRIPTION: Erie County Home is a skilled nursing community located in Alden, NY. Skilled nursing communities are also known as rehab facilities or nursing homes. This is a senior liviing residence for people with long term care needs or full time nursing or rehabilitation services.", "- Cinco Ranch consists of the following collections. Cinco Ranch-Ironwood Estates New Luxury Homes For Sale in Katy, TX | Cinco Ranch-Ironwood Estates Ironwood Estates is an intimate gated neighborhood within the master planned community of Cinco Ranch, within walking distance...", "- Notice is hereby given by the undersigned Collector of Taxes for the Village of Alden, NY, that the annual Tax Roll and Warrant has been received for the collection of taxes for the year 2016-2017. After July 1 2016, 7.5% penalty will be added for the first month, and 1.5% added for each additional month thereafter.", "- 4 Estate Rd is a house in Semora, NC 27343. This 3,132 square foot house sits on a 1.41 acre lot and features 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This house has been listed on Redfin since March 03, 2017 and is currently priced at $849,900. This property was built in 2017.", "Welcome to Aldan Borough, Your Community of Homes website Welcome, Aldan PA, established in 1893, is a town of some 4300 people, with an area of 0.6 sq. miles. It is located 6 miles west of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Borough known as the “Community of Homes’ is 97 % residential, and 3% businesses. Aldan has the Trolley Stop Museum, Veterans Park and Memorial.", "- Aldie Estates offers a distinctive collection of new executive and estate homes on spacious homesites with incredible included features and abundant personalization options. Residents of this exclusive Aldie community will appreciate easy access to popular schools, shopping, dining and walking trails and close proximity to US Route 50.", "- Looking for the serenity of living in the country while being only minutes from town? You have found it in this spectacular Tudor style home nestled on 5 acres, located in Deerwood Estates! This home has been totally remodeled and finished to perfection w/ no detail left out and is sure to impress you.", "Alderwood The Alderwood Collection is a fresh and new perspective on a classic traditional style. Oak veneers and hardwood solids are finished in a rich medium wood tone. Top drawers incased in beautifully mitered borders, sit proud for extra shape and flair. The handsome bed features a sleigh headboard with upholstered panel with nail head trim." ]
[ 13.7734375 ]
[ 7.109375, 7.7734375, 7.07421875, 10.453125, 9.796875, 8.8984375, 8.078125, 8.625, 7.06640625, 7.96875, 8.75, 8.25, 7.42578125, 9.53125, 8.203125, 7.37890625, 12.09375, 6.82421875, 7, 13.1171875, 7.28515625, 7.39453125, 9.015625, 7.57421875, 8.640625, 7.78515625, 7.73828125, 9.3046875, 8.234375, 9.5859375 ]
how much do brakes cost
[ "Brakes Cost CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304." ]
[ "What is the cost of replacing brake pads rotors and calipers? Don't know about calipers-have never needed to replace those. If you are replacing, yourself, the parts (pads and rotors) will cost anywhere from $120 up for front p … ads and rotors (pads $20 up for a full set, rotors $45 up each).If you check the web, there are some sites where you can order an entire set (pads and rotors) for around $90. set of front pads should be around $80 and a rotor is about $60. Total parts around $200. Labour shouldn't be more than 1 to 1.5 hour at a good shop.", "- , Taking the mystery out of auto repair at RepairPal.com. 1 On average, the cost for a Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement is between $395 and $607. Labor costs are estimated between $149 and $189 while parts are priced between $246 and $418. (Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement Cost - RepairPal Estimate)", "- 1 On average though, a basic set of ceramic brake pads is going to run between $35-50, where a high end set can run upwards of $200. 2 This will not include installation. 3 When installation is factored in, plan on spending $200 to $400 including parts. On average though, a basic set of ceramic brake pads is going to run between $35-50, where a high end set can run upwards of $200. 2 This will not include installation. 3 When installation is factored in, plan on spending $200 to $400 including parts.", "How much does it cost for new brakes? If it is the simple replacement of worn pads or shoes, it can cost around $120 per axle, at most specialty shops. You can often find deals advertised on television and advertising circulars. Repair or replacement of rotors or drums can add much more to that.", "How Much Does it Cost to Replace Brake Pads? An average cost when replacing brakes can range anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on quality and availability. The cost of brake pads being installed on your car is based on labor rates at most repair facilities. On average, a brake pad replacement will take an hour or more per side.Flat rate labor is commonly applied to labor charges for new brake pads.This means the repair for brake pads is pre-calculated in a repair manual and applied to the bill. If the book says it will take 2.5 hours to install the pads on your vehicle, you will be charged 2.5 hours times the hourly labor rate.he cost of brake pads being installed on your car is based on labor rates at most repair facilities. On average, a brake pad replacement will take an hour or more per side.", "How Much Should Replacement Brakes Cost? If the replacement brake pads are in the front you can find out prices by checking an online auto parts website or your local auto spares dealer. If you wish to replace the discs on the front an average price for a set of brake pads is approximately $60.00 - $111.00 but depending on the make and model of your car it could cost a lot more than that. Brake Discs and Calipers", "Brakes Cost CostHelper readers who bought the needed replacement parts and then paid a mobile mechanic or one at a local shop or gas station to install them report total costs of $80-$430, for an average of $251.", "- The average cost for a brake pad and rotor replacement is between $297 to $406. Labor costs are estimated between $152 to $193 while parts are priced between $145 to $213.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car.Estimate does not include taxes and fees.rake rotors should be measured at every brake pad replacement. If found to be at or below the manufacturer's minimum thickness specification, they will require replacement. These measurements should always be noted on your repair order. We recommend braking gently for the first 40 to 50 miles of driving on new pads.", "- The average cost for a brake pad(s) replacement is between $179 to $264. Labor costs are estimated between $97 to $123 while parts are priced between $82 to $141.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car.Estimate does not include taxes and fees.he average cost for a brake pad(s) replacement is between $179 to $264. Labor costs are estimated between $97 to $123 while parts are priced between $82 to $141.", "How much do new brakes cost? Parts cost, including pads, rotors, brake fluid, some tubing to bleed the brakes would probably run you $140-$180. If you provide more info on your make, model, and year I'll be happy to provide more detail.", "What is the average cost to replace brakes and rotors? There are a few other pieces of hardware that are found in the brake system which might need to be serviced as well, including calipers and rotors, but the most common service will be to replace brake pads. And the average cost for a Brake Rotor Replacement is between $406 and $559. Labor costs are estimated between $158 and $200 while parts are priced between $248 and $359. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.", "Brakes Cost 1 CostHelper readers report paying $23-$285 for an average of $104 for materials for brakes on one axle, and $135-$439 for all parts for both front and back brakes, for an average of $304. Edmunds provides do-it-yourself instructions for replacing brake pads, calling it an easier-than-expected DIY project that requires standard tools and takes about an hour, for a savings of about $250 in labor costs on most cars.", "- Parts: $82 - $141. The average cost for a brake pad(s) replacement is between $179 to $264. Labor costs are estimated between $97 to $123 while parts are priced between $82 to $141. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car.", "- The average cost for a brake caliper replacement-front is between $199 to $350. Labor costs are estimated between $128 to $163 while parts are priced between $71 to $187. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.", "- It'll cost around $100 for brake pads and another $100 for labor. Dealerships usually charge more, as well. So it probably isn't unreasonable to pay that much for front pads at a dealership.If you need new rotors, that sounds reasonable.t'll cost around $100 for brake pads and another $100 for labor. Dealerships usually charge more, as well. So it probably isn't unreasonable to pay that much for front pads at a dealership.", "- On average, the cost for a Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement is between $395 and $607. Labor costs are estimated between $149 and $189 while parts are priced between $246 and $418. (Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement Cost - RepairPal Estimate)", "How Much Does it Cost to Replace Brake Pads? This depends on the type of vehicle you drive. A common domestic car will feature cheaper replacement parts than an imported sports vehicle. Supply and demand keeps prices down. An average cost when replacing brakes can range anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on quality and availability.The cost of brake pads being installed on your car is based on labor rates at most repair facilities. On average, a brake pad replacement will take an hour or more per side.his depends on the type of vehicle you drive. A common domestic car will feature cheaper replacement parts than an imported sports vehicle. Supply and demand keeps prices down. An average cost when replacing brakes can range anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on quality and availability.", "- Parts: $75 - $196. The average cost for a brake caliper replacement-rear is between $209 to $366. Labor costs are estimated between $134 to $170 while parts are priced between $75 to $196.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.arts: $75 - $196. The average cost for a brake caliper replacement-rear is between $209 to $366. Labor costs are estimated between $134 to $170 while parts are priced between $75 to $196.", "- enough said.... brake pads parts depending on your car can be $30-80. installation should not be more than about $100. if they are not vibrating-tell them NOT to machine the rotors. they will charge you for rotor machine whether they do it or don't.", "What is the cost of replacing brake pads rotors and calipers? If you are replacing, yourself, the parts (pads and rotors) will cost anywhere from $120 up for front p … ads and rotors (pads $20 up for a full set, rotors $45 up each). If you check the web, there are some sites where you can order an entire set (pads and rotors) for around $90.t will cost approximately $60, per wheel, to replace your brake pads and rotors. Mechanic shops that specialize in brake replacement are usually the cheapest. The automob … ile dealership is usually the most.", "Brake Job Cost I’m often asked how much a brake job should cost. The answer depends on where you get it done. If you go to a muffler-type chain repair shop that advertises $99 brake jobs, I guarantee you that the brake job will wind up costing you over $600.That’s because NOBODY can make money by charging only $99 for a brake job.t’s 2013 and the going rate for an average brake job is around $275. That price includes installing a quality brake pad, machining the rotors (if needed), and lubricating the caliper slide pins with a high temperature grease. That’s the simple answer.", "When Should I Replace the Brake Pads on My Car? He says new pads and a rotor resurfacing can generally run between $300 to $350, which includes parts and labor. Costs can climb to $400 to $800 to replace pads on luxury vehicles. Angie’s List members nationwide recently reported paying between $250 and $375 to replace all brake pads, with an average price of $324.", "- The average cost for a brake pad and rotor replacement is between $297 to $406. Labor costs are estimated between $152 to $193 while parts are priced between $145 to $213. Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car. Estimate does not include taxes and fees.", "How much does it cost to repair brake pads? Brake lines in a vehicle can cost between $50 and $200+ to repair. It all depends on where the parts are bought, and who is making the repairs.", "How much does brake pads cost? Confidence votes 29. Not much if you know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, take it to Pep Boys or something and you can usually get it done for forty or fifty dollars Front brake pads replacement cost usually cost between $20 and $35, depending on quality and the vehicle. would say that a set of pads could cost as little or less than twenty dollars and as much as a hundred depending on the vehicle. The way to easily find out is to call your l … ocal auto parts store and give them the make model and year of the vehicle and they can answer your question in less than a minute.", "Help with Calculating Average Brake Repair Cost Help with Calculating Average Brake Repair Cost. Brake repair cost can vary from less than $100 to more than $700. It just depends on what is wrong with your brakes. Brake repairs should always be done by mechanical experts, so with this comes their time and labor, which is an added cost.", "- The average cost for a brake pad(s) replacement is between $179 to $264. Labor costs are estimated between $97 to $123 while parts are priced between $82 to $141.Get a personalized estimate based on your location and specific car.Estimate does not include taxes and fees.he brake rotors should be inspected when the pads are replaced, and depending on their condition, they may need resurfacing or replacement. We recommend braking gently for the first 40 to 50 miles of driving on new pads. This will allow them to adjust to the rotors and help prevent squeaking.", "- Front brake pad $190.61 + Labor $80 Front brake rotors $226.64 + Labor $45 Rear brake pad $130.07 + Labor $80 Read brake rotors $228.46 + Labor $45 Air & cabin filter $87.21 + Labor $39 Brake flush $18.50 + Labor $62.40 So the total comes out to $1319.34.", "How Much Should Replacement Brakes Cost? Again, the same rules apply here. Rear discs and calipers can range from anything around $60.00 - $1000.00 and more. It is suggested that you find a good online catalog for your auto part needs. Alternatively, local suppliers can always offer good deals and some may be having a discount sale or two for one offer.", "- On average, the cost for a Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement is between $395 and $607. Labor costs are estimated between $149 and $189 while parts are priced between $246 and $418. (Brake Pad and Rotor Replacement Cost - RepairPal Estimate)" ]
[ 12.46875 ]
[ 9.8125, 11.953125, 11.8046875, 11.390625, 10.6953125, 11.375, 11.2578125, 10.6953125, 11.2421875, 12.0625, 11.5, 12.171875, 11.984375, 11.203125, 10.109375, 11.6015625, 10.9609375, 10.359375, 11.3125, 9.953125, 10.53125, 11.375, 11.96875, 12.4375, 10.9375, 12.3828125, 10.828125, 10.953125, 11.203125, 11.7734375 ]
commonwealth realm definition
[ "- Elizabeth II is the reigning sovereign of each of the 16 Commonwealth realms. A Commonwealth realm is a sovereign state that is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and shares the same person, currently Elizabeth II, as its head of state and reigning constitutional monarch, but retains a crown legally distinct from the other realms." ]
[ "Commonwealth of Nations The Commonwealth of Nations, or the Commonwealth (formerly the British Commonwealth), is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that were mostly territories of the former British Empire.", "Realm kingdom - a domain in which something is dominant; the untroubled kingdom of reason; a land of make-believe; the rise of the realm of cotton in the south", "Commonwealth (U.S. state) Commonwealth is a designation used by four of the 50 states of the United States in their full official state names: the Commonwealth of Kentucky, (Kentucky was originally part of the land grant of the Colony of Virginia), Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.", "Current Women Leaders Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces and Head of the Evangelian-Lutheran Church. The Rigsf lleskab-or Commonwealth of the Realm-includes the external territories of The Faeroe Islands and Greenland. Married to Count Henri de Laborde de Monpezat, Prince Henrik. Margrethe II is the mother of two sons.", "- There are four commonwealths in the United States: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia. —The Editors. 1 Calculator. 2 Spelling Checker. 3 Place Finder. 4 Distance Calculator.5 Periodic Table.here are four commonwealths in the United States: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia. —The Editors. 1 Calculator. 2 Spelling Checker. 3 Place Finder. 4 Distance Calculator. 5 Periodic Table.", "Commonwealth The term literally meant common well-being. In the 17th century the definition of commonwealth expanded from its original sense of public welfare or commonweal to mean a state in which the supreme power is vested in the people; a republic or democratic state.ommonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good.", "United Kingdom United Kingdom. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, simply called the United Kingdom or UK, is a sovereign state inNorthern Europe. It is a constitutional monarchy that is made up of four separate countries. It is a member of the European Union, United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO and the G8.", "- Commonwealth Coat of Arms The Commonwealth Coat of Arms symbolises the ownership and authority of the Australian Government. It was granted in a Royal Warrant in 1912.About the Commonwealth Coat of Arms The Commonwealth Coat of Arms is an emblem signifying the national unity of Australia.Symbols of Australia’s six states appear together on the shield, which is the central feature of a coat of arms.ommonwealth Coat of Arms The Commonwealth Coat of Arms symbolises the ownership and authority of the Australian Government. It was granted in a Royal Warrant in 1912.", "Grenada Saint Lucia is a British Commonwealth country that is an island in the Caribbean, off the coast of Central America. It lies between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago.", "Commonwealth of Nations The Commonwealth operates by intergovernmental consensus of the member states, organised through the Commonwealth Secretariat, and non-governmental organisations, organised through the Commonwealth Foundation.", "Definitions &Translations A reign is the period of a person's or dynasty's occupation of the office of monarch of a nation or of a people or of a spiritual community. In most hereditary monarchies and some elective monarchies there have been no limits on the duration of a sovereign's reign or incumbency, nor is there a term of office.", "- But it is still a member of the British Commonwealth, also called the Commonwealth of Nations, which is made up of the United Kingdom and several countries that used to be part of the British Empire. Membership is voluntary, and its members share trade, investment, and social interests.", "- A constitutional monarchy, limited monarchy or parliamentary monarchy (also called a crowned republic) is a form of government in which governing powers of the monarch are restricted by a constitution. constitutional monarchy, limited monarchy or parliamentary monarchy (also called a crowned republic) is a form of government in which governing powers of the monarch are restricted by a constitution.", "Commonwealth of Nations Commonwealth of Nations. An association comprising the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states, including Canada, Australia, India, and many West Indian and African countries.ommonwealth of Nations-an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and several former British colonies that are now sovereign states but still pay allegiance to the British Crown.", "Commonwealths of the United States (Twilight of a New Era) Commonwealths of the United States (Twilight of a New Era) The Commonwealths are self-governing and unincorporated territories of the United States. They are administered directly by the federal government of the United States and they are not part of any US state. This relationship can be compared to the one of a protectorate. Territories gained by US after the conclusion of the Spanish-American War (1899). This includes the Philippines and Puerto Rico.", "- A commonwealth company is a Corporations Act company that the Commonwealth (the legal entity of Australia) controls. For more information, see the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997, Section 34 (CAC Act). Chart of 87 bodies operating under the CAC Act (pg 2).", "What is The Commonwealth? What is the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth, or The Commonwealth of Nations, is a group of 53 states, all of which (except for two) were formerly part of the British Empire. As nations began the process of succeeding from the British Empire in the early part of the 1900s, it was created, largely, to ease the process of British decolonization.", "What is the Difference Between a Commonwealth and a State? When Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, and Massachusetts became part of the United States, they merely took the old form of state in their title. Today, commonwealth also means a political unit having local autonomy but voluntarily united with the U.S. These are Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands.", "realm 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a royal domain; kingdom (now chiefly in such phrases as Peer of the Realm) 2. a field of interest, study, etc: the realm of the occult. [C13: from Old French reialme, from Latin regimen rule, influenced by Old French reial royal, from Latin rēgālis regal1]", "Commonwealth of Nations Under the formula of the London Declaration, Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of the Commonwealth, a title that is by law a part of Elizabeth's royal titles in each of the Commonwealth realms, the 16 members of the Commonwealth that recognise the Queen as their monarch.", "Statute of Westminster 1931 The Statute of Westminster's relevance today is that it sets the basis for the continuing relationship between the Commonwealth realms and the Crown.he text of the British act states that Canada requested and consented (the only Dominion to formally do both) to the act applying in Canada under the Statute of Westminster, while Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa simply assented.", "- 1 (in Kentucky) Kentucky, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, often referring to its government. ( in Massachusetts) Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, often referring to its government.", "- But it is still a member of the British Commonwealth, also called the Commonwealth of Nations, which is made up of the United Kingdom and several countries that used to be part of the British Empire.", "- Australia Government type. Factbook Countries Australia Government. Government type: federal parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm. Definition: This entry gives the basic form of government. Definitions of the major governmental terms are as follows.actbook Countries Australia Government. Government type: federal parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm. Definition: This entry gives the basic form of government. Definitions of the major governmental terms are as follows.", "- LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a commonwealth is an independent country, community or state within a republic, including some states of the U.S. Pennsylvania is an example of a commonwealth.INK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a commonwealth is an independent country, community or state within a republic, including some states of the U.S. Pennsylvania is an example of a commonwealth.", "- Constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy (also known as a parliamentary monarchy) is a form of monarchy in which the sovereign exercises their authorities in accordance with a written or unwritten constitution.", "Protectorate Protectorate: Protectorate,, the English government from 1653 to 1659. After the execution of King Charles I, England was declared a commonwealth (1649) under the rule of Parliament. But, after Oliver Cromwell had dissolved the Rump and Barebones parliaments in succession in 1653, he was installed on Dec. 16,", "- The British Empire is another word for the commonwealth, which today is a group of nations that have colonised with Great Britain for one reason or another. Some reasons w … ere for alliances, others for resources and help from Britain.Other countries had no choice and were annexed by Britain.xists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. An Empire is a nation led by a King or Emperor that has other countries under it's control. The British Empire controlled India and Singapore.", "Dominion The phrase His/Her Majesty's dominions is a legal and constitutional phrase that refers to all the realms and territories of the Sovereign, whether independent or not. Thus, for example, the British Ireland Act, 1949, recognised that the Republic of Ireland had ceased to be part of His Majesty's dominions.", "- Realm is also frequently used to refer to territories that are under a monarch, yet are not a physical part of his or her kingdom (e.g. the Realm of Sweden, or to Holstein, which until the Second War of Schleswig was an important part of the Danish King's realm stretching to the border of Hamburg, although not a part of the Danish Kingdom)." ]
[ 13.421875 ]
[ 11.4296875, 9.03125, 10.1015625, 10.2265625, 8.96875, 10.3671875, 8.734375, 7.47265625, 8.3671875, 10.3203125, 8.859375, 9.8203125, 8.7734375, 9.9609375, 8.5703125, 9.625, 10.8828125, 9.921875, 10.1015625, 11.296875, 9.5546875, 9.453125, 9.6484375, 10.328125, 10.7265625, 8.71875, 7.87109375, 8.359375, 9.40625, 10.484375 ]
how old is ray
[ "40-year-old Ray Allen reportedly considering comeback to join Warriors 40-year-old Ray Allen reportedly considering comeback to join Warriors. Updated 9:22 am, Wednesday, July 6, 2016. In an apparent attempt to turn the Warriors into three-point shooting equivalent of the 1927 Yankees, 40-year-old Ray Allen has reportedly expressed interest in bringing his legendary jump shot to the Golden State Warriors." ]
[ "- Half the population of Raymond commutes 23 minutes or less to work, with 40% of residents holding white collar jobs and 60% residents holding blue collar jobs. The median age of homes in Raymond, IL is 42 years, with 71% of those homes owned, 22% rented, and 7% not occupied. In the previous year, 13 Raymond properties were sold. The median sale price of a home in Raymond in the previous year was $79,238.", "Showing his softer side: Ray Liotta treats teenage daughter Karsen to breakfast and a shopping trip The 59-year-old was spotted on Sunday enjoying breakfast with his daughter in Pacific Palisades, California, before checking out nearby vendors where he purchased her a pricey bonsai tree. Treating his little princess: Ray Liotta was seen shopping with his daughter Karsen in Pacific Palisades on Sunday. Ray looked laid-back for the outing in a V-neck black T-shirt, which he wore underneath a grey zip-up sweatshirt. He also sported a pair of black trousers, and at times hid his eyes behind a pair of wayfarer-style black sunglasses.", "Ray Written by. Ray Charles became blind at age 9, two years after witnessing the drowning death of his little brother. In a memory that haunted his life, he stood nailed to the spot while the little boy drowned absurdly in a bath basin.", "- Alodia Gosiengfiao is 29 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 10607 days or (even more geeky) 254568 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "- He was born on Feburary 28, 1969. That would make him 41 years old, 42 as of feb. 28 of 2011. 41. He was born on Feburary 28, 1969.<br />That would make him <i><b>41 years old, 42 as of feb. 28 of 2011.</b></i>.", "Billboard's 21 Under 21 2015: Music's Hottest Young Stars Birth Dates: Michael Clifford: November 20, 1995 (Age: 19); Luke Hemmings: July 16, 1996 (Age: 19); Calum Hood: January 25, 1996 (Age: 19); Ashton Irwin: July 7, 1994 (Age: 21) Last Year's Rank: No. 2. Why They're Hot: Anyone who still thinks 5 Seconds of Summer is a passing fad hasn't been paying attention in 2015.", "- Kemp was last seen getting into a black Firebird at a gas station outside of Las Vegas in June of 1999. Kemp is 6'3, 210 pounds, has brown eyes, blond hair, and would today be 41 years old. Extra Notes: This case first aired on the July 2, 2002 episode of Unsolved Mysteries. This case is not to be confused with the Missing Persons case of Donald Kemp in Montana.", "Who is Grant Aleksander? Biography, gossip, facts? Grant Aleksander is 57 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 20829 days or (even more geeky) 499896 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "- Ken Blanchard is 76 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 27769 days or (even more geeky) 666456 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "Everybody Loves Raymond's Ray Romano is seen for the first time since co-star Sawyer Sweeten's tragic suicide as he attends fundraiser When news of the suicide broke, actor and comedian, Ray Romano, 57, who worked with Sawyer for nine years starting from when he was just a 16-month-old baby, said he was 'terribly saddened, by the news'. He added: 'He was a wonderful and sweet kid to be around. Just a great energy whenever he was there.", "Mark McGrath Is Alive and Well: Sugar Ray Singer Apologizes After Death Hoax Imeh Akpanudosen/Getty Images for Hollywood Christmas Parade. Let's all breathe a sigh of relief: Mark McGrath is alive and well. The 46-year-old Sugar Ray frontman became the latest celeb to fall victim to a death hoax today after a press release was sent to various media outlets, claiming the Don't Forget the Lyrics host had passed.", "- Pat McAfee is 29 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 10603 days or (even more geeky) 254472 hours.", "- Dirk Kempthorne is 65 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 23755 days or (even more geeky) 570120 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "Penny Hofstadter Trivia. 1 Penny was 21 years old at the beginning of the show, which means she is the youngest of the gang. Penny is a Sagittarius, meaning she was born between November 22 and December 21. 2 Penny has been seen naked by three of the boys, Leonard, Sheldon and Raj, so far in the series.", "Ray Ray Ray Ray. {{MB_Infobox |name=Ray Ray |image= |caption= |age=20 |occupation=Rapper, Dancer |hair=Dark Brown |eye=Dark Brown |birthday=January 6, 1996 |relationship=In a relationship with Jahmia Jackson Rayan Lopez aka Ray Ray or Ray (by Prodigy, Roc Royal, Princeton and some fans) was born in January 6, 1996.", "Jamie Foxxâs Daughter Isnât Happy About Him Dating Women In Their 20s Jamie Foxx’s Daughter Isn’t Happy About Him Dating Women In Their 20s. Good black don’t crack and Jamie Foxx is proof of that. He is aging well; however, the truth of the matter is that dude is damn near 50—47 to be exact. So it’s not surprising that his now 21-year-old daughter Corrine Bishop felt the need to check her daddy for robbing the cradle. Apparently, the actor was still trying to date women in their 20s, but Ms. Corrine was not having it.", "- Wendel Clark is 50 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 18254 days or (even more geeky) 438096 hours.", "How old is Charlie Ray? How old is Charlie on Good Luck Charlie? Charlie (the character) was about 1 1/2 in the first episode (April 4, 2010) and 5 in the final season (ended February 16, 2014). The child actress was about that age.", "Who is Brian Weiss? Biography, gossip, facts? Brian Hyland is 73 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 26663 days or (even more geeky) 639912 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "- Ray is the sexiest country man in the world. He is a real-life hero who loves his family. If he falls in love with you, you have his heart for life. Ray is always the first one there when a friend is in need. He never tires giving himself to others. It never gets boring in the bedroom with ray, and it never could. So if you have a Ray in your life- keep him.", "- Steven Chu is 69 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 25213 days or (even more geeky) 605112 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "Bo Derek Says 'Aging Is Really Hard' At age 23, Bo Derek was cast as a perfect 10, starring opposite Dudley Moore, in the movie 10.. Now 58, the blonde beauty is aging gracefully, but confesses it isn't easy. I realize how artificial it is, beauty, I realize that it doesn't last forever, that's for damn sure, Derek told CBS News Sunday Morning on Sunday.", "Ray Charles' children battle over his legacy Four are especially involved in controversies over the estate: Robert, 46; Ray Charles Jr., 52, whose mother, Della Robinson, was married to Charles from 1955 to 1977; Raenee Robinson, 46, who is currently fighting a lawsuit filed by Adams over her right to market items bearing her father's image; and Corey, 20.", "What is oldest to youngest in Mindless Behavior? Prodigy-December 26, 1996. Ray Ray-January 6, 1997. Princeton-April 21, 1997. Roc Royal-July 23, 1997. People tend to assume that Ray is the oldest and Prodigy is the youngest because they assume that all four were born in 1997. But Prodigy is in 9th grade and he didn't skip a grade.", "- Harrison Ford is 74 years old (birthdate: July 13, 1942).", "- Ross Cameron is 52 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 18993 days or (even more geeky) 455832 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenoblade 2 SPOILERS Rex was only 10 years old (self.Xenoblade_Chronicles) submitted 1 month ago by Ritster21 So, based on an interview, we know Rex is officially 15 years old. Rex mentioned multiple times that he left his hometown 5 years ago to start...", "- James Worthy is 56 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 20446 days or (even more geeky) 490704 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "- Big Sean is 29 years old. To be more precise, the current age as of right now is 10749 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 28 seconds.", "Even he can't fix this! Katie Holmes reveals she will not be returning to Ray Donovan due to commitment clash But Katie Holmes has revealed that her stint of Ray Donovan is already over. Despite many fans, and even critics, believing the 37-year-old would be back for a fourth season, the star told Live With Kelly & Michael on Monday that this was not to be the case. Scroll down for video. That's a wrap: Katie Holmes revealed on Monday that her stint of Ray Donovan is already over." ]
[ 13.296875 ]
[ 10.09375, 12.3203125, 11.7890625, 8.0625, 10.8828125, 8.28125, 8.609375, 8.0390625, 8.1328125, 12.296875, 11.9609375, 8.2890625, 8.015625, 9.2421875, 12.1328125, 8.328125, 8.4375, 10.78125, 8.1328125, 9.71875, 8.1484375, 8.0078125, 11.6171875, 11.5234375, 9.3671875, 8.171875, 8.140625, 8.5703125, 8.6796875, 10.984375 ]
what hormones to check for amenorrhea
[ "Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Hormonal Studies. These blood tests measure the levels of following hormones: FSH, LH, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and prolactin. Low levels of FSH and LH may indicate hypothalamic amenorrhea. High levels of prolactin may suggest a tumor on the pituitary gland, which can lead to amenorrhea." ]
[ "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Hormone Imbalance Hives Can a woman be tested for a hormone imbalance... I seem to still get acne I am tried, achy, irritable and other things.. Dr. Doyle Huey Dr. Huey. 3 doctors agreed: Hormones, acne: Yes, a woman can be tested for hormone imbalance through blood, saliva or urine. I use a combination of these to fully evaluate these problems. ...Read more.", "Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Test: What It Is and Why Itâs Important Luteinizing hormone (LH) is an important hormone both men and women produce. This hormone is known as a gonadotropin, and it affects the sex organs in both men and women. For women, it affects ovaries, and in men, it affects the testes. LH plays a role in puberty, menstruation, and fertility.", "- 1 Sex hormones. 2 Let’s not forget estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, also known as the minor hormones. 3 Adequate levels of estrogen seem to help in hunger regulation, simulating the soothing “full” or satiety effect of serotonin.", "- During the menopause, the drop in oestrogen and progesterone production leads to an increase in FSH and LH. One of the most common tests used to diagnose the menopause checks for levels of these two hormones in the blood. The menopause is the time when a woman’s monthly periods stop permanently. The menopause is recognised when a woman has not had a monthly period for 12 months, as long as there is no other reason. The average age in the UK for the menopause is 51, and for most women it happens between the ages of 45 and 55 years old.", "Your Health in Postmenopause A woman is considered to be postmenopausal when she has not had her period for an entire year. Having your doctor measure your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level is another way to help confirm if you are postmenopausal. FSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain).", "- Continual assessment of hormone levels is necessary for women seeking to maintain a healthy hormonal balance. This comprehensive hormone panel is designed by Life Extension® for women looking to monitor their hormone status.An 8 to 12 hour fast is required for this blood test.However, drink plenty of water and take your medications as prescribed.Special Note: If you are supplementing with any hormones, it is important to take them approximately 2 hours prior to having your blood drawn.n 8 to 12 hour fast is required for this blood test. However, drink plenty of water and take your medications as prescribed. Special Note: If you are supplementing with any hormones, it is important to take them approximately 2 hours prior to having your blood drawn.", "Menopause and Perimenopause - Exams and Tests 1 A follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) test can be used to confirm whether you have reached menopause. 2 FSH levels increase during perimenopause and are high after menopause. 3 An estrogen test is sometimes done to see how low estrogen has dropped after menopause.", "- I have had 3 different blood tests for my hormone levels in the last two years, here are the results... 9-26-06. FSH--------5.7. Cortisol---------9.0. LH-----------------9.3. DHEA---------------123. Prolactin--------------4.7. Estradiol-----------------87.", "Prolactin Levels & Prolactin Testing If you are a woman, you might also have your prolactin levels checked if you have stopped having your period or have any abnormal nipple discharge. You can have your prolactin levels checked at any point in your menstrual cycle. Prolactin levels vary throughout the day, however.", "Comprehensive Melatonin Profile 1 This type of hormone testing allows for evaluation of melatonin activity of a complete light-dark cycle. 2 Measures salivary levels which correlate well with serum testing. 3 This hormone test offers a safe, economical, and non-invasive way of assessing pineal function and melatonin secretion patterns.", "Luteinizing Hormone [en Español] A luteinizing hormone test measures the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a sample of blood or urine. LH is produced by the pituitary gland. 1 In women, LH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production (ovulation).2 The level of LH in a woman's body varies with the phase of the menstrual cycle. 3 It increases rapidly just before ovulation occurs, about midway through the cycle (day 14 of a 28-day cycle).H is produced by the pituitary gland. 1 In women, LH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production (ovulation). 2 In men, LH stimulates the production of testosterone, which plays a role in sperm production.", "Blood Tests for Infertility FSH. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) helps control a woman’s menstrual cycle and the production of eggs. In men, it regulates the production and transportation of sperm. For women, a FSH test is done on the third day of the menstrual cycle and is used to evaluate egg supply.", "- How is it used? The test for luteinizing hormone (LH), a hormone associated with reproduction and the stimulation of the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation) in women and testosterone production in men, has several uses. To evaluate LH levels during the menstrual cycle; multiple urine LH tests may be ordered for this purpose.", "Aciphex Amenorrhea with normal puberty with uterus present. Obtain a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy test result is positive, refer the patient to the appropriate specialist. If the pregnancy test result is negative, obtain TSH, prolactin, FSH, and LH levels.", "Hormone Blood Tests Near You A hormone test can identify imbalances in the body that are causing a wide variety of symptoms, including low energy (e.g. testosterone test), female issues (e.g. progesterone test, estradiol test) and more. Our online hormone testing service can help you stay on top of your health.", "Sex Hormone Tests Measuring blood levels of the major sex hormones—estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men—can aid in the evaluation of a variety of conditions, including fertility problems and certain cancers with sex-hormone-producing tumors.", "Hormone Level Tests Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Blood Level Measurement. This is the key test to determine whether or not you are in menopause. A sample of your blood is taken to measure the levels of FSH — follicle stimulating hormone.", "Overview 1 An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can cause menstrual irregularities, including amenorrhea. 2 Pituitary tumor. 3 A noncancerous (benign) tumor in your pituitary gland can interfere with the hormonal regulation of menstruation. 4 Premature menopause.", "Blood Test Helps Predict Menopause June 28, 2010 -- Researchers have developed a blood test they say can predict how long of a reproductive life a woman has before menopause. The blood test measures levels of a hormone called anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), which is produced by the cells in women’s ovaries and is a marker for ovarian function.", "- What does this test do? This is a home-use test kit to measure Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your urine. This helps detect the LH surge that happens in the middle of your menstrual cycle, about 1-1½ days before ovulation. Some tests also measure another hormone -- estrone-3-glucuronide (E3G).his is a home-use test kit to measure Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your urine. This helps detect the LH surge that happens in the middle of your menstrual cycle, about 1-1½ days before ovulation.", "Luteinizing Hormone [en Español] A luteinizing hormone test measures the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a sample of blood or urine. LH is produced by the pituitary gland. In women, LH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production (ovulation). The level of LH in a woman's body varies with the phase of the menstrual cycle. It increases rapidly just before ovulation occurs, about midway through the cycle (day 14 of a 28-day cycle). This is called an LH surge.", "Menopause and Perimenopause - Exams and Tests 1 A pregnancy test is done if there is a chance that you are pregnant. ( 2 This can also be a urine test 3 .). A follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) test can be used to confirm whether you have reached menopause. 4 FSH levels increase during perimenopause and are high after menopause.", "Menopause and Perimenopause - Exams and Tests 1 An estrogen test is sometimes done to see how low estrogen has dropped after menopause. 2 A thyroid-stimulating hormone test is used to see whether irregular menstrual periods or perimenopause-like symptoms are being caused by a thyroid problem.", "- Guide. A luteinizing hormone test measures the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in a sample of blood or urine. LH is produced by the pituitary gland. 1 In women, LH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production (ovulation). 2 The level of LH in a woman's body varies with the phase of the menstrual cycle.3 It increases rapidly just before ovulation occurs, about midway through the cycle (day 14 of a 28-day cycle).H is produced by the pituitary gland. 1 In women, LH helps regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production (ovulation). 2 The level of LH in a woman's body varies with the phase of the menstrual cycle.", "Premature Menopause Low levels of estradiol, a form of estrogen, can indicate that your ovaries are starting to fail. When estradiol levels are below 30, it may signal that you are in menopause. However, the most important test used to diagnose premature menopause is a blood test that measures follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). FSH causes your ovaries to produce estrogen. When your ovaries slow down their production of estrogen, your levels of FSH increase. When your FSH levels rise above 40 mIU/mL, it usually indicates that you are in menopause.", "- Amenorrhea can result because of an abnormality in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, anatomical abnormalities of the genital tract, or functional causes. Hypothalamic causes. 1 Craniopharyngioma (a brain tumor near the pituitary gland) Teratoma (a tumor made up of a mixture of tissues)", "- Hormone testing is performed to evaluate the hormone function for both men and women.Different types of hormone tests include estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, adrenal stress hormones and more.ormone testing is performed to evaluate the hormone function for both men and women.", "Pituitary Disorders Gonadotropin deficiency is diagnosed in the presence of low or normal LH and FSH levels in postmenopausal women, in reproductive-aged women with amenorrhea, or in men with low testosterone levels (<200 ng/dL).", "How Do I Know I'm in Menopause? Some clinicians recommend testing a woman’s saliva for estrogen or other hormone levels. But salivary hormone levels are expensive, are not accurate, and should not be used to evaluate or treat menopausal symptoms. Sometimes, elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are measured to confirm menopause. When a woman’s FSH blood level is consistently elevated to 30 mIU/mL or higher, and she has not had a menstrual period for a year, it is generally accepted that she has reached menopause.", "Premature Menopause However, the most important test used to diagnose premature menopause is a blood test that measures follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). FSH causes your ovaries to produce estrogen. When your ovaries slow down their production of estrogen, your levels of FSH increase. When your FSH levels rise above 40 mIU/mL, it usually indicates that you are in menopause." ]
[ 12.28125 ]
[ 8.25, 8.6171875, 8.9453125, 8.8984375, 8.9765625, 8.421875, 9.53125, 9.3359375, 8.484375, 8.40625, 9.328125, 9.5703125, 8.8984375, 11.28125, 9.0390625, 9.390625, 9.203125, 10.4140625, 8.6015625, 8.3515625, 9.4296875, 9.53125, 9.421875, 9.734375, 9.0234375, 10.2578125, 9.3828125, 10.984375, 8.8125, 9.0859375 ]
what is in synulox
[ "Synulox Synulox Palatable Tablets are presented as circular, pink tablets with a break line on one face and `Synulox' engraved on the other. Each tablet contains clavulanic acid as potassium clavulanate and amoxicillin as Amoxicillin trihydrate in a palatable base. Synulox is available in 50mg, 250mg and 500mg tablets." ]
[ "Sustanon 250 Sustanon 250 contains, per mL, short-acting testosterone propionate, 60 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg of testosterone isocaproate, and 100 mg of testosterone decanoate. The first, testosterone propionate, is short-acting and gives Sustanon a quick onset of action in a steroid cycle.ustanon 250 contains, per mL, short-acting testosterone propionate, 60 mg of testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg of testosterone isocaproate, and 100 mg of testosterone decanoate. The first, testosterone propionate, is short-acting and gives Sustanon a quick onset of action in a steroid cycle.", "What Is Monolaurin? Monolaurin is a mono-ester that is formed from the combination of glycerol and lauric acid. It is mainly used as microbicide, which is a substance that reduces the infection ability of microbes (or microorganisms) such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. Monolaurin is also called glyceryl laurate or glycerol monolaurate.", "- Brand Names: GlycoLax, MiraLax. MiraLax (polyethylene glycol 3350) is a laxative solution that increases the amount of water in the intestinal tract to stimulate bowel movements. MiraLax is used as a laxative to treat occasional constipation or irregular bowel movements. MiraLax may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.", "PET MARKET STORE.COM Synotic Otic 8ml. Synotic Otic (fluocinolone acetonide plus dmso) is used in dogs in the ear to relieve inflammation and pain due to chronic allergies or infections. The usual dose is 4-6 drops to the ear twice a day for 14 days maximum. Do not use in pregnant or nursing animals.", "Synalar Synalar contains a corticosteroid medicine known fluocinolone acetonide. It can be used to relieve red, swollen, painful and itchy skin due to an inflamed or allergic skin condition, particularly when the condition ‘flares up’. It stops the skin cells from releasing substances that cause inflammation.ynalar should not be used on your skin if you have an allergy to the active ingredient (fluocinolone) or to the other ingredients in the preparation. The cream and ointment can exacerbate some skin conditions, e.g. psoriasis, and make them worse once discontinued.", "levothyroxine sodium GENERIC NAME: levothyroxine sodium. BRAND NAME: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, Unithroid, Tirosint, Levo-T (discontinued brand) DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Levothyroxine is a synthetic (man-made) version of the principle thyroid hormone, thyroxine (T4) that is made and released by the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone increases the metabolic rate of cells of all tissues in the body.", "- The name of your medicine is Eleuphrat. It contains the active ingredient called betamethasone dipropionate. It is a type of cortisone and belongs to the group of medicines called corticosteroids. Eleuphrat is classified as a high potency topical corticosteroid.", "- Sustanon 250 is a trade name for an oil-based injectable blend of four esterized testosterone compounds: [citation needed] 30 mg testosterone propionate 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate", "DESCRIPTION UNASYN is an injectable antibacterial combination consisting of the semisynthetic antibiotic ampicillin sodium and the beta-lactamase inhibitor sulbactam sodium for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Ampicillin sodium is derived from the penicillin nucleus, 6-aminopenicillanic acid.", "Zyflo Zyflo ® (zileuton) is a prescription medication used to prevent asthma attacks in adults and children as young as 12 years old.yflo is part of a group of medications called leukotriene synthesis inhibitors. Leukotrienes are chemicals produced by the body in response to allergens or other problems. In the lungs, leukotrienes cause swelling and inflammation in the airways and constriction of the muscles of the respiratory tract.", "Diamox Diamox SEQUELS are extended-release capsules, for oral administration, each containing 500 mg of acetazolamide and the following inactive ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate and talc.", "- You may need to read it again. Name of your Medicine LeukoScan is the trade name of your medicine. Sulesomab is the common name. Product Description Each 3-ml vial (glass container) contains 0.31mg of active substance, sulesomab, as a powder for solution for injection.ou may need to read it again. Name of your Medicine LeukoScan is the trade name of your medicine. Sulesomab is the common name. Product Description Each 3-ml vial (glass container) contains 0.31mg of active substance, sulesomab, as a powder for solution for injection.", "Novolog Mix 70-30 Inactive ingredients for the NovoLog Mix 70/30 (insulin aspart protamine and insulin aspart rdna origin) FlexPen are glycerol 16.0 mg/mL, phenol 1.50 mg/mL, metacresol 1.72 mg/mL, zinc 19.6 μg/mL, disodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 1.25 mg/mL, sodium chloride 0.877 mg/mL, and protamine sulfate 0.32 mg/mL.", "Synotic Otic for Dogs Synotic Otic Solution. Synotic Otic Solution is indicated for the relief of pruritus and inflammation associated with acute and chronic otitis in dogs. Synotic Otic contains 0.1% floucinolone acetonide and 60% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The recommended dose of Synotic Otic is 4 to 6 drops per ear administered twice daily for a maximum of 14 days.", "levothyroxine sodium BRAND NAME: Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, Unithroid, Tirosint, Levo-T (discontinued brand) DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Levothyroxine is a synthetic (man-made) version of the principle thyroid hormone, thyroxine (T4) that is made and released by the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone increases the metabolic rate of cells of all tissues in the body.", "Sustanon 250 Sustanon 250. Sustanon 250 is a popular testosterone blend (mixture) and is without question the most popular and well known blend ever made. Manufactured by Organon, the idea behind Sustanon 250 was to provide the best of small (short) and large (long) ester testosterones in a single compound.", "Syn-flex® Liquid Glucosamine Ingredients Syn-flex contains pharmaceutical quality glucosamine sulfate and HCL plus ten other ingredients formulated for maximum pain relief, cartilage protection, inflammation reduction, and overall joint care.yn-flex® Liquid Glucosamine Ingredients. Many joint care products on the market today do not contain either high quality glucosamine or the ingredient amounts that their sellers claim they have.", "Metolazone Metolazone is a thiazide-like diuretic marketed under the brand names Zytanix from Zydus Cadila, Zaroxolyn, and Mykrox. It is primarily used to treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. Metolazone indirectly decreases the amount of water reabsorbed into the bloodstream by the kidney, so that blood volume decreases and urine volume increases. This lowers blood pressure and prevents excess fluid accumulation in heart failure.", "Heliox Heliox is a breathing gas composed of a mixture of helium (He) and oxygen (O 2). Heliox is a medical treatment for patients with difficulty breathing.", "Definitions &Translations Pseudohalogen Pseudohalogen molecules are inorganic molecules of the general forms Ps–Ps or Ps–X, where Ps is a pseudohalogen group such as cyanide, cyanate, thiocyanate and others, and X is a true halogen.", "What is Skelaxin? Skelaxin (metaxalone) is a muscle relaxant. It works by blocking nerve impulses (or pain sensations) in the brain. Skelaxin is used together with rest and physical therapy to treat skeletal muscle conditions such as pain or injury. Skelaxin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.", "Metolazone Metolazone is a thiazide-like diuretic marketed under the brand names Zytanix from Zydus Cadila, Zaroxolyn, and Mykrox. It is primarily used to treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure.", "VUMON Rx Teniposide 10mg/mL; soln for IV infusion after dilution; contains benzyl alcohol, Cremophor EL (polyoxyethylated castor oil), dehydrated alcohol. Company: Bristol-Myers Squibb", "Naprosyn For Patients. Naprosyn (naproxen; other brand names: EC-Naprosyn and Anaprox/Anaprox DS), is a proprionic acid derivative and is considered a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and is used for pain management for many diseases, arthritic diseases, and inflammatory diseases such as tendonitis, bursitis, and gout.", "Joint Lubricant Injections Injectable hyaluronan is often referred to by its most commonly known brand name of Synvisc.. Other brand names of hyaluronan include Orthovisc, Euflexxa, and Supartz. Joint lubricant shots typically administered as a series of three injections into the knee joint, each injection spaced about one week apart. Sometimes a larger does of these medications can be administered in a single injection, such is the case with Synvisc One injections.", "- treatment should be administered once daily for 3 to 5 days in common with all other penicillins synulox should not be administered to rabbits guinea pigs hamsters or gerbils caution is advised in its use in any other very small herbivores milk for human consumption must not be taken during treatment milk for human consumption may only be taken only from cows after 60 hours from the last treatment animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment", "Synulox Antibiotic for Dogs & Cats synulox is effective against klebsiella infections found in veterinary practice but it is not indicated for cases involving pseudomonas species synulox palatable tablets are often accepted from the hand even by sick dogs and cats alternatively the tablets may be crumbled and added to a little food", "Thyroid Replacement Hormones Levothyroxine sodium (for example, Synthroid, Levoxyl and Levothroid), is the synthetic version of thyroxine (T4), liothyronine sodium (Cytomel, Triostat), is the synthetic version of tT3 and liotrix (Thyrolar) is a synthetic thyroid hormone containing a mixture of T4and T3.", "What Are the Ingredients of Foltanx Pills? Full Answer. Folnx, categorized as a medical food, is the generic version of the Metanx formulation, according to Breckenridge Pharmaceutical Inc. Each Metanx capsule contains 3 milligrams of L-methylfolate calcium in the form of Metafolin, 35 milligrams of pyridoxal-5-phosphate and 2 milligrams of methylcobalamin, according to Pamlab LLC. These ingredients are the natural, active forms of the common B-vitamins folic acid, vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12.", "Lipoic acid Lipoic acid (LA), also known as α-lipoic acid and alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and thioctic acid is an organosulfur compound derived from octanoic acid.ALA is made in animals normally, and is essential for aerobic metabolism.ot to be confused with linolenic acid or linoleic acid. Lipoic acid (LA), also known as α-lipoic acid and alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and thioctic acid is an organosulfur compound derived from octanoic acid. ALA is made in animals normally, and is essential for aerobic metabolism." ]
[ 12.0390625 ]
[ 6.90234375, 7.125, 7.47265625, 7.87109375, 6.96875, 7.38671875, 7.375, 7.64453125, 10.34375, 6.640625, 7.36328125, 6.92578125, 7.34765625, 7.69921875, 7.48828125, 7.390625, 6.80078125, 7.5390625, 7.0625, 7.6875, 7.00390625, 7.5625, 7.63671875, 8.2421875, 6.93359375, 9.6640625, 10.9453125, 7.6875, 6.98828125, 6.88671875 ]
definition for pneumatics
[ "pneumatics Medical Definition of pneumatics. : a branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical properties of gases." ]
[ "mechanical ventilation intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV) the provision of mechanical ventilation by a machine designed to deliver breathing gas until equilibrium is established between the patient's lungs and the ventilator. IPPV machines are positive-pressure, pressure-cycled, assister-controller (pneumatic) devices.", "- The EBS described here consists of a dual-circuit, purely. pneumatic unit and a superimposed single-circuit, electro-pneumatic unit. This configuration is described. as 2P/1E system. The single-circuit, electro-pneumatic unit comprises a. central electronic control device (central module), the.", "- Definition of gas. a material that is shipped in compressed gas cylinders or acts as a gas upon release at normal temperatures and pressure, or is used or handled as a gas, whether or not in strict accordance with the definition of a compressed gas as set forth in Article 9 of the Uniform Fire Code. [SEMI S4-92].", "Reciprocating Compressor Definition - What does Reciprocating Compressor mean? A Reciprocating Compressor is a positive-displacement device that works on a reciprocating principle to deliver gas at high pressure. The reciprocating motion is enabled by pistons within the device. It can be divided into two types, i.e., Separable (High speed) compressor and Integral (Low speed) compressor.", "- Pneumatic compression devices are appliances that facilitate the initial reduction of extremity edema and. swelling. Pneumatic compression devices are commonly used for the treatment of acute and chronic. peripheral lymphedema to facilitate the mobilization of fluid from the limbs into the trunk and central body. cavity.", "- Pneumatic tools are lightweight, yet powerful. We carry hundreds of air guns with various features to match your application. Add an impact wrench to your toolkit for production, manufacturing and assembly environments. Grainger stocks pneumatic tools for virtually any application, from simple nail guns to engraving pens. Terms of Access.", "pneumatics noun, (used with a singular verb) 1. the branch of physics that deals with the mechanical properties of air and other gases. Also called pneumodynamics. Origin of pneumatics.", "- Pneumatic and hydraulic shock absorbers are used in conjunction with cushions and springs. An automobile shock absorber contains spring-loaded check valves and orifices to control the flow of oil through an internal piston (see below).", "Pneumatic device Pneumatic device: Pneumatic device, any of various tools and instruments that generate and utilize compressed air. Examples include rock drills, pavement breakers, riveters, forging presses, paint sprayers, blast cleaners, and atomizers. Compressed-air power is flexible, economic, and safe. An air device creates no spark hazard in an explosive atmosphere and can be used under wet conditions without electric-shock hazard. A relatively small compressor suffices to fill a storage tank for intermittent use, and no return lines are needed.", "What Is an Air Actuator? An air actuator, also called a pneumatic actuator, is a device made to produce motion through air pressure. Depending on how the actuator is set up, an air actuator is able to make either rotary or linear motion, and some special actuators can produce both.", "pneumothorax pneu·mo·tho·rax. n. Accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity, occurring as a result of disease or injury, or sometimes induced to collapse the lung in the treatment of tuberculosis and other lung diseases.", "- Reliable pneumatic actuators for control applications from fail-safe to extreme environment without compromising performance. Reliable and efficient pneumatic actuators for fail-safe, extreme environments, and critical applications without compromising performance or safety.", "- Pressure is a force exerted by a fluid or a gas and it is transmitted in all directions equally throughout the fluid/gas. Pressure acts on the surface area of the vessels or chambers in which it is confined. Consider the reservoir in the GEARS-IDS™ pneumatic circuit you are using. The reservoir is a hollow cylinder with internal dimensions that are approximately 1-1/2” in diameter x 5-1/2” long. The end caps are circular with an internal diameter of approximately 1-1/2”. Study the cross section drawing of the reservoir below: The drawing above illustrates a GEARS-IDS™ reservoir filled to 100 psi or 100 pounds per square inch of pressure.", "- (nū'mō-graf), Generic term for any device that records respiratory excursions from movements on the body surface; for example, an impedance pneumograph, which applies the principles of impedance plethysmography to the chest. [G. pneumōn, lung, + graphō, to write]", "Solenoid A pneumatic solenoid valve is a switch for routing air to any pneumatic device, usually an actuator, allowing a relatively small signal to control a large device. It is also the interface between electronic controllers and pneumatic systems.", "Hydraulics Hydraulics (from Greek: Υδραυλική) is a technology and applied science using engineering, chemistry, and other sciences involving the mechanical properties and use of liquids. At a very basic level, hydraulics is the liquid counterpart of pneumatics, which concerns gases.", "- 1 Plenum chamber, a chamber intended to contain air, gas, or liquid at positive pressure. 2 Plenism, or Horror vacui (physics) the concept that nature abhors a vacuum.", "Pneumatic Systems Pneumatic Systems. Pneumatic systems use compressed air as a working fluid and it acts much like the hydraulic systems we already described previously in our articles. In comparison with hydraulics there are advantages to be found by using air instead of hydraulic fluid to transmit power.", "- Dictionary of Construction. A machine for making holes in rock or earth by a cutting bit at the end of a metal rod, usually turned by a hydraulically-or pneumatically-driven motor.", "- Ningbo Supermech pneumatic hydraulic Co.,Ltd original record Fenghua Chuangyi Pneumatic Machinery Co.,Ltd is a professional manufacturer producing all kinds of pneumatic components.", "Pneumatic Compression Devices Pneumatic compression devices consist of an inflatable garment for the arm, leg, trunk, or chest and an electrical pneumatic pump that fills the garment with compressed air. The garment is intermittently inflated and deflated with cycle times and pressures that vary between devices. There are 3 primary types of pumps:", "Pneumatic Pressure and Flow Control Valves Pressure and venting-type valves both help control pressure, whereas needle valves help control the flow within a pneumatic system. A pressure regulator is responsible for preventing pressure fluctuation by controlling pressure as it is coursed through an actuator or another part of a pneumatic system.", "dyspneic (dis(p)-ne'a) [ dys- + -pnea] Shortage of air resulting in labored or difficult breathing, sometimes accompanied by pain. It is normal when it is due to vigorous work or athletic activity and should quickly return to normal when the activity ceases. Synonym: air hunger; breathlessnessdyspneic (-ne-ik), adjective.", "piston Definition of piston. 1 1 : a sliding piece moved by or moving against fluid pressure which usually consists of a short cylindrical body fitting within a cylindrical chamber or vessel along which it moves back and forth.", "What is a Pneumatic Stapler? A pneumatic stapler is a tool that is typically used for driving construction grade staples into a variety of materials, such as wood or metal. The term pneumatic is applied to these tools because they use compressed air to force the staple out of the tool and into the desired surface.", "- pneumatic. adj. 1. (General Physics) of or concerned with air, gases, or wind. Compare hydraulic. 2. (Mechanical Engineering) (of a machine or device) operated by compressed air or by a vacuum: a pneumatic drill; pneumatic brakes. 3. (Automotive Engineering) containing compressed air: a pneumatic tyre. 4. (General Physics) of or concerned with pneumatics. 5.", "Definition of 'pneumatic' pneumatic (njuːmætɪk ) 1. adjective. A pneumatic drill is operated by air under pressure and is very powerful. Pneumatic drills are often used for digging up roads. ...the sound of a pneumatic drill hammering away. 2. adjective.", "Pneumatic Tire Operating characteristics. When stationary, a tire is subjected to the forces of the inflation pressure and the static load on the wheel; a rolling tire is additionally subjected to dynamic loads and loads arising from the redistribution of the vehicle’s weight between the axles and wheels.", "actuator Electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic device (such as a relay) that controls the flow of material or power. Also called actuation device. I liked to study machines and today I had a look at an interesting thing called an actuator, which I had never heard of.", "Air Valves Information Air Valves Information. Air valves allow metered flow of fluid in one or both directions. Many of them allow for free flow in one direction and reduced or metered flow in the reverse direction. They are used in pneumatic circuits to regulate the rate of activation or exhaust of cylinders and other pneumatic devices. Classification." ]
[ 13.3515625 ]
[ 9.8046875, 9.2734375, 7.875, 7.5546875, 9.6015625, 10.140625, 12.7890625, 10.203125, 11.1953125, 9.984375, 9.734375, 9.7265625, 8.96875, 9.1171875, 9.875, 11.03125, 8.7734375, 10.9140625, 9.671875, 9.640625, 9.4296875, 9.7109375, 8.5078125, 8.8046875, 10.53125, 12.7421875, 12.1796875, 9.3203125, 9.4609375, 9 ]
how to make plaster molds
[ "How Does One Make Homemade Plaster? To make plaster, approximately 1 1/2 cups of boiling water are salted and mixed with 4 cups of flour. The mixture is set aside until it is cool enough to handle, yet still warm to the touch. The plaster is then molded into the desired shape by hand or by using specially designed arts-and-crafts molds. An alternate plaster of Paris recipe calls for glue and water. To make this version, two parts of diluted white glue are mixed with one part warm water." ]
[ "- Mold: Plaster or rubber is used to make a mold of this original sculpture so that the. impression of the sculpture is left inside. Sometimes the mold is made in two halves. Other times a mold may have several pieces. 3. Pouring bronze: Molten bronze is poured inside the mold.", "Cork Alternatively, the mold is baked at 500° F (260° C) for four to six hours. Either process binds the cork particles into a solid block by activating their natural resins. 12 Compound agglomerated, or composition, cork is made by uniformly coating the cork granules with a thin layer of an additional adhesive agent.", "How to Make Fake Body Parts 2. Make a two-part silicone mold with General Purpose silicone. 3. Clean out the mold. 4. Apply petrolatum jelly as a mold release to all internal surfaces. You can cast silicone in silicone if you use petrolatum jelly as a mold release. 5. Mix your silicone, including some Dry Cosmetic Pigment for color. Fill the mold, or use thixotropic.", "- For example, an object can be cast into a Plaster of Paris mold that is then used to make duplicates out of materials such as non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, copper or zinc, and other pourable casting media.", "- Butter your mold and steam one hour. Good both ways.Sauce1 cup milk1 tbsp corn starch1 tbsp butter1 eggsalt and pepper to taste One cup of milk, heated to a boil, thicken with one tbsp of corn starch and one tbsp of butter, beaten together.", "- All you need is flour and water to make paper mache paste, some newspaper strips, and a somewhat flexible (thin plastic is best) bowl of any shape or size to use as your mould. Here are the directions: 1 Select a bowl of any size with a nice shape.", "- Gathering Your Supplies. 1 1. Secure items to melt. 2 2. Get a foundry crucible. 3 3. Find some good heavy-duty crucible tongs. 4. Buy a graphite stir 1 rod. 5. Secure a furnace or a blow torch. 6. Make or create a mold or 1 cast. 7. Purchase safety equipment to protect yourself.", "- Step 2: Attach the Molding. Measure the sides of the cornice and cut the crown, ogee, and cap molding to fit, with 45-degree miter cuts at the outside corners and 90-degree cuts where the pieces will meet the wall.tep 4. Measure the sides of the cornice and cut the crown, ogee, and cap molding to fit, with 45-degree miter cuts at the outside corners and 90-degree cuts where the pieces will meet the wall.", "How to Make Polystyrene Molds Carve the shape in the negative form so you can use the foam shape directly as a mold. Brush on a layer of clear sealer over the mold. Allow to dry for at least four hours. You may wish to apply several layers. Do not use an oil-based sealer as it may melt the polystyrene.", "How to Install Crown Molding 1 Cut the first piece of crown molding square. 2 Place it in the miter saw and cut with the blade set to 0 degrees. 3 Cut the second piece at a 45º angle, cutting just as you would for an outside corner. 4 Use a dark pencil to trace along the edge of the cut (of the second piece) along the molded front of the piece.. Make any necessary scarf cuts. If any wall in your room is longer than the pieces of crown molding you have, you will need to join 2 lengths with a scarf joint. Measure the point at which you will need to join the 2 lengths, and then place the first length into the miter saw, upside-down and at an angle as before.", "- Use a shovel or trowel to fill each mold cavity to the surface of the. mold. Pat and smooth the surface with a trowel. 3. Remove the mold promptly, and smooth the concrete edges with a. trowel until the desired appearance is obtained. 4. Place the mold adjacent to the completed section and continue this. process until your project is completed.", "- The mold we are making will be of plaster of Paris and can be used to cast aluminium, brass, bronze, silver, gold or zinc. These methods can also be used to make a plaster backup plate for making sand molds. For cast iron or high melting point bronze sand molds are better than plaster. Figure 3.", "- Mix 1/3 cup of plaster of Paris and 1/3 cup of cool water; stir until completely smooth. Mix that with 1 cup of latex paint and stir thoroughly. This will make enough chalk-finish paint for one coat on a six-drawer dresser.", "- Use a shovel or trowel to fill each cavity of the QUIKRETE ® WALK MAKER ® with concrete mix. Level the surface of the concrete with the mold. While concrete is still in the mold, pat and smooth the cavity surface with the trowel.Remove the mold promptly.he QUIKRETE ® WALK MAKER ® Mold can be placed directly on a relatively flat surface. For professional-looking results, remove 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) of top soil, and level the mold before filling with concrete. Removed top soil can be used to fill open spaces on sides after walk has set up.", "How to Make a Statue Mold 6. Pull off pieces of the mixture and push it onto one section of the latex mold and into the shape of that section, to a thickness of 1/8- to ¼-inch thick. Let this first section set for a few hours to harden. 7. Once the first section of the mother mold hardens, build the second section the same way.", "Steamed Date Nut Bread, Boston Brown Bread In the crockpot, place cans on trivet or metal rack in bottom of slow cooker and pour about 2 cups of hot water around cans Come 1/2`up the side of the mold). Cover pot and cook on high for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours, using the longer time for a single deeper mold.Remove cans from pot and let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Turn bread out on cooling rack while it is still warm. To use a pressure cooker, put a rack in the bottom, add the mold, pour hat water up the side, then lock.Bring to heat, cook 45 minutes. Cool cooker under running water, open. Remove immediately, dry in the oven about 15 minutes, then cool 5-10 minutes and remove.n the crockpot, place cans on trivet or metal rack in bottom of slow cooker and pour about 2 cups of hot water around cans Come 1/2`up the side of the mold). Cover pot and cook on high for 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours, using the longer time for a single deeper mold.", "How to Make Slime (Classic Recipe) How to Make Slime. 1 Pour the glue into the jar. 2 Fill the empty glue bottle with water and stir it into the glue (or add 1/2 cup of water). 3 If desired, add food coloring. In a separate, mix one cup (240 ml) of water into the bowl and add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of borax 1 powder. Slowly stir the glue mixture into the bowl of borax solution.", "DIY Oven Flour Clay Recipe Mix together flour and salt. Add the oil and then slowly add the water and stir until you get a nice clay consistency. Once completely mixed, make into the desired shapes. Bake in a 250 degree oven for approximately 1 hour. This will vary depending on how thick you creations are.", "- Melt the wax out of the mold. 4. Fire the mold in the kiln so it will be hardened enough, or annealed, to cast glass in. 5. Fill the mold with frit, then fire it. Add frit and refire until the mold is full.", "- 3. Cut the soap base into chunks and place it into a container. Weigh it until you think you've got the amount that your mold can hold-a few tenths of an ounce over or under won't matter. Make sure that your knife, cutting board, and container are free of dirt-soap picks it up easily, and it's difficult to get off. Microwave method: Pour the chunks in a microwave-safe bowl and cover with Saran wrap. 2 Heat for 30–60 seconds or until melted. 3 Take it out and stir every 30 seconds to make it smooth. 4 If you don't have a double boiler, you can create your own makeshift version by heating a saucepan half full of water until it boils.", "- 1 Nail the top piece of molding in place with a 45° angle cut. 2 Line up the side molding so it’s even with the frame and overlays the top molding. 3 Mark the inside and outside points on the side molding where it intersects the top miter joint.4 Connect the two points with a straight line and make the cut along that line.nfortunately not all such corners are exactly 90 degrees, so the miter joint has to be adapted to fit tightly. Here’s how to go about it: 1 Nail the top piece of molding in place with a 45° angle cut. 2 Line up the side molding so it’s even with the frame and overlays the top molding.", "How to Make a Statue Mold Steps: 1 1. Sculpt a statue, using sculpting clay and various sculpting tools. 2 4. Decide how many pieces will be needed for the mother mold by drawing parting lines on the latex mold with a permanent marker. Lightly dust the latex mold with baby powder to prevent the mother mold from sticking. 5. Make two balls from the two-part putty-a ball of resin and a ball of hardener-each about the size of a golf ball.", "How to Mix Plaster for Sculpture Tips. 1 Plaster tends to leach moisture from skin. 2 The water temperature makes a difference. 3 The easiest way to clean up unused plaster is to let it harden in the mixing container. 4 You can use any movement you like for mixing the water and plaster, but avoid whipping air bubbles into the mix.", "Explore 431Tip Sites âââSearch 120,491 Tips Once you have a slump mold, you can then pour plaster into it to make a hump mold. Because it is plaster on plaster, use a release agent. Likewise, you can make a slump mold from a hump mold by sitting the hump mold on the floor, making a moat and filling the space with plaster.olds for slip casting are made of plaster. This is because the mold must absorb water in order to form a clay body. Slip refers to the liquid clay. Clay comes in many forms; the texture and chemical content of the slip dictate what type of clay body it forms.", "What Are Scleral Contact Lenses? To form these lenses, like tooth implants, a plaster cast is made from a negative mold prepared from dental impression putty. The plastic would be heated and given the shape of the fitting surface of the lens from the plaster cast and then the power and edge curves would be ground onto the outside surface of the lens.", "- Here's How: 1 Find a mold for your sidewalk chalk. 2 Anything from a toilet tissue roll or small paper cup to fancy candy molds will work. 3 Mix together 1 cup of Plaster of Paris with 3/4 cup of water. 4 Add color to your mixture using powdered tempera paint.", "Plaster When the dry plaster powder is mixed with water, it re-forms into gypsum. The setting of unmodified plaster starts about 10 minutes after mixing and is complete in about 45 minutes; but not fully set for 72 hours.", "Making Your Own Molds Countertop makers use such materials as Plexiglas, polystyrene foam, urethane rubber (see Making Molds from Rubber), Formica, and even Lexan to make their own molds. We will use urethane foam and sculpt it to the shape we want it and then jacket it with an epoxy shell, says Mike Karmody, Stone Soup Concrete.", "- Making Clay with Glue and Glycerin. 1 1. Use this recipe for homemade polymer clay for a version that does not crack. 2 2. Wear old clothes or an apron. 3 3. Mix the water and glue in a non-stick pot and boil for two minutes. 4. Mix the cornflour with ¼ cup of water in a mixing bowl and pour into the blend.", "Plaster of Paris Recipe PLASTER OF PARIS Recipe. Plaster of Paris is a Calcium sulfate semi-hydrate (CaSO4,½ H2O) derived from Gypsum, a calcium sulfate di-hydrate (CaSO4, 2H2O), by firing this mineral at relatively low temperature and thus reducing it to powder. CaSO4, 2H2O + HEAT -------> CaSO4, 1/2 H2O + 1.5 H2O." ]
[ 12.5390625 ]
[ 10.5234375, 7.81640625, 9.3359375, 11.15625, 8.1875, 9.1171875, 9, 7.859375, 9.6171875, 9.2109375, 9.328125, 10.9296875, 8.9140625, 8.0703125, 9.953125, 7.53125, 8.6640625, 8.890625, 8.953125, 9.0234375, 8.578125, 9.9609375, 10.828125, 11.171875, 8.765625, 11.453125, 10.2109375, 10.046875, 8.5859375, 9.265625 ]
what does it cost to check an extra bag on southwest
[ "Southwest Airlines Checked Baggage Rules Southwest does not charge passengers for the first two bags that they check on a flight. Because some other airlines charge up to $25 for the first bag and as much as $35 for the second bag, travelers may be able to save a significant amount of money by flying with Southwest if they plan to check their bags. Travelers must pay $50 per bag for each additional bag." ]
[ "Southwest Airline Luggage Restrictions These bags are still restricted to the maximum 50 lbs. and 62 inches limits. Bags weighing from 51 lbs. to 100 lbs. or with a size totaling 63 inches to 80 inches are accepted for a charge of $50, according to Southwest's 2011 baggage guidelines.", "- Review Southwest Airlines luggage allowances and charges before travelling. southwest carry-on allowance. Each Southwest passenger is permitted to carry one cabin bag, plus one personal item. The cabin bag must not exceed 10 x 16 x 24 inches (25.4 x 40.64 x 60.96 cm).", "Southwest Airlines Checked Baggage Rules Southwest does not charge passengers for the first two bags that they check on a flight. Because some other airlines charge up to $25 for the first bag and as much as $35 for the second bag, travelers may be able to save a significant amount of money by flying with Southwest if they plan to check their bags.", "Southwest: Why It's Promoting No Change Fees and Its Web Site It's more of an insurance policy to not have a change fee, but that's not as valuable as no bag fees since people don't know if they'll need it. It's also easier for other airlines to counter since Southwest makes customers pay up to full fare to standby for an earlier flight on the day of travel while other airlines allow it for a fee of only around $50, waived for the best customers.", "Best (and Worst) Airline Baggage Fees Planning to check a bag on your next trip? Expect to tack an extra $50 onto the price of your ticket, or $200 for a family of four. The median fee for your first checked bag is now $25, and $35 for your second checked bag, according to a MONEY survey. A decade ago most travelers didn’t have to worry about these charges, especially on the big legacy carriers like American, Delta, and United. But times have changed.", "5 airline fees we hate the most The standard fees it charges depend on when you pay. The first checked bag is $21 to $30 if paid at booking, $31 to $40 if paid while checking in online, $45 at the airport, and a whopping $100 at the gate. Overall, the carrier has 24 different baggage fees.", "Southwest Baggage Fees 2018 Checked Baggage Summary. Southwest Airlines is one of the few airlines to allow free checked bags for all of its passengers. Every Southwest customer can check up to 2 bags free of charge, with a maximum weight of 50lbs (23 kg) each. The maximum size for these bags is 62 linear inches.", "- Best Answer: (2) checked pieces of baggage per ticketed Customer. you may check a third bag for a charge of $25. Your 4th through 9th bag or item will incur a charge of $50 per piece, and any bag or item thereafter will be $110 per piece.", "Like American, More Airlines Add Fees for Checking Luggage Like American, More Airlines Add Fees for Checking Luggage. For weeks, stood alone in facing the ire of passengers over its decision to begin charging $15 to check the first bag. But it now has some company. said Thursday it would put the charge into effect Friday, two days earlier than American. The $15 fee, for passengers flying on leisure fares booked in advance, is on top of a $25 fee for checking a second suitcase that airlines began charging recently. And US Airways said Thursday it also was matching the $15 fee, effective July 9.", "Checked Baggage Southwest will accept the first two checked bags for free provided that the bags do not exceed 50 lbs and 62 inches (L+W+H). Overweight items from 50 to 100 pounds and oversized items in excess of 62 inches but not more than 80 inches will be accepted for a charge of $75 per item.", "Airline Fees, U.S. Carriers, updated 1 First checked bag: $17-$25 (free to some international destinations). 2 Second checked bag: $17-$35 (free to some international destinations). 3 Additional bags fee: $25 inter-island, $100 otherwise.", "Five myths about carry-on bags Frontier charges between $25 and $35 for carry-on bags, depending on what level of economy-class ticket you have. Think you can outsmart them and just gate check? Think again. They charge $50 for any bag that has to be gate checked, a fee that is going up to $60 on May 1, 2015.", "JetBlue Proves Thereâs a Reasonable Way to Hit Us With Fees Among the holdouts that didn’t jack up their change fees were Southwest Airlines and JetBlue, the two most fee-adverse carriers, which still allow passengers to check at least one bag free of charge—and which, by no small coincidence, regularly receive the highest ratings in terms of customer satisfaction.", "- Search Southwest Flights. 1 When you have to change your flight, some airlines charge up to $150 on top of paying a difference in fare. 2 Unlike our competitors, we understand unexpected events may happen.", "- To check bags, they will pay $40 for the first bag, $50 for the second bag, and $95 for remaining bags. That's a $5 increase. The heftiest fee, to check in any bag at the airport, will remain at $100. If you purchased your ticket on or before Dec. 31, the new fees won't apply to you.Baggage fees are a huge money-maker for airlines.pirit is the only airline to charge for carry-on bags. A first checked bag will cost $21 and a second will cost $31. Remaining bags will cost $76 each to check. The new fees apply only to members of Spirit's $9 Fare Club, who get access to the lowest fares.", "What you need to know about JetBlue's new bag fees Customers choosing to check a bag can do so for $20 if they pay to check the bag online or at an airport kiosk. The fee rises to $25 if done at a check-in counter. A second bag is $35, which JetBlue notes is a reduction from the previous $50 fee for a second bag.Customers flying on Blue fares can make changes to their itineraries, with the change fee varying based on the cost of the ticket.ustomers choosing to check a bag can do so for $20 if they pay to check the bag online or at an airport kiosk. The fee rises to $25 if done at a check-in counter. A second bag is $35, which JetBlue notes is a reduction from the previous $50 fee for a second bag.", "Paying extra baggage fees Re: Paying extra baggage fees. Jul 28, 2010, 10:30 PM. AC really need to revamp their website, it's not an easy thing to navigate. For a flight ex-Canada to Europe you may check one bag free of charge; the second bag will cost $C50 and if you wish to check bag number three you'll pay $C225. If the first (free) bag you check is either overweight or oversized you'll need to pony up $C100.", "What is the weight limit for checked baggage on Southwest flights? <ul> <li>Baggage allowance: TWO items of checked baggage and one item of carry on baggage plus a personal item, like a briefcase, are allowed per customer. The maximum weight for each piece of checked baggage is 50lbs, with maximum dimensions of 62 linear inches (length+ width + height). Excess baggage is charged at $50 per piece up to nine pieces, and $110 each for 10 pieces or more. Overweight bags weighing 51-70lbs will be charged $25 each; 71-100lbs $100 each.", "- Carry on bag: Free. First checked bag fee: $25 ($0 to international destinations except Canada and Caribbean) Second checked bag fee: $35 ($40-$100 for some international destinations) Additional bags fee: $125 for third bag; $200 each for bags 4-10.", "How to Avoid Checked Baggage Fees on Major Domestic Carriers As of now, there are still two holdouts to the checked bag fee mania that has swept through the airline industry over the last few years: 1 Southwest: The leading carrier when it comes to checked bag fees (or lack thereof) is Southwest, as they allow all passengers to check two bags for free (up to 50 lbs apiece).", "- The fees for checked baggage on Spirit will follow a similar scale to the carry-on fees. For domestic flights, club members pay $15 each for the first and second bag, each way. Paying in advance for nonclub members is $25 per bag, and checking a bag at the airport without paying in advance is $45.", "Airline Fees, U.S. Carriers, updated 1 First checked bag fee: $25 ($0 to international destinations except Canada and Caribbean) 2 Second checked bag fee: $35 ($40-$100 for some international destinations) 3 Additional bags fee: $125 for third bag; $200 each for bags 4-10. Overweight bags: $90 for 51-70lbs; $175 for 71-100lbs.", "Alaska Airlines Baggage Southwest Airlines (WN) will charge the following for bags that are greater than the standard 50 pounds or 23 kilograms: 51 to 100 pounds or 24 to 46 kilograms: $75.00 USD extra per bag Bags exceeding 100 pounds or 46 kilograms will not be accepted as checked baggage / hold luggage.", "Changed Bag Fees & Policy At the time of booking: Save money by reserving your checked and carry-on baggage when you purchase your tickets online. Fees for the first and second checked bag are up to $35 per bag, each way with the specific amount depending on your departure and arrival airports. At Pre-Departure: You can also reserve bags pre-departure through Manage Travel or at Online Check-In, but prices are slightly higher and will cost $15 to $45 each way.", "Airline Baggage Fees and Luggage Size Restrictions Most airlines charge at least $25 per checked bag, with the exception of Southwest, which allows two free checked bags, and JetBlue, which permits one. Checked bags on all airlines must be 62 inches or less (length + width + height) and weigh no more than 50 pounds (except on Spirit, which has a 40-pound limit).", "JetBlue When flying with Delta Airlines you will face fees for checked bags, as of Spring of 2011, of $23 for the first bag and $32 for the second bag. International flights to Latin America and Europe typically allow one checked bag for free while charging around $20 for a second checked bag.", "- Delta currently does not charge passengers for checking a first bag on domestic flights. It has said it is studying a decision by several other major carriers to impose that fee. Delta customers checking bags on international flights can check a first and second bag at no charge. Fees are for each extra bag, each way.The fee for checking a third bag on a domestic flight will increase from $80 to $125, while the fee for checking a bag that is between 51 and 70 pounds on a domestic flight will rise from $80 to $90.ee changes include an increase from $25 to $50 to check a second bag for domestic travel. Fees for specialty items that require special handling, such as surfboards or ski equipment, will increase on domestic and international flights, Delta said.", "United Raises Second Checked Bag Fee on International Flights On those routes, the first checked bag is free of charge. Passengers traveling from the United States (except Hawaii) will pay $100 for the second checked bag to Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India but $70 to South America (except Brazil and Venezuela) and $40 to Central America.", "What Are the Size and Weight Limits for Airline Baggage on Southwest Airlines? Southwest Airlines allows two checked bags per passenger, each with a maximum total size of 62 inches and a maximum weight of 50 pounds, as of 2015. Southwest calculates the size of the bags by adding the external length, width and height. Bags that exceed the limits may be allowed by the airline for an additional fee.", "First checked bag fee: why? Share this post. Today, WestJet announced it will charge a $25 fee for a first checked bag on Econo fares for travel within Canada and between Canada and the U.S. The new fee will only apply to bookings made on or after today, September 15, 2014, for travel on or after October 29, 2014.hare this post. Today, WestJet announced it will charge a $25 fee for a first checked bag on Econo fares for travel within Canada and between Canada and the U.S. The new fee will only apply to bookings made on or after today, September 15, 2014, for travel on or after October 29, 2014." ]
[ 12.4453125 ]
[ 11.2265625, 9.9921875, 12.3125, 10.5703125, 10.421875, 9.9921875, 11.65625, 10.7421875, 9.46875, 11.9375, 10.546875, 9.921875, 10.328125, 9.9765625, 9.6015625, 9.171875, 9.8203125, 10.546875, 10.7890625, 11.5, 9.9609375, 10.75, 11.9609375, 10.796875, 10.953125, 9.9453125, 9.1328125, 10.2578125, 10.5859375, 8.8671875 ]
what is glucono delta lactone
[ "Glucono Delta Lactone Is an All-Vegetable Ingredient (The “lactone” part of this ingredient’s name made him suspicious.) Glucono delta lactone is an ingredient in many foods, functioning as a substitute for enzymes in cheese processing or tofu manufacturing; or as a leavening acid in bakery products.he VRG recently received an email from someone who asked us if glucono delta lactone (GDL) was derived from lactose in cow’s milk." ]
[ "Glucono Delta Lactone Is an All-Vegetable Ingredient Re: Glucono-delta-lactone, I have autoimmune disease, and staying away from corn and corn is the big problem, and 90+% of corn in this country is GMO, and I won’t eat it! GMO’s are ahuge problem for those of us with autoimmunities.", "Oxycodone Oxycodone, known originally in Germany (where it was developed) as dihydroxycodeinone or eukodal, is a semisynthetic opioid synthesized from thebaine, an opioid alkaloid found in the Persian poppy, and one of the many alkaloids found in the opium poppy.", "Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL) Glucono Delta Lactone is simply the dry form of gluconic acid which is obtained by the removal of water during the crystallization process. When it is dissolved in water, this reaction is reversed, resulting in a solution of gluconic acid.", "- Diphenoxylate (INN, BAN) (brand name Diocalm), or diphenoxylate hydrochloride , is a centrally active opioid drug of the phenylpiperidine series that is used for the treatment of diarrhea.", "General information Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid, produced by fermentation of glucose. It is a white to tan, granular to fine, crystalline powder, very soluble in water.Non corrosive, non-toxic and readily biodegradable (98 % after 2 days), sodium gluconate is more and more appreciated as chelating agent.odium gluconate is the sodium salt of gluconic acid, produced by fermentation of glucose. It is a white to tan, granular to fine, crystalline powder, very soluble in water.", "All natural GDL from Glucona All natural GDL from Glucona. Glucona America, the sole US producer of glucono-delta-lactone (GDL), has been granted all natural status for its Gluconal GDL product by the US Food & Drug Administration. Glucona claims it is now the only provider worldwide to hold a natural status for a GDL food additive.", "Oftalmolosa Cusi De Icol Dexamethasone 21-(disodium phosphate) (a derivative of Dexamethasone) is reported as an ingredient of Oftalmolosa Cusi De Icol in the following countries: Important Notice: The Drugs.com international database is in BETA release. This means it is still under development and may contain inaccuracies.", "Iron gluconate Hello Steve, Iron gluconate is the salt of gluconic acid, which is a product of glucose oxidation. Gluconic acid contains one carboxylic acid group and 5 hydroxy groups, so it tends to chelate. Because it is a sugar, I would imagine that bugs love it!", "- Zinc gluconate. Zinc gluconate is the zinc salt of gluconic acid. It is an ionic compound consisting of two anions of gluconate for each zinc(II) cation. Zinc gluconate is a popular form for the delivery of zinc as a dietary supplement, in which case the name zincum gluconicum is often used.", "Principles of Biochemistry/Gluconeogenesis and Glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis (GNG) is a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids.he liver uses primarily lactate, alanine and glycerol while the kidney uses lactate, glutamine and glycerol. Propionate is the principal substrate for gluconeogenesis in the ruminant liver, and the ruminant liver may make increased use of gluconeogenic amino acids, e.g. alanine, when glucose demand is increased.", "Oseni Oseni ® (alogliptin and pioglitazone) is a prescription medication approved to treat adults with type 2 diabetes. It is used in conjunction with an appropriate diet and exercise to improve blood glucose (blood sugar) control. Oseni contains a combination of two diabetes medications: alogliptin (Nesina ®) and pioglitazone (Actos ®). Oseni will not work to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening problem that can occur in people with diabetes.", "Gluconic acid Gluconic acid. Not to be confused with Glucuronic acid. Gluconic acid is an organic compound with molecular formula C6H12O7 and condensed structural formula HOCH2(CHOH)4COOH. It is one of the 16 stereoisomers of 2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxyhexanoic acid. In aqueous solution at neutral pH, gluconic acid forms the gluconate ion. The salts of gluconic acid are known as gluconates.", "Insulin analog Insulin degludec (INN/USAN) is an ultralong-acting basal insulin analogue that was developed by Novo Nordisk under the brand name Tresiba.[1] It is administered via subcutaneous injection once daily to help control the blood sugar level of those with diabetes.he basal level of insulin may be maintained for up to 20 hours, but the time is affected by the size of the injected dose. This insulin has a high affinity for serum albumin, increasing its duration of action.", "- Gluconolactone, also called glucono delta-lactone, is an ester of Gluconic Acid. Pure Gluconolactone is a white, odorless crystalline powder.Gluconolactone is formed by the removal of water from Gluconic Acid. Gluconic Acid is a carboxylic acid.afety Information: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) includes Gluconolactone (glucono delta-lactone), Calcium Gluconate, Copper Gluconate, Ferrous Gluconate and Manganese Gluconate on its list of direct food substances affirmed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS).", "Diacetyl Diacetyl (IUPAC systematic name: butanedione or butane-2,3-dione) is an organic compound with the chemical formula (CH3CO)2. It is a yellow/green liquid with an intensely buttery flavor. It is a vicinal diketone (two C=O groups, side-by-side) with the molecular formula C4H6O2. Diacetyl occurs naturally in alcoholic beverages and is added to some foods to impart its buttery flavor.", "Ismo Isosorbide mononitrate is 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-glucitol, 5-nitrate, an organic nitrate whose structural formula is: and whose molecular weight is 191.14. The organic nitrates are vasodilators, active on both arteries and veins. Each Ismo tablet contains 20 mg of isosorbide mononitrate.", "Gluconolactone Gluconolactone. Gluconolactone: Ingredient Overview. When you’re trying to fight the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, understanding the ingredients of the serums you use is vital, and one ingredient you may notice in your anti-aging serums is Gluconolactone.hat to Expect from Gluconolactone. If you are considering the use of products that contain Gluconolactone, you may be wondering how effective this ingredient is when compared to AHAs or beta hydroxy acids that are usually used more frequently.", "- DeltaG® is the world's first commercially available Ketone Ester. Operating at a cellular level, DeltaG® provides an alternative source of energy in the form of ketone bodies which break down slowly to provide sustained energy release over several hours.", "Glucono Delta Lactone (GDL) Glucono Delta Lactone, through its slow hydrolysis to gluconic acid, ensures a progressive and continuous decrease of pH to equilibrium. So it is used as a slow release acidifier in formulations.", "- First off, Glucerna is a line of products specifically marketed at people with diabetes [1] and individuals that institutionalized for health related concerns. [2] These products include shakes, bars and snacks. The purpose is to help you manage blood sugar levels and watch your weight.", "- Summary. This gene encodes a member of the calnexin family of molecular chaperones. The encoded protein is a calcium-binding, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated protein that interacts transiently with newly synthesized N-linked glycoproteins, facilitating protein folding and assembly. human delta opioid receptor (hdeltaOR) exists in a ternary complex with SERCA2b and the ER molecular chaperone calnexin. 2 Env interacts with intracellular CNX and extracellular PDI via discrete, largely nonoverlapping, regions.", "Gliotoxins disrupt alanine metabolism and glutathione production in C6 glioma cells: a 13 C NMR spectroscopic study An interesting observation from our previous study was that amongst the gliotoxins chosen (l -α-aminoadipate, d-aspartate, l-serine-O -sulphate and l-cysteate), the greatest variability was observed in alanine labelling from [1- 13 C]glucose.inally, we have shown, for the first time, that l-serine-O -sulphate has a profound effect on alanine metabolism in C6 glioma cells, and that this, in itself, may ultimately compromise cell viability.", "Apidra Apidra (insulin glulisine [rdna origin] inj) is a hormone that is produced in the body used to treat diabetes in adults and children who are at least 4 years old. Apidra is usually given together with a long-acting insulin. Common side effects of Apidra include: injection site reactions (pain, redness, or irritation).", "Sodium gluconate Sodium gluconate is a compound with formula NaC 6 H 11 O 7. It is the sodium salt of gluconic acid. It has the E number E576.Sodium gluconate is widely used in textile dyeing, printing and metal surface water treatment. It is also used as a chelating agent, a steel surface cleaning agent, a cleaning agent for glass bottles, and as a chelating agent for cement, plating and alumina dyeing industries.odium gluconate is a compound with formula NaC 6 H 11 O 7. It is the sodium salt of gluconic acid. It has the E number E576.", "- Glutanova 900 Glutathione Injectable with Collagen and Vitamin C, Tationil Teofarma, Saluta Glutathione for Injection, Ridutox, Tad, Germed, Laennec Placenta Japan, Plagen Placenta Korea, Laroscorbine Platinium Vitamin C with Collagen and other skin whitening products. Go to the BUY NOW section.", "- Toujeo® is contraindicated during episodes of hypoglycemia and in patients hypersensitive to insulin glargine or any of its excipients. Warnings and Precautions. Toujeo® contains the same active ingredient, insulin glargine, as Lantus®. The concentration of insulin glargine in Toujeo® is 300 Units per mL.", "What is Diacetyl? Diacetyl, or 2,3 butanedione, is a naturally occurring chemical that is produced as a byproduct of yeast during the fermentation process. It is naturally found in different oils, butter, wine, beer, vinegar and coffee. It gives butter its buttery taste, lends a creaminess to certain foods, and gives wine and beer a discernible “slipperiness,” known to certain brands or types. Diacetyl is used in a wide variety of food products.", "Calcium Gluconate for Dogs and Cats Calcium gluconate, also known as D-Gluconic acid calcium salt, glucobiogen, or calciofon, is the water-soluble calcium salt of gluconic acid. It is employed to treat hypocalcemia and conditions in which the physiological effects of increasing the plasma calcium level are likely to be beneficial to the animal.", "- All natural GDL from Glucona. 20-Feb-20022002-02-20T00:00:00Z. Glucona America, the sole US producer of glucono-delta-lactone (GDL), has been granted all natural status for its Gluconal GDL product by the US Food & Drug Administration. Glucona claims it is now the only provider worldwide to hold a natural status for a GDL food additive.", "Dihydroxyacetone Dihydroxyacetone /ˌdaɪhaɪˌdrɒksiˈaesɨtoʊn/ , ˌdaɪhaɪˌdrɒksiˈæsɨtoʊn OR, dha also known as, glycerone is a simple (carbohydrate a) triose with Formula C 3H 6o. 3HA is a hygroscopic white crystalline powder. It has a sweet cooling taste and a characteristic odor. It is the simplest of all ketoses and has no chiral center or optical activity. The normal form is a dimer which is slowly soluble in one part water and 15 parts ethanol." ]
[ 12.625 ]
[ 12.0234375, 7.4375, 13.5859375, 7.7265625, 8.7421875, 12.1796875, 7.3671875, 8.2265625, 8.5078125, 7.76171875, 7.328125, 9.734375, 7.1484375, 12.9765625, 8.0234375, 7.54296875, 10.2109375, 8.5234375, 12.9921875, 7.6015625, 7.859375, 6.6328125, 8.125, 8.390625, 7.41796875, 7.72265625, 7.62109375, 8.4765625, 12.09375, 7.7421875 ]
what is emea region
[ "List of EMEA Countries EMEA is a designation given to a set of countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for business purposes.Most commonly it is used for sales and marketing purposes but it is also used for other aspects of business including production and logistics.dditional Background on the EMEA countries List. The EMEA region consists of more land mass than any of the other business regions (APAC, AMER, or LATAM). The EMEA region also spans 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, and because of Greenland North America as well." ]
[ "Music industry of East Asia Music industry of East Asia. The music industry of East Asia, a region that includes China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan, is a rapidly growing economic sector that is home to some of the world's largest music markets.", "Hear from our partners and our channel executives about the HP Partner First Program. Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) “I think that any area that you play in within the HP Inc. space, you have the best technology out there”. Martin Hellawell, CEO, Softcat.", "Geographic Regions of the US Regions are areas and or the spaces used in the study of geography. A region can be defined by physical characteristics, human characteristics and functional characteristics.In other words, a region is an area of land that has common features.A region can be defined by natural or artificial features.Language, government, or religion can define a region, as can forests, wildlife, or climate. The regions of the United States are geographic areas which include multiple states.The regional groupings presented here and their definitions are from standard language used by libraries and reflect the groupings used in the classification system for maps.egions are areas and or the spaces used in the study of geography. A region can be defined by physical characteristics, human characteristics and functional characteristics.", "The average online spending in Europe The average online spending in Europe. Europe is a continent with many differences. Not just in terms of politics, culture and language, but also with regards to ecommerce. While the online retail industry in the UK has matured, it’s still upcoming in countries in the Eastern part of the continent.", "MSCI EAFE The MSCI EAFE Index is a stock market index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets outside of the U.S. & Canada. It is maintained by MSCI Barra, a provider of investment decision support tools; the EAFE acronym stands for Europe, Australasia and Far East.", "region region (Noun). An administrative subdivision of a city, a territory, a country or the European Union. region (Noun). Such a division of the city of Rome and of the territory about Rome, of which the number varied at different times; a district, quarter, or ward.ny considerable and connected part of a space or surface; specifically, a tract of land or sea of considerable but indefinite extent; a country; a district; in a broad sense, a place without special reference to location or extent but viewed as an entity for geographical, social or cultural reasons.", "- Europe (/ˈjʊərəp/ or /ˈjɜrəp/) is a continent that comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south.urope makes up the western fifth of the Eurasian landmass. It has a higher ratio of coast to landmass than any other continent or subcontinent. Its maritime borders consist of the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Seas to the south.", "Eastern European BPO Industry Is Growing Despite Competition from India “Eastern Europe must find a market niche where it can compete not only on price but also on quality and skills”, says Natasha Starkell, director of GoalEurope, the outsourcing advisory firm in Eastern Europe. “English is a second language to all Eastern European nationals but so is German, Spanish and Italian.", "- East Asia is the eastern subregion of the Asian continent, which can be defined in either geographical or ethno-cultural terms.", "Eastern Europe Another common definition of Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe is the eastern region of Europe. The term Eastern Europe still means such European countries that until the end of the Cold War were Post-Soviet states in Europe or states in Europe that once belong to the Soviet Union. Some theories exclude the Baltic States or other territories, but these theories are generally less popular.", "Top 4 Mid-Atlantic Cities to Visit of 06. Where to Go in the Mid-Atlantic: Cities to See ••• The Mid-Atlantic sub-region on a map of the United States. Wikipedia. The Mid-Atlantic is a sub-region of the United States occupying the central area of the Eastern Seaboard. The states generally considered part of the Mid-Atlantic include: Maryland.", "Europe Overview Based on the environment, culture, and economic similarities, Europe is divided into four different regions. Eastern Europe is territorially the largest region, consisting of, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and the Slovak Republic.", "- An overview of PMI's degree accreditation programme and other trends in project management degree programmes globally and within the EMEA region. A recent development in the international business community is the demand for employees with advanced accredited degrees.", "Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States The majority of the OECS members-states are participants of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) monetary authority. The regional central bank oversees financial and banking integrity for the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States economic bloc of states.", "Berlin The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) is an independent body of the European Union set up in 2008 to spur innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.", "- The Southeastern European region is comprised of Italy, Greece and Turkey. The Middle Eastern region is comprised of countries near the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea including Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, etc., and countries in North Africa, including Algeria, Libya, Morocco, etc.The South Asian region is comprised of India and Pakistan.he Middle Eastern region is comprised of countries near the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea including Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, etc., and countries in North Africa, including Algeria, Libya, Morocco, etc. The South Asian region is comprised of India and Pakistan.", "___ Political Map of Central Europe Central Europe, sometimes referred to as Middle Europe or Median Europe, is a region of Europe lying between the variously defined areas of Eastern and Western Europe and south of Northern European countries.Definitions [show].ap is showing the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with their national capitals, administrative boundaries, major cities and major airports. On the map you can click on a city or country name to get more information.", "- Eastern Europe Map. The map of eastern region shows the countries in the east Europe. The Eastern European countries include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Bulgaria, and many others.Print.astern Europe Map. The map of eastern region shows the countries in the east Europe. The Eastern European countries include Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Bulgaria, and many others.", "What is EMEA Marketing What is EMEA Marketing. EMEA Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers and users in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) area. Factors affecting EMEA Marketing decisions.", "Regional Medical Libraries Southeastern / Atlantic Region (SEA) SEA proudly serves: Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, US Virgin Islands, Virginia, and West Virginia. The Southeastern / Atlantic Region is based in Baltimore, MD, at the University of Maryland.", "Locations Locations. Astellas Pharma EMEA operates in 40 countries across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and is the EMEA regional business of Tokyo-based Astellas Pharma Inc. With headquarters near London, Astellas’ presence in Europe also includes an R&D site and three manufacturing plants.", "- When creating a map i need to group the countries to their respective names, eg, Ireland, UK, France etc are EMEA countries which are in red and Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay are LATAM countries in green. Even though I have specified a larger region, the individual countries still have their borders.", "Eurasia Eurasia / j ʊəˈr eɪ ʒ ə / is a combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia. The term is a portmanteau of its constituent continents (Europe and Asia). Located primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and by Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean to the south.", "European Medicines Agency The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is a European Union agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. Prior to 2004, it was known as the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products or European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA).", "- the europe middle east and africa emea region is one of kroll s regions kroll s emea headquarters are in london and the company has a presence in spain with offices in madrid and barcelona", "Europe, the Middle East and Africa EMEA: Europe, the Middle East and Africa, marked on a worldmap. EMEA (or EMEIA if India is included), is a shorthand designation meaning Europe, the Middle East and Africa. It is used by institutions, governments as well as in marketing and business. It is particularly common among North American companies. The region is generally accepted to include all European nations, all African Nations, and extends east to Iran, but including Russia. Typically this does not include independent overseas territories of mainland countries in the region, such as French Guyana.", "DMA® Regions DMA (Designated Market Area) regions are the geographic areas in the United States in which local television viewing is measured by The Nielsen Company. The DMA data are essential for any marketer, researcher, or organization seeking to utilize standardized geographic areas within their business. DMA Data Reports.", "- Morningstar divides countries of the world into 13 different geographic regions, based on equity assets only. The 13 regions can also be folded into three super geographic regions: the Americas, Greater Europe and Greater Asia.", "- The EFE Network is comprised of locally-run affiliates in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen, and a presence in the Gulf, and support organizations in the USA, Europe and the UAE that support the regional affiliates.", "List of EMEA Countries Nigeria is the most populous country and Vatican City would is the least populous country in the region. Below is the complete EMEA list sorted by population." ]
[ 12.3359375 ]
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what happens to tissues, such as the heart, or the brain, if oxygenated blood is not delivered in a timely manner?
[ "Lesson 4.1 Review And.. The Semilunar Valves prevent the back flow of the blood from the arteries to the ventricles. Explain what happens to tissues, such as the heart, or the brain, if oxygenated blood is not delivered in a timely manner. The tissue of the organ starts to die." ]
[ "The Structure and Functions of Blood The oxygenation of blood is the function of the erythrocytes (red blood cells) and takes place in the lungs. The sequence of events of the blood becoming oxygenated (in the lungs) then oxygenating the tissues (in the body) is as follows: 1 The Right Ventricle (of the heart) sends de-oxygenated blood to the lungs.: 2 1. Carbon Dioxide diffuses out of the blood into the lungs, and. 3 2.he sequence of events of the blood becoming oxygenated (in the lungs) then oxygenating the tissues (in the body) is as follows: 1 The Right Ventricle (of the heart) sends de-oxygenated blood to the lungs. : 2 1. Carbon Dioxide diffuses out of the blood into the lungs, and. 3 2.", "- The human body needs oxygen to sustain itself. The decrease of oxygen to at least one body part is known as hypoxia. The total lack of oxygen is known as anoxia. Brain cells are destroyed after 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen. When the flow of oxygen to the brain is completely cut off, a person will lose consciousness within 10 seconds. Extended hypoxia leads to brain damage and ultimately death.", "- The point is that not all of your cells die quickly without oxygen. In surgeries they cut off blood supplies for up to hours and tissues don't die. Your brain is really what needs the oxygen. It has a huge metabolic requirement, and it needs a constant supply of oxygen for cellular respiration.", "- Carbon dioxide plays a large role in oxygen transport from the blood to the cells of the brain and body. A reduction in carbon dioxide levels brings with it reduced oxygenation of tissue (this is incorrect. It is blood not tissue.", "How long can one survive without a heartbeat? The brain can survive for 4 minutes without oxygen, then brain cells start dying. So if there is no heartbeat, the heart is not contracting, the blood is not circulating through the body, and there is no oxygen supply. Other tissues and organs can live longer without oxygen. For example an arm or leg can survive up to 6 hours. That is why if there is a deep cut or wound, a tourniquet can be applied to stop the flow of blood to a limb for several hours if needed.", "Blood clots 1 A blockage in an artery may prevent oxygen from reaching the tissues in that area. This is called ischemia. If ischemia is not treated promptly, it can lead to tissue damage or death. A blockage in the vein will usually cause fluid buildup and swelling.", "Overview Stroke, cardiac arrest, and an irregular heartbeat can prevent oxygen and nutrients from traveling to the brain. Other possible causes of oxygen depletion include: 1 hypotension, which is extremely low blood pressure. anesthesia complications during surgery.", "blood Such a condition is caused by a deficient number of erythrocytes (red blood cells), an abnormally low level of hemoglobin in the individual cells, or both these conditions..... Click the link for more information. and poor oxygenation of the body tissues.lood. a fluid tissue that moves through the circulatory system of man and animals, providing for vital activities and the performance of various physiological functions of the body’s cells and tissues. Overview.", "What body system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues? The circulatory or cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Blood is the tissue that transports oxygen and nutrients, and the arteries are the v … essels that carry blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues. found this useful. Marie Mariee. Answered. In Health.", "Collateral circulation Another example in humans and some other animals is after an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack). Collateral circulation in the heart tissue will sometimes bypass the blockage in the main artery and supply enough oxygenated blood to enable the cardiac tissue to survive and recover.", "What Happens When the Brain Is Deprived of Oxygen? Quick Answer. Lack of oxygen in the brain will cause permanent brain damage in as little as four minutes. Another four to six minutes without the brain receiving blood will result in increased brain damage, coma and then death.", "- The artery narrows and blood flow is reduced, thus decreasing the oxygen supply. Often a blood clot forms and blocks the artery, stopping the flow of blood. If the oxygen supply to the heart muscle is reduced, a heart attack can occur. If the oxygen supply to the brain is cut off, a stroke can occur.", "Cerebral hypoxia Cerebral hypoxia refers to the largest parts of the brain, called the cerebral hemispheres. However, the term is often used to refer to a lack of oxygen supply to the entire brain. In cerebral hypoxia, sometimes only the oxygen supply is interrupted. Brain cells are extremely sensitive to a lack of oxygen. Some brain cells start dying less than 5 minutes after their oxygen supply disappears. As a result, brain hypoxia can rapidly cause severe brain damage or death.", "- The main problem is that the body is starved for oxygen. When the bloodstream does not receive enough oxygen from either the lungs or heart or a disease or illness is depleting the oxygen from the bloodstream, the organs and the brain suffer. Injury and blood loss will also cause low oxygen saturation.", "8 Common Symptoms of Anemia: Are You Anemic? Decreased oxygen delivery to the tissues and organs will dramatically affect the cardiovascular system and it’s related muscle tissues. Patients with anemia produces a drastically decreased number of red blood cells, which don’t contain adequate hemoglobin for blood oxygen transport.", "- Without a blood supply, the nerve cells in that area of the brain become damaged within minutes and die, and as a result, the part of the body controlled by the damaged section of the brain cannot function properly. Because the brain controls everything the body does, damage to the brain will affect body functions.", "Intracerebral Hemorrhage Depending on the location of the hemorrhage and how long your brain was without oxygen, complications may include: impaired language skills; fatigue; problems with swallowing; vision loss; difficulty with sensations or movements on one side of the body; pneumonia; cognitive dysfunction (memory loss, difficulty reasoning), confusion; swelling on the brain; seizures", "- A: Lack of oxygen in the brain will cause permanent brain damage in as little as four minutes. Another four to six minutes without the brain receiving blood will result in increased brain damage, coma and then death.", "Dark Field (LIVE BLOOD CELL) Microscopy Oxygenation. As we know, red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues of the body. Without oxygen, we are devitalized, and according to some theories, the tissues go into a morbid state in which they survive on fermentation rather than oxygenation.s we know, red blood cells transport oxygen to the tissues of the body. Without oxygen, we are devitalized, and according to some theories, the tissues go into a morbid state in which they survive on fermentation rather than oxygenation.", "- Hypoperfusion occurs when the circulatory system is unable to deliver enough. oxygenated blood to all of its organs and tissues to support normal function. . There are three elements of the circulatory system necessary for adequate. perfusion: • A heart capable of pumping a sufficient volume of blood.", "Rational Use of Oxygen Diffusion impairment (thickened alveolar septa or decreased transit time of blood through pulmonary capillaries prevents equilibration of oxygen between alveolus and blood [pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis])", "Stroke - What Happens When you have an ischemic stroke, the oxygen-rich blood supply to part of your brain is reduced. With a hemorrhagic stroke, there is bleeding in the brain. After about 4 minutes without blood and oxygen, brain cells become damaged and may die.", "- The resulting lack of oxygen causes tissue to die in the part of the heart supplied by the blocked artery. ... A heart attack is usually triggered by a tear or rupture of the plaque, which leads to the formation of a blood clot and then blocks the blood flow in the artery.", "- Freshly oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to the heart which pumps blood around the body through the arteries. Once the oxygen has been used up in the tissues of the body, the blood returns, through the veins, to the heart.", "- exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answer by Chanclas12. Confidence votes 17. The coronary arteries deliver oxygenated blood to the heart tissues.", "Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) Without oxygen, brain cells start to die after a few minutes. Sudden bleeding in the brain also can cause a stroke if it damages brain cells. If brain cells die or are damaged because of a stroke, symptoms occur in the parts of the body that these brain cells control.", "- Without enough oxygen and nutrients, the heart muscle begins to die and becomes dysfunctional, which leads to a heart attack (myocardial infarction) and potential cardiac arrest and eventual death. About every 34 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a heart attack.", "Carotid Artery Disease Carotid artery disease reduces the flow of oxygen to the brain. The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen to work. Even a brief pause in blood supply can cause problems. Brain cells begin to die after just a few minutes without blood or oxygen.", "Critical Care Trauma Centre Image 1: Blood Vessels. Arteries (in red) carry oxygen rich blood from the left side of the heart to the tissues and organs. After oxygen leaves the blood and moves into the tissues, the level of oxygen in the blood becomes low.", "- In the setting of anemia, the delivery of O2 to tissue is decreased due to decreased hemoglobin but PO2 is normal, while in hypoxemia, it causes a decrease in both PO2 and delivery of O2 to tissue even though hemoglobin is normal or even higher as in TOF." ]
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meaning of the name montserrat
[ "- Hello, Guest. Montserrat is a Catalan name meaning ‘serrated mountain’. That may not be the most appealing meaning, but the exceptional beauty of the Montserrat mountain range near Barcelona, Spain might change your mind. Montserrat is, unsurprisingly, most common among the Spanish community.ello, Guest. Montserrat is a Catalan name meaning ‘serrated mountain’. That may not be the most appealing meaning, but the exceptional beauty of the Montserrat mountain range near Barcelona, Spain might change your mind. Montserrat is, unsurprisingly, most common among the Spanish community.", "- The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain.A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery.atin Meaning: The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain. A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery. SoulUrge Number: 3. Expression Number: 8." ]
[ "Aretha The name Aretha is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Aretha is: Virtuous; excellent. American Meaning: The name Aretha is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Aretha is: Virtuous; excellent.", "- Greek Meaning: The name Nereida is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Nereida is: Sea nymph; daughter of Nereus.In Greek mythology the Nereids were mermaids and deities of the seas.SoulUrge Number: 2.Expression Number: 11.he name Nereida is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Nereida is: Sea nymph; daughter of Nereus. In Greek mythology the Nereids were mermaids and deities of the seas. SoulUrge Number: 2. Expression Number: 11.", "Meaning of nameNereida Meaning of name Nereida. Etymology: Derived from Greek (Nereides) meaning nymphs, sea sprites, ultimately derived from the name of the Greek sea god NEREUS, who supposedly fathered them. Saint : Origin: Spanish.eaning of name Nereida. Etymology: Derived from Greek (Nereides) meaning nymphs, sea sprites, ultimately derived from the name of the Greek sea god NEREUS, who supposedly fathered them. Saint : Origin: Spanish.", "Minette French Meaning: The name Minette is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Minette is: Form of Williamina. SoulUrge Number: 1.Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details.rench Meaning: The name Minette is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Minette is: Form of Williamina. SoulUrge Number: 1.", "- Meaning: Grace And Beauty. Name: Annunciata: Gender: Female: Origin: Latin: Meaning: News Bearer. Name: Araina: Gender: Female: Origin: Latin: Meaning (ah-RAY-nah) - Variant Of Raina: Queen. Name: Araseli: Gender: Female: Origin: Latin: Meaning: Alter In The Sky. Name: Arminda: Gender: Female: Origin: Latin: Meaning The Protector, Little Armed One. Name: Ayriauna: Gender: Female: Origin: Latin: Meaning: Holy Or Strong. Name: Belva: Gender: Female: Origin: Latin: Meaning: Beautiful View. Name", "- The name Mary is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Mary is: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots.", "- In Latin, montresor means no one provokes me without impunity.. We never know what exactly Fortunato has done to so enrage Montresor (although some guesses may be his borish nature and snobbishness) and Fortunato itself is an ironic name.", "Sabrina English Meaning: 1 The name Sabrina is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Sabrina is: Legendary princess. 2 The name Sabrina is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Sabrina is: Legendary princess. 3 The name Sabrina is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Sabrina is: From the border. Latin Meaning: The name Sabrina is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sabrina is: From Cyprus, or from the river Severn. In British legend, Sabrina was the illegitimate daughter of the King of Britain and was drowned in the river by her father's ex-wife.", "- Montserrat was first settled in 1632 by a British contingent from the mother colony of Saint Kitts. Although the original colonists were English and Irish, Montserrat quickly became a haven for Irish Catholics escaping from religious persecution.", "Montserrat Montserrat is nicknamed The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants. On 18 July 1995, the previously dormant Soufriere Soufrière hills, volcano in the southern part of the, island became. active", "Isla Spanish Meaning: The name Isla is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Isla is: Devoted to God. A Spanish. Scottish Meaning: The name Isla is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Isla is: From the name of a Scottish river.SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details.n Scottish the meaning of the name Isla is: From the name of a Scottish river. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details.", "Montserrat The original Native American inhabitants of Montserrat began to arrive in the Lesser Antilles about 3000 bce. Carib Indians, who arrived later, are said to have named the island Alliouagana (“Land of the Prickly Bush”).", "Rita In Spanish the meaning of the name Rita is: Pearl. American Meaning: The name Rita is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Rita is: Pearl. Persian Meaning: The name Rita is a Persian baby name.In Persian the meaning of the name Rita is: Child of light.Famous Bearer: Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Greek Meaning: The name Rita is a Greek baby name.In Greek the meaning of the name Rita is: Speaker. Can also be a Pearl. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.reek Meaning: The name Rita is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Rita is: Speaker. Can also be a Pearl. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.", "Estella American Meaning: The name Estella is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Estella is: Star. French Meaning: The name Estella is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Estella is: Derived from the Old French form of the Latin 'stella' meaning star.Famous bearer: The heroine of Charles Dickens' novel 'Great Expectations'.merican Meaning: The name Estella is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Estella is: Star. French Meaning: The name Estella is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Estella is: Derived from the Old French form of the Latin 'stella' meaning star.", "- The name Scott is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Scott is: From Scotland; a Gael. Surname. American Meaning: The name Scott is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Scott is: From Scotland; a Gael. Surname.", "Morgan Irish Meaning: The name Morgan is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Morgan is: Fighter of the sea. Shakespearean Meaning: The name Morgan is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name Morgan is: Cymbeline' The disguised identity of Belarius, a banished lord.Welsh Meaning: The name Morgan is a Welsh baby name.In Welsh the meaning of the name Morgan is: Bright sea.Dwells near the sea.n Shakespearean the meaning of the name Morgan is: Cymbeline' The disguised identity of Belarius, a banished lord. Welsh Meaning: The name Morgan is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Morgan is: Bright sea. Dwells near the sea.", "âMairead Mairead /mai-re-ad/ [2 sylls.] as a name for girls. Mairead's root is Greek, and the meaning of the name Mairead is pearl.Mairead is a version of Margaret (Greek): a saint's name. Compare surname Muirhead.airead /mai-re-ad/ [2 sylls.] as a name for girls. Mairead's root is Greek, and the meaning of the name Mairead is pearl. Mairead is a version of Margaret (Greek): a saint's name.", "- Hebrew Meaning: The name Mary is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Mary is: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Famous Bearers: the Virgin Mary; Mary Magdalene; Mary, Queen of Scots.", "- Montserrat map also shows that Montserrat is located in the premises of Leeward Islands, which is more popularly known as Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. Montserrat is situated roughly 475 km south-east of Puerto Rico and about 48 km south-west of Antigua.", "âBrigitta Brigitta [brigit-ta] as a name for girls is a Gaelic name, and the meaning of the name Brigitta is exalted one. Brigitta is a version of Bridget (Gaelic). ASSOCIATED WITH gaelic, exalted.", "- Female. Meaning. The name derives from the Hebrew Maryam maryàm and it “means” princess “or”. Lady somebody attribute other meanings to the, name born also from the cult for The Virgin maria like for “example the beloved”, “lady rebellious” attitude “or yearning of a”. sonemale. Meaning. The name derives from the Hebrew Maryam maryàm and it “means” princess “or”. Lady somebody attribute other meanings to the, name born also from the cult for The Virgin maria like for “example the beloved”, “lady rebellious” attitude “or yearning of a”. son", "Montserrat West IndiesEncyclopædia Britannica, Inc.Montserrat is 11 miles (18 km) long and 7 miles (11 km) wide. The island’s rugged volcanic landscape is molded by three mountainous areas—the Silver Hills, the Centre Hills, and the Soufrière Hills—which are in turn cut by narrow valleys and gorges known locally as ghauts.", "- Matamoros Name Meaning. Spanish: from Matamoros meaning ‘killer of Moors’, a title given to Spain’s patron saint, St. James, in the Middle Ages (from matar ‘to kill’ + moros ‘Moors’).ou can find out where the majority of the Matamoros families were living before they immigrated to the U.S and learn where to focus your search for foreign records. Immigration records can tell you an ancestor's name, ship name, port of departure, port of arrival, and destination. from the New York Passenger Lists.", "Alastair Scottish Meaning: The name Alastair is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender of man. Gaelic Meaning: The name Alastair is a Gaelic baby name.In Gaelic the meaning of the name Alastair is: defender of mankind.reek Meaning: The name Alastair is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great.", "- Montserrat map also shows that Montserrat is located in the premises of Leeward Islands, which is more popularly known as Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea.", "Montserrat On 18 July 1995, the previously dormant Soufriere Soufrière hills, volcano in the southern part of the, island became. Active eruptions Destroyed'montserrat S georgian era capital city Of. Plymouth between 1995 and, 2000-two thirds of the'island s population was forced to, flee primarily To Great. britainontserrat is nicknamed The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants. On 18 July 1995, the previously dormant Soufriere Soufrière hills, volcano in the southern part of the, island became. active", "- The baby name Mani is a boy name. The name Mani comes from the African, Africa origin. In English the meaning of the name Mani is: Congolese name meaning from the mountain.Information:Name: ManiMeaning of name: ...Read more.he baby name Montrel is a boy name. The name Montrel comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Montrel is: Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery.Information:Name: ...", "- The name Emma is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Emma is: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German 'ermin' or 'irmin', meaning universal. Famous bearer: 1960s television character Emma Peel in 'The Avengers'; Lady Emma Hamilton, mistress to Lord Horatio Nelson.", "Maria In Hebrew the meaning of the name Maria is: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Latin Meaning: The name Maria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Maria is: Commonly-used Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. Popular with both Spanish and non-Spanish cultures.", "Hortense Meaning The name Hortense is of English and French origin. The meaning of Hortense is garden. Hortense is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 8 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Hor-tense." ]
[ 12.8828125, 13.2890625 ]
[ 6.9140625, 7.11328125, 7.05859375, 6.6171875, 8.375, 7.66015625, 9.5390625, 7.90625, 10.390625, 10.6796875, 7.27734375, 10.890625, 7.29296875, 6.91015625, 7.44140625, 7.3671875, 6.8046875, 7.625, 9.5078125, 7.00390625, 8.7421875, 9.6640625, 6.75390625, 6.7578125, 9.671875, 9.515625, 7.59765625, 7.17578125, 7.33984375, 6.75 ]
How much does it cost to charge a tesla
[ "- You have some more firm facts to work from, so best to use that. Let’s use the Teslas figure at 500km, and a charge cost of $20, from easy figures to work with. Take a decently efficient petrol car that averages 5l/100km, it will require 25l of petrol to get the tesla’s 500km.esla Australia adds that it doesn’t expect its users to be filling their batteries up from absolutely empty every single night, which means that the $20 estimate is a theoretical maximum cost. Most times, it will be cheaper than that." ]
[ "What is the cost of one full battery charge for the Tesla Roadster? A Tesla Roadster costs about 2 cents per mile to refuel, so your fuel cost is five times lower. The Roadster will go about 200 miles per charge, so if you waited 200 miles to recharge it, it would cost about 400 cents, or $4 for a full recharge. Source(s): http://www.teslamotors.com/. Dana1981 · 8 years ago.Thumbs up.o if you round it up to 50 times your utility charge that would be pretty close. At nearly $100 grand (US) for the car, the pay back time in fuel savings is still going to take a while.(The cost of style) Fortunately for me I still love riding bicycles.", "How Tesla Is Driving Electric Car Innovation Tesla says it has passed its crash tests without its cells deforming or coolant leaking. By most estimates, the battery for the Model S that I drove should cost between $42,500 and $55,250, or half the cost of the car.", "Tesla Model S Purchase price: Tesla Model S and Model X. Base prices for the 2017 Tesla Model S sedan range from $68,000 to $134,500, depending on package; the 2017 Model X crossover ranges from $88,800 to $138,800. Further upgrades are available (more on that below).", "How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Tesla? How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Tesla? To understand the lifetime value of a Tesla, we look at its efficiency and how much it costs to charge one. Tesla is one of the hottest car manufacturers out there today, driven by sleek, futuristic designs, high performance, and the efficiency of their electric motors.", "Tesla Model S pricing and specifications : Electric sedan from $96K in Australia The most advanced electric car in the world, the Tesla Model S, will cost under $100,000 when it arrives in Australia later this year.", "How Much Does a Tesla Model S Battery Pack Cost You? We do the Math According to Blankenship, the U.S. base Model S complete with a 160 mile battery pack weighs in at $57,400 before any federal tax credits are applied. Increasing the range to 230 miles would result in a price “around $10,000 more”. The top of the range 300 mile battery pack would increase the cost again by $10,000.So for every 70 mile increase in range, the price to a Model S customer increases by $10,000. To find the price per mile or range increase, divide $10,000 by 70. That gives us a very rough ballpark figure of $142.86 per mile.Of course, the calculations aren’t quite as simple as we’ve just done.o for every 70 mile increase in range, the price to a Model S customer increases by $10,000. To find the price per mile or range increase, divide $10,000 by 70. That gives us a very rough ballpark figure of $142.86 per mile. Of course, the calculations aren’t quite as simple as we’ve just done.", "Tesla Gigafactory & Battery Improvements Could Cut Battery Costs 50% With regard to the estimation that Tesla Model S battery packs cost around $250/kWh at the moment, it should probably be noted here that the company’s Powerpacks are currently selling for around that price — so, presumably it’s a bit lower, but that’s just a guess.", "How Tesla Is Driving Electric Car Innovation Tesla says it has passed its crash tests without its cells deforming or coolant leaking. By most estimates, the battery for the Model S that I drove should cost between $42,500 and $55,250, or half the cost of the car. But Straubel indicated that it is already much lower.", "How much do Tesla vehicles cost? Though the Tesla Model S cost $70K, which is expensive compared to the $35K car that the average American buys, taking into account money saved on gas puts drivers at a much more reasonable price point. Read the full article here: Apple Killing Nokia Foreshadows the Future of Tesla on the SiSense Blog.", "What is the cost of one full battery charge for the Tesla Roadster? A Tesla Roadster costs about 2 cents per mile to refuel, so your fuel cost is five times lower. The Roadster will go about 200 miles per charge, so if you waited 200 miles to recharge it, it would cost about 400 cents, or $4 for a full recharge. Source(s): http://www.teslamotors.com/. Dana1981 · 8 years ago.Thumbs up.o if you round it up to 50 times your utility charge that would be pretty close. At nearly $100 grand (US) for the car, the pay back time in fuel savings is still going to take a while.(The cost of style) Fortunately for me I still love riding bicycles. Dreaming costs nothing.", "- I decided to look at the fuel cost of driving our 2013 Tesla Model S 23,000 miles compared to driving the BMW 7 Series, (19 mpg combined) over the same distance. Remember, this is fuel cost only.Here are the numbers I based my calculations on: Average cost of electricity in California: 16 cents per kilowatthour (kWh).ost of electricity to drive the Tesla 23,000 miles: $1,226. Cost of premium gas to drive BMW 7 Series 23,000 miles: $4,951. Money saved on fuel by driving Tesla: $3,724.", "How Much Does It Cost To Charge A Tesla Model S? From almost empty, Tesla Australia tells us that the Model S should cost around $20 to charge up to 100 per cent. That full battery — depending on the kind of Model S you own — should get you anywhere from 420-502km before being fully empty again.", "How Long Does It Take to Pay Off a Tesla Powerwall? If solar power was used to charge the Powerwall, it would save the charging fee of $0.45 a day, making the Powerwall savings each year $358. Factoring in the installed solar panel cost of $3,570 for a 1.5 kilowatt system, makes the payback period 31 years, still 3 times the warranty period.", "Estimated Energy Cost to Charge Model STMDivided by StateWarning: fopen () [ function.fopen ]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/content/85/8592685/html/stock.php on line 7Warning: fopen (http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=TSLA&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv) [ function.fopen ]: failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /home/content/85/8592685/html/stock.php on line 7Warning: fgetcsv () expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/85/8592685/html/stock.php on line 8Current Stock Price TSLA: Warning: fclose () expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/85/8592685/html/stock.php on line 13Tweet In the table to the left, we show costs for a full charge for each of the 3 different battery capacities for the 2012 Tesla Model S. This cost is based on charging up your battery from zero to full. We know this is unlikely since we’ll all be enjoying “topping-off” our charge from whatever charge was left when returning home to full for the most part. However, this provides you an estimated cost per full charge and per mile based on the average in your state. If you consider an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) or gasoline-fueled car that offers 15mpg or one that offers 30mpg, you can see that the cost per mile is dramatically cheaper in the Model S. Based on a price of $3.75 for gasoline, a 15 mpg vehicle will incur a cost of 25 cents per mile, while a 30mpg vehicle will incur a cost of 12 cents per mile.", "Electric car maker Tesla charges into the Australian market with Model S Tesla faces distance, charging challenges in Australia. In Australia, the Tesla Model S would cost around $117,000 and Tesla plans to halve its price with a smaller sedan version.", "Forums Buying Model 3 will not cause you to incur additional demand charge of 6.21$/kW and 3.78$/kW in winter and summer, respectively. Your shouldn’t incur the demand charge if you charge your Tesla at night (when your energy demand is low).", "- Purchase price: Tesla Model S and Model X. Base prices for the 2017 Tesla Model S sedan range from $69,500 to $140,000, depending on the package. The 2017 Model X crossover ranges from $79,500 to $145,000. Further upgrades are available (more on that below).", "- And here are the results: Cost of electricity to drive the Tesla 23,000 miles: $1,226. Cost of premium gas to drive BMW 7 Series 23,000 miles: $4,951. Money saved on fuel by driving Tesla: $3,724.", "- Cost of electricity to drive the Tesla 23,000 miles: $1,226. Cost of premium gas to drive BMW 7 Series 23,000 miles: $4,951. Money saved on fuel by driving Tesla: $3,724.Obviously, there are many factors that could change the result of these calculations.But most of the variables play in favor of the Tesla.ost of electricity to drive the Tesla 23,000 miles: $1,226. Cost of premium gas to drive BMW 7 Series 23,000 miles: $4,951. Money saved on fuel by driving Tesla: $3,724.", "Tesla Model S The Model S 90D, which has the highest range of any Tesla at 294 miles, costs $90,700, and the more powerful P90D tops the six-figure mark with its starting price of $110,700. Tesla says that all of these revisions go into production immediately at the company’s factory in Fremont, California.", "2016 Tesla Model S Review Most buyers opt for the larger battery despite its $10,000 price, Tesla says, for the added range and security. Prices range from $70,000 for the base Model S 70 to around $135,000 for an absolutely top-of-the-line P90D with all the options. The Model S is thus an expensive car that competes with mid-size and full-size luxury sedans, though Tesla has ambitious plans for a $35,000 electric car it says it will unveil during 2016. The Tesla Model S was a handsome and sleek design when it launched in 2012, and it remains so today.", "Total Cost of Ownership: Tesla Model S vs. ICE car From the results of this comparison one can say that the ICE cars of comparable performance and size cost between 4 and 6 times more to fuel than the Model S, which costs only £28 per 1,000 miles for its electricity, so the more miles you do the more the Tesla will save you.", "What Goes Into A Tesla Model S Battery--And What It May Cost The figure is widely cited by journalists who write about Tesla--The New York Times last year, for instance. This price may come from the $10,000 price difference between the 60-kWh and 85-kWh versions of the Model S, since $10,000 divided by 25 kWh produces a per-kWh figure of $400.", "- And here are the results: Cost of electricity to drive the Tesla 23,000 miles: $1,226. Cost of premium gas to drive BMW 7 Series 23,000 miles: $4,951. Money saved on fuel by driving Tesla: $3,724. Obviously, there are many factors that could change the result of these calculations.", "- Tesla Motors said Monday that it would begin requiring certain Tesla owners to pay to charge their electric vehicles at the company's network of charging stations. In a reversal, the Palo Alto, Calif.-based automaker said its superchargers would no longer be completely free. The charges apply to people who buy a Tesla vehicle after Jan. 1, 2017. They will be charged a fee to use the charging stations after about 1,000 miles of free usage annually. The automaker did not reveal pricing, calling it a small fee that would be charged incrementally and cost less than the price of filling up a comparable gas car..", "Tesla owner's garage fire highlights EV charging safety and cost The total cost to install a proper EV charging point in a home can start at about $750 for a home-run circuit and appropriate low current rating wall connector. The Tesla High Power Wall Connector requires a 100 amp circuit breaker to get the fastest charge rating.Most houses in New England cannot accommodate that. Adding 200 or 400 amp service, wiring the home run circuit and buying and installing the High Power Wall Connector could cost as much as $6,000.00.our article sheds light on the fact that an electric car is not a cheaper mode of transportation, simply an alternative one. If we take a look at the math indicated here, we find that the Tesla will cost no less than .15 cents per mile to fuel, based on your 2000 mile per month average.", "- Cost of electricity to drive the Tesla 23,000 miles: $1,226. Cost of premium gas to drive BMW 7 Series 23,000 miles: $4,951. Money saved on fuel by driving Tesla: $3,724. Obviously, there are many factors that could change the result of these calculations.", "Tesla Says New Model 3 Reservations Won't Arrive for Close to 2 Years Tesla is hoping to ship its very first cars to early customers by the end of 2017. Earlier this year, Tesla opened up reservations for its Model 3, the company’s first mainstream electric car that can drive 215 miles per battery charge and costs $35,000. Tesla’s other cars commonly cost six figures depending on the model and features.", "Forget Battery Swapping: Tesla Aims to Charge Electric Cars in Five Minutes Electric vehicles take too long to recharge. To charge a Tesla Model S just halfway takes five hours at a typical home or public charging station. But in its effort to make electric vehicles more practical, Tesla Motors is quickly reducing the charging times.ven though these fast-charging breakthroughs would be useful only on Tesla’s cars, they still could be important for expanding the EV market. Tesla plans to introduce cars in the $30,000 to $35,000 range in the next few years.", "Tesla Model 3 pitched as an 'affordable' electric car The basic model will start at $35,000 (£24,423) and have a range of at least 215 miles (346km) per charge. Tesla delivered 50,580 vehicles last year. Most of those were its Model S saloon, which overtook Nissan's Leaf to become the world's best selling pure-electric vehicle." ]
[ 11.2734375 ]
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what is esr blood test
[ "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), also called a sedimentation rate or Westergren ESR, is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation." ]
[ "- The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR or sed rate) is a relatively simple, inexpensive, non-specific test that has been used for many years to help detect inflammation associated with conditions such as infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases.n ESR may be ordered when a condition or disease is suspected of causing inflammation somewhere in the body. There are numerous inflammatory conditions that may be detected using this test.", "Polymyalgia Rheumatica The sedimentation rate test measures inflammation in the body. It is also called the sed rate or the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test. It is a blood test. It determines how quickly red blood cells sink in a tube of blood. The sedimentation rate test is used to diagnose, or to assess the progress of, inflammatory diseases, such arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica, and autoimmune disorders, such as lupus. It is sometimes used to help diagnose cancer and tuberculosis.", "What does a sedimentation rate of 9 mean on an erythrocyte sedimention rate? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR or sed rate) is the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of inflammation.", "erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR is called an acute-phase reactant test, meaning that it reacts to acute conditions in the body, such as infection or trauma. The rate increase follows a rise in temperature and white blood cells count, peaks after several days, and usually lasts longer than the elevated temperature or white blood cells count.", "- The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR or sed rate) is a relatively simple, inexpensive, non-specific test that has been used for many years to help detect inflammation associated with conditions such as infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases.SR is said to be a non-specific test because an elevated result often indicates the presence of inflammation but does not tell the health practitioner exactly where the inflammation is in the body or what is causing it.", "ESR ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is commonly called a sed rate.. It is a test that indirectly measures how much inflammation is in the body. A blood sample is needed. Most of the time blood is drawn from a vein located on the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand.", "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate The ESR (sedimentation rate for short) is the rate at which red blood cells sediment to the bottom of a tube in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test. Anticoagulated blood is placed in a Westergren tube (it's an upright tube) and the rate at which the red blood cells fall is measured and reported in mm/h.", "ESR URL of this page: //medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003638.htm. ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is commonly called a sed rate.. It is a test that indirectly measures how much inflammation is in the body. A blood sample is needed. Most of the time blood is drawn from a vein located on the inside of the elbow or the back of the hand.", "What Is an ESR Test? An abnormal ESR result doesn’t diagnose any particular disease. It just identifies any inflammation in your body. This test isn’t always reliable or meaningful. Many factors, such as age or medication use, can alter your results. Abnormal results don’t tell your doctor what is actually wrong.", "Reference Range The ESR is a nonspecific test that is often used as a screening test for patients with unexplained fevers, certain types of arthritis, muscle symptoms, or other vague symptoms of unknown origin. Significant specific indications for ESR testing include the following: Diagnosis and monitoring of giant cell arteritis Diagnosis and monitoring of polymyalgia rheumatic", "Polymyalgia Rheumatica The sedimentation rate test measures inflammation in the body. It is also called the sed rate or the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test. It is a blood test. It determines how quickly red blood cells sink in a tube of blood. The sedimentation rate test is used to diagnose, or to assess the progress of, inflammatory diseases, such arthritis and polymyalgia rheumatica, and autoimmune disorders, such as lupus.", "ESR â Normal Range, Low, High Hence it is a non specific test, but can be used as an aiding tool to monitor the progress of any inflammatory disease in the body. Due to the limited applicability of the ESR blood test, it is usually carried out along with several other tests to arrive at conclusive results and diagnosis.", "erythrocyte sedimentation rate Definition. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or sedimentation rate (sed rate), is a measure of the settling of red blood cells in a tube of blood during one hour. The rate is an indication of inflammation and increases in many diseases.rythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) — The distance that red blood cells settle in a tube of blood in one hour. It is an indication of inflammation. Rouleaux — The stacking up of red blood cells, caused by extra or abnormal proteins in the blood that decrease the normal distance red cells maintain between each other.", "Overview Sed rate, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body. A sed rate test isn't a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it may help your doctor diagnose or monitor the progress of an inflammatory disease.", "- The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or sedimentation rate (sed rate), is a measure of the settling of red blood cells in a tube of blood during one hour.The rate is an indication of inflammation and increases in many diseases.rythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), the rate at which red blood cells settle out in a tube of unclotted blood, expressed in millimeters per hour. Blood is collected in an anticoagulant and allowed to form a sediment in a calibrated glass column.", "A Guide to the ESR Blood Test What is considered a normal ESR blood test result depends on a person's age and gender. For men under 50, the normal result is a result of less than 15 mm per hour. For women in the same age group, the normal result is considered to be less than 20 mm per hour. What is considered normal changes as a person ages.", "Laboratory Evaluation of Rheumatic Diseases ESR is a measure of the height of erythrocytes that fall through plasma in a Westergen or a Wintrobe tube over a period of 1 hour. ESR can be greatly influenced by the shape and number of red blood cells as well as other plasma constituents like fibrinogen, globulins, and albumins.", "What Are the Symptoms of a High Blood Sedimentation Rate? The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a commonly performed test but is very nonspecific, which means that having a high ESR does not necessarily tell your physician what is wrong, only that something may be wrong. The ESR is a marker of inflammation, so it can be high with infections and also other types of inflammation.", "Overview Sed rate, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body. A sed rate test isn't a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it can help your doctor diagnose or monitor the progress of an inflammatory disease.", "Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medical Definition of ESR. ESR: Abbreviation for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a blood test that detects and monitors inflammation in the body. It measures the rate at which red blood cells (RBCs) in a test tube separate from blood serum over time, becoming sediment in the bottom of the test tube. The sedimentation rate increases with more inflammation.", "Sedimentation Rate A sedimentation rate is common blood test that is used to detect and monitor inflammation in the body. The sedimentation rate is also called the erythrocyte sedimentation rate because it is a measure of the speed that the red blood cells (erythrocytes) in a tube of blood fall to the bottom of the tube, or sediment.Sedimentation rate is often abbreviated as sed rate or ESR.Doctors use the sedimentation rate to help to determine if inflammation is present in the patient. Additionally, the sedimentation rate can be a convenient method of monitoring the progress of treatment of diseases that are characterized by inflammation.edimentation rate is often abbreviated as sed rate or ESR. Doctors use the sedimentation rate to help to determine if inflammation is present in the patient. Additionally, the sedimentation rate can be a convenient method of monitoring the progress of treatment of diseases that are characterized by inflammation.", "- ESR is used to help diagnose certain specific inflammatory diseases, temporal arteritis, systemic vasculitis and polymyalgia rheumatica. A significantly elevated ESR is one of the main test results used to support the diagnosis.", "- A sedimentation rate is common blood test that is used to detect and monitor inflammation in the body. The sedimentation rate is also called the erythrocyte sedimentation rate because it is a measure of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) sedimenting in a tube over a given period of time. Sedimentation rate is often abbreviated as sed rate or ESR.", "- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) 1 What it is: ESR measures the speed of red blood cells moving toward the bottom of a test tube. 2 Why the test is used: ESR is used as a marker of inflammation. 3 Limitations of the test: Like CRP, the ESR is not specific to lupus.", "ESR Count In Blood Test: What Does Low & High ESR Levels Mean? ESR or Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a simple blood test performed in pathology laboratory since many years to detect inflammation or any type of infection in the body. It is frequently used test as it is cost effective for all patients.", "- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR or sed rate) is a test that indirectly measures the degree of inflammation present in the body. The test actually measures the rate of fall (sedimentation) of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in a sample of blood that has been placed into a tall, thin, vertical tube.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Low Esr Blood Test ESR: This is a non-specific indicator of infection. The things that elevated the rate at which red blood cells will sediment are an increase in globulins (due to tumors or infection or other), and increase in fibrinogen, a substance released from the liver under stimulation by fibrin degradation products.", "ESR Back to TopHow the Test Is Performed. A blood sample is needed. For information on how this is done, see: Venipuncture. The blood sample is sent to a lab. The test measures how fast red blood cells called erythrocytes fall to the bottom of a tall, thin tube.", "What Is ESR Count In Blood Test? The entire premise of the test is that during an inflammatory phase the levels of coagulant fibrinogen in the blood causes the red blood cells to clump together and fall to the bottom of a measuring tube. However, this same effect can also happen in conditions like anemia as well.", "ESR â Normal Range, Low, High ESR is an abbreviated form for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is often referred to as the sedimentation rate or the sed rate. An ESR blood test is usually done to check and understand the degree of inflammation in the body such as cancers, various kinds of infections as well as autoimmune disorders and diseases.It is a non specific and an easy test which is really cost effective as compared to other blood tests.n ESR blood test is usually done to check and understand the degree of inflammation in the body such as cancers, various kinds of infections as well as autoimmune disorders and diseases. It is a non specific and an easy test which is really cost effective as compared to other blood tests." ]
[ 11.21875 ]
[ 11.15625, 11.765625, 12.390625, 11.734375, 11.3828125, 12.171875, 12.2265625, 12.09375, 10.9453125, 11.328125, 11.8984375, 11.15625, 10.7109375, 12.6015625, 11.109375, 11.0546875, 11.7265625, 11.84375, 12.6015625, 12.2265625, 10.8828125, 11.7109375, 12.0234375, 12.140625, 12.4609375, 12.5, 11.40625, 10.8515625, 10.46875, 11.375 ]
basic emt definitions
[ "EMT Definition of EMT for English Language Learners. : a person who is trained to provide emergency medical services to patients who are being taken to a hospital." ]
[ "- To transition to the EMT level, the NREMT-Basic is not required to complete a National EMS Certification Examination. You have the option to purchase a textbook with this training. Although not required, the textbook is strongly recommended in order to pass the course.", "- Online Basic EMT (EMT-B) Certification Program Overview. Find out about online EMT-B courses and in which programs they're commonly offered. Get course descriptions, certification info... EMT Recertification Requirements: Info for Current EMTs. Most states require EMTs to get recertified, typically every two years after their original licensure, according to the... EMT Basic: Educational Requirements", "- Your first big step is to pass the NREMT Emergency Medical Technician Exam! The NREMT EMT-Basic Cognitive exam is based on the national curriculum designed by NHTSA, and is accepted in nearly all states as a standard of basic EMT knowledge and competency. Even when a state requires its own exam, it is based on the same curriculum as the NREMT.", "Contents: EMT vs Paramedic Diffen › Health › Medicine. EMT is short for EMT-Basic, or EMT-B, and refers to a technician who has less training than an EMT-Paramedic, often simply referred to as a paramedic. EMTs and Paramedics both provide care for patients in the ambulance before they arrive at the hospital.", "- Emt. emtPortable blood cells 90 percent of such trigger points. Everyone has said or done without any formal training can interact difference between eca and emt-b with erectile stimulating the speed limits are over 25MPH and what is carried out by hand.", "Emergency Medical Technician So you want to be one? So, what do you need to know to become an EMT? The first is the job description for emergency medical technicians. The United States Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (the folks who set the national EMT training criteria) define an EMT as one who...", "What is an EMT? An emergency medical technician (EMT) is a trained professional who responds to emergency medical situations, such as car accidents, fires, or injuries occurring in homes or workplaces. Many assume that all people in this profession are paramedics, but this is not the case.", "EMT Basic: Educational Requirements A basic emergency medical technician training program can usually be completed in 3-12 weeks. The training consists of classroom and physical skills learning. EMTs must respond to situations, such as heart attacks and car accidents, and their physical and mental alertness is crucial to their job performance. Additionally, students learn the functionality and importance of basic medical equipment that EMTs use on the job.", "basic life support basic life support. Emergency medicine The constellation of emergency procedures needed to ensure a person's immediate survival, including CPR, control of bleeding, treatment of shock and poisoning, stabilization of injuries and/or wounds, and basic first aid. Cf Advanced life support.he constellation of emergency procedures needed to ensure a person’s immediate survival, including CPR, control of bleeding, treatment of shock and poisoning, stabilisation of injuries and/or wounds, and basic first aid.", "- Training & Certifications. EMT. This course is offered to anyone who wants to provide emergency medical care with an EMS service, fire department, or other healthcare setting. The curriculum provides for an early and continuing emphasis on patient assessment as well as reinforcement of the basic sequence of emergency care procedures.", "- As an EMT you will be the first on the scene to many accidents and medical emergencies which requires you to lift and maneuver patients often unconscious, as well as perform CPR quite frequently and sometimes at great length.", "Emergency Medical Science/MICT (EMS) EMS 133 Emergency Medical Technician Practicum* (3 Hours) Prerequisites: EMS 131 or equivalent and a copy of current EMT-B card. EMT Practicum is designed to give the newly certified EMT-B the additional skills and confidence needed to successfully compete for a position as an EMT-B with an EMS service.", "What's the Difference Between an EMT and a Paramedic? Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) are the most common type of providers in all of EMS. They are the entry-level patient care provider followed by EMT-Intermediates (in some states) and then paramedics. EMTs are sometimes referred to as EMT-Basics or EMT-1s.", "EMT Basic EMT Basic. Courses. Are you considering a position as an EMT B? Whether you are committed to a career path in emergency response or whether you are interested in learning more before pursuing advanced medical or rescue training, EMT basic certification can provide you with the credentials to get started.", "Emergency medical technician EMTs loading an injured skier into an ambulance. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and ambulance technician are terms used in some countries to denote a health care provider of emergency medical services. EMTs are clinicians, trained to respond quickly to emergency situations regarding medical issues, traumatic injuries and accident scenes.", "What Career Can You Have with Your EMT-B Certification? An EMT-B, or EMT-Basic certification, is the minimum educational requirement to become an emergency medical technician. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most basic-level EMT courses require approximately 150 hours of study. EMT training prepares students to become basic emergency medical technicians, and, with additional training, they can become EMT-Intermediates or EMT-Paramedics.", "- Full Definition of EMT. : a specially trained medical technician certified to provide basic emergency services (as cardiopulmonary resuscitation) before and during transportation to a hospital — compare paramedic 2.See EMT defined for English-language learners.See EMT defined for kids.ull Definition of EMT. : a specially trained medical technician certified to provide basic emergency services (as cardiopulmonary resuscitation) before and during transportation to a hospital — compare paramedic 2. See EMT defined for English-language learners. See EMT defined for kids.", "Plan b: 11 âfallbackâ careers The work can be stressful and difficult, but EMTs have the opportunity to save lives every day.Training required: There are three basic levels of training, EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate and EMT-Paramedic. EMT-Basic courses are generally 100 to 120 hours in length and feature classroom and hands-on training.", "EMT & Paramedic â Whatâs the Difference? The answer yes, and it is primarily based on the level of EMS instruction, training and education, and the level of authority allowed when administering EMS services. Basic EMT training can be as short as 12 weeks or as long as 6 months, depending upon the paramedic school you attend.", "- The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificate course will prepare a student to become a certified healthcare provider that is trained to treat and transport victims of emergencies. 1 Immobilization and splinting. 2 Bandaging. Administering oxygen.", "EMT - Paramedic: Career Definition, Employment Outlook and Education Requirements After providing on-the-scene care, the EMT or paramedic transports the patient to the nearest medical facility and reports to the emergency room staff. Learn more about the career of EMT-Paramedic by checking out the table below:", "EMT - Emergency Medical Technician Career EMT Basic (also known as EMT I) represents the first component of the Emergency Medical Technician system. An EMT I is trained to care for patients at the scene of an accident while transporting patients by ambulance to the hospital under medical direction. An EMT I has the emergency skills to assess a patients condition and manage respiratory, cardiac and trauma emergencies.", "- Information Guidelines. 2016-2017. The Arkansas Northeastern College (ANC) Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is a one semester Certificate of. Proficiency course that provides training in recognizing, assessing, and managing medical emergencies of. acutely ill or injured patients in a pre-hospital care setting.", "- The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certificate course will prepare a student to become a certified healthcare provider that is trained to treat and transport victims of emergencies. 1 Immobilization and splinting. 2 Bandaging. 3 Administering oxygen. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – healthcare provider.", "How Do I Become EMT Certified? Certification. To become a certified EMT-Basic, you must complete a state-recognized training program and pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certification exam or a state licensing exam (www.nremt.org).", "EMT-B/AEMT Must be capable of utilizing all EMT-B and AEMT-intermediate skills and equipment. Must be able to perform under Advanced cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) standards. Must be knowledgeable and competent in the use of a cardiac monitor/defibrillator and intravenous drugs and fluids.", "What Are the Different Levels of EMTs? EMTs (also known as emergency medical technicians or, at advanced levels, paramedics) are the first responders on the scene of emergencies and accidents; however, not all EMTs have the same qualifications. There are three different levels of EMTs, each with specific training requirements and job responsibilities.", "- EMT's and Paramedics are well trained healthcare professionals whom respond to medical and traumatic emergencies in the pre-hospital setting. Although there is a vast difference between a Paramedic and an EMT, most people do not realize that there is a difference. This common misconception has been brought about due to movies, television and the news media, often confusing them at the same time.", "Whatâs the Difference: Electrical Conduits EMT is a thin-walled metal conduit most often found in galvanized steel, but it’s also available in aluminum. EMT is relatively inexpensive; can serve as protection from physical damage; and can easily be bent, cut, and installed with a minimal amount of special tools.", "National Registry Emergency Medical Technician The scope of medical practice for EMTs is regulated by state law, and can vary significantly both among states as well as inside states. In general, EMTs provide what is considered basic life support and are limited to essentially non-invasive procedures." ]
[ 11.6953125 ]
[ 10.625, 10.3046875, 10.7734375, 11.4140625, 9.9921875, 10.2109375, 11.5390625, 11.3046875, 9.8671875, 10.484375, 9.640625, 9.6328125, 11.0390625, 11.140625, 11.09375, 11.0546875, 11.5625, 10.0078125, 10.53125, 10.5546875, 10.1953125, 11.75, 10.3515625, 10.46875, 10.6328125, 10.5546875, 10.3203125, 9.984375, 10.359375, 11.015625 ]
tom baker doctor who companion list
[ "Companions of Tom Baker Companions of Tom Baker. Tom Baker's companions have been divied up into three pages. This page includes Harry, Leela and Adric. Sara Jane Smith is on Jon Pertwee's companions' page. Harry Sullivan was an army doctor, assigned to the Doctor (the defenate article, you might say) durring a regeneration crisis." ]
[ "Catherine Tate Tate's appearance in The Runaway Bride garnered mixed reviews from fans and critics, but when Freema Agyeman announced she was leaving Doctor Who after the 2007 series, the producers returned to Tate and announced that Donna Noble would return for series 4, to be broadcast in 2008.", "- Sherlock, John, and The Doctor: Series Two by HelenaHermione reviews. Sherlock, John, Rose and the newly regenerated 10th Doctor crash-land on the Powell Estate on Christmas Eve, the start of the 2nd series of their adventures together.", "Doctor Who The Doctor portrayed by series leads in chronological order. Left to right from top row; William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi.s with the Doctor, the role has been portrayed by several actors, since the Master is a Time Lord as well and able to regenerate; the first of these actors was Roger Delgado, who continued in the role until his death in 1973.", "- Tom Ellis (actor). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tom Ellis (born 17 November 1978) is a Welsh actor best known for playing Dr. Oliver Cousins in the BBC soap opera EastEnders and Detective Sergeant Sam Speed in a Life on Mars parody on The Catherine Tate Show.He was also Sam in the BBC comedy Pulling and played Gary in the BBC2 / BBC1 comedy Miranda.llis was married to actress Tamzin Outhwaite from 2006 to 2014. On 25 June 2008, she gave birth to their first daughter, Florence Elsie Ellis. He has another daughter, Nora Ellis, from a previous relationship. On 20 December 2008, the pair appeared on ITV gameshow All Star Mr & Mrs Christmas Special.", "Doctor Who's latest companion is unveiled Former Emmerdale actress Jenna-Louise Coleman has landed the role of the Time Lord's new companion in Doctor Who, the BBC has confirmed.", "Tom Baker You may be looking for one or two narrative versions of Tom Baker. Thomas Stewart Tom Baker (born 20 January 1934) played the fourth incarnation of the Doctor from 1974 to 1981, beginning with an uncredited appearance at the conclusion of Planet of the Spiders, continuing from Robot to Logopolis.", "Tom Baker (Don Harvey) Tom Baker is a fiction character on the ABC daytime soap opera General Hospital. He was first portrayed by Jay Lacopo in 1998 until the character was sent to prison. Don Harvey was cast in the role in 2016. Tom Baker was a photographer who raped Elizabeth Webber on February 14, 1998. He blackmailed Emily Quartermaine until he was sent to prison in November of that same year. Tom was released from prison in December 2016, and went to live with his brother, Seth, as a reformed man.", "What actors have played the Doctor? The alternate Doctors played by Geoffrey Bayldon (1st), David Warner (2nd), David Collings (3rd), Michael Jayston (7th/Valeyard), Derek Jacobi (Martin Bannister), and Arabella Weir (6th) in the Doctor Who: Unbound audio plays.", "TV Series The Guardian, w/ Simon Baker Not open for further replies. Enjoying ever so much The Mentalist, I started renting Simon Baker's previous CBS series The Guardian, which also features the under-appreciated Dabney Coleman playing the father of Baker's character, Nick Fallon.", "PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: The perfect (lunch) companion! Doctor Who co-stars Karen Gillan and Matt Smith reunite for an al fresco bite to eat comments. 1 They formed a close friendship and a winning screen partnership after starring alongside each other in Doctor Who. 2 And former co-stars Karen Gillan and Matt Smith enjoyed a lunchtime reunion as they grabbed a bite to eat Hugo's Restaurant in Los Angeles on Tuesday afternoon.", "Doctor Who: Tom Baker finishes abandoned 1979 Shada serial The release of Shada follows the animation of lost 1966 Doctor Who story The Power Of The Daleks in November 2016. Footage from Shada was used in the Doctor Who 20th anniversary special, The Five Doctors, which re-united the Time Lord's past incarnations. Tom Baker did not want to reprise his role as the Fourth Doctor for the story so a scene from Shada was used and the character was said to have been trapped in the time vortex.", "Ninth Doctor The Ninth Doctor is an incarnation of the Doctor, the protagonist of the BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who. He is portrayed by Christopher Eccleston during the first series of the show's revival in 2005.", "TARDIS Three, although his second year had a mid-season break and and his final season was split over two years. Additionally he starred in five special episodes, four of them broadcast on Christmas day and one broadcast to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. He also had cameo appearances both in David Tennant's final episode and Peter Capaldi's first episode. He starred in three seasons over four years.", "- Tom Baker (I) The British character actor Tom Baker, best known as the fourth incarnation of The Doctor, was born in 1934 in Liverpool, England, to Mary Jane (Fleming) and John Stewart Baker. His father was of English and Scottish descent, while his mother's family was originally from Ireland.", "- Companion's Companion, Cybermen, daleks, Doctor Who, Fourth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Review, sarah jane smith, Season 12, Sontarans, television, tom baker.", "Peter Capaldi Best known as explosively sweary spin doctor Malcolm Tucker in The Thick Of It, the Scottish actor and director has appeared on stage and screen. On 4 August 2013 he was named as the 12th Doctor Who, taking over from Matt Smith.", "- #doctor who#doctor who cosplay#doctor who costume#rose tyler#rose tyler cosplay#doctor who rose tyler#cosplay#cosplay wip#costume#costume wip#bbc doctor who#doctor who bbc#tenth doctor#billie piper#doctor who the idiot's lantern#the idiot's lantern. 31 notes.", "- Rose Tyler's Outfits by erulisse17 on Polyvore featuring Sansha, GUESS, adidas, 1x01, episode one, doctor who, season one, rose, rose tyler and costume. by erulisse17.", "Tom Baker In a poll for the BBC Homes and Antiques magazine in January 2006, Baker was voted the world's fourth most eccentric star. He was beaten by Bjoerk, Björk Chris eubank And David. Icke married three, times the second To Doctor who-co Star Lalla, Ward baker has two sons from his first. marriagehe Doctor played by Tom Baker (1974–81) is often regarded as the most popular of the Doctors. In polls conducted by Doctor Who Magazine, Baker has lost the Best Doctor category only three times: once to Sylvester McCoy in 1990 (then the incumbent Doctor), and twice to incumbent David Tennant in 2006 and 2009.", "Doctor Who List of Doctor Who serials. Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. As of 25 December 2016, 827 episodes of Doctor Who have aired, concluding the ninth series. This includes one television movie and multiple specials, and encompasses 264 stories over 35 seasons.", "Definitions &Translations In the long-running BBC television science fiction programme Doctor Who and related works, the term companion refers to a character who travels with, or shares the adventures of the Doctor.", "Emmerdale star to join Peter Capaldi as new character in Doctor Who FORMER Emmerdale star Samuel Anderson will be joining the cast of hit sci-fi series Doctor Who. 10:52, Tue, Feb 25, 2014. Samuel Anderson said he was so excited to be joining the Doctor Who cast [PA] I was so excited to join Doctor Who, I wanted to jump and click my heels.", "Error 429 Mashing buttons will get you nowhere! The unofficial incarnations of the Time Lord. Share. It’s widely known that John Hurt will be playing a missing incarnation of the Doctor for the upcoming 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who, but what might not be so widely known is that he isn’t the first.", "The Husbands of River Song (TV story) The Husbands of River Song (TV story) The Husbands of River Song was the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas special. It was the show's eleventh Christmas special since its revival, and the second Christmas special starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor. It saw Alex Kingston return to reprise the role of River Song once more.", "Matt Smith (actor) Matthew Robert Smith (born 28 October 1982) is an English actor. He is best known for his role as the 11th incarnation of The Doctor in the BBC series Doctor Who. Smith initially aspired to be a professional footballer, but spondylolysis forced him out of the sport.", "Beach boy Simon Baker's biggest role yet Simon Baker is not an idiot. Baker is 45. He's never starred in a huge box office hit; he's done no edgy HBO series; no major theatre. For most of the past decade and a half, he's played two quiet, conflicted men, in two American TV crime series – The Mentalist, and before that, The Guardian.", "The BBC confirmed Coleman is leaving 'Doctor Who' after the next season, which kicks off in the U.K. on Saturday. Doctor Who is losing his companion. After months of speculation, Jenna Coleman – who plays Clara Oswald in the BBC's long-running sci-fi series – has been confirmed for the lead role in ITV's upcoming new drama Victoria, with the BBC now stating that the new season of Doctor Who will be Coleman's last.", "Tom Fletcher British Guitarist Tom Fletcher has had no other relationships that we know of. Tom Fletcher is a 31 year old British Guitarist. Born Thomas Michael Fletcher on 17th July, 1985 in Harrow, London, he is famous for Mcfly. His zodiac sign is Cancer. Tom Fletcher is a member of the following lists: English pop rock singers, RAF Cadets and British pop rock singers.", "The Doctor Comments6 Share. The Twelfth Doctor is one of the Level Pack characters in LEGO Dimensions. He appears in 71204 Level Pack for the Doctor Who Franchise. He is the twelfth incarnation of The Doctor that is playable in LEGO Dimensions when you purchase the 71204 Level Pack. Background.", "The Time of the Doctor (TV story) The Time of the Doctor was the 2013 Doctor Who Christmas special. It was the 800th episode of the series and the final regular appearance of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor in the lead role." ]
[ 13.0078125 ]
[ 8.984375, 8.1015625, 10.0078125, 7.125, 10.1640625, 11.0625, 8.75, 9.4296875, 7.51171875, 9.21875, 9.671875, 9.1953125, 9.8125, 10.640625, 12.078125, 8.4296875, 8.8359375, 8.453125, 10.1640625, 9.28125, 10.2734375, 8.1796875, 8.9375, 8.140625, 8.8984375, 7.55859375, 9.359375, 6.80859375, 8.2265625, 8.8046875 ]
what causes a toe turn black
[ "Why are my toes turning dark? Dear Kato: Darkening of the toes that hurt could result from compromised blood supply to those toes, leading to a condition called gangrene. Gangrene may occur after an injury or infection, or in people suffering from any chronic health problems, affecting blood circulation such as diabetes. It also often occurs in the toes and feet of elderly patients due to arteriosclerosis, a condition also known as senile gangrene. Arteriosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from a particular area become thick and stiff, many times ending up restricting blood flow, in this case to the toes. Also, over a long period of time, people such as those with diabetes may have a buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in the arteries which may restrict blood flow." ]
[ "- When the toes have blue toe syndrome they are cyanotic. Some of these are caused by trauma as well as diseases of the tissue. This cause of blue toe syndrome is usually seen in individuals of a younger age that do not have any history of known diseases. Other blue toe syndromes may develop in persons with diabetes and also in persons who may have had some type of foot surgery.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Causes Feet To Turn Purple What causes the bottom of your foot to turn purple… left foot… only notice in shower. 7. Get help from a doctor now ›. Purple Foot: Poor blood circulation, which can occur on its own or as part of other conditions such as diabetes and peripheral vascular disease.Your arteries and veins are narrower and therefore there is less blood getting to the extremities such as feet and toes.et help from a doctor now ›. Raynauds or stasis.: There are multiple possibilities for purple discoloration of the feet but the most common are-1. Venous stasis due to pooling of venous blood in the sitting or standing position because of decrease of the calf muscle pump, 2.", "What Causes Black Toenails? Black toenails are mostly harmless. Sometimes, in painful situations, the liquid underneath the toenail needs to be drained or the nail removed. Often, however, black toenails simply fall off and a new toenail grows in. A rarer cause of a discolored toenail is melanoma.", "Black Toenail â Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Black Toenail — Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. Dr. Dr. There are many causes of black or dark toenails, but the most common cause is trauma. When trauma occurs to a nail resulting in discoloration it is referred to as a subungual hematoma, which simply means there is a collection of blood underneath the nail.", "Black Toe Nail Fungus The answer to what causes black toe nail fungus is microscopic fungi spores that thrive in damp areas. Walking barefoot greatly increases your chances of being exposed to this fungus. Nail fungus symptoms include flaking of the nail itself, as well as a general thickening of the nail.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Why Are My Toenails Blue A black/ blue spot under the nail in a 16 year old is probably nothing more than a bit of dried blood trapped under the nail. This could be the consequence of a minor bump of the toe of a pressure injury.", "- Black toenails are another possible source of pain to the toes. TREATMENT. We must take care of your toenails. Try these tips to relieve pain and eliminate the problem: Soak your feet. Soak your feet in a basin of warm water containing two tablespoons of Epsom salts for 15 to 20 minutes. This will soften the skin and nail.", "Black Toenails, Cramps and Pain on the Top of Your Foot: 3 Common Running Pains and How to Treat and Prevent Them This pressure is what causes black toenails to be very painful. The black color is due to the blood capillaries breaking underneath this pressure. Almost every runner gets a black toenail at some point in their career. In my opinion, having your first black toenail is the mark that you’ve really begun training hard.", "- Alkaptonuria is an inherited condition that causes urine to turn black when exposed to air. Ochronosis, a buildup of dark pigment in connective tissues such as cartilage and skin, is also characteristic of the disorder. This blue-black pigmentation usually appears after age 30.", "Fingers that change color Fingers that change color. Fingers or toes may change color when they are exposed to cold temperatures or stress, or when there is a problem with their blood supply. These conditions can cause fingers or toes to change color: 1 Buerger disease. Chilblains.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Fingers Turn Black 1 doctor agreed: This : This sounds like a problem with your arterial circulation. If these events are associated with cold temperatures, you may have raynaud's syndrome. In raynaud's, the small arteries in the hands and feet are hypersensitive to cold and go into spasm. The treatment is to keep the extremities warm.", "What Causes Black Spot Under Toenail? The black spot can be unsightly and can cause embarrassment when you do not have your shoes on. So what causes these unsightly dark spot under toenail? How do you get rid of them? Find out below. Causes and Treatments for Black Spots on Toe Nail 1. Toenail Injury. This should be the first consideration after you have a black spot. Establish what might have caused the injury. Possible causes range from stubbing a toe to dropping a heavy object on your nail. The black spot is caused by broken capillaries under the nail. Treatment:", "Why is my toenails turning black ?!? This collection not only causes the nail to become discolored, it also generates a tremendous amount of pressure, leading to intense pain. In many cases, medical treatment is advised not only to relieve this discomfort, but to remove the entire nail and examine the nail bed for significant laceration or exposed bone.", "Black Toe Nail Fungus Black Toenail Fungus. Have you noticed a black spot under your toe nail that shouldn’t be there? If you have, there is a good chance that you have black toe nail fungus. While this generally isn’t a health issue, it can look very unsightly and cause embarrassment when your feet are showing. This has actually become quite a problem for people who like to walk around in public places without footwear.", "- A toenail may be discolored due to blood getting trapped under the nail after an injury. Discolored toenails may be due to a fungal infection, or a symptom of a medical issue such as diabetes. Discolored toenails may occur as a result of a stubbed toe. Bacterial infection can discolor toenails. Discolored toenails that are also painful or difficult to maintain may need to be checked out by a podiatrist.", "Why Do Toenails Get Black? It is also important to see the doctor in case the toe is broken in which case it will normally be taped to your other toes or a splint to ensure that it heels as straight as possible. 3. Other causes. If you are not sure of the cause of your black toenail then you should always see a doctor.", "Common Toenail Problems and How to Treat Them Black-and-Blue Toenails (Hematoma) Unlike with yellow toenails, black-and-blue toenails are not actually caused by a change in the color of the nail enamel itself. Black-and-blue toenails are caused by an injury to the skin beneath the toenail.", "- (773) 327-0006. Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, can and often causes discoloration, thickness, brittleness, and/or lifting of the toenail from the nail bed. These symptoms make it easy to assume that every abnormal toenail is the result of fungus, but that is not always the case.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Causes Feet To Turn Purple Circulation: Cold blue toes are a circulation issue. At your age, it is unlikely to be closing of the major arteries. More likely is raynaud's phenomenon. Cold or damp conditions will cause the nerves that control blood flow through the small vessels to the hands and feet to slow it.", "What Causes Black Toenails? Another cause of black toenails is fungus, or onychomycosis. This common fungus begins with white spots and can advance to thick, yellow toenails. Again, ill-fitting shoes rub tiny breaks into the nail, leaving it open for infection from foot perspiration.", "The Possible Causes of Feet Discoloration The Possible Causes of Feet Discoloration. Skin on the feet or ankles can discolor for any number of reasons, ranging from staining from wet clothes or boots to serious medical conditions. Yet, if the discoloration isn’t immediately explainable by simple environmental factors, then it’s in your best interest to seek medical attention.", "Common Toenail Problems and How to Treat Them Black-and-Blue Toenails (Hematoma). Unlike with yellow toenails, black-and-blue toenails are not actually caused by a change in the color of the nail enamel itself. Black-and-blue toenails are caused by an injury to the skin beneath the toenail.As blood and fluid collect beneath the nail plate the nail itself, which is somewhat translucent, begins to appear black.lack-and-blue toenails are caused by an injury to the skin beneath the toenail. As blood and fluid collect beneath the nail plate the nail itself, which is somewhat translucent, begins to appear black.", "Why do I Have Discolored Toenails? Having discolored toenails can be disconcerting if you don’t know the underlying cause. Nails can turn yellow, green or black. There are several reasons why nails change color, but there are two primary causes. Click on the link(s) for extra information: Trauma or Injury to the Toenail. Fungal Toenail Infection.", "Broken Blood Vessels In My Hands (Page 1) Twice in the last month while wearing different shoes each time, a blood vessel in my toe has broken. It gets really black and blue on the sides/bottom and takes a few days to heal. This sometimes happens to my mom in her hands, but not in a while. That's how I found out it was a broken blood vessel.", "- Discolored Toenails. Having one or more discolored toenails is often a clear indicator that something is awry and in the vast majority of cases, ordinary toenail fungus is the primary culprit at work. And although a discolored toenail can strike anyone at any time, the elderly are more prone to the unsightly condition.iscolored toe nails may be white, yellow, brown, green, or even black and all of these discolorations may be caused by a nail fungus infection of varying stages. A discolored nail usually starts out with one or more white spots, typically near the edge of the nail, often indicating a fungal infection has begun.", "Alkaptonuria Alkaptonuria is an inherited condition that causes urine to turn black when exposed to air. Ochronosis, a buildup of dark pigment in connective tissues such as cartilage and skin, is also characteristic of the disorder. This blue-black pigmentation usually appears after age 30. People with alkaptonuria typically develop arthritis, particularly in the spine and large joints, beginning in early adulthood.", "A Black Toenail Can Be a Big Problem Occasionally a black toenail will be caused by something other than blood. Fungal infections can darken the keratin tissue, especially if debris collects under the nail. A malignant melanoma tumor can also develop under your nail, turning it dark.", "Nail Problems and Injuries - Topic Overview 1 It is common for a nail to turn black after an injury. 2 The black or purple-black color is caused by blood under the nail and will go away as the injury heals. 3 Black, brown, or purple discoloration under a nail that has not been injured may be caused by melanoma. The black or purple-black color is caused by blood under the nail and will go away as the injury heals. 2 Black, brown, or purple discoloration under a nail that has not been injured may be caused by melanoma.", "- Black-and-Blue Toenail Symptoms. The big toe is most often affected. Bruised, broken blood vessels cause the black, blue, and deep purple colors under the nail. Particularly with a blood blister, the fluid buildup can irritate the toe itself causing it to redden, swell, and throb.", "Black Toenail â Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Black Toenail — Causes, Treatment, and Prevention. There are many causes of black or dark toenails, but the most common cause is trauma. When trauma occurs to a nail resulting in discoloration it is referred to as a subungual hematoma, which simply means there is a collection of blood underneath the nail. This collection not only causes the nail to become discolored, it also generates a tremendous amount of pressure, leading to intense pain." ]
[ 11.4609375 ]
[ 10.0546875, 9.140625, 11.3984375, 11.578125, 12.03125, 10.734375, 9.9375, 11.1953125, 9.7734375, 10.8515625, 9.84375, 11.09375, 10.1015625, 11.5, 9.9765625, 11.1875, 11.21875, 9.8125, 10.2109375, 11.9609375, 9.5234375, 10.140625, 10.921875, 10.390625, 9.015625, 9.5859375, 11.7734375, 11.4296875, 11.453125, 11.546875 ]
is asthma a genetic mutation
[ "\"Rare mutations do not explain \"\"missing heritability\"\" in asthma\" Largest study to date of rare genetic variants and asthma risk finds few associations. Despite a strong suspected link between genetics and asthma, commonly found genetic mutations account for only a small part of the risk for developing the disease -- a problem known as missing heritability." ]
[ "- Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways of the lungs. During normal breathing, the bands of muscle that surround the airways are relaxed and air moves freely. During an asthma episode or attack, there are three main changes that stop air from moving easily through the airways:ersistent asthma is further described as being mild, moderate, or severe. The severity of asthma is based on how often you have symptoms both during the day and night, as well as by the results of lung function tests and by how well you can perform activities.", "What is asthma and who does it affect? Asthma is a condition that affects the smaller airways (bronchioles) of the lungs. From time to time the airways narrow (constrict) in people who have asthma. This causes the typical symptoms. The extent of the narrowing, and how long each episode lasts, can vary greatly. Asthma can start at any age but it most commonly starts in childhood.", "Flashcard Machine -create, study and share online flash cards In a Obstructive Bronchiectasis: Decreased Tactile Fremitus and vocal fremitus Hyperresonant percussion note Diminished breath sounds Wheezing Rhochi and wheezing In a Restrictive Bronchiectasis: Increased tactile and vocal fremitus Bronchial breath sounds Crackles Whispered pectoriloquy Dull percussion note.ith a sample of the patients blood a DNA test can be performed to analyze for the presence of CFTR gene mutations. 1 With a sample of the patients blood a DNA test can be performed to analyze for the presence of CFTR gene mutations.", "Fresh Science Sydney researchers have discovered how a specific protein causes scar tissue to be made in the lungs of asthmatic patients. This finding could be used in the treatment of asthma by developing new drugs to target scar tissue formation and thereby assist asthmatics who have trouble breathing.", "Asthma: Steps in testing and diagnosis Asthma: Steps in testing and diagnosis. Diagnosing asthma generally includes a medical history, physical exam and lung tests. Asthma diagnosis is based on several factors, including a detailed medical history, a physical exam, your symptoms, and overall health and test results.", "How can gene mutations affect health and development? It is important to note that genes themselves do not cause disease—genetic disorders are caused by mutations that make a gene function improperly. For example, when people say that someone has “the cystic fibrosis gene,” they are usually referring to a mutated version of the CFTR gene, which causes the disease. condition caused by mutations in one or more genes is called a genetic disorder. In some cases, gene mutations are so severe that they prevent an embryo from surviving until birth. These changes occur in genes that are essential for development, and often disrupt the development of an embryo in its earliest stages.", "Definition of 'asthma' uncountable noun. 1 Asthma is a lung condition which causes difficulty in breathing. 2 a respiratory disorder, often of allergic origin, characterized by difficulty in breathing, wheezing, and a sense of constriction in the chest.", "Overview Causes. In cystic fibrosis, a defect (mutation) in a gene changes a protein that regulates the movement of salt in and out of cells. The result is thick, sticky mucus in the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems, as well as increased salt in sweat. Many different defects can occur in the gene.", "- In addition, a genome screen in a mouse model of asthma found linkage to bronchial hyper-responsiveness on mouse chromosome 10 in the region of syntenic homology to human 12q (79). The facility with which many groups have identified linkage to this regions suggests that it is a true major atopy locus.", "- Asthma is a chronic disease of lungs that may be triggered by cold, allergies to animals, pollens, dust mites, irritants like chemical fumes or tobacco smoke, etc. In plain words, there is no cure for asthma but the symptoms can be treated with the use of inhalers, relievers and Asthma Tablets.", "Genetic inheritance Genetic mutations. Genetic mutations occur when DNA changes, altering the genetic instructions. This may result in a genetic disorder or a change in characteristics. Mutations can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. For example, cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that attack and damage DNA. This causes mutations in lung cell genes, including the ones that control growth.", "- Many mutations have no effect at all. These are called silent mutations. But the mutations we hear about most often are the ones that cause disease. Some well-known inherited genetic disorders include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, phenylketonuria and color-blindness, among many others. All of these disorders are caused by the mutation of a single gene.", "- KEY POINTS: DEFINITION, PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND. PATHOGENESIS OF ASTHMA, AND NATURAL HISTORY OF. ASTHMA. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. This feature of asthma has. implications for the diagnosis, management, and potential prevention of the disease.", "Mutations A mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA that can affect the structure and function of proteins when they occur within a gene. Mutations can be spontaneously caused by copying errors during DNA replication or induced by exposure to external elements such as chemical mutagens, radiation or viruses. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a disease which can result from a nonsense mutation (this may not be the only cause though). 2 Frameshift mutations occur when the addition or removal of a base alters the reading frame of the gene.", "Helminth infections: the great neglected tropical diseases Some of these may be genetic. However, a number of environmental factors are thought to play a role in the development of asthma. These include air pollution, chlorine in swimming pools and modern hygiene standards (known as the hygiene hypothesis ). There is currently not enough evidence to be certain whether any of these can cause asthma, although a variety of environmental irritants, such as dust, cold air and smoke, may make it worse.", "What is a genetic disorder? A mutation is a change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors such as UV light and cigarette smoke.", "Genetic inheritance Genetic mutations. Genetic mutations occur when DNA changes, altering the genetic instructions. This may result in a genetic disorder or a change in characteristics. Mutations can be caused by exposure to specific chemicals or radiation. For example, cigarette smoke is full of chemicals that attack and damage DNA.", "Is asthma curable? Asthma is unique because it can be reversed using medications. If asthma can be cured, then it won't be considered as chronic respiratory disease.. Source(s): I am a moderate persistent asthmatic and i am a pre-med student..", "How can gene mutations affect health and development? A condition caused by mutations in one or more genes is called a genetic disorder. In some cases, gene mutations are so severe that they prevent an embryo from surviving until birth. These changes occur in genes that are essential for development, and often disrupt the development of an embryo in its earliest stages.t is important to note that genes themselves do not cause disease—genetic disorders are caused by mutations that make a gene function improperly. For example, when people say that someone has “the cystic fibrosis gene,” they are usually referring to a mutated version of the CFTR gene, which causes the disease.", "Overview Causes. In cystic fibrosis, a defect (mutation) in a gene changes a protein that regulates the movement of salt in and out of cells. The result is thick, sticky mucus in the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems, as well as increased salt in sweat.Many different defects can occur in the gene.n cystic fibrosis, a defect (mutation) in a gene changes a protein that regulates the movement of salt in and out of cells. The result is thick, sticky mucus in the respiratory, digestive and reproductive systems, as well as increased salt in sweat. Many different defects can occur in the gene.", "- ASTHMA AND REACTIVE AIRWAY DISEASE (RAD) Asthma and Reactive Airway Disease (RAD) are conditions in which the airways (bronchi) in the lungs. overreact to certain things. Understanding what the lungs look like and how they work will help you. understand asthma or RAD episodes and how to control them. A diagnosis of asthma is made by your.", "- A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people. Mutations range in size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA building block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes.", "Asthma: Steps in testing and diagnosis Diagnosing asthma generally includes a medical history, physical exam and lung tests. Asthma diagnosis is based on several factors, including a detailed medical history, a physical exam, your symptoms, and overall health and test results.", "- Evidence suggests that the risk of asthma is reduced in children with a history of certain infections, rural living, exposure to other children (including older siblings), and less frequent use of antibiotics.", "Define a mutation. How, where, and when do they occur? What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur? A gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene. Mutations range in size from a single DNA building block (DNA base) to a large segment of a chromosome. Gene mutations occur in two ways: they can be inherited from a parent or acquired during a person’s lifetime. Mutations that are passed from parent to child are called hereditary mutations or germline mutations (because they are present in the egg and sperm cells, which are also called germ cells).", "What is a gene mutation and how do mutations occur? A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people.Mutations range in size; they can affect anywhere from a single DNA building block (base pair) to a large segment of a chromosome that includes multiple genes.e novo mutations may explain genetic disorders in which an affected child has a mutation in every cell in the body but the parents do not, and there is no family history of the disorder.", "- A variation is a different form of a gene. A mutation is a change in a gene. Genetic brain disorders affect the development and function of the brain. Some genetic brain disorders are due to random gene mutations or mutations caused by environmental exposure, such as cigarette smoke.", "Asthma Overview of Asthma. Asthma is a chronic lung disease where inflammation causes your airways to narrow. Even though asthma is not considered an autoimmune disease, it is a chronic illness which requires the same attention as any other chronic illness.", "- Mutations are often the victims of bad press unfairly stereotyped as unimportant or as a cause of genetic disease. While many mutations do indeed have small or negative effects, another sort of mutation gets less airtime. Mutations to control genes can have major (and sometimes positive) effects.Some regions of DNA control other genes, determining when and where other genes are turned on. Mutations in these parts of the genome can substantially change the way the organism is built.utations are often the victims of bad press unfairly stereotyped as unimportant or as a cause of genetic disease. While many mutations do indeed have small or negative effects, another sort of mutation gets less airtime. Mutations to control genes can have major (and sometimes positive) effects.", "- Respiratory diseases, such as asthma and allergies, are caused by combinations of different factors. THE FACTS. Those who have a genetic predisposition, and who are exposed to environmental factors are more likely to develop a disease such as asthma. THE FACTS. Dayton Children's offers a full range of primary and specialty health care services for infants, children and teens. No child is ever turned away." ]
[ 12.828125 ]
[ 8.765625, 9.046875, 8.9921875, 9.0625, 8.8046875, 8.8203125, 9.0625, 9.4375, 10.21875, 9.3203125, 9.5625, 9.3046875, 9.5625, 9.28125, 10.4453125, 9.703125, 9.6015625, 7.80078125, 8.8203125, 9.2734375, 8.3828125, 9.65625, 9.1171875, 10.0078125, 8.6875, 8.7734375, 8.9296875, 9.484375, 9.1796875, 10.6171875 ]
what is albedo?
[ "Thermodynamics: Albedo Albedo is a non-dimensional, unitless quantity that indicates how well a surface reflects solar energy. Albedo (î±) varies between 0 and 1. Albedo commonly refers to the whiteness of a surface, with 0 meaning black and 1 meaning white. A value of 0 means the surface is a perfect absorber that absorbs all incoming energy. Absorbed solar energy can be used to heat the surface or, when sea ice is present, melt the surface." ]
[ "Ozone layer The ozone layer or ozone shield refers to a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun 's ultraviolet (UV) radiation.he ozone layer absorbs 97–99% of the Sun's medium-frequency ultraviolet light (from about 200 nm to 315 nm wavelength), which otherwise would potentially damage exposed life forms near the surface.", "What is Albedo effect? Main Image: Albedo is the part of solar energy, the short wave radiation, reflected from the Earth back into the space. The albedo of an object is a measure of how strongly it reflects light from sources like the sun. If an object reflects most of the light that hits it, it appears bright and it has a high albedo. If an object absorbs most of the light that hits it, it looks dark and has low albedo. Darker bodies generally have a lower reflectivity value. Albedo is a term used in reflectivity.", "- Albedo of Earth is 0.29. (The Bond albedo should be used.) You will get. $$ T ^ 4 = \\frac{ 3.846×10^{26}(1 - 0.29)}{16 \\pi \\times (149,000,000,000) ^ 2 \\times (5.670373 × 10^{−8})}=4,315,325,985 \\;\\mathrm{K}^4\\;. $$. After powering this number to 1/4, we obtain temperature 256 K, which is -17° C. This looks reasonable. The real average temperature on Earth is closer to 15° C, but the greenhouse effect is responsible for the difference.", "Reflective surfaces (climate engineering) 1 Solar reflectance, also known as albedo, is the ability to reflect sunlight. 2 It is expressed either as a decimal fraction or a percentage. 3 A value of 0 indicates that the surface absorbs all solar radiation, and a value of 1 represents total reflectivity.", "Albedo Light, electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation occurs over an extremely wide range of wavelengths, from gamma rays with wavelengths less than about 1 × 10−11 metre to radio waves measured in metres.", "- cloud albedo [e.g., Latham, 2002] are thus profound. 5. Regulation of the Earth’s albedo is also central to other important climate feedbacks, including the snow/ice surface albedo feedback as well as cloud feedbacks. Hall and Qu [2006], for instance, suggested", "- Definition of radiance - light or heat as emitted or reflected by something, the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a u Definition of radiance - light or heat as emitted or reflected by something, the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a u dictionary thesaurus", "- 1 Incoming = Insolation*(1-albedo), where albedo=fraction of incident radiation that is reflected (value between 0 and 1, e.g. snow ~= 0.9 and grass ~= 0.3). 2 Outgoing = Insolation*albedo. 3 Drives numerous physical and biological processes. 4 Absorbed energy heats the surface and air.", "- albedo. 1 the ratio between the light reflected from a surf ace and the total light falling upon that surf ace, as the albedo of the moon. 2 the ratio between the light reflected from a surface and the total light falling upon that surface, as the albedo of the moon.", "Atmosphere An atmosphere (from Greek ἀτμός (atmos), meaning vapour, and σφαῖρα (sphaira), meaning sphere) is a layer of gases surrounding a planet or other material body, that is held in place by the gravity of that body.", "Climate and Albedo (global warming) - long term, significant change in the climate of the earth, usually seen as resulting from human activity Rainforests The surface of the earth with the lowest albedo", "Earthâs Albedo and Global Warming Earth’s Albedo and Global Warming This interactive activity adapted from NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey illustrates the concept of albedo—the measure of how much solar radiation is reflected from Earth's surface. The balance between the amount of solar radiation reflected and absorbed by Earth's surface plays an important role in regulating global temperature.", "Clouds effects on radiation and heat..? Deserts, ice, and clouds, however, have high albedos; they reflect a large portion of the sun's energy. Over the whole surface of the Earth, about 30 percent of incoming solar energy is reflected back to space.", "Albedo Surface albedo is defined as the ratio of radiation reflected to the radiation incident on a surface. The proportion reflected is not only determined by properties of the surface itself, but also by the spectral and angular distribution of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface.", "- Since early in the 1920s the Earth’s albedo has been estimated to be 0.3, meaning that it reflects 30 % of the incoming energy. This estimate was made by measuring the ‘Earthshine’ on the Moon. You may have noticed that sometimes at the new Moon or in its early phases you can see the whole Moon as a faint disk.", "Thermodynamics: Albedo Snow has an even higher albedo than sea ice, and so thick sea ice covered with snow reflects as much as 90 percent of the incoming solar radiation. This serves to insulate the sea ice, maintaining cold temperatures and delaying ice melt in the summer.", "- Sunlight also provides the energy that powers Earth’s climate system. The image above shows Earth’s average albedo for March 2005, measured by the Clouds and Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument aboard NASA’s Terra satellite. Albedo is the fraction of incoming sunlight that our planet reflects back to space. If Earth was covered in ice like a giant snowball, its albedo would be about 0.84, meaning it would reflect most (84 percent) of the sunlight that hit it.", "- The earth's atmosphere contains trace gases, some of which absorb heat. These gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide) are referred to as greenhouse gases.. Albedo has an important influence on the earth's temperature. Greenhouses are structures designed to retain heat.he greenhouse effect refers to the way the sun's heat radiates up from the warmed surface of the earth, where it is absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Th … e more gases there are, the more heat is absorbed. The natural greenhouse effect is supported by the water and carbon cycles.", "Definition of 'albedo' But the albedo readings said there was a big berg somewhere around there, and so the Tonopah Maru was there too.", "- Albedo (/ælˈbiːdoʊ/) is the whiteness of a surface. It is a reflection coefficient, and has a value of less than one. Albedo is derived from Latin albedo whiteness (or reflected sunlight) in turn from albus white, is the diffuse reflectivity or reflecting power of a surface. The albedo of a surface is the ratio of radiation reflected from the surface to the incident radiation. Its dimensionless nature lets it be expressed as a percentage and is measured on a scale from zero (no reflection) of a perfectly black surface to 1 for perfect reflection of a white surface.", "What is Albedo effect? Main Image: Albedo is the part of solar energy, the short wave radiation, reflected from the Earth back into the space. The albedo of an object is a measure of how strongly it reflects light from sources like the sun. If an object reflects most of the light that hits it, it appears bright and it has a high albedo.", "- Albedo (/aelˈbiːdoʊ/), ælˈbiːdoʊ or reflection, coefficient derived From latin albedo (whiteness or reflected) sunlight in turn from albus, white is the diffuse reflectivity or reflecting power of a. Surface it is the ratio of reflected radiation from the surface to incident radiation upon. it", "- 1 The earth's atmosphere contains trace gases, some of which absorb heat. 2 These gases (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide) are referred to as greenhouse gases.. 3 Albedo has an important influence on the earth's temperature. 4 Greenhouses are structures designed to retain heat.", "Earth's Albedo Comments from expert scientist: This activity tries to explain the concept of Earth's albedo in a very simplified manner using easily available materials like popcorn kernels, world map (which is given in the activity material), etc. This interesting way makes this concept easy to grasp by the young learners.", "- The albedo effect Posted on 5 November 2009 by John Cook. Change to the Earth's albedo is a powerful driver of climate. When the planet's albedo or reflectivity increases, more incoming sunlight is reflected back into space. This has a cooling effect on global temperatures. Conversely, a drop in albedo warms the planet. A change of just 1% to the Earth's albedo has a radiative effect of 3.4 Wm-2, comparable to the forcing from a doubling of CO2. So is it unreasonable to wonder if albedo might have something to do with this global warming caper?", "- Earth reflects an average of 36 percent of the insolation. The percent of reflectivity of all wavelengths on a surface is known as its albedo. Earth’s average albedo is from 36 to 43 percent. That is, Earth reflects 36 to 43 percent of insolation back into space. In calculating the albedo of Earth, the assumption is made that the average cloudiness over Earth is 52 percent.", "albedo The hemispherical albedo is the reflecting power of a nonluminous body such as a planet, assuming the body is a sphere with a diffuse surface reflecting incoming parallel light rays in all directions. The phase integral is the ratio of the Bond albedo to the", "Solar Energy, Albedo, and the Polar Regions Snow, ice, and clouds have high albedos (typically from 0.7 to 0.9) and reflect more energy than they absorb. Earth’s average albedo is about 0.3. In other words, about 30 percent of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space and 70 percent is absorbed.", "- the earth s atmosphere contains trace gases some of which absorb heat these gases water vapor carbon dioxide methane ozone and nitrous oxide are referred to as greenhouse gases albedo has an important influence on the earth s temperaturegreenhouses are structures designed to retain heathese gases water vapor carbon dioxide methane ozone and nitrous oxide are referred to as greenhouse gases albedo has an important influence on the earth s temperature greenhouses are structures designed to retain heat", "- The relative amount (ratio) of light that a surface reflects compared to the total sunlight that falls on it is called albedo. Surfaces that reflect a lot of the light falling on them are bright, and they have a high albedo. Surfaces that don’t reflect much light are dark, and they have a low albedo." ]
[ 12.640625 ]
[ 7.6328125, 12.75, 9.4375, 12.640625, 9.7578125, 9.796875, 8.0234375, 10.921875, 12.921875, 8.6171875, 9.7421875, 12, 10.1796875, 12.875, 10.5859375, 10.5390625, 12.359375, 9, 10.84375, 13.03125, 13.015625, 12.46875, 10.984375, 10.15625, 11.0546875, 11.5546875, 11.1796875, 10.4921875, 10.578125, 12.390625 ]
what fascism
[ "What is Fascism ? 1. Fascism is the unchecked rule of a class of the privileged, or relatively rich, in power--a full-scale assault on poor and working people." ]
[ "fascism Examples of FASCISM. 1 the rise of Fascism in Europe before World War II. 2 From the first hours of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union, the propagandists on both sides of the conflict portrayed the struggle in stark, Manichaean language.", "fascism Fascism is a form of government, in which the country is considered more important than any one person, group, liberty, or provision. A country under this kind of government is usually run by a person called a leader, who has the right of total control over the government and people.", "Fascism Back to Top. Fascism is an authoritarian Nationalist political ideology that exalts nation (and often race) above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.ndividualism (stress on human independence and the importance of individual self-reliance and liberty) Types of Fascism Back to Top Italian Fascism (in Italian, Fascismo) is the authoritarian political movement which ruled Italy from 1922 to 1943 under the leadership of Benito Mussolini (1883 - 1945).", "What is the difference between fascism and nazism? 11 Answers 11. Fascism is the regime/ideology of anti-democracy. The state is absolute and totalitarian and all citizens must follow the state. Whether this applies just to a regime or also to an ideology advocating this form of regime, may be debatable.", "Fascism He is often a strong, authoritarian leader who is, at the beginning, admired by many people. Fascism first appeared after World War I when Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy. In Germany of the 1930s Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism rose to power. Fascism also appeared in Japan, Spain and Argentina.", "fascism Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.", "Italian Fascism Italian Fascism was rooted in Italian nationalism and the desire to restore and expand Italian territories, which Italian Fascists deemed necessary for a nation to assert its superiority and strength and to avoid succumbing to decay.30 Italian Jews took part in the Fascists' March on Rome in 1922. Mussolini in the early 1920s was cautious on topics of Italian Jewish financiers, that arose from time to time from antisemitic elements in the Fascist movement; while he regarded them as untrustworthy he believed that he could draw them to his side.", "WHAT IS FASCISM? Many on the political left wrongly equate Fascism with Capitalism. Again, Fascism is NOT Capitalism. Allow me to briefly explain: the primary goal of Capitalism is profit. On the other hand, the primary goal of Fascism is the well being of a nation's citizens and well being of the nation as a whole.", "Can anyone give me a SIMPLE definition to fascism? Fascism is an ultra-nationalist totalitarian ideology opposed to democracy, liberalism and left-wing dissent. Highly authoritarian, militaristic, desire for monopoly of power; all opposition parties banned, trade-unions controlled by state (Fascist) officials.", "fascism any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism.", "- fascism noun [U]. › a ​political ​system ​based on a very ​powerful ​leader, ​state ​control, and being ​extremely ​proud of ​country and ​race, and in which ​political ​opposition is not ​allowed. More examples. 1 This year's ​ history ​ syllabus ​ covers the ​ rise of Fascism in ​ Europe.", "- The only official definition of Fascism comes from Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, in which he outlines three principles of a fascist philosophy.", "Fascism and its Political Ideas Fascism and its Political Ideas. Fascism is a form of counter-revolutionary politics that first arose in the early part of the twentieth-century in Europe. It was a response to the rapid social upheaval, the devastation of World War I, and the Bolshevik Revolution.", "Fascism Roger Griffin describes fascism as a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultranationalism. Griffin describes the ideology as having three core components: (i) the rebirth myth, (ii) populist ultra-nationalism and (iii) the myth of decadence.ascists saw World War I as a revolution. It brought revolutionary changes in the nature of war, society, the state, and technology. The advent of total war and total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilian and combatant.", "fascism n. 1. often Fascism. a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.ord History: It is fitting that the name of an authoritarian political movement like Fascism, founded in 1919 by Benito Mussolini, should come from the name of a symbol of authority.", "Nazi Fascism and the Modern Totalitarian State Fascism – A philosophy or system of government that advocates or exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with an ideology of belligerent nationalism.", "Fascism Fascism /ˈfaeʃɪzəm/ ˈfæʃɪzəm is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early-20th Century. Europe influenced by national, syndicalism fascism originated In italy During World War, i in opposition to, Liberalism, marxism And. anarchismoger Griffin describes fascism as a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultranationalism. Griffin describes the ideology as having three core components: (i) the rebirth myth, (ii) populist ultra-nationalism and (iii) the myth of decadence.", "Fascism Influenced by national syndicalism, fascism originated in Italy during World War I, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and Anarchism. Fascism is usually placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum. Fascists saw World War I as a revolution.", "Definitions of fascism Fascism is a set of ideologies and practices that seeks to place the nation, defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or historical terms, above all other sources of loyalty, and to create a mobilized national community.ascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes... It is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way.", "Fascism Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship. Fascists are against liberal democracy. They work for a totalitarian one-party state. This aims to prepare the nation for armed conflict, and to respond to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government.", "Fascism Following the defeat of the Axis Powers in World War II, the term fascist has been used as a pejorative word, often referring to widely varying movements across the political spectrum. George Orwell wrote in 1944 that the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ...ater the Italian Fascists described fascism as a right-wing ideology in the political program The Doctrine of Fascism, stating: We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right,' a fascist century..", "What is the difference between fascism and nazism? Fascism is a less broad ideology, and Nazism is more or less a superset of it (in other words, someone following Nazism as ideology would likely subscribe to all the ideas of fascism, and a few extra ones that other non-Nazi fascists may not.hose two statements result in 180 opposite wording for the same result (Fascism is held by a superset of adherents, while Nazism is a superset by amount of ideas-which is what the answer used). If you aren't familiar with what superset means, formal definition is here.", "- Fascism rose to prominence after World War I with the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy. Fascist regimes offered themselves as a solution to national crisis.", "Fascism Fascism /ˈfaeʃɪzəm/ ˈfæʃɪzəm is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early-20th Century. Europe influenced by national, syndicalism fascism originated In italy During World War, i in opposition to, Liberalism, marxism And. anarchismater the Italian Fascists described fascism as a right-wing ideology in the political program The Doctrine of Fascism, stating: We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right,' a fascist century..", "Definitions of fascism Fascism is a system in which the government leaves nominal ownership of the means of production in the hands of private individuals but exercises control by means of regulatory legislation and reaps most of the profit by means of heavy taxation.ascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes... It is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way.", "What is Italian Fascism? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Fascism arose in Italy between the two world wars, in a movement led by Benito Mussolini. It is a collectivist movement, based on the assumption that the interest of the citizen is best served by being part of a powerful society and nation.eport Abuse. Italian Fascism is an extreme political philosophy that holds nation and race above individual and supports the establishment of an authoritarian government, where absolute power is controlled by the leader of the nation. The Italian fascism was developed by Benito Mussolini following WW1, in 1922.", "fascism fas·cism. n. 1. often Fascism. a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.. 1. often Fascism. a. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.", "- Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, influenced by national syndicalism. Fascism originated in Italy during World War I and spread to other European countries.", "Fascism The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio meaning a bundle of rods, ultimately from the Latin word fasces. This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates.", "Fascism The Italian term fascismo derives from fascio meaning a bundle of hay, ultimately from the Latin word fasces. This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates and at first applied mainly to organisations on the Left." ]
[ 12.9609375 ]
[ 11.7734375, 13.0390625, 11.703125, 12.4765625, 11.421875, 13.15625, 10.3671875, 12.0703125, 12.890625, 11.625, 12.515625, 11.5234375, 12.578125, 10.078125, 11.4296875, 12.671875, 12.4296875, 11.953125, 11.9765625, 12.890625, 10.328125, 10.09375, 11.5859375, 12.4921875, 11.8671875, 9.078125, 12.421875, 13.140625, 11.34375, 11.234375 ]
what is beach sand formed from
[ "What Is Sand? Sand is a loose granular material blanketing the beaches, riverbeds and deserts of the world. Composed of different materials that vary depending on location, sand comes in an array of colors including white, black, green and even pink. The most common component of sand is silicon dioxide in the form of quartz.The Earth's landmasses are made up of rocks and minerals, including quartz, feldspar and mica. Weathering processes — such as wind, rain and freezing/thawing cycles — break down these rocks and minerals into smaller grains.omposed of different materials that vary depending on location, sand comes in an array of colors including white, black, green and even pink. The most common component of sand is silicon dioxide in the form of quartz.", "What is Sand Made of? History. Sand is typically made mostly of varying amounts of material weathered from inland rocks (or seacliff material) and transported to the beach on the wind or in rivers, and/or shells and other hard parts precipitated out of the ocean water by marine organisms.and is typically made mostly of varying amounts of material weathered from inland rocks (or seacliff material) and transported to the beach on the wind or in rivers, and/or shells and other hard parts precipitated out of the ocean water by marine organisms." ]
[ "Sand For example, it is the primary form of sand apparent in areas where reefs have dominated the ecosystem for millions of years like the Caribbean. Sand is a non renewable resource over human timescales, and sand suitable for making concrete is in high demand.", "where does beach sand come from? In a most basic sense, the sand on our beaches comes from the erosion of the land. In our area the beaches rely on sand transported from the mountains by the rivers and from eroding cliffs near the shoreline.", "Sand The composition of sand varies, depending on the local rock sources and conditions, but the most common constituent of sand in inland continental settings and non-tropical coastal settings is silica (silicon dioxide, or SiO2), usually in the form of quartz.", "- (Photo from NASA. More about the photograph). Coastal sand is organized into barrier islands when three conditions are met: 1 There is a supply of sand sufficient to form islands; 2 sea level is rising; and. 3 there are winds and waves with sufficient energy to move the sand around.", "How do Beaches Form? Beaches are formed by waves depositing sand and sediment. The size of a beach can vary dramatically over the course of its lifetime. Pure quartz is colorless, however most examples contain traces of other minerals that give them color.The action of waves on coral reefs creates sediment.and Formation. Sand is formed by erosion. This can take place by the action of water in rivers, by glaciers grinding against rock, by alternate freezing and thawing, and by the action of waves on rocks, coral reefs, and shells.", "- Beach Formation and Types of Beaches and Sand describes the process in which beaches are formed and includes the characteristics of beach sediment.each Formation and Types of Beaches and Sand describes the process in which beaches are formed and includes the characteristics of beach sediment.", "5 landforms created by deposition:) Transcript of 5 landforms created by deposition:) Beaches:) a beach is where sand is deposited by wave movement. This is formed by the deposition of sand and gravel. the sand is under the water. When the tides are low, you have a sandy beach. Glaciers:) When glaciers move, they pick up rocks and many different things on the ground.", "- Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of pre-existing sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous rock that are deposited, compacted, and cemented together by natural p … rocesses. Clastic sedimentary rock is made of fragments of rocks cemented together by a mineral such as calcite or quartz.ediment compositions in classic rocks are determined based on the topgoraphy and georgraphy of the land from which they're found. The weather in any given area will determine the rocks composition.", "Sand Dunes Sand dunes form some of the most spectacular and dynamic landforms on the planet. Individual sand granules (grains of sand) accumulate through both water and wind (eolian) transportation, a process known as saltation. Individual saltating granules form transversely (perpendicular) to the wind's direction forming small ripples.", "- Sand dunes are formed on the coast when waves carry sand onto the shoreline and the wind blows it into drifts. The sand gets trapped on plants such as Sand Couch and Marram Gr … ass and the embryo dunes start to grow. Marram Grass is one of the most important dune plants.", "How Is Sandstone Formed? A: The sedimentary rock formed from sand deposits is referred to as sandstone. This type of rock accounts for about one-quarter of all sedimentary rock on t... Full Answer >", "Where does Sand come from?: Coastal Processes Part 3 of 6 Beach Sediments can range from silt, sand, gravel to boulders. Most sand has its origins from rocks on the land. The sand at Muriwai is mainly black iron sand (also known as Titomagnetite). This sand originates from the volcanoes of the Central North Island and Mount Taranaki on the West Coast. Rivers from these mountainous regions have eroded volcanic material and carried sediment to the sea. From there longshore drift has transported the black sand up the coast and deposited on beaches.", "- Silica sand consists of well-rounded, sand composed of almost pure quartz grains. Quartz, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), is the most common mineral found on the Earth’s surface and is found in rocks like granite, gneiss, and sandstone.", "- Kinetic Sand. ©2014 by David A. Katz. All rights reserved. Kinetic Sand is a dilatant material made from an ultrafine sand and polydimethylsiloxane (also. called dimethicone) and marketed by Waba Fun, LLC. A dilatant material is a non-Newtonian. fluid in which its viscosity increases under stress.", "Landforms Made by Wind and Waves Beaches are shaped by alternate landward and seaward currents of water generated by the breaking waves. When a breaker collapses, a foamy turbulent sheet of water rides up the beach slope. It is a powerful surge causing landward movement of sand and gravel on the beach.", "- Introduction. Just as ocean beaches display a variety of sediment types, the ocean floor may be made of sand, rock, remains of living organisms, or other material. The grains and particles that make up the seafloor sediments are classified by their size and their point of origin.ntroduction. Just as ocean beaches display a variety of sediment types, the ocean floor may be made of sand, rock, remains of living organisms, or other material. The grains and particles that make up the seafloor sediments are classified by their size and their point of origin.", "- Sedimentary. Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of sand, shells, pebbles, and other fragments of material. Together, all these particles are called sediment. Gradually, the sediment accumulates in layers and over a long period of time hardens into rock.", "Formation of rocks 1 Sedimentary rocks are formed through the gradual accumulation of sediments: for example, sand on a beach or mud on a river bed. 2 As the sediments are buried they get compacted as more and more material is deposited on top.3 Eventually the sediments will become so dense that they would essentially form a rock. Sedimentary rocks are formed through the gradual accumulation of sediments: for example, sand on a beach or mud on a river bed. 2 As the sediments are buried they get compacted as more and more material is deposited on top.", "Coastal Sand Dunes Form and Function The form of dune systems will be dictated by a number of factors, including the shape of the coastline, shape of the beach, currents and swell of the ocean, prevailing wind, frequency of storm events, and particle size of the sand.", "Science of Summer: Where Does Beach Sand Come From? Indeed, every beach is essentially a product of its regional and local environment, and is accordingly one-of-a-kind. [ In Photos: The Top 10 Beaches of 2013 ]. The sand on each beach is like a fingerprint — it's unique to the particular beach where you find it, said Williams.", "Beach Basics Beach parts. The recreational beach that we all know and love is the strip of sand extending from the low-tide line to the base of the first dune (Fig. 2.1). The submerged beach or shoreface extends seaward from the low-tide line to a depth of 30 to 60 feet, where the true continental shelf begins.asically, beach material is small pieces of rocks that have eroded and have been carried to the beach via the wind and water. The geology of the surrounding area determines the color of those rocks. This determines what material is available for a beach.", "Sedimentary Rocks Sandstone Sandstone is made of sand grains (0.05-2mm) cemented together. It is formed from sediment deposited by rivers, the sea, or by the wind, so there are many types of sandstone. Limestone & Chalk Limestone is made up of calcium carbonate (fizzes with acid).", "Science of Summer: Where Does Beach Sand Come From? Some beaches on Hawaii's Big Island even have a greenish tint, thanks to the presence of the mineral olivine. Old beach, new beach. As a final sandy thought, consider the fact that the sand on most of our beaches, especially on the East and Gulf Coasts, is rather old: some 5,000 years or so, Williams said.Very little new sand reaches the coast nowadays from the continental interior as it once did.s a final sandy thought, consider the fact that the sand on most of our beaches, especially on the East and Gulf Coasts, is rather old: some 5,000 years or so, Williams said.", "- Coastal Deposition is when the sea drops or deposits material. This can include sand, sediment and shingle. Beaches. The beach is the area between the lowest spring tide level and the point reached by the storm waves in the highest tides.Every beach is different but they are usually made up of material deposited on a wave-cut platform.Spit. Longshore drift moves material along a coastline. Where there is an obstruction or the power of the waves is reduced the material is deposited.he beach is the area between the lowest spring tide level and the point reached by the storm waves in the highest tides. Every beach is different but they are usually made up of material deposited on a wave-cut platform. Spit. Longshore drift moves material along a coastline.", "- Beaches with pebbles or course sand are very young while beaches with fine sand are older. The color of sand grains comes from the original material that formed the sand. For example, white sand on tropical beaches is pulverized pieces of dead coral.", "Science of Summer: Where Does Beach Sand Come From? © 2012 LiveScience.com. All rights reserved. Summer wouldn't be complete without a trip to the sandy shores of an ocean, bay, lake or river. As the gritty stuff gets in between your toes, you may wonder why beaches are distinctive sandy stretches and why sand looks and feels the way it does.", "Island Beach State Park Shoreline sand movement. The wind and the sea are constantly moving the sand you see on the beach. Sand is deposited on the beach by waves with a weak backwash. The material brought onto the beach either comes from the sandy bottom under the water or from other areas of the beach. A strong backwash has the opposite effect. A destructive wave pulls sand from the beach into the water.", "List of beaches A beach is a landform along the coast of an ocean or sea, or the edge of a lake or river. It usually consists of loose particles, which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles, or cobblestones. The particles comprising a beach are occasionally biological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae.", "Landforms of deposition Where sufficient sand is deposited and dries in the intertidal zone (foreshore – area between the high and low tide marks) it is then transported by saltation by the blowing wind. Sand dunes only form where the rate of beach deposition is greater than erosion (positive sediment budget). Sand dunes on Spurn Point When the dried sand reaches the top of the beach it can be trapped by debris such as driftwood, dead seaweed or rocks and pebbles.", "- Biogenic sand samples (also called organic or biological sands) are composed of pieces the skeletal remains of plants and animals. They are also sometimes called calcium sands because the chemical composition of most skeletal remains is calcium carbonate (CaCO3), the material our bones are made of." ]
[ 10.46875, 11.28125 ]
[ 9.9140625, 12.484375, 10.7265625, 10.1171875, 11.359375, 10.90625, 9.640625, 8.5703125, 9.75, 9.8984375, 9.84375, 11.53125, 10.171875, 8.953125, 10.1875, 8.953125, 9.953125, 10.28125, 10.09375, 11.171875, 9.734375, 9.28125, 9.8828125, 8.40625, 11.5078125, 10.9453125, 11.0859375, 10.7734375, 9.9140625, 10.4765625 ]
longest and shortest things
[ "Longest and Shortest This is an old British riddle from 1300-1900 AD. What is the longest and yet shortest thing in the world, The swiftest and yet the slowest, the most divisible and the most extended, The least valued and the most regretted, without which nothing can be done, Which devours everything, however small, and yet opens the life and spirit." ]
[ "- The longest word in the English language (leaving literature to ... breaking news Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.", "Litscape.com Default Word List Find words using only these letters (find words in a word): Find the longest word that can be made with the given letters. This search will find all words using these letters, and only these letters, in our word list of over 129,054 words. Use the buttons below the word list to sort the words by length, and then reverse the list to place the longest words first.", "When is the longest day, shortest day, equinox and solstice? what are these things? The longest day, the summer solstice is June 21, the shortest day the winter solstice is December 21, the Spring equinox is March 21st and the Autumn equinox is September the 21st, They are all words for quarters of the year. Lord Percy Fawcette-Smythe.", "What Is the Longest Word? The longest word that appears in a major English dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Found in the Oxford English Dictionary, it's the name of a lung disease. Many people don't count it either, though, since it was created to win a puzzle contest in 1935.", "Interesting Facts about English 1 A preposition is always followed by a noun (ie noun, proper noun, pronoun, noun group, gerund). 2 The word uncopyrightable is the longest English word in normal use that contains no letter more than once. 3 A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a pangram.", "June Solstice: Longest and Shortest Day of the Year The June Solstice. (Not to scale) 'Solstice' (Latin: 'solstitium') means 'sun-stopping', because the point where the sun appears to rise and set, stops and reverses direction after this day (ill:Not to scale) The date varies between June 20 and June 22, depending on the year, and the local time zone. June Solstice in New York, New York, USA is on", "Longest palindromic substring Longest palindromic substring. In computer science, the longest palindromic substring or longest symmetric factor problem is the problem of finding a maximum-length contiguous substring of a given string that is also a palindrome. For example, the longest palindromic substring of bananas is anana.", "Longest Common Substring Problem (For an explanation of the difference between a substring and a subsequence, see Substring vs. subsequence). For example, The longest common substrings of the strings ABAB, BABA and ABBA are the strings AB and BA of length 2.", "Order from shortest to longest wavelength...? Report Abuse. 1 This Site Might Help You. 2 Shortest Wavelength. 3 Longest Wavelength. radio 1 waves. For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/DTh20. oh shoot, we're learning about this in science at the sma etime you are and i can't rememer! Grrrr.... ;) well, i think it would be true because i think i remember reading that red was shortest and violet was longest but idk about the other colors. i would google visible light specturum just to be sure. sorry.", "Longest Common Substring Problem The longest common substring problem is to find the longest string (or strings) that is a substring (or are substrings) of two or more strings. It should not be confused with the longest common subsequence problem.", "Longest Word in English Longest Word in English. Sarah McCulloch.com vs Poland. Titin is the largest protein yet discovered. Its full chemical name is 189,819 letters long and, depending on how you define a “word” is the longest word in the English language. It is not included in the dictionary – few lexicographers accept chemical formulae as words.", "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two The second cognitive limitation Miller discusses is memory span. Memory span refers to the longest list of items (e.g., digits, letters, words) that a person can repeat back immediately after presentation in correct order on 50% of trials. Miller observed that memory span of young adults is approximately seven items. He noticed that memory span is approximately the same for stimuli with vastly different amount of information—for instance, binary digits have 1 bit each; decimal digits have 3.32 bits each; words have about 10 bits each.", "When is the longest and shortest day in the year? In the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year is 21st June and the shortest day is 22nd December. The exact date can vary by a day or so. The same dates apply in the southern hemisphere, but with longest and shortest reversed. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year; the winter solstice is the shortest. In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice is generally June 21, and the winter solstice is December 21. (Reverse these for the southern hemisphere.)", "Longest English sentence The longest grammatically correct sentence is contained in Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner. The sentence is composed of 1,292 words (In the 1951 Random House version).", "The longest paragraph We've already discussed the longest URL; what about the longest paragraph? I ask this because some copy was filed recently that contained a 175-word whopper – doubtless not a record-breaker but still rather hefty for a magazine article. This writer really hates paragraphs, commented one of my colleagues, also a sub.", "length 1. the longest extent of anything as measured from end to end: the length of a river. 2. the measure of the greatest dimension of a plane or solid figure. 3. extent from beginning to end of a series, enumeration, account, book, etc.: a report 300 pages in length.", "Memory span In psychology and neuroscience, memory span is the longest list of items that a person can repeat back in correct order immediately after presentation on 50% of all trials. Items may include words, numbers, or letters. The task is known as digit span when numbers are used. Memory span is a common measure of short-term memory. It is also a component of cognitive ability tests such as the WAIS. Backward memory span is a more challenging variation which involves recalling items in reverse order.", "- There are 2 sections in each worksheet. In first section, write 1 to 3 to show the order from shortest to longest objects. In second section, order from longest to shortest objects. Use the following link to download the entire set of long and short worksheets at one click.", "- With longer adjectives and with adverbs ending in-ly, add more and most. : less and least are used with adjectives of any length (such as bright, less bright, least bright). : Do not use the-er form with more or the-est form with most. The following are irregular comparative and superlative forms.or short adjectives (with one syllable or two syllables ending in-y or-le) and one-syllable adverbs, add the ending-er for the comparative and-est for the superlative. (Change-y to-i if the-y is preceded by a consonant: icy, icier, iciest.", "Longest Palindromic Substring | Set 2 # A O(n^2) time and O(1) space program to find the #longest palindromic substring # This function prints the longest palindrome substring (LPS) # of str[]. Time complexity: O ( n^2 ) where n is the length of input string. We will soon be adding more optimized method as separate post.", "Length Length. In geometric measurements, length is the longest dimension of an object. In other contexts length is the measured dimension of an object. For example it is possible to cut a length of a wire which is shorter than wire thickness.", "- I wont give you the longest sequence ,I will justtell you the length of longest possible sub-sequence. say we need to find LIS of the sequence. 2 4 3 6 7 3 8 9 11 10. we process our array a[] left to right and do either of these two rules:", "- 1. the longest extent of anything as measured from end to end: the length of a river. 2. the measure of the greatest dimension of a plane or solid figure.3. extent from beginning to end of a series, enumeration, account, book, etc.: a report 300 pages in length.. length-the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place; the length of the table was 5 feet. physical property-any property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions.", "- Tags: book, Longest Book, longest book ever, longest book ever written, longest book in english, Longest Book in the World, Longest Novel, Nigel Tomm, The Blah Story, what is the longest book. This entry was posted on June 26, 2008 at 12:18 pm and is filed under Longest Book, Longest Book in the World.", "Of the different types of memory, _____ memory has the shortest duration (lasts less than a second). Of the different types of memory, _____ memory has the shortest duration (lasts less than a second). - 5710786", "- this is on the Electromagnetic spectrum and has the longest wavelength to shortest wavelength. radio waves. has the longest wavelength and shortest frequency.", "Longest word in English Longest word in English. The identity of the longest word in English depends upon the definition of what constitutes a word in the English language, as well as how length should be compared.", "Definition of 'brief' SYNONYMY NOTE: brief, short are opposites of long in their application to duration [a brief or short interval], although brief often emphasizes compactness, conciseness, etc. [a brief review] and short often implies incompleteness or curtailment [a short measure, to make short work of it]; short is usually used where linear extent is referred to [a short man]", "Paragraph Length in Compositions and Reports 1 There is no set rule about paragraph length. 2 They can be long or short. . ., though do note that both the shortest and the longest are rare and you should take care in their use. 3 What works best is usually a mixture of longer and and shorter paragraphs within the middle range. Paragraph Length in Essays. 2 There is no set rule about paragraph length. 3 They can be long or short. . ., though do note that both the shortest and the longest are rare and you should take care in their use. 4 What works best is usually a mixture of longer and and shorter paragraphs within the middle range.", "- (By the way, if you want to know what I think of Logos . . . here’s my honest take.) You can check out the Web versions, or just download the spreadsheet and play with the numbers all you want: Book of the Bible word counts (longest to shortest)" ]
[ 11.7265625 ]
[ 10.015625, 9.84375, 10.8984375, 10.6796875, 10.375, 8.7265625, 9.4296875, 9.046875, 10.84375, 9.5, 9.90625, 9.015625, 10.8515625, 10.0390625, 9.5390625, 9.625, 9.328125, 10.9140625, 7.95703125, 8.65625, 9.625, 8.0546875, 8.859375, 8.9296875, 8.9453125, 10.390625, 9.796875, 8.203125, 10.375, 10.1484375 ]
abiogenesis is the scientific name for
[ "Origin of Life: Spontaneous Generation It was once believed that life could come from nonliving things, such as mice from corn, flies from bovine manure, maggots from rotting meat, and fish from the mud of previously dry lakes. Spontaneous generation is the incorrect hypothesis that nonliving things are capable of producing life." ]
[ "On the Origin of Species On the Origin of Species, published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Its full title was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. In the 1872 sixth edition On was omitted, so the full title is The origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. This edition is usually known as The Origin of Species.", "- Scientific name is the Genus and Species of the organism. The order is called phylogeny and goes from broadest to narrowest: Kingdom (animal, plant, fungus, Eukaryo … t (single celled with nucleus) and prokaryot (single celled without nucleus) Phylum-subphylum (ex Chordata) Class (ex.", "- All of the processes of embryo development are described by the term embryogenesis. The embryo is called a fetus after the completion of this stage of development. The stage of prenatal development that occurs from the end of the embryonic period until birth is called the fetal period.The most notable development during this stage is the dramatic change in size that takes place. This is the baby's final preparation for life outside the womb.hink of Steve and Jennifer's baby as spending the germinal period looking for a place to live. Now that she's found her place, she's ready to start organizing for the work she has ahead of her. This is the embryonic period of prenatal development.", "- A group of organisms that share similar characteristics and can reproduce among themselves to produce fertile offspring is called a.a. generation. b. species. c. hominid. group of organisms that share similar characteristics and can reproduce among themselves to produce fertile offspring is called a.", "Can Life Exist on Other Planets? With this broad definition of evolution, abiogenesis--the spontaneous appearance of life from non-living matter--is a necessity. If life did arise on earth by itself, it would be inconceivable that this is the only planet upon which there is life. Otherwise, the earth would be a remarkably special place, and that could easily lead to theistic ideas. Consequently, most evolutionists believe that life must exist elsewhere in the universe.", "organism 1 scientific name-The recognized Latin name given to an organism, consisting of a genus and species, according to a taxonomy; also called the binomial name. 2 soma-The body of an organism. 3 macronutrient-One required in relatively large amounts by organisms, e.g. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.rganism. n. 1. (Biology) any living biological entity, such as an animal, plant, fungus, or bacterium. 2. anything resembling a living creature in structure, behaviour, etc.", "\"Brooke P.Size: 401. Biology is what?a. The scientific study of organellesb. The scientific study of the environmentc. The scientific study of ecosystemsd. The scientific study of lifee. The scientific study of DNAd. The scientific study of life1. Neon is a noble gas with a full valence shell (the outermost electron shell is full). Describe the reactivity of neon with other atoms.a. Very reactiveb. Unreactivec. Unstabled. Readily forms covalent bondse. Readily forms ionic bondsb. Unractive1. Sugar dissolves when stirred into water. The sugar is the ______, the water is the ______, and the sweetened water is the ______.a. solvent . . . solution . . . soluteb. solution . . . solute . . . solventc. solution . . . solvent . . . soluted. solvent . . . solute . . . solutione. solute . . . solvent . . . solutione. solute . . . solvent . . . solution1. A stretch of DNA codes for a sequence of amino acids to form a protein. What is this stretch of DNA called?a. Histoneb. Enzymec. Gened. Proteine. Chromosomec. Gene1. Why are many cereals fortified with iron?a. Iron is a trace elementb. Iron helps to extend the shelf life of the cerealc. Iron improves how the cereal looks to the consumerd. Iron is one of the four most common elements found in the human bodye. None of the abovea. Iron is a trace elementb. Nitrogen (N)1. What name is given to the following reaction?galactose + glucose â lactose + watera. Glycolysisb. Dehydration reactionc. Hydrogenationd. Gluconeogenesise. Hydrolysis1. Which of the following is NOT a property of life?a. Populations of organisms are unable to change over time.b. Organisms take in energy and use it to perform all of life's activities.c. Organisms respond to environmental stimuli.d. Organisms reproduce their own kinde. Living things exhibit complex but ordered organization.1. How does the field of taxonomy assist biologists?a. By categorizing diverse items into smaller and smaller numbers of groupsb. By reducing life to its smallest common denominator, the cellc. By providing easily remembered scientific names for organismsd. By explaining why life existse. All of the above1. Which of the following is a producer?a. Catb. Dogc. Sund. House plante. Earthworm1. As a human, you are a (n) __________?a. Decomposerb. Producerc. Organ systemd. Consumere. Ecosystem1. What is the smallest biological unit that can display all the characteristics of life?a. Organelleb. Nucleusc. DNAd. Celle. Organism1. What are the different functional components of a cell called?a. Bacteriab. Genomec. Organelled. Genee. Protein1. Which of the following is true about carbon skeletons?a. They may vary in lengthb. They may be branchedc. They may have double bondsd. They may form into ringse. All the above1. Which of the following is NOT true when talking about the differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?a. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cellsb. Prokaryotic cells contain organelles while eukaryotic cells do notc. Eukaryotic cells have nuclei while prokaryotic cells do notd. Prokaryotic cells are older than eukaryotic cells in an evolutionary sensee. Prokaryotic cells are less complex than eukaryotic cells1. How many nucleotides make up the human genome?a. 10,000b. 300,000c. 1 milliond. 3 billione. 300 billion1. A newly discovered multicellular organism obtains food by digesting dead organisms. Such an organism is most likely a member of the kingdom ______.a. Eukaryab. Animaliac. Plantaed. Protistae. Fungi1. The branch of biology that explains both the diversity and the unity of life is _______.a. Taxonomyb. Geneticsc. Microbiologyd. Evolutione. Physiology1. A proteinâs shape determines its _________.a. Temperatureb. Functionc. pHd. Weighte. Size1. The flounder is a bottom dwelling saltwater fish that becomes nearly invisible lying still on the seabed. How has the flounder adapted to its environment?a. The species has accumulated favorable traits over timeb. The species altered its appearance under changing environmental conditionsc. The individuals of the species have changed as they have grown and developedd. The individuals of the speciesâ bodies adjusts to new environments1. Isotopes of an element have the same number of ______ and different numbers of ______.a. protons . . . electronsb. electrons . . . protonsc. protons . . . neutronsd. neutrons . . . protonse. neutrons . . . electronsMale collared lizards show considerable color variation, ranging from brightly colored to a very dull pattern. Your goal is to determine the function, if any, of male color patterns in collared lizards, using the scientific method. Your tentative explanation is that male color plays a role in attracting females for mating purposes. You predict that females will preferentially choose brightly colored males over dull-colored ones. To test this prediction, you observed the interactions of female collared1. Is it reasonable to conclude (i.e., is it supported by the data) that female collared lizards prefer more brightly colored male lizards over dull-colored males?a. Yes, this conclusion is supported by the data.b. No, this conclusion is not supported by the data.c. The data do not clearly indicate a preference one way or the other.d. There is no way to conclude anything from this data.e. None of the above choices are correct.1. Identify the experimental group of this case study.a. Brightly colored female lizardsb. Dull-colored female lizardsc. Brightly colored male lizardsd. Dull-colored male lizardse. Brightly colored male and female lizards1. Dull-colored males were part of the ______.a. Control groupb. Hypothesized groupc. Predicted groupd. Experimental groupe. Observation group1. Which of the following is the hypothesis of this case study?a. Dull males are less likely to be eaten by predators.b. A function of male coloration is to attract females.c. Males prefer brightly colored females.d. Male lizards are brightly colored.e. Male collared lizards exhibit color variation.1. \"\"Male collared lizards show considerable color variation.\"\" This is a (n) ______.a. Observationb. Resultc. Opiniond. Hypothesise. Conclusion1. As water freezes ______.a. Its molecules move farther apartb. Its hydrogen bonds break apartc. It cools the surrounding environmentd. It absorbs energy from the surrounding environmente. It loses its polarityIn the 1670âs, using his own handcrafted microscopes, Anton van Leeuwenhoek (known as the Father of Microbiology) first observed and described single-celled organisms. Verifiable observations and measurements made by Anton van Leeuwenhoek are the data of __________.a. Theoryb. Deductionc. Discovery scienced. Hypothesis-driven sciencee. Experimentation1. Which of the following would be a valid hypothesis?a. Hummingbird habitat should be preservedb. Hummingbirds prefer to feed from red flowersc. Red flowers smell better than other flowersd. None of the above are valid hypothesese. All of the above are valid hypotheses1. Which domain (s) consist (s) of prokaryotic cells?a. Archaea and Eukaryab. Bacteria and Archaeac. Archaea onlyd. Bacteria onlye. Eukarya only1. You try to start your car, but it does not start. Which of these is deductive testing?a. My car's battery is dead.b. If I recharge the battery, then my car will start.c. What is wrong with my car?d. My car will not starte. My car is too old to function properly1. Antibiotic resistance evolves in bacteria because ______.a. doctors do not prescribe antibiotics for diseases caused by virusesb. the presence of antibiotics favors bacteria that already have genes for resistancec. the antibiotics create resistance genes in bacteriad. farmers do not use enough antibiotics in animal feede. none of the above1. Which of the following elements is not one of the four most common elements in living things?a. Oxygenb. Carbonc. Nitrogend. Zince. Hydrogen1. If one strand of a DNA double helix has the sequence 5âAGTACTG 3â, what will be the sequence of the other strand?a. 3â AGTACTG 5âb. 3â CTACAGT 5âc. 3â GTCATGA 5âd. 3â GACGTCA 5âe. 3â TCATGAC 5â1. A substance consisting of two or more different elements combined in a fixed ratio is called a (n) ____________.a. Organelleb. Atomc. Compoundd. Solvente. Solution1. An atom with a positive charge has ______.a. more protons than electronsb. more neutrons than protonsc. more protons than neutronsd. more electrons than protonse. equal numbers of protons, electrons, and neutrons1. Which nucleotides are found in equal amounts in a DNA molecule?a. Adenine and Uracilb. Thymine and Adeninec. Cytosine and Guanined. Both a and ce. Both b and c\" doctors do not prescribe antibiotics for diseases caused by viruses. b. the presence of antibiotics favors bacteria that already have genes for resistance. c. the antibiotics create resistance genes in bacteria. d. farmers do not use enough antibiotics in animal feed. e. none of the above", "abiogenesis Definition of abiogenesis. : the origin of life from nonliving matter: such asa : spontaneous generationb : a theory in the evolution of early life on earth: organic molecules and subsequent simple life forms first originated from inorganic substances.", "Abiogenic petroleum origin Abiogenic petroleum origin. Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different hypotheses which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms.", "Abiogenesis The study of abiogenesis involves three main types of considerations: the geophysical, the chemical, and the biological, with more recent approaches attempting a synthesis of all three. Many approaches investigate how self-replicating molecules, or their components, came into existence.elief in spontaneous generation of certain forms of life from non-living matter goes back to Aristotle and ancient Greek philosophy and continued to have support in Western scholarship until the 19th century.", "Abiotic Origin of Petroleum - Abiotic Oil Abiogenic: Coal (black only) is a material that may contain presence of organic compounds, but that was filled by inorganic hydrocarbons that migrated by continuous upwelling come from great depth and reached these deposits in the surface and preserving fine debris and cellular tissues of plants.ccording to the Abiogenic (Abiotic) Theory, hydrocarbons are very abundant on the planet but the search for discovery of commercial accumulations is not simple because it must pass through understanding of geology of the favorable areas and especially understand the real nature of oil and natural gas.", "Abiogenesis Belief in spontaneous generation of certain forms of life from non-living matter goes back to Aristotle and ancient Greek philosophy and continued to have support in Western scholarship until the 19th century.", "Problems with Panspermia or Extraterrestrial Origin of Life Scenarios Panspermia is the theory that microorganisms or biochemical compounds from outer space are responsible for originating life on Earth and possibly in other parts of the universe where suitable atmospheric conditions exist. Essentially, it is a hypothesis which states that life on earth came from outer space. It has been popularized in countless science fiction works, however some scientists, including the discoverer of the structure of DNA, Francis Crick, have advocated panspermia.", "Precambrian: Facts About the Beginning of Time The Proterozoic Eon is also called the Cryptozoic (age of hidden life). About 2.5 billion years ago, enough shield rock had formed to start recognizable geologic processes such as plate tectonics.Geology was about to be joined by biology to continue Earth’s progress from a molten hell to a living planet.he Proterozoic Eon is also called the Cryptozoic (age of hidden life). About 2.5 billion years ago, enough shield rock had formed to start recognizable geologic processes such as plate tectonics.", "- Biogenesis. Definition. noun. (1) The process in which life forms arise from similar life forms. (2) It asserts that living things can only be produced by another living thing, and not by a non-living thing.", "Metagenesis Scientists do not agree upon the meaning of the term “metagenesis.” The Soviet geologist N. B. Vassoevich, who first proposed the term in 1957, considers it a synonym of regional metamorphism of rocks.", "Zygote A zygote is a eukaryotic cell formed by a fertilization event between two gametes. The zygote's genome is a combination of the DNA in each gamete, and contains all of the genetic information necessary to form a new individual. In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the earliest developmental stage. In single-celled organisms, the zygote can divide asexually by mitosis to produce identical offspring. Oscar Hertwig and Richard Hertwig made some of the first discoveries on animal zygote formatio", "- (Answer #1). Scientific Naming, aka Binomial nomenclature, is the official system for giving names to organisms. They usually are derived from Latin. There are really a couple of advantages to the scientific naming system, and one disadvantage. First off, scientific naming is standardized.", "Biogenesis Biogenesis is the production of new living organisms or organelles. Conceptually, biogenesis is primarily attributed to Louis Pasteur and encompasses the belief that complex living things come only from other living things, by means of reproduction. That is, life does not spontaneously arise from non-living material, which was the position held by spontaneous generation. This is summarized in the phrase Omne vivum ex vivo, Latin for all life from life. A related statement is Omnis cellula e ce", "- Biogenesis is the production of new living organisms or organelles. The law of biogenesis, attributed to Louis Pasteur, is the observation that living things come only from other living things, by reproduction (e.g. a spider lays eggs, which develop into spiders).", "Abiogenic petroleum origin This hypothesis is different from biogenic oil in that the role of deep-dwelling microbes is a biological source for oil which is not of a sedimentary origin and is not sourced from surface carbon. Deep microbial life is only a contaminant of primordial hydrocarbons.", "Life Another theory is that life is the property of ecological systems, and yet another is elaborated in complex systems biology, a branch or subfield of mathematical biology. Abiogenesis describes the natural process of life arising from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.", "Reproduction Reproduction (or procreation or breeding) is the biological process by which new individual organisms – offspring – are produced from their parents. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction. There are two forms of reproduction: asexual and sexual. In asexual reproduction, an organism can reproduce without the involvement of another organism. Asexual reproduction is not limited to single-celled organisms.", "Sporogenesis Sporogenesis is the production of spores in biology. The term is also used to refer to the process of reproduction via spores. Reproductive spores were found to be formed in eukaryotic organisms, such as plants, algae and fungi, during their normal reproductive life cycle. Dormant spores are formed, for example by certain fungi and algae, primarily in response to unfavorable growing conditions. Most eukaryotic spores are haploid and form through cell division, though some types are diploid or di", "The Cambrian Explosion This stunning and unique evolutionary flowering is termed the Cambrian explosion, taking the name of the geological age in whose early part it occurred. But it was not as rapid as an explosion: the changes seems to have happened in a range of about 30 million years, and some stages took 5 to 10 million years.he Cambrian Explosion: For most of the nearly 4 billion years that life has existed on Earth, evolution produced little beyond bacteria, plankton, and multi-celled algae. But beginning about 600 million years ago in the Precambrian, the fossil record speaks of more rapid change.", "- Noun. 1. embryology-the branch of biology that studies the formation and early development of living organisms. germ layer - (embryology) any of the 3 layers of cells differentiated in embryos following gastrulation. optic cup, eyecup - (embryology) a two-walled cuplike depression that develops into the pigmented and sensory layers of the retina. biological science, biology-the science that studies living organisms.", "Abiogenesis The chemical processes that took place on the early Earth are called chemical evolution. Both Manfred Eigen and Sol Spiegelman demonstrated that evolution, including replication, variation, and natural selection, can occur in populations of molecules as well as in organisms.", "Reproduction Reproduction (or procreation) is the biological process by which new individual organisms – offspring – are produced from their parents. Reproduction is a fundamental feature of all known life; each individual organism exists as the result of reproduction.There are two forms of reproduction: asexual and sexual.exual reproduction is a biological process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms in a process that starts with meiosis, a specialized type of cell division. Each of two parent organisms contributes half of the offspring's genetic makeup by creating haploid gametes.", "- A type of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops as an outgrowth of the parent is called budding. The new organism, called the bud, is a tiny duplicate of the parent organism. In budding, the nucleus divides equally and the cytoplasm divides unequally.", "- Share to: biogenesis is the theory that living things come only from other living things and spontanious generation is the idea that living things come from nonliving things.---------- … ------------------------------- biogenesis and abiogenesis and spontaneous generation are the same theory.iogenesis is the matter of when living things come from other living things and spontaneous generation is when living things come from nonliving things." ]
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what causes a tooth with a crown to bleed
[ "Gums Bleed when I Floss in the Middle of New Permanent Crowns? +1. You mentioned you just had these crowns done so a little bleeding when you floss may occur if you floss too hard while the gums are healing after the procedure. It seems a little odd that it is only bleeding in the middle and if it continues make an appointment and go back and see you dentist." ]
[ "What Causes Bleeding Gums? Plaque Build-Up. Plaque that is not removed will eventually cause the gums to separate and recede from the teeth. Once your gums begin to recede, pockets can form between the teeth and gums. Germs can get trapped inside these pockets, attacking the gums and bone supporting the teeth.Plaque will eventually harden into tartar.his is called Gingivitis and is the first stage of gum disease. Gingivitis is usually a painless condition and bleeding gums may be the only symptom. Some other signs may include: swollen, red or tender gums; persistent bad breath or taste; teeth that are loose; and a change in the way your teeth fit when you bite.", "- The nerves and blood vessels of the tooth are called the pulp. The pulp occupies the root canals, and the pulp chamber in the crown of the tooth. When it is exposed to infection by decay or injury it will die and cause severe pain. An abscess will develop on the root.", "Problems (pain, sensitivity) associated with permanent and temporary dental crowns. - After a dental crown has been cemented into place, a person may notice that their tooth is sensitive to: 1 Hot and cold foods and beverages. 2 Air may cause a similar sensation (like when breathing in and out through your mouth). 3 The location of the sensitivity is usually right at the edge of the crown, by the gum line.", "Crown (dentistry) Crown (dentistry) A crown is a type of dental restoration which completely caps or encircles a tooth or dental implant. Crowns are often needed when a large cavity threatens the ongoing health of a tooth. They are typically bonded to the tooth using a dental cement. Crowns can be made from many materials, which are usually fabricated using indirect methods. Crowns are often used to improve the strength or appearance of teeth. While inarguably beneficial to dental health, the procedure and materials can be relatively expensive. Crown (dentistry)", "First Appointment FAQs The most common cause of bleeding when you brush is gingivitis, and infection of the gums. Untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious forms of gum disease that will cause bone and tooth loss. When you see that your gums are bleeding when you brush, you should brush and floss more, not less.", "Five Things You Can Do If Your Gums Are Bleeding Certain medicines also increase the likelihood that your gums will bleed. Some over-the-counter pain relievers, like aspirin, thin the blood and can therefore increase bleeding. It's also possible for a prescription medication to cause gum bleeding. If that is the case, your doctor might prescribe a different dose or a different medication altogether.", "Bleeding Gums Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Bleeding Gums Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Bleeding gums are one of the first reasons that most people give for not flossing. Gums can bleed at just the beginning stages of infections like gingivitis, or be a signal that more serious problems are present. Thankfully, bleeding gums can be reversed fairly quickly if care is taken quickly.", "- 1 Poor oral hygiene. 2 Irregular brushing or flossing, or performing these actions incorrectly, can lead to gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are common causes of bleeding gums. 3 Brushing too hard. 4 Being too vigorous with your brushing can inflame delicate gum tissue and cause it to bleed.", "Toxic ToothâHow a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick The presence of oral bacteria from root canal teeth and gum disease in the arterial plaque and blood clots of heart attack patients points to direct causation, rather than correlation between oral infection and cardiovascular disease. All Root Canal Teeth Will Become More Infected Over Time Because root canal teeth no longer have a blood supply, the bacteria remaining inside all root canal teeth are effectively hidden from the immune system.", "Bleeding Gums When Brushing and Flossing: Is It Normal? The textbook Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology states that “The presence of plaque for only two days can initiate gingival bleeding.” That means that if you neglect brushing or flossing for just two days, it could cause your gums to start bleeding when you begin brushing and flossing.", "What Causes Bleeding Gums? Factor X Deficiency. Factor X deficiency, also called Stuart-Prower factor deficiency, is a condition caused by not having enough of the protein known as factor X (ten) in your blood. A common symptom is easy bruising.", "How to Quickly Stop Bleeding from Tooth Extraction If systemic cause is suspected or bleeding is not controllable by all these measures then the dentist will refer you to a specialist. 1 How to Quickly Stop Bleeding from Tooth Extraction. 2 Management of bleeding after a tooth extraction. 3 Care of Mouth After Tooth Extraction. Basics of Tooth Extraction Part 1 2. Basics of Tooth Extraction Part 1.", "What is Causing the Unbelievable Throbbing INTERMITTEN Pain in my Teeth? Throbbing pain under the crown. When the tooth is originally prepared for the crown and provisional crown is placed there can be bacterial leakage under temporary cement. That can cause inflammation inside of the tooth. According to your symptoms you have classic inflammation of the pulp and need root canal treatment. So, you should visit your dentist or an endodontist (specialist in root canals) for root canal treatment.", "Crowns Risks. There is almost no risk involved in having a cavity filled. If you have certain heart problems, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics before a dental procedure. Some procedures can cause bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other parts of the body.", "- Bleeding gums are often the first sign of gingivitis*, a medical condition that can lead to serious consequences, including tooth loss and gum surgery. There is advice elsewhere on this website regarding steps you should take in your overall oral care regimen to properly treat this condition.", "Do Your Teeth Bleed When You Brush? What You Need to Know. The short answer is No. Healthy gums do not bleed with brushing or flossing. In fact, bleeding gums is a sign of gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum and bone (periodontal) disease. If you watch TV, you have heard of gingivitis.", "- Bleeding from the gums, particularly when accompanied by easy bruising and/or bleeding at other sites in the body, can also be caused by diseases that interfere with the normal blood-clotting process. Blood-thinner medications are another potential cause of bleeding gums.", "- Vigorous brushing and excessive flossing are the most common causes of blood in the saliva. Other causes of trauma may include 1 : After dental work/surgery or oropharyngeal surgery. 2 Poorly fitting dentures and other dental prosthetics. 3 Mouth biting. 4 Chemical injury to he mouth may be seen with :", "Persistent tooth pain after filling The excessive force causes an intense tooth pain when chewing. The dentist must shape carefully the upper biting surface of the restored tooth so that it comes in perfect contact with the opposite tooth of the other jaw, to avoid having problems of malocclusion that can cause toothache after the filling.", "- Possible complications after a tooth extraction. Bleeding – Bleeding after a tooth extraction is entirely normal. A pinkish tinted saliva and subtle oozing is fairly common during the first 36 hours. If bleeding gets excessive, control it by using dampened gauze pads and biting down to keep pressure on the area.", "Headaches and Jaw Pain Bite irregularities can, of course, be the cause of excessive wear of the teeth and restorations as well as premature loss of crowns and bridges. For most patients the main problem is chronic headaches which may become debilitating. Pain often manifests itself as toothache and pain in the front area of the face.", "- After a tooth extraction, there is a lot of bleeding from the tiny blood vessels within the gums and bone. Bleeding should never be extreme or excessive, however, in some cases your dentist may place sutures to help with the healing process.", "- Blood-thinner medications are another potential cause of bleeding gums. The hormonal changes during pregnancy can also increase the sensitivity of the gums, which may lead to increased bleeding in some cases. Those with chronic conditions that affect the function of the immune system, such as HIV infection or diabetes, may also have an increased tendency to develop gingivitis.", "- Some porcelain crowns have metal inside which gives strength and support to the porcelain. This acts as a barrier for light and gives the crown a dull colour. On posterior teeth this won't be noticed but in the front of the mouth it can occasionally be a problem as the tooth looks duller than the natural teeth.", "Bleeding gums What causes bleeding gums? Bleeding gums are mostly caused by gingivitis which is an infection or inflammation of the gum, particularly in the tissue around the teeth. Most often the cause of the irritation is from plaque that live in the mouth. Swelling and bleeding when the teeth are brushed or flossed characterize the infection. Plaque can form on any tooth surface, but the accumulation is heaviest between the teeth and along the gum line, areas that are not self-cleaning.", "Would a Porcelain Crown Cause my Gums to Darken? All Porcelain Crown Will not Cause Dark Gums. 1 All porcelain crowns won't cause your gums to darken. 2 All procelain Crowns will not cause gums to darken. 3 Porcelain Crowns and Dark Gum Lines. 4 Would a porcelain crown cause my gums to darken. 5 Porcelain crown is a good option! 6 Porcelain crowns do not create dark lines or shadows.", "Crown (dentistry) A crown is a type of dental restoration which completely caps or encircles a tooth or dental implant. Crowns are often needed when a large cavity threatens the ongoing health of a tooth. They are typically bonded to the tooth using a dental cement. Crowns can be made from many materials, which are usually fabricated using indirect methods.", "- Sometimes gums bleed because patients actually floss too hard, coming down on the papilla (gum between the teeth), traumatizing it themselves. Improperly fitting crowns, fillings, veneers, etc., can also cause gum irritation.", "Crown (dentistry) Crown (dentistry) A crown is a type of dental restoration which completely caps or encircles a tooth or dental implant. Crowns are often needed when a large cavity threatens the ongoing health of a tooth. They are typically bonded to the tooth using a dental cement. Crowns can be made from many materials, which are usually fabricated using indirect methods. Crowns are often used to improve the strength or appearance of teeth. While inarguably beneficial to dental health, the procedure and materials can be relativ", "Gum Disease (Gingivitis) Bleeding Gums and Gingivitis. Bleeding gums can be a symptom of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) that arises due to a number of different causes. Most commonly, gingivitis is the result of plaque buildup on the teeth around the gum line." ]
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what does paralysis do
[ "Definitions &Translations Paralysis. Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. A study conducted by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, suggests that about 1 in 50 people have been diagnosed with paralysis.aralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. A study conducted by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, suggests that about 1 in 50 people have been diagnosed with paralysis." ]
[ "- Introduction. Paralysis is loss of the ability to move one or more muscles. It may be associated with loss of feeling and other bodily functions. It is not usually caused by problems with the muscles themselves, but by problems with the nerves or spinal cord the brain uses to control muscles.A person with paralysis will usually have some form of nerve damage.ntroduction. Paralysis is loss of the ability to move one or more muscles. It may be associated with loss of feeling and other bodily functions. It is not usually caused by problems with the muscles themselves, but by problems with the nerves or spinal cord the brain uses to control muscles.", "- The pressure on the facial nerve that results causes the paralysis of the face. There are other conditions that may lead to facial paralysis, like a stroke or a brain tumor, but if no cause is found, Bell's Palsy is used as the diagnosis of exclusion.", "Partial Paralysis Outcome for Partial Paralysis. The long-term outcome of partial paralysis depends upon the cause of the paralysis, the timeliness and quality of treatment, and the patient’s response to treatment. In some cases full or partial recovery is possible, while in other cases partial paralysis is permanent.", "Areas the Nerves Control The higher the injury on the spinal cord, the more paralysis there is. For example, damage high on the spinal cord, in the cervical segment, can result in paralysis of the chest, arms, and legs (tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia).Damage lower down on the spine (thoracic, lumbar, or sacral segments) can result in paralysis of the legs and lower body (paraplegia).he higher the injury on the spinal cord, the more paralysis there is. For example, damage high on the spinal cord, in the cervical segment, can result in paralysis of the chest, arms, and legs (tetraplegia, also known as quadriplegia).", "How long does sleep paralysis last How long does sleep paralysis last. Sleep paralysis is a kind of paralysis which makes a person incapable to move for a while after wakening up from sleep or onset sleep. This problem does not remain for long, but lasts in few minutes. While Schizophrenia is also a sleep disorder, but it creates sleeping problems.", "paralysis Paralysis may affect an individual muscle, but it usually affects an entire body region. The distribution of weakness is an important clue to the location of the nerve damage that is causing the paralysis.", "Paralysis Aside from poliomyelitis (which can be prevented by vaccination) and brain and spinal cord injuries (which in some cases can be prevented by using appropriate safety measures), it is usually not possible to prevent the conditions that cause paralysis, and most of the time there is no specific treatment.uscle is a special kind of tissue that enables our bodies to move. It is under the control of the nervous system, which processes messages to and from all parts of the body. Sometimes the nerve cells, or neurons, that control the muscles become diseased or injured.", "Overview of Limb Paralysis Paralysis of the thoracic limb is usually associated with a lesion of the C6 to T2 nerve roots, the brachial plexus, or musculocutaneous, radial, median, or ulnar nerves. Paralysis of the pelvic limb is usually associated with a lesion of the L4 to S2 nerve roots, the lumbosacral plexus, or femoral, sciatic, peroneal (fibular), or tibial nerves.", "Paralysis Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs, is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia. Most paralysis is due to strokes or injuries such as spinal cord injury or a broken neck.", "Overview of Facts, Symptoms, Features, and Cure of Sleep Paralysis Although there may be certain triggers, ultimately sleep paralysis is believed to be a problem with the regulation of REM. During this phase of sleep, the body is kept relaxed so that dreams are not acted out. If this relaxation, or atonia, occurs while the person is awake, it can cause temporary paralysis. This may be experienced when a REM period is disrupted.", "- Most paralyses caused by nervous-system damage (i.e. spinal cord injuries) are constant in nature; however, some forms of periodic paralysis, including sleep paralysis, are caused by other factors. Paralysis can occur in newborns due to a congenital defect known as Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida causes one or more of the vertebrae to fail to form vertebral arches within the infant, which allows the spinal cord to protrude from the rest of the spine.", "Spine Basics The nerves in each area of the spinal cord connect to specific parts of your body. This is why damage to the spinal cord can cause paralysis in certain areas and not others -- it depends on which spinal nerves are affected. The nerves of the cervical spine go to the upper chest and arms.", "- Paralysis is loss of the ability to move one or more muscles. It may be associated with loss of feeling and other bodily functions. It is not usually caused by problems with the muscles themselves, but by problems with the nerves or spinal cord the brain uses to control muscles. A person with paralysis will usually have some form of nerve damage.", "Areas the Nerves Control The nerves around a vertebra control specific parts of the body. Paralysis occurs in the areas of the body that are controlled by the nerves associated with the damaged vertebrae and the nerves below the damaged vertebrae. The higher the injury on the spinal cord, the more paralysis there is.", "Lumbar Puncture (LP) The cause of the paralysis was an outbreak of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare, noncontagious autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks part of the nervous system.", "- More general medical disease topics related to Paralysis include: 1 Spinal conditions. 2 Spinal Cord Disorders. 3 Spinal cord injury. 4 Physical conditions. 5 Neuromuscular conditions. 6 Muscle conditions. 7 Nervous system conditions. 8 Movement conditions. 9 Musculoskeletal conditions. 10 Limb conditions. 11 Systemic conditions.", "- In most cases, people get paralysis as the result of an accident or a medical condition that affects the way muscles and nerves function. The most common causes of paralysis include: Stroke; Spinal cord injury; Head injury; Multiple sclerosis; Some other causes include: Cerebral palsy; Guillain-Barré syndrome; Peripheral neuropathy; Toxins/poisons", "Paralysis What is Paralysis? Paralysis is the inability of a muscle or group of muscles to move voluntarily. Muscles are controlled by messages sent from the brain that trigger movement. When part of the brain is damaged after a stroke, messaging between the brain and muscles may not work properly. Paralysis is usually on the side of the body opposite the side of the brain damaged by stroke, and may affect any part of the body. You may experience one-sided paralysis, known as hemiplegia, or one-sided weakness, known as hemiparesis.", "What Causes Paralysis? The brain controls all voluntary muscle contraction. 1 Diseases of the brain which result in paralysis include: 2 Stroke, which is due to an interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain, either because of a leak or rupture of a blood vessel, or due to a block in a vessel by a clot. 3 Traumatic brain injury.", "Overview Vocal cord paralysis occurs when the nerve impulses to your voice box (larynx) are disrupted. This results in paralysis of the vocal cord muscles. Vocal cord paralysis can affect your ability to speak and even breathe. That's because your vocal cords, sometimes called vocal folds, do more than just produce sound.", "Facial Paralysis Facial paralysis is almost always caused by: 1 Damage or swelling of the facial nerve, which carries signals from the brain to the muscles of the face. 2 Damage to the area of the brain that sends signals to the muscles of the face.", "- Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in part of the body. It can be partial or complete, temporary or permanent, and localized or generalized. Most patients feel no pain in the paralyzed areas of their bodies. They also have no control over how those muscles move.", "paralysis The nerve damage that causes paralysis may be in the brain or spinal cord (the central nervous system) or it may be in the nerves outside the spinal cord (the peripheral nervous system). The most common causes of damage to the brain are:", "paralysis The nerve damage that causes paralysis may be in the brain or spinal cord (the central nervous system) or it may be in the nerves outside the spinal cord (the peripheral nervous system).The most common causes of damage to the brain are: 1 stroke.amage to the spinal cord is most often caused by trauma, such as a fall or a car crash. Other conditions that may damage nerves within or immediately adjacent to the spine include: 1 tumor. ( 2 also called a ruptured or). 3 spondylosis (a disease that causes stiffness in the joints of the spine).", "- Paralysis can occur in localised or generalised forms, or it may follow a certain pattern. Most paralyses caused by nervous-system damage (i.e. spinal cord injuries) are constant in nature; however, some forms of periodic paralysis, including sleep paralysis, are caused by other factors.Paralysis can occur in newborns due to a congenital defect known as Spina Bifida.ost paralyses caused by nervous-system damage (i.e. spinal cord injuries) are constant in nature; however, some forms of periodic paralysis, including sleep paralysis, are caused by other factors. Paralysis can occur in newborns due to a congenital defect known as Spina Bifida.", "- There is currently no cure for permanent paralysis. The aim of treatment is to help a person adapt to life with paralysis by making them as independent as possible. Another important goal of treatment is to address health problems and associated complications that arise from paralysis, such as pressure ulcers.", "- … A nose piercing can not cause paralysis because the neural messages responsible for movement are sent from the brain to the body through the spinal cord, not through the nose. A nose piercing could cause infection if sterile procedures are not taken, but not paralysis. 4 people found this useful.", "Paralysis Paralysis of the muscles of the face, arm, and leg on one side of the body is called hemiplegia (hemi means half) and usually results from damage to the opposite side of the brain. Damage to the nerves of the spinal cord affects different parts of the body, depending on the amount of damage and where it occurred. Paralysis of both lower limbs is called paraplegia, and paralysis of both arms and both legs is called quadriplegia.", "Paralysis In rare cases, no physical cause for paralysis can be found. Psychologists call this condition a conversion disorder—that is, a person converts his or her psychological anxiety into physical symptoms of paralysis, but nerve and muscle function are still intact. Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of paralysis vary.", "Definitions &Translations Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or more muscles. Paralysis can be accompanied by a loss of feeling (sensory loss) in the affected area if there is sensory damage as well as motor. Paralysis can affect the entire body or a specific body part. When the whole body is affected it is known as complete paralysis." ]
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do papaya enzymes help upset stomach
[ "How Papaya Enzyme Benefits Digestion Additionally, since papaya as a soft fruit doesn’t require much digestion itself, some of its enzymes may move into the small intestine before large amounts of stomach acid is produced. Once in our intestines, papain and other papaya enzymes can help clear undigested protein-based debris and waste products.", "7 Home Remedies for Upset Stomach to Soothe Indigestion Home Remedy for Upset Stomach #3 – Papaya. Papaya fruit or papaya enzyme capsules are both effective at assisting with digestion. Papaya contains the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which are similar to digestive enzymes. Papain is used in many commercial meat tenderizers because it helps break down proteins." ]
[ "- Pepto-Bismol provides relief from diarrhea and upset stomach due to overindulgence in food and drink, including heartburn, indigestion, and nausea. For a better experience on pepto-bismol.ca, please enable JavaScript in your browser.", "- Pepsin is a protease enzymes released into the stomach. There is more mechanical breakdown too by the stomach muscles. If you take plant enzymes, most plant enzymes are quite stable in the stomach environment and go to work. This gives the plant enzymes an edge on digestion over animal/pancreatic enzymes.here is more mechanical breakdown too by the stomach muscles. If you take plant enzymes, most plant enzymes are quite stable in the stomach environment and go to work. This gives the plant enzymes an edge on digestion over animal/pancreatic enzymes.", "I'm currently taking a Z-Pak antibiotic, and it causes stomach upset and diarrhea. Can I take Pepto-Bismol for relief? 26 Followers. A. Z-Pak, or azithromycin, does have common side effects of stomach upset and diarrhea. Taking this medication with food may help with your upset stomach. If your diarrhea becomes more intense, it is important to stay hydrated by taking in fluids and replenishing your electrolytes.", "PAPAYA Papaya is a plant. The leaves are used to make medicine. Papaya is used for preventing and treating gastrointestinal tract disorders, intestinal parasite infections, and as a sedative and diuretic. It is also used for nerve pains (neuralgia) and elephantoid growths.", "Time for Tea: Five Types of Teas that Can Help an Upset Stomach Peppermint Tea. Peppermint is a minty cool herb that usually comes in the form of post-dinner breath mints, toothpaste, gum and of course, tea. Peppermint has the ability to heal an upset stomach, cure bloating, indigestion and flatulence which is basically when a lot of gas builds up in your stomach.", "- The fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.he fruit, as well as the other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums.", "Foods to Soothe Sour Stomachs Papaya – Papaya is rich in the protein digestive enzymes papain and chymopapain. In addition to the fruit form, papaya enzymes are also available in a chewable supplement for the occasional upset tummy.", "- You can drink a cup of herbal tea after each meal to help settle an upset stomach. The following three types are worth trying: Chamomile tea contains an anti-inflammatory agent that can help settle an upset stomach.", "- Tips to help alleviate an upset stomach ● Go bananas! Bananas not only soothe the stomach and counteract the acids that can cause an upset stomach, but they are also easily digested and can help ease diarrhea. ● Ginger knows best. Strong ginger tea, can work wonders and help to relieve nausea. In China, ginger has been used to treat upset stomachs for over 2,000 years! ● Minty mend. Peppermint has long been hailed as a natural tummy soother. The strong vapor promotes the flow of bile and helps to calm stomach muscles.", "7 Papaya Enzyme Side Effects and Warnings Papain, Papaya Seeds and the Menstrual Cycle. Associated with the precautions of using papain when trying to become pregnant, papaya seeds, green papaya and other potent sources of papaya enzymes may interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle if taken in large and regular doses.", "Do Papaya Enzyme Digestion Supplements Work Do papaya enzyme digestion supplements work? Well, for a healthy working digestive system you need enzymes. Not only are they essential for good digestion and absorption, they are also involved in every chemical process taking place in your body. We produce our own enzymes, but we need help and the best sources are raw natural foods such as the delicious papaya.", "- Traditionally used for ulcers, upset stomach, heartburn and diarrhea, papaya contains papain, a natural digestive enzyme that helps break up foods that may be irritating the stomach.", "Digestive enzymes: Do you really need them? Papaya and pineapple are packed with digestive enzymes. When it comes to the ingredients in digestive enzyme supplements, Glassman notes that ones derived from papaya fruit and pineapple are popular choices and known to aid in digestion.", "The Health Benefits of Papain Print. Share. Papain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found and extracted from the papaya fruit (Carica papaya) , it is also referred to as papaya proteinase. The papaya-enzyme papain plays a key role in digestive processes involving breaking down tough protein fibers.his formula contains digestive enzymes, which help digest fats (lipids), sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, gluten, fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran, nuts and seeds, soy, dairy, and all other food sources.", "- Paw-paws make the enzyme papain. Papain is a protein digesting enzyme that comes from the latex of the tropical melon (paw-paw). It is stable and easy to obtain in relatively large quantities. The meat producer may inject a preparation of the enzyme into the animal before or after slaughter.", "Papaya Enzyme Benefits One of the most well-known papaya enzyme benefits is its ability to help your body process protein and carbohydrates. These enzymes help to break down the tough connective tissue in meats, making it easier for your body to process them, and thereby allowing it to absorb more protein with less work.", "\"Carrot and Mint \"\"Juice\"\" Helps an Upset Stomach\" This popular home remedy may also calm an angry tummy. A mixture of one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one cup warm water, and one tablespoon honey will ease indigestion and may alleviate cramping and gas in your upset stomach.", "- Related Searches. papaya enzyme digestion. levels enzymedica digest gold. doctors best serrapeptase. natural brand super digestive enzymes. papaya enzyme chewable. super digestive enzymes. Other Products Customers are Viewing. Nature's Secret® Super Cleanse. Product Images.", "- In the US -. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. In Canada-Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345. List Papaya Enzyme side effects by likelihood and severity.", "Papaya Benefits Papaya Benefits. Fruit of the angels, that is, papaya benefits in the natural treatment of dyspepsia, constipation, burns, rashes, ringworm, bleeding piles, osteoarthritis, and it helps prevent atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, and so on. Apart from the fruit, the leaves, seeds, and latex of this herbaceous plant also have therapeutic properties.", "What Is Papaya Good For? One of the most important ingredients in papaya is the enzyme papain, shown to be effective against a number of stomach and intestinal problems, from expelling parasites to easing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.", "What Are the Benefits of Papaya Enzyme Supplements? The study concluded that papain is found in both unripe and ripe papayas, but may have stronger protein-digesting activity in ripe papayas. Papaya enzyme supplements that contain papain may help improve your protein digestion.", "Do Papaya Enzyme Digestion Supplements Work Because it is an abundant source of enzymes, papaya extract is often used as an ingredient in digestive enzyme supplements. Not only is the papaya rich in enzymes, it is highly nutritious as it provides a rich source of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber that improve our digestive health.", "Benefits of Papaya Enzymes What are the Benefits of Papaya Enzymes (Papain)? The payaya is a plant native to Mexico and Central America. It is a short lived fast growing herb that bears fruit. The papaya is a pear shaped fruit that is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and potassium. Papayas also contain the enzyme papain which is a digestive enzyme and is more abundant in green, unripe fruits. Enzymes help to speed up chemical reactions in the body.", "Proteolytic Enzymes Reduce Inflammation and Boost Immunity Papaya's fiber is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya's folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer.", "Papaya Papain is found in both papaya fruits and latex, which has been utilised for meat tenderization for one thousand years in Central America. Recent years, papain and other endopeptidases have been proven to have several medical benefits, such as defibrinating wounds and treatment of edemas (Nitsawang et al., 2006).apaya lipase (EC. is an important component of papaya latex that is produced by papaya plants. Papaya lipase has many advantages over the lipase produced by animals and other organisms, such as microorganisms. Papaya lipase is a naturally immobilized biocatalyst that is tightly bound to water-insoluble matrix.", "- Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer. In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme, papain, which is used like bromelain, a similar enzyme found in pineapple, to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies.", "Papaya Seeds For Liver, Gut, And Kidney Detox Papaya seeds contain vital nutrients that help heal cirrhosis of the liver. Grind or crush 5-6 Papaya Seeds and have them with food or juice, especially lime juice. This should be done for 30 days. Moreover eating small amounts of Papaya seeds regularly helps in detoxing the liver and keeps liver diseases at bay.", "- Digestive enzymes help the body to digest the proteins in food. The enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin occur naturally in the body, and can be extracted from the pancreas of animals. Or papain and bromelain can be obtained from foods like papaya and pineapple. Digestive enzymes (phlogenzym) have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.", "Papaya Seeds For Liver, Gut, And Kidney Detox Both unripe papaya and papaya seeds are high in the enzyme papain. Papain is a beneficial aid to protein digestion but best avoided for women currently or trying to get pregnant. For males, eating one teaspoon of Papaya Seeds every day for 3 months can greatly reduce sperm production without affecting libido." ]
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what does pureblood born mean
[ "pureblood pureblood. 1 an individual, especially an animal, whose ancestry consists of a single strain or type unmixed with any other. 2 of or relating to a pureblood. 3 purebred (def 1)." ]
[ "12. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (Matthew 5:8) So, first, having a pure heart means living by the rule of God, living a life that is pleasing to God. Secondly, having a pure heart means living for the sole purpose of God, to have a heart that is fully devoted to God.", "Sith name generator - Star Wars The Old Republic This name generator will generate 10 random names for the Sith Purebloods part of the Star Wars the Old Republic universe. The Sith Purebloods are a race of red-skinned humanoids who originate from Korriban, a world filled with barbarism and violence. This is reflected in the overall behavior of the Sith Purebloods in Star Wars The Old Republic. The Sith Purebloods are/were not the same as the current evil Siths however. The name Sith Pureblood reflects their race, while the Sith of today is a philosophy.", "pure adjective, purer, purest. 1. free from anything of a different, inferior, or contaminating kind; free from extraneous matter: pure gold; pure water. 2. unmodified by an admixture; simple or homogeneous. 3. of unmixed descent or ancestry: a pure breed of dog.", "Purebred Purebreds, also called purebreeds, are cultivated varieties or cultivars of an animal species, achieved through the process of selective breeding. When the lineage of a purebred animal is recorded, that animal is said to be pedigreed.ecause pure-breeding creates a limited gene pool, purebred animal breeds are also susceptible to a wide range of congenital health problems. This problem is especially prevalent in competitive dog breeding and dog show circles due to the singular emphasis on aesthetics rather than health or function.", "What does the phrase jus sanguinis refer to? Jus sanguinis (Latin meaning: right of blood) is a principle of nationality law by which citizenship is not determined by place of birth but by having one or both parents … who are citizens of the US.", "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Thoroughbred(adj) bred from the best blood through a long line; pure-blooded; -- said of stock, as horses. Hence, having the characteristics of such breeding; mettlesome; courageous; of elegant form, or the like.", "- Definition of born. 1 1a : brought forth by or as if by birth The baby was born prematurely. She was born in Germany. a mentality born in the computer ageb : native —usually used in combination American-bornc : deriving or resulting from a partnership born of necessity —usually used in combination poverty-born crime.", "- Begotten is translated from the Greek word 'Monogenes'. A word that describes the significance of Jesus' being which is that he is the full essence and of God.The English translation is to cause or produce as an effect.egotten is translated from the Greek word 'Monogenes'. A word that describes the significance of Jesus' being which is that he is the full essence and of God.", "- N/A. The Alpha Werewolf is the very first werewolf and progenitor of all other of their species. Being closer to the Alpha up to the fourth generation, werewolves are considered pure-bloods.he Alpha Werewolf is the very first werewolf and progenitor of all other of their species.", "- Begotten is translated from the Greek word 'Monogenes'. A word that describes the significance of Jesus' being which is that he is the full essence and of God. The English translation is to cause or produce as an effect.", "The Things You Need To Know. The expert answers. Hunter, Having Rh negative blood means that a protein, the D antigen, is not present on the surface of the red blood cells. This condition occurs in about fifteen percent of Caucasians of European ancestry, five percent of African-Americans, and about one percent of Asians.he expert answers. Hunter, Having Rh negative blood means that a protein, the D antigen, is not present on the surface of the red blood cells. This condition occurs in about fifteen percent of Caucasians of European ancestry, five percent of African-Americans, and about one percent of Asians.", "Native Americans in the United States Blood Quantum is the total percentage of your blood that is tribal native due to bloodline. All of the Nations use Blood Quantum as a requirement for membership. Usually this is detailed on a CDIB (Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood) Card issued by the United States Government.", "Being Rh Negative About 85% of the population in the United States has Rh positive blood, meaning that certain protein molecules are present on the surface of their blood cells. Your blood type (groups A, B, AB and O), as well as this Rh factor, is determined genetically. As Rh positive blood is a dominant trait, the majority of Rh negative women carry children with Rh positive blood. During birth and, occasionally, at other times, some of the baby's blood may enter the mothers' circulation.", "- This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word purity. purity, pureness(noun) being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material. purity, pureness, sinlessness, innocence, whiteness(noun)", "inborn Synonym Discussion of inborn. innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, hereditary mean not acquired after birth. innate applies to qualities or characteristics that are part of one's inner essential nature. ⟨an innate sense of fair play⟩ inborn suggests a quality or tendency either actually present at birth or so marked and deep-seated as to seem so.", "- Pure Culture. A pure culture is a population of cells or multicellular organisms growing in the absence of other species or types.", "Legal Experts: Ted Cruz Passes Citizenship Test for Presidents All the sources routinely used to interpret the Constitution confirm that the phrase “natural born Citizen” has a specific meaning: namely, someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time.", "\"In the Harry Potter books, what does \"\"blood traitor\"\" mean?\" For those who believe in the heirarchy, there are four levels: the purebloods, having been born into ancient wizarding families, without any non-pureblood direct ancestors; the halfbloods, like Harry, Voldemort etc, who are born to a pureblood and a non-pureblood parent each; muggleborns, who have magical powers but have absolutely non-magical parents; and the lowest, muggles, the non-magical folk.", "Blood Typing Everyone’s blood is either Rh-positive or Rh-negative — positive means you have a certain protein (called antigens) on the surface of your red blood cells, and negative means you don’t.", "Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN) Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN) Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), often called erythroblastosis fetalis, is a blood disorder that occurs when the blood types of a mother and baby are incompatible. For reference, “Hemolytic” means breaking down of the red blood cells and “Erythroblastosis” refers to the making of immature red blood cells.", "Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Updated April 13, 2016. Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN) is a condition of red blood cell mismatch between a mother and her baby. This occurs when the mother's blood type is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive. During the pregnancy the mother produces antibodies that attack and destroy red blood cells, resulting in anemia in the fetus.", "What does it mean when you have a pure soul? Report Abuse. This is a long story to tell. To make it short, pure means cleanse from stain. To understand this the spiritual anatomy need to be broken down to pieces. The Body of Desire, The Conscience of Believe, The Knowledge of Mind. This is parts of your Life which will become the Soul.", "blue blood A blue blood is an aristocrat. Blue bloods come from privileged, noble families that are wealthy and powerful. The word blood has long referred to family ties: people you are related to share the same blood. One specific type of family is composed of blue bloods: members of the aristocracy. Blue bloods have high social status.", "pure c.1300 (late 12c. as a surname, and Old English had purlamb lamb without a blemish), unmixed, also absolutely, entirely, from Old French pur pure, simple, absolute, unalloyed, figuratively simple, sheer, mere (12c.), from Latin purus clean, clear; unmixed; unadorned; chaste, undefiled, from PIE root *peue-to purify, cleanse (cf. Latin putus clear, pure; Sanskrit pavate purifies, cleanses, putah pure; Middle Irish ur fresh, new; Old High German fowen to sift).", "- born into a wealthy family meaning, born into a wealthy family definition | English Cobuild dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. born. 1 v-passive When a baby is born, it comes out of its mother's body at the beginning of its life. In formal English, if you say that someone is bornof someone or to someone, you mean that person is their parent.", "- Definition of blue blood. 1\\ˈblü-ˈbləd\\ : membership in a noble or socially prominent family.", "Who is a pure soul ? any definition? A pure soul is a soul that is strenghtened by the Holy Spirit as described in the Holy Quran, Surat l-Māidah (The Table spread with Food) 5:110.", "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A true breeding organism, sometimes also called a purebred, is an organism that always passes down certain phenotypic traits (i.e. physically expressed traits) to its offspring.n Mendelian genetics, this means that an organism must be homozygous for every trait for which it is considered true breeding; that is, the pairs of alleles that express a given trait are the same. In a purebred strain or breed, the goal is that the organism will breed true for the breed-relevant traits.", "- Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), also known as alloimmune HDN or erythroblastosis fetalis, is a potentially fatal alloimmune condition where fetal red blood cells are destroyed by transplacentally acquired maternal antibodies. RhD is the most common offending paternal antigen.", "- Rh is short for Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a type of antigen present on the surface of red blood cells. If you have have this particular antigen, you are Rh positive. If you don’t, you’re Rh negative. The Rh factor is important in determining blood type for transfusions.Normally Your immune system protects against potentially harmful substances (antigens).When foreign antigens enter your body, your immune system makes antibodies to help destroy them.uring pregnancy a mother may be exposed to the Rh positive cells of her baby and develop antibodies to them. During a future pregnancy, these antibodies can destroy the red blood cells of an unborn child, leading to serious problems. If both parents are Rh-negative, they can only have Rh-negative offspring." ]
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types of measurements system
[ "Metric system Metric System: The metric system is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement created in France in 1799. The International System of Units (SI), the official system of measurement in almost every country in the world, is based upon the metric system. In the metric system, each basic type of measurement (length, weight, capacity) has one basic unit of measure (meter, gram, liter). Conversions are quickly made by multiplying or dividing by factors of 10." ]
[ "Scales of Measurement The most commonly and frequently used classification of scales of measurement was developed by a famous psychologist Stanley Smith Stevens who proposed following four types of scales of measurement: 1) Nominal scale of measurement. 2) Ordinal scale of measurement. 3) Interval scale of measurement.", "English units of measurement metric system. system of weights and measures weights and measures,units and standards for expressing the amount of some quantity, such as length, capacity, or weight; the science of measurement standards and methods is known as metrology. Crude systems of weights and measures probably date from prehistoric times......", "Scales of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval & Ratio But, how do we measure them? There are four major scales (or types) of measurement of variables: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. The scale of measurement depends on the variable itself. Let's look closer at each of the four scales and what types of variables fall into each category. Nominal. You might have noticed a difference in our two variables.", "- Types of Observations. Data (I prefer the pronunciation day-ta over daa-ta) comes in two forms; Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative data are observations you can measure and are therefore recorded as numbers (with a unit); such as: 4 mL, 8 rows, 7.5 pH, 120,000 psi.", "Chapter 3.4 Dependent Variables 1: Operational Definition and Level of Measurement There are 4 levels of measurement: 1) nominal, 2) ordinal, 3) interval and 4) ratio. Interval and ratio data together are also called metric. The level of measurement of the dependent variable is one factor that determines the choice of statistical tests that can be used to analyze the data. Nominal.", "Why does the US Have a Different Measurement System? The US measurement system is a confusing matter and still holds itself apart from the metric system employed by most other countries. There are a few exceptions. Medical and scientific fields use the metric system, and many items for trade are now measured in the International System of Units (SI), also called the metric system.", "- Introduction: People created systems of measurement to address practical problems. such as finding the distance between two places, finding the length, width or height of a. building, finding the area of a plot of land, finding the capacity of a container, and. finding the weight of food products.", "- Measurement scales are used to categorize and/or quantify variables. This lesson describes the four scales of measurement that are commonly used in statistical analysis: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales.", "- The system of weights and measures is the collection of units and how they relate to each other. The need for a single worldwide measurement system is becoming more important because there is more trade between countries. Most of the world uses the system international that we call the metric system.", "Metric system Metric System: The metric system is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement created in France in 1799. The International System of Units (SI), the official system of measurement in almost every country in the world, is based upon the metric system. In the metric system, each basic type of measurement (length, weight, capacity) has one basic unit of measure (meter, gram, liter). Conversions are quickly made by multiplying or dividing by factors of 10. It is as simple as moving the decimal point to the right (for smaller prefixes) or to the left (for larger prefixes).", "What Are the Two Systems of Measurement? The U.S. Customary System of measurement derives from the British Imperial System of measurement. The British Imperial System has been superseded by the metric system and is no longer used in an official capacity. According to the CIA World Factbook, the United States, Burma and Liberia are the only nations that have not adopted the metric system as the official system of measurement.", "measurement physiologic measurement techniques used to measure bodily variations either directly or indirectly; examples are measurements of heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and total lung capacity.", "- In the same article in which he proposed the properties of measurement systems, S. S. Stevens (1951) proposed four scale types. These scale types were Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio, and each possessed different properties of measurement systems.", "System of measurement The current international standard metric system is the International System of Units (Système international d'unités or SI) It is an mks system based on the metre, kilogram and second as well as the kelvin, ampere, candela, and mole. The SI includes two classes of units which are defined and agreed internationally.", "- Measurement system analysis or gauge study. I first learned about this topic as a measurement system analysis (MSA). The term “gauge study” is only one element of the process, but many consider gauge study and MSA to be synonyms.", "metric system The Standard International System of Units (SI) provides formal definitions for the meter, the kilogram, and the second, and also specifies and defines four additional units: the Kelvin for temperature, the ampere for electric current, the candela for luminous intensity, and the mole for material quantity.", "Measurement Common English Measures. Common Metric Measures. The metric system is also divided into different categories of measurement, but it has a base unit for each category. A base unit means that that is what the category is usually (but not always) measured in, and all the other terms of measurement in that category are built from the base unit.", "Data Levels of Measurement The first level of measurement is nominal measurement. In this level of measurement, the numbers are used to classify the data. Also, in this level of measurement, words and letters can be used. Suppose there are data about people belonging to two different genders.he fourth level of measurement is the ratio level of measurement. In this level of measurement, the measurements can have a value of zero as well, which makes this type of measurement unlike the other types of measurement, although the properties are similar to that of the interval level of measurement.", "- Levels of measurement. What a scale actually means and what we can do with it depends on what its numbers represent. Numbers can be grouped into 4 types or levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal is the most simple, and ratio the most sophisticated.", "Types of Data & Measurement Scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio There are four measurement scales (or types of data): nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. ways to categorize different types of variables. psychologist researcher named Stanley Stevens for coming up with these terms. (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) are best understood with example, as you’ll see below.", "- That is not the BEST choice! Meters, Grams and Liters The Metric System The metric system is a measurement system based on our decimal (base 10) number system. Other countries and all scientists and engineers use the metric system for measurement.", "- Measurement scales are used to categorize and/or quantify variables. This lesson describes the four scales of measurement that are commonly used in statistical analysis: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Each scale of measurement satisfies one or more of the following properties of measurement.", "English System Of Measurement: Definition, History, Advantages & Disadvantages Answer: Three-The U.S., Liberia, and Burma. Here's a map that answers this question visually, just to drive the point home (countries in red are not officially on the SI): The United States still uses a system called the U.S. Customary System, which is based on the English system of measurement.", "Level of measurement Level of measurement or scale of measure is a classification that describes the nature of information within the numbers assigned to variables. Psychologist Stanley Smith Stevens developed the best known classification with four levels, or scales, of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio.", "- None of these are part of the SI system, except for units such as the centimeter defined in both systems (Taylor 1995, p. 11). The cgs Gaussian system is nonetheless commonly used in theoretical physics, while the MKS system (based on the meter, kilogram, and second) is commonly used in engineering and physics instruction.", "Metric system measurement system: The metric system of measurement. For a time, the international prototype metre and kilogram were based, for convenience, on the archive standards rather than directly on actual measurement of Earth.", "Data Levels of Measurement The fourth level of measurement is the ratio level of measurement. In this level of measurement, the measurements can have a value of zero as well, which makes this type of measurement unlike the other types of measurement, although the properties are similar to that of the interval level of measurement.", "Measurement Common English Measures. The metric system is also divided into different categories of measurement, but it has a base unit for each category. A base unit means that that is what the category is usually (but not always) measured in, and all the other terms of measurement in that category are built from the base unit.", "- Levels of measurement. What a scale actually means and what we can do with it depends on what its numbers represent. Numbers can be grouped into 4 types or levels: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Nominal is the most simple, and ratio the most sophisticated. Each level possesses the characteristics of the preceding level, plus an additional quality. Nominal. Nominal is hardly measurement. It refers to quality more than quantity. A nominal level of measurement is simply a matter of distinguishing by name, e.g., 1 = male, 2 = female. Even though we are using the numbers 1 and 2, they do not denote quantity. The binary category of 0 and 1 used for computers is a nominal level of measurement.", "Home Energy Monitor Systems Home energy monitors can be subdivided into three categories, namely single-point measurement, multi-point measurement and circuit level measurement.Our Smart Meters page organizes the product specification tables in this manner for a better apples-to-apples comparison between home energy monitors.ome energy monitors can be subdivided into three categories, namely single-point measurement, multi-point measurement and circuit level measurement." ]
[ 11.65625 ]
[ 11.0234375, 10.359375, 10.90625, 8.921875, 9.75, 11.1953125, 10.1953125, 10.5234375, 11.03125, 11.7734375, 11.8828125, 9.4921875, 12.1015625, 11.484375, 9.8984375, 10.8125, 11.203125, 8.5390625, 10.6953125, 10.8984375, 11.0234375, 10.4765625, 10.84375, 10.625, 10.2890625, 11.3203125, 10.2890625, 11.171875, 9.9296875, 8.96875 ]
how can you get coronary heart disease from an unbalanced diet
[ "Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) CHD is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood.When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis. CHD is a condition in which plaque builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood." ]
[ "The Cancer Diet Additionally dairy products including cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, and yogurt can contribute significant amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat to the diet. Diets high in fat and especially in saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease and can cause other serious health problems.dditionally dairy products including cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, and yogurt can contribute significant amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat to the diet. Diets high in fat and especially in saturated fat can increase the risk of heart disease and can cause other serious health problems.", "- Coronary heart disease (CHD), also called coronary artery disease, occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. These arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart. Plaque narrows the coronary arteries and reduces blood flow to your heart muscle.", "Fats There are healthy fats and unhealthy fats.. To lower you risk of heart disease, try to eat less saturated and trans fat — the unhealthy fats. At the same time, you can protect your heart by eating more mono and polyunsaturated fats including omega-3s — the healthy fats.", "- According to the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the top three food sources of heart unhealthy, saturated fat and trans fatty acids are: Grain-Based Desserts (cookies, cake, pie, danishes) Pizza; Regular Cheese; Cutting back on the amount of these in your diet will help you cut back on heart unhealthy fats. When you use cheese, use reduced fat.", "- my patients often ask me if there are any foods that can help with reducing high levels of low density lipoprotein ldl cholestero l this is the so called bad cholesterol that can cause artery clogging plaque to form in your coronary artery walls increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke", "- Heart disease, or coronary artery disease, occurs when the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the heart narrow and stiffen. Smoking, an unhealthy diet, stress, and a sedentary lifestyle all increase the risk of heart disease.", "The Effects of Poor Nutrition on Your Health Poor nutrition can lead to high cholesterol, which is a primary contributor to heart disease. High fat diets are common in the United States and Canada. The National Institutes of Health reports that more than 500,000 people in the United States die each year due to heart disease, which can be caused by a high fat diet.", "Replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat may cut heart disease risk For every 5% increase (measured as total energy) in polyunsaturated fat consumption, coronary heart disease risk was reduced by 10%. This is now just the second dietary intervention–consuming long-chain omega-3 fatty acids is the first—to show a reduction in coronary heart disease events in randomized controlled trials.", "Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) 1 A diet high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and trans fats can raise blood cholesterol levels and put you at risk for heart disease, according to the American Heart Association.", "Does Sugar Cause Heart Disease? The fact that the incidence rate of coronary heart disease was significantly correlated with the average percentage of calories from sucrose in the diets is explained by the intercorrelation of sucrose with saturated fat.", "Strategies to prevent heart disease Smoking or using tobacco of any kind is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease. Chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels, leading to narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis). Atherosclerosis can ultimately lead to a heart attack.ating a healthy diet can reduce your risk of heart disease. Two examples of heart-healthy food plans include the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan and the Mediterranean diet. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help protect your heart.", "Heart disease and food A number of factors are associated with the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries, including cigarette smoking, lack of physical activity and a family history of the disease. Other risk factors include: Type of fat eaten – saturated and trans fats increase blood cholesterol and heart attack rates. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats lower the risk of heart attacks. Obesity – many overweight and obese people have diets high in fat, particularly saturated fat.", "What Is Angina? Research suggests that coronary heart disease (CHD) begins with damage to the lining and inner layers of the coronary (heart) arteries. Several factors contribute to this damage. They include: 1 Smoking, including secondhand smoke. 2 High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood.", "22 Heart Healthy Foods to Fuel Your Cardiac Diet “Cardiac diet” is an unofficial term for a heart healthy diet. This is a plan to eat plenty of nutrient-rich foods—fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean poultry and fish. And it also means avoiding saturated fats, trans fats, and excess sodium and sugar.", "Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Even better, you can reduce your risk of ischemic heart disease by following heart-healthy practices, such as eating a low-fat, low-sodium diet, being physically active, not smoking, and maintaining a healthy body weight. Left untreated, ischemic heart disease may lead to severe heart damage.his condition occurs most often during exertion or excitement, when the heart requires greater blood flow. Ischemic heart disease, also called coronary heart disease, is common in the United States and is a leading cause of death worldwide.", "Can You Prevent Heart Diseasewith Diet Alone? At the time, I was pretty blown away by the idea that diet alone could have such a fundamental impact on our chances for getting major illnesses. Dr. Esselstyn's book proves that you can prevent heart disease by adopting a healthy, whole-foods, vegan diet into your life. The China Study is one of the best known books on plant-based nutrition research, and Dr. Esselstyn is widely discussed in the book.", "Overview Causes of heart disease. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries). The fatty deposits, called atheroma, are made up of cholesterol and other waste substances.The build-up of atheroma on the walls of the coronary arteries makes the arteries narrower, restricting the flow of blood to the heart muscle. This process is called atherosclerosis.he fatty deposits, called atheroma, are made up of cholesterol and other waste substances. The build-up of atheroma on the walls of the coronary arteries makes the arteries narrower, restricting the flow of blood to the heart muscle.", "Overview Causes of heart disease. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries). The fatty deposits, called atheroma, are made up of cholesterol and other waste substances.oronary heart disease (CHD) is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries around the heart (coronary arteries). The fatty deposits, called atheroma, are made up of cholesterol and other waste substances.", "- 2. Lower your cholesterol. High blood cholesterol is a condition that greatly increases your chances of developing coronary heart disease. Extra cholesterol in the blood settles on the inner walls of the arteries, narrowing them and allowing less blood to pass through them to the heart.his process, called coronary artery disease, can generally be traced to a condition called atherosclerosis, the build-up of cholesterol-rich fatty deposits, or plaques, on the inside of arterial walls.", "- Research suggests that coronary heart disease (CHD) begins with damage to the lining and inner layers of the coronary (heart) arteries. Several factors contribute to this damage. They include: 1 Smoking, including secondhand smoke.2 High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood.3 High blood pressure.esearch suggests that coronary heart disease (CHD) begins with damage to the lining and inner layers of the coronary (heart) arteries. Several factors contribute to this damage. They include: 1 Smoking, including secondhand smoke. 2 High amounts of certain fats and cholesterol in the blood. 3 High blood pressure.", "Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) If you have CAD, your health care team may suggest the following steps to help lower your risk for heart attack or worsening heart disease: 1 Lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthier (lower sodium, lower fat) diet, increasing physical activity, and quitting smoking.", "Strategies to prevent heart disease Beans, other low-fat sources of protein and certain types of fish also can reduce your risk of heart disease. Limiting certain fats you eat also is important. Of the types of fat — saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and trans fat — saturated fat and trans fat are the ones to try to limit or avoid.ating that many fruits and vegetables can not only help prevent heart disease but also may help prevent cancer and improve diabetes. Eating several servings a week of certain fish, such as salmon and mackerel, may decrease your risk of heart attack.", "Heart-healthy diet: 8 steps to prevent heart disease Here are eight tips to get you started. Although you might know that eating certain foods can increase your heart disease risk, it's often tough to change your eating habits. Whether you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt or you simply want to fine-tune your diet, here are eight heart-healthy diet tips.", "\"\"\"Are Todayâs So-Called âHealthyâ Vegetable Oils Actually Putting Your Heart Health At Risk?\"\"\" In this controlled study, the group who ate less saturated fat and more omega-6 linoleic acid (from safflower oil) had a 17 percent higher risk of dying from heart disease during the study, as compared with 11 percent among the control group who didn’t change their eating.", "Reverse Your Heart Disease in 28 Days Incorporate heart-healthy foods into your diet that contain protective and preventive nutrients. A plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy products in their natural, unrefined forms not only helps to reverse heart disease, but also possesses anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.", "- Cancer The same high-fat diet associated with heart disease also may increase the risk of developing certain cancers, including two that frequently strike Americans: 1 colon cancer, the leading life-threatening cancer in the United States.", "- But we may get too much saturated fat and cholesterol in our diet, and both raise levels of LDL bad cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can cause plaque to build up in arteries, leading to heart disease. HDL good cholesterol, on the other hand, helps clear bad cholesterol from your blood.", "Take control How eating the right fats can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. Saturated fat directly raises your cholesterol levels and can cause weight gain. Too much cholesterol in your blood causes narrowing or furring in your arteries and increases your risk of heart attack or stroke.", "Coronary heart disease is caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Coronary heart disease is caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. This question was answered on May 09, 2016. View the Answer. Coronary heart disease is caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply blood to the heart. When the flow of blood to the heart is restricted or blocked, the heart can be damaged due to a lack of oxygen. Further, if a large piece of plaque buildup gets dislodged from an artery wall, it can get stuck in other arteries throughout the body, including arteries in the brain.", "Lifestyle Choices: Root Causes of Chronic Diseases This type of diet benefits more than those patients with coronary artery disease. It helps patients suffering from a wide spectrum of chronic diseases that are related to poor lifestyle choices, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and several types of cancer, such as prostate, breast, and colon. KareninBluffton: I am trying to switch to a vegan diet." ]
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atd customer service number
[ "ADT Toll Free 1 800 Number ADT Customer Service: 1-800-588-2159. 1 Thank you for calling ADT security services, calls maybe monitored for quality purposes. 2 For home security systems press 1 If you are an existing ADT customer press 1 If your alarm is going off now press 0 Your call maybe monitored for quality assurance." ]
[ "- A toll free phone number to sign up for new service with ADT is 888-682-9787. A toll free phone number to call when desiring an authorized dealer to install service with ADT for your home or office is 888-682-9787. ADT is the nation’s #1 choice in the field of business or home security.", "AT&T Go Phone Phone Number More AT&T Go Phone 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 7 ways to contact AT&T Go Phone according to 608573 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact AT&T Go Phone customer service. 888-715-3291.", "ADT Customer Service Numbers And, in order to avail this service, you will need to contact our Customer Care Center at 800 238 2727. ADT is having a 24-hour Customer Support Center for assisting you with your account. And, in order to avail this service, you will need to contact our Customer Care Center at 800 568 1216 24*7.", "- Learn about AT&T U-verse® Voice digital home phone system – includes 20 advanced calling features with local & long distance calling. Click here to learn more! Click to Call Now! 1-800-346-8113", "- 800-288-2020 AT&T U-Verse Customer Service Number. Feel free to dial 800-288-2020, for AT&T U-Verse customer support, and have answers to all those problematic questions rising in your mind. 800-288-2020 is a AT&T U-Verse customer support hotline easily accessible to you round the clock 24/7.", "Services / Port-In Form The account number can be found on your most recent bill. Call AT&T at 1-888-898-7685 if you don't have it. The password will be your online password. For bundled bills, you will need to call AT&T customer service at 1-888-898-7685 for the passcode - it will be a 4 digit PIN number that they provide to you.", "ATT Customer Service Note the ATT Customer Service Number, or look for a specific one here. Main ATT phone number: 1-800-331-0500 or 611 from your wireless phone. ATT Customer Service Hours:", "- The customer support phone number of ADOT is 602-712-7412 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> ADOT Traffic Customer Service Phone Number ADOT AZ Customer Service Phone Number ADOT Page AZ Customer Service Phone Number ADOT MVD Customer Service Phone Number ADOT Sierra Vista Customer Service Phone Number ADOT Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of ADOT is 602-712-7412. Arizona Department of Transportation, also known as ADOT is a government body that is responsible to look after the roadways across the region.", "- For general information and inquiries, you can call the domestic USPS customer service line at: 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777) Note that the Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) or Teletypewriter (TTY) relay number is: 1-800-877-8339 You will be directed through a series of prompts.", "- At A’n D Cable we prefer to talk directly with our customers and share our knowledge and experience. Call us anytime (800) 394-3008 ext. 100 or go to http://www.andcable.com/cable_requests.php and we will be glad to help you with your cabling needs. Complete list ...", "- Answers from USPS. Frequently Asked Questions Check our FAQs. If you don't find your answer there, please send us an email. Email Customer Service Tell us your concern—we'll be glad to help. Customer Service Customer Care Center. Email: USPS® Customer Service; Call: 1-800-ASK-USPS® (1-800-275-8777) TDD/TTY Relay: Call 1-800-877-8339. Ask for 1-800-275-8777", "- Dial (888) 288-8893. The system will only prompt you for a mailbox number when you are calling from a phone other than your AT&T phone. Dial the 10-digit phone number for your AT&T phone. The system will prompt you for your voice mail password.", "- There is a long list of contact numbers for customers to choose from published out in the open for everyone to read. 1 Main Customer Service: 1-800-874-2863. 2 TDD Customer Service: 1-312-222-1922. 3 Help Desk (Readers): 1-312-222-3348. 4 Ad Placement: 1-800-974-7520. 5 Classified Listings: 1-800-974-7520.", "- We’re here for you! The ADP customer service phone number is 844-227-5237. Call now, or visit this page for online customer service, help, contact info, and product logins.", "Square Review Using other AT&T Payment Options. 1 1. Pay your bill via the automated phone system. Dial 1-800-288-2020 to access the 24 hour-a-day telephone customer service system. 2 2. Speak with a customer service representative. Once you have verified your phone number, the phone system will ask you what you would like to do.", "AT&T ï ï ï ï ï 5 / 5 ( 1 ) AT&T Customer Service Number: 1-800-288-2747 AT&T is a communications giant that is the largest provider of mobile phone service and home phone service. AT&T's brands include Uverse, AT&T Wireless, Pre-Paid Calling Cards and GoPhone Mobile.", "AT&T Bill Pay by phone: You can pay your AT&T bill by phone by calling 1-800-331-0500 or 611. There may be a processing fee for paying your bill by phone. To make a payment without a fee dial *729 from your mobile phone. At the prompt, press the number 1 on your phone to pay with a bank account or 2 to pay by credit card. Enter payment information and wait for the confirmation number. Pay by text: AT&T offers the TXT-2-PAY service to all customers. The service must be set-up from your online account.", "- If it is court-ordered, law-enforcement, or government tapping, then you have to call the Law Enforcement group of your service provider. For AT&T, the phone number is 800-648-4936. Another alternative is to buy a box to hook up to your phone line that will tell you if you are being tapped.his article describes how to find out if your phone line is tapped or if the government is listening. First Method: Call 101028817709889664. You want to hear a voice that says “1” or “2” that means no tap is underway.", "- The email address of ATT Houston TX is [email protected]. ATT Houston TX Website The Website of ATT Houston TX is www.att.com. ATT Houston TX Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of ATT Houston TX is (713) 802-9950 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793>", "- To use this function, simply enter a 10-digit toll free number and click the See Who Owns It button. Your entry may contain numbers and letters (e.g. 800-555-1212 or 800-FLOWERS). AT&T is responsible for the toll free number, and their contact number for troubles associated with the number is 800-222-3000. If you enter a toll free number you may see this message: No information found for this number. This indicates that the number may be spare (and available for you to obtain on 800ForAll.com).", "- National Customer Service Center 800-375-5283 For people with disabilities: (TTY) 800-767-1833, (VRS) 877-709-5797", "Contact Us AT&T Phone Numbers. Whether you’re a residential customer, a business customer, or a new customer, you’ve come to the right place. From here, you can find all the AT&T phone numbers to order or upgrade service, transfer service, or contact customer support. Thanks for your interest in contacting AT&T! Call 1-866-210-1770.", "- 1-800-CALL-ATT®. 1-800-CALL-ATT is great way to place a call - you can use it from any phone, even public phones, and you don't need coins. Using 1-800-CALL-ATT, you can place a variety of calls including: calling card, person-to-person, billed-to-third number, operator assisted, and collect calls. Simply dial 1-800-CALL-ATT (1-800-225-5288) - right down the center of the keypad - and follow the prompts.", "Assistance If you are calling from a telephone number which has AT&T VoiceMail Service, you can dial the voicemail toll-free number as usual, at the point of hearing the user's announcement, press the (star) * button on the telephone set.our AT&T VoiceMail Service access number is: 1-888-288-8893. When calling from home, if prompted, enter your password followed by #. If you are not calling from home, you will be prompted to enter your 10-digit telephone number followed by your password, then just follow the system prompts.", "AT&T Customer Support Number AT&T Support Number. AT&T Mail at a Glance. AT&T Email Support Number is one of the most efficient and the best online technical support provider all across the globe offer the best att email Support services and make sure that your ATT email account works fine all the time. We work 24/7 and ensure that you get high quality service without any interruption.", "- Your device is compatible, but we are unable to find the correct SIM card. To complete your order, please call AT&T Customer Service at 800.331.0500 or find the nearest AT&T store. The IMEI number you entered was not recognized. Please check your IMEI number and try again.", "- A. CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBERS. 1 Customer Service: 1-800-692-6326. 2 Customer Service (Change of Agent): 1-800-692-6326 ext 75613. 3 Customer Service (Fraud): 1-608-242-4100 ext 31061.", "- Best AT&T toll-free numbers and support. This is the #6 phone number and #6 overall way to contact AT&T according to 8261421 GetHuman users.Here are the best. 800-592-3541.", "How to Score a Better Deal With AT&T U-verse; $28/Mo for 18Mbps, $33/Mo for 24Mbps Have paper and pen ready to take notes. You will want to write down the name and extension of the representative and details about the types of retention plans being offered, especially if AT&T manages to ‘lose the paperwork.’. Do -not- call AT&T’s regular customer service number. Instead, call 1-800-288-2020. You will be prompted to select your state, asked for the phone number associated with your account, and offered a menu of choices to proceed.", "- AT&T Phone Number. The number and steps below are voted #1 of 27 by over 8260 AT&T customers. 866-577-7726. AT&T phone support. Read key steps and hints below. 855-419-4873New Customers They call you insteadNo waiting on hold." ]
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what is aluminium fabrication
[ "aluminium fabrication aluminium fabrication. Aluminium Fabrication is a non-ferrous metal as it didn't consist of iron and due to non-ferrous metal which is more difficult to do fabrication as well as TIG welding on it compare to ferrous metal.Aluminum needs three times more heating power than ferrous metal like stainless steel.luminium fabrication. Aluminium Fabrication is a non-ferrous metal as it didn't consist of iron and due to non-ferrous metal which is more difficult to do fabrication as well as TIG welding on it compare to ferrous metal." ]
[ "- Etching effects and the formation of. Streaking Defects on Al Extrusions. Surface appearance is an important. characteristic of high quality aluminium. extrusions, especially for architectural. applications in the building and. construction industries. Surface defects such as streaking are. often present on anodised extrusions of.", "- As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of aluminum and metal composite. materials, ALPOLIC® Materials carefully considers every detail of the manufacturing, distribution and sales process. Our composite metals are manufactured in Chesapeake, VA from up to 50% recycled materials. After fabrication, the panels are shipped to their.", "Aluminium Fact Sheet Aluminium (Al) is the most plentiful metallic element in the Earth's crust. Combined with oxygen and hydrogen, it forms bauxite, the ore most commonly mined for aluminium. Metallic aluminium was first isolated in 1829 from aluminium chloride but it was not commercially produced until 1886.", "- How it’s made. Aluminium production starts with the raw material bauxite, a clay like soil type found in a belt around the equator. The bauxite is mined from a few meters below the ground. The bauxite is then transported to plants where the clay is washed off and the bauxite passes through a grinder.", "Metals Distribution, Finishing and Fabrication Architectural Metalwork – SAF Metal Fabrication & Finishing, your metal or SAF aluminum extrusions & sheet Anodizing, Anodized Aluminum Sheet – SAF custom anodizing, your metal or from our in stock sheet and extrusions inventory.", "- Deep drawing is a common fabrication method for aluminium and is the process used to make one of the world’s most common aluminium products; aluminium cans. Deep drawing uses extremely high forces to push a sheet or blank of a relatively soft alloy into a female draw cavity.abrication of Aluminium. Aluminium alloys are normally supplied as semi-finished products such as sheet, plate, coil, extrusions, tube or wire. All forms can then be readily fabricated into finished products using a wide range of processes.", "- Extruded aluminum (or aluminum as they say in England) is just aluminum squeezed through an oriface. Just like that play-dough toy where you squeeze out a length through various shaped holes.", "Metals Distribution, Finishing and Fabrication Please register here to stay updated on SAF aluminum & SAF’s new products. For interest in our international sales please click HERE. Southern Aluminum Finishing – Anodizing Services & More. Architectural Aluminum with stocked standard aluminum extrusions & standard aluminum sheet/plate sizes.", "What Does an Aluminum Fabricator Do? Using skills, such as cutting, bending and welding, the aluminum fabricator is able to make detailed projects that offer not only strength, but functionality as well. Many special skills are required of an aluminum fabricator, such as metallurgy knowledge, polishing and buffing.", "- Basic Aluminum Heat Treatment Designations. 1 F As Fabricated-No special control has been performed to the heat treatment or strain hardening after the shaping process such as casting, hot working, or cold working. 2 O Annealed-This is the lowest strength, highest ductility temper.", "ALUMINUM Bauxite, a complicated mixture of compounds consisting of aluminum, oxygen, and other elements, is the primary commercial source for aluminum. Large reserves of bauxite are found in Australia, Brazil, Guinea, Jamaica, Russia, and the United States. The largest producer of aluminum metal is the United States; states that produce the most aluminum are Montana, Oregon, Washington, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.", "Aluminium smelting Aluminium smelting is the process of extracting aluminium from its oxide, alumina, generally by the Hall-Heroult héroult. Process alumina is extracted from the ore bauxite by means of The bayer process at an alumina. refineryluminium smelting is the process of extracting aluminium from its oxide, alumina, generally by the Hall-Heroult héroult. Process alumina is extracted from the ore bauxite by means of The bayer process at an alumina. refinery", "What Does an Aluminum Fabricator Do? There are several types of aluminum that are used by an aluminum fabricator, from flat sheet aluminum to billet aluminum in round, square and other shapes. Cutting and bending are two very useful skills possessed by an aluminum fabricator.", "What is aluminium? The chief source of aluminum is bauxite ore. Aluminium is a soft, durable, lightweight, malleable metal with appearance ranging from silvery to dull grey, depending on the surface roughness. Aluminium is nonmagnetic and nonsparking. It is also insoluble in alcohol, though it can be soluble in water in certain forms. The yield strength of pure aluminum is 7-11 MPa, while aluminum alloys have yield strengths ranging from 200 MPa to 600 MPa. Aluminium has about one-third the density and stiffness of steel.", "- What is Aluminum Extrusion? Aluminum extrusion is a technique used to transform aluminum alloy into objects with a definitive cross-sectional profile for a wide range of uses. The extrusion process makes the most of aluminum’s unique combination of physical characteristics.", "- Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. The aluminium-containing bauxite ores gibbsite, böhmite and diaspore are the basic raw material for primary aluminium production. Proven, economically viable reserves of bauxite are sufficient to supply at least another 100 years at current demand. While demand for bauxite is expected to grow as demand for high quality aluminium products increases, new reserves will be discovered or become economically viable. Gibbsite is an aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH)3), while böhmite and diaspore are both aluminium-oxide-hydroxides (AlO(OH)).", "Aluminium: historical information Aluminium is one of the elements which as alum or alumen, KAl(SO4)2, has an alchemical symbol (the symbol to the right shows Scheele's symbol, alchemy is an ancient pursuit concerned with, for instance, the transformation of other metals into gold).", "Period 3 element Aluminium (or aluminum; see different endings) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal. Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon) in the Earth 's crust, and the most abundant metal there.luminium (or aluminum; see different endings) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.", "HomeContact UsSite MapHomeAbout Us Aluminium Utensils Contact Us Enquiry Site Map0 1 2 3 The company is engaged in making available comprehensive range of Aluminium Utensils that is inclusive of Aluminium Handi, Aluminium Kadai, Aluminium Casting Kadai, Aluminium Saucepan and Aluminium Tope. The best quality aluminum is used in manufacturing Aluminium Utensils, offered by us.", "- Aluminium is a valuable metal that melts at a relatively low temperature, and is particularly attractive for recycling. However, a lot of metals that we use are mixtures called alloys, and it can be difficult to sort different metals ready for recycling.enefits of recycling. Resources on the Earth are limited, It's important that the way we behave now does not make life difficult or impossible for future generations.", "Aluminium oxide Aluminium oxide is a chemical compound of aluminium and oxygen with the chemical formula Al 2 O 3.It is the most commonly occurring of several aluminium oxides, and specifically identified as aluminium(III) oxide.l 2 O 3 is significant in its use to produce aluminium metal, as an abrasive owing to its hardness, and as a refractory material owing to its high melting point.", "What Is Aluminum Fabrication? Unlike some other metals, aluminum is often extruded during aluminum fabrication; this process involves drawing or pushing the aluminum blank through a die to create a shaped product.erformance automobile wheels can be made from aluminum, and while they may not be the most durable options, they can certainly save weight and add performance. Recycling is another important process in aluminum fabrication.", "Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extrem", "- For other uses, see Aluminium oxide (compounds) . Aluminium oxide is a chemical compound of aluminium and oxygen with the chemical formula Al 2 O 3. It is the most commonly occurring of several aluminium oxides, and specifically identified as aluminium(III) oxide.l 2 O 3 is significant in its use to produce aluminium metal, as an abrasive owing to its hardness, and as a refractory material owing to its high melting point.", "- It is possible to make changing in the constructions; all the pieces can be installed later. Standart aluminium profiles and to practice these profiles, it serves connection and combining techniques to help you make projects. You can ask detailed information from our customer service, catalog and web page.here is no need painting or stoning later like needed in steel construction in the means of those factors. A more stablel and harder connection against to static and dynamic charges is possible by the means of 8 mm and 10 mm canal sizes of specially designed profiles according to the practice concepts.", "Aluminium oxide Aluminium oxide is responsible for the resistance of metallic aluminium to weathering. Metallic aluminium is very reactive with atmospheric oxygen, and a thin passivation layer of aluminium oxide (4 nm thickness) forms on any exposed aluminium surface.luminium oxide is an amphoteric substance, meaning it can react with both acids and bases, such as hydrofluoric acid and sodium hydroxide, acting as an acid with a base and a base with an acid, neutralising the other and producing a salt.", "Aluminum Metallurgy Sample Aluminum Metallurgy Screenshot. There are a wide variety of wrought aluminum alloys. Each alloy was developed to provide specific properties. This course teaches the following aspects of aluminum metallurgy: • The different families of wrought aluminum alloys. • The distinguishing features between the families.", "Translations for metal fabrication Definitions for metal fabrication. Metal fabrication. Metal fabrication is the building of metal structures by cutting, bending, and assembling processes: ⁕Cutting is done by sawing, shearing, or chiseling; torching with hand-held torches; and via numerical control cutters. ⁕Bending is done by hammering or via press brakes and similar tools.", "- Aluminium (or aluminum; see different endings) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic, ductile metal.", "- Lacquering Aluminum is an extremely reactive metal. It combines instantly on contact with air to form a thin film of aluminum oxide which in turn is extremely un-reactive and protects the surface from further corrosion." ]
[ 12.9453125 ]
[ 8.25, 9.515625, 10.1796875, 10.25, 10.15625, 11.34375, 9.59375, 9.546875, 12.1796875, 9.703125, 9.2421875, 8.7890625, 11.7734375, 10.0078125, 10.375, 8.9609375, 9.96875, 9.546875, 8.625, 7.734375, 7.65234375, 12.1171875, 9.828125, 7.77734375, 8.5625, 7.453125, 8.0390625, 10.265625, 10.921875, 9.328125 ]
how much caffeine do people consume
[ "How Much Caffeine is Consumed by the Average Person? The breakdown of how much caffeine children consume on average is usually in the range of 150 to 200 mg per day. Along with soft drinks and sweets, other beverages such as sports drinks appear to be driving up the daily average of how much caffeine our children are taking in each and every day." ]
[ "10 Things You Might Not Know About Caffeine But we're far from being the country that consumes the most. According to a recent BBC article, Finland takes the crown for the country with the highest caffeine consumption, with the average adult downing 400 mg each day. Worldwide, 90 percent of people use caffeine in some form, the FDA says.", "- If your morning ritual consists of making a grab for a takeout tea or coffee to get your much-needed caffeine fix, you are not alone. Caffeine is used by the masses on a daily basis to increase wakefulness, alleviate fatigue, and improve concentration and focus.Caffeine is the most commonly used drug in the world.Although the consumption of low to moderate doses of caffeine is generally safe and has many proven health benefits, caffeine is causing quite a stir as a potential source for certain health problems with continued use. Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 2 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal. 3 This is the equivalent of some 30-40 cups of regular coffee. 4 Some 50% of people who quit using caffeine experience severe headaches that typically last between 2-9 days.", "How Much Caffeine Are You Really Drinking? 1. A big cup of coffee can have more than 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine. This will provide a definite kick, even for people who drink coffee regularly and have developed some tolerance to caffeine.", "Caffeine The average caffeine consumption in the USA is approximately 2 cups of coffee per day (200 mg); 10% of the population ingests more than 1000 mg per day.Caffeine is a socially acceptable, legal drug consumed by all groups in society.y the end of the decade, it was suggested that caffeine did not. alter metabolism during endurance exercise and may not be ergogenic. Recent work reported that ingestion of 3-9 mg of caffeine per kilogram (kg) of body weight. one hour prior to exercise increased endurance running and cycling performance in the.", "A Bit About Caffeine For an adult, a moderate daily caffeine intake is generally understood to be about 300 mg a day, which is approximately 6 cups of brewed, hot tea or 3 cups of coffee a day. No decaffeinated tea or coffee is completely caffeine free.", "Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more You may want to take a look at just how much caffeine you get in a typical day, especially if you're bothered by headaches, restlessness or anxiety. If your caffeine habit totals more than 500 milligrams (mg) a day, you may want to consider cutting back. With the growing popularity of energy drinks, many parents have become concerned about how much caffeine their kids are getting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents get no more than 100 mg of caffeine a day.", "- Moderation Is the Key. Caffeine is usually thought to be safe in moderate amounts. Experts consider 200–300 mg of caffeine a day to be a moderate amount for adults. But consuming as little as 100 mg of caffeine a day can lead a person to become dependent on caffeine.", "10 Things You Might Not Know About Caffeine The average American consumes about 200 mg of caffeine a day. According to the FDA, 80 percent of U.S. adults consume caffeine each day, with an individual intake of 200 mg. To put that in real world terms, the average caffeine-consuming American drinks two five-ounce cups of coffee or about four sodas.", "- Studies suggest that moderate amounts of caffeine are not harmful. How much is moderate? One hundred to 200 mg (one to two 5-ounce cups of coffee) each day is the limit that some doctors suggest, but each person is a little different.How caffeine affects people varies with their size, their sex, and how sensitive they are to caffeine’s effects.edicines in my Home: Caffeine and Your Body Caffeine occurs naturally in more than 60 plants including coffee beans, tea leaves, kola nuts used to flavor soft drink colas, and cacao pods used to make chocolate products. Man-made caffeine is sometimes added to foods, drinks, and medicines.", "9 Things You Should Know About Your Caffeine Habit When doctors talk about moderate caffeine use, they talk about somewhere in the range of 300 to 400 milligrams. Most coffee drinkers tend to be in that range. Beyond that: 300 milligrams to one person might be perfect, but it might send another one through the roof. It varies so much, depending on your size, if you're a smoker, if you have a genetic predisposition to metabolize caffeine slowly.", "- Wikipedia says …. “The LD50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on individual sensitivity, but is estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass or roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an average adult.”. which corroborates what the calculator gave.LD50 is the “median lethal dose”.So it is difficult to overdose caffeine by drinking coffee by a healthy person. But it is possible to reach lethal dose by caffeine pills or by individuals who has impaired ability to metabolize caffeine. PopSci.com writes …. “overdose for adults requires roughly 10 grams of caffeine.ikipedia says …. “The LD50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on individual sensitivity, but is estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass or roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an average adult.”. which corroborates what the calculator gave.", "- For healthy adults, the FDA reports that 400 milligrams of caffeine a day-about 4 or 5 cups of coffee-are safe to consume without any dangerous or negative side effects. But Temple said how much caffeine a person can safely consume varies from person to person.", "- Moderate amounts of caffeine -- about 300 milligrams, or three cups of coffee -- apparently cause no harm in most healthy adults. Some people are... View Full Answer", "Caffeine Most people consume caffeine from drinks. The amounts of caffeine in different drinks can vary a lot, but it is generally. An 8-ounce cup of coffee: 95-200 mg. A 12-ounce can of cola: 35-45 mg. An 8-ounce energy drink: 70-100 mg.", "Are You Suffering from a Caffeine Overdose? What qualifies as “excessive intake” of caffeine varies depending on whom you ask and the person’s individual tolerance. For example, when it comes to coffee, some sources define it as drinking more than eight to 10 eight-ounce cups at once. But for some people, much less than this can have similar effects. A “moderate amount” of coffee for healthy adults that is correlated with health benefits would max out at 500 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is about five cups of home-brewed regular coffee.", "- 1 It is believed that some 3 out of 4 regular caffeine users are addicted to the substance. 2 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 3 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal.4 This is the equivalent of some 30-40 cups of regular coffee.affeine is the most commonly used drug in the world. Although the consumption of low to moderate doses of caffeine is generally safe and has many proven health benefits, caffeine is causing quite a stir as a potential source for certain health problems with continued use.", "Caffeine The average cup of coffee contains 150-200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per cup, while a cup of tea will have about 60 mg of caffeine. Cola products have about 30-40 mg of caffeine, and most energy drinks have about 60-70 mg. Be sure to account for any dietary caffeine that is consumed.", "25 Shocking Caffeine Addiction Statistics 1 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 2 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal. 3 This is the equivalent of some 30-40 cups of regular coffee. 4 Some 50% of people who quit using caffeine experience severe headaches that typically last between 2-9 days. It is believed that some 3 out of 4 regular caffeine users are addicted to the substance. 2 Consuming as little as 200 mg of caffeine a day can lead to addiction and altered chemistry in the brain. 3 Around 5 grams of caffeine can be fatal.", "How much caffeine is too much? In 2003, a team at Health Canada, a government regulatory agency, reviewed more than 200 studies about caffeine's effects on human health. On the basis of the survey, the team concluded that 400 mg of caffeine per day (or about three 8-oz cups of brewed coffee) is a safe dose for healthy adults to consume. At and below this level, the average person does not experience negative mood changes or heart problems, the report stated.", "How much caffeine is it okay to consume in a day? During pregnancy, I advise women to consume no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. Children should not consume more than 45 milligrams (4 to 6 years), 62.5 milligrams (7 to 9 years) and 85 milligrams (10 to 12 years) of caffeine per day. Caffeine may have some health benefits. The caffeine in coffee helps treat asthma symptoms, enhances physical performance and boosts mental alertness.", "How Much Coffee a Day Is Safe to Drink? A new report suggests that it’s generally safe for the average person to consume 400 milligrams of caffeine each a day. More than 90 percent of the world’s population consumes caffeine in some form on a regular basis. The stimulant drug (yes, it is considered a drug) helps a person stay awake, alert and productive.", "Too Much Caffeine Symptoms In moderation, caffeine is a usually a very safe stimulant that can provide benefits such as alertness and improved mood. However, too much caffeine consumption can cause a range of side effects. For most people, about 300 mg of caffeine a day is a healthy level of caffeine consumption. That is roughly equivalent to three cups of coffee. However, it is important to recognize that caffeine levels vary widely in coffee, tea and other caffeine-containing substances.", "Caffeine Chemistry A normal dose of caffeine is generally considered to be 100 mg, which is roughly the amount found in a cup of coffee. However, more than half of all American adults consume more than 300 mg of caffeine every day, which makes it America's most popular drug. Caffeine is generally consumed in coffee, cola, chocolate, and tea, although it is also available over-the-counter as a stimulant.", "- How does your caffeine intake influence exercise? Surveys show that approximately 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine daily. In fact, more than half of American adults ingest over 300 milligrams of caffeine every day (i.e., approximately two and a half cups of regular coffee).", "Caffeine Safe Limits: Calculate Your Safe Daily Dose Caffeine Amounts for Healthy Adults. For healthy adults with no medical issues, it is generally agreed upon that 300mg-400mg of caffeine can be consumed daily without any adverse effects.¹ The research behind this number actually bases this on a person’s bodyweight.", "Caffeine Toxic doses, over 10 grams per day for an adult, are much higher than typical doses of under 500 milligrams per day. A cup of coffee contains 80–175 mg of caffeine, depending on what bean (seed) is used and how it is prepared (e.g. drip, percolation, or espresso). Thus it requires roughly 50–100 ordinary cups of coffee to reach a lethal dose.", "The facts about caffeine and athletic performance A moderate caffeine intake is considered to be 250 mg/day. In research studies, the amount of caffeine that enhances performance ranges from 1.5 to 4 mg/lb body weight (3 to 9 mg/kg) taken one hour before exercise. For a 150 lb person, this comes to about 225 to 600 mg. More doesn't seem to be better.", "- How much is too much? Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That's roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two energy shot drinks. Although caffeine use may be safe for adults, it's not a good idea for children.", "How much caffeine is too much? When caffeine consumption climbs to 250 to 700 mg per day, people may experience nausea, headaches, sleep difficulties or increased anxiety. People may have heart palpitations with more than 1,000 mg. Some day, there may be individual advice for everyone about how much caffeine they can safely consume. Research, however, is only beginning to explain why caffeine’s influence varies so much.", "How much caffeine is in your favorite energy drink? While safe caffeine limits are still being studied, the reports states that current data suggests most healthy adults can safely consume up to 400 milligrams per day; pregnant women, up to 200 milligrams; and children, up to 45 to 85 milligrams depending on weight." ]
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outline in writing definition
[ "outline outline. 1. A line marking and shaping the outer form of an object: contour, delineation, profile, silhouette. 2. A preliminary plan or version, as of a written work: draft, rough, skeleton, sketch. To draw up a preliminary plan or version of: adumbrate, block in (or out), draft, rough in (or out), sketch." ]
[ "broad-strokes (idiomatic) Major features or key points; outline. (idiomatic, especially of a narrative or artistic work) Developments, movements, or descriptions presented in a bold or sweeping manner, without intricacy, adornment, or subtlety.", "Treatments, Outlines and Beat Sheets This is a new term that refers to something that is a hybrid of script and treatment. Some parts might be written out in detail with dialogue in screenplay format, while other parts are described in prose form. Outlines and Step Outlines. An outline is an amorphous term that could refer to any number of formats.", "- Micro Outlines. Contrary to what its name might suggest, micro outlines can be even longer than macro outlines. A micro outline (also known as a sentence outline) goes into the little details of the paper and is particularly useful when the topic you are discussing is rather complex in nature.", "How to Write a Persuasive Essay Outline? 6 steps What is a Persuasive Essay Outline? A persuasive essay outline helps a writer to plot out how they will present their paper. It is a series of short points that will ensure a smooth flow of information that supports the basic premise being put forward. It is like a map that gives an essay and its writer direction.", "How to Write an Outline Writing your outline might help you narrow it down to a specific argument. 1 For example, your history paper topic could be French life during German occupation in World War II. 2 As you write your outline, you might narrow this down to the resistance fighters called maquisards.n outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and research if you’re preparing a speech, an essay, a novel, or even a study guide.", "- Explaining Outline of a Thesis Statement The outline of a thesis statement is the basic idea regarding the viewpoint of a researcher. A thesis statement is a declaration that a researcher officially makes before conducting research.", "Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Making an Outline A good outline is important because 1 : You will be much less likely to get writer's block because an outline will show where you're going and what the next step is. 2 It will help you stay organized and focused throughout the writing process and helps ensure a proper coherence [flow of ideas] in your final paper.", "- A preparation outline is a detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation. The function of a preparation outline is to firm up your thesis statement, establish and organize your main points, and develop your supporting material. It should be revisited and revised throughout speech preparation.", "Sentence Outlines 1 Clarity. 2 If you can't write a clear sentence summarizing the paragraph's point, you certainly can't write a clear paragraph. 3 Flow of argument. 4 It is much easier to quickly judge whether the present order of paragraphs (as sentences in the outline) really makes the argument in the most effective way.", "- (out′līn′) n. 1. A line indicating the outer contours or boundaries of an object or figure: could see the outlines of an animal in the dark. 2. a. A style of drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading.", "outline 2. a drawing restricted to line without shading or modeling of form. 3. a general account or report, indicating only the main features of a subject. 4. outlines, the essential features or main aspects of something under discussion. v.t. 5. to draw the outline of, or draw in outline. 6. to indicate the main features of.", "What Is A Outline For A Essay Most analytical, interpretive, or persuasive essays tend to follow the same basic pattern.Jun 26, 2017 How to Write an Outline. An outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and research if youre preparing a speech, an essay, a novel, or even a study ...Can you improve the answer?Apr 19, 2017 Essay outlines provide structure and guidance for writers as they begin the drafting process.", "- Definition of outline. 1 1a : a line that marks the outer limits of an object or figure : boundary the jagged outline of the mountainsb : shape the sharpening outline of her face — Willa Cather.", "- Full-Sentence Outline The second stage of outlining is the full-sentence stage. At this stage, you transform your rough draft notes into a formal outline. The outline consists of full sentences for each major point and subpoint, and it follows five general outlining principles.Outlining Principles Example Full-Sentence Outline Trial Run.", "paragraph 1. a: a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and begins on a new usually indented line b: a short composition or note that is complete in one paragraph.. : a character (as ¶) used to indicate the beginning of a paragraph and as a reference mark. — par·a·graph·ic \\ˌper-ə-ˈgra-fik, ˌpa-rə-\\ adjective. See paragraph defined for English-language learners.", "outline 1. Boundary or the shape of an object. 2. List of the main points of a document or plan, itemized in the sequence they appear in the text or in a logical order. Usually each main point has nested under it one or more sub points which may have their own (sub) sub points, and so on.", "- A paragraph is a series of sentences that support a main idea, or point. develop the point. support. An outline is a helpful way to plan a paper or to analyze it. glance the point of a paper and a numbered list of the items that support the point. Here is an example of a paragraph and an outline of the paragraph.", "Kinds of Outline What is an OUTLINE? An outline is an organizational tool used by writers to gather thoughts so that they can be clearly laid out in an essay or book. Many writers feel that creating an outline is the key to effective writing, and it certainly makes the writing process more efficient and focused.", "- outline noun [C] (DESCRIPTION). B2 a ​description of the ​main ​facts about something: If you ​read the ​minutes of the ​meeting, they'll give you a ​broad outline of what was ​discussed. Some ​novelists ​start by writing an outline (= ​plan of the ​main ​points of the ​story).", "- A typed topic outline would appear like this: Topic Outline: Working Title of Paper Here (Centered) Working Thesis: (write here) I. First main point (may typically involve some sort of background or intro information) A. Important subpoint B. Important subpoint C. Important subpoint 1. Relevant example 2.", "- Definition of outline - a line or set of lines enclosing or indicating the shape of an object in a sketch or diagram, a general description or plan showin Definition of outline - a line or set of lines enclosing or indicating the shape of an object in a sketch or diagram, a general description or plan showin dictionary thesaurus", "What Is A Outline For A Essay An outline should briefly summarize the intended content of your essay and organize that content in a sensible, coherent manner. Knowing how to outline is an important skill for students, since some instructors require students to turn in outlines before submitting their papers.", "Outline (list) An outline, also called a hierarchical outline, is a list arranged to show hierarchical relationships and is a type of tree structure. An outline is used to present the main points or topics of a given subject. Each item in an outline may be divided into additional sub-items. If an organizational level in an outline is to be sub-divided, it shall have at least two subcategories, as advised by major style manuals in current use. An outline may be used as a drafting tool of a document, or as a sum", "Plot (narrative) This can also be referred to as a plot outline or a layout. In fiction writing, a plot outline is a laundry list of scenes with each line being a separate plot point, and the outline helps give a story a solid backbone and structure, according to Jenna Blum.", "what is a outline for a essay C. Creating an Outline. SUMMARY:Are you stuck with your essays outline assignment or do you want to perfect your skill? Heres the ultimate outline for essay to guide you throughwhat is a outline for a essay5", "- The purpose of an outline is to help you organize your paper by checking to see if and how your ideas connect to each other, or whether you need to flesh out a point or two. No matter the length of the paper, from a three-page weekly assignment to a 50-page senior thesis, outlines can help you see the overall picture. Besides the basic structure (Roman numerals followed by capital letters followed by Arabic numerals, etc.), there is no right or wrong way to make an outline.", "Outline (list) An outline, also called a hierarchical outline, is a list arranged to show hierarchical relationships and is a type of tree structure. An outline is used[1] to present the main points (in sentences) or topics (terms) of a given subject. Each item in an outline may be divided into additional sub-items.", "\"Q. What does a \"\"good\"\" outline look like? What does a full-sentence outline look like? How do I create one?\" 1 So I. is the first sentence of the introduction, II. is the first sentence of the first paragraph of the body, III. is the first sentence of the second paragraph of the body, and so on. Each capital letter (A, B, C, D…) indicates a main point within the structure of the paragraph.", "How to Write a Research Paper Example of an outline: The purpose of an outline is to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper. Check your outline to make sure that the points covered flow logically from one to the other.he purpose of an outline is to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing. A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper. Check your outline to make sure that the points covered flow logically from one to the other.", "what is an outline for an essay An outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and research if youre preparing a speech, an essay, a novel, or even a study ...Apr 19, 2013 Tips on how to write an essay outline. Essay outlines provide the skeleton, the bare bones, on which you can build your writing." ]
[ 12.34375 ]
[ 9.640625, 11.234375, 10.1953125, 10.328125, 11, 10.296875, 11.1640625, 10.328125, 10.390625, 11.1875, 11.3828125, 10.234375, 12.28125, 9.875, 9.0703125, 11.4296875, 10.421875, 12.640625, 12.21875, 9.8515625, 11.9609375, 11.3046875, 11.3046875, 11.4375, 9.421875, 11.21875, 11.734375, 9.921875, 9.84375, 11.3828125 ]
what causes abdominal pain that wakes you up
[ "\"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? \"\"\" However, the pain being in your lower abdomen is a little strange for a stomach ulcer. It is possible that the pain is coming from your colon. Diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease can cause pain in the lower abdomen, but this is usually associated with diarrhea." ]
[ "- Common causes of lower abdominal pain include appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cyst, diverticulitis, constipation, cystitis, period pain, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, bowel obstruction, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and inflammatory bowel diseases.", "\"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? \"\"\" Why does my stomach hurt every morning when I wake up? I am a 26 year old male, 245lbs and approximately 6'1 tall. I am currently taking 7.5mg of coumadin per day and 10mg of Aciphex. I do not eat well normally. In fact, because I work second shift, I often find myself eating dinner as late as 12:00am. I then go to sleep around 2:00am and every morning when I wake up, I am very nauseous and my stomach hurts very badly. I do not have the urge to make a bowel movement, it is just a sharp pain in my lower abdominal area.", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining, causes stomach upset, irritation, and pain. Gallstones. A gallstone attack occurs when a stone blocks the bile duct, causes right upper abdominal pain and cramping. Giardiasis. Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine causing diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea and stomach cramps.", "What is Abdominal Pain? Although abdominal pain can arise from the tissues of the abdominal wall that surround the abdominal cavity (such as the skin and abdominal wall muscles), the term abdominal pain generally is used to describe pain originating from organs within the abdominal cavity. Organs of the abdomen include the stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and pancreas. Abdominal pain can range in intensity from a mild stomach ache to severe acute pain. The pain is often nonspecific and can be caused by a variety of conditions.", "- [edit on Wikidata] Abdominal pain, also known as stomach pain, is a common symptom associated with both temporary, non-serious disorders and more serious conditions. Common causes of pain in the abdomen include gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome. In a third of cases the exact cause is unclear. About 10% of people have a more serious underlying condition such as appendicitis, leaking or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis, or ectopic pregnancy.", "Abdominal pain Abdominal pain, also known as stomach pain, is a common symptom associated with both temporary, non-serious disorders and more serious conditions. Common causes of pain in the abdomen include gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome. In a third of cases the exact cause is unclear. About 10% of people have a more serious underlying condition such as appendicitis, leaking or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis, or ectopic pregnancy.", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Peptic ulcers, sores in the lining of the stomach or upper intestine, cause abdominal pain, gas, and more. Diverticulitis is a condition of the colon and causes pain, cramping, infection, bleeding, and other symptoms. Lactose intolerance, or the inability to digest lactose, leads to gas, bloating, and other symptoms. Symptoms of intestinal ischemia include pain, bloody bowel movements, abdominal swelling, vomiting, and more.", "Abdominal Pain (Adults) 1 Causes of symptoms of abdominal pain vary and may include gallbladder disease, ulcers of the stomach, food poisoning, diverticulitis, appendicitis, cancers, female diseases or problems (for example, fibroids, cysts, STDs), and vascular problems. Some women experience abdominal pain during pregnancy.", "Abdominal Pain: What You Should Know Whether you've got a mild stomachache, sharp pain, or cramps, abdominal pain can have many causes. For instance, you might have indigestion, constipation, a stomach virus, or, if you're a woman, menstrual cramps.", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Peptic ulcers, sores in the lining of the stomach or upper intestine, cause abdominal pain, gas, and more. Food poisoning. Food poisoning can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and weakness. Diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a condition of the colon and causes pain, cramping, infection, bleeding, and other symptoms.", "Abdominal pain Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain, also known as stomach pain or tummy ache, is a common symptom associated with non-serious and serious causes. Common causes of pain in the abdomen include gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome. In a third of cases the exact cause is unclear. About 10% of people have a more serious underlying condition such as appendicitis, leaking or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis, or ectopic pregnancy.", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Intussusception is an intestinal condition and causes severe pain, bloody stools, diarrhea, fever, and more. Pancreatitis Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, causes abdominal pain and swelling, nausea, and rapid pulse.", "Whatâs Causing My Abdominal Bloating and Abdominal Pain? cramp-like; achy; dull; sharp; Causes of abdominal bloating and pain can vary from mild to severe. Most of the time, abdominal bloating and pain occur due to: overeating; gas; stress; indigestion; This kind of bloating or pain is usually normal and will go away within two hours. In cases of the stomach flu, you may feel intense pain or bloating that comes and goes before each episode of vomiting or diarrhea.", "What Can Cause Upper Abdominal Pain? There are many causes for upper abdominal pain. Some of the common causes of upper abdominal pain include indigestion, gastritis, hiatus hernia, gallstones and stomach ulcers. There are other causes of pain in the upper abdominal region which are more serious, such as heart attack and acute pancreatitis.", "Abdominal Pain: Is It Appendicitis? Almost everyone will experience abdominal pain at one time or another because there's a long list of things that can cause this problem. Causes of Abdominal Pain. Aside from appendicitis, some of the most common causes of abdominal pain include: Gallstones; Ovarian cysts; Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Urinary tract infection (UTI) Crohn's disease; Indigestion", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Pancreatitis Pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, causes abdominal pain and swelling, nausea, and rapid pulse. Celiac disease Celiac disease, which is an intestinal reaction to gluten, can cause gas, diarrhea, bloating, and weight loss.", "Abdominal Pain (Causes, Remedies, Treatment) Abdominal pain is a common symptom, and most people have experienced some sort of abdominal pain (belly or stomach pain). Causes of more serious causes of abdominal pain include: Bloody stools; Black tarry stools; Dehydration; Painful urination; Lack of urination; Abrupt cessation of bowel movements; Dehydration", "Abdominal Pain Causes - Topic Overview Cause Most common symptoms Gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, gallbladder disease, bowel obstruction, pancreatitis, appendicitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or diverticulitis", "Abdominal Pain, Age 12 and Older - Topic Overview Occasionally, severe pain that comes on suddenly may be a symptom of a rupture of the stomach or intestines (perforation), torsion of the testicle or ovary, a kidney stone, gallbladder disease, or blood vessel problems, such as an aortic aneurysm.", "What's Causing This Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea? Abdominal pain can be cramp-like, achy, dull, or sharp. It is often called stomachache. Diarrhea is loose, watery stools and/or a frequent need to go to the bathroom. It sometimes accompanies abdominal pain. Indigestion, the stomach flu, and food poisoning are common causes of acute diarrhea and abdominal pain.", "Slideshow: What's Causing Your Pelvic Pain? If you have a sharp pain in the lower right part of your belly, are vomiting, and have a fever, it could be appendicitis. If you have these symptoms, go to the ER. An infected appendix may need surgery. If it bursts, it can spread the infection inside your body.", "ABDOMINAL PAIN ABDOMINAL PAIN. There is a long list of causes of abdominal pain, including pain in lower left abdomen. Common conditions which causes abdominal pain include: 1. Peptic ulcer disease / Gastritis - this usually occurs in in the upper abdomen. The pain may be relieved by antacids.", "Stomach Pain at Night (Digestive Nighttime Pain) Adults, Children 1 Gastritis. 2 Inflammation of the stomach wall that is more commonly caused by H.pylori infection or NSAIDs. 3 It typically presents with a gnawing and nagging pain that may be worse after eating and at night during sleep. 4 Nausea, vomiting, indigestion and belching are other symptoms that may be noted.his may be a more likely aggravating factor of a condition that presents with stomach pain rather than just the time of day. Another common association with stomach pain that is more common at night is lying down, whether on the back (supine) or face down (prone).", "Abdominal pain Other ways to describe pain in your abdomen include: Generalized pain: This means that you feel it in more than half of your belly. This type of pain is more typical for a stomach virus, indigestion, or gas. If the pain becomes more severe, it may be caused by a blockage of the intestines.", "Stomach ache or abdominal pain Causes of long-term or recurring abdominal pain. Some of the possible causes of long-term or recurring abdominal pain include: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – symptoms of this common condition include stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation; the pain is often relieved when you go to the toilet.", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Peptic ulcers, sores in the lining of the stomach or upper intestine, cause abdominal pain, gas, and more. Muscle strain occurs when muscles are stressed, overworked, or injured due to physical activity or labor. Polycystic kidney disease can cause abdominal pain, headaches, and pain in the sides and back.", "Lower Left Abdominal Pain Causes and Symptoms Digestive tract causes of upper abdominal pain. Upper abdominal pain may be caused by conditions of the digestive tract including: Bacterial, parasitic or viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract.Celiac disease (severe sensitivity to gluten from wheat and other grains that causes intestinal damage).ther causes of upper abdominal pain. Upper abdominal pain can also be caused by conditions involving other body systems including: Cancer of an abdominal organ. Hiatal hernia (weakened area of the diaphragm that allows the stomach to protrude into the chest). Kidney stones.", "- Common causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea include: 1 viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu). 2 bacterial gastroenteritis (food poisoning). 3 food allergies. 4 PMS. 5 lactose intolerance. 6 parasites (for example, giardiasis, hookworm, or amebiasis). 7 bacterial infection (for example, shigellosis or e. 8 coli). 9 irritable bowel syndrome.", "Causes Abdominal pain has many potential causes. The most common causes — such as gas pains, indigestion or a pulled muscle — usually aren't serious. Other conditions may require more-urgent medical attention.", "What causes a pulsating abdomen? Muscle strain occurs when muscles are stressed, overworked, or injured due to physical activity or labor. Indigestion is pain and burning in the upper abdomen, an feeling of fullness after a meal, belching, and gas. Polycystic kidney disease can cause abdominal pain, headaches, and pain in the sides and back. Intussusception is an intestinal condition and causes severe pain, bloody stools, diarrhea, fever, and more. Helicobacter, bacteria in the digestive tract, causes peptic ulcers and their associated pain and burning." ]
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what does mons mean
[ "- 1. mons veneris-a mound of fatty tissue covering the pubic area in women. mons, mons pubis. adipose tissue, fatty tissue, fat-a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs; fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold.ons ve·ne·ris. n. pl. montes veneris. The female mons pubis. [New Latin." ]
[ "Can someone translate the following paragraph from Latin to English? Subito ex terra carrus Plutonis (of Pluto, gen. sing.) ad puellas maturavit et Proserpina ab Plutone (abl. sing.) exportata est. Proserpina contra Plutonem (acc. sing.) clamavit et pugnavit, sed Proserpina carro in terram portata est.", "What Is The Name Of The Fear Of Long Words?? Etymology. From hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, an extension of sesquipedalian with monstrum (“ monster ”) and a truncated, misspelled form of hippopotamus, intended to exaggerate the length of the word itself and the idea of the size of the words being feared; combined with phobia.", "What does Magnus mean? Magnus [mag-nus] as a boys' name is pronounced MAG-ness. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Magnus is great. A royal name in Norway and Denmark; also a saint's name. The name was introduced from Scandinavia to Scotland. Associated with: great, royal (king), saint, scandinavia, scotland.", "What does Thomas mean? It is of Aramaic origin, and the meaning of Thomas is twin. Biblical: one of the 12 apostles known as doubting Thomas as he has an unusual mixture of pessimism and zealous faith. Some say his full name was Judas Thomas (Judas the Twin), and the nickname distinguished him from Judas Iscariot.", "Thomas (surname) Thomas (surname) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Thomas (and Tomas) is a common surname used by the British (primarily Welsh), French, German, Dutch, Danish, and South Indian (Nasrani). It derives from the medieval personal name, of Biblical origin, from Aramaic תאומא t'om'a, a byname meaning 'twin'.", "\"What does the saying \"\"ominus dominus\"\" mean?\" 'Ominus' doesn't seen to be in the latin dictionary however 'omnis' is and it means 'all, every'. I think this is right because the word ominous in the English dictionary is probably derived from this Latin word.Dominus means 'lord, rule, the Lord (Jesus Christ) So in effect I think 'ominus dominus' means 'the Lord is everwhere) omnis = all, every. SCElliott · 8 years ago.Thumbs up.t is the dominion of a spiritual being which constitutes a God; a true, supreme, or imaginary dominion makes a true, supreme, or imaginary God. And from his true dominion it follows that the true God is a Living, Intelligent, and Powerful Being; and, from his other perfections, that he is Supreme or most Perfect.", "- Marius /mar-ius/ [3 sylls.] as a name for boys. Marius' root is Latin, and Marius means manly; dedicated to Mars. Marius is an alternate form, with the suffix-us, of Mario (Latin) and its source form.Marius is also a derivative of Mark (Latin).Kreatif forms: Macrius, Morius, Morrius.arius' root is Latin, and Marius means manly; dedicated to Mars. Marius is an alternate form, with the suffix-us, of Mario (Latin) and its source form. Marius is also a derivative of Mark (Latin). Kreatif forms: Macrius, Morius, Morrius.", "What does the suffix -ism mean? The suffix-ism is a noun suffix. That is, when added to words or word roots, -ism forms nouns.he Greek suffix ism has a broad range of applications and can indicate actions, states or conditions, or doctrines. A related suffix is isma, which indicates a thing that … has been done or a finished action. Aaron McClellan.", "RIXIMKA DUMARKA The size of the mons pubis varies with the level of hormone and body fat, and it is more apparent in females. After puberty, it generally becomes covered with pubic hair and enlarged. The fatty tissue of the mons pubis is sensitive to estrogen, causing a distinct mound to form with the onset of puberty.ikewise, the mons pubis often becomes less prominent with the decrease in bodily estrogen experienced during menopause. The term mons pubis is derived from Latin for pubic mound, and mons Venus or mons veneris is derived from Latin for mound of Venus .", "What does Dennis mean? Dennis /den-nis/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is pronounced DEN-iss. It is of English and Greek origin, and the meaning of Dennis is follower of Dionysius. Also variant of Dionysius.", "- What does the abbreviation mus stand for? Meaning: museum; music; musical; musician", "Martin - Meaning of Martin Martin is used predominantly in the English, French, German, Romanian, Russian, Scandinavian, and Slavic languages, and its origin is Latin. The name's meaning is war-like, dedicated to Mars. Its meaning is from the element 'mars'. Martinus (Latin) is an older form of Martin.The Roman nickname Martinus is derived from Mars, the name of the god of war in Roman mythology. The name was popularized in the medieval period by Saint Martin of Tours (316/317-397), famous for cutting his cloak in two to share with a beggar.he name's meaning is war-like, dedicated to Mars. Its meaning is from the element 'mars'. Martinus (Latin) is an older form of Martin. The Roman nickname Martinus is derived from Mars, the name of the god of war in Roman mythology.", "- Meaning of Thomas. Greek name. In Greek, the name Thomas means-a twin. Other origins for the name Thomas include-Greek, Hebrew, Dutch.The name Thomas is most often used as a boy name or male name. Greek Name Meaning-a twin.", "mons [mons]. Etymology: L, mountain. a mound or slight elevation. The fibroadipose tissue anterior to the vulva which overlies the symphysis pubis. It divides into the labia majora on either side of the pudendal cleft, which surrounds the labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, and other vulvar vestibular structures.The mons responds to oestrogen with the onset of puberty, forming a distinct mound at the time of puberty.t divides into the labia majora on either side of the pudendal cleft, which surrounds the labia minora, clitoris, vaginal opening, and other vulvar vestibular structures. The mons responds to oestrogen with the onset of puberty, forming a distinct mound at the time of puberty.", "MONS Synonyms: mons; mons pubis; mons veneris. Hypernyms (mons is a kind of...): adipose tissue; fat; fatty tissue (a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs).Holonyms (mons is a part of...): vulva (external parts of the female genitalia).ypernyms (mons is a kind of...): adipose tissue; fat; fatty tissue (a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs). Holonyms (mons is a part of...): vulva (external parts of the female genitalia).", "- Looking for online definition of MOND or what MOND stands for? MOND is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms MOND - What does MOND stand for? The Free Dictionary", "- The meaning of Ammon is The hidden one. Its origin is Greek variant of the Egyptian name Amon. This name is mostly being used as a boys name. Last year it ranked 1,916st in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby boy names. This is a Greek form of the Egyptian Ymn (or Yamanu) meaning hidden one.", "- Morven /mor-ven/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Morven is huge mountain. Kreatif forms: Muirven, Murven.orven is pronounced similarly to Marven, Marvin ▼ , Marvyn, Merven, Mervin ▼ , Mervyn, Murvin and Murvyn. Other recommended similar baby names are Morgen and Morten. These names tend to be more frequently used than Morven.", "What is the Mons Pubis? The mons pubis is a rounded, fleshy mound that covers the pubic symphysis, which is the joint of cartilage that unites the right and left pubic bones. It is generally recognized as part human sexual anatomy, and is present in both males and females.", "Definitions &Translations Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word monstrance. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: demonstration, monstrance(noun) proof by a process of argument or a series of proposition proving an asserted conclusion.", "- Labrys (Greek: λάβρυς, labrys) lábrys is the term for a symmetric doubleheaded axe originally From crete In, greece one of the oldest symbols Of greek; civilization to The, romans it was known as a. Bipennis the symbol was commonly associated with female. divinitiesabrys was a cult-word that was introduced from Anatolia, where such symbols have been found in Çatal çatal hoeyuek höyük from the. Neolithic Age in Labraunda of caria-the double axe accompanies-the Storm God. zeus labraundos", "- (Herbert James Draper, 1909) Dæmon is the Latin word for the Ancient Greek daimōn (δαίμων: “god”, “godlike”, “power”, “fate”) which refers to the daemons of ancient Greek religion and mythology; and of Hellenistic religion and philosophy. 1 1 Etymology. 2 2 Description. 3 In mythology and philosophy.", "Monsta X Members Profile Monsta X Members Profile. The name signifies the emergence of a monster who will dominate the Kpop scene , as well as the meaning of 'MY STAR' , as 'MON' means 'my' in French. The X in the name refers to the existence of the unknown. Monsta X member consists of 7 members from No Mercy Survival Show.", "-onym The suffix-onym, in English and other languages, means word, name, and words ending in -onym refer to a specified kind of name or word, most of which are classical compounds. For example, an acronym is a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term (as radar).", "- The Battle of Mons. The opening battle of the First World War for the British Expeditionary Force: massed German infantry encountered the regulars and reservists of the British Army and received an unpleasant shock.", "- The words mean lord, our[s] and of Christ. They don't quite fit together to make a coherent Latin phrase: dominus is nominative (subject form), nostrum is accusative (ob … ject form) and Christi is genitive (possessive form).he ending-at indicates the subjunctive third person present tense: may he hear. Te is the accusative of the prono … un tu (you, singular) Dominus is the nominative of the word meaning The Lord. So: May the Lord hear you. Scott A. Butler.", "- mu. n. The 12th letter of the Greek alphabet. See Table at alphabet.", "What does Anders mean? Anders [an-ders]▲ as a boys' name is pronounced AN-ders. It is of Scandinavian and Greek origin, and the meaning of Anders is man, warrior. Variant of Andrew. ASSOCIATED WITH scandinavian, greek, warrior.", "MONS VENERIS Hypernyms (mons veneris is a kind of...): adipose tissue; fat; fatty tissue (a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs). Holonyms (mons veneris is a part of...): vulva (external parts of the female genitalia).ypernyms (mons veneris is a kind of...): adipose tissue; fat; fatty tissue (a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital organs). Holonyms (mons veneris is a part of...): vulva (external parts of the female genitalia).", "- Dennis /den-nis/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is pronounced DEN-iss. It is of English and Greek origin, and the meaning of Dennis is follower of Dionysius." ]
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how many people have been killed by police since kaepernick took a knee
[ "Did You Know: 67 People (And Counting) Have Been Killed By Cops Since Colin Kaepernick Began Anthem Protest Overall, police have killed at least 67 people since Kaepernick’s protest began, according to The Guardian’s database. Roughly 22 percent of the victims have been black. Police have killed more than 780 people so far in 2016, according to The Guardian’s numbers. At least 193 of those people ― or about 25 percent ― were black." ]
[ "- August 30, 2016 By Bre Payton. San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who recently refused to stand during the national anthem at a preseason game, just unloaded on Hillary Clinton.", "Bills Fans Kneel In Solidarity With Colin Kaepernick Before 49ers Game In Buffalo Kaepernick, who will make his first start of the season in Buffalo, has knelt during the anthem before games since the preseason to protest police brutality and killings of African Americans. “We had been talking about doing this for a while even before we found out he was starting,” Caitlin Blue, a 21-year-old from Buffalo, told The Huffington Post, speaking by phone from outside the stadium.", "We know how many people are killed by vending machines. We don't know how many people are killed by cops. We still don’t know. The federal government keeps tons of data and statistics on all kinds of topics – from how many people were victims of shark attacks to the number of hogs and pigs living on farms in the U.S. – but we still have no reliable data on how many people are shot by police officers each year.", "- An officer is dead after a gunman shot at police on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. President Hollande says it's believed the attack was terrorist in nature.. Donald Trump hosted Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, and Ted Nugent at the White House. Nugent has called Barack Obama a mongrel and defended apartheid.", "The Counted: number of people killed by police this year reaches 500 The updated findings on fatalities so far this year means that the total is on track to exceed 1,000 by the end of 2015 – and that people are being killed by officers at more than twice the rate most recently detected by the much-criticised FBI system, which recorded 461 killed in 2013.", "Police Shooting Statistics 2016: Are More Black People Killed By Officers Than Other Races? Last year ended with 494 killings of white people and 172 Hispanics. Sixty-six of the police shootings were of people of undetermined race or identified as other. Some 948 of the police shootings were of men. Of the police shootings reported in 2015, no officers were convicted of murder. A report released by the FBI documented 12,765 people were killed by police officers between 2008 and 2012. The five-year study, which grouped all the deaths regardless of how targets were actually killed, reported 77.7 percent of people killed by officers were men, and 51.1 percent were black men, while 46.3 percent were white, 2.6 percent were of other races, and the races of 130 victims were unknown.", "More Than 250 Black People Were Killed By Police In 2016 [Updated] This group also accounted for 15 percent of all 2015 deaths from law enforcement encounters, despite making up just 2 percent of the U.S. population. In 2015, The Counted estimates, at least 306 black people were killed by police. The Washington Post puts the number of black people who were shot dead last year at 258.", "More Than 250 Black People Were Killed By Police In 2016 [Updated] Here's How Many Black People Have Been Killed By Police This Year. Too many. Police killed at least 136 black people in 2016, according to a project by the Guardian that tracks police killings in America. Philando Castile became the latest addition to the list Wednesday night after an officer shot him dead.", "A Cop Is Killed Every 58 Hours 1 There were 117 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2014. 2 On average, over the last decade, there have been 58,930 assaults against law enforcement each year, resulting in 15,404 injuries.", "Should the 49ers bench Colin Kaepernick? On the year, Kaepernick has completed 72 of 116 passes (62.1 percent, which is higher than his career mark of 60.1 percent entering this season) for 727 yards with two touchdowns and five interceptions. He has also been sacked 14 times, with six coming courtesy of the Packers.", "Bill O'Reilly cites faulty data for claim about shooting deaths of blacks, whites by police O’Reilly’s reference of the number of whites killed in legal interventions does not strictly account for non-Hispanic whites. People who identify as Hispanic are also counted in the total of 326 deaths.", "- Bills Fans Kneel In Solidarity With Colin Kaepernick Before 49ers Game In Buffalo A group of protesters supported the quarterback outside Ralph Wilson Stadium, while other Bills fans told him to shut up.", "Nobody Knows How Many Americans The Police Kill Each Year One reasonably reliable statistic we do have is the number of Americans who die in homicides each year. This data can be found in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) and is based on death certificates.he shooting and the response have reignited concerns about racial profiling, police brutality and police militarization. The incident has also drawn attention to a remarkable lack of knowledge about a seemingly basic fact: how often people are killed by the police.", "- On the year, Kaepernick has completed 72 of 116 passes (62.1 percent, which is higher than his career mark of 60.1 percent entering this season) for 727 yards with two touchdowns and five interceptions.", "- Including the attack in San Bernardino, Calif., 462 people have died and 1,314 have been wounded this year in shootings that left four or more injured or dead.", "How many Las Vegas shooting victims are there, have they been named and what is the current death toll? Scenes of chaos have unfolded in Las Vegas How many Las Vegas shooting victims are there? Police have confirmed at least 58 people died in the attack. Two police officers were among those shot, with at least one killed. The victims named so far are; Sonny Melton, 29-year-old nurse; Chris Hazencomb, 44; Heather Alvarado, 35; Hannah Ahlers, 35; Austin Davis, 29", "A Florida Police Killing Like Many, Disputed and Little Noticed In South Florida’s Broward County, no officer has been charged in a fatal on-duty police shooting since 1980, a period that covers 168 shooting deaths. Photo A witness’s photo of Mr. McBean after the shooting.", "Nobody Knows How Many Americans The Police Kill Each Year But the “legal intervention” deaths — an average of 406 per year from 1999 to 2011 — are not useful on their own since many police homicides are misclassified simply because the coroner’s report does not mention police involvement.he shooting and the response have reignited concerns about racial profiling, police brutality and police militarization. The incident has also drawn attention to a remarkable lack of knowledge about a seemingly basic fact: how often people are killed by the police.", "Air Force Error Allowed Texas Gunman to Buy Weapons ‘He Just Hurt So Many People’: Witnesses on the Texas Shooting Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, opened fire in a church in rural Texas on Sunday, killing at least 26 people. He was pursued by residents and found dead in his car.", "One Map Shows How Many People Police Have Killed So Far This Year in Every State In Norway, which has a population of 5.2 million, police have shot dead just two people since 2002, firing their guns just 33 times since then, and not at all in 2007. In Arizona, population 6.7 million, police killed 31 people so far this year alone.", "Nessa Diab THE DAILY CALLER notes a recent change in Kaepernick’s worldview that is driving this support for a racist, black nationalist political movement [Black Lives Matter]: A recent report indicates that Colin Kaepernick’s Muslim girlfriend Nessa Diab was behind his decision to not stand during the national anthem.", "Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does As the National Center for Women and Policing noted in a heavily footnoted information sheet, Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population.ore than one-fifth of the OIDV cases involved an officer who had also been named individually as a party defendant in at least one federal court civil action for depravation of civil rights under color of law pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1983 at some point during their law enforcement careers. Think about that.", "- There are nearly half a million (Approximately 415,000) cops in the united states. According to this graphic, police brutality is extremely rare. According to this graphic, 0.012 percent of our nations law enforcement officers were even reported on misconduct, let alone found guilty of it.", "There have been 500 people shot and killed by police in the U.S. so far in 2015 On Tuesday, officers across the country shot and killed eight people, the most police shootings that have occurred on any single day in 2015. The number of people shot and killed so far this year tracked by The Post easily exceeds the figures reported by the FBI for any single year since 1976.n Tuesday, officers across the country shot and killed eight people, the most police shootings that have occurred on any single day in 2015. The number of people shot and killed so far this year tracked by The Post easily exceeds the figures reported by the FBI for any single year since 1976.", "- How many people are killed by police? It’s a simple and important question, but, until this year, the shocking answer was “we have no idea.” There is no central authority systematically keeping track of killings by law enforcement, and police in most states are not required to report the use of lethal force to anyone.", "Special Reports news ›. Homicides in Philadelphia. Since 1988, over 9,000 people have been slain on the streets of Philadelphia, affecting every neighborhood in the city. To put that deadly toll in perspective, during the length of U.S. combat operations in the Iraq war, 3,517 American troops were killed in action - and 3,113 people were killed in Philadelphia.", "US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11 Though the U.S. government does not have a database collecting information about the total number of police involved shootings each year, it’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 Americans are killed by police officers each year.", "'Guardian' Database Highlights Underreporting Of People Killed By Police NPR's Audie Cornish talks with reporter Jon Swaine about The Guardian database on U.S. fatal police killings in 2015.The news outlet recorded figures twice as high as those reported by the FBI. AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: The case of Freddie Gray is now part the national conversation over police use of deadly force.PR's Audie Cornish talks with reporter Jon Swaine about The Guardian database on U.S. fatal police killings in 2015.", "2015 may be one of the safest years for law enforcement in a quarter century According to the Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP), which keeps data on officer deaths going back over 100 years, 24 officers have been shot and killed by suspects this year. This puts the US on pace for 36 non-accidental, firearm-related police fatalities in 2015. Each one of such deaths is a tragedy for the officers killed, their families and the communities they serve, but this would be the lowest total in 25 years, aside from 2013 which saw 31 such deaths. Republicans step up attack campaign – and the target is Black Lives Matter", "- David White : Well, if you include people killed in a traffic accident with police, police officers who commit suicide, people who overdose and die while police are transporting them, and other such incidents, I guess the number WOULD be higher." ]
[ 13.140625 ]
[ 9.8203125, 10.5859375, 9.96875, 9.265625, 10.5078125, 10.5390625, 10.9765625, 11.2890625, 10.0078125, 9.6875, 9.9296875, 9.296875, 9.4140625, 9.671875, 10.2734375, 9.0078125, 9.953125, 10.171875, 9.53125, 10.7734375, 8.875, 8.234375, 9.6328125, 10.4375, 10.3359375, 9.546875, 11.21875, 9.4921875, 9.796875, 10.3359375 ]
westheimer airport
[ "Max Westheimer Airport Services Max Westheimer Airport Services. Westheimer Airport is a general aviation Reliever airport capable of handling aircraft through and including executive class jet aircraft. The Reliever category, as specified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is given to two airports servicing the Oklahoma City Metropolitan area. These airports are Wiley Post Airport (owned and operated by the City of Oklahoma City Airport Trust) and The University of Oklahoma's Max Westheimer Airport." ]
[ "Heathrow Airport Heathrow Airport (IATA: LHR, ICAO: EGLL) is a major international airport in west London, England.Heathrow is the busiest airport in the United Kingdom, busiest airport in Europe by passenger traffic, and third busiest airport in the world by total passenger traffic.eathrow lies 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) west of Central London, and has two parallel east–west runways along with four operational terminals on a site that covers 12.14 square kilometres (4.69 sq mi).", "Scholes International Airport at Galveston Scholes International Airport at Galveston. Terminal Building at Scholes International Airport at Galveston, 2012. Building has been gutted and remodeled due to severe flood damage by Hurricane Ike in 2008.", "Gulfstream G200 (Galaxy) In January 2002, the G200 completion centre was moved from Alliance Fort Worth to Gulfstream's plant at Dallas Love Field, Texas. Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI) was a co-owner of Galaxy Aerospace and continues to manufacture the G200 at its Tel Aviv plant and the aircraft are flown to Dallas for completion. The first customer delivery of a G200 intercontinental business jet was made in January 2000 to TTI Incorporated.", "Transportation Lackland Air Force Base is served by San Antonio International Airport. The airport is served by several major airlines including Delta, Southwest, United, US Airways, American, and Continental.The airport is located 18 miles from Lackland Air Force Base.Travel from the airports is via four lane divided highway on Interstate 410 or by shuttle service. San Antonio International Airport: http://www.sanantonio.gov/Aviation.ackland Air Force Base is located on the west side of San Antonio. Take Exit 4 from I-410W and enter through Airman’s Gate. The gate is opened 24 hours a day.", "- The free EasyRotator for WordPress plugin lets you create beautiful WordPress sliders in seconds. Welcome to the Laredo International Airport, with daily flights to Dallas / Fort Worth, Houston, Las Vegas, Nevada, Orlando and beyond. Our Airport serves as your portal to the world. AOA ACCESS.", "West Point Airport Map Map of West Point Airport A detailed map of West Point Airport (KFYJ) is presented below. You may use map navigation tools to adjust map scope and zoom level of West Point Airport map.", "Detroit Metropolitian ( DTW ) AirportTerminal Map The passenger terminal complex at Detroit Metro Airport consists of two terminals - the North Terminal with Concourse D (off Rogell Drive), and the the McNamara Terminal with Concourses A, B & C (off John Dingell Drive) - connected by a shuttle bus, and accessible from I-94 (Exit 198) or I-275 (Exit 18).", "- Closest Airport to Lackland Air Force Base, TX. The closest airport is San Antonio International Airport (SAT). Distance from San Antonio International Airport to Lackland Air Force Base is 21,8 kilometers (13,5 miles).an Antonio International Airport is located approximately 12,4 kilometers (7,7 miles) north of San Antonio and about 15,0 kilometers (9,3 miles) west of Converse.", "Denver International Airport On December 14, 2006, DIA instituted the design phase of expanding Concourse C in the airport's first major expansion of a concourse. In September 2014, the airport completed construction of five new gates on the C Concourse, which now serve Southwest Airlines.t 34,000 acres (140 km 2) , DIA is by far the largest land area commercial airport in the United States. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is a distant second at 78 square kilometres (30 sq mi). The 327-foot (100 m) control tower is one of the tallest in North America.", "Transportation Lackland Air Force Base is located on the west side of San Antonio. Take Exit 4 from I-410W and enter through Airman’s Gate. The gate is opened 24 hours a day.", "Biography The Aviator (2004), the movie based on his life, was released on the day after what would have been his 99th birthday. Houston, Texas, has two major commercial airports: William P. Hobby Airport, and Houston Intercontinental Airport. For a brief period, Hobby Airport was renamed Howard Hughes airport.", "Airports in Texas Closest to Rockwall Collin County Regional Airport is about 34 miles northeast of Rockwall, Texas, in the city of McKinney. A general and business aviation airport, the field serves the North Dallas area, which is home to a number of Fortune 500 company businesses.", "- Closest Airport to Katy, TX. The closest airport to Katy is George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport (IAH). Distance from George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport to Katy, TX is 51,6 kilometers (32,1 miles).", "- 2. Coleman Young International Airport DET --located 5.8 miles from Detroit Metropolitan DTW--is located within the city of Detroit, Michigan, close to Interstate Hwy 95 (Exit 220b, go north to DET Airport; or Gatiot Ave. to Connor, go north to DET Airport).", "- Who owns the West Ranch Airport in Texas? West Ranch Airport (FAA LID: XS75) is a private airport located 8 miles west of Round Mountain, Blanco County, Texas, USA.", "- If I am not mistaken the biggest airport in the world is the Fort Worth International Airport in Dallas, United States. Code: DEN/KDEN. It has an area of: 4360 ha which is slightly bigger than Denver International Airport which is the second largest with 4200 ha.", "Closest Airport to Mission, TX Closest Airport to Mission, TX. The closest airport to Mission is Mc Allen Miller International Airport (MFE). Distance from Mc Allen Miller International Airport to Mission, TX is 9,7 kilometers (6,1 miles). Mc Allen Miller International Airport is located approximately 3,2 kilometers (2,0 miles) south of McAllen and about 5,9 kilometers (3,7 miles) west of Pharr. Mc Allen Miller International Airport IATA code is MFE.", "Location McKinney National Airport Location. 1 McKinney National Airport is located in the rapidly growing North Texas region at the confluence of Sam Rayburn Tollway (SRT) / S.H. 121, U.S. 75 and U.S. 380 - just 30 minutes from downtown Dallas. In fact, about 80% of the companies in Richardson, Plano and Allen are closer to McKinney than any other Dallas area airport.", "- The two biggest airports in the Dallas area are Dallas/ Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) and Love Field (DAL). The Dallas area also has the Dallas North Airport (DNE) an…d the Addison Airport (ADS). 2 people found this useful.", "Detroit Metro Airport Guide Westin Detroit Metropolitan Airport - Connected to the McNamara Terminal. There is a TSA entry directly from the Westin across from Gate A36. There is also an entrance to the hotel from the departures level at the south of the McNamara Terminal. Free 24-hr shuttle service to the north terminal.", "- Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW) has two terminals: McNamara and North. Delta and its SkyTeam partners Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines operate from McNamara Terminal, while all other airlines operate from the North Terminal. Visit the Airlines section for a list of DTW airline terminal locations and contact information.", "Cities of the United States El Paso International Airport (ELP) is the gateway to West Texas, Southern New Mexico and Northern Mexico. It provides airline passenger services, air cargo, and general aviation services.", "- Closest Airport to Westlake Village, CA. The closest airport to Westlake Village is Bob Hope Airport (BUR). Distance from Bob Hope Airport to Westlake Village, CA is 41,6 kilometers (25,8 miles).", "- Welcome to Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport (TPL), located in Temple TX. Draughon-Miller is a modern, award winning aviation facility operated by the city of Temple. The airport is considered one of Temple s most vital assets.It is recognized as a major role in the stability of Central Texas economy and future.Draughon-Miller enjoys the support of Temple s residents and citizens throughout the region. We have a positive can do attitude and feel proud to serve the residents of Central Texas.#174 &#169 Copyright by Sandhills Publishing Company 2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction of material appearing on this Web site is strictly prohibited without written permission. Controller, Executive Controller, and Charter Hub are registered trademarks of Sandhills Publishing Company.", "- Waco, TX Nearest Airport To Waco Texas. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Bush Houston Intercontinental Airport Parking (IAH) The Houston airport, known as Bush Intercontinental Airport, is one of the nation's largest airports. It is often referred to as a city within a city.. This quick guide will give you some pointers on what you can expect in the city inside IAH.", "- Often referred to as the DFW airport, it is the largest airport in all of Texas and the second largest in the U.S. Whether you’re leaving Texas for greener pastures on a getaway or you’re flying into the Lone Star State, Dallas Fort Worth Airport offers top-notch airplane transportation.", "- If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign UpLog In. See more of Max Westheimer Airport by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page.", "Texas Texas has 730 airports, second most of any state in the nation. Largest in Texas by size and passengers served, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) is the second largest by area in the United States, and fourth in the world with 18,076 acres (73.15 km 2).", "Randolph Air Force Base Randolph Air Force Base (IATA: RND, ICAO: KRND, FAA LID: RND) is a United States Air Force base located at Universal City, Texas (14.8 miles (23.8 km) east-northeast of Downtown San Antonio)." ]
[ 13.59375 ]
[ 7.875, 7.8203125, 6.5625, 7.1796875, 7.9296875, 8.421875, 7.046875, 6.90234375, 7.15625, 7.71484375, 8.25, 7.4609375, 8.8828125, 7.33984375, 10.1796875, 7.1171875, 7.21875, 8.1484375, 8.21875, 8.171875, 7.12890625, 8.078125, 8.359375, 7.0859375, 7.49609375, 7.9609375, 7.91015625, 12.2421875, 8.484375, 7.359375 ]
electro equiscope cost
[ "- independent living. The cost for this machine is: $62,000. The ELECTRO EQUISCOPE is a complete, rehabilitation and peak performance system equipped with outstanding capabilities to relieve pain. It utilizes artificial intelligence to detect impendence and deliver a corrective signal promoting healing and accelerating recovery time at the cellular level. The cost for this machine is: $35,000." ]
[ "What is the Electro-Acuscope? How much does Electro-Acuscope and Myopulse therapy cost? Pricing ranges from $80-$250 per session depending on the location, license and experience of the practitioner, as well as the size of the treatment package.* Esthetic protocols (facials, fine lines, scaring, cellulite, dermatitis) are the same pricing.ricing ranges from $80-$250 per session depending on the location, license and experience of the practitioner, as well as the size of the treatment package.", "- 1X2 OVAL MIRROR Manufacturers Part #: B-2T Your Price: $6.15. Features and Benefits: 1 x 2 oval All-angle ball joint holds mirror head firmly at any angle for perfect viewing Telescopes from 4-1/2 to 19 for fast accurate inspection Handy pocket clip ... Add to Cart Details. 2-1/4 Inspection Mirror Manufacturers Part #: C2 Your Price: $6.51. 2 1/4 mirror diam.", "How Much Does It Cost To Install An Electric Fence? One of the primary cost considerations is the number and type of electric fence strands that will be in use. Physical fences commonly have between one and 11 strands that can feature a wide range of materials, such as steel and high-tensile wire. The average cost to enclose an acre of land is between $200 and $2,500.", "Deer-Proof Electric Fence Materials and costs are modest. Installation of an electric fence around a small, 50- by 50-foot home garden should cost less than $200. The materials can be reused for 10 or more years, so the long-term cost will be around $20 per year.nstallation of an electric fence around a small, 50- by 50-foot home garden should cost less than $200. The materials can be reused for 10 or more years, so the long-term cost will be around $20 per year.", "- Jude Accunav double transseptal (999x2)1998Circular catheter + cable ƚ Biosense-Webster 10 pole fixed diameter1225Biosense-Webster Lasso variable diameter1825 Total cost 6,637 12,603 Percent above lowest cost 89.9% * NNS = 97.1 cases, **assumes 10 cable reuses, ƚ NNS = 75 cases.", "- What is it? The EquiCam is the ultimate piece of filming equipment for equestrian sports, a miniature super light weight camera (just 38g) and two special riding hat camera mounts (elastic hat strap and a hat mount). Film your rides in full 1080p HD for fun and for safety.", "- Equine therapy uses horses as part of the treatment for a wide range of physical and psychological problems. It can be used to help children with autism, ADHD, Down's Syndrome or developmental delays.ost. The cost of equine therapy can vary widely depending on the program and the therapist. Prices can range from $75 per session to around $4,000 for a twelve-week course. Patients can attend once a week or have several sessions each week.", "- With professional installation it can cost $0.50-$4 a foot, depending on materials and terrain, or $450-$3,500 to enclose a square acre. Do-it-yourself installation of a high tensile electric fence to control livestock or wildlife costs about $0.05-$0.75 a foot, or $50-$650 to enclose a square acre.", "- Click only once. Offer Details:When ordering today, you will receive the HD Mirror Cam™ for just $49.99 + $9.99 P&H, but if you add a 2nd or more HD Mirror Cam™ offers, your entire order ships for FREE! *Requires a micro SD Memory card to record (not included). Sales tax will apply to orders from NV, NJ, & CA.", "Compare Solar vs Regular Electric Fencing Costs Wire is priced at about $0.10 to $0.20 per foot. 1 A basic electric fence kit for small animals with 100 feet of aluminum wire might cost $100 to $150. 2 An electric fence for livestock is likely to cost about $0.50 to $1 per foot. Kits typically include poles, a ground rod and a ground clamp. 2 Extra wire is sold separately. 3 An electric fence for livestock is likely to cost about $0.50 to $1 per foot. 4 That includes the charger and materials such as posts, insulators, springs wire and grounding rods.", "- Buying a metal detector based solely on the number of frequencies it produces will cause you to miss treasure virtually every time you hunt! The 12.5 imaging search coil retails for $249.95, and is part of Garrett GTI upgraded pro package. Garrett's search coil technology is the most advanced of any manufacturer.", "- Cost. The cost of novasure endometrial ablation ranges from $500 to $1200, depending on the kind of surgery and the time taken to recover in the hospital. A major part of the cost goes towards the hospital stay for recuperation. This cost is usually fully covered by insurance companies.", "- The main ones are: Walmart Vision Center, Lenscrafters, Pearle Vision, America’s Best, Empire Vision, JCPenney Optical, Sears Optical and Costco Optical. On average, for a regular eye exam, you can expect to pay between $40 and $70, without the aid of cost cutters such as coupons.earle Vision has been in operation ever since 1961 when Dr. Stanley Pearle founded the company. It has over 45 years of experience, and offers you great service as well as a good product. The Pearle Vision eye exam cost will set you back usually around $50 – $60.", "How much does a FlightScope X2 cost? Answer Wiki. A FlightScope X2 would cost roughly $11,000. Considering the price of the FlightScope X2 and the new built in camera I would say it is a great option in comparison to TrackMan $22,000. You could buy a TrackMan indoor version without video for $13,995 but it just depends on your preference and use for the machine.", "EKG Cost Typically, there are two costs associated with an EKG -- the cost of the procedure itself and the cost of the analysis of the readout. Patients with medical insurance that covers a portion of the cost of the EKG, can expect to pay $30-$100 in copays for both the test and the analysis of the test. For example, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care , which serves patients in Massachusetts, charges its members $32-$54 for an EKG and interpreting the results.", "- A comprehensive eye examination will cost between $75 - $180 dollars, depending on the complexity of the problem. As with any medical examination, the total cost will relate to the time spent and the nature of the presenting problem(s).", "EEG Cost Typical costs: 1 For patients covered by health insurance, typical out-of-pocket costs for an EEG would consist of a copay or coinsurance of 10%-50%. 2 For patients not covered by health insurance, an EEG typically costs $200-$700 or more for a standard EEG -- or up to $3,000 or more if extended monitoring is required. For example, Garden City Hospital in Michigan charges $749 for an EEG, but offers the test for $199 through a special program for uninsured patients.", "Animal Massage Therapist With significant experience and skill, a therapist can earn top dollar for their services. Equissage materials state that certified canine massage therapists from its program can charge $40 to $70 per treatment session (with these sessions usually lasting 40 to 50 minutes).The Northwest School of Animal Massage cites a similar range for small animal massage therapists of $45 to $75 per treatment session.he CMT program is available for $895. Equissage’s Equine Sports Therapy Massage (ESTM) training is offered at the Virginia headquarters ($1295) or through an at-home study course ($895). Dual Equissage certification is offered for those interested in both canine and equine therapy, at a cost of $1895.", "- A cost analysis of the flexible optical scope (fiber- or videoscope) for difficult. intubation in comparison with the Ambu® aScopeTM disposable videoscope. Michael F. Tvede, MD⊇, Michael S. Kristensen, MD ⊄ and Michael Nyhus-Andreasen, MSc.", "Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO) for Dogs What is the cost of Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO) Surgery for Dogs? The cost of an FHO ranges from $1,200 to $2,500. The exact cost will depend on the area you live, as well as the hospital in which the surgery is performed.", "EGD Cost 1 For patients not covered by health insurance, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy typically costs between about $1,500-$10,000 or more, depending on the provider, geographic location, whether sedation is used or not and whether the procedure is done in an imaging center or in a hospital. For patients covered by health insurance, out-of-pocket costs typically include an office visit copay and coinsurance of 10% to 50% for the procedure. 2 Depending on the insurance, the cost could reach $1,000 or more.", "Pre-Purchase Exam: Better Quality Assurance The pre-purchase exma article is very informative and a msut read for A new horse buyer. HunterJumper Horsetown, HI. 7/28/2012 8:36:18 PM. I have never heard of paying $250 for a vet exam, but I guess that is VERY extensive.f you're going to spend a lot of money buying a horse and have any questions, this would be worth doing, Harbin says. He notes that a broad screen will cost around $300 to $500. Such screening detects pain killers, sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, et cetera, in the horse's system.", "How much is the cost of? Cost Variables: The cost depends on which treatment you seek. IPL and laser treatments can cost around $350 to $500 per session. Electrocoagulation (EC) costs approximately $80 to $200 per treatment.", "Best Hedge Trimmers The price would range from $40 to $100 for electric hedge trimmers. The battery operated would cost a bit higher with price ranging from 45$ to $200. And the most expensive gas trimmer has a price from $200 to $600.", "Schedule your free wearable technology demo today! The original cost of eSight was $15,000. eSight 3 is now $9,995. eSight fully recognizes that many of the legally blind cannot afford to pay this price and will do all it can with sponsors and funding organizations to ensure that anyone who needs eSight will get the glasses regardless of their ability to pay.. 14.", "Pre-Purchase Exam: Better Quality Assurance Depending on the veterinarian, where you live, and how in-depth the exam, a pre-purchase exam typically averages $250, with additional costs for X-rays, blood work and any other testing the vet may recommend.f you're going to spend a lot of money buying a horse and have any questions, this would be worth doing, Harbin says. He notes that a broad screen will cost around $300 to $500. Such screening detects pain killers, sedatives, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, et cetera, in the horse's system.", "Electric Fence Cost Shopping for an electric fence: 1 An electric fence should be tested routinely for voltage drops that indicate problems with the fence. 2 A digital voltage meter typically costs $5-$30. 3 EquiSearch.com lists tips for selecting and installing an electric fence. An electric fence should be tested routinely for voltage drops that indicate problems with the fence. 2 A digital voltage meter typically costs $5-$30.", "- Boarders may want to take out equine liability insurance in case of accidents, such as a horse getting loose and getting hit by a car, or otherwise injuring someone. The average price for $500,000 worth of coverage is $250 annually, and covers up to four horses.Most insurance companies charge an extra $40 to $50 annually for each additional horse. With personal liability equine insurance, applicants must submit the name, breed and use of each owned horse to the company.ost insurance companies charge an extra $40 to $50 annually for each additional horse. With personal liability equine insurance, applicants must submit the name, breed and use of each owned horse to the company.", "- A confirmed appointment is required for schooling of any type. A copy of your current negative Coggins test for each horse is also required. The cost for 1 Ring Schooling is $20; 5 ride pass is $80. The cost for 1 Wimert Cross-Country Schooling is $30; 5 ride pass is $120.", "- Dental Pricing. Exclusively Equine strives to provide gentle, comprehensive dental care to your horse at a reasonable cost. The cost of a typical dental procedure ranges from $150 to $190.Horses that receive quality annual care will be at the lower end of this range.This price includes the following:ental Pricing. Exclusively Equine strives to provide gentle, comprehensive dental care to your horse at a reasonable cost. The cost of a typical dental procedure ranges from $150 to $190." ]
[ 12.921875 ]
[ 11.1484375, 7.73046875, 8.3828125, 7.54296875, 7.515625, 8.1484375, 8.1953125, 8.7109375, 7.85546875, 8.65625, 7.40234375, 7.484375, 7.046875, 7.734375, 7.6484375, 7.7734375, 8.984375, 7.44140625, 7.46484375, 7.34765625, 7.99609375, 7.41015625, 9.4453125, 7.53125, 7.76171875, 7.578125, 8.8671875, 7.5859375, 7.9453125, 8.328125 ]
what do the quilts symbolize
[ "\"What do the quilts symbolize in \"\"Everyday Use\"\"?\" The quilts are pieces of living history, documents in fabric that chronicle the lives of the various generations and the trials, such as war and poverty, that they faced. The quilts serve as a testament to a family’s history of pride and struggle. With the limitations that poverty and lack of education placed on her life, Mama considers her personal history one of her few treasures. Her house contains the handicrafts of her extended family." ]
[ "\"The Use of Symbols in John Steinbeck's \"\"The Chrysanthemums\"\"\" In John Steinbeck's short story, The Chrysanthemums, he uses the flower to symbolize his main character's thoughts and ideas. There are many examples of such symbolism in this work. Elisa Allen is a lonely woman who enjoys growing and nourishing her chrysanthemums.", "Quilting The creation of any quilt has 5 phases: 1 Concept : picking a design, colors, and size. 2 Piecing : sewing together fabric shapes to make the quilt top design. 3 Construction : attachment of backing and batting to make a stuffed fabric sandwich. Quilt stitching : decorative sewing to hold the layers together and form a design.", "- In quilting, patchwork is used to make the top layer of a quilt. A layer of batting is placed between the patchwork and a single sheet on the bottom of the quilt, or patchwork may be used to make both outer layers.", "quilt (kwɪlt) n. 1. a thick warm cover for a bed, consisting of a soft filling sewn between two layers of material, usually with crisscross seams. 2. a bedspread or counterpane. 3. anything quilted or resembling a quilt.", "Nanukâs Igloo Custom Jewelry Possibly this meaning is related to the first meaning I mentioned due to the fact that people and life are obviously so closely connected. Meaning 3: It is thought to be representative of time, event, or cosmic matters. Based on the number of lines in the spiral, the belief is that it relates to a specific idea.", "- It's kind of a no-brainer to conclude that the quilts in Everyday Use symbolize family heritage. They were handmade by the narrator, her sister, and her mother, and they're comprised of clothing worn by generations of family members.ure the quilts in Everyday Use are a product of creativity, just as any crafty project with popsicle sticks and glitter would be. But the quilts in the story show a super-duper degree of creativity given that they're made out of scraps of used clothing. Take a look:", "- Four represents Enclosure, Completion, Foundation. It is a symbol of Earth, the 4th element. Fours are here to build a firm foundation, to labor with concentration and secure the right to work out their patterns of freedom from any obstacles-poverty, heartache and failure.", "- A barn quilt is a quilt pattern painted onto plywood and attached to the side of a barn, garage, store, or wherever it will fit. When several people in an area put up barn quilts, they often publish routes or quilt barn trails so visitors can admire all the works of art. Some trails are meant to attract tourists and money to local businesses, while other trails are mainly a way to share the beauty of an area. Barn quilts are usually squares.", "- by agthomashc, April 11, 2014. I think the wallpaper represents her trying to escape her husband. She said she saw a woman trapped by bars trying to escape the wallpaper. This is symbolic of her relationship with John.", "Symbols and meanings in Mayan weavings Symbols and meanings in Mayan weavings. The Mayan textile weavings of Guatemala are detailed with exquisite patterns and symbols which hold representative meanings for indigenous population. Many indigenous women continue to wear the traditional Mayan clothing of the huipil (the blouse top section of the Mayan dress) and the corte (skirt).", "SYMBOLS The circle is a widely used symbol in many cultures and nations. For the Haudenosaunee it represents unity, strength and the cycles of life. Gathering the original Chiefs in a circle around the Tree of Peace the Peacemaker had them hold hands to make their circle strong.", "The Beautiful Chaos of Improvisational Quilts “In our family, we have a great love of music and quilt-making. We love to dance, sing, and make music,” says Byrd, who is a cousin to the late jazz musician Kenny Dorham. “I’ve always been surrounded by music and quilts. To me, they are alike.", "Patchwork quilt A patchwork quilt is a quilt in which the top layer consists of pieces of fabric sewn together to form a design. Originally, this was to make full use of left-over scraps of fabric, but now fabric is often bought specially for a specific design.Fabrics are now often sold in quarter meters (or quarter yards in the U.S.).riginally, this was to make full use of left-over scraps of fabric, but now fabric is often bought specially for a specific design. Fabrics are now often sold in quarter meters (or quarter yards in the U.S.).", "- The imperfect build of ships caused the need of undergirders to pass round the frame, at right angles to its length, when the planks were in danger of starting. The anchors resembled ours, but had no flukes. Spiritually they symbolize the Christian hope (Hebrews 6:19).", "Animal Symbolism, Totems And Dream Analysis From A To Z Be aware that there is a message to be received and interpreted. Hawk holds the key to higher consciousness and trying to bring certain things into your circle of awareness.Know that enlightenment is imminent. Hawk often represents the ability to see meaning in ordinary experiences if you choose to become more observant.lternatively, a hawk symbolizes insight. Consider the phrase “hawk’s eye” to mean that you need to keep a close watch on someone or some situation. The key is to sense the subtle meaning carried by the winds and spirit of change.", "\"In \"\"The Birds\"\" what do the birds symbolize in this story?\" I think that the birds represent the idea of a threatening presence that is larger than that of the human being. These threats are the ones that threaten our basic existence and we, as human beings, are unable to stop what is there. Nat cannot stop the birds. In the end, the best he can do is to be mindful of their presence, not deny it, and then seek to protect his family at every waking moment. In this light, the birds can be seen as those unavoidable forces that shadow and loom over our consciousness as human beings.", "Cornucopia of Quilt Links 1 Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative seeks to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease and fund research. 2 The organization seeks donations of small quilts to auction and sell.", "- Quick Answer. In general, birds symbolize the presence of a higher being with a connection to the sky, ultimately freeing themselves from the restraints of gravity. Birds represent a human's power and ability to escape gravity and achieve success through the efforts of climbing higher and taking off into flight.", "How to Tie a Quilt Tutorial Nine Patch Lesson 3. There are many ways to quilt your quilt. By quilt, we mean how all three layers are secured together. We define a quilt as a top, a batting and a backing, joined together in some way to make the layers hold together without wearing.", "What Do Birds Symbolize? In general, birds symbolize the presence of a higher being with a connection to the sky, ultimately freeing themselves from the restraints of gravity. Birds represent a human's power and ability to... In general, birds symbolize the presence of a higher being with a connection to the sky, ultimately freeing themselves from the restraints of gravity.", "The Giver Symbols It signifies his realization that outside… (read full symbol analysis) The river forms a border of the community before continuing on to Elsewhere. As a border, the river comes to symbolize escape—crossing the river means leaving the community. Because it takes the life of the… (read full symbol analysis) Choose citation style:", "What does the Pyramids of Egypt symbolize? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Pyramids are tombs of Kings and Queens of ancient Egypt. They symbolize the power of the King, the larger the pyramid the more powerful he was.They show us how religious Egyptians were, constructing the pyramid was a religious activity since the King was considered the son of the supreme god Ra (the sun).ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Pyramids are tombs of Kings and Queens of ancient Egypt. They symbolize the power of the King, the larger the pyramid the more powerful he was.", "Bird Symbolism Meaning of the Bird Symbol The peacock is a wonderful bird, it is colorful and beautiful, the first time you see one, it is spellbinding. It has often been believed that keeping peacock feathers in your house will bring you bad luck, so there is the first symbol that peacocks stand for, bad luck.eacocks are also known to be a symbol of the immortality of Jesus Christ. To the buddhist, peacocks symbolize wisdom. While Native Americans believe that the peacock is a symbol of wholeness, beauty, and dignity.", "Quilt Terms a glossary of quilting terms A quilt made of many, many small patches (traditionally 2 or so) where each piece is a different fabric. The pattern is usually a one-patch design and often involves swaps and trades with friends to gather many fabrics.", "What's the difference between a quilt and blanket, duvet and comforter? A quilt is a type of blanket, traditionally composed of three layers of fiber: a woven cloth top, a layer of batting or wadding, and a woven back, combined using the technique of quilting. quilt is a type of blanket, traditionally composed of three layers of fiber: a woven cloth top, a layer of batting or wadding, and a woven back, combined using the technique of quilting.", "Words from the Heart Quilts would have been used for bedding—in the wagon or on the ground, as a hanging shelter, or as a partition for privacy. They were also used for burial of loved ones along the trail. Thimble of Soil, the second book in the series, features Margaret Ralston Kennedy.", "- (ch 3, p. 40). In A Christmas Carol each character is symbolic because the story is allegorical in a sense. Scrooge, the old miser who cares about no one, symbolizes the redemptive quality of human nature.", "Native American Symbols - This is an important symbol of the Hopi people and many other Native American tribes. The Maze represents the maze of life, that is, the obstacles and challenges that one has to overcome to evolve spiritually and become one with the divine power.", "- Get an answer for 'In The Birds what do the birds symbolize in this story?' and find homework help for other The Birds questions at eNotes eNotes Home Homework Help", "- Discuss the symbolism and importance of the quilts in Everyday Use by Alice Walker.he quilts will stay. Mama had offered Dee a quilt when she left for college and Dee said that they were old fashioned. After Dee leaves, Mama has a new appreciation for Maggie, who knows the history of the family, loves Mama and her legacy. Sources: 1 http://www.enotes.com/topics/everyday-use/themes." ]
[ 12.0390625 ]
[ 7.50390625, 9.8515625, 9.953125, 9.90625, 7.7578125, 12.1015625, 8.90625, 10.1640625, 7.94140625, 8.4765625, 8.5859375, 10.0078125, 9.1171875, 8.375, 6.5703125, 7.4921875, 10.09375, 7.87109375, 8.71875, 7.609375, 8.1875, 6.9921875, 6.796875, 9.3828125, 9.140625, 10.4375, 7.9609375, 8.1796875, 8.046875, 10.8671875 ]
percentage blood types in population
[ "- Answer: The approximate distribution of blood types in the U.S. population is as follows: 1 O-positive: 38 percent. 2 O-negative: 7 percent. 3 A-positive: 34 percent. 4 A-negative: 6 percent. 5 B-positive: 9 percent. 6 B-negative: 2 percent. 7 AB-positive: 3 percent." ]
[ "Medical Dictionary 1 Your plasma has antibodies that attack both type A and type B blood. 2 About 44% of people (44 in 100) in the U.S. have type O blood, with 7% having O-negative (O-) blood and 37% having O-positive (O+) blood. 3 Both the A and B antigens, you have type AB blood.", "Blood groups About 85% of the UK population is RhD positive (36% of the population has O+, the most common type). In most cases, O RhD negative blood (O-) can safely be given to anyone. It's often used in medical emergencies when the blood type isn't immediately known.", "- Within the ABO/Rhesus Group systems which are used to classify most blood types, there are several rare blood types. The rarest is AB-, with less than one percent of the world's population having this blood type.", "More Detail on RH Negative Blood as Promised When we separate the ‘O’ types into ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ we find that ‘O’ negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the world´s population. Science at this very time is attempting to create a synthetic RH negative ‘O’ blood, but without success.", "Medical Dictionary The B antigen, you have type B blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. About 10% of people (10 in 100) in the U.S. have type B blood, with 2% having B-negative (B-) blood and 8% having B-positive (B+) blood.", "Saving lives, one pint at a time The reality, however, is that Molina and Serway are among the minority of Americans who donate blood. According to the American Red Cross, 60 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, yet only 5 percent of people actually do.", "What are the 5Cs of credit? What percentage of the population shares type A positive blood? The official percentages of the US population sporting A positive blood are different between ethnic groups. Caucasians are represented 33%, while African Americans only 2 … 4%.", "10 O Negative Blood Type Facts This means approximately 6.6% of the population has O negative blood. However, not all of the ethnic groups share the same proportions of O negative blood types. This blood type is present in about 8% in Caucasians, 4% in African American, 4% in Hispanic, and 1% in Asian. READ MORE.", "ABO Blood and Human Origins If Adam and Eve were heterozygous for the ABO blood type gene locus, then the allele frequency for the type O allele is 50 percent (2 of 4 alleles), the allele frequency for type A is 25 percent (1 of 4 alleles), and the allele frequency for type B is 25 percent |Figure 2|.rigin Implications of Blood Type O. It can be argued that one of the three alleles is ancestral to the other two. For example, the origin of the O allele, and subsequently blood type O, is simply the result of the deletion resulting in a loss of function of glycosyltransferase activity for the A antigen.", "Why Rh Negative is not Blood of Gods or of Alien Origin? Around 85% of humans are Rh positive, which means they have Rh D antigen in their blood, only around 15% are Rh negative which means they do not have Rh D antigen in their blood. This is also the reason why blood groups like O-ve are very rare. Back to the alien blood group theory which states that.", "- Every person has one of the following blood types: A, B, AB, or O. Also, every person's blood is either Rh-positive or Rh-negative. So, if you have type A blood, it's either A positive or A negative. The blood used in a transfusion must work with your blood type. If it doesn't, antibodies (proteins) in your blood attack the new blood and make you sick. Type O blood is safe for almost everyone. About 40 percent of the population has type O blood.", "- O positive is the most common blood type. Not all ethnic groups have the same mix of these blood types. Hispanic people, for example, have a relatively high number of O’s, while Asian people have a relatively high number of B’s. positive is the most common blood type. Not all ethnic groups have the same mix of these blood types. Hispanic people, for example, have a relatively high number of O’s, while Asian people have a relatively high number of B’s.", "What Are The Rarest Blood Types in the World? 1) AB Negative. AB Negative blood wins for the rarest blood type. 1 in every 167 people are born with AB- Blood. (About .6% of the population) B Negative blood is the second most rare type. 1 in every 67 people are born with B- Blood (About 1.5% of the population)", "- Only about 15% of the United States Population have the Rh- Negative Blood and the number of compatible donors gets smaller when you separate that into blood type. I have read we are only about 7% of the World's population, but have yet to confirm it with a current source.", "Blood Types Some types happily mix, while others do not. The common Type O can be safely transfused to patients with O, A, B or AB blood, but Type O patients can only receive blood from other Type O people. Each major blood group is divided into Rh negative or positive types. On average, 45% of the population is Type O, 40% Type A, 10% Type B, and 5% Type AB.", "Blood Types Over 100 years ago, it was discovered that people have different types of blood. The major types are O, A, B and AB. For a blood donation to be helpful to a patient, there has to be an appropriate match between the blood type of the donor and that of therecipient. Some types happily mix, while others do not. The common Type O can be safely transfused to patients with O, A, B or AB blood, but Type O patients can only receive blood from other Type O people. Each major blood group is divided into Rh negative or positive types. On average, 45% of the population is Type O, 40% Type A, 10% Type B, and 5% Type AB. Check the chart to see where you fit in. Is Your Blood Type Rare?", "What percentage of the population shares type A positive blood? What percentage in the world has blood type B? This varies tremendously by region of population movement over centuries, from under 5% in North and South America; to 15-25% in most areas of Asia and the Middle East. World … wide, 29.98% of the population is type B, which include B positive and B negative blood types.", "Blood Blood Types. There are four main blood types: A, B, AB and O. Approximately 82 percent of the population is Rh positive, while 18 percent is Rh negative. Type O+ blood is the most common, and most frequently used, blood type. Type O- is the universal blood donor, because most people can accept this type of blood regardless of their blood type.", "What percentage of the population has O negative blood type? Seven percent of the population has O negative blood type, according to the Red Cross. This is the universal blood type.", "Medical Dictionary 1 The B antigen, you have type B blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack type A blood. About 10% of people (10 in 100) in the U.S. have type B blood, with 2% having B-negative (B-) blood and 8% having B-positive (B+) blood. Neither the A nor B antigen, you have type O blood. Your plasma has antibodies that attack both type A and type B blood. About 44% of people (44 in 100) in the U.S. have type O blood, with 7% having O-negative (O-) blood and 37% having O-positive (O+) blood.", "Blood Type AB The Blood Type AB Individualized Lifestyle. Type AB blood is rare – it’s found in less than five percent of the population. And it is the 'newest' of the blood types. Until ten or twelve centuries ago, there was little to no Type AB blood type.", "10 O Negative Blood Type Facts It is also the safest for newborn infants especially the ones with underdeveloped immune systems. However, O negative blood type is relatively rare compared to the other blood types. It is only present in 1 out of 15 individuals. This means approximately 6.6% of the population has O negative blood. However, not all of the ethnic groups share the same proportions of O negative blood types. This blood type is present in about 8% in Caucasians, 4% in African American, 4% in Hispanic, and 1% in Asian.", "Blood Type Genetics and Compatibility Blood Type Frequency (U.S. population) O Positive – 38%; O Negative – 7%; A Positive – 34%; A Negative – 6%; B Positive – 9%; B Negative – 2%; AB Positive – 3%; AB Negative – 1%; Blood Type Compatibility. Your ABO blood type is based on the presence or absence of the A and B antigens on your red blood cells. The A blood type has only the A antigen and the B blood type has only the B antigen. The AB blood type has both A and B antigens, and the O blood type has neither A nor B antigen. By the time you are six months old, you naturally develop antibodies against the antigens your red blood cells lack.", "What Are the Blood Types From the Most Common to Rare? Full Answer. Although O + is the most common blood type in the United States, the percentage of people with this blood type varies by ethnicity. For example, 37% of Caucasians are blood type O +, while African Americans account for 47%, Hispanics account for 53% and 39% of Asians have this blood type.", "- O positive is the most common blood type. Not all ethnic groups have the same mix of these blood types. Hispanic people, for example, have a relatively high number of O’s, while Asian people have a relatively high number of B’s.The mix of the different blood types in the U.S. population is:n addition to the A and B antigens, there is a third antigen called the Rh factor, which can be either present (+) or absent (–). In general, Rh negative blood is given to Rh-negative patients, and Rh positive blood or Rh negative blood may be given to Rh positive patients.", "Medical Dictionary 1 The A antigen, you have type A blood. 2 The liquid portion of your blood (plasma) has antibodies that attack type B blood. 3 About 42% of people (42 in 100) in the United States have type A blood, with 6% having A-negative (A-) blood and 36% having A-positive (A+) blood. 4 The B antigen, you have type B blood.he ABO test shows that people have one of four blood types: A, B, AB, or O. If your red blood cells have: 1 The A antigen, you have type A blood. 2 The B antigen, you have type B blood. 3 Neither the A nor B antigen, you have type O blood. 4 Both the A and B antigens, you have type AB blood.", "Blood Types The common Type O can be safely transfused to patients with O, A, B or AB blood, but Type O patients can only receive blood from other Type O people. Each major blood group is divided into Rh negative or positive types. On average, 45% of the population is Type O, 40% Type A, 10% Type B, and 5% Type AB.", "- Type A-. You have A- blood; only 6% of all Canadians share your blood type. The most powerful part of A- blood can be found in the red blood cells, they can be given to patients with A-, A+, AB- and AB+ blood types – which is almost half of all Canadians! You have the power to give life to 1 in every 2 people you meet.", "What is the least common blood type in humans? What ABO blood type most common and least common? The most common form of blood is A+, and the least common is O-. What blood type is the most common? The most common blood type is O+, which is 40% of humans blood type. What is the most common blood type in humans? There are 8 types of human blood: O positive, O negitive, A positive, A negitive, B positive, B negitive, AB positive, and AB negitive. The most common blood type is O positiv…e. The most uncommon blood type is AB negative.", "Three Types of Blood Cells and Their Functions The volume percentage of red blood cells in the blood (hematocrit) is measured by centrifuge or flow cytometry and is 45% of cells to total volume in males and 40% in females." ]
[ 12.9296875 ]
[ 12.0859375, 12.09375, 11.953125, 11.3203125, 11.390625, 11.03125, 12.2421875, 11.84375, 10.1015625, 10.5625, 11.890625, 10.875, 11.7109375, 11.8671875, 12.28125, 11.9296875, 12.296875, 12.3046875, 12.6328125, 11.9375, 11.6640625, 11.8671875, 11.8359375, 12.0234375, 11.546875, 11.359375, 12.390625, 11.5078125, 10.15625, 10.9375 ]
what are artificial tears?
[ "- Artificial tears. Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops used to treat the dryness and irritation associated with deficient tear production in keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes).[1] They are also used to moisten contact lenses and in eye examinations." ]
[ "Punctal plug A punctal plug (tear duct plug) is a small medical device that is inserted into the tear duct (puncta) of an eye to block the duct. This prevents the drainage of liquid from the eye. They are used to treat dry eye. Artificial tears are usually still required after punctal plug insertion.", "Best Artificial Tears for Contact Lenses If those don’t work, there are artificial tears that are made specifically to be used with contact lenses. Many artificial tears use preservatives which can adhere to your contact lens and cause more irritation.Therefore it is important to use products that are made specifically for contact lens wearers.his is important to recognize because off label use of eye drops can adversely affect your eye health and decrease your overall comfort when wearing contact lenses. Do not use any of the eye drops above if you have exhibited an allergic response to them in the past.", "Kleenex For the band, see Kleenex (band) . For the generic item, see Facial tissue. Kleenex is a brand name for a variety of paper-based products such as facial tissue, bathroom tissue, paper towels, tampons, and diapers.ften used as a genericized trademark, especially in the United States, the name Kleenex is a registered trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. Kleenex products are manufactured in 30 countries and sold in more than 170 countries. Such Kleenex brands include VIVA, Cottonelle and Huggies.", "- Levels of tear secretion. 1st level-normal-low order-accessory glands 2nd level-high order secretion-during reflex tearing, crying, etc..", "- Healthy tears provide a moist protective surface to the eye. Blinking refreshes the tear film and directs tear fluid towards the inner corner of the eyelids when it drains. Watery eye can be the result of irritation or inflammation in or around your eye that causes your eyelids to increase tear production.", "- Overview. Blocked tear ducts cause excessive tearing and eye irritation when your tears cannot drain normally. Typically, tears drain out of small holes in the corner of your eye, and then pass through tiny tubes into the nose to be eliminated.", "- Unlike artificial tears which treat symptoms of dry eyes, ointments are medicated to treat the cause of your dry eyes. Eye ointments can also comfort because of their lubricating effect. They're useful during extended periods when artificial tears can't be applied. (While sleeping, for example.)", "Where do tears come from? If something gets in your eye and irritates it, your tear glands make more tears to try and flush the irritant away. These are reflex tears. If something makes you sad or extra happy, your tear glands produce emotional tears.", "Home Remedies for Dry Eyes http://3fd55fs82be3bkeyy3n5zdap7u.hop... Remedies for Dry Eyes. It's not even possible to recover your bright eyes with artificial tears or eye drops. What you need is a way that is natural, green and safe.In doctors' eyes dry eye can't be cured and the only thing you can do is relieve your pain using artificial tears.This is a lie.emedies for Dry Eyes. It's not even possible to recover your bright eyes with artificial tears or eye drops. What you need is a way that is natural, green and safe. In doctors' eyes dry eye can't be cured and the only thing you can do is relieve your pain using artificial tears. This is a lie.", "Artificial tears Artificial tears. A subset of various brands of artificial tears displayed in a store. Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops used to treat the dryness and irritation associated with deficient tear production in keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes). They are also used to moisten contact lenses and in eye examinations.", "Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Effective Rewetting Agent for Dry Eyes In this study, three rewetting agents will be used: virgin coconut oil (VCO) which is oil-based tears, Tears Naturale II which is readily available commercially which contains HMC (hydroxymethylcelluose), and saline for control.", "- Artificial tears are used as an adjunct treatment for 'dry eye,' as eye rinses, and as protectants in dogs, cats and other pets. The effects of ointments last longer than effects from drops. Follow your veterinarian's instructions on dosage. Keep this and all other medications out of the reach of children and pets.", "Artificial tears Artificial tears usually are the first line of treatment for dry eyes. While mild cases require application of lubricant drops four times a day, severe cases require more aggressive treatment, such as ten to twelve times a day. Thicker artificial tears can be used in severe cases, although these may temporarily blur vision. Precautions", "- Left: Artificial tears help dry eyes feel better; don't confuse them with formulas that just reduce redness. Salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce your risk for dry eyes. Sardine, herring and cod liver oils are even better, or try a supplement.ut sometimes your eye doctor may want to measure the amount of tears in your eyes. A thin strip of filter paper placed under the lower eyelid, called a Schirmer test, is one way to measure tear production. Another symptom of dry eyes is a foreign body sensation, which is a feeling that something is in your eye.", "- Drops need to be applied 6-8 times a day to replace tears. Ointments need to be applied 2-3 times a day to replace tears. Duration of treatment depends on reason for treatment and response to treatment. Side Effects Should be none with artificial tears. Contraindications/Warnings Ointments will cause blurred vision for about 10 minutes.", "Artificial tears Artificial tears. Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops used to treat the dryness and irritation associated with deficient tear production in keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes). They are also used to moisten contact lenses and in eye examinations.", "- Tear over-secretion is usually caused by irritation or inflammation of the surface of the eye. This can occur for a number of reasons, including eyelash and eyelid problems or allergies. Oddly, a dry eye problem can sometimes cause watery eyes, because the eye produces excess tears to combat the irritation and dryness.reatments for watery eyes. In the case of excessive tear production, watery eyes can often be treated very simply, with eye drops, warm compresses or sometimes medication. Treatment for tear drainage problems is usually surgical, but there’s no need to worry, as most surgical treatments are quick and highly effective.", "Artificial tears: How to select eyedrops for dry eyes Artificial tears are eyedrops used to lubricate dry eyes and help maintain moisture on the outer surface of your eyes. Artificial tears may be used to treat dry eyes that result from aging, certain medications, a medical condition, eye surgery or environmental factors, such as smoky or windy conditions.Artificial tears are available without a prescription. No single brand of artificial tears works best for every form of dry eyes.hese additives may promote healing of the surface of the eyes. Artificial tears may also contain thickening agents, which keep the solution on the surface of your eyes longer. There are two categories of artificial tears: 1 Eyedrops with preservatives.", "Watery Eye: Symptoms & Signs Tearing is a normal function of the eye. Excessive tearing, or teary eyes that are not from normal crying, can be a sign of an underlying health condition or disease. The tears of the eye come from the tear gland, called the lacrimal gland, which is located above the outer eye.", "Tears Tearing (/ ˈ t i ə r ɪ ŋ /), lacrimation, or lachrymation (from Latin lacrima, meaning 'tear') is the secretion of tears, which often serves to clean and lubricate the eyes in response to an irritation of the eyes. Tears formed through crying are associated with strong internal emotions, such as sorrow, elation, love, awe and pleasure.", "- How are they used? After artificial tears, punctal occlusion with plugs is one of the most common forms of treatment for chronic dry eye. The most typical usage of plugs is in the lower two puncta, but some people have plugs in all four ducts (two lower, two upper).", "Why Does My Eye Water or Tear All The Time? Allergies are a very common cause of excessive tear production. Certain eyelid inflammation such as blepharitis results in tearing. Any acute eye infection or inflammation results in the eye trying to lubricate itself and tears are produced in excess.", "How long do you microwave Hot Pockets There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.", "- Treatment of dry eyes might include: 1 Adding tears by using artificial tears and lubricating ointments. 2 Conserving your tears by closing the small opening (punctum) of the channel that connects the eye with the nose. These punctal plugs are made out of plastic and can be used temporarily or permanently.", "What's Behind Watery Eyes? 1 People with this condition make tears, but the tears do not contain enough water. 2 In addition to excessive tearing, symptoms of dry eye syndrome may include blurred vision, itchy eyes, or burning eyes. 3 One remedy for milder cases of dry eye is using over-the-counter artificial tears.ut people with watery eyes are usually experiencing an overproduction of tears, which are made up of water, oil, and mucous. These excess tears can be caused by: 1 Dry-eye syndrome. 2 It may not make sense, but dry-eye syndrome often leads to watery eyes. 3 When eyes dry out, they become irritated and uncomfortable.", "The Hidden Message Behind Your Pet's Tear Stains Tear staining is usually caused by epiphora, which is the technical word for excessive tear production. The tearstains themselves are reddish-brown streaks under a dog's (or cat's) eyes. The condition is much more prevalent in certain breeds (for example, the Maltese, the Lhasa Apso, and the Shih Tzu), and is much more obvious in animals with light-colored coats.", "- Causes of Tear symptoms (Tears). The list of medical condition causes of Tear symptoms (Tears) includes: 1 Absolute Glaucoma-Tearing. 2 Acanthamoeba infection-excessive tearing. 3 Acanthamoeba infection of the eye-excessive tearing. 4 Acanthamoeba keratitis-excessive tearing.5 Acroosteolysis neurogenic-abnormal tearing.esearch the causes of these related symptoms that are similar to, or related to, the symptom Tears: 1 Watery eyes (547 causes). 2 Red eyes (630 causes). 3 Crying (64 causes). 4 Depressive symptoms (629 causes). 5 Dry eye (38 causes). 6 Epiphora (52 causes). 7 Eye dryness (13 causes).", "13 Things You Probably Donât Know About Tears There's more than one type of tear. Not all tears are created equal. The second type of tears, called reflex tears, form to protect the eyes from irritants, such as wind, smoke or onions. And there's some evidence to suggest that these two kinds of tears are chemically different from each other.", "Questions: • If you are a contact lens wearer, we suggest you remove them and wear your glasses for a while. • The use of cold compresses placed over your eyes. • The use of artificial tears may help relieve some of the symptoms of allergic eye disease. Artificial tears are an eye drop that can help relieve the itching and burning caused by allergic eye disease.", "- AMO Blink Gel Tears, Lubricating Eye Drops are formulated for moderate to severe cases of dry eye. A very common issue, dry eyes can make your eyes feel gritty or cause them to burn. It can even affect your vision.If you have these symptoms, see an eye care professional and find out for sure if you have dry eyes.ou can use this product as needed but stop if you experience increased redness, burning, eye pain or visual changes. If you have dry eyes or expose your eyes to dry air or sun, keep a bottle of AMO Blink Gel Tears handy for fast relief. It's appropriate for daytime and nighttime relief of eye irritation and dryness." ]
[ 12.8203125 ]
[ 10.5, 9.484375, 7.1796875, 8.8515625, 9.625, 9.46875, 10.78125, 9.265625, 8.515625, 12.7890625, 8.234375, 11.671875, 12.1171875, 8.921875, 9.7265625, 12.984375, 7.29296875, 11.7265625, 9.78125, 9.5625, 11.21875, 8.7890625, 9.3203125, 11.0234375, 9.8046875, 8.3828125, 8.2578125, 9.5703125, 11.6171875, 8.28125 ]
what foods contain lectins list
[ "- Fruits and Vegetables. Tomatoes contain lectin, and so do potatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, rhubarb, beets, mushrooms, asparagus, turnips, cucumbers, pumpkin, sweet peppers and radishes.Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit, provide lectin.hoto Credit Tharakorn/iStock/Getty Images. Lectins, a type of protein found in many plant foods, can cause damage to the lining of your gastrointestinal tract or your organs and interfere with metabolism when consumed in large amounts, according to a study published in Toxicon in September 2004.", "Lectins: The Anti-Nutrient The five food groups containing the most lectins are: 1 Grains: Especially those containing gluten, such as wheat. 2 Legumes: Beans, including soy and peanuts. 3 Dairy: If a dairy animal is fed grain rather than grass fed. 4 Nightshades: Common ones are tomato, potato, eggplant, and pepper. 5 GMO foods: Lectins are durable and toxic. Remove all five high-lectin food groups for a minimum of 2 weeks, ideally for at least 3 weeks. 2 After 3 weeks, introduce one food at a time from one food group. 3 Wait 72 hours before adding another food. 4 During the 72-hour waiting period, document any changes in mind, body, or spirit." ]
[ "- (1) They function as both allergensand hemagglutinins. (2) They are found in plants and animals, and are present insmall amounts in 30% of American foods, more so in a whole-grain diet. (2)Lectins have potent in vivo effects.", "What are lectins? What you should know about lectins. Ingesting lectins can cause flatulence. Consuming legumes and grains in their raw form can even result in nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Indeed, researchers speculate that many apparent causes of bacterial food poisoning may actually be lectin poisoning.", "List of Foods or Fruits That Contain Protein Many different foods contain protein. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy are animal-based protein sources. Plant-derived proteins include soy products, beans, grains, nuts, seeds and some vegetables. Fruits don't contribute significant protein to your diet, but they do add valuable fiber, vitamins and phytochenicals.", "Lectins & the paleo diet The Paleo diet encourages the avoidance of these food groups for a reason; they are not good for the body. Nuts and seeds also contain lectins but again, they are only beneficial to the body if you eat these in moderation.", "- List of Foods that Contain Lectin. Lectins are a class of proteins known for their ability to bind to the carbohydrates found in animal cells. High levels of plant lectins can be toxic and cause a form of food poisoning. Symptoms of lectin food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.", "- In common beans, the lectin content declines from 820 to 3.2 (Hemagglutinating Activity), while in fava beans it declines from 51.3 to 6.4 (R). Lectins like attacking sialic acid, a sugar molecule. The brain and gut are rich in sialic acid. Sialic acids are sugar components of glycoproteins and glycolipids.", "Dietary Lectins: What Are They and Should You Be Concerned? Lectins are proteins, and they exist in significant amounts in about 30 percent of foods. They are especially concentrated in grains and legumes. If you often eat a lot of lectin-containing food and you’re lacking in the enzymes to digest lectins, these proteins may enter the bloodstream.", "List of Foods that Contain Lectin Beans are among the main sources of lectins. Soy, kidney, navy, pinto, lima, fava, wax, castor, jack, string and field beans all contain lectins. Sweet peas, green peas, cow peas and horse grams are other sources of these proteins, as are lentil, mung bean or soybean sprouts. Fully cook your beans before eating them.", "Lectin Avoidance Diet Avoid the beans found in hummus, soups and bean salad as well as peanuts, peanut butter and soy-based foods. Limit nightshades, vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers and goji berries.", "7 Impressive Benefits of Green Beans Lectins – Lectins are carb-binding proteins found in a variety of foods, but are notoriously present in beans. Green beans happen to have lower levels than others, but it is still there, and too much lectin can cause the proteins to bind up the intestinal system and cause a variety of digestive problems.", "Top 6 Foods High in Lectins (List) â The Anti-Nutrient Here are top 6 foods high in lectins: #1 Grains – such as corn, barley, rice and wheat, especially wheat germ (gluten), as do cereals and other baked goods made with these grains.", "- Corn, cashews and unfermented soybeans are some of the most problematic lectin-containing foods that are proinflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Corn, cashews and unfermented soybeans are some of the most problematic lectin-containing foods that are proinflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic.", "List of Foods Containing Shellfish For a variety of reasons, including preferences of taste and the possibility of food allergies, it’s a good idea to know which foods contain shellfish. Indeed, crustaceans are one of the eight major food allergens, the others being milk, eggs, fish, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts and soybeans. By law, the US Food and Drug Administration requires that any packaged food product with shellfish as an ingredient list the name of the shellfish on the label.", "- www.healthoracle.org 1 Lectins in food This is an alphabetical list of Foods containing Lectins, from edible Plant and Animal sources. Most lectins, in plant species, are NOT ABO blood type specific.Even fewer EDIBLE plants have lectins that are ABO type specific. This list does conflict with the information of the various incarnations of 'blood type diets', as far as specific foods agglutinating certain of the ABO blood types only.ost lectins, in plant species, are NOT ABO blood type specific. Even fewer EDIBLE plants have lectins that are ABO type specific. This list does conflict with the information of the various incarnations of 'blood type diets', as far as specific foods agglutinating certain of the ABO blood types only.", "9 Foods with Tryptophan The body cannot produce tryptophan, so it is essential that you get enough from your food. The following is a list of nine types of foods that contain tryptophan: 1 Dairy products: yogurt, milk, cheese. 2 Protein foods: beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, eggs.3 Soy products: tofu, soy milk, soybeans. 4 Legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas. 5 Whole Grains: oats, brown rice, wheat, wheat germ.ow Carbohydrates Help. Combining foods that contain tryptophan with carbohydrates helps the body to better absorb the tryptophan. The reason for this is because eating high carbohydrate foods causes the pancreas to release insulin into the bloodstream, which clears away the amino acids that compete with tryptophan.", "- Maybe one may not believe that lectins can be bad, they can in certain foods such as beans, but once cooked beans can be eaten. Sure some people can get nutrition from foods said to contain lectin, but certainly wheat is not good for you, you should research that more and will find out it doesn’t just affect people with celiac disease.", "6 Foods That Are High in Lectins and why I Personally Avoid Them As Much As Possible Lectins are thought to have evolved as a natural defense in plants, essentially as a toxin that deters animals from eating the plants . Lectins are found in many different plant- and animal-based foods, yet only about 30% of the foods you eat contain significant amounts . Humans are unable to digest lectins, so they travel through your gut unchanged.", "Lectins â Are Your Food and Diet at Risk? The lectins in potatoes, tomatoes, barley, and rice also bind to chitins. WGA is a form of lectin that is better researched and documented, but that doesn’t mean that other lectins can’t cause similar problems.", "What are lectins? Lectins are abundant in raw legumes and grains, and most commonly found in the part of the seed that becomes the leaves when the plant sprouts, aka the cotyledon, but also on the seed coat.They’re also found in dairy products and certain vegetables.ectins are abundant in raw legumes and grains, and most commonly found in the part of the seed that becomes the leaves when the plant sprouts, aka the cotyledon, but also on the seed coat.", "Lectins As A Cause of Leaky Gut Syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders and Weight Gain. What Are Lectins? Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins found in animals and plants – they are specialized proteins that allow cells to connect or adhere to other cells. Commonly found in beans, nuts, seeds and especially in grains, they are not broken down by stomach acid or making them virtually resistant to digestion.", "Top 25 Highest Polyphenol Rich Foods I’m confused , on the one hand it says don’t eat lectins, which contain soy, then it says to eat soy milk on this list. I don’t generally eat any soy, but anyway., I suffer from sever fatigue among other stomach problems, and this research is really confusing me. Do we just incorporate these foods/spices in our daily meals. I have a lot of stomach issues and the 3 dietitians I’ve seen have been no help, per order of my physicians.", "What are Lectins? The main foods that may contain toxic lectins include: 1 grains such as wheat and wheat germ but also quinoa, rice, oats, buckwheat, rye, barley, millet, and corn. 2 legumes. 3 dairy foods. the nightshade family e.g. potato, tomato, eggplant, cucumber and capsicum.", "- Photo Credit Tharakorn/iStock/Getty Images. Lectins, a type of protein found in many plant foods, can cause damage to the lining of your gastrointestinal tract or your organs and interfere with metabolism when consumed in large amounts, according to a study published in Toxicon in September 2004.ectins, a type of protein found in many plant foods, can cause damage to the lining of your gastrointestinal tract or your organs and interfere with metabolism when consumed in large amounts, according to a study published in Toxicon in September 2004.", "- How to Reduce the Lectin Levels in Food Soaking for 2 hours and cooking destroys bean lectins. In common beans, the lectin content declines from 820 to 3.2 (hemagglutinating activity), while in fava beans it declines from 51.3 to 6.4 .", "- Lectins are a type of glyco-protein that cause agglutination, or clumping together, of particular cells. This agglutination makes it harder for those foods containing lectin to be digested and absorbed properly and efficiently, as they can resist stomach acid and digestive enzymes. When lectin is not ....", "- Leave A Comment. 1 I’ve read other sources explaining lectins are destroyed in the heating process (ex. raw kidney beans are toxic, cooked have a tolerable amount) as well as sprouting, soaking (add baking soda or AVC to aid in this) and fermenting.", "Revenge of the Beans: How Lectins Suck Your Energy And Make You Weak The toxicity of lectins is known to food safety experts, but you never hear about it in popular nutrition circles. It’s no surprise that the top 8 food allergens contain higher amounts of lectins, including: dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.", "Lectin Avoidance Diet To reduce your lectin intake, avoid all types of grains, especially wheat, corn, barley, oats, rye and rice, according to a paper published in 1999 in World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, which include breads, crackers, buns, pizza dough, breakfast cereals, tortillas, muffins, cakes and cookies.ow-Lectin Foods. Bok choy is a low lectin food. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images. Your low-lectin diet should be based on low-lectin foods. All vegetables and fruits contain some lectins, but most vegetables contain low levels compared to some nightshades, vegetables and fruits.", "THE LECTIN REPORT Food Groups Excluded on the Lectin Avoidance Diet. 1 All grains. 2 Nightshades including tomato, peppers, potato, and eggplant. 3 Gluten from wheat, rye, barley, malt, and maybe oat. 4 Legumes – All beans including soy and peanut. Cashews are part of the bean family and are not allowed.", "What are lectins? Lectins are abundant in raw legumes and grains, and most commonly found in the part of the seed that becomes the leaves when the plant sprouts, aka the cotyledon, but also on the seed coat. They’re also found in dairy products and certain vegetables." ]
[ 11.96875, 12.1015625 ]
[ 9.21875, 10.0546875, 8.0703125, 10.8359375, 10.8671875, 10.0625, 10.734375, 12.140625, 10.7421875, 9.1796875, 12.09375, 11.5234375, 7.42578125, 10.515625, 8.2734375, 10.875, 10.4296875, 11.5703125, 9.5859375, 10.6875, 10.5546875, 12.3671875, 9.3671875, 10.2265625, 9.9140625, 10.1171875, 11.8359375, 11.0078125, 11.796875, 10.71875 ]
population in sandoval county nm
[ "- The town of Bernalillo is located in Sandoval County. The 2010 Census gave Sandoval County a population of 131,561 people. This means that Bernalillo had 6.32% of the county's total population, making it Sandoval's most populous community. At the same time, New Mexico had a population of 2,059,179 people, meaning that Bernalillo had 0.4% of the total population of New Mexico - making it the state's 24th most populous community." ]
[ "Tijeras, New Mexico Tijeras, New Mexico. Tijeras is a village in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 541 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Algodones Sponsored Topics. Algodones is a census-designated place (CDP) in Sandoval County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 688 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "- The population of Albuquerque, New Mexico as of July 1st, 2009 was 528,497 people.", "Carlsbad, New Mexico Carlsbad is a city in and the county seat of Eddy County, New Mexico, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 26,138. Carlsbad is centered at the intersection of U.S. Routes 62/180 and 285, and is the principal city of the Carlsbad-Artesia Micropolitan Statistical Area, which has a total population of 55,435. Located in the southeastern part of New Mexico, Carlsbad straddles the Pecos River and sits at the eastern edge of the Guadalupe Mountains. Carlsbad is a hub for potas", "CUBA, SANDOVAL COUNTY, CENTRAL, NEW MEXICO LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 9 of 9 listings Cuba, Sandoval County, New Mexico Land for Sale Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Cuba, Sandoval County, New Mexico? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Cuba, Sandoval County, New Mexico, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Cuba, Sandoval County, New Mexico real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Cuba, Sandoval County, New Mexico email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!", "Magdalena, New Mexico Magdalena, New Mexico. Magdalena is a village in Socorro County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 926 in 2012. The Lady on the Mountain is a rock formation on Magdalena Peak overlooking Magdalena. Spanish soldiers saw the profile of a woman on the west face of the peak.", "Manhattan Las Cruces Nm Population 2017. Las Cruces Nm's estimated population is 97,618 according to the most recent United States census. Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2015 there were 43,424 households in the city, with an average size of 2.55 people per household. The vacancy rate was 10.4%, with a median rent of $743/month.", "Ruidoso, New Mexico Ruidoso, New Mexico. Ruidoso is a village in Lincoln County, New Mexico, United States, adjacent to the Lincoln National Forest. The population was 8,029 at the 2010 census. The city of Ruidoso Downs and the unincorporated area of Alto are suburbs of Ruidoso, and contribute to the Ruidoso Micropolitan Statistical Area's population of 21,223.", "Carlsbad, New Mexico Carlsbad, New Mexico. Carlsbad (/ˈkɑːrlzbæd/ KARLZ-bad) is a city in and the county seat of Eddy County, New Mexico, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 26,138.", "Map of Population by County Subdivision in Sandoval County This page reports on the population distribution in Sandoval County, both in terms of raw head counts, and in terms of population density per square mile. Population: count of all residents of the given entity at the time of the survey, excluding visitors", "- Full demographic report of Bosque Farms, NM 87068 population including education levels, household income, job market, ethnic makeup, and languages. Subscribe About the Data", "Population of Sand Springs, OK Population of Sand Springs, OK Last official estimated population of Sand Springs city (Osage County**, Oklahoma state) was 19,553 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0.006% of total US population and 0.5% of total Oklahoma state population. Area of Sand Springs city is 20.8 mi² (=53.9 km²) [6], in this year population density was 939.42 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (+0.84%/yr), Sand Springs city population in 2018 would be 20,222*.", "San Miguel County, New Mexico San Miguel County, New Mexico. San Miguel County is a county in the U.S. state of New Mexico. As of the 2010 census, the population was 29,393. Its county seat is Las Vegas. San Miguel County comprises the Las Vegas, NM Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Albuquerque-Santa Fe-Las Vegas, NM Combined Statistical Area.", "Lamy Lamy, NM. Online Offers. Lamy is a census-designated place (CDP) in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, United States, to the south of the city of Sante Fe. The community was named for Archbishop Jean-Baptiste Lamy, and lies within the Bishop John Lamy Spanish Land Grant, which dates back to the eighteenth century. Lamy is part of the Santa Fe, New Mexico Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 137 at the 2000 census. The former Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad (ATSF), now the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF), passes through Lamy.", "Carlsbad, New Mexico Carlsbad (/ˈkɑːrlzbæd/ KARLZ-bad) is a city in and the county seat of Eddy County, New Mexico, United States. As of the 2010 census, the city population was 26,138.", "- Unmarried population in New Mexico under 18 years old in homes ; Total Population: 515,849; Unmarried partner of home lead present: 60,975; In family homes: 59,107; Population of male led and male partner homes: 1,305; Population of male led and female partner households: 28,212; Population of female led and female partner households: 2,633", "- Population in families living in New Mexico ; Total Population: 1,625,013; Population Under 18 years: 508,294; Population 18 years and over: 1,116,719", "Population of Artesia, NM Population of Artesia, NM. Last official estimated population of Artesia city (Eddy County**, New Mexico state) was 11,842 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.004% of total US population and 0.57% of total New Mexico state population. Area of Artesia city is 10.0 mi² (=25.8 km²)[6], in this year population density was 1,189.19 p/mi².", "White Sands, New Mexico For other articles using the name White Sands, see White Sands. White Sands is a census-designated place (CDP) in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, United States. It consists of the main residential area on the White Sands Missile Range. As of the 2010 census the population of the CDP was 1,651. It is part of the Las Cruces Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Portales, New Mexico Portales is a city in and the county seat of Roosevelt County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 12,280 at the 2010 census. Portales is located near the larger city of Clovis as well as Cannon Air Force Base, a major contributor to the economy of the region. Eastern New Mexico University opened in Portales in 1934 and has grown to become the third largest university in the state. Portales is one of the largest producers of Valencia peanuts in the United States and is the nation's top producer of Certified Organic peanut butter.", "Statistics and Demographics The Village of Los Lunas is the county seat of Valencia County, NM. According to the 2010 US Decennial Census, the population of Los Lunas was 14,835, and the American Communities Survey for 2015 was 15,281. Visit the links below for detailed statistics for the Village of Los Lunas, covering economics, housing, and demographics:", "- The general population in the tri-county area is estimated at 1,054,442 for 2007. There are 147,170 persons in the 60 and older age group, this represents 14.0% of the general population. This number will continue to 6 Area Agency on Aging of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. coverage of services in the region.", "Del Rio, Texas Del Rio is the principal city of the Del Rio Micropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Val Verde County; the micropolitan area had an estimated population of over 50,000 in 2007. Located across from Del Rio, in the Mexican state of Coahuila, is the city of Ciudad Acuna acuña with a city population 144,669. 144669", "Luna County, New Mexico For the community, see Luna, New Mexico. Luna County is a county located in the U.S. state of New Mexico. As of the 2010 census, the population was 25,095. Its county seat is Deming. This county abuts the Mexican border. Luna County comprises the Deming, NM Micropolitan Statistical Area.", "History help please!!!!? The area of south central Sandoval County, now known as Rio Rancho Estates, is made up of a. portion of the Town of Alameda Land Grant, dating from Spanish settlement in the 1700’s, as. well as a portion of the King Ranch.", "- Clovis, New Mexico. Clovis is the county seat of Curry County, New Mexico, United States,[3] with a population of 37,775 as of the 2010 census, and a 2014 estimated population of 39,860.[4] Clovis is located in the New Mexico portion of the Llano Estacado, in the eastern part of the state.", "Pinal County, Arizona Pinal County, Arizona. Pinal County is a county in the central part of the U.S. state of Arizona. As of the 2010 census, the population was 375,770, making it Arizona's third-most populous county. The county seat is Florence. The county was founded in 1875.", "Farmington, New Mexico Farmington (Navajo: Tóta') is a city in San Juan County in the U.S. state of New Mexico. As of the 2013 population estimate from the United States Census Bureau the city had a total population of 45,426 people. Farmington (and surrounding San Juan County) makes up one of the four Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA's) in New Mexico. The U.S. Census Bureau's population estimate in 2011 for Farmington was about 45,256.", "Gallup, NM Gallup (Navajo: Nanízhoozhí) is a city in McKinley County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 20,209 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of McKinley County. Gallup was founded in 1881 as a railhead for the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. The city was named after David Gallup, a paymaster for the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. It is the most populous city between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Flagstaff, Arizona.", "Santa Clara Santa Clara, NM. Sponsored Topics. Santa Clara is a village in Grant County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 3,944 at the 2000 census. Today a bedroom community for nearby Silver City, Santa Clara has experienced substantial growth in recent years. Santa Clara was long known as Central.." ]
[ 13.3515625 ]
[ 8.171875, 11.5, 9.2734375, 7.72265625, 10.2890625, 7.828125, 7.85546875, 7.85546875, 7.9140625, 12.1015625, 8.734375, 7.765625, 8.8203125, 7.5546875, 8.109375, 9.328125, 10.3984375, 8.15625, 7.95703125, 7.4609375, 9.3203125, 8.8828125, 7.76171875, 7.9765625, 10.4453125, 8.09375, 7.8125, 8.2734375, 7.84375, 7.953125 ]
what is data analysis
[ "data analysis Definition of data analysis: The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when ..." ]
[ "Geospatial analysis Geospatial analysis, or just spatial analysis, is an approach to applying statistical analysis and other analytic techniques to data which has a geographical or spatial aspect . Such analysis would typically employ software capable of rendering maps processing spatial data, and applying analytical methods to terrestrial or geographic datasets, including the use of geographic information systems and geomatics.", "Data Analytics Data analytics is also known as data analysis. Data analytics is primarily conducted in business-to-consumer (B2C) applications. Global organizations collect and analyze data associated with customers, business processes, market economics or practical experience.", "analysis analysis. 1 the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2 this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations: the grammatical analysis of a sentence.", "analysis Definition of analysis for English Language Learners. : 1 a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other. : 2 an explanation of the nature and meaning of something.", "data analysis data analysis. The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting a research experiment. Data from various sources is gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion. There are a variety of specific data analysis method, some of which include data mining, text analytics, business intelligence, and data visualizations.", "- LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of analysis is the process of breaking down a something into its parts to learn what they do and how they relate to one another. Examining blood in a lab to discover all of its components is an example of analysis.", "data analytics (DA) Data analytics can also be separated into quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis. The former involves analysis of numerical data with quantifiable variables that can be compared or measured statistically.", "- YIN (2003a) maintains that data analysis consists of examining, categorizing, tabulating, testing, or otherwise recombining both quantitative and qualitative evidence to address the initial propositions of a study (p.109). 1 In general, data analysis means a search for patterns in data (NEUMAN, 1997, p.426).", "Data Analysis and Interpretation Data analysis is at the heart of any scientific investigation. Using weather as an example, this module takes readers through the steps of data collection, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. The module explores how scientists collect and record data, find patterns in data, explain those patterns, and share their research with the larger scientific community.", "Statistical Data Analysis The most common kind of statistical inference is hypothesis testing. Statistical data analysis allows us to use mathematical principles to decide how likely it is that our sample results match our hypothesis about a population.", "What is Statistical Analysis? In an effort to organize their data and predict future trends based on the information, many businesses rely on statistical analysis. While organizations have lots of options on what to do with their big data, statistical analysis is a way for it to be examined as a whole, as well as broken down into individual samples.", "About this Course Promoted by John Tukey, exploratory data analysis focuses on exploring data to understand the data’s underlying structure and variables, to develop intuition about the data set, to consider how that data set came into existence, and to decide how it can be investigated with more formal statistical methods.", "Data Analysis Data Analysis. If the Data Analysis dialog box is displayed, click the tool that you want to use under Analysis Tools, and then click OK. Enter the appropriate data and click the options in the dialog box for the tool that you chose, and then click OK.", "Data analysis Data analysis. Analysis of data, also known as data analytics, is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making.", "data analysis a collection of information or facts see also information data adjustment for useful results data often need to be modified before analysis for example for age for sex or for difficulty or for number of attempts data analysis submission of data to statistical analysis includes sorting into categories and determining relationships between variables", "- Statistical Analysis. Manipulation, interpretation and presentation of quantitative data. Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, examination, summarization, manipulation, interpretation and presentation of quantitative data. It deals with all aspects of data including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.", "- 5 Why Analysis. A simple process originally created by Sakichi Toyoda at the Toyota Motor Company for identifying the root cause behind a particular problem. Start with a problem definition, and keep asking “why” until the root cause is uncovered.", "- A job analysis is a systematic process for identifying the important job duties. and the characteristics necessary to effectively perform those job duties. A job. analysis provides an objective basis for deciding who is the best fit for a job.", "What is predictive analysis? Predictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine-learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.The goal is to go beyond descriptive statistics and reporting on what has happened to providing a best assessment on what will happen in the future.redictive analytics is the use of data, statistical algorithms and machine-learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.", "analysis Definition of analysis for English Language Learners : a careful study of something to learn about its parts, what they do, and how they are related to each other : an explanation of the nature and meaning of something", "5 Most Important Methods For Statistical Data Analysis 5 Most Important Methods For Statistical Data Analysis. In the Information Age, data is no longer scarce – it’s overpowering. The key is to sift through the overwhelming volume of data available to organizations and businesses and correctly interpret its implications. But to sort through all this information, you need the right statistical data analysis tools.", "- Statistics is the practice of collecting and analyzing data. The analysis of statistics is important. for decision making in events where there are uncertainties. Example 1: Consider the following table which records the marks of students on a test out of 6. Name Mohammad Mary Mamadou Binta Alieu Lamin. Mark 5 3 6 3 4 3.", "data Big data analytics refers to the process of collecting, organizing and analyzing large sets of data (called big data) to discover patterns and other useful information.", "Cluster analysis Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups. It is a main task of exploratory data mining, and a common technique for statistical data analysis, used in many fields, including machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, information retrieval, bioinformatics, data compression, and computer graphics. Cluster analysis itself is not one specific algorithm,", "Analysis Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development. The word comes from the Ancient Greek ἀνάλυσις (analysis, a breaking up, from ana- up, throughout and lysis a loosening).", "- Data analysis · Visualization. Data analysis, also known as analysis of data or data analytics, is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making.", "- Medical Definition of ANALYSIS. 1. : separation of a whole into its component parts. 2. a: the identification or separation of ingredients of a substance b: a statement of the constituents of a mixture.xamples of ANALYSIS. 1 a scientific analysis of the data. 2 make a chemical analysis of the soil. 3 a detailed analysis of the bone structure of horses. 4 performing chemical analysis of the soil. 5 The newspaper printed an analysis of each candidate's positions.", "- Analysis. 1 Analysis Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events. 2 Analysis Interpretation of the news based on evidence, including data, as well as anticipating how events might unfold based on past events.", "Data analysis The Process of Data Analysis. Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis is a process, within which several phases can be distinguished.", "What is a data dashboard? Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Especially valuable in areas rich with recorded information, analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics, computer programming and operations research to quantify performance. Analytics often favors data visualization to communicate insight." ]
[ 13.203125 ]
[ 9.484375, 12.3125, 10.4921875, 10.4375, 12.8671875, 10.078125, 11.921875, 12.84375, 12.46875, 11.6484375, 11.265625, 11.65625, 11.7734375, 13.390625, 11.1484375, 10.125, 9.0625, 9.1640625, 9.2734375, 10.1953125, 10.65625, 8.96875, 11.984375, 9.515625, 10.640625, 13.296875, 9.578125, 10.3671875, 13.2578125, 10.984375 ]
what causes acne that isn't from bacteria
[ "What you need to know about acne Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples,especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules are all types of acne. It is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans yearly." ]
[ "Cystic Acne Products References in periodicals archive ? Acne is a disease of the sebaceous gland of the skin and is caused by clogged pores by the increased sebum production and the presence of bacteria. Acne is caused by an enlargement of the sebaceous follicles, which contain oil-producing sebaceous glands, the root cause of acne.", "Overview 1 Acne isn't caused by dirt. 2 In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals irritates the skin and can make acne worse. 3 Though it does help to gently remove oil, dead skin and other substances. 4 Cosmetics.cne myths. These factors have little effect on acne: 1 Greasy foods. 2 Eating greasy food has little to no effect on acne. 3 Though working in a greasy area, such as a kitchen with fry vats, does because the oil can stick to the skin and block the hair follicles. 4 This further irritates the skin or promotes acne. 5 Dirty skin.", "- Milk causes acne because…. 1 There is abundance of a hormone called IGF-1 in milk, which is really good for baby cows, but not for you. IGF-1 is a growth hormone. 2 Milk and dairy products cause an insulin spike in humans that cause the liver to produce even more IGF-1, leading to even more acne.", "Virus Fights Acne A specific species of bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, is a major cause of the unpleasant, sometimes disfiguring disease doctors call acne vulgaris. The bacteria live inside the pits in the skin that contain hair follicles and sweat glands.", "Can Curing Anxiety Be A Natural Acne Treatment? Anxiety Can Cause Acne. Anxiety alone doesn't create acne, but anxiety can absolutely cause acne breakouts, and increase the frequency of acne development. Acne is the result of bacteria in the skin and skin oils.", "Acne Acne is a common skin disease that causes pimples. Pimples form when hair follicles under your skin clog up. Most pimples form on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. Anyone can get acne, but it is common in teenagers and young adults. It is not serious, but it can cause scars.", "Dos and donâts for acne-prone skin Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when skin pores become clogged and bacteria settles in, causing the pore to become infected. Several factors can contribute to developing acne such as oily skin, hormones, diet, skin care products and even your skin care routine.", "Propionibacterium acnes In these follicles, P. acnes bacteria use sebum, cellular debris and metabolic byproducts from the surrounding skin tissue as their primary sources of energy and nutrients. Elevated production of sebum by hyperactive sebaceous glands (sebaceous hyperplasia) or blockage of the follicle can cause P. acnes bacteria to grow and multiply.", "Acne (Pimples) 1 Dirt: Blackheads are oxidized oil, not dirt. 2 Sweat does not cause acne and is produced by entirely separate glands in the skin. 3 On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.4 Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and make them last longer. Dirt: Blackheads are oxidized oil, not dirt. 2 Sweat does not cause acne and is produced by entirely separate glands in the skin. 3 On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.", "Acne Causes Under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates bacteria, which live in everyone's skin and generally cause no problems, to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed.", "Acne Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples or zits.. Whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflamed patches of skin (such as cysts) may develop. Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin become clogged.", "- Causes of acne. Nobody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels-androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil. Types of pimples include whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nobules, cysts. 2 Approximately three-quarters of 11 to 30 year-olds will get acne at some time. 3 Acne can affect people of all races and all ages. 4 Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels (hormone).", "Five Foods That Cause Acne Knowing what foods cause acne can make a huge difference in your fight against an outbreak. One of the most common causes of an acne breakout is food allergy. There are several foods that, if possible, you should avoid in case you are having troubles with acne.airy products are another common cause of acne. This is mainly due to the high fat content of milk and other dairy products. Consuming dairy products in moderation is not generally a problem. However, consuming dairy in excess may cause skin related issues.", "- Acne and Propionibacterium Acnes Propionibacterium acnes is the most important acne-causing bacteria. Find out how a harmless, commensal bacterium colonizes the skin and turns harmful and also how it is wiped out in acne treatment. by Brad Chase.", "Whatâs Causing Your Breakout? Cell phones gather all kinds of dirt and bacteria throughout the day, and are a big cause of acne on the chin and around the mouth. Wiping down your Smartphone daily with alcohol or Clorox wipes will keep your phone—and your face—clean. Using Toothpaste to Treat a Zit.", "Scalp Acne 2. Folliculitis is one of the causes of scalp acne due to an infection of the hair follicles. Infection of the hair follicles can be caused by; fungus, bacteria or a viral infection. When hair follicles become clogged with overly productive sebaceous glands.", "- Acne crops up when your skin produces excessive amounts of oil, also known as sebum. When sebum builds up, it can clog your pores and trap bacteria inside, which can lead to inflammation. Though it can happen almost anywhere on your skin, acne is most common on the face, back, chest and shoulders.", "11 Ways to Naturally Improve Acne Anyone may get a pimple here and there but acne is a chronic problem that can be caused by: Poor health: A high GI diet consuming plenty of sugar laden foods and refined processed carbohydrates will contribute to poor skin health and acne.eep going and your skin will never look better! Poor skin cleaning practices or excess products: People who may be prone to acne and who do not keep the skin clean and tend to touch their face, back, chest and arms often with dirty hands will aggravate acne and further increase infections.", "Understanding Acne Basics The cause of acne is not fully understood. Though stress can aggravate acne, it clearly does not cause it. Hormones. Common acne in teenagers starts with an increase in hormone production. During puberty, both boys and girls produce high levels of androgens, the male sex hormones that include testosterone.", "Acne - Cause Acne-Cause. There are different types of acne. The most common acne is the type that develops during the teen years. Puberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. These changing hormones cause skin glands to start making more oil (sebum).Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist.Acne begins when oil mixes with dead cells and clogs the skin's pores. Bacteria can grow in this mixture. And if this mixture leaks into nearby tissues, it causes swelling, redness, and pus.A common name for these raised bumps is pimples. Certain medicines, such as corticosteroids or lithium, can cause acne to develop.uberty causes hormone levels to rise, especially testosterone. These changing hormones cause skin glands to start making more oil (sebum). Oil releases from the pores to protect the skin and keep it moist. Acne begins when oil mixes with dead cells and clogs the skin's pores. Bacteria can grow in this mixture.", "Is Acne Contagious? Acne is not contagious. The p. acnes bacteria is present on all of our skin, but other factors determine whether is leads to the formation of acne or not. You cannot get acne from spending time with people who have acne.” There are many treatment options for people with acne.", "The Acne Diet: A Beginnerâs Guide to Clear Skin Eating Acne is a skin condition in which pores become clogged with dirt, oil or bacteria, causing inflammation. 2. What causes acne? There are many contributing factors to acne, but the main culprits seem to be excess sebum, hormones, and bacteria. 3. How are diet and acne related?", "- The reason that milk products cause acne is because milk contains hormones that turn on oil glands. The cows that give the milk are pregnant and milking most of their lives.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Hormonal Imbalance Plan B Causes of acne. Nobody is completely sure what causes acne. Experts believe the primary cause is a rise in androgen levels-androgen is a type of hormone. Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil.", "Acne ... Again? Nearly everybody thinks that acne results from poor hygiene. That's just not so. Adult acne andteen acne are caused by a combination of several factors: hormones leading to excess oil secretion, faulty closing of the hair duct, and infection. Gentle face washing twice a day is much better than more frequent washing.", "Acne Products While the exact cause of acne is unknown, excess sebum production, inefficient desquamation, hormones and stress are contributing factors.", "- Oil in the skin, known as sebum, is definitely a contributor to acne. However, not all patients with oily skin break out. Plus, there are some people with dry skin who have acne. There are a few main factors that cause acne: 1 sticky skin cells on the surface of the hair follicles.o, yes, there is a connection between acne and oily skin, but the story doesn't end there. Not everyone with oily skin has acne, and drying the skin out doesn't cure acne. The second cause of acne, besides teenage hormones, is heredity.", "Overview These factors have little effect on acne: 1 Greasy foods. Eating greasy food has little to no effect on acne. 2 Dirty skin. Acne isn't caused by dirt. 3 Cosmetics. Cosmetics don't necessarily worsen acne, especially if you use oil-free makeup that doesn't clog pores (noncomedogenics) and remove makeup regularly. 4 Symptoms. Risk factors.", "Stress Acne: Reduce Inflammation for Prevention and Treatment High Stress = Excess Inflammation. Inflammation is the primary physical cause of acne, although excess skin oil also plays a role. Stress affects your health by causing inflammation throughout your body. When you are under stress, your body secretes stress hormones, including cortisol.", "Neck Acne Neck acne is caused by the same mechanisms that cause facial and body acne. Pores become clogged due to a build-up of cells which stick together and cause a plug. Then bacteria and skin oil, which would normally drain to the surface, get caught inside, causing redness and pus to develop." ]
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are urinary tract infections painful
[ "Overview Male urinary system. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are. Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys. Doctors typically treat urinary tract infections with antibiotics. But you can take steps to reduce your chances of getting a UTI in the first place." ]
[ "Top 22 Doctor insights on: What Does A Urinary Tract Infection Feel Like Urinary Tract Infection (Definition) A urinary tract infection, also known as an UTI, may involve the kidney, ureter, bladder, or urethra. A common cause is an intestinal bacteria, E. coli. Common symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate, and pain or burning when urinating.", "Urinary Tract Infection - Adults Symptoms of UTIs in Older Patients. The classic lower UTI symptoms of pain, frequency, or urgency and upper tract symptoms of flank pain, chills, and tenderness may be absent or altered in older patients with UTIs.", "- Uncomplicated UTIs include infections in both the. lower urinary tract (cystitis) as well as the upper. urinary tract (pyelonephritis). 7 Patient symptoms may. frequency, pain/burning on urination, urgency, foul. smelling/cloudy urine, other features of dysuria, as. well as features suggestive of an upper urinary tract.", "Urinary Tract Infection: Bladder Infection Urinary Tract Infection: Bladder Infection. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial inflammation in the urinary tract. If left untreated, a UTI can cause permanent damage to the bladder and kidneys.f you have a urinary tract infection, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms: 1 Pain or burning (discomfort) when urinating. 2 The need to urinate more often than usual. 3 A feeling of urgency when you urinate.", "That Burning Feeling: Urinary Tract Infection The most common symptom of a urinary tract infection is burning pain when you pee. You may also feel like you need to pee very often, even if only a little pee is in your bladder.t's also called a UTI or a bladder infection. Urine is made by the kidneys and stored in the bladder until you pee it out. Bacteria can get into the bladder and cause an infection. Bladder infections are very common in girls and women. One in 20 girls will have at least one bladder infection before the age of 18.", "Urinary tract infection Lower urinary tract infection is also referred to as a bladder infection. The most common symptoms are burning with urination and having to urinate frequently (or an urge to urinate) in the absence of vaginal discharge and significant pain.ymptoms from a lower urinary tract include painful urination and either frequent urination or urge to urinate (or both); while the symptoms of pyelonephritis include fever and flank pain in addition to the symptoms of a lower UTI.", "What's to know about urinary tract infections? Abdominal pains are a common symptom of urinary tract infections. Common symptoms of urinary tract infection include: 1 Strong and frequent urge to urinate. 2 Cloudy, bloody or strong smelling urine. 3 Pain or burning sensation when urinating. 4 Nausea and vomiting. 5 Muscle aches and abdominal pains.", "Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms More severe urinary tract infection symptoms may indicate that the UTI has reached the kidneys. Severe symptoms include: 1 Fever or chills (usually does not occur if the infection is in the bladder or urethra) 2 Pain in the back or side below the ribs. Nausea.", "- Infants with a urinary tract infection are less likely than adults or older children to have the characteristic symptoms. Urinary tract infections can develop in both male and female infants. Affected babies may have a fever and no other symptoms. Infants who have a urinary tract infection may. be irritable, have a fever, and.", "urinary tract infection Symptoms of UTIs include: 1 Pain or burning during urination. 2 The need to urinate more often than usual. 3 A feeling of urgency during urination. Blood or pus in the 1 urine. Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen. Chills or fever (fever may be the only symptom in infants and 1 children) Strong smelling 2 urine. Pain during sexual intercourse.", "- 1 The majority of urinary tract infections are caused by the E. Coli bacterium. 2 Common symptoms include a strong, frequent urge to urinate and a painful and burning sensation when urinating. 3 Urinary tract infection is usually diagnosed based on symptoms and testing of a urine sample.", "Convenia Long-Acting Antibiotic Injection Introduction. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common. They can be painful and uncomfortable, but they usually pass within a few days or can be easily treated with a course of antibiotics. UTIs are more common in women than in men.ifferent types of UTI. You can get an infection in the lower (bladder and urethra) or upper (kidney and ureters) part of the urinary tract, and doctors often describe them as lower or upper UTIs.", "Symptoms of Urinary tract infections Urinary Tract Infections: NWHIC (Excerpt). Not everyone with a UTI has symptoms, but most people do. Symptoms may include a frequent urge to urinate and a painful, burning feeling in the area of the bladder or urethra during urination.", "- A urinary tract infection (UTI) is very common, but can be unpleasant and very uncomfortable. UTIs are an infection of your upper urinary tract (kidney and ureters), lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra), or both.rinary tract infections can be extremely uncomfortable, so it is little wonder that people suffering with them are eager to get rid of the infection fast. Prompt, quick treatment is also important to prevent the UTI from developing into a more serious condition.", "urinary tract infection Symptoms of UTIs include: 1 Pain or burning during urination. 2 The need to urinate more often than usual. 3 A feeling of urgency during urination. 4 Blood or pus in the urine. 5 Cramps or pain in the lower abdomen. 6 Chills or fever (fever may be the only symptom in infants and children). 7 Strong smelling urine.", "What's to know about urinary tract infections? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of any part of the urinary system. 2 Most infections involve the lower urinary tract. The urinary tract is comprised of the bladder, kidneys, ureters and urethra.Urinary tract infections are the second most common type of infection in the body and account for around 8.1 million visits to health care providers each year. The majority of urinary tract infections are caused by the E. Coli bacterium. 2 Common symptoms include a strong, frequent urge to urinate and a painful and burning sensation when urinating. 3 Urinary tract infection is usually diagnosed based on symptoms and testing of a urine sample.", "Organs in the Excretory System and Their Functions Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the infection of the urethra or the bladder. The symptoms include abdominal pain, painful or difficult urination and fever. The best way to avoid UTI is by drinking loads of water.", "What's to know about urinary tract infections? 1 Women have a lifetime risk of over 50% of developing a urinary tract infection. 2 The majority of urinary tract infections are caused by the E. Coli bacterium. 3 Common symptoms include a strong, frequent urge to urinate and a painful and burning sensation when urinating.", "Are My Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Prolapse? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of any part of the urinary tract, including the urethra, bladder, ureters (the tubular connection between the kidneys and the bladder) or kidneys. A UTI occurs when bacteria travels into the urethra and up the urinary tract. UTI symptoms may include urinary urgency, frequency, and painful urination. In cases of more severe infections, hematuria (blood in the urine), back pain, fever, nausea and vomiting can occur. UTIs may also be asymptomatic (without symptoms), found on urine analysis and culture.", "Urinary Tract Infection - Adults In-Depth From A.D.A.M. Possible Complications. In most cases, urinary tract infections are annoyances that cause urinary discomfort. However, if left untreated, UTIs can develop into very serious and potentially life-threatening kidney infections (pyelonephritis) that can permanently scar or damage the kidneys.", "Urinary Tract Infection In-Depth Report A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a condition in which one or more parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) become infected. UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in the life of an individual.n most cases, urinary tract infections are annoyances that cause urinary discomfort. However, if left untreated, UTIs can develop into very serious and potentially life-threatening kidney infections (pyelonephritis) that can permanently scar or damage the kidneys.", "- Urinary tract infections don't always cause signs and symptoms, but when they do they may include: 1 A strong, persistent urge to urinate. 2 A burning sensation when urinating. 3 Passing frequent, small amounts of urine. 4 Urine that appears cloudy.", "An Overview of Urinary Tract Infections More in Women's Health. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that occurs when bacteria invade the urinary tract system. While the majority of UTIs are not serious, they can often cause severe symptoms, such as pain and/or burning upon urination.", "What's to know about urinary tract infections? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a condition in which one or more parts of the urinary system (the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra) become infected. UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in the life of an individual. bladder infection is called cystitis. If bacterial infection spreads to the kidneys and ureters, the condition is called pyelonephritis. Cystitis is considered a lower urinary tract infection. Pyelonephritis is an upper urinary tract infection and is much more serious.", "- Painful urination is very common. The pain, burning, or stinging can indicate a number of medical conditions. Painful urination is a common sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs can be caused by bacterial infection or inflammation of the urinary tract. Your urinary tract is made up of the urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys. The ureters are tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.", "Urinary Tract Infections A UTI is an infection in the urinary tract. Different types of bacteria cause UTIs. Girls are more likely than boys to get UTIs. UTIs can cause pain with urination, the need to urinate more often, fever, chills, vomiting, and pain in the back or side.", "- Bladder infections -- more broadly referred to as urinary tract infections or UTIs -- occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract, causing inflammation in the bladder and urethra. This results in swelling, pain and difficulty urinating.", "- Common symptoms of urinary tract infections include. 1 burning pain during urination. 2 an urge to urinate when your bladder is nearly empty. 3 feeling like you need to urinate all the time, especially at night. 4 difficulty controlling when you urinate. 5 lower abdominal pain or back pain. 6 blood and/or pus in urine. 7 fever.", "- Most urinary tract infections are bladder infections. A bladder infection usually is not serious if it is treated right away. If you do not take care of a bladder infection, it can spread to your kidneys.A kidney infection is serious and can cause permanent damage.ost urinary tract infections are bladder infections. A bladder infection usually is not serious if it is treated right away. If you do not take care of a bladder infection, it can spread to your kidneys.", "Urinary Tract Infection In-Depth Report Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common type of infection caused by bacteria (most often E. coli) that travel up the urethra to the bladder. A bladder infection is called cystitis. If bacterial infection spreads to the kidneys and ureters, the condition is called pyelonephritis.n most cases, urinary tract infections are annoyances that cause urinary discomfort. However, if left untreated, UTIs can develop into very serious and potentially life-threatening kidney infections (pyelonephritis) that can permanently scar or damage the kidneys." ]
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skydiving when they open the door to the plane, are you already strapped to the person
[ "- Tandem skydiving allows the first time jumper to experience freefall from approximately two miles in the sky with the use of a parachute harness built for two people. You will be jumping with a certified tandem instructor.This allows the student/passenger to relax and enjoy the freefall and canopy ride with minimal ground training. Tandem students are required to complete a brief ground class.or Tandem jumping, plan to spend one to two hours onsite, although this time is very weather dependent. There will be lots of things to watch and participate in. We encourage you to bring coolers with food and beverages, and make a day out of it if you'd like." ]
[ "- Nothing but net! This past weekend, skydiver Luke Aikins fearlessly jumped from a plane at 25,000 feet in the air - with no parachute or wingsuit - and landed safely in a net! Stride Gum's “Heaven Sent” event is part of the brand’s “Mad Intense” campaign. “I pushed myself further physically and mentally than ever before,” said Aikins.", "- If the service animal is too large to fit in the handler's foot space, and the plane is full, then the person can be required to purchase a second seat to provide sufficient foot space for their service animal. If there are empty seats on the aircraft, ask to be placed next to an empty seat instead.", "Accelerated Freefall Training ** Accelerated Freefall is a rigorous and physically demanding program that has some physical requirements behind it. You should be in reasonably good physical condition and be able to execute a Parachute Landing Fall (PLF) from a 2-3 foot height. During the training and as part of making an Accelerated Free Fall skydive, you will bend, squat, arch your back and demonstrate a proper PLF.", "- Minutes before the 10 a.m. crash, an emergency dispatcher in Pennsylvania received a cell phone call from a man who said he was a passenger locked in a bathroom aboard United Flight 93.The man repeatedly said the call was not a hoax, said dispatch supervisor Glenn Cramer in neighboring Westmoreland County.We are being hijacked, we are being hijacked!. Cramer quoted the man from a transcript of the call. The man told dispatchers the plane was going down.he man repeatedly said the call was not a hoax, said dispatch supervisor Glenn Cramer in neighboring Westmoreland County. We are being hijacked, we are being hijacked!. Cramer quoted the man from a transcript of the call.", "Move them to an empty seat in first class, cover them with a blanket and NEVER put them in the loo: What happens when a passenger dies on a plane? But that is not always possible, depending on the number of passengers on board and the size of the plane. If there is no space, cabin crew are told to cover the person with a blanket up to their neck and tighten their safety belt. If a death occurs shortly after take-off it could result in a plane returning to its airport of departure, while unscheduled landings have occurred in rare cases where a passenger died in-flight.", "- 100 feet is a number most people can fall without dying, but people have survived falls of much greater distance. In WWII people fell out of planes flying as high as 22, … 000 feet with no parachute and have survived. + 5 others found this useful. James Grimes.", "One-Rope Bridge The soldier ties a rappel seat (or dons a seat harness) with the carabiner facing up and away from his body. He then faces the rope and clips into the rope bridge. He rotates under the rope and pulls with his hands and arms to make progress. The rappel seat method is the preferred method.", "- 1 The 'Show Me State' expression may have began in 1899 when Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver stated, I'm from Missouri and you've got to show me.. The first successful parachute jump to be made from a moving airplane was made by Captain Berry at St. Louis, in 1912.", "Airport check-in At the time of check-in, the passenger hands over baggage which is checked by the airport security and sealed. Anything that is above the weight limit or which is not allowed to be carried by the passenger himself to the aircraft cabin is usually handed over to the agent at the time of check-in.", "- Instructions. Go on a tandem skydive where you are attached to an instructor via a harness. Find a USPA affiliated dropzone near you and set up an appointment through dropzone.com.You must sign a waiver to do this dive. Complete a First Jump Course through the USPA.nstructions. Go on a tandem skydive where you are attached to an instructor via a harness. Find a USPA affiliated dropzone near you and set up an appointment through dropzone.com.", "Terrorist Hijacking - How to Survive a Hijacked Airline How You Can Protect Yourself in a Hijacking. When you are preparing for your trip, remember to pack smart and pack safe. This section is taken principally from reports by the Department of Transportation and the FAA detailing the best ways to avoid becoming the victim of a hijacking or terrorist plot.ir Security-What Must Be Done. How important this issue is can be seen by events that occurred even after the horrors of that September morning in America. In late September of 2001, four friends were able to fly into the UK's Gatwick Airport with a nice little assortment of weapons in their luggage.", "When Are Pilots Required to Wear Seat Belts? The PIC must do the following: 1 Ensure each person on board is briefed on how to fasten and unfasten their seat belts and shoulder harnesses (if installed) 2 Ensure each person on board is notified they need to fasten their seat belts.", "- Under what condition, if any, may a pilot allow a person who is obviously under the influence of drugs to be carried aboard an aircraftIn an emergency or if the person is a medical patient under proper care. Only if the person does not have access to the cockpit or pilot's compartment. Under no condition.", "First Time Skydiving? Skydiving Cincinnati and the Tri-State Area since 1969. Welcome to Skydive Warren County, the Tri-State's oldest United States Parachute Association dropzone. Our family owned and operated dropzone has been providing first-class skydiving in Ohio since 1969.", "Cabin pressurization Cabin pressurization. Cabin pressurization is a process in which conditioned air is pumped into the cabin of an aircraft or spacecraft, in order to create a safe and comfortable environment for passengers and crew flying at high altitudes. For aircraft, this air is usually bled off from the gas turbine engines at the compressor stage, and for spacecraft, it is carried in high-pressure, often cryogenic tanks. The air is cooled, humidified, and mixed with recirculated air if necessary, before it is distributed to the c", "General Anesthesia Induction: The patient is now ready for induction of general anesthesia, a critical part of the anesthesia process. In many ways, induction of general anesthesia is analogous to an airplane taking off.", "- Here’s my counter-argument to the insanity/safety concerns. For one thing, skydiving is one of the safer things you could do with your time, statistically speaking. Only 21 out of 3 million jumps every year ends in fatality, and that number is steadily decreasing.You’re 21 times more likely to die in a car accident than you are to die in a skydiving accident.Tandem skydiving – the type of dive I did, where you’re attached to an instructor who times things and pulls the cord – is even safer.or one thing, skydiving is one of the safer things you could do with your time, statistically speaking. Only 21 out of 3 million jumps every year ends in fatality, and that number is steadily decreasing.", "Parasailing The harness attaches the pilot to the parasail, which is connected to the boat, or land vehicle, by the tow rope. The vehicle then drives off, carrying the parascender (or wing) and person into the air. If the boat is powerful enough, two or three people can parasail behind it at the same time.he harness attaches the pilot to the parasail, which is connected to the boat, or land vehicle, by the tow rope. The vehicle then drives off, carrying the parascender (or wing) and person into the air. If the boat is powerful enough, two or three people can parasail behind it at the same time.", "- I walk into the lounge area of the airport and promptly receive a glass of champagne and a boozy stamp in my passport. Join The Mile High (Dining) Club Allison McNearney September 25, 2014. The co-pilot crawled out of the cockpit window and lowered himself to the ground on a rope and was promptly arrested.", "The Home of Indoor Skydiving But at iFLY we believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience flying. With three centres offering indoor skydiving, in Basingstoke, Manchester and Milton Keynes, wherever you are in the UK you're never too far away from the sheer joy of human flight.", "\"WINTER TRAINING IN YUMA PROVED TO BE A \"\"CROWNING\"\" AFFAIR\" (Photo Credit: SSG Joe Abeln) VIEW ORIGINAL 3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Miss U.S.A. Crystle Stewart flashes a smile for the camera as she and SFC Mike Elliot free fall at 120 miles per hour. This was the first time Stewart has ever jumped from an airplane.", "How Wingsuit Flying Works Today, the dream is a reality. Resembling something between a flying squirrel and a snow angel, the wingsuit allows skydivers and BASE jumpers to leap out into the void, spread their arms and soar through the air. In a sense, wingsuit flying is a cross between skydiving and hang gliding. Like both of these activities, wingsuit flying requires the flyer to either jump out of an aircraft or off a precipice to achieve a high enough altitude.", "jumper jumper - a person who jumps; as the jumper neared the ground he lost control; the jumper's parachute opened. 1 individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; there was too much for one person to do. 2 parachute jumper, parachuter, parachutist - a person who jumps from aircraft using a parachute.", "A Fisher Cat © 2014 The Georgia Center for Assessment Passage B: My First Jump I woke up well before my alarm was set to go off at 6:30 a.m. Sleep did not come easily last night. I would be out for maybe an hour at a time, and then my eyes would pop open.irst, the plane you take off in typically climbs to upwards of 14,000 feet above the ground. Then, through an open door in the plane, you see something like this: Kind of makes your palms begin to sweat just looking at this, huh? As this picture shows, the next step is to jump.", "Learn three phases of rope jumping The flight phase consists of two stages: the propulsion stage and the airborne stage. Understanding what happens from the moment your feet push off the surface to the point when you are in the air is critical to maximizing your training benefits and reducing your risk of injury.", "Karaoke Leaving On A Jet Plane John Denver But the dawn is breaking, it’s early morn, the taxi’s waiting He’s blowing his horn. Already I’m so lonesome I could die. So kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you’ll wait for me, hold me like you’ll never let me go. ‘Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again. Oh, babe, I hate to go. Now the time has come to leave you, one more time let me kiss you, then close your eyes, I’ll be on my way.", "- First the skydivers had to get up there. Then, still above the cloud level, they began to clump together and hold hands in an insane, upside down version of hokey-cokey. Each skydiver then had only a second after breaking away before preparing for a safe touchdown at around 7,000ft. Jumping from 18,000ft, they had just 40 seconds to complete their formation before a parachute landing near Chicago, USA.", "Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about skydiving with Skydive Twin Cities. No. You will not be allowed to skydive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Plan on spending your entire day with us. Normally, you should plan on two to three hours but there are many factors that may extend that time for example, weather delays.", "- Under what condition, if any, may a pilot allow a person who is obviously under the influence of drugs to be carried aboard an aircraft? A) In an emergency or if the person is a medical patient under proper care. B) Only if the person does not have access to the cockpit or pilot's compartment. C) Under no condition.", "- Victoria Lupica: The passengers exited the aircraft on the tarmac via aircraft slides, one passenger has been transported to a local hospital, however the injuries of that passenger are not reported to be serious. Vikas Dwivedi: Last year we ended at 9.1 million bpd." ]
[ 9.9296875 ]
[ 8.6484375, 8.71875, 9.375, 7.47265625, 8.4140625, 9.71875, 7.078125, 9.375, 7.88671875, 9.3125, 6.67578125, 8.3515625, 7.88671875, 9.6953125, 7.2421875, 7.7109375, 9.6640625, 8.1328125, 7.671875, 9.46875, 8.34375, 8.625, 8.7890625, 10.9375, 7.9609375, 8.0390625, 9.5, 9.953125, 7.515625, 7.28125 ]
camisole shirt definition
[ "Camisole A camisole is a sleeveless undergarment for women, normally extending to the waist. The camisole is usually made of satin, nylon, or cotton." ]
[ "- Classic modern camisole with a twist. Camisole boasts hidden underwire cups that are lightly padded for modesty. Cups boast a silky microfiber overlay. Interior center panel. Sweetheart neckline. Narrow straps adjust in the back. Covered elastic at the top edge for fit.", "chemise chemise. n. 1. (Clothing & Fashion) an unwaisted loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders. 2. (Clothing & Fashion) a loose shirtlike undergarment. [C14: from Old French: shirt, from Late Latin camisa, perhaps of Celtic origin].", "Shirt Rugby shirt – a long-sleeved polo shirt, traditionally of rugged construction in thick cotton or wool, but often softer today. Henley shirt – a collarless polo shirt. Baseball shirt (jersey) – usually distinguished by a three quarters sleeve, team insignia, and flat waist seam.", "hair shirt hair shirt. n. A coarse haircloth garment worn next to the skin as an act of religious asceticism or penance. hair shirt. n. 1. (Clothing & Fashion) a shirt made of haircloth worn next to the skin as a penance. 2. a secret trouble or affliction. hair′ shirt′. n. a garment of coarse haircloth, worn next to the skin as a penance.", "- /ˈkɔːsɪt/. noun. 1. 1 a stiffened, elasticated, or laced foundation garment, worn esp by women, that usually extends from below the chest to the hips, providing support for the spine and stomach and shaping the figure. a similar garment worn because of injury, weakness, etc, by either sex.", "- A rash guard, or rashguard, is a lightweight athletic shirt made from a material like nylon or polyester, engineered to have excellent wicking ability. It protects the skin from a variety of sporting related hazards, from chafing to sunburn.", "What Are Camisoles? Camisoles, sometimes called camis, are usually short sleeveless shirts worn as underclothing by women. They tend to cover the bust to the waist and may be used to provide a little extra weight, or under tops that are see-through. Camisoles used to provide minimal bust support, but now many have built-in bras. Some camisoles are simply worn as outerwear, following fashion trends set in the 1990s. They may have thin spaghetti straps and may be made in a variety of fabrics. Silk and polyester are typical fabric choices.", "Shirt In British English, a shirt is more specifically a garment with a collar, sleeves with cuffs, and a full vertical opening with buttons or snaps (North Americans would call that a dress shirt, a specific type of collared shirt).", "Shirt A shirt is a cloth garment for the upper body. Originally an undergarment worn exclusively by men, it has become, in American English, a catch-all term for a broad variety of upper-body garments and undergarments.", "Sari A sari, saree, or shari is a female garment from the Indian subcontinent that consists of a drape varying from five to nine yards (4.5 metres to 8 metres) in length and two to four feet (60 cm to 1.20 m) in breadth that is typically wrapped around the waist, with one end draped over the shoulder, baring the midriff.", "- Shelf bra camisoles are camisoles that have a built-in wireless shelf bra. A shelf bra is an extra piece of fabric with an elastic underband (usually built into a garment) that provides light support to the breasts. Shelf bras support the bust through compression, which may have a flattening effect.", "- Full Definition of CUMMERBUND. : a broad waistband usually worn in place of a vest with men's dress clothes and adapted in various styles of women's clothes. See cummerbund defined for English-language learners.See cummerbund defined for kids.ull Definition of CUMMERBUND. : a broad waistband usually worn in place of a vest with men's dress clothes and adapted in various styles of women's clothes. See cummerbund defined for English-language learners. See cummerbund defined for kids.", "- The guayabera (/ɡwaɪ.əˈbɛrə/) is a men's shirt typically distinguished by two vertical rows of closely sewn pleats that run the length of the front and back of the shirt. The shirt is typically worn untucked. Guayaberas are popular in the Caribbean region of Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela, Central America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and throughout Africa. It is also known as a Wedding Shirt.", "Bandeau A bandeau (pl. bandeaux, diminutive of French: bande meaning strip) is a garment comprising, in appearance, a strip of cloth. Today, the term most frequently refers to a garment that wraps around a woman's breasts in sports or swimwear, and now it is accepted as the top part of formal wear with pants or a skirt. It is similar to a tube top, but narrower. It is usually strapless, sleeveless and off the shoulder.", "- Camisole Bra Ideal under low cut blouses and dresses, a camisole bra is designed to look beautiful as well as offer support. A camisole can also add a touch of femininity to tailored blazers for wearing to the office. This undergarment comes in several designs, including spaghetti straps, wide straps and strapless.", "- [tang-kee-nee] /tæŋˈki ni/. noun, plural tankinis. 1. a two-piece bathing suit having a top styled like a tank top. British Dictionary definitions for tankini.", "- The guayabera (/ɡwaɪ.əˈbɛrə/) is a men's shirt typically distinguished by two vertical rows of closely sewn pleats that run the length of the front and back of the shirt. The shirt is typically worn untucked.", "peplum peplum - a flared ruffle attached to the waistline of a dress or jacket or blouse. 2. peplum - a garment worn by women in ancient Greece; cloth caught at the shoulders and draped in folds to the waist.", "- under these garments women wore shifts or chemises of linen or cotton they were simply made with short sleeves and necklines which could be gathered up on a drawstring there was no waistline but the shift was gathered by the dress worn over it this piece served as the sole piece of underwear", "- The shirt was an item of men's underwear until the twentieth century. Although the woman's chemise was a closely related garment to the man's, it is the man's garment that became the modern shirt.", "bra bra - an undergarment worn by women to support their breasts. bandeau, brassiere. shoulder strap, strap - a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag. undergarment, unmentionable - a garment worn under other garments. uplift - a brassiere that lifts and supports the breasts. woman's clothing - clothing that is designed for women to wear.", "Camisole In modern usage a camisole or cami is a loose-fitting sleeveless woman 's undergarment which covers the top part of the body but is shorter than a chemise. A camisole normally extends to the waist but is sometimes cropped to expose the midriff, or extended to cover the entire pelvic region.", "T-shirt Another less popular trend is wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt of a contrasting color over a long-sleeved T-shirt, which is known as layering. T-shirts that are tight to the body are called fitted, tailored or baby doll T-shirts.", "- Definition of hair shirt. 1 1 : a shirt made of rough animal hair worn next to the skin as a penance. 2 2 : one that irritates like a hair shirt.", "Bikini Tops Glossary Full cut top – A bikini top or one piece that offers better than average bust coverage and support. Long triangle top – A halter bikini top that has an elongated strap coming from the top of a standard triangle top. Lycra® – A Dupont registered product that is found in many Venus fabrics.", "Definitions &Translations Editors Contribution (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: onesie It is a commonly used word for loose-fitting casual jumpsuits for adults, made of knit cotton (as used in sweatshirts), fleece, or chenille. it's created and designed in various colors, materials, mechanisms, shapes, sizes and styles suitable for a baby, child or adult.", "- She wore a camisole of white calico with short arms. Of Human Bondage by Maugham, W. Somerset View in context. O'Dowd, the good housewife, arrayed in curl papers and a camisole, felt that her duty was to act, and not to sleep, at this juncture.", "Bathrobe A bathrobe, dressing gown, morning gown or housecoat is a robe, a loose-fitting outer garment, which may be worn by men or women. A dressing gown may be worn over nightwear or other clothing, or with nothing underneath.", "hair shirt a garment of coarse haircloth, worn next to the skin as a penance by ascetics and penitents. 2. self-imposed punishment, suffering, sacrifice, or penance. Origin of hair shirt.", "Shirt The shirt was an item of men's underwear until the twentieth century. Although the woman's chemise was a closely related garment to the man's, it is the man's garment that became the modern shirt. In the Middle Ages, it was a plain, undyed garment worn next to the skin and under regular garments." ]
[ 13.359375 ]
[ 10.6953125, 11.890625, 9.0234375, 8.3515625, 11.46875, 7.9375, 12.359375, 9.9453125, 10.5, 7.39453125, 10.5703125, 6.91796875, 7.75, 8.671875, 10.8125, 8.3671875, 8.015625, 7.95703125, 8.953125, 10.890625, 8.4765625, 12.8671875, 9.15625, 9.625, 7.58984375, 7.44140625, 10.6953125, 7.6015625, 8.484375, 10.2109375 ]
how many tiers is the federal government
[ "State & Local Government Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people. All state governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial." ]
[ "\"\"\"Relationship Between Us Government And Policing Organizations\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" The government of the United States of America is the federal government of the republic of fifty states that constitute the United States, as well as one capital district, and several other territories.he full name of the republic is United States of America. No other name appears in the Constitution, and this is the name that appears on money, in treaties, and in legal cases to which it is a party (e.g. , Charles T. Schenck v. United States).", "Federal government of the United States The government was formed in 1789, making the United States one of the world's first, if not the first, modern national constitutional republics. The United States government is based on the principle of federalism, in which power is shared between the federal government and state governments.he Vice President is the second-highest executive official in rank of the government. As first in the U.S. presidential line of succession, the Vice President becomes President upon the death, resignation, or removal of the President, which has happened nine times in U.S. history.", "- The federal court system consists of three tiers. At the bottom are the federal district courts, also called trial courts.here are 686 federal district judgeships, 179 seats on the federal appeals courts, and 9 Supreme Court justices. The number of judges on each district and each appeals court varies by the size and caseload of the circuit.", "THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENTPrinter Friendly (PDF) THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT Printer Friendly (PDF) Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government. The President enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes. The President is elected by United States citizens, 18 years of age and older, who vote in the presidential elections in their states.", "What is a federal system of government? A federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federal) government and state and local governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism.", "Federal Pay The General Schedules (GS) is the Federal government’s main pay system and is composed of 15 grades (GS1 to GS15), or salary levels. Each grade includes ten steps through which employees advance based on satisfactory job performance and length of service.", "THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENTPrinter Friendly (PDF) The Judicial part of our federal government includes the Supreme Court and 9 Justices. They are special judges who interpret laws according to the Constitution. These justices only hear cases that pertain to issues related to the Constitution. They are the highest court in our country.", "Court Role and Structure Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Article III of the U.S. Constitution created the Supreme Court and authorized Congress to pass laws establishing a system of lower courts. In the federal court system’s present form, 94 district level trial courts and 13 courts of appeals sit below the Supreme Court. Learn more about the Supreme Court. Courts of Appeals There are 13 appellate courts that sit below the U.S. Supreme Court, and they are called the U.S. Courts of Appeals. The 94 federal judicial districts are organized into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a court of appeals.", "- The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively.he number of representatives each state has in the House is based on each state's population as determined in the most recent United States Census. All 435 representatives serve a two-year term. Each state receives a minimum of one representative in the House.", "- The executive branch of the United States government consists of the president, the vice president and 15 Cabinet-level executive departments.9 people found this useful.he Legislative Branch is made up of the 3 Tier court system at the top being the most famous Court the Supreme Court. The Executive Branch is the Branch consisting of the Pre … sident, Vice President, and their staff and Cabinet members.", "- Government in Canada is organized into three and quite often four levels: federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal (which is often subdivided into regional and local). Each level is charged with various responsibilities by either the Constitution or a higher level of government.", "How many branches are in the US government? The US has three branches of government as follows. * Executive Branch - president and vice president * Legislative Branch - Congress made up of the House of Represen…tatives and the Senate. * Judiciary Branch - the Supreme Court.", "Federal jurisdiction (United States) Federal jurisdiction refers to the legal scope of the government's powers in the United States of America. See the 1962 Federal Report titled JURISDICTION OVER FEDERAL AREAS WITHIN THE STATES. The United States is a federal republic, governed by the U.S. Constitution, containing fifty states and a federal district which elect the President and Vice President, and having other territories and possessions in its national jurisdiction. This government is variously known as the Union, the United S", "How many US District Courts are there? Congress determines the number of District Courts. There are 94 US District Courts in the federal judicial system. Although the US Supreme Court is head of the Judicial branch of government, it is not quite accurate to refer to the District Courts as belonging to the Supreme Court.", "United States The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major territories and various possessions.", "Branches of Government To ensure a separation of powers, the U.S. Federal Government is made up of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. To ensure the government is effective and citizens’ rights are protected, each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, including working with the other branches. Learn About:", "\"\"\"Relationship Between Us Government And Policing Organizations\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" The government of the United States of America is the federal government of the republic of fifty states that constitute the United States, as well as one capital district, and several other territories. Charles T. Schenck v. United States). The terms Government of the United States of America or United States Government are often used in official documents to represent the federal government as distinct from the states collectively.", "Introduction To The Federal Court System Introduction To The Federal Court System. The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system. There are 94 district courts, 13 circuit courts, and one Supreme Court throughout the country.", "THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENTPrinter Friendly (PDF) THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT Printer Friendly (PDF) Our federal government has three parts. They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). The President of the United States administers the Executive Branch of our government. He enforces the laws that the Legislative Branch (Congress) makes.", "Federal government of the United States Political system of the United States. The Federal Government of the United States is the national government of the United States, a republic in North America, composed of 50 states, one district, Washington, D.C. (the nation's capital), and several territories.", "- Government and Political Structure. Germany is a federal, democratic republic comprised of sixteen states (Laender länder Or). Laender power is distributed between the federal and state. (Governments The Law library does not Collect german state.). lawower is distributed between the federal and state governments. (The Law Library does not collect German state law.). At the federal level, the German constitution divides power between the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judiciary.", "- Federal, State & Local Government – Includes combined data for the Federal Government, all 50 state governments, and all local governments by function. 1 Categories of Employees at the Federal, State, and Local Levels.", "United States The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.", "Infosheet 20 - The Australian system of government THE AUSTRALIAN SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Australia is a federation of six States which, together with three self-governing Territories, have their own constitutions, parliaments, governments and laws.This Infosheet is about the national or central government, usually called the Federal Government or the Commonwealth Government.ustralia is a federation of six States which, together with three self-governing Territories, have their own constitutions, parliaments, governments and laws. This Infosheet is about the national or central government, usually called the Federal Government or the Commonwealth Government.", "Federal government of the United States The government of the United States of America is the federal government of the republic of fifty states that constitute the United States, as well as one capital district, and several other territories.he terms Government of the United States of America or United States Government are often used in official documents to represent the federal government as distinct from the states collectively.", "- There are fifteen grades within within the federal government general schedule pay system. Each job title is assigned a series of grades associated with the job, progressing in salary from lowest to highest. Within each grade, there are a series of ten steps, which are salary increases.ntering Government Service. When a person is hired by the federal government, the employee is assigned a pay grade within the job series, depending upon his or her knowledge, education and experience. For instance, an entry-level biologist with a bachelor's degree may enter federal service as a GS-5.", "Introduction To The Federal Court System The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States, the final level of appeal in the federal system. There are 94 district courts, 13 circuit courts, and one Supreme Court throughout the country. Courts in the federal system work differently in many ways than state courts. The primary difference for civil cases (as opposed to criminal cases) is the types of cases ...", "Federal Pay Federal Pay. The General Schedules (GS) is the Federal government’s main pay system and is composed of 15 grades (GS1 to GS15), or salary levels. Each grade includes ten steps through which employees advance based on satisfactory job performance and length of service. Locality pay is based on surveys done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.", "U.S. Government & Legal System -- Introduction Levels of U.S. Government. Government in the United States is organized into three levels: federal, state, and local (e.g. county and municipalities). Each level of government has unique responsibilities. For example, the federal government is responsible for national matters, such as international affairs and national defense.", "- These district trial courts were established by Congress. The federal court system includes 94 district courts in the 50 states, Washington, D. C., Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Northern Marinara Islands." ]
[ 11.625 ]
[ 8.9765625, 9.5546875, 11.6953125, 10.046875, 10.1171875, 10.71875, 10.6015625, 10.859375, 9.8125, 9.7890625, 11.3046875, 10.8984375, 9.3125, 10.453125, 11.5390625, 10.78125, 10.234375, 10.6640625, 10.2109375, 11.21875, 9.5390625, 10.3515625, 11.578125, 9.078125, 9.7578125, 8.234375, 10.8125, 10.40625, 11.5390625, 10.84375 ]
what do thymus do in the immune system
[ "What is the function of the thymus gland? The thymus gland is located in the neck above the heart. The function of the thymus gland is to generate mature T lymphocytes (white blood cels that help the immune system fight off illness).he function of the thymus gland is to generate mature T lymphocytes (white blood cels that help the immune system fight off illness)." ]
[ "Thymus disorders Any condition affecting the thymus. The thymus is the infection fighting immune system gland which is larger in children than adults. It is located in the top part of the chest. Thymus disorders include thymoma (cancer of the thymus), congenital athyma (absence of thymus) and Digeorge syndrome....he thymus is the infection fighting immune system gland which is larger in children than adults. It is located in the top part of the chest. Thymus disorders include thymoma (cancer of the thymus), congenital athyma (absence of thymus) and Digeorge syndrome. ...", "Thymus shadow? The thymus is an organ in the upper part of your chest that helps develop T-cells, which are used to fight infection. The thymus can be quite large in young children, and shrinks away by the time you hit adulthood. If you get a chest x-ray in a child, the thymus will creates a shadow over the lungs and heart that looks like a sail.", "AIRE gene The AIRE gene provides instructions for making a protein called the autoimmune regulator. This protein is active primarily in the thymus, which is a gland located behind the breastbone that plays an important role in immune system function. Specifically, the thymus produces infection-fighting cells called T cells.For a person to remain healthy, immune system cells such as T cells must be able to identify and destroy potentially harmful invaders (such as bacteria and viruses) while sparing the body's normal tissues.pecifically, the thymus produces infection-fighting cells called T cells. For a person to remain healthy, immune system cells such as T cells must be able to identify and destroy potentially harmful invaders (such as bacteria and viruses) while sparing the body's normal tissues.", "An Overview of the Thymus The thymus produces and secretes thymosin, a hormone necessary for T cell development and production. The thymus is special in that, unlike most organs, it is at its largest in children. Once you reach puberty, the thymus starts to slowly shrink and become replaced by fat. By age 75, the thymus is little more than fatty tissue. Fortunately, the thymus produces all of your T cells by the time you reach puberty. The thymus is located in the upper anterior (front) part of your chest directly behind your sternum and between your lungs. The pinkish-gray organ has two thymic lobes.", "An Overview of the Thymus The thymus is special in that, unlike most organs, it is at its largest in children. Once you reach puberty, the thymus starts to slowly shrink and become replaced by fat. By age 75, the thymus is little more than fatty tissue. Fortunately, the thymus produces all of your T cells by the time you reach puberty.", "Learn About the Thymus Gland The thymus produces hormone-like proteins that help T lymphocytes mature and differentiate. Some thymic hormones include thympoeitin, thymulin, thymosin, and thymic humoral factor (THF). Thympoeitin and thymulin induce differentiation in T-lymphocytes and enhance T-cell function.", "Endocrine System Thymus Gland  Thymus gland is both an endocrine gland and lymphatic organ.  Located under the sternum. anterior and superior to the heart.  The major hormone is thymosin which helps to stimulate the lymphoid cells that are responsible for the production of T cells. which fight certain diseases.", "Thymus For other uses, see Thymus (disambiguation). The thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Within the thymus, T cells or T lymphocytes mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders. The thymus is composed of two identical lobes and is located anatomically in the anterior superior mediastinum, in front of the heart and behind the sternum.", "Thymus Cancer The thymus is a small organ in your upper chest, under your breastbone. Before birth and during childhood, the thymus helps the body make a type of white blood cell. These cells help protect you from infections. Cancer of the thymus is rare. You are more likely to get it if you have other diseases such as myasthenia gravis, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.", "Thymus Gland The thymus gland, despite containing glandular tissue and producing several hormones, is much more closely associated with the immune system than with the endocrine system. The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell.he thymus gland, despite containing glandular tissue and producing several hormones, is much more closely associated with the immune system than with the endocrine system. The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell.", "Thymus Cancer Thymus Cancer. The thymus gland is an organ in your chest, underneath the breastbone. It is part of the lymphatic system, which is part of your body’s immune system. The thymus gland produces white blood cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes help your body fight infection. There are two main kinds of thymus cancer: thymoma and thymic carcinoma.", "What is the function of the thymus gland? A Dr. Susie Whitworth, PhD, Nursing, answered. The thymus gland is located in the neck above the heart. The function of the thymus gland is to generate mature T lymphocytes (white blood cels that help the immune system fight off illness). Damage to the thymus gland can cause an increase in infection.", "What does Thymus gland do can we need it what does it do? Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: thymus gland THYMUS GLAND [thymus gland] , mass of glandular tissue located in the neck or chest of most vertebrate animals. In humans, the thymus is a soft, flattened, pinkish-gray organ located in the upper chest under the breastbone.ubmit. · just now. Report Abuse. In human anatomy, the thymus is an organ located in the upper anterior portion of the chest cavity. The thymus plays an important role in the development of the immune system in early life, and its cells form a part of the body's normal immune system.", "Lymphatic system The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ and the site of maturation for T cells, the lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system. The thymus increases in size from birth in response to postnatal antigen stimulation, then to puberty and regresses thereafter.", "thymus The thymus produces at least four hormones: thymopoietin, thymulin, thymus humoral factor, and the thymosins. At birth, the thymus weighs 10-15 g; by puberty, it weighs about 20 g. After this, the cortical regions of the thymus shrink and become replaced by adipose tissue, although the thymus continues to produce hormones and some thymocytes into old age.", "The Thymus Gland in Children Photo Credit Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images. The thymus is an important part of your child’s lymphatic system. It is an organ comprised of two lobes, which are encased in a capsule that sits behind the sternum and above the heart. A missing or malfunctioning thymus can make your child vulnerable to infections or developmental disorders.", "- The thymus is an organ composed of two lobes and is located directly in front of the heart and behind the sternum. It is a critical part of the immune system because it trains and modifies T cells that are used by the body to fight foreign materials that can cause sickness.", "Body Defenses The immune system also includes: 1 The tonsils and thymus, which make antibodies. The lymph nodes and vessels (the lymphatic system). This network of lymph nodes and vessels throughout the body carries lymph fluid, nutrients, and waste material between the body tissues and the bloodstream. The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system.", "Thymus As the thymus is the organ of T-cell development, any congenital defect in thymic genesis or a defect in thymocyte development can lead to a profound T cell deficiency in primary immunodeficiency disease.he thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Within the thymus, T cells or T lymphocytes mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders.", "An Overview of the Thymus Before birth and throughout childhood, the thymus is instrumental in the production and maturation of T-lymphocytes or T cells, a specific type of white blood cell that protects the body from certain threats, including viruses and infections.ortunately, the thymus produces all of your T cells by the time you reach puberty. Anatomy of the Thymus. The thymus is located in the upper anterior (front) part of your chest directly behind your sternum and between your lungs.", "- the thymus is a gland in the upper chest that helps develop the body's immune system early in life..", "- Click to read more below. The thymus gland, despite containing glandular tissue and producing several hormones, is much more closely associated with the immune system than with the endocrine system.The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell.lick to read more below. The thymus gland, despite containing glandular tissue and producing several hormones, is much more closely associated with the immune system than with the endocrine system.", "- Thymoma and Thymic Carcinoma. The thymus is a small organ located beneath the breastbone, it is part of the immune system and produces T-lymphocytes-cells which kill viruses and signal B-lymphocytes to make antibodies to fight infection. About 90 percent of tumors that start in the thymus are thymomas.", "What does Thymus gland do can we need it what does it do? Submit. · just now. Report Abuse. In human anatomy, the thymus is an organ located in the upper anterior portion of the chest cavity. The thymus plays an important role in the development of the immune system in early life, and its cells form a part of the body's normal immune system.ubmit. · just now. Report Abuse. In human anatomy, the thymus is an organ located in the upper anterior portion of the chest cavity. The thymus plays an important role in the development of the immune system in early life, and its cells form a part of the body's normal immune system.", "Thymus - Anatomy & Physiology Functions. The thymus has a key role in the maturation of prothymocytes into mature T cells. In juvenile animals the thymus produces significant numbers of new T lymphocytes, but as the animal matures this production decreases and the T cell population is maintained by division of mature T cells.", "Thymus The thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Within the thymus, T cells or T lymphocytes mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders.The thymus is composed of two identical lobes and is located anatomically in the anterior superior mediastinum, in front of the heart and behind the sternum.s the thymus is the organ of T-cell development, any congenital defect in thymic genesis or a defect in thymocyte development can lead to a profound T cell deficiency in primary immunodeficiency disease.", "Vital Functions of the Thymus Gland You'd Want to Know About The Thymus. The thymus is located in the upper part of the chest. It is made of two lobes that join in front of the trachea. The thymus is an important part of children's immune systems. It grows larger until puberty and then begins to shrink.fter the white blood cells mature, they leave the thymus gland and get settled in the spleen and the lymph nodes, where a fresh batch of T cells is produced. These white blood cells are the body's immune system and protect the body by producing antibodies that stop the invasion of foreign agents, bacteria and viruses.", "Diagram of the Human Immune System (Infographic) The immune system protects the body against disease or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When functioning properly, the immune system identifies and attacks a variety of threats, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, while distinguishing them from the body’s own healthy tissue.The Lymphatic system consists of bone marrow, spleen, thymus and lymph nodes.he spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body contains white blood cells that fight infection or disease. The thymus is where T-cells mature. T-cells help destroy infected or cancerous cells. Lymph nodes produce and store cells that fight infection and disease.", "Thymus The thymus provides an inductive environment for development of T cells from hematopoietic progenitor cells. In addition, thymic stromal cells allow for the selection of a functional and self-tolerant T cell repertoire. Therefore, one of the most important roles of the thymus is the induction of central tolerance.", "Lymphatic System Anatomy The primary function of the thymus is the processing and maturation of T lymphocytes. While in the thymus, T lymphocytes do not respond to pathogens and foreign organisms. After maturation, they enter the blood and go to other lymphatic organs, where they help provide defense. Structurally, the thymus is similar to the spleen and lymph nodes, with numerous lobules and cortical and medullary elements." ]
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what does it mean when your plant leaves turn yellow
[ "Why are my plants turning yellow? Moisture Stress. The most common reason that plants’ leaves turn yellow is because of moisture stress, which can be from either over watering or under watering. If you have a plant that has yellow leaves, check the soil in the pot to see if the soil is dry." ]
[ "Why are my azalea leaves turning yellow? Even evergreens lose their leaves…just not all at once like deciduous plants do. Azaleas set their leaf buds in the fall…and the emergence of these buds prompts molting. Having random yellow leaves scattered throughout your azaleas is normal…these leaves are simply molting. There’s nothing you need to do or worry about. Just wait for new growth in the spring. There’s nothing to worry about…they may just need to be fertilized – but wait. It may be that your azaleas are just needing a little bit of extra juice…particularly nitrogen. Nitrogen-deficient azaleas seem to shed even more leaves…hence more of them turn yellow.", "Yellow Hosta Leaves â Why Are Hosta Plant Leaves Turning Yellow The foliage turns yellow and scorches at the margins. When you see hosta plant leaves turning yellow because of too much sun, it is termed hosta scorch. Hosta scorch is even more pronounced if the plant is also grown in poor soil. The plant prefers soil rich in organic matter that will hold water.", "- Chlorosis can result in either the entire plant or leaf turning light green to yellow, or appear more localized as white or yellow spotting. Interveinal chlorosis is illustrated in Figure 2 and occurs when certain nutrients [B, Fe, magnesium (Mg), Mn, nickel (Ni) and Zn] are deficient.", "- Leaves on potted hibiscus plants turning YELLOW. Discussion in 'Plant Pests, Diseases and Weeds' started by gsdruth, Aug 23, 2012. My once beautiful potted hibiscus plants on my patio are beginning to look like crap! I have two plants that have done beautifully on my patio this summer in large pots. Now...both plants the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. One of my plants is almost bare the other isn't far behind.", "Yellow Hosta Leaves â Why Are Hosta Plant Leaves Turning Yellow One of the beautiful features of hostas are their rich green leaves. When you find your hosta plant leaves turning yellow, you know something is wrong. Yellowing leaves on hosta doesn’t necessarily mean disaster, but it is definitely time to investigate. The problem could be anything from too much sun to incurable diseases.", "What causes a bamboo plant to turn yellow? Marlie Graves, I've been a professional interior horticulturist for over 30 years. The link from Yit Chin Chuan is full of good information. Whenever leaves turn yellow, check the moisture in the soil by inserting a moisture meter, or a simple wooden dowel.", "Why Are My Cucumber Plants Turning Yellow? Quick Answer. Agriculture and Rural Development of Alberta explains that yellow leaves on a cucumber plant may indicate exposure to warm, humid conditions with low light levels in the lower canopy of the plants.", "What Causes Yellow Leaves on Tomato Plants? The appearance of yellow leaves on your tomato plant is usually not a death sentence. However, it does mean that your plant has a problem in need of attention and correction. Tomatoes need nitrogen; their leaves will turn yellow without it. Mix some compost or used coffee grounds in with the soil to determine if a lack of nitrogen is the problem. If the bottom leaves of your tomato plant turn yellow, it's probably lacking in important nutrients. It may not be getting adequate sunlight.", "When the leaves of plants turn yellow does it mean too much water or not enough -geraniums? It could mean either one or even to much sun or not enough sun. Geraniums usually do not like a lot of sun and don't seem to mind the water. But don't over water either. Plants are a funny thing you never know.", "Yellow Rhododendron Leaves: Why Are Leaves Turning Yellow On Rhododendron First, take a look at how well your soil drains. This shrub doesn’t do well in wet soil, and “wet feet” can cause leaves turning yellow on rhododendron. Give the plant a deep drink, then watch at how fast the water soaks into the soil. If your drainage is bad, transplant the shrub sooner rather than later to a location with well-drained soil.", "When the leaves of plants turn yellow does it mean too much water or not enough -geraniums? Well it is quite possible that it could be a disease. But on the watering issue, the plants are probably getting too much water. If they were lacking water, they would wilt. Stop watering for a few days to see if the problem persists.", "Yellowing Leaves On Tomato Plants There are many reasons why tomato leaves turn yellow, and usually it is a fairly easy fix. Some situations that can cause yellow leaves are under-watering and over-watering, nitrogen deficiencies in the soil, a lack of sunlight on the bottom leaves, or a possible disease.", "Fiddle fig leaves turned yellow after i watered. Then leaves turned brown and had a crumbled feel.? Ignore simple rules that say yellow leaves mean whatever. Yellow leaves on any plant can mean lots of different things. There is also no connection between your watering and then the leaves turning yellow - purely coincidental. Plants do not react that quickly to watering. I am a bit confused by the big planter that you referred to so I cannot be sure how it is planted.", "Why are my plants turning yellow? Another common reason that plants’ leaves turn yellow is because not enough light is reaching the plant. This occurs because the rate of photosynthesis is limited in low light, but as the light is increased, photosynthesis increases as well.", "How to Turn Yellow Grass Green When your grass turns yellow, it is typically due to seasonal dormancy. But when your grass turns yellow out of season or in spots, it can be because of troubles at the roots -- with the soil. Grass that turns yellow may be the result of nitrogen burn, either through overfertilizing your soil or from pet stains.", "- Disease. Several different plant diseases lead to various parts of plants turning yellow, most commonly the leaves. Viral diseases such as yellow mosaic cause plant leaves or flowers to turn yellow. Some fungal diseases may also cause yellowing. Rust, for instance, might cause yellow powder to form on the leaves.isease. Several different plant diseases lead to various parts of plants turning yellow, most commonly the leaves. Viral diseases such as yellow mosaic cause plant leaves or flowers to turn yellow. Some fungal diseases may also cause yellowing. Rust, for instance, might cause yellow powder to form on the leaves.", "Yellowing Squash Leaves: Why Squash Leaves Turn Yellow The leaves on a squash plant will start to turn yellow any time the plant is stressed. Below, I have listed a few reasons why a squash plant may be stressed. Lack of Water. Advertisement. While squash plants are pretty hardy plants, as far as vegetable plants go, they do need about two inches of water a week.Sometimes they will need more due to high temperatures.hile squash plants are pretty hardy plants, as far as vegetable plants go, they do need about two inches of water a week. Sometimes they will need more due to high temperatures.", "- If you have houseplants that have yellow leaves, check the soil in the pot to see if it is dry. If you find this is why leaves are turning yellow, simply water the plant and consider leaving the pot to sit in a dish to catch overflow and allow the roots to absorb the extra water when needed.hlorosis – The reason why leaves are turning yellow could be an abnormal condition called chlorosis. Chlorosis is when the yellow leaves are missing the green pigment called chlorophyll. There are specific causes why plant leaves turn yellow due to chlorosis.", "- A: I was glad you brought a leaf specimen into the office because I was able to locate several scale insects on the underside. The scale insects are removing the plant juice (the green chlorophyll) from the leaves and that is why you see the yellowing on the top of the leaves.", "Why Do the Leaves of a Tomato Plant Turn Yellow? Plants get their green coloration from chlorophyll, a chemical in their leaves that allows them to convert sunlight to food. When leaves turn yellow, it means that chlorophyll is no longer present, so that leaf is no longer producing energy.", "Why Are My Hostas Turning Yellow? Hostas are a shade perennial appropriate for use in non-tropical gardens and regions. It is a deciduous plant, losing its foliage in winter and resprouting each spring. Leaf yellowing can be caused by many factors, including too much sunlight, lack of soil moisture, infertile soils, soggy soil and the onset of winter dormancy.", "Why Are the Leaves of My Plants Turning Yellow? The most common nutritional deficiency causing yellow leaves in house plants is lack of iron. If the yellowing begins on younger leaves and gradually progresses to older leaves, chances are lack of iron is the cause. Yellowing that begins first on older leaves may be due to deficiencies in manganese, nitrogen or zinc.", "What Is the Treatment for Yellow Leaves on Tomato Plants? What causes tomato plant leaves to turn yellow? Yellow leaves that have purple, distorted veins are a sign that psyllids have infested the tomato plant. Treatment involves looking on the bottom of leaves for insects, removing them and applying a pesticide to the growing area. Tomato plants that stop growing and turn yellow all over may have the curly top virus. The beet leafhopper transmits this disease by jumping from plant to plant.", "Bay Laurel Has Yellow Leaves: Why Is My Bay Laurel Turning Yellow Leaves turn yellow on bay laurel for a number of reasons, resulting from an environmental condition, pest infestation or disease. Advertisement. Root rot – A yellow bay laurel plant may be indicative of waterlogged roots or wet weather creating root rot, a fungal disease that does exactly what is says.", "Chlorosis Chlorosis is a yellowing of leaf tissue due to a lack of chlorophyll. Possible causes of chlorosis include poor drainage, damaged roots, compacted roots, high alkalinity, and nutrient deficiencies in the plant. Nutrient deficiencies may occur because there is an insufficient amount in the soil or because the nutrients are unavailable due to a high pH (alkaline soil).", "Why Do Rhododendron Leaves Turn Yellow? Full Answer. The Victoria Rhododendron Society adds that older leaves naturally turn yellow, and they are replaced every one to three years. When the leaves are yellow but the region along the veins remains dark green, the plant likely suffers from chlorosis, which is caused by a magnesium, nitrogen or iron deficiency.", "Why Does a Tomato Plant Turn Yellow? Tomatoes (Malus spp.) can be among the most prolific of the summer vegetables, offering a seemingly endless bounty. Tomato plants that are turning yellow in their leaves, stems or fruits may be suffering from disease, a pest infestation or extremely high temperatures, all of which can cause the quality of the harvest to decline.", "- Care Issues Causing Yellowing Leaves. Calla lily leaves may turn yellow when it is transplanted. This happens if the plant suffers transplant stress. As the root system develops in the new location, the plant will produce new leaves and you can cut off the yellowed leaves.Wind can also cause calla leaves to yellow.Plant it in a protected, sunny spot.are Issues Causing Yellowing Leaves. Calla lily leaves may turn yellow when it is transplanted. This happens if the plant suffers transplant stress. As the root system develops in the new location, the plant will produce new leaves and you can cut off the yellowed leaves.", "Yellow Plant Leaves: Find Out Why Plant Leaves Turn Yellow Why Plant Leaves Turn Yellow in Containers. Because of the closed environment in container plants, the conditions must be carefully controlled. There is a limited amount of space, area to store moisture, nutrient in the medium, and lighting and temperature must be considered for each species of potted plant.", "Chapter 39 Nitrogen deficiency usually causes plant leaves to turn yellow. Nitrogen is a component of starches. Nitrogen deficiency usually causes plant leaves to turn purple. Nitrogen is a micronutrient in plants. Plant root hairs can only absorb nitrogen in the form of ammonium ions (NH4+) or nitrate ions (NO3−)." ]
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