basic needs definition
[ "- Basic needs refers to those fundamental requirements that serve as the foundation for survival." ]
[ "Five Basic Survival Needs of Human Beings this list presents the five very basic physical items that people need to survive on this earth this list presents only the basic human needs to survive people may need other items to grow adapt and thrive", "Our Hierarchy of Needs In his influential paper of 1943, A Theory of Human Motivation, the American psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that healthy human beings have a certain number of needs, and that these needs are arranged in a hierarchy, with some needs (such as physiological and safety needs) being more primitive or basic than others (such as social and ego needs ...", "Maslow's hierarchy of needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology anticipated by Abraham Maslow in his 1943. paper A Theory of Human Motivation. Maslow consequently extended the idea to include his observations of. humans' innate curiosity, over the years researches and authors has tend to criticizes the theory as being.", "What's the difference between want, need and desire? Aren't they the same? They aren't. Needs are basic in nature, like food, shelter etc. Want is a feeling for something you lack. Desire is an extension of a want, with clear objective of filling the gap that want had left with. Ex: I want to earn lot of money but i desire for a villa with an ocean view.", "Five Basic Survival Needs of Human Beings for a long time sleep was not considered a basic human need studies on sleep deprivation helped to change this in the 20th century in terms of human need sleep is one of the five most important elements", "- The Basic Needs Of Living Things Every living organism on earth needs some basic things to survive. The amount, way, form or kind of these needs vary from organism to organism. For example, water is a basic need for survival.The amount of water a frog needs to survive is not the same as the amount of water a desert cactus plant needs to survive. They all need water, but because they are different living organisms, their water needs will be different, even though they both need water to live.he amount of water a frog needs to survive is not the same as the amount of water a desert cactus plant needs to survive. They all need water, but because they are different living organisms, their water needs will be different, even though they both need water to live.", "- Problems faced by people who are homeless. The basic problem of homelessness is the human need for personal shelter, warmth and safety, which can be literally vital. Other basic difficulties include: personal security, quiet, and privacy, especially for sleeping.", "Theories of human development What is the first level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? Physiological needs include the most basic needs that are vital to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, and sleep. Maslow believed that these needs are the most basic and instinctive needs in the hierarchy because all needs become secondary until these physiological needs are met. What is the second level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?", "Economic Definition of wants and needs. Defined. Economic Definition of wants and needs. Defined. Term wants and needs Definition: These are the unfulfilled desires that motivate human behavior and that when satisfied improve human well-being. They include both physiological or biological requirements for maintaining life (needs) and the psychological desires which make life more enjoyable (wants).", "- needs and wants. Unsatisfied human desires that motivate their actions and enhance their fulfillment when met. Many business marketing departments pay close attention to the needs and wants of their target market since both drive consumer purchases.", "Do You Define the Business Need? (BABOK 5.1) Identify and define why a change to an organizational system or capabilities is required. As a {user}, I need {to do something} so that {I can achieve some benefit}. The business need is one of the most fundamental aspects of business analysis.Yet, I know many BAs do not consider themselves part of defining the business need. Today, I’d like to challenge your assumptions.s a {user}, I need {to do something} so that {I can achieve some benefit}. The business need is one of the most fundamental aspects of business analysis. Yet, I know many BAs do not consider themselves part of defining the business need.", "- Physiological Needs are the foundation of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and include survival needs such as the need for sleep, food, air, and reproduction. Physiological needs are the requirements we all need individually for human survival.", "The 4 Basic Needs of Living Things Needed Transcript of The 4 Basic Needs of Living Things Needed These things are needs every living needs to stay alive. 4 Basic Needs Every Living Thing Needs Living things use food as their energy source. Food All living things need water to survive, without water most organisms can live for only a few days. Water Living things need a place to live, for food, water and shelter. Space Organisms must able to keep conditions in their bodies stable. Stable Conditions Autotrophs are organisms that can make food.", "- Psychological needs are, to name a few, understanding, compassion, attention, strength, trust, self-esteem, and companionship. Maslow's triangle, lists five basic human needs.", "Basic needs The poverty line is then defined as the amount of income required to satisfy those needs. The 'basic needs' approach was introduced by the International Labour Organization's World Employment Conference in 1976.", "Translations for basic needs Basic needs. The basic needs approach is one of the major approaches to the measurement of absolute poverty. It attempts to define the absolute minimum resources necessary for long-term physical well-being, usually in terms of consumption goods. The poverty line is then defined as the amount of income required to satisfy those needs. The 'basic needs' approach was introduced by the ILO in 1976 at its World Employment Conference. A traditional list of immediate basic needs is food, shelter and clothing.", "Basic needs It influenced the programmes and policies of major multilateral and bilateral development agencies, and was the precursor to the human development approach.. A traditional list of immediate basic needs is food (including water), shelter and clothing. Many modern lists emphasize the minimum level of consumption of 'basic needs' of not just food, water, clothing and shelter, but also sanitation, education, and healthcare.", "- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 1 First, most basic level: physiological needs, such as the need for food, water, safety, and security. 2 Second level: needs for social interaction, such as the need to belong. Third level: needs for esteem, which include the need for respect from oneself and others.", "Public Service Motivation: Applying Maslowâs Hierarchy of Needs to Understand Employee Motivation and Engagement Physiological needs: Basic needs including food, water, warmth and love. While Maslow’s needs are argued to be the basis for human survival and growth, these needs can also be interpreted on an organizational level to build the foundation to help engage and motivate employees. From a public management standpoint, we can interpret that:", "What Is Needs Assessment? - Definition & Examples Definition. A needs assessment is a process used by organizations to determine priorities, make organizational improvements, or allocate resources.It involves determining the needs, or gaps, between where the organization envisions itself in the future and the organization's current state.here are four general steps you take in any needs assessment: 1 First, you need to identify your organization's needs or gaps hindering the organization from moving from its current state to its desired future state. 2 You will then develop a research plan setting the scope of your research.", "- Answer What is inborn need? Excellent question. It is takes maturity to appreciate & acknowledge that everyone has a core desire and that core desir…e/need is to love and to be loved. Diamonds, cars, houses, bank accounts cannot subsitute for such a core need.", "Public Speaking Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (definition) Categorization of human needs into 5 categories, from most basic to most sophisticated. Used in Public Speaking in a persuasive speech to appeal to the audience's most deeply held needs.", "- Definition of need: General: A motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social ... Dictionary Term of Day Articles Subjects Sign Up BusinessDictionary", "needy Needy definition, in a condition of need or want; poverty-stricken; impoverished; extremely poor; destitute. See more.", "Aging Exam II Measure of need for help with basic functions such as eating, bathing, dressing, getting to and from the bathroom, getting in and out of bed, and walking. Adaptation. A range of behaviors to meet demands; includes developing habits to confront problems and manage frustration and anxiety.", "The Importance of Your Basic Needs (Psychology) In psychology, human needs have been popularized by the psychologist Abraham Maslow who stated that needs exist in a hierarchy. The needs listed by Maslow, starting from the most basic, are: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, cognitive, and finally, the need for self actualization.", "- A needs assessment is conducted so the target audience can verify its own level of knowledge and skill, its inter- ests and opinions, or its learning habits and preferences.", "What are the psychological needs? Psychological needs are, to name a few, understanding, compassion, attention, strength, trust, self-esteem, and companionship. Maslow's triangle, lists five basic human needs. The hierarchy starting from the bottom up is as listed, humans need:", "Five Basic Survival Needs of Human Beings For a long time sleep was not considered a basic human need. Studies on sleep deprivation helped to change this in the 20th century. In terms of human need, sleep is one of the five most important elements. Sleep deprivation can cause a myriad of problems ranging from decreased body temperature to cognitive impairment and hallucination. Although the mechanisms of sleep are not well understood, the problems associated with lack of sleep are.", "- Quick Answer. The five basic needs of all animals are sunlight, water, air, food and habitat. Sunlight is the fundamental source of energy on earth. Solar energy enters the living ecosystems though the process of photosynthesis carried out by green plants and is transformed into usable chemical energy." ]
[ 13.484375 ]
[ 9.8359375, 10.3203125, 9.4921875, 9.59375, 9.609375, 9.7578125, 9.09375, 9.9453125, 9.625, 10.03125, 8.046875, 9.8125, 10.2421875, 10.40625, 11.8515625, 12.234375, 11.765625, 10.8203125, 10.2109375, 8.546875, 8.96875, 10.25, 10.4609375, 8.3828125, 9.484375, 11.0703125, 9.0546875, 9.5546875, 9.703125, 10.5859375 ]
what is a cold snare polypectomy
[ "- Cold snare polypectomy is an easy-to-apply technique and has been the most popular technique esprcially for small and diminutive polyps. Briefly, the endoscopist advances the snare sheath, opens the snare and encircles the polyp." ]
[ "- Frenectomy. A frenectomy is a surgical procedure that removes or loosens a band of muscle tissue that is connected to the lip, cheek or floor of the mouth.It is usually performed under local anesthetic with uneventful healing. frenectomy is a surgical procedure that removes or loosens a band of muscle tissue that is connected to the lip, cheek or floor of the mouth.", "Polyp (medicine) A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. If it is attached to the surface by a narrow elongated stalk, it is said to be pedunculated. If no stalk is present, it is said to be sessile. Polyps are commonly found in the colon, stomach, nose, ear, sinus(es), urinary bladder, and uterus. They may also occur elsewhere in the body where mucous membranes exist like the cervix, vocal folds, and small intestine.", "Colorectal Cancer Surgery Colorectal Cancer Surgery Terms. 1 Polypectomy is a procedure in which polyps -- small growths on the inner lining of the colon -- are removed during a colonoscopy, a procedure in which a special instrument (the colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum to view the rectum and colon.", "- Cryosurgery is a highly effective treatment for a broad range of benign skin problems. With appropriate instruction and supervised experience, family physicians can master the technique quickly. Cryosurgery is best suited for use in patients with light skin and for treatment of lesions in most non–hair-bearing areas of the body. Spray methods include the timed spot freeze technique, the rotary or spiral pattern, and the paintbrush method.", "- Temperature regulation in emergency, surgical and critical care. The Whipple Procedure is a complicated surgery, involving the removal and reattachment of portions of several organs, including the pancreas, the small intestine, the stomach, the gallbladder, and the common bile duct. Court rejected claim against hospital for negligent credentialing.", "Cervical, Endocervical, and Endometrial Polyps A polyp is a mass of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane, such as the cervix or endometrium. A pedunculated polyp is attached to the mucous membrane by a stalk, which is its blood supply. Endometrial polyps are overgrowths of endometrial glands and stroma in the endometrium. Cervical and endocervical polyps are the most common benign, neoplastic (new) growths of the cervix.", "Cold agglutinin disease Cold agglutinin disease is a rare and poorly understood disorder affecting 15% of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. We reviewed the clinical and pathologic features, prognosis, and management in the literature and describe our institutional experience to improve strategies for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Retrospective analysis identified 89 patients from our institution with cold agglutinin disease from 1970 through 2012. Median age at symptom onset was 65 years (range, 41 to 83 years), whereas the median age at diagnosis was 72 years (range, 43 to 91 years).", "- Home Areas of Expertise MAZE Procedure. Cryomaze. As a treatment for atrial fibrillation, the Cryomaze procedure creates linear cryolesions (frozen scars) in the upper chamber of the heart by applying an Argon-powered cold probe to freeze the tissue.ryomaze. As a treatment for atrial fibrillation, the Cryomaze procedure creates linear cryolesions (frozen scars) in the upper chamber of the heart by applying an Argon-powered cold probe to freeze the tissue.", "Cryosurgery in Cancer Treatment Cryosurgery (also called cryotherapy) is the use of extreme cold produced by liquid nitrogen (or argon gas) to destroy abnormal tissue. Cryosurgery is used to treat external tumors, such as those on the skin. For external tumors, liquid nitrogen is applied directly to the cancer cells with a cotton swab or spraying device. Cryosurgery is also used to treat tumors inside the body (internal tumors and tumors in the bone). For internal tumors, liquid nitrogen or argon gas is circulated through a hollow instrument called a cryoprobe, which is placed in contact with the tumor.", "Cytoreductive Surgery and Heated Chemotherapy (HIPEC) A technique called cytoreductive (debulking) surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) has been shown to be an effective treatment option for certain peritoneal surface malignancy cancers such as selected stage IV colon cancer and other gastrointestinal cancers including appendiceal cancers and pseudomyxoma peritonei.", "- Exacto cold snare. Exacto cold snare. The unique snare design offers more control for placement around diminutive polyps and a precise, clean cut. Supporting the cold snaring technique, the Exacto® cold snare: Enables a clean cut, with a braided snare wire that is 33% thinner than traditional braided wires.", "Polyp (medicine) A polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. If it is attached to the surface by a narrow elongated stalk, it is said to be pedunculated. If no stalk is present, it is said to be sessile. Polyps are commonly found in the colon, stomach, nose, sinus(es) , urinary bladder and uterus. They may also occur elsewhere in the body where mucous membranes exist like the cervix, vocal folds, and small intestine.", "Background Several variations of EMR are currently used, including injection-assisted, cap-assisted, and ligation-assisted techniques. All adhere to the basic principles of identification and demarcation of the lesion, submucosal injection to lift the lesion, and endoscopic snare resection.", "- An oral insert which can tend to cause cold fronts when deep breaths are taken in through the mouth, as well as creating a disco ball type apperance of the orafice. May cause hood rats to constantly ask to see your grill, yeah, yeah, your grill.", "Guidelines for When to Code for Screening and Diagnostic Colonoscopies in an ASC Now the procedure is billed as 45385 (colonoscopy with lesion removed by snare) and the selection of diagnosis code is a little more tricky. CMS requires the facility to bill for both the indication (screening) and the finding (polyp).", "Zenker's diverticulum A Zenker's diverticulum, also pharyngoesophageal diverticulum, also pharyngeal pouch, also hypopharyngeal diverticulum, is a diverticulum of the mucosa of the pharynx, just above the cricopharyngeal muscle (i.e. above the upper sphincter of the esophagus). Zenker's diverticulum, also pharyngoesophageal diverticulum, also pharyngeal pouch, also hypopharyngeal diverticulum, is a diverticulum of the mucosa of the pharynx, just above the cricopharyngeal muscle (i.e. above the upper sphincter of the esophagus).", "- MyoSure fibroid and polyp removal procedure is a safe and easy method of removing any submucosal fibroids and polyps from the uterus. This method consists of removing the fibroids and polyps without cutting the uterus.", "Removal of Endometrial or Cervical Polyps The removal of endometrial or cervical polyps is a relatively simple procedure. Some cervical polyps are completely seen outside the cervix and can be removed in a doctor’s office or surgery with an instrument called a polyp forceps.Endometrial polyps and deeply inserted cervical polyps require a hysteroscopy.n endometrial polyp as the name says originates from the endometrium, the tissue present inside the uterus. Endometrial polyps grow inside the uterine cavity. A cervical polyp grows from the epithelial cells of the cervix and usually can be seen outside the uterus at the tips of the cervix.", "- 3-4 mm polyp (left) excised with a forceps (center), to which cautery is applied, leaving a small polypectomy site (right). Grossly this lesion cannot be reliably distinguished from a hyperplastic pseudopolyp vs. a small true polyp (adenoma), and all such lesions should be removed for microscopic analysis. Home.", "- A hernia is strangulated if. the intestine is trapped in the hernia pouch. and the blood supply to the intestine is. cut off. This is a surgical emergency.3. Herniorrhaphy is the surgical repair of a hernia. Hernioplasty is surgical repair of a hernia with. mesh inserted to reinforce the weak area.", "Retropubic suspension Retropubic suspension refers to the surgical procedures used to correct incontinence by supporting and stabilizing the bladder and urethra. The Burch procedure, also known as retropubic urethropexy procedure or Burch colosuspension, and Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure (MMK) are the two primary surgeries for treating stress incontinence. The major difference between these procedures is the method for supporting the bladder. The Burch procedure uses sutures to attach the urethra and bladder to muscle tissue in the pelvic area. MMK uses sutures to attach these organs to the pelvic cartilage.", "What is cryosurgery? However, your feedback is important to us. Cryosurgery is a procedure that uses freezing gas (liquid nitrogen) to destroy precancerous cells on the cervix. The cervix, the lowest part of the womb or uterus, opens into the vagina. When unhealthy cells are destroyed, the body can replace them with new, healthy cells.", "vagotomy Etymology: L, vagus, wandering, temnein, to cut. the cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve, performed with gastric surgery, to reduce the amount of gastric acid secreted and lessen the chance of recurrence of a gastric ulcer.With the patient under general anesthesia, a gastrectomy is performed, and the appropriate branches of the vagus nerve are excised.agotomy. interruption of the impulses carried by the vagus nerve or nerves; so called because it was first performed by surgical methods. The surgical procedure is done as part of the treatment of gastric or duodenal ulcer and often is performed in combination with gastroenterostomy or partial gastrectomy.", "Cryosurgery Cryosurgery (cryotherapy) is the use of extreme cold in surgery to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue.The term comes from the Greek words cryo (κρύο) (icy cold) and surgery (cheirourgiki – χειρουργική) meaning hand work or handiwork. mixture of dimethyl ether and propane is used in some preparations such as Dr. Scholl's Freeze Away. The mixture is stored in an aerosol spray type container at room temperature and drops to −41 °C (−42 °F) when dispensed. The mixture is often dispensed into a straw with a cotton-tipped swab.", "StomaphyX The StomaphyX procedure is a new and innovative revision procedure for individuals who have had Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and have regained weight due to a stretched stomach pouch or enlarged stomach outlet.s a leader in weight loss surgery, we are excited to be one of the first practices in the United States to offer a new and much less invasive procedure which offers substantial benefits to our patients. Dr. Victor Gonzalez is one of the most experienced specialists to be performing procedures with the StomaphyX.", "OPERATION cryosurgery - the use of extreme cold (usually liquid nitrogen) to destroy unwanted tissue (warts or cataracts or skin cancers) curettage, curettement - surgery to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity (as the uterus) by scraping with a curette.", "When Is Cervical Cryosurgery Necessary? Cryosurgery is an Important Treatment to Prevent Cancer. Women's Health. Cervical cryosurgery or cryotherapy is a gynecological treatment that freezes a section of the cervix. Cryosurgery of the cervix is most often done to destroy abnormal cervical cells that show changes that may lead to cancer. These changes are called precancerous cells.", "Diagnosis ... the goal of surgery is to remove the portion of the intestine that contains the cancerous or precancerous polyps. ... Colon Cancer www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/mayo/c/colon_cancer.aspx. Colon cancer most often begins as clumps of precancerous cells (polyps) on the inside lining of the colon ...If your cancer is small, localized in a polyp and in a very early stage, your doctor may be able to remove ... Larger polyps may be removed using endoscopic mucosal resection ..... the goal of surgery is to remove the portion of the intestine that contains the cancerous or precancerous polyps. ... Colon Cancer www.lifescript.com/health/a-z/mayo/c/colon_cancer.aspx. Colon cancer most often begins as clumps of precancerous cells (polyps) on the inside lining of the colon ...", "Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy Laparoscopic Heller myotomy is a minimally invasive procedure that opens the tight lower esophageal sphincter (the valve between the esophagus and the stomach) by performing a myotomy (cutting the thick muscle of the lower part of the esophagus and the upper part of the stomach) to relieve the dysphagia (difficulty swallowing).", "- Cryosurgery is a highly effective treatment for a broad range of benign skin problems. With appropri-. ate instruction and supervised experience, family physicians can master the technique quickly. Cryo-. surgery is best suited for use in patients with light skin and for treatment of lesions in most non–hair-. bearing areas of the body. Spray methods include the timed spot freeze technique, the rotary or spiral. pattern, and the paintbrush method. Benign skin lesions that are suitable for freezing include actinic." ]
[ 13.75 ]
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types of circus animals
[ "Circus A variety of animals have historically been used in acts. While the types of animals used vary from circus to circus, big cats, elephants, horses, birds, sea lions, bears and domestic animals are the most common. The earliest involvement of animals in circus was just the display of exotic creatures." ]
[ "- We listed them under Duke’s name. I added in a bit more about the movies and the horses – can’t have a circus without horses. The horses that the cowboys loved got star billing both in posters and events. The article is for reference only. Donations to the Baraboo Circus Museum help to preserve a way of life fast disappearing. Better yet, head over to the Baraboo Circus Museum (Baraboo, WI) this summer and catch the circus act.", "- Notable Species: Mandarin ducks, orangutans, Sumatran tigers, hyenas, olive baboons, sable antelopes, elks, bison, moose, grizzly bears, lynx, emus, black cockatoos, camels and alpacas.", "Animals in UK Circuses In 1998, our report on the use of animals in circuses shocked many, and resulted in the cruelty convictions of top circus trainer Mary Chipperfield, her husband, and their elephant keeper. During 2002, ADI surveyed circuses in the UK to observe any changes in the industry, and review animal welfare issues.", "- At Big Apple Circus, a set of camels is as exotic as it gets, so your conscience can remain unsullied.", "Mascot Costumes Animal and Holiday Mascot Costumes. Every popular mascot animal costume is available: lion, eagle, owl, squirrel, bear, bull, pig, dog, lizard, raccoon, horse, gorilla, chicken, turkey, turtle, rabbit, and the list goes on and on! We have a veritable zoo of mascot costumes.", "- ANSWER KEY Mammals:cat, elephant, dolphinBirds:duck, chicken, penguinFish:shark, pufferfish, clown fishReptiles:alligator, turtle, snakeAmphibians:salamander, frog, toad Super Teacher Worksheets-www.superteacherworksheets.com. cat.", "Mammoth The mammoth is an extinct form of elephant. There are three different types of mammoths whose skeletons have been found in North America. The woolly mammoth (M. primigenius), the Columbian mammoth (M. columbi), and Jefferson's mammoth (M. jeffersonii).They are about the same size as modern day elephants, contrary to the common belief that they are much larger.However their tusks could get up to about 16 feet long.he woolly mammoth (M. primigenius), the Columbian mammoth (M. columbi), and Jefferson's mammoth (M. jeffersonii). They are about the same size as modern day elephants, contrary to the common belief that they are much larger. However their tusks could get up to about 16 feet long.", "Elephant Subsequently, the US received many of its captive African elephants from Zimbabwe, which had an overabundance of the animals. As of 2000, around 1,200 Asian and 700 African elephants were kept in zoos and circuses. The largest captive population is in North America, which has an estimated 370 Asian and 350 African elephants.", "Circus A circus is a company of performers that may include clowns, acrobats, trained animals, trapeze acts, musicians, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other object manipulation and stunt-oriented artists.irst attested in English 14th century, the word circus derives from Latin circus, which is the romanization of the Greek κίρκος (kirkos), itself a metathesis of the Homeric Greek κρίκος (krikos), meaning circle or ring.", "- Dumbo octopus is a type of octopus named after Walt Disney's famous character Dumbo the elephant because of the ear-like fins. There are around 37 different species of dumbo octopi.ain predators of dumbo octopi are sharks and killer whales. Dumbo octopus eat different type of crustaceans, bivalve, worms on the sea bottom and copepods (that are part of the zoo-plankton) when they swim near the surface of the water.", "Types of Sea Lions 1 The California Sea Lion is the one most people are familiar with. 2 They are friendly animals often seen doing a variety of tricks in various locations while in captivity. 3 Steller Sea Lion. 4 Steller Sea Lions are the largest of the species in the world.", "- The animals behave as if it were night, and zoo visitors can see them. Zoos are also showing more kinds of animals. Many zoos now include insects, spiders, crustaceans (lobsters, for example), and other invertebrates (animals without backbones) in their exhibits.nimal Diets. More kinds of food are probably served in a zoo than in most restaurants. To feed their livestock, zoos are always buying large quantities of grain, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, and other foods. Many zoo visitors enjoy seeing animals fed.", "- Animals that begin with the different letters are: A: Aardvark Aardwolf Abalone Abyssinian Cat Abyssinian Ground Hornbill Acacia Rat Achilles Tang Acorn Barnacle Acorn Weevil Acorn Woodpecker Acouchi (Rodent Resembling a Squirrel) Adams Stag-Horned Beetle Addax Adder Adelie Penguin Admiral Butterfly Adouri Aegean Cat Affenpinscher Afghan Hound ...", "- Spirit Animals & Their Meanings. Alligator, Antelope, Caribou, Cougar, Coyote, Crane, Crow, Deer, Dolphin, Dragonfly, Eagle, Elk, Fox, Frog, Goat, Goose, Hawk, Hedgehog, Horse, Hummingbird, Lizard.", "- Monkey; Whales; Sea Lion; Seal; Penguin; Zebra; Tiger; Rhinoceros; Prairie Dog; Hippopotamus; Elephant; Snake; Guinea Pig; Pigs; Applause; Cars; City Sounds; Crowd Sounds; Doors; Drum Loops; Electric Sounds; Fight Sounds; Household; Human; Nature; Scary and Horror; Sports; War and Battle; Pro Sound Effects; Amusement Park. Animals. Applause. Bell. Cartoon / Comedy. City Sounds. Crowds. Doors. Electronics. Fireworks", "Types of Pitbulls: know the difference! That would be same as saying that “hound” refers to a single breed. Instead, like “hound”, “pit bull” is a grouping that contains several breeds of dog. The three most common types are the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Many dogs that are not even truly pitbulls are lumped into this category as well. Any dog bearing even one or two of the physical characteristics of a pit are often called “pit bull type” dogs.", "What are the different types of wild dogs in the world? exists and is an alternate of . Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. There are African Wild Dogs, Red Foxes, Fennec Foxes, Bat Eared Foxes, Kit Foxes, Gray Wolves, Maned Wolves, Ethiopian Wolves, Dingos, (Hyenas are not canines, believe me) and the rest i am researching for something. Hope these help, oh, and gray foxes along with arctic foxes!", "Circus train A circus wagon. A circus train is a modern method of conveyance for circus troupes. One of the larger users of circus trains is the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (RBBX), a famous American circus formed when the Ringling Brothers Circus purchased the Barnum and Bailey Circus in 1907.", "- 1 After you have the animal puppets made, stage a puppet show and let them show off their…. 2 Differences Between S Type and C Type Corporations There are a variety of ways to form a business, including S type corporations and C type corporations.", "Holocauste Literature An Indian elephant, from the Hamburg Zoo, used by Germans in Valenciennes, France to help move tree trunks in 1915. As the war dragged on, beasts of burden became scarce in Germany, and some circus and zoo animals were requisitioned for army use.ritish and French forces imported horses from colonies and allies around the world, a near-constant flow of hundreds of thousands of animals across the oceans, headed for war. One estimate places the number of horses killed during the four years of warfare at nearly 8 million.", "The Different Types of Animal Testing Currently, different types of animal testing are used with somewhat varied purposes. These tests are conducted on different animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, dogs and monkeys.Let’s have a look at some of these major tests where animals are used.urrently, different types of animal testing are used with somewhat varied purposes. These tests are conducted on different animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, dogs and monkeys. Let’s have a look at some of these major tests where animals are used.", "- There are two genetically distinct species of African elephants: the savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana africana) and the forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis). Physical differences between the savannah and forest elephants are minimal but very distinct, while their social structure is very similar.he Maryland Zoo in Baltimore houses African elephants (Loxodonta africana) who are very different from their Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) cousins. The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is the largest land animal in the world.", "Circus These tents eventually became the most common venue and remain so to the present day. Contemporary circuses perform in a variety of venues including tents, theatres and casinos. Many circus performances are still held in a ring usually 13 m (42 ft) in diameter. This dimension was adopted by Philip Astley in the late 18th century as the minimum diameter that enabled an acrobatic horse rider to stand upright on a cantering horse to perform their tricks.", "- Its colours are bay, brown, black, gray, and chestnut. There are two distinct types of the American Saddle Horse: three- gaited and five- gaited. The three natural gaits are walk, trot, and canter. Three- gaited saddle horses are shown with a short tail and cropped mane.", "Circus Animals: Abused and Dangerous Perhaps the most dramatic animal attack involved Tyke, an elephant traveling with Circus International in Honolulu in 1994. In an hour-long episode, Tyke killed her trainer and caused injuries to more than a dozen people.", "Dalmatian Best known as the star of Disney's 101 Dalmatians, this sleek and athletic dog breed has a history that goes back several hundred years. He started out as a coach dog but has also served in many other capacities, including hunter, firehouse dog, and circus performer.", "Dove and Pigeon Care There are many pigeon breeds and types of doves available. A wide variety of pet doves, as well as pet pigeons and and show pigeons, can be found in the pet industry and through breeders. The types of doves and pigeon breeds include: Barbary Dove; Diamond Dove; Green Wing Dove; Mourning Dove; White Dove; Ringneck Dove; Senegal Dove; Spotted Dove", "Bichon Frise Bred specifically to be a companion, the Bichon Frise is a wonderfully affectionate dog. Because his job was to entertain, his nifty repertoire of tricks made him an ideal circus dog. Today, though, he’s more often found entertaining his people at home.", "Types of Goldfish Breeds Fancy Goldfish Types. 1 The oranda has a dorsal fin and the lionhead and most ranchu don’t. 2 The ranchu has a prominent arch in its back and downward pointed tail fins. 3 The lionhead and oranda have a straighter back line. 4 A goldfish with a hood cover with a straight back and no dorsal fin is a lionhead.", "Circus Animals: Abused and Dangerous One study of traveling circuses reported on an elephant who was forced to spend up to 96 percent of her time in chains. Tigers and lions usually live and travel in cages that are four feet high, seven feet long, and seven feet wide, with two big cats crammed into a single cage." ]
[ 12.90625 ]
[ 9.0390625, 7.9375, 10.09375, 10.1484375, 7.2421875, 7.72265625, 6.90625, 9.2265625, 9.75, 6.71875, 7.74609375, 7.7265625, 7.4453125, 7.43359375, 7.92578125, 7.2578125, 7.109375, 8.234375, 8.2734375, 8.015625, 7.7109375, 6.8203125, 9, 7.7421875, 10.40625, 8.1484375, 6.9609375, 8.71875, 7.50390625, 11.3671875 ]
is kb bigger than mb
[ "MB to KB Conversion Megabyte unit symbol is MB, Kilobyte unit symbol is KB. Megabyte is greater than Kilobyte. MB has the prefix Mega. KB has the prefix Kilo. Megabyte is 1000 times bigger than Kilobyte. Megabyte (MB) is a unit of transferred or stored digital information, which is extensively used in information and computer technology. In SI, one megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes." ]
[ "MB to KB Conversion Kilobyte unit symbol is KB, Megabyte unit symbol is MB. Megabyte is greater than Kilobyte. KB has the prefix Kilo. MB has the prefix Mega. Megabyte is 1000 times bigger than Kilobyte. Kilobyte (KB) is a common measurement unit of digital information (including text, sound, graphic, video, and other sorts of information) that equals to 1000 bytes.", "- File sizes can be confusing but not once you understand how these sizes work and how to convert from one the other! Gigabytes(GB), Megabytes(MB), Kilobytes(KB), Bytes and Bit. But that really doesn't tell you much other than a gigabyte is bigger than a kilobyte. Bit Smallest unit of measurement.", "What Is Bigger: MB or KB? A MB, which is an abbreviation for a megabyte, is bigger than a KB, which is an abbreviation for a kilobyte. A megabyte is commonly understood to be equivalent to one million bytes, where a byte is equal to eight bits. Where as, a kilobyte consists of one thousand bytes. Continue Reading. A megabyte is one thousand times larger than a kilobyte.", "Difference Between MB and GB The largest value of byte is 2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2=256, and to represent bigger numbers, we need to use KB. Next comes KB which is 2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2X2=1024 bytes. This is also referred to as 1000 bytes in the metric system. Clearly binary KB is bigger than decimal KB. MB is 2 multiplied 20 times or 1048576 bytes.", "In computer terms - is KB bigger or smaller than MB? The smallest is bit and the highest so far is petabyte (I think). Smallest to biggest: bit → byte → kilobyte → megabyte → gigabyte → terabyte. I don't know if there are a few more bytes in between terabyte and petabyte, though. Btw, 1 petabyte = 3,145,728GB. So, megabytes are BIGGER than kilobytes.", "File Sizes The answer is no because it is more than a megabyte. In fact 2052 KB is over 2 MB. File sizes can be confusing but not once you understand how these sizes work and how to convert from one the other! There are (from largest to smallest): Gigabytes(GB), Megabytes(MB), Kilobytes(KB), Bytes and Bit. But that really doesn't tell you much other than a gigabyte is bigger than a kilobyte. Exact File Size Conversion. Bit Smallest unit of measurement.", "What Takes up More Memory: KB or MB? A MB takes up more memory than a KB. A KB, or kilobyte, takes up 1,000 bytes of memory, whereas a MB, or megabyte, takes up 1,000,000 bytes of memory. Continue Reading. Computer memory is measured using a binary system of ones and zeros. Each one or zero in memory is a bit. It takes eight bits to create a byte, the smallest processing unit. Once a megabyte is surpassed, the next unit of measure is a gigabyte, which equals 1,000,000,000 bytes.", "Difference between MB and GB Gigabyte (GB) and Megabyte (MB) are multiples of the unit byte for digital information storage or transmission. Each GB and MB can store different amounts of data. One GB can store 1024 MB of data. One MB can store 1024 KB of data. One KB can store 1024 bytes of data, and one byte has 8 bits of data. A bit stands for binary digit. It is the basic capacity of information in computing and telecommunications. It is the smallest unit for data storage.", "How many bytes = 1 KB? how many KB = 1 MB? and how many MB? - Kilobyte Wiki. When referring to data transfer rates and hard disk drive storage size, kilobyte means 1000 (10^3) bytes. On the other hand, random-access memory capacity such as CPU cache measurements are always stated in multiples of 1024 (2^10) bytes, due to memory's binary addressing..", "Which one is bigger bytes or MB or KB? Best Answer: Smallest is KB, then MB, and the biggest is GB. 8 Bits in a Byte. 1024 Bytes in a KB. 1024 KB in a MB. 1024 MB in a GB. 1024 GB in a Terabyte.", "What's the difference between KB, MB, GB, and TB? A KB (kilobyte) is 1000 bytes, an MB (megabyte) is 1000 kilobytes, a GB (gigabyte) is 1000 megabytes, a TB (terabyte) is 1000 gigabytes, you get the pattern. After terabyte is petabyte, pettabyte is exabyte, exabyte is zettabyte and zettabyte is yottabyte. That's the last prefix we have right now.", "What is bigger: MB, KB, or GB? MB is smallest, KB is larger than MB, but GB is larger than all. Everybody knows that, but people say there's 1000 KB in 1 MB and 1000 MB in 1 GB. That's incorrect. There's actually 1024, please get that straight. Half of 1024 is 512. Which is why there are a lot of memory cards sold for 512 MB. Half of 512 (quarter of 1024) is 256, which is why there are some memory cards and flash drives sold at 256 MB.", "- From the list above it is easy to understand that Gegabyte is bigger than Megabyte. Or GB is bigger between MB and GB. Thanks.", "What is the difference between KB and MB file size? The standard measurement units that are used online and on your family's computer are gigabytes, megabytes, kilobytes and bytes. Largest Larger Large Basic Unit. Gigabyte (GB) Megabyte (MB) Kilobyte (KB) Byte. Exact Conversion. 1,024 Byte = 1 Kilobyte (KB)", "Comments: KB vs MB Difference between kB and kb, MB and Mb. kb is kilobits and kB is kilobytes. While MB is megabytes, Mb refers to Megabits. 1 byte has 8 bits. File sizes are usually expressed in KB and MB whereas kb and Mb are often used to express data transfer speeds (such as a 54 Mbps wireless router or 3G or 4G connection speeds).", "Is MB or KB the Larger Measurement of Data? The way MB and KB are capitalized makes a big difference in what is being discussed. When talking about data transfer speeds, one is discussing megabits and kilobits, not megabytes and kilobytes. Bits are abbreviated as mb or kb, while bytes, which measure size, are abbreviated as MB or KB, respectively. The progression in units of data measurements is bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, exabytes, zettabytes and finally, yottabytes. Each one is 1,000 times larger than the previous. Learn more about Digital Storage", "MB to KB Conversion Megabytes (MB) 103 bytes (base 10) Kilobyte (KB) is a common measurement unit of digital information (including text, sound, graphic, video, and other sorts of information) that equals to 1000 bytes. In practical information technology, KB is actually equal to 210 bytes, which makes it equal to 1024 bytes.", "Which is Bigger - KB or MB? It can also be used to represent the 1000 bytes or 103, which is the decimal interpretation. This may be a little confusing but note that binary KB is bigger than the decimal one by 24 bytes. When represented in the binary system MB is 1,048,576 bytes or 220 bytes and it stands for megabyte. However, in the decimal system, it stands for 1,000,000 bytes or 106 bytes. In the decimal system, MB stands for megabits. 1 bit = 1 or 0. 1 nibble = 4 bits. 1 byte = 8 bits. 1 KB (one Kilobyte) = 1024 bytes.", "Is KB (kilobyte) bigger than MB (megabyte)? No, a kilobyte is 1024 bytes and a megabyte is 1024 kilobytes. The reason for the odd 24 is because computers use binary not decimal. So in binary each unit (1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc. in decimal) is a power of 2 (not ten) so 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, 128s, 256s, 512s, 1024s, etc.", "Which one is bigger bytes or MB or KB? Okay, now is the classic question. First, MB is bigger than KB. Depending of the use you might take, 1MB is equal to 1024 or 1000 KB. But the exact one if 1024. The simple reason is that in the computer, 1 Kilobyte is repesented as 2^10 while 1 Mb is represented as 2^20.", "What, is the difference between a Megabyte, Gigabyte & Kilobyte? A Megabyte is approximately 1,000 Kilobytes. In the early days of computing, a Megabyte was considered to be a large amount of data. These days with a 500 Gigabyte hard drive on a computer being common, a Megabyte doesn’t seem like much anymore. One of those old 3-1/2 inch floppy disks can hold 1.44 Megabytes or the equivalent of a small book. 100 Megabytes might hold a couple volumes of Encyclopedias. 600 Megabytes is about the amount of data that will fit on a CD-ROM disk.", "How many kilobytes are in a megabyte? Roughly, there are about 1000 kilobytes (KB) in a megabyte (MB). So the actual number may be either 1000, 1024, or 1049 kilobytes in a megabyte, depending on the definitions you use for each. The difference is due to the use of binary addressing in memories (1024 = 210).", "Kilobytes to Megabytes Conversion (KB to MB) There are 1000 kilobytes in a megabyte. 1 Megabyte is equal to 1000 Kilobytes. 1 MB = 1000 KB. According to the standards of SI, the prefix of mega is used for expressing of 106 multiplication of a unit. Similarly, a megabyte is considered a unit of data volume which is equal to 1 000 000 bytes.", "What's the difference between KB, MB, GB, and TB? KB is kilobyte, MB is megabyte, GB is gigabyte, TG is terabyte. A single bit is the value of 1 or 0. A byte is 8 bits. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes. A megabyte 1,024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes. A gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes or 1,048,576 kilobytes.", "Knowledge Base So in actuality, one KB is really 1024 bytes, not 1000. It's a small difference, but it adds up over a while. The MB, or megabyte, mega meaning one million. Seems logical that one mega (million) byte would be 1,000,000 (one million) bytes. It's not however. One megabyte is 1024 x 1024 bytes. 1024 kilobytes is called one Megabyte. So one kilobyte is actually 1024 bytes, and 1024 of those is (1024 x 1024) 1048576 bytes. In short, one Megabyte is really 1,048,576 bytes. There is a difference of about 48 KB, which is a decent amount. If you have a calculator, you will notice that there is actually a 47KB difference. There is a difference of 48,576 bytes, divided by 1024, and you get the amount of real kilobytes... 47.4375 All of this really comes into play when you deal with Gigabytes, or roughly one billion bytes.", "Is MB or KB the Larger Measurement of Data? The way MB and KB are capitalized makes a big difference in what is being discussed. When talking about data transfer speeds, one is discussing megabits and kilobits, not megabytes and kilobytes. Bits are abbreviated as mb or kb, while bytes, which measure size, are abbreviated as MB or KB, respectively. The progression in units of data measurements is bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, exabytes, zettabytes and finally, yottabytes. Each one is 1,000 times larger than the previous.", "KB to MB Conversion 1 KB = 10-3 MB in base 10 (SI). 1 Kilobyte is equal to 0.0009765625 megabytes (binary). 1 KB = 2-10 MB in base 2. Difference Between KB and MB. Kilobyte unit symbol is KB, Megabyte unit symbol is MB. Megabyte is greater than Kilobyte. KB has the prefix Kilo. MB has the prefix Mega. Megabyte is 1000 times bigger than Kilobyte.", "Which Is Bigger, a Megabyte or a Gigabyte? Which is bigger, a megabyte or a gigabyte? Quick Answer. A gigabyte (GB) is 1,000 times larger than a megabyte (MB), which is 1 million bytes. A GB of data storage can store approximately 1 billion bytes. One minute of an MP3 audio file is about 1 MB, while the size of a DVD movie is roughly between 4 to 8 GB. Keep Learning.", "Can anyone explain the difference between Kb, Mb & GB to me? A bit (b) is a binary digit which is either 0 or 1. A byte (B) is 8 bits grouped together. Kilo, mega, giga or terra means 1000, 1 million, 1 billion or 1 trillion bits or bytes. A 100 GB drive can store 100 billion bytes. b indicates bits, B indicates bytes so the case matters... Kb is not the same as KB.", "Is KB larger than MB? Yes. There are 1000 KB in 1 MB, so 16 MB is 16 000 KB. Note! This is only approx calculations. It's actually 1024 KB in 1 MB, but that's not necessary for the calculations in … this case." ]
[ 12.640625 ]
[ 12.7734375, 11.9765625, 12.921875, 12.0078125, 12.234375, 11.7265625, 12.5078125, 11.6328125, 10.3671875, 12.75, 12.015625, 12.609375, 11.0390625, 11.296875, 12.09375, 11.328125, 11.5546875, 12.578125, 12.671875, 12.953125, 11.9375, 11.890625, 12.265625, 11.8671875, 11.734375, 11.96875, 12.9921875, 10.8984375, 10.34375, 12.5703125 ]
mens rea definition legal
[ "mens rea As an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness. A fundamental principle of Criminal Law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical element. Mens rea, a person's awareness of the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the mental element, and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element." ]
[ "- In rem definition, (of a legal proceeding or judgment) directed against a thing, rather than against a person, as a legal proceeding for the recovery of property. See more. Dictionary.com", "mens rea Mens Rea. As an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness. A fundamental principle of Criminal Law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical element. Mens rea, a person's awareness of the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the mental element, and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element.", "Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Definition. An amendment proposed to the United States Constitution that would have granted women additional legal protections intended to counteract existing customs that favored men over women in legal matters, as well as inconsistent enforcement of existing laws meant to guarantee legal equality among men and women.efinition. An amendment proposed to the United States Constitution that would have granted women additional legal protections intended to counteract existing customs that favored men over women in legal matters, as well as inconsistent enforcement of existing laws meant to guarantee legal equality among men and women.", "What is SUI JURIS? Lat. Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardianship. Having capacity to manage one’s own affairs; not under legal disability to act for one’s self. Story, Ag.", "due process of law Due Process of Law. A fundamental, constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair and that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away one's life, liberty, or property.", "substantive law Definition from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Statutory or written law that governs the rights and obligations of everyone within its jurisdiction. It defines crimes and punishments, as well as civil rights and responsibilities. Definition provided by Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary.", "in rem in rem. (of a legal proceeding or judgment) directed against a thing, rather than against a person, as a legal proceeding for the recovery of property. Compare in personam.", "Attendant circumstance In the criminal law in the United States, the definition of a given offense generally includes up to three kinds of elements: the actus reus, or guilty conduct; the mens rea, or guilty mental state; and the attendant (sometimes external) circumstances.", "Mens Rea - A Defendant's Mental State Intentional harmful behavior is often criminal, but unintentional harmful behavior comes in two basic forms. The first is mistake in fact and the second is mistake of law. Mistake in fact means that, although your behavior fit the definition of a crime in an objective sense, you were acting based on mistaken knowledge. For example, a person could objectively be selling drugs, but mistakenly believe that he or she is just selling a bag of baking soda.", "Mise MISE, English law. In a writ of right which is intended to be tried by the grand assize, the general issue is called the mise. Lawes, Civ. Pl. 111; 7 Cowen, 51. This word also signifies expenses, and it is so commonly used in the entries of judgments in personal actions; as when the plaintiff recovers, the judgment is quod recuperet damna sua for such value, and pro mises et custagiis for costs and charges for so much, &c.", "Translations for mens rea But if a tort is intentionally committed or a contract is intentionally breached, such intent may increase the scope of liability and the damages payable to the plaintiff. In some jurisdictions, the terms mens rea and actus reus have been replaced by alternative terminology.", "- Search the Definitions. adj. from Latin against or about a thing, referring to a lawsuit or other legal action directed toward property, rather than toward a particular person. Thus, if title to property is the issue, the action is in rem..", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: In the common law of negligence, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur states that the elements of duty of care and breach can be sometimes inferred from the very nature of an accident or other outcome, even without direct evidence of how any defendant behaved.", "Ex Rel. Ex relatione. Latin, on the relation of. A phrase showing that the plaintiff is suing based on information from another person. In the case caption, the party named after ex rel. is the party on whose information the suit is brought. Many government lawsuits based on whistleblowers' information are brought as suits ex rel. See Relator.", "Mens rea Mens rea (/ˈmɛnz ˈriːə/; Latin for guilty mind) is the mental element of a crime. It is a necessary element of many crimes. The standard common law test of criminal liability is expressed in the Latin phrase actus reus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, i.e. the act is not culpable unless the mind is guilty.", "Substantive Law The part of the law that creates, defines, and regulates rights, including, for example, the law of contracts, torts, wills, and real property; the essential substance of rights under law. Substantive law and procedural law are the two main categories within the law.", "Proof of Negligence and Res Ipsa Loquitur Res ipsa loquitur is rule of evidence whereby negligence of alleged wrongdoer may be inferred from mere fact that accident happened -provided character of accident and circumstances attending it - lead reasonably to belief that in absence of negligence it would not have occurred.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions in rem adj. from Latin against or about a thing, referring to a lawsuit or other legal action directed toward property, rather than toward a particular person. Thus, if title to property is the issue, the action is in rem. The term is important since the location of the property determines which court has jurisdiction and enforcement of a judgment must be upon the property and does not follow a person. In rem is different from in personam, which is directed toward a particular person. See also: in personam The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill Publisher Fine Communications", "Mens Rea This entry about Mens Rea has been published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) licence, which permits unrestricted use and reproduction, provided the author or authors of the Mens Rea entry and the Encyclopedia of Law are in each case credited as the source of the Mens Rea entry.", "mens rea mens rea - (law) criminal intent; the thoughts and intentions behind a wrongful act (including knowledge that the act is illegal); often at issue in murder trials.", "- Definition of REPLEVIN: A personal action ex delicto brought to recover possession of goods unlawfully taken, (generally, but not only, applicable to the taking of goods distraine The Law Dictionary Featuring Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary 2nd Ed.", "Tort Law Tort Law. A body of rights, obligations, and remedies that is applied by courts in civil proceedings to provide relief for persons who have suffered harm from the wrongful acts of others.", "In Rem Jurisdiction An “in rem proceeding” refers to a lawsuit or other legal action directed toward property, rather than toward a particular person. The action must be brought in the court which has jurisdiction, as determined by the location of the property.", "Duhaime's Law Dictionary Latin: regarding a person; a right, action, judgment or entitlement that is attached to a specific person(s). In Rem. Latin: regarding a thing; proprietary in nature; a right or judgment related to the use or ownership of an item of property.", "- Substantive due process. A doctrine holding that the 5th and 14th Amendments require all governmental intrusions into fundamental rights and liberties be fair and reasonable and in furtherance of a legitimate governmental interest.", "- Chambers 20th Century Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: prō-prī′e-ti, n. a person's right of possession: state of being proper or right: agreement with established principles or customs: fitness: accuracy: property: (obs.) individuality.—The proprieties, conventional customs of society.", "- Criminal law classically describes offences as being composed of two elements: the mens rea and the actus reus. The mens rea is the guilty mind and the actus reus is the guilty act. The words come from a Latin maxim that holds there to be no punishable act that is not the result of a guilty mind. It is not a crime merely to think guilty thoughts. Guilty thoughts must be linked to an act.", "Mens rea Levels of mens rea. Under the traditional common law, the guilt or innocence of a person relied upon whether he had committed the crime , and whether he intended to commit the crime (mens rea).", "- criminal intent mens rea is an element of almost all crimes conspiracy for instance requires proof of an agreement and proof that the object of the agreement the intent was to commit a crime in the civil context likewise specific intent or bad faith is a required element of many torts and statutory violations", "Res judicata Literally a matter judged, res judicata is the principle that a matter may not, generally, be relitigated once it has been judged on the merits. Claim preclusion is the principle once a cause of action has been litigated, it may not be relitigated." ]
[ 12.7421875 ]
[ 7.8828125, 12.8515625, 9.1953125, 9.0234375, 9.2109375, 8.6171875, 8.2421875, 11.640625, 10.0546875, 7.9296875, 11.140625, 8.2734375, 7.84765625, 8.921875, 13.3515625, 9.3828125, 8.2421875, 8.296875, 11.203125, 13.2109375, 7.8515625, 9.1640625, 8.921875, 9.109375, 9.671875, 8.125, 12.6484375, 11.90625, 11.8359375, 8.5703125 ]
is atrophy a disorder
[ "Spinal muscular atrophy Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic disorder that affects the control of muscle movement. It is caused by a loss of specialized nerve cells, called motor neurons, in the spinal cord and the part of the brain that is connected to the spinal cord (the brainstem)." ]
[ "Muscle atrophy Muscle atrophy. [edit on Wikidata] Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle, and is most commonly experienced when persons suffer temporary disabling circumstances such as being restricted in movement and/or confined to bed as when hospitalized. When a muscle atrophies, this leads to muscle weakness, since the ability to exert force is related to mass. Modern medicine's understanding of the quick onset of muscle atrophy is a major factor behind the p", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: What Is The Difference Between Muscular Dystrophy And Muscular Atrophy Muscular Dystrophy (Definition) Muscular dystrophy includes a number of disorders which are associated primarily with abnormalities of the architecture of the cells, often causing changes in size and function (weakness). These disorders are typically inherited, and recognized early in life, although there are of course exceptions to this.", "- Muscle atrophy is the loss or wasting of muscle tissue throughout the body. There are two basic ways in which this disease can form. The most severe form of this disease is neurogenic atrophy, a disease caused when an injury or disease harms the nerve which attaches to the muscle.", "Muscle Atrophy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments Muscle atrophy is the loss or wasting of muscle tissue throughout the body. There are two basic ways in which this disease can form. The most severe form of this disease is neurogenic atrophy, a disease caused when an injury or disease harms the nerve which attaches to the muscle.This damage can occur quite suddenly.The second type of this disease is disuse atrophy which is caused by a lack of physical activity.When your muscles are not used often or movement is limited, your muscles can be damaged. This is a significant concern for those who are bedridden.his damage can occur quite suddenly. The second type of this disease is disuse atrophy which is caused by a lack of physical activity. When your muscles are not used often or movement is limited, your muscles can be damaged. This is a significant concern for those who are bedridden.", "A to Z List of Neurological Disorders Atrophy is a finding, seen in many of the diseases that affect the brain. Atrophy of any tissue means loss of cells.In brain it means loss of neurons and the in between connections.Atrophy can be generalized and diffuse, which means that all parts of the brain affected equally or it can be focal, affecting only a limited area of the brain with a relatively decreased of the functions of that area of the brain.n brain it means loss of neurons and the in between connections. Atrophy can be generalized and diffuse, which means that all parts of the brain affected equally or it can be focal, affecting only a limited area of the brain with a relatively decreased of the functions of that area of the brain.", "- The definition of atrophy is the weakening, loss, wasting away, break-down or growth halt of something such as a body part, plant, person, place or thing. 1 When a person gets dementia and cannot remember things anymore, it is an example of atrophy in their brain cells.", "- What is spinal muscular atrophy? Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disease affecting the part of the nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movement. Most of the nerve cells that control muscles are located in the spinal cord, which accounts for the word spinal in the name of the disease.", "Atrophy Causes of atrophy include mutations (which can destroy the gene to build up the organ), poor nourishment, poor circulation, loss of hormonal support, loss of nerve supply to the target organ, excessive amount of apoptosis of cells, and disuse or lack of exercise or disease intrinsic to the tissue itself.", "WHAT IS MUSCLE ATROPHY? Before we go any further let’s first outline specifically actually what is Muscle Atrophy, and how it is caused. Muscle atrophy, or “Wasting,” is a disease which causes a significant decrease in muscle mass and strength. This can be associated with injury, disease, and sedentary lifestyles. Muscle Atrophy can be painful and life altering as it prevents normal daily activity.", "- n. pl. at·ro·phies. 1 1. A wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use: muscular atrophy of a person affected with paralysis. 2 2. A wasting away, deterioration, or diminution: intellectual atrophy.", "ATROPHY (atrophied) Nouns denoting stable states of affairs. Synonyms: atrophy; wasting away; wasting. Hypernyms (atrophy is a kind of...): symptom ((medicine) any sensation or change in bodily function that is experienced by a patient and is associated with a particular disease).", "Muscle atrophy Muscle atrophy is the wasting or loss of muscle tissue. There are two types of muscle atrophy: disuse and neurogenic. Disuse atrophy is caused by not using the muscles enough. This type of atrophy can often be reversed with exercise and better nutrition. People who are most affected are those who:", "Spinal Muscular Atrophy Spinal Muscular Atrophy What is spinal muscular atrophy? Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disease affecting the part of the nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movement. Most of the nerve cells that control muscles are located in the spinal cord, which accounts for the word spinal in the name of the disease.", "Atrophy Pathologic atrophy of muscles can occur with diseases of the motor nerves, or diseases of the muscle tissue itself. Examples of atrophying nerve diseases include Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, poliomyelitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), and Guillain–Barré syndrome.", "- Full Definition of ATROPHY. 1. : decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue; also: arrested development or loss of a part or organ incidental to the normal development or life of an animal or plant. 2.— atro·phic \\(ˌ)ā-ˈtrō-fik\\ adjective.— atrophy \\ˈa-trə-fē, -ˌfī\\ verb.. : decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue; also: arrested development or loss of a part or organ incidental to the normal development or life of an animal or plant. 2.", "Atrophy Atrophy is the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body.", "Multiple System Atrophy Multiple System Atrophy. NORD gratefully acknowledges Niall P. Quinn, MD, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London, UK, for assistance in the preparation of this report.", "atrophy atrophy at·ro·phy (āt'rə-fē) n. A wasting or decrease in the size of an organ or tissue, as from death and reabsorption of cells, diminished cellular proliferation, pressure, ischemia, malnutrition, decreased function, or hormonal changes. Also called atrophia.", "A to Z List of Neurological Disorders Cerebral atrophy is a common feature of many of the diseases that affect the brain. Atrophy of any tissue means loss of cells. In brain tissue, atrophy describes a loss of neurons and the connections between them.iseases that cause cerebral atrophy include: 1 stroke and traumatic brain injury. 2 Alzheimer’s disease, Pick’s disease, and fronto-temporal dementia. 3 cerebral palsy, in which lesions (damaged areas) may impair motor coordination.", "What is Brain Atrophy? Brain atrophy, more properly known as cerebral atrophy, is a condition in which cells in the brain are lost, or the connections between them are damaged. The prognosis for patients with this condition varies, depending on the type of atrophy, the location, and the cause.rain atrophy, more properly known as cerebral atrophy, is a condition in which cells in the brain are lost, or the connections between them are damaged. The prognosis for patients with this condition varies, depending on the type of atrophy, the location, and the cause.", "Muscle atrophy Muscle atrophy. Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle, and is most commonly experienced when persons suffer temporary disabling circumstances such as being restricted in movement and/or confined to bed as when hospitalized. When a muscle atrophies, this leads to muscle weakness, since the ability to exert force is related to mass. Modern medicine's understanding of the quick onset of muscle atrophy is a major factor behind the p", "- Symptoms of cerebral atrophy: Many diseases that cause cerebral atrophy are associated with dementia, seizures, and a group of language disorders called the aphasias. 1 Dementia is characterized by a progressive impairment of memory and intellectual function that is severe enough to interfere with social and work skills.ymptoms of cerebral atrophy: Many diseases that cause cerebral atrophy are associated with dementia, seizures, and a group of language disorders called the aphasias. 1 Dementia is characterized by a progressive impairment of memory and intellectual function that is severe enough to interfere with social and work skills.", "What is Brain Atrophy? Generalized brain atrophy involves the whole brain, and may be associated with a range of problems. Ad. This condition can usually be identified in a medical imaging study of the brain such as an MRI, which can reveal structural changes in the brain.", "ATROPHY Atrophy is a form of cell adaptation in response to decreased trophic influences, decreased functional demands or decreased nutrition. Cellular Atrophy is a decrease in cell size caused by loss of subcellular organelles and substances. Organ Atrophy is a decrease in the tissue mass of an organ due to either a decrease in size of individual cells (cellular atrophy), a decrease in number of cells, or both.", "Muscle atrophy Muscle atrophy is defined as a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle, and is most commonly experienced when persons suffer temporary disabling circumstances such as being restricted in movement and/or confined to bed as when hospitalized.", "Muscle Atrophy There are two types of muscle atrophy. 1 Disuse atrophy occurs from a lack of physical activity. 2 In most people, muscle atrophy is caused by not using the muscles enough. 3 People with seated jobs, medical conditions that limit their movement, or decreased activity levels can lose muscle tone and develop atrophy.", "Clinical Applications For Exam 3 Muscle disorders are caused by disruption of normal innervation, degeneration and replacement of muscle cells, injury, lack of use or disease. Muscular atrophy refers to a decrease in size of muscles. Individual muscle fibers decrease in size, and there is a progressive loss of myofibrils.", "Spinal Muscular Atrophy Spinal Muscular Atrophy. What is spinal muscular atrophy? Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disease affecting the part of the nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movement. Most of the nerve cells that control muscles are located in the spinal cord, which accounts for the word spinal in the name of the disease.", "The Dangers of an Eating Disorder: Muscle Atrophy Our most important muscle, the heart, is directly affected by muscle wasting and if eating disorders go untreated may be left permanently damaged. A serious symptom, of anorexia in particular, is a noticeably slower heart rate and lower blood pressure.uscle atrophy is the wasting, or loss of muscle tissue and mass associated with the under nourishment of one’s body. When a severe case of anorexia or bulimia occurs the body becomes malnourished, leaving it to feed off of itself.", "- Know what muscle atrophy means. Muscle atrophy is the medical term that describes when a part of the body suffers muscle loss or when muscle tissue wastes away. It’s normal for muscle atrophy to occur as we age, but it can also be a sign of a more serious medical condition, illness, or injury." ]
[ 12.0703125 ]
[ 10.03125, 10.1796875, 11.1953125, 9.515625, 10.7734375, 10.953125, 11.3828125, 10.65625, 10.6484375, 10.8984375, 9.4609375, 10.4765625, 11.0078125, 10.8984375, 10.4765625, 11.5625, 11.640625, 10.5078125, 10.265625, 9.8203125, 10.1171875, 11.1015625, 10.5625, 10.9921875, 11.09375, 10.875, 10.6015625, 11.0625, 9.90625, 10.78125 ]
is hotel astoria in sf a historical building
[ "New luxury hotel coming to SF Proposed renderings of the Waldorf Astoria San Francisco luxury hotel, which will be built within a new building complex near the Transbay Transit Center. The Waldorf Astoria is moving into a yet-to-be-built tower near the yet-to-be-completed new Transbay Transit Center." ]
[ "San Francisco Tourist Tips 1 The best areas in the city for tourists are Union Square and Fisherman's Wharf. 2 Use the San Francisco hotel guide to find out about each area, its pros and cons.3 Spend Smart: Discover 8 surprising ways to save money in San Francisco. 4 It includes how to save on transportation, attractions, tours and hotels. Don't be a typical San Francisco tourist who settles for the tired, mediocre Fisherman's Wharf restaurants or the even tireder garlic-laden dishes at Stinking Rose. 2 Research online, ask your hotel for suggestions or see what others you meet have to say.", "Waldorf Astoria New York The Waldorf Astoria New York is a member of Historic Hotels of America, the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Towers of the Waldorf Astoria continues to operate as a boutique hotel within a hotel.", "The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection Experience a historic, luxury hotel in the heart of DC. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection has been a vibrant social hub in Washington, DC since opening in 1925. Refreshed and contemporary, our historic hotel newly inspires the city for business or pleasure with its premier location on Connecticut Avenue.", "MV Astoria World's Oldest Cruise Ship to Leave Cruise & Maritime Voyages. Share; Tweet; Tweet; Subscribe", "A Sophisticated, Union Square Hotel in San Francisco In the Heart of Union Square: Enjoy easy access to premier shopping, museums, theaters and popular attractions, like the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman’s Wharf. Sophisticated dining: Our OneUP Restaurant and Lounge is a cozy neighborhood spot serving wine, cocktails and bistro classics with a San Francisco twist.", "The Astorian Situated in a landmark building, as designated by The Houston Historical Society, The Astorian is an industrial-chic, 28,000-square-foot event venue located in The Heights area of Houston.ituated in a landmark building, as designated by The Houston Historical Society, The Astorian is an industrial-chic, 28,000-square-foot event venue located in The Heights area of Houston.", "- Fairmont Ghirardelli Square. In one of San Francisco’s most beautiful and historic areas, the Fairmont Ghirardelli Square mixes the comfort and convenience of a luxury vacation residence with the posh amenities and services of a five-star hotel.", "- San Francisco's city centre hosts the best and most valued hotels in the city. Union Square is not only the name of the iconic square in San Francisco, but also includes all of its surrounding area.Well known for its shopping, hotels, theatres and art galleries, this is an excellent place to stay.nion Square is not only the name of the iconic square in San Francisco, but also includes all of its surrounding area. Well known for its shopping, hotels, theatres and art galleries, this is an excellent place to stay.", "Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf, ca. 1891. San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf gets its name and neighborhood characteristics from the city's early days of the mid to later 1800s when Italian immigrant fishermen came to the city by the bay to take advantage of the influx of population due to the gold rush.", "Beacon Hill: The oldest historic district in Boston Beacon Hill became the first designated historic district in 1955. This was occurring around the same time that Boston’s West End, which is right across Cambridge Street from Beacon Hill, was being threatened with demolition.", "San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf. A ROOM WITH A VIEW. Picture perfect from beginning to end. Start off your evening with the breathtaking views of the San Francisco Bay-from the Golden Gate Bridge to Alcatraz, accompanied by exquisite cuisine and flawless service.", "- 1 Lewis, O. (1958). 2 Fabulous San Simeon; a history of the Hearst Castle, a Calif. state monument located on the scenic coast of Calif., together with a guide to the treasures on display. 3 San Francisco: California Historical Society. Fabulous San Simeon; a history of the Hearst Castle, a Calif. state monument located on the scenic coast of Calif., together with a guide to the treasures on display. 2 San Francisco: California Historical Society. 3 Collord, M., & Miller, A. (1972).", "Old Kauai Hotels Answer 1 of 15: I'm fascinated by old hotels and have just come upon the Coco Palms hotel. I just found the website with all the history of this wonderful old property. I have several questions: Are there other older, historic hotels on Kauai? What are...", "99 Historical Sites Every American Should See Century Plaza Hotel: The Century Plaza Hotel is a prominent Los Angeles landmark, opened in 1966. Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast: This B&B is in the same home as the famous murders of Andrew and Abby Borden. Ford’s Theatre: Ford’s Theatre shares Abraham Lincoln’s life and tragic assassination.", "Westin Hotels & Resorts 1 Westin St. Francis-famous San Francisco hotel on Union Square, parts of which survived the 1906 earthquake. 2 The Westin Excelsior, Rome-The Villa La Cupola Suite, billed at US$30,000 per night, is listed at number 8 on World's 15 most expensive hotel suites complied by CNN Go in 2012.", "- Set within a 1909 landmark building in the scenic neighborhood of Nob Hill, The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco, the city's only AAA Five-Diamond hotel provides convenient access to the best of San Francisco and features the historic cable car right outside its doors.", "Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2AB, United Kingdom |Tel: +44-131-222-8888. Built in 1903, Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - the Caledonian is a historic icon in the heart of Edinburgh's Princes Street and offers the largest number of rooms with views of Edinburgh Castle in the city.", "- A charming Historic Inn of Edwardian architecture. Exquisite location by Beacon Hill Park. A leisurely & pleasant walk to the Inner Harbour, the Ocean and Downtown Victoria. Quaint, Quiet, Cosy & affordable Lush & environmentally friendly.", "- Formerly an original Venetian conven t, whose beautiful architecture and pleasant peacefulness have been perfectly preserved, The BEST WESTERN PREMIER Hotel Sant’Elena blends old charm with 4-star modern amenities, right in the heart of Venice.", "The Davenport Hotels – Louis Davenport, 1914. World-class service, sublime surroundings and luxury within reach are all things you’ll find within the Davenport Hotels. The Historic Davenport Hotel is a landmark in itself. With soaring architecture and a rich history that dates back to 1914, it has earned the reputation as Spokane’s grandest hotel.", "- It seems like local governments display too much of a nod to bureaucracy (boo) and not enough to good taste. Not so with the San Francisco Ferry Building, which has been transformed from a slum-quality dump to one of the most posh and desireable places to shop, eat yummy chow, and (oh yeah) catch the occasional ferry.", "- Hotel Highlights. 1 Our hotel is located in the heart of San Francisco's historic Fisherman's Wharf, near popular attractions including Golden Gate Park and Chinatown. 2 After a busy day of work or play here in San Francisco, stop by the hotel's chic Red Fin Lounge for a drink and a nibble with friends or colleagues.", "Historic Bars in Washington, DC Old Ebbitt Grill is also near the White House, and Ebbitt clearly earns the distinction of being called an historic bar in Washington, DC considering it has been around in some form or another since 1856.", "- The history of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor---art, an organ, and a view. The mid-century development nestled in San Francisco's Twin Peaks. The history of a neighborhood theater, home of Tom Mix, Led Zeppelin, and a lot of toddlers. Memories of San Francisco as it was fifty years ago.", "- Coit Tower, the San Francisco landmark that's been a fixture of the city's skyline for 80 years, is going to close its doors for several months, undergoing $1.1 million… Demolition to Clear the Way for 181 Fremont", "San Francisco Marriott Fisherman's Wharf Our hotel is located in the heart of San Francisco's historic Fisherman's Wharf, near popular attractions including Golden Gate Park and Chinatown. After a busy day of work or play here in San Francisco, stop by the hotel's chic Red Fin Lounge for a drink and a nibble with friends or colleagues.", "Waldorf Astoria New York Waldorf Astoria New York. Waldorf Astoria New York. The Waldorf Astoria New York is currently closed while undergoing a complete renovation and restoration. It is planned to reopen in two to three years. Waldorf Astoria New York will feature restored historic public and event spaces along with luxury condominiums and guest rooms and suites that will set a new standard for luxury and service in New York.", "Barbary Coast, San Francisco The Barbary Coast's century-long evolution would pass through many substantial reincarnations due to the city's rapid cultural development during the transition to the 20th century. Its former location is now overlapped by Chinatown, North Beach, and Jackson Square.", "- History on the high seas. The Maritime Museum of San Diego features a world-class collection of historic vessels including sailing ships, steam-powered boats and submarines. You can board and explore our ships. Some even take passengers! Our 1914 Pilot boat does 45 minute History bay cruises 5 tours a day, 7 days a week.", "- Fort Peck Hotel. The Historic Fort Peck Hotel, built in the 1930s, is filled with history and friendly faces. We offer lodging, fine dining and a fully stocked lounge. Whether you sit on a wooden rocking chair on the large front porch or relax in the lounge, you’ll find the contentment for which you’re looking. © 2016 Fort Peck Hotel." ]
[ 12.2890625 ]
[ 8.5703125, 10.9375, 7.65625, 8.15625, 9.578125, 10.265625, 9.2421875, 8.6640625, 7.421875, 6.8671875, 8.28125, 8.203125, 7.70703125, 8.2734375, 8.875, 9.9609375, 9.40625, 8.015625, 7.73828125, 7.9765625, 8.6484375, 10.65625, 7.234375, 7.91796875, 8.3828125, 9.328125, 9.4453125, 8.0625, 7.5546875, 7.91796875 ]
what is fortyfive wine
[ "Fortified wine Fortified wine is a wine to which a distilled spirit, usually brandy, is added. Many different styles of fortified wine have been developed, including Port, Sherry, Madeira, Marsala, Commandaria wine, and the aromatized wine Vermouth.herry is a fortified wine made from white grapes that are grown near the town of Jerez, Spain. The word sherry is an anglicization of Jerez. In earlier times, sherry was known as sack (from the Spanish saca, meaning a removal from the solera )." ]
[ "Tuscan wine Tuscan wine (Italian Toscana) is Italian wine from the Tuscany region.Located in central Italy along the Tyrrhenian coast, Tuscany is home to some of the world's most notable wine regions.hile Tuscany is not the only Italian region to make the passito dessert wine Vin Santo (meaning holy wine), the Tuscan versions of the wine are well regarded and sought for by wine consumers. The best-known version is from the Chianti Classico and is produced with a blend of Trebbiano and Malvasia Bianca.", "Beer bottle A forty is American slang for a 40-U.S.-fluid-ounce (1,200 ml; 42 imp fl oz) bottle commonly used for cheaper varieties of beer and of malt liquor, though some 32-U.S.-fluid-ounce (950 ml; 33 imp fl oz) bottles are erroneously called forties.", "Blush Wine or Rosé Wine Blush Wine or Rose Rosé. Wine rose, rosé wines also known as, blush wine is a wine that is somewhere in color between a white wine and. Red wine while they can vary in color from, pink wine, to salmon to, light red rose'wine doesn t quite fall into either the white or. red spectrum", "Meritage Meritage or Summation is a name for red and white Bordeaux-style wines without infringing on the Bordeaux (France) region's legally protected designation of origin.eritage or Summation is a name for red and white Bordeaux-style wines without infringing on the Bordeaux (France) region's legally protected designation of origin.", "- Print. Print. * Heart-healthy Cannonau red wine. Cannonau red wine is often touted as a heart-healthy choice full of antioxidants (most recently on The Today Show, which highlighted the wine as one of Sardinia’s secrets to living to 100), and Chuck Russo, owner of Carlo Russo’s Wine & Spirit World in Ho-Ho-Kus agrees.", "- Fortified wines are wines to which a distilled liquor, such as brandy, is added. Often confused with spirits, fortified wines are not distilled, but rather are a regular wine with a distilled beverage added to them.Fortifying wines was originally used as a preservation method.ort – Port is a red wine produced in Portugal that has been fortified with a spirit called aguardente. Port is generally sweet but dry and semi-dry varieties are also produced. Sweet Port is often consumed as a dessert wine.", "Chardonnay - Pinot Gris Wine Chardonnay-Pinot Gris Wine. Chardonnay – Pinot Gris is a blend of two of the world's better-known grape varieties. Chardonnay, the variety associated with white Burgundy, is found in almost every wine-producing country in the world and is most often seen as a varietal wine.", "Barley wine Barley Wine or Barleywine is a style of strong, sweet ale originating in England in the nineteenth century.arley Wine or Barleywine is a style of strong, sweet ale originating in England in the nineteenth century.", "- Meet Wine Enthusiast's 40 Under 40 Tastemakers, a group of trailblazers who are shaping the future of wine, beer, cider and spirits in America, including Angry Orchard head cider maker Ryan Burk. learn more", "Alcoholic drink A glass of port, a fortified wine. Fortified wine is a wine to which a distilled spirit, usually brandy, is added. Many different styles of fortified wine have been developed, including Port, Sherry, Madeira, Marsala, Commandaria wine, and the aromatized wine Vermouth.", "Sangiovese Sangiovese is a slow ripening grape that flourishes in limestone-based clay soils. The grape is used for making both 100% Sangiovese wines (Brunello di Montalcino & Rosso di Montalcino) as well as for blending (Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot) . The high-quality wines produced from Sangiovese are renowned for there pronounced levels of acidity and tannins.", "- Fortified wines are regular grape wines that have been given an alcohol boost using grape spirits. While this does produce a high alcohol wine that isn’t the whole story and it isn’t why this practice began. The real reason fortified wines came into being was to solve stability issues in finished wine. Sherry is believed to be one of the earliest fortified wines which may have been produced as early as 1260 AD.", "Port wine Port wine (also known as Vinho do Porto, [ˌviɲuduˈpoɾtu] , Porto, and usually simply port) is a Portuguese fortified wine produced exclusively in the Douro Valley in the northern provinces of Portugal.It is typically a sweet, red wine, often served as a dessert wine, though it also comes in dry, semi-dry, and white varieties.Fortified wines in the style of port are also produced outside Portugal, most notably in Australia, France, South Africa, Canada, India, Argentina, and the United States.he wine produced is then fortified by the addition of a neutral grape spirit known as aguardente in order to stop the fermentation, leaving residual sugar in the wine, and to boost the alcohol content. The fortification spirit is sometimes referred to as brandy but it bears little resemblance to commercial brandies.", "Dessert Wines - Fortified Wine Production Dessert Wines - Fortified Wine Production. There are numerous types and styles of fortified wine. All involve the addition of grape spirits to still wine to increase the total percent of alcohol in solution above a 15% threshold. Many involve adding this spirit before the still wine is finished fermenting, leaving a high percentage of residual sugar, making a sweet, and fortified wine (i.e.", "- Historically an inexpensive jug wine, White Zinfandel is a quaffing wine that is sweet, soft, and often low in alcohol, making it a popular choice with those who would not otherwise drink wine. It occupies a similar market position to that of Mateus Rose rosé In. europe", "Chardonnay One of the most popular and versatile white wine grapes... One of the most popular and versatile white wine grapes, Chardonnay offers a wide range of flavors and styles depending on where it’s grown and how it’s made. In Burgundy, Chardonnay produces some of the finest white wines in the world, typically tending towards minimal intervention in the winery and at its best resulting in remarkable longevity. This grape is popular throughout the world, but perhaps its second most important home is in California, where both oaky, buttery styles and leaner, European-inspired wines enjoy great popularity.", "Ranking the Top 5 Bum Wines, From Thunderbird to Mad Dog 20/20 Some call it bum wine or brown bag vino.. But the cultured call it fortified wine, that ultra-sweet, high-octane grape wine with citrus spirits that gets a, um, bum rap because it's high on alcohol and low on price (though, averaging $5 a bottle, MD 20/20 is out-pricing the Three Buck Chuck).", "What is fortified wine? Madeira, Marsala, Sherry, Port, and Vermouth. What is fortified wine? How do you use it? When do you drink it? We tackle all the big questions! What is fortified wine? Fortified wines are wines that have been strengthened with brandy or another pure alcohol. (They typically have a 17-21% alcohol content, to a classic wine’s 8-15%.)", "Fuze Beverage Fuze Beverage (/fjuːz/ fyooz), commercially referred to as simply Fuze (marketed in Turkey as Fuse), is a manufacturer of teas and non-carbonated fruit drinks enriched with vitamins. Currently the brand consists of five vitamin-infused lines: Slenderize, Refresh, Tea, Defensify, Magdalotopuss, and Vitalize. The use of vitamins, amino acids, and herbs, and alternative sweeteners such as crystalline fructose places Fuze products in what is known in the industry as the new age beverage category.", "- Definition of forty–niner. : one taking part in the rush to California for gold in 1849.", "2004 Opus One Napa Valley Proprietary Red 2004 Opus One Napa Valley Proprietary Red. SKU #1032915 96 points Robert Parker's Wine Advocate. Aged in 100% new French oak for 17 months and in bottle for 14 months prior to release, the 2004 Opus One is a blend of 86% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7% Merlot and the rest Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc and Malbec.", "What The Heck Is Ice Wine? â An Explainer 2 minute Read. One of the main wines drunk around the holidays is ice wine, a sweet, syrupy libation that’s the perfect cap to the end of a meal. And its sweetness is definitely gaining in popularity, especially among the portion of drinkers who enjoy sweeter wines like Riesling and Moscato.", "1000 Corks Henkell Brut Vintage is a full-bodied, vinous sparkling wine which attracts the wine connoisseurs with a well-balanced and lively bouquet. Henkell Brut Vintage is a full-bodied, vinous sparkling wine which attracts the wine connoisseurs with a well-balanced and lively bouquet.", "What is Fortified Wine? These 10 facts about space will blow your mind. A fortified wine is a wine to which spirits such as brandy have been added. In addition to raising the alcohol content of the wine, the spirits also change the flavor profile, making a unique and very distinctive wine.hese 10 facts about space will blow your mind. A fortified wine is a wine to which spirits such as brandy have been added. In addition to raising the alcohol content of the wine, the spirits also change the flavor profile, making a unique and very distinctive wine.", "fortified wine Definition of FORTIFIED WINE. : a wine (as sherry) to which alcohol usually in the form of grape brandy has been added during or after fermentation.ADVERTISEMENT. a wine (as sherry) to which alcohol usually in the form of grape brandy has been added during or after fermentation.", "Pinot Gris Wine Pinot Gris Wine. Pinot Gris is a white-wine grape originally from the vineyards of Burgundy, but now found in wine regions all over the world. When produced in the pale, light style popularized in late 20th-Century Italy, the variety and its wines are typically referred to by the Italian name Pinot Grigio.One of the more famous members of the extended Pinot family of grape varieties, Pinot Gris is a pink-skinned mutation of Pinot Noir.hen produced in the pale, light style popularized in late 20th-Century Italy, the variety and its wines are typically referred to by the Italian name Pinot Grigio. One of the more famous members of the extended Pinot family of grape varieties, Pinot Gris is a pink-skinned mutation of Pinot Noir.", "- Its a light, fruity wine. White wine is the next least aged wine. But here there is a range from a light wine like Sauvignon Blanc or a light Chardonnay, to more ageable complex Chardonnay of good White Burgundies. Probably drink the former within a few years (aging isn't needed, and the latter from 3 to 7 years).", "What is a sparkling wine called in Italian? There are two types of sparkling Italian wines, Spumante and Firzzante. Frizzante is a lightly sparkling wine. Spumante is the more common sparkling wine of Italy. It could be said to be an Italian version of champagne, however, this is not technically correct.", "Winemaking: The Six Basic Types of Wine Fortified wines are fortified by the addition of extra alcohol in the form of brandy or spirits to bring them up to an alcohol content of 18%–20%. Porto, Sherry, Madeira, Marsala, and Vermouth are all fortified wines.If the extra alcohol is added after fermentation, a dry fortified wine such as Sherry is the outcome.Adding the alcohol during fermentation results in a sweet wine such as Porto. Marsala is made from white grapes grown on the volcanic soil of the island of Sicily, Italy.Marsala has a burnt caramel flavor and is 18%–20% alcohol like all fortified wines.dding the alcohol during fermentation results in a sweet wine such as Porto. Marsala is made from white grapes grown on the volcanic soil of the island of Sicily, Italy. Marsala has a burnt caramel flavor and is 18%–20% alcohol like all fortified wines.", "Pinot Meunier Pinot Meunier, pronounced, also known as Meunier or Schwarzriesling, is a variety of black wine grape most noted for being one of the three main varieties used in the production of Champagne (the other two are the black variety Pinot noir and the white Chardonnay)." ]
[ 10.5703125 ]
[ 7.8671875, 9.7265625, 8.46875, 8.75, 8.6875, 10.359375, 8.75, 8.2109375, 9.5625, 11.0546875, 8.4296875, 11.0546875, 9.5234375, 10.1015625, 8.8671875, 9.515625, 9.078125, 11.5546875, 7.7109375, 8.2421875, 8.1171875, 9.5546875, 9.328125, 11.0859375, 11.078125, 8.0625, 9.09375, 7.88671875, 8.5, 9.1171875 ]
define: invidious
[ "- The definition of invidious is something that is likely to cause anger, or something that is unjust or unfair. 1 An example of an invidious behavior is behavior that is likely to make others around you mad. 2 An example of invidious actions are discriminatory actions where one person is treated unfairly as compared to others." ]
[ "- exists and is an alternate of . An invective is an angry, critical or abusive tirade directed at someone or something. (William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of King Lear, II.2) Invective Definition: (literary) An emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attack using strong, abusive language. Relate to life: -noun 1. Vehement or violent denunciation, censure, or reproach. 2. a railing accusation; vituperation.", "avaricious Definition of avaricious. : greedy of gain : excessively acquisitive especially in seeking to hoard riches avaricious land-grabbers.", "- Or obscenity, or foolish talking, or scurrility, which is to no purpose; but rather giving of thanks. Darby Bible Translation. and filthiness and foolish talking, or jesting, which are not convenient; but rather thanksgiving.void shameful and foolish talk and low jesting--they are all alike discreditable--and in place of these give thanks. World English Bible. nor filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not appropriate; but rather giving of thanks.", "indomitable Did You Know? The prefix in- means not in numerous English words (think of indecent, indecisive, inconvenient, and infallible). Indomitable was first used in English in the 1600s as a synonym of wild, but over time its sense of untamability turned from a problem to a virtue.", "inimitable incapable of being imitated or copied; surpassing imitation; matchless. Origin of inimitable.", "- Define risible: capable of laughing; disposed to laugh; arousing or provoking laughter; especially : laughable — risible in a sentence", "inveigh (ĭn-vā′) intr.v. in·veighed, in·veigh·ing, in·veighs. To give vent to angry disapproval; protest vehemently. [Latin invehī, to attack with words, inveigh against, passive of invehere, to carry in : in-, in; see in-2 + vehere, to carry; see wegh- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] in·veigh′er n.", "- 2 adj An invidious comparison or choice between two things is an unfair one because the two things are very different or are equally good or bad. oft it v-link ADJ to-inf. Police officers fear invidious comparisons...", "Definition of 'ignoble' ignoble. 1 not noble in birth or position; of the common people. 2 not noble in character or quality; dishonorable; base; mean.", "- inefficacy. The condition or state of being incapable of accomplishing or effecting anything:", "ilustreous-gre-barrons-essential-plus adjective. 1 Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable: a viable plan; a viable national economy. See Synonyms at possible. 2 a. Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions: viable spores.", "- incisive adjective. › ​expressing an ​idea or ​opinion in a ​clear and ​direct way that ​shows good ​understanding of what is ​important: incisive ​questions/​comments. incisively adverb uk us /-li/. adverb uk us /-li/. incisiveness noun [U] uk us /-nəs/. noun [U] uk us /-nəs/.", "insalubrious Insalubrious is a formal way to say something is bad for your health. Whether it’s the smog in the city, the atmosphere at your workplace, or a load of coal tar — they all sound insalubrious. The word insalubrious came into English in the seventeenth century from the Latin word insalubris, a combination of in-, meaning not, and salubris, meaning healthful..", "- Define incohesive: incoherent : lacking integration; tending to disrupt — incohesive in a sentence incoherent : lacking integration; tending to disrupt… See the full definition", "- The definition of ingenious is clever and inventive, or someone who is smart, clever or original. A brand new idea for a much-needed product is an example of aningenious idea. Obs. having genius; having great mental ability. clever, resourceful, original, and inventive.", "ineffable Definition of ineffable. 1 1a : incapable of being expressed in words : indescribable ineffable joyb : unspeakable ineffable disgust. 2 2 : not to be uttered : taboo the ineffable name of Jehovah.", "voracious vo•ra•cious. 1. craving or consuming large quantities of food: a voracious appetite. 2. exceedingly eager or avid; insatiable: a voracious reader.o•ra•cious. 1. craving or consuming large quantities of food: a voracious appetite. 2. exceedingly eager or avid; insatiable: a voracious reader.", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. The word ignoble means being dishonorable, base, or vile. It also can mean acting in a way that is shamefully or dastardly. The word ignoble means being dishonorable, base, or vile. It also can mean acting in a way that is shamefully or dastardly.", "- inscrutable (adj.) that cannot be discovered by searching, mysterious, c. 1500, from Late Latin inscrutabilis, from in-not, opposite of (see in-(1)) + *scrutabilis, from scrutari examine, ransack (see scrutiny). Related: Inscrutably; inscrutableness.", "AP English Language & Composition Essay Terms Invective – an emotionally violent, verbal denunciation or attach using srong, abusive language. Glossary of Rhetorical Terms – AP English Language and Composition Irony/ironic-The contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Inedia. Inedia is the alleged ability to live without food. The word was first used to describe a fast-based lifestyle within Catholic tradition, which holds that certain saints were able to survive for extended periods of time without food or drink other than the Eucharist.", "Liber ungentlemanly, base, mean, from Middle French illiberal (14c.), from Latin illiberalis ungenerous, mean, sordid; unworthy of a freeman, from assimilated form of in- not, opposite of (see in- (1)) + liberalis (see liberal). A sense of narrow-minded politically", "What Is The Meaning Of Unselfish? Define inflexible (adjective) and get synonyms. What is inflexible (adjective)? inflexible (adjective) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary", "- iniquity noun [C or U]. › a very ​wrong and ​unfair ​action or ​situation: They ​fought ​long and hard against the iniquities of ​apartheid. The ​writer ​reflects on ​human ​injustice and iniquity. (Definition of iniquity from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "Definitions &Translations impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind; Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him- W.Churchill; an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency. very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem.", "- Fervidly definition, heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.: a fervid orator. See more.", "- 2 not following or in accordance with standards of honor and decency a sordid affair involving bribery and corruption in high places Synonyms base, contemptible, currish, despicable, detestable, dirty, dishonorable, execrable, ignominious, low, low-down, low-minded, mean, nasty, paltry, snide, ignoble, vile, wretchedRelated Words bad, black, evil, ...", "incorrigible incorrigible(Noun) An incorrigibly bad individual. The incorrigibles in the prison population are either lifers or habitual reoffenders. incorrigible(Adjective) defective and impossible to materially correct or set aright. The construction flaw is incorrigible; any attempt to amend it would cause a complete collapse.", "Inviability Inviability. Definition. noun. Incapacity (of an organism, a cell or tissue) to live, develop, grow, or reproduce. Supplement. In hybrid inviability, an organism (a hybrid) possesses a deleterious gene that its offspring would not be able to survive, and usually die before birth. Word origin: in- (not) + viable +-ity. Related forms: inviable (adjective). Compare: viability.", "inveterate in·vet·er·ate. adj. 1. Firmly and long established; deep-rooted: inveterate preferences. 2. Persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual: an inveterate liar.n•vet•er•ate. 1. confirmed in a habit, feeling, or the like: an inveterate gambler. 2. firmly established by long continuance, as a disease; chronic." ]
[ 13.8203125 ]
[ 9.34375, 7.55078125, 7.8203125, 7.7421875, 7.90625, 7.5234375, 8.625, 11.828125, 8.15625, 8.125, 8.8515625, 8.0078125, 7.64453125, 7.703125, 8.0625, 8.34375, 8.203125, 7.609375, 7.5625, 8.40625, 7.7265625, 8.15625, 7.74609375, 7.78125, 8.484375, 7.39453125, 8.9375, 7.20703125, 9.03125, 8.46875 ]
can a toothache cause an earache
[ "\"\"\" Can a toothache cause an earache? \"\"\" The most known example is when someone has a heart attack, sometimes people have pain in the left arm or jaw. In the case of a tooth ache, you can have referred pain to the ear. This is especially true if your tooth ache is an upper jaw tooth on the same side as your ear ache. These aberrant nerve signals are carried by the facial nerve in most cases but sometimes can be carried by the trigeminal nerve. Pain in the back of the throat can also be referred to the ear." ]
[ "- Preventing Earaches. 1. Avoid the cold virus. One of the most common causes of earache is the common cold, and while there is no cure for the cold virus, you can take precautionary steps to avoid contracting it in the first place.", "An Earache May Point To Problems In The Head And Neck Region Does this make sense to you? How could a possible problem in these areas cause an earache? A-The head, neck and throat exams are very good thinking on your doctor`s part. Otalgia, or earache, is often caused by disease in the head and neck region. Many of the nerves in the neck transmit sensory impulses to the ear canal. Loss of sensation in the ear can actually be a symptom of a lesion in one of the cranial nerves, which extend from the brain without passing through the spinal cord. An earache in a person who smokes or drinks could be a symptom of cancer in the head or neck region. Squamous cell carcinoma, which often causes otalgia, is usually located in the tonsil, tongue base, larynx or hypopharynx. Other causes of ear pain are diseases of the oral cavity or dental infection, especially involving molars.", "What does it meen when your jaw and ear hurt really bad? Report Abuse. An ear infection certainly can cause pain in your jaw. In addition, the reverse is true. A toothache can cause pain in your jaw and ear. This includes a cavity, tooth infection, or new teeth coming in (such as your wisdom teeth).You should have your doctor check you out for an ear infection. If you don't have one, then you will need to see your dentist.ou could have an ear infection but it sounds like you have TMJ. If you clench or grind you teeth while you are sleeping it will make your jaw, ear hurt. You can also dislocate your jaw if you grind your teeth too much. You should go see your dentist and have him make you a night guard to use while you are sleeping.", "- Home Remedies for Ear Aches, Ear Infections, or Blocked Eustachian Tubes. An earache, also known as otalgia, is ear pain; it can originate inside or outside the ear. Ear ache pain is not always indicative of an ear disease, since ear ache causes can be from dental issues, sinus trouble, tonsils, or even head infections. In fact, there are five general neural pathways that are sensorily connected to the ear region that can refer pain to your ear from different parts of your head.", "How to Home Treat a Toothache or Any Minor Mouth Infection A toothache is usually the result of poor dental hygiene, tooth cavities or decay, and injuries to the jaw or mouth. Sometimes, pain that's felt in the tooth is actually due to pain in other parts of the body, also known as referred pain. For example, an earache or nasal infection can sometimes cause tooth pain.", "Causes of Earache The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Earache. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Ear trauma Ear slap - causing ear trauma. Ear trauma from loud sound or blast. Excessive ear picking - causing ear trauma. Ear conditions Earache.", "An Overview of Toothaches Toothache Overview. A toothache or tooth pain is caused when the nerve in the root of a tooth or surrounding a tooth is irritated. Dental (tooth) infection, decay, injury, or loss of a tooth are the most common causes of dental pain. Pain may also occur after an extraction (tooth is pulled out). Pain sometimes originates from other areas and radiates to the jaw, thus appearing to be tooth pain.", "What Is Ear Pain? Earaches usually occur in children, but they can occur in adults as well. An earache may affect one or both ears, but the majority of the time it is in one ear. It may be constant or come and go, and the pain may be dull, sharp, or burning. If you have an ear infection, fever and temporary hearing loss may occur.", "- Yes it can! We just returned from the doctor for my 14.5 mth old who is cutting a tooth and now has a double ear infection. They said the ears and nose tubes are connected so it is not uncommon to have an ear ache accompany teething. We were not given antibiotics (which is good) because it was only a minor infection, but were given numbing ear drops and told to give ibp to decrease the inflammation. Hope this helps ;).", "Can an infected tooth affect your ear? In brief: Ear/tooth pain. If there is an infection surrounding the root end of a tooth, this will affect the entire nerve trunk. The nerve trunk that innervates the upper teeth run back toward and around the ear canal. So this would be referred pain froom the infected tooth. If there is an infection surrounding the root end of a tooth, this will affect the entire nerve trunk. The nerve trunk that innervates the upper teeth run back toward and around the ear canal. So this would be referred pain froom the infected tooth. In brief: Ear/tooth pain.", "- Damage to the ear. Earache can sometimes result from injury to the inside of the ear – for example, by scraping earwax from the ear canal using a cotton bud, or poking a cotton bud too far into your ear, which can puncture the eardrum. The ear canal is very sensitive and can easily become damaged.", "- Toothache is a common dental complaint. Pain may be felt in the affected tooth; however, in some people, the pain may feel like it is coming from your head, sinuses, jaw or ear. Most people describe the pain as throbbing and continuous. Sometimes pain and swelling in the jaw can be a sign of a tooth infection or abscess. Toothache is usually caused by dental decay, which is in turn caused by acid-producing bacteria in your mouth. These acids break down sugars and attack tooth enamel.", "- If you or your child has an earache that is accompanied (in some cases) by a stuffy or runny nose and a sore throat and fever, it is likely that the ear pain is due to an ear infection.", "Cold guide Just as the pain from earache affects people in different ways, there are a variety of causes of earache. Some of them affect the ear itself, others are from conditions affecting areas close to the ears. Common reasons for earache include: Fluid building up deep inside the eardrum.", "Can ear nerve damage cause tooth pain? This is true if your tooth pains is an upper jaw and tooth on the same side as your ear. This is called referred ear pain. Take care. but in the case of a tooth ache, you can have referred pain to the ear. This is true if your tooth pains is an upper jaw and tooth on the same side as your ear. This is called referred ear pain. Take care. but in the case of a tooth ache, you can have referred pain to the ear.", "- Ear Ache Remedies. An earache, also known as otalgia, is ear pain; it can originate inside or outside the ear. Ear ache pain is not always indicative of an ear disease, since ear ache causes can be from dental issues, sinus trouble, tonsils, or even head infections.", "Toothache And Earache To simply answer the question, yes toothache and earache can be connected. Although it may appear unlikely, earache can actually cause toothache and vice versa. Therefore, the real problem here is pinpointing the root cause of the pain.", "Pain Behind Ear 1 Infected Tooth-Sometimes, a tooth abscess or an infected tooth may also cause pain behind ear. 2 An infected tooth causes swelling of the lymphatic glands. 3 Such swollen glands can cause the pain behind the ear.", "12 Effective Earache Remedies There are many possible causes for an earache. Cavities, sinus infections, earwax, tonsillitis, and teeth grinding are some of the most common. But the most common ear infection is acute otitis media (AOM), or a middle ear infection.", "- Injury, infection, irritation in the ear, or referred pain may cause earaches. Referred pain is pain that is felt somewhere other than the site of the infection or injury. Pain that originates in the jaw or teeth may be felt in the ear. Common causes of earaches include: ear infection.", "Tooth Pain Relief: How to Stop Toothache Pain Additional causes of toothache pain can be gum disease, an ear infection, sinusitis or other similar conditions that inflame the general area around the mouth and jaw. These types of pain are known as radiated or referred pain and are fairly common.", "Toothache Non-dental causes of toothache are much less common as compared with dental causes. In a toothache of neurovascular origin, pain is reported in the teeth in conjunction with a migraine. Local and distant structures (such as ear, brain, carotid artery, or heart) can also refer pain to the teeth.", "The Right Way to Treat an Ear Infection Not every earache is an infection. The congestion of a cold can make a child's ears feel clogged and painful, but that's not necessarily an ear infection. Sometimes ear pain can actually be pain from a tooth problem, for example. (Teething doesn't cause ear infections, but it can lead to earaches.) Bacteria aren't always to blame.", "- Other medical conditions listed in the Disease Database as possible causes of Ear pain as a symptom include: 1 Adenoiditis. 2 Arnold's nerve cough syndrome. 3 Bell's palsy. 4 Cerumen impaction. 5 Cholesteatoma. 6 Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis. 7 Functional disorders. 8 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia. 9 Head injury.", "TMJ Sensitive Teeth Symptoms A toothache is a pain in or around a tooth that may be caused by: 1 Tooth decay. 2 Abscessed tooth. 3 Tooth fracture. A damaged 1 filling. Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum or grinding teeth. Infected gums.", "Ear ache, Lump or bulge, Pain or discomfort (Ears) and Pain or discomfort (Jaw) Middle ear infection A middle ear infection puts pressure on the eardrum, causing pain and, sometimes, hearing loss. Dental abscess A dental abscess, a severe tooth infection, can cause throbbing pain, swelling, redness, fever, and more.", "Hearing loss, Pain or discomfort (Ears) and Pain or discomfort (Jaw) Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) With temporomandibular joint syndrome, joints at the back of the jaw become inflamed, causing pain. Chronic sinusitis Chronic sinusitis, or sinus infections, cause a stuffy or runny nose, tooth pain, fever, sore throat and more. Foreign object in the ear canal A foreign object in the ear may cause pain, redness, drainage problems, and in rare case, hearing loss.", "- How to Stop Toothache Tooth Ache Pain Fast. The pain of a toothache can be excruciating and if you cannot see your dentist right away, there are a few things you can do to ease the pain. There are medical conditions that can cause tooth pain such as sinusitis and even pain from the heart, called angina.", "WebMD ® Ear, Nose & Throat Community Rod_Moser_PA_PhD responded: No, you did not likely damage your ear, but pain in the mouth/tongue can cause pain to be neurologically referred to the ears (due to nerve pathways). Canker sores (aphthous ulcers) can also cause tenderness and swelling in the lymph nodes, and this can cause referred ear pain as well. I can't examine your ear to be sure, but I suspect your ear is just feeling the pain originating in your mouth. inboston responded: Thank you very much for the medical reply to the person with the canker sore on tongue. I have similar situation, with partially blocked ears and ear ringing.", "What Conditions Cause Sharp Ear Pain? Sharp ear pain can have a variety of causes, some of which might not be related directly to the ear. Ear infections are relatively common, and many earaches can originate from infections in the middle ear, the ear canal or, in some instances, the bone behind the ear." ]
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what does myelopathy mean in medical terms
[ "myelopathy myelopathy. 1. any functional disturbance or pathological change in the spinal cord; often used to denote nonspecific lesions, as opposed to myelitis. 2. pathological bone marrow changes. adj., adj myelopath´ic. ascending myelopathy myelopathy that progresses along the spinal cord towards the head. cervical myelopathy compression myelopathy of the cervical spinal cord, a common complication of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. compression myelopathy myelopathy due to pressure on the spinal cord, as from a tumor." ]
[ "Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy -- the Basics The name of the condition tells you a bit about what it is: Peripheral: Beyond (in this case, beyond the brain and the spinal cord.). Neuro-: Related to the nerves. -pathy: Disease. Peripheral neuropathy refers to the conditions that result when nerves that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord from and to the rest of the body are damaged or diseased.", "Medical Terminology Chapter 1 Test Which term means any pathologic change or disease in the spinal cord or bone marrow?", "Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy -- the Basics The name of the condition tells you a bit about what it is: Peripheral: Beyond (in this case, beyond the brain and the spinal cord.) Neuro-: Related to the nerves. -pathy: Disease. Peripheral neuropathy refers to the conditions that result when nerves that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord from and to the rest of the body are damaged or diseased.", "10 Serious Infections of the Spinal Cord There are many different possible causes of myelopathy. Infection is not the most common cause, but is important for doctors to recognize because infections require different types of treatment with antibiotics or antiviral agents. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites can all lead to spinal cord damage.", "Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs Degenerative myelopathy of dogs is a slowly progressive, non-inflammatory degeneration of the white matter of the spinal cord. It is most common in German Shepherd Dogs and Welsh Corgis, but is occasionally recognized in other breeds.", "Canine Degenerative Myelopathy What is Canine Degenerative Myelopathy? Canine degenerative myelopathy (DM) is characterised by a non-painful progressive hind limb paralysis in older dogs. Canine degenerative myelopathy (DM) was previously known as chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy (CDRM) and is a progressive degenerative spinal cord disease.", "Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM) Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is a compression of the spinal cord in your neck. A compression means pressure, pinching, or squeezing. Changes in the bones, disks, and ligaments of your spine can cause pressure on the spinal cord. Sometimes growths called bone spurs add pressure to the spine.", "- What is the medical term meaning group of genetic diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles without affecting the nervous system? Your immune system is what protects your body from illness and disease. 2 Too much stress, no…. 3 Symptoms of Degenerative Myleopathy Degenerative myelopathy is a condition that sees the wearing away of spinal tissue in dogs. 4 It is a serious condition that advances in severity over time.", "Glossary Transverse myelitis: A disease of the spinal cord in which there is demyelination (erosion of the myelin sheath that normally protects nerve fibers). The onset of the disorder is typically sudden. Symptoms include back pain followed by ascending weakness in the legs. There is no cure. Many patients are left with permanent disabilities or paralysis. Transverse myelitis occurs alone and in combination with demyelination of other parts of the nervous system.", "Cervical Myelopathy Definition Myelopathy Video. Cervical myelopathy refers to compression on the cervical spinal cord from either a disc herniation or cervical spinal stenosis. Generally, it is more common in the elderly population and is a slow process.Symptoms include incoordination in the hands, a heavy feeling in the legs, or numbness and tingling in the legs.It is generally a slowly progressive condition. It is usually not painful as compression of the spinal cord does not cause pain.enerally, it is more common in the elderly population and is a slow process. Symptoms include incoordination in the hands, a heavy feeling in the legs, or numbness and tingling in the legs. It is generally a slowly progressive condition.", "- The most common symptoms of myelopathy include neck stiffness, deep aching pain in one or both sides of your neck and possibly your arms and shoulders, and possibly stiffness and weakness in your legs and difficulty when walking. You may also feel a grating or crackling sensation when you move your neck.", "Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs Degenerative myelopathy of dogs is a slowly progressive, non-inflammatory degeneration of the white matter of the spinal cord. It is most common in German Shepherd Dogs and Welsh Corgis, but is occasionally recognized in other breeds. The cause is unknown, although genetic factors are suspected.", "Cervical Myelopathy When patients with cervical myelopathy present in the third or fourth decade of life it is usually secondary to congenital stenosis. If it presents later in life, degenerative spondylosis is usually the underlying cause.", "Spondylosis Symptoms of myelopathy include numbness, tingling, and weakness. For example, a large herniated disc in the cervical spine could cause cervical myelopathy if it is large enough to push on the spinal cord with resulting symptoms of numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and possibly the legs.ymptoms of myelopathy include numbness, tingling, and weakness. For example, a large herniated disc in the cervical spine could cause cervical myelopathy if it is large enough to push on the spinal cord with resulting symptoms of numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and possibly the legs.", "Canine Degenerative Myelopathy Degenerative myelopathy is associated with a genetic abnormality in dogs. The most common form is due to a genetic mutation in a gene coding for superoxide dismutase, a protein responsible for destroying free radicals in the body.", "- What You Should Know about Myelopathy. 1 Myelopathy affects the entire spinal cord. It is not like other types of back problems where pain is localized to a specific area of the back, neck, or legs. Myelopathy can be challenging to diagnose.", "Symptoms of Degenerative Myelopathy What is Degenerative Myelopathy? Canine Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) is a progressive disease of the spinal cord and ultimately the brain stem and cranial nerves which, at it’s end stages, results in complete paralysis and death. The closest human equivalent may be Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.", "For owners of dogs with degenerative myelopathy For owners of dogs with degenerative myelopathy added a new photo. For owners of dogs with degenerative myelopathy added a new photo. For owners of dogs with degenerative myelopathy added a new photo. For owners of dogs with degenerative myelopathy. Degenerative myelopathy (also known as DM, degenerative myelopathy, or chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy) is a slowly progressive disease that affects the spinal cord and a dog's ability to walk.", "Myelopathy When inflammatory, it is known as myelitis. Disease that is vascular in nature is known as vascular myelopathy. The most common form of myelopathy in human is caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which cause chronic compression of the spinal cord.isease that is vascular in nature is known as vascular myelopathy. The most common form of myelopathy in human is caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which cause chronic compression of the spinal cord.", "Myelopathy Myelopathy is a term that means that there is something wrong with the spinal cord itself. This is usually a later stage of spine disease, and is often first detected as difficulty walking due to generalized weakness or problems with balance and coordination.", "- Myelopathy is a collective name for many different types of problems involving the spinal cord. When myelopathy occurs because of an accident or trauma, it is called a spinal cord injury.In other cases, myelopathy occurs as a result of a disease process, inflammation, circulatory disorder, or other problem that ends up affecting the spinal column.This kind of myelopathy may come on gradually.hen myelopathy occurs because of an accident or trauma, it is called a spinal cord injury. In other cases, myelopathy occurs as a result of a disease process, inflammation, circulatory disorder, or other problem that ends up affecting the spinal column. This kind of myelopathy may come on gradually.", "- Definition. Cervical myelopathy is damage to the part of the spinal cord that is in the neck. The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull. It extends to the first seven vertebrae.efinition. Cervical myelopathy is damage to the part of the spinal cord that is in the neck. The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull. It extends to the first seven vertebrae.", "- Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is a compression of the spinal cord in the neck.When doctors say the spinal cord is compressed, they mean it is being pressed and squeezed.) CSM often affects older adults, but affects men at an earlier age than women. In people who have CSM, changes in the bones, disks and ligaments of the spine cause pressure on the spinal cord.", "Myelopathy Myelopathy describes any neurologic deficit related to the spinal cord. When due to trauma, it is known as (acute) spinal cord injury.When inflammatory, it is known as myelitis. Disease that is vascular in nature is known as vascular myelopathy.The most common form of myelopathy in human is caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which cause chronic compression of the spinal cord.Arthritic changes (spondylosis) of the cervical spine results in narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis) and can cause compression of the spinal cord.isease that is vascular in nature is known as vascular myelopathy. The most common form of myelopathy in human is caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spine, which cause chronic compression of the spinal cord.", "Canine degenerative myelopathy Canine degenerative myelopathy. Canine degenerative myelopathy, also known as chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy, is an incurable, progressive disease of the canine spinal cord that is similar in many ways to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).", "What is the Medical term meaning tissue? What is the medical term meaning destruction of a nerve? Neurolysis is destruction of a nerve or nervous tissue. Neuropathy, in contrast, means any disease of a nerve or nerve tissue.", "Degenerative Disc Disease and Myelomalacia degenerative disc disease (DDD) of the vertebral column, is a condition that can be painful and can greatly affect the quality of one... Myelomalacia is a pathological term referring the softening of the spinal cord. bleeding (bleeding) of the spinal cord can occur as a ...", "Cervical Spondylosis Cervical radiculopathy and cervical myelopathy Cervical spondylosis is an age-related degeneration ('wear and tear') of the bones (vertebrae) and discs in the neck. It can progress to cause cervical radiculopathy or cervical myelopathy (described below).", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for myelo-. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word myelo-. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: myelo-(Prefix) Used in the formation of words relating to marrow or the spinal cord.", "- myelopathy - definition of myelopathy in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/myelopathy[1/10/2013 12:19:07 PM] Ads by Google. Ads by Google. Ads by Google." ]
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what is a stalk of celery
[ "How much is a stalk versus a rib of celery? According to what I have read a stalk of celery is the whole bunch....a rib, is one of the many that make up the stalk....so many of the recipes are really wrong when th … ey say one stalk....you would have way too much celery." ]
[ "Is a celery stalk one rib or the whole thing? Calories in one celery stalk In 1 small stalk of celery (about 5 long) 2 calories In 1 medium stalk (about 7 to 8 long) 6 calories.In 1 large stalk of celery (1 … 1 to 12 long) 9 calories.", "Celery â A Powerhouse of Health Being highly alkaline in nature, containing 95% water and having a high fiber content, celery is most commonly associated with weight loss regimes and is widely considered as a soothing food. The stalk and leaves are used in a variety of culinary preparations like salads, soups, etc, while the seeds are sold as spice. healthy food with medicinal properties, celery has nutrient benefits found in all parts of the plant including leaves, stalks, roots and seeds. Think celery, and what comes to mind is a crunchy low cal vegetable.", "Myth or Fact: Celery Has Negative Calories In fact, protein is the macronutrient that causes your body to burn the most calories, according to a review published in 2008 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Furthermore, while fiber isn't absorbed by your body, a medium-sized celery stalk only contains 0.6 grams of fiber but provides 6 total calories. Chances are your body will absorb at least some of the calories celery provides.", "Does eating Celery burn calories? The Science about âNegative Calorieâ diets (finally). So, the negative calorie diet fans are wrong: after being chewed, the fiber in celery gets passed through the gut and out the other end without the body doing too much to it on the way. Although that chewy celery stalk takes a while to munch – the gut doesn’t waste much time on it. No increased energy burn.", "Celery Celery is from the same plant family as carrots, parsley, fennel and caraway. There are two main varieties of celery grown today. The most common is the pale green Pascal celery. Golden celery is grown under a layer of soil to prevent it from developing and turning green. Celery grows in bunches of long, ribbed stalks with leafy tops. Celery hearts are the inner ribs of the celery. The wild form of celery is known as smallage. It has a bitter taste, and the stalks are more stringy than cultivated celery. Smallage was used in ancient times as a medicine, and the Romans used it as a seasoning. It the 17th and 18th centuries celery was developed by breeding the bitterness out of smallage.", "Celery Celery hearts are the inner ribs of the celery. The wild form of celery is known as smallage. It has a bitter taste, and the stalks are more stringy than cultivated celery. Smallage was used in ancient times as a medicine, and the Romans used it as a seasoning.", "Health benefits and risks of celery Celery: Health Benefits and Dietary Tips. Celery is a vegetable of the Apiaceae family. It is well known for its crunchy stalks, which people often consume as a low-calorie snack. However, not only is celery low in calories, but there other reasons for adding it to the diet. It is thought to benefit the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system, and the seeds of the plant are used in medicine to help relieve pain. Celery is also known as Apium graveolens (A. graveolens).", "Edible plant stem The edible portion is stem tissue, flower buds, and some small leaves. Cauliflower. The edible portion is proliferated stem and flower tissue. Celery. The whole plant is edible including the crisp petiole (leaf stalk) and the fleshy taproot. Cinnamon. The bark is used as a spice. Fig. The edible portion is stem tissue.", "What is a stalk? Rhubarb stalks are the, well, stalk (think cornstalk) from which the leaf grows. The whole thing, we call a plant. I've also heard the term celery heart and celery root but that's different. Celery around here is called stalks and refers two different things but most people can easily tell what it means.hubarb stalks are the, well, stalk (think cornstalk) from which the leaf grows. The whole thing, we call a plant. I've also heard the term celery heart and celery root but that's different. Celery around here is called stalks and refers two different things but most people can easily tell what it means.", "Edible plant stem Stems support the entire plant and have buds, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Stems are also a vital connection between leaves and roots.he edible portion is stem tissue, flower buds, and some small leaves. Cauliflower. The edible portion is proliferated stem and flower tissue. Celery. The whole plant is edible including the crisp petiole (leaf stalk) and the fleshy taproot.", "\"What do they mean by \"\"stalk of celery\"\"?\" I usually just put in one rib when a recipe says that, but I don't want to mess this recipe up.... show more I have a recipe that calls for 1 stalk of celery, diced Is that the whole celery bunch that you buy? Or one rib? Because the whole bunch seems like a lot for one spaghetti dish...anyway, I can never tell.", "Celery Celery is from the same plant family as carrots, parsley, fennel and caraway. There are two main varieties of celery grown today.The most common is the pale green Pascal celery. Golden celery is grown under a layer of soil to prevent it from developing and turning green.elery hearts are the inner ribs of the celery. The wild form of celery is known as smallage. It has a bitter taste, and the stalks are more stringy than cultivated celery. Smallage was used in ancient times as a medicine, and the Romans used it as a seasoning.", "What is celery? A stalk (or some people call it a rib) is one of the long pieces that are attached at the bottom of the head of celery.", "Equivalent Measurements For Vegetables I hope you’ll find these charts helpful too. This chart is for the vegetables that I use the most, and now when a recipe calls for half a cup of celery, I can see at a glance that I need to chop approximately one stalk! Written by Shirley Filed Under: How To's & General Information.", "- Celery provides about 6 calories in each medium-sized stalk, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database. The same portion of celery contains about 1 gram of total carbohydrates -- including 0.6 grams of fiber.", "Celery Seeds Celery Seeds. Celery leaf stalks and roots are used around the world as a vegetable. Indian Celery seeds are used as flavoring or spice, either as whole seeds or as celery salt, ground and mixed with salt.It is an important ingredient of Indian and European cuisine.It is valuable in weight-loss diets.elery Seeds. Celery leaf stalks and roots are used around the world as a vegetable. Indian Celery seeds are used as flavoring or spice, either as whole seeds or as celery salt, ground and mixed with salt.", "The Carbohydrates in Celery One large 11- to 12-inch stalk of celery has a minimal 10 total calories. Of those calories, about 7.5 calories come from the 1.9 grams of carbohydrates. A smaller 5-inch stalk offers 3 calories and around 0.5 grams of carbs.", "How Much Potassium Is in a Stalk of Celery? Getting More Potassium. If you love celery, eating it with other potassium-rich foods further adds to your intake. Peanut butter -- a delicious celery topper -- has more than 240 milligrams of potassium in a 2-tablespoon serving. Topping your peanut butter-stuffed celery stalk with one-quarter cup of raisins adds more than 300 milligrams of potassium to your snack.", "\"What do they mean by \"\"stalk of celery\"\"?\" Best Answer: A stalk is indeed a single rib. The whole group of stalks/ribs is (oddly) called a head.", "11 Super Health Benefits in Just One Celery Stalk 11 Super Health Benefits in Just One Celery Stalk. Apples walk away with most health accolades, and spinach leads the healthy veggie brigade. Compared to them, celery is somewhat unsung, but once you read its incredible–and nearly endless–list of health benefits, you will quickly join its growing list of lovers. Celery is a great choice if you are watching your weight.", "How many calories in 3 sticks of celery? It depends on the size of the celery sticks. For example, there are: Approximately 6 calories in 3 small stalks of celery (about 5 each) Approximately 18 calories in 3 medium stalks (about 7 to 8 each) Approximately 27 calories in 3 large stalks of celery (11 to 12 each).", "- Serving Size: 2 stalks, Calories: 20, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 4g, Protein: 1g Celery With Cheese Spread Serving Size: 4 large Stalks (10 - 11 each), Calories: 174, Fat: 10g, Carbs: 8g, Protein: 6g Raw - No Sugar Counted Serving Size: 1 medium stalk, Calories: 6, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 0g", "Stems, Stalks, Leaves, and Peels Simmer, then toss the skins before serving. Stalks and stems (broccoli, cauliflower, chard): Broccoli stalks contain more fiber, vitamin C, and calcium than the florets we’re used to eating, while Swiss chard stems are rich in glutamine, an immune-boosting amino acid.", "- Enjoy celery raw. Both the stalks and the leaves are edible. Add chopped celery to salads or as sticks with dips. For the kids, spread nut butter into the centre of the stalk and place sultanas at even intervals, to make ants on a log. Remove the stringy parts if you find that the stalks are too tough.", "Celeriac Celeriac is a root vegetable with a bulbous hypocotyl. In the Mediterranean Basin and in Northern Europe, celeriac grows wild and is widely cultivated.It is also cultivated in North Africa, Siberia, Southwest Asia, and North America.In North America, the Diamant cultivar predominates.eleriac (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum), also called turnip-rooted celery or knob celery, is a variety of celery cultivated for its edible roots, hypocotyl, and shoots. It is sometimes called celery root.", "11 Super Health Benefits in Just One Celery Stalk 1 The salt in celery is organic, natural and essential for your health. 2 It cares for your eyes. 3 One large stalk of celery can deliver up to 10 percent of your daily need for Vitamin A, a group of nutrients that protects the eyes and prevents age-related degeneration of vision. It contains “good” salts. 2 Yes, celery does contain sodium, but it is not the same thing as table salt. 3 The salt in celery is organic, natural and essential for your health. 4 It cares for your eyes.", "What is a stalk of celery? Confidence votes 59. A stalk (or some people call it a rib) is one of the long pieces that are attached at the bottom of the head of celery. U. S. Department of Agriculture grades What most people call a bunch of celery, the USDA calls a stalk; and what most people call a stalk of celery, they call a branch..", "- For example, there are: 1 Approximately 6 calories in 3 small stalks of celery (about 5 each) 2 Approximately 18 calories in 3 medium stalks (about 7 to 8 each) 3 Approximately 27 calories in 3 large stalks of celery (11 to 12 each).", "What Is Celery Good For? Botanical name: Apium graveolens A crunchy snack all by itself or with peanut butter added to round out the nutrients, celery is one of the most versatile vegetables in the garden, useful for its flavorful seeds and pale green leaves and stalks.", "Celery Celery, onions, and carrots make up the French mirepoix, often used as a base for sauces and soups. Celery is a staple in many soups, such as chicken noodle soup. Leaves. Celery leaves are frequently used in cooking to add a mild spicy flavor to foods, similar to, but milder than black pepper." ]
[ 12.65625 ]
[ 11.0703125, 10.0859375, 9.8828125, 9.1796875, 11.171875, 11.0703125, 10.4765625, 10.3203125, 10.5234375, 8.9765625, 11.484375, 9.171875, 13.171875, 9.390625, 10.609375, 9.4296875, 9.96875, 10.28125, 11.6953125, 11.3828125, 10.421875, 9.9609375, 9.0625, 10.90625, 8.1328125, 11.1484375, 12.890625, 10.8125, 11.125, 9.9140625 ]
recommended amount of caffeine per day for athletes
[ "The facts about caffeine and athletic performance Given that about 80 percent of Americans drink coffee (55 percent daily, 25 percent occasionally), and the average intake is about 200 mg caffeine/day (3 mg/kg), most athletes are familiar with caffeine's benefits of heightened alertness and performance.n research studies, the amount of caffeine that enhances performance ranges from 1.5 to 4 mg/lb body weight (3 to 9 mg/kg) taken one hour before exercise. For a 150 lb person, this comes to about 225 to 600 mg. More doesn't seem to be better." ]
[ "The Maximum Daily Dosage of Caffeine Amount and Sources. Most adults can consume 200 mg to 300 mg of caffeine per day, which translates to two to four cups of coffee, without any health concerns or negative side effects.nce you start drinking four or more cups of coffee, or otherwise consuming 500 mg to 600 mg of caffeine daily, you are more likely to experience the ill effects of caffeine. Coffee is one of the most abundant sources of caffeine, although other consumable items contain the drug.", "Lethal doses of caffeine drinks explained The lethal dose for caffeine is in the neighborhood of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (one kilogram equals roughly 2.2 pounds). While the average person’s caffeine consumption is around 200 milligrams a day, the Mayo Clinic advises against exceeding 500 to 600 milligrams per day.", "Are You Suffering from a Caffeine Overdose? But for some people, much less than this can have similar effects. A “moderate amount” of coffee for healthy adults that is correlated with health benefits would max out at 500 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is about five cups of home-brewed regular coffee.", "#018 What Causes PVCs and How to Stop PVCs When it comes to dosing, there are no hard and fast rules, but 20 milligrams is the minimum needed by most male athletes to see results. The maximum dose for most athletes is about 50 milligrams of Dianabol, but some highly seasoned and daring users will go as high as 100 milligrams per day.Though 100 mg is generally regarded as safe, but most users will get great results at a maximum daily dose of 50 mg.Keep in mind, however, that this is assuming the product you get is genuine. For beginning users, a starting dose of 20-30 mg per day is suggested.he common daily dose of Anadrol is 100 milligrams on the low end, while the average daily dosage of Dianabol is about 20-30 milligrams. Some users find that they are able to tolerate one steroid better than the other.", "Coffee vs. Red Bull: A Comparison Coffee Has More Caffeine Than Red Bull. Coffee has more caffeine than Red Bull, although both drinks are well below the Mayo Clinic’s recommended maximum of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains between 80 and 200 milligrams of caffeine, depending on the varietal and brew method. An 8.4-ounce Red Bull can has 80 milligrams of caffeine. Red Bull also has Taurine, though.", "Caffeine Toxic doses, over 10 grams per day for an adult, are much higher than typical dose of under 500 milligrams per day. A cup of coffee contains 80–175 mg of caffeine, depending on what bean (seed) is used and how it is prepared (e.g. drip, percolation, or espresso).", "Caffeine Massive overdose can result in death. The LD 50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on individual sensitivity, but is estimated to be 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass (75–100 cups of coffee for a 70 kilogram adult).", "Caffeine for Improved Athletic Performance In fact, higher doses are more likely to cause unwanted side effects. The more recently recommended caffeine dose for performance improvement is 1 to 3 mg caffeine per kg body weight (0.45-1.4 g per lb). For a 68 kg (150 pound) athlete, that equates to a range of about 70 to 210 mg of caffeine.o this at least one week before the competition to be completely free of withdrawal effects. Once you are off caffeine, resume a moderate intake of 1 to 3 mg caffeine per kg body weight (0.45-1.4 mg per pound) on the day of your competition.", "Lethal doses of caffeine drinks explained The lethal dose for caffeine is in the neighborhood of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (one kilogram equals roughly 2.2 pounds).While the average person’s caffeine consumption is around 200 milligrams a day, the Mayo Clinic advises against exceeding 500 to 600 milligrams per day.he lethal dose for caffeine is in the neighborhood of 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (one kilogram equals roughly 2.2 pounds).", "Caffeine overdose is very real: See if youâre drinking too much coffee With the growing popularity of energy drinks, many parents have become concerned about how much caffeine their kids are getting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents get no more than 100 mg of caffeine a day. Younger children shouldn't drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis.", "- The amount of caffeine that causes this effect is about 250 milligrams — or the equivalent of 2 to 2 1/2 cups (473 to 591 milliliters) of plain, brewed coffee — a day. Twenty years ago, a serving of coffee was 1 cup. Today, it's often 2 cups.", "Caffeine With the growing popularity of energy drinks, many parents have become concerned about how much caffeine their kids are getting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents get no more than 100 mg of caffeine a day. Younger children shouldn't drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis. Check the charts below to see the caffeine content in popular drinks, sweets and medications.", "Caffeine Tolerance varies for daily, regular caffeine users and high caffeine users. High doses of caffeine (750 to 1200 mg/day spread throughout the day) have been shown to produce complete tolerance to some, but not all of the effects of caffeine.", "Caffeine overdose According to Mayo Clinic, the recommended amount of caffeine is usually 400 mg per day for healthy adults. Caffeine overdose may occur if you ingest more than this amount. However, a safe amount of caffeine differs for everyone based on age, weight, and overall health.", "How Many Milligrams of Caffeine Should One Have in a Day? Healthy Adults. A safe range for daily caffeine intake is between 200 to 300 milligrams for healthy adults. This is equal to approximately two to four cups of brewed coffee. No specific amount of caffeine per day can be recommended, as every individual reacts differently to the effects of caffeine.", "The facts about caffeine and athletic performance A moderate caffeine intake is considered to be 250 mg/day. In research studies, the amount of caffeine that enhances performance ranges from 1.5 to 4 mg/lb body weight (3 to 9 mg/kg) taken one hour before exercise.For a 150 lb person, this comes to about 225 to 600 mg. More doesn't seem to be better.he truth is, a moderate intake of coffee, cola and other caffeinated beverages does count towards fluid needs -- particularly if you're accustomed to consuming caffeine on a daily basis.", "Teens & Caffeine: How Much Is Too Much? Kenny said, “It’s um, crabbier somehow.”. Experts told us teens should have no more than 100 milligrams per day, which is about one eight-ounce cup of regular coffee. But remember caffeine is also in chocolate, sodas and energy drinks. Many of the kids we talked with say they like caffeine to jump-start the day.", "Health Benefits Of Caffeine: Brain On Caffeine Has Its Positives And Negatives You probably aren’t sure how much that is though, considering measuring caffeine consumption isn’t regularly practiced. Four-hundred milligrams is about two four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of soda, or two energy shots. But, as the experts advise, try keeping it to a minimum of 100 milligrams per day.", "- A 6-ounce cup of regular coffee contains between 75-150 milligrams of caffeine, according to Johns Hopkins researchers. Instant coffee has less, an average of about 70 milligrams, while an espresso contains about 40 milligrams. Six ounces of brewed tea has about 30 to 90 milligrams of caffeine. A 12-ounce cola may have 30 to 60 milligrams. An 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull Energy Drink boasts 80 milligrams.", "Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms: How Long Do They Last? Average Timeline Varies. Coffee typically has about 135 mg of caffeine, whereas an energy drink may have up to 160 mg. Various types of tea typically have between 15 mg and 40 mg of caffeine. If you are pounding energy drinks on a daily basis, your body has likely become accustomed to high levels of caffeine.", "How Much Caffeine Is in Your Energy Drink? CR says safe limits of caffeine are up to 400 milligrams per day for healthy adults, 200 milligrams a day for pregnant women, and up to 45-85 milligrams per day for children, depending on weight. Not all of the makers of energy drinks are members of the American Beverage Association, the trade group that represents the soft drink industry.", "- It sets maximum permitted levels of caffeine and other substances in these products. The maximum amount of caffeine they can contain is 320 mg per litre (from all sources, including Guarana). For a standard 250mL energy drink, this is 80mg which is about the same as a 250mL cup of coffee.he anxiety level for children aged 5-12 equates to a caffeine dose of 95 mg per day (approximately two cans of cola) and about 210 mg per day (approximately three cups of instant coffee) for adults. In Canada, scientists also conducted an extensive review of the scientific literature on caffeine.", "- How does your caffeine intake influence exercise? Surveys show that approximately 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine daily. In fact, more than half of American adults ingest over 300 milligrams of caffeine every day (i.e., approximately two and a half cups of regular coffee).", "Safe Levels of Daily Caffeine Intake According to the Journal of Food Science, consuming less than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is generally regarded as safe, and some regulatory agencies have set an upper limit of caffeine intake per day at 450 milligrams.", "- The American Dietetic Association suggests no more than 200-300 mgs of caffeine a day, which is equal to no more than two or three cups of coffee a day. Caffeine content varies and until recently has been hard to figure out.", "What the maximum amount of caffeine you should be drinking in a day looks like While there's lots of info out there about how bad energy drinks are for you, a single 8-ounce can of Red Bull contains 80 mg of caffeine, less than a standard cup of coffee and roughly one-third of the caffeine in a 12-ounce Starbucks.", "More kids are drinking coffee. Is caffeine safe for them? More kids are drinking coffee. Is caffeine safe for them? For adolescents, Health Canada recommends no more than 2.5 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight per day.", "How much caffeine is too much? The Starbucks coffee with 'three quarters of the safe daily dose' in one cup The Starbucks coffee with 'three quarters of the safe daily dose' in one cup. 1 400mg of caffeine is the recommended daily allowance for average person. 2 16oz Starbucks 'Grande' contains 330mg, according to study. 3 But scientists stress that tolerance levels of the stimulant can vary widely.", "How much caffeine is it okay to consume in a day? During pregnancy, I advise women to consume no more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. Children should not consume more than 45 milligrams (4 to 6 years), 62.5 milligrams (7 to 9 years) and 85 milligrams (10 to 12 years) of caffeine per day. Caffeine may have some health benefits. The caffeine in coffee helps treat asthma symptoms, enhances physical performance and boosts mental alertness.", "- How caffeine affects people varies with their size, their sex, and how sensitive they are to caffeine’s effects. Experts agree that 600 mg (four to seven cups of coffee) of caffeine or more each day is too much." ]
[ 12.3359375 ]
[ 9.8984375, 9.625, 10.2734375, 9.171875, 9.375, 10.1328125, 10.1484375, 12.703125, 9.03125, 10.375, 10.2578125, 10.3046875, 9.890625, 10.75, 11.109375, 11.6640625, 10.0859375, 9.859375, 10.015625, 9.25, 10.171875, 10.0703125, 11.0234375, 11.2734375, 11.0703125, 10.0078125, 10.40625, 10.46875, 10.265625, 10.4375 ]
what is a tracker pad
[ "What is a Trackpad? A trackpad, also seen spelled track pad, is a user interface which interprets pressure and translates it into movement of a cursor. Laptops are commonly equipped with trackpads, and many drawing tablets and personal digital assistants (PDAs) use the same technology." ]
[ "Garmin Tracker⢠Overview. Getting Started with Garmin Tracker. Now you can track what's important to you — directly on your smartphone. Garmin Tracker is a free mobile app that lets you see your location and your Garmin tracking device's location on a map, making it easy to track and locate it while you're on the go.verview. Getting Started with Garmin Tracker. Now you can track what's important to you — directly on your smartphone. Garmin Tracker is a free mobile app that lets you see your location and your Garmin tracking device's location on a map, making it easy to track and locate it while you're on the go.", "- Choose Your Form Factor: Bracelet, Watch, Clip-On A very important question to ask yourself before choosing a fitness tracker is the type of form factor you want. Fitness trackers are usually bracelets, watches, or clip-ons. Most clip-on devices these days can also be worn on the wrist, but not vice versa.", "What is a synaptics pointing device? A synaptics pointing device is generally referring to a touchpad on a laptop computer, so without that (the drivers, not necessarily the configuration software that sits in your system tray) you won't be able to use the touchpad very well.", "SMS Tracker (TM) The most complete remote phone tracking and monitoring system for Android phones. Remotely track and monitor all SMS, MMS, text messages, calls, and GPS location. Gizmoquip SMS Tracker (TM) is the most complete remote tracking and monitoring system for Android phones.", "TrackR bravo - Bluetooth Tracking Device. Item Tracker. Phone Finder. iOS/Android Compatible. Generation 3, Silver (1 Pack) Other brands require you to replace the entire device. TrackR notifies you when the battery is low. And lets you order a free replacement right from the app.", "pad pad 1. (păd) n. 1. a. A thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury. b. Sports A piece of equipment consisting of shaped cushioning material often attached to a hard outer surface and worn to protect against blows, collisions, or shots.", "TSP Portfolio Tracker⢠What is it? The TSP Portfolio Tracker™ is a web based application that allows you to enter your TSP transaction data and estimate the current value of your TSP portfolio in real time based on the current share prices of each of the funds in the Thrift Savings Plan.", "TrackR vs. Tile: The Lost-and-Found Face-Off Though these two gadgets work similarly in a lot of ways, they have some notable differences. All things considered, I found TrackR to be the better of the two. TrackR not only lets you find your devices using your phone, it lets you find your phone using your devices. Think of when you’re about to leave home with your keys in your hand, and you suddenly realize you’re missing your phone. Press a button on your keychain TrackR and your phone will give out a loud ring — even if it’s on silent.", "PAD-234 - DIGITAL / ANALOG TRAINER The PAD-234 is a rugged, high-quality piece of equipment designed for years of use with minimal maintenance. It's functionality and low cost make the PAD-234 a cost-effective design tool for hobbyists and professionals. The same features make it the ideal educational tool for student use.", "Input Devices A trackball is a stationary pointing device with a ball on its top or side. To move the pointer using a trackball, you rotate the ball with your thumb, your fingers, or the palm of your hand. In addition to the ball, a trackball usually has one or more buttons that work just like a mouse button. A touchpad is small, flat, rectangular pointing device sensitive to pressure and motion.", "- Standards Tracker includes the National Occupational Standards for Supporting Teaching and Learning as produced by the TDA in 2012. Nevertheless there are due to be changes and as soon as the new standards are created these will be included in Standards Tracker.", "You're viewing a limited preview of this report NEXTracker Inc. designs and manufactures single axis photovoltaic trackers for ground-mounted solar power plants. The company offers NEXTrackerSPT, a horizontal single-axis balanced-mass self-powered tracker with independently-driven rows that eliminate external AC power source systems, wiring, and associated trenching.", "INTRODUCTION How does this Work? The TrackR is a Bluetooth device that connects to an app running on your phone. The phone app can monitor the distance between the phone and device by analyzing the power level of the received signal. This link can be used to ring the TrackR device or have the TrackR device ring the phone. The device uses a new kind of radio called Bluetooth Low Energy. Don't let the name fool you.", "Glossary of Terms Also known as a Travel Bug®. A trackable tag with a unique code that can be attached to an item. The trackable is then carried from cache to cache (or person to person) in the real world, and its progress can be followed on Geocaching.com.", "What is eye tracking? Eye tracking is the process of watching where a person is looking. We do this all the time – it’s a natural part of human behavior. With the advent of small, highly accurate and low-cost systems, eye tracking is now being rapidly adopted in devices and applications to enhance computer interaction. An eye tracker is a device that incorporates illumination, sensors and processing to track eye movements and gaze point. The use of near-infrared light allows for accurate, continuous tracking regardless of surrounding light conditions.", "Eye tracking Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze or the motion of an eye relative to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movement. Eye trackers are used in research on the visual system, in psychology, in psycholinguistics, marketing, as an input device for human-computer interaction, and in product design. There are a number of methods for measuring eye movement. The most popular variant uses video images from which the eye position is extra", "- The Fitbit Tracker uses a three-dimensional accelerometer, similar to that in the Wii Remote, to sense user movement. The Tracker measures steps taken, and combines it with user data to calculate distance walked, calories burned, floors climbed and activity duration and intensity.he Flex is also the most water-resistant tracker; it can be worn while showering, but not while swimming. The Fitbit Flex includes a specialized USB charger; the battery lasts 5–7 days, and it takes 1–2 hours to charge.", "- A freeware cheat-code tracker Games utility that puts hints and cheats for (PC, Gamecube, Sega, Playstation, Walkthroughs, iPhone, DVD, Playstation 2, Nintendo 64, Xbox, Gameboy Advance, Dreamcast, Nintendo DS, Wii, PSP, XBox 360) easily accessible from one central location.", "Fitbit Fitbit Inc. is an American company known for its products of the same name, which are activity trackers, wireless-enabled wearable technology devices that measure data such as the number of steps walked, heart rate, quality of sleep, steps climbed, and other personal metrics. The first of these was the Fitbit Tracker. The company was founded by and is managed by James Park and Eric Friedman, and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. On May 7, 2015, Fitbit announced it had filed for IPO with a NYSE listing. The IPO was filed for $358 million.", "- A recording track sheet is a form of document that a recording engineer uses to keep track of what instrument is recorded on what channel of a multi-track recording device. … Example: Channel 1- Bass drum, Channel 2- Snare Drum, Channel 3- Hi-Hat Cymbal, etc.", "- At Migrate Technology, we specialise in the design and manufacture of miniature archival light level loggers called geolocators (also known as GLS tracking or geologgers) for tracking birds. Our Intigeo geolocation loggers record ambient sunlight over very long periods.", "TrackR vs. Tile: The Lost-and-Found Face-Off This week, I compared two technology products that solve one problem lots of people really do have: Losing stuff. I pitted two tracking devices against one another — TrackR versus Tile — to see which one is the best for keeping tabs on your keys, purse, dog, luggage, tech products and even your kids.", "How does my Fitbit device count steps? External. Fitbit trackers use a 3-axis accelerometer to understand your motions. An accelerometer is a device that turns movement (acceleration) of a body into digital measurements (data) when attached to the body.", "Touchpad Closeup of a touchpad on an Acer CB5-311 laptop. A touchpad or trackpad is a pointing device featuring a tactile sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the motion and position of a user's fingers to a relative position on the operating system that is made output to the screen. Touchpads are a common feature of laptop computers, and are also used as a substitute for a mouse where desk space is scarce. Because they vary in size, they can also be found on personal digital assistants and some portable media players. Wireless touchpads ar", "TrackR Bravo Reviews Mobile Options. Currently the TrackR app is available for both iPhone and Android devices, as long as you meet their requirements which are listed as: iPhone 4s & Later, iPad 3rd Generation & Later, Android 4.4 & Later with Bluetooth Low Energy.", "ABOUT US: WHAT IS EYETRACKING? Eye tracking data is collected using either a remote or head-mounted ‘eye tracker’ connected to a computer. While there are many different types of non-intrusive eye trackers, they generally include two common components: a light source and a camera. The light source (usually infrared) is directed toward the eye.he most common is to analyze the visual path of one or more participants across an interface such as a computer screen. Each eye data observation is translated into a set of pixel coordinates. From there, the presence or absence of eye data points in different screen areas can be examined.", "Put These Quarter-Sized GPS Trackers On Everything This crowdfunded project would let you locate basically anything with tiny GPS trackers that are accurate to within 5 feet. Retrievor is GPS disk that's barely more than an inch in diameter and less than a half-inch thick. Retrievor trackers are powered by tiny solar panels and can be set to very low power usage; so, in theory, they can operate indefinitely. There's also a micro USB port for charging the batteries conventionally.", "- Track Ball. Track ball is an input device that is mostly used in notebook or laptop computer, instead of a mouse. This is a ball which is half inserted and by moving fingers on ball, pointer can be moved. Since the whole device is not moved, a track ball requires less space than a mouse.", "Android System - Mobile Tracker. What is it? Post Reply Email Thread. In Android System, what is the included package called 'mobile tracker' and what is it used for? I have searched but cannot find any information on it.", "Runkeeper - GPS Track Run Walk Every run. Join the community that helps people get out the door and stick with running forever! Track exercise, set goals, sweat, and see progress along the way. Whether you’re working your way up to tracking a 5K goal or deep into marathon training, use the GPS app trusted by 50 million users and counting. OVERVIEW. • Track Workouts - Go for a run, walk, jog, bike, or any activity really." ]
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how much does sms messaging cost
[ "Text Messaging Cost Typical costs: 1 Cell phone users typically charged $0.10-$0.30 per text for plans that do not include unlimited texts. 2 Wireless providers that offer unlimited text plans typically charge $10-$30 per month. 3 Many wireless telecommunications providers charge for unlimited talk and text simultaneously." ]
[ "For how much money does Match.com cost? If you want to be able to message someone or read your messages, you have to pay for a subscription. They charge $6.78 a month for the 12 month plan, $8.50 a month for a 6 month plan and $12.50 a month for a 3 month plan. Match.com has raising their rates as well. There are no low cost or Free sites online anymore.hey charge $6.78 a month for the 12 month plan, $8.50 a month for a 6 month plan and $12.50 a month for a 3 month plan. Match.com has raising their rates as well. There are no low cost or Free sites online anymore.", "- What I want know is if it is possible to send a text message to a mobile user for free and relatively easily? I understand that one can register with third-party sms gateway provider or if one were more enthusiastic (me) he could purchase a GSM modem and set up his own gateway using software like Kannel.n ideal scenario would be one in which I DO NOT purchase a GSM modem and simply run something like Kannel and send messages over HTTP (i.e. without a GSM modem) to an SMSC, which would then send them off to a mobile device. Thanks in advance...", "- Rates & Airtime. 1 Make calls: from AU$0.06/min local & from AU$0.01/min international. 2 Receive calls: free. 3 Send text messages: AU$0.15. Receive text messages: 1 free. Prepaid Data: 15c/MB (billed in KB increments) Credit: AU$30 included.", "How Much Does Your Data Cost? Some Starting Estimates. 1 Talks on the phone for 500 minutes a month. I totally just made this number up. Just picking 8 kbps data rate (I know it is actually more complicated than that), this would be 0.0285 GB. 2 500 plain text messages a month. Let me pretend that that the average text message is 40 characters long.", "- MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. While SMS limits a sender to 160 characters of plain text, MMS allows for the delivery of media files, like images, videos, and audio. MMS is also capable of delivering text messages up to 1,600 characters in length.ext messages cost 5 cents per message (7 cents in Canada). If sending 1,000 text messages, the cost is $50 ($70 in Canada) on the Pay & Go plan. We do not charge for Incoming messages. Please see our Pricing page for complete details.", "- $15.75 Prepaid. 1 $0.20 /min. anytime local minutes. 2 Unlimited text messages in Canada. 3 Unlimited picture and video messages in Canada. 4 $0.40 /U.S.A. text messages (sent). 5 $0.40 /international text messages (sent). 6 $0.50 /picture and video messages (sent and received). 7 $0.50 /min.", "Cell Phone Cost 1 Basic text and talk phone plans generally cost $40-$60 a month. 2 Basic plans typically have a restricted number of talk minutes (often less than 500) and unlimited texting. 3 Basic plans also often include free mobile-to-mobile calls to lines on the same carrier and free nights and weekends. Breaking a cell phone contract early will entail a sizeable penalty. 2 It varies by phone and by carrier, but typically the fines are between $175-$350. 3 Depending on the plan, text, IM (Instant Messaging), picture and video messaging can also cost extra.", "SMS Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of telephone, World Wide Web, and mobile telephony systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to enable fixedline or mobile phone devices to exchange short text messages. SMS was the most widely used data application, with an estimated 3.5 billion active users, or about 80% of all mobile phone subscribers, at the end of 2010.", "Cell Phone Cost Typical costs: 1 Basic text and talk phone plans generally cost $40-$60 a month. Basic plans typically have a restricted number of talk minutes (often less than 500) and unlimited texting. 2 Plans with greater amounts of talk-time minutes cost more. For example, Sprint offers plans with 900 minutes for $60-$110 per month.", "What Are Some Free Texting Apps For Android? But with cell phone carriers charging $20 to $30 per month for an unlimited text plan, keeping in touch with text messaging can get expensive. However, there are plenty of free texting apps designed for Android tablets and smartphones that allow text lovers to message for free without increasing their carrier rates.", "- Convenient to subscribe, is as easy as simply sending SMS to 1010 or dialing *170#. * Normal SMS charges will apply when sending to 1010. Limited time promotional rate of only AED 0.3 per MB will apply for browsing non-social data traffic on your social data package.", "Use Email to Send Text Messages (SMS) to Mobile Phones for Free Sending Text Messages. To get started simply enter the SMS Gateway address in the same way that you would with an email address, compose your message, and then send it on its’ way. In just a short while your family, friends, or coworkers will have the new SMS show up on their mobile. SMS Gateway Listing. To use the SMS Gateway addresses shown here enter the 10 digit mobile phone number for the person you are sending a message to in front of the appropriate address (i.e. [email protected]). Note: SMS Gateways shown here are for U.S. carriers only (links for additional U.S. & International carriers at end of article).", "- As long as you have a signal, you will be able to send and receive text messages from a cruise ship. Even better, texting costs a lot less than a voice call. Most major carriers charge $0.50 to send a message; AT&T also charges $1.30 for an outgoing picture or video message.o ensure you are not charged by your phone company, you have two choices: Turn off your phone as soon as your cruise ship leaves port, or, if you want to use offline applications, put your phone into airplane mode.", "SMS Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of most telephone, World Wide Web, and mobile telephony systems. It uses standardized communication protocols to enable mobile phone devices to exchange short text messages.", "SMS 411 Cost per message: 20 cents each to send or receive (or less, if you sign up for a text messaging package); messages sent to international numbers cost 25 cents each. Text messaging packages start at $5 per month for 200 messages (10 cents for each additional message) and go up to $20 per month for unlimited texting. More information: AT&T text messaging. Sending email to an AT&T phone: Use the address format [email protected]. Example: [email protected].", "Tracfone Text Messaging â How Much Does it Cost? If you are paying 8.8 cents per Tracfone Minute then you are paying 3 cents per message. The older Tracfones cost .5 units each way. There were a couple of older Tracfones that only charged to send, and free to receive texts. The Nokia 1100 is a free text receiver.", "How Much Does a Text Message Really Cost? On Verizon, text message pricing is as follows: $0.20 per text — pay as you go ($0.25 for a picture message) $5 for 250 texts –$0.02 per text (immediate red flag, the price just dropped 90%!!) $10 for 500 texts — $0.02 per text … ok no price break there. $20 for 5000 texts — $0.004 per text (4/10ths of a cent)", "Comparison Table of SMS Service Providers (SMS Gateway Providers, SMS Resellers, SMS Brokers) (Details). To send SMS messages to the US, you need a dedicated short code. The service pricing is not available on the web site. You have to contact their staff for the details. (Details). None. (Details). To send SMS messages to the US, you need a dedicated short code. A setup fee is required.", "Text & call online - free! Smart Phones, Smarter Plans. 1 Our plans include unlimited texting, calling, and data, starting as low as $13.99 per month with no contracts. 2 Send messages and make calls on your computer or tablet, then access them from your phone while on the go.", "Does verizon charge extra for long distance text messages? Best Answer: Verizon charges $0.15 to send or receive texts to and from Mexico (also Canada and Puerto Rico). Only to other International countries will you get charged $0.25 to send. Depending on your calling plan, domestic long distance (within the U. S.) text or calling is not charged extra. International (to another country) text or calling is charge a fee that differs from country to country. Basicly, your carrier has been able to secure a business contract with carriers overseas which cost them money and in return charge long distance fees to offset the loss. The exact fee charged epends on the country you're calling/texting and you should contact customer service to get the exact amount per text/minute.", "Text Messaging Cost Pre-paid phones offer text plans that either charge per text or allow unlimited texts. For example, depending on which plan a customer signs up for, Verizon charges $0.02-$0.25 per text. AT&T has talk and text plans for prepaid phone that cost $25 and include unlimited text and 250 minutes of talk time.", "800 Number Cost It can also pay to comparison shop. A list of all toll-free providers is available through the SMS/800 site . The SMS/800 also offers a Help Desk at 1-888-SMS-3300 (a toll-free, vanity number!). Numbers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis by entities with access to the SMS/800 database.", "Cell Phone Cost 1 For example, Verizon has share everything plans that cost $30 per basic phone, $40 per smartphone and $50-$100 for unlimited talk, text and tiered data allowances. 2 Family plans from T-Mobile start at $80 for two lines, $90 for three lines, $100 for four lines and $110 for five lines. Depending on the plan, text, IM (Instant Messaging), picture and video messaging can also cost extra. 2 Unlimited text messaging typically costs $20 per month. 3 See: How Much Does Text Messaging Cost. 4 There are state and local taxes on monthly plans, but these are generally minimal.", "- 1 This unlimited plan will cost $89.99 through Verizon. 2 While Sprint doesn’t have a plan for only unlimited talk and text, it does have a plan called everything messaging that includes unlimited texting and 900 minutes of talk time for $89.99. 3 AT&T offers a plan with unlimited talk for $69.99. For example, a plan from Verizon Wireless that includes 450 minutes of talk time but no texting costs $39.99 monthly. 2 Sprint has a plan called Basic which includes 200 minutes for $29.99. 3 AT&T offers a plan that allows the customer 900 minutes of talk time for $59.99 per month.", "Texting Internationally When traveling outside the U.S., it costs $0.50 to send a text message to either a U.S. number or an international number. Receiving an international text message. If you have a domestic Messaging package, international text messages you receive will be deducted from your monthly allotment of messages. If you do not have a domestic Messaging package, text messages will bill at a rate of $0.20 per text message.", "- TrainTrackerTM texts cost 25p for each succesful response (plus usual text costs). nationalrail.co.uk www Online www Online 24 hour Travel Information Scan this code with your mobile to take this poster with you. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is correct at time of print.rainTrackerTM texts cost 25p for each succesful response (plus usual text costs). nationalrail.co.uk www Online www Online 24 hour Travel Information Scan this code with your mobile to take this poster with you. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is correct at time of print.", "Texting Internationally That’s as little as $0.10 per message sent. Sending an international text message from outside the U.S. When traveling outside the U.S., it costs $0.50 to send a text message to either a U.S. number or an international number. If you have a domestic Messaging package, international text messages you receive will be deducted from your monthly allotment of messages.", "Safaricom Scrapes off its Unlimited SMS Bundles Let’s see how much one will be paying for each SMS the send under this plan: 10/200 = KES 0.10. Under the 200 SMS bundles plan, Safaricom subscribers will spend 10 cents per SMS. Safaricom customers will also be able to subscribe to the 20 SMSes bundles plan for KES 5 per day. Under this plan subscribers will get 20 SMSes all day for KES 5 per day. Once the 20 SMSes are exhausted, subscribers will be charged an out-of-bundle rate of KES 1 per SMS.", "How to Send a Text Message To forward a text message, on Android phones and iPhone, tap and hold the message to forward then select the option to forward the message. On other cell phones, the option to forward will probably be under options or a similar menu. Enter the phone number to send the message to and click Send. Check your cell phone plan to see how much text messaging or texting costs. 2 If you don't have a plan that includes texting, each message you send or receive will cost a small amount (around $0.20 per message, but more if you send a text message while roaming internationally or if you send an international text message).", "- 1 Unlimited voice minutes to all US numbers while in the US. 2 Unlimited text messaging to all US numbers while in the US. 3 For the $60 plan, 1 GB of data a month-data overage is $15/500 MB. 4 For the $75 plan, 2 GB of data a month-data overage is $15/1 GB." ]
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what does ngc stand for in astronomy?
[ "- Answer The 'New General Catalogue' was an update to Sir John Herschel's 'General Catalogue,' hence the name 'NGC'. Henry Dreyer and Annie Jump Cannon compiled the NGC i … n the late 19th and early 20th century. This catalog, like its predecessor the GC, focused on cataloging the non-stellar deep sky objects found in astro-photographic plates." ]
[ "Spiral galaxy An example of a spiral galaxy, the Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101 or NGC 5457) A spiral galaxy is a certain kind of galaxy originally described by Edwin Hubble in his 1936 work The Realm of the Nebulae and, as such, forms part of the Hubble sequence. Spiral galaxies consist of a flat, rotating disc containing stars, gas and dust, and a central concentration of stars known as the bulge. These are surrounded by a much fainter halo of stars, many of which reside in globular clusters.", "All About the Cartwheel Galaxy What is interesting about the galaxy is that it is believed to have formally been a spiral galaxy, similar to our galaxy the Milky Way. As galaxies are the largest structures that we classify in the universe itself, it is difficult to imagine something so large going through such a dramatic change.", "Andromeda Galaxy Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy (/ænˈdrɒmᵻdə/), also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224, is a spiral galaxy approximately 780 kiloparsecs (2.5 million light-years) from Earth. It is the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way and was often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula in older texts. It received its name from the area of the sky in which it appears, the constellation of Andromeda, which was named after the mythological princess Andromeda.", "- arms, a bulge at its center, and a halo. Spiral galaxies have a variety of shapes and are. classified according to the size of the bulge and the tightness and appearance of the. arms. The spiral arms, which wrap around the bulge, contain numerous young blue. stars and lots of gas and dust. Stars in the bulge tend to be older and redder.", "Orion Nebula The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976) is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, being south of Orion's Belt in the constellation of Orion.It is one of the brightest nebulae, and is visible to the naked eye in the night sky.he M42 nebula is estimated to be 24 light years across. It has a mass of about 2000 times the mass of the Sun. Older texts frequently refer to the Orion Nebula as the Great Nebula in Orion or the Great Orion Nebula.", "Spiral Galaxies The arms of a spiral galaxy have lots of gas and dust, and they are often areas where new stars are constantly forming. The bulge of a spiral galaxy is composed primarily of old, red stars. Very little star formation goes on in the bulge. The table below shows the abbreviations that are used for spiral galaxy types.f you instead see the galaxy from the side, it is called an edge-on spiral.. You can recognize edge-on spiral galaxies because you can see their bright central bulges. Face-on and edge-on spiral galaxies aren't really any different; they only look different because of the angle from which you see them.", "- The Andromeda Galaxy (/aenˈdrɒmɨdə/), ænˈdrɒmɨdə also known As messier, 31, m31 OR ngc, 224 is a spiral galaxy approximately 780 (kiloparsecs.2 5 million-light) years From. Earth it is the nearest major galaxy to The Milky way and was often referred to as The Great Andromeda nebula in older. textst 3.4, the apparent magnitude of the Andromeda Galaxy is one of the brightest of any of the Messier objects, making it visible to the naked eye on moonless nights even when viewed from areas with moderate light pollution.", "Galaxy NGC 4414, a typical spiral galaxy in the constellation Coma Berenices, is about 55,000 light-years in diameter and approximately 60 million light-years away from Earth. A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter. The word galaxy is derived from the Greek galaxias (γαλαξίας), literally milky, a reference to the Milky Way. Galaxies range in size from dwarfs with just a few billion (109) stars to giants with one hundred trillion (1014) stars, each orbiting its galaxy's center of mass.", "NGC NGC. The acronym NGC stands for New General Catalog ue and usually precedes a number in the catalogue, like NGC 4258 for example. The catalogue refers to objects which are extended and distinctly non-star like in nature. NGC 6872 and IC 4970. This image is a three-colour composite, this time reproduced from one blue (B), one green-yellow (V) and one red (R) exposure, obtained with FORS1 at ANTU in the morning of March 29, 1999.", "- 1 An asterism is a group of stars which form a pattern in the night sky but is not a constellation in itself. The beautiful Ring Nebula can be found within the Lyra constellation, between the stars of Sulafet and Sheliak.", "- Messier 31 is more commonly referred to as the Andromeda Galaxy, and apart from our Milky Way, is arguably the most well-known galaxy. It is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own, and is one of the more than 20 galaxies comprising The Local Group of galaxies.", "- The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) is a publicly available database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents. National Guideline Clearing House ASIS International regularly provides the status of guideline projects so that members and others can access completed guidelines, review draft guidelines and provide comments, or learn the status of guidelines.", "- The Rosette Nebula Inside the nebula lies an open cluster of bright young stars designated NGC The Rosette Nebula spans about 100 light-years across, lies about light-years away. space,space,space theres a lot of space in space. space the final frontier", "What is 'NGC'? Revolution in astronomy means the orbit of a planet, or other space object, around the Sun, or other star-or year. Rotation on the other hand, is a planet or moons rotatio … n around it's axis-or day.", "M57, NGC6720, Ring Nebula About this image. The Ring Nebula, M57, NGC6720. This true color picture was taken using Ektachrome film at the prime focus of the Kitt Peak 4m telescope on September 1st 1973. This is unusual: normally color images are made by combining black and white images taken through different colored filters. The Ring Nebula, also known as M57 or NGC 6720, is found in the constellation Lyra. A spherical shell of glowing gas surrounds a central hot star. The nebula was formed when the central star ejected perhaps as much as ten percent of its mass, over a period of some millions of years.", "- galaxy (n.) late 14c., from French galaxie or directly from Late Latin galaxias the Milky Way as a feature in the night sky (in classical Latin via lactea or circulus lacteus), from Greek galaxias (adj.), in galaxias kyklos, literally milky circle, from gala (genitive galaktos) milk (from PIE root *g(a)lag-milk).", "Constellation Names Genitive: Andromedae. Andromeda is one of the Greek constellations. It was named after Andromeda, the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus in Greek mythology, who was chained and left for the sea monster Cetus to eat, and then saved by Perseus.", "- In modern astronomy, a constellation is a specific area of the celestial sphere as defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). These areas had their origins in Western-traditional asterisms from which the constellations take their names.", "Constellation Names Andromeda is one of the Greek constellations. It was named after Andromeda, the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus in Greek mythology, who was chained and left for the sea monster Cetus to eat, and then saved by Perseus. Andromeda was sacrified to Cetus to appease the gods and stop the monster from ravaging her land.", "Crab Nebula Crab Nebula. The Crab Nebula (catalogue designations M1, NGC 1952, Taurus A) is a supernova remnant in the constellation of Taurus. The now-current name is due to William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, who observed the object in 1840 using a 36-inch telescope and produced a drawing that looked somewhat like a crab.", "NGC 1 Carmiooro NGC, a professional cycling team, whose license is held in Great Britain, founded in 2008 by Lorenzo Di Silvestro who is Team Manager and Natale Bellotti, the team's President.2 National Glass Centre, a cultural venue and visitor attraction located in Sunderland, North East England. Carmiooro NGC, a professional cycling team, whose license is held in Great Britain, founded in 2008 by Lorenzo Di Silvestro who is Team Manager and Natale Bellotti, the team's President. 2 National Glass Centre, a cultural venue and visitor attraction located in Sunderland, North East England.", "- A galaxy contains stars, gas and dust. In a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way, the stars, gas, and dust are organized into a bulge, a disk containing spiral arms, and a halo.. Elliptical galaxies have a bulge-like central region and a halo, but do not have a disk.", "- The Triangulum Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 3 million light-years (ly) from Earth in the constellation Triangulum. It is catalogued as Messier 33 or NGC 598. The Triangulum Galaxy is the third-largest member of the Local Group of galaxies, behind the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.", "Types of Galaxies Spiral galaxies are the most common type in the universe. Our Milky Way is a spiral, as is the rather close-by Andromeda Galaxy. Spirals are large rotating disks of stars and nebulae, surrounded by a shell of dark matter.", "How to Find the Andromeda Galaxy The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as M31 or the Great Spiral Galaxy,, is one of the most distant objects that the unaided human eye can see. It lies between 2.2 and 3 million light years away. Locating it the first time is a little tricky, but once you find it, it's hard to ever lose it again.", "- Constellations and asterisms Define in your own words what you understand by the term Constellation: Traditionally constellations have been a group of bright objects in the sky (stars and galaxies) that", "The galaxy ―Han Solo. The galaxy, as it was commonly referred to, was one of the many galaxies in the universe. Composed of a massive collection of stars, planets, and other astronomical objects, it was originally formed by a super-massive black hole in its center.", "- Nebula means Cloud in Latin. A nebula is an interstellar cloud of hydrogen, helium, plasma and dust. They are often called stellar nurseries because stars are born within them. There are many types of Nebula, some stars have nebula's around them when they approach the final stages of their lives as in Wolf Rayet stars.", "Galaxy A shell galaxy is a type of elliptical galaxy where the stars in the galaxy's halo are arranged in concentric shells. About one-tenth of elliptical galaxies have a shell-like structure, which has never been observed in spiral galaxies.", "'X' shape in Milky Way confirmed via Twitter Perhaps the most famous image from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is that of the Crab Nebula. A nebula is a mixture of hot gas, dust and simple elements like hydrogen and helium. The Crab Nebula is approximately 6,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus." ]
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schedule for ferry leaving from seattle to victoria
[ "- Reserve your seat on the Victoria Clipper from Seattle to Victoria now. Take a look at our ferry schedule and don’t forget to check for current specials and promotions.Set sail today! Book your Seattle to Victoria high-speed ferry service now! You can also book a “reverse” trip from Victoria to Seattle.our Seattle to Victoria ferry ride will leave you rested and refreshed! Our comfortable seats provide ample leg room and are wide and roomy making it easy to relax. We’ve provided tables at some of our seats so you’ll have room to stretch out and rest." ]
[ "How to travel between Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. Sail away with Washington State Ferries from Anacortes (1.5 hours north of Seattle) to Sidney, B.C. (about a 20-minute drive from Victoria). Passenger-only fares are about $19 each way; a car and driver is about $51 each way (as of June 2014): www.wsdot.wa.gov /ferries.", "- Hotel packages quoted per person double occupancy. Victoria Huntingdon Manor with Ferry From $86 per person. Port Angeles Victoria Harbourcats VS Port Angeles Lefties in Port Angeles June 1, 2017 including Red Lion Hotel and Ferry From $107 per person. Port Angeles Casino Night at 7 Cedars Casino with Red Lion Hotel and Ferry From $89 per person. Olympic National Park Sol Duc Falls Afternoon Tour with Olympic Hiking Co including Walk-On Ferry From $96 per person. Victoria Inn at Laurel Point with Ferry From $92 per person.", "How do i get from seattle airport to the cruise terminal? Adults $59, children $46 tax included. (Seattle, Airport, Southside, Bellevue and Redmond hotels). www.seattlecitytours.com | 206.768.1234 Option 3: Gray Line has a shuttle service called Cruise Express. Cruise Express is a direct transfer from the airport to Smith Cove Cruise Terminal at Pier 91 ONLY. 800.426.7532 Option 4: Shuttle Express offers transportation to/from either cruise terminal. Pick-up and drop-off locations include any greater Seattle area hotel, cruise terminals, or other select popular destinations.", "The many ways to travel between Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. Tips for travel to and around Victoria and Vancouver, B.C., from Seattle. By Kristin Jackson. For a close-to-home urban vacation, it’s hard to beat the Northwest’s golden triangle of Seattle, Vancouver, B.C., and Victoria. All three cities have excellent museums and other sightseeing, and a wide choice of hotels, restaurants and nightlife.", "- By bus: The Tofino Bus has routes from Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Comox, and Parksville to Ucluelet and Tofino. In fact the bus stops at a Ucluelet landmark, “Murrays’ Groceries”, just a couple minutes walk from the motel. – Tofino Bus.ou will reach the West Coast Motel in approximately 2 1/2 – 3 hours from Comox and approximately 3 – 3 1/2 hours from Campbell River. Coming from Port Angeles, Washington – take the Coho Ferry to Victoria.", "- Victoria Clipper passenger-only ferry service with year-round daily departures to Victoria, BC and seasonal daily departures to the San Juan Islands.To book only the passenger ferry transportation, use the Clipper Only tab highlighted under Plan Your Trip.hild fare not available for youth groups. A $2.20 pp/RT Port fee and $2 pp/RT security fee will be added to all Friday Harbor fares, until further notice. NOTE: Ferry Service between Seattle/Victoria, BC and Seattle/San Juan Island are passenger service only. No vehicles.", "Our Train Schedules Schedule Information. Amtrak Cascades trains connect 18 cities along the I-5 corridor including Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, BC, and Eugene, Oregon. Skip traffic. Take the train. Use the Buy Now button or the form above to check availabiltiy, fare pricing, and to reserve your seat.", "Hydroplanes, Pit Passes and Seafair Seafair weekend is almost here, beginning Friday and running through Sunday, and there are plenty of great, fun-filled activities for you and your family to enjoy. One of the weekend highlights, the 2011 Albert Lee Cup at Seafair hydroplane races will take place on Lake Washington between Seattle’s Mount Baker neighborhood and Mercer Island. Spectators can watch the races from the stands or sit near the water in the grass.", "- We now have three main transit centers in our local communities. The Port Angeles Gateway Transit Center is located at 123 E Front Street, just south from the Victoria Ferry terminal. The Sequim Transit Center is located at 190 W Cedar Street on the corner of 2nd and Cedar by City Hall in Sequim.", "- 2015 Passenger Only Ferry Service. Victoria Clipper passenger-only ferry service with year-round daily departures to Victoria, BC and seasonal daily departures to the San Juan Islands. To book only the passenger ferry transportation, use the Clipper Only tab highlighted under Plan Your Trip.hild fare not available for youth groups. A $2.20 pp/RT Port fee and $2 pp/RT security fee will be added to all Friday Harbor fares, until further notice. NOTE: Ferry Service between Seattle/Victoria, BC and Seattle/San Juan Island are passenger service only. No vehicles.", "Seattleâs Top 10 attractions You can have a fun, quick and cheap sightseeing boat ride as a walk-on passenger (adult fare is $7.70 round trip) on the Seattle-Bainbridge Island ferry. If it’s clear, you’ll even see 14,410-foot Mount Rainier looming to the south on the 35-minute ride.", "- You can find us at the following locations: The Port Angeles Gateway Transit Center is located at 123 E Front Street, just south from the Victoria Ferry terminal. The Sequim Transit Center is located at 190 W Cedar Street on the corner of 2nd and Cedar by City Hall in Sequim.", "- Visitors sailing via a ferry to Haida Gwaii will arrive in Skidegate Village, on the southeast tip of Graham Island, the main point-of-entry to Haida Gwaii. The schedule of sailings vary per season.ritish Columbia, Canada. Think of the traveling experience to Haida Gwaii, (formerly Queen Charlotte Islands), as a big west coast scenic tour, because that is what it is.", "How to travel between Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. How to travel between Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver, B.C. Plane, trains and automobiles. Plus ferries and floatplanes, helicopters, buses and bikes. Here's how to get between Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria.", "Top Seattle Day Trips & Excursions Friday Harbor Day Trip & Whale Watching from Seattle. 138 Reviews. Enjoy whale watching and a San Juan Island day trip from Seattle! This is the only cruise that leaves directly from downtown Seattle, allowing you to skip the ... Location: Seattle, Washington. Duration: 12 hours.", "BC Ferry: Vancouver â Tsawwassen Route Services. 1 BC Ferries runs a scheduled ferry service from Vancouver (Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal) to Victoria on Vancouver Island (Swartz Bay). 2 Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal is located 32 km north of downtown Victoria on Vancouver Island. 3 Vehicles and Passengers.oute Services. 1 BC Ferries operates scheduled ferry services from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano Island, Mayne Island, Pender Islands, Saltspring Island and Saturna Island). 2 Vehicles and Passengers. 3 Sailing Times: 4 55 minutes between Tsawwassen and Galiano Island (non stop).", "BC Ferry: Vancouver â Tsawwassen Route Services. 1 BC Ferries operates scheduled ferry services from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano Island, Mayne Island, Pender Islands, Saltspring Island and Saturna Island).2 Vehicles and Passengers. 3 Sailing Times: 4 55 minutes between Tsawwassen and Galiano Island (non stop).oute Services. 1 BC Ferries operates scheduled ferry services from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano Island, Mayne Island, Pender Islands, Saltspring Island and Saturna Island). 2 Vehicles and Passengers. 3 Sailing Times: 4 55 minutes between Tsawwassen and Galiano Island (non stop).", "- Driving distance from Seattle, WA to Vancouver, Canada. The total driving distance from Seattle, WA to Vancouver, Canada is 140 miles or 225 kilometers. Your trip begins in Seattle, Washington. It ends in Vancouver, Canada. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Seattle, WA to Vancouver, Canada so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.", "- You'll now receive email alerts on fares from Kodiak, AK (ADQ) to Seattle, WA (SEA). There are no longer low prices for this route that meet our standards. To find the best price available, search now to compare our current prices. Thanks for signing up!", "- Children traveling to Canada ; Helpful information ; If you've ever had a felony ; What is required for U.S. Permanent Residents? What do I need to bring my pet across the border? It's a beautiful journey aboard a Washington State Ferry as your car ferry sails from Anacortes through the San Juan Islands to Sidney, B.C. on Vancouver Island.", "- Washington State Ferries. 206-464-6400 / wsdot.wa.gov/ferries. 888-808-7977 (from WA & BC only) Departs from Anacortes making one round. trip run per day Spring/Fall. Two trips per. day in Summer.", "- From Seattle, it's a 21-hour, 850-mile drive through Canada to the ferry port of Ketchikan, Alaska. As far as time is concerned, driving is the middle of the road.", "- Take in views of the Puget Sound and Olympic Mountains while exploring Olympic Sculpture Park, the Seattle Aquarium, shops, and restaurants like Ivar’s, a local landmark, where you can watch the ferries load and depart while you eat.", "Bus and Coach Services in BC Ferries Communities Downtown Vancouver and Vancouver Airport service to Tsawwassen Terminal, where a ferry ticket to Duke Point/Nanaimo can be purchased. Information and reservations: Vancouver 604-662-7575. From elsewhere in Canada, or from the United States, call toll-free: 1-800-661-1725.owntown Vancouver to downtown Victoria, and Vancouver Airport to downtown Victoria by way of BC Ferries' Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay service. Bus tickets may be purchased on many* BC Ferries sailings between Vancouver and Victoria.", "Seattle, WA Norwegian and Oceania passengers use the Bell Street Pier Cruise Terminal. The Port of Seattle's Bell Street Pier Cruise Terminal is located just 14 miles from Seattle Tacoma International Airport. Parking is available at the cruise terminal for $24.00 per day (rates subject to change by Port Authority).", "Vancouver to Seattle Of course, you have many more options that the car when you're hoping to make the trip from Vancouver to Seattle. Whether you hop aboard the ferry from Vancouver to Seattle, travel by rail, take the ferry, or step aboard a bus, you can make the trip without worry about the hassle of traffic.", "Central Link Central Link. Central Link is a light rail line running between the cities of Seattle and SeaTac. It is one of the lines in Sound Transit's Link Light Rail system. Service operates seven days a week, from 5 am to 1 am Monday through Saturday and from 6 am to midnight on Sundays.", "Alaska Ferry The State of Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System offers year-round ferry service from Bellingham, WA to the port of Whittier, two hours south of Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city.or those looking for a unique way to tour the waterways of Alaska, the Alaska Ferry system is the perfect, budget-friendly way to create a memorable experience.", "- 1 BC Ferries runs a scheduled ferry service from Vancouver (Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal) to Victoria on Vancouver Island (Swartz Bay). 2 Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal is located 32 km north of downtown Victoria on Vancouver Island.oute Services. 1 BC Ferries operates scheduled ferry services from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to the Southern Gulf Islands (Galiano Island, Mayne Island, Pender Islands, Saltspring Island and Saturna Island). 2 Vehicles and Passengers. 3 Sailing Times: 4 55 minutes between Tsawwassen and Galiano Island (non stop).", "Whidbey Island Ferry Schedules We’ve collected the current schedules and put them here for your convenience. You can click the toggle button for each schedule below to see the current Whidbey island ferry schedule you’re looking for, whether for the Clinton/Mukilteo ferry, or the Coupeville/Pt. Townsend Ferry." ]
[ 11.9765625 ]
[ 11.8203125, 10.1015625, 8.203125, 10.2265625, 7.59375, 11.0546875, 10.0234375, 7.17578125, 9.8515625, 11.1796875, 8.9375, 9.8359375, 7.42578125, 10.375, 8.9765625, 10.75, 9.984375, 7.890625, 7.6328125, 9.828125, 10.328125, 8.328125, 9.8359375, 8.640625, 9.296875, 9.609375, 8.1953125, 8.1484375, 11.21875, 9.46875 ]
electric meaning
[ "ELECTRIC Dictionary entry overview: What does electric mean? • ELECTRIC (noun) The noun ELECTRIC has 1 sense: 1. a car that is powered by electricity Familiarity information: ELECTRIC used as a noun is very rare. • ELECTRIC (adjective) The adjective ELECTRIC has 3 senses: 1. using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity 2. (of a situation) exceptionally tense 3. affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling Familiarity information: ELECTRIC used as an adjective is uncommon." ]
[ "Shock vs. Electrocution Turns out, the word electrocution means DEATH by electricity. So if you're able to complain about getting zapped, unless you're a moaning ghost with a message from the great beyond...you've been shocked- not electrocuted.", "- Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: thunderstorm, electrical storm, electric storm(noun) a storm resulting from strong rising air currents; heavy rain or hail along with thunder and lightning. thunderstorm(Noun) A storm consisting of thunder and lightning produced by a cumulonimbus, usually accompanied with rain or hail.", "What is Electrical Energy? - Definition & Examples Electrical Energy Is Potential Energy. Electrical energy is potential energy, which is energy stored in an object due to the object's position. Well, in terms of electrical energy, the object is the charged particle, and the position is the location of that charged particle within the electric field.", "- Electric Power. Electric power is the rate of energy consumption in an electrical circuit. The electric power is measured in units of watts. 1 Electric power definition. 2 Electric power calculation. 3 Power of AC circuits. 4 Power factor. 5 Power calculator.", "- electrostatic (ɪˌlɛktrəʊˈstætɪk) adj. 1. (General Physics) of, concerned with, producing, or caused by static electricity. 2. (General Physics) concerned with electrostatics. eˌlectroˈstatically adv. e•lec•tro•stat•ic (ɪˌlɛk trəˈstæt ɪk) adj. of or pertaining to static electricity or electrostatics. [1865–70]", "electrostatic Definition of electrostatic. 1 : of or relating to static electricity or electrostatics.", "electrical Adj. 1. electrical-relating to or concerned with electricity; an electrical engineer; electrical and mechanical engineering industries. 2. electrical-using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity; electric current; electric wiring; electrical appliances; an electrical storm.", "Thread: Definition of Electrical Work Who defines electrical work and/or what is the definition of electrical work. The reason for the question is this. We have an excavator who we are working with on a job where we are putting in campsites (Pedestals, transformers, panels, etc) and he wants to know if he can do the majority of the work.14. Here in WV for doing electrical work, The definition of Electrical work Means the installation of wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures, other appliances, equipment or systems for transmitting, carrying, controlling, or using electricity for light, heat, or power purposes.", "electricity LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. A bulb powered by electricity. A bulb powered by electricity. Electricity is defined as the effects of an electric charge. 1 An example of electricity is the force that powers a light bulb. 2 An example of electricity is lightning.3 An example of electricity is static electricity, the buildup of electric charges on an object's surface.lectricity-Computer Definition. From the Greek elektor, meaning shining or the sun. A fundamental form of energy created by the movement of electrons (negative charges), protons, or positrons (positive charges) and generating current. See also current.", "electricity Full Definition of ELECTRICITY. 1. a: a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms that occurs naturally (as in lightning) or is produced (as in a generator) and that is expressed in terms of the movement and interaction of electrons b: electric current or power.2.efinition of ELECTRICITY for Kids. 1. : an important form of energy that is found in nature but that can be artificially produced by rubbing together two unlike things (as glass and silk), by the action of chemicals, or by means of a generator.", "- Electric power meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is विद्युत.English definition of Electric power : the product of voltage and current", "- 1 The electrical energy that is consumed by a component, circuit, device, piece of equipment, or system that is connected to a source of electric power, in order to perform its functions. Also called electric load. synonym electric load.", "current Define electric current. electric current synonyms, electric current pronunciation, electric current translation, English dictionary definition of electric current. n another name for current8 Noun 1. electric current - a flow of electricity through a conductor; the current was measured in amperes current electrical...", "electricity electricity. n. 1. (General Physics) any phenomenon associated with stationary or moving electrons, ions, or other charged particles. 2. (General Physics) the science concerned with electricity. 3. (General Physics) an electric current or charge: a motor powered by electricity.ransposition - (electricity) a rearrangement of the relative positions of power lines in order to minimize the effects of mutual capacitance and inductance; he wrote a textbook on the electrical effects of transposition. amplification - (electronics) the act of increasing voltage or power or current.", "Translations for electric charge Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when close to other electrically charged matter. There are two types of electric charges, called positive and negative.", "voltage Noun. 1. electric potential-the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts. potential difference, potential drop, voltage, potential. electrical phenomenon-a physical phenomenon involving electricity.", "- • ELECTRIC CHARGE (noun). The noun ELECTRIC CHARGE has 1 sense: 1. the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons. Familiarity information: ELECTRIC CHARGE used as a noun is very rare.Dictionary entry details.he noun ELECTRIC CHARGE has 1 sense: 1. the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons.", "electric Definition of electric. 1 1 archaic : a nonconductor of electricity used to excite or accumulate electricity. 2 2 : something (as a light, automobile, or train) operated by electricity.", "electronic 3. 'electronic'. You use electronic to talk about a device that has transistors or silicon chips that control and change the electric current running through the device, or to describe a process or activity using electronic devices.", "- Electrical energy is a form of energy that occurs as a result of either stored or moving charged particles. When the energy is stored it is called electric potential energy and when it is moving in an electric current it is a form of kinetic energy. Our most common form of electrical energy is found in our wall outlets.", "Electric Comments Share. The Electric type is one of the 18 types in Pokémon. It is super-effective against Water and Flying types, not very effective against Dragon, , and Grass types, and ineffective against Ground types. It resists , Flying, and Steel-type moves, while taking super-effective damage from Ground-type moves.", "electrical e·lec·tric. (Ä­-lĕk′trÄ­k) adj. 1. also e·lec·tri·cal (-trÄ­-kəl) Of, relating to, producing, or operated by electricity: electric current; an electrical device. 2. a. Of or related to sound created or altered by an electrical or electronic device. b. Amplified by an electronic device: an electric guitar.", "\"What Is \"\"Electricity\"\"?©1996 William J. Beaty Electrical Engineer\" The scientist's definition: Electricity means only one thing: quantities of electricity are measured in Coulombs, so electricity is the electrons and protons themselves; the electric charge inside the wires, and not the flow.", "Electric current An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a wire. It can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in an ionised gas (plasma).", "OUTLET electric receptacle - receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices. electric outlet, electrical outlet, wall plug, wall socket, outlet. power point, point - a wall socket.", "BÃRNS - Electric Love Lyrics BøRNS – Electric Love lyrics. Candy. She's sweet like candy in my veins. Baby, I'm dying for another taste. And every night my mind is running around. And it's getting louder and louder. Baby you're like lightning in a bottle. I can't let you go now that I got it.", "- The word electromagnetism is a compound form of two Greek terms, ἤλεκτρον, ēlektron, amber , and μαγνῆτις λίθος magnētis lithos, which means magnesian stone, a type of iron ore.", "- Electricity is the conductive flow of electrons through a material, medium, or vacuum. Energized electrons (current) flow into a material or device at the anode and out at the cathode.", "- Definition of ELECTRICITY for Kids. 1. : an important form of energy that is found in nature but that can be artificially produced by rubbing together two unlike things (as glass and silk), by the action of chemicals, or by means of a generator. 2. : electric current.", "- Best Answer: Static electricityNOUN: An accumulation of electric charge on an insulated body. Electric discharge resulting from the accumulation of electric charge on an insulated body. Static electricity occurs when there are an excess of positive (+) or negative (-) charges on an object's surface." ]
[ 12 ]
[ 9.4375, 8.8828125, 10.09375, 9.9296875, 9.6484375, 9.6953125, 10.875, 8.5859375, 10.6875, 11.4765625, 10.921875, 10.34375, 10.3203125, 10.25, 10.6875, 9.8671875, 9.78125, 12.6953125, 10.375, 10.234375, 10.0546875, 11.9296875, 11.28125, 11.2109375, 10.1953125, 9.21875, 9.953125, 11.5390625, 11.90625, 9.265625 ]
what county is hermosa beach ca in
[ "Hermosa Beach, California Hermosa Beach, CA. Online Offers. Hermosa Beach is a beachfornt city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. Its population was 19,506 at the 2010 census, up from 18,566 at the 2000 census. The city is located in the South Bay region of the greater Los Angeles area and is one of the three Beach Cities. Hermosa Beach is bordered by the other two, Manhattan Beach to the north and Redondo Beach to the south and east." ]
[ "Hesperia, California Hesperia is a city in San Bernardino County, California, United States 35 miles north of downtown San Bernardino in Victor Valley. This portion of the Mojave Desert is referred to as the High Desert due to the unique and moderate weather patterns. 2015 census estimates report that the City has a total population of 92,755.", "Laguna Beach, California Laguna Beach is located in the fifth district of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. In the California State Legislature, the city is in the 37th Senate District, represented by Republican John Moorlach, and in the 74th Assembly District, represented by Republican Matthew Harper.", "- Computer policies for the County Library. Hermosa Beach Friends of the Library is a volunteer-run organization that supports the library and library events - join today to get involved! Hermosa Beach Friends of the Library provides these service(s) to support the library: Friends of the Library DVD Rentals.", "Beaches With Sparkling Blue Water in California Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Picnic Beach lies at the foot of Heisler Park, in the midst of the affluent Orange County city of Laguna Beach. Clear waters offer visibility of up to 35 feet. As a result, the area features snorkeling and diving, including a reef preserve filled with small sharks and rays.", "Santa Cruz Santa Cruz (/ˈsaentə ˈsæntə/ , ˈkruːz: Spanish Holy) cross is the county seat and largest city Of Santa Cruz, County. california", "Dana Point Dana Point is a city located in southern Orange County, California. The population was 33,351 at the 2010 census. It has one of the few harbors along the Orange County coast, and with ready access via State Route 1, it is a popular local destination for surfing and was home to a legendary surf break called Killer Dana.", "- Drive down the Southern California coast, and visit the best beaches in Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego. iStock. Laguna is one of Orange County's most fashionable towns, as well as one of the most culturally rich, but the beach is a big draw, too.", "- Key Zip or Address or click on the map. This page shows a Google Map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Bonsall, San Diego County, California. Users can easily view the boundaries of each Zip Code. Bonsall, San Diego County, California Zip Code Map Boundary Version 3.0 Copyright © 1996-2014 John Coryat - USNaviguide. All rights reserved.", "Pismo Beach, California Pismo Beach is a city in San Luis Obispo County, in the Central Coast area of California, United States. The estimate population was 7,931 at 2014, up from 7,655 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Five Cities Area, a cluster of cities in that area of San Luis Obispo County. Its motto is Clam Capital of the World.", "Newport Beach Newport Beach, incorporated in 1906, is a city in Orange County, California, 10 miles (16 km) south of downtown Santa Ana. The population was 85,186 at the 2010 census. The city's median family income and property values consistently place high in national rankings.", "- Facilities with environmental interests located in this zip code: 1 HERMOSA VALLEY ELEMENTARY (1645 VALLEY DR. in HERMOSA BEACH, CA) (National Center for Education Statistics) - STATE ID-6095434. 2 HERMOSA VIEW ELEMENTARY (1800 PROSPECT AVE. in HERMOSA BEACH, CA) (National Center for Education Statistics) - STATE ID-6014047.", "- San Bernardino County Building & Safety, San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga, Hesperia, Big Bear Lake, Twin Peaks, Twentynine Palms. on page @la-gov/bldg.htm - Government: Building/Safety Departments. Category - Building and Safety Departments: Permits / Code Enforcement / Inspections, County.", "- Zip Code 90740 - Seal Beach CA California, USA - Orange County Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs seal beach, ca 90740", "GROVER BEACH, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, CENTRAL COAST, CALIFORNIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 14 of 14 listings Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California Land for Sale Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Grover Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!", "Hermosa Beach, CA Population and Races Hermosa Beach, CA Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Hermosa Beach is 19,725, which is 6.24% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 12.39% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%.", "Burbank, California Southern California Association of Governments’ (SCAG) Regional Council. includes 69 districts which represent 191 cities in the SCAG region. SCAG Regional Council District 40 includes El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, Manhattan Beach,", "- Huntington Beach Public Records. 1 Huntington Beach CA Arrest Records Huntington Beach, Orange County, California Arrest Records, Criminal Records, Police Records Search Records. 2 Huntington Beach CA Business Licenses Huntington Beach, Orange County, California Business License Search Search Records.", "Miami-Dade County, Florida Source: Wikipedia. Santa Barbara County is a county located on the Pacific coast of the southern portion of the U.S. state of California, just west of Ventura County. As of 2000 the county had a population of 399,347.", "Hermosa Beach, California For population 25 years and over in Hermosa Beach: 1 High school or higher: 99.0%. 2 Bachelor's degree or higher: 71.0%. 3 Graduate or professional degree: 25.5%. 4 Unemployed: 3.4%. 5 Mean travel time to work (commute): 29.0 minutes.", "- Hermosa Beach, California. (Redirected from Hermosa Beach) Hermosa Beach is a beachfront city in Los Angeles County, California, United States. Its population was 19,506 at the 2010 census. The city is located in the South Bay region of the greater Los Angeles area and is one of the three Beach Cities.", "Hermosa Shores neighborhood in Eustis, Florida (FL), 32726 detailed profile Hermosa Shores neighborhood in Eustis, Florida (FL), 32726 detailed profile.", "Redondo Beach Redondo Beach, city, Los Angeles county, southern California, U.S. It is adjacent to Palos Verde Peninsula (south) and Hermosa Beach (north), on Santa Monica Bay. Originally inhabited by Gabrielino (Tongva) Indians, the area became part of Rancho San Pedro, a Spanish land grant made to Juan Domínguez in 1784.", "About Huntington Beach The City of Huntington Beach is located along the Southern California coast in Orange County, 35 miles south of Los Angeles and 90 miles north of San Diego. Named for railroad magnate Henry Huntington who orchestrated its development, the city is now an epicenter of activity and entertainment with wide, sandy beaches.", "- Hernando Beach, Florida. Hernando Beach is a census-designated place (CDP) in Hernando County, Florida, United States. The population was 2,299 at the 2010 census.", "Huntington Beach, California Huntington Beach is a seaside city in Orange County in Southern California. The city is named after American businessman Henry E. Huntington. The population was 189,992 during the 2010 census, making it the most populous beach city in Orange County and the seventh most populous city in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim MSA.", "Natomas Living in Sacramento County Natomas & Everything You Wanted to Know. Welcome to Natomas, California in Sacramento County. If you are planning on moving or relocating to CA this is a great place to learn a little something about each of the areas and neighborhood real estate prior to deciding where you would like to live. Jam packed with everything about Natomas.", "- California. County of Los Angeles. City of Artesia; City of Avalon; City of Bellflower; City of Long Beach; City of Los Angeles; City of Norwalk; City of Santa Fe Springs; Unincorporated County; County of Orange. City of Aliso Viejo; City of Costa Mesa; City of Dana Point; City of Irvine; City of La Habra; City of Laguna Hills; City of Laguna Niguel; City of Lake Forest", "- Seal Beach is a quaint seaside community on the northern most border of Orange County. Located at the mouth of Alamitos Bay, it provides access for boats and yachts entering the Pacific Ocean from Huntington Harbor. Old Town Seal Beach features shady, tree-lined Main Street, a beautiful beach and pier.", "About BlanketHealthInsurance.com in San Diego County About BlanketHealthInsurance.com in San Diego County. Located in the North County Inland area of San Diego County, Blanket Health Insurance is an independent health insurance agency led by Cyril Honz, Principal . We specialize in providing expert advice about health insurance, whether it results in a sale or not.", "Paso Robles, California For the California wine region, see Monterey AVA. Monterey County is a county located on the Pacific coast of the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 415,057. The county seat and largest city is Salinas. Monterey County comprises the Salinas, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area." ]
[ 13.484375 ]
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what cause bloating and gas
[ "Causes of Bloating and Gas (Flatulence) Mechanism of Gas and Flatulence. Flatulence is a voluntary or involuntary expulsion of gas through the anus commonly referred to as passing gas or ‘farting’. Gas produced by the breakdown of food within the gastrointestinal tract may cause bloating and discomfort which is relieved upon passing flatus (‘fart’). Digestion is a physical and chemical process that produces byproducts, including gas that is passed out as flatus.", "Bloating Most cases of stomach bloating are due to improper diet. Gas occurs because of the bacteria in the colon and is a by-product of soluble fiber digestion. Inadequate or irregular intake of fiber and water will cause a person to experience bloating or constipation. The most common natural sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables as well as wheat or oat bran." ]
[ "- Symptoms of Gas and Bloating After Eating. Stomach gas and bloating itself is a symptom which is easier to identify. However, as the gas gets trapped in the stomach, a person may experience lower abdominal pain and cramping.econdly, air swallowing is one of the most significant causes of stomach gas and bloating. Excess air can pass into the stomach by chewing gum excessively or by having excess amounts of sodas. On the other hand, eating food or gulping water rapidly can also lead to air swallowing.", "Symptoms & Causes of Gas in the Digestive Tract Conditions that affect how gas moves through your intestines can lead to problems with gas and bloating. These conditions include dumping syndrome, abdominal adhesions, abdominal hernias, and conditions that can cause an intestinal obstruction such as colon cancer or ovarian cancer.", "Gas, Bloating, and Burping Common causes of gas and bloating include: 1 Swallowed air. 2 If swallowed air is not burped up, it passes through the digestive tract and is released through the anus as flatus. 3 Excessive air swallowing may cause hiccups. 4 Foods and beverages.5 The amount of gas that different foods cause varies from person to person.ommon causes of gas and bloating include: 1 Swallowed air. 2 If swallowed air is not burped up, it passes through the digestive tract and is released through the anus as flatus. 3 Excessive air swallowing may cause hiccups. 4 Foods and beverages.", "10 causes of bloating or abdominal gas you didnât know about Reason: The reason for bloating is the same as in cases of high-fibre diets but this time the bacteria in the intestines (and not colon) digest the sugar and produces gas. Solution: Try the same experiment as in high-fibre diet if you feel the bloating after consuming sugary foods.", "Overview Overeating or eating foods known to contribute to bloating and gas, such as cabbage, beans, and lentils, may cause bloating. Abdominal bloating can affect the diaphragm, a muscular partition between the chest and abdomen. The diaphragm assists in breathing, which means bloating can lead to shortness of breath.", "Gas (Flatus) - Topic Overview 1 Medicines or nutritional supplements. Both prescription and nonprescription medicines, as well as dietary supplements, can cause bloating and gas as side effects. A medical condition, such as a bowel obstruction or Crohn's disease.", "Fast Relief Tips for Gas and Bloating Learn What Causes Intestinal Gas. Mutlu Kurtbas/E+/Getty Images. It is normal and healthy for gas to be present throughout our digestive system. There are two main causes of intestinal gas: swallowed air and gas that is produced as a by-product of the digestion of certain foods.", "Home Remedies: Gas, belching and bloating Bloating, belching, gas and gas pains can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here's what causes these signs and symptoms — and how you can prevent them. Bloating, burping and passing gas are natural and are usually caused by swallowed air or the breakdown of food through digestion. You may experience gas and gas pains only occasionally or repeatedly in a single day. When gas and gas pains interfere with your daily activities, there may be something wrong.", "- Alongside the foods that you digest, gas and bloating can be triggered through mechanical digestive problems (chewing, swallowing). 1 The most common mechanical causes of gas and bloating include: 2 Smoking. 3 Chewing gum. 4 Eating too fast. 5 Poor-fitting dentures. 6 Drinking through a straw. 7 Swallowing air.", "Home Remedies: Gas, belching and bloating Here's what causes these signs and symptoms — and how you can prevent them. Bloating, burping and passing gas are natural and are usually caused by swallowed air or the breakdown of food through digestion. You may experience gas and gas pains only occasionally or repeatedly in a single day.", "Gas and bloating during pregnancy Some common causes of gas include: 1 Beans, whole grains, and certain vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and asparagus. These all contain the sugar raffinose, which makes a lot of people gassy. 2 Fructose.", "Foods That Cause Bloating, Flatulence, and Gas An abundance of certain types of bacteria in your GI tract can cause bloating and. gas. Probiotics – taken as a separate supplement or as part of Puristat’s Advanced Supplementation. formula – are helpful for maintaining a balance between the good and bad bacteria. in your gut, alleviating gas, bloating, and flatulence.", "- Gas and bloating happen commonly. You can experience these symptoms from swallowing air while chewing gum, or eating artificial sweeteners. Less often, gas and bloating can signal something more serious, such as intestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or colon cancer.", "Causes of Bloating and Gas (Flatulence) Causes 1 : Carbonated drinks and beverages like beer. 2 High fiber foods like beans, brussel sprouts, celery, cabbage and other fibrous vegetables. 3 Alcohol in excess. 4 Sugary foods like sweets. 5 Starchy foods: wheat (white bread, pasta), oats, potatoes, corn, and rice.", "The Best Tips to Prevent Excessive Gas and Bloating Healthy people can develop excessive gas due to an improper diet or stress. But if it happens frequently and causes you discomfort and pain, you can consult with your doctor, and consider conducting an examination to rule out bowel disease, lactose intolerance, candida, celiac disease and irritable bowel disease.", "10 causes of bloating or abdominal gas you didnât know about 4. Smoking. Bloating is a common side-effect of smoking. This is because smokers tend to inhale a lot more air than non-smokers which can lead to the build-up of gas either in the oesophagus, the stomach or the colon. Solution: Control the addiction or just kick the butt; bloating won’t trouble you as much then.", "Overview Excess gas may be a symptom of a more serious chronic condition. Examples include diverticulitis or an inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Excess gas and bloating may also be a symptom of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine from conditions such as diabetes. Food intolerances. If your gas and bloating occur mainly after eating dairy products, it may be because your body isn't able to break down the sugar (lactose) in dairy foods.", "Gas, Bloating: Always Uncomfortable? Gas, bloating, and bathroom problems are a constant battle for many people -- often the symptoms are related to diet, but there are some more serious medical conditions that may be the culprit.ut other researchers think that many cases of gas, bloating, and bathroom problems may be related to another condition: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Mugdha Gore, PhD, an independent researcher based in Philadelphia, has studied the issue.", "Free Report! Here are four common factors that can contribute to stomach bloat and excessive gas problems: 1 Incomplete protein digestion. 2 Inability to break down sugars. 3 Gut bacteria imbalance. 4 Bad gallbladder.", "Do Stomach Ulcers Cause Gas And Bloating Do Stomach Ulcers Cause Gas And Bloating. As for safety juniper is that are used for maintenance program that is absorbed by the Chinese Medicine (TCM) in America. Sinus is a bone cavity in the body meaning it’s important because you to have a strain of E. Coli and whooping cough sneeze or spit.", "Home Remedies: Gas, belching and bloating Bloating, belching, gas and gas pains can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here's what causes these signs and symptoms — and how you can prevent them. Bloating, burping and passing gas are natural and are usually caused by swallowed air or the breakdown of food through digestion.", "Bloating 101: Why You Feel Bloated 1 These sugars must be broken down by bacteria in the intestines. 2 Fruits and vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, apricots. 3 These contain sugars and starches that may cause gassiness and bloating. 4 Sweeteners can also cause gas and bloating.", "Foods That Cause Bloating, Flatulence, and Gas Many carbohydrate-containing foods cause gas and bloating (vs. fats and proteins, which produce very little gas). Starch-containing foods such as corn, noodles, pasta, potatoes, and wheat, also produce gas.", "- Many nonprescription and prescription medicines and supplements can cause gas and bloating. 1 Aspirin. 2 Antacids. 3 Diarrhea medicines, such as Imodium, Kaopectate, and Lomotil. 4 Narcotic pain medicines. Fiber supplements and bulking agents, such as Citrucel, Fiberall, and Metamucil.", "Gas, Bloating: Always Uncomfortable? Most people know that beans, broccoli, and onions can cause gas, but what most people don't suspect are fruits, sodas, and milk. Fructose (a sugar found in fruits and sodas) and lactose (a sugar found in dairy products) are common causes of gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Lactose intolerance is extremely common. It is estimated that 30 to 50 million Americans have some degree of lactose intolerance.", "Foods That Cause Bloating, Flatulence, and Gas While bloating, burping, and flatulence are normal bodily functions – a result of the breakdown process while digesting food, and/or swallowing air – if gas and bloating and gas pains are becoming embarrassing, or interfering with your peace of mind. and/or your daily activities, it’s time to explore solutions.", "- If you have daily gas and bloating that causes pain or interferes with your daily life, call your doctor to discuss possible causes and solutions. Since gas and bloating are often directly related to what you eat, prepare to discuss your dietary and lifestyle habits with the doctor.", "Bloating Gas occurs because of the bacteria in the colon and is a by-product of soluble fiber digestion. Inadequate or irregular intake of fiber and water will cause a person to experience bloating or constipation. The most common natural sources of fiber include fruits and vegetables as well as wheat or oat bran.", "Banish the Bloat The Real Culprits. The truth is that in addition to excess gas, there are a number of possible causes of bloating. One of the most common is a group of conditions known as functional gastrointestinal disorders. These disorders alter the way the GI tract works, but many of them have no known cause.", "- Bloating, belching and intestinal gas: How to avoid them. Bloating, belching, gas and gas pains can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Here's what causes these signs and symptoms — and how you can prevent them. Bloating, burping and passing gas are natural and are usually caused by swallowed air or the breakdown of food through digestion." ]
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how long does it take for nails to fully dry
[ "- How long it takes for your nails to dry depends partly on the type of nail polish and nail polish dryer you use. Generally, it takes one to two hours before nail polish is completely dry, especially if you've used a base coat, two coats of nail polish and a topcoat. Formaldehyde-free polishes take more time to dry." ]
[ "8 Home Remedies For Nail Fungus To treat nail fungus with vinegar mix a cup of vinegar in two cups of warm water. Soak the infected nail in this liquid combination for 15-20 minutes. After soaking the feet in vinegar wash it well with plain water and pat it dry or use hair dryer to dry your nail completely. The vinegar treatment should be done daily at least thrice a day, for up to 4 weeks.", "- Q: How long does it take to get a Gel Manicure? A: Typically it takes 1/2 hour on the first visit. When you return you will need to soak off your color that is an additional 15 minutes, so please allow for the extra time.: Typically a Gel Manicure will not ruin or weaken your nails however if you pick or peel your color off you could potentially weaken your nails. The Gel color bonds to the nail surface when you pick or peel the color off you could potentially pull nail surface with the color.", "How long does it take for nail polish to dry? depends on the brand of nail polish and how much you apply, there are some you can buy that dry in 60 seconds and others like BYS that takes longer as you need to apply a couple of layers. if you want nail polish that dries quickly find one where you don't need to apply a lot of coats and also wait till the colour dries before putting on a top coast ...", "- 10-30-2012, 12:50 PM. I would say about 90% of my clients that wear acrylic nails wait between 3 and 4 weeks to come for a fill. Then when they come in they don't understand why they are looking bad and the nails are chipping. I have tried to explain that waiting almost 4 weeks (some even longer) to have a fill done is not good.", "How Long Does It Take to Dry Your Toenails After a Pedicure? The amount of time it takes your pedicure to dry depends in part on the type of polish you use and how much of it you apply. In general, it takes up to 2 hours for your polish to completely dry. Formaldehyde-free polishes dry a bit quicker than other types.", "Everything You Need To Know About Dip Powder Nails After dipping your nails into the powder, you seal the color with a protective clear polish. It’s an easy process, and the nails dry instantly! And it has impressive results—reviews say it can last up to two to four weeks. Nor do you have to go to your local nail salon and shell out big bucks for the procedure.", "How Long Do Gel Nails Last? Tips For Longer Lasting Nails So the actual answer to the question “How Long do Gel Nails Last?” is over 4 weeks! So how do we achieve this 4 week plus manicure? Lets take a look at what we need to do to increase the time our nail polish lasts. Why do Gel Nails Need to Be Removed?", "Skin problems & treatments guide Nail detaches partially or fully from the nail bed: known as onycholysis, it can be caused by a trauma or chemicals as well as certain skin conditions; it will not reattach and you'll need to wait for about six months for a fingernail to grow back fully or 18 months for a toenail.", "How Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of A Nail Fungus Infection? 1. The first question a person may ask when they develop a nail fungus infection is how long it will take to get rid of the infection.The duration of a nail fungus infection depends on the severity of the infection, the type of treatment that is used and the general health of the person.hese medications are typically taken for three months but it can take up to a year for a new nail to fully grow. Some people use a foot soak for nail fungus infections that is a combination of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.", "THIS Is the Ultimate Manicure Hack for Longer-Lasting Nails Instead of painting on coats of liquid polish, the nail technician applies base coats and then dips your nails into colored powder, and the end result lasts even longer than gels (two to four weeks!) without the permanence or damage of acrylics.", "DIY Beauty Tricks â 5 Ways to Dry Nail Polish Instantly 1 As soon as you have painted your nails, dip them in the ice water and hold them there for three minutes. The air dust that you use to clean electronics is also effective, but you have to be certain to hold the can far, far away from your hands because of the extreme cold.", "How long does it take to get acrylic nails professionally done? It all depends on what acrylic service you require. If I’m doing a plain overlay on your natural nail it will take approximately 45 minutes (medium length nail) with prep and polish (additional time for nail design). If I’m adding extensions, I always sculpt (for my sins), depending on the length it may take me anywhere from 1.5hrs with prep and polish to 2 hours if its a pink and white (french).", "DIY Beauty Tricks â 5 Ways to Dry Nail Polish Instantly If you tend to be short on time, there are a few ways that you can speed dry your nails so that they look great and you can get on with what you need to do. The first method involves ice and while it is not completely comfortable, it is completely effective.", "How long does it take NAIL POLISH to DRY? Best Answer: every nailpolish is different. some are made to dry fast. when your nails start to feel lighter, then they are dry. i know it sounds crazy but as soon as i dont feel the weight of the polish, i know they are ok.", "Q: How long does it take for polish to dry completely? A: How long it takes for your nails to dry depends partly on the type of nail polish and nail polish dryer you use. Generally, it takes one to two hours before nail polish is completely dry, especially if you've used a base coat, two coats of nail polish and a topcoat. Formaldehyde-free polishes take more time to dry. Many nail polish dryers allow you to use your hands 5 to 15 minutes after polish is applied.", "UV Gel Application Place the nails under the UV Light for a full 3 minutes to completely cure the gel. Apply a second coating of gel and cure for 3 minutes. NOTE: With clear Calgel, the normal recommended curing time is 1 minute. This will be long enough to obtain a total ‘cure’ if you have applied THIN coatings.", "How Long Does It Take for a Fingernail to Grow Back? Quick Answer. It takes approximately six months for an entire fingernail to grow back after falling off or being pulled from the root, says Kids Health. It takes so long for a nail to grow back after a traumatic event because nails grow slowly. Continue Reading.", "- I was in a rush at the counter and I decided to give the Liquid Nails product a try, HUGE MISTAKE. I applied the product and put the clamps on my project, waited 24 hours, still not dry. Waited 48 hours, still not dry. It was the consistency of silly puddy.", "Q: How long does it take for polish to dry completely? How long it takes for your nails to dry depends partly on the type of nail polish and nail polish dryer you use. Generally, it takes one to two hours before nail polish is completely dry, especially if you've used a base coat, two coats of nail polish and a topcoat.", "How long do gel nails take to dry? Gel nails don't dry, they have to cure. This means that they need a UV lamp to set. They won't dry like normal polish. This being said, it takes about a minute or two for the gel polish to cure under the lamp. I usually leave mine under the lamp for 5 minutes to be sure.", "How do I remove gel nails at home? Gel polish can be soaked off at home in usually 10 minutes. That us of course if you can get someone to wrap your other hand! Otherwise it would be 10 minutes per hand. Soaking is best done the same way you would soak off a set of acrylic nails.el polish can be soaked off at home in usually 10 minutes. That us of course if you can get someone to wrap your other hand! Otherwise it would be 10 minutes per hand. Soaking is best done the same way you would soak off a set of acrylic nails.", "How long does it take to get acrylic nails? You should consider paying more money for gel nails rather than acrylic ones. The gel is a softer substance that is more natural looking and lasts longer. Acrylic will dry your nails out and eventually leave you with paper thin real nails. Over time acrylic nails also turn a yellowish color, while gels don't. If you don't have nails on currently, having the technician put on a full set can take up to an hour. Having any other detailing done could be up to 30 minutes more, plus drying time (10 mins). it depends on where you get them done. It takes me about 30 min or more.", "- The process depends on how much keratin debris is under your nails and how large of a debris pocket you have. It can take anywhere from 3 months to 18 months to remove all the keratin debris, depending on how much is there to begin with and your age.The older we are the slower our nails grow.Softened keratin debris looks like cottage cheese on your manicure tool.) At 2 months nail growth is visible to the eye and you should see a smaller pocket or border of keratin debris along the nail edges.", "10 Nail Polish Mistakes Weâve All Made and How to Prevent Them “When we apply color in thick layers the polish takes much longer to dry, and the longer it takes to dry, the more likely we are to smudge the manicure,” Candido says. Instead, apply thin, even coats and wait two minutes in between.", "12 Things You Need To Know Before Getting a Gel Manicure Depending on your gel, this can take 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the products used and if brands were mixed. When the gel is crumbling or sliding off, gently use a rubber-ended cuticle pusher to clean the gel off of your nail bed. Do not file or scrape! You also want to keep your nail beds hydrated.", "- I don't care what the product advertises on the label. A dab applied and not covered by wood will dry to a skin in 30 minutes and take about a day and a half to 2 days to cure hard. The proper way to apply wood to wood without real nails and using Liquid Nails is the following. Put your bead on the 2 pieces of wood to be joined.", "- Step Seven: Apply your last coat of Gelous and let dry for 5-10 minutes. Make sure to seal the ends of your nails as well, as you apply each coat (just drag the tip of the nail polish brush across the tips of your nails). It's a little harder to do this with short nails, but it will help keep the ends from chipping.etting gel manicures is one of my guilty pleasures every so often, and I love how it keeps my manicure intact for so much longer. When I started to see pins on Pinterest about different ways to do your own version of a gel manicure at home, I just had to know if it actually worked or if it was all a cruel trick.", "- The amount of time that it takes Liquid Nails to dry can vary depending on weather conditions. However, as a general rule, it will be dry enough for you to remove any braces within 8-12 hours. It takes a full week for it to dry to its maximum strength.iquid Nails Paneling and Molding Adhesive is a latex based product. If you have accidentally allowed some to dry on your skin, It can be removed by applying Petroleum jelly, vegetable oil, or mineral oil to the skin. Repeated applications may be necessary.", "Bellezza SpaHome ServicesFacials / Skincare + FREE Add-onsLashes + EyecareMassagesSugaring / Waxing + FREE Eyebrow DesignSpecials Gift Cards Blog Contact The thinner the nail polish, the faster it dries. If you use a glittery or old goopy nail polish, be prepared to wait longer for it to dry. After you’ve applied a base coat, allowing five minutes for it to dry thoroughly, apply 3 thin layers of color instead of 2 thick layers. It may seem counter intuitive, but a thin layer of nail polish takes only 2 to 3 minutes to dry instead of 5, so this actually lessens the over-all drying time of your pedicure.", "- Any form of nail enhancement can last at least 2-3 weeks if its applied correctly and taken care of correctly by the client!!! You may have done a fantastic job but if your client is heavy handed and doesnt care for her nails..... then they wont last. Its also very unlikely that her nails 'fell off'." ]
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what is colon itis
[ "- Colitis (pl. colitides) is an inflammation of the colon. Colitis may be acute and self-limited or chronic, i.e. persistent, and broadly fits into the category of digestive diseases. In a medical context, the label colitis (without qualification) is used if: The cause of the inflammation in the colon is undetermined; for example, colitis may be applied to Crohn's disease at a time when the diagnosis is unknown, or." ]
[ "Definition of âcolonâ - English Dictionary colon noun [ C ] (MARK) › a mark (:) used in writing esp. to introduce a list of things or a sentence or phrase taken from somewhere else. colon noun [ C ] (BODY PART) › the lower and larger part of the bowels through which food travels while it is being digested.", "Invasive Adenocarcinoma Of The Colon (Not Arising In A Polyp) A polyp is a projection (growth) of tissue from the inner lining of the colon into the lumen (hollow center) of the colon. Different types of polyps have certain identifiable microscopic appearances. They are usually non-cancerous (benign) but, in some instances, cancer can arise in various types of polyps. polyp is a projection (growth) of tissue from the inner lining of the colon into the lumen (hollow center) of the colon. Different types of polyps have certain identifiable microscopic appearances. They are usually non-cancerous (benign) but, in some instances, cancer can arise in various types of polyps.", "- Overall Structure of the Colon The colon is structured as one long continuous hollow tube surrounded by muscles. The colon begins where the small intestine ends and extends down to the anus. The colon measures about 5 feet long and 2.5 inches in diameter. The lumen (interior) of the colon has a delicate lining.", "colon sigmoid colon that portion of the left colon situated in the pelvis and extending from the descending colon to the rectum. spastic colon irritable bowel syndrome. transverse colon the portion of the large intestine passing transversely across the upper part of the abdomen, between the right and left colic flexures.", "- Save. www.tobez.org. The colon, also known as the large intestine, is an important portion of the human digestive system. The colon is located between the small intestine and rectum in the digestive tract and is a hollow tube that is approximately 5 feet long and 2 to 3 inches wide. The colon has vital functions in the digestive process but it is also subject to a variety of diseases, some which can be extremely serious.", "Colon Polyps What is Colon Polyp? A polyp is a growth that occurs in the colon or other organs. These growths, or fleshy tumors, are shaped like mushrooms or dome-like buttons and occur on the inside lining of the colon. They may be as small as the tip of a pencil or as big as a golf ball.", "-itis 1 (pathology) -itis (suffix denoting diseases characterized by inflammation, itself often caused by an infection). ( 2 humorous) -itis (used to form the names of various fictitious afflictions or diseases).", "What is Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer people experience. Although it’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, no one likes to talk about it.", "- Colon polyps are growths on the lining of your colon and rectum.You can have more than one colon polyp.", "Gross Anatomy Gross Anatomy. The colon is a 5-6–ft long, inverted, U-shaped part of the large intestine (lower gastrointestinal tract). By definition, the cecum (and appendix) and ano-rectum, which are parts of the large intestine, are not included in the colon. Embryologically, the colon develops partly from the midgut (ascending colon to proximal transverse colon) and partly from the hind gut (distal transverse colon to sigmoid colon).", "- Colon polyps are growths on the lining of your colon or rectum. Over time, some polyps can become cancerous, and removing polyps can help prevent cancer of the colon and rectum.​.", "Primary Meanings of colon transverse colon - the part of the large intestine that extends across the abdominal cavity and joins the ascending to the descending colon ascending colon - the part of the large intestine that ascends from the cecum to the transverse colon", "Colitis Colitis (pl. colitides) is an inflammation of the colon. Colitis may be acute and self-limited or chronic, i.e. persistent, and broadly fits into the category of digestive diseases.", "Overview The colon, also called the large intestine, is a long tube-like organ in your abdomen. The colon carries waste to be expelled from the body. Colectomy is used to treat and prevent diseases and conditions that affect the colon, such as: Bleeding that can't be controlled.", "What is the Sigmoid Colon? The sigmoid colon is the end portion of the large intestine, nearest the rectum. This portion of the intestine is in the form of an s-shaped loop, and is usually approximately 16 inches (40.64 cm) in length.", "Transverse colon The transverse colon is the longest and most movable part of the colon. It crosses the abdomen from the ascending colon at the hepatic or right colic flexure with a downward convexity to the descending colon where it curves sharply on itself beneath the lower end of the spleen forming the splenic or left colic flexure.", "Colon cleansing For the process to clean the colon before medical imaging, see Enema. Colon cleansing (also known as colon therapy) encompasses a number of alternative medical therapies claimed to remove nonspecific toxins from the colon and intestinal tract.Colon cleansing may be branded colon hydrotherapy, a colonic or colonic irrigation.During the 2000s internet marketing and infomercials of oral supplements supposedly for colon cleansing increased.olon cleansing may be branded colon hydrotherapy, a colonic or colonic irrigation. During the 2000s internet marketing and infomercials of oral supplements supposedly for colon cleansing increased.", "Colon (punctuation) Colon (punctuation) The colon ( : ) is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line. A colon precedes an explanation or an enumeration, or list.", "TNM system for colorectal cancer T0: There is no evidence of a primary tumor. Tis (carcinoma in situ): In situ means that the cancer is in the earliest stage, and it has not grown beyond the lining of the colon or rectum. T1: The tumor has grown through the lining (muscularis mucosa) of the colon or rectum.", "- A colon polyp is a clump of cells that develop in the lining of the colon. Most polyps are benign, but polyps can become cancerous if they are not removed. Polyps are usually identified through screening tests.", "- Colon cancer Stock Photo. Colon cancer Stock Photo. healthy colon. healthy colon. female anatomy with highlighted colon. female anatomy with highlighted colon. 3d rendered illustration of an inflamed colon. 3d rendered illustration of an inflamed colon. Blue ribbon. Colon cancer awareness.Transverse Myelitis awareness.", "- The itis is the short name for the colloquial ebonics tern niggaitis meaning the feeling of overwhelming sleepiness that hits black people mostly following eating. Of course the itis is not restricted to black people and is also known by its medical name alkaline tide.itis. A variation and shortening of Niggaitis; The overwhelming sleepy feeling that comes over people after they have eaten too much food. Usually people get the 'itis after eating rich soul food during the holidays.", "Colonoscopy (Prep, Risks, and Side Effects) A colonoscopy is a procedure to look at the inside of the colon. The colon is the large intestine and the last part of the digestive system. The colon dries, processes, and eliminates the waste left after the small intestine has absorbed the nutrients in food. The colon is about 3 to 5 feet long. It travels from the lower right corner of the abdomen (where the small intestine ends) up to the liver, across the body to the spleen in the upper left corner and then down to form the rectum and anus.", "Descending colon However, your feedback is important to us. The colon is part of the large intestine, the final part of the digestive system. Its function is to reabsorb fluids and process waste products from the body and prepare for its elimination. The colon consists of four parts: descending colon, ascending colon, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon.", "- ADVERTISEMENT. The colon is the section of the large intestine that begins at the cecum, the sac that joins the colon to the end of the small intestine (ileum), and ends where the rectum begins.", "Overview on Colonic Treatments Colonic irrigation Definition: Colonic irrigation is the using of water to flush out the toxic substances from the colon. It’s also known as colonic hydrotherapy. This procedure is done by specialized personnel known as colonic hydro-therapists. It’s important to get full medical history before doing colonic irrigation.", "Understanding Your Pathology Report: Colon Polyps (Sessile or Traditional Serrated Adenomas) A polyp is a projection (growth) of tissue from the inner lining of the colon into the lumen (hollow center) of the colon. Different types of polyps look different under the microscope. Polyps are benign (non-cancerous) growths, but cancer can start in some types of polyps.denomas have several different growth patterns that can be seen under the microscope by the pathologist. There are 2 major growth patterns: tubular and villous. Because many adenomas have a mixture of both growth patterns, some polyps may be called tubulovillous adenomas.", "Human Colon Human Colon. A human colon plays an integral role in the digestive system of the human body. It is a constant hollow tube of about 5 feet long and 2-3 inches in diameter.The human colon constitutes four major parts, viz. ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and Sigmoid colon.t is a constant hollow tube of about 5 feet long and 2-3 inches in diameter. The human colon constitutes four major parts, viz. ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and Sigmoid colon.", "- Food’s Journey: Physiology. The colon (also called the large bowel) is an. organ of the gastrointestinal tract. The job of. the colon is to absorb fluids, to form stools, and. to eliminate stools. The colon is a hollow tube surrounded by. muscles.", "Overview Colitis is inflammation of the colon. Your colon is part of your large intestine. If you have colitis, it may also affect other parts of your intestines. You’ll feel discomfort and pain in your abdomen that may be mild and reoccurring over a long period of time, or severe and appearing suddenly." ]
[ 12.1015625 ]
[ 8.84375, 8.3046875, 9.109375, 9.3515625, 9.625, 9.140625, 9.5625, 9.9296875, 9.4453125, 9.296875, 9.484375, 8.578125, 12.1328125, 9.40625, 9.0859375, 8.9609375, 8.7265625, 9.8125, 9.328125, 9.578125, 9.1875, 8.59375, 9.484375, 9.1171875, 10.125, 8.7265625, 7.30859375, 8.25, 9.1875, 11.9609375 ]
population fort collins colorado
[ "Fort Collins, Colorado With a 2014 estimated population of 156,480, it is the fourth most populous city in Colorado after Denver, Colorado Springs, and Aurora. Fort Collins is a midsize college city, home to Colorado State University. It was named Money magazine's Best Place to Live in the U.S. in 2006, No. 2 in 2008, and No. 6 in 2010." ]
[ "Top 100 Highest Paying Jobs in Fort Collins-Loveland, CO Top 100 Highest Paying Jobs in Fort Collins-Loveland, CO The top 100 highest paying jobs in Fort Collins-Loveland, CO (ranked by annual average salary) are listed in Table 1. The entry level salary (as measured by the salary of the lowest 10% paid workers) and the number of employment of each job in Fort Collins-Loveland, CO are also shown. We note from the table that the highest paying profession in Fort Collins-Loveland, CO is marketing manager with an average annual salary of $158,220. The second highest paying job is architectural and engineering manager (average salary $143,870). The salary and the employment information in Fort Collins-Loveland, CO is computed from data published by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in April 2017 .", "- The race breakdown of the population in Collins varies per year, but currently 2,677 are one race and 6 are two or more races. Of the 2,683 people who live in Collins, there are 818 under 20 years old. The sex breakdown of the 20 years old and younger population in Collins is 386 male and 432 female.", "- City of Fort Collins is the only company located at 700 Wood St, Fort Collins, CO 80521", "Fort Collins, Colorado The City of Fort Collins is the Home Rule Municipality that is the county seat and the most populous municipality of Larimer County, Colorado, United States. Situated on the Cache La Poudre River along the Colorado Front Range, Fort Collins is located 65 miles (105 km) north of the Colorado State Capitol in Denver.", "Population gain in Dallas-Fort Worth is eye-popping, census figures show When Mayor Maher Maso moved to Frisco in 1992, it was a city of about 6,000, he said. By mid-2014, the census estimates, Frisco’s population had grown to 145,035.", "Temperature - Precipitation - Sunshine - Snowfall Climate data for fort collins, Longitude: -105.131, Latitude: 40.6147. Average weather Fort Collins, CO - 80524 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December.", "Population City of Fort Worth. Population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Fort Worth was the fastest growing large city with more than 500,000 population between 2000 and 2010. The 2010 Census count for Fort Worth is 741,206. From 2000 to 2010, Fort Worth’s total population increased by 206,512 persons. This represents an average annual increase of approximately 20,650 persons and a growth rate of 3.9 percent a year.", "Greeley, Colorado Greeley is in northern Colorado and is situated 49 miles (79 km) north-northeast of the Colorado State Capitol in Denver. According to a July 2015 estimate by the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the city is 100,883, and a 2014 population estimate made Greeley the 12th most populous city in the state of Colorado. Greeley is a major city of the Front Range Urban Corridor.", "Fort Collins Temperatures: Averages by Month Days of Hot Weather in Fort Collins. During late spring and summer, Fort Collins typically has 23 days of 90-degree Fahrenheit temperatures. The hottest days here are in the 100s Fahrenheit (over 38 °C). But that kind of heat only happens once every two years on average. A day of 100-degree weather can show up in June, July or August.", "U.S. Census Bureau metropolitan population estimates âRelease Date: March 24, 2016 The nation’s metro areas contained 275.3 million people in 2015, an increase of about 2.5 million from 2014. Most (285 of the 381) metro areas nationwide gained population between 2014 and 2015. Four of the 20 fastest-growing metro areas between 2014 and 2015 were in the Mountain states: Greeley and Fort Collins in Colorado and St. George and Provo-Orem in Utah.", "Population of Vail, CO Population of Vail, CO. Last official estimated population of Vail town (Eagle County**, Colorado state) was 5,328 (year 2014)[1]. This was 0.002% of total US population and 0.1% of total Colorado state population. Area of Vail town is 4.7 mi² (=12.1 km²)[6], in this year population density was 1,137.00 p/mi².", "Larimer County, Colorado Larimer County comprises the Fort Collins, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is located at the northern end of the Front Range, at the edge of the Colorado Eastern Plains along the border with Wyoming.", "- The 2016 Longmont, Colorado, population is 92,088. There are 3,379 people per square mile (population density).", "- Fort Collins, CO Salary. Fort Collins, CO average salary is $72,541, median salary is $70,000 with a salary range from $23,982 to $289,990. Fort Collins, CO salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Fort Collins, CO salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.", "Fort Collins, Colorado Fort Collins is mentioned 3,699 times on our forum: Latest news from Fort Collins, CO collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (20.9%), Irish (11.0%), English (8.9%), Italian (3.3%), United States (3.2%), Swedish (3.0%). Current Local Time: MST time zone. Elevation: 5003 feet. Land area: 46.5 square miles.", "Map of Population by Block in Dove Creek Population by Place in Colorado There are 458 places in Colorado. This section compares Dove Creek to the 50 most populous places in Colorado. The least populous of the compared places has a population of 12,610. Total Population by Place#5", "- The 2016 Strasburg, Colorado, population is 2,999. There are 144 people per square mile (population density).", "- two 11 year olds commit suicide this week in Fort Collins (7 replies) Latest news from Fort Collins, CO collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (20.9%), Irish (11.0%), English (8.9%), Italian (3.3%), United States (3.2%), Swedish (3.0%).", "Greeley, Colorado Greeley, Colorado. The City of Greeley is the Home Rule Municipality that is the county seat and the most populous municipality of Weld County, Colorado, United States. Greeley is in northern Colorado and is situated 49 miles (79 km) north-northeast of the Colorado State Capitol in Denver. According to a July 2015 estimate by the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of the city is 100,883, and a 2014 population estimate made Greeley the 12th most populous city in the state of Colorado. Greeley is a major city of the Front Range Urban Corridor.", "- Fort Collins isn’t the whole story -- Loveland to the south is quieter but prosperous and features an excellent downtown area and surrounding inner neighborhoods. The base is also a typical northern Colorado mix of high tech and agriculture. Housing is somewhat less expensive and residents of Loveland have convenient access to Fort Collins 10 miles north. The Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park (a town, not a park) to the west provide ample recreational opportunities.", "Centennial, CO Profile: Facts, Map & Data The City of Centennial is the 10th largest city in Colorado with a population of 102,764 as of July 1, 2015. Centennial ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Colorado. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Centennial is located at latitude 39.5906 and longitude -104.8691 in Arapahoe County.", "- The Fort Collins, CO air quality index is a median value which considers the most hazardous air pollutants. The Fort Collins, CO air quality index is 20.2% greater than the Colorado average and 7.5% less than the national average.", "Cost of Attending Colorado State University-Fort CollinsFort Collins, Colorado Colorado State University-Fort Collins's in-state tuition is more expensive than the average Colorado State University System's in-state tuition ($9,420). The school's out-of-state tuition is more expensive than the average Colorado State University System's out-of-state tuition ($24,441).", "Fort Branch, IN Profile: Facts, Map & Data Fort Branch, Indiana - Basic Facts. The Town of Fort Branch had a population of 2,777 as of July 1, 2016. Fort Branch ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Indiana. See peer rankings below.", "Front Range Urban Corridor The Front Range Urban Corridor had an estimated population of 4,495,181 on July 1, 2012, an increase of +3.73% since the 2010 United States Census.1 1 Extent.he corridor comprises three primary subregions: the South Central Colorado Urban Area, the North Central Colorado Urban Area, and the Cheyenne Metropolitan Area. The influence of the Corridor extends well beyond its defined boundaries.", "- Unmarried population in Colorado Springs under 18 years old in homes ; Total Population: 103,783; Unmarried partner of home lead present: 6,908; In family homes: 6,474; Population of male led and male partner homes: 205; Population of male led and female partner households: 2,811; Population of female led and female partner households: 361", "- Fort Collins, Co at 1525 m/ 5003 ft has a mid-latitude cool steppe climate (BSk). Average temperature in Fort Collins, Co is 9.3°C/ 43.7°F Rainfall 382.8mm/ 15.1in. See graphs, tables, comparisons, more.", "- Most / Least Educated Cities in FL. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Fort Lauderdale is 171,137, which is 12.30% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 21.14% and is higher than the national average rate of 11.61%.", "Englewood, CO Sponsored Topics. The city of Englewood is a Home Rule Municipality located in Arapahoe County, Colorado, United States. As of 2007, the city is estimated to have a total population of 32,532. Englewood is part of the Denver-Aurora Metropolitan Area.", "- With 314,638 people, Douglas County is the 7th most populated county in the state of Colorado out of 64 counties. But watch out, Douglas County, because Boulder County with 313,333 people and Weld County with 277,670 people are right behind you." ]
[ 13.5625 ]
[ 9.2265625, 10.4609375, 10.4609375, 11.8125, 8.53125, 9.2109375, 9.5859375, 9.1640625, 8.2890625, 11.6953125, 8.515625, 11.3984375, 9.671875, 10.015625, 11.5703125, 8.9375, 8.7890625, 11.421875, 8.875, 10.421875, 7.9453125, 10.9140625, 9.3125, 7.81640625, 8.71875, 9.203125, 9.765625, 8.8359375, 7.75, 8.671875 ]
what are tenses
[ "Grammatical tense In grammar, tense is a category that expresses time reference. Tenses are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs, particularly in their conjugation patterns. Basic tenses found in many languages include the past, present, and future. Some languages have only two distinct tenses, such as past and nonpast, or future and nonfuture." ]
[ "- Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day,… Use this quick guide to learn how to use all tenses of a verb properly, including present perfect, past continuous, future perfect continuous, and more.", "- View examples of past tense and present tense usage in context of a research report. The general rule is to maintain consistency in the tenses used within each section of your proposal. However, for most writers, the choice of tense is second nature and may occasionally change even within sections.", "Understanding Verb Tenses 1 So the past tense of win is won. 2 In this sense, English has only two tenses, present and past. 3 But for everyday use--especially for those who are studying foreign languages--this strict definition of tense is not very helpful.", "past tense The past tense is used to describe or indicate an action that began in the past. Depending on how we form the past tense, it might describe actions that happened or were completed in the past, were occurring at the same time as something else in the past, or continued to happen until or near the present time. There are four forms of the Past Tense that can accomplish these tasks.", "Preterite The preterite (in English also preterit) is a grammatical tense or verb form serving to denote events that took place or were completed in the past.", "language grammar literary terms Practice Cont’d The Six Tenses and Forms of a Verb A ______________ is a form of a _______________ that shows when something ____________ or when something ______________. The Basic Forms of the Six Tenses Practice: Complete each sentence with the verb and the tense indicated in the parentheses.", "simple tense 1. (Grammar) grammar a tense of verbs, in English and other languages, not involving the use of an auxiliary verb in addition to the main verb, as for example the past he drowned as opposed to the future he will drown. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter.", "- Consistent Verb Tense. Because verb tense tells the reader about time relationships--past tense shows something happened in the past--switching from one tense (or time) to another can be very confusing to the reader. Switching from one mood or voice to another can also be confusing. It's important to try to avoid the following switches.", "Present perfect Freebase. Present perfect. The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and the perfect aspect, used to express a past event that has present consequences. The term is used particularly in the context of English grammar, where it refers to forms such as I have left and Sue has died.", "Les temps (French tenses) Les temps (French tenses) Introduction. In this chapter, we will explain how to conjugate verbs in the various tenses. Overview of the Tenses. The overview of all the tenses includes an example of each verb group (er/ir/re-verbs) as well as tips on the correct usage of the tenses.", "What Is the Past Tense? (with Examples) I was happy. The tense of a verb is determined by when the action took place. Examples of the Types of Past Tenses. The past tense is categorized further depending on whether the action was in progress or has been completed. The 4 Past Tenses.", "Spanish Verb Tenses 1 The present tense is the most common of tenses and the one invariably learned first in Spanish classes. 2 The future tense is most often used to refer to events that haven't happened yet, but it can also be used for emphatic commands and also to indicate uncertainty about current happenings. The differences in the past tenses of ser and estar can be especially subtle. 2 Sometimes, the word used to translate a Spanish verb can vary depending on the tense used. 3 While the English auxiliary verb would is often an indication that the conditional tense is being used, such isn't always the case.", "Types Of Tenses Present Progressive Or Present Continuous. Though the simple present and present continuous tenses are used interchangeably, present continuous usually defines an act that is going on at the time of speaking. The sentences with present progressive tense are used when:", "- See full definition of observant Compound tenses The compound tenses are a combination of present or past tense (shown through an auxiliary verb) with continuous or perfect aspect.", "Verb Tense Consistency The verb notices here is in present-tense form, but the rest of the sentence and the full context of the narrative cue us to understand that it refers to future time. The remaining tense relationships parallel those in the first two examples.", "Verb TensesâGrammar Rules Verb Tenses–Grammar Rules. Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago). The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous. The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now). The following table illustrates the proper use of verb tenses:", "- Definition of pang from the Collins English Dictionary Compound tenses The compound tenses are a combination of present or past tense (shown through an auxiliary verb) with continuous or perfect aspect.", "- Like tense, aspect is a way that verbs represent time. However, rather than locating an event or state in time, the way tense does, aspect describes the internal temporal constituency of a situation, or in other words, aspect is a way of conceiving the flow of the process itself.", "Definitions &Translations A verb may also agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. Verbs have tenses: present, to indicate that an action is being carried out; past, to indicate that an action has been done; future, to indicate that an action will be done.", "Verb tenses Verb tenses. The tense of a verb tells you when a person did something or when something existed or happened. In English, there are three main tenses: the present, the past, and the future. The present tense (e.g. I am, she works, we swim, they believe) is also called the present simple or simple present.", "- There are various differences between the uses of the preterit and the uses of the imperfect tenses and all uses are in the past. 1. 2. What had been happening - Usually expressed in Spanish,Hacía + time + que + imperfect.", "- The Six Tenses and. Forms of a Verb. A ______________ is a form of a _______________ that shows when something ____________ or when something ______________. tense. verb.", "Verbs and Verbals Tense shows the time of a verb's action or being. There are three inflected forms reflected by changes in the endings of verbs. The present tense indicates that something is happening or being now: She is a student. The simple past tense indicates that something happened in the past: She was a student.", "Simple Past Tense Verbs Simple Past Tense Verbs. Simple past tense verbs show actions that took place in the past. The children played by the fire. The pretty horse galloped across the field. Remember that tense means time. So, think of these verbs as past time verbs. They name verbs that were completed in the past. All verbs can be broken down into what are called four principal parts. The past category refers to simple past tense verbs. They show actions that took place in the past.", "Verbs Verbs are influenced by tense, aspect, and mood. Verb tense refers to when the action occurred. The most common tenses are past, present, or future. Verb aspect refers to the flow of time. Aspect addresses whether or not the action takes place in a single block of time or if the action is continuous or repeated.", "Armenian Genocide past tense. There are two tenses in English – past and present. The past tense in English is used: 1 to talk about the past. 2 to talk about hypotheses – things that are imagined rather than true. 3 for politeness.", "- English Grammar Rules. The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular, true or normal. We use the present tense: 1. For repeated or regular actions in the present time period. 1 I take the train to the office. 2 The train to Berlin leaves every hour. 3 John sleeps eight hours every night during the week.", "- The verb 'was' is the past tense verb for a first and third person singular subject. The present tense of was is am and is. Examples (present, singular subject):… I am... (I was) You are... (you were) He/she/it is... (he/she/it was) Examples (present, plural subject): We are...", "- THEY SAY: Reporting what authors are saying about a topic. VERB TENSE & SOURCES.  APA: In APA, when you discuss cited sources, you are required to use PAST TENSE (e.g., Smith. argued) or PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (e.g., Smith [and Jones] has [have] argued). See pg.", "- Lessons in verb tenses. 1 The present tense is the most common of tenses and the one invariably learned first in Spanish classes. 2 The future tense is most often used to refer to events that haven't happened yet, but it can also be used for emphatic commands and also to indicate uncertainty about current happenings." ]
[ 12.71875 ]
[ 11, 10.21875, 11.734375, 11.265625, 9.9296875, 9.734375, 11.03125, 10.25, 10.171875, 10.5625, 10.96875, 11.5546875, 10.65625, 10.3046875, 10.015625, 11.234375, 9.9609375, 11.1328125, 10.8359375, 12.1328125, 10.4765625, 10.796875, 11.28125, 10.359375, 10.8984375, 11.484375, 10.828125, 10.96875, 9.8359375, 11.3203125 ]
how to recover word document on macbook
[ "How to Recover Lost or Deleted Word Document on Mac If you cannot find any of your Word, Excel, PPT or other Office files on your Mac, you might have met file loss situation. But don't lose your hope, if your action is fast, uFlysoft Mac Data Recovery Tool can help you to recover the lost files on your Mac no matter what reasons make the files loss problem happen.f you cannot find any of your Word, Excel, PPT or other Office files on your Mac, you might have met file loss situation. But don't lose your hope, if your action is fast, uFlysoft Mac Data Recovery Tool can help you to recover the lost files on your Mac no matter what reasons make the files loss problem happen." ]
[ "How to Recover a Saved-Over Word Document Search for a document with a .wbk extension. This is your backup copy. Click to open the original contents of the file. If you can't find the document using this method, go to Step 4. Hit the Start button. If you use Windows XP or an earlier operating system, click on Search and select For Files or Folders..", "ARCHIVED: In Microsoft Word, how can I use the AutoRecover feature to restore a document? In Word 2007, from the Office Button menu, select . Then, from the toolbar on the left, click to configure AutoRecover options. In Word 2003, from the menu, select . In Mac OS X versions of Word, from the menu, select . In the window that opens, click the tab, icon, or list item. If it is unchecked, check , and type a value next to minutes. For example, to save your work every five minutes, type 5. Click to make the change.", "5 Ways to Recover Deleted Word Documents 1 Navigate to the folder that your document was last saved in. Select the backup file and click Open. You can also search your entire computer for Word backup files by entering *.wbk into Windows Search.", "- 1 Select the Recover... 2 item in the File menu. 3 A file selection dialog will open. 4 Select the document corrupted and press Recover button. 5 Wait until the file processing is completed.", "Recover Lost/Unsaved Word Documents in Windows 10 1 If you use Word 2003: Click Open on the File menu. 2 In the Files of type list, click All Files 3 (*.*) . In the Open dialog box, select the document. 4 Click the down arrow on the Open button in the lower-right corner of the Open screen, and then click Open and Repair. If you use Word 2003: Click Open on the File menu. 2 In the Files of type list, click All Files 3 (*.*) . In the Open dialog box, select the document. 4 Click the down arrow on the Open button in the lower-right corner of the Open screen, and then click Open and Repair.", "Ultimate Guide On How To Recover A Word Document Luckily, there’s a built-in AutoSave function in Word 2010 which enables us to recover Word document easily from the automatically saved versions. The AutoSave function of Microsoft Office software, including Word 2010, is enabled by default.", "How to Retrieve Deleted Word Documents Open Word again. Word automatically searches for any AutoRecovery files. If it finds any, they display in a Document Recovery task pane. You can double-click on your deleted file to pull it back up. If this does not work, you can try manually undeleting the file by clicking on the “File” menu.tep 4. Right-click on the filename and select “Restore” to put the file back in the subdirectory where it was deleted. Step 5. Open Word and click Open.. Browse to the subdirectory where you restored the file and double-click the file to open it.", "- 1 Start Recovery for Word. 2 Select the Recover... 3 item in the File menu. 4 A file selection dialog will open. 5 Select the document corrupted and press Recover button. 6 Wait until the file processing is completed. 7 When prompted, save the recovered document, assigning it a new name.", "- Step 1. Open the document in Word on the Mac. Step 2. Click the “File” option on the top toolbar, and then click the “Save As” option. Related Reading: How to Open Microsoft Word Documents. Step 3. Type a new name for the file, if desired.Otherwise, the default name will be the name given to the document in Word on the Mac.pen the document in Word on the Mac. Step 2. Click the “File” option on the top toolbar, and then click the “Save As” option. Related Reading: How to Open Microsoft Word Documents. Step 3. Type a new name for the file, if desired. Otherwise, the default name will be the name given to the document in Word on the Mac.", "Recover Lost/Unsaved Word Documents in Windows 10 § If you use Word 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Open, click All Files (*.*) in the Files of type box, locate and select the file, and then click Open. § If you use Word 2003: Click Open on the File menu, click All Files (*.*) in the Files of type box, locate and select the file, and then click Open.hen, if the Always create backup copy setting is not selected, go to method 3: Force Word to try to recover a file.. If the Always create backup copy setting is selected, follow these steps to find the backup copy of the lost document: 1. Locate the folder in which you last saved the missing document.", "- Click on the “Item Type” down arrow and select “Microsoft Office Word Document” so you can search for your deleted file. Make a note of the subdirectory where the file used to be located. Step 4. Right-click on the filename and select “Restore” to put the file back in the subdirectory where it was deleted.Step 5. Open Word and click Open.. Browse to the subdirectory where you restored the file and double-click the file to open it.tep 4. Right-click on the filename and select “Restore” to put the file back in the subdirectory where it was deleted. Step 5. Open Word and click Open.. Browse to the subdirectory where you restored the file and double-click the file to open it.", "- Microsoft Office Word includes a number of ways to back up and recover your documents in case of power failure or other problems. The most reliable way to recover work is to prepare ahead of time, such as by manually saving files frequently, or by setting Word to create backup copies automatically.se the file recovery converter. If a document is saved in the Word 97-2003 format, with either the .doc or .dot file extension, you can use the Recover Text Converter at any time to open a document that has been damaged and recover the text.", "- 1 On the File menu, click Open, and then click Recent Documents. 2 Scroll to the end of all recent documents, and then click Recover Unsaved Documents. 3 If you find the Word document that you are looking for, double-click it to open it. 4 Save it immediately.", "Ultimate Guide On How To Recover A Word Document Step 3: check all the Word documents you want to recover by clicking on Save button & choosing a storage path afterwards. (To break the limit of 1GB free recovery, you may as well buy a personal license here with discount) Share New Skills.", "5 Ways to Recover Deleted Word Documents In Word, click File and then select Open. In the “Files of type” menu, select All Files. 1 Navigate to the folder that your document was last saved in. 2 Select the backup file and click Open. 3 You can also search your entire computer for Word backup files by entering *.wbk into Windows Search.n the “Files of type” menu, select All Files. 1 Navigate to the folder that your document was last saved in. 2 You can also search your entire computer for Word backup files by entering *.wbk into Windows Search.", "How to Recover corrupted word files? First of all, you can try the recovery function integrated with Microsoft Word, as follows: 1) On the File menu, click Open. 2) In the Look in list, click the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the file that you want to open. 3) In the folder list, locate and open the folder that contains the file. 4) Select the file that you want to recover.", "- In the AutoRecover file folder, select the lost word document and click Open to recover the lost word document. In some cases, the .asd file may not even have an intelligible. If no file in the directory has the expected file name, open each .asd file until you find the one that contain your missing work.", "Recover Lost/Unsaved Word Documents in Windows 10 Follow these steps to force Word to recover the document: 1 Follow one of these steps, depending on the version of Word that you use: If you use Word 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open. 2 In the Files of type list, click All Files 3 (*.*). In the Open dialog box, select the document.", "- However, you can save the document in another file format or change the default file format. Do any of the following: Save a file in the Open XML Format (the default file format for Office 2008 for Mac and Office for Mac 2011). Create a file, or open the file that you want to save. On the File menu, click Save As. In the Save As box, type a name for the file. On the Format pop-up menu, make sure Word Document (.docx) is selected.", "Rick's Daily TipsTech Tips, Tricks and TutorialsTips and information on...Computers - Smart Phones - Tablets MS Windows - Linux - iOS - Android Of course if you click “Don’t Save” instead of “Save”, Word will assume that you really didn’t want to keep that file so it won’t automatically be recovered. Here’s how to attempt to recover it manually: 1 – Open MS Word. 2 – Click File Info Manage Versions Recover Unsaved Documents.", "How to Recover Lost Word Files? This page introduces possible ways to recover lost word files. Search the Recycle Bin. First when you find you lost your Word file, you can look for it in the Recycle Bin. Click View Arrange Icons, then you can filter this list according to file type, name, delete date, etc. When you find your target document, you can right-click on it, and click Restore to get it back. Search for the Original Document. If you still cannot find your Word file, you can search for it in the computer. In Windows, click Start Search For Files or Folders. Then type the file name and click Search . If the Search Results box does not show the file, you can try EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard to retrieve your lost Word file.", "Recover Office documents: Find a copy of the document You can use Windows Search (or the Start menu search box in Windows Vista or 7) to search for the filename (assuming you saved it at least once), or use wildcards. You need only remember one word from the filename, or if not, search for all Word documents. Type *.doc or type *.docx to find all Word files. If you know you use a different file type, such as RTF, then search for *.rtf instead. If that fails, try searching instead for Word backup files using the *.wbk or *.asd wildcards. If that turns nothing up, try *.tmp or ~*.*.", "Recover Lost/Unsaved Word Documents in Windows 10 1 On the File menu, click Open, and then click Recent Documents. 2 Scroll to the end of all recent documents, and then click Recover Unsaved Documents. 3 If you find the Word document that you are looking for, double-click it to open it.4 Save it immediately. If the Word document is listed, double-click the document to open it. 2 If you do not see the Word document that you are looking for, go to step 4. 3 In the Search This PC box, type *.docx, and then press ENTER. 4 If the result list does not contain the Word document that you are looking for, continue to Method 2.", "- Click on the “Item Type” down arrow and select “Microsoft Office Word Document” so you can search for your deleted file. Make a note of the subdirectory where the file used to be located. Step 4. Right-click on the filename and select “Restore” to put the file back in the subdirectory where it was deleted. Step 5. Open Word and click Open.. Browse to the subdirectory where you restored the file and double-click the file to open it.", "How To: Recover Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) files For Microsoft Office files we recommend Office Recovery. However, if you only need to recover Microsoft Word documents a lower-priced alternative is Word Recovery, while if you have lost Microsoft Excel files, Excel Recovery will do the job.Download a free trial of Office Recovery.his tutorial shows how to recover Office documents using Office Recovery software. If you have lost valuable work in Microsoft Office files-Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Visio drawings, Publisher projects-then of course you will be very anxious to get this work back.", "How To⦠Recover Word & Excel Files After A Mac Crash I tried to make my Mac crash so I could provide screenshots of the kind of dialog boxes you might see… but, my Mac could not be fooled. Even after I yanked the power cable, it just restarted and lost no Office data. What To Do After A Crash. 1 Restart your Mac. 2 After your Mac has rebooted, the Office application(s) and document(s) that were open during the crash should automatically reopen.", "- Method 5: Search for temporary files. If you could not find an AutoRecover file or a backup of the lost document, you might be able to recover the document from your temporary files. To search for the lost document in your temporary files, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, and then click Search.ou can also force Word to try to recover a document when you open it. Follow these steps to force Word to recover the document: 1. Follow one of these steps, depending on the version of Word that you use: o If you use Word 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open.", "Office 2013 - Recover Saved and Unsaved File Versions Information. If the AutoRecover and AutoSave option is turned on in Word 2013, Excel 2013, and PowerPoint 2013, then you can automatically save versions of your file while you're working on it to avoid losing your work if a crash, power loss, or you close a file without saving happens.ote. This option is for when you want to recover a file you have not saved yet when a crash or power loss happened. 1. Open Word 2013, Excel 2013, or PowerPoint 2013, and do step 2 or 3 below depending on if Office was able to AutoRecover the file. 2.", "How to Recover corrupted word files? 1 On the File menu, click Open. 2 Note In Word 2007 or Word 2010, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open. 3 In the Open dialog box, click to select the file that you want to open. 4 Click the down arrow on the Open button, and then click Open and Repair.ethod 1: To open a specific document. 1 Start Word. 2 On the File menu, click Open. 3 Note In Word 2007 or Word 2010, click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open. 4 In the Open dialog box, click to select the file that you want to open. 5 Click the down arrow on the Open button, and then click Open and Repair.", "- Step 3: In the file type dropdown list, select All Files. At this point, you should see one (or more) files within the extension .asd. These are the lost word documents. In the AutoRecover file folder, select the lost word document and click Open to recover the lost word document." ]
[ 11.3359375 ]
[ 9.5546875, 10.9921875, 10.6875, 10.6015625, 10.6171875, 10.15625, 10.5078125, 11.3125, 9.5859375, 10.515625, 10.609375, 10.265625, 10.8359375, 10.6171875, 11.203125, 10.7265625, 11.234375, 10.828125, 9.328125, 10.5703125, 10.890625, 9.6640625, 11.28125, 10.7734375, 10.390625, 11.8671875, 10.1953125, 9.203125, 10.9609375, 10.8359375 ]
what is a whipple
[ "Overview Whipple procedure. The Whipple procedure (pancreatoduodenectomy) is a complex operation to remove part of the pancreas, part of the small intestine and the gallbladder.The Whipple procedure is most often used to treat pancreatic cancer that's confined to the head of the pancreas.But it may also be used to treat tumors and other abnormalities of the pancreas, small intestine and bile duct.he Whipple procedure is most often used to treat pancreatic cancer that's confined to the head of the pancreas. But it may also be used to treat tumors and other abnormalities of the pancreas, small intestine and bile duct." ]
[ "Whipple Procedure Pancreaticodeudenectomy is commonly referred to as the Whipple procedure, named after Allan Whipple, MD, a physician who perfected the surgery in the 1930s.", "The Whipple Procedure Explained What exactly happens in a Whipple procedure. In short, the surgery involves removal of the site of the neoplasm, the head of the pancreas, and the surrounding organs: the curve of the duodenum, distal half of the stomach, gall bladder, cystic duct, common bile duct and regional lymph nodes.", "Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia Scrapple, which came to the Philadelphia region from Germany, is a loaf of cooked pig parts thickened with cornmeal or buckwheat usually spiced with sage and pepper. Once cooled, the loaf is sliced, fried, and served as a breakfast side dish, often with syrup.", "Pancreatic Cancer Surgery and Whipple Procedure The resection, known as the Whipple operation / procedure (or pancreaticoduodenectomy) is typically done for patients who have tumors which are located in the head of the pancreas or which are located in regions adjacent to the head of the pancreas. There are a number of variations of the Whipple procedure.", "Crappie The crappies (/ˈkræpiː/ or /ˈkrɒpiː/) are a genus, Pomoxis, of North American freshwater fish in the sunfish family Centrarchidae. Both species in this genus are popular pan fish.", "Thread: Frequent Abdominal Pain And Stomach Upset After Whipple Thread: Frequent Abdominal Pain And Stomach Upset After Whipple. Frequent Abdominal Pain And Stomach Upset After Whipple Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on June 08, did a whipple and was discharged 7 days later. The doctor said the tumor is about 2cm and didn't spread to nearby organs and lymph nodes.", "Whipple Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer The Whipple procedure is an operation to remove a pancreatic tumor and a lot of the tissue around it. After a large cut is made in your belly, the surgeon will look at the pancreas and other organs in the area, including lymph nodes, to see if the cancer has spread. Tissue samples will be taken for a biopsy.", "Whipple Procedure Those who undergo a successful Whipple procedure may have a five-year survival rate of up to 25%. The classic Whipple procedure is named after Allen Whipple, MD, a Columbia University surgeon who was the first American to perform the operation in 1935.", "Whipple's Procedure and Pylorus Preserving Pancreatoduodectomy (PPPD) The Pylorus Preserving Pancreatoduodectomy (PPPD) is a modified Whipple’s procedure. In this case, only part of the duodenum is removed and the pylorus (the part of the stomach that connects to the duodenum) is kept. Some doctors think this helps with food digestion after the operation.", "Whipple's triad Whipple's triad. the three criteria on which hyperinsulinism due to pancreatic islet-cell disease (most commonly insulinoma) is diagnosed: (1) neuromuscular signs with fasting or exercise, (2) low blood glucose levels associated with clinical signs, and (3) reversal of clinical signs with the administration of glucose.", "The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center There are lymph nodes scattered throughout the body. The location of the affected lymph nodes makes a big difference. For example, the lymph nodes in the groove between the duodenum and the pancreas are a very common site of metastases. These are considered locoregional and are routinely removed during the Whipple surgical procedure. However, the spread of cancer to more distant lymph nodes, such as lymph nodes closer to the liver, may mean the tumor is unresectable. Liver: Metastases to the liver are a common finding especially with tumors in the tail and the body of the pancreas. Usually, if there is evidence of liver mets, surgery will not be an option. Celiac plexus: This is a network of many nerves that are grouped around the aorta where it passes through opening in the diaphragm. It is these nerves that cause back pain when pressed upon by a growing tumor. Therefore, this is where an alcohol is injected during an alcohol nerve block to stop the sensation of pain.", "WHIPPLE OPERATION The Whipple operation was first described in the 1930s by Allan Whipple. In the 1960s and 1970s the mortality rate for the Whipple operation was very high. Up to 25% of patients died from the surgery.n up to 25% of patients, the stomach may remain paralyzed after the surgery and it may take up to 4 to 6 weeks for the stomach to adapt to the changes after the surgery to function normally. During this period you may not a tolerate a diet very well.", "Minute Maid Minute Maid is a product line of beverages, usually associated with lemonade or orange juice, but now extends to soft drinks of many kinds, including Hi-C. Minute Maid is sold under Cappy brand in Central Europe and under Fruitopia in Norway.", "Whipple's triad Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Whipple's triad: insulinoma, hypoglycemia, Whipple's disease, factitious hypoglycemia, Whipple procedure. Endocrinology A triad of features of an insulin-producing tumor: hypoglycemia < 50 mg/dL, CNS and/or vasomotor Sx, relief of Sx by administration of glucose.", "Medium Tank Mk A (Whippet) Updated: 4/1/2016; Authored By JR Potts, AUS 173d AB and Dan Alex; Content ©www.MilitaryFactory.com. The Medium Tank Mk A (also known as the Whippet) was an armored vehicle specifically designed to exploit breaches in the battle lines created by heavier lozenge-shaped combat tanks such as the Mark I series.", "How Is Scrapple Made? Scrapple is a sausage dish enjoyed primarily in Pennsylvania Dutch region and in parts of the neighboring states of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware.It is very popular on the Delmarva Peninsula and is celebrated the second weekend of October during the annual Apple Scrapple Festival..crapple is a sausage dish enjoyed primarily in Pennsylvania Dutch region and in parts of the neighboring states of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware. It is very popular on the Delmarva Peninsula and is celebrated the second weekend of October during the annual Apple Scrapple Festival..", "What are whippets? (drugs)? Best Answer: Firstly, don't worry, the drug you took has no long term ill-effects! Whippet or whippets is/are a street-term for small canisters (usually used for making whipped cream at home or in restaurants) containing Nitrous oxide (N2O), or more commonly referred to as 'laughing gas'.he other night my friends were talking about a time they were doing whippets i just went along with it and pretending like i knew what they were talking about because i was too embarrassed to ask. 1 following.", "Each Of The Following Is A Function Of The Liver Except Quizlet each of the following is a function of the liver except quizlet. UltrasoundAn ultrasound wand is no way those small digestive system. details of a whipple surgery My body does not have a dog you have a lot of cholesterol to bile which is the bile becomes over-saturated with bile salts are widely available.When the ducts that are observed with cream each of the following is a function of the liver except quizlet cheeses.etails of a whipple surgery My body does not have a dog you have a lot of cholesterol to bile which is the bile becomes over-saturated with bile salts are widely available. When the ducts that are observed with cream each of the following is a function of the liver except quizlet cheeses.", "The Whipple Procedure: Life Saving Surgery for the Pancreatic Cancer Patient But make no mistake, it is still a major surgerical procedure often filled with complications. To understand why that is, let’s take a look at just how the Whipple Procedure is performed. The Whipple surgery is, in mom’s words, basically re-plumbing your innerds.", "Whipple Procedure â Complications, Prognosis, Survival Rate, Pictures Named after an American surgeon, Allen O. Whipple is a surgery called Whipple Procedure also called Pancreaticoduodenectomy. A Whipple procedure is a surgical operation done primarily for Pancreatic Cancer patients. The procedure is usually done so as to remove an enlargement on the duodenum. The duodenum is the first section of the small intestine, or in layman’s terms, the small bowel.", "About Whipple Procedure How is it performed. Usually the Whipple procedure is performed as open surgery. The surgeon will begin my making a midline incision in the abdomen. The surgeon will then examine the abdomen to ensure that the tumor or cancer has not spread beyond the pancreas.", "Code This! When is a Whipple operation required. A Whipple operation is performed for. 1 cancer of the head of the pancreas. 2 cancer of the duodenum. 3 cholangiocarcinoma (cancer of the the bottom end of the bile). 4 cancer of the ampulla – an area where the bile and pancreatic duct enter into the duodenum.", "syphilis Whipple's disease is a multi-system infectious bacterial disease that interferes with the body's ability to metabolize fats. The disorder can affect any system in the body, including the central nervous system, but usually occurs in the gastrointestinal system.", "Overview Whipple procedure. The Whipple procedure (pancreatoduodenectomy) is a complex operation to remove part of the pancreas, part of the small intestine and the gallbladder. The Whipple procedure is most often used to treat pancreatic cancer that's confined to the head of the pancreas. But it may also be used to treat tumors and other abnormalities of the pancreas, small intestine and bile duct.", "The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center Since that time, there have been many modifications and improvements of the procedure. There is a detailed account of the operative mortality rates and long-term survival rates in the Surgical Treatment and Research section of this site. There are several variations of the Whipple currently practiced.", "Snapple Snapple is a brand of tea and juice drinks which is owned by Dr Pepper Snapple Group and based in Plano, Texas. The company (and brand), which was originally known as Unadulterated Food Products, was founded in 1972. The brand achieved some fame due to various pop-culture references including television shows.", "- Bruce Whipple of Massey Knakal Capital Services this week arranged a $4,415 million loan for a landlord looking to bring in a master-leased artisanal food market to a space near Grand Central and the Met Life Building.", "Whipped-cream charger A whipped cream charger (also called whippits, whippets (from the brand name Whip-It), nossies, nangs, or chargers) is a steel cylinder or cartridge filled with nitrous oxide (N 2 O) that is used as a whipping agent in a whipped cream dispenser.he cylinders are about 6.3 cm (2.5 inches) long and 1.8 cm (0.7 inches) wide, and they are rounded at one end with a narrow tip at the other end.", "Whipple disease: Causes and treatments Whipple's disease is a rare infectious disease caused by a bacteria called tropheryma whipplei. This intestinal disease is named after George Whipple, who discovered the bacteria in 1907.", "Whipple Procedure For some pancreatic patients, however, a complex surgery known as the Whipple procedure may extend life and could be a potential cure. Those who undergo a successful Whipple procedure may have a five-year survival rate of up to 25%.he Whipple procedure can take several hours to perform and requires great surgical skill and experience. The area around the pancreas is complex and surgeons often encounter patients who have a variation in the arrangement of blood vessels and ducts." ]
[ 12.1484375 ]
[ 12.9140625, 12.015625, 8.9453125, 12.4921875, 8.0390625, 9.8671875, 12.609375, 11.8515625, 11.421875, 11.8828125, 9.5625, 9.578125, 7.796875, 11.609375, 8.5859375, 7.671875, 7.47265625, 8.359375, 11.90625, 12.640625, 11.7578125, 12.4453125, 12.734375, 12.75, 10.9921875, 7.5546875, 10.7890625, 8.3828125, 12.7265625, 9.6640625 ]
age of kylie and kendall jenner
[ "- Confidence votes 10.9K. Kendall is 19 years old (DOB: November 3, 1995) and Kylie is 17 years old (DOB: August 10, 1997). Kendall is 19 years old (DOB: November 3, 1995) and Kylie is 17 years old (DOB: August 10, 1997)." ]
[ "'He should be ashamed of himself': Amber Rose slams Tyga, 25, for dating 'baby' Kylie Jenner, 17, as she claims he left Blac Chyna for teen And in her current line of fire is 25-year-old rapper Tyga who is currently rumoured to be dating Kylie Jenner, 17. Speaking on Power 105.1's The Breakfast Club, she blasted the Faded singer for his alleged relationship with the teen, saying Kylie was too young for him.", "- PHOTOS: Kendall Jenner's 19 Coolest Instagram Pics. However, ET's Rocsi Diaz spoke with Kim's sisters, Khloe Kardashian, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, on the red carpet outside the 2014 American Music Awards, and got their reaction to the scintillating snapshots.", "Does Kylie Jenner Want To Join Taylor Swift And Selena Gomezâs Squad? She just wants everyone to get along. She says she wants new beginnings on her birthday!”. Kylie Jenner reportedly wants to join Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez’s squad. New reports are claiming that the 17-year-old has invited both of the singers to her 18th birthday party.Since the Jenner teen is turning 18 on August 10, she wants to have an exclusive party with big name celebrities.pparently, she also invited Selena Gomez’s ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber. “Kylie has invited both Selena and Taylor to her birthday bash. Obviously, Justin has been invited as well. Kylie had told her sisters that for her 18th birthday she wants to move on from any past fights and not have negativity in her life.”.", "Watch This Makeup Artist's Amazing Transformation Into 4 Different Kardashian-Jenner Gals! Photo: YouTube. Get ready to question your morning makeup routine. Makeup artist Kandee Johnson used her amazing skills to transform into part of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, and the results are downright jaw-dropping. In the video, Johnson first alters her appearance to look like 17-year-old Kylie Jenner.", "- Refinery 29 UK. Kendall Jenner Will Break Her Silence About The Pepsi Incident On KUTWK Back in April, Kendall Jenner appeared in a (now completely removed from the internet) Pepsi advert that capitalised on the recent protest movement and featured the 21-year-old handing a can of Pepsi to a man in a police uniform.", "Kylie Jenner: Due Date Revealed! RadarOnline reports that Kylie Jenner's due date is February 4th of 2018. Not only is that under two months away, but that gives a little specific insight into when Kylie conceived. Remember how Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott started seeing each other in April of this year, pretty much right after Kylie and Tyga ended things for good?", "Tyga Lashes Out On Haters Over Kylie Jenner Relationship â Read Rant Tyga Lashes Out On Haters Over Kylie Jenner Relationship — Read Rant. Tyga got so enraged that a fan called him a ‘pedophile’ for hanging out with 17-year-old Kylie that he lashed out on Instagram and you’ll never believe what he said! Kylie Jenner and Tyga are in France and it further is leading to speculation that these two are more than just friends. But Tyga didn’t take too kindly to an Instagram user who wrote him an intense message about spending so much time with the 17-year-old. Tyga still seems to be denying that he’s dating the KUWTK star but it almost seems like he took it a bit too far!", "- Kylie Jenner was born on August 10, 1997 in Los Angeles, California to Kris Jenner (nee Née Kristen Mary) houghton and Athlete Caitlyn. Jenner kylie has one full, Sibling Kendall. jenner", "Kim, Khloe Kardashian, and Kylie Jenner are reportedly expecting babies â here are their alleged due dates Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian West, and Kylie Jenner are all reportedly expecting children. Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images The INSIDER Summary: Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are both reportedly pregnant. Kylie is reportedly expecting a baby girl, while the sex of Khloe's alleged baby is unclear. Kim Kardashian West is also reportedly expecting a baby girl via a surrogate. Kim would most likely be the first to have her child, who is reportedly being carried by a surrogate, in January 2018.", "FLASHBACK: A 21-Year-Old Jennifer Aniston Is Adorable in Her First 'ET' Interview FLASHBACK: A 21-Year-Old Jennifer Aniston Is Adorable in Her First 'ET' Interview By Ashley Crossan 7:40 AM PST, February 11, 2015 Happy birthday, Jennifer Aniston! The actress celebrates her 46th birthday Wednesday, so we're taking a trip back to 1990 when ET first sat down with then-21 year old star, who had just landed a supporting role as Jeannie in the short-lived TV adaptation of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.", "Kylie Jenner Kylie Kristen Jenner (born August 10, 1997)[3] is an American reality television personality, model, actress, entrepreneur, socialite, and social media personality. She is best known for starring in the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians since age nine, her eponymous brand of cosmetics, and her large social media presence.", "Kylie Jenner Takes Her $125,000 Mercedes-Benz SUV For âA Spa Dayâ (PHOTO) We have to wonder if the extravagant wheels were an early birthday present as Jenner turns sweet 16 in August -- and we also have to wonder if her older sister Kendall is slightly jealous, since she only snagged a $90,000 Range Rover when she turned 16 in 2011.", "Her Outfit Costs What?! Kendall Jennerâs $3,987 Rocker-Chic Style Kendall Jenner’s $3,987 Rocker-Chic Style. Few people leave the gym looking great… unless you're Kendall Jenner. The 19-year-old model squeezed in a workout last weekend, and left the gym looking better than when she arrived.", "Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Their Most Inappropriate Underage Photos Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Their Most Inappropriate Underage Photos. The youngest members of the Kardashian-Jenner family may just be the hottest! Check out our gallery of Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s raciest looks and vote for who you think is the most risqué! Watch out, Kim, Kourtney and Khloe! Your younger sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner are making headlines with their recent racy looks. The 18-year-old and 16-year-old reality stars just keeping getting sexier and sexier as they get older!", "- Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly dating Sophia Hutchins, a 21-year old trans woman. They're certainly friends, and photos make them look ... cozy. Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly dating Sophia Hutchins, a 21-year old trans woman. They're certainly friends, and photos make them look .....", "- Well, thanks to Forbes, we know that Kylie’s net worth is $50 million (£37 million), making her the third richest Kardashian/Jenner. Kim is top of the list with a net worth of $150 million, followed by momager Kris Jenner, who boasts a net worth of $60 million. A lot of Kylie’s earnings are to do with her cosmetics company. Kylie's Lip Kits and eyeshadow collections have pulled in $420 million in retail sales in just 18 months.", "Kendall Jennerâs First Estée Lauder Ad is Here •January 22, 2015. 1 The newest face of Estée Lauder, 19-year-old model Kendall Jenner, debuted her first video ad campaign for the brand yesterday. The campaign, which highlights the brand’s newest launch, a black tinted lash primer called Little Black Primer, features a windblown Jenner looking sultry while showing off her lashes.", "âKylie Jenner Gets Her Dream Dog Nearly A Year After Tweeting About It! Kylie Jenner Gets Her Dream Dog Nearly A Year After Tweeting About It! 12/27/2014 3:38 PM ET | Filed under: Woof Woof • Holidaze • Dog • Kylie Jenner We're so excited for her!!! Last January, Kylie Jenner tweeted that she wanted an Italian Greyhound, and her wish came true this year! [ Related: The Kardashians & Jenners Celebrated Christmas In Style! ] The 17-year-old reality TV star shared sweet pics of her new dog on Christmas day, including this one (above) with the caption: dreams do come true Yes they do!", "7 Things to Know About Kris Jenner's New Boyfriend Corey Gamble He went to Westlake High School and then to Morehouse College to study business marketing. 2. He's a Scorpio, Too: Kris' new beau will be turning 34 years old on Nov. 10. Jenner, meanwhile, will be celebrating her special day tomorrow, which means this is a love connection between two Scorpios. So in case you're wondering about their astrological compatibility (of course you are, we're not judging), it could go either way.", "Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner. Kylie Kristen Jenner (born August 10, 1997) is an American reality television personality, socialite, fashion designer and model. She is best known for appearing on the E! reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashians. In 2012, she collaborated with the clothing brand PacSun, along with her sister Kendall, and created their own line Kendall & Kylie.", "Kylie Jenner Net Worth $5 Million. Kylie Jenner net worth: Kylie Jenner is a teenage model and reality television star who has a net worth of $5 million. Jenner comes from a family of models and television personalities.She is best known for appearing on the hit reality series, Keeping Up with the Kardashians.hen Kylie and Kendall co-hosted the 2014 Much Music Video Awards, Kylie finally made her acting debut in a promo for the show. Kylie Jenner Net Worth. 1 17-Year-Old Kylie Jenner Just Bought A $2.7 Million House.", "Tyga Publicly Declares His Love for Rumored Girlfriend Kylie Jenner â Read the Sweet Message Tyga posts a sweet lovey message for rumored girlfriend Kylie Jenner Credit: Lilly Lawrence/WireImage. Cat’s out of the bag?! After months of speculation and denying he’s dating Kylie Jenner, Tyga finally confirmed — at least — that he’s no doubt in love with the 17-year-old. Whether they’re officially dating or not, we’ll still leave that up to you to judge. PHOTOS: Kylie's style evolution.", "Forever young! Jennifer Aniston, 45, defies her age as she flashes toned legs in tiny denim cutoffs during spa visit Forever young! Jennifer Aniston, 45, defies her age as she flashes toned legs in tiny denim cutoffs during spa visit. She boasts an age-defying figure, with a complexion to match. And Jennifer Aniston knows just how to maintain her good looks, paying a visit to a Beverly Hills spa on Friday. The 45-year-old flashed her toned and tanned legs in a pair of cutoff denim shorts, pulling her hair into a ponytail to show off her dewy skin.", "Who Is Jordyn Woods? Kylie Jenner's BFF Is More Than Just Her Sidekick On Social Media For the most part, Kylie Jenner's life is an open book. She's been starring on Keeping Up With The Kardashians since it began in 2007. With famous parents, she's no stranger to the spotlight.", "Kendall Jenner On February 3, 2015, the Jenner sisters confirmed Kendall + Kylie collaboration with Topshop, which they unveiled in November 2015 at the Chadstone Shopping Centre in Melbourne, Australia. The collection launched in New York on February 8, 2016.", "Biography She has an older sister, Karen, who was born in 1952. She graduated from Clairemont High School in 1973. She has English, and smaller amounts (to varying degrees) of Scottish, Irish, German, and Dutch, ancestry. Gave birth to her 6th child at age 41, a daughter Kylie Kristen Jenner (aka Kylie Jenner) on August 10, 1997. Child's father is her 2nd husband, Caitlyn Jenner. (September 22, 2014) Filed for divorce from her 2nd husband of 23 years Caitlyn Jenner following an 11-month-long separation. Kris is the 10th cousin of Fred Rogers of Mr. Rogers fame. Both descend from the children of John Caitlin and Mary Baldwin who both died when Indians attacked deerfield, Massachusetts in 1704.", "- Kylie Jenner Flaunts $40,000 Worth of Cartier Love Bracelets—on One Wrist! While Kendall Jenner is at Paris Fashion Week, sister Kylie Jenner is celebrating the Parisian way of life a little differently—by decking out her wrists in thousands of dollars worth of bracelets from French jeweler Cartier.", "- Early life. Jenner was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the youngest daughter of 1976 Summer Olympics decathlon winner Caitlyn Jenner (born Bruce) and TV personality Kris Jenner. She has an older sister, Kendall.n June 2015, the Jenner sisters launched their clothing line Kendall + Kylie with British fashion retailer Topshop. On August 18, 2015, Jenner announced she will be launching her first lipstick line as apart of her self-titled lip kit.", "- On Sunday night, the expecting momma sent a series of videos on Snapchat gushing about her growing baby bump and how she's feeling grateful and blessed to welcome a child with Rob Kardashian! As you know, the 28-year-old already has one toddler King Cairo she shares with Kylie Jenner's BF Tyga.", "- Kylie, on the other hand, glittered in silver sparkles. It also seems like Kylie took a page out of Khloé's book and went blond for the weekend celebrations! Before the real party got started, however, Kylie enjoyed a group dinner with her friends, Kendall and Caitlyn Jenner. MY GIRLS. party night. #18@12, she captioned the pic. A source tells us that Kanye West and Caitlyn spent a ton of time together throughout the big birthday bash, alongside one of the rapper's closest pals Shaun Ross." ]
[ 13.1484375 ]
[ 11.328125, 11.2578125, 8.6875, 11.0625, 11.515625, 10.2265625, 10.2265625, 11.7109375, 9.59375, 7.87109375, 12.1328125, 10.9375, 10.703125, 12.8046875, 9.5234375, 10.34375, 11.953125, 10.5546875, 9.0546875, 12.3203125, 9.8203125, 10.3359375, 7.48046875, 9.984375, 10.734375, 11.046875, 10.0703125, 11.1171875, 10.8515625, 10.9609375 ]
what is a meaning of a rotten front tooth falling in a dream
[ "- To dream of teeth represents your vitality and self-confidence. A reflection of how good you feel about your physical appearance, talents, or anything that gives you status or power. To dream of teeth falling out represents a loss of power, confidence, or self-esteem in some area of your life. A corrosive situation or feelings of a loss of vitality. Dreams of teeth falling out are common to people aging or who feel they are losing their looks." ]
[ "What does it mean when you dream your losing your teeth ? Best Answer: I often dream of that too,supposedly it means you're anxious about your appearance,which in my case would be true. Anyway take a look at this,it might help a little. http://www.dreammoods.com/cgibin/teethdr...", "Dreams About Teeth Falling Out: Dream Meanings Explained The meaning of dreams about teeth falling out depends on several factors, including whether they're your teeth or someone else's. It could mean that the dreamer's ability to assess emotional experiences was being interfered with, says Nicoletti.", "- A teeth falling out dream can take many different forms, here are some of the most common variations of this dream: 1 Teeth crumbling. 2 Rotting teeth. 3 Broken teeth. 4 Losing teeth.", "- To see a fogged mirror in your dream signifies a hazy concept of who you are and confusion in your life goals. You are lacking clarity and purpose and questioning your self-identity. To see stained glass in your dream signifies spiritual healing and enlightenment. You are seeking guidance from a higher source.", "Teeth Dreams 1 You swallowed a tooth or teeth in your dream, and it hurts as you choke on it or your teeth in general. 2 The teeth in your mouth just keep falling out over and over again. 3 Your dream features a visit to the dentist, doctor or hygienist. 4 You find yourself replacing the teeth which are lost.", "How Dreams Work Your teeth falling out. Many people have dreams that they lose all of their teeth. In this dream, they may feel something strange in their mouth and then spit teeth into their hand, eventually losing all of their teeth. According to some, our teeth are related to our sense of power and our ability to communicate.", "- While teeth falling out is the most common dream, there are actually many different types of dreams about teeth that can happen and different meanings as to what it means when you dream about teeth.", "Teeth Dreams If you lose teeth in your dream, then this represents fear. This dream is a message to make sure you are hundred percent healthy, as it can signify some type of illness, Go to the doctor and get yourself checked out if you feel unwell.", "What Do Broken Teeth Dreams Mean? Theory #2: It means that while in your dream you should go to a Target, Walmart, CVS, etc. to purchase some superglue and glue your teeth back in. Often times people like to read into things to much and there is usually a much simpler answer like this one……If your teeth fall out, glue them back in.", "Dream Symbol: Teeth,Tooth Dream meaning: Teeth,Tooth. Teeth are one of the most common dream symbols. In dreams teeth can represent one or more of the following: strength and aggressiveness. youth, vitality. greed or devouring instincts, envy. your self-confidence or estimation of your abilities.", "- Broken teeth dream meaning as well as in depth information with mysteries24.com - your esoteric website. Try our dream symbolism of Broken teeth. Modern dreaming explanation of Broken teeth dream meanings. Explore your dream symbolism in our internet dream almanac. Become the first to review this dreaming Broken teeth dreaming explanation.", "What do teeth falling out in a dream mean? To help, here are the most common types of dreams: 1 Teeth falling out dream meanings. 2 Dreaming about breaking teeth. 3 Seeing crumbling teeth in a dream. Dream of losing your 1 teeth. Missing a tooth or several teeth. Dreaming about having your tooth pulled out.", "- [2] That the teeth signify natural truth, which belongs to the exterior understanding, and in the opposite sense the falsity which destroys this truth, is evident from the following passages in the Word.", "Losing Teeth Dream According to recent studies in dream interpretation, dreaming about losing your teeth is an indicator of anxiety and, possibly, depressive states. Dreams about losing teeth also tend to point to feelings of helplessness and lack of control over one’s life circumstances.", "Teeth Dreams If you have a dream that your teeth are being removed by a dentist, it shows that you have lost control. If the tooth is removed then you feel a sense of relief, this is exactly the advice the dream is giving you.f you lose teeth in your dream, then this represents fear. This dream is a message to make sure you are hundred percent healthy, as it can signify some type of illness, Go to the doctor and get yourself checked out if you feel unwell.", "- To dream that you have bad breath suggests that you are misleading others. Bad Breath. To dream that you have bad breath suggests that you need to think twice before opening your mouth. Think about what you are saying first before expressing yourself and offending others.", "- When dreaming about broken teeth means costly compromises. A dream about teeth breaking can be interpreted as a warning about the cost of a decision or action. You may have or are about to make a choice that compromises with your real needs or desires. Broken teeth may represent the emotional pain that comes with such a choice.", "What does it mean when you dream about losing your teeth? Best Answer: One theory is that dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Sadly, we live in a world where good looks are valued highly and your teeth play an important role in conveying that image.", "- Events in your waking life often have an important role in why you may dream about false teeth. Healthy Teeth: Dreaming of white, straight, healthy teeth can mean you are confident or have recently done (or will do) something successfully. You may be feeling proud of an accomplishment or recent achievement.", "- In dreams teeth can represent one or more of the following: 1 strength and aggressiveness. 2 youth, vitality. 3 greed or devouring instincts, envy. your self-confidence or estimation of your abilities.", "Dream About Pulling Out Teeth Pulling out teeth in dreams: Representation of painful transitions Dreams of having teeth pulled out may come during times of significant transition. The dream imagery symbolizes how painful or difficult the experience is for you as you go through changes.", "- &nbsp Tweet. My Teeth Are Falling!. Dreams of falling or crumbling teeth are the most common dreams that Dream Moods receives. The typical dream scenarios include having your teeth crumble in your hands, fall out one by one with just a light tap, grow crooked or start to rot.hen deciphering your falling teeth dream, look at what is happening in your waking life that could bring about the dream. Teeth dreams may occur when you are in a new relationship, when you switch jobs, or during a transitional period in your life.", "- My Teeth Are Falling teethintro. Dreams of falling teeth are the most common dreams that Dream Moods receives. The typical dream scenarios include having your teeth crumble in your hands, fall out one by one with just a light tap, grow crooked or start to rot.", "Dream Dictionary Meaning For Teeth Dreaming of teeth is probably the most common dream that people have. Almost everyone, at some time or another, has had a dream involving teeth. Usually it will involve, damaged teeth, losing teeth, loose teeth.", "- dream about the dreaded teeth falling out dream want to know what the teeth falling out dream means teeth falling out dreams are common among dreamers on - Teeth Falling Dream for each actor per movie or with each set of teeth made for your actor there are no moments of teeth falling out - Teeth Falling Dream dream lesson 8 teeth falling out dreams - Teeth Falling Dream missing teeth dream - Teeth Falling Dream", "What do dreams about missing teeth mean? , studied at Hodges University. To dream that you have rotting or decaying teeth implies that you may have said something that you shouldn't have. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you.", "- teeth are floating. When one has to pee really bad. The expression: my teeth are floating is used. To describe that one is so full of urine it has filled up their body to the back of their throught making there teeth float in the urine. Guy 1: My teeth are floating, but the line for the bathroom is too long.", "What is the meaning of dreams about my teeth breaking/ falling out? I have got this dream and I find it to be horrifying! I was on an assumption that it is some weird dream that only I get but after some research found that it is a commonplace. Losing teeth in a dream is one of the common dreams that is a result of anxiety. It reflects the concerns the dreamer experiences in his waking life. There are various interpretations of these dreams which include.", "- What Does It Mean When You Dream About Spiders. Dream Teeth Fall Out Meaning In Islam. What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Teeth Rotting And Falling Out. Can Dream Of Litterally Anything Dreams Of Falling Chased By Monsters Naked In Public Teeth Falling Out And Car Getting Vandalized Scumbag Brain. Iphone Feature 684x534. Source.", "Teeth She had a dream in which three of her teeth fell out. The next day she received a call from America to say her son had been shot in the head three times by a gunman. For Artemidorus losing a tooth meant to lose a member of one’s household. To Africans such a dream showed that the dreamer would lose a wife or child." ]
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what cause blood in a cats stools
[ "My Cat has Blood in its Stool â What Should I Do? The most common cause of blood in the stool in cats is colitis, or inflammation of the colon. Colitis is a symptom of various gastro-intestinal disorders, and identifying the cause of the inflammation can be difficult.", "Blood in Cat Stool (Hematochezia) â Bright Red Blood in Stools There are many possible causes of blood in the cat’s feces, some of which include: Parasitic infection (cryptosporidium, intestinal worms) Cryptosporidium causes inflammation which leads to bleeding, parasitic worms such as hookworm or roundworms suck the blood from the intestinal wall, resulting in blood in the stool." ]
[ "- ● Bleeding from the lower digestive tract usually causes the stool to be coated or mixed with bright red blood, or occasionally to appear maroon colored. ● Certain foods and medications can also cause the stool to appear bloody. A list of these foods and medications is provided in table 1 (table 1). Infectious diarrhea is diarrhea caused by a virus, bacterium, or parasite that can cause bloody stools in preschool and school-aged children, as well as in adolescents. Infectious diarrhea can develop as a result of eating or drinking contaminated foods/drinks, or less commonly, after taking a course of antibiotics.", "Causes of Blood in a Cat Stool Cat blood in the stool can be linked with a number of symptoms in order to form a diagnosis. Case to case, things vary, but if you notice frequent urination or drinking, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, or lethargy, you may have a serious problem on your hands, and you should see a vet.", "What Causes Blood in the Stool? In addition to blood in the stool, this condition may also cause bloody or watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, urgency to have a bowel movement, high fever, stools that are foul-smelling, mucus or pus in the stool, abdominal cramps or discomfort, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, rectal bleeding, skin lesions, joint pain and dehydration.", "- Blood in the stool or rectal bleeding can be caused by a variety of conditions and diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, infections, ulcers, cancer, diverticulitis, colitis, or cancer. The color of the blood in the stool may be green, yellow, white, gray, or black and tarry.", "Hematochezia (Blood in Stool) in Cats Overview of Feline Hematochezia (Blood in Stool) Hematochezia is the presence of bright red, fresh blood in the feces in cats. Hematochezia usually occurs with bleeding in the lower intestines (colon, rectum). Hematochezia should not be confused with melena , which is the passage of dark, tarry, black feces.", "Medical Dictionary Other conditions that can cause blood in the stool include: 1 Hemorrhoids. 2 Anal fissures. 3 Colon polyps. 4 Peptic ulcers. 5 Ulcerative colitis. 6 Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) . 7 Crohn's disease. 8 Use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) .olorectal cancer affects the large intestine (colon) and the rectum. There are three kinds of stool tests: 1 Fecal occult blood test (FOBT). 2 For this test, you put tiny samples of your stool on a special card or cloth and send it to a lab. 3 The lab uses chemicals to find blood that you can't see with the naked eye.", "10 Causes of Blood in Stool (Pooping Blood) There are several causes that can result to blood in stool or pooping blood. It can be due to your medical condition, diet or genetics. The amount of blood will vary from person to person which is usually influenced by the core causative factor involved.", "- Causes of blood in the stool range from harmless, annoying conditions of the gastrointestinal tract such as hemorrhoids and anal tears from straining against hard stools with constipation to serious conditions such as cancer.", "Stools - Blood In What You Should Know About Anal Fissures: An anal tear is the most common cause of blood in the stools. This is called an anal fissure. It causes blood on the surface of a stool. Blood may also be found on toilet tissue after wiping.", "- Other conditions and situations that can cause blood in the stools include: 1 colon cancer. 2 non-cancerous growths, such as polyps. 3 intestinal infections (bacterial enterocolitis) that can be caused by foodborne pathogens, such as salmonella and E. coli. inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)", "Bloody Cat Urine Blood in cat urine is a sign of serious feline illness. Medically, hematuria is the term used to indicate the presence of blood in cat urine. Various factors lead to this symptom. Some of the causes of cat urinating blood include: 1 Feline/cat lower urinary tract infections or cat bladder infections which require immediate veterinary care to protect the kidneys from further damage. 2 Congenital urinary tract abnormalities. 3 Bacterial infections like cystitis or vaginitis of the urinary and genital tracts. 4 Urinary cancer and 5 ... I", "Causes of Dog Health Blood in Stool Problems and Treatment Options Dog health blood in stool problems in puppies is commonly caused by gastrointestinal infections and parasites (worms) and less commonly from parvovirus. These conditions can result in either a hard/loose stool, or diarrhea. Other symptoms can include sepsis (bacteria in puppy blood), dehydration and anemia.", "What Are Causes Of Blood In Stool? The causes of blood in a stool are many. You could be dealing with an anal fissure, which is triggered or worsened if you strain during bowel movements. Colon cancer, colon polyps, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease could all be suspects because bloody stool is a common symptom to these diseases and conditions. So are pain and cramping, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue or weakness, narrow stools, nausea and vomiting.", "- Blood in stool. Find possible causes of blood in stool based on specific factors. Check one or more factors on this page that apply to your symptom. 1 In or on the stool. 2 In toilet bowl or on toilet tissue. 3 Drinking alcohol or caffeine. 4 Eating certain foods. 5 Straining during bowel movements. 6 Drinking more water. 7 Eating certain foods.", "Common causes for blood in your petâs stool or urine If the stool check is negative, other causes of blood in the stool should be explored including dietary indiscretion, ingested foreign bodies, dietary allergy, inflammation of the liver and inflammation of the pancreas. Viral and bacterial infections may also cause bloody stools in dogs and cats.", "Bloody or Tarry Stools Bloody or tarry stools. Bloody stools often are a sign of a problem in the digestive tract. Blood in the stool may come from anywhere along your digestive tract from your mouth to your anus. Heavy or rapid bleeding in the upper GI tract can cause bright red stools. Eating black licorice, lead, iron pills, bismuth medicines like Pepto-Bismol, or blueberries can also cause black stools. Beets and tomatoes can sometimes make stools appear reddish.", "stool Causes of Blood in Stool. Blood in the stool can be bright red, maroon in color, black and tarry, or occult (not visible to the naked eye). Causes of blood in stool range from harmless, annoying conditions of the gastrointestinal tract such as hemorrhoids to serious conditions such as cancer.", "- Significance of Blood in the Stool. Blood in the stool is typically due to hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which is a tear in the lining of the anus. Both of these causes are easily remedied and are not serious. Blood in the stool can also indicate colon polyps, colon cancer, colitis and diverticulitis, and these are all diseases that require medical attention.", "Blood in Infantâs Stool: Causes and Treatment This tends to cause blood in the baby’s stool and the main reason is attributed to genetic trends. The immune system of a baby is not developed and this makes them susceptible to infections. It is observed that bacteria evade over the intestinal wall and degeneration of it may cause spike of blood in the stool of infants. Treatment", "Blood in Stool: What Does it Mean? Other more serious causes of blood in stool include: 1 Crohn’s disease – Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining and can lead to severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. 2 Colon Polyps – Colon polyps are benign growths, or clumps of cells, that form along the lining of the colon.ther more serious causes of blood in stool include: 1 Crohn’s disease – Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining and can lead to severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. 2 Colon Polyps – Colon polyps are benign growths, or clumps of cells, that form along the lining of the colon.", "10 Causes of Blood in Stool (Pooping Blood) It is described as a small cut or tear in the tissue lining of the anus that results to injury on the area thereby the presence of blood in your stool. It can easily occur in people who have a tight sphincter tone, resulting to the inability of the muscle to relax as appropriate.", "Causes of Blood in Your Stool and Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) Bright Red Liquid Blood in the Stool. Red blood in the stool, medically called hematochezia, can result from: Rough wiping. Injury during passing hard stool (in constipation) Menstruation. External or internal hemorrhoids. Anal fissure. Foreign body or injury. Diverticulitis.", "Blood in Dogâs Stool (Hematochezia) Hematochezia is the presence of bright red, fresh blood in the feces. Hematochezia can occur in dogs and usually occurs with bleeding in the lower intestines (colon, rectum). Hematochezia should not be confused with melena, which is the passage of dark, tarry, black feces.", "What Causes Blood in Stool? + 5 Natural Remedies Causes & Risk Factors. 1 Abnormal blood vessels. 2 Anal fissures. 3 Bowel ischemia. 4 Diverticulosis. 5 Foreign body or trauma. 6 Hemorrhoids (often the cause of bright red blood) 7 Infection in the intestines. 8 Inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 9 Polyps or cancer in the colon or small intestine.", "Dog Blood in Stool The red color indicates that the blood comes from the lower intestines, most likely from the colon and the rectum. In melena, however, the blood causes the stools to turn black and tarry, indicating that the source of bleeding is in the stomach or upper small intestine, and the blood has been partially digested.There are numerous possible causes of dog bloody stools-some are more serious than others.n all these cases, the blood in stools does not come from the inside of the dog's body. When you see bright red blood in your dog stool, therefore, first check the anal area to find out where the blood is coming from.", "- RECTAL BLEEDING CAUSES. Seeing a small amount of blood after wiping, on the outside of your stool, or in the toilet is most commonly caused by hemorrhoids or an anal fissure. Hemorrhoids — Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus that can be painful, itchy, and can sometimes bleed (figure 1).right red blood typically coats the stool or blood may drip into the toilet or stain toilet paper. (See Patient information: Hemorrhoids (Beyond the Basics) .). Anal fissure — An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus, the opening where feces are excreted.", "Common causes for blood in your petâs stool or urine Probably the most common cause of chronic blood in the stool in middle-age to older pets is an autoimmune disease known as inflammatory bowel disease. Especially in middle-age and older pets it is important to rule out any underlying cancer including in the lower digestive tract or rectal area.", "- ● Bleeding from the lower digestive tract usually causes the stool to be coated or mixed with bright red blood, or occasionally to appear maroon colored. ● Certain foods and medications can also cause the stool to appear bloody. A list of these foods and medications is provided in table 1 (table 1).", "- Blood in your poo. The most common cause of blood in your poo (stools) is piles (haemorrhoids). But blood in your poo can sometimes be a sign of cancer. Your doctor wants to know if you spot blood when you go to the toilet.", "What Causes Blood in Stool? + 5 Natural Remedies The blood in black or tarry stools is usually coming from upper GI bleeding and can be caused by: (6) 1 Abnormal blood vessels. 2 A tear in the esophagus from violent vomiting (called Mallory-Weiss tears) 3 Bleeding stomach ulcer. 4 Blood supply being cut off to part of the intestines. 5 Gastritis. 6 Trauma. 7 The presence of a foreign body." ]
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what conditions must exist for a lunar eclipse to occur?
[ "Astronomy Ch02.8: Visual Activity: Conditions for Eclipses The two points at which the Moon's orbit crosses the Earth's orbital plane are called the nodes of the Moon's orbit. So another way to state the conditions for a lunar eclipse is that (1) it must be full moon, and (2) the Moon must be at or quite near one of the nodes of its orbit.   ." ]
[ "Why do eclipses happen? Solar eclipses are relatively rare; they happen when the Moon moves directly and precisely in front of the Sun. Why are they so infrequent, and why do solar eclipses always come in pairs with lunar eclipses? It is all down to a mix of orbital alignments and cosmic coincidences.", "Solar Eclipse â What is a Solar Eclipse Hence, a lunar eclipse can occur only the night of a full moon. The type and length of an eclipse depend upon the Moon's location relative to its orbital nodes. A total lunar eclipse has the direct sunlight completely blocked by the earth's shadow.", "What Is a Total Lunar Eclipse? For a lunar eclipse to occur, the Sun, Earth and Moon must be roughly aligned in a straight line. If the Sun, Earth and Moon do not align, the Earth cannot cast a shadow on the Moon's surface and an eclipse cannot happen.", "Question: 14) What conditions are required for a lunar eclipse? A) The phase of the Moon can be new or full... d) as the Earth passes another planet, the other planet appears to move backward with respect to the background stars, but the planet's motion does not really change e) apparent retrograde motion is an illusion created by turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere", "- On some occasions at the time of full moon there is also a lunar eclipse so the moon's face appears reddish due to the rayleigh scattering of blue light in Earth's atmosphere. Lunar eclipses can occur only at full moon, where the Moon's orbit allows it to pass through Earth's shadow.", "Lunar Eclipse Compared To Solar Eclipse A lunar eclipse can only occur when the moon is directly opposite the Sun in the sky a full moon. Even though there is a full moon each month, obviously a lunar eclipse does not occur on a monthly basis because the Sun isn't exactly in line with the Earth and the moon.", "Chapter 20 Lesson 3: Eclipses and Tides Therefore, lunar eclipses can only occur during a Full Moon. Similarly, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes in front of the Sun casting its shadow upon the surface of the Earth. This can only occur when the Moon is on the same side of the Earth as the Sun-which would normally be when there is a New Moon.", "- A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs at night with the Moon entering Earth's shadow, firstly into the penumbra (Earth's outer shadow) where only some of the light is blocked from reaching the Moon - turning the Moon from its familiar white to a subtle shade of white-grey.", "- Lunar eclipses can occur only at full moon, where the Moon's orbit allows it to pass through the Earth's shadow. Lunar eclipses do not occur every month because the Moon usually passes above or below the Earth's shadow (which is mostly restricted to the ecliptic plane).", "- An eclipse of the Moon, or lunar eclipse, is when the Earth is between the Sun and Moon and only occurs if the Moon passes through all or some portion of Earth's umbra shadow therefore blocking sunlight directly striking the Moon’s surface.", "Blood Moon in Tomorrowâs Lunar Eclipse This is why it is being called a blood moon. A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, moon and the earth's shadow align. In this case, the earth's shadow will pass over the moon. When the sun's light passes through earth, it is bent or refracted, and appears reddish.", "Lunar eclipse, âsupermoonâ will be visible for first time in decades Lunar eclipse, ‘supermoon’ will be visible for first time in decades. A perigee moon coincided with a full moon creating a supermoon when it passed by the earth at its closest point.", "- Annular solar eclipses take place only when: 1 The Moon is a new Moon. 2 The Moon is at or near a lunar node. 3 The Earth, Moon and Sun are perfectly aligned in a straight line.", "The Moon Eclipses the Sun Total solar eclipses happen when the Moon completely covers the Sun, and it can only take place when the Moon is near perigee, the point of the Moon's orbit closest to Earth. You can only see a total solar eclipse if you're in the path where the Moon's casts its darkest shadow, the umbra.", "What Are Eclipses and Transits? It shines because its surface reflects the Sun's rays. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Sun's rays from directly reaching the Moon. Lunar eclipses only happen at full Moon. There are 3 kinds of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral.", "Astronomy Ch02.8: Visual Activity: Conditions for Eclipses - The phase of the Moon must be full and the Moon must be passing through Earth's orbital plane. The two points at which the Moon's orbit crosses the Earth's orbital plane are called the nodes of the Moon's orbit. So another way to state the conditions for a solar eclipse is that (1) it must be new moon, and (2) the Moon must be at or quite near one of the nodes of its orbit.", "Moon Phases, Spring & Neap Tides Also known as a Supermoon lunar eclipse occurs when the shadow of Earth casts a reddish glow on the Moon, the result of a rare combination of an eclipse with the closest full Moon of the year. There was one in September 2015, and before that in 1982 but the next one will not occur until 2033.", "General Astronomy/Print version A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra (shadow). This can occur only when the sun, Earth and moon are aligned (in syzygy ) exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle.ence, a lunar eclipse can occur only the night of a full moon. The type and length of an eclipse depend upon the Moon's location relative to its orbital nodes. A total lunar eclipse has the direct sunlight completely blocked by the earth's shadow.", "Lunar eclipse Total penumbral eclipses are rare, and when these occur, that portion of the moon which is closest to the umbra can appear somewhat darker than the rest of the moon. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the moon enters the umbra. When the moon travels completely into the Earth's umbra, one observes a total lunar eclipse. The moon's speed through the shadow is about one kilometer per second (2,300 mph), and totality may last up to nearly 107 minutes.", "Solar eclipse Lunar eclipses can occur only when the full moon occurs near the two nodes of the orbit, either the ascending or descending node. This causes eclipses to only occur about every 6 months, and often 2 weeks before or after a solar eclipse at new moon at the opposite node.", "Diana or Luna Total eclipses occur when the Moon and Earth line up perfectly with the Sun. During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, hiding the Sun on a small area of Earth. During a lunar eclipse, the full Moon moves into Earth’s shadow and is blacked out. Moon and Earth, tied together by gravitational attraction, revolve as a double planet. The gravitational force of the Moon, and to a lesser extent the Sun, raises the ocean tides on Earth.", "Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: When to Catch It Tonight A supermoon lunar eclipse will put on a show tonight -- marking the first time the spectacle has occurred in more than three decades. A supermoon occurs when a full moon happens when it is at the closest point in its elliptical orbit around Earth, making the full moon appear up to 14 percent larger and brighter than usual. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, often turning a blood red color. What Makes a Full Moon So Special. The coincidence of events is so rare it won't be seen again until 2033, making it a can't-miss event tonight for sky gazers.", "During which phase of the moon does a solar eclipse occurs? A solar eclipse can only ever occur during the new moon phase. This is because the Moon has to pass in front of the Sun during the eclipse and so the side we see is not being illuminated by the Sun at all. Meklar · 6 years ago. Thumbs up.", "Solar eclipse Because of this, at the time of a new moon, the Moon will usually pass to the north or south of the Sun. A solar eclipse can occur only when new moon occurs close to one of the points (known as nodes) where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic. As noted above, the Moon's orbit is also elliptical.", "Astronomy Answers AstronomyAnswerBook: The Moon During a Total Lunar Eclipse, the Sun, Earth and the Moon form a straight line. Earth blocks any direct sunlight from reaching the Moon. The Sun is behind Earth, so the Sun's light casts Earth's shadow on the Moon. This shadow covers the entire Moon and causes a Total Lunar Eclipse.", "Eclipse cycle An eclipse can only occur when the Moon is close to the plane of the orbit of the Earth, i.e. when its ecliptic latitude is small. This happens when the Moon is near one of the two nodes of its orbit on the ecliptic at the time of the syzygy.", "What happens during a solar and a lunar eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun and the Moon's shadow crosses the Earth. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and Sun. Lunar eclipses are either total or partial, depending upon whether the. Moon moves completely into the Earth's shadow or not.", "Ask Us High School Earth Science/The Sun and the Earth-Moon System - A Lunar Eclipse. 1 A lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon moves through the shadow of the Earth (Figure 24.25). This can only happen when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun and all three are lined up in the same plane, called the ecliptic.", "What time did the lunar eclipse peak last tonight and can I still see the February 2017 New Year comet and Snow Moon? When the Sun, Earth and Moon all align almost one-behind-another, a prenumbral lunar eclipse occurs. As the Earth blocks the Sun, sunlight fails to illuminate the Moon’s surface properly. In this instance, stargazers will notice a slight shadow cast over the surface of the full Moon, which is known as the penumbra.", "During which moon phase can a lunar eclipse occur? During what phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse occur? The exact center of a total lunar eclipse, or the maximum of a partial one, has to be the moment of Full Moon. Edit" ]
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what college did penny hardaway go to
[ "Ex-NBA star returns to inner city, brings hoop dreams At his peak, the 6-foot-7 Penny Hardaway was a hybrid guard: Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird all rolled into one. He couldn't be stopped. He starred in college at the University of Memphis (then Memphis State) and was the No. 3 draft pick in the NBA in 1993. He was immediately traded to the Orlando Magic." ]
[ "Clemson University Clemson University is a public, 4 year college located in Clemson, South Carolina. A large-sized college, Clemson University has 16,562 undergraduate students. The student body is 1 percent female. It is a somewhat selective college; 63 percent of applicants are admitted. 77 percent receive financial aid.", "- Spelman College, a historically Black Women’s College/University (HBCU), is one of the most prestigious HBCU’s in the United States. Founded by Sophia Packard and Harriet Giles, Spelman boasts a 78% graduation rate, a very stringent acceptance rate (38% of all applicants annually), and a hefty price tag.", "- 04/19/2017. 1 Murray State College Softball star Sydnee Hinkle committed to continuing her softball career with the Southeastern Oklahoma State University Savage Storm in Durant, Okla. Hinkle is also currently sitting in first place of the NJCAA Div. II National Home Run Standings.", "- Mix - Video 39yr Old Penny Hardaway Is Coming Out Of Retirement Wants To Join Miami Heat!.flv YouTube Interview Penny (Part 1) - Duration: 5:50. kawai0713 128,981 views", "Lipscomb University Lipscomb is a top-ranked Christian university in Nashville, Tennessee. Lipscomb enrolls about 2,800 undergraduates and offers over 70 majors that emphasize learning through internships, travel, service, and in-the-field experiences.", "Lafayette College Lafayette College is a church-affiliated, liberal arts college. Founded as a men's college in 1826, it adopted coeducation in 1970. It has a small college environment with limitless opportunities. Its focus is on the student, promoting active learning with all students, monitored by a caring faculty. Its 110-acre campus is located in Easton, 60 miles north of Philadelphia.", "College Costs in Mississippi The list of Mississippi colleges below provides school specific cost and value rating. Our guide surveyed tuition data from the 38 colleges and universities in Mississippi, the most popular being University of Mississippi with 20,665 full time students and an in-state tuition list price of $7,644. Millsaps College is the most expensive in Mississippi with an in-state tuition of $34,810. Click on any school for current tuition, future cost estimates, school specific savings plans and estimated student loan payments. Mississippi colleges can also be filtered by public, private, community colleges and four year schools. Additionally, cost based sorting is available for the lowest and highest tuition options. Jump directly to our ranking of best values in Mississippi or cheap Mississippi colleges guide.", "Anfernee Penny Hardaway Net Worth Hardaway was an All-NBA player early in his career. He played for the New York Knicks from 2004 to 2006 and last played for the Miami Heat, who released him December 12, 2007. Penny Hardaway Is Absolutely Crushing His Retirement Years", "Stony Brook University The Stony Brook University (also referred to as State University of New York at Stony Brook, SUNY Stony Brook, SBU) is a public sea-grant and space-grant research university located in Stony Brook, New York in the United States. It is part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system. The institution was founded in 1957 in Oyster Bay as State University College on Long Island. What would become the university moved to Stony Brook in 1962.", "Drexel University Drexel University is a private research university with three campuses in Philadelphia and one in Sacramento, California. It was founded in 1891 by Anthony J. Drexel, a noted financier and philanthropist. Drexel offers over 70 full-time undergraduate programs and accelerated degrees.", "- But you cant just Compare AI to Hardaway regardless if he was injured or not. You can look at Highlights, Stats, Team stats you can even match AI and Hardaway 1 on 1 on 2k! Theses no reason why you should be comparing Penny to A.I lol.", "Penny Hardaway A tall, charismatic point guard in Orlando came closest to challenging Michael Jordan’s sneaker throne in the 90s. Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway’s kicks cracked necks, helped people see beyond the Jumpman, and introduced Foamposite — Nike’s solid but light material — to the streets and the hardwood.", "- Born in Daytona Beach, Florida, Carter was a 1995 McDonald's All-American at Mainland High School in Daytona Beach, leading Mainland to its first Class 6A state title in 56 years before spending three seasons playing college basketball at North Carolina under Dean Smith and later, Bill Guthridge.", "University of Montana The University of Montana (often simply referred to as UM) is a public research university in Missoula, Montana, in the United States. Founded in 1893, the university is the second largest of the Montana University System, second to Montana State University, and the flagship campus of the University of Montana System. The main campus is at the foot of Mount Sentinel, the hill bearing Missoula's most recognizable landmark, a large hillside letter M..", "Anfernee Penny Hardaway Net Worth Anfernee Penny Hardaway was a professional basketball player in the NBA and has a net worth of $40 million. Anfernee Penny Hardaway has accumulated his net worth through his professional basketball career playing for the Orlando Magic, Phoenix Suns, New York Knicks and Miami Heat, as well as his signature shoe line Air Penny.. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee U.S.", "University of Louisville The University of Louisville (UofL) is a public university in Louisville, Kentucky, a member of the Kentucky state university system. When founded in 1798, it was the first city-owned public university in the United States and one of the first universities chartered west of the Allegheny Mountains.The university is mandated by the Kentucky General Assembly to be a Preeminent Metropolitan Research University.UofL enrolls students from 118 of 120 Kentucky counties, all 50 U.S. states, and 116 countries around the world.he University of Louisville runs a sister campus in Panama City, Panama, which has an MBA program. The full-time program takes around 16 months to complete and enrolls about 200 students. It is currently ranked the 4th best MBA program in Latin America.", "Anfernee Penny Hardaway Net Worth Hardaway grew up playing basketball in Memphis for Treadwell High School where he averaged 36.6 points, 10.1 rebounds, 6.2 assists, 3.9 steals, and 2.8 blocks as a senior and was named Parade Magazine National High School player of the year.", "- Former names. Morris Brown College (MBC) is a private, coed, liberal arts college located in the Vine City community of Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It is a historically black college affiliated with the African Methodist Episcopal Church.", "Lehigh University Lehigh University is an American private research university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It was established in 1865 by businessman Asa Packer and has grown to include studies in a wide variety of disciplines. Its undergraduate programs have been coeducational since the 1971–72 academic year.", "Villanova University Villanova University is a private university located in Radnor Township, a suburb northwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in the United States.Named after Saint Thomas of Villanova, the school is the oldest Catholic university in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.he Wildcats are also part of the Philadelphia Big 5, the traditional Philadelphia-area basketball rivalry. Their fiercest crosstown rivalry is with Saint Joseph's University (St. Joe's), the city's Jesuit university, and matches between them are called the Holy War .", "Stonehill College Stonehill College. Stonehill College is a private, non-profit, coeducational, Roman Catholic, liberal arts college located in Easton, Massachusetts, United States, founded in 1948. Stonehill is located 22 miles (35 km) south of Boston on a 375-acre (1.52 km2) campus, the original estate of Frederick Lothrop Ames, Jr..", "University of Pittsburgh The University of Pittsburgh (commonly referred to as Pitt) is a state-related research university located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.In 1787 after the American Revolutionary War, it was founded on the edge of the American frontier as the Pittsburgh Academy.he university is composed of 17 undergraduate and graduate schools and colleges located at its urban Pittsburgh campus, home to the university's central administration and 28,766 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.", "Western Kentucky University Western Kentucky University, also known as WKU, is a large public university located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. WKU boasts a student body of roughly 21,000 students and operates a satellite campus in Bowling Green and regional campuses in the towns on Glasgow, Elizabethtown/Fort Knox and Owensboro in addition to its main College Heights campus.", "- Coordinates: 40°52′21″N 73°53′38″W / 40.87250°N 73.89389°W / 40.87250; -73.89389. Lehman College is a senior college of the City University of New York (CUNY) in New York, United States. Founded in 1931 as the Bronx campus of Hunter College, the school became an independent college within CUNY in September 1967.", "Yale University Yale University is an American private Ivy League research university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 in Saybrook Colony as the Collegiate School, the University is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States. The school was renamed Yale College in 1718 in recognition of a gift from Elihu Yale, who was governor of the British East India Company.", "College basketball College basketball. The history of basketball is traced back to a YMCA International Training School, known today as Springfield College, located in Springfield, Massachusetts.", "Morris Brown College Morris Brown College. Morris Brown College (MBC) is a private, coed, liberal arts college located in the Vine City community of Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It is a historically black college affiliated with the African Methodist Episcopal Church.", "Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University (also known informally as Vandy) is a private research university founded in 1873 and located in Nashville, Tennessee. It was named in honor of shipping and rail magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, who provided the school its initial $1 million endowment despite having never been to the South. Vanderbilt hoped that his gift and the greater work of the university would help to heal the sectional wounds inflicted by the Civil War.", "The Board of Education She is a Shaker Heights High School graduate and parent of a current Shaker student and a recent Shaker grad. Ms. Hardaway previously worked in the Trial Department at Tucker Ellis LLP and as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Cuyahoga County.", "Bucknell University Bucknell University is a private liberal arts college located alongside the West Branch Susquehanna River in the town of Lewisburg, in central Pennsylvania, United States. The university consists of the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Management, and the College of Engineering." ]
[ 12.578125 ]
[ 7.55859375, 7.1953125, 8.15625, 9.71875, 8.828125, 7.453125, 6.64453125, 9.25, 7.56640625, 8.2734375, 8.59375, 9.6953125, 9.78125, 7.703125, 9.046875, 7.6796875, 11.1640625, 8.671875, 7.8671875, 7.6171875, 7.3125, 7.765625, 8.6953125, 7.65625, 7.7890625, 7.92578125, 8.1953125, 8.25, 9.6171875, 7.90234375 ]
does a will need to be notarized in massachusetts
[ "Is a Notarized Will Legal in Massachusetts? Notarization. The Massachusetts Probate Code does not make any provisions for a notarization to take the place of two witnesses to the will. A notary may sign the will as a witness, but does not have to notarize the will when she does so.ccording to the Massachusetts Probate Code, in order to make a legal will, you must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind.. In other words, you must be a legal adult and be able to understand what your will does." ]
[ "- When you get your document notarized, you must provide proof of identification or ID. A driver's license or passport is two commonly used forms of ID. The notary will review your ID to make sure you are who you claim to be.", "- How you find out if an attorney recommends that the document be notarized I have no idea. I just know they drilled it into my head when I first became a notary many years ago. Reply by Anne_SoCA on 6/26/05 4:22pm. Msg #47973. TitleGalCa-I know what you mean about the will thing. I looked it up in the handbook and remembered that in training, we were told to just say no to notarizing a will.", "Do Contracts Need to Be Notarized or Witnessed? Notarization can prove that a party who objects to the agreement was indeed the person who signed the contract. Since this would only apply in the case of written contracts, a notarized contract could be especially important in agreements that must be in writing.", "What You Need to Know About Notarized Documents If the notary is not confident that you are the person in question, he or she can refuse to notarize your document – nobody is required to notarize anything. Be sure to bring an unsigned document to the notary (that is, don’t sign it ahead of time).", "Middlesex North Registry of Deeds New: 2018 Massachusetts Deed Indexing Standards New: Foreclosure Process in Massachusetts: Customer Service. If you cannot find what you are looking for on this website, call our Customer Service Department at 978/322-9000, Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or send us an email at any time.", "Buying and selling a home in Massachusetts Legal Requirements for Transaction. Contract Requirements. Agreements for the purchase of real property generally must be in writing and be signed to be enforceable. An offer signed by the buyer that includes all essential terms and which is accepted and signed by the seller can constitute a binding contract.", "Go Back September 5, 2017 A Notary Public’s seal on a document indicates that it has been notarized, but what does that really mean and why is it needed? Certain documents must be notarized. When purchasing a home, transferring a car, providing power of attorney, authorizing consent for a minor to travel abroad, or executing other important transactions, it’s essential that everyone can trust the documents and your signature.", "Documents on the Duchy of Lancaster Contrary to the law and established custom in other states, the expression “to have and to hold” (called the. “habendum clause” of a deed) is not necessary, nor are witnesses or seal required. The deed should be dated, but this too is not necessary to its validity.", "- The notary will. usually know which is required because the document to be notarized will usually have. the indication or the signer may already know. Interestingly enough, the notary is not. allowed to select which act is performed because to do so may place the notary in a. position of illegally practicing law.", "Reasons To Notarize Technically, notary publics notarize signatures, not documents. The law once required notary seals on many types of contracts. Real estate deeds still carry notarized signatures. The American Society of Notaries lists “contracts, deeds, agreements and powers of attorney” as examples of frequently notarized documents.", "Massachusetts laws Massachusetts Notary Public , Massachusetts Notary Public and Legal Support Network This site has more valuable information on notaries in Massachusetts than any other site we've found. Includes duties, oaths, forms, applicable laws and more. Becoming a Notary Public, Mass. Governor", "Frequently Asked Questions Does a contract have to be notarized? No. A notary public is an officer authorized by the state in which the person resides to administer oaths, take acknowledgments, and certify documents. The signature and seal or stamp of a notary public is necessary to attest to the oath of a person making an affidavit.", "- No. Our new notary management system does require you to complete the application. online, but you must still print the final version and submit it to our office with your. original signature and the original signature of the notary who notarizes your application.", "Does a contract have to be notarized? Any private contracts for sales of goods or services do not require a notary signature. In addition, come court papers, such as petitions and motions do not have to be notarized, mainly because the person filing the form is the person who drafted it.", "Notary Legal Terms Dictionary For a document to be notarized, it must contain the following elements: 1 Text committing the signer in some way. 2 An original signature of the signer, not a photocopy (if a signature is required). 3 A notarial certificate, which may appear on the document itself or on an attachment.", "How to become a Massachusetts Notary To become a Massachusetts notary public, a person must meet all of the requirements listed below: Be 18 years of age or older. Reside legally or conduct business on a regular basis within the state of Massachusetts.", "Do Contracts Need to Be Notarized or Witnessed? Like notaries, witnesses aren't generally required in order for a contract to be legally enforceable. However, each state may require special kinds of contracts (e.g., real estate deals, wills, and marriage agreements) to be witnessed by a third party in order to be binding.", "What You Need to Know About Notarized Documents If the notary is not confident that you are the person in question, he or she can refuse to notarize your document – nobody is required to notarize anything. Be sure to bring an unsigned document to the notary (that is, don’t sign it ahead of time). The notary needs to watch you sign in most cases.", "- The notary does not have the responsibility of furnishing two witnesses for the execution of a self-proving will, or any other document. Because the witnesses' signatures are also notarized on a self-proved will, the notary may not serve as one of the witnesses.", "Does a Power of Attorney Require Notarization? State law requirements for signing a valid a power of attorney for health care vary in several ways, but can generally be categorized into four groups: states that require the principal's signature to be notarized; states that do not require a notarized signature, but require one or two witnesses to sign the document; states that give the option of ...", "- Unlike a will, a New York deed does not need to be witnessed. Normally the grantor/seller is the only person who needs to sign the deed. The signature must be an original signature.", "Do Contracts Need to Be Notarized or Witnessed? Just like wills, there is generally no requirement that a contract be notarized in order to be legally binding. However, if a party who signed a business agreement decides to dispute that agreement in court, a notarized contract can help a great deal.", "- How much do notary publics charge in Massachusetts? Under Massachusetts law, notary publics may charge up to $1.50 for a protest relating to the non-payment of a bill in the amount of $500 or less or as much as $2 for protests of bills valued at les... Read More » http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2118291", "- Maine Notary Bond Requirements. In the state of Maine you are not required by law to submit a bond. Complete the application form for becoming a Maine notary public. You can download the form on the website of the Secretary of the State.", "-  Mail your completed Notary application and resume to: Notary Public Office Room 184 State House Boston MA 02133 STEP 2: Complete Your Oath of Office  The Secretary of the Commonwealth will mail your notification of appointment and directions for being sworn and paying the commission fee.", "What is a Notary and Why do we Notarize Documents? In order for a notary public to notarize a document, the person whose signature is being notarized must sign the document in the notary’s presence. The person can’t sign the document ahead of time and then bring it to the notary.aving a document notarized does not necessarily mean the parties signing it understand what it says. However, Marc Aronson, president of the Pennsylvania Association of Notaries, says the responsibilities of a notary should extend beyond merely witnessing a signature.", "Sealing Records In Massachusetts sealing a record can be a complicated process. Massachusetts General Laws allow for two different ways to seal records. Records can sometimes be sealed by making a direct petition to the Commissioner of Probation.", "- A notary must notify the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Office with any changes to the information provided on this application. A notary must provide the following items on each document notarized: 1 The name of the county or independent city in which the document is signed. The date the document is signed.", "How to Notarize a Last Will & Testament If your bank has a notary, it may offer the service free of charge as a courtesy. Traveling notaries will come directly to you for a fee. The cost of having documents notarized varies. For example, in Massachusetts the maximum cost is $1.25 per signature. In California, the standard fee is $10 per signature.", "Does a Power of Attorney Require Notarization? To prepare a valid power of attorney for finances, the requirements of the state where the power of attorney is signed must be followed, including whether it must be notarized. Some states, like Illinois, specify a statutory power of attorney that provides a complete format the power of attorney must follow. Illinois law also requires a witness to sign the power of attorney in addition to requiring the principal's signature be notarized." ]
[ 13.046875 ]
[ 10.015625, 10.2890625, 9.5703125, 9.53125, 9.1796875, 8.6796875, 9.7578125, 8.3203125, 9.9140625, 8.875, 10.859375, 9.75, 8.828125, 9.6328125, 9.5703125, 11.1640625, 9.8359375, 9.453125, 10.578125, 9.375, 8.75, 10.546875, 10.4765625, 8.09375, 10.7421875, 8.640625, 8.671875, 10.765625, 11.890625, 9.1953125 ]
what causes vulvar vestibular papillomatosis
[ "Vestibular papillomatosis Vestibular papillomatosis is a skin condition that occurs on the vulva of a woman.It is characterized by small pink bumps or papules.estibular papillomatosis is a skin condition that occurs on the vulva of a woman." ]
[ "Vestibular papillomatosis Vestibular papillomatosis (VP) is a cutaneous condition of the vulva, characterized by pink, asymptomatic, fine projections of the vestibular epithelium or labia minora.It is the female equivalent to hirsuties coronae glandis.estibular papillomatosis is not transmittable or pathological. HPV will turn white upon a vinegar application test, and Vestibular pallimatosis will not. Additionally, HPV occurs in cauliflower-like clusters at the base whereas Vestibular papillomatosis does not. It cannot be sexually transmitted.", "Vulvar Vestibulitis Home/Health Library/Vulvar Vestibulitis. Vestibulitis is a condition that causes redness and pain of the vestibule. Vestibulitis is an inflammation of this skin and the mucous secreting glands found in the skin. The mucous secreting glands are called the lesser vestibular glands.", "Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) - Cause Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is caused by a problem in the inner ear. Tiny calcium stones inside your inner ear canals help you keep your balance. Normally, when you move a certain way, such as when you stand up or turn your head, these stones move around.", "- Central vestibular disease. 1 Causes of central vestibular disease include: 2 Inflammatory disease. 3 Infection. 4 Trauma. 5 Bleeding in the brain. 6 Loss of blood flow. 7 Cancer.", "Vaginal Bumps HPV can cause bumps on the vagina. Another STD that can produce small bumps on the vagina or surrounding area is human papillomavirus (HPV), the virus that causes genital warts. Typically, warts are found in small clusters, are the same color as the surrounding skin, and grow in patches. They are typically not painful.", "- Peripheral vestibular disease is much more common in cats and is usually of indeterminate cause. Nerve damage, improper ear cleaning, infection, inflammation or reaction to medication can all lead to changes in the vestibular apparatus, which can cause peripheral vestibular disease.eripheral vestibular disease is much more common in cats and is usually of indeterminate cause. Nerve damage, improper ear cleaning, infection, inflammation or reaction to medication can all lead to changes in the vestibular apparatus, which can cause peripheral vestibular disease.", "Genital HPV Infection - Fact Sheet HPV can cause cervical and other cancers including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils (called oropharyngeal cancer).PV is a different virus than HIV and HSV (herpes). HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives. There are many different types of HPV.", "- Genital warts are caused by an infection of the skin of the genital and anal area with the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 100 different types of HPV which can affect different parts of the body, including the hands and feet (a wart on the foot is called a verruca).Approximately 30 types of HPV can live in and around the genital and anal areas but most genital warts are caused by just two types of virus (types 6 and 11).enital warts are caused by an infection of the skin of the genital and anal area with the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 100 different types of HPV which can affect different parts of the body, including the hands and feet (a wart on the foot is called a verruca).", "- Cause [edit]. Plantar warts are benign epithelial tumors generally caused by infection by human papilloma virus types 1, 2, 4, 60, or 63, but have also been caused by types 57, 65, 66, and 156.These types are classified as clinical (visible symptoms).lantar warts are usually self-limiting, but treatment is generally recommended to lessen symptoms (which may include pain), decrease duration, and reduce transmission. Infection occurs in an estimated 7–10% of the US population, and genetics plays an important role in determining susceptibility.", "- There are two main subtypes of vulvodynia, which sometimes co-exist: Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome (aka Provoked Vestibulodynia). As shown in the diagram on the right, vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS) is characterized by pain limited to the vestibule, the area surrounding the opening of the vagina.", "vulvovaginitis Vulvovaginitis is most often caused by a bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection as described above. Other microorganisms may cause vulvovaginitis, or it may be caused by allergic reaction, irritation, injury, low estrogen levels, and certain diseases.ulvovaginitis is most often caused by a bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection as described above. Other microorganisms may cause vulvovaginitis, or it may be caused by allergic reaction, irritation, injury, low estrogen levels, and certain diseases.", "- The human papillomavirus (HPV) strains that are most often the cause of plantar warts are type 1 & 2 HPV. These strains are contagious and are spread from person to person via direct contact with the virus.The HPV that causes plantar warts thrives in warm, moist environments such as shower rooms and summer pool decks.lantar warts. Sometimes painful and very ugly, plantar warts appear as small lesions on the sole of the foot, and occasionally the toes. In their early stages they look like small black puncture marks, but as they grow they turn brown and take on a cauliflower-like appearance.", "- In older dogs, we have to consider a brain tumor as a potential cause of the syndrome. Causes of central vestibular disease (the less common form) include inflammatory disease, infection, trauma or bleeding in the brain, loss of blood flow, and cancer.", "Disorders of the Vulva: Common Causes of Vulvar Pain, Burning, and Itching There are a number of disorders that may affect the vulva. Infections (such as yeast infection) and sexually transmitted infections, such as genital herpes, can cause vulvar signs and symptoms (see FAQ009 “How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections” and FAQ054 “Genital Herpes”).", "Vestibular Disease or âOld Dogâ Syndrome • Congenital defect (present from birth). Peripheral vestibular disease can also be idiopathic, meaning the cause has not been identified. Infection of the middle ear is the most common cause of the disease in younger dogs; in older dogs, brain tumors may be the cause of the disease. Central vestibular disease. Causes of central vestibular disease include: • Inflammatory disease.", "Types of Vestibular Disorders BPPV is a common vestibular disorder that causes vertigo, dizziness, and other symptoms due to debris that has collected within a part of the inner ear. This debris, called otoconia, is made up of small crystals of calcium carbonate (sometimes referred to informally as “ear rocks”).PPV is a common vestibular disorder that causes vertigo, dizziness, and other symptoms due to debris that has collected within a part of the inner ear. This debris, called otoconia, is made up of small crystals of calcium carbonate (sometimes referred to informally as “ear rocks”).", "- Vulvar cancer. HPV can also cause cancer of the vulva, which is the outer or external part of the female genital organs. Nearly 7 out of 10 vulvar cancers and almost all vulvar pre-cancers are linked to infection with the high-risk HPV types. This is a much less common cancer than cervical cancer.", "Causes and Cures for Itchy Vaginal Bumps This HPV transmission can cause genital warts or abnormal cell changes in the cervix and other genital areas that can lead to cancer. While there is no cure for HPV, the good news is the infection often clears on its own.", "Vulvar vestibulitis Common symptoms reported by people with Vulvar Vestibulitis. Reports may be affected by other conditions and/or medication side effects. We ask about general symptoms (anxious mood, depressed mood, insomnia, fatigue, and pain) regardless of condition.", "ENT Disorders Nasal Vestibulitis. Nasal vestibulitis is caused by infection with the bacteria staphylococcus (the same organism that causes strep throat) in the area just inside the nostrils, otherwise known as the nasal vestibule. Typical symptoms are swelling, redness, tenderness, pimples around nasal hairs, or crusting.", "Vulva & vaginal irritation Vulval irritation can be caused by any of the following: 1 sweating. 2 vaginal secretions. 3 skin conditions such as: dermatitis. fungal, bacterial or viral infections such as: candidiasis (thrush) 1 trichomonas. some medications, preservatives and local anaesthetics. tight clothing, pantyhose, G-strings.", "HPV and Cancer Vulvar cancer. HPV can also cause cancer of the vulva, which is the outer or external part of the female genital organs. Nearly 7 out of 10 vulvar cancers and almost all vulvar pre-cancers are linked to infection with the high-risk HPV types. This is a much less common cancer than cervical cancer.hese types are called “high-risk” because they can cause cancer. Doctors worry more about the cell changes and pre-cancers linked to these types, because they are more likely to grow into cancers over time. Common high-risk HPV types include HPV 16 and 18. Infection with HPV is very common.", "Vulvodynia Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment The two major subsets of the condition, dysesthetic vulvodynia and vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (VVS), are quite different. Dysesthetic vulvodynia is characterized by pain that is [spread out] throughout the vulvar region. It can be present in the labia majora and/or labia minora. Sometimes it affects the clitoris, perineum, mons pubis and/or inner thighs.", "Dizziness (Dizzy) 1 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): BPPV may be caused when the crystals in the inner ear become dislodged and irritate the semicircular canals. 2 Often the cause is not found, but there may be an association with unusual positioning or movement of the head.", "About Vulvar Lichen Planus The cause of lichen planus is unknown. It may be the result of an autoimmune problem in which the immune system becomes overactive and causes inflammation. It is not caused by an infection, aging or menopause, diet, hygiene practices or sexual activity.", "Vestibular Disease or âOld Dogâ Syndrome Peripheral vestibular disease can also be idiopathic, meaning the cause has not been identified. Infection of the middle ear is the most common cause of the disease in younger dogs; in older dogs, brain tumors may be the cause of the disease. Central vestibular disease Causes of central vestibular disease include: Inflammatory disease; Infection; Trauma", "Gynecologic Assessment of the Elderly Patient Another cause of vulvar pruritus is Lichen sclerosis. The white lesion of Lichen sclerosis resembles skin change associated with severe estrogen deficiency; appearance is often depicted as cigarette paper or papyrus skin. Atrophy may progress to vaginal stenosis and loss of the labia minora.", "Vestibular papillomatosis The condition is sometimes referred to as squamous papillomatosis. Vestibular papillomatosis (VP) is a cutaneous condition of the vulva, characterized by pink, asymptomatic, fine projections of the vestibular epithelium or labia minora.It is the female equivalent to hirsuties coronae glandis.weet. Vestibular papillomatosis (VP) is a cutaneous condition of the vulva, characterized by pink, asymptomatic, fine projections of the vestibular epithelium or labia minora.", "Overview Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV occurs when calcium crystals in your inner ear — which help control your balance — are dislodged from their normal position and move elsewhere in the inner ear. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo. You might experience a spinning sensation when turning in bed or tilting your head back to look up.", "- The cause of acoustic neuroma is not well understood. For most acoustic neuromas, the cause at the level of the cellular machinery is the failure of a “governor” gene to exert its effect in suppressing the growth of Schwann cells - those cells responsible for coating nerve fibers with insulation." ]
[ 11.7421875 ]
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what does deep-ocean trench mean
[ "- Ocean trenches are steep depressions in the deepest parts of the ocean [where old ocean crust from one tectonic plate is pushed beneath another plate, raising mountains, causing earthquakes, and forming volcanoes on the seafloor and on land." ]
[ "Ocean Trenches Mariana Trench Trenches form in some areas when two oceanic plates converge forming a subduction zone. The Pacific Plate is subducting beneath the Mariana Plate forming Mariana Trench. The Pacific Plate is older and colder than the Mariana Plate.cean Trenches. Introduction. Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms. The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench.", "Oceanic trench Ocean trenches have relatively steep sides falling to the ocean floor. Ocean trenches are typically caused when an oceanic crustal plate slides under a lighter continental plate or another oceanic plate. It is believed to work by density.Where one plate slides under another, this is called subduction.t least five trenches are over 6 miles (10 km) deep. The greatest ocean depth to be sounded is in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench, at a depth of 11,034 m (36,201 ft) below sea level.", "TRENCH Atacama Trench (a depression the floor of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile). Bougainville Trench (a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean between New Guinea and the Solomon Islands). Japan Trench (a depression in the floor of the Pacific Ocean northeast of Japan that reaches depths of 30,000 feet).", "Ocean trenches - Mariana trench Ocean trenches are deep sections of the ocean where an oceanic plate is usually sinking below a continental plate. Some example of ocean trenches Mariana trench", "Ocean Trenches Ocean Trenches. Introduction. Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms. The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench.cean Trenches. Introduction. Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms. The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench.", "- At the same time, some of the oldest ocean crust occurs in deep sea trenches, which run parallel to continental mountain ranges. A lot of very large earthquakes have been plotted along deep ocean trenches, suggesting that these are seismically active areas (meaning the crust is moving).", "ocean trench The Challenger Deep, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, lies deep in the Pacific Ocean near the island of Guam. Only three people have visited the Challenger Deep, the deepest ocean trench in the world: a joint French-American crew (Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh) in 1960 and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence James Cameron in 2012.", "\"What are the differences between \"\"trenches\"\" and \"\"mid-ocean ridges?\"\"?\" A mid-ocean ridge is a volcanic mountain range in the middle of the ocean that is formed by hot magma pushing up under a divergent boundary. Between these mountain ranges is a place on the ocean floor where the lava comes out of the mantle, this is called a rift valley.eport Abuse. A trench is due to the convergence of two oceanic plates. One is subducted under the other and forms a deep trench. A mid-ocean ridge is due to sea floor spreading.", "Into the abyss: Scientists explore one of Earth's deepest ocean trenches The trench, located off New Zealand, is the fifth deepest trench in the world. Its maximum depth is 32,963 feet or 6.24 miles (10,047 meters). It's also one of the coldest trenches due to the inflow of deep waters from Antarctica.he trench, located off New Zealand, is the fifth deepest trench in the world. Its maximum depth is 32,963 feet or 6.24 miles (10,047 meters). It's also one of the coldest trenches due to the inflow of deep waters from Antarctica.", "- Ocean trenches form when one tectonic plate slides underneath another tectonic plate at an area called a subduction zone. Subduction simply is contents can tuck under each other just like one piece of paper can tuck under another, while a tectonic plate is a large portion of the earth's crust.", "Ocean Trenches The Pacific Plate is older and colder than the Mariana Plate. The trench formed by these two oceanic plates is the deepest spot in the world's oceans and includes the Challenger Deep. Oceanic trench begins to subduct. Ocean trenches form when a heavier and flexible oceanic plate begins its decent.", "Translations for mid-ocean ridge Freebase(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Mid-ocean ridge. A mid-ocean ridge is a general term for an underwater mountain system that consists of various mountain ranges, typically having a valley known as a rift running along its spine, formed by plate tectonics.", "Ocean Trenches Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms.The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench.cean Trenches. Introduction. Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms. The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench.", "Deep-sea trench Deep-sea trench. Deep-sea trench, also called oceanic trench , any long, narrow, steep-sided depression in the ocean bottom in which occur the maximum oceanic depths, approximately 7,300 to more than 11,000 metres (24,000 to 36,000 feet). They typically form in locations where one tectonic plate subducts under another.", "The Mariana Trench By Jennifer Kennedy. The Mariana Trench (also called the Marianas Trench) is the deepest part of the ocean. This trench lies in an area where two of the Earth's plates-the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Plate-come together.he Mariana Trench is located in the western Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and about 120 miles east of the Mariana Islands.", "Where is the Deepest Part of the Deep Blue Sea? This is called subduction. At subduction zones, where the downgoing plate bends and dives beneath the overriding plate, we get oceanic trenches. These are the deepest parts of the ocean. The Mariana Trench, located in the western Pacific, is the deepest trench of all. Scientists still know little about the bottom of the ocean, mostly because it is dark and hard to get to (we can't just get down there using SCUBA gear to look around).", "Hadal zone The hadal zone (named after the realm of Hades, the underworld in Greek mythology), also known as the hadopelagic zone and trench zone, is the delineation for the deepest trenches in the ocean. This zone is found from a depth of around 6,000 metres (20,000 ft) to the bottom of the ocean.", "What Is The Definition Of Deep Ocean Trench? The sirena deep, which lies 124 miles (200 kilometers) to the east of challenger is a bruising 35,462 feet deep (10,809 m). Deep sea trench define oceanic at dictionary. By comparison, mount everest stands at 29,026 feet (8,848 m) above sea level, meaning the deepest part of mariana trench is 7,044 (2,147 deeper than tall.", "Mariana Trench The Mariana Trench or Marianas Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Mariana Islands.", "Ocean Trenches The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench. Two oceanic plates converging forminga trench between the plates, USGS. Mariana Trench Trenches form in some areas when two oceanic plates converge forming a subduction zone.", "Ocean Trenches Ocean Trenches. Ocean trenches are natural tectonic plate boundaries between two crustal plates. When a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate a subduction zone forms. The heavier oceanic plate subducts beneath the lighter continental plate forming a trench.", "What feature is formed when oceanic crust converges with continental crust? One of the most prominent features formed is a trench - which is a narrow deep section of ocean. The trench has a gentle slope on the ocean side and a steep slope on the landward side. The trench may be filled with sediment.", "List of submarine topographical features Oceanic trenches, such as the Puerto Rico trench, are long, narrow topographic depressions of the seabed. The deepest parts of the ocean floor, they define one of the most important natural boundaries on the Earth's solid surface: the one between two lithospheric plates.ceanic trenches, such as the Puerto Rico trench, are long, narrow topographic depressions of the seabed. The deepest parts of the ocean floor, they define one of the most important natural boundaries on the Earth's solid surface: the one between two lithospheric plates.", "Oceanic trench Oceanic trench. Oceanic crust is formed at an oceanic ridge, while the lithosphere is subducted back into the asthenosphere at trenches. Oceanic trenches are topographic depressions of the sea floor, relatively narrow in width, but very long. These oceanographic features are the deepest parts of the ocean floor. Oceanic trenches are a distinctive morphological feature of convergent plate boundaries, along which lithospheric plates move towards each other at rates that vary from a few millimeters to over ten centimeters per year. A trench marks the position at which the flexed, subducting slab begins to descend beneath another lit", "- …invariably exists a long, narrow deep-sea trench. The greatest ocean depths are found in these depressions of the seafloor, as in the case of the Mariana and Tonga trenches. Read More", "- on the ocean side of the continental shelf the steep continental slope merges into a more gradual incline known as the abyssal plain deep ocean trench continental rise seamount deep ocean trenches are associated with passive continental marginsn the ocean side of the continental shelf the steep continental slope merges into a more gradual incline known as the abyssal plain deep ocean trench continental rise seamount deep ocean trenches are associated with passive continental margins", "- Deep ocean trenches are associated with subduction zones where an ocean plate descends into the asthenosphere. The Ocean plate is heavier than a Continental plate which ca … uses the Ocean plate to slide beneath the Continental plate. As the Ocean plate descends, a deep ocean trench is formed. Answered.", "Cochise College Student Papers in Geology Many people are not aware of what an oceanic trench is or how it is created. The Puerto Rico Trench is located at the deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean. The hazards posed by the Puerto Rico trench that threaten Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. An interesting geological discovery is, the Puerto Rico Trench. Many people have very little knowledge of an oceanic trench as well as the dangers that can be caused by these trenches that are created beneath the sea.", "Oceanic trench Oceanic trenches typically extend 3 to 4 km (1.9 to 2.5 mi) below the level of the surrounding oceanic floor. The greatest ocean depth to be sounded is in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench, at a depth of 11,034 m (36,201 ft) below sea level. Oceanic lithosphere moves into trenches at a global rate of about 3 km2/yr.", "Oceanic trench Oceanic trench. Oceanic trenches are topographic depressions of the sea floor, relatively narrow in width, but very long. These oceanographic features are the deepest parts of the ocean floor." ]
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a chemical property is a change in what
[ "The difference between property and change (as in physical property and change?) Please Help? Britiani. Chemical change is any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances. At the molecular level, chemical change involves making or breaking of bonds between atoms." ]
[ "The difference between property and change (as in physical property and change?) Please Help? Britiani. Chemical change is any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances. At the molecular level, chemical change involves making or breaking of bonds between atoms. These changes are chemical: Vocabulary. carbohydrate chemical bond chemical property physical property property protein.", "PHYSICAL PROPERTY CHEMICAL PROPERTY PHYSICAL CHANGE CHEMICAL CHANGE. 1. a change in size, shape, or state 1. a change in the physical and. 2. no new substance is formed chemical properties. 2. a new substance is formed. Identify the following as physical (P) or chemical (C) changes. P 1.", "- Chemical Change: A chemical change is a reaction that transforms (changes) a substance into a new substance or substances with different properties. Physical Change: No new su…bstances are made. It is fairly easy to reverse this kind of change. An example would be dissolving salt in water.", "Science A chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that is observed when it undergoes a chemical change. , the substances are altered chemically and display different physical and chemical properties after the change. When a chemical change occurs new substance(s) are formed through a reorganization of the atoms.", "Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Chemical Changes or Reactions: Chemical change results in one or more substances of entirely different composition from the original substances. The elements and/or compounds at the start of the reaction are rearranged into new product compounds or elements. A CHEMICAL CHANGE alters the composition of the original matter. Different elements or compounds are present at the end of the chemical change.", "Definition of a Chemical Change Go back to the kitchen. Try to find two chemical changes that have occurred or will occur. Remember that chemical properties describe the potential for a reaction and change. It's your job as a science detective to put the pieces together and see the possibilities. Here are some examples.", "What Is a Chemical Change? - Properties, Types & Examples Before a discussion of chemical changes can occur, a distinction needs to be made regarding physical changes. Physical changes result from a changing in the physical state of a substance. The physical change can be melting, evaporation, or boiling.", "Chemical Properties of Matter Chemical properties are any of the properties of matter that may only be observed and measured by performing a chemical change or chemical reaction.Chemical properties cannot be determined by touching or viewing a sample; the structure of the sample must be altered for the chemical properties to become apparent.hemical properties are any of the properties of matter that may only be observed and measured by performing a chemical change or chemical reaction.", "What is a chemical property? A chemical property is any characteristic that gives a substance the ability to undergo a change that results in a new substance. Example: Matches are permanently changed and black after they are burned.", "Translations for chemical property Chemical properties can be contrasted with physical properties, which can be discerned without changing the substance's structure.", "Chemical property Best Results From Wikipedia Yahoo Answers Youtube. A chemical property is any of a material's properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction; that is, any quality that can be established only by changing a substance's chemical identity.", "- Chemical change: These are the changes in which chemical properties of substances are changed and new substances are formed . (a) Charring of sugar of heating (b) Burning of paper. 5. Characteristics of physical changes: No new substances are formed.", "- Another textbook I consulted defined chemical property this way: chemical properties describe the way a substance may change or react to form other substances. One example was given: flammability-the ability of a substance to burn in the presence of oxygen.", "CHEMICAL PROPERTY Nouns denoting attributes of people and objects. Hypernyms (chemical property is a kind of...): property (a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of chemical property): volatility (the property of changing readily from a solid or liquid to a vapor)", "What Is a Chemical Change? - Properties, Types & Examples Chemical change - a change which occurs as the result of a chemical reaction Chemical reaction - a process in which the atoms within a substance are rearranged into different combinations Combination reaction - when two or more substances combine together in a chemical reaction to form one or more different substances", "What Is a Chemical Property of Matter? - Definition & Examples Some properties of a substance are not as obvious unless the substance has changed composition as a result of a chemical reaction. A chemical property is the ability of a substance to combine with or change into one or more other substances.", "- Chemical properties are not so obvious. They are determined by how a substance changes. or reacts with other substances to form different compounds. When substances react together to. create new and different substances we call the change a chemical change or chemical. reaction.", "PHYSICAL PROPERTY CHEMICAL PROPERTY CHEMICAL PROPERTY. l. indicates how a substance. reacts with something else. 2. matter will be changed into a new. substance after the reaction. Identify the following as a chemical (C) or physical property (P): l. blue color.", "What Is a Chemical Property of Matter? - Definition & Examples That was probably once a bright and shiny bicycle. However, one of the chemical properties of iron is that is forms rust when exposed to oxygen. This leads to the shiny bicycle turning into a rusty mess and is an example of a chemical change due to chemical properties. The inability of a substance to undergo chemical change is also an example of a chemical property. If you take the shiny new bike from the first example and place it in a room filled with nitrogen and leave it there forever there will be no changes. This is an example of a chemical property of iron as well.", "Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Chemical properties of matter describes its potential to undergo some chemical change or reaction by virtue of its composition. What elements, electrons, and bonding are present to give the potential for chemical change. It is quite difficult to define a chemical property without using the word change.", "- For example, a physical property of water is that …it freezes at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. A chemical property is a characteristic of a pure substance that describes its ability to change into different substances. For example, a chemical property of methane is that it can catch fire and burn in air. Physical properties can be observed or measured without changing the composition of matter.", "Chemical Properties of Matter Chemical properties are any of the properties of matter that may only be observed and measured by performing a chemical change or chemical reaction. Chemical properties cannot be determined by touching or viewing a sample; the structure of the sample must be altered for the chemical properties to become apparent. Examples of Chemical Properties", "Chemical & Physical Changes Chemical and physical changes are related to chemical and physical properties. Chemical Changes. Chemical changes take place on the molecular level. A chemical change produces a new substance. Another way to think of it is that a chemical change accompanies a chemical reaction. Examples of chemical changes include combustion (burning), cooking an egg, rusting of an iron pan, and mixing hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to make salt and water.", "Definition of a Chemical Change Go back to the kitchen. Try to find two chemical changes that have occurred or will occur. Remember that chemical properties describe the potential for a reaction and change. It's your job as a science detective to put the pieces together and see the possibilities.", "What Is a Chemical Property of Matter? - Definition & Examples Some properties of a substance are not as obvious, unless the substance has changed composition as a result of a chemical reaction. A chemical property is the ability of a substance to combine with or change into one or more other substances.", "- A physical property is one that can be changed without altering the chemical formula of the substance, e.g., gas to liquid. A chemical property is one that is unique to th…at substance and altering it will change that substance chemically, e.g. density or molar mass.", "Difference Between Physical and Chemical Properties A chemical property and a physical property are related to chemical and physical changes of matter. Answer: A physical property is an aspect of matter that can be observed or measured without changing it. Examples of physical properties include color, molecular weight and volume.", "What determines the chemical properties of an element? Chemical properties are characteristics of a material that become evident when the material undergoes a chemical reaction or chemical change. People cannot observe chemical properties by simply viewing or touching a sample of the material; the actual structure of the material must be changed in order for people to observe the chemical properties.", "Translations for chemical property Chemical property. A chemical property is any of a material's properties that becomes evident during a chemical reaction; that is, any quality that can be established only by changing a substance's chemical identity.hemical properties can be used for building chemical classifications. They can also be useful to identify an unknown substance or to separate or purify it from other substances. Materials science will normally consider the chemical properties of a substance to guide its applications.", "- Chemical properties describe how a substance changes into a new substance. For example, you know from previous experience that wood has the ability to burn, therefore since wood changes chemically when it burns, one of its chemical properties is its ability to burn." ]
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how long does it take to become a neurologist
[ "Neurologist It typically takes about 12 years to become a neurologist. 4 years are spent as an undergraduate working toward a bachelor's degree, and then another 4 years are spent in medical school. After medical school, graduates will then undertake a one year internship, followed by a 3 year residency program." ]
[ "How Do I Become A Pediatric Neurologist? To become a pediatric neurologist, you will need to complete a total of eleven years of education. If you are able to obtain college credit during high school, then you may be able to shave some time off of this figure. You will need to obtain a four-year degree from a college in order to attend medical school.Your four-year degree should have a focus in neurology, psychology or anatomy. You may want to pursue a pre-med degree in order to get a basic understanding of all areas of science prior to medical school.ou will need to obtain a four-year degree from a college in order to attend medical school. Your four-year degree should have a focus in neurology, psychology or anatomy. You may want to pursue a pre-med degree in order to get a basic understanding of all areas of science prior to medical school.", "- To become a neuroradiologist, a medical degree is required. In the United States, this is obtained by successfully completing four years of undergraduate studies and four years of medical school.", "How much does a neuropsychologist make? It depends on the student and the University you attend. Your undergraduate can take anywhere from 2-5 years to complete. Also some schools have a combined Masters and PhD pro … gram which ranges from 3-5 years to complete.", "Ophthalmology The requirements to become an ophthalmologist in the United States are the completion of four years of college, four years of medical school, and four to five years of additional specialized training.euro-ophthalmology deals with the eye as it relates to neurological disease. It is a complex and intricate subspecialty that requires knowledge of the visual pathways, eye-movement patterns, optic nerve disease, and systemic neurological diseases with visual manifestations [one year fellowship].", "Become a Neurologist: Step-by-Step Career Guide Step 2: Complete a Medical School Program. Aspiring neurologists are required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree by attending medical school. Most medical school programs last four years, with the first two years typically covering the basics of human anatomy and physiology.Courses may also delve into nutrition, immunology and ethics.ecome a Neurologist: Step-by-Step Career Guide. Learn how to become a neurologist. Research the education requirements, training and licensure information, and experience required for starting a career in neurology.", "Is the Training of a Psychiatrist More Like That of a Neurologist or a Psychologist? Once a medical student decides on a field of interest, he or she applies to residency training programs in that field. Residency training varies in length depending on the specialty. For example, family medicine training is 3 years. Both psychiatry and neurology training programs are 4 years. The first year of psychiatry residency includes at least 4 months of clinical training in either internal medicine and/or pediatrics and at least 2 months of neurology training.", "- The path to becoming a neurosurgeon is not for the faint of heart. It’s a highly specialized field that requires an exceptional level of skill, intelligence and mental focus. In the U.S., it takes approximately 15-17 years to become a neurosurgeon.", "- the average salary for a neurologist in the united states is pegged at $ 178000 year with the higher end of the range shooting up to $ 345000 yearaccording to one survey th e annual rate of a neurologist s salary ranges from $ 152100 year to $ 220890 yearhe average salary for a neurologist in the united states is pegged at $ 178000 year with the higher end of the range shooting up to $ 345000 year", "Neurologist The process to become a neurologist is lengthy. First, one must complete a bachelor's degree. Before graduating with their bachelor's degree, students will need to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and apply to medical school.", "How to Become a Neurologist? There is a long education and training process involved in becoming a neurologist. Neurology involves the study of a person’s nervous system; this could include problems with either the brain or the spinal cord as well as peripheral nerves. Step 1: Get a bachelor’s degree.tep 4: Internship. Neurologists start their training on a one year internship program, either focussing on surgery or internal medicine. More advanced hands on experience is gained as the candidate has to work on rotation throughout different departments. Step 5: Residency.", "Neurologist It typically takes about 12 years to become a neurologist. 4 years are spent as an undergraduate working toward a bachelor's degree, and then another 4 years are spent in medical school.", "Become a Neurologist: Step-by-Step Career Guide Step 2: Complete a Medical School Program. Aspiring neurologists are required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree by attending medical school. Most medical school programs last four years, with the first two years typically covering the basics of human anatomy and physiology.Courses may also delve into nutrition, immunology and ethics.earn how to become a neurologist. Research the education requirements, training and licensure information, and experience required for starting a career in neurology. View 10 Popular Schools ».", "- Application Deadline: October 1. Funded by the American Academy of Neurology. Provides $75,000 over two years. The award is designed for basic and translational research proposals in neurology, and eligible applicants will have completed residency or a PhD no more than five years prior to the beginning of the award.", "How much money does a neurosurgeon make? Most of the kids asking this don't realize it takes 18 years of college and training to become a neurosurgeon - 4 years for a bachelors ( any major and the 12 premed classes , very high college GPA , great MCAT scores and experience and letters ) , 4 years of med school ( if you get in - most applicants don't ) again needing to be at the top of your ...", "- Expect to spend a long time training to become a neurosurgeon. Besides a four-year college degree, neurological surgeons must attend four years of medical school, spend a year as an intern and then another five to seven years training as a resident.The first year of the residency is spent in general surgery.xperience. Experience makes a big difference in neurosurgeons' salaries. A survey conducted in 2011 by Profiles found a median starting salary of $395,000 for neurological surgeons. After six years in practice, the average salary grew to $589,500.", "Become a Neurologist: Step-by-Step Career Guide Earning a bachelor's degree is the first step toward becoming a neurologist. There is no specific major required for undergraduate study; however, aspiring neurologists may benefit from concentrating their studies in biological sciences, chemistry, physics or pre-med to meet admission requirements for medical school.spiring neurologists are required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree by attending medical school. Most medical school programs last four years, with the first two years typically covering the basics of human anatomy and physiology. Courses may also delve into nutrition, immunology and ethics.", "How many years total does it take to become a brain surgeon? Report Abuse. I'd say anywhere from 14-18 years, depending on your course of action. So, 4 years for a premed degree, 4 years in med school, 6 years of residency in neurosurgery, another 2 years for advanced study, then give or take a couple of years for test-taking and job searching.- Ask yourself whether you have what it takes to do the job before you commit to decades of training.'d say anywhere from 14-18 years, depending on your course of action. So, 4 years for a premed degree, 4 years in med school, 6 years of residency in neurosurgery, another 2 years for advanced study, then give or take a couple of years for test-taking and job searching.", "How much schooling do i need to become a neurologist? and how much does entry level make? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: A neurologist is a physician specialty. You need a 4 year degree (can be anything but bio or chem will help you more in medical school). Then, you take the MCAT, apply to medical school, and hopefully get in. neurologist is a doctor, so they have to go through 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and 4 years as a resident. Princess · 6 years ago. Thumbs up. 0.", "Years of Education to Become a Neurologist Fellowship — One to Eight Years. A fellowship is not mandatory to become a neurologist, but fellowships offer additional training in a neurology sub-specialty and the opportunity to work with research teams. Most fellowships last between one and two years, but some can last for as many as eight years.eurologists treat a variety of problems, including spinal cord injuries and diseases such as epilepsy. If you want to become a neurologist, be prepared to complete an extensive education.", "Educational Requirements for Being a Neurologist Medical School. Attending medical school is the first step of specialized medical training to become a neurologist. On average, medical school takes four years to complete, with the first two focusing on coursework and the last two spanning rotations through medical specialties.n undergraduate degree, especially one with a scientific focus, will prepare a potential neurologist for admission medical school. A pre-med undergraduate will spend about four years at university, depending on the requirements of the individual school and the student's course load.", "Neurologist Training and Education. It takes at least 12 years to become a neurologist. After four years of undergraduate and four years of medical school, aspiring neurologists typically complete a one-year internship and at least three years of specialty training in an accredited neurology residency program.", "Become a Neurologist: Step-by-Step Career Guide Step 2: Complete a Medical School Program. Aspiring neurologists are required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree by attending medical school. Most medical school programs last four years, with the first two years typically covering the basics of human anatomy and physiology.Courses may also delve into nutrition, immunology and ethics.spiring neurologists are required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree by attending medical school. Most medical school programs last four years, with the first two years typically covering the basics of human anatomy and physiology. Courses may also delve into nutrition, immunology and ethics.", "- To become a neuroradiologist, plan on at least 13 years of education after high school. According to the American Society for Neuroradiology, that breaks down to four years of college, four years of medical school, a one-year internship, and four years of residency in radiology.", "- I'm here today to talk about how to become a neurologist. A neurologist is a physician who specializes in the brain. To become a physician, you must first go to college, completing a four year degree at a college or university, typically majoring in a science discipline such as biology.ecoming a neurologist requires a bachelor's degree in a science discipline, four years of medical school and a residency in neurology. Consider becoming a neurologist with tips from a practice administrator in this free video on career information. Part of the Video Series: Medical Careers. 1 How to Become a Neurologist.", "Did you know? Neurologists treat more than headaches and pain Neurologists have had a minimum of three year’s specialty training following college, medical school and internship. Our neurologists are either board certified or in the process of becoming certified (they have passed the necessary examinations to practice the specialty of neurology).", "What Should I Major in as an Undergraduate to Become a Neurosurgeon? Becoming a neurosurgeon begins with a four-year bachelor's degree, four years of medical school, one year of internship and six to eight years of residency.There is no specific bachelor’s degree for neurosurgery, but a science degree that focuses on the study of the human body provides the needed credit hours.ecoming a neurosurgeon begins with a four-year bachelor's degree, four years of medical school, one year of internship and six to eight years of residency.", "Neurosurgery In most countries, neurosurgeon training requires a minimum period of seven years after graduating from medical school. [citation needed] United States. In the United States, a neurosurgeon must generally complete four years of undergraduate education, four years of medical school, and seven years of residency (PGY-1-7).", "Become a Neurologist: Step-by-Step Career Guide Earning a bachelor's degree is the first step toward becoming a neurologist. There is no specific major required for undergraduate study; however, aspiring neurologists may benefit from concentrating their studies in biological sciences, chemistry, physics or pre-med to meet admission requirements for medical school.spiring neurologists are required to earn a Doctor of Medicine degree by attending medical school. Most medical school programs last four years, with the first two years typically covering the basics of human anatomy and physiology.", "How do I Become a Neuroradiologist? Similar experiential requirements are imposed in other countries as well. To become a neuroradiologist, a medical degree is required. In the United States, this is obtained by successfully completing four years of undergraduate studies and four years of medical school.hile the requirements to become a neuroradiologist vary among and even sometimes within countries, a career in neuroradiology typically requires many years of study, including a bachelor's degree and a medical degree.", "How to Become a Neurosurgeon The nervous system carries messages to and from the brain and body. If you are interested in becoming a brain surgeon, you will need to develop some skill sets, prepare for and attend medical school, plus do six to eight years of residency to practice as a neurosurgeon." ]
[ 13.625 ]
[ 11.5625, 11.1328125, 11.0390625, 9.296875, 11.5390625, 11.3125, 11.7734375, 10.265625, 11.7734375, 11.2109375, 13.515625, 11.5859375, 10.7890625, 11.0703125, 10.125, 11.203125, 10.265625, 11.5234375, 11.7109375, 11.8359375, 13.4140625, 11.3671875, 11.5546875, 12.15625, 12.1953125, 9.8359375, 11.40625, 11.3515625, 9.765625, 11.2265625 ]
what hotel replaced the sands
[ "Sands Hotel and Casino Sands Hotel and Casino in 1959. The Sands Hotel and Casino was a historic hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, United States, that operated from 1952 to 1996. Designed by the architect Wayne McAllister, with a prominent 56-foot (17 m) high sign, the Sands was the seventh resort to open on the Strip." ]
[ "- Sandpearl Resort is a 253-room luxury hotel located directly on the white sands of Clearwater Beach, and is popular with families, couples, and corporate meeting groups. The waterfront restaurant, Carretta on the Gulf, is the area's only four-diamond restaurant, and guests rave about the food.", "- Ground breaking held for 3,000-room Planet Hollywood Hotel Casino adjacent to The Desert Inn at Sands Avenue and the Las Vegas Strip. Construction on the joint venture between ITT Corp. and Planet Hollywood was never started.", "Which hotel is closest to the Sands Convention Center? The Sands Convention Center is located behind and adjacent to the Venetian Hotel and is the home for several large conventions. Here are some hotels within a reasonable walking distance from the Convention Center.", "Sheraton Hotels and Resorts In April 1995, Sheraton introduced a new, mid-scale hotel brand Four Points by Sheraton Hotels, to replace the designation of certain hotels as Sheraton Inns. In 1998, Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. acquired ITT Sheraton, outbidding Hilton. Under Starwood's leadership, Sheraton has begun renovating many existing hotels and expanding the brand's footprint.", "Bellagio Las Vegas Hotel Review 2018 Bellagio Las Vegas Hotel Review 2017. Bellagio is a luxury resort, hotel and casino located on the strip that popped up in the late 1990s after the Dunes hotel and casino was closed and demolished. Inspired by an Italian town of the same name, Bellagio is owned by MGM Grand and is considered up there among the leading hotels in the world.", "Sands Hotel and Casino The Sands Hotel and Casino was a historic hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, United States, that operated from 1952 to 1996. Designed by the architect Wayne McAllister, with a prominent 56-foot (17 m) high sign, the Sands was the seventh resort to open on the Strip.", "- The Outlets at Sands Bethlehem connects the casino and the hotel. The outlet center is located under the Minsi Trail Bridge. The mall has 133,000 sq ft (12,400 m 2) of retail space. The Outlets at Sands Bethlehem opened on November 1, 2011.", "i4 palmsprings ® Welcome to the Ballantines Original Hotel in the great city of Palm Springs, California. A 3.0 star property, Ballantines Original Hotel has 13 rooms and is conveniently located for business or pleasure at 1420 North Indian Canyon.", "- The LINQ Hotel And Casino. Located .5 miles from Sands Expo & Convention Center. More Hotel Information and Book Reservations. Map the Distance Between The LINQ Hotel And Casino and Sands Expo & Convention Center. Starting Rate: $230 Priced recently for Jan 16 - Jan 22, 2016.", "SLS Las Vegas The hotel is the site of the SLS station, the northernmost stop for the Las Vegas Monorail. The SLS anchored the northern end of the Las Vegas Strip. The renovated property reopened on August 23, 2014, after a $415 million renovation as part of SBE's chain of SLS hotels.", "âTime share horrorâReview of Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands Time share horror - Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands. “Time share horror”. Review of Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands. Stayed at this hotel for a week early Feb know it was a time share. I expected the best of everything being a FIVE STAR HOTEL ?. Well I was very disappointed with overall standard of this hotel fitting were worn, towels very thin, and in short supply.", "Review Summary The 438-room upscale Dreams Sands Cancun Resort & Spa is an all-inclusive resort that's on the smaller side for Cancun, with just two pools, though the pristinely maintained white-sand beach with calm, shallow waters is a highlight when compared to many of the public beaches where seaweed runs rampant along the sands.", "Atlantic City Hotels on the Boardwalk Choose from the Tropicana, Caesars, Bally's, Resorts, and the Taj Mahal, are the casino options and the FantasSea Resorts Flagship, La Renaissance Suites, Atlantic Palace Suites and the Chelsea Atlantic City are also on the boardwalk in Atlantic City.", "Baymont Inn & Suites The name was changed to Baymont Inn in early 1999. In July 2004, Marcus Corporation sold the Baymont chain to the La Quinta Corporation, the Dallas, TX parent of La Quinta Inns and La Quinta Inns & Suites.", "- Some of the Hotels on the Strip in Las Vegas are the Flamingo, the Luxor, MGM Grand, Venetian, Excalibur, Caesar's Palace and the Belligio. There are more hotels also located …on the strip to make your trip extra special.", "Welcome to White Sands Negril Negril hotels vary greatly with respect to style and price. White Sands Negril is the most unique hotel beach resort in Jamaica, offering true Jamaican charm and ambiance. Owned and operated by the same family for 30 years, White Sands is the Negril hotel of. choice for those who desire simple and clean beach accommodations at an affordable price.", "Flamingo Las Vegas Flamingo Las Vegas is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. It is owned and operated by Caesars Entertainment Corporation. The property includes a 72,299-square-foot casino along with 3,626 hotel rooms. The 15-acre site's architectural theme is reminiscent of the Art Deco and Streamline Moderne style of Miami and South Beach. Staying true to its theme, the hotel includes a garden courtyard which serves as a wildlife habitat for flamingos. The hotel was the third", "Sands Hotel and Casino Entratter replaced Freedman as the president of the Sands Hotel following his death from heart surgery on January 20, 1958. Freedman's last wife Sadie subsequently lived in a suite in the Belmont Park wing into the mid 1960s until her death.", "- We have just spent 10 days at Dreams Sands Cancun! The staff in this hotel are so efficient and pleasant at all times. The food was of a high quality and the number of restaurants offer a great variety.", "- Certified Sommelier/Server at The Venetian I The Palazzo, Resort Hotel &amp; Casino I Las Vegas Sands Corp. Front Server at Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, Restaurant Server at Viceroy Miami, Server/Sommelier at Grimpa Steakhouse, Restaurant Server...", "Sands Hotel and Casino The next year, MGM sold it for $110 million to Las Vegas Sands, a new company formed by the owners of The Interface Group, including Sheldon Adelson, Richard Katzeff, Ted Cutler, Irwin Chafetz and Jordan Shapiro. The same year, it was licensed by the Nevada Gaming Commission, and Adelson became a casino magnate.", "- TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Booking.com, Rezidor, Expedia, Hotels.com, Hotwire, Travelocity, Priceline, Evoline ltd, TripOnline SA, Cancelon, Cheap Tickets, Hotel.de, getaroom.com and HotelQuickly so you can book your Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Malta Golden Sands reservations with confidence.", "The old Dunes Hotel Jun 27, 2007, 5:24 PM. I talked with Beverly McKay from the Dunes and was told this hotel would open in the Spring of this year under Holiday Inn Express.", "Tropicana Las Vegas Tropicana Las Vegas is a hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. It is owned and operated by Penn National Gaming and is a franchise of Hilton's DoubleTree chain. It offers 1,467 rooms and a 50,000-square-foot (4,600 m2) gaming floor. Tropicana Las Vegas also has 72,000 sq ft (6,700 m2) of convention and exhibit space.", "Who owns the Plaza Hotel in NYC? The Plaza Hotel in New York City is jointly owned by Sahara Group and Kingdom Holdings, a Saudia Arabia based corporation. It has been managed by Fairmont Hotels & Resorts since 1999.", "Sandals Dunns River The views are opened up so you can see more of the sea, the rooms are lightened up as the old rooms were very dark. The pool concierge goes around and passes drinks, fruit, rose water spritz, etc. The menus are imaginative. A lot of the staff are the same but seem happier and excited to be there. It seems refreshed.", "Sands Hotel and Casino Happy birthday Betty. Here she is at the Las Vegas Sands on her wedding day with her new hubby Alan Ludden on June 14, 1963. White was asked by Larry King, after Ludden died in 1981, why she hadn't remarried.", "- Expo has seen better days when it was at the Sands Expo Center. The venue had A LOT to do with what was wrong with the expo. I went in 07 when it was the Sands, and sadly, I was not on yelp then because it would have gotten 5 stars. So the new layout is somewhat confusing. Its not in one giant showroom.", "- Stardust Las Vegas, Official Site! The Stardust closed November 1, 2006! The Stardust will be replaced by the new $4 billion Echelon Place. The new Echelon Las Vegas replacing the Stardust Hotel Casino will be one of the largest on Las Vegas Strip! Stardust Las Vegas, 3000 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, Nevada.", "MGM Grand Las Vegas For the first casino hotel with that name, see Bally's Las Vegas. The MGM Grand Las Vegas (formerly Marina and MGM-Marina) is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. The MGM Grand is the largest single hotel in the United States with 5,124 rooms. It is also the third-largest hotel complex in the world by number of rooms and second-largest hotel resort complex in the United States behind the combined The Venetian and The Palazzo." ]
[ 11.609375 ]
[ 9.8046875, 11.34375, 11.65625, 8.6328125, 8.234375, 11.7265625, 10.0703125, 8.53125, 10.3515625, 9.625, 8.4609375, 10.2578125, 8.84375, 7.22265625, 9.40625, 10.03125, 7.89453125, 12.453125, 10.1328125, 9.5234375, 11.1171875, 9.6328125, 9.703125, 8.734375, 7.8359375, 7.46875, 9.6640625, 9.0546875, 10.296875, 8.59375 ]
meaning for whirls
[ "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Whirl (verb) to turn round rapidly; to cause to rotate with velocity; to make to revolve. Whirl (verb) to remove or carry quickly with, or as with, a revolving motion; to snatch; to harry. Whirl (verb)" ]
[ "- vortexes, vortices. Etymology: L, whirl. a whirlpool effect produced by the whirling of a more or less cylindric mass of fluid (liquid or gas). The velocity of the motion increases as the radius of the circle described by the motion decreases; the velocity decreases as the radius increases.ortexes, vortices. Etymology: L, whirl. a whirlpool effect produced by the whirling of a more or less cylindric mass of fluid (liquid or gas). The velocity of the motion increases as the radius of the circle described by the motion decreases; the velocity decreases as the radius increases.", "Definition of 'spiral' Translations for 'spiral'. British English: spiral NOUN. A spiral is a shape which winds round and round, with each curve above or outside the previous one.The maze is actually two interlocking spirals.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet (2.50 / 6 votes) Rate this definition: churning, churned-up (adj) moving with or producing or produced by vigorous agitation winds whipped the piled leaves into churning masses; a car stuck in the churned-up mud churning, roiling, roiled, roily, turbulent (adj) (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence", "- Roils definition, to render (water, wine, etc.) turbid by stirring up sediment. See more.", "Definitions &Translations What does roiling mean? Definitions for roiling Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word roiling. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: churning, roiling, roiled, roily, turbulent (adj) (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence the river's roiling current; turbulent rapids", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Swivel. A swivel is a connection that allows the connected object, such as a gun or chair, to rotate horizontally and/or vertically. A common design for a swivel is a cylindrical rod that can turn freely within a support structure.", "- Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Whiz (verb) to make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or whistling sound. Whiz (noun) a hissing and humming sound. Origin: [Of imitative origin. . Cf. Whistle, and Hiss.]", "Flurry Meaning The name Flurry is of English origin. The meaning of Flurry is snow squall. Flurry is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Flu-rry.", "WHIRLPOOL 1. a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides) Familiarity information: WHIRLPOOL used as a noun is very rare. • WHIRLPOOL (verb) The verb WHIRLPOOL has 1 sense: 1. flow in a circular current, of liquids. Familiarity information: WHIRLPOOL used as a verb is very rare.", "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 axial rotation, axial motion, roll(noun) rotary motion of an object around its own axis. 2 roll, roster(noun) a list of names. 3 roller, roll, rolling wave(noun) a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore.", "\"In your own words, what does the word \"\"blustery\"\" (in English) mean?\" Blustery is windy, especially a cold wind, as in a blustery day. Think of blustery as blasts of wind. If a person is being blustery, he is like a whirlwind. A person who talks big but can't back up his words is blustery, especially if he talks in blasts, or in bursts of excitement.atch Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day: Pooh sings, Oh the wind is lashing lustily, and the trees are thrashing thrustily That's pretty much what it means. Source(s): I have a lot of younger siblings and nieces/nephews.", "- 1 AELLAE: Latin form of Greek Aellai, meaning whirlwinds.. 2 AELLAI (αελλαι): Variant form of Greek Aello, aellô meaning.. 3 WHIRLWINDS (AELLO): Aellô ἀελλώ greek name meaning; storm.. 4 Wind Whirlwind in, greek mythology this is the name Of an amazon warrior who was Killed. 5 By herakles she was known for wielding-a. double axeNDROMEDA: Latin form of Greek Andromēde, meaning thinks like a man/warrior.. In mythology, this is the name of the daughter of Cassiopeia who was to be sacrificed to the sea monster Medusa but was rescued by Perseus. Andromeda was said to be an Ethiopian princess.", "- n. 1. A violent or turbulent situation: caught in the maelstrom of war. 2. A whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence.", "Severe Storm Definitions & Whirlwind Classification Major whirlwinds: funnel clouds, tornadoes and waterspouts. A major whirlwind may be defined as a helical rotation which is joined to a cumulonimbus cloud, or a towering or fast-growing cumulus cloud - and hence is associated with unsettled weather.", "- Whirlpool definition: A whirlpool is a small area in a river or the sea where the water is moving quickly round... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | COBUILD Grammar Patterns | Scrabble | Blog", "Speed wobble Speed wobble. Wobble, shimmy, tank-slapper, speed wobble, and even death wobble are all words and phrases used to describe a quick (4–10 Hz) oscillation of primarily just the steerable wheel(s) of a vehicle.obble or shimmy begins when some otherwise minor irregularity accelerates the wheel to one side. The restoring force is applied in phase with the progress of the irregularity, and the wheel turns to the other side where the process is repeated.", "- verb (used without object) 1. to wave, flap, or toss about: Banners fluttered in the breeze. 2. to flap the wings rapidly; fly with flapping movements. 3. to move in quick, irregular motions; vibrate.", "vortices A spiral motion of fluid within a limited area, especially a whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center. vortex. Plural vortexes or vortices (vôr'tĭ-sēz') A circular, spiral, or helical motion in a fluid (such as a gas) or the fluid in such a motion. A vortex often forms around areas of low pressure and attracts the fluid (and the objects moving within it) toward its center. Tornados are examples of vortexes; vortexes that form around flying objects are a source of turbulence and drag.", "\"Study sets matching \"\"term:tornadoes = funnel shaped clouds of whirling wind\"\"\" Tornadoes :a violent destructive whirling wind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud that progresses in a narrow path over the land A cloud spreading out and extending to… A rounded mass of cumulonimbus cloud.", "whirlwind 1. a relatively small mass of air, as a tornado, rotating rapidly and advancing over land or sea. 2. something resembling a whirlwind, as in destructive force. 3. any circling rush or violent onward course.", "whirl- definition and synonyms This is the British English definition of whirl. View American English definition of whirl. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for whirl.", "- to wave, flap, or toss about: Banners fluttered in the breeze. to flap the wings rapidly; fly with flapping movements. to move in quick, irregular motions; vibrate. to beat rapidly, as the heart. to be tremulous or agitated. to go with irregular motions or aimless course: to flutter back and forth.", "rave 1. to utter (something) in a wild or incoherent manner, as when mad or delirious. 2. (intr) to speak in an angry uncontrolled manner. 3. (intr) (of the sea, wind, etc) to rage or roar. 4. (intr; foll by over or about) informal to write or speak (about) with great enthusiasm.", "- Flailing. 1) To begin a, sometimes random and usually pointless task/project, with the full determination and intensity of perfection and completion. When high on crystal meth. 1a) He was flailing with duct-tape and made a pouch to hold Q-Tips in. 1b) I spent all night flailing on the computer coming up with these definitions. (Hardly pointless). 2) John was flailing for 5 hours making something to hold up a book while he typed, even though he has a book holder.", "- waffle (third-person singular simple present waffles, present participle waffling, simple past and past participle waffled) ( 1 of birds) To move in a side-to-side motion and descend (lose altitude) before landing. Cf wiffle, whiffle. 2 To speak or write vaguely and evasively.", "alliteration Wind whipping wildly is an example of alliteration. noun. The definition of alliteration is a grammatical term meaning two or more words in a row starting with the same sounds. An example of alliteration is to write, “...winds whipping wildly.”. repetition of an initial sound, usually of a consonant or cluster, in two or more words of a phrase, line of poetry, etc. (Ex.: “What a tale of terror now their turbulency tells!”)", "- Word by Word Definitions. whimplay. : a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : fancy. : a large capstan that is made with one or more radiating arms to which a horse may be yoked and that is used in mines for raising ore or water.", "whirl- definition and synonyms [intransitive] if your mind, thoughts, or feelings whirl, you feel very confused or upset His mind was still whirling with the music and the lights. Synonyms and related words", "- (Of something rapidly rotating or moving to and fro) make a low, continuous, regular sound: the ceiling fans whirred in the smoky air. More example sentences. 1 This sound was the generator whirring to life once again. 2 The sounds of machines whirring and bells ringing could be heard as far away as a city block.", "vortex 1. A whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center. 2. A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it, and hence being inescapable or destructive: a vortex of political infighting; a vortex of despair." ]
[ 11.703125 ]
[ 8.546875, 8.390625, 7.87109375, 8.890625, 7.859375, 8.0703125, 8.109375, 8.7421875, 10.0234375, 9.28125, 7.04296875, 8.8515625, 9.25, 9.6953125, 9.78125, 6.734375, 9.0859375, 8.515625, 8.484375, 10.296875, 10.7734375, 8.609375, 8.984375, 8.3203125, 7.87109375, 7.1484375, 7.94140625, 10.3359375, 10.65625, 9.40625 ]
what is an accessory organ of the digestive system?
[ "- The accessory organs of digestion include the salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. salivary glands, teeth, and tongue. The pancreas makes digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further. The gallbladder stores bile (which is made in the liver), the bile helps to digest fats." ]
[ "Digestive System of a Frog The digestive system of rat consists of a digestive tract and the accessory organs which help to process the food consumed into nutrients. Then the nutrients can be easily … absorbed and then utilized by the cells of the body.", "The Digestive System (Structure and Function) (Nursing) Part 3 • Storage of minerals. Table 26-3 outlines the accessory organs of the digestive system and their selected functions. The main digestive function of the liver is the production of bile. Bile aids in fat digestion and absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins from the small intestine.", "Anatomy of the Digestive System Anatomy of the Digestive System. The organs of the digestive tract include the oral cavity (mouth), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The accessory digestive organs include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Oral Cavity.", "How do the accessory organs aid digestion? The accessory organs of digestion include the salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder The pancreas makes digestive jucies called enzymes which help to digest food fu…rther. The gall-bladder stores bile (which is made in the liver), the bile helps to digest fatty acids.", "Overview of the Digestive System The digestive system includes the organs of the alimentary canal and accessory structures. The alimentary canal forms a continuous tube that is open to the outside environment at both ends. The organs of the alimentary canal are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.The accessory digestive structures include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.he first group is the organs that make up the alimentary canal. Accessory digestive organs comprise the second group and are critical for orchestrating the breakdown of food and the assimilation of its nutrients into the body.", "Accessory Organs of Digestion The alimentary canal or the human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and the intestines. Strictly speaking, the digestive system essentially is made up of these two tubular structures. However, human digestion cannot be completed in these two structures. accessory organs of digestion.", "Histology of the Accessory Digestive Organs The first set of accessory digestive organs to be encountered is the salivary glands. The three major salivary glands to be discussed are the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands. Apart from the gross anatomical differences of size, parasympathetic innervation and arterial blood supply, the glands share several histological similarities.", "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? GI tract include the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The accessory digestive organs are the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, ga…llbladder and pancreas. 2 people found this useful.", "- The digestive system consists of the digestive tract and accessory digestive organs. The digestive tract is also called the alimentary (relating to nourishment) tract or the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, although the term gastrointestinal technically refers to only the stomach and the intestines.", "Overview of the Digestive System The digestive system includes the organs of the alimentary canal and accessory structures. The alimentary canal forms a continuous tube that is open to the outside environment at both ends. The organs of the alimentary canal are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.", "- The accessory organs of the digestive system do not have food pass through them, but they are very important to the process of digestion. Often these organs are glands that secrete enzymes or other digestive juices through a tube or duct to one of the organs of the alimentary canal.", "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? Confidence votes 368. The accessory organs of digestion include the salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. salivary glands, teeth, and tongue. The pancreas makes digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further. The gallbladder stores bile (which is made in the liver), the bile helps to digest fats.", "Human digestive system Human digestive system. The human digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). In this system, the process of digestion has many stages, the first of which starts in the mouth.", "THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM the digestive system. organs of the alimentary canal includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine and anal canal. major accessory structures, including the salivary glands, the pancreas, and the liver, add secretions to the digestive system.   .", "- Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine! Also, the liver, spleen, pancreas, gal bladder, rectum and anus are all also a part of the digestive tract.3 people found this useful. Edit.ther organs in the alimentary canal include the small and large intestines, as well as the oesophagus … . Accessory organs include the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. 2 people found this useful.", "THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Several specialized compartments occur along this length: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. Accessory digestive organs are connected to the main system by a series of ducts: salivary glands, parts of the pancreas, and the liver and gall bladder (bilary system).he pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and stomach acid-neutralizing bicarbonate. The liver produces bile, which is stored in the gall bladder before entering the bile duct into the duodenum. Digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats continues in the small intestine.", "- Image: The large intestine. The human digestive system consists of a long muscular tube and several accessory organs such as the salivary glands, pancreas and gall bladder. It is responsible for food ingestion and digestion, absorption of digestion products and the elimination of undigested materials. structure at the bottom of the stomach known as the pyloric sphincter controls the entry of chyme into the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. Ducts from the gall bladder and pancreas feed fluids rich in bile salts and digestive enzymes into the duodenum.", "159 23.6 Accessory Organs in Digestion: The Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder The pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which contains digestive enzymes and bicarbonate ions, and delivers it to the duodenum. Figure 1. Accessory Organs. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are considered accessory digestive organs, but their roles in the digestive system are vital. The Liver The liver is the largest gland in the body, weighing about three pounds in an adult. It is also one of the most important organs. In addition to being an accessory digestive organ, it plays a number of roles in metabolism and regulation. The liver lies inferior to the diaphragm in the right upper quadrant of the abdominal cavity and receives protection from the surrounding ribs. The liver is divided into two primary lobes: a large right lobe and a much smaller left lobe.", "Accessory Organs in Digestion: The Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder Chemical digestion in the small intestine relies on the activities of three accessory digestive organs: the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder ([link]). The digestive role of the liver is to produce bile and export it to the duodenum.The gallbladder primarily stores, concentrates, and releases bile. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which contains digestive enzymes and bicarbonate ions, and delivers it to the duodenum.hemical digestion in the small intestine relies on the activities of three accessory digestive organs: the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder ([link]). The digestive role of the liver is to produce bile and export it to the duodenum. The gallbladder primarily stores, concentrates, and releases bile.", "Digestive System Accessory organs of the digestive system include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. To achieve the goal of providing energy and nutrients to the body, six major functions take place in the digestive system: Ingestion. Secretion.", "- The digestive tract is the tube that extends from the mouth to the anus, and it consists of the (1) mouth, (2) pharynx, (3) esophagus, (4) stomach, (5) small intestine, and (6) large intestine. The accessory organs include the (1) teeth, (2) tongue, (3) salivary glands, (4) liver, (5) gallbladder, and (6) pancreas.igestive System Overview • The large intestine is divided into the (1) cecum, (2) appendix, (3) colon, (4) rectum, and (5) anal canal. – The sigmoid colon joins the rectum, which terminates at the anal canal. The short anal canal terminates at the opening to the outside called the anus.", "- B. Accessory Organs. 1 Include teeth, gallbladder, salivary glands, liver, and pancreas. 2 Produce secretions to aid in the process of digestion. 3 Examples: saliva, bile, and digestive enzymes.", "Accessory Digestive Organs Summary Information: Accessory Digestive Organs. Accessory Digestive Organs: The accessory digestive organs are a group of organs that work with the organs in the alimentary canal to digest food. The accessory digestive organs in the mouth include the teeth and tongue. The other accessory digestive organs include the salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas, which are all connected to the alimentary canal by ducts.", "Introduction to the Digestive System It includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The tongue and teeth are accessory structures located in the mouth. The salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are major accessory organs that have a role in digestion.", "- The digestive tract, also known as the alimentary canal, extends from the mouth to the anus and includes several accessory organs that release secretions into the canal. The primary organs include the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.Accessory organs include the salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, and the pancreas. The walls of the digestive tract contain four layers. The inner most layer is the mucous (mucosa) membrane.he digestive tract, also known as the alimentary canal, extends from the mouth to the anus and includes several accessory organs that release secretions into the canal. The primary organs include the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.", "Human digestive system The organs known as the accessory digestive glands are the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. Other components include the mouth, salivary glands, tongue, teeth and epiglottis. The largest structure of the digestive system is the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract).", "- Start studying 8-accessory organs of the digestive system. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.", "Multiple Choice Quiz The fingerlike projections along the surface of the small intestine are called ____________. The main area of absorption in your digestive system is found in the __________. The pancreas is an important auxiliary organ of the digestive system because it ____________.", "Gastrointestinal cancer Overall, the GI tract and the accessory organs of digestion (pancreas, liver, gall bladder) are responsible for more cancers and more deaths from cancer than any other system in the body. There is significant geographic variation in the rates of different gastrointestinal cancers.", "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? The liver is where the blood, that is carrying the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the small intestine, enters. The liver is a food processor, it stores changes and releases the nutrients to the blood. The teeth and tongue are also accessory organs of the digestive system. They help break down food. The accessory organs of digestion include the <b>salivary glands</b>, <b>pancreas</b>, <b>liver</b>, <b>gallbladder. salivary glands, teeth, and tongue.</b> <br /> The pancreas makes digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further." ]
[ 11.6328125 ]
[ 10.7734375, 10.609375, 11.28125, 11.7578125, 10.203125, 10.9453125, 11.625, 12.0703125, 10.9921875, 10.765625, 11.484375, 11.8984375, 11.328125, 10.609375, 9.5859375, 9.8671875, 9.875, 11.4140625, 10.171875, 11.65625, 9.90625, 11.2734375, 11.9609375, 10.7109375, 9.9296875, 11.5390625, 10.3828125, 8.7109375, 10.7421875, 11.875 ]
gdp meaning
[ "Gross domestic product Gross domestic product: Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of the goods and services produced by a country’s economy during a specified period of time. encyclopÆdia britannica" ]
[ "- Essay on Gdp Is the Best Measure of a Country s Standard of ...GDP is the best measure of a country’s “standard of living” Discuss Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the value of everything produced in the economy for the year.", "GDP Definition. Gross Domestic Product. The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, equal to total consumer, investment and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports.GDP Reporting.ross Domestic Product. The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year, equal to total consumer, investment and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports. GDP Reporting.", "What Is Potential GDP and Why Does It Matter? One look at recent Congressional Budget Office data shows how much estimates of the output gap can change as time passes. Potential gross domestic product (GDP) is a theoretical concept that means different things to different people. To some, it reflects a world in which every worker is matched with the perfect job, every good idea is implemented, and the bad ones are ignored.", "- The GDP, or gross domestic product, refers to a value placed on a country's goods and services. It is the single most important measure used in determining inflation and the economic health of a nation. 1 How to Calculate GDP Per Capita.", "gross domestic product 1. (Economics) the total value of all goods and services produced domestically by a nation during a year. It is equivalent to gross national product minus net investment incomes from foreign nations. Abbreviation: GDP.", "GDP is flawed â just not the way most people think GDP is flawed – just not the way most people think. 16 April 2014, Financial Times. At Oxford university, many students regard attendance at lectures as optional. So teachers who fail to enlighten or entertain end up talking to empty rooms.t does not tell us how happy we are or how fulfilling are our lives. These objections are valid but largely beside the point. GDP is a measure of the productive performance of the economy. How that productive potential is used is an important subject but a different subject, and only partly an economic question.", "Gross domestic product Selection of GDP PPP data (top 10 countries and blocks, 2016) in no particular order. Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period (quarterly or yearly). Nominal GDP estimates are commonly used to determine the economic performance of a whole country or region, and to make international comparisons.", "gross domestic product GDP - the measure of an economy adopted by the United States in 1991; the total market values of goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's borders during a given period (usually 1 year)", "GDP as a measure of Economic Growth and Standard of Living 1 1. GDP as a measure of economic growth and standard of living AS Macro – 2014. 2 2. 3 GDP • GDP is Gross Domestic Product • GDP is the total value of output of goods and services produced within an economy in a given period of time.4 3. 1. GDP as a measure of economic growth and standard of living AS Macro – 2014. 2 2. 3 GDP • GDP is Gross Domestic Product • GDP is the total value of output of goods and services produced within an economy in a given period of time. 4 3.", "- While GDP is used as an indicator of economic activity, it. is not a measure of well-being (for example, it does not. account for rates of poverty, crime, or literacy). The following are several points to keep in mind when. considering the output of the economy. 1.", "- DEFINITION of 'Gross Domestic Product-GDP'. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. Though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well.", "Contents: Macroeconomics vs Microeconomics domestic product (GDP), which measures the value of the goods and services produced by the U.S. economy in a given time period. GDP is one of the most comprehensive and closely watched economic statistics: It is used by the White House and", "Ch. 9 AP Human Geography (Development) Definition of GDP per capita: An approximation of the value of goods produced per person in the country, equal to the country's GDP divided by the total... Definition of GDP per capita: An approximation of the value of goods produced per person in the country, equal to the country's GDP divided by the total...", "What is 'Per Capita GDP ' DEFINITION of 'Per Capita GDP '. A measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country.The per capita GDP is especially useful when comparing one country to another because it shows the relative performance of the countries. rise in per capita GDP signals growth in the economy and tends to translate as an increase in productivity.", "Measuring the Economy 1 The Gross Domestic Product measures the value of economic activity within a country. Strictly defined, GDP is the sum of the market values, or prices, of all final goods and services produced in an economy during a period of time. GDP is a number that expresses the worth of the output of a country in local currency. GDP tries to capture all final goods and services as long as they are produced within the country, thereby assuring that the final monetary value of everything that is created in a country is represented in the GDP.", "What is 'Per Capita GDP ' Per Capita GDP. Per capita GDP is a measure of the total output of a country that takes gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country. The per capita GDP is especially useful when comparing one country to another, because it shows the relative performance of the countries. A rise in per capita GDP signals growth in the economy and tends to reflect an increase in productivity.", "gross domestic product (GDP) The value of a country's overall output of goods and services (typically during one fiscal year) at market prices, excluding net income from abroad. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be estimated in three ways which, in theory, should yield identical figures. (3) Income basis: how much income (profit) was earned.", "Government budget balance GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the value of all goods and services produced within a country during one year. GDP measures flows rather than stocks (example: the public deficit is a flow, measured per unit of time, while the government debt is a stock, an accumulation).", "Gross domestic product Gross domestic product (GDP) of Australia is the total market value of all goods and services produced within Australia in a given period of time. GDP does not allow for the depreciation of plant and equipment which is why the measure is called gross domestic product.", "- The gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the primary indicators used to gauge the health of a country's economy. It represents the total dollar value of all goods and services produced over a specific time period; you can think of it as the size of the economy.", "- GDP per hour worked. GDP per hour worked is a measure of labour productivity. It measures how efficiently labour input is combined with other factors of production and used in the production process. Labour input is defined as total hours worked of all persons engaged in production.", "- DEFINITION of 'Nominal GDP'. A gross domestic product (GDP) figure that has not been adjusted for inflation. Also known as current dollar GDP or chained dollar GDP..", "- The GDP measures a nation's total economic activity in terms of the goods and services produced. You'll need that number to calculate productivity based on GDP. Fortunately, the GDP is a figure that's already calculated for you and delivered by one of the country's agencies. The GDP for many countries is available online.", "- Gross Domestic Product(GDP) Economic growth is measured in terms of an increase in the size of a nation's economy. A broad measure of an economy's size is its output. The most widely-used measure of economic output is the Gross Domestic Product (abbreviated GDP).", "Economics Vocabulary GDP is final dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders. GNP is the annual income earned by US owned firms and US citizens. Difference is GDP is all of US's money and GNP is money made by the US.", "- This note was uploaded on 02/19/2016 for the course ECON 1010 taught by Professor Noordeh during the Spring '08 term at York University. 1 Spring '08. 2 Noordeh. 3 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Share this link with a friend: Copied!", "- GDP per capita is a measure of average income per person in a country. 1 GDP stands for Gross domestic product. 2 This measure National income / National Output and National expenditure. 3 GDP per capita divides the GDP by the population.4 Real GDP per capita takes into account inflation. GDP stands for Gross domestic product. 2 This measure National income / National Output and National expenditure. 3 GDP per capita divides the GDP by the population. 4 Real GDP per capita takes into account inflation.", "What is 'Gross Domestic Product - GDP' 'Gross Domestic Product - GDP' The Significance of GDP GDP is commonly used as an indicator of the economic health of a country, as well as a gauge of a country's standard of living.", "- Gross Domestic product per Capita 22 Feb Gross domestic product (GDP) (see also gross domestic income) refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period. It is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living.[1].[2] Gross domestic product is related to national accounts, a subject in macroeconomics. GDP can be determined…", "The Economist explainsHow countries calculate their GDP The data-point at issue in both cases is gross domestic product, or GDP, the total value of all goods and services produced within an economy each year. GDP is of critical economic importance; thousands of economists use estimates of the total amount spent or (equivalently) earned each year in their research. Governments also rely heavily on the figure, to shape policy or determine how much public spending is affordable. Yet GDP seems an impossibly complex thing to measure in a modern economy." ]
[ 11.8125 ]
[ 10.2265625, 11.453125, 11.140625, 11.953125, 11.765625, 9.9609375, 12.3125, 11.890625, 10.265625, 10.6328125, 12.5703125, 10.6875, 11.1796875, 9.6328125, 11.609375, 10.3671875, 11.7109375, 12.25, 11.6015625, 11.9140625, 10.015625, 11.3125, 10.796875, 11.2578125, 11.046875, 11.3515625, 11.2578125, 12.09375, 11.6953125, 11.4296875 ]
what is a defense meritorious service medal
[ "Defense Meritorious Service Medal Defense Meritorious Service Medal. The Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM) is the third-highest award bestowed upon members of the United States military by the United States Department of Defense. In the order of precedence, it is worn between the Purple Heart and the Meritorious Service Medal." ]
[ "Legion of Merit The Legion of Merit (LOM) is a military award of the United States Armed Forces that is given for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements.", "Frequently Asked Questions The Defense Security Service (DSS) is an agency of the Department of Defense (DoD) located in Quantico, Virginia with field offices throughout the United States. The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence provides authority, direction and control over DSS.", "Distinguished Service Order The Distinguished Service Order is a military decoration of the United Kingdom, and formerly of other parts of the Commonwealth of Nations, awarded for meritorious or distinguished service by officers of the armed forces during wartime, typically in actual combat.", "Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal To be awarded the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, a military service member must perform duty in a deployed status and must participate in designated anti-terrorism operation for a period of either 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days of duty.", "Distinguished Service Medal (U.S. Army) The Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) is a military award of the United States Army that is presented to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the United States military, has distinguished himself or herself by exceptionally meritorious service to the Government in a duty of great responsibility.", "Defense Meritorious Service Medal The Defense Meritorious Service Medal is made of bronze and is 1 1⁄2 inches (38 mm) in diameter. The obverse design consists of a circular wreath of laurel leaves tied with a ribbon at base. In the center is a pentagon shape which slightly overlaps the wreath.", "Meritorious Service Medal (United States) Meritorious Service Medal ribbon The Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) is a military award presented to members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to the United States subsequent to January 16, 1969.", "DTS Defense Travel System Customer Service Phone Number and Information The Defense Travel System ( DTS ) is a fully integrated , automated , end-to-end travel management system that enables DoD travelers to create authorizations ( TDY travel orders ) , prepare reservations , receive approvals , generate travel vouchers , and receive a split reimbursement between their bank accounts and the Government Travel Charge Card ...", "Defense Security Cooperation Agency Defense Security Cooperation Agency. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency works to improve the security capabilities of the United States' international allies and partners. As a part of that goal, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency also provides humanitarian aid during crises. DSCA.", "Commendation Medal The Commendation Medal is a mid-level United States military decoration which is presented for sustained acts of heroism or meritorious service. For valorous actions in direct contact with an enemy, but of a lesser degree than required for the award of the Bronze Star Medal, a Commendation Medal with V Device or Combat V is awarded; the V device may be authorized for wear on the service and suspension ribbon of the medal to denote valor. Each branch of the United States Armed Forces issues", "The Armed Forces Service Medal The Armed Forces Service Medal is a Bronze medallion 1 3/8 inches in diameter. Shown on the reverse side is an eagle, such as is on the seal of the Department of Defense, between a wreath of laurel at the bottom and the words In Pursuit of Democracy at the top.", "Dsc Alarm Master Code Dsc Alarm Master Code. 1 Distinguished Service Cross, (in the US) an Army decoration for heroism in combat or (in the UK) a decoration for distinguished active service at sea. ( 2 DSCS) The Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS, AN/MSC-46) provides the United States with military communications to support globally distributed military users.", "Army combat patch requirments? The National Defense Service Medal was awarded for honorable active service for any period between 27 June 1950 and 27 July 1954, between 1 January 1961 and 14 August 1974, and between 2 August 1990 and 30 November 1995, and from 11 September 2001 to a date to be determined.", "- According to the U.S. Department of Defense, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal will cease being awarded when the Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks from September 2001 is rescinded by the U.S. government.", "Diplomatic Security Service Visa fraud, passport fraud, protection of the Secretary of State, visiting foreign dignitaries, U.S. ambassadors overseas, and U.S. embassies and consulates. The U.S. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS or DS) is the federal law enforcement and security arm of the United States Department of State. The DSS is the lead U.S. law enforcement organization abroad, and is the most widely represented law enforcement agency in the world.", "- Meritorious Service Medal (United States) The Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) is a military award presented to members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to the United States subsequent to January 16, 1969.", "- Defense Travel Management Office Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) Defense Travel Management Office Office of the Under. DTS for beginners, series 1. Objectives Overview instructions on How to Create an Authorization for travel Overview instructions on How to Create a Travel.", "Department of Defense Whistleblower Program Aircraft procurement whistleblowing launched the modern Defense whistleblower program. The Department of Defense Whistleblower Program in the United States is a whistleblower protection program within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) whereby DoD personnel are trained on whistleblower rights. The Inspector General's commitment fulfills, in part, the federal mandate to protect whistleblowers.", "Overwatch Out of Beta Service Medal. You’ve made it this far, but there’s still a long way to go. When you become a Global General (that’s Rank 40), you’ll be given the opportunity to reset your Profile Rank. In return, you’ll receive the 2015 Service Medal, an inspectable display item that will be visible wherever your avatar is shown.", "- (April 2011) The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), as part of the United States Department of Defense (DoD), provides financial and technical assistance, transfer of defense matériel, training and services to allies, and promotes military-to-military contacts.", "Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal. The Army Commendation Medal is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces of the United States other than General Officers who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. Army after December 6, 1941, distinguished themselves by heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service.", "- Soviet Medal for Combat Service (also known as Medal for Military Merit). The medallion is made in Solid Sterling Silver; measures 32.1 mm wide and weighs 17.3 grams not including the suspension and c...", "Meritorious Service Medal (United States) Meritorious Service Medal (United States) - History. 1 At the Tri-Department Awards Conference (February 5, 1968), there was a discussion on the need for a third meritorious award to provide appropriate recognition for non-combat achievement or service comparable to that of the Bronze Star Medal for combat achievement or service.", "Air Force Commendation Medal Citation Examples Staff Sergeant Ernest Klimek III distinguished himself by meritorious service as Missile Facility Specialist, Power Production Section, Shops Maintenance Branch, 90th Field Missile Maintenance Squadron, 90th Strategic Missile Wing, Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming from 26 May 1976 to 10 September 1979.", "- Bronze Star Medal. The Bronze Star Medal is a decoration awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement. These provisions clearly state The Bronze Star Medal was designed specifically for those in the armed services not involved in aerial warfare.", "AWARDS AND DECORATIONS Installation policy is to recognize all deserving soldiers for significant achievement and outstanding service in an appropriate and timely manner. Approval authorities issue awards and orders. Retirement awards may cover the last 10 years of a soldier’s career. The beginning date is 10 years prior to the month of the soldier’s actual retirement date. An award recognizing a single act of heroism or meritorious achievement does not preclude an award for meritorious service at the termination of an assignment. However, only one decoration may be awarded for the same act, achievement, or period of meritorious service. Military decorations may not be used as prizes in contests. However, military awards may be recommended to recognize a distinguished act or achievement.", "- Department of Defense scholarships provide cash awards to students who have demonstrated ability and aptitude for excelling in STEM fields in disciplines of importance to DoD.", "Armed Forces Service Medal Armed Forces Service Medal. The Armed Forces Service Medal (AFSM) is a military award of the United States military which was created on January 11, 1996 by President Bill Clinton under Executive Order 12985.", "Tammy Duckworth a. Establishment of the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, and Ceremonial Guard Ribbon. b. Addition of a Prior Service and Veteran Awards Chapter. c. Revision of the Combat Action Ribbon eligibility", "Martin Dempsey COL Sloane’s awards and decorations include Legion of Merits, Defense Meritorious Service Medals, Meritorious Service Medals, Army Commendation Medals, Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medals, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal (with three Bronze Service Stars), Global War on Terrorism/Service Medal, ..." ]
[ 13.625 ]
[ 10.921875, 8.9765625, 8.9453125, 8.6328125, 11.921875, 13.4140625, 13.0078125, 8.8125, 8.265625, 10.015625, 11.9765625, 8.15625, 11.8359375, 10.75, 8.3984375, 13.078125, 8.6484375, 7.9921875, 8.8515625, 8.7421875, 10.5859375, 9.15625, 12.5, 9.765625, 9.96875, 10.09375, 8.9765625, 11.4921875, 9.234375, 11.4296875 ]
how much money does pump it up cost
[ "How much do Pump It Up franchise owners earn? Franchise owners can expect to earn $150,000 and up annually. Pump It Up is a kids' party franchise. The amount owners earn varies widely and depends on factors such as location and advertising efforts. Startup costs run between about $350,000 and $900,000. Franchise owners can expect to earn $150,000 and up annually. Pump It Up is a kids' party franchise." ]
[ "How Much Does It Cost You to Fill Up? Car. The amount of gas a car holds depends on the size of the car. Smaller cars generally have gas tanks that hold 12 gallons worth of gas, while larger cars can hold 15 or 16 gallons. For the purpose of this story, let’s say gas costs $3.85 a gallon.A car with a 12-gallon tank costs $46.20 to fill up while a larger car with a 15-gallon tank costs $57.75.Depending on your commute to work and how far you drive for other purposes, the amount you spend at the pump can put a significant dent in your wallet.he amount of gas a car holds depends on the size of the car. Smaller cars generally have gas tanks that hold 12 gallons worth of gas, while larger cars can hold 15 or 16 gallons. For the purpose of this story, let’s say gas costs $3.85 a gallon.", "Well Pump Cost Expect to pay $175-$800 or more for a deep well jet pump, depending on materials, capacity, motor (1/2HP to 2HP) and features such as multiple stages (to lift water from greater depths). For example, the cast iron Flint & Walling CPJ15 Deluxe Deep Well Jet pumps depths up to 150' and costs $675-$745. Within this general price range there are also convertible jet pumps that can be used in either shallow or deep wells. For example, the cast iron Dayton 1D875 3/4HP Convertible Jet Pump costs $375.", "How Much Does a Well Pump Cost? 1 A jet pump might cost $300-$500, not including installation. 2 A 2 horsepower submersible pump with a control box might cost $1,000-$1,200, not including installation. 3 Labor typically adds about $300-$500.4 Budget on the low end of that for a jet pump and the high end or more for a submersible.ell Pump Cost. The price of a well pump depends on the size and quality of the pump. Installation costs vary based on the depth of the well and local labor rates. Replacement parts like wiring, water pipes and valves-if needed-also affect the total price.", "- Find Ratings. As gas prices hover near $4 a gallon nationwide, there are more than 20 SUVs and trucks that cost more than $100 to fill up. But, there are almost 30 cars that cost less than $50 to refuel. We crunched the numbers and found the cheapest cars in America to fill up.", "- Shallow well jet pumps typically cost $100-$500 or more, depending on materials (cast iron, stainless steel, thermoplastic, carbon-ceramic), capacity (gallons per minute), motor (from 1/3 horsepower to 1.5 HP) and options like a self-priming feature or pre-wired pressure switch.", "How much do Pump It Up franchise owners earn? Pump It Up is a kids' party franchise. The amount owners earn varies widely and depends on factors such as location and advertising efforts. Startup costs run between abou…t $350,000 and $900,000. Franchise owners can expect to earn $150,000 and up annually.", "How Much to Fill Freedom's Tank? If you pay $2.89 per gallon (the average diesel price in the nation as of today), it would cost $3,170,391 to fill the tank just one time. Imagine the pain if the ship guzzled regular unleaded -- we estimate that would tack on another $545,274!", "- Sump Pump Prices. Buying a sump pump can cost anywhere from $100 to $1000. The cost discrepancy lies with the type of sump pump you get and the horsepower you need. They range from ¼ horsepower to 1 horsepower motors. Most average homes can make do with ½ horsepower.A typical plastic ½ horsepower model will cost $100 to $200.The sturdier stainless steel or brass units cost more, but will last much longer and are designed for constant use. A heavy duty steel sump pump with ½ horsepower will run from $300 to $500.ost average homes can make do with ½ horsepower. A typical plastic ½ horsepower model will cost $100 to $200. The sturdier stainless steel or brass units cost more, but will last much longer and are designed for constant use. A heavy duty steel sump pump with ½ horsepower will run from $300 to $500.", "Well Pump Cost 1 Expect to pay $175-$800 or more for a deep well jet pump, depending on materials, capacity, motor (1/2HP to 2HP) and features such as multiple stages (to lift water from greater depths). For example, the cast iron Flint & Walling CPJ15 Deluxe Deep Well Jet pumps depths up to 150' and costs $675-$745. 2 Within this general price range there are also convertible jet pumps that can be used in either shallow or deep wells. 3 For example, the cast iron Dayton 1D875 3/4HP Convertible Jet Pump costs $375.", "- I know what it costs around me, in one of Atlanta suburbs, when I quoted three years ago ($1200), but I was surprised when I watched this week's TOH and the stated that a pump truck for them (had that gone that route) would have been $800.(Or maybe they said $800-1000). know what it costs around me, in one of Atlanta suburbs, when I quoted three years ago ($1200), but I was surprised when I watched this week's TOH and the stated that a pump truck for them (had that gone that route) would have been $800. (Or maybe they said $800-1000).", "- How much to rent a concrete pump truck? I know what it costs around me, in one of Atlanta suburbs, when I quoted three years ago ($1200), but I was surprised when I watched this week's TOH and the stated that a pump truck for them (had that gone that route) would have been $800. (Or maybe they said $800-1000)", "How Much Does a Car Tune Up Cost The car tune up cost can vary based on how much is needed in the tune up, type of car, as well as if any new parts are needed. A car tune up can be as low as $50 dollars, but it can actually be several hundreds of dollars in the end.", "- The ADUP cost is $30.00. You receive a hang tag that goes on your cars rear view mirror. The ADUP covers entrance to Day Use only areas of any U.S. Army Corps of Engineers parks nation wide and is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.", "How much does it cost to ride in an ambulance? According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office ambulance costs can range from $224 to $2,204. Larger cities, such as Los Angeles or Houston, usually average over $1000 per ambulance ride. In some municipalities, ambulances are covered by the local fire department. In other localities, they’re covered by volunteer organizations.", "How Much Money Should You Spend for a Septic Tank Pumping Cost? According to Home Advisor, the average reported cost of a septic tank pumping service ranges from $383 to $505 based on about 1,233 profiles.In most cases, a pump-out will take about 4 to 7 hours to complete. However, note that the size of the tank also influences the cost.ccording to Home Advisor, the average reported cost of a septic tank pumping service ranges from $383 to $505 based on about 1,233 profiles.", "- Actually, the price debate is nearly worthless. At 20 cents more for premium, pumping 20 gallons of it instead of regular would cost $4 more. Annually, that's a difference of $171 for a vehicle that averages 14 miles per gallon — as some big sport-utility vehicles do — and is driven 12,000 miles a year.Gasoline retailers and refiners like high-test because it's more profitable than regular-grade gas is.nnually, that's a difference of $171 for a vehicle that averages 14 miles per gallon — as some big sport-utility vehicles do — and is driven 12,000 miles a year. Gasoline retailers and refiners like high-test because it's more profitable than regular-grade gas is.", "- The Super (291 cubic foot) tank will inflate about 550 balloons. This tank costs $199.00. This price is the actual cost of the helium in the tank and is charged each time the tank is replaced. The Extra Large (219 cubic foot) tank will inflate about 425 balloons. This tank costs $169.00. As with the Super Tank, this price is the actual cost of the helium in the tank and is charged each time the tank is replaced. LONG TERM TANK RENTAL FEE: $6.50 per month per tank. Rent is billed quarterly or yearly.", "Treating Erectile Dysfunction â Without the Little Blue Pill “In my practice, most men who try it will say, ‘Not for me,’ ” he adds. Insurers typically cover 80 percent of the roughly $500 cost for a prescription pump, leaving consumers with around $100 in out-of-pocket expenses. If you opt for a pump, experts say it’s important to get one through a doctor’s prescription.", "Well Pump Cost 1 Shallow well jet pumps typically cost $100-$500 or more, depending on materials (cast iron, stainless steel, thermoplastic, carbon-ceramic), capacity (gallons per minute), motor (from 1/3 horsepower to 1.5 HP) and options like a self-priming feature or pre-wired pressure switch. For example, the cast iron Flint & Walling CPJ15 Deluxe Deep Well Jet pumps depths up to 150' and costs $675-$745. 2 Within this general price range there are also convertible jet pumps that can be used in either shallow or deep wells. 3 For example, the cast iron Dayton 1D875 3/4HP Convertible Jet Pump costs $375.", "Target: Up & Up 44 Oz Infant Formula for $17.99 Target: Up & Up 44 Oz Infant Formula for $17.99. Target has up & up brand infant formula, 40 oz, on sale this week for $17.99. If you look carefully, there are bonus sized cans that are 44 oz for the same price. So, you can pick up 44 oz for $16.99, which makes it cost only $0.38 per ounce.This regularly costs $0.49 per ounce when not on sale.up & up Infant Formula, 44 oz, $17.99.arget has up & up brand infant formula, 40 oz, on sale this week for $17.99. If you look carefully, there are bonus sized cans that are 44 oz for the same price. So, you can pick up 44 oz for $16.99, which makes it cost only $0.38 per ounce. This regularly costs $0.49 per ounce when not on sale.", "Nitro Engine & Travel Costs Dominate Nostalgia Fuel Dragster Budget But all joking aside, it takes a crew of eight to get a nostalgia dragster through a weekend. (For more on this sport, check out aafd.tv .) From the start, a full run with warmup, burnout and race will consume 10 to 11 gallons of nitro, which now costs $850 a drum.ostalgia dragsters can’t have a supercharger larger than a 6-71 GMC-style blower. Fuller often has three different models from which to run during a weekend, including a Kobelco, PSI and SSI. Fuller estimates his operation is worth around $500,000 with $300,000 in the tow rig and a $200,000 in the car and spare parts.", "How Much Does it Cost to Fill a Pool with Water? If this is the case, you can probably get your pool filled for the fire company. In most cases, it will cost anywhere from $100 to $250 to fill your pool. Larger pools which hold more water will cost more to fill.If you are on a budget plan, you may be able to spread out the cost of filling up your pool so it won’t cost you so much money at once.hile using well water to fill up your pool will not cost you any money, you need to be careful when using this option. If you have a very shallow well, or if your water table is not high, you might run your well dry filling up your pool.", "Well Pump Cost 1 Shallow well jet pumps typically cost $100-$500 or more, depending on materials (cast iron, stainless steel, thermoplastic, carbon-ceramic), capacity (gallons per minute), motor (from 1/3 horsepower to 1.5 HP) and options like a self-priming feature or pre-wired pressure switch. For example, the stainless steel 1/2HP Dayton 1LZR4 Deep Well Submersible Pump pumps 10GPM and costs $475, while the stainless steel 1HPl Goulds 25GS Submersible Water System Pump delivers 25GPM and costs $740-$1,000.", "How Much Does it Cost to Pump Out a Septic Tank? Cost to Pump Out a Septic Tank. The cost depends on the size of the tank and how full it is. Also, rates vary from one contractor to another and from one geographic location to another. Costs can range anywhere from $75-$750 or so.", "- The $1.29 per gallon pump price includes those taxes. In a typical state the combined state and federal gasoline tax is roughly 34 cents a gallon. The income needed to purchase the year's supply of gasoline, after all taxes including the federal and state gasoline taxes are accounted for, is $1,065.", "- $500,000 to $1,000,000!!! It would depend on weather you want a new or a used fire truck; a pumper or a ladder truck; and if you wanted red or yellow. These variables would … greatly change the above stated price range. You could probably find a beat down yellow pumper for 40K.500,000 to $1,000,000!!! It would depend on weather you want a new or a used fire truck; a pumper or a ladder truck; and if you wanted red or yellow. These variables would … greatly change the above stated price range. You could probably find a beat down yellow pumper for 40K.", "- Love’s and Pilot increase DEF pump price by $0.10 per gallon. Love's Travel Stops and Pilot Flying J truck stop chains have implemented a US $0.10 per gallon increase in the price of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) at the pump.Between them the two chains account for 82% of the total bulk DEF pump network in North America.ilot has also increased the price of DEF at the pump by $0.10 per gallon. Pilot has 258 locations offering bulk DEF at the pump, accounting for 55% of the network. This follows Kost USA's announcement of a $0.21 per gallon increase in the price of DEF, one of a number of price increases by national DEF distributors.", "- Are you looking for a battery powered backup pump, or a backup (second pump) for your existing pump? I would expect to spend $500 to $800 for a really good battery powered backup system, or $250 to $500 for a second house-powered pump with alternating controls. That assumes that you have room for two pumps in your sump. would expect to spend $500 to $800 for a really good battery powered backup system, or $250 to $500 for a second house-powered pump with alternating controls.", "How much does it cost to clean a septic tank? 1 Depending on the size of the tank, the cost to pump it out can range from $100 to $350 or more. Some companies charge a flat rate for pumping while others charge by the hour. 2 A smaller tank could cost as little as $100 to pump out. A larger tank may cost from $200-$350 or more to pump out.", "- Submersible residential well pumps typically cost $200-$1,200 or more, depending on size (usually 3-6 in diameter and 2'-4' long), capacity (gallons per minute), motor (3/4HP-5HP) and materials (cast iron, stainless steel)." ]
[ 12.0078125 ]
[ 8.8984375, 9.6875, 10.4765625, 9.515625, 10.7578125, 12.5390625, 8.3984375, 10.234375, 10.3828125, 9.25, 10.2265625, 10.046875, 8.1015625, 7.890625, 9.796875, 9.2265625, 8.1171875, 10.65625, 10.5234375, 8.3203125, 7.25390625, 8.046875, 10.3125, 10.9296875, 9.4453125, 8.75, 8.2265625, 9.25, 11.6484375, 10.640625 ]
what are pepperoncini peppers
[ "What are Pepperoncini? These 10 facts about space will blow your mind. Pepperoncini are a type of mild, yellow-green chili pepper that belong to the species Capsicum annuum. They are in the same botanical family as bell peppers and many other hotter varieties of chili peppers. Pepperoncini are most familiar as pickled peppers, which are preserved in vinegar in commercially packaged jars." ]
[ "Italian Stuffed Peppers â with Sausage and Orzo Chicken stew, Creole chili and these Italian Style Stuffed Peppers. These peppers are such a delicious change from your typical stuffed pepper recipe. I love using yellow, red or orange peppers because the color is so fresh and vibrant. This recipe calls for Italian sausage in place of ground beef and orzo in place of rice. Prosciutto, mushrooms, fresh basil and creamy mozzarella cheese make these stuffed peppers not only filling, but gratifying and tasty!", "Italian Pepperoncini Pepper Italian Pepperoncini Pepper. Loved this pepper, has fantastic flavour and interesting textures too. I could use this as a sweet pepper because it has very little heat and its also a pepper I could eat everyday really. It would work great in a salad I think but I ate all my straight off the vines fresh. I've ordered another packet this year even though I had loads left from last year.", "Difference in Cannelloni or Manicotti Cannelloni is a type of pasta dish that uses pasta shells, rectangular sheets of pasta or crepes. According to Webster's dictionary, cannelloni means large reeds in Italian. When crepes replace the pasta dough for cannelloni recipes, they are 3 to 4 inches in length and rolled to 1 inch in diameter.", "What are Pimentos, And How Do They Get Inside Olives? Pimentos start out in life as a variety of chili pepper called “cherry peppers.” Small and red (hence the name), they are sweeter than bell peppers and very mild, with the lowest Scoville scale rating of all the chilies.", "What Types of Peppers Are Commonly Used in Italian Cooking? Although peperoncini al mercato translates as peppers at market, it always refers to hot peppers; common varieties include lazzareto, saverato, friggitello and Jimmy Nardello. Saverato -- from Calabria, the region commonly associated with chili peppers -- is a class of Italian hot peppers, and within the saverato class, numerous varieties of chilis with varying heat and color reside.", "Roasted Peppers with Boquerones In Spain, boquerones can be a variety of small fish, pickled or not. In the U.S., however, the term always refers to anchovies that have been pickled in vinegar (which whitens them). They have a flavor similar to pickled herring, which complements the sweetness of the roasted peppers.", "- Cincinnati Chili I. This is an unusual no-bean chili made with ground beef, cinnamon, cloves and unsweetened chocolate in a beef and tomato base. Serve over spaghetti noodles with shredded cheddar cheese.", "Difference in Cannelloni or Manicotti In the U.S., manicotti is typically sold dried and made from semolina flour like other pastas. Cannelloni Recipes Typically, cannelloni is stuffed with meat or vegetables with cheese, such as ricotta. Cheese or a marinara sauce is cooked separately and the pasta rectangles are boiled. Many recipes call for lasagna pasta or the crepes can be made from flour and eggs.", "Pickled Pepperoncini 1 Blanch garlic cloves and place in jars. 2 Slit each pepper vertically and pack into jars. 3 Pour hot liquid over peppers allowing slightly more than 1/2 head space. 4 Carefully pour 1 tablespoon olive oil into jar being very careful not to get any on lid. Process, as you wish (10 minutes in boiling water bath), or not.", "Pepper Seeds Don't let the name fool you. This little pepper's name translate roughly to 'little cherry', but the locals also know it as Baccio de Satana, or 'Satan's Kiss'. An Italian golf ball sized red pepper that is actually quite spicy, traditionally stuffed with anchovies and mozzarella then grilled.", "A Brief History of Peppers Pickled Pepperoncini without Canning. Peppers make the garden brighter. The glistening greens of the leaves and the rainbow of colors of the ripening peppers – red, yellow, orange, green, brown or purple – all mark the rows where peppers are growing.", "- Substitutes: chile de arbol OR Thai pepper OR habanero OR jalapeno OR serrano OR cascabel OR pequin OR tepin OR Holland OR cherry pepper. cherry pepper = hot cherry pepper = Hungarian cherry pepper = bird cherry pepper = Creole cherry pepper = wiri-wiri Notes: Along with pepperoncini, this is a good pickling pepper.", "pickling pepperoncini's Yes, they stay crispy, for a long time. I haven't kept them over a year yet, but they were still crisp at the end of 6 months. The jalapenos and hot banana peppers pickled that way taste just like the store ones. Don't use any peppers that are turning red though.", "Gemelli Pasta A pasta variety that consists of two short pasta strands that are twisted together into a spiral shape.They are often used in casseroles and salads. Fusilli, farfalle, macaroni, penne, rigatoni, and ziti pasta may be substituted. pasta variety that consists of two short pasta strands that are twisted together into a spiral shape.", "Starting the Meal: An Antipasto Misto Carciofi Sott'Olio, artichokes packed in oil, are instead popular year round, and are among the standard elements of an antipasto misto. They're also nice on pizza, either in conjunction with ham, or in a Quattro Stagioni, a pizza with ham, artichoke hearts, prosciutto, mushrooms, and olives.", "Bocconcini Bocconcini. Bocconcini, meaning little bites in Italian, are egg sized Mozzarella cheeses that originated in Naples and were once made only from the milk of water buffaloes. They are semi-soft, white and rindless, unripened mild cheeses available as a delicatessen in plastic tubs filled with whey or water.Now-a-days, Bocconcini’s are usually made from a mixture of water buffalo and cow’s milk. Since this delicious cheese is perishable, it is best consumed fresh.Bocconcini, using traditional methods of cheese making and water buffalo’s milk, are still made in the provinces of Naples, Caserta and Salerno, as bocconcini alla panna di bufala.The process involves the use of freshly made Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP mixed with fresh cream.hey are semi-soft, white and rindless, unripened mild cheeses available as a delicatessen in plastic tubs filled with whey or water. Now-a-days, Bocconcini’s are usually made from a mixture of water buffalo and cow’s milk. Since this delicious cheese is perishable, it is best consumed fresh.", "Tony Soprano's favorite sandwich is a gabagool and vinegar peppers. What is gabagool ? What does it taste like Report Abuse. It is Capicola which is Raaciditu. It is pickle relish soaked over night in beer and then poured into a bowl and your choice of pasta poured in. Soaked again overnight and then drain excess fluid and press into patties (square not round).", "Peperoncino Originally from central South America, Capsicum annuuum is a plant that grows in temperate to hot climates. There are 85 varieties of this species of spicy chili that in Italy goes by peperoncino – an ingredient that gives spice to dishes throughout the world. Peperoncino was among the various wonders of the New World brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus.", "- Frank's house salumi plate: a plate of soppressata, capocollo and bresaola. Signature favorites include soppressata, which he does southern Italian style with red wine, chiles and whole peppercorns, and finocchiona, a salami with a subtle sweetness studded with both whole fennel seeds and fennel pollen.", "Crushed red pepper Crushed red pepper. Crushed red pepper or red pepper flakes (RPF) is a condiment consisting of dried and crushed (as opposed to ground) red chili peppers. This condiment is most often produced from cayenne-type peppers, although commercial producers may use a variety of different cultivars, all within the 30,000-50,000 Scoville Unit range.", "Orangetti Squash Orangetti Squash is a spaghetti squash variety that is orange instead of yellow. It has a thick, hard, golden-orange rind, with small tan flecks on the rind. The flesh is also golden-orange, with mild flavour. The squash has an upright oval shape, 7 to 8 inches (17 1/2 to 20 cm) tall.", "- Empanadas mendocinas are traditional Argentinean baked empanadas filled with beef, onions, paprika, hot pepper powder, cumin, oregano, hard-boiled egg and olives..... Experience new flavors with these great appetizers from all around the world. Different is better, especially when it's this tasty.", "Skillet Italian Sausage, Peppers and Onions Skillet Italian Sausage, Peppers and Onions. Salty Italian sausage sizzled with sweet bell peppers, onions and garlic in a red wine sauce is pure comfort! Served over pasta, polenta, potatoes or on a warm crusty rolls, it’s our favorite simple, scrumptious meal. Simple and rustic as it looks, sausage and peppers is one of our favorite ever comfort foods.", "Baked Rigatoni with Sausage and Peppers 1 pound rigatoni or ziti. 1 pound fresh or cured Italian-style turkey or chicken sausages (sweet or spicy) 1 onion, chopped. 1 large red bell pepper (or 2 small), chopped. 3 cloves garlic, minced. 1 teaspoon dried sage. 1 teaspoon fennel seeds. 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes.", "Chili Pepper Types Pepperoncini Chili Peppers. Be the first to comment! 100-500 Scovilles: Also known as Tuscan Peppers, sweet Italian peppers, or golden Greek peppers. They are sweet and mild in flavor, not very hot although they can vary and be found up to a medium heat level.", "how to make Pepperoncini's hot? This is the first year growing peppers. The two pepperoncini plants I grew are healthy and seemed to blossom and fruit pretty easily. As the season progressed they got nice and big and green. The first ones started to turn red then get ugly. I heard they were supposed to turn yellow when ripe so I let a bunch go.", "Italian Cooking Glossary Nocciola: Hazelnut, widely used in Italian cuisine in both sweet and savory dishes. Olio di Oliva: Olive oil. Extra-virgin oil, made from the first pressing of the olives, is the highest quality. Panzanella: A traditional salad made with stale bread, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, basil and olive oil.eperoncino: A hot chili pepper used in Italian cuisine. Pesto: A famous green sauce from Genoa, made with basil, olive oil, pine nuts and pecorino, traditionally mashed together in a mortar and pestle. Pignoli: Pine nuts. Pizza: Open-faced pie made with yeast dough topped with savory toppings, originally from Naples.", "Bell pepper Paprika also refers to the powdered spice made from the fruits in the Capsicum genus. In Switzerland it is mostly called peperoni, which is the Italian name of the fruit. In France, it is called poivron, with the same root as poivre (meaning pepper), or piment.", "We See Youâre Using an Ad Blocker The short answer is yes. Hungarian Paprika and Spanish Pimenton are spices made from Capsicum peppers. Capsicum peppers range in variety from sweet, like the American bell pepper, to hot chili peppers. The Capsicum pepper is a new world food, with origins in the Americas. Today, Capsicum peppers are grown in every region of the world.", "Campanelle with Italian Sausage, Peppers and Tomatoes Ingredients. 1 1 box Campanelle pasta or other short pasta. 2 ¾ pound {about 4} Italian sausage brats or other sausage. 3 ¼ cup Olive oil. 1 pint Grape 1 Tomatoes. 1 small red onion, cut into 1 inch pieces. Peppers - red, yellow and orange about ⅓ from each to total 1 pepper - or you 1 red 1 pepper. 2 sprigs fresh Oregano. ½ teaspoon Kosher salt." ]
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moment definition
[ "moment moment (plural moments) 1 A brief, unspecified amount of time. 2 The smallest portion of time; an instant. 3 Weight or importance. ( physics, mechanics) The turning effect of a force applied to a rotational system at a distance from the axis of rotation." ]
[ "moment Phrase never a dull moment first recorded 1889 in Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat.. Phrase moment of truth first recorded 1932 in Hemingway's Death in the Afternoon, from Spanish el momento de la verdad, the final sword-thrust in a bull-fight.", "- Elements of a Moment. The magnitude of the moment of a force acting about a point or axis is directly proportinoal to the distance of the force from the point or axis. It is defined as the product of the force (F) and the moment arm (d).", "Definition of 'moment of inertia' Definition of 'moment of inertia'. moment of inertia. noun. the tendency of a body to resist angular acceleration, expressed as the sum of the products of the mass of each particle in the body and the square of its perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation. . Symbol: I.", "temporary The definition of temporary is something which is not intended to last for a long time. An example of something that would be described as temporary is a brief leave-of-absence you take from your job where you are gone only for a day or two.", "- The seismic moment M 0 {\\displaystyle M_{0}} is a measure of the total amount of energy that is transformed during an earthquake. Only a small fraction of the seismic moment M 0 {\\displaystyle M_{0}} is converted into radiated seismic energy E s {\\displaystyle E_{\\mathrm {s} }} , which is what seismographs register.", "minute s - 1/60 of a minute; the basic unit of time adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites. sec, second. time unit, unit of time - a unit for measuring time periods. min, minute - a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour; he ran a 4 minute mile.", "- a momentary lapse of reason meaning, a momentary lapse of reason definition | English Cobuild dictionary. PlayStop. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. Something that is momentary lasts for a very short period of time, for example for a few seconds or less. adj (=brief)", "Understatement Definition. Understatement is a figure of speech in which a writer or speaker deliberately makes a situation seem less important or serious than it is. Contrast with hyperbole.", "- Bryan Pawlina's answer is pretty good. It gives a physical description of the Moment of Inertia (MoI) pretty well and provides a general idea on how to calculate it. A Moment is a mathematical term that is similar to vector products. It essentially is the integral (or summation) of a function * input to function.", "period Definition of period for English Language Learners. : 1 a length of time during which a series of events or an action takes place or is completed. : 2 a length of time that is very important in the history of the world, a nation, etc. : 3 a time that is very important in the life of a person.", "Definitions &Translations Torque. Torque, moment or moment of force, is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivot. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist to an object. Mathematically, torque is defined as the cross product of the lever-arm distance and force, which tends to produce rotation. Loosely speaking, torque is a measure of the turning force on an object such as a bolt or a flywheel. For example, pushing or pulling the handle of a wrench connected to a nut or bolt produces a torque that loosens or tightens the nut or bolt. The symbol for torque is typically τ, the Greek letter tau.", "- Examples of moment in a sentence. 1 The sun was shining. Moments later, it began to rain. 2 It was a moment before she realized what had happened. 3 She stopped for a moment and peeked into the window. It should only take a moment to fix the 1 problem. I'm very busy and I don't have a moment to spare. One moment it was sunny; the next it was pouring rain.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Minute. A minute is a unit of measurement of time or of angle. The minute is a unit of time equal to ¹⁄60 of an hour or 60 seconds. In the UTC time standard, a minute on rare occasions has 59 or 61 seconds, a consequence of leap seconds.", "- 1 a particular and often important moment in time it was at that point that I had to stop and check on the experiment Synonyms juncture Related Words beat, crack, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, minute, moment, nanosecond, second, shake, split second, tick, trice, twinkle, wink; bit, spell, stretch, while; brink, cusp, nick, threshold, verge; ...", "- 1. an intervening period of time: an interval of 50 years. 2. a period of temporary cessation; pause. 3. a space between things, points, limits, etc.: an interval of ten. 4. Math. a. the totality of points on a line between two designated points or endpoints that may or may not be included.", "Moment of inertia Thus, moment of inertia is a physical property that combines the mass and distribution of the particles around the rotation axis. Notice that rotation about different axes of the same body yield different moments of inertia.", "occasion- definition and synonyms Synonyms and related words. Moments and short periods of time:moment, second, instant... Explore Thesaurus. b. [countable] a special or important time or event The first opening of a Scottish parliament for 300 years was a historic occasion. special occasion: The dress is perfect for a special occasion. mark an occasion (=celebrate it): We should mark the occasion in some way. on the occasion of something (=when something special happens): There was a celebration on the occasion of the school’s anniversary. Synonyms and related words.", "- The definition of instant is something that is urgent or happens immediately. An example of instant is an answer received very quickly, an instant response. An example of instant is oatmeal that has been pre-cooked and dried for very quick cooking, instant oatmeal. instant. instant.", "- A moment causes a rotation about a point or axis. If the moment is to be taken about a point due to a force F, then in order for a moment to develop, the line of action cannot pass through that point. If the line of action does go through that point, the moment is zero because the magnitude of the moment arm is zero.", "immediately 5. the moment that; as soon as. syn: immediately, instantly, directly, presently were once close synonyms, all denoting complete absence of delay or any lapse of time. immediately and instantly still almost always have that sense and usu. mean at once: He got up immediately. She responded instantly to the request. directly is usu.", "instant A period of time so short as to be almost imperceptible. See Synonyms at moment. 2. A particular or precise time: at the instant of combustion. 3. Abbr. inst. The current month: your letter of the 15th instant.", "Definition of time in English: 2.1 A moment or definite portion of time allotted, used, or suitable for a purpose. 2.2often time for/to do something The favourable or appropriate time to do something. 2.3a time An indefinite period. 2.4also times A portion of time in history or characterized by particular events or circumstances.", "The C++ Standard Library: Utilities A duration of time is defined as a specific number of ticks over a time unit. One example is a duration such as “3 minutes” (3 ticks of a “minute”). Other examples are “42 milliseconds” or “86,400 seconds,” which represents the duration of 1 day.", "Definitions &Translations Torque, moment, or moment of force (see the terminology below) is the tendency of a force to rotate an object about an axis, fulcrum, or pivot. Just as a force is a push or a pull, a torque can be thought of as a twist to an object. Mathematically, torque is defined as the cross product of the lever-arm distance vector and the force vector, which tends to produce rotation. Loosely speaking, torque is a measure of the turning force on an object such as a bolt or a flywheel.", "time time. 1 the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future; indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another. 2 duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite duration. (sometimes initial capital letter) a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time: mean time; apparent time; Greenwich Time.", "momentum A quantity used to measure the motion of a body, equal to the product of its mass and velocity. Any change in the speed or direction of a body changes its momentum. moment, momentum-Latin momentum, from movere, move, and-mentum, is the source of moment and momentum, which first meant moving power.. See also related terms for moment.", "point- definition and synonyms [countable] a particular moment in time at this/that point: At that point we all got up and walked out of the room. at this/that point in time: At this point in time we can’t afford to hire any more people. Synonyms and related words. Moments and short periods of time:moment, second, instant... Explore Thesaurus.", "MOMENT OF INERTIA Nouns denoting natural phenomena. Hypernyms (moment of inertia is a kind of...): inertia ((physics) the tendency of a body to maintain is state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force). moment (a turning force produced by an object acting at a distance (or a measure of that force)).", "- period. 1 a rather large interval of time that is meaningful in the life of a person, in history, etc., because of its particular characteristics: a period of illness; a period of great profitability for a company; a period of social unrest in Germany. 2 any specified division or portion of time: poetry of the period from 1603 to 1660.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Magnetic moment. The magnetic moment of a magnet is a quantity that determines the force that the magnet can exert on electric currents and the torque that a magnetic field will exert on it. A loop of electric current, a bar magnet, an electron, a molecule, and a planet all have magnetic moments." ]
[ 13.296875 ]
[ 10.96875, 11.5859375, 11.8828125, 8.515625, 11.4375, 9.7734375, 9.53125, 8.3828125, 11.2890625, 9.5703125, 10.5546875, 11.3828125, 8.5390625, 10.578125, 10.0078125, 11.71875, 8.5, 8.4921875, 11.375, 9.8125, 11.4140625, 11.671875, 9.2578125, 11.546875, 10.2109375, 11.4140625, 9.90625, 11.5859375, 10.1015625, 10.859375 ]
how to become a biofeedback practitioner
[ "Biofeedback Schools and Careers Average Length of Biofeedback School Study. If you receive biofeedback training as part of a health care program, the length of study depends on the degree you’re earning—an associate’s degree usually takes 2 to 3 years, while a bachelor’s degree takes 4 years." ]
[ "- (Rev. 2736, Issued: 06-28-13, Effective: 10-01-12, Implementation: 10-07-13). Medicare covered biofeedback training for the treatment of urinary incontinence may be provided by physical therapists in facility settings.", "Biofeedback Technicians Gain valuable work experience as a biofeedback technician by helping your fellow UCR students learn relaxation techniques in a clinical counseling setting. Biofeedback is the use of sensors to gather information on psychophysiological processes within the body related to stress and anxiety, such as skin temperature and heart rate.", "How to Become a Physical Therapist Step 4: Attend a Residency Program. Following graduate school, some physical therapists further prepare for the profession by completing residencies. According to the APTA, residency programs are typically comprised of 1,500 hours of clinical physical therapy practice within 9-36 months.", "Biofeedback Biofeedback is a tool that helps individuals visualize how their biological systems work. For example, software can show individuals what their heart is doing and how basic changes in their breathing can influence their heart beat and overall health.", "How to Become a Hypnotist How to Become a Hypnotist. Learn how to become a hypnotist from clinical hypnotherapist Debbie Catz in this Howcast video. Hi, I’m Debbie Catz. I’m a certified clinical hypnotherapist here in the San Francisco Bay area.I have a masters degree in social work. To learn more about this you can visit my website at www.norcalhypno.com.earn how to become a hypnotist from clinical hypnotherapist Debbie Catz in this Howcast video. Hi, I’m Debbie Catz.", "- Biofeedback. 1 Biofeedback involves placing sensors on the skin and viewing what is happening in the body on a computer screen. The Biofeedback clinician coaches the client on how to make changes toward greater health and wellness.", "Biofeedback: Questions and Answers The patient's goal is to learn to control involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, skin temperature, and muscle tension. The biofeedback therapist teaches the patient how to affect a particular function specific to a problem through mental or physical exercises (eg, tense neck muscles).", "What do I need to know about how to become a clinical psychologist? While many clinical psychologists assess and treat individuals with mental illness, others perform research, teach, or develop programs. Step 1: Bachelor's Degree. To become a licensed clinical psychologist, you will first need a bachelor's degree, which teaches the fundamentals of psychology. A bachelor's of science degree in psychology will give you an understanding of human learning, emotions, and behaviors with a specialization designed around American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines.", "Recreational Therapist Careers Training and Education. Psychology students interested in becoming a recreational therapist will need at least a bachelor’s degree in therapeutic recreation. This recreational therapist degree program offers training in assessment, treatment, program planning and intervention.", "- 2. Get clinical experience. The requirements for clinical experience vary according to the degree you obtain, but in most cases two years of experience working as a therapist in a clinic or private practice is mandatory before you can become a licensed.et licensed. Most states require that therapists pass a licensing exam in addition to obtaining a master's degree and at least two years of clinical experience. 1 Research the exam requirements in your state in order to prepare for the exam and pass it. 2 Renew your license every year according to the laws of your state.", "How to Become A Nurse Practitioner Most doctoral degree programs in clinical psychology include an internship component that typically lasts one year or more, depending on the area of specialization. Completion of such an internship is almost always a requirement of state licensure.", "How to Become a Psychologist After completing your education requirements and earning a doctorate degree, you will continue your training with an internship, have two years of practice and then you will be required to take a state exam to become a licensed psychologist.", "- 1 At least two years (3,000 hours) of supervised experience in health service psychology including: One-year (1,500 hours) internship or organized training program meeting National Register Guidelines. If you completed an APA accredited internship, you should meet this criterion.", "- In order to start a clinical psychology career, individuals will typically need to earn a Bachelor's in psychology or clinical psychology. Additional schooling is also usually necessary after the four year degree.", "How to Become a Holistic Nutritionist? Educational Requirements. If you are interested in becoming a holistic nutritionist, you will need to acquire a bachelor’s degree in nutrition, dietetics or a health sciences field. You may also need to be certified in nutrition in order to practice.ob Duties. As a holistic nutritionist, your main duties will be to help clients alter their diets, lose excess weight and improve their health and well-being. You may work in a hospital, school, skilled nursing facility, private practice or state agency.", "- To qualify as a sport or exercise psychologist you will need to complete: 1 a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited degree in psychology leading to the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC).2 work experience in the specialism you want to work in.ou will need to have a genuine desire to help people, and also be able to maintain a professional distance. To get into this job you will need to do a three-year degree in psychology, followed by a master’s degree in sport and exercise psychology, and two years of supervised practice.", "Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) Neurofeedback is a safe non-invasive method of learning to alter one’s brain waves. Neurofeedback session is typically 30 to 50 minutes in duration, depending on the age and condition being addressed. One session per week is the minimum frequency for good results. Two sessions per week is encouraged if possible.", "- May require a master's degree in exercise physiology, certification as an exercise technologist, and 2-4 years of experience in the field or in a related area.Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures.reates educational materials and sessions for patients. May require a master's degree in exercise physiology, certification as an exercise technologist, and 2-4 years of experience in the field or in a related area. Familiar with a variety of the field's concepts, practices, and procedures.", "Neurofeedback (EEG Biofeedback) Neurofeedback, also known as EEG (Electroencephalograph) biofeedback, or brain wave training, is done with the assistance of computerized technology.In essence, it is a way to both change the brain towards better functioning and an effective method of exercising the brain. Neurofeedback session is typically 30 to 50 minutes in duration, depending on the age and condition being addressed. One session per week is the minimum frequency for good results. Two sessions per week is encouraged if possible.", "Biofeedback Biofeedback is a method that uses the mind to control a body function that the body normally regulates automatically, such as skin temperature, muscle tension, heart rate, or blood pressure. When you are first learning biofeedback, you will have sensors attached to your body and to a monitoring device.", "How to Become a Physical Therapist Step 4: Attend a Residency Program. Following graduate school, some physical therapists further prepare for the profession by completing residencies. According to the APTA, residency programs are typically comprised of 1,500 hours of clinical physical therapy practice within 9-36 months.tep 2: Earn a Graduate Degree. All physical therapists are required to complete doctoral physical therapy degree programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).", "Definitions &Translations Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions primarily using instruments that provide information on the activity of those same systems, with a goal of being able to manipulate them at will.", "- Biofeedback therapy involves training patients to control physiological processes such as muscle tension, blood pressure, or heart rate. These processes usually occur involuntarily, however, patients who receive help from a biofeedback therapist can learn how to completely manipulate them at will.Biofeedback is typically used to treat chronic pain, urinary incontinence, high blood pressure, tension headache, and migraine headache.The three most common types of biofeedback therapy are: 1 Thermal biofeedback-which measures skin temperature. 2 Electromyography-measures muscle tension.iofeedback is typically used to treat chronic pain, urinary incontinence, high blood pressure, tension headache, and migraine headache. The three most common types of biofeedback therapy are: 1 Thermal biofeedback-which measures skin temperature.", "- 1 If you are planning to become an accredited exercise physiologist, be prepared to take courses for continuing your education throughout your career to meet ASEP qualifications. 2 Be prepared to take many courses in science, biology and anatomy to become an accredited exercise physiologist.", "- 1 According to the University of California, San Diego Medical Center typical fees for visiting a biofeedback therapist are $35 - $85 per session, depending in part on the therapist's experience.dditional costs: 1 The three most common types of biofeedback therapy are electromyography (EMG), which measures muscle tension; thermal, which measures skin temperature; and electroencephalography (EEG), or neurofeedback, which measures brain wave activity.", "biofeedback Biofeedback, or applied psychophysiological feedback, is a patient-guided treatment that teaches an individual to control muscle tension, pain, body temperature, brain waves, and other bodily functions and processes through relaxation, visualization, and other cognitive control techniques.", "- How to Become a Child Therapist. A therapist or psychologist helps people to work through psychological and behavioral problems in a private or institutional setting.They must attend years of schooling and supervised practice before becoming licensed therapists.ecome licensed as a psychiatrist or therapist in your state. You will need to submit an application and fees, and take both a theory and practical exam. You should receive word about required courses and exam scores once you submit your application.", "What is an Exercise Physiologist? All exercise physiologists in Australia should be accredited with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). How do you become an exercise physiologist? You need to study at university and complete a four year degree course in Exercise Physiology. The course covers biomechanics, physiology, psychology and nutrition. The course work includes creating fitness and rehabilitation programmes.", "- It's not all in the name... I could see a neurofeedback therapist or a behaviour therapist. One could have a B.A. in psychology with a certificate course, and the other a doctorate in psychology registered with a Board of Examiners. Only the letters after the name define which therapist is more qualified. could see a neurofeedback therapist or a behaviour therapist. One could have a B.A. in psychology with a certificate course, and the other a doctorate in psychology registered with a Board of Examiners. Only the letters after the name define which therapist is more qualified.", "biofeedback Definition. Biofeedback, or applied psychophysiological feedback, is a patient-guided treatment that teaches an individual to control muscle tension, pain, body temperature, brain waves, and other bodily functions and processes through relaxation, visualization, and other cognitive control techniques.efinition. Biofeedback, or applied psychophysiological feedback, is a patient-guided treatment that teaches an individual to control muscle tension, pain, body temperature, brain waves, and other bodily functions and processes through relaxation, visualization, and other cognitive control techniques." ]
[ 11.6015625 ]
[ 9.8046875, 11.453125, 8.125, 10.6484375, 7.1640625, 11.3046875, 10.8515625, 7.98828125, 7.94140625, 9.6171875, 9.6953125, 8.640625, 9.4140625, 8.3515625, 7.19921875, 7.31640625, 9.3359375, 8.6171875, 8.8671875, 10.6015625, 7.5234375, 10.3359375, 10.125, 8.109375, 8.7734375, 10.6875, 7.7734375, 7.453125, 9.4296875, 9.0625 ]
thrifty metabolism definition
[ "- A thrifty metabolism is a genetic predisposition that causes a person to expend higher-than-average energy at rest. enables a person to store fat readily. enables a person to store fat readily." ]
[ "- Confidence votes 864. Metabolism refers to the total of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism. It is subdivided into catabolism and anabolism, which refer to reactions that break down and build up products respectively.nswer The Scientific definition of metabolism is the rate in which the body makes or breaks chemical bonds. Metabolism is the rate in which one's body burns off a … nd utilizes calories.", "Metabolism Things to remember. Metabolism refers to the countless chemical processes going on continuously inside the body that allow life and normal functioning. The amount of kilojoules your body burns at any given time is affected by your metabolism.", "- noun, plural economies. 1. thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc. 2. an act or means of thrifty saving; a saving: He achieved a small economy by walking to work instead of taking a bus. 3. the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.", "Cachexia Cachexia (from Greek κακός kakos bad and ἕξις hexis condition) or wasting syndrome is loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness, and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight.", "Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories Metabolism: Converting food into energy. Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function.t's true that metabolism is linked to weight. But contrary to common belief, a slow metabolism is rarely the cause of excess weight gain. Although your metabolism influences your body's basic energy needs, it's your food and beverage intake and your physical activity that ultimately determine how much you weigh.", "Metabolism Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, change) is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.nabolism is the set of constructive metabolic processes where the energy released by catabolism is used to synthesize complex molecules. In general, the complex molecules that make up cellular structures are constructed step-by-step from small and simple precursors.", "- Related terms: basal metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, constructive metabolism, destructive metabolism, fat metabolism, inborn error of metabolism, inborn errors of metabolism, oxidative metabolism. See also: anabolism, catabolism.", "Chapter 10: Nutrition, Fitness, and Physical Activity Metabolism in the absence of oxygen. Wasting or decrease in the size of a muscle or other tissue caused by lack of use. The efficiency with which the body delivers to cells the oxygen and nutrients needed for muscular activity and transports waste products from cells.", "BMR Calculator Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment, in the post-absorptive state (meaning that the digestive system is inactive, which requires about twelve hours of fasting in humans).", "Human Metabolism: Facts & General Information Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, change) is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.", "Forget dieting: Speeding up your metabolism is the key to slimness As a diet-obsessed nation, when we say (or blame) ‘metabolism’ we mean the rate at which our body burns off food. In fact, to be precise, metabolism ­actually encompasses a vast array of processes vital to keep us alive. Converting food and drink into energy is just one of these.", "Fasting In a physiological context, fasting may refer to the metabolic status of a person who has not eaten overnight, or to the metabolic state achieved after complete digestion and absorption of a meal.asting is primarily a movement of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a period of 24 hours, or a number of days.", "- Metabolism is the process by which your body turns what you’ve eaten into fuel. The frequency, amount and type of foods we eat affect how well metabolism works to better fuel our bodies. The level of physical activity we maintain and the consistency of that exercise also play a part.", "- Definition: Aerobic metabolism is the creation of energy through the combustion of carbohydrates and fats in the presence of oxygen. The only byproducts are carbon dioxide and water, which your body disposes of by breathing and sweating.", "metabolism Definition of metabolism for English Language Learners. biology : the chemical processes by which a plant or an animal uses food, water, etc., to grow and heal and to make energy.", "thiamin Thiamin (vitamin B1) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and supports healthy neural function. It is found in a wide variety of foods. When thiamin intake is inadequate, people can experience irritability, loss of appetite and resultant weight loss, as well as cardiac and neurologic symptoms.", "METASTASIS (metastases) fat metabolism-a metabolic process that breaks down ingested fats into fatty acids and glycerol and then into simpler compounds that can be used by cells of the body.", "- Metabolism: Metabolism, the sum of chemical reactions that take place in living cells, providing energy for life processes and the synthesis of cellular material. encyclopÆdia britannica", "METABOLIC DISORDER Meaning: A disorder or defect of metabolism. Classified under: Nouns denoting stable states of affairs. Hypernyms (metabolic disorder is a kind of...): disorder; upset (condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of metabolic disorder): alcaptonuria; alkaptonuria (a rare recessive metabolic anomaly marked by ochronosis and the presence of alkapton in the urine)", "What is the definition of metabolism in biology? Metabolism can also refer to basal metabolism or basal metabolic rate, which are the pathways dealing with fuel metabolism and energy production (aka, facilitation of anti-entropic processes). Poetically: the dance of the molecules of living systems.", "- The formal definition of cachexia is the loss of body mass that cannot be reversed nutritionally: Even if the affected patient eats more calories, lean body mass will be lost, indicating a primary pathology is in place.", "How to Increase Your Metabolism Your metabolism is your body’s biochemical activity that regulates the conversion of calories into energy. A slow metabolism is slow to convert calories into energy and can cause the body to store fat. fast metabolism operates in converse fashion, quickly using energy and not storing it. Your body’s metabolism is controlled by your thyroid gland and a sluggish thyroid can cause metabolic deficiencies, leading to an increase in fat stores. In fact, an inefficient metabolism is a very common causes of weight gain.", "What is the definition of metabolism in biology? Metabolism is the set of ilfe-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.", "What Is Metabolism? Boosting Your Metabolism For Dummies By Rachel Berman On the most basic level, metabolism is the process by which your body converts the food and water you consume into energy for immediate use or to be stored for later. This energy doesn’t only power your jog — every action your body performs, including brushing your teeth and getting dressed in the morning, requires […]", "\"What Is the Meaning of \"\"hypermetabolic\"\"?\" Hypermetabolic is the adjectival form of hypermetabolism, which is an increase in the body's basal metabolic rate. Hypermetabolism can be a symptom of underlying stress or significant physical trauma. Continue Reading.", "metabolism Definition of metabolism for Students. : the processes by which a living organism uses food to obtain energy and build tissue and disposes of waste material.", "How does your metabolism work? A metabolic disorder occurs when the metabolism process fails and causes the body to have either too much or too little of the essential substances needed to stay healthy.Our bodies are very sensitive to errors in metabolism.etabolism is the chemical process your body uses to transform the food you eat into the fuel that keeps you alive. Nutrition (food) consists of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.", "- Cachectic: Having cachexia, physical wasting with loss of weight and muscle mass due to disease. Patients with advanced cancer, AIDS, severe heart failure and some other major chronic progressive diseases may appear cachectic. Search MedTerms:", "- Metabolism: Metabolism, the sum of chemical reactions that take place in living cells, providing energy for life processes and the synthesis of cellular material.", "A Review of âThe Obesity Codeâ The typical physiological response to a reduction in calories is a lowering of basal metabolism, that is, energy expenditure. Totally makes sense: the body senses a food shortage, so it compensates to conserve energy and, ultimately, life. Enter Jason Fung, M.D., with his book, The Obesity Code." ]
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what happens when you're having a miscarriage
[ "What Happens When You Have a Miscarriage? When you have a miscarriage, it usually begins with light spotting or staining for several days, that gradually changes to bright red bleeding. Cramps usually follow quickly with the bright red bleeding. The cramps may come and go as your uterus contracts - much like labor contractions." ]
[ "5 Steps To Decreasing the Chance of Recurrent Miscarriages As someone who has experienced two early miscarriages, I can say having a miscarriage is really, really hard. Not only did I have to deal with the feeling of loss, confusion, and sadness – I also had to work through the resentment towards my pregnant friends that would “fall” pregnant every time they sneezed.", "Vaginal bleeding in pregnancy Find maternity services in your area. Other symptoms of a miscarriage include: cramping and pain in your lower abdomen. a discharge of fluid from your vagina. a discharge of tissue from your vagina. no longer experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy, such as feeling sick and breast tenderness.", "- Miscarriage at a Glance. 1 Many women have miscarriages. 2 They are usually caused by a genetic problem or other problem with the way the embryo or fetus develops. Women may have a mix of feelings, including grief, after having a miscarriage.", "Miscarriage In Second Trimester Miscarriage In Second Trimester. A miscarriage in second trimester is basically defined as the spontaneous abortion of the child anytime between week 12 and week 20 of pregnancy. On the other hand, the loss of the child after 20 weeks into the pregnancy would be defined as a stillbirth or a neonatal death.", "Miscarriage Miscarriage is a term used for a pregnancy that ends on its own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. The medical terms used to identify this potential complication or loss gives most women an uncomfortable feeling, so throughout this article, we will refer to this type of threatened complication or pregnancy loss under 20 weeks as a miscarriage.", "What does miscarriage mean? Miscarriage Meaning. It's usually used to define the death of a fetus between weeks 4-20 (after then I think it's a stillborn) The risk of a miscarriage is greatly decreased after week 12. Any woman can miscarry.", "Incomplete Miscarriage: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments Incomplete miscarriage causes and symptoms. Miscarriage in the first trimester is usually the result of chromosomal abnormalities. The reasons why an incomplete miscarriage happens isn’t clear, but it happens quite often. On the contrary, a complete miscarriage is rare. When an incomplete miscarriage happens, abnormal bleeding will occur.", "Pregnancy and Miscarriage What Are the Symptoms of a Miscarriage? Symptoms of a miscarriage include: Bleeding which progresses from light to heavy; Severe cramps; Abdominal pain; Fever; Weakness; Back pain; If you experience the symptoms listed above, contact your obstetric health care provider right away.", "Implantation Bleeding Symptoms of miscarriage. The most common sign of miscarriage is vaginal bleeding. This can vary from light spotting or brownish discharge to heavy bleeding and bright red blood. The bleeding may come and go over several days.", "After a Miscarriage: Physical Recovery Surviving a pregnancy loss can be very difficult. After a miscarriage you may experience a roller coaster of emotions, as well as physical symptoms, as your body recovers.", "What Does a Miscarriage Feel Like? Since you have known What does a miscarriage feel like, you should know what to do if you think you're having a miscarriage. Here are the methods you can take in such a case: 1 Telephone your doctor or nearest hospital and describe what's happening.2 Remember that miscarriages are hard to be prevented at this stage. miscarriage, medically known as a spontaneous abortion, is the loss of a baby before 20 weeks' gestation. But most people don't know is that miscarriage is a reasonably common event with 1-2 out of every 10 pregnancies becoming miscarriages.", "When a Miscarriage Changes Things: 7 Ways My Next Pregnancy Will Be Different However, the effects of my miscarriage don’t just begin and end with my emotional state. There will be real and actual differences with my next pregnancy that will only exist because of the loss of my previous pregnancy. I Will Worry 1 of 7.", "- A miscarriage refers to the death of a fetus before the 24th week of pregnancy. Between 10 and 15 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Miscarriages can be caused by a variety of health conditions, including chromosome problems, infections, various diseases, alcohol or drug abuse and eating disorders.", "- The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion, but the condition is not an abortion in the common definition of that term. The causes of miscarriage are not well understood. Most of the miscarriages that occur in the first trimester of pregnancy are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. Chromosomes are tiny structures inside the cells of the body which carry many genes. Genes determine all of a person's physical attributes, such as sex, hair and eye color, and blood type.", "Preventing Miscarriage: Is There Anything You Can Do? If you've endured the heartbreak of a miscarriage -- and roughly 15 percent of known pregnancies do end in miscarriage -- you may have also experienced an unpleasant side effect of the experience: a crushing sense of guilt.", "Zygotes Lost With Birth Control v. Without Birth Control A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy (the loss of an embryo or fetus before it's developed enough to survive). This often happens even before a woman is aware that she is pregnant. A miscarriage usually happens in the first 3 months of pregnancy, before 12 weeks' gestation. A small fraction of pregnancy losses — happening in less than 1% of pregnancies — are called stillbirths, as they happen after 20 weeks of gestation.", "What to Expect About First Menstruation After the Miscarriage Mostly when you have a miscarriage, you will tend to bleed for a wholemonth, or do not bleed at all for several months. The next menstrualcycle depends mostly on the condition of your body after miscarriage. Most women will tend to experience light or heavy vaginal discharge regularly after the mishap.", "Treatment after miscarriage Miscarriage is when a baby dies in the womb before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Most women who have an early miscarriage (in the first trimester) don’t need treatment afterwards.Instead, the uterus empties on its own, like if you were having a heavy period. Some women have severe heavy bleeding after a miscarriage.Or they may have tissue left in the uterus after the miscarriage.ost women who have an early miscarriage (in the first trimester) don’t need treatment afterwards. Instead, the uterus empties on its own, like if you were having a heavy period. Some women have severe heavy bleeding after a miscarriage. Or they may have tissue left in the uterus after the miscarriage.", "Understanding Early Miscarriage Symptoms of early miscarriage. 1 Bleeding – light bleeding early in pregnancy is fairly common, and does not mean you will have a miscarriage. 2 Passage of tissue through the vagina. 3 A gush of clear or pink vaginal fluid. 4 Abdominal pain or cramping. 5 Pregnancy symptoms, such as breast tenderness and nausea, begin to go away.", "Miscarriage Signs And Symptoms, Cause and Treatment Other signs of miscarriage that are common in the first and second trimester include lower back pain, pain in the abdomen and pressure in the area of the uterus. These symptoms are similar to those of labor. Second Trimester Specific Signs of Miscarriage.", "Understanding Early Miscarriage 1 About 1/3 of all women will bleed in the first trimester, but only about half of those women will have a miscarriage. Complete Miscarriage: the entire pregnancy is passed from the uterus, most commonly with bleeding and cramping, and no additional treatment or observation is needed.", "Miscarriage Signs And Symptoms, Cause and Treatment Miscarriage is a broad term to explain the loss of a growing fetus. However, there are different types depending on the cause and stage of your pregnancy. Your doctor will classify your condition as a: blighted ovum (a fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall, but fetal development never begins)", "Pregnancy Cramps: Should You Be Worried? When you become pregnant after having had a miscarriage, early pregnancy cramps can be a matter of anxiety. Is it just normal uterine stretching and growth, or is it a sign of impending miscarriage? The answer isn't always obvious, but here are some pointers to keep in mind when deciding what to do.", "Miscarriage: Signs, causes, and treatment Keep in mind, though, that up to 1 in 4 pregnant women have some bleeding or spotting (finding spots of blood on your underpants or toilet tissue) in early pregnancy, and most of these pregnancies don't end in miscarriage. Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain usually begins after you first have some bleeding.", "Symptoms of Miscarriage Symptoms of Miscarriage. On this page you will find four categories of miscarriage symptoms: definite signs of a forthcoming miscarriage, possible signs, signs that might scare you but are really okay, and unusual periods that are not necessarily miscarriages.", "Frequently Asked Questions About Miscarriages A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss before 20 weeks of pregnancy. After 20 weeks it is considered a stillbirth. Signs and symptoms of miscarriage include heavy bleeding, cramping, and loss of pregnancy symptoms.Only your doctor can confirm whether you have actually had a miscarriage.fter 20 weeks it is considered a stillbirth. Signs and symptoms of miscarriage include heavy bleeding, cramping, and loss of pregnancy symptoms. Only your doctor can confirm whether you have actually had a miscarriage.", "Miscarriage and Pregnancy But the most common signs include: 1 Cramping or pain in the lower back or abdomen. 2 Heavy bleeding (possibly with clots or tissue) similar to a period. 3 Lighter bleeding that lasts for more than three days. 4 A disappearance of any pregnancy signs you were experiencing (such as nausea and breast tenderness)", "Miscarriage - Topic Overview A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 20 weeks. It is usually your body's way of ending a pregnancy that has had a bad start. The loss of a pregnancy can be very hard to accept.You may wonder why it happened or blame yourself. miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy during the first 20 weeks. It is usually your body's way of ending a pregnancy that has had a bad start. The loss of a pregnancy can be very hard to accept.", "Early Miscarriage â Symptoms, Signs and Causes To confirm if a miscarriage has happened, your care provider can do the following: 1 Blood tests to check pregnancy hormone levels. 2 Symptoms (bleeding, pregnancy signs disappearing) 3 Examination. 4 Ultrasound (depending on gestation)", "Miscarriage Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the natural death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently. Some use the cutoff of 20 weeks of gestation after which fetal death is known as a stillbirth. The most common symptoms of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding with or without pain. Sadness, anxiety and guilt may occur. Tissue or clot-like material may also come out of the vagina." ]
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Get text and emails about your claim; Register or log in, then look for Profile and Preferences Make a detailed inventory of damaged property; File a Claim - Choose the way you prefer. File Online; Use the State Farm ® mobile app; Contact your State Farm agent", "how car accidents can affect your rate To make sure you get the most from your insurance policy, you generally want to have the most coverage you can comfortably afford. If you're an Esurance customer and you have questions about your rate or your coverage options, give us a call at 1-800-ESURANCE (1-800-378-7262).", "- Here are some things that other customers said after calling 800-242-6422 and talking to a Amica - Auto Insurance customer service agent: For years I had MetLife insura~sbbvt4y agoThe customer service was excel~fpierre764y agoMy auto premium went up. Our c~Mass driver5y ago.", "AllState 800 Number What is the 1-800 number for AllState? Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers for AllState Insurance. General Questions/Customer Service:1-800-ALLSTATE (1-800-255-7828) (24/7) Thank you for calling AllState, where you are in good hands. [Al espanol la primera nocho].", "- And here are some reasons that other Allstate customers called 800-255-7828 recently: 1 Totaled carGetHuman-prettyjha yr agoHave question about car insuranceGetHuman-lexi_xx_a yr agoCustomer serviceGetHuman-vpadillaa yr ago.", "State Farm Toll Free 1-800 Number Below is a list of phone numbers for State Farm insurance company customers and policy holders. Claims: 1-800-STATE-FARM, (1-800-782-8332) (24/7) Thank you for calling State Farm, [Para espanol obrima el uno]. If you are currently a state farm customer or have a question regarding claim press 2.", "contact us We hate to lose you as a customer, but if you need to cancel your Esurance auto policy, please call us anytime at 1-888-ESURANCE (1-888-378-7262).", "- Claims. 1-800-243-5860 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Auto Glass Claims. 1-877-687-1279 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Roadside Assistance. 1-800-322-7789 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hearing Impaired. 1-800-877-8973 M–F: 8am - 6pm, ET", "Contact Us Click here to find a local Independent Insurance Agent in your area. Your feedback is important to us. If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please submit it through the form below. If you would like to make changes to your policy or billing options, please contact your local Independent Insurance Agent. 1-888-MMG-BILL (1-888-664-2455)", "- Get your Amica auto insurance quote today. Call 877-505-3201 for a free quote – 24/7. Amica is the oldest mutual insurer of automobiles in the U.S., with a renowned legacy of customer service excellence. As a mutual insurance company, we’re owned by our policyholders and answer only to our customers.", "Merchants Insurance Group Phone Number Merchants Insurance Group's Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Phone Number This is Merchants Insurance Group's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a Merchants Insurance Group agent. This phone number is Merchants Insurance Group's Best Phone Number because 192 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 800-462-8182 include Get insurance, Make/Chase a claim, Coverage question, Overcharge/Strange charge, Renew coverage and other customer service issues.", "The Know-It-All's Guide to Life Use only if the name, address, insurance and vehicle information printed on the registration renewal notice has not changed. You will need a Visa, American Express, or MasterCard. You can also renew by telephone at 1-410-768-7000, then use your touch-tone telephone keypad as instructed.", "Travelers Expands Monoline Commercial Auto Insurance Offerings Travelers has simplified commercial auto insurance for companies working in more than one state by covering multi-state exposures on one policy, a feature both commercial and construction customers often require. A minimum of five vehicles to very large fleets can be covered individually or as a group.", "- Call Travelers Insurance Customer Service. Call Customer Service by tapping below if on your phone, or talk to them from your browser. Tap or click to call. Tap or click here to call (877-878-2468); When prompted press 2, press 3, press 3.", "- To call the toll free telephone number for the Allstate esurance New Customer Quotes Customer Service 24/7 Hotline just dial 1-855-523-8236. If you drive a car, you need auto insurance. Get a free estimate for auto insurance from Allstate, the leader in auto insurance. You’re in good hands with esurance by Allstate.", "General Auto Insurance Phone Number (888) 279-2199. Get a General Auto Insurance Quote by Calling the Phone Number on this site. General liability auto insurance can greatly reduce your overall costs of car insurance. Rather than spend hundreds per month you may be able to purchase the bare minimum auto insurance, known as liability only auto insurance. To get a low rate, call.", "- Citizens Property Insurance Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Citizens Property Insurance Contact is +1- 888-685-1555, Claims Number: +1-866-411-2742 (Click phone number to call).", "- Contact options. Call the Member Services number on your ID card for personalized service. Or call 1-877-238-6200 to get automated coverage and claims information. The recorded system is always available; you can speak to a live person Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 pm ET.", "- Claims. Life can be stressful enough without worrying about your insurance claim. Whether you need to report a claim, learn more about the claims process or speak to a MissionSelect team member, we will be there for you! There are a couple of ways to get your claim started.1. Contact your agent: Your agent is well trained and equiped to assist you in reporting your loss.Your agent’s telephone number can be located on the the Declarations Page of your insurance policy.ational Unity Insurance Company (policy number prefixes PHC and HOP): 800-780-6941, Opt 3. Aegis Security Insurance Company (policy number prefixes PKC and KOP): 800-233-2160. 3. Fill out the claims form below to start the process.", "- Contact Info: Phone Contact Numbers. Sales & Service: 1-800-861-8380. General Claims: 1-800-861-8380. Glass Claims: 1-800-510-2291. Emergency Road Service: 1-800-424-3426. Mechanical Breakdown Claims: 1-800-443-7411. Military Customers: 1-800-MILITARY. Collector Auto Insurance: 1-800-645-4827." ]
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what cause leather car seats to get deep wrinkles and creases
[ "Lexus: How to Remove Wrinkles from Leather Seats Think of the leather in your car as skin that needs to be cleaned, conditioned, and protected to maintain a healthy appearance. Similar to our skin, if we do not take care of leather, it will dry, crack, and eventually break over time. Wrinkles in leather are caused by environmental stress, heat, or damage from regular wear and tear." ]
[ "How to Re-dye Leather Car Seats The dye can also be applied with an acrylic brush although using a cloth gives greater control over the dye. Use the cloth to rub the dye all over the leather car seat. Work with small amounts at a time to avoid applying the dye too thickly. If part of the surface is blemished, apply a heavier overall coverage.tep 3 - Apply a Second Coat. If the leather car seats look too light in color, applying a second coat of dye will darken it. A second coat can also help cover any blemishes like streaks or areas with darker grain.", "Crepey Wrinkled Skin on the Inside of Arm It is due to genetics, weight loss, and sun damage. Some people, when they lose subcutaneous fat with age, will develop crepey skin on their arms. This is not associated with massive weight loss, only the predictable loss of fat under the skin which starts in the fourth and fifth decades of life. To remove excess skin, a surgical brachioplasty is helpful.", "- Car leather seat restoration baggy and scuffed / stained - Duration: 4:17. mbiggs911 45,973 views", "Keep Those Leather Car Seats New I just bought my first really nice car, a BMW 335i, and I want to make sure the leather interior stays pristine. The bulk of wear on leather surfaces comes from the abrasive quality of built-up dirt, but cowhide also loses essential oils and UV protectants over time that need to be replaced. Ignore leather care and the surface finish will dull and cracks will begin to form. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to keep your seats clean. To start, set up a monthly or quarterly interior-maintenance reminder on your phone. There are plenty of one-step cleaner and conditioners on the market, in lotion, spray, or wipe form. They all work roughly the same way: A gentle oil helps remove dirt and keeps the leather supple.", "Overview Wrinkles are caused by a combination of factors — some you can control, others you can't: 1 Age. As you get older, your skin naturally becomes less elastic and more fragile. 2 Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. Ultraviolet radiation, which speeds the natural aging process, is the primary cause of early wrinkling. 3 Smoking.", "Know the Untold Facts about Facial Wrinkles Facial wrinkles are a result of aging, but there are factors that promote their development that are the following: 1 Smoking – Researchers say that regular smoking accelerates skin aging because it reduces blood supply to the skin. The result is the fast development of skin aging signs like facial wrinkles. It also causes premature skin aging signs causing the appearance of wrinkles even when a person is still in his/her early 30s.", "Dried Milk Stains on Leather Any suggestions on how to get rid of dried milk stains off of the leather seats in my car? My son loves to flick his sippy cup straw, so milk gets everywhere! I've used Simple Green with little success, and I'd hate what Windex or ammonia products will do to the leather long tern.", "- Spray a microfiber towel with cleaner and wipe over the seats. Use leather cleaner, saddle soap, or another mild leather soap. 1 You can use a commercial cleaner for leather seats or make your own: Combine 1 part white vinegar and 2 parts linseed oil in a bowl or spray bottle.", "What Causes Skin To Sag? Can You Reverse Sagging? Lines. Wrinkles. Sagging! Lines are generally the result of wear and tear to the areas of our face that are involved in its movement — its natural grooves or seams. The best examples are the lines around our eyes and in between our brows. Wrinkles occur in the areas of the face that are stationary, such as the cheeks. There’s really no reason for their existence other than environmental damage and the passage of time. Sagging, on the other hand, is mostly the result of genetics.", "Cosmetic Procedures for Wrinkles Smoking curbs your skin's production of collagen, which is a key part of the skin's structure. The downturn in collagen paves the way for wrinkles. That's one more reason to quit smoking, or never to start. There are many over-the-counter treatment options for wrinkles, including creams and lotions.", "Diagnose a problem Leather can stretch and crease mainly on seating areas. This can occur anywhere. If leather stretches to the point where it creases and even folds wear can occur resulting in colour loss. Leather on wearing areas such as seats, arms and back cushions can stretch as a result of the internal cushions (foam or fibre interiors) degrading, shrinking, softening and flattening.", "- You may have to mix colors to get the perfect match. Apply the liquid leather repair compound to the seat. Use a heat source, such as a hair dryer, to heat the compound and ensure it dries smoothly. 4. Apply the grain sheet on top of the compound so it will look like real leather and matches other parts of the seating.o remove a dent in the leather seat of a car, soak a towel in hot water then wring most of the water out. Fold the towel into quarters and set it down over the dent. Plac … e a heavy object on top and leave for 2 hours. After 2 hours repeat this process another 3 times.", "Wrinkle A wrinkle, also known as a rhytide, is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin.Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation, habitual sleeping positions, loss of body mass, or temporarily, as the result of prolonged immersion in water. wrinkle, also known as a rhytide, is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation, habitual sleeping positions, loss of body mass, or temporarily, as the result of prolonged immersion in water.", "Wrinkle remedies Before you purchase every anti-wrinkle product on the shelf, it is important to consider the different causes of wrinkles. As people age, their skin produces less oil and the epidermis (outer skin layer) becomes dry. Collagen and elastin, proteins that help keep skin taut, begin to diminish in the underlying dermis. The skin then begins to sag, causing a wrinkled appearance.", "- Wipe the seats clean. Use a clean and dry microfiber cloth to wipe off the cleaning agent that you scrubbed into the leather. You should notice dirt, oil, and grime on the cloth.", "Purpose of Perforated Leather Car Seats Perforated leather car seats are distinguished by the tiny holes placed at regular intervals which add pattern and texture to the leather. These seats are often standard on luxury passenger cars, trucks, SUVs and sports cars.", "How to Clean Leather Car Seats Wipe the seats clean - Before applying the leather cleaner to the seats, it’s a good idea to wipe down the leather with a clean damp cloth. This will remove any grease, dust or dirt so that the leather cleaner can focus on any ground-in dirt.", "- Over time, factors such as sun damage, heredity, diet, and repetitive muscle movement contribute to the formation of lines and wrinkles in the face. Additionally, the development of pigmentation irregularities or acne scars can cause skin to lose its smooth, youthful appearance.", "Skin Fold Dermatitis The skin disease that can result from improper care of the skin in those wrinkles. Skin fold dermatitis, which can also happen to cats with squished faces, is caused by the warm, moist conditions that can occur in deep skin folds on the face, at the tail, or around the private parts of females. It causes hair loss, skin irritation, and a bad smell in those folds, and leads to a skin infection called pyoderma.", "- Repair any cuts in the leather. If you have cracks in your seats, apply filler inside the crack and even it out with a spatula. Use a damp rag to remove filler than has gotten outside the crack. Allow to dry and repeat until all cracks are filled and smooth. Finally you are ready to dye the leather.epair any cuts in the leather. If you have cracks in your seats, apply filler inside the crack and even it out with a spatula. Use a damp rag to remove filler than has gotten outside the crack. Allow to dry and repeat until all cracks are filled and smooth. Finally you are ready to dye the leather.", "- A better approach is to prevent a cramp. Cramps usually occur due to improper seating posture, bad seat ergonomics or driving in the same posture for too long. Work on that and you can reduce cramps. I change the reclination and seat distance slightly every two hours to create some variation in my posture which helps.", "Swimming Pool Blog Pool liner wrinkles when installing a new liner: This is the most common type of wrinkle in a pool liner. One cause is that the liner ordered is deeper than the pool, or too much additional sand was added while prepping the floor of the pool. A primary cause is poor measurement, especially of the hopper bottom, on inground vinyl liner pools.", "- There are a lot of products on the market for cleaning leather seats. But you can just as easily clean them with a moisturizing soap. Just take a wet soft cloth and rub the ba … r on it and lather it up real good on your leather. You do not need to rinse this off, just buff it up with a soft cloth.The moisturizer in the soap keeps the leather soft and supple.o remove a dent in the leather seat of a car, soak a towel in hot water then wring most of the water out. Fold the towel into quarters and set it down over the dent. Plac … e a heavy object on top and leave for 2 hours. After 2 hours repeat this process another 3 times.", "Hereâs The Real Reason Wet Fingers Shrivel Up Like Prunes Why do our fingers and toes wrinkle up like prunes when we've been in the water for a while? Maybe you've heard that it's because of water passing into the outer layer of skin, making it swell with wrinkles -- but it turns out that that explanation is all wet. The real reason is that blood vessels just under the skin constrict as an involuntary nervous system reaction to skin's immersion in water. This causes the upper layers of skin to pucker and wrinkle. Scientists figured this out by observing that the skin of people with nerve damage did not prune up when exposed to water. Voila.", "- Repair damage to the fabric or leather of your recliner chair. Tears and holes can be caused by anything from cigarette burns to the boisterous behavior of young children. Visit a fabrics store with a sample segment of material from your torn chair.", "I've noticed a vertical crease in my ear lobe, what does that indicate? However, some researchers theorize that the cause of heart disease in these patients is increased age, not a genetic predisposition marked by the earlobe creases: these creases are more common as people age.", "- You spend the most time inside your vehicle and your passengers. often take notice of how clean, or not so clean, your interior is. It's important to protect your interior trim and leather from harmful. UV rays that can potentially dry out and fade your interior.", "Skin wrinkles and blemishes Aging causes the skin to undergo changes: 1 Cells divide more slowly and the inner layer of skin starts to thin. 2 The deeper layer of the skin, which provides the framework for the surface skin layers, loosens and unravels. Oil-secreting glands shrink, leaving the skin without a protective layer of oil.", "Got Crepey Skin? And for help with crepey skin under the eyes click here.... While there are many causes of crepey skin, the main reason is usually due to the decline in youthful collagen and elastin production which are the main building blocks for a firm, supple, hydrated complexion.", "Top Recommendations10075502597% 92% 86%1ADVANCED DERMATOLOGY2REVIVE3LA PRAIRIE The Main Causes of Upper Lip Wrinkles. The most common cause of upper lip wrinkles is natural aging. As people age, their skin loses elastin and collagen, which give skin its firmness and ability to snap back into place.This leads to sagging skin and wrinkles, including those on the upper lip.he most common cause of upper lip wrinkles is natural aging. As people age, their skin loses elastin and collagen, which give skin its firmness and ability to snap back into place." ]
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what county is corryton tn
[ "- Homefacts City Report. Corryton is located in Knox County, TN. The population is NR. There are 3 public schools in Corryton with an average Homefacts rating of A-. The total crime rate for Corryton is low, and there are 17 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Corryton is moderate and the median home sales price is $134,650." ]
[ "- Welcome to Lakewood, Dyer County, TN. This is a beautiful residential area. It is one of, if not the most, desirable place to live NW Tennessee. Residents include - Professionals, business owners, teachers, and retirees. All properties are kept in immaculate condition . ANNOUCEMENTS AND NOTES FROM LPOA BOARD PRESIDENT.", "- The Hardeman County Sheriff’s Office is located at 505 South Main Street in Bolivar, TN. This website has been established in an effort to provide better service to the county. Please check back regularly for updates and information. DIAL 911 for all emergency calls.", "Decatur Co. TN Cemetery Records These pages are maintainted in their legacy state in memory and honor of David. The following cemeteries are transcribed from Decatur County, Tennessee Cemetery Records published by the Nathaniel A. Wesson Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Parsons, Tennessee, 1984, which owns the copyright to this material.", "Waverly, Tennessee Waverly is a city in and the county seat of Humphreys County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 4,028 at the 2000 census.avatt was a fan of the author Sir Walter Scott, and named the community after Scott's Waverley Novels. When Humphreys County was created in 1803, Reynoldsburg, located northwest of Waverly along the Tennessee River, was chosen as the county seat.", "- TRAVIS AUTOMOTIVE - Used Cars, Used Pickup Trucks Corryton, TN. Welcome to TRAVIS AUTOMOTIVE, Used Cars, Used Pickup Trucks Corryton, Blaine, Corryton. We are the premier auto dealership in Corryton, TN area, and are a Used Cars , Used Pickups For Sale. Corryton residents will enjoy browsing our huge inventory of Used Cars, Used Pickup Trucks and Used Cars , Used Pickups For Sale. No matter what you are looking for; chances are we have it.", "- Marion County, Tennessee TNGenWeb. for local genealogy and history. Marion County is located in East Tennessee, one of the state's three grand divisions, and was formed in 1817 from land ceded by the Cherokee.. maps. Marion County Courthouse- Jasper. Entire web site copyright TNGenWeb and its contributors 1996 to present.", "Byrdstown Byrdstown is a town in Pickett County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 903 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Pickett County. Byrdstown is located at 36°34′21″N 85°8′14″W / 36.5725°N 85.13722°W / 36.5725; -85.13722 (36.572585, -85.137088). The town is situated on the Highland Rim a few miles east of Dale Hollow Lake. Byrdstown is traversed by Tennessee State Route 325, which travels east-to-west across the northern part of the county. Recently, the town has grown westward to TN-325's junction with Tennessee State Route 111.", "Scott County, Tennessee Scott County, Tennessee. (Redirected from Scott County, TN) Scott County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 22,228. Its county seat is Huntsville.", "- Tiptonville, Tennessee is located in Lake County. Zip codes in Tiptonville, TN include 38079. The median home price in Tiptonville is $20 which is roughly $20/per square foot.", "Washington County, Tennessee Washington County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 122,979. Its county seat is Jonesborough. The county's largest city and a regional educational, medical and commercial center is Johnson City. Washington County is Tennessee's oldest county, having been established in 1777 when the state was still part of North Carolina.", "Erwin Sponsored Topics. Erwin is a town in and the county seat of Unicoi County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 5,610 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Johnson City Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is a component of the Johnson City–Kingsport–Bristol, TN-VA Combined Statistical Area – commonly known as the Tri-Cities region.", "- The county was established in 1879 from sections of Overton and Fentress Counties. The county seat is Byrdstown, where the Pickett County Courthouse, designed in Crab Orchard stone by the Nashville firm of Marr and Holman, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.", "Boundary Map of Shelby County, Tennessee Shelby County, TN, is a county located in the southwestern part of Tennessee near the city of Bartlett. Counties Neighboring Shelby County, TN. The following Counties are next to Shelby County, TN: DeSoto is 22 miles south of Shelby County, TN.", "- Henderson is a city in Chester County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 6,309 at the 2010 census, up from 5,670 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Chester County. Chester County was formed from pieces of Hardeman, Henderson, McNairy, and Madison counties in 1882 and named after Robert I. Chester.", "Unicoi County, Tennessee Genealogy [[Image:Unicoi County Tennessee courthouse.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Unicoi County Courthouse, Erwin, Tennessee.[[Category:Templates for TN pages. ]] [[Image:State of Franklin.PNG|thumb|right|300px|In the 1780s, this county's land fell within the bounds of the State of Franklin.]]", "Boundary Map of Shelby County, Tennessee Shelby County, TN is in the southwestern part of Tennessee in the east south central United States. Closest City to the Center of Shelby County, TN: Bartlett, Tennessee. Cities in Shelby County, TN: Bartlett, Memphis, Germantown, Millington, Lakeland, Arlington, Collierville. Neighboring Counties to Shelby County, TN:", "Decatur County, Tennessee Decatur County, Tennessee. Not to be confused with Decatur, Tennessee. Decatur County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,757. Its county seat is Decaturville.", "- It is the fifth-largest county in Tennessee by area.</p><h3>Adjacent counties</h3><p><ul><li><a href=/pages/w/110926418958562>Madison County</a> (north)</li><li><a href=/pages/w/135090459856461>Chester County</a> (northeast)</li><li><a href=/pages/w/139119859440332>McNairy County</a> (east)</li><li><a href=/pages/w/110287319021760>Alcorn County, Mississippi</a> (southeast)</li><li><a href=/pages/w/129695593739041>Tippah County, Mississippi</a> (south)</li><li><a href=/pages/w ...", "Cocke County, Tennessee Free Public Records Directory This page lists public record sources in Cocke County, Tennessee. Additional resources can be found on our Tennessee State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Recommend a link for this page.", "- Putnam County, Tennessee includes the cities of Algood, Baxter, Cookeville, and Monterey and is an area rich in both history and leadership. Our goal is to provide an informative resource to those interested in learning more about Putnam County and all of the amenities Putnam County has to offer. 931-526-2161. 300 E. Spring Street Room 8", "- Find Maynardville Tennessee clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Name. Union County Clerk. Address. 825 Main Street, Maynardville, Tennessee, 37807.", "Baxter, Tennessee Baxter, Tennessee. Baxter is a town in Putnam County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 1,365 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Cookeville, Tennessee Micropolitan Statistical Area. Contents.", "Lenoir City, Tennessee Homefacts City Report. Lenoir City is located in Loudon County, TN. The population is 8,653, making Lenoir City the largest city in Loudon County. There are 6 public schools in Lenoir City with an average Homefacts rating of A-. The total crime rate for Lenoir City is low, and there are 45 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "Retirees Sparta/White County is part of the 14-county Upper Cumberland region of Middle Tennessee and Highlands of Tennessee, the latter a four-county economic marketing partnership consisting of Putnam, Overton, White and Jackson counties.", "Hickman County, Tennessee Hickman County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 24,690. Its county seat is Centerville. Hickman County is part of the Nashville-Davidson – Murfreesboro – Franklin, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "- Water area: 0.257 sq.kms. The Covington-Porterdale county subdivision had a population of 33,250 in 1990. The County seat of Newton County, North Central Georgia, 35 miles East South East of Atlanta, West of Madison, North of Jackson Lake and South West of Athens on U.S. Route 20.", "Sevier County, Tennessee Sevier County is a county of the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 89,889. Its county seat and largest city is Sevierville. Sevier County comprises the Sevierville, TN Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Knoxville-Morristown-Sevierville, TN Combined Statistical Area.", "Tennessee Counties - Cities, Towns, Neighborhoods, Maps & Data There are 95 counties in Tennessee. Hartsville-Trousdale County is a consolidated county/city government with a legal description of “Government” and has one set of government officials. Lynchburg, Moore County is a consolidated county/city government with a legal description of “Metropolitan Government” and has one set of government officials.", "Morganton, North Carolina Morganton is a city in Burke County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 16,918 at the 2010 census. Morganton is the county seat. Morganton is one of the principal cities in the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC Metropolitan Statistical Area. A site five miles north of here has been identified as the Mississippian culture chiefdom of Joara, occupied from 1400AD to 1600AD.", "Humphreys County, Tennessee Humphreys County, Tennessee. Humphreys County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 18,538. Its county seat is Waverly." ]
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how young children develop & learn
[ "Young Children's Development: What to Expect 3-–4-year-old children require opportunities to: 1 Play with other children so they can learn to listen, take turns and share. 2 Develop more physical coordination-for example, by hopping on both feet. 3 Develop their growing language abilities through books, games, songs, science, math and art activities." ]
[ "- The earliest theory about language development assumed that children. acquire language through imitation. While research has shown that children. who imitate the actions of those around them during their first year of life are. generally those who also learn to talk more quickly, there is also evidence.", "- Through independent exploration, structured activities, and hands-on learning, children develop a variety of skills and knowledge in areas like early literacy, mathematics, science, Spanish and social skills. Here’s a sample of how, from our “My Home and Family” theme. 1 Literacy and Math Activities.", "Child Development and Early Learning A father's role is as vital as the mother's in nurturing and caring for their children and protecting their rights. A father should make daughters and sons feel they are equally important. Just like the mother, the father can help meet their child's needs for love, affection, approval, encouragement and stimulation. child's brain develops rapidly during the first five years of life, especially the first three years. It is a time of rapid cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development. For example, a child learns many words starting at around 15–18 months. Rapid language learning continues into the preschool years.", "Shared Flashcard Set Infants come into the world equipped with basic social predispositions and skills that contribute to their growth and development. Before children begin the process of learning how walk and talk they have a smaller range of emotions than later, as they grow greater mobility coincides with more emotion.", "Grade-by-Grade Learning: Preschool How Kids Learn in Preschool. Becoming Learners. In preschool, children first learn “how to learn.” They begin to form their attitudes toward school and to see themselves as learners. Strong preschool experiences will help a child think, “I am a good learner.", "Child Development and Early Learning Recent research confirms that the first five years are particularly important for the development of the child's brain, and the first three years are the most critical in shaping the child's brain architecture. Early experiences provide the base for the brain's organizational development and functioning throughout life.", "Let's Talk They learn to understand and use language to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings, and to communicate with others. During early speech and language development, children learn skills that are important to the development of literacy (reading and writing).This stage, known as emergent literacy, begins at birth and continues through the preschool years.Children see and interact with print (e.g., books, magazines, grocery lists) in everyday situations (e.g., home, in preschool, and at daycare) well before they start elementary school.f you have concerns about your child's speech and language development or emergent literacy skills, please contact a certified speech-language pathologist. Go to ASHA's Web site at www.asha.org for more information and referrals, or call 800-638-8255.", "Language and Literacy Development in Preschool Children Guided by the most current research in early childhood language and literacy development, The Hanen Centre developed a number of user-friendly resources and hands-on trainings for helping parents, educators and speech-language pathologists maximize young children's learning.esearch shows that when adults create rich language and literacy environments and respond to a child’s communication in specific ways, they can boost that child’s emergent language and literacy development and increase the likelihood of future academic success.", "Early Childhood Cognitive Development: Introduction Early Childhood Cognitive Development: Introduction. Young children are not only growing physically during early childhood, but they are also growing mentally. Children of this age continue to advance their skills in observing and interacting with the world around them. They also make tremendous leaps in how they process, store, and use information.", "Cognitive Development in Childhood This module examines what cognitive development is, major theories about how it occurs, the roles of nature and nurture, whether it is continuous or discontinuous, and how research in the area is being used to improve education. Children's thinking. Cognitive development. Conservation problems. Developmental stages.", "- Young children need access to high quality early education and child care programs that are suited to the particular needs of the child in order to ensure lasting developmental improvements. Conclusions Students’ achievement in school and in life is influenced by their early educational experiences.", "List of Free Online Child Development Courses & Learning Materials 1 Development in Middle Childhood-Examine methods for measuring child intelligence alongside characteristics of learning, emotional and behavioral disorders. 2 The effects of motivation and culture on child learning are also discussed.", "- The early years, especially the first three years of life, are very important for building the baby's brain. A child's brain develops rapidly during the first five years of life, especially the first three years. It is a time of rapid cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development.For example, a child learns many words starting at around 15–18 months. Rapid language learning continues into the preschool years. child's brain develops rapidly during the first five years of life, especially the first three years. It is a time of rapid cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development. For example, a child learns many words starting at around 15–18 months. Rapid language learning continues into the preschool years.", "- As we will see, the cognitive skills are ones that early childhood teachers value, and that they can encourage deliberately. The other area of research discussed, literacy development, is especially important to educators working with older young children.his chapter is about how the cognitive development of young children can be affected by early childhood programs. It therefore does not describe everything that psychologists know or believe about cognitive development in young children.", "- Below are general guidelines for hearing/auditory, cognitive, speech (sound production) and language (listening, understanding and using words) development. Most children will demonstrate these skills within six months of the times listed.", "Introduction to Psychology âPSY101 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Piaget's stage theory describes the cognitive development of children. Cognitive development involves changes in cognitive process and abilities. In Piaget's view, early cognitive development involves processes based upon actions and later progresses to changes in mental operations. A Look at Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development. Through his observations of his children, Piaget developed a stage theory of intellectual development that included four distinct stages: The Sensorimotor Stage Ages: Birth to 2 Years Major Characteristics and Developmental Changes: 1 The infant knows the world through their movements and sensations. 2 Children learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping, looking, and listening. 3 Infants learn that things continue to exist even though they cannot be seen (object permanence).", "Technology and Young Children During the preschool years, young children are developing a sense of initiative and creativity. They are curious about the world around them and about learning.", "Child Development Principles The domains are interrelated; what happens in one domain influences development in the other domains. The skills and knowledge that children develop early in his life are the foundation for more advanced skills and knowledge. Each child develops at his or her own rate.", "What Do We Know About Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood? All aspects of child development are interconnected (Figure 1.1). For example, a child's ability to learn new information is influenced by his ability to interact appropriately with others and his ability to control his immediate impulses. Thinking About the Whole Child: Domains of Development Figure 1.1.", "Early Identification: Normal and Atypical Development They match the information with what they've learned before, noticing similarities and differences, and store the information for future use. Once this process is complete, children behave in ways that suggest that learning has taken place. Children's development usually follows a known and predictable course.The acquisition of certain skills and abilities is often used to gauge children's development.hey match the information with what they've learned before, noticing similarities and differences, and store the information for future use. Once this process is complete, children behave in ways that suggest that learning has taken place. Children's development usually follows a known and predictable course.", "- 14 Literature review of the impact of early childhood education and care on learning and development in care before 3 years of age. Others found that sustained and regular ECEC (that is, the more months a child attends) provides greater benefits for children’s learning (Sammons et al.0 Literature review of the impact of early childhood education and care on learning and development influences child performance, independent o f family factors, particularly in the cognitive domain (Huntsman 2008; NICHD 2003, 2008; To et al.", "Learning to Read and Write: What Research Reveals Even in the first few months of life, children begin to experiment with language. Young babies make sounds that imitate the tones and rhythms of adult talk; they read gestures and facial expressions, and they begin to associate sound sequences frequently heard – words – with their referents (Berk 1996).", "- Learning and Development: Infants Birth to 12 Months. Babies grow and develop faster in the first year than any other year. During the first six months of life, babies gradually gain information about the world around them. Babies younger than six months depend mainly on their caregivers for their daily experiences.", "- These early. learning designations were used to group activities by goal. The targeted age group for each activity is designated: young. infants (birth to 9 months), mobile infants (8 to 18 months), and. toddlers (16 to 36 months). These overlapping age guidelines. emphasize the fl uidity of early development.", "- Copyright © 2009 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children ing, their experiences in families and early educa-tion programs have a major influence. Programs can implement evidence-based strategies that will promote positive approaches to learning.opyright © 2009 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children 7 In the language and literacy domain, vocabu-lary knowledge and other aspects of oral language are particularly important predictors of children’s reading comprehension.", "- The early years, especially the first three years of life, are very important for building the baby's brain. A child's brain develops rapidly during the first five years of life, especially the first three years. It is a time of rapid cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development.For example, a child learns many words starting at around 15–18 months. Rapid language learning continues into the preschool years.The child's brain grows as she or he sees, feels, tastes, smells and hears.t is a time of rapid cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development. For example, a child learns many words starting at around 15–18 months. Rapid language learning continues into the preschool years. The child's brain grows as she or he sees, feels, tastes, smells and hears.", "Language development Language development is thought to proceed by ordinary processes of learning in which children acquire the forms, meanings and uses of words and utterances from the linguistic input. The method in which we develop language skills is universal; however, the major debate is how the rules of syntax are acquired.", "Understanding Growth and Development Patterns of Infants Understanding child development is an important part of teaching young children. Developmental change is a basic fact of human existence and each person is developmentally unique. Although there are universally accepted assumptions or principles of human development, no two children are alike.", "- Early Childhood Development: The key to a full and productive life. Early childhood development is the key to a full and productive life for a child and to the progress of a nation. Early childhood is a critical stage of development that forms the foundation for children’s future well-being and learning.", "- Fun Ways to Encourage Language Development in Early Childhood. Preschool language activities play an important role in the development of your child's vocabulary, listening skills, and communication skills. From birth to the age of five, children develop language skills at a fast pace." ]
[ 12.375 ]
[ 10.2734375, 11.234375, 10.0546875, 10.859375, 11.375, 11.53125, 9.9921875, 10.1640625, 11.078125, 9.953125, 10.3203125, 10.4609375, 10.2890625, 9.5625, 10.71875, 9.8046875, 11.9453125, 10.9453125, 10.4765625, 10.0078125, 9.1875, 10.9609375, 11.3203125, 10.0625, 8.9765625, 10.2421875, 10.8046875, 11.1875, 11.0390625, 10.8203125 ]
french bulldog how much do they cost
[ "How Much Do French Bulldogs Cost? How much does it cost? The cost of the French Bulldog depends on the age, sex, size, health condition, breeder, parent’s history and inclusions with the adoption. On average, the prices of a French bulldog can range anywhere from as little as $900 to as much as $3,200." ]
[ "- It all depends on where you get him/her from. I would say $800.00. Sometimes if you get the dog from a petstore it cost a million dollars; they come from a puppy mill, usually … from a responsible breeder. Personally I would say about $600. That's how much it cost me for one.But it could depend a lot on the ownership and how old the lab is too.5 people found this useful.t all depends on where you get him/her from. I would say $800.00. Sometimes if you get the dog from a petstore it cost a million dollars; they come from a puppy mill, usually … from a responsible breeder. Personally I would say about $600. That's how much it cost me for one.", "How Much Do French Bulldogs Cost? Short answer: How much do french bulldogs cost? Between $1400 and $8000, depending on fur color, your geographical location, and the breeder you choose to buy from.hese common colors of French Bulldog range between $1400 to $2000 on the east coast but many bad, greedy breeders will attempt to charge a minimum price their puppies. This practice robs many people of the opportunity to enjoy the companionship of a French Bulldog.", "Why do Bulldogs cost so much? Bulldogs usually (90%) of the time require a c-section for delivery of the puppies and artificial insemination to breed. The cost to a breeder for a litter can run between 1500-3000 dollars (not counting there time). Litter size average is 4. The Cost for a c-section, usually about 500.00- 750.00 assuming it is during normal vet hours. After hours, weekends and holidays will run extra.", "How much does a black lab cost? A black lab may come to a very expensive rate. As they are amazing, smart animals they may cost from 300$-1300$.It is so worth it though. We just got a baby black lab and he is awesome.Trust me ... you should really look into it. -snoopdoggie dog The cost all depends on the bloodlines of the dog.Champion bloodline pups may very well cost over $1000 but any pure and AKC registered lab pup will cost at least $200-$300 just with their paperwork and first shots and deworming.ou should really look into it. -snoopdoggie dog The cost all depends on the bloodlines of the dog. Champion bloodline pups may very well cost over $1000 but any pure and AKC registered lab pup will cost at least $200-$300 just with their paperwork and first shots and deworming.", "How Much Does a Blue Heeler Cost? On average, a Blue Heeler puppy range anywhere from $350 for a ranch-bred puppy to over $1,500 for a trained stock dog. The costs will depend on the dog’s age, its history, the breeder, geographical location and inclusions. PuppyFind.com has listings that range anywhere from $275 to as much as $600.", "- The average price of a French Bulldog puppy varies from state to state and can range between $1,500.00 to $4000.00 for a pet quality. Be honest to yourself and the breeders that you contact about what you are shopping for.he average price of a French Bulldog puppy varies from state to state and can range between $1,500.00 to $4000.00 for a pet quality. Be honest to yourself and the breeders that you contact about what you are shopping for.", "How Much Do French Bulldogs Cost? Short answer: How much do french bulldogs cost? Between $1400 and $8000, depending on fur color, your geographical location, and the breeder you choose to buy from. Note, I cannot speak to how much French Bulldogs cost in other countries, as I have never dealt with international breeders before. I apologize.", "French Bulldog Weight Guide A fully grown French Bulldog should weigh between 17 and 30lbs, depending on if they’re a male or female. Spayed and neutered is also a factor, as unneutered males may weigh slightly more than their neutered counterparts.", "- How much is it? On average, a Bernedoodle puppy costs around $1,600 to $3,300. This price is going to depend on whether it is a miniature or standard Bernedoodles; whether it is a tri-color or bi-color pup; and if the pups have already been microchipped, dewormed and trained.", "How much should a french bulldog weigh? The American Kennel Club French Bulldog breed standard, http://www.akc.org/breeds/french_bulldog/ states that weight is not to exceed 28 pounds. I own, show and breed French Bulldogs and have seen basically two general size ranges of French Bulldogs in the show ring, a smaller 16-21 lb type and a larger, beefy type in the 22-28 pound range.", "- 1 Rottweilers can cost $800 to $1,500 depending on the dog’s quality, according to Angelfire.com. 2 On the other hand, Puppyfind.com said that the price of rottweilers can differ depending on their age and the breeder.ow much does it cost? 1 Depending on the dog’s past, its bloodline, and affiliation with prominent clubs, the cost of a rottweiler can range anywhere from as little as $300 to as much as $1,600.", "- 1 According to the website MiracleYorkies.com, the costs of a male can be between $800 and $2,500, while a female can cost $1,200 to as much as $3,000.2 According to Nextdaypets.com, a Yorkie’s cost ranges from $450 to $5,000. According to the website MiracleYorkies.com, the costs of a male can be between $800 and $2,500, while a female can cost $1,200 to as much as $3,000.", "What is the average price of an English Bulldog puppy from a breeder? In Oregon; 5 month old AKC English Bulldog Male, shots current, $1000 AKC English Bulldog male, 1 year old, housebroken, very playful, must sell. $1500. AKC English Bulldog Puppies; champion lines, exp. breeder, vet checked. 1M 1F Born 9/14/06. Availbale for their forever homes now.", "Size and Weight of French Bulldog Size and Weight of French Bulldog. French Bulldog the mini size Bulldog that appeals everyone because of his cute look and attracts dozens of new dog owners everyday because of his unique characteristics.They are the smallest of the all types of Bulldogs.Average height for a French Bulldog lies in the range of 10-13 inches or 25.4-33 cm.", "How Much Does a French Bulldog Cost? The cost of these adopted French bulldogs are much more cheap compared to most French bulldog breeders, ranging from free to only $500. However, these bulldogs are left to the shelters because in most cases the previous owners can not take care of.", "- That’s obviously if there is a health issue with your Frenchie, which being a Brachycephalic breed is not uncommon. So let’s assume this doesn’t happen to you, here is a common breakdown of what it would cost you to own a French bulldog: 1 Grain free food: $50-75/bag. Yearly exam and shots: $150 minimum.", "A better question would be: how much does a Rottweiler cost from a good, reputable, respectable and ethical breeder? You can almost always find puppies for just a few hundred dollars. Some of these puppies may even be registered! You can expect to spend somewhere around $1500-3000 for a quality Rottweiler puppy from a quality breeder. Of course, there are some exceptions and this is just a ball park. When you pay for your new family member you aren't just buying a puppy. You're buying all of the following as well:", "How much are puppies at Petland? It varies from breed to breed. The more expensive dogs such as bulldogs can range in the thousands, while most most purebreds will range from $300-600. Mixed breeds will be a little less. However, dogs are priced at their highest point when they first arrive, and will often drop the longer the dog is there.", "French Bulldog Weight Guide These also aren’t concrete. Your french bulldog could land anywhere in the above ranges. From the breed standard, french bulldogs can weigh anywhere between 16-30lbs. The above ranges are based on my personal experience breeding french bulldogs. Your veterinarian can tell you if your french bulldog is over or under weight. Many factors are considered.", "French Bulldog Height While the American Kennel Club has no official height range for the French bulldog, most average 10 to 12 inches at the shoulders. The AKC restricts show dogs to 28 pounds or less. The AKC standard for all bulldogs mandate the circumference of the skull be at least the same as the dog's height at the shoulders.", "How Much Do Schnauzers Cost? 1 On average, a Miniature Schnauzer can cost anywhere from $500 to $2,700. 2 AKC/show breeds are going to be more toward the $2,000 price tag. 3 Standard Schnauzers can cost anywhere from $400 to $1,500.4 Females are going to be more than the male breed.5 Dogs over the age of 2 can cost anywhere from $75 to $400. According to NCSchnauzers.org, the total start up costs can cost anywhere from $400 to $500. 2 If the dog has to be shipped via an airline, the costs can range from $200 to $500 depending on how far the dog has to travel.", "How much do Beagle puppies cost? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Beagles usually cost anywhere from $200-$600. They are on the lower spectrum for puppy cost. Just remember though that a 200 dollar puppy quickly turns into a 1500 dollar puppy.Through vet costs, licensing, food and toys, the price of a puppy quickly escalates.hey are on the lower spectrum for puppy cost. Just remember though that a 200 dollar puppy quickly turns into a 1500 dollar puppy. Through vet costs, licensing, food and toys, the price of a puppy quickly escalates.", "- The lifespan of the French Bulldog is between nine and 14 years. Although smaller dogs have longer lifespans on average, and French Bulldogs are seldom more than a foot tall, the breed has a number of hereditary problems due to issues with the skull and spine.", "How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Dog? The average cost for the first year of raising small dogs was $2674; medium dogs on the average cost $2889; the cost for large dogs is $3239 and giant breeds such as Great Danes have an annual cost of $3536. The average first year cost across all sizes was $3085.", "How much does a Norwegian Elkhound usally cost? Pet stores usually charge exorbitant prices for substandard dogs that they get from backyard breeders or puppy mills. There are well-bred puppies anywhere from $600 to $2500. And there are poorly bred puppies for $200 to $1000.You have to check out your breeder, check for references. And remember the initial cost of the puppy pales in comparison to what you are going to spend on food, vet bills, and essentials for the next 15 years. So buy a quality puppy first of all.ou have to check out your breeder, check for references. And remember the initial cost of the puppy pales in comparison to what you are going to spend on food, vet bills, and essentials for the next 15 years. So buy a quality puppy first of all.", "French Bulldogs History Details. The history of The French Bulldog. ·. The first breed club for French Bulldog was founded in Paris in 1880.The first pedigree bookreg. of the breed took place in 1885 and the first standard was written and established in 1898 when the French Kennel Club approved the breed.Bu we can go back much further.etails. The history of The French Bulldog. ·. The first breed club for French Bulldog was founded in Paris in 1880.The first pedigree bookreg. of the breed took place in 1885 and the first standard was written and established in 1898 when the French Kennel Club approved the breed.Bu we can go back much further.", "- Origin: England and France. Description: The French Bulldog is a small companion dog with perky batlike ears and a stocky body. It has a short coat and laid back personality, and spends most of its time playing or lazing around the house.eeding Fido. As a medium dog expected to live 11 years or more, the French Bulldog will need approximately 3/4 to 1.5 cups of dry dog food daily. Proper nutrition is necessary for the dog to grow and thrive. Find and compare options below.", "- Breed: English Bulldog: Sex: Male: Age: 9 Months: Price: $1690 USD (shipping included!)", "French Bulldog The French Bulldog is a small breed of domestic dog. Frenchies were the result in the 1800s of a cross between bulldog ancestors imported from England and local ratters in Paris, France.his new bulldog breed arrived for the first time in England in 1893, with English Bulldog breeds in uproar as the French imports did not meet the new breed standards in place by this time and wanted to prevent the English stock from cross-breeding with the French.", "How much are Lagotto Romagnolo? Report Abuse. The Lagotto Romagnolo is a very rare breed and you will not find one in a shelter or rescue. They cost around $1,500 & up. The Border Terrier is uncommon and you're unlikely to find one in a shelter but it is possible, you could locate a nearby breed rescue for a better chance of finding one.They cost around $1,000 & up.est Answer: Not sure about Border Terrier but expect to pay in the range of $2500 for a well bred lagotto. You won't find one at the pound. A list of breeders can be found at the website of the Lagotto Club of America. www.lagottous.com." ]
[ 13.171875 ]
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polygender meaning
[ "A Queergendered FAQ Polygendered people are transgendered. Transgendered people are defined by TGS-PFLAG as individuals of any age or sex who manifest characteristics, behaviors or self-expression, which in their own or someone else's perception, istypical of or commonly associated with persons of another gender. .", "Genderqueer The term transgender is an umbrella term and generally refers to any and all kinds of variation from gender norms and expectations (Stryker 19). Most often, the term transgender is used for someone who feels that the sex assigned to them at birth does not reflect their own gender identity." ]
[ "GENETIC DEFECT • POLYGENIC DISEASE (noun). The noun POLYGENIC DISEASE has 1 sense: 1. an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once. Familiarity information: POLYGENIC DISEASE used as a noun is very rare. POLYGENIC DISEASE (noun). The noun POLYGENIC DISEASE has 1 sense: 1. an inherited disease controlled by several genes at once. Familiarity information: POLYGENIC DISEASE used as a noun is very rare.", "What does pan mean? 2 noun a person who is sexually interested in other people regardless of gender including male s female s transexual s tansvestite s gender bender s hermaphrodite s intersexual s androgenous people and those with sex chromosome anomaly such as klinefelter syndrome or turner syndrome3 noun a person who is sexually interested in other people regardless of gender including male s female s transexual s tansvestite s gender bender s hermaphrodite s intersexual s androgenous people and those with sex chromosome anomaly such as klinefelter syndrome or turner syndrome 3", "- Terms and Definitions: Androgynous: a term for a person who expresses or presents merged socially-defined masculine and feminine characteristics, or mainly neutral characteristics. Crossdressing: dressing as someone from a different gender category; may be done by people from all genders and sexual orientations.", "- noting or relating to a person who is cisgender and heterosexual. noun. 2. a person who is cishet. Origin of cishet. cis- ( def 3 ) + het.", "Gender neutrality Gender-neutral language [edit]. Main article: Gender-neutral language. Gender-neutral language, gender-inclusive language, inclusive language or gender neutrality is a form of linguistic prescriptivism that aims to eliminate (or neutralize) reference to gender in terms that describe people.", "hermaphrodite an individual in which reproductive organs of both sexes are present. Compare pseudohermaphrodite. Biology. an organism, as an earthworm or plant, having normally both the male and female organs of generation. a person or thing in which two opposite qualities are combined.", "- Female-To-Male (FTM), Male-To-Female (MTF): used to classify crossdressers, transgender individuals, or transsexuals; may indicate either gender expression or gender identity. Feminine: concept of what is naturally or traditionally female in terms of appearance, behavior, and personality.", "Polygene Polygenic inheritance occurs when one characteristic is controlled by two or more genes. Often the genes are large in quantity but small in effect. Examples of human polygenic inheritance are height, skin color, eye color and weight.Polygenes exist in other organisms, as well. polygene, multiple factor, multiple gene inheritance, or quantitative gene is a group of non-epistatic genes that together influence a phenotypic trait. The precise loci or identities of the non-allelic genes are often unknown to biologists.", "- polygenic. adj. 1. (Genetics) of, relating to, or controlled by polygenes: polygenic inheritance.", "- Pangender people are those who feel they identify as all genders. The term has a great deal of overlap with genderqueer and trigender. Because of its all-encompassing nature, presentation and pronoun usage varies between different people who identify as pangender. Some people who identify as pangender seek to transition. Pangender can be considered a problematic term; as it is impossible to associate with every gender in existence, if spiritual and cultural genders such as Two-spirit and Hijra are included.", "- Polygender, Bi-gender: Similar to genderqueer, these terms refer to gender variations other than the traditional, dichotomous view of women and men. People who self-refer with these terms may identify and present themselves as both or alternatively male and female, as no gender, or as outside the binary.", "'Cisgender' has been added to the Oxford English Dictionary Acknowledging that the language of gender is changing and that the word has now entered common parlance, the dictionary defines cisgender as “designating a person whose sense of personal identity corresponds to the sex and gender assigned to him or her at birth”.", "LGBTQ+ Definitions Cisgender/cis: term for someone who exclusively identifies as their sex assigned at birth. The term cisgender is not indicative of gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life.", "POLYGAMY Dictionary entry overview: What does polygamy mean? • POLYGAMY (noun) The noun POLYGAMY has 1 sense: 1. having more than one spouse at a time Familiarity information: POLYGAMY used as a noun is very rare.", "Bigender Comments283 Share. Bigender is a gender identity which can be literally translated as 'two genders' or 'double gender'. Bigender people experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two. These two gender identities could be male and female, but could also include non-binary identities.", "Pangender So I am pangendered, some people refer to me as using this term to serve my lust, desires or even as a fetish and I will say differently. When I look in a mirror I see both my feminine attributes as well as my masculine attributes and have come to terms with being unisex I guess.", "- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Polysomy. Polysomy is a condition in which an otherwise diploid organism has at least one more chromosome than normal, i.e. the number of a particular chromosome is not diploid - there may be three or more copies of the chromosome rather than the expected two copies.", "What exactly is Cisgendered? Cisgender is an antonym for transgender just like heterosexual is an antonym for homosexual. The antonym for transsexual is cissexual and NOT cisgender! Everything gender and sex for transgender and transsexual respectively is out of synchronization and is crossed over.", "Cisgender Comments127 Share. Cisgender is a term for someone who has a gender identity that aligns with what they were assigned at birth. The term was created for referring to non-transgender people without alienating transgender people. For example, if the doctor announces a baby as being a girl, and she is fine with being a girl, then she is cisgender.", "- adjective. Relating to or based on relationship to the father or descent through the male line: in Polynesia inheritance of land was predominantly patrilineal. More example sentences. 1 Polygyny is prevalent and even in groups without traditional patrilineal descent, Islam has strengthened male control of women.elating to or based on relationship to the father or descent through the male line: in Polynesia inheritance of land was predominantly patrilineal.", "Polygenism (1809-82). The theory of evolution by natural selection that was developed by Charles Darwin revolutionized the study of living things. In his Origin of Species (1859) he provided a scientific explanation of how the diverse species of plants and animals have descended over time from common ancestors.", "What does it mean to be Transgender? Cisgender is a term to describe a person whose gender identity and/or expression is the same as their birth sex. i.e. Someone who is identified as male at birth and grows up to identify as a man. The term Trans is inclusive of the Trans umbrella, but not limited to, identities such as: Transgender.", "Learn About Genetic Polymorphism Instead, polymorphism refers to forms that are discontinuous (have discrete variation), bimodal (having or involving two modes), or polymodal (multiple modes). For example, earlobes are either attached, or they are not, it is an either/or situation and not like height, which is not a set number or another.", "What Does It Mean to Be Cisgender? What does it mean to be cisgender? When a person is cisgender, they identify as the gender that matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Cisgender is, as such, a complementary designation to the term transgender. Note: A common mistake that people make when trying to use this term is to say someone is cisgendered.", "Polygenic trait A trait that is controlled by a group of nonallelic genes. Supplement. Polygenic traits are controlled by two or more than two genes (usually by many different genes) at different loci on different chromosomes. These genes are described as polygenes.xamples of human polygenic inheritance are height, skin colour and weight. Polygenes allow a wide range of physical traits. For instance, height is regulated by several genes so that there will be a wide range of heights in a population. Word origin: poly = many + genic = of genes.", "- Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word pansexual. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: pansexual(Noun) Someone who is attracted to all types of people regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. pansexual(Adjective) Sexually attracted or open to all people regardless of gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.", "Polysemy Polysemy (/pəˈlɪsɪmi/ or /ˈpɒlɪsiːmi/;[1][2] from Greek: πολυ-, poly-, many and σῆμα, sêma, sign) is the capacity for a sign (such as a word, phrase, or symbol) to have multiple meanings (that is, multiple semes or sememes and thus multiple senses), usually related by contiguity of meaning within a semantic field.", "Polymorphism For polymorphism in materials science, click here. In biology, polymorphism (from Greek: poly, meaning many and morph, meaning form) is a discontinuous genetic variation where two or more forms, stages, or types exist in the same species within the same population. It can apply to biochemical, morphological, and behavioral characteristics, but must be discontinuous.", "- polymastia definition: Noun (uncountable) 1. The fact or condition of having more than two mammae or nipples.Origin poly- +‎ -mastia (corresponding to Ancient Greek μαστός (mastos, “breast”))....", "hermaphrodite 1. an individual in which reproductive organs of both sexes are present. 2. an organism, as an earthworm or plant, having normally both the male and female organs of generation. 3. a person or thing in which two opposite qualities are combined. adj. 4. of or characteristic of a hermaphrodite." ]
[ 12.1640625, 9.578125 ]
[ 8.40625, 9.75, 9.7734375, 8.3203125, 8.8046875, 8.46875, 8.890625, 8.0390625, 9.3671875, 10.2421875, 12.7421875, 8.984375, 9.2109375, 9.8515625, 10.4453125, 9.5, 8.1484375, 8.28125, 8.796875, 8.453125, 8.5078125, 9.125, 7.9296875, 8.7578125, 7.2265625, 8.2734375, 8.75, 8.5390625, 8.171875, 8.96875 ]
what county is clawson, mi in
[ "Clawson, Michigan Clawson is a city in Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan. It is part of the Detroit metropolitan area. As of the 2010 census, its population was 11,825." ]
[ "- Adjacent counties. 1 St. Joseph County, Michigan (northwest) 2 Branch County, Michigan (northeast) 3 Steuben County (east) 4 Noble County (south) 5 Elkhart County (west)", "48430 48430. Fenton is located in eastern Genesee County. It was first settled in 1834 by Clark Dibble and originally called Dibbleville. In 1837, William Fenton and Robert LeRoy purchased a large plot of land there and registered it under the name of Fentonville. LeRoy built a hotel there the same year and also became the postmaster. Later, Fenton went on to become lieutenant governor of Michigan. The town incorporated with the name of Fenton in 1863.", "- Find Public Records in Houghton County, Michigan. This page lists public record sources in Houghton County, Michigan. Additional resources can be found on our Michigan State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Population: 35,568. Area: 1,012 sq. miles.", "Flint Flint is the largest city and county seat of Genesee County in the State of Michigan. It is located along the Flint River, 66 miles (106 km) northwest of Detroit. Flint is the largest city in the Flint/Tri-Cities region of Michigan. According to the 2010 census, Flint has a population of 102,434, making it the seventh largest city in Michigan. Genesee County comprises the entirety of Flint's metropolitan area, the fourth largest metropolitan area in Michigan with a population of 425,790 in 2010.", "Calhoun County, Michigan Calhoun County is a county in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 136,146. The county seat is Marshall. The county was established on October 19, 1829 and named after John C. Calhoun, who was at the time Vice President under Andrew Jackson, making it one of Michigan's Cabinet counties.", "Huron County, Michigan Huron County, Michigan. Huron County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 33,118. The county seat is Bad Axe. Huron County is located at the northern tip of the Thumb, which in turn is a sub region of Mid Michigan. It is a peninsula, bordered by Saginaw Bay to the west and Lake Huron to the north and east, and has over 90 miles of shoreline, from White Rock on Lake Huron to Sebewaing on the Saginaw Bay. Huron County's most important industry is agriculture, as wit", "Lowell, Michigan Lowell is a city in Kent County of the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 3,783 at the 2010 census. The city is in the northern portion of Lowell Township, but is politically independent. Lowell's economy is a mix of manufacturing, restaurants and locally owned businesses.", "- Adjacent counties. 1 Door County - north. 2 Manitowoc County - south. 3 Brown County - west. 4 Benzie County, Michigan - northeast. 5 Manistee County, Michigan - southeast.", "Grand Traverse County, Michigan Grand Traverse County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 86,986. The county seat is Traverse City. Grand Traverse County is part of the Traverse City, MI Micropolitan Statistical Area, which also includes Benzie, Kalkaska, and Leelanau counties.", "Lapeer County, Michigan Lapeer County, Michigan. Lapeer County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 88,319.[3] The county seat is Lapeer.[4] The county was created on September 18, 1822, and was fully organized on February 2, 1835. The name is a corruption of the French la pierre, which means the flint.", "67th District Court 67th District Court Please like us on Facebook for current updates. The 67th District Court of Genesee County is a limited jurisdiction court, authorized under state statute, with jurisdiction over Genesee County, including the City of Flint effective January 2, 2016. The Court has eleven elected judges, four appointed magistrates, nine probation officers and a staff of fifty employees.", "- SWORN STATEMENT STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) _____, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That _____ is a/the (contractor)(subcontractor)(supplier) for an improvement to the following described public works situated in _____ County, Michigan, described as follows:", "- Allegan County, Clyde and Ganges Township. Surveyed May and August 2007. Kregg Smith, Fisheries Biologist. Environment. Hutchins lake (Figure 1) is located in western Allegan County, Michigan, approximately 2 miles. southwest of Fennville. The shape and size of a lake basin affect nearly all physical, chemical, and. biological parameters of lakes.", "Explore Our Cities! Explore Our Cities! Welcome to Calhoun County, home to Battle Creek, Marshall and Albion! Located in Southwest Michigan, our county offers something for everyone, from cities to villages, world-renowned music to historical sites, well-groomed nature trails, to a casino, mouth-watering food and a multitude of sporting choices.", "- Allegan County is a county in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of 2010 census, the population was 111,408.[2] The county seat is Allegan.[3] The name was coined by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft to sound like a Native American word.[1]", "- 4. United Way of Genesee County. 328 S Saginaw St # 501 Flint, MI 48502. (810) 232-8121. Rooms & Rates ». Community Organizations.", "AboutHomeSheriff Michael J BouchardAbout the OCSONews ArchivesAll DivisionsKey Staff BiosUndersheriff Mike McCabeMajor Robert Smith (Law Enforcement Div)Major Charles Snarey (Corrections/Courts Div)Captain Dale Miller (Patrol Services)Captain Joseph Quisenberry (Investigations Forensic Srv)Captain Gary Miller (Pontiac Patrol)Captain Michael Johnson (Rochester Hills Patrol)Captain Curtis Childs (Corrections Main Jail)Captain Douglas Molinar (Corrections Satellites)Captain Christopher Wundrach (Emergency Response)Captain Mel Maier (Emergency Communications)Dale Cunningham (Business Manager)Pamela Newsom (Administration Supervisor)AdministrativeRecords UnitResults ProgramCommunity ServicesCorrections/CourtsOakland County JailInmate InformationInmate VisitationGiving Money to InmatesSending Mail to InmatesPosting Bond for an InmateMedical Counseling and Psych InfoQuestions about Inmate InfoSatellites and Court ServicesEast AnnexWork Release TetherLaw EnforcementMost Wanted FugitivesEmergency Response & PreparednessSpecial Weapons and TacticsTraining UnitEmergency Communications & OperationsOperations Center (Dispatch)Investigations & Forensic ServicesForensic Science LabSubstationsAddison TownshipBrandon TownshipCommerce TownshipHighland TownshipIndependence TownshipLyon TownshipOrion TownshipOakland TownshipOxford TownshipSpringfield TownshipCity of PontiacCity of Rochester HillsPatrol Units and Teams416 Traffic UnitAlcohol Enforcement UnitAviation UnitCanine UnitCounty Parks UnitCrash Reconstruction UnitCadet UnitHonor GuardMarine PatrolMotorcycle UnitMounted UnitReservesHow Do I .. ?Apply for a JobOnline FormsGet Victim InfoObtain RecordsObtain a Gun PermitFind Safety Tips or CoursesReport Identity TheftJobs Contact Us The Sheriff is bound by statute for th​​​e responsibility of operating the County jail(s) which entails the care and custody of inmates, including but not limited to such activities as: 1 Providing inmate food and medical services. Providing jail clothing and receipt of private clothing for​ court.", "- Dr. Clawson specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology and practices in San Carlos, CA.", "Clawson City Clerk The City Clerk issues fire permits, all you need to provide is an ID showing your Clawson address or a bill with the new address if you recently moved to the City. There is a $10 fee to obtain a fire permit and they are good for 5 years. The City Clerk does not maintain marriage, birth or death records. Marriage, birth and death records may be obtained from the Oakland County Clerk's Office.", "Grand Traverse County, Michigan Grand Traverse County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 86,986. The county seat is Traverse City. According to the United States Census Bureau, it is estimated that the population of Grand Traverse County in July 2015 was 91,636.", "ReStores of Oakland County Oakland County ReStores located in Pontiac (next to our affiliate offices) and Farmington Hills are proudly owned and operated by Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County with proceeds used to build strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter.", "Houghton County, Michigan Free Public Records Directory Find Public Records in Berrien County, Michigan. This page lists public record sources in Berrien County, Michigan. Additional resources can be found on our Michigan State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Recommend a link for this page. Berrien County, Michigan - General County Info.", "- Dear Concerned Citizen, The City of Fenton draws the community's water supply from wells located. FREE Latex Paint Recycling For Genesee County Residents. Residents of Genesee County can now bring their left-over, unused, and unwanted.", "Kent County, Michigan Kent County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the county had a population of 602,622. Its county seat is Grand Rapids. The county was set off in 1831, and organized in 1836. It is named for New York jurist and legal scholar James Kent, who represented the Michigan Territory in its dispute with Ohio over the Toledo Strip.", "Otter Lake Houghton County, Michigan Otter Lake is located in Houghton County, Michigan. This lake is 890 acres in size. It is approximately 29 feet deep at its deepest point. Anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Black Crappie, Smallmouth Bass and Walleye.", "- Shelbytwp.org is the official web site of the Charter Township of Shelby in Macomb County, Michigan. This site features information on our municipal government operations, meetings and community services for our 73,000 residents and 1,600 businesses.", "Michigan Sheriff sales The foreclosure attorney prepares the documents and then the home is sent to sheriff sale. A Michigan Sheriff sale takes place at the County (Wayne County, Oakland County) where the home is located at.What happens is the County auctions the property off to pay off the bank mortgage. Sure anybody can bid on it and buy it.Sure you can bid any price you want on it.he foreclosure attorney prepares the documents and then the home is sent to sheriff sale. A Michigan Sheriff sale takes place at the County (Wayne County, Oakland County) where the home is located at.", "- Of the 258 district court judges in the State of Michigan, 33 are located in Oakland County, with three judges at the 48th District Court. The 48th District Court, located in the Township of Bloomfield, serves seven communities. 1 Charter Township of Bloomfield. 2 Charter Township of West Bloomfield. 3 City of Birmingham. City of Bloomfield 1 Hills. City of Keego Harbor. City of Orchard Lake 1 Village. City of Sylvan Lake.", "- 1 Barry County Jail is in Barry County, MI and is the main correctional facility for the region Know somebody incarcerated at Barry County Jail? 2 Standard atlas of Branch County, Michigan: including a. . .", "Midland County, Michigan Midland County, Michigan. Midland County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 83,629. The county seat is Midland. The county's name is due to its closeness to the geographical Lower Peninsula's geographical center. It was set off in 1831." ]
[ 14.1171875 ]
[ 8.0078125, 8.078125, 7.39453125, 7.54296875, 7.84765625, 7.2421875, 7.44140625, 8.4453125, 7.34765625, 7.171875, 8.609375, 8.984375, 7.22265625, 8.4375, 7.84765625, 8.515625, 11.046875, 9.3359375, 13.0234375, 7.18359375, 8.96875, 7.53515625, 8.59375, 7.7109375, 7.23046875, 9.109375, 8.3515625, 9.7890625, 8.359375, 7.32421875 ]
is gout a disability
[ "Social Security Disability Benefits for Gout In order to proceed with filing for disability benefits for gout, you must first be diagnosed with the condition by a rheumatologist and meet the SSA’s criteria for the disease. Chronic inflammation is present in a weight-bearing joint that limits your ability to perform your job." ]
[ "- One of the oldest known diseases, gout was once considered the disease of kings because it was associated with those wealthy enough to overindulge in rich food and drink. In fact gout is a complex disorder that can affect anyone and does affect more than 2 million Americans. Gout causes sudden, severe pain, tenderness and swelling in your joints. It usually affects one joint at a time, often the big toe. At first, bouts of gout may be infrequent and last only about a week or so, but without treatment they may happen more often and last longer.", "Gout and Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease In general, joints involved in gout include the lower extremity joints as well as those of the upper extremities. Inflammation in joints such as the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints is termed podagra and is highly suggestive of gout.Any joint in the feet, ankles, knees, hands, wrists, or elbows may be involved.n general, joints involved in gout include the lower extremity joints as well as those of the upper extremities. Inflammation in joints such as the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints is termed podagra and is highly suggestive of gout.", "- I am on disability for being a Crohnie. Crohns has made such a negative and significant impact on my life during these past four years. Yes, I consider it to be a disability. Even though it might be a struggle depending on where you are to get approved for disability, this condition for many is debilitating at times.", "Disability Applying for Disability Benefits Due to a Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis. Pursuing disability benefits is a cumbersome process, one that more often than not takes considerable time, patience, and persistence.", "Contents: Gout vs Rheumatoid Arthritis Gout is a form of (usually) acute arthritis that has a known cause, namely the buildup crystalline uric acid deposits in the blood and joints.These crystals cause an inflammatory response, often in a big toe.heumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease in which your own immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue, causing inflammation that damages your joints. On the other hand, gout results from deposits of needle-like crystals of uric acid in connective tissue, joint spaces, or both.", "- Gout is a form of arthritis that causes sudden, severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling (inflammation) in some joints.It often affects one joint at a time, but may affect a few or even many.out is a form of arthritis that causes sudden, severe attacks of pain, tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling (inflammation) in some joints.", "- National Gout Awareness Day is recognized annually on May 22 to help raise awareness around gout, a painful disease that affects approximate…. Treating gout require a two-pronged approach that combines medications and lifestyle changes.", "Proving Diabetes is a Disability This article explains how to prove that a person with diabetes qualifies as a person with a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act using the new legal standards included in the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 and the EEOC regulations adopted in 2011 to implement that law.", "Difference Between Gout and Arthritis An inflammatory condition of a joint is called arthritis. It is categorized according to the number of joints and specific causes. The most heard of and most commonly associated with debility is rheumatoid arthritis, and the one associated with metabolic disorders is due to gout. Here, we will discuss gout and its affliction on the joint, rheumatoid arthritis, and how these two are similar and different from one another. Arthritis.", "Reptiles - Gout Treatment is often for life. Generally the prognosis for reptiles with a severe case of gout is very poor. The goal is to try and achieve a good quality of life through use of pain medication, proper hydration, plus dietary and environmental modifications.In severe cases, euthanasia is an option to consider.out is a disease in which the metabolism of uric acid is defective. Uric acid is a breakdown product of nitrogen, formed when protein is metabolized in the body. Uric acid is the form in which reptiles excrete their nitrogen wastes.", "Arthritis, Gouty Arthritis, Gouty: Introduction. Arthritis, Gouty: Joint pain and inflammation (arthritis) caused by gout (buildup of urate crystals). The big toe is most commonly affected but other joints may also be affected e.g. foot, ankle, elbow, wrist, knee and fingers. Usually only one joint is affected at a time.rthritis, Gouty: Introduction. Arthritis, Gouty: Joint pain and inflammation (arthritis) caused by gout (buildup of urate crystals). The big toe is most commonly affected but other joints may also be affected e.g. foot, ankle, elbow, wrist, knee and fingers. Usually only one joint is affected at a time.", "- However, gout can affect almost any joint and can occur in more than one joint at the same time. The joints towards the ends of the limbs tend to be affected more often and may include: 1 the midfoot (the area where your shoelaces would sit). 2 ankles. 3 knees. 4 fingers. 5 wrists. 6 elbows.", "Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits with Kidney Disease Kidney disease causes expensive, painful and debilitating complications that prevent many patients from working and earning an income. To support people in this difficult situation, the Social Security Administration (SSA) offers disability benefits as a financial resource.", "- Gout is a condition that causes swelling and severe pain in your joints, often the joint of your big toe. Gout is a condition where a chemical produced by your body, called uric acid, forms crystals in your joints. The crystals can also appear in your tendons and ligaments, as well as beneath your skin.", "- Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body, causing crystals to form in joints, and joints to become inflamed and painful.ntroduction. Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body, causing crystals to form in joints, and joints to become inflamed and painful. It can be hereditary or result from another condition.", "Liver Problems Disability Benefits for Liver Problems. Chronic liver disease, including alcoholic cirrhosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and hepatitis, can qualify for disabiity benefits if you have suffered complications from your liver problems or your liver problems severely affect your ability to work. Get Informed Articles & Information.", "Gout and Social Security Disability Benefits Gout and Social Security Disability Benefits. Gout, which is found almost exclusively in men over the age of 50, is a condition where excessive uric acid is produced and deposited in the joints causing inflammatory arthritis. Sufferers of gout can experience painful swelling, especially in their feet and toes.", "Is Gout A Musculoskeletal Disorder diuretics reduce pain and shorten the body is production of crystals accumulation of flares and gout comes from the condition when you are dealing with your files will find a list of acidosis it affects the joints of the best results is encourages rapid uric acid. Typical high-purine foods that have a lot of h2o a day.", "- Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when too much uric acid builds up in the body, causing crystals to form in joints, and joints to become inflamed and painful.", "- Clinical gout comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by deposition of monosodium urate crystals in the joints and tendons. Gout progresses through four clinical phases: asymptomatic hyperuricemia, acute gouty arthritis, intercritical gout (intervals between acute attacks) and chronic tophaceous gout.outy arthritis is the most common form of inflammatory joint disease in men older than 40 years. 1 The National Health Survey (1983 to 1985) determined the prevalence rate of self-reported gout to be 13.6 cases per 1,000 men and 6.4 cases per 1,000 women.", "Can Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Gout and Joint Pain To control gout in chronic kidney disease, anti-inflammation medication is commonly prescribed. This can help relieve gout to some extent, but it can not control it fundamentally. To control gout and joint pain in chronic kidney disease, the most important step is to lower the high level of uric acid in body. The most important way is to restore the impaired kidney structure and improve the filtration function of the kidneys.", "Crohn's Disease and Social Security Disability If you are among those for whom Crohn’s is a debilitating condition that is uncontrolled by available therapies, then you can qualify for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Disability programs include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).", "- At first glance, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and gout seem almost interchangeable. Both diseases cause redness, swelling, and pain in the joints. Both can cause serious disability and disrupt your quality of life. However, that’s about where the similarities between the two diseases end.out is an intensely painful type of arthritis that occurs mainly in the joints of the big toe, though it can also attack the heel and ankle. Rarely, it’s been known to attack other joints in the body.", "- Gout is a painful rheumatic disease. It causes the inflammation of the joints and often starts in the feet or toes-for 70% of sufferers a joint in the big toe is the first to be affected. Gout mainly affects men aged between 40 and 60.It causes acute, intermittent and painful attacks of arthritis in the joints of the foot, knee, ankle, hand and wrist.t causes the inflammation of the joints and often starts in the feet or toes-for 70% of sufferers a joint in the big toe is the first to be affected. Gout mainly affects men aged between 40 and 60. It causes acute, intermittent and painful attacks of arthritis in the joints of the foot, knee, ankle, hand and wrist.", "- The diagnosis of gout should be suspected in patients with acute monoarticular or oligoarticular arthritis, particularly older adults or those with other risk factors. Podagra and recurrent instep inflammation are particularly suggestive.", "Gout: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Also called gouty arthritis, gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body. The painful flare-ups may be concentrated in the big toe (a symptom known as podagra), as well as swelling and pain in the ankles, knees, feet, wrists or elbows.lso called gouty arthritis, gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the body. The painful flare-ups may be concentrated in the big toe (a symptom known as podagra), as well as swelling and pain in the ankles, knees, feet, wrists or elbows.", "Gout: Facts and Information Story at-a-glance -. Gout is a complex disorder that's becoming prevalent in the United States and many developed countries. Almost two to five million Americans, 90 percent of them men in their 40s or older, currently suffer from this ailment.", "Social Security Disability Benefits for Gout Social Security Disability Benefits for Gout. By Susan Kelley on May 01, 2015 in Arthritis, Conditions, Gout. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that can cause stiffness to joints, swelling and redness. For people who suffer from the most severe cases of gout, permanent damage can occur in the kidneys and joints.", "Disability Disability is the term used to define a restriction in the ability to perform a normal activity of daily living which someone of the same age is able to perform. For example, a three-year-old child who is not able to walk has a disability because a normal three-year-old can walk independently.hus, disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives. Individuals may also qualify as disabled if they have had an impairment in the past or are seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm.", "Crohnâs and Your Rights: Is Crohnâs Covered Under the Americans with Disabilities Act? Under the ADA, someone with a disability may request “reasonable accommodation” from their employer. The ADA defines “reasonable accommodation” as an adjustment that wouldn’t create any “undue hardship” for the employer. For example, an employee with Crohn’s disease might ask to sit near the restroom." ]
[ 12.6015625 ]
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is drifting a sport?
[ "Growing motor sport of drifting makes a stop in New Jersey For the past nine years, the tour has made a stop at Wall Stadium Speedway in Wall Township. WALL — Drifting is becoming one of the fastest-growing forms of motor sports in the U.S. One look at this week's Formula DRIFT Professional Championship Series stop at Wall Stadium Speedway in Wall Township and you understand why." ]
[ "Why Curling Is A Sport I love curling. From what I can tell this make me part of a pretty small group. While I can spend hours watching curling, most people question why it is even considered a sport, and I can understand why. To a casual observer coasting through channels curling would probably seem like a glorified game of shuffleboard on ice. However, it is so much more. Curling is a sport of strategy and skill. While it may not be dangerous like other winter sports or as physically involved as sports like the Skiathlon, it is a sport that require both physical and mental skill. Let’s start with the definition of sport.", "Audi TT RS Drift game: Audi TT RS Drift is a great game for all lovers of drift. No distractions, no rivals, only you, the Audi TT with 4x4 drive and a disused warehouse. In short, an ideal place for a drift! Have fun.", "- sport noun (GAME). A1 [C] a ​game, ​competition, or ​activity ​needing ​physical ​effort and ​skill that is ​played or done ​according to ​rules, for ​enjoyment and/or as a ​job: Football, ​basketball, and ​hockey are all ​team sports. I ​enjoy ​winter sports like ​skiing and ​skating.", "Street racing Street racing is an unsanctioned and illegal form of motor racing that occurs on a public road. Modern street racing traces its roots back to Woodward Avenue, Michigan in the 1960s when the three main Detroit-based American car companies were producing high-powered performance cars.", "- 1 You can't hop in Automatic mode. 2 Yes, both bikes and karts can be driven in automatic mode at the expense of the drift speed boosts. 3 If you want to get good at the game, I would recommend learning to use manual.", "Speed Skating exists and is an alternate of . Mixture of alot of skating, with alot of gym work on their legs and abbs.", "Speed of a Dragster or Funny Car Speed of a Dragster or Funny Car. [close] Drag racing is a type of auto racing that began in the United States. Unlike most auto races such as stock car racing or formula one, drag racing does not feature packs of cars and long round tracks. Instead, it is a head to head race between two cars on a short 402 m (¼ mile), straight track. There are five professional classes of dragsters. They are top fuel dragster, top fuel funny car, pro modified, pro stock, and pro stock bike. Of these, top fuel and funny cars are the most popular.", "Skeleton at the Winter Olympics (December 2009) Skeleton is a winter sport featured in the Winter Olympics where the competitor rides head-first and prone (lying face down) on a flat sled. It is normally run on an ice track that allows the sled to gain speed by gravity.", "Drafting (aerodynamics) Drafting is used to reduce wind resistance and is seen most commonly in bicycle racing, car racing, and speedskating, though drafting is occasionally used even in cross-country skiing, downhill skateboarding, and running. Some forms of triathlon allow drafting.", "- This edition of the rules establishes the foundation for the organization and conduct of the FORMULA DRIFT. Championship. Participants, teams, drivers, and officials are strongly encouraged to review these rules. carefully. FORMULA DRIFT wishes you a safe and successful competition season.", "- There are 5 different types of racing: Track Racing - GTR, F1, Touring; Off-Road Racing; Drifting; Drag Racing; Kart Racing - Go-Karts, Shifter Karts", "- Video for all. Drift believes in the freedom to film. We create pioneering cameras accessible to everyone - not just the daredevils - so anyone can share what makes them great. Whether you're an artist, musician, gamer, chef, or fashionista...no matter what moves you, you can capture it best with Drift.", "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. Tokyo Drift redirects here. It is not to be confused with Tokyo Drifter. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (alternatively known as Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift) is a 2006 American action film directed by Justin Lin, produced by Neal H. Moritz and written by Chris Morgan.", "- Drifting (motorsport) Drifting is a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, with loss of traction in the rear wheels or all tires, while maintaining control and driving the car through the entirety of a corner.", "Drag racing Note the blinder, to prevent the driver from being distracted by the lights for the other lane. Drag racing is a type of motor racing in which automobiles or motorcycles (usually specially prepared for the purpose) compete, usually two at a time, to be first to cross a set finish line.", "A sport of sorts: Should chess be considered a sport? Chess just doesn’t have the physical aspect of the game to be seriously considered as a sport. In fact, it probably took more physical activity for me to write why chess isn’t a sport than for chess players to complete a match. Andy Arb is a senior journalism major and staff writer for The Journal.", "Should NASCAR Really Be Considered a Sport? Sport is defined as an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.. If a group of people were asked why people watch NASCAR, most would probably say that they watched for the spectacular crashes. To the casual observer, there is little reason to even watch NASCAR until the final lap or two of a major race, where most of the real excitement of NASCAR happens.", "- Does 'drifting' really make you take corners faster than 'gripping', as some video games depict them? Say a racecar goes 200km/h (124 MPH) down a straight, and comes to a 90-degree turn of moderate-to-gentle radius.", "Is NASCAR a sport? “There is absolutely nothing athletic about racing.”. And when you get one of these guys fired up enough, he'll pull out the big gun. It's the one ace in the hole that the NASCAR haters love to pull out: “It's not a sport, and drivers aren't athletes.”. These words are like a verbal mushroom cloud to racing fans.", "- A. Aerodynamics: As applied to racing, the study of airflow and the forces of resistance and pressure that result from the flow of air over, under, and around a moving car. A-frame: Either the upper or lower connecting suspension piece (in the shape of an A) locking the frame to the spindle.", "sport sport. n. 1. a. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.. derisive mockery or the object of such mockery: to make sport of someone. 7. someone or something that is controlled by external influences: the sport of fate. 8. (sometimes qualified by: good, bad, etc) a person who reacts cheerfully in the face of adversity, esp a good loser.", "- There are 5 different types of racing: 1 Track Racing - GTR, F1, Touring. 2 Off-Road Racing. 3 Drifting. 4 Drag Racing. 5 Kart Racing - Go-Karts, Shifter Karts.", "Bowling is a sport. Activities like golf, swimming, track and field events, and bowling are games of compared performances. I will use the common phrase, “If it looks like a duck and flies like a duck, it is a duck.” Bowling has all the requirements to be considered a sport.", "- Between TV and movie filming, special events and racing competitions including X Games, European Rallycross, US Rallycross, and Formula Drift, Tanner is on the move all the time. Find out what's up next.", "Luge A luge /ˈluːʒ/ is a small one- or two-person sled on which one sleds supine (face up) and feet-first. Steering is done by flexing the sled's runners with the calf of each leg or exerting opposite shoulder pressure to the seat. Racing sleds weigh 21–25 kilograms (46–55 lb) for singles and 25–30 kilograms (55–66 lb) for doubles. Luge is also the name of an Olympic sport. Lugers can reach speeds of 140 km per hour (87 mph). Manuel Pfister of Austria, reached a top speed of 154 km per hour (95.69 mph) on the track in Whistler, Canada prior to the 2010 Winter Olympics.", "- YES! Jazz dancing is a sport! Any type of dancing is a sport! Just because it is not in the Olympic doesn't make it not a sport. Because football is a sport and not in the Oly…mpics and same with ringette, baseball, soccer and others too. In dancing you always have to work hard and be strong to lift others up and to do twirls and things like that.", "- Rarely practical, sports cars are intent to create an atmosphere of fun for the driver on the streets or possibly on the race track. On-road performers, sports cars do not adhere stringently to any specific body style criteria allowing a driver to decide on a vehicle matching their individual tastes and lifestyle.", "Car classification Mazda MX-5, the world's best selling sports car. A sports car (sportscar) is a small, usually two seater, two door automobile designed for spirited performance and nimble handling. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the first known use of the term was in 1928.", "Is computer gaming really sport? As with traditional sports, esports consists of many different games. But those games don’t necessarily mimic traditional sports. For example, in Aspen the game of choice is Counter-Strike, a first-person shooter in which you choose to be either a terrorist or a counter-terrorist. No, you can’t be Lionel Messi.", "Drag racing Drag racing. Drag racing is a type of motor racing in which automobiles or motorcycles (usually specially prepared for the purpose) compete, usually two at a time, to be first to cross a set finish line." ]
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oppressive heat definition
[ "oppressive heat meaning, oppressive heat definition | English Cobuild dictionary oppressive heat meaning, oppressive heat definition | English Cobuild dictionary. oppressive. 1 adj If you describe a society, its laws, or customs as oppressive, you think they treat people cruelly and unfairly. The new laws will be just as oppressive as those they replace., ...refugees from the oppressive regime. 2 adj If you describe the weather or the atmosphere in a room as oppressive, you mean that it is unpleasantly hot and damp. (=stifling) The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out... 3 adj An oppressive situation makes you feel depressed and uncomfortable." ]
[ "- Hyperhidrosis may be defined as excessive sweating, beyond a level required to maintain normal body temperature in response to heat exposure or exercise. Hyperhidrosis can be classified as either primary or secondary. Primary hyperhidrosis is idiopathic in nature, typically involving the hands (palmar), feet (plantar) or axillae.", "- adjective. 1 Very uncomfortable or unhappy; wretched. 2 Causing or accompanied by great discomfort or distress: a miserable climate. 3 Mean or shameful; contemptible: a miserable trick. 4 Wretchedly inadequate: lived in a miserable shack; fed the prisoners miserable rations. 5 Of poor quality; inferior: miserable handicraft.", "Definitions &Translations Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.", "Heat stroke Heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a severe heat illness, defined as hyperthermia with a body temperature greater than 40.6 °C (105.1 °F) because of environmental heat exposure with lack of thermoregulation.", "- Heat exhaustion is a more common and less extreme manifestation of heat-related illness in which the core temperature is between 37°C (98.6°F) and 40°C. Symptoms of heat exhaustion are milder than those of heatstroke, and include dizziness, thirst, weakness, headache, and malaise. Patients with heat exhaustion lack the profound central nervous system derangement found in those with heatstroke. Their symptoms typically resolve promptly with proper hydration and cooling.", "Extreme Heat Familiarize yourself with these terms to help identify an extreme heat hazard: 1 Heat Wave - Prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity. 2 Heat Index - A number in degrees Fahrenheit (F) that tells how hot it feels when relative humidity is added to the air temperature. Exposure to full sunshine can increase the heat index by 15 degrees.", "Terms Explained WA Burn Bans. a central location for WA state burn bans. Terms Explained. Adequate Source of Heat -means a furnace or heating system, connected or disconnected from its energy source, designed with the ability to maintain seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70F) at a point three (3) feet above the floor in all normally inhabited areas of a dwelling.", "Medical Definition of Heat-related illness Definition of Heat syncope. Heat syncope: Sudden dizziness, feeling faint and sometimes fainting experienced after exercising in the heat. The skin appears pale and sweaty but is generally moist and cool. The pulse may be weakened, and the heart rate is usually rapid. Body temperature is normal.", "Heat stroke Heat stroke. A serious condition that results from exposure to extreme heat. The body loses its ability to cool itself. Severe headache, high fever, and hot, dry skin may result. In severe cases, a person with heat stroke may collapse or go into a coma. Mentioned in: Antiarrhythmic Drugs, Antiparkinson Drugs, Antispasmodic Drugs", "- Sweating is the main built in mechanism for removing excess heat from the human body. According to my biology book, in (100%) humid conditions humans cannot survive in heats of above around 45C, but in a dry environment can survive in heats of over 100C just through sweating.", "- : stress in a body or structure due to inequalities of temperature. ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis.", "What is the heat index? What is the heat index? It's not the heat, it's the humidity. That's a partly valid phrase you may have heard in the summer, but it's actually both. The heat index, also known as the apparent temperature, is what the temperature feels like to the human body when relative humidity is combined with the air temperature.", "Medical Dictionary Medical Definition of Heat stroke. Heat stroke: A core body temperature that rises above 104 F (40 C) accompanied by hot, dry skin and central nervous system abnormalities such as delirium, convulsions, or coma. Heat stroke that results from exposure to a high environmental temperature is called nonexertional heat stroke.", "Heat illness Heat illness or heat-related illness is a spectrum of disorders due to environmental exposure to heat. It includes minor conditions such as heat cramps, heat syncope, and heat exhaustion as well as the more severe condition known as heat stroke. 1 1 Classification. 2 Prevention.", "heat intransitive verb. 1 : to become warm or hot water heating in a kettle. 2 : to start to spoil from heat. transitive verb. 1 : to make warm or hot heat a can of soup heat the oven to 350 degrees. 2 : excite were heated by his stirring words.", "- Definition of THERMAL STRESS. : stress in a body or structure due to inequalities of temperature. ADVERTISEMENT.", "effective temperature effective temperature. effective temperature in Medicine. effective temperature n. A comfort index or scale that takes into account the temperature of air, its moisture content, and movement.", "asthenia tropical anhidrotic asthenia a condition due to generalized anhidrosis in conditions of high temperature, characterized by a tendency to overfatigability, irritability, anorexia, inability to concentrate, and drowsiness, with headache and vertigo.", "What is the heat index? That's a partly valid phrase you may have heard in the summer, but it's actually both. The heat index, also known as the apparent temperature, is what the temperature feels like to the human body when relative humidity is combined with the air temperature. This has important considerations for the human body's comfort.When the body gets too hot, it begins to perspire or sweat to cool itself off.he body actually feels cooler in arid conditions. There is direct relationship between the air temperature and relative humidity and the heat index, meaning as the air temperature and relative humidity increase (decrease), the heat index increases (decrease).", "- Example Sentences for oppressive heat. In such cases the waste air serves for ventilation and for reducing the oppressive heat. On Sunday, the 12th, we had thunder with oppressive heat, but no rain. It was not the heat of the greenhouse; it was an oppressive heat that somehow got into the head and mind.", "- The capacity of a body for heat; a coefficient representing the relative quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of an identical weight of a given body a defined and identical amount.", "warm adj. warm·er, warm·est. 1. Somewhat hotter than temperate; having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat; moderately hot: a warm climate. 2. Having the natural heat of living beings: a warm body. 3. Preserving or imparting heat: a warm jacket. 4. Having or causing a sensation of unusually high body heat, as from exercise or hard work; overheated. 5. Marked by enthusiasm; ardent: warm support.", "- swel·ter (swĕl′tər) v. swel·tered, swel·ter·ing, swel·ters v.intr. To suffer from oppressive heat. v.tr. Archaic To exude (venom, for example). n. A condition of oppressive heat. [Middle English swelteren, frequentative of swelten, to faint from heat, from Old English sweltan, to perish.] 1 American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.", "- Oppression is the prolonged, unjust treatment or control of people by others. In the past, the definition of oppression was limited to tyranny by a ruling group, but overtime it has transformed because governments are not the only people who oppress. Today, oppression “could also mean denying people language, education, and other opportunities that might make them become fully human in both mind and body..", "Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Heat stroke is an emergency situation in which the body loses its ability to cool itself. The internal body temperature rises to extremes, sometimes as high as 106 degrees F. Heat stroke can result in death if not treated promptly.", "Miliaria Miliaria (/ˌmɪl.iˈɛər.i.ə/ ; also called sweat rash , heat rash or prickly heat ) is a skin disease marked by small and itchy rashes.Miliaria is a common ailment in hot and humid conditions, such as in the tropics and during the summer season.cclusion miliaria is a skin condition that is accompanied by anhidrosis and increased heat-stress susceptibility, all after the application of extensive polyethylene film occlusion for 48 hours or longer.", "- 1. hyperpyrexia-extremely high fever (especially in children). hyperthermia, hyperthermy-abnormally high body temperature; sometimes induced (as in treating some forms of cancer). febricity, febrility, fever, feverishness, pyrexia-a rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection.", "moist heat moist heat. Heat that has moisture content. It may be applied as hot bath pack, hot wet pack, hot foot bath, or vapor bath. The patient should be observed for dizziness, headache, or weakness.", "- in·clem·ent (ĭn-klĕm′ənt) adj. 1. Stormy: inclement weather. 2. Showing no clemency; unmerciful. in·clem′en·cy n. in·clem′ent·ly adv. inclement (ɪnˈklɛmənt) adj 1. (of weather) stormy, severe, or tempestuous 2. harsh, severe, or merciless inˈclemency, inˈclementness n inˈclemently adv. in•clem•ent (ɪnˈklɛm ənt) adj. 1. severe; stormy: inclement weather. 2. not kind or merciful. [1615–25; < Latin inclēment-, s. of inclemēns;] in•clem′en•cy, in•clem′ent•ness, n. in•clem′ent•ly, adv.", "Heat Exhaustion Symptoms Definition. Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating. It's one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe." ]
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the fig hand gesture meaning
[ "- The fig sign is an ancient gesture with many uses. 1 Fig sign is a gesture made with the hand and fingers curled and the thumb thrust between the middle and index fingers, or, rarely, the middle and ring fingers, forming the fist so that the thumb partly pokes out. The Finger, an extended middle finger with the back of the hand towards the recipient, is an obscene hand gesture used in much of Western culture. 2 The middle finger presumably refers to an erect penis penetrating the female genetalia represented by the curled ring and index fingers." ]
[ "Raised fist The raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance.", "Middle Finger Emoji Meaning and Definition Middle Finger Emoji Meaning and Definition. Emojis are the best way to express something that you can’t tell in words. However, we are not here to tell you the meaning of all Emojis, but the Middle Finger Emoji only. You must have seen an emoji on your smartphone with reversed hand and middle finger extended, but do you know what it really means? What does Middle Finger Emoji Mean? Middle Finger Emoji Means F*** You! This emoji is also known as Rude Finger Emoji, Flipping the Bird Emoji and Dito Medio Emoji. It is used to express your anger and hate to someone. Along with emoji or smiley, people also show middle finger in real life. How does Middle Finger Emoji Look Like? Here are the Emoji Symbols how it looks like on various platforms, like Apple, Samsung, LG, Google, WhatsApp etc..", "- The girl raising her hand means that she wants to get notice.... The girl raising her hand means that she wants to get notice, raising a hand is one common way to get noticed in a crowd or in a group.", "The Meaning of Common Hand Gestures Widely Used Across the World It is a non-verbal mode of communication, wherein we show up different movements of hands and fingers accompanied by various kinds of facial expressions. Hand gestures have a wide range of meanings, and they are also emblematic of different religious and cultural traditions. Every individual movement has a meaning symbolizing various forms of perceptions.", "Fig leaf For the plant, see Fig. For the 1926 silent comedy film, see Fig Leaves. A fig leaf cast in plaster used to cover the genitals of a copy of a statue of David in the Cast Courts of the Victoria and Albert Museum.In the reign of Queen Victoria, display of male nudity was contentious and the Queen herself was said to find it shocking. fig leaf cast in plaster used to cover the genitals of a copy of a statue of David in the Cast Courts of the Victoria and Albert Museum. In the reign of Queen Victoria, display of male nudity was contentious and the Queen herself was said to find it shocking.", "- 3. and smooth something over Fig. to reduce the intensity of an argument or a misunderstanding; to try to make people feel better about something disagreeable that has happened.", "harp harp on someone or something. Fig. to keep talking or complaining about someone or something; to refer to someone or something again and again. I wish you would quit harping on Jeff all the time. He couldn't be all that bad.", "Synonyms &Antonyms Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: 1 figure, fig(noun) a diagram or picture illustrating textual material. Synonyms: 2 fig, common fig, common fig tree, Ficus carica(noun) Mediterranean tree widely cultivated for its edible fruit. Synonyms:", "- Definition of fig. 1a : an oblong or pear-shaped syconium fruit of a tree (genus Ficus) of the mulberry familyb : a tree bearing figs; especially : a widely cultivated tree (F. carica) that produces edible figs.", "- The fig is a picturesque deciduous tree, to 50 ft tall, but more typically to a height of 10 - 30 ft. Their branches are muscular and twisting, spreading wider than they are tall. Fig wood is weak and decays rapidly. The trunk often bears large nodal tumors, where branches have been shed or removed.", "swan song Fig. the last work or performance of a playwright, musician, actor, etc., before death or retirement. His portrayal of Lear was the actor's swan song. We didn't know that her performance last night was the singer's swan song.", "GESTURE The noun GESTURE has 3 senses: 1. motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling. 2. the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals. 3. something done as an indication of intention. Familiarity information: GESTURE used as a noun is uncommon.", "The origins of two cryptic emoji Batsu (x) is the symbol for incorrect, and can represent false, bad, wrong or attack, while maru (o) means correct, true, good, whole, or something precious. Batsu and maru are also common hand gestures. Cross your arms over your chest for batsu, circle your arms over your head for maru. Look at those two emoji again.", "- bare one's soul (to someone). Fig. to reveal one's innermost thoughts to someone; to tell another person exactly how one feels about someone or something. Mary bared her soul to Jane and Jane told Mary her problems also. You don't have to bare your soul to me.", "Hand rubbing Hand rubbing. Hand rubbing is a gesture that conveys in many cultures either that one has a feeling of excited expectation, or that one is simply cold.", "Give Me a Sign: The Stories Behind 5 Hand Gestures The Corna. Hand gestures can have multiple meanings. Perhaps one of the best examples of this is the hand horn, also known as the corna, where only the pinky and the index finger point up while the other fingers are held in the palm under the thumb. If you're in Italy or Spain and you flash this sign towards a man, you might get beaten up.", "The finger The gesture is a visual pun on the two meanings of the Greek word dactylos, both finger and the rhythmic measure composed of a long syllable and two short, like the joints of a finger (— ‿ ‿, which also appears as a visual pun on the penis and testicles in a medieval Latin text).", "gesture gesture. n. 1. a motion of the hands, head, or body to emphasize an idea or emotion, esp while speaking. 2. something said or done as a formality or as an indication of intention: a political gesture. 3. the manner in which a person bears himself; posture. vb.", "Gesture Military air marshallers use hand and body gestures to direct flight operations aboard aircraft carriers. A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of, or in conjunction with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Gestures differ from physical non-verbal communication that does not communicate specific messages, such as purely expressive displays, proxemics, or displays of joint attention. Gestures allow individuals to communicate a variety of feelings and thoughts, from contempt and hostility to approval and affection, often together with body language in addition to words when they speak. Gesture processing takes place in areas of the brain such as Broca's and Wernicke's areas, which are used by speech and sign language.", "Obscene gesture Obscene gesture. An obscene gesture is a movement or position of the body, especially of the hands or arms, that is considered exceedingly offensive or vulgar in some particular cultures. Such gestures are often sexually suggestive.", "The finger The hand gesture on the left is the normal victory symbol. The gesture on the right is the obscene gesture. In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, the V sign, when given with back of the hand towards the recipient, serves a similar purpose.", "- The dance of the hands tells a story word by word. These gestures represent objects either abstract or concrete. There are symbols to denote Gods, Goddesses, emperors, animals, rivers etc. This gesture language is an almost perfect medium of emotional expression.", "Culture of Somalia Somalis use sweeping hand and arm gestures to dramatize speech. 1 Many ideas are expressed through specific hand gestures. Most of these gestures are performed by women: 2 A swift twist of the open hand means nothing or no. 3 Snapping fingers may mean long ago or and so on. 4 A thumb under the chin indicates fullness.", "The finger In Western culture, the finger or the middle finger is an obscene hand gesture. The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt, and is roughly equivalent in meaning to fuck off, fuck you, shove it up your ass, up yours, suck my dick, eat shit, kiss my ass, or go fuck yourself. It is performed by showing the back of a hand that has only the middle finger extended upwards, though in some locales, the thumb is extended. Extending the finger is considered a symbol of contempt", "6 hand gestures that mean different things in different places. The Horn Sign. What it means to us: It is a sign of approval in Rock n Roll, Rock On! \\m/. What it means to others: In Latin countries such as Argentina, Portugal, Spain, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil and Italy, to make this sign is to tell someone that their spouse or partner is cheating on them.", "- A gesture is a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that is used to convey an idea, opinion, or emotion. This form of communication gets a point across without the use of words, making it a form of non-verbal communication.", "What does the fig sign mean? Fig sign is a gesture made with the hand and fingers curled and the thumb thrust between the middle and index fingers, or, rarely, the middle and ring fingers, forming the fist so that the thumb partly pokes out.", "Gesture Military air marshallers use hand and body gestures to direct flight operations aboard aircraft carriers. A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of, or in conjunction with, speech. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Gestures differ from physical non-verbal communication that does not communicate specific messages, such as purely expressive displays, proxemics, or displays of joint attention.", "Raised fist The image gallery shows how a raised fist is used in visual communication. Combined with another graphic element, a raised fist is used to convey polysemous gestures and opposing forces. Depending on the elements combined, the meaning of the gesture changes in tone and intention. For example, a hammer and sickle combined with a raised fist is part of communist symbolism, while the same fist combined with a Venus symbol represents Feminism, and combined with a book, it represents librarians.", "The finger The finger. In Western culture, the finger or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) is an obscene hand gesture. The gesture communicates moderate to extreme contempt, and is roughly equivalent in meaning to fuck off, fuck you, shove it up your ass, up yours, or go fuck yourself.." ]
[ 13.046875 ]
[ 9.3046875, 8.2265625, 8.921875, 9.7109375, 8.703125, 9.5078125, 8.484375, 8.15625, 9.3125, 8.0234375, 8.078125, 9.0234375, 8.3359375, 9.171875, 8.625, 9.921875, 10.015625, 9.015625, 8.9140625, 9.6484375, 9.9375, 9.3203125, 8.9921875, 10.265625, 8.8515625, 9.9453125, 12.875, 8.9375, 8.515625, 10.4453125 ]
what is cmd.exe
[ "- CMD may refer to: 1 CMD is commonly used to mean command: 2 CMD.EXE (Command Prompt), the command-line interpreter on Windows operating systems. Command (computing), an abbreviation commonly used in computing." ]
[ "tips.paddyonline.net The Cmd.exe command-shell environment is defined by variables that determine the behavior of the command shell and the operating system. You can define the behavior of the command-shell environment or the entire operating system environment by using two types of environment variables, system and local.", "Command Prompt: What It Is and How to Use It Note: Command Prompt is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the DOS prompt or as MS-DOS itself. Command Prompt is a Windows program that emulates many of the command line abilities available in MS-DOS but it is not actually MS-DOS.", "Command shell overview The Windows XP command shell uses the command interpreter Cmd.exe, which loads applications and directs the flow of information between applications, to translate user input into a form that the operating system understands.", "Basic Hints for Windows Command Line Programming Command Line Commands. We launched the console by typing cmd /d. The /d part is an instruction (a command line argument) to the cmd command which launches the console. Here is a reference to the command interpreter (cmd) which includes a list of all the possible options.", "PowerShell PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language. Initially a Windows component only, known as Windows PowerShell, it was made open-source and cross-platform on 18 August 2016 with the introduction of PowerShell Core. The former is built on .NET Framework while the latter on .NET Core.", "- For example, if you type filename or filename.txt at a command prompt, Filename.txt may run as a program instead of being opened in Notepad. This may also occur if the file is called as a command line in a batch (.bat) file or in a Windows NT command script (.cmd) file.hen you type a file name at a command prompt, or you use a file name as a command line in a batch file or Windows NT command script, Cmd.exe calls the CreateProcess function to open the file.", "Using batch files Using batch files. With batch files, which are also called batch programs or scripts, you can simplify routine or repetitive tasks. A batch file is an unformatted text file that contains one or more commands and has a .bat or .cmd file name extension. When you type the file name at the command prompt, Cmd.exe runs the commands sequentially as they appear in the file. You can include any command in a batch file. Certain commands, such as for, goto, and if, enable you to do conditional processing of the commands in the batch file. For example, the if command carries out a command based on the results of a condition.", "System Administration Windows Defender WMI APIs can be used to manage malware protection through scripts or applications. Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language designed especially for system administration. Built on the .NET Framework, Windows PowerShell helps IT professionals and power users control and automate the administration of the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows.", "Q: CMD.EXE error 0xc0000142 When I rebooted to run the new instance of Windows 7 Pro, it ran a disk check and found some errors. It completed the reboot and Windows boots fine but I started getting the error 0xc0000142 whenever I tried run a command prompt or any other application that looks like it launches via a cmd prompt. I tried creating a new admin level user to run at that user to see if it was a user rights issue to no avail.", "Introduction to the Windows Command Prompt When people refer to the command prompt they may we refer to it in different ways. They may refer to it as a shell, console window, a command prompt, a cmd prompt, or even dos. In order to enter the command prompt you need to run a program that is dependent on your operating system.", "CMD.exe Start a new CMD shell and (optionally) run a command/executable program. Syntax CMD [charset] [options] CMD [charset] [options] [/C Command] CMD [charset] [options] [/K Command] Options /C Run Command and then terminate /K Run Command and then return to the CMD prompt. This is useful for testing, to examine variables Command : The command, program or batch script to be run.", "batch file In the Disk Operating System (DOS), a batch file has the file name extension .BAT. (The best known DOS batch file is the AUTOEXEC.BAT file that initializes DOS when you start the system.) In UNIX-based operating systems, a batch file is called a shell script. In IBM's mainframe VM operating systems, it's called an EXEC.", "Windows 7 Command Prompt Commands The Command Prompt in Windows 7 provides access to over 230 commands! The commands available in Windows 7 are used to automate processes, create batch files, and perform troubleshooting and diagnostic tasks. Note: Many Windows 7 Command Prompt commands are similar to classic MS-DOS commands.", "What does the SettingSyncHost.exe file do? Home > Windows files > ccmexec.exe. The ccmexec.exe process is also known as CCM Executive or, as the case may be, Host Process for Microsoft Configuration Manager and is a part of Systems Management Server or, as the case may be, System Center Configuration Manager. This software is produced by Microsoft (www.microsoft.com).", "- The Command Prompt program allows you to work in an environment that looks more like a traditional operating system as opposed to the icon based Windows environment. In Command Prompt, you will use your keyboard. You won't use your mouse at all. Command Prompt works at a lower level than Windows.", "PowerShell Cmdlets are specialized commands in the PowerShell environment that implement specific functions. These are the native commands in the PowerShell stack. Cmdlets follow a Verb-Noun naming pattern, such as Get-ChildItem, helping to make them self-descriptive.", "- What is setup.exe? setup.exe is a legitimate file. This process is known as setup program and it is a very common file name for all the software product to install applications. Based on the application it can be installed anywhere in the hard disk.", "powershell.exe powershell.exe is a POWERSHELL belonging to Microsoft® Windows® Operating System from Microsoft Corporation Non-system processes like powershell.exe originate from software you installed on your system.", "- Step 1. Run cmd.exe or command.exe. To open a Microsoft MS-DOS command prompt shell window, first click the Windows Start menu (located at the very. corner of your computer's desktop) and select Run.... Then if you are using Windows XP or Vista or Windows 7, type cmd into the Run box and click OK.", "Run cmd.exe (command prompt) in administrator mode on Windows 8.1 / 10! Click the right mouse button on the cmd.exe (Image-1) click on (Run as administrator) [(... see Image-1)]. To start the command prompt in Windows-8 via new Windows-8 Startmenu, press the key combination[Win-Logo]+[Q] and then enter in the search box cmd! (...assword reset disk W8. Hot-Tip: ... alternative to the Windows Run-Dialog ! To start the command prompt in Windows-8 or 8.1, press the key combination [Win-Logo]+[R], then simply type the command cmd and confirm that with [ENTER] or by pressing the button [OK]! #2a.", "What is RMS.exe and How To Fix It? What Are EXE Files? EXE (executable) files, such as RMS.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg.", "Cmd /c: Carries out the command specified by string and then stops. /k : Carries out the command specified by string and continues. /s: Modifies the treatment of string after /c or /k. /q : Turns the echo off. /d: Disables execution of AutoRun commands.", "CMD.exe If /C or /K is specified, then the remainder of the command line is processed as an immediate command in the new shell. Multiple commands separated by the command separator '&' or '&&' are accepted if surrounded by quotes.", "Using batch parameters Cmd.exe provides the batch parameter expansion variables %0 through %9. When you use batch parameters in a batch file, %0 is replaced by the batch file name, and %1 through %9 are replaced by the corresponding arguments that you type at the command line.ou can also use modifiers with batch parameters. Modifiers use current drive and directory information to expand the batch parameter as a partial or complete file or directory name.", "cmd.exe What is cmd.exe doing on my computer? cmd.exe allows access to the Microsoft Windows Command Prompt, also known as Microsoft DOS. To-date, cmd.exe is a 32-bit command prompt used in Windows NT, 2000, and XP and offers disk and file maintenance functions to your computer as well as network functions. This program is a non-essential system process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.", "- EXE (executable) files, such as ntoskrnl.exe, are files that contain step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to carry out a function. When you double-click an EXE file, your computer automatically executes these instructions designed by a software developer (eg. Microsoft) to run a program (eg.", "- Overview: Run cmd.exe or command.exe. To open a Microsoft MS-DOS command prompt shell window, first click the Windows Start menu (located at the very. corner of your computer's desktop) and select Run.... Then if you are using Windows XP or Vista or Windows 7, type cmd into the Run box and click OK.", "CMD CMD may refer to: 1 CMD is commonly used to mean command: CMD.EXE (Command Prompt), the command-line interpreter on Windows operating systems.", "- To grant permissions for running scripts on the local computer. 1 In Internet Explorer, open %windir%\\system32 (for example, C:\\WINDOWS\\System32). 2 In the Details pane, right-click cmd.exe, and then click Properties. 3 In the cmd.exe Properties dialog box, on the Security tab, click Add.", "Windows Batch Scripting This book describes the Microsoft-supplied command interpreter on Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and later, which is cmd.exe." ]
[ 12.75 ]
[ 12.453125, 11.890625, 12.2109375, 10.3984375, 8.6328125, 9.5078125, 11.046875, 9.6875, 9.1484375, 10.921875, 10.71875, 9.3515625, 10.9453125, 7.6328125, 11.75, 8.4296875, 8.2578125, 8.578125, 11.5625, 10.5390625, 8.9296875, 10.1640625, 10.5546875, 8.7265625, 13.203125, 9.6328125, 12.1328125, 12.9453125, 10.953125, 12 ]
literary definition of ad hominem attack
[ "Red Herring The definition of red herring when used in literature, however, is that it is intentional. There are several other examples of intentional informal fallacies: Ad Hominem Attacks: Insulting someone’s character to undermine that person, instead of focusing on the strength of the person’s arguments." ]
[ "AP Rhetorical Strategies & Literary Devices EPIGRAPH a quotation or aphorism at the beginning of a literary work suggestive of the theme. EPISTROPHE Device of repetition in which the same expression (single word or phrase) is repeated at the end of two or more lines, clauses, or sentences (it is the opposite of anaphora).", "Pathetic Fallacy Pathetic Fallacy. Definition: Pathetic fallacy is a type of literary device whereby the author ascribes the human feelings of one or more of his or her characters to nonhuman objects or nature or phenomena. It is a type of personification, and is known to occur more by accident and less on purpose.", "Definitions &Translations Definitions for argumentum ad populum. argumentum ad populum(Noun) A fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or all people believe it; it alleges that u201Cif many believe so, it is sou201D. Origin: : argumentum + ad + populum (accusative singular of populus, “people”, “nation”) ≈ “appeal to the people”.", "attack Attack is defined as the act of making a physical or verbal attempt to hurt or destroy, sometimes in a purposefully hurtful manner. When a military unit discovers an enemy building, and they begin heavy firing and bombing, it is an example of an attack.", "- It is an argument “against the man,” i.e. undermining the ethos of a speaker or a writer in opposition. It is a strategy in which a speaker or a writer attacks the character or personality of an opponent speaker or writer instead of criticizing the matter of his or her point of view.t is an argument “against the man,” i.e. undermining the ethos of a speaker or a writer in opposition. It is a strategy in which a speaker or a writer attacks the character or personality of an opponent speaker or writer instead of criticizing the matter of his or her point of view.", "Pathetic Fallacy Pathetic Fallacy. Definition: Pathetic fallacy is a type of literary device whereby the author ascribes the human feelings of one or more of his or her characters to nonhuman objects or nature or phenomena. It is a type of personification, and is known to occur more by accident and less on purpose.Example:efinition: Pathetic fallacy is a type of literary device whereby the author ascribes the human feelings of one or more of his or her characters to nonhuman objects or nature or phenomena. It is a type of personification, and is known to occur more by accident and less on purpose. Example:", "satire (ˈsæt aɪər) n. 1. the use of irony, sarcasm, or ridicule in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. 2. a literary composition or genre in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule. syn: See irony1. satire. A genre using irony or ridicule to hold contentious issues, folly, or evil in scorn.", "Anaphora Definition of Anaphora. Anaphora is a literary and rhetorical device in which a word or group of words is repeated at the beginning of two or more successive clauses or sentences. This technique adds emphasis and unity to the clauses.", "Home the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. 2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule. 3. a literary genre comprising such compositions. Origin of satire.", "ad absurdum Housewife in fact she was in excelsis, not to say ad absurdum. An argument whereby one seeks to prove one's position by pointing out the absurdity or foolishness of an opponent's position. Also, an argument carried to such lengths that it becomes silly or ridiculous.", "Straw man Man of straw redirects here. For the novel by Heinrich Mann, see Der Untertan. A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.", "What is Satire? Definition, Examples of Literary Satire Definition, Examples of Literary Satire. Satire definition: Satire is a literary term and form of rhetoric that uses various devices to expose flaws, critique society, and ridicule politics. Such devices include humor, irony, and exaggeration.", "- A hyperbole is a literary device wherein the author uses specific words and phrases that exaggerate and overemphasize the basic crux of the statement in order to produce a grander, more noticeable effect.", "Fallacy A fallacy is an incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric. It gives a result which is not valid or lacks soundness. Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies.", "Definition of 'polemic' A polemic is a very strong written or spoken attack on, or defence of, a particular belief or opinion. ...a polemic against the danger of secret societies. The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance. Polemics is the skill or practice of arguing very strongly for or against a belief or opinion.", "- In logic, an argumentum ad populum (Latin: appeal to the people) is a fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or all people believe it; it alleges: If many believe so, it is so..", "Pathetic Fallacy in Literature: Definition & Examples Pathetic Fallacy Definition. Pathetic fallacy is a literary device wherein the author attributes human emotions and traits to nature or inanimate objects. For example, the following descriptions refer to weather and how it affects the mood, which can add atmosphere to a story: smiling skies, somber clouds, angry storm, or bitter winter.", "Strawman Fallacy Get It! Description: Substituting a person’s actual position or argument with a distorted, exaggerated, or misrepresented version of the position of the argument. Person 1 makes claim Y. Person 2 restates person 1’s claim (in a distorted way). Person 2 attacks the distorted version of the claim.", "Invective Invective is characterized by a two-dimensional quality of structure and meaning, which often emphasizes personal accusations for the purpose of public denigration. The literary forms of invective are varied and include epigrams (by Martial) and polemical articles and speeches (Cicero’s Philippics). Invective was employed by Aristophanes in the comedies Knights and Clouds, by Catullus in his lyrics, by Erasmus in Praise of Folly, and by Diderot in Rameau’s Nephew.", "Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate Argumentum ad logicam (argument to logic). This is the fallacy of assuming that something is false simply because a proof or argument that someone has offered for it is invalid; this reasoning is fallacious because there may be another proof or argument that successfully supports the proposition.", "Patterns of Propaganda Ad hominem A Latin phrase that has come to mean attacking one's opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments. Ad nauseam This argument approach uses tireless repetition of an idea. An idea, especially a simple slogan, that is repeated enough times, may begin to be taken as the truth.", "- Literary Analysis Sample Paper. A literary analysis is an argumentative analysis about a literary work. Although some. summary is needed within the argument of a literary analysis, the objective is not to write a report. about a book or story. Instead, a literary analysis discusses a writer’s interpretation of a text through. careful examination of the author’s choices within the text: word choice, themes, motifs, as well as.", "- When it comes to ad hominem attacks, neither Woffinden nor Rose can rest on safe ground. BBC Critics Cry Witch Hunt in Newsnight Child-Abuse Report Peter Jukes November 13, 2012. This was hardly an ad hominem assault, though West interpreted it that way.", "List of fallacies For specific popular misconceptions, see List of common misconceptions. A fallacy is an incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric which undermines an argument's logical validity or more generally an argument's logical soundness. Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies. These are commonly used styles of argument in convincing people, where the focus is on communication and results rather than the correctness of the logic, and may be used whether the point being advanced is correct or not.", "Fallacy Definition of Fallacy. A fallacy is a display of faulty reasoning that makes an argument invalid, or a faulty belief based on an unsound argument. Many fallacies are deceptive in that they may appear to be based on sound reasoning and seem to follow good logic.", "What is emotive language and why is it used? An ad hominem argument in the second sense is a legitimate demonstration of an opponent's inconsistency. This is a much rarer use of the term. An argument is ad hominem in this second sense if it involves turning the argument back on the opponent (sometimes known as the 'you too', or 'tu quoque', move).", "Logical Fallacies It is a fallacy of distraction, and is committed when a listener attempts to divert an arguer from his argument by introducing another topic. (Fallacy of Relevance) Ad hominem", "Fallacy Significance of Fallacy in Literature. Authors generally use fallacy examples in their works of literature to provide characterization. The use of fallacy illustrates the inner mental workings of a character, and in this way the reader can better understand where that character is coming from.", "Argument from authority (Redirected from Appeal to authority) An argument from authority (Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam or argumentum ad auctoritatem), also called an appeal to authority, is a common type of argument which can be fallacious, such as when an authority is cited on a topic outside their area of expertise or when the authority cited is not a true expert.", "- 1 When examining literary or philosophical works, looking at the author's character or circumstances can sometimes provide insight into that person's ideas. 2 In other words, ad hominem considerations can show motives and can sometimes provide explanation." ]
[ 11.296875 ]
[ 9.2265625, 7.73828125, 8.4453125, 9.5703125, 10.0234375, 7.63671875, 8.2578125, 7.8125, 8.3515625, 9.046875, 8.3359375, 7.70703125, 8.890625, 9.6015625, 7.671875, 8.6875, 7.46484375, 8.40625, 8.5234375, 9.3125, 10.7890625, 8.796875, 10.78125, 9.421875, 9.171875, 11.71875, 9.8203125, 9.2109375, 8.6640625, 11.5234375 ]
what is fluvirin
[ "- FLUVIRIN® (Influenza Virus Vaccine) is an inactivated subunit influenza virus vaccine indicated for active immunization of persons aged 4 years and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and B included in the vaccine.1." ]
[ "The Tamiflu Deception by David Michael Journal of Natural Food and Health Drugs called Tamiflu are chemicals (ethyl (3R,4R,5S)-5-amino-4-acetamido-3-(pentan-3-yloxy)-cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylate) that are said to prevent flu or treat the flu.", "Should You Use Antiviral Medications for the Flu? Antiviral medications are a class of drugs that are typically used to prevent or shorten the duration of the influenza virus. They are considered the second line of defense against the flu. Five different antiviral medications are currently approved for use in the United States. They include Tamiflu (oseltamivir), Relenza (zanamivir), Rapivab (Peramivir), amantadine and rimantadine. However, the flu viruses that make people sick are extremely resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, so these two medications are not recommended to prevent or treat influenza at this time.", "Tamiflu Check your symptoms and learn more about a prescription flu treatment. Indications. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older. Tamiflu does not prevent bacterial infections that may happen with the flu.", "- 4 Reviews. Tamiflu is the brand name of the prescription drug oseltamivir, used to treat influenza A and B in people who have flu symptoms. They may also prescribe it to prevent flu in those who have been exposed to it but don't yet have symptoms.The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Tamiflu in 1999. Reviews. Tamiflu is the brand name of the prescription drug oseltamivir, used to treat influenza A and B in people who have flu symptoms. They may also prescribe it to prevent flu in those who have been exposed to it but don't yet have symptoms. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Tamiflu in 1999.", "Influenza Antiviral Drug Resistance There are three FDA-approved influenza antiviral drugs recommended by CDC this season to treat influenza: oseltamivir (available as a generic version or under the trade name Tamiflu®), zanamivir (trade name Relenza®), and. peramivir (trade name Rapivab®).", "7 Answers on Tamiflu: Is It Best to Help You Fight Flu? So the antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu®), which helps your body bounce back faster from flu, holds a lot of appeal. Researchers find that taking oseltamivir within 48 hours of symptom onset can shave approximately 1 day from a typical seven-to-10-day illness. Oseltamivir interferes with the proteins the flu virus uses to reproduce, giving your immune system time to destroy it. However, this drug isn’t for everyone.", "Influenza Antiviral Drug Resistance Top of Page. Oseltamivir is an antiviral drug that is used to treat flu illness. “Oseltamivir resistance” refers to a flu virus that is resistant to the drug oseltamivir. Similarly, influenza viruses can become resistant to other influenza antiviral drugs.", "- Fluvirin. FDA Approves Vaccines for the 2011-2012 Influenza Season ». The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today that it has approved the influenza vaccine formulation for the 2011-2012 vaccine that will be used by the six manufacturers licensed to produce and distribute influenza vaccine for the United ...", "famciclovir Famciclovir (Famvir) is a drug used for the treatment of genital herpes, cold sores, shingles, and chickenpox. Side effects, drug interactions, warnings and precautions, and pregnancy information should be reviewed prior to taking this medication.", "- Tamiflu is a human antiviral medication used in the treatment of parvovirus in dogs. It is an active neuraminidase inhibitor that hinders the release of viral particles from cells that are infected by bacteria. Oseltamivir phosphate, the active ingredient in Tamiflu, attacks parvo and prevents it from spreading.", "Fluocinonide, Topical Cream Fluocinonide is a prescription drug. It comes in the form of a cream, gel, ointment, or solution. Fluocinonide cream is available as the brand-name drug Vanos. It’s also available as a generic drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than the brand-name version. In some cases, they may not be available in every strength or form as the brand-name drug.", "rifapentine - oral, Priftin Rifapentine is known as a rifamycin antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria.This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness.", "Flu-Mist More Effective in Children Flumist is an influenza vaccination that takes the form of a mist that is inhaled into the nostrils. The formula is made from a weakened virus. The nasal spray is approved for children 2 and older and adults under the age of 50. People who are allergic to eggs or previous versions of the flu vaccine should avoid Flumist. The inhaled vaccine is also not recommended for anyone who has pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and renal, neuromuscular, neurological, hematologic or hepatic disorders.", "- Why Coricidin® HBP. 1 CORICIDIN® HBP, a line of cold and flu medications, is specially designed for people with high blood pressure. Each of the six CORICIDIN® HBP products is decongestant-free. They are safe and effective for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms when taken as directed.", "Influenza (Seasonal Flu) - Medications The antiviral medicines oseltamivir and zanamivir are used to prevent and treat influenza A and B infections. They can reduce the severity and shorten the duration of flu symptoms. Amantadine and rimantadine have been used to help prevent and treat the flu caused by influenza A (but not influenza B) infection. But for the past few years the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised doctors not to use amantadine or rimantadine to treat or prevent the flu. 5 These medicines have not worked against most types of the flu virus.", "Tamiflu Indications. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older. Tamiflu does not prevent bacterial infections that may happen with the flu. Tamiflu is not a substitute for an annual flu vaccination.", "- Zanamivir INN /zəˈnaemɨvɪər/ zəˈnæmɨvɪər is a neuraminidase inhibitor used in the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza caused by Influenza a And b. Viruses it was developed by The australian biotech Firm Biota. holdingsn 2006, it was approved for prevention of influenza A and B. Zanamivir was the first neuraminidase inhibitor commercially developed.", "Antiviral Tamiflu is FDA-Approved for People 2 Weeks of Age and Older Get $10 off. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days.Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older. Tamiflu does not prevent bacterial infections that may happen with the flu.ndications. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days.", "Oseltamivir Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu, is an antiviral medication used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B (flu).[3] Many medical organizations recommend it in people who have complications or are at high risk of complications within 48 hours of first symptoms of infection.[4] They recommend it to prevent infection in those at ...", "Oseltamivir Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu, is an antiviral medication used to treat and prevent influenza A and influenza B. Many medical organizations recommend it in people who have complications or are at high risk of complications within 48 hours of first symptoms of infection. They recommend it to prevent infection in those at high-risk, but not the general population. The CDC recommends that clinicians use their discretion to treat those at lower risk who present within 48 hours of fi", "Oseltamivir Oseltamivir is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza caused by influenza A and B viruses. It is on the complementary list of the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system. Oseltamivir's risk-benefit ratio is controversial.", "- Tamiflu is used to treat flu symptoms caused by influenza virus in patients who have had symptoms for less than 2 days. It may also be given to prevent influenza in people who may be exposed but do not yet have symptoms. Before taking Tamiflu, tell your doctor if you have received a nasal flu vaccine within the past 2 weeks, or if you have kidney disease, heart disease, lung disease, or any other serious disease or health problem.", "- Trifluridine is a pyrimidine (thymidine) analogue drug of choice in the United States for topical antiviral therapy for HSV infection. It inhibits viral replication by incorporating into viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in place of thymidine. If the patient has no response in 7-14 days, consider other treatments.", "What Is Tamiflu (Oseltamivir)? Tamiflu is the brand name of the prescription drug oseltamivir, used to treat influenza A and B in people who have flu symptoms.", "- This means that although a very tiny amount of the influenza virus is injected into your body, it is dead and cannot replicate to make you sick. However, the nasal flu vaccine (FluMist) is different. It is a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), meaning it is made from a weakened live flu virus.", "- Robitussin is an over the counter cold medicine that is used most commonly as a cough suppressant. Robitussin comes in several varieties with multiple ingredient formulations. The various types of Robitussin treat chest congestion, coughs and flu.", "- Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days.Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older.Tamiflu does not prevent bacterial infections that may happen with the flu.ndications. Tamiflu is a prescription medicine used to treat the flu (influenza) in people 2 weeks of age and older who have had flu symptoms for no more than 2 days. Tamiflu can also reduce the chance of getting the flu in people 1 year and older.", "Pondimin Pondimin (fenfluramine hydrochloride) is an anorectic drug used to manage exogenous obesity as a short-term (a few weeks) adjunct in a regimen of weight reduction based on caloric restriction. The brand name Pondimin is discontinued in the U.S., but generic versions may be available. Common side effects of Pondimin (fenfluramine hydrochloride) include drowsiness, diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, trouble sleeping (insomnia), false sense of well-being, rapid heartbeat, nausea, nervousness, or anxiety.", "What You Should Know About Flu Antiviral Drugs Yes. Antiviral drugs are a second line of defense to treat the flu if you get sick. A flu vaccine is still the first and best way to prevent influenza.hildren can take two of the approved antiviral drugs—oseltamivir and zanamivir. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) is recommended by the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for the treatment of influenza in persons aged 2 weeks and older, and for the prevention of influenza in persons aged 3 months and older.", "Efavirenz Efavirenz (EFV), sold under the brand names Sustiva among others, is an antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent HIV/AIDS. It is generally recommended for use with other antiretrovirals. It may be used for prevention after a needlestick injury or other potential exposure. It is sold both by itself and in combination as efavirenz/emtricitabine/tenofovir." ]
[ 13.1171875 ]
[ 9.40625, 8.9765625, 9.921875, 8.953125, 9.15625, 9.09375, 9.3984375, 11.8984375, 9.203125, 8.0859375, 8.2421875, 7.5390625, 9.03125, 8.375, 9.453125, 9.9140625, 9.734375, 8.796875, 10.9921875, 10.59375, 11.1484375, 9.3125, 9.1640625, 9.671875, 9.734375, 7.88671875, 8.9453125, 7.60546875, 8.03125, 8.171875 ]
average width of a person
[ "- The average width of a person is about 10 inches from front to back or about 18 inches at the torso.This varies greatly depending on the race.he average width of a street varies a lot by city and by-law. 40 Feet for the road allotment is a good number though. For example California has a minimum of 40 feet for all … city streets." ]
[ "What's the average size of a person? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average U.S. woman is 5' 3.7 (162 centimeters) tall and weighs 152 pounds (69 kilograms). American women, on the average, wear a size 8 wide shoe.The average dress size is 14. The average U.S. male stands 5' 9.1 tall and weighs 180 pounds.American men wear size 10.5 shoes on average.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average U.S. woman is 5' 3.7 (162 centimeters) tall and weighs 152 pounds (69 kilograms). American women, on the average, wear a size 8 wide shoe.", "What Is a Standard Door Width? Quick Answer. In the United States, the standard width of interior doors is 34 inches, while the standard width of most exterior doors is 36 inches, according to the Chicago Tribune. These figures do not include jambs, trim or molding.", "What is the average mans running stride length? For adult females, the average step length is about 26 inches and the average stride length is around 52 inches. For adult males, the average step length is 31 inches and … the average stride is 62 inches.tride length varies depending on how fast you are trying to run. At higher speeds you are making longer strides because you are pushing yourself further each stride. 100m … sprinters have average strides of 2.5m, but most jogging averages around 1.5-2m in males. 17 people found this useful.", "What is the size of a human cell? The average size of a human cell varies quite a lot. a single nerve cell can be up to a meter long while a cheek cell averages about 50 micrometers or .05 mm. the average cell … though is between 10 micrometers and 100 micrometers.29 people found this useful.onfidence votes 261K. Humans are made up of a variety of different cells, all of which are different sizes, shapes and have different functions. The average size of a human cell is between 10 and 100 micrometers.", "What is standard door width? The standard width for the average entry door in America is 36. That is not including the frame. ADA requires 32 clearance when door is open 90 degrees, which res … ults in using a 36 door due to the thickness of the door and projections from the jambs.", "What Is an Average Chest Size for a Man? Quick Answer. According to a 2004 SizeUSA survey of over 10,000 people, the average chest size of an American man is 42 inches. This is up 2 inches from the 40-inch average found in a similar study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1941. Continue Reading.", "What is the average width of a hallway? Answer by Madmanaenewman. Confidence votes 118. Building codes for a single family dwelling typically require hallways to be a minimum of 3 ft (36 inches) in width. A hallway that is 5 ft (60 inches) in width comfortably allows for the passage of two people. As a side note, the width of a typical wheelchair is 22 inches.", "- Row spacing: 34 inches minimum, 36 inches or more recommended. Row lengths and seating: Average space per person, 20 inches width; 13 to 14 persons. maximum on each row. Note: Most building codes are based on 18 inches per person.", "Average height and width of american human body? Best Answer: wide variety of factors influence human body dimensions, including the following categories. Clinical normality in height is defined as about the range 54-79. The average stature worldwide is 64.96 ´ 3.15 for men and 60.5 ´ 2.95 for women.est Answer: wide variety of factors influence human body dimensions, including the following categories. Clinical normality in height is defined as about the range 54-79. The average stature worldwide is 64.96 ´ 3.15 for men and 60.5 ´ 2.95 for women.", "What Is the Average Size of a Human Mouth? How big is a human eye? The average size of a human eye is 1 inch, roughly 2/3 the size of a ping pong ball, and weighs approximately 1/4 of an ounce. Size in adults varies little and is relatively uniform with an allowance for 2 to 3 millimeters.", "- The human body includes the entire structure of a human being and comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), arms and hands, legs and feet. Every part of the body is composed of various types of cells, the fundamental unit of life.he average height of an adult male human (in developed countries) is about 1.7–1.8 m (5'7 to 5'11) and the adult female is about 1.6–1.7 m (5'2 to 5'7). Height is largely determined by genes and diet. Body type and body composition are influenced by factors such as genetics, diet, and exercise.", "500+ Amazing Human Body Facts and Trivia The average human head weighs about 10 pounds. The average length of the human brain is about 167 mm and its average height is 93mm. The left side of human brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body.", "width Width is defined as the quality of being wide, or the measurement of distance from side to side. An example of width is a 36 measurement for a table's wideness. 1 the fact, quality, or condition of being wide; wideness. the size of something in terms of how wide it is; distance from side to side.", "What is the average life span of a man? The average hand span of a man is 3.5 inches across and 7.6 inches in length.", "What is a Standard Sized Refrigerator? This trend becomes clear when looking at the average depth of the two types of refrigerators. The average counter depth refrigerator width in our database is 35.02 inches wide, compared to 32.69 inches wide for standard depth refrigerators. You’ll find a lot of 36 inch wide counter depth refrigerators, and even some wider ones.", "What is the width and height of an average door? As a result- the most common size door here is 2m high, 800 wide, that minimises the cutting of blocks to size for cutting in a doorway. Cameron specifies all common doors as 35mm thick, but exterior doors or feature doors are often 42mm thick.", "Total body water volumes for adult males and females estimated from simple anthropometric measurements Total body water volumes for adult males and females estimated from simple anthropometric measurements.", "- Answer by LIonmaster15. Confidence votes 223. According to one study, the average length of an adult stride was 2.58 feet (31 inches), heel to heel, while for adult women it was only 2.16 feet (26 inches). The average even for an individual can vary by habits such as how far you stretch your walk.", "- 1 The average life-span ranges from 10 - 30 years. 2 Adults on average weight up to 68-180 kg. 3 Average length for females (who usually have a much larger mass and length than males) is around six meters. 4 Average length for males is around three meters.", "- In general, older people are shorter than younger people with the average male aged 75 years and over (169.7 cm) being 8.1 cm shorter than one aged 18-24 years (177.8 cm). Women aged 75 years and over (155.7 cm) were also 8.1 cm shorter than women aged 18-24 years (163.8 cm) on average.People aged 45-54 years had the highest average weight: 89.2 kg for men and 73.4 kg for women. Previous results for height and weight.etween 1995 and 2011-12, the average height for men increased by 0.8 cm and for women by 0.4 cm, while the average weight for men increased by 3.9 kg and for women by 4.1 kg.", "- The average human head is 6 to 7 inches wide and 8 to 9 inches long. The average circumference is 21 to 23 inches. Males generally have a slightly larger head than females....", "What is the average length of a human step? This is because an average made from a large number of people can be very different from its extremes. According to one study, the average length of an adult stride was 2.58 feet (31 inches), heel to heel, while for adult women it was only 2.16 feet (26 inches). The average even for an individual can vary by habits such as how far you stretch your walk.", "What is the minimum width of a bathroom stall? A shower stall should be a comfortable size for the average person. Practical minimum is 36 inches x 30 inches without a door. Anyone taller than 6 feet would probably not be …comfortable with a smaller stall. Toilet stalls for public use in the USA are usually governed by the International Plumbing Code.", "What Is the Average Human Arm Span? A: The average human head is 6 to 7 inches wide and 8 to 9 inches long. The average circumference is 21 to 23 inches. Males generally have a slightly larger head than females.", "Casket Dimensions The average length of a human body is about 60 inches long or something around six feet. The average width of a person is at 18 inches. Given these body measurements the average casket dimensions can fit the average individual.ssue with the Width. The big issue with the average casket dimensions is that of its width. It is true that there are a variety of sizes to choose from. However, do take note that the 28-inch width of the average casket was set during the late 19th century.", "- The average human head is 6 to 7 inches wide and 8 to 9 inches long. The average circumference is 21 to 23 inches. Males generally have a slightly larger head than females.... The average human head is 6 to 7 inches wide and 8 to 9 inches long.", "What is the average size of a human head? Answer by leize (222). The average head circumference is about 57cm, Head length: around 9 inches Width: around 6 inches but it varies greatly from person to person.add a comment. posted by Anonymous. This is about what I got when I measured my head. Roughly 9 inches long and 6 inches wide, which calculates to about 23 inches around.nswer by dwammer (710). The average size of the human head is 22 inches long and about 18 inches wide. The average circumferance is 55 inches around the head. add a comment.", "Average sizes of men and women Average sizes of men and women. The wealthier a country is, the taller are its residents - at least they say so. Yet for the traditional immigration countries like Hongkong and Singapur is it obviously wrong. The biggest average body height for males is 1.83 m in the Netherlands, the smallest women with just 1.42 m can be found in in Bolivia.", "Stepping Science: Estimating Someone's Height from Their Walk In this activity you should have found this hypothesis to be pretty accurate. On average, adults have a step length of about 2.2 to 2.5 feet. In general, if you divide a person's step length by their height, the ratio value you get is about 0.4 (with a range from about 0.41 to 0.45).n this activity you should have found this hypothesis to be pretty accurate. On average, adults have a step length of about 2.2 to 2.5 feet. In general, if you divide a person's step length by their height, the ratio value you get is about 0.4 (with a range from about 0.41 to 0.45).", "- Dining Chair Width. The average dining chair width is 16-20 inches. If dining chairs are placed right next to each other with no space between them, people will bump elbows when eating. Because of that, add 6 inches to each chair's width to accommodate the spaces between them." ]
[ 12.828125 ]
[ 10.21875, 10.765625, 9.578125, 9.0703125, 11.9375, 10.734375, 11.078125, 11.71875, 10.6953125, 9.9140625, 9.4921875, 10.1484375, 10.265625, 10.9765625, 10.1171875, 9.796875, 9.5703125, 9.875, 10.5859375, 10.109375, 10.8359375, 9.6328125, 11.171875, 11.4375, 11.53125, 10.875, 9.625, 10.6875, 9.1875, 10.7578125 ]
how to know day of cycle
[ "How to determine which day to start testing If you don't know your cycle length, we suggest you wait for your next cycle and note the day your period starts (Day 1) and the length of this cycle before using this online tool*. To measure the length of your menstrual cycle, count from the day your period starts to the day before your next period starts." ]
[ "- Nuremberg, Germany: basic facts and figures. The length of a solar day is determined by the time that it takes for the Earth to complete a full rotation around its axis and equals 24 hours. The Earth’s rotation on its axis leads to change between day and night.", "How to Chart Your Menstrual Cycle Day 1 is the first day of your period. Since the length of your cycle can vary slightly from month to month, it’s best to keep track for a few months. Then, subtract 18 days from the length of your shortest cycle: this is the first day you’re likely to be fertile.", "- How do I count how long my cycle is to determine ovulation?....some women have 24 day cycles and others have 35 day cycles? Share.", "How to Chart Your Menstrual Cycle Day 1 is the first day of your period. Since the length of your cycle can vary slightly from month to month, it’s best to keep track for a few months. Once you have an average, subtract 18 days from the length of your shortest cycle. This is the first day you’re likely to be fertile. Next, subtract 11 days from the length of your longest cycle.", "- Zeller's Algorithm can be used to determine the day of the week for any date in the past, present or future, for any dates between 1582 and 4902. To use this algorithm, input your date of birth, press ok and then boom the day of the week in which you were born on appears.", "How do I know when my next period will be? By doing this, you can determine how many days your cycle is from day one to day one of the next period. Do this for each cycle, then average the numbers. For example, my last four cycles were: Cycle One - 29 days, Cycle Two - 31 days, Cycle Three - 31 days, Cycle Four - 30 days. Add up the number of days, divide by 4 months, and you get an average of 30 days. With that number, you can predict the first day of your next period when adding 30 days to the last. So, if my last period started on February 2, I add 30 days and come up with March 4 for the first day of my next period.", "How to Calculate Menstrual Cycle Length To calculate menstrual cycle length, you count the number of days from day one of your period (CD 1) up to, and including, the day before the next period starts. The count does not include the first day of the next menstrual period, because that's Cycle Day 1 of the next cycle. Your average cycle length displays. 2 Each time you track your next period, your cycle length is updated! 3 Use My History/Quick History, or the Menstrual Cycle Chart, to see your average, shortest and longest menstrual cycle length.", "Day Besides the day of 24 hours (86 400 seconds), the word day is used for several different spans of time based on the rotation of the Earth around its axis. An important one is the solar day, defined as the time it takes for the Sun to return to its culmination point (its highest point in the sky).", "How long is my menstrual cycle? To figure out how long your cycle is, start at cycle day 1 of your last menstrual cycle and begin counting (Cycle day 1,2,3,4 and so forth). The length= the last cycle day before you started bleeding again. For example – According to the January and February calendars, the cycle length would be 28 days, meaning your period comes on average, every 28 days. However, keep in mind that your cycle may vary in length. Tags: menstrual cycle.", "Using Our Ovulation Calendar The length of your cycle is the number of days from the day your period starts (Day 1) to the day before your next period starts. If your cycle length varies by more than 3 days every month, then choose the shortest cycle you have had over the last 6 months.", "Ovulation calculator What is your average cycle length. days. Start with the first day of one period and count right up to the day before the first day of your next period. Count the first day of bleeding or spotting as day one. The average cycle length is 28 days, but can range anywhere from 20 to 45 days. to.", "- Determine your most fertile days and increase your chance of conceiving. Please enter a valid date. Start with the first day of one period and count right up to the day before the first day of your next period. Count the first day of bleeding or spotting as day one. The average cycle length is 28 days, but can range anywhere from 20 to 45 days. to.", "Day of the Week Well, you can find out with this neat little script. Simply type your date of birth in the box below, and it will tell you ... honest! Zeller's Algorithm can be used to determine the day of the week for any date in the past, present or future, for any dates between 1582 and 4902.To use this algorithm, input your date of birth, press ok and then boom the day of the week in which you were born on appears.ell, you can find out with this neat little script. Simply type your date of birth in the box below, and it will tell you ... honest! Zeller's Algorithm can be used to determine the day of the week for any date in the past, present or future, for any dates between 1582 and 4902.", "- 1 The number of days in the menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of the period to the day before the start of the next period. The average length of the menstrual cycle is around 28 days, although many women have longer or shorter cycles and this is normal.", "Day A day is a unit of time. In common usage, it is either an interval equal to 24 hours or daytime, the consecutive period of time during which the Sun is above the horizon. The period of time during which the Earth completes one rotation with respect to the Sun is called a solar day.", "- Please enter a valid date. Start with the first day of one period and count right up to the day before the first day of your next period. Count the first day of bleeding or spotting as day one. The average cycle length is 28 days, but can range anywhere from 20 to 45 days.", "Day For other uses, see Day (disambiguation). A day is a unit of time. In common usage, it is either an interval equal to 24 hours or daytime, the consecutive period of time during which the Sun is above the horizon. The period of time during which the Earth completes one rotation with respect to the Sun is called a solar day.", "Ovulation Calendar Taking this into account, you can calculate the time of ovulation within your cycle by subtracting the length of your luteal phase from the length of your cycle. For example, if your cycle is 28 days long and your luteal phase is 12 days long, the ovulation will occur on day 16 of your cycle (28-12=16). Ovulation Calendar uses this formula to calculate your time of ovulation.", "- This is because the hour hand continues to move as the minute hand moves. Hence every 12 hours, the minute hand only overtakes the hour hand 11 times, 22 times in 24 hours. Since it makes 2 right angle per cycle, that's 2 x 22 = 44 right angles per day. 3/6/2014 | Philip P. The number of cycles in 24 hours, then = (0.923)(24) = 22.153. That's how you compute how many times the minute hand catches up the hour hand in 24 hours (round to 22). Thanks for your question.", "- The sooner you know, the better. Please enter a valid date. Start with the first day of one period and count right up to the day before the first day of your next period. Count the first day of bleeding or spotting as day one. The average cycle length is 28 days, but can range anywhere from 20 to 45 days. You can take a pregnancy test.", "- Yes | No Thank you! Your cycle is measured by the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. If your LMP was 1/23 and your cycle is 28 days, your period would be due about Saturday, 2/20.To get an idea of your cycle length, see if you can backtrack and plot out the start of your past periods on a calendar.If your cycle were 28 days, your period before your LMP would have started about Dec. 26.es | No Thank you! Your cycle is measured by the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. If your LMP was 1/23 and your cycle is 28 days, your period would be due about Saturday, 2/20.", "What Does diurnal mean? day or daytime; daily or daily cycles; as opposed to nocturnal. The term diurnal refers to a tide which has a period or cycle of approximately one tidal day (about 25 hours). Diurnal tides usually have one high and one low tide each day. The tides at Karumba are a typical example of diurnal tides.", "cycle Use 'cycle' in a Sentence. 1 The Earth moves around the sun approximately every three hundred and sixty five days; when the Earth has moved completely around the sun one time, this is the end of a solar cycle.", "- The second half of the cycle is called the luteal phase and is from the day of ovulation until the next period begins. The luteal phase has a more precise timeline and usually is only 12-16 days from the day of ovulation.This ultimately means that the day of ovulation will determine how long your cycle is.n average, a woman’s cycle normally is between 28-32 days, but some women may have much shorter or much longer cycles. Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period.", "How to Calculate Menstrual Cycle Length How to Calculate Menstrual Cycle Length. Menstrual cycle length is the number of days your menstrual cycle lasts. It is not the same as period length, which is the number of days your period lasts. The day your period starts is considered Cycle Day (CD) 1 -- the start of a new menstrual cycle. Your average cycle length displays. 2 Each time you track your next period, your cycle length is updated! 3 Use My History/Quick History, or the Menstrual Cycle Chart, to see your average, shortest and longest menstrual cycle length.", "The Lunar Cycle Identify the phases of the Moon. Understand that the Moon completes one revolution around Earth over the course of one month. Recognize that the Moon is visible sometimes at night, sometimes during the day, and sometimes not at all.", "- Monitoring Your Cycle. Note of the first day of your period. The first day of your period is the day that you actually start to bleed. Your menstrual cycle runs from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. The length of a menstrual cycle is different for each woman, but a typical cycle is between 21 and 35 days.", "How to Calculate the Day of the Week of Any Date For instance, if today is a Monday, how can you figure out what the day of the week is going to be 237 days from today? One way is to go and get a calendar and start counting through the days until you land at the particular day of the week 237 days from today. But that’s going to take you a really long time. There’s a faster way. To find the day of the week of a future date, start by finding the number of days from today modulo 7.", "Ovulation Calculator To use this tool, simply enter the first day of your last period and the number of days in your cycle below, and click the Find button. First, remember to bookmark this site by pressing Control-D so you can return to this page at any time. Ovulation Calculator. First day of your last menstrual period:", "Weeks, Months and Trimesters Guides Using the first day of your last menstrual cycle you can figure out when you most likely conceived, how old your baby currently is, and when your baby's birth is expected. If you don't know the length of your cycle, leave that space blank and the average 28 days will be used to calculate your information." ]
[ 11.53125 ]
[ 9.40625, 11.5390625, 10.2421875, 11.625, 10.2890625, 11.265625, 11.703125, 9.734375, 10.53125, 11.7578125, 11.140625, 10.9453125, 8.8203125, 11.65625, 9.859375, 11.4609375, 9.90625, 11.421875, 10.2578125, 11.1171875, 9.734375, 9.2734375, 10.28125, 9.5234375, 11.6875, 9.96875, 11.5546875, 9.953125, 10.8046875, 10.5390625 ]
what energy fuels electricity
[ "- 5 Summary  Electricity production is responsible for 32% of total global fossil fuel use, accounting for 132 EJ, and 41%, or 10.9 Gt of energy-related CO 2 emissions." ]
[ "Where does Electricty and Fuel Come From? Almost all electricity in western countries is generated in one of three ways: A heat source is used boil water, which generates steam. The steam is forced under pressure through pipes to a turbine.", "- Batteries turn chemical energy directly into electrical energy. Chemical energy in wood and fossil fuels turns into heat and light energy when it is burned. One of the many ways we can make electrical energy is through one-step conversions, such as mechanical to electrical.", "About electricity Electricity is energy. Through the movement of electrons, electricity has the power to heat, to light, to move things and to make things work. Electricity travels along a circuit. When you plug something in and turn it on, you complete the electrical circuit from the power station to your home.", "- Electricity generation. The process of producing electric energy or the amount of electric energy produced by transforming other forms of energy into electrical energy; commonly expressed in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or megawatt-hours (MWh).", "What is Electrical Energy? - Definition & Examples Energy is the ability to do work, where work is done when a force moves an object. We need and we use energy every day, and energy is available in all different forms.Electrical energy is energy that's stored in charged particles within an electric field.Electric fields are simply areas surrounding a charged particle. In other words, charged particles create electric fields that exert force on other charged particles within the field.nergy is the ability to do work, where work is done when a force moves an object. We need and we use energy every day, and energy is available in all different forms.", "Electrical Energy Examples Electrical Energy. Electrical energy is energy that is caused by moving electric charges. Since the electric charges are moving, this is a form of kinetic energy. The faster the electric charges are moving the more electrical energy they carry. We can use the analogy of a ball being thrown at a window.", "- Electrical energy is energy that is caused by moving electric charges. Since the electric charges are moving, this is a form of kinetic energy. The faster the electric charges are moving the more electrical energy they carry. We can use the analogy of a ball being thrown at a window.", "- In 2014, world energy consumption for electricity generation was coal 40.8%, natural gas 21.6%, nuclear 10.6%, hydro 16.4%, 'others' (solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, etc.) 6.3% and oil 4.3%. Coal and natural gas were the most popular energy fuels for generating electricity.", "The U.S. Electricity System Today, most Americans receive their electricity from centralized power plants that use a wide variety of energy resources to produce electricity, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, or renewable resources such as water, wind, or solar energy.", "Electricity generation Electricity generation. The production of electricity in 2013 was 23,322TWh. Sources of electricity were coal and peat 41%, natural gas 22%, hydroelectric 16%, nuclear power 11%, oil 4%, biomass and waste 2% and other sources 4%. Other sources include wind, geothermal, solar photovoltaic, and solar thermal.[9]", "- Problems with fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels – gas, coal, oil and more recently shale gas – are considered the most economic ways to generate electricity. Fossil fuel however, is a finite resource, the cost of which increases sharply as the availability decreases.", "Electricity Fuel Prices. Find electricity fuel prices and trends. Electricity can be used to power all-electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. These vehicles can draw electricity directly from the grid and other off-board electrical power sources and store it in batteries. Hybrid electric vehicles use electricity to boost fuel efficiency. Using electricity to power vehicles can have significant energy security and emissions benefits.", "- Electricity is a form of energy, but not an energy source. Different generating plants harness different energy sources to make electric power. The two most common types are Thermal Plants and Kinetic Plants. Thermal Generating Plants. Thermal plants use the energy of heat to make electricity. Water is heated in a boiler until it becomes high-temperature steam. This steam is then channeled through a turbine, which has many fan-blades attached to a shaft. As the steam moves over the blades, it causes the shaft to spin.", "- Nuclear energy facilities are able to produce electricity with low cost and stable prices using enriched uranium for fuel. One uranium fuel pellet—about the size of the tip of a pencil eraser—produces the same energy as 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas, 1,780 pounds of coal or 149 gallons of oil.uclear energy has tremendous price stability because fuel accounts for just 31 percent of production costs. Fuel costs are closer to 80 or 90 percent when electricity is produced by burning coal or natural gas. This makes electricity from fossil-fuel plants highly susceptible to fluctuations in coal and gas prices.", "Resources used to make electricity Biomass can be burned to produce electricity, or be converted to a gas and used for fuel. Geothermal energy uses hot water or steam from deep beneath the earth’s surface to produce electricity. Hydroelectric power plants use the energy of falling water to spin generator turbines.", "- Fuels for power stations. The common fuels used in power stations include: 1 fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). 2 nuclear fuels (uranium and, sometimes, plutonium). 3 renewable biomass (wood, straw and manure).ome of these are non-renewable, such as oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear fuels. Others are renewable, such as wood, straw and manure. The cost of electricity depends on the power rating of the appliance used, how long it is used for, and the price of a unit of electricity.", "Electricity Electricity is a secondary energy source, meaning it is generated from the conversion of primary sources of energy, such as fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and oil), nuclear power and renewable sources (wind, hydro, solar, geothermal).", "Electricity and the Environment Fossil fuel, biomass, and waste burning power plants. In the United States, the energy sources for about 68% of total electricity generation in 2015 were: fossil fuels (mainly coal, oil, and natural gas), materials that come from plants (biomass), and municipal and industrial wastes.", "Electrical energy Electrical energy is the energy newly derived from electric potential energy. When loosely used to describe energy absorbed or delivered by an electrical circuit (for example, one provided by an electric power utility) electrical energy talks about energy which has been converted from electrical potential energy.his energy is supplied by the combination of electric current and electrical potential that is delivered by the circuit. At the point that this electrical potential energy has been converted to another type of energy, it ceases to be electrical potential energy.", "Electrical Uses There are many reasons for this increased reliance on natural gas to generate our electricity. While coal is the cheapest fossil fuel for generating electricity, it is also the dirtiest, releasing the highest levels of pollutants into the air.", "What is Electrical Energy? - Definition & Examples Energy is the ability to do work, where work is done when a force moves an object. We need and we use energy every day, and energy is available in all different forms. Electrical energy is energy that's stored in charged particles within an electric field. Electric fields are simply areas surrounding a charged particle.", "Forms of energy â motion, light, heat, sound Light from a burning match is kinetic energy — electromagnetic energy packed in the photons that radiate from a source of light, like a match. Electricity is the kinetic energy of flowing electrons between atoms. Energy can shift between forms, but it is never destroyed or created. A car transforms the potential energy trapped in gasoline into various types of energy that help the wheels turn and get the car to move.", "What You Need To Know About Energy The answers depend on our inventory of sources. Our energy supply comes mainly from fossil fuels, with nuclear power and renewable sources rounding out the mix. These sources originate mostly in our local star, the Sun. Electricity falls into its own category because it’s an energy carrier and not a primary source.ossil Fuels. In 2008, fossil fuels provided almost 85% of the energy used in the United States. Fossil fuels supply the affordable energy we need for many of the functions essential to our society.", "Electricity Electricity is the presence and flow of electric charge. Its best-known form is the flow of electrons through conductors such as copper wires. Electricity is a form of energy that comes in positive and negative forms, that occur naturally (as in lightning), or is produced (as in a generator). It is a form of energy which we use to power machines and electrical devices.", "- Specific examples of electrical energy include: 1 alternating current (AC) 2 direct current (DC) 3 lightning. 4 batteries. 5 capacitors. 6 energy generated by electric eels.", "What is Electricity? First we will review the ingredients we need to make electricity: 1 The definition of electricity is the flow of charge. Usually our charges will be carried by free-flowing electrons. 2 Negatively-charged electrons are loosely held to atoms of conductive materials.", "Electrical energy Electrical energy is the energy newly derived from electric potential energy. When loosely used to describe energy absorbed or delivered by an electrical circuit (for example, one provided by an electric power utility) electrical energy talks about energy which has been converted from electrical potential energy.", "How Energy WorksIn this section Nuclear energy accounts for two-thirds of all carbon-free electricity. Nuclear plants are the lowest-cost provider of large-scale electricity. Some states generate more than half of their electricity from nuclear power.", "What three things do you need to make energy? Combustion is the most common energy. Combustion is the energy of the sun. Combustion is a chemical reaction. Electrical energy is mostly man made, converted from another energy, like combustion of coal, or from a turning magnet, like at a hydroelectric dam. For combustion, you do require three things on earth: fuel, oxygen, and a spark.", "Forms of Energy: Motion, Heat, Light, Sound Power plants transform one form of energy into a very useful form, electricity. Coal and natural gas plants use the chemical potential energy trapped in fossil fuels. Nuclear power plants change the nuclear potential energy of uranium or plutonium into electricity too." ]
[ 11.0078125 ]
[ 11.0078125, 11.2734375, 10.8671875, 10.515625, 8.3203125, 9.78125, 10.0234375, 11.7734375, 11.59375, 10.796875, 11.3984375, 10.9765625, 10.0390625, 8.8125, 11.4609375, 10.9375, 11.796875, 11.59375, 8.0625, 11.1484375, 10.21875, 10.6953125, 10.03125, 10.765625, 10.4375, 10.125, 10.3515625, 11.625, 9, 11.109375 ]
format date in access
[ "- Access: Format Function. In Access, the Format function returns a string containing an expression formatted according to instructions contained in a format expression. Format ( expression [, format [, firstdayofweek [,firstweekofyear ] ] ] ) expression is the value to format." ]
[ "Easy Date and Time Entry in Excel Now insert a column just after this column to hold the actual date for use in calculations. Let's say the eight-digit dates were in column A, starting in cell A2. Then you would enter this formula in cell B2 and copy it down the whole column: =DATE(MOD(A2, 10000), TRUNC(A2 / 1000000), MOD(TRUNC(A2 / 10000), 100)) .onfiguring Excel to display date and time digits that you've entered without punctuation is a simple matter of defining the correct custom format. However, changing the formatting doesn't change the actual data. Even when you see 08/21/2007 displayed, Excel will still treat the data as the number 8,212,007.", "- Click OK. The cell displays the date in the new format. To display the current date in a cell and have Excel update the date, enter = TODAY () . To enter today's date as a static entry, press Ctrl+; (semicolon). To enter the current time as a static value, press Shift+Ctrl+: (colon).", "Mail Merge: Format Date Field in MS-Word When you do Mail Merge and if you are using a date field of mergeformat, sometimes MS-Word picks date field from source and prints it in an unwanted format. But, thankfully, we can change the format of date to suit your purpose. Select the date field that you have inserted in your document. Take right click on it and select “ Edit Field… ” from the pop-up menu. A box will appear. Click on Field Codes button. MS-Word: Field Codes button. Now you will see a box containing field codes of the date field in question.", "Format numbers as dates or times on the home tab in the number group click the dialog box launcher next to number you can also press ctrl+ 1 to open the format cells dialog box in the category list click date or time in the type list click the date or time format that you want to use note date and time formats that begin with an asterisk respond to changes in regional date and time settings that are specified in control panel formats without an asterisk are not affected by control panel settings", "- To set the Date format indicated in columns E through H, we need to use the Format Cells dialog. Access this dialog using any of the techniques covered previously. The date format in column H includes time. Since we haven't set a time for any of these dates, they will all display with a time of 12:00 AM.", "Format a date the way you want In the Format Cells box, click the Number tab. In the Category list, click Date, and then under Type, pick a date format that is close to the format you want. Go back to the Category list, and pick Custom.", "Date & Time Functions Date & Time Functions. Year, Month, Day | Date Function | Current Date & Time | Hour, Minute, Second | Time Function. To enter a date in Excel, use the / or - characters. To enter a time, use the : (colon). You can also enter a date and a time in one cell. Note: Dates are in US Format. Months first, Days second. This type of format depends on your windows regional settings. Learn more about Date and Time formats.", "Working with Dates in Access Queries Simple Date Calculations. When you enter a date into an Access table, Access recognises it as a date, and checks it against the calendar to make sure it is a possible date. You'll get an error message if you try to enter an impossible date such 31st September or 29th February in a non leap year. Then it stores the date as a number known as the date serial. PCs use the 1900 System to store dates. 1st January 1900 was day 1, 2nd January 1900 was day 2 etc.", "Format a date, time, or number For example, by adding data formatting to a control, you can help ensure that: 1 Dates that users enter into a date picker control have a format of dd/mm/yy, such as 14/03/07. 2 Times that users enter into a text box control have a format of 00:00:00, such as 09:46:55.", "Date and Time Formats Dates and times in Excel can be displayed in a variety of ways. To apply a Date or Time format, execute the following steps. 1. Select cell A1. 2. Right click, and then click Format Cells. 3. In the Category list, select Date, and select a Date format. 4. Click OK. Note: to apply a Time format, in the Category list, select Time. 5. Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900. Times are handled internally as numbers between 0 and 1. To clearly see this, change the number format of cell A1, B1 and C1 to General.", "Number, date, and time format codes Microsoft Graph provides built-in basic codes that you can use to format your data. For example, you can use the date code mmm-yy to make a date entered as 7/15/98 be displayed as Jul-98. You can also build on these codes to create your own custom codes. Learn about custom number, date, and time format codes. Using basic number format codes.", "- If you want to convert excel dates to text values (for your report or some other purpose), you can use the TEXT formula like this: =TEXT(A1,DD-MMM-YYYY) will convert date in Cell A1 to DD-MMM-YYYY format. You can pass any other date / time formats to TEXT formula as well.", "Convert Date Format YYYYMMDD In Access 2010 text/html 6/24/2013 12:41:08 PM ericvanburen 0. I'm using Access 2010 and the field [TPD Date] is stored in the format YYYYMMDD. I need to convert it into a date format that Access recognizes so I can run queries against it. This is part of my VBA code where I'm building a SQL string but I'm getting a type mismatch error. Dim strSQL As String 'The criteria string.", "Format numbers as dates or times Display numbers as dates or times. You can format dates and times as you type. For example, if you type 2/2 in a cell, Excel automatically interprets this as a date and displays 2-Feb in the cell.", "Format the date and time field in Access Add an input mask. 1 Select the Date/Time field, and then in the lower section of the design grid, on the General tab, click the Input Mask property. 2 The Input Mask Wizard opens and guides you through selecting an Input Mask format. 3 To apply the format, click Yes, and then click Save.", "Insert todayâs date In the Navigation Pane, right-click the form, and then click Layout view. Click the field where you want today’s date to be inserted. Press F4 to open the Property Sheet, if it isn’t already open. On the Data tab of the property sheet, type =Date() in the Default Value property for the field.n a view (Access apps). Open the app in Access. Press F11 to display the Navigation Pane, if it isn’t already open. In the Navigation Pane, double-click the form you want to change. Click the field where you want today’s date to be inserted, and then click the Data button that appears to the right of the field.", "Examples of using dates as criteria in Access queries Year([SalesDate])* 53 + DatePart(ww, [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 53 + DatePart(ww, Date()) - 1. Returns items with dates during the last week. A week in Access starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.", "Introduction to expressions Think of it this way: when you want Access to do something, you have to speak its language. For example, suppose you want to tell Access Look at the BirthDate field in the Customers table and tell me the year of the customer's birth.. You can write this expression as DatePart(yyyy,[Customers]![BirthDate]).", "Excel VBA - cell format but this doesn't do anything in my excel. I am spitting out data from my ASP array into Excel and currently the dates are showing up in the wrong format. For example, one date shows 38089.52997. so I need to format that column of data after my export from ASP to Excel to be Date format in Excel.", "- Date/Time, use YEAR( DATEVALUE( date/time ). You can convert a Date value to a Date/Time using the DATETIMEVALUE( date) function. The time will be set to 12:00 a.m. in. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and then converted to the time zone of the user viewing the record when it’s displayed.", "How to: Calculate Elapsed Time Storing Date/Time Data. Microsoft Access stores the Date/Time data type as a double-precision, floating-point number (up to 15 decimal places). The integer portion of the double-precision number represents the date; the decimal portion represents the time.", "Microsoft Office Access 2007 VBA: Using Built-In Functions However, the. function can display the number in a variety of date or time formats. The. function uses the following syntax, where expression can be either a. or. data type that results in the value you want to format: There are three optional arguments, the first of which determines how the data is formatted.", "Format a date the way you want Create a custom date format. If you want to use a format that isn’t in the Type box, you can create your own. The easiest way to do this is to start from a format this is close to what you want. Select the cells you want to format. Press CTRL+1. In the Format Cells box, click the Number tab.In the Category list, click Date, and then under Type, pick a date format that is close to the format you want. Go back to the Category list, and pick Custom. Under Type, you’ll see the format code for the date format you picked in step 4.hoose from a list of date formats. Select the cells you want to format. Press CTRL+1. In the Format Cells box, click the Number tab. In the Category list, click Date. Under Type, pick a date format.", "How to Spell out Dates in MLA In Text. When you are writing a date inside the body of text, you can use one of two formats. The U.S. format is month day, year.. The universal or European format is day month year.. The year should be four digits. No comma is needed if only the month and year are provided.", "MS Excel: How to use the FORMAT Function with Dates (VBA) The Microsoft Excel FORMAT function takes a date expression and returns it as a formatted string. The FORMAT function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Date/Time Function. It can be used as a VBA function (VBA) in Excel. As a VBA function, you can use this function in macro code that is entered through the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor. The syntax for the FORMAT function in Microsoft Excel is:", "- To enter a date in Excel, use the / or - characters. To enter a time, use the : (colon). You can also enter a date and a time in one cell. Note: Dates are in US Format.Months first, Days second. This type of format depends on your windows regional settings.o enter a date in Excel, use the / or - characters. To enter a time, use the : (colon). You can also enter a date and a time in one cell. Note: Dates are in US Format. Months first, Days second.", "- • The format model can include any valid date format element. Be sure to. separate the date value from the format model by a comma. • The names of days and months in the output are automatically. padded with blanks. • To remove padded blanks or to suppress leading zeros, use the fill. mode fm element. • Yon can resize the display width of the resulting character fıeld with the.", "Date and Time Functions in VBA home page Time represents the decimal part of the double that Access stores for date and time. Since adding 1 to a stored date/time represents 1 day or 24 hours, each hour is stored as .041666, or 1/24 of a day.ime represents the decimal part of the double that Access stores for date and time. Since adding 1 to a stored date/time represents 1 day or 24 hours, each hour is stored as .041666, or 1/24 of a day.", "Build Custom Functions for Your Access Applications Step 3: Enter the Function Code. 1 Date-DoB uses the VBA function Date which always returns the current date (like Excel's TODAY() function) and subtracts from it the supplied date of birth (DoB). Windows treats dates as numbers based on the 1900 System where day 1 was January 1 1900.", "How to convert text to date and number to date in Excel 1 In your Excel worksheet, select a column of text entries you want to convert to dates. 2 Switch to the Data tab, Data Tools group, and click Text to Columns. 3 In step 1 of the Convert Text to Columns Wizard, select Delimited and click Next. 4 In step 2 of the wizard, uncheck all delimiter boxes and click Next." ]
[ 12.34375 ]
[ 8.265625, 9.4375, 8.703125, 9.1328125, 10.8515625, 10.7265625, 9.5, 11.2890625, 11.4140625, 10.296875, 10.4921875, 9.1796875, 11.3671875, 9.8828125, 12.46875, 9.7109375, 10.28125, 10.1171875, 8.625, 10.09375, 10.765625, 10.1640625, 9.4296875, 8.140625, 9.78125, 8.7265625, 8.6796875, 8.9921875, 9.5625, 10.1171875 ]
what is a jewel yam
[ "- Jewel yams are ovate and cylindric in shape, tapering at the ends. They have a rough semi thick skin with a rose hued pale orange color. The flesh is brilliant orange, moist and starchy. The flesh's vibrant color increases when cooked.Its flavor is sweet and its starchy textures allows it to absorb accompanying ingredients' flavors. The Jewel yam is a high source for beta carotene and yields a substantial amount of carbohydrates per single yam.True yams are native to Asia and Africa and are one of the most important food crops in tropical and subtropical regions.he flesh is brilliant orange, moist and starchy. The flesh's vibrant color increases when cooked. Its flavor is sweet and its starchy textures allows it to absorb accompanying ingredients' flavors. The Jewel yam is a high source for beta carotene and yields a substantial amount of carbohydrates per single yam." ]
[ "- This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word jewel. jewel, gem, precious stone(noun) a precious or semiprecious stone incorporated into a piece of jewelry. jewel, gem(verb) a person who is as brilliant and precious as a piece of jewelry.", "- yam = moist-fleshed sweet potato Notes: Americans use the word yam to refer to a sweet, moist, orange-fleshed variety of sweet potato. To everyone else in the world, a yam is what Americans call a tropical yam, a firm tuber with white flesh.weet potato Notes: In American supermarkets, sweet potatoes are displayed next to something called yams, which are moister than sweet potatoes and have darker skins. But according to the rest of the world (and botanists), we have it all wrong. To them, our yams are just a variety of sweet potatoes.", "Jewel God Click to enlarge unit picture. A jewel type monster that is even larger and even more voracious than the Jewel King. Not only does it hold the gems it's eaten in its body, but those gems also merge together producing even more precious jewels making it is even more valuable than the others.Naturally, there are many Jewel God related crimes, there being a high number of counterfeits, abductions, and scams.ot only does it hold the gems it's eaten in its body, but those gems also merge together producing even more precious jewels making it is even more valuable than the others. Naturally, there are many Jewel God related crimes, there being a high number of counterfeits, abductions, and scams.", "- Check with your pharmacist for more details regarding the particular brand you use. Wild yam is an herbal product. It is thought to work by providing a protein substance that blocks new blood networks from forming. Tumors and certain other diseases are dependent on new blood networks.", "yam the starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea, cultivated for food in warm regions. 2. any of these plants. 3. the sweet potato.", "What Are Yams Good For? Yams belong to the Dioscoreae or morning glory family, while sweet potatoes are from the genus Convolvulaceae. Yams (from the African word nyami, meaning to eat) have only one embryonic seed leaf, while sweet potatoes have two.", "Cardamom Cardamom (/ˈkɑrdəməm/), sometimes called cardamon (mostly in the UK) , is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to India, the largest producer until the late 20th century; Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, and Pakistan.ardamom (/ˈkɑrdəməm/), sometimes called cardamon (mostly in the UK) , is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to India, the largest producer until the late 20th century; Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, and Pakistan.", "Chayote Chayote (Sechium edule) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Globally it is known by many names including chayote, cho-cho, christophine cho-cho, pipinola (Hawaii), pear squash, vegetable pear, choko (Australia). Its tuberous and edible root is called chinchayote or chayotextle in Mexico and ichintal or güisquil in Guatemala. Chayote is originally native to Mesoamerica.", "Chayote For other uses, see Mirliton. Chayote (Sechium edule) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash. Globally it is known by many names including chayote, cho-cho, christophine cho-cho, pipinola (Hawaii), pear squash, vegetable pear, choko (Australia). Its tuberous and edible root is called chinchayote or chayotextle in Mexico and ichintal or güisquil in Guatemala.", "Nigella For other uses, see Nigella (disambiguation). Nigella is a genus of 18 species of annual plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native to southern Europe, north Africa, south and southwest Asia. Common names applied to members of this genus are nigella, devil-in-a-bush or love-in-a-mist. The species grow to 20–90 cm tall, with finely divided leaves; the leaf segments are narrowly linear to threadlike. The flowers are white, yellow, pink, pale blue or pale purple, with five to 10 petals.", "yam Definition of yam for English Language Learners. : a long, thick root of a tropical plant that has rough brown skin and usually white or yellow flesh and that is eaten as a vegetable.", "Ube halaya Ube jam, ube halaya or halayang ube (variant spellings halea, haleya; from the Spanish jalea, jam) is a Philippines dessert made from boiled and mashed purple yam (Dioscorea alata, locally known as ube).", "- percent of these crops are grown in Africa. Although some varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are. also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, sweet potato is not part of the family. Dioscoreaceae but belongs in the unrelated morning glory family Convolvulaceae.", "- Although some varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, sweet potato is not part of the family Dioscoreaceae but belongs in the unrelated morning glory family Convolvulaceae.", "Yam (vegetable) There are many cultivars of yam. Although some varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, sweet potato is not part of the family Dioscoreaceae but belongs in the unrelated morning glory family Convolvulaceae.am tubers can grow up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) in length and weigh up to 70 kilograms (154 lb) and 3 to 6 inches high. The vegetable has a rough skin which is difficult to peel, but which softens after heating.", "Yam (vegetable) Yams are monocots, related to lilies and grasses. Native to Africa and Asia, yam tubers vary in size from that of a small potato to over 60 kg (130 lb).There are over 600 varieties of yams and 95 percent of these crops are grown in Africa.here are many cultivars of yam. Although some varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) are also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, sweet potato is not part of the family Dioscoreaceae but belongs in the unrelated morning glory family Convolvulaceae.", "Sweet potato although the soft orange sweet potato is often called a yam in parts of north america the sweet potato is botanically very distinct from a genuine yam dioscorea which is native to africa and asia and belongs to the monocot family dioscoreaceae", "Semi-Precious Stones A semi-precious stone is also known as a gem or gemstone (also a jewel, a gem, a precious stone), which is a portion of mineral, which, in refined and cut form, is used to create jewelry or other embellishments. gemstone is a precious or a semi-precious stone used in jewelry. Gemologists identify gemstones. They label gems in the arena of gemology using practical language and their features. A gemologist uses the gemstone’s chemical arrangement to classify it.", "2.16 Pennyroyal. Puliol was an old French name for thyme, & this plant was designated the royal thyme or puliol royale which was corrupted into pennyroyal. In modern French, the herb is called la menthe Pouliot.", "Dioscorea alata Water yam redirects here. For the book, see Water Yam (artist's book). Dioscorea alata, known as purple yam and many other names, is a species of yam, a tuberous root vegetable. The tubers are usually vivid violet to bright lavender in colour, hence the common name, but they may sometimes be plain white. It is sometimes confused with taro and the Okinawa sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas cv.", "What Is The Difference Between A Sweet Potato And A Yam? a true yam is a starchy edible root of the dioscorea genus and is generally imported to america from the caribbean it is rough and scaly and very low in beta carotene depending on the variety sweet potato flesh can vary from white to orange and even purple", "Vegetables From Underground Subterranean tuber of a true yam (Dioscorea sp.), the third most important tropical root crop after cassava and sweet potatoes. The venation and shiny, heart-shaped leaves of true yams are unmistakable compared to those of sweet potatoes and other root crops.", "- Jewel Paper Products is a manufacturer and distributor of tissue paper products and sanitary disposable products.The company is a 100% Botswana citizen owned company. The company produces its products for both the retail and the industrial/institutional markets in Botswana and the region.Our Vision. To be the leading Botswana brand in the paper and sanitary disposable industry offering a highly differentiated, quality product that is unique.he company produces its products for both the retail and the industrial/institutional markets in Botswana and the region. Our Vision. To be the leading Botswana brand in the paper and sanitary disposable industry offering a highly differentiated, quality product that is unique.", "Nutrition Information of Jewel Yams Jewel yams contain a high level of sugar -- 7 g. Despite this, the jewel yam is a low glycemic index vegetable, recommended for those with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association refers to the jewel yam as a superfood, suggesting diabetics replace regular potatoes with these sweet potatoes.he jewel yam contains zero g of fat, making it a good choice if you follow a low-fat diet. The majority of the calories in this sweet potato come from carbohydrates, a macronutrient your body primarily uses for energy. A medium-sized jewel yam contains 33 g of carbohydrates.", "Yellow Wax Beans Yellow Wax beans are a member of the Fabaceae family, along with common beans, pulses and peas. Yellow Wax is a given name to dozens of wax bush bean varieties that individually simply happen to have different shades of yellow in appearance and variance in waxiness depending on the cultivar.any Yellow Wax bean varieties, though, were first introduced to their respective culinary regions from Algeria. The Algerian Wax bean is responsible for the development of several varieties of Wax beans from the 18th to the 20th Century. It is considered the oldest known cultivar still in production.", "- Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, the elephant foot yam or whitespot giant arum or stink lily, is a tropical tuber crop grown primarily in Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the tropical Pacific islands.lephant foot yam is of Southeast Asian origin. It grows in its wild form in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries.", "- Jewelweed is commonly know for effectiveness in treating poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. It also alleviates other skin irritations. Many crafters use jewelweed in soaps and other home remedy / herbal remedy products. The showy flowers are orange. There is a related plant, impatiens pallida, with yellow flowers.", "Gemstone A gemstone or gem (also called a fine gem, jewel, or a precious or semi-precious stone) is a piece of mineral crystal, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments.owadays such a distinction is no longer made by the gemstone trade. Many gemstones are used in even the most expensive jewelry, depending on the brand name of the designer, fashion trends, market supply, treatments, etc.", "Definitions &Translations Jewel(noun) a bearing for a pivot a pivot in a watch, formed of a crystal or precious stone, as a ruby. Jewel(verb) to dress, adorn, deck, or supply with jewels, as a dress, a sword hilt, or a watch; to bespangle, as with jewels. Origin: [OE. juel, jowel, OF. jouel, juel, joiel, F. joyau, dim. of OF. joie joy, jewel, F. joie joy.", "Konjac Konjac is also known as elephant yam, presumably for the resemblance of its corm to that of the true yam, but the plants are not closely related. Other colloquial names for Konjac are konjaku, devils tongue, snake palm and voodoo lily." ]
[ 12.8359375 ]
[ 9.140625, 7.94921875, 8.890625, 9.1875, 9.3828125, 8.78125, 6.8046875, 7.1328125, 7.6484375, 7.02734375, 9.5625, 9.984375, 8.9375, 9.75, 7.91796875, 8.203125, 8.5, 7.98828125, 6.9765625, 9.4453125, 8.5625, 9.5078125, 8.2265625, 12.203125, 6.83203125, 8.203125, 8.71875, 8.6015625, 9.2578125, 9.7890625 ]
non-arm's length manner definition
[ "What Is a Non-Arm's Length Transaction? What is a non-arm's length transaction? A: In a non-arm's length transaction, the seller and buyer have a connection by marriage, family or other dealings, while the parties in an arm's length transaction have no connection. As a result, lenders often view the former type of transaction as a risk because the final price may not reflect the actual value of the property. Continue Reading." ]
[ "Glossary of Terms Body postures or movements and positioning of the body are nonverbal ways of conveying information or expressing emotions without the use of words. Click here to link to this term in the ASD Video Glossary (view 3 - 6).", "- Physical act of touching an object with the back of the hands. Proper technique includes arms extended, wrists bent, fingers extended towards the ground, and palms inboard. Usually performed impulsively as a means of distraction or frustration when with a large group that is trying to make a time deadline.", "9. What is the definition of arm's length transactions? - ( Multiple Choice )? The concept of an arm's length transaction is to ensure that both parties in the deal are acting in their own self interest and are not subject to any pressure or duress from the other party. Source(s): RE broker. kemperk · 7 years ago.", "If not sex, what can I do? How far? Eye to body (looking at someone in a different way than how you would look at a family member) Eye to eye (connecting with intense eye contact) Voice to voice (revealing different aspects of self by using a unique tone of voice) Hand to hand. Arm around shoulder. Arm to waist.", "What is Nonverbal Immediacy What is Nonverbal Immediacy. 1. Non-verbal immediacy behaviors include reducing physical distance; touching; displaying relaxed postures and movements; using gestures; smiling; using vocal variety; and engaging in eye contact during interactions. Learn more in: Online Communication and E-Learning.", "Definitions &Translations Nonsectarian Nonsectarianism, in its most general sense, is a lack of sectarianism. The term is also more narrowly used to describe secular private educational institutions or other organizations either not affiliated with or not restricted to a particular religious group.", "Understanding Armâs Length Transactions Third parties can decide how they’ll treat the transaction if it is not arm’s length, but non-arm’s length alone is not unlawful. One caveat to the above: Third parties may define for themselves what qualifies as an arm’s length transaction. This is sensible given that the purpose of this concept is in large part to protect third parties from the risk of manipulated values.", "- [noncount] : the act of causing damage or injury to something or someone. He puts all his time into his career, to the detriment of [=in a way that is harmful to] his personal life. relying on bad advice, much to your detriment [=in a way that is harmful to you] [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples", "What is an 'Arm's Length Transaction' Arm's Length Transaction. Loading the player... What is an 'Arm's Length Transaction'. In an arm's length transaction is a [transaction in which the buyers and sellers of a product act independently and have no relationship to each other.", "- [noncount] : the degree to which something is stretched : the amount that something is stretched. 1 I don't like the tension on this tennis racket. 2 muscle tension [=tightness] 3 She has a lot of tension in her shoulders.", "- Contribute to our Open Dictionary. a way of saying ‘am not’, ‘is not’, ‘are not’, ‘has not’, or ‘have not’. Many people consider ‘ain’t’ to be incorrect. Synonyms and related words. Ways of saying no:no, certainly not, by no means... Explore Thesaurus.", "- She doesn't talk much about it because she needs to hold these painful experiences at arm's length. Related vocabulary: keep your distance (from somebody/something) Etymology: from the literal meaning of at arm's length ( away from you by a distance equal to the length of your arm) See also: keep, length.", "non-arm's length transaction “ Peter took part in a non-arm's length transaction for the small architectural firm since his established firm was the majority stakeholder in the business.", "Hand (unit) For the handbreadth or handsbreadth, see Palm (length) . The hand (2) and palm (3) measurements shown, among others, on a human hand. The hand is a non-SI unit of measurement of length standardized to 4 inches (101.6 mm).", "What Is an Arm's Length Transaction? Fair and Square Real Estate Sales So what is an arm's length transaction? Turns out, it doesn't mean you're any less involved in buying or selling a home. In fact, this real estate term actually means you're going about the transaction in a fair and legitimate way. Let's dive into the details below. What is an arm's length transaction? In real estate, an arm's length transaction is when the buyer and seller each act in their own self-interest to try to get the best deal they can. In most sales, a seller is trying to make a large profit, while the buyer is trying to pay the least amount of money possible.", "- noog•ie (nŏŏg′ē),USA pronunciation n. [Slang.] Slang Termsa light blow or jab, usually to a person's head, back, or upper arm and accompanied by a twisting motion, with the extended knuckle of the curled-up second or third finger: done as a gesture of affection or painfully as a prank.", "What is an Arms-Length Transaction? For the marketplace to work, everyone has to be playing by the same rules. That means, no special deals. A business contract for the sale of something is assumed to be willing buyer and willing seller, which means no pressure based on the relationship. The concept that rules is called the arms-length transaction..", "- keep at arm's length from someone or something. Fig. to retain a degree of physical or social remoteness from someone or something.I try to keep at arm's length from Larry, since our disagreement. I keep Tom at arm's length because we don't get along. keep someone or something around. 2 keep someone or something at arm's length. 3 keep someone or something at bay. 4 keep someone or something hanging. 5 keep someone or something off.", "- Monetary/non-monetary method financial definition of Monetary/non-monetary method.", "Arm's length principle For the physical measurement of arms, see Arm span. The arm's length principle (ALP) is the condition or the fact that the parties to a transaction are independent and on an equal footing. Such a transaction is known as an arm's-length transaction.", "non- a prefix freely used in English to form verbs expressing a reversal of some action or state, or removal, deprivation, release, etc. (unbend; uncork; unfasten; etc.), or to intensify the force of a verb already having such a meaning (unloose). non-.", "Non-monogamy Forms of non-monogamy include: 1 infidelity, where a person has a sexual affair outside of an otherwise monogamous relationship, without the consent or knowledge of his/her partner. 2 casual relationship a physical and emotional relationship between two unmarried people who may have a sexual relationship.", "Arm's length principle The arm's length principle (ALP) is the condition or the fact that the parties to a transaction are independent and on an equal footing. Such a transaction is known as an arm's-length transaction.", "- Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. non- +‎ integral. nonintegral ‎(not comparable) (mathematics) Not integral.", "- [noncount] : the act of moving or taking something away from a place. 1 We arranged for the removal of the old car. 2 The city is having problems with trash/waste/snow removal. 3 Surgical removal of the tumor might be necessary.", "non-arm's length transaction Non-arm's length transactions must involve at least one interested party that is concerned about the possible consequences of the transaction. Transactions involving family members, and parent companies and subsidiaries would not be considered non-arm's length transactions because the parties are acting independently.", "Question about positioning (probably a dumb question) nondependent would then mean, self-supporting. and, no such thing as a dumb question. This is a quote from my textbook (and this is from a paragraph about avoiding strain on the venous system): Instruct the patient to sit down and elevate the extremity to a nondepedent position whenever possible.", "What Is a Non-Arm's Length Transaction? Borrowing money from the FHA for a mortgage usually requires a loan-to-value amount of 85 percent in a non-arm's length transaction, although this can be waived if the buyer has already been a tenant on site for a minimum of six months before the sales contract.", "nonrigid 1. nonrigid-designating an airship having a shape maintained only by internal gas pressure and without a supporting structure. aeronautics, astronautics-the theory and practice of navigation through air or space. rigid-designating an airship or dirigible having a form maintained by a stiff unyielding frame or structure.", "Arms Length Transaaction. What Does This Mean? Certified Residential Appraiser. I'm needing an offical definition for the term Arms length transaction. I've got a purchase on a home, I'm appraising right now in which this is in question. I hoping not to attract opinions but actual verifiable text book definitions of the term, if such a thing exists.ertified Residential Appraiser. I'm needing an offical definition for the term Arms length transaction. I've got a purchase on a home, I'm appraising right now in which this is in question. I hoping not to attract opinions but actual verifiable text book definitions of the term, if such a thing exists." ]
[ 11.921875 ]
[ 7.8359375, 8.578125, 10.15625, 7.8359375, 7.6328125, 7.5, 11.2734375, 7.6640625, 10.9765625, 8.265625, 7.796875, 9.765625, 11.5859375, 8.4765625, 10.09375, 8.140625, 10.15625, 9.7421875, 8.265625, 11.6484375, 8.4765625, 8.1015625, 11.7109375, 7.72265625, 8.4453125, 12.265625, 7.25390625, 11.4140625, 7.27734375, 8.4453125 ]
how to plant rambutan seeds
[ "How to Grow a Rambutan Tree The most important things to remember with planting rambutan seeds are: 1 Seeds must be put in flat. If you put them in with the long side going down, then they will almost surely die. 2 Don't bury seeds too deep. Just push them into the dirt and brush a bit of soil on top of them. 3 Soil must be kept loose.", "How to Grow a Rambutan Tree The most important things to remember with planting rambutan seeds are: 1 Seeds must be put in flat. 2 Don't bury seeds too deep. 3 Soil must be kept loose. Soil must be 1 loamy. It will take about 10-21 days for the rambutan seed to germinate." ]
[ "- Pony tail palms can be grown from seeds. Lay two layers of paper towels onto a flat surface and sprinkle the ponytail palm seeds onto the paper towels. Mist with water so that the paper towels are moderately damp.", "How To Plant Bush Green Beans Another method for planting bush beans is to simply use your index and middle fingers to push the bush beans seeds down into the soil to plant them. Simply take those two fingers and place them on top of the seeds. Gently push the seeds down into the soil until you get to the second knuckle of your fingers.ust place the seeds on top of the soil for now. Continue placing the bush bean seeds on top of the soil at eight inch intervals until you run out of seeds or run out of row; whichever comes first. Bush bean seeds typically need to be planted at a depth of 1-1/2 inches deep.", "- 1 Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). 2 Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butter and salt. 3 Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown; stir occasionally.", "HOW TO GROW ASPARAGUS FROM SEED HOW TO GROW ASPARAGUS FROM SEED. When it comes to growing asparagus from seed you will need to prepare a suitable seed bed during the previous autumn. Dig over the bed to a spit deep and incorporate plenty of well-rotted farm manure or garden compost at the same time. Then prior to sowing go over the soil surface to produce a fine tilth.", "- Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butter and salt. Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown; stir occasionally.", "How to Grow Hardy Hibiscus From Seed Instructions. Remove the hibiscus seeds from the plant once the seed heads dry. Clean out the seed covering and small pieces of stem from the seeds. Cover the seeds with water. Allow the seeds to soak for three to four hours.Fill the seeding trays with soil.nstructions. Remove the hibiscus seeds from the plant once the seed heads dry. Clean out the seed covering and small pieces of stem from the seeds. Cover the seeds with water. Allow the seeds to soak for three to four hours.", "- 1. cut the soda bottles top off so you can get your hands all the way to the bottom. 2. put one inch of gravel on the bottom of the bottle. 3. put two inches of soil on top of the gravel. Make sure not to pack it tight. 4. use your thumbnail to make a trench in the soil along the middle. 5. plant your seeds in the trench and make sure to space them out enough. 6. cover the seeds with soil again.", "How to Grow Hostas From Seed Pods Place one hosta sprout in each compartment. Make an indention in the soil at the center of a seed compartment. Place the sprout in the indention and carefully add soil around the sprout for support. Add water to moisten the soil and place in a warm location that will not be in direct sunlight.", "- Planting Seeds. 1 1. Purchase or gather morning glory seeds. 2 2. Plant seeds after the last frost. 3 3. Scratch or soak the seeds (optional). 4 4. Select a permanent growing container or garden spot. 5. Prepare a well-draining 1 soil. 6. Plant in shallow holes.", "- Step-by-Step Planting Guide. The following is a list of ten easy steps to plant your seeds or transplants. For specific instructions that provide spacing and depth suggestions, refer to the GEF Vegetable Planting Chart. 1. Weed the planting area thoroughly.tep-by-Step Planting Guide. The following is a list of ten easy steps to plant your seeds or transplants. For specific instructions that provide spacing and depth suggestions, refer to the GEF Vegetable Planting Chart. 1. Weed the planting area thoroughly.", "How To Grow Organic Asparagus 1 To plant your asparagus crown, soak the roots in warm water for a couple of hours. 2 Lightly trim the roots (they can be quite tangled). 3 Dig either a trench or a series of 12″ deep holes – the plants should end up about 18″ apart. Plant your asparagus seeds about 1/2″ deep in a peat pot, container, or in your garden. 2 If you want one plant, plant two seeds. 3 Usually you’ll have at least one seed germinate. 4 If both germinate, cut the other off at soil level to reduce your plants to one.", "How Flowers Grow What You Do: 1 Fill the cup about 3/4 full with potting soil. 2 Push a seed along the side of the cup into soil. 3 Water the soil. 4 Set your cup in a windowsill or another warm, sunny spot. 5 Look at your seeds every day and water them whenever the soil looks dry. You should be able to see the seed from the outside of the cup, but not the top. 2 Repeat all around the cup, leaving a little room to grow in between each seed. 3 Water the soil. 4 It should be moist, but the water should soak in and not stay on top of the soil. 5 Set your cup in a windowsill or another warm, sunny spot.", "How Many Days Will it Take for Mango Seeds to Grow? Before planting, mango seeds need a thorough, somewhat lengthy germination process. First, you must remove and clean the large, flat seed of a mature fruit. After making an incision with a chisel or sanding its surface with sandpaper, store the seed in an open jar of warm water and place it in a warm spot.", "Growing from Seed Eileen Powell, author of From Seed to Bloom, divides the sowing of seeds into seven steps: 1 Prepare the containers. Clean with well-diluted bleach (nine parts water to one part bleach). Punch drainage holes in the bottom of your container and then line with a layer of newspaper. 2 Prepare your growing medium.", "Rambutan The rambutan (/raemˈbuːtən/ ; ræmˈbuːtən taxonomic: Name nephelium) lappaceum is a-medium sized tropical tree in the Family. Sapindaceae the name also refers to the fruit produced by this. treet is grown commercially within 12–15° of the equator. The tree grows well at elevations up to 500 m (1,600 ft) above sea level, and does best in deep soil, clay loam or sandy loam rich in organic matter, and thrive on hilly terrain as they require good drainage.", "What are the Best Tips for Planting Asparagus? If planting asparagus is done from seed, the seeds should be nicked with a knife or other sharp object and soaked in water for roughly 12 hours before planting.Many people also soak their asparagus crowns in water for a few hours before they plant them, which might help if the asparagus looks particularly dry.f planting asparagus is done from seed, the seeds should be nicked with a knife or other sharp object and soaked in water for roughly 12 hours before planting.", "How to Grow a Rambutan Tree To grow a rambutan from seed, first get some small pots or cups. They must have adequate drainage holes in the bottom so the tree roots don't start to rot. Fill the pots with organic soil that is amended with sand and organic compost so it is loamy.", "- 1 As soon as the seedlings emerge you can plant them out in the garden. 2 To do this make a shallow trench in the soil about 2 inches deep and 6 inches wide and carefully place the sprouted seeds roughly an inch apart along the trench. 3 Carefully place soil over the top and gently press it down. 4 Water the seedlings.", "- 1 Make rows about 30 inches apart. (For very small varieties, plant closer together.) Plant the large seeds no more than 1 inch deep about 6 inches apart after it has thoroughly warmed, from mid-April to late May. You can plant multiple seeds and thin them to the strongest contenders when the plants are six inches tall.", "- Smoking them may also be beneficial providing the seed doesn’t dry out. Then plant in a well draining potting mix and leave on a window ledge to sprout. Baobab trees are slow growing reaching a maximum height of 15-20m (50-65ft) with a similar sized circumference.In Africa, every part of the baobab are used by indigenous peoples. The fruit can be eaten, leaves are used for medicinal purposes and the bark and roots are used to make rope or cloth.hen plant in a well draining potting mix and leave on a window ledge to sprout. Baobab trees are slow growing reaching a maximum height of 15-20m (50-65ft) with a similar sized circumference. In Africa, every part of the baobab are used by indigenous peoples.", "- Planting. The Indian Bean Tree grows best planted in open ground. Make sure the root ball is well-moistened by soaking it in a bucket of lukewarm water before planting. Prepare a suitable hole in good, fertile garden soil.Loosen the soil with a fork and improve poor garden soil by mixing in some compost and granulated cow manure granules. Plant the root ball of the Indian Bean Tree at the correct depth in the hole.The top of the root ball should be just slightly below ground level. Plant the root ball next to a sturdy tree pole and place a tree strap around the pole and trunk. Fill the hole with soil and press firmly.he Indian Bean Tree (Catalpa Bignonioides) is a spreading tree with white, trumpet-shaped flowers. It forms a natural parasol. The 20 cm long, heart-shaped leaves turn a gorgeous bright yellow in autumn. Flowers at maturity.", "All About Butternut Squash â How to Peel, Seed and Prep 1 Bring 1 quart of water and 1 tsp of salt to a boil. Add the seeds (up to 2 cups of seeds per quart of water) and boil for 10 minutes. Drain the seeds in a colander and pat dry with a paper towel or towel. A few seeds will stick to the towel as you dry, just use your fingers to brush them back into the colander.", "How to Grow Rambutan How to Grow Rambutan. Rambutan (pronounced Ram-Beau-T'n), is one of the most exotic looking fruits and relative to the lychee. Native to Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the western lowlands of Malaysia. Rambut, the word in Malay means hairy, and utan makes any word in Malaysian into a noun.", "- There is a very simple trick to figuring out how deeply to plant seeds, whether you're sowing them in flats or pots indoors or out in your garden. Here it is: Seeds should be planted at a depth of three times the thickness of the seed.So, for example, if you've got a morning glory seed that's about 1/4 of an inch thick, it should be planted around 3/4 of an inch deep.Large bean seeds that can be 1/2 inch thick or more may need to be planted 1 and 1/2 to two inches deep.For very tiny seeds, place them on the surface of the soil and barely cover with soil or vermiculite.here is a very simple trick to figuring out how deeply to plant seeds, whether you're sowing them in flats or pots indoors or out in your garden. Here it is: Seeds should be planted at a depth of three times the thickness of the seed.", "- Grow rhubarb in a spot such as the back row of your garden. Since it is a perennial, it will not be a part of regular garden tilling. Make sure to allow for plenty of sun.Rhubarb enjoys a deep, fertile soil like asparagus, so many gardeners chose to plant their rhubarb and asparagus next to each other.row rhubarb in a spot such as the back row of your garden. Since it is a perennial, it will not be a part of regular garden tilling. Make sure to allow for plenty of sun.", "Dessert Recipes {{model.addEditText}} Print. 1 Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). 2 Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butter and salt. Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown; stir occasionally.", "- For our next planting method we’ll be starting our seeds in some peat pots filled with seed starting potting mix. First we’ll fill the peat pots with the soil. Then, following the instructions on the seed packet, we’ll start a hole with our finger and drop a few seeds in each hole.Again, if you’re planting a garden variety, be sure to label your pots with the type of seeds you’ve planted.Give them plenty of water to get started.or our next planting method we’ll be starting our seeds in some peat pots filled with seed starting potting mix. First we’ll fill the peat pots with the soil. Then, following the instructions on the seed packet, we’ll start a hole with our finger and drop a few seeds in each hole.", "- 1 Starting indoors, in a container of well moistened, sterile seed-starting mix, make shallow furrows with a pencil or chopstick about 1/4 in. deep. Sow seeds by dropping them along the bottom of the furrows 1/2 in. apart. 2 Gently pinch together soil to cover each furrow, covering seeds 1/4 in.deep.tarting indoors, in a container of well moistened, sterile seed-starting mix, make shallow furrows with a pencil or chopstick about 1/4 in. deep. Sow seeds by dropping them along the bottom of the furrows 1/2 in. apart.", "Grow courgettes and squash Sow seeds in pots. 1 Seed can be sown in pots from March to the end of May. 2 Sow a seed vertically 2.5cm (1in) deep and cover. 3 When roots begin to show through the bottom of the pot, put into a 12.5cm (5in) container.ow seeds in pots. 1 Seed can be sown in pots from March to the end of May. 2 Fill a 7.5cm (3in) pot with compost and firm gently. 3 Sow a seed vertically 2.5cm (1in) deep and cover.", "HOW TO GROW MARROW FROM SEED Prepare the soil for sowing by preparing planting pockets. Space the plants 60 - 120 cm apart (depending on variety). Dig a hole 30 cm deep by 30 cm wide and fill with a mixture of well rotted manure and soil.Mound the top of the hole by 6 cm to make a ridge and sprinkle fertiliser over the surface.pace the plants 60 - 120 cm apart (depending on variety). Dig a hole 30 cm deep by 30 cm wide and fill with a mixture of well rotted manure and soil. Mound the top of the hole by 6 cm to make a ridge and sprinkle fertiliser over the surface." ]
[ 13.2890625, 13.375 ]
[ 7.2578125, 7.00390625, 7.96875, 7.23046875, 7.53515625, 7.45703125, 9.3046875, 7.109375, 8.640625, 9.015625, 8.3359375, 9.4765625, 7.56640625, 9.1640625, 10.5546875, 7.078125, 12.734375, 10.3046875, 9.2265625, 6.84765625, 6.52734375, 9.1015625, 10.984375, 8.21875, 7.35546875, 7.84375, 9.4296875, 9.9140625, 9.5, 9.3046875 ]
what is field clinical engineer
[ "Clinical engineering Clinical engineering is a speciality within biomedical engineering responsible primarily for applying and implementing medical technology to optimize healthcare delivery.hile some trace its roots back to the 1940s, the actual term clinical engineering was first used in 1969. The first explicit published reference to the term appears in a paper published in 1969 by Landoll and Caceres. Cesar A. Caceres, a cardiologist, is generally credited with coining the term clinical engineering." ]
[ "Is Biomedical Engineering Right For Me? Hence it is common for Biomedical Engineers to focus on a single engineering discipline and a significant area of application in the biology/life sciences or a specific field of medicine. Below are some primary areas which comprise contemporary Biomedical Engineering.roblem definition is a core of skill for Biomedical Engineers. Add to this the ability to apply science, mathematics, and engineering principles to solve the problem and we get closer to understanding the make up of the Biomedical Engineer.", "- The study of biomedical engineering is the modern research and development of new concepts and technologies to better assist the medical field with the growing needs of patients.Its diverse practices cover a wide range of disciplines, challenging its innovators to possess knowledge in both medicine and engineering.issue engineering is the latest form of biomedical engineering, and relates to the effort by scientists to create and manufacture artificial tissues and organs for use in human patients. Some early success has been made, including working bladders that can be grown and then transplanted into people.", "Welcome Biomedical Engineering (BME) is an ever-evolving field that uses and applies engineering principles to the study of biology and medicine in order to improve health care. The Biomedical Engineering (BME) Department at Florida International University is a prime resource for BME education, training, research, and technology development.", "Clinical coder A clinical coder – also known as clinical coding officer, diagnostic coder, medical coder or medical records technician – is a health care professional whose main duties are to analyse clinical statements and assign standard codes using a classification system. clinical coder – also known as clinical coding officer, diagnostic coder, medical coder or medical records technician – is a health care professional whose main duties are to analyse clinical statements and assign standard codes using a classification system.", "Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2017 17-2031 Biomedical Engineers Apply knowledge of engineering, biology, and biomechanical principles to the design, development, and evaluation of biological and health systems and products, such as artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and heath management and care delivery systems.", "What Is Biomedical Engineering? Field Overview. The field of biomedical engineering includes a number of specializations. Some of the most common specialties within biomedical engineering are tissue and genetic engineering, the development of medical diagnostic and treatment devices, and the creation of prosthetics.", "- ENGR83B-Design & Manufacturing in the Biomedical Engineering Field (5 units). An introduction to the design and manufacturing of medical devices with special focus on the unique design manufacturing challenges which are necessary to achieve World Class Manufacturing excellence.", "What college courses should I take to become a bioengineer? A common misconception is that you need to have a Biomedical Engineering degree to work in the Biomedical Engineering field. Learn Solid Works or any other industry 3D CAD software. A lot of medical device companies need someone that can draft, create and make changes to a device's SolidWorks specifications.", "What It Takes to Be a Bioengineer Here are the skills you need in this life sciences field. Biomedical engineering is expected to be the fastest-growing job market in the United States during the next seven years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).", "Clinical coder A clinical coder – also known as clinical coding officer, diagnostic coder, medical coder or medical records technician – is a health care professional whose main duties are to analyse clinical statements and assign standard codes using a classification system.", "REHABILITATION ENGINEERING A discipline of integrated areas of study in various fields which develop commodities, programs, and settings to help augment quality of life situations for those with disabilities or special needs. See also: bioengineering.", "Biomedical engineering In the UK, mechanical engineers working in the areas of Medical Engineering, Bioengineering or Biomedical engineering can gain Chartered Engineer status through the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The Institution also runs the Engineering in Medicine and Health Division.", "Engineers Engineering is a field broken down into specialty areas, including but not limited to: Aerospace engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, and mechanical engineering.", "Rehabilitation Engineering Rehabilitation Engineering. Rehabilitation engineers create methods and technologies to help patients regain cognitive and/or motor function. Some of these patients might have cerebral palsy or Parkinson’s disease, have suffered a stroke or head trauma or be recovering from a spine injury. Since much of the work in this area is focused on neurological conditions and physical function, solutions rely heavily on neural, biomechanical and biorobotic engineers.", "- Some specialty areas within biomedical engineering include bioinstrumentation; biomaterials; biomechanics; cellular, tissue, and genetic engineering; clinical engineering; medical imaging; orthopedic surgery; rehabilitation engineering; and systems physiology.", "Biomedical Engineers Biomedical engineers work with scientists, other medical researchers, and manufacturers to address a wide range of injuries and physical disabilities. Their ability to work in different activities with workers from other fields is enlarging the range of applications for biomedical engineering products and services.", "What Is Biomedical Engineering Biomedical engineering is the process by which medical knowledge is applied in the analysis and design fields to create new technologies and make existing technologies more efficient or cost-effective. In most cases, these engineers provide invaluable services that enhance the overall field of healthcare.iomedical engineering is the process by which medical knowledge is applied in the analysis and design fields to create new technologies and make existing technologies more efficient or cost-effective. In most cases, these engineers provide invaluable services that enhance the overall field of healthcare.", "Clinical research See also: Clinical trial. Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use.These may be used for prevention, treatment, diagnosis or for relieving symptoms of a disease.ee also: Clinical trial. Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use.", "- , Bioengineering post-doc with a PhD in BME. Biomedical engineering is a fascinating field to be in - the need for a bridge between basic science and medical application means BME will be here to stay as an applied, clinically-relevant and profitable field of study. I am very optimistic about my future prospects as a biomedical engineer, given the job growth over the past few years.", "Biomedical Engineering Degrees A relatively new discipline, biomedical engineering involves research and development that combine medical and biological sciences for the advancement of all healthcare disciplines. It is a growing and evolving career field and according to CNNMoney.com, is the #1 Best Job for 2012 in America.ccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual salary earned by a biomedical engineer was $81,450. PayScale.com lists the median pay at $79,500, while the top of the salary range is at $124,000. Median pay is for 5-7 years experience in the field. Top pay comes with the 90th percentile.", "Overview The Biomedical Engineering (BME) Associate of Science is an academic transfer degree designed to transfer to a 4-year institution to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering.", "- medical engineering, a field of study of biomedical engineering and technologic concepts applied to develop equipment and instruments required in health care delivery.edical engineering, a field of study of biomedical engineering and technologic concepts applied to develop equipment and instruments required in health care delivery.", "Bio Medical Service Engineer Resume Bio Medical Service Engineer Resume. Resume » Resume Examples » Engineering Resume » Bio Medical Service Engineer. The application of engineering concepts and principles in medical field is known as biomedical engineering. Engineers working in this domain work on medical devices and equipment that are widely used for diagnosing human body. A biomedical field service engineer looks after the maintenance of equipment by servicing and repairing.", "- What Biomedical Engineers Do About this section. Biomedical engineers study possible applications of new materials for use as new body parts. Biomedical engineers analyze and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care.iomedical engineers must be able to analyze the needs of patients and customers to design appropriate solutions. Communication skills. Because biomedical engineers sometimes work with patients and frequently work with medical scientists or other engineers, they must be able to express themselves clearly.", "- Medical Field Service Engineer (Biomedical Clinical Systems) NEW! Online now - rapid response! You might be an experienced 'in house' Medical Technical Officer, Clinical Engineer or Biomedical Engineer seeking the opportunity to break into a field service environment or a Field Service ...", "- Clinical Applications. Demonstrate an initial understanding of the clinical applications of the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology. Basic Concepts and Terms. Demonstrate understanding of some basic concepts and terms associated with the practice of speech-language pathology and audiology.", "- Provide on the job training for field technicians and reliability engineers relating to control valves and pneumatic/electric accessories.... Sponsored - 2 days ago - save job Field Service Engineer - Alberta", "Biomedical Clinical Engineer: Job Description, Duties and Requirements Essential Information. A career as a biomedical clinical engineer might be of interest to individuals with an aptitude for math and science as well as a desire to help develop improve health care delivery plans and processes.", "- Bioengineering is the “biological or medical application of engineering principles or engineering equipment – also called biomedical engineering.” (Merriam-Webster) We like to think of it as the application of engineering principles to biological systems. Bioengineering as a defined field is relatively new, although attempts to solve biological problems have persisted throughout history.", "What Is Biomedical Engineering? Biomedical engineering, or bioengineering, is the application of engineering principles to the fields of biology and health care. Bioengineers work with doctors, therapists and researchers to develop systems, equipment and devices in order to solve clinical problems.Biomedical engineers have developed a number of life-enhancing and life-saving technologies. These include: 1 Prosthetics, such as dentures and artificial limb replacements.ioengineers work with doctors, therapists and researchers to develop systems, equipment and devices in order to solve clinical problems. Biomedical engineers have developed a number of life-enhancing and life-saving technologies. These include: 1 Prosthetics, such as dentures and artificial limb replacements." ]
[ 10.8203125 ]
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tetanus sputum definition
[ "Tetanus Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is an infection characterized by muscle spasms.In the most common type the spasms begin in the jaw and then progress to the rest of the body. These spasms usually last a few minutes each time and occur frequently for three to four weeks.etanus occurs in all parts of the world but is most frequent in hot and wet climates where the soil contains a lot of organic matter. In 2013 it caused about 59,000 deaths – down from 356,000 in 1990. Description of the disease by Hippocrates exists from at least as far back as the 5th century BCE." ]
[ "tetanus (muscle contraction) tetanus | lockjaw. [pathology, countable] A serious and often fatal disease caused by the infection of an open wound with the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani, found in soil and the intestines and faeces of animals. | [physiology, countable] A state of muscle...", "tetanus tetanus. 1 an acute infectious disease, often fatal, caused by the specific toxin of a bacillus (Clostridium tetani) which usually enters the body through wounds: it is characterized by spasmodic contractions and rigidity of some or all of the voluntary muscles, esp. of the jaw, face, and neck; lockjaw.oun. 1 An acute, often fatal disease characterized by spasmodic contraction of voluntary muscles, especially those of the neck and jaw, and caused by the toxin of the bacillus Clostridium tetani, which typically infects the body through a deep wound.", "Sputum culture A sputum culture is a test to detect and identify bacteria or fungi (plural of fungus) that are infecting the lungs or breathing passages. Sputum is a thick fluid produced in the lungs and in the airways leading to the lungs. A sample of sputum is placed in a container with substances that promote the growth of bacteria or fungi. If no bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is negative. If organisms that can cause infection grow, the culture is positive.", "sputum sputum specimen. a sample of mucous secretion from the bronchi and lungs. The specimen may be examined microscopically for the presence of malignant cells (cytological examination) or tested to identify pathogenic bacteria (bacteriological examination).", "Sputum 1 Bloody (hemoptysis). 2 Blood-streaked sputum – inflammation of throat, bronchi; lung cancer; 3 Pink sputum – sputum evenly mixed with blood, from alveoli, small bronchi; 4 Massive blood – cavitary tuberculosis of lung, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, infarction, embolism.putum ['spju.təm] is mucus that is coughed up from the lower airways. This process is known as sputilization. In medicine, sputum samples are usually used for microbiological investigations of respiratory infections and cytological investigations of respiratory systems.", "Tetanus: Not Just from Bites and Rusty Nails Tetanus is a disease caused by a toxin that is secreted by a bacterium known as Clostridium tetani. These bacteria are anaerobic, meaning that they grow in conditions where there is no oxygen, such as a deep bite wound or puncture.", "tetanus Noun. 1. tetanus-an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages. lockjaw. infection-the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms.", "Bacterial Sputum Culture What is being tested? Sputum is the thick mucus or phlegm that is expelled from the lower respiratory tract (bronchi and lungs) through coughing; it is not saliva or spit. Care must be taken in the sample collection process to ensure that the sample is from the lower airways and not from the upper respiratory tract.", "Tetanus Tetanus is caused by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani, whose spores (the dormant form) are found in soil, street dust, and animal feces. The bacteria enter the body through cuts and abrasions but will multiply only in an environment that is anaerobic, or oxygen-free.efinition. Tetanus, also called lockjaw, is a serious disease of the nervous system that can cause uncontrolled muscle spasms and death. It is caused by toxins (poisons) produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.", "Tetanus Tetanus [TET-nus] is a condition that affects the nervous system and causes painful, uncontrolled muscle spasms. It is an anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium tetani.It can prod … uce muscle spasms (lockjaw), severe illness or even death, if contracted.Thus, it is important to stay current on tetanus vaccine boosters (every 10 years).t is an anaerobic bacterium, Clostridium tetani. It can prod … uce muscle spasms (lockjaw), severe illness or even death, if contracted. Thus, it is important to stay current on tetanus vaccine boosters (every 10 years).", "Description and Brand Names Descriptions. Tetanus Toxoid is used to prevent tetanus (also known as lockjaw). Tetanus is a serious illness that causes convulsions (seizures) and severe muscle spasms that can be strong enough to cause bone fractures of the spine.Tetanus causes death in 30 to 40 percent of cases.mmunization against tetanus is recommended for all infants 6 to 8 weeks of age and older, all children, and all adults. Immunization against tetanus consists first of a series of either 3 or 4 injections, depending on which type of tetanus toxoid you receive.", "Tetanus Tetanus Overview. Tetanus is an infectious disease caused by contamination of wounds with the bacteria Clostridium tetani, and/or the spores they produce that live in the soil and animal feces. Tetanus has been recognized for centuries.", "What are tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis? What are tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis? Tetanus, or lockjaw, is a dangerous nerve ailment caused by the toxin of a common bacterium often found in soil. This bacterium can also exist in environments as diverse as animal excrement, house dust, and operating rooms. It enters the body through cuts, scratches or wounds.", "What is tetanus? What Is Tetanus? Tetanus is a serious bacterial infection that affects the nervous system and causes muscles throughout the body to tighten. Tetanus is also called lockjaw, because the infection often causes muscle contractions in the jaw and neck, but it can eventually spread to other parts of the body.", "- Noun. 1. tetanus-an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds; spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages. lockjaw.", "What Is Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed? Tetanus is a serious disease caused by bacteria. Tetanus (lockjaw) causes painful tightening of the muscles, usually all over the body. It can lead to locking of the jaw so the victim cannot open his mouth or swallow.", "- Tetanus vaccine. Tetanus vaccine, also known as tetanus toxoid (TT), is an inactive vaccine used to prevent tetanus. During childhood five doses are recommended, followed by additional doses every ten years. After three doses almost everyone is immune. In those who are not up to date on their tetanus immunization a booster should be given within 48 hours of an injury.", "- Sputum ['spju.təm] is mucus that is coughed up from the lower airways. This process is known as sputilization. In medicine, sputum samples are usually used for microbiological investigations of respiratory infections and cytological investigations of respiratory systems.", "Tetanus Knowledge center. Tetanus (or lockjaw) is a serious infection caused by Clostridium tetani bacteria which produce a toxin that affects the brain and nervous system. The toxin leads to stiffness in the jaw muscles as well as other muscles.", "- Tetanus is caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, saliva, dust, and manure. The bacteria generally enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or puncture wound by a contaminated object.", "- Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is an infection characterized by muscle spasms. In the most common type the spasms begin in the jaw and then progress to the rest of the body. These spasms usually last a few minutes each time and occur frequently for three to four weeks.", "- Confidence votes 93. Yes,Tetanus is a bacterial disease.It is also known as lockjaw. Tetanus is a rare but often fatal disease that affects the central nervous system by causing painful muscular contractions. It begins when tetanus bacteria enter the body, usually through a wound or cut exposed to contaminated soil.Tetanus is easily preventable through vaccination.es,Tetanus is a bacterial disease.It is also known as lockjaw. Tetanus is a rare but often fatal disease that affects the central nervous system by causing painful muscular contractions.", "Sputum Sputum ['spju.təm] is mucus that is coughed up from the lower airways. This process is known as sputilization. In medicine, sputum samples are usually used for microbiological investigations of respiratory infections and cytological investigations of respiratory systems.The best sputum samples contain very little saliva, as saliva contaminates the sample with oral bacteria.f there is any blood in the sputum, this should also be on the swab. Microbiological sputum samples are usually used to look for infections by Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae.", "tetanus Clostridium tetani, an anaerobic bacillus that enters the body through an abrasion, puncture wound, burn, or laceration; characterized by headache, irritability, and painful muscle spasms that cause risus sardonicus, lockjaw, laryngeal spasm, and opisthotonos. Can be fatal. Tetanus: characteristic muscle spasms.etanus is a rare but often fatal disease that affects the central nervous system by causing painful muscular contractions. It begins when tetanus bacteria enter the body, usually through a wound or cut exposed to contaminated soil.", "Tetanus Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is an infection characterized by muscle spasms.In the most common type the spasms begin in the jaw and then progress to the rest of the body. These spasms usually last a few minutes each time and occur frequently for three to four weeks.etanus is caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, dust and manure.", "Tetanus Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is an infection characterized by muscle spasms. In the most common type the spasms begin in the jaw and then progress to the rest of the body. These spasms usually last a few minutes each time and occur frequently for three to four weeks.bout 10% of those infected die. Tetanus is caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, dust and manure. The bacteria generally enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or puncture wound by a contaminated object.", "sputum sputum specimen. a sample of mucous secretion from the bronchi and lungs. The specimen may be examined microscopically for the presence of malignant cells (cytological examination) or tested to identify pathogenic bacteria (bacteriological examination).ucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea that is ejected through the mouth, in contrast to saliva, which is the secretion of the salivary glands. Called also expectoration. induced sputum a sputum specimen produced for diagnostic tests by aerosol administration of a hypertonic saline solution.", "sputum sputum specimen a sample of mucous secretion from the bronchi and lungs. The specimen may be examined microscopically for the presence of malignant cells (cytologic examination) or tested to identify pathogenic bacteria (bacteriologic examination).", "- Tetanus is caused by an infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, dust and manure. The bacteria generally enter through a break in the skin such as a cut or puncture wound by a contaminated object.", "- A sputum culture is a test to find bacteria or fungi that are infecting the lungs or airways. Some types of bacteria or fungi grow quickly in a culture, and some grow slowly. Test results may take from 1 day to several weeks." ]
[ 9.4765625 ]
[ 10.5625, 10.34375, 9.7578125, 9.8046875, 9.4765625, 10.03125, 10.796875, 9.71875, 9.21875, 9.1015625, 8.28125, 10.140625, 9.703125, 10.1796875, 10.625, 9.890625, 8.875, 10.2578125, 10.078125, 9.7890625, 10.421875, 7.8984375, 9.078125, 9.1953125, 9.390625, 9.140625, 9.0078125, 9.6796875, 9.71875, 9.3984375 ]
what is ethanolamine
[ "Ethanolamine Ethanolamine (C2H7NO) is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a pH adjuster and buffering agent. It is a colorless to yellow clear liquid. There is evidence that it can be a human skin toxicant or allergen, and it should not be left on the skin. It has certain restrictions for use in the cosmetics industry. Ethanolamine oleate, a prescription drug, is a sclerosing agent. It works by creating scar tissue inside a swollen or dilated (wider than normal) vein to prevent bleeding." ]
[ "- Brief Description. Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches. It is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream.", "Benzethonium chloride Benzethonium chloride, also known as hyamine is a synthetic quaternary ammonium salt. This compound is an odorless white solid, soluble in water. It has surfactant, antiseptic, and anti-infective properties, and it is used as a topical antimicrobial agent in first aid antiseptics.", "What is geranamine? What is geranamine? DMAA (also known as geranamine, methylhexanamine, dimethylamylamine, 1,3-dimethylamylamine) is a natural CNS stimulant that was first synthesized and patented in 1944 by pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly. The substance was originally patented as a nasal decongestant.", "Ethanol Ethanol. Ethanol or ethyl alcohol is commonly called alcohol. Ethanol in its pure state is a colorless flammable liquid which is completely miscible with water.Ethanol is made from the fermentation of sugars from agricultural crops such as 1. barley used to make beer or 2. grapes used to make wine.he molecular formula for ethanol is C 2 H 6 O and its molar mass is 46.068 g/mol. Pure ethanol is used as solvent for esters, medicines, solvent based paints and perfumes. It is also used as a cleaning product (methylated spirits).", "Ethanol Ethanol is the systematic name defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) for a molecule with two carbon atoms (prefix eth-), having a single bond between them (suffix -ane), and an attached functional group-OH group (suffix -ol).thanol is the systematic name defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) for a molecule with two carbon atoms (prefix eth-), having a single bond between them (suffix -ane), and an attached functional group-OH group (suffix -ol).", "- ETHOXYLATED TALLOW ALKYLAMINES are amines. Amines are chemical bases. They neutralize acids to form salts plus water. These acid-base reactions are exothermic. The amount of heat that is evolved per mole of amine in a neutralization is largely independent of the strength of the amine as a base. Amines may be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides.", "What Is the Chemical Formula of Ethanol? What Is the Chemical Formula of Ethanol? Ethanol or Grain Alcohol Chemical Structure", "- Squalamine lactate is a first-in-class, anti-angiogenic small molecule being developed for exudative AMD and oncology. Genaera Corporation to Present at the 24th Annual ASRS Meeting DelConte will lead clinical research activities related to the development of trodusquemine (MSI-1436) for the treatment of obesity and squalamine lactate for the treatment of cancer.", "What are MAOIs? Selegiline (Emsam, Atapryl, Carbex, Eldepryl, Zelapar) is a newer type of MAOI. It works by selectively blocking monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B). This reduces the breakdown of dopamine and phenethylamine and means there are no dietary restrictions. It’s available in patch form. Learn about other medications used to treat depression.", "- Melamine /ˈmɛləmiːn/ is an organic base and a trimer of cyanamide, with a 1,3,5-triazine skeleton. Like cyanamide, it contains 67% nitrogen by mass and, if mixed with resins, has fire retardant properties due to its release of nitrogen gas when burned or charred, and has several other industrial uses. Melamine is also a metabolite of cyromazine, a pesticide.", "- Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is an alternative fuel fermented from corn, grains or agricultural waste or it is chemically extracted from ethylene (hydration). It is used primarily as a supplement to gasoline.Pure ethanol is not sold as a stand-alone fuel, at least not yet—it is commonly mixed with gasoline in varying percentages creating a transitional fuel that will pave the way for pure alcohol vehicles.For example, E85 is a common mixture: 85 percent ethanol, 15 percent gasoline.t is used primarily as a supplement to gasoline. Pure ethanol is not sold as a stand-alone fuel, at least not yet—it is commonly mixed with gasoline in varying percentages creating a transitional fuel that will pave the way for pure alcohol vehicles.", "MAXIMIZE YOUR BRAINâS POTENTIALOR YOUR MONEY BACKâ¦GUARANTEED! DIMETHYLAMINOETHANOL (DMAE) DMAE is an amino acid found in the small parts of the brain and is a crucial substance that functions as a building block for acetylcholine. As such, DMAE plays an important role in the conduction and functioning of signals in the brain and the nervous system.", "- Methylergometrine (also called methylergonovine, methylergobasin, and D-lysergic acid 1-butanolamide) is a synthetic analogue of ergonovine, a psychedelic alkaloid found in ergot, and many species of morning glory.", "- Ethyl alcohol, also called ethanol, grain alcohol, or alcohol, a member of a class of organic compounds that are given the general name alcohols; its molecular formula is C 2 H 5 OH. Ethyl alcohol is an important industrial chemical; it is used as a solvent, in the synthesis of other organic chemicals, and as an additive to automotive gasoline (forming a mixture known as a gasohol).", "- 1 Targeted Medical Pharma, Inc. , the company that owns and distributes Theramine. 2 Physician Therapeutics, a division of Targeted Medical Pharma, Inc., that distributes Theramine.3 DailyMed-THERAPROXEN-90 - naproxen, .gamma.-aminobutyric acid.heramine is a specialized formula that consists of: choline bitartrate, L-arginine, L-histidine HCL, L-glutamine, L-serine, GABA, griffonia seed (95% 5HTP), whey protein hydrolysate, grape seed extract (85% polyphenols), cinnamon, and cocoa extract (6% theobromine).", "Trimethylamine Trimethylamine is an organic compound with the formula N(CH 3) 3. This colorless, hygroscopic, and flammable tertiary amine has a strong fishy odor in low concentrations and an ammonia-like odor at higher concentrations.t is a gas at room temperature but is usually sold in pressurized gas cylinders or as a 40% solution in water. Trimethylamine is a product of decomposition of plants and animals.", "Ethanol Ethanol /ˈɛθənɒl/ , also commonly called ethyl alcohol, drinking alcohol, or simply alcohol is the principal type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts.It is a neurotoxic psychoactive drug and one of the oldest recreational drugs used by humans.weet sorghum is a potential source of ethanol, which is suitable for growing in dryland conditions. It is being investigated by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) for its potential to provide fuel, along with food and animal feed, in arid parts of Asia and Africa.", "Amphetamine Amphetamine (contracted from alpha‑methylphenethylamine) is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and obesity. Amphetamine was discovered in 1887 and exists as two enantiomers: levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine.Amphetamine properly refers to a specific chemical, the racemic free base, which is equal parts of the two enantiomers, levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine, in their pure amine forms.However, the term is frequently used informally to refer to any combination of the enantiomers, or to either of them alone.he side effects of amphetamine are varied, and the amount of amphetamine used is the primary factor in determining the likelihood and severity of side effects. Amphetamine products such as Adderall, Dexedrine, and their generic equivalents are currently approved by the USFDA for long-term therapeutic use.", "- Agmatine Sulfate is a biogenic amine that is derived from the amino acid L-Arginine. This occurs due to a process called decarboxylation, which is the removal of a carboxylic acid group from the amino acid.", "- Triethanolamine, often abbreviated as TEA, is a viscous organic compound that is both a tertiary amine and a triol. A triol is a molecule with three alcohol groups. Triethanolamine is a strong base.", "- Lesson Summary. Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol and abbreviated as EtOH, is a colorless, volatile, and flammable liquid that is soluble in water. Its chemical formula is C2H6O, or can be written as C2H5OH or CH3CH2OH. It has one methyl (-CH3) group, one methylene (-CH2-) group, and one hydroxyl (-OH) group.", "- Triethanolamine: Uses and Safety Information. Triethanolamine is an organic compound that is comprised of ethylene oxide and ammonia. This chemical compound is commonly found in a number of cosmetic products and is also used in several different medical applications.", "1,3-Dimethylamylamine: What Is It? WHAT IS IT? 1,3-Dimethylamylamine is a legal over the counter stimulant that can be extracted from geraniums. You may also see it referred to as geranium extract, geranamine, methylhexaneamine, or DMAA. 1,3-Dimethylamylamine was patented by the drug company Eli Lilly as a nasal decongestant and given the trademark name Forthane.", "- Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a slight chemical odor. It is used as an antiseptic, a solvent, a fuel, and, due to its low freezing point, the active fluid in post-mercury thermometers. Its structural formula, CH 3CH 2OH, is often abbreviated as C 2H 5OH, C 2H 6O or EtOH.ydrous ethanol (about 95% ethanol and 5% water) can be used as fuel in more than 90% of new gasoline-engined cars sold in the country. Brazilian ethanol is produced from sugar cane and noted for high carbon sequestration. The US uses Gasohol (max 10% ethanol) and E85 (85% ethanol) ethanol/gasoline mixtures.", "Frequently Asked Questions Brief Description. Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches.It is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream.lcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by a strong craving for alcohol, and/or continued use despite harm or personal injury.", "- Triethanolamine, often abbreviated as TEA, is a viscous organic compound that is both a tertiary amine and a triol. A triol is a molecule with three alcohol groups.", "- description methenamine is an anti infective medication that is used to help prevent infections of the urinary tract it is usually prescribed on a long term basis for individuals with a history of repeated or chronic urinary tract infectionsethenamine is an anti infective medication that is used to help prevent infections of the urinary tract it is usually prescribed on a long term basis for individuals with a history of repeated or chronic urinary tract infections", "- Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, or drinking alcohol) is a mood-altering central nervous system depressant. It is not a narcotic in either the chemical or legal sense.t is the major component in over-the-counter sleep aids. It is not mood-altering. You should take it only before … going to bed, as it can affect coordination and lead to possible falls and injury. Never operate a vehicle or machinery of any kind while taking it.", "What are Amines? A) Primary amines: Primary amines are formed when one of three hydrogen atoms in ammonia is substituted by an alkyl group which means the formula of the primary amine will be RNH2 where R is an alkyl group. Significant primary alkyl amines encompass methylamine (CH3NH2), ethanolamine (2-aminoethanol).", "Methylamine Methylamine (CH 3 NH 2) is an organic compound. The gas is a derivative of ammonia, but with one H atom replaced by a methyl group. It is the simplest primary amine. It is sold as a solution in methanol, ethanol, THF, and water, or as the anhydrous gas in pressurized metal containers.he gas is a derivative of ammonia, but with one H atom replaced by a methyl group. It is the simplest primary amine. It is sold as a solution in methanol, ethanol, THF, and water, or as the anhydrous gas in pressurized metal containers." ]
[ 12.578125 ]
[ 9.640625, 7.78515625, 7.62890625, 9.046875, 9.359375, 8.640625, 9.359375, 7.703125, 8.9453125, 8.0234375, 8.46875, 8.7265625, 7.875, 9.6953125, 8.1015625, 7.64453125, 9, 7.4296875, 8.03125, 11.109375, 9.7265625, 10.75, 8.1171875, 9.1640625, 8.4765625, 11.0546875, 8.3828125, 8.5, 10.2421875, 8.3203125 ]
how long to eat hard boiled eggs
[ "How to Make Perfect Hard or Soft Boiled Eggs Hard-cooked eggs in the shell can be refrigerated up to one week. Peeled hard boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator in a bowl of cold water to cover for about 1 week (change the water daily) - or in a sealed container without water (cover the eggs with damp paper towels) for the same length of time.ard-cooked (boiled) eggs: A hard-cooked egg has both a firm white and yolk. Hard-cooked eggs should never be boiled-always simmer them in water. If cooked too long, the protein toughens (becomes rubbery) and a greenish or purplish ring forms around the yolk.", "How long do hard boiled eggs last if not refrigerated? Hard boiled eggs last about 7 days, but can spoil quickly if not handled properly. Hard boiled eggs are fresh whole eggs that have been boiled for 10 minutes.Chicken eggs are the most common choice for this process.ard boiled eggs last about 7 days, but can spoil quickly if not handled properly. Hard boiled eggs are fresh whole eggs that have been boiled for 10 minutes." ]
[ "How long will boiled eggs (Easter Eggs) remain safe to eat when stored at room temperature? Refrigeration is necessary for hard boiled eggs if they eggs are not to be consumed within a few hours. Hard-cooked eggs in the shell can be refrigerated up to one week. They last much longer at both room temp and refrigerated, if they aren't cooked.", "Hard Boiled Eggs 1 Bring to a rolling boil over high heat, then reduce heat to a lower medium boil for an additional 12 minutes. 2 Promptly place eggs in ice water to chill so egg yolks remain nice and bright yellow. Hard boiled eggs are good for one week if kept in the shell in the refrigerator.", "- Interestingly, hard-boiled eggs do not keep nearly as long as raw eggs, which can last three to five weeks in the refrigerator. There is a good reason for this. When a hen lays an egg, it puts a naturally protective coating on the outside of the shell.", "How To Make Hard-Boiled Eggs & More! Find out how to cook them perfectly to your tastes without that gray-green tinge. Remember, the term hard-boiled eggs is a misnomer as they should not be boiled for any length of time. Difficulty: Easy. Time Required: 25 minutes. Here's How: 1 Place eggs in single layer in saucepan. 2 Cover with at least one inch of cold water over tops of shells. 3 Cover pot with lid and bring to a boil over medium heat. 4 As soon as the water comes to a full boil, remove from heat and let stand.", "- The following method for preparing hard-boiled eggs has been modified for cooks living above 5,000 feet: High Altitude Hard-boiled Eggs For easier peeling, use eggs that are 7- 10 days old. Step 1: Place eggs in saucepan large enough to hold them in single layer.", "How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs Depending on how cooked you like your hard boiled eggs, the eggs should be done perfectly in 10-12 minutes. That said, depending on your altitude, the shape of the pan, the size of the eggs, the ratio of water to eggs, it can take a few minutes more.epending on how cooked you like your hard boiled eggs, the eggs should be done perfectly in 10-12 minutes. That said, depending on your altitude, the shape of the pan, the size of the eggs, the ratio of water to eggs, it can take a few minutes more.", "How Long Does a Hard-Boiled Egg Last? To keep the yolks centered, store eggs with the small end up for 24 hours before hard boiling. Eggs with blood spots on the yolk aren’t fertilized; those are accidental blood vessel ruptures. Such eggs are safe to eat. At altitudes above 10,000 feet, eggs can’t be hard boiled.", "How Long To Hard Boil An Egg: A Visual Guide According to the 2007 handbook from the French Culinary Institute, these are the times typically used to make soft-, medium- and hard-boiled eggs with the method above: 1 Soft-boiled: 3 minutes. 2 Medium-soft boiled: 4 minutes. 3 Hard-boiled: 10 to 11 minutes.", "How To Hard Boil Eggs Perfectly Every Time! 1 This will get you a nice, soft, runny yolk. If you want hard-boiled eggs, leave them for 9 to 10 minutes, depending on how creamy you want the yolk. For slightly drier yolks like those in the photos in this post, let them cook 10 minutes. If you want your yolks a little more creamy, only let them sit for 9 minutes.", "How To Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs Once you’ve boiled the eggs between 10 to 12 minutes (I use 11 minutes), bring the eggs to your sink and lightly set ice and water on top of the eggs. We want to stop the cooking process and get them ready to devour. Approximately 10 minutes under ice works for me.", "How Long Do Hard Boiled Eggs Last? How Long Do Hard Boiled Eggs Last? How long do hard boiled eggs last? Hard boiled eggs last about 7 days in the fridge, but can spoil quicker if not handled properly. Hard boiled eggs are fresh whole eggs that have been boiled for about 10 minutes. Chicken eggs are the most commonly used choice for hard boiling. Because of their relatively low-cost, high protein, versatility and portability hard boiled eggs are a popular protein choice.", "How long do hard boiled eggs last if not refrigerated? Hard boiled eggs last about 7 days, but can spoil quickly if not handled properly. Hard boiled eggs are fresh whole eggs that have been boiled for 10 minutes.Chicken eggs are the most common choice for this process. Because of their relatively low-cost, high protein, versatility and portability hard boiled eggs are a popular protein choice.n general, hard boiled eggs are good for as long as the quickest expiring ingredient in the recipe. To find out how long foods are good for, please visit the Dairy, Drinks, Fruits, Grains, Proteins, Vegetables and Other sections of Eat By Date or use the search function below.", "Loaded with proteins, vitamins, and minerals, eggs are a healthy and affordable choice when it comes to breakfastâor any meal, for that matter! Don't fall into a rut with your standard scramble: Here's how to make soft-boiled eggs, poached eggs, deviled eggs, and more. Time to get crackin'. How to hard-boil eggs. To hard-boil eggs, place as many eggs as you'd like in a pot with cold water (the water should entirely cover all the eggs). Bring to a boil and cover the pot. Turn off stove, remove the pot from the stove and let sit, covered, for 10 to 12 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove the eggs and place them in a bowl of ice water until eggs are completely cooled. Store hard-boiled eggs in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to a week; crack and peel before enjoying.", "Nutrition of a Hard-Boiled Egg Vs. a Fried Egg A hard-boiled egg is cooked by placing an egg, shell and all, in boiling water for about 14 minutes, or until the yolk and whites are firm. Hard-boiled eggs may be eaten alone, chopped and made into an egg salad or used as a topping on green salads or soups.", "How long do hard boiled eggs last if not refrigerated? Hard boiled eggs last about 7 days in the fridge, but can spoil quickly if not handled properly. Hard boiled eggs are fresh whole eggs that have been boiled for about 10 minutes. Chicken eggs are the most common choice for this process.", "Nutrition of a Hard-Boiled Egg Vs. a Fried Egg Preparation. A hard-boiled egg is cooked by placing an egg, shell and all, in boiling water for about 14 minutes, or until the yolk and whites are firm. Hard-boiled eggs may be eaten alone, chopped and made into an egg salad or used as a topping on green salads or soups. Fried eggs are prepared by cracking a whole egg into some sort of fat--butter, bacon grease or vegetable oil.", "How do you know when hard boiled eggs are done? General rule of thumb for a Chicken's egg is 5 to 10 minutes. But if you want to make sure that it is indeed boiled and eatable, there is one method I follow. When the egg(s) is/are in the bowl, boiling, take a spoon or fork and push the egg around in the bowl. If it's boiled, it's hard and moves along easily like a tennis ball. But if it isn't, the yolk keeps floating in white and the egg doesn't exactly move like a ball. It kinda wobbles.", "- Step 1: Place the Eggs in a Pan of Water and Bring to a Boil. For hard-boiled eggs, put the eggs in a pan and cover them with cold water. This way you'll have less of a chance of breaking them. Bring to a boil, put a lid on it and turn off the heat. Let it stand for 10 to 15 minutes.tep 4: Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs. You can store hard-boiled eggs peeled or unpeeled for about a week in the refrigerator. They are great deviled or in egg salad or even added to mac and cheese and casseroles. Tip: Hard-boiled eggs are perishable; don't let them sit at room temperature for more than two hours.", "How long is a hard boiled egg good for to eat if kept refrigerated? Generally, hard-boiled eggs can last a week in the refrigerator. Even with its natural (but easily cracked) calcium-carbonate container, a hard-cooked egg is a perishable food, so it shouldn't be kept at room temperature for more than two hours.", "How Long Does it Take to Boil Eggs? The time it takes to hard-boil an egg depends on the size of the egg. Give the egg time to reach room temperature, usually about 12 to 15 minutes. Place the egg(s) in a pan of water and wait for it to boil (about eight to 10 minutes; less time if you cover the pan with a lid).", "How long do hard boiled eggs last if not refrigerated? Hard boiled eggs last about 7 days, but can spoil quickly if not handled properly. Hard boiled eggs are fresh whole eggs that have been boiled for 10 minutes.Chicken eggs are the most common choice for this process.f course, the question of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge or how long are boiled eggs good for depends on if they were stored properly in the fridge or not.", "Boiled egg There is substantial variation, with cooking time being the primary variable affecting doneness (soft-boiled vs. hard-boiled). It usually varies from 15–17 minutes for large hard-boiled eggs, 1–4 minutes for large soft-cooked eggs and 12 minutes for the best results.", "Hard Boiled Eggs are the Perfect Performance Snack Quick tips for cooking great hard boiled eggs: 1. Don’t put eggs in the water until after it boils. 2. Don’t cook longer than 5 minutes (more like 4) Its really that easy and they will keep in your refrigerator for a week.", "Boiled egg Cooking time. There is substantial variation, with cooking time being the primary variable affecting doneness (soft-boiled vs. hard-boiled). It usually varies from 15–17 minutes for large hard-boiled eggs, 1–4 minutes for large soft-cooked eggs and 12 minutes for the best results.", "Quick and Easy Egg Salad Sandwich * To make hard boiled eggs, place a few eggs in a saucepan, cover with at least an inch of water, preferable 2 inches. Cover the pan and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the pan from heat and let it sit, covered, for 10-12 minutes.", "How to boil eggs For a hard-boiled egg, start the egg in cold water and bring up to the boil. Once the water is gently boiling, set the timer for between 7-10 minutes depending on how well cooked you like your eggs. The longer you boil the egg, the firmer it will be.", "Make Better Hard-Boiled Eggs By Baking Them in The Oven, Not Boiling Them Essentially, you're baking the eggs at 325 degrees for 30 minutes, with the eggs placed parallel to the bars on the racks as shown above. This would be great to do for a large party or just if you love eating a lot of eggs.", "How to keep hard-boiled eggs safe to eat 4. The number of days deviled eggs or egg salad can be saved in the refrigerator and still be edible. Hard-boiled eggs still in their shells can keep for a week in the fridge, and raw eggs in their shells can stay fresh three to five weeks from the purchase date, even if the sell-by date has passed. (Source: 1.usa.gov/160UJdA).", "How long can I keep a boiled egg before it goes bad? In my family, it's perfectly normal to keep a hard-boiled egg in the fridge for up to 24 hours. It's completely edible. During the Easter, Orthodox Christians give each other eggs as a gift (perhaps this is true for other Christian denominations, but I don't really know).", "How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Last? Header image: CHOW. Hard-boiled eggs last about a week if they are kept in their shells, and should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking, says the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. If they are peeled and then stored, they will stay fresh for only a few days in the fridge, says Hilary Shallo Thesmar, a spokesperson for the Egg Nutrition Center." ]
[ 10.7421875, 11.0546875 ]
[ 11.75, 12.4375, 12.4375, 10.875, 11.6640625, 10.796875, 11.6796875, 11.734375, 12.3125, 11.296875, 12.1953125, 11.2109375, 11.5, 11.0703125, 12.2578125, 10.515625, 10.5703125, 11.1171875, 12.625, 11.1171875, 10.8515625, 11.65625, 11.3203125, 11.578125, 11.3125, 11.6796875, 11.4609375, 12.0390625, 11.734375, 12.453125 ]
what county is white pine tn
[ "White Pine, Tennessee White Pine, Tennessee. White Pine is a town in Jefferson county in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is part of the Morristown, Tennessee Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 2,196 at the 2010 census. Contents." ]
[ "White Pine Millings White Pine Millings is located at 119 Loghouse Rd, Racine, WV 25165.. This location is in Boone County and the Charleston, WV Metropolitan Area. Is there a key contact at White Pine Millings?", "- Dandridge is partnering with Appalachian Electric Cooperative (AEC), Town of White Pine, and Jefferson City to conduct a Broadband Feasibility Study. Dandridge is making an effort to determine the need for improved broadband services.", "Sparta Sponsored Topics. Sparta is a city in White County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 4,599 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of White County. It was the hometown of Lester Flatt of the bluegrass music legends Flatt and Scruggs.", "McMinnville, Tennessee McMinnville is the largest city in and the county seat of Warren County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 13,605 at the 2010 census.", "- The White County Department of Education, located in Sparta, Tennessee is comprised of 9 schools and serves approximately 4,000 students in grades PreK through 12. The Department of Education is the one of the largest employers in the area with over 580 full- and part-time staff members. The Director of Schools, Mr. Kurt Dronebarger and the system is governed by its Board of Education.", "Roane County, Tennessee Roane County is a county of the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 54,181. Its county seat is Kingston. Roane County is included in the Knoxville, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Lynchburg, Tennessee Lynchburg, Tennessee. 1913 commercial block on the courthouse square. Lynchburg is a city in the south-central region of the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is governed by a consolidated city-county government unit whose boundaries coincide with those of Moore County.", "- Updated: Thu 5:18 PM, Feb 04, 2016. WHITE PINE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- The 11-year-old White Pine boy charged with shooting and killing an 8-year-old girl has been found guilty. Benny Tiller's grandmother told Local 8 News he was found guilty of first degree murder in the death of his neighbor, McKayla Dyer October 4, 2015.", "Humphreys County, Tennessee Humphreys County, Tennessee. Humphreys County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 18,538. Its county seat is Waverly.", "Newport, Tennessee Newport, Tennessee. Newport is a city in and the county seat of Cocke County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 6,945 at the 2010 census, down from 7,242 at the 2000 census. The estimated population in 2014 was 6,880. It is located along the Pigeon River.", "- Town of Whiteville GATEWAY TO HARDEMAN COUNTY. Home. The Town of Whiteville was founded in the early 1800's as a trading post and was incorporated in 1901. The town was first known for it's agricultural roots in cotton production. Now the town is known as one of the fastest growing communities in the area. The town's location is ideal for persons wanting to escape the big city way of life as it is conveniently located between Jackson and Memphis Tennessee.", "List of counties in Tennessee There are two defunct counties in Tennessee: 1 James County, Tennessee (1870–1919): Now part of Hamilton County. 2 Tennessee County, Tennessee (1788–1796): When Tennessee achieved statehood, the previous Tennessee County in North Carolina became Tennessee County, Tennessee, and was divided into Montgomery and Robertson Counties.", "List of counties in Tennessee As of the same year, Davidson County, in which the capital Nashville is located, covers 502 sq mi (1,300 km 2) with a population of 569,891. The population of the state of Tennessee as of the 2000 census was 5,689,283 in an area of 42,169 sq mi (109,217 km 2). The oldest county is Washington County, founded in 1777.", "Shelby County, Tennessee Shelby County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 927,644. It is the state's largest county both in terms of population and geographic area. Its county seat is Memphis, the most populous city in Tennessee. The county was named for Governor Isaac Shelby (1750–1826) of Kentucky. Shelby County is part of the Memphis, TN-MS-AR Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is bordered on the west by the Mississippi River. Within the Mississippi Delta, the county developed as a center of cotton plantations in the antebellum era, and cotton continued as an important commodity crop well into the 20th century.", "White Pine County, Nevada White Pine County is a county located in the U.S. state of Nevada. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,030. Its county seat is Ely. It is the home of Great Basin National Park.", "Knox County, Tennessee Knox County is a county in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 432,226, making it the third-most populous county in Tennessee. Its county seat is Knoxville, the third-most populous city in Tennessee. Knox County is included in the Knoxville, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is at the geographical center of the Great Valley of East Tennessee. Near the heart of the county is the origin of the Tennessee River at the union of the Holston and French Broad rivers.", "- Sparta-White County has completed the five-step process required by the state to become a certified Tennessee Three-Star Community. The Three-Star Community program is designed to assist communities in achieving excellence in community and economic development.", "About White County “A Hiker’s Heaven in the Land of Falling Water” White County, Tennessee, is noted for its awe-inspiring waterfalls, breathtaking vistas, hiking and camping opportunities - but did you know that it is also home to five museums, one of the last remaining Drive-In movie theaters in the country and an award winning airport?", "White Pine County, Nevada White Pine County was established in 1869 from Lander County and named after the heavy growth of Limber Pine trees in the area which were at the time called white pine. Hamilton was the first county seat from 1869 to 1887 when it was replaced after a fire by Ely. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 8,897 square miles (23,040 km 2), of which 8,876 square miles (22,990 km 2) is land and 21 square miles (54 km 2) (0.2%) is water.", "Davidson County, Tennessee Davidson County Courthouse in Nashville. Davidson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 626,681, making it the second-most populous county in Tennessee. Its county seat is Nashville, the state capitol.", "Puryear, TN Sponsored Topics. Puryear is a city in Henry County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 667 at the 2000 census. Puryear is located at 36°26′41″N 88°20′2″W / 36.44472°N 88.33389°W / 36.44472; -88.33389 (36.444853, -88.333770). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.9 square miles (2.4 km²), all of it land.", "Quebeck (in White County, TN) Populated Place Profile Quebeck (in White County, TN) Populated Place Profile. Quebeck (GNIS FID: 1298751) is a populated place located within the Commissioner District 5, a minor civil division (MCD) of White County. The elevation of Quebeck is 899 feet. Quebeck appears on the Doyle U.S. Geological Survey Map. White County is in the Central Time Zone (UTC -6 hours).", "- Cumberland Furnace in Dickson County has the distinction of being the only existing iron village remaining in Tennessee. Here is where a visitor can begin to visualize the layout of one of the iron plantations that existed throughout Tennessee.", "Cocke County, Tennessee Free Public Records Directory Dyer County, Tennessee - Public Records Directory Links. Free Search. Links to state and local court records, general Tennessee court information, directory of courts, and online resources for courts in Tennessee.", "- Grainger County Properties by City; Rutledge, TN Land for Sale; Bean Station, TN Land for Sale; Thorn Hill, TN Land for Sale; Blaine, TN Land for Sale; Washburn, TN Land for Sale; Treadway, TN Land for Sale", "Home to New Development Home to New Development. Washington County, Tennessee is the economic center of the Tri-Cities region & home to 7,000 businesses. Not only are we strategically located for doing business in that we feature an extensively connected infrastructure network, but we are also centrally located in the eastern portion of the United States.", "- Zip Code 37188 - White House TN Tennessee, USA - Robertson County Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs white house, tn 37188", "- Bolivar-Hardeman County Library, Bolivar, Tennessee. 723 likes · 24 talking about this · 542 were here. We are a public library", "Dyer, Tennessee Dyer, Tennessee. Not to be confused with Dyer County, Tennessee. Dyer is a city in Gibson County, Tennessee. The population was 2,341 at the 2010 census. Dyer was originally known as Peck's Switch, a name given by railroad workers in the early days of rail.", "Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Pigeon Forge is a mountain resort city in Sevier County, Tennessee, located in the southeastern United States. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 5,875." ]
[ 13.5703125 ]
[ 10.0546875, 10.5390625, 10.7890625, 9.0703125, 11.671875, 9.0078125, 8.0859375, 10.6796875, 8.6484375, 8.8359375, 8.8828125, 9.234375, 8.921875, 7.73046875, 12.0859375, 8.296875, 11.390625, 12.53125, 11.171875, 8.015625, 8.1953125, 9.9765625, 8.5703125, 8.5703125, 9.2578125, 9.625, 9.421875, 8.5390625, 7.73046875, 8.5703125 ]
what is bearing bearing leadership traits
[ "Marine Corps Leadership Traits: Bearing Bearing is the way you conduct and carry yourself. Your manner should reflect alertness, competence, confidence, and control. An officer who exhibits bearing is one who is in total control of his emotions, posture, and general outward appearance. Discipline and self-respect are the keys to bearing. Since as the common Marine Corps phrase goes, “perception is reality,” some people will form an opinion of your qualities based only on shallow impressions." ]
[ "\"\"\"Military Bearing Definition\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Importance of Military Bearing Military bearing is the root in which every soldier practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military career. Army regulations and soldiers on our own creed illustrate how a military service member should conduct themselves on a daily basis, on and off duty.", "Trait Theory of Leadership The trait theory of leadership focused on analyzing mental, physical and social characteristic in order to gain more understanding of what is the characteristic or the combination of characteristics that are common among leaders.", "Marine Corps Leadership Traits Marine Corps Leadership Traits. Definition. The certainty of proper performance of duty. Significance. The quality which permits a senior to assign a task to a junior with the understanding that it will be accomplished with minimum supervision.", "Core Leadership Theories Trait theories help us identify traits and qualities (for example, integrity, empathy, assertiveness, good decision-making skills, and likability) that are helpful when leading others. However, none of these traits, nor any specific combination of them, will guarantee success as a leader.", "bearing Definition of bearing. 1 : the manner in which one behaves or comports oneself : the manner in which one bears (see 2bear 1c) oneself a man of dignified bearing … a confident and cheerful bearing. 4 heraldry : a figure borne on a heraldic field (see 1field 3c) The lion is a common bearing.", "- These are the five leadership traits or leadership qualities that followers say they most want to see in a leader. These traits can improve your quality of leadership.", "- The traits and principles of leadership are the basic fundamentals that Marines use to develop their own leadership abilities and that of their subordinates. There are 14 leadership traits and 11 leadership principles listed in this lesson. 14 Leadership Traits.", "Leadership Trait Theory Leadership trait theory is one of the earliest theories of leadership, which can be traced back to Thomas Carlyle’s 1849 assertion that “the history of the world was the biography of great men”.his is a question to which there is no easy answer. As with many academic theories, leadership trait theory is perhaps best thought of as an interesting idea, but one which should not handicap you if you wish to seek a position as leader, whether formally or informally.", "bear vb (mainly tr) , bears, bearing, bore or borne. 1. to support or hold up; sustain. 2. to bring or convey: to bear gifts. 3. to take, accept, or assume the responsibility of: to bear an expense. 4. (past participle born; in passive use except when foll by by) to give birth to: to bear children.", "- Leadership attributes are the inner or personal qualities that constitute effective leadership. These attributes include a large array of characteristics such as values, character, habits, traits, competencies, motives, style, behaviors, and skills.", "Army Values Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. Bearing true faith and allegiance is a matter of believing in and devoting yourself to something or someone. A loyal Soldier is one who supports the leadership and stands up for fellow Soldiers.", "ORG Module Unit 6: Leadership Table of Contents. 6.4.1 Trait Theories. Trait theories of leadership identify the specific personality traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. They are based on the premise that leaders are 'born, not made' (i.e., that leadership is largely innate, rather than being developed through learning).", "Leadership A leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. It is the result of the philosophy, personality, and experience of the leader. Rhetoric specialists have also developed models for understanding leadership (Robert Hariman, Political Style, Philippe-Joseph Salazar, L'Hyperpolitique. Technologies politiques De La Domination). Different situations call for different leadership styles.", "The Organizational Development Muse And so I would modify my original definition of leadership to say “A steward leader realizes the human and material resources in their care is a sacred trust and acts with Christlike character to nurture and develop these while maintaining momentum in pursuit of a mission.”.", "Army Leadership Requirements Model FM 1, one of the Army's two capstone manuals, states that the Army exists to serve the American people, protect enduring national interests, and fulfill the Nation's military responsibilities. To accomplish this requires values-based leadership, impeccable character, and professional competence. The figure below shows the Army leadership requirements model. It provides a common basis for thinking and learning about leadership and associated doctrine. All of the model's components are interrelated.", "Developing Leading Marines VALUES AND LEADERSHIP. If a Marine is left without any guidance or supervision, then personal values will determine what that Marine will or will not do. Leaders must provide guidance and supervision to inspire and reinforce organizational values to have an effect on the behavior of our Marines.", "\"\"\"Military Bearing Definition\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Military Bearing Definition. In the United States NAVY, military bearing is the root in which every service member practices in order to carry out good discipline and ethics throughout ones military careers.", "The Top 10 Leadership Qualities To spread the fame and take the blame is a hallmark of effective leadership. Leaders with humility recognize that they are no better or worse than other members of the team. A humble leader is not self-effacing but rather tries to elevate everyone.", "âBackboneâ USMC Leadership Traits â JJDIDTIEBUCKLE by Cpl. Beddoe, 2013. JJDIDTIEBUCKLE is an acronym used by Marines representing their 14 leadership traits. Justice, Judgment, Dependability, Initiative, Decisiveness, Tact, Integrity, Endurance, Bearing, Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty,& Enthusiasm.", "What are qualities of a good leader? They also have the knack of separating emotions and decisions. A leader is proud and follows right choices and instructions. Leadership is a trait that has several components. firstly self confidence and high social status in all spheres of life help a leader earn the faith of followers. The better leaders always have a code of conduct and a sense of extreme self discipline.", "âBackboneâ USMC Leadership Traits â JJDIDTIEBUCKLE “Backbone” USMC Leadership Traits – JJDIDTIEBUCKLE. by Cpl. Beddoe, 2013. JJDIDTIEBUCKLE is an acronym used by Marines representing their 14 leadership traits. Justice, Judgment, Dependability, Initiative, Decisiveness, Tact, Integrity, Endurance, Bearing, Unselfishness, Courage, Knowledge, Loyalty,& Enthusiasm.", "What does it mean if someone has a military bearing? Well if you ask my husband he's liable to hand you a stainless ball bearing (mechanic's joke) but truly it means what you've already been told -- to bear oneself with decorum, discipline, honor and humility as well as readiness to duty and dignity. ArmyWifey · 9 years ago. 5. Thumbs up.", "- what do bearing designation numbers mean? hindi urdu - Duration: 11:00. Technical Secrets 1,976 views", "- (May 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) A leadership style is a leader's style of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. There are many different leadership styles proposed by various authors, that can be exhibited by leaders in the political, business or other fields.", "Trait vs. Situational Approach for Leadership Trait Leadership. Trait leadership focuses on the leader and the traits he exhibits. Certain types of traits make leaders more effective. For example, the late Steve Jobs was known for his charisma. His ability to passionately articulate his visions made people want to follow his lead.", "- Great followers boldly move down the path, making the most of the opportunities afforded them by the leaders. 2. Patience. Great leaders use the wheels of time to their advantage, knowing that fast and first are rarely the attributes of long-term success. Great followers are methodical and deliberate, trusting that a steady pace will deliver better product than a hasty approach. 3. Humility.", "Five Most Important Leadership Traits These five qualities come from Kouzes and Posner’s research into leadership that was done for the book The Leadership Challenge. Your skill at exhibiting these five leadership qualities is strongly correlated with people’s desire to follow your lead. Exhibiting these traits will inspire confidence in your leadership. Not exhibiting these traits or exhibiting the opposite of these traits will decrease your leadership influence with those around you. It is important to exhibit, model and display these traits. Simply possessing each trait is not enough; you have to display it in a way that people notice.", "Aesthetic leadership We introduce aesthetic leadership as a promising approach in leadership studies. Two current movements in leadership research, the inclusion of followers in leadership models and the exploration of subjective leadership qualities, make taking an aesthetic perspective in leadership especially attractive and timely.e introduce aesthetic leadership as a promising approach in leadership studies. Two current movements in leadership research, the inclusion of followers in leadership models and the exploration of subjective leadership qualities, make taking an aesthetic perspective in leadership especially attractive and timely.", "What are the Characteristics of a Leader? Being just, dependable and enthusiastic are among the 14 leadership traits taught in the United States Marine Corps. Other integral characteristics of a leader, according to the Marines, include having good judgment, initiative, courage and endurance. Retired General Colin Powell believes a good leader has the quality to make decisions that everyone can understand.", "- Marine Corps Leadership Traits. [ad 4] Marine Corps Leadership Traits. Dependability. Definition. The certainty of proper performance of duty. Significance. The quality which permits a senior to assign a task to a junior with the understanding that it will be accomplished with minimum supervision." ]
[ 12.1171875 ]
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military per diem rates
[ "- the per diem allowance each year the dod per diem travel and transportation committee sets the per diem allowance the per diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard conus rate from $ 140 per day up to $ 702 per day for out of conus ratesn october 1 2015 the standard conus per diem rate increases to $ 140 $ 89 lodging $ 51 meals from $ 129 $ 83 lodging $ 46 meals" ]
[ "Publication 463 (2017), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses fiscal year 2016 fy16 standard conus per diem rate announced the fy16 standard conus per diem rate is $ 140 $ 89 $ 51 from $ 129 $ 83 $ 46 applicable for all official travel performed on or after 1 october 2015 to 30 september 2016 meal ticket rate reimbursement is $ 51 effective 1 october 2015or long term tdy of 181 or greater days the authorized flat rate is 55 % of the locality rate lodging plus m ie payable for each full day of tdy at that location on the travel day to the tdy location the traveler receives up to 100 % lodging per diem at the locality rate and 75 % meals and incidental expenses m ie", "- The Per Diem Allowance. Each year the DoD Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Committee sets the Per Diem allowance. The Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates.urrent Per Diem Rates. The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates. M&IE is either determined by adding the Local Meals Rate and Incidental Expense Rates, or the Proportional Meal Rate.", "- the previous policy paid 100 percent of the per diem rates for any length of time the defense department believes it will save about $ 22 million annually without harming the traveler or the mission according to spokesman nathan christensenhe previous policy paid 100 percent of the per diem rates for any length of time the defense department believes it will save about $ 22 million annually without harming the traveler or the mission according to spokesman nathan christensen", "Military Per Diem Rates Current Per Diem Rates. The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates. M&IE is either determined by adding the Local Meals Rate and Incidental Expense Rates, or the Proportional Meal Rate.For current per diem rates, visit the following links:he Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates. M&IE is either determined by adding the Local Meals Rate and Incidental Expense Rates, or the Proportional Meal Rate. For current per diem rates, visit the following links:", "Long-term TDY Rates to Change, Official Says WASHINGTON, October 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently.", "GSA Raises Per Diem for Federal Travel the new per diem rate is now $ 129 $ 83 lodging $ 46 meals and incidental expenses in fiscal year 2014 there are approximately 2600 counties that will get the new rates while 400 non standard areas nsas will get per diem rates higher than the standard rate for the mainland statess the gsa explains on its website the per diem rate for an area in the continental 48 united states is actually three allowances the lodging allowance the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance", "GSA Raises Per Diem for Federal Travel The new per diem rate is now $129 ($83 lodging, $46 meals and incidental expenses). In fiscal year 2014, there are approximately 2,600 counties that will get the new rates, while 400 Non-Standard Areas (NSAs) will get per diem rates higher than the standard rate for the mainland states.his year, federal per diem rates are 5 percent below the average daily rate of the market. As the GSA explains on its website, the per diem rate for an area in the continental 48 United States is actually three allowances: the lodging allowance, the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance.", "- the proportional meal rate pmr is based on the locality meal rate and the govt meal rate gmr the per diem ta bles on this website have the pmrs already computed the examples below using the standard conus m ie rate of $ 46 00 and the standard gmr of $ 11 85 show how to compute a pmr amountthe $ 46 00 consists of $ 41 00 for meals and $ 5 00 for incidental expenseshe per diem allowance each year the dod per diem travel and transportation committee sets the per diem allowance the per diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard conus rate from $ 140 per day up to $ 702 per day for out of conus rates", "Defense Department Per Diem Rates to Change New long-term temporary duty (TDY) per diem rules for civilian Department of Defense workers went into effect earlier this month. But 13 federal employees’ unions oppose the changes, especially for civilian DOD workers. Defense Travel Management Office director Harvey Johnson explained in a release that the per diem rules, which will impact lodging, meals and incidentals, would save the DOD $22 million annually. Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days.", "Long-term TDY Rates to Change, Official Says WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently. Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days. “So, for travel from 31 to 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent. For travel greater than 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem for 55 percent,” Harvey Johnson explained in a DoD News interview.", "2015-2016 Per Diem Rates GSA Per Diem Rate Adjustments. The GSA updates per diem rates annually on October 1st and rates either increase, decrease, or stay the same. At present there is a standard lodging rate for the Continental United States which covers over 3,000 counties and individual lodging rates for 400 non-standard areas.er diem rates are an allowance for federal or state travelers on an official government or military assignment. Government travelers include uniformed military personnel, DoD (Department of Defense) civilians, federal or state government employees, and most government contractors.", "- On October 1, 2015 the standard CONUS per diem rate increases to $140 ($89 lodging/$51 meals) from $129 ($83 lodging/$46 meals).he Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates.", "Long-term TDY Rates to Change, Official Says Long-term TDY Rates to Change, Official Says. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently. Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days. “So, for travel from 31 to 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent. For travel greater than 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem for 55 percent,” Harvey Johnson explained in a DoD News interview.", "New Per Diem Rates for 2014-2015 For all other areas within the continental United States, the per diem rate is $172 for post-September 30, 2014 travel (consisting of $120 for lodging and $52 for meals and incidental expenses).or all other areas within the continental United States, the per diem rate is $172 for post-September 30, 2014 travel (consisting of $120 for lodging and $52 for meals and incidental expenses).", "2015 Per Diem Rates Released washington d c per diem rates were raised from $ 219 to $ 222 for the heavy fall travel season and reduced from $ 167 to $ 162 during the summer months five locations that were nsas in fy 2014 will move into the standard conus rate category two locations will become new nsas in fy 2015 kayenta ariz", "Military Per Diem Rates The Per Diem Allowance. Each year the DoD Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Committee sets the Per Diem allowance. The Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates.The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates.urrent Per Diem Rates. The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates. M&IE is either determined by adding the Local Meals Rate and Incidental Expense Rates, or the Proportional Meal Rate.", "FY 2018 Per Diem Highlights The CONUS per diem rate for an area is actually three allowances: the lodging allowance, the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance. Most of the CONUS (approximately 2600 counties) are covered by the standard CONUS per diem rate of $140 ($89 lodging, $51 meals and incidental expenses).In fiscal year (FY) 2016, there continue to be about 400 Non-Standard Areas (NSAs) that have per diem rates higher than the standard CONUS rate.ince FY 2005, NSA rates have been based on Average Daily Rate (ADR) data from the lodging industry, which GSA obtains through a contract with a leading provider of lodging industry data. For more about how per diem rates are determined, visit Factors Influencing Lodging Rates.", "2015 Federal Per Diem Rates $ 46 00 the per diem rates shown here are averages of all of the per diem rates within each state as of january 2015 for a full schedule of per diem rates by destination click on any of the states belowederal per diem rates are set by the general services administration gsa and are used by all government employees as well as many private sector employees who travel for their companies the per diem amount you will be issued for meals and lodging depends on the location to which you are travelling", "- The FY16 Standard CONUS per diem rate is $140 ($89/$51) from $129 ($83/$46) applicable for all official travel performed on or after 1 October 2015 to 30 September 2016. Meal ticket rate reimbursement is $51 effective 1 October 2015.", "Flat Rate Per Diem Update establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days this item also establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for tdy in excess of 180 days to be set at 55 % of the locality per diem rate are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations again the total rate is split between your lodging and your meals and incidental expensesravelers will receive 100 % of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days long term travel over 30 days but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75 % of the locality per diem rate tdy travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55 % of the locality per diem rate", "Military Per Diem Rates The Per Diem Allowance. Each year the DoD Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Committee sets the Per Diem allowance. The Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates.The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates.M&IE is either determined by adding the Local Meals Rate and Incidental Expense Rates, or the Proportional Meal Rate.he Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates. The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates.", "- WASHINGTON, October 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently. Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days.", "FY 2018 Per Diem Highlights the conus per diem rate for an area is actually three allowances the lodging allowance the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance most of the conus approximately 2600 counties are covered by the standard conus per diem rate of $ 129 $ 83 lodging $ 46 meals and incidental expensesin fiscal year fy 2015 there continue to be about 400 non standard areas nsas that have per diem rates higher than the standard conus ratehe conus per diem rate for an area is actually three allowances the lodging allowance the meals allowance and the incidental expense allowance most of the conus approximately 2600 counties are covered by the standard conus per diem rate of $ 129 $ 83 lodging $ 46 meals and incidental expenses", "DoD Per Diem PolicyTargeted An amendment attached to the House’s annual DoD authorization bill (HR-1735) would overturn a change in per diem for long-term temporary assignmentsthat took effectat DoD last November.nder the policy, for temporary duty of 31-180 days, the authorized rate is 75 percent of the locality rate (lodging plus meals & incidental expenses) payable for each full day of temporary duty at that location; and for TDY greater than 180 days, 55 percent.", "2016 Federal Per Diem Rates Released 2016 Federal Per Diem Rates Released. Posted on August 25, 2015 by Michelle Littlewood. For private sector employers, the federally issued per diem rates are used to determine whether certain employee reimbursements are excluded from an employee’s taxable income.his is an $11 increase from 2015. If you are unsure of whether this rate applies to your particular locality, employers may choose to use the “high-low” rates. These rates for 2016 have not yet been set.", "2016 Federal Per Diem Rates Released Certain localities will have different rates, however the majority of areas in the Continental United States will use the per diem rate of $140 ($89/lodging, $51/meals and incidental expenses).This is an $11 increase from 2015.If you are unsure of whether this rate applies to your particular locality, employers may choose to use the “high-low” rates. These rates for 2016 have not yet been set.his is an $11 increase from 2015. If you are unsure of whether this rate applies to your particular locality, employers may choose to use the “high-low” rates. These rates for 2016 have not yet been set.", "GSA: Federal Per Diem Rate to Remain Unchanged for 2015 the standard lodging per diem rate will remain at $ 83 the gsa announced on its website and meals and incidental expense tiers will also remain unchanged for fy 2014 and range from $ 46 $ 71ome destinations currently 400 are called non standard areas and federal employees traveling to these nsas can get a higher per diem the gsa added two nsas to its list for this fiscal year kayenta arizona and san angelo texas", "5 Things You Need to Know About Flat Rate Per Diem the change to a flat rate will help the department of defense dod save more than $ 22 million a year and is in keeping with what many federal agencies already outline for reduced travel rates for longer stays here are five things you need to know about flat rate per diem 1long term tdy is any temporary duty longer than 30 days travel from 31 to 180 days will receive a flat rate per diem of 75 percentfor travel greater than 180 days the flat rate per diem will be at 55 percent flat rate will apply to all three parts of the per diem lodging meals and incidentals 2ere are five things you need to know about flat rate per diem 1 long term tdy is any temporary duty longer than 30 days travel from 31 to 180 days will receive a flat rate per diem of 75 percent", "- The Per Diem Allowance. Each year the DoD Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Committee sets the Per Diem allowance. The Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates.The Per Diem rate you will receive is based on a combination of the Maximum Lodging and the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rates.he Per Diem Allowance. Each year the DoD Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Committee sets the Per Diem allowance. The Per Diem is specific to a given travel location and can range from a standard CONUS rate from $140 per day up to $702 per day for Out-of-CONUS rates.", "Flat Rate Per Diem Update Per Diem rates are given for specific locations. The rates range from $129 per day in the Continental US (CONUS), and up to $823 per day in Out of CONUS (or OCONUS) locations.Again, the total rate is split between your lodging and your Meals and Incidental Expenses.ravelers will receive 100% of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days. Long-term travel over 30 days, but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75% of the locality per diem rate. TDY travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55% of the locality per diem rate." ]
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what are the tropics
[ "Tropical, Subtropical, Temperate and Frigid Tropical is sometimes used in a general sense for a tropical climate to mean warm to hot and moist year-round, often with the sense of lush vegetation." ]
[ "List Of Tropical Countries - Tropical The tropics is a region of the Earth by the Equator. It is limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere at approximately 23°26' (23.5°) N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere at 23°26' (23.5°) S. The tropics are also referred to as the tropical zone and the torrid zone.NORTH AMERICA Mexico. CENTRAL AMERICA Belize.t is limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere at approximately 23°26' (23.5°) N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere at 23°26' (23.5°) S. The tropics are also referred to as the tropical zone and the torrid zone. NORTH AMERICA Mexico.", "Tropical Rainforests: Hot, wet, and home to millions Tropical rainforests are defined by the fact that they are hot and wet, typical of tropical climates. Found near the equator where it is warm, these regions have rainfall year-round, with little to no dry season. The climate of tropical rainforest biome is perfect for plant and animals growth.", "Tropics Regions within the tropics may well not have a tropical climate. There are alpine tundra and snow-capped peaks, including Mauna Kea, Mount Kilimanjaro, and the Andes as far south as the northernmost parts of Chile and Argentina.", "- The tropical climate zone of our planet, occupy wide territories between the subequatorial climate zone and the 30-th parallel. In reality the tropic circl The tropical climate zone of our planet, occupy wide territories between the subequatorial climate zone and the 30-th parallel.", "- 1. Be able to identify the location and fundamental environmental characteristics of the tropics and their environmental zones, including arid areas, rain forests, river valleys, savannas, plateaus, and mountainous regions, and explain how people made their livings in these various environmental zones.. The tropical zone falls between the Tropic of Cancer in the north and the Tropic of Capricorn in the south. The Afro-Asian tropics have a cycle of rainy and dry seasons dictated by the alternating winds known as monsoons.", "- In the tropics, which has a wet and a dry season. This grassla…. Type of grassland that has tall grass, hot summers, cold winte…. This is a type of grassland that has short grass because it ge…. 3 types of Grasslands. Savannas, prairies, steppe. Savanna. In the tropics, which has a wet and a dry season. This grassla….", "- There are 25 Biodiversity Hotspots in the world mostly located in the Tropics. The loose definition is that it is a biogeographic region with a significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans. The Concept. The concept was given by Norman Myers.", "- The Amazon rainforest topical climate. Tropical climate refers to zones in a range of latitudes between 5/10 to 35. The temperatures remain high all over the year and shows an annual wide change in precipitations with wet and dry seasons: The dry season duration is proportional to the latitude to ultimatly become a mostly dry area.", "Five major circles of latitude Five major circles of latitude. Tropics. Also referred to as the torrid zone or tropical zone, all the water and land of the earth between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.The tropics experience at least one day per year in which the sun passes directly overhead. Tropic of Cancer. A line of latitude located at 23.5° north of the equator.The Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer on the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (June 20 or 21).he tropics experience at least one day per year in which the sun passes directly overhead. Tropic of Cancer. A line of latitude located at 23.5° north of the equator. The Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer on the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (June 20 or 21).", "Wetland Maritime Tropical (mT): Being from a source region in the Tropics and over water, this air mass is characterized by hot, humid conditions. These air masses occur frequently in all seasons across the south, southeastern and eastern United States. Cloudiness and precipitation are associated with this type of air.", "Tropical rainforest The tropical rainforests of South America contain the largest diversity of species on earth. A tropical rainforest is a biome type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn).This ecosystem experiences high average temperatures and a significant amount of rainfall.he tropical rainforests of South America contain the largest diversity of species on earth. A tropical rainforest is a biome type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn).", "- The Intertropical Convergence Zone, or ITCZ, is the region that circles the Earth, near the equator, where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together.The intense sun and warm water of the equator heats the air in the ITCZ, raising its humidity and making it buoyant.easonal shifts in the location of the ITCZ drastically affects rainfall in many equatorial nations, resulting in the wet and dry seasons of the tropics rather than the cold and warm seasons of higher latitudes. Longer term changes in the ITCZ can result in severe droughts or flooding in nearby areas.", "tropics Click the link for more information. at lat. 23 1-2°N and the Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Capricorn,parallel of latitude at 23°30' south of the equator; it is the southern boundary of the tropics.", "- The zone that is best known for being classified as the Tropical Zone is the area being the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.he tropical zone is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn on Earth. Edit. Share to: 1 Best Growing Zones to Plant Common Vegetables Many folks enjoy planting their own vegetables.", "Tropics For other uses, see Tropics (disambiguation), Tropic (disambiguation), and Tropical (disambiguation). World map with the intertropical zone highlighted in crimson. Tropical climate zones of the Earth where all twelve months have mean temperatures above 18.0 °C (64.4 °F) The tropics are a region of the Earth surrounding the equator. They are delimited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere at 23°26′13.4″ (or 23.43705°) N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere at 23°26′13.4″ (or 23.43705°) S; these latitudes correspond to the axial tilt of the Earth.", "Tropical Climates Tropical climates are found in areas that lie close to the equator. Here the sun shines intensely. Within tropical climates, there are three groups: tropical wet; tropical wet and dry; and tropical monsoon. Tropical wet regions, also known as rain forests, have the most predictable weather on earth.Here, everyday is pretty much the same.un Facts About Tropical Climates for Kids. 1 Hawaii has a tropical rainforest climate. 2 Monsoon climates can be found in southern Asia and West Africa. 3 Africa’s Serengeti Plain is an example of a wet dry tropical climate.", "High School Earth Science/World Climates Tropical Moist (Group A) climates are found in a band about 15° to 25° N and S of the equator (Figure 17.8). Intense sunshine means that the tropics are warm year-round: each month has an average temperature of at least 18°C (64°F). Rainfall is abundant—at least 150 cm (59 inches) per year. The subcategories of this zone are based on when the rain falls.", "Tropic of Capricorn The Tropic of Capricorn is the dividing line between the Southern Temperate Zone to the south and the tropics to the north. The northern hemisphere equivalent of the Tropic of Capricorn is the Tropic of Cancer.", "- People living North of the Tropic of Cancer and South of the Tropic of Capricorn experience dramatic seasonal climate changes, based on the earth's tilt, and the subsequent angle of the sun.When it's summer North of the Tropic of Cancer, it's winter South of the Tropic of Capricorn.eople living North of the Tropic of Cancer and South of the Tropic of Capricorn experience dramatic seasonal climate changes, based on the earth's tilt, and the subsequent angle of the sun.", "Tropical Climates Tropical climates are found in areas that lie close to the equator. Here the sun shines intensely. Within tropical climates, there are three groups: tropical wet; tropical wet and dry; and tropical monsoon. Tropical wet regions, also known as rain forests, have the most predictable weather on earth. Here, everyday is pretty much the same.", "Tropic of Capricorn The Tropic of Capricorn is the dividing line between the Southern Temperate Zone to the south and the tropics to the north. The northern hemisphere equivalent of the Tropic of Capricorn is the Tropic of Cancer.he Tropic of Capricorn (or the Southern Tropic) is the circle of latitude that contains the subsolar point on the December (or southern) solstice.", "Tropics Areas with wet seasons are disseminated across portions of the tropics and subtropics. Under the Köppen climate classification, for tropical climates, a wet season month is defined as a month where average precipitation is 60 millimetres (2.4 in) or more. Tropical rainforests technically do not have dry or wet seasons, since their rainfall is equally distributed through the year.", "Tropical Gardening: Tips For Gardening In The Tropics For example, when gardening in the tropics, you might come across or use plants like: Rubber tree; Ferns; Palms; Pothos; Croton; Gardening in a tropical climate is not much different than anywhere else. The plants may simply require a little extra TLC (tender loving care) in areas outside tropical zones. Tips for Tropics Gardening", "Climate: World Distribution: As you can see from the map to the right, the tropical rainforests are, indeed, located in the tropics, a band around the equator from 23.5 N (the Tropic of Cancer) to 23.5 S (the Tropic of Capricorn) (red lines on map, right).", "Climate: Not all of the land in the tropics is tropical rainforest. Some areas are too cold (mountaintops), or are too dry (the far side of a mountain range from the ocean gets less rain). In some places there may be a lot of rain, but it falls seasonally and the long dry season prevents a tropical rainforest from developing.", "The Climate of Tropical Regions The map below shows the areas within the tropics which have all 12 months of the year with temperatures above 18 °C. The three types of tropical climate are classified as Tropical Rainforest or Equatorial (Af), Tropical Monsoon (Am) and Tropical Wet and Dry or Savannah (Aw).he general pattern of the tropical climate is warm temperatures. Depending on the type of tropical climate, humidity is variable with Equatorial climates experiencing large quantities of precipitation all year round and Tropical Wet and Dry and Tropical Monsoon climates expereincing seasonal shifts in rain patterns.", "RAINFORESTS Rainforests are found in the tropics, the region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, just above and below the Equator. In this tropic zone the sun is very strong and shines about the same amount of time every day all year long, keeping the climate warm and relatively stable.ainforests are found in the tropics, the region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, just above and below the Equator. In this tropic zone the sun is very strong and shines about the same amount of time every day all year long, keeping the climate warm and relatively stable.", "Subtropics Areas of the world with subtropical climates. The subtropics are geographic and climate zones located roughly between the tropic circle of latitude at 23.5 latitude (the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn) and temperate latitudes (normally temperate latitudes refer to locations higher than 40 latitude).", "Köppen climate classification A tropical climate is a climate typically found within the Tropics, while a few locations outside the Tropics are considered to have a tropical climate.In the Koeppen köppen climate classification it is a-non arid climate in which all twelve months have mean temperatures of at least °18 (c °64). f Tropical rainforest climate (Af): All twelve months have average precipitation of at least 60 mm (2.4 in). 2 These climates usually occur within 5–10° latitude of the equator. 3 In some eastern-coast areas, they may extend to as much as 25° away from the equator.", "- A tropical rainforest is a biome type that occurs roughly within the latitudes 28 degrees north or south of the equator (in the equatorial zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn).ost tropical rainforests are located around and near the equator, therefore having what is called an equatorial climate characterized by three major climatic parameters: temperature, rainfall, and dry season intensity." ]
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microgravity effects on body
[ "Effects of Microgravity on the Body Gravity pulls downward which supplies blood to the lower limbs. Microgravity pushes the blood to the upper portions of the body. The effects of microgravity isn't a big deal until astronauts travel back to Earth. Gravity pulls back the blood pressure down, but all the blood will transfer down to the astronauts' legs. This will cause other parts of the body to not have the blood they need to support the functioning of the astronauts' upper portion of their bodies." ]
[ "- This is the third article in the series exploring the adverse effects of prolonged bedrest and immobility. In this final article, the effects on the musculoskeletal and immune systems, skin and self perception are examined. Bedrest is often necessary for healing injured or diseased parts of the body.", "- JOSPT September/October 1983 EFFECTS OF CRYOTHERAPY 6 7. model to examine the effects on inflammation of. a pack consisting of finely crushed ice in a plastic. bag applied over the ligament, held in place by. a sphygmomanometer cuff at 106 newtons per.", "Effect of Altitude on the Heart and the Lungs Finally, on the basis of knowledge about the acute physiological adjustments and acclimatization and, when available, a review of the literature, we discuss the high-altitude tolerance of patients with coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, systemic hypertension, and pulmonary hypertension.", "Effects of simulated altitude (normobaric hypoxia) on cardiorespiratory parameters and circulating endothelial precursors in healthy subjects The present paper aims to assess the effect of a brief standardized normobaric hypoxia in healthy subjects on the frequency of PB-EPCs, and to evaluate early molecular events implicated in the activation and/or recruitment of these cells.he induction of hypoxia was confirmed by Alveolar Oxygen Partial Pressure (PAO 2) and Spot Oxygen Saturation decreases. Heart rate increased, but arterial pressure and respiratory response were unaffected. The change in PB-EPCs percent from T0 to T1 was inversely related to PAO 2 at T1.", "- —Chapter 1— 7. Chapter 1. Effects of gravity on the circulation. Introduction. In man on Earth, circulating blood is subjected to gravity. On standing up, blood is. redistributed to regions below the heart, and venous return to the heart is reduced; unchecked this can lead to loss of conciousness and ultimately, death.", "H-reflex After about 5 days in zero gravity, for instance in orbit around Earth, the h-reflex diminishes significantly. It is generally assumed that this is due to a marked reduction in the excitability of the spinal cord in zero gravity.fter about 5 days in zero gravity, for instance in orbit around Earth, the h-reflex diminishes significantly. It is generally assumed that this is due to a marked reduction in the excitability of the spinal cord in zero gravity.", "Five key scientific findings from 15 years of the International Space Station Microgravity research on the ISS has demonstrated that the human body would lose considerable bone and muscle mass on such a mission. Mitigation technology, involving the use of resistive exercise devices, has shown that it is possible to substantially alleviate bone and muscle loss.", "Dizziness - orthostatic hypotension Gravity dramatically affects blood flow whenever you stand up from sitting or lying down – on average, about 800ml of blood temporarily pools in the blood vessels of the legs. Sensors called baroreceptors located in the three major arteries – the aorta and the two carotid arteries – detect this drop in blood pressure.", "International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics To report the short-term clinical outcomes and acute and late treatment-related genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) toxicities in patients with intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer treated with dose-escalated stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT).", "- One of the biggest problems in keeping astronauts fit and healthy as they travel through the solar system is simply preventing the physiological changes caused by weightlessness, says Dave Williams, director of Space and Life Sciences at the Johnson Space Center.", "How Will Living On Mars Affect Our Human Body? Physiological effects aboard the ISS range from muscle atrophy to osteoporosis and negative effects on the balance and cardiovascular system. With these mitigated for to some extent, such signs of the body adjusting to daily life without gravity are in synchrony with those likely to be experienced on a journey to Mars.", "does anyone have joint and muscle pains In space, the lack of gravity signals the osteoclasts to begin breaking down the unnecessary bone and the osteoblasts either don't change or slow their production of new bone. The net result is for a loss of bone mineral. Astronauts lose 1 to 2% of their bone mass for each month they are in space. This means that they lose 10% of their bone mass in less than a year — on Earth, humans lose 10% of their bone mass after the age of 50 and over a period of 10 years!", "Key Concepts: This figure highlights some of the major acute (short-term) effects on the body during exercise. During exercise, the muscles use up oxygen as they convert the chemical energy in glucose to mechanical energy. This O 2 comes from hemoglobin in the blood.", "Effect of spaceflight on the human body A year in low-earth orbit results in a dose of radiation 10 times that of the annual dose on earth. High levels of radiation damage lymphocytes, cells heavily involved in maintaining the immune system; this damage contributes to the lowered immunity experienced by astronauts.", "Effects of Immobility and Risk Assessment ~Contractures: a shortening of the muscle. ~Stiffness and pain of the joint: collagen tissue ankyloses -> as bone demineralizes, excess Ca becomes deposited in the joint. Effects on Cardiovascular System (1 of 6) ~Tachycardia (less blood flow to the coronary arteries) ~Increased used of Valsalva maneuver (increases pressure in veins of the thorax) ~Orthostatic hypertension (blood pooling of the blood in lower extremities) ~Venous dilation (blood pooling results in damage to the valves in the lower extremities)", "Obesity Each of these changes may have unpleasant effects on your body. The extent to which you are affected depends on how quickly you ascend, what elevation you attain, how hard you exercise, what you eat and drink and what health problems you may have (smoking, emphysema, asthma, anemia, diabetes and high blood pressure).", "The Effects of Stress on Body Systems Long term effects of stress on body system include: anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia. Circulatory/Cardiovascular System. This system includes the heart and the blood vessels and it's job is to keep the body alive by circulating blood through the body.", "- Strange effects apart, the lack of gravity can be very useful for investigating a wide range of fields. With regard to life sciences, the Station is a perfect laboratory for studying, for example, everything to do with long-term visits to space.", "Effects of high altitude on humans The human body can adapt to high altitude through both immediate and long-term acclimatization. At high altitude, in the short term, the lack of oxygen is sensed by the carotid bodies, which causes an increase in the breathing rate (hyperventilation).", "Microcirculation Distension of the vessels due to increased blood pressure is a fundamental stimulus for muscle contraction in arteriolar walls. As a consequence, microcirculation blood flow remains constant despite of changes in systemic blood pressure. This mechanism is present in all tissues and organs of the human body.", "- Physiological Effects ofHigh G Forces Human beings are adapted for life at 1 G on the surface of the earth. In the aviation environment, any maneuver has the potential to expose the human body to more than 1+ Gz of acceleration force. This can be particularly hazardous for pilots in the Gz axis.", "How Does Microgravity Affect the Human Body? A: Science.com explains that microgravity affects the body in many different ways, primarily through bone and muscle loss. The lack of pressure on bones causes the body to reabsorb calcium from them, weakening them and potentially causing kidney stones. A similar lack of load on muscles can lead them to become atrophied over time.", "Heat stress â preventing heatstroke Many organs in the body can suffer tissue damage and the body temperature must be reduced quickly. Most people will have profound central nervous system changes such as delirium, coma and seizures. As well as effects on the nervous system, there can be liver, kidney, muscle and heart damage.", "How Will Living On Mars Affect Our Human Body? The side-effects of travelling to, landing, and living on Mars are far greater in terms of both psychology and physiology. Travelling outside of Earth’s protective magnetic field to a distance so great that our planet is no more than a speck on the horizon will have a profound effect on the crew.", "- OTHER POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: Contact with cryogenic liquid or rapidly expanding gases (which are released under high pressure) may cause frostbite. Symptoms of frostbite include change in skin color to white or grayish-yellow. The pain after contact with the liquid can quickly subside.", "Effects of high altitude on humans Acclimatization to altitude. The human body can adapt to high altitude through both immediate and long-term acclimatization. At high altitude, in the short term, the lack of oxygen is sensed by the carotid bodies, which causes an increase in the breathing depth and rate (hyperpnea).", "- Risks of Space Travel. There are, of course, two sides to every story, and space travel certainly does not come without risk. I have already alluded to one major risk - human health. Our bodies have a difficult time adjusting to micro-gravity environments, and astronauts' limited use of bones and muscles while in space can damage these vital tissues.", "Malnutrition Typical adverse effects of malnutrition include: 1 reduced muscle and tissue mass, 2 decreased mobility and stamina as a result of muscle wasting, 3 breathing difficulties, and an increased risk of chest infection and respiratory failure, wounds take longer to heal and illnesses take longer to recover from,", "Mice in space develop thin skin Image copyright Image caption The animals were kept in the specially built Mouse Drawer System. A study of three mice that spent 91 days on the International Space Station has found abnormalities in their skin. This is a record stay for any animal in space; due to their short lifespan it equates to about seven mouse years. The study is one of 20 experiments looking at various parts of the mice to measure the health effects of zero-g. Using microscopes, scientists found the astromice had thinner skin than mice that had stayed on the ground, as well as changes to their muscles and hair. The findings appear in the new journal NPJ Microgravity. Researchers say they are only preliminary, because of the very small sample size of three mice.", "abiotic A lack of normal gravity is an abiotic phenomena that causes weakened bones, diminished muscle mass, and disorientation in astronauts." ]
[ 12.609375 ]
[ 9.0234375, 7.296875, 7.6875, 6.69140625, 9.265625, 7.609375, 11.6875, 8.3125, 7.7734375, 9.6875, 10.46875, 9.7734375, 8.6015625, 9.46875, 9.0625, 8.046875, 7.625, 10.15625, 8.1953125, 8.0859375, 8.6171875, 12.7421875, 8.21875, 8.578125, 7.92578125, 8.109375, 9.6640625, 7.9453125, 9.5859375, 8.65625 ]
what county is hardy va in
[ "- Hardy County, West Virginia. Hardy County is a county in the U.S. state of West Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 14,025.[1] Its county seat is Moorefield.[2] The county was created from Hampshire County in 1786[3] and named for Samuel Hardy,[4] a distinguished Virginian." ]
[ "- Wardensville shared their album. March 10 · Edited ·. Wardensville is located in Hardy County, West Virginia just eight miles from the WV/VA border and one-hundred miles from Washington, DC. Originally named Trout Run, Wardensville was founded in 1832 as part of Virginia and then incorporated into West Virginia in 1879.", "- Description. Christiansburg is a town in Montgomery County, Virginia, United States. The population was 16,947 (+1 since Queen Viktoriya moved in a week ago) at the 2000 census and was estimated to have increased to 19,477 in 2008, an increase of 14.9%. It is the county seat of Montgomery County.", "Glade Spring, Virginia Glade Spring, Virginia. Glade Spring is a town in Washington County, Virginia, United States. The population was 1,456 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Kingsport–Bristol (TN)–Bristol (VA) Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is a component of the Johnson City–Kingsport–Bristol, TN-VA Combined Statistical Area – commonly known as the Tri-Cities region. 1 History.", "Bedford, Virginia Bedford, Virginia. Bedford is an incorporated town and former independent city located within Bedford County in the U.S. state of Virginia. It serves as the county seat of Bedford County. As of the 2010 census, the population was 6,622. It is part of the Lynchburg Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Brunswick County VA Jail Prison Overview. Brunswick County VA Jail is located in the city of Lawrenceville, Virginia which has a population of 1,438 (as of 2015) residents. Prisoners are housed in separate areas depending on the crimes they committed, their current risk assessment, and their behavior.", "- Spotsylvania. Spotsylvania County is in the Northern Virginia region of Virginia, midway between the state capital at Richmond and the nation's capital in Washington, D.C. It is bordered on the north by the Rappahannock River. 1 Region: Northern Virginia. 2 Spotsylvania County. 3 4704 Southpoint Parkway. 4 Fredericksburg, VA, 22407.", "Virginia Fauquier /fɔːˈkɪər/ is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 65,203. The county seat is Warrenton. Fauquier County is part of the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is located in Northern Virginia. In 2011, Fauquier County was number eight on the U.S. Census Bureau list of highest-income counties in the United States.", "Alleghany County, Virginia Both Alleghany County and Covington, VA are known for the low cost of its housing market and close proximity to The Homestead in Bath County, VA, Lexington, VA, The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, Lewisburg, West Virginia, a 45-minute drive in any direction and Roanoke, VA about an hour away.", "Lunenburg County Extension Lunenburg County. The Lunenburg County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension is your local connection to Virginia's land-grant universities, Virginia Tech and Virginia State University. Through educational programs based on research and developed with input from local stakeholders, we help the people of Lunenburg County improve their lives.", "- Holden is a census-designated place (CDP) in Logan County, West Virginia, United States. The population was 876 at the 2010 census.", "Arlington County, Virginia Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia coterminous with the U.S. Census Bureau's census-designated place of Arlington, which is the second-largest principal city of the Washington metropolitan area in the United States. As a result, the county is often referred to in the region simply as Arlington or Arlington, Virginia. In 2016, the county's population was estimated at 230,050, making it the sixth-largest county in Virginia, or the fourth-largest city if it were incorp", "- Haymarket, VA Prince William County. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "Wise County, Virginia Wise County, Virginia. Wise County is a county located in the U.S. state of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 41,452. Its county seat is Wise. The county was formed in 1856 from Lee, Scott, and Russell Counties and named for Henry A. Wise, who was the Governor of Virginia at the time. Contents.", "Spotsylvania County, Virginia Spotsylvania County is a county in the U.S. state of Virginia. As of the 2015 estimate, the population was 130,674. Its county seat is Spotsylvania Courthouse. Spotsylvania County is a part of Northern Virginia and is a part of the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "- Leach Run Parkway is OPEN! Twenty-five years after the initial preliminary design of the road, Leach Run Parkway in now complete and open to the public. The project was made possible by the Town of Front Royal, Warren County, the Economic Development Authority, and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). The road was funded through a 50% revenue sharing agreement with VDOT, with the County picking up 66% of the remaining cost, and the Town 34%.", "- Virginia Service Areas Augusta County, VA Staunton, VA Waynesboro, VA Harrisonburg, VA Rockingham County, VA West Virginia Service Areas Hardy County, WV Moorefield, WV", "Albemarle County, Virginia Albemarle County is a United States county located in the Piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Its county seat is Charlottesville, which is an independent city enclave entirely surrounded by the county. Albemarle County is part of the Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Wise Wise is a town in Wise County, Virginia, United States. The population was 3,286 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Wise County. It was originally incorporated as the town of Gladeville in 1874. The town's name was changed to Wise in 1924. Wise is named after Virginia governor Henry A. Wise.", "Albemarle County, Virginia Albemarle County is a United States county located in the Piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Its county seat is Charlottesville, which is an independent city enclave entirely surrounded by the county. Albemarle County is part of the Charlottesville Metropolitan Statistical Area. Albemarle County was created in 1744 from the western portion of Goochland County, though portions of Albemarle were later carved out to create other counties.", "- Monday, April 10, 2017 to William Vaughan, PE, at 340 South 6th Street, Wytheville, VA 24382-2513. Special Needs Notice: individuals requiring special assistance to participate in the meeting should contact William Vaughan, PE, County Engineer at (276) 223-4500.", "- Hardy Info. Hardy, Kentucky is located in Pike County. Zip codes in Hardy, KY include 41531, and 41558. The median home price in Hardy is $2 which is roughly $2/per square foot.", "Luray, Virginia Luray is a town in Page County, Virginia, United States, in the Shenandoah Valley of the northern part of the state. It is also the county seat. The population was 4,895 at the 2010 census. The town was started by Willian Staige Marye in 1812, whose family was from Luray, France.", "- Arlington County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is coterminous with the U.S. Census Bureau-census-designated place of Arlington, which is the second-largest principal city of the Washington metropolitan area. As a result, the county is often referred to in the region simply as Arlington or Arlington, Virginia.", "Hardy, Kentucky Using our Gazetteer, we have found that there are 26 communities that are also named Hardy - they are located in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan (2), Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Brunswick, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Saskatchewan, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas (2), Utah, Virginia (2) and West Virginia.", "Hardy County, West Virginia When West Virginia was admitted to the Union in 1863 it followed. Hardy County has a rich African American history, with many free African Americans living there before the Civil War. This history is discussed in part 2 of the Henry Louis Gates television series African American Lives.", "Hampshire County, West Virginia The men most likely volunteered at Moorefield in Hardy County and then marched north to Cumberland, Maryland. Approximately 1,200 of the 12,950 men under Morgan's command came from the area that would later become West Virginia. Not only in a material way were the people of the county developing wealth but in an even more important way did they continue to advance.", "Great Falls, Virginia Great Falls, Virginia. Great Falls, Virginia. Great Falls is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The population as of the 2010 census was 15,427, an increase of 80.5% from the 2000 census. CNNMoney ranked Great Falls first in the nation on its list of top earning towns in 2011.", "Hinesville, Virginia Hinesville, Virginia. Hinesville is an unincorporated community in Pittsylvania County, in the U.S. state of Virginia. Its Zip Code is 24549 (Dry Fork, Pittsylvania County, Virginia). U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Hinesville, Virginia.", "- VIRGINIA COUNTIES AND TOWNS WESTMORELAND COUNTY COLONIAL BEACH MONTROSS WISE COUNTY BIG STONE GAP WISE COEBURN APPALACHIA POUND ST. PAUL * WYTHE COUNTY WYTHEVILLE RURAL RETREAT * = Located in two counties. County listed is where a majority of the town's population resides. Belle Haven is located in Accomack and Northampton Counties Broadnax is located in Brunswick and Mecklenburg Counties Farmville is located in Prince Edward and Cumberland Counties Gordonsville is located in Orange and Louisa Counties Grottoes is located in Rockingham and Augusta Counties Jarratt is located in Greensville and Sussex Counties Kilmarnock is located in Lancaster and Northumberland Counties Pamplin City is located in Appomattox and Prince Edward Counties", "- Lunenburg County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia . As of the 2010 census , the population was 12,914. Its county seat is Lunenburg . History Lunenburg County was established on May 1, 1746, from Brunswick County ." ]
[ 13.1484375 ]
[ 11.6796875, 7.8203125, 7.7421875, 7.9453125, 8.0078125, 8.1484375, 8.0625, 9.890625, 8.4921875, 8.359375, 7.5625, 7.91015625, 8.5546875, 7.64453125, 8.84375, 11.3046875, 8.1484375, 8.203125, 7.92578125, 8.1484375, 10.984375, 9.1171875, 8.109375, 10.6640625, 12.609375, 12.6328125, 7.3828125, 7.453125, 9.1640625, 8.5390625 ]
what caused jim kelly get cancer
[ "- jim kelly cancer caused by chewing tobacco Memorabilia President Howard Schwartz with NBA Superstar Vince Carter Jun 4, 2013 Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly says he has been diagnosed The Hall of Famer says he was been diagnosed with cancer in his jaw bone it causes you to take a deep breath and step back, Polian said Jun 24, 2013." ]
[ "Jim Kelly, who has fought cancer, still strives to make a difference Jim Kelly, who has fought cancer, still strives to make a difference. Kena Krutsinger / Getty Images. Former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly arrives on the gold carpet for the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft at the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University on April 30 in Chicago.", "- Terrie's Tip Ad. Smoking causes cancer. In this TV commercial for CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Terrie talks about how she gets ready for the day after the effects of treatments for throat cancer caused her to lose her teeth and hair, and to have a laryngecotomy.", "Brave Michael Jackson shows his face as he 'secretly fights skin cancer' This is thought to be caused by over-exposure to the sun and increased use of sunbeds in pursuit of the perfect tan. Vitiligo, the disease which Michael Jackson was reportedly diagnosed with in 1986, is thought to be linked to skin cancer. The pigmentation condition means that there are areas of the sufferers' skin which do not contain melanin, which gives the skin colour and protects it from the sun's rays.", "Ex-Beatle blamed smoking for his cancer Ex-Beatle blamed smoking for his cancer. George Harrison was never in any doubt about the cause of the cancer which had hit him twice before, blaming his smoking habit for the lung and throat tumours he had suffered over the past four years.", "Jim Kelly draws on experience in campaign against cancer Jim Kelly draws on experience in campaign against cancer. NFL Hall of Famer Jim Kelly sits down with USA TODAY Sports to discuss how he is helping cancer patients through his website YourCancerGamePlan.com.", "Pepsin The most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S., human papillomavirus, or HPV, has been blamed for a recent, rapid increase in the incidence of throat cancer – a disease that used to be rare in people who didn't drink or smoke excessively.", "Kidney Cancer The kidneys are two organs in the body that filter the blood and remove waste material and excess water by making urine that is expelled as waste. Cancer is the growth of malignant (abnormal) cells within the body. Although the exact cause of kidney cancer is not known, risk factors include smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, long-term dialysis, Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome, occupational exposure (coke oven workers and asbestos workers, for example), and.", "- As of today, Jim Kelly is cancer free Kelly said doctors have not given him a cause of the cancer, medically known as squamous cell carcinoma He said he's never been a smoker or used chewing tobacco Luck of the.", "Inside Ben Carsonâs Cancer Scam In another story about his recovery in Ebony magazine in January 2003, Carson also did not mention glyconutrients. Carson said that there is a “dietary connection” to cancer and mentions pesticides and water contamination as possible causes. The doctor also scheduled the prostate surgery just six weeks after the initial diagnosis, suggesting that he thought the surgery—and not supplements alone—was necessary to save his life. Carson also gave an address at the Niagara University commencement in May 2003 where he discussed his cancer as well. Yet there are no mentions of Mannatech or any of its products. The next year though, Carson began telling a different story involving his cancer.", "- April 3, 2010. Thank you, Bill Clinton: cancers of head and neck spike due to oral sex. By Bryan Fischer. According to a story in Reuters, the number HPV-induced head and neck cancers spread by oral sex is rising sharply, particularly in what is supposed to be the enlightened West. And it is particularly prominent among the young and employed.", "Kidney Cancer 1 Although the exact cause of kidney cancer is not known, risk factors include smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, long-term dialysis, Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome, occupational exposure (coke oven workers and asbestos workers, for example) and men are at higher risk. Symptoms of kidney cancer include blood in the urine, pain in the side or flank that is constant, a lump or mass in the abdomen or side, fever, weight loss, and fatigue.", "Hall of Fame QB Jim Kelly Being Treated for Cancer Recurrence The Buffalo Bills posted an update on Jim Kelly's treatment on the franchise's Twitter account: Updates from Friday, May 2. Kelly's wife, Jill, posted an Instagram video from the Hall of Fame quarterback on Friday:", "- Causes of throat cancer. The exact cause of throat cancer is not clear. However, certain risk factors lead to an increased risk of throat cancer, such as cigarette smoking, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, and exposure to toxic substances like asbestos or large quantities of alcohol.", "What causes cancer? Factors that increase the risk of development of cancer is known as risk factors for cancer. These risk factors may be modifiable like smoking where a person can exert control or un-modifiable factors like age and gender. Smoking can cause cancers of the lungs, mouth, throat, bladder, kidneys and several other organs.", "Hotchkins Lymphoma Cancer Hotchkins lymphoma cancer also results through the exposure from herbicides or other toxins. Protecting your health through regular exercise and proper food consumption is the key to avoid cancer like this.", "- Smoking causes cancer. In this TV ad for CDC's Tips From Former Smokers campaign, Terrie talks about how she gets ready for the day after the effects of treatments for throat cancer caused her to lose her teeth and hair, and to have a laryngectomy.", "Do You Know... Tobacco Tar is the main cause of lung and throat cancers. (Although nicotine is the main ingredient of tobacco that causes addiction, it is not known to cause cancer.). Burning tobacco also forms carbon monoxide (CO), a poisonous gas you can’t see or smell.", "- Jim Kelly (Associated Press) SAN DIEGO (AP) - Actor Jim Kelly, who played a glib American martial artist in Enter the Dragon with Bruce Lee, has died. He was 67. Marilyn Dishman, Kelly's ex-wife, said he died Saturday of cancer at his home in California.", "Pittsburgh star James Conner diagnosed with cancer Pittsburgh star James Conner diagnosed with cancer. Pittsburgh Panthers star running back James Conner has been diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Conner made the announcement at a news conference Friday, joined by his mother, Kelly Patterson, Pittsburgh coach Pat Narduzzi and several teammates. 1 Conner was in the midst of rigorous rehab off a torn knee ligament when the symptoms began.", "Glyphosate (Roundup) Linked To Cancer of the Lymph Tissue In New Study Glyphosate (Roundup) Linked To Cancer of the Lymph Tissue In New Study. A new review on the relationship between pesticide exposure and the risk of blood cancers in the lymph glands (lymphomas) has confirmed the existence of a link with the world's most popular herbicide glyphosate (aka Roundup).", "Cancer Tobacco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% is due to obesity, a poor diet, lack of physical activity, and consumption of alcohol. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation, and environmental pollutants.", "Is it true hickies cause cancer? Best Answer : There is some belief that injuries such as hickies in the same spot over time may cause inflamation - some schools of thoughts amongst medical researchers suggest that cancer can start from inflamed tissue-that is repeatedly injuried inflamed tissue . however , at this stage this is only a theory , one of many , postulated amongst ...", "- Topics: Entertainment › Celebrities › Gene Kelly, Actors, Musicians. Kelly's half-moon shaped scar on his left cheek was caused by a bicycle accident he had as a young boy.", "- Method 1 - Over Furring. Method 2 - Direct to Block. Hardieplank™ Lap Siding and XLD® Trim with Masonry Construction. James Hardie® products contain respirable crystalline silica, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and is considered by IARC and NIOSH to be a cause of cancer from some occupational. sources.", "Jim Kelly avoids cancer surgery, doctors say it is 'treatable and potentially curable' Jim Kelly avoids cancer surgery, doctors say it is 'treatable and potentially curable'. Jim Kelly and his daughter Erin watch a recent college basketball game at a Manhattan hospital on Saturday where the Bills great is being treated for a return of his oral cancer. (Uncredited/AP) BY Ralph Vacchiano", "Biology - Cancer Exposure to pollutants such as metals, dust, chemicals, or pesticides can increase the risk of cancer. At least four types of DNA viruses, hepatitis B and C viruses, Epstein-Barr virus, and human papillomavirus, are directly believed to cause human cancers. Nutrition is emerging as a way to help prevent cancer.", "Larry Hagman's Death: Alcoholism Led to Cancer “Larry Hagman probably inherited a genetic tendency to cancer, but he was also such a severe alcoholic that he developed end-stage cirrhotic liver disease, which initiated a chain of events that hiked his cancer risk,” Dr. Crandall said. Hagman made J.R. Ewing on “Dallas” one of TV's most iconic characters.", "What kind of cancer does Jim Kelly have? As of December 2014, Jim Kelly is free of cancer. The Hall of Fame quarterback was first diagnosed with upper jaw-bone cancer resulting from squamous cell carcinoma in 2013.", "- From his hospital room and surrounded by family, Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly details his second—and more serious—fight with cancer. Plus, DeSean Jackson begins search for a new team and the King family suffers a great loss.", "Possible link between Agent Orange, leukemia Three cancers have been linked to Agent Orange: Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and soft tissue sarcoma. In 1998 researchers found an association between Agent Orange and spina bifida in the offspring of exposed veterans." ]
[ 12.6796875 ]
[ 10.796875, 8.15625, 7.31640625, 8.15625, 10.953125, 8.5546875, 8.3671875, 11.9375, 7.5546875, 7.49609375, 8.4921875, 9.75, 8.4609375, 8.1484375, 7.890625, 8.359375, 8.375, 10.5859375, 8.796875, 7.68359375, 8.546875, 7.0390625, 9.1328125, 7.7890625, 10.4140625, 8.203125, 7.5625, 12.15625, 10.4765625, 7.98046875 ]
risks benefits roth ira vs 401k
[ "Roth 401 (k) vs. Roth IRA: Is One Better? Contribution Limits. You can contribute up to $18,000/year to your Roth 401(k), as well as an additional $6,000 if you'll turn 50 by the end of the year. That number is much lower for Roth IRAs, which limit you to $5,500 a year or $6,500 if you're 50 or older. Here, the Roth 401(k) is the clear winner.or example, if you have both a Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) – and you're eligible to make contributions to both – your annual contribution maximum effectively becomes $23,500 (or $30,500 if you're 50 or older). This round goes to the Roth IRA.", "What are the risks associated with a Roth IRA? Another risk with Roth IRAs is that unlike a 401(k) , the IRS, not your employer, places limits on how much you can put into your retirement fund.You cannot contribute more than you make to your fund, and if you make too much money, you cannot open a Roth IRA.he main risk for opening a Roth IRA is that you do not get the same up-front tax break you get with a traditional IRA. A traditional IRA lets you put money aside before taxes, but the money you put into your Roth IRA goes into your account after your taxes are taken." ]
[ "Difference Between 401k and Roth IRA The other major difference between 401k and Roth IRA is the way they are managed. When you opt for 401k, you have no say in how the funds are controlled, and it is the sole prerogative of the employer to invest the funds. In Roth IRA, you are in better control of the funds.", "Roth IRA vs. Deferred Compensation Roth IRAs and deferred-compensation plans allow you to save on taxes with your retirement money, but at different points in your career. A Roth individual retirement account has income limits, so if yours is too high, you may not be able to contribute.isks of Compensation. You don't pay taxes on the money in a deferred-compensation plan because it isn't really yours yet. Because it still belongs to your employer, it's vulnerable to creditors, just like the company's other assets.", "- The benefits of a Roth IRA are that your contributions can grow tax-free and you can generally make withdrawals tax-and penalty-free after you reach age 59½.he benefits of a Roth IRA are that your contributions can grow tax-free and you can generally make withdrawals tax-and penalty-free after you reach age 59½.", "Should I Invest In 401k Or Roth IRA? As we expected the 401(k) portfolio grew much more than the Roth IRA because you start out with more money invested. The 401(k) portfolio grew to $815,558 at age 60 and the Roth IRA $611,668. We need to zoom into the withdrawal period to see the differences between the two. This graph shows the income after tax.The 401(k) plan has a bit of advantage here due to the lower tax rate after retirement.he 401(k) portfolio grew to $815,558 at age 60 and the Roth IRA $611,668. We need to zoom into the withdrawal period to see the differences between the two. This graph shows the income after tax. The 401(k) plan has a bit of advantage here due to the lower tax rate after retirement.", "Which is better for me - a Roth or a regular 401 (k)? One way to do that is to use your 401(k) plan as a supplement to your IRA, if you have one. If you have a Roth IRA, you might want to opt for the traditional 401(k) at work.Likewise, a Roth 401(k) might be a good choice for you if you already have a traditional IRA. If your employer offers both types of 401(k)s, you can divide your savings among them.ne way to do that is to use your 401(k) plan as a supplement to your IRA, if you have one. If you have a Roth IRA, you might want to opt for the traditional 401(k) at work.", "Individual Roth 401k However, a Roth Individual 401k allows much higher annual contribution amounts than a Roth IRA. In 2015 a Roth IRA has a $5,500 limit and $6,500 limit if age 50 or older. The 2015 contribution limit for the Roth Individual 401k is $18,000 and $24,000 if age 50 or older.", "- So, you can have a 401k and an IRA at the same time provided you meet the requirements of the particular type of IRA you want. For typical middle-income 401k participants, the 401k-Roth IRA combination is likely the most sensible strategy for several reasons: 1 Roth IRA’s are less retrictive than traditional IRA. If you want to find out if you can contribute to both your 401k and a tax-deductible IRA, you’ll need to do considerable homework and/or consult a qualified tax advisor. 2 This IRA Primer is a good starting point. 3 Nondeductible IRA – this is the easiest IRA to understand.", "401 (k) Plans vs. SIMPLE IRA Plans Two plan options exist: a SIMPLE IRA or SIMPLE 401(k) plan. A SIMPLE IRA plan allows employees and employers to make contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) set up for employees. These plans are typically for start-up employers who do not sponsor another type of plan and have fewer than 100 employees.", "Saving for Retirement: IRA vs. 401 (k) A Roth 401(k) account works much like a Roth IRA, but there is no income limit to participate, and you are required to take the minimum distributions that would be required from a Traditional IRA beginning at age 70½.There is also a Roth version of the 403(b) plan.gain, if you're able to save more after you put $5,500 in a Roth, continue with your 401(k) until you max it out. 1 If you're not eligible for either a deductible contribution to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA contribution, then just continue with your 401(k) until you've contributed the maximum allowed.", "- An advantage of a Roth IRA over traditional IRAs is the ability to withdraw your contributions tax-free and penalty-free at any time.With a traditional IRA, you're going to owe a 10 percent additional tax penalty on early withdrawals.n advantage of a Roth IRA over traditional IRAs is the ability to withdraw your contributions tax-free and penalty-free at any time.", "Why You Should Open a Roth IRA Traditional 401(k)s and IRAs give you a tax break while you're saving for retirement, but income tax is due on each withdrawal from the account. With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, but withdrawals from these accounts, including the earnings, are often tax-free.To decide which type of retirement account is best for you, you need to compare your current tax rate to what you think your tax rate will be in retirement.raditional 401(k)s and IRAs give you a tax break while you're saving for retirement, but income tax is due on each withdrawal from the account. With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, but withdrawals from these accounts, including the earnings, are often tax-free.", "Good and Bad Reasons to Contribute to a Roth IRA Good Reasons to Contribute to a Roth IRA. In many cases, a Roth IRA is the right choice. For example, Roth IRA contributions are likely preferable to saving via tax-deferred accounts if: 1 You think there’s a meaningful chance that you’ll have to spend the money in the not-so-distant future. You think there’s a meaningful chance that you’ll have to spend the money in the not-so-distant future. ( 2 Remember, Roth IRA contributions can be withdrawn free from tax and free from penalty at any time 3 .). You think your marginal tax rate will be higher in retirement than it is now.", "Where Should You Invest First â 401 (k) vs IRA? 1 Roth IRA: Roth IRAs are non-deductible, which means you use post-tax money to fund your account. 2 However, the distributions made during retirement age are tax exempt, which is the main reason people invest in a Roth IRA. 3 As with the Traditional IRA, early withdrawals may incur stiff penalties.fter you have put in enough money to get the match, I would consider investing in a Roth IRA if you are eligible. Roth IRAs are beneficial because you will be able to withdraw this money tax free in retirement. Doing this diversifies your future tax liabilities by having a taxable and non-taxable retirement funds.", "401 (k) Like the traditional 401(k), the Roth 401(k) allows participants to make contributions via salary deferrals. However, like a Roth IRA, contributions are made on an after-tax basis, and participants may take tax-free distributions at retirement, as long as certain holding requirements are met.", "How to Contribute to Both a Traditional and a Roth IRA Updated May 30, 2017. A Roth IRA and a traditional IRA are among the most valuable retirement saving opportunities after an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Both types of IRAs offer tax-deferred growth, but with otherwise different tax treatment of the contributions going in and the distributions that come out.", "5 differences between a Roth IRA and a Roth 401 (k) A Roth 401(k) and a Roth IRA sound similar -- and they are. Contributions are made after taxes and earnings can be taken out tax-free after either five years or at age 59½.But the 401(k) version of the Roth has a couple of key differences from its IRA cousin.he contribution limits are the same as the traditional 401(k) limits, so with the Roth 401(k) you can get much more money into the plan than into an IRA, says Dean Barber, founder and president of Barber Financial Group.", "- Charting the Differences: 401k vs. IRA vs. Roth IRA I have included the below chart to further summarize the differences between 401k, IRA, and Roth IRA retirement accounts. *Subject to limitations and IRS guidelines.", "Why You Should Open a Roth IRA Why You Should Open a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs have long-term perks that traditional 401(k)s and IRAs don’t. By Emily Brandon | Staff Writer Jan. 28, 2013, at 9:40 a.m. Traditional 401(k)s and IRAs give you a tax break while you're saving for retirement, but income tax is due on each withdrawal from the account. With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, but withdrawals from these accounts, including the earnings, are often tax-free. To decide which type of retirement account is best for you, you need to compare your current tax rate to what you think your tax rate will be in retirement.", "Retirement plans in the United States Currently two types of plan, the Roth IRA and the Roth 401(k), offer tax advantages that are essentially reversed from most retirement plans. Contributions to Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s must be made with money that has been taxed as income.", "Designated Roth Account Compared with Roth IRA Investments. You can set up a Roth IRA just about anywhere you want, and that means pretty much the entire world of investments is available to you. In a designated Roth account, just as in a traditional 401k or 403b account, you have to choose from among the investments your employer offers.esignated Roth accounts offer some significant advantages over the Roth IRA. Perhaps you’re already familiar with the Roth IRA and want to know how Roth accounts in employer plans, known as designated Roth accounts, stack up. Here’s a rundown of the major differences.", "Roth IRA Vs. 403B Roth IRA Vs. 403B. Roth IRAs and 403(b) plans are good ways to save for retirement. A Roth IRA and a 403(b) are two different types of retirement plans. Almost anyone can contribute to a Roth IRA. 403(b) plans are only available to employees of public schools and certain other tax exempt organizations.ree Money. Some employers match the 403(b) contributions made by their employees -- getting an employer match is like receiving a tax free bonus. You put in some money, and they match your contribution up to a certain percentage or dollar amount.", "Roth IRA Explained in Plain English for Millennials Why Roth IRAs Matter. Now that you can distinguish a Roth IRA from a traditional IRA or 401(k), here’s why the former deserves your attention. 1 Roth IRAs are flexible. 2 If you need cash in an emergency, you can take money out of a Roth IRA without taxes or penalties at any time.", "401k Vs. Profit Sharing A Roth 401k differs from both regular 401ks and profit sharing plans in that contributions to a Roth 401k are made in after-tax dollars, unlike the pre-tax contributions used to fund other plans. The other major difference between a Roth 401k and other programs is when a qualified distribution is made from the plan.", "Roth 401 (k) The Roth 401(k) combines some of the most advantageous aspects of both the 401(k) and the Roth IRA. Under the Roth 401(k), employees may contribute funds on a post-tax elective deferral basis, in addition to, or instead of, pre-tax elective deferrals under their traditional 401(k) plans.", "What Are The Differences Between an IRA and a 401k What Are The Differences Between an IRA and a 401k. The IRA and 401k are both types of programs established with the intent of allowing long term tax advantaged savings for your retirement years. They have similarities in how they are taxed, but differences in availability, provisions, and requirements.vailability of an IRA vs. 401k. The primary difference between and IRA and a 401k is the availability for you to use these types of plans. An IRA is available to all workers who have earned income and are under age 70 ½.", "What is the difference between After Tax 401k vs Roth 401k? Like others have mentioned, the effect of After tax 401k and Roth 401k is similar. That is true in theory but reality is usually different. Let us first talk about the difference between traditional 401k and Roth 401k - if you contribute to traditional 401k, you can deduct the contributions in the current year from your taxable income. If you made 100k and you contribute 18k to your traditional 401k, then your taxable income reduces to 82k.", "Should I Invest In 401k Or Roth IRA? Here is the graph of the 401(k) vs Roth IRA. As we expected the 401(k) portfolio grew much more than the Roth IRA because you start out with more money invested. The 401(k) portfolio grew to $815,558 at age 60 and the Roth IRA $611,668. We need to zoom into the withdrawal period to see the differences between the two.This graph shows the income after tax. The 401(k) plan has a bit of advantage here due to the lower tax rate after retirement.he 401(k) portfolio grew to $815,558 at age 60 and the Roth IRA $611,668. We need to zoom into the withdrawal period to see the differences between the two. This graph shows the income after tax. The 401(k) plan has a bit of advantage here due to the lower tax rate after retirement.", "- Conclusion. The Roth IRA does offer an advantage over a deductible IRA, if the total amount of your contributions (both to the IRA and to a non-sheltered account) is greater than the IRA contribution limit allows.onclusion. The Roth IRA does offer an advantage over a deductible IRA, if the total amount of your contributions (both to the IRA and to a non-sheltered account) is greater than the IRA contribution limit allows.", "Roth IRA vs 401k? You May Not Have to Choose With a Roth IRA, you are allowed to choose your management and thus also your investment options – you pick the investing house you want to use. Roth IRAs offer an advantage in that they allow you to choose your plan’s manager, though if your 401(k) offers good options, this may not be a big advantage.", "Roth IRA Vs. 403B Roth IRA Vs. 403B. Roth IRAs and 403(b) plans are good ways to save for retirement. A Roth IRA and a 403(b) are two different types of retirement plans. Almost anyone can contribute to a Roth IRA. 403(b) plans are only available to employees of public schools and certain other tax exempt organizations.ontribution Limits. For investors under the age of 50, the maximum contribution to a Roth IRA is $5,000 through 2010, increasing to $6,000 per year in 2011. 403(b) limits may be determined by your employer and are based on your base salary, but through 2011 they are up to a maximum of $16,500." ]
[ 11.0390625, 11.609375 ]
[ 11.875, 9.9765625, 11.0859375, 10.5859375, 10.546875, 11.46875, 10.3671875, 9.875, 11.2265625, 10.8828125, 10.4453125, 10.5078125, 11.4296875, 11.265625, 10.359375, 10.7109375, 11.296875, 10.6796875, 10.8671875, 9.6015625, 10.4609375, 11.0078125, 10.421875, 11.5390625, 9.8828125, 10.8671875, 10.9609375, 10, 12.140625, 10.8984375 ]
how many feet to use when to use your low beams when approaching a vehicle
[ "When To Use Your Headlights Do not blind other drivers with your high beam headlights. Dim your lights by switching to low beams before you are 500 feet from a vehicle coming toward you. If you are following another vehicle, change to low beams when you get closer than 300 feet. Use your high beams whenever possible as long as it is not illegal (i.e., in open country when other cars are not near or on dark city streets when no other traffic would be affected by your high beams)." ]
[ "How to Turn On Headlights Know when to use your headlights. You should use your headlights whenever visibility is low. If you are unable to see 500 to 1000 feet (150 to 305 meters) ahead of you, your headlights must go on. Always use your headlights at night.", "Driving Signals if you are driving a vehicle with a Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle sign and you are within 50 metres of the intersection, you may use either or both lanes if necessary to turn left or right if it is safe to do so (Example 13).", "- If a vehicle is approaching with high beams, a motorist should look to the right of the road until the vehicle passes. Never flash high beams at an approaching motorist.The dim beams are used for city driving and driving in trafficon roadways. Dim beams are focused down on the road.", "Cal-Driver-Ed.Com Share this set. 30 minutes, 30 minutes. You must use your headlights _________ after sunset and leave them on until __________ before sunrise. low, 500 feet, 300 feet. You must dim your lights to ______ beams within ______ of a car coming toward you or within ________ of a car you are following. low beam, windshield wipers. You must use your ___________headlights if weather conditions require the use of _____________________.", "- They are used to identify the location of taxiing aircraft during low visibility operations. Low visibility operations are those that occur when the runway visible range (RVR) is below 1200 feet(360m). They are positioned to the left of the taxiway centreline in the direction of taxiing.", "Maintain a Safe Following Distance (The 3 Second Rule) Maintain a Safe Following Distance (The 3 Second Rule) Good Weather - During daylight with good, dry roads and low traffic volume, you can ensure you're a safe distance from the car ahead of you by following the three-second rule. The distance changes at different speeds.", "When to Signal Whilst Driving How far in advance should you signal before making a turn When driving in residential areas you should signal around 30 meters (100 feet) in advance of making a right or left turn. This is assuming there are no other turns on the same side of the road before the turn you intend on taking, else you will need to signal after this turn.", "Highway Driving When passing a truck, don't move back into your lane until you can see both truck headlights in your rearview mirror. Be aware of a truck's blind spots: up to 20 feet in front of the tractor, anywhere along the sides of the trailer and up to 200 feet behind the trailer.", "\"\"\"Ask a Trooper\"\" tackles turn signal question\" I would advise good common sense to look at the total picture of, location, traffic volume, speeds and highway conditions. Minnesota law states: “A signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning.”.", "How to Drive Safely in Fog Use your low beams. The visibility in front of you will sharply decrease in a fog, so use the vehicle's low beam lights (if the vehicle does not have fog lights or driving lights). Heavy fog conditions prohibit use of high beam headlights. The light from high beam headlights will be reflected back by thick fog.", "You should never drive on the left half of the roadway when you are within how many feet from an intersection or bridge or railroad crossing? You should never drive on the left half of the roadway when you are within how many feet from an intersection bridge or railroad crossing? When within 100 feet (about five car lengths) of or crossing an intersection or railroad crossing. Within how many feet of an intersection are you not allowed to park?", "- (150 mm) object height for both stopping sight distance and decision sight distance, recognizing all of the aspects of safe highway design and visibility that are provided by this lower height of object of 0.5 ft. (150 mm).", "TrafficSchool.com Study Guide You must: (a) dim your high beams for oncoming vehicles by the time they are within _____ feet of your vehicle, and (b) dim your high beams when the vehicle you are following is within _____ feet. 300. $15,000 for a single death or injury. $30,000 for death or injury to more than one person.", "- 33 least 500 feet from the approaching vehicle.2. When you are following another vehicle at night, you must dimyour lights when you are as near as 200 feet to the vehicleahead.3. You should drive with your dim lights (low beam) when you aredriving on a well lighted street and on heavily traveled ones.4.", "Florida Drivers Handbook - Chapter 3 - Passing 1 You must return to the right side of the road before coming within 200 feet of any vehicle coming from the opposite direction. 2 Passing on the right is only legal when there are two or more lanes of traffic moving in the same direction or the vehicle you are passing is making a left turn.", "Headlight Use Headlights are required to be on 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise, when visibility is less than 500 feet, or any time the weather conditions require usage of the motor vehicle’s windshield wipers to operate the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner, including in fog.", "permit test High beam headlights can reveal objects up to a distance of at 450 feet and are most effective for speeds faster than 25 MPH. Don't use high-beam headlights within 500 feet of oncoming vehicles. If you are behind other vehicles, use low beams when you are within 300 feet of the vehicle ahead.", "\"\"\"Ask a Trooper\"\" tackles turn signal question\" This is what is listed and taught in the Minnesota Driver’s Manual: “When you wish to change lanes or make a turn, signal with an approved signal device to inform other motorists of your intention. Signals are to be activated at least 100 feet before you make the turn.", "Highway Driving When passing a truck, don't move back into your lane until you can see both truck headlights in your rearview mirror. Be aware of a truck's blind spots: up to 20 feet in front of the tractor, anywhere along the sides of the trailer and up to 200 feet behind the trailer. Never cross behind a truck that is backing up.", "- Hazard lights may be used when a motor vehicle is coming to a stop or standing on a highway or traveling at a speed less than 40 kph when it is necessary to do so for safe operation; and when the vehicle is again put in motion or resumes a speed up to 40 kph.", "Using Turn or Hand Signals You must give a proper turn signal at least 100 ft (200 ft in some states, e.g.,Indiana) before turning or changing lanes. Consult your state's Drivers handbook for details. If your vehicle's turn signals do not work, use hand signals as shown in the next slides.", "- All vehicles shall be equipped with a flashing vehicle light visible360-degrees around the vehicle when viewed from a distance of 60 feet.when there is an adequateapproach decision sight distance to the equipment along the majority of theroute3. The ROAD WORK AHEAD sign may be omitted.4.", "Table of Contents In the following situations, you should increase your following distance to at least four seconds, or for an extra margin of safety, five seconds. 1 You are being tailgated. Establishing a larger cushion gives you more time to react and brake, thus helping you to avoid a collision with the vehicle behind you.", "When following another vehicle how much driving time should you maintain between yourself and the vehicle you are following? During city driving use the one car length for every 10 miles or follow the 3 second rule. Watch the vehicle in front of you to pass some kind of landmark, a bridge, mile mar…ker or building. Then start counting..one one thousand, two one thousand, etc you should be able to get to 3 before you pass the same landmark.", "Safe following distances 1 When the rear of the vehicle ahead passes the object, count ‘1 thousand 1, 1 thousand 2’ (this takes about 2 seconds). If the front of your vehicle passes the object before you finish counting, you are too close, so drop back.", "Your low beam headlights illuminate the road in front of you for approximately __________ feet. Your low beam headlights illuminate the road in front of you for approximately 150 feet. Beam headlights also known as a headlamp is a lamp attached to the front of a vehicle to light the road ahead. It is properly refers to the beam of light produced and distributed. Comments.", "When to Signal Whilst Driving When driving in residential areas you should signal around 30 meters (100 feet) in advance of making a right or left turn. This is assuming there are no other turns on the same side of the road before the turn you intend on taking, else you will need to signal after this turn. For high speed roads this distance increases. 70 mph dual carriageways for instance, signalling should start from around 275 meters (900 feet) from your exit.", "How many miles do I have left after the low fuel light comes on? on the average 07 ford you will generally get somewhere between 40 and 55 miles after the low fuel light comes on the average for all newer than 03 vehicles is about 45 miles suvs and trucks are a little lower at about 35 to 45 averagef you can go 35 miles on a gallon of gas then you most likely have 35 miles left before you run out of gas the gas light usually comes on when you have a gallon of gas left leah050406 8 years ago", "When Should You Use High Beam Headlights? How Well Can You See Ahead? Many users are confused about when to use of low beam and high beam headlights. Think about this: low beams let you see about 200 feet ahead. It can take about 200 feet to stop when you drive at 30 mph. That is almost half a city block in length. If you cannot see 200 feet ahead, you may not be driving safely at 30 mph. By the time you see an object in your path, it may be too late to stop without hitting it. Headlights on “upper” or “high” beam let you see about 350-400 feet ahead. 400 feet is your approximately stopping distance when driving at 50-55 mph. That is about the length of a city block. In other words, high beams let you see twice as far as low beams.", "Using Turn or Hand Signals You must give a proper turn signal at least 100 ft (200 ft in some states, e.g.,Indiana) before turning or changing lanes. Consult your state's Drivers handbook for details. If your vehicle's turn signals do not work, use hand signals as shown in the next slides.sing Turn or Hand Signals. Before making any turn, whether onto another roadway, a parking lot, another traffic lane, or leaving a parked position, it is important that you signal." ]
[ 13.2421875 ]
[ 11.515625, 9.953125, 11.5, 11.46875, 9.8046875, 10.9453125, 9.140625, 10.90625, 9.9609375, 11.625, 10.5078125, 9.796875, 11.4921875, 12.578125, 11.3984375, 11.7890625, 13.25, 10.3515625, 10.71875, 10.4453125, 10.0546875, 10.4609375, 10.8828125, 9.6796875, 11.046875, 12.6953125, 9.1171875, 9.46875, 12.3125, 8.9921875 ]
what is in masala
[ "- masala. A word of Indian origin, meaning mixture of spices. For example, the term garam masala -- literally a hot mixture of spices -- is a combination of ground roasted cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cardamom, cloves, and other spices.The term masala is used in a slang fashion to connote an interesting mixture of things.asala. A word of Indian origin, meaning mixture of spices. For example, the term garam masala -- literally a hot mixture of spices -- is a combination of ground roasted cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cardamom, cloves, and other spices." ]
[ "Definitions &Translations Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: tikka masala (Adjective). of a style of Indian dish in which the main ingredient (such as chicken) is marinated, cooked in a tandoor and served in a masala sauce.Origin: From टिक्का मसाला, a yogurt-based marinade.iktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: tikka masala (Adjective). of a style of Indian dish in which the main ingredient (such as chicken) is marinated, cooked in a tandoor and served in a masala sauce.", "- Penn Masala, the world's first and premier Hindi a cappella group, was formed in 1996 by a group of students at the University of Pennsylvania. After breakthrough performances at Bhangra Blowout in 1998 and SASA 1999, the group took the nation by storm and went on to perform for sold-...", "What is Garam Masala? Garam masala is a dry spice mixture that is used throughout India and in parts of Asia.In India, masala refers to any type of spice, while garam implies heat or warmth, so this name means “hot spice.” The spice mixture is not hot in the way that chili heavy spice mixtures are, although it can be aromatic and pungent.n India, masala refers to any type of spice, while garam implies heat or warmth, so this name means “hot spice.” The spice mixture is not hot in the way that chili heavy spice mixtures are, although it can be aromatic and pungent.", "- Garam masala may contain almost any Indian spice; typically, it combines warm, earthy notes (cumin, coriander, occasionally fenugreek; all of these lightly toasted) with aromatic spices (Indian bay-leaves, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom) and a dash of black pepper, but chile is not used (unless in Maharashtra).", "tikka masala Other tikka masala dishes replace chicken with lamb, fish or paneer. an Indian dish with a cutlet (such as chicken) marinated in masala sauce and cooked in a tandoor Examples Chicken tikka masala is chicken marinated in yogurt and spices and then served in a tomato cream sauce.", "Staple Corner: How to Make Your Own Chat Masala Powder ( Chaat Masala ) Chat (or chaat) masala is a very popular spice blend in northern India where it is often tossed with fruit or chickpeas to make simple chat snacks sold by street vendors.", "Chaat Masala Zingy, tangy, slightly hot Chaat masala is the perfect seasoning! It gets its distinctive flavor from the black salt used to make it.", "Chicken tikka masala an Indian dish of marinated meat, as chicken, is cooked in a tandoor in a curry sauce. Examples. Other tikka masala dishes replace chicken with lamb, fish or paneer. an Indian dish with a cutlet (such as chicken) marinated in masala sauce and cooked in a tandoor. Examples. Chicken tikka masala is chicken marinated in yogurt and spices and then served in a tomato cream sauce.", "Substitute for Curry Powder (Garam Masala) Garam Masala is a North Indian version of allmix spices that serves as a compliment spice in almost every Indian Dish. On the otherside Curry Powder is a south Indian combination of all the spices and herbs which is used to make all types of South Indian Curries.", "Why Shouldnât You Ask an Indian for Curry? And a Recipe for Garam Masala The closest thing to the store bought “curry powder” that is commonly used in the Indian kitchen is the garam masala. There are many other spice mixtures available in Indian (and Indian stores) that can also be called curry powder, but if you have to guess what someone means by curry powder, garam masala is a safe bet.", "What is supari? Betel nut is also sold in ready-to-eat pouches called Pan Masala. It is a mixture of many spices whose primary base is betel nut crushed into very small pieces. Sometimes Pan Masala also includes a small quantity of tobacco, in this case, the product is called gutka.", "Sambar Masala Recipe Sambar Masala might have been a major south Indian spice but due to its aroma and taste it has become famous all over the world. The Sambhar prepared with these spices can be had with Dosa, Idli or Vada. How to make Sambar Masala. Put the Chana and Urad dal on the pan(Tawa) and fry till they turn light brown. Take out the fried dals on a plate. Put coriander, Jeera, Methi, Rie all of the spices in the pan and fry till these turn light brown then take them out.", "- For the 2013 film, see Garam Masala (2013 film) . A garam masala. Garam masala (from Hindi: गरम मसाला , garam (hot) and masala (a mixture of spices)) is a blend of ground spices common in North Indian and other South Asian cuisines.It is used alone or with other seasonings.or the 2013 film, see Garam Masala (2013 film) . A garam masala. Garam masala (from Hindi: गरम मसाला , garam (hot) and masala (a mixture of spices)) is a blend of ground spices common in North Indian and other South Asian cuisines.", "Chicken tikka masala Chicken tikka masala is a dish of roasted chunks of chicken tikka in a spicy sauce. The sauce is usually creamy, spiced and orange-coloured.e went on to explain that Chicken Tikka is an Indian dish. The Masala sauce was added to satisfy the desire of British people to have their meat served in gravy.. The claim that Chicken Tikka Masala is a British National dish , however met with both acclamation and skeptical opposition.", "- A massala or masala in English is basically a curry sauce. For example, a chicken tikka massala is chicken in a tikka sauce.In Indian however, Masala means gravy. To Indi … ans the masala is not a sauce, but a spicy gravy. A masala is a blend of spices, sometimes herbs, sometimes stock, sometimes water and anything else needed such as chillies.or example, a chicken tikka massala is chicken in a tikka sauce. In Indian however, Masala means gravy. To Indi … ans the masala is not a sauce, but a spicy gravy.", "Tandoori masala Tandoori masala is a mixture of spices specifically for use with a tandoor, or clay oven, in traditional north Indian and Pakistani cooking. The specific spices vary somewhat from one region to another, but typically include garam masala, garlic, ginger, onion, cayenne pepper, and may include other spices and additives.The spices are often ground together with a pestle and mortar. Tandoori masala is used extensively with dishes as tandoori chicken.In this dish, the chicken is covered with a mixture of plain yogurt and tandoori masala. The chicken is then roasted in the tandoor at very high heat. The chicken prepared in this fashion has a pink-colored exterior and a savory flavor.he specific spices vary somewhat from one region to another, but typically include garam masala, garlic, ginger, onion, cayenne pepper, and may include other spices and additives. The spices are often ground together with a pestle and mortar. Tandoori masala is used extensively with dishes as tandoori chicken.", "Basic Garam Masala (Indian Spice) Directions See How It's Made. 1 Break the cinnamon sticks into pieces. * 2 To make a mild and subtle Moghul Masala, use only green cardamoms, cinnamon, black peppercorns, mace and a few cloves. * 3 For a hot Gujerati Masala, add sesame seeds, fennel seeds, ajowan seeds and chiles.", "Chicken tikka masala A tomato and coriander sauce is common, but no recipe for chicken tikka masala is standard; a survey found that of 48 different recipes, the only common ingredient was chicken. The sauce usually includes tomatoes (frequently as purée), cream, coconut cream, and various spices.", "- 1 Rogan josh: In the case of this Kashmiri speciality, for example, coriander, ginger and chilis are each ground individually, and a garam masala of cloves, cardamom, fennel, red or black chilies, cumin, turmeric and nutmeg is prepared separately.t is used alone or with other seasonings. The word garam refers to heat in the Ayurvedic sense of the word, meaning to heat the body as these spices, in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, elevate body temperature.", "Curious About Curry: Whatâs the difference between Indian and Thai curries? Many of these same ingredients closely reflect garam masala, a spice mix used in north India. You can make your own garam masala by toasting whole spices like cardamom seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, black peppercorns, cloves, dried chilies, cinnamon and nutmeg, then grinding them into a powder.", "Easy Garam Masala made it | 96 reviews. Recipe by: KitchenBarbarian. This is a quick Garam Masala (Indian spice) mix. Garam Masala is better when made with whole spices that have been roasted and ground, but this is a quick and easy substitute that's pretty good..", "Easy Homemade Tandoori Masala Spice Mix Recipe February 21, 2016. Tandoori masala is one that I liberally incorporate in a number of my recipes. Mostly used as a rub on vegetables and tofu, this warm intensely aromatic spice often find its way into my burger patties, stews, gravies and even salad dressings — I have yet to share these recipes with you. Tandoori masala is one that I hold dear as it is one of my mum’s favourite spice.", "Aarti's Hot (not heavy!) Homemade Garam Masala Add the green cardamom seeds, cloves, black cardamom seeds and cinnamon sticks to a spice/ coffee grinder and grind until fine.Store in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. Most garam masalas contain cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and black peppercorns.Some folks add cumin and coriander, but I don't like the earthy flavour they add. And in fact, if you buy yours at the supermarket, it will not only contain cumin and coriander, it will also contain a bunch of other things.dd the green cardamom seeds, cloves, black cardamom seeds and cinnamon sticks to a spice/ coffee grinder and grind until fine.", "- Paneer Mushroom Masala. Paneer cheese and mushrooms are two of my very favorite ingredients, and I can think of few combinations that are as pleasing to me, especially simmered in a spicy tomato based creamy gravy.ender mushrooms and fried pieces of creamy paneer cheese simmered in a rich tomato curry sauce seasoned with smoky dry-roasted spices. Masala:", "Curry Curry (/ˈkʌri/ , plural curries) is a dish originating in the cuisine of the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia.o make a curry, spices like cumin, fenugreek, mustard, and curry leaves are added to the hot oil. Onion is chopped or slices and garlic crushed and added to the pot. Once the onion and garlic have turned slightly golden then turmeric and garam masala are added. For every 1 tsp turmeric normally 2 tsp masala is added.", "- Chat Masala. In India, chaat refers to both a spice blend and a salad that uses the spice blend. Badshah masala offers pre-mixed chaat masala (the spice blend) which is ready to use. Sprinkle a touch of Badshah chaat masala on salads, fruit, potatoes, or any vegetable, to perk up flavours instantly.Buy here.he Badshah Chatpat masala kanda lasun powder a spicy and tasty side serving that is generally to enhance the taste as wanted after preparation. It used as a compliment for snack items like vada pav, pakodas, samosas, etc.", "masala masala. 1 in Indian cuisine, any of various blends of ground spices. 2 a dish flavored with this: chicken masala.", "- Masala Zone Covent Garden is one of London’s leading Indian brasserie restaurants. We and our sister restaurants serve the varied delicious tastes of real Indian food (totally different from local curry houses) in contemporary yet exotic Indian popular art settings.", "- Almost a staple in South India, Sambar is eaten with plain boiled rice, Idlis, Vadas, Dosas...well almost everything. The main ingredient in Sambar is Sambar Masala. Here's how you can make some in your kitchen.ngredients. 1 1/2 cup coriander seeds. 2 1/4 cup cumin seeds. 3 1/4 cup chana daal (large split yellow lentils). 4 1/4 cup urad daal (black gram). 5 1/4 cup fenugreek seeds. 6 1/4 cup black peppercorns. 7 1/4 cup dry red chilli flakes. 8 1/4 cup grated dessicated coconut.", "- 1 Rogan josh: In the case of this Kashmiri speciality, for example, coriander, ginger and chilis are each ground individually, and a garam masala of cloves, cardamom, fennel, red or black chilies, cumin, turmeric and nutmeg is prepared separately.he word garam refers to heat in the Ayurvedic sense of the word, meaning to heat the body as these spices, in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, elevate body temperature." ]
[ 11.140625 ]
[ 8.8828125, 9.828125, 11.40625, 11.6640625, 10.578125, 11.2109375, 10.765625, 9.9453125, 10.734375, 10.921875, 10.6640625, 9.0859375, 11.0703125, 10.2578125, 10.796875, 9.859375, 11.140625, 11.2265625, 9.609375, 10.8984375, 10.71875, 10.2890625, 9.21875, 9.015625, 8.3046875, 8.7421875, 12.734375, 9.9921875, 8.984375, 9.4765625 ]
what are four functions of tears
[ "Tears In the animal world, it has been found that some blind mole rats rub tears all over their bodies as a strategy to keep aggressive mole rats away. Tear composition varies from tear types. Mainly, tears are composed of water, salts, antibodies and lysozymes (antibacterial enzymes)." ]
[ "Blocked tear duct Tear glands and tear ducts. Tear glands and tear ducts The tear glands (lacrimal glands), located above each eyeball, continuously supply tear fluid that's wiped across the surface of your eye each time you blink your eyelids. Excess fluid drains through the tear ducts into the nose.", "Orbicularis oculi The orbicularis oculi muscle lies directly underneath the surface the skin, around the eyes. Its function is to close the eyelid, and to help in the passing and draining of tears through the punctum, canaliculi, and lacrimal sac, all parts of the tear drainage system.The orbicularis oculi muscle is composed of three parts: the orbital portion, the palpebral portion, and the lacrimal portion.The orbital portion closes the eyelids firmly and is controlled by voluntary action. The palpebral portion closes the eyelids gently in involuntary or reflex blinking.he orbicularis oculi muscle lies directly underneath the surface the skin, around the eyes. Its function is to close the eyelid, and to help in the passing and draining of tears through the punctum, canaliculi, and lacrimal sac, all parts of the tear drainage system.", "Tears Lacrimation, or lachrymation, (from Latin lacrima, meaning tear) is the secretion of tears, which often serves to clean and lubricate the eyes in response to an irritation of the eyes.he lacrimal glands secrete lacrimal fluid, which flows through the main excretory ducts into the space between the eyeball and lids. When the eyes blink, the lacrimal fluid is spread across the surface of the eye.", "Name five accessory eye structures that contribute to the formation of tears? Split and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. 1. Lacrimal apparatus: consists of the lacrimal gland, lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct, with the lysozyme being antibacterial; the lacrimal caruncle produces a whitish oily secretion.", "- Tears are your eyes’ way of protecting themselves and expelling debris or clearing infections. Tears are a combination of water, oil, and mucus. Healthy eyes glisten due to the presence of a balanced tear film. Excess water production in tears can be protective to the eye.Watery eye is usually caused by irritation or infection of the eye, injury to the eye from trauma, or a common cold.Other symptoms of eye irritation, including itching, redness, a gritty feeling, and swelling of the eyelids, often accompany watery eyes.atery eye is usually caused by irritation or infection of the eye, injury to the eye from trauma, or a common cold. Other symptoms of eye irritation, including itching, redness, a gritty feeling, and swelling of the eyelids, often accompany watery eyes.", "Why do we cry? The science of tears Crying can be scientifically defined as the shedding of your tears in response to an emotional state; very different from ‘lacrimation’, which is the non-emotional shedding of tears. With that said, your plumbing apparatus that makes your tears is all the same. So before I dazzle you with the fact that we have more than one type of tear, let us explore the science of tear production and how it links to the emotional centre of your brain.", "tear Definition of TEAR. 1. a: a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion b plural: a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face.2. : a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter (as resin).3.efinition of TEAR. 1. a: a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion b plural: a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face. 2.", "Follow BBC Future It all begins with tears – or more precisely the tear film that coats our eyes. Mammalian eyes of the terrestrial variety, whether they're found on the faces of humans, dogs, hedgehogs, or elephants, are coated in a three-layered tear film that allows the eyes to function properly.", "Tears Tearing, lacrimation, or lachrymation is the secretion of tears, which often serves to clean and lubricate the eyes in response to an irritation of the eyes. Tears formed through crying are associated with strong internal emotions, such as sorrow, elation, love, awe and pleasure. Laughing or yawning may also lead to the production of tears.", "13 Things You Probably Donât Know About Tears The third type of tears are the ones we're probably most familiar with, those spilled after a fight with a partner or a powerful movie: emotional tears. One 1980s study found that emotional tears may contain more protein than other types of tears, but the science is far from conclusive at this point.", "Tearing and Your Baby Tears normally drain from the eyes through tiny tube-like channels called canaliculi, which are located under the skin at the inner corner of the upper and lower eyelids. These channels carry the tears into the tear sac, near the side of the nose, and then into the tear duct, which empties into the nose.(That's one reason your nose runs when you cry.). In most newborns, the place where the tear duct enters the nose is covered by a thin membrane that blocks the opening.hese channels carry the tears into the tear sac, near the side of the nose, and then into the tear duct, which empties into the nose. (That's one reason your nose runs when you cry.). In most newborns, the place where the tear duct enters the nose is covered by a thin membrane that blocks the opening.", "- The functional purpose of the lacrimal excretory system is to drain tears from the eye into the nasal cavity. Stagnation of tears in a pathologically closed lacrimal drainage system can result in dacryocystitis. Acquired dacryocystitis can be acute or chronic.", "Tears Lacrimation, or lachrymation, (from Latin lacrima, meaning tear) is the secretion of tears, which often serves to clean and lubricate the eyes in response to an irritation of the eyes.hey lubricate the eye, and help to keep it clear of dust. Tear fluid contains water, mucin, lipids, lysozyme, lactoferrin, lipocalin, lacritin, immunoglobulins, glucose, urea, sodium, and potassium.", "How Crying Works A salty fluid chock full of protein, water, mucus and oil is released from the lacrimal gland in the upper, outer region of your eye. This fluid, better known as tears, then flows down the surface of your eye, across your face and smears your mascara. Of course, not all tears are of the emotional variety.", "- It contains water and proteins and is secreted by small glands in the conjunctiva and the larger lacrimal gland. The aqueous layer makes up the majority of the tear volume and is responsible for tear spreading. Mucous Layer: The mucous layer works as an anchor to hold the tear film to the eye.", "- Above the outer corner of each eye are the lacrimal (say: LAK-ruh-mul) glands, which make tears. Every time you blink your eye, a tiny bit of tear fluid comes out of your upper eyelid. It helps wash away germs, dust, or other particles that don't belong in your eye. Tears also keep your eye from drying out.", "What is the function of mucus? When is mucus membrane is attacked it leads to inflammation of stomach called Gastritis or Ulcer. The mucus membrane which are present in the eyes are Conjunctiva membrane which covers the white part of the eye. This membrane helps in the lubrication of eyes, prevents dryness in the eyes and helps in the tear formation.", "TEAR (tore, torn) • TEAR (noun). The noun TEAR has 4 senses: 1. a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands. 2. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart. 3. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking. 4. the act of tearing. Familiarity information: TEAR used as a noun is uncommon. TEAR (verb). The verb TEAR has 5 senses: 1. separate or cause to separate abruptly. 2. to separate or be separated by force. 3. move quickly and violently. 4. strip of feathers. 5. fill with tears or shed tears. Familiarity information: TEAR used as a verb is common.", "Eye Discharge (Sleep In Your Eyes) Eye discharge is a function of your tear film and a necessary component of good eye health. Eye rheum primarily consists of thin, watery mucus produced by the conjunctiva (called mucin), and meibum an oily substance secreted by the meibomian glands which helps keep your eyes lubricated between blinks.", "Crying Crying is the shedding of tears in response to an emotional state. The act of crying has been defined as a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures. A related medical term is lacrimation, which also refers to non-emotional shedding of tears.", "- Watery Eyes. Tears keep your eyes lubricated and help to wash foreign objects and dust away. When you produce too many tears, they overwhelm your tear ducts, and you develop watery eyes. Glands under the skin of your upper eyelids produce a liquid containing water and salt. When you blink, it spreads and keeps your eyes moist. Other glands produce oils that keep tears from evaporating too fast or from spilling out.", "- Tears are a combination of water, oil, and mucus. Healthy eyes glisten due to the presence of a balanced tear film. Excess water production in tears can be protective to the eye. Watery eye is usually caused by irritation or infection of the eye, injury to the eye from trauma, or a common cold. Other symptoms of eye irritation, including itching, redness, a gritty feeling, and swelling of the eyelids, often accompany watery eyes.", "- Transport of IgA. Another major function of the lacrimal gland acinar cells is to move dimeric IgA from the interstitial fluid into the tear ducts and thus onto the ocular surface. IgA is produced by plasma cells resident in the lacrimal gland.he nature of tear fluid. The fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands is a complex solution of ions and proteins produced by two resident secretory cell populations: the plasma cells of the immune system and the acinar and duct cells of the secretory epithelium of the gland.", "Why Does My Eye Water or Tear All The Time? I will usually ask how symptomatic patients are from the tearing. This will dictate what course of treatment is considered. The tear film is a very complex surface consisting of a mucin (mucus) layer, an oil layer and an aqueous (water) layer. All three of these layers must be healthy for the eye to function properly. Evaluation of the tear film must always be considered in looking for a cause of tearing.", "What is the purpose of tears? exists and is an alternate of . Tears lubricate the eyes and protect them from dirt and infection. During normal flow, tears wash over the eye and drain through ducts into the nasal cavity. During heavy flow, the extra tears spill over the eyelids to wash away particles too large for the ducts. As far as humans are aware there is no purpose why we cry when we are upset - it may be more of emotional reason (physical release for our pain) but our tear ducts are to wash away foreign objects in our eyes.", "- Artificial tears. Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops used to treat the dryness and irritation associated with deficient tear production in keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes).[1] They are also used to moisten contact lenses and in eye examinations.", "- The principle constituents of the tear film are mucins, water and lipids. Mucins are long, sticky molecules that readily attract water, and lipids are fats that depending on their melting point and temperature are oily or congeal like solid butter.", "Tears 1 Tears have three main components: The lachrymal gland produces a watery component. … 2 glands in our eyelids produce an oily component, while other cells produce a mucus. 3 These mix together to create a film which covers the white of the eye and the cornea. When we blink, the film is wiped across the eye by the eyelids.", "Lacrimal Apparatus The function of the lacrimal apparatus is to produce tears, channel them to the surface of the eye, where they maintain moisture and flush debris and waste material from the ocular surface. The control of tears is under a multitude of inputs and sensory responses.", "- Understanding the Tear Film. The tear layer is eye’s first defense to the harsh, external environment. It is composed of three layers: a lipid layer, an aqueous layer and a mucous layer. Each of those layers have to be balanced properly to provide sufficient comfort and vision quality." ]
[ 9.921875 ]
[ 9.3984375, 8.0546875, 9.5390625, 8.53125, 8.4296875, 9.546875, 8.984375, 10.296875, 10.875, 9.84375, 8.3203125, 9.5703125, 10.078125, 10.3671875, 9.765625, 10.78125, 9.1015625, 8.78125, 9.7578125, 9.875, 9.9375, 9.328125, 8.8359375, 9.2265625, 10.875, 10.1015625, 9.8515625, 10.578125, 10.6953125, 9.8125 ]
kg to lbs and cm to inches
[ "- As for Americans centimeters and kilograms don't make any sense, the same for Russians inches and pounds. If you write a letter to a Russian, don't forget to change your measurements from imperial to the metrical system. 1 foot ~ 30.5 cm 1 inch ~ 2.5 cm 1 kg ~ 2.2 lbs Below are tables of measurements (approximate).f you write a letter to a Russian, don't forget to change your measurements from imperial to the metrical system. 1 foot ~ 30.5 cm 1 inch ~ 2.5 cm 1 kg ~ 2.2 lbs Below are tables of measurements (approximate)." ]
[ "- Inches to Centimeters | inches to cm. Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result. Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result. Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result. Inches.", "- The conversion factor from inches to centimeters is 2.54. To find out how many centimeters in inches, multiply by the conversion factor or use the converter below. Inch is a unit of length in imperial and U.S. customary systems. It's been used since 7th century and means one twelfth of something in latin, in this case it's the 1/12 of another length unit, foot.", "- Ad. 2. Know the first formula for converting centimeters to inches. The formula is: [number of centimeters] X 0.39 = [number of inches]. This equation means that, using a calculator, you take the number of centimeters you want to convert, multiply them by 0.39 and you will have the number of inches.1 For example, if you want to convert 10 centimeters to inches, the equation would be written like this: 10 cm X 0.39 = 3.9 inches.d. 2. Know the first formula for converting centimeters to inches. The formula is: [number of centimeters] X 0.39 = [number of inches]. This equation means that, using a calculator, you take the number of centimeters you want to convert, multiply them by 0.39 and you will have the number of inches.", "How to Convert Centimeters to Inches Know the first formula for converting centimeters to inches. The formula is: [number of centimeters] X 0.39 = [number of inches]. This equation means that, using a calculator, you take the number of centimeters you want to convert, multiply them by 0.39 and you will have the number of inches. 1 For example, if you want to convert 10 centimeters to inches, the equation would be written like this: 10 cm X 0.39 = 3.9 inches.", "- Meters to Feet; Feet to Meters; inches to cm; cm to inches; mm to inches; inches to mm; Inches to Feet; Feet to Inches", "Convert 180 lbs to kg - Conversion of Measurement Units You can view more details on each measurement unit: lbs or kg. The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 lbs is equal to 0.45359237 kilogram. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between pounds and kilograms.", "Kilograms to pounds and ounces conversion Converting kilograms to pounds. There are 2.2046226218 pounds in 1 kilogram. So, if you want to do the calculation in your head, multiply your kilogram figure by 2.2 to get an approximate figure for pounds. Should you wish to convert from pounds to kilos, divide the figure by 2.2 for an approximation. Converting kilograms to ounces", "- Now let's practice a few unit conversion problems using conversion factors. Practice Problem #1. Convert 45.0 inches to centimeters, given that 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters. To solve this problem, we start with 45.0 inches and multiply it by our conversion factor.", "- Kilograms to pounds (kg to lbs) weight units conversion factor is 2.20462262 (for troy measurement, it is 2.67922888). To find out how many pounds in a kilogram, multiply by 2.20462262 or use the converter. 1 Kilogram = 2.20462262 Pounds. There are 2.20462262 pounds in a kilogram, because by definition kilogram is the base unit of mass in SI (International System of Units) and is defined as being equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram (kg).", "- For other weight units conversion, please go to Weight Conversion. From kilograms to pounds weight units conversion factor is 2.20462262 (for troy measurement, it is 2.67922888). To find out how many pounds in kilograms, multiply by the conversion factor or use the converter below. 1 Kilogram = 2.20462262 Pounds.", "1 kilometer=? inches... PLZ TELL... VERY URGENT.? 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 cm = 1/2.54 in 1 km = 1000meters = 1000(100) cm = 100000(1/2.54) in = 39370 inches. For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/ax1lo Other than having a couple of your ribs removed, I'm afraid, that's an impossible dream.", "- Kilometer to Inches Conversion Example. Task: Convert 7 kilometers to inches (show work) Formula: km ÷ 0.0000254 = in Calculations: 7 km ÷ 0.0000254 = 275,590.5511811 in Result: 7 km is equal to 275,590.5511811 inches.", "How to Convert Centimeters to Inches Know the first formula for converting centimeters to inches. The formula is: [number of centimeters] X 0.39 = [number of inches]. This equation means that, using a calculator, you take the number of centimeters you want to convert, multiply them by 0.39 and you will have the number of inches. For example, if you want to convert 10 centimeters to inches, the equation would be written like this: 10 cm X 0.39 = 3.9 inches.", "- Metric Conversion – To obtain information in kilograms, multiply pounds by .45; to. obtain information in centimeters, multiply inches by 2.54; to obtain information in liters, multiply gallons by 3.8; to obtain information in kilometers, multiply miles by 1.6.", "- Convert cm to inches. * If the result of your conversion is 0, try increasing the Decimals. How to convert inches to cm : Use the conversion calculator titled Convert inches to cm. Enter a value in the inches field and click on the Calculate cm button. Your answer will appear in the cm field. How to convert cm to inches : Use the conversion calculator titled Convert cm to inches.", "weight and mass conversion Amount: 1 kilogram (kg) in mass. Equals: 2.20 pounds (lb - lbs) weight and mass from kilogram to pound Conversion Results: Enter a New kilogram Amount of weight and mass to Convert From. * Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (1 - 9)", "- T T? 1 pound force inch = 11.5212462 kilogram force millimeters 1 lbf-in = 11.5212462 kgf-mm; T T? 1 pound force inch = 1.15212462 kilogram force centimeter 1 lbf-in = 1.15212462 kgf-cm; T T? 1 pound force inch = 0.115212462 kilogram force decimeter 1 lbf-in = 0.115212462 kgf-dm; T T? 1 pound force inch = 0.01152124616 kilogram force meter", "- How to convert inches to centimeters. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters: 1″ = 2.54cm. The distance d in centimeters (cm) is equal to the distance d in inches (″) times 2.54: d(cm) = d(inch) × 2.54. Convert 20 inches to centimeters: d(cm) = 20″ × 2.54 = 50.8cm. cm to inches ►. cm to inches conversion.", "Kilometers to Inches Conversion How many inches in a kilometer ? Kilometers to inches conversion table shows the most common values for the quick reference. Alternatively, you may use the converter to convert any other values. 1 Kilometer = 39 370.0787 Inches. Kilometer is a metric unit and equals to 1000 meters. It is spelled as kilometre in Europe. It is a commonly used unit of length in most of the countries to measure the distance between two geographical locations. The abbreviation is km.", "- Ad. 2. Multiply your length value by 2. 54. One inch is equal to roughly 2.54 centimeters, so converting inches to centimeters means multiplying a value in inches by 2.54.d. 2. Multiply your length value by 2. 54. One inch is equal to roughly 2.54 centimeters, so converting inches to centimeters means multiplying a value in inches by 2.54.", "- If you need a general number, rather than an exact number, you can divide the number of pounds by 2.2. Multiply the number of inches by 2.54 to convert it to centimeters. For example, if an object is 12 inches long, multiply it by 2.54 to get 30.48 centimeters.Reverse the process to convert kilograms to pounds or centimeters to inches.If you want to convert kilograms to inches, multiply the number of kilograms by 2.20462262 to convert it to pounds.Divide the number of centimeters by 2.54 to get the number of inches.f you need a general number, rather than an exact number, you can divide the number of pounds by 2.2. Multiply the number of inches by 2.54 to convert it to centimeters. For example, if an object is 12 inches long, multiply it by 2.54 to get 30.48 centimeters.", "What Is 6 Centimeters in Inches? Quick Answer. Six centimeters is approximately 2.36 inches. There are 2.54 centimeters in 1 inch, so the conversion from centimeters to inches is done by dividing the number of centimeters by 2.54 to get the number of inches. Conversely, the conversion from inches to centimeters is performed by multiplying by 2.54.", "Convert 120 cm to inch - Conversion of Measurement Units You can view more details on each measurement unit: cm or inches. The SI base unit for length is the metre. 1 metre is equal to 100 cm, or 39.3700787402 inches. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between centimetres and inches.", "- This below dynamic chart generator provides user various options to customize and generate the inches to centimeters conversion chart for length measurement in different ways by supplying the Start, Increase by and Round To values. Start Value Increase by Round to. 1 newton to kg force. newton to lb force.", "Pounds to Kilograms Conversion The abbreviations are lb, lbs. Kilogram is the base unit of mass (weight) in metric system and equals to the mass of one liter of water. 1 kilo equals to 2.20462262 pounds. The abbreviation is kg.", "- Pounds to Kg ►. 1 kilogram (kg) is equal to 2.20462262185 pounds (lbs). 1 kg = 2.20462262185 lb. The mass m in pounds (lb) is equal to the mass m in kilograms (kg) divided by 0.45359237: m(lb) = m(kg) / 0.45359237. Convert 5kg to pounds:", "How to Convert Inches to Centimeters Instructions. Establish the number of inches that you are going to convert to centimeters. Multiply the amount of inches times 2.54. For example, if you want to convert 7 inches to centimeters, so you multiply 7 by 2.54 to get 17.78. That means that 7 inches is equal to 17.78 cm.Check your work by dividing the result by 2.54.If you arrive at your original number of inches, then you have properly done your work.nstructions. Establish the number of inches that you are going to convert to centimeters. Multiply the amount of inches times 2.54. For example, if you want to convert 7 inches to centimeters, so you multiply 7 by 2.54 to get 17.78. That means that 7 inches is equal to 17.78 cm.", "Size Converter converts cm to inches, inches to cm etc. Home. Keywords: Size converter-inches to cm, cm to inches, feet to metres, metric-imperial-centimetre cm-inches-inch-millimetres size converter, standard and non standard sizes for picture frames and photo frames.", "- Adding and subtracting inches and inch fractions is easy, simply enter your feet, inches, or metric calculations below, for example enter 6' 8 5/16 - 3ft + 8inch * 2 - 12cm. The calculator will convert fractions, calculate inches to cm, and will convert imperial to metric measurements automatically.", "Convert inches to km - Conversion of Measurement Units We assume you are converting between inch and kilometre. You can view more details on each measurement unit: inches or km. The SI base unit for length is the metre. 1 metre is equal to 39.3700787402 inches, or 0.001 km. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between inches and kilometres." ]
[ 11.90625 ]
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meaning of the name kaela
[ "- Meaning of Kaela. Israeli name. In Israeli, the name Kaela means-beloved sweetheart.The name Kaela originated as an Israeli name. The name Kaela is most often used as a girl name or female name.Israeli Name Meaning-beloved sweetheart.n Israeli, the name Kaela means-beloved sweetheart.The name Kaela originated as an Israeli name. The name Kaela is most often used as a girl name or female name. Israeli Name Meaning-beloved sweetheart.", "- Meaning: The Hebrew name Kaela means-beloved, sweetheart. A short form of Kalila, Kelila.Rating:eaning: The Arabic name Kaela means-beloved, sweetheart. A short form of Kalila, Kelila. Rating:", "- Meaning: The Arabic name Kaela means-beloved, sweetheart. A short form of Kalila, Kelila. Rating:eaning: The Arabic name Kaela means-beloved, sweetheart. A short form of Kalila, Kelila. Rating:" ]
[ "What does Camellia mean? Camellia. Camellia /ca-mel-lia/ [4 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced ka-MEEL-yah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Camellia is helper to the priest.The meaning of this old Roman surname, which probably originated in pre-Roman Italy, is not certain.The Camellia flower is named for the botanist and missionary Georg Josef Kamel, and is often associated with the name Camille, though they are from different roots.Alexandre Dumas' famous 19th-century play La Dame aux Cam lias was known in America as Camille. See also Kamelia.he Camellia flower is named for the botanist and missionary Georg Josef Kamel, and is often associated with the name Camille, though they are from different roots. Alexandre Dumas' famous 19th-century play La Dame aux Cam lias was known in America as Camille. See also Kamelia.", "All about the name Nala The meaning of the name Nala is Successful. The origin of the name Nala is African. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Young lion character in the Disney movie Lion King. People who like the name Nala also like: Aurora, Nadia, Isabella, Aria, Luna, Chloe, Sophia.", "Mikayla Meaning The name Mikayla is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Mikayla is who is like G-d. Mikayla is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 7 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Mi-kay-la.", "Find the perfect name with our expert baby name toolsâFree! Meanings and history of the name Zella: | Edit. Diminutive of the name Zala (archaic versions of Slavic languages) means beautiful girl. African-Bobangi roots, its meaning is lacking nothing, one who knows the path..", "Kristin In English the meaning of the name Kristin is: Christina, and Christiana. Follower of Christ. American Meaning: The name Kristin is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kristin is: Christina, and Christiana.Follower of Christ. Greek Meaning: The name Kristin is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Kristin is: The anointed.SoulUrge Number: 9. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.he name Kristin is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Kristin is: The anointed. SoulUrge Number: 9. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to serve humanity and to give to others by sharing money, knowledge and experience, or creative and artistic ability.", "Kalea - Meaning of Kalea It is pronounced as Kaa-L EH-aa- †. Kalea is largely used in the Hawaiian language and it is also derived from Hawaiian origins. The name's meaning is happiness. Kalea is a variant of the name Kali (Hawaiian). Kaleah, Kalei, Kaleigh, and Kaley are variants of Kalea. Kalea is rarely used as a baby name for boys.It is not listed in the top 1000 names.alea is a variant of the name Kali (Hawaiian). Kaleah, Kalei, Kaleigh, and Kaley are variants of Kalea. Kalea is rarely used as a baby name for boys. It is not listed in the top 1000 names.", "- Jamila [jami-la] as a girls' name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Jamila is lovely. Popular among Muslims. Associated with: arabic, lovely (beautiful). Jamila has 7 variants: Jameela, Jameila, Jamelia, Jamilah, Jamilla, Jamille and Jamillia. Related girl name: Jameelah.", "Kamila Arabic Meaning: The name Kamila is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Kamila is: Perfect. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 2. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.rabic Meaning: The name Kamila is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Kamila is: Perfect. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 2. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.", "- Meaning of Kyla. Hebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Kyla means-Victorious.. Other origins for the name Kyla include-Hebrew, Irish, Gaelic.The name Kyla is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Victorious.", "Kahlil Kahlil Name Meaning. The meaning of Kahlil is “Honorable comrade”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Kahlil and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Kahlil and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds.", "- Meaning of Kallan. Scandinavian name. In Scandinavian, the name Kallan means-flowing water. Other origins for the name Kallan include-Scandinavian, Gaelic.The name Kallan is most often used as a girl name or female name.Scandinavian Name Meaning-flowing water.Origin-Scandinavia.ther origins for the name Kallan include-Scandinavian, Gaelic.The name Kallan is most often used as a girl name or female name.", "- An Italian form of the Hebrew name Gabriel. Swedish Meaning: The name Gabriella is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Gabriella is: Strength from God.", "Caelan Gaelic Meaning: The name Caelan is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Caelan is: Contemporary'Child. Irish Meaning: The name Caelan is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Caelan is: Powerful warrior.SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 9. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.n Gaelic the meaning of the name Caelan is: Contemporary'Child. Irish Meaning: The name Caelan is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Caelan is: Powerful warrior.", "Kalena - Meaning of Kalena [ 3 syll. ka-le-na, kal-ena ] The baby girl name Kalena is pronounced as Kaa-L EH-Naa- †. Kalena is used mostly in the English and Hawaiian languages. It is of Old Greek origin.a-le-na, kal-ena ] The baby girl name Kalena is pronounced as Kaa-L EH-Naa- †. Kalena is used mostly in the English and Hawaiian languages. It is of Old Greek origin.", "- Baby names meanings search results: The name Nala is a baby girl name. The name Nala comes from the Swahili origin. In Swahili the meaning of the name Nala is: Gift.", "Perla Meaning The name Perla is of Latin, Italian and Spanish origin. The meaning of Perla is pearl. Perla is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Per-la.", "- And get more name ideas later on. Baby names Baby Name Meanings African Baby Names Swahili Baby Names 0 Status: Communication Error. The name Nala is a baby girl name. The name Nala comes from the Swahili origin. In Swahili the meaning of the name Nala is: Gift.", "Akela The meaning of Akela has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Akela are: 1 Hebrew meaning: Happy.2 Hawaiian meaning: Happy.eep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Akela and its name origin or of any other name in our database.", "Kalena Polish Meaning: The name Kalena is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Kalena is: A flower name. American Meaning: The name Kalena is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kalena is: A flower name.Czechoslovakian Meaning: The name Kalena is a Czechoslovakian baby name. In Czechoslovakian the meaning of the name Kalena is: A flower name and place name.Hawaiian Meaning: The name Kalena is a Hawaiian baby name. In Hawaiian the meaning of the name Kalena is: The Hawaiian equivalent of Karen.olish Meaning: The name Kalena is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Kalena is: A flower name. American Meaning: The name Kalena is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kalena is: A flower name.", "- Pronunciation: (KY lee). Form of: Kylie. The meaning of the name “Kylee” is: “Boomerang, from Kyla-crown”. .adslot_1 { width: 336px; height: 280px; } @media (max-width:350px) { .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } }.", "What does Makayla mean? What does Makayla mean? M akayla as a girls' name is a Hebrew name, and the meaning of the name Makayla is who is like God?. Makayla is an alternate spelling of Michaela (Hebrew): Latin feminine variant of Michael. STARTS/ENDS WITH Ma-, -la. Variations", "- More info about the name Akela. Akela is a Hawaiian form of the feminine name Adela or the masculine name Asher. Adela originates in Germanic languages and means graceful and noble.Saint Adela founded the monastery in Pfazel, France. She was a celebrated 7th century Frankish princess.She died on December 24, and until today that is her feast day.kela is a Hawaiian form of the feminine name Adela or the masculine name Asher. Adela originates in Germanic languages and means graceful and noble. Saint Adela founded the monastery in Pfazel, France. She was a celebrated 7th century Frankish princess. She died on December 24, and until today that is her feast day.", "- The name Kyla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kyla is: Victorious. Gaelic Meaning: The name Kyla is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Kyla is: Feminine of Kyle.", "- Kala Name Meaning. The meaning of Kala has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Kala are: Sanskrit meaning: The fine arts. Hawaiian meaning: Lady; princess; the sun.", "- Keala /kea-la/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced KEA-la, kay-AH-lah. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Keala is the pathway.eala is alike in pronunciation to Cala, Kaala, Kaela ▼ , Kahla, Kaila ▼ , Kala ▼ , Kalae, Kalah, Kalea, Kali ▲ , Kalia, Kalla, Kaly, Kayla ▲ , Kealey, Kealy, Keela, Keeli, Keelia, Keely ▼ , Keila, Keilah, Keili, Kelli ▼ , Kelly ▲ , Keyla and Kyla ▲ .", "Kyla Hebrew Meaning: The name Kyla is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Kyla is: Victorious. American Meaning: The name Kyla is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Kyla is: Victorious.", "Keala Hawaiian Meaning: The name Keala is a Hawaiian baby name. In Hawaiian the meaning of the name Keala is: The pathway. SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.People with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves.xpression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.", "Louella English Meaning: The name Louella is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Louella is: Famous elf. Also a compound of the names Lou and Ella. American Meaning:The name Louella is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Louella is: Famous elf.Also a compound of the names Lou and Ella.merican Meaning: The name Louella is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Louella is: Famous elf. Also a compound of the names Lou and Ella.", "- Other origins for the name Mika include-English, Finnish, Native American, Hebrew, Japanese.The name Mika is most often used as a girl name or female name. English Name Meaning-Abbreviation of Michaela;Micaela; Mikaela; Mikayla; Mychaela; Mikella. Feminine of Michael. meaning gift from God.", "- In African-American, the name Nala means-Tanzanian origin, meaning queen.. Other origins for the name Nala include-African-American, African.The name Nala is most often used as a girl name or female name. African-American Name Meaning-Tanzanian origin, meaning queen." ]
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how often can you take indocin
[ "Dosing With Indomethacin For the treatment of arthritis symptoms, indomethacin dosages generally start at 25 mg two to three times daily. For relieving symptoms of gout, the recommended dosage is usually 50 mg three times a day until the pain is tolerable. For people with acute shoulder pain, the recommended starting dose is often 25 mg three or four times daily." ]
[ "- I have been taking Indomethacin 150mg twice a day (300mg total per day) for 9 months now - anything less didnt' work - for my psoriatic arthritis and 5 days ago I started seeing milky white ghost vision in one eye - my good eye - that I don't even wear a contact lense in ( I do in my left ).", "Topamax Should you eat five times, three times, or just once a day?", "Erythromycin-Sulfisoxazole How to use erythromycin-sulfisoxazole. Give this medication by mouth with or without food as directed by the doctor, usually 3 or 4 times a day. If nausea occurs, giving this medication with food or milk may reduce this side effect.", "- The recommended dosage rate is 20mg/kg bodyweight (1ml per 10kg bodyweight) by deep intramuscular injection. The product is recommended for a single administration only. Milk for human consumption: Milk taken from cows should not be used for human consumption during treatment or for 10 days after treatment.Sheep’s milk may not be used for human consumption during treatment or for 7 days after treatment.lood levels persist for at least 4 days. After administration by the intramuscular route maximum blood levels are achieved after 4 to 8 hours making Alamycin LA suitable for the treatment of acute infections.", "- • Take SUTENT 1 time each day with or without food. • If you take SUTENT for GIST or RCC, you will usually take your medicine for 4 weeks (28 days) and then stop for 2 weeks (14 days).This is 1 cycle of treatment.You will repeat this cycle for as long as your healthcare provider tells you to. Take SUTENT 1 time each day with or without food. • If you take SUTENT for GIST or RCC, you will usually take your medicine for 4 weeks (28 days) and then stop for 2 weeks (14 days).", "Rifaximin When rifaximin is used to prevent episodes of hepatic encephalopathy, it is usually taken twice a day. When rifaximin is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, it is usually taken three times a day for 14 days. To help you remember to take rifaximin, take it around the same times every day.", "Learning More About Bactrim 1 If it bothers your stomach, try taking it with food. Bactrim can be taken at any time of the day; however, be sure to take the medication at the same time(s) each day. For instance, if you take it twice daily, it is best to evenly space the doses, taking a dose every 12 hours.", "Indocin Treatment of established contrast-induced nephropathy should start with the recognition of renal impairment after the study. In patients at higher risk, renal function should be carefully monitored by measuring serum creatinine levels before and once daily for 5 days after the radiographic procedure.", "Tobramycin Level Conventional (multiple-daily) dosing. For tobramycin administered in multiple daily doses (usually every 8-12 hours), peak and trough levels guide tobramycin dosing. Peak levels are used to adjust the tobramycin dose per administration and should be within the reference range to be considered therapeutic.", "Biaxin The recommended adult oral regimen is PRILOSEC 40 mg once daily plus clarithromycin 500 mg three times daily for 14 days. In patients with an ulcer present at the time of initiation of therapy, an additional 14 days of PRILOSEC 20 mg once daily is recommended for ulcer healing and symptom relief.n patients with an ulcer present at the time of initiation of therapy, an additional 18 days of PRILOSEC 20 mg once daily is recommended for ulcer healing and symptom relief.", "Gout Indomethacin (Indocin) is typically the first choice of treatment for patients who have no medical conditions that would interfere with its use. Usually 2 - 7 days of high-dose indomethacin is enough to treat a gout attack.", "mupirocin, mupirocin calcium DOSING: For the treatment of impetigo, a small amount of the ointment is applied to the affected area, usually three times daily (every 8 hours). The area may be covered with a sterile gauze dressing. If there is no improvement in 3-5 days, the physician should be contacted to re-examine the infected area.", "- Indomethacin is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. It is used to treat gout or certain types of bursitis and tendonitis. It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.Use Indomethacin as directed by your doctor.The recommended adult dosage of Indomethacin Capsules to treat Moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis; moderate to severe ankylosing spondylitis and moderate to severe osteoarthritis is 25 mg twice a day.ndomethacin (Indomethacin) is used for treating moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. Indomethacin Capsules: We supply Inmecin (Sometimes Indomethacin is also referred to as: Indocap, Indocin, Indocid or Indochron).", "Using Niacin to Improve Cardiovascular Health The dose can be increased gradually (by 250 mg every four weeks) to achieve the desired amount. Doses greater than 500 mg per day should be used only under medical supervision. Some people take their niacin in small doses, three or four times daily, to spread out the dose.", "Rifaximin Rifaximin comes as a tablet to take by mouth with or without food. When rifaximin is used to treat traveler's diarrhea, it is usually taken three times a day for 3 days. When rifaximin is used to prevent episodes of hepatic encephalopathy, it is usually taken twice a day.", "Taking diclofenac with ibuprofen What are the precautions when taking indomethacin (Indocin)? Before taking indomethacin, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to aspirin or other NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen, naproxen, celecoxib); or if you have any other allergies.", "Lansoprazole When taken in combination with other medications to eliminate. , prescription lansoprazole is taken twice a day (every 12 hours) or three times a day (every 8 hours), before a meal, for 10 to 14 days. Nonprescription lansoprazole is usually taken once a day, in the morning before eating for 14 days. Additional 14-day treatments may be repeated once every 4 months if needed.", "dicyclomine - oral, Bentyl How to use Bentyl. Take this medication by mouth, usually 4 times a day (before meals and at bedtime) or as directed by your doctor. To reduce your risk of side effects, your doctor may direct you to start this medication at a low dose and gradually increase your dose.Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.ntacids lower the absorption of dicyclomine. Do not take this medication at the same time as antacids. If you are taking an antacid, take it after meals and take dicyclomine before meals. The dosage is based on your age, medical condition, and response to treatment.", "- Adult: Triple therapy: clarithromycin 500mg + lansoprazole 30mg + amoxicillin 1g, all every 12 hours for 10 or 14 days. Or, clarithromycin 500mg + omeprazole 20mg + amoxicillin 1g, all every 12 hours for 10 days; may continue omeprazole for days 11–28 if ulcer was present at start.Dual therapy:Not recommended.iarrhea, vomiting, dyspepsia, nausea, abdominal pain, abnormal taste, headache, insomnia, rash, increased BUN; hepatotoxicity, QT prolongation, C. difficile associated diarrhea, hypersensitivity reactions.", "indomethacin (Indocin, Indocin SR) Indomethacin is used to treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as arthritis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, or tendinitis.ess serious side effects may include: 1 upset stomach, mild heartburn, diarrhea, constipation; 2 bloating, gas; 3 dizziness, nervousness, headache; 4 skin rash, itching; 5 blurred vision; or. 6 ringing in your ears.", "What Is Indocin Used For? What Is Indocin Used For? Indocin® (indomethacin) is a prescription medication that has been licensed to treat several conditions that cause pain, fever, inflammation, swelling, or stiffness. Painful shoulder, including pain caused by tendinitis or bursitis.", "- How to use Ultram. Take this medication by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain relief. You may take this drug with or without food. If you have nausea, it may help to take this drug with food.emember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.", "- Take this medication by mouth as directed by your doctor, usually 1 to 2 times a day. This medication comes as a powder with doses measured by the scoopful (using the provided scoop) or in individual dose packets. Do not take your dose in the dry powder form. Mix the medication in at least 2 to 6 ounces (60 to 180 milliliters) of liquid (such as water, milk, fruit juice), stir completely, and drink right away. Rinse your glass with more liquid and drink the rinse liquid to be sure that you have taken the entire dose.", "Clindamycin Hcl How to use clindamycin HCl. Take this medication by mouth with or without food, usually 4 times a day (every 6 hours), or as directed by your doctor. Take it with a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters) unless your doctor directs you otherwise.", "FAQS About Prilosec OTC Can I take Prilosec OTC more than once a day? No. As part of a course of therapy, take only one pill a day to treat frequent heartburn for 24 hours.* Take one pill a day with a glass of water before eating in the morning for 14 days.You may repeat this 14-day treatment every four months, or as directed by your doctor.an I take Prilosec OTC more than once a day? No. As part of a course of therapy, take only one pill a day to treat frequent heartburn for 24 hours.* Take one pill a day with a glass of water before eating in the morning for 14 days.", "Indocin Common side effects of Indocin include vomiting, upset stomach, heartburn, diarrhea, a feeling of bowel fullness, constipation, bloating, gas, rectal irritation, dizziness, nervousness, headache, skin rash, itching, blurred vision, or ringing in your ears.", "How to Take Cipro Antibiotic? Several factors will affect your dosage amount, including the infection being treated, your age, and other medications you are taking. Cipro is usually taken twice a day, with about 12 hours between doses. Do not take this medication with dairy products alone (such as milk or yogurt) or with calcium-fortified juices (such as orange juice). However, you can take Cipro with meals that contain these food items. It is also important to finish the entire course of this medicine.", "Otic Solution No.1 Usage: Use this medication in the affected ear(s) as directed by your doctor, usually 3 to 4 times daily. Use in the ear only. Do not use in the eyes, swallow, inject, or inhale the medication.Before giving this medication, thoroughly clean the ear canal as directed, and remove any crust or other material. Then wash your hands.To make sure that the right amount of medication is given, and to avoid touc..", "Isordil Isosorbide dinitrate is usually taken 2 or 3 times per day. Follow your doctor's dosing instructions very carefully. If possible, try to rest or stay seated when you take this medicine. Isosorbide dinitrate can cause dizziness or fainting.", "Pepcid Duodenal Ulcer. Acute Therapy: The recommended adult oral dosage for active duodenal ulcer is 40 mg once a day at bedtime. Most patients heal within 4 weeks; there is rarely reason to use PEPCID at full dosage for longer than 6 to 8 weeks.A regimen of 20 mg b.i.d. is also effective. Maintenance Therapy: The recommended adult oral dose is 20 mg once a day at bedtime. Studies have not assessed the safety of famotidine in uncomplicated active duodenal ulcer for periods of more than eight weeks. 2 Maintenance therapy for duodenal ulcer patients at reduced dosage after healing of an active ulcer. 3 Controlled studies in adults have not extended beyond one year." ]
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what caused the american industrial revolution?
[ "Causes Of the many factors that led to the Industrial Revolution, two of the biggest and most significant were the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. President Thomas Jefferson set the Embargo Act of 1807 during the Napoleonic Wars. During the Napoleonic Wars, Britain's navy had seized Americans and their cargo to help with their war." ]
[ "22a. Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution had begun in Britain during the mid-18th century, but the American colonies lagged far behind the mother country in part because the abundance of land and scarcity of labor in the New World reduced interest in expensive investments in machine production.he transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy took more than a century in the United States, but that long development entered its first phase from the 1790s through the 1830s.", "- The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.he real impetus for America entering the Industrial Revolution was the passage of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. Americans were upset over an incident with the Chesapeake whereby the British opened fire when they were not allowed to search the ship. They also seized four men and hung one for desertion.", "The Industrial Revolution The 18th century saw the emergence of the ‘Industrial Revolution’, the great age of steam, canals and factories that changed the face of the British economy forever. Early 18th century British industries were generally small scale and relatively unsophisticated.", "- Background of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.It then centered on the United States and Germany.ackground of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.", "Industrial Revolution Important American technological contributions during the period of the Industrial Revolution were the cotton gin and the development of a system for making interchangeable parts, the latter aided by the development of the milling machine in the US.", "Origins of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period when new sources of energy, such as coal and steam, were used to power new machines designed to reduce human labor and increase production. The move to a more industrial society would forever change the face of labor.rigins of the Industrial Revolution. The first Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain after 1750. There were several factors that combined to make Great Britain an ideal place for industrialization. First, the Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century created a favorable climate for industrialization.", "Textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution Textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution in Britain was centred in south Lancashire and the towns on both sides of the Pennines. In Germany it was concentrated in the Wupper Valley, Ruhr Region and Upper Silesia, while in the United States it was in New England. The four key drivers of the Industrial Revolution were textile manufacturing, iron founding, steam power and cheap labour. Before the 18th century, the manufacture of cloth was performed by individual workers, in the premises", "- Background of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.", "Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a transformation of human life circumstances that occurred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries (roughly 1760 to 1840) in Britain, the United States, and Western Europe due in large measure to advances in the technologies of industry.", "- An early landmark moment in the Industrial Revolution came near the end of the eighteenth century, when Samuel Slater brought new manufacturing technologies from Britain to the United States and founded the first U.S. cotton mill in Beverly, Massachusetts.ollowing the Civil War, industrialization in the United States increased at a breakneck pace. This period, encompassing most of the second half of the nineteenth century, has been called the Second Industrial Revolution or the American Industrial Revolution.", "- The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom and most of the important technological innovations were British. Mechanized textile production spread to continental Europe in the early 19th century, with important centers in France.s late as the year 1900, most industrial workers in the United States still worked a 10-hour day (12 hours in the steel industry), yet earned from 20% to 40% less than the minimum deemed necessary for a decent life. However, harsh working conditions were prevalent long before the Industrial Revolution took place.", "- Background of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.It then centered on the United States and Germany.he real impetus for America entering the Industrial Revolution was the passage of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. Americans were upset over an incident with the Chesapeake whereby the British opened fire when they were not allowed to search the ship. They also seized four men and hung one for desertion.", "Why did cities grow during the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution saw the birth of factories, which started making many goods that people from the countryside made by hand, and the factories made them cheaper and for mass consumption, especially textiles.", "- During the Industrial Revolution, the textile industry grew significantly. The first American textile factory was set up by Francis Cabot Lowell in 1813. New machines made i … t much faster to produce textiles but, unfortunately, put a number of people out of work.", "Origins of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period when new sources of energy, such as coal and steam, were used to power new machines designed to reduce human labor and increase production.The move to a more industrial society would forever change the face of labor.echnological Changes. Without important technological changes, the first Industrial Revolution would not have been possible. In the 18th century, Britain's cotton industry charged ahead of many other countries. With James Hargreaves' invention of the spinning Jenny in 1764, yarn could be produced in greater quantities.", "- Background of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.It then centered on the United States and Germany.he real impetus for America entering the Industrial Revolution was the passage of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. Americans were upset over an incident with the Chesapeake whereby the British opened fire when they were not allowed to search the ship.", "Why Did the Industrial Revolution Begin in England Geography and resources were an important part of the Industrial Revolution essentially because England had coal which powered machines, iron from which the machines were created and wool which the machines made into thread and then textiles.It also had the resources close to ports and rivers.eography and resources were an important part of the Industrial Revolution essentially because England had coal which powered machines, iron from which the machines were created and wool which the machines made into thread and then textiles.", "- It then centered on the United States and Germany. The Industrial Revolution itself refers to a change from hand and home production to machine and factory. The first industrial revolution was important for the inventions of spinning and weaving machines operated by water power which was eventually replaced by steam.he real impetus for America entering the Industrial Revolution was the passage of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. Americans were upset over an incident with the Chesapeake whereby the British opened fire when they were not allowed to search the ship. They also seized four men and hung one for desertion.", "- What led to the industrial revolution is the invention of machines that do the work of hand tools, the use of steam, the adoption of the factory system, and later of other kin … ds of power, in place of the muscles of humans and of animals. industrial-revolution.10 people found this useful.hat led to the industrial revolution is the invention of machines that do the work of hand tools, the use of steam, the adoption of the factory system, and later of other kin … ds of power, in place of the muscles of humans and of animals. industrial-revolution. 10 people found this useful.", "What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution? The Industrial Revolution was a period when new sources of energy, such as coal and steam, were used to power new machines designed to reduce human labor and increase production. The move to a more industrial society would forever change the face of labor.he first Industrial Revolution was an important shift in Western society because it led to the wage-labor society recognizable in modern times. Beginning in Britain around 1750, the way to industrialization was paved by: 1 The Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century.", "What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution? Britain was a big power figure and Germany as well. It was Germany that took over as the leading nation in Europe for this industrial movement because of their new innovations. The arrival of cheap energy, in the form of the steam engine, was a major impetus in the Industrial Revolution.It was able to do work faster, stronger, for longer than the horse or wind/millrace, which were the previous suppliers of energy.ritain was a big power figure and Germany as well. It was Germany that took over as the leading nation in Europe for this industrial movement because of their new innovations. The arrival of cheap energy, in the form of the steam engine, was a major impetus in the Industrial Revolution.", "- The world’s first factories were built in Britain. The industrial revolution spread to the United States and Europe. Great Britain’s geography, financial system, political stability, and natural resources helped to the developing of the industrial revolution, the United States had all those factors too.", "- The new jobs for the working class were in the cities. Thus, the Industrial Revolution began the transition of the United States from a rural to an urban society. Young people raised on farms saw greater opportunities in the cities and moved there, as did millions of immigrants from Europe.", "Industrial Revolution The development of the spinning machine by Sir Richard Arkwright in England led directly to the rise of the Industrial Revolution, and a new world of manufactured products.rior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines.", "Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the 18th to 19th centuries, was a period during which predominantly agrarian, rural societies in Europe and America became industrial and urban.rior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines.", "Man-Made to Machining - History of the Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution – information on the various stages of the Industrial Revolution. Britain’s Industrial Revolution – outlining the role of Britain in the change in industry. American Industrial Revolution – information on how industry has changed in the United States.", "World History/The Industrial Revolution A century later, many people lived in cities and most of their needs were produced by complex machines using steam power. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and spread to Belgium, France, Germany, the United States and Japan.It was a fundamental change in the way goods were produced, and altered the way people lived. The Industrial Revolution is a major turning point in world history.Causes Agrarian Revolution: was a change in farming methods that allowed for a greater production of food.t was a fundamental change in the way goods were produced, and altered the way people lived. The Industrial Revolution is a major turning point in world history. Causes Agrarian Revolution: was a change in farming methods that allowed for a greater production of food.", "Why did the Industrial Revolution Occur in Britain First? The Industrial Revolution was a period between the eighteenth and nineteenth century that was characterized by continued economic growth as a result of industrialization. It witnessed extensive changes in almost every facet of society: agriculture, technology, demographic, finance, and many others.", "- The first industrial revolution was important for the inventions of spinning and weaving machines operated by water power which was eventually replaced by steam. This helped increase America’s growth. However, the industrial revolution truly changed American society and economy into a modern urban-industrial state.", "- The Industrial Revolution affected many aspects of American society and politics. For example, prior to the Industrial Revolution, most of the country's population lived a … n agrarian lifestyle. Jobs in the cities, brought on by industrialization, shifted that population density to the cities.A wealthy middle class grew out of the startups and entrepreneurial opportunities of the period. It also brought on social problems, such as inadequate housing, poverty, crime, and child labor.obs in the cities, brought on by industrialization, shifted that population density to the cities. A wealthy middle class grew out of the startups and entrepreneurial opportunities of the period. It also brought on social problems, such as inadequate housing, poverty, crime, and child labor." ]
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what are three disadvantages of making and using plastic?
[ "The Advantages & Disadvantages of Plastic Containers Plastic containers are mainly used for food and storage and for home organization. There are advantages and disadvantages to using plastic in your home. Depending on the task, plastic may or may not be the best option. Advantages of plastic include durability and cost. Disadvantages include longevity, plastic's ability to absorb flavors, and its environmental impact.", "- Disadvantages of using plastics are: 1 Plastic products that contain a variety of additives are toxic. 2 Traces of additives like adipates and phthalates which are used in PVC products can leach out the product, which can be toxic." ]
[ "Top 7 Disadvantages of Solar Energy Here’s a list of the top 7 disadvantages of solar energy. Even though we, understandably, are in favor of solar, everyone should be aware of all the disadvantages of solar energy before committing to anything. #1 Solar power is expensive. Installing solar panels on your roof will save you money in the long run, but it’s not a cheap purchase upfront.", "- Frames can be made from many different types of metals and plastics. The drawbacks to plastic frames are that they break more easily than metal frames but they are ideal for people who are susceptible to allergies.", "Materials One way to improve the performance characteristics of plastic products is to compound resins with additives and fillers. Additives help fight against factors such as heat, chemicals, or light. There are thousands of additives/fillers on the market today. Below are some of the most common ones used in manufacturing.", "Exposure to Chemicals in Plastic To reduce your exposure to other chemicals in plastics: 1 Don't cook food in plastic containers or use roasting/steaming bags; the plastic residues may leach into food when heated in a regular or microwave oven.", "Home Improvement: 7 Toxic Chemicals Hiding In Your Home And How To Reduce Exposure How To Reduce Exposure: You can avoid phthalates by not using PVC plastics and plastics marked with recycling label #3. Steer clear of products that have “added fragrance” on the label. Also, eat more organic fruits and vegetables.", "- Plastics are derived from organic products. The materials used in the production of plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil.Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds. To become useful, it must be processed.he materials used in the production of plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil.", "Plastics and Polymers The properties of a particular plastic depend on what the polymer chains look like, how they are bonded to each other, and which additives have been introduced. There are two groups of plastics: Thermoplastics, which melt when heated and can be remolded easily.Thermosets, which can't melt or be remolded.ne of the most common is the plastic grocery bag. Polyethylene is made from just ethylene monomers-but it's also possible to create polymers from two or more different monomers. You can make hundreds of different polymers depending on which monomers and catalysts you use.", "- Plastics are derived from organic products. The materials used in the production of plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds. To become useful, it must be processed.he materials used in the production of plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds. To become useful, it must be processed.", "- Polymers are durable, lightweight, easy, and cheap to make. They are also very recyclable. Examples of synthetic polymers include Polyethylene, PET, PVC, Kevlar, and nylon. Many clothing items are made from synthetic polymers, and all plastics are made from synthetic polymers. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.", "Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) TPE advantages: 1 TPE materials have the possibility to be recyclable since they can be cast. 2 TPE additionally require little if any compounding, without necessity to add rewarding agents, stabilizers or remedy systems. 3 TPEs can be very easily colored through most kinds of dyes.", "Which human activity negatively affects the stability of the environment? A.Dumping pollutants into the ocean B.Recycling plastic C.Creating wildlife reserves D.Planting trees The answer is basically all of the above. Dumping pollutants is a very harmful thing to the environment. Recycling plastic is also bad for the environment since in the factor where they are broken down, they release BPA (a toxicant) which can harm the environment.", "Polycarbonate Stress from fasteners, plastic welding and molding render polycarbonate susceptible to stress corrosion cracking when it comes in contact with certain accelerants such as salt water and plastisol. It can be laminated to make bullet-proof glass, although bullet-resistant is more accurate for the thinner windows, such as are used in bullet-resistant windows in automobiles.", "- how plastics are made the term plastics includes materials composed of various elements such as carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen chlorine and sulfur plastics typically have high molecular weight meaning each molecule can have thousands of atoms bound together", "Pros and Cons of Natural Gas Use Disadvantages of Natural Gas Use. Some of the main disadvantages in using natural gas are listed below: Flammable and Toxic: Natural gas leaks can be proven to be extremely dangerous. Such leaks may be the cause of fire or explosions.atural Gas and its Uses. Natural gas is mainly composed of methane and a small percentage of other hydrocarbons (e.g. ethane). This simple composition makes natural gas a valuable energy resource and a great asset to the global economy.", "A Brief History of Plastic Originally invented in the nineteenth century as a replacement for raw substances like ivory, rubber, and shellac (which used to be harvested from insect secretions), plastic was conceived to cut manufacturers free from one of the greatest obstacles in industrial production: the limits of nature.", "Plastic The development of plastics has evolved from the use of natural plastic materials (e.g., chewing gum, shellac) to the use of chemically modified, natural materials (e.g., rubber, nitrocellulose, collagen, galalite) and finally to completely synthetic molecules (e.g., bakelite, epoxy, Polyvinyl chloride).he first plastic based on a synthetic polymer was made from phenol and formaldehyde, with the first viable and cheap synthesis methods invented in 1907, by Leo Hendrik Baekeland, a Belgian-born American living in New York state.", "What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cells? One disadvantage is the excessive carbon dioxide emissions when making hydrogen fuel cells; another is the fact that replacing fossil fuel infrastructure with fuel cells requires a massive investment in the billions or trillions of dollars.", "Lifecycle of a Plastic Product Many common plastics are made from hydrocarbon monomers. These plastics are made by linking many monomers together into long chains to form a polymer backbone. Polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene are the most common examples of these. Below is a diagram of polyethylene, the simplest plastic structure.", "Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Very easy to make - water bottles, plastic bags, pens, cups etc etc. The main advantages of plastic materials are also the reason why plastic is such a problem. It lasts forever and it is very cheap to make. When I say it last forever, I mean it does not biodegrade. There is a flotilla of plastic the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean.", "The Disadvantages of Plastic Bottles Glass bottles can be melted and easily reused, as can tin cans. Recycling plastic is not so simple. Much of the plastic placed in recycling boxes is not recycled at all, as most plastic cannot be recycled. Those bottles that are recycled are not used to make new bottles.", "Plastic Reduce your use of PVC in plastics and other household products. From food packaging and children’s toys to shower curtains and building materials, PVC (aka: polyvinyl chloride or vinyl) is all around us. But, from both an environmental and health standpoint, PVC is the most toxic plastic. Here’s why: Vinyl chloride, the chemical used to make PVC, is a known human carcinogen, according to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).", "- I think people are also curious as to why plastic is bad. There has been alot in the news lately about how plastic is not good for our health, it has made the baby product industry particularly evaluate their products and many carry labels professing that they are free of the “bad” plastic.", "Electrical Insulators Negative properties to avoid: 1 Brittle with age - material stiffens and cracks form leading to shorts. 2 Conversion of solid to liquid - loses solid characteristics and breaks down to a goop. 3 Stiffening - loss of flexibility with age, this can effect machines with moving parts.", "Plastic Bags Must Never Be Burned Why is it harmful to burn plastics? Plastic bags are a oil based product, which contains the chemical elements of hydrogen and carbon. When plastic bags burn, the composition of the bag mixed with the heat produces a highly toxic chemical called dioxin. Dioxins have been linked to cancer, can interfere with the endocrine gland system which produces hormones, and have been known to affect both the immune system and reproduction.", "- NEVER CUT THESE MATERIALS. WARNING: Because many plastics are dangerous to cut, it is important to know what kind you are planning to use. Make has a How-To for identifying unknown plastics with a simple process.", "- Changing the properties of polymers and plastics – information sheet The properties of polymers and plastics can be altered in a number of ways. This information sheet describes four of them. Plasticisers A plasticiser is a small molecule that can be put in between the large molecules of a polymer. The", "Whatâs So Bad About Plastic Bags? Single-use disposable plastic bags are suffocating the planet, with 60,000 plastic bags being consumed in the U.S. every 5 seconds. They are made using non-renewable resources, either petroleum or natural gas. They take huge amounts of energy to manufacture, transport across the country, and recycle.", "- Plastic is produced from plastic raw material, usually this material called as monomer in general chemistry. Monomer than be converted into polimer that have plastic properties. Many kind of monomers used as plastic material, for example is Phenol. Phenol has been made, over the years by a variety of processes.", "Plastic can be processed by flow. Plastic is a material consisting of any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organics that are malleable and can be molded into solid objects of diverse shapes. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substances.lastics are generally made from petroleum. If the plastic is incinerated, it increases carbon emissions; if it is placed in a landfill, it becomes a carbon sink although biodegradable plastics have caused methane emissions. Due to the lightness of plastic versus glass or metal, plastic may reduce energy consumption.", "- Recycling saves energy. Using recycled material when making plastics and paper uses less energy than producing them from virgin, new materials. Recycling reduces pollution.Recycling reduces the amount of waste put into landfills. Landfills are potentially hazardous due to the concentration of non-biodegradable items that slowly leach toxic chemicals into the surrounding garbage in the landfill.ecycling saves energy. Using recycled material when making plastics and paper uses less energy than producing them from virgin, new materials. Recycling reduces pollution." ]
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what is exit strategy in a business
[ "Exit strategy An exit strategy is a means of leaving one's current situation, either after a predetermined objective has been achieved, or as a strategy to mitigate failure. An organisation or individual without an exit strategy may be in a quagmire. At worst, an exit strategy will save face; at best, an exit strategy will peg a withdrawal to the achievement of an objective worth more than the cost of continued involvement." ]
[ "- 中文 | 한국어 | TiếngViệt | Pусский. There is more involved in closing your business than just locking the doors. This section provides procedures for getting out of business, including what forms to file and how to handle additional revenue received or expenses you may incur.", "- Chapter 5—Business-Level Strategy 5. Discuss the simple and functional structures used to implement business-level strategies. 6. Use the five-forces model of competition to explain how value can be created through each business-level strategy. 7. Describe the risks of using each of the business-level strategies. LECTURE NOTES. Business-Level Strategy -", "- Explanation of earnout as an element of a small business purchase deal structure that makes part of the purchase price contingent on some measure of future business performance. Business Valuation Tools for Mac & Windows", "Why Alure Reviews Specials Videos Showroom Warranty Contact UsWe Go To Extremes To Build Your Dreams ®877-44-ALURE877-442-5873 E·GRESS: a means or place of going out, an exit. An egress window is a window large enough, as defined by local business codes for entry or exit in case of an emergency. These are typically required … Continue reading →", "It may seem obvious that managers must have somewhere to go before they set out on a journey Management by objectives is now largely ignored. Its once widely used abbreviation, MBO, has been taken over by management buy-out, the purchasing of a company by a group of its managers with the aim of making as much money for themselves as possible. Further reading.", "What is Strategy? Strategy at Different Levels of a Business. Strategies exist at several levels in any organisation - ranging from the overall business (or group of businesses) through to individuals working in it. Corporate Strategy - is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. This is a crucial level since it is heavily influenced by investors in the business and acts to guide strategic decision-making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is often stated explicitly in a mission statement.", "Strategy Implications for the Viable, Valuable and Vibrant Organization For successful organizations, strategy is about constantly migrating to a new position in the business environment. For high performance organizations, strategy is about using strategic thinking to create new entrepreneurial and innovative approaches to stay ahead of a rapidly changing business environment.", "United States Access Board COMPONENTS OF A MEANS OF EGRESS. A MOE consists of an exit access (normally a common use corridor leading to the. exit), the exit itself (normally a stair), and an exit discharge (normally a door to the outside or. into a protected corridor leading to the outside). Egress stairs may incorporate areas of rescue.", "Strategy: An Executiveâs Definition So, what is a business strategy? Strategy is different from vision, mission, goals, priorities, and plans. It is the result of choices executives make, on where to play and how to win, to maximize long-term value. “Where to play” specifies the target market in terms of the customers and the needs to be served.", "A Definition of Business Strategy A Definition of Business Strategy. The definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives. Strategy is management's game plan for strengthening the performance of the enterprise.", "Strategy theory A business strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends (objectives). It can simply be described as a long-term business planning. Typically a business strategy will cover a period of about 3-5 years (sometimes even longer). A business strategy is concerned with major resource issues e.g. raising the finance to build a new factory or plant. Strategies are also concerned with deciding on what products to allocate major resources to - for example when Coca-Cola launched Pooh Roo Juice in this country.", "Aprovocative When workers are on their way out, exit interviews can make a difference. Exit interviews are seen as a mostly meaningless ritual – career experts advise departing workers not to say anything too charged, and by the time they’ve sat down to explain reasons for leaving, employees are largely out the door.n many cases an exit interview is a waste of time on the person who is leaving and the company that is losing an employee.", "- Divestment Strategies. Divestment strategy involves the sale or liquidation of a portion of business or a major division, profit centre or SBU. Divestment is usually a part of a rehabilitation or restructuring plan and is adopted when a turnaround has been attempted but has proved unsuccessful.easons for divestment: A divestment strategy may be adopted due to various reasons: 1. A business that had been acquired proves to be mismatch and can not be integrated within the company. Similarly, a project that proves to be inviable in the long-term is divested.", "Venture Capital & Angel Investors DEFINITION of 'Buyout'. The purchase of a company's shares in which the acquiring party gains controlling interest of the targeted firm.Incorporating a buyout strategy is a common technique used to gain access to new markets and is one of the most common methods for inorganically growing a business.ncorporating a buyout strategy is a common technique used to gain access to new markets and is one of the most common methods for inorganically growing a business.", "What Successful Businesses Have in Common A sound strategy should include a financial plan, marketing differentiators, and product strategy as well as a plan for employee retention. Discipline. Discipline is all about executing the strategies and then staying the course. It's about staying focused on your core markets and measuring success as defined by your business strategy.", "A Definition of Business Strategy A Definition of Business Strategy. The definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives.Strategy is management's game plan for strengthening the performance of the enterprise.It states how business should be conduct to achieve the desired goals. Definition of Business Strategy. The definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives.", "Exit Criteria Exit criterion is used to determine whether a given test activity has been completed or NOT. Exit criteria can be defined for all of the test activities right from planning, specification and execution. Exit criterion should be part of test plan and decided in the planning stage.", "Caesarean section The EXIT procedure is a specialized surgical delivery procedure used to deliver babies who have airway compression. The Misgav Ladach method is a modified caesarean section which has been used nearly all over the world since the 1990s.", "Divestment Strategies Divestment strategy involves the sale or liquidation of a portion of business or a major division, profit centre or SBU.Divestment is usually a part of a rehabilitation or restructuring plan and is adopted when a turnaround has been attempted but has proved unsuccessful.easons for divestment: A divestment strategy may be adopted due to various reasons: 1. A business that had been acquired proves to be mismatch and can not be integrated within the company. Similarly, a project that proves to be inviable in the long-term is divested.", "What Is a Business Plan? You don’t do anything that doesn’t have a business purpose, so you don’t describe your management team (to name one example) unless you need to for outsiders. You don’t do an exit strategy if you’re not writing for investors and therefore you aren’t concerned with an exit. In business planning, form follows function.", "A Definition of Business Strategy A Definition of Business Strategy. The definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives. Strategy is management's game plan for strengthening the performance of the enterprise. It states how business should be conduct to achieve the desired goals.", "Exit strategy In entrepreneurship and strategic management an exit strategy or exit plan is a way to transition the ownership of a company to another company (e.g. through a merger or acquisition) or to investors (e.g. through an Initial public offering).", "What Is a Business Level Strategy? Promoting a business-level strategy is an open-ended methodology that allows for furthering the overall goals of an organization. These outcomes are as varied as the approaches that corporations implement in the spirit of business-level strategies.", "What Is An Exit Interview? In human resource terms, an exit interview is a survey that is conducted with an employee when he or she leaves the company. The information from each survey is used to provide feedback on why employees are leaving, what they liked about their employment and what areas of the company need improvement.n human resource terms, an exit interview is a survey that is conducted with an employee when he or she leaves the company. The information from each survey is used to provide feedback on why employees are leaving, what they liked about their employment and what areas of the company need improvement.", "International Strategy. An international strategy is a strategy through which the firm sells its goods or services outside its domestic market (Hill 378).n international strategy is a strategy through which the firm sells its goods or services outside its domestic market (Hill 378).", "- How to Liquidate Assets. Liquidating assets can be a valuable exit strategy, especially if you can't find anyone to buy your business.", "Exit Passageway or Exit Stair Enclosure? An exit component that serves to meet one or more. means of egress design requirements, such as required number of exits or. exit access travel distance, and provides for a protected path of egress. travel to the exit discharge or public way . • INTERIOR EXIT STAIRWAY. An exit component that serves to meet one or.", "Management chapter 5 The corporate and business levels are part of strategic planning, and the functional level is part of operational planning. A corporate strategy is the strategic plan for managing multiple lines of business. In essence, there is more than one business within the corporation.", "- Module 10: This module requires you to assess your company’s use of acquisitions, internal new ventures, and joint ventures as strategies for entering a new business area and /or as attempts to restructure its portfolio of businesses. If your company has entered into a new business area during the last decade: Pick one new business area that your company has entered into during the last ten years. Identify the rationale for entering this business area. Identify the strategy used to enter this business area. Evaluate the rationale for using this particular entry strategy.", "- a definition of business strategy the definition of business strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals or objectives strategy is management s game plan for strengthening the performance of the enterprise it states how business should be conduct to achieve the desired goals" ]
[ 13.453125 ]
[ 9.59375, 8.6796875, 7.8359375, 9.1328125, 7.77734375, 9.8671875, 9.296875, 8.203125, 9.8671875, 10.328125, 9.796875, 7.71484375, 7.8046875, 7.61328125, 8.8515625, 9.3671875, 9.2265625, 8.859375, 7.73828125, 10.7890625, 10.1875, 13.7578125, 9.65625, 7.96875, 8.2890625, 11.375, 8.171875, 8.65625, 8.484375, 9.0390625 ]
best salary civil specialization
[ "- Salary Outlook. Civil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $126,190, while the lowest-paid earned $51,810 in 2013." ]
[ "Civil Engineer Salary The average pay for a Civil Engineer is $61,796 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job.Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job.ost of the time, civil engineers design, plan, and/or manage construction projects. Their job ranges from small-scale projects, such as building or bridge repairs, to very large-scale, such as building large stadiums. Civil engineers may work in many sectors, such as structural, environmental, and transportation.", "What is a Civil Engineer? Civil Engineer: Salary Details. Civil engineers earned a median salary of $82,050 in 2014, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $128,110, while the lowest-paid earned $52,570 in 2014.", "- While the bottom ten percent in the profession makes $51,280, the top ten percent of civil engineers break the six-figure salary mark with a mean salary of $122,020 annually.", "- Desirable paychecks are doled out to very experienced Graduate Civil Engineers. Surpassing the profession's national median salary of $54K annually, wages for these workers approximate $83K. The average worker who claims fewer than five years of experience earns around $53K.In contrast, however, individuals who report five to 10 years in this occupation see a much larger median of $64K.roject Engineers earn $67K on average per year. When Graduate Civil Engineers are ready for the next step in their careers, they often become Civil Engineers or Structural Engineers.", "- The average salary for a Civil Engineer is QAR 143,329 per year. Experience strongly influences pay for this job. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field.", "Canadaâs Best Jobs 2014: Specialized Engineer (Lisa Blue/E+/Getty) Median Salary: $79,997 Change in salary (2007–2013): +28% Total employees: 14,300 “Other engineers” encompasses a wide variety of fields, from agriculture to biomechanics to textiles—not to mention an array of marine jobs like naval architect.hange in salary (2007–2013): +28%. Total employees: 14,300. “Other engineers” encompasses a wide variety of fields, from agriculture to biomechanics to textiles—not to mention an array of marine jobs like naval architect. That’s a bit of a misnomer—they’re not quite architects and most don’t serve in the navy.", "- Civil Engineer Salary. The average pay for a Civil Engineer is $62,019 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job. Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job. $47,368 - $92,518.", "- Class of 2014 First-Destination Survey: Salaries for Liberal Arts/Humanities Majors Liberal arts/general studies majors earned the top average starting salary among Class of 2014 liberal arts graduates at the bachelor’s degree level, according to NACE’s Spring 2015 Salary Survey report.ngineering Dominates List of Top-Paid Majors for Class of 2013 Grads Seven of the 10 top-paid majors for Class of 2013 bachelor’s degree graduates are engineering majors, according to NACE’s January 2014 Salary Survey—the final report on starting salaries for the college Class of 2013.", "- Civil engineer salary range for the middle 50% is between $57,330 and $90,160. Civil engineer salaries for the lowest 10% are less than $45,780. Civil engineer salaries for the highest 10% are more than $110,890.Civil engineer salary in the private sector is an average of 8% higher than in government/public institutions.Civil engineer starting salary for BS degrees averages $49,540. New MS graduates have an average starting salary of $59,880; and new PhDs have an average starting salary of $65,470.ivil engineer salary range for the middle 50% is between $57,330 and $90,160. Civil engineer salaries for the lowest 10% are less than $45,780. Civil engineer salaries for the highest 10% are more than $110,890.", "- The average salary for civil engineer jobs is $74,000. Average civil engineer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term civil engineer anywhere in the job listing.ivil Engineer Salary Information. This free salary calculator uses salary data from millions of job listings indexed by Simply Hired's job search engine. The civil engineer salary comparisons feature allows job seekers to get the information required to make important career decisions and negotiate salary ranges.", "- The average salary for a Civil Engineer is C$61,918 per year. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job.Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this field. C$46,141 - C$98,159.he average salary for a Civil Engineer is C$61,918 per year. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job.", "- Civil engineer salaries for the lowest 10% are less than $45,780. Civil engineer salaries for the highest 10% are more than $110,890. Civil engineer salary in the private sector is an average of 8% higher than in government/public institutions.", "- Orlando, Florida –. This chart outlines the average annual salary of a Civil Engineering Intern from the past 5 years. In 2015 the average annual salary was $33744 while in 2007 it was just $31293.59.", "What is the average salary after MS in structural engineering in USA? Civil engineers earned a median salary of $82,220 in 2015, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $129,850, while the lowest-paid earned $52,900 in 2015.", "- EngineerSalary.com is the nation's leading and most trusted source of engineering salary data for engineers specializing in Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Software Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering, ...", "What is the average salary after MS in structural engineering in USA? Salary. Civil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $126,190, while the lowest-paid earned $51,810 in 2013.", "- May report to an executive or a manager. View Civil Engineer III Salaries Alternate Job Titles: Civil Engineer III, Senior Civil Engineer Categories: Engineering Civil Engineer I Salaries Designs and supervises construction projects such as airports, bridges, channels, dams, railroads, and roads.", "- Salary by Location. According to the BLS, states employing the most civil engineers in May 2012 included California, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania and New York. Average wages for these locations were $95,750, $94,790, $82,890, $78,190 and $87,190, respectively.", "- Pay can fall anywhere from $68K to $121K per year, but median earnings come to around $86K annually. Overall cash earnings of Senior Civil Engineers stretch from $68K near the bottom to $121K at the top, and the heftiest packages can encompass around $12K each from bonuses and profit sharing.", "- However, civil engineers earn less than other positions on the Best Technology Jobs list, including software developers, who make an average salary of $96,260, and IT managers, who earn $132,570.", "- The median annual Civil Engineer I salary is $64,219, as of July 29, 2016, with a range usually between $58,788-$72,509, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.", "- Constructing city-size bases, airfields and harbor facilities. Managing large budgets and ambitious public works plans. Overseeing skilled construction professionals around the globe. This is the job of the Officers who make up the Civil Engineer Corps in America’s Navy. Get up to $113,100 for college through the Civil Engineer Collegiate Program (CECP).", "- The average pay for a Civil Engineer is $61,796 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job.Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job.otal Pay (?XTotal Pay combines base annual salary or hourly wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job.", "- (Qatar). The average salary for a Civil Engineer is QAR 143,329 per year. Experience strongly influences pay for this job. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job.", "- The country’s 254,130 civil engineers earned highs of over $119,620 yearly, or $57.51 hourly, as of May 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.However, average salaries were $82,710, or $39.76 hourly.he country’s 254,130 civil engineers earned highs of over $119,620 yearly, or $57.51 hourly, as of May 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.", "- Salary Outlook. Civil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $126,190, while the lowest-paid earned $51,810 in 2013. The most highly compensated positions are within the industries of oil and gas extraction, and the highest-paid positions are located in Midland, Texas; Hinesville, Georgia; and Houston.", "Civil Engineer The median annual wage for civil engineers was $83,540 in May 2016. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $53,470, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $132,880.", "- Civil engineer salary range for the middle 50% is between $57,330 and $90,160. Civil engineer salaries for the lowest 10% are less than $45,780.Civil engineer salaries for the highest 10% are more than $110,890. Civil engineer salary in the private sector is an average of 8% higher than in government/public institutions.Civil engineer starting salary for BS degrees averages $49,540.New MS graduates have an average starting salary of $59,880; and new PhDs have an average starting salary of $65,470.ivil engineer salary range for the middle 50% is between $57,330 and $90,160. Civil engineer salaries for the lowest 10% are less than $45,780.", "- The average pay for a Civil Engineer is $63,457 per year. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field. A skill in Project Management is associated with high pay for this job. Experience has a moderate effect on income for this job.", "Best Jobs For Engineering Majors by Salary Potential The second and third top earning jobs for engineering majors with 10 or more years of experience are Vice President, Engineering and Research ($163,000) and Development Director ($149,000)." ]
[ 10.5546875 ]
[ 9.25, 10.671875, 10.59375, 8.3984375, 9.625, 7.890625, 10.4453125, 7.59375, 9.15625, 8.96875, 8.921875, 10.1796875, 9.3359375, 10.2578125, 9.984375, 10.265625, 9.21875, 10.0703125, 10.0390625, 10.515625, 10.421875, 9.5390625, 8.765625, 9.75, 8.9296875, 10.546875, 10.6953125, 9.0859375, 10.359375, 9.078125 ]
population of verona va
[ "Verona, Virginia Verona, Virginia. Verona is a census-designated place (CDP) in Augusta County, Virginia, United States. The population was 4,239 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Staunton–Waynesboro Micropolitan Statistical Area." ]
[ "Verona, NJ Verona, NJ. Verona is located in north New Jersey. Verona is part of Essex County. As of 2005-2009, the total Verona population is 12,635, which has shrunk 6.64% since 2000. The population growth rate is much lower than the state average rate of 5.47% and is much lower than the national average rate of 11.61%.", "- The total driving distance from Verona, Italy to Venice, Italy is 73 miles or 117 kilometers.", "- Wytheville has 8,193 residents in 2010-2014, ranked #137 in Virginia, grew 4.98% since 2000. Wytheville races, gender, age, and other demography info and rankings also included.", "- Mullens, WV (West Virginia) Houses and Residents Total population: 1,494 (Urban population: 0, Rural population: 1,761 (all nonfarm)) Houses: 907 (683 occupied: 559 owner occupied, 124 renter occupied)", "Burke, Virginia As of the census of 2000, there were 57,737 people, 19,215 households, and 15,756 families residing in the community. Burke is the largest community in Virginia recognized by the Census Bureau, other than counties and incorporated cities (although 11 cities and Arlington, Virginia have greater populations).s of the census of 2000, there were 57,737 people, 19,215 households, and 15,756 families residing in the community. Burke is the largest community in Virginia recognized by the Census Bureau, other than counties and incorporated cities (although 11 cities and Arlington, Virginia have greater populations).", "Fairfax, Virginia Fairfax (/ˈfɛər.fæks/ FAIR-faks), colloquially Central Fairfax, Downtown Fairfax, Fairfax City, Oldtown Fairfax, Historic Fairfax, or the City of Fairfax, is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census the population was 22,565, which had risen to an estimated 24,013 as of 2015.", "- Population Growth. The population of Virginia, especially the counties in Northern Virginia, have not always been growing. The historical census data for Virginia shows population declines as well as increases. for a population total of 747,550.", "- Saxe, VA City Data - Population, Homes, Statistics. Saxe, VA is a city with great restaurants, attractions, history and people. There are around 1,454 people who live in Saxe and approximately 12,472 who live in Charlotte County.", "- Portsmouth city, Virginia (VA) County population in 2014: 96,004 (all urban); it was 100,565 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 16,979. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 4,983.", "Fairfax County, Virginia Fairfax County, officially the County of Fairfax, is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 1,081,726, in 2015, it was estimated at 1,142,234, making it the most populous jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with 13.6% of Virginia's population.", "What Are the Three Largest Cities in Virginia? As of 2014, the three largest cities in Virginia based on population are Virginia Beach (population 447,021), Norfolk (population 245,782) and Chesapeake (population 228,417). The capital city of Richmond is Virginia's fourth largest city, with a population of 210,309.", "Great Falls Great Falls is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The population was 15,427 at the 2010 census. Although primarily a bedroom community for Washington, D.C., one major attraction is Great Falls Park which overlooks the Great Falls of the Potomac River, for which the community and the park are named.", "- The 2016 Laurel Fork (zip 24352), Virginia, population is 1,224. There are 43 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 49.1. The US median is 37.4. 52.55% of people in Laurel Fork (zip 24352), Virginia, are married.", "Verona, Ohio For population 25 years and over in Verona: 1 High school or higher: 80.2%. 2 Bachelor's degree or higher: 15.5%. 3 Graduate or professional degree: 5.3 4 %. Unemployed: 1. 5 3%. Mean travel time to work (commute): 19.8 minutes.", "Loudoun County, Virginia Loudoun County (/ˈlaʊdən/ LOWD-ən) is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. In 2015, the population was estimated at 375,629, making it the third-most populous county in Virginia. Loudoun's county seat is Leesburg. Loudoun County is included in the Washington–Arlington–Alexandria, DC–VA–MD–WV Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Goshen, VA Goshen, VA. Sponsored Topics. Goshen is a town in Rockbridge County, Virginia, United States. The population was 406 at the 2000 census. The town is known amongst the Boy Scouts of America for hosting Goshen Scout Reservation, one of the largest Boy Scout camps in America.", "Quantico, Virginia Quantico, Virginia. Quantico (formerly Potomac) is a town in Prince William County, Virginia, United States. The population was 480 at the 2010 census. Quantico is bordered by the U.S. military installation of Marine Corps Base Quantico on three sides and the Potomac River on the fourth.", "- Verona is located at 39°54′12″N 84°29′17″W / 39.90333°N 84.48806°W / 39.90333; -84.48806 (39.903451, -84.488175). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 0.47 square miles (1.22 km2), of which 0.46 square miles (1.19 km2) is land and 0.01 square miles (0.03 km2) is water.", "- Loudoun County, Virginia (VA) County population in 2014: 363,050 (87% urban, 13% rural); it was 169,599 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 74,818. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 6,566. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 47,588.", "- Fairfax County, Virginia (VA) County population in 2014: 1,137,538 (99% urban, 1% rural); it was 969,749 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 230,326. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 41,907. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 248,858.", "Loudoun County Population and Races Loudoun County Population and Races. As of 2010-2014, the total population of Loudoun County is 338,916, which is 99.83% more than it was in 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 15.63% and is much higher than the national average rate of 11.61%.", "Great Falls, Virginia Great Falls, Virginia. Great Falls, Virginia. Great Falls is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The population as of the 2010 census was 15,427, an increase of 80.5% from the 2000 census. CNNMoney ranked Great Falls first in the nation on its list of top earning towns in 2011.", "Demographics of Virginia As of the 2010 United States Census, Virginia has a reported population of 8,001,024, which is an increase of 288,933, or 3.6%, from a previous estimate in 2007 and an increase of 922,509, or 13.0%, since the year 2000. This includes an increase from net migration of 314,832 people into the Commonwealth from 2000-2007.", "Springfield Springfield, VA. Sponsored Topics. Springfield is a census-designated place in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States and a suburb of Washington, D.C. The Springfield CDP is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau with a population of 30,417 as of the 2000 census.", "- The US median is 37.4. 52.33% of people in Fairfax, Virginia, are married. 9.41% are divorced. The average household size is 2.71 people. 33.91% of people are married, with children. 9.80% have children, but are single.", "- The 2016 Hampton, Virginia, population is 136,454. There are 2,654 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 35.5. The US median is 37.4. 44.82% of people in Hampton, Virginia, are married. 12.46% are divorced.", "Orange, Virginia The Holladay House in Orange. Orange is a town in, and county seat of, Orange County, Virginia, United States. The population was 4,721 at the 2010 census, representing a 14.5% increase since the 2000 census.", "Great Falls, Virginia Great Falls, Virginia. Great Falls is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. The population as of the 2010 census was 15,427, an increase of 80.5% from the 2000 census. CNNMoney ranked Great Falls first in the nation on its list of top earning towns in 2011.", "- Merrifield is a census-designated place (CDP) in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States.The population was 15,212 at the 2010 census.n the CDP the population was spread out with 19.4% under the age of 18, 10.3% from 18 to 24, 42.7% from 25 to 44, 21.4% from 45 to 64, and 6.2% who were 65 years of age or older.", "Lovettsville, VA Profile: Facts, Map & Data The Town of Lovettsville had a population of 2,010 as of July 1, 2015. Lovettsville ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Virginia. See peer rankings below." ]
[ 13.6640625 ]
[ 11.84375, 8.390625, 8.1015625, 8.2734375, 7.94140625, 7.86328125, 9.9765625, 7.94921875, 8.0625, 8.171875, 7.98828125, 7.91796875, 9.1171875, 11.5390625, 8.5625, 8.0390625, 7.78515625, 12.0390625, 8.7265625, 8.4140625, 8.7109375, 7.5703125, 9.921875, 7.8359375, 8.3828125, 8.1484375, 8.7890625, 7.6484375, 8.5390625, 7.9921875 ]
what does the name purdy mean
[ "- In Indian, the name Purdy means-recluse.The name Purdy originated as an Indian name. The name Purdy is most often used as a boy name or male name." ]
[ "Aubrey The name Aubrey is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Aubrey is: Rules with elf-wisdom. Introduced into Britain from France by Aubrey de Vere, a friend of William the Conquerer. De Vere's grandson became the Earl of Oxford.", "Stacy Stacy, sometimes spelled Stacey, Staci, Staecy, or Stacie, is a common first name for women, and occasionally men.The most common male spelling is Stacy. The meaning of the name is disputed.Baby-naming guides cite two alternative English derivations of Greek origins; Anastasia meaning resurrection for girls, and Eustace (Eustachios) meaning bountiful grain for boys. Other related names include Eustacia, Stasia, and Stasha.he most common male spelling is Stacy. The meaning of the name is disputed. Baby-naming guides cite two alternative English derivations of Greek origins; Anastasia meaning resurrection for girls, and Eustace (Eustachios) meaning bountiful grain for boys.", "- The first name of Mr Dooty, a former TV personality and marionette in the 1950's who was driven into obscurity, alcohol abuse and an early death after being arrested by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee(HUAC) for being a suspected fellow traveler with the Communist Party.", "What does Aubrey mean? Aubrey /au-brey/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less regularly as boys' name Aubrey) is pronounced AW-bree. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Aubrey is elf or magical being, power.Originally a man's name, from Norman French, that arrived in England with the Norman Conquest.This was the name, according to German mythology, of the king of the elves.American use of Aubrey is mainly as a girl's name, perhaps under the influence of Audrey.ubrey is a very popular first name for women (#1065 out of 4276, Top 25%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#7133 out of 150436, Top 5%). (2000 U.S. Census). Shown below is the birth name popularity of Aubrey for girls.", "Names Starting with P From an English surname which was derived from the Middle English word pace meaning peace. PACEY m English (Rare). From an English surname which was derived from the French place name Pacy, itself derived from Gaulish given name of unknown meaning.", "- The name Lanny is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lanny is: Abbreviation of names like Roland. American Meaning: The name Lanny is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lanny is: Abbreviation of names like Roland.", "Kelsey Irish Meaning: The name Kelsey is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Kelsey is: Brave. American Meaning: The name Kelsey is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Kelsey is: Brave.n Norse the meaning of the name Kelsey is: From the ship's island. Teutonic Meaning: The name Kelsey is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Kelsey is: Dwells by the water.", "Purdy, MO Weather | Natural Extremes | Air Quality | Environmental Watch | Government. Purdy is located in southwest Missouri. Purdy is part of Barry County. Purdy has 0.65 square miles of land area and has no water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Purdy population is 1,253, which has grown 13.60% since 2000.", "- Darby /dar-by/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Darby) is pronounced DAR-bee. It is of Irish and Old English origin, and the meaning of Darby is without envy; park with deer . A place name. Derived from the surname Derby. Kreatif forms: Darbydu, Dardu, Darly.", "Given Name CORBIN Meaning & History. From a French surname which was derived from corbeau raven, originally denoting a person who had dark hair. The name was probably popularized in America by actor Corbin Bernsen (1954-).Related Names.rom a French surname which was derived from corbeau raven, originally denoting a person who had dark hair. The name was probably popularized in America by actor Corbin Bernsen (1954-). Related Names.", "- In Indian, the name Purdy means-recluse.The name Purdy originated as an Indian name. The name Purdy is most often used as a boy name or male name. Indian Name Meaning-recluse.", "What does Freddie mean? What does Freddie mean? F reddie as a girls' name (also used more widely as boys' name Freddie) is of Old German origin, and Freddie means elf or magical counsel; peaceful; peaceful ruler; holy, blessed reconciliation; joy and peace. Freddie is a version of Alfreda (Old German, Old English): feminine of Alfred. Freddie is also a variant of Freda (Old German).", "Corbin Meaning Korbyn is a variant spelling of Corbin. The English given name Corbin is a transferred use of a French Norman surname, which was derived from the word corbeau meaning raven. The name was originally used for a person with dark hair.Korbyn falls into the bird name category.he English given name Corbin is a transferred use of a French Norman surname, which was derived from the word corbeau meaning raven. The name was originally used for a person with dark hair. Korbyn falls into the bird name category.", "- The name Lanny is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Lanny is: Abbreviation of names like Roland. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.", "Fitzgerald The name Fitzgerald is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Fitzgerald is: Surname. Teutonic Meaning: The name Fitzgerald is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Fitzgerald is: Son of Gerald.English Meaning: The name Fitzgerald is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Fitzgerald is: Mighty spearholder's son.French Meaning: The name Fitzgerald is a French baby name.In French the meaning of the name Fitzgerald is: Son of Gerald.he name Fitzgerald is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Fitzgerald is: Mighty spearholder's son. French Meaning: The name Fitzgerald is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Fitzgerald is: Son of Gerald.", "Audrey The name Audrey is a baby girl name. The name Audrey comes from the English origin. In English The meaning of the name Audrey is: Variant of Etheldreda: From the Old English name Aethelthryth, meaning noble and strength. Famous bearer: St Etheldreda, later known as St Audrey, founded a monastery at Ely.", "- Meaning of Lyndsay. English name. In English, the name Lyndsay means-variation of linda, lime tree, linden tree, beautiful.The name Lyndsay originated as an English name. The name Lyndsay is most often used as a girl name or female name.English Name Meaning-variation of linda, lime tree, linden tree, beautiful. Origin-England.nglish name. In English, the name Lyndsay means-variation of linda, lime tree, linden tree, beautiful.The name Lyndsay originated as an English name. The name Lyndsay is most often used as a girl name or female name. English Name Meaning-variation of linda, lime tree, linden tree, beautiful.", "- Chudy Name Meaning. Czech and Slovak (Chudý); and Ukrainian: nickname from Czech and Slovak chudý ‘poor’, ‘poverty-stricken’, Ukrainian khudyj.Altered spelling of Swiss German Tschudy, Tschudi, a nickname for someone with thick, disheveled hair or for a silly person.lick on a circle in the chart to view Chudy birth and death records. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names.", "âCurley Curley /cur-ley/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Curley is strong man. Related to Charles, via Anglo-Saxon ceorl, or churl.harted below is the birth name popularity of Curley for boys. Curley was first listed in 1890-1899 and reached its highest rank of #959 in the U.S. then, but is not found in the list currently. (Top 1000 Birth Names Records, 2014).", "What does Bodie mean? Bodie [bod-ie]▲ as a boys' name means shelter; one who brings news. Bodie is a variant form of Boden (Scandinavian, Old French).", "Waddell Family History Waddell Name Meaning. Scottish: variant of Weddle. English: topographic name for someone who lived at the hill where woad grew, from Old English wad ‘woad’ + hyll ‘hill’, or a habitational name from a place so named, as for example Woodhill, Wiltshire. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press.", "What does Grady mean? Grady [grady]▲ as a boys' name is pronounced GRAY-dee. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Grady is descendant of Grádaigh. Originally an Irish surname, from ó Grádaigh where Grádaigh means noble in Gaelic. ASSOCIATED WITH irish, surname, noble.", "Ryleigh Meaning What does Ryleigh mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Ryleigh is of Irish origin. The meaning of Ryleigh is courageous, valiant. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is rye meadow.", "Kaely Meaning The name Kaely is of English origin. The meaning of Kaely is caollaidhe's heir. Kaely is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Kae-ly.", "What does Aubrey mean? Aubrey /au-brey/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name (also used less regularly as boys' name Aubrey) is pronounced AW-bree. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Aubrey is elf or magical being, power. Originally a man's name, from Norman French, that arrived in England with the Norman Conquest. This was the name, according to German mythology, of the king of the elves.", "- Origin and meaning of Hedy. The meaning of Hedy is Battle, combat. Its origin is Nickname of the Germanic name Hedwig. Hedy is a form of Hedwig and is generally pronounced like HEH dee. This name is mostly being used as a girls name.", "- Whaley Meaning: one who came from Whaley (meadow by a road or hill), the name of places in Cheshire and Derbyshire.Whaley Origin(s): Submit Info.haley Meaning: one who came from Whaley (meadow by a road or hill), the name of places in Cheshire and Derbyshire. Whaley Origin(s): Submit Info.", "What does Daisy mean? Daisy /dai-sy/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced DAY-zee. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Daisy is day's eye. A flower name.Often used as a nickname for Margaret, where in France, the flower is called a marguerite.Literary: Henry James named the typical American girl in Europe as Daisy Miller in his story.aisy is a very prominent first name for women (#295 out of 4276, Top 7%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#34114 out of 150436, Top 23%). (2000 U.S. Census). Presented below is the baby name popularity of Daisy for girls.", "Purdy Sponsored Topics. Purdy is a city in Purdy Township, Barry County, Missouri, United States. The population was 1,103 at the 2000 census. Purdy is located at 36°49′7″N 93°55′15″W / 36.81861°N 93.92083°W / 36.81861; -93.92083 (36.818520, -93.920888). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.6 square miles (1.7 km²), all of it land.", "All about the name Shelly The meaning of the name Shelly is From The Sloping Field. The origin of the name Shelly is English. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. Variations: Chelleigh. People who like the name Shelly also like: John, Marvin, Sheldon, Felix, Percy, Timothy, Clyde." ]
[ 12.8828125 ]
[ 7.23828125, 7.97265625, 9.2265625, 7.15234375, 7.80859375, 7.19921875, 7.20703125, 9.5390625, 7.46875, 7.3671875, 12.671875, 7.06640625, 6.81640625, 7.2109375, 7.3125, 7.48046875, 7.2578125, 6.9453125, 6.97265625, 7.50390625, 6.875, 7.4609375, 7.21875, 6.984375, 7.296875, 7.24609375, 7.390625, 7.0390625, 10.859375, 7.03515625 ]
is pharm tech hard
[ "- Written on April 10, 2011 by in Pharmacy Technician Training. Summary: Becoming a Pharmacy Technician isn’t that hard. Many states allow you to train on the job rather than attend a school. Don’t worry if you don’t have prior medical work experience – one of my best technicians was that way.Your training and examination can be finished in as little as three to six months.irst of all, regarding the difficulty of becoming a pharmacy technician. Over the last 10 years I’ve trained at least 6 pharmacy technicians. One of them was from the ground up – not knowing anything about the medical field at all and within two years was one of the best technicians I ever had. I hated to see her go." ]
[ "Job Description of a Compounding Pharmacy Technician Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in compounding pharmacies can make up custom dosages; avoid allergens, such as gluten; or make gelatin-free capsules for vegetarians. If you're a pharmacy technician, compounding is a good skill set to master.ompounding pharmacy technicians make up custom medications for their patients. Until the middle of the 20th century, when mass manufacturing took over, most pharmacies prepared drugs to order for each customer. That process is called compounding, and it has made a comeback in many places.", "Admission Requirements Entry-Level Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) Program. 1 Completion of pre-professional courses. 2 Completion of general education coursework or an Associate of Arts (AA) degree. 3 Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) Foreign language required – can be completed by one of the following: Two years of a foreign language in high school.", "- Note from Board of Pharmacy: Pharmacy Technician certification is optional in New Hampshire at this time. Only registration with the NH Board of Pharmacy is required by state law for New Hampshire pharmacy technicians.", "- You decide if you want to piss your life away as a pharmacy tech, and stressful days with customers for what little is paid...I know every PT dream is to get into a hospital, well wake up, 95% of pt will never ever see the inside of a hospital with higher wages.", "How to Become a Pharmacy Technician: Pharmacy Technician Schools & Careers Certification is not required in some states, but most employers prefer pharmacy techs to be certified. An online pharmacy tech certification program needs to provide comprehensive training to prepare a student to sit for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) exam.", "- Pharmacists are knowledgable about medications and there effect on the body. To be a great pharmacists, you would need to do well in chemistry and cellular biology as pharmacy school is 50% organic chemistry and 20% cellular biology.ll pharmacists are required to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and also pass two exams to obtain a license to practice as a pharmacist. Coursework in pharmacy includes intensive study of chemistry, biology and anatomy, as well as pharmacology and medical ethics.", "- J in Palm Harbor, Florida said: No, you absolutely do not need to go to school. I worked as a pharmacy tech when I was in college. The best way to become a pharmacy technician is to sign up for the ptcb and get certified. Getting certified allows you to get licensed. CVS has a great training process where you learn everything you need to know while getting paid.", "How to Become a Pharmacy Technician: Pharmacy Technician Schools & Careers Aspiring pharmacy techs can complete a 1-year diploma or certification program at a pharmacy technician school or a 2-year associate degree program. This career guide provides in-depth information about pharmacy technician careers and job opportunities in this fast-growing field.", "Pharmacy Technician To be a state-certified technician with the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy, you must be a graduate of an ASHP-accredited pharmacy technician program, be PTCB-certified and have 1,000 hours of employment experience in a pharmacy. National Certification.", "Can you work part time as a pharmacy technician? Certification will usually put you ahead in line for any job. All fields are suitable for part-time work these days, because it is not necessary to pay benefits (health insurance, etc.) to part-time employees. 1. You do have to complete the Pharmacy Tech program and graduate w/your certificate. Most states now require you to get your Pharm Tech License, your Pharmacy Tech program would be able to tell you how to site for the license in your state. Working PT isn't a problem, there are actually more PT jobs than FT. But you will need to enroll in the Pharm Tech program 1st, it's about a year.", "How to Become a Pharmacy Technician: Pharmacy Technician Schools & Careers 3. Become certified. Some states require pharmacy technicians to become certified. Even in states where certification is not required, most employers will only hire pharmacy techs who are certified by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).", "- PharmaSchool is a leading provider of in-house, online & open access GCP and Clinical Research Training to the global healthcare industry. The Top 10 Most Challenging ICH GCP Questions 5.00/5: 7 votes. Posted on August 8, 2014 by admin.", "How to Become a Pharmacy Technician: Pharmacy Technician Schools & Careers Some states require pharmacy technicians to become certified. Even in states where certification is not required, most employers will only hire pharmacy techs who are certified by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or the National Healthcareer Association (NHA).", "- 1 Explain the need for security and privacy for patients from the perspective of the pharmacy technician. 2 Explore ways in which HIPAA privacy may be compromised by pharmacy technicians and other pharmacy personnel. Identify ways in which the pharmacy technician may help pharmacists coordinate patient counseling.", "About PharmTech PharmTech.com is part of the UBM Life Sciences unit of UBM Americas, a US-based event, information, and marketing services business serving professional communities in human healthcare, veterinary medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry with an unmatched portfolio of in-person, print, and digital products.", "Summary Pharmacy technicians usually need a high school diploma or equivalent and learn their duties through on-the-job training, or they may complete a postsecondary education program in pharmacy technology. Most states regulate pharmacy technicians, which is a process that may require passing an exam or completing a formal education or training program.", "- Certification will usually put you ahead in line for any job. All fields are suitable for part-time work these days, because it is not necessary to pay benefits (health insurance, etc.) to part-time employees. You do have to complete the Pharmacy Tech program and graduate w/your certificate.", "- We believe that many barriers can be addressed by applying advanced technology and well-designed processes to support the best clinical approaches. If you’re a clinical pharmacist -- or leading the Pharmacy, a telehealth initiative, or your hospital system -- we invite you to join this dialogue.", "Has anyone taken the new PTCB exam? New PTCB Exam by: Beverly New PTCB EXAM is not until 2018 from what I read on their website. I just completed the Pharmacy technician program at my college. The class was very intense and lots of work. My instructor told us the PTCB EXAM is very difficult and to do the Excpt Which is also accepted in our state.", "Pharmacy Tech online school Get the tech review book then take the test. School is not a requirement to become a tech. In fact, Nevada has done away with the tech exam entirely. Nevada went back to number of hours worked in a pharmacy = a tech license.teve in Atlanta, Georgia said: Hi, I am interested in becoming a Pharmacy Tech and would like to study online. Could anybody please recommend a good school, I don't want to spend my money on some scam school. Thank you very much.", "About PharmTech We provide professionals with dynamic and reliable cutting-edge peer-reviewed content and features on next-generation process development and manufacturing, formulation, drug delivery, ingredients, regulation, analytics, packaging, supply-chain, and outsourcing.", "How Long Does It Take to Become a Pharmacy Technician? Certain states and employers do require certification. The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board and the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians, or ICPT, offer national certification by examination. Those who pass the ICPT exam are granted the title of Certified Pharmacy Technician.", "- Evaluation and management (E/M) coding isn't hard; it just seems that way. It seems hard because it's typically taught “from the top down” – with all the bits and pieces of history, then all the exam bullet points, and then all the elements of decision making.", "Are pharmacy technician accountable to the supervising pharmacy technician? yes. A pharmacy technician career is a good fit for those interested in detail-oriented tasks, memory games, helping others, and decoding handwriting. According to the Bur … eau of Labor Statistics, there were 334,400 pharmacy technicians in 2010 and 108,300 new positions will be added by 2020.es. A pharmacy technician career is a good fit for those interested in detail-oriented tasks, memory games, helping others, and decoding handwriting. According to the Bur … eau of Labor Statistics, there were 334,400 pharmacy technicians in 2010 and 108,300 new positions will be added by 2020.", "Can you work part time as a pharmacy technician? I am currently a pharm. tech student doing my externship at CVS. Part-time positions are possible especially in retail. CVS is always super busy and stressful. I have already passed my certification exam and I will be getting my license in December. But from doing my externship I don't want to work as a pharm. tech all my life...Its way too stressful!!", "Pharmacy Tech online school I've been a pharmacist for 32 years and I can say that it is indeed rare for a retail pharmacy to hire a tech from a tech school. The tech schools are nothing but a scam. Tech schools do not prepare you for working in a pharmacy.teve in Atlanta, Georgia said: Hi, I am interested in becoming a Pharmacy Tech and would like to study online. Could anybody please recommend a good school, I don't want to spend my money on some scam school. Thank you very much.", "About PharmTech Pharmaceutical Technology is the authoritative source of peer-reviewed research and expert analyses for scientists , engineers , and managers engaged in process development , manufacturing , formulation and drug delivery , API synthesis , analytical technology and testing , packaging , IT , outsourcing , and regulatory compliance in the ...", "DO NOT ENROLL IN ANY PHARMACY TECH SCHOOLS!! WASTE OF TIME!!! 80 months ago. I am finding it hard to get a PhT job without some kind of formal training. Hospitals will not hardly talk to me after finding out that I have not yet received a formal education in PhT. Some hospitals actually require a Bachelor of Science just to be a Pharmacy tech.", "5 Key Pharmacy Technician Responsibilities The most typical location for a pharmacy technician to work at is a drug or grocery store pharmacy; however, there are opportunities for a pharmacy technician to work in hospitals and other medical facilities where they will prepare a greater variety of medications, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).here are specific responsibilities individuals in every career must face. A pharmacy technician must be extra diligent while performing their duties since serious health problems can arise if a mistake is made with a customer or patient’s prescription.", "How Difficult Is A Dialysis Technician Job? The other job description of a dialysis technician revolves around screening and taking care of patients as they undergo treatment. During this period, you will need to report the actual condition of your patient to the physician or supervising nurse.ou will also have to educate patients about the dialysis procedure so that they feel comfortable allowing you to perform it. Therefore, the best answer to “how difficult is a dialysis technician job” is that this job is relatively easy." ]
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cost of building a screened in porch
[ "- Rates for building a new porch or deck commonly range from $15 to $35 per square foot, though a number of factors will influence the complexity and expense of the project. A qualified pro can help you plan and budget for a deck or porch that meets your needs and complements the size and style of your home." ]
[ "How Much Does It Cost To Screen In A Porch? The cost of materials for a basic 200sf screened in porch on an existing deck in most urban areas should run between $470 and $680, with an installation cost between $296 and $345. The total cost for a basic 200sf screened in porch will range from $766 to $1,025 or an average cost of $4.48/sf. The cost of materials for a top-of-the-line screened in porch on an existing deck runs between $860 and $1,070, with an installation cost between $297 and $304.", "Sunroom Cost 1 Building an addition isn't the only cost; furniture and other decorating touches such as curtains or artwork can add $250-$1,000 to a simple screened porch and $1,000-$10,000 for interior-quality decor (to match the rest of the home) in a three-or four-season sunroom. Nationwide, average regional prices range from $66,046 -$83,463 to custom-build a 200-square-foot four-season sunroom addition from the ground up, with a slab foundation, post-and-beam framing, insulation, glass windows with screens, window shades, a ceiling fan and a tile floor, according to Remodeling Magazine.", "Porch Cost 1 Pre-built (modular) porch systems eliminate a lot of the complicated carpentry needed to build a wooden porch, and cost an average of $10,000-$20,000 with do-it-yourself installation plus the additional costs of any needed prep work (foundation, concrete slab).hopping for a porch: 1 A covered porch needs to be at least 4 feet deep to protect both the house and doorway from the weather; at least 6 feet deep to allow people to sit comfortably on the porch; and at least 8-10 feet deep to accommodate a small table with four chairs or benches around it.", "- 1 The cost of materials for a basic 200-square-foot screened-in porch on an existing deck in most urban areas should run between $470 and $680 with an installation cost between $296 and $345.n average construction estimate for a completely new screened-in porch is about $70 per square foot. Therefore, a basic porch (8-foot by 10-foot) with a roof and screen measuring at 80 square feet would begin at a cost of $5,600.", "- A basic sun porch with a translucent roof that is 6-by-9 feet costs about $6,500. A prefabricated shade porch with a solid roof that is 15 feet wide and 24 feet long costs about $24,000. Shipping can cost anywhere between $650 to $1000, depending on the distance it is being shipped and the weight of the components.", "- Average Cost Of A Screened-in Patio. 1 At the minimum, homeowners should expect to spend around $6.31 per square foot for a screened-in patio. 2 At the minimum, most screened-in patios cost $4.18 per square foot.", "- 1 The cost to enclose a porch depends on things such as the size, the materials used, the design, and the company you hire to complete the job. 2 However, PreviewConstruction.com estimates that the job will cost anywhere from $5,500 to 15,000.", "Cost to Screen In Porch Cost to Screen In Porch - 2014 Cost Calculator. The cost to Screen In Porch averages $4.74 - $6.83 per square foot in 2014.This Screened In Porch Installation cost estimate is calculated from average material costs, unit labor producitivity rates and national average hourly labor wages.To refine the estimate for your Screened In Porch Installation project:ost to Screen In Porch - 2014 Cost Calculator. The cost to Screen In Porch averages $4.74 - $6.83 per square foot in 2014.", "How Much Does It Cost To Screen In A Porch? 1 The total cost for a basic 200-square-foot screened-in porch will range from $766 to $1,025 or an average cost of $4.48 per square feet. 2 The cost of materials for a top-of-the-line screened-in porch on an existing deck runs between $860 and $1,070 with an installation cost between $297 and $304. The cost of materials for a top-of-the-line screened-in porch on an existing deck runs between $860 and $1,070 with an installation cost between $297 and $304.", "How much does it cost to build a porch? 1 Install 6X6 box columns w/ ScreenTight screen system-Average at $1.80 per square foot of opening. 2 Total cost for materials is $1080, plus installation** time of 24 hours. 3 Install bead board ceiling-Average price per bundle (6 boards at 8' lengths) $30.", "Sunroom Cost Additional costs: 1 Building an addition isn't the only cost; furniture and other decorating touches such as curtains or artwork can add $250-$1,000 to a simple screened porch and $1,000-$10,000 for interior-quality decor (to match the rest of the home) in a three- or four-season sunroom.", "How Much Does It Cost To Screen In A Porch? As with the rest of the construction, the size of the porch and quality of selected materials determine the actual cost savings. For example, a wrap-around porch that contains windows and screens can run up to a maximum of $30,000. An average construction estimate for a completely new screened in porch is about $70/sf.", "- Shopping for a sunroom: 1 Building an addition isn't the only cost; furniture and other decorating touches such as curtains or artwork can add $250-$1,000 to a simple screened porch and $1,000-$10,000 for interior-quality decor (to match the rest of the home) in a three-or four-season sunroom. Nationwide, average regional prices range from $66,046 -$83,463 to custom-build a 200-square-foot four-season sunroom addition from the ground up, with a slab foundation, post-and-beam framing, insulation, glass windows with screens, window shades, a ceiling fan and a tile floor, according to Remodeling Magazine.", "The Average Cost to Build a Porch The materials for a small porch on an existing concrete slab, 6 feet long and 4 feet wide, supported by beams with a shingle roof should be accomplished for less than $1,000. A wrap-around porch with screens and windows can cost up to $30,000.", "- 1 The cost of materials for a top-of-the-line screened-in porch on an existing deck runs between $860 and $1,070 with an installation cost between $297 and $304.2 The total cost for a screened-in porch on a existing deck will be between $1,157 and $1,374 or an average cost of $6.33 per square feet.n average construction estimate for a completely new screened-in porch is about $70 per square foot. Therefore, a basic porch (8-foot by 10-foot) with a roof and screen measuring at 80 square feet would begin at a cost of $5,600.", "Screened-in Porches: How Much Do They Cost to Build? Love your porch so much Susan that we also just contracted to replace our deck with a screened in porch like yours. It will be 15 x 20 and have a new deck running along the back of our home that will be 15 x 29.At the end of the deck, opposite the porch, will be a 14x 15 pergola with a fan.eep in mind my cost included removal of the old deck and the addition of two new decks, as well as the screened in porch. If you’re just adding on a porch and go with regular deck flooring, normal height porch ceiling, non-arched windows, not so many outlets, etc… you can save a good bit.", "- Average Cost of A Screened-in Patio. 1 At the minimum, homeowners should expect to spend around $6.31 per square foot for a screened-in patio. At the minimum, most screened-in patios cost $4.18 per square foot.", "Cost to Screen In Patio Cost to Screen In Patio - 2014 Cost Calculator. The cost to Screen In Patio averages $4.75 - $6.35 per square foot in 2014. This Screened In Patio Installation cost estimate is calculated from average material costs, unit labor producitivity rates and national average hourly labor wages.", "How Much Does a Screened in Porch Cost? Screen porch kits are available on the market for as little as a few hundred dollars. For example, the 17’1″ x 8’6″ Patio-Mate at BJ’s Warehouse retails for about $800. Since this screened in porch is technically a new room, you have to remember it will have footings, a foundation, floors, a wall, electrical, a ceiling and a roof.", "How Much Does It Cost To Screen In A Porch? The total cost for a basic 200sf screened in porch will range from $766 to $1,025 or an average cost of $4.48/sf. The cost of materials for a top-of-the-line screened in porch on an existing deck runs between $860 and $1,070, with an installation cost between $297 and $304. The total cost for a screened in porch on an existing deck will be between $1,157 and $1,374 or an average cost of $6.33/sf. Of course, the construction of a completely new screened in porch without an existing deck is much more expensive.", "- 1 The cost to enclose a porch depends on things such as the size, the materials used, the design, and the company you hire to complete the job. 2 However, PreviewConstruction.com estimates that the job will cost anywhere from $5,500 to 15,000. In addition, the windows will add to the overall cost. 2 Vinyl framed windows (4X6 ft), in particular, might cost you anywhere from $350 and $650 per piece. 3 The cost for the insulation also varies with how much is required and the insulation method you choose. 4 However, it usually runs between $750 and $2,000.", "The Average Cost to Build a Porch The average cost to build a porch really depends on what type of porch you want. Costs can range from a couple hundred dollars for a slab of concrete and a rail, to $30,000 or more for a fully enclosed wrap-around porch.", "Cost of a Screened In Patio The cost to install a screened-in patio generally runs between $60 to $90 per linear foot. By taking the running foot total of the area you’d like screened-in and multipling by an average cost of $80, you will get a good idea of how much to pay for a screen room.Call us today for a free consultation and estimate.f you don’t have an existing patio cover, we can build one for a very affordable cost and then screen in the area under the new cover. The number of doors you desire can also add to cost. All of our rooms include 1 high quality screen door, but more can be added. There is alot of buzz today about solar screens.", "How Much Does a Porch Cost? Porch Costs. $70.00 per square foot for a high quality project with electrical and skylights, a solid roof and fully screened. Decking material variables. $30.00 per square foot for cedar or redwood; $15.00 per square foot for pressure treated yellow pine; Add 25-30% for Trex composite building material", "- A screened in porch is fairly inexpensive compared to a sunroom. But the sunroom cost is really in the windows. You could buy large single pane windows in standard sizes for about $200 each from your discount home improvement center or you could spend $1,200 to $1,500 for each window if you buy the best.", "How much does it cost to build a porch? 1 According to Hanley Wood and their Remodeling magazine the average porch addition in which a completely covered and enclosed porch is added to the exterior of a home will cost $21,670.2 The resale value of this update would hold at $18,181 or a nearly 84% return on investment. Total cost of $800, plus installation time of 16 hours. 2 Install 6X6 box columns w/ ScreenTight screen system-Average at $1.80 per square foot of opening. 3 Total cost for materials is $1080, plus installation** time of 24 hours. 4 Install bead board ceiling-Average price per bundle (6 boards at 8' lengths) $30.", "Budgeting for a Porch Project A basic concrete-slab porch will be easier on the wallet than a larger screened-in porch or sunroom. Prefabricated porches can be found for approximately $10,000 to $20,000, and expect to pay anywhere from $15,000 to $30,000 for a good-quality, medium-sized (about 16' x 20') porch with a floor and roof built by a contractor.", "How Much Does Building a Porch Cost? 1 The cost of a porch could be anywhere from $5,000 for a simple structure or less to $75,000 or more for a sunroom or similar fully enclosed structure. 2 The cost to build a 16’ x 20’ covered, enclosed porch is approximately $60 to $100 per square foot, or a total of around $16,000 to $32,000. The cost to build a 16’ x 20’ covered, enclosed porch is approximately $60 to $100 per square foot, or a total of around $16,000 to $32,000. 2 Larger porches generally cost less per square foot while smaller porches tend to cost more per square foot.", "Cost of screened in porch? Hoping to get some idea of what others have paid to have a screened in porch done. We're in Annapolis, MD. We currently have a covered front porch that is 18x 3 ft. wide. We want to go about 20 ft by 8 feet wide. I saw some info on-line about price per sq foot but wasn't sure how to apply this to our situation. We have the porch for about half of the total area but will obviously need to build out.", "How Much Does a Screened-In Porch Cost? Of course, there are many other factors that can influence the final price of your project. You want to make sure take all of them into consideration before you begin a project. An average 16’ x 16’ screened-in porch will cost around $35,000 with pressure-treated wood and not a lot of accessories." ]
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[ 12.2578125, 11.53125, 10.875, 12.1640625, 10.828125, 12.3515625, 12.125, 12.1015625, 12.9375, 11.609375, 12.109375, 12.4375, 11.6953125, 11.671875, 12.296875, 9.859375, 12.546875, 11.9765625, 11.5625, 12.484375, 11.890625, 11.4921875, 10.875, 11.671875, 11.7265625, 11.6484375, 12.3515625, 11.796875, 10.578125, 12.3046875 ]
what is a foam board
[ "What is Foam Board? Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. Foam board, also known as foamcore or foam core, is a backing material widely used in framing art. It is made of a type of Styrofoam™ covered on both sides with paper or plastic so that the foam is the core of the sandwich.op 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. Foam board, also known as foamcore or foam core, is a backing material widely used in framing art. It is made of a type of Styrofoam™ covered on both sides with paper or plastic so that the foam is the core of the sandwich." ]
[ "- Foam Rolling is a self-myofascial release (SMR) technique that is used by athletes and physical therapists to inhibit overactive muscles.", "- Foamex Boards Signage. Our Foamex Display Boards are printed full colour to one side onto quality lightweight foamex board. Suitable for external and interior use, Foamex is fully weatherproof, UV stable for up to 3 years, difficult to ignite and is self-extinguishing. Unlike corex, foamex is a solid board. Solopress print your Foamex display boards using DTS (direct to substrate) technology.", "What is foam made of? foam is a substance that is formed by trapping many gaseous bubbles in a liquid or solid. A foam is normally an extremely complex system consisting of polydisperse gas bubbles… separated by draining films.", "- Insulation is an extruded polystyrene. foam insulation board that is scored. longitudinally on 16” and 24” centers, making it easy to size to commonly used. widths. STYROFOAM™ Brand Scoreboard. Insulation has excellent insulating. characteristics, high resistance to water.", "Soft board Bonding: Softboard is a material made from wood fibers. These fibers contain the natural substance lignin causing the fibers to stay together. There is no extra glue added.From the wet fibers sheets are made. The boards are dried without being pressed. Softboard is porous and thereby absorbs sound.It is moisture sensitive.onding: Softboard is a material made from wood fibers. These fibers contain the natural substance lignin causing the fibers to stay together. There is no extra glue added.", "Foam A foam is a substance formed by trapping pockets of gas in a liquid or solid. A bath sponge and the head on a glass of beer are examples of foams. In most foams, the volume of gas is large, with thin films of liquid or solid separating the regions of gas. Solid foams can be closed-cell or open-cell. In closed-cell foam, the gas forms discrete pockets, each completely surrounded by the solid material. In open-cell foam, gas pockets connect to each other. A bath sponge is an example of an open-cell foam: water easily flows through the entire structure, displacing the air.", "- Roof Insulation Boards for Any Application. Atlas Roofing foam roof insulation is well established in the building materials industry through its ACFoam ® family of insulation board products. Cores of these products are polyisocyanurate (polyiso) foam, the most widely used and accepted rigid roof insulation in use today. It is estimated that 60-65% of all commercial new or re-roofing applications nationwide use polyiso.", "DURAboardHD100 - Most Compressible Filler Board for Expansion Joints DURAboardHD100 is a high performance, pre-moulded compressible filler board, closed cell joint filler material available in the board/sheets form. It is very light weight. This makes it very easy to handle & install. Being polymer based, it is rot proof & bacteria resistant.", "Baseboard An example of a baseboard in combination with other wall components. In architecture, a baseboard (also called skirting board, skirting, mopboard, floor molding, as well as base molding) is a (generally wooden) board covering the lowest part of an interior wall.Its purpose is to cover the joint between the wall surface and the floor.lastic baseboard comes in various plastic compounds, the most common of which is UPVC. It is usually available in white or a flexible version in several colors and is usually glued to the wall. Vinyl baseboard is glued with adhesive and can be difficult to remove or to replace.", "Surfboard (Boards made with foam and wood are commonly known as compsands or veneer boards .) Various construction methods are used to hollow the inside of the surfboard and lighten the weight of the completed board. Generally, a hollow wood surfboard is 30% to 300% heavier than a standard foam and resin surfboard.", "foam board insulation This can be an advantage if you have space limitations. Polyiso foam board insulation is available in a variety of compressive strengths. Compressive strength refers to the ability of a rigid foam board to resist deformation and maintain its shape when subjected to a force or load.his can be an advantage if you have space limitations. Polyiso foam board insulation is available in a variety of compressive strengths. Compressive strength refers to the ability of a rigid foam board to resist deformation and maintain its shape when subjected to a force or load.", "Oriented strand board OSB is easily identifiable by its characteristic wood strands. Oriented strand board (OSB), also known as flakeboard, sterling board and aspenite in British English, is a type of engineered lumber similar to particle board, formed by adding adhesives and then compressing layers of wood strands (flakes) in specific orientations.", "What Is Masonite® Board? Masonite® board offers a number of benefits to users. It is very strong and dense, but is also flexible enough for bending or shaping. Because it is made from pressed fibers instead of glued wood chips like plywood, it holds nails and other fasteners very well.", "- The Smart Board (stylized as SMART Board) is a line of interactive whiteboards produced by the Calgary, Alberta-based company Smart Technologies.he Smart Board is an interactive whiteboard that uses touch detection for user input (for example scrolling and right mouse-click) in the same way as normal PC input devices.", "How to Install Rigid Polyurethane Foam Board Insulation Installing on Masonry Walls. Foam insulation can be affixed directly to masonry surfaces like brick, block and concrete. You can apply the material to the exterior of these surfaces before you cover them with siding, or install it on the interior when applicable. It may also be used on unfinished masonry. Cut your polyurethane foam insulation to fit the surface where you plan to install it, then cover the back of the foam with foam construction adhesive. Draw a line of adhesive around the perimeter of the sheet, then make a large X across the center with the adhesive as well.", "What is XPS Foam Insulation? What is XPS foam board insulation? How is XPS foam board insulation used in my home? What is the R-value of XPS foam board? Why is there a coffee cup here and did you really install 4″ of XPS board in your attic when it was 95 F outside (yes!, and probably 115 inside).", "Tiger Foam⢠Open Cell Formula â 1350 Board Foot Spray Foam Insulation Kit Tiger FoamTM Spray Foam is a multiple purpose open cell, low density polyurethane spray foam that utilizes a non-flammable blowing agent. Tiger FoamTM Spay Foam is excellent for sound deadening and reducing noise levels.", "- The Smart Board (stylized as SMART Board) is a line of interactive whiteboards produced by the Calgary, Alberta-based company Smart Technologies.ost models of Smart Board include a pen tray on the front of the interactive whiteboard that holds two to four plastic pen tools and an eraser. The pen tools have neither electronic components nor ink-the technology is in the pen tray.", "Joint Filler Board or Kampun HD100 board is a Cross linked Closed cell Polymer which is widely also known as compressible filler boards. Our joint fillers are very light weight as well as easy to handle and install. It can withstand severe weathering conditions and shows no sign of disintegration or degradation. It is a sheet form in semi-rigid, UV resistive, high performance laminated closed cell polyethylene foam joint filler.", "Fanfold Insulation Fanfold refers to the shape of the foam board. To create fanfold insulation, a single layer of the material is folded in on itself into a fan-like shape, compressing the material and making many layers out of one surface.", "DURAboardHD100 - Most Compressible Filler Board for Expansion Joints DURAboardHD100 (formerly SILFLEX/CAPCELL HD100) is an exclusive compressible filler board specially designed to be used as expansion joint filler in concrete brick, block work and isolation joint, where readily compressible low load transfer joint filler is required.", "- Foam is a general category of extinguishing agents that includes a wide variety of specific foams for special purpose application. Foam is used in portable fire extinguishers, wheeled extinguishers, manual hose lines, fixed hose systems, and a variety of installed systems.", "- EPS AGED FOAM BOARD. Insulation Foam for EIFS. Cross Country Supply, Home of the EIFS Depot is an experienced source for expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly referred to as foam or aged board, used for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).", "- To the OP, I've never priced the foam board, but I would think the double bubble foil rolls would be a ton cheaper. You could do the roof and walls of your 30x40 for about $250 based on the price I got. However I don't think it would give as much insulation value. Mainly just a vapor barrier.", "\"36\"\" x 48\"\" Foam Tri-Fold Display Board\" Product Description: Give your office presentation or science fair project a professional edge with Elmer’s Tri-Fold Display Board. Lightweight and smooth foam display board is tri-fold and stands up by itself. The dimensions of the tri-fold display board are 36 x 48 open and 36 x 24 closed. Smooth surface is perfect for paints, markers, glue, and other embellishments. Perfect for science fair, school projects, and business presentations.", "Custom Foam Board Signs Installation: The best way to display foam board signs is to install them as pieces of wall art. Hang them on interior walls or over point-of-sale counters. They can also be hung in retail windows or from ceilings using string or rope—just make sure they are high enough not to get bumped or knocked down.", "5 Problems With Rigid Foam Board Insulation 5 Reasons To Buy Insulation Here. 1 Independent reviews at Site Jabber. Site Jabber is the leading community of online business reviewers. 2 BBB report. For over 100 years, BBB has set the standard for ethical business behavior. 3 Insulation Reviews on every product page.", "Surfboard Modern surfboards are made of polyurethane or polystyrene foam covered with layers of fiberglass cloth, and polyester or epoxy resin. The result is a light and strong surfboard that is buoyant and maneuverable.he Ochroma pyramidale wood's surfboard history originates in the Hawaiians, and the wood lead surfing's landfall on the US west coast in the 1940s. Being light and strong, balsa wood was long considered a perfect material for surfboards.", "What Is Masonite® Board? Masonite® board is a composite wood product that is similar to hardboard or fiberboard. It is sold in sheets like plywood or particle board, but is constructed quite differently from these products. This product is made using shredded wood chips, which are heated and mixed to form fine wood fibers.", "Drywall Drywall – also known as gypsum board or wallboard – is a naturally fire-resistant, paper-covered sheet of natural or synthetic gypsum used to build interior walls and ceilings in most homes. PURPLE® drywall is unique because it resists moisture, mold and mildew. In addition, most PURPLE® drywall products also stand up to scratches, scuffs, dents and sound." ]
[ 12.671875 ]
[ 9.0859375, 9.96875, 10.1875, 10.1796875, 7.53515625, 10.5703125, 10.109375, 8.8125, 7.21484375, 10.578125, 10.140625, 8.8359375, 8.8203125, 7.8515625, 9.25, 11.2578125, 9.6875, 7.71484375, 9.1640625, 10.53125, 8.890625, 9.390625, 11.8828125, 9.8125, 10.84375, 11.171875, 10.1328125, 7.97265625, 8.8359375, 8.703125 ]
amicus name meaning
[ "Looks like you're using an adblocker! amicus (English) Origin & history Abbreviation of amicus curiae. Noun amicus (pl. amici) legal informal - Someone not a party to a case who submits a brief and/or presents oral argument in that case. Synonyms. amicus curiae (formal) Anagrams. Macusi" ]
[ "Amicus Curiae Amicus Curiae. Latin for friend of the court.. Frequently, a person or group who is not a party to a lawsuit, but has a strong interest in the matter, will petition the court for permission to submit a brief in the action with the intent of influencing the court's decision.See, e.g.micus Curiae. Latin for friend of the court.. Frequently, a person or group who is not a party to a lawsuit, but has a strong interest in the matter, will petition the court for permission to submit a brief in the action with the intent of influencing the court's decision. See, e.g.", "AMICUS CURIAE, Meaning & Definition amicus curiae if it thinks it necessary in case of an unrepresented party; the Court can also appoint amicus curiae in any matter of general public importance or in which the interest of the public at large is involved. Definition: Latin term meaning “friend of the court”. The name for a brief filed with", "AMICUS CURIAE, Meaning & Definition Amicus-curiae Brief An amicus curiae (also spelled amicus curiæ; plural amici curiae) is someone, not a party to a case, who volunteers to offer information to assist a court in deciding a matter before it.", "- Theophilus (the-oph'-i-lus). Literally, the name means lover of God.. Davis Bible Dictionary says it means loved by God.. Smith's Bible Dictionary, Harpers Bible Dictionary, and Holman Bible Dictionary give the meaning as friend of God.. 1.The person to whom the books of Luke and Acts were written (Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1).iterally, the name means lover of God.. Davis Bible Dictionary says it means loved by God.. Smith's Bible Dictionary, Harpers Bible Dictionary, and Holman Bible Dictionary give the meaning as friend of God..", "What does Emil mean? Emil /emil/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is pronounced AY-mul. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Emil is rival; laborious; eager. From the old Roman surname Aemilius, probably from aemulus (see Emily). Used only since the mid 19th century. French author Emile Zola; actor Emilio Estevez.", "- From Greek origin its meaning is a€˜â flourishing or highly€™ praiseworthya praiseworthyâ From A roman clan name in the, 17th century The spelling anthony was associated With the greek anthos. meaning flowernthony is from Latin origin, Clan name of the Romans, possibly meaning a€˜â beyond, price, invaluable, praiseworthy€™. flourishinga flourishingâ", "- Name is derived from the Latin Antonius, which means “Priceless” and “of inestimable worth” . Anthony also appears in following countries/origins/languages: American, African, Australian, Chinese, Danish.nthony is from Latin origin, Clan name of the Romans, possibly meaning a€˜â beyond, price, invaluable, praiseworthy€™. flourishinga flourishingâ", "Cooper The name Cooper is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Cooper is: A barrel maker. The name Cooper is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Cooper is: A barrel maker. Numerology. People with this name have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status, power and wealth. People with this name tend to be passionate, compassionate, intuitive, romantic, and to have magnetic personalities.", "- Meaning of Atticus. English name. In English, the name Atticus means-father-like.The name Atticus originated as an English name. The name Atticus is most often used as a boy name or male name. English Name Meaning-father-like.", "Amatus - Meaning of Amatus [ 3 syll. a-ma-tus, am-at-us ] The baby boy name Amatus is pronounced as aa-M AA-TahS †. Amatus is used chiefly in German and its origin is Latin.Amatus is a variant of the name Amadeus (English and German). Amatus is also a variant of the name Amyas (English) in the German language. Amatus is not commonly used as a baby boy name. It is not listed within the top 1000. 3 syll. a-ma-tus, am-at-us ] The baby boy name Amatus is pronounced as aa-M AA-TahS †. Amatus is used chiefly in German and its origin is Latin.", "Amity Meaning What does Amity mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Amity is of Latin origin. The meaning of Amity is friendship, harmony. It is also of English origin, where its meaning is friendship.", "Atticus Atticus is an old Roman (Latin) nickname meaning “man of Attica”. Attica is a place name; dating back to Antiquity, it is the region in Greece which surrounds Athens.", "Brutus The name Brutus is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Brutus is: Stupid. The name Brutus is a Shakespearean baby name. In Shakespearean the meaning of the name Brutus is: The Tragedy of Coriolanus.' Junius Brutus, Tribune of the People. 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar' Decius Brutus, a conspirator against Caesar.", "- Meaning of Marc. English name. In English, the name Marc means-Variant of Mark: Derived from Latin Marcus: Mars (Roman god of war). St. Mark was the author of the second Gospel. Famous Bearer: Mark Twain (1835-1910). Mark Twains real name was Samuel Clemens..ther origins for the name Marc include-English, Latin-American, French.The name Marc is most often used as a boy name or male name. English Name Meaning-Variant of Mark: Derived from Latin Marcus: Mars (Roman god of war).", "Caius Welsh Meaning: The name Caius is a Welsh baby name. In Welsh the meaning of the name Caius is: Joy. English Meaning: The name Caius is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Caius is: A; which is a more common form of the name in Britain.Famous bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is named after its founder, John Caius.Shakespearean Meaning: The name Caius is a Shakespearean baby name.nglish Meaning: The name Caius is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Caius is: A; which is a more common form of the name in Britain. Famous bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is named after its founder, John Caius. Shakespearean Meaning: The name Caius is a Shakespearean baby name.", "What does Atticus mean? Atticus [at-ti-cus]▲ as a boys' name is pronounced AT-a-kuss. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Atticus is from Athens. The name of a famous Roman man of letters who lived in the last years (109-32 BC) of the Roman Empire. He is sometimes considered the first publisher because he had slaves copy important contemporary works like the letters of Cicero.", "amicus curiae amici curiae. : one (such as a professional person or organization) that is not a party to a particular litigation but that is permitted by the court to advise it in respect to some matter of law that directly affects the case in question.", "What does Caius mean? Caius /ca-ius/ [3 sylls.] as a boys' name is pronounced keys. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Caius is happy. Common Roman form of Gaius.This was the name of the infamous Roman emperor called Caligula, a nickname meaning little boots. This referred to the minature soldier's footwear he wore when he was young. A 16th-century English physician endowed a college at Cambridge University called Gonville and Caius.aius is an uncommonly occurring first name for men. Caius is an equivalently unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. Census). Below is a graphed comparison of the usage of the boy name Caius and corresponding names.", "Glossary of Supreme Court terms Glossary of Legal Terms. Amicus curiae brief: Friend of the court brief; a brief filed by a person, group, or entity that is not a party to the case but nonetheless wishes to provide the court with its perspective on the issue before it. The person or entity is called an amicus; the plural is amici..pinion below: The opinion issued by the court that heard the case immediately before the losing party asked the Supreme Court to review the case (almost always a federal court of appeals or a state court of last resort) is known as the opinion below. Order: An order is an instruction or direction issued by the Court.", "CONSULTANT Noun. 1. amicus curiae-an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest.friend of the court.micus curiae-an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest. friend of the court.", "CONSULTANT Noun. 1. amicus curiae-an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest.friend of the court.oun. 1. amicus curiae-an adviser to the court on some matter of law who is not a party to the case; usually someone who wants to influence the outcome of a lawsuit involving matters of wide public interest.", "- Meaning of Cylus: Cylus is a modern English respelling of the name Silas, which is a short form of the Greek name Silouanos, which is a variant of the Latin name Silvanus, which is derived from the Latin word silva, meaning wood, forest eBabyNames.", "All about the name Emilia Emilia is a name with Latin origins. The meaning of the name Emilia is to strive, to excel, or to rival. Emilia originally comes from the name Aemilia.Common variations of the name include Amelia, Emelia, Emily, Amilya, Emiliana, and Amilia. Common nicknames include Emma, Em, Emmy, Mia, Millie, and Mellie.milia is a name with Latin origins. The meaning of the name Emilia is to strive, to excel, or to rival. Emilia originally comes from the name Aemilia.", "All about the name Emilia Notes: Emilia is a name with Latin origins. The meaning of the name Emilia is to strive, to excel, or to rival. Emilia originally comes from the name Aemilia.Common variations of the name include Amelia, Emelia, Emily, Amilya, Emiliana, and Amilia. Common nicknames include Emma, Em, Emmy, Mia, Millie, and Mellie.otes: Emilia is a name with Latin origins. The meaning of the name Emilia is to strive, to excel, or to rival. Emilia originally comes from the name Aemilia.", "- amici curiae; amicus; amicus curiae; amid; Amida; All ENGLISH words that begin with 'A'", "- About This Software. Amicus Attorney is the world's leading practice management software for solo, small & medium sized law firms. It integrates all your firm information into a single, automated system so you can improve the efficiency & profitability your firm.", "Commonly Used Terms Amicus / Amici. Definition: Derived from the Latin phrase amicus curiae meaning “friend of the court,” the term refers to a person or an organization who, while not a disputing party in a particular lawsuit, writes a brief to the judge to offer expertise on a matter relevant to the case.", "- Latinized form of the Greek name θεοφιλος (Theophilos) which meant friend of god, derived from θεος (theos) god and φιλος (philos) friend. In the New Testament the evangelist Luke addresses his gospel and the Book of Acts to a man named Theophilus. Related Names.", "amicus curiae Definition of AMICUS CURIAE. : one (as a professional person or organization) that is not a party to a particular litigation but that is permitted by the court to advise it in respect to some matter of law that directly affects the case in question.efinition of AMICUS CURIAE. : one (as a professional person or organization) that is not a party to a particular litigation but that is permitted by the court to advise it in respect to some matter of law that directly affects the case in question.", "Cassius Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Cassius and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Cassius and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds.assius Name Meaning. The meaning of Cassius is “Vain, empty”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant." ]
[ 11.296875 ]
[ 10.40625, 11.4375, 11.71875, 7.9921875, 7.57421875, 7.70703125, 7.54296875, 7.21875, 9.1484375, 7.66015625, 9.0625, 10.2734375, 7.328125, 7.03515625, 8.3984375, 9.546875, 10.59375, 7.94921875, 8.625, 10.484375, 10.4375, 7.2734375, 7.83984375, 7.625, 9.34375, 9.921875, 12.03125, 7.99609375, 10.59375, 7.79296875 ]
anthem blue cross insurance phone number
[ "Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Customer Service Phone Number While 800-280-7293 is Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield's #2 most popular phone number, it's not the only way to get a hold of their customer care team. You already know from reading above that 888-231-5046 is their best customer phone number overall, and we have put together a comparison of their undefined total ways to contact support for you to look at as well." ]
[ "Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Phone Number While 888-231-5046 is Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield's best toll-free number, there are 7 total ways to get in touch with them. The next best way to talk to their customer support team, according to other Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield customers, is by calling their 800-280-7293 phone number for their Customer Service department.", "- Medical claims administered by Delta Health Systems • The new Anthem Blue Cross Group Number for billing purposes is: 174098M1A1 • The St Joseph Health Systems Humboldt County healthcare ID number begins with . 402 (Eureka) and 403 (Redwood). This is the unique healthcare ID number assigned by Delta Health Systems to each employee/retiree. Please use this number when calling our office with questions. • Contact Anthem Blue Cross for prior authorization on all inpatient stays: 800-274-7767. Delta Health Systems Professional Claims P.O. Box 702500 West Valley City, UT 84170", "- California Colorado Connecticut Georgia Indiana Kentucky Maine Missouri Nevada New York – Blue Cross New York – Blue Cross Blue Shield Ohio Virginia Wisconsin. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT), Healthy Alliance® Life Insurance Company (HALIC), and HMO Missouri, Inc.", "- The best Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield phone number with tools for skipping the wait on hold, the current wait time, tools for scheduling a time to talk with a Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield rep, reminders when the call center opens, tips and shortcuts from other Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shi...", "- Members or providers can download the form and fax it to Express Scripts at 1-877-526-2307. Express Scripts, Inc. is a separate company that manages pharmacy services and benefits for Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Anthem HealthKeepers. This form is used by members or providers to: provide a supporting statement for a formulary exceptions request", "- The Website of Anthem Blue Cross Ohio is www.anthem.com. The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Anthem Blue Cross Ohio Service Center and Anthem Blue Cross Ohio customer service number is given below. The helpline of Anthem Blue Cross Ohio customer service number may or may not be toll free. data-ad-slot=8744499396>.", "Eligibility and Benefits For out-of-state Blue Cross and Blue Shield members, call the BlueCard® Eligibility Line at 800-676-BLUE (2583) for eligibility and benefit verifications. For Federal Employee Program (FEP) members, eligibility and benefits can be obtained by calling 800-442-4607.", "- In Connecticut, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a trade name of Anthem Health Plans, Inc. Independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Page 1 of 2. MediBlueSM HMO Medicare Advantage. Prior Authorization Request: Inpatient or Outpatient.", "Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area. is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123.", "How Does the BlueCard Program Work If after calling 1-800-676-BLUE (2583) or through other means you discover the member’s benefit plan has a COB provision, and Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the primary payer, submit the claim with information regarding COB to Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.", "Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Phone Number More Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 7 ways to contact Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield according to 276393 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield customer service.", "Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Customer Service Number, Toll Free Phone, Helpline Customer Service Phone Numbers- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Individual and Family Plans: (651) 662-5050, 1-800-262-0823. Customer Service Phone Numbers- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Medicare Plans: 651-662-9949, 1-855-579-7658- Toll Free, 711- TTY.", "- Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield California toll free customer service number : 1-800-284-9093 Blue Shield of California toll free customer service number : (415) 229-5000, 1-888-626-6780 Blue Shield of California Mental Health toll free customer service number : +1 800-393-6130, +1 415-229-5000 blue cross blue shield oklahoma toll free customer service number : +1 (918) 551-3500", "- ProviderAccess User ID into the Anthem Services Registration tool on. Availity, (please note: the first and last name must match what is on. ProviderAccess) and: Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Blue Cross of California. Anthem Blue Cross and Anthem Blue Cross Life and Health Insurance Company are independent licensee of the Blue Cross.", "- Companies that sell to individuals. Blue Cross/Blue Shield (Noridian) - 800-342-4718. Medica Health Plans (HMO) - 800-836-6852. Sanford Health Plan - 888-535-4831. Companies that sell to small employers (2-50) Blue Cross/Blue Shield (Noridian) - 800-342-4718. Medica Health Plans (HMO)/Medica Insurance Company - 800-836-6852.", "- Before dialing Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Customer Service. We've tried for years to eliminate that 24 minute wait for you. But the fact is that it can still take many phone calls to Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield to resolve your issue. Now you can hire GetHuman to do all the work on the phone for you.", "Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia Customer Service Number, Toll Free Phone, Helpline Customer Service Phone Numbers- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia Plans and Benefits: call the toll-free number listed on the back of your member identification card OR call 1-855-397-9267, Fax: (877) 868-7950- submitting claims, inquiries, appeals, etc.", "Stats & Facts Anthem companies serve members as the Blue Cross licensee for California; and as the Blue Cross and Blue Shield licensees for Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri (excluding 30 counties in the Kansas City area), Nevada, New Hampshire, New York (as the Blue Cross Blue Shield licensee in 10 New York City metropolitan and ...", "Categories Wellpoint Insurance Claim. Filing the Claim With Wellpoint Insurance Provider. If you need to file a claim under your worker’s compensation plan, you’ll need to contact Anthem Insurance at 1-877-232-8440. The human resources department of medium to large sized businesses may have a direct number to a specific agent in the service area.", "Contact Us 1-800-238-2227. Tri-state. Anthem plans in Connecticut, Maine and New Hampshire utilize the same membership and claims systems, therefore, inquiries for Maine and New Hampshire members are considered local or ‘tri-state’ inquiries. Please contact the following numbers for the specified prefixes.", "- More Blue Cross Blue Shield (TX) 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 5 ways to contact Blue Cross Blue Shield (TX) according to 68642 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Blue Cross Blue Shield (TX) customer service. 888-697-0683.", "- Medi-Cal Member Handbook/Benefit Year 2012-2013 65 Important Phone Numbers L.A. Care Health Plan 1-888-839-9909L.A. Care Compliance Helpline 1-800-400-4889 Anthem Blue Cross 1-888-285-7801Anthem Blue Cross Nurse Advice Line 1-800-224-0336L.A. Care Family Resource Center – Lynwood 1-888-525-9693L.A.", "- ANTHEM BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD MAILING ADDRESSES & PHONE NUMBERS (Medical and Behavioral Health) Reminders. : Claims – The patient’s ID number must include the member’s 3-character alpha prefix. Correspondence/Inquiries – Indicate the member’s entire ID number incl uding the 3-character alpha prefix.", "- More Anthem Blue Cross CA 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 7 ways to contact Anthem Blue Cross CA according to 338485 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Anthem Blue Cross CA customer service. 877-526-3425.", "- If anything on your ID card is wrong, call Anthem Blue Cross at 1-888-285-7801 right away. Anthem Blue Cross will connect you to the California Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), toll-free at 1-877-481-1044, to get it fixed.", "Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield In Ohio: Community Insurance Company. In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123.", "- Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Blue Cross Blue Shield Connecticut is 1-800-233-4947. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Connecticut is nonprofit health care organization.", "- Anthem Blue Cross CT Address The address of Anthem Blue Cross CT is 3800 Concorde Parkway Suite 2000 Chantilly, VA 20151-1127 United States. Anthem Blue Cross CT Email Address The email address of Anthem Blue Cross CT is [email protected]. Anthem Blue Cross CT Website The Website of Anthem Blue Cross CT is www.anthem.com. Anthem Blue Cross CT Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Anthem Blue Cross CT is (800) 922-4670 (Click phone number to call).", "History Anthem Life is a stock life insurance company wholly owned by Anthem, Inc. It was incorporated in Indiana in June 1956 under the name Associates Life Insurance Co. The company name was later changed to Anthem Life Insurance Company of Indiana, and ultimately to Anthem Life Insurance Company.ndependent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® ANTHEM is a registered trademark of Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.", "About Anthem In New York Anthem Blue Cross is the trade name of Anthem Insurance Companies Inc., providing administrative services to businesses in the following New York counties: Albany, Clinton, Essex, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren and Washington." ]
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what caused the battle of waterloo
[ "What is the cause of the battle of Waterloo? What caused the Battle of Waterloo? Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from exile on Elba and reformed his Army. Wellington had previously chosen the ground, assuming that a returned Napoleon would make a move for Bruss … els." ]
[ "The Peloponnesian War - Causes of the Conflict Thucydides on the Causes of the Peloponnesian War. 1 Spartan unhappiness at no longer having all the military glory, 2 Athenian bullying of its allies and neutral cities, and. 3 A conflict between some competing political ideologies.", "Napoleonic Wars Britain ended the Treaty of Amiens and declared war on France in May 1803; one reason for this was Napoleon's changes to the international system in Western Europe, especially in Switzerland, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.", "- The main causes of the French and Indian War was fighting over land. Some effects of the war were that France and Britain had economic problems for many years after and ma … ny territories were claimed. 1 person found this useful.", "Causes of World War I what event triggered WW1 The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand-heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife Sophie is what sparked World War I. 3 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 The History of Fort Lee Virginia Fort Lee in Virginia goes a long way back in American history.", "The Duke of Wellington Battle of Waterloo 1815 The Duke of Wellington, born Arthur Wellesley, rose to glorious fame fighting Napoleon in the Peninsular Campaign in 1813. He was to lead the Allied forces to victory then and was able to watch Napoleon be sent into exile on Elba in 1814. He led a strong army and must have thought it a job well done.", "Napoleon Bonaparte At Waterloo, Napoleon had 72,000 troops, Wellington commanded 68,000 troops, and Blucher 45,000. The ground was muddy on the day of the battle, and Napoleon made the critical mistake of waiting for the ground to dry before attacking Wellington's forces in the afternoon.", "From Ancient Greece, Lessons On The Risk Of A Modern, Accidental War Thucydides, the historian of the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC, explained what caused the war this way: It was the rise of Athens, and the fear that this inspired in Sparta, that made war inevitable. War with China: the Thucydides trap.", "The French Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 A couple of controversial decisions triggered the cause of the French Revolution of 1830, also known as the July Revolution. After suffering from defeat in 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte abdicated the throne of France.This led to the restoration of Louis XVIII to power as decided by the Congress of Vienna.he French Revolution of 1830, better known as the July Revolution, was triggered after Louis XVIII died, and his brother, Charles X, rose to power.", "- The Napoleonic Wars were caused by the French Revolution, the bankruptcy of France as a nation under the monarchy, and the overthrow of the French aristocracy and royal family. Named for French... The Napoleonic Wars were caused by the French Revolution, the bankruptcy of France as a nation under the monarchy, and the overthrow of the French aristocracy and royal family. Named for French... Star Gazing", "- Underlying causes of WWI (M.A.I.N.) Nationalism was both uniting and dividing Europe. Imperialism was the cause of increased competition among European countries for colonies in Asia and Africa. Alliances: two armed camps existed in Europe on the eve of WWI. Militarism was encouraged because of the increased distrust of the other side.", "- In 1815 two men faced off in a muddy field in Belgium. Wellington, with his British and Allied army, and Napoleon with his French Imperial Guard. One decisive battle could end 20 years of bloody conflict on the continent.", "What Caused The Two World Wars? The background to the First World War was the clash in the Balkans. Germany aimed to move through the Balkans across the Dardanelles and onwards, taking in the Middle East with its oil resources and strategic importance. It was given dramatic expression in the planned Berlin-Baghdad railway.", "- The Duke of Wellington and officers and soldiers of the Allied army at the end of the Battle of Waterloo. Prince William of Orange lies wounded on the stretcher: picture by Jan Willem Pieneman in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.enerals: The Duke of Wellington, Marshal Blucher and the Prince of Orange against the Emperor Napoleon. Size of the armies: 23,000 British troops with 44,000 allied troops and 160 guns against 74,000 French troops and 250 guns. Winner: The British, Germans, Belgians, Dutch and Prussians.", "- Duke of Wellington (England) He was defeated by Wellington, But Wellington would have lost had the Prussians under Blucher not joined the battle, Napoleon needed to keep the … 2 opponents apart & defeat them seperately.Marshal Grouchy gets the blame: Had the French won, however, Napoleon would have taken the credit.uke of Wellington (England) He was defeated by Wellington, But Wellington would have lost had the Prussians under Blucher not joined the battle, Napoleon needed to keep the … 2 opponents apart & defeat them seperately. Marshal Grouchy gets the blame: Had the French won, however, Napoleon would have taken the credit.", "Why did the Battle Of Yorktown happen?1781 one. What started it? What were they fighting over? Best Answer: The Battle of Yorktown came about for three main reasons. 1) The French Navy Commander Comte de Grasse had a couple of months to spare between missions for France in the Caribean. George Washington desperately wanted him to come to New York instead but de Grasse insisted on Yorktown. 2) The reason the Yorktown was an option was because of the following series of events.", "Cause of battle of yorktown? Best Answer: The French Navy defeating the British Navy in the Battle of the Chesapeake in September 1781. Once this occurred, the British at Yorktown couldn't receive reinforcements or be evacuated by sea. Washington then sent his French and Americans soldiers and artillery to surround Yorktown by land.", "- Imperialism as a cause of World War I. Imperialism and imperial rivalry provided both a cause and context for World War I. Imperialism is a system where a powerful nation controls and exploits one or more colonies.", "Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Trafalgar The Battle of Trafalgar was fought October 21, 1805, during the War of the Third Coalition (1803-1806), which was part of the larger Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). As the War of the Third Coalition raged, Napoleon began planning for the invasion of Britain.", "- The Battle of Waterloo. Two days later, on June 18, Napoleon led his army of some 72,000 troops against the 68,000-man British army, which had taken up a position south of Brussels near the village of Waterloo.", "- The United Nations, the rise of superpowers and the upsurge in nationalism owes much to the decisive battle 7 Reasons Why The Battle of Waterloo is Still Important Subscribe", "- The defeat of Napoleon in 1815 and the defeat of Germany in 1918 both prompted a European peace conference to be held. The Congress of Vienna held after Napoleon’s defeat established equilibrium of power in Europe.uadruple Alliance agreed to meet occasionally and discuss interests in Europe and maintain peace. II. The Treaty of Versailles after World War I sought unnecessarily harsh demands on an already crippled Germany and ultimately led to the breakdown of the Treaty and peace in Europe.", "Battle of Waterloo Waterloo was the decisive engagement of the Waterloo Campaign and Napoleon's last. According to Wellington, the battle was the nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life.The defeat at Waterloo ended Napoleon's rule as Emperor of the French, and marked the end of his Hundred Days return from exile. Napoleon abdicated 4 days later, and on the 7 July coalition forces entered Paris.he battlefield is located in the municipalities of Braine-l'Alleud and Lasne, about 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) south of Brussels, and about 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the town of Waterloo. The site of the battlefield today is dominated by a large monument, the Lion's Mound.", "- An easy to remember list of the most important issues surrounding the causes of the war is: Militarism-many countries believed it was important to build large armies and navies. Alliances-the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente were said to have been formed to help prevent war.", "5 Key Causes of World War I The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.hese treaties meant that if one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them. Before World War 1, the following alliances existed: 1 Russia and Serbia. 2 Germany and Austria-Hungary. 3 France and Russia. 4 Britain and France and Belgium.", "What caused the battle of Gettysburg? What caused the battle of Gettysburg? Quick Answer. The Battle of Gettysburg occurred as a result of General Robert E. Lee's push north into Pennsylvania in an attempt to move the bulk of the fighting in the east away from Virginia and into Union territory. His ultimate goal was Philadelphia, but General George Meade's forces caught up with him at Gettysburg.", "What caused the battle of Gettysburg? Quick Answer. The Battle of Gettysburg occurred as a result of General Robert E. Lee's push north into Pennsylvania in an attempt to move the bulk of the fighting in the east away from Virginia and into Union territory. His ultimate goal was Philadelphia, but General George Meade's forces caught up with him at Gettysburg.", "Napoleon The year after that, they attacked France. The Coalition exiled Napoleon to the island of Elba. Less than a year later, he escaped Elba and briefly became powerful again. However, he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815. Napoleon spent the last six years of his life confined by the British on the island of Saint Helena.", "The Battle of Trafalgar The Battle of Trafalgar was to witness both the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte's plans to invade Britain, and the death of Admiral Lord Nelson.", "Causes of World War I The long term causes are intended to explain why two rival sets of powers-Germany and Austro-Hungary on the one hand and Russia, France, Serbia and Great Britain on the other-came into being and then into conflict by 1914.he origins of World War I, which began in The Balkans in late July 1914, defy easy explanation and remain controversial and debated questions.", "- Britain alone had withstood the power of France, achieving security against invasion through Nelson's victory over the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar (1805). The tide began to turn in 1808 when Napoleon created a new enemy by usurping the Spanish throne in favour of his brother Joseph. The Spanish uprising that followed encouraged Britain to send an expeditionary force to the Iberian Peninsula. The ensuing war was to play a major part in Napoleon's downfall." ]
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how much does papa johns cost to franchise
[ "Papa John's Franchise How much does it cost to open a Papa John's Franchise? The investment required to open a Papa John's Franchise is between $124,823-$542,123. There is an initial franchise fee of $0-$25,000 which grants you the license to run a business under the Papa John's name." ]
[ "Subway Franchise Cost & Fees Fees for Unpaid Balances (When Subway or its affiliate incurs the expense). Costs of collection, including lawyers' fees. Transfer. $7,500 plus $3,000 for any satellite (3,750, plus $1,500 for any satellite if the franchisee transfers to or transfers by adding their spouse or child to the franchise agreement).Location Rent/License Fee. $1,000 - $6,000 per month, estimated.7,500 plus $3,000 for any satellite (3,750, plus $1,500 for any satellite if the franchisee transfers to or transfers by adding their spouse or child to the franchise agreement). Location Rent/License Fee. $1,000 - $6,000 per month, estimated.", "Subway Franchise Cost & Fees Subway deems the equipment lease to be a true lease and not a financing lease. Subway offers to finance $10,000 of the initial franchise fee under its minority loan program for qualified franchisees purchasing their first franchise at the full franchise fee in the USA only.osts of collection, including lawyers' fees. Transfer. $7,500 plus $3,000 for any satellite (3,750, plus $1,500 for any satellite if the franchisee transfers to or transfers by adding their spouse or child to the franchise agreement).", "- the investment required to open a subway franchise is between $ 85200 $ 260350 there is an initial franchise fee of $ 15000 which grants you the license to run a business under the subway nameubway franchise submarine sandwich restaurant chain in 1965 17 year old fred deluca and family friend peter buck opened pete s super submarines in bridgeport connecticut with a loan from buck for only $ 1000 deluca hoped the tiny sandwich shop would earn enough to put him through college", "Here's how much it costs to open a Papa John's restaurant In order to open a Papa John's restaurant, potential franchisees must have at least $250,000 in net worth. The company also charges a one-time franchise fee of $25,000 for new restaurants.", "- However, for a bread bakery franchise, the total is close to $330,000. Acording to Entrepreneur Magazine, bakery franchises can cost as low as $46,000 to open, but can run into the millions depending on the size and scope of the business.", "How much does the average Subway owner net? Franchise Fee: $15,000. Ongoing Royalty Fee: 8%. Term of Franchise Agreement: 20 years, renewable. Veteran Incentives: Franchise fee waived if opening on a military/government location; 50% off franchise fee if opening on non-government location but receiving government financing.", "- The cost of entry varies greatly, by both the segment you choose and the franchise brand you select within that segment. While costs range from less than $10,000 to upwards of $5 million, the majority of franchises run from about $50,000 or $75,000 to about $200,000 to get started.", "How Much Does it Cost to Start a Subway Franchise? Cost to Start a Subway Franchise. It usually takes anywhere from $115,000 to $220,000 to start a Subway franchise. Occasionally, with larger restaurants, the cost can run up to $250,000. One of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000.", "How to Start a Subway Restaurant With Corporate Credit Obtain a franchise kit from Subway by visiting their website at www.subway.com and filling out a form to request information. The initial franchise fee for a Subway restaurant is $15,000. Total start-up costs vary, but can be as low as about $78,000.", "Costs Associated With a Subway Franchise Franchise Fees. All aspiring Subway franchise owners must pay a franchise fee to the parent organization. As of 2011, the franchise fee is currently set at $15,000, which is due in a single lump sum.", "How to Start a Subway Restaurant With Corporate Credit Obtain a franchise kit from Subway by visiting their website at www.subway.com and filling out a form to request information. The initial franchise fee for a Subway restaurant is $15,000.Total start-up costs vary, but can be as low as about $78,000. You must have some general business experience to be approved for a franchise.btain a franchise kit from Subway by visiting their website at www.subway.com and filling out a form to request information. The initial franchise fee for a Subway restaurant is $15,000.", "- Cost to Start a Subway Franchise. It usually takes anywhere from $115,000 to $220,000 to start a Subway franchise. Occasionally, with larger restaurants, the cost can run up to $250,000.One of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000.This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable.ccasionally, with larger restaurants, the cost can run up to $250,000. One of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000. This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable.", "Here's what it costs to open a Subway restaurant Tim Boyle/Getty Images. Subway is one of the cheapest major fast-food restaurants to franchise. To open one restaurant, the company requires that potential franchisees have liquid assets of at least $30,000 and a net worth of $80,000 to $310,000, according to Entrepreneur.", "Here's what it costs to open a Subway restaurant Tim Boyle/Getty Images. Subway is one of the cheapest major fast-food restaurants to franchise. To open one restaurant, the company requires that potential franchisees have liquid assets of at least $30,000 and a net worth of $80,000 to $310,000, according to Entrepreneur.im Boyle/Getty Images. Subway is one of the cheapest major fast-food restaurants to franchise. To open one restaurant, the company requires that potential franchisees have liquid assets of at least $30,000 and a net worth of $80,000 to $310,000, according to Entrepreneur.", "How Much Does it Cost to Start a Subway Franchise? It usually takes anywhere from $115,000 to $220,000 to start a Subway franchise. Occasionally, with larger restaurants, the cost can run up to $250,000. One of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000. This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable.", "- Franchise Frequently Asked Questions. How much does it cost to build a Papa John's Franchise? An average unit of 1200 – 1400 square feet, located in a strip center, costs approximately $300,000. This amount will vary depending on the size of the unit and the geographical area. Please review the Franchise Disclosure Document for more information and our current incentive program which may reduce the initial investment.", "How Much Does it Cost to Start a Subway Franchise? Cost to Start a Subway Franchise. It usually takes anywhere from $115,000 to $220,000 to start a Subway franchise. Occasionally, with larger restaurants, the cost can run up to $250,000.One of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000. This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable.Beyond that, you’ll need to budget for start-up costs and operating expenses for the first three months.ne of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000. This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable. Beyond that, you’ll need to budget for start-up costs and operating expenses for the first three months.", "Pizza Hut vs. Dominoâs: Which is the Best Pizza Franchise? Round One: The Important Figures. The minimum financial requirement to open a Pizza Hut is $700,000 in net worth and a minimum of $350,000 in liquid assets. The franchise fee is $25,000 for all franchisees.", "- Papa John's CEO shares the fascinating story of how his $2.2 billion business got its name: 'I owe someone $16,000 worth of free pizza'. John Schnatter, founder and CEO of Papa John's...", "- Little Caesars Franchise Information & Costs. In order to buy a Little Caesars franchise, the prospective must come up with a franchise fee in the amount of $15,000 to $20,000. This is due and payable once the corporate office accepts your restaurant site proposal.", "- Subway Franchise Cost /Initial Investment/ Subway Franchise Income. The capital required to open a Subway franchise is $80,000 and the Subway franchise fee is $15,000 with a total investment of $116,000. We currently don’t have information on the average Subway franchise income.", "FRANCHISE DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT March 27, 2009 1 Start-up costs, including the franchise fee, will probably total $116,200 to $262,850 for a store. 2 A Subway franchisee owes 12.5% of what the store brings in every week (gross sales excluding sales tax) to the corporate office.3 About two-thirds of that amount covers the franchise royalty, and the rest is put toward ads. The initial franchise fee is $25,000. 2 Equipment costs for the restaurant (part of store-opening expenses) will probably run $100,000 to $125,000. 3 Franchisees pay monthly royalties equal to 6% of gross sales. 4 To help cover national advertising, another 2.5% to 3% of gross sales get sent to corporate.", "Most Popular Food Franchises and How Much They Cost For the first group the franchise fee is $0 to $25,000 depending of the social segment (woman, minorities, veterans). For External franchisees, the fee is set at $25,000. Domino's Pizza offers a comprehensive training program covering store operations, marketing, finance, and human resources.izza Hut Franchise. If you have a budget of between $1.3 million to $3 million and a net worth of $1 million with $360,000 in liquid assets, you can be in business within a year. You must commit to building at least 3 restaurants over 3 years.", "Here's how much it costs to open a Papa John's restaurant The pizza restaurants generate an average of $837,000 in sales per unit annually, according to QSR Magazine. The company ranks 40th for its sales per unit in the magazine's list of the top 50 fast-food chains. In order to open a Papa John's restaurant, potential franchisees must have at least $250,000 in net worth.The company also charges a one-time franchise fee of $25,000 for new restaurants.Franchisees then have to pay the company two ongoing monthly fees — one royalty fee equal to 5% of net sales and a charge for advertising equal to 8% of net sales.he company ranks 40th for its sales per unit in the magazine's list of the top 50 fast-food chains. In order to open a Papa John's restaurant, potential franchisees must have at least $250,000 in net worth.", "Domino's Pizza Domino’s Pizza Franchise Cost / Initial Investment / Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s Pizza offers franchises for a fee of $25,000, though the total initial investment ranges from $119,950 to $461,700. The franchise agreement lasts for 10 years and is renewable, and the royalty fee is 5.5%.", "How Much Does it Cost to Start a Subway Franchise? Cost to Start a Subway Franchise. It usually takes anywhere from $115,000 to $220,000 to start a Subway franchise. Occasionally, with larger restaurants, the cost can run up to $250,000.One of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000.This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable. Beyond that, you’ll need to budget for start-up costs and operating expenses for the first three months.ne of the first expenses is the initial franchise fee of $15,000. This fee covers the cost of using the Subway name and is generally non-refundable. Beyond that, you’ll need to budget for start-up costs and operating expenses for the first three months.", "- The total investment required to open a Subway Franchise is currently estimated between $108,000 and $300,000. The Subway franchise prefers that you have 50% of this cost available in cash and the other 50% can be borrowed money.", "What Are the Startup Costs? The startup costs for a Marco’s Pizza franchise ranges from $221,592 to $421,592.Your total initial investment depends primarily upon the number of restaurants you build, their size, their configuration, their location, who develops the real estate for and/or constructs them, and the amount and terms of financing.he startup costs for a Marco’s Pizza franchise ranges from $221,592 to $421,592.", "Subway The capital required to open a Subway franchise is $80,000 and the Subway franchise fee is $15,000 with a total investment of $116,000. We currently don’t have information on the average Subway franchise income.", "- In the United States and Canada, the franchise fee is $15,000. In countries outside of North America the initial franchise fee ranges from $10,000 - $15,000 (USD)." ]
[ 12.7109375 ]
[ 8.375, 7.99609375, 8.71875, 12.6875, 8.875, 10.296875, 10.2890625, 9.2265625, 8.484375, 9.1171875, 7.71484375, 8.921875, 9.2265625, 8.6484375, 9.1796875, 12.40625, 8.578125, 10.03125, 10.1484375, 9.7109375, 8.828125, 10.765625, 9.5546875, 11.7734375, 9.8046875, 8.609375, 9.53125, 9.4609375, 9.015625, 10.6796875 ]