class label
25 classes
i feel head ache
12head ache
i have a painful cramp in my feet
4foot ache
i feel like i just can't cope anymore, i feel overwhelmed and like i just can't get a break.
0emotional pain
my grandson cut his foot on a seashell in the ocean and now the foot is turning gray and is puffy.
3infected wound
i was kicked in the head playing soccer last night.
6injury from sports
stiffness inability to look right or left except by moving the whole body
21neck pain
i can't really jump on my left foot because my triple fracture of the ankle left me with neverending pains.
4foot ache
i love to garden but i get a terrible twinge in my lower back when i lean over.
15back pain
i feel weak all over.
13body feels weak
i have an ear ache when showering
23ear ache
i have a hard muscle pain since i went to the gym
20muscle pain
i was injured during football match, i was diagnosed with cruciate ligament
6injury from sports
i visited many doctors but they can't find the right treatment toget my hair back
1hair falling out
my shoulder has agreat pain
5shoulder pain
i get tired too fast, i can barely put on my clothes in the morning.
13body feels weak
my mind feels very sad, as if it hurts. the way i feel in my head is awful and when i think about my break-up, i cry with sadness.
0emotional pain
i cough a lot when i smell perfume, what is wrong with my lungs?
i feel a sharp pain in my ankle joint when i stand.
10joint pain
when i tried to take care if my hair i found that it is falling out
1hair falling out
sharp pain and heavy breathing
17internal pain
cramps along the whole abdomen
8stomach ache
i have acne in my face and other problema in my derma like itching
7skin issue
i feel pain in my shoulders when i write on the keyboard.
5shoulder pain
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
i always feel like i have menstrual pains even if i don't have my period.
17internal pain
i get chills and aches all over.
24feeling cold
i feel joint pain every time i move
10joint pain
i'm not good i feel dizzy
14feeling dizzy
i have a dull ache in my lower back which makes it difficult to move
15back pain
i usually have a bad cough when i get flu.
i carried a heavy bag yesterday and when i get up today i felt a great shoulder pain.
5shoulder pain
i feel pain in my legs muscles after i ran yesterday, i took some pain killers but it doesn't help.
20muscle pain
i have a dry throat
i feel strong pain in my knee after it was hit during the football match.
6injury from sports
i have a pain in my head
12head ache
my ear hurts when i touch it.
23ear ache
sometimes i cough because i'm a smoker
my hair is falling when i am combing it.
1hair falling out
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i have front head pain and when i get it the light bothers me.
12head ache
my head hurts whenever i try to do something.
12head ache
there is a sharp pain in my bicep
20muscle pain
i fell off my bike and since then i had hard knee pain
9knee pain
i have a problem in the expiration because i have abronchial asthma
11hard to breath
i feel sad
0emotional pain
my stomach feels starts hurting but then it feels better after i eat something mild.
8stomach ache
i feel pain in my legs muscles after i ran yesterday, i took some pain killers but it doesn't help.
20muscle pain
chronic disease of hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
i have difficulty moving my neck
21neck pain
after playing tennis, i had a powerful sensation close to my neck
5shoulder pain
i m feeling cold though the temperature is high
24feeling cold
it is hard to breath when i am in the underground metro station, why?
11hard to breath
my head hurts whenever i try to do something.
12head ache
i get breakouts on my chest with red patches that get more intense when i get hot.
i got a divorce last year and i just can't stop dwelling on how to get revenge on my ex husband.
0emotional pain
my head is spinning when i get up.
14feeling dizzy
i feel cold although we are in summer.
24feeling cold
i have a pain in my stomach
17internal pain
my hair is falling out after i take a shower.
1hair falling out
my mind feels very sad, as if it hurts. the way i feel in my head is awful and when i think about my break-up, i cry with sadness.
0emotional pain
stomach pain after drinking milk
8stomach ache
i'm not hearing well i have problem with my ear
23ear ache
can't keep focus
12head ache
i feel pain in my stomach
8stomach ache
i have a pain in my head
12head ache
i feel dizzy and out of sight
14feeling dizzy
i love to walk and be outside but the bottoms of my feet get sore so quickly.
4foot ache
when i remember her i feel down
0emotional pain
my back hurts a lot when i bend
15back pain
the pain in my ear is unbearable.
23ear ache
i feel pain in the lower back
15back pain
i feel hurts in my heart
2heart hurts
my calves feel like they are tight as knots and are throbbing
20muscle pain
my back hurts me and i can't bend it or walk
15back pain
there is a sharp pain in my bicep
20muscle pain
i can hardly breathe
11hard to breath
i feel aching on my insides.
17internal pain
i feel a clicking sensation in my knee each time i step.
10joint pain
i have whooping cough with excess mucous, need mucolytic.
i started taking swimming lessons and i guess i swallowed too much water through my nose, because this sinusitis is killing me now.
6injury from sports
my joints feel swollen
10joint pain
my daughter was bit by her cat and now her hand is sore, red and swollen and the wound is oozing liquid.
3infected wound
i have difficulty moving my neck
21neck pain
i have blurred vision.
18blurry vision
there feels like a swollen knot at my shoulderblade with pain shooting from that
5shoulder pain
when i do hard exercises i feel great pain in my muscles.
20muscle pain
i have a headache almost every day
12head ache
i can hardly move my neck. it hurts.
21neck pain
something dark is there on my arm
7skin issue
i don't have problems taking in breath but out breath is so heavy
11hard to breath
annoyance starts suddenly, often after an injury or exercise.
9knee pain
my body feels weak although i take my vitamins regularly.
13body feels weak
when i'm driving my eyes see in double
18blurry vision
i can't carry anything i have a pain in my shoulder
5shoulder pain
my son had his lip pierced and it is swollen and the skin inside on his lip is grey and looks infected.
3infected wound
i carried a heavy bag yesterday and when i get up today i felt a great shoulder pain.
5shoulder pain
my neck has been sore since the accident.
21neck pain
when i stand up too quickly i feel as though i'm going to faint.
14feeling dizzy
my stomach aches after i drink any soda drink, why?
8stomach ache
i have a sharp pain in my neck
21neck pain