imagewidth (px) 32
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classes | english
stringlengths 1
| steel
stringlengths 1
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| conveyor to the sanding plant . | konveyor to the sanding plant . |
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| carried by a short length of belt | karid by a xort length of belt |
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| the column of clay from the pug-mill is | the kolumn of klay from the pug-mil is |
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| a new method of applying sand to the | a new method of aplying sand to the |
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| hopper from which the sand is | hoper from whic the sand is |
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| system of slots , scrapers and worms . | system of slots , skrapers and worms . |
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| distributed to all four faces by a | distributed to al for fases by a |
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| this consists basically of a vibrating | this konsists basikaly of a vibrating |
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| faces of green bricks has recently been | fases of gren briks has resently ben |
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| distance to prevent vehicles from approaching | distanse to prevent vehikles from aproacing |
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| will rely too much on fixed devices because | wil rely to muc on fixed devises bekause |
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| dead ( after consultation with the supply | dead ( after konsultation with the suply |
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| there is , however , a danger that workers | there is , however , a danger that workers |
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| practice to keep the worker away from | praktise to kep the worker away from |
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| it is therefore safer both in principle and | it is therefore safer both in prinsiple and |
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| they fail to recognise their limitations . | they fail to rekognise ther limitations . |
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| overhead lines wherever possible , e.g. , by | overhead lines wherever posible , e.g. , by |
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| forward between two platens , the upper | forward betwen two platens , the uper |
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| on a sliding feed tray outside the | on a sliding fed tray otside the |
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| it is also important to remember that on | it is also important to remember that on |
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| one carrying a set of small rollers . | one karying a set of smal rolers . |
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| lines carrying the higher voltages flashover | lines karying the higher voltages flaxover |
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| bends . the sheet of leather is placed | bends . the xet of leather is plased |
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| danger zone and is then pushed | danger zone and is then puxed |
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| the automatic rolling of sole leather | the automatik roling of sole leather |
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| from the line may take place without | from the line may take plase withot |
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| machine has recently been developed for | macine has resently ben developed for |
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| the conveyor is broken at this point to | the konveyor is broken at this point to |
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| enable the sand to be applied to | enable the sand to be aplid to |
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| cut into bricks at the wire cutting | kut into briks at the wire kuting |
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| firmly in the surfaces and is finally | firmly in the surfases and is finaly |
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| the under surface of the column , which | the under surfase of the kolumn , whic |
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| passes on through two pairs of | pases on throgh two pairs of |
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| vibrating rollers which embed the sand | vibrating rolers whic embed the sand |
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| occurrences to h.m. district inspectors of factories , | okurenses to h.m. distrikt inspektors of faktoris , |
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| whether or not they result in injury . appendix 20 | whether or not they result in injury . apendix 20 |
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| gives figures of dangerous occurrences reported in | gives figures of dangeros okurenses reported in |
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| 1937 , requires notification of certain specified | 1937 , requires notifikation of sertain spesifid |
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| dangerous occurrence , section 65 of the factories act , | dangeros okurense , sektion 65 of the faktoris akt , |
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| 1960 ; the types of occurrence which have to be | 1960 ; the types of okurense whic have to be |
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| reported are set out in the heading to the appendix . | reported are set ot in the heading to the apendix . |
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| to provide fuller information about certain types of | to provide fuler information abot sertain types of |
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| cab . improved designs of both forms | kab . improved designs of both forms |
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| the equipment takes two forms - an insulating | the equipment takes two forms - an insulating |
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| are being tried out at present . | are beng trid ot at present . |
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| guard on the jib of the crane , intended to | guard on the jib of the krane , intended to |
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| prevent direct contact with the line , and | prevent direkt kontakt with the line , and |
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| electronic equipment with a sensitive probe | elektronik equipment with a sensitive probe |
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| leather is rolled and pressed at the same time . | leather is roled and presed at the same time . |
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| it into contact with the rollers on the upper | it into kontakt with the rolers on the uper |
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| platen , which is then caused to make | platen , whic is then kaused to make |
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| several horizontal oscillations so that the | several horizontal osilations so that the |
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| sequentially operated : the closing of the shutter | sequentialy operated : the klosing of the xuter |
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| by a guard which is interlocked with the | by a guard whic is interloked with the |
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| the lower platen , which supports the | the lower platen , whic suports the |
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| leather , is raised hydraulically to bring | leather , is raised hydraulikaly to bring |
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| the danger zone between the platens is fenced | the danger zone betwen the platens is fensed |
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| hydraulic valve and the press is also | hydraulik valve and the pres is also |
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| starts the machine , the rest of the cycle | starts the macine , the rest of the sykle |
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| there was an increase of almost one-third from | there was an inkrease of almost one-third from |
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| the total number of dangerous occurrences reported | the total number of dangeros okurenses reported |
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| 335 to 438 . | 35 to 438 . |
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| the numbers of occurrences reported occurred in the | the numbers of okurenses reported okured in the |
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| during the year was 1,409 , an increase of 111 over | during the year was 1,409 , an inkrease of 11 over |
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| failure of a crane , derrick , winch or hoist , where | failure of a krane , derik , winc or hoist , where |
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| the total for 1959 . however , the number of | the total for 1959 . however , the number of |
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| 245 ( 22 fatal ) in 1960 . the main increase in | 245 ( 2 fatal ) in 1960 . the main inkrease in |
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| from 252 ( 31 of them fatal ) in 1959 to | from 252 ( 31 of them fatal ) in 1959 to |
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| notifiable accidents associated with occurrences fell | notifiable aksidents asosiated with okurenses fel |
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| thought , being then in possession of what | thoght , beng then in posesion of what |
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| to save the ten percent needed . or so she | to save the ten persent neded . or so xe |
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| and this in spite of having at last managed | and this in spite of having at last managed |
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| seemed to her the princely sum of six hund- | semed to her the prinsely sum of six hund- |
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| red pounds . the lawyer said : | red ponds . the lawyer said : |
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| the next thing that serena discovered was that | the next thing that serena diskovered was that |
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| after layer of illusion to be peeled off and | after layer of ilusion to be peled of and |
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| tent of utter innocence . the complexity of | tent of uter inosense . the komplexity of |
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| she was endowed with by her patients , | xe was endowed with by her patints , |
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| in spite of all the transferred maternity | in spite of al the transfered maternity |
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| that innocence was colossal . it had layer | that inosense was kolosal . it had layer |
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| replaced with sad knowledgeability . | replased with sad knowledgeability . |
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| infant-in-arms but a new-born babe , a | infant-in-arms but a new-born babe , a |
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| premature piece of frailty in an oxygen- | premature pise of frailty in an oxygen- |
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| the result being somehow as ineffective , not | the result beng somehow as inefektive , not |
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| just dusty-grey but muddy , slimy even . | just dusty-grey but mudy , slimy even . |
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| a grey superimposition of respectability over | a grey superimposition of respektability over |
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| purpose than the throwing of dust in his | purpose than the throwing of dust in his |
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| the fake friend of the family , like the | the fake frind of the family , like the |
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| his voice was like his black and pin-stripe , | his voise was like his blak and pin-stripe , |
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| than three thousand three fifty at the most . now you | than thre thosand thre fifty at the most . now yo |
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| could get quite a nice little semi-detached house in | kold get quite a nise litle semi-detaced hose in |
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| i forgot to tell you , we don't usually lend any | i forgot to tel yo , we don't usualy lend any |
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| before the green belt , lovely and modern , you know . | before the gren belt , lovely and modern , yo know . |
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| grimstead for three thousand , that 's where i live , just | grimstead for thre thosand , that 's where i live , just |
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| much more spacious than that poky little cottage , | muc more spasios than that poky litle kotage , |
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| which wasn't a bit practical really , the | whic wasn't a bit praktikal realy , the |
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| reception room was too small when divided | reseption rom was to smal when divided |
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| and too big when not . | and to big when not . |
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| saw to that . | saw to that . |
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| that 's rather the point , isn't it ? " " no , but i mean - " | that 's rather the point , isn't it ? " " no , but i mean - " |
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