stringlengths 0
I thought I could hear it from the video now, but it’s just my tinnitus lmao |
What was the Moores code at the end |
Thanks for blasting my eardrums at the end of the video :) |
I couldn't hear the morse code at the end because I have tinnitus but my roommate was watching it with me. Now I am sad. Thanks a lot Tom... |
Was that morse code at the end of high pitch bleeps? |
The fact that Tom put a very high frequency sound right at the end of the video is both very amusing but also terrifying. I had no idea what was happening. Well played,(reply>), It was weird because it sounded like it was coming from inside my head rather than the direction of the speakers. |
Simple zest for life |
Sometimes not being able to hear past 9-10khz actually helps me<br>(I'm 21...and i couldn't even hear better as a teen nor a child) |
"is there some morse code in high pitched noise in the background at very end of the video <a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5UiLYWdbM&t=3m59s"">3:59</a>" |
Really I just spent around 10 minutes translating that morse code at the end of the video just to discover it's a rick roll? I laughed so hard when I realised it. Maybe I could just check comment section before. 😂 |
Better question is why is the high pitched noise in movies mixed in with music and sometime just the high pitched noise. Is that the move or my tv |
"<a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5UiLYWdbM&t=4m02s"">4:02</a> <b>high frequency sound intensifies</b>" |
That high pitch noise at the end was on purpose, wasn't it? |
It got very sad, very fast |
The endscreen sound was mean, Tom |
There were high pitched noises at the very end and I did not like it |
What was the Morse code in the outro |
Folks used to think I was daft when I mentioned it but going behind the TV to change the scart port for the console or to switch a plug off used to be headache-inducing from what I could only describe as an "electronic screech".<br>And why did you have to add the screech at the end, c'mon mate! |
Im watching this on a crt |
What does the morse code at the end of the video say?,(reply>), it says ef you |
Owie was there high pitch stuff inserted into the end card or am I audio hallucinating?,(reply>), it was morsecode |
the endcard of this video is evil |
It seems that Tom has Rick Rolled us without us knowing hahahahaha. Got the morse code at the end that says: -. . ...- . .-. --. --- -. -. .- --. .. ...- . -.-- --- ..- ..- .--. and translates as: NEVERGONNAGIVEYOUUP |
:( |
I...can't hear the Morse code everyone is talking about... |
That place looks like my schools computer lab |
anyone here know morse code? |
As a kid I could hear if the TV downstairs was on even if it wasn't playing any audio |
Why is there a high-pitched beeping sound at the end screen?? |
I have one of those, it's not too bad. |
My parents would blast extremely loud music everywhere when in the car it didn't matter if I was in the car or not. From when I was like 6-14 they would constantly play music like that and now my hearing is way worse than most of my peers. It angers me how much my parents would ignore me. I hear at max 14000 Hz and I am a teenager. At least I have better eye sight than everyone in my family. |
bruh, the end of the video... owwwww... |
I couldn't hear the morse code at the end with my earplugs, only when I recorded the sound with Audacity and then normalize the sound with default settings. |
I remember when my hearing was good enough I could hear that. I could walk into the house and tell if a TV was on (muted), and even if it was on standby in another room. An annoying high pitch tone. |
I never thought I would be making so much from hacksmart32 on IG, but they suprised me with 3.9btc within few hours of investment... |
Amazing video. Thank you ! |
Only screens make high pitch noises <br><br>Fortnite players: 😐 |
A certain BZ BZ BZ BZ BZ at the end yay my ears are still ok |
At least I know have a repeating, fading cycle of morse code inside my head |
Tom is wearing headphones while filming his videos? <br>My whole life is a lie. |
this made me a little sad |
The high pitched noises were both mean and funny |
That high pitched noise at the end was so well done |
Thanks for finishing it off with giving me a head ache with that noise in the outro |
A power surge killed my flat screen and I had to get out a 20 year old box tv and MY EARS ARE BLEEEDING. I HATE IT. |
you got me and my good ears - - . - - - - . . - . . . - - - . . - |
"at least you can still hear it"<br><br>- proceeds to rickroll me in morse code that is so high pitched it breaks my headphones |
My ears died at the very end |
In my 20s i could hear up to about 25 kHz—with a noticable notch at 15750. These days, i can't hear above about 14 kHz; it's lost in a cacophony of ringing. :( |
Tom we all know you don't age, stop trying to make us think you do. |
Let's come back every year on this day to this video just to check if we are still young. |
We're all getting older Tom. Just wait till the plumbing starts to go, you got that to look forward to! ;) |
What a cruel ending. My ears. I'm 26 when will it end. |
Was that Morse code at the end of the video? |
"<a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5UiLYWdbM&t=4m00s"">4:00</a> I hear it", goddamn I want to go deaf any minute with that on |
when computes were brrrrrr |
Back in secondary school they had old crts and I couldn't use them because the noise and flickering of the screen would make it so i couldn't focus or even hear myself think dunno why though |
what did the morse code at the end mean? im too lazy to translate |
I can still hear the squeal, and it sounds really loud in small places. I'm 18, but I think my hearing is deteriorating, because I try to get the wax out of it many times, it plugs my ears frequently. |
I'm trying to be complimental, but you look not mutch older then 35-38 |
Children hear these, but adults don't<br>hehe i can still hear it<br>edit: <b>N O</b> |
Fear of losing hearing, I ALWAYS wear ear plugs to concerts, because I can't hear certain high sounds anymore either. It's scary when you realise it, that sudden realisation of "...I can't hear it." and that sinking fear in the pit of your stomach, and then you get angry. Cause you don't want to be afraid.<br><br>It's terrifying. |
Oh god, that high-pitched morse all the way at the end, I only heard it in my left ear... |
why did this make me sad |
Im 20 and cant hear it at all, went on youtube to find a pitch test thingy. Max I can hear is about 13000hz, not suprising tbh. |
In third grade we had some computers put into the back class and I kept complaining about the noise but no one else could hear it and I was sent to the principals office. God I hated school. |
Don’t worry lad, it’s quite literally all downhill from here. I was fine until I was 36 and then the wheels started dropping off. Keep up the good work, while you can. |
ty for the Morse code at the end so I didnt have to seek out a hearing test entropy truly is terrifying |
How’d this go from a computer beep to realizing that you’re getting old? |
was the beeps at end morse code or somet |
The final CW message is GOLD |
owy zowy that high pitched noise at the end is hurting |
who else thinks back on these with nostalgia? i miss that sound and feel of those tv s :( |
Did anyone hear at the end the high pitch frequency? It was an otherwise silent part and sounded like it was doing Morse code. Easter egg? |
What was the high pitched beeping at the end for? |
the morse code at the end gave me a lil headache for a second :o |
It kinda sucks that you can either be bothered by high frequency noises or have hearing loss, not both. As long as I can remember and even to this day I can tell if CRTs are powered on or not from clear across the house assuming there's not enough noise to drown it out. Also I tend to replace phone and battery chargers based on coil whine. |
I heard that high pitch audio at the end. You sneaky sneaky |
I know how you feel. In my teenage years I had 20/20 vision when I got my 20s I started to lose my vision at 30 or so I'm still losing my vision due to a inherited disease that slowly destroys my eye sight over time. |
"<a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5UiLYWdbM&t=3m59s"">3:59</a> NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" |
Omg the painful rickroll in Morse code at the end, why do you have to do this to us :(((( |
This was the way us kids back in the day knew mum was still awake watching TV. |
It's funny, people saying that not being able to hear it is age related, yet I grew up with CRT displays and don't recall that noise at all.<br><br>I'm also dubious about the claims made for it since I did a few tests with youtube videos at some point and concluded they filter out frequencies much over 15 khz. (those same tests demonstrated I could in fact hear higher frequencies than that from a proper uncompressed audio source...)<br><br>Makes you wonder why some people hear it as something really obvious, and others don't notice it at all, even though hearing test results suggest they should still be able to... |
I couldn't hear any Morse code! What are you kids on about? |
Did you really need to put in that sound at the end... |
well thanks tom for making me feel better for being able to hear the noise at the end of the video |
What frequency was the Morse code played at? |
What’s the Morse code message at the end of the video say, I recognize the sound of it but can’t translte |
is that a morse code at the end?<br>??? |
Well hey... a little encouragement for ya, since you can no longer hear it on video you might not hear it IRL soon. Why is this good? Well you can work with CRTs for hours without getting that headache! :3 So that's kinda cool! ^^ |
"<a href=""https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5UiLYWdbM&t=4m05s"">4:05</a> oh that is genious" |
I am 23 and didn't hear the end alleged earrape. I think my CHEAP & OLD headphones can't play the frequency. |
The ending was the most subtle passive aggressive way to gaslight someone who complained. Hum. |
I was wondering what Morse code everyone was talking about because I didn't hear anything, replayed the end a couple times, then I realised...,(reply>), Could also be your speakers. I couldn't hear it on my laptop. Got to my desktop with better speakers, then I heard it |
The ending hurt my ears wtf |
this actually sounds so sad oh my god |
Who else heard the sound at the end? |
Subsets and Splits