1 value
15 values
package example.project.main trait ClearingHouse case object LchScm extends ClearingHouse case object LchFcm extends ClearingHouse
/** * Created by faganp on 3/19/15. */ import java.util.Calendar import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory //import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} // spark 1.2 codeline //import java.util.Properties //import _root_.kafka.producer.Producer //import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} //import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer //import org.elasticsearch.spark.rdd.EsSpark //import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext //import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtils import java.text.SimpleDateFormat //import org.elasticsearch.spark._ //import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ //import org.apache.spark.sql._ //import org.elasticsearch.spark.sql._ import //import util.Properties /** * Created by faganpe on 17/03/15. */ object RandomNetflowGenBowen extends Serializable { def getIPGenRand(randNum: Int): String = { // val r = scala.util.Random if (randNum % 2 == 0) getIPRand() else getIPAddressSkew("132.146.5") // getIPAddressSkew("132.146.5") } // // /* End of the random generation values used to influence the data that is produced */ // def getIPAddressSkew(IPSubnet: String): String = { val r = scala.util.Random val dotCount = IPSubnet.count(_ == '.') // let's count the number of dots if (dotCount == 3) IPSubnet // return the complete IP address without making anything up else if (dotCount == 2) IPSubnet + "." + r.nextInt(255) else if (dotCount == 1) IPSubnet + "." + r.nextInt(255) + "." + r.nextInt(255) else IPSubnet // otherwise just return the original ip string } def getIPRand(): String = { val r = scala.util.Random InetAddresses.fromInteger(r.nextInt()).getHostAddress() } // randNum method limit's random number of integers i.e. if 100 passed in number returned can be in the range 0 to 99 def randNum(ranNum: Int): Int = { val r = scala.util.Random r.nextInt(ranNum) } /* Start of the random generation values used to influence the data that is produced */ val r = scala.util.Random def main(args: Array[String]) { val conf = ConfigFactory.load() val appName = conf.getString("") // val appRandomDistributionMin = conf.getInt("netflow-app.randomDistributionMin") // val appRandomDistributionMax = conf.getInt("netflow-app.randomDistributionMax") println("The application name is: " + appName) if (args.length != 5) { System.err.println("Usage: " + "hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/randomNetflow <numRecords> <numFilesPerDir> <numDirectories> <CountryEnrichment>") System.err.println("Example: " + "hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020/user/cloudera/randomNetflow 30000000 4 10 true") System.exit(1) } else { println("Supplied arguments to the program are : " + args(0).toString + " " + args(1).toInt + " " + args(2).toInt + " " + args(3) + " " + args(4)) } val format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-mm-ss") // val hdfsPartitionDir = format.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) // setup Spark val sparkConf = new SparkConf() // sparkConf.setMaster("local[4]") sparkConf.setMaster("spark://vm-cluster-node2:7077") // sparkConf.setMaster("spark://") // sparkConf.setMaster("spark://79d4dd97b170:7077") sparkConf.set("spark.executor.memory", "256m") sparkConf.set("spark.driver.memory", "256m") sparkConf.set("spark.cores.max", "1") // sparkConf.set("spark.worker.cleanup.enabled", "true") // sparkConf.set("spark.worker.cleanup.interval", "1") // sparkConf.set("spark.worker.cleanup.appDataTtl", "30") /* Change to Kyro Serialization */ // sparkConf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") // Now it's 24 Mb of buffer by default instead of 0.064 Mb // sparkConf.set("spark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb","24") /* spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max.mb (64 Mb by default) : useful if your default buffer size goes further than 64 Mb; spark.kryo.referenceTracking (true by default) : c.f. reference tracking in Kryo spark.kryo.registrationRequired (false by default) : Kryo’s parameter to define if all serializable classes must be registered spark.kryo.classesToRegister (empty string list by default) : you can add a list of the qualified names of all classes that must be registered (c.f. last parameter) */ sparkConf.setAppName("randomNetflowGen") // Below line is the hostname or IP address for the driver to listen on. This is used for communicating with the executors and the standalone Master. sparkConf.set("", "") sparkConf.set("spark.hadoop.validateOutputSpecs", "false") // overwrite hdfs files which are written val jars = Array("C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\org\\\\apache\\\\spark\\\\spark-streaming-kafka_2.10\\\\1.3.0-cdh5.4.5\\\\spark-streaming-kafka_2.10-1.3.0-cdh5.4.5.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\org\\\\apache\\\\kafka\\\\kafka_2.10\\\\0.8.0\\\\kafka_2.10-0.8.0.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\org\\\\apache\\\\spark\\\\spark-core_2.10\\\\1.3.0-cdh5.4.5\\\\spark-core_2.10-1.3.0-cdh5.4.5.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\com\\\\101tec\\\\zkclient\\\\0.3\\\\zkclient-0.3.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\com\\\\yammer\\\\metrics\\\\metrics-core\\\\2.2.0\\\\metrics-core-2.2.0.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\com\\\\esotericsoftware\\\\kryo\\\\kryo\\\\2.21\\\\kryo-2.21.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\org\\\\elasticsearch\\\\elasticsearch-spark_2.10\\\\2.1.0.Beta3\\\\elasticsearch-spark_2.10-2.1.0.Beta3.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\com\\\\maxmind\\\\db\\\\maxmind-db\\\\1.0.0\\\\maxmind-db-1.0.0.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\com\\\\maxmind\\\\geoip2\\\\geoip2\\\\2.1.0\\\\geoip2-2.1.0.jar", "C:\\\\Users\\\\801762473\\\\.m2\\\\repository\\\\org\\\\apache\\\\spark\\\\spark-hive_2.10\\\\1.3.0-cdh5.4.5\\\\spark-hive_2.10-1.3.0-cdh5.4.5.jar", "D:\\\\Bowen_Raw_Source\\\\IntelijProjects\\\\KafkaStreamingPOC\\\\target\\\\netflow-streaming-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar") // sparkConf.setJars(jars) // val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(120)) val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) // val numRecords: Int = 30000000 // val numRecords: Int = args(1).toInt // val partitions: Int = args(2).toInt val hdfsURI = args(0).toString println("The application hdfsURI is: " + hdfsURI) val numDirectories = args(3).toInt for (dirNum <- 1 to numDirectories) { val appRandomDistributionMin = conf.getInt("netflow-app.randomDistributionMin") val appRandomDistributionMax = conf.getInt("netflow-app.randomDistributionMax") val numPartitions = args(2).toInt val countryEnrichment = args(4).toBoolean /* Start of working out if we need to randomize or not */ val recordsPerPartition = { if (appRandomDistributionMin == 0 & appRandomDistributionMax == 0) { // no randomness to the number of netflow records // we are assuming here that numRecords is divisible by partitions, otherwise we need to compensate for the residual println("Using the standard number of lines per partition of " + args(1).toInt) args(1).toInt // BigInt(args(1)) } else { val tempRecordsPerPartition = randNum(appRandomDistributionMax - appRandomDistributionMin) + appRandomDistributionMin println("Using the randomized number of lines per partition of " + tempRecordsPerPartition) tempRecordsPerPartition } } // val seedRdd = sc.parallelize(Seq[String](), numPartitions).mapPartitions { _ => { val broadcastVar = sc.broadcast("Hi Paul") val seedRdd = sc.parallelize(Seq[String](), numPartitions).mapPartitions { x => { // (1 to recordsPerPartition).map { _ => (1 to recordsPerPartition).map { x => val r = scala.util.Random val currentTimeForDirPart = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() // // // start of define hours and mins and maybe secs here val formatDateDayForDir = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd") val formatDateHourForDir = new SimpleDateFormat("HH") val formatDateMinuteForDir = new SimpleDateFormat("mm") val formatDateSecondForDir = new SimpleDateFormat("ss") val formatDateMilliSecondForDir = new SimpleDateFormat("SSS") val flowDay = formatDateDayForDir.format(currentTimeForDirPart) val flowHour = formatDateHourForDir.format(currentTimeForDirPart) val flowMinute = formatDateMinuteForDir.format(currentTimeForDirPart) val flowSecond = formatDateSecondForDir.format(currentTimeForDirPart) val flowMilliSecond = formatDateMilliSecondForDir.format(currentTimeForDirPart) // // end of define hours and mins and maybe secs here // // // start of maps // // start of maps val event_id = Map( 0 -> "ec00761e-1629-4e64-afb5-8e9f5a625a59#4055", 1 -> "ec00761e-1629-4e64-afb5-8e9f5a625a59#4087", 2 -> "14969dea-2cc1-4498-97ce-df198927e868#7365", 3 -> "f666f69e-d2b8-4ff0-aaaa-4c1284b08a89#238", 4 -> "14969dea-2cc1-4498-97ce-df198927e868#7402") val sensor_id = Map(0 -> 22, 1 -> 73, 2 -> 46, 3 -> 73, 4 -> 73) val ts = Map(0 -> "2015-08-19 20:56:41", 1 -> "2015-08-19 20:56:42", 2 -> "2015-08-19 20:55:57", 3 -> "2015-08-19 20:56:02", 4 -> "2015-08-19 20:55:57") val te = Map(0 -> "2015-08-19 20:56:41", 1 -> "2015-08-19 20:56:42", 2 -> "2015-08-19 20:55:57", 3 -> "2015-08-19 20:56:02", 4 -> "2015-08-19 20:55:57") val src_ip = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val src_ip_long = Map(0 -> 1369706041, 1 -> 1149706041, 2 -> 1249706041, 3 -> 1149406041, 4 -> 1245705041) val src_port = Map(0 -> 18490, 1 -> 3287, 2 -> 139, 3 -> 55348, 4 -> 22) val dst_ip = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val dst_ip_long = Map(0 -> 1385311017, 1 -> 1249706067, 2 -> 1149406041, 3 -> 1033828170, 4 -> 1385311113) val dst_port = Map(0 -> 139, 1 -> 139, 2 -> 24167, 3 -> 443, 4 -> 61686) val protocol = Map(0 -> "6", 1 -> "6", 2 -> "6", 3 -> "6", 4 -> "6") val ip_version = Map(0 -> 4, 1 -> 4, 2 -> 4, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 4) val packets = Map(0 -> 8, 1 -> 8, 2 -> 7, 3 -> 1, 4 -> 1) val bytes = Map(0 -> 1241, 1 -> 1239, 2 -> 1184, 3 -> 66, 4 -> 66) val tcp_flag = Map(0 -> 11, 1 -> 11, 2 -> 11, 3 -> 0, 4 -> 0) val tos = Map(0 -> 0, 1 -> 0, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 0, 4 -> 0) val traffic_fragmented = Map(0 -> 0, 1 -> 0, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 0, 4 -> 0) val sensor_site = Map(0 -> "Alpha Roads Site1", 1 -> "Delta Postal Site1", 2 -> "Charlie Water Site1", 3 -> "Delta Postal Site1", 4 -> "Delta Postal Site1") val sensor_org_name = Map(0 -> "Alpha Roads", 1 -> "Delta Postal", 2 -> "Charlie Water", 3 -> "Delta Postal", 4 -> "Delta Postal") val sensor_org_sector = Map(0 -> "Transport", 1 -> "Communications", 2 -> "Water", 3 -> "Communications", 4 -> "Communications") val sensor_org_type = Map(0 -> "CNI", 1 -> "CNI", 2 -> "CNI", 3 -> "CNI", 4 -> "CNI") val sensor_priority = Map(0 -> 3, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 2, 4 -> 2) val sensor_country = Map(0 -> "UK", 1 -> "UK", 2 -> "UK", 3 -> "UK", 4 -> "UK") val sensor_db = Map(0 -> "Mock_sensor_db-01", 1 -> "Mock_sensor_db-01", 2 -> "Mock_sensor_db-01", 3 -> "Mock_sensor_db-01", 4 -> "Mock_sensor_db-01") val geoip_src_country = Map(0 -> "United Kingdom", 1 -> "United Kingdom", 2 -> "United States", 3 -> "United Kingdom", 4 -> "United Kingdom") // Not needed for ""S // val geoip_src_subdivisions = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val geoip_src_city = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "Mountain View", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val geoip_src_lat = Map(0 -> 51.5, 1 -> 51.5, 2 -> 37.419200000000004, 3 -> 51.5, 4 -> 51.5) val geoip_src_long = Map(0 -> -0.13, 1 -> -0.13, 2 -> -122.0574, 3 -> -0.13, 4 -> -0.13) val geoip_src_isp_org = Map(0 -> "BT", 1 -> "BT", 2 -> "Google", 3 -> "BT", 4 -> "BT") val geoip_src_as = Map(0 -> 2856, 1 -> 2856, 2 -> 15169, 3 -> 2856, 4 -> 2856) val geoip_src_as_org = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val geoip_dst_country = Map(0 -> "Russia", 1 -> "United States", 2 -> "United Kingdom", 3 -> "China", 4 -> "Russia") val geoip_dst_subdivisions = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val geoip_dst_city = Map(0 -> "Moscow", 1 -> "Mountain View", 2 -> "", 3 -> "Zhengzhou", 4 -> "Moscow") val geoip_dst_lat = Map(0 -> 55.752200000000002, 1 -> 37.419200000000004, 2 -> 51.5, 3 -> 34.683599999999998, 4 -> 55.752200000000002) val geoip_dst_long = Map(0 -> 37.615600000000001, 1 -> -122.0574, 2 -> -0.13, 3 -> 113.5325, 4 -> 37.615600000000001) val geoip_dst_isp_org = Map(0 -> "ISPsystem, cjsc", 1 -> "Google", 2 -> "BT", 3 -> "China Unicom Liaoning", 4 -> "ISPsystem, cjsc") val geoip_dst_as = Map(0 -> 29182, 1 -> 15169, 2 -> 2856, 3 -> 4837, 4 -> 29182) val geoip_dst_as_org = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val geoip_db = Map(0 -> "2", 1 -> "2", 2 -> "2", 3 -> "2", 4 -> "2") val port_src_well_known_service = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "directvdata", 2 -> "netbios-ssn", 3 -> "", 4 -> "ssh") val port_dst_well_known_service = Map(0 -> "netbios-ssn", 1 -> "netbios-ssn", 2 -> "", 3 -> "https", 4 -> "") val service_db = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_src_site = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_src_org_name = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_src_org_sector = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_src_org_type = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_src_priority = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_src_country = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_dst_site = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_dst_org_name = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_dst_org_sector = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_dst_org_type = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_dst_priority = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_dst_country = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val asset_db = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_src_type = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_src_attacker = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_src_malware = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_src_campaign = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_src_infrastructure = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_dst_type = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_dst_attacker = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_dst_malware = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_dst_campaign = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_dst_infrastructure = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val threat_db = Map(0 -> "MOCK_THREAT_DB_0.3", 1 -> "MOCK_THREAT_DB_0.3", 2 -> "MOCK_THREAT_DB_0.3", 3 -> "MOCK_THREAT_DB_0.3", 4 -> "MOCK_THREAT_DB_0.3") val dredge_id = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val dredge_updated_fields = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val dredge_date = Map(0 -> "", 1 -> "", 2 -> "", 3 -> "", 4 -> "") val yyyy = Map(0 -> 2015, 1 -> 2015, 2 -> 2015, 3 -> 2015, 4 -> 2015) val mm = Map(0 -> 8, 1 -> 8, 2 -> 8, 3 -> 8, 4 -> 8) val dd = Map(0 -> 19, 1 -> 19, 2 -> 19, 3 -> 19, 4 -> 19) // // end of maps // val formatDate = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd HH:MM:ss.SSSSSS") val formatDateDuration = new SimpleDateFormat("ss.SSSSSS") val formatDateDay = new SimpleDateFormat("YYYY-MM-dd") val formatDateHour = new SimpleDateFormat("HH") // // // get the current time for flowDuration so we get variability val currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime() // val flowTimestamp = formatDate.format(currentTimeForDirPart) // val flowDay = formatDateDay.format(currentTimeForDirPart) // val flowHour = formatDateHour.format(currentTimeForDirPart) val flowDuration = formatDateDuration.format(currentTime) // val SourceIPString = InetAddresses.fromInteger(r.nextInt()).getHostAddress() val SourceIPString = getIPGenRand(r.nextInt()) val DestIPString = InetAddresses.fromInteger(r.nextInt()).getHostAddress() // "" // if (countryEnrichment) { // flowTimestamp + "," + flowDuration + "," + protoMap(r.nextInt(5)) + "," + // SourceIPString + "," + flowDirMap(r.nextInt(6)) + "," + DestIPString + "," + // r.nextInt(65535) + "," + flowStatMap(r.nextInt(11)) + "," + sTosMap(r.nextInt(3)) + // "," + dTosMap(r.nextInt(4)) + "," + totPktsMap(r.nextInt(2)) + "," + // totBytesMap(r.nextInt(1)) + "," + labelMap(r.nextInt(9)) + // "," + MaxMindSingleton.getInstance().getCountry(SourceIPString) // } // else { // event_id(r.nextInt(4)) + "," + flowDuration + "," + protoMap(r.nextInt(5)) + "," + // SourceIPString + "," + flowDirMap(r.nextInt(6)) + "," + DestIPString + "," + // r.nextInt(65535) + "," + flowStatMap(r.nextInt(11)) + "," + sTosMap(r.nextInt(3)) + // "," + dTosMap(r.nextInt(4)) + "," + totPktsMap(r.nextInt(2)) + "," + // totBytesMap(r.nextInt(1)) + "," + labelMap(r.nextInt(9)) // } } }.iterator } /* End of working out if we need to randomize or not */ seedRdd.saveAsTextFile(hdfsURI + "/" + "runNum=" + dirNum) // seedRdd.saveAsTextFile("randNetflow" + "/" + "runNum=" + dirNum) } } } // end of object /* End of new code */
package org.jetbrains.sbt.language.utils import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.util.{Key, ModificationTracker} import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.codeInspection.collections.isSeq import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.extensions.PsiElementExt import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.literals.ScStringLiteral import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.{ScExpression, ScInfixExpr, ScParenthesisedExpr, ScReferenceExpression} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.macroAnnotations.Cached import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.ScalaLanguageLevel import org.jetbrains.sbt.language.completion.SbtScalacOptionsCompletionContributor import org.jetbrains.sbt.language.utils.SbtScalacOptionInfo.ArgType import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ import spray.json._ import scala.annotation.tailrec import import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Using} object SbtScalacOptionUtils { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) val SCALAC_OPTIONS = "scalacOptions" val SCALAC_OPTIONS_DOC_KEY: Key[String] = Key.create("SCALAC_OPTION_DOC") val SEQ_OPS = Set("++=", "--=", ":=") val SINGLE_OPS = Set("+=", "-=") def projectVersions(project: Project): List[ScalaLanguageLevel] = if (ApplicationManager.getApplication.isUnitTestMode) List(ScalaLanguageLevel.getDefault) else SbtDependencyUtils.getAllScalaVers(project).flatMap(ScalaLanguageLevel.findByVersion) def projectVersionsSorted(project: Project, reverse: Boolean): List[ScalaLanguageLevel] = { val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[ScalaLanguageLevel]] projectVersions(project).distinct.sorted(if (reverse) ordering.reverse else ordering) } @tailrec def matchesScalacOptionsSbtSetting(expr: ScExpression): Boolean = expr match { case ref: ScReferenceExpression => ref.refName == SCALAC_OPTIONS // e.g.: ThisBuild / scalacOptions case ScInfixExpr(_, op, right: ScReferenceExpression) => op.refName == "/" && right.refName == SCALAC_OPTIONS case ScParenthesisedExpr(e) => matchesScalacOptionsSbtSetting(e) case _ => false } def withScalacOption[T](element: PsiElement)(onMismatch: => T, onMatch: ScStringLiteral => T): T = element.getParent match { case str: ScStringLiteral if isScalacOption(str) => onMatch(str) case _ => onMismatch } def isScalacOption(str: ScStringLiteral): Boolean = isScalacOptionInternal(str) def isScalacOption(ref: ScReferenceExpression): Boolean = isScalacOptionInternal(ref) def getScalacOptionsSbtSettingParent(element: PsiElement): Option[ScInfixExpr] = element.contexts.collectFirst { case expr: ScInfixExpr if matchesScalacOptionsSbtSetting(expr.left) && (if (isSeq(expr.right)) SEQ_OPS(expr.operation.refName) else SINGLE_OPS(expr.operation.refName)) => expr } private def isScalacOptionInternal(element: PsiElement): Boolean = getScalacOptionsSbtSettingParent(element).isDefined @Cached(ModificationTracker.NEVER_CHANGED, null) def scalacOptionsByFlag: Map[String, Seq[SbtScalacOptionInfo]] = getScalacOptions.groupBy(_.flag) @Cached(ModificationTracker.NEVER_CHANGED, null) private def scalacOptionFlagsWithPrefix: Seq[(String, String)] = getScalacOptions.collect { case SbtScalacOptionInfo(flag, _, _, ArgType.OneAfterPrefix(prefix), _, _) => prefix -> flag } @Cached(ModificationTracker.NEVER_CHANGED, null) def getScalacOptions: Seq[SbtScalacOptionInfo] = { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication.isUnitTestMode) return scalacOptionsForUnitTests def scalacOptionsSource = { val completionContributorClass = SbtScalacOptionsCompletionContributor.getClass val inputStream = completionContributorClass.getResourceAsStream("scalac-options.json") Source.fromInputStream(inputStream) } val options = Using(scalacOptionsSource) { src => src .mkString .parseJson .convertTo[Seq[SbtScalacOptionInfo]] } options match { case Success(value) => value case Failure(exception) => log.error("Could not load scalac options", exception) Seq.empty } } def getScalacOptionsForLiteralValue(str: ScStringLiteral): Seq[SbtScalacOptionInfo] = Option(str.getValue).filter(_.startsWith("-")).toSeq.flatMap { value => def prefixed: Seq[SbtScalacOptionInfo] = scalacOptionFlagsWithPrefix .collect { case (prefix, flag) if value.startsWith(prefix) => flag } .flatMap(scalacOptionsByFlag.getOrElse(_, Seq.empty)) scalacOptionsByFlag.getOrElse(value.split(":", 2).head, prefixed) } private def scalacOptionsForUnitTests: Seq[SbtScalacOptionInfo] = { import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.ScalaLanguageLevel._ import org.jetbrains.sbt.language.utils.SbtScalacOptionInfo.ArgType val versions = Set(Scala_2_11, Scala_2_12, Scala_2_13, Scala_3_0, Scala_3_1) Seq( SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-deprecation", descriptions = Map( Scala_2_11 -> "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.", Scala_2_12 -> "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs. See also -Wconf. [false]", Scala_2_13 -> "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs. See also -Wconf. [false]", Scala_3_0 -> "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.", Scala_3_1 -> "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.", ), choices = Map.empty, argType = ArgType.No, scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = None, ), SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-classpath", descriptions = -> "Specify where to find user class files.").toMap, choices = Map.empty, argType = ArgType.OneSeparate, scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = Some("."), ), SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-bootclasspath", descriptions = -> "Override location of bootstrap class files.").toMap, choices = Map.empty, argType = ArgType.OneSeparate, scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = None, ), SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-Ydump-classes", descriptions = -> "Dump the generated bytecode to .class files (useful for reflective compilation that utilizes in-memory classloaders).").toMap, choices = Map.empty, argType = ArgType.OneSeparate, scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = None, ), SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-Yno-generic-signatures", descriptions = Map( Scala_2_11 -> "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java.", Scala_2_12 -> "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java. [false]", Scala_2_13 -> "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java. [false]", Scala_3_0 -> "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java.", Scala_3_1 -> "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java.", ), choices = Map.empty, argType = ArgType.No, scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = None, ), SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-Xprint", argType = ArgType.Multiple, choices = Map.empty, descriptions = Map( Scala_2_11 -> "Print out program after <phases>", Scala_2_12 -> "Print out program after <phases>", Scala_2_13 -> "Print out program after <phases>", Scala_3_0 -> "Print out program after", Scala_3_1 -> "Print out program after", ), scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = None, ), SbtScalacOptionInfo( flag = "-language", argType = ArgType.Multiple, choices = Map( Scala_2_11 -> Set( "experimental.macros", "higherKinds", "existentials", "dynamics", "reflectiveCalls", "implicitConversions", "postfixOps" ), Scala_2_12 -> Set( "experimental.macros", "higherKinds", "existentials", "dynamics", "reflectiveCalls", "implicitConversions", "postfixOps" ), Scala_2_13 -> Set( "experimental.macros", "higherKinds", "existentials", "dynamics", "reflectiveCalls", "implicitConversions", "postfixOps" ) ), descriptions = Map( Scala_2_11 -> "Enable or disable language features: `_' for all, `-language:help' to list", Scala_2_12 -> "Enable or disable language features: `_' for all, `-language:help' to list choices.", Scala_2_13 -> "Enable or disable language features", Scala_3_0 -> "Enable one or more language features.", Scala_3_1 -> "Enable one or more language features.", ), scalaVersions = versions, defaultValue = None ) ) } }
package com.temportalist.href.client.gui import com.temportalist.href.common.inventory.ContainerTransmitter import com.temportalist.href.common.tile.TETransmitter import com.temportalist.origin.wrapper.client.gui.GuiContainerWrapper import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer /** * * * @author TheTemportalist */ class GuiTransmitter(p: EntityPlayer, te: TETransmitter) extends GuiContainerWrapper( 176, 166, new ContainerTransmitter(p, te) ) { }
package com.twitter.finagle import com.twitter.util.Var import import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.junit.{AssertionsForJUnit, JUnitRunner} import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.language.implicitConversions @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class ServersetNamerTest extends FunSuite with AssertionsForJUnit { def mkNamer(f: String => Var[Addr]): Namer = new com.twitter.serverset { override protected[this] def resolve(spec: String) = f(spec) } def schemeOk(scheme: String): Unit = { val addr = Addr.Bound(new InetSocketAddress(7127)) var named = 0 val namer = mkNamer { spec => assert(spec == s"$scheme!hosts!/twitter/service/role/env/job!endpoint") named += 1 Var.value(addr) } assert(named == 0) val path ="/hosts/twitter/service/role/env/job:endpoint") namer.bind(NameTree.Leaf(path)).sample() match { case NameTree.Leaf(bound: Name.Bound) => assert(named == 1) assert(bound.addr.sample() == addr) assert(bound.path == Path.empty) assert( == Path.Utf8( "$", "com.twitter.serverset", "hosts", "twitter", "service", "role", "env", "job:endpoint")) case _ => fail(s"invalid name: ${}") } } test("negative resolution") { var named = 0 val namer = mkNamer { spec => assert(spec == s"zk2!hosts!/twitter/service/role/env/job:endpoint/extra") named += 1 Var.value(Addr.Neg) } assert(named == 0) val path ="/hosts/twitter/service/role/env/job:endpoint/extra") assert(namer.bind(NameTree.Leaf(path)).sample() == NameTree.Neg) assert(named == 1) } }
package core import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger import com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGContext import core.config._ import core.execution.{ExecutionHelper, Task, TaskExecutor} import core.execution.tasks._ import util.LazyNailLogging object Fsbt extends LazyNailLogging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("Not running as nailgun! Exiting") } def nailMain(context: NGContext): Unit = { implicit val logger: Logger = getLogger(context) implicit val ctx: NGContext = context val args = context.getArgs.toList if(args.length == 1 && args.head == "stop"){ context.getNGServer.shutdown(true) } val tasks: List[Task] = args.flatMap { case "stop" => List(Stop()) case "compile" => List(Compile()) case "test" => List(Compile(), Test()) case "run" => List(Compile(), Run()) case "package" => List(Compile(), Test(), JarPackage()) case "clean" => List(Clean()) case unknown => context.out.println(s"Command not found: $unknown") List() } // try{ val modules = ModuleBuilder.buildModules(context) val executionConfig = tasks.foreach(new TaskExecutor(modules, executionConfig, _).execute()) // }catch{ // case ex: Throwable => logger.error("Task failure", ex) // } } }
/** * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Vadim Bartko ([email protected]). * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * See file LICENSE.txt for License information. */ package /* We do not track files with the same hash here! */ /* class APIFacade extends SynchronizedDBService with FileStorage { // def test() { // val entities = findAllPdfFiles() // entities.foreach(entity => { // getIncoming(entity.url).foreach(u => println(u.location)) // getOutgoing(entity.url).foreach(t => println(t.location)) // println(entity) // // println(entity.url + " " + entity.contentType + Transformers.vertex2Url(getUrl(entity.url).get).status) // val path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("/tmp/pdfs/", System.currentTimeMillis().toString + ".pdf"); // Files.copy(getFileStream(, path) // }) // } /* contentType domain */ private implicit def DBObject2Entity(dbObject: DBObject) = { new Entity( dbObject.getAs[Long]("length").get, dbObject.getAs[String]("filename").get, new DateTime(dbObject.getAs[java.util.Date]("uploadDate").get.getTime), dbObject.getAs[ObjectId]("_id").get.toString, dbObject.getAs[String]("contentType").get, dbObject.getAs[String]("md5").get, dbObject.getAs[String]("urlId").get ) } def findAllPdfFiles(): List[Entity] = { val entities = new ListBuffer[Entity] val q = ("length" $gt 100000) ++ ("contentType" -> "application/pdf") //val q = ("length" $gt 1) val result = getGridFS().files(q) result.foreach(obj => entities += obj) entities.toList } def getFileStream(fileId: String): InputStream = { getGridFS().findOne(new ObjectId(fileId)) match { case None => throw new RuntimeException("wrong fileId") case Some(gridFsFile) => gridFsFile.inputStream } } private def getConnectedUrls(url: String, direction: Direction): List[Url] = { getUrl(url) match { case None => List[Url]() case Some(v) => { val incoming = v.getVertices(direction, "relation").map(v => { Transformers.vertex2Url(v) }) incoming.toList } } } def getIncoming(url: String): List[Url] = { getConnectedUrls(url, Direction.IN) } def getOutgoing(url: String): List[Url] = { getConnectedUrls(url, Direction.OUT) } } class Entity(val size: Long, val url: String, val timestamp: DateTime, val id: String, val contentType: String, val md5: String, val urlId: String) extends ToStringImpl */
package mesosphere.marathon.plugin /** * A [[ Marathon Application Group]] */ trait Group { def id: PathId def apps: Iterable[(PathId, RunSpec)] def groupsById: Iterable[(PathId, Group)] def dependencies: Iterable[PathId] }
package /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law * or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying LICENSE file. */ import case class CountAction(input: Queryable[_]) extends Action[Long] { override def toString = input.toString() + ".count()" }
package org.automanlang.core.logging.tables import java.util.UUID import org.automanlang.core.scheduler.SchedulerState import org.automanlang.core.scheduler.SchedulerState.SchedulerState import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._ import java.util.Date object DBTaskHistory { val javaUtilDateMapper = MappedColumnType.base[java.util.Date, java.sql.Timestamp] ( d => new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime), d => new java.util.Date(d.getTime)) } class DBTaskHistory(tag: Tag) extends Table[(Int, UUID, Date, SchedulerState)](tag, "DBTASK_HISTORY") { implicit val javaUtilDateMapper = DBTaskHistory.javaUtilDateMapper implicit val schedulerStateMapper = SchedulerState.mapper def history_id = column[Int]("HISTORY_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def task_id = column[UUID]("TASK_ID", O.NotNull) def state_change_time = column[Date]("STATE_CHANGE_TIME", O.NotNull) def scheduler_state = column[SchedulerState]("SCHEDULER_STATE", O.NotNull) override def * = (history_id, task_id, state_change_time, scheduler_state) }
/* Title: Pure/Tools/bibtex.scala Author: Makarius BibTeX support. */ package isabelle import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.parsing.input.{Reader, CharSequenceReader} import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers object Bibtex { /** content **/ private val months = List( "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec") def is_month(s: String): Boolean = months.contains(s.toLowerCase) private val commands = List("preamble", "string") def is_command(s: String): Boolean = commands.contains(s.toLowerCase) sealed case class Entry( kind: String, required: List[String], optional_crossref: List[String], optional_other: List[String]) { def is_required(s: String): Boolean = required.contains(s.toLowerCase) def is_optional(s: String): Boolean = optional_crossref.contains(s.toLowerCase) || optional_other.contains(s.toLowerCase) def fields: List[String] = required ::: optional_crossref ::: optional_other def template: String = "@" + kind + "{,\\n" + => " " + x + " = {},\\n").mkString + "}\\n" } val entries: List[Entry] = List( Entry("Article", List("author", "title"), List("journal", "year"), List("volume", "number", "pages", "month", "note")), Entry("InProceedings", List("author", "title"), List("booktitle", "year"), List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "pages", "month", "address", "organization", "publisher", "note")), Entry("InCollection", List("author", "title", "booktitle"), List("publisher", "year"), List("editor", "volume", "number", "series", "type", "chapter", "pages", "edition", "month", "address", "note")), Entry("InBook", List("author", "editor", "title", "chapter"), List("publisher", "year"), List("volume", "number", "series", "type", "address", "edition", "month", "pages", "note")), Entry("Proceedings", List("title", "year"), List(), List("booktitle", "editor", "volume", "number", "series", "address", "month", "organization", "publisher", "note")), Entry("Book", List("author", "editor", "title"), List("publisher", "year"), List("volume", "number", "series", "address", "edition", "month", "note")), Entry("Booklet", List("title"), List(), List("author", "howpublished", "address", "month", "year", "note")), Entry("PhdThesis", List("author", "title", "school", "year"), List(), List("type", "address", "month", "note")), Entry("MastersThesis", List("author", "title", "school", "year"), List(), List("type", "address", "month", "note")), Entry("TechReport", List("author", "title", "institution", "year"), List(), List("type", "number", "address", "month", "note")), Entry("Manual", List("title"), List(), List("author", "organization", "address", "edition", "month", "year", "note")), Entry("Unpublished", List("author", "title", "note"), List(), List("month", "year")), Entry("Misc", List(), List(), List("author", "title", "howpublished", "month", "year", "note"))) def get_entry(kind: String): Option[Entry] = entries.find(entry => entry.kind.toLowerCase == kind.toLowerCase) def is_entry(kind: String): Boolean = get_entry(kind).isDefined /** tokens and chunks **/ object Token { object Kind extends Enumeration { val COMMAND = Value("command") val ENTRY = Value("entry") val KEYWORD = Value("keyword") val NAT = Value("natural number") val STRING = Value("string") val NAME = Value("name") val IDENT = Value("identifier") val SPACE = Value("white space") val COMMENT = Value("ignored text") val ERROR = Value("bad input") } } sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, source: String) { def is_kind: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.COMMAND || kind == Token.Kind.ENTRY || kind == Token.Kind.IDENT def is_name: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.NAME || kind == Token.Kind.IDENT def is_ignored: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.SPACE || kind == Token.Kind.COMMENT def is_malformed: Boolean = kind == Token.Kind.ERROR } case class Chunk(kind: String, tokens: List[Token]) { val source = private val content: Option[List[Token]] = tokens match { case Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "@") :: body if body.nonEmpty => (body.init.filterNot(_.is_ignored), body.last) match { case (tok :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "{") :: toks, Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "}")) if tok.is_kind => Some(toks) case (tok :: Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, "(") :: toks, Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, ")")) if tok.is_kind => Some(toks) case _ => None } case _ => None } def name: String = content match { case Some(tok :: _) if tok.is_name => tok.source case _ => "" } def is_ignored: Boolean = kind == "" && tokens.forall(_.is_ignored) def is_malformed: Boolean = kind == "" || tokens.exists(_.is_malformed) def is_command: Boolean = Bibtex.is_command(kind) && name != "" && content.isDefined def is_entry: Boolean = Bibtex.is_entry(kind) && name != "" && content.isDefined } /** parsing **/ // context of partial line-oriented scans abstract class Line_Context case object Ignored extends Line_Context case object At extends Line_Context case class Item_Start(kind: String) extends Line_Context case class Item_Open(kind: String, end: String) extends Line_Context case class Item(kind: String, end: String, delim: Delimited) extends Line_Context case class Delimited(quoted: Boolean, depth: Int) val Closed = Delimited(false, 0) private def token(kind: Token.Kind.Value)(source: String): Token = Token(kind, source) private def keyword(source: String): Token = Token(Token.Kind.KEYWORD, source) // See also // module @<Scan for and process a \\.{.bib} command or database entry@>. object Parsers extends RegexParsers { /* white space and comments */ override val whiteSpace = "".r private val space = """[ \\t\\n\\r]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.SPACE) private val spaces = rep(space) /* ignored text */ private val ignored: Parser[Chunk] = rep1("""(?i)([^@]+|@[ \\t]*comment)""".r) ^^ { case ss => Chunk("", List(Token(Token.Kind.COMMENT, ss.mkString))) } private def ignored_line: Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] = ignored ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } /* delimited string: outermost "..." or {...} and body with balanced {...} */ // see also bibtex.web: scan_a_field_token_and_eat_white, scan_balanced_braces private def delimited_depth(delim: Delimited): Parser[(String, Delimited)] = new Parser[(String, Delimited)] { require(if (delim.quoted) delim.depth > 0 else delim.depth >= 0) def apply(in: Input) = { val start = in.offset val end = in.source.length var i = start var q = delim.quoted var d = delim.depth var finished = false while (!finished && i < end) { val c = in.source.charAt(i) if (c == '"' && d == 0) { i += 1; d = 1; q = true } else if (c == '"' && d == 1 && q) { i += 1; d = 0; q = false; finished = true } else if (c == '{') { i += 1; d += 1 } else if (c == '}') { if (d == 1 && !q || d > 1) { i += 1; d -= 1; if (d == 0) finished = true } else {i = start; finished = true } } else if (d > 0) i += 1 else finished = true } if (i == start) Failure("bad input", in) else { val s = in.source.subSequence(start, i).toString Success((s, Delimited(q, d)), in.drop(i - start)) } } }.named("delimited_depth") private def delimited: Parser[Token] = delimited_depth(Closed) ^? { case (s, delim) if delim == Closed => Token(Token.Kind.STRING, s) } private def recover_delimited: Parser[Token] = """["{][^@]*""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.ERROR) def delimited_line(ctxt: Item): Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] = delimited_depth(ctxt.delim) ^^ { case (s, delim1) => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(Token(Token.Kind.STRING, s))), ctxt.copy(delim = delim1)) } | recover_delimited ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(a)), Ignored) } /* other tokens */ private val at = "@" ^^ keyword private val nat = "[0-9]+".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAT) private val name = """[\\x21-\\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]+""".r ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAME) private val identifier = """[\\x21-\\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}0-9]][\\x21-\\x7f&&[^"#%'(),={}]]*""".r private val ident = identifier ^^ token(Token.Kind.IDENT) val other_token = "[=#,]".r ^^ keyword | (nat | (ident | space)) /* body */ private val body = delimited | (recover_delimited | other_token) private def body_line(ctxt: Item) = if (ctxt.delim.depth > 0) delimited_line(ctxt) else delimited_line(ctxt) | other_token ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(a)), ctxt) } | ctxt.end ^^ { case a => (Chunk(ctxt.kind, List(keyword(a))), Ignored) } /* items: command or entry */ private val item_kind = identifier ^^ { case a => val kind = if (is_command(a)) Token.Kind.COMMAND else if (is_entry(a)) Token.Kind.ENTRY else Token.Kind.IDENT Token(kind, a) } private val item_begin = "{" ^^ { case a => ("}", keyword(a)) } | "(" ^^ { case a => (")", keyword(a)) } private def item_name(kind: String) = kind.toLowerCase match { case "preamble" => failure("") case "string" => identifier ^^ token(Token.Kind.NAME) case _ => name } private val item_start = at ~ spaces ~ item_kind ~ spaces ^^ { case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => (c.source, List(a) ::: b ::: List(c) ::: d) } private val item: Parser[Chunk] = (item_start ~ item_begin ~ spaces) into { case (kind, a) ~ ((end, b)) ~ c => opt(item_name(kind)) ~ rep(body) ~ opt(end ^^ keyword) ^^ { case d ~ e ~ f => Chunk(kind, a ::: List(b) ::: c ::: d.toList ::: e ::: f.toList) } } private val recover_item: Parser[Chunk] = at ~ "[^@]*".r ^^ { case a ~ b => Chunk("", List(a, Token(Token.Kind.ERROR, b))) } /* chunks */ val chunk: Parser[Chunk] = ignored | (item | recover_item) def chunk_line(ctxt: Line_Context): Parser[(Chunk, Line_Context)] = { ctxt match { case Ignored => ignored_line | at ^^ { case a => (Chunk("", List(a)), At) } case At => space ^^ { case a => (Chunk("", List(a)), ctxt) } | item_kind ^^ { case a => (Chunk(a.source, List(a)), Item_Start(a.source)) } | recover_item ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } | ignored_line case Item_Start(kind) => space ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), ctxt) } | item_begin ^^ { case (end, a) => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), Item_Open(kind, end)) } | recover_item ^^ { case a => (a, Ignored) } | ignored_line case Item_Open(kind, end) => space ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), ctxt) } | item_name(kind) ^^ { case a => (Chunk(kind, List(a)), Item(kind, end, Closed)) } | body_line(Item(kind, end, Closed)) | ignored_line case item_ctxt: Item => body_line(item_ctxt) | ignored_line case _ => failure("") } } } /* parse */ def parse(input: CharSequence): List[Chunk] = { val in: Reader[Char] = new CharSequenceReader(input) Parsers.parseAll(Parsers.rep(Parsers.chunk), in) match { case Parsers.Success(result, _) => result case _ => error("Unexpected failure to parse input:\\n" + input.toString) } } def parse_line(input: CharSequence, context: Line_Context): (List[Chunk], Line_Context) = { var in: Reader[Char] = new CharSequenceReader(input) val chunks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Chunk] var ctxt = context while (!in.atEnd) { Parsers.parse(Parsers.chunk_line(ctxt), in) match { case Parsers.Success((x, c), rest) => chunks += x; ctxt = c; in = rest case Parsers.NoSuccess(_, rest) => error("Unepected failure to parse input:\\n" + rest.source.toString) } } (chunks.toList, ctxt) } }
package ore.models.project import scala.collection.immutable import enumeratum.values._ sealed abstract class ReviewState(val value: Int, val apiName: String) extends IntEnumEntry { def isChecked: Boolean = this == ReviewState.Reviewed || this == ReviewState.PartiallyReviewed } object ReviewState extends IntEnum[ReviewState] { case object Unreviewed extends ReviewState(0, "unreviewed") case object Reviewed extends ReviewState(1, "reviewed") case object Backlog extends ReviewState(2, "backlog") case object PartiallyReviewed extends ReviewState(3, "partially_reviewed") val values: immutable.IndexedSeq[ReviewState] = findValues }
package net.usersource.twitpipe import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient import{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader} class TwitterEndpoint extends Endpoint with OAuth { def uri = "" def connect:Either[Error,BufferedReader] = { try { val request = new HttpPost(uri) HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(request.getParams,connectionTimeout) HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(request.getParams,soTimeout) consumer.sign(request); val httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); val response = httpClient.execute(request); if( response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode == 200 ) { Right(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity.getContent))) } else { Left(new Error( "HTTP: " + response.getStatusLine)) } } catch { case e: Exception => Left(new Error( "Exception: " + e.getMessage )) } } }
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.index_ops import import cats.implicits._ import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.Index_results.{IndexError, StageSucceeded} import com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.specs.AsyncSpec import scala.concurrent.Future class IndexDeletionSpec extends AsyncSpec { val newIndex = IndexWithInfo("newIndex", List("alias"), 99) "The IndexDeletion" should { "never delete the new index" in { val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("new", "newIndex", 0, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices shouldBe empty } } "never delete an index with alias if protected" in { val protectedIndices = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List(s"alias$i"), i)) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: protectedIndices: _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "index0", 0, true).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices shouldBe empty } } "only delete indices with the same prefix" in { val indicesWithSamePrefix = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val differentIndices = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"some$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: (indicesWithSamePrefix ++ differentIndices): _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "index0", 0, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices should contain theSameElementsAs } } "keep at least defined amount of indices, even if there are newer indices with different prefix" in { val indicesWithSamePrefix = (1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val differentIndices = (11 to 20).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"some$i", List(s"alias"), i)) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: (indicesWithSamePrefix ++ differentIndices): _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "index0", 3, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices should have length 7 } } "delete the oldest indices first if more indices than defined to keep" in { val indices = scala.util.Random.shuffle((1 to 10).map(i => IndexWithInfo(s"index$i", List.empty, i))) val opsClient = testEsOpsClient(newIndex +: indices: _*) val deleter = IndexDeletion(opsClient) deleter.deleteOldest("inde", "newIndex", 5, false).map { deletionResult => deletionResult.right.value shouldBe a[StageSucceeded] opsClient.deletedIndices should contain theSameElementsAs indices.sortBy(_.creationTime).take(5).map(_.index) } } } private def testEsOpsClient(oldIndicesWithAlias: IndexWithInfo*) = new EsOpsClientApi { val deletedIndices = scala.collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[String] def removeAliasFromIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = ??? def addAliasToIndex(index: String, alias: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = ??? def sizeFor(index: String): OpsResult[Long] = ??? def delete(index: String): OpsResult[Boolean] = { deletedIndices += index EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](true) } def allIndicesWithAliasInfo: OpsResult[List[IndexWithInfo]] = EitherT.pure[Future, IndexError](oldIndicesWithAlias.toList) } }
package play.api.templates case class Html(string: String) { override def toString = string }
package com.github.alexanderscott.twitterstream.auth import javax.crypto import java.nio.charset.Charset import spray.http.{HttpEntity, MediaTypes, ContentType, HttpRequest} import spray.http.HttpHeaders.RawHeader import org.parboiled.common.Base64 import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import object OAuth { case class Consumer(key: String, secret: String) case class Token(value: String, secret: String) def oAuthAuthorizer(consumer: Consumer, token: Token): HttpRequest => HttpRequest = { // construct the key and cryptographic entity val SHA1 = "HmacSHA1" val keyString = percentEncode(consumer.secret :: token.secret :: Nil) val key = new crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec(bytes(keyString), SHA1) val mac = crypto.Mac.getInstance(SHA1) { httpRequest: HttpRequest => val timestamp = (System.currentTimeMillis / 1000).toString // nonce is unique enough for our purposes here val nonce = System.nanoTime.toString // pick out x-www-form-urlencoded body val (requestParams, newEntity) = httpRequest.entity match { case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, _), data) => val params = data.asString.split("&") val pairs = { param => val p = param.split("=") p(0) -> percentEncode(p(1)) } (pairs.toMap, HttpEntity(ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`), "%s=%s" format (pairs(0)._1, pairs(0)._2))) case e => (Map(), e) } // prepare the OAuth parameters val oauthParams = Map( "oauth_consumer_key" -> consumer.key, "oauth_signature_method" -> "HMAC-SHA1", "oauth_timestamp" -> timestamp, "oauth_nonce" -> nonce, "oauth_token" -> token.value, "oauth_version" -> "1.0" ) // construct parts of the signature base string val encodedOrderedParams = (TreeMap[String, String]() ++ oauthParams ++ requestParams) map { case (k, v) => k + "=" + v } mkString "&" val url = httpRequest.uri.toString() // construct the signature base string val signatureBaseString = percentEncode(httpRequest.method.toString() :: url :: encodedOrderedParams :: Nil) mac.init(key) val sig = Base64.rfc2045().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(bytes(signatureBaseString)), false) mac.reset() val oauth = TreeMap[String, String]() ++ (oauthParams + ("oauth_signature" -> percentEncode(sig))) map { case (k, v) => "%s=\\"%s\\"" format (k, v) } mkString ", " // return the signed request httpRequest.withHeaders(List(RawHeader("Authorization", "OAuth " + oauth))).withEntity(newEntity) } } private def percentEncode(str: String): String = URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8") replace ("+", "%20") replace ("%7E", "~") private def percentEncode(s: Seq[String]): String = s map percentEncode mkString "&" private def bytes(str: String) = str.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")) }
trait Base { def getID: String } abstract class X extends Base { override def getID: String = "" private[this] def bar = { def foo = /*start*/true/*end*/ "" } } () //expected: <none>
import edu.uta.diql._ import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.rdd._ import org.apache.log4j._ import scala.util.Random object KMeans { def main ( args: Array[String] ) { val repeats = args(0).toInt val length = args(1).toLong val num_steps = 1 val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("KMeans") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) conf.set("spark.logConf","false") conf.set("spark.eventLog.enabled","false") LogManager.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.WARN) val rand = new Random() def getd (): Double = { val v = rand.nextDouble()*20.0D if (v.toInt % 2 == 0) getd() else v } val points = sc.parallelize(1L to length/100) .flatMap{ i => (1 to 100).map{ i => (getd(),getd()) } } .cache() val size = sizeof((1.0D,1.0D)) println("*** %d %.2f GB".format(length,length.toDouble*size/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))) var initial_centroids = (for { i <- 0 to 9; j <- 0 to 9 } yield ((i*2+1.2).toDouble,(j*2+1.2).toDouble)).toArray var centroids = initial_centroids def distance ( x: (Double,Double), y: (Double,Double) ): Double = Math.sqrt((x._1-y._1)*(x._1-y._1)+(x._2-y._2)*(x._2-y._2)) def test () { case class ArgMin ( index: Long, distance: Double ) { def ^ ( x: ArgMin ): ArgMin = if (distance <= x.distance) this else x } case class Avg ( sum: (Double,Double), count: Long ) { def ^^ ( x: Avg ): Avg = Avg((sum._1+x.sum._1,sum._2+x.sum._2),count+x.count) def value(): (Double,Double) = (sum._1/count,sum._2/count) } var t: Long = System.currentTimeMillis() try { for ( i <- 1 to num_steps ) { val cs = sc.broadcast(centroids) centroids = { p => (cs.value.minBy(distance(p,_)), Avg(p,1)) } .reduceByKey(_^^_) .map(_._2.value()) .collect() } println(centroids.length) println("**** KMeansSpark run time: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-t)/1000.0+" secs") } catch { case x: Throwable => println(x) } var P ={ case (p,i) => (i.toLong,p) } var C ={ case (p,i) => (i.toLong,p) } val K = C.length val N = P.count() var avg = (1 to K).map{ i => (i.toLong-1,Avg((0.0,0.0),0)) }.toArray t = System.currentTimeMillis() v(sc,""" var closest: vector[ArgMin] = vector(); var steps: Int = 0; while (steps < num_steps) { steps += 1; for i = 0, N-1 do { closest[i] := ArgMin(0,10000.0); for j = 0, K-1 do closest[i] := closest[i] ^ ArgMin(j,distance(P[i],C[j])); avg[closest[i].index] := avg[closest[i].index] ^^ Avg(P[i],1); }; for i = 0, K-1 do C[i] := avg[i].value(); }; """) println(C.length) println("**** KMeansDiablo run time: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-t)/1000.0+" secs") } for ( i <- 1 to repeats ) test() sc.stop() } }
package net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.mongodb import java.util.Optional import io.opentracing.mock.{MockSpan, MockTracer} import net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.core.model.MapQueryOptions.defaultOptions import import net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.core.model.SingleValueMapRangeKey.{equalTo => range_equalTo, greaterThan => range_greaterThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo => range_greaterThanOrEqualTo, lessThan => range_lessThan, lessThanOrEqualTo => range_lessThanOrEqualTo} import net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.core.model.TwoValueMapRangeKey.between import net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.core.model.ZeroValueMapRangeKey.all import net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.core.model.{MapStoreKey, MapStoreTableKey} import net.spals.appbuilder.mapstore.mongodb.MongoDBSpanMatcher.mongoDBSpan import org.bson.Document import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers._ import org.hamcrest.{Description, Matcher, TypeSafeMatcher} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.testng.annotations._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ /** * Integration tests for [[MongoDBMapStorePlugin]]. * * @author tkral */ class MongoDBMapStorePluginIT { private val LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[MongoDBMapStorePluginIT]) private val mongoDBTracer = new MockTracer() private lazy val mongoClient = { val mongoClientProvider = new MongoClientProvider(mongoDBTracer) = System.getenv("MONGODB_IP") mongoClientProvider.port = System.getenv("MONGODB_PORT").toInt"Connecting to mongoDB instance at ${}:${mongoClientProvider.port}") mongoClientProvider.get() } private val applicationName = "MongoDBMapStorePluginIT" private lazy val mongoDatabase = { val mongoDatabaseProvider = new MongoDatabaseProvider(applicationName, mongoClient) mongoDatabaseProvider.get() } private lazy val mapStorePlugin = new MongoDBMapStorePlugin(mongoClient, mongoDatabase) private val hashTableName = "hashTable" private val hashTableKey = new MapStoreTableKey.Builder() .setHash("myHashField", classOf[String]) .build private val rangeTableName = "rangeTable" private val rangeTableKey = new MapStoreTableKey.Builder() .setHash("myHashField", classOf[String]) .setRange("myRangeField", classOf[String]) .build() @BeforeClass def createTables() { mapStorePlugin.createTable(hashTableName, hashTableKey) mapStorePlugin.createTable(rangeTableName, rangeTableKey) } @BeforeMethod def resetTracer() { mongoDBTracer.reset() } @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true) def tearDownClass() { mapStorePlugin.dropTable(hashTableName) mapStorePlugin.dropTable(rangeTableName) mapStorePlugin.close() } @Test def testCreateTableIdempotent() { assertThat(mapStorePlugin.createTable(hashTableName, hashTableKey), is(true)) } @DataProvider def emptyGetProvider(): Array[Array[AnyRef]] = { Array( // Case: Hash-only key Array(hashTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "deadbeef").build), // Case: Hash and range key Array(rangeTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "deadbeef") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("deadbeef")).build) ) } @Test( dataProvider = "emptyGetProvider", groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.empty") ) def testEmptyGetItem( tableName: String, storeKey: MapStoreKey ) { assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getItem(tableName, storeKey), is(Optional.empty[java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]])) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("find"))) } @Test( dataProvider = "emptyGetProvider", groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.empty") ) def testEmptyGetItems( tableName: String, storeKey: MapStoreKey ) { assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getItems(tableName, storeKey, defaultOptions()), empty[java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]]) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("find"))) } @DataProvider def putItemProvider(): Array[Array[AnyRef]] = { Array( Array(hashTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue").build, Map("key" -> "value"), new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)), Array(rangeTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue1")).build, Map("key" -> "value"), new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> "myRangeValue1", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)), // Inserted for getItems tests below Array(rangeTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue2")).build, Map("key" -> "value"), new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> "myRangeValue2", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)), Array(rangeTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue3")).build, Map("key" -> "value"), new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> "myRangeValue3", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)), Array(rangeTableName, new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue4")).build, Map("key" -> "value"), new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> "myRangeValue4", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)) ) } @Test( dataProvider = "putItemProvider", groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.put"), dependsOnGroups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.empty") ) def testPutItem( tableName: String, storeKey: MapStoreKey, payload: Map[String, AnyRef], expectedResult: Document ) { // The asserts here are technically backwards, but we have to assertThat(mapStorePlugin.putItem(tableName, storeKey, payload.asJava).asInstanceOf[Document], is(expectedResult)) assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getItem(tableName, storeKey).asInstanceOf[Optional[Document]], is(Optional.of(expectedResult))) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("insert"), mongoDBSpan("find"))) } @DataProvider def updateItemProvider(): Array[Array[AnyRef]] = { Array( Array(Map("numberKey" ->, new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> "myRangeValue1", "key" -> "value", "numberKey" -> java.lang.Long.valueOf(1L)).toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)), Array(Map("numberKey" -> ""), new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> "myRangeValue1", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava)) ) } @Test( dataProvider = "updateItemProvider", groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.update"), dependsOnGroups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.put") ) def testUpdateItem( payload: Map[String, AnyRef], expectedResult: Document ) { val storeKey = new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue1")).build assertThat(mapStorePlugin.updateItem(rangeTableName, storeKey, payload.asJava).asInstanceOf[Document], is(expectedResult)) assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getItem(rangeTableName, storeKey).asInstanceOf[Optional[Document]], is(Optional.of(expectedResult))) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("findandmodify"), mongoDBSpan("find"))) } @Test( groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.get"), dependsOnGroups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.put", "MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.update") ) def testGetAllItems() { assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getAllItems(rangeTableName).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Document]], // getAllItems isn't ordered on range key containsInAnyOrder[Document](result(1), result(2), result(3), result(4))) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("find"))) } @DataProvider def getItemsProvider(): Array[Array[AnyRef]] = { Array( Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", all()).build, List(result(1), result(2), result(3), result(4))), // Case: Between different values Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", between[String]("myRangeValue2", "myRangeValue4")).build, List(result(2), result(3), result(4))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", between[String]("myRangeValue2", "myRangeValue2")).build, List(result(2))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue1")).build, List(result(1))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_greaterThan[String]("myRangeValue2")).build, List(result(3), result(4))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_greaterThanOrEqualTo[String]("myRangeValue2")).build, List(result(2), result(3), result(4))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", in[String]("myRangeValue2", "myRangeValue3")).build, List(result(2), result(3))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_lessThan[String]("myRangeValue3")).build, List(result(1), result(2))), Array(new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_lessThanOrEqualTo[String]("myRangeValue3")).build, List(result(1), result(2), result(3))) ) } @Test( dataProvider = "getItemsProvider", groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.get"), dependsOnGroups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.put", "MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.update") ) def testGetItems( storeKey: MapStoreKey, expectedResults: List[Document] ) { assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getItems(rangeTableName, storeKey, defaultOptions()).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Document]], contains[Document](expectedResults: _*)) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("find"))) } @Test( groups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.delete"), dependsOnGroups = Array("MongoDBMapStorePluginIT.get") ) def testDeleteItem() { val storeKey = new MapStoreKey.Builder().setHash("myHashField", "myHashValue") .setRange("myRangeField", range_equalTo[String]("myRangeValue4")).build mapStorePlugin.deleteItem(rangeTableName, storeKey) assertThat(mapStorePlugin.getAllItems(rangeTableName).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Document]], // getAllItems isn't ordered on range key containsInAnyOrder[Document](result(1), result(2), result(3))) assertThat(mongoDBTracer.finishedSpans(), contains[MockSpan](mongoDBSpan("delete"), mongoDBSpan("find"))) } private def result(i: Int): Document = { new Document(Map("myHashField" -> "myHashValue", "myRangeField" -> s"myRangeValue$i", "key" -> "value").toMap[String, AnyRef].asJava) } }
/*********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * ***********************************************************************/ package import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import import org.locationtech.geomesa.web.core.GeoMesaScalatraServlet import org.scalatra.{BadRequest, InternalServerError, Ok} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ class DataEndpoint extends GeoMesaScalatraServlet with LazyLogging { override val root: String = "data" delete("/:catalog/:feature") { delete() } post("/:catalog/:feature/delete") { delete() } def delete(): Unit = { val fn = params("feature") try { val ds = DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(datastoreParams) if (ds == null) { BadRequest() } else { ds.removeSchema(fn) ds.dispose() Ok() } } catch { case e: Exception => logger.error(s"Error deleting feature $fn", e) InternalServerError() } } }
// UseALibrary.scala import com.yoururl.libraryname._ new X
Atomic Scala/atomic-scala-examples/examples/17_Summary2/UseALibrary.scala
package com.tysonjh import org.scalatest.FunSpec /** * Created by tysonjh on 2/7/2014. */ class TuplerSpec extends FunSpec { describe("a Tupler macro should") { it("make a tuple from a case class") { case class Cat(name: String, colour: String, age: Int) implicit val writes: Writes[Cat] = Tupler.tupleWrites[Cat] val floydCat = Cat("Floyd", "grey", 6) val result = Tupler.toTupleSeq(floydCat) assert(result === Seq(("name", "Floyd"), ("colour", "grey"), ("age", "6"))) } } }
/* Copyright (C) 2008-2016 University of Massachusetts Amherst. This file is part of "FACTORIE" (Factor graphs, Imperative, Extensible), Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package /** * Rewritten from * for thread-safety and style (but definitely not too pretty yet). * @author Brian Martin */ object PorterStemmer { val vowels = "aeiou" val step1aVals = List(("sses", "ss"), ("ies","i"), ("ss","ss"), ("s", "")) val step1bVals = List(("at", "ate"), ("bl","ble"), ("iz","ize")) val step2Vals = List(("ational", "ate"),("tional","tion"),("enci","ence"),("anci","ance"),("izer","ize"),("bli","ble"),("alli", "al"), ("entli","ent"),("eli","e"),("ousli","ous"),("ization","ize"),("ation","ate"),("ator","ate"),("alism","al"), ("iveness","ive"),("fulness","ful"),("ousness", "ous"),("aliti", "al"),("iviti","ive"),("biliti", "ble"),("logi", "log")) val step3Vals = List(("icate", "ic"),("ative",""),("alize","al"),("iciti","ic"),("ical","ic"),("ful",""),("ness","")) val step4aVals = List(("al",""),("ance",""),("ence",""),("er",""),("ic",""),("able",""),("ible",""),("ant",""),("ement",""), ("ment",""),("ent","")) val step4bVals = List(("ou",""),("ism",""),("ate",""),("iti",""),("ous",""),("ive",""),("ize","")) def applySteps(_b: String): String = { if (_b.size <= 2) return _b var b = _b def isConsonant(i: Int): Boolean = { if (b(i) == 'y') { if (i == 0) true else !isConsonant(i-1) } else !vowels.contains(b(i)) } /* m() measures the number of consonant sequences between 0 and j. if c is a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and <..> indicates arbitrary presence, <c><v> gives 0 <c>vc<v> gives 1 <c>vcvc<v> gives 2 <c>vcvcvc<v> gives 3 .... */ def calcM(s:String): Int = { if (b.length == 0) return 0 var count = 0 (1 until s.length).foldLeft(isConsonant(0)) { case (lastIsC, c) => val isC = isConsonant(c) if (isC && !lastIsC) count += 1 isC } count } /* removing the suffix string, s, does a vowel exist?' */ def vowelInStem(s: String): Boolean = (0 until b.length - s.length).exists(!isConsonant(_)) /* doublec(j) is true <=> j,(j-1) contain a double consonant. */ def doublec(): Boolean = { var l = b.length - 1 l >= 1 && b(l) == b(l-1) && isConsonant(l) } /* cvc(i) is true <=> i-2,i-1,i has the form consonant - vowel - consonant and also if the second c is not w,x or y. this is used when trying to restore an e at the end of a short word. e.g. cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but snow, box, tray. */ def cvc(s:String): Boolean = { val i = b.length - 1 - s.length if (i < 2 || !isConsonant(i) || isConsonant(i-1) || !isConsonant(i-2)) false else if ("wxy".contains(b(i))) false else true } def replacer(orig: String, replace:String, checker: Int => Boolean): Boolean = { if (b.endsWith(orig)) { var n = b.dropRight(orig.length) if (checker(calcM(n))) b = n + replace true } else false } def processSubList( l:List[(String, String)], checker: Int=>Boolean ): Boolean = l.exists(v => replacer(v._1, v._2, checker)) // step 1a processSubList(step1aVals, _ >= 0) // step 1b if (!replacer("eed", "ee", _ > 0) && ((vowelInStem("ed") && replacer("ed", "", _>=0) ) || ( vowelInStem("ing") && replacer( "ing", "", _>=0) ) ) && (! processSubList(step1bVals, _>=0))) { if ( doublec() && !"lsz".contains( b.last ) ) b = b.substring( 0, b.length - 1 ) else if (calcM(b) == 1 && cvc("")) b = b + "e" } // step 1c vowelInStem("y") && replacer("y", "i", _ >= 0) // step 2 processSubList(step2Vals, _>0 ) // step 3 processSubList(step3Vals, _>0) // step 4 var res = processSubList(step4aVals, _>1) if (!res && b.length > 4 && (b(b.length-4) == 's' || b(b.length-4) == 't')) res = replacer("ion", "", _>1) if (!res) processSubList(step4bVals, _>1) // step 5a replacer("e", "", _>1) if ( !cvc("e") ) replacer("e", "", _==1) // step 5b if (calcM(b) > 1 && doublec() && b.last == 'l') b = b.dropRight(1) b } def apply(s:String): String = applySteps(s) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def getOWPL(f: String) = io.Source.fromFile(f).getLines() if (args.length != 2) println("Expected arguments are a OWPL file of unstemmed and a OWPL file of properly stemmed words to check against.\n" + "These are available at") val unstemmed = getOWPL(args(0)) val trueStemmed = getOWPL(args(1)) println("unstemmed.size: " + unstemmed.size) println("trueStemmed.size: " + trueStemmed.size) val stemmed = println("stemmed.size: " + stemmed.size) => s._1 != s._2).foreach(println(_)) => assert(s._1 == s._2, s._1 + " " + s._2)) => println("sample: " + s._1 + " " + s._2)) } }
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.model case class ListRequest( packageName: Option[String] = None, appId: Option[AppId] = None )
package com.themillhousegroup.edn.test import org.specs2.mutable.Specification trait StreamChecking { this: Specification => def valueStreamMustHave[T](stream: Stream[T], items: T*) = { val s = stream.toSeq s must haveSize(items.size) s must containTheSameElementsAs(items) } def keyStreamMustHave(stream: Stream[(String, AnyRef)], items: String*) = { val s = stream.toSeq s must haveSize(items.size) { case (k, v) => k } must containTheSameElementsAs(items) } def keyValueStreamMustHave(stream: Stream[(String, AnyRef)], items: (String, _)*) = { val s = stream.toSeq s must haveSize(items.size) s must containTheSameElementsAs(items) } }
/* * slibexif - Scala library to parse JPEG EXIF data. * Copyright (C) Niklas Grossmann * * This file is part of libexif. * * slibexif is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * net.n12n.exif is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License * along with libexif. If not, see <>. */ package net.n12n.exif import ByteOrder._ trait TypedTag[T] extends Tag { val marker: Int val name: String def value(attr: IfdAttribute, order: ByteOrder): T } private[exif] class ValueTag[T : TypeConverter](marker: Int, name: String) extends TagImpl(marker, name) with TypedTag[T] { def value(attr: IfdAttribute, order: ByteOrder): T = { val genType = implicitly[TypeConverter[T]] genType.toScala(attr, order).head } } private[exif] class ListTag[T : TypeConverter](marker: Int, name: String) extends TagImpl(marker, name) with TypedTag[List[T]] { def value(attr: IfdAttribute, order: ByteOrder): List[T] = { val converter = implicitly[TypeConverter[T]] converter.toScala(attr, order) } } class ByteTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[ByteSeq](marker, name) class UndefinedTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[Undefined](marker, name) class AsciiTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[String](marker, name) class LongListTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ListTag[Long](marker, name) class LongTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[Long](marker, name) class ShortListTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ListTag[Int](marker, name) class ShortTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[Int](marker, name) class RationalListTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ListTag[Rational](marker, name) class RationalTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[Rational](marker, name) class SignedRationalTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[SignedRational](marker, name) class NumericListTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ListTag[Numeric](marker, name) class NumericTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[Numeric](marker, name) class UserCommentTag(marker: Int, name: String) extends ValueTag[MultiByteString](marker, name)
/* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 University of Massachusetts Amherst. This file is part of "FACTORIE" (Factor graphs, Imperative, Extensible), Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package cc.factorie.infer import cc.factorie.directed._ import{DenseTensor1, Tensor, Outer1Tensor2} import cc.factorie import cc.factorie.variable._ import cc.factorie.model.{DotFamily, Family, Factor} import scala.Some /** The result of inference: a collection of Marginal objects. @author Andrew McCallum */ trait Summary { /** The collection of all univariate Marginals available in this Summary */ def marginals: Iterable[Marginal1] /** All the variables for which this Summary has a univariate Marginal. */ def variables: Iterable[Var] = /** If this Summary has a univariate Marginal for variable v, return it; otherwise return null. */ def marginal(v:Var): Marginal1 /** If this Summary has a Marginal that touches all or a subset of the neighbors of this factor return the Marginal with the maximally-available subset. */ def marginal(factor:Factor): FactorMarginal def factorMarginals: Iterable[FactorMarginal] def logZ: Double /** If this summary has a univariate Marginal for variable v, return it in an Option; otherwise return None. */ def getMarginal(v:Var): Option[Marginal1] = { val m = marginal(v); if (m eq null) None else Some(m) } def setToMaximize(implicit d:DiffList): Unit = marginals.foreach(_.setToMaximize(d)) // Note that order may matter here if Marginals are not Marginal1 and overlap with each other! } /* trait IncrementableInfer[-A,-B] extends Infer[A,B] { override def infer(variables: A, model: B): Option[WarmStartSummary] } trait WarmStartSummary { def updateScores(v: DiscreteVar, t: Tensor): Unit def updateSummary(): Unit } case class ModelWithInference[M](model: M, variables: Seq[DiscreteVar], inference: IncrementableInfer[Seq[DiscreteVar], M]) object InferByDualDecomposition extends Infer[Seq[ModelWithInference[_]],Seq[(Any,Any,DiscreteVar,DiscreteVar)]] { def infer(variables: Seq[ModelWithInference[_]], model: Seq[(Any, Any, DiscreteVar, DiscreteVar)]) = null } */ /** A Summary that can be used to gather weighted samples into its Marginals. */ // TODO Consider the relationship between this and Accumulator // TODO Consider removing this trait IncrementableSummary extends Summary { def incrementCurrentValues(weight:Double): Unit } /** A Summary that contains multiple Marginals of type M, each a marginal distribution over a single variable. */ class Summary1[V<:Var,M<:Marginal1] extends Summary { protected val _marginals = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[V,M] protected val _factorMarginals = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Factor,FactorMarginal] def marginals = _marginals.values def factorMarginals = _factorMarginals.values def logZ = throw new Error("logZ is not defined") def marginal(v:Var): M = _marginals(v.asInstanceOf[V]) // We don't actually care that this type check does nothing because only Vs could be added to the HashMap def marginal(f:Factor): FactorMarginal = _factorMarginals(f) def +=(marginal:M) = { val vars = marginal.variables require(vars.size == 1) val v = vars.head.asInstanceOf[V] if (_marginals.contains(v)) throw new Error("Marginal already present for variable "+v) _marginals(v) = marginal } def +=(marginal:FactorMarginal) = { if (_factorMarginals.contains(marginal.factor)) throw new Error("Marginal already present for factor "+marginal.factor) _factorMarginals(marginal.factor) = marginal } } /** A Summary containing only one Marginal. */ class SingletonSummary[M<:Marginal1](val marginal:M) extends Summary { def marginals = Seq(marginal) def marginal(v:Var): M = if (Seq(v) == marginal.variables) marginal else null.asInstanceOf[M] def marginal(f:Factor) = null def logZ = throw new Error("logZ not definable for SingletonSummary") def factorMarginals = Nil } /** A Summary with all its probability on one variable-value Assignment. */ class AssignmentSummary(val assignment:Assignment) extends Summary { lazy val _marginals => v -> new Marginal1 { def _1 = v def setToMaximize(implicit d: DiffList) = v match { case vv:MutableVar => vv.set(assignment(vv)) } }).toMap def marginals = _marginals.values def marginal(v:Var): Marginal1 = _marginals.getOrElse(v, null) def marginal(f:Factor): FactorMarginal = null.asInstanceOf[FactorMarginal] override def setToMaximize(implicit d:DiffList): Unit = assignment.setVariables(d) def logZ = throw new Error("AssignmentSummary does not define logZ") def factorMarginals = Nil } /** A Summary with all its probability on one variable-value Assignment, and which can also be used for learning because it includes factors. */ class MAPSummary(val mapAssignment: Assignment, factors: Seq[Factor]) extends Summary { /** The collection of all Marginals available in this Summary */ class SingletonMarginal(val _1: Var) extends Marginal1 { def setToMaximize(implicit d: DiffList) { _1 match { case v: MutableVar => v.set(mapAssignment(v)) } } } val marginals = SingletonMarginal(_)) def marginal(v: Var) = mapAssignment.get(v) match { case Some(_) => new SingletonMarginal(v) case None => null } trait FactorMarginalWithScore extends FactorMarginal { val score: Double } class SingletonFactorMarginal(val factor: Factor) extends FactorMarginalWithScore { val tensorStatistics = factor.assignmentStatistics(mapAssignment).asInstanceOf[Tensor] def variables = factor.variables val score = factor.assignmentScore(mapAssignment) } class NonMarginalFactorMarginal(val factor: Factor) extends FactorMarginalWithScore { val tensorStatistics = new DenseTensor1(1) def variables = factor.variables val score = factor.assignmentScore(mapAssignment) } def marginal(factor: Factor): FactorMarginalWithScore = if (factor.isInstanceOf[Family#Factor] && factor.asInstanceOf[Family#Factor].family.isInstanceOf[DotFamily]) new SingletonFactorMarginal(factor) else new NonMarginalFactorMarginal(factor) def factorMarginals = def logZ = } /** A summary with a separate Proportions distribution for each of its DiscreteVars */ // TODO Consider renaming FullyFactorizedDiscreteSummary or IndependentDiscreteSummary or PerVariableDiscreteSummary // TODO Consider making this inherit from Summary1 class DiscreteSummary1[V<:DiscreteVar] extends IncrementableSummary { def this(vs:Iterable[V]) = { this(); ++=(vs) } //val variableClass = m.erasure val _marginals1 = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[V,SimpleDiscreteMarginal1[V]] def marginals = _marginals1.values override def variables = _marginals1.keys lazy val variableSet = variables.toSet def marginal(v1:Var): SimpleDiscreteMarginal1[V] = _marginals1.getOrElse(v1.asInstanceOf[V], null) def marginal2(vs:Var*): DiscreteMarginal = vs match { case Seq(v:V @unchecked) => _marginals1(v) // Note, this doesn't actually check for a type match on V, because of erasure, but it shoudn't matter // case Seq(v:V @unchecked, w:V @unchecked) => new DiscreteMarginal2[V,V](v, w, new DenseTensorProportions2(new Outer1Tensor2(_marginals1(v).proportions,_marginals1(w).proportions), false)) case _ => null } def marginal(f:Factor): FactorMarginal = null def +=(m:SimpleDiscreteMarginal1[V]): Unit = _marginals1(m._1) = m def +=(v:V): Unit = this += new SimpleDiscreteMarginal1(v, null) // but not yet initialized marginal proportions def ++=(vs:Iterable[V]): Unit = vs.foreach(+=(_)) //def ++=(ms:Iterable[DiscreteMarginal1[V]]): Unit = ms.foreach(+=(_)) def incrementCurrentValues(weight:Double): Unit = for (m <- marginals) m.incrementCurrentValue(weight) //def maximize(implicit d:DiffList): Unit = for (m <- marginals) m._1.asInstanceOf[DiscreteVariable].set(m.proportions.maxIndex) def factorMarginals = Nil def logZ = throw new Error("DiscreteSummary1 does not define logZ") }
package import PathResolver.Defaults class ScalaSettings extends Settings.SettingGroup { protected def defaultClasspath = sys.env.getOrElse("CLASSPATH", ".") /** Path related settings. */ val bootclasspath = PathSetting("-bootclasspath", "Override location of bootstrap class files.", Defaults.scalaBootClassPath) val extdirs = PathSetting("-extdirs", "Override location of installed extensions.", Defaults.scalaExtDirs) val javabootclasspath = PathSetting("-javabootclasspath", "Override java boot classpath.", Defaults.javaBootClassPath) val javaextdirs = PathSetting("-javaextdirs", "Override java extdirs classpath.", Defaults.javaExtDirs) val sourcepath = PathSetting("-sourcepath", "Specify location(s) of source files.", "") // Defaults.scalaSourcePath /** Other settings. */ val dependencyfile = StringSetting("-dependencyfile", "file", "Set dependency tracking file.", ".scala_dependencies") val deprecation = BooleanSetting("-deprecation", "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.") val encoding = StringSetting("-encoding", "encoding", "Specify character encoding used by source files.", Properties.sourceEncoding) val explaintypes = BooleanSetting("-explaintypes", "Explain type errors in more detail.") val feature = BooleanSetting("-feature", "Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.") val g = ChoiceSetting("-g", "level", "Set level of generated debugging info.", List("none", "source", "line", "vars", "notailcalls"), "vars") val help = BooleanSetting("-help", "Print a synopsis of standard options") val nowarn = BooleanSetting("-nowarn", "Generate no warnings.") val print = BooleanSetting("-print", "Print program with Scala-specific features removed.") val target = ChoiceSetting("-target", "target", "Target platform for object files. All JVM 1.5 targets are deprecated.", List("jvm-1.5", "jvm-1.5-fjbg", "jvm-1.5-asm", "jvm-1.6", "jvm-1.7", "jvm-1.8", "msil"), "jvm-1.8") val unchecked = BooleanSetting("-unchecked", "Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.") val uniqid = BooleanSetting("-uniqid", "Uniquely tag all identifiers in debugging output.") val usejavacp = BooleanSetting("-usejavacp", "Utilize the java.class.path in classpath resolution.") val verbose = BooleanSetting("-verbose", "Output messages about what the compiler is doing.") val version = BooleanSetting("-version", "Print product version and exit.") val pageWidth = IntSetting("-pagewidth", "Set page width", 80) val jvmargs = PrefixSetting("-J<flag>", "-J", "Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system.") val defines = PrefixSetting("-Dproperty=value", "-D", "Pass -Dproperty=value directly to the runtime system.") val toolcp = PathSetting("-toolcp", "Add to the runner classpath.", "") val nobootcp = BooleanSetting("-nobootcp", "Do not use the boot classpath for the scala jars.") val argfiles = BooleanSetting("@<file>", "A text file containing compiler arguments (options and source files)") val classpath = PathSetting("-classpath", "Specify where to find user class files.", defaultClasspath) withAbbreviation "-cp" val d = StringSetting("-d", "directory|jar", "destination for generated classfiles.", ".") val nospecialization = BooleanSetting("-no-specialization", "Ignore @specialize annotations.") val language = MultiStringSetting("-language", "feature", "Enable one or more language features.") /** -X "Advanced" settings */ val Xhelp = BooleanSetting("-X", "Print a synopsis of advanced options.") val assemname = StringSetting("-Xassem-name", "file", "(Requires -target:msil) Name of the output assembly.", "").dependsOn(target, "msil") val assemrefs = StringSetting("-Xassem-path", "path", "(Requires -target:msil) List of assemblies referenced by the program.", ".").dependsOn(target, "msil") val assemextdirs = StringSetting("-Xassem-extdirs", "dirs", "(Requires -target:msil) List of directories containing assemblies. default:lib", Defaults.scalaLibDir.path).dependsOn(target, "msil") val sourcedir = StringSetting("-Xsourcedir", "directory", "(Requires -target:msil) Mirror source folder structure in output directory.", ".").dependsOn(target, "msil") val checkInit = BooleanSetting("-Xcheckinit", "Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access.") val noassertions = BooleanSetting("-Xdisable-assertions", "Generate no assertions or assumptions.") // val elidebelow = IntSetting("-Xelide-below", "Calls to @elidable methods are omitted if method priority is lower than argument", // elidable.MINIMUM, None, elidable.byName get _) val noForwarders = BooleanSetting("-Xno-forwarders", "Do not generate static forwarders in mirror classes.") val genPhaseGraph = StringSetting("-Xgenerate-phase-graph", "file", "Generate the phase graphs (outputs .dot files) to", "") val XlogImplicits = BooleanSetting("-Xlog-implicits", "Show more detail on why some implicits are not applicable.") val XminImplicitSearchDepth = IntSetting("-Xmin-implicit-search-depth", "Set number of levels of implicit searches undertaken before checking for divergence.", 5) val logImplicitConv = BooleanSetting("-Xlog-implicit-conversions", "Print a message whenever an implicit conversion is inserted.") val logReflectiveCalls = BooleanSetting("-Xlog-reflective-calls", "Print a message when a reflective method call is generated") val logFreeTerms = BooleanSetting("-Xlog-free-terms", "Print a message when reification creates a free term.") val logFreeTypes = BooleanSetting("-Xlog-free-types", "Print a message when reification resorts to generating a free type.") val maxClassfileName = IntSetting("-Xmax-classfile-name", "Maximum filename length for generated classes", 255, 72 to 255) val Xmigration = VersionSetting("-Xmigration", "Warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed since version.") val Xsource = VersionSetting("-Xsource", "Treat compiler input as Scala source for the specified version.") val Xnojline = BooleanSetting("-Xnojline", "Do not use JLine for editing.") val Xverify = BooleanSetting("-Xverify", "Verify generic signatures in generated bytecode (asm backend only.)") val plugin = MultiStringSetting("-Xplugin", "file", "Load one or more plugins from files.") val disable = MultiStringSetting("-Xplugin-disable", "plugin", "Disable the given plugin(s).") val showPlugins = BooleanSetting("-Xplugin-list", "Print a synopsis of loaded plugins.") val require = MultiStringSetting("-Xplugin-require", "plugin", "Abort unless the given plugin(s) are available.") val pluginsDir = StringSetting("-Xpluginsdir", "path", "Path to search compiler plugins.", Defaults.scalaPluginPath) val Xprint = PhasesSetting("-Xprint", "Print out program after") val writeICode = PhasesSetting("-Xprint-icode", "Log internal icode to *.icode files after", "icode") val Xprintpos = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-pos", "Print tree positions, as offsets.") val printtypes = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-types", "Print tree types (debugging option).") val prompt = BooleanSetting("-Xprompt", "Display a prompt after each error (debugging option).") val resident = BooleanSetting("-Xresident", "Compiler stays resident: read source filenames from standard input.") val script = StringSetting("-Xscript", "object", "Treat the source file as a script and wrap it in a main method.", "") val mainClass = StringSetting("-Xmain-class", "path", "Class for manifest's Main-Class entry (only useful with -d <jar>)", "") val Xshowcls = StringSetting("-Xshow-class", "class", "Show internal representation of class.", "") val Xshowobj = StringSetting("-Xshow-object", "object", "Show internal representation of object.", "") val showPhases = BooleanSetting("-Xshow-phases", "Print a synopsis of compiler phases.") val sourceReader = StringSetting("-Xsource-reader", "classname", "Specify a custom method for reading source files.", "") val XoldPatmat = BooleanSetting("-Xoldpatmat", "Use the pre-2.10 pattern matcher. Otherwise, the 'virtualizing' pattern matcher is used in 2.10.") val XnoPatmatAnalysis = BooleanSetting("-Xno-patmat-analysis", "Don't perform exhaustivity/unreachability analysis. Also, ignore @switch annotation.") val XfullLubs = BooleanSetting("-Xfull-lubs", "Retains pre 2.10 behavior of less aggressive truncation of least upper bounds.") /** -Y "Private" settings */ val overrideObjects = BooleanSetting("-Yoverride-objects", "Allow member objects to be overridden.") val overrideVars = BooleanSetting("-Yoverride-vars", "Allow vars to be overridden.") val Yhelp = BooleanSetting("-Y", "Print a synopsis of private options.") val browse = PhasesSetting("-Ybrowse", "Browse the abstract syntax tree after") val Ycheck = PhasesSetting("-Ycheck", "Check the tree at the end of") val YcheckMods = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-mods", "Check that symbols and their defining trees have modifiers in sync") val YcheckTypedTrees = BooleanSetting("-YcheckTypedTrees", "Check all constructured typed trees for type correctness") val Yshow = PhasesSetting("-Yshow", "(Requires -Xshow-class or -Xshow-object) Show after") val Xcloselim = BooleanSetting("-Yclosure-elim", "Perform closure elimination.") val Ycompacttrees = BooleanSetting("-Ycompact-trees", "Use compact tree printer when displaying trees.") val noCompletion = BooleanSetting("-Yno-completion", "Disable tab-completion in the REPL.") val Xdce = BooleanSetting("-Ydead-code", "Perform dead code elimination.") val debug = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug", "Increase the quantity of debugging output.") val debugNames = BooleanSetting("-YdebugNames", "Show name-space indicators when printing names") val debugTrace = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-trace", "Trace core operations") val debugFlags = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-flags", "Print all flags of definitions") val debugOwners = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-owners", "Print all owners of definitions (requires -Yprint-syms)") //val doc = BooleanSetting ("-Ydoc", "Generate documentation") val termConflict = ChoiceSetting("-Yresolve-term-conflict", "strategy", "Resolve term conflicts", List("package", "object", "error"), "error") val inline = BooleanSetting("-Yinline", "Perform inlining when possible.") val inlineHandlers = BooleanSetting("-Yinline-handlers", "Perform exception handler inlining when possible.") val YinlinerWarnings = BooleanSetting("-Yinline-warnings", "Emit inlining warnings. (Normally surpressed due to high volume)") val Xlinearizer = ChoiceSetting("-Ylinearizer", "which", "Linearizer to use", List("normal", "dfs", "rpo", "dump"), "rpo") val log = PhasesSetting("-Ylog", "Log operations during") val Ylogcp = BooleanSetting("-Ylog-classpath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.") val Ynogenericsig = BooleanSetting("-Yno-generic-signatures", "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java.") val noimports = BooleanSetting("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.") val nopredef = BooleanSetting("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.") val noAdaptedArgs = BooleanSetting("-Yno-adapted-args", "Do not adapt an argument list (either by inserting () or creating a tuple) to match the receiver.") val selfInAnnots = BooleanSetting("-Yself-in-annots", "Include a \\"self\\" identifier inside of annotations.") val Xshowtrees = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-trees", "(Requires -Xprint:) Print detailed ASTs in formatted form.") val XshowtreesCompact = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-trees-compact", "(Requires -Xprint:) Print detailed ASTs in compact form.") val XshowtreesStringified = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-trees-stringified", "(Requires -Xprint:) Print stringifications along with detailed ASTs.") val Yshowsyms = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-syms", "Print the AST symbol hierarchy after each phase.") val Yshowsymkinds = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-symkinds", "Print abbreviated symbol kinds next to symbol names.") val Yskip = PhasesSetting("-Yskip", "Skip") val Ygenjavap = StringSetting("-Ygen-javap", "dir", "Generate a parallel output directory of .javap files.", "") val Ydumpclasses = StringSetting("-Ydump-classes", "dir", "Dump the generated bytecode to .class files (useful for reflective compilation that utilizes in-memory classloaders).", "") val Ynosqueeze = BooleanSetting("-Yno-squeeze", "Disable creation of compact code in matching.") val YstopAfter = PhasesSetting("-Ystop-after", "Stop after") withAbbreviation ("-stop") // backward compat val YstopBefore = PhasesSetting("-Ystop-before", "Stop before") // stop before erasure as long as we have not debugged it fully val refinementMethodDispatch = ChoiceSetting("-Ystruct-dispatch", "policy", "structural method dispatch policy", List("no-cache", "mono-cache", "poly-cache", "invoke-dynamic"), "poly-cache") val Yrangepos = BooleanSetting("-Yrangepos", "Use range positions for syntax trees.") val Ybuilderdebug = ChoiceSetting("-Ybuilder-debug", "manager", "Compile using the specified build manager.", List("none", "refined", "simple"), "none") val Yreifycopypaste = BooleanSetting("-Yreify-copypaste", "Dump the reified trees in copypasteable representation.") val Yreplsync = BooleanSetting("-Yrepl-sync", "Do not use asynchronous code for repl startup") val YmethodInfer = BooleanSetting("-Yinfer-argument-types", "Infer types for arguments of overriden methods.") val etaExpandKeepsStar = BooleanSetting("-Yeta-expand-keeps-star", "Eta-expand varargs methods to T* rather than Seq[T]. This is a temporary option to ease transition.") val Yinvalidate = StringSetting("-Yinvalidate", "classpath-entry", "Invalidate classpath entry before run", "") val noSelfCheck = BooleanSetting("-Yno-self-type-checks", "Suppress check for self-type conformance among inherited members.") val YshowSuppressedErrors = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-suppressed-errors", "Also show follow-on errors and warnings that are normally supressed.") val Yheartbeat = BooleanSetting("-Yheartbeat", "show heartbeat stack trace of compiler operations.") val Yprintpos = BooleanSetting("-Yprintpos", "show tree positions.") val YnoDeepSubtypes = BooleanSetting("-Yno-deep-subtypes", "throw an exception on deep subtyping call stacks.") val YprintSyms = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-syms", "when printing trees print info in symbols instead of corresponding info in trees.") def stop = YstopAfter /** Area-specific debug output. */ val Ybuildmanagerdebug = BooleanSetting("-Ybuild-manager-debug", "Generate debug information for the Refined Build Manager compiler.") val Ycompletion = BooleanSetting("-Ycompletion-debug", "Trace all tab completion activity.") val Ydocdebug = BooleanSetting("-Ydoc-debug", "Trace all scaladoc activity.") val Yidedebug = BooleanSetting("-Yide-debug", "Generate, validate and output trees using the interactive compiler.") val Yinferdebug = BooleanSetting("-Yinfer-debug", "Trace type inference and implicit search.") val Yissuedebug = BooleanSetting("-Yissue-debug", "Print stack traces when a context issues an error.") val YmacrodebugLite = BooleanSetting("-Ymacro-debug-lite", "Trace essential macro-related activities.") val YmacrodebugVerbose = BooleanSetting("-Ymacro-debug-verbose", "Trace all macro-related activities: compilation, generation of synthetics, classloading, expansion, exceptions.") val Ypmatdebug = BooleanSetting("-Ypmat-debug", "Trace all pattern matcher activity.") val Yposdebug = BooleanSetting("-Ypos-debug", "Trace position validation.") val Yreifydebug = BooleanSetting("-Yreify-debug", "Trace reification.") val Yrepldebug = BooleanSetting("-Yrepl-debug", "Trace all repl activity.") val Ytyperdebug = BooleanSetting("-Ytyper-debug", "Trace all type assignments.") val Ypatmatdebug = BooleanSetting("-Ypatmat-debug", "Trace pattern matching translation.") val Yexplainlowlevel = BooleanSetting("-Yexplain-lowlevel", "When explaining type errors, show types at a lower level.") val YnoDoubleBindings = BooleanSetting("-YnoDoubleBindings", "Assert no namedtype is bound twice (should be enabled only if program is error-free).") val optimise = BooleanSetting("-optimise", "Generates faster bytecode by applying optimisations to the program") withAbbreviation "-optimize" /** IDE-specific settings */ val YpresentationVerbose = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-verbose", "Print information about presentation compiler tasks.") val YpresentationDebug = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-debug", "Enable debugging output for the presentation compiler.") val YpresentationStrict = BooleanSetting("-Ypresentation-strict", "Do not report type errors in sources with syntax errors.") val YpresentationLog = StringSetting("-Ypresentation-log", "file", "Log presentation compiler events into file", "") val YpresentationReplay = StringSetting("-Ypresentation-replay", "file", "Replay presentation compiler events from file", "") val YpresentationDelay = IntSetting("-Ypresentation-delay", "Wait number of ms after typing before starting typechecking", 0, 0 to 999) }
package scodec package codecs import scalaz.\\/ import scodec.bits.BitVector class FloatCodecTest extends CodecSuite { "the float codec" should { "roundtrip" in { forAll { (n: Float) => roundtrip(float, n) } } } "the floatL codec" should { "roundtrip" in { forAll { (n: Float) => roundtrip(floatL, n) } } } "the float codecs" should { "support endianness correctly" in { forAll { (n: Float) => floatL.decodeValidValue(float.encodeValid(n).reverseByteOrder) shouldBe n float.decodeValidValue(floatL.encodeValid(n).reverseByteOrder) shouldBe n } } "return an error when decoding with too few bits" in { float.decode(BitVector.low(8)) shouldBe \\/.left(Err.insufficientBits(32, 8)) } } }
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import TlvParser._ case class TlvParser(tag: Int, length: Int, value: Array[Byte], children: ArrayBuffer[TlvParser] = ArrayBuffer[TlvParser](), config: TlvConfig = TlvConfig()) { parse() private def parse(): Unit = { var i = 0 val endIndex = length - 2 * config.size while (i < endIndex) { val tag = getNext val length = getNext try { val tlv = new TlvParser(tag, length, nextValue(i, length, value, config)) children += tlv i += tlv.length } catch { case e: Throwable => throw new TlvException(s"Incorrect tlv structure: $this", value, e) } } def getNext: Int = { try { val n = next(i, value, config) i += config.size n } catch { case e: IndexOutOfBoundsException => throw new TlvException(s"Cannot get data by offset: $i, tlv structure: $this", value, e) } } } override def toString: String = { import spray.json._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val source = "{" + " \\"tag\\":" + tag + ", \\"length\\":" + length + ", \\"value\\":\\"" +"%02X" format _).mkString(" ") + "\\"" + ", \\"children\\":" + children.toList.asJava + "}" source.parseJson.prettyPrint } } object TlvParser { def apply(valueHex: String): TlvParser = { try { val data = valueHex .replaceAll(" ", "") .replaceAll("\\n", "") .replaceAll("\\t", "") .trim .sliding(2, 2) => Integer.parseInt(v, 16)).map(_.toByte) TlvParser(data, TlvConfig()) } catch { case e: NumberFormatException => throw new TlvException("Not valid HEX data", Array.empty, e) } } def apply(value: Array[Byte], config: TlvConfig): TlvParser = { try { val tag = next(0, value, config) val length = next(config.size, value, config) val v = nextValue(2 * config.size, length, value, config) new TlvParser(tag, length, v, config = config) } catch { case e: TlvException => throw e case e: Throwable => throw new TlvException(s"Incorrect tlv structure in top", value, e) } } private def next(offset: Int, value: Array[Byte], config: TlvConfig) = { ByteBuffer.wrap(value, offset, config.size).order(config.order).getShort() } private def nextValue(offset: Int, length: Int, value: Array[Byte], config: TlvConfig) : Array[Byte] = { val nextValue = new Array[Byte](length) System.arraycopy(value, offset, nextValue, 0, length) nextValue } }
package com.textteaser.summarizer import import import{CharMatcher, Splitter} import scala.collection.JavaConverters class Parser @Inject() (sentenceDetector: SentenceDetectorME, stopWordList: StopWords, config: Config) { val ideal = config.words.ideal lazy val stopWords = stopWordList.stopWords /* * Sentence Length: Computed using this formula * (ideal - Math.abs(ideal - words.size)) / ideal */ def sentenceLength(sentence: Array[String]) = 1 - (Math.abs(ideal - sentence.size) / ideal.toDouble) /* * Split Words: Split words via white space and new lines. Then remove whites space in the resulting array. */ def splitWords(source: String) = JavaConverters.iterableAsScalaIterableConverter( Splitter.on("""[^\\w]""".r.pattern) .trimResults().omitEmptyStrings() .split(source)).asScala.toArray def titleScore(titleWords: Array[String], sentence: Array[String]) = sentence.count(w => !stopWords.contains(w) && titleWords.contains(w)) / titleWords.size.toDouble def getKeywords(text: String): KeywordList = { val keyWords = splitWords(text) val sizeWithRepeatingWords = keyWords.length KeywordList( keyWords.filterNot(w => stopWords.contains(w)) .groupBy(w => w) .map(w => ArticleKeyword(w._1, w._2.length)) .toList.sortBy(-_.count), sizeWithRepeatingWords) } def splitSentences(source: String) = sentenceDetector.sentDetect(source) def sentencePosition(ctr: Int, sentenceCount: Double) = { val normalized = ctr / sentenceCount if(normalized > 1.0) 0d else if (normalized > 0.9) 0.15 else if (normalized > 0.8) 0.04 else if (normalized > 0.7) 0.04 else if (normalized > 0.6) 0.06 else if (normalized > 0.5) 0.04 else if (normalized > 0.4) 0.05 else if (normalized > 0.3) 0.08 else if (normalized > 0.2) 0.14 else if (normalized > 0.1) 0.23 else if (normalized > 0) 0.17 0d } } case class ArticleKeyword(word: String, count: Int) case class KeywordList(keywords: List[ArticleKeyword], wordCount: Int)
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Holmes Team at HUAWEI Noah's Ark Lab. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.spark.streamdm.core /** * A Model trait defines the needed operations on any learning Model. It * provides a method for updating the model. */ trait Model extends Serializable { type T <: Model /** * Update the model, depending on the Instance given for training. * * @param change the example based on which the Model is updated * @return the updated Model */ def update(change: Example): T }
package es.uvigo.ei.sing.sds package controller import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext import play.api.mvc._ import entity._ import database._ object KeywordsController extends Controller { lazy val keywordsDAO = new KeywordsDAO def get(id: Keyword.ID): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async(keywordsDAO.get(id) map { => Ok(Json.toJson(k))).getOrElse(NotFound(Json.obj("err" -> "Keyword not found"))) }) }
/** * Copyright (C) 2019 Orbeon, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The full text of the license is available at */ package org.orbeon.oxf.util import enumeratum.EnumEntry.Lowercase import enumeratum.{CirceEnum, Enum, EnumEntry} import StringUtils._ // NOTE: We place this in a separate module also to help with Circe issues, see: // sealed trait Modifier extends EnumEntry with Lowercase object Modifier extends Enum[Modifier] with CirceEnum[Modifier] { val values = findValues case object Shift extends Modifier case object Ctrl extends Modifier case object Alt extends Modifier case object Meta extends Modifier def parseStringToSet(s: String): Set[Modifier] = { s.splitTo[Set]() map (_.toLowerCase) map { case "control" => "ctrl" case "option" => "alt" case "command" => "meta" case other => other } map withNameLowercaseOnly } }
/* * ProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation.scala * A belief propagation algorithm. * * Created By: Brian Ruttenberg ([email protected]) * Creation Date: Jan 15, 2015 * * Copyright 2013 Avrom J. Pfeffer and Charles River Analytics, Inc. * See or email [email protected] for information. * * See for a copy of the software license. */ package com.cra.figaro.algorithm.factored.beliefpropagation import scala.Option.option2Iterable import com.cra.figaro.algorithm._ import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.sampling._ import com.cra.figaro.language._ import com.cra.figaro.util._ import annotation.tailrec import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.OneTimeProbQuery import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.ProbQueryAlgorithm import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.factored.factors._ import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.factored.factors.factory._ import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.factored._ import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.sampling.ProbEvidenceSampler import com.cra.figaro.language.Element import com.cra.figaro.language.Universe import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.lazyfactored.LazyValues import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.lazyfactored.BoundedProbFactor import scala.collection.mutable.Map trait ProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation extends ProbabilisticBeliefPropagation with ProbEvidenceAlgorithm { private def logFcn: (Double => Double) = (semiring: DivideableSemiRing[Double]) match { case LogSumProductSemiring() => (d: Double) => d case SumProductSemiring() => (d: Double) => if (d == Double.NegativeInfinity else math.log(d) } private def probFcn: (Double => Double) = (semiring: DivideableSemiRing[Double]) match { case LogSumProductSemiring() => (d: Double) => if (d == 0 else math.exp(d) case SumProductSemiring() => (d: Double) => d } private def entropy(probFactor: Factor[Double], logFactor: Factor[Double]): Double = { // Even though the variables in each factor are the same, the order of the vars might be different val logFactorMapping = => logFactor.variables.indexOf(v)) def remap(l: List[Int]) = => (s._1, logFactorMapping(s._2))).sortBy(_._2).unzip._1 val e = (0.0 /: probFactor.getIndices)((c: Double, i: List[Int]) => { val p = probFcn(probFactor.get(i)) if (p == 0) c else c + p * logFcn(logFactor.get(remap(i))) }) e } /** * Compute the evidence of the model. Returns the probability of evidence on the model. This assumes that BP * has already been run on this algorithm instance. */ def computedResult(): Double = { val factorNodes = factorGraph.getNodes.filter(_.isInstanceOf[FactorNode]).toList val varNodes = factorGraph.getNodes.filter(_.isInstanceOf[VariableNode]).toList val nonZeroEvidence = factorNodes.exists(p => beliefMap(p).contents.exists(_._2 != Double.NegativeInfinity)) if (nonZeroEvidence) { val betheEnergy = -1 * => { entropy(normalize(beliefMap(f)), factorGraph.getFactorForNode(f.asInstanceOf[FactorNode])) }).sum val betheEntropy = { val factorEntropy = -1 * => { entropy(normalize(beliefMap(f)), normalize(beliefMap(f))) }).sum val varEntropy = => { (factorGraph.getNeighbors(v).size - 1) * entropy(normalize(beliefMap(v)), normalize(beliefMap(v))) }).sum factorEntropy + varEntropy } math.exp(-1 * (betheEnergy - betheEntropy)) / denominator } else { 0.0 } } } /** * Trait for One Time BP evidence algorithms. */ trait OneTimeProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation extends OneTimeProbabilisticBeliefPropagation with OneTimeProbEvidence with ProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation { def additionalEvidenceAlgorithm(evidence: List[NamedEvidence[_]]): ProbEvidenceAlgorithm = { val myIterations = this.iterations val myResult = computedResult val myEvidence = evidence new ProbQueryBeliefPropagation(universe, universe.activeElements: _*)( List(), (u: Universe, e: List[NamedEvidence[_]]) => () => ProbEvidenceSampler.computeProbEvidence(10000, e)(u)) with OneTimeProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation with OneTimeProbQuery { val iterations = myIterations override val denominator = myResult override val evidence = myEvidence } } } object ProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation { /** * Creates a One Time belief propagation computer in the current default universe. */ def apply(myIterations: Int, evidence: List[NamedEvidence[_]])(implicit universe: Universe) = { val baseline = new ProbQueryBeliefPropagation(universe, universe.activeElements:_*)( List(), (u: Universe, e: List[NamedEvidence[_]]) => () => ProbEvidenceSampler.computeProbEvidence(10000, e)(u)) with OneTimeProbabilisticBeliefPropagation with OneTimeProbQuery with OneTimeProbEvidenceBeliefPropagation { val iterations = myIterations } baseline.start baseline.probAdditionalEvidence(evidence) } /** * Use one-time sampling to compute the probability of the given named evidence. * Takes the conditions and constraints in the model as part of the model definition. * This method takes care of creating and running the necessary algorithms. */ def computeProbEvidence(myIterations: Int, evidence: List[NamedEvidence[_]])(implicit universe: Universe): Double = { val alg1 = apply(myIterations, List()) alg1.start() val alg2 = alg1.probAdditionalEvidence(evidence) alg1.kill() alg2.start() val result = alg2.probEvidence alg2.kill() result } }
trait A { def p: Int def getP = p } trait B extends A { def p: Int = 22 } class C extends B { private def p: Int = 23 // error } @main def Test = C().getP // would crash with a duplicate method error if the private C#p was permitted
package com.github.kczulko.isc.dhcp.model trait Item
package little_server object Main { def main(args:Array[String]){ AsyncServer().start(8091) //SyncServer().startHttpServer(8091) } }
package maliki.interface import upickle.default._ object Encode { def apply(n: Node): String = { write(List(n)) } def apply(c: Command): String = { write(List(c)) } def apply(cms: List[Command]): String = { write(cms) } } object DecodeCommands { def apply(s: String): List[Command] = { read[List[Command]](s) } } object Decode { def apply(s: String): List[Node] = { read[List[Node]](s) } }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.transformation package general import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.ScTuple import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.impl.ScalaCode._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.ProjectContext /** * @author Pavel Fatin */ class ExpandTupleInstantiation extends AbstractTransformer { override protected def transformation(implicit project: ProjectContext): PartialFunction[PsiElement, Unit] = { case e @ ScTuple(exprs) => e.replace(code"Tuple${exprs.length}(${@@(exprs)})") } }
package com.socrata.soql.brita @deprecated("Use AsciiIdentifierFilter instead", "1.1.0") object LegacyBrita { def apply(xs: Iterable[String]) = AsciiIdentifierFilter(xs) def apply(x: String) = AsciiIdentifierFilter(x) }
/* * sFOparserTest.scala * */ package at.logic.gapt.proofs.shlk import import at.logic.gapt.formats.shlk_parsing.sFOParser import at.logic.gapt.expr._ import at.logic.gapt.expr.schema._ import import org.specs2.execute.Success import org.specs2.mutable._ class sFOparserTest extends Specification { sequential "sFOparser" should { "parse correctly a FO SLK-proof" in { val var3 = SchemaAtom( Var( "x3", To ), Nil ) val var4 = SchemaAtom( Var( "x4", To ), Nil ) val ax1 = Axiom( var3 :: Nil, var3 :: Nil ) val ax2 = Axiom( var4 :: Nil, var4 :: Nil ) val negl = NegLeftRule( ax1, var3 ) val proof = OrLeftRule( negl, ax2, var3, var4 ) val A0 = IndexedPredicate( "A", IntZero() ) val i = IntVar( "i" ) val Ai2 = IndexedPredicate( "A", Succ( Succ( i ) ) ) val Ai = IndexedPredicate( "A", Succ( i ) ) val f1 = And( A0, BigAnd( i, Ai, IntZero(), Succ( i ) ) ) val ax11 = Axiom( A0 :: Nil, A0 :: Nil ) val s = new InputStreamReader( getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( "sIND.lks" ) ) val map = sFOParser.parseProof( s ) def f = Const( "f", Ti -> Ti ) def h = Const( "h", ( Tindex -> ( Ti -> Ti ) ) ) def g = Const( "g", ( Tindex -> ( Ti -> Ti ) ) ) val k = IntVar( "k" ) val x = foVar( "x" ) val base2 = x val step2 = foTerm( "f", sTerm( g, Succ( k ), x :: Nil ) :: Nil ) val base1 = sTerm( g, IntZero(), x :: Nil ) val step1 = sTerm( g, Succ( k ), x :: Nil ) dbTRS.clear dbTRS.add( g, Tuple2( base1, base2 ), Tuple2( step1, step2 ) ) Success() } "parse correctly the journal example" in { val var3 = SchemaAtom( Var( "x3", To ), Nil ) val var4 = SchemaAtom( Var( "x4", To ), Nil ) val ax1 = Axiom( var3 :: Nil, var3 :: Nil ) val ax2 = Axiom( var4 :: Nil, var4 :: Nil ) val negl = NegLeftRule( ax1, var3 ) val proof = OrLeftRule( negl, ax2, var3, var4 ) val A0 = IndexedPredicate( "A", IntZero() ) val i = IntVar( "i" ) val Ai2 = IndexedPredicate( "A", Succ( Succ( i ) ) ) val Ai = IndexedPredicate( "A", Succ( i ) ) val f1 = And( A0, BigAnd( i, Ai, IntZero(), Succ( i ) ) ) val ax11 = Axiom( A0 :: Nil, A0 :: Nil ) val s = new InputStreamReader( getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream( "shlk-journal_example.lks" ) ) val map = sFOParser.parseProof( s ) def f = Const( "f", Ti -> Ti ) def h = Const( "h", ( Tindex -> ( Ti -> Ti ) ) ) def g = Const( "g", ( Tindex -> ( Ti -> Ti ) ) ) val k = IntVar( "k" ) val x = foVar( "x" ) val base2 = x val step2 = foTerm( "f", sTerm( g, Succ( k ), x :: Nil ) :: Nil ) val base1 = sTerm( g, IntZero(), x :: Nil ) val step1 = sTerm( g, Succ( k ), x :: Nil ) dbTRS.clear dbTRS.add( g, Tuple2( base1, base2 ), Tuple2( step1, step2 ) ) Success() } } }
package com.twitter.finagle.thrift import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class DuplexChannelBufferTransportTest extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar { class DuplexChannelContext { val in: ChannelBuffer = mock[ChannelBuffer] val out: ChannelBuffer = mock[ChannelBuffer] val t = new DuplexChannelBufferTransport(in, out) } val bb = "hello".getBytes test("DuplexChannelBufferTransport writes to the output ChannelBuffer") { val c = new DuplexChannelContext import c._ t.write(bb, 0, 1) verify(out).writeBytes(bb, 0, 1) t.write(bb, 1, 2) verify(out).writeBytes(bb, 1, 2) t.write(bb, 0, 5) verify(out).writeBytes(bb, 1, 2) } test("DuplexChannelBufferTransport reads from the input ChannelBuffer") { val c = new DuplexChannelContext import c._ val nReadable = 5 when(in.readableBytes).thenReturn(nReadable) val b = new Array[Byte](nReadable) assert(, 0, 10) == nReadable) assert(, 0, 3) == 3) } }
// // $Id$ // // Wiggle - a 2D game development library - // Copyright 2008-2010 Michael Bayne // Distributed under the "Simplified BSD License" in LICENSE.txt package wiggle.gfx import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 import wiggle.util.Mutator /** * A visual element, something rendered to the screen. */ abstract class Element { /** This element's x position. */ var x :Float = 0 /** This element's y position. */ var y :Float = 0 /** This element's horizontal scale. */ var xscale :Float = 1 /** This element's vertical scale. */ var yscale :Float = 1 /** This element's orientation, in degrees (blame OpenGL). */ var orient :Float = 0 /** This element's orientation in radians. */ def orientR :Float = math.Pi.toFloat * orient / 180f /** Returns an option on this element's parent. */ def parent :Option[Group] = _parent /** Returns a mutator for our x position. */ def xM = new Mutator { override protected def apply = x override protected def update (value :Float) { x = value } } /** Returns a mutator for our y position. */ def yM = new Mutator { override protected def apply = y override protected def update (value :Float) { y = value } } /** Returns a mutator for our x scale. */ def xscaleM = new Mutator { override protected def apply = xscale override protected def update (value :Float) { xscale = value } } /** Returns a mutator for our y scale. */ def yscaleM = new Mutator { override protected def apply = yscale override protected def update (value :Float) { yscale = value } } /** Returns a mutator for our orientation. */ def orientM = new Mutator { override protected def apply = orient override protected def update (value :Float) { orient = value } } /** Positions this element at the specified coordinates. */ def move (nx :Float, ny :Float) { x = nx y = ny } /** Sets up our transforms and renders this element. */ def render (rend :Renderer, time :Float) { GL11.glPushMatrix if (x != 0 || y != 0) { GL11.glTranslatef(x, y, 0f) } if (orient != 0) { GL11.glRotatef(orient, 0f, 0f, 1f) } // TODO: scale try { renderElement(rend, time) } finally { GL11.glPopMatrix } } /** Called once the transforms are set up to render this element. */ protected def renderElement (rend :Renderer, time :Float) /** Called by {@link Group} when we are added to or removed from it. */ private[gfx] def setParent (parent :Option[Group]) { _parent match { case Some(parent) => parent.remove(this) case None => // noop } _parent = parent } /** A reference to our parent in the display hierarchy. */ private[this] var _parent :Option[Group] = None }
// See LICENSE for license details. package sifive.blocks.devices.chiplink import Chisel.{defaultCompileOptions => _, _} import freechips.rocketchip.util.CompileOptions.NotStrictInferReset import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._ class SinkE(info: ChipLinkInfo) extends Module { val io = new Bundle { val e = Decoupled(new TLBundleE(info.edgeIn.bundle)).flip val q = Decoupled(new DataLayer(info.params)) // Find the sink from D val d_tlSink = Valid(UInt(width = info.params.sinkBits)) val d_clSink = UInt(INPUT, width = info.params.clSinkBits) } io.d_tlSink.valid := io.d_tlSink.bits := io.e.bits.sink val header = info.encode( format = UInt(4), opcode = UInt(0), param = UInt(0), size = UInt(0), domain = UInt(0), source = io.d_clSink) io.e.ready := io.q.ready io.q.valid := io.e.valid io.q.bits.last := Bool(true) := header := UInt(1) }
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import kafka.message._ import kafka.log._ import kafka.utils._ import collection.mutable import joptsimple.OptionParser object DumpLogSegments { def main(args: Array[String]) { val parser = new OptionParser val printOpt = parser.accepts("print-data-log", "if set, printing the messages content when dumping data logs") val verifyOpt = parser.accepts("verify-index-only", "if set, just verify the index log without printing its content") val filesOpt = parser.accepts("files", "REQUIRED: The comma separated list of data and index log files to be dumped") .withRequiredArg .describedAs("file1, file2, ...") .ofType(classOf[String]) val maxMessageSizeOpt = parser.accepts("max-message-size", "Size of largest message.") .withRequiredArg .describedAs("size") .ofType(classOf[java.lang.Integer]) .defaultsTo(5 * 1024 * 1024) val deepIterationOpt = parser.accepts("deep-iteration", "if set, uses deep instead of shallow iteration") val options = parser.parse(args : _*) if(!options.has(filesOpt)) { System.err.println("Missing required argument \"" + filesOpt + "\"") parser.printHelpOn(System.err) System.exit(1) } val print = if(options.has(printOpt)) true else false val verifyOnly = if(options.has(verifyOpt)) true else false val files = options.valueOf(filesOpt).split(",") val maxMessageSize = options.valueOf(maxMessageSizeOpt).intValue() val isDeepIteration = if(options.has(deepIterationOpt)) true else false val misMatchesForIndexFilesMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, List[(Long, Long)]] val nonConsecutivePairsForLogFilesMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, List[(Long, Long)]] for(arg <- files) { val file = new File(arg) if(file.getName.endsWith(Log.LogFileSuffix)) { println("Dumping " + file) dumpLog(file, print, nonConsecutivePairsForLogFilesMap, isDeepIteration) } else if(file.getName.endsWith(Log.IndexFileSuffix)) { println("Dumping " + file) dumpIndex(file, verifyOnly, misMatchesForIndexFilesMap, maxMessageSize) } } misMatchesForIndexFilesMap.foreach { case (fileName, listOfMismatches) => { System.err.println("Mismatches in :" + fileName) listOfMismatches.foreach(m => { System.err.println(" Index offset: %d, log offset: %d".format(m._1, m._2)) }) } } nonConsecutivePairsForLogFilesMap.foreach { case (fileName, listOfNonSecutivePairs) => { System.err.println("Non-secutive offsets in :" + fileName) listOfNonSecutivePairs.foreach(m => { System.err.println(" %d is followed by %d".format(m._1, m._2)) }) } } } /* print out the contents of the index */ private def dumpIndex(file: File, verifyOnly: Boolean, misMatchesForIndexFilesMap: mutable.HashMap[String, List[(Long, Long)]], maxMessageSize: Int) { val startOffset = file.getName().split("\\.")(0).toLong val logFileName = file.getAbsolutePath.split("\\.")(0) + Log.LogFileSuffix val logFile = new File(logFileName) val messageSet = new FileMessageSet(logFile) val index = new OffsetIndex(file = file, baseOffset = startOffset) for(i <- 0 until index.entries) { val entry = index.entry(i) val partialFileMessageSet: FileMessageSet =, maxMessageSize) val messageAndOffset = getIterator(partialFileMessageSet.head, isDeepIteration = true).next() if(messageAndOffset.offset != entry.offset + index.baseOffset) { var misMatchesSeq = misMatchesForIndexFilesMap.getOrElse(file.getName, List[(Long, Long)]()) misMatchesSeq ::=(entry.offset + index.baseOffset, messageAndOffset.offset) misMatchesForIndexFilesMap.put(file.getName, misMatchesSeq) } // since it is a sparse file, in the event of a crash there may be many zero entries, stop if we see one if(entry.offset == 0 && i > 0) return if (!verifyOnly) println("offset: %d position: %d".format(entry.offset + index.baseOffset, entry.position)) } } /* print out the contents of the log */ private def dumpLog(file: File, printContents: Boolean, nonConsecutivePairsForLogFilesMap: mutable.HashMap[String, List[(Long, Long)]], isDeepIteration: Boolean) { val startOffset = file.getName().split("\\.")(0).toLong println("Starting offset: " + startOffset) val messageSet = new FileMessageSet(file) var validBytes = 0L var lastOffset = -1l for(shallowMessageAndOffset <- messageSet) { // this only does shallow iteration val itr = getIterator(shallowMessageAndOffset, isDeepIteration) for (messageAndOffset <- itr) { val msg = messageAndOffset.message if(lastOffset == -1) lastOffset = messageAndOffset.offset // If we are iterating uncompressed messages, offsets must be consecutive else if (msg.compressionCodec == NoCompressionCodec && messageAndOffset.offset != lastOffset +1) { var nonConsecutivePairsSeq = nonConsecutivePairsForLogFilesMap.getOrElse(file.getName, List[(Long, Long)]()) nonConsecutivePairsSeq ::=(lastOffset, messageAndOffset.offset) nonConsecutivePairsForLogFilesMap.put(file.getName, nonConsecutivePairsSeq) } lastOffset = messageAndOffset.offset print("offset: " + messageAndOffset.offset + " position: " + validBytes + " isvalid: " + msg.isValid + " payloadsize: " + msg.payloadSize + " magic: " + msg.magic + " compresscodec: " + msg.compressionCodec + " crc: " + msg.checksum) if(msg.hasKey) print(" keysize: " + msg.keySize) if(printContents) { if(msg.hasKey) print(" key: " + Utils.readString(messageAndOffset.message.key, "UTF-8")) print(" payload: " + Utils.readString(messageAndOffset.message.payload, "UTF-8")) } println() } validBytes += MessageSet.entrySize(shallowMessageAndOffset.message) } val trailingBytes = messageSet.sizeInBytes - validBytes if(trailingBytes > 0) println("Found %d invalid bytes at the end of %s".format(trailingBytes, file.getName)) } private def getIterator(messageAndOffset: MessageAndOffset, isDeepIteration: Boolean) = { if (isDeepIteration) { val message = messageAndOffset.message message.compressionCodec match { case NoCompressionCodec => getSingleMessageIterator(messageAndOffset) case _ => ByteBufferMessageSet.decompress(message).iterator } } else getSingleMessageIterator(messageAndOffset) } private def getSingleMessageIterator(messageAndOffset: MessageAndOffset) = { new IteratorTemplate[MessageAndOffset] { var messageIterated = false override def makeNext(): MessageAndOffset = { if (!messageIterated) { messageIterated = true messageAndOffset } else allDone() } } } }
package monocle.function import monocle.{Iso, Lens} import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound /** * Typeclass that defines a [[Lens]] from an `S` to its fourth element of type `A` * @tparam S source of [[Lens]] * @tparam A target of [[Lens]], `A` is supposed to be unique for a given `S` */ @implicitNotFound("Could not find an instance of Field4[${S},${A}], please check Monocle instance location policy to " + "find out which import is necessary") abstract class Field4[S, A] extends Serializable { def fourth: Lens[S, A] } trait Field4Functions { def fourth[S, A](implicit ev: Field4[S, A]): Lens[S, A] = ev.fourth } object Field4 extends Field4Functions { /** lift an instance of [[Field4]] using an [[Iso]] */ def fromIso[S, A, B](iso: Iso[S, A])(implicit ev: Field4[A, B]): Field4[S, B] = new Field4[S, B] { val fourth: Lens[S, B] = iso composeLens ev.fourth } /************************************************************************************************/ /** Std instances */ /************************************************************************************************/ implicit def tuple4Field4[A1, A2, A3, A4]: Field4[(A1, A2, A3, A4), A4] = new Field4[(A1, A2, A3, A4), A4] { val fourth = Lens((_: (A1, A2, A3, A4))._4)(a => t => t.copy(_4 = a)) } implicit def tuple5Field4[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]: Field4[(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), A4] = new Field4[(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), A4] { val fourth = Lens((_: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5))._4)(a => t => t.copy(_4 = a)) } implicit def tuple6Field4[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6]: Field4[(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6), A4] = new Field4[(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6), A4] { val fourth = Lens((_: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6))._4)(a => t => t.copy(_4 = a)) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.eagle.datastream import com.typesafe.config.Config trait StormStreamExecutor[R <: EagleTuple] extends FlatMapper[Seq[AnyRef], R] { def prepareConfig(config : Config) def init def fields : Array[String] } trait JavaStormStreamExecutor[R <: EagleTuple] extends FlatMapper[java.util.List[AnyRef], R] { def prepareConfig(config : Config) def init def fields : Array[String] override def toString() = this.getClass.getSimpleName } abstract class StormStreamExecutor1[T0] extends StormStreamExecutor[Tuple1[T0]] { override def fields = Array("f0") } abstract class JavaStormStreamExecutor1[T0] extends JavaStormStreamExecutor[Tuple1[T0]] { override def fields = Array("f0") } abstract class StormStreamExecutor2[T0, T1] extends StormStreamExecutor[Tuple2[T0, T1]] { override def fields = Array("f0", "f1") } abstract class JavaStormStreamExecutor2[T0, T1] extends JavaStormStreamExecutor[Tuple2[T0, T1]] { override def fields = Array("f0", "f1") } abstract class StormStreamExecutor3[T0, T1, T2] extends StormStreamExecutor[Tuple3[T0, T1, T2]] { override def fields = Array("f0", "f1", "f2") } abstract class JavaStormStreamExecutor3[T0, T1, T2] extends JavaStormStreamExecutor[Tuple3[T0, T1, T2]] { override def fields = Array("f0", "f1", "f2") } abstract class StormStreamExecutor4[T0, T1, T2, T3] extends StormStreamExecutor[Tuple4[T0, T1, T2, T3]] { override def fields = Array("f0", "f1", "f2", "f3") } abstract class JavaStormStreamExecutor4[T0, T1, T2, T3] extends JavaStormStreamExecutor[Tuple4[T0, T1, T2, T3]] { override def fields = Array("f0", "f1", "f2", "f3") }
package stdlib /* If this is taking too much time, then it should be replaced * by a compile time map. */ import byteR._ import exceptions.ICE import frontend.ASTType object StandardLibraries { val packages: List[LibraryPackage] = List( STDMath, STDReal, STDTime, STDTimer) def apply(names: List[String]): Option[ASTType] = { val validPackages = packages map (prefixMatch(names, _)) val validFunctions = validPackages map ({ case(name, pack) => pack.apply(name) }) val resultTypes = validFunctions filter (x => x != None && x != Some(None)) if (resultTypes.length == 0) { None } else if (resultTypes.length == 1) { resultTypes(0).get } else { throw new ICE("""The standard library identifier %s is ambiguous""" .format(names.mkString("."))) } } def loadExpressionFor(names: List[String]) = { val classFor = JVMClassRef.classRefFor("cmlc/lib/" + names.mkString("/")) List( new JVMNew(classFor), new JVMDup(), new JVMInvokeSpecialMethod( new JVMMethodRef(classFor, "<init>", List(), JVMVoidPrimitiveType()))) } private def prefixMatch(names: List[String], pack: LibraryPackage): Option[(List[String], LibraryPackage)] = { for (acceptedPrefix <- pack.prefixesAccepted) { if (names.length > acceptedPrefix.length) { if (names.take(acceptedPrefix.length) == acceptedPrefix) return Some(names.drop(acceptedPrefix.length), pack) } } None } }
package lila.round import import import lila.hub.actorApi.round.MoveEvent import lila.socket.Socket.makeMessage import play.api.libs.iteratee._ import play.api.libs.json._ private final class TvBroadcast extends Actor { context.system.lilaBus.subscribe(self, 'moveEvent, 'changeFeaturedGame) override def postStop() { context.system.lilaBus.unsubscribe(self) } private val (enumerator, channel) = Concurrent.broadcast[JsValue] private var featuredId = none[String] def receive = { case TvBroadcast.GetEnumerator => sender ! enumerator case ChangeFeatured(id, msg) => featuredId = id.some channel push msg case move: MoveEvent if Some(move.gameId) == featuredId => channel push makeMessage("fen", Json.obj( "fen" -> move.fen, "lm" -> move.move )) } } object TvBroadcast { type EnumeratorType = Enumerator[JsValue] case object GetEnumerator }
/* * Twitter Korean Text - Scala library to process Korean text * * Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.penguin.korean.tokenizer import com.twitter.penguin.korean.tokenizer.KoreanTokenizer.KoreanToken import com.twitter.penguin.korean.tokenizer.ParsedChunk._ import com.twitter.penguin.korean.util.KoreanDictionaryProvider._ import com.twitter.penguin.korean.util.KoreanPos._ object ParsedChunk { val suffixes = Set(Suffix, Eomi, Josa, PreEomi) val preferredBeforeHaVerb = Set(Noun, ProperNoun, VerbPrefix) } /** * A candidate parse for a chunk. * * @param posNodes Sequence of KoreanTokens. * @param words Number of words in this candidate parse. */ case class ParsedChunk(posNodes: Seq[KoreanToken], words: Int, profile: TokenizerProfile = TokenizerProfile.defaultProfile) { // Using lazy val to cache the score lazy val score = countTokens * profile.tokenCount + countUnknowns * profile.unknown + words * profile.wordCount + getUnknownCoverage * profile.unknownCoverage + getFreqScore * profile.freq + countPos(Unknown) * profile.unknownPosCount + isExactMatch * profile.exactMatch + isAllNouns * profile.allNoun + isPreferredPattern * profile.preferredPattern + countPos(Determiner) * profile.determinerPosCount + countPos(Exclamation) * profile.exclamationPosCount + isInitialPostPosition * profile.initialPostPosition + isNounHa * profile.haVerb + hasSpaceOutOfGuide * profile.spaceGuidePenalty def countUnknowns = this.posNodes.count { p: KoreanToken => p.unknown } def countTokens = this.posNodes.size def isInitialPostPosition = if (suffixes.contains(this.posNodes.head.pos)) 1 else 0 def isExactMatch = if (this.posNodes.size == 1) 0 else 1 def hasSpaceOutOfGuide = if (profile.spaceGuide.isEmpty) { 0 } else { this.posNodes .filter{p: KoreanToken => !suffixes.contains(p.pos)} .count { p: KoreanToken => !profile.spaceGuide.contains(p.offset) } } def isAllNouns = if (this.posNodes.exists( t => t.pos != Noun && t.pos != ProperNoun)) 1 else 0 def isPreferredPattern = if ( posNodes.size == 2 && profile.preferredPatterns.contains( ) 0 else 1 def isNounHa = if (this.posNodes.size >= 2 && preferredBeforeHaVerb.contains(this.posNodes.head.pos) && this.posNodes(1).pos == Verb && this.posNodes(1).text.startsWith("하")) 0 else 1 def posTieBreaker = def getUnknownCoverage = this.posNodes.foldLeft(0) { case (sum, p: KoreanToken) => if (p.unknown) sum + p.text.length else sum } def getFreqScore = this.posNodes.foldLeft(0f) { case (output: Float, p: KoreanToken) if p.pos == Noun || p.pos == ProperNoun => output + (1f - koreanEntityFreq.getOrElse(p.text, 0f)) case (output: Float, p: KoreanToken) => output + 1.0f } / this.posNodes.size def ++(that: ParsedChunk) = { ParsedChunk(this.posNodes ++ that.posNodes, this.words + that.words, profile) } def countPos(pos: KoreanPos) = this.posNodes.count { p: KoreanToken => p.pos == pos } }
/* ************************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 Normation SAS ************************************************************************************* * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * In accordance with the terms of section 7 (7. Additional Terms.) of * the GNU Affero GPL v3, the copyright holders add the following * Additional permissions: * Notwithstanding to the terms of section 5 (5. Conveying Modified Source * Versions) and 6 (6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.) of the GNU Affero GPL v3 * licence, when you create a Related Module, this Related Module is * not considered as a part of the work and may be distributed under the * license agreement of your choice. * A "Related Module" means a set of sources files including their * documentation that, without modification of the Source Code, enables * supplementary functions or services in addition to those offered by * the Software. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * ************************************************************************************* */ package com.normation.rudder.batch import import import net.liftweb.common._ import net.liftweb.util.Helpers import org.joda.time.DateTime import com.normation.rudder.domain.logger.ApplicationLogger // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constants and private objects and classes // ----------------------------------------------------- //Message to send to the updater manager to start a new update of all dynamic groups case object StartUpdate sealed trait UpdaterStates //states into wich the updater process can be //the process is idle case object IdleUpdater extends UpdaterStates //an update is currently running for the given nodes case class StartProcessing(id:Long, started: DateTime) extends UpdaterStates //the process gave a result case class UpdateResult[T](id:Long, start: DateTime, end:DateTime, result: Box[T]) extends UpdaterStates /** * An abstract batch scheduler periodically executing some service. * * It works with three parts so that it can handle long running I/O * process: * - a pinger used as a scheduler * - a StatusManager which keep the state of the task to do: currently running, * idle, etc * - a TaskProcessor which actually execute the task (and which can not be * able to answer incoming messages for a long time) * * Moreover, some initialisation logic is added so that the scheduling * interval may be configured externally with some guards. */ trait AbstractScheduler extends Loggable { type T val schedulerMinimumIntervalTime = 1 val schedulerMaximumIntervalTime = 300 def updateInterval: Int // in seconds val executeTask: Long => Box[T] def displayName : String def propertyName : String // ----------------------------------------------------- // Start batch // ----------------------------------------------------- logger.trace(s"***** starting [${displayName}] scheduler *****") (new StatusManager) ! StartUpdate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// implementation details //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ----------------------------------------------------- /* * Two actor utility class: one that manage the status * (respond to ping, to status command, etc) * one that actually process update. */ // ----------------------------------------------------- private class StatusManager extends LiftActor { updateManager => val logger = ApplicationLogger private var updateId = 0L private var currentState: UpdaterStates = IdleUpdater private var onePending = false private var realUpdateInterval = { if(updateInterval < schedulerMinimumIntervalTime) { logger.warn(s"Value '${updateInterval}' for ${propertyName} is too small for [${displayName}] scheduler interval, using '${schedulerMinimumIntervalTime}'") schedulerMinimumIntervalTime } else { if(updateInterval > schedulerMaximumIntervalTime) { logger.warn(s"Value '${updateInterval}' for ${propertyName} is too big for [${displayName}] scheduler interval, using '${schedulerMaximumIntervalTime}'") schedulerMaximumIntervalTime } else {"Starting [${displayName}] scheduler with a period of ${updateInterval} s") updateInterval } } } override protected def messageHandler = { // -------------------------------------------- // Ask for a new process // -------------------------------------------- case StartUpdate => currentState match { case IdleUpdater => logger.debug(s"[${displayName}] Scheduled task starting") updateId = updateId + 1 TaskProcessor ! StartProcessing(updateId, new DateTime) case _ : StartProcessing if(!onePending) => logger.trace(s"Add a pending task for [${displayName}] scheduler") onePending = true case _ => logger.warn(s"[${displayName}] Scheduled task NOT started: another task is still processing, ignoring") } // -------------------------------------------- // Process a successful update response // -------------------------------------------- case UpdateResult(id,start,end,result) => logger.trace(s"Get result for [${displayName}] scheduler task's id '${id}'") currentState = IdleUpdater //if one update is pending, immediatly start one other //schedule next update, in minutes LAPinger.schedule(this, StartUpdate, realUpdateInterval*1000) //log some information val format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" result match { case e:EmptyBox => val error = (e ?~! s"Error when executing [${displayName}] scheduler task started at ${start.toString(format)}, ended at ${end.toString(format)}.") logger.error(error.messageChain) case Full(x) => val executionTime = end.getMillis() - start.getMillis() logger.debug(s"[${displayName}] Scheduled task finished in ${executionTime} ms (started at ${start.toString(format)}, finished at ${end.toString(format)})") if (executionTime >= updateInterval*1000) { ApplicationLogger.warn(s"[${displayName}] Task frequency is set too low! Last task took ${executionTime} ms but tasks are scheduled every ${updateInterval*1000} ms. Adjust ${propertyName} if this problem persists.") } } // -------------------------------------------- // Unexpected messages // -------------------------------------------- case x => logger.debug(s"[${displayName}] scheduler don't know how to process message: '${x}'") } private[this] object TaskProcessor extends LiftActor { override protected def messageHandler = { // -------------------------------------------- // Process a start process // -------------------------------------------- case StartProcessing(processId, startTime) => { logger.trace(s"[${displayName}] scheduler: start a new task with id: '${processId}' on date ${startTime}") try { val result = executeTask(processId) if (updateManager!=null) updateManager ! UpdateResult(processId, startTime, new DateTime, result) else this ! StartProcessing(processId, startTime) } catch { case e:Throwable => e match { case x:ThreadDeath => throw x case x:InterruptedException => throw x case e => logger.error(e) //updateManager ! UpdateResult(processId,startTime,new DateTime, Failure("Exception caught during update process.",Full(e), Empty)) throw e } } } // -------------------------------------------- // Unexpected messages // -------------------------------------------- case x => logger.debug(s"[${displayName}] Don't know how to process message: '${x}'") } } } }
package org.hibernate.cache.rediscala.utils import java.util.Properties import org.hibernate.SessionFactory import org.hibernate.cache.rediscala.client.HibernateRedisCache import org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import redis.RedisClient /** * Hibernate-Redis Helper class * * @author 배성혁 [email protected] * @since 2014. 2. 21. 오전 9:34 */ object HibernateRedisUtil { implicit val akkaSystem = private lazy val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) val DEFAULT_PORT: Int = 6379 val DEFAULT_SENTINEL_PORT: Int = 26379 val DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Int = 2000 val DEFAULT_DATABASE: Int = 1 val CHARSET: String = "UTF-8" val EXPIRE_IN_SECONDS: String = "redis.expireInSeconds" private var cacheProperties: Properties = _ /** * `HibernateRedisCache` 를 생성합니다. * @param props Hibernate property 정보 */ def createCacheClient(props: Properties): HibernateRedisCache = {"RedisClient 인스턴스를 생성합니다...") val cachePath = props.getProperty(AvailableSettings.CACHE_PROVIDER_CONFIG, "") cacheProperties = loadCacheProperties(cachePath) if (cacheProperties != null) { // val expiryInSeconds = Integer.decode(cacheProperties.getProperty("redis.expiryInSeconds", "0")) val host = cacheProperties.getProperty("", "localhost") val port = cacheProperties.getProperty("redis.port", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_PORT)).toInt // val timeout = cacheProperties.getProperty("redis.timeout", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)).toInt val passwd = cacheProperties.getProperty("redis.password", "") val database = cacheProperties.getProperty("redis.database", String.valueOf(DEFAULT_DATABASE)).toInt HibernateRedisCache(RedisClient(host, port, Some(passwd), Some(database))) } else { HibernateRedisCache() } } def expireInSeconds(regionName: String): Int = { val defaultValue = getCacheProperty(EXPIRE_IN_SECONDS, "0").toInt expireInSeconds(regionName, defaultValue) } def expireInSeconds(regionName: String, defaultExpiry: Int): Int = { if (cacheProperties == null) defaultExpiry else getCacheProperty(EXPIRE_IN_SECONDS + "." + regionName, String.valueOf(defaultExpiry)).toInt } def getCacheProperty(name: String, defaultValue: String): String = { if (cacheProperties == null) return defaultValue try { cacheProperties.getProperty(name, defaultValue) } catch { case ignored: Throwable => defaultValue } } def loadCacheProperties(cachePath: String): Properties = { val cacheProps = new Properties() try { log.debug(s"Loading cache properties... cachePath=$cachePath") val is = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(cachePath) cacheProps.load(is) log.debug(s"Load cache properties. cacheProps=$cacheProps") } catch { case e: Throwable => log.warn(s"Cache용 환경설정을 로드하는데 실패했습니다. cachePath=$cachePath", e) } cacheProps } /** * Returns an increasing unique value based on the System.currentTimeMillis() * with some additional reserved space for a counter. */ def nextTimestamp(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() /** * 엔티티의 cache regions name을 반환합니다. */ def getRegionName(sessionFactory: SessionFactory, entityClass: Class[_]): String = { val p = sessionFactory.asInstanceOf[SessionFactoryImpl].getEntityPersister(entityClass.getName) if (p != null && p.hasCache) p.getCacheAccessStrategy.getRegion.getName else "" } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ml.dmlc.mxnet object Context { val devtype2str = Map(1 -> "cpu", 2 -> "gpu", 3 -> "cpu_pinned") val devstr2type = Map("cpu" -> 1, "gpu" -> 2, "cpu_pinned" -> 3) private var _defaultCtx = new Context("cpu", 0) def defaultCtx: Context = _defaultCtx def cpu(deviceId: Int = 0): Context = { new Context("cpu", deviceId) } def gpu(deviceId: Int = 0): Context = { new Context("gpu", deviceId) } implicit def ctx2Array(ctx: Context): Array[Context] = Array(ctx) } /** * Constructing a context. * @param deviceTypeName {'cpu', 'gpu'} String representing the device type * @param deviceId (default=0) The device id of the device, needed for GPU */ class Context(deviceTypeName: String, val deviceId: Int = 0) extends Serializable { val deviceTypeid: Int = Context.devstr2type(deviceTypeName) def this(context: Context) = { this(context.deviceType, context.deviceId) } def withScope[T](body: => T): T = { val oldDefaultCtx = Context.defaultCtx Context._defaultCtx = this try { body } finally { Context._defaultCtx = oldDefaultCtx } } /** * Return device type of current context. * @return device_type */ def deviceType: String = Context.devtype2str(deviceTypeid) override def toString: String = { s"$deviceType($deviceId)" } override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = { if (other != null && other.isInstanceOf[Context]) { val otherInst = other.asInstanceOf[Context] otherInst.deviceId == deviceId && otherInst.deviceTypeid == deviceTypeid } else { false } } override def hashCode: Int = { toString.hashCode } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2018 "Neo Technology," * Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB [] * * This file is part of Neo4j. * * Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.spi.v2_3 import org.neo4j.cypher.internal.compiler.v2_3.spi.TokenContext import org.neo4j.kernel.api.Statement import org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.{LabelNotFoundKernelException, PropertyKeyNotFoundException, RelationshipTypeNotFoundException} import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.api.operations.KeyReadOperations abstract class TransactionBoundTokenContext(protected var statement: Statement) extends TokenContext { def getOptPropertyKeyId(propertyKeyName: String): Option[Int] = { val propertyId: Int = statement.readOperations().propertyKeyGetForName(propertyKeyName) if (propertyId == KeyReadOperations.NO_SUCH_PROPERTY_KEY) None else Some(propertyId) } def getPropertyKeyId(propertyKeyName: String) = { val propertyId: Int = statement.readOperations().propertyKeyGetForName(propertyKeyName) if (propertyId == KeyReadOperations.NO_SUCH_PROPERTY_KEY) throw new PropertyKeyNotFoundException("No such property.", null) propertyId } def getPropertyKeyName(propertyKeyId: Int): String = statement.readOperations().propertyKeyGetName(propertyKeyId) def getLabelId(labelName: String): Int = { val labelId: Int = statement.readOperations().labelGetForName(labelName) if (labelId == KeyReadOperations.NO_SUCH_LABEL) throw new LabelNotFoundKernelException("No such label", null) labelId } def getOptLabelId(labelName: String): Option[Int] = { val labelId: Int = statement.readOperations().labelGetForName(labelName) if (labelId == KeyReadOperations.NO_SUCH_LABEL) None else Some(labelId) } def getLabelName(labelId: Int): String = statement.readOperations().labelGetName(labelId) def getOptRelTypeId(relType: String): Option[Int] = { val relTypeId: Int = statement.readOperations().relationshipTypeGetForName(relType) if (relTypeId == KeyReadOperations.NO_SUCH_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE) None else Some(relTypeId) } def getRelTypeId(relType: String): Int = { val relTypeId: Int = statement.readOperations().relationshipTypeGetForName(relType) if (relTypeId == KeyReadOperations.NO_SUCH_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE) throw new RelationshipTypeNotFoundException("No such relationship.", null) relTypeId } def getRelTypeName(id: Int): String = statement.readOperations().relationshipTypeGetName(id) }
/* * Copyright (C) Lightbend Inc. <> */ // this is copy/pasted from package playbuild import import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.librarymanagement.SemanticSelector import sbt.librarymanagement.VersionNumber /* * Tools for discovering different Java versions, * will be in sbt 1.3.0 ( et al) * but until that time replicated here */ case class JavaVersion(numbers: Vector[Long], vendor: Option[String]) { def numberStr: String = numbers.mkString(".") def withVendor(vendor: Option[String]) = copy(vendor = vendor) def withVendor(vendor: String) = copy(vendor = Option(vendor)) def withNumbers(numbers: Vector[Long]) = copy(numbers = numbers) override def toString: String = { + "@").getOrElse("") + numberStr } } object JavaVersion { val specificationVersion: String = sys.props("java.specification.version") val version: String = sys.props("java.version") def isJdk8: Boolean = VersionNumber(specificationVersion).matchesSemVer(SemanticSelector(s"=1.8")) val isJdk11orHigher: Boolean = VersionNumber(specificationVersion).matchesSemVer(SemanticSelector(">=11")) def apply(version: String): JavaVersion = CrossJava.parseJavaVersion(version) def apply(numbers: Vector[Long], vendor: String): JavaVersion = new JavaVersion(numbers, Option(vendor)) def notOnJdk8[T](values: Seq[T]): Seq[T] = if (isJdk8) Seq.empty[T] else values def sourceAndTarget(fullJavaHome: Option[File]): Seq[String] = { if (isJdk8) Nil else { val javaHome = fullJavaHome.getOrElse { sys.error("Unable to identify a Java 8 home to specify the boot classpath") } Seq("-source", "8", "-target", "8", "-bootclasspath", s"$javaHome/jre/lib/rt.jar") } } } object CrossJava { // parses jabba style version number [email protected] def parseJavaVersion(version: String): JavaVersion = { def splitDot(s: String): Vector[Long] = Option(s) match { case Some(x) => x.split('.').toVector.filterNot(_ == "").map(_.toLong) case _ => Vector() } def splitAt(s: String): Vector[String] = Option(s) match { case Some(x) => x.split('@').toVector case _ => Vector() } splitAt(version) match { case Vector(vendor, rest) => JavaVersion(splitDot(rest), Option(vendor)) case Vector(rest) => JavaVersion(splitDot(rest), None) case _ => sys.error(s"Invalid JavaVersion: $version") } } def discoverJavaHomes: ListMap[String, File] = { ListMap(JavaDiscoverConfig.configs.flatMap { _.javaHomes }.sortWith(versionOrder): _*) } sealed trait JavaDiscoverConf { def javaHomes: Vector[(String, File)] } def versionOrder(left: (_, File), right: (_, File)): Boolean = versionOrder(left._2.getName, right._2.getName) // Sort version strings, considering 1.8.0 < 1.8.0_45 < 1.8.0_121 @tailrec def versionOrder(left: String, right: String): Boolean = { val Pattern = """.*?([0-9]+)(.*)""".r left match { case Pattern(leftNumber, leftRest) => right match { case Pattern(rightNumber, rightRest) => if (Integer.parseInt(leftNumber) < Integer.parseInt(rightNumber)) true else if (Integer.parseInt(leftNumber) > Integer.parseInt(rightNumber)) false else versionOrder(leftRest, rightRest) case _ => false } case _ => true } } object JavaDiscoverConfig { private val JavaHomeDir = """(java-|jdk-?|adoptopenjdk-)(1\.)?([0-9]+).*""".r class LinuxDiscoverConfig(base: File) extends JavaDiscoverConf { def javaHomes: Vector[(String, File)] = wrapNull(base.list()).collect { case dir @ JavaHomeDir(_, m, n) => JavaVersion(nullBlank(m) + n).toString -> (base / dir) } } class MacOsDiscoverConfig extends JavaDiscoverConf { val base: File = file("/Library") / "Java" / "JavaVirtualMachines" def javaHomes: Vector[(String, File)] = wrapNull(base.list()).collect { case dir @ JavaHomeDir(_, m, n) => JavaVersion(nullBlank(m) + n).toString -> (base / dir / "Contents" / "Home") } } class WindowsDiscoverConfig extends JavaDiscoverConf { val base: File = file("C://Program Files/Java") def javaHomes: Vector[(String, File)] = wrapNull(base.list()).collect { case dir @ JavaHomeDir(_, m, n) => JavaVersion(nullBlank(m) + n).toString -> (base / dir) } } // See class JabbaDiscoverConfig extends JavaDiscoverConf { val base: File = Path.userHome / ".jabba" / "jdk" val JavaHomeDir = """([\w\-]+)\@(1\.)?([0-9]+).*""".r def javaHomes: Vector[(String, File)] = wrapNull(base.list()).collect { case dir @ JavaHomeDir(_, m, n) => val v = JavaVersion(nullBlank(m) + n).toString if ((base / dir / "Contents" / "Home").exists) v -> (base / dir / "Contents" / "Home") else v -> (base / dir) } } class JavaHomeDiscoverConfig extends JavaDiscoverConf { def javaHomes: Vector[(String, File)] = sys.env .get("JAVA_HOME") .map(new .filter(_.exists()) .flatMap { javaHome => val base = javaHome.getParentFile javaHome.getName match { case dir @ JavaHomeDir(_, m, n) => Some(JavaVersion(nullBlank(m) + n).toString -> (base / dir)) case _ => None } } .toVector } val configs = Vector( new JabbaDiscoverConfig, new LinuxDiscoverConfig(file("/usr") / "java"), new LinuxDiscoverConfig(file("/usr") / "lib" / "jvm"), new MacOsDiscoverConfig, new WindowsDiscoverConfig, new JavaHomeDiscoverConfig ) } def nullBlank(s: String): String = if (s eq null) "" else s // expand Java versions to 1-20 to 1.x, and vice versa to accept both "1.8" and "8" private val oneDot = Map((1L to 20L).toVector.flatMap { i => Vector(Vector(i) -> Vector(1L, i), Vector(1L, i) -> Vector(i)) }: _*) def expandJavaHomes(hs: Map[String, File]): Map[String, File] = hs.flatMap { case (k, v) => val jv = JavaVersion(k) if (oneDot.contains(jv.numbers)) Vector(k -> v, jv.withNumbers(oneDot(jv.numbers)).toString -> v) else Vector(k -> v) } def wrapNull(a: Array[String]): Vector[String] = if (a eq null) Vector() else a.toVector }
/* * ScalaRay - Ray tracer based on pbrt (see written in Scala * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Jesper de Jong * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.jesperdj.scalaray.scene import org.jesperdj.scalaray.shape.BoundingBox import org.jesperdj.scalaray.vecmath._ // Transformed primitive: wraps a primitive with a transform (pbrt 4.1.2) final class TransformedPrimitive (primitive: Primitive, transform: Transform) extends Primitive { private val inverse: Transform = transform.inverse // Bounding box that contains the primitive val boundingBox: BoundingBox = primitive.boundingBox(transform) // Bounding box when primitive is transformed override def boundingBox(tr: Transform): BoundingBox = primitive.boundingBox(tr * transform) // Compute closest intersection between a ray and this primitive, returns intersection and and distance of intersection along ray def intersect(ray: Ray): Option[(Intersection, Double)] = primitive.intersect(inverse * ray) map { case (its, distance) => (transform * its, distance) } // Check if a ray intersects this primitive override def checkIntersect(ray: Ray): Boolean = primitive.checkIntersect(inverse * ray) override def toString = "TransformedPrimitive(primitive=%s, transform=%s)" format (primitive, transform) }
/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */ import leon.annotation._ import leon.lang._ object Heaps { /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /* Data type definitions */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ private case class Node(rank : BigInt, elem : Int, nodes : Heap) sealed abstract class Heap private case class Nodes(head : Node, tail : Heap) extends Heap private case object Empty extends Heap sealed abstract class OptInt case class Some(value : Int) extends OptInt case object None extends OptInt /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /* Abstraction functions */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ def heapContent(h : Heap) : Set[Int] = h match { case Empty => Set.empty[Int] case Nodes(n, ns) => nodeContent(n) ++ heapContent(ns) } def nodeContent(n : Node) : Set[Int] = n match { case Node(_, e, h) => Set(e) ++ heapContent(h) } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /* Helper/local functions */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ private def reverse(h : Heap) : Heap = reverse0(h, Empty) private def reverse0(h : Heap, acc : Heap) : Heap = (h match { case Empty => acc case Nodes(n, ns) => reverse0(ns, Nodes(n, acc)) }) ensuring(res => heapContent(res) == heapContent(h) ++ heapContent(acc)) private def link(t1 : Node, t2 : Node) = (t1, t2) match { case (Node(r, e1, ns1), Node(_, e2, ns2)) => if(e1 <= e2) { Node(r + 1, e1, Nodes(t2, ns1)) } else { Node(r + 1, e2, Nodes(t1, ns2)) } } private def insertNode(t : Node, h : Heap) : Heap = (h match { case Empty => Nodes(t, Empty) case Nodes(t2, h2) => if(t.rank < t2.rank) { Nodes(t, h) } else { insertNode(link(t, t2), h2) } }) ensuring(res => heapContent(res) == nodeContent(t) ++ heapContent(h)) private def getMin(h : Heap) : (Node, Heap) = { require(h != Empty) h match { case Nodes(t, Empty) => (t, Empty) case Nodes(t, ts) => val (t0, ts0) = getMin(ts) if(t.elem < t0.elem) { (t, ts) } else { (t0, Nodes(t, ts0)) } } } ensuring(_ match { case (n,h2) => nodeContent(n) ++ heapContent(h2) == heapContent(h) }) /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ /* Heap interface */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ def empty() : Heap = { Empty } ensuring(res => heapContent(res) == Set.empty[Int]) def isEmpty(h : Heap) : Boolean = { (h == Empty) } ensuring(res => res == (heapContent(h) == Set.empty[Int])) def insert(e : Int, h : Heap) : Heap = { insertNode(Node(0, e, Empty), h) } ensuring(res => heapContent(res) == heapContent(h) ++ Set(e)) def merge(h1 : Heap, h2 : Heap) : Heap = ((h1,h2) match { case (_, Empty) => h1 case (Empty, _) => h2 case (Nodes(t1, ts1), Nodes(t2, ts2)) => if(t1.rank < t2.rank) { Nodes(t1, merge(ts1, h2)) } else if(t2.rank < t1.rank) { Nodes(t2, merge(h1, ts2)) } else { insertNode(link(t1, t2), merge(ts1, ts2)) } }) ensuring(res => heapContent(res) == heapContent(h1) ++ heapContent(h2)) def findMin(h : Heap) : OptInt = (h match { case Empty => None case Nodes(Node(_, e, _), ns) => findMin(ns) match { case None => Some(e) case Some(e2) => Some(if(e < e2) e else e2) } }) ensuring(_ match { case None => isEmpty(h) case Some(v) => heapContent(h).contains(v) }) def deleteMin(h : Heap) : Heap = (h match { case Empty => Empty case ts : Nodes => val (Node(_, e, ns1), ns2) = getMin(ts) merge(reverse(ns1), ns2) }) ensuring(res => heapContent(res).subsetOf(heapContent(h))) def sanity0() : Boolean = { val h0 : Heap = Empty val h1 = insert(42, h0) val h2 = insert(72, h1) val h3 = insert(0, h2) findMin(h0) == None && findMin(h1) == Some(42) && findMin(h2) == Some(42) && findMin(h3) == Some(0) }.holds def sanity1() : Boolean = { val h0 = insert(42, Empty) val h1 = insert(0, Empty) val h2 = merge(h0, h1) findMin(h2) == Some(0) }.holds def sanity3() : Boolean = { val h0 = insert(42, insert(0, insert(12, Empty))) val h1 = deleteMin(h0) findMin(h1) == Some(12) }.holds }
package looty package model ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2013 Ben Jackman, Jeff Gomberg // All Rights Reserved // please contact [email protected] or [email protected] // for licensing inquiries // Created by bjackman @ 12/14/13 1:04 PM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// object Elements { def of[A](a: => A) = new Elements[A] { val physical : A = a val fire : A = a val cold : A = a val lightning: A = a val chaos : A = a } def mutable[A](a: => A): MutableElements[A] = { val res = new MutableElements[A] all.foreach(e => res(e) = a) res } def calculatedWith[A](f: String => A) = new Elements[A] { def physical: A = f(Elements.physical) def fire: A = f( def cold: A = f(Elements.cold) def lightning: A = f(Elements.lightning) def chaos: A = f(Elements.chaos) } val physical = "physical" val fire = "fire" val cold = "cold" val lightning = "lightning" val chaos = "chaos" def all = List(physical, fire, cold, lightning, chaos) } trait Elements[A] { def physical: A def fire: A def cold: A def lightning: A def chaos: A def all = def apply(name: String): A = name match { case Elements.physical => physical case => fire case Elements.cold => cold case Elements.lightning => lightning case Elements.chaos => chaos } } class MutableElements[A] extends Elements[A] with Accessible[String, A] { private var _physical : A = _ private var _fire : A = _ private var _cold : A = _ private var _lightning: A = _ private var _chaos : A = _ def physical: A = _physical def fire: A = _fire def cold: A = _cold def lightning: A = _lightning def chaos: A = _chaos def physical_=(a: A) = _physical = a def fire_=(a: A) = _fire = a def cold_=(a: A) = _cold = a def lightning_=(a: A) = _lightning = a def chaos_=(a: A) = _chaos = a def update(name: String, value: A) = name match { case Elements.physical => _physical = value case => _fire = value case Elements.cold => _cold = value case Elements.lightning => _lightning = value case Elements.chaos => _chaos = value } }
import import import object Test extends ReplTest { override def extraSettings = "-deprecation" def code = """ // basics 3+4 def gcd(x: Int, y: Int): Int = { if (x == 0) y else if (y == 0) x else gcd(y%x, x) } val five = gcd(15,35) var x = 1 x = 2 val three = x+1 type anotherint = Int val four: anotherint = 4 val bogus: anotherint = "hello" trait PointlessTrait val (x,y) = (2,3) println("hello") // ticket #1513 val t1513 = Array(null) // overriding toString problem from #1404 class S(override val toString : String) val fish = new S("fish") // Test that arrays pretty print nicely. val arr = Array("What's", "up", "doc?") // Test that arrays pretty print nicely, even when we give them type Any val arrInt : Any = Array(1,2,3) // Test that nested arrays are pretty-printed correctly val arrArrInt : Any = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4)) // implicit conversions case class Foo(n: Int) case class Bar(n: Int) implicit def foo2bar(foo: Foo) = Bar(foo.n) val bar: Bar = Foo(3) // importing from a previous result import bar._ val m = n // stressing the imports mechanism val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val one = 1 val x1 = 1 val x2 = 1 val x3 = 1 val x4 = 1 val x5 = 1 val x6 = 1 val x7 = 1 val x8 = 1 val x9 = 1 val x10 = 1 val x11 = 1 val x12 = 1 val x13 = 1 val x14 = 1 val x15 = 1 val x16 = 1 val x17 = 1 val x18 = 1 val x19 = 1 val x20 = 1 val two = one + x5 // handling generic wildcard arrays (#2386) // It's put here because type feedback is an important part of it. val xs: Array[_] = Array(1, 2) xs.size xs.head xs filter (_ == 2) xs map (_ => "abc") xs map (x => x) xs map (x => (x, x)) // interior syntax errors should *not* go into multi-line input mode. // both of the following should abort immediately: def x => y => z [1,2,3] /* /* multi-line comment */ */ // multi-line string """+ "\\"\\"\\""+ """ hello there """+ "\\"\\"\\""+ """ (1 + // give up early by typing two blank lines // defining and using quoted names should work (ticket #323) def `match` = 1 val x = `match` // multiple classes defined on one line sealed class Exp; class Fact extends Exp; class Term extends Exp def f(e: Exp) = e match { // non-exhaustive warning here case _:Fact => 3 } """ def appendix() = { val settings = new Settings settings.classpath.value = sys.props("java.class.path") val interp = new interpreter.IMain(settings, new ReplReporterImpl(settings)) interp.interpret("def plusOne(x: Int) = x + 1") interp.interpret("plusOne(5)") interp.reset() interp.interpret("\\"after reset\\"") interp.interpret("plusOne(5) // should be undefined now") } override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { super.main(args) appendix() } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.SparkException import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Duration, Time} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.rdd.UnionRDD private[streaming] class UnionDStream[T: ClassTag](parents: Array[DStream[T]]) extends DStream[T](parents.head.ssc) { require(parents.length > 0, "List of DStreams to union is empty") require( == 1, "Some of the DStreams have different contexts") require( == 1, "Some of the DStreams have different slide durations") override def dependencies: List[DStream[_]] = parents.toList override def slideDuration: Duration = parents.head.slideDuration override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[T]] = { val rdds = new ArrayBuffer[RDD[T]]() { case Some(rdd) => rdds += rdd case None => throw new SparkException("Could not generate RDD from a parent for unifying at" + s" time $validTime") } if (rdds.size > 0) { Some(new UnionRDD(, rdds)) } else { None } } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This program is licensed to you under the Apache License Version 2.0, * and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License Version 2.0. * You may obtain a copy of the Apache License Version 2.0 at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0 is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Apache License Version 2.0 for the specific language governing permissions and limitations there under. */ package com.snowplowanalytics package snowplow package enrich package common package enrichments package registry // Java import // Maven Artifact import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion // Scalaz import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ import Validation.FlatMap._ // json4s import org.json4s.JValue // Iglu import iglu.client.{SchemaCriterion, SchemaKey} import iglu.client.validation.ProcessingMessageMethods._ // Snowplow referer-parser import com.snowplowanalytics.refererparser.scala.{Parser => RefererParser} import com.snowplowanalytics.refererparser.scala.Referer // This project import utils.{ConversionUtils => CU} import utils.MapTransformer import utils.MapTransformer._ import utils.ScalazJson4sUtils /** * Companion object. Lets us create a * RefererParserEnrichment from a JValue */ object RefererParserEnrichment extends ParseableEnrichment { val supportedSchema = SchemaCriterion("com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow", "referer_parser", "jsonschema", 1, 0) /** * Creates a RefererParserEnrichment instance from a JValue. * * @param config The referer_parser enrichment JSON * @param schemaKey The SchemaKey provided for the enrichment * Must be a supported SchemaKey for this enrichment * @return a configured RefererParserEnrichment instance */ def parse(config: JValue, schemaKey: SchemaKey): ValidatedNelMessage[RefererParserEnrichment] = isParseable(config, schemaKey).flatMap(conf => { (for { param <- ScalazJson4sUtils.extract[List[String]](config, "parameters", "internalDomains") enrich = RefererParserEnrichment(param) } yield enrich).toValidationNel }) } /** * Config for a referer_parser enrichment * * @param domains List of internal domains */ case class RefererParserEnrichment( domains: List[String] ) extends Enrichment { val version = new DefaultArtifactVersion("0.1.0") /** * A Scalaz Lens to update the term within * a Referer object. */ private val termLens: Lens[Referer, MaybeString] = Lens.lensu((r, newTerm) => r.copy(term = newTerm), _.term) /** * Extract details about the referer (sic). * * Uses the referer-parser library. * * @param uri The referer URI to extract * referer details from * @param pageHost The host of the current * page (used to determine * if this is an internal * referer) * @return a Tuple3 containing referer medium, * source and term, all Strings */ def extractRefererDetails(uri: URI, pageHost: String): Option[Referer] = for { r <- RefererParser.parse(uri, pageHost, domains) t = r.term.flatMap(t => CU.fixTabsNewlines(t)) } yield termLens.set(r, t) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc import import org.apache.orc.mapred.{OrcList, OrcMap, OrcStruct, OrcTimestamp} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{SpecificInternalRow, UnsafeArrayData} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._ import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryExecutionErrors import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String /** * A deserializer to deserialize ORC structs to Spark rows. */ class OrcDeserializer( requiredSchema: StructType, requestedColIds: Array[Int]) { private val resultRow = new SpecificInternalRow( // `fieldWriters(index)` is // - null if the respective source column is missing, since the output value // is always null in this case // - a function that updates target column `index` otherwise. private val fieldWriters: Array[WritableComparable[_] => Unit] = { requiredSchema.zipWithIndex .map { case (f, index) => if (requestedColIds(index) == -1) { null } else { val writer = newWriter(f.dataType, new RowUpdater(resultRow)) (value: WritableComparable[_]) => writer(index, value) } }.toArray } def deserialize(orcStruct: OrcStruct): InternalRow = { var targetColumnIndex = 0 while (targetColumnIndex < fieldWriters.length) { if (fieldWriters(targetColumnIndex) != null) { val value = orcStruct.getFieldValue(requestedColIds(targetColumnIndex)) if (value == null) { resultRow.setNullAt(targetColumnIndex) } else { fieldWriters(targetColumnIndex)(value) } } targetColumnIndex += 1 } resultRow } /** * Creates a writer to write ORC values to Catalyst data structure at the given ordinal. */ private def newWriter( dataType: DataType, updater: CatalystDataUpdater): (Int, WritableComparable[_]) => Unit = dataType match { case NullType => (ordinal, _) => updater.setNullAt(ordinal) case BooleanType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setBoolean(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[BooleanWritable].get) case ByteType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setByte(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[ByteWritable].get) case ShortType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setShort(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[ShortWritable].get) case IntegerType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setInt(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[IntWritable].get) case LongType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setLong(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[LongWritable].get) case FloatType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setFloat(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[FloatWritable].get) case DoubleType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setDouble(ordinal, value.asInstanceOf[DoubleWritable].get) case StringType => (ordinal, value) => updater.set(ordinal, UTF8String.fromBytes(value.asInstanceOf[Text].copyBytes)) case BinaryType => (ordinal, value) => val binary = value.asInstanceOf[BytesWritable] val bytes = new Array[Byte](binary.getLength) System.arraycopy(binary.getBytes, 0, bytes, 0, binary.getLength) updater.set(ordinal, bytes) case DateType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setInt(ordinal, OrcShimUtils.getGregorianDays(value)) case TimestampType => (ordinal, value) => updater.setLong(ordinal, DateTimeUtils.fromJavaTimestamp(value.asInstanceOf[OrcTimestamp])) case DecimalType.Fixed(precision, scale) => (ordinal, value) => val v = OrcShimUtils.getDecimal(value) v.changePrecision(precision, scale) updater.set(ordinal, v) case st: StructType => (ordinal, value) => val result = new SpecificInternalRow(st) val fieldUpdater = new RowUpdater(result) val fieldConverters = { dt => newWriter(dt, fieldUpdater) }.toArray val orcStruct = value.asInstanceOf[OrcStruct] var i = 0 while (i < st.length) { val value = orcStruct.getFieldValue(i) if (value == null) { result.setNullAt(i) } else { fieldConverters(i)(i, value) } i += 1 } updater.set(ordinal, result) case ArrayType(elementType, _) => (ordinal, value) => val orcArray = value.asInstanceOf[OrcList[WritableComparable[_]]] val length = orcArray.size() val result = createArrayData(elementType, length) val elementUpdater = new ArrayDataUpdater(result) val elementConverter = newWriter(elementType, elementUpdater) var i = 0 while (i < length) { val value = orcArray.get(i) if (value == null) { result.setNullAt(i) } else { elementConverter(i, value) } i += 1 } updater.set(ordinal, result) case MapType(keyType, valueType, _) => (ordinal, value) => val orcMap = value.asInstanceOf[OrcMap[WritableComparable[_], WritableComparable[_]]] val length = orcMap.size() val keyArray = createArrayData(keyType, length) val keyUpdater = new ArrayDataUpdater(keyArray) val keyConverter = newWriter(keyType, keyUpdater) val valueArray = createArrayData(valueType, length) val valueUpdater = new ArrayDataUpdater(valueArray) val valueConverter = newWriter(valueType, valueUpdater) var i = 0 val it = orcMap.entrySet().iterator() while (it.hasNext) { val entry = keyConverter(i, entry.getKey) val value = entry.getValue if (value == null) { valueArray.setNullAt(i) } else { valueConverter(i, value) } i += 1 } // The ORC map will never have null or duplicated map keys, it's safe to create a // ArrayBasedMapData directly here. updater.set(ordinal, new ArrayBasedMapData(keyArray, valueArray)) case udt: UserDefinedType[_] => newWriter(udt.sqlType, updater) case _ => throw QueryExecutionErrors.dataTypeUnsupportedYetError(dataType) } private def createArrayData(elementType: DataType, length: Int): ArrayData = elementType match { case BooleanType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Boolean](length)) case ByteType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Byte](length)) case ShortType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Short](length)) case IntegerType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Int](length)) case LongType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Long](length)) case FloatType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Float](length)) case DoubleType => UnsafeArrayData.fromPrimitiveArray(new Array[Double](length)) case _ => new GenericArrayData(new Array[Any](length)) } /** * A base interface for updating values inside catalyst data structure like `InternalRow` and * `ArrayData`. */ sealed trait CatalystDataUpdater { def set(ordinal: Int, value: Any): Unit def setNullAt(ordinal: Int): Unit = set(ordinal, null) def setBoolean(ordinal: Int, value: Boolean): Unit = set(ordinal, value) def setByte(ordinal: Int, value: Byte): Unit = set(ordinal, value) def setShort(ordinal: Int, value: Short): Unit = set(ordinal, value) def setInt(ordinal: Int, value: Int): Unit = set(ordinal, value) def setLong(ordinal: Int, value: Long): Unit = set(ordinal, value) def setDouble(ordinal: Int, value: Double): Unit = set(ordinal, value) def setFloat(ordinal: Int, value: Float): Unit = set(ordinal, value) } final class RowUpdater(row: InternalRow) extends CatalystDataUpdater { override def setNullAt(ordinal: Int): Unit = row.setNullAt(ordinal) override def set(ordinal: Int, value: Any): Unit = row.update(ordinal, value) override def setBoolean(ordinal: Int, value: Boolean): Unit = row.setBoolean(ordinal, value) override def setByte(ordinal: Int, value: Byte): Unit = row.setByte(ordinal, value) override def setShort(ordinal: Int, value: Short): Unit = row.setShort(ordinal, value) override def setInt(ordinal: Int, value: Int): Unit = row.setInt(ordinal, value) override def setLong(ordinal: Int, value: Long): Unit = row.setLong(ordinal, value) override def setDouble(ordinal: Int, value: Double): Unit = row.setDouble(ordinal, value) override def setFloat(ordinal: Int, value: Float): Unit = row.setFloat(ordinal, value) } final class ArrayDataUpdater(array: ArrayData) extends CatalystDataUpdater { override def setNullAt(ordinal: Int): Unit = array.setNullAt(ordinal) override def set(ordinal: Int, value: Any): Unit = array.update(ordinal, value) override def setBoolean(ordinal: Int, value: Boolean): Unit = array.setBoolean(ordinal, value) override def setByte(ordinal: Int, value: Byte): Unit = array.setByte(ordinal, value) override def setShort(ordinal: Int, value: Short): Unit = array.setShort(ordinal, value) override def setInt(ordinal: Int, value: Int): Unit = array.setInt(ordinal, value) override def setLong(ordinal: Int, value: Long): Unit = array.setLong(ordinal, value) override def setDouble(ordinal: Int, value: Double): Unit = array.setDouble(ordinal, value) override def setFloat(ordinal: Int, value: Float): Unit = array.setFloat(ordinal, value) } }
// Generated by <a href="">scalaxb</a>. package eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills import scala.concurrent.Future /** usage: val obj = scalaxb.fromXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Foo](node) val document = scalaxb.toXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Foo](obj, "foo", eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.defaultScope) **/ object `package` extends XMLProtocol { } trait XMLProtocol extends scalaxb.XMLStandardTypes { implicit lazy val executionContext = val defaultScope = scalaxb.toScope(Some("xs") -> "", Some("xsi") -> "") implicit lazy val SkillsEveapiFormat: scalaxb.XMLFormat[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Eveapi] = new DefaultSkillsEveapiFormat {} implicit lazy val SkillsResultFormat: scalaxb.XMLFormat[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result] = new DefaultSkillsResultFormat {} implicit lazy val SkillsRowsetFormat: scalaxb.XMLFormat[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset] = new DefaultSkillsRowsetFormat {} implicit lazy val SkillsRowFormat: scalaxb.XMLFormat[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row] = new DefaultSkillsRowFormat {} trait DefaultSkillsEveapiFormat extends scalaxb.ElemNameParser[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Eveapi] { val targetNamespace: Option[String] = None def parser(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Parser[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Eveapi] = phrase((scalaxb.ElemName(None, "currentTime")) ~ (scalaxb.ElemName(None, "result")) ~ (scalaxb.ElemName(None, "cachedUntil")) ^^ { case p1 ~ p2 ~ p3 => eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Eveapi(scalaxb.fromXML[String](p1, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack), scalaxb.fromXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result](p2, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack), scalaxb.fromXML[String](p3, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack), scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(List( (node \\ "@version").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[BigInt](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@version" -> _ } ).flatten[(String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any])]: _*)) }) override def writesAttribute(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Eveapi, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.MetaData = { var attr: scala.xml.MetaData = scala.xml.Null __obj.attributes.toList map { case ("@version", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "version", __obj.version.toString, attr) case (key, x) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute((x.namespace map { __scope.getPrefix(_) }).orNull, x.key.orNull, x.value.toString, attr) } attr } def writesChildNodes(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Eveapi, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): Seq[scala.xml.Node] = Seq.concat(scalaxb.toXML[String](__obj.currentTime, None, Some("currentTime"), __scope, false), scalaxb.toXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result](__obj.result, None, Some("result"), __scope, false), scalaxb.toXML[String](__obj.cachedUntil, None, Some("cachedUntil"), __scope, false)) } trait DefaultSkillsResultFormat extends scalaxb.ElemNameParser[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result] { val targetNamespace: Option[String] = None def parser(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Parser[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result] = phrase((scalaxb.ElemName(None, "freeSkillPoints")) ~ (scalaxb.ElemName(None, "rowset")) ^^ { case p1 ~ p2 => eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result(scalaxb.fromXML[BigInt](p1, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack), scalaxb.fromXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset](p2, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) }) def writesChildNodes(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Result, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): Seq[scala.xml.Node] = Seq.concat(scalaxb.toXML[BigInt](__obj.freeSkillPoints, None, Some("freeSkillPoints"), __scope, false), scalaxb.toXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset](__obj.rowset, None, Some("rowset"), __scope, false)) } trait DefaultSkillsRowsetFormat extends scalaxb.ElemNameParser[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset] { val targetNamespace: Option[String] = None def parser(node: scala.xml.Node, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Parser[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset] = phrase(safeRep(scalaxb.ElemName(None, "row")) ^^ { case p1 => eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset(p1.toSeq map { scalaxb.fromXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row](_, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack) }, scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(List( (node \\ "@columns").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[String](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@columns" -> _ }, (node \\ "@key").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[String](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@key" -> _ }, (node \\ "@name").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[String](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@name" -> _ } ).flatten[(String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any])]: _*)) }) override def writesAttribute(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.MetaData = { var attr: scala.xml.MetaData = scala.xml.Null __obj.attributes.toList map { case ("@columns", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "columns", __obj.columns.toString, attr) case ("@key", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "key", __obj.key.toString, attr) case ("@name", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "name",, attr) case (key, x) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute((x.namespace map { __scope.getPrefix(_) }).orNull, x.key.orNull, x.value.toString, attr) } attr } def writesChildNodes(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Rowset, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): Seq[scala.xml.Node] = (__obj.row flatMap { scalaxb.toXML[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row](_, None, Some("row"), __scope, false) }) } trait DefaultSkillsRowFormat extends scalaxb.XMLFormat[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row] with scalaxb.CanWriteChildNodes[eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row] { val targetNamespace: Option[String] = None import scalaxb.ElemName._ def reads(seq: scala.xml.NodeSeq, stack: List[scalaxb.ElemName]): Either[String, eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row] = seq match { case node: scala.xml.Node => Right(eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row(scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(List( (node \\ "@level").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[BigInt](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@level" -> _ }, (node \\ "@published").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[BigInt](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@published" -> _ }, (node \\ "@skillpoints").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[BigInt](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@skillpoints" -> _ }, (node \\ "@typeID").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[BigInt](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@typeID" -> _ }, (node \\ "@typeName").headOption map { x => scalaxb.DataRecord(x, node, scalaxb.fromXML[String](x, scalaxb.ElemName(node) :: stack)) } map { "@typeName" -> _ } ).flatten[(String, scalaxb.DataRecord[Any])]: _*))) case _ => Left("reads failed: seq must be scala.xml.Node") } override def writesAttribute(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): scala.xml.MetaData = { var attr: scala.xml.MetaData = scala.xml.Null __obj.attributes.toList map { case ("@level", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "level", __obj.level.toString, attr) case ("@published", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "published", __obj.published.toString, attr) case ("@skillpoints", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "skillpoints", __obj.skillpoints.toString, attr) case ("@typeID", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "typeID", __obj.typeID.toString, attr) case ("@typeName", _) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute(null, "typeName", __obj.typeName.toString, attr) case (key, x) => attr = scala.xml.Attribute((x.namespace map { __scope.getPrefix(_) }).orNull, x.key.orNull, x.value.toString, attr) } attr } def writesChildNodes(__obj: eveapi.xml.account.char.Skills.Row, __scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding): Seq[scala.xml.Node] = Nil } }
package fpinscala.laziness import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, MustMatchers} class StreamTest extends FunSpec with MustMatchers { describe("toList") { it("returns non-empty list") { Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).toList mustBe List(1, 2, 3, 4) } it("returns empty list") { Stream().toList mustBe Nil } } describe("take") { it("returns stream of the first n elements") { Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).take(0).toList mustBe List() Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).take(1).toList mustBe List(1) Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).take(2).toList mustBe List(1, 2) Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).take(3).toList mustBe List(1, 2, 3) Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).take(4).toList mustBe List(1, 2, 3, 4) } it("returns all stream if n > Stream.length") { Stream(1, 2).take(4).toList mustBe List(1, 2) } it("returns empty stream") { Stream().take(4) mustBe Empty } } describe("takeViaUnfold") { it("returns stream of the first n elements") { Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).takeViaUnfold(0).toList mustBe List() Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).takeViaUnfold(1).toList mustBe List(1) Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).takeViaUnfold(2).toList mustBe List(1, 2) Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).takeViaUnfold(3).toList mustBe List(1, 2, 3) Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).takeViaUnfold(4).toList mustBe List(1, 2, 3, 4) } it("returns all stream if n > Stream.length") { Stream(1, 2).takeViaUnfold(4).toList mustBe List(1, 2) } it("returns empty stream") { Stream().takeViaUnfold(4) mustBe Empty } } describe("drop") { it("returns stream without the first n elements") { Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).drop(2).toList mustBe List(3, 4) } it("returns all stream if n > Stream.length") { Stream(1, 2) drop 4 mustBe Empty } it("returns empty stream") { Stream() drop 4 mustBe Empty } } describe("takeWhile") { it("returns empty stream if predicate is always false") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhile(_ < 0).toList mustBe Nil } it("returns prefix of the stream while predicate is true") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhile(_ < 6).toList mustBe List(1, 3, 5) } it("returns whole stream if predicate is always true") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhile(_ < 9).toList mustBe List(1, 3, 5, 7) } } describe("takeWhileViaUnfold") { it("returns empty stream if predicate is always false") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhileViaUnfold(_ < 0).toList mustBe Nil } it("returns prefix of the stream while predicate is true") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhileViaUnfold(_ < 6).toList mustBe List(1, 3, 5) } it("returns whole stream if predicate is always true") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhileViaUnfold(_ < 9).toList mustBe List(1, 3, 5, 7) } } describe("takeWhileViaFoldRight") { it("returns empty stream if predicate is always false") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhileViaFoldRight(_ < 0).toList mustBe Nil } it("returns prefix of the stream while predicate is true") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhileViaFoldRight(_ < 6).toList mustBe List(1, 3, 5) } it("returns whole stream if predicate is always true") { Stream(1, 3, 5, 7).takeWhileViaFoldRight(_ < 9).toList mustBe List(1, 3, 5, 7) } } describe("headOption") { it("some head") { Stream(1, 2, 3).headOption mustBe Some(1) } it("none head") { Empty.headOption mustBe None } } describe("map") { it("applies function to every element of a stream") { Stream(1, 2, 3).map(_.toString).toList mustBe List("1", "2", "3") } } describe("mapViaUnfold") { it("applies function to every element of a stream") { Stream(1, 2, 3).mapViaUnfold(_.toString).toList mustBe List("1", "2", "3") } } describe("flatMap") { it("applies function to every element of a stream and flattens results") { val f: Int => Stream[Int] = e => if (e % 2 == 0) Stream(e, e * 10) else Empty Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).flatMap(f).toList mustBe List(2, 20, 4, 40) } } describe("filter") { it("removes element that doesn't satisfy a predicate") { Stream(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(_ % 2 == 0).toList mustBe List(2, 4) } } describe("append") { it("appends a stream to the end of the empty stream") { Empty.append(Stream(1, 2)).toList mustBe List(1, 2) } it("appends one stream to the end of another") { Stream(1, 2).append(Stream(3, 4)).toList mustBe List(1, 2, 3, 4) } it("appends empty stream to the end of another") { Stream(1, 2).append(Empty).toList mustBe List(1, 2) } } describe("constant") { it("returns infinite stream of constants") { Stream.constant(5).map(_ - 4).take(5).toList mustBe List(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) } } describe("from") { it("returns growing row of integers") { Stream.from(3).take(5).toList mustBe List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) } } describe("fibs") { it("returns fibonacci sequence") { Stream.fibs.take(7).toList mustBe List(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8) } } describe("constantViaUnfold") { it("returns infinite stream of constants") { Stream.constantViaUnfold(5).map(_ - 4).take(5).toList mustBe List(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) } } describe("fromViaUnfold") { it("returns growing row of integers") { Stream.fromViaUnfold(3).take(5).toList mustBe List(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) } } describe("fibsViaUnfold") { it("returns fibonacci sequence") { Stream.fibsViaUnfold.take(7).toList mustBe List(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8) } } describe("zipWithViaUnfold") { it("zips streams of equal length") { Stream(1, 2, 3).zipWithViaUnfold(Stream("a", "b", "c"))(_ + "-" + _).toList mustBe List("1-a", "2-b", "3-c") } it("zips with a longer stream") { Stream(1, 2).zipWithViaUnfold(Stream("a", "b", "c"))(_ + "-" + _).toList mustBe List("1-a", "2-b") } it("zips with a shorter stream") { Stream(1, 2, 3).zipWithViaUnfold(Stream("a", "b"))(_ + "-" + _).toList mustBe List("1-a", "2-b") } } describe("zipAll") { it("zips streams of equal length") { Stream(1, 2).zipAll(Stream("a", "b")).toList mustBe List((Some(1), Some("a")), (Some(2), Some("b"))) } it("zips with a longer stream") { Stream(1).zipAll(Stream("a", "b")).toList mustBe List((Some(1), Some("a")), (None, Some("b"))) } it("zips with a shorter stream") { Stream(1, 2).zipAll(Stream("a")).toList mustBe List((Some(1), Some("a")), (Some(2), None)) } } describe("startsWith") { it("returns true if stream starts with another non-empty stream") { Stream(1, 2, 3) startsWith Stream(1, 2) mustBe true } it("returns true if stream starts with another empty stream") { Stream(1, 2, 3) startsWith Empty mustBe true } it("returns true if empty stream starts with another empty stream") { Empty startsWith Empty mustBe true } it("returns false for an empty stream starts with another non-empty stream") { Empty startsWith Stream(1) mustBe false } it("returns false if stream starts with another non-empty stream") { Stream(1, 3, 4) startsWith Stream(1, 2) mustBe false } } describe("tails") { it("returns stream of tails") { Stream(1, 2, 3, 4) mustBe List( List(1, 2, 3, 4), List(2, 3, 4), List(3, 4), List(4), List()) } it("returns empty stream for empty stream") { Empty.tails.toList mustBe List(Empty) } } describe("scanRight") { it("returns list of intermediate results") { Stream(1, 2, 3).scanRight(0)(_ + _).toList mustBe List(6, 5, 3, 0) } } }
/* * Copyright 2018 Analytics Zoo Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import java.util.{List => JList} import import{AbstractModule, Activity} import import import import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.reflect.ClassTag class FloatModel(var model: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, Float], var metaModel: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, Float], var isOriginal: Boolean) extends AbstractModel with InferenceSupportive with Serializable { override def predictNg(input: JList[JTensor]): JList[JTensor] = { throw new Exception("Not implemented") } override def predict(inputs: JList[JList[JTensor]]): JList[JList[JTensor]] = { val batchSize = inputs.size() require(batchSize > 0, "inputs size should > 0") val inputActivity = transferListOfActivityToActivityOfBatch(inputs, batchSize) val result: Activity = predict(inputActivity) val outputs = result.isTensor match { case true => val outputTensor = result.toTensor[Float] transferBatchTensorToJListOfJListOfJTensor(outputTensor, batchSize) case false => val outputTable: Table = result.toTable transferBatchTableToJListOfJListOfJTensor(outputTable, batchSize) } outputs } override def predict(inputActivity: Activity): Activity = { model.forward(inputActivity) } override def copy(num: Int): Array[AbstractModel] = { doCopy(metaModel, model.getWeightsBias(), num) } override def release(): Unit = { isReleased match { case true => case false => model.release() model = null metaModel = null } } override def isReleased(): Boolean = { model == null } override def toString: String = s"FloatInferenceModel($model)" def doCopy(metaModel: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, Float], weightBias: Array[Tensor[Float]], num: Int): Array[AbstractModel] = { require(metaModel != null, "metaModel can NOT be null") List.range(0, num).map(_ => { val clonedModel = metaModel.cloneModule() val clonedModelWithWeightsBias = makeUpModel(clonedModel, weightBias) new FloatModel(clonedModelWithWeightsBias, metaModel, false) }).toArray } }
// Copyright: 2010 - 2017 // License: package org.ensime.indexer.lucene import org.apache.lucene.document.{ Document, StringField } import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store import org.apache.lucene.index.Term import{ BooleanQuery, Query, TermQuery } import import shapeless.Typeable // in hindsight, this would have been more cleanly designed as TypeClass abstract class Serializer[T](tpe: Typeable[T]) extends DocumentProvider[T] with DocumentRecovery[T] with QueryProvider[T] { private val TypeField = new StringField("TYPE", tpe.describe, Store.YES) private val TypeTerm = new TermQuery(new Term(, TypeField.stringValue)) def id(t: T): String final def toDocument(t: T): Document = { val doc = new Document doc.add(TypeField) doc.add(new StringField("ID", id(t), Store.NO)) addFields(doc, t) doc } def addFields(doc: Document, t: T): Unit final def createQuery(e: T): Query = { new BooleanQuery.Builder(). add(TypeTerm, MUST). add(new TermQuery(new Term("ID", id(e))), MUST). build() } } abstract class EntityS[T <: Entity](tpe: Typeable[T]) extends Serializer(tpe) { def id(t: T) = }
package scryetek import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Gen /** * Created by Matt on 01/11/2015. */ package object vecmath { implicit val arbitraryVec3 = Arbitrary(for { x <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) y <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) z <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) vec = Vec3(x,y,z) if !vec.magnitude.isInfinite && !vec.magnitude.isNaN } yield vec) implicit val arbitraryVec2 = Arbitrary(for { x <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) y <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) vec = Vec2(x,y) if !vec.magnitude.isInfinite && !vec.magnitude.isNaN } yield vec) implicit val arbitraryAngleAxis = Arbitrary(for { v <- arbitrary[Vec3] angle <- Gen.choose(-math.Pi*2, math.Pi*2) } yield AngleAxis(angle.toFloat, v.normalized)) implicit val arbitraryVec4 = Arbitrary(for { x <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) y <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) z <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) w <- Gen.choose(-100f, 100f) vec = Vec4(x,y,z,w) if !vec.magnitude.isInfinite && !vec.magnitude.isNaN } yield vec) implicit val arbitraryQuat = Arbitrary(for { axis <- arbitrary[Vec3] angle <- Gen.choose(-math.Pi*2, math.Pi*2) } yield Quat.fromAngleAxis(angle.toFloat, axis.normalized)) implicit val arbitraryMat4 = Arbitrary(for { aa <- arbitrary[AngleAxis] scale <- arbitrary[Vec3] if scale.x != 0 && scale.y != 0 && scale.z != 0 translate <- arbitrary[Vec3] } yield Mat4.rotate(aa.angle, aa.axis) * Mat4.translate(translate) * Mat4.scale(scale)) implicit val arbitraryMat3 = Arbitrary(for { aa <- arbitrary[AngleAxis] scale <- arbitrary[Vec3] if scale.x != 0 && scale.y != 0 && scale.z != 0 } yield Mat3.rotate(aa.angle, aa.axis) * Mat3.scale(scale)) implicit val arbitraryMat2 = Arbitrary(for { angle <- Gen.choose(-math.Pi*2, math.Pi*2) scale <- arbitrary[Vec2] if scale.x != 0 && scale.y != 0 } yield Mat2.rotate(angle.toFloat) * Mat2.scale(scale)) implicit val arbitraryMat2d = Arbitrary(for { m <- arbitrary[Mat3] } yield m.toMat2d) implicit class floatPimp(val f: Float) extends AnyVal { def approximatelyEqualTo(x: Float, epsilon: Float) = math.abs(f-x) < epsilon def ~=(x: Float) = this.approximatelyEqualTo(x, 0.001f) } implicit class vec2Pimp(val v: Vec2) { @inline def approximatelyEqualTo(v2: Vec2, epsilon: Float): Boolean = math.abs((v - v2).magnitude) < epsilon def ~=(v: Vec2): Boolean = this.approximatelyEqualTo(v, 0.001f) } implicit class vec3Pimp(val v: Vec3) { @inline def approximatelyEqualTo(v2: Vec3, epsilon: Float): Boolean = math.abs((v - v2).magnitude) < epsilon def ~=(v: Vec3): Boolean = this.approximatelyEqualTo(v, 0.001f) } implicit class vec4Pimp(val v: Vec4) { @inline def approximatelyEqualTo(v2: Vec4, epsilon: Float): Boolean = math.abs((v - v2).magnitude) < epsilon def ~=(v: Vec4): Boolean = this.approximatelyEqualTo(v, 0.001f) } }
/* * Copyright 2021 HM Revenue & Customs * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package models.responsiblepeople import jto.validation.{Invalid, Path, Valid, ValidationError} import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import import play.api.libs.json._ class PositionInBusinessSpec extends PlaySpec with MockitoSugar { "PositionInBusiness" must { "validate position and 'other' text from tuple" in { PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("01"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(BeneficialOwner)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("02"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(Director)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("03"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(InternalAccountant)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("04"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(NominatedOfficer)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("05"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(Partner)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("06"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(SoleProprietor)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("07"), None)) mustBe Valid(Set(DesignatedMember)) PositionWithinBusiness.fullySpecifiedRule.validate((Set("other"), Some("some other role"))) mustBe Valid(Set(Other("some other role"))) } "successfully validate form" in { val form = Map( "positions[0]" -> Seq("01"), "positions[1]" -> Seq("other"), "otherPosition" -> Seq("some other position")) PositionWithinBusiness.positionsRule.validate(form) mustBe Valid( Set(BeneficialOwner, Other("some other position"))) } "fail to validate when 'other' is selected but no 'other' value is given" in { val form = Map( "positions[0]" -> Seq("01"), "positions[1]" -> Seq("other")) PositionWithinBusiness.positionsRule.validate(form) mustBe Invalid(Seq((Path \\ "otherPosition") -> Seq(ValidationError("responsiblepeople.position_within_business.other_position.othermissing")))) } "fail to validate when 'other' is selected but white space 'other' value is given" in { val form = Map( "positions[0]" -> Seq("01"), "positions[1]" -> Seq("other"), "otherPosition" -> Seq(" ")) PositionWithinBusiness.positionsRule.validate(form) mustBe Invalid(Seq((Path \\ "otherPosition") -> Seq(ValidationError("responsiblepeople.position_within_business.other_position.othermissing")))) } "fail to validate when an invalid valid was given" in { val form = Map( "positions[0]" -> Seq("10") ) intercept[Exception] { PositionWithinBusiness.positionsRule.validate(form) } } "fail to validate an empty position list" in { PositionWithinBusiness.atLeastOneRule.validate(Set.empty[String]) must be(Invalid(Seq( Path -> Seq(ValidationError("error.required.positionWithinBusiness")) ))) } "write correct position id" in { PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(BeneficialOwner) must be("01") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(Director) must be("02") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(InternalAccountant) must be("03") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(NominatedOfficer) must be("04") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(Partner) must be("05") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(SoleProprietor) must be("06") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(DesignatedMember) must be("07") PositionWithinBusiness.formWrite.writes(Other("")) must be("other") } "successfully write form from a set of PositionWithinBusiness" in { val model = Set(InternalAccountant, Other("some other position")).asInstanceOf[Set[PositionWithinBusiness]] PositionWithinBusiness.formWrites.writes(model) mustBe Map( "positions[]" -> Seq("03", "other"), "otherPosition" -> Seq("some other position")) } "JSON validation" must { "read the correct value" when { "given a BeneficialOwner value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("01")) must be(JsSuccess(BeneficialOwner)) } "given a Director value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("02")) must be(JsSuccess(Director)) } "given a InternalAccountant value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("03")) must be(JsSuccess(InternalAccountant)) } "given a NominatedOfficer value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("04")) must be(JsSuccess(NominatedOfficer)) } "given a Partner value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("05")) must be(JsSuccess(Partner)) } "given a SoleProprietor value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("06")) must be(JsSuccess(SoleProprietor)) } "given a DesignatedMember value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("07")) must be(JsSuccess(DesignatedMember)) } "given an OtherSelection value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](Json.obj("other" -> "some other role")) mustBe JsSuccess(Other("some other role")) } } "fail to validate" when { "given an empty value" in { Json.fromJson[PositionWithinBusiness](JsString("")) must be(JsError((JsPath \\ "positions") -> play.api.libs.json.JsonValidationError("error.invalid"))) } } "write the correct value" when { "given a BeneficialOwner" in { Json.toJson(BeneficialOwner.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("01")) } "given a Director" in { Json.toJson(Director.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("02")) } "given a InternalAccountant" in { Json.toJson(InternalAccountant.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("03")) } "given a NominatedOfficer" in { Json.toJson(NominatedOfficer.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("04")) } "given a Partner" in { Json.toJson(Partner.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("05")) } "given a SoleProprietor" in { Json.toJson(SoleProprietor.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("06")) } "given a DesignatedMember" in { Json.toJson(DesignatedMember.asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) must be(JsString("07")) } "given an Other" in { Json.toJson(Other("some new role").asInstanceOf[PositionWithinBusiness]) mustBe Json.obj("other" -> "some new role") } } } } }
package de.lenabrueder.rfc6902 import de.lenabrueder.UnitSpec import play.api.libs.json._ class JsonPatchOverlayOpSpec extends UnitSpec { val overlayOp = "overlay" val json = Json.parse("""{"a":"b", "b":{"c":"d"}, "c":1}""") "JsPatchOverlayOp" should { "correctly add flat elements to a sub-path" in { val patch = JsPatch(Json.parse(s"""{"op":"$overlayOp", "path":"/b", "value": {"rainbow": "unicorn"}}""")) patch shouldBe 'right patch.right.get(json) should equal(Right(Json.parse("""{"a":"b", "b":{"c":"d", "rainbow":"unicorn"}, "c":1}"""))) } "correctly add complex elements to a sub-path" in { val patch = JsPatch(Json.parse(s"""{"op":"$overlayOp", "path":"/b", "value": {"rainbow": {"complex":"unicorn"}}}""")) patch shouldBe 'right patch.right.get(json) should equal(Right(Json.parse("""{"a":"b", "b":{"c":"d", "rainbow": {"complex":"unicorn"}}, "c":1}"""))) } "correctly create a path from scratch that does not exist in the original JSON" in { val patch = JsPatch(Json.parse(s"""{"op":"$overlayOp", "path":"/z/y/x", "value": {"rainbow": {"complex":"unicorn"}}}""")) patch shouldBe 'right patch.right.get(json) should equal(Right(Json.parse("""{"a":"b", "b":{"c":"d"}, "c":1,"z":{"y":{"x":{"rainbow": {"complex":"unicorn"}}}}}"""))) } "not care at all about the original type of a path when it should overlay at that path" in { //for example the case when trying to write something to path "/c" in the above example val patch = JsPatch(Json.parse(s"""{"op":"$overlayOp", "path":"/c", "value": {"rainbow": "unicorn"}}""")) patch shouldBe 'right patch.right.get(json) should equal(Right(Json.parse("""{"a":"b", "b":{"c":"d"}, "c":{"rainbow": "unicorn"}}"""))) } "not care at all about the original type of a path when it should overlay at a deeper point from that path" in { //for example the case when trying to write something to path "/c" in the above example val patch = JsPatch(Json.parse(s"""{"op":"$overlayOp", "path":"/c/d", "value": {"rainbow": "unicorn"}}""")) patch shouldBe 'right patch.right.get(json) should equal(Right(Json.parse("""{"a":"b", "b":{"c":"d"}, "c":{"d": {"rainbow": "unicorn"}}}"""))) } } }
package infrastructure.view import scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile trait Profile { val profile: JdbcProfile }
package scdbpf import scala.collection.immutable._ import Sc4Path._ import DbpfUtil._ trait Sc4Path extends DbpfType { def terrainVariance: Boolean def paths: Seq[Path] def stopPaths: Seq[StopPath] def copy( terrainVariance: Boolean = terrainVariance, paths: Seq[Path] = paths, stopPaths: Seq[StopPath] = stopPaths): Sc4Path = Sc4Path(terrainVariance, paths, stopPaths) /** Rotates and flips all paths and stop paths in this `Sc4Path`. If * `rf.flipped`, the paths will also be reversed (as would be expected). */ def * (rf: RotFlip): Sc4Path = if (rf == RotFlip.R0F0) this else copy(paths = paths map (_ * rf), stopPaths = stopPaths map (_ * rf)) /** Shifts the path vertically by translation `t`. */ def shiftHeight(t: Float) = copy(paths = paths map (_.shiftHeight(t)), stopPaths = stopPaths map (_.shiftHeight(t))) /** Combines two paths files by appending `that` to `this`. The terrain * variance will be set if it was set for either of the two paths. * Automatically renumbers the class numbers to ensure that no class number * is assigned twice. */ def ++ (that: Sc4Path) = Sc4Path(this.terrainVariance || that.terrainVariance, this.paths ++ that.paths, this.stopPaths ++ that.stopPaths).renumberClassNumbers /** Rebuilds the class numbers of the paths and stop paths in this `Sc4Path` * from scratch. This may be necessary so that no class number is assigned * twice for a given class of paths, i.e. transport type, entry, exit, * UK-flag and class number must all be distinct for each path (and the class * number is the only variable). * * The new class numbers will be 0 for paths that are singular in a class, * and will be numbered sequentially from 1 otherwise. */ def renumberClassNumbers: Sc4Path = { type PathProp = (TransportType, Cardinal, Cardinal, Boolean) val pathToTuple = (p: Path) => (p.transportType, p.entry, p.exit, false) val stopPathToTuple = (p: StopPath) => (p.transportType, p.entry, p.exit, val updatePath = (p: Path, i: Int) => p.copy(classNumber = i) val updateStopPath = (p: StopPath, i: Int) => p.copy(classNumber = i) def renumber[A <: PathLike](paths: Seq[A], toTuple: A => PathProp, updateClass: (A, Int) => A): Seq[A] = { val lastIndex = collection.mutable.Map.empty[PathProp, Int] // stores index of a given class number val ps = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[A] for ((p, i) <- paths.zipWithIndex; prop = toTuple(p)) { if (!lastIndex.contains(prop)) // class does not yet exist ps += updateClass(p, 0) else { val j = lastIndex(prop) val q = ps(j) if (q.classNumber == 0) { // we need to update class number of q ps(j) = updateClass(q, 1) ps += updateClass(p, 2) } else { ps += updateClass(p, q.classNumber + 1) } } lastIndex(prop) = i }[Seq] } val result = copy(paths = renumber(paths, pathToTuple, updatePath), stopPaths = renumber(stopPaths, stopPathToTuple, updateStopPath)) assert(result.paths.size == paths.size && result.stopPaths.size == stopPaths.size) result } override def toString: String = { val sb = new StringBuilder def addln(s: String): Unit = { sb ++= s + "\\r\\n" } // explicitly use windows line breaks to ensure compatibility across editors val version = if (paths.exists(_.junction)) 2 else if (!stopPaths.isEmpty) 1 else 0 addln("SC4PATHS") addln("1." + version) addln(paths.size.toString) if (version > 0) addln(stopPaths.size.toString) addln(if (terrainVariance) "1" else "0") paths flatMap (_.lines(version)) foreach addln stopPaths flatMap (_.lines) foreach addln sb.toString } } object Sc4Path { def apply(terrainVariance: Boolean, paths: Seq[Path], stopPaths: Seq[StopPath] = Seq()): Sc4Path = new FreeSc4Path(terrainVariance, paths, stopPaths) implicit val converter = new Converter[DbpfType, Sc4Path] { def apply(from: DbpfType): Sc4Path = { try { new BufferedSc4Path(from.dataView) } catch { case e @ (_: NoSuchElementException |_: IllegalArgumentException |_: IndexOutOfBoundsException |_: NumberFormatException |_: org.parboiled.errors.ParserRuntimeException) => throw new DbpfDecodeFailedException(e.toString, e) } } } type Coord = (Float, Float, Float) type TransportType = TransportType.Value object TransportType extends Enumeration { val Car = Value(1) val Sim = Value(2) val Train = Value(3) val Subway = Value(4) val ElTrain = Value(6) val Monorail = Value(7) } type Cardinal = Cardinal.Value object Cardinal extends Enumeration { val West, North, East, South = Value val Special = Value(255) } sealed trait PathLike { type Self <: PathLike val comment: Option[String] val transportType: TransportType val classNumber: Int val entry: Cardinal val exit: Cardinal def header: String def * (rf: RotFlip): Self /** Shifts the path vertically by translation `t`. */ def shiftHeight(t: Float): Self private[Sc4Path] def classAsString = if (classNumber == 0) "" else ('a' + classNumber - 1).toChar + "_" private[Sc4Path] def commentLines = { // adds -- delimiters if missing comment.toList flatMap (_.lines) map (_.trim) map (c => if (c.startsWith("--")) c else "-- " + c) } private[Sc4Path] def coordString(c: Coord): String = c.productIterator.mkString(",") } case class Path( comment: Option[String], transportType: TransportType, classNumber: Int, entry: Cardinal, exit: Cardinal, junction: Boolean = false, coords: Seq[Coord]) extends PathLike { require(coords.size >= 2, "at least 2 coords are required") // TODO ??? //require(coords zip coords.tail forall { case (a, b) => a != b } , "coords need to be distinct") type Self = Path def header: String = s"-- ${transportType.toString}_${classAsString}${}_${}${if (junction) "_J" else ""}" def lines(version: Int): List[String] = { var res: List[Any] = commentLines ++ List(header,, classNumber,, if (version >= 2) { res :+= (if (junction) 1 else 0) } res :+= coords.size res ++= coords map (c => coordString(c)) res map (_.toString) } /** If rf.flipped, this also reverses the path. */ def * (rf: RotFlip): Path = { val res = copy(entry = entry *: rf, exit = exit *: rf, coords = coords map (_ *: rf)) if (rf.flipped) res.reverse else res } def reverse: Path = copy(entry = exit, exit = entry, coords = coords.reverse) def shiftHeight(t: Float) = copy(coords = coords map { case (x,y,z) => (x, y, z + t) }) } case class StopPath( comment: Option[String], uk: Boolean, transportType: TransportType, classNumber: Int, entry: Cardinal, exit: Cardinal, coord: Coord) extends PathLike { type Self = StopPath def header: String = s"-- Stop${if (uk) "UK" else ""}_${transportType.toString}_${classAsString}${}_${}" def lines: List[String] = { commentLines ++ List( header, if (uk) 2 else 1,, classNumber,,, coordString(coord) ) map (_.toString) } /** If rf.flipped, this will also toggle the uk flag. */ def * (rf: RotFlip): StopPath = { copy(uk = uk ^ rf.flipped, entry = entry *: rf, exit = exit *: rf, coord = coord *: rf) } def shiftHeight(t: Float) = copy(coord = coord.copy(_3 = coord._3 + t)) } private class FreeSc4Path(val terrainVariance: Boolean, val paths: Seq[Path], val stopPaths: Seq[StopPath]) extends Sc4Path { protected lazy val data: Array[Byte] = toString.getBytes(DbpfUtil.asciiEncoding) } private lazy val parser = new Sc4PathParser() // needs to be locked for concurrent access private class BufferedSc4Path(arr: Array[Byte]) extends RawType(arr) with Sc4Path { override lazy val toString = new String(data, DbpfUtil.asciiEncoding) val (terrainVariance, paths, stopPaths) = { val text = toString parser.synchronized { val p = parser.parseSc4Path(text) (p.terrainVariance, p.paths, p.stopPaths) } } } }
/* * SelectionTruncationImpl.scala * (Muta) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved. * * This software is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3+ * * * For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at * [email protected] */ package de.sciss.muta package impl /** A truncation type selection algorithm. Cf. */ trait SelectionTruncationImpl[Chromosome] extends Selection[Chromosome] { def size: SelectionSize def apply(pop: Vec[(Chromosome, Double)], r: util.Random): Vec[Chromosome] = { val n = size(pop.size) val sorted = pop.sortBy(_._2) sorted.takeRight(n).map(_._1) } }
package com.wavesplatform.transaction.serialization.impl import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{Bytes, Longs} import com.wavesplatform.account.AddressScheme import com.wavesplatform.serialization.{ByteBufferOps, Deser} import com.wavesplatform.transaction.TxVersion import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.SetAssetScriptTransaction import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json} import scala.util.Try object SetAssetScriptTxSerializer { def toJson(tx: SetAssetScriptTransaction): JsObject = { import tx._ BaseTxJson.toJson(tx) ++ Json.obj( "assetId" ->, "script" -> ) ++ (if (tx.version == TxVersion.V1) Json.obj("chainId" -> tx.chainId) else Json.obj()) } def bodyBytes(tx: SetAssetScriptTransaction): Array[Byte] = { import tx._ version match { case TxVersion.V1 => Bytes.concat( Array(builder.typeId, version, chainId), sender.arr,, Longs.toByteArray(fee), Longs.toByteArray(timestamp), Deser.serializeOptionOfArrayWithLength(script)(s => s.bytes().arr) ) case _ => PBTransactionSerializer.bodyBytes(tx) } } def toBytes(tx: SetAssetScriptTransaction): Array[Byte] = if (tx.isProtobufVersion) PBTransactionSerializer.bytes(tx) else Bytes.concat(Array(0: Byte), this.bodyBytes(tx), tx.proofs.bytes()) def parseBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Try[SetAssetScriptTransaction] = Try { require(bytes.length > 2, "buffer underflow while parsing transaction") val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes) require(buf.getByte == 0 && buf.getByte == SetAssetScriptTransaction.typeId && buf.getByte == TxVersion.V1, "transaction type mismatch") require(buf.getByte == AddressScheme.current.chainId, "transaction chainId mismatch") val sender = buf.getPublicKey val asset = buf.getIssuedAsset val fee = buf.getLong val timestamp = buf.getLong val script = buf.getScript val proofs = buf.getProofs SetAssetScriptTransaction(TxVersion.V1, sender, asset, script, fee, timestamp, proofs, AddressScheme.current.chainId) } }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang package psi package impl package statements import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode import com.intellij.psi.PsiElementVisitor import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.parser.ScalaElementTypes import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.ScalaElementVisitor import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.types.ScTypeElement import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.stubs.ScVariableStub import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.ScType import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.result.{TypeResult, TypingContext} /** * @author Alexander Podkhalyuzin */ class ScVariableDeclarationImpl private (stub: ScVariableStub, node: ASTNode) extends ScalaStubBasedElementImpl(stub, ScalaElementTypes.VARIABLE_DECLARATION, node) with ScVariableDeclaration { def this(node: ASTNode) = this(null, node) def this(stub: ScVariableStub) = this(stub, null) override def toString: String = "ScVariableDeclaration: " +", ") def getType(ctx: TypingContext): TypeResult[ScType] = wrap(typeElement) flatMap {_.getType(TypingContext.empty)} def declaredElements: Seq[ScFieldId] = getIdList.fieldIds def typeElement: Option[ScTypeElement] = byPsiOrStub(findChild(classOf[ScTypeElement]))(_.typeElement) def getIdList: ScIdList = getStubOrPsiChild(ScalaElementTypes.IDENTIFIER_LIST) override def accept(visitor: ScalaElementVisitor) { visitor.visitVariableDeclaration(this) } override def accept(visitor: PsiElementVisitor) { visitor match { case s: ScalaElementVisitor => s.visitVariableDeclaration(this) case _ => super.accept(visitor) } } }
package import com.sun.jdi.event._ import com.sun.jdi.{ReferenceType, ThreadReference, VirtualMachine} import import org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.requests.JDIRequestArgument import import import org.scaladebugger.api.virtualmachines.ScalaVirtualMachine import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec class JavaVMDisconnectEventInfoSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec { private val mockScalaVirtualMachine = mock[ScalaVirtualMachine] private val mockInfoProducer = mock[InfoProducer] private val mockVMDisconnectEvent = mock[VMDisconnectEvent] private val mockJdiRequestArguments = Seq(mock[JDIRequestArgument]) private val mockJdiEventArguments = Seq(mock[JDIEventArgument]) private val mockJdiArguments = mockJdiRequestArguments ++ mockJdiEventArguments private val javaVMDisconnectEventInfoProfile = new JavaVMDisconnectEventInfo( scalaVirtualMachine = mockScalaVirtualMachine, infoProducer = mockInfoProducer, vmDisconnectEvent = mockVMDisconnectEvent, jdiArguments = mockJdiArguments ) describe("JavaVMDisconnectEventInfo") { describe("#toJavaInfo") { it("should return a new instance of the Java profile representation") { val expected = mock[VMDisconnectEventInfo] // Event info producer will be generated in its Java form val mockEventInfoProducer = mock[EventInfoProducer] (mockInfoProducer.eventProducer _).expects() .returning(mockEventInfoProducer).once() (mockEventInfoProducer.toJavaInfo _).expects() .returning(mockEventInfoProducer).once() // Java version of event info producer creates a new event instance // NOTE: Cannot validate second set of args because they are // call-by-name, which ScalaMock does not support presently (mockEventInfoProducer.newVMDisconnectEventInfo _).expects( mockScalaVirtualMachine, mockVMDisconnectEvent, mockJdiArguments ).returning(expected).once() val actual = javaVMDisconnectEventInfoProfile.toJavaInfo actual should be (expected) } } describe("#isJavaInfo") { it("should return true") { val expected = true val actual = javaVMDisconnectEventInfoProfile.isJavaInfo actual should be (expected) } } describe("#toJdiInstance") { it("should return the JDI instance this profile instance represents") { val expected = mockVMDisconnectEvent val actual = javaVMDisconnectEventInfoProfile.toJdiInstance actual should be (expected) } } } }
package slick.compiler import slick.util.{ConstArrayOp, ConstArray} import slick.{SlickTreeException, SlickException} import slick.ast._ import Util._ import TypeUtil._ import scala.collection.mutable /** Expand sum types and their catamorphisms to equivalent product type operations. */ class ExpandSums extends Phase { val name = "expandSums" def apply(state: CompilerState) = if(state.get(Phase.assignUniqueSymbols).map(_.nonPrimitiveOption).getOrElse(true)) else state val Disc1 = LiteralNode(ScalaBaseType.optionDiscType.optionType, Option(1)) val DiscNone = LiteralNode(ScalaBaseType.optionDiscType.optionType, None) def expandSums(n: Node): Node = { var multi = false /** Perform the sum expansion on a Node */ def tr(tree: Node, oldDiscCandidates: Set[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])]): Node = { val discCandidates = oldDiscCandidates ++ (tree match { case Filter(_, _, p) => collectDiscriminatorCandidates(p) case Bind(_, j: Join, _) => collectDiscriminatorCandidates(j.on) case _ => Set.empty }) val tree2 = tree.mapChildren(tr(_, discCandidates), keepType = true) val tree3 = tree2 match { // Expand multi-column null values in ELSE branches (used by Rep[Option].filter) with correct type case IfThenElse(ConstArray(pred, then1 :@ tpe, LiteralNode(None) :@ OptionType(ScalaBaseType.nullType))) => multi = true IfThenElse(ConstArray(pred, then1, buildMultiColumnNone(tpe))) :@ tpe // Identity OptionFold/OptionApply combination -> remove case OptionFold(from, LiteralNode(None) :@ OptionType(ScalaBaseType.nullType), oa @ OptionApply(Ref(s)), gen) if s == gen => silentCast(oa.nodeType, from) // Primitive OptionFold representing GetOrElse -> translate to GetOrElse case OptionFold(from :@ OptionType.Primitive(_), LiteralNode(v), Ref(s), gen) if s == gen => GetOrElse(from, () => v).infer() // Primitive OptionFold -> translate to null check case OptionFold(from :@ OptionType.Primitive(_), ifEmpty, map, gen) => val pred = Library.==.typed[Boolean](from, LiteralNode(null)) val n2 = (ifEmpty, map) match { case (LiteralNode(true), LiteralNode(false)) => pred case (LiteralNode(false), LiteralNode(true)) => Library.Not.typed[Boolean](pred) case _ => val ifDefined = map.replace({ case r @ Ref(s) if s == gen => silentCast(r.nodeType, from) }, keepType = true) val ifEmpty2 = silentCast(ifDefined.nodeType.structural, ifEmpty) IfThenElse(ConstArray(pred, ifEmpty2, ifDefined)) } n2.infer() // Other OptionFold -> translate to discriminator check case OptionFold(from, ifEmpty, map, gen) => multi = true val left = val pred = Library.==.typed[Boolean](left, LiteralNode(null)) val n2 = (ifEmpty, map) match { case (LiteralNode(true), LiteralNode(false)) => pred case (LiteralNode(false), LiteralNode(true)) => Library.Not.typed[Boolean](pred) case _ => val ifDefined = map.replace({ case r @ Ref(s) if s == gen => silentCast(r.nodeType, }, keepType = true) val ifEmpty2 = silentCast(ifDefined.nodeType.structural, ifEmpty) if(left == Disc1) ifDefined else IfThenElse(ConstArray(Library.Not.typed[Boolean](pred), ifDefined, ifEmpty2)) } n2.infer() // Primitive OptionApply -> leave unchanged case n @ OptionApply(_) :@ OptionType.Primitive(_) => n // Other OptionApply -> translate to product form case n @ OptionApply(ch) => multi = true ProductNode(ConstArray(Disc1, silentCast(toOptionColumns(ch.nodeType), ch))).infer() // Non-primitive GetOrElse // (.get is only defined on primitive Options, but this can occur inside of HOFs like .map) case g @ GetOrElse(ch :@ tpe, _) => tpe match { case OptionType.Primitive(_) => g case _ => throw new SlickException(".get may only be called on Options of top-level primitive types") } // Option-extended left outer, right outer or full outer join case bind @ Bind(bsym, Join(_, _, _, _, jt, _), _) if jt == JoinType.LeftOption || jt == JoinType.RightOption || jt == JoinType.OuterOption => multi = true translateJoin(bind, discCandidates) case n => n } val tree4 = fuse(tree3) tree4 :@ trType(tree4.nodeType) } val n2 = tr(n, Set.empty) if(multi) expandConditionals(n2) else n2 } /** Translate an Option-extended left outer, right outer or full outer join */ def translateJoin(bind: Bind, discCandidates: Set[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])]): Bind = { logger.debug("translateJoin", bind) val Bind(bsym, (join @ Join(lsym, rsym, left :@ CollectionType(_, leftElemType), right :@ CollectionType(_, rightElemType), jt, on)) :@ CollectionType(cons, elemType), pure) = bind val lComplex = !leftElemType.structural.isInstanceOf[AtomicType] val rComplex = !rightElemType.structural.isInstanceOf[AtomicType] logger.debug(s"Translating join ($jt, complex: $lComplex, $rComplex):", bind) // Find an existing column that can serve as a discriminator def findDisc(t: Type): Option[List[TermSymbol]] = { val global: Set[List[TermSymbol]] = t match { case NominalType(ts, exp) => val c = discCandidates.filter { case (t, ss) => t == ts && ss.nonEmpty }.map(_._2) logger.debug("Discriminator candidates from surrounding Filter and Join predicates: "+", ")) c case _ => Set.empty } def find(t: Type, path: List[TermSymbol]): Vector[List[TermSymbol]] = t.structural match { case StructType(defs) => defs.toSeq.iterator.flatMap { case (s, t) => find(t, s :: path) }.toVector case p: ProductType => p.elements.iterator.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (t, i) => find(t, ElementSymbol(i+1) :: path) }.toVector case _: AtomicType => Vector(path) case _ => Vector.empty } val local = find(t, Nil).sortBy { ss => (if(global contains ss) 3 else 1) * (ss.head match { case f: FieldSymbol => if(f.options contains ColumnOption.PrimaryKey) -2 else -1 case _ => 0 }) } logger.debug("Local candidates: "", ")) local.headOption } // Option-extend one side of the join with a discriminator column def extend(side: Node, sym: TermSymbol, on: Node): (Node, Node, Boolean) = { val extendGen = new AnonSymbol val elemType = side.nodeType.asCollectionType.elementType val (disc, createDisc) = findDisc(elemType) match { case Some(path) => logger.debug("Using existing column "+Path(path)+" as discriminator in "+elemType) (FwdPath(extendGen :: path.reverse), true) case None => logger.debug("No suitable discriminator column found in "+elemType) (Disc1, false) } val extend :@ CollectionType(_, extendedElementType) = Bind(extendGen, side, Pure(ProductNode(ConstArray(disc, Ref(extendGen))))).infer() val sideInCondition = Select(Ref(sym) :@ extendedElementType, ElementSymbol(2)).infer() val on2 = on.replace({ case Ref(s) if s == sym => sideInCondition }, bottomUp = true).infer() (extend, on2, createDisc) } // Translate the join depending on JoinType and Option type val (left2, right2, on2, jt2, ldisc, rdisc) = jt match { case JoinType.LeftOption => val (right2, on2, rdisc) = if(rComplex) extend(right, rsym, on) else (right, on, false) (left, right2, on2, JoinType.Left, false, rdisc) case JoinType.RightOption => val (left2, on2, ldisc) = if(lComplex) extend(left, lsym, on) else (left, on, false) (left2, right, on2, JoinType.Right, ldisc, false) case JoinType.OuterOption => val (left2, on2, ldisc) = if(lComplex) extend(left, lsym, on) else (left, on, false) val (right2, on3, rdisc) = if(rComplex) extend(right, rsym, on2) else (right, on2, false) (left2, right2, on3, JoinType.Outer, ldisc, rdisc) } // Cast to translated Option type in outer bind val join2 :@ CollectionType(_, elemType2) = Join(lsym, rsym, left2, right2, jt2, on2).infer() def optionCast(idx: Int, createDisc: Boolean): Node = { val ref = Select(Ref(bsym) :@ elemType2, ElementSymbol(idx+1)) val v = if(createDisc) { val protoDisc = Select(ref, ElementSymbol(1)).infer() val rest = Select(ref, ElementSymbol(2)) val disc = IfThenElse(ConstArray(Library.==.typed[Boolean](silentCast(OptionType(protoDisc.nodeType), protoDisc), LiteralNode(null)), DiscNone, Disc1)) ProductNode(ConstArray(disc, rest)) } else ref silentCast(trType(elemType.asInstanceOf[ProductType].children(idx)), v) } val ref = ProductNode(ConstArray(optionCast(0, ldisc), optionCast(1, rdisc))).infer() val pure2 = pure.replace({ case Ref(s) if s == bsym => ref // Hoist SilentCasts and remove unnecessary ones case Library.SilentCast(Library.SilentCast(ch)) :@ tpe => silentCast(tpe, ch) case Select(Library.SilentCast(ch), s) :@ tpe => silentCast(tpe, }, bottomUp = true, keepType = true) val res = Bind(bsym, join2, pure2).infer() logger.debug("Translated join:", res) res } /** Create a SilentCast call unless the type already matches */ def silentCast(tpe: Type, n: Node): Node = n match { case LiteralNode(None) :@ OptionType(ScalaBaseType.nullType) => buildMultiColumnNone(tpe) case n :@ tpe2 if tpe2 == tpe => n case n => if(tpe == UnassignedType) throw new SlickTreeException("Unexpected UnassignedType for:", n) Library.SilentCast.typed(tpe, n).infer() } /** Create a Node representing a structure of null values of the given Type */ def buildMultiColumnNone(tpe: Type): Node = (tpe.structural match { case ProductType(ch) => ProductNode( case StructType(ch) => StructNode( { case (sym, t) => (sym, buildMultiColumnNone(t)) }) case OptionType(ch) => LiteralNode(tpe, None) case t => throw new SlickException("Unexpected non-Option type in multi-column None") }) :@ tpe /** Perform the sum expansion on a Type */ def trType(tpe: Type): Type = { def f(tpe: Type): Type = tpe.mapChildren(f) match { case t @ OptionType.Primitive(_) => t case OptionType(ch) => ProductType(ConstArray(ScalaBaseType.optionDiscType.optionType, toOptionColumns(ch))) case t => t } val tpe2 = f(tpe) logger.debug(s"Translated type: $tpe -> $tpe2") tpe2 } /** Strip nominal types and convert all atomic types to OptionTypes */ def toOptionColumns(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match { case NominalType(_, str) => toOptionColumns(str) case o @ OptionType(ch) if ch.structural.isInstanceOf[AtomicType] => o case t: AtomicType => OptionType(t) case t => t.mapChildren(toOptionColumns) } /** Fuse unnecessary Option operations */ def fuse(n: Node): Node = n match { // case IfThenElse(ConstArray(Library.Not(Library.==(disc, LiteralNode(null))), ProductNode(ConstArray(Disc1, map)), ProductNode(ConstArray(DiscNone, _)))) => ProductNode(ConstArray(disc, map)).infer() case n => n } /** Collect discriminator candidate fields in a predicate. These are all paths below an * OptionApply, which indicates their future use under a discriminator guard. */ def collectDiscriminatorCandidates(n: Node): Set[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])] = n.collectAll[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])] { case OptionApply(ch) => ch.collect[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])] { case PathOnTypeSymbol(ts, ss) => (ts, ss) } }.toSet object PathOnTypeSymbol { def unapply(n: Node): Option[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])] = n match { case (n: PathElement) :@ NominalType(ts, _) => Some((ts, Nil)) case Select(in, s) => unapply(in).map { case (ts, l) => (ts, s :: l) } case Library.SilentCast(ch) => unapply(ch) case _ => None } } /** Expand multi-column conditional expressions and SilentCasts. * Single-column conditionals involving NULL values are optimized away where possible. */ def expandConditionals(n: Node): Node = { val invalid = mutable.HashSet.empty[TypeSymbol] def invalidate(n: Node): Unit = invalid ++= n.nodeType.collect { case NominalType(ts, _) => ts }.toSeq def tr(n: Node): Node = n.mapChildren(tr, keepType = true) match { // Expand multi-column SilentCasts case cast @ Library.SilentCast(ch) :@ Type.Structural(ProductType(typeCh)) => invalidate(ch) val elems = { case (t, idx) => tr(Library.SilentCast.typed(t, } ProductNode(elems).infer() case Library.SilentCast(ch) :@ Type.Structural(StructType(typeCh)) => invalidate(ch) val elems = { case (sym, t) => (sym, tr(Library.SilentCast.typed(t, } StructNode(elems).infer() // Optimize trivial SilentCasts case Library.SilentCast(v :@ tpe) :@ tpe2 if tpe.structural == tpe2.structural => invalidate(v) v case Library.SilentCast(Library.SilentCast(ch)) :@ tpe => tr(Library.SilentCast.typed(tpe, ch).infer()) case Library.SilentCast(LiteralNode(None)) :@ (tpe @ OptionType.Primitive(_)) => LiteralNode(tpe, None).infer() // Expand multi-column IfThenElse case (cond @ IfThenElse(_)) :@ Type.Structural(ProductType(chTypes)) => val ch = ConstArrayOp.from(1 to chTypes.length).map { idx => val sym = ElementSymbol(idx) tr(cond.mapResultClauses(n => } ProductNode(ch).infer() case (cond @ IfThenElse(_)) :@ Type.Structural(StructType(chTypes)) => val ch = { case (sym, _) => (sym, tr(cond.mapResultClauses(n => } StructNode(ch).infer() // Optimize null-propagating single-column IfThenElse case IfThenElse(ConstArray(Library.==(r, LiteralNode(null)), Library.SilentCast(LiteralNode(None)), c @ Library.SilentCast(r2))) if r == r2 => c // Fix Untyped nulls in else clauses case cond @ IfThenElse(clauses) if (clauses.last match { case LiteralNode(None) :@ OptionType(ScalaBaseType.nullType) => true; case _ => false }) => cond.copy(clauses.init :+ LiteralNode(cond.nodeType, None)) // Resolve Selects into ProductNodes and StructNodes case Select(ProductNode(ch), ElementSymbol(idx)) => ch(idx-1) case Select(StructNode(ch), sym) => ch.find(_._1 == sym).get._2 case n2 @ Pure(_, ts) if n2 ne n => invalid += ts n2 case n => n } val n2 = tr(n) logger.debug("Invalidated TypeSymbols: "+invalid.mkString(", ")) n2.replace({ case n: PathElement if n.nodeType.containsSymbol(invalid) => n.untyped }, bottomUp = true).infer() } }
package import{NGram, NGramFilter} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap import scala.reflect.ClassTag /** * N-Gram collections with corresponding statistics (frequencies or probabilities) for n-grams in order range. */ trait RangeOrderStatistics[T, U] extends Statistics[T, U] { private[slmlib] val mStatistics: HashMap[Int, RDD[(NGram[T], U)]] /** Minimum order of n-grams in range. */ val minOrder: Int /** Maximum order of n-grams in range. */ val maxOrder: Int override def partitionsNumber = mStatistics(minOrder).partitions.length /** Returns statistics object with n-grams if given order. apply() function can be also called: * {{{ * val a : RangeOrderStatistics * a(2) * }}} */ def apply(order: Int): SingleOrderStatistics[T, U] = new {} with SingleOrderStatistics[T, U] { override val rdd: RDD[(NGram[T], U)] = RangeOrderStatistics.this.mStatistics(order) } /** Returns statistics object with n-grams in given order range. apply() function can be also called: * {{{ * val a : RangeOrderStatistics * a(2,3) * }}} */ def apply(orderMin: Int, orderMax: Int): RangeOrderStatistics[T, U] = new {} with RangeOrderStatistics[T, U] { require(orderMin >= RangeOrderStatistics.this.minOrder && orderMin <= RangeOrderStatistics.this.maxOrder && orderMax >= RangeOrderStatistics.this.minOrder && orderMax <= RangeOrderStatistics.this.maxOrder && orderMin < orderMax) override val minOrder = orderMin override val maxOrder = orderMax override val mStatistics = new HashMap[Int, RDD[(NGram[T], U)]]() for { order <- orderMin to orderMax by 1 } yield { mStatistics(order) = RangeOrderStatistics.this.mStatistics(order) } } override def filter(ngFilter: NGramFilter[T, U]): RangeOrderStatistics[T, U] = new {} with RangeOrderStatistics[T, U] { override val minOrder = RangeOrderStatistics.this.minOrder override val maxOrder = RangeOrderStatistics.this.maxOrder override val mStatistics = new HashMap[Int, RDD[(NGram[T], U)]]() for { order <- minOrder to maxOrder by 1 } yield { mStatistics(order) = ngFilter.filter(RangeOrderStatistics.this.mStatistics(order)) } } /** Memory efficient iterator over n-grams of all orders. * Iterator retrieves one partition at a time, so the memory required on client side equals to the size of the biggest partition. */ override def iterator: Iterator[(NGram[T], U)] = { { for { order <- minOrder to maxOrder by 1 } yield { mStatistics(order).toLocalIterator } }.reduceLeft(_ ++ _) } override def saveAsTextFile(path: String, format: String): Unit = { for { order <- minOrder to maxOrder by 1 } yield { val childPath = path + "/" + order mStatistics(order).mapPartitions( => format.format(tuple._1, tuple._2))).saveAsTextFile(childPath) } } override def saveNGramsAsSerializedRDD(path: String): Unit = { for { order <- minOrder to maxOrder by 1 } yield { val childPath = path + "/" + order mStatistics(order).saveAsObjectFile(childPath) } } override def count: Long = { for { order <- minOrder to maxOrder by 1 } yield { mStatistics(order).count } }.reduceLeft(_ + _) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.openwhisk.core.containerpool import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorRefFactory, Props} import org.apache.openwhisk.common.{Logging, LoggingMarkers, MetricEmitter, TransactionId} import org.apache.openwhisk.core.connector.MessageFeed import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.ExecManifest.ReactivePrewarmingConfig import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity._ import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.size._ import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Random, Try} case class ColdStartKey(kind: String, memory: ByteSize) case object EmitMetrics case object AdjustPrewarmedContainer /** * A pool managing containers to run actions on. * * This pool fulfills the other half of the ContainerProxy contract. Only * one job (either Start or Run) is sent to a child-actor at any given * time. The pool then waits for a response of that container, indicating * the container is done with the job. Only then will the pool send another * request to that container. * * Upon actor creation, the pool will start to prewarm containers according * to the provided prewarmConfig, iff set. Those containers will **not** be * part of the poolsize calculation, which is capped by the poolSize parameter. * Prewarm containers are only used, if they have matching arguments * (kind, memory) and there is space in the pool. * * @param childFactory method to create new container proxy actor * @param feed actor to request more work from * @param prewarmConfig optional settings for container prewarming * @param poolConfig config for the ContainerPool */ class ContainerPool(childFactory: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef, feed: ActorRef, prewarmConfig: List[PrewarmingConfig] = List.empty, poolConfig: ContainerPoolConfig)(implicit val logging: Logging) extends Actor { import ContainerPool.memoryConsumptionOf implicit val ec = context.dispatcher var freePool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, ContainerData] var busyPool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, ContainerData] var prewarmedPool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, PreWarmedData] var prewarmStartingPool = immutable.Map.empty[ActorRef, (String, ByteSize)] // If all memory slots are occupied and if there is currently no container to be removed, than the actions will be // buffered here to keep order of computation. // Otherwise actions with small memory-limits could block actions with large memory limits. var runBuffer = immutable.Queue.empty[Run] // Track the resent buffer head - so that we don't resend buffer head multiple times var resent: Option[Run] = None val logMessageInterval = 10.seconds //periodically emit metrics (don't need to do this for each message!) context.system.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(30.seconds, 10.seconds, self, EmitMetrics) // Key is ColdStartKey, value is the number of cold Start in minute var coldStartCount = immutable.Map.empty[ColdStartKey, Int] adjustPrewarmedContainer(true, false) // check periodically, adjust prewarmed container(delete if unused for some time and create some increment containers) // add some random amount to this schedule to avoid a herd of container removal + creation val interval = poolConfig.prewarmExpirationCheckInterval + poolConfig.prewarmExpirationCheckIntervalVariance .map(v => Random .nextInt(v.toSeconds.toInt)) .getOrElse(0) .seconds if (prewarmConfig.exists(!_.reactive.isEmpty)) { context.system.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate( poolConfig.prewarmExpirationCheckInitDelay, interval, self, AdjustPrewarmedContainer) } def logContainerStart(r: Run, containerState: String, activeActivations: Int, container: Option[Container]): Unit = { val namespaceName = val actionName = val actionNamespace = r.action.namespace.namespace val maxConcurrent = r.action.limits.concurrency.maxConcurrent val activationId = r.msg.activationId.toString r.msg.transid.mark( this, LoggingMarkers.INVOKER_CONTAINER_START(containerState, namespaceName, actionNamespace, actionName), s"containerStart containerState: $containerState container: $container activations: $activeActivations of max $maxConcurrent action: $actionName namespace: $namespaceName activationId: $activationId", akka.event.Logging.InfoLevel) } def receive: Receive = { // A job to run on a container // // Run messages are received either via the feed or from child containers which cannot process // their requests and send them back to the pool for rescheduling (this may happen if "docker" operations // fail for example, or a container has aged and was destroying itself when a new request was assigned) case r: Run => // Check if the message is resent from the buffer. Only the first message on the buffer can be resent. val isResentFromBuffer = runBuffer.nonEmpty && runBuffer.dequeueOption.exists(_._1.msg == r.msg) // Only process request, if there are no other requests waiting for free slots, or if the current request is the // next request to process // It is guaranteed, that only the first message on the buffer is resent. if (runBuffer.isEmpty || isResentFromBuffer) { if (isResentFromBuffer) { //remove from resent tracking - it may get resent again, or get processed resent = None } val kind = r.action.exec.kind val memory = r.action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB val createdContainer = // Schedule a job to a warm container ContainerPool .schedule(r.action,, freePool) .map(container => (container, container._2.initingState)) //warmed, warming, and warmingCold always know their state .orElse( // There was no warm/warming/warmingCold container. Try to take a prewarm container or a cold container. // When take prewarm container, has no need to judge whether user memory is enough takePrewarmContainer(r.action) .map(container => (container, "prewarmed")) .orElse { // Is there enough space to create a new container or do other containers have to be removed? if (hasPoolSpaceFor(busyPool ++ freePool ++ prewarmedPool, prewarmStartingPool, memory)) { val container = Some(createContainer(memory), "cold") incrementColdStartCount(kind, memory) container } else None }) .orElse( // Remove a container and create a new one for the given job ContainerPool // Only free up the amount, that is really needed to free up .remove(freePool, Math.min(r.action.limits.memory.megabytes, memoryConsumptionOf(freePool)).MB) .map(removeContainer) // If the list had at least one entry, enough containers were removed to start the new container. After // removing the containers, we are not interested anymore in the containers that have been removed. .headOption .map(_ => takePrewarmContainer(r.action) .map(container => (container, "recreatedPrewarm")) .getOrElse { val container = (createContainer(memory), "recreated") incrementColdStartCount(kind, memory) container })) createdContainer match { case Some(((actor, data), containerState)) => //increment active count before storing in pool map val newData = data.nextRun(r) val container = newData.getContainer if (newData.activeActivationCount < 1) { logging.error(this, s"invalid activation count < 1 ${newData}") } //only move to busyPool if max reached if (!newData.hasCapacity()) { if (r.action.limits.concurrency.maxConcurrent > 1) { this, s"container ${container} is now busy with ${newData.activeActivationCount} activations") } busyPool = busyPool + (actor -> newData) freePool = freePool - actor } else { //update freePool to track counts freePool = freePool + (actor -> newData) } // Remove the action that was just executed from the buffer and execute the next one in the queue. if (isResentFromBuffer) { // It is guaranteed that the currently executed messages is the head of the queue, if the message comes // from the buffer val (_, newBuffer) = runBuffer.dequeue runBuffer = newBuffer // Try to process the next item in buffer (or get another message from feed, if buffer is now empty) processBufferOrFeed() } actor ! r // forwards the run request to the container logContainerStart(r, containerState, newData.activeActivationCount, container) case None => // this can also happen if createContainer fails to start a new container, or // if a job is rescheduled but the container it was allocated to has not yet destroyed itself // (and a new container would over commit the pool) val isErrorLogged = val retryLogDeadline = if (isErrorLogged) { logging.warn( this, s"Rescheduling Run message, too many message in the pool, " + s"freePoolSize: ${freePool.size} containers and ${memoryConsumptionOf(freePool)} MB, " + s"busyPoolSize: ${busyPool.size} containers and ${memoryConsumptionOf(busyPool)} MB, " + s"maxContainersMemory ${poolConfig.userMemory.toMB} MB, " + s"userNamespace: ${}, action: ${r.action}, " + s"needed memory: ${r.action.limits.memory.megabytes} MB, " + s"waiting messages: ${runBuffer.size}")(r.msg.transid) MetricEmitter.emitCounterMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_RESCHEDULED_ACTIVATION) Some(logMessageInterval.fromNow) } else { r.retryLogDeadline } if (!isResentFromBuffer) { // Add this request to the buffer, as it is not there yet. runBuffer = runBuffer.enqueue(Run(r.action, r.msg, retryLogDeadline)) } //buffered items will be processed via processBufferOrFeed() } } else { // There are currently actions waiting to be executed before this action gets executed. // These waiting actions were not able to free up enough memory. runBuffer = runBuffer.enqueue(r) } // Container is free to take more work case NeedWork(warmData: WarmedData) => val oldData = freePool.get(sender()).getOrElse(busyPool(sender())) val newData = warmData.copy(lastUsed = oldData.lastUsed, activeActivationCount = oldData.activeActivationCount - 1) if (newData.activeActivationCount < 0) { logging.error(this, s"invalid activation count after warming < 1 ${newData}") } if (newData.hasCapacity()) { //remove from busy pool (may already not be there), put back into free pool (to update activation counts) freePool = freePool + (sender() -> newData) if (busyPool.contains(sender())) { busyPool = busyPool - sender() if (newData.action.limits.concurrency.maxConcurrent > 1) { this, s"concurrent container ${newData.container} is no longer busy with ${newData.activeActivationCount} activations") } } } else { busyPool = busyPool + (sender() -> newData) freePool = freePool - sender() } processBufferOrFeed() // Container is prewarmed and ready to take work case NeedWork(data: PreWarmedData) => prewarmStartingPool = prewarmStartingPool - sender() prewarmedPool = prewarmedPool + (sender() -> data) // Container got removed case ContainerRemoved(replacePrewarm) => // if container was in free pool, it may have been processing (but under capacity), // so there is capacity to accept another job request freePool.get(sender()).foreach { f => freePool = freePool - sender() } // container was busy (busy indicates at full capacity), so there is capacity to accept another job request busyPool.get(sender()).foreach { _ => busyPool = busyPool - sender() } processBufferOrFeed() // in case this was a prewarm prewarmedPool.get(sender()).foreach { data => prewarmedPool = prewarmedPool - sender() } // in case this was a starting prewarm prewarmStartingPool.get(sender()).foreach { _ =>, "failed starting prewarm, removed") prewarmStartingPool = prewarmStartingPool - sender() } //backfill prewarms on every ContainerRemoved(replacePrewarm = true), just in case if (replacePrewarm) { adjustPrewarmedContainer(false, false) //in case a prewarm is removed due to health failure or crash } // This message is received for one of these reasons: // 1. Container errored while resuming a warm container, could not process the job, and sent the job back // 2. The container aged, is destroying itself, and was assigned a job which it had to send back // 3. The container aged and is destroying itself // Update the free/busy lists but no message is sent to the feed since there is no change in capacity yet case RescheduleJob => freePool = freePool - sender() busyPool = busyPool - sender() case EmitMetrics => emitMetrics() case AdjustPrewarmedContainer => adjustPrewarmedContainer(false, true) } /** Resend next item in the buffer, or trigger next item in the feed, if no items in the buffer. */ def processBufferOrFeed() = { // If buffer has more items, and head has not already been resent, send next one, otherwise get next from feed. runBuffer.dequeueOption match { case Some((run, _)) => //run the first from buffer implicit val tid = run.msg.transid //avoid sending dupes if (resent.isEmpty) {, s"re-processing from buffer (${runBuffer.length} items in buffer)") resent = Some(run) self ! run } else { //do not resend the buffer head multiple times (may reach this point from multiple messages, before the buffer head is re-processed) } case None => //feed me! feed ! MessageFeed.Processed } } /** adjust prewarm containers up to the configured requirements for each kind/memory combination. */ def adjustPrewarmedContainer(init: Boolean, scheduled: Boolean): Unit = { if (scheduled) { //on scheduled time, remove expired prewarms ContainerPool.removeExpired(poolConfig, prewarmConfig, prewarmedPool).foreach { p => prewarmedPool = prewarmedPool - p p ! Remove } //on scheduled time, emit cold start counter metric with memory + kind coldStartCount foreach { coldStart => val coldStartKey = coldStart._1 MetricEmitter.emitCounterMetric( LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_PREWARM_COLDSTART(coldStartKey.memory.toString, coldStartKey.kind)) } } //fill in missing prewarms (replaces any deletes) ContainerPool .increasePrewarms(init, scheduled, coldStartCount, prewarmConfig, prewarmedPool, prewarmStartingPool) .foreach { c => val config = c._1 val currentCount = c._2._1 val desiredCount = c._2._2 if (currentCount < desiredCount) { (currentCount until desiredCount).foreach { _ => prewarmContainer(config.exec, config.memoryLimit, } } } if (scheduled) { // lastly, clear coldStartCounts each time scheduled event is processed to reset counts coldStartCount = immutable.Map.empty[ColdStartKey, Int] } } /** Creates a new container and updates state accordingly. */ def createContainer(memoryLimit: ByteSize): (ActorRef, ContainerData) = { val ref = childFactory(context) val data = MemoryData(memoryLimit) freePool = freePool + (ref -> data) ref -> data } /** Creates a new prewarmed container */ def prewarmContainer(exec: CodeExec[_], memoryLimit: ByteSize, ttl: Option[FiniteDuration]): Unit = { if (hasPoolSpaceFor(busyPool ++ freePool ++ prewarmedPool, prewarmStartingPool, memoryLimit)) { val newContainer = childFactory(context) prewarmStartingPool = prewarmStartingPool + (newContainer -> (exec.kind, memoryLimit)) newContainer ! Start(exec, memoryLimit, ttl) } else { logging.warn( this, s"Cannot create prewarm container due to reach the invoker memory limit: ${poolConfig.userMemory.toMB}") } } /** this is only for cold start statistics of prewarm configs, e.g. not blackbox or other configs. */ def incrementColdStartCount(kind: String, memoryLimit: ByteSize): Unit = { prewarmConfig .filter { config => kind == config.exec.kind && memoryLimit == config.memoryLimit } .foreach { _ => val coldStartKey = ColdStartKey(kind, memoryLimit) coldStartCount.get(coldStartKey) match { case Some(value) => coldStartCount = coldStartCount + (coldStartKey -> (value + 1)) case None => coldStartCount = coldStartCount + (coldStartKey -> 1) } } } /** * Takes a prewarm container out of the prewarmed pool * iff a container with a matching kind and memory is found. * * @param action the action that holds the kind and the required memory. * @return the container iff found */ def takePrewarmContainer(action: ExecutableWhiskAction): Option[(ActorRef, ContainerData)] = { val kind = action.exec.kind val memory = action.limits.memory.megabytes.MB val now = prewarmedPool.toSeq .sortBy(_._2.expires.getOrElse(now)) .find { case (_, PreWarmedData(_, `kind`, `memory`, _, _)) => true case _ => false } .map { case (ref, data) => // Move the container to the usual pool freePool = freePool + (ref -> data) prewarmedPool = prewarmedPool - ref // Create a new prewarm container // NOTE: prewarming ignores the action code in exec, but this is dangerous as the field is accessible to the // factory //get the appropriate ttl from prewarm configs val ttl = prewarmConfig.find(pc => pc.memoryLimit == memory && pc.exec.kind == kind).flatMap( prewarmContainer(action.exec, memory, ttl) (ref, data) } } /** Removes a container and updates state accordingly. */ def removeContainer(toDelete: ActorRef) = { toDelete ! Remove freePool = freePool - toDelete busyPool = busyPool - toDelete } /** * Calculate if there is enough free memory within a given pool. * * @param pool The pool, that has to be checked, if there is enough free memory. * @param memory The amount of memory to check. * @return true, if there is enough space for the given amount of memory. */ def hasPoolSpaceFor[A](pool: Map[A, ContainerData], prewarmStartingPool: Map[A, (String, ByteSize)], memory: ByteSize): Boolean = { memoryConsumptionOf(pool) + + memory.toMB <= poolConfig.userMemory.toMB } /** * Log metrics about pool state (buffer size, buffer memory requirements, active number, active memory, prewarm number, prewarm memory) */ private def emitMetrics() = { MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_RUNBUFFER_COUNT, runBuffer.size) MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric( LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_RUNBUFFER_SIZE, val containersInUse = freePool.filter(_._2.activeActivationCount > 0) ++ busyPool MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_ACTIVE_COUNT, containersInUse.size) MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric( LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_ACTIVE_SIZE, MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric( LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_PREWARM_COUNT, prewarmedPool.size + prewarmStartingPool.size) MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric( LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_PREWARM_SIZE, + val unused = freePool.filter(_._2.activeActivationCount == 0) val unusedMB = MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_IDLES_COUNT, unused.size) MetricEmitter.emitGaugeMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_IDLES_SIZE, unusedMB) } } object ContainerPool { /** * Calculate the memory of a given pool. * * @param pool The pool with the containers. * @return The memory consumption of all containers in the pool in Megabytes. */ protected[containerpool] def memoryConsumptionOf[A](pool: Map[A, ContainerData]): Long = { } /** * Finds the best container for a given job to run on. * * Selects an arbitrary warm container from the passed pool of idle containers * that matches the action and the invocation namespace. The implementation uses * matching such that structural equality of action and the invocation namespace * is required. * Returns None iff no matching container is in the idle pool. * Does not consider pre-warmed containers. * * @param action the action to run * @param invocationNamespace the namespace, that wants to run the action * @param idles a map of idle containers, awaiting work * @return a container if one found */ protected[containerpool] def schedule[A](action: ExecutableWhiskAction, invocationNamespace: EntityName, idles: Map[A, ContainerData]): Option[(A, ContainerData)] = { idles .find { case (_, c @ WarmedData(_, `invocationNamespace`, `action`, _, _, _)) if c.hasCapacity() => true case _ => false } .orElse { idles.find { case (_, c @ WarmingData(_, `invocationNamespace`, `action`, _, _)) if c.hasCapacity() => true case _ => false } } .orElse { idles.find { case (_, c @ WarmingColdData(`invocationNamespace`, `action`, _, _)) if c.hasCapacity() => true case _ => false } } } /** * Finds the oldest previously used container to remove to make space for the job passed to run. * Depending on the space that has to be allocated, several containers might be removed. * * NOTE: This method is never called to remove an action that is in the pool already, * since this would be picked up earlier in the scheduler and the container reused. * * @param pool a map of all free containers in the pool * @param memory the amount of memory that has to be freed up * @return a list of containers to be removed iff found */ @tailrec protected[containerpool] def remove[A](pool: Map[A, ContainerData], memory: ByteSize, toRemove: List[A] = List.empty): List[A] = { // Try to find a Free container that does NOT have any active activations AND is initialized with any OTHER action val freeContainers = pool.collect { // Only warm containers will be removed. Prewarmed containers will stay always. case (ref, w: WarmedData) if w.activeActivationCount == 0 => ref -> w } if (memory > 0.B && freeContainers.nonEmpty && memoryConsumptionOf(freeContainers) >= memory.toMB) { // Remove the oldest container if: // - there is more memory required // - there are still containers that can be removed // - there are enough free containers that can be removed val (ref, data) = freeContainers.minBy(_._2.lastUsed) // Catch exception if remaining memory will be negative val remainingMemory = Try(memory - data.memoryLimit).getOrElse(0.B) remove(freeContainers - ref, remainingMemory, toRemove ++ List(ref)) } else { // If this is the first call: All containers are in use currently, or there is more memory needed than // containers can be removed. // Or, if this is one of the recursions: Enough containers are found to get the memory, that is // necessary. -> Abort recursion toRemove } } /** * Find the expired actor in prewarmedPool * * @param poolConfig * @param prewarmConfig * @param prewarmedPool * @param logging * @return a list of expired actor */ def removeExpired[A](poolConfig: ContainerPoolConfig, prewarmConfig: List[PrewarmingConfig], prewarmedPool: Map[A, PreWarmedData])(implicit logging: Logging): List[A] = { val now = val expireds = prewarmConfig .flatMap { config => val kind = config.exec.kind val memory = config.memoryLimit config.reactive .map { c => val expiredPrewarmedContainer = prewarmedPool.toSeq .filter { warmInfo => warmInfo match { case (_, p @ PreWarmedData(_, `kind`, `memory`, _, _)) if p.isExpired() => true case _ => false } } .sortBy(_._2.expires.getOrElse(now)) if (expiredPrewarmedContainer.nonEmpty) { // emit expired container counter metric with memory + kind MetricEmitter.emitCounterMetric(LoggingMarkers.CONTAINER_POOL_PREWARM_EXPIRED(memory.toString, kind)) this, s"[kind: ${kind} memory: ${memory.toString}] ${expiredPrewarmedContainer.size} expired prewarmed containers") } => (e._1, e._2.expires.getOrElse(now))) } .getOrElse(List.empty) } .sortBy(_._2) //need to sort these so that if the results are limited, we take the oldest .map(_._1) if (expireds.nonEmpty) {, s"removing up to ${poolConfig.prewarmExpirationLimit} of ${expireds.size} expired containers") expireds.take(poolConfig.prewarmExpirationLimit).foreach { e => prewarmedPool.get(e).map { d =>, s"removing expired prewarm of kind ${d.kind} with container ${d.container} ") } } } expireds.take(poolConfig.prewarmExpirationLimit) } /** * Find the increased number for the prewarmed kind * * @param init * @param scheduled * @param coldStartCount * @param prewarmConfig * @param prewarmedPool * @param prewarmStartingPool * @param logging * @return the current number and increased number for the kind in the Map */ def increasePrewarms(init: Boolean, scheduled: Boolean, coldStartCount: Map[ColdStartKey, Int], prewarmConfig: List[PrewarmingConfig], prewarmedPool: Map[ActorRef, PreWarmedData], prewarmStartingPool: Map[ActorRef, (String, ByteSize)])( implicit logging: Logging): Map[PrewarmingConfig, (Int, Int)] = { { config => val kind = config.exec.kind val memory = config.memoryLimit val runningCount = prewarmedPool.count { // done starting (include expired, since they may not have been removed yet) case (_, p @ PreWarmedData(_, `kind`, `memory`, _, _)) => true // started but not finished starting (or expired) case _ => false } val startingCount = prewarmStartingPool.count(p => p._2._1 == kind && p._2._2 == memory) val currentCount = runningCount + startingCount // determine how many are needed val desiredCount: Int = if (init) config.initialCount else { if (scheduled) { // scheduled/reactive config backfill config.reactive .map(c => getReactiveCold(coldStartCount, c, kind, memory).getOrElse(c.minCount)) //reactive -> desired is either cold start driven, or minCount .getOrElse(config.initialCount) //not reactive -> desired is always initial count } else { // normal backfill after removal - make sure at least minCount or initialCount is started } } if (currentCount < desiredCount) { this, s"found ${currentCount} started and ${startingCount} starting; ${if (init) "initing" else "backfilling"} ${desiredCount - currentCount} pre-warms to desired count: ${desiredCount} for kind:${config.exec.kind} mem:${config.memoryLimit.toString}")( TransactionId.invokerWarmup) } (config, (currentCount, desiredCount)) }.toMap } /** * Get the required prewarmed container number according to the cold start happened in previous minute * * @param coldStartCount * @param config * @param kind * @param memory * @return the required prewarmed container number */ def getReactiveCold(coldStartCount: Map[ColdStartKey, Int], config: ReactivePrewarmingConfig, kind: String, memory: ByteSize): Option[Int] = { coldStartCount.get(ColdStartKey(kind, memory)).map { value => // Let's assume that threshold is `2`, increment is `1` in runtimes.json // if cold start number in previous minute is `2`, requireCount is `2/2 * 1 = 1` // if cold start number in previous minute is `4`, requireCount is `4/2 * 1 = 2` math.min(math.max(config.minCount, (value / config.threshold) * config.increment), config.maxCount) } } def props(factory: ActorRefFactory => ActorRef, poolConfig: ContainerPoolConfig, feed: ActorRef, prewarmConfig: List[PrewarmingConfig] = List.empty)(implicit logging: Logging) = Props(new ContainerPool(factory, feed, prewarmConfig, poolConfig)) } /** Contains settings needed to perform container prewarming. */ case class PrewarmingConfig(initialCount: Int, exec: CodeExec[_], memoryLimit: ByteSize, reactive: Option[ReactivePrewarmingConfig] = None)
package org.dama.datasynth.lang import net.liftweb.json._ import org.dama.datasynth.LoadPropertyTables import org.dama.datasynth.executionplan.ExecutionPlan._ import org.dama.datasynth.schema.Schema import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.collection.mutable /** * Created by joangui on 13/04/2017. * ReadExecutionPlan is used to read a json and create the schema of the graph to be generated. * It also allows to create the necessary Tables, as ExecutionPlanNodes, that are necessary by the * runtime to generate the graph. */ object ReadExecutionPlan { //var schema:Schema = null /** * Load a schema * @param json String containin the definition of the schema in JSON format. * @return Schema */ def loadSchema(json : String): Schema ={ implicit val formats = DefaultFormats val jsonT = parse(json) val schema:Schema = jsonT.extract[Schema] schema } /** * Given a schema return the set of Tables necessary to create it. * @param schema to be created * @return the sequence of necessary Tables to create the graph. */ def createExecutionPlan(schema: Schema):Seq[Table]= { val propertyTablesNodes:Seq[PropertyTable[_]] = LoadPropertyTables.getPropertyTableNodes(schema.nodeTypes) val edgeTablesNodes:Seq[Table] = LoadStructuralTables.getStructuralTables(schema,propertyTablesNodes) propertyTablesNodes++edgeTablesNodes } /** * * @param initParameters A sequence in the form {value:dataType} * @return a sequence of values */ def readInitParameters(initParameters: Seq[String]):Seq[Value[_]] = {> { val colonPosition = initParameter.lastIndexOf(":") val dataType = initParameter.substring(colonPosition+1).toLowerCase val value = initParameter.substring(0,colonPosition); dataType match { case "string" => StaticValue[String](value) case "int" => StaticValue[Int](value.toInt) case "double" => StaticValue[Double](value.toDouble) case "long" => StaticValue[Long](value.toLong) case "float" => StaticValue[Float](value.toFloat) case "file" => File(value) } } ) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHiveContext import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll class ConcurrentHiveSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll { ignore("multiple instances not supported") { test("Multiple Hive Instances") { (1 to 10).map { i => val ts = new TestHiveContext(new SparkContext("local", s"TestSQLContext$i", new SparkConf())) ts.executeSql("SHOW TABLES").toRdd.collect() ts.executeSql("SELECT * FROM src").toRdd.collect() ts.executeSql("SHOW TABLES").toRdd.collect() } } } }
package org.rz.akkagraphite.actors import import{ActorLogging, ActorRef, ActorSystem, FSM, Props, RootActorPath} import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.{CurrentClusterState, MemberUp} import akka.cluster.{Cluster, Member, MemberStatus} import{IO, Tcp} import akka.util.ByteString import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigValueFactory} import org.rz.akkagraphite.actors.GraphiteRelayer._ import org.rz.akkagraphite.actors.GraphiteRelayerFrontend.RelayerRegistration import /** * Relay to Graphite actor. * * @author rozasdev (rozasdev at */ class GraphiteRelayer(remoteSocket: InetSocketAddress) extends FSM[GraphiteRelayer.State, GraphiteData] with ActorLogging { import Tcp._ import context.system val manager = IO(Tcp) var managerWasShutDown: Boolean = false var socket: ActorRef = _ val cluster = Cluster(context.system) // Initial state startWith(Disconnected, EmptyData) /** * Define actions taken when receiving commands at a given state via FSM DSL. */ when(GraphiteRelayer.Disconnected) { case Event(Send(_), _) => log.error("[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] Cannot send a tuple to Graphite when TCP connection is down") stay using EmptyData case Event(Connected(remote, local), _) => socket = sender() // We won't be handling any incoming TCP message ... socket ! Register(system.actorOf(Props.empty)) goto(GraphiteRelayer.Connected) using EmptyData case Event(CommandFailed(_), _) => val errorMsg = s"[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] Cannot connect via TCP to (${remoteSocket.getHostName}:${remoteSocket.getPort})" log.error(errorMsg) stop(FSM.Failure(errorMsg)) case Event(GraphiteRelayer.Connect, _) => manager ! Connect(remoteSocket) stay using EmptyData case Event(state: CurrentClusterState, _) => state.members.filter(_.status == MemberStatus.Up) foreach register stay using EmptyData case Event(MemberUp(member), _) => log.debug(s"Member is up $member") register(member) stay using EmptyData } when(GraphiteRelayer.Connected) { case Event(Send(data), _) => val message: ByteString = ByteString(data.toString) log.debug(s"[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] Sending '${message.utf8String.replace("\n", "")}'") socket ! Write(message) stay using data case Event(CommandFailed(w: Write), _) => log.error("[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] Error writing to TCP socket") stay using EmptyData case Event(ErrorClosed, _) => val errorMsg = s"[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] TCP connection was lost (${remoteSocket.getHostName}:${remoteSocket.getPort})" log.error(errorMsg) stop(FSM.Failure(errorMsg)) goto(GraphiteRelayer.Disconnected) using EmptyData case Event(GraphiteRelayer.Disconnect, _) => managerWasShutDown = true manager ! Close goto(GraphiteRelayer.Disconnected) using EmptyData case Event(state: CurrentClusterState, _) => state.members.filter(_.status == MemberStatus.Up) foreach register stay case default => log.warning(s"[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] Unknown event $default") stay using EmptyData } /** * Suscribe to the cluster. */ override def preStart(): Unit = cluster.subscribe(self, classOf[MemberUp]) /** * Send termination message to TCP manager and leaves the cluster. */ override def postStop(): Unit = { if (!managerWasShutDown) { log.warning("[GRAPHITE_RELAYER] TCP Manager was not shut down with a Disconnect command, shutting down now...") manager ! Close } cluster.unsubscribe(self) } private def register(member: Member): Unit = if (member.hasRole(Constants.ROLE_FRONTEND)) { val frontendPath = RootActorPath(member.address) / Constants.ACTOR_PATH_USER / GraphiteRelayerFrontend.getName context.actorSelection(frontendPath) ! RelayerRegistration } } /** * Companion object for Graphite Relayer actor. */ object GraphiteRelayer { /** * Commands that the relayer understands. */ sealed trait Command case object Connect extends Command case object Disconnect extends Command case class Send(data: GraphiteData) extends Command /** * Actor state: connected to Carbon or disconnected. */ sealed trait State case object Connected extends State case object Disconnected extends State /** * Actor's internal state definition. */ case object EmptyData extends GraphiteData /** * Actor props. */ def props(remote: InetSocketAddress) = Props(classOf[GraphiteRelayer], remote) /** * Initiates the backend node system. */ def initiate(backendName: String, config: Config, port: Int, socket: InetSocketAddress): ActorRef = { val backendConfig = config.getConfig(Constants.ROLE_BACKEND).withValue(Constants.CONFIG_NETTY_TCP_PORT, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(port)) val system = ActorSystem(config.getString(Constants.CONFIG_CLUSTER_NAME), backendConfig) system.actorOf(GraphiteRelayer.props(socket), backendName) } }
package concurrent_programming.monitors.semaphores import io.threadcso.locks.Lock import io.threadcso.semaphore.{BooleanSemaphore, Flag} class FCFSLock extends Lock{ private var locked = false private val mutex = new BooleanSemaphore(available = true) private val queue = scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Flag]() override def lock(): Unit = { mutex.acquire() if (!locked){ locked = true mutex.release() } else{ val gate = new Flag() queue.enqueue(gate) mutex.release() gate.acquire() locked = true } } override def unlock(): Unit = { mutex.acquire() if (queue.isEmpty){ locked = false } else{ val gate = queue.dequeue() gate.release() } mutex.release() } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.cloudera.datascience.montecarlorisk import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath object KernelDensity { /** * Given a set of samples form a distribution, estimates its density at the set of given points. * Uses a Gaussian kernel with the given standard deviation. */ def estimate(samples: RDD[Double], standardDeviation: Double, evaluationPoints: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = { val logStandardDeviationPlusHalfLog2Pi = FastMath.log(standardDeviation) + 0.5 * FastMath.log(2 * FastMath.PI) val (points, count) = samples.aggregate((new Array[Double](evaluationPoints.length), 0))( (x, y) => { var i = 0 while (i < evaluationPoints.length) { x._1(i) += normPdf(y, standardDeviation, logStandardDeviationPlusHalfLog2Pi, evaluationPoints(i)) i += 1 } (x._1, i) }, (x, y) => { var i = 0 while (i < evaluationPoints.length) { x._1(i) += y._1(i) i += 1 } (x._1, x._2 + y._2) }) var i = 0 while (i < points.length) { points(i) /= count i += 1 } points } private def normPdf(mean: Double, standardDeviation: Double, logStandardDeviationPlusHalfLog2Pi: Double, x: Double): Double = { val x0 = x - mean val x1 = x0 / standardDeviation FastMath.exp(-0.5 * x1 * x1 - logStandardDeviationPlusHalfLog2Pi) } }
package com.thangiee.lolhangouts.ui.profile import android.content.Context import import{PagerAdapter, ViewPager} import android.view._ import android.widget.FrameLayout import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog import com.thangiee.lolhangouts.R import{ManageFriendUseCaseImpl, GetFriendsUseCaseImpl, GetUserUseCaseImpl} import com.thangiee.lolhangouts.ui.core.Container import com.thangiee.lolhangouts.ui.utils._ import it.neokree.materialtabs.{MaterialTab, MaterialTabHost, MaterialTabListener} import class ProfileContainer(name: String, regionId: String)(implicit ctx: Context) extends FrameLayout(ctx) with Container with MaterialTabListener { private lazy val tabs = this.find[MaterialTabHost]( private lazy val pager = this.find[ViewPager]( private lazy val profileSummaryView = this.find[ProfileSummaryView]( private lazy val profileTopChampView = this.find[ProfileTopChampsView]( private lazy val profileMatchHistView = this.find[ProfileMatchHistView]( case class Page(title: String, var isSet: Boolean = false) private val loadUser = GetUserUseCaseImpl().loadUser() private val pages = List(Page("Summary"), Page("Champions"), Page("History")) private var pagePosition = 0 override def onAttachedToWindow(): Unit = { super.onAttachedToWindow() addView(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.view_profile_screen, this, false)) val pageChangeListener = new SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { override def onPageSelected(position: Int): Unit = { // when user do a swipe the selected tab change tabs.setSelectedNavigationItem(position) handleSwitchPage(position) } } val pagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter() pager.setOffscreenPageLimit(3) pager.setAdapter(pagerAdapter) pager.setOnPageChangeListener(pageChangeListener) pages.indices.foreach { i => tabs.addTab(tabs.newTab() .setText(pages(i).title) .setTabListener(this)) } delay(150) { // make sure view is attached first pageChangeListener.onPageSelected(0) } } override def onCreateOptionsMenu(menuInflater: MenuInflater, menu: Menu): Boolean = { menuInflater.inflate(, menu) // determine to inflate an add friend menu btn or not GetFriendsUseCaseImpl().loadFriendByName(name) onSuccess { case Bad(_) => // not in friend list loadUser onSuccess { case Good(user) => // don't inflate if viewing your own profile or a profile from a different region if (name.toLowerCase != user.inGameName.toLowerCase && regionId.toLowerCase == runOnUiThread(menuInflater.inflate(, menu)) } } if (pagePosition == 1) { // champions tab menuInflater.inflate(, menu) } true } override def onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean = { item.getItemId match { case => ManageFriendUseCaseImpl().sendFriendRequest(name) // todo: show message true case => if (pagePosition == 1) { new MaterialDialog.Builder(ctx) .title("Top Ranked Champion") .customView(R.layout.info_top_champs, true) .positiveText(android.R.string.ok) .show() } true case _ => false } } private def handleSwitchPage(position: Int): Unit = { // stop onCreateOptionsMenu from being call twice after initialization if (position != pagePosition) { pagePosition = position invalidateOptionsMenu() } // only load the page the user is currently viewing and initialize it only once if (!pages(position).isSet) { position match { case 0 => profileSummaryView.setProfile(name, regionId) case 1 => profileTopChampView.setProfile(name, regionId) case 2 => profileMatchHistView.setProfile(name, regionId) } pages(position).isSet = true } } override def getView: View = this override def onTabSelected(tab: MaterialTab): Unit = pager.setCurrentItem(tab.getPosition) override def onTabReselected(materialTab: MaterialTab): Unit = {} override def onTabUnselected(materialTab: MaterialTab): Unit = {} class ViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter { override def instantiateItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int): AnyRef = { position match { case 0 => profileSummaryView case 1 => profileTopChampView case 2 => profileMatchHistView } } override def destroyItem(container: ViewGroup, position: Int, `object`: scala.Any): Unit = {} override def getCount: Int = pages.size override def isViewFromObject(view: View, o: scala.Any): Boolean = { view == o.asInstanceOf[View] } } }
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package package dotc import core.Contexts.Context import reporting.Reporter /* To do: * - simplify hk types * - have a second look at normalization (leave at method types if pt is method type?) * - Don't open package objects from class files if they are present in source * - Revise the way classes are inherited - when not followed by [...] or (...), * assume the unparameterized type and forward type parameters as we do now for the synthetic head class. */ object Bench extends Driver { def resident(compiler: Compiler): Reporter = unsupported("resident") /*loop { line => val command = new CompilerCommand(line split "\\s+" toList, new Settings(scalacError)) compiler.reporter.reset() new compiler.Run() compile command.files }*/ private var numRuns = 1 def newCompiler(): Compiler = new Compiler private def ntimes(n: Int)(op: => Reporter): Reporter = (emptyReporter /: (0 until n)) ((_, _) => op) override def doCompile(compiler: Compiler, fileNames: List[String])(implicit ctx: Context): Reporter = if (new config.Settings.Setting.SettingDecorator[Boolean](ctx.base.settings.resident).value(ctx)) resident(compiler) else ntimes(numRuns) { val start = System.nanoTime() val r = super.doCompile(compiler, fileNames) println(s"time elapsed: ${(System.nanoTime - start) / 1000000}ms") r } def extractNumArg(args: Array[String], name: String, default: Int = 1): (Int, Array[String]) = { val pos = args indexOf name if (pos < 0) (default, args) else (args(pos + 1).toInt, (args take pos) ++ (args drop (pos + 2))) } override def process(args: Array[String]): Reporter = { val (numCompilers, args1) = extractNumArg(args, "#compilers") val (numRuns, args2) = extractNumArg(args1, "#runs") this.numRuns = numRuns ntimes(numCompilers)(super.process(args2)) } }
package agilesitesng.wem.model //package com.github.marklister.base64 import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap /** * Base64 encoder * @author Mark Lister * This software is distributed under the 2-Clause BSD license. See the * LICENSE file in the root of the repository. * * Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Mark Lister * * The repo for this Base64 encoder lives at * Please send your issues, suggestions and pull requests there. * */ object Base64 { private[this] val zero = Array(0, 0).map(_.toByte) class B64Scheme(val encodeTable: IndexedSeq[Char]) { lazy val decodeTable = HashMap(encodeTable.zipWithIndex: _ *) } lazy val base64 = new B64Scheme(('A' to 'Z') ++ ('a' to 'z') ++ ('0' to '9') ++ Seq('+', '/')) lazy val base64Url = new B64Scheme(base64.encodeTable.dropRight(2) ++ Seq('-', '_')) implicit class Encoder(b: Array[Byte]) { lazy val pad = (3 - b.length % 3) % 3 def toBase64(implicit scheme: B64Scheme = base64): String = { def sixBits(x: Array[Byte]): Array[Int] = { val a = (x(0) & 0xfc) >> 2 val b = ((x(0) & 0x3) << 4) | ((x(1) & 0xf0) >> 4) val c = ((x(1) & 0xf) << 2) | ((x(2) & 0xc0) >> 6) val d = (x(2)) & 0x3f Array(a, b, c, d) } ((b ++ zero.take(pad)).grouped(3) .flatMap(sixBits) .map(scheme.encodeTable) .toArray .dropRight(pad) :+ "=" * pad) .mkString } } implicit class Decoder(s: String) { lazy val cleanS = s.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '=').reverse lazy val pad = s.length - cleanS.length def toByteArray(implicit scheme: B64Scheme = base64): Array[Byte] = { def threeBytes(s: String): Array[Byte] = { val r =, b) => (a << 6) | b) Array((r >> 16).toByte, (r >> 8).toByte, r.toByte) } if (pad > 2 || s.length % 4 != 0) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Base64 String:" + s) try { (cleanS + "A" * pad) .grouped(4) .map(threeBytes) .flatten .toArray .dropRight(pad) } catch {case e:NoSuchElementException => throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Base64 String:" + s) } } } }
/* * Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import{Activity, AbstractModule} import import scala.reflect.ClassTag /** * Identity just return the input to output. * It's useful in same parallel container to get an origin input. */ @SerialVersionUID(- 8429221694319933625L) class Identity[T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T] { override def updateOutput(input: Activity): Activity = { output = input output } override def updateGradInput(input: Activity, gradOutput: Activity): Activity = { gradInput = gradOutput gradInput } } object Identity { def apply[@specialized(Float, Double) T: ClassTag]() (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : Identity[T] = { new Identity[T]() } }
package com.typesafe.sbt package packager import sbt._ /** * General purpose keys for the native packager */ trait NativePackagerKeys { val packageName = SettingKey[String]("packageName", "Name of the created output package. Used for dirs/scripts.") val packageSummary = SettingKey[String]("package-summary", "Summary of the contents of a linux package.") val packageDescription = SettingKey[String]("package-description", "The description of the package. Used when searching.") val maintainer = SettingKey[String]("maintainer", "The name/email address of a maintainer for the native package.") val executableScriptName = SettingKey[String]("executableScriptName", "Name of the executing script.") val maintainerScripts = TaskKey[Map[String, Seq[String]]]("maintainerScripts", "Scriptname to content lines") } /** * This Keys object can be used for * <ul> * <li>non autoplugin builds</li> * <li>import single keys, which are not inside the autoImport</li> * </ul> * * == Non autoplugin builds == * * {{{ * import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._ * * packageName := "" * }}} * * == autoplugin builds == * * {{{ * NativePackagerKeys.packageName := "" * }}} */ object Keys extends NativePackagerKeys with universal.UniversalKeys with linux.LinuxKeys with windows.WindowsKeys with docker.DockerKeys with debian.DebianKeys with rpm.RpmKeys with archetypes.JavaAppKeys with archetypes.JavaServerAppKeys with archetypes.systemloader.SystemloaderKeys
package scala_pastebin import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror /** * @author humberto * */ object ObjectToMap { def apply(obj: AnyRef) = { val r = currentMirror.reflect(obj) r.symbol.typeSignature.members.toStream .collect { case s: TermSymbol if !s.isMethod => r.reflectField(s) } .map(r => -> r.get.toString) .toMap } }
package scwebapp import java.nio.charset.Charset import scutil.core.implicits.* import scutil.lang.* import scutil.codec.* import scwebapp.factory.mimeType import scwebapp.header.* import* import scwebapp.format.* trait HttpRequest { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //## metadata def remoteUser:Option[String] def remoteIp:String def remotePort:Int def localIp:String def localPort:Int def secure:Boolean def method:Either[String,HttpMethod] // requestURI always contains contextPath, servletPath and pathInfo but is still URL-encoded // ROOT context contextPath is empty // mapping /foo/* servletPath is "/foo", pathInfo contains the rest // mapping /* servletPath is empty, pathInfo contains the rest // *.foo mapping servletPath contains everything below the context, pathInfo is null /** full path including the contextPath */ def uri:String /* // decoded according to server settings which by default (in tomcat) is ISO-8859-1. // this is not influenced by setCharacterEncoding or setEncoding def fullPathServlet:String = Seq(peer.getServletPath, peer.getPathInfo) filter { _ != null } mkString "" def pathInfoServlet:Option[String] = Option(peer.getPathInfo) */ /** context of the web app */ def contextPath:String def servletPath:String /** the full path after the context path, not yet url-decoded */ final def fullPathRaw:String = uri cutPrefix contextPath getOrError show"expected uri ${uri} to start with context path ${contextPath}" final def pathInfoRaw:String = fullPathRaw cutPrefix servletPath getOrError show"expected uri ${uri} to start with context path ${contextPath} and servlet path ${servletPath}" final def fullPath(encoding:Charset):Either[URIComponentProblem,String] = URIComponent forCharset encoding decode fullPathRaw final def pathInfo(encoding:Charset):Either[URIComponentProblem,String] = URIComponent forCharset encoding decode pathInfoRaw final def fullPathUTF8:Either[URIComponentProblem,String] = fullPath(Charsets.utf_8) final def pathInfoUTF8:Either[URIComponentProblem,String] = pathInfo(Charsets.utf_8) def queryString:Option[String] final def queryParameters(encoding:Charset):Either[String,CaseParameters] = queryString.cata(Right(CaseParameters.empty), UrlEncoding.parseQueryParameters(_, encoding)) final def queryParametersUTF8:Either[String,CaseParameters] = queryParameters(Charsets.utf_8) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //## headers def headers:HttpHeaders //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //## content final def formParameters(defaultEncoding:Charset):Either[String,CaseParameters] = for { contentType <- (headers first ContentType):Either[String,Option[ContentType]] mime <- contentType map { _.typ } toRight show"missing content type" _ <- mime sameMajorAndMinor mimeType.application_form guardEither show"unexpected content type ${mime.value}" encodingOpt <- mime.charset string = body readString Charsets.us_ascii encoding = encodingOpt getOrElse defaultEncoding params <- UrlEncoding.parseForm(string, encoding) } yield params final def formParametersUTF8:Either[String,CaseParameters] = formParameters(Charsets.utf_8) def parameters:CaseParameters def body:HttpInput def parts:Either[HttpPartsProblem,Seq[HttpPart]] }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeAndComment, CodeFormatter, CodeGenerator, UnsafeRowWriter} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval /** * An Iterator to walk through the InternalRows from a CachedBatch */ abstract class ColumnarIterator extends Iterator[InternalRow] { def initialize(input: Iterator[DefaultCachedBatch], columnTypes: Array[DataType], columnIndexes: Array[Int]): Unit } /** * An helper class to update the fields of UnsafeRow, used by ColumnAccessor * * WARNING: These setter MUST be called in increasing order of ordinals. */ class MutableUnsafeRow(val writer: UnsafeRowWriter) extends BaseGenericInternalRow { override def isNullAt(i: Int): Boolean = writer.isNullAt(i) override def setNullAt(i: Int): Unit = writer.setNullAt(i) override def setBoolean(i: Int, v: Boolean): Unit = writer.write(i, v) override def setByte(i: Int, v: Byte): Unit = writer.write(i, v) override def setShort(i: Int, v: Short): Unit = writer.write(i, v) override def setInt(i: Int, v: Int): Unit = writer.write(i, v) override def setLong(i: Int, v: Long): Unit = writer.write(i, v) override def setFloat(i: Int, v: Float): Unit = writer.write(i, v) override def setDouble(i: Int, v: Double): Unit = writer.write(i, v) // the writer will be used directly to avoid creating wrapper objects override def setDecimal(i: Int, v: Decimal, precision: Int): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def setInterval(i: Int, value: CalendarInterval): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def update(i: Int, v: Any): Unit = throw new UnsupportedOperationException // all other methods inherited from GenericMutableRow are not need override protected def genericGet(ordinal: Int): Any = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def numFields: Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException } /** * Generates bytecode for a [[ColumnarIterator]] for columnar cache. */ object GenerateColumnAccessor extends CodeGenerator[Seq[DataType], ColumnarIterator] with Logging { protected def canonicalize(in: Seq[DataType]): Seq[DataType] = in protected def bind(in: Seq[DataType], inputSchema: Seq[Attribute]): Seq[DataType] = in protected def create(columnTypes: Seq[DataType]): ColumnarIterator = { val ctx = newCodeGenContext() val numFields = columnTypes.size val (initializeAccessors, extractors) = { case (dt, index) => val accessorCls = dt match { case NullType => classOf[NullColumnAccessor].getName case BooleanType => classOf[BooleanColumnAccessor].getName case ByteType => classOf[ByteColumnAccessor].getName case ShortType => classOf[ShortColumnAccessor].getName case IntegerType | DateType | _: YearMonthIntervalType => classOf[IntColumnAccessor].getName case LongType | TimestampType | TimestampNTZType | _: DayTimeIntervalType => classOf[LongColumnAccessor].getName case FloatType => classOf[FloatColumnAccessor].getName case DoubleType => classOf[DoubleColumnAccessor].getName case StringType => classOf[StringColumnAccessor].getName case BinaryType => classOf[BinaryColumnAccessor].getName case CalendarIntervalType => classOf[IntervalColumnAccessor].getName case dt: DecimalType if dt.precision <= Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS => classOf[CompactDecimalColumnAccessor].getName case dt: DecimalType => classOf[DecimalColumnAccessor].getName case struct: StructType => classOf[StructColumnAccessor].getName case array: ArrayType => classOf[ArrayColumnAccessor].getName case t: MapType => classOf[MapColumnAccessor].getName } val accessorName = ctx.addMutableState(accessorCls, "accessor") val createCode = dt match { case t if CodeGenerator.isPrimitiveType(dt) => s"$accessorName = new $accessorCls(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffers[$index]).order(nativeOrder));" case NullType | StringType | BinaryType | CalendarIntervalType => s"$accessorName = new $accessorCls(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffers[$index]).order(nativeOrder));" case other => s"""$accessorName = new $accessorCls(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffers[$index]).order(nativeOrder), (${dt.getClass.getName}) columnTypes[$index]);""" } val extract = s"$accessorName.extractTo(mutableRow, $index);" val patch = dt match { case DecimalType.Fixed(p, s) if p > Decimal.MAX_LONG_DIGITS => // For large Decimal, it should have 16 bytes for future update even it's null now. s""" if (mutableRow.isNullAt($index)) { rowWriter.write($index, (Decimal) null, $p, $s); } """ case other => "" } (createCode, extract + patch) }.unzip /* * 200 = 6000 bytes / 30 (up to 30 bytes per one call)) * the maximum byte code size to be compiled for HotSpot is 8000. * We should keep less than 8000 */ val numberOfStatementsThreshold = 200 val (initializerAccessorCalls, extractorCalls) = if (initializeAccessors.length <= numberOfStatementsThreshold) { (initializeAccessors.mkString("\\n"), extractors.mkString("\\n")) } else { val groupedAccessorsItr = initializeAccessors.grouped(numberOfStatementsThreshold) val groupedExtractorsItr = extractors.grouped(numberOfStatementsThreshold) val accessorNames = { case (body, i) => val funcName = s"accessors$i" val funcCode = s""" |private void $funcName() { | ${body.mkString("\\n")} |} """.stripMargin ctx.addNewFunction(funcName, funcCode) } val extractorNames = { case (body, i) => val funcName = s"extractors$i" val funcCode = s""" |private void $funcName() { | ${body.mkString("\\n")} |} """.stripMargin ctx.addNewFunction(funcName, funcCode) } ( { accessorName => s"$accessorName();" }.mkString("\\n"), { extractorName => s"$extractorName();"}.mkString("\\n")) } val codeBody = s""" import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import scala.collection.Iterator; import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType; import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.BufferHolder; import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.UnsafeRowWriter; import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar.MutableUnsafeRow; public SpecificColumnarIterator generate(Object[] references) { return new SpecificColumnarIterator(); } class SpecificColumnarIterator extends ${classOf[ColumnarIterator].getName} { private ByteOrder nativeOrder = null; private byte[][] buffers = null; private UnsafeRowWriter rowWriter = new UnsafeRowWriter($numFields); private MutableUnsafeRow mutableRow = null; private int currentRow = 0; private int numRowsInBatch = 0; private scala.collection.Iterator input = null; private DataType[] columnTypes = null; private int[] columnIndexes = null; ${ctx.declareMutableStates()} public SpecificColumnarIterator() { this.nativeOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder(); this.buffers = new byte[${columnTypes.length}][]; this.mutableRow = new MutableUnsafeRow(rowWriter); } public void initialize(Iterator input, DataType[] columnTypes, int[] columnIndexes) { this.input = input; this.columnTypes = columnTypes; this.columnIndexes = columnIndexes; } public boolean hasNext() { if (currentRow < numRowsInBatch) { return true; } if (!input.hasNext()) { return false; } ${classOf[DefaultCachedBatch].getName} batch = (${classOf[DefaultCachedBatch].getName}); currentRow = 0; numRowsInBatch = batch.numRows(); for (int i = 0; i < columnIndexes.length; i ++) { buffers[i] = batch.buffers()[columnIndexes[i]]; } ${initializerAccessorCalls} return hasNext(); } public InternalRow next() { currentRow += 1; rowWriter.reset(); rowWriter.zeroOutNullBytes(); ${extractorCalls} return rowWriter.getRow(); } ${ctx.declareAddedFunctions()} }""" val code = CodeFormatter.stripOverlappingComments( new CodeAndComment(codeBody, ctx.getPlaceHolderToComments())) logDebug(s"Generated ColumnarIterator:\\n${CodeFormatter.format(code)}") val (clazz, _) = CodeGenerator.compile(code) clazz.generate(Array.empty).asInstanceOf[ColumnarIterator] } }
/* * Copyright 2016 HM Revenue & Customs * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import{CtBoxIdentifier, CtOptionalBoolean, Input} case class LPQ06(value: Option[Boolean]) extends CtBoxIdentifier(name = "Do you intend to file your return before 30 June 2014?") with CtOptionalBoolean with Input
/* * La Trobe University - Distributed Deep Learning System * Copyright 2016 Matthias Langer ([email protected]) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package import import import abstract class MeanPooling_JVM extends MeanPooling { final override lazy val outputPlatform : JVM.type = JVM // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Forward propagation related. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- final override protected def doPredict(mode: Mode, input: Tensor) : (RealArrayTensor, PredictContext) = { val inp = input.asOrToRealArrayTensor val inpLayout = inp.layout val inpSize = inpLayout.size val outSize = kernel.outputSizeFor(inpSize, inpSize.noChannels) val outLayout = inpLayout.derive(outSize) val out = RealArrayTensor.zeros(outLayout) val ctx = mode match { case mode: Training => val countsInv = doPredictForTraining(inp, out) MeanPooling_JVM_Context(inpLayout, countsInv) case mode: Inference => doPredictForInference(inp, out) EmptyContext case _ => throw new MatchError(mode) } // Cleanup. if (inp ne input) { inp.close() } (out, ctx) } protected def doPredictForTraining(input: RealArrayTensor, output: RealArrayTensor) : Array[Real] protected def doPredictForInference(input: RealArrayTensor, output: RealArrayTensor) : Unit // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Back propagation related. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- final override val backpropagationRequirementsForInput : TensorDependency = TensorDependency.NotRequired final override val backpropagationRequirementsForOutput : TensorDependency = TensorDependency.NotRequired /** * Since we average on predict, we have errors regarding the averages of many * activations. Hence, we simply reverse the averaging process here. */ final override protected def doDeriveInputError(input: Tensor, output: Tensor, context: PredictContext, error: Tensor) : RealArrayTensor = context match { case MeanPooling_JVM_Context(inputLayout, countsInv) => val oldErr = error.asOrToRealArrayTensor val newErr = RealArrayTensor.zeros(inputLayout) doDeriveInputError(countsInv, oldErr, newErr) if (oldErr ne error) { oldErr.close() } newErr case _ => throw new MatchError(context) } protected def doDeriveInputError(countsInv: Array[Real], oldError: RealArrayTensor, newError: RealArrayTensor) : Unit } final case class MeanPooling_JVM_Context(inputLayout: IndependentTensorLayout, countsInv: Array[Real]) extends PredictContext { require(inputLayout != null && countsInv != null) }
package import org.scalajs.nodejs.mongodb.{Db, _} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.scalajs.js /** * Session DAO * @author [email protected] */ @js.native trait SessionDAO extends Collection /** * Session DAO Companion * @author [email protected] */ object SessionDAO { /** * Session DAO Enrichment * @param sessionDAO the given [[SessionDAO Session DAO]] */ implicit class SessionDAOEnrichment(val sessionDAO: SessionDAO) extends AnyVal { def findAndUpdateByID(sessionID: String, isAnonymous: Boolean = false)(implicit mongodb: MongoDB) = { sessionDAO.findOneAndUpdate( filter = "_id" $eq sessionID.$oid, update = $set(doc("isAnonymous" -> isAnonymous, "lastUpdated" -> } } /** * Session DAO Extensions * @param db the given [[Db DB]] */ implicit class SessionDAOExtensions(val db: Db) extends AnyVal { @inline def getSessionDAO(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = { db.collectionFuture("sessions").mapTo[SessionDAO] } } }
package sttp.client3.testing.streaming import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.freespec.AsyncFreeSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import sttp.capabilities.Streams import sttp.client3._ import sttp.client3.internal.Utf8 import sttp.client3.testing.HttpTest.endpoint import sttp.client3.testing.streaming.StreamingTest._ import sttp.client3.testing.{ConvertToFuture, ToFutureWrapper} import sttp.model.sse.ServerSentEvent abstract class StreamingTest[F[_], S] extends AsyncFreeSpec with Matchers with ToFutureWrapper with BeforeAndAfterAll with StreamingTestExtensions[F, S] { val streams: Streams[S] def backend: SttpBackend[F, S] implicit def convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[F] def bodyProducer(chunks: Iterable[Array[Byte]]): streams.BinaryStream private def stringBodyProducer(body: String): streams.BinaryStream = bodyProducer(body.getBytes(Utf8).grouped(10).toIterable) def bodyConsumer(stream: streams.BinaryStream): F[String] def sseConsumer(stream: streams.BinaryStream): F[List[ServerSentEvent]] protected def supportsStreamingMultipartParts = true "stream request body" in { basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .streamBody(streams)(stringBodyProducer(Body)) .send(backend) .toFuture() .map { response => response.body shouldBe Right(Body) } } "stream large request body" in { basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .streamBody(streams)(stringBodyProducer(Body)) .send(backend) .toFuture() .map { response => response.body shouldBe Right(Body) } } "handle server sent events SSE" in { val sseData = "ala ma kota\\nzbyszek ma psa" val expectedEvent = ServerSentEvent(data = Some(sseData), eventType = Some("test-event"), retry = Some(42000)) val expectedEvents = Seq(expectedEvent.copy(id = Some("1")), expectedEvent.copy(id = Some("2")), expectedEvent.copy(id = Some("3"))) basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/sse/echo3") .body(sseData) .response(asStreamAlways(streams)(sseConsumer(_))) .send(backend) .toFuture() .map { response => response.body shouldBe expectedEvents } } "receive a stream" in { basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .body(Body) .response(asStreamAlways(streams)(bodyConsumer(_))) .send(backend) .toFuture() .map { response => response.body shouldBe Body } } "receive a stream and ignore it (without consuming)" in { basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .body(Body) // if the backend has any, mechanisms to consume an incorrectly handled (ignored) stream should kick in .response(asStreamAlways(streams)(_ => bodyConsumer(stringBodyProducer("ignore")))) .send(backend) .toFuture() .map { response => response.body shouldBe "ignore" } } "receive a stream (unsafe)" in { // TODO: for some reason these explicit types are needed in Dotty val r0: RequestT[Identity, streams.BinaryStream, S] = basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .body(Body) .response(asStreamAlwaysUnsafe(streams)) r0.send(backend) .toFuture() .flatMap { response => bodyConsumer(response.body).toFuture() } .map { responseBody => responseBody shouldBe Body } } "receive a large stream (unsafe)" in { // TODO: for some reason these explicit types are needed in Dotty val r0: RequestT[Identity, streams.BinaryStream, S] = basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .body(LargeBody) .response(asStreamAlwaysUnsafe(streams)) r0.send(backend) .toFuture() .flatMap { response => bodyConsumer(response.body).toFuture() } .map { responseBody => if (responseBody.length != LargeBody.length) { fail(s"Response body had length ${responseBody.length}, instead of ${LargeBody.length}, starts with: ${responseBody .take(512)}") } else { succeed } } } "receive a stream or error (unsafe)" in { // TODO: for some reason these explicit types are needed in Dotty val r0: RequestT[Identity, Either[String, streams.BinaryStream], S] = basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .body(Body) .response(asStreamUnsafe(streams)) r0.send(backend) .toFuture() .flatMap { response => bodyConsumer(response.body.right.get).toFuture() } .map { responseBody => responseBody shouldBe Body } } "receive a mapped stream (unsafe)" in { // TODO: for some reason these explicit types are needed in Dotty val r0: RequestT[Identity, (streams.BinaryStream, Boolean), S] = basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/streaming/echo") .body(Body) .response(asStreamAlwaysUnsafe(streams).map(s => (s, true))) r0 .send(backend) .toFuture() .flatMap { response => val (stream, flag) = response.body bodyConsumer(stream).toFuture().map((_, flag)) } .map { responseBody => responseBody shouldBe ((Body, true)) } } "receive a stream from an https site (unsafe)" in { val numChunks = 100 val url = uri"$numChunks" // TODO: for some reason these explicit types are needed in Dotty val r0: RequestT[Identity, streams.BinaryStream, S] = basicRequest // of course, you should never rely on the internet being available // in tests, but that's so much easier than setting up an https // testing server .get(url) .response(asStreamAlwaysUnsafe(streams)) r0 .send(backend) .toFuture() .flatMap { response => bodyConsumer(response.body).toFuture() } .map { responseBody => val urlRegex = s""""${url.toString}"""".r urlRegex.findAllIn(responseBody).length shouldBe numChunks } } if (supportsStreamingMultipartParts) { "send a stream part in a multipart request" in { basicRequest .post(uri"$endpoint/multipart") .response(asStringAlways) .multipartBody( multipart("p1", "v1"), multipartStream(streams)("p2", stringBodyProducer("v2")), multipart("p3", "v3") ) .send(backend) .toFuture() .map { response => response.body shouldBe s"p1=v1, p2=v2, p3=v3" } } } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { backend.close().toFuture() super.afterAll() } } object StreamingTest { val Body = "streaming test" val LargeBody: String = "x" * 4000000 }
package import import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait Using extends FuncRuntimeDur { protected def usingWithErrMsg[A <: {def close() : Unit}, B](param: A, errMsg: String)(f: A => B): Unit = { try { f(param) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => log.error(s"$errMsg: ", e) } finally { param.close() } } protected def using[A <: {def close() : Unit}, B](param: A)(f: A => B): B = { try { f(param) } finally { param.close() } } } trait Formatter[T] { def toString(obj: T): String def fromString(sObj: String): Option[T] }
package org.vipervm.fp class REPL { val console = new jline.ConsoleReader val prompt = "vvm> " repl def repl:Unit = { val s = console.readLine(prompt) val idx = s.indexOf(" ",0) val (cmd,args) = if (idx > 0) s.splitAt(idx) else (s,"") cmd match { case ":quit" => case ":parse" => { println(Parser.parse(args)) repl } case ":eval" => { val e = Parser.parse(args) e match { case Parser.Success(t,_) => { println(Printer.print(Term.eval(new Context, t), new Context)) } case Parser.NoSuccess(msg,_) => println(msg) } repl } case _ => { val e = Parser.parse(s) e match { case Parser.Success(t,_) => println(Printer.print(Term.eval(new Context,t), new Context)) case Parser.NoSuccess(msg,_) => println(msg) } repl } } } } object REPL { def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = { val r = new REPL } }
import shapeless._ import shapeless.ops.nat._ trait NumFields[A] { type Out <: Nat def value(implicit toInt: ToInt[Out]): Int = toInt.apply() } object NumFields extends NumFieldsInstances trait NumFieldsFunctions { type Aux[A, N <: Nat] = NumFields[A] { type Out = N } def apply[A](implicit numFields: NumFields[A]): Aux[A, numFields.Out] = numFields } trait NumFieldsInstances extends LowPriorityNumFieldsInstances { implicit val hnilInstance: Aux[HNil, Nat._0] = new NumFields[HNil] { type Out = Nat._0 } implicit def hlistInstance[Head, Tail <: HList, HeadSize <: Nat, TailSize <: Nat, TotalSize <: Nat]( implicit hSize: Lazy[NumFields.Aux[Head, HeadSize]], tSize: NumFields.Aux[Tail, TailSize], sum: Sum.Aux[HeadSize, TailSize, TotalSize] ): Aux[Head :: Tail, TotalSize] = new NumFields[Head :: Tail] { type Out = TotalSize } implicit val cnilInstance: Aux[CNil, Nat._0] = new NumFields[CNil] { type Out = Nat._0 } implicit def coproductInstance[Head, Tail <: Coproduct, HeadSize <: Nat, TailSize <: Nat, MaxSize <: Nat]( implicit hSize: Lazy[NumFields.Aux[Head, HeadSize]], tSize: NumFields.Aux[Tail, TailSize], max: Max.Aux[HeadSize, TailSize, MaxSize] ): Aux[Head :+: Tail, MaxSize] = new NumFields[Head :+: Tail] { type Out = MaxSize } implicit def genericInstance[A, Repr, Size <: Nat]( implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, Repr], size: Lazy[NumFields.Aux[Repr, Size]] ): Aux[A, Size] = new NumFields[A] { type Out = Size } } trait LowPriorityNumFieldsInstances extends NumFieldsFunctions { implicit def anyInstance[A](implicit ev: LowPriority): Aux[A, Nat._1] = new NumFields[A] { type Out = Nat._1 } } sealed trait Shape final case class Rectangle(width: Double, height: Double) extends Shape final case class Circle(radius: Double) extends Shape object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("Number of fields in Shape: " + NumFields[Shape].value) println("Number of fields in Rectangle: " + NumFields[Rectangle].value) println("Number of fields in Circle: " + NumFields[Circle].value) } }
package cz.jenda.pidifrky.logic.http import java.util.concurrent._ import cz.jenda.pidifrky.logic.DebugReporter import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * @author Jenda Kolena, [email protected] */ object RequestTimeouter { private val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() private val requestsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, ScheduledFuture[_]]() def requestSent(request: RequestId)(timeoutAction: => Unit)(implicit requestSettings: RequestSettings = RequestSettings()): Unit = { val timeoutMillis = requestSettings.requestTimeout.getOrElse(2000) DebugReporter.debug(s"Planning timeout action for $request") val f = executor.schedule(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = try { remove(request.value) DebugReporter.debug(s"Timing out $request") timeoutAction } catch { case NonFatal(e) => DebugReporter.debug("Timeout action has thrown an exception; this is probably a BUG", e) } }, timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) if (requestsMap.putIfAbsent(request.value, f) != null) { DebugReporter.debug(s"Detected probably repeated $request, timeout may not work as expected") } } def requestFinished(request: RequestId): Unit = { remove(request.value) DebugReporter.debug(s"Request $request finished, won't be timed out") } private def remove(request: String): Unit = { Option(requestsMap.remove(request)).foreach(_.cancel(false)) } }