1 value
15 values
package import cats.implicits._ import import import import import import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat import org.joda.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class BakerValuesMapping extends ProtoMap[types.Value, protobuf.Value] { val companion = protobuf.Value def toProto(t: types.Value): protobuf.Value = protobuf.Value(t match { case types.NullValue => NullValue(true) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Boolean) => BooleanValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Byte) => ByteValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Short) => ShortValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Char) => CharValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Int) => IntValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Long) => LongValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Float) => FloatValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Double) => DoubleValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: String) => StringValue(value) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: BigDecimal) => BigDecimalScalaValue(value.toString()) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: java.math.BigDecimal) => BigDecimalJavaValue(BigDecimal(value).toString()) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: BigInt) => BigIntScalaValue(value.toString()) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: java.math.BigInteger) => BigIntJavaValue(BigInt(value).toString()) case types.PrimitiveValue(value: Array[Byte]) => ByteArrayValue(ByteString.copyFrom(value)) case types.PrimitiveValue(value) => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unknown primitive value of type: ${value.getClass}") case types.RecordValue(entries) => RecordValue(protobuf.Record( { case (key, value) => (key, toProto(value))}.toMap)) case types.ListValue(entries) => ListValue(protobuf.List( }) def fromProto(message: protobuf.Value): Try[types.Value] = message.oneofValue match { case NullValue(_) => Success(types.NullValue) case BooleanValue(bool) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(bool)) case ByteValue(byte) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(byte.toByte)) case ShortValue(short) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(short.toShort)) case CharValue(char) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(char.toChar)) case IntValue(int) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(int)) case LongValue(long) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(long)) case FloatValue(float) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(float)) case DoubleValue(double) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(double)) case StringValue(string) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(string)) case BigDecimalScalaValue(bigdecimal) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(BigDecimal(bigdecimal))) case BigDecimalJavaValue(bigdecimal) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(BigDecimal(bigdecimal).bigDecimal)) case BigIntScalaValue(bigint) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(BigInt(bigint))) case BigIntJavaValue(bigint) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(BigInt(bigint).bigInteger)) case ByteArrayValue(byteArray) => Success(types.PrimitiveValue(byteArray.toByteArray)) case RecordValue(protobuf.Record(fields)) => fields.toList.traverse[Try, (String, types.Value)] { case (key, value) => fromProto(value).map(key -> _) }.map(inner => types.RecordValue(inner.toMap)) // deprecated fields case ListValue(protobuf.List(entries)) => entries.toList.traverse[Try, types.Value](fromProto).map(types.ListValue) case JodaDatetimeValue(date) => val dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().parseDateTime(date) Success(types.PrimitiveValue(dateTime.getMillis)) case JodaLocaldateValue(date) => val localDate = LocalDate.parse(date) Success(types.PrimitiveValue(localDate.toDateTime(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT).getMillis)) case JodaLocaldatetimeValue(date) => val localDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(date) Success(types.PrimitiveValue(localDateTime.toDateTime.getMillis)) case Empty => Failure(new IllegalStateException("Empty value cannot be deserialized")) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.livy.server import{BufferedInputStream, InputStream} import import java.util.concurrent._ import java.util.EnumSet import javax.servlet._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import scala.concurrent.Future import{SecurityUtil, UserGroupInformation} import import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.FilterHolder import org.scalatra.{NotFound, ScalatraServlet} import org.scalatra.metrics.MetricsBootstrap import org.scalatra.metrics.MetricsSupportExtensions._ import org.scalatra.servlet.{MultipartConfig, ServletApiImplicits} import org.apache.livy._ import org.apache.livy.server.auth.LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl import org.apache.livy.server.batch.BatchSessionServlet import org.apache.livy.server.interactive.InteractiveSessionServlet import org.apache.livy.server.recovery.{SessionStore, StateStore, ZooKeeperManager} import org.apache.livy.server.ui.UIServlet import org.apache.livy.sessions.{BatchSessionManager, InteractiveSessionManager} import org.apache.livy.sessions.SessionManager.SESSION_RECOVERY_MODE_OFF import org.apache.livy.utils.LivySparkUtils._ import org.apache.livy.utils.SparkYarnApp class LivyServer extends Logging { import LivyConf._ private var server: WebServer = _ private var _serverUrl: Option[String] = None // make livyConf accessible for testing private[livy] var livyConf: LivyConf = _ private var kinitFailCount: Int = 0 private var executor: ScheduledExecutorService = _ private var accessManager: AccessManager = _ private var _thriftServerFactory: Option[ThriftServerFactory] = None private var zkManager: Option[ZooKeeperManager] = None private var ugi: UserGroupInformation = _ def start(): Unit = { livyConf = new LivyConf().loadFromFile("livy.conf") accessManager = new AccessManager(livyConf) val host = livyConf.get(SERVER_HOST) val port = livyConf.getInt(SERVER_PORT) val basePath = livyConf.get(SERVER_BASE_PATH) val multipartConfig = MultipartConfig( maxFileSize = Some(livyConf.getLong(LivyConf.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE)) ).toMultipartConfigElement // Make sure the `spark-submit` program exists, otherwise much of livy won't work. testSparkHome(livyConf) // Test spark-submit and get Spark Scala version accordingly. val (sparkVersion, scalaVersionFromSparkSubmit) = sparkSubmitVersion(livyConf) testSparkVersion(sparkVersion) // If Spark and Scala version is set manually, should verify if they're consistent with // ones parsed from "spark-submit --version" val formattedSparkVersion = formatSparkVersion(sparkVersion) Option(livyConf.get(LIVY_SPARK_VERSION)).map(formatSparkVersion).foreach { version => require(formattedSparkVersion == version, s"Configured Spark version $version is not equal to Spark version $formattedSparkVersion " + "got from spark-submit -version") } // Set formatted Spark and Scala version into livy configuration, this will be used by // session creation. // TODO Create a new class to pass variables from LivyServer to sessions and remove these // internal LivyConfs. livyConf.set(LIVY_SPARK_VERSION.key, formattedSparkVersion.productIterator.mkString(".")) livyConf.set(LIVY_SPARK_SCALA_VERSION.key, sparkScalaVersion(formattedSparkVersion, scalaVersionFromSparkSubmit, livyConf)) if (livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_SERVER_ENABLED)) { _thriftServerFactory = Some(ThriftServerFactory.getInstance) } if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled) { // If Hadoop security is enabled, run kinit periodically. runKinit() should be called // before any Hadoop operation, otherwise Kerberos exception will be thrown. executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactory() { override def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = { val thread = new Thread(r) thread.setName("kinit-thread") thread.setDaemon(true) thread } } ) val launch_keytab = livyConf.get(LAUNCH_KERBEROS_KEYTAB) val launch_principal = SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal( livyConf.get(LAUNCH_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL), host) require(launch_keytab != null, s"Kerberos requires ${LAUNCH_KERBEROS_KEYTAB.key} to be provided.") require(launch_principal != null, s"Kerberos requires ${LAUNCH_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL.key} to be provided.") if (!runKinit(launch_keytab, launch_principal)) { error("Failed to run kinit, stopping the server.") sys.exit(1) } // This is and should be the only place where a login() on the UGI is performed. // If an other login in the codebase is strictly needed, a needLogin check should be added to // avoid anyway that 2 logins are performed. // This is needed because the thriftserver requires the UGI to be created from a keytab in // order to work properly and previously Livy was using a UGI generated from the cached TGT // (created by the kinit command). if (livyConf.getBoolean(LivyConf.THRIFT_SERVER_ENABLED)) { UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(launch_principal, launch_keytab) } ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser startKinitThread(launch_keytab, launch_principal) } testRecovery(livyConf) // Initialize YarnClient ASAP to save time. if (livyConf.isRunningOnYarn()) { SparkYarnApp.init(livyConf) Future { SparkYarnApp.yarnClient } } if (livyConf.get(LivyConf.RECOVERY_STATE_STORE) == "zookeeper") { zkManager = Some(new ZooKeeperManager(livyConf)) zkManager.foreach(_.start()) } StateStore.init(livyConf, zkManager) val sessionStore = new SessionStore(livyConf) val batchSessionManager = new BatchSessionManager(livyConf, sessionStore) val interactiveSessionManager = new InteractiveSessionManager(livyConf, sessionStore) server = new WebServer(livyConf, host, port) server.context.setResourceBase("src/main/org/apache/livy/server") val livyVersionServlet = new JsonServlet { before() { contentType = "application/json" } get("/") { Map("version" -> LIVY_VERSION, "user" -> LIVY_BUILD_USER, "revision" -> LIVY_REVISION, "branch" -> LIVY_BRANCH, "date" -> LIVY_BUILD_DATE, "url" -> LIVY_REPO_URL) } } // Servlet for hosting static files such as html, css, and js // Necessary since Jetty cannot set it's resource base inside a jar // Returns 404 if the file does not exist val staticResourceServlet = new ScalatraServlet { get("/*") { val fileName = params("splat") val notFoundMsg = "File not found" if (!fileName.isEmpty) { getClass.getResourceAsStream(s"ui/static/$fileName") match { case is: InputStream => new BufferedInputStream(is) case null => NotFound(notFoundMsg) } } else { NotFound(notFoundMsg) } } } def uiRedirectServlet(path: String) = new ScalatraServlet { get("/") { redirect(path) } } server.context.addEventListener( new ServletContextListener() with MetricsBootstrap with ServletApiImplicits { private def mount(sc: ServletContext, servlet: Servlet, mappings: String*): Unit = { val registration = sc.addServlet(servlet.getClass().getName(), servlet) registration.addMapping(mappings: _*) registration.setMultipartConfig(multipartConfig) } override def contextDestroyed(sce: ServletContextEvent): Unit = { } override def contextInitialized(sce: ServletContextEvent): Unit = { try { val context = sce.getServletContext() context.initParameters(org.scalatra.EnvironmentKey) = livyConf.get(ENVIRONMENT) val interactiveServlet = new InteractiveSessionServlet( interactiveSessionManager, sessionStore, livyConf, accessManager) mount(context, interactiveServlet, "/sessions/*") val batchServlet = new BatchSessionServlet(batchSessionManager, sessionStore, livyConf, accessManager) mount(context, batchServlet, "/batches/*") if (livyConf.getBoolean(UI_ENABLED)) { val uiServlet = new UIServlet(basePath, livyConf) mount(context, uiServlet, "/ui/*") mount(context, staticResourceServlet, "/static/*") mount(context, uiRedirectServlet(basePath + "/ui/"), "/*") _thriftServerFactory.foreach { factory => mount(context, factory.getServlet(basePath), factory.getServletMappings: _*) } } else { mount(context, uiRedirectServlet(basePath + "/metrics"), "/*") } context.mountMetricsAdminServlet("/metrics") mount(context, livyVersionServlet, "/version/*") } catch { case e: Throwable => error("Exception thrown when initializing server", e) sys.exit(1) } } }) livyConf.get(AUTH_TYPE) match { case authType @ KerberosAuthenticationHandler.TYPE => val principal = SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal(livyConf.get(AUTH_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL), val keytab = livyConf.get(AUTH_KERBEROS_KEYTAB) require(principal != null, s"Kerberos auth requires ${AUTH_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL.key} to be provided.") require(keytab != null, s"Kerberos auth requires ${AUTH_KERBEROS_KEYTAB.key} to be provided.") val holder = new FilterHolder(new AuthenticationFilter()) holder.setInitParameter(AuthenticationFilter.AUTH_TYPE, authType) holder.setInitParameter(KerberosAuthenticationHandler.PRINCIPAL, principal) holder.setInitParameter(KerberosAuthenticationHandler.KEYTAB, keytab) holder.setInitParameter(KerberosAuthenticationHandler.NAME_RULES, livyConf.get(AUTH_KERBEROS_NAME_RULES)) server.context.addFilter(holder, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])) info(s"SPNEGO auth enabled (principal = $principal)") case authType @ LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.TYPE => val holder = new FilterHolder(new AuthenticationFilter()) holder.setInitParameter(AuthenticationFilter.AUTH_TYPE, LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.getClass.getCanonicalName.dropRight(1)) Option(livyConf.get(LivyConf.AUTH_LDAP_URL)).foreach { url => holder.setInitParameter(LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.PROVIDER_URL, url) } Option(livyConf.get(LivyConf.AUTH_LDAP_USERNAME_DOMAIN)).foreach { domain => holder.setInitParameter(LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.LDAP_BIND_DOMAIN, domain) } Option(livyConf.get(LivyConf.AUTH_LDAP_BASE_DN)).foreach { baseDN => holder.setInitParameter(LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.BASE_DN, baseDN) } holder.setInitParameter(LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, livyConf.get(LivyConf.AUTH_LDAP_SECURITY_AUTH)) holder.setInitParameter(LdapAuthenticationHandlerImpl.ENABLE_START_TLS, livyConf.get(LivyConf.AUTH_LDAP_ENABLE_START_TLS)) server.context.addFilter(holder, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])) info("LDAP auth enabled.") case null => // Nothing to do. case customType => val authClassConf = s"livy.server.auth.$customType.class" val authClass = livyConf.get(authClassConf) require(authClass != null, s"$customType auth requires $authClassConf to be provided") val holder = new FilterHolder() holder.setClassName(authClass) val prefix = s"livy.server.auth.$customType.param." livyConf.asScala.filter { kv => kv.getKey.length > prefix.length && kv.getKey.startsWith(prefix) }.foreach { kv => holder.setInitParameter(kv.getKey.substring(prefix.length), kv.getValue) } server.context.addFilter(holder, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])) info(s"$customType auth enabled") } if (livyConf.getBoolean(CSRF_PROTECTION)) { info("CSRF protection is enabled.") val csrfHolder = new FilterHolder(new CsrfFilter()) server.context.addFilter(csrfHolder, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])) } if (accessManager.isAccessControlOn) { info("Access control is enabled") val accessHolder = new FilterHolder(new AccessFilter(accessManager)) server.context.addFilter(accessHolder, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType])) } server.start() _thriftServerFactory.foreach { _.start(livyConf, interactiveSessionManager, sessionStore, accessManager) } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("Livy Server Shutdown") { override def run(): Unit = { info("Shutting down Livy server.") zkManager.foreach(_.stop()) server.stop() _thriftServerFactory.foreach(_.stop()) } }) _serverUrl = Some(s"${server.protocol}://${}:${server.port}") sys.props("livy.server.server-url") = _serverUrl.get } def runKinit(keytab: String, principal: String): Boolean = { val commands = Seq("kinit", "-kt", keytab, principal) val proc = new ProcessBuilder(commands: _*).inheritIO().start() proc.waitFor() match { case 0 => debug("Ran kinit command successfully.") kinitFailCount = 0 true case _ => warn("Fail to run kinit command.") kinitFailCount += 1 false } } def startKinitThread(keytab: String, principal: String): Unit = { val refreshInterval = livyConf.getTimeAsMs(LAUNCH_KERBEROS_REFRESH_INTERVAL) val kinitFailThreshold = livyConf.getInt(KINIT_FAIL_THRESHOLD) executor.schedule( new Runnable() { override def run(): Unit = { if (runKinit(keytab, principal)) { // The current UGI should never change. If that happens, it is an error condition and // relogin the original UGI would not update the current UGI. So the server will fail // due to no valid credentials. The assert here allows to fast detect this error // condition and fail immediately with a meaningful error. assert(ugi.equals(UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser), "Current UGI has changed.") ugi.reloginFromTicketCache() // schedule another kinit run with a fixed delay. executor.schedule(this, refreshInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } else { // schedule another retry at once or fail the livy server if too many times kinit fail if (kinitFailCount >= kinitFailThreshold) { error(s"Exit LivyServer after ${kinitFailThreshold} times failures running kinit.") if (server.server.isStarted()) { stop() } else { sys.exit(1) } } else { executor.submit(this) } } } }, refreshInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } def join(): Unit = server.join() def stop(): Unit = { if (server != null) { server.stop() } } def serverUrl(): String = { _serverUrl.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("Server not yet started.")) } /** For ITs only */ def getJdbcUrl: Option[String] = { { _ => val additionalUrlParams = if (livyConf.get(THRIFT_TRANSPORT_MODE) == "http") { "?hive.server2.transport.mode=http;hive.server2.thrift.http.path=cliservice" } else { "" } val host = Option(livyConf.get(THRIFT_BIND_HOST)).getOrElse( InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress) val port = livyConf.getInt(THRIFT_SERVER_PORT) s"jdbc:hive2://$host:$port$additionalUrlParams" } } private[livy] def testRecovery(livyConf: LivyConf): Unit = { if (!livyConf.isRunningOnYarn()) { // If recovery is turned on but we are not running on YARN, quit. require(livyConf.get(LivyConf.RECOVERY_MODE) == SESSION_RECOVERY_MODE_OFF, "Session recovery requires YARN.") } } } object LivyServer { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val server = new LivyServer() try { server.start() server.join() } finally { server.stop() } } }
/* * @author Philip Stutz * @author Mihaela Verman * * Copyright 2013 University of Zurich * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.signalcollect.triplerush import org.scalatest.FlatSpec import org.scalatest.ShouldMatchers import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers import com.signalcollect.triplerush.QueryParticle._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Gen._ class QueryParticleSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers with Checkers with TestAnnouncements { val maxId = 4 lazy val genTriple: Gen[TriplePattern] = for { s <- Gen.choose(1, maxId) p <- Gen.choose(1, maxId) o <- Gen.choose(1, maxId) } yield TriplePattern(s, p, o) lazy val genSubjectPattern: Gen[TriplePattern] = for { p <- Gen.choose(1, maxId) o <- Gen.choose(1, maxId) } yield TriplePattern(-1, p, o) implicit lazy val arbTriple: Arbitrary[TriplePattern] = Arbitrary(genTriple) "QueryParticle" should "correctly encode ids" in { check( (id: Int) => { val qp = QueryParticle( patterns = Seq( TriplePattern(-1, 1, 2), TriplePattern(-1, 3, -2)), queryId = 1, numberOfSelectVariables = 2) qp.writeQueryId(id) qp.queryId == id }, minSuccessful(10)) } it should "correctly encode tickets" in { check( (tickets: Long) => { val qp = QueryParticle( patterns = Seq( TriplePattern(-1, 1, 2), TriplePattern(-1, 3, -2)), queryId = 1, numberOfSelectVariables = 2) qp.writeTickets(tickets) == tickets }, minSuccessful(10)) } it should "correctly encode triple patterns" in { check( (a: TriplePattern, b: TriplePattern, c: TriplePattern) => { val patterns = Array(a, b, c) val qp = QueryParticle( patterns = patterns, queryId = 1, numberOfSelectVariables = 3) qp.patterns.toList == patterns.toList }, minSuccessful(10)) } }
package com.fuscus.seien.appli.output import com.fuscus.seien.domain.entity.IssueID import com.fuscus.seien.infra.core.UUID import com.fuscus.seien.infra.vo.URI import org.json4s._ /** * Created by watawuwu on 15/08/09. */ // @todo move to infrastructure layer object CustomSerializer { import JsonDSL._ class URISerializer extends Serializer[URI] { private val URIClass = classOf[URI] def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), URI] = { case (TypeInfo(URIClass, _), json) => json match { case JString(id) => URI(id) case x => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + x + " to URI") } } def serialize(implicit formats: Formats): PartialFunction[Any, JValue] = { case x: URI => x.value } } object URISerializer extends URISerializer // @todo generics class IssueIDSerializer extends Serializer[IssueID] { private val UUIDClass = classOf[IssueID] def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), IssueID] = { case (TypeInfo(UUIDClass, _), json) => json match { case JString(id) => IssueID(UUID(id)) case x => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + x + " to IssueID") } } def serialize(implicit formats: Formats): PartialFunction[Any, JValue] = { case x: IssueID => x.value.toString } } object IssueIDSerializer extends IssueIDSerializer }
/** * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This program is licensed to you under the Apache License Version 2.0, * and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Apache License Version 2.0. * You may obtain a copy of the Apache License Version 2.0 at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0 is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Apache License Version 2.0 for the specific language governing permissions and limitations there under. */ package // Java import java.util.Properties // Scala import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ // Scalaz import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ // json4s import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.json4s.JsonDSL._ // Specs2 import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.scalaz.ValidationMatchers /** * Tests Shredder */ class SnowplowElasticsearchEmitterSpec extends Specification with ValidationMatchers { "The emit method" should { "return all invalid records" in { val eem = new SnowplowElasticsearchEmitter(Some(new StdouterrSink), new StdouterrSink) val validInput: ValidatedRecord = "good" -> JObject(Nil).success val invalidInput: ValidatedRecord = "bad" -> List("malformed event").failure val input = List(validInput, invalidInput) val bmb = new BasicMemoryBuffer[ValidatedRecord](kcc, input) val ub = new UnmodifiableBuffer[ValidatedRecord](bmb) val actual = eem.emit(ub) actual must_== List(invalidInput).asJava } } }
/* * Copyright 2011 Chris de Vreeze * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package eu.cdevreeze.springjdbc package namedparam import java.{ util => jutil, io => jio } import java.sql.{ Types, ResultSet } import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.junit.{ Test, Before, After, Ignore } import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.{ Suite, BeforeAndAfterAll } import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded.{ EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder, EmbeddedDatabase, EmbeddedDatabaseType } import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam._ import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager import eu.cdevreeze.springtx.TransactionTemplate import JdbcTemplateUtils._ /** * NamedParamJdbcTemplate test case. * * For the sample database, see * * @author Chris de Vreeze */ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class NamedParamJdbcTemplateTest extends Suite with BeforeAndAfterAll { @volatile private var db: EmbeddedDatabase = _ @volatile private var namedParamJdbcTemplate: NamedParamJdbcTemplate = _ @volatile private var txTemplate: TransactionTemplate = _ override def beforeAll(): Unit = { db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.HSQL).addScript("schema.sql").addScript("data.sql").build() namedParamJdbcTemplate = new NamedParamJdbcTemplate(db) val txManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(db) txTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(txManager) } override def afterAll(): Unit = { db.shutdown() db = null } @Test def testUsingWrappedObject() { val sql = "select name from city where id = ?" val idDenBosch = 20 val action = newPreparedStatementCallback[String] { ps => ps.setInt(1, idDenBosch) var rs: ResultSet = null try { rs = ps.executeQuery() require( rs.getString(1) } finally { if (rs ne null) rs.close() } } val denBosch: String = txTemplate execute { status => namedParamJdbcTemplate.wrappedObject.getJdbcOperations.execute(sql, action) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch } } @Test def testQueryUsingTypedArgs() { val sql = "select name from city where id = :id" val idDenBosch = 20 val denBosch1: String = txTemplate execute { status => val rowMapper = newRowMapper[String] { (rs: ResultSet, rowNum: Int) => rs.getString(1) } val typedArgs = TypedArgMap("id" -> TypedArg(int2Integer(idDenBosch), Types.INTEGER)) namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(sql, typedArgs, rowMapper).headOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Expected to find Den Bosch")) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch1 } val denBosch2: String = txTemplate execute { status => val extractor = newResultSetExtractor[String] { (rs: ResultSet) => val hasNext = require(hasNext, "Expected non-empty ResultSet") rs.getString(1) } val typedArgs = TypedArgMap("id" -> TypedArg(int2Integer(idDenBosch), Types.INTEGER)) namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(sql, typedArgs, extractor) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch2 } val denBosch3: String = txTemplate execute { status => val results = mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() val handler = newRowCallbackHandler { (rs: ResultSet) => results += rs.getString(1) } val typedArgs = TypedArgMap("id" -> TypedArg(int2Integer(idDenBosch), Types.INTEGER)) namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(sql, typedArgs, handler) results.headOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Expected to find Den Bosch")) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch3 } } @Test def testQueryUsingNonTypedArgs() { val sql = "select name from city where id = :id" val idDenBosch = 20 val denBosch1: String = txTemplate execute { status => val rowMapper = newRowMapper[String] { (rs: ResultSet, rowNum: Int) => rs.getString(1) } namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch)), rowMapper).headOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Expected to find Den Bosch")) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch1 } val denBosch2: String = txTemplate execute { status => val extractor = newResultSetExtractor[String] { (rs: ResultSet) => val hasNext = require(hasNext, "Expected non-empty ResultSet") rs.getString(1) } namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch)), extractor) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch2 } val denBosch3: String = txTemplate execute { status => val results = mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() val handler = newRowCallbackHandler { (rs: ResultSet) => results += rs.getString(1) } namedParamJdbcTemplate.query(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch)), handler) results.headOption.getOrElse(sys.error("Expected to find Den Bosch")) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch3 } } @Test def testQueryForInt(): Unit = { val dutchCityCount1 = txTemplate execute { status => val countryCode = "NLD" val sql = "select count(*) from city where countrycode = :countryCode" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, Map("countryCode" -> countryCode)) } expect(28) { dutchCityCount1 } val dutchCityCount2 = txTemplate execute { status => val countryCode = "NLD" val sql = "select count(*) from city where countrycode = :countryCode" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, TypedArgMap("countryCode" -> TypedArg(countryCode, Types.VARCHAR))) } expect(28) { dutchCityCount2 } } @Test def testQueryForLong(): Unit = { val dutchCityCount1 = txTemplate execute { status => val countryCode = "NLD" val sql = "select count(*) from city where countrycode = :countryCode" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, Map("countryCode" -> countryCode)) } expect(28) { dutchCityCount1 } val dutchCityCount2 = txTemplate execute { status => val countryCode = "NLD" val sql = "select count(*) from city where countrycode = :countryCode" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, TypedArgMap("countryCode" -> TypedArg(countryCode, Types.VARCHAR))) } expect(28) { dutchCityCount2 } } @Test def testQueryForMap(): Unit = { val idDenBosch = 20 val denBosch1: Map[String, AnyRef] = txTemplate execute { status => val sql = "select * from city where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch))) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch1("NAME") } val denBosch2: Map[String, AnyRef] = txTemplate execute { status => val sql = "select * from city where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForMap(sql, TypedArgMap("id" -> TypedArg(int2Integer(idDenBosch), Types.INTEGER))) } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch2("NAME") } } @Test def testQueryForSeq(): Unit = { val dutchCities: immutable.IndexedSeq[String] = txTemplate execute { status => val countryCode = "NLD" val sql = "select name from city where countrycode = :countryCode" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForSeq(sql, Map("countryCode" -> countryCode), classOf[String]) } assert(dutchCities.size > 20) assert(Set("Rotterdam", "Enschede", "Eindhoven", "Utrecht", "Groningen").subsetOf(dutchCities.toSet)) var dutchCities2 = mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]() txTemplate executeWithoutResult { status => val sql = "select name from city where countrycode = 'NLD'" val result = namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForSeq(sql, Map[String, AnyRef](), classOf[String]) dutchCities2 ++= result } expect(dutchCities.toSet) { dutchCities2.toSet } } @Test def testUpdate(): Unit = { val idDenBosch = 20 val denBosch: String = txTemplate execute { status => val sql = "select name from city where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForSeq(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch)), classOf[String]).headOption.getOrElse("Expected to find 'Den Bosch'") } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch } val denBoschSpelledCorrectly = """'s-Hertogenbosch""" txTemplate executeWithoutResult { status => val sql = "update city set name = :name where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.update(sql, Map("name" -> denBoschSpelledCorrectly, "id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch))) } val denBosch2 = txTemplate execute { status => val sql = "select name from city where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForSeq(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch)), classOf[String]).headOption.getOrElse("Expected to find 'Den Bosch'") } expect(denBoschSpelledCorrectly) { denBosch2 } txTemplate executeWithoutResult { status => val sql = "update city set name = :name where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.update(sql, Map("name" -> denBosch, "id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch))) } val denBosch3: String = txTemplate execute { status => val sql = "select name from city where id = :id" namedParamJdbcTemplate.queryForSeq(sql, Map("id" -> int2Integer(idDenBosch)), classOf[String]).headOption.getOrElse("Expected to find 'Den Bosch'") } expect("s-Hertogenbosch") { denBosch3 } } }
/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Lightbend Inc. <> */ package play.api.libs.openid import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.Predef._ import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import org.mockito._ import play.api.mvc.Request import play.api.http._ import play.api.http.Status._ import play.api.libs.openid.Errors.{ AUTH_ERROR, BAD_RESPONSE } import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import class OpenIDSpec extends Specification with Mockito { val claimedId = "" val identity = "" val defaultSigned = "op_endpoint,claimed_id,identity,return_to,response_nonce,assoc_handle" val dur = Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // 9.1 Request parameters - def isValidOpenIDRequest(query: Params) = { query.get("openid.mode") must_== Some(Seq("checkid_setup")) query.get("openid.ns") must_== Some(Seq("")) } "OpenID" should { "initiate discovery" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) openId.redirectURL("", "") there was one(ws.request).get() } "generate a valid redirectUrl" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val redirectUrl = Await.result(openId.redirectURL("", ""), dur) val query = parseQueryString(redirectUrl) isValidOpenIDRequest(query) query.get("openid.return_to") must_== Some(Seq("")) query.get("openid.realm") must beNone } "generate a valid redirectUrl with a proper required extended attributes request" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val redirectUrl = Await.result(openId.redirectURL("", "", axRequired = Seq("email" -> "")), dur) val query = parseQueryString(redirectUrl) isValidOpenIDRequest(query) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("fetch_request")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("email")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) } "generate a valid redirectUrl with a proper 'if_available' extended attributes request" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val redirectUrl = Await.result(openId.redirectURL("", "", axOptional = Seq("email" -> "")), dur) val query = parseQueryString(redirectUrl) isValidOpenIDRequest(query) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("fetch_request")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("email")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) } "generate a valid redirectUrl with a proper 'if_available' AND required extended attributes request" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val redirectUrl = Await.result(openId.redirectURL("", "", axRequired = Seq("first" -> ""), axOptional = Seq("email" -> "")), dur) val query = parseQueryString(redirectUrl) isValidOpenIDRequest(query) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("fetch_request")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("first")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("email")) query.get("") must_== Some(Seq("")) } "verify the response" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val responseQueryString = openIdResponse val userInfo = Await.result(openId.verifiedId(setupMockRequest(responseQueryString)), dur) "the claimedId must be present" in { must be equalTo claimedId } val argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(classOf[Params]) "direct verification using a POST request was used" in { there was one(ws.request).post(argument.capture())(any[BodyWritable[Params]]) val verificationQuery = argument.getValue "openid.mode was set to check_authentication" in { verificationQuery.get("openid.mode") must_== Some(Seq("check_authentication")) } "every query parameter apart from openid.mode is used in the verification request" in { (verificationQuery - "openid.mode") forall { case (key, value) => responseQueryString.get(key) == Some(value) } must beTrue } } } // 11.2 If the Claimed Identifier was not previously discovered by the Relying Party // (the "openid.identity" in the request was "" or a different Identifier, // or if the OP is sending an unsolicited positive assertion), the Relying Party MUST perform discovery on the // Claimed Identifier in the response to make sure that the OP is authorized to make assertions about the Claimed Identifier. "verify the response using discovery on the claimed Identifier" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val spoofedEndpoint = "" val responseQueryString = openIdResponse - "openid.op_endpoint" + ("openid.op_endpoint" -> Seq(spoofedEndpoint)) Await.result(openId.verifiedId(setupMockRequest(responseQueryString)), dur) "direct verification does not use the openid.op_endpoint that is part of the query string" in { ws.urls contains (spoofedEndpoint) must beFalse } "the endpoint is resolved using discovery on the claimed Id" in { ws.urls(0) must be equalTo claimedId } "use endpoint discovery and then direct verification" in { got { // Use discovery to resolve the endpoint one(ws.request).get() // Verify the response one(ws.request).post(any[Params])(any[BodyWritable[Params]]) } } "use direct verification on the discovered endpoint" in { ws.urls(1) must be equalTo "" // From the mock XRDS } } "fail response verification if direct verification fails" in { val ws = new WSMock ws.response.status returns OK thenReturns OK ws.response.header(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE) returns Some("application/xrds+xml") thenReturns Some("text/plain") ws.response.xml returns scala.xml.XML.loadString(readFixture("discovery/xrds/simple-op.xml")) ws.response.body returns "is_valid:false\\n" val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) Await.result(openId.verifiedId(setupMockRequest()), dur) must throwA[AUTH_ERROR.type] there was one(ws.request).post(any[Params])(any[BodyWritable[Params]]) } "fail response verification if the response indicates an error" in { val ws = new WSMock ws.response.status returns OK thenReturns OK ws.response.header(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE) returns Some("application/xrds+xml") thenReturns Some("text/plain") ws.response.xml returns scala.xml.XML.loadString(readFixture("discovery/xrds/simple-op.xml")) ws.response.body returns "is_valid:false\\n" val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val errorResponse = (openIdResponse - "openid.mode") + ("openid.mode" -> Seq("error")) Await.result(openId.verifiedId(setupMockRequest(errorResponse)), dur) must throwA[BAD_RESPONSE.type] } // OpenID 1.1 compatibility - 14.2.1 "verify an OpenID 1.1 response that is missing the \\"openid.op_endpoint\\" parameter" in { val ws = createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification val openId = new WsOpenIdClient(ws, new WsDiscovery(ws)) val responseQueryString = (openIdResponse - "openid.op_endpoint") val userInfo = Await.result(openId.verifiedId(setupMockRequest(responseQueryString)), dur) "the claimedId must be present" in { must be equalTo claimedId } "using discovery and direct verification" in { got { // Use discovery to resolve the endpoint one(ws.request).get() // Verify the response one(ws.request).post(any[Params])(any[BodyWritable[Params]]) } } } } def createMockWithValidOpDiscoveryAndVerification = { val ws = new WSMock ws.response.status returns OK thenReturns OK ws.response.header(HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE) returns Some("application/xrds+xml") thenReturns Some("text/plain") ws.response.xml returns scala.xml.XML.loadString(readFixture("discovery/xrds/simple-op.xml")) ws.response.body returns "is_valid:true\\n" // ws } def setupMockRequest(queryString: Params = openIdResponse) = { val request = mock[Request[_]] request.queryString returns queryString request } def openIdResponse = createDefaultResponse(claimedId, identity, defaultSigned) }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.parameterInfo.functionParameterInfo class FunctionParameterInfoSimpleTest extends FunctionParameterInfoTestBase { override def getTestDataPath: String = s"${super.getTestDataPath}simple/" def testAnnotation() = doTest() def testDefaultParameter() = doTest() def testDefaultParameterFromSources() = doTest() def testFromPositionalToNaming() = doTest() def testGenericJavaLibrary() = doTest() def testImplicitParameter() = doTest() def testInfixExpression() = doTest() def testInfixTuple() = doTest() def testInfixUnit() = doTest() def testJavaLibrary() = doTest() def testLocal() = doTest() def testNothingExprType() = doTest() def testPositionalAfterNamed() = doTest() def testScalaLibrary() = doTest() def testSimple() = doTest() def testSyntheticParameter() = doTest() def testTypeRefinement() = doTest() def testAliasedMethod() = doTest() }
package controllers import import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.{Application, Logger} import services._ import util.{AppSettings, FileUploadAsset} import /** * Controller for dynamic resourced handled from the application directory. */ @Singleton class AppResourceController @Inject() (val appSettings: AppSettings, val application: Application, val userService: UserService, val sessionService: SessionService, val permissionService: PermissionService, postService: PostService, forumService: ForumService, threadService: ThreadService, categoryService: ForumCategoryService) extends RestController with FileUploadAsset { private[this] val RES_FAVICON = "favicon.ico" private[this] val RES_LOGO = "logo.png" def favicon = handleFromAppResourcesOrDefault(RES_FAVICON) def logo = handleFromAppResourcesOrDefault(RES_LOGO) def logoSmall = handleFromAppResourcesOrDefault(RES_LOGO) // TODO: Lower-Res Logo def downloadAvatar(id: String) = OptionalSessionRestAction.async { implicit request => // TODO: Check for permissions userService.getUser(id) { _.filter { _.avatar.isDefined }.map { userOpt =>"File: appdata/avatars/${userOpt.avatar.get}") new File(s"appdata/avatars/${userOpt.avatar.get}") }.filter { _.exists }.fold { NotFound("not found") } { file => Ok.sendFile(content = file, inline = true) } } } def downloadPostUpload(id: String, filename: String) = OptionalSessionRestAction.async { implicit request => val req = for { post <- postService.getPost(id) thread <- threadService.getThread(post.thread) forum <- forumService.getForum( category <- categoryService.getCategory(forum.category) } yield { val permissionResult = thread.checkAccess(category, forum) if (permissionResult) { val postId = post._id val uploadOpt = post.uploads.find(_.filename == filename) val fileOpt = uploadOpt map { upload =>"appdata/uploads/$postId/${upload.source}") new File(s"appdata/uploads/$postId/${upload.source}") } filter { _.exists } fileOpt.fold { NotFound("not found") } { file => Ok.sendFile(content = file, fileName = _ => filename) } } else { Forbidden("forbidden") } } req.flatten(NotFound("not found")) } }
/* * Sonar Scoverage Plugin * Copyright (C) 2013 Rado Buransky * [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02 */ package com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.sensor import import com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.language.Scala import com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.measure.ScalaMetrics import com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.pathcleaner.{BruteForceSequenceMatcher, PathSanitizer} import com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.util.LogUtil import com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.xml.XmlScoverageReportParser import com.buransky.plugins.scoverage.{CoveredStatement, DirectoryStatementCoverage, FileStatementCoverage, _} import org.sonar.api.batch.fs.{FileSystem, InputFile, InputPath} import org.sonar.api.batch.{CoverageExtension, Sensor, SensorContext} import org.sonar.api.config.Settings import org.sonar.api.measures.{CoverageMeasuresBuilder, Measure} import org.sonar.api.resources.{Project, Resource} import org.sonar.api.scan.filesystem.PathResolver import org.sonar.api.utils.log.Loggers import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ /** * Main sensor for importing Scoverage report to Sonar. * * @author Rado Buransky */ class ScoverageSensor(settings: Settings, pathResolver: PathResolver, fileSystem: FileSystem) extends Sensor with CoverageExtension { private val log = Loggers.get(classOf[ScoverageSensor]) protected val SCOVERAGE_REPORT_PATH_PROPERTY = "sonar.scoverage.reportPath" protected lazy val scoverageReportParser: ScoverageReportParser = XmlScoverageReportParser() override def shouldExecuteOnProject(project: Project): Boolean = fileSystem.languages().contains(Scala.key) override def analyse(project: Project, context: SensorContext) { scoverageReportPath match { case Some(reportPath) => // Single-module project val srcOption = Option(settings.getString("sonar.sources")) val sonarSources = srcOption match { case Some(src) => src case None => { log.warn(s"could not find settings key sonar.sources assuming src/main/scala.") "src/main/scala" } } val pathSanitizer = createPathSanitizer(sonarSources) processProject(scoverageReportParser.parse(reportPath, pathSanitizer), project, context, sonarSources) case None => // Multi-module project has report path set for each module individually analyseMultiModuleProject(project, context) } } override val toString = getClass.getSimpleName protected def createPathSanitizer(sonarSources: String): PathSanitizer = new BruteForceSequenceMatcher(fileSystem.baseDir(), sonarSources) private lazy val scoverageReportPath: Option[String] = { settings.getString(SCOVERAGE_REPORT_PATH_PROPERTY) match { case null => None case path: String => pathResolver.relativeFile(fileSystem.baseDir, path) match { case report: if !report.exists || !report.isFile => log.error(LogUtil.f("Report not found at {}"), report) None case report: => Some(report.getAbsolutePath) } } } private def analyseMultiModuleProject(project: Project, context: SensorContext) { project.isModule match { case true => log.warn(LogUtil.f("Report path not set for " + + " module! [" + + "." + SCOVERAGE_REPORT_PATH_PROPERTY + "]")) case _ => // Compute overall statement coverage from submodules val totalStatementCount =, context)).sum val coveredStatementCount =, context)).sum if (totalStatementCount > 0) { // Convert to percentage val overall = (coveredStatementCount.toDouble / totalStatementCount.toDouble) * 100.0 // Set overall statement coverage context.saveMeasure(project, createStatementCoverage(overall))"Overall statement coverage is " + ("%1.2f" format overall))) } } } private def analyseCoveredStatementCountForModule(module: Project, context: SensorContext): Long = { // Aggregate modules context.getMeasure(module, ScalaMetrics.coveredStatements) match { case null => log.debug(LogUtil.f("Module has no statement coverage. [" + + "]")) 0 case moduleCoveredStatementCount: Measure[_] => log.debug(LogUtil.f("Covered statement count for " + + " module. [" + moduleCoveredStatementCount.getValue + "]")) moduleCoveredStatementCount.getValue.toLong } } private def analyseStatementCountForModule(module: Project, context: SensorContext): Long = { // Aggregate modules context.getMeasure(module, ScalaMetrics.totalStatements) match { case null => log.debug(LogUtil.f("Module has no number of statements. [" + + "]")) 0 case moduleStatementCount: Measure[_] => log.debug(LogUtil.f("Statement count for " + + " module. [" + moduleStatementCount.getValue + "]")) moduleStatementCount.getValue.toLong } } private def processProject(projectCoverage: ProjectStatementCoverage, project: Project, context: SensorContext, sonarSources: String) { // Save measures saveMeasures(context, project, projectCoverage)"Statement coverage for " + project.getKey + " is " + ("%1.2f" format projectCoverage.rate))) // Process children processChildren(projectCoverage.children, context, sonarSources) } private def processDirectory(directoryCoverage: DirectoryStatementCoverage, context: SensorContext, parentDirectory: String) { // save measures if any if (directoryCoverage.statementCount > 0) { val path = appendFilePath(parentDirectory, getResource(path, context, false) match { case Some(srcDir) => { // Save directory measures saveMeasures(context, srcDir, directoryCoverage) } case None => } } // Process children processChildren(directoryCoverage.children, context, appendFilePath(parentDirectory, } private def processFile(fileCoverage: FileStatementCoverage, context: SensorContext, directory: String) { val path = appendFilePath(directory, getResource(path, context, true) match { case Some(scalaSourceFile) => { // Save measures saveMeasures(context, scalaSourceFile, fileCoverage) // Save line coverage. This is needed just for source code highlighting. saveLineCoverage(fileCoverage.statements, scalaSourceFile, context) } case None => } } private def getResource(path: String, context: SensorContext, isFile: Boolean): Option[Resource] = { val inputOption: Option[InputPath] = if (isFile) { val p = fileSystem.predicates() val pathPredicate = if (new File(path).isAbsolute) p.hasAbsolutePath(path) else p.hasRelativePath(path) Option(fileSystem.inputFile(p.and( pathPredicate, p.hasLanguage(Scala.key), p.hasType(InputFile.Type.MAIN)))) } else { Option(fileSystem.inputDir(pathResolver.relativeFile(fileSystem.baseDir(), path))) } inputOption match { case Some(path: InputPath) => Some(context.getResource(path)) case None => { log.warn(s"File or directory not found in file system! ${path}") None } } } private def saveMeasures(context: SensorContext, resource: Resource, statementCoverage: StatementCoverage) { context.saveMeasure(resource, createStatementCoverage(statementCoverage.rate)) context.saveMeasure(resource, createStatementCount(statementCoverage.statementCount)) context.saveMeasure(resource, createCoveredStatementCount(statementCoverage.coveredStatementsCount)) log.debug(LogUtil.f("Save measures [" + statementCoverage.rate + ", " + statementCoverage.statementCount + ", " + statementCoverage.coveredStatementsCount + ", " + resource.getKey + "]")) } private def saveLineCoverage(coveredStatements: Iterable[CoveredStatement], resource: Resource, context: SensorContext) { // Convert statements to lines val coveredLines = StatementCoverage.statementCoverageToLineCoverage(coveredStatements) // Set line hits val coverage = CoverageMeasuresBuilder.create() coveredLines.foreach { coveredLine => coverage.setHits(coveredLine.line, coveredLine.hitCount) } // Save measures coverage.createMeasures().toList.foreach(context.saveMeasure(resource, _)) } private def processChildren(children: Iterable[StatementCoverage], context: SensorContext, directory: String) { children.foreach(processChild(_, context, directory)) } private def processChild(dirOrFile: StatementCoverage, context: SensorContext, directory: String) { dirOrFile match { case dir: DirectoryStatementCoverage => processDirectory(dir, context, directory) case file: FileStatementCoverage => processFile(file, context, directory) case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Not a file or directory coverage! [" + dirOrFile.getClass.getName + "]") } } private def createStatementCoverage[T <: Serializable](rate: Double): Measure[T] = new Measure[T](ScalaMetrics.statementCoverage, rate) private def createStatementCount[T <: Serializable](statements: Int): Measure[T] = new Measure(ScalaMetrics.totalStatements, statements.toDouble, 0) private def createCoveredStatementCount[T <: Serializable](coveredStatements: Int): Measure[T] = new Measure(ScalaMetrics.coveredStatements, coveredStatements.toDouble, 0) private def appendFilePath(src: String, name: String) = { val result = src match { case => case empty if empty.isEmpty => "" case other => other + } result + name } }
/** * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services ([email protected]) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nl.knaw.dans.api.sword2 import{File, IOException, PrintWriter, StringWriter} import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.util.Try object DepositProperties { val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) case class State(label: String, description: String, timeStamp: String) def set(id: String, stateLabel: String, stateDescription: String, userId: Option[String] = None, lookInTempFirst: Boolean = false, throwable: Throwable = null)(implicit settings: Settings): Try[Unit] = Try { val depositDir = new File(if (lookInTempFirst) settings.tempDir else settings.depositRootDir, id) val props = readProperties(new File(depositDir, "")) props.setProperty("state.label", stateLabel) props.setProperty("state.description", s""" |$stateDescription |${if(throwable != null) throwable.getMessage else ""} """.stripMargin.trim) userId.foreach(uid => props.setProperty("depositor.userId", uid)) } def getState(id: String)(implicit settings: Settings): Try[State] = { log.debug(s"[$id] Trying to retrieve state") readState(id, new File(settings.tempDir, s"$id/")).recoverWith { case f: IOException => readState(id, new File(settings.depositRootDir, s"$id/")) } } private def readState(id: String, f: File): Try[State] = Try { val s = readProperties(f) log.debug(s"[$id] Trying to retrieve state from $f") if(!f.exists()) throw new IOException(s"$f does not exist") val state = Option(s.getString("state.label")).getOrElse("") val userId = Option(s.getString("depositor.userId")).getOrElse("") if(state.isEmpty || userId.isEmpty) { if (state.isEmpty) log.error(s"[$id] State not present in $f") if (userId.isEmpty) log.error(s"[$id] User ID not present in $f") State("FAILED", "There occured unexpected failure in deposit", new DateTime(s.getFile.lastModified()).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).toString) } else State(state, s.getString("state.description"), new DateTime(s.getFile.lastModified()).withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC).toString) } private def stackTraceToString(t: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) t.printStackTrace(pw) pw.flush() sw.toString } private def readProperties(f: File) = { val ps = new PropertiesConfiguration() ps.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true) if(f.exists) ps.load(f) ps.setFile(f) ps } }
package mesosphere.marathon.event.http import java.util.UUID import javax.inject.{ Inject, Named } import javax.servlet.http.{ Cookie, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse } import import mesosphere.marathon.api.RequestFacade import mesosphere.marathon.event.http.HttpEventStreamActor._ import mesosphere.marathon.plugin.auth._ import mesosphere.marathon.plugin.http.HttpResponse import mesosphere.marathon.{ MarathonConf, ModuleNames } import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.EventSource.Emitter import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.{ EventSource, EventSourceServlet } import scala.concurrent.{ Await, blocking } /** * The Stream handle implementation for SSE. * * @param request the initial http request. * @param emitter the emitter to emit data */ class HttpEventSSEHandle(request: HttpServletRequest, emitter: Emitter) extends HttpEventStreamHandle { lazy val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString override def remoteAddress: String = request.getRemoteAddr override def close(): Unit = emitter.close() override def sendEvent(event: String, message: String): Unit = blocking(emitter.event(event, message)) override def toString: String = s"HttpEventSSEHandle($id on $remoteAddress)" } /** * Handle a server side event client stream by delegating events to the stream actor. */ class HttpEventStreamServlet @Inject() ( @Named(ModuleNames.HTTP_EVENT_STREAM) streamActor: ActorRef, conf: MarathonConf, val authenticator: Authenticator, val authorizer: Authorizer) extends EventSourceServlet { override def doGet(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse): Unit = { val requestFacade = new RequestFacade(request) val maybeIdentity = Await.result(authenticator.authenticate(requestFacade), conf.zkTimeoutDuration) def withResponseFacade(fn: HttpResponse => Unit): Unit = { val facade = new HttpResponse { override def body(mediaType: String, bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = { response.setHeader("Content-Type", mediaType) response.getWriter.write(new String(bytes)) } override def sendRedirect(url: String): Unit = { response.sendRedirect(url) } override def header(header: String, value: String): Unit = { response.addHeader(header, value) } override def cookie(name: String, value: String, maxAge: Int, secure: Boolean): Unit = { val cookie = new Cookie(name, value) cookie.setMaxAge(maxAge) cookie.setSecure(secure) response.addCookie(cookie) } override def status(code: Int): Unit = { response.setStatus(code) } } fn(facade) } def isAuthorized(identity: Identity): Boolean = { authorizer.isAuthorized(identity, ViewResource, AuthorizedResource.Events) } maybeIdentity match { case Some(identity) if isAuthorized(identity) => super.doGet(request, response) case Some(identity) => withResponseFacade(authorizer.handleNotAuthorized(identity, _)) case None => withResponseFacade(authenticator.handleNotAuthenticated(requestFacade, _)) } } override def newEventSource(request: HttpServletRequest): EventSource = new EventSource { @volatile private var handler: Option[HttpEventSSEHandle] = None override def onOpen(emitter: Emitter): Unit = { val handle = new HttpEventSSEHandle(request, emitter) this.handler = Some(handle) streamActor ! HttpEventStreamConnectionOpen(handle) } override def onClose(): Unit = { handler.foreach(streamActor ! HttpEventStreamConnectionClosed(_)) handler = None } } }
/* * Copyright 2014 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext trait IncludeSparkContext { this: Magic => //val sparkContext: SparkContext private var _sparkContext: SparkContext = _ private var _sqlContext: SQLContext = _ def sparkContext: SparkContext = _sparkContext def sqlContext: SQLContext = _sqlContext def sparkContext_=(newSparkContext: SparkContext) = _sparkContext = newSparkContext def sqlContext_=(newSqlContext: SQLContext) = _sqlContext = newSqlContext }
package com.pwootage.sasm.test.bitint /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Pwootage * * This file is part of SASM. * * SASM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SASM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SASM. If not, see <>. */ import org.scalatest._ /** * Base class for testing multiple BitInt implementations */ abstract class BitIntSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with OptionValues with Inside with Inspectors { }
package service import model.Profile._ import profile.simple._ import model.{Repository, Account, Collaborator} import util.JGitUtil trait RepositoryService { self: AccountService => import RepositoryService._ /** * Creates a new repository. * * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param userName the user name of the repository owner * @param description the repository description * @param isPrivate the repository type (private is true, otherwise false) * @param originRepositoryName specify for the forked repository. (default is None) * @param originUserName specify for the forked repository. (default is None) */ def createRepository(repositoryName: String, userName: String, description: Option[String], isPrivate: Boolean, originRepositoryName: Option[String] = None, originUserName: Option[String] = None, parentRepositoryName: Option[String] = None, parentUserName: Option[String] = None) (implicit s: Session): Unit = { Repositories insert Repository( userName = userName, repositoryName = repositoryName, isPrivate = isPrivate, description = description, defaultBranch = "master", registeredDate = currentDate, updatedDate = currentDate, lastActivityDate = currentDate, originUserName = originUserName, originRepositoryName = originRepositoryName, parentUserName = parentUserName, parentRepositoryName = parentRepositoryName) IssueId insert (userName, repositoryName, 0) } def renameRepository(oldUserName: String, oldRepositoryName: String, newUserName: String, newRepositoryName: String) (implicit s: Session): Unit = { getAccountByUserName(newUserName).foreach { account => (Repositories filter { t => t.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName) } firstOption).map { repository => Repositories insert repository.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName) val webHooks = WebHooks .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val milestones = Milestones .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val issueId = IssueId .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val issues = Issues .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val pullRequests = PullRequests .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val labels = Labels .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val issueComments = IssueComments.filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val issueLabels = IssueLabels .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val activities = Activities .filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list val collaborators = Collaborators.filter(_.byRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName)).list Repositories.filter { t => (t.originUserName === oldUserName.bind) && (t.originRepositoryName === oldRepositoryName.bind) }.map { t => t.originUserName -> t.originRepositoryName }.update(newUserName, newRepositoryName) Repositories.filter { t => (t.parentUserName === oldUserName.bind) && (t.parentRepositoryName === oldRepositoryName.bind) }.map { t => t.originUserName -> t.originRepositoryName }.update(newUserName, newRepositoryName) PullRequests.filter { t => t.requestRepositoryName === oldRepositoryName.bind }.map { t => t.requestUserName -> t.requestRepositoryName }.update(newUserName, newRepositoryName) deleteRepository(oldUserName, oldRepositoryName) WebHooks .insertAll(webHooks .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) Milestones .insertAll(milestones .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) IssueId .insertAll(issueId .map(_.copy(_1 = newUserName, _2 = newRepositoryName)) :_*) val newMilestones = Milestones.filter(_.byRepository(newUserName, newRepositoryName)).list Issues.insertAll( { x => x.copy( userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName, milestoneId = { id => newMilestones.find(_.title == milestones.find(_.milestoneId == id).get.title).get.milestoneId } )} :_*) PullRequests .insertAll(pullRequests .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) IssueComments .insertAll(issueComments .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) Labels .insertAll(labels .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) IssueLabels .insertAll(issueLabels .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) Activities .insertAll(activities .map(_.copy(userName = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) if(account.isGroupAccount){ Collaborators.insertAll(getGroupMembers(newUserName).map(m => Collaborator(newUserName, newRepositoryName, m.userName)) :_*) } else { Collaborators.insertAll( = newUserName, repositoryName = newRepositoryName)) :_*) } // Update activity messages val updateActivities = Activities.filter { t => (t.message like s"%:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}]%") || (t.message like s"%:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}#%") }.map { t => t.activityId -> t.message }.list updateActivities.foreach { case (activityId, message) => Activities.filter(_.activityId === activityId.bind).map(_.message).update( message .replace(s"[repo:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}]" ,s"[repo:${newUserName}/${newRepositoryName}]") .replace(s"[branch:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}#" ,s"[branch:${newUserName}/${newRepositoryName}#") .replace(s"[tag:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}#" ,s"[tag:${newUserName}/${newRepositoryName}#") .replace(s"[pullreq:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}#",s"[pullreq:${newUserName}/${newRepositoryName}#") .replace(s"[issue:${oldUserName}/${oldRepositoryName}#" ,s"[issue:${newUserName}/${newRepositoryName}#") ) } } } } def deleteRepository(userName: String, repositoryName: String)(implicit s: Session): Unit = { Activities .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete Collaborators .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete IssueLabels .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete Labels .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete IssueComments .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete PullRequests .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete Issues .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete IssueId .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete Milestones .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete WebHooks .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete Repositories .filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete } /** * Returns the repository names of the specified user. * * @param userName the user name of repository owner * @return the list of repository names */ def getRepositoryNamesOfUser(userName: String)(implicit s: Session): List[String] = Repositories filter(_.userName === userName.bind) map (_.repositoryName) list /** * Returns the specified repository information. * * @param userName the user name of the repository owner * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param baseUrl the base url of this application * @return the repository information */ def getRepository(userName: String, repositoryName: String, baseUrl: String)(implicit s: Session): Option[RepositoryInfo] = { (Repositories filter { t => t.byRepository(userName, repositoryName) } firstOption) map { repository => // for getting issue count and pull request count val issues = Issues.filter { t => t.byRepository(repository.userName, repository.repositoryName) && (t.closed === false.bind) }.map(_.pullRequest).list new RepositoryInfo( JGitUtil.getRepositoryInfo(repository.userName, repository.repositoryName, baseUrl), repository, issues.size, issues.filter(_ == true).size, getForkedCount( repository.originUserName.getOrElse(repository.userName), repository.originRepositoryName.getOrElse(repository.repositoryName) ), getRepositoryManagers(repository.userName)) } } /** * Returns the repositories without private repository that user does not have access right. * Include public repository, private own repository and private but collaborator repository. * * @param userName the user name of collaborator * @return the repository infomation list */ def getAllRepositories(userName: String)(implicit s: Session): List[(String, String)] = { Repositories.filter { t1 => (t1.isPrivate === false.bind) || (t1.userName === userName.bind) || (Collaborators.filter { t2 => t2.byRepository(t1.userName, t1.repositoryName) && (t2.collaboratorName === userName.bind)} exists) }.sortBy(_.lastActivityDate desc).map{ t => (t.userName, t.repositoryName) }.list } def getUserRepositories(userName: String, baseUrl: String, withoutPhysicalInfo: Boolean = false) (implicit s: Session): List[RepositoryInfo] = { Repositories.filter { t1 => (t1.userName === userName.bind) || (Collaborators.filter { t2 => t2.byRepository(t1.userName, t1.repositoryName) && (t2.collaboratorName === userName.bind)} exists) }.sortBy(_.lastActivityDate desc){ repository => new RepositoryInfo( if(withoutPhysicalInfo){ new JGitUtil.RepositoryInfo(repository.userName, repository.repositoryName, baseUrl) } else { JGitUtil.getRepositoryInfo(repository.userName, repository.repositoryName, baseUrl) }, repository, getForkedCount( repository.originUserName.getOrElse(repository.userName), repository.originRepositoryName.getOrElse(repository.repositoryName) ), getRepositoryManagers(repository.userName)) } } /** * Returns the list of visible repositories for the specified user. * If repositoryUserName is given then filters results by repository owner. * * @param loginAccount the logged in account * @param baseUrl the base url of this application * @param repositoryUserName the repository owner (if None then returns all repositories which are visible for logged in user) * @param withoutPhysicalInfo if true then the result does not include physical repository information such as commit count, * branches and tags * @return the repository information which is sorted in descending order of lastActivityDate. */ def getVisibleRepositories(loginAccount: Option[Account], baseUrl: String, repositoryUserName: Option[String] = None, withoutPhysicalInfo: Boolean = false) (implicit s: Session): List[RepositoryInfo] = { (loginAccount match { // for Administrators case Some(x) if(x.isAdmin) => Repositories // for Normal Users case Some(x) if(!x.isAdmin) => Repositories filter { t => (t.isPrivate === false.bind) || (t.userName === x.userName) || (Collaborators.filter { t2 => t2.byRepository(t.userName, t.repositoryName) && (t2.collaboratorName === x.userName.bind)} exists) } // for Guests case None => Repositories filter(_.isPrivate === false.bind) }).filter { t => { userName => t.userName === userName.bind } getOrElse LiteralColumn(true) }.sortBy(_.lastActivityDate desc){ repository => new RepositoryInfo( if(withoutPhysicalInfo){ new JGitUtil.RepositoryInfo(repository.userName, repository.repositoryName, baseUrl) } else { JGitUtil.getRepositoryInfo(repository.userName, repository.repositoryName, baseUrl) }, repository, getForkedCount( repository.originUserName.getOrElse(repository.userName), repository.originRepositoryName.getOrElse(repository.repositoryName) ), getRepositoryManagers(repository.userName)) } } private def getRepositoryManagers(userName: String)(implicit s: Session): Seq[String] = if(getAccountByUserName(userName).exists(_.isGroupAccount)){ getGroupMembers(userName).collect { case x if(x.isManager) => x.userName } } else { Seq(userName) } /** * Updates the last activity date of the repository. */ def updateLastActivityDate(userName: String, repositoryName: String)(implicit s: Session): Unit = Repositories.filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).map(_.lastActivityDate).update(currentDate) /** * Save repository options. */ def saveRepositoryOptions(userName: String, repositoryName: String, description: Option[String], defaultBranch: String, isPrivate: Boolean)(implicit s: Session): Unit = Repositories.filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)) .map { r => (r.description.?, r.defaultBranch, r.isPrivate, r.updatedDate) } .update (description, defaultBranch, isPrivate, currentDate) /** * Add collaborator to the repository. * * @param userName the user name of the repository owner * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param collaboratorName the collaborator name */ def addCollaborator(userName: String, repositoryName: String, collaboratorName: String)(implicit s: Session): Unit = Collaborators insert Collaborator(userName, repositoryName, collaboratorName) /** * Remove collaborator from the repository. * * @param userName the user name of the repository owner * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param collaboratorName the collaborator name */ def removeCollaborator(userName: String, repositoryName: String, collaboratorName: String)(implicit s: Session): Unit = Collaborators.filter(_.byPrimaryKey(userName, repositoryName, collaboratorName)).delete /** * Remove all collaborators from the repository. * * @param userName the user name of the repository owner * @param repositoryName the repository name */ def removeCollaborators(userName: String, repositoryName: String)(implicit s: Session): Unit = Collaborators.filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).delete /** * Returns the list of collaborators name which is sorted with ascending order. * * @param userName the user name of the repository owner * @param repositoryName the repository name * @return the list of collaborators name */ def getCollaborators(userName: String, repositoryName: String)(implicit s: Session): List[String] = Collaborators.filter(_.byRepository(userName, repositoryName)).sortBy(_.collaboratorName).map(_.collaboratorName).list def hasWritePermission(owner: String, repository: String, loginAccount: Option[Account])(implicit s: Session): Boolean = { loginAccount match { case Some(a) if(a.isAdmin) => true case Some(a) if(a.userName == owner) => true case Some(a) if(getCollaborators(owner, repository).contains(a.userName)) => true case _ => false } } private def getForkedCount(userName: String, repositoryName: String)(implicit s: Session): Int = Query(Repositories.filter { t => (t.originUserName === userName.bind) && (t.originRepositoryName === repositoryName.bind) }.length).first def getForkedRepositories(userName: String, repositoryName: String)(implicit s: Session): List[(String, String)] = Repositories.filter { t => (t.originUserName === userName.bind) && (t.originRepositoryName === repositoryName.bind) } .sortBy(_.userName asc).map(t => t.userName -> t.repositoryName).list } object RepositoryService { case class RepositoryInfo(owner: String, name: String, httpUrl: String, repository: Repository, issueCount: Int, pullCount: Int, commitCount: Int, forkedCount: Int, branchList: Seq[String], tags: Seq[util.JGitUtil.TagInfo], managers: Seq[String]){ lazy val host = """^https?://(.+?)(:\\d+)?/""".r.findFirstMatchIn(httpUrl) def sshUrl(port: Int, userName: String) = s"ssh://${userName}@${host}:${port}/${owner}/${name}.git" /** * Creates instance with issue count and pull request count. */ def this(repo: JGitUtil.RepositoryInfo, model: Repository, issueCount: Int, pullCount: Int, forkedCount: Int, managers: Seq[String]) = this(repo.owner,, repo.url, model, issueCount, pullCount, repo.commitCount, forkedCount, repo.branchList, repo.tags, managers) /** * Creates instance without issue count and pull request count. */ def this(repo: JGitUtil.RepositoryInfo, model: Repository, forkedCount: Int, managers: Seq[String]) = this(repo.owner,, repo.url, model, 0, 0, repo.commitCount, forkedCount, repo.branchList, repo.tags, managers) } case class RepositoryTreeNode(owner: String, name: String, children: List[RepositoryTreeNode]) }
package io.github.andrebeat.kadfun import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._ import import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet case class Node(nodeId: Id, address: InetAddress, port: Int) { def distance(that: Node) = this.nodeId.distance(that.nodeId) } case class Contact(node: Node, timestamp: DateTime = object Contact { implicit object LeastRecentlySeenOrdering extends Ordering[Contact] { def compare(x: Contact, y: Contact) = } case class ClosestToNodeOrdering(node: Node) extends Ordering[Contact] { def compare(x: Contact, y: Contact) = implicitly[Ordering[Distance]].compare(node.distance(x.node), node.distance(y.node)) } } case class Bucket(capacity: Int = Bucket.CAPACITY, entries: SortedSet[Contact] = SortedSet[Contact]()) { def size: Int = entries.size def nodes: Set[Node] = def +(node: Node): Bucket = entries.find(_.node == node) match { case Some(old) => copy(entries = (entries - old + Contact(node))) case _ if size < capacity => copy(entries = (entries + Contact(node))) case _ => this // TODO: ping least-recently seen to decide what to do. } def -(node: Node): Bucket = entries.find(_.node == node) match { case Some(c) => copy(entries = (entries - c)) case _ => this } } object Bucket { val CAPACITY = 20 } case class RoutingTable(self: Id, buckets: Vector[Bucket] = Vector(Bucket())) { import Bits._ private[this] def bucket(id: Id): Bucket = { val b = self.distance(id).bytes def loop(bit: Int = 0): Int = if (bit == Id.SIZE_BITS) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A node must never put its own nodeId into a bucket as a contact") else if (b.testBit(bit)) Id.SIZE_BITS - bit - 1 else loop(bit + 1) buckets(loop()) } }
package sttp.client3.examples object PostFormSynchronous extends App { import sttp.client3._ val signup = Some("yes") val request = basicRequest // send the body as form data (x-www-form-urlencoded) .body(Map("name" -> "John", "surname" -> "doe")) // use an optional parameter in the URI .post(uri"$signup") val backend = HttpURLConnectionBackend() val response = request.send(backend) println(response.body) println(response.headers) }
/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala package runtime final class RichByte(val self: Byte) extends AnyVal with ScalaWholeNumberProxy[Byte] { protected def num = scala.math.Numeric.ByteIsIntegral protected def ord = scala.math.Ordering.Byte override def doubleValue() = self.toDouble override def floatValue() = self.toFloat override def longValue() = self.toLong override def intValue() = self.toInt override def byteValue() = self override def shortValue() = self.toShort override def isValidByte = true override def abs: Byte = math.abs(self).toByte override def max(that: Byte): Byte = math.max(self, that).toByte override def min(that: Byte): Byte = math.min(self, that).toByte override def signum: Int = math.signum(self.toInt) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar.compression import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar.{ColumnBuilder, NativeColumnBuilder} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.AtomicType import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform /** * A stackable trait that builds optionally compressed byte buffer for a column. Memory layout of * the final byte buffer is: * {{{ * .----------------------- Null count N (4 bytes) * | .------------------- Null positions (4 x N bytes, empty if null count is zero) * | | .------------- Compression scheme ID (4 bytes) * | | | .--------- Compressed non-null elements * V V V V * +---+-----+---+---------+ * | | ... | | ... ... | * +---+-----+---+---------+ * \\-------/ \\-----------/ * header body * }}} */ private[columnar] trait CompressibleColumnBuilder[T <: AtomicType] extends ColumnBuilder with Logging { this: NativeColumnBuilder[T] with WithCompressionSchemes => var compressionEncoders: Seq[Encoder[T]] = _ abstract override def initialize( initialSize: Int, columnName: String, useCompression: Boolean): Unit = { compressionEncoders = if (useCompression) { schemes.filter(_.supports(columnType)).map(_.encoder[T](columnType)) } else { Seq(PassThrough.encoder(columnType)) } super.initialize(initialSize, columnName, useCompression) } // The various compression schemes, while saving memory use, cause all of the data within // the row to become unaligned, thus causing crashes. Until a way of fixing the compression // is found to also allow aligned accesses this must be disabled for SPARC. protected def isWorthCompressing(encoder: Encoder[T]) = { CompressibleColumnBuilder.unaligned && encoder.compressionRatio < 0.8 } private def gatherCompressibilityStats(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int): Unit = { compressionEncoders.foreach(_.gatherCompressibilityStats(row, ordinal)) } abstract override def appendFrom(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int): Unit = { super.appendFrom(row, ordinal) if (!row.isNullAt(ordinal)) { gatherCompressibilityStats(row, ordinal) } } override def build(): ByteBuffer = { val nonNullBuffer = buildNonNulls() val encoder: Encoder[T] = { val candidate = compressionEncoders.minBy(_.compressionRatio) if (isWorthCompressing(candidate)) candidate else PassThrough.encoder(columnType) } // Header = null count + null positions val headerSize = 4 + nulls.limit() val compressedSize = if (encoder.compressedSize == 0) { nonNullBuffer.remaining() } else { encoder.compressedSize } val compressedBuffer = ByteBuffer // Reserves 4 bytes for compression scheme ID .allocate(headerSize + 4 + compressedSize) .order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder) // Write the header .putInt(nullCount) .put(nulls) logDebug(s"Compressor for [$columnName]: $encoder, ratio: ${encoder.compressionRatio}") encoder.compress(nonNullBuffer, compressedBuffer) } } private[columnar] object CompressibleColumnBuilder { val unaligned = Platform.unaligned() }
package import sbt._ object Dependencies { object V { val actorCommons = "0.0.20" val actorBotkit = "1.0.113" val akka = "2.4.10" val akkaHttpJson = "1.10.0" val cats = "0.7.2" val circe = "0.5.1" val kamon = "0.5.2" val slick = "3.1.1" val slickPg = "0.14.3" val scalatest = "2.2.4" val shardakka = "0.1.24" val scalapbSer = "0.1.14" } object Compile { val actorConcurrent = "" %% "actor-concurrent" % V.actorCommons val actorUtil = "" %% "actor-util" % V.actorCommons val actorCatsSlick = "" %% "actor-cats-slick" % V.actorCommons val actorStorageSlick = "" %% "actor-storage-slick" % V.actorCommons val actorBotkit = "" % "actor-botkit" % V.actorBotkit val shardakka = "" %% "shardakka" % V.shardakka val scalapbSer = "" %% "akka-scalapb-serialization" % V.scalapbSer val akkaActor = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % V.akka val akkaPersistence = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence" % V.akka val akkaDdata = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-distributed-data-experimental" % V.akka val akkaClusterTools = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % V.akka val akkaClusterSharding = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-sharding" % V.akka val akkaStream = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream" % V.akka val akkaHttp = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-http-experimental" % V.akka val akkaHttpPlayJson = "de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-play-json" % V.akkaHttpJson val akkaHttpCirce = "de.heikoseeberger" %% "akka-http-circe" % V.akkaHttpJson val akkaSlf4j = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-slf4j" % V.akka val sprayClient = "io.spray" %% "spray-client" % "1.3.3" val sprayWebsocket = "com.wandoulabs.akka" %% "spray-websocket" % "0.1.4" val akkaPersistenceJdbc = "com.github.dnvriend" %% "akka-persistence-jdbc" % "2.3.3" val apacheEmail = "org.apache.commons" % "commons-email" % "1.4" val betterFiles = "com.github.pathikrit" %% "better-files" % "2.13.0" val caffeine = "com.github.ben-manes.caffeine" % "caffeine" % "2.2.7" val cats = "org.typelevel" %% "cats" % V.cats val circeCore = "io.circe" %% "circe-core" % V.circe val circeGeneric = "io.circe" %% "circe-generic" % V.circe val circeParse = "io.circe" %% "circe-parser" % V.circe val configs = "com.github.kxbmap" %% "configs" % "0.3.0" val dispatch = "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" % "0.11.3" val javaCompat = "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-java8-compat" % "0.7.0" val playJson = "" %% "play-json" % "2.5.6" val upickle = "com.lihaoyi" %% "upickle" % "0.3.6" val postgresJdbc = "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4.1208" exclude("org.slf4j", "slf4j-simple") val slick = "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick" % "" //V.slick FIXME: remove after slick/slick#1274 released val slickHikaricp = "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick-hikaricp" % "" exclude("com.zaxxer", "HikariCP-java6") //V.slick FIXME: remove after slick/slick#1274 released val slickJoda = "com.github.tototoshi" %% "slick-joda-mapper" % "2.0.0" val slickPg = "com.github.tminglei" %% "slick-pg" % V.slickPg val slickPgDate2 = "com.github.tminglei" %% "slick-pg_date2" % V.slickPg val slickTestkit = "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick-testkit" % V.slick val flywayCore = "org.flywaydb" % "flyway-core" % "3.1" val hikariCP = "com.zaxxer" % "HikariCP" % "2.4.6" val amazonaws = "com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk-s3" % "1.11.32" val awsWrap = "com.github.dwhjames" %% "aws-wrap" % "0.8.0" val bcprov = "org.bouncycastle" % "bcprov-jdk15on" % "1.50" val kamonCore = "io.kamon" %% "kamon-core" % V.kamon val kamonDatadog = "io.kamon" %% "kamon-datadog" % V.kamon val libPhoneNumber = "com.googlecode.libphonenumber" % "libphonenumber" % "7.0.+" val icu4j = "" % "icu4j" % "56.1" val scodecBits = "org.scodec" %% "scodec-bits" % "1.0.9" val scodecCore = "org.scodec" %% "scodec-core" % "1.8.1" val scopt = "com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "3.3.0" val shapeless = "com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.2.4" val scrImageCore = "com.sksamuel.scrimage" %% "scrimage-core" % "2.1.0" val tyrex = "tyrex" % "tyrex" % "1.0.1" val pushy = "com.relayrides" % "pushy" % "0.6.1" val logbackClassic = "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.1.2" val scalaLogging = "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % "3.1.0" val jodaTime = "joda-time" % "joda-time" % "2.7" val jodaConvert = "org.joda" % "joda-convert" % "1.7" val apacheCommonsCodec = "commons-codec" % "commons-codec" % "1.10" val apacheCommonsIo = "commons-io" % "commons-io" % "2.4" val apacheCommonsValidator = "commons-validator" % "commons-validator" % "1.4.1" val guava = "" % "guava" % "19.0" val alpn = "org.eclipse.jetty.alpn" % "alpn-api" % "1.1.2.v20150522" % "runtime" val tcnative = "io.netty" % "netty-tcnative" % "1.1.33.Fork15" classifier "linux-x86_64-fedora" val tcnativeboringssl = "io.netty" % "netty-tcnative-boringssl-static" % "1.1.33.Fork15" val silencer = "com.github.ghik" % "silencer-lib" % "0.4" } object Testing { val akkaTestkit = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-testkit" % V.akka val akkaMultiNodeTestkit = "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-multi-node-testkit" % V.akka val scalacheck = "org.scalacheck" %% "scalacheck" % "1.12.5" val scalatest = "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % V.scalatest val jfairy = "io.codearte.jfairy" % "jfairy" % "0.3.1" } import Compile._ import Testing._ val shared = Seq( alpn, tcnative, tcnativeboringssl, configs, actorUtil, javaCompat, logbackClassic, scalaLogging, tyrex, kamonCore, kamonDatadog, silencer ) val root = shared ++ Seq( akkaSlf4j, akkaActor, akkaStream ) val activation = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, playJson, sprayClient) val bots = shared ++ Seq(actorBotkit, upickle, shardakka) val botkit = Seq(actorConcurrent, akkaActor, akkaHttp, akkaSlf4j, javaCompat, sprayWebsocket, upickle) val botShared = Seq(upickle, javaCompat) val cli = Seq(akkaClusterTools, scopt) val core = shared ++ Seq( actorConcurrent, akkaActor, akkaClusterTools, akkaClusterSharding, akkaDdata, caffeine, pushy, jodaTime, postgresJdbc, shardakka, scrImageCore, sprayClient ) val enrich = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, akkaHttp) val rpcApi = shared ++ Seq( akkaSlf4j, akkaActor, bcprov, apacheCommonsIo, apacheCommonsValidator, shapeless, akkaHttpPlayJson ) val httpApi = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, akkaHttp, akkaHttpPlayJson, akkaHttpCirce, circeCore, circeGeneric, circeParse, jodaTime, playJson) val email = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, apacheEmail) val oauth = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, akkaHttp, playJson) val session = shared ++ Seq( akkaSlf4j, akkaActor, akkaStream, scodecCore ) val sessionMessages = Seq(akkaActor) val persist = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, akkaStream, actorCatsSlick, actorStorageSlick, apacheCommonsCodec, guava, postgresJdbc, slick, slickHikaricp, slickJoda, slickPg, slickPgDate2, slickTestkit, flywayCore, hikariCP, jodaTime, jodaConvert) val presences = shared :+ akkaClusterSharding val sms = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, akkaHttp, dispatch) val codecs = shared ++ Seq(scodecBits, scodecCore) val models = shared ++ Seq(scodecBits, scodecCore, jodaTime, jodaConvert, slickPg) val fileAdapter = shared ++ Seq(amazonaws, apacheCommonsCodec, apacheCommonsIo, awsWrap, betterFiles) val frontend = shared ++ Seq( akkaSlf4j, akkaActor, akkaStream, guava, scodecBits, scodecCore ) val sdk = Seq.empty val runtime = shared ++ Seq(akkaActor, actorConcurrent, akkaHttp, akkaSlf4j, akkaStream, akkaPersistenceJdbc, apacheCommonsCodec, caffeine, cats, jodaConvert, jodaTime, icu4j, libPhoneNumber, scalapbSer, akkaTestkit % "test", scalatest % "test") val tests = shared ++ Seq(akkaClusterSharding, amazonaws, jfairy, scalacheck, scalatest, slickTestkit, akkaTestkit, akkaMultiNodeTestkit) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.{FlinkContext, FlinkTypeFactory} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.`trait`.FlinkRelDistribution import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.FlinkConventions import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.logical.FlinkLogicalJoin import import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.{FlinkRelOptUtil, WindowJoinUtil} import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall, RelTraitSet} import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode import org.apache.calcite.rel.convert.ConverterRule import java.util import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ /** * Rule that converts non-SEMI/ANTI [[FlinkLogicalJoin]] with window bounds in join condition * to [[StreamExecWindowJoin]]. */ class StreamExecWindowJoinRule extends ConverterRule( classOf[FlinkLogicalJoin], FlinkConventions.LOGICAL, FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL, "StreamExecWindowJoinRule") { override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val join: FlinkLogicalJoin = call.rel(0) val joinRowType = join.getRowType val joinInfo = join.analyzeCondition() // joins require an equi-condition or a conjunctive predicate with at least one equi-condition // TODO support SEMI/ANTI join if (!join.getJoinType.projectsRight || joinInfo.pairs().isEmpty) { return false } val tableConfig = FlinkRelOptUtil.getTableConfigFromContext(join) val (windowBounds, _) = WindowJoinUtil.extractWindowBoundsFromPredicate( join.getCondition, join.getLeft.getRowType.getFieldCount, joinRowType, join.getCluster.getRexBuilder, tableConfig) if (windowBounds.isDefined) { if (windowBounds.get.isEventTime) { true } else { // Check that no event-time attributes are in the input because the processing time window // join does not correctly hold back watermarks. // We rely on projection pushdown to remove unused attributes before the join. !joinRowType.getFieldList.exists(f => FlinkTypeFactory.isRowtimeIndicatorType(f.getType)) } } else { // the given join does not have valid window bounds. We cannot translate it. false } } override def convert(rel: RelNode): RelNode = { val join: FlinkLogicalJoin = rel.asInstanceOf[FlinkLogicalJoin] val joinRowType = join.getRowType val left = join.getLeft val right = join.getRight def toHashTraitByColumns( columns: util.Collection[_ <: Number], inputTraitSet: RelTraitSet): RelTraitSet = { val distribution = if (columns.size() == 0) { FlinkRelDistribution.SINGLETON } else { FlinkRelDistribution.hash(columns) } inputTraitSet .replace(FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL) .replace(distribution) } val joinInfo = join.analyzeCondition val (leftRequiredTrait, rightRequiredTrait) = ( toHashTraitByColumns(joinInfo.leftKeys, left.getTraitSet), toHashTraitByColumns(joinInfo.rightKeys, right.getTraitSet)) val newLeft = RelOptRule.convert(left, leftRequiredTrait) val newRight = RelOptRule.convert(right, rightRequiredTrait) val providedTraitSet = join.getTraitSet.replace(FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL) val tableConfig = rel.getCluster.getPlanner.getContext.asInstanceOf[FlinkContext].getTableConfig val (windowBounds, remainCondition) = WindowJoinUtil.extractWindowBoundsFromPredicate( join.getCondition, left.getRowType.getFieldCount, joinRowType, join.getCluster.getRexBuilder, tableConfig) new StreamExecWindowJoin( rel.getCluster, providedTraitSet, newLeft, newRight, join.getCondition, join.getJoinType, joinRowType, windowBounds.get.isEventTime, windowBounds.get.leftLowerBound, windowBounds.get.leftUpperBound, windowBounds.get.leftTimeIdx, windowBounds.get.rightTimeIdx, remainCondition) } } object StreamExecWindowJoinRule { val INSTANCE: RelOptRule = new StreamExecWindowJoinRule }
package com.eharmony.aloha.models import com.eharmony.aloha.util.Logging import scala.language.existentials import java.{lang => jl} import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner import com.eharmony.aloha.models.TypeCoercionTest.{matrixAndTypes, Precision} import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.{RefInfo, RefInfoOps} /** * Test that the proper coercionsexist and that they work. There are a ton of coercions. * At the time of this writing: 557 (3 * 219) coercions. Here we tests all of the coercions * from types not lifted to option. We also test the that option-based coercions exist. We * don't check the correctness of the option coercions because they are just a mapping of the * non-lifted coercions. * * Notice a lot of the string tests are unstable and throw. This may mean that we should remove * from-string based coercions. * * @author R M Deak */ @RunWith(classOf[BlockJUnit4ClassRunner]) class TypeCoercionTest extends Logging { val (matrix, types) = matrixAndTypes() @Test def test_Bo_Bo_0(): Unit = assertEquals(true, TypeCoercion[Boolean, Boolean].get.apply(true)) @Test def test_Bo_Bo_1(): Unit = assertEquals(false, TypeCoercion[Boolean, Boolean].get.apply(false)) @Test def test_Bo_JBo_0(): Unit = assertEquals(true, TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Boolean].get.apply(true)) @Test def test_Bo_JBo_1(): Unit = assertEquals(false, TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Boolean].get.apply(false)) @Test def test_Bo_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("true", TypeCoercion[Boolean, String].get.apply(true)) @Test def test_Bo_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("false", TypeCoercion[Boolean, String].get.apply(false)) @Test def test_By_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2.toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Byte].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-3).toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Byte].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2.toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Char].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-3).toChar, TypeCoercion[Byte, Char].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2d, TypeCoercion[Byte, Double].get.apply(2.toByte), 0) @Test def test_By_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-3d, TypeCoercion[Byte, Double].get.apply((-3).toByte), 0) @Test def test_By_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2f, TypeCoercion[Byte, Float].get.apply(2.toByte), 0) @Test def test_By_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-3f, TypeCoercion[Byte, Float].get.apply((-3).toByte), 0) @Test def test_By_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2.toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Int].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-3).toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Int].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2.toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Byte].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-3).toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Byte].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(2), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Character].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(65533.toChar), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Character].get.apply((-3).toByte)) //underflow @Test def test_By_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2d, TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Double].get.apply(2.toByte), 0) @Test def test_By_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-3d, TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Double].get.apply((-3).toByte), 0) @Test def test_By_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2f, TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Float].get.apply(2.toByte).floatValue(), 0) @Test def test_By_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-3f, TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Float].get.apply((-3).toByte).floatValue(), 0) @Test def test_By_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(2), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Integer].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-3), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Integer].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(2), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Long].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-3), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Long].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(2.toShort), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Short].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-3.toShort), TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Short].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2.toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Long].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-3).toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Long].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(2.toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Short].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-3).toByte, TypeCoercion[Byte, Short].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_By_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("2", TypeCoercion[Byte, String].get.apply(2.toByte)) @Test def test_By_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-3", TypeCoercion[Byte, String].get.apply((-3).toByte)) @Test def test_C_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2'.toByte, TypeCoercion[Char, Byte].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3'.toByte, TypeCoercion[Char, Byte].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2', TypeCoercion[Char, Char].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3', TypeCoercion[Char, Char].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2'.toDouble, TypeCoercion[Char, Double].get.apply('2'), 0) @Test def test_C_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3'.toDouble, TypeCoercion[Char, Double].get.apply('3'), 0) @Test def test_C_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2'.toFloat, TypeCoercion[Char, Float].get.apply('2'), 0) @Test def test_C_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3'.toFloat, TypeCoercion[Char, Float].get.apply('3'), 0) @Test def test_C_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2'.toInt, TypeCoercion[Char, Int].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3'.toInt, TypeCoercion[Char, Int].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte('2'.toByte), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Byte].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte('3'.toByte), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Byte].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar('2'), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Character].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar('3'), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Character].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble('2'.toDouble).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Double].get.apply('2').doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_C_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble('3'.toDouble).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Double].get.apply('3').doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_C_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat('2'.toFloat).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Float].get.apply('2').floatValue, 0) @Test def test_C_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat('3'.toFloat).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Float].get.apply('3').floatValue, 0) @Test def test_C_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt('2'.toInt), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Integer].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt('3'.toInt), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Integer].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong('2'.toLong), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Long].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong('3'.toLong), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Long].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort('2'.toShort), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Short].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort('3'.toShort), TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Short].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2'.toLong, TypeCoercion[Char, Long].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3'.toLong, TypeCoercion[Char, Long].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals('2'.toShort, TypeCoercion[Char, Short].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals('3'.toShort, TypeCoercion[Char, Short].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_C_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("2", TypeCoercion[Char, String].get.apply('2')) @Test def test_C_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("3", TypeCoercion[Char, String].get.apply('3')) @Test def test_D_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7.toByte, TypeCoercion[Double, Byte].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8.toByte, TypeCoercion[Double, Byte].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7.toChar, TypeCoercion[Double, Char].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8.toChar, TypeCoercion[Double, Char].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7.5, TypeCoercion[Double, Double].get.apply(7.5), 0) @Test def test_D_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8.5, TypeCoercion[Double, Double].get.apply(-8.5), 0) @Test def test_D_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7.5f, TypeCoercion[Double, Float].get.apply(7.5), 0) @Test def test_D_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8.5f, TypeCoercion[Double, Float].get.apply(-8.5), 0) @Test def test_D_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7, TypeCoercion[Double, Int].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8, TypeCoercion[Double, Int].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(7.toByte), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Byte].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-8.toByte), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Byte].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(7.toChar), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Character].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-8.toChar), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Character].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(7.5).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Double].get.apply(7.5).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_D_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-8.5).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Double].get.apply(-8.5).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_D_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(7.5f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Float].get.apply(7.5).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_D_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-8.5f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Float].get.apply(-8.5).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_D_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(7), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Integer].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-8), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Integer].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(7L), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Long].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-8L), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Long].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(7.toShort), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Short].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-8.toShort), TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Short].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7L, TypeCoercion[Double, Long].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8L, TypeCoercion[Double, Long].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(7.toShort, TypeCoercion[Double, Short].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-8.toShort, TypeCoercion[Double, Short].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_D_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("7.5", TypeCoercion[Double, String].get.apply(7.5)) @Test def test_D_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-8.5", TypeCoercion[Double, String].get.apply(-8.5)) @Test def test_F_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6.toByte, TypeCoercion[Float, Byte].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7.toByte, TypeCoercion[Float, Byte].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6.toChar, TypeCoercion[Float, Char].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7.toChar, TypeCoercion[Float, Char].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6.499, TypeCoercion[Float, Double].get.apply(6.499f), Precision) @Test def test_F_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7.499, TypeCoercion[Float, Double].get.apply(-7.499f), Precision) @Test def test_F_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6.499f, TypeCoercion[Float, Float].get.apply(6.499f), 0) @Test def test_F_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7.499f, TypeCoercion[Float, Float].get.apply(-7.499f), 0) @Test def test_F_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6, TypeCoercion[Float, Int].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7, TypeCoercion[Float, Int].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(6.toByte), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Byte].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-7.toByte), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Byte].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(6.toChar), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Character].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(65529.toChar), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Character].get.apply(-7.499f)) // underflow @Test def test_F_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(6.499).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Double].get.apply(6.499f).doubleValue, Precision) @Test def test_F_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-7.499).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Double].get.apply(-7.499f).doubleValue, Precision) @Test def test_F_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(6.499f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Float].get.apply(6.499f).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_F_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-7.499f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Float].get.apply(-7.499f).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_F_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(6), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Integer].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-7), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Integer].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(6L), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Long].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-7L), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Long].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(6.toShort), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Short].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-7.toShort), TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Short].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6.toLong, TypeCoercion[Float, Long].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7.toLong, TypeCoercion[Float, Long].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(6.toShort, TypeCoercion[Float, Short].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-7.toShort, TypeCoercion[Float, Short].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_F_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("6.499", TypeCoercion[Float, String].get.apply(6.499f)) @Test def test_F_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-7.499", TypeCoercion[Float, String].get.apply(-7.499f)) @Test def test_I_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4.toByte, TypeCoercion[Int, Byte].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5.toByte, TypeCoercion[Int, Byte].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4.toChar, TypeCoercion[Int, Char].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5.toChar, TypeCoercion[Int, Char].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4d, TypeCoercion[Int, Double].get.apply(4), 0) @Test def test_I_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5d, TypeCoercion[Int, Double].get.apply(-5), 0) @Test def test_I_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4f, TypeCoercion[Int, Float].get.apply(4), 0) @Test def test_I_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5f, TypeCoercion[Int, Float].get.apply(-5), 0) @Test def test_I_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4, TypeCoercion[Int, Int].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5, TypeCoercion[Int, Int].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(4.toByte), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Byte].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-5.toByte), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Byte].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(4.toChar), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Character].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(65531.toChar), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Character].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(4d).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Double].get.apply(4).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_I_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-5d).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Double].get.apply(-5).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_I_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(4f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Float].get.apply(4).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_I_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-5f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Float].get.apply(-5).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_I_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(4), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Integer].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-5), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Integer].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(4L), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Long].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-5L), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Long].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(4.toShort), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Short].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-5.toShort), TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Short].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4L, TypeCoercion[Int, Long].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5L, TypeCoercion[Int, Long].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(4.toShort, TypeCoercion[Int, Short].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-5.toShort, TypeCoercion[Int, Short].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_I_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("4", TypeCoercion[Int, String].get.apply(4)) @Test def test_I_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-5", TypeCoercion[Int, String].get.apply(-5)) @Test def test_JBo_Bo_0(): Unit = assertEquals(false, TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Boolean].get.apply(jl.Boolean.FALSE)) @Test def test_JBo_Bo_1(): Unit = assertEquals(true, TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Boolean].get.apply(jl.Boolean.TRUE)) @Test def test_JBo_JBo_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jl.Boolean.FALSE, TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Boolean].get.apply(jl.Boolean.FALSE)) @Test def test_JBo_JBo_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jl.Boolean.TRUE, TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Boolean].get.apply(jl.Boolean.TRUE)) @Test def test_JBo_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jl.Boolean.FALSE.toString, TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, String].get.apply(jl.Boolean.FALSE)) @Test def test_JBo_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jl.Boolean.TRUE.toString, TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, String].get.apply(jl.Boolean.TRUE)) @Test def test_JBy_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Byte].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Byte].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Char].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Char].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8d, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Double].get.apply(jByte(8)), 0) @Test def test_JBy_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9d, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Double].get.apply(jByte(-9)), 0) @Test def test_JBy_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8f, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Float].get.apply(jByte(8)), 0) @Test def test_JBy_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9f, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Float].get.apply(jByte(-9)), 0) @Test def test_JBy_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Int].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Int].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(8), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Byte].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-9), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Byte].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(8), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Character].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-9), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Character].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(8).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Double].get.apply(jByte(8)).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_JBy_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-9).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Double].get.apply(jByte(-9)).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_JBy_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(8).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Float].get.apply(jByte(8)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JBy_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-9).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Float].get.apply(jByte(-9)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JBy_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(8), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Integer].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-9), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Integer].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(8), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Long].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-9), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Long].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(8), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Short].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-9), TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Short].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8L, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Long].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9L, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Long].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(8.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Short].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-9.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Short].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JBy_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("8", TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, String].get.apply(jByte(8))) @Test def test_JBy_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-9", TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, String].get.apply(jByte(-9))) @Test def test_JC_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals('4', TypeCoercion[jl.Character, Char].get.apply(jChar('4'))) @Test def test_JC_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals('5', TypeCoercion[jl.Character, Char].get.apply(jChar('5'))) @Test def test_JC_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar('4'), TypeCoercion[jl.Character, jl.Character].get.apply(jChar('4'))) @Test def test_JC_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar('5'), TypeCoercion[jl.Character, jl.Character].get.apply(jChar('5'))) @Test def test_JC_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("4", TypeCoercion[jl.Character, String].get.apply(jChar('4'))) @Test def test_JC_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("5", TypeCoercion[jl.Character, String].get.apply(jChar('5'))) @Test def test_JD_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Byte].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Byte].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(13.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Char].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-14).toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Char].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(13.5, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Double].get.apply(jDouble(13.5)), 0) @Test def test_JD_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-14.5, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Double].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5)), 0) @Test def test_JD_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(13.5f, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Float].get.apply(jDouble(13.5)), 0) @Test def test_JD_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-14.5f, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Float].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5)), 0) @Test def test_JD_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(13, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Int].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-14, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Int].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Byte].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Byte].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Character].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Character].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(13.5), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Double].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-14.5), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Double].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(13.5f), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Float].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-14.5f), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Float].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Integer].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Integer].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Long].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Long].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Short].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Short].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(13L, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Long].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-14L, TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Long].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(13), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Short].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-14), TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Short].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JD_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("13.5", TypeCoercion[jl.Double, String].get.apply(jDouble(13.5))) @Test def test_JD_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-14.5", TypeCoercion[jl.Double, String].get.apply(jDouble(-14.5))) @Test def test_JF_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Byte].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-13).toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Byte].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Char].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-13).toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Char].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12.499d, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Double].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f)), Precision) @Test def test_JF_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-13.499d, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Double].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f)), Precision) @Test def test_JF_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12.499f, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Float].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f)), 0) @Test def test_JF_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-13.499f, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Float].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f)), 0) @Test def test_JF_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Int].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-13, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Int].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(12), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Byte].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-13), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Byte].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(12), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Character].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-13), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Character].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(12.499).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Double].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f)).doubleValue, Precision) @Test def test_JF_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-13.499).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Double].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f)).doubleValue, Precision) @Test def test_JF_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(12.499f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Float].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JF_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-13.499f).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Float].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JF_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(12), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Integer].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-13), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Integer].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(12L), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Long].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-13L), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Long].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(12), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Short].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-13), TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Short].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12L, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Long].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-13L, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Long].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(12.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Short].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-13).toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Short].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JF_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("12.499", TypeCoercion[jl.Float, String].get.apply(jFloat(12.499f))) @Test def test_JF_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-13.499", TypeCoercion[jl.Float, String].get.apply(jFloat(-13.499f))) @Test def test_JI_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Byte].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-11).toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Byte].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Char].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-11).toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Char].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10d, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Double].get.apply(jInt(10)), 0) @Test def test_JI_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-11d, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Double].get.apply(jInt(-11)), 0) @Test def test_JI_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10f, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Float].get.apply(jInt(10)), 0) @Test def test_JI_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-11f, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Float].get.apply(jInt(-11)), 0) @Test def test_JI_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Int].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-11, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Int].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(10), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Byte].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-11), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Byte].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(10), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Character].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-11), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Character].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(10).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Double].get.apply(jInt(10)).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_JI_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-11).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Double].get.apply(jInt(-11)).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_JI_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(10).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Float].get.apply(jInt(10)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JI_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-11).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Float].get.apply(jInt(-11)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JI_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(10), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Integer].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-11), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Integer].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(10), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Long].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-11), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Long].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(10), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Short].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-11), TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Short].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10L, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Long].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-11L, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Long].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(10.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Short].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-11.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Short].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JI_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("10", TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, String].get.apply(jInt(10))) @Test def test_JI_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-11", TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, String].get.apply(jInt(-11))) @Test def test_JL_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Byte].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-12).toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Byte].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Char].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-12).toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Char].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11d, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Double].get.apply(jLong(11)), 0) @Test def test_JL_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-12d, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Double].get.apply(jLong(-12)), 0) @Test def test_JL_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11f, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Float].get.apply(jLong(11)), 0) @Test def test_JL_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-12f, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Float].get.apply(jLong(-12)), 0) @Test def test_JL_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Int].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-12, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Int].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Byte].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Byte].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Character].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Character].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Double].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Double].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Float].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Float].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Integer].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Integer].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Long].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Long].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(11), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Short].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-12), TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Short].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11L, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Long].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-12L, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Long].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(11.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Short].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-12.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Short].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JL_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("11", TypeCoercion[jl.Long, String].get.apply(jLong(11))) @Test def test_JL_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-12", TypeCoercion[jl.Long, String].get.apply(jLong(-12))) @Test def test_JSh_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Byte].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10.toByte, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Byte].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Char].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10.toChar, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Char].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9d, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Double].get.apply(jShort(9)), 0) @Test def test_JSh_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10d, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Double].get.apply(jShort(-10)), 0) @Test def test_JSh_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9f, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Float].get.apply(jShort(9)), 0) @Test def test_JSh_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10f, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Float].get.apply(jShort(-10)), 0) @Test def test_JSh_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Int].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Int].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(9), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Byte].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-10), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Byte].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(9), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Character].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-10), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Character].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(9).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Double].get.apply(jShort(9)).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_JSh_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-10).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Double].get.apply(jShort(-10)).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_JSh_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(9).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Float].get.apply(jShort(9)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JSh_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-10).floatValue, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Float].get.apply(jShort(-10)).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_JSh_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(9), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Integer].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-10), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Integer].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(9), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Long].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-10), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Long].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(9), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Short].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-10), TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Short].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9L, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Long].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10L, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Long].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(9.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Short].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-10.toShort, TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Short].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_JSh_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("9", TypeCoercion[jl.Short, String].get.apply(jShort(9))) @Test def test_JSh_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-10", TypeCoercion[jl.Short, String].get.apply(jShort(-10))) @Test def test_L_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5.toByte, TypeCoercion[Long, Byte].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-6.toByte, TypeCoercion[Long, Byte].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5.toChar, TypeCoercion[Long, Char].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-6).toChar, TypeCoercion[Long, Char].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5d, TypeCoercion[Long, Double].get.apply(5L), 0) @Test def test_L_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-6d, TypeCoercion[Long, Double].get.apply(-6L), 0) @Test def test_L_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5f, TypeCoercion[Long, Float].get.apply(5L), 0) @Test def test_L_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-6f, TypeCoercion[Long, Float].get.apply(-6L), 0) @Test def test_L_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5, TypeCoercion[Long, Int].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-6, TypeCoercion[Long, Int].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(5), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Byte].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-6), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Byte].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(5), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Character].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-6), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Character].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(5).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Double].get.apply(5L).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_L_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-6).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Double].get.apply(-6L).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_L_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(5).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Float].get.apply(5L).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_L_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-6).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Float].get.apply(-6L).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_L_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(5), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Integer].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-6), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Integer].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(5), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Long].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-6), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Long].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(5), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Short].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-6), TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Short].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5L, TypeCoercion[Long, Long].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-6L, TypeCoercion[Long, Long].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(5.toShort, TypeCoercion[Long, Short].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-6.toShort, TypeCoercion[Long, Short].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_L_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("5", TypeCoercion[Long, String].get.apply(5L)) @Test def test_L_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-6", TypeCoercion[Long, String].get.apply(-6L)) @Test def test_Sh_By_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3.toByte, TypeCoercion[Short, Byte].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_By_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-4).toByte, TypeCoercion[Short, Byte].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_C_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3.toChar, TypeCoercion[Short, Char].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_C_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-4).toChar, TypeCoercion[Short, Char].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_D_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3d, TypeCoercion[Short, Double].get.apply(3.toShort), 0) @Test def test_Sh_D_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-4d, TypeCoercion[Short, Double].get.apply((-4).toShort), 0) @Test def test_Sh_F_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3f, TypeCoercion[Short, Float].get.apply(3.toShort), 0) @Test def test_Sh_F_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-4f, TypeCoercion[Short, Float].get.apply((-4).toShort), 0) @Test def test_Sh_I_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3, TypeCoercion[Short, Int].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_I_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-4, TypeCoercion[Short, Int].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JBy_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(3), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Byte].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JBy_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jByte(-4), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Byte].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JC_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(3), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Character].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JC_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jChar(-4), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Character].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JD_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(3).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Double].get.apply(3.toShort).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_Sh_JD_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jDouble(-4).doubleValue, TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Double].get.apply((-4).toShort).doubleValue, 0) @Test def test_Sh_JF_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(3).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Float].get.apply(3.toShort).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_Sh_JF_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jFloat(-4).floatValue, TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Float].get.apply((-4).toShort).floatValue, 0) @Test def test_Sh_JI_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(3), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Integer].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JI_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jInt(-4), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Integer].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JL_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(3), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Long].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JL_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jLong(-4), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Long].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JSh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(3), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Short].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_JSh_1(): Unit = assertEquals(jShort(-4), TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Short].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_L_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3L, TypeCoercion[Short, Long].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_L_1(): Unit = assertEquals(-4L, TypeCoercion[Short, Long].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_Sh_0(): Unit = assertEquals(3.toShort, TypeCoercion[Short, Short].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_Sh_1(): Unit = assertEquals((-4).toShort, TypeCoercion[Short, Short].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("3", TypeCoercion[Short, String].get.apply(3.toShort)) @Test def test_Sh_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-4", TypeCoercion[Short, String].get.apply((-4).toShort)) @Test def test_St_St_0(): Unit = assertEquals("31", TypeCoercion[String, String].get.apply("31")) @Test def test_St_St_1(): Unit = assertEquals("-1", TypeCoercion[String, String].get.apply("-1")) @Test def test_St_St_2(): Unit = assertEquals("true", TypeCoercion[String, String].get.apply("true")) @Test def test_St_St_3(): Unit = assertEquals("false", TypeCoercion[String, String].get.apply("false")) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_C(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Char].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_By(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Byte].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_Sh(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Short].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_I(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Int].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_L(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Long].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_F(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Float].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_D(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, Double].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JBy(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Byte].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JSh(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Short].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JI(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Integer].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JL(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Long].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JF(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Float].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JD(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Double].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Bo_JC(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Boolean, jl.Character].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_C_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Char, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_C_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Char, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_By_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Byte, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_By_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Byte, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Sh_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Short, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_Sh_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Short, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_I_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Int, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_I_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Int, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_L_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Long, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_L_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Long, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_F_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Float, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_F_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Float, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_D_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Double, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_D_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[Double, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBy_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBy_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Byte, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JSh_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Short, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JSh_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Short, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JI_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JI_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Integer, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JL_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Long, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JL_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Long, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JF_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Float, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JF_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Float, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JD_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Double, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JD_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Double, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JC_Bo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Character, Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JC_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Character, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_C(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Char].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_By(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Byte].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_Sh(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Short].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_I(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Int].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_L(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Long].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_F(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Float].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_D(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, Double].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JBy(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Byte].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JSh(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Short].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JI(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Integer].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JL(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Long].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JF(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Float].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JD(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Double].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_JBo_JC(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[jl.Boolean, jl.Character].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_C(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Char].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_By(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Byte].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_Sh(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Short].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_I(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Int].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_L(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Long].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_F(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Float].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_D(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, Double].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JBy(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Byte].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JSh(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Short].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JI(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Integer].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JL(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Long].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JF(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Float].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JD(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Double].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JC(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Character].isEmpty) @Test def testNoCoersion_St_JBo(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[String, jl.Boolean].isEmpty) /** * Take the matrix from the comment and ensure that if a coercion is supposed to exist, then it does. This * doesn't test that the conversions are actually correct. */ @Test def testRawCoercionsExist(): Unit = { val funcs = for { from <- matrix.indices to <- matrix(from).indices shouldExist = matrix(from)(to) f = types(from) t = types(to) doesExist = TypeCoercion(f, t).isDefined ok = shouldExist == doesExist // p -> q == ~p v q } yield (shouldExist, ok, s"${RefInfoOps.toString(f)} => ${RefInfoOps.toString(t)}") debug(s"Found ${funcs.count(_._1)} coercion functions.") val missing = funcs.collect { case (sE, ok, f) if !ok => f } assertTrue(s"Found ${missing.size} functions missing: ${missing.mkString("\\n\\t", "\\n\\t", "")}", missing.isEmpty) } /** * Take the matrix from the comment and ensure that if a coercion is supposed to exist, then it does. This * doesn't test that the conversions are actually correct. This tests that coercions of the form: * * A => Option[B] exists where A and B are not options. */ @Test def testToOptCoercionsExist(): Unit = { val funcs = for { from <- matrix.indices to <- matrix(from).indices shouldExist = matrix(from)(to) f = types(from) t = RefInfoOps.option(types(to)) doesExist = TypeCoercion(f, t).isDefined ok = shouldExist == doesExist // p -> q == ~p v q } yield (shouldExist, ok, s"${RefInfoOps.toString(f)} => ${RefInfoOps.toString(t)}") debug(s"Found ${funcs.count(_._1)} toOption coercion functions.") val missing = funcs.collect { case (sE, ok, f) if !ok => f } assertTrue(s"Found ${missing.size} toOption functions missing: ${missing.mkString("\\n\\t", "\\n\\t", "")}", missing.isEmpty) } /** * Take the matrix from the comment and ensure that if a coercion is supposed to exist, then it does. This * doesn't test that the conversions are actually correct. This tests that coercions of the form: * * Option[A] => Option[B] exists where A and B are not options. */ @Test def testOptOptCoercionsExist(): Unit = { val funcs = for { from <- matrix.indices to <- matrix(from).indices shouldExist = matrix(from)(to) f = RefInfoOps.option(types(from)) t = RefInfoOps.option(types(to)) doesExist = TypeCoercion(f, t).isDefined ok = shouldExist == doesExist // p -> q == ~p v q } yield (shouldExist, ok, s"${RefInfoOps.toString(f)} => ${RefInfoOps.toString(t)}") debug(s"Found ${funcs.count(_._1)} Option to Option coercion functions.") val missing = funcs.collect { case (sE, ok, f) if !ok => f } assertTrue(s"Found ${missing.size} Option to Option functions missing: ${missing.mkString("\\n\\t", "\\n\\t", "")}", missing.isEmpty) } private[this] def jChar(v: Int) = jl.Character.valueOf(v.toChar) private[this] def jByte(v: Int) = jl.Byte.valueOf(v.toByte) private[this] def jShort(v: Int) = jl.Short.valueOf(v.toShort) private[this] def jInt(v: Int) = jl.Integer.valueOf(v) private[this] def jLong(v: Long) = jl.Long.valueOf(v) private[this] def jFloat(v: Float) = jl.Float.valueOf(v) private[this] def jDouble(v: Double) = jl.Double.valueOf(v) // NOTE: The generated tests are based on the following programmatically outputted code, that was then hand modified. // @Test def xyz() { // val valMap = vals.toMap // for { // (from, fi) <- types.zipWithIndex // (to, ti) <- types.zipWithIndex // if matrix(fi)(ti) // (in, n) <- valMap(from).zipWithIndex // fromAbbrev = typeToAbbrev(from) // toAbbrev = typeToAbbrev(to) // fS = RefInfoOps.toString(from) // tS = RefInfoOps.toString(to) // // tc = TypeCoercion(from, to).asInstanceOf[Option[Any => Any]].get // // y = tc(in.asInstanceOf[Any]) // } { // println(s"""@Test def test_${fromAbbrev}_${toAbbrev}_$n(): Unit = assertEquals($in, TypeCoercion[$fS, $tS].get.apply($in))""") // } // } // @Test def test(): Unit = { // val data = // """ // |Bo C By Sh I L F D JBy JSh JI JL JF JD JC // |C Bo JBo // |By Bo JBo // |Sh Bo JBo // |I Bo JBo // |L Bo JBo // |F Bo JBo // |D Bo JBo // |JBy Bo JBo // |JSh Bo JBo // |JI Bo JBo // |JL Bo JBo // |JF Bo JBo // |JD Bo JBo // |JC Bo JBo // |JBo C By Sh I L F D JBy JSh JI JL JF JD JC // |St C By Sh I L F D JBy JSh JI JL JF JD JC JBo // """.stripMargin.trim // // val typeMap = TypeCoercionTest.types.toMap // // data.split("\\n").map(_.split(" ").toList).foreach { case from :: toLst => // val f = typeMap(from) // toLst foreach { ts => // val t = typeMap(ts) // val a = RefInfoOps.toString(f).replaceAll("java.lang.String", "String") // val b = RefInfoOps.toString(t).replaceAll("java.lang.String", "String") // val fn = s"@Test def testNoCoersion_${from}_$ts(): Unit = assertTrue(TypeCoercion[$a, $b].isEmpty)" // println(fn) // } // } // } } private object TypeCoercionTest { val Precision = 1e-6 /** * This matrix is copied from the scaladoc for TypeCoercion. */ val matrixStr = """ | * Bo C By Sh I L F D JBy JSh JI JL JF JD JC JBo St | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------- | * Bo | I bB tS | * C | I A A A A A A A A A A A A A tS | * By | A I A A A A A A A A A A A A tS | * Sh | A A I A A A A A A A A A A A tS | * I | A A A I A A A A A A A A A A tS | * L | A A A A I A A A A A A A A A tS | * F F | A A A A A I A A A A A A A A tS | * R D | A A A A A A I A A A A A A A tS | * O JBy | N N N N N N N I N N N N N N tS | * M JSh | N N N N N N N N I N N N N N tS | * JI | N N N N N N N N N I N N N N tS | * JL | N N N N N N N N N N I N N N tS | * JF | N N N N N N N N N N N I N N tS | * JD | N N N N N N N N N N N N I N tS | * JC | uC I tS | * JBo | uB I tS | * St | I """.stripMargin.trim // val matrixStr = // """ // | * Bo C By Sh I L F D JBy JSh JI JL JF JD JC JBo St // | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------- // | * Bo | I bB tS // | * C | I A A A A A A A A A A A A A tS // | * By | A I A A A A A A A A A A A A tS // | * Sh | A A I A A A A A A A A A A A tS // | * I | A A A I A A A A A A A A A A tS // | * L | A A A A I A A A A A A A A A tS // | * F F | A A A A A I A A A A A A A A tS // | * R D | A A A A A A I A A A A A A A tS // | * O JBy | N N N N N N N I N N N N N N tS // | * M JSh | N N N N N N N N I N N N N N tS // | * JI | N N N N N N N N N I N N N N tS // | * JL | N N N N N N N N N N I N N N tS // | * JF | N N N N N N N N N N N I N N tS // | * JD | N N N N N N N N N N N N I N tS // | * JC | uC I tS // | * JBo | uB I tS // | * St | fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS fS I // """.stripMargin.trim val types = Vector( "Bo" -> RefInfo.Boolean, "C" -> RefInfo.Char, "By" -> RefInfo.Byte, "Sh" -> RefInfo.Short, "I" -> RefInfo.Int, "L" -> RefInfo.Long, "F" -> RefInfo.Float, "D" -> RefInfo.Double, "JBy" -> RefInfo.JavaByte, "JSh" -> RefInfo.JavaShort, "JI" -> RefInfo.JavaInteger, "JL" -> RefInfo.JavaLong, "JF" -> RefInfo.JavaFloat, "JD" -> RefInfo.JavaDouble, "JC" -> RefInfo.JavaCharacter, "JBo" -> RefInfo.JavaBoolean, "St" -> RefInfo.String ) // Was used to generate tests. val typeToAbbrev = Map( RefInfo.Boolean -> "Bo", RefInfo.Char -> "C", RefInfo.Byte -> "By", RefInfo.Short -> "Sh", RefInfo.Int -> "I", RefInfo.Long -> "L", RefInfo.Float -> "F", RefInfo.Double -> "D", RefInfo.JavaByte -> "JBy", RefInfo.JavaShort -> "JSh", RefInfo.JavaInteger -> "JI", RefInfo.JavaLong -> "JL", RefInfo.JavaFloat -> "JF", RefInfo.JavaDouble -> "JD", RefInfo.JavaCharacter -> "JC", RefInfo.JavaBoolean -> "JBo", RefInfo.String -> "St" ) val vals = Vector( RefInfo.Boolean -> Seq("true", "false"), RefInfo.Char -> Seq("'2'", "'3'"), RefInfo.Byte -> Seq("2.toByte", "(-3).toByte"), RefInfo.Short -> Seq("3.toShort", "(-4).toShort"), RefInfo.Int -> Seq("4.toShort", "-5"), RefInfo.Long -> Seq("5L", "-6L"), RefInfo.Float -> Seq("6.499f", "-7.499f"), RefInfo.Double -> Seq("7.5", "-8.5"), RefInfo.JavaByte -> Seq("java.lang.Byte.valueOf(8.toByte)", "java.lang.Byte.valueOf((-9).toByte)"), RefInfo.JavaShort -> Seq("java.lang.Short.valueOf(9.toShort)", "java.lang.Short.valueOf((-10).toShort)"), RefInfo.JavaInteger -> Seq("java.lang.Integer.valueOf(10)", "java.lang.Integer.valueOf(-11)"), RefInfo.JavaLong -> Seq("java.lang.Long.valueOf(11)", "java.lang.Long.valueOf(-12)"), RefInfo.JavaFloat -> Seq("java.lang.Float.valueOf(12.499f)", "java.lang.Float.valueOf(-13.499f)"), RefInfo.JavaDouble -> Seq("java.lang.Double.valueOf(13.5)", "java.lang.Double.valueOf(-14.5)"), RefInfo.JavaCharacter -> Seq("java.lang.Character.valueOf('4')", "java.lang.Character.valueOf('5')"), RefInfo.JavaBoolean -> Seq("java.lang.Boolean.FALSE", "java.lang.Boolean.TRUE"), RefInfo.String -> Seq("\\"31\\"", "\\"-1\\"", "\\"true\\"", "\\"false\\"") ) def matrixAndTypes() = { val typeMap = types.toMap val lines = matrixStr.split("\\n") val headerTypes = getHeaders(lines(0)).map(typeMap.apply) // v // 2 until ... b/c we skip the header row and the row that's just a horizontal bar. // ^ val m = (2 until lines.size) map { i => getLine(lines(i)) } (m, headerTypes) } def getHeaders(h: String) = h.drop(2).trim.split(" +").toVector def getLine(l: String) = l.substring(l.indexOf("|") + 2).grouped(4).map(_.trim.nonEmpty).toVector }
package akka.dispatch import import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.FunSuite /** * Created by huanwuji * date 2017/2/21. */ class SizeScaleThreadPoolExecutorConfiguratorTest extends FunSuite { test("init") { val config = ConfigFactory.load("instance.conf") val system = ActorSystem("test", config) val dispatcher = system.dispatchers.lookup("akka.teleporter.blocking-dispatcher") dispatcher } }
package com.yetu.oauth2provider.base import com.yetu.oauth2provider.registry.{ IntegrationTestRegistry, TestRegistry } import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks /** * Class to be extended for all Unit tests */ class BaseIntegrationSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with IntegrationTestRegistry with BeforeAndAfter with OptionValues with Inside with Inspectors with BaseMethods with DefaultTestVariables
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.kafka010 import java.{util => ju} import{AppConfigurationEntry, Configuration} import{Credentials, UserGroupInformation} import import org.mockito.Mockito.mock import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkEnv, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.kafka010.KafkaTokenUtil.KafkaDelegationTokenIdentifier /** * This is a trait which provides functionalities for Kafka delegation token related test suites. */ trait KafkaDelegationTokenTest extends BeforeAndAfterEach { self: SparkFunSuite => private def doReturn(value: Any) = org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn(value, Seq.empty: _*) protected val tokenId = "tokenId" + ju.UUID.randomUUID().toString protected val tokenPassword = "tokenPassword" + ju.UUID.randomUUID().toString private class KafkaJaasConfiguration extends Configuration { val entry = new AppConfigurationEntry( "DummyModule", AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED, ju.Collections.emptyMap[String, Object]() ) override def getAppConfigurationEntry(name: String): Array[AppConfigurationEntry] = { if (name.equals("KafkaClient")) { Array(entry) } else { null } } } override def afterEach(): Unit = { try { Configuration.setConfiguration(null) UserGroupInformation.setLoginUser(null) SparkEnv.set(null) } finally { super.afterEach() } } protected def setGlobalKafkaClientConfig(): Unit = { Configuration.setConfiguration(new KafkaJaasConfiguration) } protected def addTokenToUGI(): Unit = { val token = new Token[KafkaDelegationTokenIdentifier]( tokenId.getBytes, tokenPassword.getBytes, KafkaTokenUtil.TOKEN_KIND, KafkaTokenUtil.TOKEN_SERVICE ) val creds = new Credentials() creds.addToken(KafkaTokenUtil.TOKEN_SERVICE, token) UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.addCredentials(creds) } protected def setSparkEnv(settings: Traversable[(String, String)]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAll(settings) val env = mock(classOf[SparkEnv]) doReturn(conf).when(env).conf SparkEnv.set(env) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.table.api.batch.table import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation import org.apache.flink.api.scala.createTypeInformation import org.apache.flink.table.api.batch.table.CalcTest.{MyHashCode, TestCaseClass, WC, giveMeCaseClass} import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala._ import org.apache.flink.table.functions.ScalarFunction import org.apache.flink.table.utils.TableTestBase import org.apache.flink.table.utils.TableTestUtil._ import org.junit.Test class CalcTest extends TableTestBase { @Test def testMultipleFlatteningsTable(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val table = util.addTable[((Int, Long), (String, Boolean), String)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c) val result ='a.flatten(), 'c, 'b.flatten()) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a._1 AS a$_1", "a._2 AS a$_2", "c", "b._1 AS b$_1", "b._2 AS b$_2" ) ) util.verifyTable(result, expected) } @Test def testNestedFlattening(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val table = util .addTable[((((String, TestCaseClass), Boolean), String), String)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b) val result ='a.flatten(), 'b.flatten()) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a._1 AS a$_1", "a._2 AS a$_2", "b" ) ) util.verifyTable(result, expected) } @Test def testScalarFunctionAccess(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val table = util .addTable[(String, Int)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b) val result = giveMeCaseClass().get("my"), giveMeCaseClass().get("clazz"), giveMeCaseClass().flatten()) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "giveMeCaseClass$().my AS _c0", "giveMeCaseClass$().clazz AS _c1", "giveMeCaseClass$().my AS _c2", "giveMeCaseClass$().clazz AS _c3" ) ) util.verifyTable(result, expected) } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests for all the situations when we can do fields projection. Like selecting few fields // from a large field count source. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test def testSimpleSelect(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable ='a, 'b) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a", "b") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectAllFields(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable1 ='*) val resultTable2 ='a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val expected = batchTableNode(0) util.verifyTable(resultTable1, expected) util.verifyTable(resultTable2, expected) } @Test def testSelectAggregation(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable ='a.sum, 'b.max) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetAggregate", unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a", "b") ), term("select", "SUM(a) AS TMP_0", "MAX(b) AS TMP_1") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectFunction(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) util.tableEnv.registerFunction("hashCode", MyHashCode) val resultTable ="hashCode(c), b") val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "MyHashCode$(c) AS _c0", "b") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectFromGroupedTable(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable = sourceTable.groupBy('a, 'c).select('a) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", unaryNode( "DataSetDistinct", unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a", "c") ), term("distinct", "a", "c") ), term("select", "a") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectAllFieldsFromGroupedTable(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable = sourceTable.groupBy('a, 'c).select('a, 'c) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetDistinct", unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a", "c") ), term("distinct", "a", "c") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectAggregationFromGroupedTable(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable = sourceTable.groupBy('c).select('a.sum) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", unaryNode( "DataSetAggregate", unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a", "c") ), term("groupBy", "c"), term("select", "c", "SUM(a) AS TMP_0") ), term("select", "TMP_0") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectFromGroupedTableWithNonTrivialKey(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable = sourceTable.groupBy('c.upperCase() as 'k).select('a.sum) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", unaryNode( "DataSetAggregate", unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), // As stated in // Calcite planner doesn't promise to retain field names. term("select", "a", "c", "UPPER(c) AS $f2") ), term("groupBy", "$f2"), term("select", "$f2", "SUM(a) AS TMP_0") ), term("select", "TMP_0") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectFromGroupedTableWithFunctionKey(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable = sourceTable.groupBy(MyHashCode('c) as 'k).select('a.sum) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", unaryNode( "DataSetAggregate", unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), // As stated in // Calcite planner doesn't promise to retain field names. term("select", "a", "c", "MyHashCode$(c) AS $f2") ), term("groupBy", "$f2"), term("select", "$f2", "SUM(a) AS TMP_0") ), term("select", "TMP_0") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testSelectFromAggregatedPojoTable(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[WC]("MyTable", 'word, 'frequency) val resultTable = sourceTable .groupBy('word) .select('word, 'frequency.sum as 'frequency) .filter('frequency === 2) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", unaryNode( "DataSetAggregate", batchTableNode(0), term("groupBy", "word"), term("select", "word", "SUM(frequency) AS TMP_0") ), term("select", "word, TMP_0 AS frequency"), term("where", "=(TMP_0, 2)") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } @Test def testMultiFilter(): Unit = { val util = batchTestUtil() val sourceTable = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String, Double)]("MyTable", 'a, 'b, 'c, 'd) val resultTable ='a, 'b) .filter('a > 0) .filter('b < 2) .filter(('a % 2) === 1) val expected = unaryNode( "DataSetCalc", batchTableNode(0), term("select", "a", "b"), term("where", "AND(AND(>(a, 0), <(b, 2)), =(MOD(a, 2), 1))") ) util.verifyTable(resultTable, expected) } } object CalcTest { case class TestCaseClass(my: String, clazz: Int) object giveMeCaseClass extends ScalarFunction { def eval(): TestCaseClass = { TestCaseClass("hello", 42) } override def getResultType(signature: Array[Class[_]]): TypeInformation[_] = { createTypeInformation[TestCaseClass] } } object MyHashCode extends ScalarFunction { def eval(s: String): Int = s.hashCode() } case class WC(word: String, frequency: Long) }
package org.template.fpm /* * Copyright KOLIBERO under one or more contributor license agreements. * KOLIBERO licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.predictionio.controller.PDataSource import org.apache.predictionio.controller.EmptyEvaluationInfo import org.apache.predictionio.controller.EmptyActualResult import org.apache.predictionio.controller.Params import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import grizzled.slf4j.Logger case class DataSourceParams(appName: String) extends Params class DataSource(val dsp: DataSourceParams) extends PDataSource[TrainingData, EmptyEvaluationInfo, Query, EmptyActualResult] { @transient lazy val logger = Logger[this.type] override def readTraining(sc: SparkContext): TrainingData = { println("Gathering data from event server.") val transactionsRDD: RDD[Array[String]] = PEventStore.find( appName = dsp.appName, entityType = Some("transaction"), startTime = None, eventNames = Some(List("$set")))(sc).map { event => try {[Array[String]]("items") } catch { case e: Exception => { logger.error(s"Failed to convert event ${event} of. Exception: ${e}.") throw e } } } new TrainingData(transactionsRDD) } } class TrainingData( val transactions: RDD[Array[String]] ) extends Serializable
/* Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.scalding import com.twitter.scalding._ import java.util.TimeZone import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure } case class GlobifierOps(implicit tz: TimeZone, dp: DateParser) { val yearMonthDayHourDurations = List(Years(1), Months(1), Days(1), Hours(1)) val yearMonthDayHourPattern = "/%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tH" private val hourlyGlobifier = Globifier(yearMonthDayHourPattern) def normalizeHrDr(a: DateRange) = DateRange(Hours(1).floorOf(a.start), Hours(1).floorOf(a.end)) def hourlyRtGlobifier(inputDR: DateRange): DateRange = rtGlobifier(hourlyGlobifier, yearMonthDayHourDurations)(inputDR) val yearMonthDayDurations = List(Years(1), Months(1), Days(1)) val yearMonthDayPattern = "/%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td" private val dailyGlobifier = Globifier(yearMonthDayPattern) def normalizeDayDr(a: DateRange) = DateRange(Days(1).floorOf(a.start), Days(1).floorOf(a.end)) def dailyRtGlobifier(inputDR: DateRange): DateRange = rtGlobifier(dailyGlobifier, yearMonthDayDurations)(inputDR) def rtGlobifier(globifier: Globifier, durationList: List[Duration])(inputDr: DateRange): DateRange = { val p = globifier.globify(inputDr) val drList = { pattern => val (lists, _, _) = pattern.split("/").tail.foldLeft((List[(Duration, Duration)](), durationList, true)) { case ((durationLists, mappings, shouldContinue), current) => val curMapping = mappings.head if (shouldContinue) { val tryDuration: Try[Duration] = Try(current.toInt).map { indx => curMapping match { case t if mappings.tail == Nil => t case _ => Millisecs(0) } } val (duration, doContinue) = tryDuration match { case Success(d) => (d, true) case Failure(e) => val dur: Duration = curMapping match { case Years(_) => sys.error("Current is " + current + ", parsed as all years?") case Months(_) => Years(1) case Days(_) => Months(1) case Hours(_) => Days(1) } (dur, false) } val base: Duration = Try(current.toInt).map { indx => curMapping match { case Years(_) => Years(indx - 1970) case Months(_) => Months(indx - 1) // months and days are 1 offsets not 0 case Days(_) => Days(indx - 1) case Hours(_) => Hours(indx) } }.getOrElse(Hours(0)) (durationLists :+ (base, duration), mappings.tail, doContinue) } else { (durationLists, mappings.tail, false) } } val baseDate = lists.foldLeft(RichDate("1970-01-01T00")) { case (curDate, (base, _)) => base.addTo(curDate) } val endDate = lists.foldLeft(baseDate) { case (curDate, (_, dur)) => dur.addTo(curDate) } DateRange(baseDate, endDate - Millisecs(1)) }.sortBy(_.start) def combineDR(existing: DateRange, next: DateRange): DateRange = { require(existing.end == next.start - Millisecs(1), "Not contigious range: \n" + existing + "\n" + next + "...From:\n" + p.mkString(",\n")) DateRange(existing.start, next.end) } drList.reduceLeft(combineDR) } }
/* Copyright 2010 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package no.spendchart.banksync import scala.swing._ import scala.swing.event.{ WindowClosing, MouseClicked, ButtonClicked, MousePressed, MouseEntered, MouseExited } import javax.swing.{ UIManager, WindowConstants, JLabel } import java.awt.{ SystemTray, MenuItem, TrayIcon, PopupMenu, Toolkit, Font, Color, Cursor } import java.awt.event.{ ActionListener, ActionEvent, MouseListener, MouseEvent } import import scala.actors.Actor._ import actors.Actor import org.scala_tools.time.Imports._ import no.spendchart.banksync.ui.{ ErrorMessage, OkMessage, Heading } package msg { case object Shutdown case class StartSync(bankSyncPlugin: SkandiabankenSync, sync: Seq[(BankAccount, String)]) case class Sync(account: BankAccount, period: String) case class Wait(msg: String) case class Notice(msg: String) case class MainMenu(msg: Option[Label] = None) case class Login(msg: List[String] = Nil) case class SkLogin(s: SkandiabankenSync, msg: List[String] = Nil) case class InputSMSCode(s: SkandiabankenSync, msg: Option[String] = None) case class ChoseAccounts(s: SkandiabankenSync, accounts: Seq[BankAccount], sync: Seq[(BankAccount, String)]) case class ChosePeriods(s: SkandiabankenSync, accounts: Seq[BankAccount], sync: Seq[(BankAccount, String)]) case class SpendChartLogin(username: String, password: Array[Char]) } package object implicits { implicit def tupleDimension(xy: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = new java.awt.Dimension(xy._1, xy._2) implicit def tuplePoint(xy: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = new java.awt.Point(xy._1, xy._2) } package object util { def getClassPathResource(filename: String) = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader().getResource(filename) def getImage(filename: String) = Swing.Icon(getClassPathResource(filename)).getImage } object RunMode extends Enumeration { type RunMode = Value val Test, Production, TestServer, TestBank = Value } object Banksync extends Application with Actor { import implicits._ import util._ val applicationName = " Banksync" val runMode = Option(System.getProperty("runMode")).map(x => RunMode.valueOf(x)).flatMap(x => x).getOrElse(RunMode.Production) val tray = false val showAtStartup = true val s = runMode match { case RunMode.Production | RunMode.TestServer => new SkandiabankenSyncImpl case RunMode.Test | RunMode.TestBank => new SkandiabankenSyncTest } def act = { loop { react { case msg.Sync(account, period) => setView(ui.Wait("Synkroniserer " + period + " for " + account.number)) case msg.Wait(msg) => setView(ui.Wait(msg)) case msg.Notice(msg) => setView(ui.Wait(msg)) case msg.MainMenu(msg) => setView(ui.MainMenu(msg)) case msg.Login(msg) => setView(ui.SpendChartLogin(msg)) case msg.SkLogin(s, messages) => setView(skandiabanken.ui.Login(s, messages)) case msg.InputSMSCode(s, message) => setView(skandiabanken.ui.VerifySms(s, message)) case msg.ChoseAccounts(s, newOnes, oldOnes) => setView(skandiabanken.ui.ChoseAccounts(s, newOnes, oldOnes)) case msg.ChosePeriods(s, newOnes, oldOnes) => setView(skandiabanken.ui.ChosePeriods(s, newOnes, oldOnes)) case msg.Shutdown => exit() } } } this.start UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()) val frame = new Frame { val (width, height) = (600, 200) size = (width, height) preferredSize = size title = applicationName iconImage = getImage("coins.gif") reactions += { case WindowClosing(e) => this.visible = false if (!tray) { SyncActor ! msg.Shutdown Banksync ! msg.Shutdown System.exit(0) } } peer.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE) val gc = this.peer.getGraphicsConfiguration val screensize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.getScreenSize val insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.getScreenInsets(gc) putAtBottomRight() def putAtBottomRight() { val x = screensize.width - width - insets.right val y = screensize.height - height - insets.bottom location = (x, y) } } def setView(panel: Panel) { frame.contents = panel panel match { case f: ExtendedPanel => f.onFocus() case _ => } } setView(ui.SpendChartLogin()) if (tray) { val tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray() val popup = new PopupMenu() val syncItem = new MenuItem("Synk") val exitItem = new MenuItem("Avslutt") val trayIcon = new TrayIcon(getImage("coins.gif")) trayIcon.setImageAutoSize(true) trayIcon.setToolTip(applicationName) popup.add(syncItem) popup.add(exitItem) val trayIconMouseListener = new MouseListener() { def mouseEntered(e: MouseEvent) {} def mouseExited(e: MouseEvent) {} def mouseReleased(e: MouseEvent) {} def mousePressed(e: MouseEvent) {} def mouseClicked(e: MouseEvent) { frame.visible = true } } trayIcon.addMouseListener(trayIconMouseListener) trayIcon.setPopupMenu(popup) tray.add(trayIcon) exitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) { tray.remove(trayIcon) SyncActor ! msg.Shutdown Banksync ! msg.Shutdown System.exit(0) } }) syncItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) { frame.visible = true } }) } else { frame.centerOnScreen } if (showAtStartup) { frame.visible = true } SyncActor.start } case class CreateAccount(accounts: Seq[BankAccount], syncFrom: Option[String] = None) object SyncActor extends Actor { import no.spendchart.banksync.api.{ SpendChartApi, CheckAccountsReturn } import net.liftweb.common._ val api = new SpendChartApi(Banksync.runMode) var done = false def act = { while (!done) { receive { case msg.SpendChartLogin(user, password) => api.login(user, ("" /: password)(_ + _)) match { case Failure("Failed", _, _) => Banksync ! msg.Login(List("Feil brukernavn eller passord. Vennligst prøv igjen.")) case Failure("Captcha required", _, _) => Banksync ! msg.Login(List("For mange mislykkede innloggingsforsøk. Du må logge inn på via")) case Failure("Account Blocked", _, _) => Banksync ! msg.Login(List("For mange mislykkede innloggingsforsøk. Din konto har blitt blokkert i en time.")) case _ => Banksync ! msg.MainMenu() } case CreateAccount(accounts, None) => accounts.foreach { account => api.createAccount("1", account.number,, false, None) } case CreateAccount(accounts, Some(syncFrom)) => accounts.foreach { account => api.createAccount("1", account.number,, true, Some(syncFrom)) } case Login(s, username, bankPassword) => s.initLogin(username, bankPassword) match { case step1.Success => Banksync ! msg.InputSMSCode(s) case step1.WrongPassword => Banksync ! msg.SkLogin(s, List("Feil passord eller personnummer.")) case step1.Errors(lst) => Banksync ! msg.SkLogin(s, lst) case step1.Failure(message) => Banksync ! msg.SkLogin(s, List(message)) case step1.Unexpected(message) => Banksync ! msg.MainMenu(Some(ErrorMessage("En uventet situasjon har oppstått. Vennligst prøv igjen."))) } case SmsCode(s, code) => s.completeLogin(code) match { case step2.LoginCompleted => s.getAccounts() match { case Some(accounts) => api.checkAccounts(1, match { case Full(CheckAccountsReturn(Nil, sync, noSync)) if sync.isEmpty => Banksync ! msg.MainMenu(Some(ErrorMessage("Ingen kontoer å synkronisere, du kan endre instillinger på"))) case Full(CheckAccountsReturn(Nil, sync, noSync)) => val syncs = for (acc: BankAccount <- accounts; accPer <- sync.get(acc.number)) yield (acc, accPer) this ! msg.StartSync(s, syncs) case Full(CheckAccountsReturn(newAcc, sync, noSync)) => val syncs = for (acc: BankAccount <- accounts; accPer <- sync.get(acc.number)) yield (acc, accPer) val newOnes = accounts.filter(acc => newAcc.contains(acc.number)) Banksync ! msg.ChoseAccounts(s, newOnes, syncs) case x => println("Got an unexpected state while fetching accounts from SpendChart server: " + x) Banksync ! msg.MainMenu(Some(ErrorMessage("En uventet situasjon har oppstått. Vennligst prøv igjen."))) } case x => println("Got an unexpected state while fetching accounts from SpendChart server: " + x) Banksync ! ui.MainMenu(Some(ErrorMessage("En uventet situasjon har oppstått. Vennligst prøv igjen."))) } case step2.TimeOut => Banksync ! msg.MainMenu(Some(ErrorMessage("Innloggingen tok for lang tid. Vennligst prøv igjen senere."))) case step2.WrongCodeFromSMS => Banksync ! msg.InputSMSCode(s, Some("Oppgitt kode var ikke korrekt, vennligst prøv igjen.")) case step2.Unexpected(message: String) => Banksync ! msg.MainMenu(Some(ErrorMessage("En uventet situasjon har oppstått. Vennligst prøv igjen."))) } case msg.StartSync(s, toSync) => toSync.foreach { case (account, period) => println("Syncing " + account.number + " from period: " + period) val periods = s.getPeriods(account).reverse (0 to s.getPeriodId(account, period)).foreach(p => { Banksync ! msg.Sync(account, periods(p)) s.fetchReport(p, account) match { case Some(report) => println(report.filename + " downloaded") api.upload("1", account.number, periods(p), report.filename, report.inputStream, report.contentLength) case None => println("None") } }) case x => println("Wow got " + x + " in toSync.foreach") } Banksync ! msg.MainMenu(Some(OkMessage("Synkronisering gjennomført."))) case msg.Shutdown => exit() case sparebank1.StartSparebank1(fnr) => (new sparebank1.Sparebank1).login(fnr) case nordea.StartNordea(fnr) => (new nordea.Nordea).login(fnr) } } } }
/* * (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cogx.cogmath.algebra.real import cogx.cogmath.geometry.Shape import cogx.utilities.Random import PoorFloat._ /** A matrix. * <p> * In the following descriptions, "v" represents a vector, "s" a scalar, "m" * a matrix, "b" a boolean, "i" and integer, "d" a double, "r" a range of * integers (e.g. "1 to 5" or "3 until 9"). * <p> * The update operations, such as "+=", update the elements of the matrix in * place. * * {{{ * Constructors: * Matrix(i, i) * Matrix(i, i, Array[d]) * copy * * Dimensions: * rows => i (number of rows in matrix) * columns => i (number of columns in matrix) * size => i (total # elements in matrix) * * Linear element access: * apply(i) => s (access element linearly) * update(i, s) (write element i with value s) * * 2D element access: * apply(i, i) => s (access element by 2D coordinates) * update(i, i, s) (write element (i, i) with value s) * * Submatrix multi-element reads: * row(i) => m (extract a copy of a row) * column(i) => m (extract a copy of a column) * submatrix(r, r) => m (extract a subregion of a matrix) * reshape(i, i) => m (reshape the matrix) * * Matrix operations: * map(f: d => d) => m (map a Matrix by applying f to each element) * mapSelf(f: d => d) (use f to map each element in place) * reduce((d, d)=> d) => d (reduce a Matrix to a scalar) * randomize (initialize to random values in [0, 1)) * * Matrix / Scalar operations: * m + s => m (add scalar to each element to produce a new matrix) * m += s (add scalar to all elements of matrix in-place) * m - s => m * m -= s * m * s => m * m *= s * m / s => m * m /= s * -m => m (map each element to new matrix my multiplying by -1) * m := s (assign scalar to all elements of the matrix) * * Matrix / Matrix operations: * m + m => m * m += m * m - m => m * m -= m * m :* m => m (element-wise multiplication) * m :*= m (element-wise multiplication in-place) * m :/ m => m (element-wise right division) * m :/= n (element-wise right division in-place) * m :\ m => m (element-wise left division) * m :\= m (element-wise left division in-place) * m1 === m2 => b (m1 and m2 have same shape, identical elements) * m1 !=== m2 => b * m1 ~== m2 * m1 !~== m2 * m1 := m2 (assign elements of m2 to m1) * * Matrix multiplication: * m * m => m (matrix multiplication) * * Matrix decompositions: * cholesky => m (Cholesky decomposition) * eigen => (m, m) (eigenvector matrix, diag eigenvalue matrix) * lu => (m, m) (L matrix, U matrix) * qr => (m, m) (Q matrix, R matrix) * svd => (m, m, m) (U matrix, S matrix, V matrix) * * Miscellaneous cogx.utilities: * abs => m (absolute value of each element) * sgn => m (sign of each element: -1, 0, 1) * rectify => m (clip negative elements to 0) * normalizeRows (normalize rows using L2 norm) * normalizeColumns (normalize columns using L2 norm) * print (print a matrix for debugging) * * }}} * * @param rows The number of rows in the matrix. * @param columns The number of columns in the matrix. * @param data Storage for matrix elements; length must be equal to * rows * columns. * * @author Greg Snider */ @SerialVersionUID(-4510500996822152778L) class Matrix(val rows: Int, val columns: Int, private[cogx] val data: Array[Float]) extends Tensor with Serializable { val size = rows * columns /** Shape of the matrix. */ def shape = Shape(rows, columns) /** Tensor accessor. */ def read(index: Int) = data(index) /** Constructor that allocates memory for Matrix (most common). */ def this(rows: Int, columns: Int) = this(rows, columns, new Array[Float](rows * columns)) /** Create a Matrix from a 2-D tensor. */ def this(tensor: Tensor) = this(tensor.shape(0), tensor.shape(1), { require(tensor.shape.dimensions == 2) require(tensor.length == tensor.shape.points) val newData = new Array[Float](tensor.shape.points) for (i <- 0 until tensor.length) newData(i) = newData }) /** Make a copy of a Matrix. */ def copy: Matrix = { val t = new Matrix(rows, columns, new Array[Float](size)) for (i <- 0 until size) t(i) = this(i) t } /** Linear element access */ def apply(index: Int) = data(index) /** Modify an element given its linear position. */ def update(index: Int, value: Float) {data(index) = value} /** 2D coordinates element access */ def apply(row: Int, column: Int) = data(row * columns + column) /** Modify an element given its 2D coordinates. */ def update(row: Int, column: Int, value: Float) { data(row * columns + column) = value } /** Synonym for submatrix. * * @param rows Range of rows to extract. * @param columns Range of columns to extract. * @return The specified submatrix. */ def apply(rows: Range, columns: Range): Matrix = { submatrix(rows, columns) } /** Update a subset of a matrix. * * @param rowRange Range of rows to update. * @param columnRange Range of columns to update. * @param values The new values to be written in the submatrix specified * by `rows` and `columns`. This must have the exact same shape * as (rows, columns), or it must be a 1 x 1 matrix, in which case * it is treated like a scalar. */ def update(rowRange: Range, columnRange: Range, values: Matrix) { if (values.rows == 1 && values.columns == 1) { val scalar = values(0, 0) // We treat the values matrix like a scalar for (row <- rowRange; col <- columnRange) this(row, col) = scalar } else { // Not a scalar require(rowRange.size == values.rows, columnRange.size == values.columns) var valueRow = 0 for (row <- rowRange) { var valueColumn = 0 for (col <- columnRange) { this(row, col) = values(valueRow, valueColumn) valueColumn += 1 } valueRow += 1 } } } /** Write the row "row" with the data in "vector". */ def update(row: Int, vector: Vector) { require(columns == vector.length) val offset = row * columns Array.copy(, 0,, offset, vector.length) } // Submatrix multi-element reads: def row(rowIndex: Int) = submatrix(rowIndex to rowIndex, 0 until columns) def column(colIndex: Int) = submatrix(0 until rows, colIndex to colIndex) def submatrix(rowRange: Range, columnRange: Range): Matrix = { val sub = new Matrix(rowRange.length, columnRange.length) for (row <- 0 until sub.rows; col <- 0 until sub.columns) sub(row, col) = this(row + rowRange.start, col + columnRange.start) sub } def reshape(newRows: Int, newColumns: Int): Matrix = { require(newRows * newColumns == rows * columns) new Matrix(newRows, newColumns, => e)) } /** Flatten the rows of this matrix to a vector. */ def toVector = new Vector(data) /** View the matrix as a flat array of data. */ def asArray = data // Matrix operations: def map(f: Float => Float) = new Matrix(rows, columns, def mapSelf(f: Float => Float) { (0 until size).foreach(i => data(i) = f(data(i))) } def randomize = { for (i <- 0 until size) data(i) = Matrix.rand.nextFloat this } def transpose: Matrix = { val t = new Matrix(columns, rows) for (row <- 0 until rows; col <- 0 until columns) t(col, row) = this(row, col) t } // Matrix / Scalar operations: def +(scalar: Float) = map(_ + scalar) def +=(scalar: Float) {mapSelf(_ + scalar)} def -(scalar: Float) = map(_ - scalar) def -=(scalar: Float) {mapSelf(_ - scalar)} def *(scalar: Float) = map(_ * scalar) def *=(scalar: Float) {mapSelf(_ * scalar)} def /(scalar: Float) = map(_ / scalar) def /=(scalar: Float) {mapSelf(_ / scalar)} def ^(scalar: Float) = map( math.pow(_,scalar).toFloat ) def ^=(scalar: Float) {mapSelf( math.pow(_,scalar).toFloat )} def unary_- = map(_ * -1) def reciprocal = map(1f / _) def :=(scalar: Float) {mapSelf(e => scalar)} // Boolean comparisons def >(v: Float) = map(x => if (x > v) 1f else 0f) def >=(v: Float) = map(x => if (x >= v) 1f else 0f) def <(v: Float) = map(x => if (x < v) 1f else 0f) def <=(v: Float) = map(x => if (x <= v) 1f else 0f) // Matrix / Matrix operations: def +(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, _ + _) def +=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, _ + _)} def -(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, _ - _) def -=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, _ - _)} def :*(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, _ * _) def :*=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, _ * _)} def :/(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, _ / _) def :/=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, _ / _)} def :\(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, (e1, e2) => e2 / e1) def :\=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, (e1, e2) => e2 / e1)} def :^(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, math.pow(_,_).toFloat ) def :^=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, math.pow(_,_).toFloat )} def max(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, _ max _) def min(that: Matrix) = this.combine(that, _ min _) def ===(that: Matrix) = compare(that, _ == _) def !===(that: Matrix) = !(this === that) def ~==(that: Matrix) = compare(that, (x, y) => x ~== y) def !~==(that: Matrix) = !(this ~== that) def :=(that: Matrix) {this.combineSelf(that, (e1, e2) => e2)} // Matrix multiplication: def *(that: Matrix): Matrix = { require(this.columns == that.rows, "Matrix * incompatibility: " + this.shape + " * " + that.shape) val product = new Matrix(this.rows, that.columns) var thisIndex = 0 var thatIndex = 0 val thatStride = that.columns for (r <- 0 until product.rows) { for (c <- 0 until product.columns) { thisIndex = r * this.columns thatIndex = c // Internally use Double to help preserve precision of result for large matrices var dotProduct = 0.0 for (i <- 0 until this.columns) { dotProduct += this(thisIndex).toDouble * that(thatIndex) thisIndex += 1 thatIndex += thatStride } product(r, c) = dotProduct.toFloat } } product } /** Dot product of "this" and "that" */ def dot(that: Matrix): Float = { (data zip => v._1 * v._2).reduceLeft(_ + _) } /** Reduce the matrix to a scalar. */ def reduce(f: (Float, Float) => Float): Float = { data.reduceLeft(f) } /** Matrix multiplication. */ def *(that: Vector): Vector = { require(this.columns == that.length) val product = new Vector(this.rows) var thisIndex = 0 for (r <- 0 until product.length) { thisIndex = r * this.columns var dotProduct = 0.0f for (i <- 0 until this.columns) { dotProduct += this(thisIndex) * that(i) thisIndex += 1 } product(r) = dotProduct } product } /** Get the data in the tensor, flattened to a linear array. */ protected[cogx] def getData = data // Matrix decompositions: def cholesky: Matrix = Matrix(new Jama.CholeskyDecomposition(Matrix.toJamaMatrix(this)).getL) def eigen: (Matrix, Matrix) = { val decomp = new Jama.EigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix.toJamaMatrix(this)) (Matrix(decomp.getV), Matrix(decomp.getD)) } def lu: (Matrix, Matrix) = { val decomp = new Jama.LUDecomposition(Matrix.toJamaMatrix(this)) (Matrix(decomp.getL), Matrix(decomp.getU)) } def qr: (Matrix, Matrix) = { val decomp = new Jama.QRDecomposition(Matrix.toJamaMatrix(this)) (Matrix(decomp.getQ), Matrix(decomp.getR)) } def svd: (Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) = { val decomp = new Jama.SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix.toJamaMatrix(this)) val u = decomp.getU val s = decomp.getS val v = decomp.getV (Matrix(u), Matrix(s), Matrix(v)) } /** Attempt to separate this matrix into an outer product of two vectors. * Relies on a tolerance, here taken to be the machine epsilon. * * @return Some((verticalVector, horizontalVector)) if separable, otherwise * None. */ def separate: Option[(Vector, Vector)] = { require(rows == columns) val (u, s, v) = svd //val tolerance = 1.0e-20 * rows * columns val tolerance = epsilon val nonzeroSingularValues = => if (e > tolerance) 1f else 0f).reduce(_ + _).toInt if (nonzeroSingularValues == 1) { val scale = scala.math.sqrt(s(0, 0)).toFloat val verticalVector = u.transpose.row(0).toVector * scale val horizontalVector = v.transpose.row(0).toVector * scale Some((verticalVector, horizontalVector)) } else None } def invert: Matrix = { Matrix(Matrix.toJamaMatrix(this).inverse) } def forwardGradient: (Matrix, Matrix) = { val v0 = new Matrix(rows, columns) val v1 = new Matrix(rows, columns) for (row <- 0 until rows - 1) { for (col <- 0 until columns - 1) { v1(row, col) += this(row, col + 1) - this(row, col) v0(row, col) += this(row + 1, col) - this(row, col) } } (v0, v1) } def backwardDivergence(v1: Matrix): Matrix = { val v0 = this require(v1.shape == v0.shape) val m = new Matrix(rows, columns) for (row <- 0 until rows - 1) { for (col <- 0 until columns - 1) { // Differs from GEE book since they use (columns, rows), so must // flip role of v0 and v1 m(row, col + 1) += v1(row, col) m(row + 1, col) += v0(row, col) m(row, col) -= v0(row, col) + v1(row, col) } } -m } // Miscellaneous cogx.utilities: def abs = map(_.abs) def sgn = map(e => {if (e > 0) 1.0f else if (e < 0) -1.0f else 0.0f}) def rectify = map(_ max 0) def normalizeRows { for (r <- 0 until rows) { var sumOfSq = 0.0f for (c <- 0 until columns) sumOfSq += this(r, c) * this(r, c) val l2Norm = math.sqrt(sumOfSq).toFloat for (c <- 0 until columns) this(r, c) /= l2Norm } } def normalizeColumns { for (c <- 0 until columns) { var sumOfSq = 0.0f for (r <- 0 until rows) sumOfSq += this(r, c) * this(r, c) val l2Norm = math.sqrt(sumOfSq).toFloat for (r <- 0 until rows) this(r, c) /= l2Norm } } def print { for (row <- 0 until rows) { for (col <- 0 until columns) printf(" %9.4f", this(row, col)) println } println } def compactString: String = { val s = new StringBuilder("Matrix[%d, %d](".format(rows, columns)) for (row <- 0 until rows) { s ++= "(" for (col <- 0 until columns){ if (col < columns-1) s ++= "%.3f, ".format(this(row, col)) else s ++= "%.3f".format(this(row, col)) } if (row < rows-1) s ++= "), " else s ++= ")" } s ++= ")" s.toString } /** Combine "this" and "that" by using "f" on corresponding elements. */ private def combine(that: Matrix, f:(Float, Float) => Float): Matrix = { require(this.shape == that.shape) val result = new Array[Float](this.size) for (i <- 0 until data.length) result(i) = f(this(i), that(i)) new Matrix(rows, columns, result) } /** Compare "this" and "that" using "f" on corresponding elements. "This" and * "that" must be the same shape and corresponding elements must all satisfy * "f" to return true, otherwise this returns false. */ private def compare(that: Matrix, f: (Float, Float) => Boolean): Boolean = { if (!(this.shape == that.shape)) return false for (i <- 0 until data.length) if (!f(this(i), that(i))) return false true } /** Combine "that" into "this" by using "f" on corresponding elements. */ private def combineSelf(that: Matrix, f:(Float, Float) => Float) { require(this.shape == that.shape) for (i <- 0 until data.length) this(i) = f(this(i), that(i)) } /** Get the size of the matrix as a string. */ def sizeString = "(" + rows + " x " + columns + ")" /** Shift a matrix with zero fill on the edges. * * @param shiftRows Number of rows to shift `this` down. * @param shiftColumns Number of columns to shift `this` to the right. * @return Shifted matrix, zero-filling on edges. */ def shift(shiftRows: Int, shiftColumns: Int): Matrix = { val shifted = new Matrix(this.rows, this.columns) for (row <- 0 until this.rows; col <- 0 until this.columns) { val sRow = row - shiftRows val sCol = col - shiftColumns val pixel = if (sRow >= 0 && sRow < this.rows && sCol >= 0 && sCol < this.columns) this(sRow, sCol) else 0f shifted(row, col) = pixel } shifted } /** Shifts the elements of a matrix cyclicly as though it were a torus, wrapping * around the left side to the right side, and the top to the bottom. The * rotation is specified by the tuple("deltaRows", "deltaColumns"). For * example, the tuple value (2, 3) would cause the element at location (0, 0) * to be moved to location (2, 3). In a 5 x 5 matrix, the same tuple would * cause the element at (4, 4) to be moved to (1, 2), wrapping around the * torus. Returns the cyclicly shifted matrix. */ def shiftCyclic(deltaRows: Int, deltaColumns: Int): Matrix = { val result = new Matrix(rows, columns) var rowShift = deltaRows while (rowShift < 0) rowShift += rows var colShift = deltaColumns while (colShift < 0) colShift += columns for (row <- 0 until rows; col <- 0 until columns) result((row + rowShift) % rows, (col + colShift) % columns) = this(row, col) result } /** Shift "this" matrix down by "shift" rows and right by "shift" columns, * expand to a "bigRows" x "bigColumns" complex matrix, padding with zeros * everywhere an element is not defined by "this". */ def shiftAndExpand(shift: Int, bigRows: Int, bigColumns: Int): Matrix = { require(bigRows + shift >= rows && bigColumns + shift >= columns) val big = new Matrix(bigRows, bigColumns) for (row <- 0 until rows) { val fromIndex = row * columns val toIndex = (row + shift) * bigColumns + shift Array.copy(data, fromIndex,, toIndex, columns) } big } /** Expand the matrix, optionally extending the border into the expanded * region. This operation is a key part of the FFT. The new matrix is of * size "bigRows" x "bigColumns" and element (0, 0) of this is anchored at * (0, 0) in the larger matrix. If "borderFill" is true, then the four * edges of the matrix are extended evenly in all directions, as though * the bigger matrix were actually a torus with opposite edges touching. */ def expand(bigRows: Int, bigColumns: Int, borderFill: Boolean): Matrix = { require(bigRows >= rows && bigColumns >= columns) val big = new Matrix(bigRows, bigColumns) // Copy "this" into big for (row <- 0 until rows; col <- 0 until columns) big(row, col) = apply(row, col) // Now copy the border along the edges if requested if (borderFill) { val nearBottomApronSize = (bigRows - rows) / 2 val farBottomApronSize = (bigRows - rows) - nearBottomApronSize val nearRightApronSize = (bigColumns - columns) / 2 val farRightApronSize = (bigColumns - columns) - nearRightApronSize // far right edge for (col <- big.columns - farRightApronSize until big.columns) for (row <- 0 until rows) big(row, col) = apply(row, 0) // near right edge for (col <- columns until (columns + nearRightApronSize)) for (row <- 0 until rows) big(row, col) = apply(row, columns - 1) // far bottom edge, copied from expanded matrix 'big' along entire row for (row <- big.rows - farBottomApronSize until big.rows) for (col <- 0 until bigColumns) big(row, col) = big(0, col) // near bottom edge, copied from expanded matrix 'big' along entire row for (row <- rows until rows + nearBottomApronSize) for (col <- 0 until bigColumns) big(row, col) = big(rows - 1, col) } big } /** Trim "this" to a "smallRows" x "smallColumns" matrix. */ def trim(smallRows: Int, smallColumns: Int): Matrix = { require(smallRows <= rows && smallColumns <= columns) val small = new Matrix(smallRows, smallColumns) for (row <- 0 until smallRows; col <- 0 until smallColumns) small(row, col) = apply(row, col) small } /** Flip the matrix left-to-right and top-to-bottom. This is useful for * creating correlation matrices that are implemented using convolution. */ def flip: Matrix = { val result = new Matrix(rows, columns) for (row <- 0 until rows; col <- 0 until columns) result(rows - row - 1, columns - col - 1) = this(row, col) result } /** Compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse. */ def pseudoInverse: Matrix = { // There's a bug in the Jama library for SVD where it sometimes fails on // matrices with fewer rows than columns. In that case we tranpose the // matrix first, pseudo-invert it, and transpose again. There are no // plans to fix Jama, so we hack... val flip = rows < columns val matrix = if (flip) this.transpose else this val (u, s, v) = matrix.svd val tolerance = epsilon * (rows max columns) * s.abs.reduce(_ max _) // Take the pseudo-inverse of s. val inverseS = s.transpose val diagonalSize = inverseS.rows min inverseS.columns for (d <- 0 until diagonalSize) if (inverseS(d, d) > tolerance) inverseS(d, d) = 1f / inverseS(d, d) val inverse: Matrix = v * inverseS * u.transpose if (flip) inverse.transpose else inverse } /** The distance from 1.0f to the next larger float. */ private val epsilon: Float = math.ulp(1.0f) /** Find the rank of a matrix. * * @return Rank of the matrix. */ def rank: Int = { val (u, s, v) = this.svd val tolerance = epsilon * (rows max columns) * s.abs.reduce(_ max _) val rank = => if (x > tolerance) 1f else 0f).reduce(_ + _) rank.toInt } /** Convolve this matrix with another. Useful for convolving two filters. * Works only with square, odd-sized filters. * * @param that The matrix to be convolved with this. * @return The convolution of the filters, larger than either. */ def convolve(that: Matrix): Matrix = { require(this.rows == this.columns, "matrix must be square") require(that.rows == that.columns, "matrix must be square") require(this.rows % 2 == 1, "matrix must be of odd size") require(that.rows % 2 == 1, "matrix must be of odd size") require(that.rows <= this.rows, "that matrix cannot be larger than this") // Flip "that" for convolution. "That" is regarded as the filter. val thatFlipped = new Matrix(that.rows, that.columns) for (r <- 0 until that.rows; c <- 0 until that.columns) thatFlipped(r, c) = that(that.rows - r - 1, that.columns - c - 1) // Expand "this", border filled with zeroes, to make computation easier. val expandedHalo = thatFlipped.rows - 1 val expandedSize = this.rows + 2 * expandedHalo val resultHalo = thatFlipped.rows / 2 val resultSize = this.rows + 2 * resultHalo val expanded = new Matrix(expandedSize, expandedSize) for (r <- 0 until this.rows; c <- 0 until this.columns) expanded(r + expandedHalo, c + expandedHalo) = this(r, c) // Do the convolution. val result = new Matrix(resultSize, resultSize) for (r <- 0 until resultSize; c <- 0 until resultSize) { var sum = 0f for (thatRow <- 0 until that.rows; thatCol <- 0 until that.columns) { sum += thatFlipped(thatRow, thatCol) * expanded(r + thatRow, c + thatCol) } result(r, c) = sum } result } } /** * Factory methods for Matrix. */ object Matrix { private lazy val rand = new Random /** Create a Matrix from an array of row data. */ def apply(rowArray: Array[Float]*): Matrix = Matrix.apply(rowArray.toArray) /** Create a Matrix from a 2D array. */ def apply(rowArray: Array[Array[Float]]): Matrix = { val rows = rowArray.length val columns = rowArray(0).length for (row <- rowArray) require(row.length == columns) val data = new Array[Float](columns * rows) var index = 0 for (row <- 0 until rows) { for (col <- 0 until columns) { data(index) = rowArray(row)(col) index += 1 } } new Matrix(rows, columns, data) } /** Create a "rows" x "columns" matrix initialized by "f". */ def apply(rows: Int, columns: Int, f: (Int, Int) => Float): Matrix = { val matrix = new Matrix(rows, columns) for (row <- 0 until rows; col <- 0 until columns) matrix(row, col) = f(row, col) matrix } /** Create a square diagonal matrix with specified "diagonal" values. */ def diagonal(vector: Vector): Matrix = { new Matrix(vector.length, vector.length) { for (row <- 0 until rows) this(row, row) = vector(row) } } /** Create a "rows" x "rows" square identity matrix. */ def identity(rows: Int): Matrix = { new Matrix(rows, rows) { for (row <- 0 until rows) this(row, row) = 1f } } /** Create a random "rows" x "columns" matrix. */ def random(rows: Int, columns: Int): Matrix = { val random = new Random new Matrix(rows, columns) { for (row <- 0 until rows; col <- 0 until columns) this(row, col) = random.nextFloat } } /** Create a Jama matrix containing the same values as "this". */ private[algebra] def toJamaMatrix(m: Matrix): Jama.Matrix = { val array = new Array[Array[Double]](m.rows) for (r <- 0 until m.rows) array(r) = new Array[Double](m.columns) var index = 0 for (r <- 0 until m.rows; c <- 0 until m.columns) { array(r)(c) = m(index) index += 1 } val jamaMatrix = new Jama.Matrix(array) require(jamaMatrix.getRowDimension == m.rows) require(jamaMatrix.getColumnDimension == m.columns) require(jamaMatrix.getArray.length == m.rows) require(jamaMatrix.getArray()(0).length == m.columns) jamaMatrix } /** Create a Matrix containing the same values as a Jama matrix. */ private[algebra] def apply(j: Jama.Matrix): Matrix = { // There appears to be a bug in the Jama library, making the // getRowDimension and getColumnDimension unreliable. So we look at // the actual stored arrays to get that information. //require(j.getArray.length == j.getRowDimension) //require(j.getArray()(0).length == j.getColumnDimension) val jamaArray = j.getArray val rows = jamaArray.length val columns = jamaArray(0).length val array = new Array[Float](rows * columns) var index = 0 for (r <- 0 until rows; c <- 0 until columns) { array(index) = jamaArray(r)(c).toFloat index += 1 } new Matrix(rows, columns, array) } }
package com.bradbrok.filmomatic object Message { trait Request trait Response { def request: Request } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.physical.batch import org.apache.flink.api.dag.Transformation import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.DamBehavior import org.apache.flink.table.dataformat.BaseRow import org.apache.flink.table.planner.codegen.{CodeGeneratorContext, CorrelateCodeGenerator} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.BatchPlanner import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.utils.TableSqlFunction import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.`trait`.{FlinkRelDistribution, FlinkRelDistributionTraitDef, TraitUtil} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.{BatchExecNode, ExecNode} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.logical.FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.RelExplainUtil import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptCluster, RelOptRule, RelTraitSet} import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.RelDataType import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.{Correlate, JoinRelType} import org.apache.calcite.rel.{RelCollationTraitDef, RelDistribution, RelFieldCollation, RelNode, RelWriter, SingleRel} import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexCall, RexInputRef, RexNode, RexProgram} import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind import org.apache.calcite.util.mapping.{Mapping, MappingType, Mappings} import java.util import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ /** * Batch physical RelNode for [[Correlate]] (user defined table function). */ class BatchExecCorrelate( cluster: RelOptCluster, traitSet: RelTraitSet, inputRel: RelNode, scan: FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan, condition: Option[RexNode], projectProgram: Option[RexProgram], outputRowType: RelDataType, joinType: JoinRelType) extends SingleRel(cluster, traitSet, inputRel) with BatchPhysicalRel with BatchExecNode[BaseRow] { require(joinType == JoinRelType.INNER || joinType == JoinRelType.LEFT) override def deriveRowType(): RelDataType = outputRowType override def copy(traitSet: RelTraitSet, inputs: java.util.List[RelNode]): RelNode = { copy(traitSet, inputs.get(0), projectProgram, outputRowType) } /** * Note: do not passing member 'child' because singleRel.replaceInput may update 'input' rel. */ def copy( traitSet: RelTraitSet, child: RelNode, projectProgram: Option[RexProgram], outputType: RelDataType): RelNode = { new BatchExecCorrelate( cluster, traitSet, child, scan, condition, projectProgram, outputType, joinType) } override def explainTerms(pw: RelWriter): RelWriter = { val rexCall = scan.getCall.asInstanceOf[RexCall] val sqlFunction = rexCall.getOperator.asInstanceOf[TableSqlFunction] super.explainTerms(pw) .item("invocation", scan.getCall) .item("correlate", RelExplainUtil.correlateToString( input.getRowType, rexCall, sqlFunction, getExpressionString)) .item("select", outputRowType.getFieldNames.mkString(",")) .item("rowType", outputRowType) .item("joinType", joinType) .itemIf("condition", condition.orNull, condition.isDefined) } override def satisfyTraits(requiredTraitSet: RelTraitSet): Option[RelNode] = { val requiredDistribution = requiredTraitSet.getTrait(FlinkRelDistributionTraitDef.INSTANCE) // Correlate could not provide broadcast distribution if (requiredDistribution.getType == RelDistribution.Type.BROADCAST_DISTRIBUTED) { return None } def getOutputInputMapping: Mapping = { val inputFieldCnt = getInput.getRowType.getFieldCount projectProgram match { case Some(program) => val projects = val mapping = Mappings.create(MappingType.INVERSE_FUNCTION, inputFieldCnt, projects.size) projects.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (project, index) => project match { case inputRef: RexInputRef => mapping.set(inputRef.getIndex, index) case call: RexCall if call.getKind == SqlKind.AS => call.getOperands.head match { case inputRef: RexInputRef => mapping.set(inputRef.getIndex, index) case _ => // ignore } case _ => // ignore } } mapping.inverse() case _ => val mapping = Mappings.create(MappingType.FUNCTION, inputFieldCnt, inputFieldCnt) (0 until inputFieldCnt).foreach { index => mapping.set(index, index) } mapping } } val mapping = getOutputInputMapping val appliedDistribution = requiredDistribution.apply(mapping) // If both distribution and collation can be satisfied, satisfy both. If only distribution // can be satisfied, only satisfy distribution. There is no possibility to only satisfy // collation here except for there is no distribution requirement. if ((!requiredDistribution.isTop) && (appliedDistribution eq FlinkRelDistribution.ANY)) { return None } val requiredCollation = requiredTraitSet.getTrait(RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE) val appliedCollation = TraitUtil.apply(requiredCollation, mapping) // the required collation can be satisfied if field collations are not empty // and the direction of each field collation is non-STRICTLY val canSatisfyCollation = appliedCollation.getFieldCollations.nonEmpty && !appliedCollation.getFieldCollations.exists { c => (c.getDirection eq RelFieldCollation.Direction.STRICTLY_ASCENDING) || (c.getDirection eq RelFieldCollation.Direction.STRICTLY_DESCENDING) } // If required traits only contains collation requirements, but collation keys are not columns // from input, then no need to satisfy required traits. if ((appliedDistribution eq FlinkRelDistribution.ANY) && !canSatisfyCollation) { return None } var inputRequiredTraits = getInput.getTraitSet var providedTraits = getTraitSet if (!appliedDistribution.isTop) { inputRequiredTraits = inputRequiredTraits.replace(appliedDistribution) providedTraits = providedTraits.replace(requiredDistribution) } if (canSatisfyCollation) { inputRequiredTraits = inputRequiredTraits.replace(appliedCollation) providedTraits = providedTraits.replace(requiredCollation) } val newInput = RelOptRule.convert(getInput, inputRequiredTraits) Some(copy(providedTraits, Seq(newInput))) } //~ ExecNode methods ----------------------------------------------------------- override def getDamBehavior: DamBehavior = DamBehavior.PIPELINED override def getInputNodes: util.List[ExecNode[BatchPlanner, _]] =[ExecNode[BatchPlanner, _]]) override def replaceInputNode( ordinalInParent: Int, newInputNode: ExecNode[BatchPlanner, _]): Unit = { replaceInput(ordinalInParent, newInputNode.asInstanceOf[RelNode]) } override protected def translateToPlanInternal( planner: BatchPlanner): Transformation[BaseRow] = { val config = planner.getTableConfig val inputTransformation = getInputNodes.get(0).translateToPlan(planner) .asInstanceOf[Transformation[BaseRow]] val operatorCtx = CodeGeneratorContext(config) val transformation = CorrelateCodeGenerator.generateCorrelateTransformation( config, operatorCtx, inputTransformation, input.getRowType, projectProgram, scan, condition, outputRowType, joinType, inputTransformation.getParallelism, retainHeader = false, getExpressionString, "BatchExecCorrelate") transformation.setName(getRelDetailedDescription) transformation } }
package package templating import controllers.routes import mashup._ import play.twirl.api.Html import lila.api.Context import lila.common.LightUser import lila.rating.{ PerfType, Perf } import lila.user.{ User, UserContext, Perfs } trait UserHelper { self: I18nHelper with StringHelper with NumberHelper => def showProgress(progress: Int, withTitle: Boolean = true) = Html { val span = progress match { case 0 => "" case p if p > 0 => s"""<span class="positive" data-icon="N">$p</span>""" case p if p < 0 => s"""<span class="negative" data-icon="M">${math.abs(p)}</span>""" } val title = if (withTitle) """data-hint="Rating progression over the last twelve games"""" else "" val klass = if (withTitle) "progress hint--bottom" else "progress" s"""<span $title class="$klass">$span</span>""" } val topBarSortedPerfTypes: List[PerfType] = List( PerfType.Bullet, PerfType.Chess960, PerfType.Blitz, PerfType.KingOfTheHill, PerfType.Classical, PerfType.ThreeCheck, PerfType.Correspondence, PerfType.Antichess, PerfType.Atomic, PerfType.Horde, PerfType.RacingKings, PerfType.Crazyhouse) private def best4Of(u: User, perfTypes: List[PerfType]) = perfTypes.sortBy { pt => -u.perfs(pt).nb } take 4 def miniViewSortedPerfTypes(u: User): List[PerfType] = best4Of(u, List(PerfType.Bullet, PerfType.Blitz, PerfType.Classical, PerfType.Correspondence)) ::: best4Of(u, List(PerfType.Crazyhouse, PerfType.Chess960, PerfType.KingOfTheHill, PerfType.ThreeCheck, PerfType.Antichess, PerfType.Atomic, PerfType.Horde, PerfType.RacingKings)) def showPerfRating(rating: Int, name: String, nb: Int, provisional: Boolean, icon: Char, klass: String)(implicit ctx: Context) = Html { val title = s"$name rating over ${nb.localize} games" val attr = if (klass == "title") "title" else "data-hint" val number = if (nb > 0) s"$rating${if (provisional) "?" else ""}" else "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-" s"""<span $attr="$title" class="$klass"><span data-icon="$icon">$number</span></span>""" } def showPerfRating(perfType: PerfType, perf: Perf, klass: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Html = showPerfRating(perf.intRating,, perf.nb, perf.provisional, perfType.iconChar, klass) def showPerfRating(u: User, perfType: PerfType, klass: String = "hint--bottom")(implicit ctx: Context): Html = showPerfRating(perfType, u perfs perfType, klass) def showPerfRating(u: User, perfKey: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Html] = PerfType(perfKey) map { showPerfRating(u, _) } def showBestPerf(u: User)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Html] = u.perfs.bestPerf map { case (pt, perf) => showPerfRating(pt, perf, klass = "hint--bottom") } def showRatingDiff(diff: Int) = Html { diff match { case 0 => """<span class="rp null">±0</span>""" case d if d > 0 => s"""<span class="rp up">+$d</span>""" case d => s"""<span class="rp down">$d</span>""" } } def lightUser(userId: String): Option[LightUser] = Env.user lightUser userId def lightUser(userId: Option[String]): Option[LightUser] = userId flatMap lightUser def usernameOrId(userId: String) = lightUser(userId).fold(userId)(_.titleName) def usernameOrAnon(userId: Option[String]) = lightUser(userId).fold(User.anonymous)(_.titleName) def isOnline(userId: String) = Env.user isOnline userId def userIdLink( userIdOption: Option[String], cssClass: Option[String] = None, withOnline: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = true, truncate: Option[Int] = None, params: String = ""): Html = Html { userIdOption.flatMap(lightUser).fold(User.anonymous) { user => userIdNameLink( userId =, username =, title = user.title, cssClass = cssClass, withOnline = withOnline, withTitle = withTitle, truncate = truncate, params = params) } } def lightUserLink( user: LightUser, cssClass: Option[String] = None, withOnline: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = true, truncate: Option[Int] = None, params: String = ""): Html = Html { userIdNameLink( userId =, username =, title = user.title, cssClass = cssClass, withOnline = withOnline, withTitle = withTitle, truncate = truncate, params = params) } def userIdLink( userId: String, cssClass: Option[String]): Html = userIdLink(userId.some, cssClass) def userIdLinkMini(userId: String) = Html { val user = lightUser(userId) val name = user.fold(userId)( val content = user.fold(userId)(_.titleNameHtml) val klass = userClass(userId, none, false) val href = userHref(name) s"""<a data-icon="r" $klass $href>&nbsp;$content</a>""" } def usernameLink( usernameOption: Option[String], cssClass: Option[String] = None, withOnline: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = true, truncate: Option[Int] = None): Html = Html { usernameOption.fold(User.anonymous) { username => userIdNameLink(username.toLowerCase, username, cssClass, withOnline, withTitle, truncate) } } private def titleTag(title: Option[String]) = title match { case None => "" case Some(t) => s"""<span class="title" title="${User titleName t}">$t</span>&nbsp;""" } private def userIdNameLink( userId: String, username: String, cssClass: Option[String] = None, withOnline: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = true, truncate: Option[Int] = None, title: Option[String] = None, params: String = ""): String = { val klass = userClass(userId, cssClass, withOnline) val href = userHref(username, params = params) val content = truncate.fold(username)(username.take) val titleS = if (withTitle) titleTag(title) else "" val space = if (withOnline) "&nbsp;" else "" val dataIcon = if (withOnline) """ data-icon="r"""" else "" s"""<a$dataIcon $klass $href>$space$titleS$content</a>""" } def userLink( user: User, cssClass: Option[String] = None, withOnline: Boolean = true, withPowerTip: Boolean = true, withDonor: Boolean = false, withTitle: Boolean = true, withBestRating: Boolean = false, withPerfRating: Option[PerfType] = None, text: Option[String] = None, params: String = "") = Html { val klass = userClass(, cssClass, withOnline, withPowerTip) val href = userHref(user.username, params) val content = text | user.username val titleS = if (withTitle) titleTag(user.title) else "" val space = if (withOnline) "&nbsp;" else "" val dataIcon = if (withOnline) """ data-icon="r"""" else "" val rating = userRating(user, withPerfRating, withBestRating) val donor = if (withDonor) donorBadge else "" s"""<a$dataIcon $klass $href>$space$titleS$content$rating$donor</a>""" } def userInfosLink( userId: String, rating: Option[Int], cssClass: Option[String] = None, withPowerTip: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = false, withOnline: Boolean = true) = { val user = lightUser(userId) val name = user.fold(userId)( val klass = userClass(userId, cssClass, withOnline, withPowerTip) val href = userHref(name) val content = rating.fold(name)(e => s"$name&nbsp;($e)") val titleS = titleTag(user.flatMap(_.title) ifTrue withTitle) val space = if (withOnline) "&nbsp;" else "" val dataIcon = if (withOnline) """ data-icon="r"""" else "" Html(s"""<a$dataIcon $klass $href>$space$titleS$content</a>""") } def userSpan( user: User, cssClass: Option[String] = None, withOnline: Boolean = true, withPowerTip: Boolean = true, withTitle: Boolean = true, withBestRating: Boolean = false, withPerfRating: Option[PerfType] = None, text: Option[String] = None) = Html { val klass = userClass(, cssClass, withOnline, withPowerTip) val href = s"data-${userHref(user.username)}" val content = text | user.username val titleS = if (withTitle) titleTag(user.title) else "" val space = if (withOnline) "&nbsp;" else "" val dataIcon = if (withOnline) """ data-icon="r"""" else "" val rating = userRating(user, withPerfRating, withBestRating) s"""<span$dataIcon $klass $href>$space$titleS$content$rating</span>""" } def userIdSpanMini(userId: String, withOnline: Boolean = false) = Html { val user = lightUser(userId) val name = user.fold(userId)( val content = user.fold(userId)(_.titleNameHtml) val klass = userClass(userId, none, false) val href = s"data-${userHref(name)}" val space = if (withOnline) "&nbsp;" else "" val dataIcon = if (withOnline) """ data-icon="r"""" else "" s"""<span$dataIcon $klass $href>$space$content</span>""" } private def renderRating(perf: Perf) = s"&nbsp;(${perf.intRating}${if (perf.provisional) "?" else ""})" private def userRating(user: User, withPerfRating: Option[PerfType], withBestRating: Boolean) = withPerfRating match { case Some(perfType) => renderRating(user.perfs(perfType)) case _ if withBestRating => user.perfs.bestPerf ?? { case (_, perf) => renderRating(perf) } case _ => "" } private def userHref(username: String, params: String = "") = s"""href="${}$params"""" protected def userClass( userId: String, cssClass: Option[String], withOnline: Boolean, withPowerTip: Boolean = true) = { "user_link" :: List( cssClass, withPowerTip option "ulpt", withOnline option isOnline(userId).fold("online is-green", "offline") ).flatten }.mkString("class=\\"", " ", "\\"") def userGameFilterTitle(info: UserInfo, filter: GameFilter)(implicit ctx: UserContext) = splitNumber(userGameFilterTitleNoTag(info, filter)) def userGameFilterTitleNoTag(info: UserInfo, filter: GameFilter)(implicit ctx: UserContext) = Html((filter match { case GameFilter.All => + " " + trans.gamesPlayed() case GameFilter.Me => ?? (me => trans.nbGamesWithYou.str(info.nbWithMe)) case GameFilter.Rated => info.nbRated + " " + trans.rated() case GameFilter.Win => trans.nbWins( case GameFilter.Loss => trans.nbLosses(info.user.count.loss) case GameFilter.Draw => trans.nbDraws(info.user.count.draw) case GameFilter.Playing => info.nbPlaying + " playing" case GameFilter.Bookmark => trans.nbBookmarks(info.nbBookmark) case GameFilter.Imported => trans.nbImportedGames(info.nbImported) case GameFilter.Search => Html(trans.advancedSearch.str().replaceFirst(" ", "\\n")) }).toString) def describeUser(user: User) = { val name = user.titleUsername val nbGames = val createdAt = org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat forStyle "M-" print user.createdAt val currentRating = user.perfs.bestPerf ?? { case (pt, perf) => s" Current ${} rating: ${perf.intRating}." } s"$name played $nbGames games since $createdAt.$currentRating" } private val donorBadge = """<span data-icon="&#xe001;" class="donor is-gold" title="Lichess donor"></span>""" }
package ch17_skip_list import scala.util.Random class Node(var data: Int, var forwards: Array[Node], var maxLevel: Int) class SkipList(var head: Node, var skipListLevel: Int) { def this() = this(new Node(-1, new Array[Node](16), 0), 1) val MAX_LEVEL = 16 val random = new Random() def find(value: Int): Option[Node] = { var p = head for (i <- skipListLevel - 1 to 0 by -1) { while (p.forwards(i) != null && p.forwards(i).data < value) { p = p.forwards(i) } } if (p.forwards(0) != null && p.forwards(0).data == value) { Some(p.forwards(0)) } else { None } } def insert(value: Int): Unit = { //init the new node val level = randomLevel() val newNode = new Node(value, new Array[Node](level), level) //use updtes array to record all nodes in all level before the inserted node val updates: Array[Node] = new Array[Node](level) var p = head for (i <- level - 1 to 0 by -1) { while (p.forwards(i) != null && p.forwards(i).data < value) { p = p.forwards(i) } updates(i) = p } for (i <- Range(0, level)) { newNode.forwards(i) = updates(i).forwards(i) updates(i).forwards(i) = newNode } if (level > skipListLevel) { skipListLevel = level } } def delete(value: Int): Unit = { var p = head val updates: Array[Node] = new Array[Node](skipListLevel) //try to locate the given node with the value for (i <- skipListLevel - 1 to 0 by -1) { while (p.forwards(i) != null && p.forwards(i).data < value) { p = p.forwards(i) } updates(i) = p } if (p.forwards(0) != null && p.forwards(0).data == value) { //find the value node, start to delete the node from the skip list for (i <- skipListLevel - 1 to 0 by -1) { if (updates(i).forwards(i) != null && updates(i).forwards(i).data == value) { updates(i).forwards(i) = updates(i).forwards(i).forwards(i) } } } } def randomLevel(): Int = { var level = 1 for (i <- Range(1, MAX_LEVEL)) { if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 1) { level += 1 } } level } def mkString(): String = { val builder = new StringBuilder var p = head while (p.forwards(0) != null) { p = p.forwards(0) builder.append( } builder.mkString } }
import stainless.lang._ object SuperCall2 { sealed abstract class Base { def double(x: BigInt): BigInt = x * 2 } case class Override() extends Base { override def double(x: BigInt): BigInt = { super.double(x + 1) + 42 } } case class NoOverride() extends Base def test1 = { NoOverride().double(10) == 20 }.holds def test2 = { Override().double(10) == 64 }.holds }
/* * Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.scalautils import org.scalatest.FunSpec import org.scalatest.Matchers class LegacyTripleEqualsAndShouldMatchersSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers { describe("ShouldMatcher, which extends LegacyTripleEquals") { it("should allow users to use should === out of the box") { 1 + 1 should === (2) } } }
package by.pavelverk.hardwrite.core.auth import by.pavelverk.hardwrite.core.InMemoryStorage import by.pavelverk.hardwrite.utils.db.DatabaseConnector import by.pavelverk.hardwrite.core.AuthData import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} sealed trait AuthDataStorage { def findAuthData(login: String): Future[Option[AuthData]] def saveAuthData(authData: AuthData): Future[AuthData] } class JdbcAuthDataStorage( val databaseConnector: DatabaseConnector )(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends AuthDataTable with AuthDataStorage { import databaseConnector._ import databaseConnector.profile.api._ override def findAuthData(login: String): Future[Option[AuthData]] = => d.username === login || === login).result.headOption) override def saveAuthData(authData: AuthData): Future[AuthData] = => authData) } class InMemoryAuthDataStorage extends InMemoryStorage[String, AuthData] with AuthDataStorage { override def findAuthData(login: String): Future[Option[AuthData]] = find(d => d.username == login || == login) override def saveAuthData(authData: AuthData): Future[AuthData] = save(authData) }
/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Copyright 2015-2021 Andre White. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.truthencode.ddo.model.effect.features import io.truthencode.ddo.api.model.effect.DetailedEffect import io.truthencode.ddo.enhancement.BonusType import io.truthencode.ddo.model.effect._ import io.truthencode.ddo.model.stats.BasicStat import /** * Affects your to-hit chance be a percentage */ trait HitChancePercentFeature extends Features { self: SourceInfo => protected val hitChanceBonusType: BonusType protected val hitChanceBonusAmount: Int protected[this] val triggerOn: Seq[TriggerEvent] protected[this] val triggerOff: Seq[TriggerEvent] protected[this] val hitChanceCategories: Seq[EffectCategories.Value] private val src = this private[this] val hitChanceChance = new PartModifier[Int, BasicStat] with UsingSearchPrefix { /** * Used when qualifying a search with a prefix. Examples include finding "HalfElf" from * qualified "Race:HalfElf" * * @return * A default or applied prefix */ override def searchPrefixSource: String = partToModify.searchPrefixSource override protected[this] lazy val partToModify: BasicStat = BasicStat.ToHitChance /** * The General Description should be just that. This should not include specific values unless * all instances will share that value. I.e. a Dodge Effect might state it increases your * miss-chance, but omit any value such as 20%. Those values will be displayed in the * effectText of a specific implementation such as the Dodge Feat or Uncanny Dodge */ override val generalDescription: String = "Increases your chance to hit by a certain percentage" /** * a list of Categories useful for menu / UI placement and also for searching / querying for * Miss-Chance or other desired effects. * * This list might be constrained or filtered by an Enumeration or CSV file. The goal is to * enable quick and advanced searching for specific categories from general (Miss-Chance) to * specific (evasion). In addition, it may be useful for deep searching such as increasing * Spot, which should suggest not only +Spot items, but +Wisdom or eventually include a feat * or enhancement that allows the use of some other value as your spot score. */ override def categories: Seq[String] = private val eb = EffectParameterBuilder() .toggleOffValue(triggerOff: _*) .toggleOnValue(triggerOn: _*) .addBonusType(hitChanceBonusType) .build override protected[this] def effectParameters: Seq[ParameterModifier[_]] = eb.modifiers override lazy val effectDetail: DetailedEffect = DetailedEffect( id = "ArmorClass", description = "Adds damage to critical hits", triggersOn =, triggersOff =, bonusType = hitChanceBonusType.entryName ) override val source: SourceInfo = src override lazy val value: Int = hitChanceBonusAmount override lazy val effectText: Option[String] = Some(s"hitChance Class by $value%") } abstract override def features: Seq[Feature[_]] = { assert(hitChanceChance.value == hitChanceBonusAmount) super.features :+ hitChanceChance } }
import sbt._ class ExcludeScala(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) { lazy val noScala = task { checkNoScala } def checkNoScala = { val existing = compileClasspath.filter(isScalaLibrary _).get if(existing.isEmpty) None else Some("Scala library was incorrectly retrieved: " + existing) } def isScalaLibrary(p: Path) = contains "scala-library" val sbinary = "org.scala-tools.sbinary" % "sbinary_2.7.7" % "0.3" }
/* * Copyright (C) Lightbend Inc. <> */ package play.api.test import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.fluentlenium.adapter.FluentAdapter import org.fluentlenium.core.domain.FluentList import org.fluentlenium.core.domain.FluentWebElement import org.openqa.selenium._ import org.openqa.selenium.firefox._ import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit._ import import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters._ /** * A test browser (Using Selenium WebDriver) with the FluentLenium API ( * * @param webDriver The WebDriver instance to use. */ case class TestBrowser(webDriver: WebDriver, baseUrl: Option[String]) extends FluentAdapter() { super.initFluent(webDriver) baseUrl.foreach(baseUrl => super.getConfiguration.setBaseUrl(baseUrl)) /** * Submits a form with the given field values * * @example {{{ * submit("#login", fields = * "email" -> email, * "password" -> password * ) * }}} */ def submit(selector: String, fields: (String, String)*): FluentList[FluentWebElement] = { fields.foreach { case (fieldName, fieldValue) => $(s"$selector *[name=$fieldName]").fill.`with`(fieldValue) } $(selector).submit() } /** * Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: * the function returns neither null nor false, * the function throws an unignored exception, * the timeout expires * * @param timeout the timeout amount * @param timeUnit timeout unit * @param block code to be executed */ def waitUntil[T](timeout: Int, timeUnit: TimeUnit)(block: => T): T = { val wait = new FluentWait[WebDriver](webDriver).withTimeout(java.time.Duration.ofMillis(timeUnit.toMillis(timeout))) val f = (driver: WebDriver) => block wait.until(f.asJava) } /** * Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: * the function returns neither null nor false, * the function throws an unignored exception, * the timeout expires * * @param timeout duration of how long should wait * @param block code to be executed */ def waitUntil[T](timeout: java.time.Duration)(block: => T): T = { val wait = new FluentWait[WebDriver](webDriver).withTimeout(timeout) val f = (driver: WebDriver) => block wait.until(f.asJava) } /** * Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given block until one of the following occurs: * the function returns neither null nor false, * the function throws an unignored exception, * the default timeout expires * * @param block code to be executed */ def waitUntil[T](block: => T): T = waitUntil(3000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)(block) /** * retrieves the underlying option interface that can be used * to set cookies, manage timeouts among other things */ def manage: WebDriver.Options = super.getDriver.manage def quit(): Unit = { Option(super.getDriver).foreach(_.quit()) releaseFluent() } } /** * Helper utilities to build TestBrowsers */ object TestBrowser { /** * Creates an in-memory WebBrowser (using HtmlUnit) * * @param baseUrl The default base URL that will be used for relative URLs */ def default(baseUrl: Option[String] = None) = of(classOf[HtmlUnitDriver], baseUrl) /** * Creates a firefox WebBrowser. * * @param baseUrl The default base URL that will be used for relative URLs */ def firefox(baseUrl: Option[String] = None) = of(classOf[FirefoxDriver], baseUrl) /** * Creates a WebBrowser of the specified class name. * * @param baseUrl The default base URL that will be used for relative URLs */ def of[WEBDRIVER <: WebDriver](webDriver: Class[WEBDRIVER], baseUrl: Option[String] = None) = TestBrowser(WebDriverFactory(webDriver), baseUrl) } object WebDriverFactory { /** * Creates a Selenium Web Driver and configures it * @param clazz Type of driver to create * @return The driver instance */ def apply[D <: WebDriver](clazz: Class[D]): WebDriver = { val driver = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance() // Driver-specific configuration driver match { case htmlunit: HtmlUnitDriver => htmlunit.setJavascriptEnabled(true) case _ => } driver } }
package cromwell.engine.workflow.mocks import org.specs2.mock.Mockito import wdl.{Declaration, WdlExpression} import wom.types.WomType object DeclarationMock { type DeclarationMockType = (String, WomType, WdlExpression) } trait DeclarationMock extends Mockito { def mockDeclaration(name: String, womType: WomType, expression: WdlExpression) = { val declaration = mock[Declaration] declaration.unqualifiedName returns name declaration.expression returns Option(expression) declaration.womType returns womType declaration } }
/* Title: Tools/jEdit/src/bibtex_jedit.scala Author: Makarius BibTeX support in Isabelle/jEdit. */ package isabelle.jedit import isabelle._ import scala.collection.mutable import java.awt.event.{ActionListener, ActionEvent} import javax.swing.text.Segment import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode import javax.swing.{JMenu, JMenuItem} import org.gjt.sp.jedit.Buffer import org.gjt.sp.jedit.textarea.{JEditTextArea, TextArea} import org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.{Token => JEditToken, TokenMarker, TokenHandler, ParserRuleSet} import sidekick.{SideKickParser, SideKickParsedData} object Bibtex_JEdit { /** buffer model **/ /* file type */ def check(buffer: Buffer): Boolean = JEdit_Lib.buffer_name(buffer).endsWith(".bib") /* parse entries */ def parse_buffer_entries(buffer: Buffer): List[(String, Text.Offset)] = { val chunks = try { Bibtex.parse(JEdit_Lib.buffer_text(buffer)) } catch { case ERROR(msg) => Output.warning(msg); Nil } val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[(String, Text.Offset)] var offset = 0 for (chunk <- chunks) { if ( != "" && !chunk.is_command) result += ((, offset)) offset += chunk.source.length } result.toList } /* retrieve entries */ def entries_iterator(): Iterator[(String, Buffer, Text.Offset)] = for { buffer <- JEdit_Lib.jedit_buffers() model <- PIDE.document_model(buffer).iterator (name, offset) <- model.bibtex_entries.iterator } yield (name, buffer, offset) /* completion */ def complete(name: String): List[String] = { val name1 = name.toLowerCase (for ((entry, _, _) <- entries_iterator() if entry.toLowerCase.containsSlice(name1)) yield entry).toList } def completion( history: Completion.History, text_area: JEditTextArea, rendering: Rendering): Option[Completion.Result] = { for { Text.Info(r, name) <- rendering.citation(JEdit_Lib.before_caret_range(text_area, rendering)) original <- JEdit_Lib.try_get_text(text_area.getBuffer, r) orig = Library.perhaps_unquote(original) entries = complete(name).filter(_ != orig) if !entries.isEmpty items ={ case entry => val full_name = Long_Name.qualify(Markup.CITATION, entry) val description = List(entry, "(BibTeX entry)") val replacement = quote(entry) Completion.Item(r, original, full_name, description, replacement, 0, false) }).sorted(history.ordering).take("completion_limit")) } yield Completion.Result(r, original, false, items) } /** context menu **/ def context_menu(text_area0: JEditTextArea): List[JMenuItem] = { text_area0 match { case text_area: TextArea => text_area.getBuffer match { case buffer: Buffer if (check(buffer) && buffer.isEditable) => val menu = new JMenu("BibTeX entries") for (entry <- Bibtex.entries) { val item = new JMenuItem(entry.kind) item.addActionListener(new ActionListener { def actionPerformed(evt: ActionEvent): Unit = Isabelle.insert_line_padding(text_area, entry.template) }) menu.add(item) } List(menu) case _ => Nil } case _ => Nil } } /** token markup **/ /* token style */ private def token_style(context: String, token: Bibtex.Token): Byte = token.kind match { case Bibtex.Token.Kind.COMMAND => JEditToken.KEYWORD2 case Bibtex.Token.Kind.ENTRY => JEditToken.KEYWORD1 case Bibtex.Token.Kind.KEYWORD => JEditToken.OPERATOR case Bibtex.Token.Kind.NAT => JEditToken.LITERAL2 case Bibtex.Token.Kind.STRING => JEditToken.LITERAL1 case Bibtex.Token.Kind.NAME => JEditToken.LABEL case Bibtex.Token.Kind.IDENT => if (Bibtex.is_month(token.source)) JEditToken.LITERAL3 else Bibtex.get_entry(context) match { case Some(entry) if entry.is_required(token.source) => JEditToken.KEYWORD3 case Some(entry) if entry.is_optional(token.source) => JEditToken.KEYWORD4 case _ => JEditToken.DIGIT } case Bibtex.Token.Kind.SPACE => JEditToken.NULL case Bibtex.Token.Kind.COMMENT => JEditToken.COMMENT1 case Bibtex.Token.Kind.ERROR => JEditToken.INVALID } /* line context */ private val context_rules = new ParserRuleSet("bibtex", "MAIN") private class Line_Context(val context: Option[Bibtex.Line_Context]) extends TokenMarker.LineContext(context_rules, null) { override def hashCode: Int = context.hashCode override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case other: Line_Context => context == other.context case _ => false } } /* token marker */ class Token_Marker extends TokenMarker { override def markTokens(context: TokenMarker.LineContext, handler: TokenHandler, raw_line: Segment): TokenMarker.LineContext = { val line_ctxt = context match { case c: Line_Context => c.context case _ => Some(Bibtex.Ignored) } val line = if (raw_line == null) new Segment else raw_line def no_markup = { val styled_token = (JEditToken.NULL, line.subSequence(0, line.count).toString) (List(styled_token), new Line_Context(None)) } val context1 = { val (styled_tokens, context1) = line_ctxt match { case Some(ctxt) => try { val (chunks, ctxt1) = Bibtex.parse_line(line, ctxt) val styled_tokens = for { chunk <- chunks; tok <- chunk.tokens } yield (token_style(chunk.kind, tok), tok.source) (styled_tokens, new Line_Context(Some(ctxt1))) } catch { case ERROR(msg) => Output.warning(msg); no_markup } case None => no_markup } var offset = 0 for ((style, token) <- styled_tokens) { val length = token.length val end_offset = offset + length if ((offset until end_offset).exists(i => line.charAt(i) == '\\t')) { for (i <- offset until end_offset) handler.handleToken(line, style, i, 1, context1) } else handler.handleToken(line, style, offset, length, context1) offset += length } handler.handleToken(line, JEditToken.END, line.count, 0, context1) context1 } val context2 = context1.intern handler.setLineContext(context2) context2 } } /** Sidekick parser **/ class Sidekick_Parser extends SideKickParser("bibtex") { override def supportsCompletion = false private class Asset(label: String, label_html: String, range: Text.Range, source: String) extends Isabelle_Sidekick.Asset(label, range) { override def getShortString: String = label_html override def getLongString: String = source } def parse(buffer: Buffer, error_source: errorlist.DefaultErrorSource): SideKickParsedData = { val data = Isabelle_Sidekick.root_data(buffer) try { var offset = 0 for (chunk <- Bibtex.parse(JEdit_Lib.buffer_text(buffer))) { val kind = chunk.kind val name = val source = chunk.source if (kind != "") { val label = kind + (if (name == "") "" else " " + name) val label_html = "<html><b>" + HTML.encode(kind) + "</b>" + (if (name == "") "" else " " + HTML.encode(name)) + "</html>" val range = Text.Range(offset, offset + source.size) val asset = new Asset(label, label_html, range, source) data.root.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(asset)) } offset += source.size } data } catch { case ERROR(msg) => Output.warning(msg); null } } } }
// easy and straightforward. nothing to say object Solution { def flipAndInvertImage(xs: Array[Array[Int]]): Array[Array[Int]] = => if (x == 0) 1 else 0)) def main(args: Array[String]) = { println( new Array(new Array(1,1,0),new Array(1,0,1),new Array(0,0,0)) ) } }
package vonsim.assembly.parser import scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers import scala.util.parsing.input.{NoPosition, Position, Reader} import vonsim.assembly.lexer._ import scala.Left import scala.Right import vonsim.assembly.ParserError import vonsim.assembly.Location import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional import vonsim.assembly.i18n.English import vonsim.assembly.i18n.CompilerLanguage import scala.util.Random object Parser extends MyParsers { var compilerLanguage:CompilerLanguage=new English() override type Elem = Token def apply(tokens: Seq[Token]): Either[ParserError, Instruction] = { val reader = new TokenReader(tokens) val defaultMessage=compilerLanguage.parserError // temporary until the parser is improved program(reader) match { case NoSuccess(msg, next) => Left(ParserError(Location(next.pos.line, next.pos.column), defaultMessage)) case Success(result, next) => Right(result) } } class TokenReader(tokens: Seq[Token]) extends Reader[Token] { override def first: Token = tokens.head override def atEnd: Boolean = tokens.isEmpty override def pos: Position = override def rest: Reader[Token] = new TokenReader(tokens.tail) } def program = positioned { (labeledInstruction | instruction) ~ newline ^^{case (o:Instruction) ~ _ => o } } def labeledInstruction =positioned { (label ~ instruction) ^^{ case LABEL(l) ~ (o:ExecutableInstruction) => LabeledInstruction(l,o) } } def instruction = positioned{ zeroary | org | mov | jump | arithmetic | io | intn | stack | vardef | equ } def equ = positioned{ (identifier ~ EQU() ~ expression) ^^{case ((i:IDENTIFIER) ~ (o:EQU) ~ (e:Expression) ) => EQUDef(i.str,e) } } def arithmetic= positioned { binaryArithmetic | unaryArithmetic } def binaryArithmetic: Parser[Instruction] = positioned { (binary ~ operand ~ COMMA() ~ operand) ^^ { case ( (o:BinaryArithmeticOp) ~ (m:Operand) ~ _ ~ (v:Operand)) => BinaryArithmetic(o,m,v)} } def binary= (Token.binaryArithmetic map tokenAsParser) reduceLeft(_ | _) def unaryArithmetic: Parser[Instruction] = positioned { (unary ~ operand) ^^ { case ( (o:UnaryArithmeticOp) ~ (m:Operand)) => UnaryArithmetic(o,m)} } def unary = (Token.unaryArithmetic map tokenAsParser) reduceLeft(_ | _) def io = positioned { ((IN() | OUT()) ~ (AL() | AX()) ~ COMMA() ~ (ioaddress)) ^^ { case ( (o:IOToken) ~ (m:IORegister) ~ _ ~ (a:IOAddress)) => IO(o,m,a)} } def cmp = positioned { (CMP() ~ (operand) ~ COMMA() ~ (operand) ~ (newline)) ^^ { case ( CMP() ~ (v1:Operand) ~ _ ~ (v2:Operand) ~ _) => Cmp(v1,v2)} } def intn= positioned { (INT() ~ literalInteger ) ^^ {case o ~ LITERALINTEGER(v) => IntN(v)} } def org= positioned { (ORG() ~ literalInteger ) ^^ {case o ~ LITERALINTEGER(v) => Org(v)} } def stack= positioned { ((PUSH() | POP()) ~ fullRegister ) ^^ {case (o:StackInstruction) ~ (t:FullRegisterToken) => Stack(o,t)} } def mov= positioned { (MOV() ~ operand ~ COMMA() ~ operand) ^^ { case ( MOV() ~ (m:Operand) ~ _ ~ (v:Operand)) => Mov(m,v) } } def zeroary= positioned { val end =END() ^^ (_ => End()) val ret = RET() ^^ (_ => Ret()) val nop = NOP() ^^ (_ => Nop()) val hlt = HLT() ^^ (_ => Hlt()) val cli = CLI() ^^ (_ => Cli()) val sti = STI() ^^ (_ => Sti()) val iret = IRET() ^^ (_ => IRet()) val pushf = PUSHF() ^^ (_ => Pushf()) val popf = POPF() ^^ (_ => Popf()) end | ret | nop | hlt | cli | sti | iret | pushf | popf } def jump = jmp | conditionalJump | call def jmp = positioned { (JMP() ~ identifier ) ^^ {case JMP() ~ IDENTIFIER(i) => UnconditionalJump(i)} } def call = positioned { (CALL() ~ identifier ) ^^ {case CALL() ~ IDENTIFIER(i) => Call(i)} } def vardef = positioned { val r = new scala.util.Random(31) val ints= ((identifier?) ~ (DB() | DW() ) ~ varDefInts ) ^^ { case Some(IDENTIFIER(id))~ (t:VarType) ~ (e:List[Either[Undefined.type,Expression]]) => VarDef(id,t,e) case None~ (t:VarType) ~ (e:List[Either[Undefined.type,Expression]]) => VarDef(Random.alphanumeric.take(30).mkString,t,e) } val str = ((identifier ?) ~ DB() ~ literalString ) ^^ { case Some(IDENTIFIER(id))~ DB() ~ LITERALSTRING(s) => VarDef(id,DB(),stringToIntList(s)) case None ~ DB() ~ LITERALSTRING(s) => VarDef(Random.alphanumeric.take(30).mkString,DB(),stringToIntList(s)) } str | ints } def stringToIntList(s:String) (c:Char) => Right(ConstantExpression(c.charValue().toInt))).toList // def varDefValue = (expression ^^ {case e => Right(e)} | UNINITIALIZED() ^^ {case u => Left(Undefined)}) def varDefInts = rep1sep(varDefValue, COMMA()) def conditionalJump = positioned { (conditionalJumpTokens ~ identifier ) ^^ {case (o:ConditionalJumpToken) ~ IDENTIFIER(i) => ConditionalJump(o,i)} } private def newline= positioned { accept(compilerLanguage.newline, { case bl @ NEWLINE() => bl }) } private def literalString = positioned { accept(compilerLanguage.stringLiteral, { case lit @ LITERALSTRING(v) => lit }) } private def identifier = positioned { accept(compilerLanguage.identifier, { case lit @ IDENTIFIER(v) => lit }) } private def label = positioned { accept(compilerLanguage.label, { case lit @ LABEL(v) => lit }) } private def literalInteger = positioned { accept(compilerLanguage.integerLiteral, { case lit @ LITERALINTEGER(v) => lit }) } def conditionalJumpTokens = positioned{ (Token.conditionalJump map tokenAsParser) reduceLeft(_ | _) } def tokenAsParser(t:Token)= t ^^^ t private def indirect={ val indirectDWord = (WORD() ~ PTR() ~ INDIRECTBX()) ^^ { case (WORD() ~ PTR() ~ INDIRECTBX()) => DWORDINDIRECTBX()} val indirectWord = (BYTE() ~ PTR() ~ INDIRECTBX()) ^^ { case (BYTE() ~ PTR() ~ INDIRECTBX()) => WORDINDIRECTBX()} indirectDWord | indirectWord |INDIRECTBX() } def operand = expression | allRegisters | indirect private def allRegisters=(Token.registers map tokenAsParser) reduceLeft(_ | _) private def fullRegister = positioned{ (Token.xRegisters map tokenAsParser) reduceLeft(_ | _) } private def ioaddress = expression def copyPosition[T <: Positional,E <: Positional](to:T,from:E)={ to.pos=from.pos to } def offsetLabel = accept(compilerLanguage.offsetLabel, { case lit @ OFFSETLABEL(v) => copyPosition(OffsetLabelExpression(v),lit)}) def negativeInteger = MinusOp() ~ integer ^^ {case m ~ i => copyPosition(ConstantExpression(-i.v),i)} def integer = accept(compilerLanguage.integerLiteral, { case lit @ LITERALINTEGER(v) => copyPosition(ConstantExpression(v),lit) }) def expressionLabel = accept(compilerLanguage.equLabel, { case lit @ IDENTIFIER(v) => copyPosition(LabelExpression(v),lit)}) def parens:Parser[Expression] = OpenParen() ~> expression <~ CloseParen() def term = ( negativeInteger | integer | offsetLabel | expressionLabel | parens ) def binaryOp(level:Int):Parser[((Expression,Expression)=>Expression)] = { level match { case 1 => PlusOp() ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => BinaryExpression(PlusOp() ,a,b) } | MinusOp() ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => BinaryExpression(MinusOp(),a,b) } case 2 => MultOp() ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => BinaryExpression(MultOp(),a,b) } | DivOp() ^^^ { (a:Expression, b:Expression) => BinaryExpression(DivOp(),a,b) } case _ => throw new RuntimeException("bad precedence level "+level) } } val minPrec = 1 val maxPrec = 2 def binary(level:Int):Parser[Expression] = if (level>maxPrec) term else binary(level+1) * binaryOp(level) def expression = ( binary(minPrec) | term ) }
package com.tobe.client import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import{BytesWritable, NullWritable} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.tensorflow.example.{Example, Feature, Features, FloatList} object SparkDensePredictClient { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { System.out.println("Start spark project") var host: String = "" //var host = "" var port: Int = 9000 var modelName: String = "dense" var modelVersion: Long = 1 var inputPath = "/user/u_chendihao/deep_recommend_system/data/cancer_train.csv" var outputPath = "/user/u_chendihao/deep_recommend_system/predict" // TODO: String to int doesn't work // Parse command-line arguments if (args.length == 6) { host = args(0) //port = args(1).toInt modelName = args(2) //modelVersion = args(3).toLong inputPath = args(4) outputPath = args(5) } val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Generate TFRecord") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val fs = FileSystem.get(sc.hadoopConfiguration) sc.textFile(inputPath).map(line => { /* var arr = line.split(",", 2) var label = arr(0).toFloat val client = new DensePredictClient(host, port) val result = client.predict_example(modelName, modelVersion) */ // TODO: Generate TensorProto and request the server System.out.println(line) }) // TODO: Change to request for each executor val client: DensePredictClient = new DensePredictClient(host, port) client.predict_example(modelName, modelVersion) System.out.println("End of predict client") } /* def csvToTFRecords(rdd: RDD[String]) = { => { val arr = line.split(",", 2) val label = FloatList.newBuilder().addValue(arr(0).toFloat).build() val valuesList = FloatList.newBuilder() arr(1).split(",").map(value => { val values = value.toFloat valuesList.addValue(values) }) val features = Features.newBuilder().putFeature("label", Feature.newBuilder().setFloatList(label).build()) .putFeature("features", Feature.newBuilder().setFloatList( .build() val example = Example.newBuilder() .setFeatures(features) .build() (new BytesWritable(example.toByteArray), NullWritable.get()) }) } */ }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang.refactoring.rename import com.intellij.refactoring.rename.RenameHandler import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor import com.intellij.psi.{PsiFile, PsiElement} import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.{CommonDataKeys, DataContext} import com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.quickfix.EmptyExpression import com.intellij.codeInsight.template._ import com.intellij.openapi.command.CommandProcessor import com.intellij.refactoring.RefactoringBundle import com.intellij.util.PairProcessor import lang.psi.api.expr.xml.ScXmlPairedTag import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.{EditorColors, EditorColorsManager} import com.intellij.codeInsight.highlighting.HighlightManager import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.RangeHighlighter import java.util.ArrayList /** * User: Dmitry Naydanov * Date: 4/8/12 */ class XmlRenameHandler extends RenameHandler { def isAvailableOnDataContext(dataContext: DataContext): Boolean = { val editor = CommonDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext) if (editor == null || !editor.getSettings.isVariableInplaceRenameEnabled) return false val file = CommonDataKeys.PSI_FILE.getData(dataContext) if (file == null) return false val element = file.findElementAt(editor.getCaretModel.getOffset) if (element == null) return false element.getParent match { case _: ScXmlPairedTag => true case _ => false } } def isRenaming(dataContext: DataContext): Boolean = isAvailableOnDataContext(dataContext) def invoke(project: Project, editor: Editor, file: PsiFile, dataContext: DataContext) { if (!isRenaming(dataContext)) return val element = file.findElementAt(editor.getCaretModel.getOffset) if (element != null) invoke(project, Array(element), dataContext) } def invoke(project: Project, elements: Array[PsiElement], dataContext: DataContext) { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ if (!isRenaming(dataContext) || elements == null || elements.length != 1) return val element = if (elements(0) == null || !elements(0).getParent.isInstanceOf[ScXmlPairedTag]) return else elements(0).getParent.asInstanceOf[ScXmlPairedTag] if (element.getMatchedTag == null || element.getTagNameElement == null || element.getMatchedTag.getTagNameElement == null) return val editor = CommonDataKeys.EDITOR.getData(dataContext) val elementStartName = element.getTagName val rangeHighlighters = new ArrayList[RangeHighlighter]() val matchedRange = element.getMatchedTag.getTagNameElement.getTextRange def highlightMatched() { val colorsManager = EditorColorsManager.getInstance() val attributes = colorsManager.getGlobalScheme.getAttributes(EditorColors.WRITE_SEARCH_RESULT_ATTRIBUTES) HighlightManager.getInstance(editor.getProject).addOccurrenceHighlight(editor, matchedRange.getStartOffset, matchedRange.getEndOffset, attributes, 0, rangeHighlighters, null) rangeHighlighters.foreach {a => a.setGreedyToLeft(true) a.setGreedyToRight(true) } } def rename() { CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(project, new Runnable { def run() { extensions.inWriteAction { val offset = editor.getCaretModel.getOffset val template = buildTemplate() editor.getCaretModel.moveToOffset(element.getParent.getTextOffset) TemplateManager.getInstance(project).startTemplate(editor, template, new TemplateEditingAdapter { override def templateFinished(template: Template, brokenOff: Boolean) { templateCancelled(template) } override def templateCancelled(template: Template) { val highlightManager = HighlightManager.getInstance(project) rangeHighlighters.foreach{a => highlightManager.removeSegmentHighlighter(editor, a)} } }, new PairProcessor[String, String] { def process(s: String, t: String): Boolean = !(t.length == 0 || t.charAt(t.length - 1) == ' ') }) highlightMatched() editor.getCaretModel.moveToOffset(offset) } } }, RefactoringBundle.message("rename.title"), null) } def buildTemplate(): Template = { val builder = new TemplateBuilderImpl(element.getParent) builder.replaceElement(element.getTagNameElement, "first", new EmptyExpression { override def calculateQuickResult(context: ExpressionContext): Result = new TextResult(Option(element.getTagName).getOrElse(elementStartName)) override def calculateResult(context: ExpressionContext): Result = calculateQuickResult(context) }, true) builder.replaceElement(element.getMatchedTag.getTagNameElement, "second", "first", false) builder.buildInlineTemplate() } rename() } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{TypeCheckResult, TypeCoercion} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.RowOrdering import org.apache.spark.sql.errors.QueryCompilationErrors import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ /** * Functions to help with checking for valid data types and value comparison of various types. */ object TypeUtils { def checkForNumericExpr(dt: DataType, caller: String): TypeCheckResult = { if (dt.isInstanceOf[NumericType] || dt == NullType) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } else { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(s"$caller requires numeric types, not ${dt.catalogString}") } } def checkForOrderingExpr(dt: DataType, caller: String): TypeCheckResult = { if (RowOrdering.isOrderable(dt)) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } else { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"$caller does not support ordering on type ${dt.catalogString}") } } def checkForSameTypeInputExpr(types: Seq[DataType], caller: String): TypeCheckResult = { if (TypeCoercion.haveSameType(types)) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } else { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"input to $caller should all be the same type, but it's " +"[", ", ", "]")) } } def checkForMapKeyType(keyType: DataType): TypeCheckResult = { if (keyType.existsRecursively(_.isInstanceOf[MapType])) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure("The key of map cannot be/contain map.") } else { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } } def checkForAnsiIntervalOrNumericType( dt: DataType, funcName: String): TypeCheckResult = dt match { case _: YearMonthIntervalType | _: DayTimeIntervalType | NullType => TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess case dt if dt.isInstanceOf[NumericType] => TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess case other => TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"function $funcName requires numeric or interval types, not ${other.catalogString}") } def getNumeric(t: DataType, exactNumericRequired: Boolean = false): Numeric[Any] = { if (exactNumericRequired) { t.asInstanceOf[NumericType].exactNumeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]] } else { t.asInstanceOf[NumericType].numeric.asInstanceOf[Numeric[Any]] } } def getInterpretedOrdering(t: DataType): Ordering[Any] = { t match { case i: AtomicType => i.ordering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]] case a: ArrayType => a.interpretedOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]] case s: StructType => s.interpretedOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]] case udt: UserDefinedType[_] => getInterpretedOrdering(udt.sqlType) } } def compareBinary(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]): Int = { val limit = if (x.length <= y.length) x.length else y.length var i = 0 while (i < limit) { val res = (x(i) & 0xff) - (y(i) & 0xff) if (res != 0) return res i += 1 } x.length - y.length } /** * Returns true if the equals method of the elements of the data type is implemented properly. * This also means that they can be safely used in collections relying on the equals method, * as sets or maps. */ def typeWithProperEquals(dataType: DataType): Boolean = dataType match { case BinaryType => false case _: AtomicType => true case _ => false } def failWithIntervalType(dataType: DataType): Unit = { invokeOnceForInterval(dataType) { throw QueryCompilationErrors.cannotUseIntervalTypeInTableSchemaError() } } def invokeOnceForInterval(dataType: DataType)(f: => Unit): Unit = { def isInterval(dataType: DataType): Boolean = dataType match { case CalendarIntervalType | _: DayTimeIntervalType | _: YearMonthIntervalType => true case _ => false } if (dataType.existsRecursively(isInterval)) f } }
package quotes import scala.quoted.* object Quotes_1 { def printHello(using Quotes): Expr[Unit] = '{ println("Hello") } $printHello // error }
package org.scaladebugger.api.lowlevel.wrappers import com.sun.jdi._ import org.scaladebugger.test.helpers.ParallelMockFunSpec import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers} import test.JDIMockHelpers import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class ValueWrapperSpec extends ParallelMockFunSpec with JDIMockHelpers { describe("ValueWrapper") { describe("constructor") { it("should throw an exception if wrapping a null pointer") { intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { new ValueWrapper(null) } } } describe("#isObject") { it("should return true if the value wrapped is an object reference") { val valueWrapper = new ValueWrapper(stub[ObjectReference]) valueWrapper.isObject should be (true) } it("should return false if the value wrapped is not an object reference") { val valueWrapper = new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]) valueWrapper.isObject should be (false) } } describe("#isPrimitive") { it("should return true if the value wrapped is a primitive value") { val valueWrapper = new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]) valueWrapper.isPrimitive should be (true) } it("should return false if the value wrapped is not a primitive value") { val valueWrapper = new ValueWrapper(stub[ObjectReference]) valueWrapper.isPrimitive should be (false) } } describe("#value") { it("should invoke primitiveValue if wrapped value is a primitive") { val expected = 3 val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]) { override def primitiveValue(): AnyVal = expected }.value() actual should be (expected) } it("should invoke objectValue if wrapped value is an object") { val expected = "string value" val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[ObjectReference]) { override def objectValue(): AnyRef = expected }.value() actual should be (expected) } it("should throw an exception if wrapped value is not an object or primitive") { intercept[Throwable] { new ValueWrapper(stub[Value]).value() } } } describe("#valueAsOption") { it("should return Some(value) if wrapped value is a primitive") { val expected = Some(3) val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]) { override def primitiveValue(): AnyVal = expected.get }.valueAsOption() actual should be (expected) } it("should return Some(value) if wrapped value is an object") { val expected = Some("string value") val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[ObjectReference]) { override def objectValue(): AnyRef = expected.get }.valueAsOption() actual should be (expected) } it("should return None if wrapped value is not an object or primitive") { val expected = None val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[Value]).valueAsOption() actual should be (expected) } } describe("#objectValue") { it("should return the actual string if the value is a string reference") { val expected = "some string" val mockStringReference = mock[StringReference] (mockStringReference.value _).expects().returning(expected).once() val actual = new ValueWrapper(mockStringReference).objectValue() actual should be (expected) } it("should return an array of values if the value is an array reference") { val expected = List(mock[Value], mock[Value], mock[Value]) val mockArrayReference = mock[ArrayReference] (mockArrayReference.getValues: Function0[java.util.List[Value]]) .expects().returning(expected.asJava).once() val actual = new ValueWrapper(mockArrayReference).objectValue() .asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Value]] actual should contain theSameElementsAs expected } it("should return the #toString() of the value if there is no specific case") { val mockObjectReference = mock[ObjectReference] val expected = mockObjectReference.toString val actual = new ValueWrapper(mockObjectReference).objectValue() actual should be (expected) } it("should throw an exception if the value is not an object") { intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { new ValueWrapper(mock[PrimitiveValue]).objectValue() } } } describe("#objectValueAsOption") { it("should return Some(value) if wrapped value has an object value") { val expected = Some("string value") val value = mock[StringReference] (value.value _).expects().returning(expected.get).once() val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).objectValueAsOption() .map(_.asInstanceOf[String]) actual should be (expected) } it("should return None if wrapped value does not have an object value") { val expected = None val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]).objectValueAsOption() actual should be (expected) } } describe("#primitiveValue") { it("should return a boolean if wrapping a BooleanValue") { val expected: Boolean = true val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Boolean] actual should be (expected) } it("should return a byte if wrapping a ByteValue") { val expected: Byte = 3.toByte val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Byte] actual should be (expected) } it("should return a char if wrapping a CharValue") { val expected: Char = 'a' val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Char] actual should be (expected) } it("should return a double if wrapping a DoubleValue") { val expected: Double = 3.0 val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Double] actual should be (expected) } it("should return a float if wrapping a FloatValue") { val expected: Float = 3.0f val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Float] actual should be (expected) } it("should return an integer if wrapping an IntegerValue") { val expected: Int = 3 val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Int] actual should be (expected) } it("should return a long if wrapping a LongValue") { val expected: Long = 3 val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Long] actual should be (expected) } it("should return a short if wrapping a ShortValue") { val expected: Short = 3 val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValue().asInstanceOf[Short] actual should be (expected) } it("should throw an exception if not a primitive") { intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { // TODO: Investigate creating a real value without needing a // VirtualMachine instance new ValueWrapper(stub[ObjectReference]).primitiveValue() } } it("should throw an exception if given an unexpected primitive") { intercept[Throwable] { // TODO: Investigate creating a real value without needing a // VirtualMachine instance // Represents an unknown primitive value that we are not checking new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]).primitiveValue() } } } describe("#primitiveValueAsOption") { it("should return Some(value) if wrapped value has a primitive value") { val expected = Some(true) val value = createPrimitiveValueStub(expected.get) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).primitiveValueAsOption() .map(_.asInstanceOf[Boolean]) actual should be (expected) } it("should return None if wrapped value does not have a primitive value") { val expected = None val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[ObjectReference]).primitiveValueAsOption() actual should be (expected) } } describe("#fieldsAndValues") { it("should return all fields available on the object") { val fieldsAndValues = Seq( (stub[Field], stub[PrimitiveValue]), (stub[Field], stub[ObjectReference]) ) val expected = fieldsAndValues.toMap val value = createObjectReferenceStub( fieldsAndValues = Some(fieldsAndValues)) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).fieldsAndValues() actual should be (expected) } it("should exclude the MODULE$ field (it is recursive)") { // Create the field that should be excluded val moduleField = createFieldStub("MODULE$") val fieldsAndValues = Seq( (stub[Field], stub[PrimitiveValue]), (stub[Field], stub[ObjectReference]), (moduleField, stub[Value]) ) // Expect all fields EXCEPT the module val expected = fieldsAndValues.filterNot(_._1 eq moduleField).toMap val value = createObjectReferenceStub( fieldsAndValues = Some(fieldsAndValues)) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).fieldsAndValues() actual should be (expected) } it("should fill in any missing values with null") { val fieldsAndValues = Seq( (stub[Field], stub[PrimitiveValue]), (stub[Field], stub[ObjectReference]) ) val fieldsWithNoValues = Seq(stub[Field]) val expected = (fieldsAndValues ++, null))).toMap val value = createObjectReferenceStub( fieldsAndValues = Some(fieldsAndValues), fieldsWithNoValues = Some(fieldsWithNoValues) ) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).fieldsAndValues() actual should be (expected) } it("should throw an exception if not an object reference") { intercept[Throwable] { new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]).primitiveValue() } } } describe("#fieldsAndValuesAsOption") { it("should return Some(...) if wrapped value is capable of fields") { val fieldsAndValues = Seq( (stub[Field], stub[PrimitiveValue]), (stub[Field], stub[ObjectReference]) ) val expected = Some(fieldsAndValues.toMap) val value = createObjectReferenceStub( fieldsAndValues = Some(fieldsAndValues)) val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).fieldsAndValuesAsOption() actual should be (expected) } it("should return None if wrapped value does not have fields") { val expected = None val actual = new ValueWrapper(stub[PrimitiveValue]).fieldsAndValuesAsOption() actual should be (expected) } } describe("#toString") { it("should print out the value as a string") { val value = stub[Value] val expected = value.toString val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).toString actual should be (expected) } it("should print out the field names and values if given a depth of 2") { val fieldsAndValues = Seq( (createFieldStub("one"), stub[PrimitiveValue]), (createFieldStub("two"), stub[ObjectReference]) ) val value = createObjectReferenceStub( fieldsAndValues = Some(fieldsAndValues)) val expected = value.toString + "\n" + { case (f,v) => "\t" + + ": " + v.toString }.mkString("\n") val actual = new ValueWrapper(value).toString(2) actual should be (expected) } } } }
/*^ =========================================================================== Helios - FX =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Gianluca Costa =========================================================================== Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =========================================================================== */ package info.gianlucacosta.helios.fx.dialogs.about import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader import info.gianlucacosta.helios.apps.AppInfo import scalafx.scene.control.Alert.AlertType import scalafx.scene.control.{Alert, ButtonBar, ButtonType} /** * Dialog showing the application's information. * * This class must be instantiated on the GUI thread. * * @param appInfo an AppInfo object - for example, an instance of AuroraAppInfo */ class AboutBox(appInfo: AppInfo) extends Alert(AlertType.None) { private val loader: FXMLLoader = new FXMLLoader(this.getClass.getResource("AboutBox.fxml")) private val root: javafx.scene.layout.Pane = loader.load[javafx.scene.layout.Pane] private val controller: AboutBoxController = loader.getController[AboutBoxController] controller.setup(appInfo) dialogPane().setContent(root) buttonTypes = Seq( new ButtonType("OK", ButtonBar.ButtonData.OKDone) ) title = s"About ${}..." }
package com.github.mgoeminne.sitar.parser.acm import com.github.mgoeminne.sitar.parser.{Paper, Citation, CitationParser} /** * acm style for inproceedings citation */ private[acm] class ACMInProceedingsParser extends CitationParser { def lastName: Parser[String] = """[^,]+""".r ^^ { case l => l.split(" ").last} def firstName: Parser[String] = """(\p{Lu}\.\s?)+""".r def author: Parser[String] = lastName ~ "," ~ firstName ^^ { case l~","~f => l} def authors: Parser[Seq[String]] = rep(author ~ ",") ~ "and" ~ author ^^ { case a ~ "and" ~ c => :+ c} | author ~ ", and" ~ author ^^ { case a ~ ", and" ~ b => Seq(a,b)} | author ^^ { case a => Seq(a) } def title: Parser[String] = """((?!\.\s).)*""".r def rest: Parser[Any] = """.*""".r def citation: Parser[Paper] = authors~title~"."~rest ^^ { case a~t~"."~r => new Paper(t, a, 42, "youhou") } }
package com.themillhousegroup.play2.mailgun.templating import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class DualFormatEmailSpec extends Specification { "Dual-Format emails" should { "Convert plain text to plain text" in { val dfe = new DualFormatEmail("test text") dfe.toPlainText must beEqualTo("test text") } "Convert basic markup text to plain text" in { val dfe = new DualFormatEmail("test <b>bold <i>bold-italic</i></b> <i>italic</i>") dfe.toPlainText must beEqualTo("test bold bold-italic italic") } "Convert basic markup text to plain text, dropping elements that are tagged as such" in { val dfe = new DualFormatEmail("test <b>bold <i>bold-italic</i></b> <h3 data-ignored-in-plain-text>I should be <i>ignored</i></h3> <i>italic</i>") dfe.toPlainText must beEqualTo("test bold bold-italic italic") } } }
package model import play.api.libs.json._ /** * Represents the Swagger definition for GithubScmlinks. * @param additionalProperties Any additional properties this model may have. */ @javax.annotation.Generated(value = Array("org.openapitools.codegen.languages.ScalaPlayFrameworkServerCodegen"), date = "2022-02-13T02:38:35.589632Z[Etc/UTC]") case class GithubScmlinks( self: Option[Link], `class`: Option[String] additionalProperties: ) object GithubScmlinks { implicit lazy val githubScmlinksJsonFormat: Format[GithubScmlinks] = { val realJsonFormat = Json.format[GithubScmlinks] val declaredPropNames = Set("self", "`class`") Format( Reads { case JsObject(xs) => val declaredProps = xs.filterKeys(declaredPropNames) val additionalProps = JsObject(xs -- declaredPropNames) val restructuredProps = declaredProps + ("additionalProperties" -> additionalProps) val newObj = JsObject(restructuredProps) realJsonFormat.reads(newObj) case _ => JsError("error.expected.jsobject") }, Writes { githubScmlinks => val jsObj = realJsonFormat.writes(githubScmlinks) val additionalProps = jsObj.value("additionalProperties").as[JsObject] val declaredProps = jsObj - "additionalProperties" val newObj = declaredProps ++ additionalProps newObj } ) } }
package com.gravity.hadoop import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{PathFilter, Path, FileSystem} import{SequenceFile, Writable} import import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer /** * Convenience methods for reading and writing files to and from hdfs. */ package object hdfs { implicit def asRichFileSystem(fs: FileSystem): RichFileSystem = new RichFileSystem(fs) /** * Gives you a file writer into the local cluster hdfs instance * @param relpath The relative path * @param recreateIfPresent If true, will delete the file if it already exists * @param work A function that works with the output. The output will be closed when this function goes out of scope. * @return */ def withHdfsWriter(fs: FileSystem, relpath: String, recreateIfPresent: Boolean = true)(work: (BufferedWriter) => Unit) { val path = new Path(relpath) val fileSystem = fs if (recreateIfPresent) { if (fileSystem.exists(path)) { fileSystem.delete(path) } } val output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fileSystem.create(path))) try { work(output) } finally { output.close() } } def perPartSequenceFileKV[K <: Writable, V <: Writable](fs: FileSystem, relpath: String, conf: Configuration,fileBeginsWith:String="part-")(key: K, value: V)(line: (K, V) => Unit) { val glob = new Path(relpath) val files = fs.listStatus(glob, new PathFilter { override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = path.getName.startsWith(fileBeginsWith) }) for (file <- files) { perSequenceFileKV(fs, file.getPath.toString, conf)(key, value)(line) } } def perSequenceFileKV[K <: Writable, V <: Writable](fs: FileSystem, relpath: String, conf: Configuration)(key: K, value: V)(line: (K, V) => Unit) { val reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, new Path(relpath), conf) try { while (, value)) { line(key, value) } } finally { reader.close() } } /** * Allows you to work with a reader opened into an hdfs file on the test cluster. * @param relpath The path to the file * @param work The work you will do * @tparam A If you want to return a value after the work, here it is. * @return */ def withHdfsReader[A](fs: FileSystem, relpath: String)(work: (BufferedReader) => A): A = { val path = new Path(relpath) val input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( try { work(input) } finally { input.close() } } def withHdfsDirectoryReader[A](fs: FileSystem, relpath: String)(work: (BufferedReader) => A): A = { val path = new Path(relpath) val input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new RichFileSystem(fs).openParts(path))) try { work(input) } finally { input.close() } } /** * Reads a file into a buffer, allowing you to decide what's in the buffer depending on the output of the linereader function * @param relpath Path to local hdfs buffer * @param linereader Function to return an element in the buffer, given the line fo the file * @tparam A * @return */ def perHdfsLineToSeq[A](fs: FileSystem, relpath: String)(linereader: (String) => A): Seq[A] = { val result = Buffer[A]() withHdfsReader(fs, relpath) { input => var done = false while (!done) { val line = input.readLine() if (line == null) { done = true } else { result += linereader(line) } } } result.toSeq } /** * Reads a file line by line. If you want to have the results in a buffer, use perHdfsLineToSeq * @param relpath * @param linereader * @tparam A * @return */ def perHdfsLine[A](fs: FileSystem, relpath: String)(linereader: (String) => Unit) { withHdfsReader(fs, relpath) { input => var done = false while (!done) { val line = input.readLine() if (line == null) { done = true } else { linereader(line) } } } } /** * For each line in a directory of files * @param relpath Path to files (or glob path) * @param linereader Will be invoked once per line with a string representation * @return Bupkiss */ def perHdfsDirectoryLine(fs: FileSystem, relpath: String)(linereader: (String) => Unit) { withHdfsDirectoryReader(fs, relpath) { input => var done = false while (!done) { val line = input.readLine() if (line == null) { done = true } else { linereader(line) } } } } }
/* * ParParticleFilter.scala * A parallel one-time particle filter. * * Created By: Lee Kellogg ([email protected]) * Creation Date: Jun 2, 2015 * * Copyright 2015 Avrom J. Pfeffer and Charles River Analytics, Inc. * See or email [email protected] for information. * * See for a copy of the software license. */ package com.cra.figaro.algorithm.filtering import com.cra.figaro.language._ import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeq import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.filtering.ParticleFilter.WeightedParticle import com.cra.figaro.library.cache.PermanentCache import com.cra.figaro.library.cache.Cache import com.cra.figaro.algorithm.sampling.LikelihoodWeighter /** * A parallel one-time particle filter. Distributes the work of generating particles at each time step over a specified * number of threads. After generating the particles, they are recombined before re-sampling occurs. Instead of accepting * initial and static universes as input, this method accepts functions that return universes. This is because each * thread needs its own set of universes to work on. It is important that any elements created within those functions are * explicitly assigned to the returned universe, not the implicit default universe. * * @param static A function that returns a universe of elements whose values do not change over time * @param initial A function that returns a universe describing the distribution over the initial state of the system * @param transition The transition model describing how the current state of the system depends on the static and previous, respectively * @param numParticles Number of particles to use at each time step * @param numThreads The number of threads over which to distribute the work of generating the particles at each step */ class ParOneTimeParticleFilter(static: () => Universe, initial: () => Universe, transition: (Universe, Universe) => Universe, val numParticles: Int, numThreads: Int) extends ParFiltering(transition) with ParticleFilter { /** sequence of UniverseWindows -- one for each thread */ private var windows: Seq[UniverseWindow] = _ /** (start, end) indices for each thread to divide up numParticles */ private val indices = calculateIndices(numParticles, numThreads) /** generate the initial UniverseWindows */ private def genInitialWindows(): Seq[UniverseWindow] = { Seq.fill(numThreads)(new UniverseWindow(null, initial(), static())) } /** apply the transition function to each of a sequence of UniverseWindows */ private def advanceUniverseWindows(windows: Seq[UniverseWindow]): Seq[UniverseWindow] = { windows map { w => advanceUniverse(w, transition) } } /** * generate particles for each thread, in parallel, then recombine and return * * @param windows the UniverseWindows to sample from * @param weightedParticleCreator a function that generates a WeightedParticle, given a UniverseWindow and an index */ private def genParticles(windows: Seq[(UniverseWindow, LikelihoodWeighter)], weightedParticleCreator: ((UniverseWindow, LikelihoodWeighter), Int) => WeightedParticle): Seq[WeightedParticle] = { val parWindows = windows.par val particles = parWindows zip indices flatMap { case(window, (start, end)) => (start to end) map { i => weightedParticleCreator(window, i) } } particles.seq } /** compute probability of evidence for the particles, and update the belief state (after re-sampling) */ private def doTimeStep(weightedParticles: Seq[WeightedParticle]) { computeProbEvidence(weightedParticles) updateBeliefState(weightedParticles) } def run(): Unit = { windows = genInitialWindows() val windowWithCaches = => (w, new LikelihoodWeighter(w.current, new PermanentCache(w.current)))) val particles = genParticles(windowWithCaches, (w, _) => initialWeightedParticle(w._1.static, w._1.current, w._2)) doTimeStep(particles) } def advanceTime(evidence: Seq[NamedEvidence[_]] = List()): Unit = { val newWindows = advanceUniverseWindows(windows) val newWindowsWithCaches = => (w, new LikelihoodWeighter(w.current, new PermanentCache(w.current)))) val particles = genParticles(newWindowsWithCaches, (w, i) => addWeightedParticle(evidence, i, w._1, w._2)) doTimeStep(particles) windows = newWindows } /** * Calculate start and end indices for each thread dividing up the particles */ private def calculateIndices(numParticles: Int, numThreads: Int): Seq[(Int, Int)] = { val indices = (1 to numThreads) map { i => val start = (i - 1) * numParticles / numThreads val end = i * numParticles / numThreads -1 (start, end) } indices } } /** * A parallel implementation of a OneTimeParticleFilter. */ object ParParticleFilter { /** * A parallel one-time particle filter. Distributes the work of generating particles at each time step over a specified * number of threads. After generating the particles, they are recombined before re-sampling occurs. Instead of accepting * initial and static universes as input, this method accepts functions that return universes. This is because each * thread needs its own set of universes to work on. It is important that any elements created within those functions are * explicitly assigned to the returned universe, not the implicit default universe. * * * @param static A function that returns a universe of elements whose values do not change over time * @param initial A function that returns a universe describing the distribution over the initial state of the system * @param transition The transition model describing how the current state of the system depends on the static and previous, respectively * @param numParticles Number of particles to use at each time step * @param numThreads The number of threads over which to distribute the work of generating the particles at each step */ def apply(static: () => Universe, initial: () => Universe, transition: (Universe, Universe) => Universe, numParticles: Int, numThreads: Int): ParOneTimeParticleFilter = new ParOneTimeParticleFilter(static, initial, transition, numParticles, numThreads) /** * A parallel one-time particle filter. Distributes the work of generating particles at each time step over a specified * number of threads. After generating the particles, they are recombined before re-sampling occurs. Instead of accepting * an initial universe as input, this method accepts a function that returns a universe. This is because each thread needs * its own set of universes to work on. It is important that any elements created within that function are explicitly * assigned to the returned universe, not the implicit default universe. * * @param initial A function that returns a universe describing the distribution over the initial state of the system * @param transition The transition model describing how the current state of the system depends on the previous * @param numParticles Number of particles to use at each time step * @param numThreads The number of threads over which to distribute the work of generating the particles at each step */ def apply(initial: () => Universe, transition: Universe => Universe, numParticles: Int, numThreads: Int): ParOneTimeParticleFilter = apply(() => new Universe(), initial, (static: Universe, previous: Universe) => transition(previous), numParticles, numThreads) }
import korolev._ import korolev.server._ import korolev.akka._ import import korolev.state.javaSerialization._ import scala.concurrent.Future object SimpleExample extends SimpleAkkaHttpKorolevApp { import State.globalContext._ import levsha.dsl._ import html._ // Handler to input val inputId = elementId() val editInputId = elementId() val service = akkaHttpService { KorolevServiceConfig [Future, State, Any] ( stateLoader = StateLoader.default(State()), document = state => optimize { Html( body( div("Super TODO tracker"), div(height @= "250px", overflow @= "scroll", (state.todos zipWithIndex) map { case (todo, i) => div( input( `type` := "checkbox", when(state.edit.nonEmpty)(disabled), when(todo.done)(checked), // Generate transition when clicking checkboxes event("click") { access => access.transition { s => val updated = s.todos.updated(i, s.todos(i).copy(done = !todo.done)) s.copy(todos = updated) } } ), if (state.edit.contains(i)) { form( marginBottom @= "-10px", display @= "inline-block", input( editInputId, display @= "inline-block", `type` := "text", value := todo.text ), button(display @= "inline-block", "Save"), event("submit") { access =>, "value") flatMap { value => access.transition { s => val updatedTodo = s.todos(i).copy(text = value) val updatedTodos = s.todos.updated(i, updatedTodo) s.copy(todos = updatedTodos, edit = None) } } } ) } else { span( when(todo.done)(textDecoration @= "line-through"), todo.text, event("dblclick") { access => access.transition(_.copy(edit = Some(i))) } ) } ) } ), form( // Generate AddTodo action when Add' button clicked event("submit") { access => val prop = prop.get("value") flatMap { value => prop.set("value", "") flatMap { _ => val todo = State.Todo(value, done = false) access.transition(s => s.copy(todos = s.todos :+ todo)) } } }, input( when(state.edit.nonEmpty)(disabled), inputId, `type` := "text", placeholder := "What should be done?" ), button( when(state.edit.nonEmpty)(disabled), "Add todo" ) ) ) ) } ) } } case class State( todos: Vector[State.Todo] = (0 to 9) => State.Todo(s"This is TODO #$i", done = false)), edit: Option[Int] = None ) object State { val globalContext = Context[Future, State, Any] case class Todo(text: String, done: Boolean) }
/*********************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * *************************************************************************/ package import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date import import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate import import import org.geotools.factory.Hints import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTSFactoryFinder import org.junit.runner.RunWith import{AccumuloDataStoreCommand, AccumuloRunner} import org.locationtech.geomesa.index.stats.AttributeBounds import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geotools.Conversions._ import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geotools.SimpleFeatureTypes import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class ShpIngestTest extends Specification { sequential "ShpIngest" >> { val geomBuilder = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory val shpStoreFactory = new ShapefileDataStoreFactory val shpFile = new File(Files.createTempDir(), "shpingest.shp") val shpUrl = shpFile.toURI.toURL val params = Map("url" -> shpUrl) val shpStore = shpStoreFactory.createNewDataStore(params) val schema = SimpleFeatureTypes.createType("shpingest", "age:Integer,dtg:Date,*geom:Point:srid=4326") shpStore.createSchema(schema) val df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy") val (minDate, maxDate) = (df.parse("01-01-2011"), df.parse("01-01-2012")) val (minX, maxX, minY, maxY) = (10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0) val data = List( ("1", 1, minDate, (minX, minY)), ("1", 2, maxDate, (maxX, maxY)) ) val writer = shpStore.getFeatureWriterAppend("shpingest", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT) data.foreach { case (id, age, dtg, (lat, lon)) => val f = f.setAttribute("age", age) f.setAttribute("dtg", dtg) val pt = geomBuilder.createPoint(new Coordinate(lat, lon)) f.setDefaultGeometry(pt) f.getUserData.put(Hints.USE_PROVIDED_FID, java.lang.Boolean.TRUE) f.getUserData.put(Hints.PROVIDED_FID, id) writer.write() } writer.flush() writer.close() val args = Array[String]("ingest", "--zookeepers", "zoo", "--mock", "--instance", "mycloud", "--user", "myuser", "--password", "mypassword", "--catalog", "testshpingestcatalog", shpFile.getAbsolutePath) "should properly ingest a shapefile" >> { val command = AccumuloRunner.parseCommand(args).asInstanceOf[AccumuloDataStoreCommand] command.execute() val fs = command.withDataStore(_.getFeatureSource("shpingest")) fs.getFeatures.features().toList must haveLength(2) val bounds = fs.getBounds bounds.getMinX mustEqual minX bounds.getMaxX mustEqual maxX bounds.getMinY mustEqual minY bounds.getMaxY mustEqual maxY command.withDataStore { (ds) => ds.stats.getAttributeBounds[Date](ds.getSchema("shpingest"), "dtg") must beSome(AttributeBounds(minDate, maxDate, 2)) } } "should support renaming the feature type" >> { val newArgs = Array(args.head) ++ Array("--feature-name", "changed") ++ args.tail val command = AccumuloRunner.parseCommand(newArgs).asInstanceOf[AccumuloDataStoreCommand] command.execute() val fs = command.withDataStore(_.getFeatureSource("changed")) fs.getFeatures.features().toList must haveLength(2) val bounds = fs.getBounds bounds.getMinX mustEqual minX bounds.getMaxX mustEqual maxX bounds.getMinY mustEqual minY bounds.getMaxY mustEqual maxY command.withDataStore { (ds) => ds.stats.getAttributeBounds[Date](ds.getSchema("changed"), "dtg") must beSome(AttributeBounds(minDate, maxDate, 2)) } } } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2013, OpenCloudDB/MyCAT and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software;Designed and Developed mainly by many Chinese * opensource volunteers. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Any questions about this component can be directed to it's project Web address * * */ package turbo.crawler.power import turbo.crawler.Fetchable /** * Message Driven * @author mclaren * */ trait MessageDriven { def fireEvent(evt: Evt): Unit = EventManager.fireEvent(evt) } class Evt(evt_id: String, _source: Fetchable) { def eventId = evt_id def source = _source override def toString = "Evt:[" + evt_id + "] on [" + source.getDirectUrl + "]" } class EventIDDescriptor(_id: String) { def mkComplted = _id + "_COMPLETION" } object eventId { def apply(id: String): EventIDDescriptor = new EventIDDescriptor(id) def apply(id: Int): EventIDDescriptor = this(id + "") }
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 Verizon. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.verizon.bda.trapezium.cache.exception /** * Created by v468328 on 11/22/16. */ class CacheConfig { }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.refactoring.util import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project import{GlobalSearchScopesCore, PsiSearchHelper} import com.intellij.psi.{PsiDirectory, PsiElement, PsiFile, PsiNamedElement} import com.intellij.util.Processor import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer /** * Created by Kate Ustyuzhanina on 8/25/15. */ object ScalaCompositeTypeValidator { def apply(validators: List[ScalaValidator], conflictsReporter: ConflictsReporter, myProject: Project, selectedElement: PsiElement, noOccurrences: Boolean, enclosingContainerAll: PsiElement, enclosingOne: PsiElement): ScalaCompositeTypeValidator = { new ScalaCompositeTypeValidator(conflictsReporter, myProject, selectedElement, noOccurrences, enclosingContainerAll, enclosingOne, validators) } } class ScalaCompositeTypeValidator(conflictsReporter: ConflictsReporter, myProject: Project, selectedElement: PsiElement, noOccurrences: Boolean, enclosingContainerAll: PsiElement, enclosingOne: PsiElement, validators: List[ScalaValidator]) extends ScalaTypeValidator(selectedElement, noOccurrences, enclosingContainerAll, enclosingOne) { protected override def findConflictsImpl(name: String, allOcc: Boolean): Seq[(PsiNamedElement, String)] = { //returns declaration and message val buf = new ArrayBuffer[(PsiNamedElement, String)] val filesToSearchIn = enclosingContainerAll match { case directory: PsiDirectory => findFilesForDownConflictFindings(directory, name) case _ => Seq.empty } for (file <- filesToSearchIn) { if (buf.isEmpty) { buf ++= forbiddenNamesInBlock(file, name) } } for (validator <- validators) { if (buf.isEmpty) { buf ++= forbiddenNames(validator.enclosingContainer(allOcc), name) } } buf } //TODO iliminate duplication private def findFilesForDownConflictFindings(directory: PsiDirectory, name: String): Seq[PsiFile] = { val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[PsiFile]() val processor = new Processor[PsiFile] { override def process(file: PsiFile): Boolean = { buffer += file true } } val helper: PsiSearchHelper = PsiSearchHelper.SERVICE.getInstance(directory.getProject) helper.processAllFilesWithWord(name, GlobalSearchScopesCore.directoryScope(directory, true), processor, true) buffer } }
package scroll.internal.formal /** Companion object for the formal representation of the constraint model. */ object FormalConstraintModel { def empty[NT >: Null <: AnyRef, RT >: Null <: AnyRef, CT >: Null <: AnyRef, RST >: Null <: AnyRef] : FormalConstraintModel[NT, RT, CT, RST] = FormalConstraintModel[NT, RT, CT, RST](Map.empty, Map.empty, List.empty) /** Little helper factory method for creating a constraint model with Strings only. */ def forStrings( rolec: Map[String, List[((Int, Int), AnyRef)]], card: Map[String, ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))], intra: List[(String, List[(String, String)] => Boolean)] ): FormalConstraintModel[String, String, String, String] = FormalConstraintModel(rolec, card, intra) } /** Class representation of the Constraint Model. * * @param rolec * the role constraints * @param card * cardinality mappings * @param intra * intra-relationship constraints * @tparam NT * type of naturals * @tparam RT * type of roles * @tparam CT * type of compartments * @tparam RST * type of relationships */ final case class FormalConstraintModel[ NT >: Null <: AnyRef, RT >: Null <: AnyRef, CT >: Null <: AnyRef, RST >: Null <: AnyRef ]( rolec: Map[CT, List[((Int, Int), AnyRef)]], card: Map[RST, ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))], intra: List[(RST, List[(NT, NT)] => Boolean)] ) { /** @param crom * the CROM instance to check against * @return * true iff the constraint model is compliant to the given CROM. */ def compliant(crom: FormalCROM[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = crom.wellformed && axiom12(crom) def axiom12(crom: FormalCROM[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = FormalUtils.all(for { ct1 <- crom.ct if rolec.contains(ct1) (_, a) <- rolec(ct1) } yield FormalUtils.atoms(a).toSet.subsetOf( /** @param crom * the CROM instance to check against * @param croi * the CROI instance to check against * @return * true iff the constraint model is compliant to the given CROM and the given CROI is valid * wrt. the constraint model */ def validity(crom: FormalCROM[NT, RT, CT, RST], croi: FormalCROI[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = compliant(crom) && croi.compliant(crom) && axiom13(crom, croi) && axiom14(croi) && axiom15( crom, croi ) && axiom16(croi) def axiom13(crom: FormalCROM[NT, RT, CT, RST], croi: FormalCROI[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = FormalUtils.all(for { ct1 <- crom.ct if rolec.contains(ct1) (crd, a) <- rolec(ct1) c1 <- croi.c if croi.type1(c1) == ct1 } yield { val sum = croi.o_c(c1).map(FormalUtils.evaluate(a, croi, _, c1)).sum crd._1 <= sum && sum <= crd._2 }) def axiom14(croi: FormalCROI[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = FormalUtils.all(for { (o, c, r) <- croi.plays if rolec.contains(croi.type1(c).asInstanceOf[CT]) (_, a) <- rolec(croi.type1(c).asInstanceOf[CT]) if FormalUtils.atoms(a).contains(croi.type1(r)) } yield FormalUtils.evaluate(a, croi, o, c) == 1) def axiom15(crom: FormalCROM[NT, RT, CT, RST], croi: FormalCROI[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = FormalUtils.all(for { rst <- crom.rst if card.contains(rst) c <- croi.c if croi.links.contains((rst, c)) (r_1, r_2) <- croi.links((rst, c)) } yield { val l1 = croi.pred(rst, c, r_2).size val l2 = croi.succ(rst, c, r_1).size card(rst)._1._1 <= l1 && l1 <= card(rst)._1._2 && card(rst)._2._1 <= l2 && l2 <= card( rst )._2._2 }) def axiom16(croi: FormalCROI[NT, RT, CT, RST]): Boolean = FormalUtils.all(for { c <- croi.c (rst, f) <- intra if croi.links.contains((rst, c)) } yield f(croi.overline_links(rst, c))) }
package mesosphere.marathon.integration.setup import import java.util.concurrent.{ Executors, TimeUnit } import{ AbstractIdleService, Service } import import mesosphere.chaos.http.{ HttpConf, HttpModule, HttpService } import mesosphere.chaos.metrics.MetricsModule import import org.apache.log4j.Logger import org.rogach.scallop.ScallopConf import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future, Promise } import scala.sys.ShutdownHookThread import scala.sys.process._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } /** * Book Keeper for processes and services. * During integration tests, several services and processes have to be launched. * The ProcessKeeper knows about them and can handle their lifecycle. */ object ProcessKeeper { private[this] val log = Logger.getLogger(getClass.getName) private[this] var processes = List.empty[Process] private[this] var services = List.empty[Service] private[this] val ENV_MESOS_WORK_DIR: String = "MESOS_WORK_DIR" def startHttpService(port: Int, assetPath: String) = { startService {"Start Http Service on port $port") val conf = new ScallopConf(Array("--http_port", port.toString, "--assets_path", assetPath)) with HttpConf conf.afterInit() val injector = Guice.createInjector(new MetricsModule, new HttpModule(conf), new IntegrationTestModule) injector.getInstance(classOf[HttpService]) } } def startZooKeeper(port: Int, workDir: String) { val args = "org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain" :: port.toString :: workDir :: Nil val workDirFile = new File(workDir) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(workDirFile) FileUtils.forceMkdir(workDirFile) startJavaProcess("zookeeper", heapInMegs = 256, args, new File("."), sys.env, _.contains("binding to port")) } def startMesosLocal(): Process = { val mesosWorkDirForMesos: String = "/tmp/marathon-itest-mesos" val mesosWorkDirFile: File = new File(mesosWorkDirForMesos) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(mesosWorkDirFile) FileUtils.forceMkdir(mesosWorkDirFile) startProcess( "mesos", Process(Seq("mesos-local", "--ip="), cwd = None, ENV_MESOS_WORK_DIR -> mesosWorkDirForMesos), upWhen = _.toLowerCase.contains("registered with master")) } def startMarathon(cwd: File, env: Map[String, String], arguments: List[String], mainClass: String = "mesosphere.marathon.Main", startupLine: String = "Started SelectChannelConnector"): Process = { val argsWithMain = mainClass :: arguments val mesosWorkDir: String = "/tmp/marathon-itest-marathon" val mesosWorkDirFile: File = new File(mesosWorkDir) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(mesosWorkDirFile) FileUtils.forceMkdir(mesosWorkDirFile) startJavaProcess( "marathon", heapInMegs = 512, argsWithMain, cwd, env + (ENV_MESOS_WORK_DIR -> mesosWorkDir), upWhen = _.contains(startupLine)) } def startJavaProcess(name: String, heapInMegs: Int, arguments: List[String], cwd: File = new File("."), env: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, upWhen: String => Boolean): Process = {"Start java process $name with args: $arguments") val javaExecutable = sys.props.get("java.home").fold("java")(_ + "/bin/java") val classPath = sys.props.getOrElse("java.class.path", "target/classes") val memSettings = s"-Xmx${heapInMegs}m" val builder = Process(javaExecutable :: memSettings :: "-classpath" :: classPath :: arguments, cwd, env.toList: _*) val process = startProcess(name, builder, upWhen)"Java process $name up and running!") process } def startProcess(name: String, processBuilder: ProcessBuilder, upWhen: String => Boolean, timeout: Duration = 30.seconds): Process = { sealed trait ProcessState case object ProcessIsUp extends ProcessState case object ProcessExited extends ProcessState val up = Promise[ProcessIsUp.type]() val logger = new ProcessLogger { def checkUp(out: String) = {"$name: $out") if (!up.isCompleted && upWhen(out)) up.trySuccess(ProcessIsUp) } override def buffer[T](f: => T): T = f override def out(s: => String) = checkUp(s) override def err(s: => String) = checkUp(s) } val process = val processExitCode: Future[ProcessExited.type] = Future { val exitCode = scala.concurrent.blocking { process.exitValue() }"Process $name finished with exit code $exitCode") // Sometimes this finishes before the other future finishes parsing the output // and we incorrectly report ProcessExited instead of ProcessIsUp as the result of upOrExited. Await.result(up.future, 1.second) ProcessExited }(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool())) val upOrExited = Future.firstCompletedOf(Seq(up.future, processExitCode))( Try(Await.result(upOrExited, timeout)) match { case Success(result) => processes = process :: processes result match { case ProcessExited => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Process $name exited before coming up. Give up. $processBuilder") case ProcessIsUp =>"Process $name is up and running. ${processes.size} processes in total.") } case Failure(_) => process.destroy() throw new IllegalStateException( s"Process $name does not came up within time bounds ($timeout). Give up. $processBuilder") } process } def onStopServices(block: => Unit): Unit = { services ::= new AbstractIdleService { override def shutDown(): Unit = { block } override def startUp(): Unit = {} } } def stopOSProcesses(grep: String): Unit = { val PIDRE = """\\s*(\\d+)\\s.*""".r val processes = ("ps -x" #| s"grep $grep").!!.split("\\n").map { case PIDRE(pid) => pid } processes.foreach(p => s"kill -9 $p".!) } def stopAllProcesses(): Unit = { def waitForProcessesToFinish(): Unit = { processes.foreach(p => Try(p.destroy())) // Unfortunately, there seem to be race conditions in Process.exitValue. // Thus this ugly workaround. val waitForExitInThread = new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { processes.foreach(_.exitValue()) } } waitForExitInThread.start() try { waitForExitInThread.join(1000) } finally { waitForExitInThread.interrupt() } } try waitForProcessesToFinish() catch { case NonFatal(e) => log.error("while waiting for processes to finish", e) try waitForProcessesToFinish() catch { case NonFatal(e) => log.error("giving up waiting for processes to finish", e) } } processes = Nil } def startService(service: Service): Unit = { services ::= service service.startAsync().awaitRunning() } def stopAllServices(): Unit = { services.foreach(_.stopAsync()) services.par.foreach(_.awaitTerminated(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) services = Nil } def shutdown(): Unit = { stopAllProcesses() stopAllServices() } val shutDownHook: ShutdownHookThread = sys.addShutdownHook { shutdown() } def main(args: Array[String]) { //startMarathon(new File("."), Map("MESOS_NATIVE_LIBRARY" -> "/usr/local/lib/libmesos.dylib"), List("--master", "local", "--event_subscriber", "http_callback")) startZooKeeper(2183, "/tmp/foo") Thread.sleep(10000) stopAllProcesses() //startHttpService(11211, ".") } }
package config.fixtures import com.samskivert.mustache.Mustache import org.peelframework.core.beans.system.Lifespan import org.peelframework.flink.beans.system.Flink import org.peelframework.hadoop.beans.system.HDFS2 import org.peelframework.spark.beans.system.Spark import org.springframework.context.annotation.{Bean, Configuration} import org.springframework.context.{ApplicationContext, ApplicationContextAware} /** System beans for the 'peel-wordcount' bundle. */ @Configuration class systems extends ApplicationContextAware { /* The enclosing application context. */ var ctx: ApplicationContext = null def setApplicationContext(ctx: ApplicationContext): Unit = { this.ctx = ctx } // --------------------------------------------------- // Systems // --------------------------------------------------- @Bean(name = Array("flink-1.0.3")) def `flink-1.0.3`: Flink = new Flink( version = "1.0.3", configKey = "flink", lifespan = Lifespan.EXPERIMENT, dependencies = Set(ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2])), mc = ctx.getBean(classOf[Mustache.Compiler]) ) @Bean(name = Array("spark-1.6.0")) def `spark-1.6.0`: Spark = new Spark( version = "1.6.0", configKey = "spark", lifespan = Lifespan.EXPERIMENT, dependencies = Set(ctx.getBean("hdfs-2.7.1", classOf[HDFS2])), mc = ctx.getBean(classOf[Mustache.Compiler]) ) }
package domain import akka.persistence.PersistentActor import import utils.akka.ActorHelpers import import akka.util.ByteString object KeyRingAggregate { type KeyBlock = String trait Command extends BaseCommand case class ReceiveKeySubmission(pgpPublicKeyBlock: KeyBlock) extends Command case object GetKeys extends Command trait Response extends BaseResponse trait ReceiveKeySubmissionResponse extends Response case class KeySubmissionAccepted(currentKeyBlock: String) extends Response case class KeySubmissionRejected(reason: String) extends Response trait GetKeysResponse extends Response case object NoKeysAvailable extends GetKeysResponse case class CurrentKeyBlock(pgpPublicKeyBlock: KeyBlock) extends GetKeysResponse } class KeyRingAggregate extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging with ActorHelpers { import KeyRingAggregate._ import domain.keyring._ import import dit4c.common.KeyHelpers._ import scala.language.implicitConversions lazy val primaryKeyId = override lazy val persistenceId: String = "KeyRing-" + var currentKeyBlock: Option[String] = None var seenKeyBlocks = Set.empty[ByteString] override val receiveCommand = sealedReceive[Command] { case GetKeys => sender ! case ReceiveKeySubmission(pgpPublicKeyBlock) if alreadyReceived(pgpPublicKeyBlock) => sender ! KeySubmissionAccepted(currentKeyBlock.get) case ReceiveKeySubmission(pgpPublicKeyBlock) => combineWithCurrent(pgpPublicKeyBlock) match { case Left(reason) => sender ! KeySubmissionRejected(reason) case Right(updatedKeyBlock) => persist(AcceptedKeyBlockSubmission(pgpPublicKeyBlock, now)) { evt => updateState(evt) sender ! KeySubmissionAccepted(currentKeyBlock.get) } } } override val receiveRecover = sealedReceive[DomainEvent](updateState _) protected def updateState(evt: DomainEvent): Unit = evt match { case AcceptedKeyBlockSubmission(keyBlock, _) => // Update key block, skipping blocks that merge with errors combineWithCurrent(keyBlock).right.foreach { kb => currentKeyBlock = Some(kb) recordReceived(kb) } } protected def combineWithCurrent(newKeyBlock: String): Either[String, KeyBlock] = parseArmoredPublicKeyRing(newKeyBlock) match { case Left(reason) => Left(reason) case Right(pkr) if pkr.getPublicKey.fingerprint.string != primaryKeyId => Left("Primary key fingerprint does not match persistent entity ID") case Right(pkr) => // Obviously this needs improvement! // TODO: do proper merge Right(newKeyBlock) } def recordReceived(kb: String): Unit = { seenKeyBlocks += keyBlockDigest(kb) } def alreadyReceived(kb: String): Boolean = seenKeyBlocks.contains(keyBlockDigest(kb)) def keyBlockDigest(keyBlock: String): ByteString = ByteString(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512").digest(keyBlock.getBytes)) }
trait tPointState {//5 type p <: tPointState def x: Int def y: Int def of(x:Int,y:Int):p } trait tPointSum extends tPointState {//3*4 def sum(that:p)= this.of(this.x+that.x,this.y+that.y) } trait tPointSub extends tPointState { def sub(that:p)= this.of(this.x-that.x,this.y-that.y) } trait tPointMul extends tPointState { def mul(that:p)= this.of(this.x*that.x,this.y*that.y) } trait tPointDiv extends tPointState { def div(that:p)= this.of(this.x/that.x,this.y/that.y) } //glue code from now on class Point0(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointState {//4*16 override type p = Point0 override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new Point0(x,y)//3 duplication of "this name" } class PointSum(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum { override type p = PointSum override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSum(x,y) } class PointSub(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSub { override type p = PointSub override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSub(x,y) } class PointMul(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointMul { override type p = PointMul override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointMul(x,y) } class PointDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointDiv { override type p = PointDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointDiv(x,y) } class PointSumSub(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointSub { override type p = PointSumSub override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumSub(x,y) } class PointSumMul(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointMul { override type p = PointSumMul override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumMul(x,y) } class PointSumDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointDiv { override type p = PointSumDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumDiv(x,y) } class PointSubMul(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSub with tPointMul { override type p = PointSubMul override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSubMul(x,y) } class PointSubDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSub with tPointDiv { override type p = PointSubDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSubDiv(x,y) } class PointMulDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointMul with tPointDiv { override type p = PointMulDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointMulDiv(x,y) } class PointSumSubDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointSub with tPointDiv { override type p = PointSumSubDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumSubDiv(x,y) } class PointSumSubMul(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointSub with tPointMul { override type p = PointSumSubMul override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumSubMul(x,y) } class PointSumMulDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointMul with tPointDiv { override type p = PointSumMulDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumMulDiv(x,y) } class PointSubMulDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSub with tPointMul with tPointDiv { override type p = PointSubMulDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSubMulDiv(x,y) } class PointSumSubMulDiv(val x:Int, val y:Int) extends tPointSum with tPointSub with tPointMul with tPointDiv { override type p = PointSumSubMulDiv override def of(x:Int,y:Int)= new PointSumSubMulDiv(x,y) } //main, not counted for the line numbers object Test5 extends App { val pp=new Point0(2,4) val pp2=new PointSum(2,4) val pp3=pp2.sum(pp2) val ppAll=new PointSumSubMulDiv(3,4) val ppAll2=ppAll.sum(ppAll.mul(ppAll)) println("Hi") println(ppAll2.x+ppAll2.y) }
package mesosphere.marathon.api.v2 import javax.inject.{ Inject } import import{ MediaType } import mesosphere.marathon.MarathonConf import com.codahale.metrics.annotation.Timed import mesosphere.marathon.api.{ MarathonMediaType, RestResource } import @Path("v2/schemas") @Consumes(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) @Produces(Array(MarathonMediaType.PREFERRED_APPLICATION_JSON)) class SchemaResource @Inject() ( val config: MarathonConf) extends RestResource { @GET @Timed @Path("/app") def index(): InputStream = { getClass().getResourceAsStream("AppDefinition.json") } }
package cobase.user import import import scala.concurrent.Future /** * Handles actions to users. */ trait UserService extends IdentityService[User] { def save(user: User): Future[User] /** * Saves the social profile for a user. * * If a user exists for this profile then update the user, otherwise create a new user with the given profile. * * @param profile The social profile to save. * @return The user for whom the profile was saved. */ def save(profile: CommonSocialProfile): Future[User] }
package utils import scopt.OParser object CommandLineParser { def apply[C](parser: OParser[Unit, C], args: Array[String], config: C): C = { OParser.parse(parser, args, config) match { case Some(parsedArgs) => parsedArgs.asInstanceOf[C] case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong command line arguments passed") } } }
package model import com.stormpath.sdk.account.Account import import util.MarshallableImplicits._ import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ /** * Created by vasmith on 12/11/16. */ object AccountFields { def toJson(stormAccount: Account) = AccountFields(stormAccount.getHref, stormAccount.getUsername, stormAccount.getEmail, stormAccount.getGivenName, stormAccount.getMiddleName, stormAccount.getSurname, stormAccount.getStatus.toString, stormAccount.getCreatedAt.toString, stormAccount.getModifiedAt.toString, stormAccount.getProviderData.getModifiedAt.toString, GroupItems(findGroups(stormAccount))).toJson def findGroups(stormAccount: Account): Seq[GroupFields] = private def mapGroup(g: Group): GroupFields = GroupFields(g.getName, g.getDescription, g.getStatus.toString, g.getHref) } case class AccountFields(href: String, username: String, email: String, givenName:String, middleName:String, surname:String, status:String, createdAt: String, modifiedAt:String, passwordModifiedAt:String, groups: GroupItems) case class GroupItems(items: Seq[GroupFields]) case class GroupFields(name: String, description: String, status: String, href: String)
package com.github.lookout.serviceartifact import com.twitter.finagle.{Http, Service} import import com.twitter.server.TwitterServer import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future} import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http._ object BasicServer extends TwitterServer { val service = new Service[HttpRequest, HttpResponse] { def apply(request: HttpRequest) = { val response = new DefaultHttpResponse(request.getProtocolVersion, HttpResponseStatus.OK) response.setContent(copiedBuffer("hello", Charsets.Utf8)) Future.value(response) } } def main() { val server = Http.serve(":8888", service) onExit { server.close() } Await.ready(server) } }
package cz.kamenitxan.jakon.webui.controller.pagelets import java.sql.Connection import java.util.Date import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.core.database.DBHelper import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.core.dynamic.{Get, Pagelet, Post} import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.core.model.JakonUser import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.core.service.UserService import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.utils.PageContext import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.utils.Utils.StringImprovements import{ForgetPasswordData, SetPasswordData} import cz.kamenitxan.jakon.webui.entity.{Message, MessageSeverity, ResetPasswordEmailEntity} import spark.{Request, Response} import scala.collection.mutable /** * Created by TPa on 2018-11-27. */ @Pagelet(path = "/admin") class ForgetPasswordPagelet extends AbstractAdminPagelet { override val name: String = classOf[ForgetPasswordPagelet].getName private val SQL_FIND_USER = "SELECT id, username, password, enabled, acl_id, email FROM JakonUser WHERE email = ?" @Get(path = "/resetPassword", template = "pagelet/reset_password/resetPassword") def get(req: Request, res: Response): Unit = { // just render } //noinspection AccessorLikeMethodIsUnit @Get(path = "/resetPasswordStep2", template = "pagelet/reset_password/resetPasswordStep2") def getStep2(req: Request, res: Response): Unit = { // just render } @Post(path = "/resetPassword", template = "pagelet/reset_password/resetPassword") def post(req: Request, res: Response, conn: Connection, data: ForgetPasswordData): mutable.Map[String, Any] = { val stmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL_FIND_USER) stmt.setString(1, val result = DBHelper.selectSingle(stmt, classOf[JakonUser])(conn) if (result.entity != null) { val user = result.entity UserService.sendForgetPasswordEmail(user, req)(conn) } PageContext.getInstance().messages += new Message(MessageSeverity.SUCCESS, "PASSWORD_RESET_OK") redirect(req, res, "/admin") } @Post(path = "setPassword", template = "SetPassword") def postStep2(req: Request, res: Response, data: SetPasswordData): mutable.Map[String, Any] = { DBHelper.withDbConnection(implicit conn => { // language=SQL val sql = "SELECT * FROM ResetPasswordEmailEntity where token = ?" val stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql) stmt.setString(1, data.token.urlEncode) val rpe = DBHelper.selectSingleDeep(stmt)(implicitly, classOf[ResetPasswordEmailEntity]) if (rpe == null || rpe.expirationDate.before(new Date())) { PageContext.getInstance().addMessage(MessageSeverity.ERROR, "PASSWORD_CHANGE_NOT_FOUND") return redirect(req, res, "/") } rpe.user.password = data.password rpe.user.update() rpe.delete() }) PageContext.getInstance().addMessage(MessageSeverity.SUCCESS, "PASSWORD_CHANGED") redirect(req, res, "/") } }
/* * Copyright 2016 Lightcopy * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.lightcopy.testutil import import java.util.UUID import org.apache.hadoop.conf.{Configuration => HadoopConf} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path => HadoopPath} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row} import com.github.lightcopy.testutil.implicits._ trait TestBase { val RESOLVER = "path-resolver" var path: String = "" /** returns raw path of the folder where it finds resolver */ private def getRawPath(): String = { if (path.isEmpty) { path = getClass().getResource("/" + RESOLVER).getPath() } path } /** base directory of the project */ final protected def baseDirectory(): String = { val original = getRawPath().split("/") require(original.length > 4, s"Path length is too short (<= 4): ${original.length}") val base = original.dropRight(4) var dir = "" for (suffix <- base) { if (suffix.nonEmpty) { dir = dir / suffix } } dir } /** main directory of the project (./src/main) */ final protected def mainDirectory(): String = { baseDirectory() / "src" / "main" } /** test directory of the project (./src/test) */ final protected def testDirectory(): String = { baseDirectory() / "src" / "test" } /** target directory of the project (./target) */ final protected def targetDirectory(): String = { baseDirectory() / "target" } final protected def mkdirs(path: String): Boolean = { val p = new HadoopPath(path) val fs = p.getFileSystem(new HadoopConf(false)) fs.mkdirs(p) } /** delete directory / file with path. Recursive must be true for directory */ final protected def rm(path: String, recursive: Boolean): Boolean = { val p = new HadoopPath(path) val fs = p.getFileSystem(new HadoopConf(false)) fs.delete(p, recursive) } /** open file for a path */ final protected def open(path: String): InputStream = { val p = new HadoopPath(path) val fs = p.getFileSystem(new HadoopConf(false)) } /** compare two DataFrame objects */ final protected def checkAnswer(df: DataFrame, expected: DataFrame): Unit = { val got = df.collect().map(_.toString()).sortWith(_ < _) val exp = expected.collect().map(_.toString()).sortWith(_ < _) assert(got.sameElements(exp), s"Failed to compare DataFrame ${got.mkString("[", ", ", "]")} " + s"with expected input ${exp.mkString("[", ", ", "]")}") } final protected def checkAnswer(df: DataFrame, expected: Seq[Row]): Unit = { val sc = df.sqlContext.sparkContext checkAnswer(df, df.sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(expected), df.schema)) } /** Create temporary directory on local file system */ def createTempDir( root: String = System.getProperty(""), namePrefix: String = "lightcopy"): HadoopPath = { val dir = new HadoopPath(root / namePrefix / UUID.randomUUID().toString) val fs = dir.getFileSystem(new HadoopConf(false)) fs.mkdirs(dir) dir } /** Execute block of code with temporary hadoop path */ private def withTempHadoopPath(path: HadoopPath)(func: HadoopPath => Unit): Unit = { try { func(path) } finally { val fs = path.getFileSystem(new HadoopConf(false)) fs.delete(path, true) } } /** Execute code block with created temporary directory */ def withTempDir(func: HadoopPath => Unit): Unit = { withTempHadoopPath(createTempDir())(func) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.table.planner.utils import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{AtomicType, TypeInformation} import{PojoTypeInfo, RowTypeInfo, TupleTypeInfo} import org.apache.flink.api.scala.typeutils.CaseClassTypeInfo import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.{LocalStreamEnvironment, StreamExecutionEnvironment} import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.graph.GlobalDataExchangeMode import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment => ScalaStreamExecEnv} import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.{TimeCharacteristic, environment} import org.apache.flink.table.api._ import org.apache.flink.table.api.config.ExecutionConfigOptions import org.apache.flink.table.api.internal.{TableEnvironmentImpl, TableEnvironmentInternal, TableImpl} import{StreamTableEnvironmentImpl => JavaStreamTableEnvImpl} import{StreamTableEnvironment => JavaStreamTableEnv} import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.scala.internal.{StreamTableEnvironmentImpl => ScalaStreamTableEnvImpl} import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.scala.{StreamTableEnvironment => ScalaStreamTableEnv} import org.apache.flink.table.catalog.{CatalogManager, FunctionCatalog, GenericInMemoryCatalog, ObjectIdentifier} import import org.apache.flink.table.delegation.{Executor, ExecutorFactory, PlannerFactory} import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.ConnectorDescriptorValidator.CONNECTOR_TYPE import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.Schema.SCHEMA import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.{CustomConnectorDescriptor, DescriptorProperties, Schema} import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.Expression import org.apache.flink.table.factories.{ComponentFactoryService, StreamTableSourceFactory} import org.apache.flink.table.functions._ import org.apache.flink.table.module.ModuleManager import org.apache.flink.table.operations.{CatalogSinkModifyOperation, ModifyOperation, Operation, QueryOperation} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.CalciteConfig import org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.PlannerBase import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.FlinkSqlOperatorTable import org.apache.flink.table.planner.operations.{DataStreamQueryOperation, PlannerQueryOperation, RichTableSourceQueryOperation} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.calcite.LogicalWatermarkAssigner import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.ExecNode import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize.program._ import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.stats.FlinkStatistic import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.{ExecNodePlanDumper, FlinkRelOptUtil} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.runtime.utils.{TestingAppendTableSink, TestingRetractTableSink, TestingUpsertTableSink} import org.apache.flink.table.planner.sinks.CollectRowTableSink import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.TypeInfoLogicalTypeConverter.fromLogicalTypeToTypeInfo import org.apache.flink.table.sinks._ import org.apache.flink.table.sources.{StreamTableSource, TableSource} import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.LogicalType import org.apache.flink.table.types.utils.TypeConversions import org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.FieldInfoUtils import org.apache.flink.types.Row import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.TimeUnit import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos import org.apache.calcite.sql.{SqlExplainLevel, SqlIntervalQualifier} import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils import org.junit.Assert.{assertEquals, assertTrue} import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.rules.{ExpectedException, TemporaryFolder, TestName} import{BigDecimal => JBigDecimal} import import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import /** * Test base for testing Table API / SQL plans. */ abstract class TableTestBase { // used for accurate exception information checking. val expectedException: ExpectedException = ExpectedException.none() // used for get test case method name val testName: TestName = new TestName val _tempFolder = new TemporaryFolder @Rule def tempFolder: TemporaryFolder = _tempFolder @Rule def thrown: ExpectedException = expectedException @Rule def name: TestName = testName def streamTestUtil(conf: TableConfig = new TableConfig): StreamTableTestUtil = StreamTableTestUtil(this, conf = conf) def scalaStreamTestUtil(): ScalaStreamTableTestUtil = ScalaStreamTableTestUtil(this) def javaStreamTestUtil(): JavaStreamTableTestUtil = JavaStreamTableTestUtil(this) def batchTestUtil(conf: TableConfig = new TableConfig): BatchTableTestUtil = BatchTableTestUtil(this, conf = conf) def scalaBatchTestUtil(): ScalaBatchTableTestUtil = ScalaBatchTableTestUtil(this) def javaBatchTestUtil(): JavaBatchTableTestUtil = JavaBatchTableTestUtil(this) def verifyTableEquals(expected: Table, actual: Table): Unit = { val expectedString = FlinkRelOptUtil.toString(TableTestUtil.toRelNode(expected)) val actualString = FlinkRelOptUtil.toString(TableTestUtil.toRelNode(actual)) assertEquals( "Logical plans do not match", LogicalPlanFormatUtils.formatTempTableId(expectedString), LogicalPlanFormatUtils.formatTempTableId(actualString)) } } abstract class TableTestUtilBase(test: TableTestBase, isStreamingMode: Boolean) { protected lazy val diffRepository: DiffRepository = DiffRepository.lookup(test.getClass) protected val setting: EnvironmentSettings = if (isStreamingMode) { EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().inStreamingMode().build() } else { EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().inBatchMode().build() } // a counter for unique table names private var counter = 0L private def getNextId: Long = { counter += 1 counter } protected def getTableEnv: TableEnvironment protected def isBounded: Boolean = !isStreamingMode def getPlanner: PlannerBase = { getTableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentImpl].getPlanner.asInstanceOf[PlannerBase] } /** * Creates a table with the given DDL SQL string. */ def addTable(ddl: String): Unit = { getTableEnv.executeSql(ddl) } /** * Create a [[DataStream]] with the given schema, * and registers this DataStream under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param name table name * @param fields field names * @tparam T field types * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addDataStream[T: TypeInformation](name: String, fields: Expression*): Table = { val env = new ScalaStreamExecEnv(new LocalStreamEnvironment()) val dataStream = env.fromElements[T]().javaStream val tableEnv = getTableEnv TableTestUtil.createTemporaryView(tableEnv, name, dataStream, Some(fields.toArray)) tableEnv.from(name) } /** * Create a [[TestTableSource]] with the given schema, * and registers this TableSource under a unique name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param fields field names * @tparam T field types * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addTableSource[T: TypeInformation](fields: Expression*): Table = { addTableSource[T](s"Table$getNextId", fields: _*) } /** * Create a [[TestTableSource]] with the given schema, * and registers this TableSource under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param name table name * @param fields field names * @tparam T field types * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addTableSource[T: TypeInformation](name: String, fields: Expression*): Table = { val typeInfo: TypeInformation[T] = implicitly[TypeInformation[T]] val tableSchema = if (fields.isEmpty) { val fieldTypes: Array[TypeInformation[_]] = typeInfo match { case tt: TupleTypeInfo[_] => (0 until tt.getArity).map(tt.getTypeAt).toArray case ct: CaseClassTypeInfo[_] => (0 until ct.getArity).map(ct.getTypeAt).toArray case at: AtomicType[_] => Array[TypeInformation[_]](at) case pojo: PojoTypeInfo[_] => (0 until pojo.getArity).map(pojo.getTypeAt).toArray case _ => throw new TableException(s"Unsupported type info: $typeInfo") } val types = val names = FieldInfoUtils.getFieldNames(typeInfo) TableSchema.builder().fields(names, types).build() } else { FieldInfoUtils.getFieldsInfo(typeInfo, fields.toArray).toTableSchema } addTableSource(name, new TestTableSource(isBounded, tableSchema)) } /** * Create a [[TestTableSource]] with the given schema, table stats and unique keys, * and registers this TableSource under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param name table name * @param types field types * @param fields field names * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addTableSource( name: String, types: Array[TypeInformation[_]], fields: Array[String]): Table = { val schema = new TableSchema(fields, types) val tableSource = new TestTableSource(isBounded, schema) addTableSource(name, tableSource) } /** * Register this TableSource under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param name table name * @param tableSource table source * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addTableSource( name: String, tableSource: TableSource[_]): Table = { getTableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( name, tableSource) getTableEnv.from(name) } /** * Registers a [[ScalarFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction(name: String, function: ScalarFunction): Unit = { getTableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) } /** * Registers a [[UserDefinedFunction]] according to FLIP-65. */ def addTemporarySystemFunction(name: String, function: UserDefinedFunction): Unit = { getTableEnv.createTemporarySystemFunction(name, function) } /** * Registers a [[UserDefinedFunction]] class according to FLIP-65. */ def addTemporarySystemFunction(name: String, function: Class[_ <: UserDefinedFunction]): Unit = { getTableEnv.createTemporarySystemFunction(name, function) } def verifyPlan(sql: String): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(sql, Array.empty[ExplainDetail], withRowType = false, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlan(sql: String, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(sql, extraDetails.toArray, withRowType = false, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlan(table: Table): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(table, Array.empty[ExplainDetail], withRowType = false, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlan(table: Table, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(table, extraDetails.toArray, withRowType = false, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlanWithType(sql: String): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(sql, Array.empty[ExplainDetail], withRowType = true, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlanWithType(table: Table): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(table, Array.empty[ExplainDetail], withRowType = true, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlanNotExpected(sql: String, notExpected: String*): Unit = { verifyPlanNotExpected(getTableEnv.sqlQuery(sql), notExpected: _*) } def verifyPlanNotExpected(table: Table, notExpected: String*): Unit = { require(notExpected.nonEmpty) val relNode = TableTestUtil.toRelNode(table) val optimizedPlan = getOptimizedPlan(Array(relNode), Array.empty, withRowType = false) val result = notExpected.forall(!optimizedPlan.contains(_)) val message = s"\\nactual plan:\\n$optimizedPlan\\nnot expected:\\n${notExpected.mkString(", ")}" assertTrue(message, result) } def verifyExplain(stmtSet: StatementSet, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { doVerifyExplain( stmtSet.explain(extraDetails: _*), extraDetails.contains(ExplainDetail.ESTIMATED_COST)) } def verifyExplain(sql: String): Unit = verifyExplain(getTableEnv.sqlQuery(sql)) def verifyExplain(sql: String, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { val table = getTableEnv.sqlQuery(sql) verifyExplain(table, extraDetails: _*) } def verifyExplain(table: Table): Unit = { doVerifyExplain(table.explain(), needReplaceEstimatedCost = false) } def verifyExplain(table: Table, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { doVerifyExplain( table.explain(extraDetails: _*), extraDetails.contains(ExplainDetail.ESTIMATED_COST)) } def verifyExplainInsert( table: Table, sink: TableSink[_], targetPath: String, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { val stmtSet = getTableEnv.createStatementSet() getTableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSinkInternal(targetPath, sink) stmtSet.addInsert(targetPath, table) verifyExplain(stmtSet, extraDetails: _*) } def doVerifyPlan( sql: String, extraDetails: Array[ExplainDetail], withRowType: Boolean, printPlanBefore: Boolean): Unit = { val table = getTableEnv.sqlQuery(sql) val relNode = TableTestUtil.toRelNode(table) val optimizedPlan = getOptimizedPlan(Array(relNode), extraDetails, withRowType = withRowType) assertEqualsOrExpand("sql", sql) if (printPlanBefore) { val planBefore = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + FlinkRelOptUtil.toString( relNode, SqlExplainLevel.EXPPLAN_ATTRIBUTES, withRowType = withRowType) assertEqualsOrExpand("planBefore", planBefore) } val actual = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + optimizedPlan assertEqualsOrExpand("planAfter", actual.toString, expand = false) } def verifyResource(sql: String): Unit = { assertEqualsOrExpand("sql", sql) val table = getTableEnv.sqlQuery(sql) doVerifyPlan( table, Array.empty, withRowType = false, printResource = true, printPlanBefore = false) } def doVerifyPlan( table: Table, extraDetails: Array[ExplainDetail], withRowType: Boolean, printPlanBefore: Boolean): Unit = { doVerifyPlan( table = table, extraDetails, withRowType = withRowType, printPlanBefore = printPlanBefore, printResource = false) } def doVerifyPlan( table: Table, extraDetails: Array[ExplainDetail], withRowType: Boolean, printPlanBefore: Boolean, printResource: Boolean): Unit = { val relNode = TableTestUtil.toRelNode(table) val optimizedPlan = getOptimizedPlan( Array(relNode), extraDetails, withRowType = withRowType, withResource = printResource) if (printPlanBefore) { val planBefore = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + FlinkRelOptUtil.toString( relNode, SqlExplainLevel.EXPPLAN_ATTRIBUTES, withRowType = withRowType) assertEqualsOrExpand("planBefore", planBefore) } val actual = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + optimizedPlan assertEqualsOrExpand("planAfter", actual.toString, expand = false) } private def doVerifyExplain(explainResult: String, needReplaceEstimatedCost: Boolean): Unit = { val actual = if (needReplaceEstimatedCost) { replaceEstimatedCost(explainResult) } else { explainResult } assertEqualsOrExpand("explain", TableTestUtil.replaceStageId(actual), expand = false) } protected def getOptimizedPlan( relNodes: Array[RelNode], extraDetails: Array[ExplainDetail], withRowType: Boolean, withResource: Boolean = false): String = { require(relNodes.nonEmpty) val planner = getPlanner val optimizedRels = planner.optimize(relNodes) val explainLevel = if (extraDetails.contains(ExplainDetail.ESTIMATED_COST)) { SqlExplainLevel.ALL_ATTRIBUTES } else { SqlExplainLevel.EXPPLAN_ATTRIBUTES } val withChangelogTraits = extraDetails.contains(ExplainDetail.CHANGELOG_MODE) optimizedRels.head match { case _: ExecNode[_, _] => val optimizedNodes = planner.translateToExecNodePlan(optimizedRels) require(optimizedNodes.length == optimizedRels.length) ExecNodePlanDumper.dagToString( optimizedNodes, detailLevel = explainLevel, withChangelogTraits = withChangelogTraits, withOutputType = withRowType, withResource = withResource) case _ => { rel => FlinkRelOptUtil.toString( rel, detailLevel = explainLevel, withChangelogTraits = withChangelogTraits, withRowType = withRowType) }.mkString("\\n") } } /** * ignore estimated cost, because it may be unstable. */ protected def replaceEstimatedCost(s: String): String = { var str = s.replaceAll("\\\\r\\\\n", "\\n") val scientificFormRegExpr = "[+-]?[\\\\d]+([\\\\.][\\\\d]*)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]{0,2})?" str = str.replaceAll(s"rowcount = $scientificFormRegExpr", "rowcount = ") str = str.replaceAll(s"$scientificFormRegExpr rows", "rows") str = str.replaceAll(s"$scientificFormRegExpr cpu", "cpu") str = str.replaceAll(s"$scientificFormRegExpr io", "io") str = str.replaceAll(s"$scientificFormRegExpr network", "network") str = str.replaceAll(s"$scientificFormRegExpr memory", "memory") str } protected def assertEqualsOrExpand(tag: String, actual: String, expand: Boolean = true): Unit = { val expected = s"$${$tag}" if (!expand) { diffRepository.assertEquals(, tag, expected, actual) return } val expanded = diffRepository.expand(, tag, expected) if (expanded != null && !expanded.equals(expected)) { // expected does exist, check result diffRepository.assertEquals(, tag, expected, actual) } else { // expected does not exist, update diffRepository.expand(, tag, actual) } } } abstract class TableTestUtil( test: TableTestBase, // determines if the table environment should work in a batch or streaming mode isStreamingMode: Boolean, catalogManager: Option[CatalogManager] = None, val tableConfig: TableConfig) extends TableTestUtilBase(test, isStreamingMode) { protected val testingTableEnv: TestingTableEnvironment = TestingTableEnvironment.create(setting, catalogManager, tableConfig) val tableEnv: TableEnvironment = testingTableEnv tableEnv.getConfig.getConfiguration.setString( ExecutionConfigOptions.TABLE_EXEC_SHUFFLE_MODE, GlobalDataExchangeMode.ALL_EDGES_PIPELINED.toString) private val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = getPlanner.getExecEnv env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) override def getTableEnv: TableEnvironment = tableEnv def getStreamEnv: StreamExecutionEnvironment = env /** * Create a [[TestTableSource]] with the given schema, table stats and unique keys, * and registers this TableSource under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param name table name * @param types field types * @param fields field names * @param statistic statistic of current table * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addTableSource( name: String, types: Array[TypeInformation[_]], fields: Array[String], statistic: FlinkStatistic = FlinkStatistic.UNKNOWN): Table = { val schema = new TableSchema(fields, types) val tableSource = new TestTableSource(isBounded, schema) addTableSource(name, tableSource, statistic) } /** * Register this TableSource under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. * * @param name table name * @param tableSource table source * @param statistic statistic of current table * @return returns the registered [[Table]]. */ def addTableSource( name: String, tableSource: TableSource[_], statistic: FlinkStatistic): Table = { // TODO RichTableSourceQueryOperation should be deleted and use registerTableSourceInternal // method instead of registerTable method here after unique key in TableSchema is ready // and setting catalog statistic to TableSourceTable in DatabaseCalciteSchema is ready val identifier = ObjectIdentifier.of( testingTableEnv.getCurrentCatalog, testingTableEnv.getCurrentDatabase, name) val operation = new RichTableSourceQueryOperation( identifier, tableSource, statistic) val table = testingTableEnv.createTable(operation) testingTableEnv.registerTable(name, table) testingTableEnv.from(name) } /** * Registers a [[TableFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: TableFunction[T]): Unit = testingTableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) /** * Registers a [[AggregateFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: AggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = testingTableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) /** * Registers a [[TableAggregateFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: TableAggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = { testingTableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) } def verifyPlanInsert(sql: String): Unit = { doVerifyPlanInsert(sql, Array.empty, withRowType = false, printPlanBefore = true) } def verifyPlanInsert( table: Table, sink: TableSink[_], targetPath: String, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { val stmtSet = tableEnv.createStatementSet() tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSinkInternal(targetPath, sink) stmtSet.addInsert(targetPath, table) verifyPlan(stmtSet, extraDetails: _*) } def verifyPlan(stmtSet: StatementSet, extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): Unit = { doVerifyPlan(stmtSet, extraDetails.toArray, withRowType = false, printPlanBefore = true) } def doVerifyPlanInsert( sql: String, extraDetails: Array[ExplainDetail], withRowType: Boolean, printPlanBefore: Boolean): Unit = { assertEqualsOrExpand("sql", sql) val stmtSet = tableEnv.createStatementSet() stmtSet.addInsertSql(sql) doVerifyPlan(stmtSet, extraDetails, withRowType, printPlanBefore) } def doVerifyPlan( stmtSet: StatementSet, extraDetails: Array[ExplainDetail], withRowType: Boolean, printPlanBefore: Boolean): Unit = { val testStmtSet = stmtSet.asInstanceOf[TestingStatementSet] val relNodes = if (relNodes.isEmpty) { throw new TableException("No output table have been created yet. " + "A program needs at least one output table that consumes data.\\n" + "Please create output table(s) for your program") } val optimizedPlan = getOptimizedPlan( relNodes.toArray, extraDetails, withRowType = withRowType) if (printPlanBefore) { val planBefore = new StringBuilder relNodes.foreach { sink => planBefore.append(System.lineSeparator) planBefore.append(FlinkRelOptUtil.toString(sink, SqlExplainLevel.EXPPLAN_ATTRIBUTES)) } assertEqualsOrExpand("planBefore", planBefore.toString()) } val actual = if (extraDetails.contains(ExplainDetail.ESTIMATED_COST)) { SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + replaceEstimatedCost(optimizedPlan) } else { SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR + optimizedPlan } assertEqualsOrExpand("planAfter", actual.toString, expand = false) } } abstract class ScalaTableTestUtil( test: TableTestBase, isStreamingMode: Boolean) extends TableTestUtilBase(test, isStreamingMode) { // scala env val env = new ScalaStreamExecEnv(new LocalStreamEnvironment()) env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) // scala tableEnv val tableEnv: ScalaStreamTableEnv = ScalaStreamTableEnv.create(env, setting) override def getTableEnv: TableEnvironment = tableEnv /** * Registers a [[TableFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: TableFunction[T]): Unit = tableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) /** * Registers a [[AggregateFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: AggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = tableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) /** * Registers a [[TableAggregateFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: TableAggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = tableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) } abstract class JavaTableTestUtil( test: TableTestBase, isStreamingMode: Boolean) extends TableTestUtilBase(test, isStreamingMode) { // java env val env = new LocalStreamEnvironment() env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) // java tableEnv // use impl class instead of interface class to avoid // "Static methods in interface require -target:jvm-1.8" val tableEnv: JavaStreamTableEnv = JavaStreamTableEnvImpl.create(env, setting, new TableConfig) override def getTableEnv: TableEnvironment = tableEnv /** * Registers a [[TableFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: TableFunction[T]): Unit = tableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) /** * Registers a [[AggregateFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: AggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = tableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) /** * Registers a [[TableAggregateFunction]] under given name into the TableEnvironment's catalog. */ def addFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, function: TableAggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = tableEnv.registerFunction(name, function) } /** * Utility for stream table test. */ case class StreamTableTestUtil( test: TableTestBase, catalogManager: Option[CatalogManager] = None, conf: TableConfig = new TableConfig) extends TableTestUtil(test, isStreamingMode = true, catalogManager, conf) { /** * Register a table with specific row time field and offset. * * @param tableName table name * @param sourceTable table to register * @param rowtimeField row time field * @param offset offset to the row time field value */ def addTableWithWatermark( tableName: String, sourceTable: Table, rowtimeField: String, offset: Long): Unit = { val sourceRel = TableTestUtil.toRelNode(sourceTable) val rowtimeFieldIdx = sourceRel.getRowType.getFieldNames.indexOf(rowtimeField) if (rowtimeFieldIdx < 0) { throw new TableException(s"$rowtimeField does not exist, please check it") } val rexBuilder = sourceRel.getCluster.getRexBuilder val inputRef = rexBuilder.makeInputRef(sourceRel, rowtimeFieldIdx) val offsetLiteral = rexBuilder.makeIntervalLiteral( JBigDecimal.valueOf(offset), new SqlIntervalQualifier(TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, null, SqlParserPos.ZERO)) val expr = rexBuilder.makeCall(FlinkSqlOperatorTable.MINUS, inputRef, offsetLiteral) val watermarkAssigner = new LogicalWatermarkAssigner( sourceRel.getCluster, sourceRel.getTraitSet, sourceRel, rowtimeFieldIdx, expr ) val queryOperation = new PlannerQueryOperation(watermarkAssigner) testingTableEnv.registerTable(tableName, testingTableEnv.createTable(queryOperation)) } def buildStreamProgram(firstProgramNameToRemove: String): Unit = { val program = FlinkStreamProgram.buildProgram(tableEnv.getConfig.getConfiguration) var startRemove = false program.getProgramNames.foreach { name => if (name.equals(firstProgramNameToRemove)) { startRemove = true } if (startRemove) { program.remove(name) } } replaceStreamProgram(program) } def replaceStreamProgram(program: FlinkChainedProgram[StreamOptimizeContext]): Unit = { var calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(tableEnv.getConfig) calciteConfig = CalciteConfig.createBuilder(calciteConfig) .replaceStreamProgram(program).build() tableEnv.getConfig.setPlannerConfig(calciteConfig) } def getStreamProgram(): FlinkChainedProgram[StreamOptimizeContext] = { val tableConfig = tableEnv.getConfig val calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(tableConfig) calciteConfig.getStreamProgram.getOrElse(FlinkStreamProgram.buildProgram( tableConfig.getConfiguration)) } def enableMiniBatch(): Unit = { tableEnv.getConfig.getConfiguration.setBoolean( ExecutionConfigOptions.TABLE_EXEC_MINIBATCH_ENABLED, true) tableEnv.getConfig.getConfiguration.setString( ExecutionConfigOptions.TABLE_EXEC_MINIBATCH_ALLOW_LATENCY, "1 s") tableEnv.getConfig.getConfiguration.setLong( ExecutionConfigOptions.TABLE_EXEC_MINIBATCH_SIZE, 3L) } def createAppendTableSink( fieldNames: Array[String], fieldTypes: Array[LogicalType]): AppendStreamTableSink[Row] = { require(fieldNames.length == fieldTypes.length) val typeInfos = new TestingAppendTableSink().configure(fieldNames, typeInfos) } def createUpsertTableSink( keys: Array[Int], fieldNames: Array[String], fieldTypes: Array[LogicalType]): UpsertStreamTableSink[RowData] = { require(fieldNames.length == fieldTypes.length) val typeInfos = new TestingUpsertTableSink(keys).configure(fieldNames, typeInfos) } def createRetractTableSink( fieldNames: Array[String], fieldTypes: Array[LogicalType]): RetractStreamTableSink[Row] = { require(fieldNames.length == fieldTypes.length) val typeInfos = new TestingRetractTableSink().configure(fieldNames, typeInfos) } } /** * Utility for stream scala table test. */ case class ScalaStreamTableTestUtil(test: TableTestBase) extends ScalaTableTestUtil(test, true) { } /** * Utility for stream java table test. */ case class JavaStreamTableTestUtil(test: TableTestBase) extends JavaTableTestUtil(test, true) { } /** * Utility for batch table test. */ case class BatchTableTestUtil( test: TableTestBase, catalogManager: Option[CatalogManager] = None, conf: TableConfig = new TableConfig) extends TableTestUtil(test, isStreamingMode = false, catalogManager, conf) { def buildBatchProgram(firstProgramNameToRemove: String): Unit = { val program = FlinkBatchProgram.buildProgram(tableEnv.getConfig.getConfiguration) var startRemove = false program.getProgramNames.foreach { name => if (name.equals(firstProgramNameToRemove)) { startRemove = true } if (startRemove) { program.remove(name) } } replaceBatchProgram(program) } def replaceBatchProgram(program: FlinkChainedProgram[BatchOptimizeContext]): Unit = { var calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(tableEnv.getConfig) calciteConfig = CalciteConfig.createBuilder(calciteConfig) .replaceBatchProgram(program).build() tableEnv.getConfig.setPlannerConfig(calciteConfig) } def getBatchProgram(): FlinkChainedProgram[BatchOptimizeContext] = { val tableConfig = tableEnv.getConfig val calciteConfig = TableConfigUtils.getCalciteConfig(tableConfig) calciteConfig.getBatchProgram.getOrElse(FlinkBatchProgram.buildProgram( tableConfig.getConfiguration)) } def createCollectTableSink( fieldNames: Array[String], fieldTypes: Array[LogicalType]): TableSink[Row] = { require(fieldNames.length == fieldTypes.length) val typeInfos = new CollectRowTableSink().configure(fieldNames, typeInfos) } } /** * Utility for batch scala table test. */ case class ScalaBatchTableTestUtil(test: TableTestBase) extends ScalaTableTestUtil(test, false) { } /** * Utility for batch java table test. */ case class JavaBatchTableTestUtil(test: TableTestBase) extends JavaTableTestUtil(test, false) { } /** * Batch/Stream [[org.apache.flink.table.sources.TableSource]] for testing. */ class TestTableSource(override val isBounded: Boolean, schema: TableSchema) extends StreamTableSource[Row] { override def getDataStream(execEnv: environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment): DataStream[Row] = { execEnv.fromCollection(List[Row](), getReturnType) } override def getReturnType: TypeInformation[Row] = { val logicalTypes = schema.getFieldTypes new RowTypeInfo(logicalTypes, schema.getFieldNames) } override def getTableSchema: TableSchema = schema } object TestTableSource { def createTemporaryTable( tEnv: TableEnvironment, isBounded: Boolean, tableSchema: TableSchema, tableName: String): Unit = { tEnv.connect( new CustomConnectorDescriptor("TestTableSource", 1, false) .property("is-bounded", if (isBounded) "true" else "false")) .withSchema(new Schema().schema(tableSchema)) .createTemporaryTable(tableName) } } class TestTableSourceFactory extends StreamTableSourceFactory[Row] { override def createStreamTableSource( properties: util.Map[String, String]): StreamTableSource[Row] = { val dp = new DescriptorProperties dp.putProperties(properties) val tableSchema = dp.getTableSchema(SCHEMA) val isBounded = dp.getOptionalBoolean("is-bounded").orElse(false) new TestTableSource(isBounded, tableSchema) } override def requiredContext(): util.Map[String, String] = { val context = new util.HashMap[String, String]() context.put(CONNECTOR_TYPE, "TestTableSource") context } override def supportedProperties(): util.List[String] = { val properties = new util.ArrayList[String]() properties.add("*") properties } } class TestingTableEnvironment private( catalogManager: CatalogManager, moduleManager: ModuleManager, tableConfig: TableConfig, executor: Executor, functionCatalog: FunctionCatalog, planner: PlannerBase, isStreamingMode: Boolean) extends TableEnvironmentImpl( catalogManager, moduleManager, tableConfig, executor, functionCatalog, planner, isStreamingMode) { // just for testing, remove this method while // `<T, ACC> void registerFunction(String name, AggregateFunction<T, ACC> aggregateFunction);` // is added into TableEnvironment def registerFunction[T: TypeInformation](name: String, tf: TableFunction[T]): Unit = { val typeInfo = UserDefinedFunctionHelper .getReturnTypeOfTableFunction(tf, implicitly[TypeInformation[T]]) functionCatalog.registerTempSystemTableFunction( name, tf, typeInfo ) } // just for testing, remove this method while // `<T> void registerFunction(String name, TableFunction<T> tableFunction);` // is added into TableEnvironment def registerFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, f: AggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = { registerUserDefinedAggregateFunction(name, f) } // just for testing, remove this method while // `<T, ACC> void registerFunction(String name, TableAggregateFunction<T, ACC> tableAggFunc);` // is added into TableEnvironment def registerFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, f: TableAggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = { registerUserDefinedAggregateFunction(name, f) } private def registerUserDefinedAggregateFunction[T: TypeInformation, ACC: TypeInformation]( name: String, f: UserDefinedAggregateFunction[T, ACC]): Unit = { val typeInfo = UserDefinedFunctionHelper .getReturnTypeOfAggregateFunction(f, implicitly[TypeInformation[T]]) val accTypeInfo = UserDefinedFunctionHelper .getAccumulatorTypeOfAggregateFunction(f, implicitly[TypeInformation[ACC]]) functionCatalog.registerTempSystemAggregateFunction( name, f, typeInfo, accTypeInfo ) } override def createTable(tableOperation: QueryOperation): TableImpl = { super.createTable(tableOperation) } override def createStatementSet(): StatementSet = new TestingStatementSet(this) } class TestingStatementSet(tEnv: TestingTableEnvironment) extends StatementSet { private val operations: util.List[ModifyOperation] = new util.ArrayList[ModifyOperation] def getOperations: util.List[ModifyOperation] = operations override def addInsertSql(statement: String): StatementSet = { val operations = tEnv.getParser.parse(statement) if (operations.size != 1) { throw new TableException("Only single statement is supported.") } operations.get(0) match { case op: ModifyOperation => this.operations.add(op) case _ => throw new TableException("Only insert statement is supported now.") } this } override def addInsert(targetPath: String, table: Table): StatementSet = { this.addInsert(targetPath, table, overwrite = false) } override def addInsert(targetPath: String, table: Table, overwrite: Boolean): StatementSet = { val unresolvedIdentifier = tEnv.getParser.parseIdentifier(targetPath) val objectIdentifier = tEnv.getCatalogManager.qualifyIdentifier(unresolvedIdentifier) operations.add(new CatalogSinkModifyOperation( objectIdentifier, table.getQueryOperation, util.Collections.emptyMap[String, String], overwrite, util.Collections.emptyMap[String, String])) this } override def explain(extraDetails: ExplainDetail*): String = { tEnv.explainInternal( => o.asInstanceOf[Operation]), extraDetails: _*) } override def execute(): TableResult = { try { tEnv.executeInternal(operations) } finally { operations.clear() } } } object TestingTableEnvironment { def create( settings: EnvironmentSettings, catalogManager: Option[CatalogManager] = None, tableConfig: TableConfig): TestingTableEnvironment = { // temporary solution until FLINK-15635 is fixed val classLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader val moduleManager = new ModuleManager val catalogMgr = catalogManager match { case Some(c) => c case _ => CatalogManager.newBuilder .classLoader(classLoader) .config(tableConfig.getConfiguration) .defaultCatalog( settings.getBuiltInCatalogName, new GenericInMemoryCatalog( settings.getBuiltInCatalogName, settings.getBuiltInDatabaseName)) .build } val functionCatalog = new FunctionCatalog(tableConfig, catalogMgr, moduleManager) val executorProperties = settings.toExecutorProperties val executor = ComponentFactoryService.find(classOf[ExecutorFactory], executorProperties).create(executorProperties) val plannerProperties = settings.toPlannerProperties val planner = ComponentFactoryService.find(classOf[PlannerFactory], plannerProperties) .create(plannerProperties, executor, tableConfig, functionCatalog, catalogMgr) .asInstanceOf[PlannerBase] new TestingTableEnvironment( catalogMgr, moduleManager, tableConfig, executor, functionCatalog, planner, settings.isStreamingMode) } } object TableTestUtil { val STREAM_SETTING: EnvironmentSettings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().inStreamingMode().build() val BATCH_SETTING: EnvironmentSettings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance().inBatchMode().build() /** * Converts operation tree in the given table to a RelNode tree. */ def toRelNode(table: Table): RelNode = { table.asInstanceOf[TableImpl] .getTableEnvironment.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentImpl] .getPlanner.asInstanceOf[PlannerBase] .getRelBuilder.queryOperation(table.getQueryOperation).build() } def createTemporaryView[T]( tEnv: TableEnvironment, name: String, dataStream: DataStream[T], fields: Option[Array[Expression]] = None, fieldNullables: Option[Array[Boolean]] = None, statistic: Option[FlinkStatistic] = None): Unit = { val planner = tEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentImpl].getPlanner.asInstanceOf[PlannerBase] val execEnv = planner.getExecEnv val streamType = dataStream.getType // get field names and types for all non-replaced fields val typeInfoSchema = Array[Expression]) => { val fieldsInfo = FieldInfoUtils.getFieldsInfo(streamType, f) // check if event-time is enabled if (fieldsInfo.isRowtimeDefined && (execEnv.getStreamTimeCharacteristic ne TimeCharacteristic.EventTime)) { throw new ValidationException(String.format( "A rowtime attribute requires an EventTime time characteristic in stream " + "environment. But is: %s", execEnv.getStreamTimeCharacteristic)) } fieldsInfo }).getOrElse(FieldInfoUtils.getFieldsInfo(streamType)) val fieldCnt = typeInfoSchema.getFieldTypes.length val dataStreamQueryOperation = new DataStreamQueryOperation( ObjectIdentifier.of(tEnv.getCurrentCatalog, tEnv.getCurrentDatabase, name), dataStream, typeInfoSchema.getIndices, typeInfoSchema.toTableSchema, fieldNullables.getOrElse(Array.fill(fieldCnt)(true)), statistic.getOrElse(FlinkStatistic.UNKNOWN) ) val table = createTable(tEnv, dataStreamQueryOperation) tEnv.registerTable(name, table) } def createTable(tEnv: TableEnvironment, queryOperation: QueryOperation): Table = { val createTableMethod = tEnv match { case _: ScalaStreamTableEnvImpl | _: JavaStreamTableEnvImpl => tEnv.getClass.getSuperclass.getDeclaredMethod("createTable", classOf[QueryOperation]) case t: TableEnvironmentImpl => t.getClass.getDeclaredMethod("createTable", classOf[QueryOperation]) case _ => throw new TableException(s"Unsupported class: ${tEnv.getClass.getCanonicalName}") } createTableMethod.setAccessible(true) createTableMethod.invoke(tEnv, queryOperation).asInstanceOf[Table] } def readFromResource(path: String): String = { val inputStream = getClass.getResource(path).getFile Source.fromFile(inputStream).mkString } /** * Stage {id} is ignored, because id keeps incrementing in test class * while StreamExecutionEnvironment is up */ def replaceStageId(s: String): String = { s.replaceAll("\\\\r\\\\n", "\\n").replaceAll("Stage \\\\d+", "") } }
trait Foo[+A] { type Repr[+O] <: Foo[O] { type Repr[+OO] = Foo.this.Repr[OO] } def foo: Repr[A] def bar: Repr[A] = }
package chk.commons.config import java.util.Properties import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import chk.commons.{SystemError, ChkException} import chk.commons.di.Injection import collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.language.existentials import com.typesafe.config._ import scala.util.control.Exception._ import scaldi._ trait ConfigPrefixInjector extends ConfigUtils with Injection { def configPrefix: String lazy val config = inject[Config] (identified by configPrefix is by default Configuration.empty) } class ConfigModule(config: Config) extends Module { bind [Config] to config } trait ConfigUtils { implicit class ConfigOps(underlying: Config) { private def option[T](body: => T) = handling[Option[T]](classOf[ConfigException.Missing]) by (_ => None) apply Option(body) def getStringOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getString(path)) def getStringListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getStringList(path)) def getIntOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getInt(path)) def getIntListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getIntList(path)) def getLongOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getLong(path)) def getLongListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getLongList(path)) def getDoubleOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getDouble(path)) def getDoubleListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getDoubleList(path)) def getNumberOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getNumber(path)) def getNumberListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getNumberList(path)) def getDurationOpt(path: String, unit: TimeUnit) = option(underlying.getDuration(path, unit)) def getDurationListOpt(path: String, unit: TimeUnit) = option(underlying.getDurationList(path, unit)) def getBooleanOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getBoolean(path)) def getBooleanListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getBooleanList(path)) def getConfigOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getConfig(path)) def getConfigListOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getConfigList(path)) def getValueOpt(path: String) = option(underlying.getValue(path)) def keys: Set[String] = underlying.entrySet() def subKeys: Set[String] = underlying.root().keySet().asScala.toSet def toProperties: Properties = { val prop = new Properties() underlying.subKeys.foreach { key => val value = underlying.getString(key) prop.setProperty(key, value) } prop } private[commons] def getOriginDescription(origin: ConfigOrigin) = { val line = origin.lineNumber() val input = Option(origin.url).map(_.toURI.getPath).orNull val source = Option(origin.filename).orNull s"(line = $line, input = $input, source = $source)" } def reportError(path: String, message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None): ChkException = { val origin = underlying.getValueOpt(path).map(_.origin()).getOrElse(underlying.root().origin()) ChkException(SystemError.CONFIG_ERROR, cause).set("origin", origin) } def globalError(message: String, cause: Option[Throwable] = None): ChkException = { ChkException(SystemError.CONFIG_ERROR, cause).set("origin", underlying.root().origin()) } } }
/* * Copyright 2001-2013 Artima, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.scalatest // SKIP-SCALATESTJS,NATIVE-START import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnit3Suite import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitSuite import org.junit.Test import org.testng.annotations.{Test => TestNG } import org.scalatestplus.testng.TestNGSuite import org.scalatest.refspec.RefSpec // SKIP-SCALATESTJS,NATIVE-END import org.scalatest.{ featurespec, flatspec, freespec, funspec, funsuite, propspec, wordspec } import org.scalatest.featurespec.AnyFeatureSpec import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpec import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.propspec.AnyPropSpec import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class TestNameProp extends AllSuiteProp { type FixtureServices = TestNameFixtureServices // SKIP-SCALATESTJS,NATIVE-START def spec = new ExampleTestNameSpec def junit3Suite = new ExampleTestNameJUnit3Suite def junitSuite = new ExampleTestNameJUnitSuite def testngSuite = new ExampleTestNameTestNGSuite // SKIP-SCALATESTJS,NATIVE-END def funSuite = new ExampleTestNameFunSuite def fixtureFunSuite = new ExampleTestNameFixtureFunSuite def funSpec = new ExampleTestNameFunSpec def fixtureFunSpec = new ExampleTestNameFixtureFunSpec def featureSpec = new ExampleTestNameFeatureSpec def fixtureFeatureSpec = new ExampleTestNameFixtureFeatureSpec def flatSpec = new ExampleTestNameFlatSpec def fixtureFlatSpec = new ExampleTestNameFixtureFlatSpec def freeSpec = new ExampleTestNameFreeSpec def fixtureFreeSpec = new ExampleTestNameFixtureFreeSpec def propSpec = new ExampleTestNamePropSpec def fixturePropSpec = new ExampleTestNameFixturePropSpec def wordSpec = new ExampleTestNameWordSpec def fixtureWordSpec = new ExampleTestNameFixtureWordSpec def pathFreeSpec = new ExampleTestNamePathFreeSpec def pathFunSpec = new ExampleTestNamePathFunSpec test("test name will be constructed by concatennating scopes, outer to inner, followed by the test text, separated by a space after each component is trimmed.") { forAll(examples) { s => s.assertTestNames() } } } trait TestNameFixtureServices { suite: Suite => val expectedTestNames: Set[String] def assertTestNames(): Unit = { val expectedSet = expectedTestNames val testNameSet = testNames assert(expectedSet.size === testNameSet.size) expectedSet.foreach { tn => assert(testNameSet contains tn, "Unable to find test name: '" + tn + "', testNames is: \\n" +"'" + _ + "'").mkString("\\n")) } } } // SKIP-SCALATESTJS,NATIVE-START @DoNotDiscover class ExampleTestNameSpec extends RefSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) object `Testing 1` { object `Scala code` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 2 ` { object `Scala code` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 3` { object ` Scala code` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 4` { object `Scala code ` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 5` { object `Scala code` { def ` should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object ` Testing 6` { object `Scala code` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 7` { object `Scala code` { def `should be fun `: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 8 ` { object ` Scala code` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } object `Testing 9 ` { object `Scala code` { def `should be fun`: Unit = {} } } } @DoNotDiscover class ExampleTestNameJUnit3Suite extends JUnit3Suite with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "testingShouldBeFun" ) def testingShouldBeFun(): Unit = { } } @DoNotDiscover class ExampleTestNameJUnitSuite extends JUnitSuite with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "testingShouldBeFun" ) @Test def testingShouldBeFun(): Unit = {} } @DoNotDiscover class ExampleTestNameTestNGSuite extends TestNGSuite with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "testingShouldBeFun" ) @TestNG def testingShouldBeFun(): Unit = {} } // SKIP-SCALATESTJS,NATIVE-END @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFunSuite extends AnyFunSuite with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 should be fun", "Testing 2 should be fun", "Testing 3 should be fun", "Testing 4 should be fun", "Testing 5 should be fun" ) test("Testing 1 should be fun") {} test(" Testing 2 should be fun") {} test("Testing 3 should be fun ") {} test(" Testing 4 should be fun") {} test("Testing 5 should be fun ") {} } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixtureFunSuite extends funsuite.FixtureAnyFunSuite with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 should be fun", "Testing 2 should be fun", "Testing 3 should be fun", "Testing 4 should be fun", "Testing 5 should be fun" ) test("Testing 1 should be fun") { s => } test(" Testing 2 should be fun") { s => } test("Testing 3 should be fun ") { s => } test(" Testing 4 should be fun") { s => } test("Testing 5 should be fun ") { s => } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFunSpec extends AnyFunSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) describe("Testing 1") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 2 ") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 3") { describe(" Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 4") { describe("Scala code ") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 5") { describe("Scala code") { it(" should be fun") {} } } describe(" Testing 6") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 7") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun ") {} } } describe("Testing 8 ") { describe(" Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 9 ") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixtureFunSpec extends funspec.FixtureAnyFunSpec with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) describe("Testing 1") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } describe("Testing 2 ") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } describe("Testing 3") { describe(" Scala code") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } describe("Testing 4") { describe("Scala code ") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } describe("Testing 5") { describe("Scala code") { it(" should be fun") { s => } } } describe(" Testing 6") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } describe("Testing 7") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun ") { s => } } } describe("Testing 8 ") { describe(" Scala code") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } describe("Testing 9 ") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") { s => } } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFeatureSpec extends AnyFeatureSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Feature: Testing 1 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 2 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 3 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 4 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 5 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 6 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 7 Scenario: Scala code should be fun" ) Feature("Testing 1") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") {} } Feature("Testing 2 ") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") {} } Feature("Testing 3") { Scenario(" Scala code should be fun") {} } Feature("Testing 4") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun ") {} } Feature(" Testing 5") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") {} } Feature("Testing 6 ") { Scenario(" Scala code should be fun") {} } Feature("Testing 7 ") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") {} } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixtureFeatureSpec extends featurespec.FixtureAnyFeatureSpec with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Feature: Testing 1 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 2 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 3 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 4 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 5 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 6 Scenario: Scala code should be fun", "Feature: Testing 7 Scenario: Scala code should be fun" ) Feature("Testing 1") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") { s => } } Feature("Testing 2 ") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") { s => } } Feature("Testing 3") { Scenario(" Scala code should be fun") { s => } } Feature("Testing 4") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun ") { s => } } Feature(" Testing 5") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") { s => } } Feature("Testing 6 ") { Scenario(" Scala code should be fun") { s => } } Feature("Testing 7 ") { Scenario("Scala code should be fun") { s => } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFlatSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 2 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 3 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 4 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 5 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 6 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 7 should be fun to code in Scala" ) "Testing 1" should "be fun to code in Scala" in { } "Testing 2 " should "be fun to code in Scala" in { } "Testing 3" should " be fun to code in Scala" in { } "Testing 4" should "be fun to code in Scala " in { } " Testing 5" should "be fun to code in Scala" in { } "Testing 6 " should " be fun to code in Scala" in { } "Testing 7 " should "be fun to code in Scala" in { } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixtureFlatSpec extends flatspec.FixtureAnyFlatSpec with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 2 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 3 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 4 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 5 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 6 should be fun to code in Scala", "Testing 7 should be fun to code in Scala" ) "Testing 1" should "be fun to code in Scala" in { s => } "Testing 2 " should "be fun to code in Scala" in { s => } "Testing 3" should " be fun to code in Scala" in { s => } "Testing 4" should "be fun to code in Scala " in { s => } " Testing 5" should "be fun to code in Scala" in { s => } "Testing 6 " should " be fun to code in Scala" in { s => } "Testing 7 " should "be fun to code in Scala" in { s => } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFreeSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) "Testing 1" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 2 " - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 3" - { " Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 4" - { "Scala code " - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 5" - { "Scala code" - { " should be fun" in {} } } " Testing 6" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 7" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun " in {} } } "Testing 8 " - { " Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 9 " - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixtureFreeSpec extends freespec.FixtureAnyFreeSpec with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) "Testing 1" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 2 " - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 3" - { " Scala code" - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 4" - { "Scala code " - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 5" - { "Scala code" - { " should be fun" in { s => } } } " Testing 6" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 7" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun " in { s => } } } "Testing 8 " - { " Scala code" - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 9 " - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in { s => } } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNamePropSpec extends AnyPropSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun" ) property("Testing 1 Scala code should be fun") {} property(" Testing 2 Scala code should be fun") {} property("Testing 3 Scala code should be fun ") {} property(" Testing 4 Scala code should be fun") {} property("Testing 5 Scala code should be fun ") {} property(" Testing 6 Scala code should be fun ") {} } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixturePropSpec extends propspec.FixtureAnyPropSpec with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun" ) property("Testing 1 Scala code should be fun") { s => } property(" Testing 2 Scala code should be fun") { s => } property("Testing 3 Scala code should be fun ") { s => } property(" Testing 4 Scala code should be fun") { s => } property("Testing 5 Scala code should be fun ") { s => } property(" Testing 6 Scala code should be fun ") { s => } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameWordSpec extends AnyWordSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 should test Scala code should be fun" ) "Testing 1" should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in {} } } "Testing 2 " should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in {} } } "Testing 3" should { " test Scala code" should { "be fun" in {} } } "Testing 4" should { "test Scala code " should { "be fun" in {} } } "Testing 5" should { "test Scala code" should { " be fun" in {} } } " Testing 6" should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in {} } } "Testing 7" should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun " in {} } } "Testing 8 " should { " test Scala code" should { "be fun" in {} } } "Testing 9 " should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in {} } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNameFixtureWordSpec extends wordspec.FixtureAnyWordSpec with TestNameFixtureServices with StringFixture { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 should test Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 should test Scala code should be fun" ) "Testing 1" should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 2 " should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 3" should { " test Scala code" should { "be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 4" should { "test Scala code " should { "be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 5" should { "test Scala code" should { " be fun" in { s => } } } " Testing 6" should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 7" should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun " in { s => } } } "Testing 8 " should { " test Scala code" should { "be fun" in { s => } } } "Testing 9 " should { "test Scala code" should { "be fun" in { s => } } } } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNamePathFreeSpec extends freespec.PathAnyFreeSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) "Testing 1" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 2 " - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 3" - { " Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 4" - { "Scala code " - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 5" - { "Scala code" - { " should be fun" in {} } } " Testing 6" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 7" - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun " in {} } } "Testing 8 " - { " Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } "Testing 9 " - { "Scala code" - { "should be fun" in {} } } override def newInstance: freespec.PathAnyFreeSpecLike = new ExampleTestNamePathFreeSpec } @DoNotDiscover protected[scalatest] class ExampleTestNamePathFunSpec extends funspec.PathAnyFunSpec with TestNameFixtureServices { val expectedTestNames = Set( "Testing 1 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 2 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 3 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 4 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 5 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 6 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 7 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 8 Scala code should be fun", "Testing 9 Scala code should be fun" ) describe("Testing 1") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 2 ") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 3") { describe(" Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 4") { describe("Scala code ") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 5") { describe("Scala code") { it(" should be fun") {} } } describe(" Testing 6") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 7") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun ") {} } } describe("Testing 8 ") { describe(" Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } describe("Testing 9 ") { describe("Scala code") { it("should be fun") {} } } override def newInstance: funspec.PathAnyFunSpecLike = new ExampleTestNamePathFunSpec }
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017 Fulcrum Genomics * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ package com.fulcrumgenomics.rnaseq import com.fulcrumgenomics.FgBioDef._ import com.fulcrumgenomics.bam.api.SamRecord import import com.fulcrumgenomics.rnaseq.EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize._ import com.fulcrumgenomics.testing.SamBuilder._ import com.fulcrumgenomics.testing.{SamBuilder, UnitSpec} import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.GeneAnnotations.{Exon, Gene, GeneLocus, Transcript} import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.{Io, Metric} import htsjdk.samtools.SamPairUtil.PairOrientation import org.scalatest.OptionValues class EstimateRnaSeqInsertSizeTest extends UnitSpec with OptionValues { /** Calculates the insert size from a gene. Returns None if the record's span is not enclosed in the gene or if * the insert size disagree across transcripts. */ def testInsertSizeFromGene(rec: SamRecord, gene: Gene, minimumOverlap: Double): Option[Int] = { val mateCigar = EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.getAndRequireMateCigar(rec) val mateAlignmentEnd = EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.mateAlignmentEndFrom(mateCigar, rec.mateStart) EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.insertSizeFromGene( rec = rec, gene = gene.loci.head, minimumOverlap = minimumOverlap, recInterval = EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.intervalFrom(rec=rec, mateAlignmentEnd=mateAlignmentEnd), recBlocks = rec.asSam.getAlignmentBlocks.toList, mateBlocks = EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.mateAlignmentBlocksFrom(mateCigar, rec.mateStart), mateAlignmentEnd = mateAlignmentEnd ) } def mateAlignmentEnd(rec: SamRecord): Int = { val mateCigar = EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.getAndRequireMateCigar(rec) EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.mateAlignmentEndFrom(mateCigar, rec.mateStart) } "EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.numReadBasesOverlappingTranscript" should "return the number of read bases overlapping a transcript" in { def estimate(rec: SamRecord, transcript: Transcript) = EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.numReadBasesOverlappingTranscript(rec.asSam.getAlignmentBlocks.toList, transcript) // many .value calls here, I know val transcript = Transcript("tx", "chr1", 2, 10, Some(2), Some(10), negativeStrand=false, exons=Seq(Exon(2,2), Exon(4,4), Exon(11, 11))) val builder = new SamBuilder(readLength=10) // simple matches builder.addFrag(start=1, strand=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 2 } builder.addFrag(start=1, strand=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 2 } builder.addFrag(start=2, strand=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 3 } builder.addFrag(start=2, strand=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 3 } builder.addFrag(start=5, strand=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addFrag(start=5, strand=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addFrag(start=11, strand=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addFrag(start=11, strand=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addFrag(start=12, strand=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 0 } builder.addFrag(start=12, strand=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 0 } // some indels builder.addFrag(start=2, cigar="1M1D1M6D8M") foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 3 } // deletions between exons builder.addFrag(start=2, cigar="1M8I1M") foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } // insertions builder.addFrag(start=1, cigar="1M20D9M") foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 0 } // deletion skips gene // skips builder.addFrag(start=2, cigar="1M1N1M6N8M") foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 3 } // skips between exons } "EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.insertSizeFrom" should "return the number of read bases overlapping a transcript" in { def estimate(rec: SamRecord, transcript: Transcript) = insertSizeFromTranscript(rec, transcript, mateAlignmentEnd(rec)) // many .value calls here, I know val transcript = Transcript("tx", "chr1", 2, 10, Some(2), Some(10), negativeStrand=false, exons=Seq(Exon(2,2), Exon(4,4), Exon(11, 11))) val builder = new SamBuilder(readLength=5) // Overlaps all three exons builder.addPair(start1=1, start2=7, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 3 } builder.addPair(start1=7, start2=1, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 3 } // Overlaps the first two exons builder.addPair(start1=1, start2=7, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 2 } // Overlaps the last exon builder.addPair(start1=7, start2=1, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } // Overlaps all last exon builder.addPair(start1=7, start2=12, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addPair(start1=12, start2=7, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addPair(start1=7, start2=12, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } builder.addPair(start1=12, start2=7, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } // No overlap (5' positions are 26 and 12) builder.addPair(start1=22, start2=8, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 0 } // One base overlap (5' positions are 26 and 11) builder.addPair(start1=22, start2=7, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => estimate(rec, transcript) shouldBe 1 } } it should "return a value if the record overlaps a gene" in { val transcript = Transcript("example_transcript", "chr1", 10, 20, Some(10), Some(20), negativeStrand=false, exons=Seq(Exon(10,10), Exon(14,14), Exon(20,20))) val gene = Gene(name="", loci=Seq(GeneLocus(Seq(transcript)))) val builder = new SamBuilder(readLength=5) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // not enclosed /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // too far left builder.addPair(start1=9, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=16, start2=9, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=9, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=16, start2=9, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } // too far right builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=17, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=17, start2=10, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=17, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=17, start2=10, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // enclosed /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // enclosed (just barely) builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).value shouldBe 3 } builder.addPair(start1=16, start2=10, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).value shouldBe 3 } builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).value shouldBe 2 } builder.addPair(start1=16, start2=10, strand1=Minus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).value shouldBe 2 } } it should "not return a value if there is too little overlap" in { val transcript = Transcript("example_transcript", "chr1", 10, 20, Some(10), Some(20), negativeStrand=false, exons=Seq(Exon(10,10), Exon(20, 20))) val gene = Gene(name="", loci=Seq(GeneLocus(Seq(transcript)))) val builder = new SamBuilder(readLength=5) builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).value shouldBe 2 } builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.2).value shouldBe 2 } builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.2001).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.3).isEmpty shouldBe true } builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 1.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } } it should "not return a value if the insert size disagrees across two transcripts" in { val transcriptA = Transcript("example_transcript_A", "chr1", 10, 20, Some(10), Some(20), negativeStrand=false, exons=Seq(Exon(10,10), Exon(20, 20))) val transcriptB = Transcript("example_transcript_B", "chr1", 10, 20, Some(10), Some(20), negativeStrand=false, exons=Seq(Exon(10,10), Exon(19, 20))) // one longer than A val gene = Gene(name="", loci=Seq(GeneLocus(Seq(transcriptA, transcriptB)))) val builder = new SamBuilder(readLength=5) builder.addPair(start1=10, start2=16, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) foreach { rec => testInsertSizeFromGene(rec, gene, 0.0).isEmpty shouldBe true } } private val RefFlatFile = { val lines = Seq( // a run-of-the-mill gene, with one transcript and one exon Seq("ACKR4-3", "NM_178445-A", "chr3", "+", "133801670", "133804175", "133801931", "133802984", "1", "133801670", "133804175"), // two genes that overlap Seq("ACKR4-4-1", "NM_178445-B", "chr4", "+", "133801670", "133804175", "133801931", "133802984", "1", "133801670", "133804175"), Seq("ACKR4-4-2", "NM_178445-C", "chr4", "+", "133801671", "133804176", "133801931", "133802984", "1", "133801671", "133804176"), // two transcripts that overlap but have different lengths Seq("ACKR4-5", "NM_178445-D", "chr5", "+", "133801670", "133804176", "133801931", "133802985", "1", "133801670", "133804175"), Seq("ACKR4-5", "NM_178445-E", "chr5", "+", "133801670", "133804176", "133801931", "133802985", "1", "133801670", "133804176"), // a transcript with two exons Seq("ACKR4-6", "NM_178445-F", "chr6", "+", "133801670", "133804176", "133801931", "133802985", "2", "133801670,133804175", "133801671,133804176") ).map(_.mkString("\\t")) val refFlat = makeTempFile("refFlat.", ".txt") Io.writeLines(path=refFlat, lines=lines) refFlat } private val EmptyMetrics = PairOrientation.values().map { po => InsertSizeMetric(po) } "EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize" should "run end-to-end" in { val builder = new SamBuilder() // FR = (133804075 + 100) - 133801671 = 2504 builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801671, start2=133804075, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) // overlaps ACKR4 by 100% builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801672, start2=133804074, strand1=Plus, strand2=Minus) //insert is two less // RF = (133804075 + 1) - (133801671 + 100 - 1) = 2306 builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801671, start2=133804075, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) // overlaps ACKR4 by 100% builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801672, start2=133804074, strand1=Minus, strand2=Plus) // overlaps ACKR4 by 100% // TANDEM = (133804075 + 1) - 133801671 = 2405 builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801671, start2=133804075, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) // overlaps ACKR4 by 100% builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801672, start2=133804074, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) // overlaps ACKR4 by 100% val bam = builder.toTempFile() val out = PathUtil.pathTo(PathUtil.removeExtension(bam).toString + EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.RnaSeqInsertSizeMetricExtension) new EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize(input=bam, refFlat=RefFlatFile).execute() val metrics =[InsertSizeMetric](path=out) metrics.length shouldBe PairOrientation.values().length val expectedMetrics = Seq( InsertSizeMetric( pair_orientation = PairOrientation.FR, read_pairs = 2, standard_deviation = 1.414214, mean = 2503, min = 1, max = 1, median = 2503, median_absolute_deviation = 1 ), InsertSizeMetric( pair_orientation = PairOrientation.RF, read_pairs = 2, standard_deviation = 1.414214, mean = 2305, min = 1, max = 1, median = 2305, median_absolute_deviation = 1 ), InsertSizeMetric( pair_orientation = PairOrientation.TANDEM, read_pairs = 2, standard_deviation = 1.414214, mean = 2404, min = 1, max = 1, median = 2404, median_absolute_deviation = 1 ) ) { case (actual, expected) => actual shouldBe expected } val histogramPath = PathUtil.pathTo(PathUtil.removeExtension(bam).toString + EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.RnaSeqInsertSizeMetricHistogramExtension) Io.readLines(path=histogramPath).mkString("\\n") shouldBe """ |insert_size fr rf tandem |2304 0 1 0 |2306 0 1 0 |2403 0 0 1 |2405 0 0 1 |2502 1 0 0 |2504 1 0 0 """.stripMargin.trim } /** Developer Note (Nils Homer Jan 19 2017) * * The tests below are kept here for now for added test coverage, but can be removed at a later date if they become * difficult to maintain. */ it should "run end-to-end and ignore reads that overlap multiple genes" in { val builder = new SamBuilder() builder.addPair(contig=3, start1=133801671, start2=133801671) // overlaps ACKR4-4-1 and ACKR4-4-2 val bam = builder.toTempFile() val out = PathUtil.pathTo(PathUtil.removeExtension(bam).toString + EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.RnaSeqInsertSizeMetricExtension) new EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize(input=bam, refFlat=RefFlatFile, minimumOverlap=0.0).execute() val metrics =[InsertSizeMetric](path=out) metrics.length shouldBe PairOrientation.values().length { case (actual, expected) => actual shouldBe expected } } it should "run end-to-end and ignore a reads that are not fully enclosed in a gene" in { val builder = new SamBuilder() builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=1, start2=133801671) // before ACKR4-3 builder.addPair(contig=2, start1=133801671, start2=133814175) // after ACKR4-3 val bam = builder.toTempFile() val out = PathUtil.pathTo(PathUtil.removeExtension(bam).toString + EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.RnaSeqInsertSizeMetricExtension) new EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize(input=bam, refFlat=RefFlatFile, minimumOverlap=0.0).execute() val metrics =[InsertSizeMetric](path=out) metrics.length shouldBe PairOrientation.values().length { case (actual, expected) => actual shouldBe expected } } it should "run end-to-end and ignore reads when the insert size is different across transcripts" in { val builder = new SamBuilder() builder.addPair(contig=4, start1=133801671, start2=133804077) // overlaps ACKR4-5 (multiple transcripts) val bam = builder.toTempFile() val out = PathUtil.pathTo(PathUtil.removeExtension(bam).toString + EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.RnaSeqInsertSizeMetricExtension) new EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize(input=bam, refFlat=RefFlatFile, minimumOverlap=0.0).execute() val metrics =[InsertSizeMetric](path=out) metrics.length shouldBe PairOrientation.values().length { case (actual, expected) => actual shouldBe expected } } it should "run end-to-end and ignore reads when there are too few mapped bases overlapping exonic sequence" in { val builder = new SamBuilder() builder.addPair(contig=5, start1=133801671, start2=133804077, strand1=Plus, strand2=Plus) // overlaps ACKR4-6 by 2 bases! val bam = builder.toTempFile() val out = PathUtil.pathTo(PathUtil.removeExtension(bam).toString + EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize.RnaSeqInsertSizeMetricExtension) // OK { new EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize(input=bam, refFlat=RefFlatFile, minimumOverlap=2/200.0).execute() val metrics =[InsertSizeMetric](path=out) metrics.length shouldBe PairOrientation.values().length { case (actual, expected) => if (actual.pair_orientation == PairOrientation.TANDEM) { actual shouldBe InsertSizeMetric( pair_orientation = PairOrientation.TANDEM, read_pairs = 1, mean = 1, min = 1, max = 1, median = 1 ) } else { actual shouldBe expected } } } // Too few bases overlapping exonic sequence { new EstimateRnaSeqInsertSize(input=bam, refFlat=RefFlatFile, minimumOverlap=3/200.0).execute() val metrics =[InsertSizeMetric](path=out) metrics.length shouldBe PairOrientation.values().length { case (actual, expected) => actual shouldBe expected } } } }
package import import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 import play.api.Logger import play.api.http.ContentTypes.HTML import play.api.http.HeaderNames.REFERER import play.api.http.HttpVerbs.{GET, POST} import play.api.libs.Crypto import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext import play.api.libs.iteratee.{Done, Enumerator, Iteratee, Traversable} import play.api.mvc.BodyParsers.parse.tolerantFormUrlEncoded import play.api.mvc.{EssentialAction, EssentialFilter, Headers, RequestHeader, Result, Results} import import{booleanProp, getOptionalProperty, getProperty, stringProp} import import import{AesEncryption, ClientSideSessionFactory, TrackingId} import import scala.util.Try class CsrfPreventionFilter @Inject() (implicit clientSideSessionFactory: ClientSideSessionFactory) extends EssentialFilter { def apply(next: EssentialAction): EssentialAction = new CsrfPreventionAction(next) } /** * This class is based upon the Play's v2.2 CSRF protection. It has been stripped of code not relevant to this project, and * project specific exception handling and aesEncryption has been added. The unmarshalling and onward streaming in the * checkBody method is as Play intended it apart from the token comparison. * * * */ class CsrfPreventionAction(next: EssentialAction) (implicit clientSideSessionFactory: ClientSideSessionFactory) extends EssentialAction with DVLALogger { import{TokenName, aesEncryption, buildTokenWithReferer, buildTokenWithUri, preventionEnabled, split} def apply(requestHeader: RequestHeader) = { // check if csrf prevention is switched on if (preventionEnabled) { if (requestHeader.method == POST) { // TODO remove debris around reading the whitelist from config. if (requestHeader.contentType.exists(_ == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )) checkBody(requestHeader, next) else error("POST contentType was not urlencoded")(requestHeader) } else if (requestHeader.method == GET && requestHeader.accepts(HTML)) { next(requestWithNewToken(requestHeader)) } else next(requestHeader) } else next(requestHeader) } private def requestWithNewToken(requestHeader: RequestHeader) = { // No token in header and we have to create one if not found, so create a new token val newToken = buildTokenWithUri(requestHeader.cookies.trackingId(), requestHeader.uri) val newEncryptedToken = aesEncryption.encrypt(newToken) val newSignedEncryptedToken = Crypto.signToken(newEncryptedToken) requestHeader.copy(tags = requestHeader.tags + (TokenName -> newSignedEncryptedToken)) } private def checkBody(requestHeader: RequestHeader, next: EssentialAction) = { val firstPartOfBody: Iteratee[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = Traversable.take[Array[Byte]](102400L.asInstanceOf[Int]) &>> Iteratee.consume[Array[Byte]]() firstPartOfBody.flatMap { bytes: Array[Byte] => val parsedBody = Enumerator(bytes) |>>> tolerantFormUrlEncoded(requestHeader) Iteratee.flatten( { parseResult => if (isValidTokenInPostBody(parseResult, requestHeader) || isValidTokenInPostUrl(requestHeader)) Iteratee.flatten(Enumerator(bytes) |>> next(requestHeader)) else error("No valid token found in form body or cookies")(requestHeader) }) } } private def isValidTokenInPostBody(parseResult: Either[Result, Map[String, Seq[String]]], requestHeader: RequestHeader) = parseResult.fold( simpleResult => false, // valid token not found body => (for {// valid token found values <- identity(body).get(TokenName) tokenOpt <- values.headOption token <- Crypto.extractSignedToken(tokenOpt) } yield { val decryptedExtractedSignedToken = aesEncryption.decrypt(token) val splitDecryptedExtractedSignedToken = split(decryptedExtractedSignedToken) val headerToken = buildTokenWithReferer( requestHeader.cookies.trackingId(), requestHeader.headers ) //TODO name the tuple parts accordingly instead of referencing it by number val splitTokenFromHeader = split(headerToken) (splitDecryptedExtractedSignedToken._1 == splitTokenFromHeader._1) && splitTokenFromHeader._2.contains(splitDecryptedExtractedSignedToken._2) }).getOrElse(false) ) private def isValidTokenInPostUrl(requestHeader: RequestHeader): Boolean = { val result = { val tokenEncryptedAndUriEncoded = requestHeader.path.split("/").last // Split the path based on "/" character, if there is a token it will be at the end val tokenEncrypted = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(tokenEncryptedAndUriEncoded)) Crypto.extractSignedToken(tokenEncrypted) .map( signedToken => aesEncryption.decrypt(signedToken)) .map(decryptedExtractedSignedToken => split(decryptedExtractedSignedToken)) } val trackingIdFromCookie = requestHeader.cookies.trackingId() val refererFromCookie = requestHeader.cookies.getString(REFERER) result.exists{ case (trackingIdFromUrl, refererFromUrl) => TrackingId(trackingIdFromUrl) == trackingIdFromCookie && refererFromCookie.exists(_.contains(refererFromUrl)) } } private def error(message: String)(requestHeader: RequestHeader): Iteratee[Array[Byte], Result] = { val remoteAddress = requestHeader.remoteAddress val path = requestHeader.path val msg = s"CsrfPreventionException remote address: $remoteAddress path: $path, message: $message" logMessage(requestHeader.cookies.trackingId(), Error, msg) Done(Results.Forbidden) } } object CsrfPreventionAction { final val TokenName = "csrf_prevention_token" private final val Delimiter = "-" lazy val preventionEnabled = { val enabled = getOptionalProperty[Boolean]("csrf.prevention").getOrElse(CommonConfig.DEFAULT_CSRF_PREVENTION)"[CSRF] is ${if (enabled) "enabled" else "disabled"}") enabled } lazy val postWhitelist = getProperty[String]("").split(",") private val aesEncryption = {"[CSRF] is using AES encryption for the prevention token") new AesEncryption() } case class CsrfPreventionToken(value: String) // TODO : Trap the missing token exception differently? implicit def getToken(implicit request: RequestHeader, clientSideSessionFactory: ClientSideSessionFactory): CsrfPreventionToken = Try { CsrfPreventionToken( Crypto.signToken( aesEncryption.encrypt( buildTokenWithUri(request.cookies.trackingId(), request.uri) ) ) ) }.getOrElse(CsrfPreventionToken("")) private def buildTokenWithReferer(trackingId: TrackingId, requestHeaders: Headers) = { trackingId.value + Delimiter + requestHeaders.get(REFERER).getOrElse("INVALID") } private def buildTokenWithUri(trackingId: TrackingId, uri: String) = { trackingId.value + Delimiter + uri } private def split(token: String): (String, String) = { (token.split(Delimiter)(0), token.drop(token.indexOf(Delimiter) + 1)) } }
/* * Copyright 2016 Oleg Morozenkov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import{OutputStreamWriter, PrintWriter} import android.content.Context import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import ru.reo7sp.f3m.image.understand.perspective.Scenery import ru.reo7sp.f3m.math.geometry.Point import import scala.util.control.NonFatal class AuthDataStorage(val fileName: String = "authdata.json")(implicit ctx: Context) { def load: Option[Scenery] = { implicit val formats = DefaultFormats try { // val points = JsonMethods.parse(Source.fromInputStream(ctx.openFileInput(fileName)).mkString)[Point]) val points = Source.fromInputStream(ctx.openFileInput(fileName)).getLines().map { line => val parts = line.split(' ').map(_.toDouble) Point(parts: _*) } Option(Scenery(points)) } catch { case NonFatal(_) => None } } def save(scenery: Scenery): Unit = { implicit val formats = DefaultFormats val writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(ctx.openFileOutput(fileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE))) try { // val json = { point => // ("x" -> point.x) ~ ("y" -> point.y) ~ ("z" -> point.z) // } // writer.write(JsonMethods.compact(JsonMethods.render(json))) scenery.points.foreach { point => writer.println(s"${point.x} ${point.y} ${point.z}") } writer.flush() } finally { writer.close() } } }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.typeInference import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.DependencyManagerBase._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.{LatestScalaVersions, ScalaVersion} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.base.ScalaLightCodeInsightFixtureTestAdapter import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.base.libraryLoaders.{IvyManagedLoader, LibraryLoader} class ScalaTagsImplicitConversionTest extends ScalaLightCodeInsightFixtureTestAdapter { override protected def supportedIn(version: ScalaVersion): Boolean = version == LatestScalaVersions.Scala_2_12 override def librariesLoaders: Seq[LibraryLoader] = super.librariesLoaders :+ IvyManagedLoader("com.lihaoyi" %% "scalatags" % "0.8.6") def testSCL17374(): Unit = checkTextHasNoErrors( """ |import scalatags.Text.all._ | |val test = div( | div(), | Some(div()) | ) |""".stripMargin ) }
package chat.tox.antox.activities import java.util.regex.Pattern import import import import android.os.{Build, Bundle} import import android.text.Html import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import android.text.util.Linkify import android.view.{MenuItem, WindowManager} import android.widget.TextView import chat.tox.antox.R class ToxMeInfoActivity extends AppCompatActivity { protected override def onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_toxme_info) getSupportActionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled(true) getSupportActionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) getWindow.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DRAWS_SYSTEM_BAR_BACKGROUNDS) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { getWindow.setStatusBarColor(Color.parseColor("#202020")) } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB && getSupportActionBar != null) { val info = new ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo() getSupportActionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.parseColor("#24221f"))) } val toxMeWebsite = findViewById([TextView] toxMeWebsite.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance) toxMeWebsite.setText(Html.fromHtml(getResources.getString(R.string.toxme_website))) val sourceURLTextView = findViewById([TextView] val pattern = Pattern.compile("") Linkify.addLinks(sourceURLTextView, pattern, "") } override def onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean = { item.getItemId match { case => finish() true case _ => super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } } }
package org.workcraft.pluginmanager import java.util.UUID import import import import import import import import import java.nio.charset.Charset import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer sealed trait ManifestReadError object ManifestReadError { case class Empty() extends ManifestReadError case class VersionMismatch() extends ManifestReadError case class Exception(e: Throwable) extends ManifestReadError } object PluginManifest { def write(version: UUID, path: String, plugins: Traversable[String]) : Option[Throwable] = { try { val writer = new PrintWriter(path, "UTF-8") writer.println(version.toString()) plugins.foreach(writer.println(_)) writer.close() None } catch { case e => Some (e) } } def read(version: UUID, path: String): Either[ManifestReadError, List[String]] = { def readWith(reader: BufferedReader): Either[ManifestReadError, List[String]] = { def readList: List[String] = { val buffer = ListBuffer[String]() while (true) { val s = reader.readLine() if (s == null) return buffer.toList buffer += s } buffer.toList } try { val manifestString = reader.readLine() if (manifestString == null) Left(ManifestReadError.Empty()) else if (!UUID.fromString(manifestString).equals(version)) Left(ManifestReadError.VersionMismatch()) else Right(readList) } catch { case e => Left(ManifestReadError.Exception(e)) } } try { val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(path)), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) val result = readWith(reader) reader.close() result } catch { case e => Left(ManifestReadError.Exception(e)) } } }
/* Copyright 2015 Jo Pol This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see dibl */ package dibl.fte import java.lang.Math.{log, max, min} import scala.scalajs.js.{Array, Dictionary} import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExport, JSExportTopLevel} @JSExportTopLevel("SvgPricking") object SvgPricking { // TODO make implicit like scale private val offsetX = 300 private val offsetY = 250 @JSExport def create(deltas: Map[TopoLink, Delta]): String = { println(s"SvgPricking.create deltas=${deltas.mkString("; ")}") val startId = deltas.keys.head.sourceId val nodes = Locations.create(Map(startId -> (0, 0)), deltas) val tileVectors = TileVector(startId, deltas).toSeq val minLength = {case Delta(dx,dy) => Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy) }.min implicit val scale: Double = 30 / minLength val tile = { case (tl @ TopoLink(_, s, _, t, weight), Delta(dx, dy)) => val (x1, y1) = nodes(s) val w = min(5,max(2, 2 + log(3*weight))) val l = line(x1, y1, x1 - dx, y1 - dy, s"""id="$s-$t" style="stroke:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:$w" """) .replace("/>", s"><title>$tl</title></line>") s"""<a href="#" onclick="clickedLink(this)">$l</a>""" } val dots ={ case (id,(x,y)) => val c = s"""<circle id="$id" cx="${ scale * x + offsetX}" cy="${ scale * y + offsetY}" r="8" style="fill:rgb(225,0,0);opacity:0.65"><title>$id</title></circle>""" s"""<a href="#" onclick="clickedDot(this)">$c</a>""" } val clones = if (tileVectors.isEmpty) Seq("") else { val vectorLines = { case (dx, dy) => line(0, 0, dx, dy, """style="stroke:rgb(0,255,0);stroke-width:3" """) } val (dx1, dy1) = tileVectors.head val (dx2, dy2) = tileVectors.tail.headOption.getOrElse((-dy1 * 4, dx1 * 4)) val clones = for { i <- -3 to 6 j <- -3 to 6 } yield { if (i == 0 && j == 0) "" else s"""<use transform="translate(${ i * dx1 * scale + j * dx2 * scale },${ i * dy1 * scale + j * dy2 * scale })" xlink:href="#tile" style="opacity:0.65"/>""" } vectorLines ++ clones } s"""<svg | xmlns="" | xmlns:xlink="" | id="svg2" version="1.1" | width="${ 5 * scale }" height="${ 5 * scale }" |> |<g id="tile"> |${ tile.mkString("\\n") } |${ dots.mkString("\\n") } |</g> |${ clones.mkString("\\n") } |</svg> |""".stripMargin } private def line(x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double, attrs: String)(implicit scale: Double): String = { s"""<line x1="${ scale * x1 + offsetX }" y1="${ scale * y1 + offsetY }" x2="${ scale * x2 + offsetX }" y2="${ scale * y2 + offsetY }" $attrs/>""" } }
package org.scala_libs.scuartz import java.util.Date import org.quartz.{Job,JobDetail,JobExecutionContext,SimpleTrigger} import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory import org.specs._ import org.specs.specification._ import Scuartz._ class ScuartzSpecs extends Specification with DetailedFailures { class TestJob extends Job { def execute(ctxt : JobExecutionContext) { println("test") } } "Scuartz" should { val sched = StdSchedulerFactory.getDefaultScheduler val testJob = new JobDetail("test", classOf[TestJob]) sched.addJob(testJob, true) "implicitly convert to RichScheduler as needed" in { val trigger = new SimpleTrigger("test", "test", new Date) trigger.setJobName("test") val ret = sched.schedule(trigger) ret must haveClass[RichScheduler] } "schedule a simple timed job" in { (sched.schedule { "test" at (new Date) }).isExpectation } "schedule a complex timed job" in { val now = System.currentTimeMillis (sched.schedule { "test" named "test2" at (now + 5000l) every 1000l until (new Date(now + 10000l)) }).isExpectation } "schedule a job from a function" in { (sched.schedule {(() ⇒ { println("Tick!") }) as "ticker" every 1000l }).isExpectation } "schedule a closure properly" in { sched.start() // Let's actually do something in this spec var counter = 0 val incrementer = () => { counter += 1 println("Counter = " + counter) } sched.schedule { incrementer as "incrementer" after 1000l every 100l repeat 5 } Thread.sleep(3000l) sched.shutdown() counter must_== 5 } } }
package model /** * User: mtrupkin * Date: 1/3/14 */ class Weapon(val name: String) { var target: Entity = Entity.None }
trait Is[A] case object IsInt extends Is[Int] case object IsString extends Is[String] case class C[A](is: Is[A], value: A) @main def Test = { val c_string: C[String] = C(IsString, "name") val c_any: C[_] = c_string val any: Any = c_string // Case 1: error, tested in tests/neg/i5077.scala // c_string match { // case C(IsInt, _) => println(s"An Int") // Can't possibly happen! // case C(IsString, s) => println(s"A String with length ${s.length}") // case _ => println("No match") // } // Case 2: Should match the second case and print the length of the string c_any match { case C(IsInt, i) if i < 10 => println(s"An Int less than 10") case C(IsString, s) => println(s"A String with length ${s.length}") case _ => println("No match") } // Case 3: Same as above; should match the second case and print the length of the string any match { case C(IsInt, i) if i < 10 => println(s"An Int less than 10") case C(IsString, s) => println(s"A String with length ${s.length}") case _ => println("No match") } }
import{OutputStreamWriter, PrintWriter, StreamTokenizer, BufferedReader, InputStreamReader} object Solution { def main(args: Array[String]) { val reader: BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( val tokenizer: StreamTokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(reader) val out: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)) tokenizer.nextToken() val n = tokenizer.nval.toInt tokenizer.nextToken() val k = tokenizer.nval.toInt val a = new Array[Int](n * n) val b = new Array[Boolean](n) var i = 0 var j = 0 while (i < k) { tokenizer.nextToken() b(tokenizer.nval.toInt - 1) = true i += 1 } i = 0 while (i < n) { j = 0 while (j < n) { tokenizer.nextToken() a(i * n + j) = tokenizer.nval.toInt j += 1 } i += 1 } var result = 0 var q = 0 val size = n - k var v = 0 while (q < size) { var mi = -1 var mv = Int.MaxValue i = 0 while (i < n) { if (b(i)) { j = 0 while (j < n) { if (!b(j)) { v = a(i * n + j) if (mv > v) { mi = j mv = v } } j += 1 } } i += 1 } result += mv b(mi) = true q += 1 } out.println(result) out.flush() } }
package pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.api.helpers import io.circe.{Encoder, Json} import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.deployment.ProcessActionType.{Deploy, ProcessActionType} import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process.{ProcessId, VersionId} import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.{FragmentSpecificData, RequestResponseMetaData, StreamMetaData} import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.canonicalgraph.CanonicalProcess import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.graph.EspProcess import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.graph.node.SubprocessInputDefinition.{SubprocessClazzRef, SubprocessParameter} import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.graph.node.{NodeData, SubprocessInputDefinition} import pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.marshall.ProcessMarshaller import pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.displayedgraph.{DisplayableProcess, ProcessProperties, ValidatedDisplayableProcess} import pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.process.ProcessingType import pl.touk.nussknacker.restmodel.processdetails._ import pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.api.helpers.TestProcessingTypes.{Fraud, RequestResponse, Streaming} import pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.process.ProcessCategoryService.Category import pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.process.marshall.ProcessConverter import java.time.LocalDateTime import scala.util.Random object TestProcessUtil { type ProcessWithJson = BaseProcessDetails[DisplayableProcess] private val randomGenerator = new Random() def toDisplayable(espProcess: EspProcess, processingType: ProcessingType = TestProcessingTypes.Streaming): DisplayableProcess = ProcessConverter.toDisplayable(espProcess.toCanonicalProcess, processingType) def toJson(espProcess: EspProcess, processingType: ProcessingType = TestProcessingTypes.Streaming): Json = Encoder[DisplayableProcess].apply(toDisplayable(espProcess, processingType)) def createBasicProcess(name: String, category: Category, isArchived: Boolean = false, processingType: String = Streaming, lastAction: Option[ProcessActionType] = None, json: Option[DisplayableProcess] = None): BaseProcessDetails[DisplayableProcess] = toDetails(name, category, isSubprocess = false, isArchived, processingType, json = json, lastAction = lastAction) def createSubProcess(name: String, category: Category, isArchived: Boolean = false, processingType: String = Streaming, json: Option[DisplayableProcess] = None, lastAction: Option[ProcessActionType] = None): BaseProcessDetails[DisplayableProcess] = toDetails(name, category, isSubprocess = true, isArchived, processingType, lastAction = lastAction, json = Some(json.getOrElse(createDisplayableSubprocess(name, processingType)))) def displayableToProcess(displayable: DisplayableProcess, category: Category = TestCategories.Category1, isArchived: Boolean = false) : ProcessDetails = toDetails(, category, isArchived = isArchived, processingType = displayable.processingType, json = Some(displayable)) def validatedToProcess(displayable: ValidatedDisplayableProcess) : ValidatedProcessDetails = toDetails(, processingType = displayable.processingType).copy(json = displayable) def toDetails(name: String, category: Category = TestCategories.Category1, isSubprocess: Boolean = false, isArchived: Boolean = false, processingType: ProcessingType = Streaming, json: Option[DisplayableProcess] = None, lastAction: Option[ProcessActionType] = None, description: Option[String] = None, history: Option[List[ProcessVersion]] = None) : ProcessDetails = { val jsonData = = name, processingType = processingType)).getOrElse(createEmptyJson(name, processingType)) BaseProcessDetails[DisplayableProcess]( id = name, name = name, processId = ProcessId(generateId()), processVersionId = VersionId.initialVersionId, isLatestVersion = true, description = description, isArchived = isArchived, isSubprocess = isSubprocess, processingType = processingType, processCategory = category, modificationDate =, modifiedAt =, modifiedBy = "user1", createdAt =, createdBy = "user1", tags = List(), lastAction =, lastDeployedAction = lastAction.collect { case Deploy => createProcessAction(Deploy) }, json = jsonData, history = history.getOrElse(Nil), modelVersion = None ) } private def createEmptyJson(id: String, processingType: ProcessingType = Streaming) = { val typeSpecificProperties = processingType match { case RequestResponse => RequestResponseMetaData(None) case Streaming | Fraud => StreamMetaData() case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown processing type: $processingType.") } DisplayableProcess(id, ProcessProperties(typeSpecificProperties), Nil, Nil, processingType) } def createDisplayableSubprocess(name: String, processingType: ProcessingType): DisplayableProcess = createDisplayableSubprocess(name, List(SubprocessInputDefinition("input", List(SubprocessParameter("in", SubprocessClazzRef[String])))), processingType) def createDisplayableSubprocess(name: String, nodes: List[NodeData], processingType: ProcessingType): DisplayableProcess = DisplayableProcess(name, ProcessProperties(FragmentSpecificData()), nodes, Nil, processingType) def createProcessAction(action: ProcessActionType): ProcessAction = ProcessAction( processVersionId = VersionId(generateId()), performedAt =, user = "user", action = action, commentId = None, comment = None, buildInfo = Map.empty ) def createEmptyStreamingGraph(id: String): CanonicalProcess = ProcessMarshaller.fromJsonUnsafe( s""" |{ | "metaData" : { | "id" : "$id", | "typeSpecificData" : { | "type" : "StreamMetaData" | } | }, | "nodes" : [] |} |""".stripMargin ) private def generateId() = Math.abs(randomGenerator.nextLong()) }
package recfun import common._ object Main { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Pascal's Triangle") for (row <- 0 to 10) { for (col <- 0 to row) print(pascal(col, row) + " ") println() } } /** * Exercise 1 */ def pascal(c: Int, r: Int): Int = if (c == 0 || r == 0 || c == r) 1 else pascal(c - 1, r - 1) + pascal(c, r - 1) /** * Exercise 2 */ def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = { def iter(chars: List[Char], parens: List[Char]): Boolean = if (chars.isEmpty) parens.isEmpty else if (chars.head != '(' && chars.head != ')') iter(chars.tail, parens) else if (parens.isEmpty) chars.head != ')' && iter(chars.tail, chars.head :: parens) else if (chars.head == parens.head) iter(chars.tail, chars.head :: parens) else iter(chars.tail, parens.tail) iter(chars, Nil) } /** * Exercise 3 */ def countChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = if (money == 0) 1 else if (coins.isEmpty) 0 else if (money < coins.head) countChange(money, coins.tail) else countChange(money - coins.head, coins) + countChange(money, coins.tail) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.streaming import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, Matchers} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._ import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.broadcast.BroadcastManager import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.internal.config._ import org.apache.spark.memory.StaticMemoryManager import import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEnv import org.apache.spark.scheduler.LiveListenerBus import import org.apache.spark.serializer.{KryoSerializer, SerializerManager} import org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.SortShuffleManager import import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver._ import org.apache.spark.streaming.util._ import org.apache.spark.util.{ManualClock, Utils} import abstract class BaseReceivedBlockHandlerSuite(enableEncryption: Boolean) extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with Matchers with Logging { import WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler._ import WriteAheadLogSuite._ val conf = new SparkConf() .set("spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.rollingIntervalSecs", "1") .set("", "streaming-test") .set(IO_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED, enableEncryption) val encryptionKey = if (enableEncryption) { Some(CryptoStreamUtils.createKey(conf)) } else { None } val hadoopConf = new Configuration() val streamId = 1 val securityMgr = new SecurityManager(conf, encryptionKey) val broadcastManager = new BroadcastManager(true, conf, securityMgr) val mapOutputTracker = new MapOutputTrackerMaster(conf, broadcastManager, true) val shuffleManager = new SortShuffleManager(conf) val serializer = new KryoSerializer(conf) var serializerManager = new SerializerManager(serializer, conf, encryptionKey) val manualClock = new ManualClock val blockManagerSize = 10000000 val blockManagerBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[BlockManager]() var rpcEnv: RpcEnv = null var blockManagerMaster: BlockManagerMaster = null var blockManager: BlockManager = null var storageLevel: StorageLevel = null var tempDirectory: File = null before { rpcEnv = RpcEnv.create("test", "localhost", 0, conf, securityMgr) conf.set("spark.driver.port", rpcEnv.address.port.toString) blockManagerMaster = new BlockManagerMaster(rpcEnv.setupEndpoint("blockmanager", new BlockManagerMasterEndpoint(rpcEnv, true, conf, new LiveListenerBus(conf))), conf, true) storageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER blockManager = createBlockManager(blockManagerSize, conf) tempDirectory = Utils.createTempDir() manualClock.setTime(0) } after { for ( blockManager <- blockManagerBuffer ) { if (blockManager != null) { blockManager.stop() } } blockManager = null blockManagerBuffer.clear() if (blockManagerMaster != null) { blockManagerMaster.stop() blockManagerMaster = null } rpcEnv.shutdown() rpcEnv.awaitTermination() rpcEnv = null Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDirectory) } test("BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler - store blocks") { withBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler { handler => testBlockStoring(handler) { case (data, blockIds, storeResults) => // Verify the data in block manager is correct val storedData = blockIds.flatMap { blockId => blockManager .getLocalValues(blockId) .map( .getOrElse(List.empty) }.toList storedData shouldEqual data // Verify that the store results are instances of BlockManagerBasedStoreResult assert( storeResults.forall { _.isInstanceOf[BlockManagerBasedStoreResult] }, "Unexpected store result type" ) } } } test("BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler - handle errors in storing block") { withBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler { handler => testErrorHandling(handler) } } test("WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler - store blocks") { withWriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler { handler => testBlockStoring(handler) { case (data, blockIds, storeResults) => // Verify the data in block manager is correct val storedData = blockIds.flatMap { blockId => blockManager .getLocalValues(blockId) .map( .getOrElse(List.empty) }.toList storedData shouldEqual data // Verify that the store results are instances of WriteAheadLogBasedStoreResult assert( storeResults.forall { _.isInstanceOf[WriteAheadLogBasedStoreResult] }, "Unexpected store result type" ) // Verify the data in write ahead log files is correct val walSegments = { result => result.asInstanceOf[WriteAheadLogBasedStoreResult].walRecordHandle } val loggedData = walSegments.flatMap { walSegment => val fileSegment = walSegment.asInstanceOf[FileBasedWriteAheadLogSegment] val reader = new FileBasedWriteAheadLogRandomReader(fileSegment.path, hadoopConf) val bytes = reader.close() serializerManager.dataDeserializeStream( generateBlockId(), new ChunkedByteBuffer(bytes).toInputStream())(ClassTag.Any).toList } loggedData shouldEqual data } } } test("WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler - handle errors in storing block") { withWriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler { handler => testErrorHandling(handler) } } test("WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler - clean old blocks") { withWriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler { handler => val blocks = Seq.tabulate(10) { i => IteratorBlock(Iterator(1 to i)) } storeBlocks(handler, blocks) val preCleanupLogFiles = getWriteAheadLogFiles() require(preCleanupLogFiles.size > 1) // this depends on the number of blocks inserted using generateAndStoreData() manualClock.getTimeMillis() shouldEqual 5000L val cleanupThreshTime = 3000L handler.cleanupOldBlocks(cleanupThreshTime) eventually(timeout(10000 millis), interval(10 millis)) { getWriteAheadLogFiles().size should be < preCleanupLogFiles.size } } } test("Test Block - count messages") { // Test count with BlockManagedBasedBlockHandler testCountWithBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(true) // Test count with WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler testCountWithBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(false) } test("Test Block - isFullyConsumed") { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().set("", "streaming-test") sparkConf.set("", "512") // set to 0.4 for BlockManager sparkConf.set("", "0.4") sparkConf.set(IO_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED, enableEncryption) // Block Manager with 12000 * 0.4 = 4800 bytes of free space for unroll blockManager = createBlockManager(12000, sparkConf) // there is not enough space to store this block in MEMORY, // But BlockManager will be able to serialize this block to WAL // and hence count returns correct value. testRecordcount(false, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, IteratorBlock((List.fill(70)(new Array[Byte](100))).iterator), blockManager, Some(70)) // there is not enough space to store this block in MEMORY, // But BlockManager will be able to serialize this block to DISK // and hence count returns correct value. testRecordcount(true, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, IteratorBlock((List.fill(70)(new Array[Byte](100))).iterator), blockManager, Some(70)) // there is not enough space to store this block With MEMORY_ONLY StorageLevel. // BlockManager will not be able to unroll this block // and hence it will not tryToPut this block, resulting the SparkException storageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY withBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler { handler => val thrown = intercept[SparkException] { storeSingleBlock(handler, IteratorBlock((List.fill(70)(new Array[Byte](100))).iterator)) } } } private def testCountWithBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler: Boolean) { // ByteBufferBlock-MEMORY_ONLY testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, ByteBufferBlock(ByteBuffer.wrap(Array.tabulate(100)(i => i.toByte))), blockManager, None) // ByteBufferBlock-MEMORY_ONLY_SER testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER, ByteBufferBlock(ByteBuffer.wrap(Array.tabulate(100)(i => i.toByte))), blockManager, None) // ArrayBufferBlock-MEMORY_ONLY testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, ArrayBufferBlock(ArrayBuffer.fill(25)(0)), blockManager, Some(25)) // ArrayBufferBlock-MEMORY_ONLY_SER testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER, ArrayBufferBlock(ArrayBuffer.fill(25)(0)), blockManager, Some(25)) // ArrayBufferBlock-DISK_ONLY testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY, ArrayBufferBlock(ArrayBuffer.fill(50)(0)), blockManager, Some(50)) // ArrayBufferBlock-MEMORY_AND_DISK testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, ArrayBufferBlock(ArrayBuffer.fill(75)(0)), blockManager, Some(75)) // IteratorBlock-MEMORY_ONLY testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, IteratorBlock((ArrayBuffer.fill(100)(0)).iterator), blockManager, Some(100)) // IteratorBlock-MEMORY_ONLY_SER testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER, IteratorBlock((ArrayBuffer.fill(100)(0)).iterator), blockManager, Some(100)) // IteratorBlock-DISK_ONLY testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.DISK_ONLY, IteratorBlock((ArrayBuffer.fill(125)(0)).iterator), blockManager, Some(125)) // IteratorBlock-MEMORY_AND_DISK testRecordcount(isBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, IteratorBlock((ArrayBuffer.fill(150)(0)).iterator), blockManager, Some(150)) } private def createBlockManager( maxMem: Long, conf: SparkConf, name: String = SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER): BlockManager = { val memManager = new StaticMemoryManager(conf, Long.MaxValue, maxMem, numCores = 1) val transfer = new NettyBlockTransferService(conf, securityMgr, "localhost", "localhost", 0, 1) val blockManager = new BlockManager(name, rpcEnv, blockManagerMaster, serializerManager, conf, memManager, mapOutputTracker, shuffleManager, transfer, securityMgr, 0) memManager.setMemoryStore(blockManager.memoryStore) blockManager.initialize("app-id") blockManagerBuffer += blockManager blockManager } /** * Test storing of data using different types of Handler, StorageLevel and ReceivedBlocks * and verify the correct record count */ private def testRecordcount(isBlockManagedBasedBlockHandler: Boolean, sLevel: StorageLevel, receivedBlock: ReceivedBlock, bManager: BlockManager, expectedNumRecords: Option[Long] ) { blockManager = bManager storageLevel = sLevel var bId: StreamBlockId = null try { if (isBlockManagedBasedBlockHandler) { // test received block with BlockManager based handler withBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler { handler => val (blockId, blockStoreResult) = storeSingleBlock(handler, receivedBlock) bId = blockId assert(blockStoreResult.numRecords === expectedNumRecords, "Message count not matches for a " + receivedBlock.getClass.getName + " being inserted using BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler with " + sLevel) } } else { // test received block with WAL based handler withWriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler { handler => val (blockId, blockStoreResult) = storeSingleBlock(handler, receivedBlock) bId = blockId assert(blockStoreResult.numRecords === expectedNumRecords, "Message count not matches for a " + receivedBlock.getClass.getName + " being inserted using WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler with " + sLevel) } } } finally { // Removing the Block Id to use same blockManager for next test blockManager.removeBlock(bId, true) } } /** * Test storing of data using different forms of ReceivedBlocks and verify that they succeeded * using the given verification function */ private def testBlockStoring(receivedBlockHandler: ReceivedBlockHandler) (verifyFunc: (Seq[String], Seq[StreamBlockId], Seq[ReceivedBlockStoreResult]) => Unit) { val data = Seq.tabulate(100) { _.toString } def storeAndVerify(blocks: Seq[ReceivedBlock]) { blocks should not be empty val (blockIds, storeResults) = storeBlocks(receivedBlockHandler, blocks) withClue(s"Testing with ${blocks.head.getClass.getSimpleName}s:") { // Verify returns store results have correct block ids ( { _.blockId }) shouldEqual blockIds // Call handler-specific verification function verifyFunc(data, blockIds, storeResults) } } def dataToByteBuffer(b: Seq[String]) = serializerManager.dataSerialize(generateBlockId, b.iterator) val blocks = data.grouped(10).toSeq storeAndVerify( { b => IteratorBlock(b.toIterator) }) storeAndVerify( { b => ArrayBufferBlock(new ArrayBuffer ++= b) }) storeAndVerify( { b => ByteBufferBlock(dataToByteBuffer(b).toByteBuffer) }) } /** Test error handling when blocks that cannot be stored */ private def testErrorHandling(receivedBlockHandler: ReceivedBlockHandler) { // Handle error in iterator (e.g. divide-by-zero error) intercept[Exception] { val iterator = (10 to (-10, -1)) { _ / 0 } receivedBlockHandler.storeBlock(StreamBlockId(1, 1), IteratorBlock(iterator)) } // Handler error in block manager storing (e.g. too big block) intercept[SparkException] { val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](blockManagerSize + 1)) receivedBlockHandler.storeBlock(StreamBlockId(1, 1), ByteBufferBlock(byteBuffer)) } } /** Instantiate a BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler and run a code with it */ private def withBlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(body: BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler => Unit) { body(new BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(blockManager, storageLevel)) } /** Instantiate a WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler and run a code with it */ private def withWriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler(body: WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler => Unit) { require(WriteAheadLogUtils.getRollingIntervalSecs(conf, isDriver = false) === 1) val receivedBlockHandler = new WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler(blockManager, serializerManager, 1, storageLevel, conf, hadoopConf, tempDirectory.toString, manualClock) try { body(receivedBlockHandler) } finally { receivedBlockHandler.stop() } } /** Store blocks using a handler */ private def storeBlocks( receivedBlockHandler: ReceivedBlockHandler, blocks: Seq[ReceivedBlock] ): (Seq[StreamBlockId], Seq[ReceivedBlockStoreResult]) = { val blockIds = Seq.fill(blocks.size)(generateBlockId()) val storeResults = { case (block, id) => manualClock.advance(500) // log rolling interval set to 1000 ms through SparkConf logDebug("Inserting block " + id) receivedBlockHandler.storeBlock(id, block) }.toList logDebug("Done inserting") (blockIds, storeResults) } /** Store single block using a handler */ private def storeSingleBlock( handler: ReceivedBlockHandler, block: ReceivedBlock ): (StreamBlockId, ReceivedBlockStoreResult) = { val blockId = generateBlockId val blockStoreResult = handler.storeBlock(blockId, block) logDebug("Done inserting") (blockId, blockStoreResult) } private def getWriteAheadLogFiles(): Seq[String] = { getLogFilesInDirectory(checkpointDirToLogDir(tempDirectory.toString, streamId)) } private def generateBlockId(): StreamBlockId = StreamBlockId(streamId, scala.util.Random.nextLong) } class ReceivedBlockHandlerSuite extends BaseReceivedBlockHandlerSuite(false) class ReceivedBlockHandlerWithEncryptionSuite extends BaseReceivedBlockHandlerSuite(true)
/* * Util.scala * Utility functions for atomic continuous elements. * * Created By: Avi Pfeffer ([email protected]) * Creation Date: Feb 25, 2011 * * Copyright 2013 Avrom J. Pfeffer and Charles River Analytics, Inc. * See or email [email protected] for information. * * See for a copy of the software license. */ package com.cra.figaro.library.atomic.continuous import com.cra.figaro.util.random import annotation.tailrec import scala.math._ object Util { /** * Generate an exponentially distributed random variable. */ def generateExponential(lambda: Double): Double = -log(random.nextDouble()) / lambda /** * Generate a Gamma distributed random variable. * Best's rejection algorithm XGB from Luc Devroye, Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation, p. 410. */ def generateGamma(k: Double) = { val b = k - 1 val c = 3 * k - 0.75 @tailrec def generateGreaterThanOne(): Double = { val u = random.nextDouble() val v = random.nextDouble() val w = u * (1 - u) val y = sqrt(c / w) * (u - 0.5) val x = b + y val accept = if (x >= 0) { val z = 64 * w * w * w * v * v (z <= 1 - 2 * y * y / x) || (log(z) <= 2 * (b * log(x / b) - y)) } else false if (accept) x; else generateGreaterThanOne() } // See Wikipedia, Gamma distribution @tailrec def generateLessThanOne(): Double = { val v0 = random.nextDouble() val v1 = random.nextDouble() val v2 = random.nextDouble() val (epsilon, eta) = if (v2 <= E / (E + k)) { val epsilon = pow(v1, 1 / k) val eta = v0 * pow(epsilon, k - 1) (epsilon, eta) } else { val epsilon = 1 - log(v1) val eta = v0 * exp(-epsilon) (epsilon, eta) } if (eta <= pow(epsilon, k - 1) * exp(-epsilon)) epsilon else generateLessThanOne() } if (k > 1.0) generateGreaterThanOne() else if (k < 1.0) generateLessThanOne() else generateExponential(1.0) } /** * Generate a Beta distributed random variable. * See Devroye, Non Uniform Random Variate Generation, p. 432 */ def generateBeta(a: Double, b: Double) = { val ga = generateGamma(a) val gb = generateGamma(b) ga / (ga + gb) } }
package com.imageprocessing.core import{ ActorRef, Actor } import import com.imageprocessing._ import scala.Some import import com.sksamuel.scrimage import scala.concurrent.Future import dispatch.Defaults.executor import dispatch._ import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._ import import import com.sksamuel.scrimage.Image import com.sksamuel.scrimage.filter._ import java.awt.Color class ProcessImageActor() extends Actor { def receive = { /** * Download file and extract operations to be performed */ case Request(id, operations) => { downloadFileFromURL(id).map { imageBytes => { val image = Image(imageBytes) val operationList = getOperationMap(operations.split("/").toList, Map()) self ! ProcessImage(image, operationList) } } } /** * * * Do Image processing */ case ProcessImage(image, operations) => { operations.isEmpty match { case true => { context.parent ! image.write } case false => { val (key, value) = operations.head val processedImage = processImage(image, key, value) self ! ProcessImage(processedImage, operations.tail) } } } } /** * * Do Image Processing */ def processImage(image: Image, op: String, values: String) = Image { val params = values match { case _ if values.contains(",") => values.split(",") case _ if values.contains(":") => values.split(":") case _ => values.split(" ") } op.toLowerCase() match { case "blur" => image.filter(BlurFilter) case "border" => image.filter(BorderFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "brightness" => image.filter(BrightnessFilter(params(0).toFloat)) case "bump" => image.filter(BumpFilter) case "chrome" => image.filter(ChromeFilter()) case "color_halftone" => image.filter(ColorHalftoneFilter()) case "contour" => image.filter(ContourFilter()) case "contrast" => image.filter(ContrastFilter(params(0).toFloat)) case "despeckle" => image.filter(DespeckleFilter) case "diffuse" => image.filter(DiffuseFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "dither" => image.filter(DitherFilter) case "edge" => image.filter(EdgeFilter) case "emboss" => image.filter(EmbossFilter) case "errordiffusion" => image.filter(ErrorDiffusionHalftoneFilter()) case "gamma" => image.filter(GammaFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "gaussian" => image.filter(GaussianBlurFilter()) case "glow" => image.filter(GlowFilter()) case "grayscale" => image.filter(GrayscaleFilter) case "hsb" => image.filter(HSBFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "invert" => image.filter(InvertFilter) case "lensblur" => image.filter(LensBlurFilter()) case "lensflare" => image.filter(LensFlareFilter) case "minimum" => image.filter(MinimumFilter) case "maximum" => image.filter(MaximumFilter) case "motionblur" => image.filter(MotionBlurFilter(Math.PI / params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt)) case "noise" => image.filter(NoiseFilter()) case "offset" => image.filter(OffsetFilter(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt)) case "oil" => image.filter(OilFilter()) case "pixelate" => image.filter(PixelateFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "pointillize_square" => image.filter(PointillizeFilter(PointillizeGridType.Square)) case "posterize" => image.filter(PosterizeFilter()) case "prewitt" => image.filter(PrewittFilter) case "quantize" => image.filter(QuantizeFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "rays" => image.filter(RaysFilter(threshold = params(0).toFloat, strength = params(1).toFloat)) case "ripple" => image.filter(RippleFilter(RippleType.Sine)) case "roberts" => image.filter(RobertsFilter) case "rylanders" => image.filter(RylandersFilter) case "sepia" => image.filter(SepiaFilter) case "smear_circles" => image.filter(SmearFilter(SmearType.Circles)) case "snow" => image.filter(SnowFilter) case "sobels" => image.filter(SobelsFilter) case "solarize" => image.filter(SolarizeFilter) case "sparkle" => image.filter(SparkleFilter()) case "summer" => image.filter(SummerFilter()) case "swim" => image.filter(SwimFilter()) case "television" => image.filter(TelevisionFilter) case "threshold" => image.filter(ThresholdFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "tritone" => image.filter(TritoneFilter(new Color(0xFF000044), new Color(0xFF0066FF), Color.WHITE)) case "twirl" => image.filter(TwirlFilter(params(0).toInt)) case "unsharp" => image.filter(UnsharpFilter()) case "vignette" => image.filter(VignetteFilter()) case "vintage" => image.filter(VintageFilter) case "autocrop" => image.autocrop(java.awt.Color.getColor(params(0))) case "trim" => image.trim(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt, params(2).toInt, params(3).toInt) case "fit" =>, params(1).toInt) case "bound" => image.bound(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt) case "cover" => image.cover(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt) case "pad" => params.length match { case 1 => image.pad(params(0).toInt) case _ => image.padTo(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt) } case "rotate" => params(0).toLowerCase() match { case "left" => image.rotateLeft case _ => image.rotateRight } case "flip" => params(0).toLowerCase() match { case "x" => image.flipX case _ => image.flipY } case "crop" => params.length match { case 1 => image.resize(params(0).toInt) case _ => image.resizeTo(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt) } case "resize" => params.length match { case 1 => image.scale(params(0).toInt) case _ => image.scaleTo(params(0).toInt, params(1).toInt) } } } /** * * * Convert REST image operations to MAP */ def getOperationMap(ops: List[String], map: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = ops match { case Nil => map case _ => { val key = ops.head val value = ops.tail.head val rest = ops.tail.tail key match { case "f" => { val filterList = value.split(":") filterList.length match { case 1 => getOperationMap(rest, map + (filterList(0) -> "0")) case _ => getOperationMap(rest, map + (filterList(0) -> filterList(1))) } } case _ => getOperationMap(rest, map + (key -> value)) } } } /** * Download file from URL */ def downloadFileFromURL(id: String): Future[Array[Byte]] = { //val folderName = s"${}0${}${}" val req = url(s"").GET Http(req OK as.Bytes) } override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() { case _ => Escalate } }
package com.bio4j.release.generic import import com.bio4j.model._ import com.bio4j.angulillos._ import scala.compat.java8.OptionConverters._ import // from keywords-all.tsv case class KeywordRow(val id: String, val description: String, val category: String) case class ImportUniProt[V,E](val graph: UniProtGraph[V,E]) { type G = UniProtGraph[V,E] def g: G = graph /* This class represents pairs of entries and the corresponding canonical protein */ case class EntryProtein(val entry: AnyEntry, val protein: G#Protein) /* This method imports the entry canonical protein *and* all isoforms, adding *isoforms* edges between them. All properties of the canonical protein are set, while for isoforms *sequences* are missing: they are imported from a separate fasta file. The return value corresponds to `(e, entryProtein, isoforms)`. */ def allProteins(e: AnyEntry): (EntryProtein, Seq[G#Protein]) = { val entryProteinAccession = e.accessionNumbers.primary val isoformComments = e.comments collect { case i: Isoform => i } val entryProteinID = isoformComments.filter(_.isEntry).headOption.fold(entryProteinAccession)( val isoforms = isoformComments filterNot { _.isEntry } // either there's a recommended name or a submitted name val entryProteinFullName = e.description.recommendedName .fold(e.description.submittedNames.head.full)(_.full) val dataset = conversions.statusToDatasets( e.identification.status ) val existence = conversions.proteinExistenceToExistenceEvidence( e.proteinExistence ) /* All protein properties are set at this point: */ val entryProtein = g.protein.addVertex .set(, entryProteinID) .set(g.protein.accession, entryProteinAccession) .set(g.protein.fullName, entryProteinFullName) .set(g.protein.dataset, dataset) .set(g.protein.sequence, e.sequence.value) .set(g.protein.sequenceLength, e.sequenceHeader.length: Integer ) .set(g.protein.mass, e.sequenceHeader.molecularWeight: Integer) // only newly imported isoform vertices are here val isoformVertices = isoforms collect { scala.Function.unlift { isoform => .fold[Option[G#Protein]]({ // need to add the new isoform val isoformV = g.protein.addVertex .set(, .set(g.protein.fullName, s"${e.description.recommendedName.fold(e.description.submittedNames.head.full)(_.full)} ${}") val edge = g.isoforms.addEdge(entryProtein, isoformV) Some(isoformV) })( // already there; add an edge from the current entry protein isoformV => { g.isoforms.addEdge(entryProtein, isoformV); None } ) } } (EntryProtein(e, entryProtein), isoformVertices) } def geneNames(entryProtein: EntryProtein): (EntryProtein, Seq[G#GeneName]) = { val geneNames: Seq[String] = validGeneNames(entryProtein.entry.geneNames) val newGeneNames = geneNames collect { scala.Function.unlift { name => val present = .asScala present.fold[Option[G#GeneName]]({ val newGeneName = g.geneName.addVertex .set(, name) val edge = g.geneProducts.addEdge(newGeneName, entryProtein.protein) Some(newGeneName) } )( // gene name vertex present, only add edge geneName => { g.geneProducts.addEdge(geneName, entryProtein.protein) None } ) } } (entryProtein, newGeneNames) } def keywords(entryProtein: EntryProtein): (EntryProtein, Seq[G#Keywords]) = { val keywords = entryProtein.entry.keywords val keywordEdges = keywords collect { scala.Function.unlift { kw => { g.keywords.addEdge(entryProtein.protein, _) } } } (entryProtein, keywordEdges) } def comments(entryProtein: EntryProtein): (EntryProtein, Seq[G#Comment]) = { val entryComments: Seq[Comment] = entryProtein.entry.comments filterNot { x => x.isInstanceOf[Isoform] } val commentVertices = entryComments map { cc => val comment = g.comment.addVertex .set(g.comment.topic, conversions.commentTopic(cc)) .set(g.comment.text, cc.asInstanceOf[{ val text: String }].text) // TODO needs bio4j/data.uniprot#19 or something similar g.comments.addEdge(entryProtein.protein, comment) comment } (entryProtein, commentVertices) } def features(entryProtein: EntryProtein): (EntryProtein, Seq[G#Annotation]) = { val entryFeatures = entryProtein.entry.features val annotationVertices = entryFeatures map { ft => val annotationV = g.annotation.addVertex .set(g.annotation.featureType, conversions.featureKeyToFeatureType(ft.key)) .set(g.annotation.description, ft.description) val annotationE = g.annotations.addEdge(entryProtein.protein, annotationV) .set(g.annotations.begin, conversions.featureFromAsInt(ft.from): Integer) .set(g.annotations.end, conversions.featureToAsInt( Integer) annotationV } (entryProtein, annotationVertices) } def isoformSequencesFrom(fasta: IsoformFasta): Option[G#Protein] = { isoform => isoform .set(g.protein.sequence, fasta.sequence) .set(g.protein.sequenceLength, fasta.sequence.length: java.lang.Integer) } def keywordTypes(row: KeywordRow): G#Keyword = { val kwType = g.keyword.addVertex .set(, .set(g.keyword.definition, row.description) conversions.stringToKeywordCategory(row.category).foreach { kwType.set(g.keyword.category, _) } kwType } private def validGeneNames(gns: Seq[GeneName]): Seq[String] = gns collect { scala.Function.unlift { gn => => Some(n.official)) } } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package org.apache.toree.utils import case class MultiOutputStream(val outputStreams: List[OutputStream]) extends OutputStream { require(outputStreams != null) override def write(cbuf: Array[Byte]): Unit = outputStreams.foreach(outputStream => outputStream.write(cbuf)) override def write(cbuf: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = outputStreams.foreach(outputStream => outputStream.write(cbuf, off, len)) override def write(b: Int): Unit = outputStreams.foreach(outputStream => outputStream.write(b)) override def flush() = outputStreams.foreach(outputStream => outputStream.flush()) override def close() = outputStreams.foreach(outputStream => outputStream.close()) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector => BDV} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.annotation.{Experimental, Since} import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast import{Estimator, Model} import import import import import import import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrices => OldMatrices, Matrix => OldMatrix, Vector => OldVector, Vectors => OldVectors} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StructType} /** * Common params for GaussianMixture and GaussianMixtureModel */ private[clustering] trait GaussianMixtureParams extends Params with HasMaxIter with HasFeaturesCol with HasSeed with HasPredictionCol with HasProbabilityCol with HasTol { /** * Number of independent Gaussians in the mixture model. Must be greater than 1. Default: 2. * * @group param */ @Since("2.0.0") final val k = new IntParam(this, "k", "Number of independent Gaussians in the mixture model. " + "Must be > 1.", /** @group getParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def getK: Int = $(k) /** * Validates and transforms the input schema. * * @param schema input schema * @return output schema */ protected def validateAndTransformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { SchemaUtils.validateVectorCompatibleColumn(schema, getFeaturesCol) val schemaWithPredictionCol = SchemaUtils.appendColumn(schema, $(predictionCol), IntegerType) SchemaUtils.appendColumn(schemaWithPredictionCol, $(probabilityCol), new VectorUDT) } } /** * Multivariate Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) consisting of k Gaussians, where points * are drawn from each Gaussian i with probability weights(i). * * @param weights Weight for each Gaussian distribution in the mixture. * This is a multinomial probability distribution over the k Gaussians, * where weights(i) is the weight for Gaussian i, and weights sum to 1. * @param gaussians Array of `MultivariateGaussian` where gaussians(i) represents * the Multivariate Gaussian (Normal) Distribution for Gaussian i */ @Since("2.0.0") class GaussianMixtureModel private[ml] ( @Since("2.0.0") override val uid: String, @Since("2.0.0") val weights: Array[Double], @Since("2.0.0") val gaussians: Array[MultivariateGaussian]) extends Model[GaussianMixtureModel] with GaussianMixtureParams with MLWritable { /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.1.0") def setFeaturesCol(value: String): this.type = set(featuresCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.1.0") def setPredictionCol(value: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.1.0") def setProbabilityCol(value: String): this.type = set(probabilityCol, value) @Since("2.0.0") override def copy(extra: ParamMap): GaussianMixtureModel = { val copied = copyValues(new GaussianMixtureModel(uid, weights, gaussians), extra) copied.setSummary(trainingSummary).setParent(this.parent) } @Since("2.0.0") override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = { transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true) val predUDF = udf((vector: Vector) => predict(vector)) val probUDF = udf((vector: Vector) => predictProbability(vector)) dataset .withColumn($(predictionCol), predUDF(DatasetUtils.columnToVector(dataset, getFeaturesCol))) .withColumn($(probabilityCol), probUDF(DatasetUtils.columnToVector(dataset, getFeaturesCol))) } @Since("2.0.0") override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { validateAndTransformSchema(schema) } private[clustering] def predict(features: Vector): Int = { val r = predictProbability(features) r.argmax } private[clustering] def predictProbability(features: Vector): Vector = { val probs: Array[Double] = GaussianMixtureModel.computeProbabilities(features.asBreeze.toDenseVector, gaussians, weights) Vectors.dense(probs) } /** * Retrieve Gaussian distributions as a DataFrame. * Each row represents a Gaussian Distribution. * Two columns are defined: mean and cov. * Schema: * {{{ * root * |-- mean: vector (nullable = true) * |-- cov: matrix (nullable = true) * }}} */ @Since("2.0.0") def gaussiansDF: DataFrame = { val modelGaussians = { gaussian => (OldVectors.fromML(gaussian.mean), OldMatrices.fromML(gaussian.cov)) } SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate().createDataFrame(modelGaussians).toDF("mean", "cov") } /** * Returns a [[]] instance for this ML instance. * * For [[GaussianMixtureModel]], this does NOT currently save the training [[summary]]. * An option to save [[summary]] may be added in the future. * */ @Since("2.0.0") override def write: MLWriter = new GaussianMixtureModel.GaussianMixtureModelWriter(this) private var trainingSummary: Option[GaussianMixtureSummary] = None private[clustering] def setSummary(summary: Option[GaussianMixtureSummary]): this.type = { this.trainingSummary = summary this } /** * Return true if there exists summary of model. */ @Since("2.0.0") def hasSummary: Boolean = trainingSummary.nonEmpty /** * Gets summary of model on training set. An exception is * thrown if `trainingSummary == None`. */ @Since("2.0.0") def summary: GaussianMixtureSummary = trainingSummary.getOrElse { throw new RuntimeException( s"No training summary available for the ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}") } } @Since("2.0.0") object GaussianMixtureModel extends MLReadable[GaussianMixtureModel] { @Since("2.0.0") override def read: MLReader[GaussianMixtureModel] = new GaussianMixtureModelReader @Since("2.0.0") override def load(path: String): GaussianMixtureModel = super.load(path) /** [[MLWriter]] instance for [[GaussianMixtureModel]] */ private[GaussianMixtureModel] class GaussianMixtureModelWriter( instance: GaussianMixtureModel) extends MLWriter { private case class Data(weights: Array[Double], mus: Array[OldVector], sigmas: Array[OldMatrix]) override protected def saveImpl(path: String): Unit = { // Save metadata and Params DefaultParamsWriter.saveMetadata(instance, path, sc) // Save model data: weights and gaussians val weights = instance.weights val gaussians = instance.gaussians val mus = => OldVectors.fromML(g.mean)) val sigmas = => OldMatrices.fromML(c.cov)) val data = Data(weights, mus, sigmas) val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString sparkSession.createDataFrame(Seq(data)).repartition(1).write.parquet(dataPath) } } private class GaussianMixtureModelReader extends MLReader[GaussianMixtureModel] { /** Checked against metadata when loading model */ private val className = classOf[GaussianMixtureModel].getName override def load(path: String): GaussianMixtureModel = { val metadata = DefaultParamsReader.loadMetadata(path, sc, className) val dataPath = new Path(path, "data").toString val row ="weights", "mus", "sigmas").head() val weights = row.getSeq[Double](0).toArray val mus = row.getSeq[OldVector](1).toArray val sigmas = row.getSeq[OldMatrix](2).toArray require(mus.length == sigmas.length, "Length of Mu and Sigma array must match") require(mus.length == weights.length, "Length of weight and Gaussian array must match") val gaussians = { case (mu, sigma) => new MultivariateGaussian(mu.asML, sigma.asML) } val model = new GaussianMixtureModel(metadata.uid, weights, gaussians) metadata.getAndSetParams(model) model } } /** * Compute the probability (partial assignment) for each cluster for the given data point. * * @param features Data point * @param dists Gaussians for model * @param weights Weights for each Gaussian * @return Probability (partial assignment) for each of the k clusters */ private[clustering] def computeProbabilities( features: BDV[Double], dists: Array[MultivariateGaussian], weights: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = { val p = { case (weight, dist) => EPSILON + weight * dist.pdf(features) } val pSum = p.sum var i = 0 while (i < weights.length) { p(i) /= pSum i += 1 } p } } /** * Gaussian Mixture clustering. * * This class performs expectation maximization for multivariate Gaussian * Mixture Models (GMMs). A GMM represents a composite distribution of * independent Gaussian distributions with associated "mixing" weights * specifying each's contribution to the composite. * * Given a set of sample points, this class will maximize the log-likelihood * for a mixture of k Gaussians, iterating until the log-likelihood changes by * less than convergenceTol, or until it has reached the max number of iterations. * While this process is generally guaranteed to converge, it is not guaranteed * to find a global optimum. * * @note This algorithm is limited in its number of features since it requires storing a covariance * matrix which has size quadratic in the number of features. Even when the number of features does * not exceed this limit, this algorithm may perform poorly on high-dimensional data. * This is due to high-dimensional data (a) making it difficult to cluster at all (based * on statistical/theoretical arguments) and (b) numerical issues with Gaussian distributions. */ @Since("2.0.0") class GaussianMixture @Since("2.0.0") ( @Since("2.0.0") override val uid: String) extends Estimator[GaussianMixtureModel] with GaussianMixtureParams with DefaultParamsWritable { setDefault( k -> 2, maxIter -> 100, tol -> 0.01) @Since("2.0.0") override def copy(extra: ParamMap): GaussianMixture = defaultCopy(extra) @Since("2.0.0") def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("GaussianMixture")) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setFeaturesCol(value: String): this.type = set(featuresCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setPredictionCol(value: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setProbabilityCol(value: String): this.type = set(probabilityCol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setK(value: Int): this.type = set(k, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setMaxIter(value: Int): this.type = set(maxIter, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setTol(value: Double): this.type = set(tol, value) /** @group setParam */ @Since("2.0.0") def setSeed(value: Long): this.type = set(seed, value) /** * Number of samples per cluster to use when initializing Gaussians. */ private val numSamples = 5 @Since("2.0.0") override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): GaussianMixtureModel = { transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true) val sc = dataset.sparkSession.sparkContext val numClusters = $(k) val instances: RDD[Vector] = dataset .select(DatasetUtils.columnToVector(dataset, getFeaturesCol)) { case Row(features: Vector) => features }.cache() // Extract the number of features. val numFeatures = instances.first().size require(numFeatures < GaussianMixture.MAX_NUM_FEATURES, s"GaussianMixture cannot handle more " + s"than ${GaussianMixture.MAX_NUM_FEATURES} features because the size of the covariance" + s" matrix is quadratic in the number of features.") val instr = Instrumentation.create(this, dataset) instr.logParams(featuresCol, predictionCol, probabilityCol, k, maxIter, seed, tol) instr.logNumFeatures(numFeatures) val shouldDistributeGaussians = GaussianMixture.shouldDistributeGaussians( numClusters, numFeatures) // TODO: SPARK-15785 Support users supplied initial GMM. val (weights, gaussians) = initRandom(instances, numClusters, numFeatures) var logLikelihood = Double.MinValue var logLikelihoodPrev = 0.0 var iter = 0 while (iter < $(maxIter) && math.abs(logLikelihood - logLikelihoodPrev) > $(tol)) { val bcWeights = instances.sparkContext.broadcast(weights) val bcGaussians = instances.sparkContext.broadcast(gaussians) // aggregate the cluster contribution for all sample points val sums = instances.treeAggregate( new ExpectationAggregator(numFeatures, bcWeights, bcGaussians))( seqOp = (c, v) => (c, v) match { case (aggregator, instance) => aggregator.add(instance) }, combOp = (c1, c2) => (c1, c2) match { case (aggregator1, aggregator2) => aggregator1.merge(aggregator2) }) bcWeights.destroy(blocking = false) bcGaussians.destroy(blocking = false) /* Create new distributions based on the partial assignments (often referred to as the "M" step in literature) */ val sumWeights = sums.weights.sum if (shouldDistributeGaussians) { val numPartitions = math.min(numClusters, 1024) val tuples = Seq.tabulate(numClusters) { i => (sums.means(i), sums.covs(i), sums.weights(i)) } val (ws, gs) = sc.parallelize(tuples, numPartitions).map { case (mean, cov, weight) => GaussianMixture.updateWeightsAndGaussians(mean, cov, weight, sumWeights) }.collect().unzip Array.copy(ws, 0, weights, 0, ws.length) Array.copy(gs, 0, gaussians, 0, gs.length) } else { var i = 0 while (i < numClusters) { val (weight, gaussian) = GaussianMixture.updateWeightsAndGaussians( sums.means(i), sums.covs(i), sums.weights(i), sumWeights) weights(i) = weight gaussians(i) = gaussian i += 1 } } logLikelihoodPrev = logLikelihood // current becomes previous logLikelihood = sums.logLikelihood // this is the freshly computed log-likelihood iter += 1 } val gaussianDists = { case (mean, covVec) => val cov = GaussianMixture.unpackUpperTriangularMatrix(numFeatures, covVec.values) new MultivariateGaussian(mean, cov) } val model = copyValues(new GaussianMixtureModel(uid, weights, gaussianDists)).setParent(this) val summary = new GaussianMixtureSummary(model.transform(dataset), $(predictionCol), $(probabilityCol), $(featuresCol), $(k), logLikelihood) model.setSummary(Some(summary)) instr.logNamedValue("logLikelihood", logLikelihood) instr.logNamedValue("clusterSizes", summary.clusterSizes) instr.logSuccess(model) model } @Since("2.0.0") override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { validateAndTransformSchema(schema) } /** * Initialize weights and corresponding gaussian distributions at random. * * We start with uniform weights, a random mean from the data, and diagonal covariance matrices * using component variances derived from the samples. * * @param instances The training instances. * @param numClusters The number of clusters. * @param numFeatures The number of features of training instance. * @return The initialized weights and corresponding gaussian distributions. Note the * covariance matrix of multivariate gaussian distribution is symmetric and * we only save the upper triangular part as a dense vector (column major). */ private def initRandom( instances: RDD[Vector], numClusters: Int, numFeatures: Int): (Array[Double], Array[(DenseVector, DenseVector)]) = { val samples = instances.takeSample(withReplacement = true, numClusters * numSamples, $(seed)) val weights: Array[Double] = Array.fill(numClusters)(1.0 / numClusters) val gaussians: Array[(DenseVector, DenseVector)] = Array.tabulate(numClusters) { i => val slice = samples.view(i * numSamples, (i + 1) * numSamples) val mean = { val v = new DenseVector(new Array[Double](numFeatures)) var i = 0 while (i < numSamples) { BLAS.axpy(1.0, slice(i), v) i += 1 } BLAS.scal(1.0 / numSamples, v) v } /* Construct matrix where diagonal entries are element-wise variance of input vectors (computes biased variance). Since the covariance matrix of multivariate gaussian distribution is symmetric, only the upper triangular part of the matrix (column major) will be saved as a dense vector in order to reduce the shuffled data size. */ val cov = { val ss = new DenseVector(new Array[Double](numFeatures)).asBreeze slice.foreach(xi => ss += (xi.asBreeze - mean.asBreeze) ^:^ 2.0) val diagVec = Vectors.fromBreeze(ss) BLAS.scal(1.0 / numSamples, diagVec) val covVec = new DenseVector(Array.fill[Double]( numFeatures * (numFeatures + 1) / 2)(0.0)) diagVec.toArray.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (v: Double, i: Int) => covVec.values(i + i * (i + 1) / 2) = v } covVec } (mean, cov) } (weights, gaussians) } } @Since("2.0.0") object GaussianMixture extends DefaultParamsReadable[GaussianMixture] { /** Limit number of features such that numFeatures^2^ < Int.MaxValue */ private[clustering] val MAX_NUM_FEATURES = math.sqrt(Int.MaxValue).toInt @Since("2.0.0") override def load(path: String): GaussianMixture = super.load(path) /** * Heuristic to distribute the computation of the [[MultivariateGaussian]]s, approximately when * numFeatures > 25 except for when numClusters is very small. * * @param numClusters Number of clusters * @param numFeatures Number of features */ private[clustering] def shouldDistributeGaussians( numClusters: Int, numFeatures: Int): Boolean = { ((numClusters - 1.0) / numClusters) * numFeatures > 25.0 } /** * Convert an n * (n + 1) / 2 dimension array representing the upper triangular part of a matrix * into an n * n array representing the full symmetric matrix (column major). * * @param n The order of the n by n matrix. * @param triangularValues The upper triangular part of the matrix packed in an array * (column major). * @return A dense matrix which represents the symmetric matrix in column major. */ private[clustering] def unpackUpperTriangularMatrix( n: Int, triangularValues: Array[Double]): DenseMatrix = { val symmetricValues = new Array[Double](n * n) var r = 0 var i = 0 while (i < n) { var j = 0 while (j <= i) { symmetricValues(i * n + j) = triangularValues(r) symmetricValues(j * n + i) = triangularValues(r) r += 1 j += 1 } i += 1 } new DenseMatrix(n, n, symmetricValues) } /** * Update the weight, mean and covariance of gaussian distribution. * * @param mean The mean of the gaussian distribution. * @param cov The covariance matrix of the gaussian distribution. Note we only * save the upper triangular part as a dense vector (column major). * @param weight The weight of the gaussian distribution. * @param sumWeights The sum of weights of all clusters. * @return The updated weight, mean and covariance. */ private[clustering] def updateWeightsAndGaussians( mean: DenseVector, cov: DenseVector, weight: Double, sumWeights: Double): (Double, (DenseVector, DenseVector)) = { BLAS.scal(1.0 / weight, mean) BLAS.spr(-weight, mean, cov) BLAS.scal(1.0 / weight, cov) val newWeight = weight / sumWeights val newGaussian = (mean, cov) (newWeight, newGaussian) } } /** * ExpectationAggregator computes the partial expectation results. * * @param numFeatures The number of features. * @param bcWeights The broadcast weights for each Gaussian distribution in the mixture. * @param bcGaussians The broadcast array of Multivariate Gaussian (Normal) Distribution * in the mixture. Note only upper triangular part of the covariance * matrix of each distribution is stored as dense vector (column major) * in order to reduce shuffled data size. */ private class ExpectationAggregator( numFeatures: Int, bcWeights: Broadcast[Array[Double]], bcGaussians: Broadcast[Array[(DenseVector, DenseVector)]]) extends Serializable { private val k: Int = bcWeights.value.length private var totalCnt: Long = 0L private var newLogLikelihood: Double = 0.0 private lazy val newWeights: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](k) private lazy val newMeans: Array[DenseVector] = Array.fill(k)( new DenseVector(Array.fill[Double](numFeatures)(0.0))) private lazy val newCovs: Array[DenseVector] = Array.fill(k)( new DenseVector(Array.fill[Double](numFeatures * (numFeatures + 1) / 2)(0.0))) @transient private lazy val oldGaussians = { { case (mean, covVec) => val cov = GaussianMixture.unpackUpperTriangularMatrix(numFeatures, covVec.values) new MultivariateGaussian(mean, cov) } } def count: Long = totalCnt def logLikelihood: Double = newLogLikelihood def weights: Array[Double] = newWeights def means: Array[DenseVector] = newMeans def covs: Array[DenseVector] = newCovs /** * Add a new training instance to this ExpectationAggregator, update the weights, * means and covariances for each distributions, and update the log likelihood. * * @param instance The instance of data point to be added. * @return This ExpectationAggregator object. */ def add(instance: Vector): this.type = { val localWeights = bcWeights.value val localOldGaussians = oldGaussians val prob = new Array[Double](k) var probSum = 0.0 var i = 0 while (i < k) { val p = EPSILON + localWeights(i) * localOldGaussians(i).pdf(instance) prob(i) = p probSum += p i += 1 } newLogLikelihood += math.log(probSum) val localNewWeights = newWeights val localNewMeans = newMeans val localNewCovs = newCovs i = 0 while (i < k) { prob(i) /= probSum localNewWeights(i) += prob(i) BLAS.axpy(prob(i), instance, localNewMeans(i)) BLAS.spr(prob(i), instance, localNewCovs(i)) i += 1 } totalCnt += 1 this } /** * Merge another ExpectationAggregator, update the weights, means and covariances * for each distributions, and update the log likelihood. * (Note that it's in place merging; as a result, `this` object will be modified.) * * @param other The other ExpectationAggregator to be merged. * @return This ExpectationAggregator object. */ def merge(other: ExpectationAggregator): this.type = { if (other.count != 0) { totalCnt += other.totalCnt val localThisNewWeights = this.newWeights val localOtherNewWeights = other.newWeights val localThisNewMeans = this.newMeans val localOtherNewMeans = other.newMeans val localThisNewCovs = this.newCovs val localOtherNewCovs = other.newCovs var i = 0 while (i < k) { localThisNewWeights(i) += localOtherNewWeights(i) BLAS.axpy(1.0, localOtherNewMeans(i), localThisNewMeans(i)) BLAS.axpy(1.0, localOtherNewCovs(i), localThisNewCovs(i)) i += 1 } newLogLikelihood += other.newLogLikelihood } this } } /** * :: Experimental :: * Summary of GaussianMixture. * * @param predictions `DataFrame` produced by `GaussianMixtureModel.transform()`. * @param predictionCol Name for column of predicted clusters in `predictions`. * @param probabilityCol Name for column of predicted probability of each cluster * in `predictions`. * @param featuresCol Name for column of features in `predictions`. * @param k Number of clusters. * @param logLikelihood Total log-likelihood for this model on the given data. */ @Since("2.0.0") @Experimental class GaussianMixtureSummary private[clustering] ( predictions: DataFrame, predictionCol: String, @Since("2.0.0") val probabilityCol: String, featuresCol: String, k: Int, @Since("2.2.0") val logLikelihood: Double) extends ClusteringSummary(predictions, predictionCol, featuresCol, k) { /** * Probability of each cluster. */ @Since("2.0.0") @transient lazy val probability: DataFrame = }
package com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.get object MetaDataFields { val fields = Set( "_id", "_type", "_index", "_uid" ) }
package com.mattrjacobs.rxscala import rx.lang.scala.Observable object Producer { def stream(): Observable[String] = { val stringList = (1 to 100).map(x => "a") Observable(stringList: _*) } }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package annotator import com.intellij.lang.annotation.AnnotationHolder import com.intellij.psi.{PsiClass, PsiField, PsiMethod} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.annotator.AnnotatorUtils.registerTypeMismatchError import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.codeInspection.varCouldBeValInspection.ValToVarQuickFix import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.extensions._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.ScalaPsiUtil import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.params.ScClassParameter import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.{ScFunction, ScValue, ScVariable} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.resolve.processor.DynamicResolveProcessor import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.project.ProjectContext /** * Pavel.Fatin, 31.05.2010 */ trait AssignmentAnnotator { def annotateAssignment(assignment: ScAssignStmt, holder: AnnotationHolder, advancedHighlighting: Boolean) { implicit val ctx: ProjectContext = assignment val left = assignment.getLExpression val right = assignment.getRExpression assignment.getLExpression match { case _: ScMethodCall => case ref: ScReferenceExpression => ref.bind() match { case Some(r) if r.isDynamic && == DynamicResolveProcessor.UPDATE_DYNAMIC => //ignore case Some(r) if !r.isNamedParameter => def checkVariable() { left.`type`().foreach { lType => right.foreach { expression => expression.getTypeAfterImplicitConversion().tr.foreach { rType => if(!ScalaPsiUtil.isUnderscoreEq(assignment, rType)) { registerTypeMismatchError(rType, lType, holder, expression) } } } } } ScalaPsiUtil.nameContext(r.element) match { case _: ScVariable => if (!advancedHighlighting) return checkVariable() case c: ScClassParameter if c.isVar => if (!advancedHighlighting) return checkVariable() case f: PsiField if !f.hasModifierProperty("final") => if (!advancedHighlighting) return checkVariable() case fun: ScFunction if ScalaPsiUtil.isViableForAssignmentFunction(fun) => if (!advancedHighlighting) return assignment.resolveAssignment match { case Some(ra) => ra.problems.foreach { case TypeMismatch(expression, expectedType) => expression.`type`().foreach { registerTypeMismatchError(_, expectedType, holder, expression) } case MissedValueParameter(_) => // simultaneously handled above case UnresolvedParameter(_) => // don't show function inapplicability, unresolved case WrongTypeParameterInferred => //todo: ? case ExpectedTypeMismatch => // will be reported later case _ => holder.createErrorAnnotation(assignment, "Wrong right assignment side") } case _ => holder.createErrorAnnotation(assignment, "Reassignment to val") } case _: ScFunction => holder.createErrorAnnotation(assignment, "Reassignment to val") case method: PsiMethod if method.getParameterList.getParametersCount == 0 => method.containingClass match { case c: PsiClass if c.isAnnotationType => //do nothing case _ => holder.createErrorAnnotation(assignment, "Reassignment to val") } case _: ScValue => val annotation = holder.createErrorAnnotation(assignment, "Reassignment to val") annotation.registerFix(new ValToVarQuickFix(ScalaPsiUtil.nameContext(r.element).asInstanceOf[ScValue])) case _ => holder.createErrorAnnotation(assignment, "Reassignment to val") } case _ => } case _ => } } }
package sync import import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer object Constants { val scalaVersion = "2.11" val clientoptjs = "client-opt.js" val clientjsdepsminjs = "client-jsdeps.min.js" val targetname = "chessapp" def scaladir = s"scala-$scalaVersion" } case class MyPath(parts: String*) { import Utils._ def toname: String = { if (parts.length <= 0) return "." parts.mkString(sep) } def topath: String = toname + sep def getname: String = { if (parts.length <= 0) return "" parts.reverse.head } def length = parts.length def -(mp: MyPath): MyPath = { for (i <- 0 to mp.length - 1) { if (parts(i) != return MyPath(parts: _*) } MyPath(parts.slice(mp.length, parts.length): _*) } def +(mp: MyPath): MyPath = { val allparts = ::: parts.toList MyPath(allparts.filter(!specialdir(_)): _*) } def normalized: MyPath = { val newparts = ArrayBuffer[String]() for (p <- parts) { if ((p == parentdir) && (newparts.length > 0)) newparts.remove(newparts.length - 1) else newparts += p } MyPath(newparts: _*) } } case class MyDirEntry( mypath: MyPath = MyPath(), isdir: Boolean = false, lastmod: Long = 0, exists: Boolean = false ) { import Utils._ def isfile = !isdir def toname = mypath.toname def topath = mypath.topath def getname: String = { if (!exists) return "" mypath.getname } def tofile = new File(toname) def listentries: MyDirEntries = { val md = MyDirEntries() if ((!exists) || (!isdir)) return md val files = tofile.listFiles for (f <- files) md += MyDirEntryFromPath(f.getAbsolutePath) md } def reportPrintable: String = s"""$toname $isdir $lastmod""" def -(mp: MyPath): MyDirEntry = this.copy(mypath = mypath - mp) def +(mp: MyPath): MyDirEntry = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(mypath + mp) def plus(mp: MyPath): MyDirEntry = this.copy(mypath = mypath + mp) } case class SyncItem( from: MyDirEntry = MyDirEntry(), to: MyDirEntry = MyDirEntry() ) case class SyncItems() extends ArrayBuffer[SyncItem] { import Utils._ def addDir(setfrom: MyPath, setto: MyPath, filterrecdirsfunc: FDEF = Some((e: MyDirEntry) => (e.getname != "target"))) { val from = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(setfrom).mypath val to = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(setto).mypath.normalized val entries = Utils.collect(from, filterrecdirsfunc = filterrecdirsfunc) val dirs = entries.getdirs.sortbycomplexity for (r <- dirs) { val d = (r - from) + to if (!d.exists) { this += SyncItem(r, (r - from).plus(to)) } } val files = entries.getfiles.sortbycomplexity for (r <- files) { val d = (r - from) + to if ((!d.exists) || (r.lastmod > d.lastmod)) { this += SyncItem(r, (r - from).plus(to)) } } } def addFile(setfrom: MyPath, setto: MyPath, unconditional: Boolean = false): Boolean = { val from = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(setfrom).mypath val to = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(setto).mypath.normalized val fromde = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(from) val tode = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(to) if (!fromde.exists) { println("error, from file does not exist " + fromde.mypath.toname) return false } else if ((!tode.exists) || (fromde.lastmod > tode.lastmod) || unconditional) { this += SyncItem(fromde, tode) return true } false } def reportPrintable: String = (for (item <- this) yield item.from.reportPrintable + "\\n -> " +"\\n") def reportWindowsBatch: String = (for (item <- this) yield { if (item.from.isdir) quotedcommand("mkdir", else quotedcommand("copy", item.from.mypath.toname, }).mkString("\\n") } case class MyDirEntries() extends ArrayBuffer[MyDirEntry] { def myfilter(ff: (MyDirEntry) => Boolean): MyDirEntries = { val md = MyDirEntries() for (e <- this) { if (ff(e)) md += e } md } def getdirs = myfilter((e: MyDirEntry) => e.isdir) def getfiles = myfilter((e: MyDirEntry) => e.isfile) def append(md: MyDirEntries) { for (e <- md) this += e } def reportPrintable: String = (for (e <- this) yield e.reportPrintable).mkString("\\n") def frombuffer(buff: ArrayBuffer[MyDirEntry]): MyDirEntries = { val md = MyDirEntries() for (e <- buff) md += e md } def sortbycomplexity: MyDirEntries = frombuffer(this.sortWith((a, b) => a.mypath.length < b.mypath.length)) def -(mp: MyPath): MyDirEntries = { val md = MyDirEntries() for (e <- this) md += (e - mp) md } def +(mp: MyPath): MyDirEntries = { val md = MyDirEntries() for (e <- this) md += (e + mp) md } } object Utils { val sep = File.separator val regexsep = "\\\\" + sep val regexpesc = "\\\\" val thisdir = "." val parentdir = ".." def specialdir(d: String) = ((d == thisdir)) val quote = """"""" def quotedcommand(command: String, args: String*): String = command + " " + (for (arg <- args) yield quote + arg + quote).mkString(" ") def WriteStringToFile(path: String, content: String) { new, content, null.asInstanceOf[String] ) } def ReadFileToString(path: String): String = { val f = new if (!f.exists()) return null f, null.asInstanceOf[String] ) } def MyDirEntryFromMyPath(mypath: MyPath): MyDirEntry = { val f = new File(mypath.toname) if (!f.exists) return MyDirEntry() MyDirEntry( mypath = MyPathFromPath(f.getAbsolutePath), isdir = f.isDirectory, lastmod = f.lastModified, exists = true ) } def MyPathFromPath(path: String): MyPath = { val parts = path.split(regexsep).filter(!specialdir(_)) if (parts.length <= 1) return MyPath(parts: _*) val partsrev = parts.reverse if (partsrev.head == "") return MyPath(partsrev.tail.reverse: _*) MyPath(parts: _*) } def MyDirEntryFromPath(path: String) = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(MyPathFromPath(path)) type FDEF = Option[((MyDirEntry) => Boolean)] def collect( mypath: MyPath, entries: MyDirEntries = MyDirEntries(), recursive: Boolean = true, filterrecdirsfunc: FDEF = None ): MyDirEntries = { val de = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(mypath) if (!(de.exists && de.isdir)) return entries entries += de val le = de.listentries entries.append(le.getfiles) if (recursive) for (d <- le.getdirs) { var ok = true if (!filterrecdirsfunc.isEmpty) ok = filterrecdirsfunc.get(d) if (ok) collect(mypath = d.mypath, entries = entries, recursive = recursive, filterrecdirsfunc = filterrecdirsfunc) } entries } def change_version( local: MyPath, remote: MyPath, jsnames: String* ) { val localde = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(local) val remotede = MyDirEntryFromMyPath(remote) var content = ReadFileToString(if (remotede.exists) remotede.toname else localde.toname) for (jsname <- jsnames) { val parts = content.split(s"$jsname$regexpesc?v") val quote = """"""" val parts2 = parts(1).split(quote) val version = parts2(0).toInt val newversion = version + 1 content = parts(0) + s"$jsname?v" + newversion + quote + parts2.tail.mkString(quote) } WriteStringToFile(localde.toname, content) } } object Sync extends App { import Utils._ import Constants._ val commitname = if (args.length > 0) args(0) else "Test" val syncitems = SyncItems() syncitems.addDir(MyPath("server", "app"), MyPath("..", targetname, "app")) syncitems.addDir(MyPath("server", "public"), MyPath("..", targetname, "public")) syncitems.addDir(MyPath("server", "conf"), MyPath("..", targetname, "conf")) syncitems.addDir(MyPath("shared", "src", "main", "scala", "shared"), MyPath("..", targetname, "app", "shared")) val addopt = syncitems.addFile( MyPath("client", "target", scaladir, clientoptjs), MyPath("..", targetname, "public", "javascripts", clientoptjs) ) val adddeps = syncitems.addFile( MyPath("client", "target", scaladir, clientjsdepsminjs), MyPath("..", targetname, "public", "javascripts", clientjsdepsminjs) ) if (addopt || adddeps) { change_version( MyPath("chess.scala.html"), MyPath("..", "chessapp", "app", "views", "chess.scala.html"), clientjsdepsminjs, clientoptjs ) } syncitems.addFile(MyPath("chess.scala.html"), MyPath("..", targetname, "app", "views")) val sbat = syncitems.reportWindowsBatch val bat = s""" |$sbat |pause |call pre.bat |git add -A . |git commit -m "$commitname" |git push origin master |cd ..\\\\$targetname |call pre.bat |git add -A . |git commit -m "$commitname" |git push origin master |pause """.stripMargin println(bat) WriteStringToFile("c.bat", bat) }
package scala package reflect package api /** * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span> * * `Universe` provides a complete set of reflection operations which make it possible for one * to reflectively inspect Scala type relations, such as membership or subtyping. * * [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]] has two specialized sub-universes for different scenarios. * [[scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse]] adds operations that link symbols and types to the underlying * classes and runtime values of a JVM instance-- this can be thought of as the `Universe` that * should be used for all typical use-cases of Scala reflection. [[scala.reflect.macros.Universe]] * adds operations which allow macros to access selected compiler data structures and operations-- * this type of `Universe` should only ever exist within the implementation of a Scala macro. * * `Universe` can be thought of as the entry point to Scala reflection. It mixes-in, and thus provides * an interface to the following main types: * * - [[scala.reflect.api.Types#Type Types]] represent types * - [[scala.reflect.api.Symbols#Symbol Symbols]] represent definitions * - [[scala.reflect.api.Trees#Tree Trees]] represent abstract syntax trees * - [[scala.reflect.api.Names#Name Names]] represent term and type names * - [[scala.reflect.api.Annotations#Annotation Annotations]] represent annotations * - [[scala.reflect.api.Positions#Position Positions]] represent source positions of tree nodes * - [[scala.reflect.api.FlagSets#FlagSet FlagSet]] represent sets of flags that apply to symbols and * definition trees * - [[scala.reflect.api.Constants#Constant Constants]] represent compile-time constants. * * To obtain a `Universe` to use with Scala runtime reflection, simply make sure to use or import * `scala.reflect.runtime.universe._` * {{{ * scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ * import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ * * scala> typeOf[List[Int]] * res0: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.List[Int] * * scala> typeOf[Either[String, Int]] * res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.Either[String,Int] * }}} * * To obtain a `Universe` for use within a Scala macro, use [[scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context#universe]]. * or [[scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context#universe]]. For example: * {{{ * def printf(format: String, params: Any*): Unit = macro impl * def impl(c: Context)(format: c.Expr[String], params: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Unit] = { * import c.universe._ * ... * } * }}} * * For more information about `Universe`s, see the [[ Reflection Guide: Universes]] * * @groupprio Universe -1 * @group ReflectionAPI * * @contentDiagram hideNodes "*Api" */ abstract class Universe extends Symbols with Types with FlagSets with Scopes with Names with Trees with Constants with Annotations with Positions with Exprs with TypeTags with ImplicitTags with StandardDefinitions with StandardNames with StandardLiftables with Mirrors with Printers with Liftables with Quasiquotes with Internals { /** Use `reify` to produce the abstract syntax tree representing a given Scala expression. * * For example: * * {{{ * val five = reify{ 5 } // Literal(Constant(5)) * reify{ 5.toString } // Apply(Select(Literal(Constant(5)), TermName("toString")), List()) * reify{ five.splice.toString } // Apply(Select(five, TermName("toString")), List()) * }}} * * The produced tree is path dependent on the Universe `reify` was called from. * * Use [[scala.reflect.api.Exprs#Expr.splice]] to embed an existing expression into a `reify` call. Use [[Expr]] to turn a [[Tree]] into an expression that can be spliced. * @group Universe */ // implementation is hardwired to `scala.reflect.reify.Taggers` // using the mechanism implemented in `` def reify[T](expr: T): Expr[T] = macro ??? }