15 values
import Test.Hspec import qualified Jenkins.TypesSpec as TypesSpec main :: IO () main = hspec TypesSpec.test
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module LMisc (zipp, zipp4, tokens, tokens', in2out, rDoubleS , findWithRemainder ,differentiateBy,findWithAdjs , takeFirst, mtone3, subs, subsN, choose, force ,ascending,nppP , allPieces, nPieces, adjustMatrix , myMin , nPieces2,nPiecesPOpt, trendLine , predict, nPiecesP , butLastElm,maintainBy,myTake,maintainBy',sumBy,similarBy , fillZeroes,fillZeroes_aux, takeFirstM, oSubs , zipp3, myMin',zipMaybe,allPositiveSlopes , findIndexesPresent, maintainByLen , findCuts,mkIntervals,getOppFuns,printElm,printElmChr,predsFromLP , manyInvNS,findGrps , lastN, mapSnd ) where --- some miscellaneous list operations import qualified Control.Parallel.Strategies as St ---(parList, rseq) import IO import Data.List (transpose, delete,findIndex,foldl',nub,maximumBy,minimumBy,find) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Control.Parallel (par, pseq) import Numeric.LinearAlgebra (fromList, toList, join, Vector, foldVector,takesV,dim,(@>),mapVector ) import Numeric.GSL.Statistics (mean,stddev) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- create pairs of consecutive members of a lists ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- zipp :: [a] ->[(a,a)] zipp (x:y:xs) = (x,y):zipp (y:xs) zipp _ = [] -- unZipp :: [(a,a)] -> [a] unZipp [(a,b)] = [a,b] unZipp ((a,_) : xs) = a : unZipp xs unZipp _ = [] -- zipp3 :: [a] -> [(a,a,a)] zipp3 (a:b:c:xs) = (a,b,c): zipp3 (b:c:xs) zipp3 _ = [] -- zipp4 :: [a] -> [(a,a,a,a)] zipp4 (a:b:c:d:xs) = (a,b,c,d): zipp4 (c:d:xs) zipp4 _ = [] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- zipMaybe :: [a] ->[b] ->[(Maybe a, Maybe b)] zipMaybe [] [] = [] zipMaybe (a:as) [] = (Just a, Nothing) : zipMaybe as [] zipMaybe [] (b:bs) = (Nothing, Just b) : zipMaybe [] bs zipMaybe (a:as) (b:bs) = (Just a, Just b) : zipMaybe as bs ------------------------------------------------------------ --mapSnd mapSnd :: ([a],b) -> [(a,b)] mapSnd (xs,y) = St.parMap St.rseq (\a -> (a,y)) xs -- find the number of unique elements in a list num_unique [] = 0 num_unique (a:xs)| null ass = num_unique rest | otherwise = 1 + num_unique rest where (ass, rest) = span (==a) xs ---- LastN : the dual of take n lastN :: Int -> [a] -> [a] lastN n xs = drop (m-n) xs where m = length xs -- myTake - a strict version of take myTake _ [] = [] myTake 0 _ = [] myTake n (x:xs) = ys `seq` (x:ys) where ys = myTake (n-1) xs --- summing using a function sumBy :: Num a => (b -> a) -> [b] -> a sumBy f = foldl' (\b a -> b + f a) 0 --- force a list down to the last term force :: [a] -> () force xs = go xs `pseq` () where go (_:xs) = go xs go [] = 1 --- finds an element of a list and returns the element along with -- the remainder of the list findWithRemainder :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> (Maybe a, [a]) findWithRemainder f [] = (Nothing, []) findWithRemainder f (x:xs) | f x = (Just x , xs) | otherwise = case findWithRemainder f xs of (mf, ys) -> (mf , x : ys) --- finds an element of a list and returns the element along -- with other elemens adjacent to it findWithAdjs :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a] , Maybe a, [a]) findWithAdjs f [] = ([] , Nothing, []) findWithAdjs f (x:xs) | f x = ([] , Just x , xs) | otherwise = case findWithAdjs f xs of (fs, mf, ys) -> (x: fs , mf , ys) -- differentiateBy f xs ys: returns all elements in ys where -- that are similar, after an application of f, to xs (in the first argument) --- along with the remaining elemets of ys (in the second argument) differentiateBy :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) differentiateBy f [] ys = ([],ys) differentiateBy f _ [] = ([],[]) differentiateBy f (x:xs) ys = case findWithRemainder ((== x) . f) ys of (Nothing , zs) -> differentiateBy f xs zs (Just k, zs) -> (k : ps , qs) where (ps, qs) = differentiateBy f xs zs --- --- findIndexesPresent f xs ys: finds the indexes of elements xs --- where f i is in ys findIndexesPresent :: Eq a => (b -> a) -> [b] -> [a] -> [Int] findIndexesPresent f [] _ = [] findIndexesPresent f _ [] = [] findIndexesPresent f (x:xs) ys = case findIndex (== f x) ys of Nothing -> findIndexesPresent f xs ys Just k -> k : findIndexesPresent f xs ys --} --- repeatedly preforms differentiateBy over a list of elements differentiateList :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> [[a]] -> [a] -> [[a]] differentiateList f [] _ = [] differentiateList f (xs:xss) ys | null zs = differentiateList f xss rest | otherwise = zs : differentiateList f xss rest where (zs, rest) = differentiateBy f xs ys ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- monotone decreasing lists ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mtone3 :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] mtone3 (w:x:y:z:zs) | w >= x && x >= y && y >= z = y: mtone3 (z:zs) | otherwise = mtone3 (z:zs) mtone3 _ = [] -- ----------- minimum function that does not crash ------------------- myMin :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Maybe a myMin [] = Nothing myMin xs = Just (minimum xs) -- need to write this function myMin' :: (Ord a) => [(a,b)] -> (a,b) myMin' [] = error "minimum empty list" myMin' ((a,b):xs) = foldl mF (a,b) xs where mF (x,y) (p,q) = if x < p then (x,y) else (p,q) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | returns a list with the penultimate element removed along with the element -- | that was removed. Only works for list of lenght greater than 2. butLastElm :: [a] -> Maybe ([a],a) butLastElm [x,y,z] = Just ([x,z],y) butLastElm (x:xs) = case butLastElm xs of Nothing -> Nothing Just (ys,k) -> Just (x:ys, k) butLastElm _ = Nothing -- choose all sublists subs :: [a] -> [[a]] subs [] = [[]] subs (x:xs) = ys ++ map (x:) ys where ys = subs xs --- subsN _ [] = [[]] subsN n (x:xs) = [ks | ks <- map (x:) ys ++ ys , length ks == n] where ys = subsN n xs --- choose all possible sublists of xs with length less or equal to xs choose xs n = [ x | x <- subs xs , length x == n] -- nSegs :: [a] -> > [[a]] nSegs _ [] = [] nSegs 0 xs = [xs] nSegs n xs@(_:ys) | n >= length xs = [xs] | otherwise = take n xs : nSegs n ys -- determine whether two lists have the same element sameElements :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool sameElements [] [] = True sameElements (x:xs) ys = sameElements xs (delete x ys) sameElements _ _ = False ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMPUTING THE ADJUSTED MATRIX ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ordered sub lists. The ordering is subject to the aprori arrangement of the list oSubs :: [a] -> [[a]] oSubs [] = [] oSubs xs@(_:xs') = [take i xs | i <- [1..length xs]] ++ oSubs xs' -- return all possible pieces, ignoring pieces that treat individual points -- as a line segment. I may have to add the possibility to treat at least the -- final point as a piece when annalysing segments allPieces :: Eq a => [a] -> [[[a]]] allPieces xs = [ ys | let n = length xs, i <- [1.. n], ys <- allOperms_aux i n xs] where allOperms_aux _ _ [] = [] allOperms_aux n m xs | n == 1 = [[xs]] | n == 2 = [[ys,zs] | i <- [1 .. length xs], let (ys,zs) = splitAt i xs, not (null ys), length zs > 1, length ys > 1] -- ] | otherwise = [(ns:ps) | i <- [1.. m], let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs, let mm = length ms, length ns > 1, ps <- allOperms_aux (n-1) mm ms] -- | nPieces : all possible adjacent elements from n cuts of the list, excluding empty subslists nPieces :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [[[a]]] nPieces n xs | n == 0 = [[xs]] | otherwise = [(ns:ps) | i <- [1.. (length xs - 1)], let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs, not $ null ns, ps <- nPieces (n-1) ms, all (not . null) ps] --- -- | nPieces : all possible adjacent elements from n cuts of the list, excluding empty subslists nPiecesF :: (Eq a, Ord b) => ([a] -> b) -> Int -> [a] -> [[[a]]] nPiecesF f n xs | n == 0 = [[xs]] | otherwise = [ (ns:ps) | i <- [2.. 5], let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs, not $ null ns, ps <- (nPiecesF f (n-1) ms)] -- all (not . null) ps] {-# INLINE nppP #-} ---- towards a more efficient version of the npieces function ---- to be continued nppP :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [([[a]],[Int])] nppP 0 lim xs = [([xs],[])] nppP 1 lim xs = nppP' lim (length xs - lim + 1) xs -- nppP m lim xs = [(ns : ps, i : ks) | i <- [lim .. (length xs - lim)] , let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs -- now recursively build-up the tail with sublists longer than lim , (ps,ks) <- nppP (m-1) lim ms , all ( < 10) (i : ks) ] {-# INLINE nppP' #-} nppP' :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [([[a]],[Int])] nppP' _ _ [] = [] nppP' st en xs | st >= en = [] | null back = [([front], [st])] -- ] : nppP' (st + 1) en xs | otherwise = ([front,back], [st,length back]) : nppP' (st + 1) en xs where !ln = length front (front,back) = splitAt st xs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | nPieces: all possible adjacent adjacent elements from n cuts of the list built from -- | least lim elements, keeping track of the occurrence of cuts {-# INLINE nPiecesP #-} nPiecesP :: Int -> -- ^ The number of splits for the lsit Int -> -- ^ The minimum length of the shortest piece Maybe Int -> -- ^ The maximum length of the longest piece (bar the first bit) [a] -> -- ^ The list to split up [([[a]],[Int])] nPiecesP m lim mLn xs | null xs = [] | m == 0 = [([xs],[])] -- | length xs <= m = [([xs],[])] | otherwise = [(ns:ps, i : ks) | i <- [lim .. (length xs - lim)] -- get the first element, making sure it is longer than lim , let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs -- length ns >= lim, -- now recursively build-up the tail with sublists longer than lim , (ps,ks) <- nPP (m-1) lim mLn ms , let pss = ns:ps , maybe (all ((>= lim) . length) pss) (\n -> maxLn n pss) mLn ] where nPP mn lm mlN ys = let npp = nPiecesP mn lm mlN ys in npp `pseq` npp maxLn mx = all (\xs -> let lm = length xs in (lm >= lim ) && (lm <= mx)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# INLINE nPiecesPF #-} nPiecesPF :: (Ord a , Num a) => Int -> -- ^ The number of splits for the lsit Int -> -- ^ The minimum length of the shortest piece (a -> a) -> Maybe Int -> -- ^ The maximum length of the longest piece (bar the first bit) [a] -> -- ^ The list to split up [([[a]],[Int])] nPiecesPF m lim f mLn xs -- = maintainBy' (sumBy (sumBy f) . fst) (Just 6) . nPiecesP m lim mLn | null xs = [] | m == 0 = [([xs],[])] -- | length xs <= m = [([xs],[])] | otherwise = [(pss, i : ks) | i <- [lim .. (length xs - lim)] -- get the first element, making sure it is longer than lim , let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs -- length ns >= lim, -- now recursively build-up the tail with sublists longer than lim , (ps,ks) <- take 2 $ nPP (m-1) lim mLn ms , let pss = (ns:ps) , maybe (all ((>= lim) . length) pss) (\n -> maxLn n pss) mLn ] where nPP mn lm mlN ys = let npp = nPiecesPF mn lm f mlN ys in npp `pseq` npp maxLn mx = all (\xs -> let lm = length xs in (lm >= lim ) && (lm <= mx)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} nPiecesPOpt :: Int -> -- ^ The minimum length of the shortest piece -- Int -> -- ^ The maximum length of the longest piece [a] -> -- ^ The list to split up [([[a]],[Int])] nPiecesPOpt lim xs = [(ns:ps, i : ks) | i <- [lim .. (length xs - lim)], -- get the first element, making sure it is longer than lim let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs , length ns >= lim, -- now build-up the tail with sublists longer than lim (ps,ks) <- splits lim lim (length xs - lim) ms, all ((>= lim) . length) ps] where splits :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [a] -> [([[a]], [Int])] splits _ _ _ [] = [] splits mn m n xs | length xs <= n + m = [ ([front,back],[m])] | m >= n = splits mn mn n xs | otherwise = case splits mn (m+1) n back of [] -> [([front],[m]) ] ((ps,zs) :rest) -> (front : ps, m : zs) : rest where (front, back) = splitAt m xs --- maintain elements of a list that are valid by maintainBy' :: (Eq a , Ord b ) => (a -> b) -> Maybe Int -> [a] -> [a] maintainBy' f mb = maybe (($!) (maintainBy f)) (\n -> myTake n . maintainBy f) mb maintainBy :: (Eq a , Ord b ) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] maintainBy _ [] = [] maintainBy f (x:xs) = maintainBy_aux f x [] xs where maintainBy_aux :: (Eq a , Ord b) => (a -> b) -> a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] maintainBy_aux _ _ acc [] = acc maintainBy_aux f a acc (y:ys) | f a < f y = maintainBy_aux f a (a <:> acc) ys | otherwise = maintainBy_aux f y (y <:> acc) ys where (<:>) :: Eq c => c -> [c] -> [c] (<:>) x [] = [x] (<:>) x ys@(y:_) | x == y = ys | otherwise = x : ys --- filter out "poor values" inroder to preserve a list of length n maintainByLen :: (Eq a , Ord b) => Int -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] maintainByLen n f xs | n < length xs = maintainBy' f (Just n) xs -- xs | otherwise = xs -- maintainBy' f (Just n) xs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- return the first elements of a list when ther are all similiar by a given predicate similarBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a -- similarBy p [a] = Just a similarBy p [a,b] | p a b = Just a | otherwise = Nothing similarBy p (a:b:c:xs) | p a b && p b c = Just a | otherwise = similarBy p (b:c:xs) similarBy p _ = Nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- nPieces2: Gets all possible combinations of adjacent n pieces, without single -- pieces at the end. Suitable for MML2DS nPieces2 :: Eq a => Int -> Int -> Int -> [a] -> [[[a]]] nPieces2 n m len xs | n == 0 = [[xs]] | n == 1 = [[ys,zs] | i <- [3 .. len], let (ys,zs) = splitAt i xs, -- not (null zs), length zs > 1, length zs <= m, length ys <= m] | otherwise = [(ns:ps) | i <- [3.. len], let (ns, ms) = splitAt i xs, length ms > 1, length ns <= m, -- length ms <= m, ps <- nPieces2 (n-1) m (len - i) ms] --- filling zeroes to align the pieces ------------------------------------------------------------- fillZeroes_aux :: Num a => Int -> Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]] fillZeroes_aux _ _ _ [] = [] fillZeroes_aux n m i (xs:xss) | null xss && m == 0 = [zeros (n - lxs) ++ xs] | i == 1 = inKtor : appZros : fillZeroes_aux n ml (i+1) xss | otherwise = inKtor : zerosXz : fillZeroes_aux n ml (i+1) xss where lxs = length xs ml = m + lxs zeros k = [0 | _ <- [1..k]] nmxs = n - ml appZros = (xs ++ zeros (n - lxs)) zerosXz = (zeros m ++ xs ++ zeros nmxs) inKtor = (zeros m ++ [1 | _ <- xs] ++ zeros nmxs) fillZeroes :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]] fillZeroes xs = fillZeroes_aux (length xs) 0 1 xs -- Finally, adjusting the matrix. This is achieved by removing the -- last indicator vector and adding it to the first indicator vector. -- This operation is only performed for lists of length greater than 2. adjustMatrix :: Num a => [[a]] -> [[a]] adjustMatrix xss = case butLastElm xss of Nothing -> xss Just ((ys:yss), zs) -> (sub ys zs) : yss where sub ps qs = zipWith (-) ps qs --- END OF ADJUSTED MATRIX DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- findCuts :: Ord a => [a] -> [[a]] findCuts xs | null xs = [] | null asenBlock = [xs] | otherwise = front : findCuts rest where asenBlock = [(ps,qs) | (ps,qs) <- firstNs 1 xs, ascDes ps ] (front, rest) = last asenBlock -- ascDes xs = ascending xs || desending xs -- firstNs :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])] firstNs n xs | n > length xs = [] | otherwise = (ys, zs) : firstNs (n+1) xs where (ys, zs) = splitAt n xs ---- remove increasing cuts remIncrCuts :: Bool -> [[Double]] -> [[Double]] remIncrCuts positive xs | not positive = xs | 1 >= length xs = xs | otherwise = (unZipp . map remIncrCuts_aux . zipp) xs where remIncrCuts_aux :: ([Double],[Double]) -> ([Double],[Double]) remIncrCuts_aux (xs,ys) | any null [xs,ys] = (xs,ys) | last xs < head ys = case (find (/= 0) (reverse xs)) of Nothing -> (xs, ys) Just k -> (xs , (mkAscending . map (minusUntil k)) ys) | otherwise = (xs, ys) --- remove increasing cuts minusUntil :: Double -> Double -> Double minusUntil n m -- | n == 0 = minusUntil (n + 0.5) m | m <= n = m | otherwise = minusUntil n (m - (n + 0.0001)) -- make a set of points ascending mkAscending :: [Double] -> [Double] mkAscending (a : b : xs) | a <= b = a : mkAscending ( b : xs) | otherwise = b : (b + 0.12) : mkAscending (map (+ b) xs) mkAscending xs = xs -- says if the elements of a list are in ascending ascending_aux ((a,b,c,d):xs) | a <= b && b <= c && c <= d = ascending_aux xs | otherwise = False ascending_aux _ = True -- monotone True --ascending4 = ascending_aux . zipp4 --desending4 = not . ascending4 -- all (uncurry (>)) . zipp ascending :: Ord a => [a ] -> Bool ascending = all (uncurry (<=)) . zipp -- monotone True -- desending :: Ord a => [a ] -> Bool desending = all (uncurry (>)) . zipp --desending' = all (uncurry (>=)) . zipp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FUNCTIONS FOR GRAPHING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- mkIntervals : takes a lsit of known predictions and a list of the -- frequency of cuts and produces a lsits of predictions relating to -- each cut, along with the length of the list mkIntervals :: [a] -> [Int] -> [([a],Int)] mkIntervals [] _ = [] mkIntervals predts [] = [(predts, length predts)] mkIntervals predts (n:ns) = (front,length front): mkIntervals rest ns where (front,rest) = splitAt n predts --------------- -- just like mkIntervals but considers a minimum number of points mkIntervals1 :: [a] -> [Int] -> [[a]] mkIntervals1 [] _ = [] mkIntervals1 predts [] = [predts] mkIntervals1 predts (n:ns) = front : mkIntervals1 rest ns -- | length rest < 4 = front : [rest] -- | otherwise = where (front,rest) = splitAt n predts -- calculates that function defined over the entire range trendLine :: [Double] -> [Int] -> Double -> Double trendLine ys = getFun . mkIntervals ys where getFun xs = getFun' xs 1 f = fromIntegral getFun' [(xs,_)] k x = fun xs k x getFun' ((xs,n):rest) k x | x <= k - 0.9999999 + f n = fun xs k x | otherwise = getFun' rest (k + f n) x predict :: [Double] -> [Int] -> Double -> Double predict xs ns = predict_aux xs ns 1 where predict_aux xs [] k = fun xs k predict_aux xs (n:ns) k = let (_,rest) = splitAt n xs in predict_aux rest ns (k + f n) f = fromIntegral -- computing a linear frunction defined over a monotone list of points fun xs k x = m * x + c where m = (last xs - head xs) / (fromIntegral (length xs) - 1) c = head xs - m * k ---- list of length k with inverted predictions getOppFuns :: Double -> [Double] -> [Vector Double] getOppFuns k xs | null xs = [] | otherwise = zipWith mFl mfs (replicate (floor k) [1 .. fLen xs]) where mFl f = fromList . map f hs = head xs ms = mean (fromList xs) fLen = fromIntegral . length m = (last xs - hs) / (fLen xs - 0.5) mf n x = (fst n) * x + (snd n - fst n) mfs = map mf $ zip (map (m/) [-1 * k .. -1]) mkSlp mkSlp | m >= 0 = [ms ,ms + (1/k) .. ] | otherwise = [ms , ms - (1/k) .. ] --- given a list of predictions, check that all of it is ascending. --- if all are not, calculate the inversion of the descending slopes and --- combine them up to form a larger list manyInvNS :: Bool -> [Double] -> [[Double]] manyInvNS positive = take 1 . map toList. combWithInv positive . remIncrCuts positive . findCuts where combWithInv :: Bool -> [[Double]] -> [Vector Double] combWithInv pos [] = [] combWithInv pos (x:xs) | pos && ascending x = case combWithInv pos xs of [] -> [fromList x] xss -> [vAdd (fromList x) k | k <- xss] | (not pos) && desending x = case combWithInv pos xs of [] -> [fromList x] xss -> [vAdd (fromList x) k | k <- xss] | otherwise = case combWithInv pos xs of [] -> vss yss -> concatMap (\a -> map (flip vAdd a) vss) yss where vAdd v1 v2 = join [v1,v2] vss = getOppFuns 20 x ----------------------------------- ---returning the gradient of each new slope, which determins how steep the inversions are getOppFuns1 :: Double -> [Double] -> [(Double ,Vector Double)] getOppFuns1 k xs | null xs = [] | otherwise = [ (fst (yss !! i) , vs) | (yss,i) <- zip mprs [0,1 .. length xs - 1] , let vs = fromList $ map snd yss , let vsum = foldVector (+) 0 vs , vsum /= 0 ] where mprs :: [[(Double,Double) ]] mprs = zipWith map mfs (replicate (floor k) [1 .. fLen]) --- hs1 = head xs hs = if hs == 0 then 0.0000001 else hs1 ms = mean (fromList xs) fLen = (fromIntegral . length) xs mm = (last xs - hs) / (fLen - 0.5) mf (m,c) x = (m, m * x + c) -- mfs :: [Double -> (Double , Double)] mfs = map mf $ zip (map (mm/) [-(2 * k) .. -1]) intercept intercept | mm <= 0 = iterate ((+) (1/k)) ms | otherwise = iterate ((-) (1/k)) ms -- given a list of predictions, returns a lists where the portions of the predictions -- with negative slopes are inverted (in the sense that the least possible positive slope is -- drawn where slope is not zero) manyInvNS1 :: Bool -> [Double] -> [(Double ,[Double])] manyInvNS1 pos = map (\(a,b) -> (a,toList b)) . combWithInv pos . remIncrCuts pos . findCuts where -- combWithInv :: Bool -> [[Double]] -> [(Double , Vector Double)] combWithInv pos [] = [] combWithInv pos (x:xs) | (pos && ascending x) || ((not pos) && desending x) = case combWithInv pos xs of [] -> [ (1, fromList x)] xss -> [ (i , vAdd (fromList x) k) | (i,k) <- xss] | otherwise = case combWithInv pos xs of [] -> vss yss -> concatMap (\(j,a) -> [(j,flip vAdd a k) | (_,k) <- vss]) yss where vAdd v1 v2 = join [v1,v2] len = length x ln = if len < 20 then 15 else 20 vss_aux = getOppFuns1 (fromIntegral ln) x vss = maybe [(0,fromList x)] (:[]) (listToMaybe vss_aux) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-- allPositiveSlopes : takes a list of known predictions, paired with a list frequency of cuts in the predictions, and decides whether all slopes among the predictions are >= 0. The function returns True if all slopes are at least 0 and False otherwise. --} allPositiveSlopes :: [Double] -> [Int] -> Bool allPositiveSlopes predts cuts = all id slopes where slopes = [ascending points | (points, _) <- mkIntervals predts cuts] gradient xs | null xs = 0 | otherwise = m xs m xs = (last xs - head xs) / (fromIntegral (length xs) - 1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- takes a list of functions, a list of split positions and a --- list of the input (i.e x) values for the functions piecewiseFun :: [(Double -> Double)] -> [Int] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double piecewiseFun xs@(f:_) [] _ k = f k piecewiseFun (f:fs) (n:ns) ys k | k < x = f k | otherwise = piecewiseFun fs ns rest k where x = (ys !! n-1) (_,!rest) = splitAt n ys --- predictions from linear parameters predsFromLP :: [Double] -> [Int] -> Double -> Double predsFromLP [c,m] [] x = c + m* x predsFromLP (c:m:xs) (y:ys) x | x <= (fromIntegral y) = c + m * x | otherwise = predsFromLP xs ys x predsFromLP _ _ x = x -- factorize then common----} -- appFunAfterFactoring :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]] appFunAfterFactoring f xs = concat [appF f zs | zs <- factorHead xs] where appF :: (a -> b) -> Either (a,[[a]]) [a] -> [[b]] appF f eth = case eth of Left !ps -> multiplyThrough f ps Right !qs -> [map f qs] -- multiplyThrough :: (a -> b) -> (a, [[a]]) -> [[b]] multiplyThrough f (x, xs) = fx `seq` map ((fx:) . map f) xs where fx = f x -- factorHead :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [Either (a,[[a]]) [a]] factorHead [] = [] factorHead ((x:xs):ys) | null ys = [(Right (x:xs))] | null front = (Right (x:xs)) : factorHead back | otherwise = (Left (x,xs: map tail front)) : factorHead back where (front,back) = span ((== x) . head) ys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- findGrps :: ( Eq a) => Double -> Int -> (a -> a -> Double) -> [a] -> [[Int]] findGrps tol lim f xs -- move sg and replace it with an integer reppresenting the maximum ot group | tol <= 0.2 = groups: [ js | let lss = preCombine1 False groups, js <- [groups,lss]] | length groups < lim = [ ks | ks <- recomnFix groups] | otherwise = findGrps (tol - 0.05) lim f xs where groups = findGrps_aux 1 f tol xs -- possCuts -- groups elements together to possiblt form a group possCuts m n xs | n > (length xs - m) = [] | otherwise = (front, length front) : possCuts m (n+1) xs where front = take n xs --- add preCombine1 :: Bool -> [Int] -> [Int] preCombine1 bb (x:y:z:xs) -- | null xs = | all1 [y,z] = preCombine1 bb (x : 2 : xs) | x == 1 = preCombine1 bb ((1 + y) : z : xs) | y == 1 = preCombine1 bb ((x + 1) : z : xs) | all1 [y,z] && x == 1 = preCombine1 bb (3 : xs) | all1 [x,y] = preCombine1 bb (2 : z : xs) | otherwise = x : preCombine1 bb (y : z : xs) where all1 :: [Int] -> Bool all1 xs = all (== 1) xs preCombine1 _ xs = xs --- findGrps_aux :: ( Eq a) => Int -> (a -> a -> Double) -> Double -> [a] -> [Int] findGrps_aux _ _ _ [] = [] findGrps_aux _ _ _ [a] = [1] findGrps_aux mn f trh ks@(x:xs) = mxx : findGrps_aux mn f trh (drop mxx ks) where mxx = maybe mn (\_ -> maximum mkGrps) (listToMaybe mkGrps) mkGrps = [ n | (ys,n) <- possCuts mn mn ks , let rss = map (f x) ys , all (>= trh) rss ] --- recombinining with fixed groups recomnFix :: [Int] -> [[Int]] recomnFix cls | lcls <= 25 = combinations 0 2 cls | lcls <= 32 = combinations 7 (lim `div` 15) cls | otherwise = combinations 8 (lim `div` 10) cls where lcls = length cls combinations m k xs = [kss | i <- [m .. 19], (ks,_) <- nPiecesP i k Nothing xs , kss <- [map sum ks]] ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- returns the first elements that satisfies a given predicate takeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] takeFirst f = myTake 1 . filter f -- alternative takeFirst returning maybe a takeFirstM :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a takeFirstM f = listToMaybe . takeFirst f ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- change the suffix of an inout file in2out :: String -> String in2out ".dat" = ".nrm" in2out (x:xs) = x : in2out xs in2out xs = xs -- tokens tokens :: String -> Char -> [String] tokens [] a = [] tokens (x:xs) a | x == a = tokens xs a | otherwise = let (front, back) = span ( /= a) xs in (x:front) : tokens back a -- make tokens of a list of a given number of elements tokeNn :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] tokeNn _ [] = [] tokeNn n xs = y : tokeNn n ys where (y , ys) = splitAt n xs -- puts a character between every element of a list of strings rToks :: [String] -> Char -> String rToks (x:xs) a = x ++ foldr (\bs as -> (flip (:) bs a) ++ as) "" xs rToks [] _ = [] --- rDoubleS: takes a lists of numbers as strings and returns then as list of Double rDoubleS :: [String] -> [Double] rDoubleS = map rDouble rDouble :: String -> Double rDouble = read -- does the opposite to rDoubles showDoubles :: [Double] -> [String] showDoubles = map show tokens' = flip tokens -- i want the files in the .nrm file to be standardised ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ printElmChr :: Show a => Char -> [a] -> String printElmChr chr = foldl' prt [] where prt b a | null b = show a | otherwise = b ++ (chr : show a) printElm :: Show a => [a] -> String printElm = printElmChr ',' --------------------------------------------------------------------- printStrings :: [String] -> Handle -> IO () printStrings [] _ = return () printStrings (x:xs) handle = do hPutStrLn handle x printStrings xs handle -- removes the brackets from a string remSqBrcs xs = filter (\a -> a /= ']' && a /= '[') xs
module GameTypes.ServerGame where import Net.Communication (open, accept, receive, send) import Net.Protocol (Message(..)) import Players.RemotePlayer (RemotePlayer(..)) import Players.LocalPlayer (LocalPlayer(..)) import Network.Socket (sClose) import System.IO import TicTacToe (Token(..)) -- closes the client handle and the server socket cleanUp :: (LocalPlayer, RemotePlayer) -> IO () cleanUp (LocalPlayer _ _ hdl Nothing, _) = hClose hdl cleanUp (LocalPlayer _ _ hdl (Just sock), _) = do hClose hdl sClose sock -- initiates communication between a server and a -- client by opening a server socket, and accepting -- a connection. Then, hellos are exchanged. create :: IO (LocalPlayer, RemotePlayer) create = do putStrLn "What is your name?" xPlayer <- getLine putStrLn "Waiting for player..." sock <- open 2345 accept sock >>= onJoined xPlayer sock where onJoined ln sock (hdl, _, _) = do (Hello name) <- receive hdl Hello ln `send` hdl let lp = LocalPlayer ln X hdl (Just sock) let rm = RemotePlayer name O hdl return (lp, rm)
module Util.PrettyPrint ( PrettyPrint(..) , Util.PrettyPrint.print , Out , pprName , nil , str , num , append , newline , indent , Util.PrettyPrint.concat , interleave ) where -- Data type for Output data Out = Str String | Newline | Indent Out | Nil | Append Out Out -- helpers nil :: Out nil = Nil str :: String -> Out str = Str num :: (Num n, Show n) => n -> Out num n = str (show n) append :: Out -> Out -> Out append = Append newline :: Out newline = Newline indent :: Out -> Out indent = Indent concat :: [Out] -> Out concat = foldr append Nil interleave :: Out -> [Out] -> Out interleave _ [] = Nil interleave _ [o] = o interleave sep (o : os) = (o `append` sep) `append` interleave sep os -- Class for PrettyPrinting with Out class PrettyPrint a where pprint :: a -> Out -- Printing Out instance Show Out where show out = flatten 0 [(out, 0)] -- Idempotent instance PrettyPrint Out where pprint a = a print :: PrettyPrint a => a -> String print = show . pprint flatten :: Int -> [(Out, Int)] -> String flatten _ [] = "" flatten _ ((Newline, indent) : out) = '\n' : spaces indent ++ flatten indent out flatten col ((Str s, _) : out) = s ++ flatten col out flatten col ((Indent o, _) : out) = flatten col ((o, col + 1) : out) flatten col ((Nil, _) : out) = flatten col out flatten col ((Append o1 o2, indent) : out) = flatten col ((o1, indent) : (o2, indent) : out) spaces :: Int -> String spaces n = replicate (n * indent_size) ' ' indent_size :: Int indent_size = 2 -- should be (re)moved pprName :: String -> String pprName = reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Module : TypeNum.TypeFunctions -- Copyright : -- License : MIT -- -- Maintainer : - -- Stability : -- Portability : -- -- | -- {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, ConstraintKinds #-} module TypeNum.TypeFunctions ( -- * Types equality TypesEq(..) , type (==) , type (=~=), type (/~=) -- * Types ordering , TypesOrd(..) -- , Cmp , type (<), type (>), type (<=), type (>=) , Min, Max -- * Pairs deconstruction , Fst, Snd, ZipPairs -- * Maybe , FromMaybe -- * Arrow-like tuple operations , First, Second -- * Different tuple operations , Firsts, Seconds -- * Containers , TContainerElem(..) -- Contains, All, Any, Prepend, Append, Rm , type (++), ContainsEach , TContainers(..) -- , Concat, SameSize , TContainerSameSize(..) -- , Zip -- -- * Folds -- , Fold, FoldWhile -- * Functions , (:$:) , Curry, Uncurry -- * Some :$: functions , EqFunc, EqualFunc, CmpFunc , ContainsFunc ) where import Data.Type.Bool import Data.Type.Equality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- infix 4 ~=~, =~=, /~= infix 4 <, <=, >, >= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TypesEq (x :: a) (y :: b) where -- | Types equality, permitting types of different kinds. type (~=~) (x :: a) (y :: b) :: Bool type (=~=) a b = (a ~=~ b) ~ True type (/~=) a b = (a ~=~ b) ~ False ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class (TypesEq x y) => TypesOrd (x :: a) (y :: b) where -- | Types ordering. type Cmp (x :: a) (y :: b) :: Ordering type family (x :: a) < (y :: b) where a < b = Cmp a b == LT type family (x :: a) > (y :: b) where a > b = Cmp a b == GT type family (x :: a) <= (y :: b) where a <= b = a ~=~ b || a < b type family (x :: a) >= (y :: b) where a >= b = a ~=~ b || a > b type Max (x :: a) (y :: b) = If (x >= y) x y type Min (x :: a) (y :: b) = If (x <= y) x y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TypesEq (a :: Ordering) (b :: Ordering) where type a ~=~ b = a == b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TypesEq (a :: (x,y)) (b :: (x,y)) where type a ~=~ b = (Fst a == Fst b) && (Snd a == Snd b) instance TypesOrd (a :: (x,y)) (b :: (x,y)) where type Cmp a b = Cmp2 a b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TypesEq (a :: [x]) (b :: [x]) where type a ~=~ b = All EqFunc (Zip a b) -- Lexicographical order. instance TypesOrd (h1 ': t1 :: [x]) (h2 ': t2 :: [x]) where type Cmp (h1 ': t1) (h2 ': t2) = CmpTypesOrd (Cmp h1 h2) t1 t2 type family CmpTypesOrd (o :: Ordering) (a :: [x]) (b :: [x]) :: Ordering where CmpTypesOrd EQ (h1 ': t1) (h2 ': t2) = CmpTypesOrd (Cmp h1 h2) t1 t2 CmpTypesOrd EQ '[] '[] = EQ CmpTypesOrd EQ '[] l2 = LT CmpTypesOrd EQ l1 '[] = GT CmpTypesOrd o l1 l2 = o ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type family Fst (p :: (a, b)) :: a where Fst '(a, b) = a type family Snd (p :: (a, b)) :: b where Snd '(a, b) = b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type family Cmp2 (a :: (x,y)) (b :: (x,y)) :: Ordering where Cmp2 '(x1, y1) '(x2, y2) = If (x1 == x2) (Cmp y1 y2) (Cmp x1 x2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Apply a type-level function. Extendable. type family (:$:) (f :: a -> b -> *) (x :: a) :: b ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type family Curry (f :: (a,b) -> c -> *) (x :: a) (y :: b) :: c where Curry f x y = f :$: '(x, y) type family Uncurry (f :: a -> (b -> c -> *) -> *) (p :: (a,b)) :: c where Uncurry f '(x,y) = (f :$: x) :$: y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Arrow-like tuple operations type family First (p :: (a,b)) f :: (c,b) where First '(a,b) f = '(f :$: a, b) type family Second (p :: (a,b)) f :: (a,c) where Second '(a,b) f = '(a, f :$: b) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type family ZipPairs (p1 :: (a,a)) (p2 :: (b,b)) :: ((a,b), (a,b)) where ZipPairs '(a1, a2) '(b1, b2) = '( '(a1,b1), '(a2,b2)) type family Firsts (p :: ((a,b), (a,b))) f :: ((c,b), (c,b)) where Firsts '( '(a1,b1), '(a2,b2)) f = ZipPairs (f :$: '(a1, a2)) '(b1,b2) type family Seconds (p :: ((a,b), (a,b))) f :: ((a,c), (a,c)) where Seconds '( '(a1,b1), '(a2,b2)) f = ZipPairs '(a1,a2) (f :$: '(b1, b2)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data EqFunc (arg :: (a,b)) (res :: Bool) type instance EqFunc :$: '(x,y) = x ~=~ y data EqualFunc (val :: a) (arg :: b) (res :: Bool) type instance EqualFunc x :$: y = x ~=~ y data CmpFunc (c :: (a,b)) (o :: Ordering) type instance CmpFunc :$: '(x,y) = Cmp x y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TContainerElem (t :: k) (x :: e) where type Contains x t :: Bool type All (cond :: e -> Bool -> *) t :: Bool type Any (cond :: e -> Bool -> *) t :: Bool type Prepend x t :: k type Append t x :: k type Rm x t :: k class TContainers (t1 :: k) (t2 :: k) where type Concat t1 t2 :: k type SameSize t1 t2 :: Bool -- class (SameSize t1 t2 ~ True) => -- TContainerSameSize (t1 :: k) (t2 :: k) where -- type Zip t1 t2 :: k class (SameSize t1 t2 ~ True) => TContainerSameSize (t1 :: k) (t2 :: k) (res :: k') where type Zip t1 t2 :: k' data ContainsFunc (t :: k) (x :: e) (res :: Bool) type instance ContainsFunc t :$: x = Contains x t type ContainsEach (t :: k) (xs :: k) = All (ContainsFunc t) xs type xs ++ ys = Concat xs ys ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FoldableT (t :: k) (x :: e) (x0 :: r) where type Fold (f :: (r, e) -> r -> *) x0 t :: r type FoldWhile (cond :: e -> Bool -> *) (f :: (r, e) -> r -> *) x0 t :: r ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TContainerElem ('[] :: [a]) (x :: a) where type Contains x '[] = False type All cond '[] = True type Any cond '[] = False type Prepend x '[] = '[x] type Append '[] x = '[x] type Rm x '[] = '[] instance TContainerElem ((h ': t) :: [a]) (x :: a) where type Contains x (h ': t) = h == x || Contains x t type All cond (h ': t) = (cond :$: h) && All cond t type Any cond (h ': t) = (cond :$: h) || Any cond t type Prepend x (h ': t) = x ': h ': t type Append (h ': t) x = h ': Append t x type Rm x (h ': t) = If (h == x) (Rm x t) (h ': Rm x t) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TContainers ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) where type Concat '[] '[] = '[] type SameSize '[] '[] = True instance TContainers ('[] :: [a]) ((h ': t) :: [a]) where type Concat '[] (h ': t) = (h ': t) type SameSize '[] (h ': t) = False instance TContainers ((h ': t) :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) where type Concat (h ': t) '[] = (h ': t) type SameSize (h ': t) '[] = False instance TContainers ((h1 ': t1) :: [a]) ((h2 ': t2) :: [a]) where type Concat (h1 ': t1) (h2 ': t2) = h1 ': Concat t1 (h2 ': t2) type SameSize (h1 ': t1) (h2 ': t2) = SameSize t1 t2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance TContainerSameSize ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [(a,a)]) where type Zip '[] '[] = '[] instance (SameSize t1 t2 ~ True) => TContainerSameSize ((h1 ': t1) :: [a]) ((h2 ': t2) :: [a]) (res :: [(a,a)]) where type Zip (h1 ': t1) (h2 ': t2) = '(h1, h2) ': Zip t1 t2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance FoldableT ('[] :: [a]) (x :: a) x0 where type Fold f x0 '[] = x0 type FoldWhile cond f x0 '[] = x0 instance FoldableT ((h ': t) :: [a]) (x :: a) x0 where type Fold f x0 (x ': xs) = Fold f (f :$: '(x0, x)) xs type FoldWhile cond f x0 (x ': xs) = If (cond :$: x) (FoldWhile cond f (f :$: '(x0, x)) xs) x0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type family FromMaybe (mb :: Maybe b) f (x0 :: a) :: a where FromMaybe (Just x) f x0 = f :$: x FromMaybe Nothing f x0 = x0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tests data A = A' data B = B' data C = C' data ACFunc a c type instance ACFunc :$: A' = C' type X = First '(A', B') ACFunc data ACFunc2 a c type instance ACFunc2 :$: '(A', A') = '(C', C') type Y = Firsts '( '(A',B'), '(A',B')) ACFunc2
import Data.List (maximumBy) import MyLib (fact,numOfDgt) main = print $ answer 1000 answer n = sndmax (cycs n) -- sndmax [(2,0),(0,5),(3,1)]==(0,5) -- sndmax [(2,0),(0,2),(3,3)]==(3,3) sndmax :: Ord a => [(b,a)] -> (b,a) sndmax = maximumBy (\(x,y) (z,w)->compare y w) -- cycs 3 == [] cycs :: Integral a => a -> [(a,a)] cycs n = zip [1..n] [cyc i | i<-[1..n]] -- trim 6==3, trim 70=7 trim :: Integral a => a -> a trim n = (product.drop25.fact) n -- drop25 [2,2,3,3,5,5,5,7] == [3,3,7] drop25 :: Integral a => [a] -> [a] drop25 [] = [] drop25 (x:xs) = if x==2 || x==5 then drop25 xs else x:drop25 xs -- cyc 10 == 0, cyc 3 == 1, cyc 7 == 6 cyc :: Integral a => a->a cyc n | trim n == 1 = 0 | otherwise = helper 1 where helper i | isCyc n i = i | otherwise = helper (i+1) -- isCyc 3 1 == True, isCyc 7 6 == True isCyc :: Integral a => a -> a -> Bool isCyc n d= f==g where f = sub (trim n) (d+offset) g = sub (trim n) (d*2+offset) `mod` (10^d) offset = numOfDgt (trim n) - 1 -- sub 6 2 == 16, sub 6 5 == 16666 sub :: Integral a => a -> a -> a sub n i = numer `div` demin where numer = 10^(fromIntegral i) demin = fromIntegral n
module GHCJS.DOM.RTCIceCandidateEvent ( ) where
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- | ---- Module: ETL ---- Description: Transform scrabble scores from [(score: [letter])] map to ---- [(letter:score)] map ---- Copyright: (c) 2015 Alex Dzyoba <[email protected]> ---- License: MIT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module ETL (transform) where import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T type OldScores = M.Map Int [String] type NewScores = M.Map String Int -- | Transform old scores to the new one ---- We iterate over key-value pairs and fold them into empty map of new scores transform :: OldScores -> NewScores transform old = M.foldWithKey transformEntry M.empty old -- | Transform single entry of old scores ---- This iterates over letters and fold them into newScores transformEntry :: Int -> [String] -> NewScores -> NewScores transformEntry score letters newScores = foldr (updateWithScore score) newScores letters -- | Insert single letter with score into map of new scores. ---- Letter is converted to lowercase updateWithScore :: Int -> String -> NewScores -> NewScores updateWithScore score letter newScores = M.insert (toLower letter) score newScores -- | Little helper to convert string to lowercase with help of Data.Text toLower :: String -> String toLower = T.unpack . T.toLower . T.pack
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack) import Crypto.Hash main = do let input = "vkjiggvb" result = compute input print result type Coord = (Int, Int) type Dir = Char type State = (Coord, [Dir], String) bounds :: Int bounds = 3 start :: Coord start = (0,0) initState :: String -> State initState input = (start, [], input) compute :: String -> Int compute input = length $ search [initState input] [] isGoal :: State -> Bool isGoal (coord, _, _) = coord == (bounds, bounds) nextStates :: State -> [State] nextStates s@(coord, dirs, input) = up ++ down ++ left ++ right where h = take 4 $ getHash (input ++ dirs) up = if open (h !! 0) then moveState 'U' s else [] down = if open (h !! 1) then moveState 'D' s else [] left = if open (h !! 2) then moveState 'L' s else [] right = if open (h !! 3) then moveState 'R' s else [] open :: Char -> Bool open c = c `elem` "bcdef" moveState :: Char -> State -> [State] moveState 'U' ((x, y), dirs, input) | y == 0 = [] | otherwise = [((x, y - 1), dirs ++ ['U'], input)] moveState 'D' ((x, y), dirs, input) | y == bounds = [] | otherwise = [((x, y + 1), dirs ++ ['D'], input)] moveState 'L' ((x, y), dirs, input) | x == 0 = [] | otherwise = [((x - 1, y), dirs ++ ['L'], input)] moveState 'R' ((x, y), dirs, input) | x == bounds = [] | otherwise = [((x + 1, y), dirs ++ ['R'], input)] -- Breadth-first search search :: [State] -> [Dir] -> [Dir] search [] dirs = dirs search (current : rest) dirs | isGoal current = let (_, path, _) = current in search rest path | otherwise = search (rest ++ (nextStates current)) dirs getHash :: String -> String getHash input = show (hash $ pack input :: Digest MD5)
Day 17/day17part2.hs
module Solidran.Lexf.DetailSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Solidran.Lexf.Detail spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Solidran.Lexf.Detail" $ do describe "getAlphabetStrings" $ do it "should return an empty list on empty alphabet" $ do getAlphabetStrings 2 [] `shouldBe` [] it "should return a single string on 0-length strings" $ do getAlphabetStrings 0 "AB" `shouldBe` [""] it "should work for 1-length strings" $ do getAlphabetStrings 1 "TAGC" `shouldBe` ["T", "A", "G", "C"] it "should work for 1-symbol alphabets" $ do getAlphabetStrings 3 "A" `shouldBe` ["AAA"] it "should work on the given example" $ do getAlphabetStrings 2 "TAGC" `shouldBe` [ "TT", "TA", "TG", "TC" , "AT", "AA", "AG", "AC" , "GT", "GA", "GG", "GC" , "CT", "CA", "CG", "CC" ]
import State (Token(..), State(..), TransitionFunction(..), Transition(..), TransitionMap) import qualified NDFSM (NDFSM(..)) import NDFSM (NDFSM, NDState, exploreTransitions, flatten, tabulate, acceptsState, eps) import qualified FSM (FSM(..)) import FSM (FSM, mapTransitions, mapToFunc, accepts) import qualified Data.Set as Set (fromList, singleton, empty) import Data.Bimap (elems, keys, (!)) import PrettyPrinter (ndfsm_to_fsm_string) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import ExampleNDFSMs (abba_ndfsm) -- Transforms an NDFSM into an FSM ndfsm_to_fsm :: NDFSM -> FSM ndfsm_to_fsm ndfsm = FSM.FSM {FSM.states = Set.fromList $ elems correspondence, FSM.state0 = correspondence ! (eps ndfsm $ NDFSM.state0 ndfsm), FSM.accepting = Set.fromList $ [correspondence ! ndstate | ndstate <- keys correspondence, ndfsm `acceptsState` ndstate], FSM.transitionFunction = mapToFunc transitionMap, FSM.alphabet = NDFSM.alphabet ndfsm } where nd_transitions = exploreTransitions ndfsm d_transitions = flatten nd_transitions -- Bimap correspondence between ND states and D states correspondence = tabulate nd_transitions transitionMap = mapTransitions d_transitions my_ndfsm = abba_ndfsm my_fsm = ndfsm_to_fsm my_ndfsm strings = ["abab", "babb", "abb", "babba", "abbaabba", "abbabbbb"] main = do putStrLn "generated FSM:" putStrLn $ ndfsm_to_fsm_string my_ndfsm putStrLn $ "matching " ++ show strings let matches = (my_fsm `accepts`) <$> map Token <$> strings putStrLn $ "matches: " ++ show matches
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-methods #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} module Main (main) where import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) import Test.Framework ( Test, defaultMain ) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Data.Word.N import Data.Word.N.Util import Data.Bits import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LZ import GHC.TypeLits import Data.Word -- Most of these properties come from the package 'largeword' (on hackage). -- This is because that package and this one expose pretty much the same api. encode' :: (8 :|: n) => W n -> LZ.ByteString encode' = disassembleR (runPut . putWord8 . (fromIntegral :: W 8 -> Word8)) decode' :: (8 :|: n) => LZ.ByteString -> W n decode' = runGet (assembleR (fmap (fromIntegral :: Word8 -> W 8) getWord8)) instance (8 :|: n) => Arbitrary (W n) where arbitrary = assembleL $ fmap (fromIntegral :: (Word8 -> W 8)) arbitrary pShiftRightShiftLeft :: W 128 -> Bool pShiftRightShiftLeft x = shiftR (shiftL x 1) 1 == x .&. (fromInteger ((2^127) - 1)) u1 :: Assertion u1 = shiftR (18446744073709551616 :: W 128) 64 @?= 1 pQuotRem :: W 256 -> Bool pQuotRem x = rx == fromInteger ry where (_qx, rx) = quotRem x 16 (_qy, ry) = quotRem ((fromIntegral x) :: Integer) 16 encodeDecode :: (8 :|: n) => W n -> Bool encodeDecode word = decode' encoded == word where encoded = encode' word {-# NOINLINE encoded #-} correctEncoding :: Assertion correctEncoding = (decode' . LZ.pack) [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,89,125,125,237,119,73,240 ,217,12,178,101,235,8,44,221,50,122,244,125,115,181,239,78] @?= (1234567891234567891234567812345678123456781234567812345678 :: W 256) pRotateLeftRight :: W 256 -> Bool pRotateLeftRight x = rotate (rotate x 8) (-8) == x pRepeatedShift :: Int -> Property pRepeatedShift n = (n >= 0) && (n <= 1024) ==> (((iterate (`shift` 8) (1::W 192))!!n) == shift (1::W 192) (n*8)) pRepeatedShift' :: Int -> Property pRepeatedShift' n = (n >= 0) && (n <= 1024) ==> (((iterate (`shift` 8) a)!!n) == shift a (n*8)) where a :: W 192 a = 0x0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA98765432100011223344556677 pRepeatedShift160 :: Int -> Property pRepeatedShift160 n = (n >= 0) && (n <= 1024) ==> (((iterate (`shift` 8) (1::W 160))!!n) == shift (1::W 160) (n*8)) u2 :: Assertion u2 = (2 :: W (256 + 128)) ^ 254 @?= (fromInteger (2 :: Integer) ^ 254) u3 :: Assertion u3 = rotate (rotate ((2^255) :: W 256) (1)) (-1) @?= ((2^255) :: W 256) u4 :: Assertion u4 = shift (0x0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA98765432100011223344556677 :: W 192) 80 @?= (0xBA9876543210001122334455667700000000000000000000 :: W 192) u5 :: Assertion u5 = shift (0x112233445566778899AABBCC :: W 96) 40 @?= (0x66778899AABBCC0000000000 :: W 96) u6 :: Assertion u6 = rotate ((2^95) :: W 96) (1) @?= 1 tests :: [Test] tests = [ testProperty "largeword shift left then right" pShiftRightShiftLeft , testProperty "largeword quotRem by 16" pQuotRem , testProperty "largeword rotate left then right" pRotateLeftRight , testProperty "largeword repeated shift vs single shift" pRepeatedShift , testProperty "largeword repeated shift vs single shift" pRepeatedShift' , testProperty "largeword repeated shift vs single shift" pRepeatedShift160 , testCase "largeword shift 2^64 by 2^64" u1 , testCase "largeword exponentiation 2^254" u2 , testCase "largeword rotation by 1" u3 , testCase "largeword shift by 80" u4 , testCase "largeword shift by 40" u5 , testCase "largeword rotate by 1" u6 , testCase "big-endian encoding" correctEncoding , testProperty "Word96 encode/decode loop" (encodeDecode::W 96 -> Bool) , testProperty "Word128 encode/decode loop" (encodeDecode::W 128 -> Bool) , testProperty "Word160 encode/decode loop" (encodeDecode::W 160 -> Bool) , testProperty "Word192 encode/decode loop" (encodeDecode::W 192 -> Bool) , testProperty "Word224 encode/decode loop" (encodeDecode::W 224 -> Bool) , testProperty "Word256 encode/decode loop" (encodeDecode::W 256 -> Bool) ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests
{-| Module : DataAssociation.Abstract Description : Rules mining abstractions. License : MIT Stability : development Rules mining abstractions. -} module DataAssociation.Abstract ( LargeItemsetsExtractor(..) , AssociationRulesGenerator(..) ) where import DataAssociation.Definitions import Data.Map (Map) -- | An abstraction for extracting __Large__ 'Itemset's. class (Itemset set it) => LargeItemsetsExtractor set it where findLargeItemsets :: MinSupport -- ^ minimal support to consider an itemset __large__ -> [set it] -- ^ input 'Itemset's -> Map (set it) Float -- ^ __large__ itemsets with the corresponding support -- | An abstraction for generating the association rules from the __large__ 'Itemset's. class (Itemset set it) => AssociationRulesGenerator set it where generateAssociationRules :: MinConfidence -- ^ minimal confidence for accepting a rule -> [set it] -- ^ original full list of 'Itemset's -> Map (set it) Float -- ^ __large__ 'Itemset's with the corresponding support -> [AssocRule set it] -- ^ association rules
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-} module ApplicativeFunctors where -- import Prelude hiding (Maybe) -- import Data.Maybe hiding (Maybe) import Control.Applicative type Name = String data Employee = Employee { name :: Name , phone :: String } deriving (Show) -- data Maybe a = Nothing -- | Just a -- instance Applicative Maybe where -- pure = Just -- Nothing <*> _ = Nothing -- _ <*> Nothing = Nothing -- Just f <*> Just x = Just (f x) mName, mName' :: Maybe Name mName = Nothing mName' = Just "Brent" mPhone, mPhone' :: Maybe String mPhone = Nothing mPhone' = Just "555-1234" ex01, ex02, ex03, ex04 :: Maybe Employee ex01 = Employee <$> mName <*> mPhone ex02 = Employee <$> mName <*> mPhone' ex03 = Employee <$> mName' <*> mPhone ex04 = Employee <$> mName' <*> mPhone'
{- This module was generated from data in the Kate syntax highlighting file rust.xml, version 1.1, by -} module Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax.Rust (highlight, parseExpression, syntaxName, syntaxExtensions) where import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Types import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Common import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isSpace) import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Full name of language. syntaxName :: String syntaxName = "Rust" -- | Filename extensions for this language. syntaxExtensions :: String syntaxExtensions = "*.rs" -- | Highlight source code using this syntax definition. highlight :: String -> [SourceLine] highlight input = evalState (mapM parseSourceLine $ lines input) startingState parseSourceLine :: String -> State SyntaxState SourceLine parseSourceLine = mkParseSourceLine (parseExpression Nothing) -- | Parse an expression using appropriate local context. parseExpression :: Maybe (String,String) -> KateParser Token parseExpression mbcontext = do (lang,cont) <- maybe currentContext return mbcontext result <- parseRules (lang,cont) optional $ do eof updateState $ \st -> st{ synStPrevChar = '\n' } pEndLine return result startingState = SyntaxState {synStContexts = [("Rust","Normal")], synStLineNumber = 0, synStPrevChar = '\n', synStPrevNonspace = False, synStContinuation = False, synStCaseSensitive = True, synStKeywordCaseSensitive = True, synStCaptures = []} pEndLine = do updateState $ \st -> st{ synStPrevNonspace = False } context <- currentContext contexts <- synStContexts `fmap` getState st <- getState if length contexts >= 2 then case context of _ | synStContinuation st -> updateState $ \st -> st{ synStContinuation = False } ("Rust","Normal") -> return () ("Rust","Attribute") -> return () ("Rust","Function") -> return () ("Rust","Type") -> return () ("Rust","String") -> return () ("Rust","RawString") -> return () ("Rust","RawHashed1") -> return () ("Rust","RawHashed2") -> return () ("Rust","Character") -> (popContext) >> pEndLine ("Rust","CharEscape") -> (popContext) >> pEndLine ("Rust","Commentar 1") -> (popContext) >> pEndLine ("Rust","Commentar 2") -> return () _ -> return () else return () withAttribute attr txt = do when (null txt) $ fail "Parser matched no text" updateState $ \st -> st { synStPrevChar = last txt , synStPrevNonspace = synStPrevNonspace st || not (all isSpace txt) } return (attr, txt) list_fn = Set.fromList $ words $ "fn" list_type = Set.fromList $ words $ "type" list_keywords = Set.fromList $ words $ "abstract alignof as become box break const continue crate do else enum extern final for if impl in let loop macro match mod move mut offsetof override priv proc pub pure ref return Self self sizeof static struct super trait type typeof unsafe unsized use virtual where while yield" list_traits = Set.fromList $ words $ "AsSlice CharExt Clone Copy Debug Decodable Default Display DoubleEndedIterator Drop Encodable Eq Default Extend Fn FnMut FnOnce FromPrimitive Hash Iterator IteratorExt MutPtrExt Ord PartialEq PartialOrd PtrExt Rand Send Sized SliceConcatExt SliceExt Str StrExt Sync ToString" list_types = Set.fromList $ words $ "bool int isize uint usize i8 i16 i32 i64 u8 u16 u32 u64 f32 f64 float char str Option Result Self Box Vec String" list_ctypes = Set.fromList $ words $ "c_float c_double c_void FILE fpos_t DIR dirent c_char c_schar c_uchar c_short c_ushort c_int c_uint c_long c_ulong size_t ptrdiff_t clock_t time_t c_longlong c_ulonglong intptr_t uintptr_t off_t dev_t ino_t pid_t mode_t ssize_t" list_self = Set.fromList $ words $ "self" list_constants = Set.fromList $ words $ "true false Some None Ok Err Success Failure Cons Nil" list_cconstants = Set.fromList $ words $ "EXIT_FAILURE EXIT_SUCCESS RAND_MAX EOF SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR SEEK_END _IOFBF _IONBF _IOLBF BUFSIZ FOPEN_MAX FILENAME_MAX L_tmpnam TMP_MAX O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR O_APPEND O_CREAT O_EXCL O_TRUNC S_IFIFO S_IFCHR S_IFBLK S_IFDIR S_IFREG S_IFMT S_IEXEC S_IWRITE S_IREAD S_IRWXU S_IXUSR S_IWUSR S_IRUSR F_OK R_OK W_OK X_OK STDIN_FILENO STDOUT_FILENO STDERR_FILENO" regex_0x'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5f'5d'2b'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f = compileRegex True "0x[0-9a-fA-F_]+([iu](8|16|32|64)?)?" regex_0o'5b0'2d7'5f'5d'2b'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f = compileRegex True "0o[0-7_]+([iu](8|16|32|64)?)?" regex_0b'5b0'2d1'5f'5d'2b'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f = compileRegex True "0b[0-1_]+([iu](8|16|32|64)?)?" regex_'5b0'2d9'5d'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'5c'2e'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'28'5beE'5d'5b'2b'2d'5d'3f'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2b'29'3f'28f32'7cf64'7cf'29'3f = compileRegex True "[0-9][0-9_]*\\.[0-9_]*([eE][+-]?[0-9_]+)?(f32|f64|f)?" regex_'5b0'2d9'5d'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f = compileRegex True "[0-9][0-9_]*([iu](8|16|32|64)?)?" regex_'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f'5d'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f0'2d9'5d'2a'3a'3a = compileRegex True "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*::" regex_'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f'5d'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f0'2d9'5d'2a'21 = compileRegex True "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*!" regex_'27'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f'5d'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f0'2d9'5d'2a'28'3f'21'27'29 = compileRegex True "'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(?!')" regex_x'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b2'7d = compileRegex True "x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}" regex_u'5c'7b'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b1'2c6'7d'5c'7d = compileRegex True "u\\{[0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}\\}" regex_u'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b4'7d = compileRegex True "u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}" regex_U'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b8'7d = compileRegex True "U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}" regex_'2e = compileRegex True "." parseRules ("Rust","Normal") = (((pDetectSpaces >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_fn >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Function")) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_type >>= withAttribute KeywordTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Type")) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_keywords >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_types >>= withAttribute DataTypeTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_traits >>= withAttribute BuiltInTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_ctypes >>= withAttribute DataTypeTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_self >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_constants >>= withAttribute ConstantTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_cconstants >>= withAttribute ConstantTok)) <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '/' '/' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Commentar 1")) <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '/' '*' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Commentar 2")) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_0x'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5f'5d'2b'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_0o'5b0'2d7'5f'5d'2b'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_0b'5b0'2d1'5f'5d'2b'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5b0'2d9'5d'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'5c'2e'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'28'5beE'5d'5b'2b'2d'5d'3f'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2b'29'3f'28f32'7cf64'7cf'29'3f >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5b0'2d9'5d'5b0'2d9'5f'5d'2a'28'5biu'5d'288'7c16'7c32'7c64'29'3f'29'3f >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '#' '[' >>= withAttribute AttributeTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Attribute")) <|> ((pString False "#![" >>= withAttribute AttributeTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Attribute")) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f'5d'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f0'2d9'5d'2a'3a'3a >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f'5d'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f0'2d9'5d'2a'21 >>= withAttribute PreprocessorTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'27'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f'5d'5ba'2dzA'2dZ'5f0'2d9'5d'2a'28'3f'21'27'29 >>= withAttribute OtherTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '{' >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '}' >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pDetect2Chars False 'r' '"' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","RawString")) <|> ((pString False "r##\"" >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","RawHashed2")) <|> ((pString False "r#\"" >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","RawHashed1")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","String")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '\'' >>= withAttribute CharTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","Character")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '[' >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False ']' >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pDetectIdentifier >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Normal")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("Rust","Attribute") = (((pDetectChar False ']' >>= withAttribute AttributeTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((parseRules ("Rust","Normal"))) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Attribute")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute AttributeTok)) parseRules ("Rust","Function") = (((pDetectSpaces >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '(' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '<' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Function")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("Rust","Type") = (((pDetectSpaces >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '=' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '<' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pDetectChar False ';' >>= withAttribute NormalTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Type")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute NormalTok)) parseRules ("Rust","String") = (((pDetectChar False '\\' >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","CharEscape")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","String")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute StringTok)) parseRules ("Rust","RawString") = (((pDetectChar False '"' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","RawString")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute StringTok)) parseRules ("Rust","RawHashed1") = (((pDetect2Chars False '"' '#' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","RawHashed1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute StringTok)) parseRules ("Rust","RawHashed2") = (((pString False "\"##" >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","RawHashed2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute StringTok)) parseRules ("Rust","Character") = (((pDetectChar False '\\' >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ pushContext ("Rust","CharEscape")) <|> ((pDetectChar False '\'' >>= withAttribute CharTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Character")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute CharTok)) parseRules ("Rust","CharEscape") = (((pAnyChar "nrt\\'\"" >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_x'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b2'7d >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_u'5c'7b'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b1'2c6'7d'5c'7d >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_u'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b4'7d >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_U'5b0'2d9a'2dfA'2dF'5d'7b8'7d >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'2e >>= withAttribute ErrorTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","CharEscape")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute SpecialCharTok)) parseRules ("Rust","Commentar 1") = (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Commentar 1")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute CommentTok) parseRules ("Rust","Commentar 2") = (((pDetectSpaces >>= withAttribute CommentTok)) <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '*' '/' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ (popContext)) <|> (currentContext >>= \x -> guard (x == ("Rust","Commentar 2")) >> pDefault >>= withAttribute CommentTok)) parseRules x = parseRules ("Rust","Normal") <|> fail ("Unknown context" ++ show x)
{- | Module : ./Static/ToJson.hs Description : json output of Hets development graphs Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI GmbH 2014 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : non-portable(Grothendieck) Json of Hets DGs -} module Static.ToJson ( dGraph , lnode , dgSymbols , showSymbols , showSymbolsTh ) where import Driver.Options import Static.DgUtils import Static.DevGraph import Static.GTheory import Static.ComputeTheory (getImportNames) import Static.PrintDevGraph import Logic.Prover import Logic.Logic import Logic.Comorphism import Logic.Grothendieck import Common.AS_Annotation import Common.ConvertGlobalAnnos import Common.Consistency import Common.DocUtils import Common.ExtSign import Common.GlobalAnnotations import Common.Id import Common.IRI import Common.LibName import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap import Common.Result import Common.Json import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set (toList) {- | Export the development graph as json. If the flag full is True then symbols for all nodes are shown as declarations, otherwise (the default) only declaration for basic spec nodes are shown as is done for the corresponding xml output. -} dGraph :: HetcatsOpts -> LibEnv -> LibName -> DGraph -> Json dGraph opts lenv ln dg = let body = dgBody dg ga = globalAnnos dg lnodes = labNodes body ledges = labEdges body in tagJson "DGraph" $ mkJObj [ mkJPair "filename" $ getFilePath ln , mkJPair "mime-type" . fromMaybe "unknown" $ mimeType ln , mkJPair "libname" . show $ setAngles False $ getLibId ln , ("dgnodes", mkJNum $ length lnodes) , ("dgedges", mkJNum $ length ledges) , ("nextlinkid", mkJNum . getEdgeNum $ getNewEdgeId dg) , ("Global", mkJArr . map (anToJson ga) . convertGlobalAnnos $ removeDOLprefixes ga) , ("DGNode", mkJArr $ map (lnode opts ga lenv) lnodes) , ("DGLink", mkJArr $ map (ledge opts ga dg) ledges) ] gmorph :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> GMorphism -> Json gmorph opts ga gm@(GMorphism cid (ExtSign ssig _) _ tmor _) = case map_sign cid ssig of Result _ mr -> case mr of Nothing -> error $ "Static.ToXml.gmorph: " ++ showGlobalDoc ga gm "" Just (tsig, tsens) -> let tid = targetLogic cid sl = Map.toList . Map.filterWithKey (/=) $ symmap_of tid tmor in mkJObj $ mkNameJPair (language_name cid) : [("ComorphismAxioms", mkJArr $ map (showSen opts (targetLogic cid) ga Nothing tsig) tsens) | not (fullTheories opts) && not (null tsens) ] ++ [("Map", mkJArr $ map (\ (s, t) -> mkJObj [("map", showSym tid s), ("to", showSym tid t)]) sl) | not $ null sl] prettySymbol :: (GetRange a, Pretty a) => GlobalAnnos -> a -> [JPair] prettySymbol = rangedToJson "Symbol" lnode :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> LibEnv -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Json lnode opts ga lenv (_, lbl) = let nm = dgn_name lbl (spn, xp) = case reverse $ xpath nm of ElemName s : t -> (s, showXPath t) l -> ("?", showXPath l) in mkJObj $ mkNameJPair (showName nm) : rangeToJPair (srcRange nm) ++ [("reference", mkJBool $ isDGRef lbl)] ++ case signOf $ dgn_theory lbl of G_sign slid _ _ -> mkJPair "logic" (show slid) : if not (isDGRef lbl) && dgn_origin lbl < DGProof then [mkJPair "refname" spn, mkJPair "relxpath" xp ] else [] ++ case nodeInfo lbl of DGRef li rf -> [ ("Reference", mkJObj [ mkJPair "library" $ show $ setAngles False $ getLibId li , mkJPair "location" $ getFilePath li , mkJPair "node" $ getNameOfNode rf $ lookupDGraph li lenv ])] DGNode orig cs -> consStatus cs ++ case orig of DGBasicSpec _ (G_sign lid (ExtSign dsig _) _) _ -> let syms = mostSymsOf lid dsig in [ ("Declarations", mkJArr $ map (showSym lid) syms) | not $ null syms ] DGRestriction _ hidSyms -> [ ("Hidden", mkJArr . map (mkJObj . prettySymbol ga) $ Set.toList hidSyms) ] _ -> [] ++ case dgn_theory lbl of G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sig _) _ thsens _ -> let (axs, thms) = OMap.partition isAxiom thsens nAxs = toNamedList axs nThms = OMap.toList thms in [("Symbols", mkJArr . map (showSym lid) $ symlist_of lid sig) | fullSign opts ] ++ [("Axioms", mkJArr $ map (showSen opts lid ga Nothing sig) nAxs) | not $ null nAxs ] ++ [("Theorems", mkJArr $ map (\ (s, t) -> showSen opts lid ga (Just $ isProvenSenStatus t) sig $ toNamed s t) nThms) | not $ null nThms] ++ if fullTheories opts then case globalTheory lbl of Just (G_theory glid _ _ _ allSens _) -> case coerceThSens glid lid "xml-lnode" allSens of Just gsens -> let nSens = toNamedList $ OMap.filter ((`notElem` map sentence (OMap.elems thsens)) . sentence) gsens in [("ImpAxioms", mkJArr $ map (showSen opts lid ga Nothing sig) nSens) | not $ null nSens ] _ -> [] _ -> [] else [] -- | a status may be open, proven or outdated mkStatusJPair :: String -> JPair mkStatusJPair = mkJPair "status" mkProvenJPair :: Bool -> JPair mkProvenJPair b = mkStatusJPair $ if b then "proven" else "open" consStatus :: ConsStatus -> [JPair] consStatus cs = case getConsOfStatus cs of None -> [] cStat -> [("ConsStatus", mkJStr $ show cStat)] ledge :: HetcatsOpts -> GlobalAnnos -> DGraph -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Json ledge opts ga dg (f, t, lbl) = let typ = dgl_type lbl mor = gmorph opts ga $ dgl_morphism lbl mkMor n = [mkJPair "morphismsource" $ getNameOfNode n dg] lnkSt = case thmLinkStatus typ of Nothing -> [] Just tls -> case tls of LeftOpen -> [] Proven r ls -> dgrule r ++ let bs = Set.toList $ proofBasis ls in [("ProofBasis", mkJArr $ map (mkJNum . getEdgeNum) bs) | not $ null bs] in mkJObj $ [ mkJPair "source" $ getNameOfNode f dg , mkJPair "target" $ getNameOfNode t dg , ("linkid", mkJNum . getEdgeNum $ dgl_id lbl) ] ++ case dgl_origin lbl of DGLinkView i _ -> [mkNameJPair . iriToStringShortUnsecure $ setAngles False i] _ -> [] ++ mkJPair "Type" (getDGLinkType lbl) : lnkSt ++ consStatus (getLinkConsStatus typ) ++ case typ of HidingFreeOrCofreeThm _ n _ _ -> mkMor n FreeOrCofreeDefLink _ (JustNode ns) -> mkMor $ getNode ns _ -> [] ++ [("GMorphism", mor)] dgrule :: DGRule -> [JPair] dgrule r = mkJPair "Rule" (dgRuleHeader r) : case r of DGRuleLocalInference m -> [("MovedTheorems", mkJArr $ map (\ (s, t) -> mkJObj [mkNameJPair s, mkJPair "renamedTo" t]) m)] Composition es -> [("Composition", mkJArr $ map (mkJNum . getEdgeNum) es)] DGRuleWithEdge _ e -> [("RuleTarget", mkJNum $ getEdgeNum e)] _ -> [] -- | collects all symbols from dg and displays them as json dgSymbols :: HetcatsOpts -> DGraph -> Json dgSymbols opts dg = let ga = globalAnnos dg in tagJson "Ontologies" $ mkJArr $ map (\ (i, lbl) -> let ins = getImportNames dg i in showSymbols opts ins ga lbl) $ labNodesDG dg showSymbols :: HetcatsOpts -> [String] -> GlobalAnnos -> DGNodeLab -> Json showSymbols opts ins ga lbl = showSymbolsTh opts ins (getDGNodeName lbl) ga $ dgn_theory lbl showSymbolsTh :: HetcatsOpts -> [String] -> String -> GlobalAnnos -> G_theory -> Json showSymbolsTh opts ins name ga th = case th of G_theory lid _ (ExtSign sig _) _ sens _ -> mkJObj [ mkJPair "logic" $ language_name lid , mkNameJPair name , ("Ontology", mkJObj [ ("Symbols", mkJArr . map (showSym lid) $ symlist_of lid sig) , ("Axioms", mkJArr . map (showSen opts lid ga Nothing sig) $ toNamedList sens) , ("Import", mkJArr $ map mkJStr ins) ])] showSen :: ( GetRange sentence, Pretty sentence , Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol) => HetcatsOpts -> lid -> GlobalAnnos -> Maybe Bool -> sign -> Named sentence -> Json showSen opts lid ga mt sig ns = let s = sentence ns in mkJObj $ case mt of Nothing -> [] Just b -> [mkProvenJPair b] ++ mkNameJPair (senAttr ns) : rangeToJPair (getRangeSpan s) ++ case priority ns of Just p -> [mkPriorityJPair p] _ -> [] ++ mkJPair (if isJust mt then "Theorem" else "Axiom") (show . useGlobalAnnos ga . print_named lid . makeNamed "" $ simplify_sen lid sig s) : (let syms = symsOfSen lid sig s in [("SenSymbols", mkJArr $ map (showSym lid) syms) | not $ null syms]) ++ case senMark ns of "" -> [] m -> [mkJPair "ComorphismOrigin" m] ++ if printAST opts then [("AST", asJson s)] else [] showSym :: Sentences lid sentence sign morphism symbol => lid -> symbol -> Json showSym lid s = mkJObj $ [ mkJPair "kind" $ symKind lid s , mkNameJPair . show $ sym_name lid s , mkJPair "iri" $ fullSymName lid s ] ++ prettySymbol emptyGlobalAnnos s
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs -Werror #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : World -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2014 Michael R. Shannon -- License : GPLv2 or Later -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : portable -- -- World module. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module World ( World(..) , AnimationState(..) , Sun(..) , defaultWorld ) where import World.Types defaultWorld :: World defaultWorld = World { animationState = Running , sun = Sun { inclination = 45.0 + 90.0 , elevation = 10.0 } , sunTexture = Nothing , groundTexture = Nothing , treeBarkTexture = Nothing , leaves1Texture = Nothing , leaves2Texture = Nothing , skyboxTextures = Nothing }
module Main (main) where import Language.Haskell.HLint (hlint) import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess) arguments :: [String] arguments = [ "parse-packages" , "src" , "test" ] main :: IO () main = do hints <- hlint arguments if null hints then exitSuccess else exitFailure
module Test (tests) where import Data.Time import Data.Time.Format import Data.Time.LocalTime import Main import System.Locale import Test.HUnit sampleTime :: ParseTime t => Int -> t sampleTime n = times !! n where times = map readLocalTime [ ("%F", "2014-06-21") , ("%F %R", "2014-06-21 07:00") , ("%F", "2014-06-22") , ("%F", "2014-06-23") ] readLocalTime (fmt, s) = readTime defaultTimeLocale fmt s testTimeAround = "timeAround" ~: ("2014-06-14T00:00:00+0000", "2014-06-28T00:00:00+0000") ~=? timeAround (sampleTime 0) testListEventsUri = "listEventsUri" ~: "" ++ "id%20with%20space/events?singleEvents=true&" ++ "timeMin=mintime&timeMax=maxtime&access_token=token" ~=? listEventsUri "token" "mintime" "maxtime" "id with space" testOrgTimestamp = "orgTimestamp" ~: [ "Date" ~: [ "same day" ~: "<2014-06-21 Sat>" ~=? orgSample Date 0 2 , "different day" ~: "<2014-06-21 Sat>--<2014-06-22 Sun>" ~=? orgSample Date 0 3 ] , "DateTime" ~: [ "same day" ~: "<2014-06-21 Sat 00:00-07:00>" ~=? orgSample DateTime 0 1 , "different day" ~: "<2014-06-21 Sat 07:00>--<2014-06-22 Sun 00:00>" ~=? orgSample DateTime 1 2 ] ] where orgSample tc m n = orgTimestamp (tc $ sampleTime m) (tc $ sampleTime n) testEventToOrg = "eventToOrg" ~: org ~=? eventToOrg e where e = Event "summary" (Just "description") (DateTime $ sampleTime 0) (DateTime $ sampleTime 1) org = "** summary\n" ++ " <2014-06-21 Sat 00:00-07:00>\n" ++ "description" tests = runTestTT $ test [ testTimeAround , testListEventsUri , testOrgTimestamp , testEventToOrg ]
{-| Module : Args License : GPL Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module Helium.Main.Args ( Option(..) , processHeliumArgs , processRunHeliumArgs , processTexthintArgs , lvmPathFromOptions , basePathFromOptions , loggerDEFAULTHOST , simplifyOptions , argsToOptions , loggerDEFAULTPORT , hostFromOptions , portFromOptions , overloadingFromOptions , hasAlertOption ) where import System.Exit import System.FilePath import Helium.Main.Version import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad(when) import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Char loggerDEFAULTHOST :: String loggerDEFAULTHOST = "" loggerDEFAULTPORT :: Int loggerDEFAULTPORT = 5010 unwordsBy :: String -> [String] -> String unwordsBy _ [] = "" unwordsBy _ [w] = w unwordsBy sep (w:ws) = w ++ sep ++ unwordsBy sep ws -- Keep only the last of the overloading flags and the last of the logging enable flags. -- The alert flag overrides logging turned off. -- This function also collects all -P flags together and merges them into one. The order of the -- directories is the order in which they were specified. simplifyOptions :: [Option] -> [Option] simplifyOptions ops = let revdefops = reverse ops modops = case alertMessageFromOptions revdefops of (Just _) -> EnableLogging : revdefops -- Explicitly enable logging as well, just to be safe Nothing -> revdefops in collectPaths (keepFirst [Overloading, NoOverloading] (keepFirst [EnableLogging, DisableLogging] modops)) [] [] where -- Assumes the options are in reverse order, and also reverses them. -- Collects several LvmPath options into one collectPaths [] paths newops = LvmPath (unwordsBy [searchPathSeparator] paths) : newops collectPaths (LvmPath path : rest) paths newops = collectPaths rest (path : paths) newops collectPaths (opt : rest) paths newops = collectPaths rest paths (opt : newops) keepFirst _ [] = [] keepFirst fromList (opt : rest) = if opt `elem` fromList then opt : optionFilter fromList rest else opt : keepFirst fromList rest optionFilter _ [] = [] optionFilter fromList (opt : rest) = if opt `elem` fromList then optionFilter fromList rest else opt : optionFilter fromList rest terminateWithMessage :: [Option] -> String -> [String] -> IO ([Option], Maybe String) terminateWithMessage options message errors = do let experimentalOptions = ExperimentalOptions `elem` options let moreOptions = MoreOptions `elem` options || experimentalOptions putStrLn message putStrLn (unlines errors) putStrLn $ "Helium compiler " ++ version putStrLn (usageInfo "Usage: helium [options] file [options]" (optionDescription moreOptions experimentalOptions)) exitWith (ExitFailure 1) processTexthintArgs :: [String] -> IO ([Option], Maybe String) processTexthintArgs = basicProcessArgs [] processHeliumArgs :: [String] -> IO ([Option], Maybe String) processHeliumArgs args = do (options, maybeFiles) <- basicProcessArgs [DisableLogging, Overloading] args case maybeFiles of Nothing -> terminateWithMessage options "Error in invocation: the name of the module to be compiled seems to be missing." [] Just _ -> return (options, maybeFiles) processRunHeliumArgs :: [String] -> IO ([Option], Maybe String) processRunHeliumArgs args = do (options, maybeFiles) <- basicProcessArgs [] args case maybeFiles of Nothing -> terminateWithMessage options "Error in invocation: the name of the lvm file to be run seems to be missing." [] Just _ -> return (options, maybeFiles) -- Sometimes you know the options are correct. Then you can use this. argsToOptions :: [String] -> [Option] argsToOptions args = let (opts,_,_) = getOpt Permute (optionDescription True True) args in opts -- The Maybe String indicates that a file may be missing. Resulting options are simplified basicProcessArgs :: [Option] -> [String] -> IO ([Option], Maybe String) basicProcessArgs defaults args = let (options, arguments, errors) = getOpt Permute (optionDescription True True) args in if not (null errors) then terminateWithMessage options "Error in invocation: list of parameters is erroneous.\nProblem(s):" (map (" " ++) errors) else if length arguments > 1 then terminateWithMessage options ("Error in invocation: only one non-option parameter expected, but found instead:\n" ++ unlines (map (" "++) arguments)) [] else do let simpleOptions = simplifyOptions (defaults ++ options) argument = if null arguments then Nothing else Just (head arguments) when (Verbose `elem` simpleOptions) $ do mapM_ putStrLn ("Options after simplification: " : map show simpleOptions) putStrLn ("Argument: " ++ show argument) return (simpleOptions, argument) optionDescription :: Bool -> Bool -> [OptDescr Option] optionDescription moreOptions experimentalOptions = -- Main options [ Option "b" [flag BuildOne] (NoArg BuildOne) "recompile module even if up to date" , Option "B" [flag BuildAll] (NoArg BuildAll) "recompile all modules even if up to date" , Option "i" [flag DumpInformationForThisModule] (NoArg DumpInformationForThisModule) "show information about this module" , Option "I" [flag DumpInformationForAllModules] (NoArg DumpInformationForAllModules) "show information about all imported modules" , Option "" [flag EnableLogging] (NoArg EnableLogging) "enable logging, overrides previous disable-logging" , Option "" [flag DisableLogging] (NoArg DisableLogging) "disable logging (default), overrides previous enable-logging flags" , Option "a" [flag (Alert "")] (ReqArg Alert "MESSAGE") "compiles with alert flag in logging; MESSAGE specifies the reason for the alert." , Option "" [flag Overloading] (NoArg Overloading) "turn overloading on (default), overrides all previous no-overloading flags" , Option "" [flag NoOverloading] (NoArg NoOverloading) "turn overloading off, overrides all previous overloading flags" , Option "P" [flag (LvmPath "")] (ReqArg LvmPath "PATH") "use PATH as search path" , Option "v" [flag Verbose] (NoArg Verbose) "show the phase the compiler is in" , Option "w" [flag NoWarnings] (NoArg NoWarnings) "do notflag warnings" , Option "X" [flag MoreOptions] (NoArg MoreOptions) "show more compiler options" , Option "" [flag (Information "")] (ReqArg Information "NAME") "display information about NAME" ] ++ -- More options if not moreOptions then [] else [ Option "1" [flag StopAfterParser] (NoArg StopAfterParser) "stop after parsing" , Option "2" [flag StopAfterStaticAnalysis] (NoArg StopAfterStaticAnalysis) "stop after static analysis" , Option "3" [flag StopAfterTypeInferencing] (NoArg StopAfterTypeInferencing) "stop after type inferencing" , Option "4" [flag StopAfterDesugar] (NoArg StopAfterDesugar) "stop after desugaring into Core" , Option "t" [flag DumpTokens] (NoArg DumpTokens) "dump tokens to screen" , Option "u" [flag DumpUHA] (NoArg DumpUHA) "pretty print abstract syntax tree" , Option "c" [flag DumpCore] (NoArg DumpCore) "pretty print Core program" , Option "C" [flag DumpCoreToFile] (NoArg DumpCoreToFile) "write Core program to file" , Option "" [flag DebugLogger] (NoArg DebugLogger) "show logger debug information" , Option "" [flag (Host "")] (ReqArg Host "HOST") ("specify which HOST to use for logging (default " ++ loggerDEFAULTHOST ++ ")") , Option "" [flag (Port 0)] (ReqArg selectPort "PORT") ("select the PORT number for the logger (default: " ++ show loggerDEFAULTPORT ++ ")") , Option "d" [flag DumpTypeDebug] (NoArg DumpTypeDebug) "debug constraint-based type inference" , Option "W" [flag AlgorithmW] (NoArg AlgorithmW) "use bottom-up type inference algorithm W" , Option "M" [flag AlgorithmM ] (NoArg AlgorithmM) "use folklore top-down type inference algorithm M" , Option "" [flag DisableDirectives] (NoArg DisableDirectives) "disable type inference directives" , Option "" [flag NoRepairHeuristics] (NoArg NoRepairHeuristics) "don't suggest program fixes" , Option "" [flag HFullQualification] (NoArg HFullQualification) "to determine fully qualified names for Holmes" , Option "" [flag (BasePath "")] (ReqArg BasePath "PATH") "use PATH as base path instead" ] ++ -- Experimental options if not experimentalOptions then [] else [ Option "" [flag ExperimentalOptions] (NoArg ExperimentalOptions) "show experimental compiler options" , Option "" [flag KindInferencing] (NoArg KindInferencing) "perform kind inference (experimental)" , Option "" [flag SignatureWarnings] (NoArg SignatureWarnings) "warn for too specific signatures (experimental)" , Option "" [flag RightToLeft] (NoArg RightToLeft) "right-to-left treewalk" , Option "" [flag NoSpreading] (NoArg NoSpreading) "do not spread type constraints (experimental)" , Option "" [flag TreeWalkTopDown] (NoArg TreeWalkTopDown) "top-down treewalk" , Option "" [flag TreeWalkBottomUp] (NoArg TreeWalkBottomUp) "bottom up-treewalk" , Option "" [flag TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPre] (NoArg TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPre) "treewalk (top;upward;child)" , Option "" [flag TreeWalkInorderTopLastPre] (NoArg TreeWalkInorderTopLastPre) "treewalk (upward;child;top)" , Option "" [flag TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPost] (NoArg TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPost) "treewalk (top;child;upward)" , Option "" [flag TreeWalkInorderTopLastPost] (NoArg TreeWalkInorderTopLastPost) "treewalk (child;upward;top)" , Option "" [flag SolverSimple] (NoArg SolverSimple) "a simple constraint solver" , Option "" [flag SolverGreedy] (NoArg SolverGreedy) "a fast constraint solver" , Option "" [flag SolverTypeGraph] (NoArg SolverTypeGraph) "type graph constraint solver" , Option "" [flag SolverCombination] (NoArg SolverCombination) "switches between \"greedy\" and \"type graph\"" , Option "" [flag SolverChunks] (NoArg SolverChunks) "solves chunks of constraints (default)" , Option "" [flag UnifierHeuristics] (NoArg UnifierHeuristics) "use unifier heuristics (experimental)" , Option "" [flag (SelectConstraintNumber 0)] (ReqArg selectCNR "CNR") "select constraint number to be reported" , Option "" [flag NoOverloadingTypeCheck] (NoArg NoOverloadingTypeCheck) "disable overloading errors (experimental)" , Option "" [flag NoPrelude] (NoArg NoPrelude) "do not import the prelude (experimental)" ] data Option -- Main options = BuildOne | BuildAll | DumpInformationForThisModule | DumpInformationForAllModules | DisableLogging | EnableLogging | Alert String | Overloading | NoOverloading | LvmPath String | Verbose | NoWarnings | MoreOptions | Information String | BasePath String -- More options | StopAfterParser | StopAfterStaticAnalysis | StopAfterTypeInferencing | StopAfterDesugar | DumpTokens | DumpUHA | DumpCore | DumpCoreToFile | DebugLogger | Host String | Port Int | DumpTypeDebug | AlgorithmW | AlgorithmM | DisableDirectives | NoRepairHeuristics | HFullQualification -- Experimental options | ExperimentalOptions | KindInferencing | SignatureWarnings | RightToLeft | NoSpreading | TreeWalkTopDown | TreeWalkBottomUp | TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPre | TreeWalkInorderTopLastPre | TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPost | TreeWalkInorderTopLastPost | SolverSimple | SolverGreedy | SolverTypeGraph | SolverCombination | SolverChunks | UnifierHeuristics | SelectConstraintNumber Int | NoOverloadingTypeCheck | NoPrelude | UseTutor deriving (Eq) stripShow :: String -> String stripShow name = tail (tail (takeWhile ('=' /=) name)) flag :: Option -> String flag = stripShow . show instance Show Option where show BuildOne = "--build" show BuildAll = "--build-all" show DumpInformationForThisModule = "--dump-information" show DumpInformationForAllModules = "--dump-all-information" show EnableLogging = "--enable-logging" show DisableLogging = "--disable-logging" show (Alert str) = "--alert=\"" ++ str ++ "\"" -- May contain spaces show Overloading = "--overloading" show NoOverloading = "--no-overloading" show (LvmPath str) = "--lvmpath=\"" ++ str ++ "\"" -- May contain spaces show (BasePath str) = "--basepath=\"" ++ str ++ "\"" -- May contain spaces show Verbose = "--verbose" show NoWarnings = "--no-warnings" show MoreOptions = "--moreoptions" show (Information str) = "--info=" ++ str show StopAfterParser = "--stop-after-parsing" show StopAfterStaticAnalysis = "--stop-after-static-analysis" show StopAfterTypeInferencing = "--stop-after-type-inferencing" show StopAfterDesugar = "--stop-after-desugaring" show DumpTokens = "--dump-tokens" show DumpUHA = "--dump-uha" show DumpCore = "--dump-core" show DumpCoreToFile = "--save-core" show DebugLogger = "--debug-logger" show (Host host) = "--host=" ++ host show (Port port) = "--port=" ++ show port show DumpTypeDebug = "--type-debug" show AlgorithmW = "--algorithm-w" show AlgorithmM = "--algorithm-m" show DisableDirectives = "--no-directives" show NoRepairHeuristics = "--no-repair-heuristics" show ExperimentalOptions = "--experimental-options" show KindInferencing = "--kind-inferencing" show SignatureWarnings = "--signature-warnings" show RightToLeft = "--right-to-left" show NoSpreading = "--no-spreading" show TreeWalkTopDown = "--treewalk-topdown" show TreeWalkBottomUp = "--treewalk-bottomup" show TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPre = "--treewalk-inorder1" show TreeWalkInorderTopLastPre = "--treewalk-inorder2" show TreeWalkInorderTopFirstPost = "--treewalk-inorder3" show TreeWalkInorderTopLastPost = "--treewalk-inorder4" show SolverSimple = "--solver-simple" show SolverGreedy = "--solver-greedy" show SolverTypeGraph = "--solver-typegraph" show SolverCombination = "--solver-combination" show SolverChunks = "--solver-chunks" show UnifierHeuristics = "--unifier-heuristics" show (SelectConstraintNumber cnr) = "--select-cnr=" ++ show cnr show HFullQualification = "--H-fullqualification" show NoOverloadingTypeCheck = "--no-overloading-typecheck" show NoPrelude = "--no-prelude" show UseTutor = "--use-tutor" basePathFromOptions :: [Option] -> Maybe String basePathFromOptions [] = Nothing basePathFromOptions (BasePath s : _) = Just s basePathFromOptions (_ : rest) = basePathFromOptions rest lvmPathFromOptions :: [Option] -> Maybe String lvmPathFromOptions [] = Nothing lvmPathFromOptions (LvmPath s : _) = Just s lvmPathFromOptions (_ : rest) = lvmPathFromOptions rest -- Assumes removed duplicates! overloadingFromOptions :: [Option] -> Bool overloadingFromOptions [] = error "Internal error in Args.overloadingFromOptions" overloadingFromOptions (Overloading:_) = True overloadingFromOptions (NoOverloading:_) = False overloadingFromOptions (_:rest) = overloadingFromOptions rest -- Takes the first in the list. Better to remove duplicates! hostFromOptions :: [Option] -> Maybe String hostFromOptions [] = Nothing hostFromOptions (Host s : _) = Just s hostFromOptions (_ : rest) = hostFromOptions rest -- Takes the first in the list. Better to remove duplicates! portFromOptions :: [Option] -> Maybe Int portFromOptions [] = Nothing portFromOptions (Port pn: _) = Just pn portFromOptions (_ : rest) = portFromOptions rest -- Extracts the alert message. Returns Nothing if such is not present. alertMessageFromOptions :: [Option] -> Maybe String alertMessageFromOptions [] = Nothing alertMessageFromOptions (Alert message: _) = Just message alertMessageFromOptions (_ : rest) = alertMessageFromOptions rest hasAlertOption :: [Option] -> Bool hasAlertOption = isJust . alertMessageFromOptions selectPort :: String -> Option selectPort pn | all isDigit pn = Port (read ('0':pn)) | otherwise = Port (-1) -- problem with argument selectCNR :: String -> Option selectCNR s | all isDigit s = SelectConstraintNumber (read ('0':s)) | otherwise = SelectConstraintNumber (-1) -- problem with argument
module Data.Automaton where data Automaton state input output = Automaton { initialState :: state , transitions :: [(state,input,state,output)] } deriving (Eq,Show)
module Main where import Utils.All import Assets import Lib import Repl import ArgumentParser import System.Environment import System.IO import Data.Char import Data.List import Control.Monad versionCount = [0,2,0,4] versionMessage = "Hi Reddit! Stuff should actually work now..." version = (versionCount, versionMessage) main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs args' <- parseArgs version args when (get dumpTemplate args') $ do writeFile "Template.language" Assets._Resources_Template_language putStrLn "Template/Tutorial was written as Template.language in the current directory" get replOpts args' & ifJust (\opts -> do let fp = get replPath opts let modul = get replModule opts let modul' = if ".language" `isSuffixOf` modul then take (length modul - 9) modul else modul repl fp (uncalate '.' modul'))
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} module SIRTests ( sirPropTests ) where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Void import FRP.Yampa import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import SIR.SIR import SIR.Utils import StatsUtils import Debug.Trace instance Arbitrary SIRState where -- arbitrary :: Gen SIRState arbitrary = elements [Susceptible, Infected, Recovered] paramContactRate :: Double paramContactRate = 5.0 paramInfectivity :: Double paramInfectivity = 0.05 paramIllnessDuration :: Double paramIllnessDuration = 15.0 sirPropTests :: RandomGen g => g -> TestTree sirPropTests g = testGroup "SIR Simulation Tests" [ test_agent_behaviour_quickgroup g] test_agent_behaviour_quickgroup :: RandomGen g => g -> TestTree test_agent_behaviour_quickgroup g = testGroup "agent behaviour" [ QC.testProperty "susceptible behaviour = infection rate" (prop_infection_rate g) --, QC.testProperty "infected behaviour = average duration" (prop_avg_duration g) --, QC.testProperty "infected behaviour = recovery rate" (prop_recovery_rate g) ] -- | Testing behaviour of susceptible agent -- a susceptible agent makes on average contact -- with contact rate other agents per time-unit -- => when running N susceptible agents for 1.0 -- time-unit then -- N * infectivity * contactRate * (infectedAgentsCount / totalAgentsCount) -- agents should become infected -- NOTE: this also allows to estimate the dt: to -- achieve a sufficiently close match one selects -- a very small epsilon and then reduces the dt -- until the average falls into the epsilon environment -- NOTE: this is black-box verification prop_infection_rate :: RandomGen g => g -> [SIRState] -> Bool prop_infection_rate g0 as -- in case of nothing, there is no variance in the rate-samples and all are the same -- thus we assume that it is equal the target-rate and simply take the first element | isNothing tTestRet = head irs == targetRate -- t-test resulted in Just | otherwise = if fromJust tTestRet then trace ("PASS! as = " ++ show as ++ "\nirs = " ++ show irs ++ "\ntargetRate = " ++ show targetRate) True else trace ("FAIL! as = " ++ show as ++ "\nirs = " ++ show irs ++ "\ntargetRate = " ++ show targetRate) False where -- we have n other agents, each in one of the states -- this means, that this susceptible agent will pick -- on average an Infected with a probability of 1/n otherAgentsCount = length as infOtherAgents = length $ filter (Infected==) as infToNonInfRatio -- prevent division by zero = if 0 == otherAgentsCount then 0 else fromIntegral infOtherAgents / fromIntegral otherAgentsCount -- multiply with contactRate because we make on -- average contact with contactRate other agents -- per time-unit (we are running the agent for -- 1.0 time-unit) -- also multiply with ratio of infected to non-infected -- NOTE: this is actually the recovery-rate formula from SD! infectivity = paramInfectivity contactRate = paramContactRate targetRate = infectivity * contactRate * infToNonInfRatio reps = 100 (rngs, _) = rngSplits g0 reps [] irs = map infectionRateRun rngs confidence = 0.95 -- perform a 1-sided test because we test the difference of the rates -- tTestRet = tTest "infection rate" irs 0.05 (1 - confidence) LT -- perform a 2-sided test because we test if the means are statistically equal -- put in other words: if the difference of the means is statistically insignificant tTestRet = tTest "infection rate" irs targetRate (1 - confidence) EQ infectionRateRun :: RandomGen g => g -> Double infectionRateRun gRun = infRatio -- abs (targetRate - infRatio) where repls = 100 dt = 0.01 inf = infectionRateRunAux gRun repls 0 infRatio = fromIntegral inf / fromIntegral repls infectionRateRunAux :: RandomGen g => g -> Int -> Int -> Int infectionRateRunAux _ 0 countInf = countInf infectionRateRunAux g n countInf = infectionRateRunAux g'' (n-1) countInf' where (g', g'') = split g stepsCount = floor (1.0 / dt) steps = replicate stepsCount (dt, Nothing) ret = embed (testSusceptibleSF as g') ((), steps) gotInfected = True `elem` ret countInf' = if gotInfected then countInf + 1 else countInf testSusceptibleSF :: RandomGen g => [SIRState] -> g -> SF () Bool testSusceptibleSF otherAgents g = proc _ -> do ret <- susceptibleAgent paramContactRate paramInfectivity paramIllnessDuration g -< otherAgents case ret of Susceptible -> returnA -< False Infected -> returnA -< True Recovered -> returnA -< False -- TODO: should never occur, can we test this? seems not so, but we can pretty easily guarantee it due to simplicity of code -- | Testing behaviour of infected agent -- run test until agent recovers, which happens -- on average after illnessDuration -- we are running this test a larger number of -- times N and averaging the durations of all -- agents until their recovery -- should be within an epsilon of illnessDuration -- NOTE: this is black-box verification _prop_avg_duration :: RandomGen g => g -> [SIRState] -> Bool _prop_avg_duration g0 as = diff <= eps where repls = 10000 eps = 0.5 dt = 0.25 diff = testInfected testInfected :: Double -- ^ difference to target testInfected = abs (target - durationsAvg) where durations = testInfectedAux g0 repls [] durationsAvg = sum durations / fromIntegral (length durations) target = paramIllnessDuration testInfectedAux :: RandomGen g => g -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] testInfectedAux _ 0 acc = acc testInfectedAux g n acc = testInfectedAux g'' (n-1) acc' where (g', g'') = split g steps = repeat (dt, Nothing) evts = embed (testInfectedSF g' as) ((), steps) -- assumption about implementation: there will always be an event, testInfectedSF will eventuall return an event (Event t) = fromJust $ find isEvent evts acc' = t : acc _prop_recovery_rate :: RandomGen g => g -> Bool _prop_recovery_rate g0 = trace ("target = " ++ show target ++ " actual = " ++ show actual) diff <= eps where inf = 10000 repls = 100 :: Int eps = 0.5 dt = 0.1 actuals = testInfected g0 repls [] avgActuals = fromIntegral (sum actuals) / fromIntegral (length actuals) -- TODO: maybe a t-test? target = fromIntegral inf / paramIllnessDuration actual = avgActuals / paramIllnessDuration diff = abs (target - actual) testInfected :: RandomGen g => g -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int] testInfected _ 0 acc = acc testInfected g n acc = testInfected g'' (n-1) acc' where (g', g'') = split g recCount = testInfectedAux g' inf 0 acc' = recCount : acc testInfectedAux :: RandomGen g => g -> Int -> Int -> Int testInfectedAux _ 0 countRec = countRec testInfectedAux ga i countRec = testInfectedAux ga'' (i-1) countRec' where (ga', ga'') = split ga stepsCount = floor (1.0 / dt) steps = replicate stepsCount (dt, Nothing) evts = embed (testInfectedSF ga' []) ((), steps) recovered = isJust $ find isEvent evts countRec' = if recovered then countRec + 1 else countRec testInfectedSF :: RandomGen g => g -> [SIRState] -> SF () (Event Time) testInfectedSF g otherAgents = proc _ -> do -- note that the otheragents are fed into the infected agents -- but that they are ignored for checking whether the test -- has failed or not. from this we can infer, that they -- don't play a role in the infected agents behaviour at all ret <- infectedAgent paramIllnessDuration g -< otherAgents t <- time -< () case ret of Susceptible -> returnA -< NoEvent -- TODO: should never occur, can we test this? seems not so, but we can pretty easily guarantee it due to simplicity of code Infected -> returnA -< NoEvent Recovered -> returnA -< Event t -- | Testing behaviour of recovered agent -- A correct recovered agent will stay recovered -- forever, which cannot be tested through -- computation. We can reason that it is correct -- simply by looking at the code, which -- is so simple (1 line) that it is correct -- by definition: its basically a constant function -- We indicated by Void and undefined that this -- test does not make sense. _testCaseRecovered :: Void _testCaseRecovered = undefined
-- | Sugared evaluation results {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Lamdu.Sugar.Types.Eval ( EvalScopes , ParamScopes, EvaluationScopes , ScopeId , ER.EvalTypeError(..) , ER.CompiledErrorType(..) , ER._DependencyTypeOutOfDate, ER._ReachedHole, ER._UnhandledCase , ER.Error(..), ER._CompiledError, ER._RuntimeError , EvalException(..), evalExceptionType, evalExceptionJumpTo , EvalCompletionResult(..), _EvalSuccess, _EvalError , EvalCompletion , ResRecord(..), recordFields , ResTable(..), rtHeaders, rtRows , ResTree(..), rtRoot, rtSubtrees , ResList(..), rsHead , ResInject(..), riTag, riVal , ResBody(..) , _RRecord, _RInject, _RFunc, _RArray, _RError, _RBytes, _RFloat , _RList, _RTree, _RText , ResVal(..), resPayload, resBody ) where import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Data.CurAndPrev (CurAndPrev) import Lamdu.Data.Anchors (BinderParamScopeId) import Lamdu.Eval.Results (ScopeId) import qualified Lamdu.Eval.Results as ER import Lamdu.Sugar.EntityId (EntityId) import Lamdu.Sugar.Types.Tag import Lamdu.Prelude newtype ResRecord name v = ResRecord { _recordFields :: [(Tag name, v)] } deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) data ResInject name v = ResInject { _riTag :: Tag name , _riVal :: Maybe v } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) data ResTree v = ResTree { _rtRoot :: v , _rtSubtrees :: [v] } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) data ResTable name v = ResTable { _rtHeaders :: [Tag name] , _rtRows :: [[v]] -- All rows are same length as each other and the headers } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) newtype ResList v = ResList { _rsHead :: v } deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) data ResBody name v = RRecord (ResRecord name v) | RInject (ResInject name v) | RFunc Int -- Identifier for function instance | RArray [v] -- TODO: Vector here? | RError ER.EvalTypeError | RBytes ByteString | RFloat Double -- Sugared forms: | RTable (ResTable name v) | RList (ResList v) | RTree (ResTree v) | RText Text deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic) data ResVal name = ResVal { _resPayload :: EntityId , _resBody :: ResBody name (ResVal name) } deriving (Generic) type EvalScopes a = CurAndPrev (Map ScopeId a) type ParamScopes = EvalScopes [BinderParamScopeId] -- For parameters: if there were any applies-of-lam in a parent scope, -- even if they got no values yet, it will be `Just mempty`, which -- will not fall back to showing the prev -- TODO: Does this actually happen? Do we generate empty lists of -- scope-val pairs for lams? -- -- Values are wrapped in an "i" action to avoid unnecessarily passing on all -- values during the names pass. type EvaluationScopes name i = CurAndPrev (Maybe (Map ScopeId (i (ResVal name)))) data EvalException o = EvalException { _evalExceptionType :: ER.Error , _evalExceptionJumpTo :: Maybe (o EntityId) } deriving Generic data EvalCompletionResult o = EvalSuccess | EvalError (EvalException o) deriving Generic type EvalCompletion o = CurAndPrev (Maybe (EvalCompletionResult o)) traverse Lens.makeLenses [''EvalException, ''ResInject, ''ResRecord, ''ResList, ''ResTable, ''ResTree, ''ResVal] <&> concat Lens.makePrisms ''EvalCompletionResult Lens.makePrisms ''ResBody
module HMeans.Common where import Data.Clustering.Hierarchical import qualified Data.IntSet as ISet import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV newtype Partition a = Partition {getPartition :: IMap.IntMap (Cluster a)} newtype BasicData a = BasicData {getData :: (a, Int)} deriving Show type DoubleList = [Double] -- newtype DoubleVector = DoubleVector {getVector :: UV.Vector Double} -- deriving Show type DoubleVector = UV.Vector Double type DoubleIntMap = IMap.IntMap Double data Cluster a = Cluster {nPoints :: Int, lSum :: a, sSum :: a, pointsIn :: ISet.IntSet, pointsOut :: ISet.IntSet} deriving (Eq, Ord) data HMeansParams = HierarchicalParams {linkageType :: Linkage} | KMeansParams {maxIters :: Int} deriving Show data Params = Params {nMicroClusters :: Int, nClusters :: Int, nDataPoints :: Int, nDims :: Int, hParams :: HMeansParams} deriving Show data DistTable = DistTable {getTable :: IMap.IntMap (Map.Map Double ISet.IntSet)} instance (Show a) => Show (Partition a) where show (Partition p) = "Partition:" ++ (concat $ IMap.elems $ IMap.mapWithKey showCluster p) where showCluster k c = "\n\tCluster #" ++ show k ++ ": " ++ show c instance Show a => Show (Cluster a) where show (Cluster n l _ p _) = "Cluster with " ++ show n ++ " points" -- , namely " ++ show p
-- module WeIrDStRiNgCaSe where import Data.Char import Data.List.Split toWeirdCase :: String -> String toWeirdCase = unwords . map weirdise . words where weirdise = concatMap f . chunksOf 2 f (x:xs) = toUpper x : map toLower xs
-- | Command line options. module Options ( -- * Options type Options(..) -- * Options parsing , options ) where import Control.Applicative import Options.Applicative -- | Data type for command options. data Options = Options { inputFile :: FilePath -- ^ File to be compiled. , outputFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Where to put the resulting C++ code. , addRuntime :: Bool -- ^ Whether to add the C++ runtime -- directly. , includeDir :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Location of the C++ runtime. , useGuards :: Bool -- ^ Whether to use @#include@ guards. } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The actual command line parser. All options are aggregated into -- a single value of type 'Options'. options :: ParserInfo Options options = info (helper <*> opts) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "Compile source code in INPUT into C++ template metaprogram." ) where opts = Options <$> argument str ( metavar "INPUT" <> help "Location of the source code" ) <*> (optional . strOption) ( long "output" <> short 'o' <> metavar "OUTPUT" <> help "Location of the compiled code" ) <*> switch ( long "addruntime" <> short 'a' <> help "Whether to directly include the runtime" ) <*> (optional . strOption) ( long "includedir" <> short 'i' <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Location of the C++ \"runtime\"" ) <*> (fmap not . switch) ( long "noguards" <> short 'n' <> help "Do not add #include guards" )
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Control.CP.FD.OvertonFD.Sugar ( ) where import Data.Set(Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.CP.Debug import Control.Mixin.Mixin import Control.CP.Solver import Control.CP.FD.FD import Control.CP.FD.SimpleFD import Data.Expr.Data import Data.Expr.Sugar -- import Control.CP.FD.Expr.Util import Control.CP.FD.Model import Control.CP.FD.Graph import Control.CP.FD.OvertonFD.OvertonFD newVars :: Term s t => Int -> s [t] newVars 0 = return [] newVars n = do l <- newVars $ n-1 n <- newvar return $ n:l instance FDSolver OvertonFD where type FDIntTerm OvertonFD = FDVar type FDBoolTerm OvertonFD = FDVar type FDIntSpec OvertonFD = FDVar type FDBoolSpec OvertonFD = FDVar type FDColSpec OvertonFD = [FDVar] type FDIntSpecType OvertonFD = () type FDBoolSpecType OvertonFD = () type FDColSpecType OvertonFD = () fdIntSpec_const (Const i) = ((),do v <- newvar add $ OHasValue v $ fromInteger i return v) fdIntSpec_term i = ((),return i) fdBoolSpec_const (BoolConst i) = ((),do v <- newvar add $ OHasValue v $ if i then 1 else 0 return v) fdBoolSpec_term i = ((),return i) fdColSpec_list l = ((),return l) fdColSpec_size (Const s) = ((),newVars $ fromInteger s) fdColSpec_const l = ((),error "constant collections not yet supported by overton interface") fdColInspect = return fdSpecify = specify <@> simple_fdSpecify fdProcess = process <@> simple_fdProcess fdEqualInt v1 v2 = addFD $ OSame v1 v2 fdEqualBool v1 v2 = addFD $ OSame v1 v2 fdEqualCol v1 v2 = do if length v1 /= length v2 then setFailed else sequence_ $ zipWith (\a b -> addFD $ OSame a b) v1 v2 fdIntVarSpec = return . Just fdBoolVarSpec = return . Just fdSplitIntDomain b = do d <- fd_domain b return $ (map (b `OHasValue`) d, True) fdSplitBoolDomain b = do d <- fd_domain b return $ (map (b `OHasValue`) $ filter (\x -> x==0 || x==1) d, True) -- processBinary :: (EGVarId,EGVarId,EGVarId) -> (FDVar -> FDVar -> FDVar -> OConstraint) -> FDInstance OvertonFD () processBinary (v1,v2,va) f = addFD $ f (getDefIntSpec v1) (getDefIntSpec v2) (getDefIntSpec va) -- processUnary :: (EGVarId,EGVarId) -> (FDVar -> FDVar -> OConstraint) -> FDInstance OvertonFD () processUnary (v1,va) f = addFD $ f (getDefIntSpec v1) (getDefIntSpec va) specify :: Mixin (SpecFn OvertonFD) specify s t edge = case (debug ("overton-specify("++(show edge)++")") edge) of EGEdge { egeCons = EGChannel, egeLinks = EGTypeData { intData=[i], boolData=[b] } } -> ([(1000,b,True,do s <- getIntSpec i case s of Just ss -> return $ SpecResSpec ((),return (ss,Nothing)) _ -> return SpecResNone )],[(1000,i,True,do s <- getBoolSpec b case s of Just ss -> return $ SpecResSpec ((),return (ss,Nothing)) _ -> return SpecResNone )],[]) _ -> s edge -- process :: Mixin (EGEdge -> FDInstance OvertonFD ()) process s t con info = case (con,info) of (EGIntValue c, ([],[a],[])) -> case c of Const v -> addFD $ OHasValue (getDefIntSpec a) (fromInteger v) _ -> error "Overton solver does not support parametrized values" (EGPlus, ([],[a,b,c],[])) -> processBinary (b,c,a) OAdd (EGMinus, ([],[a,b,c],[])) -> processBinary (a,c,b) OAdd (EGMult, ([],[a,b,c],[])) -> processBinary (b,c,a) OMult (EGAbs, ([],[a,b],[])) -> processUnary (b,a) OAbs (EGDiff, ([FDSpecInfoBool {fdspBoolVal = Just (BoolConst True)}],[a,b],[])) -> addFD $ ODiff (getDefIntSpec a) (getDefIntSpec b) (EGLess True, ([FDSpecInfoBool {fdspBoolVal = Just (BoolConst True)}],[a,b],[])) -> addFD $ OLess (getDefIntSpec a) (getDefIntSpec b) (EGLess False, ([FDSpecInfoBool {fdspBoolVal = Just (BoolConst True)}],[a,b],[])) -> addFD $ OLessEq (getDefIntSpec a) (getDefIntSpec b) (EGEqual, ([FDSpecInfoBool {fdspBoolVal = Just (BoolConst True)}],[a,b],[])) -> addFD $ OSame (getDefIntSpec a) (getDefIntSpec b) _ -> s con info
module Tests.WebTest (tests) where import Test.HUnit import qualified Data.DataHandler import qualified Service.ServiceHandler import qualified Configuration.Util import qualified Service.Users import qualified Web.WebHandler import qualified Web.WebHelper import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 import Blaze.ByteString.Builder import Data.Conduit import Network.Wai tests = TestList [ TestLabel "web to service to database test" $ TestCase $ do Just configuration <- Configuration.Util.readConfiguration "Configuration.yaml" configurationTVar <- Data.DataHandler.setupDataMonad configuration serviceConfiguration <- Service.ServiceHandler.setupServiceMonad configuration configurationTVar webConfiguration <- Web.WebHandler.setupHandlerMonad configuration serviceConfiguration let handler = do Web.WebHandler.renderView $ Web.WebHelper.toBuilder ["One","Two"] ResponseBuilder _ _ returnValue <- runResourceT $ Web.WebHandler.handleMonadWithConfiguration webConfiguration handler assertEqual "Return value" (toLazyByteString returnValue) (fromString "OneTwo") ]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Program -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2006, Duncan Coutts 2007-2009 -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Portability : portable -- -- This provides an abstraction which deals with configuring and running -- programs. A 'Program' is a static notion of a known program. A -- 'ConfiguredProgram' is a 'Program' that has been found on the current -- machine and is ready to be run (possibly with some user-supplied default -- args). Configuring a program involves finding its location and if necessary -- finding its version. There is also a 'ProgramConfiguration' type which holds -- configured and not-yet configured programs. It is the parameter to lots of -- actions elsewhere in Cabal that need to look up and run programs. If we had -- a Cabal monad, the 'ProgramConfiguration' would probably be a reader or -- state component of it. -- -- The module also defines all the known built-in 'Program's and the -- 'defaultProgramConfiguration' which contains them all. -- -- One nice thing about using it is that any program that is -- registered with Cabal will get some \"configure\" and \".cabal\" -- helpers like --with-foo-args --foo-path= and extra-foo-args. -- -- There's also good default behavior for trying to find \"foo\" in -- PATH, being able to override its location, etc. -- -- There's also a hook for adding programs in a Setup.lhs script. See -- hookedPrograms in 'Distribution.Simple.UserHooks'. This gives a -- hook user the ability to get the above flags and such so that they -- don't have to write all the PATH logic inside Setup.lhs. module Distribution.Simple.Program ( -- * Program and functions for constructing them Program(..) , simpleProgram , findProgramLocation , findProgramVersion -- * Configured program and related functions , ConfiguredProgram(..) , programPath , ProgArg , ProgramLocation(..) , runProgram , getProgramOutput -- * Program invocations , ProgramInvocation(..) , emptyProgramInvocation , simpleProgramInvocation , programInvocation , runProgramInvocation , getProgramInvocationOutput -- * The collection of unconfigured and configured progams , builtinPrograms -- * The collection of configured programs we can run , ProgramConfiguration , emptyProgramConfiguration , defaultProgramConfiguration , restoreProgramConfiguration , addKnownProgram , addKnownPrograms , lookupKnownProgram , knownPrograms , userSpecifyPath , userSpecifyPaths , userMaybeSpecifyPath , userSpecifyArgs , userSpecifyArgss , userSpecifiedArgs , lookupProgram , updateProgram , configureProgram , configureAllKnownPrograms , reconfigurePrograms , requireProgram , requireProgramVersion , runDbProgram , getDbProgramOutput -- * Programs that Cabal knows about , ghcProgram , ghcPkgProgram , gccProgram , ranlibProgram , arProgram , stripProgram , happyProgram , alexProgram , hsc2hsProgram , c2hsProgram , cpphsProgram , hscolourProgram , haddockProgram , greencardProgram , ldProgram , tarProgram , touchProgram , ibtoolProgram , cppProgram , pkgConfigProgram , hpcProgram -- * deprecated , rawSystemProgram , rawSystemProgramStdout , rawSystemProgramConf , rawSystemProgramStdoutConf , findProgramOnPath ) where import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types import Distribution.Simple.Program.Run import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die, findProgramLocation, findProgramVersion ) import Distribution.Verbosity ( Verbosity ) -- | Runs the given configured program. -- runProgram :: Verbosity -- ^Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -- ^The program to run -> [ProgArg] -- ^Any /extra/ arguments to add -> IO () runProgram verbosity prog args = runProgramInvocation verbosity (programInvocation prog args) -- | Runs the given configured program and gets the output. -- getProgramOutput :: Verbosity -- ^Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -- ^The program to run -> [ProgArg] -- ^Any /extra/ arguments to add -> IO String getProgramOutput verbosity prog args = getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity (programInvocation prog args) -- | Looks up the given program in the program database and runs it. -- runDbProgram :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> Program -- ^The program to run -> ProgramDb -- ^look up the program here -> [ProgArg] -- ^Any /extra/ arguments to add -> IO () runDbProgram verbosity prog programDb args = case lookupProgram prog programDb of Nothing -> die notFound Just configuredProg -> runProgram verbosity configuredProg args where notFound = "The program " ++ programName prog ++ " is required but it could not be found" -- | Looks up the given program in the program database and runs it. -- getDbProgramOutput :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> Program -- ^The program to run -> ProgramDb -- ^look up the program here -> [ProgArg] -- ^Any /extra/ arguments to add -> IO String getDbProgramOutput verbosity prog programDb args = case lookupProgram prog programDb of Nothing -> die notFound Just configuredProg -> getProgramOutput verbosity configuredProg args where notFound = "The program " ++ programName prog ++ " is required but it could not be found" --------------------- -- Deprecated aliases -- rawSystemProgram :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> [ProgArg] -> IO () rawSystemProgram = runProgram rawSystemProgramStdout :: Verbosity -> ConfiguredProgram -> [ProgArg] -> IO String rawSystemProgramStdout = getProgramOutput rawSystemProgramConf :: Verbosity -> Program -> ProgramConfiguration -> [ProgArg] -> IO () rawSystemProgramConf = runDbProgram rawSystemProgramStdoutConf :: Verbosity -> Program -> ProgramConfiguration -> [ProgArg] -> IO String rawSystemProgramStdoutConf = getDbProgramOutput type ProgramConfiguration = ProgramDb emptyProgramConfiguration, defaultProgramConfiguration :: ProgramConfiguration emptyProgramConfiguration = emptyProgramDb defaultProgramConfiguration = defaultProgramDb restoreProgramConfiguration :: [Program] -> ProgramConfiguration -> ProgramConfiguration restoreProgramConfiguration = restoreProgramDb {-# DEPRECATED findProgramOnPath "use findProgramLocation instead" #-} findProgramOnPath :: String -> Verbosity -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findProgramOnPath = flip findProgramLocation
module PolyGraph.ReadOnly.DiGraph.Properties where import PolyGraph.ReadOnly (GMorphism(..), isValidGraphDataSet) import PolyGraph.ReadOnly.DiGraph (DiGraph, DiEdgeSemantics(..)) import PolyGraph.Common (OPair(..), PairLike(toPair)) import qualified Data.Maybe as M import qualified Data.Foldable as F isValidDiGraph :: forall g v e t . DiGraph g v e t => g -> Bool isValidDiGraph = isValidGraphDataSet (toPair . resolveDiEdge) -- | to be valid eTrans and resolveEdge needs to commute with the vTrans ignoring the pair order isValidMorphism :: forall v0 e0 v1 e1 . (Eq v0, Eq v1, DiEdgeSemantics e0 v0, DiEdgeSemantics e1 v1) => [e0] -> GMorphism v0 e0 v1 e1 -> Bool isValidMorphism es m = M.isNothing $ F.find (isValidMorphismSingleEdge m) es -- | NOTE UOPair == is diffrent from OPair == -- forcing different implementation for EdgeSemantics and DiEdgeSemantics isValidMorphismSingleEdge :: forall v0 e0 v1 e1 . (Eq v0, Eq v1, DiEdgeSemantics e0 v0, DiEdgeSemantics e1 v1) => GMorphism v0 e0 v1 e1 -> e0 -> Bool isValidMorphismSingleEdge m e0 = let OPair(v0a, v0b) = resolveDiEdge e0 e1 = eTrans m e0 in OPair(vTrans m v0a, vTrans m v0b) == resolveDiEdge e1
module WorkerClient where import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 import Codec.Picture import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import qualified Model as Model import Job import Message -- import WebSocketServer import Options.Applicative -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entry point for CBaaS worker nodes runWorker :: (Model.FromVal a, Model.ToVal b) => (a -> IO b) -> IO () runWorker f = WS.runClient "localhost" 9160 "/worker?name=test&function=size" $ \conn -> forever $ do msg <- WS.receive conn let t = case msg of WS.DataMessage (WS.Text x) -> Just x WS.DataMessage (WS.Binary y) -> Just y _ -> Nothing case A.decode =<< t of Just (JobRequested (i, j)) -> do print "Good decode of job request" -- print (Model.fromVal $ _jArg j) print "About to send to worker" r <- f (Model.fromVal $ _jArg j) print "Result: " print (Model.toVal r) WS.sendTextData conn (A.encode $ WorkerFinished (i, (JobResult (Model.toVal r) i))) Just x -> print $ "Good decode for unexpected message: " ++ show x Nothing -> print $ fmap (("Bad decode of " ++) . unpack ) t -- x -> print $ "Got non-text message: " ++ show x
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-} module Phil.Core.Kinds.KindError where import Control.Lens import Data.Text (unpack) import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>)) import Phil.Core.AST.Identifier import Phil.Core.Kinds.Kind import Phil.ErrorMsg import Phil.Typecheck.Unification data KindError = KVarNotDefined Ident | KCtorNotDefined Ctor | KUnificationError (UnificationError Kind) deriving (Eq, Show) makeClassyPrisms ''KindError -- kindErrorMsg :: AsKindError e => e -> Maybe Doc -- kindErrorMsg = previews _KindError (errorMsg "Kind error" . msgBody) kindErrorMsg = errorMsg "Kind error" . msgBody where msgBody (KVarNotDefined name) = hsep $ text <$> [ "Variable" , unpack $ getIdent name , "not in scope" ] msgBody (KCtorNotDefined name) = hsep $ text <$> [ "Type constructor" , unpack $ getCtor name , "not in scope" ] msgBody (KUnificationError (CannotUnify k k')) = vcat [ hsep [text "Cannot unify", renderKind k] , text "with" , hsep [renderKind k'] ] msgBody (KUnificationError (Occurs var k)) = hsep [ text "Cannot constuct infinite kind" , squotes $ hsep [text . unpack $ getIdent var, text "=", renderKind k] ]
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, NoMonomorphismRestriction, BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, ExistentialQuantification, StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} module Language.Hakaru.Metropolis where import System.Random (RandomGen, StdGen, randomR, getStdGen) import Data.Dynamic import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Language.Hakaru.Types {- Shortcomings of this implementation * uses parent-conditional sampling for proposal distribution * re-evaluates entire program at every sample * lacks way to block sample groups of variables -} type DistVal = Dynamic -- and what does XRP stand for? data XRP where XRP :: Typeable e => (Density e, Dist e) -> XRP unXRP :: Typeable a => XRP -> Maybe (Density a, Dist a) unXRP (XRP (e,f)) = cast (e,f) type Visited = Bool type Observed = Bool type LL = LogLikelihood type Subloc = Int type Name = [Subloc] data DBEntry = DBEntry { xrp :: XRP, llhd :: LL, vis :: Visited, observed :: Observed } type Database = M.Map Name DBEntry data SamplerState g where S :: { ldb :: Database, -- ldb = local database -- (total likelihood, total likelihood of XRPs newly introduced) llh2 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(LL, LL), cnds :: [Cond], -- conditions left to process seed :: g } -> SamplerState g type Sampler a = forall g. (RandomGen g) => SamplerState g -> (a, SamplerState g) sreturn :: a -> Sampler a sreturn x s = (x, s) sbind :: Sampler a -> (a -> Sampler b) -> Sampler b sbind s k = \ st -> let (v, s') = s st in k v s' smap :: (a -> b) -> Sampler a -> Sampler b smap f s = sbind s (\a -> sreturn (f a)) newtype Measure a = Measure {unMeasure :: Name -> Sampler a } deriving (Typeable) return_ :: a -> Measure a return_ x = Measure $ \ _ -> sreturn x updateXRP :: Typeable a => Name -> Cond -> Dist a -> Sampler a updateXRP n obs dist' s@(S {ldb = db, seed = g}) = case M.lookup n db of Just (DBEntry xd lb _ ob) -> let Just (xb, dist) = unXRP xd (x,_) = case obs of Just yd -> let Just y = fromDynamic yd in (y, logDensity dist y) Nothing -> (xb, lb) l' = logDensity dist' x d1 = M.insert n (DBEntry (XRP (x,dist)) l' True ob) db in (fromDensity x, s {ldb = d1, llh2 = updateLogLikelihood l' 0 s, seed = g}) Nothing -> let (xnew2, l, g2) = case obs of Just xdnew -> let Just xnew = fromDynamic xdnew in (xnew, logDensity dist' xnew, g) Nothing -> let (xnew, g1) = distSample dist' g in (xnew, logDensity dist' xnew, g1) d1 = M.insert n (DBEntry (XRP (xnew2, dist')) l True (isJust obs)) db in (fromDensity xnew2, s {ldb = d1, llh2 = updateLogLikelihood l l s, seed = g2}) updateLogLikelihood :: RandomGen g => LL -> LL -> SamplerState g -> (LL, LL) updateLogLikelihood llTotal llFresh s = let (l,lf) = llh2 s in (llTotal+l, llFresh+lf) factor :: LL -> Measure () factor l = Measure $ \ _ -> \ s -> let (llTotal, llFresh) = llh2 s in ((), s {llh2 = (llTotal + l, llFresh)}) condition :: Eq b => Measure (a, b) -> b -> Measure a condition (Measure m) b' = Measure $ \ n -> let comp a b s | a /= b = s {llh2 = (log 0, 0)} comp _ _ s = s in sbind (m n) (\ (a, b) s -> (a, comp b b' s)) bind :: Measure a -> (a -> Measure b) -> Measure b bind (Measure m) cont = Measure $ \ n -> sbind (m (0:n)) (\ a -> unMeasure (cont a) (1:n)) conditioned :: Typeable a => Dist a -> Measure a conditioned dist = Measure $ \ n -> \s@(S {cnds = cond:conds }) -> updateXRP n cond dist s{cnds = conds} unconditioned :: Typeable a => Dist a -> Measure a unconditioned dist = Measure $ \ n -> updateXRP n Nothing dist instance Monad Measure where return = return_ (>>=) = bind run :: Measure a -> [Cond] -> IO (a, Database, LL) run (Measure prog) cds = do g <- getStdGen let (v, S d ll [] _) = (prog [0]) (S M.empty (0,0) cds g) return (v, d, fst ll) traceUpdate :: RandomGen g => Measure a -> Database -> [Cond] -> g -> (a, Database, LL, LL, LL, g) traceUpdate (Measure prog) d cds g = do -- let d1 = (\ (x, l, _, ob) -> (x, l, False, ob)) d let d1 = (\ s -> s { vis = False }) d let (v, S d2 (llTotal, llFresh) [] g1) = (prog [0]) (S d1 (0,0) cds g) let (d3, stale_d) = M.partition vis d2 let llStale = M.foldl' (\ llStale' s -> llStale' + llhd s) 0 stale_d (v, d3, llTotal, llFresh, llStale, g1) initialStep :: Measure a -> [Cond] -> IO (a, Database, LL, LL, LL, StdGen) initialStep prog cds = do g <- getStdGen return $ traceUpdate prog M.empty cds g -- TODO: Make a way of passing user-provided proposal distributions resample :: RandomGen g => Name -> Database -> Observed -> XRP -> g -> (Database, LL, LL, LL, g) resample name db ob (XRP (x, dist)) g = let (x', g1) = distSample dist g fwd = logDensity dist x' rvs = logDensity dist x l' = fwd newEntry = DBEntry (XRP (x', dist)) l' True ob db' = M.insert name newEntry db in (db', l', fwd, rvs, g1) transition :: (Typeable a, RandomGen g) => Measure a -> [Cond] -> a -> Database -> LL -> g -> [a] transition prog cds v db ll g = let dbSize = M.size db -- choose an unconditioned choice (_, uncondDb) = M.partition observed db (choice, g1) = randomR (0, (M.size uncondDb) -1) g (name, (DBEntry xd _ _ ob)) = M.elemAt choice uncondDb (db', _, fwd, rvs, g2) = resample name db ob xd g1 (v', db2, llTotal, llFresh, llStale, g3) = traceUpdate prog db' cds g2 a = llTotal - ll + rvs - fwd + log (fromIntegral dbSize) - log (fromIntegral $ M.size db2) + llStale - llFresh (u, g4) = randomR (0 :: Double, 1) g3 in if (log u < a) then v' : (transition prog cds v' db2 llTotal g4) else v : (transition prog cds v db ll g4) mcmc :: Typeable a => Measure a -> [Cond] -> IO [a] mcmc prog cds = do (v, d, llTotal, _, _, g) <- initialStep prog cds return $ transition prog cds v d llTotal g sample :: Typeable a => Measure a -> [Cond] -> IO [(a, Double)] sample prog cds = do (v, d, llTotal, _, _, g) <- initialStep prog cds return $ map (\ x -> (x,1)) (transition prog cds v d llTotal g)
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module NetworkSim.LinkLayer ( -- * MAC module NetworkSim.LinkLayer.MAC -- * Link-layer exception , LinkException (..) -- * Ethernet Frame , Frame (..) , Payload () , OutFrame , Destination (..) , destinationAddr , InFrame -- * Hardware Port , Port () , portCount , newPort , PortInfo (..) -- * Network Interface Controller (NIC) , NIC () , newNIC , address , portInfo , connectNICs , disconnectPort , sendOnNIC , receiveOnNIC , setPromiscuity , PortConnectHook , setPortConnectHook -- * Logging , module NetworkSim.LinkLayer.Logging -- * Utilities , atomically' ) where import NetworkSim.LinkLayer.MAC import NetworkSim.LinkLayer.Logging import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad.Catch import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Monoid import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Control.Concurrent.Lifted (fork) import Data.Word data LinkException = PortDisconnected MAC PortNum | PortAlreadyConnected MAC PortNum | NoFreePort MAC | ConnectToSelf MAC deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception LinkException type Payload = LB.ByteString -- | A simplified representation of an Ethernet frame, assuming a -- perfect physical layer. data Frame a = Frame { destination :: !a , source :: {-# UNPACK #-} !MAC , payload :: !Payload } deriving (Show) -- | An outbound Ethernet frame. type OutFrame = Frame MAC data Destination = Broadcast | Unicast MAC deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Retrieve underlying MAC address of a 'Destination'. destinationAddr :: Destination -> MAC destinationAddr Broadcast = broadcastAddr destinationAddr (Unicast addr) = addr -- | An Ethernet frame with parsed destination field. type InFrame = Frame Destination data Port = Port { mate :: !(TVar (Maybe Port)) , buffer' :: !(TQueue OutFrame) } newPort :: STM Port newPort = Port <$> newTVar Nothing <*> newTQueue data PortInfo = PortInfo { isConnected :: !Bool } deriving (Show) getPortInfo :: Port -> STM PortInfo getPortInfo = fmap (PortInfo . isJust) . readTVar . mate -- | First arg: the local NIC being connected. Second arg: the local port being connected. Third arg: the address of the remote NIC. type PortConnectHook = NIC -> PortNum -> MAC -> STM () -- | Network interface controller (NIC). data NIC = NIC { mac :: {-# UNPACK #-} !MAC , ports :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Vector Port) , promiscuity :: !(TVar Bool) , buffer :: !(TQueue (PortNum, InFrame)) -- ^ Buffer of messages filtered by ports. , portConnectHook :: !(TVar PortConnectHook) -- ^ Hook guaranteed to be executed atomically after successful 'connectNICs' action. } instance Eq NIC where nic == nic' = mac nic == mac nic' deviceName = "NIC" newNIC :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadLogger m) => Word16 -- ^ Number of ports. Pre: >= 1. -> Bool -- ^ Initial promiscuity setting. -> m NIC newNIC n promis = do mac <- liftIO freshMAC nic <- atomically' $ NIC mac <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) newPort <*> newTVar promis <*> newTQueue <*> newTVar defaultHook V.imapM_ (\(fromIntegral -> i) p -> void . fork $ portAction nic i p) $ ports nic return nic where portAction nic i p = forever $ do frame <- atomically' $ readTQueue (buffer' p) let dest = destination frame if | dest == broadcastAddr -> atomically' $ writeTQueue (buffer nic) (i, frame { destination = Broadcast }) | dest == mac nic -> atomically' $ writeTQueue (buffer nic) (i, frame { destination = Unicast dest }) | otherwise -> do written <- atomically' $ do isPromiscuous <- readTVar (promiscuity nic) when isPromiscuous $ writeTQueue (buffer nic) (i, frame { destination = Unicast dest }) return isPromiscuous when (not written) $ recordWithPort deviceName (mac nic) i $ "Dropping frame destined for " <> (T.pack . show) dest defaultHook _ _ _ = return () -- | Connect two NICs, using the first free port available for -- each. Returns these ports. connectNICs :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m) => NIC -> NIC -> m (PortNum, PortNum) connectNICs nic nic' = do if nic == nic' then throwM $ ConnectToSelf (mac nic) else do ports@(portNum, portNum') <- atomically' $ do (fromIntegral -> portNum, p) <- firstFreePort nic (fromIntegral -> portNum', p') <- firstFreePort nic' checkDisconnected nic portNum p checkDisconnected nic' portNum' p' writeTVar (mate p) (Just p') writeTVar (mate p') (Just p) readTVar (portConnectHook nic) >>= \f -> f nic portNum (address nic') readTVar (portConnectHook nic') >>= \f -> f nic' portNum' (address nic) return (portNum, portNum') announce . T.pack $ "Connected " <> show (mac nic) <> "(" <> show portNum <> ") and " <> show (mac nic') <> "(" <> show portNum' <> ")" return ports where firstFreePort nic = do free <- V.filterM hasFreePort . V.indexed $ ports nic if V.length free > 0 then return $ V.head free else throwM $ NoFreePort (mac nic) where hasFreePort (_, port) = isNothing <$> readTVar (mate port) checkDisconnected :: NIC -> PortNum -> Port -> STM () checkDisconnected nic n p = do q <- readTVar (mate p) when (isJust q) $ throwM $ PortAlreadyConnected (mac nic) n -- | Will throw a 'PortDisconnected' exception if the port requested port -- is already disconnected. disconnectPort :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => NIC -> PortNum -> m () disconnectPort nic n = case ports nic V.!? (fromIntegral n) of Nothing -> -- TODO: alert user to index out of bounds error? return () Just p -> do atomically' $ do mate' <- readTVar (mate p) case mate' of Nothing -> throwM $ PortDisconnected (mac nic) n Just q -> do -- __NOTE__: We do not check if the mate is already -- disconnected. writeTVar (mate q) Nothing writeTVar (mate p) Nothing recordWithPort deviceName (mac nic) n $ "Disconnected port" -- | Will throw a 'PortDisconnected' exception if you try to send on a -- disconnected port. sendOnNIC :: OutFrame -- ^ The source MAC here is allowed to differ from the NIC's MAC. -> NIC -> PortNum -> STM () sendOnNIC frame nic n = case ports nic V.!? (fromIntegral n) of Nothing -> -- TODO: alert user to index out of bounds error? return () Just p -> do mate' <- readTVar (mate p) case mate' of Nothing -> throwM $ PortDisconnected (mac nic) n Just q -> writeTQueue (buffer' q) frame -- | Wait on all ports of a NIC for the next incoming frame. This is a -- blocking method. Behaviour is affected by the NIC's promiscuity -- setting (see 'setPromiscuity'). receiveOnNIC :: NIC -> STM (PortNum, InFrame) receiveOnNIC = readTQueue . buffer -- | Toggle promiscuous mode for a 'NIC'. When promiscuous, a NIC will -- not drop the frames destined for another NIC. This is a useful -- operating mode for, e.g. switches. setPromiscuity :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => NIC -> Bool -> m () setPromiscuity nic b = do old <- atomically' $ swapTVar (promiscuity nic) b when (old /= b) $ if b then record deviceName (mac nic) $ "Enabling promiscuity mode" else record deviceName (mac nic) $ "Disabling promiscuity mode" -- | Set a hook guaranteed to be run atomically after successful -- execution of 'connectNICs'. setPortConnectHook :: PortConnectHook -> NIC -> STM () setPortConnectHook h nic = writeTVar (portConnectHook nic) h address :: NIC -> MAC address = mac portInfo :: NIC -> STM (Vector PortInfo) portInfo = V.mapM getPortInfo . ports -- | @ atomically' = liftIO . atomically @ atomically' :: MonadIO m => STM a -> m a atomically' = liftIO . atomically portCount :: NIC -> Word16 portCount = fromIntegral . V.length . ports
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings , BangPatterns , ScopedTypeVariables #-} module RunTests where import Control.Exception import Data.Conduit import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Conduit.HDBI import Database.HDBI import Database.HDBI.SQlite import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Assertions import qualified Data.Conduit.List as L import qualified Data.Conduit.Util as U import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as M createTables :: SQliteConnection -> IO () createTables c = do runRaw c "create table values1(val1 integer, val2 integer)" runRaw c "create table values2(val1 integer, val2 integer)" runRaw c "create table values3(val1 integer, val2 integer)" allTests :: SQliteConnection -> Test allTests c = testGroup "All tests" [ testProperty "Insert + fold" $ insertFold c , testProperty "Insert + copy" $ insertCopy c , testProperty "Insert + copy + sum" $ insertCopySum c , testProperty "Insert trans fluahAt" $ insertTransFlushAt c , testProperty "Insert trans flushBy" $ insertTransFlushBy c ] sumPairs :: (Num a, Num b) => (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) sumPairs (!a, !b) (!x, !y) = (a+x, b+y) insertTransFlushAt :: SQliteConnection -> Positive Int -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Property insertTransFlushAt c count vals = M.monadicIO $ do (Just res, tr) <- $ do runRaw c "delete from values1" runResourceT $ L.sourceList vals $= (flushAt $ getPositive count) $$ insertAllTrans c "insert into values1 (val1, val2) values (?,?)" r <- runFetchOne c "select count(*) from values1" () tr <- inTransaction c return (r, tr) _ <- M.stop $ res ?== (length vals) M.stop $ tr ?== False insertTransFlushBy :: SQliteConnection -> NonEmptyList Integer -> Property insertTransFlushBy con vals = M.monadicIO $ do (tr, r) <- $ do runRaw con "delete from values1" runResourceT $ L.sourceList nvals $= flushBy signFlush $= (fmap one) -- flush is the functor $$ insertAllTrans con "insert into values1 (val1) values (?)" tr <- inTransaction con Just r <- runFetchOne con "select sum(val1) from values1" () return (tr, r) _ <- M.stop $ tr ?== False M.stop $ r ?== (sum nvals) where nvals = getNonEmpty vals signFlush a b = (signum a) == (signum b) insertFold :: SQliteConnection -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Property insertFold c vals = M.monadicIO $ do res <- $ withTransaction c $ do runRaw c "delete from values1" runMany c "insert into values1(val1, val2) values (?,?)" vals runResourceT $ selectAll c "select val1, val2 from values1" () $$ L.fold sumPairs (0 :: Integer, 0 :: Integer) M.stop $ res ?== (foldl' sumPairs (0, 0) vals) insertCopy :: SQliteConnection -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Property insertCopy c vals = M.monadicIO $ do res <- $ withTransaction c $ do runRaw c "delete from values1" runRaw c "delete from values2" runResourceT $ L.sourceList vals $$ insertAll c "insert into values1(val1, val2) values (?,?)" runResourceT $ selectAll c "select val1, val2 from values1" () $= asThisType (undefined :: (Int, Int)) $$ insertAllCount c "insert into values2(val1, val2) values (?,?)" M.stop $ res == (length vals) insertCopySum :: SQliteConnection -> [(Integer, Integer)] -> Property insertCopySum c vals = M.monadicIO $ do res <- $ withTransaction c $ do mapM_ (runRaw c . ("delete from " <>)) ["values1", "values2", "values3"] runResourceT $ L.sourceList vals $$ insertAll c "insert into values1(val1, val2) values (?,?)" runResourceT $ selectAll c "select val1, val2 from values1" () $= asSqlVals $$ insertAll c "insert into values2(val1, val2) values (?,?)" runResourceT $ ( (selectAll c "select val1, val2 from values1" ()) (selectAll c "select val1, val2 from values2" ())) $= (\(a, b :: (Integer, Integer)) -> sumPairs a b) $$ insertAll c "insert into values3(val1, val2) values (?,?)" runResourceT $ selectAll c "select val1, val2 from values3" () $$ L.fold sumPairs (0 :: Integer, 0 :: Integer) let (a, b) = foldl' sumPairs (0, 0) vals M.stop $ (a*2, b*2) ==? res main :: IO () main = bracket (connectSqlite3 ":memory:") disconnect $ \c -> do createTables c defaultMain [allTests c]
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Real.Types (module Real.Types, Version(..)) where import GHC.Generics newtype InstalledPackageId = InstalledPackageId String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) newtype PackageName = PackageName String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data Version = Version [Int] [String] deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data PackageId = PackageId { pkgName :: PackageName, -- ^The name of this package, eg. foo pkgVersion :: Version -- ^the version of this package, eg 1.2 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) newtype ModuleName = ModuleName [String] deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data License = GPL (Maybe Version) | AGPL (Maybe Version) | LGPL (Maybe Version) | BSD3 | BSD4 | MIT | Apache (Maybe Version) | PublicDomain | AllRightsReserved | OtherLicense | UnknownLicense String deriving (Eq, Generic) {- data InstalledPackageInfo = InstalledPackageInfo { -- these parts are exactly the same as PackageDescription installedPackageId :: InstalledPackageId, sourcePackageId :: PackageId, license :: License, copyright :: String, maintainer :: String, author :: String, stability :: String, homepage :: String, pkgUrl :: String, synopsis :: String, description :: String, category :: String, -- these parts are required by an installed package only: exposed :: Bool, exposedModules :: [ModuleName], hiddenModules :: [ModuleName], trusted :: Bool, importDirs :: [FilePath], -- contain sources in case of Hugs libraryDirs :: [FilePath], hsLibraries :: [String], extraLibraries :: [String], extraGHCiLibraries:: [String], -- overrides extraLibraries for GHCi includeDirs :: [FilePath], includes :: [String], depends :: [InstalledPackageId], hugsOptions :: [String], ccOptions :: [String], ldOptions :: [String], frameworkDirs :: [FilePath], frameworks :: [String], haddockInterfaces :: [FilePath], haddockHTMLs :: [FilePath] } deriving (Eq, Generic) -} data VersionRange = AnyVersion | ThisVersion Version -- = version | LaterVersion Version -- > version (NB. not >=) | EarlierVersion Version -- < version | WildcardVersion Version -- == ver.* (same as >= ver && < ver+1) | UnionVersionRanges VersionRange VersionRange | IntersectVersionRanges VersionRange VersionRange | VersionRangeParens VersionRange -- just '(exp)' parentheses syntax deriving (Eq, Generic) data Dependency = Dependency PackageName VersionRange deriving (Eq, Generic) data CompilerFlavor = GHC | NHC | YHC | Hugs | HBC | Helium | JHC | LHC | UHC | HaskellSuite String -- string is the id of the actual compiler | OtherCompiler String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data SourceRepo = SourceRepo { repoKind :: RepoKind, repoType :: Maybe RepoType, repoLocation :: Maybe String, repoModule :: Maybe String, repoBranch :: Maybe String, repoTag :: Maybe String, repoSubdir :: Maybe FilePath } deriving (Eq, Generic) data RepoKind = RepoHead | RepoThis | RepoKindUnknown String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data RepoType = Darcs | Git | SVN | CVS | Mercurial | GnuArch | Bazaar | Monotone | OtherRepoType String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data BuildType = Simple | Configure | Make | Custom | UnknownBuildType String deriving (Eq, Generic) data Library = Library { exposedModules :: [ModuleName], libExposed :: Bool, -- ^ Is the lib to be exposed by default? libBuildInfo :: BuildInfo } deriving (Eq, Generic) data Executable = Executable { exeName :: String, modulePath :: FilePath, buildInfo :: BuildInfo } deriving (Eq, Generic) data TestSuite = TestSuite { testName :: String, testInterface :: TestSuiteInterface, testBuildInfo :: BuildInfo, testEnabled :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Generic) data TestType = TestTypeExe Version | TestTypeLib Version | TestTypeUnknown String Version deriving (Eq, Generic) data TestSuiteInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 Version FilePath | TestSuiteLibV09 Version ModuleName | TestSuiteUnsupported TestType deriving (Eq, Generic) data Benchmark = Benchmark { benchmarkName :: String, benchmarkInterface :: BenchmarkInterface, benchmarkBuildInfo :: BuildInfo, benchmarkEnabled :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Generic) data BenchmarkType = BenchmarkTypeExe Version | BenchmarkTypeUnknown String Version deriving (Eq, Generic) data BenchmarkInterface = BenchmarkExeV10 Version FilePath | BenchmarkUnsupported BenchmarkType deriving (Eq, Generic) data Language = Haskell98 | Haskell2010 | UnknownLanguage String deriving (Eq, Generic) data Extension = EnableExtension KnownExtension | DisableExtension KnownExtension | UnknownExtension String deriving (Eq, Generic) data KnownExtension = OverlappingInstances | UndecidableInstances | IncoherentInstances | DoRec | RecursiveDo | ParallelListComp | MultiParamTypeClasses | MonomorphismRestriction | FunctionalDependencies | Rank2Types | RankNTypes | PolymorphicComponents | ExistentialQuantification | ScopedTypeVariables | PatternSignatures | ImplicitParams | FlexibleContexts | FlexibleInstances | EmptyDataDecls | CPP | KindSignatures | BangPatterns | TypeSynonymInstances | TemplateHaskell | ForeignFunctionInterface | Arrows | Generics | ImplicitPrelude | NamedFieldPuns | PatternGuards | GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving | ExtensibleRecords | RestrictedTypeSynonyms | HereDocuments | MagicHash | TypeFamilies | StandaloneDeriving | UnicodeSyntax | UnliftedFFITypes | InterruptibleFFI | CApiFFI | LiberalTypeSynonyms | TypeOperators | RecordWildCards | RecordPuns | DisambiguateRecordFields | TraditionalRecordSyntax | OverloadedStrings | GADTs | GADTSyntax | MonoPatBinds | RelaxedPolyRec | ExtendedDefaultRules | UnboxedTuples | DeriveDataTypeable | DeriveGeneric | DefaultSignatures | InstanceSigs | ConstrainedClassMethods | PackageImports | ImpredicativeTypes | NewQualifiedOperators | PostfixOperators | QuasiQuotes | TransformListComp | MonadComprehensions | ViewPatterns | XmlSyntax | RegularPatterns | TupleSections | GHCForeignImportPrim | NPlusKPatterns | DoAndIfThenElse | MultiWayIf | LambdaCase | RebindableSyntax | ExplicitForAll | DatatypeContexts | MonoLocalBinds | DeriveFunctor | DeriveTraversable | DeriveFoldable | NondecreasingIndentation | SafeImports | Safe | Trustworthy | Unsafe | ConstraintKinds | PolyKinds | DataKinds | ParallelArrays | RoleAnnotations | OverloadedLists | EmptyCase | AutoDeriveTypeable | NegativeLiterals | NumDecimals | NullaryTypeClasses | ExplicitNamespaces | AllowAmbiguousTypes deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Generic) data BuildInfo = BuildInfo { buildable :: Bool, -- ^ component is buildable here buildTools :: [Dependency], -- ^ tools needed to build this bit cppOptions :: [String], -- ^ options for pre-processing Haskell code ccOptions :: [String], -- ^ options for C compiler ldOptions :: [String], -- ^ options for linker pkgconfigDepends :: [Dependency], -- ^ pkg-config packages that are used frameworks :: [String], -- ^support frameworks for Mac OS X cSources :: [FilePath], hsSourceDirs :: [FilePath], -- ^ where to look for the haskell module Real.hierarchy otherModules :: [ModuleName], -- ^ non-exposed or non-main modules defaultLanguage :: Maybe Language,-- ^ language used when not explicitly specified otherLanguages :: [Language], -- ^ other languages used within the package defaultExtensions :: [Extension], -- ^ language extensions used by all modules otherExtensions :: [Extension], -- ^ other language extensions used within the package oldExtensions :: [Extension], -- ^ the old extensions field, treated same as 'defaultExtensions' extraLibs :: [String], -- ^ what libraries to link with when compiling a program that uses your package extraLibDirs :: [String], includeDirs :: [FilePath], -- ^directories to find .h files includes :: [FilePath], -- ^ The .h files to be found in includeDirs installIncludes :: [FilePath], -- ^ .h files to install with the package options :: [(CompilerFlavor,[String])], ghcProfOptions :: [String], ghcSharedOptions :: [String], customFieldsBI :: [(String,String)], -- ^Custom fields starting -- with x-, stored in a -- simple assoc-list. targetBuildDepends :: [Dependency] -- ^ Dependencies specific to a library or executable target } deriving (Eq, Generic) data PackageDescription = PackageDescription { -- the following are required by all packages: package :: PackageId, license :: License, licenseFile :: FilePath, copyright :: String, maintainer :: String, author :: String, stability :: String, testedWith :: [(CompilerFlavor,VersionRange)], homepage :: String, pkgUrl :: String, bugReports :: String, sourceRepos :: [SourceRepo], synopsis :: String, -- ^A one-line summary of this package description :: String, -- ^A more verbose description of this package category :: String, customFieldsPD :: [(String,String)], -- ^Custom fields starting -- with x-, stored in a -- simple assoc-list. buildDepends :: [Dependency], -- | The version of the Cabal spec that this package description uses. -- For historical reasons this is specified with a version range but -- only ranges of the form @>= v@ make sense. We are in the process of -- transitioning to specifying just a single version, not a range. specVersionRaw :: Either Version VersionRange, buildType :: Maybe BuildType, -- components library :: Maybe Library, executables :: [Executable], testSuites :: [TestSuite], benchmarks :: [Benchmark], dataFiles :: [FilePath], dataDir :: FilePath, extraSrcFiles :: [FilePath], extraTmpFiles :: [FilePath], extraDocFiles :: [FilePath] } deriving (Eq, Generic) data GenericPackageDescription = GenericPackageDescription { packageDescription :: PackageDescription, genPackageFlags :: [Flag], condLibrary :: Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library), condExecutables :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)], condTestSuites :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)], condBenchmarks :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)] } deriving (Eq, Generic) data OS = Linux | Windows | OSX -- tier 1 desktop OSs | FreeBSD | OpenBSD | NetBSD -- other free unix OSs | Solaris | AIX | HPUX | IRIX -- ageing Unix OSs | HaLVM -- bare metal / VMs / hypervisors | IOS -- iOS | OtherOS String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data Arch = I386 | X86_64 | PPC | PPC64 | Sparc | Arm | Mips | SH | IA64 | S390 | Alpha | Hppa | Rs6000 | M68k | Vax | OtherArch String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) data Flag = MkFlag { flagName :: FlagName , flagDescription :: String , flagDefault :: Bool , flagManual :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Generic) newtype FlagName = FlagName String deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) type FlagAssignment = [(FlagName, Bool)] data ConfVar = OS OS | Arch Arch | Flag FlagName | Impl CompilerFlavor VersionRange deriving (Eq, Generic) data Condition c = Var c | Lit Bool | CNot (Condition c) | COr (Condition c) (Condition c) | CAnd (Condition c) (Condition c) deriving (Eq, Generic) data CondTree v c a = CondNode { condTreeData :: a , condTreeConstraints :: c , condTreeComponents :: [( Condition v , CondTree v c a , Maybe (CondTree v c a))] } deriving (Eq, Generic)
module Paths_CipherSolver ( version, getBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir, getDataFileName ) where import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Data.Version (Version(..)) import System.Environment (getEnv) import Prelude catchIO :: IO a -> (Exception.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a catchIO = Exception.catch version :: Version version = Version {versionBranch = [0,1,0,0], versionTags = []} bindir, libdir, datadir, libexecdir :: FilePath bindir = "/home/abhi/.cabal/bin" libdir = "/home/abhi/.cabal/lib/CipherSolver-" datadir = "/home/abhi/.cabal/share/CipherSolver-" libexecdir = "/home/abhi/.cabal/libexec" getBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath getBinDir = catchIO (getEnv "CipherSolver_bindir") (\_ -> return bindir) getLibDir = catchIO (getEnv "CipherSolver_libdir") (\_ -> return libdir) getDataDir = catchIO (getEnv "CipherSolver_datadir") (\_ -> return datadir) getLibexecDir = catchIO (getEnv "CipherSolver_libexecdir") (\_ -> return libexecdir) getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath getDataFileName name = do dir <- getDataDir return (dir ++ "/" ++ name)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.STBase -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2010, Patrick Perry <[email protected]> -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : Patrick Perry <[email protected]> -- Stability : asinerimental -- module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.STBase where import Control.Monad( forM_, when ) import Control.Monad.ST( ST, RealWorld, runST, unsafeInterleaveST, unsafeIOToST ) import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe ) import Data.Typeable( Typeable ) import Foreign( Ptr, advancePtr, peek, peekElemOff, pokeElemOff, mallocForeignPtrArray ) import Text.Printf( printf ) import Unsafe.Coerce( unsafeCoerce ) import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Types import qualified Foreign.BLAS as BLAS import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Base hiding ( unsafeWith, unsafeToForeignPtr, unsafeFromForeignPtr, ) import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Base as M import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Vector( STVector, RVector ) import qualified Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Vector as V -- | Mutable dense matrices in the 'ST' monad. newtype STMatrix s e = STMatrix { unSTMatrix :: Matrix e } deriving (Typeable) -- | Mutable dense matrices in the 'IO' monad. type IOMatrix = STMatrix RealWorld -- | A safe way to create and work with a mutable matrix before returning -- an immutable matrix for later perusal. This function avoids copying -- the matrix before returning it - it uses 'unsafeFreeze' internally, -- but this wrapper is a safe interface to that function. create :: (Storable e) => (forall s . ST s (STMatrix s e)) -> Matrix e create mx = runST $ mx >>= unsafeFreeze {-# INLINE create #-} -- | Converts a mutable matrix to an immutable one by taking a complete -- copy of it. freeze :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s (Matrix e) freeze a = do a' <- newCopy a unsafeFreeze a' {-# INLINE freeze #-} -- | Read-only matrices class RMatrix m where -- | Get the dimensions of the matrix (number of rows and columns). getDim :: (Storable e) => m e -> ST s (Int,Int) -- | Same as 'withCol' but does not range-check index. unsafeWithCol :: (Storable e) => m e -> Int -> (forall v. RVector v => v e -> ST s a) -> ST s a -- | Perform an action with a list of views of the matrix columns. withCols :: (Storable e) => m e -> (forall v . RVector v => [v e] -> ST s a) -> ST s a -- | Same as 'withSlice' but does not range-check index. unsafeWithSlice :: (Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> m e -> (forall m'. RMatrix m' => m' e -> ST s a) -> ST s a -- | Possibly view a matrix as a vector and perform an action on the -- view. This only succeeds if the matrix is stored contiguously in -- memory, i.e. if the matrix contains a single column or the \"lda\" -- of the matrix is equal to the number of rows. maybeWithVector :: (Storable e) => m e -> (forall v . RVector v => v e -> ST s a) -> Maybe (ST s a) -- | Converts a read-only matrix into an immutable matrix. This simply -- casts the matrix from one type to the other without copying. -- Note that because the matrix is possibly not copied, any subsequent -- modifications made to the read-only version of the matrix may be shared -- with the immutable version. It is safe to use, therefore, if the -- read-only version is never modified after the freeze operation. unsafeFreeze :: (Storable e) => m e -> ST s (Matrix e) -- | Unsafe cast from a read-only matrix to a mutable matrix. unsafeThaw :: (Storable e) => m e -> ST s (STMatrix s e) -- | Execute an 'IO' action with a pointer to the first element in the -- matrix and the leading dimension (lda). unsafeWith :: (Storable e) => m e -> (Ptr e -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a instance RMatrix Matrix where getDim = return . dim {-# INLINE getDim #-} unsafeWithCol a j f = f (unsafeCol a j) {-# INLINE unsafeWithCol #-} withCols a f = f (cols a) {-# INLINE withCols #-} unsafeWithSlice ij mn a f = f (unsafeSlice ij mn a) {-# INLINE unsafeWithSlice #-} maybeWithVector a f | isContig a = Just $ f (toVector a) | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINE maybeWithVector #-} unsafeWith = M.unsafeWith {-# INLINE unsafeWith #-} unsafeFreeze = return {-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-} unsafeThaw = return . STMatrix {-# INLINE unsafeThaw #-} instance RMatrix (STMatrix s) where getDim = return . dim . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE getDim #-} unsafeWithCol = unsafeWithCol . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE unsafeWithCol #-} withCols = withCols . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE withCols #-} unsafeWithSlice ij mn = unsafeWithSlice ij mn . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE unsafeWithSlice #-} maybeWithVector = maybeWithVector . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE maybeWithVector #-} unsafeWith = unsafeWith . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE unsafeWith #-} unsafeFreeze = return . unSTMatrix {-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-} unsafeThaw v = return $ cast v where cast :: STMatrix s e -> STMatrix s' e cast = unsafeCoerce {-# INLINE unsafeThaw #-} -- | Perform an action with a view of a mutable matrix column -- (no index checking). unsafeWithColM :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> (STVector s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a unsafeWithColM a j f = unsafeWithCol a j $ \c -> do mc <- V.unsafeThaw c f mc {-# INLINE unsafeWithColM #-} -- | Perform an action with a list of views of the mutable matrix columns. See -- also 'withCols'. withColsM :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> ([STVector s e] -> ST s a) -> ST s a withColsM a f = withCols a $ \cs -> do mcs <- thawVecs cs f mcs where thawVecs [] = return [] thawVecs (c:cs) = unsafeInterleaveST $ do mc <- V.unsafeThaw c mcs <- thawVecs cs return $ mc:mcs {-# INLINE withColsM #-} -- | Possibly view a matrix as a vector and perform an action on the -- view. This succeeds when the matrix is stored contiguously in memory, -- i.e. if the matrix contains a single column or the \"lda\" of the matrix -- is equal to the number of rows. See also 'maybeWithVector'. maybeWithVectorM :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> (STVector s e -> ST s a) -> Maybe (ST s a) maybeWithVectorM a f = maybeWithVector a $ \v -> do mv <- V.unsafeThaw v f mv {-# INLINE maybeWithVectorM #-} -- | View a vector as a matrix of the given shape and pass it to -- the specified function. withFromVector :: (RVector v, Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> v e -> (forall m . RMatrix m => m e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withFromVector mn@(m,n) v f = do nv <- V.getDim v when (nv /= m*n) $ error $ printf ("withFromVector (%d,%d) <vector with dim %d>:" ++ " dimension mismatch") m n nv iv <- V.unsafeFreeze v f $ fromVector mn iv {-# INLINE withFromVector #-} -- | View a mutable vector as a mutable matrix of the given shape and pass it -- to the specified function. withFromVectorM :: (Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> STVector s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withFromVectorM mn@(m,n) v f = do nv <- V.getDim v when (nv /= m*n) $ error $ printf ("withFromVectorM (%d,%d) <vector with dim %d>:" ++ " dimension mismatch") m n nv withFromVector mn v $ \a -> do ma <- unsafeThaw a f ma {-# INLINE withFromVectorM #-} -- | View a vector as a matrix with one column and pass it to -- the specified function. withFromCol :: (RVector v, Storable e) => v e -> (forall m . RMatrix m => m e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withFromCol v f = do m <- V.getDim v withFromVector (m,1) v f {-# INLINE withFromCol #-} -- | View a mutable vector as a mutable matrix with one column and pass it to -- the specified function. withFromColM :: (Storable e) => STVector s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withFromColM v f = do m <- V.getDim v withFromVectorM (m, 1) v f {-# INLINE withFromColM #-} -- | View a vector as a matrix with one row and pass it to -- the specified function. withFromRow :: (RVector v, Storable e) => v e -> (forall m . RMatrix m => m e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withFromRow v f = do n <- V.getDim v withFromVector (1,n) v f {-# INLINE withFromRow #-} -- | View a mutable vector as a mutable matrix with one row and pass it to -- the specified function. withFromRowM :: (Storable e) => STVector s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withFromRowM v f = do n <- V.getDim v withFromVectorM (1,n) v f {-# INLINE withFromRowM #-} -- | Perform an action with a view of a matrix column. withCol :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> Int -> (forall v . RVector v => v e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withCol a j f = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (j < 0 || j >= n) $ error $ printf ("withCol <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> %d:" ++ " index out of range") m n j unsafeWithCol a j f {-# INLINE withCol #-} -- | Like 'withCol', but perform the action with a mutable view. withColM :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> (STVector s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withColM a j f = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (j < 0 || j >= n) $ error $ printf ("withColM <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> %d:" ++ " index out of range") m n j unsafeWithColM a j f {-# INLINE withColM #-} -- | Create a new matrix of given shape, but do not initialize the elements. new_ :: (Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> ST s (STMatrix s e) new_ (m,n) | m < 0 || n < 0 = error $ printf "new_ (%d,%d): invalid dimensions" m n | otherwise = unsafeIOToST $ do f <- mallocForeignPtrArray (m*n) return $ STMatrix $ M.unsafeFromForeignPtr f 0 (m,n) (max 1 m) -- | Create a matrix with every element initialized to the same value. new :: (Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> e -> ST s (STMatrix s e) new (m,n) e = do a <- new_ (m,n) setElems a $ replicate (m*n) e return a -- | Creates a new matrix by copying another one. newCopy :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s (STMatrix s e) newCopy a = do mn <- getDim a b <- new_ mn unsafeCopyTo b a return b -- | @copyTo dst src@ replaces the values in @dst@ with those in -- source. The operands must be the same shape. copyTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> m e -> ST s () copyTo = checkOp2 "copyTo" unsafeCopyTo {-# INLINE copyTo #-} -- | Same as 'copyTo' but does not range-check indices. unsafeCopyTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> m e -> ST s () unsafeCopyTo = vectorOp2 V.unsafeCopyTo {-# INLINE unsafeCopyTo #-} -- | Get the indices of the elements in the matrix, in column-major order. getIndices :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s [(Int,Int)] getIndices a = do (m,n) <- getDim a return $ [ (i,j) | j <- [ 0..n-1 ], i <- [ 0..m-1 ] ] -- | Lazily get the elements of the matrix, in column-major order. getElems :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s [e] getElems a = case maybeWithVector a V.getElems of Just es -> es Nothing -> withCols a $ \xs -> concat `fmap` mapM V.getElems xs -- | Get the elements of the matrix, in column-major order. getElems' :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s [e] getElems' a = case maybeWithVector a V.getElems' of Just es -> es Nothing -> withCols a $ \xs -> concat `fmap` mapM V.getElems' xs -- | Lazily get the association list of the matrix, in column-major order. getAssocs :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s [((Int,Int),e)] getAssocs a = do is <- getIndices a es <- getElems a return $ zip is es -- | Get the association list of the matrix, in column-major order. getAssocs' :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> ST s [((Int,Int),e)] getAssocs' a = do is <- getIndices a es <- getElems' a return $ zip is es -- | Set all of the values of the matrix from the elements in the list, -- in column-major order. setElems :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> [e] -> ST s () setElems a es = case maybeWithVectorM a (`V.setElems` es) of Just st -> st Nothing -> do (m,n) <- getDim a go m n 0 es where go _ n j [] | j == n = return () go m n j [] | j < n = error $ printf ("setElems <matrix with dim (%d,%d>" ++ "<list with length %d>: not enough elements)") m n (j*m) go m n j es' = let (es1', es2') = splitAt m es' in do withColM a j (`V.setElems` es1') go m n (j+1) es2' -- | Set the given values in the matrix. If an index is repeated twice, -- the value is implementation-defined. setAssocs :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> [((Int,Int),e)] -> ST s () setAssocs a ies = sequence_ [ write a i e | (i,e) <- ies ] -- | Same as 'setAssocs' but does not range-check indices. unsafeSetAssocs :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> [((Int,Int),e)] -> ST s () unsafeSetAssocs a ies = sequence_ [ unsafeWrite a i e | (i,e) <- ies ] -- | Set the specified row of the matrix to the given vector. setRow :: (RVector v, Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> v e -> ST s () setRow a i x = do (m,n) <- getDim a nx <- V.getDim x when (i < 0 || i >= m) $ error $ printf ("setRow <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> %d:" ++ " index out of range") m n i when (nx /= n) $ error $ printf ("setRow <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> _" ++ " <vector with dim %d>:" ++ " dimension mismatch") m n nx unsafeSetRow a i x {-# INLINE setRow #-} -- | Same as 'setRow' but does not range-check index or check -- vector dimension. unsafeSetRow :: (RVector v, Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> v e -> ST s () unsafeSetRow a i x = do jes <- V.getAssocs x sequence_ [ unsafeWrite a (i,j) e | (j,e) <- jes ] {-# INLINE unsafeSetRow #-} -- | Exchange corresponding elements in the given rows. swapRows :: (BLAS1 e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> Int -> ST s () swapRows a i1 i2 = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (i1 < 0 || i1 >= m || i2 < 0 || i2 >= m) $ error $ printf ("swapRows <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> %d %d" ++ ": index out of range") m n i1 i2 unsafeSwapRows a i1 i2 -- | Same as 'swapRows' but does not range-check indices. unsafeSwapRows :: (BLAS1 e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> Int -> ST s () unsafeSwapRows a i1 i2 = when (i1 /= i2) $ do (_,n) <- getDim a unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> let px = pa `advancePtr` i1 py = pa `advancePtr` i2 incx = lda incy = lda in BLAS.swap n px incx py incy -- | Exchange corresponding elements in the given columns. swapCols :: (BLAS1 e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> Int -> ST s () swapCols a j1 j2 = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (j1 < 0 || j1 >= n || j2 < 0 || j2 >= n) $ error $ printf ("swapCols <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> %d %d" ++ ": index out of range") m n j1 j2 unsafeSwapCols a j1 j2 -- | Same as 'swapCols' but does not range-check indices. unsafeSwapCols :: (BLAS1 e) => STMatrix s e -> Int -> Int -> ST s () unsafeSwapCols a j1 j2 = when (j1 /= j2) $ do (m,_) <- getDim a unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> let px = pa `advancePtr` (j1*lda) py = pa `advancePtr` (j2*lda) incx = 1 incy = 1 in BLAS.swap m px incx py incy -- | Copy the specified row of the matrix to the vector. rowTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => STVector s e -> m e -> Int -> ST s () rowTo x a i = do (m,n) <- getDim a nx <- V.getDim x when (i < 0 || i >= m) $ error $ printf ("rowTo" ++ " _" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " %d:" ++ ": index out of range" ) m n i when (nx /= n) $ error $ printf ("rowTo" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " _" ++ ": dimension mismatch") nx m n unsafeRowTo x a i {-# INLINE rowTo #-} -- | Same as 'rowTo' but does not range-check index or check dimension. unsafeRowTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => STVector s e -> m e -> Int ->ST s () unsafeRowTo x a i = do (_,n) <- getDim a forM_ [ 0..n-1 ] $ \j -> do e <- unsafeRead a (i,j) V.unsafeWrite x j e {-# INLINE unsafeRowTo #-} -- | Set the diagonal of the matrix to the given vector. setDiag :: (RVector v, Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> v e -> ST s () setDiag a x = do (m,n) <- getDim a nx <- V.getDim x let mn = min m n when (nx /= mn) $ error $ printf ("setRow <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " <vector with dim %d>:" ++ " dimension mismatch") m n nx unsafeSetDiag a x {-# INLINE setDiag #-} -- | Same as 'setDiag' but does not range-check index or check dimension. unsafeSetDiag :: (RVector v, Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> v e -> ST s () unsafeSetDiag a x = do ies <- V.getAssocs x sequence_ [ unsafeWrite a (i,i) e | (i,e) <- ies ] {-# INLINE unsafeSetDiag #-} -- | Copy the diagonal of the matrix to the vector. diagTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => STVector s e -> m e -> ST s () diagTo x a = do nx <- V.getDim x (m,n) <- getDim a let mn = min m n when (nx /= mn) $ error $ printf ("diagTo" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") nx m n unsafeDiagTo x a {-# INLINE diagTo #-} -- | Same as 'diagTo' but does not range-check index or check dimensions. unsafeDiagTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => STVector s e -> m e -> ST s () unsafeDiagTo x a = do (m,n) <- getDim a let mn = min m n forM_ [ ] $ \i -> do e <- unsafeRead a (i,i) V.unsafeWrite x i e {-# INLINE unsafeDiagTo #-} -- | Get the element stored at the given index. read :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> (Int,Int) -> ST s e read a (i,j) = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (i < 0 || i >= m || j < 0 || j >= n) $ error $ printf ("read <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> (%d,%d):" ++ " index out of range") m n i j unsafeRead a (i,j) {-# INLINE read #-} -- | Same as 'read' but does not range-check index. unsafeRead :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => m e -> (Int,Int) -> ST s e unsafeRead a (i,j) = unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \p lda -> peekElemOff p (i + j * lda) {-# INLINE unsafeRead #-} -- | Set the element stored at the given index. write :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> (Int,Int) -> e -> ST s () write a (i,j) e = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (i < 0 || i >= m || j < 0 || j >= n) $ error $ printf ("write <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> (%d,%d):" ++ " index out of range") m n i j unsafeWrite a (i,j) e {-# INLINE write #-} -- | Same as 'write' but does not range-check index. unsafeWrite :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> (Int,Int) -> e -> ST s () unsafeWrite a (i,j) e = unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \p lda -> pokeElemOff p (i + j * lda) e {-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-} -- | Modify the element stored at the given index. modify :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> (Int,Int) -> (e -> e) -> ST s () modify a (i,j) f = do (m,n) <- getDim a when (i < 0 || i >= m || j < 0 || j >= n) $ error $ printf ("modify <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> (%d,%d):" ++ " index out of range") m n i j unsafeModify a (i,j) f {-# INLINE modify #-} -- | Same as 'modify' but does not range-check index. unsafeModify :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> (Int,Int) -> (e -> e) -> ST s () unsafeModify a (i,j) f = unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \p lda -> let o = i + j * lda in do e <- peekElemOff p o pokeElemOff p o $ f e {-# INLINE unsafeModify #-} -- | @mapTo dst f src@ replaces @dst@ elementwise with @f(src)@. mapTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e, Storable f) => STMatrix s f -> (e -> f) -> m e -> ST s () mapTo dst f src = (checkOp2 "mapTo _" $ \z x -> unsafeMapTo z f x) dst src {-# INLINE mapTo #-} -- | Same as 'mapTo' but does not check dimensions. unsafeMapTo :: (RMatrix m, Storable e, Storable f) => STMatrix s f -> (e -> f) -> m e -> ST s () unsafeMapTo dst f src = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM dst $ \vdst -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector src $ \vsrc -> V.unsafeMapTo vdst f vsrc where colwise = withColsM dst $ \zs -> withCols src $ \xs -> sequence_ [ V.unsafeMapTo z f x | (z,x) <- zip zs xs ] -- | @zipWithTo dst f x y@ replaces @dst@ elementwise with @f(x, y)@. zipWithTo :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable f) => STMatrix s f -> (e1 -> e2 -> f) -> m1 e1 -> m2 e2 -> ST s () zipWithTo dst f x y = (checkOp3 "zipWithTo _" $ \dst1 x1 y1 -> unsafeZipWithTo dst1 f x1 y1) dst x y {-# INLINE zipWithTo #-} -- | Same as 'zipWithTo' but does not check dimensions. unsafeZipWithTo :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable f) => STMatrix s f -> (e1 -> e2 -> f) -> m1 e1 -> m2 e2 -> ST s () unsafeZipWithTo dst f x y = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM dst $ \vdst -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector x $ \vx -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector y $ \vy -> V.unsafeZipWithTo vdst f vx vy where colwise = withColsM dst $ \vdsts -> withCols x $ \vxs -> withCols y $ \vys -> sequence_ [ V.unsafeZipWithTo vdst f vx vy | (vdst,vx,vy) <- zip3 vdsts vxs vys ] -- | Set every element in the matrix to a default value. For -- standard numeric types (including 'Double', 'Complex Double', and 'Int'), -- the default value is '0'. clear :: (Storable e) => STMatrix s e -> ST s () clear a = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM a V.clear where colwise = withColsM a $ mapM_ V.clear -- | @withSlice (i,j) (m,n) a@ performs an action with a view of the -- submatrix of @a@ starting at index @(i,j)@ and having dimension @(m,n)@. withSlice :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> m e -> (forall m'. RMatrix m' => m' e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withSlice ij mn a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a f $ slice ij mn ia -- | Like 'withSlice', but perform the action with a mutable view. withSliceM :: (Storable e) => (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withSliceM ij mn a f = withSlice ij mn a $ \a' -> do ma <- unsafeThaw a' f ma -- | Perform an action with a view gotten from taking the given number of -- rows from the start of the matrix. withTakeRows :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => Int -> m e -> (forall m'. RMatrix m' => m' e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withTakeRows i a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a f $ takeRows i ia -- | Like 'withTakeRows', but perform the action with a mutable view. withTakeRowsM :: (Storable e) => Int -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withTakeRowsM i a f = withTakeRows i a $ \a' -> do ma <- unsafeThaw a' f ma -- | Perform an action with a view gotten from dropping the given number of -- rows from the start of the matrix. withDropRows :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => Int -> m e -> (forall m'. RMatrix m' => m' e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withDropRows n a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a f $ dropRows n ia -- | Like 'withDropRows', but perform the action with a mutable view. withDropRowsM :: (Storable e) => Int -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withDropRowsM i a f = withDropRows i a $ \a' -> do ma <- unsafeThaw a' f ma -- | Perform an action with views from splitting the matrix rows at the given -- index. withSplitRowsAt :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => Int -> m e -> (forall m1 m2. (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2) => m1 e -> m2 e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withSplitRowsAt i a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a uncurry f $ splitRowsAt i ia -- | Like 'withSplitRowsAt', but perform the action with a mutable view. withSplitRowsAtM :: (Storable e) => Int -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withSplitRowsAtM i a f = withSplitRowsAt i a $ \a1' a2' -> do ma1 <- unsafeThaw a1' ma2 <- unsafeThaw a2' f ma1 ma2 -- | Perform an action with a view gotten from taking the given number of -- columns from the start of the matrix. withTakeCols :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => Int -> m e -> (forall m'. RMatrix m' => m' e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withTakeCols i a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a f $ takeCols i ia -- | Like 'withTakeCols', but perform the action with a mutable view. withTakeColsM :: (Storable e) => Int -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withTakeColsM i a f = withTakeCols i a $ \a' -> do ma <- unsafeThaw a' f ma -- | Perform an action with a view gotten from dropping the given number of -- columns from the start of the matrix. withDropCols :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => Int -> m e -> (forall m'. RMatrix m' => m' e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withDropCols n a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a f $ dropCols n ia -- | Like 'withDropCols', but perform the action with a mutable view. withDropColsM :: (Storable e) => Int -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withDropColsM i a f = withDropCols i a $ \a' -> do ma <- unsafeThaw a' f ma -- | Perform an action with views from splitting the matrix columns at the given -- index. withSplitColsAt :: (RMatrix m, Storable e) => Int -> m e -> (forall m1 m2. (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2) => m1 e -> m2 e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withSplitColsAt i a f = do ia <- unsafeFreeze a uncurry f $ splitColsAt i ia -- | Like 'withSplitColsAt', but perform the action with mutable views. withSplitColsAtM :: (Storable e) => Int -> STMatrix s e -> (STMatrix s e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s a) -> ST s a withSplitColsAtM i a f = withSplitColsAt i a $ \a1' a2' -> do ma1 <- unsafeThaw a1' ma2 <- unsafeThaw a2' f ma1 ma2 -- | Add a vector to the diagonal of a matrix. shiftDiagM_ :: (RVector v, BLAS1 e) => v e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () shiftDiagM_ s a = do (m,n) <- getDim a ns <- V.getDim s let mn = min m n when (ns /= mn) $ error $ printf ("shiftDiagM_" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") ns m n shiftDiagWithScaleM_ 1 s a -- | Add a scaled vector to the diagonal of a matrix. shiftDiagWithScaleM_ :: (RVector v, BLAS1 e) => e -> v e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () shiftDiagWithScaleM_ e s a = do (m,n) <- getDim a ns <- V.getDim s let mn = min m n when (ns /= mn) $ error $ printf ("shiftDiagWithScaleM_" ++ " _" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") ns m n unsafeIOToST $ V.unsafeWith s $ \ps -> unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> BLAS.axpy mn e ps 1 pa (lda+1) -- | Add two matrices. addTo :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, VNum e) => STMatrix s e -> m1 e -> m2 e -> ST s () addTo = checkOp3 "addTo" $ vectorOp3 V.addTo -- | Subtract two matrices. subTo :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, VNum e) => STMatrix s e -> m1 e -> m2 e -> ST s () subTo = checkOp3 "subTo" $ vectorOp3 V.subTo -- | Conjugate the entries of a matrix. conjugateTo :: (RMatrix m, VNum e) => STMatrix s e -> m e -> ST s () conjugateTo = checkOp2 "conjugateTo" $ vectorOp2 V.conjugateTo -- | Negate the entries of a matrix. negateTo :: (RMatrix m, VNum e) => STMatrix s e -> m e -> ST s () negateTo = checkOp2 "negateTo" $ vectorOp2 V.negateTo -- | Scale the entries of a matrix by the given value. scaleM_ :: (BLAS1 e) => e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () scaleM_ e = vectorOp (V.scaleM_ e) -- | @addWithScaleM_ alpha x y@ sets @y := alpha * x + y@. addWithScaleM_ :: (RMatrix m, BLAS1 e) => e -> m e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () addWithScaleM_ e = checkOp2 "addWithScaleM_" $ unsafeAddWithScaleM_ e unsafeAddWithScaleM_ :: (RMatrix m, BLAS1 e) => e -> m e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () unsafeAddWithScaleM_ alpha x y = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector x $ \vx -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM y $ \vy -> V.unsafeAddWithScaleM_ alpha vx vy where colwise = withCols x $ \vxs -> withColsM y $ \vys -> sequence_ [ V.unsafeAddWithScaleM_ alpha vx vy | (vx,vy) <- zip vxs vys ] -- | Scale the rows of a matrix; @scaleRowsM_ s a@ sets -- @a := diag(s) * a@. scaleRowsM_ :: (RVector v, BLAS1 e) => v e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () scaleRowsM_ s a = do (m,n) <- getDim a ns <- V.getDim s when (ns /= m) $ error $ printf ("scaleRowsM_" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") ns m n unsafeIOToST $ V.unsafeWith s $ \ps -> unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> go m n lda pa ps 0 where go m n lda pa ps i | i == m = return () | otherwise = do e <- peek ps BLAS.scal n e pa lda go m n lda (pa `advancePtr` 1) (ps `advancePtr` 1) (i+1) -- | Scale the columns of a matrix; @scaleColBysM_ s a@ sets -- @a := a * diag(s)@. scaleColsM_ :: (RVector v, BLAS1 e) => v e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () scaleColsM_ s a = do (m,n) <- getDim a ns <- V.getDim s when (ns /= n) $ error $ printf ("scaleColsM_" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") ns m n es <- V.getElems s withColsM a $ \xs -> sequence_ [ V.scaleM_ e x | (e,x) <- zip es xs ] -- | @rank1UpdateM_ alpha x y a@ sets @a := alpha * x * y^H + a@. rank1UpdateM_ :: (RVector v1, RVector v2, BLAS2 e) => e -> v1 e -> v2 e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () rank1UpdateM_ alpha x y a = do (m,n) <- getDim a nx <- V.getDim x ny <- V.getDim y when (nx /= m || ny /= n) $ error $ printf ("rank1UpdateTo" ++ " _" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ ": dimension mismatch" ++ "<matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ) nx ny m n unsafeIOToST $ V.unsafeWith x $ \px -> V.unsafeWith y $ \py -> unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> BLAS.gerc m n alpha px 1 py 1 pa lda -- | @transTo dst a@ sets @dst := trans(a)@. transTo :: (RMatrix m, BLAS1 e) => STMatrix s e -> m e -> ST s () transTo a' a = do (ma,na) <- getDim a (ma',na') <- getDim a' let (m,n) = (ma,na) when ((ma,na) /= (na',ma')) $ error $ printf ( "transTo" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch" ) ma' na' ma na unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a' $ \pa' lda' -> unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> let go j px py | j == n = return () | otherwise = do BLAS.copy m px 1 py lda' go (j+1) (px `advancePtr` lda) (py `advancePtr` 1) in go 0 pa pa' -- | @conjTransTo dst a@ sets @dst := conjugate(trans(a))@. conjTransTo :: (RMatrix m, BLAS1 e) => STMatrix s e -> m e -> ST s () conjTransTo a' a = do transTo a' a conjugateTo a' a' -- | @mulVectorTo dst transa a x@ -- sets @dst := op(a) * x@, where @op(a)@ is determined by @transa@. mulVectorTo :: (RMatrix m, RVector v, BLAS2 e) => STVector s e -> Trans -> m e -> v e -> ST s () mulVectorTo dst = mulVectorWithScaleTo dst 1 -- | @mulVectorWithScaleTo dst alpha transa a x@ -- sets @dst := alpha * op(a) * x@, where @op(a)@ is determined by @transa@. mulVectorWithScaleTo :: (RMatrix m, RVector v, BLAS2 e) => STVector s e -> e -> Trans -> m e -> v e -> ST s () mulVectorWithScaleTo dst alpha t a x = addMulVectorWithScalesM_ alpha t a x 0 dst -- | @addMulVectorWithScalesM_ alpha transa a x beta y@ -- sets @y := alpha * op(a) * x + beta * y@, where @op(a)@ is -- determined by @transa@. addMulVectorWithScalesM_ :: (RMatrix m, RVector v, BLAS2 e) => e -> Trans -> m e -> v e -> e -> STVector s e -> ST s () addMulVectorWithScalesM_ alpha transa a x beta y = do (ma,na) <- getDim a nx <- V.getDim x ny <- V.getDim y let (m,n) = (ny,nx) when ((not . and) [ case transa of NoTrans -> (ma,na) == (m,n) _ -> (ma,na) == (n,m) , nx == n , ny == m ]) $ error $ printf ("addMulVectorWithScalesTo" ++ " _" ++ " %s" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ " _" ++ " <vector with dim %d>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") (show transa) ma na nx ny unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> V.unsafeWith x $ \px -> V.unsafeWith y $ \py -> if n == 0 then BLAS.scal m beta py 1 else BLAS.gemv transa ma na alpha pa lda px 1 beta py 1 -- | @mulMatrixTo dst transa a transb b@ -- sets @dst := op(a) * op(b)@, where @op(a)@ and @op(b)@ are determined -- by @transa@ and @transb@. mulMatrixTo :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, BLAS3 e) => STMatrix s e -> Trans -> m1 e -> Trans -> m2 e -> ST s () mulMatrixTo dst = mulMatrixWithScaleTo dst 1 -- | @mulMatrixWithScaleTo alpha transa a transb b c@ -- sets @c := alpha * op(a) * op(b)@, where @op(a)@ and @op(b)@ are determined -- by @transa@ and @transb@. mulMatrixWithScaleTo :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, BLAS3 e) => STMatrix s e -> e -> Trans -> m1 e -> Trans -> m2 e -> ST s () mulMatrixWithScaleTo dst alpha ta a tb b = addMulMatrixWithScalesM_ alpha ta a tb b 0 dst -- | @addMulMatrixWithScalesM_ alpha transa a transb b beta c@ -- sets @c := alpha * op(a) * op(b) + beta * c@, where @op(a)@ and -- @op(b)@ are determined by @transa@ and @transb@. addMulMatrixWithScalesM_ :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, BLAS3 e) => e -> Trans -> m1 e -> Trans -> m2 e -> e -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () addMulMatrixWithScalesM_ alpha transa a transb b beta c = do (ma,na) <- getDim a (mb,nb) <- getDim b (mc,nc) <- getDim c let (m,n) = (mc,nc) k = case transa of NoTrans -> na _ -> ma when ((not . and) [ case transa of NoTrans -> (ma,na) == (m,k) _ -> (ma,na) == (k,m) , case transb of NoTrans -> (mb,nb) == (k,n) _ -> (mb,nb) == (n,k) , (mc, nc) == (m,n) ]) $ error $ printf ("addMulMatrixWithScalesM_" ++ " _" ++ " %s <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " %s <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ " _" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>" ++ ": dimension mismatch") (show transa) ma na (show transb) mb nb mc nc unsafeIOToST $ unsafeWith a $ \pa lda -> unsafeWith b $ \pb ldb -> unsafeWith c $ \pc ldc -> BLAS.gemm transa transb m n k alpha pa lda pb ldb beta pc ldc checkOp2 :: (RMatrix x, RMatrix y, Storable e, Storable f) => String -> (x e -> y f -> ST s a) -> x e -> y f -> ST s a checkOp2 str f x y = do (m1,n1) <- getDim x (m2,n2) <- getDim y when ((m1,n1) /= (m2,n2)) $ error $ printf ("%s <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>:" ++ " dimension mismatch") str m1 n1 m2 n2 f x y {-# INLINE checkOp2 #-} checkOp3 :: (RMatrix x, RMatrix y, RMatrix z, Storable e, Storable f, Storable g) => String -> (x e -> y f -> z g -> ST s a) -> x e -> y f -> z g -> ST s a checkOp3 str f x y z = do (m1,n1) <- getDim x (m2,n2) <- getDim y (m3,n3) <- getDim z when((m1,n1) /= (m2,n2) || (m1,n1) /= (m3,n3)) $ error $ printf ("%s <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> <matrix with dim (%d,%d)>:" ++ " <matrix with dim (%d,%d)> dimension mismatch") str m1 n1 m2 n2 m3 n3 f x y z {-# INLINE checkOp3 #-} vectorOp :: (Storable e) => (STVector s e -> ST s ()) -> STMatrix s e -> ST s () vectorOp f x = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM x $ \vx -> f vx where colwise = withColsM x $ \vxs -> sequence_ [ f vx | vx <- vxs ] vectorOp2 :: (RMatrix m, Storable e, Storable f) => (forall v . RVector v => STVector s f -> v e -> ST s ()) -> STMatrix s f -> m e -> ST s () vectorOp2 f dst x = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM dst $ \vdst -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector x $ \vx -> f vdst vx where colwise = withColsM dst $ \vdsts -> withCols x $ \vxs -> sequence_ [ f vdst vx | (vdst,vx) <- zip vdsts vxs ] {-# INLINE vectorOp2 #-} vectorOp3 :: (RMatrix m1, RMatrix m2, Storable e1, Storable e2, Storable f) => (forall v1 v2 . (RVector v1, RVector v2) => STVector s f -> v1 e1 -> v2 e2 -> ST s ()) -> STMatrix s f -> m1 e1 -> m2 e2 -> ST s () vectorOp3 f dst x y = fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVectorM dst $ \vdst -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector x $ \vx -> fromMaybe colwise $ maybeWithVector y $ \vy -> f vdst vx vy where colwise = withColsM dst $ \vdsts -> withCols x $ \vxs -> withCols y $ \vys -> sequence_ [ f vdst vx vy | (vdst,vx,vy) <- zip3 vdsts vxs vys ] {-# INLINE vectorOp3 #-}
module Parse.IParser where import Parse.Primitives (Parser) import Reporting.Error.Syntax (ParsecError) type IParser a = Parser ParsecError a
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Node.T1w (T1w(..) ,rules) where import Node.Types import Node.Util (getPath, outdir, showKey) import Shake.BuildNode import Util (alignAndCenter) data T1w = T1w {t1type :: T1wType ,caseid :: CaseId} deriving (Show,Generic,Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData,Read) instance BuildNode T1w where path n@(T1w{..}) = case t1type of T1wGiven -> getPath "t1" caseid _ -> outdir </> caseid </> showKey n <.> "nrrd" build out@(T1w{..}) = case t1type of T1wGiven -> Nothing T1wXc -> Just $ do let t1 = T1w T1wGiven caseid need t1 alignAndCenter (path t1) (path out) rules = rule (buildNode :: T1w -> Maybe (Action [Double]))
-- | Tests for automatic deriving of ann method from Annotated type class. module Language.Java.Paragon.SyntaxSpec (main, spec) where import Test.Hspec import Language.Java.Paragon.Annotation import Language.Java.Paragon.Syntax -- | To be able to run this module from GHCi. main :: IO () main = hspec spec -- | Main specification function. spec :: Spec spec = do describe "ann" $ do it "returns annotation for leaf node" $ ann (Null emptyAnnotation) `shouldBe` emptyAnnotation it "returns annotation for internal node (1 level)" $ ann (Lit (Int emptyAnnotation 2)) `shouldBe` emptyAnnotation it "returns annotation for internal node (2 levels)" $ do let wrongAnnotation = emptyAnnotation { annIsNull = False } ann (RefType (ClassRefType (ClassType emptyAnnotation (Name wrongAnnotation (Id wrongAnnotation "Object") TypeName Nothing) []))) `shouldBe` emptyAnnotation
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, PackageImports #-} import Control.Arrow import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.State import "monads-tf" Control.Monad.Error import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import System.Environment import Text.Papillon type List = [List1] data List1 = Item String List deriving Show main :: IO () main = do fn : _ <- getArgs cnt <- readFile fn print $ parseList cnt parseList :: String -> Maybe List parseList src = case flip runState (0, [-1]) $ runErrorT $ list $ parse src of (Right (r, _), _) -> Just r _ -> Nothing checkState :: String -> Maybe (Int, [Int]) checkState src = case flip runState (0, [-1]) $ runErrorT $ list $ parse src of (_, s) -> Just s reset :: State (Int, [Int]) Bool reset = modify (first $ const 0) >> return True cntSpace :: State (Int, [Int]) () cntSpace = modify $ first (+ 1) deeper :: State (Int, [Int]) Bool deeper = do (n, n0 : ns) <- get if n > n0 then put (n, n : n0 : ns) >> return True else return False same :: State (Int, [Int]) Bool same = do (n, n0 : _) <- get return $ n == n0 shallow :: State (Int, [Int]) Bool shallow = do (n, n0 : ns) <- get if n < n0 then put (n, ns) >> return True else return False [papillon| monad: State (Int, [Int]) list :: List = _:countSpace _:dmmy[deeper] l:list1 ls:list1'* _:shllw { return $ l : ls } list1' :: List1 = _:countSpace _:dmmy[same] l:list1 { return l } list1 :: List1 = '*' ' ' l:line '\n' ls:list? { return $ Item l $ fromMaybe [] ls } line :: String = l:<isLower>+ { return l } countSpace :: () = _:dmmy[reset] _:(' ' { cntSpace })* shllw :: () = _:dmmy[shallow] / !_ dmmy :: () = |]
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module DataLayer ( KeyValue (..) , insert , find ) where import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State import Data.Acid import Data.SafeCopy import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T type Key = T.Text type Url = T.Text data KeyValue = KeyValue !(Map.Map Key Url) deriving (Typeable, Show) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''KeyValue) insertKey :: Key -> Url -> Update KeyValue () insertKey key value = do KeyValue m <- get put (KeyValue (Map.insert key value m)) lookupKey :: Key -> Query KeyValue (Maybe Url) lookupKey key = do KeyValue m <- ask return (Map.lookup key m) $(makeAcidic ''KeyValue ['insertKey, 'lookupKey]) insert :: AcidState KeyValue -> Key -> Url -> IO () insert acid key value = update acid (InsertKey key value) find :: AcidState KeyValue -> Key -> IO (Maybe T.Text) find acid key = query acid (LookupKey key)
module Ribbon where import Rumpus -- Devin Chalmers remix start :: Start start = do parentID <- ask addActiveKnob "Total Speed" (Linear -5 5) 1 setClockSpeed rotSpeedKnob <- addKnob "Rot Speed" (Linear 0 5) 1 yScaleKnob <- addKnob "YScale" (Linear 0 10) 1 zScaleKnob <- addKnob "ZScale" (Linear 0.1 10) 1 forM_ [0..100] $ \i -> spawnChild $ do myShape ==> Sphere myTransformType ==> AbsolutePose myUpdate ==> do now <- getEntityClockTime parentID rotSpeed <- readKnob rotSpeedKnob yScale <- readKnob yScaleKnob zScale <- readKnob zScaleKnob let n = now + (i * 0.5) y = yScale * tan n/2 x = sin n * 5 setPositionRotationSize (V3 x y (-10)) (axisAngle (V3 1 0 1) (n*rotSpeed)) (V3 9 0.1 (sin n * zScale)) setColor (colorHSL (n*0.1) 0.8 0.6)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} module Karamaan.Opaleye.TableColspec where import Karamaan.Opaleye.Wire (Wire(Wire)) import Karamaan.Opaleye.QueryColspec (QueryColspec(QueryColspec), runWriterOfQueryColspec, runPackMapOfQueryColspec, MWriter(Writer), PackMap(PackMap)) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>)) import Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default, def) import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor, dimap, lmap, rmap) import Data.Profunctor.Product (ProductProfunctor, empty, (***!), defaultEmpty, defaultProfunctorProduct) -- TODO: this happens to have the same implementation as QueryColspec, but I -- don't want to suggest that one derives from the other. Perhaps make this -- clearer by introducing another type from which they both inherit their -- implementation. newtype TableColspecP a b = TableColspecP (QueryColspec a b) -- TODO: we don't actually need TableColspec anymore. It's just a partially -- applied TableColspecP. We should unpick its usage from makeTable replacing -- it with TableColspecP, and then delete its definition. newtype TableColspec b = TableColspec (TableColspecP () b) tableColspecOfTableColspecP :: TableColspecP a b -> a -> TableColspec b tableColspecOfTableColspecP q a = TableColspec (lmap (const a) q) instance Functor (TableColspecP a) where fmap f (TableColspecP c) = TableColspecP (fmap f c) instance Applicative (TableColspecP a) where pure = TableColspecP . pure TableColspecP f <*> TableColspecP x = TableColspecP (f <*> x) instance Functor TableColspec where fmap f (TableColspec c) = TableColspec (rmap f c) instance Applicative TableColspec where pure = TableColspec . pure TableColspec f <*> TableColspec x = TableColspec (f <*> x) instance Profunctor TableColspecP where dimap f g (TableColspecP q) = TableColspecP (dimap f g q) instance ProductProfunctor TableColspecP where empty = defaultEmpty (***!) = defaultProfunctorProduct instance Default TableColspecP (Wire a) (Wire a) where def = TableColspecP def runWriterOfColspec :: TableColspec a -> [String] runWriterOfColspec (TableColspec (TableColspecP c)) = runWriterOfQueryColspec c () runPackMapOfColspec :: TableColspec a -> (String -> String) -> a runPackMapOfColspec (TableColspec (TableColspecP c)) f = runPackMapOfQueryColspec c f () -- TODO: this implementation is verbose colspec :: [String] -> ((String -> String) -> a) -> TableColspec a colspec w p = TableColspec (TableColspecP (QueryColspec (Writer (const w)) (PackMap (\f () -> p f)))) col :: String -> TableColspec (Wire a) col s = colspec [s] (\f -> Wire (f s)) newtype WireMaker a b = WireMaker (a -> b) runWireMaker :: WireMaker a b -> a -> b runWireMaker (WireMaker f) = f wireCol :: WireMaker String (Wire a) wireCol = WireMaker Wire instance Functor (WireMaker a) where fmap f (WireMaker g) = WireMaker (fmap f g) instance Applicative (WireMaker a) where pure = WireMaker . pure WireMaker f <*> WireMaker x = WireMaker (f <*> x) instance Profunctor WireMaker where dimap f g (WireMaker q) = WireMaker (dimap f g q) instance ProductProfunctor WireMaker where empty = defaultEmpty (***!) = defaultProfunctorProduct instance Default WireMaker String (Wire a) where def = WireMaker Wire
module Math.Simplicial.NeighborhoodGraph where import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV import qualified Data.Vector as BV import qualified Math.VectorSpaces.Metric as Met import qualified Math.Simplicial.LandmarkSelection as LS import qualified Math.Misc.Matrix as Mat import qualified Math.VectorSpaces.DistanceMatrix as DMat import Math.Simplicial.PreScale import Math.Cloud.Cloud import Data.List import Misc.Misc data NeighborhoodGraph = C Int -- Number of nodes. Double -- Maximum scale. DMat.RealDistanceMatrix -- Edge weights. DMat.BooleanDistanceMatrix -- Edge table. exact :: (Met.Metric a) => Cloud a -> PreScale -> NeighborhoodGraph exact _ (ConditionFactor _) = error "Exact neighborhood graphs only available with absolute maximum scale." exact c (Absolute scale) = C n scale ws es where c' = BV.fromList c n = BV.length c' ws = DMat.generate n (\ (i,j) -> Met.distance (c' BV.! i) (c' BV.! j)) es = (<= scale) ws -- | Follows de Silva, Carlsson: Topological estimation using witness complexes. lazyWitness :: (Met.Metric a) => LS.LandmarkSelection a -> Int -> PreScale -> NeighborhoodGraph lazyWitness ls nu preScale = C nl scale weights edges where scale = case preScale of Absolute s -> s ConditionFactor c -> c * (UV.maximum (UV.generate nw (Mat.rowMinimum d))) witnesses = LS.witnesses ls landmarks = LS.landmarks ls d = LS.witnessToLandmarkDistances ls m = if nu <= 0 then UV.replicate nw 0.0 else UV.generate nw (\i -> smallest' nu (UV.toList (d `Mat.row` i))) nl = LS.numLandmarks ls nw = LS.numWitnesses ls weights = DMat.generate nl weight edges = (<= scale) weights weight :: (Int, Int) -> Double weight (i, j) = UV.minimum (UV.generate nw (witnessWeight (i,j))) witnessWeight :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Double witnessWeight (i, j) k = max 0 (dMax - m UV.! k) where dMax = max (d Mat.! (k,i)) (d Mat.! (k,j)) weight :: NeighborhoodGraph -> Int -> Int -> Double weight (C _ _ ws _) i j = ws DMat.? (i, j) edge :: NeighborhoodGraph -> Int -> Int -> Bool edge (C _ _ _ es) i j = es DMat.? (i, j) weight' :: NeighborhoodGraph -> (Int, Int) -> Double weight' g = uncurry (weight g) numVertices :: NeighborhoodGraph -> Int numVertices (C n _ _ _) = n vertices :: NeighborhoodGraph -> [Int] vertices g = [0..(numVertices g - 1)] edges :: NeighborhoodGraph -> [(Int, Int)] edges g = go (vertices g) where go [] = [] go (i:is) = zip (repeat i) (filter (edge g i) is) ++ go is scale :: NeighborhoodGraph -> Double scale (C _ s _ _) = s
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Pretty-printing of Cmm as C, suitable for feeding gcc -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006 -- -- Print Cmm as real C, for -fvia-C -- -- See wiki:Commentary/Compiler/Backends/PprC -- -- This is simpler than the old PprAbsC, because Cmm is "macro-expanded" -- relative to the old AbstractC, and many oddities/decorations have -- disappeared from the data type. -- -- This code generator is only supported in unregisterised mode. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module PprC ( writeCs, pprStringInCStyle ) where #include "HsVersions.h" -- Cmm stuff import BlockId import CLabel import ForeignCall import Cmm hiding (pprBBlock) import PprCmm () import Hoopl import CmmUtils import CmmSwitch -- Utils import CPrim import DynFlags import FastString import Outputable import Platform import UniqSet import Unique import Util -- The rest import Control.Monad.ST import Data.Bits import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Word import System.IO import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Monad (liftM, ap) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..)) #endif import qualified Data.Array.Unsafe as U ( castSTUArray ) import Data.Array.ST -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Top level pprCs :: DynFlags -> [RawCmmGroup] -> SDoc pprCs dflags cmms = pprCode CStyle (vcat $ map (\c -> split_marker $$ pprC c) cmms) where split_marker | gopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags = text "__STG_SPLIT_MARKER" | otherwise = empty writeCs :: DynFlags -> Handle -> [RawCmmGroup] -> IO () writeCs dflags handle cmms = printForC dflags handle (pprCs dflags cmms) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Now do some real work -- -- for fun, we could call cmmToCmm over the tops... -- pprC :: RawCmmGroup -> SDoc pprC tops = vcat $ intersperse blankLine $ map pprTop tops -- -- top level procs -- pprTop :: RawCmmDecl -> SDoc pprTop (CmmProc infos clbl _ graph) = (case mapLookup (g_entry graph) infos of Nothing -> empty Just (Statics info_clbl info_dat) -> pprDataExterns info_dat $$ pprWordArray info_clbl info_dat) $$ (vcat [ blankLine, extern_decls, (if (externallyVisibleCLabel clbl) then mkFN_ else mkIF_) (ppr clbl) <+> lbrace, nest 8 temp_decls, vcat (map pprBBlock blocks), rbrace ] ) where blocks = toBlockListEntryFirst graph (temp_decls, extern_decls) = pprTempAndExternDecls blocks -- Chunks of static data. -- We only handle (a) arrays of word-sized things and (b) strings. pprTop (CmmData _section (Statics lbl [CmmString str])) = hcat [ pprLocalness lbl, text "char ", ppr lbl, text "[] = ", pprStringInCStyle str, semi ] pprTop (CmmData _section (Statics lbl [CmmUninitialised size])) = hcat [ pprLocalness lbl, text "char ", ppr lbl, brackets (int size), semi ] pprTop (CmmData _section (Statics lbl lits)) = pprDataExterns lits $$ pprWordArray lbl lits -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BasicBlocks are self-contained entities: they always end in a jump. -- -- Like nativeGen/AsmCodeGen, we could probably reorder blocks to turn -- as many jumps as possible into fall throughs. -- pprBBlock :: CmmBlock -> SDoc pprBBlock block = nest 4 (pprBlockId (entryLabel block) <> colon) $$ nest 8 (vcat (map pprStmt (blockToList nodes)) $$ pprStmt last) where (_, nodes, last) = blockSplit block -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Info tables. Just arrays of words. -- See codeGen/ClosureInfo, and nativeGen/PprMach pprWordArray :: CLabel -> [CmmStatic] -> SDoc pprWordArray lbl ds = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> hcat [ pprLocalness lbl, text "StgWord" , space, ppr lbl, text "[]" -- See Note [StgWord alignment] , pprAlignment (wordWidth dflags) , text "= {" ] $$ nest 8 (commafy (pprStatics dflags ds)) $$ text "};" pprAlignment :: Width -> SDoc pprAlignment words = text "__attribute__((aligned(" <> int (widthInBytes words) <> text ")))" -- Note [StgWord alignment] -- C codegen builds static closures as StgWord C arrays (pprWordArray). -- Their real C type is 'StgClosure'. Macros like UNTAG_CLOSURE assume -- pointers to 'StgClosure' are aligned at pointer size boundary: -- 4 byte boundary on 32 systems -- and 8 bytes on 64-bit systems -- see TAG_MASK and TAG_BITS definition and usage. -- -- It's a reasonable assumption also known as natural alignment. -- Although some architectures have different alignment rules. -- One of known exceptions is m68k (Trac #11395, comment:16) where: -- __alignof__(StgWord) == 2, sizeof(StgWord) == 4 -- -- Thus we explicitly increase alignment by using -- __attribute__((aligned(4))) -- declaration. -- -- has to be static, if it isn't globally visible -- pprLocalness :: CLabel -> SDoc pprLocalness lbl | not $ externallyVisibleCLabel lbl = text "static " | otherwise = empty -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Statements. -- pprStmt :: CmmNode e x -> SDoc pprStmt stmt = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> case stmt of CmmEntry{} -> empty CmmComment _ -> empty -- (hang (text "/*") 3 (ftext s)) $$ ptext (sLit "*/") -- XXX if the string contains "*/", we need to fix it -- XXX we probably want to emit these comments when -- some debugging option is on. They can get quite -- large. CmmTick _ -> empty CmmUnwind{} -> empty CmmAssign dest src -> pprAssign dflags dest src CmmStore dest src | typeWidth rep == W64 && wordWidth dflags /= W64 -> (if isFloatType rep then text "ASSIGN_DBL" else ptext (sLit ("ASSIGN_Word64"))) <> parens (mkP_ <> pprExpr1 dest <> comma <> pprExpr src) <> semi | otherwise -> hsep [ pprExpr (CmmLoad dest rep), equals, pprExpr src <> semi ] where rep = cmmExprType dflags src CmmUnsafeForeignCall target@(ForeignTarget fn conv) results args -> fnCall where (res_hints, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints target hresults = zip results res_hints hargs = zip args arg_hints ForeignConvention cconv _ _ ret = conv cast_fn = parens (cCast (pprCFunType (char '*') cconv hresults hargs) fn) -- See wiki:Commentary/Compiler/Backends/PprC#Prototypes fnCall = case fn of CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl) | StdCallConv <- cconv -> pprCall (ppr lbl) cconv hresults hargs -- stdcall functions must be declared with -- a function type, otherwise the C compiler -- doesn't add the @n suffix to the label. We -- can't add the @n suffix ourselves, because -- it isn't valid C. | CmmNeverReturns <- ret -> pprCall cast_fn cconv hresults hargs <> semi | not (isMathFun lbl) -> pprForeignCall (ppr lbl) cconv hresults hargs _ -> pprCall cast_fn cconv hresults hargs <> semi -- for a dynamic call, no declaration is necessary. CmmUnsafeForeignCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _results _args -> empty CmmUnsafeForeignCall (PrimTarget (MO_Prefetch_Data _)) _results _args -> empty CmmUnsafeForeignCall target@(PrimTarget op) results args -> fn_call where cconv = CCallConv fn = pprCallishMachOp_for_C op (res_hints, arg_hints) = foreignTargetHints target hresults = zip results res_hints hargs = zip args arg_hints fn_call -- The mem primops carry an extra alignment arg. -- We could maybe emit an alignment directive using this info. -- We also need to cast mem primops to prevent conflicts with GCC -- builtins (see bug #5967). | Just _align <- machOpMemcpyishAlign op = (text ";EFF_(" <> fn <> char ')' <> semi) $$ pprForeignCall fn cconv hresults hargs | otherwise = pprCall fn cconv hresults hargs CmmBranch ident -> pprBranch ident CmmCondBranch expr yes no _ -> pprCondBranch expr yes no CmmCall { cml_target = expr } -> mkJMP_ (pprExpr expr) <> semi CmmSwitch arg ids -> sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> pprSwitch dflags arg ids _other -> pprPanic "PprC.pprStmt" (ppr stmt) type Hinted a = (a, ForeignHint) pprForeignCall :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [Hinted CmmFormal] -> [Hinted CmmActual] -> SDoc pprForeignCall fn cconv results args = fn_call where fn_call = braces ( pprCFunType (char '*' <> text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi $$ text "ghcFunPtr" <+> equals <+> cast_fn <> semi $$ pprCall (text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi ) cast_fn = parens (parens (pprCFunType (char '*') cconv results args) <> fn) pprCFunType :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [Hinted CmmFormal] -> [Hinted CmmActual] -> SDoc pprCFunType ppr_fn cconv ress args = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> let res_type [] = text "void" res_type [(one, hint)] = machRepHintCType (localRegType one) hint res_type _ = panic "pprCFunType: only void or 1 return value supported" arg_type (expr, hint) = machRepHintCType (cmmExprType dflags expr) hint in res_type ress <+> parens (ccallConvAttribute cconv <> ppr_fn) <> parens (commafy (map arg_type args)) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- unconditional branches pprBranch :: BlockId -> SDoc pprBranch ident = text "goto" <+> pprBlockId ident <> semi -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- conditional branches to local labels pprCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> SDoc pprCondBranch expr yes no = hsep [ text "if" , parens(pprExpr expr) , text "goto", pprBlockId yes <> semi, text "else goto", pprBlockId no <> semi ] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a local table branch -- -- we find the fall-through cases -- pprSwitch :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> SwitchTargets -> SDoc pprSwitch dflags e ids = (hang (text "switch" <+> parens ( pprExpr e ) <+> lbrace) 4 (vcat ( map caseify pairs ) $$ def)) $$ rbrace where (pairs, mbdef) = switchTargetsFallThrough ids -- fall through case caseify (ix:ixs, ident) = vcat (map do_fallthrough ixs) $$ final_branch ix where do_fallthrough ix = hsep [ text "case" , pprHexVal ix (wordWidth dflags) <> colon , text "/* fall through */" ] final_branch ix = hsep [ text "case" , pprHexVal ix (wordWidth dflags) <> colon , text "goto" , (pprBlockId ident) <> semi ] caseify (_ , _ ) = panic "pprSwitch: switch with no cases!" def | Just l <- mbdef = text "default: goto" <+> pprBlockId l <> semi | otherwise = empty -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expressions. -- -- C Types: the invariant is that the C expression generated by -- -- pprExpr e -- -- has a type in C which is also given by -- -- machRepCType (cmmExprType e) -- -- (similar invariants apply to the rest of the pretty printer). pprExpr :: CmmExpr -> SDoc pprExpr e = case e of CmmLit lit -> pprLit lit CmmLoad e ty -> sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> pprLoad dflags e ty CmmReg reg -> pprCastReg reg CmmRegOff reg 0 -> pprCastReg reg CmmRegOff reg i | i < 0 && negate_ok -> pprRegOff (char '-') (-i) | otherwise -> pprRegOff (char '+') i where pprRegOff op i' = pprCastReg reg <> op <> int i' negate_ok = negate (fromIntegral i :: Integer) < fromIntegral (maxBound::Int) -- overflow is undefined; see #7620 CmmMachOp mop args -> pprMachOpApp mop args CmmStackSlot _ _ -> panic "pprExpr: CmmStackSlot not supported!" pprLoad :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> CmmType -> SDoc pprLoad dflags e ty | width == W64, wordWidth dflags /= W64 = (if isFloatType ty then text "PK_DBL" else text "PK_Word64") <> parens (mkP_ <> pprExpr1 e) | otherwise = case e of CmmReg r | isPtrReg r && width == wordWidth dflags && not (isFloatType ty) -> char '*' <> pprAsPtrReg r CmmRegOff r 0 | isPtrReg r && width == wordWidth dflags && not (isFloatType ty) -> char '*' <> pprAsPtrReg r CmmRegOff r off | isPtrReg r && width == wordWidth dflags , off `rem` wORD_SIZE dflags == 0 && not (isFloatType ty) -- ToDo: check that the offset is a word multiple? -- (For tagging to work, I had to avoid unaligned loads. --ARY) -> pprAsPtrReg r <> brackets (ppr (off `shiftR` wordShift dflags)) _other -> cLoad e ty where width = typeWidth ty pprExpr1 :: CmmExpr -> SDoc pprExpr1 (CmmLit lit) = pprLit1 lit pprExpr1 e@(CmmReg _reg) = pprExpr e pprExpr1 other = parens (pprExpr other) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MachOp applications pprMachOpApp :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc pprMachOpApp op args | isMulMayOfloOp op = text "mulIntMayOflo" <> parens (commafy (map pprExpr args)) where isMulMayOfloOp (MO_U_MulMayOflo _) = True isMulMayOfloOp (MO_S_MulMayOflo _) = True isMulMayOfloOp _ = False pprMachOpApp mop args | Just ty <- machOpNeedsCast mop = ty <> parens (pprMachOpApp' mop args) | otherwise = pprMachOpApp' mop args -- Comparisons in C have type 'int', but we want type W_ (this is what -- resultRepOfMachOp says). The other C operations inherit their type -- from their operands, so no casting is required. machOpNeedsCast :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc machOpNeedsCast mop | isComparisonMachOp mop = Just mkW_ | otherwise = Nothing pprMachOpApp' :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc pprMachOpApp' mop args = case args of -- dyadic [x,y] -> pprArg x <+> pprMachOp_for_C mop <+> pprArg y -- unary [x] -> pprMachOp_for_C mop <> parens (pprArg x) _ -> panic "PprC.pprMachOp : machop with wrong number of args" where -- Cast needed for signed integer ops pprArg e | signedOp mop = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> cCast (machRep_S_CType (typeWidth (cmmExprType dflags e))) e | needsFCasts mop = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> cCast (machRep_F_CType (typeWidth (cmmExprType dflags e))) e | otherwise = pprExpr1 e needsFCasts (MO_F_Eq _) = False needsFCasts (MO_F_Ne _) = False needsFCasts (MO_F_Neg _) = True needsFCasts (MO_F_Quot _) = True needsFCasts mop = floatComparison mop -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Literals pprLit :: CmmLit -> SDoc pprLit lit = case lit of CmmInt i rep -> pprHexVal i rep CmmFloat f w -> parens (machRep_F_CType w) <> str where d = fromRational f :: Double str | isInfinite d && d < 0 = text "-INFINITY" | isInfinite d = text "INFINITY" | isNaN d = text "NAN" | otherwise = text (show d) -- these constants come from <math.h> -- see #1861 CmmVec {} -> panic "PprC printing vector literal" CmmBlock bid -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr (infoTblLbl bid) CmmHighStackMark -> panic "PprC printing high stack mark" CmmLabel clbl -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr clbl CmmLabelOff clbl i -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr clbl <> char '+' <> int i CmmLabelDiffOff clbl1 _ i -- WARNING: -- * the lit must occur in the info table clbl2 -- * clbl1 must be an SRT, a slow entry point or a large bitmap -> mkW_ <> pprCLabelAddr clbl1 <> char '+' <> int i where pprCLabelAddr lbl = char '&' <> ppr lbl pprLit1 :: CmmLit -> SDoc pprLit1 lit@(CmmLabelOff _ _) = parens (pprLit lit) pprLit1 lit@(CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ _) = parens (pprLit lit) pprLit1 lit@(CmmFloat _ _) = parens (pprLit lit) pprLit1 other = pprLit other -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Static data pprStatics :: DynFlags -> [CmmStatic] -> [SDoc] pprStatics _ [] = [] pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W32) : rest) -- floats are padded to a word by padLitToWord, see #1852 | wORD_SIZE dflags == 8, CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 W32) : rest' <- rest = pprLit1 (floatToWord dflags f) : pprStatics dflags rest' | wORD_SIZE dflags == 4 = pprLit1 (floatToWord dflags f) : pprStatics dflags rest | otherwise = pprPanic "pprStatics: float" (vcat (map ppr' rest)) where ppr' (CmmStaticLit l) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> ppr (cmmLitType dflags l) ppr' _other = text "bad static!" pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmFloat f W64) : rest) = map pprLit1 (doubleToWords dflags f) ++ pprStatics dflags rest pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt i W64) : rest) | wordWidth dflags == W32 = if wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags then pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) : CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) : rest) else pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt r W32) : CmmStaticLit (CmmInt q W32) : rest) where r = i .&. 0xffffffff q = i `shiftR` 32 pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit (CmmInt _ w) : _) | w /= wordWidth dflags = panic "pprStatics: cannot emit a non-word-sized static literal" pprStatics dflags (CmmStaticLit lit : rest) = pprLit1 lit : pprStatics dflags rest pprStatics _ (other : _) = pprPanic "pprWord" (pprStatic other) pprStatic :: CmmStatic -> SDoc pprStatic s = case s of CmmStaticLit lit -> nest 4 (pprLit lit) CmmUninitialised i -> nest 4 (mkC_ <> brackets (int i)) -- these should be inlined, like the old .hc CmmString s' -> nest 4 (mkW_ <> parens(pprStringInCStyle s')) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Block Ids pprBlockId :: BlockId -> SDoc pprBlockId b = char '_' <> ppr (getUnique b) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Print a MachOp in a way suitable for emitting via C. -- pprMachOp_for_C :: MachOp -> SDoc pprMachOp_for_C mop = case mop of -- Integer operations MO_Add _ -> char '+' MO_Sub _ -> char '-' MO_Eq _ -> text "==" MO_Ne _ -> text "!=" MO_Mul _ -> char '*' MO_S_Quot _ -> char '/' MO_S_Rem _ -> char '%' MO_S_Neg _ -> char '-' MO_U_Quot _ -> char '/' MO_U_Rem _ -> char '%' -- & Floating-point operations MO_F_Add _ -> char '+' MO_F_Sub _ -> char '-' MO_F_Neg _ -> char '-' MO_F_Mul _ -> char '*' MO_F_Quot _ -> char '/' -- Signed comparisons MO_S_Ge _ -> text ">=" MO_S_Le _ -> text "<=" MO_S_Gt _ -> char '>' MO_S_Lt _ -> char '<' -- & Unsigned comparisons MO_U_Ge _ -> text ">=" MO_U_Le _ -> text "<=" MO_U_Gt _ -> char '>' MO_U_Lt _ -> char '<' -- & Floating-point comparisons MO_F_Eq _ -> text "==" MO_F_Ne _ -> text "!=" MO_F_Ge _ -> text ">=" MO_F_Le _ -> text "<=" MO_F_Gt _ -> char '>' MO_F_Lt _ -> char '<' -- Bitwise operations. Not all of these may be supported at all -- sizes, and only integral MachReps are valid. MO_And _ -> char '&' MO_Or _ -> char '|' MO_Xor _ -> char '^' MO_Not _ -> char '~' MO_Shl _ -> text "<<" MO_U_Shr _ -> text ">>" -- unsigned shift right MO_S_Shr _ -> text ">>" -- signed shift right -- Conversions. Some of these will be NOPs, but never those that convert -- between ints and floats. -- Floating-point conversions use the signed variant. -- We won't know to generate (void*) casts here, but maybe from -- context elsewhere -- noop casts MO_UU_Conv from to | from == to -> empty MO_UU_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_U_CType to) MO_SS_Conv from to | from == to -> empty MO_SS_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_S_CType to) MO_FF_Conv from to | from == to -> empty MO_FF_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_F_CType to) MO_SF_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_F_CType to) MO_FS_Conv _from to -> parens (machRep_S_CType to) MO_S_MulMayOflo _ -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_S_MulMayOflo") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_S_MulMayOflo" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_U_MulMayOflo") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_U_MulMayOflo" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_V_Insert {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_V_Insert") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Insert" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_V_Extract {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_V_Extract") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Extract" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_V_Add {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_V_Add") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Add" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_V_Sub {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_V_Sub") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Sub" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_V_Mul {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_V_Mul") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_V_Mul" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VS_Quot {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VS_Quot") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VS_Quot" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VS_Rem {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VS_Rem") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VS_Rem" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VS_Neg {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VS_Neg") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VS_Neg" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VU_Quot {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VU_Quot") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VU_Quot" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VU_Rem {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VU_Rem") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VU_Rem" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Insert {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Insert") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Insert" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Extract {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Extract") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Extract" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Add {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Add") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Add" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Sub {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Sub") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Sub" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Neg {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Neg") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Neg" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Mul {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Mul") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Mul" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") MO_VF_Quot {} -> pprTrace "offending mop:" (text "MO_VF_Quot") (panic $ "PprC.pprMachOp_for_C: MO_VF_Quot" ++ " should have been handled earlier!") signedOp :: MachOp -> Bool -- Argument type(s) are signed ints signedOp (MO_S_Quot _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Rem _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Neg _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Ge _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Le _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Gt _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Lt _) = True signedOp (MO_S_Shr _) = True signedOp (MO_SS_Conv _ _) = True signedOp (MO_SF_Conv _ _) = True signedOp _ = False floatComparison :: MachOp -> Bool -- comparison between float args floatComparison (MO_F_Eq _) = True floatComparison (MO_F_Ne _) = True floatComparison (MO_F_Ge _) = True floatComparison (MO_F_Le _) = True floatComparison (MO_F_Gt _) = True floatComparison (MO_F_Lt _) = True floatComparison _ = False -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tend to be implemented by foreign calls pprCallishMachOp_for_C :: CallishMachOp -> SDoc pprCallishMachOp_for_C mop = case mop of MO_F64_Pwr -> text "pow" MO_F64_Sin -> text "sin" MO_F64_Cos -> text "cos" MO_F64_Tan -> text "tan" MO_F64_Sinh -> text "sinh" MO_F64_Cosh -> text "cosh" MO_F64_Tanh -> text "tanh" MO_F64_Asin -> text "asin" MO_F64_Acos -> text "acos" MO_F64_Atan -> text "atan" MO_F64_Log -> text "log" MO_F64_Exp -> text "exp" MO_F64_Sqrt -> text "sqrt" MO_F32_Pwr -> text "powf" MO_F32_Sin -> text "sinf" MO_F32_Cos -> text "cosf" MO_F32_Tan -> text "tanf" MO_F32_Sinh -> text "sinhf" MO_F32_Cosh -> text "coshf" MO_F32_Tanh -> text "tanhf" MO_F32_Asin -> text "asinf" MO_F32_Acos -> text "acosf" MO_F32_Atan -> text "atanf" MO_F32_Log -> text "logf" MO_F32_Exp -> text "expf" MO_F32_Sqrt -> text "sqrtf" MO_WriteBarrier -> text "write_barrier" MO_Memcpy _ -> text "memcpy" MO_Memset _ -> text "memset" MO_Memmove _ -> text "memmove" (MO_BSwap w) -> ptext (sLit $ bSwapLabel w) (MO_PopCnt w) -> ptext (sLit $ popCntLabel w) (MO_Clz w) -> ptext (sLit $ clzLabel w) (MO_Ctz w) -> ptext (sLit $ ctzLabel w) (MO_AtomicRMW w amop) -> ptext (sLit $ atomicRMWLabel w amop) (MO_Cmpxchg w) -> ptext (sLit $ cmpxchgLabel w) (MO_AtomicRead w) -> ptext (sLit $ atomicReadLabel w) (MO_AtomicWrite w) -> ptext (sLit $ atomicWriteLabel w) (MO_UF_Conv w) -> ptext (sLit $ word2FloatLabel w) MO_S_QuotRem {} -> unsupported MO_U_QuotRem {} -> unsupported MO_U_QuotRem2 {} -> unsupported MO_Add2 {} -> unsupported MO_SubWordC {} -> unsupported MO_AddIntC {} -> unsupported MO_SubIntC {} -> unsupported MO_U_Mul2 {} -> unsupported MO_Touch -> unsupported (MO_Prefetch_Data _ ) -> unsupported --- we could support prefetch via "__builtin_prefetch" --- Not adding it for now where unsupported = panic ("pprCallishMachOp_for_C: " ++ show mop ++ " not supported!") -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Useful #defines -- mkJMP_, mkFN_, mkIF_ :: SDoc -> SDoc mkJMP_ i = text "JMP_" <> parens i mkFN_ i = text "FN_" <> parens i -- externally visible function mkIF_ i = text "IF_" <> parens i -- locally visible -- from includes/Stg.h -- mkC_,mkW_,mkP_ :: SDoc mkC_ = text "(C_)" -- StgChar mkW_ = text "(W_)" -- StgWord mkP_ = text "(P_)" -- StgWord* -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Assignments -- -- Generating assignments is what we're all about, here -- pprAssign :: DynFlags -> CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> SDoc -- dest is a reg, rhs is a reg pprAssign _ r1 (CmmReg r2) | isPtrReg r1 && isPtrReg r2 = hcat [ pprAsPtrReg r1, equals, pprAsPtrReg r2, semi ] -- dest is a reg, rhs is a CmmRegOff pprAssign dflags r1 (CmmRegOff r2 off) | isPtrReg r1 && isPtrReg r2 && (off `rem` wORD_SIZE dflags == 0) = hcat [ pprAsPtrReg r1, equals, pprAsPtrReg r2, op, int off', semi ] where off1 = off `shiftR` wordShift dflags (op,off') | off >= 0 = (char '+', off1) | otherwise = (char '-', -off1) -- dest is a reg, rhs is anything. -- We can't cast the lvalue, so we have to cast the rhs if necessary. Casting -- the lvalue elicits a warning from new GCC versions (3.4+). pprAssign _ r1 r2 | isFixedPtrReg r1 = mkAssign (mkP_ <> pprExpr1 r2) | Just ty <- strangeRegType r1 = mkAssign (parens ty <> pprExpr1 r2) | otherwise = mkAssign (pprExpr r2) where mkAssign x = if r1 == CmmGlobal BaseReg then text "ASSIGN_BaseReg" <> parens x <> semi else pprReg r1 <> text " = " <> x <> semi -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Registers pprCastReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc pprCastReg reg | isStrangeTypeReg reg = mkW_ <> pprReg reg | otherwise = pprReg reg -- True if (pprReg reg) will give an expression with type StgPtr. We -- need to take care with pointer arithmetic on registers with type -- StgPtr. isFixedPtrReg :: CmmReg -> Bool isFixedPtrReg (CmmLocal _) = False isFixedPtrReg (CmmGlobal r) = isFixedPtrGlobalReg r -- True if (pprAsPtrReg reg) will give an expression with type StgPtr -- JD: THIS IS HORRIBLE AND SHOULD BE RENAMED, AT THE VERY LEAST. -- THE GARBAGE WITH THE VNonGcPtr HELPS MATCH THE OLD CODE GENERATOR'S OUTPUT; -- I'M NOT SURE IF IT SHOULD REALLY STAY THAT WAY. isPtrReg :: CmmReg -> Bool isPtrReg (CmmLocal _) = False isPtrReg (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg _ VGcPtr)) = True -- if we print via pprAsPtrReg isPtrReg (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg _ VNonGcPtr)) = False -- if we print via pprAsPtrReg isPtrReg (CmmGlobal reg) = isFixedPtrGlobalReg reg -- True if this global reg has type StgPtr isFixedPtrGlobalReg :: GlobalReg -> Bool isFixedPtrGlobalReg Sp = True isFixedPtrGlobalReg Hp = True isFixedPtrGlobalReg HpLim = True isFixedPtrGlobalReg SpLim = True isFixedPtrGlobalReg _ = False -- True if in C this register doesn't have the type given by -- (machRepCType (cmmRegType reg)), so it has to be cast. isStrangeTypeReg :: CmmReg -> Bool isStrangeTypeReg (CmmLocal _) = False isStrangeTypeReg (CmmGlobal g) = isStrangeTypeGlobal g isStrangeTypeGlobal :: GlobalReg -> Bool isStrangeTypeGlobal CCCS = True isStrangeTypeGlobal CurrentTSO = True isStrangeTypeGlobal CurrentNursery = True isStrangeTypeGlobal BaseReg = True isStrangeTypeGlobal r = isFixedPtrGlobalReg r strangeRegType :: CmmReg -> Maybe SDoc strangeRegType (CmmGlobal CCCS) = Just (text "struct CostCentreStack_ *") strangeRegType (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO) = Just (text "struct StgTSO_ *") strangeRegType (CmmGlobal CurrentNursery) = Just (text "struct bdescr_ *") strangeRegType (CmmGlobal BaseReg) = Just (text "struct StgRegTable_ *") strangeRegType _ = Nothing -- pprReg just prints the register name. -- pprReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc pprReg r = case r of CmmLocal local -> pprLocalReg local CmmGlobal global -> pprGlobalReg global pprAsPtrReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc pprAsPtrReg (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg n gcp)) = WARN( gcp /= VGcPtr, ppr n ) char 'R' <> int n <> text ".p" pprAsPtrReg other_reg = pprReg other_reg pprGlobalReg :: GlobalReg -> SDoc pprGlobalReg gr = case gr of VanillaReg n _ -> char 'R' <> int n <> text ".w" -- pprGlobalReg prints a VanillaReg as a .w regardless -- Example: R1.w = R1.w & (-0x8UL); -- JMP_(*R1.p); FloatReg n -> char 'F' <> int n DoubleReg n -> char 'D' <> int n LongReg n -> char 'L' <> int n Sp -> text "Sp" SpLim -> text "SpLim" Hp -> text "Hp" HpLim -> text "HpLim" CCCS -> text "CCCS" CurrentTSO -> text "CurrentTSO" CurrentNursery -> text "CurrentNursery" HpAlloc -> text "HpAlloc" BaseReg -> text "BaseReg" EagerBlackholeInfo -> text "stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info" GCEnter1 -> text "stg_gc_enter_1" GCFun -> text "stg_gc_fun" other -> panic $ "pprGlobalReg: Unsupported register: " ++ show other pprLocalReg :: LocalReg -> SDoc pprLocalReg (LocalReg uniq _) = char '_' <> ppr uniq -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Foreign Calls pprCall :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [Hinted CmmFormal] -> [Hinted CmmActual] -> SDoc pprCall ppr_fn cconv results args | not (is_cishCC cconv) = panic $ "pprCall: unknown calling convention" | otherwise = ppr_assign results (ppr_fn <> parens (commafy (map pprArg args))) <> semi where ppr_assign [] rhs = rhs ppr_assign [(one,hint)] rhs = pprLocalReg one <> text " = " <> pprUnHint hint (localRegType one) <> rhs ppr_assign _other _rhs = panic "pprCall: multiple results" pprArg (expr, AddrHint) = cCast (text "void *") expr -- see comment by machRepHintCType below pprArg (expr, SignedHint) = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> cCast (machRep_S_CType $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType dflags expr) expr pprArg (expr, _other) = pprExpr expr pprUnHint AddrHint rep = parens (machRepCType rep) pprUnHint SignedHint rep = parens (machRepCType rep) pprUnHint _ _ = empty -- Currently we only have these two calling conventions, but this might -- change in the future... is_cishCC :: CCallConv -> Bool is_cishCC CCallConv = True is_cishCC CApiConv = True is_cishCC StdCallConv = True is_cishCC PrimCallConv = False is_cishCC JavaScriptCallConv = False -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find and print local and external declarations for a list of -- Cmm statements. -- pprTempAndExternDecls :: [CmmBlock] -> (SDoc{-temps-}, SDoc{-externs-}) pprTempAndExternDecls stmts = (vcat (map pprTempDecl (uniqSetToList temps)), vcat (map (pprExternDecl False{-ToDo-}) (Map.keys lbls))) where (temps, lbls) = runTE (mapM_ te_BB stmts) pprDataExterns :: [CmmStatic] -> SDoc pprDataExterns statics = vcat (map (pprExternDecl False{-ToDo-}) (Map.keys lbls)) where (_, lbls) = runTE (mapM_ te_Static statics) pprTempDecl :: LocalReg -> SDoc pprTempDecl l@(LocalReg _ rep) = hcat [ machRepCType rep, space, pprLocalReg l, semi ] pprExternDecl :: Bool -> CLabel -> SDoc pprExternDecl _in_srt lbl -- do not print anything for "known external" things | not (needsCDecl lbl) = empty | Just sz <- foreignLabelStdcallInfo lbl = stdcall_decl sz | otherwise = hcat [ visibility, label_type lbl, lparen, ppr lbl, text ");" ] where label_type lbl | isForeignLabel lbl && isCFunctionLabel lbl = text "FF_" | isCFunctionLabel lbl = text "F_" | otherwise = text "I_" visibility | externallyVisibleCLabel lbl = char 'E' | otherwise = char 'I' -- If the label we want to refer to is a stdcall function (on Windows) then -- we must generate an appropriate prototype for it, so that the C compiler will -- add the @n suffix to the label (#2276) stdcall_decl sz = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> text "extern __attribute__((stdcall)) void " <> ppr lbl <> parens (commafy (replicate (sz `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags) (machRep_U_CType (wordWidth dflags)))) <> semi type TEState = (UniqSet LocalReg, Map CLabel ()) newtype TE a = TE { unTE :: TEState -> (a, TEState) } instance Functor TE where fmap = liftM instance Applicative TE where pure a = TE $ \s -> (a, s) (<*>) = ap instance Monad TE where TE m >>= k = TE $ \s -> case m s of (a, s') -> unTE (k a) s' return = pure te_lbl :: CLabel -> TE () te_lbl lbl = TE $ \(temps,lbls) -> ((), (temps, Map.insert lbl () lbls)) te_temp :: LocalReg -> TE () te_temp r = TE $ \(temps,lbls) -> ((), (addOneToUniqSet temps r, lbls)) runTE :: TE () -> TEState runTE (TE m) = snd (m (emptyUniqSet, Map.empty)) te_Static :: CmmStatic -> TE () te_Static (CmmStaticLit lit) = te_Lit lit te_Static _ = return () te_BB :: CmmBlock -> TE () te_BB block = mapM_ te_Stmt (blockToList mid) >> te_Stmt last where (_, mid, last) = blockSplit block te_Lit :: CmmLit -> TE () te_Lit (CmmLabel l) = te_lbl l te_Lit (CmmLabelOff l _) = te_lbl l te_Lit (CmmLabelDiffOff l1 _ _) = te_lbl l1 te_Lit _ = return () te_Stmt :: CmmNode e x -> TE () te_Stmt (CmmAssign r e) = te_Reg r >> te_Expr e te_Stmt (CmmStore l r) = te_Expr l >> te_Expr r te_Stmt (CmmUnsafeForeignCall target rs es) = do te_Target target mapM_ te_temp rs mapM_ te_Expr es te_Stmt (CmmCondBranch e _ _ _) = te_Expr e te_Stmt (CmmSwitch e _) = te_Expr e te_Stmt (CmmCall { cml_target = e }) = te_Expr e te_Stmt _ = return () te_Target :: ForeignTarget -> TE () te_Target (ForeignTarget e _) = te_Expr e te_Target (PrimTarget{}) = return () te_Expr :: CmmExpr -> TE () te_Expr (CmmLit lit) = te_Lit lit te_Expr (CmmLoad e _) = te_Expr e te_Expr (CmmReg r) = te_Reg r te_Expr (CmmMachOp _ es) = mapM_ te_Expr es te_Expr (CmmRegOff r _) = te_Reg r te_Expr (CmmStackSlot _ _) = panic "te_Expr: CmmStackSlot not supported!" te_Reg :: CmmReg -> TE () te_Reg (CmmLocal l) = te_temp l te_Reg _ = return () -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- C types for MachReps cCast :: SDoc -> CmmExpr -> SDoc cCast ty expr = parens ty <> pprExpr1 expr cLoad :: CmmExpr -> CmmType -> SDoc cLoad expr rep = sdocWithPlatform $ \platform -> if bewareLoadStoreAlignment (platformArch platform) then let decl = machRepCType rep <+> text "x" <> semi struct = text "struct" <+> braces (decl) packed_attr = text "__attribute__((packed))" cast = parens (struct <+> packed_attr <> char '*') in parens (cast <+> pprExpr1 expr) <> text "->x" else char '*' <> parens (cCast (machRepPtrCType rep) expr) where -- On these platforms, unaligned loads are known to cause problems bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchAlpha = True bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchMipseb = True bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchMipsel = True bewareLoadStoreAlignment (ArchARM {}) = True bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchARM64 = True -- Pessimistically assume that they will also cause problems -- on unknown arches bewareLoadStoreAlignment ArchUnknown = True bewareLoadStoreAlignment _ = False isCmmWordType :: DynFlags -> CmmType -> Bool -- True of GcPtrReg/NonGcReg of native word size isCmmWordType dflags ty = not (isFloatType ty) && typeWidth ty == wordWidth dflags -- This is for finding the types of foreign call arguments. For a pointer -- argument, we always cast the argument to (void *), to avoid warnings from -- the C compiler. machRepHintCType :: CmmType -> ForeignHint -> SDoc machRepHintCType _ AddrHint = text "void *" machRepHintCType rep SignedHint = machRep_S_CType (typeWidth rep) machRepHintCType rep _other = machRepCType rep machRepPtrCType :: CmmType -> SDoc machRepPtrCType r = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> if isCmmWordType dflags r then text "P_" else machRepCType r <> char '*' machRepCType :: CmmType -> SDoc machRepCType ty | isFloatType ty = machRep_F_CType w | otherwise = machRep_U_CType w where w = typeWidth ty machRep_F_CType :: Width -> SDoc machRep_F_CType W32 = text "StgFloat" -- ToDo: correct? machRep_F_CType W64 = text "StgDouble" machRep_F_CType _ = panic "machRep_F_CType" machRep_U_CType :: Width -> SDoc machRep_U_CType w = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> case w of _ | w == wordWidth dflags -> text "W_" W8 -> text "StgWord8" W16 -> text "StgWord16" W32 -> text "StgWord32" W64 -> text "StgWord64" _ -> panic "machRep_U_CType" machRep_S_CType :: Width -> SDoc machRep_S_CType w = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> case w of _ | w == wordWidth dflags -> text "I_" W8 -> text "StgInt8" W16 -> text "StgInt16" W32 -> text "StgInt32" W64 -> text "StgInt64" _ -> panic "machRep_S_CType" -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- print strings as valid C strings pprStringInCStyle :: [Word8] -> SDoc pprStringInCStyle s = doubleQuotes (text (concatMap charToC s)) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialising static objects with floating-point numbers. We can't -- just emit the floating point number, because C will cast it to an int -- by rounding it. We want the actual bit-representation of the float. -- -- Consider a concrete C example: -- double d = 2.5e-10; -- float f = 2.5e-10f; -- -- int * i2 = &d; printf ("i2: %08X %08X\n", i2[0], i2[1]); -- long long * l = &d; printf (" l: %016llX\n", l[0]); -- int * i = &f; printf (" i: %08X\n", i[0]); -- Result on 64-bit LE (x86_64): -- i2: E826D695 3DF12E0B -- l: 3DF12E0BE826D695 -- i: 2F89705F -- Result on 32-bit BE (m68k): -- i2: 3DF12E0B E826D695 -- l: 3DF12E0BE826D695 -- i: 2F89705F -- -- The trick here is to notice that binary representation does not -- change much: only Word32 values get swapped on LE hosts / targets. -- This is a hack to turn the floating point numbers into ints that we -- can safely initialise to static locations. castFloatToWord32Array :: STUArray s Int Float -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word32) castFloatToWord32Array = U.castSTUArray castDoubleToWord64Array :: STUArray s Int Double -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word64) castDoubleToWord64Array = U.castSTUArray floatToWord :: DynFlags -> Rational -> CmmLit floatToWord dflags r = runST (do arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),0) writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r) arr' <- castFloatToWord32Array arr w32 <- readArray arr' 0 return (CmmInt (toInteger w32 `shiftL` wo) (wordWidth dflags)) ) where wo | wordWidth dflags == W64 , wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags = 32 | otherwise = 0 doubleToWords :: DynFlags -> Rational -> [CmmLit] doubleToWords dflags r = runST (do arr <- newArray_ ((0::Int),1) writeArray arr 0 (fromRational r) arr' <- castDoubleToWord64Array arr w64 <- readArray arr' 0 return (pprWord64 w64) ) where targetWidth = wordWidth dflags targetBE = wORDS_BIGENDIAN dflags pprWord64 w64 | targetWidth == W64 = [ CmmInt (toInteger w64) targetWidth ] | targetWidth == W32 = [ CmmInt (toInteger targetW1) targetWidth , CmmInt (toInteger targetW2) targetWidth ] | otherwise = panic "doubleToWords.pprWord64" where (targetW1, targetW2) | targetBE = (wHi, wLo) | otherwise = (wLo, wHi) wHi = w64 `shiftR` 32 wLo = w64 .&. 0xFFFFffff -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utils wordShift :: DynFlags -> Int wordShift dflags = widthInLog (wordWidth dflags) commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs -- Print in C hex format: 0x13fa pprHexVal :: Integer -> Width -> SDoc pprHexVal w rep | w < 0 = parens (char '-' <> text "0x" <> intToDoc (-w) <> repsuffix rep) | otherwise = text "0x" <> intToDoc w <> repsuffix rep where -- type suffix for literals: -- Integer literals are unsigned in Cmm/C. We explicitly cast to -- signed values for doing signed operations, but at all other -- times values are unsigned. This also helps eliminate occasional -- warnings about integer overflow from gcc. repsuffix W64 = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags -> if cINT_SIZE dflags == 8 then char 'U' else if cLONG_SIZE dflags == 8 then text "UL" else if cLONG_LONG_SIZE dflags == 8 then text "ULL" else panic "pprHexVal: Can't find a 64-bit type" repsuffix _ = char 'U' intToDoc :: Integer -> SDoc intToDoc i = case truncInt i of 0 -> char '0' v -> go v -- We need to truncate value as Cmm backend does not drop -- redundant bits to ease handling of negative values. -- Thus the following Cmm code on 64-bit arch, like amd64: -- CInt v; -- v = {something}; -- if (v == %lobits32(-1)) { ... -- leads to the following C code: -- StgWord64 v = (StgWord32)({something}); -- if (v == 0xFFFFffffFFFFffffU) { ... -- Such code is incorrect as it promotes both operands to StgWord64 -- and the whole condition is always false. truncInt :: Integer -> Integer truncInt i = case rep of W8 -> i `rem` (2^(8 :: Int)) W16 -> i `rem` (2^(16 :: Int)) W32 -> i `rem` (2^(32 :: Int)) W64 -> i `rem` (2^(64 :: Int)) _ -> panic ("pprHexVal/truncInt: C backend can't encode " ++ show rep ++ " literals") go 0 = empty go w' = go q <> dig where (q,r) = w' `quotRem` 16 dig | r < 10 = char (chr (fromInteger r + ord '0')) | otherwise = char (chr (fromInteger r - 10 + ord 'a'))
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-} {-# Language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-top-binds #-} import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BS8 import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, isPrefixOf) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import System.Directory (listDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, removeFile) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>), takeBaseName, takeExtension, replaceExtension, takeFileName, takeDirectory) import System.IO (IOMode(..), Handle, withFile, hClose, hGetContents, hGetLine, openFile) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile) import System.Environment (setEnv) import qualified System.Process as Proc import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup, TestTree) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, testCaseSteps, assertBool, assertFailure) import Test.Tasty.Golden (findByExtension) import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest) import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (expectFailBecause) import qualified Mir.Language as Mir import qualified Mir.Compositional as Mir import qualified Mir.Cryptol as Mir import qualified Crux as Crux import qualified Crux.Config.Common as Crux import qualified Data.AIG.Interface as AIG import qualified Config import qualified Config.Schema as Config type OracleTest = FilePath -> String -> (String -> IO ()) -> Assertion -- Don't show any debug output when testing (SAWInterface) debugLevel :: Int debugLevel = 0 -- | Check whether an input file is expected to fail based on a comment in the first line. expectedFail :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe String) expectedFail fn = withFile fn ReadMode $ \h -> do firstLine <- hGetLine h return $ if failMarker `isPrefixOf` firstLine then Just (drop (length failMarker) firstLine) else Nothing where failMarker = "// FAIL: " -- TODO: remove this - copy-pasted from Crux/Options.hs for compatibility with -- old mainline crucible defaultCruxOptions :: Crux.CruxOptions defaultCruxOptions = case res of Left x -> error $ "failed to compute default crux options: " ++ show x Right x -> x where ss = Crux.cfgFile Crux.cruxOptions res = Config.loadValue (Config.sectionsSpec "crux" ss) (Config.Sections () []) data RunCruxMode = RcmConcrete | RcmSymbolic | RcmCoverage deriving (Show, Eq) runCrux :: FilePath -> Handle -> RunCruxMode -> IO () runCrux rustFile outHandle mode = Mir.withMirLogging $ do -- goalTimeout is bumped from 60 to 180 because symbolic -- verification runs close to the timeout, causing flaky results -- (especially in CI). let quiet = True let outOpts = (Crux.outputOptions defaultCruxOptions) { Crux.simVerbose = 0 , Crux.quietMode = quiet } let options = (defaultCruxOptions { Crux.outputOptions = outOpts, Crux.inputFiles = [rustFile], Crux.globalTimeout = Just 180, Crux.goalTimeout = Just 180, Crux.solver = "z3", Crux.checkPathSat = (mode == RcmCoverage), Crux.outDir = case mode of RcmCoverage -> getOutputDir rustFile _ -> "", Crux.branchCoverage = (mode == RcmCoverage) } , Mir.defaultMirOptions { Mir.printResultOnly = (mode == RcmConcrete), Mir.defaultRlibsDir = "../deps/crucible/crux-mir/rlibs" }) let ?outputConfig = Crux.mkOutputConfig (outHandle, False) (outHandle, False) Mir.mirLoggingToSayWhat (Just $ Crux.outputOptions $ fst options) setEnv "CRYPTOLPATH" "." _exitCode <- Mir.runTestsWithExtraOverrides overrides options return () where overrides :: Mir.BindExtraOverridesFn overrides = Mir.compositionalOverrides `Mir.orOverride` Mir.cryptolOverrides getOutputDir :: FilePath -> FilePath getOutputDir rustFile = takeDirectory rustFile </> "out" cruxOracleTest :: FilePath -> String -> (String -> IO ()) -> Assertion cruxOracleTest dir name step = do step "Compiling and running oracle program" oracleOut <- compileAndRun dir name >>= \case Nothing -> assertFailure "failed to compile and run" Just out -> return out let orOut = dropWhileEnd isSpace oracleOut step ("Oracle output: " ++ orOut) let rustFile = dir </> name <.> "rs" cruxOut <- withSystemTempFile name $ \tempName h -> do runCrux rustFile h RcmConcrete hClose h h' <- openFile tempName ReadMode out <- hGetContents h' length out `seq` hClose h' return $ dropWhileEnd isSpace out step ("Crux output: " ++ cruxOut ++ "\n") assertBool "crux doesn't match oracle" (orOut == cruxOut) symbTest :: FilePath -> IO TestTree symbTest dir = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir rustFiles <- if exists then findByExtension [".rs"] dir else return [] return $ testGroup "Output testing" [ doGoldenTest (takeBaseName rustFile) goodFile outFile $ withFile outFile WriteMode $ \h -> runCrux rustFile h RcmSymbolic | rustFile <- rustFiles -- Skip hidden files, such as editor swap files , not $ "." `isPrefixOf` takeFileName rustFile , let goodFile = replaceExtension rustFile ".good" , let outFile = replaceExtension rustFile ".out" ] coverageTests :: FilePath -> IO TestTree coverageTests dir = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir rustFiles <- if exists then findByExtension [".rs"] dir else return [] return $ testGroup "Output testing" [ doGoldenTest rustFile goodFile outFile (doTest rustFile outFile) | rustFile <- rustFiles -- Skip hidden files, such as editor swap files , not $ "." `isPrefixOf` takeFileName rustFile , let goodFile = replaceExtension rustFile ".good" , let outFile = replaceExtension rustFile ".out" ] where doTest rustFile outFile = do let logFile = replaceExtension rustFile ".crux.log" withFile logFile WriteMode $ \h -> runCrux rustFile h RcmCoverage let reportDir = getOutputDir rustFile </> takeBaseName rustFile reportFiles <- findByExtension [".js"] reportDir out <- Proc.readProcess "cargo" (["run", "--manifest-path", "report-coverage/Cargo.toml", "--quiet", "--", "--no-color"] ++ reportFiles) "" writeFile outFile out doGoldenTest :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () -> TestTree doGoldenTest rustFile goodFile outFile act = goldenTest (takeBaseName rustFile) (BS.readFile goodFile) (act >> BS.readFile outFile) (\good out -> return $ if good == out then Nothing else Just $ "files " ++ goodFile ++ " and " ++ outFile ++ " differ; " ++ goodFile ++ " contains:\n" ++ BS8.toString out) (\out -> BS.writeFile goodFile out) main :: IO () main = defaultMain =<< suite suite :: IO TestTree suite = do let ?debug = 0 :: Int let ?assertFalseOnError = True let ?printCrucible = False trees <- sequence [ testGroup "crux concrete" <$> sequence [ testDir cruxOracleTest "test/conc_eval/" ] , testGroup "crux symbolic" <$> sequence [ symbTest "test/symb_eval" ] , testGroup "crux coverage" <$> sequence [ coverageTests "test/coverage" ] ] return $ testGroup "crux-mir" trees -- For newSAWCoreBackend proxy :: AIG.Proxy AIG.BasicLit AIG.BasicGraph proxy = AIG.basicProxy -- | Compile using 'rustc' and run executable compileAndRun :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Maybe String) compileAndRun dir name = do (ec, _, err) <- Proc.readProcessWithExitCode "rustc" [dir </> name <.> "rs", "--cfg", "with_main" , "--extern", "byteorder=rlibs_native/libbyteorder.rlib" , "--extern", "bytes=rlibs_native/libbytes.rlib"] "" case ec of ExitFailure _ -> do putStrLn $ "rustc compilation failed for " ++ name putStrLn "error output:" putStrLn err return Nothing ExitSuccess -> do let execFile = "." </> name (ec', out, _) <- Proc.readProcessWithExitCode execFile [] "" doesFileExist execFile >>= \case True -> removeFile execFile False -> return () case ec' of ExitFailure _ -> do putStrLn $ "non-zero exit code for test executable " ++ name return Nothing ExitSuccess -> return $ Just out testDir :: OracleTest -> FilePath -> IO TestTree testDir oracleTest dir = do let gen f | "." `isPrefixOf` takeBaseName f = return Nothing gen f | takeExtension f == ".rs" = do shouldFail <- expectedFail (dir </> f) case shouldFail of Nothing -> return (Just (testCaseSteps name (oracleTest dir name))) Just why -> return (Just (expectFailBecause why (testCaseSteps name (oracleTest dir name)))) where name = takeBaseName f gen f = doesDirectoryExist (dir </> f) >>= \case False -> return Nothing True -> Just <$> testDir oracleTest (dir </> f) exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir fs <- if exists then listDirectory dir else return [] tcs <- mapM gen fs return (testGroup (takeBaseName dir) (catMaybes tcs))
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Lib ( mainFunc, module ClassyPrelude, module Haskakafka ) where import Common import Config import Fortune import Kansha import Threading import Control.Lens import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Lens import GHC.IO.Handle hiding (hGetLine) import System.Command import System.IO (hReady) import ClassyPrelude import Haskakafka startRink :: Text -> IO (Maybe (Handle, Handle)) startRink rinkPath = do let rinkCmd = rinkPath ++ " -" (hInM, hOutM, _, _) <- createProcess (shell $ unpack rinkCmd) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe } return $ do hIn <- hInM hOut <- hOutM return (hIn, hOut) readHandleUntilNotReady :: Handle -> IO Text readHandleUntilNotReady hIn = let readOutput handle results = do handleReady <- hReady handle case handleReady of False -> return (unlines results) True -> do line <- hGetLine handle readOutput handle (mappend results [line]) in readOutput hIn [] runRinkCmd :: (Handle, Handle) -> Text -> IO Text runRinkCmd (hIn, hOut) cmdStr = do let newCmdStr = ((replaceSeqStrictText "&gt;" ">") . (replaceSeqStrictText "&lt;" "<")) cmdStr hPutStrLn hIn newCmdStr hFlush hIn --readHandleUntilNotReady hOut hGetLine hOut rinkCmdLooper :: (Handle, Handle) -> TChan SlackMessage -> TChan Text -> IO () rinkCmdLooper (hIn, hOut) cmdQueue outQueue = do cmd <- atomically $ readTChan cmdQueue let rawInput = message cmd case (tailMay $ words rawInput) of Nothing -> rinkCmdLooper (hIn, hOut) cmdQueue outQueue Just others -> do output <- runRinkCmd (hIn, hOut) (unwords others) let outputStripped = stripSuffix "\n" output case outputStripped of Nothing -> atomically $ writeTChan outQueue $ slackPayloadWithChannel (channel cmd) output Just stripped -> atomically $ writeTChan outQueue $ slackPayloadWithChannel (channel cmd) stripped rinkCmdLooper (hIn, hOut) cmdQueue outQueue consumer :: TChan Text -> Kafka -> KafkaTopic -> IO () consumer queue kafka topic = do messageE <- consumeMessage topic 0 10000 case messageE of Left (KafkaResponseError _) -> return () Left err -> do putStrLn $ "Kafka error: " ++ tshow err Right msg -> do let writeQueue = writeTChan queue atomically $ (writeQueue . asText . decodeUtf8 . asByteString . messagePayload) msg consumer queue kafka topic producer :: TChan Text -> Kafka -> KafkaTopic -> IO () producer queue kafka topic = do msg <- atomically $ readTChan queue putStrLn $ "producer: " ++ msg produceMessage topic KafkaUnassignedPartition (KafkaProduceMessage $ encodeUtf8 msg) producer queue kafka topic echoEmitter :: SlackMessage -> IO Text echoEmitter msg = do return $ slackPayloadWithChannel (channel msg) "Hollo!" papikaEmitter :: SlackMessage -> IO Text papikaEmitter msg = return $ slackPayloadWithChannel (channel msg) "Cocona!" kafkaProducerThread :: Text -> Text -> TChan Text -> IO () kafkaProducerThread brokerString topicName producerQueue = do withKafkaProducer [] [] (unpack brokerString) (unpack topicName) (producer producerQueue) return () kafkaConsumerThread :: Text -> Text -> TChan Text -> IO () kafkaConsumerThread brokerString topicName consumerQueue = do withKafkaConsumer [] [("", "file")] (unpack brokerString) (unpack topicName) 0 (KafkaOffsetStored) (consumer consumerQueue) return () emitterThread :: (TChan SlackMessage -> TChan Text -> STM ()) -> TChan SlackMessage -> TChan Text -> IO () emitterThread emitter inQueue outQueue = do atomically $ emitter inQueue outQueue emitterThread emitter inQueue outQueue rinkThread :: Text -> TChan SlackMessage -> TChan Text -> IO () rinkThread rinkPath inputQueue outputQueue = do handlesM <- startRink rinkPath case handlesM of Nothing -> do putStrLn "Error opening up rink" return () Just (hIn, hOut) -> do hSetBinaryMode hIn False hSetBinaryMode hOut False rinkCmdLooper (hIn, hOut) inputQueue outputQueue mainFunc :: FilePath -> IO () mainFunc configPath = do botConfigE <- getBotConfig configPath case botConfigE of Left err -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ asText "Could not parse config, using defaults" hPutStrLn stderr $ tshow err Right _ -> return () putStrLn "Starting Kokona" consumerQueue <- newTChanIO producerQueue <- newTChanIO let (brokerString, consumerTopicString, producerTopicString, rinkPathStr) = case botConfigE of Left _ -> ("localhost:9092", "consumer", "producer", "rink") Right cfg -> ( (brokerAddr cfg), (consumerTopic cfg), (producerTopic cfg), (rinkPath cfg) ) let holloAcceptor = startMessageAcceptor "!hollo" let calcAcceptor = startMessageAcceptor "!calc" let dhggsAcceptor = startMessageAcceptor "dhggs" let fortuneAcceptor = startMessageAcceptor "!fortune" let papikaAcceptor = textInMessageAcceptor "papika" let cmdThreadWithQueue = botCommandThread consumerQueue producerQueue cmdThreadWithQueue holloAcceptor (loopProcessor echoEmitter) cmdThreadWithQueue calcAcceptor (rinkThread rinkPathStr) cmdThreadWithQueue dhggsAcceptor (loopProcessor kanshaEmitter) cmdThreadWithQueue fortuneAcceptor (loopProcessor fortuneEmitter) -- cmdThreadWithQueue papikaAcceptor (loopProcessor papikaEmitter) producerTId <- fork (kafkaProducerThread brokerString producerTopicString producerQueue) kafkaConsumerThread brokerString consumerTopicString consumerQueue putStrLn $ tshow producerTId
data DT = DT Integer deriving Show newtype NT = NT Integer deriving Show checkDT :: DT -> String checkDT (DT _) = "OK!" checkNT :: NT -> String checkNT (NT _) = "OK!"
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Data.Digest.Groestl384 ( groestl384, Groestl384Digest (..), GroestlCtx, Hash(..), hash, hash', printAsHex ) where import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word64) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L (ByteString) import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector, fromList) import Control.Monad (foldM, liftM) import Control.Monad.ST (runST) import Crypto.Classes import Data.Tagged import Data.Serialize import Prelude hiding (truncate) import Data.Digest.GroestlMutable groestl384 :: Int64 -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString groestl384 dataBitLen | dataBitLen < 0 = error "The data length can not be less than 0" | otherwise = truncate G384 . outputTransform 1024 . compress . parse where parse = parseMessage dataBitLen 1024 compress xs = runST $ foldM (fM 1024) h0_384 xs ---------------------- Crypto-api instance ------------- instance Hash GroestlCtx Groestl384Digest where outputLength = Tagged 384 blockLength = Tagged 1024 initialCtx = groestlInit G384 1024 h0_384 updateCtx = groestlUpdate finalize ctx = Digest . groestlFinalize ctx data Groestl384Digest = Digest L.ByteString deriving (Eq,Ord) instance Show Groestl384Digest where show (Digest h) = printAsHex h instance Serialize Groestl384Digest where put (Digest bs) = put bs get = liftM Digest get ------------------------------------------- Initial vector ------------------------------------- h0_384 :: Vector Word64 h0_384 = fromList [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0x0180]
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | 'Lucid.HtmlT' inspired monad for creating 'ReactElement's module Glazier.React.Markup ( Markup , ReactMarkup(..) , BranchParam(..) , LeafParam(..) , fromMarkup , toElements , toElement , elementMarkup , textMarkup , leafMarkup , branchMarkup ) where import Control.Monad.Environ import qualified Data.DList as DL import Glazier.React.ReactElement import JS.Data type Markup = DL.DList ReactMarkup -- | The parameters required to create a branch ReactElement with children data BranchParam = BranchParam JSVal [(JSString, JSVal)] [ReactMarkup] -- | The parameters required to create a leaf ReactElement (no children) data LeafParam = LeafParam JSVal [(JSString, JSVal)] data ReactMarkup = ElementMarkup ReactElement | TextMarkup JSString | BranchMarkup BranchParam | LeafMarkup LeafParam -- | Create 'ReactElement's from a 'ReactMarkup' fromMarkup :: ReactMarkup -> IO ReactElement fromMarkup (BranchMarkup (BranchParam n props xs)) = do xs' <- sequenceA $ fromMarkup <$> xs mkBranchElement n props xs' fromMarkup (LeafMarkup (LeafParam n props)) = mkLeafElement n props fromMarkup (TextMarkup str) = pure $ rawTextElement str fromMarkup (ElementMarkup e) = pure e ------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert the ReactMlt to [ReactElement] toElements :: [ReactMarkup] -> IO [ReactElement] toElements xs = sequenceA $ fromMarkup <$> xs -- | 'Glazier.React.ReactDOM.renderDOM' only allows a single top most element. -- Provide a handly function to wrap a list of ReactElements inside a 'div' if required. -- If there is only one element in the list, then nothing is changed. toElement :: [ReactMarkup] -> IO ReactElement toElement xs = toElements xs >>= mkCombinedElements ------------------------------------------------- -- | To use an exisitng ReactElement elementMarkup :: MonadPut' Markup m => ReactElement -> m () elementMarkup e = modifyEnv' @Markup (`DL.snoc` ElementMarkup e) -- | For raw text content textMarkup :: MonadPut' Markup m => JSString -> m () textMarkup n = modifyEnv' @Markup (`DL.snoc` TextMarkup n) -- | For the contentless elements: eg 'br_'. -- Memonic: lf for leaf. -- Duplicate listeners with the same key will be combined, but it is a silent error -- if the same key is used across listeners and props. -- "If an attribute/prop is duplicated the last one defined wins." -- leafMarkup :: MonadPut' Markup m => JSVal -> [(JSString, JSVal)] -> m () leafMarkup n props = modifyEnv' @Markup (`DL.snoc` LeafMarkup (LeafParam n props)) -- | For the contentful elements: eg 'div_'. -- Memonic: bh for branch. -- Duplicate listeners with the same key will be combined, but it is a silent error -- if the same key is used across listeners and props. -- "If an attribute/prop is duplicated the last one defined wins." -- branchMarkup :: MonadPut' Markup m => JSVal -> [(JSString, JSVal)] -> m a -> m a branchMarkup n props child = do -- save state s <- getEnv' @Markup -- run children with mempty putEnv' @Markup mempty a <- child child' <- getEnv' @Markup -- restore state putEnv' @Markup s -- append the children markup modifyEnv' @Markup (`DL.snoc` BranchMarkup (BranchParam n props (DL.toList child'))) pure a -- -- Given a mapping function, apply it to children of the markup -- modifyMarkup :: MonadState (DL.DList ReactMarkup) m -- => (DL.DList ReactMarkup -> DL.DList ReactMarkup) -- -> m a -> m a -- modifyMarkup f = withMarkup (\childs' ms -> ms `DL.append` f childs') -- -- Given a mapping function, apply it to all child BranchMarkup or LeafMarkup (if possible) -- -- Does not recurse into decendants. -- overSurfaceProperties :: -- ((DL.DList JE.Property) -> (DL.DList JE.Property)) -- -> (DL.DList ReactMarkup -> DL.DList ReactMarkup) -- overSurfaceProperties f childs = DL.fromList $ case DL.toList childs of -- LeafMarkup (LeafParam j ps) : bs -> -- LeafMarkup (LeafParam j (f ps)) : bs -- BranchMarkup (BranchParam j ps as) : bs -> -- BranchMarkup (BranchParam j (f ps) as) : bs -- bs -> bs -- -- Given a mapping function, apply it to all child BranchMarkup or LeafMarkup (if possible) -- -- Recurse into decendants. -- overAllProperties :: -- ((DL.DList JE.Property) -> (DL.DList JE.Property)) -- -> (DL.DList ReactMarkup -> DL.DList ReactMarkup) -- overAllProperties f childs = DL.fromList $ case DL.toList childs of -- LeafMarkup (LeafParam j ps) : bs -> -- LeafMarkup (LeafParam j (f ps)) : bs -- BranchMarkup (BranchParam j ps as) : bs -> -- BranchMarkup (BranchParam j (f ps) (overAllProperties f as)) : bs -- bs -> bs
{-| Haskelm test suite For the moment, just contains some basic tests This file also serves as an example of how to translate Elm from different sources -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, MultiWayIf #-} import Language.Elm.TH import Data.List (intercalate) import Control.Monad -- | Similarly, we can load a module from a file elmString = $(translateToElm (defaultOptions {moduleName="Foo"}) ("tests/files/module1.hs" ) ) -- | We can now access the elm strings we declared main = do putStrLn "Generated elm strings:" mapM_ putStrLn [elmString] writeFile "src/Test.elm" elmString return ()
-- | -- Module: Data.Float.BinString -- License: BSD-style -- Maintainer: [email protected] -- -- -- This module contains functions for formatting and parsing floating point -- values as C99 printf/scanf functions with format string @%a@ do. -- -- The format is [-]0x/h.hhhhh/p±/ddd/, where /h.hhhhh/ is significand -- as a hexadecimal floating-point number and /±ddd/ is exponent as a -- decimal number. Significand has as many digits as needed to exactly -- represent the value, fractional part may be ommitted. -- -- Infinity and NaN values are represented as @±inf@ and @nan@ accordingly. -- -- For example, @(π ∷ Double) = 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1@ (/exactly/). -- -- This assertion holds (assuming NaN ≡ NaN) -- -- prop> ∀x. Just x ≡ readFloat (showFloat x) -- -- Floating point radix is assumed to be 2. {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Data.Float.BinString (readFloat,showFloat,floatBuilder, readFloatStr,showFloatStr) where import qualified Numeric as Numeric import Data.List.Split import Data.Char import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int (decimal) import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take,signed,decimal) import Control.Applicative ((<**>),(<|>),many) import Data.Monoid --- Printing -- | Format a value. Will provide enough digits to reconstruct the value exactly. showFloat :: RealFloat a => a -> Text showFloat = toStrict . toLazyText . floatBuilder -- | A 'Builder' for a value floatBuilder :: RealFloat a => a -> Builder floatBuilder x | isNaN x = fromText "nan" | isInfinite x = sign <> fromText "inf" | otherwise = sign <> fromText "0x" <> singleton (intToDigit d0) <> fromString [ '.' | length digs > 1 ] <> fromString [ intToDigit x | x <- dtail] <> singleton 'p' <> singleton (if ep>=0 then '+' else '-') <> decimal (abs ep) where (digs,ep) = floatToHexDigits $ abs x (d0:dtail) = digs sign = fromString [ '-' | x < 0 ] -- | Given a number, returns list of its mantissa digits and the -- exponent as a pair. E.g. as π = 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1 -- -- >>> floatToHexDigits pi -- ([1,9,2,1,15,11,5,4,4,4,2,13,1,8],1) floatToHexDigits :: RealFloat a => a -> ([Int], Int) floatToHexDigits x = (,ep') $ d0 : map to16 chunked where ((d0:ds),ep) = Numeric.floatToDigits 2 x ep' | x == 0 = ep | otherwise = ep-1 chunked = map (take 4 . (++ repeat 0)) . chunksOf 4 $ ds to16 = foldl1 (\a b -> 2*a+b) {-# DEPRECATED showFloatStr "use showFloat" #-} showFloatStr :: RealFloat a => a -> String showFloatStr = T.unpack . showFloat --- Parsing data Sign = Pos | Neg deriving Show data ParsedFloat = Inf Sign | NaN | Float Sign String Sign String deriving Show signed Pos x = x signed Neg x = -x -- | Parse a value from 'Text'. readFloat :: RealFloat a => Text -> Maybe a readFloat s = either (const Nothing) (Just . decode) pd where pd = parseOnly parser s parser = do r <- try parserPeculiar <|> parserNormal endOfInput return r decode :: (Eq a, Fractional a) => ParsedFloat -> a decode (Float sgn digs exp_sgn exp_digs) = signif * 2^^expon where signif = signed sgn v / 16^^(length digs - 1) [(v,_)] = Numeric.readHex digs expon = signed exp_sgn $ read exp_digs decode NaN = 0/0 decode (Inf sgn) = signed sgn $ 1/0 -- | Parse nans and infs parserPeculiar = do sgn <- optSign (string "nan" >> return NaN) <|> (string "inf" >> return (Inf sgn)) parserPeculiar' = optSign <**> ((string "nan" >> return (const NaN)) <|> (string "inf" >> return Inf)) -- | Parse vanilla numbers parserNormal = do positive <- optSign string "0x" digit0 <- hexDigit restDigits <- option [] $ char '.' >> many hexDigit char 'p' positiveExp <- optSign expDigits <- many digit return $ Float positive (digit0:restDigits) positiveExp expDigits hexDigit = satisfy isHexDigit optSign = option Pos $ (char '+' >> return Pos) <|> (char '-' >> return Neg) {-# DEPRECATED readFloatStr "use readFloat" #-} readFloatStr :: RealFloat a => String -> Maybe a readFloatStr = readFloat . T.pack
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns #-} {-#LANGUAGE RankNTypes, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | This library emulates "Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8" but includes a monadic element -- and thus at certain points uses a `Stream`/`FreeT` type in place of lists. -- See the documentation for @Data.ByteString.Streaming@ and the examples of -- of use to implement simple shell operations < here>. Examples of use -- with @http-client@, @attoparsec@, @aeson@, @zlib@ etc. can be found in the -- 'streaming-utils' library. module Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 ( -- * The @ByteString@ type ByteString -- * Introducing and eliminating 'ByteString's , empty -- empty :: ByteString m () , pack -- pack :: Monad m => String -> ByteString m () , unpack , string , unlines , unwords , singleton -- singleton :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m () , fromChunks -- fromChunks :: Monad m => Stream (Of ByteString) m r -> ByteString m r , fromLazy -- fromLazy :: Monad m => ByteString -> ByteString m () , fromStrict -- fromStrict :: ByteString -> ByteString m () , toChunks -- toChunks :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> Stream (Of ByteString) m r , toLazy -- toLazy :: Monad m => ByteString m () -> m ByteString , toLazy_ , toStrict -- toStrict :: Monad m => ByteString m () -> m ByteString , toStrict_ , effects , copy , drained , mwrap -- * Transforming ByteStrings , map -- map :: Monad m => (Char -> Char) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r , intercalate -- intercalate :: Monad m => ByteString m () -> Stream (ByteString m) m r -> ByteString m r , intersperse -- intersperse :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r -- * Basic interface , cons -- cons :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r , cons' -- cons' :: Char -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r , snoc , append -- append :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> ByteString m s -> ByteString m s , filter -- filter :: (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r , head -- head :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m Char , head_ -- head' :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Of Char r) , last -- last :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m Char , last_ -- last' :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Of Char r) , null -- null :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m Bool , null_ , testNull , nulls -- null' :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Of Bool r) , uncons -- uncons :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Either r (Char, ByteString m r)) , nextChar -- * Substrings -- ** Breaking strings , break -- break :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m (ByteString m r) , drop -- drop :: Monad m => GHC.Int.Int64 -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r , dropWhile , group -- group :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r , groupBy , span -- span :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m (ByteString m r) , splitAt -- splitAt :: Monad m => GHC.Int.Int64 -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m (ByteString m r) , splitWith -- splitWith :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r , take -- take :: Monad m => GHC.Int.Int64 -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m () , takeWhile -- takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m () -- ** Breaking into many substrings , split -- split :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r , lines , words , denull -- ** Special folds , concat -- concat :: Monad m => Stream (ByteString m) m r -> ByteString m r -- * Builders , toStreamingByteString , toStreamingByteStringWith , toBuilder , concatBuilders -- * Building ByteStrings -- ** Infinite ByteStrings , repeat -- repeat :: Char -> ByteString m () , iterate -- iterate :: (Char -> Char) -> Char -> ByteString m () , cycle -- cycle :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> ByteString m s -- ** Unfolding ByteStrings , unfoldr -- unfoldr :: (a -> Maybe (Char, a)) -> a -> ByteString m () , unfoldM -- unfold :: (a -> Either r (Char, a)) -> a -> ByteString m r , reread -- * Folds, including support for `Control.Foldl` -- , foldr -- foldr :: Monad m => (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> ByteString m () -> m a , fold -- fold :: Monad m => (x -> Char -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> ByteString m () -> m b , fold_ -- fold' :: Monad m => (x -> Char -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> ByteString m r -> m (b, r) , length , length_ , count , count_ , readInt -- * I\/O with 'ByteString's -- ** Standard input and output , getContents -- getContents :: ByteString IO () , stdin -- stdin :: ByteString IO () , stdout -- stdout :: ByteString IO r -> IO r , interact -- interact :: (ByteString IO () -> ByteString IO r) -> IO r , putStr , putStrLn -- ** Files , readFile -- readFile :: FilePath -> ByteString IO () , writeFile -- writeFile :: FilePath -> ByteString IO r -> IO r , appendFile -- appendFile :: FilePath -> ByteString IO r -> IO r -- ** I\/O with Handles , fromHandle -- fromHandle :: Handle -> ByteString IO () , toHandle -- toHandle :: Handle -> ByteString IO r -> IO r , hGet -- hGet :: Handle -> Int -> ByteString IO () , hGetContents -- hGetContents :: Handle -> ByteString IO () , hGetContentsN -- hGetContentsN :: Int -> Handle -> ByteString IO () , hGetN -- hGetN :: Int -> Handle -> Int -> ByteString IO () , hGetNonBlocking -- hGetNonBlocking :: Handle -> Int -> ByteString IO () , hGetNonBlockingN -- hGetNonBlockingN :: Int -> Handle -> Int -> ByteString IO () , hPut -- hPut :: Handle -> ByteString IO r -> IO r -- , hPutNonBlocking -- hPutNonBlocking :: Handle -> ByteString IO r -> ByteString IO r -- * Simple chunkwise operations , unconsChunk , nextChunk , chunk , foldrChunks , foldlChunks , chunkFold , chunkFoldM , chunkMap , chunkMapM , chunkMapM_ -- * Etc. -- , zipWithStream -- zipWithStream :: Monad m => (forall x. a -> ByteString m x -> ByteString m x) -> [a] -> Stream (ByteString m) m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r , distribute -- distribute :: ByteString (t m) a -> t (ByteString m) a , materialize , dematerialize ) where import Prelude hiding (reverse,head,tail,last,init,null,length,map,words, lines,foldl,foldr, unwords, unlines ,concat,any,take,drop,splitAt,takeWhile,dropWhile,span,break,elem,filter,maximum ,minimum,all,concatMap,foldl1,foldr1,scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1 ,repeat, cycle, interact, iterate,readFile,writeFile,appendFile,replicate ,getContents,getLine,putStr,putStrLn ,zip,zipWith,unzip,notElem) import qualified Prelude import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w,w2c) import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import Streaming hiding (concats, unfold, distribute, mwrap) import Streaming.Internal (Stream (..)) import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S import qualified Streaming as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming as R import Data.ByteString.Streaming.Internal import Data.ByteString.Streaming (fromLazy, toLazy, toLazy_, nextChunk, unconsChunk, fromChunks, toChunks, fromStrict, toStrict, toStrict_, concat, distribute, effects, drained, mwrap, toStreamingByteStringWith, toStreamingByteString, toBuilder, concatBuilders, empty, null, nulls, null_, testNull, length, length_, append, cycle, take, drop, splitAt, intercalate, group, denull, appendFile, stdout, stdin, fromHandle, toHandle, hGetContents, hGetContentsN, hGet, hGetN, hPut, getContents, hGetNonBlocking, hGetNonBlockingN, readFile, writeFile, interact, chunkFold, chunkFoldM, chunkMap, chunkMapM) -- hPutNonBlocking, import Control.Monad (liftM) import System.IO (Handle,openBinaryFile,IOMode(..) ,hClose) import qualified System.IO as IO import System.IO.Unsafe import Control.Exception (bracket) import Data.Char (isDigit) import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr) import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Data.Functor.Compose import Data.Functor.Sum import qualified Data.List as L unpack :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> Stream (Of Char) m r unpack bs = case bs of Empty r -> Return r Go m -> Effect (liftM unpack m) Chunk c cs -> unpackAppendCharsLazy c (unpack cs) where unpackAppendCharsLazy :: B.ByteString -> Stream (Of Char) m r -> Stream (Of Char) m r unpackAppendCharsLazy (B.PS fp off len) xs | len <= 100 = unpackAppendCharsStrict (B.PS fp off len) xs | otherwise = unpackAppendCharsStrict (B.PS fp off 100) remainder where remainder = unpackAppendCharsLazy (B.PS fp (off+100) (len-100)) xs unpackAppendCharsStrict :: B.ByteString -> Stream (Of Char) m r -> Stream (Of Char) m r unpackAppendCharsStrict (B.PS fp off len) xs = inlinePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fp $ \base -> do loop (base `plusPtr` (off-1)) (base `plusPtr` (off-1+len)) xs where loop !sentinal !p acc | p == sentinal = return acc | otherwise = do x <- peek p loop sentinal (p `plusPtr` (-1)) (Step (B.w2c x :> acc)) {-# INLINABLE unpack#-} -- | /O(n)/ Convert a stream of separate characters into a packed byte stream. pack :: Monad m => Stream (Of Char) m r -> ByteString m r pack = fromChunks . mapped (liftM (\(str :> r) -> Char8.pack str :> r) . S.toList) . chunksOf 32 {-# INLINABLE pack #-} -- | /O(1)/ Cons a 'Char' onto a byte stream. cons :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r cons c = R.cons (c2w c) {-# INLINE cons #-} -- | /O(1)/ Yield a 'Char' as a minimal 'ByteString' singleton :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m () singleton = R.singleton . c2w {-# INLINE singleton #-} -- | /O(1)/ Unlike 'cons', 'cons\'' is -- strict in the ByteString that we are consing onto. More precisely, it forces -- the head and the first chunk. It does this because, for space efficiency, it -- may coalesce the new byte onto the first \'chunk\' rather than starting a -- new \'chunk\'. -- -- So that means you can't use a lazy recursive contruction like this: -- -- > let xs = cons\' c xs in xs -- -- You can however use 'cons', as well as 'repeat' and 'cycle', to build -- infinite lazy ByteStrings. -- cons' :: Char -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r cons' c (Chunk bs bss) | B.length bs < 16 = Chunk (B.cons (c2w c) bs) bss cons' c cs = Chunk (B.singleton (c2w c)) cs {-# INLINE cons' #-} -- -- | /O(n\/c)/ Append a byte to the end of a 'ByteString' snoc :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> Char -> ByteString m r snoc cs = R.snoc cs . c2w {-# INLINE snoc #-} -- | /O(1)/ Extract the first element of a ByteString, which must be non-empty. head_ :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m Char head_ = liftM (w2c) . R.head_ {-# INLINE head_ #-} -- | /O(1)/ Extract the first element of a ByteString, which may be non-empty head :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Of (Maybe Char) r) head = liftM (\(m:>r) -> fmap w2c m :> r) . R.head {-# INLINE head #-} -- | /O(n\/c)/ Extract the last element of a ByteString, which must be finite -- and non-empty. last_ :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m Char last_ = liftM (w2c) . R.last_ {-# INLINE last_ #-} last :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Of (Maybe Char) r) last = liftM (\(m:>r) -> fmap (w2c) m :> r) . R.last {-# INLINE last #-} groupBy :: Monad m => (Char -> Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r groupBy rel = R.groupBy (\w w' -> rel (w2c w) (w2c w')) {-#INLINE groupBy #-} -- | /O(1)/ Extract the head and tail of a ByteString, returning Nothing -- if it is empty. uncons :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Either r (Char, ByteString m r)) uncons (Empty r) = return (Left r) uncons (Chunk c cs) = return $ Right (w2c (B.unsafeHead c) , if B.length c == 1 then cs else Chunk (B.unsafeTail c) cs ) uncons (Go m) = m >>= uncons {-# INLINABLE uncons #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Transformations -- | /O(n)/ 'map' @f xs@ is the ByteString obtained by applying @f@ to each -- element of @xs@. map :: Monad m => (Char -> Char) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r map f = (c2w . f . w2c) {-# INLINE map #-} -- -- -- | /O(n)/ 'reverse' @xs@ returns the elements of @xs@ in reverse order. -- reverse :: ByteString -> ByteString -- reverse cs0 = rev Empty cs0 -- where rev a Empty = a -- rev a (Chunk c cs) = rev (Chunk (B.reverse c) a) cs -- {-# INLINE reverse #-} -- -- -- | The 'intersperse' function takes a 'Word8' and a 'ByteString' and -- -- \`intersperses\' that byte between the elements of the 'ByteString'. -- -- It is analogous to the intersperse function on Streams. intersperse :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r intersperse c = R.intersperse (c2w c) {-#INLINE intersperse #-} -- -- | The 'transpose' function transposes the rows and columns of its -- -- 'ByteString' argument. -- transpose :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -- transpose css = (\ss -> Chunk (B.pack ss) Empty) -- (L.transpose ( unpack css)) -- --TODO: make this fast -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Reducing 'ByteString's fold_ :: Monad m => (x -> Char -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> ByteString m () -> m b fold_ step begin done p0 = loop p0 begin where loop p !x = case p of Chunk bs bss -> loop bss $! Char8.foldl' step x bs Go m -> m >>= \p' -> loop p' x Empty _ -> return (done x) {-# INLINABLE fold_ #-} fold :: Monad m => (x -> Char -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> ByteString m r -> m (Of b r) fold step begin done p0 = loop p0 begin where loop p !x = case p of Chunk bs bss -> loop bss $! Char8.foldl' step x bs Go m -> m >>= \p' -> loop p' x Empty r -> return (done x :> r) {-# INLINABLE fold #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unfolds and replicates -- | @'iterate' f x@ returns an infinite ByteString of repeated applications -- of @f@ to @x@: -- > iterate f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...] iterate :: (Char -> Char) -> Char -> ByteString m r iterate f c = R.iterate (c2w . f . w2c) (c2w c) {-#INLINE iterate #-} -- | @'repeat' x@ is an infinite ByteString, with @x@ the value of every -- element. -- repeat :: Char -> ByteString m r repeat = R.repeat . c2w {-#INLINE repeat #-} -- -- | /O(n)/ @'replicate' n x@ is a ByteString of length @n@ with @x@ -- -- the value of every element. -- -- -- replicate :: Int64 -> Word8 -> ByteString -- replicate n w -- | n <= 0 = Empty -- | n < fromIntegral smallChunkSize = Chunk (B.replicate (fromIntegral n) w) Empty -- | r == 0 = cs -- preserve invariant -- | otherwise = Chunk (B.unsafeTake (fromIntegral r) c) cs -- where -- c = B.replicate smallChunkSize w -- cs = nChunks q -- (q, r) = quotRem n (fromIntegral smallChunkSize) -- nChunks 0 = Empty -- nChunks m = Chunk c (nChunks (m-1)) -- | 'cycle' ties a finite ByteString into a circular one, or equivalently, -- the infinite repetition of the original ByteString. -- -- | /O(n)/ The 'unfoldr' function is analogous to the Stream \'unfoldr\'. -- 'unfoldr' builds a ByteString from a seed value. The function takes -- the element and returns 'Nothing' if it is done producing the -- ByteString or returns 'Just' @(a,b)@, in which case, @a@ is a -- prepending to the ByteString and @b@ is used as the next element in a -- recursive call. unfoldM :: Monad m => (a -> Maybe (Char, a)) -> a -> ByteString m () unfoldM f = R.unfoldM go where go a = case f a of Nothing -> Nothing Just (c,a) -> Just (c2w c, a) {-#INLINE unfoldM #-} unfoldr :: (a -> Either r (Char, a)) -> a -> ByteString m r unfoldr step = R.unfoldr (either Left (\(c,a) -> Right (c2w c,a)) . step) {-#INLINE unfoldr #-} -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'takeWhile', applied to a predicate @p@ and a ByteString @xs@, -- returns the longest prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that -- satisfy @p@. takeWhile :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m () takeWhile f = R.takeWhile (f . w2c) {-#INLINE takeWhile #-} -- | 'dropWhile' @p xs@ returns the suffix remaining after 'takeWhile' @p xs@. dropWhile :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r dropWhile f = R.dropWhile (f . w2c) {-#INLINE dropWhile #-} {- | 'break' @p@ is equivalent to @'span' ('not' . p)@. -} break :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m (ByteString m r) break f = R.break (f . w2c) {-#INLINE break #-} -- -- | 'span' @p xs@ breaks the ByteString into two segments. It is -- equivalent to @('takeWhile' p xs, 'dropWhile' p xs)@ span :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m (ByteString m r) span p = break (not . p) {-#INLINE span #-} -- -- | /O(n)/ Splits a 'ByteString' into components delimited by -- -- separators, where the predicate returns True for a separator element. -- -- The resulting components do not contain the separators. Two adjacent -- -- separators result in an empty component in the output. eg. -- -- -- -- > splitWith (=='a') "aabbaca" == ["","","bb","c",""] -- -- > splitWith (=='a') [] == [] -- -- splitWith :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r splitWith f = R.splitWith (f . w2c) {-# INLINE splitWith #-} {- | /O(n)/ Break a 'ByteString' into pieces separated by the byte argument, consuming the delimiter. I.e. > split '\n' "a\nb\nd\ne" == ["a","b","d","e"] > split 'a' "aXaXaXa" == ["","X","X","X",""] > split 'x' "x" == ["",""] and > intercalate [c] . split c == id > split == splitWith . (==) As for all splitting functions in this library, this function does not copy the substrings, it just constructs new 'ByteStrings' that are slices of the original. >>> Q.stdout $ Q.unlines $ Q.split 'n' "banana peel" ba a a peel -} split :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r split c = R.split (c2w c) {-# INLINE split #-} -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Searching ByteStrings -- -- -- | /O(n)/ 'elem' is the 'ByteString' membership predicate. -- elem :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Bool -- elem w cs = case elemIndex w cs of Nothing -> False ; _ -> True -- -- -- | /O(n)/ 'notElem' is the inverse of 'elem' -- notElem :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Bool -- notElem w cs = not (elem w cs) -- | /O(n)/ 'filter', applied to a predicate and a ByteString, -- returns a ByteString containing those characters that satisfy the -- predicate. filter :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ByteString m r -> ByteString m r filter p = R.filter (p . w2c) {-# INLINE filter #-} {- | 'lines' turns a ByteString into a connected stream of ByteStrings at divide at newline characters. The resulting strings do not contain newlines. This is the genuinely streaming 'lines' which only breaks chunks, and thus never increases the use of memory. Because 'ByteString's are usually read in binary mode, with no line ending conversion, this function recognizes both @\\n@ and @\\r\\n@ endings (regardless of the current platform). -} lines :: forall m r . Monad m => ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r lines text0 = loop1 text0 where loop1 :: ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r loop1 text = case text of Empty r -> Return r Go m -> Effect $ liftM loop1 m Chunk c cs | B.null c -> loop1 cs | otherwise -> Step (loop2 text) loop2 :: ByteString m r -> ByteString m (Stream (ByteString m) m r) loop2 text = case text of Empty r -> Empty (Return r) Go m -> Go $ liftM loop2 m Chunk c cs -> case B.elemIndex 10 c of Nothing -> Chunk c (loop2 cs) Just i -> let prefixLength = if i >= 1 && B.unsafeIndex c (i-1) == 13 -- \r\n (dos) then i-1 else i rest = if B.length c > i+1 then Chunk (B.drop (i+1) c) cs else cs in Chunk (B.unsafeTake prefixLength c) (Empty (loop1 rest)) {-#INLINABLE lines #-} -- | The 'unlines' function restores line breaks between layers. -- -- Note that this is not a perfect inverse of 'lines': -- -- * @'lines' . 'unlines'@ can produce more strings than there were if some of -- the \"lines\" had embedded newlines. -- -- * @'unlines' . 'lines'@ will replace @\\r\\n@ with @\\n@. unlines :: Monad m => Stream (ByteString m) m r -> ByteString m r unlines = loop where loop str = case str of Return r -> Empty r Step bstr -> do st <- bstr let bs = unlines st case bs of Chunk "" (Empty r) -> Empty r Chunk "\n" (Empty r) -> bs _ -> cons' '\n' bs Effect m -> Go (liftM unlines m) {-#INLINABLE unlines #-} -- | 'words' breaks a byte stream up into a succession of byte streams -- corresponding to words, breaking Chars representing white space. This is -- the genuinely streaming 'words'. A function that returns individual -- strict bytestrings would concatenate even infinitely -- long words like @cycle "y"@ in memory. It is best for the user who -- has reflected on her materials to write `mapped toStrict . words` or the like, -- if strict bytestrings are needed. words :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> Stream (ByteString m) m r words = filtered . R.splitWith B.isSpaceWord8 where filtered stream = case stream of Return r -> Return r Effect m -> Effect (liftM filtered m) Step bs -> Effect $ bs_loop bs bs_loop bs = case bs of Empty r -> return $ filtered r Go m -> m >>= bs_loop Chunk b bs' -> if B.null b then bs_loop bs' else return $ Step $ Chunk b (fmap filtered bs') {-# INLINABLE words #-} -- | The 'unwords' function is analogous to the 'unlines' function, on words. unwords :: Monad m => Stream (ByteString m) m r -> ByteString m r unwords = intercalate (singleton ' ') {-# INLINE unwords #-} string :: String -> ByteString m () string = chunk . B.pack . B.c2w {-# INLINE string #-} count_ :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> m Int count_ c = R.count_ (c2w c) {-# INLINE count_ #-} count :: Monad m => Char -> ByteString m r -> m (Of Int r) count c = R.count (c2w c) {-# INLINE count #-} nextChar :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Either r (Char, ByteString m r)) nextChar b = do e <- R.nextByte b case e of Left r -> return $! Left r Right (w,bs) -> return $! Right (w2c w, bs) putStr :: MonadIO m => ByteString m r -> m r putStr = hPut IO.stdout {-#INLINE putStr #-} putStrLn :: MonadIO m => ByteString m r -> m r putStrLn bs = hPut IO.stdout (snoc bs '\n') {-#INLINE putStrLn #-} -- , head' -- , last -- , last' -- , length -- , length' -- , null -- , null' -- , count -- , count' {-| This will read positive or negative Ints that require 18 or fewer characters. -} readInt :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Compose (Of (Maybe Int)) (ByteString m) r) readInt = go . toStrict . splitAt 18 where go m = do (bs :> rest) <- m case Char8.readInt bs of Nothing -> return (Compose (Nothing :> (chunk bs >> rest))) Just (n,more) -> if B.null more then do e <- uncons rest return $ case e of Left r -> Compose (Just n :> return r) Right (c,rest') -> if isDigit c then Compose (Nothing :> (chunk bs >> cons' c rest')) else Compose (Just n :> (chunk more >> cons' c rest')) else return (Compose (Just n :> (chunk more >> rest))) {-#INLINABLE readInt #-} -- uncons :: Monad m => ByteString m r -> m (Either r (Char, ByteString m r))
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Utilities for interleaving transition operators and running Markov chains. module Math.Probably.MCMC ( -- * Strategies module Strategy -- * Interleaving , interleave , polyInterleave , frequency , oneOfRandomly -- * Other , ezMC , trace ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Math.Probably.Sampler import Math.Probably.Types import Strategy.Hamiltonian as Strategy import Strategy.MALA as Strategy import Strategy.Metropolis as Strategy import Strategy.NUTS as Strategy import Strategy.NUTSDualAveraging as Strategy import Strategy.Slice as Strategy -- | Interleave a list of transitions together. -- -- > interleave [metropolis Nothing, mala Nothing] -- -- :: Transition Double interleave :: [Transition a] -> Transition a interleave = foldl1 (>>) -- | Select a transition operator from a list uniformly at random. oneOfRandomly :: [Transition a] -> Transition a oneOfRandomly ts = do j <- lift $ oneOf [0..(length ts - 1)] ts !! j -- | Select a transition operator from a list according to supplied -- frequencies. Mimics the similar function from QuickCheck. -- -- > frequency [(9, continuousSlice Nothing), (1, nutsDualAveraging Nothing)] -- -- probably a slice transition frequency :: [(Int, Transition a)] -> Transition a frequency xs = lift (oneOf [1..tot]) >>= (`pick` xs) where tot = sum . map fst $ xs pick n ((k, v):vs) | n <= k = v | otherwise = pick (n - k) vs pick _ [] = error "frequency: empty list" -- | Heterogeneous type interleaving. polyInterleave :: Transition t1 -> Transition t2 -> Transition (t1,t2) polyInterleave tr1 tr2 = do Chain current0 target val0 (tun1, tun2) <- get let chain1 = Chain current0 target val0 tun1 Chain current1 target1 val1 tun1next <- lift $ execStateT tr1 chain1 let chain2 = Chain current1 target1 val1 tun2 (ret, Chain current2 target2 val2 tun2next) <- lift $ runStateT tr2 chain2 put $ Chain current2 target2 val2 (tun1next, tun2next) return ret -- | Construct a transition from a supplied function. ezMC :: (Chain t -> Prob (Chain t)) -> Transition t ezMC f = get >>= lift . f >>= put >> gets parameterSpacePosition -- | Run a Markov Chain. trace :: Int -> Transition t -> Chain t -> Prob (Prob Parameters) trace n t o = Samples <$> replicateM n t `evalStateT` o
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances , ViewPatterns , TupleSections #-} module Spire.Canonical.Evaluator (lookupValAndType , lookupType , sub , sub2 , elim , app , app2) where import Unbound.LocallyNameless hiding ( Spine ) import Spire.Canonical.Types import Spire.Surface.PrettyPrinter import Control.Applicative ((<$>) , (<*>)) import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.State ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance SubstM SpireM Value Spine instance SubstM SpireM Value Elim instance SubstM SpireM Value Value where substHookM (VNeut nm fs) = Just f where f nm' e = do fs' <- substM nm' e fs let head = if nm == nm' then e else vVar nm elims head fs' substHookM _ = Nothing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub :: Bind Nom Value -> Value -> SpireM Value sub b x = do (nm , f) <- unbind b substM nm x f elimB :: Bind Nom Value -> Elim -> SpireM (Bind Nom Value) elimB bnd_f g = do (nm , f) <- unbind bnd_f bind nm <$> elim f g subCompose :: Bind Nom Value -> (Value -> Value) -> SpireM (Bind Nom Value) subCompose bnd_f g = do (nm , f) <- unbind bnd_f bind nm <$> substM nm (g (vVar nm)) f sub2 :: Bind Nom2 Value -> (Value , Value) -> SpireM Value sub2 b (x1 , x2) = do ((nm1 , nm2) , f) <- unbind b substsM [(nm1 , x1) , (nm2 , x2)] f sub3 :: Bind Nom3 Value -> (Value , Value , Value) -> SpireM Value sub3 b (x1 , x2 , x3) = do ((nm1 , nm2 , nm3) , f) <- unbind b substsM [(nm1 , x1) , (nm2 , x2) , (nm3 , x3)] f app :: Value -> Value -> SpireM Value app f x = elim f (EApp x) app2 :: Value -> Value -> Value -> SpireM Value app2 f x y = elims f (Pipe (Pipe Id (EApp x)) (EApp y)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- elim :: Value -> Elim -> SpireM Value elim (VNeut nm fs) f = return $ VNeut nm (Pipe fs f) elim (VLam f) (EApp a) = f `sub` a elim _ (EApp _) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of function application" elim VTT (EElimUnit _P ptt) = return ptt elim _ (EElimUnit _P ptt) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimUnit" elim VTrue (EElimBool _P pt _) = return pt elim VFalse (EElimBool _P _ pf) = return pf elim _ (EElimBool _P _ _) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimBool" elim (VPair a b) (EElimPair _A _B _P ppair) = do ppair `sub2` (a , b) elim _ (EElimPair _A _B _P ppair) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimPair" elim VRefl (EElimEq _A x _P prefl y) = return prefl elim _ (EElimEq _A x _P prefl y) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimEq" elim VNil (EElimEnum _P pn _) = return pn elim (VCons x xs) (EElimEnum _P pn pc) = do ih <- xs `elim` EElimEnum _P pn pc pc `sub3` (x , xs , ih) elim _ (EElimEnum _P _ _) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimEnum" elim VEmp (EElimTel _P pemp pext) = return pemp elim (VExt _A bnd_B) (EElimTel _P pemp pext) = do (nm_a , _B) <- unbind bnd_B ih <- elim _B (EElimTel _P pemp pext) pext `sub3` (_A , VLam (bind nm_a _B) , VLam (bind nm_a ih)) elim _ (EElimTel _P pemp pext) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimTel" elim (VEnd i) (EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg) = pend `sub` i elim (VRec i _D) (EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg) = do ih <- _D `elim` EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg prec `sub3` (i , _D , ih) elim (VArg _A bnd_B) (EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg) = do (nm_a , _B) <- unbind bnd_B ih <- elim _B (EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg) parg `sub3` (_A , VLam (bind nm_a _B) , VLam (bind nm_a ih)) elim _ (EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of elimDesc" elim (VInit xs) (EInd l _P _I _D p _M m i) = do let _X = vBind "i" (VFix l _P _I _D p) let ih = rBind2 "i" "x" $ \ j x -> rInd l _P _I _D p _M m (vVar j) x ihs <- _D `elim` EProve _I _X _M ih i xs m `sub3` (i , xs , ihs) elim _ (EInd l _P _I _D p _M m i) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of ind" elim (VEnd j) (EFunc _I _X i) = return $ VEq _I j _I i elim (VRec j _D) (EFunc _I _X i) = vProd <$> _X `sub` j <*> _D `elim` EFunc _I _X i elim (VArg _A _B) (EFunc _I _X i) = VSg _A <$> _B `elimB` EFunc _I _X i elim _ (EFunc _I _X i) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of Func" elim (VEnd j) (EHyps _I _X _M i q) = return $ VUnit elim (VRec j _D) (EHyps _I _X _M i xxs) = do _A <- _X `sub` j _B <- _D `elim` EFunc _I _X i (x , xs) <- (,) <$> freshR "x" <*> freshR "xs" ppair <- vProd <$> _M `sub2` (j , vVar x) <*> _D `elim` EHyps _I _X _M i (vVar xs) xxs `elim` EElimPair _A (kBind _B) (kBind VType) (bind2 x xs ppair) elim (VArg _A bnd_B) (EHyps _I _X _M i axs) = do (a , _B) <- unbind bnd_B _B' <- _B `elim` EFunc _I _X i xs <- freshR "xs" ppair <- _B `elim` EHyps _I _X _M i (vVar xs) axs `elim` EElimPair _A (bind a _B') (kBind VType) (bind2 a xs ppair) elim _D (EHyps _I _X _M i xs) = throwError $ "Ill-typed evaluation of Hyps:" ++ "\nDescription:\n" ++ prettyPrint _D ++ "\nPair:\n" ++ prettyPrint xs elim (VEnd j) (EProve _I _X _M m i q) = return $ VTT elim (VRec j _D) (EProve _I _X _M m i xxs) = do _A <- _X `sub` j _B <- _D `elim` EFunc _I _X i (nm_xxs , x , xs) <- (,,) <$> freshR "xxs" <*> freshR "x" <*> freshR "xs" _M' <- VRec j _D `elim` EHyps _I _X _M i (vVar nm_xxs) ppair <- VPair <$> m `sub2` (j , vVar x) <*> _D `elim` EProve _I _X _M m i (vVar xs) xxs `elim` EElimPair _A (kBind _B) (bind nm_xxs _M') (bind2 x xs ppair) elim (VArg _A _B) (EProve _I _X _M m i axs) = do (nm_axs , a , xs) <- (,,) <$> freshR "axs" <*> freshR "a" <*> freshR "xs" _Ba <- _B `sub` vVar a _B' <- _Ba `elim` (EFunc _I _X i) _M' <- VArg _A _B `elim` EHyps _I _X _M i (vVar nm_axs) ppair <- _Ba `elim` EProve _I _X _M m i (vVar xs) axs `elim` EElimPair _A (bind a _B') (bind nm_axs _M') (bind2 a xs ppair) elim _ (EProve _I _X _M m i xs) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of prove" elim VNil (EBranches _P) = return VUnit elim (VCons l _E) (EBranches _P) = do _P' <- _P `subCompose` VThere vProd <$> _P `sub` VHere <*> _E `elim` EBranches _P' elim _ (EBranches _P) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of Branches" elim VHere (ECase (VCons l _E) _P ccs) = do _Pthere <- _P `subCompose` VThere _A <- _P `sub` VHere _B <- _E `elim` EBranches _Pthere let _M = _A c <- freshR "c" let ppair = vVar c ccs `elim` EElimPair _A (kBind _B) (kBind _M) (bind2 c wildcardR ppair) elim (VThere t) (ECase (VCons l _E) _P ccs) = do _Pthere <- _P `subCompose` VThere _A <- _P `sub` VHere _B <- _E `elim` EBranches _Pthere _M <- _P `sub` (VThere t) cs <- freshR "cs" ppair <- t `elim` ECase _E _Pthere (vVar cs) ccs `elim` EElimPair _A (kBind _B) (kBind _M) (bind2 wildcardR cs ppair) elim _ (ECase _E _P ccs) = throwError "Ill-typed evaluation of case" elims :: Value -> Spine -> SpireM Value elims x Id = return x elims x (Pipe fs f) = do x' <- elims x fs elim x' f ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exported lookup functions. lookupValAndType :: Nom -> SpireM (Value , Type) lookupValAndType nm = do ctx <- asks ctx lookupCtx nm ctx lookupType :: Nom -> SpireM Type lookupType nm = snd <$> lookupValAndType nm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Non-exported lookup functions. lookupCtx :: Nom -> Tel -> SpireM (Value , Type) lookupCtx nm (Extend (unrebind -> ((x , Embed _A) , xs))) = if nm == x then return (vVar nm , _A) else lookupCtx nm xs lookupCtx nm Empty = do env <- asks env lookupEnv nm env lookupEnv :: Nom -> Env -> SpireM (Value , Type) lookupEnv nm (VDef x a _A : xs) = if nm == x then return (a , _A) else lookupEnv nm xs lookupEnv nm [] = do env <- asks env ctx <- asks ctx uCtx <- gets unifierCtx throwError $ "Variable not in context or environment!\n" ++ "Referenced variable:\n" ++ prettyPrintError nm ++ "\n" ++ "\nCurrent context:\n" ++ prettyPrintError ctx ++ "\n" -- "\nCurrent environment:\n" ++ prettyPrintError env ++ "\n" ++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module OpSem where import AST import Errors import qualified Control.Monad.Except as M import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as M -- (Recursion magic happens here) import qualified Data.Functor.Foldable as Rec import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.List as List paramsUnique :: ParamList -> Bool paramsUnique p = p == List.nub p -- uuuugly executeProg :: (M.MonadIO m, M.MonadError Error m) => Program -> Env -> m Env executeProg = Rec.fold executeDefList . reverse where executeDefList :: (M.MonadIO m, M.MonadError Error m) => Rec.ListF Definition (Env -> m Env) -> Env -> m Env executeDefList Rec.Nil env = return env executeDefList (Rec.Cons def prevDefs) env = execute def =<< prevDefs env -- definitions are executed execute :: (M.MonadIO m, M.MonadError Error m) => Definition -> Env -> m Env execute (Global x e) env = do (v, Env glob func param) <- evaluate e env let glob' = Map.insert x v glob return $ Env glob' func param execute (Function f paramList e) (Env glob func param) = do if paramsUnique paramList then return () else M.throwError $ ErrorString "nonunique paramater names" let func' = Map.insert f (UserFunc paramList e) func return $ Env glob func' param -- expressions are evaluated evaluate :: (M.MonadIO m, M.MonadError Error m) => Expr -> Env -> m (Value, Env) evaluate = Rec.fold evaluateF evaluateF :: (M.MonadIO m, M.MonadError Error m) => ExprF (Env -> m (Value, Env)) -> Env -> m (Value, Env) evaluateF (IfF p eT eF) env = do (b, env') <- p env if b /= 0 then eT env' else eF env' evaluateF (WhileF p e) env0 = let evalLoop env = do (b, env') <- p env if b == 0 then return env' else do (_, env'') <- e env' evalLoop env'' in fmap (\env1 -> (0, env1)) (evalLoop env0) evaluateF (BlockF []) env = return (0, env) evaluateF (BlockF es) env0 = let evalBlock [e] env = e env evalBlock (e:es) env = do (_, env') <- e env evalBlock es env' in evalBlock es env0 evaluateF (PrintF e) env = do (v, env') <- e env M.liftIO $ print v return (v, env') evaluateF (LocalF x e) env0 = do (v, Env glob func param) <- e env0 let param' = Map.insert x v param return (v, Env glob func param') evaluateF (SetF x e) env0 = do (v, Env glob func param) <- e env0 let result | x `Map.member` param = let param' = Map.adjust (const v) x param in return (v, Env glob func param') | x `Map.member` glob = let glob' = Map.adjust (const v) x glob in return (v, Env glob' func param) | otherwise = M.throwError . ErrorString $ "undefined var " ++ x ++ " is Set" result evaluateF (ApplyF fName argList) env0@(Env glob func param) | Just function <- Map.lookup fName func = do let evalArgs [] env = return ([], env) evalArgs (arg:args) env = do (v, env') <- arg env (vs, env'') <- evalArgs args env' return (v:vs, env'') (args, env'@(Env glob' _ param')) <- evalArgs argList env0 case function of BuiltinFunc f -> case f args of Nothing -> M.throwError . ErrorString $ "wrong number of args to " ++ fName Just n -> return (n, env') UserFunc argNames e -> do let argMap = Map.fromList $ zip argNames args (v, Env globFinal _ _) <- evaluate e (Env glob' func argMap) return (v, Env globFinal func param') | otherwise = M.throwError . ErrorString $ "undefined function " ++ fName ++ "is referenced" evaluateF (ReferenceF x) env@(Env glob func param) | Just v <- Map.lookup x param = return (v, env) | Just v <- Map.lookup x glob = return (v, env) | otherwise = M.throwError $ ErrorString "undefined var is referenced" -- well boy howdie this one is easy evaluateF (LiteralF n) env = return (n, env)
-- | -- Module : Network.TLS.Types -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- module Network.TLS.Types ( Version(..) , SessionID , SessionData(..) , CipherID , CompressionID , Role(..) , invertRole , Direction(..) ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Word type HostName = String -- | Versions known to TLS -- -- SSL2 is just defined, but this version is and will not be supported. data Version = SSL2 | SSL3 | TLS10 | TLS11 | TLS12 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Bounded) -- | A session ID type SessionID = ByteString -- | Session data to resume data SessionData = SessionData { sessionVersion :: Version , sessionCipher :: CipherID , sessionCompression :: CompressionID , sessionClientSNI :: Maybe HostName , sessionSecret :: ByteString } deriving (Show,Eq) -- | Cipher identification type CipherID = Word16 -- | Compression identification type CompressionID = Word8 -- | Role data Role = ClientRole | ServerRole deriving (Show,Eq) -- | Direction data Direction = Tx | Rx deriving (Show,Eq) invertRole :: Role -> Role invertRole ClientRole = ServerRole invertRole ServerRole = ClientRole
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Network.Krist.Transaction where import Data.Aeson import GHC.Generics import Data.Monoid import Control.Krist.Request import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.FilePath import Network.Krist.Node data Transaction = Transaction { transID :: Int , transFrom :: Maybe String , transTo :: String , transValue :: Int , transTime :: String , transName :: Maybe String , transMeta :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) data TrnsRequestResp = TrnsRequestResp { ok :: Bool , transaction :: Transaction } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic) data TransesRequestRep = TransesRequestRep { ok :: Bool , count :: Int , total :: Int , transactions :: [Transaction] } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic) instance FromJSON TrnsRequestResp instance FromJSON TransesRequestRep instance FromJSON Transaction where parseJSON (Object v) = Transaction <$> v .: "id" <*> v .: "from" <*> v .: "to" <*> v .: "value" <*> v .: "time" <*> v .: "name" <*> v .: "metadata" parseJSON _ = mzero data TransRequest a where GetTransaction :: Int -> TransRequest Transaction GetTransactions :: Int -> Int -> TransRequest [Transaction] GetLatest :: Int -> Int -> TransRequest [Transaction] GetLatestMined :: Int -> Int -> TransRequest [Transaction] GetAddrLatest :: String -> Int -> Int -> TransRequest [Transaction] GetAddrLatestMined :: String -> Int -> Int -> TransRequest [Transaction] instance Requestable TransRequest where makeRequest n (GetTransaction x) = selector transaction $ requestJSON n ("transactions" </> show x) makeRequest n (GetTransactions a o) = selector transactions $ requestJSON n ("transactions?limit=" <> show a <> "&offset=" <> show o) makeRequest n (GetLatest a o) = selector transactions $ requestJSON n $ concat [ "transactions/latest?limit=" , show a , "&offset=", show o , "&excludeMined=true" ] makeRequest n (GetLatestMined a o) = selector transactions $ requestJSON n $ concat [ "transactions/latest?limit=" , show a , "&offset=", show o , "&excludeMined=false" ] makeRequest n (GetAddrLatestMined a l o) = selector transactions $ requestJSON (n `nodeAt` ("addresses" </> a)) $ concat [ "transactions?limit=" , show l , "&offset=", show o , "&excludeMined=true" ] makeRequest n (GetAddrLatest a l o) = selector transactions $ requestJSON (n `nodeAt` ("addresses" </> a)) $ concat [ "transactions?limit=" , show l , "&offset=", show o , "&excludeMined=falsed" ] getTransaction :: MonadIO m => Node -> Int -> m (Either ReqError Transaction) getTransaction n x = makeRequest n (GetTransaction x) getTransactions :: MonadIO m => Node -> Int -> Int -> m (Either ReqError [Transaction]) getTransactions n a o = makeRequest n (GetTransactions a o) getLatestTransactions :: MonadIO m => Node -> Int -> Int -> m (Either ReqError [Transaction]) getLatestTransactions n a o = makeRequest n (GetLatest a o) getLatestMined :: MonadIO m => Node -> Int -> Int -> m (Either ReqError [Transaction]) getLatestMined n a o = makeRequest n (GetLatestMined a o) addressTransactions :: MonadIO m => Node -> String -> Int -> Int -> m (Either ReqError [Transaction]) addressTransactions n a l o = n `makeRequest` GetAddrLatest a l o addressMined :: MonadIO m => Node -> String -> Int -> Int -> m (Either ReqError [Transaction]) addressMined n a l o = n `makeRequest` GetAddrLatestMined a l o
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} module Main where import GHC.Exts ( Float(F#), eqFloat#, neFloat#, ltFloat#, leFloat#, gtFloat#, geFloat# ) fcmp_eq, fcmp_ne, fcmp_lt, fcmp_le, fcmp_gt, fcmp_ge :: (String, Float -> Float -> Bool) fcmp_eq = ("==", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) fcmp_ne = ("/=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) fcmp_lt = ("< ", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) fcmp_le = ("<=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) fcmp_gt = ("> ", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) fcmp_ge = (">=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) float_fns = [fcmp_eq, fcmp_ne, fcmp_lt, fcmp_le, fcmp_gt, fcmp_ge] float_vals :: [Float] float_vals = [0.0, 1.0, read "NaN"] float_text = [show4 arg1 ++ " " ++ fn_name ++ " " ++ show4 arg2 ++ " = " ++ show (fn arg1 arg2) | (fn_name, fn) <- float_fns, arg1 <- float_vals, arg2 <- float_vals ] where show4 x = take 4 (show x ++ repeat ' ') main = putStrLn (unlines float_text)
{- Test Show instances Copyright (c) 2014 Richard Eisenberg -} module Tests.Show where import Data.Metrology import Data.Metrology.Show () import Data.Metrology.SI import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit five :: Double five = 5 tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Show" [ testCase "Meter" $ show (five % Meter) @?= "5.0 m" , testCase "Meter/Second" $ show (five % (Meter :/ Second)) @?= "5.0 m/s" , testCase "Meter/Second2" $ show (five % (Number :* Second :* Meter :/ (Second :^ sTwo))) @?= "5.0 m/s" , testCase "Hertz" $ show (five % Hertz) @?= "5.0 s^-1" , testCase "Joule" $ show (five % Joule) @?= "5.0 (kg * m^2)/s^2" ]
{-| Module : Idris.Parser Description : Idris' parser. Copyright : License : BSD3 Maintainer : The Idris Community. -} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PatternGuards #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-} module Idris.Parser(module Idris.Parser, module Idris.Parser.Expr, module Idris.Parser.Data, module Idris.Parser.Helpers, module Idris.Parser.Ops) where import Idris.AbsSyntax hiding (namespace, params) import Idris.Core.Evaluate import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Coverage import Idris.Delaborate import Idris.Docstrings hiding (Unchecked) import Idris.DSL import Idris.Elab.Term import Idris.Elab.Value import Idris.ElabDecls import Idris.Error import Idris.IBC import Idris.Imports import Idris.Options import Idris.Output import Idris.Parser.Data import Idris.Parser.Expr import Idris.Parser.Helpers import Idris.Parser.Ops import Idris.Providers import Idris.Termination import Idris.Unlit import Util.DynamicLinker import qualified Util.Pretty as P import Util.System (readSource, writeSource) import Paths_idris import Prelude hiding (pi) import Control.Applicative hiding (Const) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 import Data.Char import Data.Foldable (asum) import Data.Function import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data (descendM) import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import Data.List import qualified Data.List.Split as Spl import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Debug.Trace import qualified System.Directory as Dir (makeAbsolute) import System.FilePath import System.IO import qualified Text.Parser.Char as Chr import Text.Parser.Expression import Text.Parser.LookAhead import qualified Text.Parser.Token as Tok import qualified Text.Parser.Token.Highlight as Hi import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (Doc, plain) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as ANSI import Text.Trifecta hiding (Err, char, charLiteral, natural, span, string, stringLiteral, symbol, whiteSpace) import Text.Trifecta.Delta {- @ grammar shortcut notation: ~CHARSEQ = complement of char sequence (i.e. any character except CHARSEQ) RULE? = optional rule (i.e. RULE or nothing) RULE* = repeated rule (i.e. RULE zero or more times) RULE+ = repeated rule with at least one match (i.e. RULE one or more times) RULE! = invalid rule (i.e. rule that is not valid in context, report meaningful error in case) RULE{n} = rule repeated n times @ -} {- * Main grammar -} {-| Parses module definition @ ModuleHeader ::= DocComment_t? 'module' Identifier_t ';'?; @ -} moduleHeader :: IdrisParser (Maybe (Docstring ()), [String], [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]) moduleHeader = try (do docs <- optional docComment noArgs docs reservedHL "module" (i, ifc) <- identifier option ';' (lchar ';') let modName = moduleName i return (fmap fst docs, modName, [(ifc, AnnNamespace (map T.pack modName) Nothing)])) <|> try (do lchar '%'; reserved "unqualified" return (Nothing, [], [])) <|> return (Nothing, moduleName "Main", []) where moduleName x = case span (/='.') x of (x, "") -> [x] (x, '.':y) -> x : moduleName y noArgs (Just (_, args)) | not (null args) = fail "Modules do not take arguments" noArgs _ = return () data ImportInfo = ImportInfo { import_reexport :: Bool , import_path :: FilePath , import_rename :: Maybe (String, FC) , import_namespace :: [T.Text] , import_location :: FC , import_modname_location :: FC } {-| Parses an import statement @ Import ::= 'import' Identifier_t ';'?; @ -} import_ :: IdrisParser ImportInfo import_ = do fc <- getFC reservedHL "import" reexport <- option False (do reservedHL "public" return True) (id, idfc) <- identifier newName <- optional (do reservedHL "as" identifier) option ';' (lchar ';') return $ ImportInfo reexport (toPath id) (fmap (\(n, fc) -> (toPath n, fc)) newName) (map T.pack $ ns id) fc idfc <?> "import statement" where ns = Spl.splitOn "." toPath = foldl1' (</>) . ns {-| Parses program source @ Prog ::= Decl* EOF; @ -} prog :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] prog syn = do whiteSpace decls <- many (decl syn) let c = concat decls case maxline syn of Nothing -> do notOpenBraces; eof _ -> return () ist <- get fc <- getFC put ist { idris_parsedSpan = Just (FC (fc_fname fc) (0,0) (fc_end fc)), ibc_write = IBCParsedRegion fc : ibc_write ist } return c {-| Parses a top-level declaration @ Decl ::= Decl' | Using | Params | Mutual | Namespace | Interface | Implementation | DSL | Directive | Provider | Transform | Import! | RunElabDecl ; @ -} decl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] decl syn = try (externalDecl syn) <|> internalDecl syn <?> "declaration" internalDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] internalDecl syn = do fc <- getFC -- if we're after maxline, stop at the next type declaration -- (so we get all cases of a definition to preserve totality -- results, in particular). let continue = case maxline syn of Nothing -> True Just l -> if fst (fc_end fc) > l then mut_nesting syn /= 0 else True -- What I'd really like to do here is explicitly save the -- current state, then if reading ahead finds we've passed -- the end of the definition, reset the state. But I've lost -- patience with trying to find out how to do that from the -- trifecta docs, so this does the job instead. if continue then do notEndBlock declBody continue else try (do notEndBlock declBody continue) <|> fail "End of readable input" where declBody :: Bool -> IdrisParser [PDecl] declBody b = try (implementation True syn) <|> try (openInterface syn) <|> declBody' b <|> using_ syn <|> params syn <|> mutual syn <|> namespace syn <|> interface_ syn <|> do d <- dsl syn; return [d] <|> directive syn <|> provider syn <|> transform syn <|> do import_; fail "imports must be at top of file" <?> "declaration" declBody' :: Bool -> IdrisParser [PDecl] declBody' cont = do d <- decl' syn i <- get let d' = fmap (debindApp syn . (desugar syn i)) d if continue cont d' then return [d'] else fail "End of readable input" -- Keep going while we're still parsing clauses continue False (PClauses _ _ _ _) = True continue c _ = c {-| Parses a top-level declaration with possible syntax sugar @ Decl' ::= Fixity | FunDecl' | Data | Record | SyntaxDecl ; @ -} decl' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl decl' syn = fixity <|> syntaxDecl syn <|> fnDecl' syn <|> data_ syn <|> record syn <|> runElabDecl syn <?> "declaration" externalDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] externalDecl syn = do i <- get notEndBlock FC fn start _ <- getFC decls <- declExtensions syn (syntaxRulesList $ syntax_rules i) FC _ _ end <- getFC let outerFC = FC fn start end return $ map (mapPDeclFC (fixFC outerFC) (fixFCH fn outerFC)) decls where -- | Fix non-highlighting FCs to prevent spurious error location reports fixFC :: FC -> FC -> FC fixFC outer inner | inner `fcIn` outer = inner | otherwise = outer -- | Fix highlighting FCs by obliterating them, to avoid spurious highlights fixFCH fn outer inner | inner `fcIn` outer = inner | otherwise = FileFC fn declExtensions :: SyntaxInfo -> [Syntax] -> IdrisParser [PDecl] declExtensions syn rules = declExtension syn [] (filter isDeclRule rules) <?> "user-defined declaration" where isDeclRule (DeclRule _ _) = True isDeclRule _ = False declExtension :: SyntaxInfo -> [Maybe (Name, SynMatch)] -> [Syntax] -> IdrisParser [PDecl] declExtension syn ns rules = choice $ flip map (groupBy (ruleGroup `on` syntaxSymbols) rules) $ \rs -> case head rs of -- can never be [] DeclRule (symb:_) _ -> try $ do n <- extSymbol symb declExtension syn (n : ns) [DeclRule ss t | (DeclRule (_:ss) t) <- rs] -- If we have more than one Rule in this bucket, our grammar is -- nondeterministic. DeclRule [] dec -> let r = map (update (mapMaybe id ns)) dec in return r where update :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> PDecl -> PDecl update ns = updateNs ns . fmap (updateRefs ns) . fmap (updateSynMatch ns) updateRefs ns = mapPT newref where newref (PRef fc fcs n) = PRef fc fcs (updateB ns n) newref t = t -- Below is a lot of tedious boilerplate which updates any top level -- names in the declaration. It will only change names which are bound in -- the declaration (including method names in interfaces and field names in -- record declarations, not including pattern variables) updateB :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> Name -> Name updateB ns (NS n mods) = NS (updateB ns n) mods updateB ns n = case lookup n ns of Just (SynBind tfc t) -> t _ -> n updateNs :: [(Name, SynMatch)] -> PDecl -> PDecl updateNs ns (PTy doc argdoc s fc o n fc' t) = PTy doc argdoc s fc o (updateB ns n) fc' t updateNs ns (PClauses fc o n cs) = PClauses fc o (updateB ns n) (map (updateClause ns) cs) updateNs ns (PCAF fc n t) = PCAF fc (updateB ns n) t updateNs ns (PData ds cds s fc o dat) = PData ds cds s fc o (updateData ns dat) updateNs ns (PParams fc ps ds) = PParams fc ps (map (updateNs ns) ds) updateNs ns (PNamespace s fc ds) = PNamespace s fc (map (updateNs ns) ds) updateNs ns (PRecord doc syn fc o n fc' ps pdocs fields cname cdoc s) = PRecord doc syn fc o (updateB ns n) fc' ps pdocs (map (updateField ns) fields) (updateRecCon ns cname) cdoc s updateNs ns (PInterface docs s fc cs cn fc' ps pdocs pdets ds cname cdocs) = PInterface docs s fc cs (updateB ns cn) fc' ps pdocs pdets (map (updateNs ns) ds) (updateRecCon ns cname) cdocs updateNs ns (PImplementation docs pdocs s fc cs pnames acc opts cn fc' ps pextra ity ni ds) = PImplementation docs pdocs s fc cs pnames acc opts (updateB ns cn) fc' ps pextra ity (fmap (updateB ns) ni) (map (updateNs ns) ds) updateNs ns (PMutual fc ds) = PMutual fc (map (updateNs ns) ds) updateNs ns (PProvider docs s fc fc' pw n) = PProvider docs s fc fc' pw (updateB ns n) updateNs ns d = d updateRecCon ns Nothing = Nothing updateRecCon ns (Just (n, fc)) = Just (updateB ns n, fc) updateField ns (m, p, t, doc) = (updateRecCon ns m, p, t, doc) updateClause ns (PClause fc n t ts t' ds) = PClause fc (updateB ns n) t ts t' (map (update ns) ds) updateClause ns (PWith fc n t ts t' m ds) = PWith fc (updateB ns n) t ts t' m (map (update ns) ds) updateClause ns (PClauseR fc ts t ds) = PClauseR fc ts t (map (update ns) ds) updateClause ns (PWithR fc ts t m ds) = PWithR fc ts t m (map (update ns) ds) updateData ns (PDatadecl n fc t cs) = PDatadecl (updateB ns n) fc t (map (updateCon ns) cs) updateData ns (PLaterdecl n fc t) = PLaterdecl (updateB ns n) fc t updateCon ns (cd, ads, cn, fc, ty, fc', fns) = (cd, ads, updateB ns cn, fc, ty, fc', fns) ruleGroup [] [] = True ruleGroup (s1:_) (s2:_) = s1 == s2 ruleGroup _ _ = False extSymbol :: SSymbol -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, SynMatch)) extSymbol (Keyword n) = do fc <- reservedFC (show n) highlightP fc AnnKeyword return Nothing extSymbol (Expr n) = do tm <- expr syn return $ Just (n, SynTm tm) extSymbol (SimpleExpr n) = do tm <- simpleExpr syn return $ Just (n, SynTm tm) extSymbol (Binding n) = do (b, fc) <- name return $ Just (n, SynBind fc b) extSymbol (Symbol s) = do fc <- symbolFC s highlightP fc AnnKeyword return Nothing {-| Parses a syntax extension declaration (and adds the rule to parser state) @ SyntaxDecl ::= SyntaxRule; @ -} syntaxDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl syntaxDecl syn = do s <- syntaxRule syn i <- get put (i `addSyntax` s) fc <- getFC return (PSyntax fc s) -- | Extend an 'IState' with a new syntax extension. See also 'addReplSyntax'. addSyntax :: IState -> Syntax -> IState addSyntax i s = i { syntax_rules = updateSyntaxRules [s] rs, syntax_keywords = ks ++ ns, ibc_write = IBCSyntax s : map IBCKeyword ks ++ ibc } where rs = syntax_rules i ns = syntax_keywords i ibc = ibc_write i ks = map show (syntaxNames s) -- | Like 'addSyntax', but no effect on the IBC. addReplSyntax :: IState -> Syntax -> IState addReplSyntax i s = i { syntax_rules = updateSyntaxRules [s] rs, syntax_keywords = ks ++ ns } where rs = syntax_rules i ns = syntax_keywords i ks = map show (syntaxNames s) {-| Parses a syntax extension declaration @ SyntaxRuleOpts ::= 'term' | 'pattern'; @ @ SyntaxRule ::= SyntaxRuleOpts? 'syntax' SyntaxSym+ '=' TypeExpr Terminator; @ @ SyntaxSym ::= '[' Name_t ']' | '{' Name_t '}' | Name_t | StringLiteral_t ; @ -} syntaxRule :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser Syntax syntaxRule syn = do sty <- try (do pushIndent sty <- option AnySyntax (do reservedHL "term"; return TermSyntax <|> do reservedHL "pattern"; return PatternSyntax) reservedHL "syntax" return sty) syms <- some syntaxSym when (all isExpr syms) $ unexpected "missing keywords in syntax rule" let ns = mapMaybe getName syms when (length ns /= length (nub ns)) $ unexpected "repeated variable in syntax rule" lchar '=' tm <- typeExpr (allowImp syn) >>= uniquifyBinders [n | Binding n <- syms] terminator return (Rule (mkSimple syms) tm sty) <|> do reservedHL "decl"; reservedHL "syntax" syms <- some syntaxSym when (all isExpr syms) $ unexpected "missing keywords in syntax rule" let ns = mapMaybe getName syms when (length ns /= length (nub ns)) $ unexpected "repeated variable in syntax rule" lchar '=' openBlock dec <- some (decl syn) closeBlock return (DeclRule (mkSimple syms) (concat dec)) where isExpr (Expr _) = True isExpr _ = False getName (Expr n) = Just n getName _ = Nothing -- Can't parse two full expressions (i.e. expressions with application) in a row -- so change them both to a simple expression mkSimple (Expr e : es) = SimpleExpr e : mkSimple' es mkSimple xs = mkSimple' xs mkSimple' (Expr e : Expr e1 : es) = SimpleExpr e : SimpleExpr e1 : mkSimple es -- Can't parse a full expression followed by operator like characters due to ambiguity mkSimple' (Expr e : Symbol s : es) | takeWhile (`elem` opChars) ts /= "" = SimpleExpr e : Symbol s : mkSimple' es where ts = dropWhile isSpace . dropWhileEnd isSpace $ s mkSimple' (e : es) = e : mkSimple' es mkSimple' [] = [] -- Prevent syntax variable capture by making all binders under syntax unique -- (the ol' Common Lisp GENSYM approach) uniquifyBinders :: [Name] -> PTerm -> IdrisParser PTerm uniquifyBinders userNames = fixBind 0 [] where fixBind :: Int -> [(Name, Name)] -> PTerm -> IdrisParser PTerm fixBind 0 rens (PRef fc hls n) | Just n' <- lookup n rens = return $ PRef fc hls n' fixBind 0 rens (PPatvar fc n) | Just n' <- lookup n rens = return $ PPatvar fc n' fixBind 0 rens (PLam fc n nfc ty body) | n `elem` userNames = liftM2 (PLam fc n nfc) (fixBind 0 rens ty) (fixBind 0 rens body) | otherwise = do ty' <- fixBind 0 rens ty n' <- gensym n body' <- fixBind 0 ((n,n'):rens) body return $ PLam fc n' nfc ty' body' fixBind 0 rens (PPi plic n nfc argTy body) | n `elem` userNames = liftM2 (PPi plic n nfc) (fixBind 0 rens argTy) (fixBind 0 rens body) | otherwise = do ty' <- fixBind 0 rens argTy n' <- gensym n body' <- fixBind 0 ((n,n'):rens) body return $ (PPi plic n' nfc ty' body') fixBind 0 rens (PLet fc n nfc ty val body) | n `elem` userNames = liftM3 (PLet fc n nfc) (fixBind 0 rens ty) (fixBind 0 rens val) (fixBind 0 rens body) | otherwise = do ty' <- fixBind 0 rens ty val' <- fixBind 0 rens val n' <- gensym n body' <- fixBind 0 ((n,n'):rens) body return $ PLet fc n' nfc ty' val' body' fixBind 0 rens (PMatchApp fc n) | Just n' <- lookup n rens = return $ PMatchApp fc n' -- Also rename resolved quotations, to allow syntax rules to -- have quoted references to their own bindings. fixBind 0 rens (PQuoteName n True fc) | Just n' <- lookup n rens = return $ PQuoteName n' True fc -- Don't mess with quoted terms fixBind q rens (PQuasiquote tm goal) = flip PQuasiquote goal <$> fixBind (q + 1) rens tm fixBind q rens (PUnquote tm) = PUnquote <$> fixBind (q - 1) rens tm fixBind q rens x = descendM (fixBind q rens) x gensym :: Name -> IdrisParser Name gensym n = do ist <- get let idx = idris_name ist put ist { idris_name = idx + 1 } return $ sMN idx (show n) {-| Parses a syntax symbol (either binding variable, keyword or expression) @ SyntaxSym ::= '[' Name_t ']' | '{' Name_t '}' | Name_t | StringLiteral_t ; @ -} syntaxSym :: IdrisParser SSymbol syntaxSym = try (do lchar '['; n <- fst <$> name; lchar ']' return (Expr n)) <|> try (do lchar '{'; n <- fst <$> name; lchar '}' return (Binding n)) <|> do n <- fst <$> iName [] return (Keyword n) <|> do sym <- fmap fst stringLiteral return (Symbol sym) <?> "syntax symbol" {-| Parses a function declaration with possible syntax sugar @ FunDecl ::= FunDecl'; @ -} fnDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] fnDecl syn = try (do notEndBlock d <- fnDecl' syn i <- get let d' = fmap (desugar syn i) d return [d']) <?> "function declaration" {-| Parses a function declaration @ FunDecl' ::= DocComment_t? FnOpts* Accessibility? FnOpts* FnName TypeSig Terminator | Postulate | Pattern | CAF ; @ -} fnDecl' :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl fnDecl' syn = checkDeclFixity $ do (doc, argDocs, fc, opts', n, nfc, acc) <- try (do pushIndent (doc, argDocs) <- docstring syn (opts, acc) <- fnOpts (n_in, nfc) <- fnName let n = expandNS syn n_in fc <- getFC lchar ':' return (doc, argDocs, fc, opts, n, nfc, acc)) ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn) terminator -- If it's a top level function, note the accessibility -- rules when (syn_toplevel syn) $ addAcc n acc return (PTy doc argDocs syn fc opts' n nfc ty) <|> postulate syn <|> caf syn <|> pattern syn <?> "function declaration" {-| Parses a series of function and accessbility options @ FnOpts ::= FnOpt* Accessibility FnOpt* @ -} fnOpts :: IdrisParser ([FnOpt], Accessibility) fnOpts = do opts <- many fnOpt acc <- accessibility opts' <- many fnOpt let allOpts = opts ++ opts' let existingTotality = allOpts `intersect` [TotalFn, CoveringFn, PartialFn] opts'' <- addDefaultTotality (nub existingTotality) allOpts return (opts'', acc) where prettyTot TotalFn = "total" prettyTot PartialFn = "partial" prettyTot CoveringFn = "covering" addDefaultTotality [] opts = do ist <- get case default_total ist of DefaultCheckingTotal -> return (TotalFn:opts) DefaultCheckingCovering -> return (CoveringFn:opts) DefaultCheckingPartial -> return opts -- Don't add partial so that --warn-partial still reports warnings if necessary addDefaultTotality [tot] opts = return opts -- Should really be a semantics error instead of a parser error addDefaultTotality (tot1:tot2:tots) opts = fail ("Conflicting totality modifiers specified " ++ prettyTot tot1 ++ " and " ++ prettyTot tot2) {-| Parses a function option @ FnOpt ::= 'total' | 'partial' | 'covering' | 'implicit' | '%' 'no_implicit' | '%' 'assert_total' | '%' 'error_handler' | '%' 'reflection' | '%' 'specialise' '[' NameTimesList? ']' ; @ @ NameTimes ::= FnName Natural?; @ @ NameTimesList ::= NameTimes | NameTimes ',' NameTimesList ; @ -} fnOpt :: IdrisParser FnOpt fnOpt = do reservedHL "total"; return TotalFn <|> do reservedHL "partial"; return PartialFn <|> do reservedHL "covering"; return CoveringFn <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "export"); c <- fmap fst stringLiteral; return $ CExport c <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "no_implicit"); return NoImplicit <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "inline"); return Inlinable <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "static"); return StaticFn <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "assert_total"); fc <- getFC parserWarning fc Nothing (Msg "%assert_total is deprecated. Use the 'assert_total' function instead.") return AssertTotal <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_handler"); return ErrorHandler <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_reverse"); return ErrorReverse <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_reduce"); return ErrorReduce <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "reflection"); return Reflection <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "hint"); return AutoHint <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "overlapping"); return OverlappingDictionary <|> do lchar '%'; reserved "specialise"; lchar '['; ns <- sepBy nameTimes (lchar ','); lchar ']'; return $ Specialise ns <|> do reservedHL "implicit"; return Implicit <?> "function modifier" where nameTimes :: IdrisParser (Name, Maybe Int) nameTimes = do n <- fst <$> fnName t <- option Nothing (do reds <- fmap fst natural return (Just (fromInteger reds))) return (n, t) {-| Parses a postulate @ Postulate ::= DocComment_t? 'postulate' FnOpts* Accesibility? FnOpts* FnName TypeSig Terminator ; @ -} postulate :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl postulate syn = do (doc, ext) <- try $ do (doc, _) <- docstring syn pushIndent ext <- ppostDecl return (doc, ext) ist <- get (opts, acc) <- fnOpts (n_in, nfc) <- fnName let n = expandNS syn n_in lchar ':' ty <- typeExpr (allowImp syn) fc <- getFC terminator addAcc n acc return (PPostulate ext doc syn fc nfc opts n ty) <?> "postulate" where ppostDecl = do fc <- reservedHL "postulate"; return False <|> do lchar '%'; reserved "extern"; return True {-| Parses a using declaration @ Using ::= 'using' '(' UsingDeclList ')' OpenBlock Decl* CloseBlock ; @ -} using_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] using_ syn = do reservedHL "using" lchar '('; ns <- usingDeclList syn; lchar ')' openBlock let uvars = using syn ds <- many (decl (syn { using = uvars ++ ns })) closeBlock return (concat ds) <?> "using declaration" {-| Parses a parameters declaration @ Params ::= 'parameters' '(' TypeDeclList ')' OpenBlock Decl* CloseBlock ; @ -} params :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] params syn = do reservedHL "parameters"; lchar '('; ns <- typeDeclList syn; lchar ')' let ns' = [(n, ty) | (_, n, _, ty) <- ns] openBlock let pvars = syn_params syn ds <- many (decl syn { syn_params = pvars ++ ns' }) closeBlock fc <- getFC return [PParams fc ns' (concat ds)] <?> "parameters declaration" -- | Parses an open block openInterface :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] openInterface syn = do reservedHL "using" reservedHL "implementation" fc <- getFC ns <- sepBy1 fnName (lchar ',') openBlock ds <- many (decl syn) closeBlock return [POpenInterfaces fc (map fst ns) (concat ds)] <?> "open interface declaration" {-| Parses a mutual declaration (for mutually recursive functions) @ Mutual ::= 'mutual' OpenBlock Decl* CloseBlock ; @ -} mutual :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] mutual syn = do reservedHL "mutual" openBlock let pvars = syn_params syn ds <- many (decl (syn { mut_nesting = mut_nesting syn + 1 } )) closeBlock fc <- getFC return [PMutual fc (concat ds)] <?> "mutual block" {-| Parses a namespace declaration @ Namespace ::= 'namespace' identifier OpenBlock Decl+ CloseBlock ; @ -} namespace :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] namespace syn = do reservedHL "namespace" (n, nfc) <- identifier openBlock ds <- some (decl syn { syn_namespace = n : syn_namespace syn }) closeBlock return [PNamespace n nfc (concat ds)] <?> "namespace declaration" {-| Parses a methods block (for implementations) @ ImplementationBlock ::= 'where' OpenBlock FnDecl* CloseBlock @ -} implementationBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] implementationBlock syn = do reservedHL "where" openBlock ds <- many (fnDecl syn) closeBlock return (concat ds) <?> "implementation block" {-| Parses a methods and implementations block (for interfaces) @ MethodOrImplementation ::= FnDecl | Implementation ; @ @ InterfaceBlock ::= 'where' OpenBlock Constructor? MethodOrImplementation* CloseBlock ; @ -} interfaceBlock :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (Maybe (Name, FC), Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [PDecl]) interfaceBlock syn = do reservedHL "where" openBlock (cn, cd) <- option (Nothing, emptyDocstring) $ try (do (doc, _) <- option noDocs docComment n <- constructor return (Just n, doc)) ist <- get let cd' = annotate syn ist cd ds <- many (notEndBlock >> try (implementation True syn) <|> do x <- data_ syn return [x] <|> fnDecl syn) closeBlock return (cn, cd', concat ds) <?> "interface block" where constructor :: IdrisParser (Name, FC) constructor = reservedHL "constructor" *> fnName annotate :: SyntaxInfo -> IState -> Docstring () -> Docstring (Either Err PTerm) annotate syn ist = annotCode $ tryFullExpr syn ist {-| Parses an interface declaration @ InterfaceArgument ::= Name | '(' Name ':' Expr ')' ; @ @ Interface ::= DocComment_t? Accessibility? 'interface' ConstraintList? Name InterfaceArgument* InterfaceBlock? ; @ -} interface_ :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] interface_ syn = do (doc, argDocs, acc) <- try (do (doc, argDocs) <- docstring syn acc <- accessibility interfaceKeyword return (doc, argDocs, acc)) fc <- getFC cons <- constraintList syn let cons' = [(c, ty) | (_, c, _, ty) <- cons] (n_in, nfc) <- fnName let n = expandNS syn n_in cs <- many carg fds <- option [(cn, NoFC) | (cn, _, _) <- cs] fundeps (cn, cd, ds) <- option (Nothing, fst noDocs, []) (interfaceBlock syn) accData acc n (concatMap declared ds) return [PInterface doc syn fc cons' n nfc cs argDocs fds ds cn cd] <?> "interface declaration" where fundeps :: IdrisParser [(Name, FC)] fundeps = do lchar '|'; sepBy name (lchar ',') interfaceKeyword :: IdrisParser () interfaceKeyword = reservedHL "interface" <|> do reservedHL "class" fc <- getFC parserWarning fc Nothing (Msg "The 'class' keyword is deprecated. Use 'interface' instead.") carg :: IdrisParser (Name, FC, PTerm) carg = do lchar '('; (i, ifc) <- name; lchar ':'; ty <- expr syn; lchar ')' return (i, ifc, ty) <|> do (i, ifc) <- name fc <- getFC return (i, ifc, PType fc) {-| Parses an interface implementation declaration @ Implementation ::= DocComment_t? 'implementation' ImplementationName? ConstraintList? Name SimpleExpr* ImplementationBlock? ; @ @ ImplementationName ::= '[' Name ']'; @ -} implementation :: Bool -> SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] implementation kwopt syn = do ist <- get (doc, argDocs) <- docstring syn (opts, acc) <- fnOpts if kwopt then optional implementationKeyword else do implementationKeyword return (Just ()) fc <- getFC en <- optional implementationName cs <- constraintList syn let cs' = [(c, ty) | (_, c, _, ty) <- cs] (cn, cnfc) <- fnName args <- many (simpleExpr syn) let sc = PApp fc (PRef cnfc [cnfc] cn) (map pexp args) let t = bindList (\r -> PPi constraint { pcount = r }) cs sc pnames <- implementationUsing ds <- implementationBlock syn return [PImplementation doc argDocs syn fc cs' pnames acc opts cn cnfc args [] t en ds] <?> "implementation declaration" where implementationName :: IdrisParser Name implementationName = do lchar '['; n_in <- fst <$> fnName; lchar ']' let n = expandNS syn n_in return n <?> "implementation name" implementationKeyword :: IdrisParser () implementationKeyword = reservedHL "implementation" <|> do reservedHL "instance" fc <- getFC parserWarning fc Nothing (Msg "The 'instance' keyword is deprecated. Use 'implementation' (or omit it) instead.") implementationUsing :: IdrisParser [Name] implementationUsing = do reservedHL "using" ns <- sepBy1 fnName (lchar ',') return (map fst ns) <|> return [] -- | Parse a docstring docstring :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser (Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [(Name,Docstring (Either Err PTerm))]) docstring syn = do (doc, argDocs) <- option noDocs docComment ist <- get let doc' = annotCode (tryFullExpr syn ist) doc argDocs' = [ (n, annotCode (tryFullExpr syn ist) d) | (n, d) <- argDocs ] return (doc', argDocs') {-| Parses a using declaration list @ UsingDeclList ::= UsingDeclList' | NameList TypeSig ; @ @ UsingDeclList' ::= UsingDecl | UsingDecl ',' UsingDeclList' ; @ @ NameList ::= Name | Name ',' NameList ; @ -} usingDeclList :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [Using] usingDeclList syn = try (sepBy1 (usingDecl syn) (lchar ',')) <|> do ns <- sepBy1 (fst <$> name) (lchar ',') lchar ':' t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn) return (map (\x -> UImplicit x t) ns) <?> "using declaration list" {-| Parses a using declaration @ UsingDecl ::= FnName TypeSig | FnName FnName+ ; @ -} usingDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser Using usingDecl syn = try (do x <- fst <$> fnName lchar ':' t <- typeExpr (disallowImp syn) return (UImplicit x t)) <|> do c <- fst <$> fnName xs <- many (fst <$> fnName) return (UConstraint c xs) <?> "using declaration" {-| Parse a clause with patterns @ Pattern ::= Clause; @ -} pattern :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl pattern syn = do fc <- getFC clause <- clause syn return (PClauses fc [] (sMN 2 "_") [clause]) -- collect together later <?> "pattern" {-| Parse a constant applicative form declaration @ CAF ::= 'let' FnName '=' Expr Terminator; @ -} caf :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl caf syn = do reservedHL "let" n_in <- fst <$> fnName; let n = expandNS syn n_in pushIndent lchar '=' t <- indented $ expr syn terminator fc <- getFC return (PCAF fc n t) <?> "constant applicative form declaration" {-| Parse an argument expression @ ArgExpr ::= HSimpleExpr | {- In Pattern External (User-defined) Expression -}; @ -} argExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm argExpr syn = let syn' = syn { inPattern = True } in try (hsimpleExpr syn') <|> simpleExternalExpr syn' <?> "argument expression" {-| Parse a right hand side of a function @ RHS ::= '=' Expr | '?=' RHSName? Expr | Impossible ; @ @ RHSName ::= '{' FnName '}'; @ -} rhs :: SyntaxInfo -> Name -> IdrisParser PTerm rhs syn n = do lchar '=' indentPropHolds gtProp expr syn <|> do symbol "?="; fc <- getFC name <- option n' (do symbol "{"; n <- fst <$> fnName; symbol "}"; return n) r <- expr syn return (addLet fc name r) <|> impossible <?> "function right hand side" where mkN :: Name -> Name mkN (UN x) = if (tnull x || not (isAlpha (thead x))) then sUN "infix_op_lemma_1" else sUN (str x++"_lemma_1") mkN (NS x n) = NS (mkN x) n n' :: Name n' = mkN n addLet :: FC -> Name -> PTerm -> PTerm addLet fc nm (PLet fc' n nfc ty val r) = PLet fc' n nfc ty val (addLet fc nm r) addLet fc nm (PCase fc' t cs) = PCase fc' t (map addLetC cs) where addLetC (l, r) = (l, addLet fc nm r) addLet fc nm r = (PLet fc (sUN "value") NoFC Placeholder r (PMetavar NoFC nm)) {-|Parses a function clause @ RHSOrWithBlock ::= RHS WhereOrTerminator | 'with' SimpleExpr OpenBlock FnDecl+ CloseBlock ; @ @ Clause ::= WExpr+ RHSOrWithBlock | SimpleExpr '<==' FnName RHS WhereOrTerminator | ArgExpr Operator ArgExpr WExpr* RHSOrWithBlock {- Except "=" and "?=" operators to avoid ambiguity -} | FnName ConstraintArg* ImplicitOrArgExpr* WExpr* RHSOrWithBlock ; @ @ ImplicitOrArgExpr ::= ImplicitArg | ArgExpr; @ @ WhereOrTerminator ::= WhereBlock | Terminator; @ -} clause :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PClause clause syn = do wargs <- try (do pushIndent; some (wExpr syn)) fc <- getFC ist <- get n <- case lastParse ist of Just t -> return t Nothing -> fail "Invalid clause" (do r <- rhs syn n let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [], syn_toplevel = False } (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn popIndent return x, do terminator return ([], [])] return $ PClauseR fc wargs r wheres) <|> (do popIndent reservedHL "with" wval <- simpleExpr syn pn <- optProof openBlock ds <- some $ fnDecl syn let withs = concat ds closeBlock return $ PWithR fc wargs wval pn withs) <|> do ty <- try (do pushIndent ty <- simpleExpr syn symbol "<==" return ty) fc <- getFC n_in <- fst <$> fnName; let n = expandNS syn n_in r <- rhs syn n ist <- get let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] } (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn popIndent return x, do terminator return ([], [])] let capp = PLet fc (sMN 0 "match") NoFC ty (PMatchApp fc n) (PRef fc [] (sMN 0 "match")) ist <- get put (ist { lastParse = Just n }) return $ PClause fc n capp [] r wheres <|> do (l, op, nfc) <- try (do pushIndent l <- argExpr syn (op, nfc) <- operatorFC when (op == "=" || op == "?=" ) $ fail "infix clause definition with \"=\" and \"?=\" not supported " return (l, op, nfc)) let n = expandNS syn (sUN op) r <- argExpr syn fc <- getFC wargs <- many (wExpr syn) (do rs <- rhs syn n let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] } (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn popIndent return x, do terminator return ([], [])] ist <- get let capp = PApp fc (PRef nfc [nfc] n) [pexp l, pexp r] put (ist { lastParse = Just n }) return $ PClause fc n capp wargs rs wheres) <|> (do popIndent reservedHL "with" wval <- bracketed syn pn <- optProof openBlock ds <- some $ fnDecl syn closeBlock ist <- get let capp = PApp fc (PRef fc [] n) [pexp l, pexp r] let withs = map (fillLHSD n capp wargs) $ concat ds put (ist { lastParse = Just n }) return $ PWith fc n capp wargs wval pn withs) <|> do pushIndent (n_in, nfc) <- fnName; let n = expandNS syn n_in fc <- getFC args <- many (try (implicitArg (syn { inPattern = True } )) <|> try (constraintArg (syn { inPattern = True })) <|> (fmap pexp (argExpr syn))) wargs <- many (wExpr syn) let capp = PApp fc (PRef nfc [nfc] n) args (do r <- rhs syn n ist <- get let ctxt = tt_ctxt ist let wsyn = syn { syn_namespace = [] } (wheres, nmap) <- choice [do x <- whereBlock n wsyn popIndent return x, do terminator return ([], [])] ist <- get put (ist { lastParse = Just n }) return $ PClause fc n capp wargs r wheres) <|> (do reservedHL "with" ist <- get put (ist { lastParse = Just n }) wval <- bracketed syn pn <- optProof openBlock ds <- some $ fnDecl syn let withs = map (fillLHSD n capp wargs) $ concat ds closeBlock popIndent return $ PWith fc n capp wargs wval pn withs) <?> "function clause" where optProof = option Nothing (do reservedHL "proof" n <- fnName return (Just n)) fillLHS :: Name -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> PClause -> PClause fillLHS n capp owargs (PClauseR fc wargs v ws) = PClause fc n capp (owargs ++ wargs) v ws fillLHS n capp owargs (PWithR fc wargs v pn ws) = PWith fc n capp (owargs ++ wargs) v pn (map (fillLHSD n capp (owargs ++ wargs)) ws) fillLHS _ _ _ c = c fillLHSD :: Name -> PTerm -> [PTerm] -> PDecl -> PDecl fillLHSD n c a (PClauses fc o fn cs) = PClauses fc o fn (map (fillLHS n c a) cs) fillLHSD n c a x = x {-| Parses with pattern @ WExpr ::= '|' Expr'; @ -} wExpr :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PTerm wExpr syn = do lchar '|' expr' (syn { inPattern = True }) <?> "with pattern" {-| Parses a where block @ WhereBlock ::= 'where' OpenBlock Decl+ CloseBlock; @ -} whereBlock :: Name -> SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser ([PDecl], [(Name, Name)]) whereBlock n syn = do reservedHL "where" ds <- indentedBlock1 (decl syn) let dns = concatMap (concatMap declared) ds return (concat ds, map (\x -> (x, decoration syn x)) dns) <?> "where block" {-|Parses a code generation target language name @ Codegen ::= 'C' | 'Java' | 'JavaScript' | 'Node' | 'LLVM' | 'Bytecode' ; @ -} codegen_ :: IdrisParser Codegen codegen_ = do n <- fst <$> identifier return (Via IBCFormat (map toLower n)) <|> do reserved "Bytecode"; return Bytecode <?> "code generation language" {-|Parses a compiler directive @ StringList ::= String | String ',' StringList ; @ @ Directive ::= '%' Directive'; @ @ Directive' ::= 'lib' CodeGen String_t | 'link' CodeGen String_t | 'flag' CodeGen String_t | 'include' CodeGen String_t | 'hide' Name | 'freeze' Name | 'thaw' Name | 'access' Accessibility | 'default' Totality | 'logging' Natural | 'dynamic' StringList | 'name' Name NameList | 'error_handlers' Name NameList | 'language' 'TypeProviders' | 'language' 'ErrorReflection' | 'deprecated' Name String | 'fragile' Name Reason ; @ -} directive :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] directive syn = do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "lib") cgn <- codegen_ lib <- fmap fst stringLiteral return [PDirective (DLib cgn lib)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "link") cgn <- codegen_; obj <- fst <$> stringLiteral return [PDirective (DLink cgn obj)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "flag") cgn <- codegen_; flag <- fst <$> stringLiteral return [PDirective (DFlag cgn flag)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "include") cgn <- codegen_ hdr <- fst <$> stringLiteral return [PDirective (DInclude cgn hdr)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "hide"); n <- fst <$> fnName return [PDirective (DHide n)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "freeze"); n <- fst <$> iName [] return [PDirective (DFreeze n)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "thaw"); n <- fst <$> iName [] return [PDirective (DThaw n)] -- injectivity assertins are intended for debugging purposes -- only, and won't be documented/could be removed at any point <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "assert_injective"); n <- fst <$> fnName return [PDirective (DInjective n)] -- Assert totality of something after definition. This is -- here as a debugging aid, so commented out... -- <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "assert_set_total"); n <- fst <$> fnName -- return [PDirective (DSetTotal n)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "access") acc <- accessibility ist <- get put ist { default_access = acc } return [PDirective (DAccess acc)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "default"); tot <- totality i <- get put (i { default_total = tot } ) return [PDirective (DDefault tot)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "logging") i <- fst <$> natural return [PDirective (DLogging i)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "dynamic") libs <- sepBy1 (fmap fst stringLiteral) (lchar ',') return [PDirective (DDynamicLibs libs)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "name") (ty, tyFC) <- fnName ns <- sepBy1 name (lchar ',') return [PDirective (DNameHint ty tyFC ns)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "error_handlers") (fn, nfc) <- fnName (arg, afc) <- fnName ns <- sepBy1 name (lchar ',') return [PDirective (DErrorHandlers fn nfc arg afc ns) ] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "language"); ext <- pLangExt; return [PDirective (DLanguage ext)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "deprecate") n <- fst <$> fnName alt <- option "" (fst <$> stringLiteral) return [PDirective (DDeprecate n alt)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "fragile") n <- fst <$> fnName alt <- option "" (fst <$> stringLiteral) return [PDirective (DFragile n alt)] <|> do fc <- getFC try (lchar '%' *> reserved "used") fn <- fst <$> fnName arg <- fst <$> iName [] return [PDirective (DUsed fc fn arg)] <|> do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "auto_implicits") b <- on_off return [PDirective (DAutoImplicits b)] <?> "directive" where on_off = do reserved "on"; return True <|> do reserved "off"; return False pLangExt :: IdrisParser LanguageExt pLangExt = (reserved "TypeProviders" >> return TypeProviders) <|> (reserved "ErrorReflection" >> return ErrorReflection) <|> (reserved "UniquenessTypes" >> return UniquenessTypes) <|> (reserved "LinearTypes" >> return LinearTypes) <|> (reserved "DSLNotation" >> return DSLNotation) <|> (reserved "ElabReflection" >> return ElabReflection) <|> (reserved "FirstClassReflection" >> return FCReflection) {-| Parses a totality @ Totality ::= 'partial' | 'total' | 'covering' @ -} totality :: IdrisParser DefaultTotality totality = do reservedHL "total"; return DefaultCheckingTotal <|> do reservedHL "partial"; return DefaultCheckingPartial <|> do reservedHL "covering"; return DefaultCheckingCovering {-| Parses a type provider @ Provider ::= DocComment_t? '%' 'provide' Provider_What? '(' FnName TypeSig ')' 'with' Expr; ProviderWhat ::= 'proof' | 'term' | 'type' | 'postulate' @ -} provider :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] provider syn = do doc <- try (do (doc, _) <- docstring syn fc1 <- getFC lchar '%' fc2 <- reservedFC "provide" highlightP (spanFC fc1 fc2) AnnKeyword return doc) provideTerm doc <|> providePostulate doc <?> "type provider" where provideTerm doc = do lchar '('; (n, nfc) <- fnName; lchar ':'; t <- typeExpr syn; lchar ')' fc <- getFC reservedHL "with" e <- expr syn <?> "provider expression" return [PProvider doc syn fc nfc (ProvTerm t e) n] providePostulate doc = do reservedHL "postulate" (n, nfc) <- fnName fc <- getFC reservedHL "with" e <- expr syn <?> "provider expression" return [PProvider doc syn fc nfc (ProvPostulate e) n] {-| Parses a transform @ Transform ::= '%' 'transform' Expr '==>' Expr @ -} transform :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser [PDecl] transform syn = do try (lchar '%' *> reserved "transform") -- leave it unchecked, until we work out what this should -- actually mean... -- safety <- option True (do reserved "unsafe" -- return False) l <- expr syn fc <- getFC symbol "==>" r <- expr syn return [PTransform fc False l r] <?> "transform" {-| Parses a top-level reflected elaborator script @ RunElabDecl ::= '%' 'runElab' Expr @ -} runElabDecl :: SyntaxInfo -> IdrisParser PDecl runElabDecl syn = do kwFC <- try (do fc <- getFC lchar '%' fc' <- reservedFC "runElab" return (spanFC fc fc')) script <- expr syn <?> "elaborator script" highlightP kwFC AnnKeyword return $ PRunElabDecl kwFC script (syn_namespace syn) <?> "top-level elaborator script" {- * Loading and parsing -} {-| Parses an expression from input -} parseExpr :: IState -> String -> Result PTerm parseExpr st = runparser (fullExpr defaultSyntax) st "(input)" {-| Parses a constant form input -} parseConst :: IState -> String -> Result Const parseConst st = runparser (fmap fst constant) st "(input)" {-| Parses a tactic from input -} parseTactic :: IState -> String -> Result PTactic parseTactic st = runparser (fullTactic defaultSyntax) st "(input)" {-| Parses a do-step from input (used in the elab shell) -} parseElabShellStep :: IState -> String -> Result (Either ElabShellCmd PDo) parseElabShellStep ist = runparser (fmap Right (do_ defaultSyntax) <|> fmap Left elabShellCmd) ist "(input)" where elabShellCmd = char ':' >> (reserved "qed" >> pure EQED ) <|> (reserved "abandon" >> pure EAbandon ) <|> (reserved "undo" >> pure EUndo ) <|> (reserved "state" >> pure EProofState) <|> (reserved "term" >> pure EProofTerm ) <|> (expressionTactic ["e", "eval"] EEval ) <|> (expressionTactic ["t", "type"] ECheck) <|> (expressionTactic ["search"] ESearch ) <|> (do reserved "doc" doc <- (Right . fst <$> constant) <|> (Left . fst <$> fnName) eof return (EDocStr doc)) <?> "elab command" expressionTactic cmds tactic = do asum (map reserved cmds) t <- spaced (expr defaultSyntax) i <- get return $ tactic (desugar defaultSyntax i t) spaced parser = indentPropHolds gtProp *> parser -- | Parse module header and imports parseImports :: FilePath -> String -> Idris (Maybe (Docstring ()), [String], [ImportInfo], Maybe Delta) parseImports fname input = do i <- getIState case parseString (runInnerParser (evalStateT imports i)) (Directed (UTF8.fromString fname) 0 0 0 0) input of Failure (ErrInfo err _) -> fail (show err) Success (x, annots, i) -> do putIState i fname' <- runIO $ Dir.makeAbsolute fname sendHighlighting $ addPath annots fname' return x where imports :: IdrisParser ((Maybe (Docstring ()), [String], [ImportInfo], Maybe Delta), [(FC, OutputAnnotation)], IState) imports = do optional shebang whiteSpace (mdoc, mname, annots) <- moduleHeader ps_exp <- many import_ mrk <- mark isEof <- lookAheadMatches eof let mrk' = if isEof then Nothing else Just mrk i <- get -- add Builtins and Prelude, unless options say -- not to let ps = ps_exp -- imp "Builtins" : imp "Prelude" : ps_exp return ((mdoc, mname, ps, mrk'), annots, i) imp m = ImportInfo False (toPath m) Nothing [] NoFC NoFC ns = Spl.splitOn "." toPath = foldl1' (</>) . ns addPath :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)] -> FilePath -> [(FC, OutputAnnotation)] addPath [] _ = [] addPath ((fc, AnnNamespace ns Nothing) : annots) path = (fc, AnnNamespace ns (Just path)) : addPath annots path addPath (annot:annots) path = annot : addPath annots path shebang :: IdrisParser () shebang = string "#!" *> many (satisfy $ not . isEol) *> eol *> pure () -- | There should be a better way of doing this... findFC :: Doc -> (FC, String) findFC x = let s = show (plain x) in findFC' s where findFC' s = case span (/= ':') s of -- Horrid kludge to prevent crashes on Windows (prefix, ':':'\\':rest) -> case findFC' rest of (NoFC, msg) -> (NoFC, msg) (FileFC f, msg) -> (FileFC (prefix ++ ":\\" ++ f), msg) (FC f start end, msg) -> (FC (prefix ++ ":\\" ++ f) start end, msg) (failname, ':':rest) -> case span isDigit rest of (line, ':':rest') -> case span isDigit rest' of (col, ':':msg) -> let pos = (read line, read col) in (FC failname pos pos, msg) -- | Check if the coloring matches the options and corrects if necessary fixColour :: Bool -> ANSI.Doc -> ANSI.Doc fixColour False doc = ANSI.plain doc fixColour True doc = doc -- | A program is a list of declarations, possibly with associated -- documentation strings. parseProg :: SyntaxInfo -> FilePath -> String -> Maybe Delta -> Idris [PDecl] parseProg syn fname input mrk = do i <- getIState case runparser mainProg i fname input of Failure (ErrInfo doc _) -> do -- FIXME: Get error location from trifecta -- this can't be the solution! -- Issue #1575 on the issue tracker. -- let (fc, msg) = findFC doc i <- getIState case idris_outputmode i of RawOutput h -> iputStrLn (show $ fixColour (idris_colourRepl i) doc) IdeMode n h -> iWarn fc (P.text msg) putIState (i { errSpan = Just fc }) return [] Success (x, i) -> do putIState i reportParserWarnings return $ collect x where mainProg :: IdrisParser ([PDecl], IState) mainProg = case mrk of Nothing -> do i <- get; return ([], i) Just mrk -> do release mrk ds <- prog syn i' <- get return (ds, i') {-| Load idris module and show error if something wrong happens -} loadModule :: FilePath -> IBCPhase -> Idris (Maybe String) loadModule f phase = idrisCatch (loadModule' f phase) (\e -> do setErrSpan (getErrSpan e) ist <- getIState iWarn (getErrSpan e) $ pprintErr ist e return Nothing) {-| Load idris module -} loadModule' :: FilePath -> IBCPhase -> Idris (Maybe String) loadModule' f phase = do i <- getIState let file = takeWhile (/= ' ') f ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i ids <- allImportDirs fp <- findImport ids ibcsd file if file `elem` imported i then do logParser 1 $ "Already read " ++ file return Nothing else do putIState (i { imported = file : imported i }) case fp of IDR fn -> loadSource False fn Nothing LIDR fn -> loadSource True fn Nothing IBC fn src -> idrisCatch (loadIBC True phase fn) (\c -> do logParser 1 $ fn ++ " failed " ++ pshow i c case src of IDR sfn -> loadSource False sfn Nothing LIDR sfn -> loadSource True sfn Nothing) return $ Just file {-| Load idris code from file -} loadFromIFile :: Bool -> IBCPhase -> IFileType -> Maybe Int -> Idris () loadFromIFile reexp phase i@(IBC fn src) maxline = do logParser 1 $ "Skipping " ++ getSrcFile i idrisCatch (loadIBC reexp phase fn) (\err -> ierror $ LoadingFailed fn err) where getSrcFile (IDR fn) = fn getSrcFile (LIDR fn) = fn getSrcFile (IBC f src) = getSrcFile src loadFromIFile _ _ (IDR fn) maxline = loadSource' False fn maxline loadFromIFile _ _ (LIDR fn) maxline = loadSource' True fn maxline {-| Load idris source code and show error if something wrong happens -} loadSource' :: Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Idris () loadSource' lidr r maxline = idrisCatch (loadSource lidr r maxline) (\e -> do setErrSpan (getErrSpan e) ist <- getIState case e of At f e' -> iWarn f (pprintErr ist e') _ -> iWarn (getErrSpan e) (pprintErr ist e)) {-| Load Idris source code-} loadSource :: Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Int -> Idris () loadSource lidr f toline = do logParser 1 ("Reading " ++ f) iReport 2 ("Reading " ++ f) i <- getIState let def_total = default_total i file_in <- runIO $ readSource f file <- if lidr then tclift $ unlit f file_in else return file_in (mdocs, mname, imports_in, pos) <- parseImports f file ai <- getAutoImports let imports = map (\n -> ImportInfo True n Nothing [] NoFC NoFC) ai ++ imports_in ids <- allImportDirs ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i mapM_ (\(re, f, ns, nfc) -> do fp <- findImport ids ibcsd f case fp of LIDR fn -> ifail $ "No ibc for " ++ f IDR fn -> ifail $ "No ibc for " ++ f IBC fn src -> do loadIBC True IBC_Building fn let srcFn = case src of IDR fn -> Just fn LIDR fn -> Just fn _ -> Nothing srcFnAbs <- case srcFn of Just fn -> fmap Just (runIO $ Dir.makeAbsolute fn) Nothing -> return Nothing sendHighlighting [(nfc, AnnNamespace ns srcFnAbs)]) [(re, fn, ns, nfc) | ImportInfo re fn _ ns _ nfc <- imports] reportParserWarnings sendParserHighlighting -- process and check module aliases let modAliases = M.fromList [ (prep alias, prep realName) | ImportInfo { import_reexport = reexport , import_path = realName , import_rename = Just (alias, _) , import_location = fc } <- imports ] prep = map T.pack . reverse . Spl.splitOn [pathSeparator] aliasNames = [ (alias, fc) | ImportInfo { import_rename = Just (alias, _) , import_location = fc } <- imports ] histogram = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (comparing fst) $ aliasNames case map head . filter ((/= 1) . length) $ histogram of [] -> logParser 3 $ "Module aliases: " ++ show (M.toList modAliases) (n,fc):_ -> throwError . At fc . Msg $ "import alias not unique: " ++ show n i <- getIState putIState (i { default_access = Private, module_aliases = modAliases }) clearIBC -- start a new .ibc file -- record package info in .ibc imps <- allImportDirs mapM_ addIBC (map IBCImportDir imps) mapM_ (addIBC . IBCImport) [ (reexport, realName) | ImportInfo { import_reexport = reexport , import_path = realName } <- imports ] let syntax = defaultSyntax{ syn_namespace = reverse mname, maxline = toline } ist <- getIState -- Save the span from parsing the module header, because -- an empty program parse might obliterate it. let oldSpan = idris_parsedSpan ist ds' <- parseProg syntax f file pos case (ds', oldSpan) of ([], Just fc) -> -- If no program elements were parsed, we dind't -- get a loaded region in the IBC file. That -- means we need to add it back. do ist <- getIState putIState ist { idris_parsedSpan = oldSpan , ibc_write = IBCParsedRegion fc : ibc_write ist } _ -> return () sendParserHighlighting -- Parsing done, now process declarations let ds = namespaces mname ds' logParser 3 (show $ showDecls verbosePPOption ds) i <- getIState logLvl 10 (show (toAlist (idris_implicits i))) logLvl 3 (show (idris_infixes i)) -- Now add all the declarations to the context iReport 1 $ "Type checking " ++ f -- we totality check after every Mutual block, so if -- anything is a single definition, wrap it in a -- mutual block on its own elabDecls (toplevelWith f) (map toMutual ds) i <- getIState -- simplify every definition do give the totality checker -- a better chance mapM_ (\n -> do logLvl 5 $ "Simplifying " ++ show n ctxt' <- do ctxt <- getContext tclift $ simplifyCasedef n [] [] (getErasureInfo i) ctxt setContext ctxt') (map snd (idris_totcheck i)) -- build size change graph from simplified definitions iReport 3 $ "Totality checking " ++ f logLvl 1 $ "Totality checking " ++ f i <- getIState mapM_ buildSCG (idris_totcheck i) mapM_ checkDeclTotality (idris_totcheck i) mapM_ verifyTotality (idris_totcheck i) -- Redo totality check for deferred names let deftots = idris_defertotcheck i logLvl 2 $ "Totality checking " ++ show deftots mapM_ (\x -> do tot <- getTotality x case tot of Total _ -> do let opts = case lookupCtxtExact x (idris_flags i) of Just os -> os Nothing -> [] when (AssertTotal `notElem` opts) $ setTotality x Unchecked _ -> return ()) (map snd deftots) mapM_ buildSCG deftots mapM_ checkDeclTotality deftots logLvl 1 ("Finished " ++ f) ibcsd <- valIBCSubDir i logLvl 1 $ "Universe checking " ++ f iReport 3 $ "Universe checking " ++ f iucheck let ibc = ibcPathNoFallback ibcsd f i <- getIState addHides (hide_list i) -- Save module documentation if applicable i <- getIState case mdocs of Nothing -> return () Just docs -> addModDoc syntax mname docs -- Finally, write an ibc and highlights if checking was successful ok <- noErrors when ok $ do idrisCatch (do writeIBC f ibc; clearIBC) (\c -> return ()) -- failure is harmless hl <- getDumpHighlighting when hl $ idrisCatch (writeHighlights f) (const $ return ()) -- failure is harmless clearHighlights i <- getIState putIState (i { default_total = def_total, hide_list = emptyContext }) return () where namespaces :: [String] -> [PDecl] -> [PDecl] namespaces [] ds = ds namespaces (x:xs) ds = [PNamespace x NoFC (namespaces xs ds)] toMutual :: PDecl -> PDecl toMutual m@(PMutual _ d) = m toMutual (PNamespace x fc ds) = PNamespace x fc (map toMutual ds) toMutual x = let r = PMutual (fileFC "single mutual") [x] in case x of PClauses{} -> r PInterface{} -> r PData{} -> r PImplementation{} -> r _ -> x addModDoc :: SyntaxInfo -> [String] -> Docstring () -> Idris () addModDoc syn mname docs = do ist <- getIState docs' <- elabDocTerms (toplevelWith f) (parsedDocs ist) let modDocs' = addDef docName docs' (idris_moduledocs ist) putIState ist { idris_moduledocs = modDocs' } addIBC (IBCModDocs docName) where docName = NS modDocName (map T.pack (reverse mname)) parsedDocs ist = annotCode (tryFullExpr syn ist) docs {-| Adds names to hide list -} addHides :: Ctxt Accessibility -> Idris () addHides xs = do i <- getIState let defh = default_access i mapM_ doHide (toAlist xs) where doHide (n, a) = do setAccessibility n a addIBC (IBCAccess n a)
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010 #-} {-# LINE 1 "Network/Sendfile/Types.hs" #-} module Network.Sendfile.Types where -- | -- File range for 'sendfile'. data FileRange = EntireFile | PartOfFile { rangeOffset :: Integer , rangeLength :: Integer }
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Rede.SimpleHTTP1Response(exampleHTTP11Response, exampleHTTP20Response, shortResponse) where import qualified Data.ByteString as B -- Just to check what a browser thinks about this port exampleHTTP11Response :: B.ByteString exampleHTTP11Response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\ \Content-Length: 1418\r\n\ \Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100\r\n\ \Content-Type: text/html\r\n\ \\r\n\ \<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\r\n\ \<HTML>\r\n\ \ <HEAD>\r\n\ \ <TITLE> [Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\r\n\ \ </TITLE>\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"Index\" HREF=\"index.html\" >\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"made\" HREF=\"\">\r\n\ \ <META NAME=\"robots\" CONTENT=\"index,nofollow\">\r\n\ \ <META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\">\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"Previous\" HREF=\"013910.html\">\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"Next\" HREF=\"013901.html\">\r\n\ \ </HEAD>\r\n\ \ <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\r\n\ \ <H1>[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?</H1>\r\n\ \ <B>Sebastian Sylvan</B> \r\n\ \ <A HREF=\"\"\r\n\ \ TITLE=\"[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\">sebastian.sylvan at\r\n\ \ </A><BR>\r\n\ \ <I>Thu Jan 12 11:04:43 EST 2006</I>\r\n\ \ <P><UL>\r\n\ \ <LI>Previous message: <A HREF=\"013910.html\">[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\r\n\ \</A></li>\r\n\ \ <LI>Next message: <A HREF=\"013901.html\">[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\r\n\ \</A></li>\r\n\ \ <LI> <B>Messages sorted by:</B> \r\n\ \ <a href=\"date.html#13911\">[ date ]</a>\r\n\ \ <a href=\"thread.html#13911\">[ thread ]</a>\r\n\ \ <a href=\"subject.html#13911\">[ subject ]</a>\r\n\ \ <a href=\"author.html#13911\">[ author ]</a>\r\n\ \ </LI>\r\n\ \ </UL>\r\n\ \ <HR> \r\n\ \<!--beginarticle-->\r\n\ \<PRE>On 1/12/06, Henning Thielemann &lt;<A HREF=\"\">lemming at</A>&gt; wrote:\r\n\ \&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Jason Dagit wrote:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; On Jan 12, 2006, at 1:34 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Michael Vanier wrote:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; Is there any support for multi-line string literals in Haskell? I've\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; done a web search and come up empty. I'm thinking of using\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; Haskell to\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; generate web pages and having multi-line strings would be very\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; useful.\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; Do you mean\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; unlines [&quot;first line&quot;, &quot;second line&quot;, &quot;third line&quot;]\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; The original poster probably meant something like this:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; let foo = &quot;This is a\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; long string\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Which does not end until the matching end quote.&quot;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> I don't see the need for it, since\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> unlines [\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &quot;first line&quot;,\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &quot;second line&quot;,\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &quot;third line&quot;]\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> works as well.\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>\r\n\ \Nevertheless Haskell supports multiline strings (although it seems\r\n\ \like a lot of people don't know about it). You escape it using and\r\n\ \then another where the string starts again.\r\n\ \\r\n\ \str = &quot;multi \r\n\ \ \\line&quot; \r\n\ \\r\n\ \Prelude&gt;str\r\n\ \&quot;multiline&quot;\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \/S\r\n\ \\r\n\ \--\r\n\ \Sebastian Sylvan\r\n\ \+46(0)736-818655\r\n\ \UIN: 44640862\r\n\ \</PRE>\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \<!--endarticle-->\r\n\ \ <HR>\r\n\ \ <P><UL>\r\n\ \ <!--threads-->\r\n\ \<a href=\"\">More information about the Haskell-Cafe\r\n\ \mailing list</a><br>\r\n\ \</body></html>\r\n\ \\r\n" exampleHTTP20Response :: B.ByteString exampleHTTP20Response = "\ \<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\">\r\n\ \<HTML>\r\n\ \ <HEAD>\r\n\ \ <TITLE> [Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\r\n\ \ </TITLE>\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"Index\" HREF=\"index.html\" >\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"made\" HREF=\"\">\r\n\ \ <META NAME=\"robots\" CONTENT=\"index,nofollow\">\r\n\ \ <META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=us-ascii\">\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"Previous\" HREF=\"013910.html\">\r\n\ \ <LINK REL=\"Next\" HREF=\"013901.html\">\r\n\ \ </HEAD>\r\n\ \ <BODY BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\r\n\ \ <H1>[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?</H1>\r\n\ \ <B>Sebastian Sylvan</B> \r\n\ \ <A HREF=\"\"\r\n\ \ TITLE=\"[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\">sebastian.sylvan at\r\n\ \ </A><BR>\r\n\ \ <I>Thu Jan 12 11:04:43 EST 2006</I>\r\n\ \ <P><UL>\r\n\ \ <LI>Previous message: <A HREF=\"013910.html\">[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\r\n\ \</A></li>\r\n\ \ <LI>Next message: <A HREF=\"013901.html\">[Haskell-cafe] multiline strings in haskell?\r\n\ \</A></li>\r\n\ \ <LI> <B>Messages sorted by:</B> \r\n\ \ <a href=\"date.html#13911\">[ date ]</a>\r\n\ \ <a href=\"thread.html#13911\">[ thread ]</a>\r\n\ \ <a href=\"subject.html#13911\">[ subject ]</a>\r\n\ \ <a href=\"author.html#13911\">[ author ]</a>\r\n\ \ </LI>\r\n\ \ </UL>\r\n\ \ <HR> \r\n\ \<!--beginarticle-->\r\n\ \<PRE>On 1/12/06, Henning Thielemann &lt;<A HREF=\"\">lemming at</A>&gt; wrote:\r\n\ \&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Jason Dagit wrote:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; On Jan 12, 2006, at 1:34 AM, Henning Thielemann wrote:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; On Wed, 11 Jan 2006, Michael Vanier wrote:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; Is there any support for multi-line string literals in Haskell? I've\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; done a web search and come up empty. I'm thinking of using\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; Haskell to\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; generate web pages and having multi-line strings would be very\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;&gt; useful.\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; Do you mean\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; unlines [&quot;first line&quot;, &quot;second line&quot;, &quot;third line&quot;]\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; The original poster probably meant something like this:\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; let foo = &quot;This is a\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; long string\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Which does not end until the matching end quote.&quot;\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> I don't see the need for it, since\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> unlines [\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &quot;first line&quot;,\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &quot;second line&quot;,\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> &quot;third line&quot;]\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i> works as well.\r\n\ \</I>&gt;<i>\r\n\ \</I>\r\n\ \Nevertheless Haskell supports multiline strings (although it seems\r\n\ \like a lot of people don't know about it). You escape it using and\r\n\ \then another where the string starts again.\r\n\ \\r\n\ \str = &quot;multi \r\n\ \ \\line&quot; \r\n\ \\r\n\ \Prelude&gt;str\r\n\ \&quot;multiline&quot;\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \/S\r\n\ \\r\n\ \--\r\n\ \Sebastian Sylvan\r\n\ \+46(0)736-818655\r\n\ \UIN: 44640862\r\n\ \</PRE>\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \\r\n\ \<!--endarticle-->\r\n\ \ <HR>\r\n\ \ <P><UL>\r\n\ \ <!--threads-->\r\n\ \<a href=\"\">More information about the Haskell-Cafe\r\n\ \mailing list</a><br>\r\n\ \</body></html>\r\n\ \\r\n" shortResponse :: B.ByteString shortResponse = "<html><head>hello world!</head></html>\ \"
-- | -- Module : Network.SimpleIRC -- Copyright : (c) Dominik Picheta 2010 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : Alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Simple and efficient IRC Library -- module Network.SimpleIRC ( -- * Core module Network.SimpleIRC.Core -- * Messages , module Network.SimpleIRC.Messages ) where import Network.SimpleIRC.Core import Network.SimpleIRC.Messages
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="ru-RU"> <title>&gt;Запуск приложений | ZAP-расширения </title> <maps> <homeID>top</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Содержание</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Индекс</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Поиск</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Избранное</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | Create new a new project directory populated with a basic working -- project. module Stack.New ( new , NewOpts(..) , defaultTemplateName , templateNameArgument , getTemplates , TemplateName , listTemplates) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types import qualified Data.ByteString as SB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Conduit import Data.Foldable (asum) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Maybe.Extra (mapMaybeM) import Data.Monoid import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T (lenientDecode) import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import Network.HTTP.Download import Network.HTTP.Simple import Path import Path.IO import Prelude import Stack.Constants import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.PackageName import Stack.Types.StackT import Stack.Types.TemplateName import System.Process.Run import Text.Hastache import Text.Hastache.Context import Text.Printf import Text.ProjectTemplate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main project creation -- | Options for creating a new project. data NewOpts = NewOpts { newOptsProjectName :: PackageName -- ^ Name of the project to create. , newOptsCreateBare :: Bool -- ^ Whether to create the project without a directory. , newOptsTemplate :: Maybe TemplateName -- ^ Name of the template to use. , newOptsNonceParams :: Map Text Text -- ^ Nonce parameters specified just for this invocation. } -- | Create a new project with the given options. new :: (StackM env m, HasConfig env) => NewOpts -> Bool -> m (Path Abs Dir) new opts forceOverwrite = do pwd <- getCurrentDir absDir <- if bare then return pwd else do relDir <- parseRelDir (packageNameString project) liftM (pwd </>) (return relDir) exists <- doesDirExist absDir configTemplate <- view $ configDefaultTemplate let template = fromMaybe defaultTemplateName $ asum [ cliOptionTemplate , configTemplate ] if exists && not bare then throwM (AlreadyExists absDir) else do templateText <- loadTemplate template (logUsing absDir template) files <- applyTemplate project template (newOptsNonceParams opts) absDir templateText when (not forceOverwrite && bare) $ checkForOverwrite (M.keys files) writeTemplateFiles files runTemplateInits absDir return absDir where cliOptionTemplate = newOptsTemplate opts project = newOptsProjectName opts bare = newOptsCreateBare opts logUsing absDir template templateFrom = let loading = case templateFrom of LocalTemp -> "Loading local" RemoteTemp -> "Downloading" in $logInfo (loading <> " template \"" <> templateName template <> "\" to create project \"" <> packageNameText project <> "\" in " <> if bare then "the current directory" else T.pack (toFilePath (dirname absDir)) <> " ...") data TemplateFrom = LocalTemp | RemoteTemp -- | Download and read in a template's text content. loadTemplate :: forall env m. (StackM env m, HasConfig env) => TemplateName -> (TemplateFrom -> m ()) -> m Text loadTemplate name logIt = do templateDir <- view $ templatesDir case templatePath name of AbsPath absFile -> logIt LocalTemp >> loadLocalFile absFile UrlPath s -> do req <- parseRequest s let rel = fromMaybe backupUrlRelPath (parseRelFile s) downloadTemplate req (templateDir </> rel) RelPath relFile -> catch (do f <- loadLocalFile relFile logIt LocalTemp return f) (\(e :: NewException) -> case relRequest relFile of Just req -> downloadTemplate req (templateDir </> relFile) Nothing -> throwM e ) where loadLocalFile :: Path b File -> m Text loadLocalFile path = do $logDebug ("Opening local template: \"" <> T.pack (toFilePath path) <> "\"") exists <- doesFileExist path if exists then liftIO (fmap (T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode) (SB.readFile (toFilePath path))) else throwM (FailedToLoadTemplate name (toFilePath path)) relRequest :: MonadThrow n => Path Rel File -> n Request relRequest rel = parseRequest (defaultTemplateUrl <> "/" <> toFilePath rel) downloadTemplate :: Request -> Path Abs File -> m Text downloadTemplate req path = do logIt RemoteTemp _ <- catch (redownload req path) (throwM . FailedToDownloadTemplate name) loadLocalFile path backupUrlRelPath = $(mkRelFile "downloaded.template.file.hsfiles") -- | Apply and unpack a template into a directory. applyTemplate :: (StackM env m, HasConfig env) => PackageName -> TemplateName -> Map Text Text -> Path Abs Dir -> Text -> m (Map (Path Abs File) LB.ByteString) applyTemplate project template nonceParams dir templateText = do config <- view configL currentYear <- do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime (year, _, _) <- return $ toGregorian . utctDay $ now return $ T.pack . show $ year let context = M.union (M.union nonceParams extraParams) configParams where nameAsVarId = T.replace "-" "_" $ packageNameText project nameAsModule = T.filter (/= '-') $ T.toTitle $ packageNameText project extraParams = M.fromList [ ("name", packageNameText project) , ("name-as-varid", nameAsVarId) , ("name-as-module", nameAsModule) , ("year", currentYear) ] configParams = configTemplateParams config (applied,missingKeys) <- runWriterT (hastacheStr defaultConfig { muEscapeFunc = id } templateText (mkStrContextM (contextFunction context))) unless (S.null missingKeys) ($logInfo ("\n" <> T.pack (show (MissingParameters project template missingKeys (configUserConfigPath config))) <> "\n")) files :: Map FilePath LB.ByteString <- catch (execWriterT $ yield (T.encodeUtf8 (LT.toStrict applied)) $$ unpackTemplate receiveMem id ) (\(e :: ProjectTemplateException) -> throwM (InvalidTemplate template (show e))) when (M.null files) $ throwM (InvalidTemplate template "Template does not contain any files") let isPkgSpec f = ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` f || f == "package.yaml" unless (any isPkgSpec . M.keys $ files) $ throwM (InvalidTemplate template "Template does not contain a .cabal \ \or package.yaml file") liftM M.fromList (mapM (\(fp,bytes) -> do path <- parseRelFile fp return (dir </> path, bytes)) (M.toList files)) where -- | Does a lookup in the context and returns a moustache value, -- on the side, writes out a set of keys that were requested but -- not found. contextFunction :: Monad m => Map Text Text -> String -> WriterT (Set String) m (MuType (WriterT (Set String) m)) contextFunction context key = case M.lookup (T.pack key) context of Nothing -> do tell (S.singleton key) return MuNothing Just value -> return (MuVariable value) -- | Check if we're going to overwrite any existing files. checkForOverwrite :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => [Path Abs File] -> m () checkForOverwrite files = do overwrites <- filterM doesFileExist files unless (null overwrites) $ throwM (AttemptedOverwrites overwrites) -- | Write files to the new project directory. writeTemplateFiles :: MonadIO m => Map (Path Abs File) LB.ByteString -> m () writeTemplateFiles files = forM_ (M.toList files) (\(fp,bytes) -> do ensureDir (parent fp) liftIO (LB.writeFile (toFilePath fp) bytes)) -- | Run any initialization functions, such as Git. runTemplateInits :: (StackM env m, HasConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -> m () runTemplateInits dir = do menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride config <- view configL case configScmInit config of Nothing -> return () Just Git -> catch (callProcess $ Cmd (Just dir) "git" menv ["init"]) (\(_ :: ProcessExitedUnsuccessfully) -> $logInfo "git init failed to run, ignoring ...") -- | Display the set of templates accompanied with description if available. listTemplates :: StackM env m => m () listTemplates = do templates <- getTemplates templateInfo <- getTemplateInfo if not . M.null $ templateInfo then do let keySizes = map (T.length . templateName) $ S.toList templates padWidth = show $ maximum keySizes outputfmt = "%-" <> padWidth <> "s %s\n" headerfmt = "%-" <> padWidth <> "s %s\n" liftIO $ printf headerfmt ("Template"::String) ("Description"::String) forM_ (S.toList templates) (\x -> do let name = templateName x desc = fromMaybe "" $ liftM (mappend "- ") (M.lookup name templateInfo >>= description) liftIO $ printf outputfmt (T.unpack name) (T.unpack desc)) else mapM_ (liftIO . T.putStrLn . templateName) (S.toList templates) -- | Get the set of templates. getTemplates :: StackM env m => m (Set TemplateName) getTemplates = do req <- liftM setGithubHeaders (parseUrlThrow defaultTemplatesList) resp <- catch (httpJSON req) (throwM . FailedToDownloadTemplates) case getResponseStatusCode resp of 200 -> return $ unTemplateSet $ getResponseBody resp code -> throwM (BadTemplatesResponse code) getTemplateInfo :: StackM env m => m (Map Text TemplateInfo) getTemplateInfo = do req <- liftM setGithubHeaders (parseUrlThrow defaultTemplateInfoUrl) resp <- catch (liftM Right $ httpLbs req) (\(ex :: HttpException) -> return . Left $ "Failed to download template info. The HTTP error was: " <> show ex) case resp >>= is200 of Left err -> do liftIO . putStrLn $ err return M.empty Right resp' -> case Yaml.decodeEither (LB.toStrict $ getResponseBody resp') :: Either String Object of Left err -> throwM $ BadTemplateInfo err Right o -> return (M.mapMaybe (Yaml.parseMaybe Yaml.parseJSON) (M.fromList . HM.toList $ o) :: Map Text TemplateInfo) where is200 resp = case getResponseStatusCode resp of 200 -> return resp code -> Left $ "Unexpected status code while retrieving templates info: " <> show code newtype TemplateSet = TemplateSet { unTemplateSet :: Set TemplateName } instance FromJSON TemplateSet where parseJSON = fmap TemplateSet . parseTemplateSet -- | Parser the set of templates from the JSON. parseTemplateSet :: Value -> Parser (Set TemplateName) parseTemplateSet a = do xs <- parseJSON a fmap S.fromList (mapMaybeM parseTemplate xs) where parseTemplate v = do o <- parseJSON v name <- o .: "name" if ".hsfiles" `isSuffixOf` name then case parseTemplateNameFromString name of Left{} -> fail ("Unable to parse template name from " <> name) Right template -> return (Just template) else return Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Defaults -- | The default template name you can use if you don't have one. defaultTemplateName :: TemplateName defaultTemplateName = $(mkTemplateName "new-template") -- | Default web root URL to download from. defaultTemplateUrl :: String defaultTemplateUrl = "" -- | Default web URL to get a yaml file containing template metadata. defaultTemplateInfoUrl :: String defaultTemplateInfoUrl = "" -- | Default web URL to list the repo contents. defaultTemplatesList :: String defaultTemplatesList = "" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exceptions -- | Exception that might occur when making a new project. data NewException = FailedToLoadTemplate !TemplateName !FilePath | FailedToDownloadTemplate !TemplateName !DownloadException | FailedToDownloadTemplates !HttpException | BadTemplatesResponse !Int | AlreadyExists !(Path Abs Dir) | MissingParameters !PackageName !TemplateName !(Set String) !(Path Abs File) | InvalidTemplate !TemplateName !String | AttemptedOverwrites [Path Abs File] | FailedToDownloadTemplateInfo !HttpException | BadTemplateInfo !String | BadTemplateInfoResponse !Int deriving (Typeable) instance Exception NewException instance Show NewException where show (FailedToLoadTemplate name path) = "Failed to load download template " <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> " from " <> path show (FailedToDownloadTemplate name (RedownloadFailed _ _ resp)) = case getResponseStatusCode resp of 404 -> "That template doesn't exist. Run `stack templates' to see a list of available templates." code -> "Failed to download template " <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> ": unknown reason, status code was: " <> show code show (AlreadyExists path) = "Directory " <> toFilePath path <> " already exists. Aborting." show (FailedToDownloadTemplates ex) = "Failed to download templates. The HTTP error was: " <> show ex show (BadTemplatesResponse code) = "Unexpected status code while retrieving templates list: " <> show code show (MissingParameters name template missingKeys userConfigPath) = intercalate "\n" [ "The following parameters were needed by the template but not provided: " <> intercalate ", " (S.toList missingKeys) , "You can provide them in " <> toFilePath userConfigPath <> ", like this:" , "templates:" , " params:" , intercalate "\n" (map (\key -> " " <> key <> ": value") (S.toList missingKeys)) , "Or you can pass each one as parameters like this:" , "stack new " <> packageNameString name <> " " <> T.unpack (templateName template) <> " " <> unwords (map (\key -> "-p \"" <> key <> ":value\"") (S.toList missingKeys))] show (InvalidTemplate name why) = "The template \"" <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> "\" is invalid and could not be used. " <> "The error was: \"" <> why <> "\"" show (AttemptedOverwrites fps) = "The template would create the following files, but they already exist:\n" <> unlines (map ((" " ++) . toFilePath) fps) <> "Use --force to ignore this, and overwite these files." show (FailedToDownloadTemplateInfo ex) = "Failed to download templates info. The HTTP error was: " <> show ex show (BadTemplateInfo err) = "Template info couldn't be parsed: " <> err show (BadTemplateInfoResponse code) = "Unexpected status code while retrieving templates info: " <> show code
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, GADTs #-} module T17541b where import Data.Kind data T k :: k -> Type where MkT1 :: T Type Int MkT2 :: T (Type -> Type) Maybe
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module LargeNumberTest where import Data.Word import Init share [mkPersist sqlSettings { mpsGeneric = True }, mkMigrate "numberMigrate"] [persistLowerCase| Number intx Int int32 Int32 word32 Word32 int64 Int64 word64 Word64 deriving Show Eq |] cleanDB :: Runner backend m => ReaderT backend m () cleanDB = do deleteWhere ([] :: [Filter (NumberGeneric backend)]) specsWith :: Runner backend m => RunDb backend m -> Spec specsWith runDb = describe "Large Numbers" $ do it "preserves their values in the database" $ runDb $ do let go x = do xid <- insert x x' <- get xid liftIO $ x' @?= Just x go $ Number maxBound 0 0 0 0 go $ Number 0 maxBound 0 0 0 go $ Number 0 0 maxBound 0 0 go $ Number 0 0 0 maxBound 0 go $ Number 0 0 0 0 maxBound go $ Number minBound 0 0 0 0 go $ Number 0 minBound 0 0 0 go $ Number 0 0 minBound 0 0 go $ Number 0 0 0 minBound 0 go $ Number 0 0 0 0 minBound
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="sq-AL"> <title>Directory List v2.3 LC</title> <maps> <homeID>directorylistv2_3_lc</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Contents</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Index</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Search</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Favorites</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
module SubSubPatternIn1 where f :: [Int] -> Int f ((x : (y : ys))) = case ys of ys@[] -> x + y ys@(b_1 : b_2) -> x + y f ((x : (y : ys))) = x + y
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings, TupleSections, ViewPatterns #-} import Yesod.Routes.TH import Yesod.Routes.Parse import THHelper import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import Criterion.Main import Data.Text (words) import Prelude hiding (words) import Control.DeepSeq import Yesod.Routes.TH.Simple import Test.Hspec import Control.Monad (forM_, unless) $(do let (cons, decs) = mkRouteCons $ map (fmap parseType) resources clause1 <- mkDispatchClause settings resources clause2 <- mkSimpleDispatchClause settings resources return $ concat [ [FunD (mkName "dispatch1") [clause1]] , [FunD (mkName "dispatch2") [clause2]] , decs , [DataD [] (mkName "Route") [] cons [''Show, ''Eq]] ] ) instance NFData Route where rnf HomeR = () rnf FooR = () rnf (BarR i) = i `seq` () rnf BazR = () getHomeR :: Maybe Int getHomeR = Just 1 getFooR :: Maybe Int getFooR = Just 2 getBarR :: Int -> Maybe Int getBarR i = Just (i + 3) getBazR :: Maybe Int getBazR = Just 4 samples = take 10000 $ cycle [ words "foo" , words "foo bar" , words "" , words "bar baz" , words "bar 4" , words "bar 1234566789" , words "baz" , words "baz 4" , words "something else" ] dispatch2a = dispatch2 `asTypeOf` dispatch1 main :: IO () main = do forM_ samples $ \sample -> unless (dispatch1 True (sample, "GET") == dispatch2a True (sample, "GET")) (error $ show sample) defaultMain [ bench "dispatch1" $ nf (map (dispatch1 True . (, "GET"))) samples , bench "dispatch2" $ nf (map (dispatch2a True . (, "GET"))) samples , bench "dispatch1a" $ nf (map (dispatch1 True . (, "GET"))) samples , bench "dispatch2a" $ nf (map (dispatch2a True . (, "GET"))) samples ]
module Helper ( module Test.Hspec , module Control.Applicative , module Test.Mockery.Directory ) where import Test.Hspec import Test.Mockery.Directory import Control.Applicative
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module GHCJS.DOM.HTMLMapElement ( #if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT) module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.HTMLMapElement #else module Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.DOM.HTMLMapElement #endif ) where #if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.HTMLMapElement #else import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.DOM.HTMLMapElement #endif
module Y2016.M07.D27.Solution where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (liftM2) import Data.List (group, sort) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Y2016.M07.D19.Solution (figure2) import Y2016.M07.D20.Solution (FigureC, lineSegments) import Y2016.M07.D22.Solution (graphit) import Y2016.M07.D26.Solution (extendPath) -- Now, for the distance function, the question arises: as the crow flies? or -- only along a path? The latter is harder because it already solves -- shortestDistancePathing problem. So let's just go with 'as the crow flies.' distance :: FigureC -> Char -> Char -> Maybe Float distance fig@(gr, ptInfoF, vertF) start end = vertF start >>= \v0 -> let ((x1, y1), _, _) = ptInfoF v0 in vertF end >>= \v1 -> let ((x2, y2), _, _) = ptInfoF v1 in return (sqrt ((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2)) {-- *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> distance fig 'a' 'b' Just 18.027756 *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> distance fig 'a' 'j' Just 15.0 Yay, and yay! --} -- Okay, shortest distance. One way to solve this problem is by brute force, -- another way is by iterative deepening on the distance (maintaining the -- in-the-running distances as we deepen) and others are from various search -- survey courses ACO, genetics, etc. -- let's start with Brute Force (caps), because I always start with that, then -- always regret starting with that, then improve if necessary: -- this is the agile approach: -- 1. Make it work -- 2. make it right -- 3. make it fast -- Let's make it work, first allPaths :: FigureC -> Char -> Char -> [String] allPaths fig start = -- now 'allPaths' is simply the work I did yesterday that accidently discovered -- all the paths by not stopping at the shortest ones whilst iteratively -- deepening: flip (allps fig) (extendPath fig (Set.empty, pure start)) allps :: FigureC -> Char -> [(Set Char, String)] -> [String] allps fig end vps = case filter ((== end) . head . snd) vps of [] -> concatMap (allps fig end . extendPath fig) vps anss -> map (reverse . snd) anss {-- *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> let fig = graphit figure2 lineSegments *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> let ab = allPaths fig 'a' 'b' ~> ["ab"] *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> let ac = allPaths fig 'a' 'c' *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> length ac ~> 191 *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> take 5 ac ~> ["abjfkgc","abjfkhmgc","abjfkhmnc","abjfkhnc","abjfkhtdc"] --} -- brute force method: find all distances of all paths, sort by distance, -- then group-by shortestDistancePathing :: FigureC -> Char -> Char -> [String] shortestDistancePathing fig start = map snd . head . group . sort . map (distances fig &&& id) . allPaths fig start distances :: FigureC -> String -> Maybe Float distances fig [a,b] = distance fig a b distances fig (a:b:rest) = liftM2 (+) (distance fig a b) (distances fig (b:rest)) -- So, with shortestDistancePathing defined, find the shortest distance between -- nodf 'm' and 'a' in the figure from the value of: {-- *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> shortestDistancePathing fig 'a' 'c' ~> ["abgc"] *Y2016.M07.D27.Solution> shortestDistancePathing fig 'm' 'a' ~> ["mkja"] YAY! We're a LITTLE bit closer to determining what trigons are (what we lead off with two weeks ago), now we must determine what points are in a straight line, shortestDistancePathing helps us. We'll look at finding straight lines tomorrow. --}
module Control.Foldl.Extended where import Control.Foldl (Fold(..)) import qualified Control.Foldl as L import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding (foldr) -- | turn a regular fold into a Map.Map fold keyFold :: (Ord c) => Fold a b -> Fold (c, a) [(c, b)] keyFold (Fold step begin done) = Fold step' begin' done' where step' x (key, a) = case Map.lookup key x of Nothing -> Map.insert key (step begin a) x Just x' -> Map.insert key (step x' a) x begin' = Map.empty done' x = Map.toList ( done x) -- | count instances using a supplied function to generate a key countMap :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> L.Fold a (Map.Map b Int) countMap key = L.Fold step begin done where begin = Map.empty done = id step m x = Map.insertWith (+) (key x) 1 m -- | fold counting number of keys countK :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Fold a (Map.Map b Int) countK key = Fold step begin done where begin = Map.empty done = id step m x = Map.insertWith (+) (key x) 1 m -- | fold counting number of keys, given a filter countKF :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> Fold a (Map.Map b Int) countKF key filt = Fold step begin done where begin = Map.empty done = id step m x = if filt x then Map.insertWith (+) (key x) 1 m else m -- | first difference delta :: (Num a) => Fold a (Maybe a) delta = Fold step (Nothing, Nothing) done where step (p', _) p = (Just p, p') done (Just p1, Just p2) = Just $ p1 - p2 done _ = Nothing -- | return (geometric first difference) ret :: Fold Double (Maybe Double) ret = Fold step (Nothing, Nothing) done where step (p', _) p = (Just p, p') done (Just p1, Just p2) = Just $ (p1 / p2) - 1 done _ = Nothing -- | lag n lag :: Int -> Fold a (Maybe a) lag l = Fold step (0, []) done where step (c, h) a | c > l = (c + 1, tail h ++ [a]) | otherwise = (c + 1, h ++ [a]) done (c, h) | c > l = Just $ head h | otherwise = Nothing -- list folds count :: Fold a Integer count = Fold (const . (1 +)) 0 id -- turn a regular fold into a list one listify :: Int -> Fold a b -> Fold [a] [b] listify n (Fold step' begin' done') = Fold stepL beginL doneL where stepL = zipWith step' beginL = replicate n begin' doneL = map done' -- | tuple 2 folds tuplefy :: Fold a b -> Fold c d -> Fold (a, c) (b, d) tuplefy (Fold step0 begin0 done0) (Fold step1 begin1 done1) = Fold stepL beginL doneL where stepL (a0, a1) (x0, x1) = (step0 a0 x0, step1 a1 x1) beginL = (begin0, begin1) doneL (x0, x1) = (done0 x0, done1 x1)
module Monoid1 where import Data.Semigroup import Test.QuickCheck import SemiGroupAssociativeLaw import MonoidLaws data Trivial = Trivial deriving (Eq, Show) instance Semigroup Trivial where _ <> _ = Trivial instance Monoid Trivial where mempty = Trivial mappend = (<>) instance Arbitrary Trivial where arbitrary = return Trivial type TrivialAssoc = Trivial -> Trivial -> Trivial -> Bool main :: IO () main = do quickCheck (semigroupAssoc :: TrivialAssoc) quickCheck (monoidLeftIdentity :: Trivial -> Bool) quickCheck (monoidRightIdentity :: Trivial -> Bool)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Text.HTML.TagSoup import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UB import Data.String.Utils (strip) import Safe import System.IO (stdin) import Control.Applicative main :: IO () main = do content <- readStdin let tags = parseTags content let title = getTitle tags case title of Just s -> putStrLn s Nothing -> putStrLn "no title found" where getTitle = fmap strip . headDef Nothing . fmap maybeTagText . getTitleBlock . getHeadBlock . getHtmlBlock getBlock name = takeWhile (not . tagCloseNameLit name) . drop 1 . dropWhile (not . tagOpenNameLit name) getHtmlBlock = getBlock "html" getHeadBlock = getBlock "head" getTitleBlock = getBlock "title" readStdin :: IO String readStdin = UB.toString <$> B.hGetContents stdin
module Core.Annotation where import qualified Data.Generics.Fixplate as Fix import Data.Set (Set) data Annotation typeId = Annotation { freeVars :: Set typeId } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type Annotated f id = Fix.Attr (f id) (Annotation id)
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Monad ( Monad(..) , MonadPlus(..) , (=<<) , (>=>) , (<=<) , forever , join , mfilter , filterM , mapAndUnzipM , zipWithM , zipWithM_ , foldM , foldM_ , replicateM , replicateM_ , concatMapM , guard , when , unless , liftM , liftM2 , liftM3 , liftM4 , liftM5 , liftM' , liftM2' , ap , (<$!>) ) where import Data.List (concat) import Prelude (seq) #if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710) import Control.Monad hiding ((<$!>)) #else import Control.Monad #endif concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b] concatMapM f xs = liftM concat (mapM f xs) liftM' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b liftM' = (<$!>) {-# INLINE liftM' #-} liftM2' :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c liftM2' f a b = do x <- a y <- b let z = f x y z `seq` return z {-# INLINE liftM2' #-} (<$!>) :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b f <$!> m = do x <- m let z = f x z `seq` return z {-# INLINE (<$!>) #-}
{-# htermination delete :: (Eq a, Eq k) => (Either a k) -> [(Either a k)] -> [(Either a k)] #-} import List
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Buffer ( bufferSize , allocateBuffer , freeBuffer , mallocBS , newBufferPool , withBufferPool , toBlazeBuffer , copy , bufferIO ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), memcpy) import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeTake, unsafeDrop) import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import qualified Data.Streaming.ByteString.Builder.Buffer as B (Buffer (..)) import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (mallocBytes, free, finalizerFree) import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, plusPtr) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The default size of the write buffer: 16384 (2^14 = 1024 * 16). -- This is the maximum size of TLS record. -- This is also the maximum size of HTTP/2 frame payload -- (excluding frame header). bufferSize :: BufSize bufferSize = 16384 -- | Allocating a buffer with malloc(). allocateBuffer :: Int -> IO Buffer allocateBuffer = mallocBytes -- | Releasing a buffer with free(). freeBuffer :: Buffer -> IO () freeBuffer = free ---------------------------------------------------------------- largeBufferSize :: Int largeBufferSize = 16384 minBufferSize :: Int minBufferSize = 2048 newBufferPool :: IO BufferPool newBufferPool = newIORef BS.empty mallocBS :: Int -> IO ByteString mallocBS size = do ptr <- allocateBuffer size fptr <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree ptr return $! PS fptr 0 size {-# INLINE mallocBS #-} usefulBuffer :: ByteString -> Bool usefulBuffer buffer = BS.length buffer >= minBufferSize {-# INLINE usefulBuffer #-} getBuffer :: BufferPool -> IO ByteString getBuffer pool = do buffer <- readIORef pool if usefulBuffer buffer then return buffer else mallocBS largeBufferSize {-# INLINE getBuffer #-} putBuffer :: BufferPool -> ByteString -> IO () putBuffer pool buffer = writeIORef pool buffer {-# INLINE putBuffer #-} withForeignBuffer :: ByteString -> ((Buffer, BufSize) -> IO Int) -> IO Int withForeignBuffer (PS ps s l) f = withForeignPtr ps $ \p -> f (castPtr p `plusPtr` s, l) {-# INLINE withForeignBuffer #-} withBufferPool :: BufferPool -> ((Buffer, BufSize) -> IO Int) -> IO ByteString withBufferPool pool f = do buffer <- getBuffer pool consumed <- withForeignBuffer buffer f putBuffer pool $! unsafeDrop consumed buffer return $! unsafeTake consumed buffer {-# INLINE withBufferPool #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Utilities -- toBlazeBuffer :: Buffer -> BufSize -> IO B.Buffer toBlazeBuffer ptr size = do fptr <- newForeignPtr_ ptr return $ B.Buffer fptr ptr ptr (ptr `plusPtr` size) -- | Copying the bytestring to the buffer. -- This function returns the point where the next copy should start. copy :: Buffer -> ByteString -> IO Buffer copy !ptr (PS fp o l) = withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do memcpy ptr (p `plusPtr` o) (fromIntegral l) return $! ptr `plusPtr` l {-# INLINE copy #-} bufferIO :: Buffer -> Int -> (ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO () bufferIO ptr siz io = do fptr <- newForeignPtr_ ptr io $ PS fptr 0 siz
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- | Tinkering in a scratch buffer module Scratch where import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.Reader doSthg :: Monad m => (a -> r) -> m a -> m r doSthg f mv = mv >>= \x -> return $ f x -- doSthg (1+) (Just 10) -- > Just 11 -- doSthg (1+) Nothing -- > Nothing doStng' :: Monad m => (a -> r) -> m a -> m r doStng' f mv = do v <- mv return $ f v -- doSthg' (1+) (Just 10) -- > Just 11 -- doSthg' (1+) Nothing -- > Nothing -- doSthg's types looks like fmap (<$>) -- λ> :t fmap -- fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- λ> :t (<$>) -- (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- (1+) <$> (Just 10) :: Maybe Int -- > Just 11 -- > it :: Maybe Int -- As Maybe monad is a functor, it works. -- instance Functor Maybe where -- f (<$>) (Just x) = Just (f x) -- f (<$>) Nothing = Nothing -- Functor apply function to a wrapped value and returns the wrapped result. -- Applicative:: functor apply wrapped function to a wrapped value and return the wrapped result. -- >>= :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- data Writer w a = Writer { runWriter :: (a, w) } -- instance Monad Writer where -- w >>= f = do -- let (v1, s1) = runWriter w -- let (v2, s2) = runWriter $ f v2 -- Writer (v2, s1 ++ s2) -- data Reader r a = Reader { runReader :: r -> a } -- instance Monad Reader where -- m >>= k = Reader \r -> runReader (k (runReader m r)) r -- Reader monad hello :: Reader String String hello = do name <- ask return ("hello, " ++ name ++ "!\n") bye :: Reader String String bye = do name <- ask return ("bye, " ++ name ++ "!\n") convo :: Reader String String convo = do c1 <- hello c2 <- bye return $ c1 ++ c2 readerHelloBye :: String -> IO () readerHelloBye s = print $ runReader convo s -- State monad -- State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) } -- instance State s where -- return a = \s -> (a, s) -- m >>= k = State \s -> let (a, s1) = runState m s -- in runState (k a) s1 -- Lense data Point = Point { _x, _y :: Double } deriving Show data Player = Player { _loc :: Point } deriving Show data World = World { _player :: Player } deriving Show -- λ> player1 -- Player {_loc = Point {_x = 0.0, _y = 0.0}} -- it :: Player -- λ> ((location . x) `over` (+22)) player1 -- Player {_loc = Point {_x = 22.0, _y = 0.0}} -- it :: Player makeLenses ''Point makeLenses ''Player makeLenses ''World -- λ> :t (loc `over`) -- (loc `over`) :: (Point -> Point) -> Luigi -> Luigi -- λ> :t ((loc.x) `over`) -- ((loc.x) `over`) :: (Double -> Double) -> Luigi -> Luigi -- λ> :t ((loc . x) `over` (+22)) -- ((loc . x) `over` (+22)) :: Luigi -> Luigi initWorld :: World initWorld = World $ Player (Point 0 0) -- λ> :t (initWorld ^. player) -- (initWorld ^. player) :: Player -- λ> :t (initWorld ^. (player . loc)) -- (initWorld ^. (player . loc)) :: Point -- λ> :t (initWorld ^. (player . loc . x)) -- (initWorld ^. (player . loc . x)) :: Double -- change the world (just change player's coordinates) movePlayer :: World -> World movePlayer w = (player.loc.x) `over` (+1) $ w -- λ> movePlayer initWorld -- World {_player = Player {_loc = Point {_x = 1.0, _y = 0.0}}} -- it :: World -- λ> movePlayer (movePlayer initWorld) -- World {_player = Player {_loc = Point {_x = 2.0, _y = 0.0}}} -- it :: World --main :: IO () -- main = readerHelloBye "tony" module Anagram where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.Environment -- ######### Definition type type Word = String type Sentence = [Word] type Occurrences = [(Char, Int)] -- ######### Production code wordOccurrences :: Word -> Occurrences wordOccurrences = map ((&&&) head length) . group . sort . map toLower sentenceOccurrences :: Sentence -> Occurrences sentenceOccurrences = wordOccurrences . intercalate "" combinations :: Occurrences -> [Occurrences] combinations = foldl' comb [[]] where comb :: [Occurrences] -> (Char, Int) -> [Occurrences] comb ss ci = ss ++ [sub ++ [c] | sub <- ss, c <- subOccurrences ci] subOccurrences :: (Char, Int) -> Occurrences subOccurrences (c, n) = [(c, i) | i <- [1..n]] substract :: Occurrences -> Occurrences -> Occurrences substract = foldl' update where update :: Occurrences -> (Char, Int) -> Occurrences update [] _ = [] update (x@(cc, nn) : xs) e@(c, n) = if cc == c then let ni = nn - n in if ni <= 0 then xs else (c, ni):xs else x : update xs e type DicoOcc = Map.Map Occurrences [Word] dicoByOccurrences :: [String] -> DicoOcc dicoByOccurrences = foldl' add Map.empty where add :: DicoOcc -> String -> DicoOcc add dico word = Map.insertWith iadd occuKey [word] dico where occuKey :: Occurrences occuKey = wordOccurrences word iadd :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] iadd ws (w:_) = if w `elem` ws then ws else w:ws -- Returns all the anagrams of a given word. wordAnagrams :: Word -> DicoOcc -> [Word] wordAnagrams w d = fromMaybe [] $ (flip Map.lookup d . wordOccurrences) w extractLines :: FilePath -> IO [String] extractLines filePath = do contents <- readFile filePath return $ lines contents disp :: Int -> IO [String] -> IO () disp n allLines = do ll <- allLines let f = take n ll in mapM_ putStrLn f -- An anagram of a sentence is formed by taking the occurrences of all the characters of -- all the words in the sentence, and producing all possible combinations of words with those characters, -- such that the words have to be from the dictionary. -- Returns a list of all anagram sentences of the given sentence. sentenceAnagrams :: Sentence -> DicoOcc -> [Sentence] sentenceAnagrams s d = (filteringSentencesOnOccurrence . nub . sentenceCompute . combinations) sentenceOccurrenceRef where filteringSentencesOnOccurrence :: [Sentence] -> [Sentence] filteringSentencesOnOccurrence = filter (\x -> sentenceOccurrences x == sentenceOccurrenceRef) sentenceOccurrenceRef :: Occurrences sentenceOccurrenceRef = sentenceOccurrences s sentenceCompute :: [Occurrences] -> [Sentence] sentenceCompute [] = [[]] sentenceCompute (o:os) = case Map.lookup o d of Nothing -> sentenceCompute os Just anagrams -> [y:ys | y <- anagrams, ys <- sentenceCompute oss] ++ sentenceCompute os where oss = map (`substract` o) os dictionaryFromFile :: FilePath -> IO DicoOcc dictionaryFromFile filepath = do dicoLines <- extractLines filepath return $ dicoByOccurrences dicoLines mainWordAnagrams :: String -> FilePath -> IO () mainWordAnagrams word filePath = do dicoLines <- extractLines filePath mapM_ putStrLn $ wordAnagrams word (dicoByOccurrences dicoLines) printSentence :: Sentence -> IO () printSentence sentence = putStr "[" >> mapM_ (putStr . (++) " ") sentence >> putStrLn " ]" mainSentenceAnagrams :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO () mainSentenceAnagrams sentence filePath = do dico <- dictionaryFromFile filePath mapM_ printSentence $ sentenceAnagrams sentence dico main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs mainSentenceAnagrams args "../resources/linuxwords.txt"
module BaseParser where import Control.Applicative hiding (many) import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> [(a,String)] } instance Functor Parser where fmap f p = Parser $ \ s -> map (first f) (runParser p s) instance Applicative Parser where pure x = Parser $ \ s -> [(x, s)] p1 <*> p2 = Parser $ \ s -> [ (f x, s2) | (f, s1) <- runParser p1 s , (x, s2) <- runParser p2 s1 ] instance Alternative Parser where empty = Parser $ const [] p1 <|> p2 = Parser $ \ s -> runParser p1 s ++ runParser p2 s instance Monad Parser where return = ret p1 >>= f = Parser $ concatMap (uncurry (runParser . f)) . runParser p1 instance MonadPlus Parser where mzero = Parser $ const [] p1 `mplus` p2 = Parser $ \ s -> runParser p1 s ++ runParser p2 s pass :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m a pass x f = x >>= (\ x' -> f >> return x') (>>:) :: Parser a -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a] p1 >>: p2 = p1 >>= \ x -> fmap (x:) p2 (>>++) :: Parser [a] -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a] p1 >>++ p2 = p1 >>= \ x -> fmap (x++) p2 ret :: a -> Parser a ret x = Parser $ \ s -> [(x,s)] eof :: Parser () eof = Parser f where f [] = [((),[])] f _ = [] triv :: Parser () triv = return () sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char sat p = Parser f where f [] = [] f (x:s) = if p x then [(x,s)] else [] any :: Parser Char any = sat $ const True char :: Char -> Parser Char char c = sat (c ==) many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many p = return [] `mplus` many1 p many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many1 p = p >>= \ x -> fmap (x:) (many p) boundedMany :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser [a] boundedMany 0 _ = return [] boundedMany n p = return [] `mplus` boundedMany1 n p boundedMany1 :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser [a] boundedMany1 0 _ = return [] boundedMany1 n p = p >>= \ x -> fmap (x:) (boundedMany (n-1) p) times :: Int -> Parser a -> Parser [a] times n p = foldr (\ x y -> x >>= \ a -> fmap (a:) y) (return []) $ replicate n p maybeP :: Parser a -> Parser (Maybe a) maybeP p = Parser f where f s = case runParser p s of [] -> [(Nothing,s)] t -> fmap (first Just) t rescue :: a -> Parser a -> Parser a rescue x p = Parser f where f s = case runParser p s of [] -> [(x,s)] t -> t string' :: String -> Parser () string' = foldr ((>>) . char) triv string :: String -> Parser String string s = const s <$> string' s
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TupleSections #-} module WJR.Application where import WJR.Imports import Yesod.Static (Static, Route(..), static) import Text.Hamlet (hamletFile,shamlet) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.Wai import System.FilePath (splitDirectories) -- import Network.Wai.Handler.CGI as CGI import Text.Julius import Yesod.Auth import Yesod.Auth.BrowserId import Yesod.Auth.GoogleEmail import qualified Web.ClientSession as CS import Network.HTTP.Conduit (Manager,newManager) import Network.Gravatar as G import WJR.AdminUsers (adminUser) import WJR.Settings import WJR.Jobs import WJR.ParamDefs bootstrap_css, bootstrap_js, jquery_js, jfileTree_css, jfileTree_js :: Route Static bootstrap_css = StaticRoute ["bootstrap.css"] [] bootstrap_js = StaticRoute ["bootstrap-tooltip.js"] [] jquery_js = StaticRoute ["jquery-1.7.2.min.js"] [] jfileTree_css = StaticRoute ["jqueryFileTree","jqueryFileTree.css"] [] jfileTree_js = StaticRoute ["jqueryFileTree","jqueryFileTree.js"] [] data App = App { getStatic :: Static , httpManager :: Manager } mkYesod "App" [parseRoutes| / RootR GET /auth AuthR Auth getAuth /static StaticR Static getStatic /about AboutR GET /queue QueueR GET /new NewR /job/#Text JobR GET /job-delete/#Text JobDeleteR GET /job-output/#Text JobOutputR GET /job-files/#Text/*Texts JobFilesAjaxR POST GET /all-jobs AllJobsR GET |] -- | Authorization for the various routes. TODO, use this to authorize access to jobs? routeAuthorized r _write | okRoutes r = return Authorized | loggedInRoutes r = loggedIn | adminRoutes r = isAdmin | otherwise = return $ Unauthorized "Not allowed" where okRoutes RootR = True okRoutes (AuthR _) = True okRoutes (StaticR _) = True okRoutes NewR = True okRoutes (JobR _) = True okRoutes (JobDeleteR _) = True okRoutes (JobOutputR _) = True okRoutes (JobFilesAjaxR _ _) = True okRoutes AboutR = True okRoutes _ = False loggedInRoutes QueueR = True loggedInRoutes _ = False adminRoutes AllJobsR = True adminRoutes _ = False loggedIn = do user <- maybeAuthId return $ case user of Nothing -> AuthenticationRequired Just _ -> Authorized isAdmin = do mUser <- maybeAuthId return $ case mUser of Nothing -> AuthenticationRequired Just user -> if adminUser user then Authorized else undefined Unauthorized "Admin only" instance Yesod App where approot = ApprootStatic $ T.pack approotSetting authRoute _ = Just $ AuthR LoginR isAuthorized = routeAuthorized -- | Create the session backend. Overriden here to increase session timeout to 2 weeks makeSessionBackend _ = do key <- CS.getKey CS.defaultKeyFile return $ Just $ clientSessionBackend key (14 * 24 * 60) defaultLayout widget = do master <- getYesod mmsg <- getMessage -- We break up the default layout into two components: -- default-layout is the contents of the body tag, and -- default-layout-wrapper is the entire page. Since the final -- value passed to hamletToRepHtml cannot be a widget, this allows -- you to use normal widget features in default-layout. pc <- widgetToPageContent $ do addStylesheet $ StaticR bootstrap_css addScript $ StaticR jquery_js addScript $ StaticR bootstrap_js $(widgetFile "default-layout") authId <- maybeAuthId let mGravatar = authId >>= return . G.gravatar defGravatar let isAdmin = maybe False adminUser authId hamletToRepHtml $(hamletFile "templates/default-layout-wrapper.hamlet") -- Allow big uploads for new jobs : TODO, more efficient upload handling : maximumContentLength _ (Just NewR) = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 -- 2 gigabytes maximumContentLength _ _ = 2 * 1024 * 1024 -- 2 megabytes defGravatar :: GravatarOptions defGravatar = G.defaultConfig { gSize = Just $ Size 30 , gDefault = Just MM } instance YesodAuth App where type AuthId App = Text getAuthId = return . Just . credsIdent loginDest _ = QueueR logoutDest _ = RootR authPlugins _ = [authBrowserId, authGoogleEmail] authHttpManager = httpManager loginHandler = defaultLayout $ do tm <- lift getRouteToMaster let browserId = apLogin authBrowserId tm googleEmail = apLogin authGoogleEmail tm $(widgetFile "login") -- | What to show on the login page. -- loginHandler :: GHandler Auth m RepHtml -- loginHandler = defaultLayout $ do -- tm <- lift getRouteToMaster -- master <- lift getYesod -- mapM_ (flip apLogin tm) (authPlugins master) instance RenderMessage App FormMessage where renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage defaultMain :: IO () defaultMain = do st <- static "static" man <- newManager def let app = App st man runWarp (fromIntegral listenPort) app -- toWaiApp app >>= run ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert a "Field" that uses a Bool, to use a Text yes/no instead -- fieldBoolToText :: RenderMessage m FormMessage => Field s m Bool -> Field s m Text fieldBoolToText :: Field sub master Bool -> Field sub master Text fieldBoolToText fld = fld {fieldParse=parser', fieldView=viewer' } where showB True = "yes" showB False = "no" readB "yes" = True readB _ = False parser = fieldParse fld viewer = fieldView fld parser' x y = do r <- parser x y return $ case r of Right (Just b) -> Right . Just . showB $ b Right Nothing -> Right Nothing Left m -> Left m viewer' id name attrs valOrErr req = let toB = case valOrErr of {Left x -> Left x; Right b -> Right (readB b)} in viewer id name attrs toB req data ParamForm = ParamForm { fileInfo :: FileInfo , paramMap :: Map Text Text } -- Params for the jobs. TODO - separate this out (how?) paramsForm :: Html -> MForm App App (FormResult ParamForm, Widget) paramsForm fragment = do (fileR, fileV) <- aFormToForm $ fileAFormReq $ FieldSettings "Contigs file (FastA): " (Just "FastA file containing your contigs to annotate") Nothing (Just "contigs") [("required","")] -- results :: [(Text, FormResult Text)] -- views :: [FieldView] (results, paramViews) <- unzip <$> sequenceA (map fs paramDefs) let views = fileV paramViews let widget = $(widgetFile "param-form") let resMap = fromList . mapMaybe maybeSnd <$> sequenceA (map pairA results) let retParamForm = ParamForm <$> fileR <*> resMap return (retParamForm, widget) where pairA (a,b) = (\x -> (a,x)) <$> b maybeSnd :: (a, Maybe b) -> Maybe (a,b) maybeSnd (x,Just y) = Just (x,y) maybeSnd _ = Nothing -- fs :: ParamField -> MForm s m ((Text,FormResult Text), FieldView s m) fs (ParamField name label tip fld def _) = let s = FieldSettings (fromString label) (Just $ fromString tip) Nothing (Just name) [] in do (r,v) <- mopt (paramFieldToField fld) s (Just def) return ((name,r), v) paramFieldToField TextField = textField paramFieldToField CheckBoxField = fieldBoolToText checkBoxField paramFieldToField (ListField pairs) = selectFieldList pairs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- myJobs :: Handler [Job] myJobs = do maid <- maybeAuthId case maid of Nothing -> return [] Just uid -> liftIO $ jobsForUser uid getRootR :: Handler RepHtml getRootR = defaultLayout $(widgetFile "home") getAboutR :: Handler RepHtml getAboutR = defaultLayout $(widgetFile "about") getQueueR :: Handler RepHtml getQueueR = do jobs <- myJobs defaultLayout $(widgetFile "queue") getAllJobsR :: Handler RepHtml getAllJobsR = do jobs <- liftIO $ allJobs defaultLayout $(widgetFile "all-queue") -- checkAccess :: Maybe Job -> App checkAccess Nothing = notFound >> return Nothing checkAccess (Just job) | isNullUserID (jobUser job) = return $ Just job -- Job submitted by anonymous user, only need the jobId to access it | otherwise = do maid <- maybeAuthId case maid of Nothing -> -- User not logged in, and already checked it is a non-anonymous job notFound >> return Nothing Just user -> if adminUser user || user == jobUser job then return $ Just job else notFound >> return Nothing jobStatusText :: Job -> Text jobStatusText job = case jobStatus job of JobWaiting -> "Waiting" JobRunning _ -> "Running..." JobComplete JobSuccess -> "Finished" JobComplete JobFailure -> "FAILED" getJobR :: JobID -> Handler RepHtml getJobR jobId = do mAuthId <- maybeAuthId job <- liftIO $ infoJob jobId checkAccess job case job of Nothing -> notFound Just job -> let params = toList $ jobParams job status = jobStatusText job isAdmin = maybe False adminUser mAuthId finished = case jobStatus job of { JobComplete _ -> True; _ -> False} jsPoll = rawJS (if finished then "false" else "true" :: String) in defaultLayout $(widgetFile "job") getJobDeleteR :: JobID -> Handler RepHtml getJobDeleteR jobId = do job <- liftIO $ infoJob jobId checkAccess job liftIO $ deleteJob jobId setMessage $ msgLabel "Job Deleted" maid <- maybeAuthId if isNothing maid then redirect RootR else redirect QueueR msgLabel :: Text -> Html msgLabel msg = [shamlet|<div class="alert alert-success">#{msg}|] requestIP :: Handler Text requestIP = fmap (fromString . show . remoteHost . reqWaiRequest) getRequest handleNewR :: Handler RepHtml handleNewR = do maid <- maybeAuthId ((result, widget), enctype) <- runFormPost paramsForm case result of FormSuccess params -> do ip <- requestIP job <- liftIO $ createJob maid ip (paramMap params) (fileInfo params) setMessage $ msgLabel "Job created." redirect $ JobR (jobId job) _ -> defaultLayout $(widgetFile "new-job") ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output file handling jobOutputLink, jobOutputZippedLink :: JobID -> Route App jobOutputLink jobId = JobOutputR $ jobId jobOutputZippedLink jobId = JobOutputR $ T.append jobId ".zip" getJobOutputR :: Text -> Handler RepHtml getJobOutputR pJobId | ".zip" `T.isSuffixOf` pJobId = let Just jobId = T.stripSuffix ".zip" pJobId in do Just job <- checkAccess =<< liftIO (infoJob jobId) sendZippedOutput job | otherwise = do Just job <- checkAccess =<< liftIO (infoJob pJobId) root <- rawJS <$> firstSubDir let jobId = pJobId let empList = [] -- Can't seem to have this in the julius template! defaultLayout $ fileListWidget >> $(widgetFile "output-browser") where sendZippedOutput job = do file <- liftIO $ zippedOutput (jobId job) sendFile typeOctet file fileListWidget = do addStylesheet $ StaticR jfileTree_css addScript $ StaticR jfileTree_js firstSubDir = do actual <- liftIO $ getActualFile pJobId ["/"] let root = "/" return $ case actual of Directory files -> case filter fst files of ((True,f):_) -> f _ -> root _ -> root outputFileAccess :: JobID -> [Text] -> Handler ActualFile outputFileAccess jobId dir = do checkAccess =<< liftIO (infoJob jobId) file <- liftIO $ getActualFile jobId dir return file getJobFilesAjaxR :: Text -> [Text] -> Handler RepHtml getJobFilesAjaxR jobId dir = do file <- outputFileAccess jobId dir case file of InvalidPath -> notFound File filename -> sendFile typePlain filename Directory _ -> notFound postJobFilesAjaxR :: Text -> [Text] -> Handler RepHtml postJobFilesAjaxR jobId _ = do mDir <- lookupPostParam "dir" case mDir of Nothing -> notFound Just dir -> do file <- outputFileAccess jobId (splitDir dir) case file of InvalidPath -> notFound File filename -> sendFile typePlain filename Directory filePaths -> let files = map toView filePaths in hamletToRepHtml $(hamletFile "templates/output-files.hamlet") where splitDir dir = map T.pack $ splitDirectories $ T.unpack dir toView (isDir, path) = let dirs = splitDirectories path in (isDir, path, last dirs, JobFilesAjaxR jobId (map T.pack dirs))
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Data.Valet.Utils.Reader Description : Generic class for the "reader". Copyright : (c) Leonard Monnier, 2015 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : experimental Portability : portable Generic 'read' function which can be used for any value. All you need to ensure is a 'Read' instance for the given value. The 'String' value will then be converted to the type of the value. Values can be then defined such as: > readable :: R.Readable b T.Text => T.Text -> Value r m b T.Text > readable name = reader $ value name "" The above example is a 'Text' value for which data can be set from any 'Readable' instance. -} module Data.Valet.Utils.Reader ( Readable , ) where import qualified Data.Text as T {-| Class defining a 'read' function. This read function can then be used for all types being an instance of this class. -} class Readable a b where read :: a -> b instance Read b => Readable String b where read = instance Read b => Readable T.Text b where read = . T.unpack
module Main where import System.Environment(getArgs) import Control.Monad ageStatus :: Integer -> String ageStatus x | 0 <= x && x <= 2 = "Home" | 3 <= x && x <= 4 = "Preschool" | 5 <= x && x <= 11 = "Elementary school" | 12 <= x && x <= 14 = "Middle school" | 15 <= x && x <= 18 = "High school" | 19 <= x && x <= 22 = "College" | 23 <= x && x <= 65 = "Work" | 66 <= x && x <= 100 = "Retirement" | otherwise = "This program is for humans" processLine :: String -> String processLine = ageStatus . read main :: IO () main = liftM head getArgs >>= liftM lines . readFile >>= mapM_ (putStrLn . processLine)
{- `s` stands for `suspension functor` -} import Control.Monad.Trans newtype Coroutine s m r = Coroutine { resume :: m (CoroutineState s m r) } data CoroutineState s m r = Run (s (Coroutine s m r)) | Done r instance (Functor s, Monad m) => Functor (Coroutine s m) where fmap f coroutine = Coroutine $ do cs <- resume coroutine case cs of Run s' -> return (Run (fmap (fmap f) s')) Done r -> return (Done (f r)) instance (Functor s, Monad m) => Applicative (Coroutine s m) where pure = Coroutine . pure . Done fcoroutine <*> coroutine = Coroutine $ do cs <- resume fcoroutine case cs of Run s -> return $ Run (fmap (<*> coroutine) s) Done r -> resume (fmap r coroutine) instance (Functor s, Monad m) => Monad (Coroutine s m) where return = pure coroutine >>= f = Coroutine $ do cs <- resume coroutine case cs of Run s -> return $ Run (fmap (\c -> c >>= f) s) Done r -> resume (f r)
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, StandaloneDeriving #-} module Framework where -- * Imports ------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable (foldMap, traverse_) import System.FilePath ((</>)) import Data.IORef import Graphics.GLUtil import Graphics.GLUtil.Camera2D import Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL import Linear import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Set as Set -- * Types ------------------------------------------------------------------- deriving instance Ord MouseButton data UI = UI { _pressedKeys :: Set.Set Key , _pressedMouseBtns :: Set.Set MouseButton , _mousePos :: V2 Int , _windowSize :: V2 Int , _currentTime :: Double , _timeStep :: Double } deriving (Show, Eq) makeLenses ''UI -- * Main function ------------------------------------------------------------------- setupGLFW :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO (IO UI) setupGLFW title w h = do GLFW.initialize -- general OpenGL settings --GLFW.openWindowHint FSAASamples 4 --GLFW.openWindowHint OpenGLVersionMajor 3 --GLFW.openWindowHint OpenGLVersionMinor 3 --GLFW.openWindowHint OpenGLProfile OpenGLCoreProfile -- create window GLFW.openWindow (Size (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)) [DisplayRGBBits 8 8 8] Window GLFW.windowTitle $= title GLFW.enableSpecial StickyKey -- set nice background color GL.clearColor $= Color4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -- enable alpha blending GL.blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha) GL.blend $= Enabled -- event initialisation keySetIO <- newIORef Set.empty mouseBtnSetIO <- newIORef Set.empty mousePosIO <- get GLFW.mousePos >>= newIORef . posToV2 windowSizeIO <- get GLFW.windowSize >>= newIORef . sizeToV2 lastTimeIO <- get time >>= newIORef GLFW.keyCallback $= onKeyEvent keySetIO GLFW.mouseButtonCallback $= onMouseBtnEvent mouseBtnSetIO GLFW.mousePosCallback $= onMouseMove mousePosIO GLFW.windowSizeCallback $= onWindowResize windowSizeIO -- run main loop let updateUIState = do curTime <- get time lastTime <- readIORef lastTimeIO writeIORef lastTimeIO curTime UI <$> readIORef keySetIO <*> readIORef mouseBtnSetIO <*> readIORef mousePosIO <*> readIORef windowSizeIO <*> pure curTime <*> pure (curTime - lastTime) return updateUIState loadTextures :: [FilePath] -> IO [TextureObject] loadTextures = fmap (either error id . sequence) . mapM aux where aux f = do img <- readTexture (".." </> "res" </> f) texFilter return img texFilter = do textureFilter Texture2D $= ((Nearest, Nothing), Nearest) texture2DWrap $= (Repeated, ClampToEdge) loadTextureFile :: FilePath -> IO TextureObject loadTextureFile f = do img <- readTexture ("res"</>"gfx"</> f) texFilter return $ either error id img where texFilter = textureFilter Texture2D $= ((Nearest, Nothing), Nearest) >> texture2DWrap $= (Repeated, ClampToEdge) -- * event handling ------------------------------------------------------------------- onKeyEvent :: IORef (Set.Set Key) -> Key -> KeyButtonState -> IO () onKeyEvent ref k Press = modifyIORef ref (Set.insert k) onKeyEvent ref k Release = modifyIORef ref (Set.delete k) onMouseBtnEvent :: IORef (Set.Set MouseButton) -> MouseButton -> KeyButtonState -> IO () onMouseBtnEvent ref k Press = modifyIORef ref (Set.insert k) onMouseBtnEvent ref k Release = modifyIORef ref (Set.delete k) onMouseMove :: IORef (V2 Int) -> Position -> IO () onMouseMove ref pos = writeIORef ref (posToV2 pos) onWindowResize :: IORef (V2 Int) -> Size -> IO () onWindowResize ref size = writeIORef ref (sizeToV2 size) posToV2 :: Integral a => Position -> V2 a posToV2 (Position x y) = V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) sizeToV2 :: Size -> V2 Int sizeToV2 (Size x y) = V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
runCont :: Cont r a -> (a -> r) -> r runCont (Cont k) h = k h
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.Discovery.APIs.GetRest -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Retrieve the description of a particular version of an api. -- -- /See:/ < API Discovery Service Reference> for @discovery.apis.getRest@. module Network.Google.Resource.Discovery.APIs.GetRest ( -- * REST Resource APIsGetRestResource -- * Creating a Request , apisGetRest , APIsGetRest -- * Request Lenses , agrVersion , agrAPI ) where import Network.Google.Discovery.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @discovery.apis.getRest@ method which the -- 'APIsGetRest' request conforms to. type APIsGetRestResource = "discovery" :> "v1" :> "apis" :> Capture "api" Text :> Capture "version" Text :> "rest" :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Get '[JSON] RestDescription -- | Retrieve the description of a particular version of an api. -- -- /See:/ 'apisGetRest' smart constructor. data APIsGetRest = APIsGetRest' { _agrVersion :: !Text , _agrAPI :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'APIsGetRest' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'agrVersion' -- -- * 'agrAPI' apisGetRest :: Text -- ^ 'agrVersion' -> Text -- ^ 'agrAPI' -> APIsGetRest apisGetRest pAgrVersion_ pAgrAPI_ = APIsGetRest' {_agrVersion = pAgrVersion_, _agrAPI = pAgrAPI_} -- | The version of the API. agrVersion :: Lens' APIsGetRest Text agrVersion = lens _agrVersion (\ s a -> s{_agrVersion = a}) -- | The name of the API. agrAPI :: Lens' APIsGetRest Text agrAPI = lens _agrAPI (\ s a -> s{_agrAPI = a}) instance GoogleRequest APIsGetRest where type Rs APIsGetRest = RestDescription type Scopes APIsGetRest = '[] requestClient APIsGetRest'{..} = go _agrAPI _agrVersion (Just AltJSON) discoveryService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy APIsGetRestResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.SecurityCenter.Types -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- module Network.Google.SecurityCenter.Types ( -- * Service Configuration securityCenterService -- * OAuth Scopes , cloudPlatformScope -- * ListFindingsResultStateChange , ListFindingsResultStateChange (..) -- * Status , Status , status , sDetails , sCode , sMessage -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1TemporalAsset , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1TemporalAsset , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1TemporalAsset , gcsvtaAsset , gcsvtaChangeType -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityCenterProperties , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityCenterProperties , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityCenterProperties , gcsvscpResourceDisplayName , gcsvscpResourceType , gcsvscpResourceName , gcsvscpResourceParentDisplayName , gcsvscpResourceParent , gcsvscpResourceProject , gcsvscpResourceProjectDisplayName , gcsvscpResourceOwners -- * ListFindingsResponse , ListFindingsResponse , listFindingsResponse , lfrReadTime , lfrNextPageToken , lfrTotalSize , lfrListFindingsResults -- * AuditConfig , AuditConfig , auditConfig , acService , acAuditLogConfigs -- * NotificationConfig , NotificationConfig , notificationConfig , ncServiceAccount , ncEventType , ncName , ncPubsubTopic , ncStreamingConfig , ncDescription -- * Expr , Expr , expr , eLocation , eExpression , eTitle , eDescription -- * ListOperationsResponse , ListOperationsResponse , listOperationsResponse , lorNextPageToken , lorOperations -- * GetIAMPolicyRequest , GetIAMPolicyRequest , getIAMPolicyRequest , giprOptions -- * GroupFindingsResponse , GroupFindingsResponse , groupFindingsResponse , gfrReadTime , gfrNextPageToken , gfrTotalSize , gfrGroupByResults -- * RunAssetDiscoveryRequest , RunAssetDiscoveryRequest , runAssetDiscoveryRequest -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Resource , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Resource , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Resource , gcsvrParent , gcsvrProject , gcsvrProjectDisplayName , gcsvrName , gcsvrParentDisplayName -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingState , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingState (..) -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1TemporalAssetChangeType , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1TemporalAssetChangeType (..) -- * AssetDiscoveryConfigInclusionMode , AssetDiscoveryConfigInclusionMode (..) -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1IAMPolicy , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1IAMPolicy , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1IAMPolicy , gcsvipPolicyBlob -- * Operation , Operation , operation , oDone , oError , oResponse , oName , oMetadata -- * Finding , Finding , finding , fParent , fSourceProperties , fState , fResourceName , fSecurityMarks , fCategory , fExternalURI , fEventTime , fName , fCreateTime -- * Empty , Empty , empty -- * ListFindingsResult , ListFindingsResult , listFindingsResult , lfrFinding , lfrResource , lfrStateChange -- * ListNotificationConfigsResponse , ListNotificationConfigsResponse , listNotificationConfigsResponse , lncrNotificationConfigs , lncrNextPageToken -- * GroupAssetsRequest , GroupAssetsRequest , groupAssetsRequest , garGroupBy , garReadTime , garFilter , garPageToken , garPageSize , garCompareDuration -- * GroupFindingsRequest , GroupFindingsRequest , groupFindingsRequest , gGroupBy , gReadTime , gFilter , gPageToken , gPageSize , gCompareDuration -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1Resource , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1Resource , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1Resource , gParent , gProject , gProjectDisplayName , gName , gParentDisplayName -- * AssetDiscoveryConfig , AssetDiscoveryConfig , assetDiscoveryConfig , adcInclusionMode , adcProjectIds -- * SecurityMarks , SecurityMarks , securityMarks , smName , smMarks -- * NotificationConfigEventType , NotificationConfigEventType (..) -- * StatusDetailsItem , StatusDetailsItem , statusDetailsItem , sdiAddtional -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1NotificationMessage , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1NotificationMessage , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1NotificationMessage , gcsvnmFinding , gcsvnmTemporalAsset , gcsvnmResource , gcsvnmNotificationConfigName -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingSeverity , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingSeverity (..) -- * OrganizationSettings , OrganizationSettings , organizationSettings , osAssetDiscoveryConfig , osEnableAssetDiscovery , osName -- * GetPolicyOptions , GetPolicyOptions , getPolicyOptions , gpoRequestedPolicyVersion -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityMarksMarks , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityMarksMarks , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityMarksMarks , gcsvsmmAddtional -- * SetFindingStateRequestState , SetFindingStateRequestState (..) -- * SetIAMPolicyRequest , SetIAMPolicyRequest , setIAMPolicyRequest , siprUpdateMask , siprPolicy -- * FindingSourceProperties , FindingSourceProperties , findingSourceProperties , fspAddtional -- * ListAssetsResultStateChange , ListAssetsResultStateChange (..) -- * SetFindingStateRequest , SetFindingStateRequest , setFindingStateRequest , sfsrState , sfsrStartTime -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1NotificationMessage , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1NotificationMessage , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1NotificationMessage , gFinding , gResource , gNotificationConfigName -- * GroupAssetsResponse , GroupAssetsResponse , groupAssetsResponse , groReadTime , groNextPageToken , groTotalSize , groGroupByResults -- * ListSourcesResponse , ListSourcesResponse , listSourcesResponse , lsrNextPageToken , lsrSources -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponseState , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponseState (..) -- * GroupResultProperties , GroupResultProperties , groupResultProperties , grpAddtional -- * AuditLogConfigLogType , AuditLogConfigLogType (..) -- * Resource , Resource , resource , rProjectDisplayName , rName , rProjectName , rParentName , rParentDisplayName -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , gcsvradrState , gcsvradrDuration -- * ListAssetsResponse , ListAssetsResponse , listAssetsResponse , larReadTime , larNextPageToken , larListAssetsResults , larTotalSize -- * FindingState , FindingState (..) -- * Xgafv , Xgafv (..) -- * TestIAMPermissionsRequest , TestIAMPermissionsRequest , testIAMPermissionsRequest , tiprPermissions -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1RunAssetDiscoveryResponseState , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1RunAssetDiscoveryResponseState (..) -- * Source , Source , source , sName , sDisplayName , sDescription -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Finding , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Finding , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Finding , gcsvfParent , gcsvfSourceProperties , gcsvfState , gcsvfResourceName , gcsvfSecurityMarks , gcsvfCategory , gcsvfSeverity , gcsvfExternalURI , gcsvfEventTime , gcsvfName , gcsvfCreateTime -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , gState , gDuration -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityMarks , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityMarks , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1SecurityMarks , gcsvsmName , gcsvsmMarks -- * TestIAMPermissionsResponse , TestIAMPermissionsResponse , testIAMPermissionsResponse , tiamprPermissions -- * ListAssetsResult , ListAssetsResult , listAssetsResult , larAsset , larStateChange -- * Policy , Policy , policy , pAuditConfigs , pEtag , pVersion , pBindings -- * OperationMetadata , OperationMetadata , operationMetadata , omAddtional -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Asset , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Asset , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1Asset , gcsvaSecurityMarks , gcsvaResourceProperties , gcsvaUpdateTime , gcsvaSecurityCenterProperties , gcsvaName , gcsvaIAMPolicy , gcsvaCreateTime -- * AuditLogConfig , AuditLogConfig , auditLogConfig , alcLogType , alcExemptedMembers -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1AssetResourceProperties , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1AssetResourceProperties , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1AssetResourceProperties , gcsvarpAddtional -- * GroupResult , GroupResult , groupResult , grCount , grProperties -- * OperationResponse , OperationResponse , operationResponse , orAddtional -- * StreamingConfig , StreamingConfig , streamingConfig , scFilter -- * SecurityMarksMarks , SecurityMarksMarks , securityMarksMarks , smmAddtional -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponseState , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponseState (..) -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingSourceProperties , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingSourceProperties , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1p1beta1FindingSourceProperties , gcsvfspAddtional -- * GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , GoogleCloudSecuritycenterV1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , googleCloudSecuritycenterV1beta1RunAssetDiscoveryResponse , gooState , gooDuration -- * Binding , Binding , binding , bMembers , bRole , bCondition ) where import Network.Google.Prelude import Network.Google.SecurityCenter.Types.Product import Network.Google.SecurityCenter.Types.Sum -- | Default request referring to version 'v1p1beta1' of the Security Command Center API. This contains the host and root path used as a starting point for constructing service requests. securityCenterService :: ServiceConfig securityCenterService = defaultService (ServiceId "securitycenter:v1p1beta1") "" -- | View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services cloudPlatformScope :: Proxy '[""] cloudPlatformScope = Proxy
-- This file is part of purebred -- Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Róman Joost and Fraser Tweedale -- -- purebred is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <>. {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Purebred.UI.App where import qualified Brick.Main as M import Brick.BChan (BChan) import Brick.Types (Widget) import Brick.Focus (focusRing) import Brick.Widgets.Core (vBox, vLimit) import qualified Brick.Types as Brick import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L import qualified Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser as FB import qualified Graphics.Vty.Input.Events as Vty import Control.Lens (set, view) import Control.Monad.State (execStateT) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..)) import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian) import Data.Proxy import Purebred.UI.Keybindings import Purebred.UI.Index.Main import Purebred.UI.Actions (applySearch, initialCompose) import Purebred.UI.FileBrowser.Main (renderFileBrowser, renderFileBrowserSearchPathEditor) import Purebred.UI.Mail.Main (renderAttachmentsList, renderMailView) import Purebred.UI.Help.Main (renderHelp) import Purebred.UI.Status.Main (statusbar) import Purebred.UI.Views (indexView, mailView, composeView, helpView, filebrowserView, focusedViewWidget, visibleViewWidgets, focusedViewName) import Purebred.UI.ComposeEditor.Main (attachmentsEditor, drawHeaders, renderConfirm) import Purebred.UI.Draw.Main (renderEditorWithLabel) import Purebred.Types import Purebred.UI.Widgets (statefulEditor) -- * Synopsis -- -- $synopsis -- This module ties in all functions for rendering and handling events. -- -- ** Differences to Brick -- $differences -- Purebred uses Brick widgets, but in order to make Purebred -- configurable, we've made changes to how we use Brick. The single -- difference to Brick is found on how we process keys (see -- 'Purebred.UI.Keybindings'). Brick handles keys directly in the -- widget. Purebred instead looks up keybindings first. If nothing -- matches, the key is forwarded to the widget. -- | Main UI drawing function. Looks up which widgets need to be -- rendered in the current 'View' and traverses each layer pattern -- matching the 'ViewName' and widget 'Name' in 'renderWidget' to draw -- the widget. -- drawUI :: AppState -> [Widget Name] drawUI s = vBox . fmap (renderWidget s (focusedViewName s)) <$> visibleViewWidgets s renderWidget :: AppState -> ViewName -> Name -> Widget Name renderWidget s _ ListOfThreads = renderListOfThreads s renderWidget s ViewMail ListOfMails = vLimit (view (asConfig . confMailView . mvIndexRows) s) (renderListOfMails s) renderWidget s _ MailAttachmentOpenWithEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'MailAttachmentOpenWithEditor) "Open with:" s renderWidget s _ MailAttachmentPipeToEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'MailAttachmentPipeToEditor) "Pipe to:" s renderWidget s _ ListOfMails = renderListOfMails s renderWidget s _ ComposeListOfAttachments = attachmentsEditor s renderWidget s _ MailListOfAttachments = renderAttachmentsList s renderWidget s _ ListOfFiles = renderFileBrowser s renderWidget s _ ManageFileBrowserSearchPath = renderFileBrowserSearchPathEditor s renderWidget s _ SaveToDiskPathEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'SaveToDiskPathEditor) "Save to file:" s renderWidget s _ SearchThreadsEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'SearchThreadsEditor) "Query:" s renderWidget s _ ManageMailTagsEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ManageMailTagsEditor) "Labels:" s renderWidget s _ ManageThreadTagsEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ManageThreadTagsEditor) "Labels:" s renderWidget s _ ScrollingMailView = renderMailView s renderWidget s _ ScrollingMailViewFindWordEditor = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ScrollingMailViewFindWordEditor) "Search for:" s renderWidget s _ ScrollingHelpView = renderHelp s renderWidget s _ ComposeFrom = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ComposeFrom) "From:" s renderWidget s _ ComposeTo = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ComposeTo) "To:" s renderWidget s _ ComposeCc = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ComposeCc) "Cc:" s renderWidget s _ ComposeBcc = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ComposeBcc) "Bcc:" s renderWidget s _ ComposeSubject = renderEditorWithLabel (Proxy @'ComposeSubject) "Subject:" s renderWidget s _ ComposeHeaders = drawHeaders s renderWidget s _ StatusBar = statusbar s renderWidget s _ ConfirmDialog = renderConfirm s -- | Main event handler -- handleViewEvent :: ViewName -> Name -> AppState -> Vty.Event -> Brick.EventM Name (Brick.Next AppState) handleViewEvent = f where f ComposeView ComposeFrom = dispatch eventHandlerComposeFrom f ComposeView ComposeSubject = dispatch eventHandlerComposeSubject f ComposeView ComposeTo = dispatch eventHandlerComposeTo f ComposeView ComposeCc = dispatch eventHandlerComposeCc f ComposeView ComposeBcc = dispatch eventHandlerComposeBcc f ComposeView ComposeListOfAttachments = dispatch eventHandlerComposeListOfAttachments f Threads ComposeFrom = dispatch eventHandlerThreadComposeFrom f Threads ComposeSubject = dispatch eventHandlerThreadComposeSubject f Threads ComposeTo = dispatch eventHandlerThreadComposeTo f Threads ListOfThreads = dispatch eventHandlerListOfThreads f Threads ManageThreadTagsEditor = dispatch eventHandlerManageThreadTagsEditor f Threads SearchThreadsEditor = dispatch eventHandlerSearchThreadsEditor f ViewMail ManageMailTagsEditor = dispatch eventHandlerViewMailManageMailTagsEditor f ViewMail MailListOfAttachments = dispatch eventHandlerMailsListOfAttachments f ViewMail MailAttachmentOpenWithEditor = dispatch eventHandlerMailAttachmentOpenWithEditor f ViewMail MailAttachmentPipeToEditor = dispatch eventHandlerMailAttachmentPipeToEditor f ViewMail ScrollingMailViewFindWordEditor = dispatch eventHandlerScrollingMailViewFind f ViewMail SaveToDiskPathEditor = dispatch eventHandlerSaveToDiskEditor f ViewMail ComposeTo = dispatch eventHandlerViewMailComposeTo f ViewMail _ = dispatch eventHandlerScrollingMailView f _ ScrollingHelpView = dispatch eventHandlerScrollingHelpView f _ ListOfFiles = dispatch eventHandlerComposeFileBrowser f _ ManageFileBrowserSearchPath = dispatch eventHandlerManageFileBrowserSearchPath f _ ConfirmDialog = dispatch eventHandlerConfirm f _ _ = dispatch nullEventHandler -- | Handling of application events. These can be keys which are -- pressed by the user or asynchronous events send by threads. -- appEvent :: AppState -> Brick.BrickEvent Name PurebredEvent -- ^ event -> Brick.EventM Name (Brick.Next AppState) appEvent s (Brick.VtyEvent ev) = handleViewEvent (focusedViewName s) (focusedViewWidget s) s ev appEvent s (Brick.AppEvent ev) = case ev of NotifyNumThreads n gen -> M.continue $ if gen == view (asThreadsView . miListOfThreadsGeneration) s then set (asThreadsView . miThreads . listLength) (Just n) s else s NotifyNewMailArrived n -> M.continue (set (asThreadsView . miNewMail) n s) InputValidated err -> M.continue . ($ s) $ case err of -- No error at all. Clear any existing errors set in the state. Nothing -> set asUserMessage Nothing . set (asAsync . aValidation) Nothing (Just msg) -> let allVisible = concat $ visibleViewWidgets s widget = view umContext msg in if widget `elem` allVisible -- Widget for this message is still visible, display -- the message and clear the thread ID. then set asUserMessage err . set (asAsync . aValidation) Nothing -- Widget for this message is hidden, ignore the -- message, clear existing message and thread states. else set asUserMessage Nothing . set (asAsync . aValidation) Nothing appEvent s _ = M.continue s initialViews :: Map.Map ViewName View initialViews = Map.fromList [ (Threads, indexView) , (ViewMail, mailView) , (Help, helpView) , (ComposeView, composeView) , (FileBrowser, filebrowserView) ] initialState :: Configuration -> BChan PurebredEvent -> (T.Text -> IO ()) -> IO AppState initialState conf chan sink = do fb' <- FB.newFileBrowser FB.selectNonDirectories ListOfFiles (Just $ view (confFileBrowserView . fbHomePath) conf) let searchterms = view (confNotmuch . nmSearch) conf mi = ThreadsView (ListWithLength (L.list ListOfMails mempty 1) (Just 0)) (ListWithLength (L.list ListOfThreads mempty 1) (Just 0)) firstGeneration (statefulEditor $ E.editorText SearchThreadsEditor Nothing searchterms) (E.editorText ManageMailTagsEditor Nothing "") (E.editorText ManageThreadTagsEditor Nothing "") 0 mv = MailView Nothing (MailBody mempty []) Filtered (L.list MailListOfAttachments mempty 1) (E.editorText SaveToDiskPathEditor Nothing "") (E.editorText MailAttachmentOpenWithEditor Nothing "") (E.editorText MailAttachmentPipeToEditor Nothing "") (E.editorText ScrollingMailViewFindWordEditor Nothing "") (focusRing []) viewsettings = ViewSettings { _vsViews = initialViews , _vsFocusedView = focusRing [Threads, Mails, ViewMail, Help, ComposeView, FileBrowser] } path = view (confFileBrowserView . fbHomePath) conf fb = CreateFileBrowser fb' (statefulEditor $ E.editor ManageFileBrowserSearchPath Nothing path) mailboxes = view (confComposeView . cvIdentities) conf epoch = UTCTime (fromGregorian 2018 07 18) 1 async = Async Nothing s = AppState conf chan sink mi mv (initialCompose mailboxes) Nothing viewsettings fb epoch async execStateT applySearch s -- | Application event loop. theApp :: AppState -- ^ initial state -> M.App AppState PurebredEvent Name theApp s = M.App { M.appDraw = drawUI , M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor , M.appHandleEvent = appEvent , M.appStartEvent = return , M.appAttrMap = const (view (asConfig . confTheme) s) }
module AlphabeticAnagrams where import Data.List import Data.Bits import Control.Arrow import Data.Maybe alpha = ['A'..'Z'] type BIT = [Int] mapString :: String -> [Int] mapString = ((\x -> fromJust $ elemIndex x alpha) <$>) lowbit :: Int -> Int lowbit n = n .&. (-n) bitSum :: [Int] -> Int -> Int bitSum bit 0 = 0 bitSum bit x = (bit !! x) + (bitSum bit $ x - lowbit x) -- bitAdd :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -- bitAdd bit l i -- |i > l = bit -- |otherwise = bitAdd (update bit l l i) (i + lowbit i) -- inv :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, a)] inv xs = [(a, b) | (a : bs) <- tails xs, b <- bs, a > b] -- lexiPos :: String -> Integer -- lexiPos s = toInteger $ 1 + (length $ inv $ mapString s) lexiPos :: String -> Integer lexiPos [x] = 1 lexiPos w@(c:cs) = sum (f <$> ys) + lexiPos cs where hshs = tail . init . tails $ w tsts = init . tail . inits $ w func i (h : t) = h : i ++ t ys = nub . ((sort . tail) <$>) . filter ((< c) . head) . zipWith func tsts $ hshs f = uncurry div . (g . sum &&& product . (g <$>)) . (length <$>) . group . sort --
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- -- Copyright (C) 2004-5 Don Stewart - -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 -- USA -- module System.Loader.Package.Env ( env, withModEnv, withPkgEnvs, modifyModEnv, modifyPkgEnv, addModule, rmModule, addModules, isLoaded, loaded, addPkgConf, union, addStaticPkg, isStaticPkg, grabDefaultPkgConf, readPackageConf, lookupPkg, Key(..), Module(..) ) where #include "config.h" import System.Loader.Package.Constants ( sysPkgSuffix ) import Control.Monad ( liftM ) import Data.IORef ( writeIORef, readIORef, newIORef, IORef() ) import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing ) import Data.List ( (\\), nub, ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) #if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__) import Prelude hiding ( catch, ioError ) import System.IO.Error ( catch, ioError, isDoesNotExistError ) #endif import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar(), newMVar, withMVar ) import Distribution.Package hiding (depends, packageName, PackageName(..)) import Distribution.Text import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo import Distribution.Simple.Compiler import Distribution.Simple.GHC import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Verbosity import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S -- -- and map Data.Map terms to FiniteMap terms -- type FiniteMap k e = M.Map k e emptyFM :: FiniteMap key elt emptyFM = M.empty addToFM :: (Ord key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt addToFM = \m k e -> M.insert k e m addWithFM :: (Ord key) => (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt addWithFM = \comb m k e -> M.insertWith comb k e m delFromFM :: (Ord key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> FiniteMap key elt delFromFM = flip M.delete lookupFM :: (Ord key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> Maybe elt lookupFM = flip M.lookup -- -- | We need to record what modules and packages we have loaded, so if -- a package wants to load something already loaded, we -- can safely ignore that request. We're in the IO monad anyway, so we -- can add some extra state of our own. -- -- The state is a FiniteMap String (Module,Int) (a hash of -- package\/object names to Modules and how many times they've been -- loaded). -- -- It also contains the package.conf information, so that if there is a -- package dependency we can find it correctly, even if it has a -- non-standard path or name, and if it isn't an official package (but -- rather one provided via -package-conf). This is stored as a FiniteMap -- PackageName PackageConfig. The problem then is whether a user's -- package.conf, that uses the same package name as an existing GHC -- package, should be allowed, or should shadow a library package? I -- don't know, but I'm inclined to have the GHC package shadow the -- user's package. -- -- This idea is based on /Hampus Ram's dynamic loader/ dependency -- tracking system. He uses state to record dependency trees to allow -- clean unloading and other fun. This is quite cool. We're just using -- state to make sure we don't load the same package twice. type ModEnv = FiniteMap String (Module,Int) -- represents a package.conf file type PkgEnv = FiniteMap PackageName PackageConfig type StaticPkgEnv = S.Set PackageName -- multiple package.conf's kept in separate namespaces type PkgEnvs = [PkgEnv] type Env = (MVar (), IORef ModEnv, IORef PkgEnvs, IORef StaticPkgEnv) data Key = Object String | Package String data Module = Module { modulePath :: !FilePath , moduleName :: !String , moduleKey :: Key } -- -- our environment, contains a set of loaded objects, and a map of known -- packages and their informations. Initially all we know is the default -- package.conf information. -- env = unsafePerformIO $ do mvar <- newMVar () ref1 <- newIORef emptyFM -- loaded objects p <- grabDefaultPkgConf ref3 <- newIORef p -- package.conf info ref4 <- newIORef (S.fromList ["base","Cabal","haskell-src", "containers", "arrays", "directory", "random", "process", "ghc", "ghc-prim"]) return (mvar, ref1, ref3, ref4) {-# NOINLINE env #-} -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | apply 'f' to the loaded objects Env, apply 'f' to the package.conf -- FM /locks up the MVar/ so you can't recursively call a function -- inside a with any -Env function. Nice and threadsafe -- withModEnv :: Env -> (ModEnv -> IO a) -> IO a withPkgEnvs :: Env -> (PkgEnvs -> IO a) -> IO a withStaticPkgEnv :: Env -> (StaticPkgEnv -> IO a) -> IO a withModEnv (mvar,ref,_,_) f = withMVar mvar (\_ -> readIORef ref >>= f) withPkgEnvs (mvar,_,ref,_) f = withMVar mvar (\_ -> readIORef ref >>= f) withStaticPkgEnv (mvar,_,_,ref) f = withMVar mvar (\_ -> readIORef ref >>= f) -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- -- write an object name -- write a new PackageConfig -- modifyModEnv :: Env -> (ModEnv -> IO ModEnv) -> IO () modifyPkgEnv :: Env -> (PkgEnvs -> IO PkgEnvs) -> IO () modifyStaticPkgEnv :: Env -> (StaticPkgEnv -> IO StaticPkgEnv) -> IO () modifyModEnv (mvar,ref,_,_) f = lockAndWrite mvar ref f modifyPkgEnv (mvar,_,ref,_) f = lockAndWrite mvar ref f modifyStaticPkgEnv (mvar,_,_,ref) f = lockAndWrite mvar ref f -- private lockAndWrite mvar ref f = withMVar mvar (\_->readIORef ref>>=f>>=writeIORef ref) -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- -- | insert a loaded module name into the environment -- addModule :: String -> Module -> IO () addModule s m = modifyModEnv env $ \fm -> let c = maybe 0 snd (lookupFM fm s) in return $ addToFM fm s (m,c+1) --getModule :: String -> IO (Maybe Module) --getModule s = withModEnv env $ \fm -> return (lookupFM fm s) -- -- | remove a module name from the environment. Returns True if the -- module was actually removed. -- rmModule :: String -> IO Bool rmModule s = do modifyModEnv env $ \fm -> let c = maybe 1 snd (lookupFM fm s) fm' = delFromFM fm s in if c-1 <= 0 then return fm' else return fm withModEnv env $ \fm -> return (isNothing (lookupFM fm s)) -- -- | insert a list of module names all in one go -- addModules :: [(String,Module)] -> IO () addModules ns = mapM_ (uncurry addModule) ns -- -- | is a module\/package already loaded? -- isLoaded :: String -> IO Bool isLoaded s = withModEnv env $ \fm -> return $ isJust (lookupFM fm s) -- -- confusing! only for filter. -- loaded :: String -> IO Bool loaded m = do t <- isLoaded m ; return (not t) -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Package management stuff -- -- | Insert a single package.conf (containing multiple configs) means: -- create a new FM. insert packages into FM. add FM to end of list of FM -- stored in the environment. -- addPkgConf :: FilePath -> IO () addPkgConf f = do ps <- readPackageConf f modifyPkgEnv env $ \ls -> return $ union ls ps -- -- | add a new FM for the package.conf to the list of existing ones; if a package occurs multiple -- times, pick the one with the higher version number as the default (e.g., important for base in -- GHC 6.12) -- union :: PkgEnvs -> [PackageConfig] -> PkgEnvs union ls ps' = let fm = emptyFM -- new FM for this package.conf in foldr addOnePkg fm ps' : ls where -- we add each package with and without it's version number and with the full installedPackageId addOnePkg p fm' = addToPkgEnvs (addToPkgEnvs (addToPkgEnvs fm' (display $ sourcePackageId p) p) (display $ installedPackageId p) p) (packageName p) p -- if no version number specified, pick the higher version addToPkgEnvs = addWithFM higherVersion higherVersion pkgconf1 pkgconf2 | installedPackageId pkgconf1 >= installedPackageId pkgconf2 = pkgconf1 | otherwise = pkgconf2 -- -- | generate a PkgEnv from the system package.conf -- The path to the default package.conf was determined by /configure/ -- This imposes a constraint that you must build your plugins with the -- same ghc you use to build hs-plugins. This is reasonable, we feel. -- grabDefaultPkgConf :: IO PkgEnvs grabDefaultPkgConf = do pc <- configureAllKnownPrograms silent defaultProgramConfiguration pkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages silent [GlobalPackageDB, UserPackageDB] pc return $ [] `union` allPackages pkgIndex -- -- parse a source file, expanding any $libdir we see. -- readPackageConf :: FilePath -> IO [PackageConfig] readPackageConf f = do pc <- configureAllKnownPrograms silent defaultProgramConfiguration pkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages silent [GlobalPackageDB, UserPackageDB, SpecificPackageDB f] pc return $ allPackages pkgIndex -- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Static package management stuff. A static package is linked with the base -- application and we should therefore not link with any of the DLLs it requires. addStaticPkg :: PackageName -> IO () addStaticPkg pkg = modifyStaticPkgEnv env $ \set -> return $ S.insert pkg set isStaticPkg :: PackageName -> IO Bool isStaticPkg pkg = withStaticPkgEnv env $ \set -> return $ S.member pkg set -- -- Package path, given a package name, look it up in the environment and -- return the path to all the libraries needed to load this package. -- -- What do we need to load? With the library_dirs as prefix paths: -- . anything in the hs_libraries fields, libdir expanded -- -- . anything in the extra_libraries fields (i.e. cbits), expanded, -- -- which includes system .so files. -- -- . also load any dependencies now, because of that weird mtl -- library that lang depends upon, but which doesn't show up in the -- interfaces for some reason. -- -- We return all the package paths that possibly exist, and the leave it -- up to loadObject not to load the same ones twice... -- lookupPkg :: PackageName -> IO ([FilePath],[FilePath]) lookupPkg pn = go [] pn where go :: [PackageName] -> PackageName -> IO ([FilePath],[FilePath]) go seen p = do (ps, (f, g)) <- lookupPkg' p static <- isStaticPkg p (f', g') <- liftM unzip $ mapM (go (nub $ seen ++ ps)) (ps \\ seen) return $ (nub $ (concat f') ++ f, if static then [] else nub $ (concat g') ++ g) data LibrarySpec = DLL String -- -lLib | DLLPath FilePath -- -Lpath classifyLdInput :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe LibrarySpec) classifyLdInput ('-':'l':lib) = return (Just (DLL lib)) classifyLdInput ('-':'L':path) = return (Just (DLLPath path)) classifyLdInput _ = return Nothing -- TODO need to define a MAC\/DARWIN symbol #if defined(MACOSX) mkSOName root = "lib" ++ root ++ ".dylib" #elif defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__) -- Win32 DLLs have no .dll extension here, because addDLL tries -- both foo.dll and foo.drv mkSOName root = root #else mkSOName root = "lib" ++ root ++ ".so" #endif #if defined(MACOSX) mkDynPkgName root = mkSOName (root ++ "_dyn") #else mkDynPkgName root = mkSOName root #endif data HSLib = Static FilePath | Dynamic FilePath -- -- return any stuff to load for this package, plus the list of packages -- this package depends on. which includes stuff we have to then load -- too. -- lookupPkg' :: PackageName -> IO ([PackageName],([FilePath],[FilePath])) lookupPkg' p = withPkgEnvs env $ \fms -> go fms p where go [] _ = return ([],([],[])) go (fm:fms) q = case lookupFM fm q of Nothing -> go fms q -- look in other pkgs Just pkg -> do let hslibs = hsLibraries pkg extras' = extraLibraries pkg cbits = filter (\e -> reverse (take (length "_cbits") (reverse e)) == "_cbits") extras' extras = filter (flip notElem cbits) extras' ldopts = ldOptions pkg deppkgs = packageDeps pkg ldInput <- mapM classifyLdInput ldopts let ldOptsLibs = [ path | Just (DLL path) <- ldInput ] ldOptsPaths = [ path | Just (DLLPath path) <- ldInput ] dlls = map mkSOName (extras ++ ldOptsLibs) #if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__) libdirs = fix_topdir (libraryDirs pkg) ++ ldOptsPaths #else libdirs = libraryDirs pkg ++ ldOptsPaths #endif -- If we're loading dynamic libs we need the cbits to appear before the -- real packages. libs <- mapM (findHSlib libdirs) (cbits ++ hslibs) #if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__) windowsos <- catch (getEnv "OS") (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return "Windows_98" else ioError e) windowsdir <- if windowsos == "Windows_9X" -- I don't know Windows 9X has OS system variable then return "C:/windows" else return "C:/winnt" sysroot <- catch (getEnv "SYSTEMROOT") (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return windowsdir else ioError e) -- guess at a reasonable default let syslibdir = sysroot ++ (if windowsos == "Windows_9X" then "/SYSTEM" else "/SYSTEM32") libs' <- mapM (findDLL $ syslibdir : libdirs) dlls #else libs' <- mapM (findDLL libdirs) dlls #endif let slibs = [ lib | Right (Static lib) <- libs ] dlibs = [ lib | Right (Dynamic lib) <- libs ] return (deppkgs, (slibs,map (either id id) libs' ++ dlibs) ) #if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(__MINGW32__) -- replace $topdir fix_topdir [] = [] fix_topdir (x:xs) = replace_topdir x : fix_topdir xs replace_topdir [] = [] replace_topdir ('$':xs) | take 6 xs == "topdir" = ghcLibraryPath ++ (drop 6 xs) | otherwise = '$' : replace_topdir xs replace_topdir (x:xs) = x : replace_topdir xs #endif -- a list elimination form for the Maybe type --filterRight :: [Either left right] -> [right] --filterRight [] = [] --filterRight (Right x:xs) = x:filterRight xs --filterRight (Left _:xs) = filterRight xs -- -- Check that a path to a library actually reaches a library findHSlib' :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findHSlib' [] _ = return Nothing findHSlib' (dir:dirs) lib = do let l = dir </> lib b <- doesFileExist l if b then return $ Just l -- found it! else findHSlib' dirs lib findHSslib dirs lib = findHSlib' dirs $ lib ++ sysPkgSuffix findHSdlib dirs lib = findHSlib' dirs $ mkDynPkgName lib -- Problem: sysPkgSuffix is ".o", but extra libraries could be -- ".so" -- Solution: first look for static library, if we don't find it -- look for a dynamic version. findHSlib :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Either String HSLib) findHSlib dirs lib = do static <- findHSslib dirs lib case static of Just file -> return $ Right $ Static file Nothing -> do dynamic <- findHSdlib dirs lib case dynamic of Just file -> return $ Right $ Dynamic file Nothing -> return $ Left lib findDLL :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Either String FilePath) findDLL [] lib = return (Left lib) findDLL (dir:dirs) lib = do let l = dir </> lib b <- doesFileExist l if b then return $ Right l else findDLL dirs lib ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- break a module cycle -- private: -- (</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath [] </> b = b a </> b = a ++ "/" ++ b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- We export an abstract interface to package conf`s because we have -- to handle either traditional or Cabal style package conf`s. -- packageName :: PackageConfig -> PackageName packageDeps :: PackageConfig -> [PackageName] -- updImportDirs :: ([FilePath] -> [FilePath]) -> PackageConfig -> PackageConfig -- updLibraryDirs :: ([FilePath] -> [FilePath]) -> PackageConfig -> PackageConfig type PackageName = String type PackageConfig = InstalledPackageInfo packageName = display . pkgName . sourcePackageId -- packageName_ = pkgName . sourcePackageId packageDeps = (map display) . depends {- updImportDirs f pk@(InstalledPackageInfo { importDirs = idirs }) = pk { importDirs = f idirs } updLibraryDirs f pk@(InstalledPackageInfo { libraryDirs = ldirs }) = pk { libraryDirs = f ldirs } -}
{- - This file is part of Bilder. - - Bilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - Bilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - along with Bilder. If not, see <>. - - Copyright © 2012-2013 Filip Lundborg - Copyright © 2012-2013 Ingemar Ådahl - -} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} module Compiler.Simple.Types where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Compiler.Simple.AbsSimple data Shader = Shader { functions ∷ Map.Map String Function , variables ∷ Map.Map String Variable --, structs ∷ Map.Map String Struct , output ∷ Variable , inputs ∷ Map.Map String Variable } deriving (Show, Eq)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -XFlexibleInstances #-} {- - - Copyright 2014 -- name removed for blind review, all rights reserved! Please push a git request to receive author's name! -- - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -} module Main (main) where import System.Environment (getArgs) import EParser (parse,tbrfun,pGetEMOD,pGetLisp,TermBuilder (..)) import ToNET (showNET) import System.IO main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs s <- readContents args "i" case (parse pGetLisp "(stdin)" s) of (Left e) -> hPutStrLn stderr (show e) (Right [g]) -> case (tbrfun (pGetEMOD g) 0) of (TBError e) -> hPutStrLn stderr (show e) (TB v _) -> do let (dotGraph,proofObligations) = showNET v write args "g" dotGraph write args "p" proofObligations (Right []) -> hPutStrLn stderr "Please supply input at (stdin)" _ -> hPutStrLn stderr "More than one input not supported" readContents :: [String] -> String -> IO (String) readContents (('-':h):v:_) h' | h==h' = case v of "-" -> getContents "_" -> return "" f -> do hd <- openFile f ReadMode hGetContents hd readContents (_:as) x = readContents as x readContents [] f = do hPutStrLn stderr$ "No `-"++f++" filename' argument given, using stdin for input (use - as a filename to suppress this warning while still using stdin, or _ to read an empty string)." getContents write :: [String] -> String -> String -> IO () write (('-':h):v:_) h' s | h==h' = case v of "-" -> putStrLn s "_" -> return () f -> do hd <- openFile f WriteMode hPutStrLn hd s hClose hd write (_:as) x y = write as x y write [] f _ = hPutStrLn stderr$ "No `-"++f++" filename' argument given, some of the output is omitted (use - as a filename for stdout, or _ to suppress this warning)."
unit = ["", "Man","Oku","Cho","Kei","Gai","Jo","Jou","Ko","Kan","Sei","Sai","Gok","Ggs","Asg","Nyt","Fks","Mts"] toStr 0 _ = [] toStr _ [] = [] toStr n (u:us) = let m = n `mod` 10000 n'= n `div` 10000 in if m == 0 then (toStr n' us) else (toStr n' us) ++ show(m) ++ u ans' :: Integer -> Integer -> String ans' a b = let n = a ^ b in toStr n unit ans :: [[Integer]] -> [String] ans ([0,0]:_) = [] ans ([a,b]:s) = (ans' a b):(ans s) main = do c <- getContents let i = map (map read) $ map words $ lines c :: [[Integer]] o = ans i mapM_ putStrLn o