15 values
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Collab.Test.ResponseTests ( tests ) where import Test.HUnit import Collab.Response import Collab.Json tests = TestList [ TestCase $ "foo@bar{}" @=? makeMessage "foo" "bar" "{}" , TestCase $ "member@bar{\"me\":true,\"name\":\"bar\",\"id\":\"foo\"}" @=? makeMessageT "bar" (Member "foo" "bar" True) ]
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} -- | -- Module : Exercise3 -- Description : Generics by Overloading & Clean Native Generics -- Copyright : (c) Tom Westerhout, 2017 -- License : MIT module Exercise3 ( Bin(..), -- * Kind-Index Generic Serialisation -- Our 'Exercise2.Serialise' class in "Exercise2" is indeed only suitable -- for serialisation of types of kind @*@. There is, however, an -- interesting qoute I've come across: -- -- > In Haskell 98, * is the only inhabited kind, that is, all values -- > have types of kind *. GHC introduces another inhabited kind, #, for -- > unlifted types. -- -- So what I don't understand is why would one need a @serialise@ function -- for kinds other than @*@? Generic mapping, equality etc. -- sure, why -- not, but serialisation -- I don't see it... So I'm not going to do this -- part as I don't see how it differs from "Exercise2". -- * Serialisation using Haskell's native Generics -- I got writing working, but not reading. GHC generates @Read@ -- instances at compile-time, so it should be possible to obtain -- contructor names at compile-time... I failed to find a way to do it -- using @Generics@. SerialiseImpl(readPrecImpl, writePrecImpl), Serialise(readPrec', writePrec') -- * Rest -- The night has passed, it's 6:30 a.m. so I'm afraid I'll stop here. ) where import Prelude.Unicode import Data.Maybe import Control.Arrow(first, second) import Control.Applicative((<|>)) import Control.Monad import GHC.Generics import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP import Data.Char(isSpace) import qualified Data.List type ReadS' α = String → Maybe (α, String) appPrec ∷ Int appPrec = 10 step ∷ Int → Int step p = (p + 1) `mod` 11 readParensIf ∷ Bool → ReadP α → ReadP α readParensIf p x = if p then mandatory else (x +++ mandatory) where mandatory = between (char '(') (char ')') x showParensIf ∷ Bool → String → String showParensIf p s = if p then "(" ++ s ++ ")" else s sepAndParen ∷ Bool → [String] → String sepAndParen p xs = case filter (not . null) xs of [] -> "" [x] -> x xs -> showParensIf p $ Data.List.concat . Data.List.intersperse " " $ xs -- | Compact @Serialise@ typeclass, i.e. no generic information is included -- in the serialised data. class SerialiseImpl α where readPrecImpl ∷ Int → ReadP (α χ) writePrecImpl ∷ Int → (α χ) → String class Serialise α where readPrec' ∷ Int → ReadP α writePrec' ∷ Int → α → String default readPrec' ∷ (Generic α, SerialiseImpl (Rep α)) ⇒ Int → ReadP α readPrec' p = readPrecImpl p >>= return . to default writePrec' ∷ (Generic α, SerialiseImpl (Rep α)) ⇒ Int → α → String writePrec' p x = writePrecImpl p (from x) -- | -- Both functions undefined, because one simply can create no instances of -- type 'V1'. instance SerialiseImpl V1 where readPrecImpl = undefined writePrecImpl = undefined -- | -- Reading always succeeds as there's nothing to read; writing produces an -- empty string. instance SerialiseImpl U1 where readPrecImpl _ = return U1 writePrecImpl _ U1 = "" instance (SerialiseImpl α, SerialiseImpl β) => SerialiseImpl (α :+: β) where readPrecImpl p = ((readPrecImpl p ∷ (SerialiseImpl α) ⇒ ReadP (α χ)) >>= return . L1) +++ ((readPrecImpl p ∷ (SerialiseImpl β) ⇒ ReadP (β χ)) >>= return . R1) writePrecImpl p (L1 x) = writePrecImpl p x writePrecImpl p (R1 x) = writePrecImpl p x instance (SerialiseImpl α, SerialiseImpl β) => SerialiseImpl (α :*: β) where readPrecImpl p = readParensIf False $ do x <- readPrecImpl 11 skipSpaces y <- readPrecImpl 11 return (x :*: y) writePrecImpl p (x :*: y) = sepAndParen False $ [writePrecImpl 11 x, writePrecImpl 11 y] instance (Serialise ν) => SerialiseImpl (K1 ι ν) where readPrecImpl p = readPrec' p >>= return . K1 writePrecImpl p (K1 x) = writePrec' p x instance (SerialiseImpl α, Constructor ξ) => SerialiseImpl (M1 C ξ α) where readPrecImpl ∷ Int → ReadP (M1 C ξ α χ) readPrecImpl p = do string "Leaf" -- This is just to make the code compile. Next -- line is nicer, but doesn't compile... -- string $ conName ((M1 undefined) -- :: (SerialiseImpl α, Constructor ξ) ⇒ (M1 C ξ α χ)) skipSpaces x <- readPrecImpl 11 return (M1 x) writePrecImpl p c@(M1 x) = sepAndParen (p > appPrec) $ [conName c, writePrecImpl 11 x] instance (SerialiseImpl α, Selector σ) => SerialiseImpl (M1 S σ α) where readPrecImpl p = readPrecImpl p >>= return . M1 writePrecImpl p (M1 x) = writePrecImpl p x instance (SerialiseImpl α) => SerialiseImpl (M1 D δ α) where readPrecImpl p = readPrecImpl p >>= return . M1 writePrecImpl p (M1 x) = writePrecImpl p x data Bin a = Leaf | Bin (Bin a) a (Bin a) deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic) instance Serialise Int where readPrec' p = readS_to_P $ readsPrec p writePrec' p x = show x instance Serialise (Bin Int)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.JSONApi.PaginationSpec where import Data.Map (toList) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Network.JSONApi import Network.URL (importURL) import Test.Hspec main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = describe "Pagination" $ do it "should return mandatory keys" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 2) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 30) let results = mkPaginationLinks PageStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm map fst links `shouldBe` ["first", "last", "next", "prev"] it "should return proper hrefs for paging strategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 2) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 30) let results = mkPaginationLinks PageStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm links `shouldBe` [("first", "/users?page%5bsize%5d=10&page%5bnumber%5d=1"), ("last", "/users?page%5bsize%5d=10&page%5bnumber%5d=3"), ("next", "/users?page%5bsize%5d=10&page%5bnumber%5d=3"), ("prev", "/users?page%5bsize%5d=10&page%5bnumber%5d=1")] it "should return proper hrefs for offset strategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 1) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 30) let results = mkPaginationLinks OffsetStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm links `shouldBe` [("first", "/users?page%5blimit%5d=10&page%5boffset%5d=0"), ("last", "/users?page%5blimit%5d=10&page%5boffset%5d=2"), ("next", "/users?page%5blimit%5d=10&page%5boffset%5d=2"), ("prev", "/users?page%5blimit%5d=10&page%5boffset%5d=0")] it "should support the page strategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 0) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 20) let results = mkPaginationLinks PageStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm (snd . head) links `shouldBe` "/users?page%5bsize%5d=10&page%5bnumber%5d=1" it "should support the offset strategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 0) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 20) let results = mkPaginationLinks OffsetStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm (snd . head) links `shouldBe` "/users?page%5blimit%5d=10&page%5boffset%5d=0" it "should omit prev when we are on the first page of a PageStrategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 1) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 20) let results = mkPaginationLinks PageStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm map fst links `shouldBe` ["first", "last", "next"] it "should omit next when we are on the last page of a PageStrategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 2) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 20) let results = mkPaginationLinks PageStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm map fst links `shouldBe` ["first", "last", "prev"] it "should omit prev when we are on the first page of a OffsetStrategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 0) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 20) let results = mkPaginationLinks OffsetStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm map fst links `shouldBe` ["first", "last", "next"] it "should omit next when we are on the last page of a OffsetStrategy" $ do let p = Pagination (PageIndex 1) (PageSize 10) (ResourceCount 20) let results = mkPaginationLinks OffsetStrategy (fromJust $ importURL "/users") p case results of Links lm -> do let links = toList lm map fst links `shouldBe` ["first", "last", "prev"]
import Drawing import Geometry main = drawPicture myPicture myPicture points = drawPoints [a,b,c,d] & drawLabels [a,b,c,d] ["A","B","C","D"] & drawSegment (a,b) & drawSegment (b,c) & drawSegment (c,a) & drawSegment (a,d) & drawSegment (c,d) where [a,c] = take 2 points [b,d] = circle_circle (a,c) (c,a)
module MiniSequel.Model where import MiniSequel.Expression import MiniSequel import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Data import qualified Data.Map as Map class SequelModel a where createModel :: Model a data SequelType = SequelBoolean | SequelInteger | SequelVarchar Int | SequelDate | SequelDateTime | SequelTimeStamp | SequelTime | SequelDouble | SequelEnumeration [SequelExpression] | SequelText | SequelSerial | SequelFKSerial data SequelConstraintKey = SequelCUniqKey | SequelCPrimaryKey | SequelCForeignKey data SequelField = SequelField { _type :: SequelType, _name :: SequelExpression, _default :: Maybe SequelExpression, _null :: Bool, _primaryKey :: Bool, _autoIncrement :: Bool, _unique :: Bool, _foreignKey :: Maybe SequelExpression } | SequelConstraint SequelConstraintKey [SequelExpression] data Model a = Model{ _name' :: SequelExpression, _columns :: [SequelField], _safeCreation :: Bool } ifNotExists m = m { _safeCreation = True} table name cols = Model { _name' = name, _columns = cols, _safeCreation = False} column :: SequelExpression -> SequelType -> SequelField column name@(SequelSymbol _) type' = SequelField { _type = type', _name = name, _default = Nothing, _null = True, _primaryKey = False, _autoIncrement = False, _unique = False, _foreignKey = Nothing } notNull :: SequelField -> SequelField notNull field = field { _null = False } autoIncrement :: SequelField -> SequelField autoIncrement field = field { _autoIncrement = True , _type = SequelSerial } foreignKey :: SequelExpression -> SequelField -> SequelField foreignKey refer field = field { _foreignKey = Just refer } primaryKey :: SequelField -> SequelField primaryKey field = field { _primaryKey = True } default' :: SequelExpression -> SequelField -> SequelField default' value field = field { _default = Just value} unique :: SequelField -> SequelField unique field = field { _unique = True } uniqueKey :: [SequelExpression] -> SequelField uniqueKey = SequelConstraint SequelCUniqKey cPrimaryKey :: [SequelExpression] -> SequelField cPrimaryKey = SequelConstraint SequelCPrimaryKey showNull True = " NULL " showNull False = " NOT NULL " showDefault _ _ Nothing = "" showDefault qi qs (Just val) = " DEFAULT "`mappend` showExpr qi qs val showAutoIncrement False = "" showAutoIncrement True = " AUTO_INCREMENT " showPrimaryKey False = "" showPrimaryKey True = " PRIMARY KEY " showFields qi qs table fields = intercalate ", " $ fmap (showField qi qs table) fields showType _ _ SequelInteger = "INTEGER" showType _ _ SequelFKSerial = "BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED" showType _ _ (SequelVarchar size) = "VARCHAR(" `mappend` show size `mappend` ")" showType _ _ SequelDate = "DATE" showType _ _ SequelDateTime = "DATETIME" showType _ _ SequelTimeStamp = "TIMESTAMP" showType _ _ SequelTime = "TIME" showType _ _ SequelDouble = "DOUBLE" showType _ _ SequelText = "TEXT" showType _ _ SequelSerial = "SERIAL" showType _ _ SequelBoolean = " BOOLEAN" showType qi qs (SequelEnumeration values)= "ENUM(" `mappend` intercalate "," (fmap (showExpr qi qs) values) `mappend` ")" showModel qi qs (Model name@(SequelSymbol _) fields safe) = "CREATE TABLE " `mappend` (if safe then " IF NOT EXISTS " else "") `mappend` showExpr qi qs name `mappend` "(" `mappend` showFields qi qs name fields `mappend` ")" showField qi qs (SequelSymbol tableName) (SequelConstraint SequelCUniqKey fields) = "UNIQUE KEY (" `mappend` intercalate ", " (fmap (showExpr qi qs) fields) `mappend` ")" showField qi qs (SequelSymbol tableName) (SequelConstraint SequelCPrimaryKey fields) = "PRIMARY KEY (" `mappend` intercalate ", " (fmap (showExpr qi qs) fields) `mappend` ")" showField qi qs (SequelSymbol tableName) (SequelField t name@(SequelSymbol nme) def nul pk ai uni fk) = showExpr qi qs name `mappend` " " `mappend` showType qi qs t `mappend` showNull nul `mappend` showDefault qi qs def `mappend` showAutoIncrement ai `mappend` showPrimaryKey pk `mappend` if uni then " UNIQUE " else "" `mappend` case fk of Nothing -> "" Just (SequelSymbolOperation Access tabS@(SequelSymbol tab) colS@(SequelSymbol col)) -> ", CONSTRAINT " `mappend` showExpr qi qs (SequelSymbol $ "fk_" `mappend` tableName `mappend` "_" `mappend` nme) `mappend` " FOREIGN KEY(" `mappend` showExpr qi qs name `mappend` ") " `mappend` " REFERENCES " `mappend` showExpr qi qs tabS `mappend` "(" `mappend` showExpr qi qs colS `mappend` ")"
-- Syntax -- ref: -- Declaration vs. expression style {- Declaration style Expression-style where clause let expression Function arguments on left hand side: f x = x*x Lambda abstraction: f = \x -> x*x Pattern matching in function definitions: f [] = 0 case expression: f xs = case xs of [] -> 0 Guards on function definitions: f [x] | x>0 = 'a' if expression: f [x] = if x>0 then 'a' else ... -} -- Direction of data flow -- That's just infixr/infixl {- In Haskell the direction of data flow symbolized by the notations differs amongst the notations. Both directions occur equally frequently: from left to right: function definition f x = x*x (input left, output right) Lambda \ x -> x*x do notation do f; g monadic composition f >>= g let expression let x = 2 in x*x (first definition, then usage) from right to left: function application f x, f $ x (input right, applied function left) composition g . f results of monads do x <- f monadic composition g =<< f where clause x*x where x = 2 (first usage, then definition) -} -- Do notation considered harmful {- Didactics -- The do notation hides functional details. -- Since do notation is used almost everywhere IO takes place, newcomers quickly believe that the do notation is necessary for doing IO, -- Newcomers might think that IO is somehow special and non-functional, in contrast to the advertisement for Haskell being purely functional, -- Newcomers might think that the order of statements determines the order of execution. -- The order of statements is also not the criterion for the evaluation order. Also here only the data dependencies count. Library design -- Unfortunately, the do notation is so popular that people write more things with monads than necessary. See for instance the Binary package. It contains the Put monad, which in principle has nothing to do with a monad. All "put" operations have the monadic result (). In fact it is a Writer monad using the Builder type, and all you need is just the Builder monoid. Even more unfortunate, the applicative functors were introduced to Haskell's standard libraries only after monads and arrows, thus many types are instances of Monad and Arrow classes, but not as many are instances of Applicative. There is no special syntax for applicative functors because it is hardly necessary. Safety -- The silent neglect of return values of functions. In an imperative language it is common to return an error code and provide the real work by side effects. In Haskell this cannot happen, because functions have no side effects. If you ignore the result of a Haskell function, the function will not even be evaluated. -- The situation is different for IO: While processing the IO, you might still ignore the contained return value. Additional combinators -- Using the infix combinators for writing functions simplifies the addition of new combinators. Consider for instance a monad for random distributions. This monad cannot be an instance of MonadPlus, because there is no mzero (it would be an empty list of events, but their probabilities do not sum up to 1) and mplus is not associative because we have to normalize the sum of probabilities to 1. Thus we cannot use standard guard for this monad. However we would like to write the following: do f <- family guard (existsBoy f) return f Given a custom combinator which performs a filtering with subsequent normalization called (>>=?) :: Distribution a -> (a -> Bool) -> Distribution a we can rewrite this easily: family >>=? existsBoy Note that the (>>=?) combinator introduces the risk of returning an invalid distribution (empty list of events), Alternative combinators If you are used to writing monadic functions using infix combinators (>>) and (>>=) you can easily switch to a different set of combinators. This is useful when there is a monadic structure that does not fit into the current Monad type constructor class, where the monadic result type cannot be constrained. This is e.g. useful for the Set data type, where the element type must have a total order. Useful Compare mdo x <- f x y z y <- g x y z z <- h x y z return (x+y+z) and mfix (\ ~( ~(x,y,z), _) -> do x <- f x y z y <- g x y z z <- h x y z return ((x,y,z),x+y+z)) -} -- Formatting function types hPutBuf :: Handle -- handle to write to -> Ptr a -- address of buffer -> Int -- number of bytes of data in buffer -> IO () -- If-Then-Else -- Haskell without if-then-else syntax makes Haskell more logical and consistent. There is no longer confusion to beginners like: "What is so special about if-then-else, that it needs a separate syntax? I though it could be simply replaced by a function. Maybe there is some subtlety that I'm not able to see right now." There is no longer confusion with the interference of if-then-else syntax with do notation. Removing if-then-else simplifies every language tool, say compiler, text editor, analyzer and so on. -- replace it by if' :: Bool -> a -> a -> a if' True x _ = x if' False _ y = y -- Let vs. Where -- Let: better f :: State s a f = State $ \x -> let y = ... x ... in y -- Where: better f x | cond1 x = a | cond2 x = g a | otherwise = f (h x a) where a = w x -- vs. f x = let a = w x in case () of _ | cond1 x -> a | cond2 x -> g a | otherwise -> f (h x a) f x = let a = w x in select (f (h x a)) [(cond1 x, a), (cond2 x, g a)] f x = let a = w x in if cond1 x then a else if cond2 x then g a else f (h x a) -- One other approach to consider is that let or where can often be implemented using lambda lifting and let floating, incurring at least the cost of introducing a new name. The above example: -- where can hide the CAF, whereas let explicitly show them -- In the second case, fib' is redefined for every argument x. The compiler cannot know whether you intended this -- while it increases time complexity it may reduce space complexity. Thus it will not float the definition out from under the binding of x. -- In contrast, in the first function, fib' can be moved to the top level by the compiler. The where clause hid this structure and made the application to x look like a plain eta expansion, which it is not. fib = let fib' 0 = 0 fib' 1 = 1 fib' n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) in (map fib' [0 ..] !!) fib x = let fib' 0 = 0 fib' 1 = 1 fib' n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) in map fib' [0 ..] !! x -- List comprehension -- No export lists module Important ( {- * Important functions -} foo, {- * Important data types -} Number(One,Two,Three)) where {- | most important function -} foo :: Int foo = 2 {- | most important data type -} data Number = Zero | One | Two | Three | Many -- Pattern guard lookup :: FiniteMap -> Int -> Maybe Int addLookup env var1 var2 | Just val1 <- lookup env var1 , Just val2 <- lookup env var2 = val1 + val2 {-...other equations...-} -- will check to see if both lookups succeed, and bind the results to val1 and val2 before proceeding to use the equation. -- Pronunciation -- infix -- partial: section -- Syntax Suger -- cons: -- pros: -- ref: -- Terminator vs. separator -- Terminator: There is one symbol after each element. -- Separator: There is a symbol between each element. This is what the functions Data.List.intersperse and Data.List.unwords generate. In Haskell language, the following syntaxes allow separators only: {- Liberal choice between separators and terminators: export lists: module A(a,b,c) where and module A(a,b,c,) where (and module A(a,b,c,,,) where ...) import lists: import A(a,b,c) and import A(a,b,c,) let syntax: let a = 'a'; b = 'b' in ... and let a = 'a'; b = 'b'; in ... do syntax: do a ; b and do a; b; -} -- Unary operator -- In Haskell there is only one unary operator, namely the unary minus. It has been discussed in length, whether the unary minus shall be part of numeric literals or whether it shall be an independent operator. -- View pattern -- ref: type Typ data TypView = Unit | Arrow Typ Typ view :: Typ -> TypView -- additional operations for constructing Typ's ... -- In current Haskell, using this signature is a little inconvenient: It is necessary to iterate the case, rather than using an equational function definition. And the situation is even worse when the matching against t is buried deep inside another pattern. In response, programmers sometimes eschew type abstraction in favor of revealing a concrete datatype that is easy to pattern-match against. size :: Typ -> Integer size t = case view t of Unit -> 1 Arrow t1 t2 -> size t1 + size t2 -- View patterns permit calling the view function inside the pattern and matching against the result: size (view -> Unit) = 1 size (view -> Arrow t1 t2) = size t1 + size t2 {- Scoping for expr -> pat: The variables bound by the view pattern are the variables bound by pat. Any variables in expr are bound occurrences. Variables bound by patterns to the left of a view pattern expression are in scope. For example: In function definitions, variables bound by matching earlier curried arguments may be used in view pattern expressions in later arguments. example :: (String -> Integer) -> String -> Bool example f (f -> 4) = True Variables can be bound to the left in tuples and data constructors: example :: ((String -> Integer,Integer), String) -> Bool example ((f,_), f -> 4) = True Typing If expr has type t1 -> t2 and pat matches a t2, then the whole view pattern has type t1. Evaluation To match a value v against a pattern (expr -> pat), evaluate (expr v) and match the result against pat. -} -- Both pattern -- A "both pattern" pat1 & pat2 matches a value against both pat1 and pat2 and succeeds only when they both succeed. A special case is as-patterns, x@p, where the first pattern is a variable. Both patterns can be programmed using view patterns: both : a -> (a,a) both x = (x,x) f (both -> (xs, h : t)) = h : (xs ++ t) -- As-pattern -- x@p -- N+k patterns np :: Num a => a -> a -> Maybe a np k n | k <= n = Just (n-k) | otherwise = Nothing fib :: Num a => a -> a fib 0 = 1 fib 1 = 1 fib (np 2 -> Just n) = fib (n + 1) + fib n
module ModuleWithSpace where moduleWithSpace :: Char moduleWithSpace = ' '
module Handler.System where import Import import System.Process (readProcess) getSystemR :: Handler String getSystemR = track "Handler.System.getSystemR" $ liftIO $ readProcess "df" ["-ih"] ""
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Algebra.CAS.DiffSpec (main, spec) where import Test.Hspec import Algebra.CAS.Base import Algebra.CAS.Diff main :: IO () main = hspec spec x :: Formula x = "x" y :: Formula y = "y" z :: Formula z = "z" spec :: Spec spec = do describe "diff" $ do it "diff(x+y,x)" $ do diff (x+y) (x) `shouldBe` 1 it "diff(x*x+y,x)" $ do diff (x*x+y) (x) `shouldBe` 2*x it "diff(sin(x*x)+y+z,x)" $ do diff (sin(x*x)+y+z) (x) `shouldBe` 2*cos(x*x)*x it "diff(log(x),x)" $ do diff (log(x)) (x) `shouldBe` 1/x
{-# LANGUAGE Safe, GADTs, RankNTypes, ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module FP15.Evaluator.RuntimeError where import Control.Monad.Except import Text.PrettyPrint import FP15.Disp import FP15.Name -- * Error and Diagnostics data StackFrame = StackFrame (Maybe (Located String)) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) newtype StackTrace = StackTrace [StackFrame] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) emptyStackTrace :: StackTrace emptyStackTrace = StackTrace [] -- | An FP15 runtime error. data RuntimeError = ContractViolation { contractViolated :: String , offendingValue :: String , stackTrace :: StackTrace } | PassMismatchError { expectedLength :: Int , actualLength :: Int , stackTrace :: StackTrace } | ErrorMessage { messageText :: String , stackTrace :: StackTrace } | EnvAccessError { offendingIndex :: Int , stackTrace :: StackTrace } --instance Except RuntimeError where --strMsg s = ErrorMessage s emptyStackTrace --noMsg = ErrorMessage "Runtime error." emptyStackTrace instance Disp StackTrace where pretty (StackTrace st) = joinLines $ text "Stack Trace:" : map pretty (reverse st) instance Disp StackFrame where pretty (StackFrame func) = nest 2 $ maybe (text "<func unknown>") pretty func instance Disp RuntimeError where pretty (ContractViolation c v st) = joinLines [text "Contract Violation:", text "Contract: " <> text (show c), text "Value: " <> text (disp v), pretty st] pretty (PassMismatchError m n st) = joinLines [text ("Pass: Arity mismatch: Expecting " ++ show m ++ " args"), text ("but got " ++ show n ++ "."), text (show st)] pretty (ErrorMessage s st) = joinLines [text "Error:" <+> text s, text (show st)] pretty (EnvAccessError i st) = joinLines [text "Env access error: " <+> text (show i), text (show st)] joinLines :: [Doc] -> Doc joinLines = vcat
{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Data.Validation.Aeson where import Control.Monad.Identity import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyBS #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap #endif import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Vector as Vec import Data.Validation.Types decodeValidJSON :: Validator a -> LazyBS.ByteString -> ValidationResult a decodeValidJSON validator input = runIdentity (decodeValidJSONT (liftV validator) input) decodeValidJSONStrict :: Validator a -> BS.ByteString -> ValidationResult a decodeValidJSONStrict validator input = runIdentity (decodeValidJSONStrictT (liftV validator) input) decodeValidJSONT :: Applicative m => ValidatorT m a -> LazyBS.ByteString -> m (ValidationResult a) decodeValidJSONT validator input = case eitherDecode input of Left err -> pure $ Invalid (errMessage $ Text.pack err) Right value -> runValidatorT validator (value :: Value) decodeValidJSONStrictT :: Applicative m => ValidatorT m a -> BS.ByteString -> m (ValidationResult a) decodeValidJSONStrictT validator input = case eitherDecodeStrict input of Left err -> pure $ Invalid (errMessage $ Text.pack err) Right value -> runValidatorT validator (value :: Value) instance Validatable Value where inputText (String text) = Just text inputText _ = Nothing inputNull Null = IsNull inputNull _ = NotNull inputBool (Bool True) = Just True inputBool (Bool False) = Just False inputBool _ = Nothing arrayItems (Array items) = Just items arrayItems _ = Nothing scientificNumber (Number sci) = Just sci scientificNumber _ = Nothing lookupChild attrName (Object hmap) = LookupResult $ #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) KeyMap.lookup (Key.fromText attrName) hmap #else HashMap.lookup attrName hmap #endif lookupChild _ _ = InvalidLookup instance ToJSON Errors where toJSON (Messages set) = Array . Vec.fromList . map toJSON . Set.toList $ set toJSON (Group attrs) = Object #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) . KeyMap.fromList #else . HashMap.fromList #endif . Map.toList #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) . Map.mapKeys Key.fromText #endif . toJSON $ attrs
module Section ( Section, load, flatten ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Loops import Data.Focus import Data.Maybe import Data.Scope import Data.Tree hiding ( flatten ) import Data.Tree.Zipper import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.FilePath.Utils import Section.Isolate ( Isolate ) import Section.Variables ( variables ) import qualified Section.Isolate as Isolate import qualified Section.Info as Info import qualified Path import Text.Pandoc ( Pandoc ) import qualified Target.Pandoc as Pandoc type Section = TreePos Full Isolate load :: FilePath -> String -> Scope -> IO Section load dir name scope = do i <- Isolate.create dir name discover dir scope (fromTree $ Node i []) discover :: FilePath -> Scope -> Section -> IO Section discover dir scope z = do let dir' = Isolate.path dir (label z) let pipe s hole = maybe hole nextSpace <$> discover' dir' scope s hole subs <- subsections dir z discovered <- concatM (map pipe subs) (children z) return $ fromMaybe z $ parent discovered discover' :: FilePath -> Scope -> Isolate -> TreePos Empty Isolate -> IO (Maybe Section) discover' dir scope s z = do let z' = insert (Node s []) z let proceed = scope `contains` Info.location z' if proceed then Just <$> discover dir scope z' else return Nothing type Renderer = (Pandoc -> String) type Expander = (Focus -> [(String, String)] -> String) flatten :: String -> Section -> Renderer -> Expander -> String flatten t z render expand = expand loc vars where i = label z fmt = Pandoc.writerName $ i body = case Isolate.body i of Just text -> render $ Pandoc.parse fmt text Nothing -> flatten' render expand (children z) "" vars = [("title", t), ("body", body)] ++ variables z loc = Info.location z flatten' :: Renderer -> Expander -> TreePos Empty Isolate -> ShowS flatten' render expand z = case nextTree z of Just c -> let t = Path.title $ $ label c ours = flatten t c render expand rest = flatten' render expand $ nextSpace c in showString ours . (showString "\n") . rest Nothing -> showString "" subsections :: FilePath -> Section -> IO [Isolate] subsections path z = do let dir = path </> (label z) there <- doesDirectoryExist dir if not there then return [] else do files <- ls dir mapM (uncurry Isolate.create . splitFileName) files
module MipsInterpreter where import Control.Monad.State.Lazy import Data.Word import Data.Int import Data.Bits data MipsState = MipsState { intRegisters :: [] Int32, floatRegisters :: [] Double, memory :: [] Word8 } deriving (Show) data MipsEnv a = State MipsState initState :: MipsEnv () initState = do state <- get let iregs = intRegisters state put state { intRegisters = replicate 32 0, memory = replicate 640000 0 } setReg :: Int -> Int32 -> MipsEnv () setReg tr tv = do state <- get let regs = intRegisters state put state { intRegisters = (take tr regs) ++ [tv] ++ (drop (tr+1) regs) } return () getReg :: Int -> MipsEnv Int32 getReg sr = do state <- get let regs = intRegisters state return (regs !! sr) -- works as store word -- MIPS is (according to Oleks big endian) setMem :: Int -> Int32 -> MipsEnv () setMem ta tv = do mipsEnv <- get let fi = fromIntegral :: Int32 -> Word8 mem = memory mipsEnv regsI = intRegisters mipsEnv regsF = floatRegisters mipsEnv r3 = fi $ tv `mod` (1 `shift` 8 ) -- least significant r2 = fi $ (tv `shift` (-8)) `mod` (1 `shift` 8) r1 = fi $ (tv `shift` (-8*2)) `mod` (1 `shift` 8) r0 = fi $ (tv `shift` (-8*3)) `mod` (1 `shift` 8) in do put mipsEnv { intRegisters = regsI, floatRegisters = regsF, memory = ((take ta mem) ++ [r0,r1,r2,r3] ++ (drop (ta+4) mem)) }
module NightClubSpec where import Test.Hspec import Control.Exception (evaluate) import NightClub import Text.Show.Functions import Data.List --- testAll :: IO () testAll = hspec $ do ---------------------------------------------------------- --- TESTS PRIMERA PARTE TP FUNCIONAL --- ---------------------------------------------------------- describe "[TP Nº 1] Verificar puntos 1 y 2] " $ do it "Nombre de Rodri debe ser 'Rodri'" $ do (nombre rodri) `shouldBe` "Rodri" it "Resistencia de Ana debe ser 120" $ do (resistencia ana) `shouldBe` 120 it "Amigos de Ana deben ser [rodri]" $ do (amigos marcos) `shouldMatchList` [rodri] describe "[TP Nº 1] Verificar punto 3] " $ do it "Cristian debe estar 'duro'" $ do (comoEsta cristian) `shouldBe` "duro" it "Rodri debe estar 'fresco'" $ do (comoEsta rodri) `shouldBe` "fresco" it "Marcos debe estar 'duro'" $ do (comoEsta marcos) `shouldBe` "duro" it "Si Marcos se hace amigo de Ana y Rodri, está 'piola'" $ do (comoEsta . reconocerAmigo rodri . reconocerAmigo ana) marcos `shouldBe` "piola" describe "[TP Nº 1] Verificar punto 4] " $ do it "Cristian reconoce a Marcos como amigo" $ do (amigos . reconocerAmigo marcos) cristian `shouldMatchList` [marcos] it "Cristian no puede reconocerse a si mismo como amigo" $ do reconocerAmigo cristian cristian `shouldBe` cristian it "Cristian no puede reconocerse a Marcos dos veces como amigo" $ do (reconocerAmigo marcos . reconocerAmigo marcos) cristian `shouldBe` cristian describe "[TP Nº 1] Verificar punto 5] " $ do it "Ana toma grogXD. Queda con resistencia 0" $ do (resistencia . tomarGrogXD) ana `shouldBe` 0 it "Si Ana toma la jarraLoca. Marcos queda con resistencia 30 (-10)" $ do (resistencia . head . amigos . tomarJarraLoca) ana `shouldBe` 30 it "Marcos toma la jarraLoca. Queda con resistencia 30" $ do (resistencia . tomarJarraLoca) marcos `shouldBe` 30 it "Rodri toma la jarraLoca. Queda con resistencia 110" $ do (resistencia . tomarJarraLoca) rodri `shouldBe` 45 it "Si Ana toma klusener de Huevo disminuye se resistencia a 50 (-5)" $ do (resistencia . tomarKlusener "Huevo") ana `shouldBe` 115 it "Si Ana toma klusener de Chocolate disminuye se resistencia a 50 (-8)" $ do (resistencia . tomarKlusener "Chocolate") ana `shouldBe` 111 it "Si Cristian toma un tintico, queda con 2 de resistencia por no tener" $ do (resistencia . tomarTintico) cristian `shouldBe` 2 it "Ana toma un Tintico, pasa a 130 de resistencia (tiene 2 amigos)" $ do (resistencia . tomarTintico) ana `shouldBe` 130 it "Rodri toma una Soda de fuerza 2, queda con nombre 'errpRodri'" $ do (nombre . tomarSoda 2) rodri `shouldBe` "errpRodri" it "Ana toma una Soda de fuerza 10, queda con nombre 'errrrrrrrrrpAna'" $ do (nombre . tomarSoda 10) ana `shouldBe` "errrrrrrrrrpAna" it "Ana toma una Soda de fuerza 0, queda con nombre 'epAna'" $ do (nombre . tomarSoda 0) ana `shouldBe` "epAna" describe "[TP Nº 1] Verificar punto 6] " $ do it "Si Rodri se rescata por 5 horas debería tener 255 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . rescatarse 5) rodri `shouldBe` 255 it "Si Marcos se rescata por 3 horas debería tener 140 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . rescatarse 3) marcos `shouldBe` 140 it "Si Cristian se rescata por 1 horas debería tener 155 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . rescatarse 1) rodri `shouldBe` 155 it "Si Ana se rescata por 0 horas debería aparecer un error" $ do evaluate ( (resistencia . rescatarse 0) ana ) `shouldThrow` anyException it "Si Ana se rescata por menos de 0 horas debería aparecer un error" $ do evaluate ( (resistencia . rescatarse (-1)) ana ) `shouldThrow` anyException ---------------------------------------------------------- --- TESTS SEGUNDA PARTE TP FUNCIONAL --- ---------------------------------------------------------- describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 1.a:" $ do it "Rodri tomó un tintico" $ do tomarTragos (tragos rodri) rodri `shouldBe` tomarTintico rodri describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 1.b:" $ do it "Rodri tomó un tintico" $ do (length . tragos . tomarGrogXD) ana `shouldBe` 1 it "Marcos toma una soda de nivel 3 y queda con 2 bebidas" $ do (length . tragos . tomarSoda 3) marcos `shouldBe` 2 it "Marcos toma una soda de nivel 3 y queda con 40 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . tomarSoda 3) marcos `shouldBe` 40 let anaElDiaDespues = tomarTragos [tomarJarraLoca, tomarKlusener "Chocolate", rescatarse 2, tomarKlusener "Huevo"] ana describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 1.c:" $ do it "Ana toma una jarra loca, un klusener de chocolate, se rescata 2 horas y luego toma un klusener de huevo: Su resistencia queda en 196" $ do resistencia anaElDiaDespues `shouldBe` 196 it "Ana toma una jarra loca, un klusener de chocolate, se rescata 2 horas y luego toma un klusener de huevo: Quedan como amigos Marcos (30 de resistencia) y Rodri (45 de resistencia)" $ do (map resistencia . amigos) anaElDiaDespues `shouldBe` [30, 45] it "Ana toma una jarra loca, un klusener de chocolate, se rescata 2 horas y luego toma un klusener de huevo: En su lista de tragos ahora hay 3 elementos" $ do (length . tragos) anaElDiaDespues `shouldBe` 3 it "Rodri toma una soda de nivel 1 y una soda de nivel 2 y queda con nombre errperpRodri" $ do (nombre . tomarSoda 2 . tomarSoda 1) rodri `shouldBe` "errperpRodri" it "Marcos toma un klusener de huevo, un tintico y una jarraLoca y queda con 30 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . tomarJarraLoca . tomarTintico . tomarKlusener "Huevo" ) marcos `shouldBe` 30 it "Marcos toma un klusener de huevo, un tintico y una jarraLoca y queda con 4 bebidas en el historial" $ do (length . tragos . tomarJarraLoca . tomarTintico . tomarKlusener "Huevo" ) marcos `shouldBe` 4 describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 1.d:" $ do it "Marcos pide “dame otro” y lo deja con 34 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . dameOtro) marcos `shouldBe` 34 it "Marcos pide “dame otro” y tiene 2 bebidas en el historial" $ do (length . tragos . dameOtro) marcos `shouldBe` 2 it "Ana pide `dameOtro`, debe dar error" $ do evaluate (dameOtro ana) `shouldThrow` anyException it "Rodri toma una soda de nivel 1, y “dame otro” da como resultado que tiene 3 bebidas" $ do (length . tragos . dameOtro . tomarSoda 1) rodri `shouldBe` 3 it "Rodri toma una soda de nivel 1, y “dame otro” da como resultado que su nombre queda “erperpRodri”" $ do (nombre . dameOtro . tomarSoda 1) rodri `shouldBe` "erperpRodri" describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 2: `cuantasPuedeTomar`" $ do it "Rodri puede tomar dos tragos, entre un grogXD, un tintico y un klusener de frutilla" $ do cuantasPuedeTomar [tomarGrogXD, tomarTintico, tomarKlusener "Frutilla"] rodri `shouldBe` 2 it "Cristian no puede tomar un trago, entre un tintico y un klusener de huevo" $ do cuantasPuedeTomar [tomarGrogXD, tomarTintico, tomarKlusener "Huevo"] cristian `shouldBe` 1 it "Rodri puede tomar una sola bebida entre un grog XD, un tintico, un klusener de fru..utilla" $ do cuantasPuedeTomar [tomarGrogXD, tomarTintico, tomarKlusener "fruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutilla"] rodri `shouldBe` 1 describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 3:" $ do it "Rodri realiza una salida de amigos, debe quedar con 1 amigo" $ do (length . amigos . realizarItinerario salidaDeAmigos) rodri `shouldBe` 1 it "Rodri hace una salida de amigos y se debe llamar “erpRodri”" $ do (nombre . realizarItinerario salidaDeAmigos) rodri `shouldBe` "erpRodri" it "Rodri realiza una salida de amigos, debe quedar con 45 de Resistencia" $ do (resistencia . realizarItinerario salidaDeAmigos) rodri `shouldBe` 45 it "Rodri realiza una salida de amigos, ahora es amigo de Roberto Carlos" $ do (amigos . realizarItinerario salidaDeAmigos) rodri `shouldSatisfy` elem robertoCarlos it "Rodri realiza una salida de amigos, su amigo Roberto Carlos debe quedar con 155 de resistencia" $ do (resistencia . head . amigos . realizarItinerario salidaDeAmigos) rodri `shouldBe` 155 it "Rodri realiza una salida de amigos, debe quedar con 4 bebidas en su historial" $ do (length . tragos . realizarItinerario salidaDeAmigos) rodri `shouldBe` 4 describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 4.a:" $ do it "La intensidad del itinerario basico es 0.8" $ do intensidadItinerario itinerarioBasico `shouldBe` 0.8 it "La intensidad de la mezcla explosiva es 1.6" $ do intensidadItinerario mezclaExplosiva `shouldBe` 1.6 it "La intensidad de la salidaDeAmigos es 4.0" $ do intensidadItinerario salidaDeAmigos `shouldBe` 4.0 describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 4.b:" $ do it "El itinerario más intenso, de los conocidos, es la salida de amigos" $ do (descripcion . itinerarioMasIntenso) [salidaDeAmigos, mezclaExplosiva, itinerarioBasico] `shouldBe` "Salida de amigos" it "Rodri hace el itinerario más intenso entre una salida de amigos, la mezcla explosiva y el itinerario básico y queda con el nombre 'erpRodri'" $ do (nombre . realizarItinerario ((itinerarioMasIntenso) [salidaDeAmigos, mezclaExplosiva, itinerarioBasico])) rodri `shouldBe` "erpRodri" it "Rodri hace el itinerario más intenso entre una salida de amigos, la mezcla explosiva y el itinerario básico y queda con resistencia 45" $ do (resistencia . realizarItinerario ((itinerarioMasIntenso) [salidaDeAmigos, mezclaExplosiva, itinerarioBasico])) rodri `shouldBe` 45 it "Rodri hace el itinerario más intenso entre una salida de amigos, la mezcla explosiva y el itinerario básico y queda con un amigo (Roberto Carlos)" $ do (map nombre . amigos . realizarItinerario ((itinerarioMasIntenso) [salidaDeAmigos, mezclaExplosiva, itinerarioBasico])) rodri `shouldBe` ["Roberto Carlos"] describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 5:" $ do it "La resistencia de Chuck es mayor a la de Ana" $ do resistencia chuckNorris `shouldSatisfy` (> resistencia ana) it "Chuck realiza un itinerario basico, al finalizar su resistencia es 1076" $ do (resistencia . realizarItinerario itinerarioBasico) chuckNorris `shouldBe` 1076 describe "[TP Nº 2] Verificar punto 6:" $ do it "Roberto Carlos se hace amigo de Ana, toma una jarra popular de espirituosidad 0, sigue teniendo una sola amiga (Ana)" $ do (length . amigos . tomarJarraPopular 0 . reconocerAmigo ana) robertoCarlos `shouldBe` 1 it "Roberto Carlos se hace amigo de Ana, toma una jarra popular de espirituosidad 1, ganó dos amigos (3)" $ do (length . amigos . tomarJarraPopular 1 . reconocerAmigo ana) robertoCarlos `shouldBe` 3 it "Roberto Carlos se hace amigo de Ana, toma una jarra popular de espirituosidad 1, sus nuevos amigos son rodri y marcos" $ do (map nombre . amigos . tomarJarraPopular 1 . reconocerAmigo ana) robertoCarlos `shouldBe` ["Marcos", "Rodri", "Ana"] it "Cristian se hace amigo de Ana. Roberto Carlos se hace amigo de Cristian, toma una jarra popular de espirituosidad 4, queda con 4 amigos (Cristian, Ana, Marcos y Rodri)" $ do (map nombre . amigos . tomarJarraPopular 4 . reconocerAmigo (reconocerAmigo ana cristian)) robertoCarlos `shouldBe` ["Marcos","Rodri","Ana","Cristian"]
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} -- For HasCallStack compatibility {-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} module JSDOM.Generated.CommandLineAPIHost (clearConsoleMessages, copyText, inspect, inspectedObject, inspectedObject_, getEventListeners, getEventListeners_, databaseId, databaseId_, storageId, storageId_, CommandLineAPIHost(..), gTypeCommandLineAPIHost) where import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, realToFrac, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Maybe(..)) import qualified Prelude (error) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Traversable (mapM) import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (JSM(..), JSVal(..), JSString, strictEqual, toJSVal, valToStr, valToNumber, valToBool, js, jss, jsf, jsg, function, asyncFunction, new, array, jsUndefined, (!), (!!)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word, Word64) import JSDOM.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Lens.Operators ((^.)) import JSDOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName, unsafeEventNameAsync) import JSDOM.Enums -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.clearConsoleMessages documentation> clearConsoleMessages :: (MonadDOM m) => CommandLineAPIHost -> m () clearConsoleMessages self = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "clearConsoleMessages" ())) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.copyText documentation> copyText :: (MonadDOM m, ToJSString text) => CommandLineAPIHost -> text -> m () copyText self text = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "copyText" [toJSVal text])) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.inspect documentation> inspect :: (MonadDOM m, ToJSVal objectId, ToJSVal hints) => CommandLineAPIHost -> objectId -> hints -> m () inspect self objectId hints = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "inspect" [toJSVal objectId, toJSVal hints])) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.inspectedObject documentation> inspectedObject :: (MonadDOM m) => CommandLineAPIHost -> m JSVal inspectedObject self = liftDOM ((self ^. jsf "inspectedObject" ()) >>= toJSVal) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.inspectedObject documentation> inspectedObject_ :: (MonadDOM m) => CommandLineAPIHost -> m () inspectedObject_ self = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "inspectedObject" ())) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.getEventListeners documentation> getEventListeners :: (MonadDOM m, IsNode node) => CommandLineAPIHost -> node -> m Array getEventListeners self node = liftDOM ((self ^. jsf "getEventListeners" [toJSVal node]) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.getEventListeners documentation> getEventListeners_ :: (MonadDOM m, IsNode node) => CommandLineAPIHost -> node -> m () getEventListeners_ self node = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "getEventListeners" [toJSVal node])) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.databaseId documentation> databaseId :: (MonadDOM m, ToJSVal database, FromJSString result) => CommandLineAPIHost -> database -> m result databaseId self database = liftDOM ((self ^. jsf "databaseId" [toJSVal database]) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.databaseId documentation> databaseId_ :: (MonadDOM m, ToJSVal database) => CommandLineAPIHost -> database -> m () databaseId_ self database = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "databaseId" [toJSVal database])) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.storageId documentation> storageId :: (MonadDOM m, ToJSVal storage, FromJSString result) => CommandLineAPIHost -> storage -> m result storageId self storage = liftDOM ((self ^. jsf "storageId" [toJSVal storage]) >>= fromJSValUnchecked) -- | < Mozilla CommandLineAPIHost.storageId documentation> storageId_ :: (MonadDOM m, ToJSVal storage) => CommandLineAPIHost -> storage -> m () storageId_ self storage = liftDOM (void (self ^. jsf "storageId" [toJSVal storage]))
{- Tools for importing / exporting images to pathfinding maps. Uses the friday-devil package. -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import System.Environment (getArgs) import Criterion.Main import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile) import Control.Monad (when) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as Storable import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Unboxed import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Debug.Trace import Options.Applicative import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Vision.Image as Image import Vision.Image.Storage.DevIL (Autodetect (..), PNG (..), load, save) import Vision.Primitive (ix2) import Vision.Primitive.Shape import Grid import qualified JPS as JPS import qualified Astar as Astar main::IO () main = do -- TODO : make an actual command-line interface instead of hardcoding :) -- [input, output] <- getArgs {- input <- return "../maps/AR0011SRBW.jpg" start <- return (Coord 414 418) finish <- return (Coord 253 130) -} {- input <- return "../maps/AR0017SRBW.jpg" start <- return (Coord 70 54) finish <- return (Coord 43 42) -} input <- return "../maps/CalderaBW.jpg" finish <- return (Coord 140 511) start <- return (Coord 572 56) {- -} output <- return "./testout.png" --finish <- return (Coord 420 393) pathfindImage input output start finish -- Do a pathfinding operation on the image at pathIn; save the -- resulting image to pathOut. pathfindImage :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Coord -> Coord -> IO () pathfindImage pathIn pathOut startc finishc = do io <- load Autodetect pathIn case io of Left err -> do putStrLn ("Unable to load image at path: " ++ pathIn) print err Right (rgb :: Image.RGB) -> do let grid = imageToGrid rgb dim = dims grid start = c2i dim startc finish = c2i dim finishc {- defaultMain [ bench "searchAstar" $ whnf (\x -> Astar.findPathNormal x start finish) grid ] -} (path, visited) <- return (Astar.findPathNormal grid start finish) {- defaultMain [ bench "searchJPS" $ whnf (\x -> JPS.findPathJPS x start finish) grid ] (path, visited) <- return (JPS.findPathJPS grid start finish) -} grid' <- return $ (markStartFinish start finish) $ (markPath path) $ (markVisited visited) $ grid case path of [] -> do putStrLn("No path found!") otherwise -> do putStrLn("Found a path!") image <- return (gridToImage grid') outExists <- doesFileExist pathOut when outExists (removeFile pathOut) mErr <- save Autodetect pathOut image case mErr of Nothing -> return () Just err -> do putStrLn $ "ERROR - could not save image to path: " ++ pathOut print err -- Convert coordinates to / from the Shape format used by Vision (we only need 2d coordinates :) ) dim2ToCoord (((d0 :. d1) :: DIM1) :. d2) = (Coord d1 d2) -- Convert a coordinate back to a Shape coordToDim2 :: Coord -> DIM2 coordToDim2 (Coord x y) = ix2 x y -- Convert a colored pixel into the corresponding square type colorToSquare :: Image.RGBPixel -> Square colorToSquare (Image.RGBPixel r g b) = if (r < 10) && (b < 10) && (g < 10) then 0 else 1 -- Convert a square to a nice colorful pixel squareToColor :: Square -> Image.RGBPixel squareToColor sq = case sq of 0 -> (Image.RGBPixel 0 0 0) -- Blocked 1 -> (Image.RGBPixel 255 255 255) -- Open 2 -> (Image.RGBPixel 255 0 255) -- Start 3 -> (Image.RGBPixel 0 0 255) -- Finish 4 -> (Image.RGBPixel 244 158 66) -- Visited 5 -> (Image.RGBPixel 66 212 244) -- On Path -- Convert an RGB image into a Grid imageToGrid :: Image.RGB -> Grid imageToGrid (Image.Manifest manifestSize manifestVector) = let image = Storable.toList manifestVector (Coord x y) = dim2ToCoord manifestSize dims = (GridDims x y) squares = map colorToSquare image squaresWithIndices = zip [0..] squares squaresWithCoords = [(dim2ToCoord (fromLinearIndex manifestSize index), sq) | (index, sq) <- squaresWithIndices] grid = Unboxed.fromList squares in Grid dims grid -- Convert a grid to a corresponding image gridToImage :: Grid -> Image.RGB gridToImage (Grid (GridDims dimx dimy) grid) = let gridshape = coordToDim2 (Coord dimx dimy) pixels = map squareToColor (Unboxed.toList grid) in Image.Manifest gridshape (Storable.fromList pixels) markVisited :: Map.Map Int Int -> Grid -> Grid markVisited visited (Grid dims sqs) = let sqs' = Unboxed.imap (\ i x -> if Map.member i visited then 4 else x) sqs in (Grid dims sqs') markPath :: [Int] -> Grid -> Grid markPath path (Grid dims sqs) = let zipped = [(i, 1) | i <- path] pathset = Map.fromList zipped sqs' = Unboxed.imap (\ i x -> if Map.member i pathset then 5 else x) sqs in (Grid dims sqs') markStartFinish :: Int -> Int -> Grid -> Grid markStartFinish start finish (Grid dims sqs) = let sqs' = Unboxed.imap (markSF start finish) sqs in (Grid dims sqs') markSF :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Square -> Square markSF start finish i x | i == start = 2 | i == finish = 3 | otherwise = x
-- Module: BaseN -- Copyright: (c)2014 -- License: Apache -- Maintainer: Brian Sunter <[email protected]> -- This module converts between base 10 and base 1114015. module BaseN (BaseN) where import Data.List(elemIndex,all,genericLength) import Data.Maybe(fromJust,isJust) base10CharSet = ['0'..'9'] data BaseN = BaseN [Char] Int instance Num BaseN where (BaseN c x) + (BaseN c' y) = (BaseN c (x + y)) (BaseN c x) * (BaseN c' y) = (BaseN c (x * y)) abs (BaseN c x) = BaseN c (abs x) signum (BaseN c x) = BaseN c (signum x) negate (BaseN c x) = BaseN c (negate x) instance Show BaseN where show (BaseN c x) = encodeBaseN c x readBaseN :: [Char] -> [Char] -> (Maybe Int) readBaseN c x = let nums = [elemIndex y c | y <- x ] in if all isJust nums then Just (foldl (\acc x -> acc + 2 * fromJust x) 0 nums) else Nothing encodeBaseN :: [Char] -> Int-> [Char] encodeBaseN c i | i < clen = [c !! i] | otherwise = encodeBaseN c nextIndex ++ [(c !! index)] where clen = (length c) index = (mod i clen) nextIndex = (div (i - index) clen)
module Solution1 where import Problem import Math import Clojure import Data.List import Data.Char eul1 lim = sum [x | x <- [1..(pred lim)] , or [(0 == rem x 3),(0 == rem x 5)]] eul2 lim = iter 1 1 where iter a b | a > lim = 0 | even a = a + (iter b (b + a)) | otherwise = iter b (b + a) eul3 x = iter 2 x where iter p temp | d == 1 = p | otherwise = iter (nextPrime p) d where d = divUntil temp p eul4 _ = maximum [p | x <- [100..1000], y <- [100..1000], let p = x*y, isPalin p] eul5 lim = reduce lcm [2..lim] eul6 lim = squaresum - sumsquare where squaresum = sq (reduce (+) [1..lim]) sumsquare = reduce (+) [sq x | x <- [1..lim]] eul7 x = nthPrime x eul9 s = [a*b*c | c <- [1..s], b <- [1..c], a <- [1..b], a+b+c == s, a^2 + b^2 == c^2] -- work but really naive and dumb eul10 lim = iter 2 where iter p | p > lim = 0 | otherwise = p + iter (nextPrime p)
module Networkie.Rect where import Networkie.Coord data Rect = Rect { rTopLeft :: Coord , rDim :: Coord } rBottomRight :: Rect -> Coord rBottomRight (Rect p d) = p `pairPlus` d mkRectPosDim :: Coord -> Dim -> Rect mkRectPosDim = Rect mkRectFromCorners :: Coord -> Coord -> Rect mkRectFromCorners p1 p2 = Rect p1 (p2 `pairMinus` p1) insideRect :: Rect -> Coord -> Bool insideRect (Rect (tlx,tly) (w,h)) (x,y) = x >= tlx && y >= tly && x < (tlx+w) && y < (tly+h)
{-| Scans page of Markdown looking for http links. When it finds them, it submits them to / (It will also submit them to Alexa (the source for the Internet Archive), but Alexa says that its bots take weeks to visit and may not ever.) Limitations: * Only parses Markdown, not ReST or any other format; this is because 'readMarkdown' is hardwired into it. By: Gwern Branwen; placed in the public domain -} module WebArchiver (plugin) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, ThreadId) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Network.Browser (browse, formToRequest, request, Form(..)) import Network.HTTP (getRequest, rspBody, simpleHTTP, RequestMethod(POST)) import Network.URI (isURI, parseURI, uriPath) import Network.Gitit.Interface (askUser, liftIO, processWithM, uEmail, Plugin(PreCommitTransform), Inline(Link)) import Text.Pandoc (defaultParserState, readMarkdown) plugin :: Plugin plugin = PreCommitTransform archivePage -- archivePage :: (MonadIO m) => String -> ReaderT (Config, Maybe User) (StateT IO) String archivePage x = do mbUser <- askUser let email = case mbUser of Nothing -> "[email protected]" Just u -> uEmail u let p = readMarkdown defaultParserState x -- force evaluation and archiving side-effects _p' <- liftIO $ processWithM (archiveLinks email) p return x -- note: this is read-only - don't actually change page! archiveLinks :: String -> Inline -> IO Inline archiveLinks e x@(Link _ (uln, _)) = checkArchive e uln >> return x archiveLinks _ x = return x -- | Error check the URL and then archive it both ways checkArchive :: (MonadIO m) => String -> String -> m () checkArchive email url = when (isURI url) $ liftIO (webciteArchive email url >> alexaArchive url) webciteArchive :: String -> String -> IO ThreadId webciteArchive email url = forkIO (ignore $ openURL ("" ++ url ++ "&email=" ++ email)) where openURL = simpleHTTP . getRequest ignore = fmap $ const () alexaArchive :: String -> IO () alexaArchive url = do let archiveform = Form POST (fromJust $ parseURI "") [("url", url), ("submit", "")] (uri, resp) <- browse $ request $ formToRequest archiveform when (uriPath uri /= "/help/crawlthanks") $ error $ "Request failed! Did Alexa change webpages? Response:" ++ rspBody resp
{- | Module : $Header$ Description : translate VSE to S-Expressions Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : portable translation of VSE to S-Expressions -} module VSE.ToSExpr where import VSE.As import VSE.Ana import VSE.Fold import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL import CASL.Fold import CASL.Sign import CASL.ToSExpr import Common.AS_Annotation import Common.Id import Common.LibName import Common.ProofUtils import Common.SExpr import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Ord (comparing) addUniformRestr :: Sign f Procs -> [Named Sentence] -> (Sign f Procs, [Named Sentence]) addUniformRestr sig nsens = let namedConstr = filter (\ ns -> case sentence ns of ExtFORMULA (Ranged (RestrictedConstraint _ _ _) _) -> True _ -> False ) nsens restrConstr = map sentence namedConstr restrToSExpr (procs, tSens) (ExtFORMULA (Ranged (RestrictedConstraint constrs restr _flag) _r)) = let (genSorts, genOps, _maps) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs genUniform sorts ops s = let hasResSort sn ~(Qual_op_name _ opType _) = res_OP_TYPE opType == sn argLength ~(Qual_op_name _ (Op_type _ args _ _) _) = length args ctors = sortBy (comparing argLength) $ filter (hasResSort s) ops genCodeForCtor ~(Qual_op_name ctor (Op_type _ args sn _) _) prg = let decls = genVars args vs = map (\ (i, a) -> Var_decl [i] a nullRange) decls recCalls = map (\ (i, x) -> Ranged (Call (Predication (Qual_pred_name (gnUniformName s) (Pred_type [x] nullRange) nullRange) [Qual_var i x nullRange] nullRange )) nullRange) $ filter (flip elem sorts . snd) decls recCallsSeq = if null recCalls then Ranged Skip nullRange else foldr1 (\ p1 p2 -> Ranged (Seq p1 p2) nullRange) recCalls in case recCalls of [] -> Ranged ( Block (Var_decl [yVar] s nullRange : vs) (Ranged (Seq (Ranged (Assign yVar (Qual_var xVar sn nullRange) ) nullRange) (Ranged (Seq (Ranged (Assign yVar (Application (Qual_op_name ctor (Op_type Partial args sn nullRange) nullRange) (map toQualVar vs) nullRange)) nullRange) (Ranged (If (Strong_equation (Application ( Qual_op_name (gnEqName s) (Op_type Partial [s, s] uBoolean nullRange) nullRange ) [Qual_var xVar s nullRange, Qual_var yVar s nullRange ] nullRange) aTrue nullRange) (Ranged Skip nullRange) prg) nullRange)) nullRange )) nullRange) ) nullRange _ -> Ranged ( Block (Var_decl [yVar] s nullRange : vs) (Ranged (Seq (Ranged (Assign yVar (Qual_var xVar sn nullRange) ) nullRange) (Ranged (Seq recCallsSeq (Ranged (Seq (Ranged (Assign yVar (Application (Qual_op_name ctor (Op_type Partial args sn nullRange) nullRange) (map toQualVar vs) nullRange)) nullRange) (Ranged (If (Strong_equation ( Application ( Qual_op_name (gnEqName s) (Op_type Partial [s, s] uBoolean nullRange) nullRange ) [Qual_var xVar s nullRange, Qual_var yVar s nullRange ] nullRange) aTrue nullRange) (Ranged Skip nullRange) prg) nullRange)) nullRange )) nullRange)) nullRange) ) nullRange in [makeNamed "" $ ExtFORMULA $ Ranged (Defprocs [ Defproc Proc (gnUniformName s) [xVar] (Ranged ( Block [] ( foldr genCodeForCtor (Ranged Abort nullRange) ctors) ) nullRange ) nullRange]) nullRange, (makeNamed "" $ Quantification Universal [Var_decl [xVar] s nullRange] (Implication ( ExtFORMULA $ Ranged (Dlformula Diamond ( Ranged (Call $ Predication (Qual_pred_name (Map.findWithDefault (gnRestrName s) s restr) (Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange) [Qual_var xVar s nullRange] nullRange) nullRange) (True_atom nullRange)) nullRange) ( ExtFORMULA $ Ranged (Dlformula Diamond (Ranged (Call $ Predication (Qual_pred_name (gnUniformName s) (Pred_type [s] nullRange) nullRange) [Qual_var xVar s nullRange] nullRange) nullRange) (True_atom nullRange)) nullRange) True nullRange) nullRange) {isAxiom = False}] procDefs = concatMap (genUniform genSorts genOps) genSorts procs' = Map.fromList $ map (\ s -> (gnUniformName s, Profile [Procparam In s] Nothing)) genSorts in (Map.union procs procs', tSens ++ procDefs) restrToSExpr _ _ = error "should not be anything than restricted constraints" (newProcs, trSens) = foldl restrToSExpr (Map.empty, []) restrConstr in (sig { predMap = addMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap $ Procs newProcs, extendedInfo = Procs $ Map.union newProcs (procsMap $ extendedInfo sig)}, nameAndDisambiguate $ trSens ++ filter (not . flip elem namedConstr) nsens) namedSenToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Named Sentence -> SExpr namedSenToSExpr sig ns = SList [ SSymbol "asentence" , SSymbol $ transString $ senAttr ns , SSymbol $ if isAxiom ns then "axiom" else "obligation" , SSymbol $ if isAxiom ns then "proved" else "open" , senToSExpr sig $ sentence ns ] senToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Sentence -> SExpr senToSExpr sig s = let ns = sentenceToSExpr sig s in case s of ExtFORMULA (Ranged (Defprocs _) _) -> SList [SSymbol "defprocs-sentence", ns] Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> SList [SSymbol "generatedness-sentence", ns] _ -> SList [SSymbol "formula-sentence", ns] sentenceToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Sentence -> SExpr sentenceToSExpr sign = let sig = addSig const sign boolSig in foldFormula $ sRec sig $ dlFormulaToSExpr sig dlFormulaToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Dlformula -> SExpr dlFormulaToSExpr sig = vseFormsToSExpr sig . unRanged vseFormsToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> VSEforms -> SExpr vseFormsToSExpr sig vf = case vf of Dlformula b p s -> SList [SSymbol $ case b of Box -> "box" Diamond -> "diamond", progToSExpr sig p, sentenceToSExpr sig s] Defprocs ds -> SList $ SSymbol "defprocs" : map (defprocToSExpr sig) ds RestrictedConstraint _ _ _ -> error "restricted constraints should be handled separately" vDeclToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> VarDecl -> SExpr vDeclToSExpr sig (VarDecl v s m _) = let vd@(SList [_, w, ty]) = varDeclToSExpr (v, s) in case m of Nothing -> vd Just trm -> SList [ SSymbol "vardecl", w, ty , foldTerm (sRec sig $ error "vDeclToSExpr") trm ] procIdToSSymbol :: Sign f Procs -> Id -> SExpr procIdToSSymbol sig n = case lookupProc n sig of Nothing -> error "procIdToSSymbol" Just pr -> case profileToOpType pr of Just ot -> opIdToSSymbol sig n ot _ -> predIdToSSymbol sig n $ profileToPredType pr progToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Program -> SExpr progToSExpr sig = let pRec = sRec sig (error "progToSExpr") termToSExpr = foldTerm pRec formToSExpr = foldFormula pRec in foldProg FoldRec { foldAbort = const $ SSymbol "abort" , foldSkip = const $ SSymbol "skip" , foldAssign = \ _ v t -> SList [SSymbol "assign", varToSSymbol v, termToSExpr t] , foldCall = \ (Ranged _ r) f -> case f of Predication (Qual_pred_name i _ _) ts _ -> SList $ SSymbol "call" : procIdToSSymbol sig i : map termToSExpr ts _ -> sfail "Call" r , foldReturn = \ _ t -> SList [SSymbol "return", termToSExpr t] , foldBlock = \ ~(Ranged (Block vs p) _) _ _ -> let (vds, q) = addInits (toVarDecl vs) p ps = progToSExpr sig q nvs = map (vDeclToSExpr sig) vds in if null nvs then ps else SList [SSymbol "vblock", SList nvs, ps] , foldSeq = \ _ s1 s2 -> SList [SSymbol "seq", s1, s2] , foldIf = \ _ c s1 s2 -> SList [SSymbol "if", formToSExpr c, s1, s2] , foldWhile = \ _ c s -> SList [SSymbol "while", formToSExpr c, s] } defprocToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> Defproc -> SExpr defprocToSExpr sig (Defproc k n vs p _) = SList [ SSymbol $ case k of Proc -> "defproc" Func -> "deffuncproc" , procIdToSSymbol sig n , SList $ map varToSSymbol vs , progToSExpr sig p ] paramToSExpr :: Procparam -> SExpr paramToSExpr (Procparam k s) = SList [ SSymbol $ map toLower $ show k , sortToSSymbol s ] procsToSExprs :: (Id -> Bool) -> Sign f Procs -> [SExpr] procsToSExprs f sig = map (\ (n, pr@(Profile as _)) -> case profileToOpType pr of Nothing -> SList [ SSymbol "procedure" , predIdToSSymbol sig n $ profileToPredType pr , SList $ map paramToSExpr as ] Just ot -> SList [ SSymbol "funcprocedure" , opIdToSSymbol sig n ot , SList $ map sortToSSymbol $ opArgs ot , sortToSSymbol $ opRes ot ]) $ Map.toList $ Map.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> f i) $ procsMap $ extendedInfo sig vseSignToSExpr :: Sign f Procs -> SExpr vseSignToSExpr sig = let e = extendedInfo sig in SList $ SSymbol "signature" : sortSignToSExprs sig : predMapToSExprs sig (diffMapSet (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e) ++ opMapToSExprs sig (diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e) ++ procsToSExprs (const True) sig qualVseSignToSExpr :: SIMPLE_ID -> LibId -> Sign f Procs -> SExpr qualVseSignToSExpr nodeId libId sig = let e = extendedInfo sig in SList $ SSymbol "signature" : sortSignToSExprs sig { sortRel = Rel.delSet (Set.filter (not . isQualNameFrom nodeId libId) $ sortSet sig) $ sortRel sig } : predMapToSExprs sig (MapSet.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i) . MapSet.difference (predMap sig) $ procsToPredMap e) ++ opMapToSExprs sig (MapSet.filterWithKey (\ i _ -> isQualNameFrom nodeId libId i) . diffOpMapSet (opMap sig) $ procsToOpMap e) ++ procsToSExprs (isQualNameFrom nodeId libId) sig
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections, BangPatterns #-} module Tombot.Discourse where import Control.BoolLike ((>&>), (<&<)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>)) import Control.Lens ((^.), Field1(..), over) import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (parse, parseMaybe, Parser) import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Combinator as A import Data.Either (rights) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, listToMaybe) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Monoid ((<>), mempty) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Network.Wreq import Safe import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) board = "" user = "Shou" key = discKey . stripSpace . unsafePerformIO $ readFile "irc/api" where discKey = Map.lookup "discourse-newflood" . read stripSpace = dropWhile (`elem` [' ', '\n']) . takeWhile (/= '\n') latest = "latest.json" topic :: (Integral int, Show int, IsString string, Monoid string) => int -> string topic n = "/t/" <> (fromString $ show n) <> ".json" posts :: (Integral int, Show int, IsString string, Monoid string) => int -> string posts n = "/posts/" <> (fromString $ show n) <> ".json" url path = board <> path <> "?api_key=" <> key <> "&api_username=" <> user till' :: (MonadPlus m) => m a -> m b -> m ([a], b) till' p end = mapFst ($ []) <$> scan (id, undefined) where scan (fp, e) = liftM (fp,) end `mplus` do !a <- p; scan (fp . (a:), e) mapFst f (x, y) = (f x, y) -- | Strips arbitrary tags surrounded by @o@ and @c@ preserving any -- text in between the opening tag and closing tag, except for -- whatever matches @p@, which is then treated like a block element and -- replaced by newlines, useful for e.g. <code> or [quote]. stripTags :: Char -> Char -> (Text -> Bool) -> A.Parser Text stripTags o c p = do (pre, tag) <- over _1 T.pack <$> till' A.anyChar tagOpen (mins, mmid) <- (,) <$> maybeTags <*> fmap Just (tillTagClose tag) mend <- maybeTags let mQuote = if p tag then Nothing else Just () return . T.concat $ catMaybes [ Just pre, mins <* mQuote , (mmid <* mQuote) <|> Just "\n", mend ] where tagOpen = do A.char o t <- A.takeWhile (`notElem` ['=', c, ' ']) A.skipWhile (/= c) A.char c return t tagClose t = A.char o >> "/" *> A.string t >> A.char c tillTagClose t = T.pack <$> A.manyTill' A.anyChar (tagClose t) maybeTags = fmap Just (stripTags o c p) <|> return Nothing stripBBCode = liftM2 (<>) (stripTags '[' ']' (== "quote")) A.takeText -- TODO add HTML block elements to annihilate, e.g. <pre> -- FIXME remove unary tags like <img> stripHTML = liftM2 (<>) (stripTags '<' '>' p) A.takeText where p = flip elem ["code"] line = A.takeWhile1 (/= '\n') -- FIXME TODO lazy implementation stripMarkdown :: A.Parser (Either Text Text) stripMarkdown = do -- Either designates whether we keep the result or discard it, later. A.choice [h1, h2, hn, link, quote, unorderedList, orderedList] where h1 = fmap Right $ line <* "\n" <* A.many1 (A.char '=') h2 = fmap Right $ line <* "\n" <* A.many1 (A.char '-') hn = let hashes = A.string `map` reverse (scanl (flip T.cons) "#" "#####") in fmap Right $ A.choice hashes *> A.skipSpace *> line link = fmap Right $ "[" *> A.takeWhile1 (/= ']') <* "(" <* A.skipWhile (/= ')') <* ")" -- TODO parse lazy, 80col quoteblocks, for all above quote = fmap (Left . T.unlines) . A.many1 $ "\n" *> A.skipSpace *> line unorderedList = do let lp = "\n" *> A.skipSpace *> A.choice (map A.char ('+':"*-")) *> line Left . T.unlines <$> A.many1 lp -- TODO requires recursion: List has to start with "1." not "N." orderedList = do let lp = "\n" *> A.skipSpace *> A.digit *> "." *> A.skipSpace *> line Left . T.unlines <$> A.many1 lp -- FIXME remove use of `fromJust` -- | Get latest Discourse thread IDs getThreadIds :: IO (Vector Int) getThreadIds = do r <- fmap (^. responseBody) . get $ url latest let mtids = do json <- decode r flip parseMaybe json $ \obj -> do (tobj :: Object) <- obj .: "topic_list" (tops :: Array) <- tobj .: "topics" let f :: Value -> Int f = fromJust . parseMaybe id . withObject "" (.: "id") return $ f tops tids = maybe V.empty id mtids return tids getPostIds tid = do r <- fmap (^. responseBody) . get . url $ topic tid let mpids = do json <- decode r flip parseMaybe json $ \obj -> do (pstream :: Object) <- obj .: "post_stream" (stream :: Array) <- pstream .: "stream" let f :: Value -> Int f = fromJust . parseMaybe id . parseJSON return $ f stream pids = maybe V.empty id mpids return pids getPost pid = do r <- fmap (^. responseBody) . get . url $ posts pid let mpost = do json <- decode r flip parseMaybe json $ \obj -> do (raw :: Text) <- obj .: "raw" return raw post = maybe mempty id mpost return post getThread tid = do pids <- getPostIds tid V.forM pids getPost run n = do rawp <- getPost n let eps = rights $ [A.parseOnly stripBBCode rawp] forM_ eps T.putStrLn main :: IO () main = do -- XXX listToMaybe only takes the head margs <- fmap readMay . listToMaybe <$> getArgs mint <- maybe (readMay <$> getLine) return margs maybe warnNoArg run mint where warnNoArg = putStrLn "No argument Int provided."
-- ArbolBin.hs -- TAD de árboles binarios de búsqueda e implementación. -- Tablas mediante matrices. -- José A. Alonso Jiménez -- ===================================================================== -- Un árbol binario de búsqueda (ABB) es un árbol binario tal que el -- valor de cada nodo es mayor que los valores de su subárbol izquierdo -- y es menor que los valores de su subárbol derecho y, además, ambos -- subárboles son árboles binarios de búsqueda. Por ejemplo, al -- almacenar los valores de [2,3,4,5,6,8,9] en un ABB se puede obtener -- los siguientes ABB: -- -- 5 5 -- / \ / \ -- / \ / \ -- 2 6 3 8 -- \ \ / \ / \ -- 4 8 2 4 6 9 -- / \ -- 3 9 -- -- El objetivo principal de los ABB es reducir el tiempo de acceso a los -- valores. module Tema_19.ArbolBin (ABB, vacio, -- ABB inserta, -- (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> ABB a elimina, -- (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> ABB a crea, -- (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> ABB a crea', -- (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> ABB a menor, -- Ord a => ABB a -> a elementos, -- (Ord a, Show a) => ABB a -> [a] pertenece, -- (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> Bool valido, -- (Ord a, Show a) => ABB a -> Bool escribeABB, -- Show a => ABB a -> String ejemploABB -- Int -> ABB Int ) where -- Los ABB como tipo de dato algebraico. data ABB a = Vacio | Nodo a (ABB a) (ABB a) deriving Eq -- (escribeABB a) es la cadena correspondiente al ABB a. Por ejemplo, -- λ> escribeABB (crea (reverse [5,2,6,4,8,3,9])) -- " (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (6 - (8 - (9 - -))))" -- λ> escribeABB (foldr inserta vacio (reverse [5,2,4,3,8,6,7,10,9,11])) -- " (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (8 (6 - (7 - -)) (10 (9 - -) (11 - -))))" escribeABB :: Show a => ABB a -> String escribeABB Vacio = " -" escribeABB (Nodo x i d) = " (" ++ show x ++ escribeABB i ++ escribeABB d ++ ")" -- Procedimiento de escritura de ABB. instance Show a => Show (ABB a) where show = escribeABB -- Ejemplos de ABB -- λ> ejemploABB 1 -- (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (6 - (8 - (9 - -)))) -- λ> ejemploABB 2 -- (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (8 (6 - (7 - -)) (10 (9 - -) (11 - -)))) ejemploABB :: Int -> ABB Int ejemploABB 1 = crea (reverse [5,2,6,4,8,3,9]) ejemploABB 2 = foldr inserta vacio (reverse [5,2,4,3,8,6,7,10,9,11]) ejemploABB _ = error "No definido" -- vacio es el ABB vacío. Por ejemplo, -- λ> vacio -- - vacio :: ABB a vacio = Vacio -- (pertenece v' a) se verifica si v' es el valor de algún nodo del ABB -- a. Por ejemplo, -- pertenece 3 (ejemploABB 1) == True -- pertenece 7 (ejemploABB 1) == False pertenece :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> Bool pertenece _ Vacio = False pertenece v' (Nodo v i d) | v == v' = True | v' < v = pertenece v' i | otherwise = pertenece v' d -- (inserta v a) es el árbol obtenido añadiendo el valor v al ABB a, si -- no es uno de sus valores. Por ejemplo, -- λ> inserta 7 (ejemploABB 1) -- (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (6 - (8 (7 - -) (9 - -)))) inserta :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> ABB a inserta v' Vacio = Nodo v' Vacio Vacio inserta v' (Nodo v i d) | v' == v = Nodo v i d | v' < v = Nodo v (inserta v' i) d | otherwise = Nodo v i (inserta v' d) -- (crea vs) es el ABB cuyos valores son vs. Por ejemplo, -- λ> crea [3,7,2] -- (2 - (7 (3 - -) -)) crea :: (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> ABB a crea = foldr inserta Vacio -- (crea' vs) es el ABB de menor profundidad cuyos valores son los de -- la lista ordenada vs. Por ejemplo, -- λ> crea' [2,3,7] -- (3 (2 - -) (7 - -)) crea' :: (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> ABB a crea' [] = Vacio crea' vs = Nodo x (crea' l1) (crea' l2) where n = length vs `div` 2 l1 = take n vs (x:l2) = drop n vs -- (elementos a) es la lista de los valores de los nodos del ABB en el -- recorrido inorden. Por ejemplo, -- elementos (ejemploABB 1) == [2,3,4,5,6,8,9] -- elementos (ejemploABB 2) == [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] elementos :: (Ord a, Show a) => ABB a -> [a] elementos Vacio = [] elementos (Nodo v i d) = elementos i ++ [v] ++ elementos d -- (elimina v a) es el ABB obtenido borrando el valor v del ABB a. Por -- ejemplo, -- λ> (ejemploABB 1) -- (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (6 - (8 - (9 - -)))) -- λ> elimina 3 (ejemploABB 1) -- (5 (2 - (4 - -)) (6 - (8 - (9 - -)))) -- λ> elimina 2 (ejemploABB 1) -- (5 (4 (3 - -) -) (6 - (8 - (9 - -)))) -- λ> elimina 5 (ejemploABB 1) -- (6 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (8 - (9 - -))) -- λ> elimina 7 (ejemploABB 1) -- (5 (2 - (4 (3 - -) -)) (6 - (8 - (9 - -)))) elimina :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> ABB a elimina _ Vacio = Vacio elimina v' (Nodo v i Vacio) | v'==v = i elimina v' (Nodo v Vacio d) | v'==v = d elimina v' (Nodo v i d) | v' < v = Nodo v (elimina v' i) d | v' > v = Nodo v i (elimina v' d) | otherwise = Nodo k i (elimina k d) where k = menor d -- (menor a) es el mínimo valor del ABB a. Por ejemplo, -- menor (ejemploABB 1) == 2 menor :: Ord a => ABB a -> a menor (Nodo v Vacio _) = v menor (Nodo _ i _) = menor i menor Vacio = error "Imposible" -- (menorTodos v a) se verifica si v es menor que todos los elementos -- del ABB a. menorTodos :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> Bool menorTodos _ Vacio = True menorTodos v a = v < minimum (elementos a) -- (mayorTodos v a) se verifica si v es mayor que todos los elementos -- del ABB a. mayorTodos :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> ABB a -> Bool mayorTodos _ Vacio = True mayorTodos v a = v > maximum (elementos a) -- (valido a) se verifica si a es un ABB correcto. Por ejemplo, -- valido (ejemploABB 1) == True valido :: (Ord a, Show a) => ABB a -> Bool valido Vacio = True valido (Nodo v a b) = mayorTodos v a && menorTodos v b && valido a && valido b
-- Sortable Test -- Copyright (C) 2015 Jonathan Lamothe -- <[email protected]> -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see -- <>. module Daily.Tests.Process (tests) where import Common.Types import Daily (process) import Daily.Types import Data.Map ((!)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian) import Test.HUnit (Test (..), assertBool, (@=?)) tests :: Test tests = TestLabel "Daily.process tests" $ TestList [ recordCountTest , fieldTest , recordTests ] recordCountTest :: Test recordCountTest = TestLabel "record count" $ TestCase $ Map.size (processedRecords expected) @=? Map.size (processedRecords actual) fieldTest :: Test fieldTest = TestLabel "field count" $ TestCase $ fields @=? processedFields actual recordTests :: Test recordTests = TestLabel "record tests" $ TestList $ map recordTests' actualRecords where actualRecords = Map.keys $ processedRecords actual recordTests' :: Day -> Test recordTests' day = TestLabel ("record for " ++ show day) $ TestList [ statCountTest expectedRecord actualRecord , statTests expectedRecord actualRecord ] where expectedRecord = processedRecords expected ! day actualRecord = processedRecords actual ! day statCountTest :: ProcessedRecord -> ProcessedRecord -> Test statCountTest expected actual = TestLabel "value counts" $ TestCase $ length expected @=? length actual statTests :: ProcessedRecord -> ProcessedRecord -> Test statTests expected actual = TestLabel "stat tests" $ TestList $ map statTests' $ zip3 fields expected actual statTests' :: (String, Stats, Stats) -> Test statTests' (label, expected, actual) = TestLabel label $ TestList $ map (statTest expected actual) [ ("statSum", statSum) , ("statMax", statMax) , ("statMin", statMin) , ("statAvg", statAvg) , ("statStdDev", statStdDev) ] statTest :: Stats -> Stats -> (String, Stats -> Double) -> Test statTest expected actual (label, f) = TestLabel label $ TestCase $ assertBool errMsg $ isClose expectedVal actualVal where errMsg = "expected: " ++ show expectedVal ++ " got: " ++ show actualVal expectedVal = f expected actualVal = f actual isClose :: Double -> Double -> Bool isClose x y = if x == 0 || y == 0 then abs (x - y) < delta else abs (1 - x / y) < delta where delta = 0.0001 input :: InputData input = emptyInputData { inputFields = fields , inputRecords = records } fields :: [String] fields = map (\x -> "column " ++ show x) [1..3] records :: [InputRecord] records = [ InputRecord day1 "foo" [1, 2, 3] , InputRecord day1 "bar" [4, 5, 6] , InputRecord day2 "foo" [6, 5, 4] , InputRecord day2 "bar" [3, 2, 1] ] expected :: ProcessedData expected = ProcessedData fields $ Map.fromList [ (day1, day1record) , (day2, day2record) ] actual :: ProcessedData actual = process input day1 :: Day day1 = fromGregorian 1970 1 1 day2 :: Day day2 = fromGregorian 1970 1 2 day1record :: ProcessedRecord day1record = [day1col1, day1col2, day1col3] day2record :: ProcessedRecord day2record = [day2col1, day2col2, day2col3] day1col1 :: Stats day1col1 = buildStats 1 4 day1col2 :: Stats day1col2 = buildStats 2 5 day1col3 :: Stats day1col3 = buildStats 3 6 day2col1 :: Stats day2col1 = buildStats 6 3 day2col2 :: Stats day2col2 = buildStats 5 2 day2col3 :: Stats day2col3 = buildStats 4 1 buildStats :: Double -> Double -> Stats buildStats x y = Stats { statSum = x + y , statMax = max x y , statMin = min x y , statAvg = avg x y , statStdDev = stdDev x y } avg :: Double -> Double -> Double avg x y = (x + y) / 2 stdDev :: Double -> Double -> Double stdDev x y = sqrt ((x - avg x y) ^ 2 + (y - avg x y) ^ 2) / 2 -- jl
-- Haskell Practical 3 Common Parsing Code -- By James Cowgill module Prac3.Combinators where type Parse t = (Bool, [t]) type Parser t = [t] -> Parse t -- Terminal symbol terminal :: Eq t => t -> Parser t terminal t (e:es) | t == e = (True, es) terminal _ es = (False, es) -- Empty string empty :: Parser t empty ts = (True, ts) -- Sequence infixr 5 +> (+>) :: Eq t => Parser t -> Parser t -> Parser t (f +> g) ts | qf = g rf | otherwise = (False, ts) where (qf, rf) = f ts -- Choice infixl 4 <> (<>) :: Eq t => Parser t -> Parser t -> Parser t (f <> g) ts | b = fts | otherwise = g ts where fts@(b,_) = f ts
module P38Filter where import Control.Exception (catch, IOException) main :: IO () main = do xs <- promptXs "Enter a list of numbers separated by spaces: " let evens = filt evn xs putStrLn $ "The even numbers are: " ++ show evens filt :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filt p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs) [] -- originally did: -- filt _ [] = [] -- filt p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filt p xs else filt p xs -- not used, but cool map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map' f = foldr ((:) . f) [] evn :: Int -> Bool evn n = n `mod` 2 == 0 od :: Int -> Bool od = not . evn promptXs :: String -> IO [Int] promptXs m = do putStr m x <- getLine return (map read $ words x) `catch` except where except e = do putStrLn $ "Couldn't parse number. Error was: " ++ show (e::IOException) promptXs m
import Test.HUnit import ProjectM36.Base import TutorialD.Interpreter.Import.TutorialD import System.Exit import qualified Data.Text as T import System.IO.Temp import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Map as M import System.IO import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Text.URI hiding (makeAbsolute) main :: IO () main = do tcounts <- runTestTT $ TestList [testTutdFileImport ,testTutdHTTPSImport ] if errors tcounts + failures tcounts > 0 then exitFailure else exitSuccess testTutdFileImport :: Test testTutdFileImport = TestCase $ withSystemTempFile "m.tutd" $ \tempPath handle -> do BS.hPut handle (TE.encodeUtf8 "x:=relation{tuple{a 5,b \"spam\"}}; y:=relation{tuple{b \"漢字\"}}") hClose handle let expectedExpr = MultipleExpr [ Assign "x" (MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing $ TupleExprs () [TupleExpr (M.fromList [("a", NakedAtomExpr $ IntegerAtom 5), ("b", NakedAtomExpr $ TextAtom "spam")])]), Assign "y" (MakeRelationFromExprs Nothing $ TupleExprs () [TupleExpr (M.fromList [("b", NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom "漢字"))])])] --on Windows, the file URI should not include the drive letter "/c/Users..." -> "/Users" let uri = "file://" <> map (\c -> if c == '\\' then '/' else c) ( joinDrive "/" (dropDrive tempPath)) fileURI <- mkURI (T.pack uri) imported <- importTutorialDFromFile fileURI Nothing assertEqual "import tutd" (Right expectedExpr) imported testTutdHTTPSImport :: Test testTutdHTTPSImport = TestCase $ do uri <- mkURI "" let hash = "effe32b247586dc3ac0079fc241b9618d41d189afcaeb7907edbe5a8b45992a4" expected = Right (MultipleExpr [Assign "x" (RelationVariable "true" ()),Assign "y" (RelationVariable "false" ())]) actual <- importTutorialDViaHTTP uri (Just hash) assertEqual "github https" expected actual
module Poset.A064097 (a064097) where import Data.MemoCombinators (integral) import Helpers.Primes (primeFactors) a064097 :: Integer -> Integer a064097 = integral a064097' where a064097' 1 = 0 a064097' n = 1 + a064097 (n - (n `div` head (primeFactors n)))
{- Copyright 2014 David Farrell <[email protected]> - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. -} module Core.NoExternal (plugin) where import IRCD.Types import IRCD.Plugin plugin :: Plugin plugin = defaultPlugin {startup=registerCMode 'n', transformers=[Transformer noExt 50]} noExt :: TransformerSpec noExt action@(PrivmsgAction (ClientSrc client) (ChannelDst channel) msg io) | 'n' `elem` modes channel && channel `notElem` channels client = return (False, []) | otherwise = return (True, []) noExt _ = return (True, [])
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} module Propellor.Info where import Propellor.Types import Propellor.Types.Info import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Control.Applicative pureInfoProperty :: Desc -> Info -> Property pureInfoProperty desc = Property ("has " ++ desc) (return NoChange) askInfo :: (Info -> Val a) -> Propellor (Maybe a) askInfo f = asks (fromVal . f . hostInfo) os :: System -> Property os system = pureInfoProperty ("Operating " ++ show system) $ mempty { _os = Val system } getOS :: Propellor (Maybe System) getOS = askInfo _os -- | Indidate that a host has an A record in the DNS. -- -- TODO check at run time if the host really has this address. -- (Can't change the host's address, but as a sanity check.) ipv4 :: String -> Property ipv4 = addDNS . Address . IPv4 -- | Indidate that a host has an AAAA record in the DNS. ipv6 :: String -> Property ipv6 = addDNS . Address . IPv6 -- | Indicates another name for the host in the DNS. -- -- When the host's ipv4/ipv6 addresses are known, the alias is set up -- to use their address, rather than using a CNAME. This avoids various -- problems with CNAMEs, and also means that when multiple hosts have the -- same alias, a DNS round-robin is automatically set up. alias :: Domain -> Property alias = addDNS . CNAME . AbsDomain addDNS :: Record -> Property addDNS r = pureInfoProperty (rdesc r) $ mempty { _dns = S.singleton r } where rdesc (CNAME d) = unwords ["alias", ddesc d] rdesc (Address (IPv4 addr)) = unwords ["ipv4", addr] rdesc (Address (IPv6 addr)) = unwords ["ipv6", addr] rdesc (MX n d) = unwords ["MX", show n, ddesc d] rdesc (NS d) = unwords ["NS", ddesc d] rdesc (TXT s) = unwords ["TXT", s] rdesc (SRV x y z d) = unwords ["SRV", show x, show y, show z, ddesc d] ddesc (AbsDomain domain) = domain ddesc (RelDomain domain) = domain ddesc RootDomain = "@" sshPubKey :: String -> Property sshPubKey k = pureInfoProperty ("ssh pubkey known") $ mempty { _sshPubKey = Val k } getSshPubKey :: Propellor (Maybe String) getSshPubKey = askInfo _sshPubKey hostMap :: [Host] -> M.Map HostName Host hostMap l = M.fromList $ zip (map hostName l) l findHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Maybe Host findHost l hn = M.lookup hn (hostMap l) getAddresses :: Info -> [IPAddr] getAddresses = mapMaybe getIPAddr . S.toList . _dns hostAddresses :: HostName -> [Host] -> [IPAddr] hostAddresses hn hosts = case hostInfo <$> findHost hosts hn of Nothing -> [] Just info -> mapMaybe getIPAddr $ S.toList $ _dns info
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Gli.Gitlab where import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BLI import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Format.Human (humanReadableTime) import Data.Time.LocalTime import Gli.Types import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS import Network.HTTP.Simple import Prelude hiding (id) apiCall :: AccountConfig -> IO BLI.ByteString apiCall accountConfig = do manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings request' <- parseRequest (url accountConfig) let request = setRequestManager manager $ setRequestHeader "PRIVATE-TOKEN" [B.pack $ key (accountConfig :: AccountConfig)] $ request' response <- httpLBS request return (getResponseBody response) getProject :: T.Text -> AccountConfig -> IO Project getProject repoUrl a = do projectResponseBody <- apiCall (AccountConfig (key (a :: AccountConfig)) (url a ++ "/projects")) case parseProject projectResponseBody of Just projects -> return (head $ filter (\p -> ssh_url_to_repo p == repoUrl) projects) Nothing -> error "Unable to fetch projects" parseProject :: BLI.ByteString -> Maybe [Project] parseProject body = decode body :: Maybe [Project] mergeRequests :: AccountConfig -> IO () mergeRequests cfg = do prResponseBody <- apiCall mcfg let body = justBody $ parseMergeRequest prResponseBody mapM_ (modifyAndShow cfg) body where mcfg = AccountConfig (key (cfg :: AccountConfig)) (url cfg ++ "/merge_requests?state=opened") modifyAndShow :: AccountConfig -> MergeRequest -> IO () modifyAndShow cfg m = do c <- humanReadableTime $ created_at (m :: MergeRequest) u <- humanReadableTime $ updated_at (m :: MergeRequest) b <- builds bc putStrLn $ unlines (lines (show m) ++ [ "Created At: " ++ show c , "Updated At: " ++ show u , "Builds:"]) mapM_ (printBuild (web_url m) (iid (m :: MergeRequest))) b where bc = AccountConfig (key (cfg :: AccountConfig)) (url cfg ++ "/repository/commits/" ++ T.unpack (sha m) ++ "/builds") parseMergeRequest :: BLI.ByteString -> Maybe [MergeRequest] parseMergeRequest body = decode body :: Maybe [MergeRequest] printBuild :: T.Text -> Int -> Build -> IO () printBuild u i b = do c <- utcToLocalZonedTime $ created_at (b :: Build) f <- finished_time (finished_at b) putStrLn (unlines (lines (show b) ++ [ " Url: " ++ bUrl , " Created At: " ++ show c , " Finished At: " ++ f])) where bUrl = T.unpack (T.replace (T.pack("/merge_requests/" ++ show i)) (T.pack "") u) ++ "/builds/" ++ show (id (b :: Build)) finished_time fa = case fa of Just fa -> do lf <- utcToLocalZonedTime fa return (show $ lf) Nothing -> return "Pending" builds :: AccountConfig -> IO [Build] builds cfg = do pResponseBody <- apiCall cfg return (justBody $ parseBuilds pResponseBody) parseBuilds :: BLI.ByteString -> Maybe [Build] parseBuilds body = decode body :: Maybe [Build] justBody :: Maybe [a] -> [a] justBody Nothing = [] justBody (Just elems) = elems
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Ling.Raw (module Ling.Abs, module Ling.Raw) where import Control.Lens import Ling.Abs import Ling.Prelude type Type = Term makePrisms ''Program makePrisms ''Dec makePrisms ''Assertion makePrisms ''ConName makePrisms ''OptSig makePrisms ''VarDec makePrisms ''ChanDec makePrisms ''Branch makePrisms ''Literal makePrisms ''ATerm makePrisms ''Term makePrisms ''Proc makePrisms ''Act makePrisms ''ASession makePrisms ''TopCPatt makePrisms ''CPatt makePrisms ''OptSession makePrisms ''RSession makePrisms ''OptRepl makePrisms ''CSession aTerm :: ATerm -> Term aTerm (Paren t NoSig) = t aTerm t = RawApp t [] paren :: Term -> ATerm paren (RawApp t []) = t paren t = Paren t NoSig annot :: Term -> Type -> Term annot tm ty = RawApp (Paren tm (SoSig ty)) [] pPrll :: [Proc] -> Proc pPrll = \case [p] -> p ps -> PPrll ps pNxt :: Op2 Proc pNxt (PPrll []) proc1 = proc1 pNxt proc0 (PPrll []) = proc0 pNxt proc0 proc1 = proc0 `PNxt` proc1 pDot :: Op2 Proc pDot (PPrll []) proc1 = proc1 pDot (p00 `PDot` p01) proc1 = p00 `pDot` (p01 `pDot` proc1) pDot proc0 (PPrll []) = proc0 pDot proc0 proc1 = proc0 `PDot` proc1 pDots :: [Proc] -> Proc pDots = foldr pDot (PPrll []) mkPrimOp :: String -> [Term] -> Term mkPrimOp x = RawApp (Var (Name x)) . fmap paren _PrimOp :: Prism' Term (String, [Term]) _PrimOp = prism (uncurry mkPrimOp) $ \case RawApp (Var (Name x)) ts -> Right (x,aTerm <$> ts) t -> Left t
module Math.Triangulate( triangulate , triangulate2D ) where import Linear import Control.Lens import qualified Graphics.Triangulation.Delaunay as D import qualified Data.Vector.V2 as Vec import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector (Vector) import Math.Plane -- | Normalize coords of given vectors to fit [0 .. 1] range and return info -- how to denormalize them back. normVecs :: Vector (V2 Float) -> (V2 Float -> V2 Float, Vector (V2 Float)) normVecs vs = (\v -> v * dv + minv, (\v -> (v - minv) / dv) <$> vs) where minx = minimum . fmap (^. _x) $ vs miny = minimum . fmap (^. _y) $ vs minv = V2 minx miny maxx = maximum . fmap (^. _x) $ vs maxy = maximum . fmap (^. _y) $ vs maxv = V2 maxx maxy dv = fmap (\v -> if v `approxEq` 0 then 1.0 else v) $ maxv - minv triangulate :: Vector (V3 Float) -> Vector (V3 Float, V3 Float, V3 Float) triangulate vs | V.length vs < 3 = V.empty | colinearAll vs = V.empty | otherwise = fmap (\(v1, v2, v3) -> (fromV2 v1, fromV2 v2, fromV2 v3)) . V.fromList . D.triangulate . V.toList . fmap toV2 $ v2snorm where plane = planeFromPoints (V.unsafeIndex vs 0) (V.unsafeIndex vs 1) (V.unsafeIndex vs 2) (denormVec, v2snorm) = normVecs v2s v2s = planeProject plane <$> vs toV2 (V2 x y) = Vec.Vector2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) fromV2 (Vec.Vector2 x y) = planePoint plane . denormVec $ V2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) triangulate2D :: Vector (V2 Float) -> Vector (V2 Float, V2 Float, V2 Float) triangulate2D vs | V.length vs < 3 = V.empty | colinearAll2D vs = V.empty | otherwise = fmap (\(v1, v2, v3) -> (fromV2 v1, fromV2 v2, fromV2 v3)) . V.fromList . D.triangulate . V.toList . fmap toV2 $ v2snorm where (denormVec, v2snorm) = normVecs vs toV2 (V2 x y) = Vec.Vector2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y) fromV2 (Vec.Vector2 x y) = denormVec $ V2 (realToFrac x) (realToFrac y)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Day20 where import Test.Hspec import qualified Text.Megaparsec.String as P import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P import Utils import Data.List.Split import Data.List import Data.Ord -- Parsing data Range = Range Int Int deriving (Show) parser s = map parseLine (lines s) parseLine l = let [a, b] = splitOn "-" l in Range (read a) (read b) inRange (Range a b) v = v >= a && v <= b -- Input DSL lowBound (Range a _) = a sortIp ips = sortBy (comparing lowBound) ips compactIp (r0@(Range a b):((Range b' c):xs)) | inRange r0 b' = compactIp (Range a (max b c) : xs) | otherwise = r0 : compactIp ((Range b' c) : xs) compactIp l = l -- Problem DSL -- utils validIp ips x= all (\ip -> not (inRange ip x)) ips -- FIRST problem day ips = find (validIp ips) [0 .. ] -- SECOND problem day' ips = countAvailable ips 4294967295 countAvailable ((Range _ b):(xs@((Range c _):_))) maxRange = (c - b - 1) + countAvailable xs maxRange countAvailable [(Range _ d)] maxRange = maxRange - d countAvailable [] _ = error "WTF" -- tests and data -- comment out and add tests test = hspec $ it "works" $ do day <$> content `shouldReturn` (Just 4793564) day' <$> content `shouldReturn` 146 fileContent = readFile "content/day20" content = regIp . parser <$> fileContent regIp = compactIp . sortIp ipTests = regIp [Range 5 8, Range 0 2, Range 4 7] -- 11h44 -- 11h53 4793564 -- 11h57
module Network.OpenFlow.Message.OfpPort where import Data.Word (Word32, Word16, Word8) import qualified Data.Text as T type HwAddr = (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) data OfpPort = OfpPort { portNo :: Word32 , pad :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) , hwAddr :: HwAddr , name :: T.Text -- ^max 16 characters , config :: Word32 , state :: Word32 , curr :: Word32 , advertised :: Word32 , supported :: Word32 , peer :: Word32 , currSpeed :: Word32 , maxSpeed :: Word32 } data OfpPortConfig = OfpPortConfig { portDown :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 0 , noRecv :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 2 , noFwd :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 5 , noPacketIn :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 6 } data OfpPortState = OfpPortState { linkDown :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 0 , blocked :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 1 , live :: Bool -- ^ 1 << 2 } data OfpPortNo = OfppMax -- ^ 0xffffff00 | OfppInPort -- ^ 0xfffffff8 | OfppTable -- ^ 0xfffffff9 | OfppNormal -- ^ 0xfffffffa | OfppFlood -- ^ 0xfffffffb | OfppAll -- ^ 0xfffffffc | OfppController -- ^ 0xfffffffd | OfppLocal -- ^ 0xfffffffe | OfppAny -- ^ 0xffffffff
module ProjectEuler.Problem006 (solution006) where import Util sumOfSqr :: Int -> Int sumOfSqr n = sum (take n [ sq x | x <- [1..]]) sqrOfSum :: Int -> Int sqrOfSum n = sq (sum (take n [1..])) dif :: Int -> Int dif n = (sqrOfSum n) - (sumOfSqr n) solution006 :: Int solution006 = dif 100
module Plugin where import Data.Generics.Schemes import API resource = rsrc { field = id listify }
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | -- Module : GGTD.CLI.Ls -- Copyright : (C) 2016 Samuli Thomasson -- License : %% (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : Samuli Thomasson <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module GGTD.CLI.Ls where import GGTD.Base import GGTD.CLI.Option import GGTD.CLI.Render import GGTD.CLI.Base import GGTD.Sort import Control.Lens hiding ((&), Context, Context') import System.Console.Command -- | Tree lsAction :: Action IO lsAction = withNonOption (nodeOptType (-1)) $ \nodeP -> foldingOpts filters $ \fltr -> withOption sortOpt $ \srt -> handler $ fromNodeP nodeP >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just node -> do node' <- if node == -1 then use viewContext else return node printChildren fltr srt node'
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.Configure -- Copyright : (c) David Himmelstrup 2005, -- Duncan Coutts 2005 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Portability : portable -- -- High level interface to configuring a package. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Distribution.Client.Configure ( configure, ) where import Distribution.Client.Dependency import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan) import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils ( getAvailablePackages, getInstalledPackages ) import Distribution.Client.Setup ( ConfigExFlags(..), configureCommand, filterConfigureFlags ) import Distribution.Client.Types as Available import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper ( setupWrapper, SetupScriptOptions(..), defaultSetupScriptOptions ) import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( CompilerId(..), Compiler(compilerId) , PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack ) import Distribution.Simple.Program (ProgramConfiguration ) import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( ConfigFlags(..), toFlag, flagToMaybe, fromFlagOrDefault ) import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex (PackageIndex) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( defaultPackageDesc ) import Distribution.Package ( Package(..), packageName, Dependency(..), thisPackageVersion ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse ( readPackageDescription ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration ( finalizePackageDescription ) import Distribution.Version ( anyVersion, thisVersion ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils as Utils ( notice, info, debug, die ) import Distribution.System ( Platform, buildPlatform ) import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity ( Verbosity ) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) -- | Configure the package found in the local directory configure :: Verbosity -> PackageDBStack -> [Repo] -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigExFlags -> [String] -> IO () configure verbosity packageDBs repos comp conf configFlags configExFlags extraArgs = do installed <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs conf available <- getAvailablePackages verbosity repos progress <- planLocalPackage verbosity comp configFlags configExFlags installed available notice verbosity "Resolving dependencies..." maybePlan <- foldProgress logMsg (return . Left) (return . Right) progress case maybePlan of Left message -> do info verbosity message setupWrapper verbosity (setupScriptOptions installed) Nothing configureCommand (const configFlags) extraArgs Right installPlan -> case InstallPlan.ready installPlan of [pkg@(ConfiguredPackage (AvailablePackage _ _ (LocalUnpackedPackage _)) _ _)] -> configurePackage verbosity (InstallPlan.planPlatform installPlan) (InstallPlan.planCompiler installPlan) (setupScriptOptions installed) configFlags pkg extraArgs _ -> die $ "internal error: configure install plan should have exactly " ++ "one local ready package." where setupScriptOptions index = SetupScriptOptions { useCabalVersion = maybe anyVersion thisVersion (flagToMaybe (configCabalVersion configExFlags)), useCompiler = Just comp, -- Hack: we typically want to allow the UserPackageDB for finding the -- Cabal lib when compiling any Setup.hs even if we're doing a global -- install. However we also allow looking in a specific package db. usePackageDB = if UserPackageDB `elem` packageDBs then packageDBs else packageDBs ++ [UserPackageDB], usePackageIndex = if UserPackageDB `elem` packageDBs then Just index else Nothing, useProgramConfig = conf, useDistPref = fromFlagOrDefault (useDistPref defaultSetupScriptOptions) (configDistPref configFlags), useLoggingHandle = Nothing, useWorkingDir = Nothing } logMsg message rest = debug verbosity message >> rest -- | Make an 'InstallPlan' for the unpacked package in the current directory, -- and all its dependencies. -- planLocalPackage :: Verbosity -> Compiler -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigExFlags -> PackageIndex InstalledPackage -> AvailablePackageDb -> IO (Progress String String InstallPlan) planLocalPackage verbosity comp configFlags configExFlags installed (AvailablePackageDb _ availablePrefs) = do pkg <- readPackageDescription verbosity =<< defaultPackageDesc verbosity let -- We create a local package and ask to resolve a dependency on it localPkg = AvailablePackage { packageInfoId = packageId pkg, Available.packageDescription = pkg, packageSource = LocalUnpackedPackage "." } resolverParams = addPreferences -- preferences from the config file or command line [ PackageVersionPreference name ver | Dependency name ver <- configPreferences configExFlags ] . addConstraints -- version constraints from the config file or command line [ PackageVersionConstraint name ver | Dependency name ver <- configConstraints configFlags ] . addConstraints -- package flags from the config file or command line [ PackageFlagsConstraint (packageName pkg) (configConfigurationsFlags configFlags) ] $ standardInstallPolicy installed (AvailablePackageDb mempty availablePrefs) [SpecificSourcePackage localPkg] return (resolveDependencies buildPlatform (compilerId comp) resolverParams) -- | Call an installer for an 'AvailablePackage' but override the configure -- flags with the ones given by the 'ConfiguredPackage'. In particular the -- 'ConfiguredPackage' specifies an exact 'FlagAssignment' and exactly -- versioned package dependencies. So we ignore any previous partial flag -- assignment or dependency constraints and use the new ones. -- configurePackage :: Verbosity -> Platform -> CompilerId -> SetupScriptOptions -> ConfigFlags -> ConfiguredPackage -> [String] -> IO () configurePackage verbosity platform comp scriptOptions configFlags (ConfiguredPackage (AvailablePackage _ gpkg _) flags deps) extraArgs = setupWrapper verbosity scriptOptions (Just pkg) configureCommand configureFlags extraArgs where configureFlags = filterConfigureFlags configFlags { configConfigurationsFlags = flags, configConstraints = map thisPackageVersion deps, configVerbosity = toFlag verbosity } pkg = case finalizePackageDescription flags (const True) platform comp [] gpkg of Left _ -> error "finalizePackageDescription ConfiguredPackage failed" Right (desc, _) -> desc
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Data.Map.Syntax.Tests where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.HUnit (assertEqual) import Data.Map.Syntax import Data.Map.Syntax.Util (mkMapABC, mkMapDEF,mkMapAEF, ArbMapSyntax(..)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Simple tests for not-nested maps insTests :: Spec insTests = do it "Insert overwrite" overDup it "Insert over fail" failDup it "Reject duplicate" skipDup it "Trying dupFunc" dupFunc prop "Insert overwrite from list" prop_syntaxMatchesNubOver prop "Insert conditional from list" prop_syntaxMatchesNubCond prop "Insert error on dup from list" prop_syntaxMatchesNubErr monoidLaws :: Spec monoidLaws = do prop "Left identity" prop_leftId prop "Right identity" prop_rightId prop "Associativity" prop_assoc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Simple tests of ##, #!, #? overDup :: IO () overDup = assertEqual "Failed to overwrite duplicate entry" (Right $ M.fromList [("firstName","Egon") :: (String,String)]) (runMap $ mkDupMap (##)) failDup :: IO () failDup = assertEqual "Failed to error on duplicate entry" (Left [("firstName" :: String)]) (runMap $ mkDupMap (#!)) skipDup :: IO () skipDup = assertEqual "Failed to reject duplicate entry" (Right $ M.fromList [("firstName","Peter")]) (runMap $ mkDupMap (#?)) dupFunc :: IO () dupFunc = assertEqual "Failed use dupFunc" (Right $ M.fromList [("firstName","firstNamePeterEgon") :: (String,String)]) (runMapSyntax' f M.lookup M.insert $ mkDupMap (#!)) where f k v v1 = Just (k `mappend` v1 `mappend` v) mkDupMap :: (String -> String -> MapSyntax String String) -> MapSyntax String String mkDupMap strat = do "firstName" `strat` "Peter" "firstName" `strat` "Egon" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ prop_syntaxMatchesNubOver :: [(String,Int)] -> Bool prop_syntaxMatchesNubOver pairs = Right revNubMap == (runMap mSyntax) where mSyntax = mapM_ (\(k,v) -> (k ## v)) pairs revNubMap = M.fromList . L.nubBy ((==) `on` fst) . L.reverse $ pairs -- Nub keeps the first of each unique entry, so reverse list to -- simulate keeping the last prop_syntaxMatchesNubCond :: [(String,Int)] -> Bool prop_syntaxMatchesNubCond pairs = Right nubMap == (runMap mSyntax) where mSyntax = mapM_ (\(k,v) -> (k #? v)) pairs nubMap = M.fromList . L.nubBy ((==) `on` fst) $ pairs prop_syntaxMatchesNubErr :: [(String,Int)] -> Bool prop_syntaxMatchesNubErr pairs = let mMap = runMap $ mapM_ (\(k,v) -> (k #! v)) pairs in if pairs == L.nubBy ((==) `on` fst) pairs then mMap == (Right . M.fromList $ pairs) else case mMap of Right _ -> False -- We expected (Left dupKeys) Left _ -> True -- Wasn't sure about semantics here -- runMap ... ("a" #! 1) >> ("a" #! 2) >> ("a" #! 3) -- should be (Left ["a"]), or (Left ["a","a"])? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Tests for #! when do blocks are nested nestingTests :: Spec nestingTests = do it "Nested error dups" nestedErr it "Nested error dups mapK" nestedErrMapK it "Nester error dups mapV" nestedErrMapV it "Nested overwrite dups" nestedOver it "Nested overwrite dups mapK" nestedOverMapK it "Nested overwrite dups mapV" nestedOverMapV it "Nested ignore dups mixed" nestedIgnoreMix it "Nested complex pass" nestedComplex it "Nested complex error" nestedComplexErr nestedErr :: IO () nestedErr = assertEqual "Failed to error on duplicates across do blocks" (Left ['E','F']) (runMap $ do {mkMapDEF (#!); mkMapAEF (#!)}) nestedErrMapK :: IO () nestedErrMapK = assertEqual "Failed to error on mapK'ed dups across blocks" (Left ['B']) (runMap $ do mapK succ $ mkMapABC (#!) mapK succ $ mkMapAEF (#!) ) nestedErrMapV :: IO () nestedErrMapV = assertEqual "Failed to error on mapV'ed dups across blocks" (Left ['A']) (runMap $ do mapV succ $ mkMapABC (#!) mapV succ $ mkMapAEF (#!) ) nestedOver :: IO () nestedOver = assertEqual "Failed to overwrite dup entries across blocks" (Right $ M.fromList [('A',100),('B',2),('C',3),('E',200),('F',300)]) (runMap $ do mkMapABC (##) mkMapAEF (##) ) nestedOverMapK :: IO () nestedOverMapK = assertEqual "Failed to mapK in nested blocks" (Right $ M.fromList [('A',100),('E',200),('F',300),('C',10),('D',20),('B',2)]) (runMap $ do mkMapABC (##) mapK pred $ mkMapDEF (##) mkMapAEF (##) ) nestedOverMapV :: IO () nestedOverMapV = assertEqual "Failed to mapV in nested blocks" (Right $ M.fromList [('A',99),('B',2),('C',3),('E',199),('F',299)]) (runMap $ do mkMapABC (##) mapV pred $ mkMapAEF (##) ) nestedIgnoreMix :: IO () nestedIgnoreMix = assertEqual "Failed to mapK/mapV in 'Ignore' do blocks" (Right $ M.fromList [('B',0),('C',1),('D',2),('E',31),('@',101)]) (runMap $ do mapV pred . mapK succ $ mkMapABC (#?) mapV succ . mapK pred $ mkMapDEF (#?) mapK pred . mapV succ $ mkMapAEF (#?) ) nestedComplex :: IO () nestedComplex = assertEqual "Failed a mix of dup strategies in nested block" (Right $ M.fromList [('@',1),('A',2),('B',1000),('C',1000),('D',10),('E',20),('F',30),('G',300),('H',199),('I',299)]) (runMap $ do mapK succ . mapK succ $ mkMapABC (##) mapK succ . mapK succ . mapK succ . mapV pred $ mkMapAEF (#?) mapK succ ((mapV (const 1000) $ mkMapABC (##)) >> mkMapAEF (#?)) mkMapDEF (##) mapK pred $ mkMapABC (#?) ) nestedComplexErr :: IO () nestedComplexErr = assertEqual "Failed to detect dup in complex nested block" (Left ['B']) (runMap $ do mapK succ . mapK succ $ mkMapABC (##) mapK succ . mapK succ . mapK succ . mapV pred $ mkMapAEF (#?) mapK succ ((mapV (const 1000) $ mkMapABC (##)) >> mkMapAEF (#?)) mapK pred $ mkMapABC (#!) mkMapDEF (##) mapK pred $ mkMapABC (#?) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Monoid Laws prop_leftId :: ArbMapSyntax String Int -> Bool prop_leftId a = runMap (mempty `mappend` m) == runMap m where m = unArbSyntax a prop_rightId :: ArbMapSyntax String Int -> Bool prop_rightId a = runMap (m `mappend` mempty) == runMap m where m = unArbSyntax a prop_assoc :: ArbMapSyntax String Int -> ArbMapSyntax String Int -> ArbMapSyntax String Int -> Bool prop_assoc a' b' c' = runMap ((a `mappend` b) `mappend` c) == runMap (a `mappend` (b `mappend` c)) where a = unArbSyntax a' b = unArbSyntax b' c = unArbSyntax c'
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Error.Util (hush) import Control.Monad (unless, void, (>=>), when, forever) import qualified Control.Monad.RWS as RWS import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Configurator as Conf import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isNothing) import qualified Data.Random as R import qualified Data.Random.Distribution.Bernoulli as R import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Paths_Dikunt import Pipes ((>->)) import qualified Pipes as P import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P import qualified Pipes.Prelude.Text as PT import Prelude hiding (lines) import qualified System.Environment as S import qualified System.IO as S import qualified Text.Parsec as Parse import qualified Text.Parsec.Number as Parse import qualified Types.BotTypes as BT type BotNick = String type Probability = Double data Request = HelpRequest | ChangeProbabilityRequest Probability | OtherMessage deriving (Show, Eq) main :: IO () main = do (botnick:_) <- S.getArgs S.hSetBuffering S.stdout S.LineBuffering S.hSetBuffering S.stdin S.LineBuffering -- Load configuration. configName <- getDataFileName "data/dikunt.config" config <- Conf.load [ Conf.Required configName ] initialProb <- Conf.require config "asked-probability" let pipe = PT.stdinLn >-> T.encodeUtf8 >-> parseRequest >-> handleRequest >-> PT.stdoutLn runAsked botnick initialProb $ P.runEffect pipe type Asked = RWS.RWST BotNick () (R.RVar Bool) (R.RVarT IO) runAsked :: BotNick -> Probability -> Asked a -> IO a runAsked botnick initialProb a = R.runRVarT (fst <$> RWS.evalRWST a botnick (R.bernoulli initialProb)) R.StdRandom parseRequest :: P.Pipe B.ByteString Request Asked () parseRequest = forever $ do botnick <- RWS.ask req <- (JSON.decodeStrict >=> parse botnick) <$> P.await unless (isNothing req) $ P.yield (fromJust req) where parse botnick (BT.ServerPrivMsg _ _ msg) = Just . fromMaybe OtherMessage . hush . Parse.parse (request botnick) "" . BT.getMessage $ msg parse _ _ = Nothing handleRequest :: P.Pipe Request T.Text Asked () handleRequest = forever $ do req <- P.await case req of HelpRequest -> giveHelp ChangeProbabilityRequest newProb -> updateProb newProb OtherMessage -> handleOther giveHelp :: P.Pipe Request T.Text Asked () giveHelp = do botnick <- RWS.ask P.yield $ T.pack botnick <> ": asked help - Display this message" P.yield $ T.pack botnick <> ": asked set probability <0-1> - Set " <> "probability to a number between 0 and 1" P.yield $ T.pack "Otherwise prints \"Spurgt\" with the current " <> "probability to each message" updateProb :: Probability -> P.Pipe Request T.Text Asked () updateProb = RWS.put . R.bernoulli >=> const (P.yield "Updated probability") handleOther :: P.Pipe Request T.Text Asked () handleOther = do b <- RWS.get shouldAsk <- P.lift . RWS.lift $ R.sample b when shouldAsk $ P.yield "Spurgt!" type RequestParser a = Parse.Parsec String () a request :: BotNick -> RequestParser Request request botnick = do void $ stringToken (botnick ++ ": ") void $ stringToken "asked " Parse.choice [helpRequest, changeRequest] <* Parse.eof helpRequest :: RequestParser Request helpRequest = stringToken "help" *> return HelpRequest changeRequest :: RequestParser Request changeRequest = do void $ stringToken "set " void $ stringToken "probability " newprob <- Parse.floating if newprob >= 0.0 && newprob <= 1.0 then return $ ChangeProbabilityRequest newprob else Parse.unexpected "Probability should be between 0 and 1" token :: RequestParser a -> RequestParser a token tok = Parse.spaces *> tok <* Parse.spaces stringToken :: String -> RequestParser String stringToken = token . Parse.string
module Lib ( module CmdLineProcessing ) where import CmdLineProcessing
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module UUTReaderUtilities where import Control.Monad import Language.Haskell.TH import Sized import Arbitrary import Data.String.Utils import System.IO.Unsafe import UUT import UUTReaderUtilitiesDeep ----------Recognize user defined types -------------------------------- notDefTypesQMonad :: Q [String] -> Q [String] notDefTypesQMonad xs = do list <- xs return (notDefTypes list) notDefTypes :: [String] -> [String] notDefTypes xs = removeDuplicates notDefinedTypes where notDefinedTypes = concat (map defTypes separated) separated = map (\x -> split_str x "") xs split_str :: String -> String -> [String] split_str [] saved = [saved] split_str (x:xs) saved | x == ' ' = saved:(split_str xs "") |otherwise = split_str xs (saved++[x]) defTypes :: [String] -> [String] defTypes [] = [] defTypes (x:[]) | (definedBaseTypes x) = [] | otherwise = [x] defTypes (x:xs) = (keepUndefinedComplex x (length xs))++(keepUndefinedSimples xs) keepUndefinedComplex :: String -> Int -> [String] keepUndefinedComplex x n | (definedComplexTypes x) = [] | otherwise = [x ++ " " ++(listOfVariables n)] listOfVariables :: Int -> String listOfVariables 0 = "" listOfVariables 1 = "x1" listOfVariables n = ("x"++(show n)) ++ " " ++ (listOfVariables (n-1)) keepUndefinedSimples :: [String] -> [String] keepUndefinedSimples [] = [] keepUndefinedSimples (x:xs) | (definedBaseTypes x) = keepUndefinedSimples xs | otherwise = x:(keepUndefinedSimples xs) definedBaseTypes :: String -> Bool definedBaseTypes x = (x == "Int" || x == "Char" || x == "Bool") definedComplexTypes :: String -> Bool definedComplexTypes x = (x == "[]" || x == "(,)" || x == "(,,)" || x == "(,,,)" || x == "Array") removeDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] removeDuplicates = rdHelper [] where rdHelper seen [] = seen rdHelper seen (x:xs) | x `elem` seen = rdHelper seen xs | otherwise = rdHelper (seen ++ [x]) xs --------------------Prueba function------------------------------------ prueba listArgs = ((pos_f filtered_pre output), (listArgs), (filtered_pre)) where filtered_pre = pre_f listArgs output = fun_f filtered_pre pre_f listArgs = filter (prec_f_aux) listArgs fun_f filtered_list = map fun_f_aux filtered_list pos_f inputs outputs = zipWith pos_f_aux inputs outputs --------------generators for auxiliar prueba functions------------------------- prec_f_aux $(tupleP uutNargs) = $(appsE ((varE 'uutPrec):(map varE (listVar uutNargs)))) fun_f_aux $(tupleP uutNargs) = $(appsE ((varE 'uutMethod):(map varE (listVar uutNargs)))) pos_f_aux $(tupleP uutNargs) $(varP $ mkName "o") = $(appsE ((varE 'uutPost):((map varE (listVar uutNargs))++[varE $ mkName "o"])))
module Mental.Tree.Typed ( TypedTree , getType ) where import Control.Comonad.Cofree (Cofree(..)) import Mental.Tree import Mental.Type type TypedTree = AnnTree Ty getType :: TypedTree -> Ty getType (ty :< _) = ty
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} import Options.Applicative import TH data Command = Create String | Delete Arg deriving (Show, Read) data Arg = Arg Int String deriving (Show, Read) $(derive ''Command) data S1 = SA | SB [Int] Char | SC P1 | SD S2 deriving (Show, Read) data P1 = P1 Int Char deriving (Show, Read) data S3 = S3A Int Int | S3B Int Char deriving (Show, Read) data S2 = R | G | B deriving (Show, Read) $(derive ''S1) main :: IO () main = do x <- execParser p_S1_toplevel print x
module Common.Aeson where import Data.Aeson.Types (Options) import Data.Aeson.TH (constructorTagModifier, defaultOptions, fieldLabelModifier) import Data.String.Additional (camelToUnderscore) jsonOptions :: Int -> Options jsonOptions n = defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = camelToUnderscore . drop n , constructorTagModifier = camelToUnderscore }
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} import Reflex.Dom import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Monoid import Data.Foldable import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Word import Data.Function import Control.Monad import Data.List import Text.Read import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Marbles.Eval import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as Dom import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Event as Dom import qualified GHCJS.DOM.EventM as Dom import qualified GHCJS.DOM.UIEvent as Dom import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Element as Dom import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Document as Dom mouseLocal :: (Dom.IsElement e, Dom.IsUIEvent uiE) => e -> uiE -> IO (Int, Int) mouseLocal e event = do x <- Dom.uiEventGetLayerX event y <- Dom.uiEventGetLayerY event ex <- Dom.elementGetOffsetLeft e ey <- Dom.elementGetOffsetTop e return (x - round ex, y - round ey) mouseMove_ :: (Dom.IsElement e, MonadWidget t m) => e -> m (Event t (Int, Int)) mouseMove_ e = wrapDomEvent e Dom.elementOnmousemove (liftIO . mouseLocal e =<< Dom.event) mouseDown_ :: (Dom.IsElement e, MonadWidget t m) => e -> m (Event t (Int, Int)) mouseDown_ e = wrapDomEvent e Dom.elementOnmousedown (liftIO . mouseLocal e =<< Dom.event) mouseUp_ :: (Dom.IsElement e, MonadWidget t m) => e -> m (Event t (Int, Int)) mouseUp_ e = wrapDomEvent e Dom.elementOnmouseup (liftIO . mouseLocal e =<< Dom.event) isMouseDown :: (Dom.IsElement e, MonadWidget t m) => e -> m (Behavior t Bool) isMouseDown e = do mouseDown <- mouseDown_ e mouseUp <- mouseUp_ e hold False $ leftmost [const False <$> mouseUp, const True <$> mouseDown] draggableDiv :: MonadWidget t m => String -- ^ class -> Dynamic t Int -> m (Dynamic t Int) draggableDiv = undefined main :: IO () main = mainWidget $ do divClass "container" $ do holdDemo return () functionHeader name firstParam = do elClass "form" "form-inline functionHeader" $ do elClass "p" "form-control-static" $ text (name ++ " :: ") firstParam functionArgument content = do divClass "argument" $ do elClass "span" "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right" $ pure () content holdDemo = do divClass "demo panel panel-default" $ do rec inMarble <- divClass "row" $ do divClass "col-md-1 functionName" $ text "hold ::" divClass "col-md-11" $ marbleInput (parent, inEvent) <- elAttr' "div" ("class" =: "row") $ do divClass "col-md-1 functionName" $ text "→" divClass "col-md-11" $ inputMarbleEvent parent $ Map.fromList [(20, Marble 'a'), (60, Marble 'b')] divClass "row" $ do divClass "col-md-1 functionName" $ text "→" divClass "col-md-11" $ do outEvent <- $(qDyn [| evalBehaviour [1..100] $ marbleHold' $(unqDyn [| inMarble |]) (MarbleEvent $(unqDyn [| inEvent |])) |]) renderMarbleBehaviour =<< mapDyn snd outEvent return outEvent return () marbleInput :: (MonadWidget t m, Reflex t) => m (Dynamic t Marble) marbleInput = divClass "marbleInput" $ do mapDyn (Marble . maybe '⊥' fst . uncons) =<< (_textInput_value <$> textInput config) where config = def { _textInputConfig_initialValue = "⊥" , _textInputConfig_attributes = constDyn ( "maxlength" =: "1" <> "size" =: "1" <> "class" =: "form-control") } unMarble (Marble x) = x inputMarbleEvent :: (MonadWidget t m) => El t -> Map Time Marble -> m (Dynamic t (Map Time Marble)) inputMarbleEvent parent event0 = do divClass "marbleEvent" $ do divClass "timeline" $ pure () r <- forM (Map.toList event0) $ \(t, Marble c) -> do rec mouseDown <- mouseDown_ $ _el_element slider mouseUp <- mouseUp_ $ _el_element parent isDown <- hold False $ leftmost [const False <$> mouseUp, const True <$> mouseDown] evMove <- mouseMove_ $ _el_element parent dynLeft <- mapDyn fst =<< (holdDyn (t * 10,0) $ gate isDown evMove) sliderAttrs <- forDyn dynLeft $ \left -> ("class" =: "marble" <> "style" =: ("left: " ++ show left ++ "px")) (slider, _) <- elDynAttr' "div" sliderAttrs $ text [c] (,) <$> mapDyn (`div` 10) dynLeft <*> pure (constDyn $ Marble c) mconcatDyn =<< mapM (mapDyn (uncurry Map.singleton)) =<< mapM (uncurry (combineDyn (,))) r test :: MonadWidget t m => m () test = do rec (parent, _) <- elAttr' "div" ("id" =: "parent") $ do rec mouseDown <- mouseDown_ $ _el_element slider mouseUp <- mouseUp_ $ _el_element parent isDown <- hold False $ leftmost [const False <$> mouseUp, const True <$> mouseDown] evMove <- mouseMove_ $ _el_element parent (slider, _) <- elDynAttr' "div" sliderAttrs $ pure () sliderAttrs <- forDyn dynLeft $ \left -> ("id" =: "slider" <> "style" =: ("left: " ++ show (left * 10) ++ "px")) dynLeft <- mapDyn fst =<< (holdDyn (0,0) $ gate isDown evMove) return () return () renderMarbleBehaviour :: (MonadWidget t m) => (Dynamic t (Map Time Marble)) -> m (Dynamic t (Map Time Marble)) renderMarbleBehaviour marblesDyn = do divClass "marbleBehaviour" $ do divClass "timeline" $ pure () marblesList <- mapDyn (map ((\(ts, m:_) -> ((head ts, length ts) , m)) . unzip) . groupBy ((==) `on` snd) . Map.toList) marblesDyn simpleList marblesList $ \msDyn -> do dyn =<< (forDyn msDyn $ \((t, l), Marble c) -> do elAttr "div" ("class" =: "marble" <> "style" =: ("left: " ++ show (t * 10) ++ "px;" ++ "width: " ++ show (l * 10) ++ "px;")) $ do text $ [c]) return marblesDyn
{-# language CPP #-} {-# language QuasiQuotes #-} {-# language TemplateHaskell #-} #ifndef ENABLE_INTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} #endif -- | Interface between OpenCV and inline-c(pp) (Haskell) module OpenCV.Internal.C.Inline ( openCvCtx ) where import "base" Foreign.Ptr ( FunPtr ) import "base" Data.Monoid ( (<>) ) import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline as C import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Types as C import qualified "inline-c" Language.C.Inline.Context as C import qualified "inline-c-cpp" Language.C.Inline.Cpp as C import "this" OpenCV.Internal.C.Types -- | Context useful to work with the OpenCV library -- -- Based on 'C.cppCtx', 'C.bsCtx' and 'C.vecCtx'. -- -- 'C.ctxTypesTable': converts OpenCV basic types to their counterparts in -- "OpenCV.Internal.C.Inline". -- -- No 'C.ctxAntiQuoters'. openCvCtx :: C.Context openCvCtx = C.cppCtx <> C.bsCtx <> C.vecCtx <> ctx where ctx = mempty { C.ctxTypesTable = openCvTypesTable } openCvTypesTable :: C.TypesTable openCvTypesTable = M.fromList [ ( C.TypeName "bool" , [t| C.CInt |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Exception" , [t| C'CvCppException |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx12f" , [t| C'Matx12f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx12d" , [t| C'Matx12d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx13f" , [t| C'Matx13f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx13d" , [t| C'Matx13d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx14f" , [t| C'Matx14f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx14d" , [t| C'Matx14d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx16f" , [t| C'Matx16f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx16d" , [t| C'Matx16d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx21f" , [t| C'Matx21f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx21d" , [t| C'Matx21d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx22f" , [t| C'Matx22f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx22d" , [t| C'Matx22d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx23f" , [t| C'Matx23f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx23d" , [t| C'Matx23d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx31f" , [t| C'Matx31f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx31d" , [t| C'Matx31d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx32f" , [t| C'Matx32f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx32d" , [t| C'Matx32d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx33f" , [t| C'Matx33f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx33d" , [t| C'Matx33d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx34f" , [t| C'Matx34f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx34d" , [t| C'Matx34d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx41f" , [t| C'Matx41f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx41d" , [t| C'Matx41d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx43f" , [t| C'Matx43f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx43d" , [t| C'Matx43d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx44f" , [t| C'Matx44f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx44d" , [t| C'Matx44d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx51f" , [t| C'Matx51f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx51d" , [t| C'Matx51d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx61f" , [t| C'Matx61f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx61d" , [t| C'Matx61d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx66f" , [t| C'Matx66f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Matx66d" , [t| C'Matx66d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec2i" , [t| C'Vec2i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec2f" , [t| C'Vec2f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec2d" , [t| C'Vec2d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec3i" , [t| C'Vec3i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec3f" , [t| C'Vec3f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec3d" , [t| C'Vec3d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec4i" , [t| C'Vec4i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec4f" , [t| C'Vec4f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Vec4d" , [t| C'Vec4d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Point2i" , [t| C'Point2i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Point2f" , [t| C'Point2f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Point2d" , [t| C'Point2d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Point3i" , [t| C'Point3i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Point3f" , [t| C'Point3f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Point3d" , [t| C'Point3d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Size2i" , [t| C'Size2i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Size2f" , [t| C'Size2f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Size2d" , [t| C'Size2d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Rect2i" , [t| C'Rect2i |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Rect2f" , [t| C'Rect2f |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Rect2d" , [t| C'Rect2d |] ) , ( C.TypeName "RotatedRect" , [t| C'RotatedRect |] ) , ( C.TypeName "TermCriteria", [t| C'TermCriteria|] ) , ( C.TypeName "Scalar" , [t| C'Scalar |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Mat" , [t| C'Mat |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Range" , [t| C'Range |] ) , ( C.TypeName "KeyPoint" , [t| C'KeyPoint |] ) , ( C.TypeName "DMatch" , [t| C'DMatch |] ) --, ( C.TypeName "MSER" , [t| C'MSER |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Ptr_ORB" , [t| C'Ptr_ORB |] ) --, ( C.TypeName "BRISK" , [t| C'BRISK |] ) --, ( C.TypeName "KAZE" , [t| C'KAZE |] ) --, ( C.TypeName "AKAZE" , [t| C'AKAZE |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector", [t| C'Ptr_SimpleBlobDetector |] ) , ( C.TypeName "BFMatcher" , [t| C'BFMatcher |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Ptr_BackgroundSubtractorKNN" , [t| C'Ptr_BackgroundSubtractorKNN |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Ptr_BackgroundSubtractorMOG2", [t| C'Ptr_BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 |] ) , ( C.TypeName "VideoCapture", [t| C'VideoCapture |] ) , ( C.TypeName "VideoWriter" , [t| C'VideoWriter |] ) , ( C.TypeName "CascadeClassifier", [t| C'CascadeClassifier |] ) , ( C.TypeName "Ptr_GrayCodePattern", [t| C'Ptr_GrayCodePattern |] ) , ( C.TypeName "MouseCallback" , [t| FunPtr C'MouseCallback |] ) , ( C.TypeName "TrackbarCallback", [t| FunPtr C'TrackbarCallback |] ) ]
-- Example: Single-Lane Traffic Analysis -- -- It is described in different sources [1, 2]. So, this is chapter 15 of [2] and section 6.18 of [1]. -- -- The system to be modeled in this example consists of the traffic flow from -- two directions along a two-lane road, one lane of which has been closed for -- 500 meters for repairs. Traffic lights have been placed at each end of -- the closed lane to control the flow of traffic through the repair section. -- The lights allow traffic to flow for a specified time interval from only -- one direction. When a light turns green, the waiting cars start and pass -- the light every two seconds. If a car arrives at a green light when there -- are no waiting cars, the car passes through the light without delay. The car -- arrival pattern is exponentially distributed, with an average of 9 seconds -- between cars from direction 1 and 12 seconds between cars from direction 2. -- A light cycle consists of green in direction 1, both red, green in direction 2, -- both red, and then the cycle is repeated. Both lights remain red for 55 seconds -- to allow the cars in transit to leave the repair section before traffic from -- the other direction can be initiated. -- -- The objective is to simulate the above system to determine values for -- the green time for direction 1 and the green time for direction 2 which -- yield a low average waiting time for all cars. -- -- [1] A. Alan B. Pritsker, Simulation with Visual SLAM and AweSim, 2nd ed. -- [2] Труб И.И., Объектно-ориентированное моделирование на C++: Учебный курс. - СПб.: Питер, 2006 module Model (model1, model2, model3) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Arrow import Data.Array import Simulation.Aivika import qualified Simulation.Aivika.Resource as R data LightTime = LightTime { greenLightTime1 :: Double, greenLightTime2 :: Double } model :: LightTime -> Simulation Results model lightTime = do let greenLightTime = array (1, 2) [(1, return $ greenLightTime1 lightTime :: Event Double), (2, return $ greenLightTime2 lightTime :: Event Double)] waitTime1 <- newRef emptySamplingStats waitTime2 <- newRef emptySamplingStats let waitTime = array (1, 2) [(1, waitTime1), (2, waitTime2)] start1 <- runEventInStartTime $ R.newFCFSResource 1 start2 <- runEventInStartTime $ R.newFCFSResource 1 let start = array (1, 2) [(1, start1), (2, start2)] light1 <- newGateClosed light2 <- newGateClosed let stream1 = randomExponentialStream 9 stream2 = randomExponentialStream 12 runProcessInStartTime $ flip consumeStream stream1 $ \x -> liftEvent $ runProcess $ do R.requestResource start1 awaitGateOpened light1 t <- liftDynamics time liftEvent $ modifyRef waitTime1 $ addSamplingStats (t - arrivalTime x) when (t > arrivalTime x) $ holdProcess 2 R.releaseResource start1 runProcessInStartTime $ flip consumeStream stream2 $ \x -> liftEvent $ runProcess $ do R.requestResource start2 awaitGateOpened light2 t <- liftDynamics time liftEvent $ modifyRef waitTime2 $ addSamplingStats (t - arrivalTime x) when (t > arrivalTime x) $ holdProcess 2 R.releaseResource start2 let lighting = do holdProcess 55 liftEvent $ openGate light1 holdProcess $ greenLightTime1 lightTime liftEvent $ closeGate light1 holdProcess 55 liftEvent $ openGate light2 holdProcess $ greenLightTime2 lightTime liftEvent $ closeGate light2 lighting runProcessInStartTime lighting return $ results [resultSource "start" "Start Resource" start, -- resultSource "waitTime" "Wait Time" waitTime, -- resultSource "greenLightTime" "Green Light Time" greenLightTime] modelSummary :: LightTime -> Simulation Results modelSummary lightTime = fmap resultSummary $ model lightTime lightTime1 = LightTime 60 45 lightTime2 = LightTime 80 60 lightTime3 = LightTime 40 30 model1 = model lightTime1 model2 = model lightTime2 model3 = model lightTime3 modelSummary1 = fmap resultSummary model1 modelSummary2 = fmap resultSummary model2 modelSummary3 = fmap resultSummary model3
helloTo "Yoshikuni" = "Good morning, sir." helloTo n = "Hello, " ++ n ++ "!"
module Intel.SGX.Types where import Text.Printf import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Word (Word64, Word32, Word16, Word8) data SECS = SECS { secsSize :: Word64 -- Size of enclave in bytes; must be power of 2 , secsBaseAddr :: Word64 -- Enclave Base Linear Address must be naturally aligned to size , secsSSAFrameSize :: Word32 -- Size of one SSA frame in pages (including XSAVE, pad, GPR, and conditionally MISC). , secsMiscSelect :: MiscSelect -- See MiscSecelct data type , secsReserved_byte24_47 :: L.ByteString -- Reserved bytes. Set to zero , secsAttr :: Attributes -- See Attributes data type , secsMrEnclave :: L.ByteString -- 256-bit SHA256 hash , secsReserved_byte96_127 :: L.ByteString -- Reserved bytes. Set to zero , secsMrSigner :: L.ByteString -- 256-bit SHA256 hash of signer public key *after* enclave sig was verified , secsReserved_byte160_255 :: L.ByteString -- Reserved bytes. Set to zero , secsISVProdId :: Word16 -- Product ID of enclave , secsISVSVN :: Word16 -- Security version number (SVN) of the enclave , secsReserved_byte260_4095 :: L.ByteString -- 3836 bytes of wasted space } data MiscSelect = MiscSelect { miscExInfo :: Bool -- Report information about page fault and general protection exception that occurred inside an enclave , miscReserved_bit1_32 :: Word32 -- Wasted space } deriving (Eq) data Attributes = Attributes { attrInit :: Bool -- if the enclave has been initialized by EINIT , attrDebug :: Bool -- If 1, the enclave permit debugger to read and write enclave data , attrMode64Bit :: Bool -- Enclave runs in 64-bit mode , attrReserved_bit3 :: Bool -- Must be zero , attrProvisionKey :: Bool -- Provisioning Key is available from EGETKEY , attrEinitTokenKey :: Bool -- EINIT token key is available from EGETKEY , attrReserved_bit6_63 :: L.ByteString -- Reserved. Set to zero. , attrXFRM :: XFRM -- See XFRM data type }deriving(Eq, Show) data XFRM = XFRM { xfrmEnabled :: Bool , xfrmXCR0 :: Word64 -- Valid value of XCR0 , xfrmHasXSave :: Bool -- Does the CPU has XSAVE instruction } deriving(Eq, Show) data PageInfo = PageInfo { pgEnclaveLinAddr :: Word64 -- Enclave linear address. , pgSourceAddr :: Word64 -- Effective address of the page where contents are located. , pgSecInfo :: Word64 -- Effective address of the SECINFO or PCMD , pgSecs :: Word64 -- Effective address of EPC slot that currently contains the SECS } data SecInfo = SecInfo { siFlags :: SecInfoFlags } data SecInfoFlags = SecInfoFlags { sifIsRead :: Bool , sifIsWrite :: Bool , sifIsExecute :: Bool , sifIsPending :: Bool , sifIsModified :: Bool , sifHasPermRestriction :: Bool , sifReserved_bit6_7 :: Word8 , sifPageType :: PageType , sifReserved_bit16_64 :: Word64 } data PageType = PT_SECS | PT_TCS | PT_REG | PT_VA | PT_TRIM deriving (Show, Eq) instance Enum PageType where toEnum 0 = PT_SECS toEnum 1 = PT_TCS toEnum 2 = PT_REG toEnum 3 = PT_VA toEnum 4 = PT_TRIM toEnum _ = undefined fromEnum PT_SECS = 0 fromEnum PT_TCS = 1 fromEnum PT_REG = 2 fromEnum PT_VA = 3 fromEnum PT_TRIM = 4 data PCMD = PCMD { pcmdSecInfo :: SecInfo , pcmdEnclaveId :: Word64 , pcmdReserved_byte72_111 :: L.ByteString , pcmdMac :: L.ByteString -- 16-Bytes } data SigStruct = SigStruct{ ssHeader1 :: SigStructHeader -- 16 bytes. Signed , ssVendor :: SigStructVendor -- 4 bytes. Signed , ssBuildDate :: SigStructDate -- 4 bytes. Signed , ssHeader2 :: SigStructHeader -- 16 bytes. Signed , ssSwDefined :: Word32 -- 4 bytes. Signed , ssReserved_byte44_127 :: L.ByteString -- 84 bytes of zero. Signed , ssModulus :: Integer -- 384 bytes. Not signed , ssExponent :: Word32 -- 4 bytes. Not signed , ssSignature :: Integer -- 384 bytes. Not signed , ssMiscSelect :: MiscSelect -- 4 bytes. Signed , ssMiscMask :: MiscSelect -- 4 bytes. Signed , ssReserved_byte908_927 :: L.ByteString -- 20 bytes of zero. Signed , ssAttributes :: Attributes -- 16 bytes. Signed , ssAttributesMask :: Attributes -- 16 bytes. Signed , ssEnclaveHash :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes of SHA256 of enclave. Signed , ssReserved_byte992_1023 :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes of zero. Signed , ssIsvProdId :: Word16 -- 2 bytes. Signed , ssIsvSvn :: Word16 -- 2 bytes. Signed , ssReserved_byte1028_1039 :: L.ByteString -- 12 bytes of zero. Not signed , ssQ1 :: Integer -- 384 bytes of Q1 , ssQ2 :: Integer -- 284 bytes of Q2 } data EInitToken = EInitToken { eitDebug :: Bool -- 4 Bytes. MACed , eitReserved_byte4_47 :: L.ByteString -- 44 Bytes of Zero. MACed , eitAttributes :: Attributes -- 16 Bytes. MACed , eitMrEnclave :: L.ByteString -- 32 Bytes. MACed , eitReserved_byte96_127 :: L.ByteString -- 32 Bytes of Zero. MACed , eitMtSigner :: L.ByteString -- 32 Bytes. MACed , eitReserved_byte160_191 :: L.ByteString -- 32 Bytes. MACed. , eitCpuSvnLe :: CPUSVN -- 16 Bytes. Not MACed , eitIsvProdIdLe :: Word16 -- 2 Bytes. Not MACed , eitIsvSvnLe :: Word16 -- 2 Bytes. Not MACed , eitReserved_byte212_235 :: L.ByteString -- Reserved. Not MACed , eitMaskedMiscSelectLe :: Word32 -- Returned by the Launch Enclave , eitMaskedAttributes :: Attributes -- Returned by the Launch Enclave , eitKeyId :: L.ByteString -- 32-bytes of KeyID protection. Not MACed , eitMAC :: L.ByteString -- 16 bytes of final MAC. } data SigStructHeader = SSHeader{ ssHeaderValue :: Integer } ssHeaderVal1 :: SigStructHeader ssHeaderVal1 = SSHeader 0x06000000E10000000000010000000000 ssHeaderVal2 :: SigStructHeader ssHeaderVal2 = SSHeader 0x01010000600000006000000001000000 data SigStructVendor = SSVendorIntel | SSVendorOther deriving (Show, Eq) instance Enum SigStructVendor where toEnum 0x8086 = SSVendorIntel toEnum 0x0 = SSVendorOther toEnum _ = undefined fromEnum SSVendorIntel = 0x8086 fromEnum SSVendorOther = 0x0 data SigStructDate = SSDate { ssYear :: Year , ssMonth :: Month , ssDay :: Day } deriving (Show, Eq) data Year = Year { y1 :: Word8 , y2 :: Word8 , y3 :: Word8 , y4 :: Word8 } deriving (Eq) instance Show Year where show (Year a1 a2 a3 a4) = printf "%.1x%.1x%.1x%.1x" a1 a2 a3 a4 data Month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec deriving( Show, Eq) data Day = Day Word8 deriving (Eq) instance Enum Day where succ (Day x) = Day $ if x == 31 then 0 else succ x pred (Day x) = Day $ if x == 0 then 31 else pred x toEnum = Day . fromIntegral fromEnum (Day x) = fromIntegral x instance Show Day where show (Day d) = show d data TCS = TCS { tcsReserved_byte0_7 :: Word64 , tcsFlags :: TCSFlags , tcsOSSA :: Word64 , tcsCSSA :: Word32 , tcsNSSA :: Word32 , tcsOentry :: Word64 , tcsAep :: Word64 , tcsOFSBasSgx :: Word64 , tcsOGSBasSgx :: Word64 , tcsFSLimit :: Word32 , tcsGSLimit :: Word32 , tcsReserved_byte72_4095 :: L.ByteString } data TCSFlags = TCSFlags { tcsFlagsDebugOptIn :: Bool , tcsFlagsReserved_bit1_63 :: Word64 } data SSAFrame = SSAFrame { ssaXsave :: L.ByteString , ssaPad :: L.ByteString , ssaMisc :: L.ByteString , ssaGprSgx :: L.ByteString } data GPRSGX = GPRSGX { gprRAX :: Word64 , gprRCX :: Word64 , gprRDX :: Word64 , gprRBX :: Word64 , gprRSP :: Word64 , gprRBP :: Word64 , gprRSI :: Word64 , gprRDI :: Word64 , gprR8 :: Word64 , gprR9 :: Word64 , gprR10 :: Word64 , gprR11 :: Word64 , gprR12 :: Word64 , gprR13 :: Word64 , gprR14 :: Word64 , gprR15 :: Word64 , gprRFLAGS :: Word64 , gprRIP :: Word64 , gprURSP :: Word64 , gprURBP :: Word64 , gprExitInfo :: ExitInfo , gprReserved_byte164_167 :: Word32 , gprFsBase :: Word64 , gprGsBase :: Word64 } data ExitInfo = ExitInfo { eiVector :: ExcptVector , eiType :: ExitInfoType , eiReserved_bit11_30 :: Word32 , eiValid :: Bool } data ExitInfoType = ExitTypeHwExcept | ExitTypeSwExcept instance Enum ExitInfoType where fromEnum ExitTypeHwExcept = 0x3 fromEnum ExitTypeSwExcept = 0x6 toEnum 0x3 = ExitTypeHwExcept toEnum 0x6 = ExitTypeSwExcept toEnum _ = undefined data ExcptVector = DividerExcpt | DebugExcpt | BreakpointExcpt | BoundRangeExceedExcpt | InvalidOpCodeExcpt | GeneralProtectionExcpt | PageFaultExcpt | FPUErrorExcept | AlignmentCheckExcept | SIMDException deriving (Show, Eq) instance Enum ExcptVector where fromEnum DividerExcpt = 0 fromEnum DebugExcpt = 1 fromEnum BreakpointExcpt = 3 fromEnum BoundRangeExceedExcpt = 5 fromEnum InvalidOpCodeExcpt = 6 fromEnum GeneralProtectionExcpt = 13 fromEnum PageFaultExcpt = 14 fromEnum FPUErrorExcept = 16 fromEnum AlignmentCheckExcept = 17 fromEnum SIMDException = 19 toEnum 0 = DividerExcpt toEnum 1 = DebugExcpt toEnum 3 = BreakpointExcpt toEnum 5 = BoundRangeExceedExcpt toEnum 6 = InvalidOpCodeExcpt toEnum 13 = GeneralProtectionExcpt toEnum 14 = PageFaultExcpt toEnum 16 = FPUErrorExcept toEnum 17 = AlignmentCheckExcept toEnum 19 = SIMDException toEnum _ = undefined data Report = Report { repCpuSvn :: CPUSVN -- 16 Bytes , repMiscSelect :: MiscSelect -- 4 Bytes , repReserved_byte20_47 :: L.ByteString -- reseved 28 bytes of Zero , repAttributes :: Attributes -- 16 bytes , repMrEnclave :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes , repReserved_byte96_127 :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes of zero , repMrSigner :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes of signger , repReserved_byte160_255 :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes of zero , repIsvProdId :: Word16 -- 2 bytes , repIsvSvn :: Word16 -- 2 bytes , repReserved_byte260_319 :: L.ByteString -- 60 bytes of zero , repReportData :: L.ByteString -- 64 bytes of report data , repKeyId :: L.ByteString -- 32-bytes of key id , repMAC :: L.ByteString -- 16-bytes of Mac } data CPUSVN = CPUSVN { cpuSvnValue :: L.ByteString } data TargetInfo = TargetInfo { tiTargetMrEnclave :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes of MrEnclave , tiAttributes :: Attributes -- 16 bytes of attributes , tiReserved_byte48_51 :: Word32 -- 4 bytes reserved , tiMiscSelect :: MiscSelect -- 4 bytes of MiscSelect , tiReserved_byte56_511 :: L.ByteString -- Reserved to zero } data KeyRequest = KeyRequest { krKeyName :: KeyName -- 2 bytes , krKeyPolicy :: KeyPolicy -- 2 bytes , krIsvSvn :: Word16 -- 2 bytes , krReserved_byte6_7 :: Word16 -- 2 bytes , krCpuSvn :: CPUSVN -- 16 bytes , krAttributeMask :: Attributes -- 16 bytes , krKeyId :: L.ByteString -- 32 bytes , krMiscMask :: MiscSelect -- 4 bytes , krReserved_byte76_511 :: L.ByteString -- 436 bytes of zero } data KeyName = EINIT_TOKEN_KEY | PROVISION_KEY | PROVISION_SEAL_KEY | REPORT_KEY | SEAL_KEY deriving (Show, Eq) instance Enum KeyName where toEnum 0 = EINIT_TOKEN_KEY toEnum 1 = PROVISION_KEY toEnum 2 = PROVISION_SEAL_KEY toEnum 3 = REPORT_KEY toEnum 4 = SEAL_KEY toEnum _ = undefined fromEnum EINIT_TOKEN_KEY = 0 fromEnum PROVISION_KEY = 1 fromEnum PROVISION_SEAL_KEY = 2 fromEnum REPORT_KEY = 3 fromEnum SEAL_KEY = 4 data KeyPolicy = KeyPolicy { kpIsMrEnclave :: Bool , kpIsMrSigner :: Bool , kpReserved_bit2_15 :: Word16 }
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : TestSuite.Existentials.CRCPolynomial -- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : experimental -- -- Test suite for Data.SBV.Examples.Existentials.CRCPolynomial ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module TestSuite.Existentials.CRCPolynomial(testSuite) where import Data.SBV import Data.SBV.Internals import Data.SBV.Examples.Existentials.CRCPolynomial import SBVTest -- Test suite testSuite :: SBVTestSuite testSuite = mkTestSuite $ \goldCheck -> test [ "crcPolyExist" ~: pgm `goldCheck` "" ] where pgm = runSymbolic (True, Nothing) $ do p <- exists "poly" s <- do sh <- forall "sh" sl <- forall "sl" return (sh, sl) r <- do rh <- forall "rh" rl <- forall "rl" return (rh, rl) output $ sbvTestBit p 0 &&& crcGood 4 p s r
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts #-} module Erisbot.Plugins where import Erisbot.Types import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Lens import Control.Concurrent.Lifted import Control.Exception.Lifted import Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import System.Plugins.Load import System.Mem.Weak import System.Timeout import System.FilePath withCurrentPlugin :: BotMonad s bot => Plugin -> bot a -> bot a withCurrentPlugin p b = do prevPlugin <- use currentPlugin bracket_ (currentPlugin .= Just p) (currentPlugin .= prevPlugin) b getPlugin :: FilePath -> Bot s (LoadStatus Plugin) getPlugin path = do conf <- readMVar =<< use botConf let pluginD = pluginDir conf path' | isRelative path = pluginD </> path | otherwise = path includes = pluginDir conf : pluginIncludeDirs conf liftIO $ load_ path' [] "plugin" loadPlugin :: String -> FilePath -> Bot s (LoadStatus Plugin) loadPlugin pluginName filePath = do debugMsg $ "Loading " ++ pluginName loadResult <- getPlugin filePath case loadResult of LoadFailure errs -> do debugMsg $ "The following errors occured when loading " ++ filePath mapM_ debugMsg errs LoadSuccess mod plugin -> do debugMsg $ "Loading " ++ pluginName ++ " successful" let pluginState = PluginState plugin mod [] plugsVar <- use pluginMap modifyMVar_ plugsVar $ \plugMap -> do plugMap' <- unloadPlugin_ pluginName plugMap return $ HashMap.insert pluginName pluginState plugMap' withCurrentPlugin plugin $ forkBot_ (onLoad plugin) return loadResult unloadPlugin_ :: String -> HashMap PluginName PluginState -> Bot s (HashMap PluginName PluginState) unloadPlugin_ pluginName pluginMap = do case HashMap.lookup pluginName pluginMap of Just PluginState{..} -> do forkBot_ $ do currentPlugin .= Just pluginData s <- copyBotState () liftIO $ do void . timeout 10000000 . runBot s . onUnload $ pluginData forM_ pluginThreads $ maybe (return ()) killThread <=< deRefWeak return $ HashMap.delete pluginName pluginMap Nothing -> return pluginMap unloadPlugin :: String -> Bot s () unloadPlugin pluginName = do plugsVar <- use pluginMap modifyMVar_ plugsVar (unloadPlugin_ pluginName)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Module : Network.MPD.Core -- Copyright : (c) Ben Sinclair 2005-2009, Joachim Fasting 2010 -- License : MIT (see LICENSE) -- Maintainer : Joachim Fasting <[email protected]> -- Stability : alpha -- -- The core datatypes and operations are defined here, including the -- primary instance of the 'MonadMPD' class, 'MPD'. module Network.MPD.Core ( -- * Classes MonadMPD(..), -- * Data types MPD, MPDError(..), ACKType(..), Response, Host, Port, Password, -- * Running withMPDEx, -- * Interacting getResponse, kill, ) where import Network.MPD.Util import Network.MPD.Core.Class import Network.MPD.Core.Error import Data.Char (isDigit) import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<*)) import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad (ap, unless) import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT(..), MonadError(..)) import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..), ask) import Control.Monad.State (StateT, MonadIO(..), modify, gets, evalStateT) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Network (PortID(..), withSocketsDo, connectTo) import System.IO (Handle, hPutStrLn, hReady, hClose, hFlush) import System.IO.Error (isEOFError, tryIOError) import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as U import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Prelude import Prelude hiding (break, drop, dropWhile, read) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, isPrefixOf, break, drop, dropWhile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 -- -- Data types. -- type Host = String type Port = Integer -- -- IO based MPD client implementation. -- -- | The main implementation of an MPD client. It actually connects -- to a server and interacts with it. -- -- To use the error throwing\/catching capabilities: -- -- > import Control.Monad.Error (throwError, catchError) -- -- To run IO actions within the MPD monad: -- -- > import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) newtype MPD a = MPD { runMPD :: ErrorT MPDError (StateT MPDState (ReaderT (Host, Port) IO)) a } deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadError MPDError) instance Applicative MPD where (<*>) = ap pure = return instance MonadMPD MPD where open = mpdOpen close = mpdClose send = mpdSend getPassword = MPD $ gets stPassword setPassword pw = MPD $ modify (\st -> st { stPassword = pw }) getVersion = MPD $ gets stVersion -- | Inner state for MPD data MPDState = MPDState { stHandle :: Maybe Handle , stPassword :: String , stVersion :: (Int, Int, Int) } -- | A response is either an 'MPDError' or some result. type Response = Either MPDError -- | The most configurable API for running an MPD action. withMPDEx :: Host -> Port -> Password -> MPD a -> IO (Response a) withMPDEx host port pw x = withSocketsDo $ runReaderT (evalStateT (runErrorT . runMPD $ open >> (x <* close)) initState) (host, port) where initState = MPDState Nothing pw (0, 0, 0) mpdOpen :: MPD () mpdOpen = MPD $ do (host, port) <- ask runMPD close mHandle <- liftIO (safeConnectTo host port) modify (\st -> st { stHandle = mHandle }) F.forM_ mHandle $ \_ -> runMPD checkConn >>= (`unless` runMPD close) where safeConnectTo host@('/':_) _ = (Just <$> connectTo "" (UnixSocket host)) `E.catch` (\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> return Nothing) safeConnectTo host port = (Just <$> connectTo host (PortNumber $ fromInteger port)) `E.catch` (\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> return Nothing) checkConn = do [msg] <- send "" if "OK MPD" `isPrefixOf` msg then MPD $ checkVersion $ parseVersion msg else return False checkVersion Nothing = throwError $ Custom "Couldn't determine MPD version" checkVersion (Just version) | version < requiredVersion = throwError $ Custom $ printf "MPD %s is not supported, upgrade to MPD %s or above!" (formatVersion version) (formatVersion requiredVersion) | otherwise = do modify (\st -> st { stVersion = version }) return True where requiredVersion = (0, 15, 0) parseVersion = parseTriple '.' parseNum . dropWhile (not . isDigit) formatVersion :: (Int, Int, Int) -> String formatVersion (x, y, z) = printf "%d.%d.%d" x y z mpdClose :: MPD () mpdClose = MPD $ do mHandle <- gets stHandle F.forM_ mHandle $ \h -> do modify $ \st -> st{stHandle = Nothing} r <- liftIO $ sendClose h F.forM_ r throwError where sendClose handle = (hPutStrLn handle "close" >> hReady handle >> hClose handle >> return Nothing) `E.catch` handler handler err | isEOFError err = return Nothing | otherwise = (return . Just . ConnectionError) err mpdSend :: String -> MPD [ByteString] mpdSend str = send' `catchError` handler where handler err | ConnectionError e <- err, isRetryable e = mpdOpen >> send' | otherwise = throwError err send' :: MPD [ByteString] send' = MPD $ gets stHandle >>= maybe (throwError NoMPD) go go handle = (liftIO . tryIOError $ do unless (null str) $ U.hPutStrLn handle str >> hFlush handle getLines handle []) >>= either (\err -> modify (\st -> st { stHandle = Nothing }) >> throwError (ConnectionError err)) return getLines :: Handle -> [ByteString] -> IO [ByteString] getLines handle acc = do l <- B.hGetLine handle if "OK" `isPrefixOf` l || "ACK" `isPrefixOf` l then (return . reverse) (l:acc) else getLines handle (l:acc) -- | Re-connect and retry for these Exceptions. isRetryable :: E.IOException -> Bool isRetryable e = or [ isEOFError e ] -- -- Other operations. -- -- | Kill the server. Obviously, the connection is then invalid. kill :: (MonadMPD m) => m () kill = send "kill" >> return () -- | Send a command to the MPD server and return the result. getResponse :: (MonadMPD m) => String -> m [ByteString] getResponse cmd = (send cmd >>= parseResponse) `catchError` sendpw where sendpw e@(ACK Auth _) = do pw <- getPassword if null pw then throwError e else send ("password " ++ pw) >>= parseResponse >> send cmd >>= parseResponse sendpw e = throwError e -- Consume response and return a Response. parseResponse :: (MonadError MPDError m) => [ByteString] -> m [ByteString] parseResponse xs | null xs = throwError $ NoMPD | "ACK" `isPrefixOf` x = throwError $ parseAck x | otherwise = return $ Prelude.takeWhile ("OK" /=) xs where x = head xs -- Turn MPD ACK into the corresponding 'MPDError' parseAck :: ByteString -> MPDError parseAck s = ACK ack (UTF8.toString msg) where ack = case code of 2 -> InvalidArgument 3 -> InvalidPassword 4 -> Auth 5 -> UnknownCommand 50 -> FileNotFound 51 -> PlaylistMax 52 -> System 53 -> PlaylistLoad 54 -> Busy 55 -> NotPlaying 56 -> FileExists _ -> UnknownACK (code, _, msg) = splitAck s -- Break an ACK into (error code, current command, message). -- ACKs are of the form: -- ACK [error@command_listNum] {current_command} message_text\n splitAck :: ByteString -> (Int, ByteString, ByteString) splitAck s = (read code, cmd, msg) where (code, notCode) = between '[' '@' s (cmd, notCmd) = between '{' '}' notCode msg = drop 1 $ dropWhile (' ' ==) notCmd -- take whatever is between 'f' and 'g'. between a b xs = let (_, y) = break (== a) xs in break (== b) (drop 1 y)
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | -- Module : Aura.Commands.B -- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2012 - 2020 -- License : GPL3 -- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <[email protected]> -- -- Handle all @-B@ flags - those which involve saved package states. module Aura.Commands.B ( saveState , restoreState , cleanStates , listStates ) where import Aura.Core (warn) import Aura.IO import Aura.Languages import Aura.Settings import Aura.State import RIO import RIO.Directory import RIO.FilePath import qualified RIO.List as L import qualified RIO.NonEmpty as NEL import qualified RIO.Text as T --- -- | Remove all but the newest @n@ package states. Any "pinned" states will also remain. cleanStates :: Settings -> Word -> IO () cleanStates ss (fromIntegral -> n) = do stfs <- reverse <$> getStateFiles (pinned, others) <- L.partition p <$> traverse (\sf -> (sf,) <$> readState sf) stfs warn ss $ cleanStates_4 (length stfs) unless (null pinned) . warn ss $ cleanStates_6 (length pinned) forM_ (NEL.nonEmpty stfs) $ \stfs' -> do let mostRecent = T.pack . takeFileName $ NEL.head stfs' warn ss $ cleanStates_5 mostRecent okay <- optionalPrompt ss $ cleanStates_2 n if not okay then warn ss cleanStates_3 else traverse_ (removeFile . fst) . drop n $ others where p :: (a, Maybe PkgState) -> Bool p = maybe False pinnedOf . snd -- | The result of @-Bl@. listStates :: IO () listStates = getStateFiles >>= traverse_ (putTextLn . T.pack)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Network.AWS.ECS.ListContainerInstances -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2014 Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | Returns a list of container instances in a specified cluster. -- -- <> module Network.AWS.ECS.ListContainerInstances ( -- * Request ListContainerInstances -- ** Request constructor , listContainerInstances -- ** Request lenses , lciCluster , lciMaxResults , lciNextToken -- * Response , ListContainerInstancesResponse -- ** Response constructor , listContainerInstancesResponse -- ** Response lenses , lcirContainerInstanceArns , lcirNextToken ) where import Network.AWS.Data (Object) import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request.JSON import Network.AWS.ECS.Types import qualified GHC.Exts data ListContainerInstances = ListContainerInstances { _lciCluster :: Maybe Text , _lciMaxResults :: Maybe Int , _lciNextToken :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ListContainerInstances' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'lciCluster' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- -- * 'lciMaxResults' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Int' -- -- * 'lciNextToken' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- listContainerInstances :: ListContainerInstances listContainerInstances = ListContainerInstances { _lciCluster = Nothing , _lciNextToken = Nothing , _lciMaxResults = Nothing } -- | The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster that hosts -- the container instances you want to list. If you do not specify a cluster, -- the default cluster is assumed.. lciCluster :: Lens' ListContainerInstances (Maybe Text) lciCluster = lens _lciCluster (\s a -> s { _lciCluster = a }) -- | The maximum number of container instance results returned by 'ListContainerInstances' in paginated output. When this parameter is used, 'ListContainerInstances' -- only returns 'maxResults' results in a single page along with a 'nextToken' -- response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by -- sending another 'ListContainerInstances' request with the returned 'nextToken' -- value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter is not used, -- then 'ListContainerInstances' returns up to 100 results and a 'nextToken' value -- if applicable. lciMaxResults :: Lens' ListContainerInstances (Maybe Int) lciMaxResults = lens _lciMaxResults (\s a -> s { _lciMaxResults = a }) -- | The 'nextToken' value returned from a previous paginated 'ListContainerInstances' -- request where 'maxResults' was used and the results exceeded the value of that -- parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that -- returned the 'nextToken' value. This value is 'null' when there are no more -- results to return. lciNextToken :: Lens' ListContainerInstances (Maybe Text) lciNextToken = lens _lciNextToken (\s a -> s { _lciNextToken = a }) data ListContainerInstancesResponse = ListContainerInstancesResponse { _lcirContainerInstanceArns :: List "containerInstanceArns" Text , _lcirNextToken :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) -- | 'ListContainerInstancesResponse' constructor. -- -- The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: -- -- * 'lcirContainerInstanceArns' @::@ ['Text'] -- -- * 'lcirNextToken' @::@ 'Maybe' 'Text' -- listContainerInstancesResponse :: ListContainerInstancesResponse listContainerInstancesResponse = ListContainerInstancesResponse { _lcirContainerInstanceArns = mempty , _lcirNextToken = Nothing } -- | The list of container instance full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries for -- each container instance associated with the specified cluster. lcirContainerInstanceArns :: Lens' ListContainerInstancesResponse [Text] lcirContainerInstanceArns = lens _lcirContainerInstanceArns (\s a -> s { _lcirContainerInstanceArns = a }) . _List -- | The 'nextToken' value to include in a future 'ListContainerInstances' request. -- When the results of a 'ListContainerInstances' request exceed 'maxResults', this -- value can be used to retrieve the next page of results. This value is 'null' -- when there are no more results to return. lcirNextToken :: Lens' ListContainerInstancesResponse (Maybe Text) lcirNextToken = lens _lcirNextToken (\s a -> s { _lcirNextToken = a }) instance ToPath ListContainerInstances where toPath = const "/" instance ToQuery ListContainerInstances where toQuery = const mempty instance ToHeaders ListContainerInstances instance ToJSON ListContainerInstances where toJSON ListContainerInstances{..} = object [ "cluster" .= _lciCluster , "nextToken" .= _lciNextToken , "maxResults" .= _lciMaxResults ] instance AWSRequest ListContainerInstances where type Sv ListContainerInstances = ECS type Rs ListContainerInstances = ListContainerInstancesResponse request = post "ListContainerInstances" response = jsonResponse instance FromJSON ListContainerInstancesResponse where parseJSON = withObject "ListContainerInstancesResponse" $ \o -> ListContainerInstancesResponse <$> o .:? "containerInstanceArns" .!= mempty <*> o .:? "nextToken"
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} -- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0. -- | -- Module : Network.AWS.CloudFront.GetDistributionConfig -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Get the configuration information about a distribution. -- -- /See:/ < AWS API Reference> for GetDistributionConfig. module Network.AWS.CloudFront.GetDistributionConfig ( -- * Creating a Request getDistributionConfig , GetDistributionConfig -- * Request Lenses , gdcId -- * Destructuring the Response , getDistributionConfigResponse , GetDistributionConfigResponse -- * Response Lenses , gdcrsETag , gdcrsDistributionConfig , gdcrsResponseStatus ) where import Network.AWS.CloudFront.Types import Network.AWS.CloudFront.Types.Product import Network.AWS.Prelude import Network.AWS.Request import Network.AWS.Response -- | The request to get a distribution configuration. -- -- /See:/ 'getDistributionConfig' smart constructor. newtype GetDistributionConfig = GetDistributionConfig' { _gdcId :: Text } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'GetDistributionConfig' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'gdcId' getDistributionConfig :: Text -- ^ 'gdcId' -> GetDistributionConfig getDistributionConfig pId_ = GetDistributionConfig' { _gdcId = pId_ } -- | The distribution\'s id. gdcId :: Lens' GetDistributionConfig Text gdcId = lens _gdcId (\ s a -> s{_gdcId = a}); instance AWSRequest GetDistributionConfig where type Rs GetDistributionConfig = GetDistributionConfigResponse request = get cloudFront response = receiveXML (\ s h x -> GetDistributionConfigResponse' <$> (h .#? "ETag") <*> (parseXML x) <*> (pure (fromEnum s))) instance ToHeaders GetDistributionConfig where toHeaders = const mempty instance ToPath GetDistributionConfig where toPath GetDistributionConfig'{..} = mconcat ["/2015-04-17/distribution/", toBS _gdcId, "/config"] instance ToQuery GetDistributionConfig where toQuery = const mempty -- | The returned result of the corresponding request. -- -- /See:/ 'getDistributionConfigResponse' smart constructor. data GetDistributionConfigResponse = GetDistributionConfigResponse' { _gdcrsETag :: !(Maybe Text) , _gdcrsDistributionConfig :: !(Maybe DistributionConfig) , _gdcrsResponseStatus :: !Int } deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'GetDistributionConfigResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'gdcrsETag' -- -- * 'gdcrsDistributionConfig' -- -- * 'gdcrsResponseStatus' getDistributionConfigResponse :: Int -- ^ 'gdcrsResponseStatus' -> GetDistributionConfigResponse getDistributionConfigResponse pResponseStatus_ = GetDistributionConfigResponse' { _gdcrsETag = Nothing , _gdcrsDistributionConfig = Nothing , _gdcrsResponseStatus = pResponseStatus_ } -- | The current version of the configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL. gdcrsETag :: Lens' GetDistributionConfigResponse (Maybe Text) gdcrsETag = lens _gdcrsETag (\ s a -> s{_gdcrsETag = a}); -- | The distribution\'s configuration information. gdcrsDistributionConfig :: Lens' GetDistributionConfigResponse (Maybe DistributionConfig) gdcrsDistributionConfig = lens _gdcrsDistributionConfig (\ s a -> s{_gdcrsDistributionConfig = a}); -- | The response status code. gdcrsResponseStatus :: Lens' GetDistributionConfigResponse Int gdcrsResponseStatus = lens _gdcrsResponseStatus (\ s a -> s{_gdcrsResponseStatus = a});
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- Module : Test.AWS.IAM.Internal -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay -- License : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of -- the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or -- you can obtain it at -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) module Test.AWS.IAM.Internal where import Test.AWS.Prelude
module Model.Comment -- Types ( MaxDepth(..) , NoCommentReason(..) , addMaxDepth -- Utility functions , buildCommentForest , buildCommentTree , commentIsApproved , commentIsEvenDepth , commentIsFlagged , commentIsOddDepth , commentIsPrivate , commentIsTopLevel , makeCommentUsersSet , makeApprovedComment -- Database actions , approveCommentDB , deleteCommentDB , deleteTagDB , deleteTagsDB , deleteTicketDB , deleteTicketsDB , editCommentDB , flagCommentDB , fetchCommentAncestorClosuresDB , fetchCommentAncestorRetractsDB , fetchCommentAncestorClosuresDB' , fetchCommentAncestorRetractsDB' , fetchCommentsAncestorClosuresDB , fetchCommentsAncestorRetractsDB , fetchCommentDB , fetchCommentAllCurrentDescendantsDB , fetchCommentAllDescendantsDB , fetchCommentAncestorsDB , fetchCommentCommentTagsDB , fetchCommentCommentTagsInDB , fetchCommentCountDB , fetchCommentDepthDB , fetchCommentDepthFromMaybeParentIdDB , fetchCommentDepth404DB , fetchCommentDescendantsDB , fetchCommentDestinationDB , fetchCommentFlaggingDB , fetchCommentRethreadDB , fetchCommentRethreadLastDB , fetchCommentTagsDB , fetchCommentTagCommentTagsDB , fetchCommentsDescendantsDB , fetchCommentsInDB , fetchCommentsWithChildrenInDB , fetchCommentTicketsDB , fetchTagIdsDB , fetchTagNamesDB , filterCommentsDB , insertTagsDB , makeClaimedTicketMapDB , makeCommentClosingMapDB , makeCommentRetractingMapDB , makeCommentRouteDB , makeFlagMapDB , makeTicketMapDB , makeWatchMapDB , postApprovedCommentDB , postUnapprovedCommentDB , rethreadCommentDB , subFetchCommentAncestorsDB , userClaimCommentDB , userUnclaimCommentDB ) where import Import import qualified Model.Comment.Internal as Internal import Model.Comment.Sql import Model.Discussion import Model.Notification import Model.User.Internal ( sendPreferredUserNotificationDB, NotificationSender (..) , NotificationReceiver (..) ) import qualified Control.Monad.State as State import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (tell) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.List ((\\), nub) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Tree import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Language (Insertion) import qualified Database.Persist as P import qualified Prelude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types -- | A root comment (with its own URL) might not be displayed. Why? data NoCommentReason = CommentNotFound | CommentPermissionDenied data MaxDepth = NoMaxDepth | MaxDepth Int instance Eq MaxDepth where NoMaxDepth == NoMaxDepth = True MaxDepth x == MaxDepth y = x == y _ == _ = False instance Ord MaxDepth where compare NoMaxDepth (MaxDepth _) = GT compare NoMaxDepth NoMaxDepth = EQ compare (MaxDepth _) NoMaxDepth = LT compare (MaxDepth x) (MaxDepth y) = compare x y addMaxDepth :: MaxDepth -> Int -> MaxDepth addMaxDepth NoMaxDepth _ = NoMaxDepth addMaxDepth (MaxDepth x) y = MaxDepth (x + y) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility functions commentIsApproved :: Comment -> Bool commentIsApproved = isJust . commentApprovedTs commentIsTopLevel :: Comment -> Bool commentIsTopLevel = (== 0) . commentDepth commentIsEvenDepth :: Comment -> Bool commentIsEvenDepth comment = not (commentIsTopLevel comment) && commentDepth comment `mod` 2 == 1 commentIsOddDepth :: Comment -> Bool commentIsOddDepth comment = not (commentIsTopLevel comment) && not (commentIsEvenDepth comment) commentIsFlagged :: CommentId -> DB Bool commentIsFlagged = fmap (maybe False (const True)) . getBy . UniqueCommentFlagging commentIsPrivate :: Comment -> Bool commentIsPrivate comment = commentVisibility comment == VisPrivate -- | Build a tree of comments, given the root and replies. The replies are -- not necessarily direct or indirect descendants of the root, but rather -- may be siblings, nephews, etc. This is done to greatly simplify the -- calling code of this function. -- -- THIS FUNCTION RELIES ON THE SORT ORDER OF THE REPLIES! Specifically, -- they must be sorted in ascending-parent-id major, ascending-timestamp -- minor order. buildCommentTree :: Entity Comment -> [Entity Comment] -> Tree (Entity Comment) buildCommentTree r rs = unfoldTree step (r,rs) where step :: (Entity Comment, [Entity Comment]) -> (Entity Comment, [(Entity Comment, [Entity Comment])]) step (root, replies) = (root, children_and_their_descendants) where descendants :: [Entity Comment] descendants = dropWhile (not . isParentOf root) replies -- children :: [Entity Comment] -- children_descendants :: [Entity Comment] (children, children_descendants) = span (isParentOf root) descendants children_and_their_descendants :: [(Entity Comment, [Entity Comment])] children_and_their_descendants = map (, children_descendants) children isParentOf :: Entity Comment -> Entity Comment -> Bool isParentOf (Entity parent_key _) (Entity _ child) = Just parent_key == commentParent child buildCommentForest :: [Entity Comment] -- root comments -> [Entity Comment] -- replies comments -> Forest (Entity Comment) buildCommentForest roots replies = map (flip buildCommentTree replies) roots -- | Construct a comment, auto-approved by 'this' User (because they are -- established). makeApprovedComment :: UserId -> DiscussionId -> Maybe CommentId -> Markdown -> Int -> Visibility -> Language -> YDB Comment makeApprovedComment user_id discussion_id parent_comment comment_text depth visibility language = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime maybe_parent_visibility <- case parent_comment of Nothing -> return Nothing Just parent_comment_id -> fmap (fmap commentVisibility) $ get parent_comment_id let parent_visibility = fromMaybe VisPublic maybe_parent_visibility return $ Comment now (Just now) (Just user_id) discussion_id parent_comment user_id comment_text depth (min visibility parent_visibility) language -- | Get the set of Users that have posted the given Foldable of comments. makeCommentUsersSet :: Foldable f => f (Entity Comment) -> Set UserId makeCommentUsersSet = F.foldMap (S.singleton . commentUser . entityVal) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Database actions approveCommentDB :: UserId -> CommentId -> Comment -> SDB () approveCommentDB user_id comment_id comment = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime -- Do an in-memory adjustment of the comment with exactly the same changes -- as 'upd' below (so we can avoid hitting the database). let updated_comment = comment { commentApprovedTs = Just now , commentApprovedBy = Just user_id } lift $ do updateComment now deleteUnapprovedCommentNotifications tell [ ECommentPosted comment_id updated_comment , ECommentApproved comment_id updated_comment ] where updateComment now = update $ \c -> do set c [ CommentApprovedTs =. val (Just now) , CommentApprovedBy =. val (Just user_id) ] where_ (c ^. CommentId ==. val comment_id) -- Delete all notifications sent about this pending comment, as they no -- longer apply. Also deletes the UnapprovedCommentNotification -- entities, the EventNotificationSent, and any other rows with a -- foreign key on NotificationId. deleteUnapprovedCommentNotifications = do notif_ids <- fmap (map unValue) $ select $ from $ \unc -> do where_ $ unc ^. UnapprovedCommentNotificationComment ==. val comment_id return (unc ^. UnapprovedCommentNotificationNotification) deleteCascadeWhere [UserNotificationId P.<-. notif_ids] insertApprovedCommentDB :: UTCTime -> DiscussionId -> Maybe CommentId -> UserId -> Markdown -> Int -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB CommentId insertApprovedCommentDB created_ts discussion_id mparent_id user_id = insertCommentDB (Just created_ts) (Just user_id) ECommentPosted created_ts discussion_id mparent_id user_id insertUnapprovedCommentDB :: UTCTime -> DiscussionId -> Maybe CommentId -> UserId -> Markdown -> Int -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB CommentId insertUnapprovedCommentDB = insertCommentDB Nothing Nothing ECommentPending insertCommentDB :: Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe UserId -> (CommentId -> Comment -> SnowdriftEvent) -> UTCTime -> DiscussionId -> Maybe CommentId -> UserId -> Markdown -> Int -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB CommentId insertCommentDB mapproved_ts mapproved_by mk_event created_ts discussion_id mparent_id user_id text depth visibility language = do mparent <- case mparent_id of Nothing -> return Nothing Just parent_id -> lift $ get parent_id let parent_visibility = maybe VisPublic commentVisibility mparent comment = Comment created_ts mapproved_ts mapproved_by discussion_id mparent_id user_id text depth (min visibility parent_visibility) language comment_id <- lift $ insert comment tell [mk_event comment_id comment] return comment_id userClaimCommentDB :: UserId -> CommentId -> Maybe Text -> SDB () userClaimCommentDB user_id comment_id mnote = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let ticket_claiming = TicketClaiming now user_id comment_id mnote ticket_claiming_id <- lift $ insert ticket_claiming tell [ETicketClaimed (Left (ticket_claiming_id, ticket_claiming))] userUnclaimCommentDB :: CommentId -> Maybe Text -> SDB () userUnclaimCommentDB comment_id release_note = do maybe_ticket_claiming_entity <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicketClaiming comment_id case maybe_ticket_claiming_entity of Nothing -> return () Just (Entity ticket_claiming_id TicketClaiming{..}) -> do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let ticket_old_claiming = TicketOldClaiming ticketClaimingTs ticketClaimingUser ticketClaimingTicket ticketClaimingNote release_note now ticket_old_claiming_id <- lift $ insert ticket_old_claiming lift $ update $ \etc -> do set etc [ EventTicketClaimedClaim =. val Nothing , EventTicketClaimedOldClaim =. val (Just ticket_old_claiming_id) ] where_ $ etc ^. EventTicketClaimedClaim ==. val (Just ticket_claiming_id) lift $ delete $ from $ \tc -> where_ $ tc ^. TicketClaimingId ==. val ticket_claiming_id tell [ ETicketUnclaimed ticket_old_claiming_id ticket_old_claiming ] -- | Fetch a comment from the DB, subject to viewing permissions. fetchCommentDB :: CommentId -> ExprCommentCond -> DB (Either NoCommentReason Comment) fetchCommentDB comment_id has_permission = get comment_id >>= \case Nothing -> do liftIO $ appendFile "log" $ "comment not found: " ++ show comment_id ++ "\n" return (Left CommentNotFound) -- Hooray, the comment exists, now toss it and re-query the database -- with the provided permission conditions. How else would we be able -- to differentiate a non-existent comment and a comment the user -- doesn't have permission to view? Just _ -> fmap (maybe (Left CommentPermissionDenied) (Right . entityVal) . listToMaybe) $ select $ from $ \c -> do where_ $ c ^. CommentId ==. val comment_id &&. has_permission c return c -- | Count the visible comments in a given discussion. -- -- Visibility depends on who the user is. fetchCommentCountDB :: Maybe (Key User) -> Key Project -> Key Discussion -> DB Int fetchCommentCountDB muser_id project_id discussion_id = do let has_permission = exprCommentProjectPermissionFilter muser_id (val project_id) roots_ids <- map entityKey <$> fetchDiscussionRootCommentsDB discussion_id has_permission num_children <- length <$> fetchCommentsDescendantsDB roots_ids has_permission return $ length roots_ids + num_children fetchCommentsInDB :: [CommentId] -> ExprCommentCond -> DB [Entity Comment] fetchCommentsInDB comment_ids has_permission = select $ from $ \c -> do where_ $ c ^. CommentId `in_` valList comment_ids &&. has_permission c return c -- | Delete-cascade a comment from the database. deleteCommentDB :: CommentId -> DB () deleteCommentDB = deleteCascade fetchTagNamesDB :: CommentId -> DB [Internal.TagName] fetchTagNamesDB comment_id = fmap (map Internal.TagName . unwrapValues) $ select $ from $ \(t `InnerJoin` ct) -> do on_ $ t ^. TagId ==. ct ^. CommentTagTag where_ $ ct ^. CommentTagComment ==. val comment_id return $ t ^. TagName fetchTagIdsDB :: Internal.TagName -> DB [TagId] fetchTagIdsDB (Internal.TagName tag_name) = fmap unwrapValues $ select $ from $ \t -> do where_ $ t ^. TagName ==. val tag_name return $ t ^. TagId deleteTagDB :: CommentId -> TagId -> DB () deleteTagDB comment_id tag_id = do delete $ from $ \ct -> where_ $ ct ^. CommentTagComment ==. val comment_id &&. ct ^. CommentTagTag ==. val tag_id exists_ct <- selectExists $ from $ \ct -> where_ $ ct ^. CommentTagTag ==. val tag_id exists_pt <- selectExists $ from $ \pt -> where_ $ pt ^. ProjectTagTag ==. val tag_id exists_tc <- selectExists $ from $ \tc -> where_ $ tc ^. TagColorTag ==. val tag_id exists_dtc <- selectExists $ from $ \dtc -> where_ $ dtc ^. DefaultTagColorTag ==. val tag_id unless (exists_ct || exists_pt || exists_tc || exists_dtc) $ delete $ from $ \t -> where_ $ t ^. TagId ==. val tag_id deleteTagsDB :: CommentId -> [Internal.TagName] -> DB () deleteTagsDB comment_id tags = forM_ tags $ \tag -> do tag_ids <- fetchTagIdsDB tag forM_ tag_ids $ deleteTagDB comment_id deleteTicketDB :: CommentId -> Internal.TicketName -> SDB () deleteTicketDB comment_id (Internal.TicketName ticket_name) = do lift $ delete $ from $ \t -> where_ $ t ^. TicketName ==. val ticket_name &&. t ^. TicketComment ==. val comment_id userUnclaimCommentDB comment_id Nothing deleteTicketsDB :: CommentId -> [Internal.TicketName] -> SDB () deleteTicketsDB comment_id = mapM_ $ deleteTicketDB comment_id -- | Edit a comment's text. If the comment was flagged, unflag it and send a -- notification to the flagger. editCommentDB :: UserId -> CommentId -> Markdown -> Language -> SYDB (Either Text ()) editCommentDB user_id comment_id text language = updateComment >>= \case Left err -> return $ Left err Right () -> do lift (fetchCommentFlaggingDB comment_id) >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just (Entity comment_flagging_id CommentFlagging{..}) -> do langs <- lift $ lift getLanguages render <- getUrlRender rendered_route <- lift $ makeCommentRouteDB langs comment_id >>= return . render . fromJust let notif_text = Markdown $ "A comment you flagged has been edited and reposted to " <> "the site. You can view it [here](" <> rendered_route <> ")." -- delete flagging and all flagging reasons with it. lift $ deleteCascade comment_flagging_id sendPreferredUserNotificationDB (Just $ NotificationSender user_id) (NotificationReceiver commentFlaggingFlagger) NotifFlagRepost Nothing notif_text return $ Right () where updateComment = do mexistent_ticket <- lift $ getBy $ UniqueTicket comment_id existent_tags <- lift $ fetchTagNamesDB comment_id let content_with_tags = unMarkdown text content_without_tags = Markdown $ stripTags content_with_tags content_tags = parseTags content_with_tags new_tags = content_tags \\ existent_tags case parseTicket content_with_tags of Left err -> return $ Left err Right mnew_ticket-> do lift $ do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime insertTagsDB user_id comment_id new_tags case (mexistent_ticket, mnew_ticket) of (Just existing_ticket, Just new_ticket) -> update $ \t -> do set t [ TicketUpdatedTs =. val now , TicketName =. val (unTicketName new_ticket) ] where_ $ t ^. TicketId ==. val (entityKey existing_ticket) (Nothing, Just new_ticket) -> insert_ $ Ticket now now (unTicketName new_ticket) comment_id (Just _, Nothing) -> deleteBy $ UniqueTicket comment_id (Nothing, Nothing) -> return () update $ \c -> do set c [ CommentText =. val content_without_tags , CommentLanguage =. val language ] where_ (c ^. CommentId ==. val comment_id) return $ Right () -- | Flag a comment. Send a notification to the poster about the flagging. -- Return whether or not the flag was successful (fails if the comment was -- already flagged.) flagCommentDB :: CommentId -> Text -> UserId -> [FlagReason] -> Maybe Markdown -> SYDB Bool flagCommentDB comment_id permalink_route flagger_id reasons message = do poster_id <- lift (commentUser <$> get404 comment_id) now <- liftIO getCurrentTime mFlaggingId <- lift (insertUnique (CommentFlagging now flagger_id comment_id message)) flip (maybe (return False)) mFlaggingId $ \flagging_id -> do lift $ void $ insertMany (map (CommentFlaggingReason flagging_id) reasons) sendPreferredUserNotificationDB (Just $ NotificationSender flagger_id) (NotificationReceiver poster_id) NotifFlag Nothing notif_text return True where notif_text = Markdown $ "Another user flagged your comment as not meeting the standards " <> "of the Code of Conduct. We *want* your involvement as long as " <> "it remains respectful and friendly, so please don’t feel " <> "discouraged." <> "\n" <> "Please follow the link below for clarification and " <> "suggestions the flagger may have offered, and take this " <> "chance to improve your tone and clarify any misunderstanding. " <> "Your newly edited comment will then be publicly visible " <> "again." <> "\n" <> "Please alert a moderator if you believe that this flagging " <> "is inappropriate, if the flagger violated the Code of " <> "Conduct in their feedback, or if you want other " <> "assistance." <> "\n" <> "[link to flagged comment](" <> permalink_route <> ")" -- | Post an new (approved) Comment. postApprovedCommentDB :: UserId -> Maybe CommentId -> DiscussionId -> Markdown -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB (Either Text CommentId) postApprovedCommentDB = postComment insertApprovedCommentDB postUnapprovedCommentDB :: UserId -> Maybe CommentId -> DiscussionId -> Markdown -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB (Either Text CommentId) postUnapprovedCommentDB = postComment insertUnapprovedCommentDB parseTicket :: Text -> Either Text (Maybe Internal.TicketName) parseTicket t = case res of [] -> Right Nothing [x] -> Right $ Just x xs -> Left $ "expected 1 ticket, but got " <> T.pack (show $ length xs) where res = filter (\(Internal.TicketName ticket) -> not $ T.null ticket) $ map (Internal.TicketName . T.strip) $ mapMaybe (T.stripPrefix "ticket:") $ T.lines t parseTags :: Text -> [Internal.TagName] parseTags = nub . filter (\(Internal.TagName tag) -> not $ T.null tag) . map (Internal.TagName . T.strip) . mconcat . map (T.splitOn ",") . mapMaybe (T.stripPrefix "tags:") . T.lines -- | Remove all lines starting with the "tags:" prefix. stripTags :: Text -> Text stripTags = T.unlines . filter (not . ("tags:" `T.isPrefixOf`)) . T.lines insertTagsDB :: UserId -> CommentId -> [Internal.TagName] -> DB () insertTagsDB user_id comment_id tags = forM_ tags $ \(Internal.TagName tag) -> do tag_id <- either entityKey id <$> insertBy (Tag tag) insert_ $ CommentTag comment_id tag_id user_id 1 postComment :: (UTCTime -> DiscussionId -> Maybe CommentId -> UserId -> Markdown -> Int -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB CommentId) -> UserId -> Maybe CommentId -> DiscussionId -> Markdown -> Visibility -> Language -> SDB (Either Text CommentId) postComment insert_comment user_id mparent_id discussion_id contents visibility language = do case parseTicket $ unMarkdown contents of Left err -> return $ Left err Right mnew_ticket -> do (now, depth) <- lift $ (,) <$> liftIO getCurrentTime <*> fetchCommentDepthFromMaybeParentIdDB mparent_id let content_with_tags = unMarkdown contents content_without_tags = Markdown $ stripTags content_with_tags comment_id <- insert_comment now discussion_id mparent_id user_id content_without_tags depth visibility language lift $ do F.forM_ mnew_ticket $ \new_ticket -> insert_ $ Ticket now now (unTicketName new_ticket) comment_id insertTagsDB user_id comment_id $ parseTags content_with_tags case mparent_id of Nothing -> return () Just parent_id -> mapM_ (insert_ . CommentAncestor comment_id) =<< (parent_id:) <$> fetchCommentAncestorsDB parent_id update $ \t -> do set t [TicketUpdatedTs =. val now] where_ (t ^. TicketComment `in_` subFetchCommentAncestorsDB comment_id) return $ Right comment_id -- | Filter a list of comments per the provided permission filter. filterCommentsDB :: [CommentId] -> ExprCommentCond -> DB [CommentId] filterCommentsDB comment_ids has_permission = fmap (map unValue) $ select $ from $ \c -> do where_ $ c ^. CommentId `in_` valList comment_ids &&. has_permission c return (c ^. CommentId) -- | Get all ancestors that have been closed/retracted. fetchCommentAncestorClosuresDB :: CommentId -> DB [CommentClosing] fetchCommentAncestorRetractsDB :: CommentId -> DB [CommentRetracting] fetchCommentAncestorClosuresDB = commentClosuresOrRetracts CommentClosingComment fetchCommentAncestorRetractsDB = commentClosuresOrRetracts CommentRetractingComment commentClosuresOrRetracts :: (PersistEntity val, PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend) => EntityField val CommentId -> CommentId -> DB [val] commentClosuresOrRetracts comment_field comment_id = fmap (map entityVal) $ select $ from $ \(ca `InnerJoin` table) -> do on_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor ==. table ^. comment_field) orderBy [asc (table ^. comment_field)] where_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment ==. val comment_id) return table -- | Get all ancestors, including this comment, that have been closed/retracted. fetchCommentAncestorClosuresDB' :: CommentId -> DB [CommentClosing] fetchCommentAncestorRetractsDB' :: CommentId -> DB [CommentRetracting] fetchCommentAncestorClosuresDB' = commentClosuresOrRetracts' CommentClosingComment fetchCommentAncestorRetractsDB' = commentClosuresOrRetracts' CommentRetractingComment commentClosuresOrRetracts' :: (PersistEntity val, PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend) => EntityField val CommentId -> CommentId -> DB [val] commentClosuresOrRetracts' comment_field comment_id = do all_comment_ids <- (comment_id :) <$> fetchCommentAncestorsDB comment_id fmap (map entityVal) $ select $ from $ \table -> do where_ (table ^. comment_field `in_` valList all_comment_ids) return table -- | Get all CommentClosings/CommentRetracts of any of the given Comments' -- ancestors, grouped by the given Comments. fetchCommentsAncestorClosuresDB :: [CommentId] -> DB (Map CommentId [CommentClosing]) fetchCommentsAncestorRetractsDB :: [CommentId] -> DB (Map CommentId [CommentRetracting]) fetchCommentsAncestorClosuresDB = commentsClosuresOrRetracts CommentClosingComment fetchCommentsAncestorRetractsDB = commentsClosuresOrRetracts CommentRetractingComment commentsClosuresOrRetracts :: (PersistEntity val, PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend) => EntityField val CommentId -> [CommentId] -> DB (Map CommentId [val]) commentsClosuresOrRetracts comment_field comment_ids = fmap (foldr step mempty) $ select $ from $ \(ca `InnerJoin` table) -> do on_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor ==. table ^. comment_field) orderBy [asc (table ^. comment_field)] where_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment `in_` valList comment_ids) return (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment, table) where step (Value c, Entity _ v) = M.insertWith (++) c [v] -- | Get a comment's ancestors' ids. fetchCommentAncestorsDB :: CommentId -> DB [CommentId] fetchCommentAncestorsDB = fmap (map unValue) . select . querCommentAncestors subFetchCommentAncestorsDB :: CommentId -> SqlExpr (ValueList CommentId) subFetchCommentAncestorsDB = subList_select . querCommentAncestors fetchCommentDepthDB :: CommentId -> DB Int fetchCommentDepthDB = fmap commentDepth . getJust -- | Get the depth of a comment, given (maybe) its parent's CommentId. fetchCommentDepthFromMaybeParentIdDB :: Maybe CommentId -> DB Int fetchCommentDepthFromMaybeParentIdDB = maybe (return 0) (fmap (+1) . fetchCommentDepthDB) fetchCommentDepth404DB :: CommentId -> Handler Int fetchCommentDepth404DB = fmap commentDepth . runYDB . get404 -- | Get the CommentFlagging even for this Comment, if there is one. fetchCommentFlaggingDB :: CommentId -> DB (Maybe (Entity CommentFlagging)) fetchCommentFlaggingDB = getBy . UniqueCommentFlagging -- | Get the CommentId this CommentId was rethreaded to, if it was. fetchCommentRethreadDB :: CommentId -> DB (Maybe CommentId) fetchCommentRethreadDB comment_id = fmap unValue . listToMaybe <$> ( select $ from $ \cr -> do where_ $ cr ^. CommentRethreadOldComment ==. val comment_id return $ cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment) -- | Get the last CommentId this CommentId was rethreaded to, if it was. fetchCommentRethreadLastDB :: CommentId -> DB (Maybe CommentId) fetchCommentRethreadLastDB comment_id = go Nothing comment_id where go mlast_comment comment = do mnew_comment <- fetchCommentRethreadDB comment case mnew_comment of Nothing -> return mlast_comment Just new_comment -> go mnew_comment new_comment -- | Get a Comment's CommentTags. fetchCommentCommentTagsDB :: CommentId -> DB [CommentTag] fetchCommentCommentTagsDB comment_id = fmap (map entityVal) $ select $ from $ \ct -> do where_ (ct ^. CommentTagComment ==. val comment_id) return ct fetchCommentCommentTagsInDB :: [CommentId] -> DB [CommentTag] fetchCommentCommentTagsInDB comment_ids = fmap (map entityVal) $ select $ from $ \ct -> do where_ (ct ^. CommentTagComment `in_` valList comment_ids) return ct -- | Get a Comment's descendants' ids (don't filter hidden or unapproved -- comments). fetchCommentAllCurrentDescendantsDB :: CommentId -> DB [CommentId] fetchCommentAllCurrentDescendantsDB comment_id = fmap (map unValue) $ select $ from $ \ca -> do where_ $ ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor ==. val comment_id &&. ca ^. CommentAncestorComment `notIn` (subList_select $ from $ return . (^. CommentRethreadOldComment)) orderBy [asc (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment)] return (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment) -- | Get a Comment's descendants' ids (don't filter hidden or unapproved -- comments). fetchCommentAllDescendantsDB :: CommentId -> DB [CommentId] fetchCommentAllDescendantsDB comment_id = fmap (map unValue) $ select $ from $ \ca -> do where_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor ==. val comment_id) orderBy [asc (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment)] return (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment) -- | Get all descendants of the given root comment. fetchCommentDescendantsDB :: CommentId -> ExprCommentCond -> DB [Entity Comment] fetchCommentDescendantsDB comment_id has_permission = select $ from $ \c -> do where_ $ has_permission c &&. c ^. CommentId `in_` ( subList_select $ from $ \ca -> do where_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor ==. val comment_id) return (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment)) -- DO NOT change ordering here! buildCommentTree relies on it. orderBy [asc (c ^. CommentParent), asc (c ^. CommentCreatedTs)] return c -- | Get all descendants of all given root comments. fetchCommentsDescendantsDB :: [CommentId] -> ExprCommentCond -> DB [Entity Comment] fetchCommentsDescendantsDB comment_ids has_permission = select $ from $ \c -> do where_ $ c ^. CommentId `in_` subList_select (querCommentsDescendants comment_ids) &&. has_permission c -- DO NOT change ordering here! buildCommentTree relies on it. orderBy [asc (c ^. CommentParent), asc (c ^. CommentCreatedTs)] return c -- | Given a list of candidate CommentIds, return only those that have any -- (possibly not visible) children. fetchCommentsWithChildrenInDB :: [CommentId] -> DB [CommentId] fetchCommentsWithChildrenInDB comment_ids = fmap (map unValue) $ selectDistinct $ from $ \ca -> do where_ (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor `in_` valList comment_ids) return (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor) -- | Get the "true" target of this CommentId (which may be itself, if not -- rethreaded - otherwise, ride the rethread train to the end) fetchCommentDestinationDB :: CommentId -> YDB CommentId fetchCommentDestinationDB comment_id = do -- make sure the comment even exists, so this function terminates. void $ get404 comment_id mRethreaded <- fetchCommentRethreadDB comment_id maybe (return comment_id) fetchCommentDestinationDB mRethreaded -- | Get a Comment's Tags. fetchCommentTagsDB :: CommentId -> DB [Entity Tag] fetchCommentTagsDB comment_id = select $ from $ \(ct `InnerJoin` t) -> do on_ (ct ^. CommentTagTag ==. t ^. TagId) where_ (ct ^. CommentTagComment ==. val comment_id) return t -- | Get a Comment's CommentTags for a specific Tag. fetchCommentTagCommentTagsDB :: CommentId -> TagId -> DB [CommentTag] fetchCommentTagCommentTagsDB comment_id tag_id = fmap (map entityVal) $ select $ from $ \ct -> do where_ $ ct ^. CommentTagComment ==. val comment_id &&. ct ^. CommentTagTag ==. val tag_id return ct makeCommentClosingMapDB :: (Foldable c) => c CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId CommentClosing) makeCommentRetractingMapDB :: (Foldable c) => c CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId CommentRetracting) makeCommentClosingMapDB = closeOrRetractMap CommentClosingComment commentClosingComment makeCommentRetractingMapDB = closeOrRetractMap CommentRetractingComment commentRetractingComment closeOrRetractMap :: (Foldable c, PersistEntity val, PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend) => EntityField val CommentId -> (val -> CommentId) -> c CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId val) closeOrRetractMap comment_field comment_projection comment_ids = fmap (foldr step mempty) $ select $ from $ \c -> do where_ (c ^. comment_field `in_` valList comment_ids) return c where -- step :: Entity val -> Map CommentId val -> Map CommentId val step (Entity _ c) = M.insert (comment_projection c) c -- | Given a collection of CommentId, make a map from CommentId to Entity -- Ticket. Comments that are not tickets will simply not be in the map. makeTicketMapDB :: (Foldable c) => c CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId (Entity Ticket)) makeTicketMapDB comment_ids = fmap (foldr step mempty) $ select $ from $ \t -> do where_ (t ^. TicketComment `in_` valList comment_ids) return t where step t = M.insert (ticketComment (entityVal t)) t makeClaimedTicketMapDB :: [CommentId] -> DB (Map CommentId TicketClaiming) makeClaimedTicketMapDB comment_ids = fmap (M.fromList . map (\(Value x, Entity _ y) -> (x, y))) $ select $ from $ \tc -> do where_ (tc ^. TicketClaimingTicket `in_` valList comment_ids) return (tc ^. TicketClaimingTicket, tc) -- | Given a collection of CommentId, make a flag map. Comments that are -- not flagged will simply not be in the map. makeFlagMapDB :: (Foldable c) => c CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId (CommentFlagging, [FlagReason])) makeFlagMapDB comment_ids = fmap (go . map (\(Entity _ x, Value y) -> (x, y))) $ select $ from $ \(cf `InnerJoin` cfr) -> do on_ (cf ^. CommentFlaggingId ==. cfr ^. CommentFlaggingReasonFlagging) where_ (cf ^. CommentFlaggingComment `in_` valList comment_ids) return (cf, cfr ^. CommentFlaggingReasonReason) where go :: [(CommentFlagging, FlagReason)] -> Map CommentId (CommentFlagging, [FlagReason]) go = foldr (\(cf@(CommentFlagging _ _ comment_id _), reason) -> M.insertWith combine comment_id (cf, [reason])) mempty where combine :: (CommentFlagging, [FlagReason]) -> (CommentFlagging, [FlagReason]) -> (CommentFlagging, [FlagReason]) combine (cf, reasons1) (_, reasons2) = (cf, reasons1 <> reasons2) -- | Given a collection of CommentId, make a map from comment ids to sets -- of watches. Comments that are not watched will simply not be in the map. -- -- TODO: Return enough info to link to the root of the watch makeWatchMapDB :: (Foldable c) => c CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId (Set WatchedSubthread)) makeWatchMapDB comment_ids = fmap unwrapTheThings $ do ancestral_watches <- select $ from $ \(ws `InnerJoin` ca) -> do on_ $ ws ^. WatchedSubthreadRoot ==. ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor where_ $ ca ^. CommentAncestorComment `in_` valList comment_ids return (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment, ws) current_watches <- select $ from $ \ws -> do where_ $ ws ^. WatchedSubthreadRoot `in_` valList comment_ids return (ws ^. WatchedSubthreadRoot, ws) return $ ancestral_watches <> current_watches where unwrapTheThings = M.fromListWith mappend . map (\(Value x, Entity _ y) -> (x, S.singleton y)) rethreadCommentDB :: Maybe CommentId -> DiscussionId -> CommentId -> UserId -> Text -> Int -> SDB () rethreadCommentDB mnew_parent_id new_discussion_id root_comment_id user_id reason depth_offset = do (old_comment_ids, new_comment_ids) <- lift $ do descendants_ids <- fetchCommentAllCurrentDescendantsDB root_comment_id let old_comment_ids = root_comment_id : descendants_ids new_comment_ids <- flip State.evalStateT mempty $ forM old_comment_ids $ \comment_id -> do rethread_map <- State.get Just comment <- lift $ get comment_id let new_parent_id = maybe mnew_parent_id Just $ M.lookup (commentParent comment) rethread_map new_comment_id <- lift $ insert $ comment { commentDepth = commentDepth comment - depth_offset , commentParent = new_parent_id , commentDiscussion = new_discussion_id } State.put $ M.insert (Just comment_id) new_comment_id rethread_map return new_comment_id return (old_comment_ids, new_comment_ids) now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let new_root_comment_id = Prelude.head new_comment_ids -- This is kind of ugly, but it should be safe. rethread = Rethread now user_id root_comment_id new_root_comment_id reason rethread_id <- lift (insert rethread) tell [ECommentRethreaded rethread_id rethread] let updateForRethread :: (PersistEntity val, PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend) => EntityField val CommentId -> (SqlExpr (Entity val) -> SqlExpr (Entity CommentRethread) -> SqlExpr (Insertion val)) -> DB () updateForRethread comment_field constructor = insertSelect $ from $ \(table `InnerJoin` cr) -> do on_ (table ^. comment_field ==. cr ^. CommentRethreadOldComment) where_ (table ^. comment_field `in_` valList old_comment_ids) return (constructor table cr) lift $ do forM_ (zip old_comment_ids new_comment_ids) $ \(old_comment_id, new_comment_id) -> do insert_ (CommentRethread rethread_id old_comment_id new_comment_id) -- TODO(mitchell, david): pull the stuff below out of the for-loop insertSelect $ from $ \(c `InnerJoin` ca) -> do on_ (c ^. CommentParent ==. just (ca ^. CommentAncestorComment)) where_ (c ^. CommentId ==. val new_comment_id) return (CommentAncestor <# val new_comment_id <&> (ca ^. CommentAncestorAncestor)) [Value maybe_new_parent_id] <- select $ from $ \c -> do where_ (c ^. CommentId ==. val new_comment_id) return (c ^. CommentParent) maybe (return ()) (insert_ . CommentAncestor new_comment_id) maybe_new_parent_id update $ \t -> do set t [ TicketComment =. val new_comment_id ] where_ $ t ^. TicketComment ==. val old_comment_id -- EVERYTHING with a foreign key on CommentId needs to be added here, for the -- new comments. We don't want to update in-place because we *do* show the -- rethreaded comments on Project feeds (for one thing). -- -- The only table that's updated in-place is Ticket (see -- above) because we don't want to change the ticket number -- when we rethread a comment. updateForRethread CommentClosingComment (\cc cr -> CommentClosing <# (cc ^. CommentClosingTs) <&> (cc ^. CommentClosingClosedBy) <&> (cc ^. CommentClosingReason) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment)) updateForRethread CommentFlaggingComment (\cf cr -> CommentFlagging <# (cf ^. CommentFlaggingTs) <&> (cf ^. CommentFlaggingFlagger) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment) <&> (cf ^. CommentFlaggingMessage)) updateForRethread CommentRetractingComment (\r cr -> CommentRetracting <# (r ^. CommentRetractingTs) <&> (r ^. CommentRetractingReason) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment)) updateForRethread CommentTagComment (\ct cr -> CommentTag <# (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment) <&> (ct ^. CommentTagTag) <&> (ct ^. CommentTagUser) <&> (ct ^. CommentTagCount)) updateForRethread TicketClaimingTicket (\tc cr -> TicketClaiming <# (tc ^. TicketClaimingTs) <&> (tc ^. TicketClaimingUser) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment) <&> (tc ^. TicketClaimingNote)) updateForRethread TicketOldClaimingTicket (\toc cr -> TicketOldClaiming <# (toc ^. TicketOldClaimingClaimTs) <&> (toc ^. TicketOldClaimingUser) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment) <&> (toc ^. TicketOldClaimingNote) <&> (toc ^. TicketOldClaimingReleaseNote) <&> (toc ^. TicketOldClaimingReleasedTs)) updateForRethread UnapprovedCommentNotificationComment (\ucn cr -> UnapprovedCommentNotification <# (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment) <&> (ucn ^. UnapprovedCommentNotificationNotification)) updateForRethread ViewCommentComment (\vc cr -> ViewComment <# (vc ^. ViewCommentUser) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment)) updateForRethread WatchedSubthreadRoot (\ws cr -> WatchedSubthread <# (ws ^. WatchedSubthreadTs) <&> (ws ^. WatchedSubthreadUser) <&> (cr ^. CommentRethreadNewComment)) fetchCommentTicketsDB :: Set CommentId -> DB (Map CommentId (Entity Ticket)) fetchCommentTicketsDB comment_ids = do ticket_entities <- select $ from $ \t -> do where_ $ t ^. TicketComment `in_` valList (S.toList comment_ids) return t return $ M.fromList $ map (ticketComment . entityVal &&& id) ticket_entities makeCommentRouteDB :: [Language] -> CommentId -> DB (Maybe (Route App)) makeCommentRouteDB langs comment_id = get comment_id >>= \case Nothing -> return Nothing Just comment -> fetchDiscussionDB langs (commentDiscussion comment) >>= \case DiscussionOnProject (Entity _ project) -> return $ Just $ ProjectCommentR (projectHandle project) comment_id DiscussionOnWikiPage (Entity _ wiki_target) -> do project <- getJust $ wikiTargetProject wiki_target return $ Just $ WikiCommentR (projectHandle project) (wikiTargetLanguage wiki_target) (wikiTargetTarget wiki_target) comment_id DiscussionOnUser (Entity user_id _) -> return $ Just $ UserCommentR user_id comment_id DiscussionOnBlogPost (Entity _ blog_post) -> do project <- getJust $ blogPostProject blog_post return $ Just $ BlogPostCommentR (projectHandle project) (blogPostHandle blog_post) comment_id
module Acquire.Trace(trace) where import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Format trace :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m () trace msg = liftIO $ do t <- getCurrentTime putStrLn $ "[" ++ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T.%q %z" t ++ "] " ++ msg
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <!DOCTYPE helpset PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp HelpSet Version 2.0//EN" ""> <helpset version="2.0" xml:lang="en-GB"> <title>WAFP Extension</title> <maps> <homeID>cmss</homeID> <mapref location="map.jhm"/> </maps> <view> <name>TOC</name> <label>Contents</label> <type></type> <data>toc.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Index</name> <label>Index</label> <type></type> <data>index.xml</data> </view> <view> <name>Search</name> <label>Search</label> <type></type> <data engine=""> JavaHelpSearch </data> </view> <view> <name>Favorites</name> <label>Favorites</label> <type></type> </view> </helpset>
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as P import Succinct.Internal.PopCount import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 import Test.Framework.TH import Test.HUnit hiding (Test, assert) case_vector_slice :: IO () case_vector_slice = do let v = P.fromList [1,3,7,15,31,63] 12 @=? popCountSlice (vectorToInternal v) 2 3 case_all_one_bits :: IO () case_all_one_bits = do let v = P.replicate 16 (-1) forM_ [0..1024] $ \i -> do assertEqual ("for index " ++ show i) i (popCountBitSlice (vectorToInternal v) 0 i) prop_pop_count_word64 w = popCount w == popCountWord64 w main :: IO () main = $defaultMainGenerator
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Examples.EnvVarUpdate(envvarupdate) where import Development.NSIS import Development.NSIS.Plugins.EnvVarUpdate envvarupdate = do name "envvarupdate" outFile "envvarupdate.exe" requestExecutionLevel User section "" [] $ do let assert x = iff_ (getEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" %/= x) $ alert $ "FAILED!" deleteEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" setEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "This is a;test" assert "This is a;test" setEnvVarAppend HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "foo bar" assert "This is a;test;foo bar" setEnvVarPrepend HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "test" assert "test;This is a;foo bar" setEnvVarRemove HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "test" assert "This is a;foo bar" setEnvVarRemove HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "foo bar" assert "This is a" setEnvVarPrepend HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "extra" assert "extra;This is a" setEnvVarRemove HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "bob" assert "extra;This is a" setEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "bob;bob;bob;x;bob" setEnvVarRemove HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "bob" assert "x" setEnvVarRemove HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "x" assert "" setEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" "y" deleteEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" assert "" alert $ "USER $$PATH = " & getEnvVar HKCU "PATH" alert $ "MACHINE $$PATH = " & getEnvVar HKLM "PATH" alert "Expecting to abort with a String limit error" deleteEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" val <- mutable_ "This is a test that will overflow at some point" i <- mutable_ 0 while (i %< 100) $ do i @= i + 1 val @= val & val setEnvVar HKCU "NSIS_TEST" val alert "Failed test, should have got a string limit error"
-- | -- Module : Crypto.MAC.CMAC -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : Kei Hibino <[email protected]> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- Provide the CMAC (Cipher based Message Authentification Code) base algorithm. -- <> -- <> -- {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Crypto.MAC.CMAC ( cmac , CMAC , subKeys ) where import Data.Word import Data.Bits (setBit, testBit, shiftL) import Data.List (foldl') import Crypto.Cipher.Types import Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess, ByteArray, Bytes) import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B -- | Authentication code newtype CMAC a = CMAC Bytes deriving (ByteArrayAccess) instance Eq (CMAC a) where CMAC b1 == CMAC b2 = B.constEq b1 b2 -- | compute a MAC using the supplied cipher cmac :: (ByteArrayAccess bin, BlockCipher cipher) => cipher -- ^ key to compute CMAC with -> bin -- ^ input message -> CMAC cipher -- ^ output tag cmac k msg = CMAC $ foldl' (\c m -> ecbEncrypt k $ bxor c m) zeroV ms where bytes = blockSize k zeroV = B.replicate bytes 0 :: Bytes (k1, k2) = subKeys k ms = cmacChunks k k1 k2 $ B.convert msg cmacChunks :: (BlockCipher k, ByteArray ba) => k -> ba -> ba -> ba -> [ba] cmacChunks k k1 k2 = rec' where rec' msg | B.null tl = if lack == 0 then [bxor k1 hd] else [bxor k2 $ hd `B.append` B.pack (0x80 : replicate (lack - 1) 0)] | otherwise = hd : rec' tl where bytes = blockSize k (hd, tl) = B.splitAt bytes msg lack = bytes - B.length hd -- | make sub-keys used in CMAC subKeys :: (BlockCipher k, ByteArray ba) => k -- ^ key to compute CMAC with -> (ba, ba) -- ^ sub-keys to compute CMAC subKeys k = (k1, k2) where ipt = cipherIPT k k0 = ecbEncrypt k $ B.replicate (blockSize k) 0 k1 = subKey ipt k0 k2 = subKey ipt k1 -- polynomial multiply operation to culculate subkey subKey :: (ByteArray ba) => [Word8] -> ba -> ba subKey ipt ws = case B.unpack ws of [] -> B.empty w:_ | testBit w 7 -> B.pack ipt `bxor` shiftL1 ws | otherwise -> shiftL1 ws shiftL1 :: (ByteArray ba) => ba -> ba shiftL1 = B.pack . shiftL1W . B.unpack shiftL1W :: [Word8] -> [Word8] shiftL1W [] = [] shiftL1W ws@(_:ns) = rec' $ zip ws (ns ++ [0]) where rec' [] = [] rec' ((x,y):ps) = w : rec' ps where w | testBit y 7 = setBit sl1 0 | otherwise = sl1 where sl1 = shiftL x 1 bxor :: ByteArray ba => ba -> ba -> ba bxor = B.xor ----- cipherIPT :: BlockCipher k => k -> [Word8] cipherIPT = expandIPT . blockSize -- Data type which represents the smallest irreducibule binary polynomial -- against specified degree. -- -- Maximum degree bit and degree 0 bit are omitted. -- For example, The value /Q 7 2 1/ corresponds to the degree /128/. -- It represents that the smallest irreducible binary polynomial of degree 128 -- is x^128 + x^7 + x^2 + x^1 + 1. data IPolynomial = Q Int Int Int --- | T Int iPolynomial :: Int -> Maybe IPolynomial iPolynomial = d where d 64 = Just $ Q 4 3 1 d 128 = Just $ Q 7 2 1 d _ = Nothing -- Expand a tail bit pattern of irreducible binary polynomial expandIPT :: Int -> [Word8] expandIPT bytes = expandIPT' bytes ipt where ipt = maybe (error $ "Irreducible binary polynomial not defined against " ++ show nb ++ " bit") id $ iPolynomial nb nb = bytes * 8 -- Expand a tail bit pattern of irreducible binary polynomial expandIPT' :: Int -- ^ width in byte -> IPolynomial -- ^ irreducible binary polynomial definition -> [Word8] -- ^ result bit pattern expandIPT' bytes (Q x y z) = reverse . setB x . setB y . setB z . setB 0 $ replicate bytes 0 where setB i ws = hd ++ setBit (head tl) r : tail tl where (q, r) = i `quotRem` 8 (hd, tl) = splitAt q ws
module Control.Monad.CompatSpec (main, spec) where import Test.Hspec import Control.Monad.Compat import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do describe "(<$!>)" $ do it "is a strict version of (<$>)" $ do not <$!> [True, False] `shouldBe` not <$> [True, False]
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Constants used throughout the project. module Stack.Constants (builtConfigFileFromDir ,builtFileFromDir ,configuredFileFromDir ,defaultShakeThreads ,distDirFromDir ,distRelativeDir ,haskellFileExts ,projectDockerSandboxDir ,rawGithubUrl ,stackDotYaml ,stackRootEnvVar ,userDocsDir ,configCacheFile ,configCabalMod ,buildCacheFile ,testSuccessFile ,testBuiltFile ,benchBuiltFile ,stackProgName ,wiredInPackages ,cabalPackageName ,implicitGlobalDir ,hpcDirFromDir ,dotHpc) where import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow) import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Path as FL import Prelude import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier import Stack.Types.PackageName -- | Extensions used for Haskell files. haskellFileExts :: [Text] haskellFileExts = ["hs","hsc","lhs"] -- | The filename used for completed build indicators. builtFileFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -> m (Path Abs File) builtFileFromDir fp = do dist <- distDirFromDir fp return (dist </> $(mkRelFile "stack.gen")) -- | The filename used for completed configure indicators. configuredFileFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -> m (Path Abs File) configuredFileFromDir fp = do dist <- distDirFromDir fp return (dist </> $(mkRelFile "setup-config")) -- | The filename used for completed build indicators. builtConfigFileFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -> m (Path Abs File) builtConfigFileFromDir fp = liftM (fp </>) builtConfigRelativeFile -- | Relative location of completed build indicators. builtConfigRelativeFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Rel File) builtConfigRelativeFile = do dist <- distRelativeDir return (dist </> $(mkRelFile "stack.config")) -- | Default shake thread count for parallel builds. defaultShakeThreads :: Int defaultShakeThreads = 4 -- -- | Hoogle database file. -- hoogleDatabaseFile :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -- hoogleDatabaseFile docLoc = -- docLoc </> -- $(mkRelFile "default.hoo") -- -- | Extension for hoogle databases. -- hoogleDbExtension :: String -- hoogleDbExtension = "hoo" -- -- | Extension of haddock files -- haddockExtension :: String -- haddockExtension = "haddock" -- | User documentation directory. userDocsDir :: Config -> Path Abs Dir userDocsDir config = configStackRoot config </> $(mkRelDir "doc/") -- | The filename used for dirtiness check of source files. buildCacheFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory. -> m (Path Abs File) buildCacheFile dir = do liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-build-cache")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | The filename used to mark tests as having succeeded testSuccessFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory -> m (Path Abs File) testSuccessFile dir = liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-test-success")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | The filename used to mark tests as having built testBuiltFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory -> m (Path Abs File) testBuiltFile dir = liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-test-built")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | The filename used to mark benchmarks as having built benchBuiltFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory -> m (Path Abs File) benchBuiltFile dir = liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-bench-built")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | The filename used for dirtiness check of config. configCacheFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory. -> m (Path Abs File) configCacheFile dir = do liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-config-cache")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | The filename used for modification check of .cabal configCabalMod :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory. -> m (Path Abs File) configCabalMod dir = do liftM (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-cabal-mod")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | Directory for HPC work. hpcDirFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory. -> m (Path Abs Dir) hpcDirFromDir dir = do liftM (</> $(mkRelDir "hpc")) (distDirFromDir dir) -- | Package's build artifacts directory. distDirFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env) => Path Abs Dir -> m (Path Abs Dir) distDirFromDir fp = liftM (fp </>) distRelativeDir -- | Relative location of build artifacts. distRelativeDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Rel Dir) distRelativeDir = do cabalPkgVer <- asks (envConfigCabalVersion . getEnvConfig) platform <- platformRelDir cabal <- parseRelDir $ packageIdentifierString (PackageIdentifier cabalPackageName cabalPkgVer) return $ workDirRel </> $(mkRelDir "dist") </> platform </> cabal -- | Get a URL for a raw file on Github rawGithubUrl :: Text -- ^ user/org name -> Text -- ^ repo name -> Text -- ^ branch name -> Text -- ^ filename -> Text rawGithubUrl org repo branch file = T.concat [ "" , org , "/" , repo , "/" , branch , "/" , file ] -- -- | Hoogle database file. -- hoogleDatabaseFile :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -- hoogleDatabaseFile docLoc = -- docLoc </> -- $(mkRelFile "default.hoo") -- -- | Extension for hoogle databases. -- hoogleDbExtension :: String -- hoogleDbExtension = "hoo" -- -- | Extension of haddock files -- haddockExtension :: String -- haddockExtension = "haddock" -- | Docker sandbox from project root. projectDockerSandboxDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir projectDockerSandboxDir projectRoot = projectRoot </> workDirRel </> $(mkRelDir "docker/") -- | Name of the 'stack' program. stackProgName :: String stackProgName = "stack" -- | The filename used for the stack config file. stackDotYaml :: Path Rel File stackDotYaml = $(mkRelFile "stack.yaml") -- | Environment variable used to override the '~/.stack' location. stackRootEnvVar :: String stackRootEnvVar = "STACK_ROOT" -- See wiredInPackages :: HashSet PackageName wiredInPackages = maybe (error "Parse error in wiredInPackages") HashSet.fromList mparsed where mparsed = sequence $ map parsePackageName [ "ghc-prim" , "integer-gmp" , "integer-simple" , "base" , "rts" , "template-haskell" , "dph-seq" , "dph-par" , "ghc" , "interactive" ] -- | Just to avoid repetition and magic strings. cabalPackageName :: PackageName cabalPackageName = $(mkPackageName "Cabal") -- | Implicit global directory used when outside of a project. implicitGlobalDir :: Path Abs Dir -- ^ Stack root. -> Path Abs Dir implicitGlobalDir p = p </> $(mkRelDir "global") -- | Where .mix files go. dotHpc :: Path Rel Dir dotHpc = $(mkRelDir ".hpc")
-- | -- Module : $Header$ -- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : [email protected] -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solve ( simplifyAllConstraints , proveImplication , wfType , wfTypeFunction , improveByDefaulting , defaultReplExpr , simpType , simpTypeMaybe ) where import Cryptol.Parser.AST(LQName, thing) import Cryptol.Parser.Position (emptyRange) import Cryptol.TypeCheck.PP(pp) import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst (apSubst,fvs,singleSubst,substToList, isEmptySubst, emptySubst,Subst,listSubst, (@@), Subst, apSubstMaybe) import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Class import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Selector(tryHasGoal) import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST as Num import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.ImportExport as Num import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Interval (Interval) import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Simplify1 as Num import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.SimplifyExpr as Num import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.CrySAT as Num import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.CrySAT (debugBlock, DebugLog(..)) import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Simplify (tryRewritePropAsSubst) import Cryptol.Utils.PP (text) import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic) import Cryptol.Utils.Misc(anyJust) import Control.Monad (unless, guard) import Data.Either(partitionEithers) import Data.Maybe(catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Map ( Map ) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set ( Set ) import qualified Data.Set as Set {- | Add additional constraints that ensure validity of type function. Note that these constraints do not introduce additional malformed types, so the well-formedness constraints are guaranteed to be well-formed. This assumes that the parameters are well-formed. -} wfTypeFunction :: TFun -> [Type] -> [Prop] wfTypeFunction TCSub [a,b] = [ a >== b, pFin b] wfTypeFunction TCDiv [a,b] = [ b >== tOne, pFin a ] wfTypeFunction TCMod [a,b] = [ b >== tOne, pFin a ] wfTypeFunction TCLenFromThen [a,b,w] = [ pFin a, pFin b, pFin w, a =/= b, w >== tWidth a ] wfTypeFunction TCLenFromThenTo [a,b,c] = [ pFin a, pFin b, pFin c, a =/= b ] wfTypeFunction _ _ = [] -- | Add additional constraints that ensure the validity of a type. wfType :: Type -> [Prop] wfType t = case t of TCon c ts -> let ps = concatMap wfType ts in case c of TF f -> wfTypeFunction f ts ++ ps _ -> ps TVar _ -> [] TUser _ _ s -> wfType s TRec fs -> concatMap (wfType . snd) fs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- simplifyAllConstraints :: InferM () simplifyAllConstraints = do mapM_ tryHasGoal =<< getHasGoals gs <- getGoals cfg <- getSolverConfig (mb,su) <- io (Num.withSolver cfg (`simpGoals'` gs)) extendSubst su case mb of Right gs1 -> addGoals gs1 Left badGs -> mapM_ (recordError . UnsolvedGoal True) badGs proveImplication :: LQName -> [TParam] -> [Prop] -> [Goal] -> InferM Subst proveImplication lnam as ps gs = do evars <- varsWithAsmps cfg <- getSolverConfig (mbErr,su) <- io (proveImplicationIO cfg lnam evars as ps gs) case mbErr of Right ws -> mapM_ recordWarning ws Left err -> recordError err return su proveImplicationIO :: SolverConfig -> LQName -- ^ Checking this functi -> Set TVar -- ^ These appear in the env., and we should -- not try to default the -> [TParam] -- ^ Type parameters -> [Prop] -- ^ Assumed constraint -> [Goal] -- ^ Collected constraints -> IO (Either Error [Warning], Subst) proveImplicationIO _ _ _ _ [] [] = return (Right [], emptySubst) proveImplicationIO cfg lname varsInEnv as ps gs = Num.withSolver cfg $ \s -> debugBlock s "proveImplicationIO" $ do debugBlock s "assumes" (debugLog s ps) debugBlock s "shows" (debugLog s gs) debugLog s "1. ------------------" _simpPs <- Num.assumeProps s ps mbImps <- Num.check s debugLog s "2. ------------------" case mbImps of Nothing -> do debugLog s "(contradiction in assumptions)" return (Left $ UnusableFunction (thing lname) ps, emptySubst) Just (imps,extra) -> do let su = importImps imps gs0 = apSubst su gs debugBlock s "improvement from assumptions:" $ debugLog s su let (scs,invalid) = importSideConds extra unless (null invalid) $ panic "proveImplicationIO" ( "Unable to import all side conditions:" : map (show . Num.ppProp) invalid ) let gs1 = filter ((`notElem` ps) . goal) gs0 debugLog s "3. ---------------------" (mb,su1) <- simpGoals' s (scs ++ gs1) case mb of Left badGs -> reportUnsolved badGs (su1 @@ su) Right [] -> return (Right [], su1 @@ su) Right us -> -- Last hope: try to default stuff do let vs = Set.filter isFreeTV $ fvs $ map goal us dVars = Set.toList (vs `Set.difference` varsInEnv) (_,us1,su2,ws) <- improveByDefaultingWith s dVars us case us1 of [] -> return (Right ws, su2 @@ su1 @@ su) _ -> reportUnsolved us1 (su2 @@ su1 @@ su) where reportUnsolved us su = return ( Left $ UnsolvedDelcayedCt $ DelayedCt { dctSource = lname , dctForall = as , dctAsmps = ps , dctGoals = us }, su) {- Constraints and satisfiability: 1. [Satisfiable] A collection of constraints is _satisfiable_, if there is an assignment for the variables that make all constraints true. 2. [Valid] If a constraint is satisfiable for any assignment of its free variables, then it is _valid_, and may be ommited. 3. [Partial] A constraint may _partial_, which means that under some assignment it is neither true nor false. For example: `x - y > 5` is true for `{ x = 15, y = 3 }`, it is false for `{ x = 5, y = 4 }`, and it is neither for `{ x = 1, y = 2 }`. Note that constraints that are always true or undefined are NOT valid, as there are assignemntes for which they are not true. An example of such constraint is `x - y >= 0`. 4. [Provability] Instead of thinking of three possible values for satisfiability (i.e., true, false, and unknown), we could instead think of asking: "Is constraint C provable". This essentailly maps "true" to "true", and "false,unknown" to "false", if we treat constraints with malformed parameters as unprovable. -} {- The plan: 1. Start with a set of constraints, CS 2. Compute its well-defined closure, DS. 3. Simplify constraints: evaluate terms in constraints as much as possible 4. Solve: eliminate constraints that are true 5. Check for consistency 6. Compute improvements 7. For each type in the improvements, add well-defined constraints 8. Instantiate constraints with substitution 9. Goto 3 -} simpGoals' :: Num.Solver -> [Goal] -> IO (Either [Goal] [Goal], Subst) simpGoals' s gs0 = go emptySubst [] (wellFormed gs0 ++ gs0) where -- Assumes that the well-formed constraints are themselves well-formed. wellFormed gs = [ g { goal = p } | g <- gs, p <- wfType (goal g) ] go su old [] = return (Right old, su) go su old gs = do gs1 <- simplifyConstraintTerms s gs res <- solveConstraints s old gs1 case res of Left err -> return (Left err, su) Right gs2 -> do let gs3 = gs2 ++ old mb <- computeImprovements s gs3 case mb of Left err -> return (Left err, su) Right impSu -> let (unchanged,changed) = partitionEithers (map (applyImp impSu) gs3) new = wellFormed changed in go (impSu @@ su) unchanged (new ++ changed) applyImp su g = case apSubstMaybe su (goal g) of Nothing -> Left g Just p -> Right g { goal = p } {- Note: It is good to consider the other goals when evaluating terms. For example, consider the constraints: P (x * inf), x >= 1 We cannot simplify `x * inf` on its own, because we do not know if `x` might be 0. However, in the contxt of `x >= 1`, we know that this is impossible, and we can simplify the constraints to: P inf, x >= 1 However, we should be careful to avoid circular reasoning, as we wouldn't want to use the fact that `x >= 1` to simplify `x >= 1` to true. -} -- XXX: currently simplify individually simplifyConstraintTerms :: Num.Solver -> [Goal] -> IO [Goal] simplifyConstraintTerms s gs = debugBlock s "Simplifying terms" $ return (map simpGoal gs) where simpGoal g = g { goal = simpProp (goal g) } solveConstraints :: Num.Solver -> [Goal] {- We may use these, but don't try to solve, we already tried and failed. -} -> [Goal] {- Need to solve these -} -> IO (Either [Goal] [Goal]) -- ^ Left: contradiciting goals, -- Right: goals that were not solved, or sub-goals -- for solved goals. Does not include "old" solveConstraints s otherGs gs0 = debugBlock s "Solving constraints" $ solveClassCts [] [] gs0 where otherNumerics = [ g | Right g <- map Num.numericRight otherGs ] solveClassCts unsolvedClass numerics [] = do unsolvedNum <- solveNumerics s otherNumerics numerics return (Right (unsolvedClass ++ unsolvedNum)) solveClassCts unsolved numerics (g : gs) = case Num.numericRight g of Right n -> solveClassCts unsolved (n : numerics) gs Left c -> case classStep c of Unsolvable -> return (Left [g]) Unsolved -> solveClassCts (g : unsolved) numerics gs Solved Nothing subs -> solveClassCts unsolved numerics (subs ++ gs) Solved (Just su) _ -> panic "solveClassCts" [ "Unexpected substituion", show su ] solveNumerics :: Num.Solver -> [(Goal,Num.Prop)] {- ^ Consult these -} -> [(Goal,Num.Prop)] {- ^ Solve these -} -> IO [Goal] solveNumerics s consultGs solveGs = Num.withScope s $ do _ <- Num.assumeProps s (map (goal . fst) consultGs) Num.simplifyProps s (map Num.knownDefined solveGs) computeImprovements :: Num.Solver -> [Goal] -> IO (Either [Goal] Subst) computeImprovements s gs = debugBlock s "Computing improvements" $ do let nums = [ g | Right g <- map Num.numericRight gs ] res <- Num.withScope s $ do _ <- Num.assumeProps s (map (goal . fst) nums) mb <- Num.check s case mb of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (suish,_ps1) -> do let (su,_ps2) = importSplitImps suish -- Num.check has already checked that the intervals are sane, -- so we don't need to check for a broken interval here Right ints <- Num.getIntervals s return (Just (ints,su)) case res of Just (ints,su) | isEmptySubst su , (x,t) : _ <- mapMaybe (improveByDefn ints) gs -> do let su' = singleSubst x t debugLog s ("Improve by definition: " ++ show (pp su')) return (Right su') | otherwise -> return (Right su) Nothing -> do bad <- Num.minimizeContradictionSimpDef s (map Num.knownDefined nums) return (Left bad) improveByDefn :: Map TVar Interval -> Goal -> Maybe (TVar,Type) improveByDefn ints Goal { .. } = do (var,ty) <- tryRewritePropAsSubst ints goal return (var,simpType ty) -- | Import an improving substitutin (i.e., a bunch of equations) -- into a Cryptol substitution (which is idempotent). -- The substitution will contain only unification variables. -- "Improvements" on skolem variables become additional constraints. importSplitImps :: Map Num.Name Num.Expr -> (Subst, [Prop]) importSplitImps = mk . partitionEithers . map imp . Map.toList where mk (uni,props) = (listSubst (catMaybes uni), props) imp (x,e) = case (x, Num.importType e) of (Num.UserName tv, Just ty) -> case tv of TVFree {} -> Left (Just (tv,ty)) TVBound {} -> Right (TVar tv =#= ty) {- This may happen if we are working on an implication, and we have an improvement about a variable in the assumptions that is not in any og the goals. XXX: Perhaps, we should mark these variable, so we don't waste time to "improve" them. -} _ -> Left Nothing -- | Import an improving substitution into a Cryptol substitution. -- The substitution will contain both unification and skolem variables, -- so this should be used when processing *givens*. importImps :: Map Num.Name Num.Expr -> Subst importImps = listSubst . map imp . Map.toList where imp (x,e) = case (x, Num.importType e) of (Num.UserName tv, Just ty) -> (tv,ty) _ -> panic "importImps" [ "Failed to import:", show x, show e ] importSideConds :: [Num.Prop] -> ([Goal],[Num.Prop]) importSideConds = go [] [] where go ok bad [] = ([ Goal CtImprovement emptyRange g | g <- ok], bad) go ok bad (p:ps) = case Num.importProp p of Just p' -> go (p' ++ ok) bad ps Nothing -> go ok (p:bad) ps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is what we use to avoid ambiguity when generalizing. {- If a variable, `a`, is: 1. Of kind KNum 2. Generic (i.e., does not appear in the environment) 3. It appears only in constraints but not in the resulting type (i.e., it is not on the RHS of =>) 4. It (say, the variable 'a') appears only in constraints like this: 3.1 `a >= t` with (`a` not in `fvs t`) 3.2 in the `s` of `fin s` Then we replace `a` with `max(t1 .. tn)` where the `ts` are from the constraints `a >= t`. If `t1 .. tn` is empty, then we replace `a` with 0. This function assumes that 1-3 have been checked, and implements the rest. So, given some variables and constraints that are about to be generalized, we return: 1. a new (same or smaller) set of variables to quantify, 2. a new set of constraints, 3. a substitution which indicates what got defaulted. -} improveByDefaulting :: SolverConfig -> [TVar] -> -- candidates for defaulting [Goal] -> -- constraints IO ( [TVar] -- non-defaulted , [Goal] -- new constraints , Subst -- improvements from defaulting , [Warning] -- warnings about defaulting ) improveByDefaulting cfg xs gs = Num.withSolver cfg $ \s -> improveByDefaultingWith s xs gs improveByDefaultingWith :: Num.Solver -> [TVar] -> -- candidates for defaulting [Goal] -> -- constraints IO ( [TVar] -- non-defaulted , [Goal] -- new constraints , Subst -- improvements from defaulting , [Warning] -- warnings about defaulting ) improveByDefaultingWith s as ps = classify (Map.fromList [ (a,([],Set.empty)) | a <- as ]) [] [] ps where -- leq: candidate definitions (i.e. of the form x >= t, x `notElem` fvs t) -- for each of these, we keep the list of `t`, and the free vars in them. -- fins: all `fin` constraints -- others: any other constraints classify leqs fins others [] = do let -- First, we use the `leqs` to choose some definitions. (defs, newOthers) = select [] [] (fvs others) (Map.toList leqs) su = listSubst defs -- Do this to simplify the instantiated "fin" constraints. (mb,su1) <- simpGoals' s (newOthers ++ others ++ apSubst su fins) case mb of Right gs1 -> let warn (x,t) = case x of TVFree _ _ _ d -> DefaultingTo d t TVBound {} -> panic "Crypto.TypeCheck.Infer" [ "tryDefault attempted to default a quantified variable." ] newSu = su1 @@ su -- XXX: is that right? names = Set.fromList $ map fst $ fromMaybe [] $ substToList newSu in return ( [ a | a <- as, not (a `Set.member` names) ] , gs1 , newSu , map warn defs ) -- Something went wrong, don't default. Left _ -> return (as,ps,su1 @@ su,[]) classify leqs fins others (prop : more) = case tNoUser (goal prop) of -- We found a `fin` constraint. TCon (PC PFin) [ _ ] -> classify leqs (prop : fins) others more -- Things of the form: x >= T(x) are not defaulted. TCon (PC PGeq) [ TVar x, t ] | x `elem` as && x `Set.notMember` freeRHS -> classify leqs' fins others more where freeRHS = fvs t add (xs1,vs1) (xs2,vs2) = (xs1 ++ xs2, Set.union vs1 vs2) leqs' = Map.insertWith add x ([(t,prop)],freeRHS) leqs _ -> classify leqs fins (prop : others) more -- Pickout which variables may be defaulted and how. -- XXX: simpType t select yes no _ [] = ([ (x, t) | (x,t) <- yes ] ,no) select yes no otherFree ((x,(rhsG,vs)) : more) = select newYes newNo newFree newMore where (ts,gs) = unzip rhsG -- `x` selected only if appears nowehere else. -- this includes other candidates for defaulting. (newYes,newNo,newFree,newMore) -- Mentioned in other constraints, definately not defaultable. | x `Set.member` otherFree = noDefaulting | otherwise = let deps = [ y | (y,(_,yvs)) <- more, x `Set.member` yvs ] recs = filter (`Set.member` vs) deps in if not (null recs) || isBoundTV x -- x >= S(y), y >= T(x) then noDefaulting -- x >= S, y >= T(x) or -- x >= S(y), y >= S else yesDefaulting where noDefaulting = ( yes, gs ++ no, vs `Set.union` otherFree, more ) yesDefaulting = let ty = case ts of [] -> tNum (0::Int) _ -> foldr1 tMax ts su1 = singleSubst x ty in ( (x,ty) : [ (y,apSubst su1 t) | (y,t) <- yes ] , no -- We know that `x` does not appear here , otherFree -- We know that `x` did not appear here either -- No need to update the `vs` because we've already -- checked that there are no recursive dependencies. , [ (y, (apSubst su1 ts1, vs1)) | (y,(ts1,vs1)) <- more ] ) -- | Try to pick a reasonable instantiation for an expression, with -- the given type. This is useful when we do evaluation at the REPL. -- The resulting types should satisfy the constraints of the schema. defaultReplExpr :: SolverConfig -> Expr -> Schema -> IO (Maybe ([(TParam,Type)], Expr)) defaultReplExpr cfg e s = if all (\v -> kindOf v == KNum) (sVars s) then do let params = map tpVar (sVars s) mbSubst <- tryGetModel cfg params (sProps s) case mbSubst of Just su -> do (res,su1) <- Num.withSolver cfg $ \so -> simpGoals' so (map (makeGoal su) (sProps s)) return $ case res of Right [] | isEmptySubst su1 -> do tys <- mapM (bindParam su) params return (zip (sVars s) tys, appExpr tys) _ -> Nothing _ -> return Nothing else return Nothing where makeGoal su p = Goal { goalSource = error "goal source" , goalRange = error "goal range" , goal = apSubst su p } bindParam su tp = do let ty = TVar tp ty' = apSubst su ty guard (ty /= ty') return ty' appExpr tys = foldl (\e1 _ -> EProofApp e1) (foldl ETApp e tys) (sProps s) -- | Attempt to default the given constraints by asserting them in the SMT -- solver, and asking it for a model. tryGetModel :: SolverConfig -> [TVar] -> -- variables to try defaulting [Prop] -> -- constraints IO (Maybe Subst) tryGetModel cfg xs ps = Num.withSolver cfg $ \ s -> -- We are only interested in finite instantiations Num.getModel s (map (pFin . TVar) xs ++ ps) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- simpType :: Type -> Type simpType ty = fromMaybe ty (simpTypeMaybe ty) simpProp :: Prop -> Prop simpProp p = case p of TUser f ts q -> TUser f (map simpType ts) (simpProp q) TCon c ts -> TCon c (map simpType ts) TVar {} -> panic "simpProp" ["variable", show p] TRec {} -> panic "simpProp" ["record", show p] simpTypeMaybe :: Type -> Maybe Type simpTypeMaybe ty = case ty of TCon c ts -> case c of TF {} -> do e <- Num.exportType ty e1 <- Num.crySimpExprMaybe e Num.importType e1 _ -> TCon c `fmap` anyJust simpTypeMaybe ts TVar _ -> Nothing TUser x ts t -> TUser x ts `fmap` simpTypeMaybe t TRec fs -> do let (ls,ts) = unzip fs ts' <- anyJust simpTypeMaybe ts return (TRec (zip ls ts')) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _testSimpGoals :: IO () _testSimpGoals = Num.withSolver cfg $ \s -> do mapM_ dump asmps mapM_ (dump .goal) gs _ <- Num.assumeProps s asmps _mbImps <- Num.check s (mb,_) <- simpGoals' s gs case mb of Right _ -> debugLog s "End of test" Left _ -> debugLog s "Impossible" where cfg = SolverConfig { solverPath = "cvc4" , solverArgs = [ "--lang=smt2", "--incremental", "--rewrite-divk" ] , solverVerbose = 1 } asmps = [] gs = map fakeGoal [ tv 0 =#= tMin (num 10) (tv 1) , tv 1 =#= num 10 ] fakeGoal p = Goal { goalSource = undefined, goalRange = undefined, goal = p } tv n = TVar (TVFree n KNum Set.empty (text "test var")) _btv n = TVar (TVBound n KNum) num x = tNum (x :: Int) dump a = do putStrLn "-------------------_" case Num.exportProp a of Just b -> do print $ Num.ppProp' $ Num.propToProp' b putStrLn "-------------------" Nothing -> print "can't export"
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Stack.Types.Image where import Data.Aeson.Extended import Data.Monoid import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Generics.Deriving.Monoid (mappenddefault, memptydefault) import Path import Prelude -- Fix redundant import warnings -- | Image options. Currently only Docker image options. newtype ImageOpts = ImageOpts { imgDockers :: [ImageDockerOpts] -- ^ One or more stanzas for docker image settings. } deriving (Show) data ImageDockerOpts = ImageDockerOpts { imgDockerBase :: !(Maybe String) -- ^ Maybe have a docker base image name. (Although we will not -- be able to create any Docker images without this.) , imgDockerEntrypoints :: !(Maybe [String]) -- ^ Maybe have a specific ENTRYPOINT list that will be used to -- create images. , imgDockerAdd :: !(Map FilePath (Path Abs Dir)) -- ^ Maybe have some static project content to include in a -- specific directory in all the images. , imgDockerImageName :: !(Maybe String) -- ^ Maybe have a name for the image we are creating , imgDockerExecutables :: !(Maybe [Path Rel File]) -- ^ Filenames of executables to add (if Nothing, add them all) } deriving (Show) newtype ImageOptsMonoid = ImageOptsMonoid { imgMonoidDockers :: [ImageDockerOpts] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings ImageOptsMonoid) where parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "ImageOptsMonoid" (\o -> do (oldDocker :: Maybe ImageDockerOpts) <- jsonSubWarningsT (o ..:? imgDockerOldArgName) (dockers :: [ImageDockerOpts]) <- jsonSubWarningsT (o ..:? imgDockersArgName ..!= []) let imgMonoidDockers = dockers ++ maybeToList oldDocker return ImageOptsMonoid { .. }) instance Monoid ImageOptsMonoid where mempty = memptydefault mappend = mappenddefault instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings ImageDockerOpts) where parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "ImageDockerOpts" (\o -> do imgDockerBase <- o ..:? imgDockerBaseArgName imgDockerEntrypoints <- o ..:? imgDockerEntrypointsArgName imgDockerAdd <- o ..:? imgDockerAddArgName ..!= Map.empty imgDockerImageName <- o ..:? imgDockerImageNameArgName imgDockerExecutables <- o ..:? imgDockerExecutablesArgName return ImageDockerOpts { .. }) imgArgName :: Text imgArgName = "image" -- Kept for backward compatibility imgDockerOldArgName :: Text imgDockerOldArgName = "container" imgDockersArgName :: Text imgDockersArgName = "containers" imgDockerBaseArgName :: Text imgDockerBaseArgName = "base" imgDockerAddArgName :: Text imgDockerAddArgName = "add" imgDockerEntrypointsArgName :: Text imgDockerEntrypointsArgName = "entrypoints" imgDockerImageNameArgName :: Text imgDockerImageNameArgName = "name" imgDockerExecutablesArgName :: Text imgDockerExecutablesArgName = "executables"
module Let where import PointlessP.Functors {- imports will be added for the PointlessP librasies -} -- the whole expression will be selected for translation. isort = let leq = \x y -> if (==0) x then True else if y==0 then False else leq (pred x) (pred y) in let insert = \x lst -> if null lst then [x] else if (leq x (head lst)) then x : lst else (head lst) : (insert x (tail lst)) in let isort = \lst -> if (null lst) then [] else insert (head lst) (isort (tail lst)) in isort
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TemplateHaskell #-} module T11452 where impred :: (forall a. a -> a) -> () impred = $$( [|| \_ -> () ||] )
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-} module App (app) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Conduit (Source, Flush(..), ($$)) import Network.Wai (Application) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors import Web.Scotty import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (unauthorized401) import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, STM, readTVar) import Octopus.Command import Octopus.Jobs import qualified Octopus.SerializableIO as SIO import Octopus.Owner import Octopus.TQueue import Data.Conduit.TMChan (sourceTMChan, TMChan) runAccounted :: Parsable t => (t -> IO a) -> OwnerMap -> (a -> ActionM ()) -> ActionM () runAccounted runner ownerMap liftOut = do name <- param "name" email <- header "from" owner <- liftIO $ atomically $ lookupCreateOwner email ownerMap eligible <- liftIO $ canEnqueue owner case eligible of True -> do owner' <- liftIO $ bumpOwner owner ownerMap -- we may want to bump *after* the action is finished addHeader "X-Owner" $ T.pack $ show owner' output <- liftIO $ runner name liftOut output False -> do status unauthorized401 addHeader "X-Owner" $ T.pack $ show owner text $ mconcat ["quota exceeded: ", T.pack $ show owner, "\n"] run :: Parsable t => (t -> IO a) -> (a -> ActionM ()) -> ActionM () run runner liftOut = do name <- param "name" output <- liftIO $ runner name liftOut output source :: Source IO (Flush Builder) -> ActionM () source src = stream $ \send flush -> src $$ CL.mapM_ (\case Chunk b -> send b Flush -> flush) chanSource :: ChunkChan -> ActionM () chanSource = source <=< return . sourceTMChan chanText :: TMChan T.Text -> ActionM () chanText = text <=< liftIO . fmap fromJust . SIO.awaitResult app :: FilePath -> IO Application app jobFile = do cmdQ <- atomically $ (SIO.queueMap :: STM (SIO.ActionQueueMap Command)) ownerMap <- atomically $ emptyOwnerMap scottyApp $ do middleware simpleCors get "/" $ json =<< liftIO jobs -- this call should be available only for admin users post "/concurrent/:name" $ run sourceRunner source get "/queue/:name" $ run ((\comm -> atomically $ readTVar cmdQ >>= dumpTQueue . fromJust . M.lookup comm) <=< command) json post "/enqueue/:name" $ dispatch cmdQ ownerMap chanSource post "/qplain/:name" $ dispatch cmdQ ownerMap chanText get "/attach/:name" $ setHeader "Cache-Control" "no-cache" >> run attachRunner chanSource where jobs :: IO JobsSpec jobs = readJobs jobFile command :: JobName -> IO Command command name = jobs >>= return . fromJust . M.lookup name sourceRunner :: JobName -> IO ChunkSource sourceRunner = runCommandS <=< command attachRunner :: JobName -> IO ChunkChan attachRunner = fmap fromJust . atomically . SIO.attach <=< command dispatch :: SIO.SerializableIO Command result => SIO.ActionQueueMap Command -> OwnerMap -> (TMChan result -> ActionM ()) -> ActionM () dispatch cmdQ = runAccounted $ command >=> SIO.dispatchAction cmdQ
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} module LR0 where -- import Control.Monad (forM, forM_) import Control.Monad.State (get, put, modify, runState) import qualified Control.Monad.State as S (State) import Data.List (intercalate, partition) import Text.LaTeX -- import Text.LaTeX.Base.Syntax (LaTeX(TeXRaw,TeXEnv), TeXArg(FixArg,OptArg)) -- import Text.LaTeX.Base.Class (LaTeXC, fromLaTeX, liftL, fromLaTeX) import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Beamer import Text.LaTeX.Packages.AMSMath (align_) import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Trees.Forest (pforest) -- import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Trees.Qtree -- import Text.LaTeX.Packages.TikZ (tikz) import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Inputenc -- import Text.LaTeX.Packages.Color (textcolor, ColSpec(DefColor), Color(Blue)) import Grammar groupBy' :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]] groupBy' _ [] = [] groupBy' eq (x:xs) = (x:ys) : groupBy' eq zs where (ys,zs) = partition (eq x) xs elem' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool elem' _ [] = False elem' test (x:xs) = test x || elem' test xs type Slide = Int type Action = String data Doc a = Doc { info :: a , overlays :: [(Slide,Action)] } deriving (Show) type DocItem = Doc (Doc Symbol,[Doc Symbol],[Doc Symbol]) type DocState = Doc ([DocItem],[DocItem]) type DocTrans = Doc [(State,Symbol,State)] type DocGramar = Doc [Doc [Doc Symbol]] data DocLR0 = DocLR0 { slide :: Slide , grammar :: DocGramar , st :: DocState , trans :: DocTrans } deriving (Show) nextSlide :: S.State DocLR0 Slide nextSlide = do doc@DocLR0{slide} <- get let newSlide = slide + 1 put doc{slide = newSlide} return newSlide actProduction :: Int -> Action -> S.State DocLR0 () actProduction i action = modify $ \doc@DocLR0{slide,grammar=Doc g govs} -> let (ps1,Doc p povs:ps2) = splitAt i g g' = ps1 ++ (Doc p ((slide,action):povs):ps2) in doc{grammar=Doc g' govs} actProductionSymbol :: Int -> Int -> Action -> S.State DocLR0 () actProductionSymbol i j action = modify $ \doc@DocLR0{slide,grammar=Doc g govs} -> let (ps1, Doc p povs : ps2) = splitAt i g (ss1, Doc s sovs : ss2) = splitAt j p p' = ss1 ++ Doc s ((slide,action):sovs) : ss2 g' = ps1 ++ Doc p' povs : ps2 in doc{grammar=Doc g' govs} type Item = (Symbol,[Symbol],[Symbol]) type State = (Int,[Item]) showItem :: Item -> String showItem (nt,xs,ys) = show nt ++ " -> " ++ intercalate " " (map show (reverse xs)) ++ " . " ++ intercalate " " (map show ys) showState :: State -> String showState (counter,items) = unlines (show counter : map showItem items) showLR0 :: [State] -> String showLR0 states = unlines (map showState states) startSymbol :: Grammar -> S.State DocLR0 Symbol startSymbol (Grammar ((lhs:_):_)) = return lhs initialDocLR0 :: Grammar -> DocLR0 initialDocLR0 (Grammar g) = DocLR0 { slide = 0 , grammar = Doc (map (\prod -> Doc (map (\sym -> Doc sym []) prod) []) g) [] , st = Doc ([],[]) [] , trans = Doc [] [] } docLRLatex :: Monad m => DocLR0 -> LaTeXT_ m docLRLatex x = do documentclass [a4paper] beamer -- raw "\\usepackage[lmargin=1cm]{geometry}" -- raw "\\usepackage[]{longtable}" usepackage [utf8] inputenc usepackage [] pforest -- usepackage [] qtree -- usepackage [] "tikz-qtree" -- usepackage [] tikz author "José Romildo Malaquias" title "LR Parsing" usetheme CambridgeUS document $ do frame maketitle frame $ do frametitle "Construção da tabela LR(0)" traceGrammar (grammar x) traceGrammar :: Monad m => DocGramar -> LaTeXT_ m traceGrammar (Doc prods _) = align_ $ map (\(Doc (Doc nt _ : _) _) -> texy nt) prods buildLR0 :: Grammar -> S.State DocLR0 () buildLR0 (Grammar _g) = do actProduction 0 "invisible" -- actProductionNumbers "invisible" nextSlide actProductionSymbol 1 0 "alert" nextSlide actProduction 0 "visible" nextSlide return () runLR0 :: Grammar -> DocLR0 runLR0 g = snd (runState (buildLR0 g) (initialDocLR0 g)) -- selectProductions :: Grammar -> Symbol -> [[Symbol]] -- selectProductions g lhs = filter ((== lhs) . head) g -- mkItems :: Grammar -> Symbol -> [Item] -- mkItems g nt = -- map (\(lhs:rhs) -> (lhs,[],rhs)) (selectProductions g nt) -- closure :: Grammar -> [Item] -> [Item] -- closure g items = -- go [] items -- where -- go items [] = reverse items -- go items (i@(_,_,N x:_):is) = -- go (i:items) -- (is ++ filter (\i -> not (elem i items) && not (elem i is)) -- (mkItems g (N x))) -- go items (i:is) = go (i:items) is -- push :: Item -> Item -- push (lhs,stack,x:xs) = (lhs,x:stack,xs) -- lr0 :: Grammar -> [State] -- lr0 g = -- go 2 [] [(1,closure g (mkItems g (startSymbol g)))] -- where -- go _ states [] = reverse states -- go counter states (st@(_,s0):ss) = -- go counter' (st:states) (ss++ss6) -- where -- s1 = filter (\(_,_,ys) -> not (null ys)) s0 -- ss2 = groupBy' (\(_,_,x:_) (_,_,y:_) -> x == y) s1 -- ss3 = map (map push) ss2 -- ss4 = map (closure g) ss3 -- ss5 = filter (\x -> isNew x st && all (isNew x) states && all (isNew x) ss) ss4 -- ss6 = zip [counter ..] ss5 -- counter' = counter + length ss5 -- isNew x (_,y) = x /= y
import Data.Char import Data.Int lowers :: String -> Int lowers xs = length [x | x <- xs, isLower x] count :: Char -> String -> Int count x xs = length [x' | x' <- xs, x == x'] positions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int] positions x xs = [i | (x', i) <- zip xs [0..n], x == x'] where n = length xs - 1 let2int :: Char -> Int let2int c = ord c - ord 'a' int2let :: Int -> Char int2let n = chr(ord 'a' + n) shift :: Int -> Char -> Char shift n c | isLower c = int2let ((let2int c + n) `mod` 26) | otherwise = c encode :: Int -> String -> String encode n xs = [shift n x | x <- xs] table :: [Float] table = [ 8.2, 1.5, 2.8, 4.3, 12.7, 2.2, 2.0, 6.1, 7.0, 0.2, 0.8, 4.0, 2.4, 6.7, 7.5, 1.9, 0.1, 6.0, 6.3, 9.1, 2.8, 1.0, 2.4, 0.2, 2.0, 0.1 ] percent :: Int -> Int -> Float percent n m = (fromIntegral n / fromIntegral m) * 100 freqs :: String -> [Float] freqs xs = [percent (count x xs) n | x <- ['a'..'z']] where n = lowers xs chisqr :: [Float ] -> [Float ] -> Float chisqr os es = sum[((o - e) ^ 2)/e | (o,e) <- zip os es] rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a] rotate n xs = drop n xs ++ take n xs crack :: String -> String crack xs = encode (-factor) xs where factor = head (positions (minimum chitab) chitab) chitab = [chisqr (rotate n table') table | n <- [0..25]] table' = freqs xs
module Protocol where import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Foldable import Control.Monad import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver.Connection import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver.StatementStorage import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver.Query import Database.PostgreSQL.Driver.Error import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Types import Database.PostgreSQL.Protocol.Codecs.Encoders as PE import Connection testProtocolMessages :: TestTree testProtocolMessages = testGroup "Protocol messages" [ testCase "Simple query " testSimpleQuery , testCase "Extended query" testExtendedQuery , testCase "Extended query empty query" testExtendedEmptyQuery , testCase "Extended query no data" testExtendedQueryNoData ] -- | Tests multi-command simple query. testSimpleQuery :: IO () testSimpleQuery = withConnectionCommonAll $ \c -> do let rawConn = connRawConnection c statement = StatementSQL $ "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS a;" <> "CREATE TABLE a(v int);" <> "INSERT INTO a VALUES (1), (2), (3);" <> "SELECT * FROM a;" <> "DROP TABLE a;" sendMessage rawConn $ SimpleQuery statement msgs <- collectUntilReadyForQuery c assertNoErrorResponse msgs assertContains msgs isCommandComplete "Command complete" where isCommandComplete (CommandComplete _) = True isCommandComplete _ = False -- Tests all messages that are permitted in extended query protocol. testExtendedQuery :: IO () testExtendedQuery = withConnectionCommonAll $ \c -> do let rawConn = connRawConnection c sname = StatementName "statement" pname = PortalName "portal" statement = StatementSQL "SELECT $1 + $2" sendMessage rawConn $ Parse sname statement [Oid 23, Oid 23] sendMessage rawConn $ Bind pname sname Text [Just $ PE.bytea "1", Just $ PE.bytea "2"] Text sendMessage rawConn $ Execute pname noLimitToReceive sendMessage rawConn $ DescribeStatement sname sendMessage rawConn $ DescribePortal pname sendMessage rawConn $ CloseStatement sname sendMessage rawConn $ ClosePortal pname sendMessage rawConn Flush sendMessage rawConn Sync msgs <- collectUntilReadyForQuery c assertNoErrorResponse msgs assertContains msgs isBindComplete "BindComplete" assertContains msgs isCloseComplete "CloseComplete" assertContains msgs isParseComplete "ParseComplete" assertContains msgs isDataRow "DataRow" assertContains msgs isCommandComplete "CommandComplete" assertContains msgs isParameterDecription "ParameterDescription" assertContains msgs isRowDescription "RowDescription" where isBindComplete BindComplete = True isBindComplete _ = False isCloseComplete CloseComplete = True isCloseComplete _ = False isParseComplete ParseComplete = True isParseComplete _ = False isDataRow DataRow{} = True isDataRow _ = False isCommandComplete (CommandComplete _) = True isCommandComplete _ = False isParameterDecription (ParameterDescription _) = True isParameterDecription _ = False isRowDescription (RowDescription _) = True isRowDescription _ = False -- | Tests that PostgreSQL returns `EmptyQueryResponse` when a query -- string is empty. testExtendedEmptyQuery :: IO () testExtendedEmptyQuery = withConnectionCommonAll $ \c -> do let rawConn = connRawConnection c sname = StatementName "statement" pname = PortalName "" statement = StatementSQL "" sendMessage rawConn $ Parse sname statement [] sendMessage rawConn $ Bind pname sname Text [] Text sendMessage rawConn $ Execute pname noLimitToReceive sendMessage rawConn Sync msgs <- collectUntilReadyForQuery c assertNoErrorResponse msgs assertContains msgs isEmptyQueryResponse "EmptyQueryResponse" where isEmptyQueryResponse EmptyQueryResponse = True isEmptyQueryResponse _ = False -- | Tests that `desribe statement` receives NoData when a statement -- has no data in the result. testExtendedQueryNoData :: IO () testExtendedQueryNoData = withConnectionCommonAll $ \c -> do let rawConn = connRawConnection c sname = StatementName "statement" statement = StatementSQL "SET client_encoding to UTF8" sendMessage rawConn $ Parse sname statement [] sendMessage rawConn $ DescribeStatement sname sendMessage rawConn Sync msgs <- collectUntilReadyForQuery c assertContains msgs isNoData "NoData" where isNoData NoData = True isNoData _ = False -- | Assert that list contains element satisfies predicat. assertContains :: Either Error [ServerMessage] -> (ServerMessage -> Bool) -> String -> Assertion assertContains (Left e) _ _ = assertFailure $ "Got Error" ++ show e assertContains (Right msgs) f name = assertBool ("Does not contain" ++ name) $ any f msgs -- | Assert there are on `ErrorResponse` in the list. assertNoErrorResponse :: Either Error [ServerMessage] -> Assertion assertNoErrorResponse (Left e) = assertFailure $ "Got Error" ++ show e assertNoErrorResponse (Right msgs) = assertBool "Occured ErrorResponse" $ all (not . isError) msgs where isError (ErrorResponse _) = True isError _ = False
module Provider ( FakeProvider() , activeInteractions , verifiedInteractions , addInteraction , setInteractions , resetInteractions , findInteractionForRequest , recordRequest , verifyInteractions , getVerifiedInteractions , FakeProviderState , newFakeProviderState , run ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Pact as P data FakeProvider = FakeProvider { activeInteractions :: [P.Interaction] , matchedInteractions :: [P.Interaction] , verifiedInteractions :: [P.Interaction] , mismatchedRequests :: [P.Request] } deriving (Show) initialFakeProvider :: FakeProvider initialFakeProvider = FakeProvider [] [] [] [] addInteraction :: P.Interaction -> State FakeProvider ([P.Interaction]) addInteraction i = do modify $ \p -> p { activeInteractions = (i : activeInteractions p) } gets $ \p -> activeInteractions p setInteractions :: [P.Interaction] -> State FakeProvider () setInteractions is = modify $ \p -> p { activeInteractions = is } resetInteractions :: State FakeProvider () resetInteractions = modify $ \p -> p { activeInteractions = [], mismatchedRequests = [], matchedInteractions = [] } findInteractionForRequest :: P.Request -> State FakeProvider ([(P.Interaction, [P.ValidationError])]) findInteractionForRequest req = gets $ \p -> map toTuple $ activeInteractions p where toTuple :: P.Interaction -> (P.Interaction, [P.ValidationError]) toTuple interaction = (interaction, P.validateRequest (P.interactionRequest interaction) req) addInteractionMatch :: P.Interaction -> State FakeProvider () addInteractionMatch i = modify $ \p -> p { matchedInteractions = (i : matchedInteractions p) , verifiedInteractions = (i : verifiedInteractions p) } addMismatchedRequest :: P.Request -> State FakeProvider () addMismatchedRequest i = modify $ \p -> p { mismatchedRequests = (i : mismatchedRequests p) } recordRequest :: P.Request -> State FakeProvider (Either [(P.Interaction, [P.ValidationError])] P.Interaction) recordRequest req = do interactions <- findInteractionForRequest req let (successful, failed) = L.partition (null . snd) interactions case successful of -- we only care about the first match and ignore later matches ((interaction, _):_) -> do addInteractionMatch interaction pure (Right interaction) [] -> do addMismatchedRequest req pure (Left failed) verifyInteractions :: State FakeProvider (Bool, [P.Request], [P.Interaction], [P.Interaction]) verifyInteractions = gets $ \p -> let isSuccess = (length $ mismatchedRequests p) == 0 && (length $ matchedInteractions p) == (length $ activeInteractions p) in (isSuccess, mismatchedRequests p, matchedInteractions p, activeInteractions p) where getVerifiedInteractions :: State FakeProvider [P.Interaction] getVerifiedInteractions = gets verifiedInteractions -- Transactions type FakeProviderState = TVar FakeProvider type FakeProviderTX a = FakeProviderState -> STM (a, FakeProvider) newFakeProviderState :: IO FakeProviderState newFakeProviderState = newTVarIO initialFakeProvider liftTX :: State FakeProvider a -> FakeProviderTX a liftTX m v = do (a, s) <- runState m <$> readTVar v writeTVar v s return (a, s) runTX :: FakeProviderState -> FakeProviderTX a -> IO a runTX fps tx = atomically (tx fps) >>= \(a, _) -> pure a run :: FakeProviderState -> State FakeProvider a -> IO a run fps = runTX fps . liftTX
module Proxy.Query.ImportAllQueries ( module Proxy.Query.Tech, module Proxy.Query.Upgrade, module Proxy.Query.Unit) where import Proxy.Query.Tech import Proxy.Query.Upgrade import Proxy.Query.Unit
module Validation where import Data.Either.Validation import Control.Applicative import Data.Semigroup data Errors = DividedByZero | StackOverflow | MooglesChewedWires deriving (Eq, Show) -- using Validation rather than Either ... success :: Validation [Errors] Int success = Success (+1) <*> Success 1 failure = Success (+1) <*> Failure [StackOverflow] failure' :: Validation [Errors] Int failure' = Failure [StackOverflow] <*> Success (+1) failures :: Validation [Errors] Int failures = Failure [MooglesChewedWires] <*> Failure [StackOverflow]
{-| Module : Web.Facebook.Messenger.Types.Callbacks.Read Copyright : (c) Felix Paulusma, 2016 License : MIT Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : semi-experimental This callback will occur when a message a page has sent has been read by the user. You can subscribe to this callback by selecting the @"message_reads"@ field when setting up your webhook. -} module Web.Facebook.Messenger.Types.Callbacks.Read ( -- * Message Read Callback ReadCallback (..) ) where import Data.Aeson import Web.Facebook.Messenger.Internal -- --------------- -- -- READ CALLBACK -- -- --------------- -- -- | Callback that certain messages have been read -- -- The `rWatermark` field is used to determine which messages were read. -- It represents a timestamp indicating that all messages with a timestamp before watermark were read by the recipient. data ReadCallback = ReadCallback { rWatermark :: Integer -- ^ All messages that were sent before this timestamp were read , rSeq :: Maybe Integer -- ^ Sequence number } deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord) -- ---------------- -- -- READ INSTANCES -- -- ---------------- -- instance FromJSON ReadCallback where parseJSON = withObject "ReadCallback" $ \o -> ReadCallback <$> o .: "watermark" <*> o .:? "seq" instance ToJSON ReadCallback where toJSON (ReadCallback watermark seq') = object' [ "watermark" .=! watermark , "seq" .=!! seq' ]
-- | -- The @FP15.Evaluator@ module contains the Haskell implementation of FP15. -- The evaluator accepts FP15 definitions in the form of 'BaseExpr', which is generated -- by the compiler, and translates the definitions into a map of Haskell functions. module FP15.Evaluator where import FP15.Evaluator.Types() import FP15.Evaluator.Contract() import FP15.Evaluator.Number() import FP15.Evaluator.Standard() import FP15.Evaluator.Translation()
module U.Codebase.Sqlite.Patch.TermEdit where import Data.Bifoldable (Bifoldable (bifoldMap)) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap)) import Data.Bitraversable (Bitraversable (bitraverse)) import U.Codebase.Reference (Reference') import qualified U.Codebase.Referent as Referent import qualified U.Codebase.Sqlite.DbId as Db import U.Codebase.Sqlite.LocalIds (LocalDefnId, LocalTextId) type TermEdit = TermEdit' Db.TextId Db.ObjectId type LocalTermEdit = TermEdit' LocalTextId LocalDefnId type Referent' t h = Referent.Referent' (Reference' t h) (Reference' t h) data TermEdit' t h = Replace (Referent' t h) Typing | Deprecate deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- Replacements with the Same type can be automatically propagated. -- Replacements with a Subtype can be automatically propagated but may result in dependents getting more general types, so requires re-inference. -- Replacements of a Different type need to be manually propagated by the programmer. data Typing = Same | Subtype | Different deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Bifunctor TermEdit' where bimap f g (Replace r t) = Replace (bimap (bimap f g) (bimap f g) r) t bimap _ _ Deprecate = Deprecate instance Bifoldable TermEdit' where bifoldMap f g (Replace r _t) = bifoldMap (bifoldMap f g) (bifoldMap f g) r bifoldMap _ _ Deprecate = mempty instance Bitraversable TermEdit' where bitraverse f g (Replace r t) = Replace <$> bitraverse (bitraverse f g) (bitraverse f g) r <*> pure t bitraverse _ _ Deprecate = pure Deprecate
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Grammar.Greek.Morph.Forms.Enclitic where import Grammar.Greek.Morph.QuasiQuoters import Grammar.Greek.Morph.Types -- Smyth 181 -- εἰμί pres indic except εἶ -- φημί pres indic except φῄς -- the inseparable -δε in ὅδε, τοσόσδε encliticForms :: [ AccentedWord ] encliticForms = [accentedWords| μοῦ μοί μέ σοῦ σοί σέ οὗ οἷ ἕ τίς τί τοῦ τῷ τινός τινί πού ποθί πῄ ποί ποθέν ποτέ πώ πώς ἐστί ἐστίν ἐσμέν ἐστέ εἰσί εἰσίν φημί φησί φαμέν φατέ φασί φασίν γέ τέ τοί πέρ |]
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-typed-holes #-} module Main where import MockAPI import Servant import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp import Data.Text (Text) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Data.Map as M import Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip import Shaped import Generics.SOP import Data.Functor.Const server :: Server MockApi server = combinedValidations :<|> serveAssets :<|> serveJS where serveAssets = serveDirectory "./mockClient/assets" serveJS = serveDirectory "./mockClient/js/" authenticate :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => User -> m Text authenticate u | correctInfo = liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> return "Authenticated" | userPresent = liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> return "Wrong password" | otherwise = liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) >> return "Not Authenticated" where users = M.fromList [ ("[email protected]", "pass1") , ("[email protected]", "pass2") , ("[email protected]", "pass3") ] correctInfo = M.lookup (userMail u) users == Just (userPassword u) userPresent = userMail u `elem` M.keys users serverSideValidation :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => User -> m (Either (UserShaped (Const (Maybe Text))) User) serverSideValidation u | correctInfo = do liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) return (Right u) | not userPresent = do liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) return . Left $ UserShaped (Const $ Just "The user mail is not present") (Const Nothing) | otherwise = do liftIO (threadDelay 1000000) return . Left $ UserShaped (Const Nothing) (Const $ Just "The password is wrong") where users = M.fromList [ ("[email protected]", "pass1") , ("[email protected]", "pass2") , ("[email protected]", "pass3") ] correctInfo = M.lookup (userMail u) users == Just (userPassword u) userPresent = userMail u `elem` M.keys users combinedValidations :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => User -> m (Either (UserShaped (Const (Maybe Text))) User) combinedValidations u = case transfGen $ validateRecord u clientValidation of Left a -> return $ Left a Right b -> serverSideValidation b main :: IO () main = run 8081 (gzip gzipSettings $ serve (Proxy @MockApi) server) where gzipSettings = def { gzipFiles = GzipCompress }
module Main where import System.Environment(getArgs) import System.Exit(exitWith) import System.Process(rawSystem) import SHK main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let srcFiles = filter isJSHSource args mapM_ kompile srcFiles let jArgs = map (\a -> if isJSHSource a then toJavaFileExt a else a) args exitCode <- rawSystem "javac" jArgs exitWith exitCode
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-dodgy-exports -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | Reexports "Prelude.Compat" -- from a globally unique namespace. module Prelude.Compat.Repl ( module Prelude.Compat ) where import "this" Prelude.Compat
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI #-} module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.CustomEvent (js_initCustomEvent, initCustomEvent, js_getDetail, getDetail, CustomEvent, castToCustomEvent, gTypeCustomEvent) where import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import GHCJS.Types (JSVal(..), JSString) import GHCJS.Foreign (jsNull) import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback (syncCallback, asyncCallback, syncCallback1, asyncCallback1, syncCallback2, asyncCallback2, OnBlocked(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSVal(..), FromJSVal(..)) import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure (PToJSVal(..), PFromJSVal(..)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word, Word64) import GHCJS.DOM.Types import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import GHCJS.DOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName) import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.Enums foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"initCustomEvent\"]($2, $3,\n$4, $5)" js_initCustomEvent :: CustomEvent -> JSString -> Bool -> Bool -> JSVal -> IO () -- | < Mozilla CustomEvent.initCustomEvent documentation> initCustomEvent :: (MonadIO m, ToJSString typeArg) => CustomEvent -> typeArg -> Bool -> Bool -> JSVal -> m () initCustomEvent self typeArg canBubbleArg cancelableArg detailArg = liftIO (js_initCustomEvent (self) (toJSString typeArg) canBubbleArg cancelableArg detailArg) foreign import javascript unsafe "$1[\"detail\"]" js_getDetail :: CustomEvent -> IO JSVal -- | < Mozilla CustomEvent.detail documentation> getDetail :: (MonadIO m) => CustomEvent -> m JSVal getDetail self = liftIO (js_getDetail (self))
{- | Module : $Header$ Description : coerce logic entities dynamically Copyright : (c) T. Mossakowski, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2005-2006 License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt Maintainer : [email protected] Stability : provisional Portability : non-portable (various -fglasgow-exts extensions) Functions for coercion used in Grothendieck.hs and Analysis modules: These tell the typechecker that things dynamically belong to the same logic -} module Logic.Coerce where import Logic.Logic import Logic.Prover import Common.ExtSign import Common.Id import Common.Result import Common.AS_Annotation import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Dynamic import ATC.LibName () import ATC.Prover () import ATC.ExtSign () -- coercion using the language name primCoerce :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Language lid1, Language lid2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> a -> m b primCoerce i1 i2 err a = if language_name i1 == language_name i2 then return $ fromDyn (toDyn a) $ error "primCoerce" else fail $ (if null err then "" else err ++ ": ") ++ "Logic " ++ language_name i2 ++ " expected, but " ++ language_name i1 ++ " found" unsafeCoerce :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Language lid1, Language lid2) => lid1 -> lid2 -> a -> b unsafeCoerce i1 i2 a = maybe (error "unsafeCoerce") id $ primCoerce i1 i2 "" a coerceToResult :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Language lid1, Language lid2) => lid1 -> lid2 -> Range -> a -> Result b coerceToResult i1 i2 pos a = adjustPos pos $ primCoerce i1 i2 "" a coerceSublogic :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> sublogics1 -> m sublogics2 coerceSublogic l1 l2 msg s1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg s1 forceCoerceSublogic :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) => lid1 -> lid2 -> sublogics1 -> sublogics2 forceCoerceSublogic l1 l2 s1 = unsafeCoerce l1 l2 s1 coercePlainSign :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> sign1 -> m sign2 coercePlainSign l1 l2 msg s1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg s1 coerceSign :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> ExtSign sign1 symbol1 -> m (ExtSign sign2 symbol2) coerceSign l1 l2 msg s1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg s1 coerceBasicTheory :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> (sign1, [Named sentence1]) -> m (sign2, [Named sentence2]) coerceBasicTheory l1 l2 msg t1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg t1 coerceSens :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> [Named sentence1] -> m [Named sentence2] coerceSens l1 l2 msg t1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg t1 coerceMorphism :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> morphism1 -> m morphism2 coerceMorphism l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1 coerceSymbol :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) => lid1 -> lid2 -> symbol1 -> symbol2 coerceSymbol l1 l2 s1 = unsafeCoerce l1 l2 s1 coerceSymbolmap :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Typeable a) => lid1 -> lid2 -> Map.Map symbol1 a -> Map.Map symbol2 a coerceSymbolmap l1 l2 sm1 = unsafeCoerce l1 l2 sm1 coerceMapofsymbol :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Typeable a) => lid1 -> lid2 -> Map.Map a symbol1 -> Map.Map a symbol2 coerceMapofsymbol l1 l2 sm1 = unsafeCoerce l1 l2 sm1 coerceSymbItemsList :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> [symb_items1] -> m [symb_items2] coerceSymbItemsList l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1 coerceSymbMapItemsList :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> [symb_map_items1] -> m [symb_map_items2] coerceSymbMapItemsList l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1 coerceProofStatus :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> ProofStatus proof_tree1 -> m (ProofStatus proof_tree2) coerceProofStatus l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1 coerceSymbolSet :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> Set.Set symbol1 -> m (Set.Set symbol2) coerceSymbolSet l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1 coerceRawSymbolMap :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> EndoMap raw_symbol1 -> m (EndoMap raw_symbol2) coerceRawSymbolMap l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1 coerceFreeDefMorphism :: (Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1, Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2, Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String -> FreeDefMorphism sentence1 morphism1 -> m (FreeDefMorphism sentence2 morphism2) coerceFreeDefMorphism l1 l2 msg freedef = primCoerce l1 l2 msg freedef
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ExistentialQuantification, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} -- Copyright (C) JP Bernardy 2009 -- | This module defines implementations of syntax-awareness drivers. module Yi.Syntax.Driver where import Yi.Prelude import Prelude () import Data.List (takeWhile, unzip) import Yi.Syntax hiding (Cache) import Yi.Syntax.Tree import Yi.Lexer.Alex (Tok) import Yi.Region import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Map (Map) type Path = [Int] data Cache state tree tt = Cache { path :: M.Map Int Path, cachedStates :: [state], root :: tree (Tok tt), focused :: !(M.Map Int (tree (Tok tt))) } mkHighlighter :: forall state tree tt. (IsTree tree, Show state) => (Scanner Point Char -> Scanner state (tree (Tok tt))) -> Highlighter (Cache state tree tt) (tree (Tok tt)) mkHighlighter scanner = Yi.Syntax.SynHL { hlStartState = Cache M.empty [] emptyResult M.empty , hlRun = updateCache , hlGetTree = \(Cache _ _ _ focused) w -> M.findWithDefault emptyResult w focused , hlFocus = focus } where startState :: state startState = scanInit (scanner emptyFileScan) emptyResult = scanEmpty (scanner emptyFileScan) updateCache :: Scanner Point Char -> Point -> Cache state tree tt -> Cache state tree tt updateCache newFileScan dirtyOffset (Cache path cachedStates oldResult _) = Cache path newCachedStates newResult M.empty where newScan = scanner newFileScan reused :: [state] reused = takeWhile ((< dirtyOffset) . scanLooked (scanner newFileScan)) cachedStates resumeState :: state resumeState = if null reused then startState else last reused newCachedStates = reused ++ fmap fst recomputed recomputed = scanRun newScan resumeState newResult :: tree (Tok tt) newResult = if null recomputed then oldResult else snd $ head $ recomputed focus r c@(Cache path states root _focused) = (Cache path' states root focused) where (path', focused) = unzipFM $ zipWithFM (\newpath oldpath -> fromNodeToFinal newpath (oldpath,root)) [] r path unzipFM :: Ord k => [(k,(u,v))] -> (Map k u, Map k v) unzipFM l = (M.fromList mu, M.fromList mv) where (mu, mv) = unzip [((k,u),(k,v)) | (k,(u,v)) <- l] zipWithFM :: Ord k => (u -> v -> w) -> v -> Map k u -> Map k v -> [(k,w)] zipWithFM f v0 mu mv = [ (k,f u (M.findWithDefault v0 k mv) ) | (k,u) <- M.assocs mu] emptyFileScan :: Scanner Point Char emptyFileScan = Scanner { scanInit = 0, scanRun = const [], scanLooked = id, scanEmpty = error "emptyFileScan: no scanEmpty" }
module Main where import qualified Control.Exception as E import PrelSequent import Sequent import Interaction import PSequent import PrSequent import Calculi import Axioms import Natural import System.Process (system) import System.IO (hFlush, stdout) import System.IO.Error (isEOFError) -- sequent calculus proof editor. Aarne Ranta 8/4/1999 -- 26/4 -- 14/11/2000 main :: IO () main = do putStr welcomeMsg _ <- editProofs ((rulesOfCalculus (Calculus ["G3i"]), Goal ([],[])),[]) return () welcomeMsg = "\nWelcome to a proof editor for sequent calculus, version January 1, 2015." ++++ "Originally written by Aarne Ranta, and modified by Tomoaki Hashizaki [email protected]" ++++ "Starting with the calculus G3i (intuitionistic predicate calculus)." ++++ "Type ? for help on available commands.\n\n" editProofs :: (Env,[String]) -> IO (Proof,String) editProofs envh@(env@(calculus,tree),history) = do putStr "|- " hFlush stdout s <- getLine `E.catch` (\e -> if isEOFError e then return "q" else ioError e) let (comm,m0) = case pCommand calculus s of (x,""):_ -> (x, "") _ -> (CVoid, "No parse of command\n") (tree',m1) = exec comm env (env',msg) = ((calculus,tree'), m0 ++ m1) history' = history ++ [s] envh' = (env', history') in do putStr "\n" putStr msg putStr "\n" case comm of CAxioms file -> do s <- readFileIf file let (na@(_,a),m) = readAxioms s a' = axioms2calculus a in do putStr m writeAndLatexFile (file ++".rules") (prLatexAxioms na) editProofs ((calculus ++ a', tree'),history') CLatex file -> do writeAndLatexFile file (prLatexProof tree') editProofs envh' CNatural file -> do let nat = proof2nat tree' writeAndLatexFile file (prLatexFile (prNatProof nat)) editProofs envh' CHistory file -> do writeFile file (foldr (++++) "" (history ++ ["q"])) editProofs envh' CChange calc' -> let (c,m) = changeCalculus calculus calc' in do putStr m editProofs ((c,tree'),history') CQuit -> do writeFile "myhistory.txt" (foldr (++++) "" (history ++ ["q"])) putStr "history written in myhistory.txt\n" return (tree',"") CManual -> do system "latex manual.tex >& /dev/null ; xdvi manual.dvi &" editProofs envh' _ -> editProofs envh' ----------------------- writeAndLatexFile file content = do writeFile (file ++ ".tex") content system ("latex" +++ file ++ ".tex >& /dev/null ; xdvi" +++ file ++ ".dvi &") return () type Env = (AbsCalculus, Proof) data Command = CRefine [Int] (Int,Int) Ident | CInstance Ident Term | CTry [Int] Int | CNew Sequent | CRemove [Int] | CShowGoals | CShowTree | CShowApplicable [Int] | CChange Calculus | CAxioms String | CQuit | CLatex String | CNatural String | CHistory String | CHelp | CManual | CVoid exec :: Command -> Env -> (Proof,String) exec c env@(calculus,tree) = case c of CRefine g (i,j) r -> (t, m ++++ prProof t) where (t,m) = refine (calculus,tree) g (i,j) r CInstance par term -> (t, prProof t) where t = instantiate calculus par term tree CTry g limit -> (t, m ++++ prProof t) where (t,m) = tryRefine (calculus,tree) g limit CNew sequent -> (t, prProof t) where t = Goal sequent CRemove ints -> (t, m ++++ prProof t) where (t,m) = remove tree ints CShowGoals -> (tree, prGoals (goalsOfProof tree)) CShowTree -> (tree, prProofNodes True tree) CShowApplicable g -> (tree, showAllApplicableRules (calculus,tree) g) CChange _ -> (tree, "") CAxioms file -> (tree, "axioms written in" +++ file ++ ".rules.tex") CLatex file -> (tree, "proof written in" +++ file ++ ".tex") CNatural file -> (tree, "natural deduction tree written in" +++ file ++ ".tex") CHistory file -> (tree, "history written in" +++ file) CHelp -> (tree, helpMessage) CManual -> (tree, "") CQuit -> (tree, "Goodbye") _ -> (tree, "no command processed") helpMessage = "Commands:\n" ++++ " r goal [A int] [S int] rule - refine goal with rule (A changes active" ++++ " formula in antecedent, S in succedent)" ++++ " i parametre term - instantiate parametre with term" ++++ " t goal int - try to refine goal to depth int" ++++ " n sequent - new sequent to prove" ++++ " u node - remove subtree node" ++++ " s - show subgoals" ++++ " w - show current proof tree" ++++ " a goal - show rules applicable to goal" ++++ " c calculus - change calculus into one of" ++++ " " ++ prCalculi ++++ " x file - read axioms from file and write rules into" ++++ " file.rules.tex" ++++ " l [file] - print current proof in LaTeX to file," ++++ " which is by default myproof.tex" ++++ " d [file] - print current proof in natural deduction to"++++ " LaTeX file, which is by default" ++++ " mydeduction.tex (works only for G3i, G3ip)" ++++ " h [file] - print history to file," ++++ " which is by default myhistory.txt" ++++ " ? - print this help message" ++++ " m - show the PESCA manual" ++++ " q - write history in myhistory.txt and quit\n" ---------------------- pCommand calculus = jL "r" +.. pGoalId ... pJ (jL "A" +.. pIntc ||| succeed 1) ... pJ (jL "S" +.. pIntc ||| succeed 1) ... pJ pRuleIdent *** (\ (g,(i,(j,r))) -> CRefine g (i,j) r) ||| jL "i" +.. pRuleIdent ... pJ pTerm *** uncurry CInstance ||| jL "x" +.. pRuleIdent *** CAxioms ||| jL "t" +.. pGoalId ... pJ pIntc *** uncurry CTry ||| jL "n" +.. pSequent *** CNew ||| jL "u" +.. pGoalId *** CRemove ||| jL "s" <<< CShowGoals ||| jL "w" <<< CShowTree ||| jL "a" +.. pGoalId *** CShowApplicable ||| jL "c" +.. pTList "+" pRuleIdent *** CChange . Calculus ||| jL "l" +.. (pRuleIdent ||| succeed "myproof") *** CLatex ||| jL "d" +.. (pRuleIdent ||| succeed "mydeduction") *** CNatural ||| jL "h" +.. (pRuleIdent ||| succeed "myhistory.txt") *** CHistory ||| jL "?" <<< CHelp ||| jL "m" <<< CManual ||| jL "q" <<< CQuit --------------------- showAllApplicableRules :: (AbsCalculus,Proof) -> [Int] -> String showAllApplicableRules (calculus,proof) ints = case lookup ints [x | Left x <- goalsOfProof proof] of Just sequent -> foldr ((++++) . prAr) [] (allApplicableRules calculus sequent) _ -> prGoalId ints +++ "does not exist" where prAr ((sq,(i,j)),((r,_),_)) = "r" +++ prGoalId ints +++ "A" ++ show i +++ "S" ++ show j +++ r +++ "--" +++ prSequent sq ----------------------- changeCalculus calc calc' = case rcalc' of [] -> (calc, "new calculus not recognized\n") _ -> (rcalc', "new calculus has" +++ show (length rcalc') +++ "rules\n") where rcalc' = rulesOfCalculus calc'
-- | Manipulation of Limit-deterministic Buchi automata module OmegaAutomata.LDBA(PowerPair, isLimitDeterministic, toLDBA) where import OmegaAutomata.Automata import Data.Graph.Inductive import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Bimap as B import Data.List (nub) type PowerPair q = ([q], [q]) -- | Check whether NBA is limit-deterministic isLimitDeterministic :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -- ^ The NBA to be checked -> Bool -- ^ Indicates whether automaton is limit-det. isLimitDeterministic a = S.isSubsetOf (accept a) (deterministicPart a) deterministicPart :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -> S.Set q deterministicPart a = let g = graph a transGraph = trc g succDeterministic i = hasNoDuplicates $ map snd (lsuc g i) det = [i | i <- nodes g, all succDeterministic (suc transGraph i)] in S.fromList $ map (toState a) det hasNoDuplicates :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Bool hasNoDuplicates xs = S.size (S.fromList xs) == length xs -- | Convert NBA into equivalent LDBA using Courcoubetis and Yannakakis' construction -- (c.f. article "The Complexity of Probabilistic Verification" by the same authors). toLDBA :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -- ^ The NBA to be converted -> NBA (Int, PowerPair q) a ([l], [l]) -- ^ The equivalent LDBA toLDBA a = let ts = pairTransClosure a [([f],[f]) | f <- S.toList (accept a)] ps = concat [[p1, p2] | (p1, _, p2) <- ts] ls = [(labels q1 a, labels q2 a) | (q1, q2) <- ps] as = [(qs1, qs2) | (qs1, qs2) <- ps, qs1 == qs2] part1 = (liftStateToPair a){accept = S.fromList []} part2 = makeNBA (zip ps ls) ts [] as trans12 = [((1, (qs, [])), l, (2, ([f], [f]))) | f <- S.toList (accept a) , (qs, l) <- combine (pres a f)] in insertTrans trans12 $ buchiUnion part1 part2 -- | Make transition for pair of sets of states, -- as described in the article by Courcoubetis and Yannakakis pairTrans :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -> PowerPair q -> [(PowerPair q, a)] pairTrans a (qs1, qs2) = let ts1 = powerSucc a qs1 acc1 = [f | f <- qs1, S.member f (accept a)] qs2' l = if qs1 == qs2 then powerASucc a acc1 l else powerASucc a (qs2 ++ [f | f <- acc1, not (f `elem` qs2)]) l in [((qs1', nub (qs2' l)), l) | (qs1', l) <- ts1] -- | Compute all transitions reachable from list of pairs of states pairTransClosure :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -> [PowerPair q] -> [(PowerPair q, a, PowerPair q)] pairTransClosure a ps = [(ps1, l, ps2) | (ps1, vs) <- M.assocs (genPowerSet a (M.fromList []) ps) , (ps2, l) <- vs] -- | Compute power-set construction for pairs of sets of states, as described in the article -- by Courcoubetis and Yannakakis genPowerSet :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -> M.Map (PowerPair q) [(PowerPair q, a)] -> [PowerPair q] -> M.Map (PowerPair q) [(PowerPair q, a)] genPowerSet a m (p:ps) = let psl' = (pairTrans a p) ps' = [p' | (p', _) <- psl', not (M.member p' m)] in if M.member p m then genPowerSet a m ps else genPowerSet a (M.insert p psl' m) (ps' ++ ps) genPowerSet _ m [] = m -- | Lift states q and labels in an NBA -- to pair of states ([q], []) and pair of labels ([l], []) liftStateToPair :: (Ord q, Ord a) => NBA q a l -> NBA (PowerPair q) a ([l], [l]) liftStateToPair a = let liftToPair q = ([q], []) in a{ states = liftToPair (states a) , bimap = liftToPair (bimap a) , graph = nmap (\l -> ([l], [])) (graph a) , start = liftToPair (start a) , accept = liftToPair (accept a) } -- | Return labels corresponding to list of states labels :: (Ord q) => [q] -> NBA q a l -> [l] labels qs a = [label q a | q <- qs]
module Day01Spec where import Day01 import SpecHelper newtype ParenthesisString = ParenthesisString { unwrapString :: String} deriving (Show) genParenthesis :: Gen Char genParenthesis = elements "()" genParenthesisString :: Gen String genParenthesisString = listOf genParenthesis instance Arbitrary ParenthesisString where arbitrary = ParenthesisString <$> genParenthesisString prop_sum :: ParenthesisString -> ParenthesisString -> Bool prop_sum ps1 ps2 = elevator s1 + elevator s2 == elevator (s1 ++ s2) where s1 = unwrapString ps1 s2 = unwrapString ps2 prop_limit :: ParenthesisString -> Bool prop_limit ps = elevator s <= length s && elevator s >= - length s where s = unwrapString ps prop_reverse :: ParenthesisString -> Bool prop_reverse ps = elevator s == elevator (reverse s) where s = unwrapString ps spec :: Spec spec = do describe "elevator" $ do it "fullfill the sum property" $ property prop_sum it "fullfill the limit property" $ property prop_limit it "fullfill the reverse property" $ property prop_reverse it "return 2 in this case" $ elevator "((" `shouldBe` 2 describe "firstBasement" $ do it "return 1 in this case" $ firstBasement ")" `shouldBe` 1 it "return 1 in this case" $ firstBasement "))()()((()))((()" `shouldBe` 1 it "return 17 in this case" $ firstBasement "(((()(())())())))" `shouldBe` 17
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns, DeriveDataTypeable, ParallelListComp, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} module Fcr.Monad where import Fcr.Syntax import Fcr.PrettyPrinting import Text.PrettyPrint import Data.Typeable import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Exception import qualified Data.Map as M -- import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Control.Monad.Reader import Text.Parsec.Pos import Data.List data Env = Env{axioms :: [(Name, Exp)], lemmas :: [(Name, (Exp, Exp))], -- (name, (proof, formula)) rules :: [(Name, Exp)], tacs :: [((Name, Exp), [Tactic])], kinds ::[(Name, Kind)], pfdecls ::[(Name, Exp, Exp)], -- (name, formula, proof) steps :: [(Name, Int)] } deriving Show constKinds :: [(Name, Exp)] -> [(Name, Kind)] constKinds rules = let res = concat $ map (\ (_, t) -> helper t) rules in nub $ res where helper (Arrow t1 t2) = getKinds t1 ++ getKinds t2 helper (a@(Forall x t)) = helper $ viewFBody a helper (Imply t1 t2) = helper t1 ++ helper t2 helper a = getKinds a getKinds :: Exp -> [(Name, Kind)] getKinds t = case flatten t of (Const x):xs -> let arity = length xs k = aToKind arity in (x, k):(concat $ map getKinds xs) (Var x):xs -> concat $ map getKinds xs _ -> error "impossible happens in getKinds function" aToKind :: Int -> Kind aToKind n | n == 0 = Star | n > 0 = KArrow Star (aToKind (n-1)) instance Disp Env where disp (Env as lms rs ts ks pfs ss) = text "rewrite rules" $$ (vcat (map (\ (n, exp) -> disp n <+> text ":" <+> disp exp) rs)) $$ text "kinds" $$ (vcat (map (\ (n, exp) -> disp n <+> text ":" <+> disp exp) ks)) $$ text "axioms" $$ (vcat (map (\ (n, exp) -> disp n <+> text ":" <+> disp exp) as)) $$ text "proof declarations" $$ (sep (map (\ (n, exp, pf) -> (disp n <+> text ":" <+> disp exp <+> text "=") $$ disp pf) pfs)) $$ text "lemmas" $$ (vcat (map (\ (n, (pf, exp)) -> (disp n <+> text ":" <+> disp exp <+> text "=") $$ (nest 2 $ disp pf)) lms)) $$ text "steps" $$ (vcat (map (\ (n, num) -> text "step" <+> text n <+> int num) ss)) emptyEnv :: Env emptyEnv = Env {axioms = [], lemmas = [], rules = [], tacs = [], kinds = [], pfdecls = [], steps = []} extendAxiom :: Name -> Exp -> Env -> Env extendAxiom v ts e@(Env {axioms}) = e{axioms = (v , ts) : axioms} extendLemma :: Name -> Exp -> Exp -> Env -> Env extendLemma v pf t e@(Env {lemmas}) = e{lemmas = (v, (pf, t)):lemmas} extendRule :: Name -> Exp -> Env -> Env extendRule v ts e@(Env {rules}) = e{rules = (v , ts) : rules} extendTac :: Name -> Exp -> [Tactic] -> Env -> Env extendTac v es ts e@(Env {tacs}) = e{tacs = ((v, es), ts) : tacs} addKinds :: [(Name, Kind)] -> Env -> Env addKinds ks e@(Env {kinds}) = e{kinds = ks} addSteps :: [(Name, Int)] -> Env -> Env addSteps ks e@(Env {steps}) = e{steps = ks} addDecls :: [(Name, Exp, Exp)] -> Env -> Env addDecls ks e@(Env {pfdecls}) = e{pfdecls = ks}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.DFAReporting.ContentCategories.Patch -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Updates an existing content category. This method supports patch -- semantics. -- -- /See:/ < Campaign Manager 360 API Reference> for @dfareporting.contentCategories.patch@. module Network.Google.Resource.DFAReporting.ContentCategories.Patch ( -- * REST Resource ContentCategoriesPatchResource -- * Creating a Request , contentCategoriesPatch , ContentCategoriesPatch -- * Request Lenses , ccpXgafv , ccpUploadProtocol , ccpAccessToken , ccpUploadType , ccpProFileId , ccpPayload , ccpId , ccpCallback ) where import Network.Google.DFAReporting.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @dfareporting.contentCategories.patch@ method which the -- 'ContentCategoriesPatch' request conforms to. type ContentCategoriesPatchResource = "dfareporting" :> "v3.5" :> "userprofiles" :> Capture "profileId" (Textual Int64) :> "contentCategories" :> QueryParam "id" (Textual Int64) :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] ContentCategory :> Patch '[JSON] ContentCategory -- | Updates an existing content category. This method supports patch -- semantics. -- -- /See:/ 'contentCategoriesPatch' smart constructor. data ContentCategoriesPatch = ContentCategoriesPatch' { _ccpXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _ccpUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _ccpAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _ccpUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _ccpProFileId :: !(Textual Int64) , _ccpPayload :: !ContentCategory , _ccpId :: !(Textual Int64) , _ccpCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'ContentCategoriesPatch' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'ccpXgafv' -- -- * 'ccpUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'ccpAccessToken' -- -- * 'ccpUploadType' -- -- * 'ccpProFileId' -- -- * 'ccpPayload' -- -- * 'ccpId' -- -- * 'ccpCallback' contentCategoriesPatch :: Int64 -- ^ 'ccpProFileId' -> ContentCategory -- ^ 'ccpPayload' -> Int64 -- ^ 'ccpId' -> ContentCategoriesPatch contentCategoriesPatch pCcpProFileId_ pCcpPayload_ pCcpId_ = ContentCategoriesPatch' { _ccpXgafv = Nothing , _ccpUploadProtocol = Nothing , _ccpAccessToken = Nothing , _ccpUploadType = Nothing , _ccpProFileId = _Coerce # pCcpProFileId_ , _ccpPayload = pCcpPayload_ , _ccpId = _Coerce # pCcpId_ , _ccpCallback = Nothing } -- | V1 error format. ccpXgafv :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch (Maybe Xgafv) ccpXgafv = lens _ccpXgafv (\ s a -> s{_ccpXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). ccpUploadProtocol :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch (Maybe Text) ccpUploadProtocol = lens _ccpUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_ccpUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. ccpAccessToken :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch (Maybe Text) ccpAccessToken = lens _ccpAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_ccpAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). ccpUploadType :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch (Maybe Text) ccpUploadType = lens _ccpUploadType (\ s a -> s{_ccpUploadType = a}) -- | User profile ID associated with this request. ccpProFileId :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch Int64 ccpProFileId = lens _ccpProFileId (\ s a -> s{_ccpProFileId = a}) . _Coerce -- | Multipart request metadata. ccpPayload :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch ContentCategory ccpPayload = lens _ccpPayload (\ s a -> s{_ccpPayload = a}) -- | ContentCategory ID. ccpId :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch Int64 ccpId = lens _ccpId (\ s a -> s{_ccpId = a}) . _Coerce -- | JSONP ccpCallback :: Lens' ContentCategoriesPatch (Maybe Text) ccpCallback = lens _ccpCallback (\ s a -> s{_ccpCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest ContentCategoriesPatch where type Rs ContentCategoriesPatch = ContentCategory type Scopes ContentCategoriesPatch = '[""] requestClient ContentCategoriesPatch'{..} = go _ccpProFileId (Just _ccpId) _ccpXgafv _ccpUploadProtocol _ccpAccessToken _ccpUploadType _ccpCallback (Just AltJSON) _ccpPayload dFAReportingService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy ContentCategoriesPatchResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Google.Resource.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.Customers.Devices.Unclaim -- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay -- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. -- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <[email protected]> -- Stability : auto-generated -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- Unclaims a device from a customer and removes it from zero-touch -- enrollment. After removing a device, a customer must contact their -- reseller to register the device into zero-touch enrollment again. -- -- /See:/ < Android Device Provisioning Partner API Reference> for @androiddeviceprovisioning.customers.devices.unclaim@. module Network.Google.Resource.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.Customers.Devices.Unclaim ( -- * REST Resource CustomersDevicesUnclaimResource -- * Creating a Request , customersDevicesUnclaim , CustomersDevicesUnclaim -- * Request Lenses , cduParent , cduXgafv , cduUploadProtocol , cduAccessToken , cduUploadType , cduPayload , cduCallback ) where import Network.Google.AndroidDeviceProvisioning.Types import Network.Google.Prelude -- | A resource alias for @androiddeviceprovisioning.customers.devices.unclaim@ method which the -- 'CustomersDevicesUnclaim' request conforms to. type CustomersDevicesUnclaimResource = "v1" :> Capture "parent" Text :> "devices:unclaim" :> QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :> QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :> QueryParam "access_token" Text :> QueryParam "uploadType" Text :> QueryParam "callback" Text :> QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> ReqBody '[JSON] CustomerUnclaimDeviceRequest :> Post '[JSON] Empty -- | Unclaims a device from a customer and removes it from zero-touch -- enrollment. After removing a device, a customer must contact their -- reseller to register the device into zero-touch enrollment again. -- -- /See:/ 'customersDevicesUnclaim' smart constructor. data CustomersDevicesUnclaim = CustomersDevicesUnclaim' { _cduParent :: !Text , _cduXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv) , _cduUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text) , _cduAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text) , _cduUploadType :: !(Maybe Text) , _cduPayload :: !CustomerUnclaimDeviceRequest , _cduCallback :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) -- | Creates a value of 'CustomersDevicesUnclaim' with the minimum fields required to make a request. -- -- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired: -- -- * 'cduParent' -- -- * 'cduXgafv' -- -- * 'cduUploadProtocol' -- -- * 'cduAccessToken' -- -- * 'cduUploadType' -- -- * 'cduPayload' -- -- * 'cduCallback' customersDevicesUnclaim :: Text -- ^ 'cduParent' -> CustomerUnclaimDeviceRequest -- ^ 'cduPayload' -> CustomersDevicesUnclaim customersDevicesUnclaim pCduParent_ pCduPayload_ = CustomersDevicesUnclaim' { _cduParent = pCduParent_ , _cduXgafv = Nothing , _cduUploadProtocol = Nothing , _cduAccessToken = Nothing , _cduUploadType = Nothing , _cduPayload = pCduPayload_ , _cduCallback = Nothing } -- | Required. The customer managing the device. An API resource name in the -- format \`customers\/[CUSTOMER_ID]\`. cduParent :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim Text cduParent = lens _cduParent (\ s a -> s{_cduParent = a}) -- | V1 error format. cduXgafv :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim (Maybe Xgafv) cduXgafv = lens _cduXgafv (\ s a -> s{_cduXgafv = a}) -- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\"). cduUploadProtocol :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim (Maybe Text) cduUploadProtocol = lens _cduUploadProtocol (\ s a -> s{_cduUploadProtocol = a}) -- | OAuth access token. cduAccessToken :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim (Maybe Text) cduAccessToken = lens _cduAccessToken (\ s a -> s{_cduAccessToken = a}) -- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\"). cduUploadType :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim (Maybe Text) cduUploadType = lens _cduUploadType (\ s a -> s{_cduUploadType = a}) -- | Multipart request metadata. cduPayload :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim CustomerUnclaimDeviceRequest cduPayload = lens _cduPayload (\ s a -> s{_cduPayload = a}) -- | JSONP cduCallback :: Lens' CustomersDevicesUnclaim (Maybe Text) cduCallback = lens _cduCallback (\ s a -> s{_cduCallback = a}) instance GoogleRequest CustomersDevicesUnclaim where type Rs CustomersDevicesUnclaim = Empty type Scopes CustomersDevicesUnclaim = '[] requestClient CustomersDevicesUnclaim'{..} = go _cduParent _cduXgafv _cduUploadProtocol _cduAccessToken _cduUploadType _cduCallback (Just AltJSON) _cduPayload androidDeviceProvisioningService where go = buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy CustomersDevicesUnclaimResource) mempty
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module TestUtil where import BeholderObserver.Data import Test.QuickCheck import Data.Text as T instance Arbitrary Project where arbitrary = Project <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary DocSet where arbitrary = DocSet <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Doc where arbitrary = TextDoc <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Text where arbitrary = T.pack <$> arbitrary
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast (enrich) where import Haddock.Syb import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types import qualified GHC import Control.Applicative import Data.Data import Data.Maybe -- | Add more detailed information to token stream using GHC API. enrich :: GHC.RenamedSource -> [Token] -> [RichToken] enrich src = map $ \token -> RichToken { rtkToken = token , rtkDetails = enrichToken token detailsMap } where detailsMap = concatMap ($ src) [ variables , types , decls , binds , imports ] -- | A map containing association between source locations and "details" of -- this location. -- -- For the time being, it is just a list of pairs. However, looking up things -- in such structure has linear complexity. We cannot use any hashmap-like -- stuff because source locations are not ordered. In the future, this should -- be replaced with interval tree data structure. type DetailsMap = [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)] lookupBySpan :: Span -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails lookupBySpan tspan = listToMaybe . map snd . filter (matches tspan . fst) enrichToken :: Token -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails enrichToken (Token typ _ spn) dm | typ `elem` [TkIdentifier, TkOperator] = lookupBySpan spn dm enrichToken _ _ = Nothing -- | Obtain details map for variables ("normally" used identifiers). variables :: GHC.RenamedSource -> DetailsMap variables = everything (<|>) (var `combine` rec) where var term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsVar name))) -> pure (sspan, RtkVar (GHC.unLoc name)) (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.RecordCon (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _))) -> pure (sspan, RtkVar name) _ -> empty rec term = case cast term of Just (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.L sspan name) (_ :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name) _) -> pure (sspan, RtkVar name) _ -> empty -- | Obtain details map for types. types :: GHC.RenamedSource -> DetailsMap types = everything (<|>) ty where ty term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsTyVar name))) -> pure (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name)) _ -> empty -- | Obtain details map for identifier bindings. -- -- That includes both identifiers bound by pattern matching or declared using -- ordinary assignment (in top-level declarations, let-expressions and where -- clauses). binds :: GHC.RenamedSource -> DetailsMap binds = everything (<|>) (fun `combine` pat `combine` tvar) where fun term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name)) -> pure (sspan, RtkBind name) _ -> empty pat term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.L sspan (GHC.VarPat name))) -> pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name)) (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.ConPatIn (GHC.L sspan name) recs))) -> [(sspan, RtkVar name)] ++ everything (<|>) rec recs (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.AsPat (GHC.L sspan name) _))) -> pure (sspan, RtkBind name) _ -> empty rec term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.L sspan name) (_ :: GHC.LPat GHC.Name) _)) -> pure (sspan, RtkVar name) _ -> empty tvar term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.L sspan (GHC.UserTyVar name))) -> pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name)) (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.KindedTyVar (GHC.L sspan name) _))) -> pure (sspan, RtkBind name) _ -> empty -- | Obtain details map for top-level declarations. decls :: GHC.RenamedSource -> DetailsMap decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group) [ concat . map typ . concat . map GHC.group_tyclds . GHC.hs_tyclds , everything (<|>) fun . GHC.hs_valds , everything (<|>) (con `combine` ins) ] where typ (GHC.L _ t) = case t of GHC.DataDecl name _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name GHC.SynDecl name _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name GHC.FamDecl fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam GHC.ClassDecl{..} -> [decl tcdLName] ++ concatMap sig tcdSigs fun term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name)) | GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name) _ -> empty con term = case cast term of (Just cdcl) -> map decl (GHC.getConNames cdcl) ++ everything (<|>) fld cdcl Nothing -> empty ins term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.DataFamInstD inst)) -> pure . tyref $ GHC.dfid_tycon inst (Just (GHC.TyFamInstD (GHC.TyFamInstDecl (GHC.L _ eqn) _))) -> pure . tyref $ GHC.tfe_tycon eqn _ -> empty fld term = case cast term of Just (field :: GHC.ConDeclField GHC.Name) -> map (decl . fmap GHC.selectorFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field Nothing -> empty sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig names _)) = map decl names sig _ = [] decl (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkDecl name) tyref (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name) -- | Obtain details map for import declarations. -- -- This map also includes type and variable details for items in export and -- import lists. imports :: GHC.RenamedSource -> DetailsMap imports src@(_, imps, _, _) = everything (<|>) ie src ++ mapMaybe (imp . GHC.unLoc) imps where ie term = case cast term of (Just (GHC.IEVar v)) -> pure $ var v (Just (GHC.IEThingAbs t)) -> pure $ typ t (Just (GHC.IEThingAll t)) -> pure $ typ t (Just (GHC.IEThingWith t _ vs _fls)) -> [typ t] ++ map var vs _ -> empty typ (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name) var (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkVar name) imp idecl | not . GHC.ideclImplicit $ idecl = let (GHC.L sspan name) = GHC.ideclName idecl in Just (sspan, RtkModule name) imp _ = Nothing -- | Check whether token stream span matches GHC source span. -- -- Currently, it is implemented as checking whether "our" span is contained -- in GHC span. The reason for that is because GHC span are generally wider -- and may spread across couple tokens. For example, @(>>=)@ consists of three -- tokens: @(@, @>>=@, @)@, but GHC source span associated with @>>=@ variable -- contains @(@ and @)@. Similarly, qualified identifiers like @Foo.Bar.quux@ -- are tokenized as @Foo@, @.@, @Bar@, @.@, @quux@ but GHC source span -- associated with @quux@ contains all five elements. matches :: Span -> GHC.SrcSpan -> Bool matches tspan (GHC.RealSrcSpan aspan) | saspan <= stspan && etspan <= easpan = True where stspan = (posRow . spStart $ tspan, posCol . spStart $ tspan) etspan = (posRow . spEnd $ tspan, posCol . spEnd $ tspan) saspan = (GHC.srcSpanStartLine aspan, GHC.srcSpanStartCol aspan) easpan = (GHC.srcSpanEndLine aspan, GHC.srcSpanEndCol aspan) matches _ _ = False
-- | -- Module: LTL -- Description: Bounded Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) operators -- Copyright: (c) 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois, Inc. -- -- Bounded Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) operators. For a bound @n@, a property -- @p@ holds if it holds on the next @n@ transitions (between periods). If -- @n == 0@, then the trace includes only the current period. For example, -- -- @ -- eventually 3 p -- @ -- -- holds if @p@ holds at least once every four periods (3 transitions). -- -- /Interface:/ See @Examples/LTLExamples.hs@ in the -- < Copilot repository>. -- -- You can embed an LTL specification within a Copilot specification using the -- form: -- -- @ -- operator spec -- @ -- -- For some properties, stream dependencies may not allow their specification. -- In particular, you cannot determine the "future" value of an external -- variable. In general, the "Copilot.Library.PTLTL" library is probably more useful. {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Copilot.Library.LTL ( next, eventually, always, until, release ) where import Copilot.Language import Copilot.Library.Utils -- | Property @s@ holds at the next period. For example: -- -- @ -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- s => F F F T F F T F ... -- next s => F F T F F T F ... -- @ -- Note: s must have sufficient history to 'drop' a value from it. next :: Stream Bool -> Stream Bool next = drop ( 1 :: Int ) -- | Property @s@ holds for the next @n@ periods. We require @n >= 0@. If @n == -- 0@, then @s@ holds in the current period, e.g., if @p = always 2 s@, then we -- have the following relationship between the streams generated: -- -- @ -- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -- s => T T T F T T T T ... -- p => T F F F T T ... -- @ always :: ( Integral a ) => a -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool always n = nfoldl1 ( fromIntegral n + 1 ) (&&) -- | Property @s@ holds at some period in the next @n@ periods. If @n == 0@, -- then @s@ holds in the current period. We require @n >= 0@. E.g., if @p = -- eventually 2 s@, then we have the following relationship between the streams -- generated: -- -- @ -- s => F F F T F F F T ... -- p => F T T T F T T T ... -- @ eventually :: ( Integral a ) => a -- ^ 'n' -> Stream Bool -- ^ 's' -> Stream Bool eventually n = nfoldl1 ( fromIntegral n + 1 ) (||) -- | @until n s0 s1@ means that @eventually n s1@, and up until at least the -- period before @s1@ holds, @s0@ continuously holds. until :: ( Integral a ) => a -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool until n s0 s1 = foldl1 (||) v0 where n' = fromIntegral n v0 = [ always ( i :: Int ) s0 && drop ( i + 1 ) s1 | i <- [ 0 .. n' - 1 ] ] -- | @release n s0 s1@ means that either @always n s1@, or @s1@ holds up to and -- including the period at which @s0@ becomes true. release :: ( Integral a ) => a -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool -> Stream Bool release n s0 s1 = always n s1 || foldl1 (||) v0 where n' = fromIntegral n v0 = [ always ( i :: Int ) s1 && drop i s0 | i <- [ 0 .. n' - 1 ] ]
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Network.Mircy.Internal where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Reader import qualified Data.ByteString as B import System.IO newtype MircyT m a = MircyT (ReaderT Handle m a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadIO) type Mircy a = MircyT IO a runMircyT :: MircyT m a -> Handle -> m a runMircyT (MircyT r) = runReaderT r instance (Monad m) => MonadReader Handle (MircyT m) where ask = MircyT ask local f (MircyT m) = MircyT $ local f m class MonadMircy m where getIRCHandle :: (Monad m) => m Handle instance (Monad m) => MonadMircy (MircyT m) where getIRCHandle = ask data IRCMessage = IRCReply Int B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCError Int B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCNotice B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCUnknown B.ByteString | IRCMsg B.ByteString B.ByteString B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCJoinMsg B.ByteString B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCNickMsg B.ByteString B.ByteString B.ByteString deriving (Eq, Show) data IRCCommand = IRCUser B.ByteString B.ByteString B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCNick B.ByteString | IRCJoin B.ByteString | IRCPrivMsg B.ByteString B.ByteString | IRCQuit (Maybe B.ByteString) | IRCWho (Maybe (B.ByteString, Bool))
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | This module contains Haskell variables representing globally visible -- names for files, paths, extensions. module Language.Rsc.Core.Files ( -- * Hardwired paths getPreludeJSONPath , getPreludeTSPath , getDomJSONPath , getDomTSPath , getTSBindPath ) where import Paths_refscript import System.FilePath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getPreludeTSPath, getDomTSPath, getPreludeJSONPath, getDomJSONPath :: IO FilePath ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- getPreludeTSPath = getDataFileName "include/prelude.d.ts" getDomTSPath = getDataFileName "include/ambient/dom.ts" getPreludeJSONPath = (`replaceExtension` ".json") <$> getPreludeTSPath getDomJSONPath = (`replaceExtension` ".json") <$> getDomTSPath getTSBindPath = getDataFileName "./ext/tsc-bin/built/local/tsc-refscript.js"
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.GL.EXT.FramebufferObject -- Copyright : (c) Sven Panne 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Sven Panne <[email protected]> -- Stability : stable -- Portability : portable -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.GL.EXT.FramebufferObject ( -- * Extension Support glGetEXTFramebufferObject, gl_EXT_framebuffer_object, -- * Enums pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT10_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT11_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT12_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT13_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT14_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT15_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT3_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT4_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT5_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT6_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT7_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT8_EXT, pattern GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT9_EXT, pattern GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_FORMATS_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED_EXT, pattern GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_EXT, pattern GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS_EXT, pattern GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE_EXT, pattern GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_EXT, pattern GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_EXT, pattern GL_STENCIL_INDEX16_EXT, pattern GL_STENCIL_INDEX1_EXT, pattern GL_STENCIL_INDEX4_EXT, pattern GL_STENCIL_INDEX8_EXT, -- * Functions glBindFramebufferEXT, glBindRenderbufferEXT, glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT, glDeleteFramebuffersEXT, glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT, glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT, glFramebufferTexture1DEXT, glFramebufferTexture2DEXT, glFramebufferTexture3DEXT, glGenFramebuffersEXT, glGenRenderbuffersEXT, glGenerateMipmapEXT, glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT, glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT, glIsFramebufferEXT, glIsRenderbufferEXT, glRenderbufferStorageEXT ) where import Graphics.GL.ExtensionPredicates import Graphics.GL.Tokens import Graphics.GL.Functions
module Yhc.Core.Firstify.Mitchell.Terminate( Terminate, emptyTerminate, addInline, askInline, addSpec, askSpec, cloneSpec ) where import qualified Data.Homeomorphic as H import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Maybe import Debug.Trace import Yhc.Core import Yhc.Core.Util data Terminate = Terminate {verbose :: Bool ,terminate :: Map.Map CoreFuncName Term } data Term = Term {specs :: [H.Homeomorphic CoreExpr1 CoreExpr] ,inlined :: Set.Set CoreFuncName } homeoOrder = 8 :: Int insertH key val [] = error "Logic fault, insertH" insertH key val (x:xs) | isNothing (H.findOne key x) = H.insert key val x : xs | otherwise = x : insertH key val xs findH key xs = if any null res then [] else concat res where res = map (H.find key) xs get name t = Map.findWithDefault emptyTerm name (terminate t) modify t name op = t{terminate = Map.insert name (op $ get name t) (terminate t)} logger t msg answer = (if verbose t && not answer then trace msg else id) answer emptyTerminate :: Bool -> Terminate emptyTerminate b = Terminate b Map.empty emptyTerm :: Term emptyTerm = Term (replicate homeoOrder H.empty) Set.empty addInline :: CoreFuncName -> CoreFuncName -> Terminate -> Terminate addInline within on t = modify t within $ \x -> x{inlined = Set.insert on $ inlined x} askInline :: CoreFuncName -> CoreFuncName -> Terminate -> Bool askInline within on t = logger t ("Skipped inlining of: " ++ on ++ " within " ++ within) $ on `Set.notMember` inlined (get within t) addSpec :: CoreFuncName -> CoreExpr -> Terminate -> Terminate addSpec within on t = modify t within $ \x -> x{specs = insertH (specKey on) on $ specs x} specKey = shellify . blurVar askSpec :: CoreFuncName -> CoreExpr -> Terminate -> Bool askSpec within on t = logger t ("Skipped spec of:\n" ++ show on ++ "\nbecause of\n" ++ show res) $ length res < 1 where res = findH (specKey on) $ specs $ get within t cloneSpec :: CoreFuncName -> CoreFuncName -> Terminate -> Terminate cloneSpec from to t = case Map.lookup from (terminate t) of Nothing -> t Just y -> t{terminate = Map.insert to y{inlined=Set.empty} $ terminate t}