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Is this Santa and his reindeer taking their sleigh for a test flight with just three weeks to go until Christmas Day ? An aircraft with the call sign SANTA1 was spotted flying over Norway and Sweden on its way to the Arctic Circle this week . But it turns out it was n't the big man 's sleigh -- it was a British Airways plane ferrying passengers to see Santa Claus himself in snowy Lapland in northern Finland . British Airways uses the call sign SANTA1 for Christmas-themed journeys . An aircraft with the call sign SANTA1 was spotted over Norway and Sweden on its way to the Arctic Circle . The Airbus A320 flew from London Gatwick Airport to Rovaniemi on Tuesday to give the lucky group a chance to meet Mr and Mrs Claus and his elves and reindeer . The Christmas charter was full of families who were paying a visit to the Santa Claus Village amusement park . It was using a special call sign -- as opposed to a standard one starting with ` BA ' -- because it was on a Christmas-themed journey . Families were travelling to Rovaniemi , in northern Finland , to meet Santa Claus . British Airways owns the call signs SANTA1 and SANTA2 , which are used for flights with a Christmas theme . A British Airways spokesperson said : ` We have a scheduled timetable and sometimes there 's a chance that someone or a company has chartered an aircraft - a particular flight with a Christmas theme or purpose . ` British Airways own the call signs SANTA1 and SANTA2 . So we are able to name flights whenever it 's appropriate . ` It 's great that we can use these to make flights around this time of year that extra bit more special . ' | Aircraft with SANTA1 call sign was spotted over Norway and Sweden . British Airways plane was flying to Rovaniemi in northern Finland . Christmas charter was full of families who were visiting Santa Claus . | [[119, 242], [119, 156], [169, 242], [487, 593], [296, 346], [303, 365], [1001, 1038], [1041, 1060], [303, 365], [754, 796], [1001, 1009], [1063, 1084]] |
The job of a stunt pilot is already dangerous enough , but these thrillseekers took their job to even more extremes by performing tricks while their planes were chained together . The impressive video shows three stunt planes flying while chained wing-to-wing above an airfield near Neuquen , Argentina . The pilots perform incredible manoeuvres despite the heavy chains tethering them to one another . An impressive video has emerged of three stunt planes flying while chained wing-to-wing above an airfield near Neuquen , Argentina . The show was put on by members of the Escuadrilla Argentina de Acrobacia Aerea aerobatic team . The video begins with the planes lined up on the runway , the tethers dragging along on the ground between them . But as the propeller planes take off toward the skies , the pilots fan out and extend the chains to their maximum length . Flying in formation , the pilots put on a breathtaking show -- complete with steep dives and whirlwind loops . The video begins with the planes lined up on the runway , chains dragging along on the ground between them . As the propeller planes take off toward the skies , the pilots fan out and extend the tethers to their maximum . Flying in formation , the pilots put on a breathtaking show -- complete with steep dives and whirlwind loops . Although the video was filmed in April this year , it has just recently emerged online . | Aerobatic stunts filmed during an airshow near Neuquen , Argentina . In a unique twist , the propeller planes were tethered together by chains . Still , the pilots put on an impressive show , complete with loops and dives . | [[403, 422], [470, 521], [137, 179], [180, 290], [354, 402], [438, 521], [305, 345], [891, 928], [1224, 1261]] |
The Army completed its investigation last week into Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl 's disappearance from a base in Afghanistan five years ago , but the Pentagon said Tuesday that it does n't know when the report will be released . ` The investigating officer has done his work , but now that work is moving through the Army system , and at each stop ... there will ... be questions , requirements for clarification , ' Army Colonel Steve Warren told reporters . ` So it 's working its way through the system as would any other investigation . ' The results of the Army 's probe into whether Bergdahl deserted his post will most certainly be withheld from the public until after November 's elections , if it discloses its findings at all . SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO . Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was freed from captivity in May after Obama traded him for five Taliban commanders . Platoon mates of Bergdahl say he deserted but the Army is yet to release its formal report . The Pentagon 's announcement has Republicans and former platoon mates of Bergdahl 's wondering what 's taking so long , as the facts of the case appear fairly cut and dried on the surface . According to soldiers who served with Bergdahl , the 28-year-old willingly abandoned his base several days before he was kidnapped by the Taliban and taken hostage in June of 2009 . For nearly five years he was held captive by the terrorist organization until President Barack Obama and the Pentagon negotiated his release last May . Acting on his own authority , Obama traded five Taliban commanders who were being held in detention at Guantanamo Bay for the release of Bergdahl , who is now living and working at a base in San Antonio , Texas . Bergdahl has not spoken out publicly since his return to the U.S. and has reportedly refused to meet with his family in person . In June the Army announced that Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl , a veteran of two tours in Afghanistan , would lead it 's official review of Bergdahl 's conduct . The two-star general , who also serves as the deputy commanding general of 1st Corps at Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state , interviewed Bergdahl in August . If cleared of wrong doing , Sgt. Bergdahl stands to receive $ 200,000 in back pay and $ 150,000 compensation for his troubles . The Army said on Friday that it had received Dahl 's report and its ` reviewing it , ' but it has no timeline for the completion of its audit . ` As we stressed at on the onset , this will be a lengthy process conducted in accordance with applicable laws , regulation and policy , ' Army officials said in a statement . ` We recognize the importance of the media and the public understanding of our investigative process , and look forward to future discussions on this issue . The statement went on to say that ` the Army 's priority is ensuring that our process is thorough , factually accurate , impartial , and legally correct . ' ` Consequently , at this time , it would be inappropriate to speculate on the potential results or the amount of time the review process will take to complete . ' Reuters says that Colonel Warren , the Pentagon 's spokesperson , denied on Tuesday that the military was postponing the release of the report until after Election Day in order to give the president and his his political party cover from the potentially damning details of the probe . Watch the latest video at & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; a href = `` '' & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; / a & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; Watch the latest video at & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; a href = `` '' & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; lt ; / a & amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; amp ; gt ; . Bergdahl 's former platoon leader , Sgt. Evan Buetow , and Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters , a frequent Fox guest , joined Fox News ' Sean Hannity to discuss the Army 's announcement that it had not reached a verdict yet , even though the general conducting the investigation has finished his report . ` There 's no way that they can conclude this investigation without the truth , ' Buetow told Hannity . The truth , he said , is that Bergdahl deserted . ` There 's not one person -LSB- from his platoon -RSB- who disagrees , ' Buetow claimed . But members of Bergdahl 's unit say they do n't understand why the Army 's assessment is taking so long . Bergdahl 's former platoon leader , Sgt. Evan Buetow , has said on numerous occasions that after Bergdahl , then a private in the army , went missing , soldiers in his unit learned from locals they were observing over the radio that an American was wandering around town , looking for someone who spoke English so that he could communicate with the Taliban . ` We 've come out when he first got released , and we explained exactly what happened . He deserted his post , all on his own , and we 're now still sitting here waiting for answers , ' Buetow told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Tuesday evening . Buetow said he was interviewed Gen. Dahl and had a ` lengthy ' conversation with him about the details of Bergdahl 's disappearance , including the chatter the platoon heard over the radio . ' I have a list of the people that the general spoke to during this investigation , ' Buetow told Hannity . ` It 's everyone from the platoon , and I know exactly what they said . ` There 's no way that they can conclude this investigation without the truth . ' The truth , Buetow said , is that Bergdahl deserted . ` There 's not one person -LSB- from his platoon -RSB- who disagrees , ' Buetow said . Another former platoon mate of Bergdahl 's , Sgt. Jordan Vaughn , said Wednesday on Fox and Friends that he 's also suspicious of delay , given that the military had ` five years to investigate this , talk to everyone who was there , who was involved , talk to the family , check the emails , look at the facts . ' ` The only thing that was missing here , the only piece , is Bergdahl himself talking to him , ' he said . Vaughn suggested that part of the problem is that Dahl is not qualified to conduct the probe . ' I really want to see the line of questioning presented by Major General Dahl given that he is not an army investigator , ' Vaughn said . Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is pictured here in an undated photo provided to reporters by the Army . If Bergdahl is cleared of desertion charges , he 'll receive $ 200,000 in back pay and stands to gain another $ 150,000 in compensation for his ordeal . He later referred to Dahl as a ` general that has no experience ' leading ' a line of questioning in a criminal investigation . ' ` What are Gen. Dahl 's credentials ? ' he asked . Vaughn said if the Army does n't release its finished review to the public , he and other members of Bergdahl 's platoon would ` look into filing a Freedom of Information Act ' to obtain the report . Fox 's Kimberly Guilfoyle , who was filling in this morning for regular Fox and Friends host Elisabeth Hasselbeck , commented that it seemed ` very politically expedient ' that the Army is delaying the release of its report until after the election . On Tuesday night , Hannity noted that ` the Army says politics has nothing to do with ' the protracted wait . ` I 'm not sold , ' he said . Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters , a frequent Fox guest , told Hannity later in the show that he , too , believes the Obama administration may have asked the Army to sit on the verdict of its investigation until after Nov. 4 . ` When it comes to why it 's being withheld , it 's obvious . It 's got ta be withheld until after the election because no matter which way the report goes , Obama loses , ' he said . ` If the White House was able to exert sufficient pressure on the chain of command in the Pentagon to whitewash Bergdahl 's actions , then there 's gon na be this huge outcry from those serving in uniform , from veterans from conservatives , ' he noted . On the other hand , he said , ` if it turns out that the Army got some backbone and really looked at what Bergdahl did , listened to people like Sgt. Buetow and his platoon mates , and finds that , yes , he should be charged with desertion , well then the Rose Garden ceremony looks like an even greater debacle . ' ` So Obama has dug himself into a very deep hole , and he ca n't stop digging , ' he said , referring to a news conference the president held at the White House on the day of Bergdahl 's release with the sergeant 's parents . Peters claimed that he has ` nothing personal ' against Sgt. Bergdahl and that he 's never met him . ` This is about a much greater issue than one individual who appears to have deserted from his post and left his comrades behind in war time , ' he explained . ` The principle is this : the Obama administration really despises our military , in my view . And they understand why Bergdahl would desert , they just do n't understand why anybody would join the military . Returning back to the topic at hand , Peters said that ` if there 's a whitewash , and Bergdahl walks with all his back pay and stuff , the travesty , the precedent it sets for all future wars is that , `` Hey dude , it 's OK , man . You do n't like what 's going on , walk away , we 'll cover for you . '' ` That 's profoundly wrong , ' he concluded . | The Army completed its probe into Bergdahl last week , but the Pentagon said Tuesday it does n't know when the report will be released . Republicans and former platoon mates of Bergdahl 's are wondering what 's taking so long . ` We explained exactly what happened . He deserted his post ... and we 're now still sitting here waiting for answers , ' Bergdahl 's former platoon leader said . If the Army does n't release its finished review to the public , a member of Bergdahl 's platoon said he may file a Freedom of Information Act request . | [[0, 56], [136, 218], [533, 615], [638, 687], [907, 953], [954, 1048], [1027, 1035], [1039, 1071], [3828, 3923], [3949, 4053], [4383, 4484], [861, 915], [954, 1048], [3828, 3923], [3949, 4053], [4239, 4248], [4261, 4288], [4485, 4518], [4531, 4634], [4895, 4931], [4976, 5005], [4976, 4978], [4987, 5025], [5543, 5552], [5569, 5596], [5684, 5726], [5750, 5783], [8707, 8769], [907, 953], [5684, 5726], [5750, 5783], [6766, 6942], [6843, 6886], [6900, 6940], [6943, 6965]] |
For some parents it can feel like their children are never going to leave home , but spare a thought for adult giant armadillos . New research , using automatic camera traps , has shown at these rare and elusive scaly-skinned mammals have to put up with some extremely clingy offspring . Scientists had thought that young giant armadillos struck out on their own to find their own territory at six weeks old , but research shows this is closer to 17 months . Scroll down for video . Remotely triggered camera trap pictures showed that Alex the young giant armadillo was still interacting , often in quite tender moments , with his mother more than a year after he should have become independent . The four year study of the termite-eating creatures revealed the youngsters continue sharing dens with their mothers long after they are capable of looking after themselves . The findings suggest that giant armadillos may be nature 's equivalent of human parents who suffer from so-called ` full-nest syndrome ' , where their adult children stay at home well into their thirties . Dr Arnaud Desbiez , head of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland 's Giant Armadillo Project , made the discovery while studying an adult female armadillo and her baby . Night time camera traps set up in the Pantanal tropical wetlands of Brazil captured the never seen before intimacy between the mother and her son , which scientists called Alex. Dr Desbiez said : ` We discovered that young giant armadillos continue to interact and share dens with their mothers for much longer than previously thought . ' He added that although the youngster began exploring and foraging on its own after six months , it continued to share a burrow for at least year after that . Giant armadillos live in burrows in wetland habitats in South America and although normally solitary , mothers seem to allow their offspring to continue living with them for at least a year after they can care for themselves . Dr Desbiez first captured pictures of the wild baby armadillo with his mother in 2012 and was able to watch as he grew up . While spending short amounts of time away from home foraging , Alex continued to regularly interact with her and either share her burrow or stay in another close by . It is still unclear exactly what age young armadillos finally break their ties completely from their mothers as Alex is continuing to cling to his patient mother . Giant armadillos are ` ecosystem engineers ' that help to protect other wildlife in the Brazilian wetlands from the searing tropical heat , according to previous work by Dr Arnaud Desbiez . Using camera traps in front 70 giant armadillo burrows to take pictures of animals that came to use the burrows . Published in the journal of Biotropica , the study found that the mounds attracted pumas , tapirs , a type of wild pig called Peccaries along with insects and amphibians . The burrows are thought to provide shelter for the animals from the heat during the day , and cold at night , by providing a stable temperature below ground . Dr Desbiez said : ` Think of them like wine cellars . ' Armadillos are the largest members of the Xenarthra order of mammals that includes anteaters and sloths , part of a family that goes back at least 65 million years . Covered in a flexible armour that consists of up to 17 bands of horn and bone , they can grow nearly five feet in length , weigh up to 110lbs and live up to 15 years . They have large powerful claws for tearing into termite mounds . However , observing these creatures in the wild is extremely difficult as they are nocturnal and spend much of their time in their burrows . Giant armadillos are currently categorized as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List as habitat loss and hunting has reduced their numbers . Dr Desbiez , a French researcher who lives in Pantanal , started studying giant armadillos in 2010 , using radio trackers and camera traps in an attempt to learn about their hidden lives . They found that gestation lasts five months instead of four and that they only give birth to one baby at a time , instead of two as had been believed . Dr Desbiez believes the animals only give birth once every two years , meaning they invest huge amounts in raising their young . His findings could also have a dramatic impact on attempts to conserve the mammals , as it means their population growth rates are extremely slow . With such a low birth rate , they can easily go extinct in local areas , he warned . Dr Desbiez was able to follow a mother giant armadillo and her baby , named Alex , from the moment of birth using specially designed night vision cameras that filmed their intimate parenting behaviour . Giant armadillos are rarely seen in the wild as they are nocturnal and tend not to live closely together so most research has been carried out on captive animals that have been kept in zoos . Dr Desbiez said : ` We have made lots exciting discoveries about their ecology and behaviour and interactions with other species and how their burrows are used by other species . ' Now he hopes his camera trap images of the giant armadillos can help to raise awareness of the secretive creatures . The pictures he has captured have been awarded a runner up prize in the New Behaviour and Rare Species categories of the BBC Wildlife Magazine Camera-trap Photo of the Year 2014 competition . Dr Desbiez said : ` The worldwide recognition of these rare photographs helps share the wonder and passion we feel for the mysterious giant armadillo . ` Due to its low population density , nocturnal activity and secretive nature , the giant armadillo could become locally extinct without anyone noticing . ' | Biologists captured intimate relationship between mother giant armadillo and her baby in the Pantanal tropical wetlands of Brazil . Scientists had thought young giant armadillos left the nest at six weeks old . But images show young male armadillo called Alex sharing den with his mother more than a year after he was capable of looking after himself . Female armadillos found to give birth to just one baby every two years . Study turns much of the accepted science about the animals on its head . It also has implications for how they are protected in the wild . | [[483, 654], [1078, 1095], [1176, 1250], [1251, 1274], [1282, 1396], [1975, 2060], [4498, 4565], [288, 428], [483, 654], [697, 824], [825, 871], [1389, 1396], [1416, 1428], [1429, 1444], [1449, 1587], [1590, 1740], [1686, 1747], [1851, 1858], [1864, 1937], [1975, 2060], [3984, 4112], [4136, 4204], [4265, 4347]] |
Crows use tools and can even outsmart a human child , and now scientists have found another way in which the birds are like us . In tests , the birds revealed a tendency to be either left or right beaked . Researchers studying New Caledonia crows discovered the clever corvids display a preference for holding a stick tool on a certain side of their beaks - and this could be to make the most of their wide field of vision . Crows show a tendency to be left or right beaked by holding tools such as sticks -LRB- pictured -RRB- on the right or left side of their beaks . Researchers believe the birds may be trying to keep the tip of the stick in view of the eye on the opposite side of their heads in order to use it in the most dexterous way . Researchers believe the birds may be trying to keep the tip of the stick in view of the eye on the opposite side of their heads , so they can see clearly in order to use tools in the most dexterous way . Lead scientist Dr Alejandro Kacelnik , from Oxford University , said : ` If you were holding a brush in your mouth and one of your eyes was better than the other at brush length , you would hold the brush so that its tip fell in view of the better eye . This is what the crows do . ' New Caledonian crows have surprised experts with their ability to use sticks to extract larvae from burrows and , in captivity , retrieve food placed out of reach . The new study , published in the journal Current Biology , also suggests that the birds ' unusually wide field of vision actually helps them to see better with one eye . New Caledonian crows -LRB- stock image -RRB- have surprised experts with their ability to use sticks to extract larvae from burrows and , in captivity , retrieve food placed out of reach . And now the new study suggests that the birds ' unusually wide field of vision actually helps them to see better with one eye . A previous experiment by the University of Cambridge proved that members of the crow family are n't just among the cleverest birds , they are smarter than most mammals - and can perform tasks that three and four-year-old children have difficulty with . Scientists said that , while having very different brain structures , both crows and primates use a combination of mental tools , including imagination and the anticipation of possible future events , to solve similar problems . Other experiments involving the same family of birds found that Caledonian crows can use up to three tools in sequence to obtain food . The University of Oxford 's Behavioural Ecology Research Group said this was the first demonstration of spontaneous sequential tool use in a species other than humans . A separate study also found rooks can use stones to raise the level of water in a vessel in order to bring a floating worm into reach . Urban-living carrion crows have been witnessed learning to use road traffic for cracking nuts . Co-author Dr Antone Martinho , also from Oxford University , said : ` We thought that their binocular fields would facilitate binocular vision , perhaps allowing the birds to judge the distance from tool tip to target . ` It turned out that , most frequently , they only see the tool tip and target with one eye at a time . ' Dr Kacelnik added : ` Birds and humans face similar problems in tool use and many other activities . ` Studying similar problems across species helps to put all of them in perspective . ' Scientists at the Language , Culture and Cognition lab at the University of Auckland have been studying the intelligence of tool-making New Caledonian crows for over 10 years . They have shown that crows can use tools to solve eight problems in a row . In February , Dr Alex Taylor , a Lecturer in Evolutionary Psychology set up an experiment in which a crow , named 007 , performed a series of tasks without seeing the difficult course beforehand . The wild crow learned to use individual props during its three months of captivity , but had to work out the order in which to use them to complete the challenge and get an inaccessible treat . The animal was later released . 007 completed the eight-stage puzzle in just two-and-a-half minutes . First , it pulled a string attached to the branch it perched on towards itself to reach a short stick dangling below . A crow , named 007 , performed a series of tasks without seeing a difficult course made up of eight problems , beforehand -LRB- illustrated -RRB- . The bird completed the eight-stage puzzle in just two-and-a-half minutes . Crows have a reasoning ability rivalling that of a human seven-year-old , research has shown . Scientists came to the conclusion after subjecting six wild New Caledonian crows to a battery of tests designed to challenge their understanding of cause and effect . The tasks were all variations of the Aesop 's fable , in which a thirsty crow drops stones to raise the level of water in a pitcher . In the ` water displacement task ' , crows worked out how to catch floating food rewards by dropping heavy objects into water-filled tubes . They demonstrated an ability to drop sinking rather than floating objects , solid rather than hollow objects , to choose a high water level tube over one with low water level , and a water-filled tube over one filled with sand . The birds ' understanding of the effects of volume displacement matched that of human children aged between five and seven , scinetists from the Univesrity of Auckland claimed . The crow then picked up the short stick in its mouth to complete stage one . It then immediately made its way to a narrow container containing a meaty treat and tried to use the stick to reach it - but it was too short . The bird kept hold of the stick and made its way to the first of three boxes , which each contained a stone unreachable without the stick behind wooden bars . 007 then used its stick to drag a stone from the first box and picked it up in its beak to complete stage two . But then it dropped the stone , seemingly temporarily stumped as what to do with it . However , the persistent creature picked up the stick again and retrieved a stone from the second of the boxes and placed it in a separate perspex container . 007 picked up the stone it had already retrieved and posted it into the clear container too , before retrieving the final stone from the final box . When it posted the last of the stones into the perspex box , its weight pushed down a compartment , which allowed the crow to access a long stick and complete stage eight . Armed with the long stick , the crow immediately used it to poke inside a narrow box treat containing a treat and dragged the morsel towards itself . The clever bird was rewarded for its hard work and mental agility in completing the series of eight challenges . | Scientists from Oxford University showed the birds display a preference for holding a stick tool on the right or left side of their beaks . This may be because they are trying to keep the tip of the stick in view . Technique enables them to use tools in the most dexterous way . Study hints bird 's wide field of vision helps them see better with one eye . | [[129, 137], [140, 205], [206, 357], [425, 569], [461, 539], [4580, 4600], [570, 706], [745, 872], [707, 738], [878, 882], [908, 942], [1398, 1454], [1462, 1567], [1757, 1884], [1793, 1884]] |
Adorable photos of a mother elephant scooping her calf out of a pool of water have emerged from South Africa . The mum and her herd came to the rescue of her baby - using only their trunks to fish him out . The photos were taken in Addo National Park near Port Elizabeth , in South Africa , where around 600 elephants call home . Adorable photos of an elephant and her herd scooping a baby calf out of the water have emerged . In Addo National Park in South Africa , a sweet baby calf tumbled into a pool of water . Amateur photographer Adele van Schalkwyk , who works as a technologist at a private pathology laboratory in Vredenburg , South Africa , said she could sense the emotion from the herd as she took the photos . She said : ` When I took these photographs , I was amazed to see the level of compassion and teamwork between the elephants helping the little one . ` From the moment they arrived at the dam , they were protecting the little one . When it slipped and fell in , they quickly came together and with their trunks , helped it out . ' The mum and her herd immediately sprung into action - fishing the baby out of the water with their trunks . Adele van Schalkwyk happened to be in the area and snapped several photos of the sweet moment . ` When I took these photographs , I was amazed to see the level of compassion and teamwork , ' she said . The 46-year-old photographer named the series Together with Love after one of the photos that shows four of the elephants helping the calf . Miss van Schalkwyk , who said she was happiest when photographing ` the gifts of nature ' , added : ` They tried to keep the calf away from the water . In one of the photos you can actually see how one uses her trunk to try and keep him away . ` But like a naughty child he did not listen and again slipped and fell . They quickly used their trunks to help him out though . ' The 46-year-old amateur photographer called the series of photos ` Together with Love ' Though the mother did try to keep the calf away from the water , he did n't listen ` like a naughty child ' But as soon as he slipped , the four elephants quickly used their trunks to rescue him . Addo National Park is the third largest in South Africa . The original elephant section of the park was developed in 1931 to protect the animals , when only around 11 elephants remained in the area . Miss van Schalkwyk said : ` So many elephants and animals are hunted to near extinction . It is important to see that these animals do have emotion and feelings and are not just something to profit by . ` In today 's world , with so many things going wrong , I think we humans can learn a lot from these animals . ' The Addo National Park is the third largest in South Africa and home to over 600 elephants . ` It is important to see that these animals do have emotion and feelings , ' van Schalkwyk explained . ' -LSB- Elephants -RSB- are not something to profit by , ' she added . ' I think we humans can learn a lot from these animals ' | A mother elephant was snapped scooping her calf out of a pool of water with the help of the herd . Mischievous baby slipped and fell despite mum attempting to keep him out of the water . Amateur photographer managed to capture the entire rescue on camera at South African safari park . | [[19, 54], [111, 188], [330, 411], [330, 382], [412, 426], [1054, 1161], [1472, 1504], [427, 464], [467, 515], [1505, 1523], [1597, 1602], [1607, 1656]] |
Biologists have proved that the gecko 's ability to climb and hang from slippery surfaces is effortless . A Tokay gecko is pictured . You may think Spiderman 's ability to scale vertical walls is pretty neat , but the superheroes abilities are nothing compared to a gecko 's . After years of wondering whether the lizards have to exert energy to stick to walls , biologists have proved their talent is effortless . Researchers found that the adhesive power comes purely from the adhesive toe pads on the underside of gecko feet . And they came to this conclusion by sticking dead geckos to slippery surfaces . The lizards , which are found in places with warm climates , can cling to even shiny vertical surfaces with the most remarkable strength . The tests were carried out by biologists at the University of California , Riverside . ` With regards to geckos , being sticky does n't require effort , ' Timothy Higham , an assistant professor of biology at the university said . Together with William Stewart , a postdoctoral researcher in his lab , Assistant Professor Higham found that ` dead geckos maintain the ability to adhere with the same force as living animals , eliminating the idea that strong adhesion requires active control . ' ` Death affects neither the motion nor the posture of clinging gecko feet . ` We found no difference in the adhesive force or the motion of clinging digits between our before - and after-death experiments . ' For years , it has been presumed that the ability to stick to surfaces has required muscle activity instigated by a gecko to push its foot and toes onto a surface to enhance adhesion . Researchers proved the sticking power simply comes from the adhesive toe pads -LRB- pictured -RRB- on the underside of gecko feet , by proving that even dead geckos can stick to walls . For years , it was presumed the ability required muscle activity instigated by a gecko to push its foot and toes onto a surface to enhance adhesion . Geckos climb on a wide variety of surfaces , including smooth surfaces such as glass . They have adhesive pressures of 15 to 30 pounds -LRB- 6.8 kg to 13.6 kg -RRB- per square inch for each limb , meaning a gecko can hang its entire body by one toe . A gecko 's toe consists of a microscopic hierarchical structure of stalk-like setae - 100 microns in length , 2 microns in radius . From individual setae , a bundle of hundreds of terminal tips called spatulae - approximately 200 nanometers in diameter at their widest - branch out and contact the climbing surface . These hairs create an electrostatic force known as Van der Waals . It causes neighbouring molecules to be attracted to each other . Although very weak , the effect is multiplied by thousands of tiny hairs that cover a gecko 's toes , allowing them to stick firmly to surfaces . To test the well-held belief , the biologists used a device involving a controlled pulling system . This device applied increasing pulling forces to a gecko foot and measured ` clings ' by pulling it in a controlled manner along a vertical acrylic sheet . It also recorded adhesion with video cameras . The experiments showed that the adhesive force , or motion , of a gecko foot when pulled along a vertical surface was similarly high and variable when the gecko was alive and immediately - within 30 minutes - after death . Geckos can climb a variety of surfaces , including smooth glass . Their sticky toes have even inspired climbing devices , such as so-called Spider-Man gloves . The toe pads on the underside of gecko feet contain tiny hair-like structures called setae , which stick to surfaces through frictional forces as well as forces between molecules , called van der Waals . These tiny structures are so strong that the setae on a single foot can support 20 times the gecko 's body weight . The controlled experiments are the first to show that dead animals maintain the ability to adhere with the same force as living animals . The results refute the notion that actions by a living gecko , such as muscle recruitment or neural activity , are required for gecko feet to generate forces . ` With regards to geckos , being sticky does n't require effort , ' Timothy Higham , an assistant professor of biology at the university said . A live Tokay gecko is shown . ` The idea that adhesion can be entirely passive could apply to many different kinds of adhesion , Professor Higham said . ` This is clearly a cost-effective way of remaining stationary in a habitat . For example , geckos could perch on a smooth vertical surface and sleep for the night - or day - without using any energy . ' The new work suggests that the ` active ' component of gecko adhesion is actually a reduction of adhesion force when the gecko lifts its feet by curling up the tips of the digits , while the rest of the foot remains on the surface . Dr Stewart explained : ` We found that the dead animals were more likely to experience damage to their adhesive system , which suggests that the active control may actually prevent injury . ` In other words , when the forces become too high , the gecko likely releases the system using its muscles . ' The study , which was published in the journal Biology Letters , may now be used to develop new robots . A climbing system inspired by geckos has turned Spider-Man fiction into fact by making it possible for a human to scale vertical glass . During tests , an 11-stone -LRB- 70kg -RRB- volunteer crawled up a 12ft -LRB- 3.6 metre -RRB- pane using just sticky attachments on his hands and feet . The gadgets employ the same natural molecular forces that allow gecko lizards to scurry around on ceilings . A climbing system inspired by geckos has turned Spider-Man fiction into fact by making it possible for a human to scale vertical glass . During tests , an 11-stone -LRB- 70kg -RRB- volunteer crawled up a 12ft -LRB- 3.6 metre -RRB- pane using just sticky attachments on his hands and feet -LRB- pictured -RRB- . Hair-like setae on a gecko 's toe pads create an electrostatic forces known as Van der Waals , which causes neighbouring moleules to be attracted to each other . Although very weak , the effect is multiplied by thousands of tiny hairs that cover a gecko 's toes , allowing them to stick firmly to surfaces . Scientists created tiny tiles called ` microwedges ' to generate Van der Waals forces and produce a dry adhesive even more efficient than the gecko 's . During the experiment , the volunteer testing these microwedge attachments simply peeled them on and off the glass . The US team led by Dr Elliot Hawkes , from Stanford University , wrote in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface : ` Using this system , a human of mass 70 kilograms -LRB- 11 stone -RRB- successfully ascended a 3.6-metre -LRB- 11 ft -RRB- vertical glass wall with 140 square centimetres of gecko-inspired dry adhesives in each hand . ` The synthetic adhesion system creates a nearly uniform load distribution across the whole adhesive area , improving upon the adhesive-bearing structures of a gecko 's toe and enabling a human to climb vertical glass using an area of adhesive no larger than the area of a human hand . ' The demonstration was reminiscent of the way Spiderman scales skyscrapers in the Marvel comics and films , -LRB- illustrated left -RRB- , as well as the way Tom Cruise clings to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai during Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol -LRB- pictured right -RRB- . | Biologists examined the stickiness of live and dead geckos in a lab . They discovered that the sticking power of their toes is effortless - and even dead geckos can adhere to smooth surfaces . Study proves creatures do n't have to actively use their muscles or strength to engage the sticky pads on their feet to climb walls . Toe pads on gecko feet contain tiny hair-like structures called setae . They use friction caused by van der Waals forces to stick to surfaces . | [[749, 821], [836, 860], [863, 875], [4124, 4148], [4151, 4163], [0, 105], [28, 48], [62, 89], [28, 48], [90, 105], [610, 668], [671, 748], [1051, 1171], [1638, 1649], [1770, 1823], [1974, 2060], [2695, 2705], [2776, 2819], [3880, 3963], [6158, 6168], [6239, 6282], [0, 105], [277, 398], [415, 529], [438, 529], [438, 529], [2736, 2746], [2752, 2773], [3506, 3684], [5975, 6067], [6199, 6209], [6215, 6236], [2695, 2705], [2776, 2819], [3506, 3684], [6158, 6168], [6239, 6282]] |
UEFA 's first new ` Nations League ' - the competition which is being brought in to replace a number of friendly dates - will be played between September and November 2018 . Each country will play six matches in the new tournament , which will see UEFA 's 52 countries split into four divisions , each with four groups of three or four teams . The winners of the four groups in division A - which will be made up the strongest teams - will play semi-finals and final in June 2019 to become the UEFA Nations League champions . VIDEO Scroll down for UEFA approve new Nations League tournament to replace friendlies . UEFA president Michel Platini addresses an audience at a UEFA conference in October . The tournament will replace friendly fixtures like England 's game against Norway in September . The four semi-finalists will also qualify automatically for the finals of Euro 2020 , which is being played in 13 countries across Europe with the final at London 's Wembley stadium . UEFA said in a statement : ` The key driver of the UEFA Nations League is sporting integrity , as member associations , coaches , players and supporters increasingly feel that friendly internationals are not providing adequate sporting competition . ` In addition , the competition will help UEFA realise its stated goal of improving the quality and standing of national team football while maintaining the balance between club and international football . ` The competition will establish the UEFA Nations League champions every odd year while also allowing all nations to play competitively at their level . ' | The UEFA Nations League will be contested by international teams . The tournament will replace a series of friendly fixtures between September and November . UEFA 's 52 countries will be split into four divisions with four groups in each division . The winners of the four groups in division A will qualify for Euro 2020 . | [[37, 54], [61, 125], [0, 34], [39, 54], [81, 125], [0, 54], [113, 173], [548, 614], [701, 797], [209, 232], [239, 268], [248, 294]] |
Ladies and gents , put down your technology and have more sex . That 's the advice from a team of scientists who found people are becoming so enveloped by their phone and tablets that their love lives are being put on the back burner . So if you are one of those reading this on your smartphone in bed , a glance across the sheets is likely to reveal your partner is engrossed in theirs too . The researchers discovered 70 per cent of women said smartphones were interfering in their romantic relationship . The study said technology and the screens that consume us are creating ` technoference ' in couples . A new study has found 70 per cent of women believe smartphones are interfering with their love lives , creating ` technoference ' between couples -LRB- file picture -RRB- . That ranges from picking up the phone while partners are casually hanging out to checking Facebook while in the middle of an argument . ` You see it everywhere ' , said Sarah Coyne , psychologist at Brigham Young University and an author of the study . ` Like at a restaurant where couples have their phones , both of them , on the table , right there . I think that is so easy for them to pick it up if it buzzes . ' The study surveyed 143 married or cohabiting heterosexual women and asked them about their phone , TV , computer and tablet habits . It also asked about how their partner used technology , if there was any conflict about using technology , and about their satisfaction with their relationship and life overall . The participants said computers were the most interfering technology in their relationship , followed by mobiles . They also reported that of five scenarios presented to them , the most common interference was seeing a partner pick up his phone during ` couple leisure time ' , with 62 per cent of women reporting this happened at least once a day . Experts have advised banishing smartphones and tablets from the bedroom to spice up your love life . Relationships expert Alison Bruzek , writing on the NPR website , said 40 per cent of women said their men would get distracted by the TV during a conversation at least once a day , while a third said he would take out his phone in the middle of a conversation or during a meal together . A quarter said their partner would actually send texts or emails to another person while they were having a face-to-face conversation . But worse than the intrusions was the way they made the women feel ; they found , as you might expect , that conflict over technology was associated with poorer relationships , which in turn were associated with lower life satisfaction . Michelle Drouin , developmental psychologist at Indiana University and Purdue University , Fort Wayne , said : ` With mobile phone technology emerging on the scene as quickly as it did , we all jumped into computer-mediated interactions without really thinking much about the implications . ' However , this study involved a small group of women , and the researchers acknowledge that these correlations could be due to other factors affecting a person 's well-being . But for those feeling similarly aggravated by smartphone interrupts , the authors say the answer is n't to completely remove technology from the relationship . ` It 's not silly for couples to make rules about technology , ' said Dr Coyne . ` Just having the discussion about what 's OK and what 's not when it comes to devices at the dinner table or in the bedroom can help . ' Her own method : ` Put -LSB- the phone -RSB- out of my reach , like on top of the refrigerator , just so that it releases the temptation . ' The study was published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture . | Scientists found 70 % of women said smartphones were interfering in their love lives , creating a ` technoference ' in couples . Ranges from picking up the phone while couple are hanging out to checking Facebook while in the midst of an argument . Participants said computers were the most interfering of all technology . Experts advise banishing smartphones and tablets from the bedroom . | [[179, 235], [393, 440], [393, 408], [420, 507], [538, 549], [566, 609], [610, 652], [632, 710], [610, 621], [713, 782], [2493, 2563], [783, 820], [783, 787], [795, 918], [1585, 1603], [1606, 1627], [1690, 1786], [2152, 2252], [1513, 1603], [0, 16], [19, 43], [1863, 1934]] |
Those with a fear of flying may want to look away now . Lukla Airport boasts the dubious honour of being known as the world 's most dangerous airport and one look at its unique airstrip will explain why . With a fall of 9,200 ft awaiting passengers at the end of the runaway , flying to or from this Asian destination is not for the faint of heart . Braced for impact : A plane pictured coming into land at Nepal 's Lukla Airport - the most dangerous landing strip in the world . Pressure : Tenzing-Hillary Airport in Lukla , Khumbu , eastern Nepal , does n't have a control tower , radar or navigation devices - meaning pilots have to rely on what they can see from their cockpit to land and takeoff . Tenzing-Hillary Airport , also known as Lukla Airport , is a single landing strip in the town of Lukla , in Khumbu , eastern Nepal , and has been named by the History Channel and many seasoned travellers as being the most dangerous airport in the world . These photographs , captured by photographer Wojciech Zwierzynski , 34 , capture the petrifying landing . ` It was a very scary experience flying in the airship , mainly because two days before my flight , the plane from the same company had crashed and 14 people died , ' said Wojciech . ` This airport in Lukla does not have any radar or navigation devices ; so the pilot can only depend on what they can see from the plane 's cockpit . Do n't look down : The tiny runway ends at a cliff edge with a 9,200 ft drop to the ground below . Daunting : This image shows the view from the cockpit of a plane coming in to land at Lukla Airport . ` Because the airport is on the mountain ridge , when you start descending you have to land . There is no option to stop descending and have a second try . ' With a sloped runway just 20 meters wide and 460 meters long , less than a tenth of the length of the standard 5,500 metres at international airports , this is one of the steepest approach pathways in the world . Since the 1970 's , Lukla airport has had an astonishing amount of accidents , with the number now reaching into the double figures . The most severe accident to date being the 8th October 2008 flight , where the aircraft crashed on final approach and caught fire , killing eighteen passengers and crew . Challenging : The 460 metre long runway - less than a tenth of the length of those at international airports - is also situated on a steep incline . Brave travellers : A group of passengers on a plane coming into land at the most dangerous airport in the world . All aboard : A group of tourists wait to board a plane departing from Lukla Airport . The airport is the main route for those trying to reach the Everest Region . And for those looking to scale Mount Everest , Lukla Airport is the nerve rattling start of many expeditions . Wojciech says : ` There are two ways to reach the Everest Region - fly 45min from Lukla Airport or hike for approximately five days . Needless to say most of people chose the first option . ` Tourists are the `` golden vain '' for local community . They spend money in lodges , hotels and restaurants . ` Without the airstrip the number of tourists visiting the area will be significantly lower . ' A plane begins to lift off the ground just a few metres before the end of the runway and the 9,200 ft drop . Easy option : Many travellers use Lukla Airport to reach the Everest Region as the alternative involves a five day hike . Fast link : It takes just 45 minutes to reach the Everest Region flying from Lukla Airport . | Tenzing-Hillary Airport does n't have a control tower , radar or navigation . Pilots are forced to rely on the view from their cockpit to land and takeoff . The 460 metre long runway - a tenth of standard length - is also on a slope . If a pilot misjudges landing or takeoff , they face a 9,200 ft fall off a cliff edge . | [[480, 488], [551, 632], [1247, 1316], [583, 702], [1319, 1396], [2274, 2285], [2288, 2347], [2288, 2382], [2385, 2422], [220, 274], [1416, 1495], [3210, 3318]] |
For the first time , evidence of frankincense being used in the elaborate burials of Roman Britain 's elite has been discovered . Archaeologists have been able to prove that the religious resin was used by wealthy Romans , who settled in areas of the country , including London and York , more than 1,700 years ago . The sweet smelling substance , which was more valuable than gold for millennia , was found on skeletal remains and plaster body casings dating back to the 3rd and 4th centuries . Frankincense -LRB- pictured -RRB- , one of the gifts carried by the Three Kings in the Christmas story , was used in elaborate burials in Roman Britain more than 1,700 years ago , according to new research . The discovery shows that even while the Roman Empire was in decline , the precious resin was being transported to its furthest northern outpost for use in funerals of high ranking individuals . Until now , evidence for the use of resins in ancient funerary rites has rarely come to light outside of Egypt . The discovery was made by carrying out molecular analysis of materials previously thought to be of little interest -- debris inside burial containers and residues on bones - which looked like mere dust . Chemical analysis carried out on 49 burials in Dorset , Wiltshire , London and York revealed traces of the southern Arabian sap from the Boswellia sacra tree , on four of them . Another 10 contained evidence of other resins from the Mediterranean and northern Europe . It 's the first time archaeologists have been able to prove that Frankincense was used by Romans who settled in Britain . Traces of the resin were found inside the coffin of a wealthy Roman woman who was buried in the fourth century AD in London , or Londonium as it was known . Her silt-filled coffin is shown left and bust , right . Frankincense comes from the resinous sap from a unique family of Boswelia trees . Only one , Boswelia sacra , produces the highest grade of frankincense , also known as ` true ' or ` commercial ' incense . Careful incisions are made in the tree at key times of year , and the sap slowly pours out . Once the sap dries and hardens it is ready to be used . To release its scent the frankincense is either burned or smouldered over hot coals . Classical texts claim that the aromatic , antimicrobial substances were used as a practical measure to mask the smell of decay , or slow decomposition during the often lengthy funeral rites of the Roman elite . But it was Frankincense 's ritual importance that justified its transportation from one end of the Empire to the other . Seen both as gifts from the gods and to the gods , resins were thought to purify the dead and help them negotiate the final rite of passage to the afterlife . Rhea Brettell , a student at the University of Bradford , explained : ` Archaeologists have relied on finding visible resin fragments to substantiate the descriptions of burial rites in classical texts , but these rarely survive . ` Our alternative approach of analysing grave deposits to find the molecular signatures of the resins - which fortunately are very distinctive - has enabled us to carry out the first systematic study across a whole province . ' The resins were only recovered from burials of higher status individuals , identified from the type of container used , the clothing they were wearing , and items buried with them . Professor Carl Heron from the university said : ` It is remarkable the first evidence for the use of frankincense in Britain should come from such seemingly unpromising samples , yet our analysis demonstrates that traces of these exotic resins can survive for over 1,700 years in what others would reject as dirt . ' Classical texts mention these aromatic , antimicrobial substances as being used as a practical measure to mask the smell of decay or slow decomposition during the often lengthy funeral rites of the Roman elite . The resin was also presented to the baby Jesus by the Magi -LRB- illustrated -RRB- . One of the frankincense-impregnated coffins contained the remains of a noble woman , who was laid to rest with expensive jewellery . The rich young lady was buried in a sarcophagus in the fourth century and her remains were discovered near Spitalfields Market in the City of London in 1999 . Dr Rebecca Redfern , of the Museum of London , which is home to the remains , said : ` This eye-opening study has provided us with new and amazing insights into the funerary rituals of late Roman Britain . The research , published in the Journal of Archaeological Science , mentions resins from three different plant families , including pistacia from the Mediterranean or the Levant , Pinaceae from northern Europe and Boswellia -LRB- frankincense -RRB- from southern Arabia and eastern Africa . The Romans , Greeks , Egyptians and Israelites all used frankincense as part of their religious ceremonies . It was extensively used in burial rituals as an embalming material , an offering to the departed , and a means to cover the odour of the dead body . The Roman emperor , Nero , burned an entire year 's harvest at the funeral of his favourite mistress and the resin of course featured in the Christmas Story , which is where many westerners recognise it from . Frankincense comes from the resinous sap from the Boswelia sacra tree -LRB- pictured -RRB- and the sap is extracted by making careful incisions in the tree 's bark . | Experts at the University of Bradford analysed Roman coffins and bones . They found traces of Frankincense on four of the 4th century caskets . It 's the first time archaeologists have been able to prove that the religious resin was used by wealthy Romans who lived and died in the UK . Study shows resin was transported during declining of the Roman Empire . Ritual importance and practical burial properties justified the long journey . | [[0, 13], [21, 107], [1606, 1679], [4006, 4088], [4139, 4208], [0, 13], [21, 107], [0, 18], [21, 45], [99, 129], [130, 220], [1484, 1580], [1574, 1580], [1585, 1605], [704, 897], [2482, 2515], [2521, 2591]] |
Zlatan Ibrahimovic will be forced to nurse his recent heel injury for the rest of the Ligue 1 season , claims Paris Saint-Germain club doctor Eric Rolland . The Swedish striker has been sidelined for the majority of the 2014-15 campaign with the complaint and has made just 11 appearances for the French club so far . Ibrahimovic looks set to miss PSG 's forthcoming match against Nantes on Saturday in order to be fit enough to face Barcelona in the Champions League next week . PSG club doctor Eric Rolland believes Zlatan Ibrahimovic will be struggling with a heel injury all season . Club doctor Rolland told RMC Sport : ` He still has pain in his heel . It 's pain that can change in intensity . ' ` Recently it has n't got worse but it will be present until the end of the season . Zlatan will not play every game . ` He just wanted to look after himself ahead of the trip to Barcelona . ' The Swedish star has missed large chunks of PSG 's season with the heel complaint . Ibrahimovic will hope to be fit for his side 's Champions League match against Barcelona next week . | Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been struggling with heel injury all season . PSG club doctor reveals the problem will not be solved quickly . Striker hoping to be fit for Champions League clash against Barcelona . | [[0, 100], [157, 255], [480, 587], [509, 587], [896, 979], [480, 587], [318, 329], [409, 479], [980, 1068], [980, 991], [1002, 1080]] |
Behind the scenes the discreet Marina Granovskaia has long been one of the most powerful women in football . But now the Russian is set to become even more influential as she is tipped to take over as Chelsea 's chief executive at the age of just 39 , following the surprise resignation of previous CEO Ron Gourlay . Her glamorous good looks will inevitably draw comparisons with the outspoken , perfectly groomed ` first lady of football ' and Apprentice star Karren Brady . But anyone ready to dismiss Ms Granovskaia as merely a pretty face should be aware of a core of steel behind the megawatt smile . Marina Granovskaia has long been one of the most powerful women in football . Now that Chelsea 's chief executive Ron Gourlay is leaving the club , she is hotly tipped to be named incoming CEO . The Canadian and Russian national has been hotly tipped to be named incoming Chelsea CEO in a move which will come as little surprise to those who have been following her breathtaking ascent from humble PA to the ` voice of Roman Abramovich ' . She has been the most trusted member of the oligarch 's inner circle for 17 years and is already often described as ` chief executive in everything but title ' , his 'em inence grise ' . Born in Russia , at school there was little indication of her future as a powerhouse in the footballing world with one former teacher describing her as a ` grey mouse ' . ' I remember teaching her , but do n't recall anything outstanding about Marina , ' said the teacher . ` It 's interesting how she has made such a successful career in sport in London . ' She studied at a Moscow school which specialised in music and dance , in which there were compulsory lessons , but at the time offered pupils no sport . She graduated six months after the collapse of the Soviet Union , and studied in the Foreign Languages Faculty of Moscow State University before leaving with honours in 1997 , and starting her career at Sibneft , the oil company which was then owned by Abramovich , . Since she moved from the Russian capital to London when he bought Chelsea Football Club in 2003 , the billionaire is said to have grown to trust her implicitly . Indeed , her position at his right hand is so secure that she often takes his place at meetings , delivers his messages and is said to have the speediest access to him . She is known to be charming and polite , but ruthlessly firm by those who have met her . Just ask Chelsea captain John Terry - who was told in no uncertain terms to ` take it or f ****** leave it ' when trying to renegotiate his contract with 39-year-old Granovskaia . Granovskaia pictured with chairman Bruce Buck and Ron Gourlay as they watch Jose Mourinho field media questions on his return to manage Chelsea . She was said to be integral to the decision . Her biggest coup so far has been engineering the return to the club of Jose Mourinho , the Portuguese manager who was dubbed ` The Special One ' during his first spell as Chelsea manager between 2004 and 2007 . Despite his success , he was sacked after falling out with Abramovich - but Ms Granovskaia apparently kept in constant touch with him , and last year was crucial in sealing the deal to bring him back from Real Madrid . The manoeuvre was typical of her understated style , being just one of a string of delicate negotiations which she has carried out behind the scenes . A source at the club told the Evening Standard : ` She is basically the power at Chelsea . Roman trusts her implicitly . She 's not interested in being a celebrity but there is no doubt who 's in charge and who call the shots . ` It is symbolic of her role that she was crucial in getting Jose -LRB- Mourinho -RRB- back . He had fallen out with Roman in very acrimonious and public circumstances and received a massive pay-off . ` It would have been very egg on face for Roman to bring him back even though the fans and players were calling for it . She was the one who said ` let 's bring him back ' and was the driving force behind the move . And it 's paid off big time . While she was key to Mourinho 's return it is Ms Granovskaia who is often said to be Abramovich 's true ` special one ' , engineering big-money transfers such as Diego Costa 's # 32million move from Atletico Madrid and driving meetings at the Bridge or at the club 's training ground in Surrey . She seems happy to pose with players in the rare pictures which can be found of her online . It is perhaps the fact that little is known of Ms Granovskaia that so endears her to the private Abramovich . Sports websites in her native Russia call her ` an absolutely non-public person ' , adding ` in that sense , she 's similar to Abramovich . ' Chelsea player Didier Drogba with Granovskaia during the FA Cup Final after Party at Frankies restaurant in Knightsbridge in 2010 . She seems happy to pose with players in the rare pictures found of her online . While outspoken West Ham United vice-chairman Karren Brady proudly touts herself as sporting executive , television broadcaster , newspaper columnist , author and novelist , search for Granovskaia on social media , and all you will find is a fiercely locked down Facebook account , set up in 2007 . It tells us that she studied at a Moscow school called 1113 , a well regarded establishment dedicated to the arts . She also lists her association with Millhouse Capital , a British holding company set up in 2001 to manage Abramovich 's assets . The page also shows that she is a fan of annual Organic & Natural Beauty Show and the restaurant Sumosan - which caters for the VIP boxes at Chelsea . Janina Wolkow and head chef Bubker Belkhit , told The Daily Telegraph last year : ` She 's an amazing person . She 's so professional , she knows what she wants . Granovskaia has been the most trusted member of the oligarch 's inner circle for 17 years and is already often described as ` chief executive in everything but title ' , his 'em inence grise ' on the ground . Her biggest coup so far has been engineering the return to the club of Jose Mourinho , the Portuguese manager who was dubbed ` The Special One ' during his first spell as Chelsea manager between 2004 and 2007 . ` She 's on top of any small thing to the biggest thing . Any small problem I contact her with , she deals with it on top of everything else she has on her shoulders . ' She is fluent in English and speaks several other European languages , and is said to be one of the primary architects behind Chelsea 's youth scheme - by taking young talent and sending them on loan to develop . And while Mr Gourlay turned his attention towards the commercial end of the business , Ms Granovskaia became the pivotal figure in transfer and contract negotiations - a far more familiar face around Stamford Bridge . Agents heading to the Bridge or the club 's training ground in Surrey were often met by < s Granovskaia , driving the meetings , increasingly active and influential at the heart of the club with a good relationship with technical director Michael Emenalo . Karren Brady . Before becoming vice-chairman of West Ham United , the London-born businesswoman worked as an advertising account executive for the London Broadcasting Company , where she met current Hammers joint-chairman David Sullivan . Karren Brady has played a key role at Birmingham City and West Ham . Sullivan later employed Brady as managing director at Birmingham City after he bought the club , and the pair were arrested then released on bail as part of the investigation into allegations of corruption in English football in 2006 . Sullivan and David Gold subsequently sold the club before purchasing West Ham and making Brady vice-chairman in 2010 . Brady was responsible for negotiating West Ham 's move to the Olympic Stadium , and has also held executive positions at Channel Four , Kerrang ! magazine and Sport England . Heather Rabbatts . Rabbatts became the first woman to be appointed as an FA director in 2011 , and notably criticised the FA 's commission to improve the national team as being ` all white , all male ' . After posts at the BBC , Channel Four and the charity Malaria No More UK , Rabbatt 's first football role came in the form of the executive deputy chair at Millwall in 2006 . Heather Rabbatt was appointed executive deputy chair at League One side Millwall in 2006 . Gabby Logan . Gabby Logan became the first female presenter of a live football match in the UK and Saturday night institution Match of the Day . Gabby Logan became the first female presenter of a live football match in the UK . The daughter of former Welsh international footballer Terry Yorath , Logan was a promising gymnast in her teens but was forced to retire early due to neurological condition Sciatica . After a spell on local radio in Newcastle after university , she worked for Sky Sports and ITV before moving to the BBC in 2007 . Amy Fearn . In 2010 , Fearn became the first female to referee in the Football League during Coventry 's 1-0 win over Nottingham Forest in the Championship . Amy Fearn became the first female to referee in the Football League . Fearn always wanted to play football as a child , but after growing tired at the lack of playing opportunities , turned her hand to refereeing . She became fully qualified by the age of 14 , and after plying her trade in the Midland Football Alliance , gained promotion to the Conference aged 26 , despite balancing her officiating duties with her full-time job as an accountant . Elena Pianigiani . Pianigiani , aged 25 , is vice-president of Italian fourth division side Poggibonsi . Pianigiani got involved with football at an early age due to her father 's involvement with Serie B side Siena - as a 10-year-old she became the mascot of the Tuscan side . Elena Pianigiani was appointed vice-president of Poggibonsi at the age of 21 by her father . Pianigiani was appointed vice-president of Poggibonsi at the age of 21 in 2010 by her father , Antonello Pianigiani , after he purchased 51 per cent of the club two years earlier . Elena said of her father 's decision : ` It was unusual because I was only 21 . When you 're that age , it 's usual for a father to give his daughter a new bag , not a football team . ' | Marina Granovskaia set to be one of the most powerful women in football . Canadian and Russian national tipped to be named incoming Chelsea CEO . But little is known about the discreet and private Ms Granovskaia , 39 . Has worked for Abramovich since leaving Moscow State University in 1997 . She has since been at his right-hand , and is now ` his voice on ground ' | [[168, 249], [754, 800], [801, 899], [4451, 4512]] |
Dani Alves ' fashion sense has always been suspect , but the Barcelona star has pleased fans of the old fashioned American rock 'n' roll with a throwback to pop legend Elvis Presley . The Brazilian right-back posted a picture on Instagram dressed with a studded leather jacket and sunglasses on Thursday . It 's not the first time Alves has attempted to impress his followers . Barcelona star Dani Alves posted this picture of him dressed like Elvis Presley on Thursday . Last month Alves showed potential Barclays Premier League suitors that he is fighting fit . The 31-year-old posted a video of himself lifting weights in the gym during the international break and left some words of wisdom for his fans . Alves , wanted by Liverpool and both Manchester clubs , wrote ` in life there are those who think they want something ... but do not fight for what they want ' . Alves tackles Valencia 's Rodrigo Moreno during Barcelona 's 1-0 win at the Mestalla on Sunday . Alves posted a video of himself lifting weights in the gym with some words of wisdom . | Dani Alves dresses up in studded leather jacket and sunglasses . Barcelona star is a throwback to rock 'n' roll star Elvis Presley . Alves ' Barcelona currently two points behind Real Madrid in La Liga . | [[229, 305], [57, 167]] |
Liverpool have sent striker Daniel Sturridge to Los Angeles to continue his rehabilitation from the thigh injury which has sidelined him for most of the season . The 25-year-old has not played for the club since August 31 after he initially strained a thigh on international duty with England . On the eve of his comeback he pulled a calf muscle in his first full training session back with the first team and just when he appeared to have got over that he sustained another , different , thigh injury which has ruled him out until the new year . 25-year-old Daniel Sturridge has not played for Liverpool since August and will be out until next year . The striker first injured his thigh while on international duty with England earlier this season . Ankle ligaments - England v Republic of Ireland May 2013 , returned for pre-season . Ankle ligaments - December 2013 . Missed nine games . Thigh - during England training , September 2014 . Missed six weeks . Calf - during Liverpool training , October 2014 . Missed three weeks . Thigh - during Liverpool training , November 2014 . Out for six weeks . Reds manager Brendan Rodgers said last month that the club may have to look even deeper into the root of Sturridge 's problems , of which this is the ninth separate but similar injury has had in his career , with the player suggesting the issue may be hereditary as his father , a trainee at Birmingham , and two uncles Dean and Simon - both professional footballers - also suffered the same problems . It is understood the striker has travelled to America to undergo warm-weather training and rehabilitation to help with his recovery for a fortnight . He has not gone to the United States to have any medical treatment or procedure . Sturridge scores for Liverpool during their 2-1 victory over Southampton on the first day of the season . ` He has gone away to get some specific work in with some of our staff and he is coming along well , ' said Rodgers . Sturridge 's absence has been compounded by the failure of # 16million summer signing Mario Balotelli to pick up the slack having yet to score a Premier League goal . He too came back injured from the last international break and has not been available since because of a groin problem , forcing Rodgers to pick Rickie Lambert who has responded with two goals in his first two matches leading the line and has put in good performances in the two games since then . With Balotelli facing a possible Football Association charge for posting an apparently anti-Semetic and racist graphic on social media - for which he has until 6pm on Friday to give his explanation to the FA - the spotlight has only intensified on the troubled Italy international . Rodgers insists , however , that until the 24-year-old is available to play he can not waste much time thinking about him . Mario Balotelli is facing a possible FA charge for posting an allegedly anti-Semitic graphic on Instagram . ` He is a very much a Liverpool player but he is injured at the moment and there is not much more to add from me , ' he said . ` He is not fit to play , my concentration at this moment is on players who are fit and available to play and that is my only thinking at the moment . ` He is working with the medical team on a daily basis and I trust the team of people here to look after injuries . ` At this moment in time the team is doing well and whenever he is back fit then we will see where he is at . ` Hopefully he will be available sooner rather than later . ' Balotelli , laughing in the stands , has struggled to fill the void left by Sturridge 's injury . While the debate continues over Steven Gerrard 's future in light of the club 's contract offer , which he has not yet accepted , Rodgers has to concern himself with the more immediate issue associated with the midfielder . Having previously admitted the 34-year-old can not play three matches in a week , effectively the Reds boss has to decide whether to retain his captain in the starting line-up to face Sunderland on Saturday or hold him back for Tuesday 's must-win Champions League tie at home to Basle , which is followed by a trip to Manchester United the following Sunday . ` The only focus is our next game but of course you are having to plan forward and look at one or two teams down the line , ' said Rodgers , who this week had to quash reports there had been a disagreement between him and Gerrard . ` If you rest someone they are rotated , if they are rotated they are dropped , if he is dropped he is left out so you ca n't win as a manager . ` I 'll always pick a team which I think can win the game . ' | Daniel Sturridge has not played for Liverpool since the end of August . The striker initially injured his thigh on international duty . Before injuring his other thigh , ruling him out for the rest of the year . It is understood Sturridge will undergo warm weather training and rehabilitation in Los Angeles . | [[162, 294], [547, 617], [547, 575], [611, 651], [162, 294], [228, 294], [487, 501], [508, 546], [652, 750], [91, 112], [119, 161], [162, 294], [228, 294], [415, 501], [487, 501], [508, 546], [652, 750], [0, 112], [1506, 1611], [1512, 1655]] |
Stuart Lancaster believes England 's latest injury setback will not damage his side 's prospects of toppling the southern hemisphere superpowers this autumn . Second row Joe Launchbury has been ruled out of all four QBE Internationals at Twickenham , including Saturday 's opener against New Zealand , because of a neck problem . It is the latest blow to have struck England with Geoff Parling , Alex Corbisiero , Mako Vunipola , Tom Youngs , Dan Cole , Ed Slater , Tom Croft and Manu Tuilagi also ruled out of the entire series . Stuart Lancaster is confident England will overcome the loss of Joe Launchbury for the autumn series . The England team warm up during a training session at Pennyhill ahead of their match against New Zealand . Saracens star Owen Farrell practices his kicking during an England training session on Monday . Dave Attwood of Bath is set to start in Launchbury 's place - Lancaster , who put his players through their paces at Pennyhill Park on Monday , described his form for Bath this season as ` exceptional ' - as England attempt to end a four-match losing sequence against the All Blacks . ` We 're in a better position now than we were in the last Test against New Zealand in November , ' Lancaster said . ` The players who are here have trained very well . They had a great week last week . ` They 'll have another good week of learning this week . We 're very confident with the players we have . ` There are a lot of players who are playing well and who will be ready on Saturday . ' Launchbury 's work rate and athleticism have seen him start England 's last 20 Tests and his loss is a savage blow to hopes of defeating New Zealand , South Africa , Samoa and Australia this autumn . The 23-year-old requires six to eight weeks of rest and rehabilitation to heal an irritated nerve that has troubled him for over a year . Bath lock Dave Attwood issues instructions to his England team-mate ahead of his side 's opener on Saturday . Attwood leads the line in the warm up sprints during the England training session held at Pennyhill Park . Wasps lock Launchbury requires six to eight weeks of rest and rehabilitation to heal an irritated nerve . Bath lock Dave Attwood looks set to deputise for the injured Launchbury against the All Blacks . November 8th : England v New Zealand . November 15th : England v South Africa . November : 22nd : England v Samoa . November 29th : England v Australia . ` We 're desperately disappointed to lose Joe for the series . He felt underpowered and weak so we did n't want him to take the risk , ' Lancaster said . ` We want to give him the best chance to get himself right for Wasps and the Six Nations . Once he 'd seen the specialist it was an easy decision . ` He originally did it in Argentina in 2012 , but then it settled down with rest . ` Over the course of the last year it has come back and then settled down again . Props Joe Marler -LRB- left -RRB- and David Wilson have been passed fit to face at the All Blacks at Twickenham . ` It 's got to the point now where he feels it 's inhibiting his performances , so the decision is the right decision . ` Everyone is confident that with the right treatment and rest , he 'll back in six to eight weeks . ' Lancaster revealed that injury concerns over props David Wilson and Joe Marler and centre Kyle Eastmond have eased and the trio are available for selection . VIDEO Lancaster : England will be ready for Rugby World Cup . | Wasps second row Joe Launchbury has been ruled out of all four QBE Internationals at Twickenham with a neck problem . England coach Stuart Lancaster backs ` exceptional ' Bath lock Dave Attwood to fill Launchbury 's boots . England have already lost Geoff Parling , Alex Corbisiero , Mako Vunipola , Tom Youngs , Dan Cole , Ed Slater , Tom Croft and Manu Tuilagi for the gruelling four-Test series . David Wilson , Joe Marler and centre Kyle Eastmond have all been passed fit for selection . | [[159, 299], [302, 329], [837, 908], [837, 857], [981, 1044], [2181, 2277], [330, 492], [480, 492], [498, 530], [2937, 3012], [3236, 3393], [3260, 3350]] |
Scotland 's mountain resorts have more snow than parts of the Alps and Sochi , but skiers are being advised not to take on the slopes because of the risk of avalanches . The Ski Club of Great Britain has reported depths of 285cm at Glencoe Mountain , 250cm at Cairngorm Mountain and 200cm at Nevis Range . This comes after they reported a depth of only 128cm at Whistler in Canada , the host of the 2010 Winter Olympics , a few days ago . Avalanche risk : Staff at Glencoe Mountain Resort worked in sub-zero temperatures to clear the 14ft snow drifts . Depth : The huge amounts o snow virtually engulfed lifts on the slopes . Mountain Rescue have said there is an extremely high risk of avalanches . Massive snow drifts in the Scottish mountains have also caused more avalanches already than the the entirety of last winter . The SportScotland Avalanche Information Service said the risk in Lochaber was ` high ' while the other four mountain areas the threat was ` considerable . ' A spokesman from Lochaber SAIS said : ` Further deposits of fresh unstable windslab will continue to build on the existing deep accumulations lying in sheltered areas , mainly on North through East to South-East aspects above 850 metres where avalanches will occur . ` Unstable windslab will also be present on other aspects . Cornices will be unstable and prone to collapse . The avalanche hazard will be High . ' The huge snowfalls have led to safety warnings being imposed by mountain rescue . Covered : The slopes in Scotland had more snow than some European and North American ski resorts , and boasted bigger depths than the runs in Sochi . Taking advantage : Some skiers and snowboarders ignored the avalanche warnings at Glenshee ski centre . Scots keen to take advantage of the conditions queue up for the lifts in Glenshee . There have been 159 avalanches in the Scottish mountains so far this winter - 80 in the last month alone - and 30 more than last season , with many more weeks of the season left . The number of fatalities caused by avalanches during the 2012-13 season was the highest in years.In all , eight people were killed in avalanches on Scottish mountains last winter . Nineteen of the 129 avalanches recorded last winter were triggered by human activity . Heavy snowfalls , freezing temperatures and powerful winds have also created spectacular , and some potentially dangerous , conditions on Scottish hills and mountains . Cornices , edges of snow overhanging high crags , are a common feature - and risk - of most winters . However , this season 's frequent strong winds coupled with big dumps of snow have seen some larger than usual cornices in ranges such as the Northern Cairngorms . A path dug by one of the workers shows how the ski lift system was buried under the blanket of snow . | The Ski Club of Great Britain said there 's depths of 285cm at Glencoe . A few days ago , there was only 128cm at Whistler in Canada . Scottish Avalanche Information . Service said the risk in Lochaber was ` high ' There have already been 159 avalanches in Scotland this winter . | [[170, 248], [306, 380], [826, 912], [826, 912], [1360, 1395], [1818, 1874]] |
Five deputies with the Montgomery County Sheriff 's Office in Ohio are under investigation for allegedly sending racist text messages . Two officers , Capt. Thomas Flanders and Detective Michael Sollenberger , have been placed on paid administrative leave while the other three -- who are as yet unnamed -- remain on the job while the investigation continues . The accusations came to light after an anonymous source passed on hundreds of pages of the messages to the Dayton Unit of the NAACP . Scroll down for video . Capt. Thomas Flanders , left , and Detective Michael Sollenberger , right , have been placed on paid administrative leave from the Montgomery County Sheriff 's Office in Ohio during the investigation . The texts , which contain a barrage of racist slurs and insensitive jokes aimed at African-Americans , were exchanged between November 2011 and January 2013 on personal cell phones . After conducted a three-month-long investigation to ensure their authenticity , Derrick Forward - the civil rights organization 's local president - turned the messages over to Sheriff Phil Plumber last week . The texts were exchanged between November 2011 and January 2013 on personal cell phones between the employees during working hours . They contain a barrage of racist slurs and insensitive jokes aimed at African-Americans . One text said , ' I hate N ****** . That is all . ' One deputy ` joked ' to another : ` What do apples and black people have in common ? They both hang from trees . ' Another read : ` We stopped at a Walmart in Birmingham , there are a lot of Black people in Alabama . It 's all Martin Luther Kings fault . ' Derrick Forward , the president of the Dayton Unit of the NAACP , was handed records of the texts by an anonymous source and he forwarded them to Sheriff Phil Plumber last week . ` These text messages , while some of them may be some joking going on back and forth , some of them are flat out rude and racist , ' Foward told WBTN . He wants the deputies to be sacked immediately if the sheriff 's investigation finds that they sent the messages . Sheriff Plumber said the deputies had ` tarnished the office ' by sending the text messages . ` These five individuals have taken this organization three steps backward and will be held accountable , ' he said . ' I will not tolerate racism in this department . ' Plummer said his investigation is in its early stages , but it was important to public safety that both Flanders and Sollenberger be put on leave . Two African-American deputies were mentioned in the texts , he said . The deputies were in shock they were caught , ` but did not apologize , ' Plummer said . The two suspended officers have both been recently promoted . Flanders was a sergeant at the time of the text messages and Sollenberger was a detective under Flanders ' supervision . Flanders had most recently been working as a jail administrator and Sollenberger in Internal Affairs . Captain Tom Flanders , who has been with the office for 19 years , told 2 NEWS that the allegations are completely false . He denied being racist and said he looked forward to clearing his name . The NAACP is requesting that an outside agency perform an investigation also . The NAACP has called for an outside agency to perform an investigation and for the deputies to be sacked immediately if they are found responsible . | Five deputies with the Montgomery County Sheriff 's Office in Ohio are under investigation for allegedly sending racist text messages . Two officers , Capt. Thomas Flanders and Detective Michael Sollenberger , have been placed on paid administrative leave . Anonymous source passed on hundreds of pages of the messages to the Dayton Unit of the NAACP . Exchanged between November 2011 and January 2013 , the texts contain a barrage of racist slurs and insensitive jokes aimed at African-Americans . | [[0, 90], [0, 66], [91, 135], [136, 249], [136, 163], [227, 255], [519, 584], [587, 693], [2456, 2504], [2787, 2846], [361, 416], [397, 494], [777, 821], [721, 794], [812, 821], [824, 903], [1114, 1246], [1247, 1307], [1273, 1336], [1913, 1954]] |
Chinese hackers have accessed designs for more than two dozen U.S. weapons systems and stolen the blueprints for Australia 's new spy headquarters which has n't even been opened yet . These latest strikes come after months of numerous computer security breaches involving Chinese hackers as the ongoing cyber war between China and the West intensifies . Hackers have now ` compromised ' U.S. designs for combat aircraft and ships , as well as missile defenses vital for Europe , Asia and the Gulf , it has emerged . Scroll down for video . Security risk : Chinese hackers have ` compromised ' U.S. designs for its weapon systems and stolen the floorplans of Australia Security Intelligence Organisation 's new HQ . The Washington Post learned of the breach from a Pentagon report prepared for the Defense Department by the Defense Science Board . Among the weapons listed in the report were the advanced Patriot missile system , the Navy 's Aegis ballistic missile defense systems , the F/A -18 fighter jet , the V-22 Osprey , the Black Hawk helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter . The report did not specify the extent or time of the cyber-thefts or indicate if they involved computer networks of the U.S. government , contractors or subcontractors . But the espionage would give China knowledge that could be exploited in a conflict , such as knocking out communications and corrupting data , the Post said . It also could speed Beijing 's development of Chinese defense technology . Chinese hackers stole plans for confidential United States weapons systems including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter pictured here . In a report to Congress earlier this month , the Pentagon said China was using espionage to modernize its military and that its hacking was a serious concern . It said the U.S. government had been the target of hacking that appeared to be ` attributable directly to the Chinese government and military ' . China has dismissed as groundless . both the Pentagon report and a February report by the U.S. computer . security company Mandiant , which said a secretive Chinese military unit . was probably behind a series of hacking attacks targeting the United . States that had stolen data from 100 companies . Meanwhile , news reports in Australia . claim hackers linked to China stole the floorplans of the $ 630 million . headquarters for the Australia Security Intelligence Organisation , the . country 's domestic spy agency . ` Compromised ' : A V-22 Osprey pictured here is among the aircrafts for which plans were stolen . The attack through the computers of a construction contractor exposed not only building layouts , but also the location of communication and computer networks . Australia security analyst Des Ball told the ABC in the report that such information made the yet to be completed spy headquarters vulnerable to future cyber attacks . ` You can start constructing your own wiring diagrams , where the linkages are through telephone connections , through wi-fi connections , which rooms are likely to be the ones that are used for sensitive conversations , how to surreptitiously put devices into the walls of those rooms , ' said Ball . The building is designed to be part of a global electronic intelligence gathering network which includes the United States and the UK , but its construction has been plagued by delays and cost blowouts , with some builders blaming late design changes on cyber attacks . The ABC report said the Chinese . hacking was part of a growing wave of cyber attacks against business and . military targets in the close U.S. ally . It . said the hackers also stole confidential information from the . Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade , which houses the overseas spy . agency the Australian Secret Intelligence Service and had targeted local . companies , including steel-manufacturer Bluescope Steel , and military . and civilian communications manufacturer Codan Ltd. . Chinese hackers allegedly associated with the country 's government stole United States missile plans for weapons such as Patriot missile batteries -LRB- pictured here -RRB- . The influential Greens party said the hacking was a ` security blunder of epic proportions ' and called for an inquiry , but the government refused to confirm the breach . Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the reports were ` inaccurate ' , but declined to say how . Australian officials , like those in the United States and other Western nations , have made cyber attacks a security priority following a growing number of attacks of the resource rich country , mostly blamed on China . Despite being one of Beijing 's major trade partners , the country is seen by China as the southern fulcrum of the U.S. military pivot to the Asia-Pacific and in 2011 agreed to host thousands of U.S. Marines in near-permanent rotation . Australia is a major buyer for U.S. weapons systems and is one of the largest overseas customers for the . Lockheed Martin manufactured F-35 , as well as for Boeing 's F/A -18 Super . Hornet and associated weapons systems . Chinese . telecommunications giant Huawei was last year barred from bidding for . construction contracts on a new Australian high-speed broadband network . amid fears of cyber espionage . Hacked : The New York Times office in Manhattan . The newspaper has reported that its computer system was breached by Chinese hackers . The Reserve Bank of Australia said in March that it had been targeted by cyber attacks , but no data had been lost or systems compromised amid reports the hackers had tried to access intelligence on Group of 20 wealthy nations negotiations . China has dismissed the allegations by Australian media that Chinese hackers have stolen the blueprints for the new Australian spy headquarters . Foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said : ` China pays high attention to cybersecurity issues , and is firmly apposed to all forms of hacker attacks . Groundless accusations will not help solve this issue . ' The risk of cyber hacking came to the forefront of the news agenda after Chinese hackers were accused of being responsible for hacking The Washington Post and The New York Times earlier this year . And . just last month , hacking attacks on the servers of South Korean . broadcasters and banks originated from an IP address based in China . But . China says it is impossible to tell the true origin of cyber-attacks , . and accuses hostile forces of blaming it out of prejudice or a desire to . put Beijing on the defensive . Under attack : The Washington Post spent most of 2012 trying to deal with Chinese hackers who infiltrated their computer network . | Hackers have ` compromised ' U.S. designs for combat aircraft and ships . They also accessed missile defenses vital . for Europe , Asia and the Gulf . Floorplans of Australia Security Intelligence Organisation 's new $ 630m headquarters have also been stolen - before it has even been opened . China has dismissed claims it is connected to the latest cyber attacks . | [[1784, 1842], [354, 370], [373, 429], [354, 361], [373, 384], [387, 496], [354, 361], [373, 384], [387, 496], [0, 15], [87, 146], [109, 146], [153, 183], [540, 553], [633, 714], [2277, 2344], [5695, 5784], [1930, 1965], [5639, 5694]] |
England will seek to generate try-scoring potency against the All Blacks on Saturday by unleashing another scratch combination out wide -- Jonny May and Semesa Rokoduguni . Gloucester wing May will return to the starting XV despite appearing to fall from favour on the summer tour of New Zealand and being unable to score in seven Test appearances to date . His recall on the left flank comes as Marland Yarde of Harlequins continues to recover from a minor injury which prevented him from training last week . Stuart Lancaster , England 's head coach , has had to deal with a series of injuries in the build-up to the QBE series at Twickenham , with the loss of Wasps lock Joe Launchbury being the latest grim development . Semesa Rokoduguni and Jonny May are expected to start on the wings against New Zealand . Stuart Lancaster chose to omit Chris Ashton from his side in order to give Rokoduguni a chance to impress . But he and his assistants chose to omit Chris Ashton from the national squad and in his absence , Rokoduguni will start on the right as the in-form winger in the Aviva Premiership this season . When the line-up is officially confirmed on Thursday the Fijian-born flier will be at No 14 to continue his astonishing career progression . The 27-year-old joined Bath only two years ago and is still a serving soldier in the British Army having seen action in Afghanistan 's Helmand Province as a tank driver with the famous ` Desert Rats ' armoured brigade . Rokoduguni will become the first serving soldier to win an international cap for England since Tim Rodber 15 years ago . His Test debut will complete an epic journey from his Fijian village , Naselai , where he could n't break into the rugby team because his uncle was a better winger . Having already lost Manu Tuilagi to a recurring groin injury , the coaches were forced to rule Northampton centre Luther Burrell out of the autumn opener against the world champions because of a hand problem . It will mean that England do not have established try-scoring clout behind the scrum . Among the backs who will start against New Zealand , scrum-half Danny Care has the highest tally , with seven . Mike Brown has touched down five times , Owen Farrell twice and centres Kyle Eastmond and Brad Barritt once . In contrast , the All Blacks come to Twickenham armed with the most predatory finisher in the world . Julian Savea has 29 tries from 30 Test appearances . Ashton had a decent record of 19 tries in 39 matches , but he has fallen out of favour due to perceived flaws in his game . Explaining the thinking in terms of wing selection , Lancaster said : ` A lot of the players now -- a Jack Nowell , Anthony Watson or Jonny May -- are comfortable on either wing . The decision will be based on who we think are the best guys to deliver that balance in the back line -- the ability to punch and get through the line , have the physicality and also have the back-field and defensive understanding that we 'll need . ' The England team warm up during a training session at Pennyhill ahead of their match against New Zealand . Saracens star Owen Farrell practices his kicking during an England training session on Monday . Referring to dealing with New Zealand 's kicking game , he added : ` That reading of body language is key . That 's one thing Jonny and Jack did well in the Six Nations , particularly against Ireland -- Jonny Sexton has a very accurate and intelligent kicking game . It 's about being up in the line and also reading the body language to have the back-field covered . ' After having to contend with a stream of bad news relating to players ' fitness , Lancaster had some brighter bulletins to savour on Monday . His leading available props , Joe Marler and David Wilson , were able to return to full training and Billy Vunipola has recovered from concussion sufficiently to reclaim his starting place at No 8 . Farrell appeared to be labouring on his most recent appearance for Saracens , after a month out with a quad injury , but Lancaster said : ` There 's no residue of injury whatsoever . In terms of the way he 's making his decisions and leading the group , he 's exactly where he left off with us in the second Test -LRB- in June -RRB- . ' Eastmond was another who was struggling last week , as he recovered from a rib injury . But he has been backed to line up at inside centre and make light of his first-half horror in Hamilton during England 's last Test , five months ago . ` Kyle has come back to Bath , he 's been defensively excellent , a great attacking threat and he looks confident , ' said Lancaster . England 's front-five options have been slashed by early - season injuries but Lancaster has no qualms about promoting Dave Attwood to partner Courtney Lawes in the second row in place of Launchbury . ` They are quite similar players , ' he said . ` Dave is probably a stronger right-hand lock . He is a very good scrummaging second row . ` He has changed his game this season -- he 's lost a bit of weight and played exceptionally well for Bath . It was Dave 's decision . He felt he could maintain his power but become more mobile around the field . But he 's still a big fella and he will bring a physicality to our game because of his power . ' | Gloucester wing Jonny May will return to the starting XV . Semesa Rokoduguni is expected to start on the right against the All Blacks . Rokoduguni will become the first serving soldier to win an international cap for England since Tim Rodber 15 years ago . | [[173, 231], [725, 813], [725, 756], [770, 813], [0, 172], [1018, 1115], [1477, 1597], [1500, 1597]] |
The Fukushima site , the scene of the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl , has become a tourist attraction . Local government tour guides are now escorting buses of people through the area , explaining what has become of the disaster zone . Back in 2011 , three of the Fukushima Nuclear Plant 's six reactors blew up following a tsunami , releasing radioactive gases that meant the whole area had to be evacuated . Fukushima Prefecture has been abandoned since the nuclear blow-up back in 2011 . Locals hope opening the area up as a tourist attraction can stimulate a mass rebuild . However , with contamination levels said to be ` low ' , people are being permitted on whistle-stop tours to view the desolate and abandoned place . Although there were no fatalities from radiation exposure , 300,000 residents were moved from a 20-mile radius of the nuclear plant . In total there were nearly 16,000 deaths reported from the natural disaster and subsequent devastation . Three of the six reactors blew up when a tsunami measuring 9 on the Richter scale hit the region . Clean-up expected to take decades , and cost more than # 18 billion . An investigation panel deduced the disaster had major elements of being ` man-made , ' and there was a '' culture of complacency about nuclear safety and poor crisis management . ' When asked what people say when they see the area for the first time , tour organiser Yusuke Kato told CNN : ` At first , they say unbelievable . ' With soil and water contaminated , nobody can live there yet , and it is unknown when the clean-up mission will be completed . Former residents like Kenichi Bamba are optimistic that Fukushima Prefecture can be rebuilt , but the pain of what happened is still raw . ` Actually I 've come here several times but still ... I can not say anything . Just sad . Just sad . ' The nuclear plant is still being taken apart , and it is estimated it will take decades to make the area safe , as well as cost billions of pounds . Surveys show only a fifth of former residents want to return to living in the area . However , tour guides hope by educating tourists and sharing their experiences of what Fukushima once was , people can be inspired and help rebuild the prefecture . Kato added : ` We want to encourage local people for the revitilisation of Fukushima . ' Contamination levels are low , which means people can , for a limited time , view the destruction site . A tsunami led to a terrible chain of events that still sees Fukushima uninhabitable to this day . The plant has six reactors , three of which were offline when disaster struck on March 11 , 2011 . A magnitude-9 .0 earthquake triggered a huge tsunami which swept into the plant and knocked out its backup power and cooling systems , leading to meltdowns at the three active reactors . Decommissioning and dismantling all six reactors is a delicate , time-consuming process that includes removing the melted fuel from a highly radioactive environment , as well as all the extra fuel rods , which sit in cooling pools at the top of the reactor buildings . Workers , who wear protective suits when dismantling the plant , must determine the exact condition of the melted fuel debris and develop remote-controlled and radiation-resistant robotics to deal with it . The process is expected to take at least 40 years . | Fukushima Prefecture decimated by nuclear disaster back in 2011 . Government tour guides now educate tourists about the disaster . Locals hope one day the prefecture can be inhabitable and rebuilt . | [[245, 257], [260, 340], [419, 499], [113, 141], [195, 244], [1600, 1691]] |
Omar al-Shishani , one of hundreds of Chechens who have been among the toughest jihadi fighters in Syria , has emerged as the face of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant , appearing frequently in its online videos . A young , red bearded Chechen who has rapidly become one of the most prominent commanders of Isis may have risen to become the extremist group 's overall military chief , it has been claimed . Omar al-Shishani , one of hundreds of Chechens who have been among the toughest jihadi fighters in Syria , has emerged as the face of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant , appearing frequently in its online videos . His appearances in the videos are in contrast to the group 's Iraqi leader , Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , who remains deep in hiding and has hardly ever been photographed . Al-Shishani has been the group 's military . commander in Syria , leading it on an offensive to take over a broad . stretch of territory leading to the Iraq border . But he may have risen to become the . group 's overall military chief , a post that has been vacant after the . Iraqi militant who once held it - known as Abu Abdul-Rahman al-Bilawi . al-Anbari - was killed in the Iraqi city of Mosul in early June . In a video released by the group over the weekend , al-Shishani is shown standing next to the group 's spokesman among a group of fighters as they declare the elimination of the border between Iraq and Syria . The video was released just hours before the extremist group announced the creation of a caliphate - or Islamic state - in the areas it controls . ` Our aim is clear and everyone knows why we are fighting . Our path is toward the caliphate , ' the 28-year-old al-Shishani declares . ` We will bring back the caliphate , and if God does not make it our fate to restore the caliphate , then we ask him to grant us martyrdom . ' The video is consistent with other Associated Press reporting on al-Shishani . The video identified al-Shishani as ` the military commander ' without specifying its Syria branch , suggesting he had been elevated to overall commander . The group however has not formally announced such a promotion . In a video released by the group over the weekend , al-Shishani is shown standing next to the group 's spokesman among a group of fighters as they declare the elimination of the border between Iraq and Syria . Al-Shishani , whose real name is Tarkhan Batirashvili , is an ethnic Chechen from the Caucasus nation of Georgia . Charles Lister , visiting fellow with the Brookings Doha Centre , told Associated Press that as the militant group 's operations in . Iraq and Syria grow ` more and more inter-dependent by the day , it is . more than possible that someone like -LRB- al-Shishani -RRB- could assume overall . military leadership . ' Two days after the group unilaterally declared the establishment of a caliphate , the group 's leader , al-Baghdadi , appeared on a 19-minute audiotape calling on Muslims to come to the territory his group has seized to help build an Islamic state . In the audio , posted yesterday on militant websites which have been used by the group before , the leader makes a special call to those with practical skills - such as scholars , judges , doctors , engineers and people with military and administrative expertise - to come ` answer the dire need of the Muslims for them ' . He also calls on jihadi fighters to increase fighting in the holy month of Ramadan , which began on Sunday . He said : ` In this virtuous month or in any other month , there is no deed better than jihad in the path of Allah , so take advantage of this opportunity and walk the path of you righteous predecessors . ` So to arms , to arms , soldiers of the Islamic , fight , fight . ' The extremist group began as al-Qaida 's branch in Iraq , and many of its top leaders are Iraqi . Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , head of the Islamic State or Iraq and the Levant , yesterday appeared on a 19-minute audiotape calling on Muslims to come to the territory his group has seized to help build an Islamic state . It drew hundreds of foreign fighters to its operations in Syria however after it intervened in Syria 's civil war last year . The two branches are now swapping fighters , equipment and weapons to an even greater extent than before , becoming a more integrated organization . Its declaration of the caliphate - aspiring to be a state for all Muslims - could mean an even greater internationalization of its ranks . Alexei Malashenko , an expert with the Carnegie Endowment 's Moscow office , said ethnicity is not a major factor in jihadi movements , only dedication to jihad . Al-Shishani ` is a fanatic of Islam with war experience , and he obviously has had a strong track record -LRB- among fellow fighters -RRB- , ' he said . Announcement : Isis militants celebrate the establishment of a caliphate , or Islamic state , in the vast stretches of the Middle East that have fallen under its control . Militant Islamist fighters take part in a military parade along the streets of Syria 's northern Raqqa province to celebrate their declaration of an Islamic ` caliphate ' after the group captured territory in neighbouring Iraq . Syria 's civil war , in its fourth year , has attracted militants from around the world . Some estimates run as high as 10,000 foreign fighters in the country . But the Chechens - hardened from years of wars with Russia in the Caucasus region - are considered some of the best fighters . Alexander Bortnikov , the head of Russia 's Federal Security Service , the main KGB successor agency known under its Russian acronym FSB , said last October that about 500 militants from Russia and hundreds more from other ex-Soviet nations are fighting in Syria . Al-Shishani , whose real name is Tarkhan Batirashvili , is an ethnic Chechen from the Caucasus nation of Georgia , specifically from the Pankisi Valley , a centre of Georgia 's Chechen community and once a stronghold for militants . He carried out military service in the Georgian army but was discharged after an unspecified illness , said one of his former neighbours , who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals . A gun-brandishing Islamist loyal to Isis celebrates the formation of the caliphate by waving a jihadist flag in the Syrian city of Raqqa on Sunday . At one point , he was arrested by Georgian police for illegal possession of arms , the neighbour told Associated Press . As soon as he was released in 2010 , Batirashvili left for Turkey . Georgian police refused to comment . He later surfaced in Syria in 2013 with his nom de guerre , which means ` Omar the Chechen ' in Arabic , leading an al-Qaida-inspired group called ` The Army of Emigrants and Partisans , ' which included a large number of fighters from the former Soviet Union . A meeting was soon organized with al-Baghdadi in which al-Shishani pledged loyalty to him , according to Lebanon 's al-Akhbar newspaper , which follows jihadi groups . As the militant group 's operations in . Iraq and Syria grow ` more and more inter-dependent by the day , it is . more than possible that someone like -LRB- al-Shishani -RRB- could assume overall . military leadership ' - Charles Lister , visiting fellow with the Brookings Doha Centre . In August 2013 his fighters proved pivotal in taking the Syrian military 's Managh air base in the north of the country . Rebels had been trying for months to take the base , but it fell soon after al-Shishani joined the battle , said an activist from the region , Abu al-Hassan Maraee . The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant entered the Syria conflict in 2013 , and initially it was welcomed by other rebels . But rebel groups - including other Islamic militant factions - turned against it , alienated by its brutal methods and kidnappings and killings of rivals , and accusing it of trying to take over the opposition movement for its own ambitions of creating a transnational Islamic enclave . Rebel factions have been fighting against the group since last year in battles that have left thousands dead . Al-Qaida 's central command ejected the extremist group from the network . For the past two months , al-Shishani has led an offensive in Syria 's eastern Deir el-Zour province against rival rebels , seeking to solidify his hold on a stretch of territory connected to neighboring Iraq . In May , some Arab media organizations reported that al-Shishani was killed in the fighting . An activist in Iraq in contact with members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant said al-Shishani suffered wounds in his right arm and was taken into Iraq where he underwent treatment before returning to Syria . He spoke on condition of anonymity for security concerns . Caliphate : A map purportedly showing the areas Isis plans to have under its control within five years has been widely shared online . As well as the Middle East , North Africa and large areas of Asia , it also reveals Isis ' ambition to extend into Europe . Spain , which was Muslim-ruled until the late 15th Century , would form part of the caliphate , as would the Balkan states and eastern Europe , up to and including Austria . Since then , al-Shishani has appeared multiple times in photos and videos put out by the group . The photos and videos are consistent with the AP 's reporting from activists on the ground . In a recent photograph , the young , round-faced al-Shishani , wearing a black cap and beige gown , is seen with a big smile as he examines a Humvee said to have been captured in Iraq and brought into Syria . Hussein Nasser , spokesman for the Islamic Front coalition group of rebels , said Chechens are among the most feared fighters in Syria . ' A Chechen comes and has no idea about anything -LRB- in the country -RRB- and does whatever his leader tells him , ' Nasser said . ` Even if his emir tells him to kill a child , he would do it . ' | Omar al-Shishani has emerged as face of Isis after appearing in online videos . He has been the group 's military commander in Syria , leading it on an offensive to take over a broad stretch of territory leading to Iraq border . He may have risen to become the group 's overall military chief . | [[0, 16], [99, 174], [0, 16], [177, 220], [414, 430], [513, 588], [414, 430], [591, 634], [221, 250], [311, 389], [802, 846], [847, 865], [868, 894], [882, 917], [918, 967], [5143, 5194], [8160, 8183], [8186, 8281], [8186, 8197], [8284, 8338], [8329, 8370], [221, 250], [311, 389], [802, 846], [972, 1005], [968, 1005], [1933, 2031], [1933, 1942], [2034, 2088]] |
My initial impression of Sri Lanka ? Hot . I first visited in 1982 -- when England played their first test match against Sri Lanka in Colombo . Then we went and played in Kandy , in the central province , and it has become one of my favourite places in the whole country . It 's home to the Temple of the Tooth Relic -LRB- Sri Dalada Maligawa -RRB- , and is the most important spot for Sri Lanka 's Buddhist community . The whole town is steeped in history . It 's always been one of the country 's major trading places , and there are beautiful temples and tea plantations . It must be part of your itinerary . A family favourite : Ian Botham has spent time with his grandchildren in Sri Lanka - and has long found Kandy -LRB- right -RRB- , where the Temple of the Tooth Relic is an important Buddhist landmark - to be one of its greatest cities . I only really started to fall in love with the country on coming back to commentate . As a player we were never in one place long enough . I visited the south at the start of 2004 , just after the tsunami . It was horrendous , with bodies still being pulled from the rubble . Since then , Laureus Sport for Good Foundation -LRB- I 'm an ambassador for the organisation -RRB- has worked with the Sri Lanka-based Foundation of Goodness and built the Southern Project in Seenigama , an area which was devastated by the huge wave . There 's a brand new school , a cricket oval and an Olympic-sized pool . The pool was paid for by rock singer Bryan Adams , who offered to help fund the sports complex after reading about the destruction wreaked by the tsunami , and locals have named it the Bryan Adams Pool in his honour . It 's hard to believe that when I first visited , the railway line - and a train - were 400 yards away in a coconut tree . It was this project which inspired me to undertake last year 's sponsored walk . I managed 160 miles , from the north to the south of the island , in eight days . The aim was to raise money and mirror what 's been done in the south - because the north was devastated by the civil war and has suffered terribly . The north has so much to offer - it 's Sri Lanka 's next booming tourism centre . The main draw are the beaches -- they 're sensational . There are new hotels and railways being built and the airport at Jaffna , the capital city of the northern province , is being renovated . It should establish itself within five years . Anuradhapura - the capital of the north central province - and Mihintale , which is the birthplace of Buddhism in Sri Lanka , have beautiful stupas and temples which put Angkor Wat to shame - well , almost . They are within what 's known as Sri Lanka 's cultural triangle . Splendid : The south coast of Sri Lanka has glorious beaches - and has recovered from the tsunami of 2004 . This area 's most spectacular landmark is the Sigiriya rock fortress - an enormous , 200-metre-high lump of stone . In 480 AD , a Sri Lankan king built his castle atop the rock . It 's a UNESCO World Heritage site and Sri Lankans call it the eighth wonder of the world . I climbed it on my first cricket tour and was amazed . So much that , while taking a photo , I accidentally knocked over the bottle of water I 'd diligently carried to the top . I remember watching in horror as it rolled over the edge and tumbled out of sight . I 've visited Sri Lanka with my family several times . Some of the most memorable trips have been with my wife and the grandchildren . It 's incredibly child-friendly - as child-friendly as destinations like Spain or the Caribbean . We wanted to show the grandchildren that life is n't easy , that terrible things happen but you have to pick yourself up , dust yourself off and carry on . The Sri Lankans are the best example of this - they 're always smiling and there 's no bitterness about the unfair hand they 've been dealt , with the civil war and tsunami . They are the reason my wife Kath and I keep returning . We 've spent a lot of time in the capital , Colombo , which is a fantastic , progressive city , with great hotels and restaurants . We like Lagoon , the restaurant at the Cinnamon Grand hotel , where you choose your seafood from a huge display and the chefs cook it however you want . The grandchildren loved it - they would compete to find the biggest fish . Other great restaurants in the capital are the Ministry of Crab , which is owned by Sri Lankan cricketers Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene , and the Park Street Mews restaurant , which blends Sri Lankan and European cuisine . I 've probably spent most time in the south , in coastal towns like Galle and Weligama . In Weligama , we rented a villa and just chill out - I love watching the stilt fishermen balancing on their poles . Inviting : Kandy , at the very heart of this tropical island , is Sri Lanka at its most intriguing . I 've spent hours walking around Galle fort , which is a walled city . The locals have incredible stories to tell about the day the tsunami hit - how they could see the wave coming and ran inside the fort , emerging hours later to find the rest of the city in ruins . The fort was built by the Portuguese in the 14th century and it split the wave and saved thousands of lives . Nobody inside died - you can walk around inside and see these old shops and restaurants which were n't even affected . The grandchildren also adored Weligama , where they fished , rode in tuk-tuks , played on the beaches and spotted turtles . One day was spent just fishing on the beach . One of my grandchildren , James , is extremely competitive - he simply has to beat his younger sister at everything . James had spent all day waiting for a bite . He put down the rod while he nipped to the loo and his sister Imani-Jayne picked up the rod and caught a fish within seconds . James was livid . My advice for anyone considering a visit to Sri Lanka ? Do it . It is all there to be explored . Tourism on the south coast is well-established . The east and west coasts are becoming more established , and the north will soon be the next big tourism destination . What 's more , you do n't have to walk everywhere - like I did . Sri Lankan Airlines -LRB- , 020 8538 2000 -RRB- flies daily -LRB- apart from . Saturdays and Sundays , when there are two flights a day -RRB- to Colombo from . London Heathrow . Prices from # 613 . Find more about the work of . Laureus Sport for Good Foundation at . | England 's leading wicket taker first visited Sri Lanka to play cricket in 1982 . This time , he took his grandchildren for a sunshine holiday of beach fishing . He has a particular fondness for Kandy , with its famous Buddhist temple . | [[43, 66], [633, 694], [5482, 5527], [5482, 5489], [5505, 5527]] |
The buildings of a resort designed to the boost morale of hardworking Nazis are to go on sale at cut price . The construction , known as Prora , on Rügen , Germany 's largest island , was part of a programme introduced by Hitler , called Kraft durch Freude - meaning ` strength through joy ' . As part of the programme , the Nazi leader organized activities such as skiing and cruises - and intended to build a collection of seaside resorts on Rügen . A promotional poster hangs on the buildings of the former seaside resort in Prora on the island of Rügen . Iinitial construction started in 1936 , but had to be halted at the onslaught of World War II . Over the next three years , a total of 10,000 rooms were built . The resort was designed to include eight identical buildings , offering entertainment , catered meals and organised fun based around Nazi propaganda and won an award in 1937 for its Bauhaus design . Once war broke out in 1939 , the Nazis used the buildings to house workers and provide shelter to refugees , and post-war , they were used to house Soviet and East German military . But over time they fell into disrepair and were only saved from demolition thanks to being given a landmark status . The sombre grey block was seen as an example of Third Reich architecture , along with the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg and Berlin 's Olympic Stadium . A sign points to the showroom at the construction . Eight bed houses with a total of 10,000 rooms were built from 1935 to 1939 . After the property was sold to private investors , the first apartments , condos and apartments were built . The property was sold to private investors and is finally set to realise its purpose as a mega resort , renting and selling holidays homes and condos . Estate agent , IRIS GERD , who are redeveloping Prora 's building Block I , is offering some ` New Prora ' units at prices between 200,000 and 250,000 euros - around # 160k and # 200k . Investors believe that despite its history , with the property market on a steep incline in Germany , the holiday homes will sell . One estate agent , Kathrin Lange , told German press , the buildings are for ` risk-tolerant investors ' . | Resort designed to boost Nazi morale to offer holiday rentals and condos . A total of 10,000 rooms were built from 1935 to 1939 but were never used . Units are now on sale at prices between around # 160k and # 200k . | [[17, 75], [1616, 1628], [1663, 1767], [655, 680], [683, 719], [1430, 1506], [0, 25], [76, 108], [1768, 1780], [1844, 1953]] |
France is the most popular ski destination for Brits this winter accounting for a staggering 87 per cent of all enquiries . Austria and Switzerland remain popular , although demand for both is down on last year while Andorra has seen a significant hike in popularity with enquiries up 32 per cent on last season . Morzine is the number one choice for Brits and demand for this resort is up 16 per cent on last year , in research by Owners Direct . Morzine in France will be the most popular ski resort for Brits when booking a winter trip . Val Thorens , Meribel and La Plagne have also experienced a big leap in demand versus last season , whereas Chamonix has seen demand fall by 23 per cent and it has dropped from position four to position nine in the ` top 10 ' . ` France is the clear winner among British skiers this season , ' says Erica Chang , Senior Regional Director , Owners Direct . ` Demand for ski accommodation in France has risen year-on-year and our top ten ski resorts are all French . ' Most popular countries for a ski holiday based on no . of enquiries between January and October 2014 for travel between December 2014 and March 2015 . Top 10 most popular ski resorts , based on number of enquiries received between January and October 2014 for travel between December 2014 and March 2015 , compared with the same period in the previous year . Figures from the holiday home specialist and currency provider , Caxton FX , have revealed that demand for ski holidays is climbing high , reporting that the volume of currency purchased for ski-related trips is up 59 per cent on last year . ` British skiers are opting for the more affordable eurozone resorts , over the US and Switzerland , with the number of US dollars purchased for ski this year down on 2013 , ' said James Hickman , managing director of Caxton FX . Figures for US Dollars are reportedly down 73 per cent on last year and the number of Swiss Francs bought this year is down 58 per cent since 2012 . ` In contrast , the volume of Euros purchased for ski-related trips is up 64 per cent , year on year . Brits really are making the most of being closer to home where the pound has significantly strengthened against the Euro , adds Mr Hickman . ' Chamonix has fallen from position four to nine and a 23 per cent drop in bookings for 2015 . Owners Direct is putting the heightened demand for snowy escapes down to the balmy temperatures that the UK has enjoyed this year , particularly during the hazy autumn , which has made holidaymakers crave the crisp chill of the slopes even more than usual . Its figures have also revealed that December is the most popular month for travellers to take a ski holiday , accounting for almost half of the total enquiries for the 2014/15 season , followed by February4 , with many opting to take their ski break during the school holidays . ` Holiday homes are particularly appealing for families , whose travel dates are often restricted to the Christmas and February half-term school holidays , because they offer a more affordable way to enjoy a ski holiday than a hotel or catered chalet and allow the whole family to stay together , ' added Ms Chang . Owners Direct has more than 3,400 ski properties to rent this season , spanning France , Austria , Switzerland , Bulgaria , Andorra , Italy and Finland . | Staggering 87 % will book a ski trip to France this winter . Rising charges have hit Swiss and Austrian bookings this year . Morzine is the most popular singular destination - up 16 % . | [[0, 123], [47, 123], [325, 414]] |
David Cameron told his wife she did not need to worry about him going for dinner with Silvio Berlusconi -- because he would get an aide to pull him out of the Jacuzzi before the ` whores ' turned up . Mr Cameron made the quip before heading to Rome for a state dinner with his Italian counterpart , it was revealed today . Graffiti artist Ben Eine was in Downing Street when the PM cracked the joke after being invited for tea and biscuits . Italy 's former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and David Cameron met for dinner in 2010 . Mr Cameron joked to his wife that she did not need to worry about him meeting the billionaire former Italian PM . Earlier this year , Mr Berlusconi was unexpectedly cleared of paying for sex with a minor at a series of sordid ` bunga bunga ' sex parties . The court said the billionaire media tycoon had paid for sex with a 17-year-old prostitute known as ` Ruby the Heartstealer ' . But they said there was no proof he knew her age . Mr Berlusconi , now aged 78 , quit as Italy 's prime minister in 2011 during a serious escalation of the euro zone crisis but remains politically active and still leads his centre-right Forza Italia party . He is currently banned from holding public office after being convicted of tax fraud , and has been doing community service at a care home as part of his sentence . Mr Eine 's painting Twenty First Century City was presented to Barack Obama in 2010 on Mr Cameron 's first trip to Washington in 2010 . Shortly after ward the artist was invited to Number 10 -- just before Mr Cameron was due in Rome for his first meeting with the then Italian leader . Mr Cameron jokingly reassured his wife that he would not be sharing jacuzzis , Mr Eine told a told a conference in London . The artist , a self-confessed former graffiti vandal , revealed Mr Cameron 's unguarded remarks during a filmed interview to mark the start of three-day conference on graffiti at London 's South Bank centre . Mr Eine said the PM had to leave early to travel to Rome . He said : ` We were sitting there chatting away and his PA or assistant came in and said : `` David , we 've got to go '' . ` And he jumped up and said `` Samantha I 've got to go off to Italy -- dinner with Berlusconi . Do n't worry I 'll get so-and-so to pull me out of the jacuzzi before the whores turn up '' . ` And then he walked out the door . And I was like , that 's great , prime ministers are n't meant to say that in front of bods like me , just in case I do this and repeat the story in front of a video camera . ` I started off tagging stuff -- I 'm not meant to be having tea and biscuits with the prime minister . ' Street artist Ben Eines photographed in front of his work on Middlesex Street , in east London was invited for tea and biscuits with the Camerons . Mr Eine 's painting was one of the official gifts given to Barack Obama from David Cameron on his first trip to Washington as Prime Minister in 2010 . Mr Eine praised the Prime Minister but said he would never vote for him , the Guardian reported . He said : ` I have never voted in my life and I would never vote Tory . ` -LSB- But -RSB- I really enjoyed talking to him . He was interesting , he was funny . He 's obviously a really smart and on the ball man . ' Mr Cameron 's first meeting with Berlusconi came after a 38-year-old prostitute , Maria Teresa De Nicolo , described how she and a host of other women enjoyed a meal with Italy 's prime minister before she and a couple of the others joined him in bed . A No 10 spokesman said Downing Street never comments on private conversations . | PM made quip before trip to Rome for dinner with his Italian counterpart . Graffiti artist Ben Eine was in Number 10 when the PM cracked the joke . First meeting with Berlusconi came as Italian faced prostitute allegations . | [[201, 296], [442, 533], [2186, 2239], [323, 338], [348, 441], [3263, 3342]] |
Two women have been charged with animal cruelty , one month after a raid on a suburban Buffalo , New York , kennel . Authorities found dozens of animals at the Dodge Boarding Kennel living in deplorable conditions - and nearly as many dead ones stored in freezers at the Getzville facility . Maria Faricellie , 53 , and Sheila Meli , 49 , were each charged with five counts of animal cruelty . Faricellie owns the kennel and Meli ran the facility . Scroll down for video . Authorities found dozens of animals at the Dodge Boarding Kennel living in deplorable conditions - and nearly as many dead ones stored in freezers at the Getzville facility . Gruesome : 72 dead animals were found in freezers - some of which were raccoons , rabbits , sugar gliders , guinea pigs and turtles - the SPCA said . A rescued cat is seen being led away during the raid . The five counts come from the number of animal species discovered at the time of the November 7 kennel raid : cats , dogs , reptiles , birds and small exotics . The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals -LRB- SPCA -RRB- said it removed 77 live animals and amphibians from the facility . The SPCA said it also discovered 72 dead animals in freezers , some of which were raccoons , rabbits , sugar gliders , guinea pigs and turtles . WIVB reported last month that the animals were in bags with labels on them . Officials said many of the cats and dogs were malnourished and had matted hair . A turtle showed ` shell rot ' , and there was a ` severely underweight chinchilla , ' the SPCA said . The animal 's overgrown teeth may have hindered its ability to eat . The SPCA said the raid took place after officials earlier went to the property on October 27 , October 28 and November 4 and observed poor conditions , including the smell of urine . Sickly : Officials said many of the cats and dogs were malnourished and had matted hair . Care : The animals rescued from the Dodge Boarding Kennel are seen being tended to after the raid . Busted : The raid took place after officials earlier went to the property , where they observed poor conditions . Both the Amherst Police Department and New York 's Department of Environmental Conservation were involved in the raid , Buffalo News reported . The charges against Faricellie and Meli were served Friday afternoon by peace officer Aaron Kandefer , SPCA spokeswoman Gina Browning said in a release . The two women are due in court next month , Browning said . Browning told Buffalo News that the six live amphibians went to New York 's Department of Conservation since the creatures are not legally pets . The other animals stayed at the Tonawanda SPCA . | Dodge Boarding Kennel owner Maria Faricellie , 53 , and facility operator Sheila Meli , 49 , were each charged with five counts of animal cruelty . The SPCA said it removed 77 live animals and amphibians from the facility . 72 dead animals were also discovered in freezers , the group said . | [[0, 47], [292, 331], [339, 393], [394, 420], [410, 448], [1014, 1150], [1089, 1150], [117, 181], [230, 291], [473, 537], [586, 647], [657, 707], [1151, 1211]] |
Napoli players made the most of the awful conditions at their training session on Thursday by sliding through a huge puddle . The Serie A side played 6 vs 6 in the pouring Naples rain ahead of their home clash against Empoli , but at the end of the session the six winners linked hands to do a Jurgen Klinsmann-esque dive . Napoli players pose after sliding through a puddle during a very wet training session . The 6-a-side winners slide through a puddle at Napoli 's training ground . The Serie A side played in the pouring Naples rain ahead of their home clash against Empoli . Napoli posted the image on their Instagram , saying : ` Dip in the water for 6 winners ! ' The club posted on their Instagram : ` Tuffo nell ` acqua per i 6 vincitori ! ' translated as ` Dip in the water for 6 winners ! ' Napoli boss Rafael Benitez kept himself dry from the puddle at least , as the former Liverpool boss prepares his side for an onslaught on the top two in Italy ; Roma and Juventus . Napoli currently sit in third place , eight points behind Roma and 11 behind Juventus . They have drawn their last two games in the league but are unbeaten in eight games in all competitions . Jurgen Klinsmann dived in celebration after his first goal for Spurs against Sheffield Wednesday in 1994 . The German was getting stick from fans and the media about his playacting antics . | Napoli made the most of the awful conditions at their training session . The Serie A side played a 6 v 6 game , and the victors took a slide through a huge puddle at the training ground . Napoli sit third in Serie A , 11 points behind leaders Juventus . | [[0, 125], [412, 486], [0, 125], [0, 14], [91, 125], [126, 209], [324, 411], [412, 486], [984, 1019]] |
While 70 million deaf people use sign language as their mother tongue , not everyone has knowledge of the language so communicating can still be challenging . Now a team of entrepreneurs who are all deaf have come up with a tablet case called Uni that can translate sign language into text that is shown on a tablet , to bridge the gap between deaf people and those who can hear . They describe it as a ` revolutionary two-way communication tool for the deaf and hearing . ' Scroll down for video . A team of entrepreneurs who are all deaf have come up with a tablet case called Uni that can translate sign language on a tablet into text -LRB- shown left -RRB- , to bridge the gap between deaf people and those who can hear . It can also detect speech and translate it into text to help deaf people when lip reading is difficult . Ryan Hait-Campbell , CEO of San Francisco-based start-up MotionSavvy led the development of the translation software that powers the Uni tablet case . It 's designed to fit a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet , which retails for around $ 320 -LRB- # 200 -RRB- , but versions for Android devices and iOS devices are in the works . The case contains motion-sensing technology that reads sign language and translates it into text that appears on the tablet 's screen in real-time , allowing non-deaf people to interpret sign language and deaf people to make themselves more easily understood . Uni case is designed to fit a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet -LRB- both pictured -RRB- which retails for around $ 320 -LRB- # 200 -RRB- , but versions for Android devices and iOS devices are in the works . The case uses Leap Motion technology togethr with a camera to sense hands and fingers . Uni case is designed to fit a Dell Venue Pro 8 tablet . It contains motion-sensing technology that reads sign language and translates it into text that appears on the tablet 's screen in real-time . Uni uses Leap Motion 's motion-sensing technology , which enables a camera to sense hand movements up to one foot away . Its American Sign Language -LRB- ASL -RRB- recognition software interprets signs and matches them with a database of signs to translate them into the correct word . Uni also uses a microphone to detect speech and display it on the tablet 's screen for deaf people to read , which may be useful in situations where lip reading is difficult . It 's available to pre-order on Indiegogo for $ 198 -LRB- # 124 -RRB- plus a monthly subscription and is expected to ship in September 2015 . Uni uses Leap Motion 's motion-sensing technology , which enables a camera to sense hand movements up to one foot away . The entrepreneurs ' American Sign Language -LRB- ASL -RRB- recognition software interprets signs and matches them with a database of signs to translate them into the correct word . Every time someone signs , Uni 's software remembers their movements and improves its translation . It gets smarter to learn a user 's personal signing style . The tool also allows ASL users to add their own signs that are saved to a dictionary . Their hand movements are shown on the screen in real-time so users can see if the software is misinterpreting their signs . Uni also uses a microphone to detect speech and display it on the tablet 's screen for deaf people to read , which may be useful in situations where lip reading is difficult . The entrepreneurs , from the Rochester Institute of Technology , National Technical Institute for the Deaf , are raising money on Indiegogo to put their device into production . Uni is available to pre-order for $ 198 -LRB- # 124 -RRB- . It 's expected to ship in September 2015 . A $ 20-a-month subscription is needed for software updates and crowd signing functions . The case 's American Sign Language -LRB- ASL -RRB- recognition software interprets signs in real-time , showing what the camera sees on screen -LRB- pictured -RRB- . It matches them with a database of signs to translate them into the correct word , which is displayed on the tablet . | ` Uni ' case uses a camera and Leap Motion technology to read hand signs . It translates gestures into text shown on a tablet in real-time . Gadget was developed by deaf entrepreneurs based in San Francisco . Uni is available to pre-order on Indiegogo for $ 198 -LRB- # 124 -RRB- . | [[222, 246], [558, 582], [1151, 1247], [1611, 1669], [1755, 1845], [1898, 1947], [1922, 1947], [1956, 1996], [2502, 2551], [2526, 2551], [2560, 2600], [280, 289], [295, 315], [726, 728], [756, 778], [1151, 1247], [1243, 1247], [1253, 1297], [1755, 1845], [1841, 1845], [1851, 1897], [3946, 3969], [3976, 4004], [499, 522], [540, 571], [831, 849], [852, 947], [2360, 2419], [2445, 2457], [2462, 2501], [3529, 3588], [3529, 3532], [3546, 3552], [3553, 3580]] |
The mother of an Oakland teen who was declared brain dead after having tonsil surgery in December - and then became the focus of a struggle between her family and the hospital over whether to keep her on life support - is speaking out for the first time in over a month . In the letter , sent via-Facebook to KTVU Channel 2 news anchor Frank Somerville , 13-year-old Jahi McMath 's mother , Nailah Winkfield , thanked those who have supported her during her struggle to keep her daughter alive . Additionally , she says that her daughter is alive and not suffering - now that she 's been moved from the Children 's Hospital Oakland to a long-term care facility . SCROLL DOWN FOR THE FULL TEXT OF WINKFIELD 'S LETTER . Wedding : This photograph shows Jahi McMath -LRB- right -RRB- at the wedding of her step-father Marvin Winkfield -LRB- 2nd right -RRB- to her mother Naliah -LRB- not pictured -RRB- - also in this photograph are Mariana Winkfield -LRB- left -RRB- and her grandmother Sandra Chatman -LRB- 2nd left -RRB- . ' I have been surrounded by the love , . support and prayers of so many kind people , ' Winkfield says in the letter . ` Despite what people say . about my daughter being dead and how I must be ignorant not to get that , . I can tell you that she is much better physically since she has left . Children 's Hospital and I see changes that give me hope . ' McMath was declared brain dead following a tonsil surgery intended to help the girl 's sleep apnea on December 9 . Following the surgery , the girl suffered tremendous blood loss and went into cardiac arrest . The poor circulation as a result of the severe blood loss caused injuries to her brain that doctors considered to be fatal . Brief relief : Nailah Winkfield has an emotional moment Monday after learning her daughter Jahi McMath will be kept on life support until January 7 . Wrenching moment : Nailah Winkfield -LRB- right -RRB- has a . moment of relief after Monday evening 's news that her daughter Jahi . McMath -LRB- right -RRB- may remain on life support until January 7 after a judge . granted a temporary halt to plans to remove the 13-year-old from life . support . It has been over a month since I have spoken about my life with Jahi to anyone outside a very small circle of family and friends . So many people have asked how we are doing and if Jahi is alive . This has and continues to be an unbelievably difficult time for me as a mother and for us as a family . I have withdrawn for reasons of safety and privacy and to focus on my daughter and my role as her mother . However , I have not been alone . I have been surrounded by the love , support and prayers of so many kind people . Despite what people say about my daughter being dead and how I mustbe ignorant not to get that , I can tell you that she is much better physically since she has left Children 's Hospital and I see changes that give me hope . As I prayed today , I felt called to express to people that I am truly grateful for the amount of love and support my daughter Jahi McMath and I have received from people all over the world . We feel your prayer and support . Because of your unselfish generosity I was able to do what I was afraid I would never be able to do , move my daughter from Children 's Hospital Oakland before they removed her from her ventilator and stopped her heart . This was itself a miracle . Please know that all of thesupport we received has been used towards helping Jahi . If I had it my way , I would say thank you to each and every person in their native language so they could understand how much I appreciate them for all their support and , most importantly , prayers . It is my belief that faith in God , your prayers , and the incredible kindness of good hearted medical professionals , are the main reasons my daughter is alive today . I know people are concerned and I want to make sure you know that Jahi is not suffering , she is surrounded by love . I will never let her suffer . On the long hard days when I 'm feeling down , I think about all the people who are praying for me and Jahi and I feel so much better . I want you to know that I 'm praying for you as well . Thank you to all of the people who view my daughter as the sweet , innocent , 13-year-old girl that she is and not a dead body or a corpse , I deeply appreciate that . Thank you to everyone who has n't forgot how my daughter got into this situation in the first place . No one should have to go through this . I would like to thank all of the people who have reached out to me and shared their stories of their family members . Some have been heartbreaking . Some have given me hope . All have helped me feel that I am not the only person who has had this struggle . Some of you have shared how you fought for your loved ones and they got better , some of you have shared your regret with not fighting more and some shared with me the incredibly difficult decisions you made to let go . I have prayed for you as you have for me . Sadly , I can say I know how you feel . I also want to thank those who felt the need to go public with their opinions about me and my daughter , positive and even negative . It is because of you that my daughter 's experience is so relevant and that people all over the world know who Jahi Mcmath is . What you may not know is that her name , Jahi , means one who is known by many . Hopefully my daughter can change some of the ways brain death is viewed in today 's society . Honestly , I think she already has . Finally , thank you for all the love , support and prayers you give Jahi every day . I am certain that she knows you are praying for her . I feel the support from your prayer all the time . I do n't think I or Jahi would be here today without you . May God bless all who have shown love and compassion as well as those who have expressed their contempt . All are deserving of God 's grace and love . For those who believe , please , keep praying for Jahi . God can overcome all things and I believe that His will has yet to be fully revealed . I love Jahi and where there is love , there is hope . On December 12 , doctors declared the . girl brain dead and sought a medical declaration of death for the . 13-year-old . Her family , however , refused to accept the doctors ' decision to declare the girl dead - while technically brain dead , the . girl 's organs were being kept alive by machines . The disagreement led to court proceedings to determine whether the family had the right to keep McMath on life support . The . family petitioned the Alameda County Superior Court to step in when . doctors wanted to take McMath off of life support . The court then . appointed Paul Graham Fisher , the . chief of Child Neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine , to . give a second opinion on the girl 's condition . Fisher . agreed with the doctors at Children 's Hospital , noting that McMath had . no activity on an electroencephalogram , no blood flow to the brain and . she was unable to breathe on her own . Winkfield . appealed the decision to take her daughter off of life support , and the . court gave her an extension that required the hospital to keep her on a . ventilator until January 7 . The court , however , denied a request to give McMath a feeding tube or a tracheostomy . On January 5 , the hospital released McMath 's body to the county coroner , which released the body to Winkfield . McMath currently is being kept alive on life support at an undisclosed location . Family announcement : Jahi 's uncle Omari Sealey -LRB- pictured -RRB- spoke to reporters Monday evening just before a 5pm Pacific deadline when his brain dead niece 's ventilator was due to be switched off . Hope : This is the New Beginnings Center in Medway , Long Island , where the family of Jahi McMath hope to send her by private jet by January 7 in a bid to keep her alive . Winkfield and her family are now in a renewed race against time to get their little girl transferred to a facility willing to care for a legally dead patient . ' I am just thanking God and everyone who has supported us . I am going to fight with everything I have got , ' Winkfield said Monday . Fisher . agreed with the doctors at Children 's Hospital , noting that McMath had . no activity on an electroencephalogram , no blood flow to the brain and . she was unable to breathe on her own . Winkfield . appealed the decision to take her daughter off of life support , and the . court gave her an extension that required the hospital to keep her on a . ventilator until January 7 . The court , however , denied a request to give McMath a feeding tube or a tracheostomy . On January 5 , the hospital released McMath 's body to the county coroner , which released the body to Winkfield . McMath currently is being kept alive on life support at an undisclosed location . Struggle : Jahi 's family is pitted against a hospital they 've called uncaring in their struggle to keep the brain dead teen hooked to life support . Here , Children 's Hospital of Oakland spokesman Sam Singer updates reporters on Jahi 's condition December 30 . Doctors contend she has no possibility of ever waking up . Precautions : Officials saw to it that the door to the Children 's Hospital of Oakland was barricaded Monday in preparation for Jahi 's family 's press conference . Tragedy : Jahi McMath , 13 , was declared legally . brain-dead after undergoing a routine tonsil removal that dosctors . suggested as a means of eliminating her sleep apnea . Last photos : Mrs Winkfield snapped this picture of daughter Jahi the morning she took her to the hospital to undergo a tonsillectomy that ended up all but ending her life . Unexpected : After coming out of surgery , Jahi . started bleeding from the mouth and was eventually ruled brain-dead . The . hospital that performed the procedure no longer wants to keep the girl . on life support . Dede Logan , of Oakland , adds red stars to a poster in support of Jahi McMath in front of Children 's Hospital Oakland in Oakland , Calif. , on Monday , Dec. 23 , 2013 . | Nailah Winkfield has n't been heard from in over a month . On Wednesday she sent a note to an Oakland TV station thanking supporters of her daughter . 13-year-old Jahi McMath was declared brain dead after a tonsil surgery . The girl 's case set off a debate over patients ' rights . | [[272, 285], [355, 362], [410, 466], [11, 29], [34, 97], [1377, 1434], [9411, 9479], [9612, 9615], [9641, 9707], [9794, 9827], [0, 29], [104, 216]] |
More embarrassing details about Sony are coming to light a week after a group with ties to North Korea hacked the production company 's internal servers and released hundreds of documents ranging from never-released movies to employee evaluations . Hidden among the documents never meant to be seen by the public include the budget for upcoming film The Interview , starring Seth Rogen and James Franco as a TV producer and talk show host recruited by the CIA to assassinate North Korean President Kim Jong-un . The leaked records show Rogen , who also directed and wrote the script , was paid $ 8.4 million for the film , compared to co-star James Franco who made $ 6.5 million . The budget also revealed a pretty important plot point : that Britney Spears ' ex-husband Kevin Federline makes a cameo , for which he was paid $ 5,000 . Scroll down for video . Paydays : Seth Rogen took home $ 8.4 million working on The Interview , compared to the $ 6.5 million his co-star James Franco made -LRB- left -RRB- , according to information revealed in the recent cyber attack on Sony . Responsible ? Sources close to the internal investigation of the hack at Sony say they believe a North Korean group is behind the attack . Officials in North Korea previously threatened action . Compared to A-list actors like Leonardo DiCaprio , Robert Downey Jr and Jennifer Lawrence , who can take home more than $ 20million per film , the salaries revealed in the hack show the Rogen and Franco took home relatively average to low pay . Overall the film cost $ 44million for Sony to make . Meanwhile , Michael Lynton , the CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment and Amy Pascal , the co-chairman of the company were both revealed to be making a $ 3million annual salary . Among the more entertaining details revealed in the budget were how much the production company paid for small items like props . Millionaires : Sony Pictures Entertainment Co-Chairman Amy Pascal -LRB- left -RRB- and Sony Pictures CEO Michael Lynton -LRB- right -RRB- both make $ 3million a year , according to the leaked documents . One part of the script calls for a ` table of weed , coke , pills and panties ' which was budgeted at $ 250 . Thanks to some thrifty production assistants , the cost was brought down to $ 241 . The hackers also uploaded five yet-to-be-released films to file-sharing websites , including the Brad Pitt film Fury , still in theaters , and Annie , the much-anticipated remake set for a December 19 release . The company has been trying to take the videos off the internet with cease-and-desist orders . Pay information for more than 31,000 employees at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd , a financial firm hired by Sony , were taken in the hack as well . The pay information from 2005 revealed that there are far more men than women with high-paying salaries . The list was leaked to a reporter at news and pop culture site Fusion . Kevin Roose , reporting for Fusion , who was sent a link to the data by an anonymous source , said : ` When I sorted the list by ` annual rate , ' I noticed something notable : a stark homogeneity among the people earning the most . ` Based on the spreadsheet ... the employees of Sony Pictures with the highest annual rates appear to be nearly entirely white men . ' Buzzfeed reviewed almost 40GB of leaked internal data and reported it included 'em ployee criminal background checks , salary negotiations , and doctors ' letters explaining the medical rationale for leaves of absence . ' It reported the files also included a script for an unreleased pilot written by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan as well as 'em ail exchanges with employees regarding specific medical treatments they are undergoing , while one disciplinary letter details a manager 's romantic relationship and business travel history with a subordinate . ' The leaked information even includes an email about the breastfeeding diet of a senior executive . One aspect of the leak , which probably has the Sony IT team reeling , is the several spreadsheet and text documents where employees stored their passwords ... under the name ` password ' . And then there 's the hilarious slideshow written by Sony CFO David Hendler , negatively reviewing the company 's own films . In one slide , he draws attention to the movies the company put out in 2005 , the worst year in the company 's history . Those films include Zorro , Bewitched and Zathura . Hendler follows that up with a slide about the movies distributed in 2010 like Burlesque , How Do You Know and Just Go With It , commenting : ` Not as bad as 2005 , but still not something to write home about ' . Those on Sony 's marketing teams devised equally entertaining slides , revealed in the breach . A few of the slides take different movies , and explain the concept , and strengths and weaknesses to highlight . For movies with a patriotic element , like White House Down and Captain Phillips , executives warn to ` avoid American-centrism ' and focus instead on special effects and star actors . Presentation : In this leaked slideshow , Sony CFO David Hendler calls out the movies that made for the company 's worst financial year on record . Critic : He follows the 2005 slide up with the movies distributed in 2010 , commenting : ` Not as bad as 2005 , but still not something to write home about ' Company secrets : Another leaked slideshow shows how the company tries to downplay American themes in films with a patriotic theme . The hack is thought to be carried out by those allied with the North Korean regime , unhappy with the country 's portrayal in the film . In June , a North Korean official appeared on the state-run news station to say the country would pursue ' a strong and merciless countermeasure ' if Sony released the film . Despite the threat , Sony has continued to roll out promotion for the movie ahead of it 's December 25 release date . Exactly one month before it was set to be released , Sony confirmed that the company had been hacked , and that the mysterious group behind the cyber attack released hundreds of company documents online . The day before , an alleged warning posted to Reddit read : ` This is just the beginning ' . Sony has yet to officially name North Korea as the source of the cyber attack , but sources close to the internal investigation spoke out on Wednesday to say they believe a group known as DarkSeoul is to blame . Cars enter Sony Pictures Entertainment headquarters in Culver City , California . The company is still conducting an internal investigation on the hack . The group associated with North Korea was thought to be behind the large-scale March 2013 attack on South Korean banks and broadcasters . Other evidence from the hack points to the regime , including Korean-language coding , in similarities to other attacks by DarkSeoul . The results of the internal investigation into the attack , currently being carried out by FireEye 's Mandiant forensics unit , are expected to be announced later this week . Earlier this week , a North Korean spokesperson refused to deny claims that it was behind the move and would only say ` wait and see ' when asked if Pyongyang was involved . Staff at Sony are growing increasingly disgruntled about the never-ending slew of Adam Sandler movies the company is producing . Staff at Sony are growing increasingly disgruntled about the never-ending slew of Adam Sandler movies the company is producing , according to information released following last week 's cyber attack . An un-encrypted text file titled ` Sony_2012_Comments ' has been released which features a long list of negative employee feedback -- and Sandler 's name is a reoccurring theme . The comedian 's company , Happy Madison Productions , has been responsible for 25 films released by Sony over the past 15 years including Click , I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry , You Do n't Mess With The Zohan , Grown Ups and 50 First Dates . These movies turn a profit but are shown little love from the critics and from Sony staff it would appear . Here are some of the comments featured in the leaked document : . Other criticism from staff was equally as cutting even if the target was n't quite so specific : . Sandler movies such as I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry regularly turn a profit for Sony but rarely win over the critics or staff a leaked memo has revealed . ` The hostile forces are relating everything to the DPRK -LRB- North Korea -RRB- . I kindly advise you to just wait and see , ' a spokesman for North Korea 's U.N. mission . North Korea routinely refers to the United States and South Korea as hostile forces . The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is also investigating the incident . North Korea complained to the United Nations in June about The Interview , accusing the United States of sponsoring terrorism and committing an act of war by allowing production of the movie . The Pyongyang government denounced the film as ` undisguised sponsoring of terrorism , as well as an act of war ' in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon . ' I personally do n't care if -LRB- the movie 's -RRB- disrespectful to Kim because he 's evil . But that 's not the intent , ' tweeted Rogen on Sunday . ` North Korea has produced tons of propaganda films that portray America 's destruction . ' But cybersecurity expert Hemanshu Nigam has told the Hollywood Reporter that he finds it hard to believe that North Korea is the perpetrator and instead thinks it is more probable that it was the actions of an employee or ex-employee with administrative access privileges . For the studio - which has laid off hundreds of employees over the past year in an effort to contain costs - the possibility of a disgruntled employee wreaking havoc is very real . ` If terabytes of data left the Sony networks , their network detection systems would have noticed easily , ' said Nigam . ` It would also take months for a hacker to figure out the topography of the Sony networks to know where critical assets are stored and to have access to the decryption keys needed to open up the screeners that have been leaked . ' Scary : Sony workers saw a message appear on computer screens saying ` Hacked by #GOP ' - understood to be the initials of a group called Guardians of Peace which has been linked to North Korea . In addition , he said , ` It is possible that North Korean-sponsored hackers were working with someone on the inside . But it is more likely a ruse to shift blame , knowing the distaste the North Korean regime has for Sony Pictures . ' Sony Pictures ' computer system went down last Monday after the cyber attack . Before . screens went dark , they displayed a red skull and the phrase . ` Hacked By #GOP , ' which reportedly stands for Guardians of . Peace . The hackers also warned they . would release ` secrets ' stolen from Sony . The data released so far from the apparently leaked documents has already been damaging - it revealed all the top executives at Sony Pictures Entertainment are white and male , raising questions about control of Hollywood 's film output . | Sony was the target of a large-scale communications breach last week , and it 's believed a group tied to North Korea is responsible . North Korean officials have previously threatened action if the company releases upcoming film The Interview . The movie stars Seth Rogen and James Franco as undercover CIA operatives on a mission to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un . Among the documents leaked in the hack were the film 's budget , including the salaries of the stars and producers . Sony has continued to promote the film and are expected to release The Interview as scheduled on December 25 . | [[0, 36], [48, 96], [1023, 1080], [1095, 1219], [1163, 1219], [5479, 5604], [6291, 6385], [6365, 6418], [10288, 10335], [1220, 1275], [434, 511], [249, 275], [302, 428], [7466, 7524], [5812, 5908]] |
A mother whose spine was severed when she used her body to shield her sons from a tornado is undergoing an operation in an attempt to walk again . Amy Hawkins , 43 , has been in a wheelchair since the F-3 tornado ripped apart her Hendersonville , North Carolina , home in 2006 . As it hit the house she went down to her basement and laid down on top of her sons Jair and Cole , who were aged six and three at the time . But bricks rained down on the trio , leaving Mrs Hawkins critically injured - her vertebrae and ribs were crushed , her lungs were punctured and she received serious head wounds . Hope : Amy Hawkins ' spine was severed when she used her body to shield her sons from a tornado . Pictured : Mrs Hawkins with her sons at their home . Tragic : Mrs Hawkins , 43 -LRB- seen left before the accident and right now -RRB- , has been in a wheelchair since the F-3 tornado ripped apart her Hendersonville , North Carolina , home in 2006 . Her husband , Jerrod who is a firefighter , was at work when the tornado hit and could only watch from his fire station as it completely destroyed his home , reports the Tennessean . Their sons were released from hospital unharmed , but Mrs Hawkins was left paralyzed from the waist down and is now in a wheelchair . ' I remember bricks hitting me , ' Mrs Hawkins told the ABC show Extreme Makeover : Home Edition who made her home more accessible following the accident . ` They were n't sure how to tell me I was going to be paralyzed . ` You do n't really think about it until the time comes , ' she said of using her body to shield her sons who are now aged 12 and 14 . Recovery : As it hit her home she went down to her basement and laid down on top of her sons Jair and Cole , who were aged six and three at the time . Pictured : Mrs Hawkins leaves hospital after the accident in 2006 . Terrifying : Her husband , Jerrod -LRB- pictured with the family -RRB- who is a firefighter , was at work when the tornado hit and could only watch the storm from his fire station as the tornado completely destroyed his home . ` You know that you 'd put your life on the line for the kids . You do what needs to be done . ' This week she is undergoing surgery in California on her spine . It was originally scheduled for October , but after the mother-of-two contracted pneumonia it was delayed . Mrs Hawkins said in a phone interview with the Tennessean that she is hopeful of what results the surgery will bring . Family time : Mrs Hawkins cooks with her young son . Her sons were not harmed , but Mrs Hawkins was left needing a wheelchair . Hope : This week she is undergoing surgery in California on her spine . Although paralyzed from the waist down , she does feel pain in her back and often tingling down her legs , she said . Adjustment : Mrs Hawkins in her home which was redesigned by Extreme Makeover : Home Edition to make it more accessible for her wheelchair . She said sometimes she does feel pain in her back and often tingling down her legs which she hopes the surgery will relieve . ' I think it will make everything easier to go through the therapy that I need to be able to walk , ' she said . ' I still have the dream of walking again one day , ' Mrs Hawkins added . | Amy Hawkins , 43 , has been in a wheelchair since the tornado ripped apart her North Carolina home in 2006 . As it hit the house she went down to her basement and laid down on top of her sons Jair and Cole , who were aged six and three at the time . Her vertebrae and ribs were crushed , her lungs were punctured and she received serious head wounds . She is to undergo surgery this week in California to ease pain in her back . | [[147, 158], [161, 244], [760, 782], [827, 913], [1185, 1196], [1240, 1264], [2024, 2067], [2541, 2584], [282, 328], [299, 302], [333, 375], [371, 375], [382, 419], [1636, 1681], [1652, 1655], [1686, 1728], [1724, 1728], [1735, 1772], [536, 560], [565, 599], [0, 130], [2165, 2229], [2597, 2656]] |
The FA has given Wigan chairman Dave Whelan an extra week to respond to his misconduct charge . The 78-year-old last month allegedly made remarks about Chinese and Jewish people in response to criticism of the club 's decision to appoint Malky Mackay as the Latics ' new manager . Whelan publicly apologised for the comments attributed to him in the Guardian and also suggested he may have been misquoted , yet was still charged by football 's governing body . Dave Whelan , seen crying as Wigan fans sang his name before they faced Middlesbrough last Saturday , has been charged by the Football Association for alleged racist remarks made to the press . Whelan pictured in 2013 with the FA Cup after Wigan stunned Manchester City at Wembley to win the trophy . The Wigan owner had until 6pm on Friday to respond to the charge , but the FA has now granted him a week 's extension . The FA announced on Twitter : ` Following a request by Dave Whelan , The FA has granted him an extension to the date by which he had to reply to his misconduct charge for media comments . ` The Wigan Athletic chairman now has until 6pm on Friday 12 December 2014 to respond to the charge . ' The Guardian reported that Whelan said ` Jewish people do chase money more than everybody else ' and , when asked about Mackay 's past indiscretions , replied by saying it was ` nothing ' to call a Chinese person a ` chink ' . Whelan publicly apologised for the comments attributed to him in the Guardian . The Wigan Athletic chairman -LRB- right -RRB- now has until 6pm on Friday , December 12 to respond . Cardiff owner Vincent Tan , who sacked Mackay last December , branded his Wigan counterpart a ` racist ' , telling the BBC that this is a case of a ` racist chairman hiring a racist manager ' . Whelan has said he would resign if the FA ` even suggest I 'm guilty ' of making racist remarks . The former Blackburn and Crewe player bought his hometown club in February 1995 , overseeing an incredible rise from Division Three to win last year 's FA Cup . Wigan currently sit 23rd in the Championship standings and have yet to win since Mackay 's appointment . The FA 's investigation into Mackay 's actions during his Cardiff tenure is ongoing . Mackay has courted controversy after a string of inappropriate text messages were exposed by Sportsmail . | Dave Whelan has an extra week to respond to his misconduct charge . Whelan allegedly made remarks about Chinese and Jewish people . It came in response to criticism of the club 's appointment of Malky Mackay . Whelan has until Wednesday , December 12 to respond to the charge . | [[0, 95], [44, 95], [833, 881], [951, 998], [1121, 1139], [1145, 1171], [96, 177], [461, 472], [552, 634], [206, 280], [0, 95], [44, 95], [990, 998], [1008, 1069], [1072, 1144], [1121, 1139], [1145, 1171], [1557, 1581]] |
An Iraqi soldier has revealed his incredible survival story after being lined up for execution by an ISIS firing squad - only for the gun-wielding jihadi to miss him by a matter of millimeters . Ali Hussein Kadhim , a Shiite Iraqi soldier , was safely back home with his wife and young children in southern Iraq this week after being one of hundreds abducted by the extremist Sunni militants in Tikrit in June . While his Sunni Iraqi colleagues were spared death , Mr Kadhim - a Shiite Iraqi soldier - was ordered to be executed . Scroll down for video . Safe return : Ali Hussein Kadhim with his son and daughter at his family 's date orchard in Diwaniya , south Iraq this week . Ali Hussein Kadhim , a Shiite Iraqi soldier , pictured on Wednesday , was one of hundreds abducted by the extremist group in Tikrit , Iraq in June . Playing dead : Mr Kadhim , 23 , has identified himself -LRB- circled in the picture from June -RRB- in this footage released by ISIS of their ` victims ' after abducting and murdering hundreds of Shiite Iraqi soldiers . Incredibly , Mr Kadhim survived . After shooting three Shiite soldiers in the back of the head , the assassin turned his gun on 23-year-old Mr Kadhim - and missed . Instinctively , the soldier fell forwards into an open grave dug for the victims of the murderous rampage . It was a decision that would save his life . Speaking to the New York Times on Wednesday , Mr Kadhim , who is married with a daughter and baby son , described the sensation of the bullet breezing past his temple . Mr Kadhim lay still among the bodies for hours as he waited for the ISIS extremists to leave . He then fled the bloody scene under cover of darkness and hid out by the Tigris River , a few hundred yards away . He spent three days on the run , eating plants to survive . ' I saw my daughter in my mind saying `` Father , father '' , ' he told the newspaper from his home in southern Iraq . ' I just pretended to be shot ' . After waiting hours for the ISIS fighters to leave , Mr Kadhim -LRB- pictured this week -RRB- spent three days on the run after escaping execution . Horrific : The militant group has posted a number of slick images , like this photograph on June 14 , of them leading Iraqis to their deaths . Rampage : Islamic State fighters have killed hundreds of innocent civilians as they rampage across Iraq and Syria -LRB- picture published on June 14 -RRB- . After ISIS released sickening images of their victims lying face-down in the dirt with their hands bound behind their backs , Mr Kadhim managed to identify himself in the line-up . ISIS released the slickly-produced , disturbing footage of the siege on the Islamic religious holiday of Eid earlier this year . The video showed prisoners being rounded up and summarily executed , suicide bombers boasting before blowing up buildings and Iraqis being gunned down in drive-by shootings . In one of the most shocking segments , terrified prisoners are piled into the back of trucks , where they hold each other and huddle in fear before being driven off to their deaths . The 36-minute film then cuts to dozens of prisoners lying face down on the ground , hands bound behind their backs , waiting to be executed . ' I wanted to live ' : Mr Kadhim , who is now reunited with his wife and young children , said he kept thinking of his family as he lay among other Shiite Iraqis waiting to be executed . It is in that final shot that Mr Kadhim saw himself , trying to act lifeless with the blood of another soldier splattered across his face . He is one of the only known survivors of the murderous rampage at the hands of Islamic State militants as they claimed Tikrit two months ago . The group now controls an estimated four million people . The siege in June was a key turning point in the group 's invasion into Iraq from Syria . Mr Kadhim 's chilling first-hand account of ISIS 's well-documented brutality came as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issued a dramatic call to arms against the extremists today , urging world leaders to join a ` core coalition ' to end their murderous rampage through Iraq , but ruled out putting ` boots on the ground ' . And in what could prove not just a major turning point in the war against ISIS but also an unprecedented sea-change in America 's relations with Iran , Ayatollah Khamenei today answered Kerry 's call from Tehran , ordering his army to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with U.S. , Kurdish and Iraqi forces against the extremist horde . | Ali Hussein Kadhim , 23 , was captured by ISIS in June in Tikrit , Iraq . He was one of hundreds of Iraqi soldiers abducted who faced execution . Killer shot three men then missed his head , he fell forwards playing dead . Spent three days on the run , now home with his two children in south Iraq . He has identified himself in picture released by ISIS of their ` victims ' | [[322, 349], [681, 684], [751, 770], [933, 981], [984, 1049], [1084, 1144], [1147, 1214], [3436, 3445], [3460, 3545], [1747, 1777], [1871, 1925], [2048, 2108], [3242, 3251], [3258, 3264], [3274, 3306], [3242, 3251], [3261, 3306], [933, 981], [984, 1049], [2409, 2507], [2535, 2589]] |
Prince Harry was seen being escorted out of a private members ' club into a waiting car last night . The 30-year-old royal left Raffles in Chelsea , west London , just after 3am early this morning , with witnesses claiming he spent about an hour at the venue and drank Dom Pérignon champagne . An onlooker , who saw the scene outside at about 3.10 am , told MailOnline : ` When he came out he looked happy and people helped him to his waiting car . Helped : Prince Harry was seen being escorted out of a private members ' club into a waiting car last night . Escorted : The 30-year-old royal left Raffles in Chelsea , west London , just after 3am early this morning . This way : Witnesses claimed Harry spent about an hour at the venue and drank Dom Pérignon champagne . This way : Witnesses claimed Harry spent about an hour at the venue and drank Dom Pérignon champagne . Assistance : An onlooker , who saw the scene outside at about 3.10 am , said that Harry ` looked happy ' ` The person who is helping him was from the club while the detectives were helping as well . The prince is smiling and he looked very happy and as he had a very good time out with friends . ' Earlier , Harry had paid tribute along with his brother William to their childhood friend Henry van Straubenzee , who died aged 18 in a car crash 12 years ago , at a carol service . The service , held in front of 800 guests at St Luke 's and Christ Church in Chelsea - just a short walk from Raffles - took place last night to raise money for a memorial fund set up in their friend 's name . Harry , who was in the same class at school as Mr van Straubenzee , entertained the congregation yesterday as he described sharing childhood escapades during his teenage years . Walking : Harry was helped out of the club in Chelsea with a member of venue staff , an onlooker said . In the car : The prince ` looked very happy and as he had a very good time out with friends ' , the onlooker said . Nightclub for the royals : Raffles was named after the colonial mogul Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles . Security : Previous guests at the club include Harry 's grandmother the Queen and his father Prince Charles . Driven away : The club in Chelsea attended by Harry was founded in 1967 by restaurateur Peter Evans . Guest : Other royals who have previously attended the club include Princess Anne and Princess Margaret . Leaving after the party : Raffles is open Wednesday to Saturday from 10.30 pm until late , its website says . Recognising his close bond with Mr van Straubenzee and his family , Harry also affectionately described an ` infectious van Straubenzee laugh could turn a very bad day into a good one . ' Raffles was named after the colonial mogul Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , who was largely responsible for the creation of Britain 's Far Eastern empire and founded Singapore in 1819 . The club itself was founded in 1967 by restaurateur Peter Evans . Previous guests include Harry 's grandmother the Queen , his father Prince Charles , Princess Anne and Princess Margaret . Raffles , which is open Wednesday to Saturday from 10.30 pm until late , says on its website it is ` considered a household name , delivering a luxury service to its discerning members ' . A Clarence House spokesman declined to comment tonight when approached by MailOnline . Royalty : Raffles is ` considered a household name , delivering a luxury service to its discerning members ' Off we go : An onlooker said the prince was smiling as he left the club shortly after 3am early this morning . Busy day : Harry had earlier been at a service in front of 800 guests at St Luke 's and Christ Church nearby . Back seat : The service took place last night to raise money for a memorial fund set up in their friend 's name . Open-necked : Harry appeared to be in high spirits as he was driven away from the club in west London . Departing : Thirty-year-old Harry was said to have spent about an hour at the venue in Chelsea . Private members ' club : Raffles , which has hosted many royals in its time , was founded almost 50 years ago . Earlier in the day : Prince Harry attended a carol singing event at St Luke 's and Christ Church in Chelsea . | Harry , 30 , was helped into waiting car after leaving club in Chelsea . Witnesses say he spent an hour at venue and drank champagne . Earlier attended nearby church service to pay tribute to late friend . | [[0, 100], [0, 12], [22, 100], [101, 146], [410, 448], [458, 485], [495, 558], [458, 470], [480, 558], [570, 615], [637, 667], [1750, 1802], [2186, 2223], [3886, 3970], [204, 293], [679, 770], [782, 873], [3874, 3883], [3886, 3957], [3886, 3970], [3545, 3553], [3556, 3573], [3579, 3655]] |
Honored : Jahi McMath , a 13-year-old California girl who was declared brain-dead after suffering complications from sleep apnea surgery , will receive an honorary diploma during her schools eighth grade graduation . The family of a 13-year-old California girl who was declared brain-dead after suffering complications from sleep apnea surgery says she will receive an honorary diploma during her school 's eighth grade graduation . Omari Sealey , the uncle of Jahi McMath , said Wednesday the girl 's school , E.C. Reems Academy of Technology and Arts in Oakland , will give the diploma to a family member . The school 's graduation ceremony is Friday . Jahi was in eighth grade and scheduled to . graduate when she underwent tonsil surgery at UCSF Benioff Children 's . Hospital Oakland in December . Her heart stopped and she went into cardiac arrest causing brain damage . She was later . declared brain-dead . The hospital said was so . severe that she was effectively dead with no chance of survival if a . respirator was turned off . Her family went to court to prevent the . hospital from taking her off the machine . Jahi was eventually released . to them and moved to another facility . Sealey said his niece is doing well . Three doctors and the court agreed she was brain dead and the hospital applied to turn off her life support machine . Hope : Jahi 's family are certain that she will one day recover despite the hospital 's insistence there is no chance of that happening . But her family , led by Jahi 's uncle Omari Sealey , refused to accept the prognosis and argued there was still a chance she could recover . They said that she responded to her mother 's voice and asked that she be removed to a hospital that cared for her . Earlier this year , Oakland 's Children 's Hospital insisted the girl could not be be rehabilitated . ` This is a deceased young woman , ' Children 's Hospital Oakland spokesman Sam Singer said . ` No amount of food , medicine , medical machinery , time or hope is going to bring back her back . ` So it 's really wrong and unethical for Mr. Dolan -LRB- the family lawyer -RRB- to mislead the family and the public that there 's any amount of hope or any food that could possibly bring back this deceased young woman . Devastated : Jahi 's parents fought to keep their 13-year-old daughter alive after she was declared brain dead following complications in routine tonsil surgery last December . Devotion : Jahi 's parents have n't left her bedside since the tragedy during a routine tonsil operation although she has now been moved hospitals . Jahi 's family , led by her mother . Nailah and uncle Omari Sealey , have refused to accept the prognosis and . argued there was still a chance she could recover . Jahi 's family has raised more than $ 61,000 on to move her . In a recent update , a her mother provided details on Jahi 's condition . ` Jahi . is still sleep but physically stable ! No pic lines , no catheters , no . I.V , she maintains all her vitals on her own , no medicines needed . I am . giving her lots of vitamins and fish oil thru her feeding tube . She . moves around so much that we have to put pillows around her bed . She . responds to pain , cold and touch . She can turn her head from left to . right and her ventilator is set to room air so she is not getting any . extra oxygen like she was before . Her . skin is flawless and she gets a mani and pedi every week done by me . -LRB- mom -RRB- She gets physical therapy three times a week and never has a stiff . joint ! All organs are . healthy and fully functional ! She is such a fighter ! Remember she did n't . get any nutrition for 28 days from the other hospital and she recovered . from that quickly . Prayer is so powerful ! ' | The family of Jahi McMath has convinced her Oakland school to offer her an honorary diploma . She was declared brain dead following complications from surgery last December . Graduation ceremonies for the K-8 charter school are set for Friday . McMath was admitted to Children 's Hospital Oakland for tonsil surgery and two other procedures to treat her sleep apnea . Hours after her surgery , she began bleeding profusely and suffered a heart attack , and was declared brain-dead a short time later . Her family fought to keep her on a ventilator . The teenager has been moved from to an undisclosed Catholic organization where she is receiving treatment . | [[0, 7], [10, 21], [129, 216], [217, 260], [344, 432], [22, 53], [58, 136], [231, 260], [265, 343], [893, 914], [2281, 2428], [2345, 2444], [609, 654], [699, 771], [713, 771], [22, 53], [58, 136], [231, 260], [265, 343], [825, 867], [839, 876], [893, 914], [2281, 2428], [2345, 2444], [1041, 1082], [2281, 2428]] |
Wayne Rooney is no stranger to the karaoke machine , having been filmed warbling his way through Ed Sheeran 's track Lego House in a Manchester pub last month . And now it seems that the England captain has been at it again , this time while celebrating with wife Coleen and his fellow Manchester United players at the team Christmas party . Rooney , who is currently having scans on a potential knee injury , posted this image on his Instagram page with the caption : ` My turn to do a song at the Manchester United Christmas party ! ' Scroll down for video . Wayne Rooney posted this image on his Instagram page along with the caption ` My turn to do a song at the Manchester United Christmas party ! ' In another image , which appears to be from the same event , the England striker can be seen watching someone else perform alongside wife Coleen -LRB- left -RRB- and teammates Ashley Young and Darren Fletcher -LRB- right -RRB- . In the picture the forward , who is a fan of Stereophonics and Queen , can be seen with a look of concentration on his face while clicking his fingers along to the music . He is standing on stage at The Place Aparthotel , a converted former warehouse in Manchester , surrounded by the venue 's house band . In a second shot , which appears to be from the same event , Rooney is standing in the crowd apparently watching someone else perform alongside his wife , her friends and teammates Ashley Young and Darren Fletcher . Rooney has also been pictured singing in the past , such as in this karaoke bar in Barbados while on holiday with Coleen and his children . He sang seven tracks , including Queen We Are The Champions . At the start of November Rooney was videoed singing along to Lego House along with musician Ed Sheeran in The Sir Ralph Abercromby pub in central Manchester . The millionaire footballer was filmed sitting on a stool with a pint of lager on the table next to him , and at times closed his eyes and clasped his hands together as he sang one of his favourite songs . The crowd joined in although at times those watching could be heard giggling as Rooney struggled to hit some of the notes . Long before his rise to international fame as England 's captain and star striker , Wayne Rooney seems to have harboured an ambition to be a musician . During his days playing at Everton he was rumoured to be making a rap track with Mark Morrison , who sang ` Return of the Mack ' which was UK number 1 in 1996 . Rooney also claims to know all the words to every song in Oliver , and has the title of a Stereophonic album - Just Enough Education to Perform - tattooed on his arm . In 2007 , he serenaded then-girlfriend Coleen McLoughlin with Lionel Richie 's All Night Long after a Valentines Day meal in Manchester . Wayne , 29 , later documented their late night drinks by sharing a fun post-show snap with his 10.1 million Twitter followers . The Manchester United forward is known for his love of music and has the title of the Stereophonics ' album Just Enough Education to Perform tattooed on his arm . And in 2011 he took to the stage while on holiday in Barbados with his family to sing a seven-song set on a karaoke machine in a bar . He belted out Queen hit We Are The Champions and Yesterday by The Beatles after asking people for requests . He later tweeted : ` Having a great night in Barbados ! In lexys piano bar with ColeenRoo and friends . Been on the mic for about 7 songs and felt like a rock star ' . Rooney has long harboured musical ambitions , and during his early days of playing at Everton he was rumoured to be making a rap record with Mark Morrison - who 's song ` Return of the Mack ' was a UK number one single in 1996 . Rooney also once revealed via his webpage that he is a fan of 50 Cent , Jay Z and the Arctic Monkeys - and claims to know every song from the musical Oliver . His musical charms also extended to his love life . In 2007 he serenaded then-girlfriend Coleen McLoughlin with Lionel Richie 's All Night Long in a Manchester restaurant after a Valentine 's Day meal . United and England defender Chris Smalling and his girlfriend Sam Cooke were also at the Christmas bash . Club old-guard Ryan Giggs was pictured leaving the party along with wife Stacey , who was asleep on his lap . Striker Robin van Persie -LRB- left -RRB- was pictured alongside midfielder Marouane Fellaini -LRB- right -RRB- , wearing a fuzzy wig which appeared to mock his signature hairstyle . The pair were joined by Anders Lindegaard -LRB- centre -RRB- . After a rough start to the season under new manager Louis van Gaal , Manchester United have found their form recently , and after four consecutive wins in the Premier League finally have something to celebrate over the festive period . Also at the Christmas bash were Marouane Fellaini , the Belgian midfielder who scored yesterday in United 's 2-1 win over Stoke , and striker Robin van Persie , who was pictured next to Fellaini wearing a giant fuzzy wig - mocking his teammates signature hairstyle . England and United defender Chris Smalling also put in an appearance alongside his glamorous girlfriend Sam Cooke , alongside Colombian super-star Radamel Falcao and his pregnant wife Lorelei Taron . United old-guard Ryan Giggs was also seen partying the night away before being driven away in the early hours with wife Stacey asleep on his lap . | Wayne Rooney pictured singing at Manchester United Christmas party . England striker has concentrated look and is clicking fingers to beat . Comes a month after he was filmed duetting with Ed Sheeran in a pub . Rooney has sung in past and claims to know words to every song in Oliver . | [[161, 341], [242, 341], [471, 532], [639, 700], [934, 960], [997, 1057], [949, 960], [1064, 1105], [0, 12], [43, 127], [1659, 1817], [1457, 1548], [2460, 2466], [2472, 2524], [3698, 3704], [3805, 3856]] |
Accused : Alicia Gould , 28 , has been charged with attempted murder . A 28-year-old woman has been charged with attempted murder after police say she threw a plugged-in radio alarm clock into a motel bathtub while her boyfriend was in it . Police in the Rochester suburb of Webster tell local media that Alicia Gould and her boyfriend were in a room at motel early Friday when they got into an argument . It is alleged that while the man was taking a bath , Gould threw the radio alarm clock into the water in an attempt to electrocute him . Police say the room 's ground fault interrupter went off , stopping any electrical current from making its way through the water . Police arrived at the Super 8 Motel at 4:32 a.m. on November 28 . Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said : ` Officers arrived at the scene and through their investigation , found a male and a female that were in a domestic disturbance . ` It appeared that the female had attempted to murder her male counterpart . He said under New York State Law Gould was arrested immediately . ` It sounded like there was some admissions , some confessions made to the investigators and the 911 dispatchers prior to the response , ' Pickering said . ` Attempted murder ' : Police say Gould tossed a plugged-in radio alarm clock into a motel -LRB- pictured -RRB- bathtub while her boyfriend was in it . ` I 'm sure that there are circumstances that may come out regarding the allegation , and perhaps in defense of the victim . ' Gould is facing a second degree attempted murder charge and is being held in the Monroe County Jail on $ 20,000 cash bail . It was not immediately clear if she has a lawyer . | Alicia Gould allegedly had an argument with her boyfriend at motel in Rochester suburb of Webster on Friday . Ground fault interrupter went off , stopping any electrical current from making its way through the water . Gould , 28 , is facing a second degree attempted murder charge . | [[241, 372], [288, 405], [554, 578], [602, 673], [0, 7], [25, 70], [71, 146], [71, 90], [108, 208], [1509, 1548]] |
At first glance , it looks uncannily like a human brain . However , in fact this could be proof of the volcanoes that once flowed across the Marian surface . The huge circular area is nearly 2 kilometers -LRB- 1.2 miles -RRB- wide , and is described as a ` circular island ' by Nasa . Scroll down for video . The huge circular area spotted by Nasa is nearly 2 kilometers -LRB- 1.2 miles -RRB- wide , and is in the Athabasca region of the red planet . The Athabasca Valles is an outflow channel on Mars , cut into its surface by catastrophic flooding . The very high spatial resolution images from the HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed that all the flood features are draped by lava flows . This flow , near Athabasca Valles , could be the youngest lava flow on Mars . ` It looks like a circular island surrounded by a ` sea ' of smooth-looking lava flows , ' Nasa said . The Athabasca region where the unique shape was spotted contains some of the youngest lava flows on Mars . ` Therefore , it is highly possible that volcanism played a role in creating this feature , ' Nasa 's experts claim . ` Perhaps lava has intruded underneath this mound and pushed it up from beneath . ` It looks as if material is missing from the mound , so it is also possible that there was a significant amount of ice in the mound that was driven out by the heat of the lava . There are an array of features like this in the region that continue to puzzle scientists . ` We hope that close inspection of this HiRISE image , and others around it , will provide some clues regarding its formation , ' they say . The Athabasca Valles is an outflow channel on Mars , cut into its surface by catastrophic flooding . The very high spatial resolution images from the HiRISE camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed that all the flood features are draped by lava flows . HiRISE is one of six instruments on NASA 's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter . The 65 kg -LRB- 143 lb -RRB- , $ 40 million instrument was built under the direction of the University of Arizona 's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. . It consists of a 0.5 m -LRB- 19.7 in -RRB- aperture reflecting telescope , the largest so far of any deep space mission , which allows it to take pictures of Mars with resolutions of 0.3 m/pixel -LRB- about 1 foot -RRB- , resolving objects below a meter across . Research published in January 2010 , described the discovery of a vast single lava flow , the size of the state of Oregon , that ` was put in place turbulently over the span of several weeks at most . ' The Athabasca region where the unique shape was spotted contains some of the youngest lava flows on Mars . This flow , near Athabasca Valles , is the youngest lava flow on Mars . It is thought to be of Late Amazonian Age . The floor of Athabasca Valles is peppered with thousands of small cones and rings formed as steam exploded through the lava flow . Because the flood-carved surface is now covered by lava , it is no longer easy to determine the age of the water floods that passed through Athabasca Valles . It is plausible that the flood was triggered by rising magma . Around 80 % of the craters in Athabasca Valles are secondary craters from the impact that created Zunil crater . | Circular feature is nearly 2 kilometers -LRB- 1.2 miles -RRB- wide on the Athabasca region of the red planet . Experts say it is most likely to be a circular island surrounded by a ` sea ' of smooth-looking lava flows . The Athabasca region contains some of the youngest lava flows on the martian surface . | [[158, 230], [309, 347], [404, 450], [805, 836], [819, 883], [864, 870], [871, 889], [2990, 3014], [3018, 3037], [725, 802], [906, 919], [933, 996], [2628, 2641], [2655, 2718], [2735, 2768], [2771, 2806]] |
On Thursday Washington , D.C. , began its three-day final farewell to the late Marion Barry , the former mayor who remained a hero to many in the city despite a crack cocaine conviction . Barry , known as the District of Columbia 's ` mayor for life ' after four terms in office , died on November 23 at 78 due to heart problems . He was a city councilman when he died , representing impoverished Ward 8 . Barry 's coffin , draped in West African kente cloth and piled high with red roses , lay in repose at city hall after police pallbearers carried it past mourners , media and political leaders . Respect ; A casket containing the remains of former District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry sits in the front lobby of the John A. Wilson Building , the District 's city hall , where Barry spent 16 years as mayor and another 16 years on the D.C. Council . Civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson Jr. accompanied Barry 's family into the black-draped building . Many of the mourners said Barry , the son of a Mississippi sharecropper , had transformed the U.S. capital by giving jobs and hope to black residents . ` He 's like a messiah for the district . He paved the way for many , many , many of us , African Americans as well as people in general , ' said Diane Lyons , 54 , a healthcare worker . Bernard Barker , 53 , a laborer who had arrived at 6:30 a.m. to be first in line , prayed at Barry 's coffin . ' I just said , ` God bless you , Mr. Marion Barry , God bless your family . ' I know he 's going to heaven because he did a lot of good for the city , ' Barker said . Current Washington , D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray -LRB- L -RRB- and Councilmember Phil Mendelson -LRB- R -RRB- escort Cora Masters Barry -LRB- C -RRB- into the viewing service . Mourners : The Rev. Jesse Jackson -LRB- 2nd L -RRB- and current Washington , D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray -LRB- C -RRB- , escort Cora Masters Barry -LRB- R -RRB- into a viewing service at the Wilson Building in Washington for former Mayor Marion Barry . Laughter and tears : Cora Masters Barry -LRB- C -RRB- , wife of former Washington , DC Mayor Marion Barry , wipes her eyes during a ceremony for her late husband . Dignified : Cora Masters Barry , -LRB- R -RRB- , the former wife of deceased former Washington , D.C. Mayor Marion Barry , and Christopher -LRB- L -RRB- , Marion Barry 's son watch incoming mourners viewing Barry 's casket lying in repose at the Wilson Building in Washington on Thursday . High regard : The Metro Police honor guard carries former Washington , DC mayor Marion Barry 's casket into the John A. Wilson Building on Thursday . Washington , DC , Mayor Vincent C. Gray -LRB- L -RRB- bows his head as the Metro Police honor guard carries former Washington , DC mayor Marion Barry 's casket into the John A. Wilson Building to ` Lie in Repose ' His memorial service was set for Dec. 6 at the Washington Convention Center and is scheduled to last four hours , preceded by a three-hour public viewing . Washington has planned three days of commemoration , with a motorcade carrying Barry 's coffin on Friday to the Temple of Praise church , where he had worshipped . A memorial service at Washington 's convention center on Saturday is expected to draw thousands , with Jackson delivering the eulogy . Barry became mayor in 1979 and focused resources on poor neighborhoods , government contracts for black businesses and jobs on the city payroll . Barry 's third consecutive term was sullied by open talk of womanizing , drinking and drug use . He responded to criticism with denials and claims that he was the victim of a racist media . Hero : Barry 's body will lie in repose in a closed casket at the District government building for 24 hours starting on the morning of Dec. 4 . The casket will then be driven around the city in a lengthy processional ending at a church near his home in southeast Washington . The church will host a community memorial service that evening . Thanks : A women pays her respects to former Washington , DC mayor Marion Barry . Barry , who served four terms as mayor and another 16 years on the D.C. Council , died Sunday morning at age 78 . Known as `` Mayor for Life , '' Barry was beloved by many Washingtonians for expanding economic opportunity for the city 's African-American majority , and his administration helped spur the revival of the city 's downtown . Mourners view former Washington , D.C. Marion Barry 's casket lying in repose at the Wilson Building in Washington . In 1990 , the married Barry was captured on a hidden video camera smoking crack with a former girlfriend . His arrest came as Washington was plagued by a crack epidemic and drug-related homicides . After a sentence for cocaine possession , Barry reclaimed the mayor 's job two years later . His final term was marked by a federal takeover of the city 's finances . Barry was married four times and had one son . | Marion Barry will be remembered with three days of events . Revered within Washington D.C. as the ` most iconic figure ' in the city 's history . Barry 's body will lie in repose in a closed casket at the District government building for 24 hours . His memorial service is set for December 6 at the Washington Convention Center . Known as ` Mayor for Life , ' Barry was beloved by many Washingtonians . Battled a well publicized addiction to crack-cocaine and was married four times . | [[0, 22], [25, 29], [32, 91], [2978, 3028], [406, 421], [491, 553], [610, 746], [2375, 2457], [3618, 3707], [3712, 3756], [4409, 4491], [2822, 2897], [3142, 3237], [188, 193], [196, 249], [4150, 4176], [4857, 4885]] |
Bill Cosby has hit back at a woman who claims he got her drunk and sexually assaulted her when she was 15 at the Playboy Mansion . The under-fire comic , now 77 , is accused of attacking 19 women , and has so far remained silent amid the myriad of claims . However , today , he has chosen to file court papers against Judy Huth - who is suing him for alleged sexual assault in 1974 - an incident which may well be investigated by Los Angeles cops . Cosby calls her claims ` absolutely false ' and in papers seen by MailOnline , the star claims Miss Hath 's lawyer tried to extort him for $ 100,000 - and then raised the price to $ 250,000 as new women came forward to make similar claims . Lawsuit : Bill Cosby is accusing Judy Huth , who says he attacked her when she was 15 , of extortion . She has launched a lawsuit against him for sexual assault . Demands : Attorney Gloria Allred is flanked by Bill Cosby accusers at her office on Wednesday , from left , Chelan Lasha , Beth Ferrier and Helen Hayes . Weeping : Chelan Lasha , now a grandmother , breaks down on Wednesday afternoon as she claims that Cosby drugged and assaulted her when she was 17 . In the court papers , Cosby says Miss Huth 's lawyer approached his attorney Marty Singer last month and made ` ominous references to criminal penalties . ' The lawyer , Cosby claims , demanded cash in return for silence - upping the demands as more women came forward . Cosby alleges that Miss Huth tried to sell the story to the media 10 years ago , but no-one would publish her claims . The court papers state : ` Approximately 10 years ago , plaintiff Judith Huff unsuccessfully tried to get money from a tabloid by selling the same story about Bill Cosby that is the subject of this lawsuit . ` Knowing that since she disclosed her allegations to a media outlet 10 years ago , she can not claim to have a repressed memory . ' The argument of a repressed memory would allow Miss Huth to file a civil lawsuit within three years of the time she remembered . However , if she recalled the incident a decade ago , her lawsuit is moot , Cosby 's papers state . Miss Huth filed her own suit on Tuesday , alleging she has suffered ` psychological injuries and illnesses ' that she only connected to the assault within the last three years . The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for sexual battery and emotional distress . She claims she first met Cosby as a teenager with her 16-year-old friend as they wandered on to the set of his movie . He invited them to his L.A. Country tennis club the following Saturday , where they then followed him to a house where he ` served them alcohol beverages and played games of billiards ' with Miss Huth , according to the lawsuit . Miss Huth was required to drink a beer every time Cosby won a game , the lawsuit said . Later , the girls followed Cosby to the Playboy Mansion , where the comedian told Huth and her friend to say they were 19 if anyone asked their ages , according to the papers . At one point , Miss Huth emerged from a bathroom to find Cosby sitting on a bed . The lawsuit states he asked her to sit down next to him and attempted to ` put his hand down her pants ' . He then took her hand in his and performed a sexual act on himself ` without her consent ' , the lawsuit said . ` This traumatic incident , at such a tender age , has caused psychological damage and mental anguish ... that has caused her significant problems through her life , ' the lawsuit said . However , Cosby claims that Miss Huth lied about playing a ` drinking game ' with him where the pair drank three beers , as his lawyer says it well known that Cosby is a ` lifelong non-drinker ' . Cosby 's papers state : ` The drinking age in California at the time was 21 . ' The papers state that Miss Huth 's lawyer did not even know if she was seeing a therapist , accusing her and her lawyer of ` engaging in a shakedown ' Cosby is now demanding that the lawsuit is dismissed and has requested ` monetary sanctions of not less than $ 33,295 . ' Attorney Gloria Allred yesterday challenged Cosby to pay $ 100 million in damages to the women who claim he sexually assaulted them . The lawyer introduced three alleged victims - two who have never spoken before - and as they broke down in tears , she told Cosby he could waive the statute of limitations so all the women accusing him of assault could have their day in court . If not , she said , he could stump up $ 100 million - and the money would be handed out to the women by a committee of retired judges . Speaking at her California law offices , Miss Allred said she had been forced to tell many women who had contacted her to report abuse at the hands of the comic legend that they were too late to file a lawsuit due to the statute of limitations . However , she said : ` Today , I am here to propose two new solutions to this public dilemma and a away to determine if Bill Cosby is a saint of a sexual predator . ' She said that if Cosby is ` confident ' he has done nothing wrong , he could waive the statute of limitations , adding : ` Then his alleged victims would have an opportunity to have their allegations dealt with on their merits . The woman who started it all : Andrea Constand , a former basketball player , sued Cosby in 2005 and settled later on . Beth Ferrier was Jane Doe No 5 in Andrea 's civil court case . Emotional : Former supermodel Janice Dickinson says Cosby drugged and raped her in 1982 . Alleged victims : Tamara Green -LRB- left -RRB- and Barbara Bowman -LRB- right -RRB- join the ranks of woman who claim Cosby assaulted them . ` Bill Cosby would have an opportunity to address there allegations in a court of law and the victims and Mr Cosby would have an opportunity to have a judge and jury decide who should be believed . ' This would be similar , Miss Allred said , to the Catholic Church cases in California , which involved allegations of sexual abuse by priests . A law allowed victims to sue within a one year period . Alternatively , Miss Allred said , if Cosby did not want to waive the statute of limitations , he could pour $ 100 million into a fund , adding that anyone who claims to be a victim could put their case in front of a panel of retired judges , who would act as arbitrators , who would then decided if their case had merit - and how much damages they would be awarded . Cosby has an estimated fortune of $ 400 million , according to Celebrity Net Worth . He has made his fortune through numerous endorsements including Jell-O , Coca-Cola and Ford - and dominating TV in the 1980s with The Cosby Show . Cosby 's syndication deal in 1988 also earned him a fortune . Rights to air The Cosby Show for three years were sold to Fox for $ 550 million . He currently lives with his wife of 51 years , Camille , in a compound in Shelburne Falls , Massachusetts , that includes two large farmhouses . They couple moved in in 1971 and also bought several acres around the town for conservation purposes . However , Miss Allred said : ` It 's time for justice and accountability and we challenge him to end this nightmare , both for him and the alleged victims by accepting either of the options that I proposed and we look forward to his response . ' Chelan Lasha , from California - now believed to be a 46-year-old Grandmother - told how Cosby attacked her when she was just 17 in 1986 when she was an aspiring model . Weeping , she said her stepmother had sent pictures of her to the star and he called her at home in Las Vegas , inviting her to the Hilton Las Vegas , where he was performing and she had a job . She then went up to Elvis Presley suite to meet him and after telling him she had a cold , he gave her a blue pill , which he said was an antihistimine , with a double shot of Amaretto . She said : ` He was rubbing my neck and saying that he might have to have someone come in and give me stress therapy . ' She claimed he told her to change into a Hilton bathrobe and wet her hair to see the modelling scout . Someone did briefly come up to the room , pertaining to be from the Ford Modelling Agency - telling her to she needed to lose 10 pounds - and taking some pictures . Then , Chelan said , Cosby walked her to the bedroom and gave her another shot of Amaretto , which he claimed would help her cold . No comment : Bill Cosby yesterday thanked Whoopi Goldberg and singer Jill Scott for their support on Twitter - but has made no public statement . ' I laid down , ' she said : ` He laid down next to me on the bed and began pinching my left nipple and humping my leg while he was grunting . ' I could not open my eyes . I could n't move or say anything . I felt something warm on my legs . Then I blacked out . ' ` Thirteen to sixteen hours later I woke up by hearing Mr Cosby clapping his hands and saying ` Daddy says wake up ' . He gave me $ 1500 . He said the money was to buy something nice for me and my grandmother and he also invited me to go to the Temptations show with my grandmother . ` My grandmother went but I did not go because I was too sick . Then he invited us to his show . My grandmother really want to go . I did not , but I went with her and heckled him . As a result , I was fired my from job . ' Chelan was joined by two other women , Helen Hayes , who claims Cosby fondled her breast after stalking her and her friends ` like a predator ' after they met in the summer of 1973 . Beth Ferrier , meanwhile , who has already come forward , alleges that she had an affair with Cosby , which ended in him drugging and raping her - and leaving her to come to in her car in an alleyway . She was Jane Doe 5 in the civil suit brought against Cosby by Andrea Costand , the first woman to allege he had attacked her , in 2005 . Former basketball player Andrea ended up settling out of court . MailOnline has contacted Cosby 's attorney for comment . | Under-fire comedy legend claims Judy Huth 's lawyer tried to extort him for $ 100,000 - then demanded $ 250,000 , in court papers seen by MailOnline . Miss Huth is suing Cosby for a sexual assault she says happened in 1974 . Cosby calls her claims ` absolutely false ' and says he has been subjected to a ` shakedown ' Famed attorney Gloria Allred says : ` The public deserves to know if Mr Cosby is a saint or sexual predator ' | [[500, 525], [528, 563], [544, 597], [604, 651], [1156, 1175], [1178, 1232], [1313, 1323], [1341, 1397], [27, 34], [39, 89], [318, 327], [334, 395], [793, 852], [5561, 5566], [5571, 5599], [0, 34], [449, 506]] |
Jenna Bush may not have lived in the White House full-time when her father was in office , but she did take advantage of it while she was there . Last night , the former First Daughter , now 33 and married to Henry Hager , admitted to Andy Cohen that she may have engaged in ' a little hanky panky ' on the roof when she was younger . The mother-of-one implied that the man she kissed that night was Henry himself , who was in the audience as she spoke on the show . Scroll down for video . Confession : Former First Daughter Jenna Bush Hager , now 33 and married to Henry Hager , has admitted that she may have engaged in ' a little hanky panky ' on the White House roof when she was 19 . Playing innocent : At first , Jenna remained coy when she was asked if she had ever fooled around in the White House , telling the audience : ` Am I blushing ? Listen , a lady never talks ! ' Tell-all : Andy also asked if she ever romped around in the Lincoln bedroom . ` No , no , ' she said , before conceding jokingly : ` Maybe I missed an opportunity there ' At first , Jenna remained coy when she was asked if she had ever fooled around in the White House , telling the audience : ` Am I blushing ? Listen , a lady never talks ! ' But eventually , she confessed : ` Maybe there was a little kiss on the roof . ' Jenna implied that the lucky man on that fateful night was her husband-to-be , explaining : ' I was 19 years old when my dad became president ... meaning I knew -LSB- my husband -RSB- for a long time . Flashback : Jenna -LRB- pictured in 2005 -RRB- implied that the lucky man was her husband-to-be , explaining : ' I was 19 years old when my dad became president ... meaning I knew -LSB- my husband -RSB- for a long time ' ` And you know , maybe there was a little hanky panky . There was maybe a kiss on the roof , ' she revealed with a sly smile . The Today show correspondent , who met her husband during father George W Bush 's 2004 campaign , was also asked if she ever romped around in the Lincoln bedroom . ` No , no , ' she said , before conceding jokingly : ` Maybe I missed an opportunity there . ' All grown up : These days , she is happily married to Henry Hager , with whom she has a one-year-old daughter named Mila . Jenna , who welcomed daughter Mila in April 2013 , also talked about being ` fiercely protective ' of Malia and Sasha Obama , who were recently criticized by a GOP aide for not showing enough ` class ' . ` It 's not easy , and it 's not a job that they wanted . And so it 's hard ! ' said Jenna . ' I mean I , obviously , heh , had a hard time . But it 's also a privilege . So I mean ... they 've done an incredible job . ' | The mother-of-one implied that the man she kissed that night was her now-husband Henry Hager . | [[335, 413], [1307, 1419], [1521, 1640]] |
Barcelona forward Lionel Messi 's yellow card for time-wasting after he was apparently hit on the head by an object thrown from the crowd in Sunday 's La Liga game at Valencia has been rescinded by the Spanish soccer federation -LRB- RFEF -RRB- . Barca 's initial appeal was rejected by the RFEF 's competition committee and the club lodged a second challenge with a higher appeals committee which ruled in their favour on Thursday . The RFEF said on its website the committee had been unable to detect ` deliberate time-wasting ' on Messi 's part but only ' a normal reaction from someone who had suffered an aggression by a spectator ' . VIDEO Scroll down for Messi struck with bottle from crowd then booked for time wasting . The bottle -LRB- ringed -RRB- is thrown from the crowd in Valencia as the Barcelona players celebrate their late winner . Lionel Messi goes down clutching his head in stoppage time after being hit on the head with a bottle . Messi is clearly in pain after being struck on the head by the object in the closing stages of the contest . Messi was celebrating his side 's 94th-minute winner with his team mates near the corner flag at the Mestalla stadium when a plastic bottle was thrown from the stands and appeared to strike him on the head . He was examined by Barcelona 's medical staff after the final whistle and did not appear to be injured , giving the thumbs-up as he walked off the pitch . It was not clear if the bottle or another object , such as a coin , had struck the Argentina captain and he has made no public comment about the incident . Messi received treatment as he walked from the pitch and has not given a public comment about the incident . Midfielder Sergio Busquets -LRB- right -RRB- celebrates his late winner for Barcelona against Valencia on Sunday . Barca 's 1-0 win kept them hard on the heels of leaders Real Madrid , who are two points clear of their arch-rivals after 13 matches thanks to Saturday 's 2-1 victory at Malaga . Real can extend their club-record winning streak in all competitions to 18 games when they host Celta Vigo on Saturday before Barca welcome city rivals Espanyol on Sunday . | Lionel Messi appeared to be struck on the head by a bottle against Valencia . He was celebrating Sergio Busquet 's last minute winner for Barcelona . After taking a moment to compose himself , he was booked for wasting time . | [[50, 54], [55, 115], [662, 702], [851, 953], [851, 863], [910, 953], [954, 1062], [954, 959], [979, 1062], [1181, 1229], [1186, 1202], [1234, 1270], [799, 850], [1063, 1180], [1691, 1805], [692, 728]] |
Fashion student Wilson PK thought he was going gaga when a superstar singer asked him to send over his designs . The 23-year-old was approached by Lady Gaga 's stylists who noticed his designs on show at a New York exhibition . At the time , Wilson PK was working for designer Alexander Wang in New York . Lady Gaga then wore the fashionista 's bright orange knit suit when she landed in South Korea last week . Scroll down for video . On trend : Lady Gaga noticed Wilson PK 's collection at an exhibition while the fashion student was working for designer Alexander Wang in New York . The graduate of Central St Martins in London said the singer 's entourage asked him to send over his entire collection . Lady Gaga later posted photos of Wilson 's work on her Instagram page and wrote ` stunning young recent graduate . ' Wilson , who is originally from Hong Kong but now lives in London says : ` It 's a huge honour . This was the best thing that could have happened . Art pop : Wilson PK -LRB- right -RRB- pictured at the Cambridge Centre for sixth form studies with Head of Visual Arts Charlie Ritchie -LRB- L-R -RRB- , student Rarinthorn Wanavit and Fine Arts teacher Richard Swift . ` It was really incredible because she mentioned my name , which she does n't usually do , and she called me a stunning student . I feel very lucky . ' I think she is amazing . She is doing something different and is showing a new aspect of beautiful . ' Wilson explained the inspiration for this collection came from his experience of coming out to his parents . Fashion pack : Lady Gaga posted pictures of Wilson 's work on her Instagram page . He added : ` They took it really hard - they almost wanted to disown me . For me this collection was very therapeutic . ' Wilson 's former fashion and textile teacher at Cambridge Centre for sixth form studies , Charlotte Denton-Cowell , said there was ` never a dull moment ' with him in her classes . She explained : ` We always knew he would make it big , Lady Gaga wearing his recent outfits will give him fantastic exposure and most certainly give his career a major kick start . ' | London-based Wilson PK was approached by Lady Gaga 's stylists . They asked the 23-year-old to send over his designs from an exhibition . Lady Gaga posted pictures of Wilson 's work on her Instagram page . Also wore his bright orange knit suit in South Korea last week . | [[113, 168], [824, 830], [870, 889], [34, 112], [147, 168], [173, 227], [707, 776], [1569, 1636], [306, 411], [374, 411]] |
It may come as no surprise to many men , but proposing to your partner really is a stressful business , it has been revealed . One bridegroom to be has revealed he wore a heart rate monitor throughout his proposal day . He posted the resulting chart to Reddit - revealing a huge spike as he popped the question . Redditor Sesipikai wore a hear rate monitor throughout the day as the couple walked around Rome before he proposed in the Forum . The user , called Sesipikai , wore a heart rate monitor throughout his day in Rome . He also carried a GPS unit to track his location as the couple explored . By linking the two , he was able to create the graph above in Microsoft Excel , and add in exactly what the couple did on their big day . The user , called Sesipikai , took his girlfriend to Rome for the proposal . The chart reveals their entire day , from walking through the Colosseum to buying ice cream . The user also had GPs co-ordinates for their day , allowing him to map exactly how the heart rate tallies to their location . The proposal was planned to happen in the Roman Forum - and the heart rate begins to rise as the couple turn and start walking towards it . Unsurprisingly , when he begins speaking , his heart rate rockets - peaking at130bpm . He then relaxes - only to see another rise as she says yes . In fact , the rate only then begins to drop as the couple find a nearby bench to sit on . The user posted the image with a simple caption saying ` Wore a heart rate belt during my trip to Rome . ` Export data to xml file . ` Created a graph using MS Excel . ' The chart reveals their entire day , from walking through the Colosseum -LRB- left -RRB- to arriving the the Forum -LRB- right -RRB- to propose . He also revealed his biggest fear while walking - losing the ring . ' I was so afraid of losing the ring , ' he admitted . ` Had my hand inside the pocket most of the day . That ring burns your pocket like there 's no tomorrow . ' I have a new found respect for mister frodo after that day . ' He also revealed he fluffed his lines during the proposal . ' I did n't start with the question , had a little speech planned , might have forgotten a couple of lines though ' The chart stuck a chord with other users of the site , who added their own feelings . ` My heart beat like crazy for a solid ten minutes waiting on a private moment and knowing it could come any second , ' one said . however , others were less kind , with one joking : ' I hear she 's really good between the spreadsheets . ' | Bridegroom to be wore heart rate monitor for entire day to see how proposal affected him . As couple approached the Forum in Rome , where proposal took place , his heart rate rocketed . After second increase as she says yes , it only begins to subside when the pair find a bench to sit on . | [[127, 219], [161, 219], [313, 418], [443, 470], [473, 527], [220, 290], [253, 259], [262, 312], [740, 767], [770, 816], [1037, 1092], [1037, 1049], [1062, 1111], [1097, 1176], [1235, 1242], [1245, 1263], [2289, 2377], [1272, 1279], [1287, 1324], [1335, 1382], [1335, 1343], [1361, 1402], [1372, 1414]] |
Hallowe'en may have passed for another year , but deer with vampire-like fangs are still haunting the hills of Afghanistan . It is the first time that rare fanged Kashmir musk deer has been spotted in over 60 years . Despite their ghoulish appearance , the endangered male creatures use their fangs during mating season to seduce females and fend off love rivals , instead of sucking blood . Fangs for the memories : Researchers have spotted Kashmir musk deer -LRB- stock image -RRB- in the hills of Afghanistan for the first time in over 60 years . The endangered male creatures use their fangs during mating season to seduce females and fend off love rivals , instead of sucking blood . One of seven similar species found in Asia , Kashmir musk deer live on the rugged forested slopes of northeast Afghanistan , according to the Wildlife Conservation Society -LRB- WCS -RRB- which came across a small population when conducting a recent survey . The last scientific sighting in Nuristan province , Afghanistan , was believed to have been made by a Danish survey team traversing the region in 1948 . The species is endangered due to habitat loss and poaching , according to the study published in the journal Oryx . The creature produces a musk that is used in perfumes , incense and medicine . Its scent glands are coveted by wildlife traffickers and are considered more valuable by weight than gold , fetching as much as $ 45,000 / kilo -LRB- # 28,121 -RRB- on the black market . By way of comparison , the price of gold per kilo at the time of writing , is $ 37,624 / kilo -LRB- # 23,511 -RRB- . The last scientific sighting of the deer -LRB- stock image pictured -RRB- in Nuristan province , Afghanistan , was believed to have been made by a Danish survey team traversing the region in 1948 . One of seven similar species found in Asia , Kashmir musk deer live on the rugged forested slopes of northeast Afghanistan -LRB- marked in red -RRB- . The survey team recorded five sightings of the rare deer , including a solitary male in the same area on three occasions and one female with a juvenile . The animal 's ` fangs ' -LRB- pictured -RRB- are described as tusks , because they are used during the rutting season , when males clash with each other . The animal 's ` fangs ' are described by zoologists as tusks , because they are used during the rutting season , when males clash with each other to secure a mate . The survey team recorded five sightings of the rare deer , including a solitary male in the same area on three occasions , one female with a juvenile , and one solitary female , which may have been the same individual without her young . All sightings were in steep rocky outcrops interspersed with alpine meadows and scattered , dense high bushes of juniper and rhododendron . According to the team , the Kashmir musk deer were discrete , cryptic and difficult to spot and could not be photographed . Despite their obscurity , experts say the species and its habitat must be protected in order for it to continue to survive in Afghanistan . ` Musk deer are one of Afghanistan 's living treasures , ' said co-author Peter Zahler , WCS Deputy Director of Asia Programs . ` This rare species , along with better known wildlife such as snow leopards , are the natural heritage of this struggling nation . We hope that conditions will stabilise soon to allow WCS and local partners to better evaluate conservation needs of this species . ' In the meantime , the society has trained local people in Nuristan to continue its research and protection of the species until security conditions improve . The Kashmir musk deer -LRB- Moschus cupreus -RRB- is an endangered species native to Afghanistan , India and Pakistan . Adults typically stand two feet tall and only the males have tusks , which they use for rutting . The deer has n't been seen in Afghanistan since 1948 . The species produces a musk that is used in perfumes , incense and medicine . Because of this its scent glands are incredibly valuable . They are coveted by wildlife traffickers and are considered more valuable by weight than gold , fetching as much as $ 45,000 / kilo -LRB- # 28,121 -RRB- on the black market . | Kashmir musk deer has been spotted for the first time in over 60 years . Population was sighted on the forested slopes of northeast Afghanistan . Endangered makes use their fangs to attract females and fight rival males . Creatures are rare because of poachers who sell their scent glands for more money than gold - at around $ 45,000 / kilo -LRB- # 28,121 -RRB- on the black market . | [[125, 216], [131, 216], [415, 549], [760, 811], [1869, 1926], [253, 341], [253, 282], [299, 362], [550, 638], [550, 579], [596, 659], [2228, 2257], [1296, 1312], [1404, 1482], [3968, 4026], [4027, 4031], [4123, 4201]] |
Poverty affects the intelligence of children as young as two , a study has found - and its impact increases as the child ages . Deprived young children were found to have IQ scores six points lower , on average , than children from wealthier families . And the gap got wider throughout childhood , with the early difference tripling by the time the children reached adolescence . Poverty affects the intelligence of children as young as two , a study has found - and its impact increases as the child ages . Deprived young children were found to have IQ scores six points lower , on average , than children from wealthier families . A stock image of children on a condemned estate in Glasgow are show . Scientists from Goldsmiths , University of London compared data on almost 15,000 children and their parents as part of the Twins Early Development Study -LRB- Teds -RRB- . The study is an on-going investigation socio-economic and genetic links to intelligence . Children were assessed nine times between the ages of two and 16 , using a mixture of parent-administered , web and telephone-based tests . Technology may be getting smarter , but humans are getting dumber , scientists have warned . Evidence suggests that the IQs of people in the UK , Denmark and Australia have declined in the last decade . Opinion is divided as to whether the trend is long-term , but some researchers believe that humans have already reached intellectual peak . An IQ test used to determine whether Danish men are fit to serve in the military has revealed scores have fallen by 1.5 points since 1998 . And standard tests issued in the UK and Australia echo the results , according to journalist Bob Holmes , writing in New Scientist . The results , published in the journal Intelligence , revealed that children from wealthier backgrounds with more opportunities scored higher in IQ tests at the age of two , and experienced greater IQ gains over time . Dr Sophie von Stumm , from Goldsmiths , University of London , who led the study , said : ` We 've known for some time that children from low socioeconomic status -LRB- SES -RRB- backgrounds perform on average worse on intelligence tests than children from higher SES backgrounds , but the developmental relationship between intelligence and SES had not been previously shown . ` Our research establishes that relationship , highlighting the link between SES and IQ . ` We hope that our findings will drive future research into the specific mechanisms and factors that underpin the link between SES and IQ and thus , contribute to widening the IQ gap . ' Last year , a study by the University of Exeter revealed that children from poor backgrounds and one-parent families are more likely to suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , which could affect their ability to excel at school . Researchers found a link between social and economic status and childhood ADHD in Britain by analysing data from the Millennium Cohort Study - a database of more than 19,500 British children born between 2000 and 2002 . While young children were found to have IQ scores on average six points lower than their wealthier peers , the intelligence gap was found to triple by the time they reached adolescence , which means their background arguably puts them at a disadvantage in exams such as GCSES . A stock image is shown . The study , published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , showed that there was a greater prevalence of ADHD among children from families living below the poverty line . The researchers found the average family income for a household with a child affected by ADHD was # 324 -LRB- $ 509 -RRB- per week , compared to # 391 -LRB- $ 614 -RRB- for those with unaffected children . They also revealed that the chance of parents in social housing having a child with ADHD was roughly three times greater than for those who owned their own homes . Mothers with no qualifications were more than twice as likely to have a child with ADHD as those with degrees , and lone parents were more likely to have a child with ADHD than households with two live-in parents . | Scientists compared data on almost 15,000 children and their parents . The research was part of the Twins Early Development Study -LRB- Teds -RRB- . Study aims to study socio-economic and genetic links with intelligence . Deprived young children were found to have IQ scores six points lower , on average , than children from wealthier families . And this gap widens throughout childhood , with the early different tripling by the time the child reaches adolescence . | [[732, 810], [875, 964], [888, 893], [894, 964], [0, 53], [128, 197], [128, 151], [163, 252], [380, 433], [508, 577], [508, 531], [543, 632], [1940, 1977], [2023, 2027], [2032, 2219], [3066, 3080], [3092, 3164], [253, 295], [303, 344], [336, 379], [3165, 3219], [3211, 3246]] |
Marcelo has revealed that he wants to retire at Real Madrid and makes the bold claim that he is faster than both Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale . The Brazil international signed for Real Madrid in 2007 from Fluminese as an 18-year-old and has gone on to make almost 200 appearances for Los Blancos . The 26-year-old took part in a Q&A with supporters via his Facebook page on Thursday and expressed his wish to stay with Real for the rest of his career . Marcelo said on Thursday that he wanted to stay at Real Madrid for the rest of his career . Marcelo -LRB- right -RRB- has been at Real Madrid since joining in 2007 from Brazilian side Fluminese . Marcelo pictured receiving his new car from Real Madrid sponsor Audi on Monday . Marcelo says Real team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo should win the Ballon d'Or ` without a doubt ' ' I am very happy here and I want to stay here until I retire . ' Marcelo replied when asked how long he wanted to spend at the club . Another fan asked the cheeky Brazilian who was faster between team-mates Ronaldo and Bale , to which he replied : ` Me , hahahah . ' Marcelo also tipped Ronaldo to win the Ballon d'Or insisting the Portugal international should claim the prize ` without a doubt ' . | Marcelo was answering fans questions via his Facebook page on Thursday . The 26-year-old said he wants to stay at Real for the rest of his career . And claims to be faster than Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale . | [[303, 353], [0, 141], [26, 59], [303, 318], [392, 457], [458, 549], [488, 549], [855, 891], [0, 141], [26, 28], [64, 148]] |
Dawn Steckmann for more than $ 400,000 , after she was fired for taking too many bathroom breaks while pregnant . A woman in Oregon is suing her former high-tech employer for more than $ 400,000 , contending she was fired while pregnant with her second child after being told that she took too many restroom breaks . The suit filed in Circuit Court says Dawn Steckmann and other employees had never been told they needed to clock out before using the restroom at Maxim Integrated Products . The lawsuit alleges pregnancy and gender discrimination . It says that when Steckmann was pregnant with her first child in 2011 , she asked a supervisor whether she should go off the clock because she was urinating more frequently and was told that was n't necessary . During her second pregnancy in 2013 , restroom visits were more frequent because of a bladder condition caused by her first pregnancy , and ` she would not even have had time to clock out to use the restroom without an accident , ' the suit says . In June 2013 , Steckmann was called to a meeting with her supervisor and a human resources manager who asked why she was not clocking out for restroom breaks . Her supervisor claimed he had told Steckmann she needed to clock out , reports The Oregonian . The human resources manager told Steckmann that for all he knew , she could be watching movies in the bathroom , according to the lawsuit . Maxim Integrated Products produces wafers for wireless devices in the Portland suburb of Beaverton . Steckmann is seeking compensation for lost wages and benefits , damage to her reputation and emotional distress . Maxim Integrated Products produces wafers for wireless devices in the Portland suburb of Beaverton . Maxim lawyer Melissa Healy declined comment , citing the pending litigation . Steckmann had worked at the company for ten years . Her lawsuit is seeking up to $ 106,480 for lost wages , a bonus she says she was n't paid , lost benefits and damage to her reputation . She is also seeking up to $ 300,000 for emotional distress and wants her old job back as a fabrication technician making $ 18.76 per an hour . The suit filed in Circuit Court says Dawn Steckmann and other employees had never been told they needed to clock out before using the restroom at Maxim Integrated Products . | Dawn Steckmann is suing Maxim Integrated Products of Oregon for pregnancy and gender discrimination . She claims she was fired for taking too many bathroom breaks while pregnant in 2013 . HR manager told Steckmann that for all he knew , she could be watching movies in the bathroom . | [[114, 194], [114, 131], [197, 258], [491, 548], [41, 96], [114, 131], [197, 258], [228, 316], [760, 795], [798, 863], [1081, 1106], [1111, 1167], [1263, 1326], [1315, 1326], [1329, 1373], [1327, 1373]] |
A media investigation into the allegations of rape featured in Lena Dunham 's recently-released memoir has refuted the claims of sexual assault made by the Girls creator . The writer , actor and director dedicates a chapter of her book , Not That Kind Of Girl - for which she received a reported $ 3.7 million advance - to a boy she met at Oberlin College in Ohio identified as ` Barry ' , who she alleges raped her one night after a party . The 28-year-old admits in the tome to drinking alcohol and taking Xanax and cocaine before inviting Barry back to her on-campus apartment , but says the encounter quickly turned aggressive , and that Barry twice removed the condom during intercourse without telling her . ' I never gave permission to be rough , to stick himself inside me without a barrier between us , ' she wrote . Scroll down for video . Rape claims : In her memoir Not That Kind of Girl , Lena Dunham -LRB- seen here in New York on December 2 -RRB- alleges she was raped in college . A new media investigation claims there is no proof of the man she describes . ' I never gave him permission . ` In my deepest self I know this , and the knowledge of it has kept me from sinking . ' Dunham 's description of Barry is similarly explicit , explaining him as a ` mustachioed campus Republican ' with a ` mustache that rode the line between ironic Williamsburg fashion and big buck hunter ' , who hosted a radio show called Real Talk With Jimbo , worked in the library stacking shelves and ` wore purple cowboy boots ' . She also said that he once punched a girl ` in the boob ' at a party and , following a consensual sexual encounter , another girl woke to find blood spattered all over the wall ` like a crime scene ' . Furthermore Dunham does not state that ` Barry ' is a pseudonym , as she does with other names that appear in her book . An investigation by John Nolte from Breitbart News undertaken at the Oberlin campus , which was published Thursday , concluded that the ` Barry ' Dunham describes is a ` ghost ' , and that no such person appeared to exist at the college during the years she studied there . ` In fact , we could not find anyone who remembered any Oberlin Republican who matched Dunham 's colorful description , ' Nolte wrote . ` Under scrutiny , Dunham 's rape story did n't just fall apart , it evaporated into pixie dust and blew away . ' Scene : It is believed the rape Dunham describes in her book took place at Oberlin College in Ohio -LRB- pictured -RRB- in the winter of 2005 following a party . The Breitbart report followed an attack on Dunham by The National Review 's hard-right columnist Kevin Williamson , who said she was ` grossly irresponsible ' for publishing the rape claim in the first place . Williamson said he spoke to a Barry who was a prominent Republican that attended Oberlin and that has been hounded by the media since the release of Not That Kind Of Girl in September . This Barry told Williamson he has never met Dunham and did not have any kind of relationship with her . He said the fact his name is Barry and that he is a Republican who went to Oberlin is ` the ` most unfortunate coincidence of my life ' . The man , who is married with kids , said he is petrified that his full name is going to be published . Williamson then wrote of Dunham : ` It is at the very least the deployment of weaponized celebrity without any concern for collateral damage . ' I have my doubts about whether the encounter Dunham describes actually happened at all ; in her memoir , she writes about presenting anecdotes from other people 's lives as her own . ` But , for the record , the man to whom I spoke does not believe that Dunham intended to refer to him . ' The Breitbart investigation , which describes Dunham as ` one of the most powerful and influential women in America ' , included the account of Williamson 's ` Barry ' . It notes that friends of his laughed at the suggestion of him ever having a moustache and that other details given by Dunham also did n't fit . Nolte then goes in search of someone else that might fit the description . He deduces the alleged rape occurred in winter 2005 . A search of the campus newspaper archives and Oberlin College graduation announcements did not find any Barry - other than the one Williamson spoke to - who graduated or attended Oberlin College in 2005 , 2006 , or 2007 . Massive publicity tour : Lena Dunham meets fans and signs copies of her book ` Not That Kind Of Girl ' at Waterstones in London on October 29 , 2014 . A further search of the campus for someone not named Barry but who fits the description given by Dunham also showed no results . There was no proof of a radio show called Real Talk With Jimbo , he said . ` Nevertheless , no amount of digging could verify even a single detail of Dunham 's rape claim , ' Nolte wrote . The report criticizes Dunham for pointing the finger at this one Barry in such a public manner , as opposed to reporting what happened to her to the authorities . Dunham has not responded to the Brietbart News piece . Calls to Random House , the publisher of Not That Kind Of Girl , and to Dunham 's literary agent made by MailOnline were not immediately returned on Thursday . Dunham did however react to Williamson when his piece was published last month . She took to Twitter to defend her story . Love : Dunham is seen here at the 2014 Golden Globes with her boyfriend , musician Jack Antonoff . ` Some men are enraged by stories of sexual assault that do n't have clear cut villains , pimps or men with guns , ' she wrote . ` That 's because these stories force them to ask hard questions about their history with consent . ` Well , we all have to ask hard questions . Grow the f -- up . ` And I have some news for certain ` news ' outlets . No matter how much you thump your keyboards with your meat hands we will not stop talking . ' This is not the only controversy to come from Dunham 's tome . The New York native cancelled several appearances on her book tour after being accused of molesting her younger sister as a child . In one chapter of the book she describes how , as a seven-year-old , she experimented with her sister Grace , who was one at the time . ` One day , as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing blocks and buckets , my curiosity got the better of me , ' Dunham wrote . ` Grace was sitting up , babbling smiling , and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina . ' The accusations were mostly spearheaded by Williamson , who said her behavior was child abuse . Dunham came back swinging , writing on Twitter : ` The right wing news story that I molested my little sister is n't just LOL - it 's really f -- ing upsetting and disgusting . Family : Dunham was accused of molesting her younger sister Grace -LRB- pictured -RRB- by two media outlets following a controversial chapter in her book , where she admits to experiment with her sibling as a child . ` And by the way , if you were a little kid and never looked at another little kid 's vagina , well , congrats to you . ` Usually this is stuff I can ignore but do n't demean sufferers , do n't twist my words , . ' I told a story about being a weird 7 year old . I bet you have some too , old men , that I 'd rather not hear . ` And yes , this is a rage spiral . ' | Actor , 28 , alleges that she was raped at Oberlin College in her memoir Not That Kind Of Girl . Media investigation at the Ohio campus found no proof of the man she describes in the book as her alleged attacker . Named as ` Barry ' , one man who somewhat fits the description says he has never met Dunham . Dunham has been accused of being ` grossly irresponsible ' in publishing the claim . She did not report the incident to authorities . | [[850, 861], [864, 969], [956, 996], [2384, 2480], [2399, 2414], [2428, 2480], [2496, 2537], [0, 50], [78, 86], [87, 143], [997, 1058], [1852, 1935], [4531, 4589], [4640, 4659], [4750, 4830], [364, 385], [2934, 3037], [2950, 2984], [2614, 2651], [2658, 2747], [4849, 4943]] |
In the first case of its kind , a New York appeals court has rejected an animal rights advocate 's bid to extend ` legal personhood ' to chimpanzees , saying the primates are incapable of bearing the responsibilities that come with having legal rights . The unanimous ruling meant that Tommy , a 26-year-old chimpanzee is not entitled to the rights of a human and does not have to be freed by its owner . A five-judge panel of the Albany court on Thursday said attorney Steven Wise had shown that Tommy , who lives alone in a shed in upstate New York , was an autonomous creature , but that it was not possible for him to understand the social contract that binds humans together . Scroll down for video . Captive : Animal rights activist and lawyer , Steven Wise , argued that Tommy -LRB- pictured -RRB- is being held against his will and deserves to be granted human rights and freed . Freedom : Attorney Steven Wise of the Nonhuman Rights Project , left , argues on behalf of Tommy , a chimpanzee , before the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division on Wednesday , in Albany . ` So far as legal theory is concerned , a person is any being whom the law regards as capable of rights and duties , ' Presiding Justice Karen Peters wrote . ` Needless to say , unlike human beings , chimpanzees can not bear any legal duties , submit to societal responsibilities or be held legally accountable for their actions , ' That , they ruled , makes it ` inappropriate ' to grant the rights of a human to the animal . Wise , representing The Nonhuman Rights Project , which he helped found in 2007 , was seeking a ruling that Tommy had been unlawfully imprisoned by his owner , Patrick Lavery . Wise argued that the chimp should be released to a sanctuary in Florida . According to Wise and other experts , it is the first case anywhere in the world in which an appeals court has been asked to extend human rights to animals . There was no initial response to an email sent to Wise with a question about the possibility of a further appeal to the state 's top court . Tommy 's owner , Patrick Lavery , said Thursday he was pleased and expected the ruling . ' I just could n't picture any court granting habeas corpus for an animal , ' he said . ` If it works for one animal , it works for all animals . It would open a can of worms . ' Content : Patrick Lavery , owner , interacts with Tommy a chimpanzee at his home in Gloversville , New York . Decision : Presiding Justice Karen Peters of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Third Department poses a question to Attorney Steven Wise of the Nonhuman Rights Project during arguments at the court . Attorney Steven Wise of the Nonhuman Rights Project talks to reporters after arguing on behalf of Tommy , a chimpanzee , at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division . The court ruled against Tommy . Tommy is a former entertainment chimp who was placed with Lavery about 10 years ago . Lavery said Tommy is cared for under strict state and federal license rules and inspections . The court noted there have been no claims that Tommy has been mistreated or any of those rules have been violated . Lavery said Tommy lives in a seven-room enclosure in Gloversville with lots of toys and other ` enrichment . ' Wise was not immediately available to comment . He has said that if he lost Tommy 's case , he would ask for it to be heard by the Court of Appeals , New York 's top state court . Lavery said in an interview that he agreed with the judges . Tommy , he said , received state-of-the-art care and was on a waiting list to be taken in by a sanctuary . ` It will be my decision where he goes , and not someone else 's , ' he said . Peters wrote for the court that while chimps could not be granted legal rights , Wise could lobby the state legislature to create new protections for chimps and other intelligent animals . The decision , which upheld a 2013 ruling by a state judge , came after Wise on Tuesday urged a separate court in Rochester to order the release of a deaf chimp named Kiko from a cement cage at his owner 's home in Niagara Falls . Wise has also filed a third case on behalf of two chimps that live at a state university on Long Island . | A New York appeals court ruled Tommy , a 26-year-old chimpanzee is not entitled to human rights . The three-judge Appellate Division panel was unanimous in denying ` legal personhood ' to Tommy . | [[32, 56], [151, 216], [254, 404], [294, 359], [2821, 2852], [254, 404], [2821, 2852]] |
Stephanie Seymour has revealed that she specially built a massive closet at her home in Greenwich , Connecticut , where she puts all of her couture . In images taken for an upcoming post on Estée Lauder 's blog , The Estée Edit , the space is shown to house huge amounts of color-coordinated clothing , hundreds of pairs of designer shoes and at least eight Birkin bags , the beloved Hermes purses that can cost $ 20,000 or more . The 46-year-old supermodel said in an interview with Fashionista that she cares for her belongings much like a museum cares for its artwork : ` There is some hanging space , but it 's mostly drawers because you want to keep everything in either boxes , or in acid-free tissue . It 's all climate controlled , of course , and all of the drawers are glass and there 's space on each side for a picture so I can see what 's inside . ' Scroll down for video . One of everything , please ! Ms Seymour recently let photographers from Estée Lauder into her massive couture closet . Can we have one of those Birkins ? In this photo of her closet , we spotted at least eight of the famous Hermes bags on the top shelf . She even keeps it locked up from her sons Harry , 18 , and Peter Brant , Jr. , 20 . During the interview , she was asked if the pair tried to access her collection - which she 's been amassing for nearly 20 years - to re-purpose the pieces to wear out . ` Yes , but now I 've bolted the dressing room door ! ' she said . Under lock and key ! Ms Seymour -LRB- center -RRB- has revealed she keeps her couture locked away from her sons Harry -LRB- right -RRB- and Peter Brant , Jr. -LRB- left -RRB- . Shoes , shoes , everywhere ! The photo shows just a portion of Ms Seymour 's massive shoe collection . Ms Seymour revealed that her favorite piece from the collection is her wedding dress , custom designed by Tunisian couturier Azzedine Alaia . ` It is a work of art and I got to watch the whole dress being made by hand , ' she said . ` It 's a lot about the craftsmanship , the hand stitching . But honestly , if you find a designer that fits you well , ready-to-wear can feel like it 's made just for you . ' Ms Seymour , who 's a close friend and muse to Mr Alaia , said she still frequently wears the designer 's coats and dresses from 20 years ago because they make her feel ` like Stephanie . ' Drop dead gorgeous ! Ms Seymour , 46 , attended the Louis Vuitton Monogram celebration in New York last month . Quite a trio ! Peter Brant , Jr , Stephanie Seymour and Harry Brant -LRB- left to right -RRB- at the opening of Dolce & Gabbana 's Fifth Avenue flagship boutique in New York City in May of 2013 . Ms Seymour has appeared in every major fashion magazine in the world - and she recently became a face for Estée Lauder alongside Kendall Jenner . She was famously involved with Guns 'n' Roses lead singer Axl Rose in the 90s and starred in two of the band 's music videos . She married Peter Brant . Sr , a billionaire businessman , in 1995 and then filed for divorce from him in 2009 . The pair reconciled in 2010 . Her sons Peter - who is openly gay - and Harry grew up in Greenwich , Connecticut . As of the last few years , they are fixtures of the Manhattan socialite scene , frequently appearing at exclusive parties , fashion shows , polo matches and more . | The closet , which is at her mansion in Greenwich , Connecticut , houses twenty years worth of designer clothing and accessories . Of the hundred of garments , her favorite piece is her wedding dress , custom made by couturier Azzedine Alaia , for whom she is a muse . | [[0, 97], [88, 97], [120, 149], [1743, 1827], [1830, 1884]] |
Manchester United target Diego Godin is going nowhere , according to his current Atletico Madrid boss Diego Simeone . The centre back has been linked with a # 15.7 million move to United in January - with the Old Trafford outfit 's defensive problems under manager Louis van Gaal well-documented . The Uruguay international is one of several players the Red Devils are considering at the back , with the # 28m release buy-out clause not a stumbling block for executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward . Atletico Madrid defender Diego Godin -LRB- left -RRB- will not be leaving for Manchester United , says Diego Simeone . Godin -LRB- centre -RRB- has played in all 13 of Atletico 's La Liga games so far this season . Godin has been an ever-present in Simeone 's side this season in La Liga , with the reigning champions currently third - four points behind arch-rivals Real . And Simeone is adamant that if United are interested in the 28-year-old they need will quickly be disappointed . ` Let 's talk about something else , ' Simeone replied when asked about United 's potential bid . ` How much ? Twenty -LRB- million euros -RRB- ? For Godin ? ` It must be a mistake . ' Atletico 's next match is away to Elche on Saturday , with Godin likely to start at the heart of their defence as they seek a third-successive league win . Simeone -LRB- left -RRB- was awarded the Ibero-American Community Trophy by Spanish King Felipe VI on Thursday . Simeone -LRB- left -RRB- won for winning the La Liga title last season and reaching the Champions League final . | Diego Godin has been linked with a move to Manchester United . United have struggled at the back , conceding 16 goals this season . Godin has played every minute of Atletico 's 13 La Liga games this term . | [[0, 36], [56, 101], [118, 297], [616, 711], [712, 784]] |
Three grey men in grey T-shirts delivered a grey document on Thursday aimed at redefining the England football team as something a little less bulldog and a little more greyhound . Billed as ` England DNA : Evolving . Developing . Winning ' , it is the product of 12 months of hiring and firing and restructuring behind the scenes by Dan Ashworth , the FA 's director of elite development and will involve giving the players memory-chip wristbands which they can access back at their clubs so they can remember the work they have done with their country . Ashworth has kept his profile low since replacing Sir Trevor Brooking in this role , busily putting things in place and this was his coming out party , formalising the power-shift behind the scenes . Dan Ashworth -LRB- right -RRB- , the FA 's director of elite development , pictured with England Under 21 manager Gareth Southgate revealed the ` England DNA ' blueprint on Thursday . He presented the document with U21 manager Gareth Southgate and head of player and coach development Matt Crocker , recruited from Southampton , where the prolific Academy is under the authority of Les Reed , former technical director of the FA , who once worked with Howard Wilkinson to produce a document very like this one . Ashworth has busily created a new blueprint aimed at redefining the England national team . The irony must have been lost somewhere between Wembley and St George 's Park , where Ashworth will extend his DNA vision to 1,500 coaches from the FA 's Licensed Coaches ' Club who will gather , over the weekend . It is simply a collection of commonsense ideas committed to print after thorough research , including studies into how other nations do things - six in Europe and three in South America . It may help coaches at all levels to have a point of reference about what the international teams are striving for , and it may help players of different ages to have a memory stick on a wristband which reminds them of what playing for England is about , should they chose to plug it into their laptop or tablet . But , in truth , this is another largely underwhelming document trying to be all things to as many people as possible , without causing offence . Ashworth 's team want England want to break from the traditional blood and sweat , but not forget about it . They want to work with the clubs , but want more players to be released by clubs to boost experience on an international stage . If they want the ` golden thread ' to run through the youth ranks to the senior team , the release of players by the clubs is the key . We will see how Southgate gets on when he selects a squad for the U21 Euros next year . It is hoped the ideas may help coaches at all levels have a point of reference about what the international team is striving for . To increase the number of times a player samples international football , Ashworth has introduced U15 , U18 and U20 age groups . At some expense , the U20s have a full programme of fixtures , but will not play a competitively until 2017 at the earliest , since they have not qualified for next year 's World Cup in New Zealand . They want players to be comfortable with the ball - and without it . They want them to be tactically aware and flexible and technically adept . They want them to ` intelligently dominate possession ' . They want pride and passion and they want high standards of behaviour . Who does n't ? The FA will provide a clear coaching plan -- focusing on eight positions on the field and phases of play - and the best care and support . They took a teacher with the squad to the U17 Euros in Malta , this year to help four players taking GCSEs . Chelsea 's Dominic Solanke even stayed in Malta to sit an exam on the day his team-mates travelled home . Chelsea 's Dominic Solanke stayed in Malta to sit an exam during a trip with the England Under 17 squad . The principles are admirable . Most of it has been heard before in different guises . England boasted they were the best prepared team at the World Cup in Brazil . They were also among the first to leave for home . Ultimately , what England need to win a World Cup is more and better players . Ashworth admits 90 per cent of player development in England is done by the clubs , which leaves him addressing the final 10 per cent , which adapts them for international football . The Premier League is two years into their Elite Player Performance Plan , their own pathway to more and better home-grown footballers . They all claim to consult closely , but do they , really ? Clouding the issue further is the commission launched by FA chairman Greg Dyke with a view to creating an England team capable of winning the World Cup in 2022 , by recommending feeder clubs . And a Code of Conduct , introduced by Dyke 's predecessor David Bernstein , to improve behaviour . Blueprints we have aplenty . And now we have another . Or is it grey ? | Document aimed at redefining England team is the work of Dan Ashworth , the FA 's director of elite development . Blueprint was presented by Ashworth , Gareth Southgate and Matt Crocker . Document is collection of ideas and information on how other football nations do things . England players will be given memory-chip wristbands to aid progress . | [[61, 180], [1281, 1359], [756, 774], [887, 939], [940, 1053], [1575, 1577], [1667, 1684], [1694, 1762], [243, 245], [377, 489]] |
A teenager who was accidentally switched at birth has revealed how the hospital mix-up ripped her family apart . Manon Serrano , 18 , was swapped with another baby five days after being born at the Cannes-la-Bocca clinic in France on July 4 , 1994 . Ms Serrano and her family eventually discovered the maternity ward mistake after undergoing DNA tests eight years ago - but not before it tore her family apart . New mother : Sophie Serrano , pictured shortly after giving birth at the age of 18 , discovered her daughter had been accidentally switched at birth ten years after the event . For the first time , Ms Serrano has revealed how the man she believed to be her father was convinced that she was n't his . This was because Ms Serrano , whose real parents are from Réunion Island , in the Indian Ocean , was dark-skinned while Mr Serrano and his wife were both fair skinned . A paternity test in 2002 proved his suspicions and he left his wife believing she must have conceived the child with another man . Another test two years later revealed that Mrs Serrano was not her mother . Ms Serrano says the mistake has had a huge impact on her life and left her struggling to find her own identity . She added : ` At a period of your life when you 're anyway asking questions , me , I had lost my identity . ' Family torn apart : Sophie Serrano 's husband left her when paternity tests proved he was not the father of their daughter Manon . Two years later , further tests showed she was not the biological mother either . Maternity ward : While the Cannes-la-Bocca Clinic , in Cannes , France , admits the error occurred , it claims the mothers should have realised their babies had been switched . The rest of her family have also struggled to come to terms with the mistake . Her ` mother ' Mrs Serrano , from Thorenc , near Grasse , in southern France , told Le Parisien : ` The sky fell on my head . I had the impression that I had lost the daughter I had brought up , but I was also seized by a terrible anguish . ' Mrs Serrano , who has two other children , told the newspaper she suffered from nervous depression in the aftermath of the discovery and lost her business . Trial : Mrs Serrano suffered from nervous depression after she discovered the daughter she raised from birth was not biologically hers . ' I lost everything . We had to leave our home , I have got big debts . All my children had to consult psychologists , ' she admitted ' . The accidental switch happened when Ms Serrano was placed in a cot with another baby for treatment for jaundice . Ms Serrano was then given back to Sophie Serrano , whose own daughter was handed to another woman . Mrs Serrano told nurses that the child did not look like her own baby , but nurses insisted that there had been no mistake . After the DNA tests eight years ago revealed that Ms Serrano was infact not her daughter , police managed to track down the other family involved in the mix-up and the two families met . Mrs Serrano said : ` There was a mixture of trouble , joy and sadness . ' I fell into the arms of my biological daughter . Instinctively I loved her . But in the long term , I was able to find a place for myself . ' Despite the discovery , both girls decided to stay with the families who brought them up . Ms Serrano said : ` When my mother told me of the switch , my first thought was am I going to have to leave my family ? I would have felt empty without them . ' Mrs Serrano is suing the clinic , which has since become a retirement home . Maître Claude Chas , a lawyer for the clinic , admitted that an error had occurred but said the mothers should have noticed that their babies had been switched . Case : Mrs Serran , who says she lost everything because of the mistake , is suing the clinic over the mix-up . | Manon Serrano was accidentally swapped with . another baby in July 1994 . Man she believed to be her father left his wife after paternity tests failed . Two years later , tests revealed Manon was n't her mother 's biological child . Hospital mistake was discovered and the other family involved tracked down . Both children have decided to remain with the family that raised them . Cannes-la-Bocca clinic , . in France , admits error but says both mothers should have realised the mistake . | [[0, 10], [15, 49], [113, 126], [134, 238], [113, 126], [134, 238], [1332, 1434], [882, 928], [1013, 1088], [1332, 1434], [1443, 1458], [1461, 1524], [2240, 2317], [2795, 2885], [67, 112], [2795, 2870], [2886, 2954], [3222, 3266], [1525, 1539], [1598, 1623], [1626, 1701], [3527, 3545], [3574, 3688]] |
Entertainment reporter Michael Ausiello has revealed in a moving online post that he is taking time off as his husband reaches the end of his cancer battle . Ausiello , a former TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly reporter , made the announcement on his television website , , on Thursday . He revealed that his husband , photographer Kit Cowan , 41 , has been battling against ' a rare and aggressive Neuroendocrine cancer ' for the past nine months . ` As that fight approaches its end , I 'll be taking a little time off , ' he wrote . Tragic : TV reporter and founder of Michael Ausiello , pictured right , has revealed that he will be taking time off as his husband , Kit Cowan , pictured left , battles Neuroendocrine cancer . The couple met in 2001 - when TV-loving Ausiello was shocked to learn Cowan did n't own a television set - and they married earlier this year . In his post , Ausiello praised Cowan for helping him to create his media empire , explaining that if any reader has admired any work on his website , Cowan likely had a hand in it . ' A key driving force behind the `` Ausiello brand '' has been someone who has largely remained behind the scenes , ' he wrote . ` He 's one of the most talented designers/photographers/purveyors of good taste on the planet . He 's also , as luck would have it , my husband . ' He credited him with helping him make ` every major design decision ' at TVLine , as well as giving him advice during his time at Entertainment Weekly and TVGuide . Together : The couple , who live in New York City , met in 2001 and got married earlier this year . Battle : Cowan , pictured in October , was diagnosed with the aggressive form of cancer nine months ago . ` If I looked halfway decent while talking about TV on a morning show or Entertainment Tonight-type news magazine , you better believe Kit chose my outfit , ' he wrote . He said that his team at TVLine would keep the stories coming during his absence . Ausiello , 42 , shared few details about Cowan 's illness . Neuroendocrine cancer occurs in cells in the hormonal and nervous systems , and are often found in the intestines or lungs . Cowan , who is from Millersburg , Pennsylvania , is a photographer and designer , and owner of a stationery company . He and Ausiello live in New York City . For more videos , please go to GMA . Famous friends : Ausiello is pictured with David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel of TV show Bones . As Ausiello announced his husband 's illness , he said Cowan had been instrumental in his success . All in a day 's work : He is pictured left with Andy Cohen and right with Lauren Graham of Gilmore Girls . The New Jersey-born reporter got his start writing for Soap Opera Update and Soaps in Depth , then landed at TV Guide where he launched a spoiler column , ` Ask Ausiello ' . After his time at Entertainment Weekly , he launched TVLine in 2010 . He has also had small parts on some of his favorite shows , including Scrubs , Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls . | Michael Ausiello , a former Entertainment Weekly reporter who founded website TVLine , revealed his husband 's cancer battle online on Thursday . He said his husband , photographer Kit Cowan , was diagnosed with ' a rare and aggressive Neuroendocrine cancer ' nine months ago . The couple have been together since 2001 and married earlier this year . | [[0, 76], [158, 166], [223, 299], [548, 554], [557, 611], [623, 728], [2458, 2502], [2505, 2557], [2839, 2877], [2880, 2908], [300, 461], [317, 328], [356, 358], [361, 461], [548, 554], [557, 611], [623, 728], [1622, 1628], [1651, 1727], [753, 777], [864, 896], [1522, 1530], [1533, 1543], [1574, 1585], [1522, 1530], [1533, 1543], [1590, 1621]] |
England wonderkid Raheem Sterling remained open to starting against Estonia on Sunday night despite his personal fitness doubts . Sportsmail understands the Liverpool forward first complained of leg weariness to coach Gary Neville during England 's final training session in the lead up to the European Championship qualifier in Tallinn . Sterling then relayed the information to manager Roy Hodgson , who , together with members of his backroom team , took the decision to omit the youngster from the starting line-up for the victory over Estonia . Raheem Sterling -LRB- second from right -RRB- started on England 's bench against Estonia in Euro 2016 qualifying . Sterling , pictured after coming on in the second half , had complained of leg weariness to Roy Hodgson . Sportsmail understands Sterling was happy to be selected in the starting XI despite his concerns . Sterling , however , was still open to starting the encounter despite his own concerns - and views some of the stinging criticism aimed at him for complaining of tiredness as unfair . The teenager still wanted to be considered for a starting role against the Estonians , though the decision was ultimately taken out of his hands . Sources insists any suggestion that Sterling made himself unavailable for selection are false . Sterling will report to Melwood for training on Tuesday ahead of Liverpool 's clash against Queens Park Rangers . England boss Hodgson took the decision to bench Sterling and bring him on in the second period . Sterling 's Liverpool team-mate Adam Lallana was selected to start in his place against Estonia . | Roy Hodgson started Raheem Sterling on the bench against Estonia . The Liverpool star had complained of leg weariness to Roy Hodgson . Sterling has been criticised by some for his reluctance to play . But Sportsmail understands he was still happy to start in Tallinn . Sterling will return to training at Melwood on Tuesday . | [[453, 549], [584, 665], [1412, 1508], [130, 208], [666, 674], [723, 771], [0, 91], [772, 847], [795, 870], [871, 879], [892, 1000], [1298, 1411]] |
CLICK HERE to read Chief Sports Writer Martin Samuel 's opinion on the controvesial Liverpool star . Mario Balotelli has submitted examples of the discrimination he has suffered as he seeks to avoid an FA charge over an allegedly anti-Semitic and racist message he posted on Instagram . The Liverpool striker has until 6pm on Friday to provide his observations to The FA over a picture that depicted the computer game character Super Mario which read : ` Do n't be racist -- be like Mario . He 's an Italian plumber created by Japanese people who speaks English and looks like a Mexican . But below the image , the words continue : ` jumps like a black man and grabs coin like a Jew . ' Mario Balotelli must explain this Instagram post featuring potentailly racist and anti-Semitic comments . Responding to criticism , Balotelli tweeted : ` My Mom is Jewish so all of you shut up please . ' He subsequently apologised on Twitter on Tuesday morning , insisting the image was meant to be ` anti-racist with humour ' . He also described reposting the image as ` my unlucky moment ' . Balotelli , walking off against Real Madrid , has struggled to find form at Liverpool this season . Charity group Show Racism the Red Card were encouraged by Balotelli 's immediate apology on social media . But he wrote : ` I apologise if I 've offended anyone . The post was meant to be anti-racist with humour . I now understand that out of context it may have the opposite effect . ` Not all Mexicans have a moustache , not all black people jump high and not all Jewish people love money . ` I used a cartoon done by somebody else because it has Super Mario and I thought it was funny and not offensive . Again , I 'm sorry . ' Balotelli will give his full co-operation to the FA during the course of any investigation and , in mitigation , will provide evidence of how he has been abused on social media during his career . The Liverpool striker also insisted that he meant no offence by tweeting that his mother is Jewish . The mercurial Italian striker has come under scrutiny after failing to score a Premier League goal this season . | The FA has asked Mario Balotelli to explain an Instagram post featuring potentially racist and anti-Semitic comments . Liverpool striker deleted the post and apologised for any offence caused . Balotelli has sent examples of online discrimination to the FA . The Italian striker is still ruled out of action with a troublesome groin injury . | [[143, 261], [247, 286], [687, 792], [716, 792], [891, 947], [1292, 1300], [1305, 1343], [1689, 1694], [1697, 1709], [101, 161], [1712, 1721], [1812, 1822], [1825, 1908]] |
Rory McIlroy is the latest sporting superstar to try his hand at the ` Mobot ' after bumping into middle-distance king Mo Farah . The pair met at Nike World HQ in Oregon , United States - the home of the duo 's sport manufacturer , with McIlroy uploading a picture with Farah to his Facebook page on Wednesday . Accompanied with the caption : ` Look who I met at Nike World HQ earlier this week !! ' McIlroy can be seen imitating Farah 's famous celebration in what he may dub the ` Robot . ' Rory McIlroy -LRB- right -RRB- uploaded a Facebook picture with Mo Farah at Nike World HQ on Wednesday . Golfing star McIlroy has enjoyed a stellar 12 months in the sport including ending the year as world No 1 . The 25-year-old won two majors , including his first Open title -LRB- pictured -RRB- at the Royal Liverpool Golf Course . The Mobot has become synonymous with Farah 's performances on the athletics track and was performed after the British star won Olympic gold in the 5,000 and 10,000 m on home soil at the London 2012 Games . And while McIlroy 's Robot may not be seen at the 18th of any putting greens soon , the celebration would be an apt one for the 25-year-old who has enjoyed a stellar 2014 . The Northern Irishman has produced the best golf of his career in the past 12 months as he added to his two majors with his first Open and second US PGA Championship this summer before playing an integral role in Europe 's successful Ryder Cup campaign . To top it all off the world No 1 won the Race to Dubai to cap a memorable year . If the Holywood-born star can repeat his success into 2015 , who knows if the Robot may become a customary sight alongside 's McIlroy 's trophy-laden form . Farah 's Mobot celebration was performed after his 5,000 m and 10,000 m successes at London 2012 . | Rory McIlroy and Mo Farah were at Nike World HQ in Oregon , USA . McIlroy has enjoyed a stellar year including two majors successes . 25-year-old also guided Europe to the Ryder Cup and ended as world No 1 . | [[130, 169], [345, 349], [356, 394], [493, 597], [598, 705], [706, 736], [1154, 1173], [1178, 1206], [1207, 1291], [1295, 1359], [598, 705], [598, 618], [674, 705], [1385, 1461]] |
Angelina Jolie today appeared visibly moved and close to tears at the ` End Sexual Violence in Conflict ' summit in London , which she is co-hosting with Foreign Secretary William Hague . The summit is the largest ever held on subject of sexual violence in war . The actress ' eyes welled up as she listened to victims of sexual assault speak about their experiences and spent time with them afterwards , discussing the issues they face and embracing delegates . Clutching fellow activist and peacemaker Neema Namadamu on this , the second day of the summit , the actress struggled to contain her emotions . Scroll down for video . Angelina embraced fellow activist Neema Namadamu of the Democratic Republic of Congo , whose own daughter was attacked . Angelina held Neema who runs a campaign in the Congo which aims to empower women through technology as well as fight for their human rights . Jolie , centre , who is a Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , listens attentively to a speech of a delegate at the summit . The actress appeared deeply moved listening to victims of sexual assault speak about their experience . The actress spoke on BBC Radio 4 's Women 's Hour this morning about how affected she had been by meeting victims of sexual attack . Neema is an advocate for change in Congo , and founder of the Maman Shujaa , the ` Hero Women of the Congo ' who fight for the rights of women . She who was struck down with polio at age two , and became the first disabled woman to graduate from Congo 's national university . She began campaigning when her 25-year-old daughter was attacked by a group of men metres from her own home in the Congo . Angelina , Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , also embraced other delegates who spoke at the event . After the formal talks , the actress took time to look at products made by women and sold by the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence to support victim of violence . The summit has seen diplomats , officials and non-profit representatives from more than 100 countries gather to press for the rights of victims of sexual violence -- women , men and children alike . Angelina reached over the podium to embrace a delegate after she spoke to the group of diplomats and officials from around the world . Angelina talked affectionately to Neema Namadamu of the Democratic Republic of Congo . Angelina draws the outline of her hand , joining the the hand prints of others who have pledged to support the campaign . With the cameras of the world focused on her , Jolie said she wanted to dedicated the conference to a rape victim she and Hague recently met in Bosnia . William Hague -LRB- L -RRB- and Angelina -LRB- R -RRB- , pictured here with Congolese women 's rights campaigners Carine Safari -LRB- centre left -RRB- and Nyota Babunga -LRB- centre right -RRB- have worked together for years on the issues of women 's rights and sexual abuse . With the cameras of the world focused on her , Jolie said she wanted to dedicated the conference to a rape victim she and Hague recently met in Bosnia . ` She felt that having had no justice for her particular crime , in her particular situation , and having seen the actual man who raped her on the streets free , she really felt abandoned by the world , ' Jolie said . ` This day is for her . ' Angelina was also interviewed on BBC Radio 4 's Women 's Hour this morning , talking about how she came to be involved in working to end sexual violence . ` I 've met survivors and spent time with them . I 'd heard their stories and became very emotionally involved and I thought -- what can I possibly do to help , ' she said . Angelina embraces delegate Esther Ruth Atim of Uganda during the emotional second day of the ` End Sexual Violence in Conflict ' summit . Angelina pauses to look at a photo exhibition by photographer Pete Muller . Angelina also talked of losing her mother to breast cancer , and her decision to have a preventative double mastectomy : ` The thought of telling my children I had cancer because I did n't have the surgery was more frightening to me . ' ' I am very happy that I made a decision that will enable me to be around for my children . For me it was in fact an easy choice . ' Of her mother Marcheline , she said : ` Had she had the surgery she might have been around for years longer to have met my other children . ' The programme also shared the harrowing accounts of two women who suffered sexual violence during conflict . One un-named women described her attack during genocide in Rwanda in these words : ` I did n't see their faces , I do n't know them , how can you see someone who is hitting you in the eyes ? How will you know someone who is inserting a gun barrel into your mouth , and then between your legs ? Then he leaves , and another one enters . ' Another woman spoke of her attack in Minova in the Democratic Republic of Congo : ` The man said that he wanted to rape me , that if I refused he is going to kill me . Then another five men came . They all raped me . My daughter keeps asking me about her dad . When I try to reveal who her father is , it is really hard for me . Angelina , here greeting Neema Namadamu , has been key in organising the summit which is being attended by governments from over 100 countries , over 900 experts , NGOs , Faith leaders , and representatives from international organisations across the world . Neema , who is disabled after having polio as a child , sat as her and Angelina talked for some time following the speeches . ` I fear also telling her because a lot of men raped me ... it is really hard for me to tell my daughter . ` I just feel really depressed , when I think of it I burst into tears . I feel like I am nothing . Sometimes I even feel like dying . ' A rape survivor who attended the conference today , Wangu Kanja , from Kenya , who has set up her own organization to help others , said she hoped the summit will send a message that governments can not continue to ignore the issue . ` I 'm really hoping that from this the Kenyan government will be forced to do something , ' she said hours after the summit began . After the formal talks , the actress took time to look at products made by women and sold by the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence to support victim of violence . Angelina chatted with activists from NGOs , who are selling products to support victim of violence , in the market area of the ` End Sexual Violence in Conflict ' summit . Jolie , here looking at a bag made by a women in a conflict area , is set to help launch a guidance document on best practices on Wednesday to help strengthen prosecutions for rape in conflicts . British Foreign Secretary William Hague , left , and Angelina arrived together for the second day of the landmark summit . Write caption here . William Hague compared sexual violence in war zones to slavery as an injustice that demands action . ` As was said with slavery in the 18th century , now we know the facts , we can not turn aside , ' he said . Others far afield also offered support . Pope Francis , who has made combatting sex trafficking and human slavery one of his priorities , sent a tweet on Tuesday in support of the summit 's work , saying ` Let us pray for all victims of sexual violence in conflict , and those working to end this crime . ' Hague and Jolie are set to launch a guidance document on best practices today to help strengthen prosecutions for rape in conflicts . Hague will also host a meeting Thursday on tackling Boko Haram , the Islamic terror group that abducted more than 300 schoolgirls and young women in Nigeria in April . As well as speaking at the conference , Angelina was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 's Women 's Hour this morning , talking about how she came to be involved in working to end sexual violence . Angelina and Hague have been campaigning on the issue of sexual violence for two years . The pair have campaigned hard on the issue of sexual violence for two years , and on Tuesday they were welcomed with cheers from others fighting for the cause as they toured a lively fringe program featuring photo exhibitions , poetry readings , and artists performing skits . Nigerian rap and soul singers sang about rape and other problems facing young Africans , while volunteers taught Swahili folk songs in workshops similar to those performed in conflict zones to help reduce trauma . An eclectic group of charity workers and computer experts brainstormed on ways to use technology to improve reporting on sexual violence . | The summit is the largest ever held on subject of sexual violence in war . Actress welled up as she heard victims talk about their experiences . Embraced campaigner Neema Namadamu . Namadamu began campaigning when her 25-year-old daughter was attacked by a group of men metres from her own home in the Congo . | [[188, 262], [202, 262], [0, 62], [263, 336], [263, 288], [311, 366], [263, 288], [371, 391], [263, 288], [405, 462], [560, 607], [1052, 1124], [1110, 1155], [1156, 1288], [1229, 1288], [5755, 5775], [632, 716], [2343, 2429], [1566, 1688], [1588, 1688]] |
Duets featuring Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury are finally set to be officially released , three decades after they were recorded . Mercury 's former bandmates , Brian May and Roger Taylor , are working on tracks featuring the two dead superstars and have promised ` something for folks to hear ' in two months . Guitarist May described working on the sessions this month as : ` Exciting , challenging , emotionally taxing . But cool . ' Showmen : Duets featuring Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury are finally set to be officially released , three decades after they were recorded . The pair are pictured in 1980 . The prospect of pop 's two greatest showmen combining in a musical reprise is a mouth-watering prospect for fans around the world . Yet ironically the pair fell out after a collaboration in the early 1980s . In what is thought to have been their only session together , they recorded three songs during six hours spent at Jackson 's home studio in Encino , California . In 2011 , May confirmed the Jackson estate had given permission for him to revamp the trio of recordings with Taylor and the pair have brought in US-based music producer William Orbit , who has worked with Madonna and Blur . Exciting : The prospect of pop 's two greatest showmen combining in a musical reprise is a mouth-watering prospect for fans around the world . Progress : Mercury 's former bandmates , Brian May and Roger Taylor , are working on tracks featuring the two dead superstars . May is pictured performing on stage with Mercury . The tracks are likely to include new guitar solos from May along with Queen-style vocal harmonies . Writing on his blog in reply to a fan , May , 66 , said : ` There are a few items in progress . We will have something for folks to hear in a couple of months ' time , hopefully . ' Jackson died in 2009 , aged 50 , after suffering cardiac arrest linked to his drug dependency . Mercury died from an Aids-related illness , aged 45 , in 1991 . A Jackson family source said he believed the post-Encino row stemmed from the pair 's inability to arrange a second recording session . | Mercury 's former bandmates Brian May . and Roger Taylor working on tracks . They have promised ` something for folks to hear ' in two . months . | [[137, 164], [187, 193], [196, 217], [1360, 1368], [1371, 1400], [1421, 1427], [1430, 1451], [137, 164], [241, 299], [286, 299], [302, 317], [1735, 1804]] |
The girlfriend of a man who shot and killed a German exchange student in his garage broke down in tears as her 911 call was re-played to a court . Janelle Pflager 's distraught voice was heard by the court during the 911 call she made after her boyfriend , Markus Kaarma , allegedly shot and killed Diren Dede , 17 . She described how the teenager was lying face down ` barely breathing ' and bleeding from ` everywhere ' in their Missoula , Montana home . Scroll down for video . Family : Marcus Kaarma , right , is followed into Missoula District Court by his girlfriend Janelle Pflager with their child , the court heard a 911 call made by Pflager about the events that unfolded . Fear : Kaarma allegedly felt targeted and increasingly anxious for the safety of Pflager and their infant son . She told dispatchers that Kaarma did n't help her as she tried to aid the wounded high school student , who died a short time later at a Missoula hospital . Kaarma is charged with baiting the teenager into sneaking into his Missoula garage early on April 27 and killing him with four shotgun blasts after being alerted by a motion detector . Defense attorney Paul Ryan says Montana 's ` stand your ground ' law allows homeowners to protect their residences with deadly force when they believe they are going to be harmed . But Kaarma did n't know whether the person inside the garage was armed , Ryan said . However he had allegedly felt targeted and increasingly anxious for the safety of Pflager and their infant son after the couple had been burglarized twice in the days leading up to the shooting . On the first day of testimony , two teenagers , Mykle Martin , 17 , and Trisitan Staber , 18 , described how they went ` garage hopping , ' or burglarizing garages , in search of alcohol and other things after dark and hit Markus Kaarma 's house . ' I was the previous break-in , ' Martin said , his voice at times barely audible . ` I 'm the reason he -LRB- Kaarma -RRB- was waiting for another person . ' The court also heard audio tapes of Pflager 's police interview after the shooting . She told officers that Dede had pleaded for his life , saying , ` No , no , no , no , no , please ! ' However , she later testified that Dede had not said anything and that she was ` rambling ' to officers because she was traumatized . ' I did not hear those words , ' she said . ' I wish I said those words . ' Pflager 's testimony came during the second day of Kaarma 's deliberate homicide trial . Victim : Diren Dede -LRB- left -RRB- , 17 , was shot dead on April 27 after allegedly breaking into Kaarma 's garage . Trial : Kaarma sits with his legal team during witness testimony in Missoula County Court in Missoula , Montana on December 5 , 2014 . Pflager said Thursday that she kept a baseball bat nearby while Kaarma moved a shotgun to the first floor of their home after the previous burglaries . Testimony indicated Kaarma was upset and on edge at the time . Michael McMillan , who works for a local lawn care company told how he came to the Kaarma house on April 23 to spray for insects . While he was setting up , he said an angry Kaarma come out the front door naked , pointed a shotgun at him and asked what McMillan was doing there . ' I was scared , frozen , ' McMillan said . He said Pflager started screaming at Kaarma to stop and he went back inside the house . McMillan said Pflager later apologized and told him they were on edge due to burglaries . McMillan said he did not call police . That same day , Kaarma went for a haircut , and three women from the shop testified Thursday that they heard him say he had been waiting up nights to shoot an intruder . The dead teenager 's father , Celal Dede , grimaced while listening to the 911 recording and then whispered to his attorneys that accompanied him and his wife . | Janelle Pflager 's distraught voice could be heard on the 911 call . Pflager said Diren Dede ,17 , was lying face down and ` barely breathing ' Homeowner Markus Kaarma allegedly shot and killed the 17-year-old . He had been burglarized twice in the days leading up to the shooting . He is charged with baiting the teenager into sneaking into his garage . Montana 's ` stand your ground ' law allows homeowners to use deadly force . | [[0, 23], [84, 119], [147, 225], [608, 667], [317, 456], [335, 401], [2502, 2534], [292, 316], [953, 959], [1058, 1137], [1515, 1570], [1562, 1599], [953, 1053], [953, 959], [971, 1069], [1189, 1270], [1214, 1303]] |
Spiders can be scary enough when they 're visible , but a new species spotted in Mexico is able to hide itself by creating its own camouflage . The guerilla spider has been named Paratropis tuxtlesis and is capable of perfectly covering its body with dust and soil collected from wherever it happens to be hiding . The thin coating means the spider blends in with its surroundings , keeping it safe from predators , as well as making it easier to pounce on unsuspecting prey . The Paratropis tuxtlesis spider -LRB- pictured -RRB- is capable of perfectly covering its body with dust and soil collected from wherever it happens to be hiding . The thin coating means the spider blends in with its surroundings kepping it safe from predators , as well as making it easier to pounce on unsuspecting prey . Researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico -LRB- UNAM -RRB- hailed the discovery of the spider that 's capable of vanishing from view as ' a sensation ' . They said the arachnid was a member of the Paratropididae family , of which nine species are now known to exist in South America and Central America . The camouflaging spider was discovered in the natural protected area of Los Tuxtlas , in the south-eastern Mexican state of Veracruz . The camouflaging spider was discovered in the natural protected area of Los Tuxtlas , in the south-eastern Mexican state of Veracruz -LRB- pictured -RRB- . It is distinguished from other species because it has rough skin , like scales , that is used by to attract floor particles , which in turn give it perfect camouflage . Researchers said the spider is a member of the Paratropididae family , of which nine species are now known to exist in South America and Central America . The baldlegged spiders -LRB- pictured -RRB- are closely related to tarantulas . Spiders are growing far larger in the cities than in rural environments , researchers have said . They found that rather than thriving in areas with lots of vegetation , golden orb weaver spiders living in urban areas of Sydney , Australia , were larger and had more babies . They added that an abundance of food and city lights could be to blame . ` City-dwelling orb-weaving spiders grow larger and could produce more offspring than their country cousins our research shows , ' said Elizabeth Lowe of the University of Sydney , who led the research . This study showed invertebrates are sensitive to urbanisation , but that not all species are negatively affected by living in cities . ` It is distinguished from other species because it has rough skin , like scales , that are used by the animal to attract floor particles which in turn give it perfect camouflage , ' said the university . ` In order to make sure its vision is not obstructed by its camouflage of dirt , the spider has eyes that are raised up higher than usual so that it can see over the covering . ' The university said they first identified immature spiders of the new type in 2010 , and then found adults , which are typically around four inches long , a year later . But , the discovery has only just been published in medical journal ZooKeys . Professor Oscar Federico Francke , who led the university 's research team , said the name Paratropis tuxtlensis came from the geographical location where the spiders were discovered . ` If you do not look carefully , you can lift a stone up and look and not see that the spider is there , ' continued Professor Francke . ` In fact you can often only see them when they move which may well be why they escaped notice so long . ' | Guerrilla spider was spotted by National Autonomous University of Mexico . It camouflages itself by covering its body with dust and soil particles . Called Paratropis tuxtlesis , it is a member of the Paratropididae family . It was discovered in the natural protected area of Los Tuxtlas , Veracruz . | [[56, 143], [144, 163], [204, 264], [477, 590], [1489, 1495], [1514, 1585], [2609, 2612], [2620, 2687], [2714, 2718], [2725, 2792], [144, 199], [975, 1115], [1586, 1722], [1126, 1209], [1261, 1344]] |
Former Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini has revealed his affection for Arsenal , claiming he 'd love to manage the north London side one day . The Italian , who has returned to Serie A side Inter Milan for a second spell , was at the helm of Manchester City for four seasons before departing for Galatasaray , but is keen on a return to the Premier League . Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has come under increased scrutiny after his side have slumped to their worst ever Premier league start , lying eighth in the table and fifteen points off current leaders Chelsea . VIDEO Scroll down to watch Roberto Mancini takes his first training session as Inter coach . Inter Milan manager Roberto Mancini , would relish the opportunity to manage Arsenal in the future . The Italian , who is back at Inter for his second spell in charge , plans to manage the national side one day too . ' I would have loved to have managed Arsenal , a club with a special charm . But there is still time , ' the Italian told Corriere dello Sport . The 47-year-old , is clearly ambitious with a return to the Premier League in his sights and has also signaled his intent to manage his national side in the future . ` Where do I see myself at 60 ? As coach of the Italian national team . ' Mancini spent four seasons in the Premier League with Manchester City , but has returned to Serie A with Inter . | The 47-year-old has returned as manager of Inter Milan for a second spell . Roberto Mancini managed Manchester City between 2009-13 . Claims he wants to be manager of the Italian national team at 60 . | [[150, 163], [168, 227], [769, 780], [787, 824], [150, 161], [230, 314], [1270, 1339], [769, 780], [837, 884], [1030, 1045], [1123, 1195]] |
Wasteful spending by the public sector on useless projects costs every British household # 4,500 a year - enough to ` buy a luxury holiday for every family ' , a pressure group has claimed . The TaxPayers ' Alliance has identified cuts that it says could save about # 120billion -- effectively wiping out the UK 's budget deficit -- without ` closing a single hospital , firing a single teacher or disbanding a single regiment ' . The organisation has collated a list of ` ludicrous examples of wasteful spending ' -- including the Ministry of Defence paying # 22 for a light bulb and the Arts Council squandering # 95,000 on an installation comprising a skip covered in yellow lights . Waste : Despite Chancellor George Osborne 's austerity drive , the TaxPayers ' Alliance has identified a long list of ` ludicrous examples of wasteful spending ' Some # 19,000 was spent by Cotswold District Council on hiring a ` motivational magician ' to boost staff morale , while Labour-run Durham Council gave chiefs a # 12,000 clothing allowance , which Prime Minister David Cameron derided as ` Geordie Armani ' . In other examples : . The alleged wasteful spending - a sixth of the total government expenditure - is more than the whole of the NHS budget and five times the amount spent by the Ministry of Defence . A spokesman for alliance said : ' This equates to a massive # 4,500 for every household inn the UK - enough to give every family in the land a luxury holiday or pay their household energy bills three times over . ' In its annual Big Bumper Book of Government Waste , the TaxPayers ' Alliance recommends a number of major reforms to claw back cash , including shaving # 53billion off the pay and pensions packages of public sector workers . This is the amount it claims these workers are being overpaid compared with the private sector average . ` Nearly # 120billion of taxpayers ' money was wasted or spent on useless projects by the Government in 2011-12 , ' the report states . ` We have identified and listed hundreds of examples of spending by politicians and bureaucrats that can be cut without closing a single hospital , firing a single teacher or disbanding a single regiment . ' According to the research -- which the pressure group said is based on official statistics , independent reports and media coverage -- # 25billion was wasted that year through inefficient public sector procurement and poor use of outsourcing , while # 20.3 billion was lost through public sector fraud . About # 5billion was paid out in benefits to claimants with an income in excess of # 100,000 , while # 1.2 billion was paid out in an annual subsidy to foreign farmers through the EU 's Common Agricultural Policy . Frontline services : The TaxPayers ' Alliance says it can identify cuts in government spending that would not affect any hospital , education or army expenses . Cheshire East Council spent # 30,000 building two ponds for 18 newts which had been displaced by the construction of a bypass . Arts Council paid # 2.5 million to decorate the side of inter-continental trucks to promote Lincolnshire Fenlands in Europe . The Government biscuit bill in 2011-2012 was # 3 million . Ministry of Justice spent # 4.5 million to taxi firms for moving prisoners and staff around the country . Bury Council bought # 9,000 iPads for bin collectors to monitor homes that were not recycling . Home Office paid # 427,000 on rubber bullets police are not even allowed to use . Cotswold Council hired a ` motivational magician ' to boost staff morale at a cost of # 19,000 . The TaxPayers ' Alliance suggests . # 2.9 billion could be saved by scrapping the Department for Business , . Innovation and Skills and Department for Culture , Media and Sport and . hiving off their essential functions to other departments . It . also questions the need for high spending on locum doctors , suggesting . there could be far fewer now that GPs work out-of hours far less . frequently than they used to . Matthew . Sinclair , chief executive of the TaxPayers ' Alliance , said : ` George . Osborne must take the golden opportunity offered by the spending review . to get the nation 's finances under control and ease the burden on . taxpayers . ' According . to the report , tens of billions of pounds are still wasted each year and . there is an enormous amount of fat left in the public sector . ` If ministers do something about it , . they can give taxpayers a better deal and still provide the frontline . services which people depend on . ` More . money must be left in the pockets of struggling households who need it . to support their own families and their own causes . ' The Cabinet Office insisted work was well under way to make government ` leaner ' . A spokesman added : ` This Government has accelerated its work tackling waste and the Cabinet Office recently announced achieved savings of # 10billion over 2012-13 . ` We are taking radical decisions to make Whitehall leaner and more efficient so Britain can compete in the global race , and we are pleased to see the TaxPayers ' Alliance recognises this -- but we agree there is more to do . ' | Costs include # 19,000 spent by council on hiring ` motivational magician ' Arts Council splashed out # 95,000 on a skip covered in yellow lights . Ministers and officials ate # 3 million of biscuits . More than # 20 billion lost through fraud in the public sector . Ministers and officials ate # 3 million worth of biscuits in 2011-2012 and spent # 45 million on taxis to move prisoners and staff around the country . More than # 20 billion is lost through public sector fraud and # 15 billion on duplicated procurement across Whitehall departments and councils . The Home Office spent # 427,000 on rubber bullets police are not even allowed tom use . Crawley Council Spent # 5,070 on 12,200 hot drinks from vending machines for employees , when the equivalent number of tea bags would have cost just # 200 . | [[849, 961], [3475, 3523], [3526, 3571], [626, 686], [3132, 3190], [2442, 2501], [3132, 3190], [3191, 3296], [3191, 3199], [3231, 3296], [2442, 2501], [3393, 3444], [3393, 3474]] |
` He 's the best scaffolder we 've got ' , declares the company boss as his star employee lifts the FA Cup . ` Big and strong , good pair of hands , reliable , ' the gaffer continues . ` Do n't drop it , ' hollers one colleague . Not a chance . Peter Jeffries is stood on top of the scaffolding he has just assembled in double-quick time . In his grasp is the iconic cup , glistening amid the gloom of a murky morning on Teesside . Blyth Spartans goalkeeper and scaffolder Peter Jeffries holds the FA Cup at work . Jeffries is clad in a navy boilersuit , luminous jacket and safety harness complete with the tools of his trade . On Friday night , however , he will be wearing nothing more than a goalkeeper 's kit and a pair of gloves . He will be at Hartlepool United 's Victoria Park , just a few miles from his place of work and a goal-kick away from where he grew up and now lives . But Jeffries -- a former season-ticket holder at The Vic -- will not be turning out for his hometown club . Instead , in front of live television cameras and playing at a ` proper ' ground for the first time , he will be representing the green and white of one of the competition 's most celebrated minnows . Blyth Spartans , the Northern League club , made it to the fifth round in 1978 -- losing 2-1 in a replay to Wrexham in front of 42,000 at St James ' Park - and were beaten 1-0 by Blackburn Rovers in the third round in 2009 . The 28-year-old will be in goal for Blyth against his hometown team , Hartlepool United , in the FA Cup . That same year , Jeffries was part of the Travellers Rest pub team which triumphed in the Hartlepool Sunday Morning Cup against Throston Wanderers - victory in the second round of the FA Cup on Friday evening and the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea lie in wait . ` It 's mad , ' the 28-year-old tells Sportsmail as we sit in the boardroom of his firm 's headquarters and he stares at the FA Cup resting next to us . ` It 's magic . I know that gets said a lot , but the early rounds is where the magic of the cup is now . This is what it 's all about . ` I was playing on a Sunday morning not so long ago . Now I 'm on telly at a proper ground , at the place I went with my dad and two brothers as a kid and with all my family and friends from Hartlepool in the Blyth end - although I had to convince my dad to go in ! ` We really think we 've got a chance to win as well . Hartlepool are struggling , they 're bottom of League Two . We 've been flying in the cup , we love it . From that very first match this is what you dream about . Jeffries -LRB- centre -RRB- holding the famous old trophy at work with his brother Richard -LRB- right -RRB- and Michael Sweet . ` The FA Cup history of the club is the first thing they tell you about when you sign . It 's massive , they get about # 70,000 with this being on TV and that could help us with promotion in the long run ' . Blyth , like the majority of the other 232 non-League sides who took part in first round qualifying in September , would have been watching this weekend 's ties on the TV had it not been for Jeffries . They were goalless away at Darlington 1883 FC when the hosts and strong favourites were awarded a second-half penalty . Jeffries recalls : ` Myself and the goalkeeping coach , John Bottensien , had looked the night before at where their lad put his penalties . ` It was a one-off special game so we did the research . He either goes top left or top right . I decided to dive as far as I could to my left and somehow saved it . I have no idea how I did . I just threw everything I could that way and ended up saving it with my right hand , tipping it on to the post - we might not have been here without that save . ' Jeffries -LRB- left -RRB- with his brother Richard , holding a trophy he won with the Travellers Rest pub team in 2009 . That same year , Blyth played Premier League side Blackburn in the FA Cup third round . FA Cup second round . Kick-off : 7.55 pm , Victoria Park . TV : LIVE on BBC2 from 7.30 . Referee : Andrew Madley . Blyth won 3-0 in the replay before negotiating away ties at Skelmersdale United -LRB- 4-1 -RRB- , Mickleover Sports -LRB- 2-1 -RRB- and Leek Town -LRB- 4-3 -RRB- . They then hammered Conference side Altrincham 4-1 in the first round proper . Jeffries was in the living-room with his wife , Toni , and children Amy , six , and Harry , three , when Hartlepool emerged from the hat in the second round draw . ` When Hartlepool came out there were still 20-odd balls left in , ' he says . ` Then it was number 39 . I just thought , `` Wow , that 's us '' . I started jumping all over the living-room , my family did n't know what was going on . My daughter was a bit scared I think . ' He adds : ` To go back to The Vic will be special . I was going during their best-ever period -- the League One play-off final in 2005 and Sunderland away in the FA Cup when we took nearly 10,000 . I went all over the country with them . The play-off final in Cardiff was probably my best day as a fan , even though we got beat . ' All the while , football-mad Jeffries was a striker . Jeffries talks to Sportsmail 's Craig Hope in the boardroom of the scaffolding company . ` I was n't a goalkeeper until I was 19 , I was a centre forward , or at least I told myself that , ' he reveals . ` One Sunday morning I got put in goal when we were short . Everyone started telling me that I was n't bad . People started to come to watch me . ` I actually wanted to play in goal when I was about eight , but my dad said no . I often tell him that if I 'd started earlier as a keeper I might have made it much higher in the game . ' A move to Hartlepool FC and then Bishop Auckland followed before Blyth paid Spennymoor Town # 3,000 for Jeffries in the summer . He is already a crowd favourite at Croft Park . Juggling a young family , work and his football , however , can prove even more difficult than keeping out penalties . Hope and Jeffries pose with the FA Cup ahead of the Hartlepool clash on Friday night . ` We train twice a week and it 's an hour and 10 minutes up to Blyth , ' he explains . ` I work from 8am to half four , so it 's quite a gruelling schedule . I get in , get my stuff and head straight out . ` Scaffolding is hard graft as well , very hard . I 'm not a desk , I 'm constantly climbing and lifting . I have broken my fingers quite a times . You do feel it and it takes your back and arms a while to adjust . But it keeps me fit and strong and it helps with my goalkeeping I suppose -- I 'm using my hands all the time anyway ! ' On Friday , at least , Jeffries has been afforded some time off . The star scaffolder has a bigger job on his hands across town . | Peter Jeffries will line up for Blyth Spartans against Hartlepool . Jeffries used to be a season ticket holder at Hartlepool . He was born near their Victoria Park ground and still lives close by . Blyth are one of the FA Cup 's most celebrated minnows . Jeffries is a scaffolder who five years ago was playing for the Travellers Rest pub team . | [[1095, 1195], [1527, 1541], [1544, 1593]] |
The Royal Air Force has spent # 14,000 of taxpayers ' cash on a golf simulator - despite losing 10,000 staff in just four years as part of Ministry of Defence cuts . The indoor device , which enables members of the RAF 's golf team to train in the winter , has been installed at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire . But with the salary of a new airman said to be just under # 14,500 during basic training , the decision has already sparked anger . The Royal Air Force has spent # 14,000 of taxpayers ' cash on a golf simulator , it has been revealed -LRB- file picture -RRB- . The Sunday Times reports that the simulator cost a total of # 23,000 with # 13,960 coming from a grant funded by the taxpayer . It is for the use of both the men 's and ladies ' golf teams at the RAF - but all armed forces personnel can use it for a # 20 annual subscription . The newspaper quotes Flight Sergeant Jai Henderson as telling RAF News : ` It is an excellent coaching tool which will be utilised by the RAF golf team throughout the winter season to develop their players . ' But the purchase of the simulator , which is of a standard used by golf professionals , has already attracted criticism . The indoor device , designed to allow members of the RAF 's golf team to train in the winter , has been installed at RAF Cranwell -LRB- pictured -RRB- in Lincolnshire . The Sunday Times reports that the RAF has lost more than 9,500 personnel since 2010 amid deep cuts by the MoD . The newspaper quotes Andy Silverster from the campaign group the Taxpayers ' Alliance , as saying the machine ` simply is n't the priority ' when it comes to defence spending . But an MoD spokesman told The Sunday Times : ` The golf facility at RAF Cranwell is open to all HM forces serving personnel and , in addition to generating interest and participation in golf , provides an excellent recreational outlet to the balance and wellbeing of our personnel . ' | The RAF has installed the # 14,000 device at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire . Devise is for the RAF men 's and ladies ' golf teams to use during winter . But it is available to all armed forces personnel for annual # 20 subscription . Campaigners criticise the move saying machine ` simply is n't the priority ' when it comes to defence spending . | [[0, 88], [166, 231], [248, 309], [442, 520], [1180, 1249], [1266, 1315], [1297, 1348], [211, 254], [166, 231], [248, 309], [699, 803], [923, 1028], [1180, 1197], [1200, 1272], [1180, 1249], [1266, 1315], [699, 803], [773, 847], [1685, 1743], [1062, 1091], [1150, 1179], [1549, 1599], [1559, 1599], [1602, 1637]] |
It is often said that the greatest leaders are those who can delegate responsibility . Prime Ministers , Presidents and world leaders have all spoken through history of the effectiveness of spreading the burden of power amongst the right people . This is an approach which Roy Hodgson is adopting as England manager by handing extra responsibility to Daniel Sturridge , Jordan Henderson and Gary Cahill to act as ` unit leaders ' among his squad . England boss Roy Hodgson has created ` unit leaders ' within his squad to improve performances . The England manager is trying something different in the wake of a diabolical World Cup in Brazil and the need to reignite the national mood around the team . Hodgson has set up ` unit meetings ' -- split into attack , midfield and defence -- in an attempt to get his team animated . Striker Sturridge , midfielder Henderson and defender Cahill have been handed the responsibility of galvanising their respective groups . In these meetings England coaches play videos of matches and training to talk players through how they can improve , but it is no longer a one-way process . Hodgson -LRB- left -RRB- has appointed striker Daniel Sturridge -LRB- right -RRB- as his attack ` unit leader ' in the England squad . ` There are three units , ' Hodgson explained ahead of Euro 2016 qualifiers against San Marino and Estonia next week . ` We 're trying to encourage players to take responsibility , to take ownership of their performances and to speak out . ` So the meetings are n't just the coaches with their videos and their principles telling the players this is it , this is what we expect you to do . ` We 're asking them to stand up themselves and make certain , so when we leave the meeting we know the players have understood everything completely , that there 's no chance they 've sat there quietly listening to us , nodding their heads wisely but not fully certain of what 's required . ' This is a far cry from the scene set by Rio Ferdinand when he claimed that England players were ` treated like complete babies ' in the launch of his new book last week . Jordan Henderson -LRB- left -RRB- and Gary Cahill -LRB- right -RRB- have been named midfield and defence ` unit leaders ' Hodgson pointed out that the Queens Park Rangers defender had never been a part of any of his squads since he took charge two-and-a-half years ago . And this is very much Hodgson empowering his players to stand up and be counted . ` In each of the groups I 've asked people like Daniel Sturridge , Gary Cahill and Jordan Henderson to make certain they animate the group , that they prod people , ' Hodgson added . ` We 'll prod , the coaches , but I 've always prodded in every team meeting I 've done . I 've always asked for questions , but often you do n't get a response . ` I 'm asking for the prodding to come from the players themselves where one of them will turn round to the group and say , ` Look , what do you think ? Do you understand ? Is the message clear to you ? Do you really now understand what 's required ? ' ` Get people to speak , that 's what it 's all about . ' Hodgson -LRB- right -RRB- has been quick to defend questions about England captain Wayne Rooney 's -LRB- left -RRB- . At the head of them all is captain Wayne Rooney . His temperament and ability to lead the national team has been questioned since he was sent off for kicking Stewart Downing in Manchester United 's match against West Ham last weekend . But Hodgson insisted : ` If someone wants to write that Rooney has n't got the temperament I ca n't stop them doing it . All I can tell you is : they are wrong . ' I am happy with Rooney , I am happy with the role he is playing , I am happy with the responsibility he is taking , and I think the other players are too . ` He is filling big boots . Not just of Steven Gerrard , he has played in teams with different captains before him and many of them were top men . ' Rooney -LRB- centre -RRB- was sent off in Manchester United 's 2-1 win against West Ham last weekend . Rooney -LRB- right -RRB- was sent off for kicking out at Stewart Downing in their Premier League encounter last week . Hodgson added : ` The great thing with Wayne as it was with Steve , is the passion they have for football , for their country , and for their clubs -- both were basically one-club men if you take Rooney leaving Everton at a young age . ` They can transmit that passion to a lot of the younger players . They can get their points across . ' | Roy Hodgson has named Daniel Sturridge , Gary Cahill and Jordan Henderson as his ` unit leaders ' among his England squad . Hodgson has named the trio as ` leaders ' to galvanise their national team-mates in their respective positions of defence , midfield and attack . The ` unit leaders ' is a new initiative setup by Hodgson after England 's shoddy World Cup performance in Brazil . | [[300, 402], [391, 447], [448, 544], [829, 966], [1132, 1193], [1206, 1258], [2152, 2233], [448, 544], [704, 784], [829, 966], [1132, 1193], [1206, 1258], [2152, 2233], [2534, 2556], [2567, 2605], [448, 544], [545, 655]] |
The mother of a diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has blamed President Barack Obama for her son 's death . Sean Smith was killed along with ambassador Chris Stevens and security men - both former U.S. Navy SEALS - Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods by terrorists in Libya on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 this year . The families of three of the victims are divided in their reactions to reports that American personnel were refused help , despite several requests . ` Murdered ' : Pat Smith -LRB- right -RRB- , the mother of diplomat Sean Smith -LRB- left -RRB- who was killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi blames President Barack Obama for her son 's death . While Sean 's mother Patricia Smith has said that the president ` murdered her son ' and Mr Woods ' father has echoed her sentiment , Mr Doherty 's brother has said that civilians could not comment on military tactics with any credibility . Mrs Smith , 72 told the U-T San Diego : ` I believe that Obama murdered my son . ' She said that her son was a strong supporter of Obama . In an interview with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central last month Obama responded to a question about his administration 's confused communication after the assault by saying : ` If four Americans get killed , it 's not optimal . ' ` Not optimal ' : President Barack Obama , left , discussed the killing of four men in Benghazi while speaking to Jon Stewart , right , on The Daily Show said : ` If four Americans get killed , it 's not optimal ' ` Guilty of murder ' : Charles Woods -LRB- right -RRB- , the father of Tyrone Woods -LRB- left -RRB- , the former U.S. Navy SEAL who died in the attack , condemned U.S. officials ' decisions during the incident . In response , speaking exclusively to . MailOnline last month , Mrs Smith from San Diego said : ` It was a disrespectful thing . to say and I do n't think it 's right . ` How . can you say somebody being killed is not very optimal ? I do n't think . the President has the right idea of the English language . ' Charles Woods , the father of 41-year-old Mr Woods condemned U.S. officials ' decisions during the attack on Fox News . Rage : A protester hols his rifle during the assault on the Benghazi consulate . Wrong to blame Obama : Barbara Doherty -LRB- right -RRB- , the mother of Greg Doherty -LRB- left -RRB- who also died during the attack while working as a security contractor said it was ` wrong to use these brave men , who wanted freedom for all , to degrade Obama ' He said : ` I 'm a retired attorney , and I know that these actions legally do not constitute murder but in my mind the people in the White House , all of them who have authority to send in reinforcements to prevent what they knew was going to be the death of my son , are guilty of murdering my son . ' He later told the U-T San Diego : ` I do n't want this to become political and become dishonouring to Ty . ' Greg Doherty , the older brother of former Navy SEAL Mr Doherty , who was working as an American security contractor , said that the pair responded to the attack and that they rescued people during the assault . He said : ` They had enough people to fight off that battle . ` I do n't think it is civilians ' job to pick apart an actual battle and talk strategy unless you are a general . ' Attack : The men were killed in the September 11 assault on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi , pictured . Killed : Ambassador Chris Stevens died along with three others in the embassy attack . Mr Doherty said people were just looking for ways to point the blame at President Obama . His mother , Barbara Doherty told Fox News : ` It 's wrong to use these brave men , who wanted freedom for all , to degrade Obama . ' In the interview Stewart asked Obama : ` Is part of the investigation helping the communication between these divisions ? Not just what happened in Benghazi , but what happened within . ` Because I would say , even you would admit , it was not the optimal response , at least to the American people , as far as all of us being on the same page . ' Obama responded : ` Here 's what I 'll say . If four Americans get killed , it 's not optimal . ' He said : ` We 're going to fix it . All . of it . And what happens , during the course of a presidency , is that the . government is a big operation and any given time something screws up and . you make sure that you find out what 's broken and you fix it . ` Whatever . else I have done throughout the course of my presidency the one thing . that I 've been absolutely clear about is that America 's security comes , . and the American people need to know exactly how I make decisions when . it comes to war , peace , security , and protecting Americans . ` And they will continue to get that over the next four years of my presidency . ' Inferno : Armed attackers dumped cans of diesel fuel and set ablaze the consulate 's exterior . Flames , grenades and gunfire : A burnt-out car in front of the U.S. consulate . Anniversary of 9/11 : The embassy in Benghazi was left gutted after the attack done by terrorists in Libya on the 11th anniversary of 9/11 this year . The word ` optimal ' was first used by Stewart in the question but Obama 's use of it , in a sound bite that could be used to portray him as somewhat casual about the deaths , lit up conservatives on the internet after it was first reported in a White House pool report by Mike Memoli of the Los Angeles Times . It recently emerged that the U.S. government was told that the attack had been carried out by militants , not a spontaneous mob , within just 24 hours of its taking place . A diplomatic cable sent the day after the raid suggested that militants had previously planned to attack the consulate , and used the excuse of protests against the anti-Muslim video as cover for their assault . It is unclear who , if anyone , saw the cable outside the CIA at that point and how high up in the agency the information went . But the statement directly contradicts the explanation of the attack given by the administration over the following two weeks . The debate comes as the presidential election campaign heats up as Election Day , on November 6 , draws closer . | Four men were killed in the terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi . Families of the victims are divided in their reactions to the way U.S. officials dealt with the attack . | [[586, 596], [601, 699], [1349, 1371], [1381, 1426], [3348, 3429], [3452, 3529], [351, 471]] |
Click here to read Rio Ferdinand 's latest blog from Brazil . Rio Ferdinand has agreed a deal to sign for newly promoted Queens Park Rangers . The 35-year-old has been persuaded to take a massive drop in wages after hearing Harry Redknapp 's plans for how he can help the London club on their return to the Premier League . It is believed his salary is less than a third of his # 200,000-a-week salary at Manchester United . Ferdinand has also turned down a lucrative media career , with both BT and the BBC keen to land him . ` He just wants to play , ' said a friend . Ferdinand is expected to return to London from the | World Cup in Brazil to complete the transfer soon . The deal is expected to be confirmed by the club in the next 24 hours and comes as a huge boost for QPR after winning promotion through the play-offs . VIDEO : Scroll down to see Rio Ferdinand swap football for martial arts in a UFC bout . New challenge : Former Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand has agreed to sign for QPR . Reunited : Ferdinand was given his professional debut by Harry Redknapp at West Ham in 1996 . Making a name for himself : Ferdinand in action for West Ham with fellow BBC pundit Alan Shearer . Ferdinand , currently working for the BBC in Brazil , is a free agent after being released by Manchester United following 12 years at Old Trafford . He recently confirmed he had offers from clubs both in England and abroad , but it is the chance to be reunited with Redknapp that has come out on top . The 67-year-old was the manager who gave him his debut at West Ham in 1996 , helping him develop into the world 's most expensive defender when he left to join Leeds in an # 18million transfer five years later . Expert analysis : Ferdinand has been working as a BBC pundit in Brazil during the World Cup . Where it all started : Ferdinand -LRB- centre -RRB- during pre-season training with West Ham . Ferdinand , who has been writing a weekly column for the Mail on Sunday and MailOnline , won six Premier League titles and the Champions League at Old Trafford . He has proven his determination to be fit for the new season by taking his his own personal trainer with him to Brazil . He has been convinced he can enjoy a new challenge after speaking to Dutch legend Ruud Gullit . He revealed : ` He told me the couple of years he had at Chelsea were some of the most enjoyable of his career because there was n't at that time the pressure of trying to win trophies . ' Rising star : A youthful Ferdinand tussles with Arsenal 's Emmanuel Petit in his early years . Fresh start : Ferdinand has been weighing up his options after leaving Manchester United . | Redknapp handed Ferdinand his professional debut at West Ham in 1996 . Ferdinand will take a massive pay cut to sign for the newly-promoted side . Deal is expected to be confirmed in the next 24 hours . | [[1018, 1102], [1504, 1578], [62, 142], [87, 142], [143, 323], [143, 158], [178, 323], [916, 1008], [676, 684], [697, 745]] |
Sheffield United fans chanted their support for convicted rapist Ched Evans on Saturday night , in the club 's first game since their former player was released from jail . Almost half the travelling fans at Bradford City 's Valley Parade voiced their support for the 25-year-old , who left Wymott Prison on Friday morning , as co-Chairmen Kevin McCabe and Jim Phipps continue to suggest he might by re-employed by the club . At Bradford 's Forster Square station , 20 fans chanted : ` He does what he wants , he does what he wants , Chedwyn Evans , he does what he wants . ' Police took no action . Sheffield United fans show their support for Ched Evans away at Bradford on Saturday . Sheffield United 's co-chairmen have continued to suggest Ched Evans might be resigned by the club . As United played out a 2-0 win supporters could be heard singing , ` Super , super Ched , super Chedwyn Evans ' . The club 's fan base is divided by Evans , who served half of a five-year sentence for raping a 19-year-old waitress . A petition against his re-signing has more than 150,000 signatures , but the overwhelming attitude of United fans at Bradford was one of support . Sheffield United patron and women 's rights campaigner Charlie Webster said she would cease her involvement with the club if he is re-signed . ` I do n't believe it 's sending the right message to the next generation to employ a convicted rapist , ' she said . The Welsh footballer was pictured leaving Wymott Prison in the early hours of Friday morning . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article . | Sheffield United fans were chanting as they played Bradford on Saturday . Ched Evans was released from Wymott Prison on Friday morning . Striker served half of a five-year sentence for raping a 19-year-old waitress . | [[0, 93], [600, 686], [122, 172], [264, 279], [286, 322], [1429, 1523], [937, 942], [949, 1020]] |
Poverty levels in the UK have fallen to levels last seen more than two decades ago , new figures showed today . The number of people in relative poverty has fallen by 100,000 over the past year to 9.7 million . Overall , 15 per cent of people were in relative poverty last year , the lowest level since the 1980s . The official figures were released by the Department for Work and Pensions . They show how relative poverty - measured as living on 60 per cent of median average incomes - has been falling gradually since 2008-09 in the wake of the financial crash . Before housing costs are taken into account , the number of people living below the threshold has fallen by 100,000 over the past year to 9.7 million . In 2007-08 the figure hit 11million . Median incomes remained broadly unchanged between 2011/12 and 2012/13 , up # 2 to # 440 a week for a couple with no children . Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said : ` Despite the deepest debt-fuelled recession in living memory when # 112 billion was wiped off the economy , we have protected the most vulnerable families from falling behind with 300,000 fewer children in poverty since 2010 . ` Today 's figures underline the need to stick to the Government 's long-term economic plan of restoring a strong economy that creates jobs , and a tax and welfare system that helps people into work and makes work pay . ' However , the percentage of people in absolute low income after housing costs has increased slightly to 23 per cent , the highest it has been since 2001-02 . Among children , 17 per cent are in relative low income before housing costs , the lowest level since the 1980s , although it has not fallen in the last year . Labour 's Rachel Reeves , shadow work and pensions secretary , said : ` These figures show the Government 's child poverty strategy is failing abysmally with no progress for the millions of children still living in poverty . ` They also include extremely worrying signs that rising housing costs are set to push more children into poverty and that severe poverty is on the rise . ' The Gingerbread campaign group said the statistics also showed a steep rise in child poverty for single parent households where the parent works full-time , climbing from 17 per cent of households where the single parent works full-time in poverty in 2011-12 to 22 per cent in 2012-13 . Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said the figures showed that the government had protected the most vulnerable families from falling behind . Almost one in four children whose single mother or father works full-time is now growing up poor , while nearly one in three with a single parent working part-time is in poverty , said the group . Gingerbread chief executive Fiona Weir said : ` It is deeply concerning that while the economy is on the up , hundreds of thousands of families remain trapped into poverty . ` For far too many single parent families , work offers no real promise of escape from hardship , as today 's figures show a rise in working poverty where a single mum or dad is working full-time . ' TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said : ` Today 's figures clearly show why living standards are falling . While wages have stagnated , and benefits and tax credits have been cut , prices have been rising - especially the cost of housing . ` Since the last election a million more adults and half a million more children fell into absolute poverty when housing costs are taken into account . ` Without a major affordable home building programme and action to secure fair wages , this type of poverty will continue to grow . ' Julia Unwin , chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation , said : ` Today 's figures show that we are not making sufficient progress into tackling high levels of poverty , despite rising employment and economic recovery . ` The return to lasting economic growth and long-term prosperity will be hampered if we fail to address the levels of poverty in the UK . We know that individual policies which tinker around the edges do not reduce poverty . ` We need a comprehensive strategy that gets to grips with low pay , the high cost of essentials and reform to the tax and benefits system to ensure work is a route out of poverty . ' Prime Minister David Cameron 's official spokesman said : ` Child poverty remains at its lowest level since the 1980s . It has fallen by 300,000 since 2009/10 . ` Does the Government want to continue to do more in this area ? Of course . ` Absolutely at the heart of improving prosperity across the country and for all is the importance of sticking to the long-term economic plan , because at the heart of dealing with poverty is work . ' The spokesman added : ` In terms of wider poverty , the target established under the previous government is one of relative income , and that stands at its lowest level since 1982 . ' | Number of people in relative poverty fell by 100,000 last year to 9.7 million . 15 % of people were in relative poverty , the lowest level since the 1980s . Iain Duncan Smith says poorest have been protected from impact of cuts . | [[112, 210], [565, 608], [611, 631], [645, 716], [211, 218], [221, 277], [4267, 4322], [4325, 4386], [4843, 4887], [2372, 2526]] |
Cristiano Ronaldo continues to reel in the honours due to his prolific goalscoring form . His latest accolade comes from the International Federation of Football History and Statistics after he fired 69 goals in all competitions for Real Madrid and Portugal to be the highest goalscorer of 2013 . The 29-year-old received his latest award on Thursday , and swiftly shared his delight with his Instagram followers . Cristiano Ronaldo uploaded the above picture via Instagram with his award for top goalscorer of 2013 . Ronaldo -LRB- centre -RRB- celebrates scoring against Liverpool at Anfield in the Champions League in October . Ronaldo -LRB- left -RRB- converts a penalty in El Clasico against Barcelona in October at the Santiago Bernabeu . Ronaldo posted the picture alongside the caption ' I feel honored to win the World 's Top Goalscorer 2013 award by the International Federation of Football History and Statistics . Thank you all . ' The attacker is currently spearheading Real 's record breaking winning streak . They reset a club record of 15 straight wins with a 2-1 victory over Malaga last weekend and could extend their run to 18 with a home victory over Celta Vigo on Saturday . | Cristiano Ronaldo earns yet another honour for his sensational form . He scored 69 times last year , including 10 strikes for Portugal . Ronaldo uploaded a picture to his Instagram after receiving the honour . | [[0, 89], [297, 350], [90, 257], [415, 517], [744, 792]] |
As a blue and red 16-seater plane accelerated along a runway last month in northern England , there was nothing to suggest its voyage was anything out of the ordinary . But minutes later , as the plane turned north and began a 500-mile round trip from Lancashire to Inverness , history was made . Once the craft was safely at cruising altitude , the pilot flicked a switch and handed over to a trained controller sitting at a computer screen many miles away on the ground . Ambitious : For the first time in aviation history , a ` pilotless ' passenger plane was flying over mainland Britain recently . This is a file picture . For the first time in aviation history , a ` pilotless ' passenger plane was flying over mainland Britain . That concept might make many people uneasy . But , according to the air industry , it is the future of flight . Some predict that within five , ten or 20 years , commercial jets will be flown routinely by remote control over our towns and cities . So will we ever get used to climbing aboard our holiday flight to Cyprus or Greece and , instead of being greeted with a welcome from an upbeat and commanding captain , be met only with an automated message ? And those soothing words of reassurance in mid-air as the plane is buffeted through a nasty patch of turbulence ? They , too , could soon be a thing of the past . Supporters of so-called ` autonomous aircraft ' justify their developments on safety grounds . If most accidents are caused by human error , they argue , then surely it makes sense to remove people from the equation ? But the arrival of such craft in our skies raises disturbing questions . Some fear it could make passengers more vulnerable to computer failure and put planes at greater risk of being hijacked by cyber-terrorists hacking into control systems . Bold : Some predict that within five , ten or 20 years , commercial jets will be flown routinely by remote control over our towns and cities . And however much the industry might insist on their absolute safety , how many of us would actually dare to go up in such an aircraft ? Britain and the U.S. have been using unmanned military drone aircraft for years . However , the next generation of pilotless planes are not designed for warfare , but to fly passengers and cargo around the globe . Last month 's test flight over the UK was part of the Astraea project -- the # 62 million Autonomous Systems Technology Related Airborne Evaluation and Assessment programme funded by industry and the Government . The Astraea team took a standard Jetstream aircraft and added banks of computers , sensors and high definition cameras to turn it into an experimental ` uninhabited air vehicle ' . The craft -- nicknamed the Flying Test Bed -- is able to cruise in British airspace with no human involvement , though not yet without any humans on board . The high-definition cameras in the cockpit and underneath the craft scan the skies for weather systems and feed the information back to the computerised navigation system , allowing the craft to change course automatically to avoid storms and turbulence . Meanwhile , cameras are on the look out for mid-air hazards such as other aircraft , weather balloons and even parachutes . Worrying : Criticis say there have been 100 drone crashes since 2007 - including nine since the start of the year . This is a file picture of a drone plane . Again , the computer 's ` sense and avoid ' technology will adjust the navigation if something is on collision course . Manufacturer BAE Systems boasts it can track up to 20,000 objects simultaneously . The aircraft 's progress is monitored on the ground by an operator who is sent , via radio and satellite , the images taken by the cameras , and the data from the plane 's sensors . The operator can override the plane 's computers and fly or land the craft by remote control if needed . But if contact is lost -- say the signals fail -- the plane is programmed to land safely by itself . It is given potential landing strips -- such as playing fields or other flat areas -- and uses heat sensors and optical cameras to check if they are free from obstacles or people before landing . Under existing UK aviation rules , the Jetstream is unable to take off and land autonomously . So during the most recent test flight , two pilots sat in the cockpit to control both operations . In between , they sipped cups of coffee . On the outbound flight from Warton Aerodrome in Lancashire the pilots passed control to a ground-based operator once take-off was complete . On the return flight , control was given to the onboard navigation and robotics system . BAE Systems says the technology has been tested on 11 aircraft and on 80 flights over the past year , including a simulated search-and-rescue mission using two unmanned craft . In tests , it was shown to be as effective and safe as a human pilot . The firm believes the pilotless craft could be used within five to ten years for scientific experiments -- examining weather or volcanic ash clouds -- or search-and-rescue missions . After that , they could be used as cargo planes . The industry believes automated planes will be safer -- and will do away with pilot error , a major cause of accidents . Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal , Astraea Programme Director at BAE Systems , says : ` Unmanned civil aircraft are an exciting new opportunity . We see these aircraft undertaking dangerous roles in poor conditions . . . such as search-and-rescue missions . ' There is no talk yet of introducing it for passenger flights , but that could soon change , especially when you consider that another advantage of abolishing cockpit pilots is that it saves money . One ground-based operator could , in theory , keep an eye on several planes at once . Way forward : Pilots could soon be a thing of the past . And , unlike humans , computers do n't get tired , do n't need lavatory breaks , do n't have unions and do n't need regular rest periods -LRB- or get drunk at parties with stewardesses the night before they fly -RRB- . BAE Systems also points out that aircraft have been controlled by computers for years . On a typical long-distance flight , autopilots fly the plane for between 80 and 90 per cent of the trip . And that 's not just the dull bits in the middle either . Many commercial pilots routinely land at Heathrow with the help of automated systems . Before unmanned craft routinely take to the skies , the flight rules would need to be overhauled . To do that , the industry will need to convince regulators that their automated systems are foolproof . Yet computer software , as we are reminded almost daily , has a nasty habit of going wrong . Last year , a fault in the banking software of NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland left many of its 17 million customers unable to check accounts or access money . The bank suffered another , unrelated failure in March . Naturally , the aviation industry insists robotic planes will be packed with safety features . But while automation has -- statistically speaking -- made flying safer than ever , accidents still happen . On February 25 , 2009 , a Turkish Airlines Boeing 373 dropped out of the sky short of Amsterdam 's Schiphol Airport , killing nine people , including all three of the cabin crew . The crash was caused by a faulty radio altimeter -- a device that monitors a plane 's altitude using radio waves -- which also controlled the aircraft 's automatic thrust systems . The auto-thrust wrongly believed the plane was just above the runway and cut power to the engines . The crew tried to regain control , but the automatic systems would n't let them and the plane fell into a field . In the same year , Air France flight 447 crashed into the Atlantic , killing 228 people , after the autopilot switched itself off and the plane stalled at 38,000 ft. Chris Cole , who runs the website Drone Wars UK , believes remote-controlled planes are unreliable . He has collated details of around 100 drone crashes since 2007 -- including nine since the start of the year . ` There are huge safety concerns , but the industry likes to play them down , ' he says . ` The technology they use is akin to wireless technology , and we know how hard it is to stay connected when you are moving . ' On top of all this is the threat from cyber-jackers . In 2011 , Iranians took control of a remotely operated U.S. Predator spy plane . The Iranian government claimed it was brought down by its ` cyber warfare unit ' , which took over the controls and safely landed it . The idea of terrorists doing the same to a civilian or cargo jet is terrifying . And there 's a broader concern to the development of this kind of technology . We do n't just face a future of pilotless planes . Scientists are , for example , developing computer-driven buses , lorries , cars and trains -- all on ` safety grounds ' . You do n't have to be a fan of science fiction movies such as The Terminator -- in which robots try to take over the world -- to feel uneasy about taking away the human element from transport . There are times when the operator of any vehicle has to make a split-second moral decision . A lorry driver may have to choose whether to veer away from a car coming in the opposite direction and plough into a group of pedestrians . Do we really want computers making those choices over life and death ? ` There is this view among engineers that humans are the weakest part of any system and should be removed , ' says Mr Cole . ` But that 's not the case . Human ethics and morality should n't just be programmed away . ' | A ` pilotless ' passenger plane flew over mainland Britain recently . The air industry believes it is the future of flight . | [[525, 602], [628, 666], [669, 735], [2311, 2380]] |
A Washington state man is accused of swapping furniture with his neighbors while they were away . The News Tribune reports the Lakewood man and a friend who is accused of helping him pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of residential burglary . Court papers say a couple who returned to their apartment at the 5700 block of 95th Street Southwest on Monday found their love seat , matching chair and other belongings gone . Unwelcome surprise : A couple who returned to their apartment at the 5700 block of 95th Street Southwest on Monday found their love seat , matching chair and other belongings gone . A recliner and TV stand were left in their place . Information on a traffic ticket and pizza receipt left by the alleged thief pointed to the neighbor . The suspect told police he thought the couple had moved and abandoned their furniture . Police say he told them he was drunk when he decided to switch furniture , calling his buddy for help . The alleged thief showed police where the property was and led them to find the living room set which consisted of four pillows , two floor lamps , two end tables , a TV stand and an inflatable couch with an air pump . In addition to the set were three blankets , an iron , a picture with an ornamental frame , a floor fan , the military equipment , a black stand with four shelves and a plastic container with three drawers and various items inside . Police also found a chair , a wall mirror , an ironing board and a box of ladies footwear . Police believe that the thief broke into the apartment via a crawl space and this is n't the first time someone broke into the property that way . Police say that the suspect 's brother broke into the house when the tenants prior to these ones lived there . Crawl space : The alleged thief is said to have broken in via a crawl space -LRB- file photo -RRB- not unlike this one . | A Washington state man is accused of swapping furniture with his neighbors while they were away . The man and a friend who is accused of helping him pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of residential burglary . A couple who returned to their apartment Monday found their love seat , matching chair and other belongings gone . | [[0, 74], [81, 97], [98, 152], [140, 152], [157, 248], [249, 381], [384, 426], [448, 456], [461, 541], [427, 445], [566, 601], [566, 608]] |
Miracles at work : Producers Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey pictured on the set of miniseries The Bible , where they say incredible events took place . Blockbuster miniseries The Bible has fast become one of the biggest hits on American TV , landing more than 13million viewers for its first episode . But while its runaway success has taken the entertainment world by surprise , it has not come as a shock to its creators . The producers have revealed that during its production , the show seemed to be marked by mysterious omens which they claim are evidence of ` the hand of God ' . These apparent miracles included a a sudden swarm of snakes around the base of the cross where Jesus was to be crucified , and a boy who emerged from the desert with part of Christ 's costume which had been lost for four days . British-born producer Mark Burnett told Entertainment Weekly that the series ' success seemed almost preordained while it was being made . ` The . hand of God was on this , ' he said in an interview before the show 's . premiere last Sunday . ` The edit came together perfectly , the actors came . together perfectly , it just comes to life . ' However , he claimed that it was not . just the fact that filming in North Africa went smoothly that convinced . him his production was blessed . Mr . Burnett , who is most famous for creating reality shows such as Survivor . and produced The Bible along with his actress wife Roma Downey , . described a number of ` weird things ' which drew the attention of cast . and crew during filming . Scroll down for video . Not again : Producers Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey said they cut the scenes featuring the devil to avoid further controversy . ` Weird things happened ' : Bible producer Mark Burnett said the way the shooting came together ` perfectly ' suggested the filming process was being overseen by God . In one scene , filmed during a still . night on the edge of the desert , Jesus tells the priest Nicodemus , ` The . Holy Spirit is like the wind . ' According . to Mr Burnett : ` At that moment , a wind , like as if a 747 was taking . off , blew his hair , almost blew the set over and sustained for 20 . seconds across the desert . ` Everyone just looked at everyone like , `` What just happened ? '' ' Another . notable occasion came during the filming of Jesus ' crucifixion - one of . the most risky scenes , due to the dangers involved in the mock . execution . Doing God 's work : Producer Mark Burnett filming The Bible during a strange series of events including an gust of wind as strong as a 747 . Snakes : During the filming of Jesus ' crucifixion an unprecedented 48 venomous snakes crawling around the mountain where Mark Burnett , pictured right in a white tee-shirt , was filming . Tales : British-born producer Mark Burnett , left , who created the series along with his wife Ms Downey , right , revealed the extraordinary experiences of the crew during filming . The . production had hired a ` snake wrangler ' to keep the set free of . dangerous reptiles , and he usually found one of two snakes per day . But . on the day the crucifixion was filmed , according to Mr Burnett , the . handler found an unprecedented 48 venomous snakes crawling around the . mountain . Perhaps the most inexplicable happening came while they were filming the baptism of Jesus in a reservoir . The . producers were terrified when part of the actor 's irreplaceable costume . came off and floated away - but help came from an unlikely source . Bizarre : After Jesus lost part of his costume during the baptism scene , a boy returned it four days later . How did that happen ? The baptism scene led to perhaps the most inexplicable ` miracle ' ` Miracles ' : Events such as a sudden plague of snakes convinced the crew their production was special . Diogo Morgado , who played Jesus , left , and director Mark Burnett , right , were moved by the experience . ` Four days later , a kid showed up . from many , many , many miles away , who had been seeking us through the . desert to return this to us , ' Mr Burnett told EW . ` He did n't know what it was why he should seek us , but he felt he had to return it . ' The . Bible is airing on the History Channel in two-hour chunks on Sunday . nights , and has been the surprise winner in its timeslot . The series will air its finale on March 31 , Easter Sunday . Colourful : The show brings modern production values to the millennia-old story of the Bible . | Blockbuster series drew in 13million viewers for premiere last Sunday . Producer Mark Burnett claims filming was blessed with ` the hand of God ' Describes how gust of wind ` like a 747 ' blew up at crucial moment . 48 snakes were crawling around base of cross during crucifixion scene . Boy travelled across the desert after finding lost scrap of Jesus ' cloak . | [[159, 195], [208, 284], [159, 191], [201, 284], [159, 191], [249, 308], [1279, 1311], [1747, 1886], [2474, 2594], [593, 681], [2646, 2710], [3189, 3260], [3203, 3260]] |
Success : The way to a woman 's heart is simple - wear a t-shirt . Forget expensive designer clothes , a simple T-shirt could be the best way to capture a woman 's heart . Wearing a plain white short-sleeved top with a large black letter T printed on the front can make a man up to 12 per cent more attractive , scientists claim . Researchers suggest it creates an illusion that broadens the shoulders and slims the waist , producing a more V-shaped body -- a sign of masculinity . The best results were observed in participants who were most out of shape , with already toned individuals only gaining a slight increase in perceived attractiveness . In contrast , all those wearing a top with an inverted ` T ' - with the bar running around their waist - were deemed up to 12 per cent less attractive . It suggests shifting the focus to a man 's gut reduces his desirability . The team said a waist-to-chest ratio -LRB- WCR -RRB- of between 0.7 and 0.8 - where the shoulders are around 20 per cent broader than the hips - was seen as the ideal . Nottingham Trent University psychologist Dr Andrew Dunn said : ` The wider barred ` T ' seems to emphasise the upper chest when upright , which accentuates men 's ` optimum ' shape . The opposite happens when inverted . ` WCR is one of just a number of body measures that humans use to judge attractiveness and health . ` Our ability to detect , process and use this information appears to be implicit . ` The brain and sensory mechanism . underpinning this are probably evolved and are almost certainly managing . what we look for and how we respond . Improving chances : Women who were shown images of men wearing the white t-shirt with a large black T were 12 per cent more likely to be attracted to them . ` The effect was most notable for normal men with a waist as wide as their shoulders . Whereas with those who are already in . good shape , the T was simply amplifying the body shape they already . had , so the benefit was less marked . ' The study involved showing 30 female undergraduates , aged 18 to 25 , images of five different male body shapes and asked them to mark their perceived attractiveness and health . Each male model wore a plain white t-shirt with no T , and with an upright and inverted T-illusions of varying shapes and sizes . The results showed that upright T-illusions increased attractiveness and health perceptions . Dr Dunn said the horizontal bar on the T-shirt had to be as equal or longer than the vertical bar for optimum effectiveness . He said : ` Clearly there are individual tastes and preferences , but we can see here how fashion could have an implicit positive or negative effect on perceived attractiveness and health . ` It suggests that you can use this kind of optical illusion that artists and fashion designers use all the time to tap into our basic sensory psychology . ' | Wearing a white t-shirt with the letter T makes men more attractive . The top creates an illusion of a V-shaped , masculine body . Research found men who wore the top were 12 per cent more attractive . | [[172, 237], [251, 330], [351, 454], [172, 237], [251, 330], [1599, 1616], [1701, 1755]] |
This cat had two faces - but only nine lives . A feline named Frank and Louie after he was born with two faces , two mouths , two noses and three blue eyes has died at the age of 15 . The Telegram of Worcester reports that ` Frankenlouie ' died Thursday at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in North Grafton . The cat 's owner , Marty Stevens , said veterinarians believe the cause of death was cancer . Scroll down for video . R.I.P : ` Frankenlouie ' , the world 's oldest Janus cat - a feline with two faces - died at the age of 15 on Thursday December 4 , 2014 , after suffering what was believed to be cancer . Rare : The Guinness World Record holder passed away at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tuft 's University in Grafton , Massachusetts , according to owner Martha ` Marty'Stevens . Precious : Marty Stevens is seen here at home with her beloved cat . She called the face on the left Frank , while the face on the right is identified as Louie . The cat 's owner , Marty Stevens , said veterinarians believe the cause of death was cancer . Frank and Louie made it into the 2012 edition of Guinness World Records as the longest-surviving member of a group known as Janus cats , named for a Roman god with two faces . Janus cats almost never survive , and most have congenital defects . They usually only live a few days . A breeder brought the rare feline to Stevens , a vet nurse , to be euthanized in September of 1999 . However Stevens , not believing the cat would survive , decided to take him home with her and care for him . She fed Frankenlouie using tubes in both mouths , soon realizing that only the ` Frank ' side was connected to his esophagus . He did , however , eat enough for two . Stevens said her cat quickly developed a strong personality and loved to walk around her neighborhood in North Grafton . ` He 's just so affectionate and sweet he usually wins people over , ' she told The Telegram-Gazette in 2011 . Beloved : The Janus cat was set to be euthanized by a breeder in 1999 , but Stevens , a vet nurse , decided to bring him home with her . Fascinating : Frankenlouie was blind in his center eye , but his outer eyes function as per usual . He functioned as a regular cat . While blind in his center eye , both his outer eyes worked fine , and while he had two noses and mouths , he had only one brain . Stevens is now understandably devastated to lose her pet of 15 years . She said her fell quite ill around Thanksgiving and she she took him to the Tuffs University clinic . The vet told her it was best to euthanize him , because he was in quite a lot of pain . Stevens says once her sadness passes she would n't mind looking for another Janus to bring home with her , just like she did with Frankenlouie in 1999 . ' I would love to do it again , ' she said . | Frank and Louie - ` Frankenlouie ' - was brought to Tuffs University in North Grafton by a breeder in September 1999 to be euthanized . Known as a Janus cat , named for a Roman god with two faces . Vet nurse Marty Stevens decided to take him home . Expected to die , he went on to live for 15 years . He was euthanized at Tuffs University on Thursday from cancer . Broke a Guiness World Record in 2012 as the oldest surviving Janus cat . | [[184, 338], [225, 237], [240, 338], [1412, 1419], [1436, 1475], [1992, 2032], [1994, 2007], [2016, 2053], [2507, 2556], [1218, 1228], [1231, 1269], [1484, 1515], [1532, 1584], [2060, 2067], [2084, 2120], [184, 338], [225, 237], [240, 338], [339, 355], [374, 432], [596, 644], [652, 764], [1000, 1016], [1035, 1093]] |
A Chinese man has spent six years building his dream mountaintop villa - on top of a Beijing apartment block . Eccentric Professor Zhang Lin shifted tons of rubble and . rock onto the roof of the building to construct the outrageous home which looks like it has been carved from a mountainside . The property even has a rocky mountain garden , complete with rubble and shrubbery . Scroll down for video . Room with a view : Professor Zhang Lin has spent six years shifting rocks and rubble to the roof of this apartment block to build his dream ` mountaintop ' penthouse . Crazy : The home was built by Professor Zhang Lin but it has emerged he never had planning permission . Precarious : The mountaintop villa appears to be supported by steel struts added to the side of the building . But his distraught neighbours are less than impressed with the project and fear the building is about to collapse . The rooftop home , which never . received planning approval , has . caused cracks to appear in his neighbours ' ceilings and walls while some have had to put up with leaks from broken pipes and drains . They have also been forced to live with the noise and disturbance caused from the building work . One resident said their apartment is constantly flooded while another described the academic as a ` menace ' . ` This was originally a small attic when he bought it . But he tore that down and built this mountain on top of us , ' said one . ` He 's . broken drains so we 're always being flooded when it rains and there are . huge structural cracks in our ceiling and walls , ' they added . Grand design : Neighbours have complained the house which has been built on top of an apartment could collapse . Penthouse living : Mr Lin could be ordered to tear down penthouse if it is deemed as unsafe . Hitting the slopes : Professor Zhang Lin wanted to bring a touch of the mountainside to Beijing but his neighbours below and living in the block next door have not been impressed . ` He is a menace as a neighbour and he did n't get any permission to build this monstrosity , ' said another . Mr Lin could now be ordered to tear down his mountain penthouse if it is deemed unsafe . ` It . has come to our attention that Professor Zhang did not apply for . permission for this structure . So unless he can prove it is safe , it . will have to come down , ' explained an city official . The eccentric professor appears to have incorporated ornaments and plants into his enormous rooftop extension . The mountaintop home even has walkways and a wooden trellis for climbing plants for the owner to enjoy . Distraught residents living beneath the man-made mountain have complained of structural cracks appearing in their ceilings and walls . Some neighbours say water and drainage pipes have broken because of the enormous rocky structure above them and their apartments are regularly flooded . China is known for its crazy design and architecture . The Tianducheng development in . Hangzhou , Zhejiang Province , is filled with grand European buildings and . wide walkways . Ornate fountains and statues also line the streets of . the town . During its construction in 2007 , a replica of the Eiffel Tower standing at 108 metres was even built . There is also a replica of a fountain from the Luxemburg Gardens in a main square called Champs Elysées . This is a view of the Tianducheng development in Hangzhou , China . Despite being built as a replica of Paris , the town has not proved popular and is virtually empty . Plush : This resident stands on the balcony of his apartment at the development , admiring the empty streets below . Last year developers began building 39 Palladian mansions in a Beijing suburb at a cost of # 10m to create the country 's most expensive housing estate . The Western-style mansions with tall columns and impressive entrances wont look out of place on a sprawling English estate . Last month China unveiled a gigantic glowing doughnut-shaped hotel in Huzhou , near Shanghai . In a suburb of Beijing developers are building 39 Western inspired Palladian mansions costing a minimum of # 10m to create the country 's most expensive housing estate . China 's newest tallest building , the 2,073 ft Shanghai Tower , has just been completed in the city 's financial district . The 27-storey . Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort , looms over the skyline offering 321 . spacious guest rooms , including 44 suites and 39 villas . It also unveiled plans to . build sky-high farms - towers in Tai Po , Hong Kong , that would grow . rice , fruit and vegetables on each of the levels . The . country has also laid claim to the title of the world 's largest . building - the The New Century Global Center in Chengdu , Sichuan . province , which could 20 Sydney Opera Houses inside . The country 's new tallest building - the 2,073 ft Shanghai . Tower , has also just been completed in the city 's financial district . | Professor Zhang Lin has spent six years shifting rocks and rubble to the roof to create this mountaintop penthouse . The property has a rocky mountain garden , complete with rubble and shrubbery . But residents have described him as a ` menace ' after cracks and leaks appeared throughout the apartment block . Mr Lin did not have planning permission for the ` extension ' and it will be demolished if deemed unsafe . | [[0, 110], [0, 13], [34, 110], [111, 163], [170, 295], [422, 496], [505, 519], [526, 572], [579, 622], [296, 380], [972, 1034], [1035, 1106], [1205, 1311], [1267, 1311], [2604, 2698], [2681, 2738], [2739, 2846], [2759, 2867], [627, 676], [1775, 1802], [2020, 2075], [2095, 2158]] |
Lee Middleton escaped and committed an armed robbery after stuffing his bed with pillows so it appeared he was fast asleep . An escaped prisoner terrorised a couple in an armed raid at their home -- after stuffing his cell bed with pillows to sneak out of an open jail . Lee Middleton , 32 , was serving time for a string of armed robberies when he slipped out of HMP Hewell , leaving officers believing he was still asleep . With an unknown accomplice , he travelled to an address in Coventry , 30 miles from the multi-category 1,261-inmate prison near Redditch , Worcestershire . A court head how the masked men , armed with a knuckle duster and a knife , forced their way inside before Middleton threatened to smash terrified resident Matty Grove 's head in with a brick . They made off with cash , mobile phones and Mr Grove 's # 10,000 Audi S3 Quattro following the raid in June but Middleton was caught after a police chase . Jail guards had no idea the violent criminal -- classed as ` dangerous ' by his original trial judge -- was missing until police rang to say he was in custody . Lal Amarasinghe , prosecuting , said : ` The prison did not realise he had left until the police contacted them . He had left his bed with two pillows in it . ' Yesterday Mr Grove , 28 , and girlfriend Danielle Ismay told of their shock that Middleton was able to sneak out of prison to commit the crime . Miss Ismay , 23 , a receptionist , said : ` It 's disgusting that he was able to get out of a prison to do this to us , particularly as he had been jailed for other burglaries and violent raids in the first place . ` We have suffered a horrendous ordeal and were left so fearful of our safety that we had to move house . ' She said they could not believe it when police told them Middleton was a serving prisoner . The couple plan to sue the jail for negligence . Scroll down for video . Pictured is HMP Hewell , from where prisoner Lee Middleton was able to escape by stuffing his bed with pillows . Victims : Matthew Grove and Danielle Ismay -LRB- pictured -RRB- were at home watching TV when Middleton and his unidentified accomplice broke into their home and threatened them with a knife and knuckle duster . ` It was a horrendous ordeal ' : Matty Grove , left , and his receptionist girlfriend Danielle Ismay , right . ` If the prison had done its job and kept Middleton locked up , he would never have been able to burgle us , ' Miss Ismay added . On Tuesday Middleton was jailed at Warwick Crown Court for a total of 11 years and six months after earlier pleading guilty to the aggravated burglary , dangerous driving and driving while disqualified . Judge Sylvia De Bertodano said it was ` not quite clear ' how he had escaped , but added that it was ` quite clear ' how dangerous he was . She also told the court : ` There must have been planning to the extent that someone must have met him -LRB- outside the prison -RRB- to take him there -LRB- to Coventry -RRB- . ' Middleton had been seen by jail staff at 9.30 pm , but at 11.40 pm he was outside Mr Grove and Miss Ismay 's house in Coventry . They used the brick to smash a pane on the front door to force their way inside , screaming ` It 's the police ! ' before Middleton began rifling through Miss Ismay 's bag . Mr Grove , who works in logistics at a factory , told the Daily Mail : ` I stood up to try to stop him emptying the bag , but he had picked up the brick and told me , `` Sit down now or I will smash your head in '' . It was a really nasty incident . ' Middleton , of Wyken , Coventry , had been given an indeterminate sentence , with a minimum of ten years , in 2007 for armed robberies committed with two accomplices . In one they terrorised a pregnant woman and her children before stealing # 40,000 in possessions . Pictured left is prisoner Frank Morris , and right , a dummy found in the bed of his accomplice . Lee Middleton 's method of escape from HMP Hewell - by stuffing his bed with pillows to make it appear he was fast asleep - is actually tactic devised in one of the most notorious prison escapes of all time . In 1962 Frank Lee Morris , along with fellow prisoners Clarence and John Anglin , escaped from Alcatraz prison by leaving hand built dummies with human-like heads in their beds to fool the patrolling guards . They then crept out of their cells through tunnels they had spent years digging , before boarding a life raft when they reached the water . Although it 's been claimed the three men have been spotted in the years since the prison break , there have been no confirmed sightings of the three and it is likely they all died attempting to make it across San Francisco Bay . In the decades since , the stunt has become one of the most infamous prison tales of all time , due to the fact it was remained the only successful escape from Alcatraz , and its portrayal in Hollywood films including ` Escape from Alcatraz ' starring Clint Eastwood . The dummy heads used by the Alcatraz trio to fool prison guards into thinking they were asleep in bed . The prison break was the inspiration for Hollywood film ` Escape from Alcatraz ' starring Clint Eastwood , pictured . | Prisoner stuffed his bed with pillows to fool guards he was in bed fast asleep . Method was also used in only successful escape from Alcatraz , which was made into a film starring Clint Eastwood . He then escaped and committed an aggravated burglary with an accomplice . The two smashed into a couple 's home and stole their # 10,000 Audi vehicle . A judge yesterday sentenced him to another 11 years and six months in jail . | [[0, 13], [26, 88], [92, 124], [125, 127], [199, 226], [240, 270], [346, 348], [377, 425], [1207, 1251], [1923, 1999], [3897, 3910], [3936, 3946], [3949, 3968], [3974, 4020], [3990, 4039], [5032, 5057], [4797, 4853], [4860, 4942], [4917, 4925], [4928, 4953], [5058, 5113], [5099, 5153], [5128, 5136], [5139, 5162], [1335, 1398], [125, 195], [776, 856], [832, 883], [2453, 2656]] |
Eden Hazard may be the best player in the Premier League ` by a mile ' , according to one full-back tasked with shackling the 23-year-old -- but Wales would not swap Gareth Bale for even the most gifted of Belgium 's golden generation . Swansea 's Neil Taylor will face Hazard in an important game on the path to Euro 2016 qualification at the King Baudouin Stadium on Sunday night , aware the Chelsea forward can go past defenders ` like a ghost ' . Belgium forward Eden Hazard attempts an acrobatic volley during training on Saturday . But Taylor says Hazard can not compare to Bale , who thrives under the Welsh spotlight after dealing with the pressure at Real Madrid . ` Hazard has developed under Jose Mourinho , ' said Taylor . ` He 's the best player in the Premier League by a mile , I 'd say . Mourinho has done that -- he 's on a player if they do n't perform . Hazard is doing it week in , week out . He 's a ball carrier , he can take Chelsea from the edge of their box to the opposition area and go past you like a ghost . He can go outside or inside , shoot , or make you foul him . ` He 's a great player . But we have one of our own . Of course , I 'd always have Gareth in my team before Hazard . No question . I played against him when he was at Spurs , but played with him throughout the Welsh age groups . He is one of those freaks of nature who come along every now and then , technically and athletically . He 's world class like the Messis and Ronaldos . They were born to play football . Hazard will line up for Belgium against Wales in Euro 2016 qualifier on Sunday night . ` The pressure is on him at Real just to train properly , let alone win every game . He 's matured , and physically grown into a proper man . It seems as if he 's learning off Ronaldo and others at Real , how they work day to day . I 'm sure England and other nations wish he was their player . But he 's so proud to be Welsh and he wants to be a part of this squad . He has grown in confidence in the last year . He knows the onus is on him now and that he 's our biggest player . ' Bale did not score in the last two qualifiers against Bosnia and Cyprus , which yielded four points to send Wales top of Group B , but he performed superbly in the absence of Aaron Ramsey and Joe Allen . And it is not just his Welsh team-mates who value Bale -- so too do his former colleagues at Tottenham , who Bale left behind when he joined Real for a world-record # 86 million fee . Nacer Chadli , who should appear alongside Hazard for Belgium , is having a fine season for Spurs and has scored six Premier League goals but his club have struggled and lie 12th in the table . Premier League stars Romelu Lukaku , Eden Hazard and Marouane Fellaini training on Saturday . ` I feel like the ghost of Bale is still present at Tottenham , ' he said . ` That 's not strange when you look at how much he meant to the club and the fans . It 's not easy to replace him . ' Belgium 's Jan Vertonghen , another of Bale 's former club mates , will not be man-marking the Real star . ` It 's very difficult to mark him , ' he said . ` You mark him as a team . Space is the most important thing for him so communication is important between our defenders and central midfield . He 's an unbelievable player . ' Bale is under no illusions of the task but he remains confident . He said : ` They 're fourth in the world so they 're a very good side . We know what qualities they have , but we also know what weaknesses they have . We 'll be giving it our best go and hopefully we 'll get the three points . ' Gareth Bale thrives under the Welsh spotlight after dealing with the pressure at Real Madrid . | Eden Hazard may be the best player in the Premier League ` by a mile ' , says Neil Taylor . Wales defender will face Hazard in an important game on the path to Euro 2016 qualification on Sunday night . Gareth Bale Bale performed superbly in the last two qualifiers against Bosnia and Cyprus . | [[0, 68], [237, 365], [1513, 1599]] |
Bebe Stores Inc said it detected a hacking attack on its payment processing system that could have compromised data from cards swiped in its stores in the U.S. , Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands . The exposed data may have included cardholder names , account numbers , expiration dates and verification codes , the women 's apparel retailer said on Friday . Bebe , which also operates stores in Canada , said the affected transactions were made between November 8 and November 26 , the day before Thanksgiving . Hacked : Bebe Stores Inc said it detected a hacking attack on its payment processing system that could have compromised data from cards swiped in its stores in the U.S. , Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands . Security blog KrebsOnSecurity said on Thursday that hackers may have stolen credit and debit card data from bebe during Thanksgiving and Black Friday . Bebe , which was founded in 1976 and headquartered in Brisbane , California , is the latest retailer to fall prey to hackers . Previous victims included Home Depot Inc , Target Corp , Sears Holdings Corp and Michaels Stores Inc. . Bebe said online transactions were not affected . ` We moved quickly to block this attack and have taken steps to further enhance our security measures , ' Chief Executive Jim Wiggett said in a statement on Friday . The retailer advised customers who used a payment card at a U.S. , Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands store during the time frame to review their account statements for any unauthorized activity . If they see any unauthorized charges , they should contact the bank that issued the card . In addition , Bebe said that it is offering free credit monitoring services to customers who made a purchase using a payment card at the affected stores during the specified time frame . Bebe operates 175 retail stores and 35 outlet stores in the United States , U.S. Virgin Islands , Puerto Rico and Canada . Company shares , which have fallen by more than half in the past nine months , closed at $ 2.73 on the Nasdaq on Thursday . | Bebe Stores Inc said it detected a data breach concerning cards swiped in its stores in the U.S. , Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands . The exposed data may have included cardholder names , account numbers , expiration dates and verification codes . The affected transactions were made from November 8 - 26 . Customers who used a payment card during this time frame are advised to review their account statements for any unauthorized activity . | [[50, 82], [88, 159], [121, 189], [574, 606], [612, 683], [645, 713], [200, 311], [361, 365], [407, 482], [1690, 1699], [1704, 1797], [1438, 1446], [1453, 1519], [1690, 1699], [1704, 1797]] |
It 's the towering Afro which changed the course of New York City 's mayoral race . Dante de Blasio 's impressive hairstyle has featured heavily in his father Bill de Blasio 's campaign , even catching the eye of an envious Barack Obama . But it seems 16-year-old Dante has followed in the footsteps of his famous dad . Like father , like son : Bill de Blasio sports a cool Afro as a student in 1980 -LRB- left -RRB- which his son Dante -LRB- right -RRB- is emulating . Fromance : Bill de Blasio surrounded by his family - son Dante -LRB- left -RRB- , daughter Chiara -LRB- center -RRB- and wife Chirlane McCray -LRB- right -RRB- - at his primary night party in September . Pictures from the 1980s show de Blasio as a college student sporting a full head of curls to rival his son 's do . As a New York University student , De Blasio - then known as Bill Wilhelm - was a wild-haired activist who regularly confronted school administrators about the cost of tuition . His once manly mane can been seen in black and white photos of him protesting at a rally and standing in NYU 's Loeb Student Center more than 30 years ago . While the mayoral hopeful has never taken credit for his biracial son 's ` fro , he has used it to help boost his public standing among voters , according to New York Post . De Blasio , 52 , has two children - Dante and Chiara - with his African-American wife , Chirlane McCray . Rough around the edges : Bill de Blasio - a wild-haired activist known as Bill Wilhelm - protesting against rising college fees at a rally in April 1981 . Wild-haired : Bill de Blasio , pictured in NYU 's Loeb Student Center in September 1980 , was active in student politics . When Dante starred in a campaign ad in August touting his father 's skills , left-leaning de Blasio vaulted from . fourth place to first in the Democratic primary . A Quinnipiac poll released shortly after the debut of the ` Dante ' ad found 30 per cent of Democratic primary voters preferred de Blasio , compared with Christine Quinn 's 24 per cent and Bill Thompson 's 22 per cent . Americans were talking about the candidate 's qualifications , his multiracial family and how Dante was ` rocking the best Afro ever ' . Dante 's Afro , which he started growing in the third grade , has spawned legions of fans , a nickname for the campaign 's surge in the polls -LRB- ` fromentum ' -RRB- , hundreds of mentions on Twitter and a campaign hashtag , #gowiththefro . ' I did n't know everyone would like it so much , ' Dante told New York Post . ` People are constantly stopping me now . Some want photos . Some are just like , ` Hey , were you in a commercial ? ' ' Official : Bill de Blasio takes the oath of office administered by US Congressman Jerrold Nadler -LRB- left -RRB- accompanied by his daughter Chiara -LRB- second left -RRB- , son Dante -LRB- center -RRB- and wife Chirlane in 2010 . Fro on display : Dante DeBlasio and Chiara DeBlasio at the 46th annual West Indian Day Parade in Crown Heights , Brooklyn , this year . But Dante 's celebrity-status went through the roof after his locks got a shout-out from the U.S. President in August . Obama singled out Dante 's hair as he introduced de Blasio at a Democratic National Committee . fundraiser , noting the presence of ` Dante , who has the same hairdo I . had in 1978 . Although I have to confess my Afro was never that good . ' Earlier this month , Dante 's proud dad told Reddit users during an Ask Me Anything session his son 's hair is something to be reckoned with . ` Dante works conscientiously on his hair . Very conscientiously , ' he said , according to the Wall Street Journal . ` He . does not leave the house in the morning without carefully using his . pick to strike a perfect geometric balance . I witnessed with my own eyes . the President of the United States evaluating Dante 's Afro up close , . and even the president admitted that the Afro of his youth was not as . full and perfectly proportioned . So Dante has achieved something spectacular . ' Time to party : Dante 's Afro is out at proud at his dad Bill de Blasio 's primary night party in September . | New York City mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio sported a quasi-Afro as a young man . 1980s photos show him with a full head of curly hair . The mayoral hopeful 's 16-year-old son , Dante , is famous for his perfectly coiffed Afro . Dante has been described as de Blasio 's ` secret weapon ' in boosting his popularity . | [[345, 399], [345, 399], [716, 766], [743, 788], [1559, 1570], [1590, 1646], [2204, 2217], [2266, 2293], [1203, 1266]] |
These brown bears are keen to play with discarded barrels - because they have developed a nose for aviation fuel . The creatures sniff kerosene and gasoline from containers left in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve in the far east of Russia . They take deep breaths for minutes at a time before digging a shallow hole and lying in a ` nirvana ' position . A bear lies back in the ` nirvana ' position in the snow after sniffing aviation fuel . Dozens of brown bears sniff air fuel from barrels left on the plains of South Kamchatka Sanctuary in Russia 's Far East . A brown bear named Suzemka explores a discarded barrel in the sanctuary , which is a Unesco-protected World Heritage site . The fuel is used to power generators and helicopters used by nature reserve workers . Photographer Igor Shpilenok , 52 , spent seven months with the community of bears . He said some of the addicted predators even stalked helicopters , waiting for take off and drops of fuel to leak onto the hard soil for them to hoover up . He added : ` In another case a helicopter brought a few barrels of gasoline . ` Workers of the nature reserve did n't take them in time and a female bear named Suzemka - who is apparently fasciated by the smell of fuel - used the opportunity . ` She seems to be one of the addicts . ' The Kronotsky Nature Reserve , in South Kamchatka , is home to more than 700 brown bears . Suzemka rolls the barrel along the ground in the sanctuary to claim it as her own . Suzemka takes a deep breath of kerosene through a crack in the fuel container . They are thought to be the largest brown bears in the world , weighing up to 1,200 lb . The sanctuary covers 225,000 hectares of land and is listed as a Unesco World Heritage site . The climate ranges between extremely hot and cold - earning it the label ` land of fire and ice ' . A bear approaches a helicopter , perhaps hoping some drops of fuel will fall from the aircraft . | Photographer Igor Shpilenok spent seven months observing the bears . The brown bears live at the Kronotsky Nature Reserve in Russia 's far east . | [[771, 798], [806, 854], [162, 237], [1296, 1324], [1348, 1386]] |
Chelsea ace Eden Hazard admits he was upset at Juan Mata 's move to Manchester United , but confesses it was inevitable after he was frozen out by Blues boss Jose Mourinho . Mata made the move to United for a fee of # 37.1 million in January 2014 , and will face his old club for the first time on Sunday afternoon . One of the opponents lining up against him is old friend Hazard , who has spoken of his sadness at the Spain midfielder 's exit . VIDEOS Scroll down to watch . Juan Mata -LRB- left -RRB- and Eden Hazard -LRB- right -RRB- celebrate with Fernando Torres when the pair played for Chelsea . Mata celebrates a goal for Manchester United - he was warming the bench at Chelsea , but not for the Reds . ' I was sad when Juan left because he was such a good player , ' Hazard told the Sunday Mirror . ` But at the end of his time at Chelsea , he was on the bench and he did n't play a lot . ' ` When you 're a great player , it 's normal that you want to play , so I respect his choice , but I wanted him to stay here because it was a pleasure to play with him . ' Chelsea sit top of the Premier League and , after Manchester City 's slip-up yesterday , the Blues can go six points clear after just nine matches if they beat United at Old Trafford . Mata celebrates after scoring a goal for Chelsea against current club United - the tables turn on Sunday . Old team-mates and current friends Mata -LRB- left -RRB- and Hazard -LRB- right -RRB- ... the pair face each other on Sunday . Hazard and Mata share a hug while celebrating after the former scored at Stamford Bridge in October 2012 . This raises the importance of an already feisty derby ; one which Hazard reveals he is fully focused on . Despite his friendship with Mata , he has not made contact in the lead-up to Sunday 's match . ` Juan is my friend , but on Sunday he plays for Man United , I play for Chelsea and I want to win . I 've not been in touch with him this season . Last season , yes , but not this one . ' | Juan Mata left Chelsea for Manchester United in January 2014 . The Spain midfielder had been frozen out by Blues boss Jose Mourinho . Eden Hazard was saddened , but admits the move was inevitable . Mata faces his old club for the first time since his # 37.1 million move . | [[174, 246], [0, 16], [92, 173], [0, 85], [0, 16], [92, 173], [317, 344], [360, 436], [360, 373], [381, 382], [387, 446], [174, 246], [174, 178], [247, 316]] |
Criticism : Headteacher Lyn Corderoy has flown off to Ghana to teach literacy skills to children during term time . A headteacher has been criticised for taking the ` appalling ' decision to go to Africa for almost a month during term-time . Lyn Corderoy , headteacher at Grange Primary School in Wickford , Essex , has flown off to Ghana despite parents facing a # 60 fine for unauthorised absence during term-time . Her school , which is rated good by Ofsted but its pupils are below average for English , is taking part in a project to help children in Africa with literacy . Last year only 65 per cent of her pupils attained the desired national standard for grammar , punctuation and spelling . Parents have turned on Miss Corderoy , who is taking the time as unpaid leave and accused of ` double standards ' . In Essex , where the school is , more than 500 people a year are fined in this way . But the school have said her trip is ` vitally important ' . Susan Godfrey , 46 , from Wickford , said : ' I think it 's absolutely appalling . ` How is the headteacher allowed to go away for such a long time during term-time ? There are parents waiting on decisions she has made and she is not even there . ' Charlotte Worton , 26 , from Pitsea , Essex , added : ' I think it 's absolutely unfair headteachers can go in term-time . ` It 's unfair on the children . Their job is to look after the children during the term time . If they take time off , they 're neglecting the children . ' Alan Ball , local UKIP councillor , said he also had concerns about the decision . He said : ' I have not been made aware of it but it seems to be double standards . ` If you are not allowed to take children out of school and the headteacher disappears for a month , it seems to be double standards to me . ` If the head goes away for a month someone has to cover for the headteacher and it will have a knock-on effect on the pupils eventually . ` It must have , unless they are bringing in someone else at the taxpayers ' cost . ' I do n't know the situation , but on the face of it , I would have concerns . ' Anger : Parents of children at Grange Primary School in Wickford , Essex , said the decision to let the headteacher go is ` appalling ' Announcement : Miss Corderoy 's time away was announced in the school newsletter last month . Wickford Ukip councillor Nigel Le Gresley said : ` It does to a certain extent smack of double standards , not least because it could perhaps have been done in term time ' . Parents have accused Miss Corderoy of double standards because they can be fined for taking their children on a term-time holiday . Previously , head teachers had the discretion to allow pupils up to 10 days of leave from school each year . However , under new measures brought in by former Education Secretary Michael Gove , children can only be taken out of school in ` exceptional circumstances ' . Parents who take their children out of school without authorisation , they can face a fine of # 60 for every child . Those who refuse to pay can be prosecuted , fined # 2,500 and even face jail . In Essex , where Miss Corderoy 's school is , more than 500 people a year are fined in this way . News of the headteacher 's absence was announced in last month 's school newsletter under the headline ` Being a Learning School ' . The short explanation stated : ` I 'm sure you will agree with the governors and staff that sharing our good learning and teaching practice with other schools and students is vitally important . ` We support learning in many different ways and after half term the school governors have given Miss Corderoy an unpaid secondment to work on the Let 's Read phonic project . ` This is an exciting opportunity to share our school 's phonic learning skills . ` Mr Hazelgrove will be acting head for the three weeks she is away . ' A spokesman for Essex County Council defended the decision saying : ` The headteacher is not on leave and this is not a personal project . ` She is on an unpaid professional secondment that will benefit the children 's learning . ` Ghanaian teachers have previously visited Grange to help the children learn about other cultures . ' A spokesman for the school governors added : ` The preparation cover arrangements put in place have meant that the good-quality of education and service at the school has been maintained . ' Last month a headteacher was branded a ` hypocrite ' after she booked a Caribbean holiday for during term time only to cave in to pressure from parents and cancel it . Jenny Winder , 53 , head of Elstow Primary School near Bedford , had wanted a week off after the Christmas holidays ended for an exotic beach break . This was despite it being after the start of school term and parents being told in no uncertain terms that they can not take their children out of lessons . After days of pressure Bedford Borough Council confirmed Mrs Winder has ` cancelled the proposed leave and will be in work from the start of the new spring term on the January 5 , 2015 ' . Earlier parent governor Reverend Jeremy Crocker called on Mrs Winder to cancel her holiday and apologise because her proposed holiday was blatant ` double standards ' . He also said she sent a letter to parents falsely claiming her holiday was ` unanimously ' backed by governors like him . Her school , which she has run for 14 years , warns had parents who take their children out of school during term time facing fines of # 60 per child for unauthorised absences . Mrs Winder had refused to give an explanation or apologise for trying to take the time off . She said : ` My private life is exactly what it says - private . ' | Lyn Corderoy 's trip to Africa has upset parents at Grange Primary in Essex . Headteacher is taking unpaid leave to help Ghanaian children with literacy . 65 per cent of her pupils hit national standard for grammar and spelling . Critics accused school of ` double standards ' because parents face fines . Anyone who removes school child without permission will pay # 60 . Essex school in county where 500 people a year are fined in this way . | [[242, 305], [308, 417], [10, 115], [723, 738], [743, 811], [3580, 3706], [579, 699], [629, 699], [1758, 1760], [1767, 1797], [2333, 2379], [2384, 2449], [2507, 2638], [2562, 2638], [4385, 4435], [4438, 4552], [5049, 5056], [5073, 5213], [242, 305], [308, 417], [2977, 3025], [5386, 5517], [816, 824], [849, 900], [3105, 3113], [3122, 3148], [3105, 3113], [3151, 3202]] |
Masked gunmen dragged Syria 's best-known political cartoonist from his car before dawn , broke both his hands and left him bleeding along the side of a road days after he compared Syria 's president to Moammar Gaddafi . Ali Ferzat , 60 , who had made stinging drawings of Bashar al-Assad , 45 , was grabbed yesterday when he left his artist 's studio in Damascus , the second-largest city in the Middle East country . Hospitalised with serious injuries , Mr Ferzat appears to have become the most famous victim of the repression of Syria 's five-month uprising - a stark reminder that no Syrian is immune to the government crackdown . The artist , who has earned international acclaim for his caricatures of leaders in the Arab world , such as Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi , was dumped on a road outside the city . Scroll down to see video of the cartoonist in hosptial . Beaten : The 60-year-old cartoonist was attacked by masked gunmen when he left his studio on Thursday . Bloodied : The 60-year-old cartoonist remained in hospital overnight after four masked gunmen attacked him . The attack came as forces . loyal to president Assad , who has been in charge of the country since 2000 , killed eight people across Syria . overnight , in a sustained campaign to re-establish his authority . The protests against his power , which he inherited from his disliked father , have been ongoing for five months , and after seeing the demise of Colonel Gaddafi 's reign in Libya he critics believe he is re-asserting his power by attacking those who are against him . In an interview with state television . broadcast on Sunday , Assad said he was responding to armed unrest and . that he would not bow to Western pressure because ` reform for . colonialist states among the West means to offer them all what they want . and sell out all rights ' . This cartoon , published earlier in the week , shows Assad attempting to hitch a lift from Colonel Gaddafi , the tyrannical Libyan leader . One of the cartoonist 's pictures shows president Assad offering a man being beaten by his troops a cup of tea . A masked gunman is shown here crossing out the word ` democracy ' and replacing it with the word ` bloodocracy ' The cartoonist pictured earlier in August posing in front of some of his pictures . And Today Assad 's troups fired at protesters after Friday prayers in the Damascus suburb of Douma . ` Protesters phoned in to say that two people have been killed , but this is an initial report still to be confirmed , ' an activist in Damascus said . Other activists and residents reported protests in cities and towns , many of which have been stormed by tanks , stretching from Deir al-Zor province in the east to Deraa in the south to the northwest province of Idlib . Meanwhile , Mr Ferzat lay badly bruised in a hospital bed last night with his hands swathed in bandages . He recalled the gunmen telling him that ` this is just a warning ' as they beat him , according to a relative . ` We will break your hands so that you 'll stop drawing , ' the masked men said , according to the relative . Mr Ferzat , who usually works late . into the night , left his studio at 4am in the early hours of Thursday , . but a jeep with tinted windows quickly cut him off , according to the . relative . Four masked gunmen then dragged him . out of his car , bundled him into the jeep and drove him to the airport . road just outside Damascus , beating him and making threats all the . while . The men then singed the artist 's beard , put a bag over his head and dumped him on the side of the road . One of the cartoonist 's pictures shows president Assad offering a man being beaten by his troops a cup of tea . Another shows a gunman scribbling out the word ` democracy ' and replacing it with ` bloodocracy ' . A third - which was published earlier this week - depicts the president with his thumb out , trying to hitch a lift from Colonel Gaddafi , who is seen to be fleeing Libya . ` They broke his hands in the most . disgusting and deplorable way to send a message , ' said U.S. State . Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland of the attack . ` It 's not only Ali Ferzat that we 're . worried about . The regime has also locked up a number of other prominent . dissidents to send a message . ' President Assad , who inherited the Syrian leadership in 2000 and is pictured speaking on Thursday in Damascus , used to encourage the cartoonist . Before inheriting Syria 's presidency from his father in 2000 , Bashar Assad , a British-trained eye doctor , used to visit Mr Ferzat 's exhibitions and offer encouraging words , the artist has said . When the new president opened Syria to reforms , Mr Ferzat was allowed to publish the country 's first private newspaper in decades , a satirical weekly called The Lamplighter . The paper was an instant hit , with copies of each issue selling out a few hours after hitting the stands . Anti-Assad supporters pictured on Thursday in Casablanca . It was soon shut down , however , as Assad began cracking down on dissent and jailing critics after the brief , heady period known as the Damascus Spring quickly lost steam . Mr Ferzat became a vehement critic of the regime , particularly after the military launched a brutal crackdown on the country 's protest movement . His illustrations grew bolder in . recent months , with some of his cartoons directly criticizing Assad , . even through caricatures of the president are forbidden in Syria . Human rights groups said Assad 's forces have killed more than 2,000 people since the uprising against his autocratic rule erupted in mid-March , touched off by the wave of revolutions sweeping the Arab world . Assad 's crackdown has not spared other Syrian intellectuals and artists who dared to voice criticism . A group of intellectuals and artists , including Syrian actress May Skaff , were rounded up and jailed for a week last month after holding a protest in Damascus . And Damascus-based activist and film producer Shadi Abu Fakher went missing on July 23 and has not been heard of since . Mr Ferzat , however , is the most famous victim of the repression to date . He had been encouraging other Syrian artists to side with the protesters , even publishing on his website a ` List of Shame ' that included names of those who were on the side of the regime . ` We were a group of reformers in the country , and suddenly , the doors of hell opened on us . It was a huge disappointment , ' Mr Ferzat said earlier this month . ` There are two things in this life that can not be crushed - the will of God and the will of the people . ' | ` We will break your hands so that you 'll stop drawing ' President used to encourage the cartoonist . Eight killed overnight in systematic killings . Assad 's troops have killed 2,000 people since March . ` At least two killed ' during Friday prayers by Assad 's troups . | [[2993, 3048], [3028, 3048], [3053, 3072], [4295, 4310], [4408, 4442], [4443, 4504], [4507, 4519], [4553, 4619], [1120, 1144], [1198, 1232], [5487, 5630], [2301, 2401], [2404, 2464]] |
These are the ` Ghost ' killer thugs pumped up on steroids who are proving key to keeping Syria 's brutal President Bashar Assad in power . Covered in tattoos of images of their leader , they are blamed for roaming the nation massacring children and women by slitting their throats or shooting them at point-blank range . Wielding AK-47s and machetes , they are said to carry out the government 's dirty work so officials can claim the rampages are not being sponsored by the state . Pumped up : Areen Al Assad , with a tattoo of Bashar Assad on his bicep , is said to be one of the ` Ghost ' killers roaming Syria . Meat-head : Known as the ` Shabiha ' , they wear combat trousers and black t-shirts and are paid the massive sum of # 130 per day . Known as the ` Shabiha ' , translating to ` Ghosts ' , they wear combat trousers and black t-shirts and are paid the massive sum of # 130 per day . Their modus operandi sees them swarm in to towns after the army has stopped shelling . A source said : ` Their mission is to terrorise the civilian population and conduct ethnic cleansing . ' A massacre of 108 civilians in Houla two weeks ago , including 49 children , has been blamed on the group who fanatically follow the Muslim Alawite sect . They are also reported to have shot dead 12 workers in Qusayr and 78 villagers in Qubair last week . Messing about : The ` Ghosts ' modus operandi sees them swarm in to towns after the army has stopped shelling . Muscle man : Emergence of the death squad pictures comes after William Hague said yesterday he may have to send troops to Syria if the country spirals into a Bosnian-style civil war . Dr Mousab Azzawi , who runs the Syrian . Network for Human Rights from London but had treated some of the Shabiha . in Latakia , said recently : ` They were like monsters . ` They . had huge muscles , and big bellies and beards . They took steroids to . pump up their bodies . I had to talk to them like children as they like . people with low intelligence . Syria 's large chemical weapons stocks could be trained on Israel , the latter 's deputy military chief has warned . According to Maj. Gen. Yair Naveh , Syria has the largest arsenal of chemical weapons in the world . If the Syrians had the chance , he said , they would ` treat us the same way they treat their own people ' . Syria has not declared its chemical weapons stocks so their exact size is not known . Among other things , Israel is worried that such weapons could fall into the hands of anti-Israel militants should the Syrian regime crumble . Israeli radio stations and newspapers carried Naveh 's remarks today . He delivered them Sunday night at a ceremony in Jerusalem commemorating fallen soldiers . Syrian activists estimate more than 13,000 people have died since an uprising against the Syrian regime erupted 15 months ago , drawing a bloody crackdown . Israel has been watching the carnage in neighboring Syria with increasing concern . The two countries have fought major wars and multiple attempts to reach a peace deal failed . Syria has strong ties to Iran , Israel 's most fearsome enemy , and to Palestinian and Lebanese militants that have warred with Israel . ` That is what makes them so terrifying -- the combination of strength and blind allegiance to the regime . ' Emergence of the death squad pictures . comes after William Hague said yesterday he may have to send troops to . Syria if the country spirals into a Bosnian-style civil war . The . Foreign Secretary said Britain would have to ` greatly increase our . support for the opposition ' if the current United Nations plan for a . ceasefire fails , as his office now fears . Mr Hague repeatedly refused to rule out military action yesterday if Syria descends into ` terrible ' sectarian violence . And he twice compared the violence raging in the Arab state to the conflict in Bosnia , where 12,000 British soldiers were eventually sent , rather than Libya , where the Government resisted sending in ground troops . Mr Hague told the BBC : ` The reason I do n't rule things out is because we really do n't know now how this situation is going to develop or how terrible it is going to become . ` Increasingly the analogy is not with Libya last year but with Bosnia in the 1990s . ` We are on the edge of that kind of sectarian murder on a large scale . So who knows what may be required from the international community to try to deal with that , if it gets going in that way . ' As violence continued to rage yesterday , claiming at least 38 lives , Mr Hague reiterated his message on Sky News . He said Syria is now ` on the edge of a sectarian conflict in which neighbouring villages are attacking and killing each other so I do n't think we can rule anything out ' . The Foreign Secretary 's words will fuel concerns that Britain risks being sucked into another Middle East war with potentially devastating political and humanitarian consequences . Enforcers : Film footage shows the ` Ghosts ' walking out and about . Action man : Pictured with guns , the Ghost poses for this photograph . But some diplomats believe the West will be compelled to act if the situation deteriorates and risks dragging in neighbouring countries such as Lebanon and Turkey . Security sources said one scenario under discussion would see troops deploy to protect aid convoys entering Syria , a task Western soldiers also carried out in the early years of the Bosnian war . Mr Hague gave credence to that theory by stressing the problems of providing aid to Syria yesterday . ` One of the great difficulties here is getting aid to them where fighting is going on and where the regime does n't provide access , ' he said . The UK has already provided # 8.5 million of medical supplies and emergency aid via international agencies . Battered : The Ghosts filmed beating activists . Violence : A massacre of 108 civilians in Houla two weeks ago , including 49 children , has been blamed on the group who fanatically follow the Muslim Alawite sect . Mr Hague said he ` welcomed in principle ' a Russian proposal for an international conference on Syria , but warned it must ` lead to a change and not just buy time for the regime to kill more people ' . He said it would be hard to see how Iran could attend the conference - one of Russia 's demands - as it had already given Syria technical support and advised the regime on how to suppress protests . Instead , he said the way forward was to adopt the peace plan of former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan . Most diplomats , however , believe that plan is dead in the water , and the Foreign Secretary conceded : ` Every other solution to the Syrian crisis involves a lot more death . ' Today Syrian troops attacked a rebel-held town in the centre of the country with helicopter gunships and shelled other restive areas across the country , activists said . The aerial assault targeted the strategic river crossing town of Rastan that has resisted repeated government offensives for months , they added . It is part of an escalation of violence in recent weeks that comes despite an internationally-brokered cease-fire that was supposed to go into effect on April 12 but never took hold . Destruction : Syrians sit next to a damaged house at the northern town of Ariha , on the outskirts of Idlib , yesterday . Patrol : Syrian troops deployed in Duma , in a suburb of Damascus . ` The regime is now using helicopters more after its ground troops suffered major losses , ' said Rami Abdul-Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights . ` Dozens of vehicles have been destroyed or damaged since the end of May . ' Syria 's Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi recently said rebels are now using sophisticated anti-tank missiles . Videos posted by activists over the past week have shown many destroyed tanks and armored personnel carriers . The Observatory and the Local Coordination Committees also reported government shelling in the central provinces of Homs and Hama , the southern region of Daraa , the northern province of Aleppo , and suburbs of the capital Damascus and Deir el-Zour in the east . The Observatory reported the deaths of four civilians and an army defector in shelling in the area of Ashara in Deir el-Zour , and said another eight unidentified bodies had been discovered nearby . It reported three dead in the Hama shelling . In Moscow , the Foreign Ministry said Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will visit Iran on Wednesday . Russia and Iran are Syrian President Bashar Assad 's strongest allies . Moscow and China have vetoed two Security Council resolutions that threatened possible sanctions against Syria . The ministry said in a statement that Russia is not playing the role of advocate for certain Middle East regimes . ` We are speaking for the strict observance of the norms and principles of international law in the interest of supporting regional stability and security in the Near and Middle East and North Africa , ' it said . Syrian activists say the violence has claimed the lives of more than 13,000 people . UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said on the killings of children in Syria : ` How many more children need to die ? ` Repeated calls for the protection of children by all parties in Syria have not yielded positive action . But we must voice again our outrage when seeing the murder of innocents , especially children and women , as reportedly the case in Al-Qubair village in Hama . ` UNICEF appeals once more : spare and protect the children who are in no way responsible for the violence and must not be its victims . ' | They wield AK-47s and machetes to carry out the government 's dirty work . Massacre of 108 in Houla blamed on deadly death squad . Syrian troops today attacking rebel strongholds with helicopter gunships . Activists say violence has claimed lives of more than 13,000 people . | [[322, 350], [353, 408], [1089, 1163], [1166, 1194], [6720, 6820], [2717, 2820], [9005, 9089], [9022, 9089]] |
The European Space Agency 's orbiting telescope has captured striking new images of the huge ` Doomsday ' asteroid Apophis that could smash into Earth in 2036 - revealing it is larger than previously thought . Long billed as a potential cause of an Extinction Level Event -LRB- ELE -RRB- for humanity , today ESA officials announced that its Herschel Space Observatory discovered that the asteroid is 1,066 feet wide , 20 percent larger than the previous estimate of 885 feet . Whizzing past Earth at the relatively close distance of nine million miles tonight , Apophis is being closely tracked because of a 2004 study that predicted the rock has a 2.7 percent chance of hitting Earth in April 2029 , which was later revised to 2036 . ESAs Herschel Space Observatory captured asteroid Apophis in its field of view during the approach to Earth on January , 5-6 , 2013 . This image shows the asteroid in Herschels three PACS wavelengths : 70 , 100 and 160 microns . ` The 20 percent increase in diameter ... translates into a 75 percent increase in our estimates of the asteroid 's volume or mass , ' study leader Thomas Müller of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching , Germany , said in a statement . In addition to the latest findings two free webcasts will stream live views of the asteroid as it passes , filmed from telescopes in Italy and the Canary Islands . The video streams from Slooh Space Telescope and Virtual Telescope Project will show Apophis as a moving light streaking across the sky - although scientists have said that sadly the large space rock is too small to be seen through home telescopes . ` Alone among all these near-Earth asteroids that have passed our way in recent years , Apophis has generated the most concern worldwide because of its extremely close approach in 2029 and -LSB- chances of a -RSB- potential impact , albeit small , in 2036 , ' said Slooh president Patrick Paolucci . Indeed , while scientists have ruled out any possibility of a cataclysmic collision - there remains a very real chance of the asteroid Apophis smashing into Earth in 2036 . ` Apophis has been one of those celestial bodies that has captured the public 's interest since it was discovered in 2004 , ' said Steve Chesley at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena , California . Jan. 8 , 2013 : At about 36 hours from the minimum distance -LRB- 9.3 million miles from Earth -RRB- , potentially hazardous asteroid Apophis was imaged again with the Virtual Telescope . ` Updated computational techniques and newly available data indicate the probability of an Earth encounter on April 13 , 2036 , for Apophis has dropped from one-in-45 ,000 to about four-in-a million . ' The science of predicting asteroid orbits is based on a physical model of the solar system which includes the gravitational influence of the sun , moon , other planets and the three largest asteroids . NASA detects and tracks asteroids and comets passing close to Earth using both ground and space-based telescopes . The Near Earth-Object Observations Program , commonly called ` Spaceguard , ' discovers these objects , characterizes a subset of them and plots their orbits to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet . This year Apophis , named after an Egyptian mythological demon , will not get closer than around nine million miles . Doomsday Asteroid ? An artist 's rendering of the asteroid Apophis as created by the European Space Agency . Experts say the impact if Apophis struck the Earth would generate a blast equivalent to more than 500 megatons of TNT . Scientists will use the encounter to improve their estimate of just how dangerous the space rock really is to life on Earth . In 2029 , Apophis is expected to come uncomfortably close , brushing past the Earth at a distance of just 30,000 kilometres . That will put the asteroid inside the orbit of communication satellites . Current models predict a tiny but real likelihood of Apophis colliding with the Earth in 2036 . When the asteroid was discovered in 2004 scientists calculated a one-in-45 chance of an impact in 2029 . Improved predictions later lifted the threat . The asteroid 's latest near approach will occur at midnight UK time tomorrow . Members of the public can view the event online via the Slooh web-based sky-watching service , which collects images from observatories around the world . ` We are excited to cover this asteroid live for the general public . ' Scientists at the American space agency Nasa have calculated that if Apophis struck the Earth it would generate a blast equivalent to more than 500 megatons of TNT . In comparison , the most powerful hydrogen bomb ever detonated , the Soviet Tsar Bomba , released 57 megatons . | 1000 foot wide asteroid will brush past the Earth at a distance of 30,000 km . Scientists claim little chance of it hitting us - but scientists warn of ` tiny but real ' likelihood it may in 2036 . Name inspired by two of the asteroid 's co-discoverers favorite science fiction villain . | [[478, 560], [3732, 3739], [3742, 3749], [3792, 3857], [84, 122], [128, 170], [2004, 2116], [3932, 4027]] |
Steven Gerrard is haunted by that momentary slip three matches from the end of last season which pulled the Anfield turf out from under Liverpool as Premier League champions-elect . Given time to reflect plus the priceless gift of hindsight , his most vital loss of footing can now be seen as his stumbling failure nine years earlier to drive through a transfer to Liverpool 's opponents on that fateful April afternoon . Chelsea , who capitalised on that rare Gerrard error to both defeat Liverpool and deflate their title challenge , had made a # 32million bid for him in the summer of 2005 . Steven Gerrard checks his studs after slipping against Chelsea at Anfield last season . Gerrard lifts the European Cup in 2005 after the greatest night of his professional career . That came just six weeks after he captained Liverpool to the greatest comeback in Champions League final history , that epic victory over AC Milan from 3-0 down in Istanbul . Liverpool instantly rejected Chelsea 's offer . But Gerrard , although still only 25 , was already suspecting that if he was ever to win a Premier League title it would have to be with a different team . Sadly , he has been proved right . In fact the drama and emotion of that astonishing night on the banks of the Bosphorous had brought him only temporary relief from that sense of foreboding , which had been nagging at him since Liverpool finished 30 points off the pace the preceding season . So he asked for a transfer . Coming from a very local hero , that request was perceived as heresy by the Liverpool faithful and they took to burning replicas of his shirt in the streets . As the protests reached a crescendo their Stevie G relented . Instead of insisting on his right to join the then-reigning League champions at Stamford Bridge , he signed a new # 100,000 a week contract . The rest , as we always say , is history . Except that for Gerrard it is not historic . Since 2005 he and Liverpool have won just one FA Cup and one League Cup -- and still no Premier League medal for this valiant war-horse for whom the championship of England has been the Holy Grail since he signed for the club round the corner from his house at the age of eight . Nor is he likely to get one now . Chelsea , in that time , have won their first Champions League , four FA Cups , one League Cup , the Europa League once ... and that Premier League title which Gerrard so covets , not once but twice . John Terry lifts the Premier League trophy in 2010 - it is an honour that has eluded Gerrard . Right now they lead the championship race by more points than Liverpool can remotely hope to retrieve and Gerrard is in his Last Chance Saloon , with the light fading . Ah , what might have been . Perhaps a life in English football would have been impossible for him , given how threatening the passions on Merseyside would have remained had he left the club for which he was born to play . But for whatever reason he let his heart over-rule his head , these subsequent nine years have been overflowing from midfield with his commitment to a great club striving to recapture the glory days , and last season so close to doing so . This has become a story of uplifting self-sacrifice in this age when footballers change clubs as often as their socks . Loyalty , however , is oft rewarded by a kick in the head . Gerrard -LRB- left -RRB- , Glen Johnson -LRB- centre -RRB- and Jordan Henderson on the bench at the Bernabeu . The 34-year-old was also among the subs against Stoke on the 16th anniversary of his Liverpool debut . Gerrard was left out of what might well have been his last huge night in that hallowed red shirt -- last month 's Champions League match at Real Madrid . Then he was dropped on his 16th anniversary of becoming a Liverpool player . At 34 , this one-club servant finds himself embroiled in turmoil as to whether Liverpool want to contract him to end his career with them -- or if even he would prefer now to cash in on his last legs with a move to somewhere like the booming US soccer market . Again , emotions are coming to the boil on Merseyside . The Liverpool skipper celebrates scoring his side 's second goal against Leicester on Tuesday . Players past and present are urging him to stay . The fans are petitioning the board to extend his contract . And one of the outstanding players of his generation - the dyed-red Liverpool man who told true-blue Chelsea that he could n't quite bring himself to ` jump off the cliff ' - finds himself back on the precipice . This time with the ground crumbling beneath his feet . Let us hope he makes a happy landing . If the Premier League title is not to be , that is the least Steven Gerrard deserves . Gerrard -LRB- third right -RRB- poses with fellow Liverpool greats -LRB- from left -RRB- Ron Yeats , Roger Hunt , Ian Callaghan , Phil Thompson , Phil Neal , Alan Kennedy , Alan Hansen , Kenny Dalglish , Ian Rush , Robbie Fowler , Jamie Carragher and youngsters Raheem Sterling and Jordan Rossiter , with Ian Ayre and Brendan Rodgers at the front . Pele and Ali are The Greatest - long may they last . Muhammad Ali posts a smiling selfie and declares himself fit and well to keep up the good fight against Parkinson 's . Pele reports himself back in the game after a spell in hospital . The Greatest Of All Time and the Greatest Footballer Ever ... long may they last . The selfie posted by Muhammad Ali to demonstrate that he is getting better . Back to the Future - it 's 1-0 to the Arsenal . To the Arsenal , one-nil . What is going on with the team that could n't hold on to a dog lead this season , until now . Is it back to the future ? Back to the days when one goal was invariably enough for the Gunners ? Perhaps not . The answer now seems to be scoring so late -- as Alexis Sanchez did to beat Southampton on Wednesday night -- that they only have to defend their lead for a minute or two . Alexis Sanchez -LRB- left -RRB- smiles after scoring Arsenal 's only goal against Southampton . | Steven Gerrard asked Liverpool for a transfer in 2005 . However , he opted out of a move to Chelsea at the last minute . Since then Liverpool have won one FA Cup and one League Cup , while Chelsea have won the Premier League twice -LRB- among others -RRB- . Muhammad Ali and Pele are on the mend . Like the old days , it 's a case of 1-0 to the Arsenal . | [[1451, 1476], [1928, 1999], [5479, 5488], [5676, 5724]] |
The suspected gunman involved in a brazen New York City diamond heist has been apprehended by authorities . Leon Fenner was captured in Maryland on Wednesday night , almost one month after he and another man are believed to have robbed Watch Standard Jewelry of $ 2million in jewels . The November 11 heist also left the elderly father of the store owner injured after he was reportedly pistol whipped by Fenner . Scroll down for videos . Captured : Leon Fenner -LRB- above -RRB- the suspected gunman in a $ 2million heist was apprehended in Maryland on Wednesday . Shut it down : The robbery on November 11 cause authorities to shut down a Manhattan city block . Fenner will appear Thursday before a magistrate judge in federal court in Maryland according to the New York Post . The other man in the heist , Rondu Frisby , was a friend of store owner Daniel Mikhaylov , and picked up just a week after the incident . The robbery , which happened on the same day as the city 's Veteran 's Day Parade that had shut down traffic just a block away , forced police to close down an entire city block as they searched for the armed gunman . Lots of loot : Fenner and his accomplice made of with numerous jewels and 20 luxury watches . They were able to make a quick escape however , with Frisby buzzing Fenner into the store and the two men getting out before any alarms were sounded . Boris , the store owner 's father , emptied the safe for the criminals . The men were captured however on surveillance cameras along the block as they entered and exited the building . Among the items looted by the men were 20 luxury watches and countless jewels . | Leon Fenner , the suspected gunman in a $ 2million diamond heist was apprehended in Maryland on Wednesday . Fenner and his accomplice , Rondu Frisby , reportedly stole countless jewels and 20 luxury watches from Watch Standard Jewelry last month . It has also been reported that Fenner pistol whipped the store owner 's father during the robbery . | [[0, 107], [108, 163], [183, 284], [450, 565], [183, 284], [1151, 1229], [1566, 1581], [1600, 1645], [285, 306], [312, 354], [363, 413], [339, 413]] |
Allison Williams won over critics as she transformed into Peter Pan on Thursday but her live TV performance was not without the odd high-wire hitch . The 26-year-old actress , better known for playing character Marnie in hit show Girls , had a wobbly take-off at the start of the NBC show . Williams almost crashed into a wall in an opening scene where Peter demonstrates his magical flying powers to Wendy . Scroll down for videos . Flying high : Allison Williams takes off on Thursday during her live musical performance as Peter Pan on NBC . Williams had a near-miss with the wall while on the high-wire but quickly recovered to give a performance which won over viewers . The 26-year-old Girls star received high praise from viewers on social media for her role as the ` boy who would n't grow up ' The actress recovered quickly , cushioning herself against the wall with her hand and shook off the minor mishap . The three-hour production of Peter Pan Live ! also starred Christopher Walken as a charismatic Captain Hook - complete with tap-dancing . However the veteran actor also came under fire for apparent lip-syncing . One critic tweeted : ` Is Christopher Walken playing Hook , or is Capt. Hook playing a caricature of Christopher Walken ? ' But the performance appeared to be a hit with some viewers as Today anchor Savannah Guthrie quipped on Friday : ` It was not Peter Pan-ned . ' On Twitter , one viewer , @joey_aulisio , wrote : ` Allison Williams killed it . Walken killed it . That wooden gator killed it . Tiger Lily - call me . THAT DOG ! Great job everyone . ' Another , @ryansatin , wrote : ` If you 're not watching Walken as Hook , you are missing out on a truly special moment in TV history . ' Williams got a boost of support before tackling the three-hour live performance from her co-star Lena Dunham , Katy Perry and her dad , news anchor Brian Williams . We 're Hooked : Veteran star Christopher Walken showed off tap-dancing skills with his band of pirates as Peter Pan 's arch nemesis Captain Hook . Peter Pan 's nemesis Captain Hook , played by Christopher Walken was a hit with viewers , with Mia Farrow tweeting : ` Christopher Walken = Gold , no matter what ' Surprise cameo : The voice of the narrator throughout , Minnie Driver came out at the very end to play Wendy Darling after she was all grown up - and still hoping for Peter Pan 's return . The blue-and-purple crocodile which torments Captain Hook and his pirates was a big hit with viewers . Girls co-star Lena Dunham tweeted : ` Allison is about to undertake one of the greatest drag roles in history and we are so proud we could burst . She will slay . ' Celebrity fans also offered their support . Katy Perry tweeted : ' I believe in you Allison Williams ! ' Zach Braff joked : ` Brian Williams is crushing this . ' The NBC Nightly News host took the night off anchoring duties to watch his daughter 's performance from the wings . Mr Williams told TVNewser : ` We will be watching the broadcast - immediate family only - sequestered in an undisclosed location ... close enough to the production as to burst through the stage door the moment the credits roll . ' Alanna Saunders , a 22-year-old woman of Cherokee descent , was plucked from obscurity to play the starring role of Native American princess character Tiger Lily . Peter Pan , played by Allison Williams , meets Wendy , played by Broadway star Taylor Louderman -LRB- left -RRB- . However there were grumbles from viewers , as one Twitter user , @KittyKateMD , wrote : ` Although Allison Williams is singing beautiful , but her English accent is horrible ! #PeterPanLive ' . Another fired back : ` Chill with the hate people . Just be thankful its not as awful as Carrie Underwood in The Sound Of Music #PeterPanLive ' . Christopher Walken delighted viewers with his drawling , sashaying Captain Hook . His tap dancing , alongside an accomplished band of pirates , drew high praise . One viewer , rather unbelievably , compared him to Fred Astaire . But as Mia Farrow tweeted : ` Christopher Walken = Gold , no matter what . ' The Darling children take flight under Peter Pan 's instructions with the NBC telecast making much use of the high-wire during the three-hour production . Peter Pan leads the Darling children off to Neverland in the live adaptation of the 1954 Disney-animated film . Peter Pan with Wendy Darling and her brothers fly off to Neverland in the live telecast of the children 's classic . Williams looked a world away from her Girls character Marnie with her hair in a pixie crop to play Peter Pan . Peter Pan Live ! came a year after NBC 's three-hour live telecast of The Sound of Music starring Carrie Underwood revived the idea of a broadcast network mounting a full-scale musical for live TV . That attracted nearly 19 million viewers but came in for criticism with Carrie Underwood , who played Maria , panned for her ` amateur ' acting and Stephen Moyer , as Captain Georg Von Trapp , written off for ` clenched ' singing . This time , there was much more dancing , the addition of complicated flying routines , some mermaids , sword fights , digital overlays like Tinkerbell and shadows , and a live dog . Director and choreographer Rob Ashford had his work cut out for him . Like The Sound Of Music , Peter Pan Live ! wisely leaned on Broadway performers , including five-time Tony Award-nominee Kelli O'Hara , who was sadly underused , as Mrs Darling . The show also starred Jake Lucas -LRB- who was in Broadway show Newsies -RRB- as John Darling and a very good Taylor Louderman -LRB- Bring It On : The Musical -RRB- as Wendy . The beefy-armed Christian Borle , a Tony winner and veteran of last year 's The Sound of Music Live ! , played Mr Darling . -LRB- In a twist , Borle won his Tony playing Captain Hook in the Peter Pan play Peter and the Starcatcher . -RRB- . Borle , who also stars in NBC 's Smash , actually played two characters - the children 's strict dad Mr Darling as well as Hook 's right-hand pirate , Smee , a character he was far more successful at playing . But one of the stand-out performances came from the show 's second biggest star , Minnie Driver , despite only being seen onscreen for the last five minutes . Despite being the first voice we heard as the narrator throughout , Minnie came out at the very end to play Wendy Darling after she was all grown up - a mother who was still longing for Peter Pan 's return . Captain Hook 's pirates were also big hits with viewers during the spirited three-hour special performance . The tea party : The Lost Boys perform a routine with Allison Williams as Peter Pan -LRB- center -RRB- . The merry band of Peter Pan 's Lost Boys during a scene from Thursday 's performance . Peter Pan Live ! wisely leaned on Broadway performers . Wendy 's emotional moment at the end as Peter Pan finally returns - and she allows her daughter to follow him to Neverland - was one which moved many fans to tears . It was also a more culturally sensitive Peter Pan , with Alanna Saunders , a 22-year-old woman of Cherokee descent , portraying the Native American princess character Tiger Lily , and the offensive song Ugg-a-Wugg transformed into True Blood Brothers . However the biggest reaction went to a rather unexpected cast member - a crazy bright purple-and-blue crocodile , who tormenting Captain Hook and his pirates throughout . ` And the blue crocodile just broke Twitter , ' viewer Zach Brooks tweeted . Wendy Darling sings a romantic song expressing her unrequited love for Peter Pan in a performance which stayed true to JM Barrie 's classic novel . Wendy Darling -LRB- pictured right -RRB- was played by Taylor Louderman who has also appeared in Broadway musical Bring It On . Showdown : Captain Hook and Peter Pan come face-to-face in the musical performance on Thursday . Christopher Walken 's Captain Hook character delighted viewers with his drawling dialogue and dancing . Allison Williams ' Girls co-star Lena Dunham tweeted : ` Allison is about to undertake one of the greatest drag roles in history and we are so proud we could burst . She will slay . ' Katy Perry : ' I believe in you Allison Williams ! ' Zach Braff joked : ` Brian Williams is crushing this . ' Mia Farrow tweeted : ` Christopher Walken = Gold , no matter what . ' Anna Kendrick went on stream of tweets as she watched . She posted : ` Dog is already the only character I care about #PeterPanLive . ` Tinkerbell sounds just like the iPhone alarm and these kids are still asleep ? I do n't buy it . #PeterPanLive ' ` OH s *** !!! Neverland is an acid trip and I never want get sober . #PeterPanLive ' Sarah Silverman : ` There are only two women in #PeterPanLive and they 're both Christopher Walken ' Sarah Michelle Gellar : ' I wonder what next years live musical will be ?? I 'm hoping for @MariahCarey in #HelloDolly . Anyone else have any ideas ? Aubrey Plaza : ` CHRISTOPHER WALKEN IS EVERYTHING ' Judd Apatow : ' @billyeichner : . @BillCosby u watchin Peter Pan ? '' He is more of a Sleeping Beauty guy . Is n't it odd to think he is sitting with someone now ' | The 26-year-old Girls star won over critics in her three-hour live NBC adaptation on Thursday - but the show had its fair share of problems . Captain Hook star Christopher Walken accused of lip-syncing and bizarre performance . One critic tweeted : ` Is Christopher Walken playing Hook , or is Capt. Hook playing a caricature of Christopher Walken ? ' Peter Pan Live ! reached 9.1 million viewers - less than half what The Sound of Music did for NBC last year . Lena Dunham tweeted : ` Allison is about to undertake one of the greatest drag roles in history and we are so proud we could burst ' NBC Nightly News host Brian WIlliams took the night off anchoring duties to watch his daughter 's performance from the wings . | [[0, 149], [84, 149], [448, 544], [676, 778], [1064, 1081], [1087, 1129], [2034, 2067], [2070, 2098], [1130, 1148], [1151, 1187], [1202, 1251], [1130, 1148], [1193, 1206], [2034, 2067], [2070, 2098], [4584, 4598], [4601, 4672], [2490, 2523], [2528, 2599], [2604, 2636], [7941, 7993], [7996, 8069], [8074, 8106], [2817, 2932], [2848, 2932]] |
With property markets heating up across the country , Generation Y are increasingly opting to live with their parents , while squalid properties are selling for millions . Amid the ongoing property boom gripping the Australian real estate market , these properties give prospective home buyers a bid to find some bang for their buck . But Property Observer have risen to the occasion and tracked down the 10 biggest property discounts across Australia . Here are the 10 biggest price slashes , ranging from as low as $ 170,000 to a staggering million dollar cut . 10 . 21 Cotton Court , Strathalbyn , South Australia - Discount of $ 173,000 . The Circa 1990 's character property features three bedrooms , an open fire , spacious kitchen with modern appliances and lounge room with slow combustion , beautiful timber floors and double car accommodation . After three years and three months on the market , the three bedroom property has fallen from $ 498,000 to $ 325,000 - that 's a saving of $ 173,000 . Set in a cul-de-sac location , the Circa 1900 's character home features three good size bedrooms - two with built in robes , open fire places and plenty of linen space and a beautifully renovated bathroom and large laundry . Sprawled across 1229 square-metre block of land , the enclosed garden offers shedding , shade homes , rainwater and a double car accommodation , with plenty of open space play areas . 9 . 219 Bernard Road North , Carabooda , Western Australia - Discount of $ 773,000 . Sitting on a sizeable 15 hectares , the three bedroom home offers a perfect rural lifestyle with current 36,000 Kl water licence , farm sheds and just kilometres from the imminent Alkimos CBD , freeway and railway line . The rural abode was previously listed on the market , with an asking price of $ 3.5 million . But after being on the market for 467 days , the price has dropped a staggering $ 773,000 off its original price tag - it 's now on the market for $ 2,727,000 . Sitting on a sizeable 15 hectares or 37.9 acres of land , the property offers three bedrooms , three garage spaces and is situated in the proposed landscape enhancement zone with the discretionary use for many tourist attractions . Located just four kilometres from the imminent Alkimos CBD , freeway and railway line , the beautiful farm offers a rural lifestyle and a perfect opportunity for new home owners or developers to upgrade for a tremendous scope to capitalise from the block of land . 8 . 2 Wellington Street , Richmond , Tasmania - Discount of $ 1,000,000 . The heritage-listed property features four bedrooms , four bathrooms , additional rooms - perfect to turn into a studio , media and entertainment areas , double garage and a self contained cottage . The heritage-listed property has been on the market for 428 days , with an asking price of $ 2.8 million . But after failing to attract home buyers , it 's now listed for $ 1.8 million - that 's a full million dollar drop . With a picturesque backdrop of the old Richmond Bridge , the property offers exceptional accommodation and amenities and a double garage - perfect for the family and their guests . The heritage-listed property has been on the market for 428 days , with an asking price of $ 2.8 million . But after failing to attract home buyers , it 's now listed for $ 1.8 million - that 's a full million dollar drop . Known as the Mill House , it features four bedrooms , four bathrooms in the main house and a self contained cottage , sprawled across a beautifully landscaped garden , which features existing dwellings , orchard , raised garden beds and recreational facilities . With a picturesque backdrop of the old Richmond Bridge , the property offers exceptional accommodation and amenities and a double garage - perfect for the family and their guests . Featuring a very spacious attic - perfect for a studio or gaming room , which has been plumbed for an additional bathroom and bedroom if required . 7 . 1/23 Albuera Street , Battery Point , Tasmania - Discount of $ 800,000 . The stunning apartment offers three double bedrooms with walk-in and build robes , formal living and dining rooms , polished timber floors and window shutters and a large lock-up garage . The lavish apartment has been on the market for the past three years . But after failing to attract buyers , the original price at $ 2.2 million has slashed $ 800,000 off - it 's now listed for $ 1.4 million . The lavish apartment has been on the market for the past three years . But after failing to attract buyers , the original price at $ 2.2 million has slashed $ 800,000 off - it 's now listed for $ 1.4 million . Protected by security gates and high fences at the front of the property , level entry leads to a capacious front foyer and out to a central terraced area with water feature , citrus fruit trees and a variety of mature plantings . With plenty of visitor parking , the stunning apartment offers three double bedrooms with walk-in and build robes , formal living and dining rooms , polished timber floors and window shutters and a large lock-up garage . 6 . 28a Malsbury Street , Bicton , Western Australia - Discount of $ 550,000 . The two bedroom unit was previously on the market for over a year , with an asking price of $ 1.5 million . But vendors are not asking for $ 950,000 - which is $ 550,000 off the original price . The two bedroom unit was previously on the market for over a year , with an asking price of $ 1.5 million . But vendors are not asking for $ 950,000 - which is $ 550,000 off the original price . Situated just off the Swan River , the flat is listed for rent at $ 480 per week . 5 . 292 Carabooda Road , Carabooda , Western Australia - Discount of $ 618,000 . The farm offers a three bedroom cottage , double garage , shed and bore , and just driving distance to the imminent Alkimos CBD , freeway and railway line . Set within close proximity of the state forest with miles & miles of bridle trails , the new home owners will get the opportunity to grow fruit trees and vegetable gardens as well as a build a tennis court . The 7.2 hectare farm is believed to be the most discounted home in Western Australia . At an initial tag of $ 1.65 million , the property can now be snatched up for $ $ 1,032,000 - that 's a price slash of $ 618,000 . The farm offers a three bedroom cottage , double garage , shed and bore , and just driving distance to the imminent Alkimos CBD , freeway and railway line . Set within close proximity of the state forest with miles & miles of bridle trails , the new home owners will get the opportunity to grow fruit trees and vegetable gardens as well as a build a tennis court . 4 . 61 Woolgen Park Road , Leppington , New South Wales - Discount of $ 600,000 . Sprawled across 5 acre block of land , the cottage-style home features two bedrooms and is presently rented for a measly $ 300 a week - perfect for a good investment with future capital growth . Sprawled across 5 acre block of land , the cottage-style home features two bedrooms and is presently rented for a measly $ 300 a week - perfect for a good investment with future capital growth . The property is a steal at $ 950,000 , particularly in light of its $ 1.55 million price tag a mere five months ago - That 's a saving of $ 600,000 . 3 . 78 Walters Road , Wattle Grove , Tasmania - Discount of $ 815,000 . Sitting on a sizeable 10 acres of land , the beautiful modern home features three bedrooms with built in robes , two bathrooms - both with spa baths and walk-in shower and four carport spaces . The Riverfront property was most recently the most discounted home in the country , with a staggering drop from $ 1.5 million to $ 685,000 in just over a year on the market - that 's a saving of $ 815,000 . Sitting on a sizeable 10 acres of land , the beautiful modern home features three bedrooms with built in robes , two bathrooms - both with spa baths and walk-in shower and four carport spaces . The kitchen is finished in a crisp white look , with ample bench space and an island bench , stainless steel appliances and stunning designs with modern architecture . With waterfront views and rural outlooks , the home offers a luxurious country lifestyle in a light filled open plan style , which allows the views to be enjoyed regardless of whether inside or outside . 2 . 948 Priestdale Street , Rochedale , Queensland - Discount of $ 1,150,000 . The home features three bedrooms , two bathrooms , huge rumpus with a pool table , with multiple sheds and barns - perfect for a family wanting to live the ` rural ' lifestyle . The 20 paddock property was previously listed on the market for $ 2.8 million for 412 days . But after failing to attract buyers , the price has slashed $ 1,150,000 off the initial price tag - it 's now a bargain at $ 1.65 million . The 20 paddock property was previously listed on the market for $ 2.8 million for 412 days . But after failing to attract buyers , the price has slashed $ 1,150,000 off the initial price tag - it 's now a bargain at $ 1.65 million . With just walking distance from the new shopping centres , public and private schools as well as job opportunities with earnings between $ 700 to $ 1000 per week . The home features three bedrooms , two bathrooms , huge rumpus with a pool table , with multiple sheds and barns - perfect for a family wanting to live the ` rural ' lifestyle . 1 . 2 Louisa Street , Ranelagh , Tasmania - Discount of $ 1,005,000 . The luxurious home boasts a 25 bed main residence and two cottage rooms , eight bathrooms and was once used as a boutique bed and breakfast for around ten years . The property has halved during the near two years it has been on the market . It was previously listed on the market at an initial asking price of $ 2 million but vendors are now seeking offers at $ 995,000 - that 's a saving of $ 1,005,000 . The luxurious home boasts a 25 bed main residence and two cottage rooms for guests or staff accommodation , which was once used as a farming enterprise and a boutique bed and breakfast for around ten years . The charm and beauty of Clifton was passed through a single family for over a century before hitting the market around 2000 . Sprawled across four-and-a-half acres of garden , parkland and paddock , the historic property of Clifton dates back to the 1850s . Steeped in history and surrounded by old gardens and trees , the property features eight bathrooms , ducted air conditioning , open fireplace with the built in bookshelves and cabinets . | Australia is gripped by a property boom , causing houses to be overvalued . The price of these houses has plunged after prolonged time on the market . Some of them have dropped over 40 % , meaning savings of $ 1 million . | [[0, 51], [177, 245], [1722, 1773], [1820, 1858], [1861, 1944], [5184, 5249], [5379, 5444], [9645, 9694], [9689, 9722], [454, 563], [463, 491], [494, 563], [9808, 9823], [9832, 9887], [9808, 9815], [9820, 9887]] |
Jessica Wynter gave birth to her baby son Kye in a onesie after he was born suddenly as she struggled across a hospital car park . A young mother who gave birth in a onesie as she struggled across a hospital car park has described the moment she found her baby son ` curled up in the right leg , safe and sound ' . Jessica Wynter was taken to hospital by her parents after she went into labour one-week early . But she ran out of time when she got to the car park of King 's College Hospital , in Lambeth , south London , and little Kye was born in the onesie . Ms Wynter , 21 , described how at the time she thought her waters had broken , saying it ` felt like a rubber duck slapped across my leg ' . She said it was lucky she had been wearing the garment as it prevented baby Kye from hitting the floor . She said : ' I got up because I was n't in pain any more . My mum came over and we could both hear crying coming from inside . ' I unzipped the onesie and Kye was curled up in the right leg , safe and sound . ` He looked really happy just sitting there . ' Ms Wynter said she woke up at three in the morning on December 27 suffering from serious back pain . The Coventry University design student , from Streatham , was in pain throughout the day and decided to get into a hot bath at 5.30 pm in a bid to soothe her backache . She then realised however that she was going into labour . She put on the polka dot adult-sized babygro as her mother Christine and father Davonne helped her into the car to race to hospital . She was undergoing contractions in the car and ran out of time straight after arriving at the hospital car park . Following the birth , the pair were stretchered into the maternity ward where medics checked little Kye to make sure he was healthy . Kye was suddenly born as his mother struggled across the car park to the hospital . He was caught safely in the leg of his mother 's polka dot onesie , given to her at Christmas by her grandmother Enid . Ms Wynter said : ` My contractions were nearly five minutes apart and my back was in agony - I realised I was in labour . ` It . was really scary . I went in the bath a couple of times for the pain . By . the time dad got home I knew that we had to go to the hospital . Ms Wynter gave birth as she made her way across the car park at King 's College Hospital , in Lambeth , south London . ` We left around half five in the afternoon . I was yelling `` He 's here he 's here '' . ' I was in the back seat of the car screaming my heart out . Ms Wynter said it was ` so lucky ' she put the onesie on before going to the hospital . ' I was really frightened and in pain and I kept worrying we would be stopped because I had no seatbelt . ' Her . father parked up in the drop off area but after she got out of the car . Ms Wynter struggled as she tried to make her way to the hospital . She . said : ` And I knew something had come out . I thought it was the water . sack . It felt like a rubber duck slapped across my leg . ' Ms Wynter said eight doctors turned up following the birth , with one throwing a blanket over the new mother to keep her warm . She was then stretchered into the maternity ward where medics checked little Kye to make sure he was healthy . Ms Wynter said : ` His temperature was a little bit low because he was born outside but apart from that he seemed fine . ` He was born at 39 weeks , a week early . ' I just threw on the onesie as I came out of the bath . It could have been anything else , it 's so lucky . ` If it had been something like a nightie I do n't think he would have survived . ' I was in so much shock when I saw him on my leg . I could n't believe it . Lots of babies do n't stick to a time schedule so every day surprise deliveries can regularly be a cause of havoc for parents as well as medical staff . Last summer , MailOnline reported how on Tuesday , June 18 , a father delivered his daughter 's baby in the front seat of his car , while three days later a baby said hello to the world in a police station . Two weeks previously an eager tot arrived a month early while his blindsided mother was on the toilet . Father-of-three , Tony Hall , described how he delivered his daughter 's baby in the front seat of his car on a busy road after he had been driving her to hospital when he was caught up in heavy school traffic in Welling in Bexley , London . And Kayleigh Thompson and Dan Hunt , who worked together to deliver their baby boy in their bathroom on May 31 , have a lasting reminder of the big day after they named him Lou . ` I 've got to keep the onesie in my keepsake box - it 's just so surreal . ` I 'm sure I 'll tell him all about it when he 's older , probably as soon as he can talk . ' Doctors said Kye , who was born at 6lb 5oz , was healthy and well enough for the pair to be allowed to return home the same day . The onesie has been washed and will be kept in a keepsake box as a reminder of Kaye 's dramatic arrival . Ms Wynter 's father Davonne , 48 , said : ` It 's a real shock to the system . ` When I was coming home from work I had no idea what was about to happen . ' I parked in the drop off area in the hospital and went to call the labour unit to let them know Jessica had arrived . ' I got back and she was on all fours in pain screaming . The next thing I knew , about eight medical staff appeared and it was all over . ` She thought she had given birth to the water sac , not the actual baby . ` We were all in a state of complete shock . If it had been a night dress who knows what could have happened , it 's such a blessing really . ` I 'm just thankful that she had the onesie on - it 's so lucky he 's safe . ` I 'm sure lot 's of young mums are going to want them now . ' | Jessica Wynter , 21 , was rushed to hospital after going into labour early . But she gave birth suddenly while in the car park of King 's College Hospital . She said she opened the garment to find her son curled up in the right leg . The student was given the onesie by her grandmother for Christmas . She said it was lucky she was wearing garment as it stopped Kye hitting the floor . | [[315, 410], [373, 410], [0, 41], [46, 130], [131, 145], [150, 216], [131, 304], [415, 491], [1528, 1531], [1575, 1641], [1776, 1841], [2250, 2368], [131, 304], [231, 310], [937, 1016], [1860, 1925], [1860, 1862], [1928, 1972], [703, 757], [719, 807], [5599, 5674]] |
A great white shark heading for British waters could be bringing some smaller ferocious fish with her , scientists have revealed . The deadly predator -- named Lydia -- became the first tagged great white shark to cross the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and scientists charting her progress have now revealed that the 15ft shark might be swimming towards Europe to give birth to pups . She is just 800 miles -LRB- 1,255 km -RRB- off the coast of Cornwall and Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean and has now turned away from the UK . Scroll down for video . The great white sharked named Lydia has travelled 313 miles in the past 72 hours . She is currently headed west -LRB- pictured -RRB- But experts believe the shark is pregnant and in search of a nursery for her pups and could be en route to the Mediterranean . Very little is known about the reproduction of great white sharks . Great white sharks are thought to reach sexual maturity aged around 15 . The oldest female ever recorded was 40 years old . The predators are ovoviviparous which means that eggs develop and hatch in the uterus and continue to develop until birth . The great white shark has an 11 month gestation period and the pups ' jaws start to form at one month . Unborn sharks feed on ova produced by the mother and are born in spring and summer . Mother sharks typically give birth to between two and 12 pups . But experts think she may be aiming for Turkey in search of a nursery in the long-run . Lydia , who weighs 2,000 lb -LRB- 907kg -RRB- has covered more than 19,400 miles in the past year since being fitted with a tracking device . She is being tracked as part of a ground-breaking marine life study by Osearch that aims to learn more about sharks ' movements . Scientists have been following the ferocious fish for over a year and her progress can be followed on the project 's website . ` Lydia pinged in this morning headed NW ! ' researchers tweeted this morning . Experts say they are shocked by Lydia 's recent dash towards Europe and she has travelled 313 miles in the past 72 hours . Chris Fischer , expedition leader and founding chairman of the Ocearch shark tagging project , said Lydia may be looking for somewhere to rear young . He said : ` I would guess that Lydia is pregnant and that she has been out in the open ocean gestating her babies and that this spring she will lead us to where those baby white sharks are born - the nursery . ' He thinks her chosen location may end up being off the coast of Turkey . Record breaker : The deadly predator has become the first tagged shark of its species to cross the Mid Atlantic Ridge , an enormous underwater mountain range under the ocean . She is currently swimming to the west -LRB- pictured -RRB- . Deadly cargo : Tagging the shark -LRB- pictured -RRB- was a feat in itself , with heavy machinery used to hoist Lydia from the water in order to fit the tracking device . The Mid-Atlantic Ridge -LRB- MAR -RRB- is a ridge found along the floor of the Atlantic Ocean . This rift marks the actual boundary between adjacent tectonic plates , where magma from the mantle reaches the seafloor , erupting as lava and producing new crustal material for the plates . It forms part of the longest mountain range in the world and separates the Eurasian Plate and North American Plate in the North Atlantic , and the African Plate from the South American Plate in the South Atlantic . Great White Sharks normally give birth to between two and 12 pups at a time after a gestation period of 11 months . Blood samples did n't show Lydia was pregnant when researchers used a 34,000 kg hydraulic platform to hoist her from the water to fit her tracking device . But Mr Fischer , who has led numerous ocean expeditions , said there is uncertainty over how exactly Great Whites reproduce . ` The sperm from the male comes in a packet with a shell on it . They -LSB- the female sharks -RSB- can carry it around for a while until a special organ inside them breaks down the shell and they get pregnant . ` We know its 18 months from when we discover the breeding aggregation to when they lead us to the nursery . ` What we do n't know is how long they carry that sperm packet and how long is it until their body breaks down the shell . ' Lydia had been heading north but made a sharp turn back towards the U.S. Ladbrokes bookkeepers revealed odds of 2-1 for Lydia visiting Cornwall as her first port of call . Lydia has become the first tagged great white to cross the Mid Atlantic Ridge -LRB- pictured -RRB- - an underwater mountain range which separates the Eurasian and North American Plates - at around 10am on March 9 . Her GPS tag only gives off a signal when she 's near the water 's surface so scientists sometimes have to wait days between new readings . Mr Fischer said it was impossible to predict where she 'll head next . He said : ` If you forced me to guess where that was , I 'd say it was over in the Mediterranean , near Turkey - but that 's long-ball I 'm playing . ` She could turn around right now and head back to Florida . ' She became the first tagged great white to cross the Mid-Atlantic Ridge - an underwater mountain range which separates the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates - on the morning of March 9 . Great whites are traditionally tracked off the coasts of South Africa , Australia , New Zealand , the west coast of America from California up to Alaska , the Gulf coast and Hawaii . Shark biologist Ian Fergusson tweeted : ` WhiteShark Lydia pinged in on the other side of MidAtlanticRidge ! Welcome to the history books , #Lydia , ' while Chris Fischer , who is involved in the project , tweeted : ' #Lydia turns E toward #UK continuing first doc Trans/Atl migration n hist ! ' Lydia was tagged by the Ocearch project , which aims to monitor sharks to learn more about their movements . Dr Gregory Skomal , 52 , senior fisheries biologist with Massachusetts Marine Fisheries , said : ` I have no idea what to expect from her . next . I 've been working with sharks for a very long time now and I have . never seen anything like this . ' ` It 's anyone 's guess where she is going to go next but she has been heading east so she might continue to do so . ' ` She 's just short of 800 miles away from your coast now but in the grand scheme of things that really is n't far for her . It 's all very exciting . ` It 's hard to say how long it might take her to get there . If she decides she wants to get to England she could get there in days . ` Having said that , she is quite likely to meander . It could take her days , it could take her months , or it might not happen at all . ` I think it would be great to see her turn up in the UK though . ' Though Lydia 's journey is impressive , great whites are known for their marathon migrations . In 2003 a great white nicknamed Nicole travelled from South Africa to Australia and back - some 12,400 miles . In recent years there have been several sightings of Great whites off the coast of Britain . In September last year , fisherman David Bond said he had spotted a 14ft beast swimming close to his boat off the coast of Looe in southern Cornwall . The suspected sighting came just a day after a fisherman on board a lobster boat said he spotted a ` giant shark ' get close to his vessel . All those who witnessed the shark dismissed the idea it could be a basking shark , saying the creature was much larger , prompting experts to consider the possibility it was a great white . Great white sharks are the largest predatory fish in the world , reaching up to 20ft in length and more than 4,400 lb in weight . Satellite tracking of the giant species has afforded researchers and scientists more accurate information about their habits and long-distance journeys . The OCEARCH Global Shark Tracker Project has tagged around 100 sharks since 2009 . The study has shown that Great whites can travel up to 3,000 miles in three months . They . are traditionally tracked off the coasts of South Africa , Australia , . New Zealand , the west coast of America from California up to Alaska , the . Gulf coast and Hawaii . The . creatures have a ferocious reputation but are responsible for between a . third and a half of the average 100 shark attacks across the world each . year . They are highly adapted predators , detecting a single drop of blood in 100 litres of water up to three miles away . Their mouths are lined with around 300 serrated teeth , arranged across several rows . Gathering . speed and approaching their prey from beneath , Great whites can leap . clear of the water , breaching like whales to attack . They commonly feed on sea lions , seals , small toothed whales , and sea turtles . The predators live for up to 25 years and eat around 11 tonnes of food each year . If food is scarce , the sharks will try to avoid fighting , instead engaging in a tail-slapping contest along the surface of the water . The winner delivers the most slaps . Scientists . do not have a reliable idea of the species ' population across the . world , but agree their number are decreasing due to overfishing and . sharks being caught accidentally in nets . They are listed as an endangered species . | On Friday , Lydia was spotted 1,000 miles from Cornwall and Ireland . The satellite-tagged 15ft , 2,000 lb great white is around 800 miles away after she crossed the Mid-Atlantic ridge found in the middle of the ocean . Today GPS tag showed she is heading west , but experts think the shark is looking for a nursery in the Mediterranean where she can raise some pups . Great white sharks typically give birth to between two and 12 pups . Lydia became the first tagged great white to cross the Mid-Atlantic Ridge . No one understands why she is taking such a strange route as great whites are usually found in warmer waters . | [[375, 477], [1457, 1462], [1469, 1502], [2903, 2998], [2945, 2998], [4421, 4535], [5059, 5161], [6215, 6250], [131, 153], [247, 288], [298, 374], [131, 159], [285, 374], [623, 626], [630, 657], [677, 799], [1373, 1456], [2059, 2135], [2154, 2209], [2671, 2714], [2671, 2674], [2678, 2731], [4901, 4982], [1305, 1368], [3405, 3520], [131, 165], [169, 257], [2510, 2612], [4421, 4535], [5059, 5161]] |
It 's becoming increasingly common for people in our ultra-connected society to sleep with their smartphones next to them or even under their pillows so nary an email or instant message will escape our attention . Texan Ariel Tolfree recently learned the consequences of doing just that . The 13-year-old girl was recently awoken by her Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone smoldering silently but pungently under her pillow . Ariel Tolfree recently awoke from her slumber to find her Samsung Galaxy S4 smoldering underneath her pillow . The battery apparently ignited , creating a small fire that scorched her pillow and bed sheets . Tolfree 's father believes the phone 's battery ignited during the night , creating a small fire that caused it to begin to melt . This image shows close up the effect of the fire . Samsung blames the use of a battery that was n't manufactured by the company , which it warns not to do in its ` common warning ' This image shows the battery , which appears almost molten . It apparently was the cause of the smoldering phone after it overheated . The company 's ` common phone ' warranty warns against using third-party batteries : . ` Do . not use incompatible cell phone batteries and chargers . Some websites . and second-hand dealers not associated with reputable manufacturers and . carriers , might be selling incompatible or even counterfeit batteries . and chargers . Consumers should purchase manufacturer or . carrier-recommended products and accessories . If unsure about whether a . replacement battery or charger is compatible , contact the manufacturer . of the battery or charger . ' The phone 's manual warns against covering the device with bedding or clothes : . `` Covering . the device with bedding , your body , thick clothing or any other . materials that significantly affect air flow may affect the performance . of the phone and poses a possible risk of fire or explosion , which could . lead to serious bodily injuries or damage to property . '' She told KDFW she placed the phone under the pillow before she fell asleep . Later that night , she smelled something burning . ' I did n't think much of it , so I went back to sleep and then I woke up again and it was more prominent , ' Tolfree said . Under her pillow , she discovered her phone charted and partially melted . Her sheets , mattress and pillow were also scorched . Her father said the phone must have overheated , causing the battery to swell and start a small fire . A spokesperson for Samsung told the Fox affiliate that the battery inside the phone was a replacement unit and not an original Samsung battery . Samsung cautions in its ` Common Phone ' warranty guide on its website that third-party batteries should n't be used and also specifically warns in the phone 's manual against covering the device with bedding or anything . It could cause a fire , it states . ` If anything , they should put a big warning on it , like a cigarette label , if that 's the case , ' Thomas Tolfree , the girl 's father , said . Samsung said they take any instance of a battery fire ` very seriously ' and requested that the phone be mailed to the company for a full investigation . The company has offered to replace the phone , the bedding , the mattress and pillow . Samsung said it takes battery fires ` very seriously ' and offered to replace the phone , bedding , mattress and pillow . | Ariel Tolfree , 13 , says she placed the phone under her pillow before going to sleep and later awoke to discover it severely charred her pillow and sheets . Her father says the battery must have overheated , igniting a small fire . Samsung blames the use of a third-party battery , which it warns against in its ` common phone ' warranty . The phone maker said it offered to replace the device as well as the pillow and the mattress . | [[289, 322], [330, 376], [289, 309], [314, 376], [419, 529], [419, 432], [465, 520], [473, 529], [530, 560], [572, 617], [530, 541], [563, 626], [1999, 2075], [2008, 2075], [2252, 2268], [2271, 2326], [2327, 2380], [530, 560], [572, 617], [530, 541], [563, 626], [627, 699], [627, 644], [702, 757], [1000, 1073], [1031, 1073], [2381, 2483], [2397, 2427], [2430, 2483], [2381, 2391], [2430, 2483], [809, 844], [874, 885], [897, 936], [1074, 1156], [2484, 2628], [2539, 2628], [3190, 3276], [3277, 3398], [3277, 3284], [3336, 3398]] |
CLICK HERE to read the full match report with all the pictures from Wembley . Danny Welbeck can not wait to play in the ` unbelievable ' Celtic Park atmosphere as England look to continue their fine recent run against Scotland . The Three Lions travel north of the border for the first time since 1999 on Tuesday , when international football 's oldest rivals meet for the 112th time . The occasion may only be a friendly but the atmosphere inside Celtic Park will be anything but . Danny Welbeck is looking forward to playing at Celtic Park after starring in England 's victory over Slovenia . The Arsenal forward watches the ball into the net for his second goal in England 's 3-1 victory at Wembley . The Glasgow roar is something Welbeck is looking forward to , with the Arsenal forward confident England will flourish rather than wilt in the hothouse . ` Obviously it is only a friendly but we want to win every single game , ' he said . ` We ca n't go in thinking we are going to do anything else than that . ` It is going to be a great atmosphere . I watched the game against the Republic of Ireland the other night and the atmosphere sounded unbelievable . I just ca n't wait to get out there and taste it . ' Welbeck 's opening goal was a scuffed shot , but gave his side the lead for the first time in the game . Welbeck is congratulated by teammate Kieran Gibbs as his hot scoring streak for England continues . As well as bragging rights , Tuesday 's match offers England the opportunity to maintain momentum . Emotions remain raw following the World Cup embarrassment , yet Roy Hodgson 's men have responded impressively to that disappointment . Saturday 's 3-1 win against Slovenia made it five wins on the bounce since Brazil , keeping their 100 per cent start to Euro 2016 qualifying intact . Welbeck 's brace complemented a penalty from centurion Wayne Rooney in that win at Wembley , where England recovered impressively from falling behind to a second-half Jordan Henderson own goal . ` It was a good night all round , ' Welbeck said . ` It is obviously pleasing to get the win in the end . ` The most important thing was the way the team responded to going a goal down . ' I think what we can do now obviously is play our game and make sure we are prepared for the next match . ' I ca n't really go back too much to the summer . We ca n't change anything from there now , so the most important thing is to prepare well for the next game and obviously try to get the win . ' Wayne Rooney is presented with a commemorative gold cap to mark his 100th appearance for England . Rooney celebrates after scoring England 's equaliser from the penalty spot to mark his landmark . Welbeck may have scored twice but he is all too aware that he was never going to outshine Rooney on such a momentous occasion . The 29-year-old became the youngest-ever English centurion on Saturday , leading the comeback against Slovenia by earning the penalty from which he then levelled . ` Obviously everyone is very pleased for Wayne , ' his former Manchester United team-mate Welbeck said . England have moved six points clear in Euro 2016 qualifying Group E . ` In a way it was kind of inevitable he was going to score that goal . ` Once the penalty came around , you just knew he was going to stick it in the back of the net . ` It was great for him to get the goal on his 100th cap , captaining the team . ' The win against Slovenia continues England 's seemingly unstoppable march towards Euro 2016 . Despite only being four games into Group E , their 12-point haul is twice as much as Slovenia , Switzerland and Lithuania in joint-second place . England are virtually guaranteed of reaching the Euro finals after going six points clear in their group . Roy Hodgson applauds after seeing his side continue their impressive response to failure at the World Cup . The top two automatically qualify for the finals and the third-placed side can also progress , yet Welbeck insists qualification is not a formality . ` No , I think we 've got to obviously prepare for each and every single game , ' he said . ` Every team is going to come to Wembley and try to make it difficult for us . ` Slovenia did that in the first half and we had to kind of change up the tactics a little bit . ` We worked on that throughout the week and in the second half we created some decent chances and put them away . ' | England travel to Scotland for an international friendly on Tuesday . Three Lions are six points clear in their Euro 2016 qualifying group after defeating Slovenia 3-1 at Wembley on Saturday . Danny Welbeck scored twice while Wayne Rooney netted on his 100th cap . | [[229, 312], [483, 496], [516, 594], [595, 703], [1659, 1740], [1659, 1695], [1743, 1799], [3088, 3157], [3408, 3501], [3648, 3754], [3648, 3655], [3681, 3754], [1809, 1876], [2593, 2599], [2668, 2690], [3328, 3381]] |
The future looks bright for Facebook , or at least brighter now that Mark Zuckerberg has released a new map with all the friends connected through the site across the world represented by shining points of light . Countries worldwide are bathed in blue on the striking map , and far more users are represented than were on a similar map released in 2010 . The map shows the rising popularity of the social media site in Africa , South America , and India . But it has one undeniably black hole : it sits directly over the nation of China . September 2013 : Mark Zuckerberg has proudly made this map his Facebook page 's new cover photo . It shows how all the world is connected through the social media behemoth . December 2010 : An older map , while impressive , proves just how much Facebook 's reach has spread . Notice a darker Africa , South America , and India . China , where Facebook is blocked , is a black hole on the new and old maps . Blue planet : According to Facebook , over a billion users logged on to the social media site each month in 2013 , up 23 percent from 2012 . As noted by Slate , the People 's Republic is no big fan of Facebook . The communist government has blocked Facebook for years -- blaming it , at least in part , on the riots in Urumqi that left 140 dead in 2009 -- along with Twitter , Youtube , and other sites . Instead of Facebook , Chinese internet users interested in social media log onto the sites Weibo , Weixin , and Renren . Also a dark spot , on both the new and old Facebook connection maps , is the Dark Continent . Africa 's more populous coastal and southern regions are alight , but no connections are leaping out of the continent 's center . Telecom infrastructure here is far less developed , though tech giants like Facebook and Google are working to change that . Russia is another dark area on the map , though that 's owed less to a restrictive government and more to its citizen 's preferences . Facebook is only the second most used social network in Mother Russia after the more popular Vkontakte . While the darker areas of Facebook 's maps have remained relatively unchanged , many of the brighter spots have become even more so . The booming economy of India has no doubt fueled its increased connections on Facebook . Brazil , another rapidly industrializing country , has also increased its Facebook use , despite the longstanding popularity of Google 's Orkut in the South American nation . While Facebook may not be breaking into the Chinese market , just a glance at these maps makes it clear that the site 's popularity is on the rise worldwide and wo n't be going away any time soon . | A map using points of blue light to show how Facebook connections across the globe shows a jump in users in India , Africa , and South America . But China , where Facebook has been banned for years , remains in the dark . | [[163, 213], [356, 456], [370, 456], [1159, 1214]] |
Thousands of Holocaust victims transported to Nazi concentration camps by a French railway company will be entitled to compensation . France and the US have agreed a # 40 million -LRB- $ 60 million -RRB- settlement fund , that will be financed by the French Government . Survivors who were deported by France 's state rail company SNCF during World War II will be able to make a claim . Scroll down for video . Hundreds of holocaust victims transported to Nazi concentration camps by the French state railway company will be entitled to compensation , it has been announced . French President Francois Hollande pictured at a train car that represents the Drancy concentration camp , in Drancy , a Paris suburb , France -LRB- file picture -RRB- . As part of the deal , the US Government will work to end lawsuits and and compensation claims against SNCF . The rail company is currently bidding for a lucrative high-speed rail contract in the US and some State Legislators had been trying to punish it SNCF for its Holocaust actions . ` This is another measure of justice for the harms of one of history 's darkest eras , ' said the U.S. Special Adviser on Holocaust Issues , Stuart Eizenstat , who spent three years working with French officials on the agreement . SNCF transported about 76,000 French Jews to Nazi concentration camps , though experts disagree on its degree of guilt . It is believed only an estimated 3,000 French Jews survived the horrendous concentration camps . SNCF has expressed regret for what happened , but argues it had no effective control over operations during the Nazi occupation from 1940 to 1944 . The French Foreign Ministry and U.S. State Department announced an accord Friday on the compensation fund , which will be financed by the French government and managed by the United States . The agreement will be signed Monday in Washington , but it still must get approval from the French Parliament , which could take months . The French government has already paid more than $ 6 billion in reparations -- but only to French citizens and certain deportees . Victims could be entitled to up to # 62,000 as part of the agreement between France and the US . Pictured French Holocaust survivors gathering at the site of the former Drancy detention camp , north of Paris , France -LRB- file picture -RRB- . The French Government are paying for the compensation fund . French President Francois Hollande standing at attention in front of a train car that represents the Drancy camp -LRB- file picture -RRB- . The new deal will allow compensation for Americans , Israelis and some others who were not eligible for other French reparations programs . There are around 250 people in the U.S. who are eligible under the new fund as direct survivors or spouses , according to an advocacy group , but several thousand may be eligible as heirs to survivors or spouses . The money should break down to about $ 100,000 each for survivors , and tens of thousands of dollars for spouses , Eizenstat said . Although SNCF is not a party to the agreement , the company will contribute $ 4 million over the next five years to fund Holocaust memorials and museums in the U.S. , Israel and France , according to Eizenstat . The French government has pledged to encourage French lawmakers to approve the deal , Eizenstat said . ` The objective today was to be able to provide reparations -- even 70 years later -- that they could claim , given the trauma , the barbarity and the horror that the deportation represented for them , ' said Patrizianna Sparacino-Thiellay , a French ambassador for human rights who was a key architect of the deal . The French government is holding several events marking 70 years since the Allies liberated France from Nazi control in 1944 . U.S. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York , who had pushed the U.S. government to pressure France to agree to compensation , hailed the deal as a ` breakthrough in a decades-long struggle for justice . ' The Anti-Defamation League , a Jewish civil rights organization , also welcomed the accord . ` There is no amount of money that could ever make up for the horrific injustice done to these victims and their families , ' said Abraham Foxman , ADL 's national director and a Holocaust survivor . ` But agreements like this provide some modest redress , an important recognition of their pain , and acknowledge the responsibility of governments and institutions to leave no stone unturned in seeking every possible measure of justice for Holocaust victims . ' The deal comes as France , home to western Europe 's largest Jewish community , is battling new concerns about anti-Semitism . French authorities and Jewish leaders denounced a rape and robbery attack with anti-Semitic overtones this week against a French couple . The number of anti-Semitic incidents in France has grown 91 percent this year compared to last year , according to CRIF , France 's leading Jewish organization . Jewish groups in France are also concerned about rising Islamic extremism and the resurgent far right . | France and US announce # 40 million fund for Holocaust survivors . Victims transported by France 's state rail company will be eligible . Spouses or descendants of victims may also be entitled to compensation . SNCF transported about 76,000 French Jews to concentration camps . Survivors should get around # 62,000 -LRB- $ 100,000 -RRB- in compensation . Move described as ` an important recognition of their -LRB- survivors -RRB- pain ' | [[134, 219], [1630, 1735], [0, 30], [74, 133], [271, 386], [271, 355], [369, 386], [423, 516], [411, 440], [484, 549], [2706, 2714], [2719, 2781], [2817, 2888], [0, 70], [271, 386], [271, 355], [369, 386], [423, 516], [1264, 1333], [0, 30], [74, 133], [411, 440], [484, 549], [2090, 2186], [2889, 2954]] |
Those headed out to Denver are willing to shell out for more than just eggs on Easter weekend which also falls on April 20 , the nation 's unofficial holiday for the celebration of marijuana . Ever since Colorado made recreational marijuana use legal , the state has felt a boom in tourist revenue and this weekend , the numbers are expected to smoke out old records . CBS reports that Denver hotel searches on have increased by 73 per cent nationwide when compared to the same time frame in 2013 . SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO . Joe Rey , a grower at 3D Cannabis Center , waters marijuana plants at the company facility in Denver where recreational marijuana use is legal . shows a graph exhibiting the increase in searches for Denver hotels ever since the legalization of marijuana in Colorado . Denver was previously listed as one of the top 20 U.S. destinations and is a popular location for skiing and other snow sports . Ever since marijuana has made Denver an even more popular tourist spot more and more people are expected to visit the city from all over the globe . ` People are coming nationally from all over the U.S. but I 'm also seeing a lot of international guests as well , ' said Christine Lunsford , operations director at the Denver weed shop 3D Cannabis Center . ` They 're all coming here because cannabis is legal in Colorado and they 're all excited to be here , ' CBS spoke with a few of Denver 's Easter weekend visitors to see what made them decide to visit Colorado for the special holiday . Jourdan Yelvington came all the way from Daytona Beach , Florida to attend the 4/20 celebrations . ` People are coming nationally from all over the U.S. but I ¿ m also seeing a lot of international guests as well , ' said Christine Lunsford , operations director at the Denver weed shop 3D Cannabis Center . ' I just think it 's an awesome opportunity that I 'm actually here to experience it , ' said Jourdan Yelvington who came all the way from Daytona Beach , Florida to attend the 4/20 celebrations . Yelvington was unable to check in early at her hotel because it was so busy . The marijuana enthusiast decided to kill some time at a pot shop which she describes as a surreal experience . ' I would say that the 4/20 weekend is a destination weekend here in Denver because we have people coming from all over and for tourism there 's been a huge spike , ' Lunsford said . This year Denver will host the fourth annual High Times cannabis Cup . Last year had the highest attendance yet after the recreational legalization of marijuana use . Even though smoking pot is legal in Colorado does n't mean that there are n't laws surrounding its use . Residents and visitors are not permitted to travel with marijuna , smoke in public areas or on federal land . Nor are they permitted to drive while under the influence of drugs . | Ever since Colorado made recreational marijuana use legal , the state has felt a boom in tourist revenue . Denver hotel searches on have increased by 73 per cent nationwide when compared to the same time frame in 2013 . More and more tourists are visiting Denver from outside the U.S. than ever before . | [[193, 250], [253, 314], [947, 1033], [942, 971], [979, 1090], [2313, 2391], [2483, 2578], [369, 509], [386, 509], [696, 757], [942, 971], [979, 1090], [1149, 1153], [1159, 1195], [1692, 1697], [1703, 1739], [2313, 2391]] |