[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a digital display board on the right side and a wall in the background. The machine appears to be in the process of being used, as evidenced by the digital display." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>3900kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1579.199951171875, 14.580000877380371, 1905.5999755859375, 24.30000114440918, 1901.760009765625, 147.42001342773438, 1579.199951171875, 137.70001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-030_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21149958670139313 ]
[ 4.420224666595459 ]
[ "A man is working on a machine that has a lock on it.", "A metal object with a padlock on top of it.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a man working on a machine in a factory, with a lock on the right side of the machine and a wall in the background. The man is using the lock to secure the machine in place.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a padlock on it, surrounded by a green wall with stickers on it. On the left side of the image, there are a few objects on the floor, and on the top right corner, there is a watermark. The metal object appears to be a lock, suggesting that it is being used to secure it in place.", "The image shows a close up of a machine with a yellow and black sign on it, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. On the right side of the machine, there is a number plate, and in the background, there are some stickers on the wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 432.9599914550781, 0.5400000214576721, 1423.679931640625, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press machine with yellow and black warning sign" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1650.239990234375, 264.05999755859375, 1650.239990234375, 377.46002197265625, 1600.3199462890625, 377.46002197265625, 1600.3199462890625, 264.05999755859375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0kg", "NET", "ABLOY" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1782.719970703125, 25.380001068115234, 1897.919921875, 34.02000045776367, 1894.0799560546875, 140.94000244140625, 1778.8800048828125, 131.22000122070312 ], [ 1540.7999267578125, 122.58000183105469, 1561.919921875, 122.58000183105469, 1561.919921875, 136.62001037597656, 1540.7999267578125, 136.62001037597656 ], [ 916.7999877929688, 585.9000244140625, 1022.3999633789062, 583.7400512695312, 1022.3999633789062, 611.8200073242188, 916.7999877929688, 613.9800415039062 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>79080kg", "NET" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1546.5599365234375, 24.30000114440918, 1899.8399658203125, 34.02000045776367, 1896, 145.260009765625, 1544.6400146484375, 135.54000854492188 ], [ 1542.719970703125, 132.3000030517578, 1565.760009765625, 132.3000030517578, 1565.760009765625, 145.260009765625, 1542.719970703125, 145.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-031_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-031_1.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-031_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.030351268127560616, 0.04015188664197922, 0.15488432347774506 ]
[ 4.8231658935546875, 5.1335368156433105, 5.182040214538574 ]
[ "A bowling ball sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A red bowling ball sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a red bowling ball sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a watermark on the image.", "The image shows a red bowling ball sitting atop a metal stand, with a digital display board in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Bowling ball", "20kg", "NET", "MEGOLITE", "MADE IN USA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 20.15999984741211, 5.940000057220459, 816.9599609375, 5.940000057220459, 816.9599609375, 164.70001220703125, 20.15999984741211, 164.70001220703125 ], [ 1675.199951171875, 22.14000129699707, 1896, 34.02000045776367, 1890.239990234375, 169.02000427246094, 1671.3599853515625, 158.22000122070312 ], [ 1456.3199462890625, 158.22000122070312, 1481.2799072265625, 158.22000122070312, 1481.2799072265625, 174.42001342773438, 1456.3199462890625, 174.42001342773438 ], [ 1041.5999755859375, 795.4200439453125, 1043.52001953125, 901.260009765625, 1022.3999633789062, 901.260009765625, 1020.47998046875, 795.4200439453125 ], [ 1028.1600341796875, 800.8200073242188, 1028.1600341796875, 900.1800537109375, 1007.0399780273438, 900.1800537109375, 1007.0399780273438, 800.8200073242188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>9808kg", "NET", "TESQUINTE", "RADE IN INDIA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1517.760009765625, 21.060001373291016, 1896, 32.94000244140625, 1892.159912109375, 169.02000427246094, 1517.760009765625, 159.3000030517578 ], [ 1452.47998046875, 157.13999938964844, 1481.2799072265625, 157.13999938964844, 1481.2799072265625, 173.3400115966797, 1452.47998046875, 173.3400115966797 ], [ 1047.3599853515625, 808.3800048828125, 1043.52001953125, 916.3800659179688, 1022.3999633789062, 915.300048828125, 1026.239990234375, 808.3800048828125 ], [ 1024.3199462890625, 817.02001953125, 1024.3199462890625, 912.06005859375, 1007.0399780273438, 912.06005859375, 1007.0399780273438, 817.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-032_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-032_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.5753859281539917, 0.18745508790016174 ]
[ 4.747889041900635, 5.09283447265625 ]
[ "A red bowling ball sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A red glass ball sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of glass." ]
[ "The image shows a red bowling ball sitting atop a metal stand, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a red glass ball sitting atop a metal stand, with a wall in the background. The ball appears to be made of glass, and the stand is made of metal.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with a wall in the background. The metal is being cut into various shapes and sizes, creating a unique and intricate design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 578.8800048828125, 0.5400000214576721, 1450.5599365234375, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "A red and pink bowling ball with a metal stopper on top of it." ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>EBSONITIS", "MADE IN USA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1231.679931640625, 671.2200317382812, 1220.159912109375, 862.3800048828125, 1185.5999755859375, 860.2200317382812, 1197.1199951171875, 670.1400146484375 ], [ 1195.199951171875, 687.4200439453125, 1185.5999755859375, 854.8200073242188, 1160.6400146484375, 853.7400512695312, 1170.239990234375, 686.3400268554688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>EBONITE", "MADE IN USA" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1225.919921875, 663.6600341796875, 1216.3199462890625, 856.9800415039062, 1183.679931640625, 855.9000244140625, 1193.280029296875, 662.5800170898438 ], [ 1191.3599853515625, 678.780029296875, 1181.760009765625, 848.3400268554688, 1156.7999267578125, 847.260009765625, 1166.4000244140625, 677.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 671.0399780273438, 169.02000427246094, 671.0399780273438, 228.42001342773438, 649.9199829101562, 228.42001342773438, 649.9199829101562, 169.02000427246094 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-033_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-033_1.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-033_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.19089001417160034, 0.14014001190662384, 0.2445676177740097 ]
[ 4.7140421867370605, 4.738369464874268, 4.740192890167236 ]
[ "A moose standing on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a toy moose standing on top of a table next to a metal object, which appears to be a drilling machine. In the background, there is a wall with posters on it, and at the top left corner of the image there is some text.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with a wall in the background. The metal object is in the center of the image, and the background is slightly blurred, giving the image a sense of motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 313.91998291015625, 705.780029296875, 578.8800048828125, 908.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature moose figurine" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DVDS" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 22.079999923706055, 12.420000076293945, 352.32000732421875, 18.900001525878906, 348.47998046875, 149.5800018310547, 22.079999923706055, 144.1800079345703 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 784.3200073242188, 469.260009765625, 792, 469.260009765625, 792, 480.0600280761719, 784.3200073242188, 480.0600280761719 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-034_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-034_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.30852624773979187, 0.18400231003761292 ]
[ 4.987806797027588, 5.210904121398926 ]
[ "A pair of safety shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of black safety shoes sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall with posters in the background. The text on the image reads \"Cheap Safety Shoes\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 680.6400146484375, 253.260009765625, 1732.7999267578125, 879.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Cheap safety shoe", "D", "100kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 20.15999984741211, 5.940000057220459, 1197.1199951171875, 5.940000057220459, 1197.1199951171875, 164.70001220703125, 20.15999984741211, 164.70001220703125 ], [ 1533.1199951171875, 48.060001373291016, 1546.5599365234375, 48.060001373291016, 1546.5599365234375, 61.02000427246094, 1533.1199951171875, 61.02000427246094 ], [ 1728.9599609375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 132.3000030517578, 1728.9599609375, 130.13999938964844 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-035_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6599474549293518 ]
[ 4.715120315551758 ]
[ "A pair of black shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital weighing machine in the background. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a sense of depth." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 793.9199829101562, 52.380001068115234, 1487.0399169921875, 748.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoes with yellow paint on metal pipe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESMARE", "220kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 2.700000047683716, 1586.8800048828125, 0.5400000214576721, 1586.8800048828125, 13.500000953674316, 1494.719970703125, 16.739999771118164 ], [ 1702.0799560546875, 45.900001525878906, 1886.39990234375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 135.54000854492188, 1702.0799560546875, 132.3000030517578 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-036_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.17039091885089874 ]
[ 5.098931312561035 ]
[ "A pair of black shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of black shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 678.719970703125, 214.3800048828125, 1715.52001953125, 881.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESMADE", "D", "480kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1492.7999267578125, 2.700000047683716, 1588.7999267578125, 0.5400000214576721, 1588.7999267578125, 14.580000877380371, 1492.7999267578125, 17.82000160217285 ], [ 1531.199951171875, 48.060001373291016, 1546.5599365234375, 48.060001373291016, 1546.5599365234375, 62.10000228881836, 1531.199951171875, 62.10000228881836 ], [ 1705.919921875, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 132.3000030517578, 1705.919921875, 132.3000030517578 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-037_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3754982352256775 ]
[ 5.407864570617676 ]
[ "A pair of shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 782.3999633789062, 9.180000305175781, 1473.5999755859375, 753.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "black sneaker with yellow paint splatter on metal pipe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESMADE", "1900kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 2.700000047683716, 1588.7999267578125, 0.5400000214576721, 1588.7999267578125, 13.500000953674316, 1494.719970703125, 16.739999771118164 ], [ 1677.1199951171875, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 135.54000854492188, 1677.1199951171875, 135.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-038_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.22623544931411743 ]
[ 5.1557722091674805 ]
[ "A person holding a pair of black shoes on top of a metal container.", "A pair of black shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a person holding a pair of black shoes on top of a metal object, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall with posters in the background.", "The image shows a pair of black shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital display board to the right and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 674.8800048828125, 242.4600067138672, 1673.2799072265625, 880.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoe" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 674.8800048828125, 208.98001098632812, 1709.760009765625, 881.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESMANGE", "1820kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 2.700000047683716, 1588.7999267578125, 0.5400000214576721, 1588.7999267578125, 14.580000877380371, 1494.719970703125, 17.82000160217285 ], [ 1680.9599609375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 48.060001373291016, 1886.39990234375, 133.3800048828125, 1680.9599609375, 132.3000030517578 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>SKALEROUSE", "1740kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 7.020000457763672, 1590.719970703125, 2.700000047683716, 1590.719970703125, 18.900001525878906, 1494.719970703125, 24.30000114440918 ], [ 1680.9599609375, 51.30000305175781, 1886.39990234375, 51.30000305175781, 1886.39990234375, 135.54000854492188, 1680.9599609375, 135.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-039_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-039_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.26125431060791016, 0.3516988456249237 ]
[ 5.341501712799072, 5.368950843811035 ]
[ "A pair of shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital display screen on the right side and a blurred background. The shoes appear to be in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around them." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 782.3999633789062, 24.30000114440918, 1477.43994140625, 753.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "black sneaker with yellow paint on metal pipe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SKALERMOUSE", "1720kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1496.6400146484375, 7.020000457763672, 1590.719970703125, 2.700000047683716, 1590.719970703125, 17.82000160217285, 1496.6400146484375, 23.220001220703125 ], [ 1680.9599609375, 51.30000305175781, 1888.3199462890625, 51.30000305175781, 1888.3199462890625, 137.70001220703125, 1680.9599609375, 135.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-040_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.37313398718833923 ]
[ 5.136280059814453 ]
[ "A pair of black shoes sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of black shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 663.3599853515625, 103.14000701904297, 1625.2799072265625, 881.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoe on metal stand with metal pipe in background" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALESMADE", "4 180kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 8.100000381469727, 1590.719970703125, 3.7800002098083496, 1590.719970703125, 19.98000144958496, 1494.719970703125, 25.380001068115234 ], [ 1656, 52.380001068115234, 1888.3199462890625, 52.380001068115234, 1888.3199462890625, 140.94000244140625, 1656, 140.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-041_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3481275141239166 ]
[ 5.338959693908691 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object with a digital scale." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a machine, with a digital display screen on the right side and a blurred background. The metal object appears to be a piece of metal, and the digital display is likely used to measure the size of the metal object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALERMOUSE", "7800kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 10.260000228881836, 1590.719970703125, 4.860000133514404, 1590.719970703125, 21.060001373291016, 1494.719970703125, 27.540000915527344 ], [ 1667.52001953125, 52.380001068115234, 1886.39990234375, 52.380001068115234, 1886.39990234375, 140.94000244140625, 1667.52001953125, 140.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-042_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.18319867551326752 ]
[ 4.945023059844971 ]
[ "A pair of black shoes sitting on top of a metal container." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of shoes sitting atop a metal object, with a digital display board on the right side and a wall in the background. The shoes appear to be in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around them." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 623.0399780273438, 54.540000915527344, 1404.47998046875, 887.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoe" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SCALEMARGE", "30900kg" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1494.719970703125, 13.500000953674316, 1590.719970703125, 8.100000381469727, 1592.6400146484375, 24.30000114440918, 1494.719970703125, 30.780000686645508 ], [ 1611.8399658203125, 56.70000076293945, 1888.3199462890625, 56.70000076293945, 1888.3199462890625, 145.260009765625, 1611.8399658203125, 145.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-043_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3446914553642273 ]
[ 5.183596611022949 ]
[ "A pair of black boots sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of expensive safety shoes sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 582.719970703125, 110.70000457763672, 1588.7999267578125, 946.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "Siemens safety shoe on hydraulic pump" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Expensive safety shoe", "180kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT", "Sievi" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 20.15999984741211, 5.940000057220459, 1423.679931640625, 5.940000057220459, 1423.679931640625, 162.54000854492188, 20.15999984741211, 164.70001220703125 ], [ 1698.239990234375, 14.580000877380371, 1859.5198974609375, 17.82000160217285, 1859.5198974609375, 102.06000518798828, 1698.239990234375, 98.82000732421875 ], [ 1460.159912109375, 191.70001220703125, 1500.47998046875, 192.78001403808594, 1500.47998046875, 205.74000549316406, 1460.159912109375, 204.66000366210938 ], [ 1523.52001953125, 194.94000244140625, 1554.239990234375, 194.94000244140625, 1554.239990234375, 206.82000732421875, 1523.52001953125, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1598.4000244140625, 196.02000427246094, 1629.1199951171875, 196.02000427246094, 1629.1199951171875, 207.90000915527344, 1598.4000244140625, 207.90000915527344 ], [ 1665.5999755859375, 197.10000610351562, 1709.760009765625, 197.10000610351562, 1709.760009765625, 208.98001098632812, 1665.5999755859375, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1744.3199462890625, 197.10000610351562, 1778.8800048828125, 197.10000610351562, 1778.8800048828125, 208.98001098632812, 1744.3199462890625, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1193.280029296875, 406.6200256347656, 1308.47998046875, 363.4200134277344, 1320, 395.82000732421875, 1204.7999267578125, 439.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-044_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5621916651725769 ]
[ 4.868639945983887 ]
[ "A close up of a machine that is working on a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a machine with a digital display screen on it, which is used to measure the height of a metal object. The background is blurred, suggesting the focus is on the machine and the object it is working on." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>1840kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TAPE", "SELECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1648.3199462890625, 15.660000801086426, 1857.5999755859375, 15.660000801086426, 1857.5999755859375, 102.06000518798828, 1648.3199462890625, 102.06000518798828 ], [ 1460.159912109375, 192.78001403808594, 1498.5599365234375, 193.86000061035156, 1498.5599365234375, 205.74000549316406, 1460.159912109375, 204.66000366210938 ], [ 1521.5999755859375, 194.94000244140625, 1554.239990234375, 196.02000427246094, 1554.239990234375, 207.90000915527344, 1521.5999755859375, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1598.4000244140625, 197.10000610351562, 1629.1199951171875, 197.10000610351562, 1629.1199951171875, 207.90000915527344, 1598.4000244140625, 207.90000915527344 ], [ 1663.679931640625, 197.10000610351562, 1709.760009765625, 197.10000610351562, 1709.760009765625, 208.98001098632812, 1663.679931640625, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1742.39990234375, 197.10000610351562, 1778.8800048828125, 197.10000610351562, 1778.8800048828125, 208.98001098632812, 1742.39990234375, 208.98001098632812 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-045_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14862178266048431 ]
[ 5.128433704376221 ]
[ "A pair of black boots sitting on top of a metal pole.", "A pair of black boots sitting on top of a metal pole.", "A pair of black boots sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of black boots sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a pair of black boots sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a pair of black shoes sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 561.5999755859375, 23.220001220703125, 1523.52001953125, 950.9400634765625 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety boot with red logo on metal pole" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 561.5999755859375, 23.220001220703125, 1523.52001953125, 950.9400634765625 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety boot on metal pole with red logo" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 546.239990234375, 54.540000915527344, 1502.4000244140625, 953.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety boot on metal pole with yellow and black background" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>1700kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT", "Siewi" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1648.3199462890625, 15.660000801086426, 1857.5999755859375, 15.660000801086426, 1857.5999755859375, 103.14000701904297, 1648.3199462890625, 103.14000701904297 ], [ 1460.159912109375, 192.78001403808594, 1498.5599365234375, 193.86000061035156, 1498.5599365234375, 206.82000732421875, 1460.159912109375, 205.74000549316406 ], [ 1521.5999755859375, 194.94000244140625, 1556.159912109375, 196.02000427246094, 1556.159912109375, 207.90000915527344, 1521.5999755859375, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1598.4000244140625, 197.10000610351562, 1629.1199951171875, 197.10000610351562, 1629.1199951171875, 207.90000915527344, 1598.4000244140625, 207.90000915527344 ], [ 1663.679931640625, 197.10000610351562, 1709.760009765625, 197.10000610351562, 1709.760009765625, 208.98001098632812, 1663.679931640625, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1742.39990234375, 197.10000610351562, 1778.8800048828125, 197.10000610351562, 1778.8800048828125, 208.98001098632812, 1742.39990234375, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1097.280029296875, 397.9800109863281, 1199.0399169921875, 325.6200256347656, 1216.3199462890625, 349.3800048828125, 1116.47998046875, 421.7400207519531 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>2040kg", "2040kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT", "SIeVI" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1625.2799072265625, 15.660000801086426, 1857.5999755859375, 15.660000801086426, 1857.5999755859375, 103.14000701904297, 1625.2799072265625, 103.14000701904297 ], [ 1625.2799072265625, 15.660000801086426, 1859.5198974609375, 15.660000801086426, 1859.5198974609375, 102.06000518798828, 1625.2799072265625, 102.06000518798828 ], [ 1462.0799560546875, 194.94000244140625, 1498.5599365234375, 194.94000244140625, 1498.5599365234375, 206.82000732421875, 1462.0799560546875, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1523.52001953125, 197.10000610351562, 1554.239990234375, 197.10000610351562, 1554.239990234375, 207.90000915527344, 1523.52001953125, 207.90000915527344 ], [ 1600.3199462890625, 199.260009765625, 1629.1199951171875, 199.260009765625, 1629.1199951171875, 210.0600128173828, 1600.3199462890625, 210.0600128173828 ], [ 1663.679931640625, 199.260009765625, 1709.760009765625, 199.260009765625, 1709.760009765625, 211.1400146484375, 1663.679931640625, 211.1400146484375 ], [ 1742.39990234375, 199.260009765625, 1776.9599609375, 199.260009765625, 1776.9599609375, 211.1400146484375, 1742.39990234375, 211.1400146484375 ], [ 1097.280029296875, 397.9800109863281, 1199.0399169921875, 326.70001220703125, 1216.3199462890625, 349.3800048828125, 1116.47998046875, 420.6600036621094 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>2500kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1608, 12.420000076293945, 1840.3199462890625, 12.420000076293945, 1840.3199462890625, 102.06000518798828, 1608, 102.06000518798828 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 190.62001037597656, 1483.199951171875, 191.70001220703125, 1483.199951171875, 203.5800018310547, 1448.6400146484375, 202.50001525878906 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 193.86000061035156, 1538.8800048828125, 193.86000061035156, 1538.8800048828125, 205.74000549316406, 1508.159912109375, 205.74000549316406 ], [ 1583.0399169921875, 196.02000427246094, 1611.8399658203125, 196.02000427246094, 1611.8399658203125, 206.82000732421875, 1583.0399169921875, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 196.02000427246094, 1692.47998046875, 196.02000427246094, 1692.47998046875, 206.82000732421875, 1650.239990234375, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1725.1199951171875, 196.02000427246094, 1759.679931640625, 196.02000427246094, 1759.679931640625, 206.82000732421875, 1725.1199951171875, 206.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-046_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-046_1.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-046_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.13713116943836212, 0.1556297391653061, 0.21188703179359436 ]
[ 5.070685386657715, 5.090657711029053, 5.172423362731934 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object with a digital display." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a machine with a digital display screen on it, which is used to measure the pressure of a metal object. The background is blurred, suggesting the machine is in motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>2580kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1608, 12.420000076293945, 1840.3199462890625, 12.420000076293945, 1840.3199462890625, 102.06000518798828, 1608, 102.06000518798828 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 190.62001037597656, 1483.199951171875, 191.70001220703125, 1483.199951171875, 203.5800018310547, 1448.6400146484375, 202.50001525878906 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 193.86000061035156, 1538.8800048828125, 193.86000061035156, 1538.8800048828125, 205.74000549316406, 1508.159912109375, 205.74000549316406 ], [ 1583.0399169921875, 194.94000244140625, 1611.8399658203125, 194.94000244140625, 1611.8399658203125, 206.82000732421875, 1583.0399169921875, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 196.02000427246094, 1692.47998046875, 196.02000427246094, 1692.47998046875, 207.90000915527344, 1650.239990234375, 207.90000915527344 ], [ 1727.0399169921875, 196.02000427246094, 1761.5999755859375, 196.02000427246094, 1761.5999755859375, 207.90000915527344, 1727.0399169921875, 207.90000915527344 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-047_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11004747450351715 ]
[ 5.0100998878479 ]
[ "A pair of black shoes sitting on top of a metal pole.", "A pair of shoes sitting on top of a metal pole.", "A pair of shoes sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a pair of black shoes sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a pair of shoes sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall with posters in the background.", "The image shows a pair of shoes sitting atop a metal pole, with a digital weighing machine to the right and a wall with posters in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 519.3599853515625, 81.54000091552734, 1473.5999755859375, 956.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "black safety shoe on metal pole with yellow and black background" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 456, 75.06000518798828, 1323.8399658203125, 960.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "black hiking boot on metal pole with yellow and black label" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 432.9599914550781, 76.13999938964844, 1285.43994140625, 963.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "dirty hiking boot on metal pole with yellow and black label" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>5880kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1609.919921875, 15.660000801086426, 1840.3199462890625, 15.660000801086426, 1840.3199462890625, 103.14000701904297, 1609.919921875, 103.14000701904297 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 191.70001220703125, 1483.199951171875, 192.78001403808594, 1483.199951171875, 204.66000366210938, 1448.6400146484375, 203.5800018310547 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 194.94000244140625, 1538.8800048828125, 194.94000244140625, 1538.8800048828125, 206.82000732421875, 1508.159912109375, 206.82000732421875 ], [ 1583.0399169921875, 197.10000610351562, 1611.8399658203125, 197.10000610351562, 1611.8399658203125, 207.90000915527344, 1583.0399169921875, 207.90000915527344 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 198.1800079345703, 1692.47998046875, 198.1800079345703, 1692.47998046875, 208.98001098632812, 1650.239990234375, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1728.9599609375, 198.1800079345703, 1761.5999755859375, 198.1800079345703, 1761.5999755859375, 208.98001098632812, 1728.9599609375, 208.98001098632812 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>38940kg", "0", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SELECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1565.760009765625, 19.98000144958496, 1842.239990234375, 19.98000144958496, 1842.239990234375, 110.70000457763672, 1565.760009765625, 110.70000457763672 ], [ 1490.8800048828125, 103.14000701904297, 1504.3199462890625, 103.14000701904297, 1504.3199462890625, 115.02000427246094, 1490.8800048828125, 115.02000427246094 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 197.10000610351562, 1483.199951171875, 198.1800079345703, 1483.199951171875, 210.0600128173828, 1448.6400146484375, 208.98001098632812 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 200.3400115966797, 1538.8800048828125, 200.3400115966797, 1538.8800048828125, 211.1400146484375, 1508.159912109375, 211.1400146484375 ], [ 1583.0399169921875, 201.42001342773438, 1613.760009765625, 201.42001342773438, 1613.760009765625, 212.22000122070312, 1583.0399169921875, 212.22000122070312 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 202.50001525878906, 1694.39990234375, 202.50001525878906, 1694.39990234375, 213.3000030517578, 1650.239990234375, 213.3000030517578 ], [ 1728.9599609375, 202.50001525878906, 1761.5999755859375, 202.50001525878906, 1761.5999755859375, 213.3000030517578, 1728.9599609375, 213.3000030517578 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>686800kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SUB RUCT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1561.919921875, 23.220001220703125, 1842.239990234375, 23.220001220703125, 1842.239990234375, 111.7800064086914, 1561.919921875, 111.7800064086914 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 200.3400115966797, 1485.1199951171875, 200.3400115966797, 1485.1199951171875, 212.22000122070312, 1448.6400146484375, 212.22000122070312 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 203.5800018310547, 1540.7999267578125, 203.5800018310547, 1540.7999267578125, 214.3800048828125, 1508.159912109375, 214.3800048828125 ], [ 1584.9599609375, 205.74000549316406, 1613.760009765625, 205.74000549316406, 1613.760009765625, 215.4600067138672, 1584.9599609375, 215.4600067138672 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 205.74000549316406, 1696.3199462890625, 205.74000549316406, 1696.3199462890625, 215.4600067138672, 1650.239990234375, 215.4600067138672 ], [ 1728.9599609375, 205.74000549316406, 1761.5999755859375, 205.74000549316406, 1761.5999755859375, 215.4600067138672, 1728.9599609375, 215.4600067138672 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-048_0.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-048_1.jpg", "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-048_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.1983855664730072, 0.2680950462818146, 0.3047877550125122 ]
[ 5.061861991882324, 4.8701276779174805, 4.884729862213135 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a machine." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a digital display screen on top of it, which appears to be a machine used to measure the thickness of a pipe. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the object it is using." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>669800kg", "0", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TARE", "SUBJECT", "PRINT" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1560, 22.14000129699707, 1842.239990234375, 22.14000129699707, 1842.239990234375, 110.70000457763672, 1560, 110.70000457763672 ], [ 1490.8800048828125, 106.3800048828125, 1502.4000244140625, 106.3800048828125, 1502.4000244140625, 117.18000793457031, 1490.8800048828125, 117.18000793457031 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 199.260009765625, 1485.1199951171875, 200.3400115966797, 1485.1199951171875, 212.22000122070312, 1448.6400146484375, 211.1400146484375 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 202.50001525878906, 1540.7999267578125, 203.5800018310547, 1540.7999267578125, 214.3800048828125, 1508.159912109375, 213.3000030517578 ], [ 1583.0399169921875, 204.66000366210938, 1613.760009765625, 205.74000549316406, 1613.760009765625, 215.4600067138672, 1583.0399169921875, 214.3800048828125 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 205.74000549316406, 1696.3199462890625, 205.74000549316406, 1696.3199462890625, 215.4600067138672, 1650.239990234375, 215.4600067138672 ], [ 1728.9599609375, 205.74000549316406, 1761.5999755859375, 205.74000549316406, 1761.5999755859375, 214.3800048828125, 1728.9599609375, 214.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-049_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14434191584587097 ]
[ 4.732440948486328 ]
[ "A pair of shoes sitting on top of a metal pole." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object with a shoe on top of it, a weighing machine to the right, and a wall with posters in the background. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"I can't make huge explosion with the sensor or it will break\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 400.3199768066406, 70.74000549316406, 1281.5999755859375, 961.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "explosion damage to shoe on fire hydrant" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>77800kg", "LIMITS", "ZERO", "TUBE", "GIR ROTY", "PRINT", "CK", "I can't make huge explosion with the sensor", "or it will break :!" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1575.3599853515625, 23.220001220703125, 1840.3199462890625, 23.220001220703125, 1840.3199462890625, 110.70000457763672, 1575.3599853515625, 110.70000457763672 ], [ 1448.6400146484375, 201.42001342773438, 1485.1199951171875, 201.42001342773438, 1485.1199951171875, 213.3000030517578, 1448.6400146484375, 213.3000030517578 ], [ 1508.159912109375, 203.5800018310547, 1540.7999267578125, 203.5800018310547, 1540.7999267578125, 214.3800048828125, 1508.159912109375, 214.3800048828125 ], [ 1584.9599609375, 205.74000549316406, 1613.760009765625, 205.74000549316406, 1613.760009765625, 215.4600067138672, 1584.9599609375, 215.4600067138672 ], [ 1650.239990234375, 205.74000549316406, 1696.3199462890625, 205.74000549316406, 1696.3199462890625, 216.54000854492188, 1650.239990234375, 216.54000854492188 ], [ 1728.9599609375, 205.74000549316406, 1761.5999755859375, 205.74000549316406, 1761.5999755859375, 216.54000854492188, 1728.9599609375, 216.54000854492188 ], [ 1784.6400146484375, 192.78001403808594, 1801.919921875, 192.78001403808594, 1801.919921875, 201.42001342773438, 1784.6400146484375, 201.42001342773438 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 837.5400390625, 1897.919921875, 837.5400390625, 1897.919921875, 945.5400390625, 10.559999465942383, 945.5400390625 ], [ 14.399999618530273, 966.06005859375, 715.2000122070312, 966.06005859375, 715.2000122070312, 1066.5, 14.399999618530273, 1066.5 ] ] } ]
[ "XTi5cGnVTzQ-Scene-050_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.8031498789787292 ]
[ 3.983515739440918 ]
[ "A blue water bottle sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue Hydro Flask water bottle sitting on top of a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a blue glove on it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers on it, and to the left of the object is a door. The metal object appears to be a hydro flask, which is used to measure the flow of water." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 836.1599731445312, 94.5, 1080, 959.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "Hydro Flask stainless steel water bottle" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 829.9800415039062, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydro flaske glove on hydraulic press machine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydro Flask®" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 891.8399658203125, 861.300048828125, 1005.1199951171875, 862.3800048828125, 1005.1199951171875, 883.9800415039062, 891.8399658203125, 882.9000244140625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Hydro Flasko" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 872.6399536132812, 894.780029296875, 1008.9599609375, 900.1800537109375, 1008.9599609375, 920.7000122070312, 872.6399536132812, 915.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-001_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-001_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07785233855247498, 0.09821883589029312 ]
[ 4.890081405639648, 5.036211013793945 ]
[ "A metal cylinder with a yellow and red stripe on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a yellow and pink object on top. In the background, there are boards attached to the wall, suggesting that the object is being used to create a 3D printed object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 179.82000732421875, 292.79998779296875, 179.82000732421875, 288.9599914550781, 331.02001953125, 204.47999572753906, 331.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-002_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0668429285287857 ]
[ 5.311878681182861 ]
[ "A fire hydrant with colorful paint splashing out of it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object with a yellow and black sign on it, surrounded by a vibrant array of colors. In the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it, and the object appears to be a CNC plasma cutting machine, with the colors of the paint splattered across its surface." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 208.3199920654297, 179.82000732421875, 292.79998779296875, 179.82000732421875, 288.9599914550781, 313.7400207519531, 204.47999572753906, 313.7400207519531 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-003_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.23791635036468506 ]
[ 5.3073272705078125 ]
[ "A rubik's cube sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a Rubik's cube sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 793.9199829101562, 562.1400146484375, 1141.43994140625, 824.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "rubik's cube" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 745.9199829101562, 22.14000129699707, 768.9599609375, 22.14000129699707, 768.9599609375, 39.42000198364258, 745.9199829101562, 39.42000198364258 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-004_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11744923144578934 ]
[ 5.808740139007568 ]
[ "A yellow ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow ball sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall with posters in the background. The ball appears to be a 3D printed ball, with intricate details and a realistic texture." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 588.47998046875, 837.5400390625, 601.9199829101562, 837.5400390625, 601.9199829101562, 847.260009765625, 588.47998046875, 847.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-005_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10219838470220566 ]
[ 5.337282180786133 ]
[ "A toy train sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a toy train, Thomas the Tank Engine, sitting on top of a table with a shower head above it. In the background, there is a wall with posters on it.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with various objects scattered around it. In the background, there are boards attached to the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of being built." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 601.9199829101562, 268.3800048828125, 1252.7999267578125, 921.780029296875 ], [ 1022.3999633789062, 746.8200073242188, 1143.3599853515625, 919.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "Thomas", "wheel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>18" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 972.47998046875, 314.82000732421875, 999.3599853515625, 314.82000732421875, 999.3599853515625, 358.02001953125, 972.47998046875, 358.02001953125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 388.79998779296875, 264.05999755859375, 459.8399963378906, 264.05999755859375, 459.8399963378906, 405.5400085449219, 388.79998779296875, 405.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-006_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-006_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.061850111931562424, 0.05092865973711014 ]
[ 5.451059818267822, 4.937116622924805 ]
[ "A purple shell sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a purple shell sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1335.3599853515625, 1056.780029296875, 1346.8800048828125, 1056.780029296875, 1346.8800048828125, 1074.06005859375, 1335.3599853515625, 1074.06005859375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-007_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13346442580223083 ]
[ 5.227917671203613 ]
[ "A pumpkin sitting on top of a metal plate on a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a pumpkin sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a machine in the background and posters on the wall. The machine appears to be a DIY pumpkin carving machine, with instructions on how to make it.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table next to a pile of orange slices. In the background of the image there is a wall with some papers pasted on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 674.8800048828125, 518.9400024414062, 1237.43994140625, 985.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "Halloween pumpkin with jack-o-lantern face" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 283.1999816894531, 851.5800170898438, 1596.47998046875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "pumpkin carving machine with orange peel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1732.7999267578125, 320.2200012207031, 1798.0799560546875, 320.2200012207031, 1796.159912109375, 413.1000061035156, 1730.8800048828125, 413.1000061035156 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1732.7999267578125, 320.2200012207031, 1798.0799560546875, 320.2200012207031, 1796.159912109375, 413.1000061035156, 1730.8800048828125, 413.1000061035156 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-008_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-008_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12572886049747467, 0.04670528322458267 ]
[ 5.462294101715088, 5.341526031494141 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. In the background, there is a wall with some stickers on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـكـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 442.55999755859375, 270.5400085449219, 505.91998291015625, 270.5400085449219, 505.91998291015625, 361.260009765625, 442.55999755859375, 361.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-009_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11698637902736664 ]
[ 5.47814416885376 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a gummy bear. In the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 980.1599731445312, 700.3800048828125, 980.1599731445312, 721.9800415039062, 972.47998046875, 721.9800415039062, 972.47998046875, 700.3800048828125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 257.58001708984375, 982.0799560546875, 256.5, 982.0799560546875, 267.3000183105469, 966.719970703125, 268.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-010_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-010_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05104658752679825, 0.0451413132250309 ]
[ 5.124608516693115, 5.1160173416137695 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal with two green and red objects on the table in front of it, while the background is blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>S" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 903.3599853515625, 94.5, 928.3200073242188, 94.5, 928.3200073242188, 113.94000244140625, 903.3599853515625, 113.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-011_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07581514120101929 ]
[ 5.739826202392578 ]
[ "Two tubes of toothpaste sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with two tubes of glue placed on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the glue and the metal object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DUKE" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 792, 535.1400146484375, 855.3599853515625, 488.70001220703125, 876.47998046875, 515.7000122070312, 813.1199951171875, 562.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-012_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06346385926008224 ]
[ 4.803049087524414 ]
[ "A machine that has a bunch of colored pencils on it.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a variety of colored pencils scattered around it. The background is slightly blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the pencils.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with colorful paint and chalks scattered around it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus is on the machine and the paint, which is likely being used to create a rainbow-colored cake." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 548.1599731445312, 507.0600280761719, 1302.719970703125, 721.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful colored pencils on metal tray" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 258.239990234375, 430.3800048828125, 1598.4000244140625, 1022.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "cake with rainbow icing and crayons on cake stand" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 951.3599853515625, 194.94000244140625, 960.9599609375, 194.94000244140625, 960.9599609375, 203.5800018310547, 951.3599853515625, 203.5800018310547 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1632.9599609375, 719.8200073242188, 1838.39990234375, 703.6200561523438, 1855.679931640625, 901.260009765625, 1654.0799560546875, 920.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-013_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-013_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.19206753373146057, 0.038909606635570526 ]
[ 5.538783073425293, 5.354297161102295 ]
[ "A metal object with a red candle inside of it.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal with a red flame in the center, surrounded by a green wall in the background.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a few pieces of candy scattered around it. In the background, there is a green wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1648.3199462890625, 0.5400000214576721, 1648.3199462890625, 25.380001068115234, 1634.8800048828125, 25.380001068115234, 1634.8800048828125, 0.5400000214576721 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1632.9599609375, 0.5400000214576721, 1650.239990234375, 0.5400000214576721, 1650.239990234375, 25.380001068115234, 1632.9599609375, 25.380001068115234 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-014_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-014_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07578812539577484, 0.09699730575084686 ]
[ 5.106485843658447, 4.929758071899414 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with colorful beads scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with papers pasted on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making plastic beads." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 619.2000122070312, 572.9400024414062, 1392.9599609375, 780.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful plastic beads on metal surface" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 452.1600036621094, 808.3800048828125, 469.44000244140625, 808.3800048828125, 469.44000244140625, 825.6600341796875, 452.1600036621094, 825.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-015_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.035623982548713684 ]
[ 5.302257537841797 ]
[ "A pink candle sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a pink candle sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 838.0799560546875, 185.22000122070312, 1118.4000244140625, 839.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "pink pillar candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 648, 0.5400000214576721, 648, 30.780000686645508, 630.719970703125, 30.780000686645508, 630.719970703125, 0.5400000214576721 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-016_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09670441597700119 ]
[ 5.389456748962402 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with pink meringue cookies on it. In the background, there is a wall with posters pasted on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making meringues." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 615.3599853515625, 540.5400390625, 1321.919921875, 819.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "pink meringue cookies on metal tray" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 999.3599853515625, 997.3800659179688, 1032, 997.3800659179688, 1032, 1007.1000366210938, 999.3599853515625, 1007.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.031781040132045746 ]
[ 5.635793209075928 ]
[ "A close up of two colorful balls on a metal surface." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine, with two colorful balls on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the balls, which are likely being used to make a 3D printer." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1091.52001953125, 51.30000305175781, 1108.7999267578125, 51.30000305175781, 1108.7999267578125, 67.5, 1091.52001953125, 67.5 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-018_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05716579779982567 ]
[ 4.914604187011719 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal table with a potato on it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting the potato." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1091.52001953125, 41.58000183105469, 1108.7999267578125, 41.58000183105469, 1108.7999267578125, 56.70000076293945, 1091.52001953125, 56.70000076293945 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-019_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.031081760302186012 ]
[ 5.240938186645508 ]
[ "A candle is lit on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object with a candle on top of it, sitting on a table. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the object is being used to make a candle. The candle is lit, indicating that it is in the process of being made." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 863.0399780273438, 493.02001953125, 1055.0399169921875, 616.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "blue tealight candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 288.9599914550781, 28.6200008392334, 373.44000244140625, 30.780000686645508, 369.6000061035156, 203.5800018310547, 285.1199951171875, 201.42001342773438 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-020_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.048768866807222366 ]
[ 5.4599103927612305 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows two coconuts sitting on top of a table next to a machine, with a green wall in the background.", "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table with a few pieces of paper scattered around it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers pasted on it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 876.47998046875, 424.9800109863281, 1273.919921875, 704.7000122070312 ], [ 713.2799682617188, 432.5400085449219, 943.6799926757812, 682.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "coconut", "coconut" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1728.9599609375, 0.5400000214576721, 1788.47998046875, 0.5400000214576721, 1786.5599365234375, 121.50000762939453, 1727.0399169921875, 121.50000762939453 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1728.9599609375, 0.5400000214576721, 1786.5599365234375, 0.5400000214576721, 1784.6400146484375, 118.26000213623047, 1727.0399169921875, 118.26000213623047 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-021_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-021_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09162148088216782, 0.0673249363899231 ]
[ 4.677331447601318, 4.987757205963135 ]
[ "A blue elephant figurine sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a blue toy elephant sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a 3D printer in the background. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a dreamy feel." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 389.34002685546875, 1419.8399658203125, 817.02001953125 ] ], "labels": [ "clay elephant figurine" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1222.0799560546875, 494.1000061035156, 1254.719970703125, 494.1000061035156, 1254.719970703125, 525.4200439453125, 1222.0799560546875, 525.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-022_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.19019944965839386 ]
[ 4.7599873542785645 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a metal table, with a pink and orange toy in the foreground and a green wall in the background.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a pink and orange object on it. In the background, there is a green wall. The object appears to be a 3D printer, which is being used to make a piece of paper." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 828.47998046875, 994.1400146484375, 840, 994.1400146484375, 840, 1004.9400634765625, 828.47998046875, 1004.9400634765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 838.0799560546875, 996.300048828125, 853.4400024414062, 996.300048828125, 853.4400024414062, 1008.1800537109375, 838.0799560546875, 1008.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-023_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-023_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.08618184924125671, 0.07254330813884735 ]
[ 5.133586883544922, 5.053735733032227 ]
[ "A small toy dragon sitting on top of a metal plate.", "A green and orange toy sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a small toy dragon sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printing machine, with a toy on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the toy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 565.4400024414062, 95.58000183105469, 1118.4000244140625, 642.0599975585938 ] ], "labels": [ "Fisher-Price Little People green dragon figurine" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 388.79998779296875, 332.1000061035156, 1298.8800048828125, 691.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "plasticine dragon sculpture" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 834.239990234375, 760.8600463867188, 843.8399658203125, 760.8600463867188, 843.8399658203125, 773.8200073242188, 834.239990234375, 773.8200073242188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 832.3200073242188, 788.9400024414062, 841.9199829101562, 788.9400024414062, 841.9199829101562, 799.7400512695312, 832.3200073242188, 799.7400512695312 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-024_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-024_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1634475588798523, 0.1544947624206543 ]
[ 4.79411506652832, 4.861706733703613 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a few colorful objects placed on it. In the background, there is a green door, suggesting that the machine is in the process of turning a piece of metal. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is a type of machine used for cutting and shaping metal.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a green wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 757.4400024414062, 552.4200439453125, 1187.52001953125, 739.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful building blocks in metal container" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠-٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 999.3599853515625, 173.3400115966797, 999.3599853515625, 213.3000030517578, 985.9199829101562, 213.3000030517578, 985.9199829101562, 173.3400115966797 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>48E" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 989.7599487304688, 318.05999755859375, 993.5999755859375, 291.05999755859375, 1008.9599609375, 291.05999755859375, 1005.1199951171875, 319.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-025_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-025_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07550377398729324, 0.2773341238498688 ]
[ 4.995938777923584, 5.050536155700684 ]
[ "A black alarm clock sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows an alarm clock sitting atop a metal table in the foreground, with a wall in the background featuring posters.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a green wall with two yellow boards attached to it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 790.0799560546875, 312.6600036621094, 1135.679931640625, 726.300048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "black alarm clock with white face and black bells" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>12", "11", "10", "9", "3", "8", "4", "7", "6" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 457.3800048828125, 995.5199584960938, 457.3800048828125, 995.5199584960938, 482.22003173828125, 966.719970703125, 482.22003173828125 ], [ 926.3999633789062, 474.6600036621094, 951.3599853515625, 474.6600036621094, 951.3599853515625, 499.5000305175781, 926.3999633789062, 499.5000305175781 ], [ 891.8399658203125, 510.3000183105469, 916.7999877929688, 511.3800354003906, 916.7999877929688, 538.3800048828125, 891.8399658203125, 537.300048828125 ], [ 872.6399536132812, 558.9000244140625, 891.8399658203125, 559.9800415039062, 891.8399658203125, 584.8200073242188, 872.6399536132812, 583.7400512695312 ], [ 1062.719970703125, 552.4200439453125, 1081.919921875, 552.4200439453125, 1081.919921875, 577.260009765625, 1062.719970703125, 577.260009765625 ], [ 886.0799560546875, 608.5800170898438, 907.199951171875, 608.5800170898438, 907.199951171875, 633.4200439453125, 886.0799560546875, 633.4200439453125 ], [ 1043.52001953125, 605.3400268554688, 1068.47998046875, 605.3400268554688, 1068.47998046875, 625.8600463867188, 1043.52001953125, 625.8600463867188 ], [ 922.5599975585938, 640.9800415039062, 943.6799926757812, 642.0599975585938, 943.6799926757812, 666.9000244140625, 922.5599975585938, 665.8200073242188 ], [ 962.8800048828125, 656.1000366210938, 985.9199829101562, 656.1000366210938, 985.9199829101562, 677.7000122070312, 962.8800048828125, 677.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1748.159912109375, 174.42001342773438, 1817.2799072265625, 174.42001342773438, 1817.2799072265625, 318.05999755859375, 1748.159912109375, 318.05999755859375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-026_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-026_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05403021723031998, 0.10360780358314514 ]
[ 4.877692222595215, 5.250221252441406 ]
[ "A large potato sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a sweet potato sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 703.6799926757812, 528.6600341796875, 1227.8399658203125, 814.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "red sweet potato with brown spots" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 922.5599975585938, 19.98000144958496, 947.5199584960938, 16.739999771118164, 949.4400024414062, 31.860000610351562, 924.47998046875, 35.10000228881836 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-027_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03681788966059685 ]
[ 5.202079772949219 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of corn on a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a piece of corn on it. In the background, there is a wall with posters on it, suggesting that the machine is being used to make corn on the cob.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a pile of corn kernels scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with a sign board, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making corn kernels." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 724.7999877929688, 567.5400390625, 1199.0399169921875, 767.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "ripe corn" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 932.1599731445312, 15.660000801086426, 951.3599853515625, 12.420000076293945, 953.2799682617188, 25.380001068115234, 934.0799560546875, 28.6200008392334 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 176.5800018310547, 980.1599731445312, 176.5800018310547, 980.1599731445312, 187.3800048828125, 966.719970703125, 187.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-028_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-028_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.053399112075567245, 0.057804856449365616 ]
[ 5.215200901031494, 5.365291595458984 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with two colorful objects on the table in front of it and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 559.6799926757812, 935.8200073242188, 559.6799926757812, 970.3800659179688, 544.3200073242188, 970.3800659179688, 544.3200073242188, 935.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-029_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.038340672850608826 ]
[ 5.544771194458008 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a metal object in the center of the table and a green wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape metal objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 939.8399658203125, 810.5400390625, 939.8399658203125, 845.1000366210938, 930.239990234375, 845.1000366210938, 930.239990234375, 810.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-030_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07822378724813461 ]
[ 5.329069137573242 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with smoke billowing out of it, and a wall in the background. The machine is emitting a bright orange and pink flame, indicating that it is being used to make a plastic pipe." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>2" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 905.2799682617188, 216.54000854492188, 928.3200073242188, 216.54000854492188, 928.3200073242188, 233.82000732421875, 905.2799682617188, 233.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-031_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5252758264541626 ]
[ 5.164474010467529 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with smoke coming out of it, emitting a bright orange and yellow flame. The flame is likely being used to heat the flame, creating a unique and captivating effect." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 911.0399780273438, 56.70000076293945, 926.3999633789062, 56.70000076293945, 926.3999633789062, 71.81999969482422, 911.0399780273438, 71.81999969482422 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-032_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5133301019668579 ]
[ 4.9237775802612305 ]
[ "A purple toy sitting on top of a metal table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a purple toy sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background featuring posters.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. In the background, there is a green wall with two yellow boards attached to it, and the object appears to be a 3D printing machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 649.9199829101562, 266.2200012207031, 1208.6400146484375, 855.9000244140625 ] ], "labels": [ "purple fluffy owl toy with pink ears and blue eyes" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـكـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 169.9199981689453, 164.70001220703125, 260.1600036621094, 164.70001220703125, 260.1600036621094, 333.1800231933594, 169.9199981689453, 333.1800231933594 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـكـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1830.719970703125, 162.54000854492188, 1917.1199951171875, 164.70001220703125, 1913.2799072265625, 335.34002685546875, 1826.8800048828125, 333.1800231933594 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-033_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-033_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1399676352739334, 0.11938507109880447 ]
[ 4.930984020233154, 5.038390159606934 ]
[ "A tennis ball sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow tennis ball sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 811.2000122070312, 469.260009765625, 1160.6400146484375, 802.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow tennis ball with Knight logo" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Knight®" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 866.8800048828125, 594.5400390625, 1103.0399169921875, 564.300048828125, 1114.5599365234375, 646.3800048828125, 876.47998046875, 677.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-034_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.29279056191444397 ]
[ 5.389965057373047 ]
[ "A piece of broccoli sitting on top of a metal plate.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a piece of broccoli sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The broccoli appears to be in the process of being cut, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a bunch of broccoli pieces scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 596.1599731445312, 415.260009765625, 1241.280029296875, 831.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "broccoli" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 684.47998046875, 738.1800537109375, 696, 734.9400024414062, 697.9199829101562, 746.8200073242188, 686.3999633789062, 750.06005859375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1129.919921875, 522.1799926757812, 1147.199951171875, 522.1799926757812, 1147.199951171875, 535.1400146484375, 1129.919921875, 535.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-035_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-035_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.034019287675619125, 0.15741567313671112 ]
[ 5.540633678436279, 5.4060821533203125 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green object on it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 934.0799560546875, 898.02001953125, 947.5199584960938, 898.02001953125, 947.5199584960938, 909.9000244140625, 934.0799560546875, 909.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-036_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09970901906490326 ]
[ 5.841825485229492 ]
[ "A yellow apple sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a fruit placed on it. In the background, there is a wall with a sign board, suggesting that the machine is being used to cut the fruit." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 886.0799560546875, 590.2200317382812, 1126.0799560546875, 755.4600219726562 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow apple" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 292.79998779296875, 28.6200008392334, 373.44000244140625, 30.780000686645508, 369.6000061035156, 162.54000854492188, 288.9599914550781, 160.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-037_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16004197299480438 ]
[ 5.342815399169922 ]
[ "A stack of colorful beads sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a stack of colorful beads sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring posters. The beads appear to be 3D printed, giving the image a unique and creative look.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a 3D printing machine. In the background, there are boards attached to the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of being built. The machine is composed of a variety of colors, giving it a vibrant and eye-catching look." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 365.7599792480469, 147.42001342773438, 442.55999755859375, 149.5800018310547, 436.79998779296875, 326.70001220703125, 360, 324.5400085449219 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 916.7999877929688, 381.780029296875, 932.1599731445312, 380.70001220703125, 932.1599731445312, 393.6600036621094, 916.7999877929688, 394.7400207519531 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-038_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-038_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.24693657457828522, 0.2443593293428421 ]
[ 5.141357421875, 4.823687553405762 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A metal object with a bunch of colorful ribbons on it." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with colorful candies in a metal object in the center. In the background, there is a green wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making candy.", "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a green wall in the background. The object appears to be a machine, and there are a bunch of colorful ribbons scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1116.47998046875, 961.7400512695312, 1139.52001953125, 954.1800537109375, 1141.43994140625, 961.7400512695312, 1118.4000244140625, 970.3800659179688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>30" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 903.3599853515625, 324.5400085449219, 903.3599853515625, 297.5400085449219, 918.719970703125, 297.5400085449219, 918.719970703125, 324.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-039_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-039_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.12454507499933243, 0.07041843980550766 ]
[ 5.490235805511475, 4.959092617034912 ]
[ "A machine that has a ball on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object with a colorful ball on top of it, sitting on a table. In the background, there is a wall with a sign board, suggesting that the object is being used to make a 3D printed Easter egg." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٢٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 934.0799560546875, 110.70000457763672, 953.2799682617188, 106.3800048828125, 955.199951171875, 117.18000793457031, 936, 122.58000183105469 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-040_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05312874913215637 ]
[ 5.281410217285156 ]
[ "A brass candle holder sitting on top of a metal table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a brass chalice sitting atop a metal table, with a blurred background.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a machine with a metal ring on top of it. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the metal object and the metal ring, which is likely being used to make a brass ring." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>T" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 452.1600036621094, 957.4200439453125, 507.8399963378906, 954.1800537109375, 511.67999267578125, 1026.5400390625, 456, 1029.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1237.43994140625, 203.5800018310547, 1237.43994140625, 235.98001098632812, 1216.3199462890625, 235.98001098632812, 1216.3199462890625, 203.5800018310547 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-041_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-041_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.04837683215737343, 0.036260902881622314 ]
[ 4.970128536224365, 5.218924522399902 ]
[ "A red ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a red ball sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The machine appears to be a 3D printing machine, with the ball being the main focus of the image." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 580.7999877929688, 392.58001708984375, 628.7999877929688, 394.7400207519531, 624.9599609375, 486.5400085449219, 576.9599609375, 484.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-042_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05837387964129448 ]
[ 5.316397190093994 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center. In the background, there are doors and stickers on the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>50" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 171.1800079345703, 949.4400024414062, 191.70001220703125, 939.8399658203125, 192.78001403808594, 937.9199829101562, 172.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-043_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1328415721654892 ]
[ 4.985231876373291 ]
[ "A green candle sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a green candle sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and stickers on the wall. The candle is emitting a warm, flickering light, creating a cozy atmosphere.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with flower petals scattered around it. In the background, there are boards on the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting a piece of food." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 894.780029296875, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ], [ 816.9599609375, 309.4200134277344, 1078.0799560546875, 476.82000732421875 ] ], "labels": [ "stainless steel cylindrical object", "green pillar candle" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 496.3199768066406, 360.1800231933594, 559.6799926757812, 360.1800231933594, 559.6799926757812, 498.4200134277344, 496.3199768066406, 498.4200134277344 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 308.1600036621094, 120.42000579833984, 400.3199768066406, 120.42000579833984, 400.3199768066406, 270.5400085449219, 308.1600036621094, 270.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-044_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-044_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.02452785149216652, 0.08966284990310669 ]
[ 4.994752407073975, 5.255141258239746 ]
[ "A cube that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a Rubik's cube sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 816.9599609375, 566.4600219726562, 1199.0399169921875, 851.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "wooden alphabet blocks" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>3", "B", "R", "Y", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "H9", "7", "N" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1126.0799560546875, 601.02001953125, 1166.4000244140625, 601.02001953125, 1168.3199462890625, 650.7000122070312, 1128, 650.7000122070312 ], [ 888, 605.3400268554688, 916.7999877929688, 605.3400268554688, 916.7999877929688, 650.7000122070312, 888, 650.7000122070312 ], [ 999.3599853515625, 607.5, 1030.0799560546875, 607.5, 1030.0799560546875, 656.1000366210938, 999.3599853515625, 656.1000366210938 ], [ 1060.7999267578125, 607.5, 1099.199951171875, 607.5, 1099.199951171875, 652.8600463867188, 1060.7999267578125, 652.8600463867188 ], [ 841.9199829101562, 687.4200439453125, 874.5599975585938, 688.5, 874.5599975585938, 734.9400024414062, 841.9199829101562, 733.8600463867188 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 688.5, 922.5599975585938, 689.5800170898438, 922.5599975585938, 734.9400024414062, 884.1599731445312, 733.8600463867188 ], [ 991.6799926757812, 697.1400146484375, 1028.1600341796875, 697.1400146484375, 1028.1600341796875, 742.5, 991.6799926757812, 742.5 ], [ 930.239990234375, 697.1400146484375, 962.8800048828125, 698.2200317382812, 962.8800048828125, 742.5, 930.239990234375, 741.4200439453125 ], [ 1056.9599609375, 696.0599975585938, 1099.199951171875, 696.0599975585938, 1099.199951171875, 733.8600463867188, 1056.9599609375, 733.8600463867188 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 768.4200439453125, 926.3999633789062, 770.5800170898438, 926.3999633789062, 824.5800170898438, 884.1599731445312, 822.4200439453125 ], [ 980.1599731445312, 780.300048828125, 1028.1600341796875, 780.300048828125, 1028.1600341796875, 834.300048828125, 980.1599731445312, 834.300048828125 ], [ 1126.0799560546875, 771.6600341796875, 1172.1600341796875, 771.6600341796875, 1172.1600341796875, 817.02001953125, 1126.0799560546875, 817.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-045_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.46665143966674805 ]
[ 5.215408802032471 ]
[ "A pink ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink ball sitting on top of a metal table, with a blurred background. The ball appears to be made of glass, and is likely being used to create a 3D printed object." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1740.47998046875, 786.780029296875, 1753.919921875, 786.780029296875, 1753.919921875, 799.7400512695312, 1740.47998046875, 799.7400512695312 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-046_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08454887568950653 ]
[ 5.508433818817139 ]
[ "A green and red toy sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a green and red toy sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, suggesting that it is being used to make a cake." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 790.0799560546875, 514.6199951171875, 1275.8399658203125, 831.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "green dinosaur cake topper" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1080, 685.260009765625, 1128, 685.260009765625, 1128, 731.7000122070312, 1080, 731.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-047_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03632539138197899 ]
[ 4.967606544494629 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. It has a cylindrical shape with a handle on the side and a spindle at the top. The metal is a silver color and has a glossy finish. The table is a light wood color and the background is a neutral color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 966.719970703125, 881.8200073242188, 978.239990234375, 881.8200073242188, 978.239990234375, 891.5400390625, 966.719970703125, 891.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-048_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15879683196544647 ]
[ 4.761739253997803 ]
[ "A metal object sitting on top of a wooden table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a wooden table, with papers scattered around it. In the background, there is a wall with papers pasted on it, suggesting that the object is in the process of being machined." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 669.0599975585938, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "metal plate" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 39.36000061035156, 808.3800048828125, 68.15999603271484, 808.3800048828125, 68.15999603271484, 821.3400268554688, 39.36000061035156, 821.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-049_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05627883970737457 ]
[ 5.163661956787109 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object with water coming out of it" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object in a room with a wall in the background. On the wall, there are boards with numbers written on them, and the object appears to be a CNC plasma cutting machine. Water is coming out of the machine, indicating that it is in motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1160.6400146484375, 318.05999755859375, 1162.5599365234375, 368.82000732421875, 1143.3599853515625, 369.9000244140625, 1141.43994140625, 319.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-050_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.12553836405277252 ]
[ 5.130651473999023 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a roll of toilet paper on it. In the background, there is a door with stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting the toilet paper.", "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1087.679931640625, 8.100000381469727, 1101.1199951171875, 8.100000381469727, 1101.1199951171875, 18.900001525878906, 1087.679931640625, 18.900001525878906 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 922.5599975585938, 201.42001342773438, 936, 201.42001342773438, 936, 216.54000854492188, 922.5599975585938, 216.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-051_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-051_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07796762883663177, 0.16026027500629425 ]
[ 4.832714557647705, 5.286828517913818 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a wooden table, with a spool of green wire in front of it. In the background, there are boards attached to the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of cutting the wire.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center. On the wall behind the machine, there are stickers with text on them, and the machine appears to be in the process of blowing a piece of glass." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 750.06005859375, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "metal plate" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـكـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1152.9599609375, 206.82000732421875, 1218.239990234375, 206.82000732421875, 1218.239990234375, 346.1400146484375, 1152.9599609375, 346.1400146484375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1152.9599609375, 206.82000732421875, 1218.239990234375, 206.82000732421875, 1216.3199462890625, 311.58001708984375, 1151.0399169921875, 311.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-052_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-052_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.07743625342845917, 0.5515207052230835 ]
[ 5.228604316711426, 4.557116985321045 ]
[ "A metal container filled with lots of colorful candies.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal container filled with colorful marbles sitting on top of a table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with colorful confetti scattered around it. In the background, there are cupboards and other objects, suggesting that the object is being used to make a cake." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 707.5199584960938, 537.300048828125, 1189.43994140625, 788.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "colorful jelly beans in metal container" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 434.70001220703125, 903.3599853515625, 434.70001220703125, 903.3599853515625, 445.5000305175781, 884.1599731445312, 445.5000305175781 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 300.47998046875, 338.58001708984375, 315.8399963378906, 338.58001708984375, 315.8399963378906, 354.780029296875, 300.47998046875, 354.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-053_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-053_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06199464201927185, 0.10743105411529541 ]
[ 5.481193542480469, 5.149065971374512 ]
[ "A toy van is sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a toy van sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a metal pole in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 793.9199829101562, 464.9400329589844, 1191.3599853515625, 757.6200561523438 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 670.1400146484375, 1035.8399658203125, 756.5400390625 ], [ 822.719970703125, 653.9400024414062, 903.3599853515625, 740.3400268554688 ], [ 1097.280029296875, 715.5, 1162.5599365234375, 739.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "Volkswagen T1 Samba toy van with surfboard", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>W" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1128, 635.5800170898438, 1152.9599609375, 635.5800170898438, 1152.9599609375, 659.3400268554688, 1128, 659.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-054_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.33215829730033875 ]
[ 5.293706893920898 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed green caterpillar sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a metal rod in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1210.5599365234375, 287.82000732421875, 1210.5599365234375, 314.82000732421875, 1193.280029296875, 314.82000732421875, 1193.280029296875, 287.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-055_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.3218802511692047 ]
[ 5.164437770843506 ]
[ "A red and green toy sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a red and green toy sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background. The toy appears to be a 3D printed turtle, with intricate details and a realistic design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 855.3599853515625, 275.94000244140625, 1158.719970703125, 710.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "red dragon figurine with green turtle shell" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 853.4400024414062, 108.54000091552734, 889.9199829101562, 105.30000305175781, 891.8399658203125, 121.50000762939453, 855.3599853515625, 124.74000549316406 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-056_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1667209416627884 ]
[ 4.978143215179443 ]
[ "A metal grater sitting on top of a metal table.", "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal grater sitting on top of a table in the foreground, with a wall in the background featuring posters.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sticker on it. In the background, there is a green wall with a board attached to it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1056.9599609375, 158.22000122070312, 1080, 158.22000122070312, 1080, 169.02000427246094, 1056.9599609375, 169.02000427246094 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1043.52001953125, 225.1800079345703, 1060.7999267578125, 224.10000610351562, 1060.7999267578125, 237.0600128173828, 1043.52001953125, 238.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-057_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-057_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09040478616952896, 0.10958004742860794 ]
[ 5.205836296081543, 5.125455856323242 ]
[ "A pink piggy bank sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a pink piggy bank sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 709.4400024414062, 322.3800048828125, 1199.0399169921875, 778.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "pink piggy bank" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1152.9599609375, 469.260009765625, 1160.6400146484375, 486.5400085449219, 1152.9599609375, 489.780029296875, 1145.280029296875, 472.5000305175781 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-058_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08313823491334915 ]
[ 4.972623825073242 ]
[ "A person is working on a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a person using a machine to cut a piece of metal on top of a table, with a pink object on the table and a wall in the background. The person's hand is visible on the right side of the image, and the metal object appears to be a broken egg shell." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1248.9599609375, 25.380001068115234, 1268.159912109375, 25.380001068115234, 1268.159912109375, 36.18000030517578, 1248.9599609375, 36.18000030517578 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-059_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.032751504331827164 ]
[ 5.102784633636475 ]
[ "A cake with sushi on top of it sitting on a table.", "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a cake with sushi on top of it sitting on a table, with a blurred background. The cake appears to be a tutorial on how to make sushi, as indicated by the title of the image.", "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a yellow and black sign on it. The metal object appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a lock on it, and the background is blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 513.5999755859375, 428.22003173828125, 1350.719970703125, 799.7400512695312 ], [ 513.5999755859375, 489.780029296875, 807.3599853515625, 726.300048828125 ], [ 1007.0399780273438, 571.8600463867188, 1202.8800048828125, 794.3400268554688 ], [ 822.719970703125, 513.5400390625, 1074.239990234375, 694.9800415039062 ], [ 1124.1600341796875, 466.02001953125, 1344.9599609375, 665.8200073242188 ], [ 676.7999877929688, 588.0599975585938, 876.47998046875, 797.5800170898438 ], [ 774.719970703125, 430.3800048828125, 980.1599731445312, 583.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "sushi rolls with different types of sushi", "sushi", "sushi roll with orange and green filling", "sushi", "sushi", "sushi ball with green seaweed in black container", "sushi" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 607.6799926757812, 770.5800170898438, 632.6400146484375, 771.6600341796875, 632.6400146484375, 783.5400390625, 607.6799926757812, 782.4600219726562 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>S" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 834.239990234375, 454.1400146484375, 864.9599609375, 454.1400146484375, 864.9599609375, 480.0600280761719, 834.239990234375, 480.0600280761719 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-060_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-060_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.2138947695493698, 0.11121542006731033 ]
[ 5.377292156219482, 4.962236404418945 ]
[ "A plastic cup sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a glass filled with a pink liquid sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it. The glass appears to be made of plastic and is likely being used to make a plastic injection mold." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 761.2799682617188, 205.74000549316406, 1164.47998046875, 778.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "pink and orange liquid in plastic cup" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1248.9599609375, 117.18000793457031, 1266.239990234375, 117.18000793457031, 1266.239990234375, 127.9800033569336, 1248.9599609375, 127.9800033569336 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-061_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.026392320170998573 ]
[ 5.2393388748168945 ]
[ "A stack of lego blocks sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object on a table with a stack of colorful building blocks sitting on top of it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 709.4400024414062, 86.94000244140625, 1131.8399658203125, 769.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "LEGO building block tower" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 457.91998291015625, 88.02000427246094, 513.5999755859375, 88.02000427246094, 513.5999755859375, 162.54000854492188, 457.91998291015625, 162.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-062_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0812937393784523 ]
[ 5.008149147033691 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a purple ball on it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making a 3D printed ball." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 632.3400268554688, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "3D-printed sphere on metal plate in workshop" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 427.1999816894531, 125.82000732421875, 486.7200012207031, 125.82000732421875, 486.7200012207031, 243.54000854492188, 427.1999816894531, 243.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-063_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10090354084968567 ]
[ 5.272015571594238 ]
[ "A red cabbage being cut by a machine. " ]
[ "The image shows a red cabbage sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 697.9199829101562, 369.9000244140625, 1208.6400146484375, 823.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "red cabbage head" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 340.79998779296875, 83.70000457763672, 340.79998779296875, 270.5400085449219, 264, 270.5400085449219, 264, 83.70000457763672 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-064_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09177097678184509 ]
[ 5.504636764526367 ]
[ "A stack of three colorful spheres sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed sphere sitting on top of a metal plate on a table, with a wall in the background. The sphere is composed of three different colors, creating a vibrant and eye-catching display." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 634.5599975585938, 224.10000610351562, 1089.5999755859375, 514.6199951171875 ] ], "labels": [ "rainbow bowling ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1103.0399169921875, 210.0600128173828, 1104.9599609375, 702.5400390625, 615.3599853515625, 702.5400390625, 615.3599853515625, 210.0600128173828 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-065_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.19306784868240356 ]
[ 5.300042152404785 ]
[ "A small toy duck sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a small white duck sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background. The duck appears to be in the process of being sculpted, with its wings spread out and its beak slightly open." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 784.3200073242188, 243.54000854492188, 1431.3599853515625, 752.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "plastic duck figurine with iridescent body and orange beak" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 911.0399780273438, 1055.7000732421875, 936, 1055.7000732421875, 936, 1075.1400146484375, 911.0399780273438, 1075.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-066_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06443273276090622 ]
[ 4.765900135040283 ]
[ "A metal container with a bunch of candles inside of it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a few candles placed on it. In the background, there is a green cupboard and a few other objects. The object appears to be a candle making machine, with the candles arranged in a circular pattern around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٠-٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 495.1800231933594, 918.719970703125, 495.1800231933594, 918.719970703125, 505.9800109863281, 884.1599731445312, 505.9800109863281 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-067_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1470870077610016 ]
[ 5.392485618591309 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of yellow wires connected to it. In the background, there is a green door and a few other objects. The machine appears to be a 3D printing machine, with the wires being used to create intricate designs." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 0.5400000214576721, 1919.0399169921875, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow spaghetti noodles in metal container with yellow tape" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1056.9599609375, 827.8200073242188, 1068.47998046875, 825.6600341796875, 1068.47998046875, 835.3800048828125, 1056.9599609375, 837.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-068_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10539460182189941 ]
[ 4.920782089233398 ]
[ "A blue glass ball sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a blue glass ball sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 807.3599853515625, 768.4200439453125, 841.9199829101562, 768.4200439453125, 841.9199829101562, 780.300048828125, 807.3599853515625, 780.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-069_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0274355411529541 ]
[ 5.012289524078369 ]
[ "A can of Pepsi Max is being poured into a can.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a can of Pepsi Max sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The can has text on it, and there is a metal object at the top of the image.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a yellow and black sign on it. On the table there is a red liquid, and in the background there are boards attached to the wall. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 767.0399780273438, 178.74000549316406, 1081.919921875, 724.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "Pepsi Max 330ml can" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>pepsi", "MAX", "maximum taste no sugar" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 847.6799926757812, 611.8200073242188, 845.760009765625, 513.5400390625, 874.5599975585938, 513.5400390625, 876.47998046875, 611.8200073242188 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 630.1800537109375, 884.1599731445312, 405.5400085449219, 970.5599975585938, 405.5400085449219, 970.5599975585938, 630.1800537109375 ], [ 974.3999633789062, 634.5, 974.3999633789062, 408.780029296875, 993.5999755859375, 408.780029296875, 993.5999755859375, 634.5 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>5" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 847.6799926757812, 346.1400146484375, 874.5599975585938, 346.1400146484375, 874.5599975585938, 365.58001708984375, 847.6799926757812, 365.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-070_0.jpg", "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-070_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.10827527940273285, 0.26444220542907715 ]
[ 5.112706184387207, 5.125627517700195 ]
[ "A pink candle sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink candle sitting on top of a metal table, with a flame burning brightly. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it, suggesting that the candle is being used to make a lotus candle." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 688.3200073242188, 328.8600158691406, 1191.3599853515625, 868.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "pink lotus flower candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1291.199951171875, 64.26000213623047, 1314.239990234375, 64.26000213623047, 1314.239990234375, 78.30000305175781, 1291.199951171875, 78.30000305175781 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-071_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03922427073121071 ]
[ 5.495980262756348 ]
[ "A white and blue unicorn figurine sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed unicorn sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 299.70001220703125, 1187.52001953125, 827.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "ceramic unicorn figurine with blue polka dots" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>30" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 905.2799682617188, 405.5400085449219, 949.4400024414062, 405.5400085449219, 949.4400024414062, 430.3800048828125, 905.2799682617188, 430.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-072_0.jpg" ]
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[ 4.94947624206543 ]
[ "A group of toy soldiers sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a group of toy soldiers sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1224, 64.26000213623047, 1248.9599609375, 64.26000213623047, 1248.9599609375, 78.30000305175781, 1224, 78.30000305175781 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-073_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03961719200015068 ]
[ 5.441401481628418 ]
[ "A purple and green toy sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object on a table with a purple and green toy sitting on top of it. In the background, there is a wall with posters attached to it. The toy appears to be a 3D printer, as indicated by the title of the image." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 726.719970703125, 527.5800170898438, 1022.3999633789062, 707.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "purple and green snail figurine with red spiral tail" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1191.3599853515625, 300.7799987792969, 1189.43994140625, 372.0600280761719, 1172.1600341796875, 372.0600280761719, 1174.0799560546875, 300.7799987792969 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-074_0.jpg" ]
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[ 5.045722007751465 ]
[ "A metal container with a green substance inside of it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a green object inside. In the background, there are cupboards, pipes, and other objects, suggesting that the object is being used to make a 3D printing machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 834.239990234375, 540.5400390625, 861.1199951171875, 540.5400390625, 861.1199951171875, 551.3400268554688, 834.239990234375, 551.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-075_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21179628372192383 ]
[ 5.316592693328857 ]
[ "A lit candle sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a lit candle sitting on top of a metal table, with a metal object at the top of the image and a blurred background. The candle is emitting a warm, flickering light, illuminating the surrounding area." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 511.3800354003906, 1085.760009765625, 742.5 ] ], "labels": [ "candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1231.679931640625, 0.5400000214576721, 1231.679931640625, 28.6200008392334, 1210.5599365234375, 28.6200008392334, 1210.5599365234375, 0.5400000214576721 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-076_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0861230418086052 ]
[ 5.321409225463867 ]
[ "A small toy car sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a small silver toy car sitting atop a metal table, with a metal object in the background that is slightly blurred." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 648, 582.6600341796875, 1300.7999267578125, 874.260009765625 ], [ 1026.239990234375, 768.4200439453125, 1160.6400146484375, 872.1000366210938 ], [ 661.4400024414062, 748.9800415039062, 772.7999877929688, 851.5800170898438 ], [ 1164.47998046875, 825.6600341796875, 1252.7999267578125, 854.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "2017 Peugeot 108 1:43 scale diecast model", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 730.5599975585938, 326.70001220703125, 742.0799560546875, 326.70001220703125, 742.0799560546875, 341.82000732421875, 730.5599975585938, 341.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-077_0.jpg" ]
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[ 5.543194770812988 ]
[ "A small toy fish sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed fish sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a metal pole in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 682.5599975585938, 583.7400512695312, 1149.1199951171875, 811.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "plastic manatee sculpture" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 993.5999755859375, 661.5, 1028.1600341796875, 661.5, 1028.1600341796875, 693.9000244140625, 993.5999755859375, 693.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-078_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.057224709540605545 ]
[ 4.947210788726807 ]
[ "A green lime sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a lime sitting on top of a table next to a machine, with a wall in the background. The lime appears to be in the process of being cut, as evidenced by the cutting process taking place." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 801.5999755859375, 557.8200073242188, 1122.239990234375, 823.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "fresh lime" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 799.6799926757812, 38.34000015258789, 816.9599609375, 39.42000198364258, 816.9599609375, 52.380001068115234, 799.6799926757812, 51.30000305175781 ] ] } ]
[ "ySPwjxvG6g0-Scene-079_0.jpg" ]
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[ 5.591102600097656 ]