[ "crushing books was too much for the press", "crushing books was too much for the press" ]
[ "The image shows a stack of books sitting on top of a table, with a metal object at the top and text at the bottom. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the books and the text, which could be interpreted as a metaphor for the idea that crushing books was too much for the press.", "The image shows a metal pole with a stack of books on top of it, with the words \"crushing books was too much for the press\" written at the bottom. The background is blurred, giving the image a sense of motion." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 527.0399780273438, 440.1000061035156, 1444.7999267578125, 689.5800170898438 ], [ 527.0399780273438, 646.3800048828125, 1440.9599609375, 880.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "Jens Lapidus Sisti Kosto book", "stack of white books with red cover and black spine" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>JENS LAPIDUS", "RIHOS", "SIISTI KOSTO", "LIKE", "Stockholm noir II", "Crushing books was too much for the press" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 709.4400024414062, 497.34002685546875, 1056.9599609375, 505.9800109863281, 1055.0399169921875, 578.3400268554688, 707.5199584960938, 567.5400390625 ], [ 573.1199951171875, 556.7400512695312, 615.3599853515625, 557.8200073242188, 615.3599853515625, 576.1799926757812, 573.1199951171875, 575.1000366210938 ], [ 722.8800048828125, 580.5, 1035.8399658203125, 590.2200317382812, 1033.919921875, 624.780029296875, 720.9599609375, 613.9800415039062 ], [ 1118.4000244140625, 620.4600219726562, 1120.3199462890625, 557.8200073242188, 1137.5999755859375, 557.8200073242188, 1135.679931640625, 620.4600219726562 ], [ 807.3599853515625, 630.1800537109375, 947.5199584960938, 635.5800170898438, 945.5999755859375, 656.1000366210938, 807.3599853515625, 649.6200561523438 ], [ 12.479999542236328, 988.7400512695312, 1375.679931640625, 989.820068359375, 1375.679931640625, 1070.820068359375, 12.479999542236328, 1069.739990234375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Rilson", "LIKE", "SILI KOSTO", "Svichholm noir / I", "Crushing books was too much for the press" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 621.1199951171875, 630.1800537109375, 659.5199584960938, 645.300048828125, 651.8399658203125, 661.5, 613.4400024414062, 645.300048828125 ], [ 1103.0399169921875, 676.6200561523438, 1101.1199951171875, 619.3800048828125, 1120.3199462890625, 618.300048828125, 1122.239990234375, 675.5400390625 ], [ 726.719970703125, 699.300048828125, 1020.47998046875, 677.7000122070312, 1024.3199462890625, 732.780029296875, 730.5599975585938, 755.4600219726562 ], [ 795.8399658203125, 774.9000244140625, 936, 747.9000244140625, 939.8399658203125, 771.6600341796875, 799.6799926757812, 797.5800170898438 ], [ 12.479999542236328, 988.7400512695312, 1375.679931640625, 988.7400512695312, 1375.679931640625, 1069.739990234375, 12.479999542236328, 1069.739990234375 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-041_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-041_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.6703112125396729, 0.9511541724205017 ]
[ 4.311532497406006, 4.638197898864746 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object with water coming out of it" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object with water coming out of it, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background is blurred, suggesting that the focus of the image is on the machine and the water it is cutting." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>JENS ATIOUS", "KOSTO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 711.3599853515625, 478.9800109863281, 1030.0799560546875, 456.3000183105469, 1035.8399658203125, 534.0599975585938, 715.2000122070312, 557.8200073242188 ], [ 853.4400024414062, 559.9800415039062, 1003.199951171875, 534.0599975585938, 1007.0399780273438, 567.5400390625, 857.2799682617188, 591.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-042_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6633061766624451 ]
[ 4.8012375831604 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting in a room.", "a machine that is sitting in the middle of a room" ]
[ "The image shows a green machine sitting in the middle of a room, with a sign board on the left side and a few wires on the right side. It appears to be a hydraulic press, used to make a piece of metal.", "The image shows a machine in the middle of a room with a lot of debris coming out of it. On the right side of the machine, there are pipes and other objects, and on the left side there is a board with text on it. The machine appears to be in the process of cutting a piece of metal, as evidenced by the debris scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ROD", "4", "4", "KISS FOURS" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1838.39990234375, 322.3800048828125, 1915.199951171875, 324.5400085449219, 1915.199951171875, 351.5400085449219, 1838.39990234375, 349.3800048828125 ], [ 671.0399780273438, 408.780029296875, 701.760009765625, 408.780029296875, 701.760009765625, 466.02001953125, 671.0399780273438, 466.02001953125 ], [ 1162.5599365234375, 419.58001708984375, 1189.43994140625, 419.58001708984375, 1189.43994140625, 466.02001953125, 1162.5599365234375, 466.02001953125 ], [ 991.6799926757812, 586.9800415039062, 1060.7999267578125, 581.5800170898438, 1062.719970703125, 596.7000122070312, 993.5999755859375, 603.1800537109375 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ROD" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1836.47998046875, 322.3800048828125, 1915.199951171875, 324.5400085449219, 1915.199951171875, 351.5400085449219, 1836.47998046875, 349.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-043_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-043_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.0958503857254982, 0.6101917028427124 ]
[ 4.845470905303955, 4.886449813842773 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting in a room.", "A man is working on a machine in a workshop.", "A man standing in front of a large machine." ]
[ "The image shows a green machine sitting in the middle of a room, with a camera on a tripod in front of it. On the left side of the machine, there are a few objects on the floor, and on the right side there is a wooden object. In the background, there is another machine and a wall.", "The image shows a man wearing a cap and watch standing in front of a green machine in a workshop. On the left side of the image, there is a camera on a tripod stand, and on the floor there are various objects scattered around. In the background, there are pipes and a wall. The man appears to be working on the machine.", "The image shows a man standing in front of a green machine in a workshop. He is wearing a grey t-shirt and blue jeans, and there is a camera on a tripod stand to his left. On the left side of the image, there are drums and other objects, and in the background there are pipes and a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1352.6400146484375, 376.3800048828125, 1919.0399169921875, 817.02001953125 ], [ 1352.6400146484375, 598.8600463867188, 1917.1199951171875, 818.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "person's hand reaching for glass door with wooden frame and metal frame", "person's arm with silver watch on wrist in front of glass door" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>OLMASTER", "PETWO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 96.95999908447266, 734.9400024414062, 292.79998779296875, 714.4200439453125, 298.55999755859375, 765.1800537109375, 100.79999542236328, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 8.639999389648438, 766.260009765625, 56.63999938964844, 746.8200073242188, 64.31999969482422, 767.3400268554688, 14.399999618530273, 787.8600463867188 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>C", "E", "M", "OLMASTER", "olmaster", "PETN", "earte", "50mm" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1821.1199951171875, 0.5400000214576721, 1859.5198974609375, 0.5400000214576721, 1859.5198974609375, 54.540000915527344, 1821.1199951171875, 54.540000915527344 ], [ 1823.0399169921875, 81.54000091552734, 1855.679931640625, 82.62000274658203, 1853.760009765625, 140.94000244140625, 1821.1199951171875, 139.86000061035156 ], [ 1823.0399169921875, 167.94000244140625, 1851.8399658203125, 169.02000427246094, 1849.919921875, 225.1800079345703, 1821.1199951171875, 224.10000610351562 ], [ 1074.239990234375, 489.780029296875, 1099.199951171875, 497.34002685546875, 1095.3599853515625, 508.1400146484375, 1070.4000244140625, 500.58001708984375 ], [ 91.19999694824219, 734.9400024414062, 292.79998779296875, 714.4200439453125, 298.55999755859375, 765.1800537109375, 96.95999908447266, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 764.1000366210938, 56.63999938964844, 745.7400512695312, 62.39999771118164, 767.3400268554688, 16.31999969482422, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 1584.9599609375, 900.1800537109375, 1579.199951171875, 997.3800659179688, 1554.239990234375, 996.300048828125, 1560, 899.1000366210938 ], [ 1540.7999267578125, 942.300048828125, 1535.0399169921875, 979.02001953125, 1521.5999755859375, 977.9400634765625, 1525.43994140625, 941.2200317382812 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>olmaster", "PETWO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 96.95999908447266, 734.9400024414062, 292.79998779296875, 714.4200439453125, 298.55999755859375, 765.1800537109375, 100.79999542236328, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 765.1800537109375, 56.63999938964844, 747.9000244140625, 62.39999771118164, 768.4200439453125, 16.31999969482422, 785.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-044_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-044_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-044_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.05708184093236923, 0.11332899332046509, 0.07562758028507233 ]
[ 4.758272171020508, 4.740588665008545, 4.919948101043701 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting inside of a building.", "A machine that is cutting a piece of wood." ]
[ "The image shows a green machine sitting in the middle of a room, surrounded by wires, pipes, and other objects. It appears to be a hydraulic press, likely used for cutting and shaping materials.", "The image shows a green machine sitting in the middle of a room, surrounded by wires and a wall in the background. It appears to be a machine that is being used to cut a piece of wood." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>RODE" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 780.47998046875, 975.780029296875, 830.3999633789062, 991.9800415039062, 822.719970703125, 1013.5800170898438, 772.7999877929688, 997.3800659179688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1417.919921875, 766.260009765625, 1433.2799072265625, 766.260009765625, 1433.2799072265625, 787.8600463867188, 1417.919921875, 787.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-045_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-045_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1430707722902298, 0.1402691900730133 ]
[ 4.4995808601379395, 4.4684929847717285 ]
[ "A man standing in front of a large machine." ]
[ "The image shows a man standing in front of a green machine in a workshop. He is wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, and there are two cameras on stands to his left. In the background, there is a wall with pipes running along it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1337.280029296875, 518.9400024414062, 1636.7999267578125, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 1354.5599365234375, 691.7400512695312, 1615.679931640625, 1072.9801025390625 ] ], "labels": [ "person wearing blue jeans and black t-shirt in front of glass door", "person wearing dark blue jeans with water droplets on them" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>OLMASTER", "PETWO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 96.95999908447266, 734.9400024414062, 292.79998779296875, 714.4200439453125, 298.55999755859375, 765.1800537109375, 100.79999542236328, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 8.639999389648438, 765.1800537109375, 56.63999938964844, 747.9000244140625, 62.39999771118164, 768.4200439453125, 14.399999618530273, 786.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-046_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06100738048553467 ]
[ 4.8956522941589355 ]
[ "most flying particles ever from the press, it felt like time was slowing down when we did this one", "most flying particles ever from the press, it felt like time was slowing down when we did this one", "A hydraulic press is sitting on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with some text at the bottom. In the background there is a wall with doors and stickers on it, and on the left side of the image there are some objects. The text reads \"Most flying particles ever from the press, it felt like time was slowing down when we did this one\".", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with some text at the bottom. In the background, there are doors and stickers on the wall, and on the left side of the image there are some wooden objects. The text reads \"Most flying particles ever from the press, it felt like time was slowing down when we did this one\".", "The image shows a hydraulic press machine sitting on top of a table with a few objects on it. In the background, there is a green wall with stickers attached to it, and on the left side of the image there are a few wooden objects. At the bottom of the picture, the words \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\" are written." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 139.1999969482422, 732.780029296875, 1542.719970703125, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel with white paper towels on metal table" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Most flying particles ever from the press, it felt like time was", "slowing down when we did this one" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 12.479999542236328, 866.7000122070312, 1911.3599853515625, 866.7000122070312, 1911.3599853515625, 948.780029296875, 12.479999542236328, 950.9400634765625 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 958.5000610351562, 1124.1600341796875, 958.5000610351562, 1124.1600341796875, 1039.5, 10.559999465942383, 1041.6600341796875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Most flying particles ever from the press, it felt like time was", "slowing down when we did this one" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 12.479999542236328, 866.7000122070312, 1911.3599853515625, 866.7000122070312, 1911.3599853515625, 948.780029296875, 12.479999542236328, 950.9400634765625 ], [ 10.559999465942383, 958.5000610351562, 1124.1600341796875, 958.5000610351562, 1124.1600341796875, 1039.5, 10.559999465942383, 1040.580078125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1878.719970703125, 957.4200439453125, 1878.719970703125, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1053.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-047_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-047_1.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-047_2.jpg" ]
[ 0.5508502721786499, 0.5523574352264404, 0.7114351391792297 ]
[ 4.870348930358887, 4.841088771820068, 5.321168899536133 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine with papers flying out of it, surrounded by a wall with stickers on it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 121.91999816894531, 743.5800170898438, 1538.8800048828125, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press machine with paper shredding" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 465.5999755859375, 956.3400268554688, 1878.719970703125, 956.3400268554688, 1878.719970703125, 1051.3800048828125, 465.5999755859375, 1053.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-048_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5974783301353455 ]
[ 5.394883155822754 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press with papers flying out of it, a machine on the left side, a wall in the background, and text at the bottom." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1878.719970703125, 957.4200439453125, 1878.719970703125, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-049_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.9186583161354065 ]
[ 5.138680934906006 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting in the middle of a room, surrounded by papers and other objects on the floor. On the left side of the image, there is a green object, and at the bottom of the picture there is some text which reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>JAMASTE", "Hydraulic Press channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1496.6400146484375, 241.3800048828125, 1617.5999755859375, 310.5, 1604.159912109375, 332.1000061035156, 1483.199951171875, 262.9800109863281 ], [ 467.5199890136719, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1053.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-050_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7955208420753479 ]
[ 4.877445220947266 ]
[ "hydraulic press channel youtube" ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine sitting on top of a table with white objects on it. In the background, there is a green door with stickers on it, and at the bottom of the image there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 50.87999725341797, 608.5800170898438, 1917.1199951171875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 112.31999969482422, 97.74000549316406, 793.9199829101562, 811.6200561523438 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel installation", "green metal cabinet with yellow lightning bolts in industrial setting" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-051_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7217653393745422 ]
[ 5.058048725128174 ]
[ "A hydraulic press is being used to press metal." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in the middle of a room, surrounded by metal objects and papers flying in the air. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-052_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7062177658081055 ]
[ 5.237851619720459 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with papers flying out of it. On the left side of the image, there is a person's hand, and at the bottom of the picture there is some text which reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-053_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6080239415168762 ]
[ 5.321934700012207 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "hydraulic press channel @ youtube" ]
[ "The image shows a machine with a bunch of money flying out of it, surrounded by papers on the floor. In the background, there are boxes and other objects, and at the bottom of the image there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\".", "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in a factory with papers flying out of it. On the table in front of the machine, there are white objects, and in the background there is a green door with stickers on it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 54.71999740600586, 608.5800170898438, 1917.1199951171875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 123.83999633789062, 99.9000015258789, 813.1199951171875, 798.6600341796875 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel", "electrical panel with sticky notes and lightning bolts in factory" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-054_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-054_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.7897581458091736, 0.8597117066383362 ]
[ 5.135313987731934, 5.056602954864502 ]
[ "hydraulic press channel @ youtube" ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in a factory with papers flying out of it. On the table in front of the machine are several white objects, and in the background there are a few more objects visible. At the bottom of the image is a watermark." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 54.71999740600586, 608.5800170898438, 1917.1199951171875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-055_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7738267183303833 ]
[ 5.2424821853637695 ]
[ "A hydraulic press is being used to press a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in a factory with smoke coming out of it. The machine is on a table and there is text at the bottom of the image. In the background, there are various objects and a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-056_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.8465172052383423 ]
[ 5.149088382720947 ]
[ "hydraulic press channel @ youtube" ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in the middle of a room, surrounded by papers and other objects. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 64.31999969482422, 609.6600341796875, 1917.1199951171875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press channel installation" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-057_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7478542923927307 ]
[ 5.215960502624512 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine in the middle of a room with papers flying out of it. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 956.3400268554688, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-058_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7508463263511658 ]
[ 5.252357006072998 ]
[ "hydraulic press channel youtube" ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in the middle of a room, surrounded by lights, wires, and other objects. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 469.44000244140625, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 469.44000244140625, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-059_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6848866939544678 ]
[ 5.0249528884887695 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting in the middle of a room." ]
[ "The image shows a machine in the middle of a room with playing cards flying out of it. On the right side of the image, there is a light illuminating the machine, and at the bottom of the picture there is some text which reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 467.5199890136719, 958.5000610351562, 1880.6400146484375, 958.5000610351562, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 467.5199890136719, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-060_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6251910328865051 ]
[ 4.943933963775635 ]
[ "a machine that is sitting in the middle of a room", "A machine that is sitting in the middle of a room." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press machine in the middle of a room, surrounded by papers flying in the air. On the right side of the image, there is a window, and at the bottom of the picture there is some text.", "The image shows a machine sitting in the middle of a room with papers flying out of it. On the left side of the machine, there are wires and other objects scattered on the floor. At the bottom of the image, there is text that reads \"hydraulic press channel @ youtube\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 465.5999755859375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 957.4200439453125, 1880.6400146484375, 1051.3800048828125, 465.5999755859375, 1054.6199951171875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>Hydraulic Press Channel @ YouTube" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 465.5999755859375, 958.5000610351562, 1880.6400146484375, 958.5000610351562, 1880.6400146484375, 1050.300048828125, 465.5999755859375, 1051.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-061_0.jpg", "19s8CRUVf3E-Scene-061_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.5743991732597351, 0.5851255059242249 ]
[ 4.576740741729736, 5.091113090515137 ]
[ "A bunch of lit candles sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a table with a bunch of candles sitting on top of it, illuminated by a light at the top. In the background, there is a wall, suggesting that the candles are being used to make a candle holder." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 576.1799926757812, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ], [ 628.7999877929688, 596.7000122070312, 1241.280029296875, 820.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "floating tealight candles in stainless steel tray", "floating candles in metal tray" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠.٠-١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 680.6400146484375, 618.300048828125, 784.3200073242188, 618.300048828125, 784.3200073242188, 649.6200561523438, 680.6400146484375, 649.6200561523438 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-001_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07770270109176636 ]
[ 5.369544982910156 ]
[ "A green and pink striped pole sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal pole with a green and pink stripe on it, which is being used to create a 3D printing machine. In the background of the image there is a wall with some papers pasted on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>R" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 876.47998046875, 1038.4200439453125, 899.5199584960938, 1038.4200439453125, 899.5199584960938, 1061.10009765625, 876.47998046875, 1061.10009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-002_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.16417989134788513 ]
[ 4.865063190460205 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed ball sitting on top of a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall with posters in the background. The ball appears to be in the process of being printed, as evidenced by the 3D printing process." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 319.67999267578125, 198.1800079345703, 319.67999267578125, 391.5000305175781, 240.95999145507812, 391.5000305175781, 240.95999145507812, 198.1800079345703 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-003_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05962685868144035 ]
[ 4.954887866973877 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine with a green background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>M" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1056.9599609375, 164.70001220703125, 1078.0799560546875, 164.70001220703125, 1078.0799560546875, 185.22000122070312, 1056.9599609375, 185.22000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-004_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07413934916257858 ]
[ 5.024698257446289 ]
[ "A man working on a machine in a factory." ]
[ "The image shows a man wearing glasses standing in front of a machine in a factory, holding an object in his hands. On the table in the foreground of the image, there are various objects, and in the background there are lights, windows, and other machines." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1172.1600341796875, 373.1400146484375, 1561.919921875, 904.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "man working on lathe machine in workshop" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>TRAVELER" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1536.9599609375, 337.5, 1583.0399169921875, 302.94000244140625, 1592.6400146484375, 314.82000732421875, 1546.5599365234375, 350.46002197265625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-005_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03730704262852669 ]
[ 5.395401954650879 ]
[ "A red and white container sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a red and white sign on it. In the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it, and the object appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـكـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 240.95999145507812, 194.94000244140625, 319.67999267578125, 194.94000244140625, 319.67999267578125, 311.58001708984375, 240.95999145507812, 311.58001708984375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-006_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.4093363583087921 ]
[ 5.533774375915527 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a few white objects placed on it. In the background, there is a green wall with a door and a few stickers attached to it. The machine appears to be a hydraulic press, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 54.71999740600586, 831.06005859375, 1600.3199462890625, 1079.4600830078125 ] ], "labels": [ "hydraulic press machine with white paper towels on metal tray" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>@hydraulicpresschannel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1377.5999755859375, 1020.06005859375, 1897.919921875, 1020.06005859375, 1897.919921875, 1071.9000244140625, 1377.5999755859375, 1071.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-007_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0824747234582901 ]
[ 4.697834491729736 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with papers flying out of it. In the background, there is a wall with stickers on it, and at the bottom of the image there is some text which reads \"hydraulic press channel\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>@hydraulicpresschannel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1377.5999755859375, 1020.06005859375, 1897.919921875, 1020.06005859375, 1897.919921875, 1071.9000244140625, 1377.5999755859375, 1071.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-008_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1862187534570694 ]
[ 4.909210205078125 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with papers flying out of it. In the background there is a wall with stickers on it, and at the bottom of the image there is some text which reads \"hydraulic press channel\"." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>@hydraulicpresschannel" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1377.5999755859375, 1020.06005859375, 1899.8399658203125, 1020.06005859375, 1899.8399658203125, 1071.9000244140625, 1377.5999755859375, 1071.9000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-009_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21146976947784424 ]
[ 5.160165786743164 ]
[ "A pile of yellow and blue ribbons sitting on top of a metal plate." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object on a table with a pile of yellow and blue ribbons sitting on top of it. The ribbons appear to be made of plastic and are arranged in a neat pile." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>١٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 350.3999938964844, 791.1000366210938, 377.2799987792969, 792.1800537109375, 377.2799987792969, 800.8200073242188, 350.3999938964844, 799.7400512695312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-010_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.4909506142139435 ]
[ 5.044622898101807 ]
[ "A silver trophy sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a silver trophy sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background adorned with posters." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـكـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 240.95999145507812, 194.94000244140625, 319.67999267578125, 194.94000244140625, 319.67999267578125, 373.1400146484375, 240.95999145507812, 373.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-011_0.jpg" ]
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[ 5.473093032836914 ]
[ "A soccer ball sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a soccer ball sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring posters. The soccer ball is in the center of the image, with the text \"World Star Classic\" printed on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 692.1599731445312, 473.58001708984375, 1206.719970703125, 980.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "World Star Classic soccer ball" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>***", "WORLD", "STAR", "classic" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 920.6399536132812, 542.7000122070312, 1020.47998046875, 540.5400390625, 1020.47998046875, 561.0599975585938, 920.6399536132812, 563.2200317382812 ], [ 857.2799682617188, 583.7400512695312, 1093.43994140625, 577.260009765625, 1095.3599853515625, 633.4200439453125, 859.199951171875, 640.9800415039062 ], [ 799.6799926757812, 665.8200073242188, 1143.3599853515625, 661.5, 1145.280029296875, 769.5000610351562, 801.5999755859375, 777.06005859375 ], [ 922.5599975585938, 791.1000366210938, 1041.5999755859375, 788.9400024414062, 1041.5999755859375, 820.260009765625, 922.5599975585938, 822.4200439453125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-012_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21761536598205566 ]
[ 5.112066745758057 ]
[ "A large watermelon sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a watermelon sitting atop a metal table, with a few metal rods in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 623.0399780273438, 444.4200134277344, 1302.719970703125, 956.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HYDRAULIC PRESS CHANNEL" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 793.9199829101562, 1002.780029296875, 1164.47998046875, 1002.780029296875, 1164.47998046875, 1036.260009765625, 793.9199829101562, 1036.260009765625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-013_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.37617820501327515 ]
[ 5.1838250160217285 ]
[ "A camera sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a black camera sitting on top of a metal table with a blurred background. The camera appears to be a pentax camera, with a sleek and modern design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 707.5199584960938, 474.6600036621094, 1298.8800048828125, 802.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "Pentax Zoom 70X digital camera" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>PENTAX", "ZOOM 70X" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1097.280029296875, 620.4600219726562, 1202.8800048828125, 620.4600219726562, 1202.8800048828125, 640.9800415039062, 1097.280029296875, 640.9800415039062 ], [ 1101.1199951171875, 645.300048828125, 1202.8800048828125, 643.1400146484375, 1202.8800048828125, 669.0599975585938, 1101.1199951171875, 671.2200317382812 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-014_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.08553192019462585 ]
[ 4.844845294952393 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table.", "A person using a drill press to drill a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be an orange and black cylindrical object. In the background, I can see a green wall with a few stickers attached to it.", "The image shows a person wearing gloves and holding an orange object in their hand while using a CNC milling machine to cut a piece of metal. At the bottom of the image, there is a vessel, and in the background, there are boards on the wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1114.5599365234375, 407.70001220703125, 1917.1199951171875, 859.1400146484375 ] ], "labels": [ "gloved hand holding orange object in front of green door" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1229.760009765625, 188.4600067138672, 1229.760009765625, 346.1400146484375, 1168.3199462890625, 346.1400146484375, 1168.3199462890625, 188.4600067138672 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 56.70000076293945, 909.1199951171875, 56.70000076293945, 909.1199951171875, 66.42000579833984, 884.1599731445312, 66.42000579833984 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-015_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-015_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.06787916272878647, 0.050232671201229095 ]
[ 5.033398628234863, 5.428189754486084 ]
[ "A watermelon with a helmet on top of it." ]
[ "The image shows a watermelon wearing a helmet sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The watermelon appears to be in the process of being thrown into the air, as if it is about to be thrown." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 636.47998046875, 204.66000366210938, 1279.679931640625, 901.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "watermelon helmet with googly eyes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HIGH" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 914.8800048828125, 221.94000244140625, 1060.7999267578125, 218.70001220703125, 1060.7999267578125, 243.54000854492188, 914.8800048828125, 246.78001403808594 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-016_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09445453435182571 ]
[ 5.509936332702637 ]
[ "A large metal bowl filled with colorful paint on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal bowl filled with colorful paint sitting on top of a table. The bowl is filled with a variety of colors, including red, blue, yellow, green, and purple." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 281.2799987792969, 326.70001220703125, 1650.239990234375, 982.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "melted crayon art in metal bowl" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1565.760009765625, 691.7400512695312, 1594.5599365234375, 692.8200073242188, 1594.5599365234375, 711.1800537109375, 1565.760009765625, 710.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-017_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06860774010419846 ]
[ 4.902466773986816 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background of the image is a wall, suggesting that the machine is in a workshop or industrial setting." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 880.3200073242188, 926.1000366210938, 907.199951171875, 926.1000366210938, 907.199951171875, 942.300048828125, 880.3200073242188, 942.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-018_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0782703086733818 ]
[ 4.657402992248535 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table in a factory, with a wall in the background featuring stickers. The object appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ــ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1220.159912109375, 482.22003173828125, 1220.159912109375, 630.1800537109375, 1160.6400146484375, 630.1800537109375, 1160.6400146484375, 482.22003173828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-019_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04940157011151314 ]
[ 5.129669666290283 ]
[ "A metal pole with a lightning bolt on it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal pole sitting atop a wooden table in the center of the room, with a door on the left side and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 490.55999755859375, 108.54000091552734, 576.9599609375, 108.54000091552734, 576.9599609375, 270.5400085449219, 490.55999755859375, 270.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-020_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03476272150874138 ]
[ 4.798336982727051 ]
[ "A close up of a metal object on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a green wall in the background and a few objects in the racks. The metal object appears to be part of a machine, and there is a red dot on it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1298.8800048828125, 1047.06005859375, 1325.760009765625, 1047.06005859375, 1325.760009765625, 1074.06005859375, 1298.8800048828125, 1074.06005859375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-021_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03955288603901863 ]
[ 4.622082233428955 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, with a wall in the background. The object appears to be a 3D printing machine, with intricate details and a sleek design." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>١٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1064.6400146484375, 698.2200317382812, 1068.47998046875, 714.4200439453125, 1060.7999267578125, 715.5, 1058.8800048828125, 699.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-022_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15697717666625977 ]
[ 4.792839050292969 ]
[ "A black cordless phone sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a black and silver Siemens Gigaet A40 cordless phone sitting on top of a metal stand on a table, with a green wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 701.760009765625, 219.78001403808594, 1258.5599365234375, 904.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "Siemens cordless phone" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SIEMENS", "2.4", "5", "5", "SIEMEN'S", "Gigaset A1 A2P" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 907.199951171875, 324.5400085449219, 984, 322.3800048828125, 984, 338.58001708984375, 907.199951171875, 340.7400207519531 ], [ 970.5599975585938, 585.9000244140625, 987.8399658203125, 585.9000244140625, 987.8399658203125, 596.7000122070312, 970.5599975585938, 596.7000122070312 ], [ 976.3200073242188, 629.1000366210938, 991.6799926757812, 629.1000366210938, 991.6799926757812, 639.9000244140625, 976.3200073242188, 639.9000244140625 ], [ 984, 670.1400146484375, 997.4400024414062, 670.1400146484375, 997.4400024414062, 680.9400024414062, 984, 680.9400024414062 ], [ 788.1599731445312, 842.9400634765625, 870.719970703125, 834.300048828125, 872.6399536132812, 849.4200439453125, 790.0799560546875, 859.1400146484375 ], [ 1160.6400146484375, 824.5800170898438, 1243.199951171875, 827.8200073242188, 1243.199951171875, 842.9400634765625, 1160.6400146484375, 839.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-023_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15851470828056335 ]
[ 5.003342151641846 ]
[ "Two tennis balls sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows two tennis balls sitting on top of a table next to each other, with text on them. In the background there is a wall, and the focus of the image is on the tennis balls, which appear to be part of a machine used to make tennis balls." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 717.1199951171875, 509.22003173828125, 1012.7999877929688, 796.5000610351562 ], [ 1007.0399780273438, 513.5400390625, 1293.1199951171875, 792.1800537109375 ] ], "labels": [ "Wilson US Open 2 tennis ball", "yellow tennis ball with Knight logo" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>Wilson", "us open 2", "Knight®" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 772.7999877929688, 618.300048828125, 957.1199951171875, 623.7000122070312, 955.199951171875, 676.6200561523438, 770.8800048828125, 671.2200317382812 ], [ 770.8800048828125, 669.0599975585938, 959.0399780273438, 669.0599975585938, 959.0399780273438, 712.260009765625, 770.8800048828125, 712.260009765625 ], [ 1056.9599609375, 637.7400512695312, 1256.6400146484375, 619.3800048828125, 1262.4000244140625, 689.5800170898438, 1060.7999267578125, 706.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-024_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.18050193786621094 ]
[ 5.275705337524414 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a mouse placed on it. In the background, there is a wall. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 635.5800170898438, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "wireless mouse on round metal plate in workshop" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>9" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 957.1199951171875, 97.74000549316406, 974.3999633789062, 97.74000549316406, 974.3999633789062, 111.7800064086914, 957.1199951171875, 111.7800064086914 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-025_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06778539717197418 ]
[ 5.318004608154297 ]
[ "A winnie the pooh and eeyore ornament sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a glass ball with Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore painted on it, sitting atop a table. In the background, there are posters on the wall, adding to the whimsical atmosphere of the scene." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>CE.6" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 617.2799682617188, 469.260009765625, 623.0399780273438, 568.6199951171875, 601.9199829101562, 569.7000122070312, 596.1599731445312, 470.34002685546875 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-026_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1363227665424347 ]
[ 4.785374641418457 ]
[ "A metal pole with a yellow and black sign on it." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal pole with a yellow and black sign on it, which is part of an automated safety barrier system. On the table in front of the pole, there are a few pieces of paper scattered around, and in the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1210.5599365234375, 235.98001098632812, 1296.9599609375, 235.98001098632812, 1296.9599609375, 410.94000244140625, 1210.5599365234375, 410.94000244140625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-027_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10474942624568939 ]
[ 5.15716552734375 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with smoke coming out of it. In the background, there are boards on the wall, suggesting that the object is being used to make a spray can." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>ـحمـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 394.55999755859375, 228.42001342773438, 388.79998779296875, 420.6600036621094, 313.91998291015625, 419.58001708984375, 317.7599792480469, 228.42001342773438 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-028_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.4354706108570099 ]
[ 5.072506427764893 ]
[ "A 3D printer that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printer sitting on top of a table, with a wooden object in the foreground and a wall in the background. The object appears to be a piece of wood, and the 3D printing process is evident, with the machine cutting through the wood to create intricate designs." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>米" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 964.7999877929688, 603.1800537109375, 999.3599853515625, 603.1800537109375, 999.3599853515625, 636.6600341796875, 964.7999877929688, 636.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-029_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.055575571954250336 ]
[ 4.999297142028809 ]
[ "A pink radio sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a pink radio sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background featuring a poster. The radio has a sleek, modern design with a glossy finish. It has a few buttons on the front and a speaker on the top. The table is a light wood color and has a smooth surface." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 521.2799682617188, 0.5400000214576721, 1300.7999267578125, 1010.3400268554688 ] ], "labels": [ "pink retro radio with silver base and antenna" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>CRUDIO" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 907.199951171875, 525.4200439453125, 991.6799926757812, 525.4200439453125, 991.6799926757812, 535.1400146484375, 907.199951171875, 535.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-030_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.15539516508579254 ]
[ 4.9287109375 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of plastic." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of plastic on a table, with a wall in the background. The machine is cutting the plastic with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 987.8399658203125, 916.3800659179688, 1016.6399536132812, 916.3800659179688, 1016.6399536132812, 931.5000610351562, 987.8399658203125, 931.5000610351562 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-031_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09522343426942825 ]
[ 5.296918869018555 ]
[ "A blue and white toy dog sitting on top of a metal base.", "A model of a steam engine sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a blue and white toy dog sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The toy appears to be a robot dog, with its arms and legs outstretched and its head tilted slightly to the side. It has a friendly expression on its face, and its eyes are bright and alert.", "The image shows a model of a steam locomotive sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background. The locomotive is intricately detailed, with its four wheels, a smokestack, and a steam engine. The table is made of metal and has a glossy finish." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 607.6799926757812, 261.9000244140625, 1243.199951171875, 796.5000610351562 ] ], "labels": [ "blue and white robotic dog toy" ] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 588.47998046875, 466.02001953125, 1264.3199462890625, 790.02001953125 ], [ 818.8800048828125, 645.300048828125, 939.8399658203125, 760.8600463867188 ], [ 674.8800048828125, 633.4200439453125, 790.0799560546875, 746.8200073242188 ], [ 1095.3599853515625, 733.8600463867188, 1164.47998046875, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1007.0399780273438, 723.06005859375, 1064.6400146484375, 777.06005859375 ], [ 1187.52001953125, 721.9800415039062, 1241.280029296875, 777.06005859375 ] ], "labels": [ "miniature steam locomotive model with gold-plated wheels", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>SUNSHINE" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 811.2000122070312, 648.5400390625, 851.5199584960938, 657.1800537109375, 849.5999755859375, 666.9000244140625, 809.2799682617188, 658.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>11111" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 684.47998046875, 584.8200073242188, 711.3599853515625, 584.8200073242188, 711.3599853515625, 597.780029296875, 684.47998046875, 597.780029296875 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-032_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-032_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.31340837478637695, 0.08262526243925095 ]
[ 4.9240851402282715, 5.1600751876831055 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a few chocolate toys placed on it. The machine appears to be a 3D printing machine, with intricate details and a sleek design. The toys are arranged in a neat stack, and the table is a light wood color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 607.6799926757812, 275.94000244140625, 1304.6400146484375, 919.6200561523438 ], [ 709.4400024414062, 277.02001953125, 1200.9599609375, 770.5800170898438 ] ], "labels": [ "chocolate sculpture of human figures on pedestal", "chocolate figures stacked on top of each other" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>TURTY HOMESSA", "MADE IN ITALAND" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 949.4400024414062, 1018.9800415039062, 1037.760009765625, 1018.9800415039062, 1037.760009765625, 1035.1800537109375, 949.4400024414062, 1035.1800537109375 ], [ 949.4400024414062, 1034.10009765625, 1037.760009765625, 1034.10009765625, 1037.760009765625, 1050.300048828125, 949.4400024414062, 1050.300048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-033_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.1012713611125946 ]
[ 5.111801624298096 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "a close up of a metal pole with a yellow and black sign on it" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table with a green wall in the background. On the wall, there are yellow boards with text written on them, and the object appears to be a post-it note dispenser.", "The image shows a close up of a metal pole with a yellow and black sign on it, surrounded by shredded paper. In the background, there are boards on the wall, suggesting that this is part of an industrial waste management system." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1210.5599365234375, 228.42001342773438, 1296.9599609375, 228.42001342773438, 1296.9599609375, 408.780029296875, 1210.5599365234375, 408.780029296875 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1298.8800048828125, 225.1800079345703, 1296.9599609375, 414.1800231933594, 1212.47998046875, 414.1800231933594, 1212.47998046875, 225.1800079345703 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-034_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-034_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.09247290343046188, 0.275071382522583 ]
[ 5.086300849914551, 5.253664016723633 ]
[ "A yellow piggy bank sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow piggy bank sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 699.8399658203125, 423.9000244140625, 1335.3599853515625, 845.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow piggy bank with blue eyes" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 772.7999877929688, 543.780029296875, 807.3599853515625, 541.6199951171875, 809.2799682617188, 569.7000122070312, 774.719970703125, 571.8600463867188 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-035_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.10207439213991165 ]
[ 4.558069229125977 ]
[ "A bucket of tomatoes sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bucket of tomatoes in front of it. The machine is a hydraulic press, which is used to press tomatoes into various shapes and sizes. The tomatoes are a bright red color, indicating that they are ripe and ready to be picked." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 778.5599975585938, 552.4200439453125, 1227.8399658203125, 839.7000122070312 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 704.7000122070312, 1037.760009765625, 835.3800048828125 ], [ 782.3999633789062, 642.0599975585938, 916.7999877929688, 772.7400512695312 ], [ 1055.0399169921875, 704.7000122070312, 1187.52001953125, 818.1000366210938 ], [ 936, 551.3400268554688, 1060.7999267578125, 661.5 ], [ 805.4400024414062, 567.5400390625, 932.1599731445312, 650.7000122070312 ], [ 1116.47998046875, 638.8200073242188, 1225.919921875, 733.8600463867188 ], [ 1051.199951171875, 581.5800170898438, 1164.47998046875, 665.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "red tomatoes in bucket", "tomato", "red tomato", "red tomato", "red tomatoes", "tomato", "red tomato", "tomato" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HYDRAULIC P", "HYDRAULIC PRESS" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 964.7999877929688, 356.94000244140625, 1087.679931640625, 351.5400085449219, 1089.5999755859375, 376.3800048828125, 964.7999877929688, 381.780029296875 ], [ 951.3599853515625, 997.3800659179688, 1200.9599609375, 928.260009765625, 1212.47998046875, 983.3400268554688, 960.9599609375, 1033.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-036_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14170876145362854 ]
[ 5.551018714904785 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a bunch of tomatoes in a bucket beside it. In the background, there is a door with stickers on it.", "The image shows a metal cylinder with a fire coming out of it, sitting on a table in front of a green wall with stickers on it. The cylinder appears to be a hydraulic press channel, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 757.4400024414062, 662.5800170898438, 1160.6400146484375, 779.2200317382812 ], [ 772.7999877929688, 686.3400268554688, 911.0399780273438, 773.8200073242188 ], [ 911.0399780273438, 703.6200561523438, 1035.8399658203125, 779.2200317382812 ], [ 1032, 702.5400390625, 1158.719970703125, 775.9800415039062 ] ], "labels": [ "red tomatoes in metal bucket", "tomato", "tomato", "tomato" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HYDRAULIC PRESS CHANNEL", "HYDraulic PRESS CHANEL" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 510.3000183105469, 1047.3599853515625, 510.3000183105469, 1047.3599853515625, 530.8200073242188, 884.1599731445312, 530.8200073242188 ], [ 782.3999633789062, 934.7400512695312, 1145.280029296875, 934.7400512695312, 1145.280029296875, 983.3400268554688, 782.3999633789062, 983.3400268554688 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>HYDRAULIC PRESS CHANNEL" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 780.47998046875, 935.8200073242188, 1145.280029296875, 935.8200073242188, 1145.280029296875, 983.3400268554688, 780.47998046875, 983.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-037_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-037_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.05115652084350586, 0.0396970771253109 ]
[ 5.469146728515625, 4.830576419830322 ]
[ "A metal object with stars on it sitting on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The object appears to be a 3D printing machine, with intricate details and a metallic sheen." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 768.9599609375, 515.7000122070312, 768.9599609375, 536.2200317382812, 759.3599853515625, 536.2200317382812, 759.3599853515625, 515.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-038_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04783925786614418 ]
[ 5.371678352355957 ]
[ "Two golf balls sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows three golf balls sitting on top of a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DEEP PES", "Wilson" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1076.1600341796875, 721.9800415039062, 1152.9599609375, 732.780029296875, 1151.0399169921875, 745.7400512695312, 1074.239990234375, 734.9400024414062 ], [ 972.47998046875, 732.780029296875, 1003.199951171875, 691.7400512695312, 1014.719970703125, 698.2200317382812, 984, 740.3400268554688 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-039_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.061405573040246964 ]
[ 5.489606857299805 ]
[ "A toy tow truck sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a toy tow truck sitting atop a metal object, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 751.6799926757812, 537.300048828125, 1377.5999755859375, 791.1000366210938 ], [ 1147.199951171875, 702.5400390625, 1262.4000244140625, 783.5400390625 ], [ 809.2799682617188, 704.7000122070312, 918.719970703125, 786.780029296875 ] ], "labels": [ "NYPD toy tow truck", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>NYPD" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 943.6799926757812, 675.5400390625, 1047.3599853515625, 675.5400390625, 1047.3599853515625, 702.5400390625, 943.6799926757812, 702.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-040_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.7784743905067444 ]
[ 4.905667304992676 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a yellow and black ball on it. The background is a green wall, and the ball appears to be a 3D printed ball." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>V" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 901.4400024414062, 287.82000732421875, 918.719970703125, 287.82000732421875, 918.719970703125, 300.7799987792969, 901.4400024414062, 300.7799987792969 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-041_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06305183470249176 ]
[ 5.379166603088379 ]
[ "A camera sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a black camera sitting on top of a metal table, with a wall in the background. The camera appears to be in the process of being serviced, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 768.9599609375, 515.7000122070312, 1212.47998046875, 800.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "Fujifilm Focus Free 28mm optical lens camera" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>FOCUS FREE", "28 mm OPTICAL LENS" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 934.0799560546875, 624.780029296875, 1026.239990234375, 624.780029296875, 1026.239990234375, 638.8200073242188, 934.0799560546875, 638.8200073242188 ], [ 912.9599609375, 714.4200439453125, 1051.199951171875, 713.3400268554688, 1051.199951171875, 726.300048828125, 912.9599609375, 727.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-042_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04252045601606369 ]
[ 4.772623062133789 ]
[ "A coffee beans canister sitting on top of a table.", "A can of Pringles sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with coffee beans inside. In the background, there is a wall with two boards attached to it. The machine appears to be a coffee roaster, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side. The beans inside the machine are a light brown color, and appear to be freshly roasted.", "The image shows a can of Pringles sitting on top of a metal table. The can is orange in color and has text written on it. In the background, there is a green wall with two yellow boards attached to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 294.7200012207031, 253.260009765625, 384.9599914550781, 255.42001342773438, 379.1999816894531, 382.8600158691406, 288.9599914550781, 380.70001220703125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>FREE PRIZE-", "EVERY CAN", "Pringles", "SWEET", "PAPRIKA", "200 g", "150g (7.5 oz) 0.7 oz (300 g)" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 131.22000122070312, 1043.52001953125, 125.82000732421875, 1043.52001953125, 149.5800018310547, 878.3999633789062, 158.22000122070312 ], [ 884.1599731445312, 159.3000030517578, 1035.8399658203125, 147.42001342773438, 1037.760009765625, 174.42001342773438, 886.0799560546875, 187.3800048828125 ], [ 838.0799560546875, 365.58001708984375, 1047.3599853515625, 299.70001220703125, 1076.1600341796875, 402.3000183105469, 870.719970703125, 467.1000061035156 ], [ 903.3599853515625, 542.7000122070312, 1008.9599609375, 554.5800170898438, 1005.1199951171875, 589.1400146484375, 899.5199584960938, 576.1799926757812 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 569.7000122070312, 1068.47998046875, 617.2200317382812, 1056.9599609375, 673.3800048828125, 866.8800048828125, 617.2200317382812 ], [ 864.9599609375, 849.4200439453125, 899.5199584960938, 852.6600341796875, 897.5999755859375, 872.1000366210938, 863.0399780273438, 868.8600463867188 ], [ 1008.9599609375, 862.3800048828125, 1072.3199462890625, 861.300048828125, 1072.3199462890625, 872.1000366210938, 1008.9599609375, 873.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-043_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-043_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.08833999931812286, 0.09332920610904694 ]
[ 5.644891738891602, 4.996164321899414 ]
[ "Three colorful spheres sitting on top of a metal stand.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows three colorful spheres sitting on top of a metal table, with a blurred background. The spheres appear to be part of a 3D printing machine, with the colors of the spheres standing out against the metal surface.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a variety of colorful gummy bears arranged around it. The background is slightly blurred, giving the image a dreamy feel." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 521.2799682617188, 481.1400146484375, 1431.3599853515625, 823.5000610351562 ], [ 828.47998046875, 500.58001708984375, 1195.199951171875, 822.4200439453125 ], [ 521.2799682617188, 481.1400146484375, 855.3599853515625, 793.260009765625 ], [ 1133.760009765625, 486.5400085449219, 1431.3599853515625, 787.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "hexagon-shaped 3D printed spheres", "hexagon ball with green hexagonal pattern", "purple hexagon-patterned sphere", "orange hexagon ball" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1116.47998046875, 851.5800170898438, 1139.52001953125, 851.5800170898438, 1139.52001953125, 874.260009765625, 1116.47998046875, 874.260009765625 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1272, 692.8200073242188, 1291.199951171875, 692.8200073242188, 1291.199951171875, 702.5400390625, 1272, 702.5400390625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-044_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-044_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.15257667005062103, 0.3507263958454132 ]
[ 5.537984848022461, 5.020864963531494 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A person in a blue shirt and black gloves is pouring something into a pot." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a test tube with a red and yellow color. In the background, there is a wall with some papers pasted on it.", "The image shows a person wearing gloves and holding a pot of food in their hand, with a wall in the background. The person appears to be in the process of cooking, as evidenced by the pot and the object they are holding." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] }, { "bboxes": [ [ 1064.6400146484375, 129.05999755859375, 1919.0399169921875, 935.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "gloved hand holding red and yellow object in front of green door" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1279.679931640625, 988.7400512695312, 1300.7999267578125, 988.7400512695312, 1300.7999267578125, 1001.7000122070312, 1279.679931640625, 1001.7000122070312 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>ـحـ" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1248.9599609375, 268.3800048828125, 1248.9599609375, 417.4200134277344, 1197.1199951171875, 417.4200134277344, 1197.1199951171875, 268.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-045_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-045_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.1020757332444191, 0.1082972064614296 ]
[ 5.104902267456055, 4.984151363372803 ]
[ "A yellow toy car sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow toy Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera sitting atop a metal object, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 813.1199951171875, 637.7400512695312, 1295.0399169921875, 790.02001953125 ], [ 822.719970703125, 694.9800415039062, 907.199951171875, 774.9000244140625 ], [ 1055.0399169921875, 710.1000366210938, 1139.52001953125, 788.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow Lamborghini Gallardo diecast model car", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1187.52001953125, 743.5800170898438, 1204.7999267578125, 743.5800170898438, 1204.7999267578125, 751.1400146484375, 1187.52001953125, 751.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-046_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6533638834953308 ]
[ 5.121737957000732 ]
[ "A video game controller sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a video game controller, with a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 857.2799682617188, 149.5800018310547, 884.1599731445312, 149.5800018310547, 884.1599731445312, 174.42001342773438, 857.2799682617188, 174.42001342773438 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-047_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09288198500871658 ]
[ 5.254065036773682 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a person standing in front of a machine that is sitting on top of a table. On the table there are several candles in different colors, and to the right of the person is a person's leg. In the background there are metal rods and other objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DESTRUCTION", "TULER", "SIMULATI", "DOWNLOAD", "HIGH" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1033.919921875, 773.8200073242188, 1222.0799560546875, 700.3800048828125, 1231.679931640625, 729.5400390625, 1041.5999755859375, 799.7400512695312 ], [ 1095.3599853515625, 788.9400024414062, 1187.52001953125, 745.7400512695312, 1195.199951171875, 765.1800537109375, 1104.9599609375, 807.300048828125 ], [ 1053.1199951171875, 814.8600463867188, 1191.3599853515625, 745.7400512695312, 1200.9599609375, 768.4200439453125, 1060.7999267578125, 837.5400390625 ], [ 1080, 841.8600463867188, 1183.679931640625, 791.1000366210938, 1191.3599853515625, 806.2200317382812, 1085.760009765625, 856.9800415039062 ], [ 1108.7999267578125, 841.8600463867188, 1154.8800048828125, 817.02001953125, 1160.6400146484375, 828.9000244140625, 1114.5599365234375, 854.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-048_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11767057329416275 ]
[ 4.936152935028076 ]
[ "A man standing in front of a machine with candles on it." ]
[ "The image shows a man standing in front of a large metal object, which appears to be a candle making machine. He is holding a wire in his hand and there are several candles placed on the metal object. In the background, there are a few other objects visible." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 1362.239990234375, 223.02000427246094, 1648.3199462890625, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "man holding red cable in industrial setting" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1542.719970703125, 446.58001708984375, 1558.0799560546875, 447.6600036621094, 1558.0799560546875, 461.70001220703125, 1542.719970703125, 460.6200256347656 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-049_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07617021352052689 ]
[ 5.151337623596191 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a few candles placed on it. On the left side of the image, there is a black object, and in the background, there are a few metal objects and a green door. The machine appears to be a destruction tuber simulator, with the candles placed in front of it.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a metal object in the center. On the left side of the image, there is a black object and on the right side, there are wires. In the background, there appears to be a wall with some stickers on it, suggesting that the machine is in the process of being used to create a destruction tuber simulator." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 719.0399780273438, 477.9000244140625, 1176, 631.260009765625 ] ], "labels": [ "pink and orange tealight candles" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DESTRUCTION", "TUBER", "SIMULATOR", "DOWNLOAD", "NOW" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 780.47998046875, 702.5400390625, 1085.760009765625, 709.02001953125, 1083.8399658203125, 748.9800415039062, 780.47998046875, 741.4200439453125 ], [ 857.2799682617188, 748.9800415039062, 1001.2799682617188, 751.1400146484375, 1001.2799682617188, 787.8600463867188, 857.2799682617188, 784.6200561523438 ], [ 803.5199584960938, 782.4600219726562, 1055.0399169921875, 788.9400024414062, 1055.0399169921875, 827.8200073242188, 801.5999755859375, 821.3400268554688 ], [ 841.9199829101562, 848.3400268554688, 1012.7999877929688, 851.5800170898438, 1012.7999877929688, 878.5800170898438, 841.9199829101562, 874.260009765625 ], [ 888, 878.5800170898438, 964.7999877929688, 880.7400512695312, 964.7999877929688, 905.5800170898438, 888, 903.4200439453125 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>DESTRICTION", "TUBER", "SIMULATOR", "DOWNLOAD", "NOW" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 780.47998046875, 707.9400024414062, 1068.47998046875, 716.5800170898438, 1066.5599365234375, 755.4600219726562, 780.47998046875, 747.9000244140625 ], [ 857.2799682617188, 754.3800048828125, 1001.2799682617188, 757.6200561523438, 999.3599853515625, 795.4200439453125, 857.2799682617188, 791.1000366210938 ], [ 801.5999755859375, 788.9400024414062, 1053.1199951171875, 795.4200439453125, 1051.199951171875, 835.3800048828125, 799.6799926757812, 827.8200073242188 ], [ 840, 854.8200073242188, 1012.7999877929688, 856.9800415039062, 1012.7999877929688, 883.9800415039062, 840, 880.7400512695312 ], [ 888, 886.1400146484375, 964.7999877929688, 888.300048828125, 964.7999877929688, 910.9800415039062, 888, 908.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-050_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-050_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.18208028376102448, 0.10989385843276978 ]
[ 4.785128116607666, 4.548112392425537 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a person standing on the right side of the frame, working on a machine that is sitting on top of a table. In the center of the image, there is a metal object with some text written on it, and in the background there are metal rods and other objects." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DESTRUCTI", "SIMULAT", "DOWNLOAD" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1037.760009765625, 778.1400146484375, 1200.9599609375, 730.6200561523438, 1208.6400146484375, 757.6200561523438, 1043.52001953125, 802.9800415039062 ], [ 1051.199951171875, 820.260009765625, 1183.679931640625, 772.7400512695312, 1191.3599853515625, 795.4200439453125, 1056.9599609375, 841.8600463867188 ], [ 1080, 845.1000366210938, 1183.679931640625, 795.4200439453125, 1189.43994140625, 810.5400390625, 1085.760009765625, 860.2200317382812 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-051_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.11261413991451263 ]
[ 4.541972637176514 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a metal object on a table, which appears to be a CNC milling machine. The background of the image is a wall, suggesting that the machine is in a room." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 872.6399536132812, 231.66000366210938, 897.5999755859375, 231.66000366210938, 897.5999755859375, 254.3400115966797, 872.6399536132812, 254.3400115966797 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-052_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05085312947630882 ]
[ 4.724849700927734 ]
[ "A clock that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows an old clock sitting atop a metal table, with a wall in the background adorned with posters. The clock appears to be in the process of being repaired, as evidenced by the tools and materials scattered around it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 584.6400146484375, 286.7400207519531, 1285.43994140625, 1008.1800537109375 ], [ 790.0799560546875, 336.4200134277344, 1055.0399169921875, 572.9400024414062 ] ], "labels": [ "vintage clock with glass dome and brass base", "clock" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 841.9199829101562, 412.02001953125, 863.0399780273438, 413.1000061035156, 863.0399780273438, 422.82000732421875, 841.9199829101562, 421.7400207519531 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-053_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03770733252167702 ]
[ 5.432194232940674 ]
[ "A lamp that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a gold vase sitting atop a metal table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1200.9599609375, 486.5400085449219, 1200.9599609375, 525.4200439453125, 1185.5999755859375, 525.4200439453125, 1185.5999755859375, 486.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-054_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.13426922261714935 ]
[ 5.106174945831299 ]
[ "A roll of toilet paper sitting on top of a machine.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a roll of toilet paper on it, and a wall in the background.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal table with a white wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, with a cylindrical shape and a handle on the side. The table is made of metal and has a smooth surface." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 722.8800048828125, 397.9800109863281, 1147.199951171875, 853.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "paper towel" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 960.9599609375, 29.700000762939453, 991.6799926757812, 29.700000762939453, 991.6799926757812, 57.78000259399414, 960.9599609375, 57.78000259399414 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 45.119998931884766, 665.8200073242188, 45.119998931884766, 699.300048828125, 31.67999839782715, 699.300048828125, 31.67999839782715, 665.8200073242188 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-055_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-055_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.062135014683008194, 0.11655043810606003 ]
[ 4.986779689788818, 4.896402835845947 ]
[ "A 3D printed model of a coronavirus on a table." ]
[ "The image shows a 3D printed model of a coronavirus on a table, with a metal object in the foreground and a wall in the background. The model is green and orange in color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 774.719970703125, 420.6600036621094, 1162.5599365234375, 758.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "3D-printed coronavirus model" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 584.6400146484375, 878.5800170898438, 607.6799926757812, 881.8200073242188, 605.760009765625, 896.9400634765625, 582.719970703125, 893.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-056_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09710469096899033 ]
[ 5.768567085266113 ]
[ "A metal flask sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a stainless steel flask sitting atop a metal stand on a table, with a wall in the background featuring posters." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 930.239990234375, 38.34000015258789, 949.4400024414062, 38.34000015258789, 949.4400024414062, 50.220001220703125, 930.239990234375, 50.220001220703125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-057_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09870901703834534 ]
[ 5.301183700561523 ]
[ "A chocolate bunny sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a chocolate bunny sitting atop a metal table in the foreground, with a wall in the background featuring posters." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 751.6799926757812, 231.66000366210938, 1097.280029296875, 833.2200317382812 ] ], "labels": [ "chocolate bunny sculpture" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 951.3599853515625, 947.7000122070312, 951.3599853515625, 964.9800415039062, 941.7599487304688, 964.9800415039062, 941.7599487304688, 947.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-058_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.20077668130397797 ]
[ 5.018884658813477 ]
[ "A metal bucket with a picture of a city on it." ]
[ "The image shows a metal object on a table with a can of paint sitting on top of it. In the background of the image there is a wall with posters on it, and the can appears to be a wall street bucket lamp." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 749.760009765625, 284.58001708984375, 1174.0799560546875, 916.3800659179688 ] ], "labels": [ "New York City skyline wall street trash can" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HALL ST" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 792, 377.46002197265625, 980.1599731445312, 405.5400085449219, 972.47998046875, 454.1400146484375, 784.3200073242188, 432.5400085449219 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-059_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09193534404039383 ]
[ 5.575010299682617 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object on a table" ]
[ "The image shows a close up of a CNC milling machine on a table, with a circular object in the center of the table. The machine is being used to cut a piece of metal with precision and accuracy." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>0" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1080, 420.6600036621094, 1095.3599853515625, 420.6600036621094, 1095.3599853515625, 439.02001953125, 1080, 439.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-060_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.09508868306875229 ]
[ 5.304618835449219 ]
[ "A yellow candle sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a yellow candle sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and a wall behind it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 832.3200073242188, 419.58001708984375, 1047.3599853515625, 764.1000366210938 ] ], "labels": [ "yellow pillar candle" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1619.52001953125, 408.780029296875, 1634.8800048828125, 408.780029296875, 1634.8800048828125, 422.82000732421875, 1619.52001953125, 422.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-061_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.03379258140921593 ]
[ 5.200735569000244 ]
[ "A can of shaving foam sitting on top of a hydraulic press." ]
[ "The image shows a hydraulic press channel with a blue can sitting on top of it. The can has text written on it, and there are several metal objects in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>HYDRAULIC PRESS CHANNEL", "FOR PAINT", "SHAVING", "FOAM", "FOR PAIN", "SHAVINGS", "FOR PAINS", "FOAM", "RAINING", "RAINLESS", "RAIN CLEANER", "RAINEING", "Vitamin E", "Vitamine 1", "VITAMIN 1", "Aquamintypes", "300 ml ℮" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 682.5599975585938, 24.30000114440918, 1379.52001953125, 24.30000114440918, 1379.52001953125, 85.86000061035156, 682.5599975585938, 84.7800064086914 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 786.780029296875, 878.3999633789062, 724.1400146484375, 899.5199584960938, 724.1400146484375, 899.5199584960938, 786.780029296875 ], [ 907.199951171875, 786.780029296875, 907.199951171875, 684.1800537109375, 934.0799560546875, 684.1800537109375, 934.0799560546875, 786.780029296875 ], [ 936, 786.780029296875, 936, 712.260009765625, 962.8800048828125, 712.260009765625, 962.8800048828125, 786.780029296875 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 785.7000122070312, 878.3999633789062, 721.9800415039062, 899.5199584960938, 721.9800415039062, 899.5199584960938, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 818.8800048828125, 779.2200317382812, 818.8800048828125, 733.8600463867188, 832.3200073242188, 733.8600463867188, 832.3200073242188, 779.2200317382812 ], [ 878.3999633789062, 785.7000122070312, 876.47998046875, 724.1400146484375, 897.5999755859375, 724.1400146484375, 899.5199584960938, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 903.3599853515625, 785.7000122070312, 903.3599853515625, 684.1800537109375, 932.1599731445312, 684.1800537109375, 932.1599731445312, 785.7000122070312 ], [ 980.1599731445312, 786.780029296875, 980.1599731445312, 712.260009765625, 999.3599853515625, 712.260009765625, 999.3599853515625, 786.780029296875 ], [ 980.1599731445312, 788.9400024414062, 980.1599731445312, 712.260009765625, 1001.2799682617188, 712.260009765625, 1001.2799682617188, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1003.199951171875, 788.9400024414062, 1003.199951171875, 712.260009765625, 1018.5599975585938, 712.260009765625, 1018.5599975585938, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1022.3999633789062, 788.9400024414062, 1022.3999633789062, 712.260009765625, 1041.5999755859375, 712.260009765625, 1041.5999755859375, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1028.1600341796875, 788.9400024414062, 1028.1600341796875, 733.8600463867188, 1043.52001953125, 733.8600463867188, 1043.52001953125, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1064.6400146484375, 788.9400024414062, 1064.6400146484375, 733.8600463867188, 1080, 733.8600463867188, 1080, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1078.0799560546875, 788.9400024414062, 1078.0799560546875, 714.4200439453125, 1093.43994140625, 714.4200439453125, 1093.43994140625, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1080, 788.9400024414062, 1080, 714.4200439453125, 1095.3599853515625, 714.4200439453125, 1095.3599853515625, 788.9400024414062 ], [ 1216.3199462890625, 727.3800048828125, 1216.3199462890625, 674.4600219726562, 1233.5999755859375, 674.4600219726562, 1233.5999755859375, 727.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-062_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.17496800422668457 ]
[ 4.74777364730835 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a cylindrical object in the center and a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a printing machine, with various components and tools connected to it." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 111.7800064086914, 903.3599853515625, 111.7800064086914, 903.3599853515625, 135.54000854492188, 878.3999633789062, 135.54000854492188 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-063_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05829490348696709 ]
[ 4.725644111633301 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table, with a bowl of colorful sprinkles in front of it. The sprinkles appear to be in the process of being made, with the colors of the sprinkles ranging from bright blues and greens to warm oranges and yellows." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1016.6399536132812, 618.300048828125, 1051.199951171875, 618.300048828125, 1051.199951171875, 630.1800537109375, 1016.6399536132812, 630.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-064_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.06491579860448837 ]
[ 5.37693452835083 ]
[ "A toy car sitting on top of a metal object." ]
[ "The image shows a toy car sitting atop a metal object on a table, with a blurred background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 705.5999755859375, 615.0599975585938, 1256.6400146484375, 793.260009765625 ], [ 767.0399780273438, 691.7400512695312, 866.8800048828125, 781.3800048828125 ], [ 1037.760009765625, 714.4200439453125, 1133.760009765625, 792.1800537109375 ], [ 864.9599609375, 748.9800415039062, 936, 771.6600341796875 ], [ 1133.760009765625, 763.02001953125, 1200.9599609375, 783.5400390625 ] ], "labels": [ "Matchbox SuperFast 66 Ford Mustang Mach 1 toy car", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>19" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 732.47998046875, 675.5400390625, 757.4400024414062, 675.5400390625, 757.4400024414062, 697.1400146484375, 732.47998046875, 697.1400146484375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-065_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.6513169407844543 ]
[ 4.665688991546631 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of paper." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a piece of paper in front of it. In the background, there is a wall with a poster on it. The machine appears to be a paper cutter, which is used to cut and shape paper into various shapes and sizes." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>LITZL" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 926.3999633789062, 540.5400390625, 987.8399658203125, 540.5400390625, 987.8399658203125, 555.6600341796875, 926.3999633789062, 555.6600341796875 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-066_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.05178341642022133 ]
[ 5.110651969909668 ]
[ "A toy truck with a man driving it on a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a blue and yellow toy truck sitting on top of a metal table, with two people sitting inside. In the background, there is a wall with posters attached to it, suggesting that the truck is being used to build a toy car." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 406.0799865722656, 287.82000732421875, 1352.6400146484375, 931.5000610351562 ], [ 728.6399536132812, 589.1400146484375, 1078.0799560546875, 926.1000366210938 ], [ 1045.43994140625, 584.8200073242188, 1341.1199951171875, 908.8200073242188 ], [ 415.67999267578125, 595.6199951171875, 730.5599975585938, 893.7000122070312 ] ], "labels": [ "plastic toy monster truck with blue and yellow body and black tires", "wheel", "wheel", "wheel" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>PLASTO", "PLASTIO", "PLASTTO", "PLASTIC" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1172.1600341796875, 648.5400390625, 1262.4000244140625, 622.6199951171875, 1270.0799560546875, 648.5400390625, 1179.8399658203125, 676.6200561523438 ], [ 987.8399658203125, 631.260009765625, 1062.719970703125, 709.02001953125, 1043.52001953125, 726.300048828125, 968.6399536132812, 648.5400390625 ], [ 1295.0399169921875, 852.6600341796875, 1206.719970703125, 872.1000366210938, 1200.9599609375, 846.1800537109375, 1289.280029296875, 821.3400268554688 ], [ 947.5199584960938, 888.300048828125, 866.8800048828125, 813.780029296875, 888, 793.260009765625, 966.719970703125, 866.7000122070312 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-067_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.2854064106941223 ]
[ 4.529707431793213 ]
[ "A can of tea sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a can of tea sitting on top of a metal table, with a label on it that reads \"Lisbon Tea Co\". In the background, there is a wall." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 732.47998046875, 301.8600158691406, 1143.3599853515625, 773.8200073242188 ] ], "labels": [ "Chia Preto Taranja de Algarve loose leaf tea tin" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>LISBON", "TEA CO", "autoberea de Portuguál", "Chia Preto -", "Laranja", "de Algarçe" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 964.7999877929688, 456.3000183105469, 1020.47998046875, 454.1400146484375, 1020.47998046875, 469.260009765625, 964.7999877929688, 471.4200134277344 ], [ 966.719970703125, 472.5000305175781, 1020.47998046875, 470.34002685546875, 1020.47998046875, 486.5400085449219, 966.719970703125, 488.70001220703125 ], [ 922.5599975585938, 526.5, 1064.6400146484375, 497.34002685546875, 1068.47998046875, 515.7000122070312, 926.3999633789062, 544.8600463867188 ], [ 945.5999755859375, 652.8600463867188, 1049.280029296875, 631.260009765625, 1053.1199951171875, 652.8600463867188, 949.4400024414062, 677.7000122070312 ], [ 943.6799926757812, 682.02001953125, 1047.3599853515625, 658.260009765625, 1055.0399169921875, 689.5800170898438, 949.4400024414062, 714.4200439453125 ], [ 966.719970703125, 716.5800170898438, 1058.8800048828125, 693.9000244140625, 1062.719970703125, 714.4200439453125, 970.5599975585938, 738.1800537109375 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-068_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.14863280951976776 ]
[ 4.990354537963867 ]
[ "A red telephone sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows an old red telephone sitting on top of a wooden table, with a metal object at the top of the table and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 2.879999876022339, 427.1400146484375, 1258.5599365234375, 880.7400512695312 ] ], "labels": [ "vintage red rotary dial telephone" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>4 3 4 2 1", "6", "8" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 884.1599731445312, 554.5800170898438, 980.1599731445312, 562.1400146484375, 978.239990234375, 583.7400512695312, 882.239990234375, 572.9400024414062 ], [ 786.239990234375, 574.02001953125, 799.6799926757812, 574.02001953125, 799.6799926757812, 586.9800415039062, 786.239990234375, 586.9800415039062 ], [ 793.9199829101562, 666.9000244140625, 807.3599853515625, 666.9000244140625, 807.3599853515625, 680.9400024414062, 793.9199829101562, 680.9400024414062 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-069_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.308590829372406 ]
[ 5.160060882568359 ]
[ "A book sitting on top of a metal table." ]
[ "The image shows a book sitting on top of a table next to a machine, with a wall in the background. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine, which is used to cut and shape metal into various shapes and sizes." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>DIANA", "GABALDON", "KURKALINES" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 978.239990234375, 751.1400146484375, 1062.719970703125, 747.9000244140625, 1064.6400146484375, 778.1400146484375, 978.239990234375, 781.3800048828125 ], [ 949.4400024414062, 792.1800537109375, 1091.52001953125, 782.4600219726562, 1093.43994140625, 813.780029296875, 951.3599853515625, 824.5800170898438 ], [ 980.1599731445312, 829.9800415039062, 1066.5599365234375, 824.5800170898438, 1066.5599365234375, 839.7000122070312, 980.1599731445312, 845.1000366210938 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-070_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21801891922950745 ]
[ 5.157430648803711 ]
[ "a close up of a metal object in the water" ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal with a yellow and black object in the center, surrounded by a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 947.5199584960938, 152.82000732421875, 982.0799560546875, 152.82000732421875, 982.0799560546875, 171.1800079345703, 947.5199584960938, 171.1800079345703 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-071_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.5355806350708008 ]
[ 5.0897369384765625 ]
[ "A figurine of a person sitting in a chair." ]
[ "The image shows a toy sitting on top of a wooden chair, with a metal object at the top of the image and a wall with posters in the background. The toy appears to be a puppet, with its arms outstretched and its head tilted back, as if it is looking up at the viewer." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 878.3999633789062, 1041.6600341796875, 891.8399658203125, 1041.6600341796875, 891.8399658203125, 1051.3800048828125, 878.3999633789062, 1051.3800048828125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-072_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.0322810597717762 ]
[ 5.119552135467529 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a metal table with a few batteries placed on it. In the background, there are a few other machines and a wall. The machine appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 0.9599999785423279, 434.70001220703125, 1919.0399169921875, 1078.3800048828125 ] ], "labels": [ "batteries in metal tray on workbench" ] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>C" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1371.8399658203125, 179.82000732421875, 1396.7999267578125, 181.98001098632812, 1394.8800048828125, 210.0600128173828, 1369.919921875, 207.90000915527344 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-073_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.032648637890815735 ]
[ 5.168585777282715 ]
[ "A metal cup sitting on top of a metal stand." ]
[ "The image shows a metal cup sitting on top of a table, with a wall in the background. The cup appears to be made of metal and has a smooth, glossy finish. It has a curved shape with a handle on one side and a spout on the other. The table is a light wood color and the wall behind it is a neutral color." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1156.7999267578125, 0.5400000214576721, 1156.7999267578125, 43.7400016784668, 1145.280029296875, 43.7400016784668, 1145.280029296875, 0.5400000214576721 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-074_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.04261928051710129 ]
[ 5.232021331787109 ]
[ "A stuffed animal sitting on top of a metal object.", "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a black and white stuffed animal sitting atop a metal table, with a machine in the background and two boards attached to the wall.", "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a wall in the background. On the wall there are boards with text, and the machine appears to be a CNC milling machine." ]
[ { "bboxes": [ [ 500.1600036621094, 347.2200012207031, 1243.199951171875, 949.8600463867188 ] ], "labels": [ "black teddy bear with green eyes and white belly" ] }, { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>٢٠١٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1715.52001953125, 289.9800109863281, 1815.3599853515625, 289.9800109863281, 1815.3599853515625, 306.1800231933594, 1715.52001953125, 306.1800231933594 ] ] }, { "labels": [ "</s>٠٠:٠.٠" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1698.239990234375, 292.1400146484375, 1800, 292.1400146484375, 1800, 314.82000732421875, 1698.239990234375, 314.82000732421875 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-075_0.jpg", "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-075_1.jpg" ]
[ 0.15005673468112946, 0.07336489856243134 ]
[ 4.953266143798828, 4.5549163818359375 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a purple object on it. The object appears to be a ball, and there is a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 976.3200073242188, 1047.06005859375, 999.3599853515625, 1047.06005859375, 999.3599853515625, 1057.8599853515625, 976.3200073242188, 1057.8599853515625 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-076_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.21340151131153107 ]
[ 5.222108840942383 ]
[ "A machine that is sitting on top of a table." ]
[ "The image shows a machine sitting on top of a table with a green and blue object on it. In the background, there are papers attached to the wall, suggesting that the machine is in the process of making soap." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>-" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 1229.760009765625, 734.9400024414062, 1229.760009765625, 759.780029296875, 1216.3199462890625, 760.8600463867188, 1216.3199462890625, 736.02001953125 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-077_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.17859579622745514 ]
[ 5.24908971786499 ]
[ "A machine that is cutting a piece of metal with a torch." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal, with a yellow object in the center of the machine and a wall in the background." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [ "</s>O" ], "quad_boxes": [ [ 934.0799560546875, 164.70001220703125, 951.3599853515625, 164.70001220703125, 951.3599853515625, 181.98001098632812, 934.0799560546875, 181.98001098632812 ] ] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-078_0.jpg" ]
[ 0.07438160479068756 ]
[ 5.105448246002197 ]
[ "A drill press is being used to drill a piece of metal." ]
[ "The image shows a CNC milling machine cutting a piece of metal on a table. The machine is cutting the metal with precision and accuracy, creating a smooth and precise cut." ]
[ { "bboxes": [], "labels": [] } ]
[ { "labels": [], "quad_boxes": [] } ]
[ "1gGQy4nxyUo-Scene-079_0.jpg" ]
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[ 5.403011322021484 ]