1 value
1 value
Filter the results by price per night with AAA discount
Filter Price;5:6:7:8:9:10
Filter results by ranking
Filter Price;4
Filter results by the city London
Filter Price;6
Filter the results by Corinthian Hotel London
Filter Price;5:06:07
Filter Price;7
Filter the results by price 400
Filter Price;6
Filter results by hotel rankings
Filter Price;4:05
Filter results by the price
Filter Price;5
Filter results by ranking
Filter Price;4
Book a hotel for 6 days
Filter Price;5
Bring up Hotels that are around $200 a night
Filter Price;7
Filter results by price.
Filter Price;4
Filter the results by the rating
Filter Price;6
Filter the results using lowest prices.
Filter Price;5:06
Filter results by number of ratings
Filter Price;4:06
Please filter the results by cost $500
Filter Price;1
Filter by price
Filter Price;3
filter the hotels by the price
Filter Price;6
Filter results based on their location on the map
Filter Price;1
Sort the results by total cost.
Filter Price;5:06
Filter results by charge
Filter Price;4
Look for nice hotel in Toronto with 5 star rating
Filter Price;6
Filter results and show me hotels under $ 100.
Filter Price;7:08:09
Hotels sorted by ranking
Filter Price;4
Filter results cheapest first
Filter Price;3
Show the a hotel booking for the next 24-hours lowest to highest
Filter Price;12:14
Filter the hotel results by the cost.
Filter Price;7
Filter results by rate
Filter Price;4
Filter the result by the cost
Filter Price;5
Filter results by reviews
Filter Price;4
Filter results by lesser cost
Filter Price;4:05
Filter results by the price
Filter Price;5
Hotel in London from Dec 9 to 25
Filter Price;5
filter results by the TripAdvisor rating
Filter Price;5
search a nice hotel in Berlin. Filter results by the cost
Filter Price;11
filter results by the price
Filter Price;5
London hotels up to $ 840
Filter Price;4
return a previous search option
Filter Price;1
Filter results by the price
Filter Price;5
Sort the hotels by price
Filter Price;5
find me hotels in London for 15 nights between the 9th December and the 24th
Filter Price;15
Filter results by price.
Filter Price;4
Filter results by top reviews
Filter Price;4:05
Please filter hotel results by its price
Filter Price;7
Please rate the hotels by price
Filter Price;6
Filter results by the price
Filter Price;5
Filter results by amount per night.
Filter Price;4:05:06
Filters results by rating
Filter Price;4
List the hotels and filter the results by 5 star rated
Filter Price;9:10:11
Filter results by proximity to the Airport
Filter Price;4
Filter results by the price.
Filter Price;5
I want to see the results displayed lowest cost first
Filter Price;8:09
filter results by price
Filter Price;4
Filter results by 4:$850
Filter Price;4
Show results that are less than $300.
Filter Price;5:06:07
Filter results by the amount
Filter Price;5
Find hotels by price
Filter Price;4
Filter results by the cost.
Filter Price;5
Filter results by price
Filter Price;4
Filter the results by showing me the hotels that offer the restaurant service
Filter Price;13
Filter results by minor cost
Filter Price;4:05
Find me a nice 5 star hotel with 2 beds in East London. Filter by cheapest prices.
Filter Price;16:17
Filter results by the accommodation fee.
Filter Price;6
Filter hotel results by stars hotels.
Filter Price;4: 5: 7:8
Filter the results by low to high cost
Filter Price;8
Filter results by cost
Filter Price;4
Filter result by4: 4 5:star 6:hotels .
Filter Price;4:05:06
Filter hotels by the price per night.
Filter Price;4:5:6:7
Filter resorts by cost from ascending to descending order
Filter Price;4
Search hotels four stars
Filter Price;4
filter results by price from lowest to highest
Filter Price;4:5:6:7:8
Filter results by cost
Filter Price;4
Please filter results by the price.
Filter Price;6
Filter results by reviews.
Filter Price;4
Sort results by 5 star ratings.
Filter Ratings;4:05:06
Filter results by 3 star hotels
Filter Ratings;3:4:5:6
Find me a nice hotel in Essex with 2 beds. Filter by 3 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;13:14:15
Looking for hotel in the Kolkata with 5 star rating
Filter Ratings;6
find a great hotel in Florence. Filter results by 5 star hotels
Filter Ratings;10:11:12
Please filter results by the cost as well as by 5 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;11:12:13
Filter results using highest ratings.
Filter Ratings;4:05
Show me 5 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;3:04:05
Filter the hotel results by 4 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;6:07:08
Filter results by 5 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;4:05:06
Show me results for hotels with 5 star
Filter Ratings;7:08
Filter results by ranking
Filter Ratings;4
Filter hotels by ranking
Filter Ratings;1
Luxury Hotel in London for 2 people
Filter Ratings;1:2:4:6:7
Filter results by classification
Filter Ratings;4
show only 3 stars hotels
Filter Ratings;3:04:05
Filter the results of 5 star rating for myself. I want full list of hotels.
Filter Ratings;5
Filter results by 3 stars rating results
Filter Ratings;4:5:6:7
Filter results by 5 star hotels
Filter Ratings;4:05:06
Filter results by 5 star hotels
Filter Ratings;4:05:06
Filter the results by 2 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;5:06:07
Show me the results displaying only 3 star hotels
Filter Ratings;7
Filter results by 5 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;4:05:06
I need a hotel with review ratings of 5 in London
Filter Ratings;10:11
Show me the best 4 star hotel closets
Filter Ratings;5:06:07
Filter the results by 3 star hotels.
Filter Ratings;5:06:07

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