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Spatiotemporal pattern formation in a product-activated enzymic reaction at high enzyme concentrations is investigated. Stochastic simulations show that catalytic turnover cycles of individual enzymes can become coherent and that complex wave patterns of molecular synchronization can develop. The analysis based on the mean-field approximation indicates that the observed patterns result from the presence of Hopf and wave bifurcations in the considered system.
This is a supplement to the paper arXiv:q-bio/0701050, containing the text of correspondence sent to Nature in 1990.
The multisite phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle is a motif repeatedly used in cell signaling. This motif itself can generate a variety of dynamic behaviors like bistability and ultrasensitivity without direct positive feedbacks. In this paper, we study the number of positive steady states of a general multisite phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle, and how the number of positive steady states varies by changing the biological parameters. We show analytically that (1) for some parameter ranges, there are at least n+1 (if n is even) or n (if n is odd) steady states; (2) there never are more than 2n-1 steady states (in particular, this implies that for n=2, including single levels of MAPK cascades, there are at most three steady states); (3) for parameters near the standard Michaelis-Menten quasi-steady state conditions, there are at most n+1 steady states; and (4) for parameters far from the standard Michaelis-Menten quasi-steady state conditions, there is at most one steady state.
A number of recently discovered protein structures incorporate a rather unexpected structural feature: a knot in the polypeptide backbone. These knots are extremely rare, but their occurrence is likely connected to protein function in as yet unexplored fashion. Our analysis of the complete Protein Data Bank reveals several new knots which, along with previously discovered ones, can shed light on such connections. In particular, we identify the most complex knot discovered to date in human ubiquitin hydrolase, and suggest that its entangled topology protects it against unfolding and degradation by the proteasome. Knots in proteins are typically preserved across species and sometimes even across kingdoms. However, we also identify a knot which only appears in some transcarbamylases while being absent in homologous proteins of similar structure. The emergence of the knot is accompanied by a shift in the enzymatic function of the protein. We suggest that the simple insertion of a short DNA fragment into the gene may suffice to turn an unknotted into a knotted structure in this protein.
We present some numerical results obtained from a simple individual based model that describes clustering of organisms caused by competition. Our aim is to show how, even when a deterministic description developed for continuum models predicts no pattern formation, an individual based model displays well defined patterns, as a consequence of fluctuations effects caused by the discrete nature of the interacting agents.
This paper discusses the benefits of describing the world as information, especially in the study of the evolution of life and cognition. Traditional studies encounter problems because it is difficult to describe life and cognition in terms of matter and energy, since their laws are valid only at the physical scale. However, if matter and energy, as well as life and cognition, are described in terms of information, evolution can be described consistently as information becoming more complex. The paper presents eight tentative laws of information, valid at multiple scales, which are generalizations of Darwinian, cybernetic, thermodynamic, psychological, philosophical, and complexity principles. These are further used to discuss the notions of life, cognition and their evolution.
Alexander B. Medvinsky \emph{et al} [A. B. Medvinsky, I. A. Tikhonova, R. R. Aliev, B.-L. Li, Z.-S. Lin, and H. Malchow, Phys. Rev. E \textbf{64}, 021915 (2001)] and Marcus R. Garvie \emph{et al} [M. R. Garvie and C. Trenchea, SIAM J. Control. Optim. \textbf{46}, 775-791 (2007)] shown that the minimal spatially extended reaction-diffusion model of phytoplankton-zooplankton can exhibit both regular, chaotic behavior, and spatiotemporal patterns in a patchy environment. Based on that, the spatial plankton model is furtherly investigated by means of computer simulations and theoretical analysis in the present paper when its parameters would be expected in the case of mixed Turing-Hopf bifurcation region. Our results show that the spiral waves exist in that region and the spatiotemporal chaos emerge, which arise from the far-field breakup of the spiral waves over large ranges of diffusion coefficients of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Moreover, the spatiotemporal chaos arising from the far-field breakup of spiral waves does not gradually involve the whole space within that region. Our results are confirmed by means of computation spectra and nonlinear bifurcation of wave trains. Finally, we give some explanations about the spatially structured patterns from the community level.
Population structure induced by both spatial embedding and more general networks of interaction, such as model social networks, have been shown to have a fundamental effect on the dynamics and outcome of evolutionary games. These effects have, however, proved to be sensitive to the details of the underlying topology and dynamics. Here we introduce a minimal population structure that is described by two distinct hierarchical levels of interaction. We believe this model is able to identify effects of spatial structure that do not depend on the details of the topology. We derive the dynamics governing the evolution of a system starting from fundamental individual level stochastic processes through two successive meanfield approximations. In our model of population structure the topology of interactions is described by only two parameters: the effective population size at the local scale and the relative strength of local dynamics to global mixing. We demonstrate, for example, the existence of a continuous transition leading to the dominance of cooperation in populations with hierarchical levels of unstructured mixing as the benefit to cost ratio becomes smaller then the local population size. Applying our model of spatial structure to the repeated prisoner's dilemma we uncover a novel and counterintuitive mechanism by which the constant influx of defectors sustains cooperation. Further exploring the phase space of the repeated prisoner's dilemma and also of the "rock-paper-scissor" game we find indications of rich structure and are able to reproduce several effects observed in other models with explicit spatial embedding, such as the maintenance of biodiversity and the emergence of global oscillations.
Is it possible to understand cancer? Or more specifically, is it possible to understand cancer from genetic side? There already many answers in literature. The most optimistic one has claimed that it is mission-possible. Duesberg and his colleagues reviewed the impressive amount of research results on cancer accumulated over 100 years. It confirms the a general opinion that considering all available experimental results and clinical observations there is no cancer theory without major difficulties, including the prevailing gene-based cancer theories. They have then listed 9 "absolute discrepancies" for such cancer theory. In this letter the quantitative evidence against one of their major reasons for dismissing mutation cancer theory, by both in vivo experiment and a first principle computation, is explicitly pointed out.
Annealed importance sampling is a means to assign equilibrium weights to a nonequilibrium sample that was generated by a simulated annealing protocol. The weights may then be used to calculate equilibrium averages, and also serve as an ``adiabatic signature'' of the chosen cooling schedule. In this paper we demonstrate the method on the 50-atom dileucine peptide, showing that equilibrium distributions are attained for manageable cooling schedules. For this system, as naively implemented here, the method is modestly more efficient than constant temperature simulation. However, the method is worth considering whenever any simulated heating or cooling is performed (as is often done at the beginning of a simulation project, or during an NMR structure calculation), as it is simple to implement and requires minimal additional CPU expense. Furthermore, the naive implementation presented here can be improved.
Despite their claimed biological plausibility, most self organizing networks have strict topological constraints and consequently they cannot take into account a wide range of external stimuli. Furthermore their evolution is conditioned by deterministic laws which often are not correlated with the structural parameters and the global status of the network, as it should happen in a real biological system. In nature the environmental inputs are noise affected and fuzzy. Which thing sets the problem to investigate the possibility of emergent behaviour in a not strictly constrained net and subjected to different inputs. It is here presented a new model of Evolutionary Neural Gas (ENG) with any topological constraints, trained by probabilistic laws depending on the local distortion errors and the network dimension. The network is considered as a population of nodes that coexist in an ecosystem sharing local and global resources. Those particular features allow the network to quickly adapt to the environment, according to its dimensions. The ENG model analysis shows that the net evolves as a scale-free graph, and justifies in a deeply physical sense- the term gas here used.
The parsimony score of a character on a tree equals the number of state changes required to fit that character onto the tree. We show that for unordered, reversible characters this score equals the number of tree rearrangements required to fit the tree onto the character. We discuss implications of this connection for the debate over the use of consensus trees or total evidence, and show how it provides a link between incongruence of characters and recombination.
A coarse-grained computational procedure based on the Finite Element Method is proposed to calculate the normal modes and mechanical response of proteins and their supramolecular assemblies. Motivated by the elastic network model, proteins are modeled as homogeneous isotropic elastic solids with volume defined by their solvent-excluded surface. The discretized Finite Element representation is obtained using a surface simplification algorithm that facilitates the generation of models of arbitrary prescribed spatial resolution. The procedure is applied to compute the normal modes of a mutant of T4 phage lysozyme and of filamentous actin, as well as the critical Euler buckling load of the latter when subject to axial compression. Results compare favorably with all-atom normal mode analysis, the Rotation Translation Blocks procedure, and experiment. The proposed methodology establishes a computational framework for the calculation of protein mechanical response that facilitates the incorporation of specific atomic-level interactions into the model, including aqueous-electrolyte-mediated electrostatic effects. The procedure is equally applicable to proteins with known atomic coordinates as it is to electron density maps of proteins, protein complexes, and supramolecular assemblies of unknown atomic structure.
The holographic bound in physics constrains the complexity of life. The finite storage capability of information in the observable universe requires the protein linguistics in the evolution of life. We find that the evolution of genetic code determines the variance of amino acid frequencies and genomic GC content among species. The elegant linguistic mechanism is confirmed by the experimental observations based on all known entire proteomes.
Conformational transitions in macromolecular complexes often involve the reorientation of lever-like structures. Using a simple theoretical model, we show that the rate of such transitions is drastically enhanced if the lever is bendable, e.g. at a localized "hinge''. Surprisingly, the transition is fastest with an intermediate flexibility of the hinge. In this intermediate regime, the transition rate is also least sensitive to the amount of "cargo'' attached to the lever arm, which could be exploited by molecular motors. To explain this effect, we generalize the Kramers-Langer theory for multi-dimensional barrier crossing to configuration dependent mobility matrices.
We propose a combined experimental (Atomic Force Microscopy) and theoretical study of the structural and dynamical properties of nucleosomes. In contrast to biochemical approaches, this method allows to determine simultaneously the DNA complexed length distribution and nucleosome position in various contexts. First, we show that differences in the nucleo-proteic structure observed between conventional H2A and H2A.Bbd variant nucleosomes induce quantitative changes in the in the length distribution of DNA complexed with histones. Then, the sliding action of remodeling complex SWI/SNF is characterized through the evolution of the nucleosome position and wrapped DNA length mapping. Using a linear energetic model for the distribution of DNA complexed length, we extract the net wrapping energy of DNA onto the histone octamer, and compare it to previous studies.
Fluctuations in the abundance of molecules in the living cell may affect its growth and well being. For regulatory molecules (e.g., signaling proteins or transcription factors), fluctuations in their expression can affect the levels of downstream targets in a network. Here, we develop an analytic framework to investigate the phenomenon of noise correlation in molecular networks. Specifically, we focus on the metabolic network, which is highly inter-linked, and noise properties may constrain its structure and function. Motivated by the analogy between the dynamics of a linear metabolic pathway and that of the exactly soluable linear queueing network or, alternatively, a mass transfer system, we derive a plethora of results concerning fluctuations in the abundance of intermediate metabolites in various common motifs of the metabolic network. For all but one case examined, we find the steady-state fluctuation in different nodes of the pathways to be effectively uncorrelated. Consequently, fluctuations in enzyme levels only affect local properties and do not propagate elsewhere into metabolic networks, and intermediate metabolites can be freely shared by different reactions. Our approach may be applicable to study metabolic networks with more complex topologies, or protein signaling networks which are governed by similar biochemical reactions. Possible implications for bioinformatic analysis of metabolimic data are discussed.
Many important real-world networks manifest "small-world" properties such as scale-free degree distributions, small diameters, and clustering. The most common model of growth for these networks is "preferential attachment", where nodes acquire new links with probability proportional to the number of links they already have. We show that preferential attachment is a special case of the process of molecular evolution. We present a new single-parameter model of network growth that unifies varieties of preferential attachment with the quasispecies equation (which models molecular evolution), and also with the Erdos-Renyi random graph model. We suggest some properties of evolutionary models that might be applied to the study of networks. We also derive the form of the degree distribution resulting from our algorithm, and we show through simulations that the process also models aspects of network growth. The unification allows mathematical machinery developed for evolutionary dynamics to be applied in the study of network dynamics, and vice versa.
BACKGROUND: An important question is whether evolution favors properties such as mutational robustness or evolvability that do not directly benefit any individual, but can influence the course of future evolution. Functionally similar proteins can differ substantially in their robustness to mutations and capacity to evolve new functions, but it has remained unclear whether any of these differences might be due to evolutionary selection for these properties. RESULTS: Here we use laboratory experiments to demonstrate that evolution favors protein mutational robustness if the evolving population is sufficiently large. We neutrally evolve cytochrome P450 proteins under identical selection pressures and mutation rates in populations of different sizes, and show that proteins from the larger and thus more polymorphic population tend towards higher mutational robustness. Proteins from the larger population also evolve greater stability, a biophysical property that is known to enhance both mutational robustness and evolvability. The excess mutational robustness and stability is well described by existing mathematical theories, and can be quantitatively related to the way that the proteins occupy their neutral network. CONCLUSIONS: Our work is the first experimental demonstration of the general tendency of evolution to favor mutational robustness and protein stability in highly polymorphic populations. We suggest that this phenomenon may contribute to the mutational robustness and evolvability of viruses and bacteria that exist in large populations.
A practical introduction to stochastic modelling of reaction-diffusion processes is presented. No prior knowledge of stochastic simulations is assumed. The methods are explained using illustrative examples. The article starts with the classical Gillespie algorithm for the stochastic modelling of chemical reactions. Then stochastic algorithms for modelling molecular diffusion are given. Finally, basic stochastic reaction-diffusion methods are presented. The connections between stochastic simulations and deterministic models are explained and basic mathematical tools (e.g. chemical master equation) are presented. The article concludes with an overview of more advanced methods and problems.
Data on the prevalence of bone cancer in dinosaurs is available from past radiological examination of preserved bones. We statistically test this data for consistency with rates extrapolated from information on bone cancer in modern vertebrates, and find that there is no evidence of a different rate. Thus, this test provides no support for a possible role of ionizing radiation in the K-T extinction event.
Chargaff's second parity rule holds empirically for most types of DNA that along single strands of DNA the base contents are equal for complimentary bases, A = T, G = C. A Markov chain model is constructed to track the evolution of any single base position along single strands of genomes whose organisms are equipped with replication mismatch repair. Under the key assumptions that mismatch error rates primarily depend the number of hydrogen bonds of nucleotides and that the mismatch repairing process itself makes strand recognition error, the model shows that the steady state probabilities for any base position to take on one of the 4 nucleotide bases are equal for complimentary bases. As a result, Chargaff's second parity rule is the manifestation of the Law of Large Number acting on the steady state probabilities. More importantly, because the model pinpoints mismatch repair as a basis of the rule, it is suitable for experimental verification.
A Boolean network model of the cell-cycle regulatory network of fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces Pombe) is constructed solely on the basis of the known biochemical interaction topology. Simulating the model in the computer, faithfully reproduces the known sequence of regulatory activity patterns along the cell cycle of the living cell. Contrary to existing differential equation models, no parameters enter the model except the structure of the regulatory circuitry. The dynamical properties of the model indicate that the biological dynamical sequence is robustly implemented in the regulatory network, with the biological stationary state G1 corresponding to the dominant attractor in state space, and with the biological regulatory sequence being a strongly attractive trajectory. Comparing the fission yeast cell-cycle model to a similar model of the corresponding network in S. cerevisiae, a remarkable difference in circuitry, as well as dynamics is observed. While the latter operates in a strongly damped mode, driven by external excitation, the S. pombe network represents an auto-excited system with external damping.
Phylogenetic mixtures model the inhomogeneous molecular evolution commonly observed in data. The performance of phylogenetic reconstruction methods where the underlying data is generated by a mixture model has stimulated considerable recent debate. Much of the controversy stems from simulations of mixture model data on a given tree topology for which reconstruction algorithms output a tree of a different topology; these findings were held up to show the shortcomings of particular tree reconstruction methods. In so doing, the underlying assumption was that mixture model data on one topology can be distinguished from data evolved on an unmixed tree of another topology given enough data and the ``correct'' method. Here we show that this assumption can be false. For biologists our results imply that, for example, the combined data from two genes whose phylogenetic trees differ only in terms of branch lengths can perfectly fit a tree of a different topology.
Protein-DNA complexes with loops play a fundamental role in a wide variety of cellular processes, ranging from the regulation of DNA transcription to telomere maintenance. As ubiquitous as they are, their precise in vivo properties and their integration into the cellular function still remain largely unexplored. Here, we present a multilevel approach that efficiently connects in both directions molecular properties with cell physiology and use it to characterize the molecular properties of the looped DNA-lac repressor complex while functioning in vivo. The properties we uncover include the presence of two representative conformations of the complex, the stabilization of one conformation by DNA architectural proteins, and precise values of the underlying twisting elastic constants and bending free energies. Incorporation of all this molecular information into gene-regulation models reveals an unprecedented versatility of looped DNA-protein complexes at shaping the properties of gene expression.
Surviving in a diverse environment requires corresponding organism responses. At the cellular level, such adjustment relies on the transcription factors (TFs) which must rapidly find their target sequences amidst a vast amount of non-relevant sequences on DNA molecules. Whether these transcription factors locate their target sites through a 1D or 3D pathway is still a matter of speculation. It has been suggested that the optimum search time is when the protein equally shares its search time between 1D and 3D diffusions. In this paper, we study the above problem using a Monte Carlo simulation by considering a very simple physical model. A 1D strip, representing a DNA, with a number of low affinity sites, corresponding to non-target sites, and high affinity sites, corresponding to target sites, is considered and later extended to a 2D strip. We study the 1D and 3D exploration pathways, and combinations of the two modes by considering three different types of molecules: a walker that randomly walks along the strip with no dissociation; a jumper that represents dissociation and then re-association of a TF with the strip at later time at a distant site; and a hopper that is similar to the jumper but it dissociates and then re-associates at a faster rate than the jumper. We analyze the final probability distribution of molecules for each case and find that TFs can locate their targets fast enough even if they spend 15% of their search time diffusing freely in the solution. This indeed agrees with recent experimental results obtained by Elf et al. 2007 and is in contrast with theoretical expectation.
We report 10 successfully folding events of trpzip2 by molecular dynamics simulation. It is found that the trizip2 can fold into its native state through different zipper pathways, depending on the ways of forming hydrophobic core. We also find a very fast non-zipper pathway. This indicates that there may be no inconsistencies in the current pictures of beta-hairpin folding mechanisms. These pathways occur with different probabilities. zip-out is the most probable one. This may explain the recent experiment that the turn formation is the rate-limiting step for beta-hairpin folding.
The complementary strands of DNA molecules can be separated when stretched apart by a force; the unzipping signal is correlated to the base content of the sequence but is affected by thermal and instrumental noise. We consider here the ideal case where opening events are known to a very good time resolution (very large bandwidth), and study how the sequence can be reconstructed from the unzipping data. Our approach relies on the use of statistical Bayesian inference and of Viterbi decoding algorithm. Performances are studied numerically on Monte Carlo generated data, and analytically. We show how multiple unzippings of the same molecule may be exploited to improve the quality of the prediction, and calculate analytically the number of required unzippings as a function of the bandwidth, the sequence content, the elasticity parameters of the unzipped strands.
The puzzle presented by the famous stumps of Gilboa, New York, finds a solution in the discovery of two fossil specimens that allow the entire structure of these early trees to be reconstructed.
If predictions for species extinctions hold, then the `tree of life' today may be quite different to that in (say) 100 years. We describe a technique to quantify how much each species is likely to contribute to future biodiversity, as measured by its expected contribution to phylogenetic diversity. Our approach considers all possible scenarios for the set of species that will be extant at some future time, and weights them according to their likelihood under an independent (but not identical) distribution on species extinctions. Although the number of extinction scenarios can typically be very large, we show that there is a simple algorithm that will quickly compute this index. The method is implemented and applied to the prosimian primates as a test case, and the associated species ranking is compared to a related measure (the `Shapley index'). We describe indices for rooted and unrooted trees, and a modification that also includes the focal taxon's probability of extinction, making it directly comparable to some new conservation metrics.
For cellular biochemical reaction systems where the numbers of molecules is small, significant noise is associated with chemical reaction events. This molecular noise can give rise to behavior that is very different from the predictions of deterministic rate equation models. Unfortunately, there are few analytic methods for examining the qualitative behavior of stochastic systems. Here we describe such a method that extends deterministic analysis to include leading-order corrections due to the molecular noise. The method allows the steady-state behavior of the stochastic model to be easily computed, facilitates the mapping of stability phase diagrams that include stochastic effects and reveals how model parameters affect noise susceptibility, in a manner not accessible to numerical simulation. By way of illustration we consider two genetic circuits: a bistable positive-feedback loop and a negative-feedback oscillator. We find in the positive feedback circuit that translational activation leads to a far more stable system than transcriptional control. Conversely, in a negative-feedback loop triggered by a positive-feedback switch, the stochasticity of transcriptional control is harnessed to generate reproducible oscillations.
Medvedev and Melott (2007) have suggested that periodicity in fossil biodiversity may be induced by cosmic rays which vary as the Solar System oscillates normal to the galactic disk. We re-examine the evidence for a 62 million year (Myr) periodicity in biodiversity throughout the Phanerozoic history of animal life reported by Rohde & Mueller (2005), as well as related questions of periodicity in origination and extinction. We find that the signal is robust against variations in methods of analysis, and is based on fluctuations in the Paleozoic and a substantial part of the Mesozoic. Examination of origination and extinction is somewhat ambiguous, with results depending upon procedure. Origination and extinction intensity as defined by RM may be affected by an artifact at 27 Myr in the duration of stratigraphic intervals. Nevertheless, when a procedure free of this artifact is implemented, the 27 Myr periodicity appears in origination, suggesting that the artifact may ultimately be based on a signal in the data. A 62 Myr feature appears in extinction, when this same procedure is used. We conclude that evidence for a periodicity at 62 Myr is robust, and evidence for periodicity at approximately 27 Myr is also present, albeit more ambiguous.
Secondary structure elements of many protein families exhibit differential conservation on their opposing faces. Amphipathic helices and beta-sheets by definition possess this property, and play crucial functional roles. This type of evolutionary trajectory of a protein family is usually critical to the functions of the protein family, as well as in creating functions within subfamilies. That is, differential conservation maintains properties of a protein structure related to its orientation, and that are important in packing, recognition, and catalysis. Here I define and formulate a new concept, called the selection moment, that detects this evolutionary process in protein sequences. A treatment of its various applications is detailed.
An epidemic multi-strain model with temporary cross-immunity shows chaos, even in a previously unexpected parameter region. Especially dengue fever models with strong enhanced infectivity on secondary infection have previously shown deterministic chaos motivated by experimental findings of antibody-dependent-enhancement (ADE). Including temporary cross-immunity in such models, which is common knowledge among field researchers in dengue, we find a deterministically chaotic attractor in the more realistic parameter region of reduced infectivity on secondary infection (''inverse ADE'' parameter region). This is realistic for dengue fever since on second infection people are more likely to be hospitalized, hence do not contribute to the force of infection as much as people with first infection. Our finding has wider implications beyond dengue in any multi-strain epidemiological systems with altered infectivity upon secondary infection, since we can relax the condition of rather high infectivity on secondary infection previously required for deterministic chaos. For dengue the finding of wide ranges of chaotic attractors open new ways to analysis of existing data sets.
RNA motifs typically consist of short, modular patterns that include base pairs formed within and between modules. Estimating the abundance of these patterns is of fundamental importance for assessing the statistical significance of matches in genomewide searches, and for predicting whether a given function has evolved many times in different species or arose from a single common ancestor. In this manuscript, we review in an integrated and self-contained manner some basic concepts of automata theory, generating functions and transfer matrix methods that are relevant to pattern analysis in biological sequences. We formalize, in a general framework, the concept of Markov chain embedding to analyze patterns in random strings produced by a memoryless source. This conceptualization, together with the capability of automata to recognize complicated patterns, allows a systematic analysis of problems related to the occurrence and frequency of patterns in random strings. The applications we present focus on the concept of synchronization of automata, as well as automata used to search for a finite number of keywords (including sets of patterns generated according to base pairing rules) in a general text.
The time-dependent transverse response of stiff polymers, represented as weakly-bending wormlike chains (WLCs), is well-understood on the linear level, where transverse degrees of freedom evolve independently from the longitudinal ones. We show that, beyond a characteristic time scale, the nonlinear coupling of transverse and longitudinal motion in an inextensible WLC significantly weakens the polymer response compared to the widely used linear response predictions. The corresponding feedback mechanism is rationalized by scaling arguments and quantified by a multiple scale approach that exploits an inherent separation of transverse and longitudinal correlation length scales. Crossover scaling laws and exact analytical and numerical solutions for characteristic response quantities are derived for different experimentally relevant setups. Our findings are applicable to cytoskeletal filaments as well as DNA under tension.
Linear measures such as cross-correlation have been used successfully to determine time delays from the given processes. Such an analysis often precedes identifying possible causal relationships between the observed processes. The present study investigates the impact of a positively correlated driver whose correlation function decreases monotonically with lag on the delay estimation in a two-node acyclic network with one and two-delays. It is shown that cross-correlation analysis of the given processes can result in spurious identification of multiple delays between the driver and the dependent processes. Subsequently, delay estimation of increment process as opposed to the original process under certain implicit constraints is explored. Short-range and long-range correlated driver processes along with those of their coarse-grained counterparts are considered.
We have built an open-source software system for the modeling of biomolecular reaction networks, SloppyCell, which is written in Python and makes substantial use of third-party libraries for numerics, visualization, and parallel programming. We highlight here some of the powerful features that Python provides that enable SloppyCell to do dynamic code synthesis, symbolic manipulation, and parallel exploration of complex parameter spaces.
Transcription regulation typically involves the binding of proteins over long distances on multiple DNA sites that are brought close to each other by the formation of DNA loops. The inherent complexity of the assembly of regulatory complexes on looped DNA challenges the understanding of even the simplest genetic systems, including the prototypical lac operon. Here we implement a scalable quantitative computational approach to analyze systems regulated through multiple DNA sites with looping. Our approach applied to the lac operon accurately predicts the transcription rate over five orders of magnitude for wild type and seven mutants accounting for all the combinations of deletions of the three operators. A quantitative analysis of the model reveals that the presence of three operators provides a mechanism to combine robust repression with sensitive induction, two seemingly mutually exclusive properties that are required for optimal functioning of metabolic switches.
How can a microorganism adapt to a variety of environmental conditions despite there exists a limited number of signal transduction machineries? We show that for any growing cells whose gene expression is under stochastic fluctuations, adaptive cellular state is inevitably selected by noise, even without specific signal transduction network for it. In general, changes in protein concentration in a cell are given by its synthesis minus dilution and degradation, both of which are proportional to the rate of cell growth. In an adaptive state with a higher growth speed, both terms are large and balanced. Under the presence of noise in gene expression, the adaptive state is less affected by stochasticity since both the synthesis and dilution terms are large, while for a non-adaptive state both the terms are smaller so that cells are easily kicked out of the original state by noise. Hence, escape time from a cellular state and the cellular growth rate are negatively correlated. This leads to a selection of adaptive states with higher growth rates, and model simulations confirm this selection to take place in general. The results suggest a general form of adaptation that has never been brought to light - a process that requires no specific machineries for sensory adaptation. The present scheme may help explain a wide range of cellular adaptive responses including the metabolic flux optimization for maximal cell growth.
Boolean Networks and their dynamics are of great interest as abstract modeling schemes in various disciplines, ranging from biology to computer science. Whereas parallel update schemes have been studied extensively in past years, the level of understanding of asynchronous updates schemes is still very poor. In this paper we study the propagation of external information given by regulatory input variables into a random Boolean network. We compute both analytically and numerically the time evolution and the asymptotic behavior of this propagation of external regulation (PER). In particular, this allows us to identify variables which are completely determined by this external information. All those variables in the network which are not directly fixed by PER form a core which contains in particular all non-trivial feedback loops. We design a message-passing approach allowing to characterize the statistical properties of these cores in dependence of the Boolean network and the external condition. At the end we establish a link between PER dynamics and the full random asynchronous dynamics of a Boolean network.
Position determination in biological systems is often achieved through protein concentration gradients. Measuring the local concentration of such a protein with a spatially-varying distribution allows the measurement of position within the system. In order for these systems to work effectively, position determination must be robust to noise. Here, we calculate fundamental limits to the precision of position determination by concentration gradients due to unavoidable biochemical noise perturbing the gradients. We focus on gradient proteins with first order reaction kinetics. Systems of this type have been experimentally characterised in both developmental and cell biology settings. For a single gradient we show that, through time-averaging, great precision can potentially be achieved even with very low protein copy numbers. As a second example, we investigate the ability of a system with oppositely directed gradients to find its centre. With this mechanism, positional precision close to the centre improves more slowly with increasing averaging time, and so longer averaging times or higher copy numbers are required for high precision. For both single and double gradients, we demonstrate the existence of optimal length scales for the gradients, where precision is maximized, as well as analyzing how precision depends on the size of the concentration measuring apparatus. Our results provide fundamental constraints on the positional precision supplied by concentration gradients in various contexts, including both in developmental biology and also within a single cell.
We present an exhaustive study of more than 250 ab initio potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the model dipeptide HCO-L-Ala-NH2. The model chemistries (MCs) used are constructed as homo- and heterolevels involving possibly different RHF and MP2 calculations for the geometry and the energy. The basis sets used belong to a sample of 39 selected representants from Pople's split-valence families, ranging from the small 3-21G to the large 6-311++G(2df,2pd). The reference PES to which the rest are compared is the MP2/6-311++G(2df,2pd) homolevel, which, as far as we are aware, is the more accurate PES of a dipeptide in the literature. The aim of the study presented is twofold: On the one hand, the evaluation of the influence of polarization and diffuse functions in the basis set, distinguishing between those placed at 1st-row atoms and those placed at hydrogens, as well as the effect of different contraction and valence splitting schemes. On the other hand, the investigation of the heterolevel assumption, which is defined here to be that which states that heterolevel MCs are more efficient than homolevel MCs. The heterolevel approximation is very commonly used in the literature, but it is seldom checked. As far as we know, the only tests for peptides or related systems, have been performed using a small number of conformers, and this is the first time that this potentially very economical approximation is tested in full PESs. In order to achieve these goals, all data sets have been compared and analyzed in a way which captures the nearness concept in the space of MCs.
Late long-term potentiation (L-LTP) appears essential for the formation of long-term memory, with memories at least partly encoded by patterns of strengthened synapses. How memories are preserved for months or years, despite molecular turnover, is not well understood. Ongoing recurrent neuronal activity, during memory recall or during sleep, has been hypothesized to preferentially potentiate strong synapses, preserving memories. This hypothesis has not been evaluated in the context of a mathematical model representing biochemical pathways important for L-LTP. I incorporated ongoing activity into two such models: a reduced model that represents some of the essential biochemical processes, and a more detailed published model. The reduced model represents synaptic tagging and gene induction intuitively, and the detailed model adds activation of essential kinases by Ca. Ongoing activity was modeled as continual brief elevations of [Ca]. In each model, two stable states of synaptic weight resulted. Positive feedback between synaptic weight and the amplitude of ongoing Ca transients underlies this bistability. A tetanic or theta-burst stimulus switches a model synapse from a low weight to a high weight stabilized by ongoing activity. Bistability was robust to parameter variations. Simulations illustrated that prolonged decreased activity reset synapses to low weights, suggesting a plausible forgetting mechanism. However, episodic activity with shorter inactive intervals maintained strong synapses. Both models support experimental predictions. Tests of these predictions are expected to further understanding of how neuronal activity is coupled to maintenance of synaptic strength.
We study the growth of a directed transportation network, such as a food web, in which links carry resources. We propose a growth process in which new nodes (or species) preferentially attach to existing nodes with high indegree (in food-web language, number of prey) and low outdegree (or number of predators). This scheme, which we call inverse preferential attachment, is intended to maximize the amount of resources available to each new node. We show that the outdegree (predator) distribution decays at least exponentially fast for large outdegree and is continuously tunable between an exponential distribution and a delta function. The indegree (prey) distribution is poissonian in the large-network limit.
The properties of certain networks are determined by hidden variables that are not explicitly measured. The conditional probability (propagator) that a vertex with a given value of the hidden variable is connected to k of other vertices determines all measurable properties. We study hidden variable models and find an averaging approximation that enables us to obtain a general analytical result for the propagator. Analytic results showing the validity of the approximation are obtained. We apply hidden variable models to protein-protein interaction networks (PINs) in which the hidden variable is the association free-energy, determined by distributions that depend on biochemistry and evolution. We compute degree distributions as well as clustering coefficients of several PINs of different species; good agreement with measured data is obtained. For the human interactome two different parameter sets give the same degree distributions, but the computed clustering coefficients differ by a factor of about two. This shows that degree distributions are not sufficient to determine the properties of PINs.
A general and basic model of primordial evolution--a soup of reacting finitary and discrete processes--is employed to identify and analyze fundamental mechanisms that generate and maintain complex structures in prebiotic systems. The processes--$\epsilon$-machines as defined in computational mechanics--and their interaction networks both provide well defined notions of structure. This enables us to quantitatively demonstrate hierarchical self-organization in the soup in terms of complexity. We found that replicating processes evolve the strategy of successively building higher levels of organization by autocatalysis. Moreover, this is facilitated by local components that have low structural complexity, but high generality. In effect, the finitary process soup spontaneously evolves a selection pressure that favors such components. In light of the finitary process soup's generality, these results suggest a fundamental law of hierarchical systems: global complexity requires local simplicity.
Background: Duplication of genes is important for evolution of molecular networks. Many authors have therefore considered gene duplication as a driving force in shaping the topology of molecular networks. In particular it has been noted that growth via duplication would act as an implicit way of preferential attachment, and thereby provide the observed broad degree distributions of molecular networks. Results: We extend current models of gene duplication and rewiring by including directions and the fact that molecular networks are not a result of unidirectional growth. We introduce upstream sites and downstream shapes to quantify potential links during duplication and rewiring. We find that this in itself generates the observed scaling of transcription factors for genome sites in procaryotes. The dynamical model can generate a scale-free degree distribution, p(k)∝ 1/k^γ, with exponent γ=1 in the non-growing case, and with γ>1 when the network is growing. Conclusions: We find that duplication of genes followed by substantial recombination of upstream regions could generate main features of genetic regulatory networks. Our steady state degree distribution is however to broad to be consistent with data, thereby suggesting that selective pruning acts as a main additional constraint on duplicated genes. Our analysis shows that gene duplication can only be a main cause for the observed broad degree distributions, if there is also substantial recombinations between upstream regions of genes.
Significant fraction (98.5% in humans) of most animal genomes is non- coding dark matter. Its largely unknown function (1-5) is related to programming (rather than to spontaneous mutations) of accurate adaptation to rapidly changing environment. Programmed adaptation to the same universal law for non-competing animals from anaerobic yeast to human is revealed in the study of their extensively quantified mortality (6-21). Adaptation of animals with removed non-coding DNA fractions may specify their contribution to genomic programming. Emergence of new adaptation programs and their (non-Mendelian) heredity may be studied in antibiotic mini-extinctions (22-24). On a large evolutionary scale rapid universal adaptation was vital for survival, and evolved, in otherwise lethal for diverse species major mass extinctions (25-28). Evolutionary and experimental data corroborate these conclusions (6-21, 29-32). Universal law implies certain biological universality of diverse species, thus quantifies applicability of animal models to humans). Genomic adaptation programming calls for unusual approach to its study and implies unanticipated perspectives, in particular, directed biological changes.
The probability distributions for bending angles in double helical DNA obtained in all-atom molecular dynamics simulations are compared with theoretical predictions. The computed distributions remarkably agree with the worm-like chain theory for double helices of one helical turn and longer, and qualitatively differ from predictions of the semi-elastic chain model. The computed data exhibit only small anomalies in the apparent flexibility of short DNA and cannot account for the recently reported AFM data (Wiggins et al, Nature nanotechnology 1, 137 (2006)). It is possible that the current atomistic DNA models miss some essential mechanisms of DNA bending on intermediate length scales. Analysis of bent DNA structures reveals, however, that the bending motion is structurally heterogeneous and directionally anisotropic on the intermediate length scales where the experimental anomalies were detected. These effects are essential for interpretation of the experimental data and they also can be responsible for the apparent discrepancy.
Schroedinger's book 'What is Life?' is widely credited for having played a crucial role in development of molecular and cellular biology. My essay revisits the issues raised by this book from the modern perspective of epigenetics and systems biology. I contrast two classes of potential mechanisms of epigenetic stability: 'epigenetic templating' and 'systems biology' approaches, and consider them from the point of view expressed by Schroedinger. I also discuss how quantum entanglement, a nonclassical feature of quantum mechanics, can help to address the 'problem of small numbers' that lead Schroedinger to promote the idea of molecular code-script for explanation of stability of biological order.
BACKGROUND: Many of the mutations accumulated by naturally evolving proteins are neutral in the sense that they do not significantly alter a protein's ability to perform its primary biological function. However, new protein functions evolve when selection begins to favor other, "promiscuous" functions that are incidental to a protein's biological role. If mutations that are neutral with respect to a protein's primary biological function cause substantial changes in promiscuous functions, these mutations could enable future functional evolution. RESULTS: Here we investigate this possibility experimentally by examining how cytochrome P450 enzymes that have evolved neutrally with respect to activity on a single substrate have changed in their abilities to catalyze reactions on five other substrates. We find that the enzymes have sometimes changed as much as four-fold in the promiscuous activities. The changes in promiscuous activities tend to increase with the number of mutations, and can be largely rationalized in terms of the chemical structures of the substrates. The activities on chemically similar substrates tend to change in a coordinated fashion, potentially providing a route for systematically predicting the change in one function based on the measurement of several others. CONCLUSIONS: Our work suggests that initially neutral genetic drift can lead to substantial changes in protein functions that are not currently under selection, in effect poising the proteins to more readily undergo functional evolution should selection "ask new questions" in the future.
The evolution of multicellular organisms from monocellular ancestors represents one of the greatest advances of the history of life. The assembly of such multicellular organisms requires signalling and response between cells: over millions of years these signalling processes have become extremely sophisticated and refined by evolution, such that study of modern organisms may not be able to shed much light on the original ancient processes . Here we are interested in determining how simple a signalling method can be, while still achieving self-assembly. In 2D a coupled cellular automaton/differential equation approach models organisms and chemotaxic chemicals, producing spiralling aggregation. In 3D Lennard-Jones-like particles are used to represent single cells, and their evolution in response to signalling is followed by molecular dynamics. It is found that if a single cell is able to emit a signal which induces others to move towards it, then a colony of single-cell organisms can assemble into shapes as complex as a tower, a ball atop a stalk, or a fast-moving slug. The similarity with the behaviour of modern Dictyostelium slime molds signalling with cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is striking.
In the simplest view of transcriptional regulation, the expression of a gene is turned on or off by changes in the concentration of a transcription factor (TF). We use recent data on noise levels in gene expression to show that it should be possible to transmit much more than just one regulatory bit. Realizing this optimal information capacity would require that the dynamic range of TF concentrations used by the cell, the input/output relation of the regulatory module, and the noise levels of binding and transcription satisfy certain matching relations. This parameter-free prediction is in good agreement with recent experiments on the Bicoid/Hunchback system in the early Drosophila embryo, and this system achieves ~90% of its theoretical maximum information transmission.
In recent years, several authors have used probabilistic graphical models to learn expression modules and their regulatory programs from gene expression data. Here, we demonstrate the use of the synthetic data generator SynTReN for the purpose of testing and comparing module network learning algorithms. We introduce a software package for learning module networks, called LeMoNe, which incorporates a novel strategy for learning regulatory programs. Novelties include the use of a bottom-up Bayesian hierarchical clustering to construct the regulatory programs, and the use of a conditional entropy measure to assign regulators to the regulation program nodes. Using SynTReN data, we test the performance of LeMoNe in a completely controlled situation and assess the effect of the methodological changes we made with respect to an existing software package, namely Genomica. Additionally, we assess the effect of various parameters, such as the size of the data set and the amount of noise, on the inference performance. Overall, application of Genomica and LeMoNe to simulated data sets gave comparable results. However, LeMoNe offers some advantages, one of them being that the learning process is considerably faster for larger data sets. Additionally, we show that the location of the regulators in the LeMoNe regulation programs and their conditional entropy may be used to prioritize regulators for functional validation, and that the combination of the bottom-up clustering strategy with the conditional entropy-based assignment of regulators improves the handling of missing or hidden regulators.
The classical approach to protein folding inspired by statistical mechanics avoids the high dimensional structure of the conformation space by using effective coordinates. Here we introduce a network approach to capture the statistical properties of the structure of conformation spaces. Conformations are represented as nodes of the network, while links are transitions via elementary rotations around a chemical bond. Self-avoidance of a polypeptide chain introduces degree correlations in the conformation network, which in turn lead to energy landscape correlations. Folding can be interpreted as a biased random walk on the conformation network. We show that the folding pathways along energy gradients organize themselves into scale free networks, thus explaining previous observations made via molecular dynamics simulations. We also show that these energy landscape correlations are essential for recovering the observed connectivity exponent, which belongs to a different universality class than that of random energy models. In addition, we predict that the exponent and therefore the structure of the folding network fundamentally changes at high temperatures, as verified by our simulations on the AK peptide.
We consider a probabilistic cellular automaton to analyze the stochastic dynamics of a predator-prey system. The local rules are Markovian and are based in the Lotka-Volterra model. The individuals of each species reside on the sites of a lattice and interact with an unsymmetrical neighborhood. We look for the effect of the space anisotropy in the characterization of the oscillations of the species population densities. Our study of the probabilistic cellular automaton is based on simple and pair mean-field approximations and explicitly takes into account spatial anisotropy.
A dynamical mean-field theory is developed to analyze stochastic single-cell dynamics of gene expression. By explicitly taking account of nonequilibrium and nonadiabatic features of the DNA state fluctuation, two-time correlation functions and response functions of single-cell dynamics are derived. The method is applied to a self-regulating gene to predict a rich variety of dynamical phenomena such as anomalous increase of relaxation time and oscillatory decay of correlations. Effective "temperature" defined as the ratio of the correlation to the response in the protein number is small when the DNA state change is frequent, while it grows large when the DNA state change is infrequent, indicating the strong enhancement of noise in the latter case.
We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the solution of one dimensional stochastic differential equations and Langevin equations in periodic backgrounds with zero average. We prove that in several such models, there is generically a non vanishing asymptotic velocity, despite of the fact that the average of the background is zero.
This article reports about a novel extension of dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) that allows the study of the collective dynamics of complex chemical and structural systems in a spatially resolved manner with a combinatorially complex variety of different system constituents. We show that introducing multipolar interactions between particles leads to extended membrane structures emerging in a self-organized manner and exhibiting both the necessary mechanical stability for transport and fluidity so as to provide a two-dimensional self-organizing dynamic reaction environment for kinetic studies in the context of cell biology. We further show that the emergent dynamics of extended membrane bound objects is in accordance with scaling laws imposed by physics.
We propose that genetic encoding of self-assembling components greatly enhances the evolution of complex systems and provides an efficient platform for inductive generalization, i.e. the inductive derivation of a solution to a problem with a potentially infinite number of instances from a limited set of test examples. We exemplify this in simulations by evolving scalable circuitry for several problems. One of them, digital multiplication, has been intensively studied in recent years, where hitherto the evolutionary design of only specific small multipliers was achieved. The fact that this and other problems can be solved in full generality employing self-assembly sheds light on the evolutionary role of self-assembly in biology and is of relevance for the design of complex systems in nano- and bionanotechnology.
A basic question of protein structural studies is to which extent mutations affect the stability. This question may be addressed starting from sequence and/or from structure. In proteomics and genomics studies prediction of protein stability free energy change (DDG) upon single point mutation may also help the annotation process. The experimental SSG values are affected by uncertainty as measured by standard deviations. Most of the DDG values are nearly zero (about 32% of the DDG data set ranges from -0.5 to 0.5 Kcal/mol) and both the value and sign of DDG may be either positive or negative for the same mutation blurring the relationship among mutations and expected DDG value. In order to overcome this problem we describe a new predictor that discriminates between 3 mutation classes: destabilizing mutations (DDG<-0.5 Kcal/mol), stabilizing mutations (DDG>0.5 Kcal/mol) and neutral mutations (-0.5<=DDG<=0.5 Kcal/mol). In this paper a support vector machine starting from the protein sequence or structure discriminates between stabilizing, destabilizing and neutral mutations. We rank all the possible substitutions according to a three state classification system and show that the overall accuracy of our predictor is as high as 52% when performed starting from sequence information and 58% when the protein structure is available, with a mean value correlation coefficient of 0.30 and 0.39, respectively. These values are about 20 points per cent higher than those of a random predictor.
We study a model ecosystem by means of dynamical techniques from disordered systems theory. The model describes a set of species subject to competitive interactions through a background of resources, which they feed upon. Additionally direct competitive or co-operative interaction between species may occur through a random coupling matrix. We compute the order parameters of the system in a fixed point regime, and identify the onset of instability and compute the phase diagram. We focus on the effects of variability of resources, direct interaction between species, co-operation pressure and dilution on the stability and the diversity of the ecosystem. It is shown that resources can be exploited optimally only in absence of co-operation pressure or direct interaction between species.
The self-propelled motion of microscopic bodies immersed in a fluid medium is studied using molecular dynamics simulation. The advantage of the atomistic approach is that the detailed level of description allows complete freedom in specifying the swimmer design and its coupling with the surrounding fluid. A series of two-dimensional swimming bodies employing a variety of propulsion mechanisms -- motivated by biological and microrobotic designs -- is investigated, including the use of moving limbs, changing body shapes and fluid jets. The swimming efficiency and the nature of the induced, time-dependent flow fields are found to differ widely among body designs and propulsion mechanisms.
Three-dimensional (3D) chromatin structure is closely related to genome function, in particular transcription. However, the folding path of the chromatin fiber in the interphase nucleus is unknown. Here, we systematically measured the 3D physical distance between pairwise labeled genomic positions in gene-dense, highly transcribed domains and gene-poor less active areas on chromosomes 1 and 11 in G1 nuclei of human primary fibroblasts, using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Interpretation of our results and those published by others, based on polymer physics, shows that the folding of the chromatin fiber can be described as a polymer in a globular state (GS), maintained by intra-polymer attractive interactions that counteract self-avoidance forces. The GS polymer model is able to describe chromatin folding in as well the highly expressed domains as the lowly expressed ones, indicating that they differ in Kuhn length and chromatin compaction. Each type of genomic domain constitutes an ensemble of relatively compact globular folding states, resulting in a considerable cellto- cell variation between otherwise identical cells. We present evidence for different polymer folding regimes of the chromatin fiber on the length scale of a few mega base pairs and on that of complete chromosome arms (several tens of Mb). Our results present a novel view on the folding of the chromatin fiber in interphase and open the possibility to explore the nature of the intra-chromatin fiber interactions.
The prediction of the three-dimensional native structure of proteins from the knowledge of their amino acid sequence, known as the protein folding problem, is one of the most important yet unsolved issues of modern science. Since the conformational behaviour of flexible molecules is nothing more than a complex physical problem, increasingly more physicists are moving into the study of protein systems, bringing with them powerful mathematical and computational tools, as well as the sharp intuition and deep images inherent to the physics discipline. This work attempts to facilitate the first steps of such a transition. In order to achieve this goal, we provide an exhaustive account of the reasons underlying the protein folding problem enormous relevance and summarize the present-day status of the methods aimed to solving it. We also provide an introduction to the particular structure of these biological heteropolymers, and we physically define the problem stating the assumptions behind this (commonly implicit) definition. Finally, we review the 'special flavor' of statistical mechanics that is typically used to study the astronomically large phase spaces of macromolecules. Throughout the whole work, much material that is found scattered in the literature has been put together here to improve comprehension and to serve as a handy reference.
We investigate the effects of risk perception in a simple model of epidemic spreading. We assume that the perception of the risk of being infected depends on the fraction of neighbors that are ill. The effect of this factor is to decrease the infectivity, that therefore becomes a dynamical component of the model. We study the problem in the mean-field approximation and by numerical simulations for regular, random and scale-free networks. We show that for homogeneous and random networks, there is always a value of perception that stops the epidemics. In the ``worst-case'' scenario of a scale-free network with diverging input connectivity, a linear perception cannot stop the epidemics; however we show that a non-linear increase of the perception risk may lead to the extinction of the disease. This transition is discontinuous, and is not predicted by the mean-field analysis.
We report a first in modeling and simulation of the effects of the HIV proteins on the (caspase dependent) apoptotic pathway in infected cells. This work is novel and is an extension on the recent reports and clarifications on the FAS apoptotic pathway from the literature. We have gathered most of the reaction rates and initial conditions from the literature, the rest of the constants have been computed by fitting our model to the experimental results reported. Using the model obtained we have then run the simulations for the infected memory T cells, called also latent T cells, which, at the moment, represent the major obstacle to finding a cure for HIV. We can now report that the infected latent T cells have an estimated lifetime of about 42 hours from the moment they are re-activated. As far as we know this is the first result of this type obtained for the infected memory T cells.
Random networks with specified degree distributions have been proposed as realistic models of population structure, yet the problem of dynamically modeling SIR-type epidemics in random networks remains complex. I resolve this dilemma by showing how the SIR dynamics can be modeled with a system of three nonlinear ODE's. The method makes use of the probability generating function (PGF) formalism for representing the degree distribution of a random network and makes use of network-centric quantities such as the number of edges in a well-defined category rather than node-centric quantities such as the number of infecteds or susceptibles. The PGF provides a simple means of translating between network and node-centric variables and determining the epidemic incidence at any time. The theory also provides a simple means of tracking the evolution of the degree distribution among susceptibles or infecteds. The equations are used to demonstrate the dramatic effects that the degree distribution plays on the final size of an epidemic as well as the speed with which it spreads through the population. Power law degree distributions are observed to generate an almost immediate expansion phase yet have a smaller final size compared to homogeneous degree distributions such as the Poisson. The equations are compared to stochastic simulations, which show good agreement with the theory. Finally, the dynamic equations provide an alternative way of determining the epidemic threshold where large-scale epidemics are expected to occur, and below which epidemic behavior is limited to finite-sized outbreaks.
Contact patterns in populations fundamentally influence the spread of infectious diseases. Current mathematical methods for epidemiological forecasting on networks largely assume that contacts between individuals are fixed, at least for the duration of an outbreak. In reality, contact patterns may be quite fluid, with individuals frequently making and breaking social or sexual relationships. Here we develop a mathematical approach to predicting disease transmission on dynamic networks in which each individual has a characteristic behavior (typical contact number), but the identities of their contacts change in time. We show that dynamic contact patterns shape epidemiological dynamics in ways that cannot be adequately captured in static network models or mass-action models. Our new model interpolates smoothly between static network models and mass-action models using a mixing parameter, thereby providing a bridge between disparate classes of epidemiological models. Using epidemiological and sexual contact data from an Atlanta high school, we then demonstrate the utility of this method for forecasting and controlling sexually transmitted disease outbreaks.
We analytically and numerically study the probabilistic properties of inverted and mirror repeats in model sequences of nucleic acids. We consider both perfect and non-perfect repeats, i.e. repeats with mismatches and gaps. The considered sequence models are independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) sequences, Markov processes and long range sequences. We show that the number of repeats in correlated sequences is significantly larger than in i.i.d. sequences and that this discrepancy increases exponentially with the repeat length for long range sequences.
We present a model improving the two-angle model for interphase chromatin (E2A model). This model takes into account the cylindrical shape of the histone octamers, the H1 histones in front of the nucleosomes and the vertical distance $d$ between the in and outgoing DNA strands. Factoring these chromatin features in, one gets essential changes in the chromatin phase diagram: Not only the shape of the excluded-volume borderline changes but also the vertical distance $d$ has a dramatic influence on the forbidden area. Furthermore, we examined the influence of H1 defects on the properties of the chromatin fiber. Thus we present two possible strategies for chromatin compaction: The use of very dense states in the phase diagram in the gaps in the excluded volume borderline or missing H1 histones which can lead to very compact fibers. The chromatin fiber might use both of these mechanisms to compact itself at least locally. Line densities computed within the model coincident with the experimental values.
We suggest a simple deterministic approximation for the growth of the favoured-allele frequency during a selective sweep. Using this approximation we introduce an accurate model for genetic hitch-hiking. Only when Ns < 10 (N is the population size and s denotes the selection coefficient), are discrepancies between our approximation and direct numerical simulations of a Moran model noticeable. Our model describes the gene genealogies of a contiguous segment of neutral loci close to the selected one, and it does not assume that the selective sweep happens instantaneously. This enables us to compute SNP distributions on the neutral segment without bias.
Both short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) mediate the repression of specific sequences of mRNA through the RNA interference pathway. In the last years several experiments have supported the hypothesis that siRNAs and miRNAs may be functionally interchangeable, at least in cultured cells. In this work we verify that this hypothesis is also supported by a computational evidence. We show that a method specifically trained to predict the activity of the exogenous siRNAs assigns a high silencing level to experimentally determined human miRNAs. This result not only supports the idea of siRNAs and miRNAs equivalence but indicates that it is possible to use computational tools developed using synthetic small interference RNAs to investigate endogenous miRNAs.
Analyzing nonlinear conformational relaxation dynamics in elastic networks corresponding to two classical motor proteins, we find that they respond by well-defined internal mechanical motions to various initial deformations and that these motions are robust against external perturbations. We show that this behavior is not characteristic for random elastic networks. However, special network architectures with such properties can be designed by evolutionary optimization methods. Using them, an example of an artificial elastic network, operating as a cyclic machine powered by ligand binding, is constructed.
It has been shown that differences in fecundity variance can influence the probability of invasion of a genotype in a population, i.e. a genotype with lower variance in offspring number can be favored in finite populations even if it has a somewhat lower mean fitness than a competitor. In this paper, Gillespie's results are extended to population genetic systems with explicit age structure, where the demographic variance (variance in growth rate) calculated in the work of Engen and colleagues is used as a generalization of "variance in offspring number" to predict the interaction between deterministic and random forces driving change in allele frequency. By calculating the variance from the life history parameters, it is shown that selection against variance in the growth rate will favor a genotypes with lower stochasticity in age specific survival and fertility rates. A diffusion approximation for selection and drift in a population with two genotypes with different life history matrices (and therefore, different growth rates and demographic variances) is derived and shown to be consistent with individual based simulations. It is also argued that for finite populations, perturbation analyses of both the growth rate and demographic variances may be necessary to determine the sensitivity of "fitness" (broadly defined) to changes in the life history parameters.
With an automatic image analysis device, we studied the temporal distribution of the locomotor activity of E. orientalis and E. vuilleti during 24 h, and over several days to know whether the activity rhythms of these two Eupelmidae play a role in their competitive interactions. The analysis of locomotor activity rhythms of E. orientalis and E. vuilleti shows that the locomotor activity of both species presents daily cyclic variations. These two Eupelmidae have similar activity rhythms. Displacements of these parasitoids essentially take place during the photophase. But the activity of E. vuilleti is earlier, because the individuals of this species start their activity on average 4 to 5 h earlier than those of E. orientalis. E. vuilleti begins its displacements several hours before the onset of lighting, whereas E. orientalis is active only in the presence of the light. This shift of starting activity is thus a factor allowing these concurrent species to minimize their interactions during the cohabitation period in traditional granaries after the harvests of cowpea.
There are many processes in biology in which mechanical forces are generated. Force-bearing networks can transduce locally developed mechanical signals very extensively over different parts of the cell or tissues. In this article we conduct an overview of this kind of mechanical transduction, focusing in particular on the multiple layers of complexity displayed by the mechanisms that control and trigger the conversion of a mechanical signal into a biochemical function. Single molecule methodologies, through their capability to introduce the force in studies of biological processes in which mechanical stresses are developed, are unveiling subtle intertwining mechanisms between chemistry and mechanics and in particular are revealing how chemistry can control mechanics. The possibility that chemistry interplays with mechanics should be always considered in biochemical studies.
In Chile and Uruguay,the gregarious Pteromalidae (Monoksa dorsiplana) has been discovered emerging from seeds of the persistent pods of Acacia caven attacked by the univoltin bruchid Pseudopachymeria spinipes. We investigated the potential for mass rearing of this gregarious ectoparasitoid on an alternative bruchid host, Callosobruchus maculatus, to use it against the bruchidae of native and cultured species of Leguminosea seeds in South America. The mass rearing of M.dorsiplana was carried out in a population cage where the density of egg-laying females per infested seed was increased from 1:1 on the first day to 5:1 on the last (fifth) day. Under these experimental conditions egg-clutch size per host increased, and at the same time the mortality of eggs laid also increased. The density of egg-laying females influenced the sex ratio which tended towards a balance of sons and daughters,in contrast to the sex ratio of a single egg-laying female per host (1 son to 7 daughters). The mean weight of adults emerging from a parasitized host was negatively correlated with the egg-clutch size, i.e., as egg-clutch size increased, adult weight decreased. All these results show that mass rearing of the gregarious ectoparasitoid M.dorsiplana was possible under laboratory conditions on an alternative bruchid host C.maculatus. As M.dorsiplana is a natural enemy of larval and pupal stages of bruchidae, the next step was to investigate whether the biological control of bruchid C.maculatus was possible in an experimental structure of stored beans.
The metabolic networks are very well characterized for a large set of organisms, a unique case in within the large-scale biological networks. For this reason they provide a a very interesting framework for the construction of analytically tractable statistical mechanics models. In this paper we introduce a solvable model for the distribution of fluxes in the metabolic network. We show that the effect of the topology on the distribution of fluxes is to allow for large fluctuations of their values, a fact that should have implications on the robustness of the system.
We investigate the mechanisms of histone sliding and detachment with a stochastic model that couples thermally-induced, passive histone sliding with active motor-driven histone unwrapping. Analysis of a passive loop or twist defect-mediated histone sliding mechanism shows that diffusional sliding is enhanced as larger portions of the DNA is peeled off the histone. The mean times to histone detachment and the mean distance traveled by the motor complex prior to histone detachment are computed as functions of the intrinsic speed of the motor. Fast motors preferentially induce detachment over sliding. However, for a fixed motor speed, increasing the histone-DNA affinity (and thereby decreasing the passive sliding rate) increases the mean distance traveled by the motor.
The behavior of interacting populations typically displays irregular temporal and spatial patterns that are difficult to reconcile with an underlying deterministic dynamics. A classical example is the heterogeneous distribution of plankton communities, which has been observed to be patchy over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Here, we use plankton communities as prototype systems to present theoretical approaches for the analysis of the combined effects of turbulent advection and stochastic growth in the spatiotemporal dynamics of the population. Incorporation of these two factors into mathematical models brings an extra level of realism to the description and leads to better agreement with experimental data than that of previously proposed models based on reaction-diffusion equations.
The equilibrium free energy landscape of an off-lattice model protein as a function of an internal (reaction) coordinate is reconstructed from out-of-equilibrium mechanical unfolding manipulations. This task is accomplished via two independent methods: by employing an extended version of the Jarzynski equality (EJE) and the protein inherent structures (ISs). In a range of temperatures around the ``folding transition'' we find a good quantitative agreement between the free energies obtained via EJE and IS approaches. This indicates that the two methodologies are consistent and able to reproduce equilibrium properties of the examined system. Moreover, for the studied model the structural transitions induced by pulling can be related to thermodynamical aspects of folding.
From the spectral plot of the (normalized) graph Laplacian, the essential qualitative properties of a network can be simultaneously deduced. Given a class of empirical networks, reconstruction schemes for elucidating the evolutionary dynamics leading to those particular data can then be developed. This method is exemplified for protein-protein interaction networks. Traces of their evolutionary history of duplication and divergence processes are identified. In particular, we can identify typical specific features that robustly distinguish protein-protein interaction networks from other classes of networks, in spite of possible statistical fluctuations of the underlying data.
In this paper we describe a new technique for the comparison of populations of DNA strands. Comparison is vital to the study of ecological systems, at both the micro and macro scales. Existing methods make use of DNA sequencing and cloning, which can prove costly and time consuming, even with current sequencing techniques. Our overall objective is to address questions such as: (i) (Genome detection) Is a known genome sequence present, at least in part, in an environmental sample? (ii) (Sequence query) Is a specific fragment sequence present in a sample? (iii) (Similarity discovery) How similar in terms of sequence content are two unsequenced samples? We propose a method involving multiple filtering criteria that result in "pools" of DNA of high or very high purity. Because our method is similar in spirit to hashing in computer science, we call it DNA hash pooling. To illustrate this method, we describe protocols using pairs of restriction enzymes. The in silico empirical results we present reflect a sensitivity to experimental error. Our method will normally be performed as a filtering step prior to sequencing in order to reduce the amount of sequencing required (generally by a factor of 10 or more). Even as sequencing becomes cheaper, an order of magnitude remains important.
We consider two seemingly very different self-assembly processes: formation of viral capsids, and crystallization of sticky discs. At low temperatures, assembly is ineffective, since there are many metastable disordered states, which are a source of kinetic frustration. We use fluctuation-dissipation ratios to extract information about the degree of this frustration. We show that our analysis is a useful indicator of the long term fate of the system, based on the early stages of assembly.
In this paper, we present a spatial version of phytoplankton-zooplankton model that includes some important factors such as external periodic forces, noise, and diffusion processes. The spatially extended phytoplankton-zooplankton system is from the original study by Scheffer [M Scheffer, Fish and nutrients interplay determines algal biomass: a minimal model, Oikos \textbf{62} (1991) 271-282]. Our results show that the spatially extended system exhibit a resonant patterns and frequency-locking phenomena. The system also shows that the noise and the external periodic forces play a constructive role in the Scheffer's model: first, the noise can enhance the oscillation of phytoplankton species' density and format a large clusters in the space when the noise intensity is within certain interval. Second, the external periodic forces can induce 4:1 and 1:1 frequency-locking and spatially homogeneous oscillation phenomena to appear. Finally, the resonant patterns are observed in the system when the spatial noises and external periodic forces are both turned on. Moreover, we found that the 4:1 frequency-locking transform into 1:1 frequency-locking when the noise intensity increased. In addition to elucidating our results outside the domain of Turing instability, we provide further analysis of Turing linear stability with the help of the numerical calculation by using the Maple software. Significantly, oscillations are enhanced in the system when the noise term presents. These results indicate that the oceanic plankton bloom may partly due to interplay between the stochastic factors and external forces instead of deterministic factors. These results also may help us to understand the effects arising from undeniable subject to random fluctuations in oceanic plankton bloom.
In this work we develop a microscopic physical model of early evolution, where phenotype,organism life expectancy, is directly related to genotype, the stability of its proteins in their native conformations which can be determined exactly in the model. Simulating the model on a computer, we consistently observe the Big Bang scenario whereby exponential population growth ensues as soon as favorable sequence-structure combinations (precursors of stable proteins) are discovered. Upon that, random diversity of the structural space abruptly collapses into a small set of preferred proteins. We observe that protein folds remain stable and abundant in the population at time scales much greater than mutation or organism lifetime, and the distribution of the lifetimes of dominant folds in a population approximately follows a power law. The separation of evolutionary time scales between discovery of new folds and generation of new sequences gives rise to emergence of protein families and superfamilies whose sizes are power-law distributed, closely matching the same distributions for real proteins. On the population level we observe emergence of species, subpopulations which carry similar genomes. Further we present a simple theory that relates stability of evolving proteins to the sizes of emerging genomes. Together, these results provide a microscopic first principles picture of how first gene families developed in the course of early evolution
Molecular biology is a nanotechnology that works--it has worked for billions of years and in an amazing variety of circumstances. At its core is a system for acquiring, processing and communicating information that is universal, from viruses and bacteria to human beings. Advances in genetics and experience in designing computers have taken us to a stage where we can understand the optimisation principles at the root of this system, from the availability of basic building blocks to the execution of tasks. The languages of DNA and proteins are argued to be the optimal solutions to the information processing tasks they carry out. The analysis also suggests simpler predecessors to these languages, and provides fascinating clues about their origin. Obviously, a comprehensive unraveling of the puzzle of life would have a lot to say about what we may design or convert ourselves into.
This paper develops a mathematical model describing the influence that conjugation-mediated Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT) has on the mutation-selection balance in an asexually reproducing population of unicellular, prokaryotic organisms. It is assumed that mutation-selection balance is reached in the presence of a fixed background concentration of antibiotic, to which the population must become resistant in order to survive. We analyze the behavior of the model in the limit of low and high antibiotic-induced first-order death rate constants, and find that the highest mean fitness is obtained at low rates of bacterial conjugation. As the rate of conjugation crosses a threshold, the mean fitness decreases to a minimum, and then rises asymptotically to a limiting value as the rate of conjugation becomes infinitely large. However, this limiting value is smaller than the mean fitness obtained in the limit of low conjugation rate. This dependence of the mean fitness on the conjugation rate is fairly small for the parameter ranges we have considered, and disappears as the first-order death rate constant due to the presence of antibiotic approaches zero. For large values of the antibiotic death rate constant, we have obtained an analytical solution for the behavior of the mean fitness that agrees well with the results of simulations. The results of this paper suggest that conjugation-mediated HGT has a slightly deleterious effect on the mean fitness of a population at mutation-selection balance. Therefore, we argue that HGT confers a selective advantage by allowing for faster adaptation to a new or changing environment. The results of this paper are consistent with the observation that HGT can be promoted by environmental stresses on a population.
The problem of reconstructing and identifying intracellular protein signaling and biochemical networks is of critical importance in biology today. We sought to develop a mathematical approach to this problem using, as a test case, one of the most well-studied and clinically important signaling networks in biology today, the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) driven signaling cascade. More specifically, we suggest a method, augmented sparse reconstruction, for the identification of links among nodes of ordinary differential equation (ODE) networks from a small set of trajectories with different initial conditions. Our method builds a system of representation by using a collection of integrals of all given trajectories and by attenuating block of terms in the representation itself. The system of representation is then augmented with random vectors, and minimization of the 1-norm is used to find sparse representations for the dynamical interactions of each node. Augmentation by random vectors is crucial, since sparsity alone is not able to handle the large error-in-variables in the representation. Augmented sparse reconstruction allows to consider potentially very large spaces of models and it is able to detect with high accuracy the few relevant links among nodes, even when moderate noise is added to the measured trajectories. After showing the performance of our method on a model of the EGFR protein network, we sketch briefly the potential future therapeutic applications of this approach.
Classical population genetics a priori assigns fitness to alleles without considering molecular or functional properties of proteins that these alleles encode. Here we study population dynamics in a model where fitness can be inferred from physical properties of proteins under a physiological assumption that loss of stability of any protein encoded by an essential gene confers a lethal phenotype. Accumulation of mutations in organisms containing Gamma genes can then be represented as diffusion within the Gamma dimensional hypercube with adsorbing boundaries which are determined, in each dimension, by loss of a protein stability and, at higher stability, by lack of protein sequences. Solving the diffusion equation whose parameters are derived from the data on point mutations in proteins, we determine a universal distribution of protein stabilities, in agreement with existing data. The theory provides a fundamental relation between mutation rate, maximal genome size and thermodynamic response of proteins to point mutations. It establishes a universal speed limit on rate of molecular evolution by predicting that populations go extinct (via lethal mutagenesis) when mutation rate exceeds approximately 6 mutations per essential part of genome per replication for mesophilic organisms and 1 to 2 mutations per genome per replication for thermophilic ones. Further, our results suggest that in absence of error correction, modern RNA viruses and primordial genomes must necessarily be very short. Several RNA viruses function close to the evolutionary speed limit while error correction mechanisms used by DNA viruses and non-mutant strains of bacteria featuring various genome lengths and mutation rates have brought these organisms universally about 1000 fold below the natural speed limit.
The number of fixed mutations accumulated in an evolving population often displays a variance that is significantly larger than the mean (the overdispersed molecular clock). By examining a generic evolutionary process on a neutral network of high-fitness genotypes, we establish a formalism for computing all cumulants of the full probability distribution of accumulated mutations in terms of graph properties of the neutral network, and use the formalism to prove overdispersion of the molecular clock. We further show that significant overdispersion arises naturally in evolution when the neutral network is highly sparse, exhibits large global fluctuations in neutrality, and small local fluctuations in neutrality. The results are also relevant for elucidating the topological structure of a neutral network from empirical measurements of the substitution process.
In a recent paper, Marr, Muller-Linow and Hutt [Phys. Rev. E 75, 041917 (2007)] investigate an artificial dynamic system on metabolic networks. They find a less complex time evolution of this dynamic system in real networks, compared to networks of reference models. The authors argue that this suggests that metabolic network structure is a major factor behind the stability of biochemical steady states. We reanalyze the same kind of data using a dynamic system modeling actual reaction kinetics. The conclusions about stability, from our analysis, are inconsistent with those of Marr et al. We argue that this issue calls for a more detailed type of modeling.
Recently Supernova 2006gy was noted as the most luminous ever recorded, with a total radiated energy of ~10^44 Joules. It was proposed that the progenitor may have been a massive evolved star similar to eta Carinae, which resides in our own galaxy at a distance of about 2.3 kpc. eta Carinae appears ready to detonate. Although it is too distant to pose a serious threat as a normal supernova, and given its rotation axis is unlikely to produce a Gamma-Ray Burst oriented toward the Earth, eta Carinae is about 30,000 times nearer than 2006gy, and we re-evaluate it as a potential superluminous supernova. We find that given the large ratio of emission in the optical to the X-ray, atmospheric effects are negligible. Ionization of the atmosphere and concomitant ozone depletion are unlikely to be important. Any cosmic ray effects should be spread out over ~10^4 y, and similarly unlikely to produce any serious perturbation to the biosphere. We also discuss a new possible effect of supernovae, endocrine disruption induced by blue light near the peak of the optical spectrum. This is a possibility for nearby supernovae at distances too large to be considered "dangerous" for other reasons. However, due to reddening and extinction by the interstellar medium, eta Carinae is unlikely to trigger such effects to any significant degree.
In this paper we apply new geometric and combinatorial methods to the study of phylogenetic mixtures. The focus of the geometric approach is to describe the geometry of phylogenetic mixture distributions for the two state random cluster model, which is a generalization of the two state symmetric (CFN) model. In particular, we show that the set of mixture distributions forms a convex polytope and we calculate its dimension; corollaries include a simple criterion for when a mixture of branch lengths on the star tree can mimic the site pattern frequency vector of a resolved quartet tree. Furthermore, by computing volumes of polytopes we can clarify how ``common'' non-identifiable mixtures are under the CFN model. We also present a new combinatorial result which extends any identifiability result for a specific pair of trees of size six to arbitrary pairs of trees. Next we present a positive result showing identifiability of rates-across-sites models. Finally, we answer a question raised in a previous paper concerning ``mixed branch repulsion'' on trees larger than quartet trees under the CFN model.
Mortality, birth rates and retirement play a major role in demographic changes. In most cases, mortality rates decreased in the past century without noticeable decrease in fertility rates, this leads to a significant increase in population growth. In many poor countries like Palestinian territories the number of births has fallen and the life expectancy increased. In this article we concentrate on measuring, analyzing and extrapolating the age structure in Palestine a few decades ago into future. A Fortran program has been designed and used for the simulation and analysis of our statistical data. This study of demographic change in Palestine has shown that Palestinians will have in future problems as the strongest age cohorts are the above-60-year olds. We therefore recommend the increase of both the retirement age and women employment.
Ni\'eb\'e is a food leguminous plant cultivated in tropical Africa for its seeds rich in proteins. The main problem setted by its production is the conservation of harvests. In the fields as in the stocks, the seeds are destroyed by pests (bruchids). These bruchids are always associated with several entomophagous species of hymenoptera. Four entomophagous species were listed : an egg parasitoid (U lariophaga Stephan), and three solitary larval and pupal ectoparasitoids (D. Basalis Rondoni, Pteromalidae; E. vuilleti Crawford and E. orientalis Crawford, Eupelmidae). The survey of the populations shows that at the beginning of storage, E orientalis is the most abundant specie (72 %) whereas E. vuilleti and D. Basalis respectively represent 12 % and 16 % of the hymenoptera. During storage, the E orientalis population decreases gradually and it disappears completely in less than two months after the beginning of storage. E. Vuilleti population becomes gradually more important than D. basalis population which regress until less than 10 % of the emerging parasitoids. E vuilleti adopts ovicide and larvicide behaviour against D. Basalis. This behaviour explains its population regression inside granaries. If the aggressive behaviour of this Eupelmidae is a constant, that could also explain the disappearance of E orientalis. However if this species is maintained in stocks, it would be an effective control agent of bruchids according to their parasitic capacities. This study shows that ovicide and larvicide behaviour of E vuilleti is not expressed against E orientalis. When the females have exclusively the hosts already parasitized by E orientalis, they do not lay eggs. The disappearance of E orientalis could not thus be explained by the presence of E. vuilleti.
Bacterial chemotaxis in Escherichia coli is a canonical system for the study of signal transduction. A remarkable feature of this system is the coexistence of precise adaptation in population with large fluctuating cellular behavior in single cells (Korobkova et al. 2004, Nature, 428, 574). Using a stochastic model, we found that the large behavioral variability experimentally observed in non-stimulated cells is a direct consequence of the architecture of this adaptive system. Reversible covalent modification cycles, in which methylation and demethylation reactions antagonistically regulate the activity of receptor-kinase complexes, operate outside the region of first-order kinetics. As a result, the receptor-kinase that governs cellular behavior exhibits a sigmoidal activation curve. This curve simultaneously amplifies the inherent stochastic fluctuations in the system and lengthens the relaxation time in response to stimulus. Because stochastic fluctuations cause large behavioral variability and the relaxation time governs the average duration of runs in response to small stimuli, cells with the greatest fluctuating behavior also display the largest chemotactic response. Finally, Large-scale simulations of digital bacteria suggest that the chemotaxis network is tuned to simultaneously optimize the random spread of cells in absence of nutrients and the cellular response to gradients of attractant.
Biological networks have evolved to be highly functional within uncertain environments while remaining extremely adaptable. One of the main contributors to the robustness and evolvability of biological networks is believed to be their modularity of function, with modules defined as sets of genes that are strongly interconnected but whose function is separable from those of other modules. Here, we investigate the in silico evolution of modularity and robustness in complex artificial metabolic networks that encode an increasing amount of information about their environment while acquiring ubiquitous features of biological, social, and engineering networks, such as scale-free edge distribution, small-world property, and fault-tolerance. These networks evolve in environments that differ in their predictability, and allow us to study modularity from topological, information-theoretic, and gene-epistatic points of view using new tools that do not depend on any preconceived notion of modularity. We find that for our evolved complex networks as well as for the yeast protein-protein interaction network, synthetic lethal pairs consist mostly of redundant genes that lie close to each other and therefore within modules, while knockdown suppressor pairs are farther apart and often straddle modules, suggesting that knockdown rescue is mediated by alternative pathways or modules. The combination of network modularity tools together with genetic interaction data constitutes a powerful approach to study and dissect the role of modularity in the evolution and function of biological networks.
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Dataset Card for Dataset Name

Small genetics-related text dataset based on 23200 ArXiv abstact records and 111 Wikipedia pages.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

Dataset was produced using the python scripts you will find in this GitHub repository.

It represents a collection of genetics-related text data taken from ArXiv abstracts dataset and Wikipedia.

Dataset holds a total of 23311 text records, 23200 of which belonging to categories q-bio.BM, q-bio.GN, q-bio.MN, q-bio.PE and q-bio.SC from ArXiv dataset and the remainder 111 represent text from pages in Genetics category on English Wikipeda

Dataset is in jsonl format and its size is 28 MB.

  • Curated by: Astra Clelia Bertelli
  • Language(s) (NLP): English
  • License: Creative Commons family

Dataset Source

Data and scripts are placed in a wider-scope repository on GitHub


Dataset can be use for finetuning text-generation models on Genetics and Genetics-related contents.

It can also be used for research and teaching purposes.

Direct Use

Find a direct application of the dataset in this model

Out-of-Scope Use

Dataset should not be used to create or sell misleading content, spread disinformation and break the laws.

Responsibility of out-of-scope uses is completely up to the user.

Dataset Structure

Dataset is composed by a jsonl file with 23331 lines, each described by one field named "text".

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Dataset was created to finetune language/text-generation models on Genetics.

Source Data

As stated before, source data are:

Data Collection and Processing

  • Data from Wikipedia were collected via python interaction with Wikipedia API; find the code here
  • Data from ArXiv dataset were first downloaded from the dedicated Kaggle page and then processed with the following code

Personal and Sensitive Information

There are no personal or sensitive information. All data are public and freely accessible.

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

Being a dataset built on pre-print paper abstracts and on Wikipedia data, review process of them may have failed to detect errors or ambiguous information.

There is no evident or intrinsic bias, except for the dataset being mostly research-oriented (most of the data comes from research papers).

Apart from possibly containing errors (and thus outputting wrong information if fed to a textgen/language model), there should not be any intrinsic risks connected to the dataset.


Users should comply with dataset suggested uses and should not employ the dataset for out-of-scope uses.

Users should be aware of the risks, biases and limitations of the dataset as stated before.

Dataset Card Authors

Astra Clelia Bertelli

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