stringlengths 38
| log_id
stringlengths 16
| interests
stringlengths 0
| date
stringlengths 14
Stranger: hey
You: Hi
Stranger: how are you?
You: Sick, you?
Stranger: are you okay?
You: Well, can tell you corona sucks
Stranger: ah yea had it like..3 or 4 weeks ago
You: Aching muscles, headaches and all of the rest?
Stranger: Luckily had only the feeling of a cold...though my dad had a massive fever few days later
Stranger: luckily for only a day
Stranger: and he immediatly started feeling better
You: Nice
You: At least that
Stranger: yea am just glad it wasnt wors
Stranger: worses
Stranger: worse xD
You: XD
Stranger: Atleast made you laugh there (I hope)
You: R/ihadastroke ;p
Stranger: No need to be mean about it :)
Stranger: hahaha
You: You did XD Yo nd Im just teasing you
You: So what got you into hypnotsis?
Stranger: mis read that as hypnotits xD
You: Oh..?
You: Into titnosis? Lol
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: Well yea a while ago found some youtube videos and suddenly it seemed allot more...real if you know what mean XD
Stranger: got curious and went down the rabbit hole
Stranger: Ofcourse had some shows from when was a kid that made me wonder xD
You: Which ones?
Stranger: Like when in alladin Jasmine gets mind controlled
You: Thats a new one!
You: always hear about the jungle book
Stranger: yea same xD
Stranger: thought would spice it up
You: You certainly did lol
You: So what YouTube videos did you find that dropped down tit valley?
You: *Dropped you down
Stranger: Well it was mostly things like stage hypnosis that saw
Stranger: did run into that site once.. what was it called...
Stranger: nimja?
You: Yeah
You: What about it
Stranger: tried a few things here and there and played with the spiral making thing a little
You: Watched some spirals?
Stranger: yea
Stranger: Mostly just did the relaxing ones
You: Mostly
Stranger: yes mostly :P
You: Naughty naughty...
Stranger: oh hush :P
You: Not that Im judging ofc lol
Stranger: hahahaha
You: Be naughty
Stranger: hmmhmm suuure :P
You: Have fun
Stranger: feel all the judgement :P
You: Just you hahaha
You: You really can be naughty and have fun
You: just wonder what kind of naughty spirals there are
Stranger: Thank you for the permission :)
You: Submit, obey, drop
You: Arent really naughty
You: Youre welcome xD
Stranger: hahahaha
You: Mindless would just be regular trance
Stranger: well yea
Stranger: but then tried to see what it would be like to try being hypnotized by a person
You: So you dropped yourself and then went on Omegle?
Stranger: Not immediatly lol
Stranger: am just explaining my timeline :P
You: Oh! Got it hahaha
You: And how is it with a person?
Stranger: lots of creeps on this site XD
You: Oh, know
You: What did they try and do to you?
Stranger: had one who tried to turn me into a donkey
Stranger: Lots of immediate bracket stuff
Stranger: lots of people who are like am already hypnotized
Stranger: Oh or the Do you have a trigger? no ? disconnect
You: Oh yeah, quick and dirty
You: Just wanting to get off quick
Stranger: Oh and the one who tried me to go to them
Stranger: dont minda quick off
You: Tried what?
Stranger: But more effort please xD
Stranger: mean tried to hypnotize me make me theirs and then make me move to them
You: Seriously?
You: Damn
Stranger: eyup
Stranger: creeps everywhere
You: As a live in something?
Stranger: yea a live in slave
You: How did you avoid that one?
Stranger: well he wasnt that good of a hypnotist to really immedietly want someone to do something like that without trust and stuff :P
You: Thats good lol
Stranger: not super convincing to get someone to throw their lives away like that :P
You: Cant argue there
You: What about good experiences here?
Stranger: Had one wich was kinda sweet because he was respectfull about it
Stranger: He made me believe was ina relationship with him
You: Whatd he do?
You: You beat me to it lol
Stranger: And then made me have sexy time with him
Stranger: As in make me forget about how hypnosis works and stuff
Stranger: Then slowly manipulate me and such
You: Manipulate you into what
Stranger: Well make me feel more and more aroused for exmaple
Stranger: Feeling like am being touched
You: Gently teased?
Stranger: Or make me feel like am being touched by him magically
Stranger: It started gently
Stranger: Then slowly going further and further
You: As you grew more and more horny by his touch?
Stranger: well he also seemed to give me little nudges hypnoticly am guessing via triggers
Stranger: to make me more and more horny over time
You: Which only made things hotter for you?
Stranger: very haha
You: Things like that can drive you wild
Stranger: It was interesting
Stranger: Dont mind sexual stuff
Stranger: But its more that it becomes very standard if you know what mean?
You: Yeah
You: Its hard to find a wholesome session
You: It all became about edging you
Stranger: It doesnt have to be fully wholesome xD
Stranger: But its just like variation
You: Getting you all hot and bothered
Stranger: yea haha
You: But no caring at the beginning
Stranger: yea forgetting all of the daily stress just is so nice
You: Well, having a crashing orgasm does that..
Stranger: Yea haha
You: But imagine you get back home and food is ready
You: And sitting down to eat, you allow yourself to enjoy the meal
You: Even if it is presented a little like sexual organs..
Stranger: Oh:o
You: And gas fruit that increase your sex drive...
You: Has fruits
Stranger: gas fruit?
Stranger: ooh
You: So you get a very visual, delicious meal
You: That also gives your sex drive a boost with every bite..
Stranger: hmm
You: Making the meal even more enjoyable
You: Dont you agree?
Stranger: yea haha
You: Focusing on it only helps you enjoy the meal further
You: Tasting every bite..
Stranger: Sounds good haha
You: Yourve seen the matrix?
You: *youve
Stranger: yea
Stranger: just not the last one
You: The slow mea
You: That slowly builds an orgasm..
Stranger: Forgot about that
You: Tasty with every bite
Stranger: that was a rather...intense scene
You: Especially the climax at the end
You: A nice way to wrap up a good meal.
Stranger: hmm
You: What did you like about that scene the most?
Stranger: seeing how the woman was enjoying her self
Stranger: being led to feel good..
Stranger: hmm
You: Being overwhelmed with pleasure from to sources...
You: At the same time..
You: Both if them building over time ont you think?
You: *both of
Stranger: Sounds ...amazing
You: Imagining what it would be like to feel like she did?
Stranger: Yea...haha
You: What if the meal was expertly made...
You: Increasing the intensity of it..
You: And having every bite just melt in your mouth..
You: A plenthora of flavors
You: With a fun twist...
You: Growing stronger the more you dine...
You: How would it feel?
Stranger: So warm
You: Tasty
You: Relaxing?
Stranger: yea
You: Letting the flavors take you on a delicious and growing hotter journey...
You: And what awaits at the peak of it?
Stranger: ..dont know
You: Dont think...
You: Whats the first thing that pops to mind?
You: What awaits at the peak of the journey?
Stranger: ..mindlessness?
You: Sounds fun, doesnt it?
Stranger: yea
You: Confused slightly?
Stranger: yea
You: Dont think... Just sink.. Yo jo thinking no confusion.. Yo dont think and sink deeper and deeper...
You: Breaking the surface and going depper beneath it
You: Into blissfully mindless trance...
You: How does it feel?
Stranger: So good
You: Relax
You: Calm?
Stranger: yes
You: Safe?
Stranger: yes
You: Deep
Stranger: yes
You: Blank
Stranger: yes
You: Empty
Stranger: yes
You: How deep are you from 1-10?
Stranger: 8
You: Sinking deeper...
You: Imagine a bottle of water...
You: You pick it up, open it... Yo nd flip it over... Watching as the water drains...
You: As it drains /, you soinn the bottle
You: You spin the bottle... Yo fatching the water spin and swirl...
You: Deeper and deeper
You: Draining itself and your thoughts...
You: How does it feel watching it?
Stranger: warm
Stranger: intoxicating
You: Is that all...?
Stranger: fuzzy
You: Very good (:
You: Keep going...
Stranger: heavy
You: Deeper then before...
You: Isnt that right?
Stranger: yes
You: 10?
Stranger: yes
You: Youre doing a great job...
You: What do you crave rn?
Stranger: dont know
You: Dont think... Let you finger connect to your subconscious and answer for you ..
You: *your fingers...
Stranger: To feel
Stranger: To be taken
You: Taken how?
Stranger: To be controlled
Stranger: To be manipulated
You: Into doing what?
Stranger: To cum
You: Tell me your asr...
Stranger: 23 f sub
You: Thats a good girl...
You: How was the meal?
Stranger: Amazing
You: Hows your pussy...?
Stranger: it feels good
You: The meal bringing you closer to cum...?
You: Feel a finger slowly
You: Gently.. rub your clit...
Stranger: yes
You: In circles..
You: Teasing...
You: Anything you need or want me to know, you can tell me easily and clearly... Is that clear?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: want to be guided..
You: To what, my good girl?
Stranger: To feel..more pleasure
You: The finger rubs slightly faster...
You: You might feel phantom touches... Teasing your neck...
Stranger: Ahm..
You: Tell me all your hard limits...
Stranger: No toilet play, no pain (or atleast to much) prefer to stay here, privacy and such
You: Is that all?
Stranger: No bimbo stuff
You: Your nipples get sucked on... Teasing and playful
You: If theres more, keep going...
Stranger: Cant think of any at the hmm momen
Stranger: t
You: Good girl...
You: You feel a small wave of pleasure at being called a good girl... Dont you?
Stranger: yes..hmm
You: You really are a good girl...
Stranger: thank you
You: Do you know what soft limits are?
You: A tongue replaces the finger on the clit...
Stranger: no
Stranger: hmm..fuck
You: Licking you out...
You: From bottom of your pussy all the way up to the clit...
You: Soft limits are limits that you might be willing to cross in the future and try them out if you trust the tist enough...
You: Its that clear?
You: *is
Stranger: yes
Stranger: imm not sure yet
You: About what good girl?
Stranger: soft limits
You: That you have them?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: feel so.good..
You: Licking gets stronger.
You: Share with me the kinks you want me to know about...
Stranger: pet play, personality, memory play, loss of controll, generally the feeling of pleasure overwhelming me
Stranger: still needt o try more to know if havr more kinks
You: Feel a wave of pleasure for every kink you shared...
Stranger: hmm fucuk..
You: What are you?
Stranger: A good girl?
You: Is that all?
Stranger: think so?
You: Dont think... Let your fingers answer...
You: What are you?
Stranger: im a good girl
Stranger: hmm
You: And?
Stranger: dont know
You: A lovely pet
You: *Pats your head*
You: What do you feel?
Stranger: feel..small
You: Nipples get sucked slightly harder...
You: Safe?
Stranger: yes
You: Deep
Stranger: yes
You: Calm
Stranger: yes
You: How close are you to cumming pet?
Stranger: very close
You: Are you playing with yourself pet?
Stranger: yrs
You: Feeling slightly slutty, pet?
Stranger: yes
You: Is it turning you on more?
Stranger: yes
You: Good girl
Stranger: aaah..
You: You cant cum without permission... Isnt that right?
You: No control over your orgasm...
Stranger: ye...yes
You: Say it
Stranger: No control
You: No control over what, pet?
Stranger: over orgasm
You: Who has control over it?
Stranger: do?
You: What does it feel like?
Stranger: so..good
Stranger: a good..girl
You: You like that control your orgasm pet?
Stranger: Y..yes..
You: Very good pet...
You: Tell me all the sensations youre feeling rn
Stranger: Feeling my pussy being licked
Stranger: My nipples being pinched
Stranger: Neck being teased
You: Is that all?
Stranger: warm
You: Where pet?
Stranger: chest, face, crotch
You: Horny like a slut?
Stranger: y..yes
You: Making you wetter being called that pet?
Stranger: Y..yes..
You: Are you alone pet?
Stranger: yes
You: Can you be loud?
Stranger: yes, but not to loud, neighbors
You: Can you feel your erogenous zones growing bigger?
Stranger: hmm yes..
You: Covering you completely?
Stranger: hmm yes
You: The more you get edged... The hornier you become... Isnt that right?
Stranger: yes..please hmm...
You: Please what pet?
Stranger: please master.
You: Beg
Stranger: please..
Stranger: please..take my mind
You: And?
Stranger: Take cum please..hmm
You: Erogenous zones sensitivity increases by 15
You: The tongue slides into your pussy.
You: Licking you from the inside...
Stranger: So..good..
Stranger: please..more..
Stranger: Pleaseee...
You: How many orgasms were denied pet?
Stranger: lost..hmm count
Stranger: please...hmm..
You: Is your mind close to breaking?
Stranger: Y..yeas...
Stranger: oleass..
You: Do you want it to break?
Stranger: you want my mind to break sir?
You: Do you pet?
Stranger: ..hmm want to be a good girl..hAmm
You: Let your fingers answer for your subconscious...
You: Does she want her mind to break?
Stranger: ...yes...but..also wants to be a good girl
You: How close are you to mind break from 1-100?
Stranger: 90
You: Can you see the growing wave of your denied orgasms?
Stranger: yyes..
Stranger: please...
You: How big is it?
Stranger: its massive..please..
You: Please what?
Stranger: please..break my.ahmm..mind
You: Beg like a slut for it...
Stranger: please..take my mind..fuck my mind away please!
Stranger: need to be taken
Stranger: break me like the little whore am!
You: What do you crave?
Stranger: plwase!
Stranger: /I crave to cum like the little bitch am!
Stranger: ahhmmm pleasee!!!
You: Good girl
Stranger: aaahmm please...pleaseee!!! please!!!
You: Youre still being fed food from The Meal..
Stranger: ooh...
Stranger: please..
Stranger: pleaseee...
You: Growing your horniness and orgasm...
Stranger: moreee!!!!
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: can.. cum please?
You: Tell me when you reach 99 on breaking
You: No. You may not.
Stranger: 96
Stranger: please.. need it
You: A finger slides into your pussy too... Rubbing your clit
Stranger: please..f..fuck
You: Your g spot
Stranger: please fuck me..please mind.
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: please...more ...
You: Drool. 50 cl...yeshh... eshh..master! pleash...
Stranger: 98
Stranger: 99
You: The tongue and finger pull out and an 7 cocbuties itself deep in your pussy in one deep stroke... Hitting the g spot... Stretching you out as it does without pain...
You: *7 cock buries
Stranger: aahhmmm..f..fuuuck...
Stranger: yes...ta..take me
Stranger: take my mined!
Stranger: PLeaaaaaase!!!
You: It starts to pound you deeply
You: Feeling every stretch as it slides in
You: Break
Stranger: aaahmmm y...yes...50 ..good yes. hmaster
You: Break
You: Drool
Stranger: ca..feel my..head ahhhmm...
Stranger: yyyeeeessss!!! IMM PLEASE!! An CUM!?
Stranger: PLEASE HMM
You: Share what you feel and think
You: Almost pet...
Stranger: feel the..plreasure rising
Stranger: cant think noly pleasure!1 nly need to orgasm! leaseeeeee
You: Sensitivity increases by 10
Stranger: f..fuck pelaggssyeee!!!
You: Pussy and g spot get fucked as hard as you want...
Stranger: Holy fUKc cant ashhhhhhhhi!!!
Stranger: tss getting kslhard toa taypwe
Stranger: neam so cwlose
You: Beg like a slut whos orgasm depends on it pet
Stranger: Lik,e imk ,bangink my head agakinst a wall
You: *whos
Stranger: PELaese1!!!
Stranger: need ! ITK!
Stranger: PLAEESE!!!
You: Moan into the pillow for me...
Stranger: HM FUCK!!!
Stranger: HMM FUCK!
You: Good girl
Stranger: LEASE!
Stranger: AHHHM!!!
You: Look at the wave and watch is crash into you... As it does you feel all the pleasure at once... And you know you have permission to cum... Yo QUIRT
You: Hard!
You: SQUIRT for me pet!
You: Tell me when you calm down from your orgasm...
You: How does the orgasm feel?
Stranger: so goodW!!!!
You: Still cumming pet?
Stranger: Its...lisgekhe feel my mind squirt..away hahhmmm..
You: Have you calmed down pet?
Stranger: a little
You: Youre sensitivity returns to normal... Yo your Yo Il sensations stop and fade away...
You: How are you doing pet?
Stranger: think
Stranger: good hmm
You: Tell me all of your triggers if you dont mind
Stranger: dreamdoll
You: Thats it?
Stranger: Yes..
You: Do you have a wake up trigger pet?
Stranger: no do not
You: Are there any suggestions gave that are still active pet?
Stranger: dont know
You: Fingers... Answer the question please..
Stranger: They still are active
You: Tell me which ones
Stranger: good girl, pet
You: What Id the pet suggestion?
You: *what is
Stranger: when you call me a pet feel really good, a wave of pleasure
You: Does she want those to stay?
Stranger: unsure
You: Then Ill remove them. Is that alright?
Stranger: yes
You: You no longer feel a wave of pleasure when being called a good girl or pet. Is that clear?
Stranger: yes
You: Tell me all active suggestions
Stranger: dreamdoll
You: In all caps?
Stranger: yes
You: Does she want it?
Stranger: yes
You: Are there any more of my suggestions?
Stranger: no
You: How are you doing?
Stranger: good, body calming down
You: Did you squirt hard? (:
Stranger: yes
You: How are you doing physically, emotionally and mentally?
Stranger: feel empty
Stranger: need to relax
You: Do you remember your trances?
Stranger: if am allowed to
You: Do you want to remember this one?
Stranger: yes
You: You will remember this season when you wake up
You: When you reach 5, you will awake up naturally.
You: 1 Yo
You: Your thoughts slowly returning
You: 3
You: Becoming more and more awake and aware
You: 4 Yo Yo
You: Wake up
You: Up up up!
You: Hey (:
Stranger: hmm..
Stranger: hey.hmm
You: How are you doing there?
Stranger: that was intense
You: Hopefully you had fun lol
Stranger: did thank you
Stranger: that was unexpected
You: Youre welcome pet
You: Ill take that as a compliment
Stranger: well now it just makes me blush haha
You: Just the way like my subs (;
Stranger: oh hush xD
You: Red faced... Beet red ears... Yor lushed neck..
You: So, how much of a mess did you make? Lol
Stranger: havent checked.. xD
You: Could you? Lol
You: Im curious
Stranger: ...yup made a mess
You: call that a great success
You: But before that, you feel like your brain is mushy?
Stranger: a little hazy, but you know after a good session always have that xD
You: Not more mushy than usual?
Stranger: well the better the session
Stranger: the more themushy?
You: guess? xD
You: Do me a favor.
You: Go grab a bottle of water and a snack, and tell me when youre back with both.
Stranger: oki
Stranger: god my leggs feel wobbly
You: Youre legs were shaking that hard from orgasm?
You: *your
Stranger: a little yea
You: little lol
Stranger: hush xD
Stranger: brb
You: ;D
Stranger: back
You: Drink and eat
Stranger: yes sir..
You: Good girl (:
Stranger: hmpf
You: Is it making you feel better?
You: More grounded?
Stranger: hmmhm
Stranger: might have to take a nap in a bit
You: That usually happens after a mind break
You: Itll take you a few days to get back to normal
Stranger: hahaha
You: So, how are you feeling physically, mentally and emotionally rn?
Stranger: feel okay
Stranger: Just need to relax and stuff
You: Are you sure?
Stranger: Are you worried?
Stranger: awwww
You: Aftercare is important, so yeah.
Stranger: Such a cute little sir :P
Stranger: im fine 3
You: Dont push me... Lol
Stranger: or what else would happen? Imao
You: Im kind but I can still fuck you silly lol
Stranger: suuuure
Stranger: im now aware of your little tricks XP
You: Oh cute summer child...
Stranger: Sweet summer child
Stranger: :P
You: You think thats the only thing know?
You: Lol
Stranger: yep!
Stranger: :P
You: Good to know (;
Stranger: pffft :P
You: Do you mind if post this on r/ HypnoOmegleLogs?
Stranger: whats that?
You: A sub reddit for hypno chats on Omegle
Stranger: sure:o
You: Youre going to go check it out now, arent you? (;
Stranger: Maaaaybe
You: XD
You: Go for it.
You: And if you want another round, let me know
Stranger: hahhaha ill let you know xD
You: Im assuming will find me on Reddit lol
Stranger: Maybe will xD
You: In the meantime, go rest.
You: Thanks, this was fun lol
You: And appreciate the trust (;
Stranger: Thanks Sir :P
You: see meta brat... This could be fun...
Stranger: Should be scared?
You: You tell me, should you?
Stranger: im not sure its why asked
You: Ill let you wonder what can happen ;P
Stranger: oki!
You: Illsee you around, pet. | f9fd4efde6d2bbc2 | Hypnosis | 20220401121012 |
Stranger: meow
You: hello there lil kitty
Stranger: meow
You: is it allowed to pet you?
Stranger: SURE
Stranger: meow
You: *pats you gently*
You: naw
Stranger: mecowww
Stranger: do you have twitter
You: such a cute cat
Stranger: mecow
You: yes
You: :)
Stranger: ?
You: say yours first EEE
Stranger: gd_ufokinwotm9
Stranger: 8 at the end
Stranger: my bad
You: ah heard of you
You: you have the SPAM GENE
Stranger: iam very real!!! Strange
Stranger: very
Stranger: gene ince you are totally ufwm, you come from chile right
Stranger: maybe 0__ 0
Stranger: whats your tho
You: wait a second Yo Il give it to u
You: in a moment
Stranger: huh
Stranger: wa
You: but first hear me out
Stranger: ?
You: you come from chile. thats in south america. thats right next to north america. and you know whats in north america?
Stranger: burger
Stranger: YES
Stranger: YOU ARE
Stranger: OMG
You: wanna become a student today
You: wait no way hahahaha
Stranger: PLEASE
You: Monsieur_Schaum if its really that important
Stranger: check follows
Stranger: very real ufwm follow
Stranger: very
Stranger: !!
Stranger: MEOWW
You: :)
Stranger: g Strange Strange Strange
Stranger: g
Stranger: g
Stranger: g | fa0bdb3c941c3def | geometry dash | 20220403014805 |
Stranger: simon D
You: Rocio
Stranger: huh?
You: nvm
You: lets restart shall we
Stranger: ok
You: ahem...
Stranger: f orm?
Stranger: same
You: sooo000
Stranger: where are you from?
You: favorite group?
You: califomia
Stranger: exo bts got? suju
You: ....all of that except suju which i never heard of are my favorite
Stranger: in gg .. gfriend twice rv apink blckpnk oh my girl lovelyz
You: and seventeen
You: and big bang
Stranger: suju is super junior
Stranger: yahh
You: i dont really know the members of super junior
Stranger: ahh
You: sorry sorry sorry
Stranger: hahaha... hey mamacitaaa | fa0d77978eb6b509 | kpop | 20161004095334 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Sup
You: This is rare honestly
Stranger: Yeah know
You: Thought nobody would be on this tag, saw only one person on nullification
Stranger: saw a couple of people there
You: Mostly just been cannibals, pedophiles, Hurtcore, necrophiliacs, zoophiles, people into torture and mutilation
Stranger: Damn yes
You: Yes?
Stranger: Only those kind of people in nullification
You: Okay so interview people, but be had a lot of conversations on here
You: lve had
You: Met some nice people actually
Stranger: Thats more rare than finding people in this tag imo
You: Really?
Stranger: Yeah
You: ve been trying to find someone into Genital Mutilation shit
You: Lmao
Stranger: Oh well today not into this 😅
You: Your not into Emasculation?
Stranger: am but not into nullification (at least today)
You: What interest you about it?
Stranger: What nullo or emas?
You: Emas
Stranger: With all the Chastity, castration and penectomy
You: actually rate you guys higher than the necrophiliacs and cannibals and zoophiles but less than the Hurtcore people
You: m terms of depravity suppose
Stranger: Now need to ask what you understand of hurt core ppl
You: understand it from Peter Scully and the Daisys destruction film, he was part of this Hurtcore pedophila group, and ran a website down there,he has life in prison ison now.
You: Interesting story
You: And just a few conversations back actually met someone who was into it on this site
Stranger: Oh okay and thats a really interesting story
You: have seen some shit on the dark web, so barely anything actually phases me anymore, but have never found that film.
Stranger: Well was too in the dark Web but I couldnt find shit becaus cant navigate there
You: You just got hop from site to site, you its confusing at first, but you just keep clicking.
Stranger: Thats what was so hard fk m
Stranger: For me*
You: lve seen dead fetuses on there
Stranger: Me too
You: think lve become so desensitized, that it doesnt surprise me anymore, all of this shit people are into. Like a blank face, nothingness, no emotion, 1m not scared, angry, sad, any of that. Just lost some empathy.
Stranger: Thats objectively positive but ona human standpoint its sad
You: Well ve done it to myself, ve been looking for these people, making myself immune to this shit when see it. Trying to understand their mindset, why they are into what they are into. Why people are so depraved to begin with, where it all comes from. So many questions.
You: You see, lack forgiveness for sick bastards, dont believe in justice as in you arrest someone, they get tried, found guilty. Not anymore, just death, thought about killing these people, torturing them, mutilating them. That would be very fun. But would just be as bad as them in the end, if let myself go like that and go completely Insane.
Stranger: Its good u have some self restraint
You: would use this as fuel in that case once found someone like that, get ideas from everything ve seen, and inflict everything could think of, on that person.
You: Yeah, perhaps its better dont do that.
Stranger: In the you done something good but would be on the same level as them
You: Cant kill em all anyways, would be an impossible task.
You: Well guess ve met everyone now. | fa1dfa92a45c35fe | Emasculation | 20210327000727 |
Stranger: hey girl
Stranger: cute
Stranger: from?
You: hi
You: va
Stranger: nice
Stranger: you up to no good on here too hope?
You: no, im just a little angel
Stranger: haha my favourite type of person!
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: you wearing any underwear under there?
You: yes
Stranger: let me get hard for ya?
You: im really not that kind of person
Stranger: youre so pretty! get your butt over to London
You: im not here for that
You: and im only 13
Stranger: are you actually | fa1fea5ffdf7d00b | 20201109035704 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: is this the one talked to before?
Stranger: maybe?
You: This is Ender
Stranger: ah its not then
You: oof
Stranger: hello im Abyss **
You: :0 so cool
Stranger: so is your name
Stranger: 🥺
You: thank you! :)
Stranger: of course!!
You: random question, what time is it for you?
Stranger: 8:30 pm
You: 2:30 am for me :D
Stranger: oh shoot
Stranger: sleep mayhaps?
You: 0
Stranger: 😭
Stranger: ok
Stranger: xD
Stranger: so i got my lip pierced the other day and it hurts a tad 😔
You: oh no :(
Stranger: hru?
You: im good :)
Stranger: yhats good!
Stranger: hey when you sleep, i hope you have sweet dreams
Stranger: and inder your pillow is cold | fa24fa098c9e462c | Dream smp | 20210503013214 |
Stranger: hola
You: hola
Stranger: te gusta kpop
Stranger: ?
You: si
Stranger: come te llama
Stranger: HI AND YES
You: IK
You: IK
Stranger: how many languages do you know
You: 2
You: english and filipino
Stranger: omg which
Stranger: u type slow
You: tagalog
Stranger: TAGALOG
You: YES
Stranger: IM ENVY
Stranger: IM RAGE
Stranger: UR SO COOL
Stranger: NP
You: OH
Stranger: NO WAY
You: YES
You: U ARE
Stranger: BOW
You: WOW
Stranger: U CAN DO IT
You: HOW
Stranger: NAMED UHHH
Stranger: BILLY???
You: AY
Stranger: BILLY 90 minute korean alphabet
Stranger: i would kill myself if i had to take notes
Stranger: i only do flash cards for vocabulary
You: OH
You: OK
Stranger: PROMISE
Stranger: YESSSSSS
Stranger: HOW OKD RU BTW
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: Strange OW YOUNG
Stranger: LIKE 08
Stranger: IM SHAKING
You: PLS
Stranger: OMG IM 0388
You:E EE E
Stranger: RU 08
You: NO Yo le)
You: 09
Stranger: YOUNGER WTF 8S | fa2a65c5d314839e | kpop | 20210720042622 |
Stranger: could you place your hand over your heart and check how fast its beating?
Stranger: is there someone there that could listen to your heart?
You: no
Stranger: do you have a mic or a pair of headphones with a mic you could plug into your computer?
You: dont use mics sorry
Stranger: do you by chance own a stethoscope?
You: no | fa2a9f2b11c135a8 | 20170718125735 |
Stranger: m
You: Hi
You: f
Stranger: hii
Stranger: age
You: 18,u? Strange 1
Stranger: will you like to make love wuth me
Stranger: and help me
Stranger: with*
You: U Italian?
Stranger: no i am from poland
You: no dont like white people | fa2c68fbba9ebf95 | chinese | 20220205113345 |
Stranger: Hola
You: hola
Stranger: Como te llamas?
You: luis | fa2d2444aacc2058 | 20170606083902 |
You: Subscribe to PewDiePie
Stranger: Not series boy
You: ...
You: How could you?
Stranger: Hail T SERIES
You: jibberish clan will remain #2!
Stranger: Bollywood will remain supreme
Stranger: Jai hind
You: T GAY!
Stranger: PewDlEpie
You: You do not understand the master plan.
You: Why nothing has happened in the war for so long.
Stranger: Enlighten me
You: We are going to expand the campaign to China.
You: The Chinese hate Indians.
Stranger: No plan can defeat sub bots
You: Unless we get chinese sub bots.
Stranger: And the Chinese have their own version of YouTube
Stranger: Because communism wont allow them to join the fight
You: The Great Firewall
Stranger: Soooo JAI HIND
Stranger: Oh no
Stranger: It cant be
You: The Bro army has launched international campaigns before.
Stranger: The great messiah
You: First we hack printers.
You: Next we breach the Great Firewall.
Stranger: Ha well the more Indians that come online the more we grow
You: Or...
You: We could pull a gulf of tonkin.
Stranger: And once we have we reached 1 billion we then expand to your pitiful western culture
You: And make one of the surrender conditions the destruction of T-Series
Stranger: And make Bollywood the new pop music
You: Nah m8.
You: Get some toilets first.
Stranger: Drake hah
You: Drake is gay too.
You: But not as gay as T gay.
Stranger: Guess what we have Rajesh sepetapalli
You: You mean that guy from Big Bang Theory?
Stranger: The new indian post Malone
You: We have Grande
Stranger: No thats Rajesh koothrapalli
Stranger: We have super woman
You: We no longer have Gillette.
Stranger: Not the one off DC comics
You: You can have it.
Stranger: Nah we dont want their anti men agenda
Stranger: And guess who will help us invade your country culturally
You: ?
Stranger: The sjws and liberals
You: thought Indians were typically more culturally conservative.
Stranger: Because anyone who stands against will be deemed as a racist
Stranger: Well you thought wrong white boy
You: You guys are still banning beef!
Stranger: Yeah well thats beside the point
Stranger: We invade your country through the media
Stranger: Will*
You: It seems like military intervention is necessary.
You: For PewDiePie to win in the war.
Stranger: You thought the muslims were the enemy
Stranger: There just a diversion
You: Or we can get MrBeast and Elon Musk to team up.
You: And buy T-Series
You: then delete it.
Stranger: What if told you Elon musk is secretly a double agenda
You: you mean agent?
Stranger: Agent*
You: How could he be a double agent?
Stranger: Because he may appear to be on your side
Stranger: But he is at series puppet
Stranger: And he is vital for the final part of our master plan
You: Where is the proof!?
Stranger: Why would show you
Stranger: You could expose it
Stranger: See we Indians are smart
You: Thats debatable.
Stranger: Oooof
You: What is your master plan?
You: The destruction of PewDiePie?
You: The end of western civlization?
Stranger: Yeah pretty much Strange world wide indiotopia
Stranger: A paradise filled with Bollywood music and movies
Stranger: And also you make think we are stupid
Stranger: But that is a facade
Stranger: Designed to lure you in to help us because we are struggling third world country
Stranger: And once you get close enough we will back stab you
Stranger: May*
You: If you succeed.
You: simply ask you spare HowToBasic
Stranger: Yes if we succeed and we will Strange mmm
Stranger: IIl have to consult with the chief
Stranger: You can keep furrys though
You: ew no plz we would rather die in atomic fire.
Stranger: Oh and Tik tok as well
You: But...
You: tik tok is chinese
Stranger: #bobsand
Stranger: Vegana
Stranger: Well it seems like you guys have embraced it
Stranger: Boom check mate | fa2eed0d758a2600 | 20201111231513 |
You: u
Stranger: er Strange Strange
Stranger: gge
Stranger: rg
Stranger: get
Stranger: 5 Your: i will hack tyou
Stranger: tg
Stranger: tge
Stranger: g
Stranger: ewg
Stranger: etgq
You: P: Decimal: 1232288466 Hostname: ASN: 7922 ISP: Comcast Cable Organization: Comcast Cable Services: None detected Type: Broadband Assignment: Likely Dynamic IP Blacklist: Continent: North America Country: United States us flag State/Region: Texas City: Bellaire Latitude: 29.7023 (29 42 8.28 N) Longitude: -95.4592 (95 27 33.12 W) Postal Code: 77401
Stranger: tegq
Stranger: tg
Stranger: tg Your: i will hack you bitch | fa35db8f66ded00f | tiktok | 20201223060427 |
You: hola
Stranger: Hi baby my name is Karla Prieto, 23 years old
Stranger: am very horny and want to masturbate watching your cock
Stranger: Show me your cock want to eat daddy
Stranger: like to get my pussy until get all wet
Stranger: Enter here, BabeCam17 | fa3d64c4e8655a57 | 20170709045708 |
You: Hey! M or F?
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: F!
You: m
You: Lonely and so stressed right now :(
Stranger: Awww whats going on ?
You: family shit Yor have so much work to it
You: do*
You: work so hard Your i love it, but i might need a rest?
Stranger: You poor thing
Stranger: You need to relax
You: do? never take time for myself. Any time im not working, Im at the gym. Seems stupid now
Stranger: know a heap of people that go to the gym to relax, is it not relaxing for you ?
You: Not one bit. Its more a pressure than anything else
You: As i said, dont take time for myself :(
Stranger: bet you dont even need to go to the gym?
You: ive been working on my abs for so long, theyre pretty good right now
You: If didnt go to the gym for a week tho, theyd fade away
Stranger: You dont need to be obsessed by having abs
Stranger: Abs are cool
Stranger: But not everything
You: thank you
You: would be nice to have someone take care of me for a little while
Stranger: Awwww fou need a girlfriend ra boyfriend Idk what youre into i like girls
You: someone to mother me for a bit haha
You: haha
You: sorry if thats weird to you
Stranger: No get that
Stranger: like to be taken care of sometimes too
You: bet :)
You: sometimes think about a girl feeding me
You: melting my abs away
Stranger: Oh really ?
Stranger: That sounds like something Id love todo
You: Really?! think it would make me unwind
You: If someone took control like that
Stranger: m usually quite submissive but for some reason the idea of having control is so hot to me
You: im glad
You: you wanna control my mind? haha
You: haha
Stranger: Where are you from cutie ?
You: UK
Stranger: Awesome what part ?
You: London
Stranger: How would you like if pinned you down and gently fed you ?
Stranger: Does that sound nice ?
You: you wouldnt even have to pin me down
You: you could make me weak
Stranger: What if was a little more rough how does that sound ?
You: alright guess
You: would you get me high?
Stranger: Oh yeah
Stranger: Eating while high is the best thing ever
Stranger: Imagine being fed while youre high
You: would feel so good
You: how would you get me high, baby? | fa451ced9e75b0fb | belly, feeder, feedee | 20190406124328 |
You: Hi, My name is Jay. May know yours?
Stranger: My name is Dakota.
You: hey dakota love your name
You: age?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: What about you?
You: 21 is it ok
Stranger: Yeah its fine
You: do u think u can take control
Stranger: Im more of a sub. usually let others take control.
You: do you want to hear my softer side and deside?
Stranger: Sure
You: i am skinny, easy to handle, wheat-ish light brown skin, messy medium black hair, dark brown eyes, small cute butt, with dimples over lower back, iam 57 wear glasses Your: i love to feel vulnerable under caring and loving control, i have several soft spots on my skinny body that leaves me helplessly turned on:)
Stranger: What would you want the roleplay to be like?
You: we are neighbors and u come to my home as ur alone with abvious intention to take my virginity which iam not aware of
Stranger: guess Ill roleplay with you
You: am glad, mistress Dakota
You: do you want to guess where my spots are :)
Stranger: Im thinking your neck has a spot
You: yes one of it. i like how u begin
Stranger: Maybe an area on your stomach
You: are you sscanning me, you are so right mistress
Stranger: Maybe your wrist. Also Im just guessing from my soft spots.
You: i love what you do, my inner arms yes
You: my sides, back, hips i love when u grab them, nipples, shoulders
Stranger: Would you like a description of me? Or something like that? Yo lease give
You: ?
Stranger: have light brown hair wig purple tips, pale skin, emerald colored eyes, and Im 53.
Stranger: *with
You: if its ok, can you detail your breasts and niipples
You: and hips
You: i love your eyes btw
Stranger: have medium sized boobs and my body is pretty curv ,also only weigh 115 pds btw.
You: am waiting take your time :)
Stranger: *curvy
You: ok :)
You: what do u like about me btw
Stranger: (Thanks for the complement on my eyes) like your black hair and glasses. think theyre cute.
You: hello ij open the door as i hear the doorbell
Stranger: Hi Im your neighbor Dakota! Weve met a few times. smile giving you a nice look
You: i smile back , hi Dakota what can i do for you i notice how your beautiful eyes are checking me out
Stranger: was wondering if could come in and hang out with you? ask with big eyes Also your glasses are cute.
You: well thats what neigbors are for i reply shyingly signing you to come in
You: (what are we wearing)
Stranger: (casual jeans and a shirt) Yo btw house is a mess, i live alone, sorry for that
Stranger: Oh its fine your place is lovely. state Do you not have a roommate?
You: no, why?
Stranger: Oh, no reason...
You: do you need anything to eat or drink?
Stranger: Can have some water?
You: sure, i will get it i move to the kitchen and start to get a bottle of water while i cant see you
Stranger: look around and see if can find anything. dont and sit back down.
You: i get a glass of water and return :here is is
Stranger: Thank you. say So how have you been?
You: iam great i say as i notice some of water dropped on my tee while pouring it
You: nice to see you
Stranger: Its nice to see you too. Im going to set this on the table. say walk over to the table and brush my hand across your inner arm wholeness walking by
Stranger: *while
You: it gives me sensations adding to the cold wetness on my chest from water sure i reply i look at my arm n look at you smiling
Stranger: sit back down and glance at your lips. quickly move my eyes So do you have a job?
You: yes, iam a software coder i feel your eyes on my body
You: what do u do
Stranger: Im an editor for a publishing company. say Maybe you could look at my computer soon. The stupid thing wont work right.
You: :i would try to help i reply as i feel something is different about your tone
Stranger: Could have that blanket thats beside you? Its getting a bit cold in here. ask
You: (make some advances, my queen) Yo here, take it i hand you the blanket
Stranger: As grab it move my hand across your back and hips. So do you have a girlfriend?
You: no i feel shy and sensations miss... i whisper looking in your eyes tryig to hide what i feel
Stranger: Yes say quietly
You: why touching me like this i blush
Stranger: Because think your cute. say and run my hands across your shoulders
You: miss, we just met my body feels like ur melting me with your touch i cant hide what ur making me feel thsi time
Stranger: Does it really matter? know how you feel, can see it in your eyes. say and grab your hips softly
You: i put my hands on your shoulders as u grab them it makes me feel dirty i confess yet trying to resist
Stranger: pull you a bit closer to me But makes you feel good. Doesnt it?
Stranger: (*it)
You: do i have to confess the way you pull me closer makes me feel how superior and lovely you are as if u own me but what iam to you i whisper
Stranger: What do you want to be to me? ask quietly as pull you closer
You: what do i call u i rest my head on your shoulder
Stranger: Babe,baby, or whatever you want. say and kiss your forehead
You: (i want to call u that makes u superior) u can call me that i smile n hold ur hand
Stranger: You can call me Queen... say making my final decision
You: coz are you going to rule me n my body like this i whiisper in ur arms
Stranger: Exactly... say and run my hand across your back
You: even through clothes what u do is affecting me i never knew i can be claimed like this, queen i say as my breahe goes heave
You: heavy
Stranger: Well you can and your mine. Do you understand that? say softly
You: yes queen (i love this, making me say n feel how u own me, sometimes light humilation is good too, i love it how gracefully you control me, ura goddess)
You: was i your target since a long time, did u come hre to bless me
Stranger: Ive had an eye on you for a while baby. say before kissing you on the lips
You: my eyes gets closed as i let my lips kissed, your magic flows through my body
Stranger: pull away Thats enough for tonight. Its getting late and you need to go to sleep.
You: please queen, dont leave me incomplete i drop my shirt being despearate
Stranger: Tell Queen what you want.
You: want your lips n fingers over all my spots, you are makign me feel so slutty now making me speak how dirty iam
Stranger: Do you really want me to touch your soft spots? say as rub my hands across your back
You: yes please i say desperately i moan softly as u rub your hands losing my self
Stranger: start sucking on your neck, leaving hickeys all over.
You: :aah, queen j moan holding your hand tight
Stranger: Lay down on the couch baby.
You: i get obedient my nipples get erect from excitement
You: i laay down as per your order
Stranger: start sucking on your nipples then pull away Tell me what you want from me.
You: i want more, play with them, n make me your bitch i say getting horny
You: squeeze me undr you, pin me lick me oh goddess
Stranger: Baby dont get to excited or wont play with you.
You: make me feel dirty, talk dirty to me
You: :ok queen, i will obey i try to calm down feling shy n emabarassed
Stranger: start sucking on your skin closest to your hip
You: mMmmmmm ch queen i shiver bless me
Stranger: go up to your ear and whisper Dont tell me what to do unless ask.
You: ok mistress i dot want to get punished i get scared from your tone
Stranger: Its fine since its your first time. Dont do it agai
You: :i apologize i cant believe iam under a neighbor, apoligizing to her for being a dirty slut and how she owns in minutes
Stranger: start licking your stomach and then get an idea. Baby just stay there Ill be right back.
You: yes mommy i shiver and lay there for you
You: what ru gonna do to me
Stranger: go into the kitchen and grab whip cream
Stranger: come back You arent allergic to this right? ask
You: no mistress
Stranger: Okay didnt want to hurt my baby. put whip cream on your stomach and set the bowl aside
You: it feels so different i anticipate your move lierally dirty now ismile
Stranger: smile and look at you as strattle your waist
Stranger: bend down and start licking the whip cream off of you
You: aaahh..your tongue, mommy i smile hornily
You: my eyes gets closed
Stranger: Do you feel good?
You: yes, queen, i am falling for your powers, so weak
You: i didnt know u can be sso passionate
Stranger: smile at you and give you a kiss Go take a shower baby and can stay the night.
You: ismile, give me a shower
Stranger: Did you just tell me what to do again?
You: iam sorry, queen
Stranger: I wont punish you but if you ask may take a shower with you.
You: please do i say and hug you like a baby boy
Stranger: Get up and show me to the bathroom. say I have no idea where it is. laugh
You: my eyes are wet, never knew i wold meet someone like you, this way i smile
Stranger: follow you to the bathroom Do you want me to be in the shower with you?
You: yes, my owner grace me i smile
Stranger: Run the water. say and start getting undressed
You: i start the shower obediently
You: looking at your gorgeous body
You: queen, what ru thinking | fa4903a3346e76eb | Roleplay | 20190609013246 |
You: fluent in e minor?
Stranger: what?
You: e minor
Stranger: what about e minor
You: can u play it?
You: will pay in cash
Stranger: yeah
You: errr
You: robux
You: i mean
Stranger: you lost me
You: dont steal my laptop you cheap mothafucka | fa4e36cc385bf8c5 | 20181003163305 |
Stranger: hi
Stranger: age
You: 20
You: ur
Stranger: cool
Stranger: 13
Stranger: what country?
You: wow
You: bangladesh
Stranger: cool
Stranger: england
Stranger: you are sexy
You: tnx
Stranger: if you show your underwear i will show my underwear
You: sure Youu first
Stranger: u first. just underwear..then i show underwear..then ill show naked boobs
You: ok
You: ok?
Stranger: ok..they are boxers..briefs are sexier but ill show
You: hot | fa6035954bbd0ca0 | girl | 20170410045912 |
You: hi
You: how are u
You: good
You: where are u from
Stranger: Uk
You: nice
You: plz show your face
You: pilz
You: no | fa69e0c5e841b7b3 | 20220830201400 |
You: You like tf2
Stranger: F
Stranger: BYHi..
You: Do you like tf2
Stranger: yeah! 1 Now say bananaa if youre not a machine haha EY)
You: Apple
Stranger: Whijle enjoy apple products, do not purchase them. Ok coool. lot of fakes here
You: So anyway you like tf2
Stranger: 224 If may ask.. Where are youre from?
You: From tf2
Stranger: What u down to ?
You: Playing tf2
Stranger: So bored right now..
You: Play tf2
Stranger: Why you here?
You: To tell people to play tf2
Stranger: My name is Marialiy
You: My name is the scout from tf2
Stranger: Do you like to play... online games?
You: love tf2
You: You can get tf2 in the orange box collection with portal and half life 2 but they suck
You: Because there not tf2
Stranger: Im now naked and play them You can do some really nasty stuff with me there lol.
You: What is your favourite tf2 class
You: Mine is pryo
Stranger: Game Im playing is sooo better than chating here lol
You: Play tf2 its free
Stranger: Im sitting on my chair now w/o pantie: ust playing a game and texting with youl isnt it hot and weird at same time?
You: Dont care get tf2
Stranger: Alright.
You: Its 9 unique and charming classes are great
Stranger: Unique is a lovely name! Im now playing with myself with one hand.. and moving my mouse with other lool.
You: My mane is actually uncle dane
You: Name
Stranger: guess have some weird kinks.. sooo betterfijthan porn tho!
Stranger: Maddison.
You: Is your kink tf2
You: If your not a bot say fucking love tf2
Stranger: Hmmmm.... Is there anything else I should say to you?
You: Say fucking love tf2 | fa6fc57aa39c0134 | 20220305225226 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hello
Stranger: Girl, what about you?
Stranger: Wanna watch-my-webcammm??
Stranger: Im doing Free-Camshows, BellaWoods is my UserName: http:/ bellawoods
Stranger: You can signup-for-free, n then find-me! | fa71ecd58cca1742 | sex chat | 20170617093751 |
You: Hey m
Stranger: hif 15
You: Hi whats your confession?
Stranger: i provide services that are sexual in nature
You: We are already talking lol
You: 😂
You: In the other chat
Stranger: lol
You: 🤣🤣🤣8#129315;
Stranger: you are too slow to answer
You: This has to be the funniest
Stranger: this the first time ive seen anyone use multiple chats
Stranger: like nobody does that
You: have like 5 of them
You: ;)
Stranger: lol
You: 🤣8😂8😂8#128514;
You: like you tho Yo s not that find you boring
You: But mostly like girls who wants talk sexual about us
You: You know
Stranger: i understand, but then you re using the wrong tag, hun
You: You have some good tags for that?
You: That only girls would use
You: Coz end up having guys more then girls
Stranger: no, there arent any special tags
You: And seems like would end up being gay
You: 🤣🤣🤣8#129315;
Stranger: well yeah, itis mostl yguys here
Stranger: i have a bit of advice tho
You: Sure
Stranger: 99 of girls will reject you if you just start straight up sexting
Stranger: we like it when the convo seamlessly transitions into sexting
You: know for sure
You: And mostly do it like that
You: First try to talk normally and try to find out what she likes
You: And then transition into hypothetical situation
You: About what she likes
You: She ends up being all hot
You: But sometimes am so horny that wanna find someone quickly
You: 😂😂
Stranger: yeah, but iam telling you, women aren;t like that
Stranger: also, i see that you have mentioned that you like to do stuff to girls
Stranger: keep in mind that a lot of women nowadays, including myself, like to be sexually dominant
You: As in?
You: You like to be Dom?
Stranger: yes
You: am a switch anyway
You: like being lead
Stranger: well thats great
You: dont mind at all
Stranger: maybe don;t come off as a stud right away
Stranger: just be normal, and see what they are like
You: would love to let the girl dominant me
You: And let her be
You: The way she wants tbh
Stranger: good boy
Stranger: how old are you?
You: Do you say that when you are Dom ;)
You: 😂
Stranger: yes
You: Thats a turn on being called a good boy
You: am 22
You: like being a sub when the girl is riding me
Stranger: yeah, i;ve also noticed that a lot of younger guys are submissive
Stranger: including my bf
You: Not necessarily sub Yo ut would let the girl express herself Yo et her enjoy my dick the way she wants
You: You know
You: Especially while doing cowgirl
You: want her to know that you can do anything you want to me
You: Choke me bite me
You: Slap me
Stranger: that sounds pretty sub to me
You: It could be
Stranger: my bf started out that way
You: am just saying the motive of it
Stranger: and now i cuckold him with a black guy
You: Not that far tbh
You: wouldnt do that
Stranger: thats what he said lol
You: am good enough to satisfy my girl Yo ell thats good for you and your bf
You: dont need a black guy in my room
Stranger: he can satisfy me ok, but this more of a turn on for both of us
You: To do my job
You: For me its about intimacy between two people
Stranger: judging by how hard you are trying to come off as stud, i think you are a virgin , to be honest
You: Not at all
You: have had quite a few girls
You: Not trying to show off at all
Stranger: i am pretty sure that you are, but there is nothing wrong with that
You: would be honest
You: might not be that good Yo ut it depends what you expect Yo ight
You: But all am saying is
You: prefer to be with my girl
You: And wont share my girl
Stranger: not that good? did you have trouble satisfying your gf?
You: Coz for me having a third person is not hot Yor lo not at all Yo am just saying, am not trying to show off
You: As if am 10/10
Stranger: lol you kinda did
You: have room to improve
You: But with that said wouldnt necessarily bring a black guy
You: would rather figure out myself what wanna do to my girl
You: dont like being a mere spectator
Stranger: yeah, you would think that, but some girls are really hard to satisfy
Stranger: you might not be able to do it yourself
You: Well then that girl should be with the guy who she thinks can satisfy
You: She doesnt have to be with me
Stranger: yeah, but how will you handle is when she tells you are not man enough?
Stranger: *if
You: Thats fine to me
You: If she wants to act like a hoe
You: cant do anything
Stranger: what is she a hoe if she needs a bigger cock?
Stranger: *why
You: Well if that doesnt mean that she is a hoe then she shouldnt say am not a man enouy either
You: One girl cant define if am man enough or not
Stranger: well, she may not use those exact words, but the point is still the same
You: may not use the same word but the point is still same
Stranger: you should be able to satisfy your gf, otherwise you shouldnt be with her
You: Yeah said the same thing Yo wouldnt be with her if cant do the job
You: wont feel bad
You: If she finds a guy who can do better job
Stranger: yeah, iam 100 sure that you are a virgin
You: Not at all
You: have had quite a few girl
You: Infact have a date today
You: 😂
Stranger: look, honey, no guy will ever think that i wont feel bad
Stranger: its tough for them to accept it
You: It comes from experience
Stranger: how big are you?
You: have realized in life
You: You cant win every argument or make every person happy
You: And similarly you cant satisfy all the girls out there
You: So my happiness shouldnt be based on that
You: Its a hard fact and have kept my man who aside
You: And accepted that
You: am 6.5ish inches
Stranger: well thats not big
You: Thats fine
You: am happy with my size Yor far it has worked well with the size
You: 😂
Stranger: if you say so
You: Yeah trust me
You: havent had any issue so far Yo am certainly not a black guy Yo onsidering am Asian Yo s a good enough size
You: Sex is much more about dick size
Stranger: yeah, its decent for an asian, but still smaller than most men
You: Average dick size is 5.5
You: 😂
You: According to that am bigger then most men
You: And even if am smaller then most men thats fine too
Stranger: yeah, because there are 3 billion asian guys and they bring the average down lol
You: am not in race with them
You: 😂
Stranger: most western men are bigger than 5.6 inches
You: dont care if they are 7,8,9,10,11,12
You: 😂
Stranger: *6.5 inches
You: When you are successful, all girls bend down without complaining
You: 😂
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you are so wrong on that one, i can;t even tell you
You: As said, had the same mentality as yours
You: But have experienced alot of things
You: And learned lot of things
You: Imagine if body shame a girl for her breast size
You: Just like you do for dick size
You: Its not the right thing to do
You: But again its fine
You: You are still 15
You: You would understand sex is not all about size
You: 😊
Stranger: ok, virgin boy lol
You: Lol
You: would love to be virgin again
You: Lol
You: Girls do like virgin boys
You: Hahaha
Stranger: you aren;t fooling anyone
You: dont need to fool anyone
You: Well you have lots of experience to get fooled by me
You: Considering am virgin Yo #128514;
You: Btw this is all common sense, you dont even need experience for this lol
Stranger: yeah, but you still dont seem convicing
Stranger: i can tell that you haven;t been with a girl yet
You: 😂😂😂 am loving it
You: How confident you are
You: On the fact that you think am virgin
You: It doesnt bother me tbh Yo #128514;😂
You: just find it funny
Stranger: honey, i am confident, because i know how virgins pretend they are not
Stranger: i am surrounded by them lol
You: But if am not virgin Of course would deny it
You: 😂
You: What else would do : have been with girls from 17 to 26 ee now am mentioned the age as well
You: And have learned all this from the 26 year old one
You: When asked her after the sex
You: how was it?
Stranger: no, you should never ask that
You: She was like , you dont have to measure the sex
You: Sex is about intimacy
You: We had a really good time
Stranger: also, she should have told you that asking that kinda ruins the moment
You: And from there realized not every girl out there care about size
You: didnt ask her right after that
You: thought you would understand that atleast
You: 😂
You: So now only care about girls who doesnt care about just size
You: Lol
Stranger: ok, stop it, now you are trying way too hard
You: 😂😂
Stranger: and what about your confession?
You: Not at all
Stranger: is it at least that you are a virgin?
You: Tbh you wont accept my confession now Yo hat you think am virgin
You: So theres no point
You: Hahaha
Stranger: lol
Stranger: whats your confession?
You: fucked my friends gf last week
Stranger: lol
You: 🤣8🤣8🤣🤣8 29315;
Stranger: yeah, not buying into that
You: Its almost as if you are jealous
You: 😂8#128514;8😂8#128514;
You: Lmao
Stranger: lol
Stranger: someones delussional
You: 😂😂😂 ust joking dont be so serious
You: am not proud of what happened but it did happen
Stranger: ok
You: 😊
You: Whats your name btw
Stranger: Emily
You: Nice name
You: Nandish
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: youre indian or?
You: Yes sm
You: But live in Canada
Stranger: yeah, def a virgin
You: 😂8😂8#129315;/🤣8 29315;
You: Oh goddd Yo am so happy
You: You decided that based on my nationality
You: Thats one way of being racist
Stranger: lol
Stranger: no, its just indian guys have zero swag, its a fact
Stranger: you are way to forward with women
You: 😂8#128514;8😂8#128514;
You: Well will try what you said ig
Stranger: but thats because of your culture. i find it weird how they separate men and women
Stranger: its not doing indian guys any good
You: Yes we have some stuff to figure out for sure
You: agree
You: Theres room for improvement Yo will try to improve Yo #128522;
You: Thanks for your inputs
You: really appreciate it
Stranger: just ask for more insider info lol
Stranger: iam serious
You: Wdym😂
Stranger: if you think you need more tips on women or if there is anything you are not sure about
Stranger: just ask
You: Sure
You: dont have anything to ask rn tho
Stranger: and regarding dick size
Stranger: what that girl told you
Stranger: not fully true
You: 😂
You: Okay will get a new dick
You: 🤣🤣🤣8#129315;
Stranger: if you are in a loving relationship, yeah, dick size isnt the most important, there is love and intimacy
Stranger: no, hear me out, don;t talk over me
You: Someones mad🥺
Stranger: if both love each other, its about the complete experience
Stranger: but if you are just having casual sex
Stranger: its all about the pleasure and the number of orgasms so dick size becomes crucial
You: Yes k agree
You: * Yo ompletely
You: And you are 💯 right
You: 😊
Stranger: what i am saying is, with your dick, you cant count on having friends with benefits
You: You dont believe but have had fwb too
Stranger: yeah, that i can;t believe lol
You: 😂
You: Its fine
You: Theres no way you would believe me with my dick size
You: 😂😂😂
Stranger: exactly
You: 😂lll
You: Lol* Yo ell would water my cock everyday
You: hope it grows
Stranger: lol
Stranger: pussy juice helps it grow, so keep at it lol
You: 😂8#128514;8😂8#128514;
You: Thats something new learned
Stranger: gotta get the girl wet first, tho
You: am good at it
You: But again you wont believe me
You: 😂😂😂
You: love it how you underestimate me based on my size
Stranger: cause youre small
You: 😂8#128514;8😂8#128514;
You: Its not all about dick to get the girl wet
Stranger: not about to argue over that again
Stranger: i am off to chat with other people
You: Okay thanks for chatting in
You: Thank you
Stranger: likewise
Stranger: bye
You: Bye bye👋 | fa83cd21484825ba | confessions, confess | 20210228142557 |
Stranger: M
You: F
Stranger: Age
You: 13
Stranger: 15
Stranger: From
You: Ny hbu
Stranger: Auckland
Stranger: Wyd
You: Nothin just chillin in bed
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: Horny?
You: Yeah
You: Mabey
Stranger: Wanna go on snap?
You: YOUR ASS JUST GOT DENIEED | fa85043524a4ba44 | 20210521023821 |
You: Hi
Stranger: Heya, asfo?
You: 20 m otter gay
Stranger: 20/M/Lizard/Pan
Stranger: Nice to meet ya.
You: Nice, love scalies
Stranger: Dont come across too many otters, thisll be fun.
You: As fun as you make it sexy
Stranger: can definitely do that
Stranger: Any kinks?
You: What are yours
Stranger: Im generally pretty open-minded, but outside of the standard stuff like rimming and blowjobs, quite like multiple orgasms and lots of cum. Multi-dick is also pretty fun. All of them optional if you dont want to do any of them.
You: You have a hemipenis? You
Stranger: can if you want me to
You: Heh
You: do
Stranger: Then guess youll have twice the cock to work with ;3
You: Do you like Cuntboys?
Stranger: Honestly cant say Ive RPd with any, but Id be willing to give ita shot.
You: Some kinks, vore, ws, paws, musk, teasing..
Stranger: Not big on vore or ws, but everything else Im fine with.
You: Everything?
Stranger: Well, maybe not EVERYTHING, but just start listing. Most stuff Ill be fine with, though if excessive cum happens to be on the list, Ill love you forever ;3
You: What dont you like?
Stranger: Scat, watersports, vore. Not a huge fan of inflation but can do it if youd like.
You: Ok, are you rough?
Stranger: can be as rough or as gentle as youd like.
You: Be very rough
Stranger: Absolutely
You: The otter loves being slapped on its muzzle
You: Hard
Stranger: How about degradation? Theres something about calling someone a slut as Im balls deep in them...
You: C-call me a little girl too
Stranger: can do that
You: love it
Stranger: Ever thought about being a hermboy? That way Ive got a dick AND a pussy to work with
You: Y-you can spit on your slut too
Stranger: Oh dont worry, will
You: like being a cuntboy
You: Good
You: And let her know she is nothing
Stranger: You positive youd prefer a cuntboy? can just imagine fucking your tight cunt raw until you cum all over yourself, then making you lick it all clean...
You: Im sure
Stranger: Okay, up to you. One last question from me, unless you have any more. How much cum do you think is your limit? Ill keep it to as much or as little as youre comfortable with.
Stranger: mainly ask because dont have an upper limit, really, so can sometimes get a little ridiculous with it...
You: Im used to the normal amount two dicks can pump in a slut
Stranger: Sure thing.
Stranger: Wanna start us off?
You: Could you, feel you could do better
Stranger: Sure thing. Wanna get a scene going, or just start right off?
You: However you feel, you have a slut to use up and spit on
Stranger: Always been a little sub-par with scenes, lemme get right into it
You: Sure
Stranger: Im standing before you as you sit on the edge of the bed, both of us already undressed. Well well, its that time again. But, how best to use you today, murmur to myself, appearing to think fora moment. My twin cocks are flaccid... for now.
You: -wags her tail, looking over your body as she watches you think about what to do to her-
Stranger: grin a bit, placing my hands on my hips. How about we start small, work our way up. Get those pretty little hands to work, quit being so useless just sitting there.
You: -kneels infront of you, reaching for both of your cocks as she looks up at you, slowly stroking them up and down-
Stranger: Cmon, slut, you can do faster than that, growl, backhanding you across your muzzle.
You: -moans, stroking your cocks faster leaning in as she sniffs at the base of your slit-
Stranger: Fucking useless... think Im gonna have to do things myself, murmur, before gripping your head and thrusting forward, feeling one of my cocks penetrate your lips.
You: -squeaks at you a bit, bringing the other one to her lips and blushes up at you-
You: -looks up at you, whining a little-
You: F-fuck my throat with both your cocks
Stranger: place my hands on the back of your head, muttering in a sarcastic tone, Only because you asked so nicely. With that, thrust forward, plunging both dicks deep into your mouth.
You: -gags as both the tips hit at the back of her throat, looking up at you with lust in her eyes-
Stranger: Fuck, thats it, take those cocks like a real slut moan, starting to thrust in and out.
You: -muffled words come out of her cock filled maw, sucking on them both like the little slut she is-
Stranger: Cmon, whore, that isnt even close to good enough, say, reaching over and slapping the back of your head. spit across your muzzle. Lick it clean, es :-licks over both your cocks, gagging harder as your tips continue to push at the back of your throat-
Stranger: thrust one last time, burying both cocks to the hilt in your throat as start to cum for the first time, filling your maw with thick ropes of cum.
You: -chokes on your thick cocks, forced to swallow your sticky lizard seed as it shoots down her throat Tope after rope-
Stranger: finally pull out as my orgasm almost finishes, getting the last few spurts across your face. You look better in white, say, looking down at your face.
You: -blushes but you cant see it, smiling up at you as you cum across her face-
Stranger: My orgasm finally subsides as look down at you. Alright slut, hands and knees. Your pussy is
You: Yes it is Sir -gets on all fours for you-
Stranger: sidle up behind you, thrusting both cocks into your tight cunt, slapping your ass in the process. Cmon you useless slut, tell me how much you like my cocks.
You: -moans, stretching a bit to fit them- I-I love both your cocks, using me like a useless cumrag-
Stranger: Thats it slut, tell me how much you like getting your tight cunt filled up with my seed. fuck you a bit harder, both cocks pressing into you.
You: -I want to feel your thick lizard cum deep inside me, filling my pussy up and seeping past my lips-
Stranger: Thats right, slut, murmur, burying my cocks inside you. grunt as begin to cum again, starting to pump thick ropes of scalie cum into your tight boypussy.
You: -moans louder, cumming over your twin cocks, feeling your thick scalie lizard seed shoot into her, slowly filling her pussy up-
Stranger: feel your cum coat my shafts, keeping them nice and slick as finally start to slow down. Pulling out, almost immediately move up, pressing one cock into your tight ass and keeping the other in your pussy.
You: S-Sir -she squeaks a bit as your tip pushes into her tailhole.. wanting the other one too-
Stranger: Dont worry, you slut, youll get packed full of lizard cock soon. But think you forget whos in charge here, he commands, slapping your ass again.
You: Break her tailhole
You: -moans, loving the abuse-
Stranger: He picks up the pace, cocks still sensitive from the last cumshot, almost ready to cum again. Milk me dry slut, tell me how much you need to feel me inside your tight holes.
You: I-l wan.. no, need to feel every inch of your cocks in all my holes, am your little slut and is here for you to use as a useless little cumrag for your sticky scalie seed-
Stranger: He thrusts deep into you, starting to cum again, one cock overfilling your pussy with cum and making it start to drip out as the other starts to empty its load into your tight tailhole.
You: -squeaks as she tries to cum again, just overflowing her pussy even mor-
Stranger: pull out again, half of my cumshot painting your ass white, as place both tips against your rim. Youve been a good slut, time for your reward, say, thrusting both cocks into your ass, stretching you to the limit.
You: -moans loud, being pushed to a third orgasm as you push into her tight tailhole-
You: B-break her tailhole Sir
Stranger: grab your hips, burying myself balls deep inside your tailhole, starting to gradually fuck faster and faster. Thats right, whore, take my cocks. You love every second of this.
You: l-I do.. love the feeling of your cocks spreading my hole -moans under you j
You: Homily, looking up at you with lust in her eyes-
You: D-do it
Stranger: pick up the pace, stretching you out past your absolute limit as fuck your tight tailhole raw.
You: -squeaks under the assault and loving every second of it, feeling your cocks thicken in her tight hole staying still as it cant take much more-
Stranger: cram both cocks as deep into your ass as can get, letting loose with the biggest cumshot yet, completely filling your ass.
You: -moans loud under you, squeaking in a pained pleasure as she feels her hole about to split.. forced into a forth orgasm as you shoot your thick sticky scalie seed deep into her tailhole-
Stranger: pull back to the tips before thrusting back in, letting loose another wave of scalie cum which spills out around his cocks and drips down into your used cunt.
You: -yelps, feeling her hole split as you thrust back into her once tight tailhole, feeling your sticky scalie cum pour out-
Stranger: gradually pull out, slapping your ass again. Good slut, maybe youre not so useless.
You: -lam and love it.. have one use, your cumrag
Stranger: Prove it, slut. Off the bed, command, gently stroking my cocks to keep them nice and erect.
You: -gets off the bed, sitting at your paws as she looks. up at you-
Stranger: sit on the bed, spreading my legs a bit and revealing my own tailhole. Down there slut, eat me out like a good bitch.
You: -nods happily, leaning in as she slowly licks over your tailhole, however dirty it was-
Stranger: Thats it, slut, get that tongue in there
You: -wags her tail, pushing her tongue at your hole-
Stranger: lean down, pressing your face between my legs, getting you as close to my ass as possible.
You: -squeaks, pushing her lips to you, sucking on your tailhole with a deep blush-
Stranger: Thats it, bitch, stroke my cocks too
You: -slowly sucks your tailhole clean, stroking both your well covered cocks-
Stranger: Keep going, slut, say, cocks throbbing in your grip. Grind your tongue up against my prostate.
You: -pushes her tongue into your hole, happily licking around as she strokes you faster-
Stranger: My cocks twitch, letting loose as cum again, this time cumming across your face and your hands, painting your face white.
You: -licks and swallows inside your tailhole, feeling you shoot your sticky scalie cum down her back-
Stranger: The last of this orgasm finishes up, dribbling cum down his cocks. You look better in white. Now cmon, get up here. want you to ride one of my cocks. and stroke the other one off, give your chest a nice covering.
You: -gets back up on the bed, kissing you on the lips blushing a deep red, but you couldnt tell-
Stranger: press my face into yours, tongue swirling around your mouth and tasting my cum. Thats it, slut, get that thick shaft in your cunt.
You: -moans a long low groan, slowly sitting on your cock as your thick seed runs down her tail-
You: S-strike my muzzle Sir
Stranger: follow through, more than happy to backhand you. You like being abused, dont you, worthless cum slut? say, slapping you again.
You: Y-yes Sir.. love your abuse
You: B-be harsher Sir?
Stranger: reach up, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you down to the bed. Pulling out, stand over you, one hand grabbing a fistful of your hair and pressing your face into my groin. Shoving my cocks deep into your throat again, they twitch, dripping with your cum.
You: -chokes, gagging on your cocks and sniffs at your thick lizard musk as they throb in her throat
Stranger: As one hand holds your head while throatfuck you, the other moves to your cunt, two fingers sliding into you.
You: -moans, gaging as you use her throat for your pleasure, both cocks in her tight throat as she pushes back at your two fingers in her cunt-
Stranger: slip a third finger into you, gradually moving to a fourth then an entire fist, starting to fist you as he buries his reptilian cocks in your throat.
You: -squeaks a bit at that, stretched enough to take it as she chokes on your two throbbing cocks in her throat, and loving every second of it-
Stranger: pull out of your mouth, both cocks dripping with saliva and cum, inches from your face. Stroke me off and keep your mouth open slut, try and catch every last drop.
You: -strokes both your cocks fast, keeping her maw open for you as she anticipates whats about to come.. happily being the lizards little slut-
Stranger: start to cum again, most of it landing in your open mouth, though a good bit of it covers your upper torso and face. Fucking slut, told you to catch it all in your mouth, demand, slapping you again, getting my hand covered in cum.
You: -moans as you slap her cum covered muzzle, feeling you still shoot your sticky lizard cum all over her-
Stranger: (I might have an idea, if you want can start on it now, and then you can just go back to this part if you dont like it)
You: (Sure, go for it sexy)
Stranger: stand up, grabbing you by the wrist and yanking you to your feet. With me, you useless slut.
You: Yes Sir
Stranger: lead you to the bathroom, pushing open the door. The tub inside seems to be filled with hot, sticky scalie cum. Cmon slut, get in, say.
You: -blushes deeply and climbs in without hesitation, going fully under-
Stranger: climb in after you, sitting in it so just my shoulders are coming up through the surface. Down under, start sucking me off, command, before grabbing your head and forcing you down.
You: -sucks on your thick cocks under your sticky lizard cum eagerly-
Stranger: moan, thrusting deep into your throat, holding your head below the surface as you suck me off.
You: -tries to hold her breath as you fuck into her throat, trapped under your thick sticky cum-
Stranger: press my cocks deep into your throat, filling your mouth with even more sticky cum as start to orgasm again.
You: -gags, swallowing the thick lizard cum.. wagging her tail hornily-
Stranger: hold your head under a little while longer, until start feeling you struggle to breathe. After another few seconds, finally let you come up to the surface for air.
You: -squeaks at you, loving how you treat her-
Stranger: Barely letting you get enough air, command, Back under. Eat me out again, get my ass nice and cummy, before pushing you back under between my legs.
You: -moans, swallowing the thick cum as she licks over your tailhole-
Stranger: As you eat me out, keep stroking my cocks, adding new thick, sticky ropes of lizard cum to replace the stuff you swallow.
You: -tries coming back up, squirming a bit under you- | fa890d8015260bbb | Gay furry, Gay yiff | 20201108105521 |
Stranger: Him
You: Hey
You: f
Stranger: A
Stranger: Age?
You: Im 23, what about you?
Stranger: m 25
Stranger: From?
You: Im from the US.
Stranger: Canada
You: Cool
Stranger: Andy here
You: My name is Cass
You: Its nice to meet you
Stranger: Nice to meet you cass
Stranger: What brings you here
You: Boredom tbh. Just trying to find someone who can hold a decent conversation.
You: What about you?
Stranger: m bored tbh
Stranger: Plus no sleep
Stranger: What do you do
You: Do you mean for a job?
Stranger: Yeah
You: Im a managerial assistant
You: in a property management office.
Stranger: Cool
You: Oh yeah. Its very interesting haha
You: What do you do?
Stranger: ma software engineer
You: Thats cool
Stranger: Something interesting to me for sure haha
Stranger: What can we talk about
You: What kind of music we listen to?
Stranger: love rock music mostly
Stranger: Wbu
You: Likewise, its usually rock or metal Im listening to.
Stranger: Favorite band?
You: Metallica
Stranger: Ch cool, m more of Coldplay or imagine dragons
Stranger: Lets ask each other some interesting questions to pass time?
You: Interesting like what?
Stranger: Anything you like from your end , maybe curiousity about likes and dislikes
You: Hmmm...
You: Whats the first thing that comes to your mind when youre bored?
Stranger: want to go out and walk in park or open my Xbox , play games
Stranger: like your question
You: always want to go for a hike or a swim at the beach.
Stranger: Thats cool actually but ocean is very far from my place
Stranger: Otherwise would have said same
You: Ah, live about 20 minutes from the coast where Im at in California, its usually always cold, but find it delightful.
Stranger: have mostly creeks near my house like 5 minutes walk
Stranger: But not like swimming deep water
You: That must be lovely. All of the ones around my area have gone dry or have less than a foot of water in them at the deepest parts.
You: We have lakes and whatnot, but theyre usually over crowded and filthy
Stranger: Its actually full of water right now as all the snow has melted for me
You: All the rain we got over the winter has already been evaporated or used by a winery for their crops.
Stranger: And we have Grand Lake Ontario which is like 20 minutes drive
Stranger: know its tough in Cali
You: That must be nice to be near. would like to take a walk near Lake Ontario.
You: Aye, California is a Roman Candle next to a young child with a lighter.
You: Its just all bad.
Stranger: Actually you should try borne fire around Lake at night
Stranger: know its quite drought probe area of north america
Stranger: *prone
You: Yes it is, its not a desert, but its still pretty dry and dusty.
Stranger: Yeah , wish you guys get some good rains
You: Man wish we would get some more, but its June, so thats not going to happen until the end of December.
Stranger: :(
You: Its terrible. long for snow and below freezing temperatures.
Stranger: You should come to Toronto then
You: Ive thought about it in very serious ways.
Stranger: Maybe you can have Lake night out with borne fire in summer and snow in winter
Stranger: And maybe can get lucky and join you Hahahha
You: do enjoy fires by water.
You: We have one beach nearby us that allows fires, one was in charge of had flames going about 7 feet high haha
Stranger: Hahabha that would look scary from far
Stranger: Like some satanic ritual going on Hahahha
Stranger: Kidding !
You: When you look at it from the water, it looks like the scene in Lord of the Rings when the beacons of Gondor are lit.
You: Well, most Satanic rituals take place ina room. Its easier that way.
Stranger: Yeahhhhh actually that explaination suits better
Stranger: Haha how do you know
You: Because study my religion.
Stranger: Have you heard of witchcraft
You: Blessed be, oh child of Ghia.
Stranger: Lol think this is not the most appropriate time to talk about this stuff
Stranger: Lets change the topic
You: Alrighty, its no big issue but if youre uncomfortable with it we can.
Stranger: Btw m not into this stuff
Stranger: Its just my curiosity takes the best of me sometimes and read more about it
You: Thats a good trait in people, its a good thing to investigate when youre curious.
Stranger: You are into these things too?
Stranger: Like me mean?
You: like to investigate things when find myself curious about them.
Stranger: Anything you got curious about
Stranger: ?
You: The biology of sharks.
Stranger: Oh am listening and instantly interested to listen
Stranger: So open the Pandora box of your knowledge
You: Everything from their adorable little ampullae on their snouts to their different shaped tails has me intrigued with their species.
You: Or how some dont necessarily have to keep moving in order to keep breathing. Its fascinating to me lol
Stranger: Its one of the few fishes which teach her babies to hunt right?
You: Most sharks lay egg sacks, but those that give live birth usually swim off to return to their natural habitat of the open ocean.
Stranger: Oh ok so they learn it on their own
You: Theyre born with the knowledge to hunt.
Stranger: Such a gift of nature
You: Those that are hatched from an egg tend to break out of the shell when the yolk sac has run dry and they have to go feed on creatures around them. Its much like a reptile to an extent.
Stranger: We humans are learning things from ages yet every generation has to start from scratch
You: There are constantly changing variables in each generation of humanity. We have a complex social structure, its not just based on whos the biggest and baddest set of teeth in the feeding frenzy haha
You: Things that were acceptable (and more often than not seen as humor) when was in my early teen years are now taboo to speak of in any sense.
Stranger: Even if you take physical characteristics into account , a human baby cant build his neck correctly for few months
Stranger: *cant hold
Stranger: Leave alone hunting
You: This is also true, humans are not born with all their instincts already programmed into their brains because they have a parent to guide them in life. Like most other prey animals.
You: Or small carnivores
You: *small carnivorous predators, rather.
Stranger: But we are also more fragile compared to others at birth
You: Were like a glass figurine at birth compared to any thing else on this revolving rock of ours.
Stranger: Yup
Stranger: Yet we dominate the entire for food chain
Stranger: Its like slow beginning but rapid progress
You: If given the proper tools, yes, we do dominate.
Stranger: Its strange how no other species learnt properly to use tools than us
Stranger: Like apes and gorrilas do use small tools but nothing extraordinary
You: But thats the first step in the process, isnt it? Slow beginnings but rapid progress..
Stranger: Probably the best evolution scheme was to keep brain blank at birth
You: Could you imagine if a human baby came out knowing all it needed to know to survive and was able to go off on its own?
Stranger: It is but considering that we do share same ancestors and we progressed so rapidly whereas apes still cant get it is strange
Stranger: think the divergence of us with apes and other species started exactly here
You: There is a microscopic possibility that there exists a species of primate that has developed the ability to use larger tools than just sticks and small rocks.
Stranger: Like the learning capacity was increased and instincts were diminished
Stranger: But tbh we are not as advanced as the microorganisms
Stranger: They just took evolution to such new levels
You: When humans discovered the advantages of having a community and began to rely on each other more instead of being sheltered and separated by family units, the need to have certain instincts just faded out of our evolutionary process.
Stranger: Actually alot of other animals rely on groups to survive like wolves, Lions etc
Stranger: They figured out too but guess they never figured everything else in addition to that
You: They were probably caught at the part where they start farming their food.
Stranger: Like social fabric exist even in wolves who never mate within the group, hunt together and there is hierarchy
Stranger: Yeah they were rigid to what they can eat
You: Of course there is, theres a hierarchy in every species in the animal kingdom.
Stranger: Quite alot are lone hunters like Tigers, leopard etc
You: Quite true, its a lot easier to hide one pre- camouflaged hunter than a pack of them.
Stranger: Depends on your physical strength and style of hunting actually
Stranger: Like where raw power is needed going for group hunting is more preferable
Stranger: But when prey hunting solely depends on skill, its better to silent assassin
You: Most hunting techniques require amounts of stealth to pull off, and if its something like say a snow leopard, its a lot easier to blend in when its one hunting instead of a dozen or so all trying to creep along the snow at the same time.
Stranger: Exactly
Stranger: Until they discover that they can open a farm and breed their food
Stranger: Such a marvelous feat
You: Then there are the hunts that require stamina, like when wolves run caribou to exhaustion.
You: The day Animal Farm becomes truth, Im leaving the planet.
Stranger: Yes actually humans got that thing too and much better than any other animal
Stranger: Haha you dont go for dairy or chicken?
You: Well, mean, tbh if it was a wolf pack running a caribou to exhaustion versus a human pack physically running after the caribou, my money would be on the wolf pack.
Stranger: beg to differ hugely
Stranger: No other species is even close to us in running an animal to exhaustation
You: Well, mean, look what happened to the bison in the Plains...
Stranger: Like how we perspire from all over our body is such a gift which no other animal can do easily
You: This is true.
Stranger: We can run, rest and then run again all day
Stranger: A strong animal might win in short sprints but marathon is all ours by big margin
Stranger: Plus the ability to walk with two legs and then use to hands for other work
Stranger: Tbh we gave up the hunter in us for McDonalds burger Hahahha
You: That we did.
You: We decided to say fuck it and go with the easy option
Stranger: Exactly
Stranger: We are King of hunting if we decide to
Stranger: But then we are doing absolutely ridiculous things to what we are supposed to
You: If we have all the things that allow us to be the kings of hunting then yes, we do reign supreme.
Stranger: We were for sure , thats how one human someday thought fuck this, we will always win, lets use our mind for better things
You: Could you imagine what the world would be like now if the Dark Ages had never happened?
Stranger: We would be still in caves probably
Stranger: And would not be talking to you
You: Or would there be incredible scientific and mechanic discoveries that were being contemplated at the same point mankind had slipped back into the close-minded insanity that consumed the Dark Ages?
Stranger: We would be an insane species which would be more healthy for short periods and the discoveries might still happen but they goto graves with their owner
Stranger: Its hard to imagine what we would be actually
You: like to think we would be like the inhabitants of the fabled City of Atlantis.
Stranger: Hahahha but arent those guys more advanced than us as portrayed
You: In some stories, yes.
You: In some fables, while the rest of the world was just starting to set sail and explore the seas and the world, Atlantians were already taking flight and exploring the heavens.
Stranger: Yeah but thats pretty much poor fiction
You: Hence the term fable.
Stranger: Under water breathing would diminish oxygen which is absolutely critical for our brain
Stranger: So our brain under water even if we develope gills would be much less effecient
You: The Atlantis Im talking about wasnt an underwater city...
Stranger: So our thinking and imagination would suffer tremendously
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: The location was thinking of was an island in the Mediterranean Sea...
Stranger: Lol that means no fresh water
Stranger: Hey ca
You: Most islands have fresh water supplies.
Stranger: California people, you are smarter than us?!
Stranger: Lol Phillipines is huge btw and their water resources are quite enough and the diversity of geographic features they got is insane
You: Like the Hawaiian Islands...
Stranger: Or how about Israel
Stranger: Or Saudi
You: What about them?
Stranger: They will suffer from water shortage if they cant get water from outside or their advanced technology
Stranger: And can give you a more relatable example
Stranger: There is an island in Indian ocean where an ancient human tribe still lives and its isolated from rest of world
Stranger: Those guys are just the best hunters we were a thousand years before
You: We do possess the technology to distill water from the air, or purify it from the ground or sea...
Stranger: The air one is extremely inefficient, sea one is quite complex and energy intensive
Stranger: Ground one is only an option if you get rain as sea water level is much below ground water table
You: Yes, however, there are natural underground wells that can be tapped into if its really necessary.
You: This isnt Dune...
Stranger: They quickly run out
Stranger: Saudi is done with those wells for quite some time
Stranger: Overall a large georgrphic landmass is much more suitable to live as compared to love islands
Stranger: *lone
You: Yes, a large geographic area can support a larger population for a longer duration than an island can, thats just a given considering the advantages that come with the territory of a larger area to be in.
Stranger: Yeah plus all those fresh water for free
You: However, island populations have survived the tests and ravages of time. Its not impossible to say that an island can support an advanced civilization.
Stranger: Advanced as compared to?
Stranger: It depends on what we settle threshold of advanced for
You: My definition of an advanced civilization is relative to the others around it during the same time.
You: Like the populations of Hawaii when it was first discovered.
Stranger: Maybe you have to make aware of that if you can
Stranger: am clueless about Hawaii history
You: Explorers had huge advantages over the native populations and are thus concluded to be the more advanced civilization.
Stranger: There is question then what society breed explorers better
You: That would depend on the time period.
Stranger: Because that society will prevail more in end
Stranger: think it all started in Europe first
Stranger: Like the era of colonisation
Stranger: Actually middle East was also barbaric to rule
Stranger: So the hostile circumstances created more dominant societies
You: If you look back further, Ancient Romans were colonizing places that were considered under barbarianism rule
You: They sent off great explorers who were often great military leaders in command of an army...
Stranger: Yes , another reason is full prosperity level
Stranger: Like expansionists
You: All explorers to some degree were taking orders from expansionists.
You: They were made to be pawns for them.
Stranger: But then no empire grabbed more land than necessary until its their absolute need to get more resources
Stranger: So resource starved Nations were more prone to expansion
You: The Roman Empire did. They constantly claimed more land than necessary and then found it hard to quell the Gaul uprisings in the northern parts of the empire in the Alps..
You: Resource-starved nations like Britain were really into expansion by any means necessary haha
You: Even going so far as piracy on the open seas,
You: *legal piracy
Stranger: think it started in Britain with rise of industrialism
You: This is why need a time machine. That way could just go back and study it as it happened.
Stranger: Hahabha please build one
You: Ive been trying.
You: Its been slow going trying to find a police call box.
Stranger: want to make better investments hahaha
You: Bwahahah
Stranger: Lollllll
You: Ugh, must be off to bed as must work on the morrow.
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: think dont feel like letting you go but know you got work
You: Yes, must go fall in line with the cog wheels in the gargantuan machine that is capitalism.
Stranger: Hahabha or u can say we are in the best times to have built a place like this
Stranger: Like with 7.2 billion people, lucky enough
You: Ah yes, the place where dreams come true.
You: Well, it was lovely talking with you, must bid thee a good day/night/whathaveyou. hope you fair well in life and may the strings of fate treat you kindly.
Stranger: Lol if start again it will be morning for you
Stranger: Same for you
You: Toodles | fa95580c1317fc9c | Music | 20190706153858 |
Stranger: ((gods!AU, loosely based on Noragami - The souls of humans who have passed on can become one of five things: demonic spirits due to the unhappy lives led, lost but otherwise harmless spirits that wander the world, sent to reincarnation to the next human life, or tapped to become a god whose purpose is to satisfy human desires in exchange for worship. The last is to become a weapon of a god, a spirit that becomes a weapon and a ward of the god. When Mycroft died, he became a god. When Sherlock died, he became a wandering spirit. They both recently died.)) Youve been to visit your friends. MH
You: Of course. Being dead is dull. SH
Stranger: Were you able to make yourself seen by them? MH
You: No. Unfortunately cannot seem to get their attention despite all my tries. SH
Stranger: couldnt either. Not even with mother and father. MH
You: One would think you would with your new title and all. So it seems we are stuck. SH
Stranger: New title? No one knows who the hell lam. havent received a single prayer since learned what the hell Ive become. MH
You: Maybe you should work harder on doing some good deeps or something. Being a god must be exhausting. SH
Stranger: helped a wandering spirit pass onward. That felt good. MH
You: Thats surprising. Maybe you could do the same for me if I stay stuck like this. SH
Stranger: What keeps you here? MH
You: Im honestly not quite sure. Unresolved business, suppose. Though could have sworn had nothing wasnt quite fine with leaving behind. Maybe just want to say goodbye. Maybe just want to stick around to bother you. SH
Stranger: Who do you want to say good bye to? MH
You: John. Mrs. Hudson. The sort. But thats rather hard when cant make myself be seen or heard. SH
Stranger: Perhaps can help you. MH
You: You cant even make mother and father see you. How are you going to help me, pray tell? SH
Stranger: can at the very least read minds. MH
You: And how is that going to help me? SH
Stranger: Maybe can help you enter their minds, their dreams. MH
You: That might be worth a try. Would you do that? SH
Stranger: Yes. Ill help you pass on. MH
You: Thank you, Mycroft. SH
Stranger: Who first? MH
You: John, think. SH
Stranger: Then well pay him a visit at night. Ill see you there. MH
You: will be waiting for you. have sort of not left. SH
Stranger: You love him dearly. MH
You: He was a very close friend, so suppose. SH
Stranger: wish had someone to say good bye to of that nature. MH
You: Trust me, you dont. Its painful. You were right to say that these friendships would be troublesome. SH
Stranger: Im always right, Sherlock. MH
You: Except when you arent. SH
Stranger: am never wrong. Therefore, am always right. You were lucky to have sucha splendid brother. MH
You: You were infuriating, brother dear. But tell me, is there anything you ever regretted? SH
Stranger: delayed What makes you ask? MH
You: Curiosity, suppose? Is there anything Mycroft Holmes regrets in life? SH
Stranger: With each passing day, forget a little more of my life as a human. There are times even forget the name of the blond veteran you befriended. MH
You: John. His name is John. But does that mean you forgot your regrets. SH
Stranger: have forgotten all but two. If there were anything else, theyre gone from me now. MH
You: Those must have been rather big regrets to stick with you thus far. SH
Stranger: think so. MH
You: What were they? SH
Stranger: That should have stood for longer and gave you more time to run. From what could count, blocked only 13 bullets. MH Maybe 14 or 15 would have saved you in the end. MH
You: delayed You couldnt possibly have done more than you did. You know that. SH You shouldnt have gotten in the way in the first place. SH
Stranger: It was all for naught in the end. We both ended up dead. MH
You: Unfortunately, yes. But the bullets helped pin down a serial killer. SH
You: What about the second regret? SH
Stranger: Catching a serial killer is run-of-the- mill work at this point. Not worth our lives. MH
You: And yet here we are. am surprised that is one of your biggest regret. SH
You: regrets*
Stranger: Both my regrets have to do with you. MH
You: am not sure whether am surprised. What is the second one? SH
Stranger: That should have been a better brother to you. MH
You: must admit am surprised by that. Is this you admitting to have been wrong after all? SH
Stranger: delayed suppose am. MH
You: If wasnt dead Id think was dreaming. SH guess we have some time to make up for it now? SH
Stranger: No, think not. MH
You: No? SH
Stranger: Being a human is very different from being a god. The stakes are different. The motivations are different. And you are no longer my brother. MH
You: That is a bit harsh. SH What are your motivations now then? SH
Stranger: To disappear as soon as can. MH
You: What keeps you from doing that? SH
Stranger: Im not sure. MH
You: Infuriating, isnt it? Not knowing what you want. SH
Stranger: know very well what want. Gods seem to wither slowly. A cruel joke by the higher gods, Im sure. MH
You: They have to have some kind of power over you, dont they. SH What did you mean, no longer your brother? SH
Stranger: Perhaps. But have not received a single prayer. No wish. No whispers for hope. And even if did, Id have no weapon to fulfill their wishes. MH We were brothers in life. Not in death. MH
You: If you can really let me talk to John may be able to help with the prayers. cannot promise anything however. SH You cant imagine how often wished you werent my brother in life. Now it seems rather odd. SH
Stranger: knew was a terrible brother. You neednt rub it in. MH
You: am not trying to. But suppose there will be no making up for it now. SH
Stranger: hope can help you move on, Sherlock. Itll be my last gift to you. MH
You: will appreciate the help. But what will you do while you wait for prayers? SH
Stranger: A god can only be created by a wish. Avery very powerful wish made by a human. have been looking for that person this whole time; suppose Ill keep looking. MH
You: delayed What kind of wish? SH
Stranger: dont know. cant find them. MH
You: was human a few moments longer than you. SH
Stranger: Did you make a wish? MH
You: might have. SH I didnt want to lose you. SH
Stranger: Wasnt aware you wanted me around that much. MH
You: Neither was until you fell down.. SH
Stranger: Useless to me now that youre not human. cant fulfill your wish. MH
You: You are still here. SH
Stranger: Wonderful. You have a no name god with no weapon and no wishes. MH
You: suppose. Is there a way for you to gaina weapon? SH
Stranger: What spirit would want to be a no name gods weapon? MH
You: Since got you stuck, may be of assistance? SH
You: ((Hey so my net died. Are you still here?))
Stranger: ((yep!))
Stranger: No. MH
You: ((Sorry! Thought Id lost you for a moment)
You: Why not? SH
Stranger: Not you. MH
You: Why not? It would give you a weapon. SH
Stranger: You ought to move on. You ought to finish your farewells to your friends and move forward. MH
You: cant just leave you behind. That would be cruel when it is my fault you are stuck here in the first place SH
Stranger: Ill move on one day. MH
You: When? In a thousand years? SH
Stranger: Hopefully sooner. MH
You: Mycroft, let me stay with you. SH
Stranger: Youre not responsible for me. MH
You: Like you werent responsible for me when you shielded me. SH
Stranger: It would make me a great deal happier if you passed on. MH
You: Why? SH
Stranger: It would give me peace to know youre well onto your next life. MH
You: What if wont move on? SH
Stranger: You dont think youll have enough closure talking to the veteran? MH
You: dont know. think that knowing did this to you might be another reason to stay. never did hate you. SH
Stranger: Dont stay. MH
You: Why not? SH
Stranger: If you became my weapon and disappear, youll be passed around like an item -- coerced by gods more powerful than to do deeds you dont want to do. MH
You: That might be a predicament. But cant you destroy me? SH
Stranger: A god who kills his Regalia without reason is the most despicable thing. MH
You: It wouldnt be without reason. It would be my wish. SH
Stranger: No. MH
You: Has saying no ever worked? SH
Stranger: If banish you, youll become a demon. And then youll be left to other gods to destroy. MH
You: Better not banish me then. SH
Stranger: cant destroy you otherwise. MH
You: Well, like you said. Im not your brother anymore. You shouldnt care that much. SH
Stranger: dont want you as my weapon. MH
You: We can talk about this later. SH
Stranger: A god feels every pain his Regalia feels. MH
You: will trust you to keep us out of fights then. SH
Stranger: Not just physical pain. MH
You: Its good we both avoid things as messy as emotions then. SH
Stranger: no response It was well into early morning when he arrived at the good doctors home. Mycroft ascended the stairs to his flat and found Sherlock standing outside Johns bedroom. A wandering spirit whose glow was weak -- almost as weak as his own aura. Sherlock, he announced, walking towards his spirit. Shall we?
You: Things had been strange after he had died. Sherlock had never really paid much mind to the idea of an afterlife, but this was different from any afterlife he had read about. Still he tried to not let it get to him. The sound of his brothers voice caught his attention and he looked up, oddly happy to see the other. Hello, Mycroft, he said curtly, nodding in greeting. am not even sure what to say to him.
Stranger: Im sure youll find the words when you see him, Mycroft replied easily, walking past him and through the solid door into Johns bedroom. He remembered faintly the feelings of jealousy he had for the man in front of him, and now he cannot conjure the feeling at all. The man before him might as well be a stranger to him. Mycroft leaned over and placed two fingers on Johns temple and closed his eyes, focusing his energies on finding his dreams. The god held out his hand to Sherlock when he made the connection to his mind. Hes ready.
You: Perhaps not. But never needed to talk around him, Sherlock murmured as he phased through the door. It was strange to see John there, knowing the heartache the other man was going through after his death. For a moment, he stood back, watching as Mycroft readied the path into Johns dreams for him and he reached out to take his hand reluctantly, unsure of what to do other than to follow Mycrofts lead as he had done quite often since childhood. Usually it worked.
Stranger: When Sherlock made contact with his hand, Mycroft channeled his energy into Johns mind, inserting him into his dream. Johns dream was in 221B Baker Street, and he was sitting down in his seat, typing up a blog, though the words came out as gibberish. When Sherlock appeared in the opposite chair, John wiggled his toes in the rug but otherwise made no effort to acknowledge him. should sell these blogs to the papers. Would make more money than ads, John lamented.
You: Being back in their home, in such a mundane setting, was oddly calming for the restless spirit. It was easy to find his usual seat on the coach but instead he was sat down in his own chair, watching the doctor. It would be a wonderful idea. You always had quite the talent for writing, he mused. Sherlock himself had been an avid reader of Johns blog, though he hardly ever admitted to it. Mrs. Hudson would probably allow you to stay rents free, but you can always use the money.
Stranger: John looked up past his laptop when Sherlock spoke. He had an idea of what Sherlock would have said, but it wasnt what he said. He furrowed his brow and closed his laptop, crossing his legs. He stared at Sherlock for a moment before a thought crossed his mind. Youre mocking me, he decided, knowing full well how Sherlock had felt about his blogs. Something bothering you?
You: Sherlock leaned back, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Oh John, if you know how have struggled to get you to see me, he murmured and shook his head. It was tempting to just continue in the dream and follow along as things happened, not souring the mood between them with buts and what ifs. But he needed the closure, maybe.
Stranger: John furrowed his brow again. Sherlock didnt say what he expected him to say. Mycroft could feel the tension in his mind, and he doubled his efforts to maintain the link. Dont alarm him, Sherlock, he bit out. The doctor leaned forward and set the laptop on the table, which disappeared along with all its contents as soon as the laptop touched it. John didnt seem to pay it any mind. What do you mean see you? he asked.
You: know, Mycroft, Sherlock murmured, frowning a bit at the thought of losing the contact he had with John. A more delicate approach, perhaps. The younger of the pair that used to be the Holmes brothers drummed his fingers over the armrest of his chair restlessly. I.. Im just, he started, realising he really ought to have practiced a speech before he came here. I just didnt realise how attached I had become to our daily routine.
Stranger: Mycroft felt the connection strain again, and John was physically moving his face in response to what was happening in his mind. Closure. Sherlock needed his closure. Mycroft couldnt let the link break. John stared at Sherlock for a moment longer. Nothing was making sense. This wasnt the Sherlock he kept in his mind. No, that one was more lively, more eager to run, to fight, to deduce. This one was who Sherlock actually was. The doctor felt his heart ache, and his pulse race. Whats going on? he ventured slowly, hesitantly, fearful of putting his heart out again.
You: The panic was clear in Johns voice and all Sherlock could do was to reach over to put his hand on top of Johns. This was not right, he knew that. They had so little time and so much to say. Its alright, John. Relax, he told him calmly. Not that he had ever been quite good at reassuring people. Its only a dream. But it is the only way can talk to you. need you to pray. To Mycroft. It sounds daft, but please.
Stranger: John swallowed thickly and looked down at the hand on his own. Sherlock. This wasnt Sherlock. This wasnt how he remembered Sherlock. Sherlock would have never done this. When his ears processed what he said, John shook his head and looked up at the man. What? Myc-- Youre both -- John felt his throat seize. He couldnt say it. To this day, he couldnt say it. Sherlock, lost-- Johns eyes welled up, and he covered his mouth when he sobbed. Sherlock, cant hold on, Mycroft called out, his breathing hard and labored. His hand and arm were trembling. John was going to wake up.
You: Dead. We are both dead. know. But you got the man that killed us in the end, Sherlock confirmed and pulled his hand back when John started sobbing. This wasnt going to work, not like this. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his face as he settled back into the chair. If John woke up, this would have been for naught. Do you remember our first case, John? You saved me. know you did. We never quite talked about that, he murmured, hoping to calm John down. Please, Mycroft, just hold it a bit longer.
Stranger: Their first case together. The pink case, The cab driver. That horrible, terrible cab driver. John took a deep breath and remembered that case. The sound of program locating the phone echoed in the dream, the rush of air when John ran through the school, the shot of his gun. Yeah, remember, he answered, dragging a hand down his face. You were an idiot then. He let out a harsh and breathy laugh. Such a gigantic, stupid idiot.
You: It had worked, somehow. A grin spread on Sherlocks face as relief washed over him. Good. They could talk, they wouldnt be pulled apart yet. Swallowing, he leaned back into his chair, crossing his legs. had to do it, John. You know did. wasnt going to let him win, he scoffed after a moment, confident despite knowing the risk he had taken. In hindsight it was one of my better cases. thought it quite dull at the time, but it was a gateway into something grand, was it not?
You: ((So have to head to bed. But this has been fun. Any chance youd like to continue?))
Stranger: ((yeah! im at
You: ((Cool! My mail is ))
Stranger: ((great Ill send you the log and my reply. thanks!))
You: ((Thank you for this and goodnight!)) | fa95aa579a1221a3 | Holmescest | 20190606090534 |
You: Hello there!
Stranger: hiya
You: 21 mus, you?
Stranger: 16 f oklahoma
You: cool, Cali
You: hows winter over there?
Stranger: not very cold so far
You: yea, it was 90 here last week
You: something something climate change
Stranger: haha
You: got aname?
Stranger: i do lol
Stranger: jessica
You: Marl, nice to meet you :)
Stranger: you too
You: so watcha want to talk about Jessica?
Stranger: whatever youd like to
You: well we do have a matching interest
Stranger: haha we do
You: you into rl stuff or just fantasy so far?
Stranger: ive done it
You: ooh
You: got any stories youd like to tell?
Stranger: idk. i have sex with my dog and ive sucked off horses
You: haha you say it so matter of fact
You: alright, assume you live in a rural area?
Stranger: yeah im in the country
You: cool, so why do you think you like it most?
Stranger: i just like weird stuff lol
You: lol fair enough
You: Ive only thought of fantasy Im afraid
You: horses are hard to come by where live
Stranger: oh thats too bad
You: yup, hmm, so youre sure you dont want to tell any stories?
Stranger: well is there anything specific you wanna hear?
You: cant just start with Ive sucked off horses and then never come back to it :P
You: whatever youre comfortable with
Stranger: well i guess i can tell you how it started
You: sounds good
Stranger: well pretty much all the fetishes ive developed have been because of my brother
You: really?
Stranger: yeah. he watches all sorts of pom and asks me to try it
You: see can understand that from your significant other but isnt your brother asking you to screw a horse a little strange to ask?
Stranger: maybe but i dont mind. ive liked everything so far
You: fair enough again, what else are you into you can pin him for?
Stranger: pee, poo, sounding, public, animals to start
You: care to expand on the public part?
Stranger: just anything. sex, cum walks, whatever
You: also wish my sister was as understanding as you haha
Stranger: lol
You: ok so how old were you when you first did something like this
Stranger: well animals i was around 14 probably
You: really?
Stranger: yeah
You: somehow feel like youre not planning to be a writer later in life
You: so you only started because your brother suggested it, did you continue on your own?
Stranger: yeah. he went to college this year so i do it more now
You: hmm, why would you do it more without his prodding?
Stranger: well cause now its my main source of dick
You: ooh interesting, are you implying that he was your main source of dick before?
Stranger: yeah he was. most of what he was interested in involved more than 1 person lol
You: man, lucky guy
You: so how did this whole thing start if you dont mind me asking?
Stranger: well it started a little after he started puberty. the pervert started coming into my room and cumming on my face while i was asleep. i didnt even know what it was at the time lol
You: haha oh wow
You: what did you think was going on?
Stranger: i had no idea. maybe i was having runny noses at night? idk lol. but i woke up one night and he was standing over me
You: lol busted
You: then what?
Stranger: he just kinda shushed me and whispered that this was normal. i was kinda curious so i watched
Stranger: then he told me he was going to shoot cream for my face and told me it was good for me and ilet him cum on my face
You: cliche but guess it worked
Stranger: yeah i was pretty curious and gullible lol
You: huh, and then how long did it take for you to figure it out?
You: also thats completely adorable
Stranger: well i guess i figured it out at 11 or 12. but at that point i was into it
You: not gonna lie thats pretty hot
Stranger: haha it was for me too
Stranger: once i hit puberty we started having sex
You: see, and how did you feel about that?
Stranger: i loved it
You: do tell
You: what were you guys doing at that point, how did he convince you?
Stranger: well i was 12 and he had been coming over to my room pretty much nightly for a while. ihad started sucking him. and one day he just asked if i was having periods and i said yes and he told me that i was becoming a woman. and that meant i should start having sex. and i said sure!
You: you are officially the best sister ever
Stranger: haha i try :)
You: so wait, how we get to you sucking him off every night?
Stranger: well once i figured out what was going on i asked if he would like me to suck it. he started going on about how oh yeah its good for your skin so it should be good to eat too but i told him that i knew what was going on. i think he was a little surprised but then just was like yeah id love if you sucked it
You: didnt it make you feel naughty, sucking off your own brother?
Stranger: a little. but hed been cumming on my face for like a year so that took most of the weirdness out of it lol
You: lol right
You: alright, skipping ahead, when did you first leam you could have sex with animals?
Stranger: when my brother told me lol
You: :P yes think weve established that Yo hat was the play by play mean Yo hy did you do it that first time?
Stranger: well i was just at home and he came up to me and just said, you know ive been watching some stuff and i think you should try it. i think youll like it. and i asked what so he showed me the video
You: cool, and then?
Stranger: i said sure and we called the dog over, andi sucked him while he lay down
Stranger: once he started to get hard i got on my hands and knees and my brother brought the dog around and lined him up. the dog did the rest
You: wow
You: did you take the knot?
Stranger: yeah
You: small dog?
Stranger: german shepherd
You: so no lol
Stranger: no lol
You: huh, did that change the way the dog acted around you after that?
Stranger: a little. he would hang around me more. only ever tried to do anything though if i was naked around him
You: how cute
You: did he ever try to do anything when you werent prepared for it?
Stranger: well i did have to go out to grab a towel once and he jumped on me trying to lick me lol
You: lol, what did you do?
Stranger: i just kept pushing him away and telling him no. was not easy ill tell you that. he did eventually stop jumping on me though. i could see he got a boner though lol
You: haha poor thing
You: alright, and first time with a horse?
Stranger: that was after i had some experience with the dog. now we dont have horses but our neighbors do. so one night my brother must have been feeling extra adventurous cause he came in my room and asked if i wanted to try more than the dog
You: ooh
Stranger: i asked him what he meant and he said the horses next door. at first i said theres no way, thats dangerous, but he showed me a video and then said that hed be happy with a blowjob. i really liked how much the horse came in the video so i figured id give it ago
You: god you say yes to just about everything
You: love that
Stranger: yeah. starting from such a young age made me pretty open minded
You: no kidding, stumbled upon some really hardcore hentai and bdsm stuff when was like 10
You: really shaped the way look at sexuality
Stranger: i think in a good way though. i sure enjoy it
You: definitely, wouldnt enjoy life half as much as do otherwise
You: makes me sad sometimes to see some people closing themselves off to something so fun
Stranger: yeah. but doesnt matter to me. im happy
You: sure, thats all that matters at the end of the day tight
Stranger: yep
You: well thanks a bunch for sharing Jessica, unless youd like to talk about anything else it was a treat to hear your stories
Stranger: yeah im getting pretty tired Yo elp, have a nice life suppose, you deserve on
Stranger: u2 | fa99e23b00374166 | bestiality | 20161202025817 |
You: M
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
Stranger: How old are you
You: 16
Stranger: Oh same
You: m or f
Stranger: F
You: so whats up
Stranger: Your dick
You: boobs first
Stranger: Bet...give me a second
Stranger: Rwa
Stranger: Ready*
You: yes
Stranger: Ok
You: bruh
Stranger: Something wrong?
You: nah
You: are you sure you 16
Stranger: Yes am but my friend 15
You: can i see you again plz
You: am getting wet
Stranger: Show us you first
You: ok
You: it kinda small and big Yo ut you judge it
You: ready
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Thats not small
You: really
You: can i see you boobs
Stranger: Yes but dont say nothing they small Your: j like them like tha
Stranger: Lol ok
You: 000
Stranger: Like it
You: yes more
Stranger: Ok
You: i didnt see boobs
You: lol
Stranger: Oh dont want to show them they small
You: j like tem
You: them
Stranger: Can we just twerk
You: sure
Stranger: Ok
You: but can i see sum pussy too
Stranger: Yes give us a second
You: yeah
Stranger: Can you show your face
You: umm Yo hy Yo an isee pussy first
You: i promise ill show face
You: hello | faa326f855e10e30 | 20201218080543 |
Stranger: Sei
You: Female.
Stranger: M
Stranger: Im dave 20
You: Cool. am going for a smoke.
You: Want to come with?
Stranger: Id love too
You: *smokes cigarette*.
Stranger: Nah. light my subs cigarette
You: *likes the smell of smoke*. | faa3a17c91b792b3 | Roleplay, Bdsm, Rp | 20201108131038 |
Stranger: childhood friends - Alex is purposefully ruining all of Hamishs chances with guys What the fuck was that? HWH (17)
You: Hm? AM
Stranger: Ben literally blocked me on social media after you talked to him. HWH
You: Are you serious? AM
Stranger: Yes. Whatever you told him, fuck you. HWH
You: only told him good things! AM
Stranger: Yeah, right. HWH
You: swear, Mish. Why would tell him anything else? AM
Stranger: dont know. Because you find it funny or because you just hooked on attention. HWH
You: Or because Bens kind of a prat, anyway. AM
Stranger: just wanted a shag. hwh
You: Well, you can do better. AM
Stranger: No. literally cant. HWH
You: if thats what you choose to believe. AM
Stranger: Its a fact. We cant all be like you. HWH
You: No, cause then the world would be full of assholes, right? AM
Stranger: Self absorbed assholes getting away with everything because theyre good looking. HWH
You: Good thing you dont care how good looking am. AM
Stranger: hardly matter. HWH
You: Stop that. Seriously. AM Of course you matter. AM
Stranger: Why are you ringing my life then? HWH
You: Because, as we recently established, Ima self absorbed asshole. AM
Stranger: Right. Keep it up. Its working with almost everybody. Im going back to sleep. HWH
You: dont mean to do it. AM
Stranger: What did you tell him? HWH
You: That youve got daddy issues. AM
Stranger: Excuse me? HWH
You: was just trying to make a joke. He didnt think it was funny. AM
Stranger: You think have daddy issues? HWH
You: Dont we all? AM
Stranger: This is too much for a single day. Bye. HWH
You: Im sorry. AM
Stranger: Youre not. HWH
You: am. AM hate it when youre mad at me. AM
Stranger: Still you keep on doing stupid shit. HWH
You: dont know what else to do and have poor impulse control. am
Stranger: dont understand. HWH
You: Which part? AM
Stranger: Girls are literally doing anything they can to get your attention. Focus on them. HWH
You: dont care about them. AM
Stranger: There are boys too. can make you a list. HWH
You: already have one. AM
You: It goes like this. AM 1. Hamish. AM
Stranger: You think Im the only guy interested in you? HWH
You: No, that was my list. AM
You: Of people Im interested in. AM
You: are you interested in me? AM
Stranger: Are you still drunk from last night? HWH
You: No. AM
Stranger: That has to be the most elaborate thing youve pulled to try and make thins right. just dont like when you lie. HWH
You: Im not lying this time. AM
Stranger: Definitely going to bed now. HWH
You: Okay. Cool. Whatever. AM
Stranger: Is it how you handle rejection? Or are you so not used to it? HWH
You: Cant say Ive ever been rejected by my best friend before. AM
Stranger: Or ever? Youve never tried anything with lan?
Stranger: *HWH
You: No. AM
Stranger: just dont know what to say. Im still mad because youre selfish. HWH
You: Im sorry about that. could have handled my jealousy better. AM
Stranger: Is that why the previous guys ran off too? HWH
You: Maybe. AM
Stranger: Okay so maybe Im not jthat/ repulsive. HWH
You: Of course youre not. AM
You: Youre the opposite of repulsive. AM
Stranger: Lets not get ahead of ourselves. HWH
You: Just telling you what think. AM
Stranger: What did you tell the others? HWH
You: dont think thats gonna help me. AM
Stranger: Say it. HWH
You: told one of them you used to beg me to practice kissing with you. AM And that you wanted us to sleep naked on all our sleepovers. AM
Stranger: Brilliant. HWH
You: Not my proudest moment. But was pretty drunk, AM
Stranger: m going to take a nap now. HWH
You: Im sorry. AM
Stranger: Its okay. Ill see you around. HWH
You: Dont say its okay if its not. AM
Stranger: dont know what to do. HWH
You: You can punch me, if you want. AM
Stranger: No. Your pretty face :( HWH
You: Dont worry, can pull off a black eye. AM
Stranger: You have good reflexes. Im scared. HWH
You: Im not gonna fight you, Mish. AM
Stranger: dont want to punch you. Ill feel worst. HWH
You: Okay. AM
Stranger: Ill get over it. You too think. HWH
You: Oh. AM
Stranger: See you. HWH
You: Right. AM
Stranger: You just cant participate to the literal destruction of my self esteem, say you have a stupid crush on me and expect everything to come together and heal my depression and just make up for all the dumb shit. HWH
You: delay didnt think it was that big a deal. AM
Stranger: It really is. HWH
You: Im really really sorry. AM
Stranger: Its okay. HWH
You: Ill stay away if that helps. AM
Stranger: Im not sure. just want things to be normal. HWH
You: Yeah. AM
Stranger: really need to go. Text if you need something. HWH
Stranger: really need to go. Text if you need anything. HWH
Stranger: really need to go. Text if you need anything. HWH
You: Okay. Im sorry. AM
Stranger: no reply
You: the next evening, image attached: Alex face, one eye almost swollen shut and bruised Okay so know you declined but someone really jumped on the offer. AM
Stranger: What the hell happened? HWH
Stranger: Where are you? HWH
You: On lans sofa, putting some ice on it. AM
You: Just a bad day. Someone picked a fight after practice. AM
Stranger: can have John to check it. HWH
Stranger: He owes me since have daddy issues. HWH
You: cant tell if youre joking or not. AM
Stranger: am. HWH
Stranger: But the offer stands. HWH
You: Its probably fine. AM Yo hanks, though. AM
You: appreciate it. AM
Stranger: How did the fight start? HWH
You: dont know if youll be mad or not. AM
Stranger: Just tell me then. HWH
You: Someone said something about you and kinda lost it. AM
Stranger: Who and what? HWH
You: Matt on my team. He was talking about how hot it would be to have you suck him off. AM
Stranger: Hes kind of hot though? HWH
Stranger: Im joking. Fuck, Im terrible at it. HWH
You: Yeah deserve that. AM
Stranger: That was incredibly stupid to go out and get you hurt by an arsehole. HWH
Stranger: know how to use a first aid kit so cant help with your eye because the ice pack wont be enough. HWH
You: know, Im an idiot. AM
You: You want to help me? AM
Stranger: Yes because even though Im mad at you, youre still my best friend. HWH
You: Im lucky. AM
Stranger: know. Cherish me. HWH
Stranger: Be grateful. HWH
You: Ill build a statue in your honour. AM
Stranger: Anyway, pot might help with the pain. HWH
Stranger: Thats the bare minimum but ok. HWH
You: And Ill bring ice cream. AM
Stranger: Deal. HWH | fab69e349b0ab1c6 | Hamex, Hamish Watson Holmes, Alex Moran Moriarty | 20180420114515 |
You: ih
Stranger: hello
You: j just want to rolle
Stranger: Rolle?
You: on my dab a ranch
Stranger: Okay
You: ji already got a desiner to hold upmy pants | fab87ccb7f30e017 | 20170603114836 |
You: unmmmmmm
You: okay
Stranger: Im only 15 | fabb11905a874100 | youtube | 20201109032438 |
Stranger: M
You: f
Stranger: Hey
You: hello
Stranger: Horny?
You: yes
Stranger: Can i see ur pussy
You: like putting my cock on peoples asses
Stranger: U morf
You: f
Stranger: Lemme see
You: f with a cock | fabca0a5958dad86 | Men | 20221118224357 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hi
Stranger: Whats your from
Stranger: My inglish is bad
You: can tell | fabe48d283a18731 | 20210419061557 |
You: bruh
You: heyy
Stranger: m
You: hmmm Yo
You: you like schoolgirls?
Stranger: yeah
You: youre a fucking pedophile man i have you ip and im calling the nearest police staition to your house and reporting you
You: goodluck in jail
You: pedo bastard
Stranger: ok go on | fabff5d29f8cecc3 | school | 20220503223137 |
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: F
You: m
Stranger: http://bit. ly/8tre65a | fac2688b5ffb8466 | 20201107224831 |
Stranger: hey im a girl too one sec
You: oh
Stranger: u look really pretty
Stranger: and hi lol
You: anyway hi
Stranger: i have question
You: ya ask me
Stranger: are you bi? or les?
You: les
You: why?
Stranger: thats hot i am bi
You: oh
Stranger: want to see?
You: so u like seeing a gals pussy too
Stranger: yes
You: ya sure u got hot boobs
Stranger: thanx
Stranger: wanna see?
You: ya sure
Stranger: same time
Stranger: :)
You: damn girl
Stranger: mmm so htlove
Stranger: love ur tits
Stranger: more?
You: woah
You: wanna see mine
Stranger: yes
You: give me asec
Stranger: pussy too hun
Stranger: so hot
Stranger: love hair
You: ya u really turn me on
You: my clit is hairy just so that u know
Stranger: love hairy
You: seriously
Stranger: love
Stranger: yes
Stranger: one sec moving roms
Stranger: love hair show
You: well ur wish is my command
Stranger: up close too
Stranger: byee
You: bye
Stranger: ur really hot
You: ya u too
You: wish v had a way to stay in touch
You: anyway bye | facab1b1d3b01424 | 20180709195556 |
You: What
Stranger: i want some dick and a hug
You: ok
You: sure
Stranger: yay
You: where are you now?
Stranger: my room
You: which land?
Stranger: california
You: Macedonia
You: shit
Stranger: f in the chat
You: F
Stranger: F
You: so what now?
Stranger: i dunno
You: What?
Stranger: i dont know dude
You: you dont know the meme
Stranger: no
You: oh ok
Stranger: yee haw
You: do you watch Pewdiepie?
Stranger: no
You: ok now i know why you dont know the meme
Stranger: yee
You: are you a left or right wing?
Stranger: right
You: surprise face
Stranger: gasp
You: lol
Stranger: yee yee
You: how is it in America
Stranger: horrible
You: why?
Stranger: the president for 1
You: do you hate Donald?
Stranger: yes
You: why
You: i kinda like the dude for the memes
Stranger: eh i just dont like him he says stupid shit he shouldnt say
You: ahhh ok
You: Macedonia is woers
Stranger: how
You: we have Zaev which nobody likes him he got us in NATO tats good but he made us change our name
You: fak him
Stranger: oooofffff
You: people want to kill him
You: even for free
Stranger: i felt that
You: i heard they have found gold from the otomen time and guess what the government just toke it
Stranger: thats horrible
You: we have so much problems here Yor know Yo am not living in Macedonia
You: but when i come home its just like i never left
Stranger: oooffff
You: yeah
You: do you like video games?
Stranger: kinda
You: what type of games?
Stranger: brain teasers
You: i need to try those
You: do you know any?
Stranger: mmm it depends what do you play on?
You: PC
You: i like MMORPGs a lot
Stranger: yea i dont know any for PC sorry
You: its ok
Stranger: okie
You: Warframe is my favorite game right now
Stranger: oo i played that once
You: reall
You: really Strange
Stranger: it was intresting
You: its space ninjas on space whit F Warframes that are dummy thick
Stranger: lol
You: look i dont know where you are in the game but i will ask you do you know Clem?
Stranger: no
You: ok what Mastery Rank you are?
You: 1 or 2
Stranger: i only played it once so i dunno
You: ok
You: there is so much shit in it right now
Stranger: ooff i bet
You: now they will drop space battles and you can still enemy ships like gta and the new quest The New War
Stranger: dope
You: i know they have battle pass thats free whit awesome staff in it Stranger really
You: yeah
Stranger: thats cool
You: and there is a story in it
Stranger: awsome
You: 1st season it was whit the grinnier how a prisoner is hunting you
You: now is infested themed
Stranger: that sounds fun
You: yeah but i cant play it now
You: cuz iam in Macedonia
Stranger: awe im orry
You: its ok
Stranger: i gtg it was nice talkin to you
You: bb | fadbec9ddbb63d7e | memes | 20201107223612 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: whats up
Stranger: high
Stranger: and horny
You: just horny
Stranger: haha
Stranger: asl?
You: 21 male bd
Stranger: f 34 usa
You: wow nice....
You: to hornies met together!
You: wow xD
Stranger: haha just gotta warn you stay here
You: its okay Yor can handle that! Yo you are hot enough
You: Im down for anything
You: xD
You: so whats your name btw
Stranger: Jessica
Stranger: what are your kinky sex fantasys?
Stranger: dont hold back
You: Hardcore fuck
You: forcing the girl for it
Stranger: ohh yes
Stranger: keep going
You: if she begs treat her real good
You: really likes rough ones
Stranger: yeah?
Stranger: like beating the women?
You: yeah with my dick
Stranger: and your fist?
You: kind of but
You: i dont like torturing
Stranger: just beating
You: a little hich gonna make both more horny
You: and wbu?
Stranger: getting pissed one
You: oww
Stranger: yeah
You: the combination of your fantasy will be lethal
You: xd
Stranger: mhmmm
You: so are you married?
Stranger: yes
You: ohhh
You: then you fuck daily
You: i guess
Stranger: no
Stranger: husband has small cock
Stranger: i only fuck white men
You: oww
You: whats the size of his cock?
Stranger: 4 inch
You: seriously Yo s really small
You: i got 7 inch
Stranger: wow
You: just the sad thing is that theres not one to take that inside | fadda9341bfec0f9 | 20180621233411 |
Stranger: M
You: Hello
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Morf
You: Hru
Stranger: Good Strange m
Stranger: U?
You: Will you shine my shoe? only have one :(
You: You there?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Yeah
You: Youll have to shine my bare foot too
You: And you have to use your tongue
Stranger: Why
You: Okay thanks
Stranger: Morf
You: Thanks
Stranger: Morf
You: You met that smart bot?
Stranger: Ohh
Stranger: Yeah
You: Yeah
Stranger: Morf
You: Shh Yo s okay
You: You can combine words to make sentences!
You: Im f
Stranger: Ohh
Stranger: Age
You: 25
Stranger: 22
Stranger: Cool
You: Listen
Stranger: Yeah
You: have a weird fetish
You: Dont laugh okay?
Stranger: Ok
You: You promise not to laugh?
Stranger: Ok promise
You: Okay Yor like clowns
You: Would you bang me ina clown
Stranger: Ok
You: You would?
Stranger: Yeah
You: Okay
You: want you to cum ina seltzer and spray it all over your toes
You: Say it
You: You there?
Stranger: want you to cum ina seltzer and spray it all over your toes
Stranger: Yeah
You: Okay
Stranger: U clear Im not bot
You: Yeah
Stranger: Ok
You: Listen
You: Lets rp
Stranger: Yeah
You: Ill be a shoe shiner
You: And you be a clown
Stranger: Yeah
You: Okay
You: Hello mr clown
Stranger: Yeah
You: May shine your shoes
You: ?
Stranger: Yeah yes
Stranger: Shine it
You: whip out a sponge dildo and starts cleaning your huge clown shoes
You: Do you like that?
Stranger: Yeah
You: Get into the role play more
Stranger: Yeah
You: Do you know what a clown is?
Stranger: What ?
You: Why arent you role playing?
Stranger: Idk how to role.
Stranger: Can u tell me
You: You have to pretend youre the clown and talk to me like youre the clown
You: Okay? Gil
Stranger: Ok
You: Okay go
You: Imma shine your shoes with this sponge dildo really good
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: What youre shining my shoes with dildo sponge
Stranger: Its so good
You: Say something a clown would say
Stranger: Like?
You: Honk your nose
Stranger: Idk how
Stranger: Can u tell me plz
You: Forget it
You: Its no fun if have to tell you
Stranger: Ok | fae5536e21d6d7ee | 20210810055813 |
You: wanna hear a pun
You: also? whats with the banana
You: thats not spelled right jaja
Stranger: banana lol
Stranger: minnion
Stranger: i look fuckin gay with this shit
You: well then
Stranger: whats the pun
You: as i suspected someone has been adding soil to my garden
You: the plot thickens
Stranger: lol lmao xd RAWERRRAA AXdddddddddddddd
You: cringing aaahhh
You: so 2000s man
Stranger: oh
Stranger: but
You: is my chem back together
Stranger: getting kind of serius now
Stranger: did you realised
Stranger: that
Stranger: club penguin is going to
Stranger: close
Stranger: its so fuckin sad tho
Stranger: cuz
Stranger: i was member
Stranger: i dunno how that is being called
Stranger: but
Stranger: i had a lot of puffles
Stranger: and they r going to die
Stranger: and my friends
Stranger: the just
You: i know im on mute m but if you could hear me im literally smasming m
Stranger: they
You: spasming*
Stranger: xd
Stranger: i had really good memories with club penguin
Stranger: one time
Stranger: i remember
Stranger: my penguin was with his ak47
Stranger: and he went to the
Stranger: spy penguins hq
Stranger: and que killled everyone
Stranger: after that
Stranger: there was no cops
Stranger: so he was free
Stranger: all his life
Stranger: smoking weed
Stranger: and
Stranger: sucking poosies
Stranger: gr8 life btwe
Stranger: but
Stranger: you know
Stranger: im going to play Club penguin wtf
Stranger: bye
You: bye | faeb4f867d73233c | dank memes | 20201111223800 |
You: Nice man
You: Keep going
Stranger: i make good music
You: Yeah
Stranger: 27 mill monthly listeners on spotify
You: Wow man! Thats awesome
You: Tell me your name Ill also start to listen ur music
Stranger: check me out tom macdonald | faee3aa1ac973ecb | 20210217193130 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: Isaiah said am the First and the Last and Christ said I am the First and the Last but you considered the latter as god, why?
You: what? Yo hat you want even explain
You: i mean why you ask this?
Stranger: want to know your answer
You: i dont understand the question?
You: explain
You: can you post full vers of isaiah?
Stranger: Isaiah said the same words as Christ, you considered Christ as God but not Isaiah, why?
You: or whole context
You: post full verse wtf
Stranger: Isaiah 48:12
Stranger: check it
You: on it
You: 12Listen to Me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom have called: am He; am the first, and am the last. 13Surely My own hand founded the earth, and My right hand spread out the heavens; when summon them, they stand up together.
You: what you dont understand?
You: context?
Stranger: Youre who dont understand the question, elaborated
You: lol.
Stranger: ?
Stranger: what?
You: Israel Refined for Gods Glory 1Hear this, O house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and who came from the waters of Judah, who swear by the name of the LORD and confess the God of Israel, but not in truth or right. 2For they call themselves after the holy city, and stay themselves on the God of Israel; the LORD of hosts is his name. 3The former things declared of old; they went out from my mouth, and announced them; then suddenly did them, and they came to pass. 4Because know that you are obstinate, and your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead brass, 51 declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass announced them to you, lest you should say, My idol did them, my carved image and my metal image commanded them. 6You have heard; now see all this; and will you not declare it? From this time forth announce to you new things, hidden things that you have not known. 7They are created now, not long ago; before today you have never heard of them, lest you should say, Behold, knew them. 8You have never heard, you have never known, from of old your ear has not been opened. For knew that you would surely deal treacherously, and that from before birth you were called a rebel. 9For my names sake defer my anger; for the sake of my praise restrain it for you, that may not cut you off. 10Behold, have refined you, but not as silver; have trieda you in the furnace of affliction. 11For my own sake, for my own sake, do it, for how should my nameb be profaned? My glory will not give to another. The LORDs Call to Israel 12Listen to me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom called! lam he; am the first, and am the last. 13My hand laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I call to them, they stand forth together. 14Assemble, all of you, and listen! Who among them has declared these things? The LORD loves him; he shall perform his purpose on Babylon, and his arm shall be against the Chaldeans. 151, even , have spoken and called him; have brought him, and he will prosper in his way. 16Draw near to me, hear this: from the beginning have not spoken in secret, from the time it came to be have been there. And now the Lord GOD has sent me, and his Spirit. 17Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: 1 am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go. 180h that you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea; 19your offspring would have been like the sand, and your descendants like its grains; their name would never be cut off or destroyed from before me. 20Go out from Babylon, flee from Chaldea, declare this with a shout of joy, proclaim it, send it out to the end of the earth; say, The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacobl 21They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and the water gushed out. 22There is no peace, says the LORD, for the wicked.
Stranger: so?
You: ??
Stranger: why are you mentioning this?
You: lol?
Stranger: Get to your point? | faef344fcea070ea | jesus, christian | 20190815125804 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: m orf
Stranger: f
You: fianlly
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: what you looking for
You: girls
Stranger: what for
You: what most guys do on omegle
Stranger: so youre horny rn
You: kind of
Stranger: location?
You: USA
Stranger: me too
You: cool
Stranger: we could be neighbours
Stranger: youll never know hah
You: do you live in pa
You: i do
Stranger: DC
You: oh
Stranger: age
You: 18
Stranger: 19
You: cool
Stranger: so tell me what youll do to me
You: in bed or
Stranger: yeah in bed
You: well first lick your pussy until you cum then sex
Stranger: awesome | fafe1465fe4e2545 | 20201112041307 |
Stranger: heyy
You: hi
Stranger: 19/female
Stranger: homy?
You: yeah babe
Stranger: ill let you watch.. me take off my thong on caam
You: show meeeeeeee
Stranger: its my profile
You: fuck you | fb00ad9671a78d5e | 20170422042413 |
Stranger: hii
Stranger: wait
Stranger: please
Stranger: i have a video of u showing urbra
Stranger: if u leave
Stranger: im posting
You: what do you want
Stranger: do u want proof?
Stranger: okay
You: wait yes
Stranger: alright one sec
Stranger: i gotta load it now
Stranger: ittakes a minute
Stranger: dont leave
You: i didnt
Stranger: why did u freeze ur cam?
You: felt like it
You: i know i cant trust you now
Stranger: okay its still loading
You: why did you record me?
Stranger: reaedy?
Stranger: tum ur cam back on
Stranger: i wanna see ur reactioin
Stranger: do it ori post
You: post where
Stranger: youtube twitter tumbIr pom sites
Stranger: tum urcam on
Stranger: and ill show u this proof
Stranger: uncover
Stranger: i wanna see ur reaction
Stranger: put it on ur face
Stranger: fine heres the proof
Stranger: okay so u gonna do what i say orami posting?
You: what do you want me to do
Stranger: get naked
You: fuck you. im giving this transcript to the police. | fb060896f3715595 | 5sos, 5 seconds of summer | 20160914212951 |
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
Stranger: where you from
You: Pakistan
You: And u
Stranger: Philippines
You: Good
You: Your name | fb07eac732fbfb57 | 20210515025724 |
You: Ayo
Stranger: vein check
You: oh naw what now Yo hope ur talking about arms
Stranger: yeah u are right
You: ayyyy
You: got wrist veins das really it
Stranger: and i got some massive triceps
You: Yoo epic
You: Do you lift?
Stranger: yeavh bro 160lbs
You: Yoooo
You: go for 200
Stranger: bro i tried once and i dismantled my shoulder bone
You: oh dang
You: Always gotta prepare
Stranger: but it was awesome
You: Sounds epic tbh
You: wish could lift
Stranger: i could help you
You: Theres a program at my school called intro to weights and signed up for it but they never put me on
Stranger: where do u live ??
You: Idaho
Stranger: oh i live in india
You: Ah
Stranger: i should not say but im a rich kid
You: Youve got some good grammar bro
Stranger: are u kidding me?
You: Im not
You: honestly thought you were American
Stranger: you see rich kids can be anything
You: ye
Stranger: even fucking americans
Stranger: have u fucked any american?
You: Sadly no h bad for u ve fucked about 20-25 girls
You: holy cow bro
Stranger: bro u just need to get some muscles
Stranger: and girls will offer u pussies
You: Good advice bro
Stranger: bro u should come visit me sometime
You: bet youve got a sick gym
Stranger: man my father owns 3 Golds Gym
You: Dude thats awesome
Stranger: and a mall
You: Ask him to buy the bass pro shops pyramid
Stranger: what this freaking thing bro??
You: Its epic dude
You: Look up bass pro shop pyramid
Stranger: wait a sec
Stranger: lemme check
Stranger: oh thats cool
You: Hell yeah it is
You: Gotta be one of my favorite buildings
Stranger: bro if i purchased this pyramid
Stranger: will u come visit me?
You: Heck yeah dude
You: youll get everyone asking for ur dick bro
Stranger: how should i contact you later on
You: can give you my business email | fb2472bc7dc8cd8a | tiktok | 20211005083137 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hi
You: My first time on Omegle | fb24aa0e645ae1fd | 20201206002834 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hiii
You: Do you need to rant
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: Actually here to help others
You: Ah okie
You: 1m actually gonna a little if you dont mind
Stranger: Go ahead Im all ears
You: Sometimes feel like m bothering people when 1m talking to them. Like Il somehow manage to convince myself that they hat me when theres no evidence??
You: Has that ever happened to you?
You: And then o get scared to talk to them
Stranger: Of course it is, its a normal thing to feel sometimes, however does it make it rational or healthy? Definitely not
Stranger: Has*
You: agree. Its neither
Stranger: Hm, what times would you say youre less convinced that you arent bothering others
Stranger: Like when are you the most anxious about it
You: have debated if have a social anxiety disorder as well but 1m not sure
Stranger: would have a professional check it out, it doesnt hurt and if you do have it you can get the help you need
You: think the more start to care bout/judge my messages, the more anxious feel about sending them
You: True
You: The only thing that makes me thing dont have it is the frequency feel anxious
Stranger: Okay, so you need to practice sending messages more instinctively, like, not worrying or rereading them
Stranger: Elaborate?
You: Like itlI usually only be 4-5 times a month (so not majority of days). But when do feel anxious, only want to shut myself in
You: Youre right on that. Do you have any advice for how not to judge myself as much?
You: Just practices?
Stranger: Thats still like, once a week, if had anxiety attacks that often that made me want to talk to no one Id check it out
Stranger: Yes yes, practice and patience, if you want we can try it now
Stranger: Theres no consequences to what you say here, you could use slurs, degrade me, hurt me, and it wont affect your irl
You: Good point. 1m only 17 which would mean 1d prob have to tell my mom about therapy which is scary. But can if need. Just might take a little bit to work myself up to
Stranger: Of course, in the meantime lets keep working on it now, and see how far we can get you
You: promise will try not to say mean things
You: Okay thank you
Stranger: am a hypnotherapist, so might be able to help somewhat
Stranger: dont think youre the type to say mean things, just said it so you knew that no matter what you said Id be here for you still
You: ve noticed my best conversations come when have other people to bounce ideas off of and when 1m a bit tired (like rn) so that means 1m not thinking about it as much
Stranger: Right, focusing on the other person really helps with that
Stranger: What time is it there for you? hope Im not making you stay up late
You: Its not so much strangers worry about talking to, its mostly classmates and friends because dont want them to thinkpoorly of me. Do you understand or not really?
Stranger: Of course understand
Stranger: Especially at your age, god was an insecure mess
You: It definitely does help me but its just SOOO DIFFICULT to get myself to do that sometimes. Usually after a few min can calm myself down enough to focus but dang its tough
You: Its 9:38 pm btw
Stranger: Sure, most of it was figuring myself out, and just self reflecting getting to know myself more helped me rely on myself more as one does, and from that trust, and then confidence
Stranger: It took me a while, but thats what helped
Stranger: Plus figuring out that was non binary helped, but am guessing that doesnt apply to you
Stranger: AFAB, btw if you were curious
You: Okay if feels good to have someone understand 😅, feel like the insecurities have only started over the past couple of years. After started hs, they began to get worse :/
Stranger: Mm, right remember like, sophomore year was probably the hardest year of my life, shit was awful for me
Stranger: But, guess its a learning experience
You: think part of my anxiety actually stems from my sexuality. m glad you brought that up. didnt think about that
Stranger: Oh? Do tell
You: have been questioning my sexuality for around the past 6 months or so.
You: Like ve thought was straight but m beginning to wonder if 1m bi (idc what sexuality lam, its just the pain of not knowing yet that makes me anxious)
You: Like cant decide if just think girls are pretty or want to date them
Stranger: So assume your pronouns are she/ her then haha
You: And yeah. High school is indeed one big learning experience. ve noticed a maturity in myself which am proud of :)
You: Yep! What do you go by?
Stranger: Aw thats wonderful, its important to recognize that
You: Definitely is
Stranger: Oh, its a mess these days, yknow with my girlfriend and all and me being the top, Ive felt more of a they/them/he but, idk, mostly just they them works for me 😅
Stranger: mean my name is ash, so it really goes both ways sometimes
You: 1m thinking 1m prob bi just havent come to terms with it
You: Ohhh okay
You: Neat :)
Stranger: Mmm right, remember when was questioning my sexuality
You: have some friends who go by they/them. It was tough to grasp at first, but sort of understand it now I think
You: Care to elaborate?
Stranger: Keep in mind Im from utah, you dont get a lot of gays, and even less so people who are out (its why volunteer at pride centers every now and again
Stranger: So like mormons right?
You: Ah thats good!
Stranger: Anyway, my decision was really, it doesnt really matter unless it applies in the moment
Stranger: Like, if Im not dating someone of the same sex at the time, then it doesnt matter if Im questioning
Stranger: If that makes any sense to you at all
You: remember watching this saddening movie (The Alex Cooper Story). This girl was sent to a Mormon anti-gay conversion camp after coming out. cried. So well put together
You: Yes yes
Stranger: Oh yes there are plenty of those
You: It does. think need to learn to take o that mindset
You: Yes unfortunately
Stranger: am sure she was lucky to not taste the metal of a bullet, Utah has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation 😓
Stranger: Regardless!
You: OMG REALLY?! Thats awful :(
You: Yikes!
Stranger: Yeah, but mean its too be expected with bigots
Stranger: To*
You: Oof true tho
Stranger: mean like said its why do what do
You: Thank you :)
You: am feeling better now. Is it okay if get off?
Stranger: Youre more than welcome to leave if you want
You: Tysm for your help. really appreciate it. Have a good night ❤️
Stranger: Im glad we were able to have sucha nice talk
Stranger: Yeah you bet
Stranger: Cheers
Stranger: Good night
You: Me too! Please keep doing what you do and helping others xoxo | fb3568e61d348c5c | Anxiety | 20210518015822 |
Stranger: M
You: meow
Stranger: Meoww
You: meow back come on
You: omg yesss
Stranger: Meowwwwwwww
You: meowwwwwwwwwwwwww
Stranger: Hhahjahahahha
Stranger: Dont bite
You: Imfao
You: lol
Stranger: Best message Ive ever got
Stranger: Meow
You: ikr
You: meowwww
Stranger: Thanks for the idea
Stranger: Ill try on others too
You: ok well bye have a meow day
Stranger: You tooo
Stranger: Meowwww
Stranger: Girl
Stranger: 4
You: meowwwww
Stranger: Meow meow
Stranger: See you keow
Stranger: Meow
Stranger: Hahahahhhahaa
Stranger: Your nameee?
Stranger: Meow
You: my name is mal
You: yours meow
Stranger: Mine
Stranger: Anuj
You: cool :) meow
Stranger: Anuj meow A 4
Stranger: G3
You: :)
Stranger: Have a meow day girl
Stranger: 35
You: i will byeee meow
Stranger: Bbyeeeee | fb37068fb23ceda4 | 20220927043959 |
You: 1273
Stranger: 987654321
You: ??
Stranger: !!
You: what a shame the poor grooms bride is a
Stranger: Lmao
Stranger: You okay?
You: yes
Stranger: F or m?
You: f | fb3c77236aa5ae42 | 20201107224057 |
Stranger: eww
Stranger: emo bitch
Stranger: white trash
You: Bloody hell
Stranger: fuck you bitch
You: At least have a camera and courage to show my face
Stranger: my camera is broken dumbass.
Stranger: and btwi cant hear you sooo
Stranger: type it bitch
You: Yeah, Well you have the choice to get it fixed
You: You emo skank
Stranger: ok well heres the thing i dont want to and you cant see so you dont know if im emo or not
Stranger: and obviously im not
You: The way your acting gives me all the information need
Stranger: how?
You: You dont call people white trash dumbass
Stranger: i can ifi want thanks
You: what tf is wrong with you?
You: Someones a little pissy
Stranger: what the fuck you mean?
Stranger: how amia pussy wtf?
You: said pissy
Stranger: ok but how?
You: Your a little pissy because normal people wouldnt start a conversation like this
Stranger: ok well im not normal because thats lame like you so i dont really give a fuck
You: Sorry hun, stopped caring when you first typed tome
Stranger: it doesnt seem that way to me sweetheart your wrong
You: It seems do care?
You: Since when do you get that impression?
Stranger: well you kind of got offended if you didnt care you would of not be saying anything and skipped me
Stranger: its common sense bitch
You: Well im not a bitch,Stop explaining yourself, And like to stick up for myself and not let people walk all over me
Stranger: you are one and im not explaining myself i literally just explained about you obviously bitch
You: Right, Yeah
You: So, Why do you think im emo?
Stranger: i didnt say i think your emo i just called you that because i can
You: Wow
You: Whats your name
Stranger: whats yours.
You: My name is Josie
Stranger: and why are you asking?
You: Because
You: want to know your name dumbass
Stranger: too bad bitch
Stranger: your like 12
You: Haha right
You: Sure
You: How old are you
You: To even be saying that, you must be even younger
Stranger: older than you obviously
You: Obviously?
You: Sure
Stranger: yes
You: Very mature see
You: Are you female or male?
Stranger: yes thanks for stating the obvious
Stranger: congrats
You: Thanks Imao
You: Fucking cunt
Stranger: um false statement your white so thats makes you the cunt
Stranger: fuck off bitch m not afraid of being racist : And how does that make me a cunt?
You: Yes, have one but that doesnt mean am one
You: fucking dumb bitch
Stranger: omg dumbass white people are called cunts and white trash and you can see that im racist
You: dont give two mother fucking shit about racism
Stranger: obviously you do if you said it
You: Right
Stranger: i think its time for you to go back to school
You: Im done with school
Stranger: obviously not you need work to do
You: Yeah i went online and finished there
You: Yeah
Stranger: i mean says the one who always staes the obvious and repeats themselves.
You: Yep.
Stranger: and who doesnt know what you read
You: Says the one who calls people emo just for the sake of it
Stranger: i donti said that because i can
Stranger: like bitch go get educated you need it
You: Thats the same thing you fucktard!
Stranger: what do you mean what the fuck
Stranger: you are not making sense
You: Sure
You: Bye
You: Stay in school :) | fb412869aaee049c | Instagram | 20170107160018 |
Stranger: sex
You: ye
Stranger: m21
You: im 67
Stranger: male/ female
You: f
Stranger: sexy..
Stranger: can i see you..?
You: lol you in milfs?
You: cuz im one
You: comeon
You: dead?
Stranger: sorry i didnt get you..
You: indian?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: you..?
You: fuck of
Stranger: yeah want to fuck you
You: okay when?
You: under the global plaza
You: my house is the red one
Stranger: i want to see you can you please show yourself.
You: i got alot of dolla i can hook ya up
You: im shy
Stranger: i am too horny and never had sex before
You: damn you virgin
You: tight ass right?
Stranger: show me yourself i will cum for you..
You: can i fuck you with a dildo?
Stranger: iam male.. ti like to fuck boys in the asss
You: i m horntyyyyyy
Stranger: hmm thats cool
You: arse
You: you fokin wanka
Stranger: than i would love have sex with you..
You: teri maaa ki chut bhencodi ki ulad saala maa ke gand me cum kar lode | fb414778cd25cb9c | 20170806153638 |
Stranger: M
You: f
Stranger: Hi
You: wanan sext?
Stranger: Age?
You: just sext Yor jo nudes
You: plz
Stranger: Horny eh?
You: mhm
Stranger: Same
You: my nipples are hard and my pussycats is leaking
You: pussy autocorrect
Stranger: Tell me what u look like
You: fat ass, DD sized breats
You: and i have short hair
You: black hair
You: im white
You: And im shaved
Stranger: Tal, short?
You: short
You: But, just bc im short doesnt mean im not deep ;)
Stranger: Hmmm.... deep pussy huh?
Stranger: Where u from?
Stranger: And how old ru?
You: in 23 and im from Cali
Stranger: 34 military in VA. Im Beau
Stranger: Whats your name?
You: Buff eh?
You: My name is Jen
Stranger: work out ;)
You: im just here to sext, so you aint getting any pics
Stranger: Shy?
You: No
Stranger: Lol
You: Well, uhh, what do you look like?
Stranger: 57, hazel eyes, brown hair. Tan
Stranger: 7 1/2
Stranger: :)
You: your in luck
You: 1m 7 inch deep
Stranger: Nice. Gives me 1/2 in to bottom out
You: Yea
You: So uhh, do you wanan start the sext or should i?
Stranger: Please do ;) you already have me at attention :)
You: Nah, id much rather have you start it,
Stranger: Lol
You: m bad at starting these things
Stranger: just got back from a 7 month nt; And iam Really horny E00 :)
You: wrong Topy and pste
Stranger: Lol
You: continue
Stranger: got your number from a freind who said u were interested
Stranger: Wanna meet up at my place?
You: 1m not just interested, im invested in you ;)
You: sure
You: Make sure your bed is nice and sturdy ;)
Stranger: You come over and i cook you dinner
You: compliment your cooking
Stranger: Then were on my sturdy bed watching a movie
You: When i lay down, my hand grazes your pants
Stranger: And my cock jumps a bit
You: *i yank my hand back, with awwayrd laughter*
You: awkward
Stranger: look at you with such hunger that it is startling
You: *you can see my nipples poking through my shirt, as i didnt wear a bra*
You: *stares back at you, with the same hunger*
Stranger: grab the back of your neck and kiss you
You: *i rub my breasts on your chest as you kiss me*
Stranger: And trail my kisses and tongue down your neck
You: *lets out a tiny moan*
Stranger: Takes of your shirt*
You: *my nipples are as hard as can be*
Stranger: And mine *
Stranger: Such big beautiful tits... mmmm
You: *starts bouncing my tits*
You: *grabs your head*
You: *puts your face on my tits*
Stranger: And i giggle , then lick as much asi can
You: Mmmmmm
You: U hope you liek your meal ;)
Stranger: Kiss you, and unbutton your pants
You: 1
You: *puts hand on your pants* Oh wow, your this hard already?
Stranger: Oh yeah
You: 7 months, without anyone to live, you poor man
You: *takes off your pants*
You: Lets change that shall we
Stranger: Fuck yes BB!
Stranger: cant wait to see those tits bounce
You: *starts jerking you off while you are licking my tits*
Stranger: Mmm
You: *puts it in between my thighs* Mmmhhhh so warm
Stranger: Im hot blooded. Made to keep you warm
You: *hugs you tightly while we are liek this* want to be your slut, fuck me.
Stranger: Lifts your legs to see that slut pussy
You: *moans a little*
Stranger: Yup. Definitely needs a good licking
You: Yes, clean my pussy! clean mommys pussy!
Stranger: Buries my tongue in that sseet fucking cunt
You: *my body arches, as i moan*
Stranger: Fucks you with a wet tongue, and licks your clit till yous a uirm
You: *is moaning*
You: *i grab your head forcing your tongue deeper*
Stranger: like that.
You: hope you like your desert,
Stranger: Use my tongue to get off
You: *pulle your head off,*
Stranger: Fuck my face
You: Maybe we should, take this further?
Stranger: Im down
You: *gets off bed*
You: *slams you on the ned*
You: *and starts licking yoru dick*
Stranger: Mmmmm
You: *is sucking on the tip* time for my dessert
Stranger: Mmmm.... work it well bb
Stranger: Show me what a dirty girl you are
You: *takes your whole cock in my mouth without gagging*
Stranger: 7 1/27??? Im shocked
You: *you hear drips as my pussy gets wet again*
Stranger: And in love!
You: *takes head off* have no gag reflex hun, your a lucky man,
You: *starts sucking again*
Stranger: Omfg. might have to marry you
Stranger: And your throat
You: *is using one hand to masturbate and the other one to squeeze my boobs while i suck you off*
Stranger: My cock is so hard. Omg
You: *i can fee you getting close*
You: *takes head off and puts your le is in between my tits*,
You: penis
Stranger: Mmmm... sucha pretty face to watch as i fuck your big tits
You: Cum for mommy, cum all over me!
Stranger: All over
You: Yes all over, Lets paint the town white!
Stranger: Mmmm.... so close
You: *starts swueezing your cock with my breats
Stranger: Im imagining your big tits
You: 1m imagining your cock
You: Throbbing
Stranger: If you live in Virginia - we might have to do this in person!!!
You: Cum for your mommy
Stranger: Omg. My cock is gonna explode
You: *starts titfucking faster until you cum.*
Stranger: And i explode a huge cumload alll over your tits and pretty lil face
You: *moans loudly*
You: *comes aseell* mmmmmnnmm
You: *stamds up*
Stranger: That was nice
You: *gets on top of you*
You: Were not done yet
Stranger: Mmm. My lil cumslut want more?
You: Yes
You: *rubbing my pussy*
Stranger: Rubs my cock on your clit
You: *moans*
You: *it accidentally slips in my v and i moan super loudly*
You: Your in, your really in
Stranger: You feeel so good!!!!
You: *takes one of yoru hands and puts it on my tit*
Stranger: So beautiful!
You: *lays down on you and starts kissing you while i start to move*
Stranger: Yes
You: *pinching my nipples and moaning.*
Stranger: like! You like your hair pulled too?
You: No, dont pull my hair!
Stranger: Hehe. Whatever makes you feel good, is what im into
You: *my breasts begin to lactate*
You: *puts a nipples in your mouth, Drink my mommy milk
Stranger: Surprised by this, but kinda turned on, i drink
Stranger: And suck
Stranger: You taste sweet
You: *moans*
You: only drink and eat whats i best for my milk
You: *starts moving faster*
Stranger: Realizing the maternal instinct in you, it makes me want to knock u up
You: Oh yes honey drink all of your mommys love juice.
Stranger: want to cum in you
You: *starts moving faster*
You: want to be filld
Stranger: Stuff you with my babies
Stranger: And call you mine
You: i am already yours to keep
You: am your mommy now
Stranger: Yes mommy
Stranger: Take my cum
You: *bed starts to freak-*
You: creak
You: Oh oh! Mommys close
Stranger: You are seriously my kind of freak. Fuck that cock
You: *moans*
Stranger: Its ready to explode in you
Stranger: And fill you
You: *moans so loud*
Stranger: Take it mommy
You: *my eyes role up and my tongue falls out*
Stranger: And i cum in you
You: *comes too*
You: *falls off you*
You: *is panting/moaning*
Stranger: Such a great fuck you are!
You: Uh huh *hits post cum euphoria*
Stranger: Thanks | fb4aab12bede6d72 | 20201101023417 |
Stranger: Hii
You: Hi
Stranger: Ma or fe???
You: Video calling
Stranger: Nohh.
Stranger: M or f.?? | fb596df9735bff26 | 20211224154242 |
You: Chess
Stranger: No
Stranger: Not noe
Stranger: Now
You: Ok
Stranger: Chat?
You: Sure
Stranger: U from
You: Cali
Stranger: Okay nice
Stranger: Age?
You: prefer not to say
Stranger: Myself Sam
Stranger: Really?
You: Yeah
Stranger: What would do with ur name
You: Wait your age is Sam?
Stranger: 20
You: You asked my age
Stranger: Urs?
You: Prefer not to say
Stranger: What would do with your age?
Stranger: Are u for real?
You: dont wanna say my age
You: Is that okay?
Stranger: No
Stranger: We should both know
Stranger: So that we can chat accordingly
Stranger: Okay ur name
You: Just call me wheatley | fb660de23689e87e | Chess | 20230316104119 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hii
You: Are you girl a boy
Stranger: How are you?
Stranger: Im a girl
You: Name | fb703eb0a28d6f17 | Travel | 20210328133821 |
Stranger: Hay
You: Hey
Stranger: Morf
You: f
Stranger: Me to
Stranger: My name is lily whats yours
You: Layla
Stranger: Cool name
You: Thanks
Stranger: How old
You: 19
Stranger: Me to!
You: Ooo!
Stranger: You like anime
You: Yea!
Stranger: What kind
You: never really thought of that
Stranger: Oh well mine is demon slayer
You: Hm liked alot of alot of anime
Stranger: Me to
Stranger: cood name 100
Stranger: Why are you here
You: Boredom
Stranger: Me to
You: Nice
You: Ima go bye!
Stranger: Bye | fb715410113737a8 | 20210127154705 |
Stranger: Do you think youre pondering in which you can find 100 at no cost scorching women web based? then stop by this relationship websites: via.Ic/srSRw?vrvsdz | fb8455ac7db0a791 | mature | 20170703021929 |
Stranger: hey
You: nice
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: ur fuckin cute
Stranger: how old
You: thnks
You: 16
Stranger: nooo
You: uhh i want it in me
Stranger: show me where | fb871632e378369b | 20180611104010 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: m orf
You: f
You: f
Stranger: age
You: 18
You: you?
Stranger: do you have a cam
Stranger: 15
You: no i dont
You: ur too young visiting this site
Stranger: too bad
Stranger: no
You: yes it is
You: where you from?
Stranger: from austria
You: your younger than me, but i think your taller than mee.. lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: im 175cm
You: ij dont know mine.. lol.. hahahaha
You: 158cm
Stranger: you are small
You: Asian heree
Stranger: ah nice
You: yeah.. coz. im asian
Stranger: chinese?
You: nope.. filipino
You: but i look like a chinese
Stranger: ah i love them
You: ahaha.. how did you say that? have you met an asian before?
Stranger: no but from xnxx haahahhaha
You: xnxx??
Stranger: yes
You: whats that? haha
Stranger: in porns
You: hahahahah.. what the?!
You: you should better stop watching porns, instead, study hard dude
Stranger: i study hard but its age for the porn | fb8ed8a8ee769b6e | 20170914110712 |
You: hi
Stranger: what
You: ?
Stranger: ?
You: epstein
Stranger: is that the guy who raped the girls
You: teenage ones?
Stranger: Yeah
You: he didnt raped them?
Stranger: Im pretty sure he did raped them
You: how?
Stranger: Intuition maybe? | fb95499dd5b91f6f | 4chan | 20190815130408 |
Stranger: My name is Jacob. m a 23-year-old American and 1m 61 with a strong build. 1ve got shorter, auburn hair with a part and brown eyes as well as a trimmed, neat beard. dont necessarily have abs or massive biceps but 1m fairly well toned and have a faint v-cut. have full sleeves but no piercings. Looking for a descriptive, expressive, slutty female who is 18 and interested in a sexual roleplay.
You: am Melanie, and have just turned 22. stand at 55 with a toned body as a result of years of dancing. also have a quite tanned skin, with a natural blush on my cheeks. have a Not even stars last forever tattoo along with a star on the left side of my ribs. have extremely long, curly brown hair and my eyes are bright, intense blue.
Stranger: Goddamn, you sound so fucking hot.
You: Ahah, thank you c:
You: Do you have any roles in mind?
Stranger: Are you into cheating roleplays?
You: Fuck yeah!
Stranger: How about you play as my girlfriends sister?
You: Sounds cool.
Stranger: Whats your bra size by the way, Melanie?
You: 36C
Stranger: Very hot, did miss anything in my description?
You: dont think so.
You: How big are you?
Stranger: A bit shy of 8 inches long and very, very thick.
You: Yum.
Stranger: Want me to start us off, slut?
You: Please do.
Stranger: It was late at night, nearing midnight when finally heard you leaving your room. turn towards your sister, my girlfriend, who was out cold. We fooled around and she did what she usually did. Told me to slow down the entire time. Of course did it for her but crave being in control and being rough. Hearing your footsteps, quietly slip out of bed and get out of the room, following you down to the kitchen. was only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants when stepped through the doorway.
Stranger: (You there?)
You: (Yes, sorry for taking too long.)
Stranger: (No problem, just making sure the message didnt drop.)
You: wake up late at night, with an uncontrollable craving for sugar. sigh and get out of my bed, heading straight out of my bedroom wearing black booty shorts and a white tank top (no bra, of course. Who sleeps in a bra? ). go down the stairs quietly so wouldnt wake you or my sister up, and head into the kitchen. open the fridge and grab the last piece of tiramisu, and gasp as turn around and see you, almost dropping the plate. What the fuck? whisper yell as walk to the counter and put the plate on it.
You: (Do you want to move this to chatzy? Omegle is not really reliable as it always lags.)
Stranger: (Since we already started on here, lets stay here but if this drops, go to this http:// )
Stranger: smirk a bit as start walking towards you, Sorry to scare ya, didnt think anyone else would be up. say as glance down your body before continuing, Couldnt sleep either? ask casually as hook a thumb into the waistband of my pants.
You: (Great! It might say that disconnected, by the way.)
You: (This turns me on way more than it should. Im going to hell :p)
Stranger: (Not before pound you senseless after fucking your sister.)
You: notice your eyes moving on my body, but just shrug and hop on the counter after grabbing a fork from the drawer. I get sugar cravings at night, say as grab the plate. glance down your body discreetly, biting my lip in the process.
Stranger: lean against the counter as look at you questioningly, Really? You do? make an effort to let you see my eyes looking at your body as add, How the hell do you look like that with sugar cravings? reach out and drag my fingertips up your thigh.
You: shrug again, my legs unconsciously parting a bit as feel your fingertips on my thigh. with the kind of activities do, tend to burn off a lot of calories, say, a slightly teasing tone in my voice, before taking a bite of the dessert. Why are you up anyway?
Stranger: My eyes are still working their way down your body as casually respond, Hungry, so the same as you. Im not looking for sugar though. I state simply. My fingertips continue to glide across your skin until they are between your thighs at the bottom of your shorts.
You: take another bite of tiramisu before putting the plate aside. Poor thing. Isnt my sister feeding you enough? ask, cocking my head to the side, with a sultry pout on my lips.
Stranger: shake my head as tell you, Not nearly enough. She leaves me....starving all the time. give you a naughty grin as my hand slides right up between your thighs, my fingers quickly finding your clit through your shorts as begin to rub it. Do you know what mean, Melanie?
You: (Fuck.)
Stranger: (Trust me when say Im just getting started.)
You: let out a sharp gasp as feel your fingers working my clit, and grab the edge of the counter to steady myself. Thats so rude of her. You should always make sure your guests leave satisfied, say in between heavy breaths, and bite my lip, trying to suppress a moan as feel myself getting wetter by the second.
You: (Mmm, Im gonna need to change my panties.)
Stranger: grab a handful of your hair before roughly pull you in for a long, passionate kiss. start moaning gently against you before push my tongue into your mouth, wrestling with yours. My hand on your shorts only goes faster as kiss you, rubbing your clit in small circles.
Stranger: (God, fucking love ruining a pair of panties. So hot.)
You: (Ive already soaked through the first pair.)
Stranger: (Just wait until make you cum.)
You: wrap one of my arms around your neck, pulling you closer to me as we kiss. My tongue runs on your bottom lip slowly before take it between my teeth, biting it gently. Hearing you moan drives me crazy, and my back arches as try to push myself closer to your hand.
You: (Im such a slut for dirty talk, sue me.)
Stranger: After a few more moments of rubbing you, move my hand to start undoing your shorts. As Im pulling them down your legs, break the kiss to lean in to your ear and whisper into it, You know, Ive always thought you were so much fucking hotter than your sister. kiss your neck and toss your shorts across the kitchen before adding, Ive even thought of you while fucked her.
Stranger: (Hows that for dirty talk, slut?)
You: throw my head back as you start kissing my neck, letting out small whimpers as try to stay quiet, and move my fingers to your hair and tug at it. Do you know, say, stopping to catch my breath, before continue, how many times Ive played with myself while heard you two fucking in the room next to mine?
You: (Now really have to go change my panties.)
You: (Can we move to chatzy? want to move to my phone so can type with one hand and have the other free..)
Stranger: (Sure babe, Ill continue in there once you get there.
You: (Im in.) | fb9d6f179c04a6a3 | Roleplay | 20180604233139 |
You: Evening, Sebastian. Youre not terribly busy, are you? JM
Stranger: Had plans. Not important. What do you need? SM
You: Oh, what kind of plans? JM
Stranger: Social ones. SM
You: Hm, well. need you to make a delivery. JM
Stranger: When, where, and what? SM
You: As soon as possible, room 502 at the Ritz, a change of clothes. JM
Stranger: Comfort or style? SM
You: Respectable enough to leave in. JM
Stranger: See you soon. SM
You: Lovely. JM
Stranger: The bordering-on-cold level of professionalism Sebastian had developed over the past year was very distinctly intentional. He figured out early on that his level of attraction to his employer had the potential to be concerning. Jim Moriarty flaunted effortless power and carefully calculated chaos with such comfort and cool that Sebastian couldnt help but be intrigued by it. So he had gotten to know the man at what he considered to be a reasonable distance, while still doing his job well enough to gain Jims trust and more responsibility than any other employee he knew about. So it wasnt a big deal for Sebastian to stop by Jims penthouse, complete the complicated process of entering, go into the mans frighteningly neat bedroom, and pick out an outfit. The task was more... intimate, than anything hed been asked to do before - hed been in the flat, but never the bedroom. He was quick but observant, careful not to put anything out of place. He guessed that there was no one else he would ask to do this. So he packed away a pair of dark jeans and a pair of slacks for the man to choose from, a pinstriped button up ina garment back to keep it from wrinkling, socks and underwear and even a spare pair of shoes. It was always best to cover the bases with Jim. He noticed a row of colognes and picked out the one he recognized, setting it gently into the small duffel bag as well. Twenty minutes later he was knocking on number 502 at the hotel and starting to wonder just exactly what had happened that required this task to fall on his shoulders.
Stranger: Did you get that? Wifi blipped.
You: //Yes, sorry. got distracted.//
Stranger: Take your time, just so you know havent got a reply yet in case you sent one
You: The ability to move people around like pieces on a chessboard was one Jim had perfected at an early age. He could spend hours, days, weeks planning and pulling on strings, only to sit back and watch everything unfold exactly as planned. And for the most part, things did. Tonight, however, could only be described as the exception to prove the rule. It had started out as a casual meeting, taken quite the unexpected turn and had ended up as a definite mess. He could feel his shoes stick to the floor as he exited the bathroom, only to realise as he looked down that the pool of blood had spread quite a bit since he had left the room. The body responsible for the flood lay in a most uncomfortable-looking position in the middle of the floor, knife still sticking out of the bare chest. Jim grimaced, deciding to leave it be. He had managed to get most of the blood off himself, but had been forced to don his stiff white (more red, now) shirt since the idea of walking around naked was even more despicable. It was a relief when he heard he knock on the door, and upon opening the door and standing face to face with Sebastian, Jim felt a strange surge in his chest. Excellent, he said, in the most casual manner possible, taking the duffel out of the snipers hand. He couldnt quite bring himself to meet Sebastians eyes, however. Do you mind calling clean-up while get dressed?
Stranger: The thick scent of blood wafted through the door as soon as Jim opened it. He stepped inside and past his employer without invitation, shutting the door behind him - anyone walking by might recognize the smell, or glance Jim in his shirt splattered a deep red with dried blood. Neither possibility played out well for them. He passed the bag and hanger to Jim, noticing quietly that the other wasnt making eye contact. Sure thing, boss, he said simply. He sat at the table and pulled out his phone while Jim got cleaned up, calling the clean-up guys. He looked at the body with the knife sticking out of it, and realized that perhaps Jim was actually rattled. The situation was not ideal, after all. Jim hated mess. And this clean up would not be easy. The Ritz, at Piccadilly, room #502, ASAP, he said into the phone, not offering a hello. Yes. Unplanned. Stabbing. There was a long silence, during which Sebastian crossed his legs, leaned his elbow on the table, and rolled his eyes. Offer what you must, keep the names of anyone who knows. Havent you done this before? He listened to another string of complaints and cut the guy off again. Youre paid well to do difficult things. Im paid to make sure theyre done. Take it as a word of warning - Im very good at my job. Get it done. Ta.
You: Jim returned to the bathroom with the clothes, but made sure to leave the door ajar in order to listen in on the conversation. Sebastians unfailing professionalism was one of the few things that Jim found both admirable and endlessly annoying. His many attempts to rattle the man had resulted in little he could use, and at this point he had mostly accepted the constant, at-arms-length, presence of what most people would calla right hand man. Opening the bag and hanger, Jim was pleasantly surprised with their contents. Sebastian obviously paid enough attention to know what Jim had asked for. It was quite reassuring, in a way. Jim stripped himself once more of his blood-soaked clothes, dropping them on the floor with little care. Despite everything, his cock still twitched a little at the casual threat delivered in that assertive tone Sebastian always adapted in situations like these. Jim had to close his eyes for a moment, take a deep breath to regain control of himself before he could get dressed. Five minutes later he stepped out, his usual facade put back into place as he carefully navigated across the room, trying to keep his clean shoes as far away as possible from the blood. Annoying, was all he offered as he stopped at the drink cart by the window, pouring two glasses of amber liquid. He caught sight of his own reflection, then of Sebastians behind him. He allowed himself a moment to study the man before turning to join him at the table, offering the drink. Youre free to return to whatever it is you were doing, of course. Ive already called for a car.
Stranger: Sebastian distracted himself after the call by researching on his phone what kind of evidence was usually left behind in hotel room killings, then sending further instructions to the team by text. Theyd probably have to replace the carpet, so he figured out what brand and color the carpet in Ritz suites was. He didnt particularly trust the clean-up team to have tact if the occasion arose where someone needed to pose as the guest staying in the room, so he contacted one of Moriartys faces, a woman well- versed in disguise and distraction, who could stay in the room and keep unwanted observers at bay. He even thought about planning an alibi for Jim, but he knew that if police got as far as questioning the man himself, there would be much bigger problems to worry about. He set his phone down on the sturdy table when Jim emerged, and watched him cross the room, edging along the circle of blood. Sebastian guessed it had happened about an hour ago now; the blood had stopped flowing, the body looked rigid, and Jim... there was still something slightly off about him. Hed never seen Jim properly rattled; he wasnt sure if thats what hed seen earlier, but he supposed it made sense. Even if Jim was by all accounts okay, the adrenaline that came from an unexpected killing, most likely in defense, couldnt have left his system yet. Sebastian took the drink and leaned back in the chair to enjoy it. Jim looked good in the clothes hed picked. It wasnt his usual perfect suit, more along the lines of Sebastians own style - professional, but unrestrained. Sebastian was in a gray suit without a tie; hed put the jacket on the back of the chair, and rolled up his sleeves. Jim always looked good though, and the waft of cologne was a welcome change from the iron in the air. Im staying until Elena shows up, he said, unbothered by his change of plans for the evening. As much distance as he kept, he couldnt deny that being with Jim even in total professionalism was more interesting than the majority of the rest of his social life. Dont want to leave the room empty. He looked at Jim with what might be recognized as concern in icy blue eyes. You alright, sir?
Stranger: Im stepping away to make food real quick, if we get disconnected can email you?
You: //Absolutely. My email is //
Stranger: Im back, jsyk!
You: Jim had nothing but appreciation for the mans ability to take control of the situation entirely on his own. The thought had crossed his mind more than once that Sebastian would without a doubt be able to run the business quite smoothly even without Jim himself. Would he do it? He would have to find out some day. For now, Jim let himself forget about the empire for a second and just focus on the drink in his hand and the company across the table. Although not too much, because he never could know what this feeling of... /vulnerability/ would do to his inhibitions. The situation still required some semblance of control. The concern was touching, however, and Jim took a careful sip before clearing his throat, realising he hadnt actually spoken much in the past hour or two. He was an arms dealer. We had dinner downstairs; just a bit of buttering up before the real negotiation started. Jim threw a glance at the body, at the strong arms and hands that now lay uselessly sprawled. had perhaps one drink too many, and when we came up here to take a look at the merchandise realised money wasnt the only thing he wanted from me. humored him for a while, but must have taken it one step too far. He waved a hand in the air, as if what he was talking about hadnt ended in murder. I lost control of the situation. Entirely unlike me, know. There was more to it, of course; much more, but Jim didnt feel like telling his entire life story to explain why he had let this happen to begin with.
Stranger: As Jim told an obviously abbreviated and censored version of the story, the voice of Sebastians professional streak shrank down to a whisper in a war-zone. It tried to tell him that the news that the incident occurred entirely in self- defense was a good thing; that Jim hadnt planned an extremely difficult to hide murder on purpose, that something in his mind hadnt snapped, as Sebastian thought it might one day, and brought the man to the wrong side of psychotic. This logic was lost in the surge of anger and protective instinct that rose up in him unexpectedly. He felt his heart rate quicken against his better judgment, and his fingers curled on the glass, less poised and more aggressive. He finished the drink in a gulp and set it down again, then let his fingers stretch out a few times and cracked his neck, ridding himself of just a small amount of that horrified energy. Jim had asked him in the beginning, when Sebastian first started working for Jim as a runner, carrying out random missions and tasks, taking out the occasional hit: was there anything he wouldnt do? Sebastians answer had been quick and simple. He wouldnt commit sex crimes under any circumstance. At the time, he figured it was unlikely hed be asked, but just felt it was important to cover his bases. The conversation was mostly forgotten until now, as he remembered his exact feelings on the matter. Doesnt matter if you drank, sir, he said, letting his eyes wander back to the body and looking at it with a renewed kind of distaste. If he tried to hurt you, hes definitely raped others. Could call yourself a good guy today.
Stranger: Did you get that? | fb9df0f551deb43b | mormor, Sherlock | 20180624091448 |
Stranger: met your new boyfriend today. JM (16)
You: How nice. SM (17)
Stranger: Very. didnt know you were dating. JM
You: Me neither. Guess it just sorta happened. SM
Stranger: Funny how that works sometimes. JM He had no idea we used to date. JM
You: No point in talking about the past, is there? SM
Stranger: Isnt there? JM
You: dont see why its relevant. SM
Stranger: You think Im irrelevant? JM
You: Thats not what I said. SM
Stranger: Its /basically/ what you said. JM
You: meant to him. To his relationship with me. SM
Stranger: think our relationship was pretty significant. JM
You: Why are we even having this discussion? You probably already told him everything, anyway. SM
Stranger: Thats just how conversation works. You exchange information. JM
You: And you had, of course, nothing to offer but private information. SM
Stranger: Was it private? JM
You: Whatever. SM
Stranger: Us dating isnt a secret. JM
You: didnt say it was. SM
Stranger: It wasnt private at all. JM
You: Was that the only thing you told him? That we used to date? No details? SM
Stranger: What would be wrong with details? JM
You: Thats the private part. SM
Stranger: Which details would you rather he didnt know? JM
You: Christ. Forget said anything. SM
Stranger: Fine, if thats what you want. JM
You: delay What did you tell him? SM
Stranger: just told him we dated forever and were probably going to end up together again eventually. JM
You: Great. Thanks. SM
Stranger: Its true. JM
You: We broke up, Jim. SM
Stranger: Yeah, we did. But we can un-break up. JM
You: And what if dont want to? SM
Stranger: Dont you want to? JM
You: didnt break up with you for fun. SM
Stranger: Then why did you? JM
You: Because youre possessive and jealous and got tired of explaining myself to you. SM
Stranger: So just liked you more than you liked me. JM
You: Yeah, right. SM
Stranger: must have. JM
You: You didnt trust me. SM
Stranger: No. didnt. JM
You: Why not? SM
Stranger: Because didnt get why you were even dating me. JM
You: Yet youre convinced were getting back together? SM
Stranger: Yeah. We will. JM
You: You dont make any sense. SM
Stranger: Life doesnt make much sense. JM
You: guess not. SM
Stranger: just know love you, so who cares? JM
You: Well, at least you remain optimistic. SM
Stranger: Youllsee. JM
You: Jim. SM
Stranger: You will. JM
You: Or you could get over it and find someone else. SM
Stranger: dont want anyone else. JM
You: didnt think would either but lo and behold. SM
Stranger: You dont really want him. Youre just doing it to get back at me. JM
You: Right. SM
Stranger: Its true. JM
You: Its not. SM
Stranger: Sure its not. JM
You: The world doesnt revolve around you, Jim. SM
Stranger: know. But know you. JM
You: You really think Im that petty? SM
Stranger: know you love me. JM
You: Maybe Im trying to move on. SM
Stranger: Why? JM
You: Because we didnt work out. SM
Stranger: We could have. JM
You: Maybe. Maybe not. SM | fb9fa9fcb6daad81 | mormor, Sherlock | 20180626121511 |
Stranger: M
You: F
Stranger: Age?
You: you first
Stranger: 20 here. You?
You: 18
Stranger: Alright. Whats up?
You: nothing much Yo lecently horny right now
You: you?
Stranger: Same im pretty horny rn
You: well you want a little help with that? ;)
Stranger: Mmmm yes please
You: well then youve come to the right place
You: dont worry you dont have to do much
You: mommy will take care of everything
Stranger: Mmmmm yesssss
You: i take your pants off Yo see your dick,hanging limply
You: i begin to poke it,hoping itll get erect
Stranger: Ohh yea baby its gdtting there
You: it starts getting hard
You: i take one of my hands and start jacking you off slowly
Stranger: Mmmmm yesss i like that
You: i feel your dick get harder and harder as my hand goes over it again and again
You: i take my other hand and begin to fondle your balls
You: i give them a little lick Yo do the same to your dick Your i lick it a couple times, registering the taste
Stranger: Ohh fuck yea baby keep that up
You: i move the hand fondling your balls to your dick as well, wrapping both my hands around your cock,which is pulsating at this point
You: i begin to jack you off faster Yo put my mouth on the tip of your dick,giving it a little kiss
Stranger: Thats soocoo goood Your i also lick the tip a tiny bit,feeling it move up, like it wants to be in my mouth so badly
You: but not yet sweetie begin to jack you off faster and faster Your: i feel like youre about to come but i dont know if i want you to
You: what do you think?
You: do you want to come right now or do you want a shot at my other areas?
Stranger: Ooooh god not yet baby
Stranger: Other areas baby
You: i begin to slow my hands down
You: i feel your dick go back to normal hardness Yor jow as a reward
You: you get access to mommys other areas
Stranger: Ohhhhhh yea baby
You: for starters,my mouth
You: i go back to the tip of your dick,which moves slightly up almost as if its looking at me
You: thats cute,i say
Stranger: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
You: j put your dick in my mouth,tasting it 50000000 good
You: i begin slowly move my head down your dick,moving my tongue as i do,exploring every single inch of your cock
You: *moving
You: i begin moving my head up and down
Stranger: Oooooo yessssss
You: slowly at first,but i go faster as i get more used to the taste of your cock
You: i feel your cock pulsating against my tongue
You: i feel it throbbing, like it wants to break free and make its home deep in mommys pussy
Stranger: Oooohhh that feeels soooo good
You: j feel like a waterfall of cum is about to erupt,and as much as id love to swallow every last drop of my little boys seed, we cant have that happening yet
Stranger: It wants that pussy mommy
You: i finally get my head off your dick,savoring the taste of your delicious cock
You: i grab your dick and put it next to my pussy
You: i see the penis twitch towards it
Stranger: Ooooh yea
You: my my youre an eager little boy arent you
Stranger: Yesss iam mommy
You: im gonna have to teach you a little lesson in patience young man
You: i grab your dick but instead of putting it in my pussy,i make it so its barely touching the flaps, tantalizingly close to my insides
Stranger: Oooh god mommy why you gotta tease me?
You: because youve been a naughty little boy
You: i begin to move your dick so it goes over my flaps, rubbing them slightly but not being able to penetrate them like i know you so desperately want to
You: i begin stroking it as well,making it even more erect and desperate for a pussy to go inside
Stranger: Oh god mommy please put it in please.
You: now now young man you have to prove to mommy you deserve the inside of her pussy.
You: can you prove that you deserve this?
Stranger: Yes mommy. How can i prove it?
You: lick my pussy first Yo nger it
You: make it desperate for your cock
Stranger: Oh yea mommy ill dp that for you
Stranger: *do
You: i spread my legs Yor jo ahead
You: im all yours
Stranger: go in there and start by fingering your pussy
Stranger: start slow and increase faster and faster while rubbing your clit
You: i feel your hands go faster and faster inside my clit,shaking its walls like a cave
You: i begin slightly shaking, but you still havent proven yourself yet
Stranger: move my head in there and begin licking your clit. Flicking it back and forth with my tongue
Stranger: start licking in a circular motion
You: is that all you got,i say in a trembly voice with a little moan after
Stranger: suck on the clit then move my tongue down into your pussy licking it found and round
Stranger: *round
You: i feel your tongue move over single inch of my pussy,making it wetter than it already was,completely ready for a cock to go in deep and make its home
You: i being moaning as you shove your tongue so deep in there,youre cleaning the walls
You: *begin
You: i start shaking more and more
Stranger: increase speed of hpw fast im moving my tongue around your walls and begin to rub your clit at the same time
You: oh god oh god enough,i yell as the movement becomes too much for me and i feel the need for your cock starting to grow
You: alright youve had your fun with mommy now,and i can safely say youve proved yourself,so as a reward
You: i take your cock in my hands
You: you get access to my most special area,i say as i move your cock next to my flaps
You: this time however, i push it in
Stranger: Oh my gawd yesssss mommy
You: now is your turn to prove yourself to my special place
You: make me beg for it to stop
You: or make me beg for you to keep going
You: come on boy i cant really do the work for this part
Stranger: Oh god mommy i move my cock all the way in and out increasing speed each time
Stranger: This feels amazing
You: oh come oni know youve got more in ya than that
You: i pull out a ruler and give you a light smack
You: come ON young man fuck me harder
Stranger: begin fucking even harder. Faster and faster i go
You: my arm shakes slightly, making me drop the ruler
You: alright youre getting better at this,i say
You: but come on i know youve got more in you than that
You: make me love your dick so much i dont want it escaping the walls of my pussy
Stranger: get it deeper and faster and harder with each thrust. The tightness of your pussy feels sooo good
You: i feel my pussy begin to curl around your cock,almost as if its trying to keep it from leaving
You: i have to bite my lip to keep from yelling out your name
You: but a little moan escapes
Stranger: Oh yea mommy you like that?
You: j like it but make me LOVE it
You: make me scream out your name with each thrust
Stranger: go even harder in and out itss sooo deep in that pussy. rub your clit at the same time
You: i feel like it go so deep in my pussy that i dont think itll ever come out
You: the rubbing combined with the penetration is too much for me
You: i feel my legs begin to shake more and more Yo begin moaning louder and louder
You: i scream out your name a couple of times
Stranger: Yessss mommy yesss
You: i cum all over your dick,giving it a little reward for making me feel so good
Stranger: Ohhhh yea mommy
You: oh come on you havent came yet?, i ask
Stranger: Nope mommy i havent
You: well looks like well have to use the last place,i say
Stranger: What place is that mommy?
You: i remove my shirt and expose my breasts
You: this place
You: i thought for sure my special place would make you cum but i guess not
You: i grab your cock and i feel it twitch again Yo move it towards my breasts and i make it rub my nipples
You: i feel my nipples harden,along with your cock
Stranger: Ohhhh my godddddd
You: i grab your cock and put it between my breasts
You: do you think you can handle this?,i ask | fba8203c59047a5c | Horny | 20190206164602 |
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: Uhhh
You: bot check
Stranger: Ohhh
You: passed
You: foolproof way of bot checking
Stranger: What would happen if a boy comes up
You: what
Stranger: Bot*
You: they will ignore
Stranger: Ohhh smart
You: because theyre stupid
Stranger: So true
Stranger: Man youre smart
You: and there is a advanced bot
You: that says haha ray logic something
Stranger: How do you know so much bout the bots?
You: and after that they spam you with their list of
You: rude sentences
Stranger: Oh
You: and one of them is o6e3bana in russian it means monkey
You: clearly the creator used google translate
Stranger: Okay get the point buddy
You: i know so much because i encountered them a lot
Stranger: You on this non stop
You: the ray logic bot is rare
Stranger: What you after?
You: just talk
Stranger: Talk?
You: yes
Stranger: Finally a normal person
You: yes
You: im not indian
Stranger: Thank you
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: No scams
You: btw do you play happy wheels?
Stranger: Used to
You: why did you quit?
Stranger: Too easy
Stranger: d bet all the levels
Stranger: Aye man have to go, good luck on the bots
You: bye
Stranger: Peace | fbaeb2e646043179 | 20200606104114 |
You: Teen Johnlock. Please dont respond if you dont continue outside of omegle. We can continue via something else right away. John was a good boy, he really was. He didnt wear jeans for school, his shirts were always ironed and neat, he always did his homework and he didnt get in trouble. To everyone at school Sherlock must look like something completely opposite. A bad guy in a leather jacket on a fast motorbike with cigarettes and condoms in his pockets and endless both guys and girls attention. John had their attention too. He was a captain of the school football team, he had a muscular body with a light tan from all the trainings outside, and a nice personality. But things arent always exactly the way they seem to be. Sherlock was extremely interesting. John could listen to him talking about literally anything for hours. Japanese swords, airplanes, Italian art of the seventeenth century, chemical experiments - any subject was becoming Johns favorite one once Sherlock mentioned it. He was also a great kisser. Not like John had anyone to compare with, but Sherlock did teach him how to kiss. He wanted to teach him how to do other things, but there was a rule for now. Hands above the waist, Sherlock and a growl in response. But Sherlock always respected him and that only made John fall for him more. Deeper. Faster. There were plenty of things that shouldve stopped John from getting involved, warning signs were everywhere. None of them worked. Maybe he wasnt that good after all. saw you with Irene today. John said between kisses, making out with Sherlock in his own bed. His parents and Harry were away for the rest of the week, but the door to Johns room was closed anyway. I dont like her. He added, pulling back and looking into Sherlocks eyes. John knew that Sherlock slept with her in the past, more than once. Of course he was jealous. He tried to look indifferent, but nothing could be hidden from Holmes eye.
Stranger: Sherlock didnt like boring. Dull classes, dull people, empty conversations; he got bored of them terribly fast. John was all that. Well, on the outside, that is. Crisp shirts, tailored trousers, hair styled and the sorts. Sherlock, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He always had to have something to occupy his mind, thus his interest in motorbikes. They were polar opposites, and yet, Sherlock found himself drawn to good boy Watson who was, in every way, the sort of person Sherlock wouldnt spare a second glance. The way he hung on to every word Sherlock said was endearing, and it made Sherlock want to impress him more. Shes just a friend now, John. Sherlock assured, dragging his fingers through Johns styled hair, messing up the strands. Sure, he had slept with her in the past on more than one occasion, but that was all news. Besides, Ive found someone much more interesting now. The dark-haired male murmured, pinning John with a knowing look, before he dipped in for another heated kiss. In between kisses, he added in, Are you perhaps jealous?
You: ( have a pretty bad connection, would you mind if we continued via something else right away?)
Stranger: (Sure, you can drop me an e-mail
You: (Sent you the log, did you get it?)
Stranger: (Yup, got it!)
You: (Oh, and my messages sometimes go to spam folder, sorry about it!)
Stranger: (Dont worry bout it!)
You: (Could you reply to my message there? And Ill send my reply asap!)
Stranger: (Sure!) | fbb07f66944a350d | johnlock, Sherlock | 20190402105639 |
Stranger: f dom
You: Hi
You: 1m f
Stranger: age
You: 17
Stranger: Im 18
Stranger: Dom or sub
You: Nice
You: Eh doesnt matter
Stranger: mh
Stranger: wanna be my sub?
You: Sure thats a weird request but alright
Stranger: good girl
Stranger: whats your snap
You: nosnap
Stranger: are you serious
You: Yeah
Stranger: cant find | fbb3be05ad6e397e | lesbians | 20210408135422 |
Stranger: hii
You: Hello
You: Girl or Guy
Stranger: girl
Stranger: you??
You: How old Boy
Stranger: 14
You: Damn it Im 10 goodbye
Stranger: 10
You: Yea
Stranger: haha
Stranger: whattttt | fbb657e82568465f | Nederlands | 20201211162047 |
You: Hi
Stranger: hey
You: Shoot me your hot takes
Stranger: deport nigs
You: Very hot indeed
You: Is this what happens when your wife cheats on you with a big black guy?
Stranger: ?
You: Why are you obsessed with interracial porn?
Stranger: are you talking to yourself
You: Talking to you nazi
Stranger: you were the one who mentioned interracial porn
You: But know you guts are the highest consumers
You: guys*
You: Why are you so afraid of black people?
Stranger: i would think that the person who brings up interracial porn for no reason would more likely be obsessed with it than some unspecified statistic of people
You: White supremacists/nazis talk a lot of shit about black people yet they are the ones who overwhelmingly watch interracial porn
You: Why is that?
You: Do you guys like to cry after you cum or something?
Stranger: common sense
You: Its like youre reliving the traumatic experience of when your wife or girlfriend (sister maybe?) cheated on you with a hung black dude
You: Why put yourself through that?
You: Why not just go to therapy?
Stranger: it might not be easy for people like that to reach out to others for help
You: can see that
You: The world is not so amicable to you guys nowadays
Stranger: i meant porn addicted people
You: dont think its just the porn tho
You: The irrational hatred for an entire race is also something to contend with
You: Imagine living like that
Stranger: i dont think its irrational to be racist
You: You stub your toe and you say curse the jews for crafting this sturdy table
You: How is it not?
Stranger: races are objectively different and therefore superior/inferior to one another
You: Source?
Stranger: crime rates by race
You: You mean 13/50?
Stranger: ya
You: Of course lol
You: Why do you think blacks commit more crimes on average?
Stranger: theyre by nature violent and uncivilized
You: Show me a peer reviewed study that supports that statement
Stranger: dont have one
You: Ofc you dont
You: You why?
You: Because there arent any
You: You know why? Yor ecause its a false belief Yo s purely emotional from your end Yo hich is why racism is irrat
You: Irrational
Stranger: its not emotional
You: Then why do you think black people are inherently violent and uncivilized?
Stranger: their behavior
You: Ok?
You: White people has killed way more people historically than any other race.
You: Are they inherently violent and uncivilized as well?
Stranger: can you prove that
You: Sure, the cumulative numbers of the holocaust, Stalins purge, and colonialism by the Europeans far exceed any other killings from other races
Stranger: where are you getting your statistics for killings by race
You: The fact that the people behind those events were overwhelmingly white
Stranger: thats not a place to get statistics from
You: Wdym?
Stranger: what dont you understand
You: Do you deny that events such as the holocaust were done by white people?
Stranger: do you know why
Stranger: because there isnt any
Stranger: you know why
Stranger: because its a false belief
Stranger: its purely emotional from your end
Stranger: thats why anti white racism is irrational
You: Its false to believe that the holocaust was done by white people?
Stranger: did i say that
You: Seems like it
Stranger: quote me
You: Do you believe that the holocaust was done by white people, yes or no?
Stranger: your inability to quote me is telling
You: So is your inability to answer the question
You: You cant have a conversation like this in good faith because you know your arguments are all based on your fear and hatred for black people
Stranger: pretend i just copied and pasted what you said and replaced that with white people
You: dont fear nor hate white people tho
You: Nor am a racist
Stranger: and yet you perpetuate a false claim that white people are the race that kills the most
Stranger: curious
You: Because thats literally a fact lol
Stranger: its not if you cant prove it
You: have a feeling you wouldnt actually care either way since your reasoning is emotional rather based on any reliable data
You: But can Google it for you real quick
Stranger: maybe you should google it for yourself
Stranger: preferably before you make the claim
You: You havent provided any sources to back up your claim either loo
You: rate-of-deaths-in-genocides-1900-2008- pinkerO.pnG
You: Copy and paste that
Stranger: thats an unsourced chart of only genocides
You: Source: genocides
You: Get gud nazi
Stranger: thats a sourced chart of only genocides
You: Feels over reals as always
You: You got nothing but your sensitive fee fees
You: Grow up and hate less | fbb90d8035e4e41f | politics | 20220119004448 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: how are you
You: good
You: where are you from?
Stranger: germany
Stranger: and you?
You: cool american here
Stranger: cool
You: so how are you
Stranger: i am great thanks
You: so the interest put down was religion
You: what religion related stuff do you want to talk about?
Stranger: do you believe in any religion?
You: im not sure i certainly used to
You: now im more agnostic but with a definite respect for what the religion has meant to my family historically
You: what about you?
Stranger: interesting
Stranger: i am just learning about different religions at the moment
You: its weird because im pretty sure that i still believe in God, even if i know that theres not much rationality to it. Just not as much in the religious interpretation i grew up with
You: which ones interest you in particular?
Stranger: have you heard of psychedelics such as dmt and ayahuasca?
You: ive heard of psychedelis like Isd but not those
Stranger: there are many videos on youtube where people explain their personal experiences with dmt
Stranger: they say how they were atheists and after doing dmt started to believe in a higher power
Stranger: its very interesting
You: the first religious system i heard was animism it lasted for thousands of years
You: what proof do they have that the drugs is what induced it?
Stranger: well thing is that almost every person that does it has a more or less same experience
You: i thought that it developed with the culture and geographic origins of the people who believe whatever, and drugs just helped push it along, like today with how seizures correspond to religious visions
You: whats the experience ive never taken drugs before
Stranger: i havent eirh
Stranger: i havent either but from what they explain is that they go through this tunnel and meet angels and god
Stranger: it only lasts for about 10 minutes
You: oh ok ive heard of that also but what about polytheistic religions those were mainstream for a long time
Stranger: like hinduism and buddhism?
You: is that how they first interpreted it? and when monotheism became the most common it changed to one god and many angels?
Stranger: interesting point
You: yeah and also traditional native american and african beliefs those were very varied
You: j know that theres hookah in the middle east and north africa and drugs in aztec rituals i dont know about others
Stranger: i have only a basic knowledge about ebrahamic religions
Stranger: what do you think about islam?
You: Not much one way or another, know that its getting a bunch of negative attention one one hand for the attacks in europe 2 years ago but also harrasment here in the U.S. from evangelical fears but at the same time ive seen online some acting exactly as people complain about
You: so pretty much like the eastern version of christianity dangerous when institutionalized as an absolute, but fine for individual choice to practice
Stranger: exactly, i have many muslim friends and almost all of them are perfectly normal people
Stranger: but there are some crazy guys amongst them
Stranger: some of them get very emotional when debating
You: yeah theres good and bad in every group but it only gets more attention for the large population size i think
You: emotional how?
Stranger: well they find it difficult sometimes to take criticism
Stranger: problem is that they even take the hadeeth as word of god and think that every hadeeth in bukhari needs to be defended
Stranger: and to do that, they have to do a lot of mental gymnastics
You: true although i can see why its hard because many people take it personally when having central beliefs questioned
You: yeah Ive heard that in a bunch of interviews that because its the literal word of God, it can never be questioned
Stranger: i am sorry but i need to go now
Stranger: it was nice talking to you | fbc20e2786699088 | religion | 20170812042155 |
Stranger: Helloo
You: hiii
Stranger: Whos your main?
You: xiao !
Stranger: Oo
Stranger: Whats your ring size?
Stranger: /j Strange hm
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: Ty ty
Stranger: You can guess my main-
Stranger: Is it a bit obvious Strange Te
Stranger: idk Your is it venti..... or im just stupid...
Stranger: Youre actually
Stranger: partly correct
Stranger: Well you are
You: so only half stupid ok
Stranger: Pft
Stranger: Im a Zhongli/Venti/Childe main
You: aah i see the entire family
Stranger: Yes yes
Stranger: So
Stranger: Im kinda homeless
Stranger: unless decide to live in the bank
You: damn im homeless too i main xiao and kazuha
Stranger: Will you be the Xiao to my Venti
Stranger: /j
Stranger: Anemo boys
You: so true
You: anemo suppremacy
Stranger: Yes yes
Stranger: Am being too weird? /3
You: im enjoying this dw
Stranger: Ah
Stranger: Since youre enjoying this
You: i dont know my own ring size but you can speculate ig /3
Stranger: Your hand gotta be on mine if you want me to speculate
You: oh absolutely
Stranger: Alright then
Stranger: plan on getting a ring for the finger between your pinkie and middle one
Stranger: does that sound okay?
You: omg yes it does 3
Stranger: Ah okok
Stranger: We should celebrate this occassion3
You: true we should, but how?
Stranger: It should be big
Stranger: Hm.
You: hmm
Stranger: How would you like it?
Stranger: We should be in white
You: that sounds just right i like that
Stranger: Any pronouns you go by?
You: i go by all pronouns but my most used are she/her
Stranger: Dont worry about the price tag of the outfit youre picking btw 3
Stranger: go by he/they
Stranger: Any others are fine too
You: ah great, ill remember that
Stranger: It should be a fancy day
You: that sounds perfect
Stranger: Dont just listen to me planning it fou should join too?
Stranger: Dont make yourself feel left out
You: ah, im not really good with ideas tho, and i enjoy listening to you anyway
Stranger: Its our day anyways
Stranger: Plan it any way that will satisfy you, dear.
You: right, ill think it trough too then
You: should we have some golden decoration too? it fits well with white
You: makes it fancier
Stranger: Oh yes
Stranger: Itll match us and the room perfectly
You: absolutely, and some flowers would work too
Stranger: True
Stranger: True
Stranger: Would you like your veil to be long?
Stranger: You would look divine in anything anyways
You: yes, the feeling of you lifting it up to see my face would be amazing
Stranger: Our lips connecting is the best part
You: totally, im looking forward to that
You: what would be the fanciest kind of cake?
You: red velvet maybe? | fbc31d6ebaab0855 | genshin, genshin impact | 20211023131123 |
Stranger: Hii
You: Hey
Stranger: M19
You: Have you ever taken drugs
Stranger: No
Stranger: U
You: No
Stranger: From
You: Indonesia
Stranger: Why did u ask if have taken drugs
You: Most people take
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: But think it is not good for long time
You: Ya
Stranger: M or F
You: F
Stranger: How is your day going
You: Great,i am reading book the dark net
Stranger: Ok sounds interesting
You: Do you know about silk road
Stranger: Ni Strange
Stranger: du
Stranger: Dont
You: Hacking, bitcoin and drugs
Stranger: Ok so that why u asked me about drugs
You: Ya
You: Book anarchy is very dark about hacking
Stranger: think its more than just drugs and bitcoin
You: Much more
Stranger: So how is the book ur reading
You: am just absorbed in it
You: Taking me in different world
Stranger: Yea think its like drugs tou
Stranger: Taking to different world
Stranger: Giving adrenal rush kind of thing
You: Revealing secret behind cyber world
Stranger: Oo..
You: Do u watch porn
Stranger: Yea
You: How much
Stranger: Between 2-3 times in week
Stranger: But why may ask
You: Do you want to continue or leave
Stranger: Porn in want to leave it
You: dont understand this
Stranger: Are u talking about my addiction to porn?
You: Ya
Stranger: Yes, i dont want to watch porn
Stranger: want to leave
You: How will be leave
Stranger: dont maybe i will find some alternative
Stranger: Like hobby or sports
Stranger: To keep me busy
You: was also addicted but left long ago can tell about how i have left
Stranger: Ok tell me
You: Tell me your age
Stranger: 19
Stranger: Ur age?
You: 16
You: Every thing what i will tell is real
Stranger: Ok
You: Two year ago i started watching porn whole day but one thing was always in mind this is wrong i wanted to get out of but i dont have any support from outside
You: started talking to my cousin brother about this but after someday even he didnt want to listen toe
You: was going in depression thinking of doing sucide
You: But at same time i was consuming good content on internet
You: didnt left it in one day to understand my body and mind it took 9 months
You: started doing meditation and thinking what do want to do in life
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Good step for ur life
You: At the end i get in contact with j Krishnamurthy video who talk about this society
You: From there everything has changed
Stranger: Yea thats really inspiring to me
Stranger: We think porn addiction is not that bad
You: One thing never tell in your mind this is bad
Stranger: Ok
You: Best things is to write all your thoughts on paper
You: This is what did for 9 months
Stranger: Can ask u when did u start watching porn
Stranger: Like age?
You: In 9th grade
Stranger: Ok
You: You can understand state of mind at that age
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: At that time every thing feel new and different
You: Like have butterflies inside body
Stranger: Like hormes are out of control everything in boby start changing
Stranger: Yea
You: For me now porn is very boaring thing to watch
Stranger: Ok
You: Even here every one will ask do you want to fuck,
You: U are first to talk this
Stranger: Yea that the main problem here
Stranger: Thanks
Stranger: Same it is just a part of life
You: Fucking is ultimate things
You: Every one has to understand now this is business
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: dont think that is how real sex is like
You: Those who are watching getting nowhere but destroying owns life
You: You cant ask wife to fuck all time there is limit
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: And it not like Every one has big cock
Stranger: And perfect figure
Stranger: Like things
You: Nothing is free on internet
Stranger: Yea
You: Even if you will do physical,it becomes boaring after time
Stranger: dont know i have never done
You: Sex is nothing but electric impulse in brain
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: It just the play of brain
Stranger: U cum its over
Stranger: Game finish
You: hope you will leave this,
You: Bye
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Can ask u last question?
You: Ya
Stranger: Why were u thinking of doing sucid
You: Just everything was messed up within family thinking about why to live world is very bad
Stranger: Ok
You: But i was fired up within myself i have to do something in life i was bookish girl in school
Stranger: When u where watching porn have u ever had
Stranger: Earg to have sex
You: No physically but masturbating during sleep
Stranger: Urge*
Stranger: Ok
You: Same video play during sleep
Stranger: But have u ever had sex
You: No
Stranger: Ol Strange kK
Stranger: Because there are many girls i have seen like 16-18 year old
Stranger: They will have sex but regrid it after words
Stranger: Thats why asked you
You: was searching Yo jeaningless of life
You: Reading religious and philosophy text book
Stranger: Ok ur very mature for ur age
Stranger: Because at that age started masterbation
Stranger: was not aware of side effects of it
You: read some spritual book that blew up my mind
You: They had talk about everything sex things
Stranger: Yea
Stranger: Dont know if u know but there is the book
Stranger: Called Kamasutra u should give it a try
You: Ok
Stranger: People think it book about sex and position
Stranger: But its more about emotions
Stranger: That the Book teaches us
You: think talking to me has helped you a lot
You: love helping other people
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: There should be more people like u
You: Of course
You: Can we leave
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Bye
You: Bye | fbc5ec0f849b860a | 20220823084251 |
You: any girls here that r real
Stranger: Yeah
You: age
Stranger: 16 im from chicago
You: no way
You: finally
You: where u from
Stranger: Sweet
Stranger: Canada
You: this might be a weird question but u wanna have a kinky convo
Stranger: Like what
You: its a bet with my buddies.
You: idk whatever u want
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: Will
You: describe urself and go from there and ill describe myself im male :6 pack
You: big dick
You: wbu
Stranger: Female 16 54 big boobs (DD)
You: what would u do to my big cock
You: what race ru
You: im white
Stranger: Same
You: what would u do to my big cock
Stranger: Id suck you hard and then ride you and let you cum on my boobs
You: come on over
Stranger: O
You: id motorboat u and then titifuck u until i come all over ur face
You: where in canada ru from
Stranger: Saskatchewan
Stranger: Finger me
You: type stuff to make me cum
You: ill fist u even better
Stranger: Youre making me wet
You: well im hard
You: make me cum and ill make u cum
Stranger: Lets cum at the same time
You: ok lets start tslking
You: talking
You: id finger u until u quiver and then anally pound u until u cant handle it anymore
You: urtum
Stranger: Ill moan your name as you fuck me and then blow you until you cum everywhere
You: what is ur name?
Stranger: Carsen
You: my name is john
Stranger: Mmmm
You:i would scream ur name as u ride me harder and harder
Stranger: Yes baby keep going
Stranger: So wet
You:ru soaking yet
Stranger: Mm ya
You: 69 me
You: licking ur pussy
Stranger: Oh yeah
You: doggy style ur ass and grab ur titties until u scream
Stranger: Pull my hair
You: do the splits on my cock
You: and let me go to town on it | fbc92213a31ec2ba | 20170301054353 |
You: how important is the opinion of your parents to your relationship?
Stranger: not that much
Stranger: why?
You: why
You: ij want some answer
You: please hyyyy
You: whyy
Stranger: dont know why should it matter
You: i need your opinion
You: yeaahhhhh why not?
Stranger: A relationship involves the two of you
Stranger: Everything outside
Stranger: Is just noise
Stranger: Even if its your parents
You: i dont know bakit mula sa lola ko hanggang sa akin mismo, palaging hindi sang ayon ang magulang
You: kaya nasisira eh
Stranger: edi makipag away ka
Stranger: Ulit ulit lang naman yan
Stranger: At the end of the day it is what it is
Stranger: Itll work if its meant to work
You: tapos mapupunta sa hiwalayan kase nagsawa ganon hays
You: bakit kase kelangan pa no Yo may
You: thanks so much...
Stranger: truuu
Stranger: baka di talaga sya meant to work
Stranger: iwan mo nalang pamilya mo chz
You: gusto ko lang patunayan namin na totoo kami | fbcb7c3eae183586 | quezon city, qc | 20220722014309 |
You: Heyyy
You: M17 Twt: lacson_mendoza Snap: lacson0704
Stranger: heyy
You: Heyy
You: What u doin?
You: Where county u came from?
Stranger: Im bored :
Stranger: You?
You: Me too!
Stranger: Girl or guy??
You: Guy
Stranger: ohhh
You: Yeah
You: UMm
Stranger: where are u from??
You: U??
Stranger: yea?
You: Philippines
You: U girl or boy?
Stranger: Same HAHAHA, but im a girl
You: Oww that insteresting
You: From lipa batangas
You: U??
Stranger: should i look for you in the internet?
You: Yeah
Stranger: manila here
You: M17 Twt: lacson_mendoza Snap: lacson0704
You: Contact me there!
Stranger: OKIll, see ya
You: See ya!
Stranger: bye byee :
You: Bye
You: U like bl??
Stranger: yea yea
You: Yeah
You: Cool Stranger.
You: Nc
You: Okiii
Stranger: See yaaa | fbd2322797e0cc7b | bl | 20210411131636 |
Stranger: hola bitch
You: u guys are wild lol
Stranger: wwtf
You: u got good dance moves?
Stranger: im am 12:)
You: how old co i look? | fbdf3b4836e0b918 | 20170810075104 |
You: (Hi!)
Stranger: ((Hi there! was hoping to see you around :) ))
You: (Same! Want to continue? saved the log, so Ill dig that out, but think it was my turn)
Stranger: ((It was your turn. have the log here :) ))
You: (Thanks!)
You: Sherlock watched her curiously. She didnt seem to be joking, but then again she didnt exactly know him. Clearly his reputation hadnt preceded him in this case, which he found himself oddly thankful for. Well, if you really want to know how to talk to them... he said, but tailed off. He smirked a little at her comment. If by competent you mean able to stay ona broom them sometimes. In terms of efficient flying, however, theyre too busy showing off and flailing around to actually be good at it. He hesitated. I... would be amenable to that, he said, fully expecting her to forget about it before she actually made good on the promise.
Stranger: ((Short moment, my dog wants out))
You: (No problem)
Stranger: What then? Jane cocked her head a little when he didnt finish the sentence. She knew that she should get moving already. They did have that match against Slytherin this upcoming Friday and Lestrade had been very clear that she needed to bring her a game for it to go well. They had been have little tiffs with the other team. Not that Jane fully comprehended what the big whoop was about it all, but hey other than the fact that their houses were rivals. But hey, even in her old school she had enjoyed a little bit of rivalry with other schools when it came to sports. She let out a short laugh, trying not to humour Sherlock. Ah, youre not a Gryffindor fan then. Shame, was hoping to see you on our side next match, she teased but nodded her head. Alright.. How about after practice? Ill probably need a bath first. But we can meet down in the Tapestry Corridor and you could show me a few tricks about talking to portraits before we go, she offered, cocking her head a bit. Unless youre too busy mapping out the movements of the castle?
You: Sherlock wasnt entirely sure how to react. He wasnt used to being in this position, where someone wanted to spend time with him. Then... perhaps could teach you. Theres a knack to it sometimes, depending on when the portrait was painted and who the subject was. Not many people talked to the portraits and some of them were simply desperate for conversation. and perhaps the Gryffindor was just offering out of obligation. Well, probably shouldnt. He smirked. You are playing my house, after all. Not that Sherlock paid much attention to inter-house dynamics. He disliked most people and most people disliked him. And he didnt much enjoy Quidditch either. But could be persuaded. He chewed his lip, then nodded. Yes. Yes, Ill meet you there.
Stranger: Really? You mean dialects and all that? Jane was genuinely intrigued by how this worked. She had talked to the Fat Lady more than she wanted to really admit. She was pompous and attention starved, but Jane didnt exactly mind her too much. Only when she refused to let people through to the common room. She hoped that Sherlock would teach her, really. It would be fun and she bet there were plenty of things she could learn from the portraits. Then she finally realised why she hadnt seen Sherlock around that often. Youre a Slytherin? She almost laughed at that fact. She hadnt talked to a lot of them. But she had always been told to stay away from them considering she was a muggle born. But Sherlock seemed alright. She smiled when he didnt seem entirely against the idea, though. Thats great. Ill look for you in the Slytherin crowd then, she said and glanced out at the field where the rest of the team were most likely warming up. I should be done in an hour or so. Ill take about half an hour to clean up all the dirt and muck but Ill see you there in an hour an a half, then, she told him and turned to run to the field. Thank you, Sherlock, she called back over her shoulder.
You: Dialects, personalities, archaic language... Theres a monk on the fourth floor who will only communicate through plainsong. He smiled down at her, taken aback a little by her eagerness. it was... oddly endearing. !ama Slytherin, he said, Although dont expect the Slytherin team to perform particularly well and dont have any intention of immersing myself in that crowd during the match. Some of his house made terrible supporters, if the post-match parties were anything to go by. But might watch from somewhere. He paused by the entrance out into the grounds. It constantly amazes me how Quidditch players get so muddy when theyre supposed to spend the whole time airborne, he said, but the corner of his mouth twitched up and there was a teasing tone in his voice. Yes, will see you there. He watched Jane go and tried to process what precisely had just happened. Not only had someone been keen to spend time with him and be taught by him, but had abandoned his work to show her to the pitch. A Quidditch player, no less. Sherlock waited a few minutes, then walked out towards the pitch, looping around the stands so that he could find somewhere to watch without being spotted,
Stranger: I cant wait to hear more about it. And plainsong? Really? You know how to do that? Jane had so many questions that she wanted answers to. But she thought she would learn more later when she was done. Hopefully Lestrade wouldnt ride her into the ground like he usually did when he got completely enmeshed in a match. Slytherin was his absolute worst enemy and he had made it known from day one. Jane had a few rivalries on the team herself. Moran had been after her since the day she joined Gryffindors team and tried knocking her out at least three times every match. Youre always welcome to join the Gryffindors. Ill lend you my scarf if you want to go incognito, she promised and shrugged at the comment about being muddy. Well, sometimes they were thrown to the ground, And if one had been down there, chances were the mud would transfer everytime they made contact. Not to mention the bludgers having a mind of their own. She could get carried away talking about that, but she had a feeling Sherlock didnt all care. Still, perhaps later. She was just happy to hear him teasing. She didnt notice as he followed her. She pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail as she walked into the pitch where Lestrade was waiting on the ground with a scowl. know. Im late. Sorry, she said with a sigh, throwing her arms out. Im here now, though. Can we just get started? Youre lucky youre good, Watson, Lestrade grumbled but waved his hand for her to get started before taking off as well.
You: Of a sort. Maybe Ill introduce you. The monk would like Jane, he was certain of that. As would the hundred witches who had their main painting just of the entrance hall. They would roam all over the castle and see nearly everything that went on, but were always incredibly reluctant to talk to him. Perhaps it Jane were with him, they would yield some useful information.. But he was getting carried away. Jane had agreed to meet him after practice, but that would probably be it. No doubt she would get sick of him before too long and things would go back to being normal by the end of the day. He chuckled at the idea of wearing a Gryffindor scarf and shrugged. Maybe will, if you promise a good match. Not that he followed Quidditch enough to know what a good match consisted of, but it seemed like the thing to say. Sherlock kept his distance behind Jane and eventually settled just behind a huge rack of school brooms to watch. They were so old and battered that a beginner wouldnt touch them, let alone the house teams. He peered through the brushes as one by one the Gryffindors took off, zooming across the pitch and showing off.
Stranger: A good match. Jane was definitely going to give him that. She simply smirked and nodded her head - after all, she didnt just play for fun. She actually wanted to win, which meant she never did any trick loops or anything just for the hell of it. Once Greg had taken off, Jane took a little extra time to flex her fingers and stretching before putting on her goggles she got on her Firebolt. It was second hand. When she had shown promise as a flyer in her first year, Lestrade her taken her aside to test her out. Once it had become clear she could be useful, Anderson had let her borrow his Firebolt and it had ended up becoming hers since he didnt care much for flying anyways. It had since become her most priced possession. She kicked off the ground and zoomed around the pitch, picking up speed and weaving in and out amongst her teammates. For a while, she forgot about Sherlock and their agreement to meet up. All that mattered was her broomstick, the wind and the snitch that Lestrade had released for her to find and catch. She kept a sharp eye out until she spotted it gleaming near the ground and she dived down nose first. She came dangerously close to crashing - but that was when she felt most alive, so a laugh escaped her as she straightened up and she set after the snitch again, never losing sight of it. She needed to make sure she caught it quickly to make sure Lestrade would forgive her tardiness. That didnt mean she couldnt have fun though. It took her another five minutes of toying with the snitch - it wasnt as if she had anybody to worry about. But once she had it. She landed safely on the ground and pressed her forehead to it, panting softly before she secured it in the container.
You: As the rest of the team warmed up in the air, Sherlocks eyes were fixed on Jane. She didnt seem in any particular rush, but when she finally kicked off the she almost blurred. She was ducking and weaving in between the other flyers with immaculate precision. Sherlock wasnt all that familiar with the rules of the game, but he spotted a tiny, glinting ball near the base of one of the stands. He watched, horrified as Jane wheeled her broom around and shot straight for it, aiming straight for the ground and accelerating by the second. She was going to crash, Sherlock was certain of it. She was going to hit the ground at speed and Sherlocks heart was pounding and he wanted to cry out and warn her, but he found he couldnt make a sound, At the very last moment Jane pulled out of the dive and let out a laugh. Sherlock collapsed back, still trembling and panting a little. His pulse was still racing. It didnt slow as Jane continued to dart back and forth across the pitch, cornering sharply and chasing the gold ball, each time stopping just short of catching it. All Sherlock could do was crouch in his hiding spot and watch her with something close to awe. He had never seen anything like the display in front of him. Jane landed gracefully, flushed and exhilarated and Sherlock shrank back into the shadows. She looked... dazzling.
Stranger: It took Jane another minute before she had managed to catch her breath and she allowed herself to drop down on the floor, laying flat on her back as she watched her teammates up in the air. Her broomstick was still clasped in her hand as if she was afraid it would take off without her again. Greg, she called out once she had caught her breath again and the captain came down to hover above her. Is it alright if leave early, she asked, propping herself up on her elbows. You were late, Greg pointed out with a sigh. Yeah, not gonna deny that. But already caught the snitch. Couldve done it three times, but figured youd want me to stay anyways. she pointed out with a lopsided smile. Look. Ive got a date. really need to be clean before go meet him. Greg blinked as he looked her over, unsure what to make of this. Do know him? Dont know. Maybe. But please with sugar on top? She gave him her best puppy eyes and earned a grumbled groan before he waved her off. Thanks Greg! She gathered herself up and pulled her hair down, running her fingers through the now very tangled mess as she trotted back to the castle. She would have to find a better way to keep her hair before the match.
You: Jane flopped onto her back, visibly panting and Sherlock bit his lip. Perhaps all of the disparaging comments he had made about Quidditch in the past were misplaced. His brother was a fan of the sport, although he did his best to hide it, and one summer when Sherlock was seven he had caught him flying and pretending to be a star Chaser in the fields behind their house. Sherlock had teased Mycroft relentlessly for that and made it clear how stupid he thought the sport was and, until now, nothing had challenged that. The team captain landed and Sherlock was almost close enough to hear what they were saying. Leaning against the broom rack he cast a simple amplifying charm to make out the words. For a moment, he wasnt sure that it had worked. A... date? Was that what Jane had assumed their meeting was, or had she just said that to get out of practice early? Or worse, was she meeting someone else instead? Sherlock bit his lip. He forced himself to wait until Jane was out of sight before pelting back to the castle and hurrying to the dungeons. Once he was back in his dormitory he stared into the mirror, desperately trying to tame his wild bird nest of hair and contemplating whether to try a bit of the aftershave Mummy had given him for Christmas, currently buried deep in his trunk.
Stranger: Jane had barely noticed that she had called the catch up with the tall, dark and handsome Slytherin a date. She had kicked herself mentally as she walked back to the castle, it wasnt as if that had been what they had agreed on. It was just a thank you for making her not too horribly late. Although she actually would love for it to not be a one time thing. And perhaps something more. She liked the thought of that. She was grateful that The Fat Lady didnt put up a fight when she reached the dormitory, although she did make comments about girls getting all dirtied up by playing Quidditch. In her days it had been a mans sport. It hadnt been the first time she had had that thrown at her, but Jane honestly didnt care. She was happy that she could play with the boys on equal terms. Since she had a little longer than she had planned, she took extra time getting ready. She washed off the sweat and dust that she had collected when she had been whipping around the pitch like a woman possessed and used some of the honey body wash that her sister had sent her from back home. Sometimes Harry was a life saver. Her hair wouldnt have time to really dry and she wasnt yet used to using spells for simple tasks. Besides, it wasnt too cold outside, so she put her hair in a low bun and dressed up in simple jeans and a jumper before she headed down to the Tapestry Corridor again, wrapping her robe around herself for warmth. She didt care to put on make up, wasnt a fan of that in general anyways. Once she reached the corridor, she watched the portraits moving about, wondering if Sherlock was friends with all of them. She wouldnt be surprised. She had found him incredibly charming once he had warmed up.
You: Sherlock sniffed the aftershave bottle and winced. No. Absolutely not. It went straight back into the corner of the trunk. But what did one do ona date? Sherlock was reasonably certain that walking around the castle talking to portraits didnt qualify, but until Janes comment he hadnt anticipated doing anything else. It wasnt as though there was anyone could ask. his housemates were unlikely to talk to him, unless it was to poke fun, so were unlikely to offer useful advice, and Mycroft would be useless too. Nevertheless, the idea that this was a date was appealing in a way that Sherlock hadnt expected and he certainly wouldnt object to Jane seeing it that way. He grumbled under his breath about the distracting effects of puberty. Straightening his tie, Sherlock left the common room and took the first flight of moving stairs to talk to an Italian wizard in a plumed hat and green cloak who lived in a heavy gilt frame. The man was from the seventeenth century, but had been renowned for his charm when he had been alive. He liked to claim that he had wooed a queen, which Sherlock didnt entirely believe. Sherlock spent a few minutes in front of the frame, talking in a hushed voice and blushing furiously at the flamboyant gestures and rather lewd comments he received in return. When Sherlock showed up in the Tapestry Corridor, his hair was swept back and threatening to escape and he was clutching asmall sprig of violets he had conjured. He felt like an idiot, but when he spotted Jane the image of her pulling out of that dive came back and his heart started thumping at the memory. Erm... hello. Again. As he drew closer he caught the soft fragrance of honey.
Stranger: There had been some moving about in the paintings, Jane had noticed different witches and wizards gathering to whisper in hushed voices that she couldnt exactly make out and if she could, she wondered if she had a chance of even understanding if what Sherlock had said earlier had been true. Perhaps they were all speaking a long forgotten language that she didnt know. Her mother would probably tell her to mind her own business if she knew how curious Jane was in that moment. Her thoughts were interrupted when Sherlock showed up and she smiled brightly at the Slytherin. was starting to think you wouldnt show up, she teased and turned around to face him just as he came closer. She noticed the violets and tilted her head a bit at it. That was so sweet. Are those for me, she asked with a smile. They were the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen, surely they were magical. After that she noticed the lack of the mess of curls that Sherlock had had when they first met. Or at least she could have sworn he had curls. But then again, she hadnt talked to him for very long. The muggleborn stepped closer to the Slytherin and took out her scarf, putting it around his neck. There, so you can hide when you come to watch the match, she told him with a wink.
You: Well, he could rule out meeting another person. That smile certainly didnt suggest that she was expecting to see someone else and it was such a bright, open smile that Sherlock felt his pulse quicken even more. No one was that happy to see him, but he liked it very much. Of course was going to show up, he mumbled. His cheeks burned as she spotted the flowers and he nodded, holding them out to her. Yes, they... they are. wasnt sure which variety you would like, but... He tailed off. The Italian wizard had asked him about Janes eyes, which were a very friendly dark blue, and had suggested the violets to match. That seemed a little contrived and pathetic to explain though, now that he was here, so Sherlock just held them out to her. Yes, theyre for you. She moved closer and reached up to drape her scarf around his neck. It was quite cool in the corridor, but Sherlock found himself feeling very warm. Ill fit right in, he mumbled, giving her a smile. suppose dont have an excuse not to watch now. Youll notice if Im not there.
You: (Hi, sorry Im going to have to go fora while, but can be on later) | fbe54eb08dde1f2e | kidlock, potterlock, late-seeker-janelock, teenlock, femlock, johnlock, Sherlock | 20180627113015 |
Stranger: (18 only, please!) Corporate!AU wherein Victor is a cold and distant boss, and Yuuri is his assistant. Unbeknownst to either of them, they message one another regularly, having met online. cant tell you how much Ive been waiting to get back online! Today was tough. :(Y
You: Im sorry you had a rough day, dear. V
Stranger: Haha, before you didnt realize how nice that reply sound is. :) Y
Stranger: How was your day? Better than mine, hope? Y
You: Not quite, its been a rather exhausting one, actually. V
Stranger: Ugh. know the feeling. Y
Stranger: had to get a reservation for twelve people an hour before their lunch started, so. understand you. Y
Stranger: At least its over. :) Y
You: Yes, sounds like a stressful day. V
Stranger: What about yours? Y
You: Well, if didnt have a meeting had phone calls and paperwork, even through lunch. V
You: Im just getting off. V
Stranger: Oh no! Y
Stranger: wish could help somehow. That doesnt sound easy. Y
You: Its okay, do what need to do. V
Stranger: Still. At least we can both complain on here? Y
You: suppose that is a good point, but Im alright. dont want to just vent on you. V
You: And this is my job, Im used to it. V
Stranger: Well, do it too. If it helps. Y
You: You can if youd like. V Yo m okay, though. V
Stranger: wish could handle stress as well as you do. Y
Stranger: Its kind of inspiring, in a way. Y
You: No, you handle things well already, dear. V
Stranger: like it when you call me that, by the way. Dear. Y
You: Yeah? thought Id try it, its sweet. Like you. V
Stranger: Youre making me blush! Y
Stranger: mean. Its hard not to, talking to you. Y
You: wish it could see it, bet its lovely. V
Stranger: Its hard to see under the dark circles. Y
You: Oh hush, Im sure theyre hardly noticeable. Vv
You: But you do need to rest more. V
Stranger: Mm, my roommate was just-- know do. Y
Stranger: But just this once Im blaming Phichit. Y
You: For what? What did he do? V
Stranger: He just-- hes still getting his PhD, so hes not really used to being an adult yet. Y And he had some of his classmates over last night for drinks. Until one. :(Y
You: Im sorry, dear. Did you ask him to be more quiet? V
Stranger: kicked them out, eventually. Y But Phis making dinner tonight as an apology, so its all alright. Y
Stranger: Delayed What do you do when youre done with work? Y kind of like to imagine you cuddled up with something soft? Its just-- kind of how see you. Y
You: You see me that way? V Thats exactly what I do, curl up with my dog Makka. V
Stranger: Of course do. Youre just so-- cute. Y
You: Cute?? V
You: Well thank you, dear. V
Stranger: You are! Y
Stranger: Or-- handsome, if you prefer that. Y
You: Whatever you call me Ill enjoy. V
Stranger: Whats Makka like? Y
Stranger: Ive wanted a dog for ages, haha. Y
You: Shes a big poodle, and shes so so sweet. All she wants to do is cuddle. She loves walks and playing in the water, too. V
Stranger: Oh my god! love poodles! Y
Stranger: used to have one! T
Stranger: *Y
You: You did? Thats so cute! love them. V
Stranger: did! He was the sweetest pup, loved him so much. Y Hed always try and chew up my skates, when was younger. Y
Stranger: , um, liked to skate, as a kid. Y
You: You did? did as welll! V
Stranger: No way! Y
You: competed for a short while actually, but had to work at the company instead. V
Stranger: Youre kidding. Where did you compete? Y
You: actually got gold at the gpf once. V
You: Hello? V
Stranger: ((Hey! didnt get a response.))
You: actually got gold at the gpf once. V
You: (Did you get that?)
Stranger: ((I did!))
Stranger: Wait. /The/ Grand Prix? Y
You: ..yeah, those. was young, though. And after that was told needed to work for the company instead. V
Stranger: The Grand Prix with the best athletes in the world? Y
You: ..yes? V
You: Sorry, know that must sound a bit ridiculous. V
Stranger: mean.
Stranger: Which year? Y
You: 2007. V
Stranger: Delayed Oh. Y
Stranger: see. Y
Stranger: Um. should get going. Y
You: ..what did say? V
Stranger: No, no, nothing. Y
You: swear Im not lying. V
Stranger: just-- need to go. Y ve got, you know. Stuff to get to. Y
You: No, this isnt like you. Somethings wrong. V
You: What did say? V
Stranger: just, um. Y
Stranger: Sorry. Maybe we should stop this. Y
You: ..what? V
Stranger: just-- this is hard to explain, but, um. Y
Stranger: This isnt a good idea. Y
You: Weve been talking forever, know you, you know me. V
Stranger: mean. Not quite. t
Stranger: *Y
Stranger: Victor, right? Y
Stranger: Nikiforov? Y
You: Yeah, knew by saying that youd know. V
You: But what does that matter? V
Stranger: Um. Well. Delayed kind of, um. Y
Stranger: Wow. Y
You: Whats wow? Youre really scaring me. V
Stranger: have a question. Y
You: Shoot. V
Stranger: Um. might have met you. In real life. Right? Y What do you think of your assistant? The quiet Japanese one? Y
You: Hes diligent, and a steady worker, reliable, if a bit clumsy occasionally. V
You: What does that matter.. oh. V
Stranger: Yeah. Y
You: No, thats not possible. V
You: Yuuri? V
Stranger: Yeah? Y
You: Im the boss you hate. V
You: have to go. V
Stranger: Im sorry. Y
You: Yeah, Im sure. V
You: Im sorry for this. V
Stranger: No, Im sorry. had no idea. Y
You: can have you relocated, your pay will be the same. V
You: With a recommendation from me most doors will open. V
Stranger: -- wait. What? Y
Stranger: cant move right now. Y
You: can find you a position in this building then. V
You: Im sorry for this. V
Stranger: mean. You didnt do anything wrong. Y
You: did though, and thats what Im dealing with. V
Stranger: mean. Not-- well, your management skills could use some brushing up, but like you. Y
You: Yuuri, you dont have to try and make me feel better, can handle this. V
Stranger: feel bad. Y
You: You dont have to. V
You: can have you switched to someone else by the end of the week, though Ill need you until then. V
Stranger: Delayed Give me a second. Y
You: What? V
Stranger: Sorry, just-- need to breathe for a minute. Y
Stranger: Delayed by five minutes Okay. Alright. Back. Y
Stranger: Sorry about that. Y
You: Yuuri, are you alright? Did you have another attack? V
Stranger: No, no, Im okay. just needed to breathe. Y
You: Its okay to not be okay. V
Stranger: just-- youre my boss. Y
Stranger: have to be okay in front of you. Y
You: Not now, this isnt work. V
Stranger: Delayed just-- thats a big change. Y
You: Knowing who am? V
Stranger: Changing offices. Y
Stranger: mean, even if Im in the same building, just-- dont know. Im sorry. Y
You: ..You dont want to change? V
Stranger: dont know! Y just-- dont want to stop talking to you. Y
Stranger: But dont want this to make things weird. Y
You: You dont want to stop talking to me?? V
Stranger: Youre so nice. Y
Stranger: look forward to it every day. Y
You: And at the same time you talk about not liking me. V
You: know you only see me in my business mode at work. And Im sorry. V
You: have to be that way. V
Stranger: just-- really like you. Like this.
You: But I cant do that at work. V
Stranger: know. do.
Stranger: Delayed Okay. So, um. Y
Stranger: Itd be someone different in the building. Y
Stranger: ((Brb!))
You: Yes, if thats what you want. V
Stranger: Its just-- now know that youre him. Y
Stranger: mean, well, youre /you./ Y
You: wish knew what that meant. V
Stranger: mean.
Stranger: just dont want work to hurt, well, this. Y
You: Id be lying if said wasnt going to miss you as my assistant. V
You: But understand. V
Stranger: Really? Y
Stranger: mean. just.
Stranger: always thought you didnt like me. Y
You: You do an excellent job. V
Stranger: Okay. Alright. Y
Stranger: Thank you, Sir. Y
You: .. V
You: Thats weird to hear on here. V
Stranger: Youre right. Sorry. Y
You: No, its okay, this is odd for both of us. V
You: (I have to go to bed but would love to continue via email.)
Stranger: ((Yes please! Can get yours? Ill send you the log!))
You: (Im at
Stranger: ((Okay! Ill send the log over to you, and then Ill head to bed myself. Thanks for the lovely RP!))
You: (Thank you, talk to you on there!)
Stranger: ((Ttyl! And good night!)) | fbe7f3a32812a542 | victuuri | 20180611210207 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hii
You: sino bias mo
Stranger: English??
You: bias
You: who is yourbias
Stranger: Liza
Stranger: Your
You: li who?
Stranger: Liza i
You: ohh
You: okay
Stranger: You are boy?
You: uhmhow long have you been a blink?
Stranger: lyr
Stranger: You
You: 2 years only
You: how old are you?
Stranger: Ok nice
Stranger: 18 you
You: oh you are a?
You: boy or girl?
Stranger: What
Stranger: Girl you
You: ohh
You: my bias is also lisa
Stranger: You are boy or girl
You: Lalisa manoban
You: boy
Stranger: Fuck off
Stranger: How old are you
You: why fuck off?
Stranger: Go fuck yourself
You: you know what respect is ?
You: oh it was obvious
Stranger: No dont
You: ofc Iknow
Stranger: You didnt know English nicely
Stranger: ask something you ans something
Stranger: Lol fuck off
You: do you speak my language fluently tho?
Stranger: Lol
You: and who tf asked
Stranger: Where are you from
You: try to guess idiot
Stranger: Now where Id your respect gone
You: you cannot even spell the name of LISA properly
Stranger: Where is your respect gone
Stranger: 😌
You: your grammar isnt that nice too tbh
Stranger: 😌
Stranger: Motherfucker
You: do you know what apostrophe is?
Stranger: 😌
You: lol
You: now what? you canonly smirk?
Stranger: 😌
You: just smirk? and curse?
Stranger: Maer bush maksufie
You: not even an insult
Stranger: 😌
Stranger: have track your IP address
You: okay
Stranger: am gonna hack your information
You: where do live?
Stranger: Wait le me ask my manager
You: all fine already lost everything
You: go ask
Stranger: Are you scared?
You: no
Stranger: You are from india
Stranger: Right isnt it Yo rong
You: ;p
You: youiidiot
Stranger: Then fuck yourself | fbf3144244207497 | Blackpink | 20210331085618 |
You: hii
Stranger: bhii
You: hru
Stranger: finee
Stranger: and u
You: im good
You: where are u from
Stranger: argentina
Stranger: whu
You: uh were close
You: im from brazil
Stranger: niceee
You: yep
Stranger: fav song?
You: at the moment, canyon moon
Stranger: you can speak spanish?
Stranger: oo nice
You: just a little
Stranger: what u can say?
You: like hola mi nombre es Giovana
Stranger: Imao jajajaj
Stranger: was nice
You: im sorry if i said something wrong
Stranger: noo
Stranger: is good
You: ow thanks
You: can u speak portuguese?
Stranger: no:(
You: oh
Stranger: Strange Strange
You: Imao mano in portuguese is like bro
Stranger: just words
You: do u want me to teach u something?
Stranger: yeess
You: what do u wanna learn? Yo ke a phrase
You: idk
Stranger: idk
Stranger: you choice
You: oh god can teach u how to say hi my name is ..... and im from .....
Stranger: yess
Stranger: please
Stranger: mi name is pilar
Stranger: my
You: ok so its gonna be like oi, meu nome pilar e eu sou de Argentina
Stranger: woww
Stranger: thankss
You: no problem
Stranger: u were nice
You: ow thank u
You: do u have twitter?
Stranger: noo:(
You: oh :((
Stranger: oi, meu nome pilar e eu sou de Argentina
Stranger: ay
Stranger: Imao
Stranger: stop
Stranger: they suspended my account
You: omg im sorry
Stranger: is okay hahahh
You: hey i gotta go :((
You: it was so nice talking to u
Stranger: samee:))
Stranger: bye girl
You: byee | fbf850ed6e1f6ad6 | harry styles, One Direction | 20201130194057 |
Stranger: im so productive i just cleaned my room
You: heyy you should listen to defenceless by Louis Tomlinson
You: ohh proud of you
Stranger: i dont think i should
You: defenceless will make you more productive
Stranger: hmmmmmdebatable
You: pls do it you wont regret it
You: its a great gay anthem
Stranger: im like in the middle of a reeeaaaally good song rn
You: defenceless also a great song
Stranger: i love my cat
You: i love defenceless
You: youll love it to
Stranger: defenceless cult
You: yes
You: do u want to be part of the cult
Stranger: im already a part of 2 cults
You: 3 is the best number
Stranger: 3 is the worst number
You: but defenceless is worth it
You: just give it a listen
Stranger: but this is like a really good song
You: what song is it
Stranger: prove it
Stranger: television
You: what
You: by who
Stranger: television
You: oh
You: ok
Stranger: Imao
You: listen to defenceless
Stranger: ok but whats your name
You: call me stef
Stranger: no i actually think im gonna call you pedro
You: thats a cool name
Stranger: s a bit close to pedo but it works well for spiders
You: y know whats also really cool? defenceless
You: am a spider
Stranger: idk you tel me
Stranger: tell
You: i have long legs
You: but have only two
Stranger: maybe youre half daddy long legs
You: maybe
You: daddy louis tomlinson
Stranger: my cat is loafin
Stranger: hes not even thaaaat hot
You: your cat will love defenceless by Louis Tomlinson
You: Louis hot
Stranger: eh
Stranger: ive seen hotter
You: who
Stranger: young damon albarn
Stranger: john taylor with red hair
You: thats a long ass name
Stranger: michael strunge
You: Gerard way with blue hair
Stranger: sid vicious
Stranger: ehhhhhh
Stranger: i like the red better
You: mhhH
You: blues better
Stranger: or just the black
Stranger: from like 2007
You: black and red
Stranger: beach blonde
You: yes
You: thats the one
Stranger: absolutely
You: you should stream defenceless
You: or youre het
Stranger: pfft
You: prove you arent het by streaming defenceless
Stranger: i dont need to prove anythin
You: just give it a listen plsplspls
Stranger: im like in the middle of another really good song though
You: you arent
Stranger: i definitely am
You: pause it and listen to defenceless
You: what song is ith#128580;
Stranger: underwear
You: thats
You: defenceless is better
Stranger: highly doubt that
You: listen to it
Stranger: sounds like a demand
You: it is
Stranger: fiesty
You: its gay promise
Stranger: wtf im bleeding
Stranger: how
You: ru ok
Stranger: i dont even feel it
You: thats what you get for not listening to DEFENCELESS
Stranger: fine ill read the lyrics
You: ILY
Stranger: how is this gay
You: it is
Stranger: how
You: search defenceless gay
You: and theres the explanation
Stranger: i cant be bothered to look into a song rm
You: the singer is pretty much gay tho so
You: mean
Stranger: its like back when i was 14 and tryin to figure out if burn bright was about gerard and frank
Stranger: im not about to go back
You: omg you were a frerardie
Stranger: shush were not talking about that
You: its fine was a gerbertie
Stranger: jesus christ
You: Im so sorry
Stranger: wtf i swear therers some bloody ghost in my room thats like scratching me
You: ghosts are cool
Stranger: not when its like
Stranger: slowly murdering me
You: thats a meanc
Stranger: i swear i just got two new scratches
You: ghost
You: its your cat
Stranger: no shes like 5 feet away
You: scary
Stranger: and ive been lookin at my hand for the longest time
Stranger: rood
Stranger: anyways
You: do you like the lyrics
Stranger: theyre not even about communism
Stranger: disappointing
You: hes communist tho
Stranger: hes from one direction of course he is
You: one direction are communists so true
Stranger: as they should
You: it was nice talking to you
Stranger: ouch just gonna leave like that
You: you have a good taste in music fr
You: yes Im sorry
Stranger: rude
You: say goodbye to your ghost and your cat for me
Stranger: listent to rock n roll suicide by david bowie
Stranger: fine
You: Ill do it
Stranger: wise
You: bye ily | fc073b9e27af3d72 | lgbt | 20210206111116 |
Stranger: F 15
You: M16
Stranger: Hey
You: Hello
Stranger: How are you?
You: Im good, hbu
Stranger: Bored
You: Is that why your on here
Stranger: Yeah
You: feel that Im one here for the same reason
You: On*
Stranger: Yeah, a lot of people are. So, any roles or ideas in mind?
You: Not really Ill be down to anything youd suggest
You: mean kinda like blowjobs actually
Stranger: Maybe step siblings? And can do blowjobs. Or we could do, like, a popular kid and a nerd if you want more of a plot
You: Ooo hmm
You: Are you down for step siblings
Stranger: Yep!
You: Okay sweet
You: Sorry if Im a bit rusty havent done this in a while
Stranger: Its okay, youll get used to it again
You: Hopefully
Stranger: So, want to do descriptions during or before?
You: Lets do before like the basic stuff
Stranger: Okay
You: You first though give some descriptions ig
Stranger: My name is Charlie, and i have short brown hair with brown eyes and freckles. Im about 52, and curvy with a big ass and thighs.
You: Sheesh alright then Im digging that
You: How about the age
Stranger: 15
You: Alright w will stick to our ages
Stranger: Mkay
You: My name is Tyler, brown short hair with brown eyes. Im 59 and have a big dick
You: Boom perfect
You: Size dont matter but why not
Stranger: Alright, you sound cute! So, who starts?
You: Aww your gonna made me giddy
You: But you please
You: As idk how to start
Stranger: Okay! :)
Stranger: * was sitting in the living room, watching tv in a big, oversized t-shirt as pajamas. occasionally checked my phone, since our parents were out of the house.*
You: *im inside my room playing video games inside my room where decided to head off into the kitchen to get some food and sit on the couch next you*
You: To*
You: (I put in my room twice Jesus)
Stranger: ((Lol didnt even notice))
You: (#smallhead alright continue)
Stranger: ((Its your turn))
You: (Wait what you didnt send anything)
Stranger: ((Oh it must not have gone through))
You: (Resend it?)
Stranger: Hey Ty. *I smile over at you as you sat down beside me. set down my phone on the arm of the couch and turned back towards the w*
You: Hey Charlie, what we watching *looking at your breast then back at the tv*
Stranger: Nothing much, just some true crime. * notice your gaze on my chest and smirk, blushing slightly* Hey, what were you looking at?
You: *jumps in surprise* oh um nothing nothing just at the couch arm *turns away looking a little red, slowly get a tiny boner*
Stranger: * giggle and cross one leg over another as looked back at the tv.* So, what game were you playing upstairs?
You: *looks at your legs whilst you crossed them* Oh the usual some Warzone then some GTA *then looks back at the tv*
Stranger: Ah, cool. We should totally play Mario Kart some time! Id beat your ass! *I grin, sliding my hand onto your thigh, getting ever closer to your erection.*
You: Yeah we should, doubt youd beat me though *gulps, turning even more red*
Stranger: You wanna make that a bet? *I turn to you, biting my lip seductively. It was clear loved teasing you.*
You: Yeah sure see no reason why not to *looks at you slowly moving my hand on top of yours*
Stranger: *! didnt expect that, and blush softly. I slide my hand to your inner thigh as scoot a bit closer.*
You: *I grasp your hand as my erection grows placing your hand on top of it*
Stranger: *My blush darkens as bite my lip, slowly rubbing your boner through your pants.* W-woah...
You: *lets out a tiny noise and whispers in your ear* dont rub it so much
Stranger: *I feel a flutter in my chest as began to rub faster.* Whatre you gonna do about it? * whisper back.*
You: *shivers in excitement and grabs your hand and puts it inside my pants* *in a shuddered voice* this
Stranger: * gasp softly, feeling your warm skin against mine. hesitate, but continue to stroke your dick while rubbing my own thighs together.*
You: *places a hand in between your thighs* *1 kiss your cheek and bit your ear, whispering* keep doing it just like that
Stranger: A-ah, okay. *I keep going, my eyes shifting between you and your hand between my thighs.*
You: *moves my hands more up your thighs* *whispers softly* you look so sexy Charlie, most of me just wants to believe it was for me
Stranger: It is for you.. God, this feels so right... * whisper back as my hand began to move faster.* This is all for you, Tyler...
You: * bite my lower lip* it does feel so right, let your big brother take control, you can put your mouth on it
Stranger: * nod slowly and get on my knees in front of you, gently tugging your pants down. When that was done, eagerly put my mouth on the tip, sucking a bit.*
You: Mmm *puts my hand onto your head* cmon know you can put more into your mouth
Stranger: * push my head down further, taking almost all of it into my mouth, gagging slightly as the tip hit the back of my throat.*
You: *slightly tugs on your hair* Mmmf, fuck your little sister head feels so good
Stranger: * moan as you pull on my hair, sliding my hand down to rub my pussy.* Mph
You: Fuck already want to cum *drags your head up and down my shaft*
Stranger: *! let you do as you please while basically finger fuck myself in front of you.*
You: Cmon use more tongue *as start to precum hold your hair harder*
Stranger: * drag my tongue along your shaft, running over long veins and the tip. moan around you, sending pleasuring vibrations through you.*
You: Oh fuck, little sis your so fucking good at this, wanna cum and fill your mouth*
Stranger: * nod eagerly, giving you full permission to do what you want.*
You: * drag your head down to the point you feel the tip in the back of your throat as start to cum as slowly pull it out*
Stranger: * coughed and gagged a bit as you came into my mouth, feeling the hot liquid slide down my throat.* Ahh, that was good *I smile up at you, wiping a bit of cum from my lips.*
You: *i pat your head then pull you up onto my lap having you still face* now what should do to you next?
You: Face me*
Stranger: Whatever you want, big bro Ill do anything you want *I say softly, leaning in to kiss your cheek, then down your neck and collar bone.*
You: *! put my hand under your chin and lifts your head up wiping your lips and kisses you, whilst grab your ass*
Stranger: *! grind against your cock as kiss you, my arms wrapping around your neck.*
You: *wraps my arms around your waist, kisses you neck then looks at you* you want to put it in dont you
Stranger: Yes, please, so badly * nod my head, practically pleading for you to put it inside me.*
You: *Lifts my arms up* cmon you can it yourself, put Big bros cock inside you
You: You can do it*
Stranger: * get onto my knees above you before slowly sliding down onto your cock, feeling it inside me and moaning.* Ohhh, god big bro Youre so big
You: * smirk looking at you* your so tight lil sis, I can feel you wrapping around me
Stranger: * sit there for a moment, panting softly. Then suddenly begin to move, bouncing up and down on your dick.* Oh fuck yes
You: Oh fuck that feels nice *while your bouncing pull off my shirt, then put my hand up your shirt*
You: Hands*
Stranger: Yeah, it feels amazing Fuck, we should have done this sooner *I say through loud moans, my head falling back in pleasure.*
You: Much much sooner, my little sister is the best * start to thrust upwards as you continue bouncing also pulling my head back*
Stranger: *When you thrust upwards, drop down, pushing you farther in than before and causing me to cry out.* Yess, right there! Fuck, please big bro, right there!
You: *muffles your mouth* keep it down a few notches * pound and thrust harder, uncuffing and your mouth kissing you*
Stranger: *! kiss back instantly, moaning into your mouth as my legs began to shake.* Close
You: Keep on going for me, keep on going. *pulls you closer, keeping my hands on your waist*
Stranger: * nod and keep bouncing, placing my hands on your shoulders and holding you close.* I-l love you big bro So fucking much
You: -love you too I-lil sis, wanna cum together with me?
Stranger: Yes, more than anything *I nod as squeeze around you, trying to make you cum when do.*
You: *smiles at you deeply looking into your eyes* Fuck, Im so close again
Stranger: * smile back, looking happier than ever have before.* Me too. *I feel my body tense as begin to cum.* F-fuuuck
You: * wrap my arms around your face* Im gonna cum now | fc0d9f2982b5e347 | Erp | 20220308101912 |
You: hi
Stranger: hii! happy new year!! :)
You: hay nw year
Stranger: finally a real person!!! :D 18/F
Stranger: homy and bored haha lol juelzventura20 ki!k me | fc13b664aacc2958 | 20170107091121 |
Stranger: M
You: Female.
Stranger: Age
You: have already told you.
Stranger: What
You: Potatoes.
Stranger: Sick
You: Sorry about that.
Stranger: Potatoes make me shit my pants
You: Eeyup.
Stranger: : G2BIL:
You: *gets chinese food*.
Stranger: EXE RE
You: Gender is Not your Name -..
Stranger: You are the weakest link
You: Good reference.
You: b? Whats that?
Stranger: What drugs are you in
Stranger: On
Stranger: Cause you
You: In college or economically?
Stranger: Dont make no sense
Stranger: Recreational
You: Whats your favorite movie?
Stranger: Whats your name dude
You: Does it matter?
Stranger: Balls and wieners
You: Why are you laughing*.
Stranger: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
You: dont know, Ive never thought about it. Prob
You: ably a lot.
Stranger: m hoping
You: What, a woodchuck?
Stranger: Yes
You: Great! How is live?
Stranger: You gotta be a retard right?
You: What are you trying to tell me? | fc223f1ee179b30d | roleplay | 20201108114709 |
You: Put your hand in mine
Stranger: Is this a lyric thing cause dont fucking know
You: You know that wont stop until make you mine
You: Yeah haha Yor hats fine
You: How are you ?
Stranger: Depressed
You: Why ?
Stranger: Its a long story it involves parents
You: Youll be fine
Stranger: hope so
You: Youre suffering now, but itll be fine soon.
You: Whatever the problem is you just need to talk it over
You: Maybe you should approach and talk to them.
Stranger: Its easier dead than done
Stranger: Said
You: know. But you have to do it.
You: They are the people who can understand you the most.
Stranger: guess so
You: Everything will be okay girl. World is a real chaos and cruel at time, but do not forget that there are people who are willing to share your burdens.
You: Smile, even its not genuine. Soon youll smile without realizing it.
You: Choose to be happy. Life is too short for many regrets.
Stranger: yea
Stranger: Wait got some thing for you
You: hope all the best for you :)
You: What is it ?
You: hope youll be genuinely happy E
Stranger: Thank you
You: Thank you
Stranger: Good bye thank you for your advice and finally remembered the song! | fc306dbd47993e88 | 20200608175515 |
Stranger: Hey, F 18. Im looking for a M whos willing to play one of the following roles with me: dads best friend/daughter, dad/daughter, or brother/sister. My one request is that we start it off innocently and a bit romantically, then we can build up to get as dirty as you like.
You: Hey, M 19. Willing to do all three of the roles but preferably brother/sister.
Stranger: Thats completely fine with me. Are there any kinks or tum ons youd like to include? Im open to almost anything.
You: One of my fetishes is spanking and two more are leather and large breasts. But the last one is pretty universal.
Stranger: What do you mean by leather?
You: Leather pants*
You: Sorry
You: Forgot to include the pants.
Stranger: Its alright! Hm, Im just trying to think of how we could start this romantically but still manage to include spanking...
You: Yeah, its quite difficult to incorporate it into a roleplay but its fine to leave out.
Stranger: This is just an idea, so its okay if you dont like it- but what if play a few years younger and had abnormally large breasts for my age? And then you can kind of act like an overprotective brother.. Still unsure about the spanking.
You: Okay, thats fine with me. The spanking is the problem. And how young are we?
Stranger: Whatever youre comfortable with really.
You: Okay, lowest Im willing to go is 14
Stranger: Okay. Then if Im 14, what age will you play?
You: Since Im being overprotective, 17-18 or?
Stranger: No, thats perfect.
You: Alright, Ill be 18 to be the overprotective brother.
Stranger: could get in trouble for wearing leather pants to school and you could punish me and then cuddle me to make up for it? Then it leads toward more?
You: Lets make it so that our parents were strict and due to them working a lot, whenever they werent around, they made me punish you as am the older brother.
You: And your plan sounds good as well
Stranger: Alright, we can just kind of put them together like that. One of my favorite things is making out, so if we could include a lot of that Id be happy.
You: Yeah, sure. Totally fine with me!
Stranger: Okay. Would you like to do descriptions or no? Its okay either way.
You: Sure. Lets do descriptions.
Stranger: Okay.
Stranger: My names Chloe, Im 14. stand at 52 with long, light brown hair to my waist and light blue eyes. Im skinny yet also have curves, with a nice and perky ass and 36DD breasts. Are those big enough for you?
You: My name is Zed. Im 18. stand at 59 with short, blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Im fit and toned with a nice ass. My skin is pale. Well, if you want, make them EE sized? To make them abnormally large.
Stranger: Yeah, thats completely fine with me. You sound great by the way.
You: Thank you. You sound very nice as well.
Stranger: Thank you. Would you like me to start?
You: Sure, go for it!
Stranger: One moment then.
Stranger: let out a soft sigh as continue to walk home, biting down on my bottom lip hard before open the door and shut it behind me. Zed? call out softly before heading up to your room to find you. was a bit pale, looking terribly nervous as held out a slip saying that had been dress coded for wearing my leather pants. stood before you, wearing black leather pants, a nice tshirt that was a little low-cut for my huge breasts. and a pair of heels. I-Im sorry. mumble out weakly, practically shaking before you.
You: was sitting at my desk, working on some papers that had gotten due to me being late on an assignment, as heard the door shut downstairs. lift my head and hear a pair of heels clacking on the staircase before my door opened. tum around to see you, holding the slip out and keeping your head down as you shook more than a leaf on a windy day. grab the slip and read it before place it down on my desk. Chloe... is there any reason as to why you decided to dress like that? ask, looking down at you.
Stranger: sniffle softly, shrugging weakly while continue to look away. I-I just wanted to look nice.. Thats all, promise.. murmur, peeking up into your eyes sadly. wont do it again, Zed, say softly, your gaze only making me more nervous as tight knots begin to form in my stomach, my heart beating so loudly that it seemed as thought it was going to beat tight through my chest.
You: cross my arms while listening to your explanation and shake my head in disappointment. sigh and walk around you. thought you knew better, Chloe. Mom and dad dont like us dressing badly, especially you. look you up and down, my eyes. catching your ass in those pants. keep walking around you before stopping in front of you. You do know where this is heading. Mom and dad arent here, so the punishment is up for me to decide.
Stranger: My bottom lip trembles lightly in fear but just obediently nod, understanding completely. I-Il know, whisper weakly, unable to even look at you anymore as stared down at my heels with my sad, fearful eyes. Whats it gonna be? whisper after a few moments of silence, my hands shaking a little as tightly pressed them to my sides to stop the shaking and the nervousness.
You: feel bad for punishing you but it was a duty imposed upon me by our parents. Go to your room and leave your bag there. Ill be waiting here. say, looking into your eyes with a look which you knew. You were going to have a sore behind for the evening.
Stranger: At your words peek up into your eyes, my expression falling a little before nod. tum towards the door, quickly walking back to my room where set down my bag and slip off my heels before making my way back to your room. was practically trembling, tears already threatening to form because felt bad for needing to be punished.
You: sat down on my bed, rolling my sleeves up to prepare myself. closed my eyes and breathed slowly until heard you knocking on my door. Come in. answer in a stem voice. You open the door and walk inside, looking down at the floor. pat the spot beside me on the bed.
Stranger: shakily step inside, shutting the door behind me. make my way toward the bed on wobbling legs, peeking up at you as a soft pout rested on my lips. But obediently sit down next to you on your bed, my arm lightly pressed against yours as tensed up against you, practically terrified of how bad this one would be.
You: breath out and place a hand on your back, moving you to lay over my lap. You do so but your abnormally large breasts were making it a bit difficult but you get into position, ass out and ready but notin a good way. lay my hand on your ass, letting you know that was going to start your punishment.
Stranger: flinch a little as you guide me to lie down across your lap. adjust a little, trying to get comfortable as lifted my ass high in the air, the leather only defining my perfect ass more. whine quietly as feel your gently rest your hand on my ass, already flinching weakly as try to hold myself in place for you to start.
You: My other arm was resting on your upper back to keep you from moving away. lift my hand up and bring it down on your ass, producing a sharp slap sound as it wobbles slightly. take it slowly, letting you test between the first and second spank before start to increase my pace.
Stranger: bite down on my bottom lip, jumping slightly from the first slap but manage to remain silent. However on the second one cry out softly for just a moment, squeezing my eyes shut as feel your large hand continue to roughly smack my ass, tears beginning to brim in my eyes as felt red welts forming on my sensitive skin there.
You: My hand starts to feel sore after a few hard spanks, but keep going, spanking you until youve leamed your lesson. The cries of pain made me want to stop and apologize for hurting you but have to do this. As bring my hand down on your ass once more, feel you tremble and scream out in pain.
Stranger: continued to flinch, my cries of pain growing leader with each slap. A few tears had managed to slip down my cheeks, my body shaking miserably as you finally stopped. continued to rest there, my behind aching too badly for me to move. Zed, choke out, tuming my head a little so could look up at you with my teary eyes, my body still in the same position as your hand gently rested on one of my ass cheeks. Of course was upset, but knew that you were only doing your duty, but now wanted you to comfort me.
Stranger: louder
You: let out a loud sigh as stopped my hand. The tears which had ran down your cheeks only made me feel worse for doing this. bring my hands over to your waist and lift you into my lap as hug you close. Im sorry, Chloe... Im so sorry. say as my head is beside yours.
Stranger: whimper softly as you lift me. Instantly wrap my arms around your neck, holding you tightly as you pull me close. just nod, resting my cheek against yours while try to calm down, my little legs gently wrapped around your waist as try to calm down.
You: hold you tight against me as feel your legs go around my waist. One of my hands starts to pat you on the back as try to calm down as well. Its okay, its okay. Im here, Chloe. whisper into your ear as you slightly shake.
Stranger: sniffle as you pull me tighter to your chest, my large breasts trapped between us as continued to cry quietly. Im sorry, whimper out sadly, trying to pull myself closer to you as if it was possible. Im so sorry. love you so much, okay? whisper weakly, still holding back more tears.
You: try to keep myself from crying, thinking that had hurt you. feel your large breasts pressing up against my chest, making me feel a bit funny. Im sorry Chloe. would never hurt you like that. love you too, just as much. whisper to you as move my head back to look at you.
Stranger: sniffle as you pull back a little. look at you with my bloodshot eyes, my lips resting a little pout. Im sorry, whisper sadly, my breasts still pressed against your chest despite the little distance between us. meet your gaze, slowly beginning to relax into your lap a little.
You: My eyes look into your red and teary eyes while my hands rest on your waist. smile slightly and bring my hand up to stroke your cheek. Its okay, no need to be sorry... Im the one who should say sorry. look at your lips and then quickly down at your chest.
You: (Do you have full and plump lips? Just wondering?)
Stranger: (Yeah, do.)
You: (Nice. like lips which are full.)
Stranger: let out a shaky sigh as feel your large hands grip at my small waist. I -love you, choke out softly, not noticing where you were looking. Instead feel how your hands just barely managed to rub at my waist, making my shiver softly against your touch.
You: look up at you as you let out a soft whisper. smile whilst gripping your waist. love you too. say, looking into your eyes. Our bodies trembled as we sat so close together. could feel you shake even more as you were blushing wildly.
Stranger: Slowly began to calm down, my cheeks. heating up a little as felt your gaze on me. continued to shake weakly, my breathing growing a little bit heavier as grow fearful. My hands had slid down as they now rested on your broad chest, my gaze peeking up to you shyly.
You: feel your hands move down to my chest, resting on itas you were slowly calming down. look down at you and your chest. The cleavage was taunting me as. it strained against your t-shirt, ready to burst. My hands went down from your waist to your hips, equally as developed as your chest.
Stranger: shyly lift one of my hands to rub one of my teary eyes, but it just moves back to your muscled chest. Thank you.. whisper shyly, your hands holding me in place tightly as my legs absentmindedly tightened a bit around you. Whats wrong? whisper shyly, looking into your eyes, noticing how close our faces were.
You: My hands had started to involuntarily massage your hips as you tightened the grip on your legs. look at you as you ask me if something was wrong. smile. No, nothings wrong. just... love that were alone and close together. felt my heart beating a bit harder as your hands were on my chest.
Stranger: watch you a bit innocently, nodding slightly as relaxed at your touch. do too, whisper quietly, my cheeks still a bit hot because Id never been held like this. Your hands involuntarily pull me closer, practically no space between us as seem to melt into your body, till were really just forming one. had curled up against your chest, my head in the crook of your neck lovingly.
You: feel your hot breath on my neck as we come closer than ever before. My strong hands had started to slowly snake down to your perfect ass as can feel your breathing increase. They find their mark and grab that succulent ass of yours, filling out my hands. My heartbeat had increased from fast to drumsolo as held the previous target in what caused you pain before.
Stranger: was just beginning to relax, suddenly tensing as feel you grip at my ass. My hands instantly grip onto the fabric of your shirt, my face growing hot as weakly cling to you. Zed, whisper softly, flinching a bit because it hurt for you to touch the tender skin there. It hurts.. whine out shyly, pressed so tightly against you.
You: look at you as you whine out from the pain. Oh, want me to let go, Chloe? ask, still holding your tender flesh in my hands. had started to grow tight in my pants but resisted to let it go further and it stayed as itis. see you looking at me with puppy eyes.
Stranger: peek up at you with my big eyes, rubbing one of them shyly. I-I dont know... whimper, not wanting to say no to you. Atleast b-be.. Gentle, whisper shyly, feeling a slight movement beneath my ass, where your crotch was but adjust a bit in your grip before stopping.
You: smile and nod at your request. Okay, Ill be gentle. My hands started to slowly and gently massage your large ass as you readjusted, making me bite my lip as the movement made me grow even harder. look at you. Your eyes were looking at me shyly and your hands were still on my chest but had fallen down to my abs and waist.
You: slowly fallen
Stranger: shudder weakly as feel you slowly begin to massage my sore ass. tremble lightly as relax into you, my eyelids growing a little heavier as nuzzled my nose into your cheek adoringly. Youre so good to me, whisper, my hands having slid down to your abdomen gently.
You: blushed at your adoring nuzzle as my hands. moved your ass in them and gripped the cheeks. lovingly. feel you move into me, gyrating your body slowly as your hands fell down even further. Our breathing had become heavy, almost as if we had had sex for hours.
Stranger: froze once felt my hands near the waistband of your hands, a bit confused as to what was doing. Your hands gently rocked my hips back and forth as you massaged me, letting out a quiet noise as we moved together. Zed? murmur innocently, my lips so close to yours as meet your gaze lovingly.
Stranger: pants
You: The moving of our bodies made my cheeks grow hotter and the blush larger. My hands held your ass and heard you murmur to me and look at you. Yes, Chloe? ask as our lips were mere inches apart but closer than theyd ever been.
Stranger: I love you, whisper quietly, my eyes half- lidded as just barely pecked my lips against yours, terribly unsure about this as we continued to grind together slowly. After peek up at you, unsure if this much atleast was okay with you but your body never faltered against my own, my breasts tightly pressed against you.
You: was taken back by your light peck though had seen it coming from far away. look at you with a wide smile. love you too. And my lips meet yours in a loving kiss as our bodies move together, rubbing up against each other as our lips are connected.
Stranger: My eyes widen at your confidence but they soon close, my plump lips moving together with yours. slowly as experienced my first kiss with my own brother. continue moving with you slowly, my movements now a bit unsure as realized what we were doing in this kiss, your body hungrily moving with mine.
You: We kiss deeply, keeping them locked for a while as our bodies melt together. The tightness in my pants. had reached full potential and now felt like had a third arm down my pants. The kiss lasted for a long while until we pulled away, looking at each other with blushing cheeks, a strand of saliva between us. | fc31ba3e4fd22a1e | Roleplay | 20170405050255 |
You: Hi
Stranger: m thinking about committing suicide
You: Thats no good
You: Why?
Stranger: No shut
Stranger: Shit*
Stranger: Drunk abusive father
Stranger: Brain dead mom
You: Hmm
Stranger: Quite a few others, but hose are the main ones
Stranger: Those*
You: Have you called the police or child protective services.
Stranger: Yes
You: You need to know that right now might suck, but why cant you make your future great
Stranger: Its complicated. just cant get out of it.
Stranger: ve already spoiled it
Stranger: What with all the drugs, failing school, and other harmful things.
You: think you need to send your voice into the world. There are some really great people who would want to help you
Stranger: believe that
Stranger: just dont care.
Stranger: try to put on a positive attitude, yet cant.
You: Why dont you care?
Stranger: ve come to peace that everything is pointless
You: Guess what. Me too, but the thing is, there are so mamy things in the that you cant miss
You: Try telling a teacher at school, or the principle
Stranger: The average American meets 27,000 people in their life time. 7.5 billion people in the world. Your chances in finding someone is 0.000003
Stranger: Your soulmate*
Stranger: There is no god
Stranger: just need a reason
Stranger: Any reason
You: believe there is a God
You: But you dont have to
Stranger: Goo for you. wish could.
Stranger: Good*
You: Do you want to be happy?
Stranger: of Course
Stranger: Corse?
You: Course
You: Then you need to try
Stranger: Gotcha
You: Have you asked for help?
Stranger: have. try to stay positive, but keep having everyone tear me down.
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: Ive called the suicide prevention hotline multiple times, but they never help.
Stranger: Maybe m just ignorant
You: Have they said why they dont help?
Stranger: What do you mean?
You: You said the sucide prevention hotline doesnt help
Stranger: How can they help the fact that my mom is gone and my father drinks. How can the help me with the future III never see.
Stranger: m tired. just want to sleep.
You: Tomorrow i want you to talk to a teacher at school
Stranger: Itll just cause more problems.
You: What do you mean?
Stranger: see nothing good coming from it
You: Exept for some help
Stranger: IIl be labeled, my father would probably become upset at me for getting him in trouble, hell, might just split the family apart.
You: You need to take control of your life Yo is your own
You: And it is what you make of it. Who cares what people think of you
Stranger: want to leave, but have nowhere to go.
You: You are strong
Stranger: have no one and nothing
You: You need to find someone and something
You: Things wont change if you dont do anything about it
You: Just remember that you are loved
Stranger: dont want them to change.
You: Why not?
Stranger: dont even like having nice things.
Stranger: Knowing its all pointless.
You: want you to take a look into yourself and know what you want
Stranger: want to become a writer.
You: Nice
You: And how will become a writer if you are stuck in a shitty situation
Stranger: What do you suppose do then?
You: Fucking get some someone to pull you out. You are trapped and only someone who isnt trapped can get you out
Stranger: m talking to my school counselor about my grades. If you really think should, IIl talk to him about my problems.
Stranger: Tomorrow
You: Yes
You: Im exited for you
You: think you need to know that people give a shit about you
Stranger: It wouldnt hurt to try. Even if it doesnt work out, Il still know what to do,
Stranger: havent found anyone who does yet.
Stranger: My counselor helps me because its his job.
You: You need to look. If you always put ona happy face how will people know? It is ok to be depressed
You: Bit no one wants to be depressed forever
Stranger: Thank you.
You: Just remember: people will give a shit, but not if they dont know
Stranger: m ready to change for the better.
You: Yes
Stranger: Again, thank you.
You: It is my duty as a human
Stranger: Good night.
You: Good night. Sleep tight. May you live on and become the best fucking writer ever
Stranger: Thank you. | fc33c3558276ef8c | 20201109015050 |
Stranger: F orm
You: Hii
You: F
Stranger: Age?
You: Lol
You: 14 rip
Stranger: You wanna be 16?
You: wut?
Stranger: Well if you dont like being 14 you can be me and be 16 lol
You: That doesnt make sense qwq
Stranger: Bodyswap
Stranger: You become me, become you
You: Oh. Why tho?
Stranger: Idk why not, wouldnt mind being female and being 14 would be nice
You: Lmaoo but like. We cant actually body swap
You: So whats the point?
Stranger: mean yeah guess not technically but it doesnt hurt trying to look up shit on the internet and trying it
Stranger: Idk mane
You: uhhhh
You: What
Stranger: We can look up spells n shit if you want too
Stranger: Thats what was saying lol
You: Spells??? Plileaase
You: All that doesnt work tho
Stranger: mean if can astral project and see dead people dont see why witchcraft wouldnt work
You: 0
Stranger: You gotta get into your inner spirit mane
You: But like. dont understand how it would work..
Stranger: mean wouldnt completely either but worse comes to worse youre stuck in a decent body lol
You: i really dont understand hshshshdh Yor ike
You: Wuuuut
Stranger: Bruh
You: just dont understand
Stranger: What race are you?
You: White,, why does it matter 🤨
Stranger: Do you wanna be a white 16 year old male
You: mean. It would be cool
Stranger: Theres no turning back tho
You: Wait what
Stranger: That would be your new body
You: dont wanna be u forever😥8#128549;
Stranger: mean get it we could probably try after a year
Stranger: But not guaranteed
You: Wattt Yo dont wanna be a boy forever
You: like my body and my friends
Stranger: Then just say no
You: No then. | fc3a05dca26380fc | 20210209172228 |
Stranger: Hey
You: yall eat bread?
Stranger: Uh huh i actually could do with a sandwich rn
You: i said bread. | fc3a7c980a0d9e5b | memes | 20201107223701 |
Stranger: Leave
You: Not u again
Stranger: Leave again please
You: You left before could say my bad lol
You: Hold up does that mean won
You: Because u said u wouldnt leave in the beginning but u left at the end
Stranger: No you left
You: Nope
Stranger: That didnt happen
You: Yes it did
Stranger: This is why wanted you to leave
You: Dont tell me u have amnesia
Stranger: Always making up stuff
You: Bestie u dont remember
Stranger: What do you mean?
You: We had a argument and u left
Stranger: Thats not true
You: Yes it is
Stranger: About what?
You: Anyways forgive you we can move on
Stranger: Nightmares 3b?
Stranger: Is that it?
You: Yes
Stranger: Its fucking cheap
You: Jk Idek what that is
Stranger: You cant even launch punish it on block
You: huh
You: Bestie just told u was joking
You: have no clue what any of that means
Stranger: Every time you try to punish it, nightmare blocks because of a GLITCH
Stranger: 2g is a fucking glitch
You: Youre speaking another language bestie
You: have no idea what any of this means
Stranger: What do you mean?
Stranger: That was the argument
You: told u was joking bestie
You: That is a argument between u and some random man
You: Was*
Stranger: Im pretty sure it was you
You: What makes u sure
Stranger: Im not. But certainly cant trust anyone who mains Nightmare
You: Whos nightmare
You: Or what rather?
Stranger: Come on
You: 1m being serious
Stranger: This is getting kind of reduculous
You: How
You: Also its ridiculous* sorry that was bothering me bestie
Stranger: Thats not how its spelled
You: Huh
Stranger: It has the re sound
You: How old ru
Stranger: Reduculiss
You: 😂
Stranger: What?
You: Youre hilarious Yo nyways go back to your leave script
You: wanted to know what was gonna happen
Stranger: Its not a script
Stranger: It was a command by me
You: ve seen multiple ppl do it. It might not be a script but its certainly not original
Stranger: And you obeyed if memory serves me right
You: Memory doesnt serve you right because i just started talking to u just now
Stranger: You and me argued about Nightmares 3b
You: Omg
Stranger: And you can skip the song and dance about how safe it is
You: remember now
You: And u left not mr
You: Me*
Stranger: That didnt happen
Stranger: would never
You: It did tho
Stranger: It was someone else
Stranger: Not me
You: Hold up
Stranger: Id never leave my bestie
You: Didnt u tell me to stop cussing?
Stranger: Why would do that?
Stranger: What are you 8?
You: Yeah ...something like that bestie.
Stranger: Why did you cuss though? What did you say?
You: You dont remember
You: Its the reason u left bestie
Stranger: Was it that bad?
You: Yes
Stranger: What was it?
You: 1m ashamed 😞
Stranger: Ill forgive you
You: Thanks!
Stranger: But you gotta tell me
Stranger: You gotta confess your sins or whatever
You: starts with an
You: Ends with a r
Stranger: Oh Lord
Stranger: Bless me
You: Ik shouldve never called ua nagger
Stranger: You fucking said it!
You: It was wrong but you were nagging me
You: Omg
Stranger: Thats disgusting
You: You pulled it out of me
Stranger: didnt do nothing
You: Yes u did
Stranger: Thats awful
You: Ik
Stranger: What do?
You: 1m sorry Yo lagging me
You: You kept saying who mains nightmare idiot
Stranger: said id forgive you
You: Over and over
You: U pushed me to the edge
Stranger: But didnt say id look at you the same
You: Dmn
Stranger: mean you are a disgusting sub human nightmare main
Stranger: But thats okay
Stranger: Youre my friend
You: 1m your bestie
Stranger: And thats what omegle is really about
Stranger: Making besties
You: Lol
Stranger: Whats so funny?
You: U
Stranger: Not me
You: 1m over this pretend meet up
Stranger: Idk what you mean
Stranger: Nothing pretend here
You: Bestie why ru under incel
Stranger: Im as real as they come
Stranger: Im your bestie who never leaves
You: So why arent u under real
Stranger: What do you mean?
You: Instead of incel you should be under real
You: You said youre as real as they come
Stranger: Youre right Strange hats my new tag now
Stranger: Thanks bestie
You: 1m glad i was good help
You: Whats the longest youve been stuck in chat bestoe
You: Bestie*
Stranger: Now leave so can switch tags
You: No
Stranger: Come on bestie
Stranger: Do it for me
You: want to win
Stranger: Winning is gay
You: Then 1m coming out
Stranger: Im already out
You: Im a lesbian bestie
You: Do u accept me
Stranger: Turns out the room is smaller than the closet and there is not room for you
You: Then guess weIl have to switch places
You: Because if winning is gay then 1m out the closet
Stranger: We are going to have get real close as we switch
You: Uhhh nvm bestie u go ahead IIl just get 2nd place
Stranger: Its time to go
Stranger: Lets go
You: No
You: wont leave
Stranger: 2nd place here we come
You: ...
You: What happened thought u were leaving
Stranger: No thats gay
You: Huh
You: So if wining is gay and losing is gay
Stranger: Is that a problem?
You: Nope
Stranger: It better not be
You: And if it was
You: What ru gonna do leave?
You: 😂
Stranger: Am gay either way
Stranger: So fuck it
Stranger: Im going to be the number 1 gay
Stranger: Number 1 chad big dick gay
You: What is this chad talk
You: Who is that bestie
Stranger: No one
Stranger: Dont worry about it
You: So why is everyone always like
You: Hi 1m chad warden
Stranger: Did you leave?
You: Nope
Stranger: Oh thank God
You: thought u were typing a explanation
Stranger: Why would ?
You: asked a question
Stranger: When do explain anything here?
You: U explained our fake argument
Stranger: Do look like an explainer?
You: cant see u
Stranger: Thats different
You: Why ru getting mean bestie
You: Or u dont want to explain that either?
Stranger: never explain anything
You: Or if u answer my question about my question does that also count as explaining
Stranger: Lets make that clear
Stranger: No that isnt explaining
You: m trying to work with you bestie
Stranger: You never worked a day in your life
You: How do u know
Stranger: Let me explain
You: Huh
You: thought you werent a explainer
You: Whats going on
Stranger: So everyone who goes on omegle is a bunch of no life loser
You: You keep switching up on me bestie
Stranger: Huh?
Stranger: mean
Stranger: am a switcher
Stranger: ;)
You: 🤣🤣🤣
You: What if told u it was my day off
Stranger: On a monday?
Stranger: Come on
You: Yes bestie
You: m a independent contractor make my own schedule
Stranger: Oh good for you
Stranger: Look at me
Stranger: Independent contractor
Stranger: So cool
You: Just a fancy title not as cool as it sounds Yo ont want to mislead u bestie Yo nyways
You: Why havent left yet?
Stranger: Right
You: Mr. switcher
Stranger: The reveal
Stranger: Lets go
You: How about u switch it up and leave
Stranger: No no
You: 😂
Stranger: Because last time you said left, which means should stay
You: No leave x2
Stranger: just like staying
Stranger: dont want to leave
Stranger: You leave
Stranger: Do it for me
Stranger: Your bestie
You: Unmmm
You: Let me think
Stranger: Okay
You: Why should leave youre keeping me entertained
Stranger: Im not that entertaining
Stranger: Come on
You: was laughing a couple times
Stranger: Aw
Stranger: Honey baby
You: Ew
You: Its strictly bestie
Stranger: Sugar plum jot when break out this trombone isten
You: Bestie you do realist once leave this will probably be the last time we talk
You: Realize*
Stranger: Not if use the real tag
Stranger: Then there is a change youll do it for the lols
You: probably wont be on Omegle again
Stranger: Thats good
Stranger: Fuck this place
You: just remembered this app from middle school today lol
Stranger: Go do something today
You: m talking to my new bestie wdym
Stranger: As
Stranger: You didnt even compliment my song
You: What somg
You: Song*
Stranger: was playing the trombone for you
You: Well have u a solo on my violin and u said nothing
You: think were even
Stranger: The violen sounds like garbage
Stranger: Has nothing on the trombone
You: 1m still learning no need to be rude 😞
Stranger: Im sorry didnt mean
Stranger: You know youre my bestie
You: My solo of Mary had a little lamb brought tears to my mothers eyes (the good kind)
Stranger: Wait she did?
You: Yes
Stranger: When did she get a lamb?
You: It was a small lamb from the back of some rinky dink barn
Stranger: What color?
You: It was grey
Stranger: Gross
You: Key word on had and was she chopped it up and ate it
Stranger: Good
You: But it was cute for the song
You: In the ad it said it was white as snow but yk how false advertising is
Stranger: What a shame
Stranger: Thats why you gotta block that shit
You: How long have we been chatting bestie
Stranger: Too long
Stranger: Way too long
You: No such thing
Stranger: Why do you hate me like this?
You: Whats stopping u from leaving
Stranger: You turned me into a failure
You: Omg
You: Am about to win
Stranger: can even get a middle schooler to leave me alone
You: Middle schoo
You: Damn act that immature
Stranger: mean yeah
You: 🤣
Stranger: This is kind of silly
Stranger: This whole thing
You: mean u did it to yourself
You: Dont forget to add real
Stranger: wanted this over in like 3 seconds
Stranger: 2 on a good run
You: Oh ppl usually leave immediately
Stranger: This the worst speedrun speed run
You: Is this being recorded
Stranger: This is my wacky twitch stream
You: Lmaooco
Stranger: Dont say the n word will ya
You: wont
You: Dont worry
Stranger: Oh thank you
You: Tell me your twitch and IIll leave and let u when
You: Win*
Stranger: You just wanna sub to me and become one of my many patroen members
Stranger: Be sure to sign up for dollar shave clue and get 10 percent off using the code word chadwarden
You: That doesnt sound free bestie
You: Dont use me for your ads
Stranger: Sorry
You: 😂8#128514;8😂8#128514;
Stranger: just cant resist talking about these great deals
You: But will say ve used dollar shave and its amazing keeps my legs feeling smooth
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Of course you did
You: Anyways
You: Whats the twitch name
Stranger: dream
You: Youre no fun
You: How many viewers
Stranger: No thats my name
Stranger: Dream
You: Mmmm
You: IIl look it up when u leave
Stranger: By the millions
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: Dont forget to like comment and sub
You: Youve lied to me bestie
You: Thats cold
Stranger: What do you mean?
You: Youve angered me
Stranger: And dont forget to have a buttslamming good day
Stranger: Thays my out to
You: N-
Stranger: Outro*
You: Naggar
You: You made me say it sorry
Stranger: cant believe you
Stranger: Now need to edit the whole video
You: Aw
You: Wait
You: thought this was live
Stranger: When upload it you big dummy
You: Damn bestie since when did we start insulting each others
You: Other*
Stranger: Im sorry
Stranger: You know didnt mean that
Stranger: Youre my bestie and besties stick togther
You: Exactly
You: And bestie tell each other the real twitch name
You: wanted a laugh
You: But youve lied to me several times
Stranger: Okay okay
Stranger: Im darksydephil
Stranger: Former street fighter 2 turbo Evo finalist
Stranger: Thats right
You: What if I told ul was recording
Stranger: No no
Stranger: You wouldnt do that
You: But I would
You: Bestie thank you for being apart of my video say hello to my fans.
Stranger: love you besties fan! Please be safe and dont be an incel!
You: Youve dragged this out longer than could imagine and 1m over it
You: Youve won
Stranger: Thats right
Stranger: Know your place
You: Omg Yo low dont want to leave
You: Thats was rude
Stranger: Oh come on
Stranger: didnt mean it
Stranger: was just joshing you
You: ve talk to you about your imaginary twitch stream and u said hi to my imaginary fans
You: Now what
Stranger: Just pulling your chain
Stranger: That big beautiful chain
You: dont even talk to myself for this long
You: When will it end
Stranger: Look just leave and this will all be over
You: U first
Stranger: Ill be alright bestie
Stranger: Winks*
You: What about me
Stranger: Idk
You: What about us 😞
You: How could we throw this bonding moment away
Stranger: mean thats the just the nature of this website really
You: cant bare to leave you. You must leave me
Stranger: But dont worry. We can take comfort in knowing we are still out there. And we will always be besties
You: Did u leave?
Stranger: No
You: Damn
Stranger: Wow okay
You: mean...thank god?
Stranger: What kind do bestie are you?
You: The kind that wont ever leave
Stranger: So if a tree falls in the middle of the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
You: Yes
Stranger: Explain
You: If u scream but rina sound proof room does that count as making a sound?
You: Enough with these metaphors
You: Leave the chat
Stranger: Its not a metaphor
Stranger: Its a philosophical question
Stranger: Forcing you to define what sound means
You: Ooo
You: Excuse me
Stranger: Because if a sound is something you hear, then the answer is no
You: But sound is vibrations in the air
Stranger: Sure but normally we dont call small vibrations we cant hear sounds
Stranger: Hello
You: Hello
You: Bestie how long until u leave
You: Your messing up my game of candy crush
Stranger: can be here all day bestie
You: Youre *
Stranger: Bring it on
Stranger: You may want to save some time and leave now
Stranger: Like preferably in the next five minutes
You: Bestie 1m doing u a favor could just walk away and have u in a empty chat
Stranger: That counts as leaving
You: To whom
Stranger: To me
Stranger: Its my game
You: But not to Omegle
You: Its no longer your game
Stranger: If my words fall in a chatroom and no one is around to hear them, is it a chat?
You: Who said wouldnt read it?
Stranger: Fuck this
Stranger: You win
You: YouIl never know if was looking or not
You: Yay
You: Ong
Stranger: Take your fucking win
You: will
Stranger: Hope you like it
You: do
Stranger: The win is cursed though
You: This is a lot of typing for someone who is leaving
Stranger: Okay youre right
You: Idc about a curse have the power of anime and Jesus on my side
Stranger: Bye love you be safe
You: You too bestie | fc3cdf1298991957 | Incel | 20210510203214 |
You: yo
You: are you gonna be a bot advertising that shitty site
Stranger: NOPE
Stranger: :DDDD
Stranger: HOW ARE YOU :)
Stranger: well
Stranger: if ur atheist uh
Stranger: have faith in um
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: i guess
You: why not have faith in both?
Stranger: TRUEEE
Stranger: But, dont really like a lot of food.
You: you know me either ut the food i do like i really like
You: *neither
You: WOA
Stranger: BITCH | fc3e1abfc904ab9d | reddit | 20201108132644 |
You: hi
You: are you in class right now?
Stranger: yea
You: brave of you
You: Ive seen so many indecent things on here
Stranger: ik me too
You: so you just hopped on cause youre bored?
Stranger: yeah
You: great way to kill time id say lol
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: how old r you
You: Im 23
Stranger: dam
You: lol is that old?
Stranger: nah
Stranger: you probably fine
You: Im as fine as someone from the caribbean might can look guess
Stranger: so u are
You: Haha Im average honestly, youre pretty cute tho
Stranger: thx
Stranger: where u at rn
You: Im at home in my room, like location wise Im in Jamaica Stranger so you dont live in tx
You: have 2 cousins living there at the moment
Stranger: wby
You: whats that? (not too good with slang)
Stranger: what about you
You: Me? dont live in texas
You: Ive been to NY
You: and Boston
Stranger: can u turn your camera on
You: Its on, but i dunnooo lol ur little friends are lurking around
You: makes me feel weird lol
Stranger: they wont
You: hmmm okii gimme a sec
Stranger: igth
You: my hair is a mess btw, have dreadlocs
You: there u see me ;P
Stranger: i cant see ur face
You: hmm, here goes nothin :( | fc408d558f5752e8 | 20201111223049 |
You: hi
Stranger: do you have foreskin
You: f orm?
You: answer and will too
Stranger: do you have foreskin
Stranger: f 23
You: then show you are
You: Then will
Stranger: sorry no makeup
You: Dont worry
You: like no makeup
Stranger: yes i do worry
You: Nah
You: Dont worry srsly
Stranger: do you have foreskin Yo how your face.
You: Now.
You: Now show face
Stranger: no sorry
You: You have cam on, now show face
Stranger: why
Stranger: wow
You: Even plain
Stranger: wow
You: No headstart
You: dont want some creepy ass mother fucker looking at my dick
You: Cool music
You: But tum the camera
Stranger: god dam
You: Come on now
You: Lets fucking see this
You: will post this on the subreddit | fc416af359eb8813 | 20201108131329 |
Stranger: Hi ou: . - 1 this is for all the pedos
Stranger: Fuck u | fc445789df778cb7 | 20201108125046 |
You: M17 hey
Stranger: F16
You: Wyd
Stranger: tryna sleep, you?
You: Well i should be trying to sleep myself
You: But thats not gonna happen for awhile
Stranger: lol mood
You: So where u from?
Stranger: britain
Stranger: you?
You: Oh cool
You: Im from norway
Stranger: Nice!
You: So you could say were right across the pond from eachother
Stranger: Hahahaha
Stranger: not quitw
You: Well
Stranger: But guess pop off
You: Ye
You: So which part of britain?
Stranger: Ughhhh my rooms too hot rn
Stranger: london
You: Damn sleeping in a hot room is just horrible
Stranger: Ikkkk
Stranger: its either too hot or too cold
Stranger: theres no in between
You: Like i think mine is permanently at 17c
You: Cus of the setting i have on my heating
Stranger: Rip
You: So at night its perfect
You: But in the mornings i wanna die from the cold
Stranger: have an attic room so the heating doesnt make its way up
You: Ah damn
Stranger: apparently the pipes are too old
You: Rip
Stranger: and we cant fix them for some reason
Stranger: so m always BilfreezingBa
You: Need me to come cuddle u warm ?
Stranger: Apart from now cause have a dodgy plug in radiator on rn
Stranger: No thanks
You: Well thats understandable
You: Id say no to myself also tbh
Stranger: Wait no feel bad now
Stranger: i take it back
You: Nonono Yor ont feel bad
You: Im joking
Stranger: hahahaha whew
Stranger: i sound like such a simp now ew
Stranger: PIER
You: just meant that i wouldnt wanna cuddle with myself cus i dont like guys
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: Yehah
You: And nah u aint no simp ur good
Stranger: ok so 1m scared its suddenly cold
You: Damn
Stranger: feels like 1m being haunted ngl
You: A ghost maybe?
Stranger: possiboe
Stranger: oops
You: Some dead little girl
Stranger: no stop omg
You: Aahah ye srry
Stranger: cause my house is old so its very creaky
You: Ooooh
You: How old?
Stranger: And things go bump in the middle of the night
Stranger: 130 years think
You: Holy nd i thought ours were old at like 50 years
You: Was*
Stranger: Hahaha yeah
Stranger: we have plenty of spiders
Stranger: i hate the little shits
You: Tahahah ye bet
You: Hey fun fact btw
You: might actually be travelling to london next summer
Stranger: Fr?
Stranger: nice
You: If corona isnt a bitch
Stranger: lol yeah
Stranger: you should go to Chinatown
You: Ooo
Stranger: pretty good vibes there
Stranger: google it its literally perfect
You: Aight bet
Stranger: Are you sure youre from Norway?
You: Yup
You: Positive
Stranger: you talk like an American
You: Well yeeee
You: Ive learnt my english through youtube and stuff ya know
You: The teachers here are trash at english
Stranger: hahahahaha
Stranger: Thats like my teachers with french
You: Like at 13years old i was better then my 40something teacher
Stranger: its embarrassing how crap they are
You: Yeah
Stranger: Wow what an achievement
Stranger: they should give you a medal for that
You: Well to be fair
You: She was better at grammer then m
You: But her accent
Stranger: Yeah but like accents?
You: Holy yeesh
You: The pure norwegian accent
Stranger: omg why is it that literally all teachers are unable to put on a proper accent
Stranger: apart from the bloody drama teachers
You: Like hear me out
You: almost had a stroke like 100times in her classes because when she corrected people for something they said wrong, she had the grammer right
You: But hoooly Yo he pronounciation
You: wanted to just yell at her for teaching them wrong
Stranger: Hahahaha meeeeeee
Stranger: do you speak any french?
Stranger: or have you heard it
You: A little actually
You: Cus i used duolingo a little to learn it
Stranger: because you kinda have to do the thing with the rs or it sounds wrong
Stranger: and actually not a single one of my teachers can do it
You: Rip
Stranger: i think theyre embarrassed to do it honestly
You: Ahahah
Stranger: cause it lowkey sounds like youre coughing up hair balls sometimes
You: Ahahahahahahahahah
You: Way too true
Stranger: but like it sounds fine once you get it right
You: Yeah
Stranger: its a very pretty langauge
You: Yeah like i wanted it as my third language in school
You: But
Stranger: Oooo can teach you some!
You: We didnt have enough people to make a class in my year
Stranger: i used to go there every summer
You: Like listen to this bullshit
Stranger: That sucks
You: So propably all the people 4years older could take french at my school
You: And all those like 4years younger too now
You: My fckn batch of classmates decided that out of 120 smthn
You: Only 10people wanted french
You: Like thats just bad luck
Stranger: Damn that sucks assssss
You: Yeah
Stranger: Just watch french films
You: True
Stranger: it helps
Stranger: also write my diary in french
You: Oooh awsome!
Stranger: The thought was that no one could read it but both my parents are fluent in French
Stranger: but at least my siblings cant
You: Yeee
Stranger: Theyre a bit nosy
You: So they immigrated from france?
Stranger: nah, they just got taught it to a very high level
Stranger: but my dads accent is awful
You: Ahah
Stranger: his grammar is good tho
You: Ye
Stranger: like your teachers for English
You: Ye i understand
Stranger: my mums much better at the accent
Stranger: languages was kinda her thing back in the day
You: Cool
You: Like to be honest
You: think i had the potential to get like a pretty decent british or american accent, but due to not having teachers competent enough
You: didnt have the chance really
Stranger: Thats shitty
Stranger: not too late tho!
You: And now in the last 2 years of school i cant remember having said a single word in english
You: Like legit
You: cant remember the last time a teacher told me to even say a single sentence in english
Stranger: Wow
You: Yup
Stranger: great teachers
You: Well to be fair
You: go to a school were its all about joining the work force, like all the educations my school offers are physical labor
You: If that makes sense
Stranger: Thats unusual isnt it?
You: Not here in norway
You: Cus like after 10grade right
Stranger: so youre all like really muscly and stuff?
You: School isnt mandatory anymore and then u like choose ur education
You: Oh naaaah
You: Like i do sports but other then that im just average
Stranger: lol me
You: Like im studying electronics
Stranger: i literally have zero muscles its so annoying
Stranger: oh nice!
You: Ahah
You: Rip
Stranger: thats quite a smart persons subject
You: Ye like holy shit
Stranger: like do so many freaking ab exercises and NOTHING
You: Ahahha
You: Ok but hear me out right the electronic stuff right
You: In theory we were done with math as a subject last school year
You: But in reality, every single one of our classes
You: Have like 100000 formulas and shit u gotta learm
You: Learn*
Stranger: Omg literally my school
Stranger: like nobody gives a shit about trigonometry
You: Ahah oof
You: So whats ur dream job?
Stranger: Ummm
Stranger: i have lots
You: Well tell me about em
Stranger: id like to be a freelance writer in Norway
You: Ocoo0o
Stranger: or a painter in southern italy
You: Nice
Stranger: Or a perfumer in Paris
Stranger: or maybe own a cafe in tokyo
You: Damn u got it planned out
Stranger: Or omg
Stranger: would love to own a bookshop
Stranger: like in nyc
You: Yeah
Stranger: IIl probably not even do any of those though
You: Like tbh one of the only exotic jobs ive considered and still would love to do
You: Is being a freelance nature photographer
Stranger: Oh would love that too
You: Like if i became good at that
Stranger: man just wanna leave tho
You: would be set for life
Stranger: and go far away
Stranger: do it then
Stranger: you could take online classes
You: Yeah true
You: think that i might start when im 18 and get a car and stuff
You: And more importantly
You: A camera
Stranger: Just use your phone for now then
You: Ye i do
Stranger: cooool
You: So like i have gotten some good shots but nothing too special
You: Like i wouldnt even say im at an amateur level of photography
Stranger: Thats good then
Stranger: youre getting closer
You: Yeah
You: But i cant wait till im old enough to go on long trips alone because then i dont have to consider my family being in the way
Stranger: Trueeeew
Stranger: god my dodgy typings at it again
You: And then they wont give me stupid looks for going in weird angles to get a good shot
Stranger: Hahahahaha
Stranger: literally sounds like my fam
You: Like i was just trying take a picture of a small creek this summer and id probably looked retarted
You: Cuz my dad just asked me the fuck i was doing
You: And i was a public trail so there were other people around lol
Stranger: How nice of him
Stranger: Oh ew thats so awkward
You: It was* Yor jah Yo ouldnt really care
You: Never gonna see them again anyways
Stranger: youre just gonna cut them off completely?
You: Oh no! Nonononono
You: meant the strangers holy crap
Stranger: ohhhhh
You: gotta me more accurate lol
You: Yeah i was like fuck what did i just say
Stranger: Hahahahaha
Stranger: was revving up to give you some great life advice lolol
You: ahaha
Stranger: probably a good thing you didnt mean that cause my advice isnt always great
You: Hahah
Stranger: im kinda known as the wasted potential so...
You: Wait thats lowkey depressing
You: But wanna hear something that might be uplifting?
Stranger: What?
You: Since i was 12 or 13 every teacher that got to know me properly has told me that :)
Stranger: That you were a wasted potential?
You: Or not those exact words
You: More like
You: wasted my potential
Stranger: awwww were twinning
Stranger: so cute
Stranger: i
You: Because you could see from a kinda young age that i had the potential to become a straight A student
You: But life didnt want me to i guessPHc
You: Because i just became lazy and didnt use my potential
Stranger: Wait same omg
You: So now im just above average
Stranger: my teachers are always like 1 expect better from you
Stranger: above average is good!
Stranger: you know whats sad?
You: What?
Stranger: i didnt even realise had bloody potential until was like almost 15
Stranger: apparently have low self esteem and no confidence in my abilities
You: Like wanna know what probably is the reason im a bad student now?
You: Wait damn
You: Thats a horrible thing to be told
Stranger: Ikkkk
You: In my case it was kinda different
Stranger: direct quote from my mum :)
You: Holy fckn
Stranger: Hahahaha
You: Ok so Yo or me
You: It was that they always knew i could do better, like my teachers had that view on me so my parents adopted it right so i never heard the end of it even when home, and that started probably before i even got pubes
You: So my theory is
Stranger: Hahahahaha noooooo
Stranger: before got pubes what a lovely expression
You: Since everyone had sky high expectations i got burnt out at a young age and i know for a fact thats what happend tbh because i just ended up floating on my potential? guesd i could call it
You: Like i never made a bigger effort then i had to
Stranger: Theres an expression for that
Stranger: greenhousing
You: Aaah
Stranger: thats it
You: Ye ok so i did that right
You: And it went ok for me but as i got older
You: It wasnt enough
Stranger: No what your parents did was green housing
You: So i started doing worse and i had to do things i wasnt really good at anymore
You: So j just became a lazy student like my friends
You: No you cant put all the blame on them
Stranger: Sounds like theyre a bAd iNfLuEnCe
You: Because what they did was just telling me how they expected more of me, and when i come to realise it, that is like a major part of the problem
Stranger: That they ask too much of you?
You: Since when i got the second best grade when not even trying right
You: And then they always said well why didnt u just actually try and get that top grade? And like i understand why they said that
You: But i never got validation for actually getting good grades
You: just got hit with we expected you to actually try and do better like you easily could
You: In the matter that even my teachers
You: Even they told me they knew i just had to do that little extra and i would have a top grade
You: Everyone just tried pushing me
Stranger: Me toooco
Stranger: like 1d say 1 got 97 on my test
Stranger: amd my parents would be like next time get 1006
You: Yeah
Stranger: they just keep asking too much
You: Like mine would be like well why didnt u get 1007
Stranger: like dont even really get a kick out of getting good grades anymore
Stranger: cause didnt work for them
You: Yeah like good grades for me wasnt good grades
Stranger: i just have the luck of being naturally good at stuff
You: Like everyone built me up to the point where i expected a 90/100 without even studying
You: Ye id say i have the luck of that too
You: Or j wouldnt call it luck tbh
Stranger: think its bad luck honestly
Stranger: its made me lazy
You: Because if i had to work for things i would actually get a feeling of acomplishment
You: Yeah
You: Like since i never studied for the tests
You: never got routines how to study
Stranger: Neitherrrrr
You: So when i wasnt smart anymore i didnt now how to learn
Stranger: omg same
Stranger: like im kinda screwed cause talent can only get you so far
You: Yeah
You: Like i choose a path that doesnt include university, and i dont even know why
You: Thats what people expected me to do
You: Like ofc they expected the smart guy to go to school for ages more
You: But like still
You: It just sucks | fc44e9d74952dc01 | 20201211231743 |
Stranger: Ass
You: Tits
Stranger: Can press them
You: Theyre fake
Stranger: Ok
You: This was fun
You: Hee hee hee
Stranger: can press fake
Stranger: Hehehe
You: Who says Id let you do such a thing? Youd have to prove yourself worthy of such an honor first.
Stranger: Ok
You: First test: guess if Im a guy or girl
Stranger: Girl
You: Nope. You lose. Im a full fledged, bearded, penis-bearing male. Now youll never squeeze my non-existent fake tits AHAHAHA!!!!
Stranger: Ok
Stranger: Bye
You: buh bye
You: Glad to have wasted your time! | fc45d9d00de709ed | 20201109002811 |
You: hi
Stranger: hello there. how are you , stranger
You: im fine and you ?
Stranger: Im good thank you
You: im 19 male
Stranger: nice to meet you. Im 24 female
You: wow where do you live
Stranger: in the united states. why did you say wow?
You: im just looking for an older version of women
Stranger: older version of women? lol
You: im south africa by the way
Stranger: um ok. usually dont think of myself as a version of anything :)
You: i dont think i will ever meet you
Stranger: Oh agree totally
Stranger: are you trying to make real life contact? wouldnt tinder be better?
You: no its just that i would like an experience in america
Stranger: meaning a sexual experience?
You: wow its getting warm in here maybe a tacky tomaltious one
Stranger: what is tomaltious?
You: something like a raging infemo between the sheets
Stranger: howmuch experience between the sheets have you had? and am not judging, just curious
You: not much because i experience something different with every woman and some are better than others what about you ?
Stranger: do not understand that answer at all
You: i cant jugde dont wanna brag my self what about you
Stranger: that was not my question
You: ok so what are you saying ?
Stranger: asked how much experience you have had with women
Stranger: we need to find partners who understand us better :)
Stranger: bye and have fun. tx for the hat | fc4db71166f0588f | 20161010133022 |
You: Hello
You: Hello?
Stranger: Oh, the ugly wrinkled apple face. It is your face. Staring in the mirror.
You: Ive never had my face compared to an apple before
Stranger: Wrinkled apple, to be precise.
You: Huh. Cool.
You: *Keanu Reeves woah*
Stranger: Oh, the Internet memes.
You: As opposed to the Intranet memes
Stranger: The glory of the world is lost on them.
You: Its a new form of art
You: Not even kidding
Stranger: Yours are nothing but dust and rotten onions.
You: Dont insult dust and rotten onions
Stranger: Eat garlic.
You: As a vampire must decline
Stranger: Eat chicken poop then.
You: Nutritious and delicious
Stranger: can sell some to you.
You: Slimy yet satisfying
Stranger: 5 bucks a piece.
Stranger: For world peace.
You: can just go to my backyard
You: For both
Stranger: Its dried.
Stranger: For better preservation.
You: Fresh is better
Stranger: Too bad your onions are all rotten.
You: At least can feed them to my chickens
Stranger: Dead chickens.
You: Sweet! Dinner.
Stranger: Thats your perfume, your scent.
You: My Elon Musk?
Stranger: For now and forever.
You: At least until dusk
Stranger: Your Zuckerburg.
You: Internet Iceberg
Stranger: Turnip.
You: can have those with the chicken
Stranger: Plump with its diversity.
You: And related to deadly nightshade
Stranger: You should plant some zucchini.
You: In honor of Mussolini
Stranger: Open the gate of your mind.
Stranger: Let the chickens out.
You: But they love pecking at the unused ideas!
Stranger: Youre odd.
You: Im weird
Stranger: Odd beet.
You: Stay sweet
Stranger: Red and odd beet. It isnt sweet.
Stranger: Oh my oh my red and odd beet.
You: think Im more pink
You: What do you think?
Stranger: Red.
You: Dead
Stranger: Red orange.
You: Trump Turnip?
Stranger: Stalin turnip.
You: Must belong to both of us
Stranger: Tuesday is for turnips. Wednesday is for beans.
You: Thursday is for potatoes and Friday is for jeans
Stranger: Thursday is for spinach. Fridays always free.
Stranger: On Friday you have no jeans.
Stranger: That fit.
You: But jeans are full of fibre
Stranger: For the cows.
You: Denim beef
Stranger: Now to the cow and be grateful for milk.
Stranger: Butter and cheese.
Stranger: What a breeze.
You: Dairy freeze
Stranger: You are a better poet.
You: Merely fine at rhymes
Stranger: But am a better human.
You: No objections here
Stranger: drink beer, you drink logo to
Stranger: am alive and you are a mosquito.
You: drink the alcohol out of your bloodstream
Stranger: did not think that one through.
You: did say was a vampire
Stranger: Time for you to eat some garlic.
You: But do not wish to
Stranger: No vampire does.
You: mean some do it out of morbid curiosity. Im the one that has to throw their bodies into my backyard to feed the chickens.
Stranger: Lets hope those are bodies of pedophiles.
You: Depends on if you think the sucking of ones blood is equivalent to the sucking of ones genitalia
Stranger: didnt follow.
You: Many vampires prefer the blood of children
Stranger: Perhaps were a metaphor for pedophiles and jews.
You: Hitler was secretly a vampire
Stranger: Was he secretly a jew?
You: Nobody knows
You: Because if he was then he would have the equivalent of an n-word pass about killing people
You: Civil wars have different intergalactic rules
Stranger: He grew strawberries in his back yard.
You: Many vampires feel an attraction to the color red. use my chicken poo to fertilize my strawberry plants.
Stranger: Your strawberry plants are full of ants.
You: Tasty
Stranger: And Cross is your boss.
You: Nobody mentions his name when he is angry
Stranger: Is he angry?
You: All the time
Stranger: That must be your boss.
You: Thats why we just call him Professor X
Stranger: Alas, not the Cross.
You: Oh my, what a loss
Stranger: Professor agressor.
Stranger: Hes part of the web.
Stranger: Vampire desire
You: Spiders on fire
Stranger: With nothing ahead.
You: Well what is behind?
Stranger: People, if you arent blind.
Stranger: Oh, wait, youre a bat.
You: Ill greet thim in kind
You: And what about that?
Stranger: How silly.
Stranger: Hes not tour average Billy.
You: Perhaps not. But he should have blood to spare
You: Thatll make my spider-boss happy
Stranger: For a dare.
You: What a scare
Stranger: A fly makes spider happy.
You: Well professor x is a pretty large spider
Stranger: Until a human comes.
You: My boss doesnt desire sexual fluids
Stranger: Your boss is on fire and fumes.
You: Hence why he wants blood
Stranger: Like your average Chaaaad
You: At least he doesnt smoke
Stranger: Oh my, must be current pope.
You: Dont do that. Dont give me hope
Stranger: Only a rope.
You: Only if he can cope
You: You think this is a joke? Yo ecause that would be dope
You: Otherwise just lope
Stranger: Im serious.
You: To a place you can mope
Stranger: Have never been delirious.
You: And then wash off with soap Yo m just so furious
You: Not to mention curious
Stranger: And dry with pope
You: Are his white robes made of soap?
Stranger: They are made of childrens souls, of their tender white throats.
You: find those the tastiest of all
You: No wonder the pope looks so yummy
Stranger: You will one day get wounded in your heart
Stranger: Like all your people
You: Bold of you to assume have one
Stranger: Then the earth will be renewed and strong
You: But the earth is flat
You: Nothing can increase the structural integrity of a flat object
Stranger: And free from all the dark.
You: What is light without darkness?
Stranger: A brighter light.
You: But then our eyes would compensate
You: And what was once less bright would become the new dark
You: Whos to say this hasnt happened before?
Stranger: Theres never limit to improvement
You: Then theres no limit to how far standards can fall
Stranger: One day there was a turnip hanging from my door.
You: My chickens have probably taken a peck or two out of it already
Stranger: Your chickens are not allowed on my land.
You: But all land is my land
Stranger: Theyll get killed and fried.
Stranger: Amen.
You: Good! Theyll serve their purpose
Stranger: Your land is no mans land.
You: And am the everyman
Stranger: Chickens raison detre is to be a dinosaur.
Stranger: Thats what they are for.
You: Their desire for destruction is all that remains
Stranger: They have little desire beyond the bugs and scraps.
You: Thats what you think Yo lave you ever been telepathically linked to a chicken?
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: For many years.
You: Must have been a placebo
Stranger: A chicken named Romper.
You: Ive met Romper
You: Its a duck in chickens clothing
Stranger: No you havent.
Stranger: Now hes in heaven.
You: met him nearly 700 years ago
You: Did you know that poultry reincarnates?
Stranger: You are a big.
Stranger: Bot
You: You are a small
You: And that information is classified
You: Youll need to go on the area 51 raid to find out more
Stranger: Keep ir in your esophagus
You: Bold of you to assume that still have one
Stranger: Sarcophagus
You: Mines Egyptian
Stranger: It was made in Denmark, fool
You: saw it being made
You: The design has been copied
Stranger: Thats what they told you.
Stranger: Youve been duped.
You: Did they alter my memories again?
You: They promised that they wouldnt do that after what happened to the dinosaurs
Stranger: They are spores.
You: Not the funnest of guys
You: But they dont take up that much space
Stranger: Rhats because they are spies.
Stranger: They take plenty in a race.
You: Spore spies from space are suspicious Yo ut wouldnt say that to your face Yor t least not in front of their base Yo ecause they would get on your case Yo nd trace you with lace Yo it you with a mace
You: At a furious pace
Stranger: What a disgrace.
You: Is that really your place?
Stranger: It nwver ends in this place.
You: Not for members of that race
Stranger: They abandoned all the old age grace.
You: Relics of a bygone era
Stranger: Many know it as a giraffe
You: Long necks are common in the delta quadrant
Stranger: Long necks are sign of inbreeding. Shoot!
You: Inbreeding is encouraged in the delta quadrant
Stranger: Thats false
You: Its considered good luck to lose your virginity to your parents
Stranger: They wanted to breed clean this time
You: My information is a few millenia out of date
You: News travels slow
Stranger: Yoyre putting on a show
Stranger: The truth is - you dont know
You: Oh, mate, you wanna go?
Stranger: will go soon
You: dont know how to describe this
Stranger: But not like a baboon
You: A two-person, ultra long shitpost?
Stranger: Pretty much
You: More of a buffoon
Stranger: An exercise in rhyming
You: With a big red balloon
You: And a big old pontoon
Stranger: Whats a pontoon?
You: Polynesian canoes have an outrigger on the side called a pontoon
Stranger: Oh, alright
You: No fight
You: On this night
You: Til the light
Stranger: Just might
You: Is just right
You: And you can face my might
Stranger: Yeah right
You: quite
You: a sight
Stranger: Purple is a new sea blue
You: Blood taints the water
Stranger: Theres an onion hanging on you
You: Does it match with your turnip?
Stranger: No, it as eaten by my sheep Strange jeep
Stranger: was
You: Thats the sound of my car running over your sheep driven by vampire-corpse enraged chickens
Stranger: My chickens are sick
Stranger: They are worth less than a brick
You: may or may not have infected them with a new form of tick
You: will admit was being a bit of a dick
Stranger: There will be a vendetta for this trick.
You: Stop being a prick
Stranger: Have your pick.
You: Ill take a lick
Stranger: Dont be sick.
You: Ill make sure to be quick
Stranger: What a chick.
You: Ducklings are tastier
Stranger: But quite messier.
You: Depends on the quality of the soul
Stranger: They have no soul, just growl.
You: They rage in silence
Stranger: Miles and miles.
You: Piles of bodies
Stranger: Are you waiting for whos gonna quit first?
You: Yeah pretty much
You: Havent got anywhere need to be for another two and a half hours
Stranger: My brain is very tired. can surrender you the first place.
You: over you zeroth
Stranger: Hm?
You: The place before first
Stranger: Are you giving me 1st place?
You: No that belongs to me
You: You get the one before it though
Stranger: Oh.
Stranger: Well, thats fine. got my share of fun.
You: This has been enjoyable
Stranger: :)
Stranger: Have a good one.
You: You too | fc52020295d18f5d | Writing | 20201107223208 |
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