Stranger: Hudson? heard through the grapevine that you might need a date to Kurt and Blaines wedding. Why didnt you tell me, man? We can bro it up all weekend! -SE You: Cause man, though youd of already had a date for the plus one. mean im up for broing it up, best men together haha. FH Stranger: For real. mean, thought was gonna be able to find someone, but girls these days are total flakes. -SE Stranger: And dont wanna go through a whole Mike and Dave situation. -SE You: Not even gonna get into that man. Consider me your wedding date Then. FH Stranger: Youre cool with sharing a room, though? Kurt said there was only a king room left. -SE You: If its with you? Sure. Better than Puck who has to share with Kurts cousin. FH You wanna let Kurt know then? Hes still not replying to my texts cause he didnt like my opinion on his wedding invites even though he asked for it. FH Stranger: What did you say about the invites..? - E Stranger: SE You: He asked if they looked good enough and said yeah, and then he got in a huff when said the squiggly writing was a bit hard to read. FH You: But its kurt so hell get over it in like a while. FH Stranger: Sounds like you... And sounds like him, honestly. -SE Stranger: Yeah, can let him know... are you gonna be in town before the wedding, though? - SE You: Most likely, Kurt said he wants to make sure my outfit looks good enough. FH Stranger: can take you for your fitting. -SE Stranger: Its not going to be weird for you? mean, with Rachel taking Jesse? -SE You: Dude, promised Kurt wouldnt get annoyed about it so yeah itll be fine. FH And sure Ill go with you for the fitting. Well still need to show kurt after we get the suits. Or at least pictures. FH Stranger: Ill handle that. -SE Stranger: So, should we not really play up the whole date thing to kind of mess with her? -SE Stranger: mean, she was pretty upset whenever she thought Blaine was bi, and then he told her he was gay... -SE You: As much as Id love to play it up, shed make a scene...and if she makes a scene im worried more about kurt murdering me for it. FH Stranger: dont think shed make a scene, really. -SE Stranger: think shed get upset and then try and go sulk in her room. -SE Stranger: But if youre too scared to push the boundaries... mean, Id be pissed if were you. - SE You: ...You know what. Youre right. Lets play it up. FH Stranger: Hah. mean, itd fuck with everyone, anyway. So think itd be funny. -SE Stranger: Im actually in town right now. just got back from the bakery. -SE Stranger: Kurt made me eat a million kinds of cake. -SE You: Sounds like you need 5 days constant in the gym then. FH Stranger: Probably... hes gonna make my ass get fat. :c -SE Stranger: Photo Attachment: 1761f11117708e/ tumblr_inline_mxo0olk4nch1ssfigq.jpg -SE You: Dude. Did you really need to send that? FH Yo mean your ass is already fat. In a good way. Like bubble butt. FH Stranger: .. thought we were pretending to date? dont know. -SE Stranger: Wait, really? -SE You: Yeah may not be gay but your ass is good. FH Stranger: Like... how good, though? -SE You: Honestly? Better than Quinns. FH Stranger: Is it fuckable? think it needs to look fuckable if were going to pass off this gay thing. - sE Stranger: Thats what was worried about, anyway... -SE You: It is. Dont worry. You have a fantastic ass man, no homo. Or fake homo, whatever. FH You: So Ill see you next week for the fitting then? FH Stranger: Is this one a better pic..? Photo Attachment: 201306440f864f/ tumblr_inline_nlvwpy3BCb1s16jit.jpg -SE You: Yeah. FH Stranger: Its gonna be that long? thought Kurt said you were taking the train tonight. -SE You: Thats when Im sure the fitting is. Or that might be burts. Ill ask burt just to be sure. FH Stranger: He said you were gonna be here a week prior to help with decorations, because youre so tall. -SE You: Yeah just messaged burt. His is the day before, mines like the tomorrow afternoon. FH You: Of course Im helping with decorations. FH Stranger: So.. youll be here tonight, then? -SE You: Yeah. FH Stranger: Cool. Ill make room for you in the dresser. mean, unless you wanted your own room. -SE Stranger: figured we were gonna try and sell this early on. -SE Stranger: (BRB) You: Thats fine with me. Besides Burt said my rooms being used for wedding supply storage anyway. FH Stranger: Oh, nice. Hows Philly been, by the way? -SE Stranger: Personally, feel like Im starting to hate living in Kentucky because Im so far away from everyone now. didnt expect it to feel that way. -SE You: Its okay enough. Missing everyone but at least my place is private. FH You: Yeah Kentucky must suck like that. FH Stranger: dont know... feel like maybe farm life isnt for me after all. And its not like my parents /need/ me to stay here anymore. -SE Stranger: just dont know where to go next. cant just come running back to Ohio like used to - youre not even here anymore. -SE You: dunno man, feel the same way. Though Farm life sounds weird. Whats it like? FH You: And you could come to Philly if you want, My place is paid for by my student loan, so free rent. FH You: Though that means no more walking around naked for me. FH Stranger: Were dating, remember? And its not like we havent seen each other naked a million times... -SE You: suppose thats true. FH Stranger: Besides, /Im/ not giving up the freedom to walk around naked once can again. Living with your family limits that. -SE You: Yeah but you can just go out into a field and strip if you want right? FH Stranger: guess so.. but then Id be prone to chiggers and ticks on my junk. -SE You: True. So apartment nudity it is. FH Stranger: Apartment nudity, huh? So youre not giving me a choice to move in anymore. see how it is. -SE You: That was a You can move in and be nude like me FH Stranger: didnt say that minded you telling me how it is. -SE Stranger: You usually always know whats best for me, anyway. -SE You: Well the offer is there. So dont get freaked out if you move in and see me nude one day haha. FH Stranger: wouldnt, babe. Trust me. -SE You: Awesome. Anyway so gotta finish packing what need, see you tonight? FH Stranger: You mean packing day clothes? Because were gonna be naked all up in the room this week. -SE You: Pretty much yeah. FH Stranger: Cute. Alright, see you tonight. -SE Stranger: Luckily, Burt and Carole are out of town visiting your grandma this weekend, so weve go the place to ourselves at night. -SE You: Sounds great man. Ill keep that in mind :) FH (para? can start) Stranger: (Go for it!) You: After all the texting back and forward, Finn finished up packing and headed to get the train from the station. It was the slow train, and he arrived in, duffle bag in hand to the station at around 9 that evening, stepping off and heading to the entrance to meet up with Kurt who was picking him up, humming to himself with a little glee in his step. Stranger: (So do need to play Kurt? 0.0) You: (No was thinking it would be after Kurt drops him off to the house or maybe sams there to pick him up since kurt and sam were at the cake tasting) You: (You can take it from whichever! :) ) Stranger: Blaine quirked a brow as he watched the tall boy coming around the corner of the train dock, laughing softly as he pushed off of the car and moved to taker the duffel from the older boy, You seem abnormally peppy tonight... Something should know about? He popped the trunk and dropped Finns bag into the back, slamming it shut. He then moved to open the passengers side door for Finn, Sorry that had to be the one to come get you, but Kurt had some issue with the DJ for our wedding.. guess he lost our entire playlist, so hes freaking out. You: Finn shrugged a little at Blaine and gave him the bag. Not really. Just...happy to be home he said to Blaine and moved around to the passenger side. Thanks. A taxi would be too much man. he said with a chuckle as he got in hearing that. That sucks. But Im sure one of you still had a hand written list done out right? So not much lost im sure he told Blaine and closed the door then, buckling himself in. Cant wait to get home and just relax. College is great but just something about home... Stranger: Blaine slid into the drivers seat, shaking his head, Its more than just that, isnt it? You clearly have some pep in your step that isnt just from being home in Lima... He playfully nudged Finn with his elbow, trying to get something out of him, mean, did you finally find a date to the wedding or something? havent heard anything new from Kurt, so Im curious... wasnt sure if needed to put out an alert to find you someone to accompany you. You: Finn laughed a little at that. Yeah yeah. got a date. Me and sam decided to buddy up so were going as the best men. He told Blaine simply. And It means get to hang with my friend all the time, which is much better than college honestly. He told Blaine and nudged him back a little as Blaine started the car. And Kurts still not talking to me after said the writing on the invites was hard to read. But thats just him being him He said to Blaine then, relaxing back in his seat, legs spread a little on the drive home. Stranger: Blaine nodded as he listened to Finn, grinning softly when he was nudged back, causing his hand to fall into Finns lap without him noticing. He drove casually with one hand on the wheel, the other one gripping onto Finns thigh as if he were holding onto an arm rest. He chewed on his bottom lip, narrowing his eyes on the road, Hell get over that... Hes just stressed out right now. mean, hes so stressed that he hasnt even spent longer than 3 hours with me in the past 4 days... and we havent even had sex in at least a month. Its shitty. You: Im sure he will. And when you guys are married, you can spend all night fucking each other im sure. Finn told Blaine with a smile. He let the boy hold his thigh as they drove on the road, humming a little. Dont worry, 3 hours with him will be worth it. Youll realise how much you missed him and all that Finn explained not that he was sure it made sense. And worst case, theres always dildos right? Stranger: Blaine rolled his eyes at Finns words, laughing bitterly, You always try to find the bright side of things, but be honest... if you were that backed up and hadnt gotten off in months, you wouldnt want to settle for toys, yeah? They hit a pothole in the road and his hand slid higher up, squeezing Finns cock through his jeans while he remained oblivious to what he was actually doing. You: Finn felt the pot hole, the car bumping down and then up as Blaines loose hand slid up higher on his thick to his cock, feeling the squeeze against his bulge. He inhaled sharply at the contact, toes curling a little as blood started to flow to his crotch. Uh. Dude? He asked Blaine then taking a little swallow of the spit in his mouth. Your hands kinda on my cock right now he laughed not moving it though. Stranger: Blaine froze at Finns words, looking over to meet his eyes before he glanced down to where his hand was in his lap. He noticed the thick outline of Finns cock in his jeans, clearly noting that he was aroused. He pulled over to the side of the road, blushing deeply, I... Im so sorry... It was honestly an accident... However, he pressed his palm down against the bulge, rubbing it intentionally this time, Can you forgive me? You: Finns cock gave a throb as Blaine pulled over still holding onto it. Of course. Man. know it was an acci-ah... fuck... He said before moaning as Blaine pressed down against him on purpose this time, on the side of the empty road. His hips arched up, hard thick cock rutting up through his jeans against Blaines hands. Course... can forgive you Blaine He smiled a little at him. Stranger: Blaine nodded as he killed the engine of the car, slowly dragging the zipper of Finns jeans down and fishing the boys length out of his briefs. He wrapped his fingers around the base, beginning to stroke him slowly, Good... because couldnt stand if you were upset with me. After all, you and have gotten so close lately... were practically family, right? You: Finn felt Blaine pull his zipper down, the car going silent and dark. His thick uncut length came out of his briefs through the slit, standing proudly and erect. Yeah know... Basically family. We stick together Finn said to Blaine and slowly pressed his hips up to fuck into Blaines hand, eyes closing from the pleasure of someone elses hand doing it for him. I think this is a good apology for sure. Stranger: Blaine reached across Finn with his free hand and pulled the lever of the seat, laying Finn all the way back before he moved to straddle the boys hips. He continued to stroke him, picking up the pace and pumping him more eagerly now, ...You think so? If this is so good for you... you think you might be able to help me feel good, too? mean... we stick together, right? You: Finn lowered back as the car seatmoved down all the way it could, letting Blaine straddle his hips. Yeah Im sure can. Finn agreed and reached around to grab at Blaines ass. He knew it was wrong to do this,Blaine was engaged after all. But the hand jerking him felt great. How can make you feel good Blaine? Want it inside you? Finn asked, reaching back around to the front, unzipping Blaines pants and opening them up. Stranger: Blaine helped to push his jeans and briefs down, kicking them off to the floor board. He slid up so that Finns cock ran along the crack of his ass, his own impressively thick cock pulsing and dripping precum onto Finns stomach as he gasped, Y-yes... want to feel you inside of me... filling me up... Mmm... Ive had a plug in my ass all day, and that pot hole almost made me cum in my pants... You: Finn grinned hearing that. You really need it then He said to Blaine and reached around him, rutting his cock against Blaines plump cheeks and against his crack, feeling the head nudging the plug. He pulled him forward chest to chest, Blaines dripping cock against his stomach and his fingers grabbing the plug, pulling it out with a few tugs before a final forceful one, freeing it from Blaines hole. Stranger: Blaine writhed against Finn as the older male pulled the plug out, his thighs gripping the boys hips tightly while he gripped his shoulders firmly, ...l need it so bad. Need my brother to help me feel good... He lifted his ass up, gripping the base of Finns cock to hold him up as he began to sink back onto him carefully. As just the head breeched him, he whispered, Promise me that this stays between us... were blood brothers now... With that, he pressed back until Finn had bottomed out inside of him. You: Finn shuddered as Blaine pressed the head and held the base of his cock. Yeah. know. Make you feel good brother. he said grinning. It stays between us. Blood brothers He promised Blaine, groaning as he slid raw all the way in, his hung cock deep inside Blaines warm hole. His hands held Blaines hips to steady him on the seat, eyes closed and moaning loudly in the car. You feel so warm and slick Finn couldnt help but praise, reaching to grab Blaines cock after a moment.
sinn, bluck, winn, blinn, spuck, pyder, fyder, andercest, jyder, pinn, puckercest, blam, huntbastian
Stranger: (Catlad-Tim) Why hello there, birdie- boy came the purring voice of the lounging young teen, twirling the leather tail in his hand. He looked amused at managing to catch the other off-guard, guessing how much Robins shoulders jumped. It was amusing to know that he could catch the worlds greatest detectives sidekick off guard. He hadnt seen him much recently, and Selina had been so cryptic with her words. Now he had to go out and find him, which he did. He just also couldnt help overhearing some of the...hushed arguments that Robin had been having with himself. Of course Tim knew he could easily cheer him up. (Jason and Bruce gotten into an agruement) You: Jason couldnt help jumping slightly when he saw the boy behind him, taking a step back and putting his hands up, ready to defend himself until he realized who it was. Havent seen you in a while, Jason said, running a hand through his hair as he hoped he didnt look too crazy pacing and talking to himself. He was just so frustrated and he needed a minute to remind himself that Bruce was just trying to help, no matter how much it upset Jason. Dick had told him that on multiple occasions, that Bruce was always doing what he thought was right, but that didnt make Jason any less upset when Bruce did something that really got to him. How long were you watching me? Stranger: Tim grinned more, pleased at surprising and just hearing the other speak. So, he sat up on the ledge, crouched and looking at him. Hmm, right about the time you started on a certain someone, Mr. Tall and Dark, lecturing you about breaking someones arm. Got some angry there, birdie? Tim knew that this Robin was a little more forceful from the one before. Selina was the one that told him about there being two, then again, had to be since the other would definitely be much older. He then leaped off the ledge, flipping in the air and landing a few feet from Robin, still with a grin to flourish. What to tell more about whats eating your mind? Or do you want to play some cat and bird? Tim loved teasing Robin. Selina said it was adorable, but he enjoyed knowing that at least he had someone to go back and forth with and wasnt the Batman. You: Jason frowned when Catlad said he had been there since Bruce was lecturing him about the broken arm, looking away and thinking about running, but he knew hed just be followed. It was easier to play the game, plus hed blow off some steam on the way. He sighed and smiled slightly, a lopsided grin that always had Catlads eyes twitching down to look at his mouth, just a small thing Jason had always noticed about him. We can play. He said, taking a step in so they were closed, almost pressed together. Only if can be the cat this time though, because damn do love chasing you. He added suggestively, and maybe it was mostly teasing, but hed be lying if he said he didnt love seeing that ass in the skin-tight outfit he wore. Hell, Jason had dreamed of it more than once. You: (brb sorry!) Stranger: The grin definitely caught Tims attention, glancing to it of course because he liked seeing the other amused and smiling. It was such a contrast to Gotham itself. The dark place never seemed to dim the brightness that was Robin, unlike his own dark skintight suit. Once Robin got close, Tim was slightly forced to look up to meet the domino mask gaze, but he didnt back down. He smirked back. Oh, you do? Is that the only reason you do? The thrill of the chase, pouncing on your prey, pinning them down... While he had spoken, his hand crept up the bright red vest of Robins, ghosting over the R on his chest, before it finally reached up to flick the others nose. Tim let out a laugh before turning and flipping away. Lets play then, birdie Then he was leaping from the roof, awaiting the chase and feeling the thrill in his blood. Stranger: (gotta brb too) Stranger: (back) You: Jason smiled when he felt the hand sliding up his chest, Catlad was always touching and teasing, and Jason didnt think he would ever get sick of it. He could help but laugh when he felt the flick on his nose, taking off after Catlad, chasing him across rooftops, feeling the thrill of leaping and just barely catching himself sometimes. It was better than moping alone somewhere, and he got to see that fine figure in front of him running across the Gotham skyline. He smiled when he caught up enough on one of the rooftops to grab him and flip him around, throwing them both off balance more than Jason had accounted for. His instincts kicked in quickly though, grabbing Catlad by the hips and flipping them around so Jason would hit the roof on his back first, Catlad on top f him. Jason held onto him tight, not willing to let him get away again now that they were so damn close. Stranger: Tim had enough the chase, loving the feeling of moving through the air and running on rooftops. He supposed thats why he worked well with Selina too. But then he felt the hand catch him, before soon landing on top of Robin. His wide eyes started at the domino mask, not really moving off of him just yet. You okay? he asked with some concern in his voice, looking for any sign of hurt. Then he grinned a bit and propped up his elbow next to Robins dark hair, leaning his face against his fist. Well, you caught me, bird-boy? What are you going to do now? he teased, actually holding back a thrill of that. He couldnt help how much he had come to want Robin around, be around him. Selina said it was hormones, but Tim thought it might be closer to the reason she always teased Batman. Also, he could feel that toned body beneath Robins suit. That was a lovely mental image. You: Im fine, Jason said, grinning up at him and wrapping his arms around Catlad easy, more like he would someone he wanted to hold instead of like he was a criminal he was scared would get away if he didnt hold on tight enough. Although, he did work with Catwoman, which did kinda make him a criminal, and Jason was scared hed get away, but he supposed he seemed to want to be here so he wasnt too worried. He ran a hand up the other boys spine, continuing to slide it up until he was cupping his cheek, worried he was reading absolutely everything wrong between them, but tonight was a bad night for him and he couldnt help the way he wanted the other right now. Can kiss you? He asked, not meaning for it to come out so unsure. He wanted to sound confident and ready and like he knew what he was doing, but part of him was still worried he was wrong and Catlad didnt actually want to kiss him, that it was just playful flirting. Stranger: Now Tim was the one caught surprised this night. He hadnt mind the hand trailing against his back, actually enjoying how it felt. He was such a touch-starved person, since his own parents were rarely home. Selinas nails scratching his head, and now Robins hands so firm. Hard not to want to remain here for a long while, maybe even curl up in his lap like a cat. But then Robin was asking him for a kiss, so unsure and young. Tim soon felt the same, surprised that his own inner thoughts of kissing the hero werent his own. S-sure, he answered back, his own voice failing him in not sounding like his normal attitude. But soon all that he could focus on was Robins face, so close to his own, and those lips he had been wondering what they felt like since mouthing off to the hero. His face dipped closer, crowding him and not wanting Robin to back out of it now. You: Jason took in a deep breath when hed heard the agreement, watching as Catlad dropped his face a little closer, lips parted and so perfect. Jason had thought about kissing him since their first meeting, their first little chase that had just been a distraction to get him away from Bruce so Catwoman could go after him alone. Bruce had warned him about this, on more than one occasion when he caught Jason staring, but all that had flown from Jasons head now as he pulled Catlad down into a sweet kiss, letting his eyes flutter shut and his hands loop back around his thin waist. It wasnt Jasons first kiss, but he couldnt help hoping that it was the first of many between him and Catlad. That may have been wishful thinking, he knew that it was probably against all sorts of Bruces rules, but damn was he willing to get in trouble just to feel these lips like this again and again. Youre pretty, you know. He said when he dragged away slowly, arms still wrapped around Catlads waist. Stranger: Tim couldnt help grinning into that kiss, being one of the few he had ever had and given. But none of the ones before held the certain sweetness that had to be Robins mixed with both of them wanting to. Once they parted and he heard what the other said, he let out a light laugh and tucked his chin against the others chest to watch his handsome face. Aww, so sweet Youre a catch too, birdie. So glad Batman has such a handsome sidekick He was, because it meant that when he was off distracting Robin for Selina to go off and have her own fun with Batman, he didnt have to not like it. The Gotham starless night sky was their witness for the evening, allowing the two to have their peace for now. Better be careful though, might tempt you to do some bad things he flirted, though knowing he wouldnt want Robin to change at all. He liked the boy wonder as he was, strong and caring. Maybe thats why he couldnt stop thinking about him. You: Jason laughed softly and went back to running a hand up and down his spine since Catlad had seemed to like that earlier, grinning when he felt the other boy arch into his hand. The only bad thing plan on doing tonight is you. He said suggestively, smiling slightly up at Catlad before pulling him into another kiss, enjoying this mouth while he could. He knew their time together would be short. Soon enough someone would be calling or come looking for one of them, and Jasons current goal was just to have as much fun as they could before that happened. It wasnt every day he got to kiss someone so pretty, he didnt want to pass up the opportunity now while he had it. He caught Catlads bottom lip between his teeth, nipping at it softly, hands roaming until they landed on his ass and gave it a light squeeze, anything to get a reaction from him. He was usually so cool, calm, and collected, Jason figured now was a perfect time to see something else there that he hadnt before, even if it was an easy shot. Stranger: Tim let out murmurs of pleased sounds against Robins lips, making a keening noise feeling those teeth sink into his lip and hands grab his ass. That made him trip a little out of his persona, moaning more and gasping before he regain some sense and saw the amused look that Robin sported. Dirty tricks were meant with dirty tricks. So, Tim grounded his hips down, leaning his lips down but instead of lips against lips, his nipped against Robins neck. The exposed skin was marked by Tim, who felt very pleased in knowing that he was getting to claim what was now his. You: Jason groaned when he felt hips rocking against his own, expecting another sweet kiss, but he wasnt about to complain when he felt the mouth on his neck, closing his eyes and just tilting his head so more of his neck was exposed. Jesus, youre good. He breathed, grabbing his ass again to pull their hips together again. Why havent we done this before? He asked, half joking. It felt good, and they both were obviously attracted to each other, and it wasnt like they didnt know their mentors were doing the same things when their backs were turned, although Jason did take a moment to think about the fact they were young and probably werent going to have the best time keeping their hands off each other after this. Stranger: dont know, why havent you kiss me before? Tim teased, pulling his lips back up to kiss Robin again. He was still at fault for not initiating this sooner too, but it was better to not lay blame on himself. He couldnt stop kissing him, gone from actually teasing to making out. How did he not want to stop doing so. There shouldnt have been any force in this world that would have gotten him to stop and off of Jason, but Tim was known to sometimes be blind in his obsessions. Robin! came the growling sound of the dark knight, effectively causing Tim to quickly end the kiss and roll off of Robin and into a crouch. He stared up at the Batman, whos glare was focused on him. Usually that didnt make him so nervous, but Selina wasnt around and he was the frekaing Batman. Tim couldnt help his eyes darting to Robin before staring back at Batman. Tim looked more like a corner cat than an actual one right now, wondering if this might have been a ploy or trick. That was his rational mind, one that got him in and out of trouble. But no, Robin wouldnt have made out with him just to trick him. You: (brb again sorry!!) Stranger: (brb as well.) Stranger: (if we get disconnected, my email is ) You: Jason heard Bruce and froze for a moment before sitting up and smiling innocently up at him like he had no idea what he had done wrong. Batman, He said, standing up brushing himself off a little, offering a hand to Catlad to help him stand too, watching as he so cautiously took it. Youre always telling me should be making friends my own age, so here am. Making friends. He said jokingly, knowing that wasnt at all what Bruce wanted to hear right now. Not when he just caught Jason making out with Catlad of all fucking people, jeez Jason was so dead when they got back to the cave. He wasnt sorry in the slightest though, he would go back to making out with Catlad in a heartbeat if he knew they could get away and find somewhere to go for a while, but Bruce would obviously follow and try to drag Jason away and back home, so he knew there was no point. They had just been having so much fun too, and it wasnt like Jason got the chance to make out with people often since he didnt really try to make friends at school and he was out jumping from roof to roof every night. Of course every once and a while hed find a girl or a guy at school but that never lasted long at all. Stranger: Tim stood near Robin, though he could just feel the heat of the glare about that on him. He was glad that Robin didnt seemed to worry about Batman catching him, though there was some worry about what he would do to Robin once they left. He hadnt wanted to get him in trouble, well at least with Batman. Now it seemed as though they were cutting the night short together. Well, seems like birdie has to fly home tonight, he joked lightly, still feeling that hardened gaze on him. No wonder criminals pissed themselves when receiving that glare. He turned towards Robin, keeping Batman in his peripheral, and winked. Catch ya later, birdie He then gave him another quick kiss before heading off the nearest ledge. He didnt hear anyone following, which was good for him. Selina hopefully wont be too mad at him when he told him what happened. Throughout running through Gotham, all that haunted his thoughts was those kisses and Robins sweet face and lips. Back on the rooftop, Bruce was still silent. Once the other teen left, his stare turned towards Jason. He didnt speak until he huffed and said as he turned, Lets go. Now. No disagreeing in his voice. Lecture was due tonight, well another one at the cave. You: Jason caught Catlads lips in the kiss, squeezing his wrist lightly before he was running off, and Jason didnt blame him, Bruce was terrifying and he didnt even want to be there anymore. He watched until he couldnt see Catlad anymore in the distance, not wanting to return home with Bruce, but knowing he had no choice. Alright. He mumbled, looking down at his feet, almost shy and definitely defeated. He didnt mean to get himself in this much trouble. He was just having a bad night, and there Catlad was, Jason genuinely didnt believe a stolen kiss in the night was that big of a deal. Or a makeout session. Whatever it was they had been getting up to before Bruce had come along to interrupt, and Jason didnt even know if hed get another chance like that. Hell, he doubted hed be able to leave the hose with how upset Bruce had been at him all night. How much trouble am in? He dared to ask once they were in the batmobile, Jason curled up in his seat, obviously upset. Stranger: The drive was mostly silent as well. It was Clear that Bruce was lost in his thoughts. When Jason finally asked his question, his short response was that, You arent to leave my side on patrol. He didnt seem to add more, which might have been a blessing. But it was clear that it had greatly displeased him. Mostly because he really didnt like the idea of Jason falling for any tricks of criminals, even young ones. Tim headed towards Selinas place before heading back to his own very empty home for the evening. He petted the tabby laying on the window sill before tapping on the glass and waiting. Peanut butter, you wouldnt believe what happened to me, he muttered to the tabby, getting a tired look from the cat before glancing up at the window once he saw movement and a light turn on inside of the apartment. You: Jason frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, looking over at Bruce. So youre allowed to do whatever it is you do with Catwoman but I so much as kiss Catlad and youre punishing me? He asked, telling himself not to pout. It wasnt worth it. If he was really that upset he could call Dick when they got back. It seemed to be a common occurrence these days, curling up on his bed with his cell phone to call Dick and talk. Selina smiled slightly when she saw Tim talking to her cat, walking over to open the window, sitting on the edge while Tim pet the cat and she finished brushing her hair, in the middle of her evening routine. Whats up, sweetie? You look like youve seen a ghost. Did you run into some trouble? She asked, crossing her legs and looking over at Tim expectantly. Stranger: That got a strong exhale through his nose. This isnt up for discussion or debate. That seemed his go-to method when not really wanting to confront a problem. Especially this. This he would have to think over and wonder just how to deal with another teenager again. The ride continued to linger in silence, well from Bruces side of the conversation. He knew he would have to Selina about this, but he really didnt want to. Because that just meant more she knew about his life. Uh, well, maybe a little? he answered back with a lop-sided grin on his lips. He sat down on the edge, letting the tabby into his lap to pet more. I, ran into Robin tonight. Just the boy wonder, and we uh. His boasting nature faded as he went from being Catlad to just Tim. A shy boy who had wanted to become Catwomans sidekick to not feel so trapped and unloved. So, he kissed me. kissed him. We kissed. He was starting firmly on Peanut butters coat after admitting that so openly. You: Jason let the silence fall in the car, never feeling this weak before, not even before Bruce took him in, but he couldnt help it. He felt like he had done something terribly wrong, and Bruce wouldnt even talk about it. He took a deep breath and looked over at Bruce, closing his eyes for a moment so he wouldnt have to look at him while he spoke. Its not because hes a boy right? He asked, sure it wasnt, but he wanted to be absolutely sure. If it is can- like girls too. wont kiss any more guys. He added nervously. Selina smiled slightly and bumped Tims foot with her own, shaking her head. My little Timmy growing up. Going out and kissing boys. She said, sighing softly and tossing her hairbrush inside. Is he a good kisser? She asked, happy to sit and gossip with Tim about Robin if thats what he came here to do. She always did her best to be there for him since she knew his parents never were. It was the least she could do for him since he was always so much of a help to her. Stranger: No, it isnt, Bruce finally answered and spoke back, sighing after a few more seconds of collecting his thoughts on the matter, dont care- no, be it girl or boy, dont mind who you kiss. But that isnt just another person, Jason. He turned his face to look at his new ward. That is still a criminal, no matter how young. You cant let your...affections get in the way. He turned his gaze back on the world in front of them, Gotham lights falling away as they headed towards the Manor. Before you start, still dont want nor allow Selina to do something criminal. do stop her when she does. dont know if you will understand to do the same. Tim smiled brightly when he heard such reassuring questions. She always felt like a mom, or at least an aunt since his was still around, Barely. Yeah, he is. And it felt great, his voice trailed off, still remembering him under him and just how good it tasted. Of course, it hadnt lasted long enough. And uh, then Batman found out what we were doing. That might not receive such a pleasant response from her. He, uh, told Robin to leave with him. His eyes stared out into the Gotham skyline, wondering just where Robin was. It was a small dream to find him, to be together without costumes. But he doubted Robin would like Tim, small Tim who turned to crime to stop feeling ignored. You: Jason felt better when Bruce assured him it wasnt because he was kissing guys, and he knew it was stupid that he even thought it might have been the reason, but he had to be sure. I know who he is and what he does, B. He said, frowning a little. I dont want him to be bad, Id be willing to stop him just like anyone else. He insisted, shaking his head. Why would let him risk doing something dangerous and getting in trouble if had the chance to stop him? dont want him getting arrested and sent away, just like you dont want Selina in trouble either. Selina frowned when Tim said batman found them, scooting closer and wrapping her arm around Tim, pulling him into her side. He just pretends to be scary. promise you he isnt really. Not when you know him. She said softly, petting the cat in Tims lap. Im sure Ill be getting a phone call any time now from him. Hell have plenty to say. She added, rolling her eyes a little and sighing. Ill tell you now though if you want Robin, and you like kissing him and you want to see him, have no problems with it. just want you to be happy, sweetie. Stranger: Bruce let Jason talk and listened. He believe him, but there was also the fact that Jason was young. Hell both of them were. Not that he would hold age against Jason, but coupled with affections, it could be dangerous. I know you want to do what is best, but you still have much to learn. He hated that it could be hypocritical, but he was still worried about this. He knew he would get an earful from Selina if he told Jason to stop interacting, but it was hard to see any other way around it. want you to keep your distance unless necessary to intervene. Is that understood? He hated being harsh on any of his wards, but he wasnt Bruce right now. Tim leaned into her embrace, enjoying the sweet smells that lingered on her skin. It felt so nice. The small reassurances about Batman made him feel a little more at ease. Thanks, and I do. like kissing him. His lips held a soft smile, one that had been so rare just a few months ago. I think Im looking up to you too much. You have Batman, and like Robin. He chuckled, disrupting Peanut butters nap and causing the cat to jump down from his lap. Once freed of the cat in his lap, he wrapped his arms around her to hug. Thanks Selina, he murmured into her shoulder as he hugged her. There was a lot he thanked her for, but being there for him was the most. You: Jason frowned and looked away, refusing to answer Bruce, he was upset. He didnt want Bruce telling him who he could and couldnt see and kiss and touch. Especially not when Bruce was being a complete hypocrite about it. He just wanted to get back to the cave and change so he could get up to his room and hide away for a while, not wanting to think about the fact Bruce had practically just banned him from even speaking to Catlad. Hed definitely miss the flirting the most. Selina laughed when Tim said he was looking up to her too much, and maybe he was right. She didnt want him in any trouble. Hell, Tim was the only reason she had been staying out of trouble recently. Theyd barely stolen anything or taken any jobs for weeks, Selina trying to stay off the radar for Tims sake. She couldnt be there for him and do things like this from prison. I think hanging out with Robin might do you some good then. She teased, although she wasnt completely joking. She hugged Tim back tight, knowing how much he needed the affection sometimes. I know your parents arent home, you can stay here if youd like. She offered, not wanting him to have to go home to an empty house. Stranger: Bruce parked the batmobile in the cave and watched as Jason got out of the car and headed off without so much as a word. He watched and then sighed, knowing he really should call Selina right now and just...figure this out. But he really didnt want to, not when it meant that he knew what Selina would say. She would be for it, because it was romantic and what. But he couldnt see it like that, not when it posed as a danger to Jason. He could handle himself, but his ward was young. That youth might get him killed one day if he didnt watch out for him. That was something he never wanted to happen. Im so glad you think so, he agreed with her, happy to just be able to hear the words that he had been turning over his head. He hugged her back more, not wanting to break it and loose the warmth he felt. Once she made the offer, it didnt take long for him to think of the answer. Yeah, would like that. Thank you. Not that he would be missed, and he could easily make sure he could fool enough proof to seem like he was home. Selina wasnt a stranger, and he felt no fear staying with her. You: Jason went up to his room the second he was changed back into some sweatpants and a tshirt, crawling into his bed and pulling out his phone, dialing Dicks number and waiting patiently to see if hed pick up. He didnt know what he was going to say, or if Dick would even be supportive, or if Dick would even answer, but it always made him feel better to talk to Dick since he never felt like he could talk to Bruce. Selina smiled slightly and slipped inside, stepping aside so Tim could come in too, leaving the window open just a crack so the cat could come and go. have a spare room. Its usually set up for Pam or Harley, but you can use it whenever you want. Really, love having you here. She assured him. I dont like that you go home to that big empty house so much. You almost remind me of Bruce. She said, shaking her head a little. Stranger: Dick answered shortly, though it was a bit groggy on his side of the phonecall. Little Wing? You okay? he asked, wondering why Jason was calling so late. He figured it was after patrol. Something happen during patrol? It was either that or something with Bruce happened. Or both, since he knew how Bruce could be sometimes. Tim smiled more as she told him about where he could stay. Bruce? Does Batman know about him? he teased back, though it took a few seconds to realize which one she was talking about. He knew Selina knew about his own wealth, and for someone to remind her about him, it had to be the Wayne man. He yawned, feeling the creeping sleep come up. I better get some sleep. He stretched out his arms, feeling the ache in them after a long night of running and making out. You: Sorry, did wake you up? Jason asked, feeling a little bad. He knew Dick usually went home early since he did have a real day job. I just had a bad night with Bruce tonight. He caught me kissing Catlad after we had already gotten in an argument and got all angry and said wasnt allowed to see him basically. He explained, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. You could say he knows, Selina said with a small smile, leading Tim to the bedroom. I have a pair of sweatpants you can wear if you want. She offered, shrugging a little. I dont care what you wear around really, just thought Id offer in case youd be more comfortable with clothes on. She added, turning on the light and making sure everything was straightened up and none of her little friends had left anything in the room that would be dangerous to Tim. You never knew with Harley and Pam. Stranger: No, its fine, he answered back before listening to what Jason had to tell him. It was Clear he was taking it all in before speaking since he was so quiet. Oh, Jaybird, he then murmured out, wishing he was there to give him a hug or something. He could just hear how this was affecting the new Robin. So, you kissed Catlad? he asked, trying to get Jason to talk more about what would make him happier. He would definitely have to talk to Bruce about this. And Ill talk to B. Not about what were talking about, but about what he told you. I can understand his concern, but you sound happy when you were. There was a grin in his voice when he said that. Yes, please, he answered back, waiting for her to leave to bring them to him. He began stripping off his suit and piling it up. Once out of the suit, he couldnt help catching himself in the mirror. He looked thinner without it on, more plain. He knew he was bright, that wasnt hard to figure by how school went, but without many around, it felt like he was alone in the world. Besides everyone but Selina and...He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed as he waited, wondering if it had been a good idea to kiss Robin. Not that he regretted doing so, but if it might just be a one time thing, it hurt knowing that. You: Thanks, for talking to Bruce, Jason said softly, closing his eyes and rolling onto his back, taking a deep breath. Catlad is just really sweet, and know dont really know him, but he found me when was upset and cheered me up. We chased each other like we always do, and accidentally knocked us over and he landed on top of me and could help it, he was right there. He said, practically gushing to Dick about it. Bruce found us while we were making out though, scared the shit out of Catlad when he said Robin in his Batman voice. felt bad. He added, his cheeriness going while he talked about Bruce. Selina went and got a pair of her sweatpants from her dresser, grabbing a t-shirt while she was at it. She brought the clothes back and sat them next to Tim on the bed. The shirt is one stole from an ex, so it wont be tight. The pants are mine though, they look like theyll fit though, youre kinda small. She said with a small shrug. could take you out to breakfast tomorrow. She offered as she hovered at the door. Im looking for a job for us. Well get back out on the street. Help you forget about everything until you can get your little Robin back. Stranger: Youre welcome, little Wing. Then he listened once more and made pleased sounds when he heard just how the night went. The gushing was adorable to hear, though it did end so unhappily for Jason. Yeah, Bruce doesnt make a good impression as Batman. Im sure that he wasnt completely scared off. Knowing Catwoman staying around him, if he is anything like her, he wont be so frightened off. He seems to really like you. Alright, that sounds good, he told her back, soon slipping on the pants and shirt. She was right about the fit of the clothing, which didnt feel at all like the expensive stuff he worse. I also have an idea of retractable climbing gear can discuss with you. think itll help on our next job. He always had an idea or two in his mind to help them out. Good night, Selina. He slipped under the covers, feeling more at ease here than his own messy room. You: Jason sighed softly and smiled a little. Youre right. Hell come back. He said, feeling a little better. Maybe Bruce will lighten up too. He joked, laughing softly and closing his eyes again. He just hoped Bruce would come around sooner rather than later. Thanks, Dickie. Really. Talking to you helps. He said softly after a moment of silence between them. I should go to bed, thanks. He added before Dick could even reply, saying his goodbyes before they were hanging up and Jason was curling up to go to bed. We can talk about everything in the morning, Selina said sweetly, reaching out and turning off the light, making sure there was still the little night light plugged in by the door just in case he needed to get up. Night, Tim. She said softly, going off to her own room and pulling out her phone, dialing Bruces number as she crawled into bed, petting one of the neighborhood cats that had crawled in and decided to take her bed up as home. There was no way she was going to let this slide, she knew Bruce, and she knew he wasnt going to let Jason see Tim unless someone intervened, although part of her just wanted to give Tim Jasons full name and tell him to go find him, it wasnt like she didnt know exactly what grade he was in and what school he went to. Hed be easy enough to find. Stranger: Goodnight, Jay, Dick answered back before they ended the conversation for the evening. Night, came Tims response just as he curled up in the bed to sleep. Peanut butter eventually joined him in bed, since the cat seemed to prefer him the most. Bruce eventually did pick up, he was in the middle of getting ready for bed as well. Patrol had been quiet, the only parts not had been the argument and talking with Jason. So he had been up in his room, and soon the phonecall he had been waiting for came. Selina, he greeted, knowing he was about to get an earful. Not that he wouldnt take it back, but he would hear her out for her sake. You: Selina smiled when she heard Bruces greeting, petting her cat on the bed. Bruce, darling, She said sweetly. What do you say to going out to breakfast in the morning? She asked, knowing Bruce would see right through her little trick too fast but figuring it was worth a try. You can bring little Jason with you, Its unfair to leave him home alone while you go out to eat. Plus anyone could come knowing on the door to that big house of yours looking for him if you leave him there. She added, not really giving Bruce a choice here. You: *knocking Stranger: Selina, this time it was more of a growl before sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew she was playing unfairly, which was more his fault than anything else. You never really wanted to meet with Jason before, whats with the change? Was about what happened tonight? Because still stand by my word. Even if he did bring him along, he still wondered why she wanted him to. Unless she was bringing along Catlad, which meant that Jason would meet with him again. But not as Robin. Just because they arent in suit, doesnt mean it still doesnt stand. Stranger: (hey could we continue this in email? would love to continue but gotta go now. ) You: (yeah sure ill reply there!) Stranger: (awesome) You: (alright! talk to you later!)
Stranger: i am sad You: Why? Stranger: ima go die You: Noooco Stranger: i saw a dick You: Dont do it🥺 You: Oh NVM then Stranger: it was scary You: know how it feels You: Its scary Stranger: yea he was mean to You: Ubhh pigs Stranger: damanding You: Ew Stranger: likd that not how u treat a girl You: Right?! Stranger: yea You: Fucking pigs Stranger: yup You: Wyd? Stranger: is it true nice guys always finish last You: 🤣 Stranger: like dead ass You: Im actually a guy 😶 Stranger: same You: 🤣8🤣8🤣🤣8&#1 29315;🤣 Stranger: lol You: 💀💀💀
You: m Stranger: hi You: hi Stranger: F You: age? You: telugu lo matladukundam Stranger: 27 You: ohnice nenu 25 You: em chestuvuntav You: yekkada vuntav? Yo ye reply ivwu You: oye You: reply ivvu baby You: oyeeeeeeece dfhsdha You: You: disconnecct aipothundi Stranger: hey sry Stranger: call vasthe matladthunna You: hammaya You: vachav You: evaru call chesaru ? Stranger: parents You: oh okay You: niku pelli ainda? Stranger: haa You: oh okay You: mari husband lera ? Stranger: ha leru You: okkadanive vunnava? You: ye vuru ? Stranger: haa yes Stranger: chennai You: neu US lo MS chestunna You: Maryland lo Stranger: oh nice You: hmm You: em matladukundam ? Stranger: ok You: ? Stranger: ela vundi MS in US Stranger: hmm cheppu nuvwe You: chaala bavundi Stranger: good Stranger: tc You: colorful life You: naku few weeks back breakup aindi Stranger: oh ok You: anduke ah desperacy ni thattukovadaniki ila vastunna Stranger: hmm ok You: miru ye caste ? You: niku emina love story vunnaya? Stranger: caste enduku You: vurike Stranger: hmm yes You: cheptava ? Stranger: entidi You: love story You: niku frnds tho matlade freedom vunda mi husband dagggra? Stranger: hmm same caste problem ye ayindhi You: inthaki nuvu ye caste ? Stranger: reddys You: oh nice You: ni peru enti? Stranger: oh ok Stranger: iam meghana You: nice naku meghana ani frnd vundi ikkada Stranger: oh ok good You: hmm ikada andaru sex chat cheyyamani adugutharu kada Stranger: hmm You: niku ibbandi ga anipinchada? Stranger: ha koncham You: koncham ante ? Stranger: i.mean little uncomfortable You: hmm okay Yor m chaduvukunnav nuvu ? You: twaraga reply ivvochu kada meghana garu Stranger: mtecg Stranger: mtech Stranger: haa ok You: nice You: mari job cheyyatleda? Stranger: hm chesanu Stranger: after marriage i quit You: oh okay Stranger: hmm You: niku ni boyfrnd tho vidipoinapudu bhada leda? Stranger: yeah Stranger: chala anipinchindi You: mari ela recover ayyav? Stranger: actually same apude ee app alavatu ayindhi You: hahah You: app lo chat chestava site lo kaada? Stranger: haa You: avuna Stranger: omegle app lo chestha You: ni husband chudara? You: em anara? Stranger: hm chustharu You: omegle nduku ani Stranger: apudu uninstall chestha Stranger: alavatu ayindhi kada You: nice nice Stranger: ila free time lo i chat You: ha naku kuda alavatu aipothundi You: elano ento You: evaraina manchi frnds ayyara iku omegle nunchi Stranger: no Stranger: dont like to make friends Stranger: from here You: anthe le Stranger: hmm You: ela nammadam You: pelli aipoi enni rojulavuthundi Stranger: 6months You: oh aithe You: lifeni enjoy chetunnava baga Stranger: hmm You: like husband tho thiragadam You: ala Stranger: haa yes You: sare inka You: nuv kuda matladu annitiki hmm antunnav Stranger: haa You: haa ante adagandi emaina Stranger: hmm ela vundi akkada life You: hala bavundi Stranger: gf indian or US? You: indian ye ma caste ye You: kani vidipoyam Stranger: oh nice Stranger: hmm sorry You: hmm You: inka miru ela vuntaru chudataniki? Stranger: looking good Stranger: meeru You: nenu chala fair ga vuntanu You: 5,8 heigt Stranger: ok Stranger: Im 56 You: bane vunta You: okay Stranger: ok You: maniddram frnds ayye chance emaina vunda ? Stranger: no You: its okay Stranger: sorry You: parledu You: lendi mi privacy issues miku vuntai Stranger: hmm Stranger: thank you You: but nannu oka tammudi laga treat cheyyochu kda You: ante nenu mare desperate ga vunnanu telugu vallatho matladataniki You: intlo cheppukolenu kada na problems Stranger: hmm Stranger: em problems You: maryland lo telugu vallu takkuva Stranger: oh ok You: ade kada na girlfrnd nenu vidipoyam Stranger: haa You: ipudu naku chukkallu kanipistunnai life lo You: roju matladukune vallam Stranger: oh ok You: nenu maree boring ga matladuthunnana You: ? Stranger: You: miru matladandi edo oka topic Stranger: nuvve cheppu topic You: naku enthaina bhyame kada Stranger: hmm You: em matladithe disconnect chestro ani You: anduke mere cheppandi naku edaina okay Stranger: hmm ala em.cheyanu Stranger: free ga matladu You: thank you You: emaina mtladocha ? Stranger: hmm ok You: anavasarm ga akka anesanu You: not akka anthe Stranger: why Stranger: what happend You: nothing le kka ani pilavocho ledo You: ani You: sarel miru cheppandi You: emani pilavanu ? Stranger: hmm cheppu nuvvu Stranger: edo matladthannav You: em ledu em matladala ani Yo ntha free ga vundalekapothunna meghnaa You: roju dani alochanale You: pichekkestundi Stranger: hmm i too know that feeling ra You: porn chusina povatledu thoughts Stranger: talk gorrelu i dont mind Stranger: ohh Stranger: talk freely* You: kani naku nitho frnd avvalani vundi You: ipudu pichi pichi ga matladithe malli ofended ga feel avutham kada Stranger: hmm ala .ledu Stranger: open up You: sare You: naku sex tappa inko relief dorakatleddu Stranger: ohh Stranger: ok You: natho ala vundagalava ?koddispeu Stranger: ok You: thank you meghana Stranger: hmm You: nvu ela vuntav You: inka ni sizes enti You: ala koncham matladava natho Stranger: 34 28 36 Stranger: hmm ok Stranger: u feel better You: hmm You: thank you meghana Stranger: hmm You: love you for your sweetness Stranger: hmm its ok You: nadi 8 inches vuntundi Stranger: oh nice You: mi husband tho ela chestav nuvu ? You: cheppu Stranger: hmm no Im feeling shy to say that You: hhaha sizes kuda cheppav kada Stranger: hmm You: deniki siggenti ra Stranger: hmm You: hmm hmm anaku You: matladu Stranger: ok done You: sexy ga matladepudu kuda ala ante em ardam chesovali You: hmm ipudu ccheppu Yo rst night vishayalu You: ipudu em dress eskunnav nuvu ? Stranger: saree lo vunna present You: bra veskuntava ? Stranger: haa You: miru cheskunepudu full nude avuthara ? Stranger: haa yes You: avuna nice Stranger: em.vundav asalu Stranger: hmm yes You: nuvu epudaina notlo pettukunnava Yor i husband di You: ? Stranger: ha pettukunna You: avuna naknte peddada mi varidi ? Stranger: entha needi You: naku ni boobs ni touch cheyyalani vundi Yor adi 8 inches You: almost 1 inch lavu Stranger: oh hubby di 7 Stranger: hm ok You: aithe nade peddadi ga Stranger: haa You: verey evaritho aina cheskunnava ? You: chesava ? Stranger: entidi You: sex You: mi husband tho kakunda Stranger: ha bf tho ayindhi You: oh avuna nuvu kuda manchi vihsyam vunna danive aithe You: nenu virgin ni Stranger: You: haha Stranger: oh ok You: inka cheppu naku ah vishayalu Stranger: ye vishyalu You: abha sex vishyalu thalli Stranger: haa adugu Stranger: inka You: nuvu cheppu ra Yor jadi lechindi You: chala hot ga feel avuthuna Stranger: hmm nice You: ye color jaket veskunnav ? Stranger: red You: cheera? You: ye color You: ipdu exact ga em chestunnav Stranger: light red You: ye possition lo vunnnav Stranger: lying on bed You: nice Yor enu kuda You: ikkada 4 am avuthundi Stranger: boobs bed side vunai Stranger: oh ok You: hhaha You: nice niku kuda mood vastundi aithe Stranger: hmm You: hey manam frnds avudam ra Stranger: no please You: sare You: aithe mali ikkada kalavadaniki okka idea chepta You: follow avuthava? Stranger: hm ok You: repu ye time lo free vuntav ? Stranger: ok You: roju oke time ki iddaram oka special code edaina interest ga pettukuni search chedam Stranger: oh okie You: apudu manalni chachinattu kaluputhundi omegle Stranger: hm nice Stranger: ok You: apudu niku kavalasinapudu sex chat cheskovachu Stranger: ok You: mari next time yeppudu kaludam Yo epu? You: ye time ki Stranger: after 9am IST You: nice You: exact ga 9 am niku nenu meghana ani interest pettukuni vunta Stranger: ok You: search chesta You: hmm deal Stranger: ok Stranger: deal You: rakapothe nenu chala feel avutha Stranger: hmm vastha You: mi husband office ki epudu velthadu ? Stranger: 9ki You: andukena 9 am ani cheppav You: donga vi nuvvu Stranger: haa You: naku ipudu ni paina padukovalani vundi Stranger: vellagane neetho romance Stranger: hmm paduko ra You: ni nadum patukoni Stranger: haaa You: slow ga ni zaket lo cheyyi pedutu Stranger: ahhh You: ni muddi paina na danitho raastu Stranger: hmmm You: slow ga ni meda paina muddu lu peduthu Stranger: ahhh nicee You: navaipu thirugu nuvu Stranger: hmm ok You: matladamma nuvuu hmmm okay entavi Stranger: tiruganu ne vaipu You: koncham kuda romantic sense ledu niku Stranger: hmm ne antha kadu kada You: ni cheeta testunna nenu Stranger: hmm vippeyana You: na kante niku ekkuve vunnattu vundi le You: nenu vipputhinna le Stranger: haaa Stranger: hmm vippu You: nuvu nannu hug chesko Stranger: haa Stranger: full tight hug You: muddu lu pettu naku Yo a lover laga cheyamma Yo hala prema chupinchu You: oye bangaram You: ni zaket vipputhunna You: ni boobs na notiki andinchu naku vatini chala romantic ga cheekalani vundi You: oye emaipoyav ra sex madyallo ala vadilesivellipothara You: sarle disconnect avakunda nene msgs chestu vunta You: muah You: oye You: bangaram
Stranger: hey Stranger: pretty Stranger: how ru You: good you? Stranger: just chillin? You: yeah You: me tooi Stranger: Grandpa needs to jerk off... wanna help? You: nah man You: im good Stranger: nice... at least show me ur shirt... k You: you havent even asked for my age bro Stranger: oh... should I? You: yeah so you dont be called a pedo You: atleast make sure we 18 Stranger: show me ur shirt... soi dont callua pedo... You: and go to the unmodeated section Stranger: ok... thanks... Stranger: boobs? You: no
tik tok
You: m Stranger: F Stranger: Age You: 18 Stranger: 17 Stranger: Where from You: chicago You: wbu Stranger: m Stranger: Uk Stranger: Horny ? You: very Stranger: Snap? You: whats your name You: yeah whats yours Stranger: Nstillett5 You: okay Stranger: Add me
You: hi You:m Stranger: hif You: :) You: and youve done some hypno before? Stranger: 18 f subject what about you? Stranger: yes a little bit here and there You: hypnotist; older Stranger: how old? You: and now youre ready to go deeper You: 59 Stranger: yes iam :) Stranger: ok thats fine i was just curious You: many years of experience, my dear Stranger: cool :) You: you are curious You: attracted You: excited You: are you not? Stranger: very :) You: your name is...? Stranger: katie You: can you say, please lead me, master ? Stranger: my age doesnt bother you does it? umm ok Stranger: please lead me master You: 18 is the youngest id work with You: my greatest joy is showing young women about their own inner energy You: its power You: and beauty Stranger: :) You: breathe deeply, w/ me katie You: inhale all the way up You: and then exhale down to your toes You: inhale You: and exhale You: inhale You: and exhale You: and as you continue You: breathing deeply You: focus You: your awareness You: on the connection You You You You You: You You: warm You: tingling You: flowing between us You: and within you You: yes, katie? Stranger: yes You: you are surprised how quickly youve gone so deeply? Stranger: a little You: and delighted? Stranger: it feels good You: and you feel it most strongly in your body... where? Stranger: my legs You: breathe in to your legs, my dear ind feel the energy t flowing p your legs :in to your torso. You: and all up and down your spine You: and up your neck You: to your head You: and out your arms You: so that your whole body You: your whole being You: feels alive You: awake You: energized ryet relaxed juiet You: yes, katie? Stranger: yes master You: breathe deeply, katie You: breathe in to your heart You: and feel your heart You: opening You: unfolding You: like a flower unfolds You: a rose, perhaps You: unfolding love You: powerful You: empowering You: beyond all previous You: yes, my dear? Stranger: yes master You: you feel love? Stranger: yes master You: love for....? Stranger: i dont know ind feel it all over zall thru you You: your heart is pounding, katie? Stranger: yes master You: your stomach is tied in a knot? Stranger: yes master You: you are a bit dizzy? Stranger: yes master You: and sexually aroused? Stranger: yes master You: and you wish to experience that arousal more powerfully than ever before? Stranger: yes master You: can you say, please lead me, Master ? Stranger: please lead me master You: breathe deeply, my dear You: and give yourself permission Yo open a doorway You: to feel you energy You: more intensely You: than ever before You: and do not touch!!! You: only breathe You: and feel You: and each time you orgasm You: type as you do You: will this be your first touchless orgasm, my dear? Stranger: yes master You: then it will be an event to celebrate You: and never forget You: wont it? Stranger: yes master You: and what are we wearing right now, katie? Stranger: a blue adidas sports bra black yoga running shorts a black thong white ankle socks white running shoes You: wouldnt you prefer to remove them all now? Stranger: yes master You: say when you are naked Stranger: iam naked You: and naked feels.... what? You: open? You: natural? You: free? You: naughty? Stranger: naighty You: breathe deeply, katie You: and feel the energy You You You: You You: You: and within you You: and with each breath You: feel it rolling over you You: like waves You: wave after wave You: just let go You: and let your body You: take you You: get out of the way You: and let your body You: do its thing You: just relax Stranger: take me ind feel the energy You: right now You: go Stranger: .. You: yesssssss You: breathe deeply Stranger: .. You: and do not stop You: yes You: let it continue You: to resonate You verberate You: all thru you Stranget ore will follow : feel the next one Stranger: .. You: rolling in You: ysssss You: feel your gspot You: engaged Stranger: .. You: engorged You: next one you may squirt You: even if never have before elax reathe ind feel one more es? Stranger: .. You: ahhhhhh You: nice You: all have been touchless? Stranger: .. You: :) Stranger: y es msat er You: first time ever having multiples like this? Stranger: yes master You: most powerful orgasms ever? Stranger: yes master You: you squirted? Stranger: yes master You: first time ever? Stranger: yes master You: a cup ora teaspoon? Stranger: i am not sure master You: can you say, thank you master; i love you ? Stranger: thank you master i love you You: now say that again with all the feeling within you Stranger: thank you master i love you You:i did feel that You: now you have experienced your mature woman power You: enhanced sexuality You: and spirituality You: yes, katie? Stranger: yes master You: you had no idea you could cum like that? Stranger: no master You: so far in life youve had how many sexual partners? Stranger: yes master You: how many? You: approximately Stranger: 12 master You: nice :) You: all boys? Stranger: no master You: some of each? Stranger: yes master You: and all have been lovely You: but now you know what sex can be for you You: yes? Stranger: yes master You: i must go in a moment, my dear You: if you wish to continue another time, put MasterWill in your omegle settings You: and youll find me soon enough You: youve been a most delightful student, katie You: i do hope to see you again You: kisses all over*
You: hello You: i Yo You: college advice Stranger: Hey Stranger: Go ahead Yo m Yor i You: majored in computer science, You: would i have enough time for taking on a minor and also extracurrics? You: or is it too hard? knowing how notorious compsci is for being hellish Stranger: Well Stranger: Its all about time management and hard work Stranger: If you work hard then it wont be very hard Stranger: But even if its hard you can have a minor and extras Stranger: Just know how to divide things Stranger: And moments You: yeah but like wouldnt i be spread too thinly? do you think it would affect and/or damage my performance in some/all of them? Stranger: And put comp sci as a priority Stranger: Well how good are You at comp? Stranger: How demanding are the extracurriculars Stranger: How hard is the minor Stranger: How good are you with time management You: mmm ive always had a liking for compsci related things like softwares and programming, and im planning to take up a minor in foreign language if its possible cause im currently interested in learning a certain language You: extracurric would depend Stranger: Oh a language minor is great and not that hard Stranger: You dont have to stress too much Stranger: Awesomd Stranger: You can handle it boo Stranger: Do it! Stranger: But dont overwork yourself You: thanks for the encouragement lol, and yeah i work hard play hard so i probs wont Stranger: And know that There are easier ways to learn a language You: ive actually started learning the basics Yo f a language You: im a bit of a polyglot Stranger: And cheaper too You: but im not gonna study that same language when i take the minor tho Stranger: How many linguagens do you speak You: just 3 rn Stranger: Oh alright but still Stranger: Im on my 3rd language following portuguese and english Stranger: And i got fluent in 6months Stranger: Because of using the right resources Stranger: So i dont think a minor is necessary Stranger: But its a great option tbh You: oh damn? mind sharing these resources? and yeah ik minoring in it probably isnt too needed but i guess im also just simply attracted by the idea of having minored in foreign language as bragging rights LOL Stranger: And it can take less than 6 months You: plus when im self learning i tend to be very lazy despite being interested so Stranger: What language do you wanna learn? Stranger: Or that you are currently learning Stranger: Choose a minor in a very useful language tho You: im a bit split on choosing between spanish or mandarin as my 4th language You: spanish would be easier, since my native language has spanish roots You: but mandarin is useful af, plus i find mandarin hard so i may actually benefit more from mandarin classes and self studying spanish instead Stranger: Spanish do self learning and minor in mandarim Stranger: It will look awesome You: damn yeah ill probs do that, ill be able to brag 5 languages then lol Stranger: YES GIRL Stranger: Or boy Stranger: hats the vibe Stranger: Go getem You: Imao yeah dw im a girl Stranger: Cs and mandarim is a pretty great combo Stranger: Loved it You: oh? why? i was about to ask how they would complement eachother actually Stranger: Because depending on which area you are gonna work on Stranger: Tech and China are like siblings Stranger: And many tech equipment and stuff come from there Stranger: So knowing the language would boost some points tho Stranger: Idk if you get me Stranger: But find it useful You: yeah i def get you, makes a lot of sense You: so i think im def gonna minor in mandarin and go down that path lol You: hmm You: do you think it would be better to specialize in cybersecurity or in software engineering? Stranger: Well both are great Stranger: And really necessary Stranger: Which one would be more fun to you? You: both, but in different ways so i think what would make me tip is which one would be more practical Stranger: Software engineering is more for sure You: really? why so? Stranger: Because Stranger: You can work in different settings doing different things and build your own stuff, and it would be massively impressive and the pay is quite better Stranger: But cyber also has job openings everywhere and is not as competitive Stranger: But its more limited You: i see, plus cybersecurity would also take up more of my free time right? especially in managerial positions? Stranger: would say so, but take all im saying with a grain of salt Stranger: And talk to people on both fields Strange r watch day in the life videos Stranger: That will give you a good idea You: ive watched so many day in the life videos and i learned one thing: most of day in the life compsci jobs just showcase f o o d dammit You: i remember watching a vid bout day in the life of software engineer and literally all isaw was what he had for breakfast and lunch- Stranger: Plus think that if you want to change its easier to change from software development to cyber than the way around Stranger: food is an essential part Stranger: Or read Bout it in the net You: i heard cyber involves less coding right? so switching from cyber to software dev would be impractical You: but also yeah i read somewhere that most cybersec jobs wants ppl who alr have experience Stranger: Yes Stranger: To both Stranger: would prolly choose soft eng Stranger: If were you Stranger: But do more research Stranger: And try to imagine your day to day Stranger: Which would be better Stranger: Exciting and fun You: is that a question orrr Stranger: Is just for your own self reflection You: and yeah based on everything ive read soft eng does seem more practical ig, but im probably gonna ask some students in the college im planning to go to for more info hehe Your: j also really value free time actually, since im someone who has a lot of hobbies lol Stranger: Yes do it Stranger: Just know time management and it will work Stranger: hope i helped in some way Stranger: As for the resources download hello talk You: oh ive heard of that app Your: ill check it out, thanks You: you def helped Stranger: And look for good youtube teachers Stranger: And pu t languagethatyouarelearning Stranger: Its great You: :00 imma check it out rn in a new tab Yo h dam i just got You: thats cool lol You: doesnt exist tho? Stranger: Also search for Luca polyglot and get into his youtube he has tons of good tips You: ooo im following some polyglots on youtube but i dont think ive heard of him You: imma note this down hehe thanks for the sources Stranger: Maybe it doesnt exist yet Strange ut yea Stranger: Maybe it doesnt exist yet Stranger: But yea Stranger: Basically those are the resources Stranger: Maybe it doesnt exist yet Stranger: Basically those are the resources Strange ut yea Stranger: And download wattpad You: hellotalk, pod101 and polyglot youtubers are all you learn off? :oo Stranger: To help with reading You: ohhh thats a unique tip lol ill keep that in mind Stranger: When you are more advanced Stranger: Yes boo, enjoy the language process Stranger: And have fun Stranger: Play games sing talk in the shower Stranger: Cook You: wait cook? You: oh god cook using different language manuals? Stranger: Do everything from day 1 Stranger: YES You: omg no i alr burn the kitchen with english language manuals LOL Stranger: Start with simple ones like boiled egg or tea Stranger: That would make things fun and easy You: Imaoo ill keep that in mind but cooking is my mortal enemy so maybe not that one LOL ill just stick to just reading the manuals Imaoo You: plus the singing Your i like singing so das good hehe Stranger: YESSSSS. Stranger: It will be great Stranger: And never give up man Stranger: And any source that asks for money is a no no You: how about workbooks tho? You: i have this source i used that had amazing, straight to the point free lessons and optional workbooks u can buy You: are they worth it? Stranger: If you think so Stranger: But i never paid for nothing You: mmm isee, make the most out of free things then? You: now that i think about it ig i could just find free workbooks in some public libraries or sth lol Stranger: But if you want things more physical buy ig Stranger: There are free workbooks online Stranger: wish had one Stranger: What languages do you speak btw Stranger: But i never paid for nothing Stranger: Maybe a dictionary would be cool Stranger: Maybe a dictionary would be cool Stranger: wish had one Stranger: There are free workbooks online Stranger: But if you want things more physical buy ig Stranger: But i never paid for nothing Stranger: What languages do you speak btw Stranger: have to go sleep Stranger: Good luck on everything Stranger: Im rooting for you Stranger: Byee
You: Imao You: help You: Imao You: help You: im drowning You: help You: save me You: *drowns and actually dies becuase you didnt take action* You: X_ X You:. You: X_ X Stranger: Literally not funny but.
Stranger: face is my only limit....m sub here You: time is my only enemy....f hoagie here Stranger: hi mistress Stranger: how much time you have for this session mistress? You: 27:39 remaining Stranger: great..what all are you into my mistress? You: civil war replica chess pieces, hot sauce, vintage drain stoppers
You: Hi. Stranger: are you a stupid feminist You: No. Stranger: are you any type of feminist You: Yes Stranger: then youre a stupid feminist by default Stranger: sorry should have explained that You: Fair enough. also consider you stupid for what its worth. Stranger: thats irrelevant to reality, opinions are like assholes, only mine matters and Im here to tear yours. open You: Fine. Tear it open. Stranger: present it Stranger: listen, want you to tell me why youre feminist, then will very carefully explain to you why you are wrong You: support equality of the genders. Stranger: ok, simple mistake Stranger: thats egalitarianism Stranger: so youre an egalitarian who just prefers the new hip slang feminist Stranger: okay, fair enough You: Everything youre saying is so gorgeously wrong. You: First off Egalitarianism and feminism are not mutually exclusive. Stranger: okay, lets ask Oxford shall we. can you look up the term Egalitarian You: Second off feminism is a very old term. Stranger: and please copy paste the terms definition You: Thirdly egalitarianism was originally a theological term used in catholic gender discourse. Stranger: right, if you cant do what asked then Ill assume youre just admitting youre wrong You: Fourthly an appeal to the dictionary is a fallacy. Stranger: You: okay, lets ask Oxford shall we. can you look up the term Egalitarian Stranger: * You: dont need to look up the term as an appeal to the dictionary is a fallacy. Stranger: uh huh You: The dictionary is not fit to address the finer semantic points in academia. Stranger: so, words mean what say they mean because said so Stranger: gotcha You: No. can link you to scholarly articles about the origins of the term Egalitarian You: Its also worth noting this has little to do with what the terms mean. You: And much more to do with your branding of feminism as hip. You: Which is insane... feminism has existed for over a hundred years. You: And egalitarianism as a nomenclature for anti- feminists who support gender equality is incredibly recent. Stranger: of course it has... Stranger: you know meant 3rd wave feminism Stranger: at least hope you do You: That doesnt really explain your point. You: The fact remains that feminism is not a hip word. You: Its not a contemporary new word. Stranger: well, itis lately. because so many hipsters who converted to being SJWs use it Stranger: you see, you might not fit the criteria in which base my judgements Stranger: but many, many, many people do Stranger: Feminism has been hijacked, and simply put they are louder and outnumber you You: Who are they and who am exactly? Stranger: you are you, someone who is implying you arent like them Stranger: they are the typical feminist Stranger: in which strawman you to be, until realizing otherwise You: dont recall ever implying wasnt like anyone. Stranger: so youre exactly what said you were earlier Stranger: an egalitarian using feminism Stranger: as a hip way to describe your ideal Stranger: either that, or.. You: Or? Stranger: or youre implying you arent Stranger: which is it? You: Well Im stating Im not. Stranger: alright... so youre... Stranger: ohhhh get it Stranger: like how hipsters always denied being hipsters. Stranger: feminists deny being egalitarians Stranger: fuck, same shit new day You: would describe myself as an egalitarian. You: The point where youre wrong is that my motivation for calling myself feminist is not that its hip. Stranger: well, it seems that way Stranger: picture this Stranger: its the 80s, were in san francisco Stranger: and someone rides up on a skateboard and says radical dude Stranger: am supposed to just assume hes not being hip Stranger: because thats what this seems like, with you, being feminist Stranger: that youre just doing something everyone else does for no reason other than to seem hip Stranger: or because it feels cool You: This all seems a tad confused. You: Because according to you feminism is the standard. The majority. You: The thing to be. Stranger: feminism has been hijacked by ... for lack of a better word, sub humans Stranger: and youre a feminist, and not one of them Stranger: so you state Stranger: so, what are you You: Youre going to have to use a better word than subhumans. You: Because you make these evaluative judgements. Stranger: lol Stranger: in my perception they are inferior to me and my peers You: But you also said right off the bat that you think all feminists are stupid. Stranger: so, its the term chose You: Yes but the issue is youre trying to find out what my ideological motivation is for calling myself a feminist. You: And obviously Im not going to identify myself as subhuman. You: But perhaps you would identify me as subhuman. Stranger: well, you dont seem to be sub human, you seem to just be young Stranger: like, Id say university age, and youre probably a liberal Stranger: youll grow out of it You: Well youre welcome to presume that. Stranger: am, thanks You: Although Id contend that most people who go on omegle to talk about feminism. You: Are probably in quite deep. You: And arent going onto omegle to argue with anti- feminists just because they think theyre hip You: especially seeing as the only people here are you (who would rather not use the term) You: and me who would know whether or not was using the term sincerely. You: Im sorry. have to watch football now. Stranger: soccer?
You: hello Stranger: hey You: do you have socks on Stranger: ido Stranger: do you? You: okay can you take one off? You: yes ido Stranger: iIl do it if youIl do You: okay fine Stranger: okay i took one off You: ill show you how to do the next step You: put it in your right hand and hold it with your index finger and you thumb Stranger: okay You: okay now this step is very hard but we csn do it You: make sure you have no wires near you You: okay? Stranger: okay?? You: now You: take a shit in it
Stranger: Hey You: you nlike vit big Stranger: Lolo You: canisee you Stranger: Yes You: showing this big thing girl like it Stranger: Nono You: can your firend see this You: can you blow on this Stranger: Yes You: can you twerk???? Stranger: No no You: can you try You: can you be naked Stranger: Nono You: topless? Stranger: Nono You: can you take a photo of this Yo how your firend of this You: you got a boyfirend this size???
You: Pog Stranger: George is next to me too Stranger: Or sapnap mean but George is on the call You: So Stranger: ... You: Um Stranger: Yeah? Stranger: haha the reaction is usually like this Stranger: Usually its George or Karl that go on Omegle with video but cant do that obviously Imao You: Yeah can imagine Stranger: Haha you seem surprisingly chill with this the last person said was crazy and homeless on the smp You: Are you Stranger: ... Stranger: that isnt the point Stranger: burned Tommys house to teach him a lesson not cause dont have a house... You: Why did you exile him Stranger: Again to get back at him for the Disk wars and Railway war lol You: Oh Stranger: Ill kill him later today too hehehe Stranger: Trust me youll watch later and Im gonna kill tommy You: So what is season 2 gonna be like Stranger: dont leak it just casual spoilers Stranger: cant reveal that yet You: Oh right Stranger: can say the jail will be a major part and Ranboo will play a major role Stranger: Jschlatt will come back from the dead too Stranger: Cause he still has a life You: Thats what expected to happen Stranger: Yeah guess so there will be a couple major twists but cant reveal yet Stranger: anyway any other questions or anything You: No Stranger: Okay Imao Stranger: Im editing the next manhunt thatll come out on Febuary 1st Stranger: Trust me write these things down theyll all happen You: Ok Stranger: havent announced it yet so youre one of the first You: Pog Stranger: Once all this comes true youll believe me haha You: All right You: Bye fam
You: hii Stranger: what Stranger: is Stranger: going Stranger: on Stranger: whats your name You: N You: 0 You: T You: H You: You: N You: G Stranger: Stranger: You: whats You: ur You: name Stranger: open your cam Stranger: kyle You: ohh You: thats a good name Stranger: m from philippines You: india Stranger: ok You: m name is hruthvik Stranger: ok Stranger: $000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Stranger: whats up You: nm You: hows the weather in pinrs You: philippines Stranger: great Stranger: think its going to rain Stranger: do you like star wars You: no You: but i have seen few movies Stranger: do you know jackspticeye You: no You: but i do watch flash You: and the arrow Stranger: i also watch that Stranger: the fastest man alive You: yup You: savitar You: is dead Stranger: btw im with my freinds You: ohh You: m alone Stranger: im 10 years old how old are you You: 17 Stranger: great You: whats wrong with ur cam Stranger: ok bye for now i must keep meeting others You: okk Stranger: so byeeeeceeceeceeceececeeceeceeceececcecce eeeeeececceececeeceececcecce You: it was nice seeing u Stranger: great seing you tooo You: bye Stranger: bye
You: Hey Stranger: F? You: Yeah Stranger: Age? You: 16 Stranger: lam male Stranger: Its ik Stranger: Ok? You: You dumb fucking cretin, you fucking fool, absolute fucking buffoon, you bumbling idiot. Fuck you. Stranger: Fuck you Stranger: Wanna fuck you Stranger: By my huge dickk You: No thanks. It says lesbian for a reason Stranger: My dick is a reason Stranger: To be bi You: Nah Stranger: Try it You: Not like can control who like Stranger: As you like You: Have you tried dick? Stranger: You will miss huge one Stranger: Bye You: Sure okay You: Have you tried dick though? Stranger: No You: Because after mine youIl be wanting more Stranger: Fuck uou Stranger: Bitches
You: Hi Stranger: Hello You: Where are you from? Stranger: Try guess You: well its hard Stranger: Okay. m from Kazakhstan. Did you know this country? You: Belarus ahahah Stranger: 😂😂8#128514; Stranger: like Belarus You: Ты же гов8#1086;р8#10 80;ш8#1100; по р/ус8#1089;к8#10 80; да? Stranger: Да You: Хах8#1072;х8#10 72; это про8#1074;а8#10 83; You: Как т8еб8я з8о8ву8#1090;? Stranger: Карин8#10 72; Stranger: А т8еб8я к8ак You: Лиза You: Ско8#1083;ь8#10 82;о т8ебе л&4#1077;т? Stranger: 20😂 Stranger: А тебе You: При/8#1082;о8#10 83;ьно м8&41085;е 17 Stranger: Go to continue in English, Liza You: ok hahaha are you comfortable in english or do you practice? Stranger: practice my English Stranger: You too? You: the same)) Im very interested in communicating with non-Russian people Stranger: Ahahha. Its cool You: who is your favorite performer? You: Im not against YOU? Stranger: ASAP Rocky💥💥 You: cool 😌✨👑 Stranger: Yeaaaah🤤 You: dont know what to say yet ahaeee You: do you work as someone? Stranger: wanna to apply in university of Maine Stranger: Oh, now. m study now You: But on who? You: want to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) Stranger: World tourism Strange in manager of tourism Stranger: 😍😍😍 You: wow cool good luck) Stranger: Good luck✨ You: 🥺❤ Stranger: believe in u Stranger: ☺8️ 849786; #65039 ☺ 84 65039; You: tell me how is life in Kazakhstan? really like this country 🥺❤8❤❤ Stranger: Really?😭 Stranger: Okay, tell You: of course) we are considered all side by side) You: have you been somewhere abroad? Stranger: Kazakhstan is country, where people love horse meat and listen Kazakh music, specially Meirambek😉 An tell u, here kind people🥰 Stranger: Check Meirambek in internet You: Ill read it well later) love Kazakh music very much, it is so special, even partly sad))) Stranger: Sad?😮 You: in a good way) Stranger: Maybe You fought sad tracks? You: not all, but sometimes listened to the sadder sad and its so cute just cool music Stranger: Because, basically our music is funny, happy and patriotic You: Well, dont remember now. but often have mood swings, sometimes want to be super funny and sometimes want to listen to some sad one) Stranger: Ohh, thanks. 1m glad to hear🥰 Stranger: Tell me something about your country You: Well, yes) love your country, it betrays such a spirit))) tell us about your traditions if there are any) You: Well, our country is, in principle, even an ordinary one, we also have traditional songs, there are also special Belarusian holidays like Ivan Kupala for this holiday, girls must weave wreaths and throw them on the river and somewhere they must find their betrothed and they say who will take this wreath will come out marry that person) Stranger: this will take a long time You: we have so to speak traditional, so to speak, a plant is a Fern Stranger: Marry that person? 😍✨ like it☺️ You: and nothing seems to be special in food) You: Yes ) Stranger: Okay Stranger: Tell you our one popular tradition Stranger: copy text and pasted there, because 1m so lazy😂 Stranger: Kurimdik is one of the most amazing traditions of the Kazakh people. It means a certain amount of money that relatives give for your success. For example, a housewarming party, the long-awaited birth of a child, the purchase of furniture, equipment or a car. You can even get kurimdik for buying a phone on your own, excellent grades in studies or a diploma of higher education. This tradition reflects the sincere joy and generosity of the givers, and also brings people closer together. Stranger: This tradition is named kurimdik You: also Shrovetide it is associated with pancakes) different contests for this holiday, for example, one of the men must climb on the pole and get the COCK. a scarecrow is lit on this holiday You: 😻😻😻 You: WOW COOL AAA DROP LIKE VERY STRONGLY You: This holiday among Belarusians was the most beautiful among the winter ones. At first, it was held from December 25 to January 6. With the adoption of Christianity, this holiday was postponed to the birthday of Christ. Christmastide lasted from January 6 to January 19. According to pagan beliefs, kolyada came from the word colo, that is, the sun. This refers to the day of the winter solstice and the gradual increase in the day. Also, kol-poison means circular food. The people gather in a large company and look into every courtyard with songs and dances. For this they were thanked with delicious food. Then people gather in one place and treat each other with the collected food. Carols are a special custom. They prepared for its celebration in advance, washed thoroughly in the bath, cleaned the house, embroidered new clothes. On this day, the people were pure in soul and body. Nowadays, carols are celebrated from January 7 to 8. These traditions of the Belarusian people are more related to the drawing. Dress up in various outfits and visit loved ones. You: this tradition is called Kolyada You: also copied it because was too lazy to write ahahah You: have to go, was glad to talk thanks for the communication good luck, all the best)
Stranger: hey You: Do you like trains? Stranger: i gues so and you :P You: Yeah, love trains, its my favourite subject Stranger: yeah :D :P You: train porn is best porn imho Stranger: i could agree :P Stranger: so what brings u here You: to talk about trains Stranger: isee isee :D Stranger: well what u got to say :D You: Whats your favourite kind of train? Stranger: i guess mtf You: Personally really enjoy subways
Stranger: Hey You: i was doin just fine Yor efore imetu You: j drink too much and thats an issue Stranger: Closer by the chainsmokers You: but You: im ok You: yeah Stranger: Ik this song You: u shoulv followed You: so You: what genre do u dance Stranger: Nah iam a dancer not a singer Stranger: Hip hop You: yay same You: f or m/ Stranger: F Stranger: U? You: ohhh cool Yo e too You: do u know dytto Stranger: Yes You: OMG SHES LIT RYT You: hat dang Stranger: YASSS. You: YAHHHHH Stranger: Okay can i say something about my bfs friends You: oh sure jo gurl You: speak up Stranger: Okay so i was hanging out with my friends and his friends but he left to get something You: andd Yo on You: lol nice talking Stranger: And his friends decided to ask me if gav him head yete Stranger: Like tf You: what head yete Yor lefine haha You: ;9 Stranger: was like no i didnt suck his dick You: haahhaahhaha You: wif Stranger: So when he came back and he sat nextt to me his friends just looked at me Stranger: Like i did this shit You: thats bad You: not cool man Stranger: Yea You: screw ur bs friends You: my turn to share Stranger: Ok You: so my ex You: he was boring so i dumped him Stranger: Haha You: but after we broke up You: he suddenly turned into like another person Stranger: Did he act different You: You: hes not boring anymore You: like wtf dude Stranger: Did he become like a lit person You: not rlly Yo e just started caring more You: sometimse Stranger: Ha fuck that guy You: boyse are hard to understand Stranger: So ru single now You: yah You: fck relationships You: i need time for myself Stranger: Yasss u go gurl You: yas gurl u too You: how old ru You: btw Stranger: 13 u? You: oh my You: im older than u You: u have a bf at that age You: im 15 ;0 Stranger: Yea and ok... You: yeah You: wher u from/ Stranger: Bama You: wheres that Stranger: Usa You: oh Stranger: Its short for alabama You: im from philippines You: oh cool Stranger: Is it nice there You: whats the time there rn You: yeah quite nice Stranger: 2:40 pm Stranger: U? You: uhm its just 2;39 You: AM Stranger: Wow You: and i have no plans in sleeping Stranger: Ha You: whatr u up to/ You: do u like take dance classes daily Stranger: No every other day for me Stranger: do 3 sports You: oh cooool Stranger: Dance swim and softball You: nice You: me You: dance frisbee Stranger: Lit You: hahaha Stranger: hate how when i tell ppl at school i do dance they think i just twerk 24/u Stranger: 7 You: HAHAHAHAHHA You: lol in our school we do folk dances You: and hiphop too Stranger: Oh lucky i have to do it on a dance team You: tthats not bad Stranger: U right nice talking to u
You: hi Stranger: hio Stranger: u have no love, are wicked ,cursed,evil , foolish and or arrogant Stranger: ya? You: nope You: but 4chan maybe is You: why asking You: thread/233284195 Stranger: love is the holy spirit You: love is love Stranger: we can have this love as part of our souls You: youre soul is full of love Stranger: wen someone has this love and is in the presence of someone else wo also has it Stranger: theres a good energy/vibe You: j doubt that You: sounds esoteric You: i can only say the feeling of love from NDE is true You: i expierenced it Stranger: love is inifnite so the vibes u feel can grow infinitely in vibes You: as non NDE You: and it was awesome Yor 00 full love You: no need to work towards it Stranger: and can last forever Stranger: ya? You: you instantly can have it Yo can tell you how i achieved it Yo ell since love is not working like you said You: ofc it last forever Yo hat you could do is turn away from it You: bro what you try to teach me Stranger: but Stranger: the vast majority of people on earth dont have this love Stranger: instead You: because of lies about sex You: the morals people defend even as atheists are wrong perhaps Stranger: most people are wicked cursed and or evil causing lustful energy You: see You: read matthew 5.28 Your: it talks about lust Stranger: not sexual lust Stranger: more a vibe Stranger: a drawing magnetic vibe You: Stranger: most people are wicked cursed and or evil causing lustful energy You: lustful energy? You: listen spirit dont desire flesh Stranger: people are wicked for wrath/bad passion/recklessness/fast pace/anger/yellling screaming shouting Stranger: killing with words Stranger: being hyper socia You: the flesh does maybe Stranger: socia Stranger: corrupt charisma You: flesh doesnt have this?! Stranger: people are evil for eerie luring slow creepy spirituality You: look flesh has sexuals desire right? Stranger: ya? You: creepy what? You: read galatians 5 Yor makes no sense You: if spirit would have any creepy You: why does paul recommend walk in it
jesus, christian
You: hi Stranger: Hi You: you want to sax Stranger: Yas You: realy Stranger: Ya You: omg You: whats your name Stranger: Jjohnson1465
Stranger: M20 You: 20 bochor toh holo You: r koto chudbi? Stranger: What? English pls You: english sunega toh madarchod sun.....u are 20 years old Stranger: Wdh? You: still u luking for sex Stranger: Yep You: look for a fucking job You: u moron
Stranger: Hi, Im Sophia, 22yo You: hi Stranger: Would you like to play with me? ;) You: yes Stranger: can create a private cam room for us Stranger: Im live on StripCamTV .com You: k You: k Stranger: Send me invite to friend list then i will make a priv room, my nickname is Carrera911
Stranger: Hey You: hi, kek Stranger: Kek is so old man Stranger: Shit died a year ago You: really Stranger: Yeah lol You: and pizzagte Stranger: Dude fuck you living in 2016 hard You: really You: and the youtuber believing this stuff? Stranger: Sargon of akkad made the word kek poplar Stranger: Pizzagate was alex jones You: really You: alex jones Stranger: Yeah man who else comes up with shit like that? L Stranger: Lol You: where did pizzagate started Stranger: Comet pizza i think You: no You: the online discussion You: comet pizza was what about it was also Stranger: No it started in comet pizza You: how You: what happened there Stranger: Where high level people were having meetings Stranger: They found out in the hillary clinton emails You: who found out Stranger: That they were ording pizza, but it was more so codewords for pedophila. Stranger: It was weird man. You: really You: this is how pizzagate started? Stranger: Idk who found the emails, someone browsing wikileaks. Stranger: Then they spread that specific one. Stranger: And here we are today talking about pizzagatw You: pizzagate is fake anyways Yor ho cares Yo was made by 4chan You: to destroy pedophilia Stranger: Yup. You know those emails were to john pedasta? You: now they want people make believe 8chan pedos You: can you prove me wrong Stranger: 8chan is pedos You: really You: i was on 8chan You: they shitposters Stranger: Well there are differnet chans You: never saw cp there You: only legal shit Stranger: There was a one called You: really Stranger: Straight pics of little kids dude You: never heard of You: we only knew 8chan Stranger: Like nasty shit You: theres 2 8chans? Stranger: was one of the first to report it to the fbi dude You: really You: whats youre name Stranger: There are dozens of chans Stranger: John titor. You: not really Stranger: Huh? You: i still waiting You: to prove me wrong Stranger: On what? You: nothing Stranger: Yeah this is a weird convo You: really You: why Stranger: You are talking about stuff you dont even know about lol You: how we defeat the pedos You: how to solve it You: what about romans 13 Stranger: Bro did you not see what happened to jeffery epstien. You: you did? Stranger: ? Stranger: It was all over the fucking news. Stranger: Dude got caught with a pedophile island. He had an island full of kids hed molest. You: i know the minerva owl on the island You: minerva stands for enlightenment You: nothing todo with moloch Stranger: Bill Clinton took the lolita express 26 times man Stranger: 26 fucking times You: can you provbe me wrong Yo any people are into pedophilia You: pizzagate was part of a plan to secretly deestroy it Stranger: You have no idea what youre talking about. You: elsagate was prepared You: 4chan/8chan is supposed to be let be killed as evil You: protocols elders of zion Stranger: Okay man whatever you say. You: ? Stranger: Youre way off tbh You: just tell me this You: after the rapture You: will 4chan enable or destroy pedophilia ill it be legalized after the rapture You: yes or no Stranger: There is no rapture You: do we need prevent it somehow? Stranger: See i knew you were crazy You: ofc there is a rapture You: jesus described it Stranger: You latch on to these conspiracies and use them as buzzwords You: as youre redemption is near You: even fake christians on pol admit it Stranger: To fuel youre insane dogma You: which dogma You: pedophilia legal? Stranger: But in reality have 0 fucking clue what your saying You: which dogma Stranger: And the proof you are providing makes you look like a retard You: if pedophilia was legal at jesus times You: legit legal You: what would this imply Stranger: Circumstancial at best, down right ignorant at worst. You: can you stop acting You: and answer
Christian, God
Stranger: hey You:h Stranger: you m orf? You:f You: You: You: You: You: You:s Stranger: what? You:m Stranger: vai te foder
You: (Zombie apocalypse AU. Non-idol. Im imagining the type of zombies/monsters from Am Legend, where they can only go out at night and even dogs can get infected. Up to you if they knew one another before or not!) Junmyeon was sure he was done for. His lungs burned, his legs ached... His heart hammered so hard and fast, he was sure that itd burst right out of his chest but he had to keep running until he found a place to hide. Night was too quickly approaching and he still hadnt found a place to hide. He could hear the snarling and snapping of those /things/ behind him as he sprinted down the streets of Seoul, head swinging left and right to seek out anywhere to duck into. Help! Someone! Anyone! Please! he screaming hoarsely though he was sure that the city was empty except for a few folk who remained in clearly heavily armored homes and he wasnt even positive that most of them would be safer to be around than being stuck out in the dark. He had just rounded a corner and called out again when he spotted a car with thick sheets of metal bolted over it to keep the interior safe just as the passengers side swung open. Safety! Gritting his teeth, he ran as hard as he could and even tripped over his feet as he tried to slow down, scuffing his palms and tearing his jeans but that didnt stop him from scrambling up and hurling himself inside the car. He slammed the door shut and locked it moments before the sound of those creatures ramming into the car and crawling over it, clawing and screaming in frustration when they couldnt get in could be heard. Fuck! Fuck... Oh, god, the boy wheezed shrink down as far as he could go, his eyes wide and panicked. Stranger: (Reading) You: (Mkay!) Stranger: ((Sorry it wont show me typing!)) You: (Thats okay! Thanks to telling me!) Stranger: Yifan had very few things that still mattered to him, that he was able to have with him. The car was one of those things. It was safe inside, and he managed to scour the gas to be able to use it when he needed it. Usually, parking it someplace secluded was good. Of course there would be times when the shouts and screams of the infected would fill around him, but he just had to last through the night. Today was a rountine night. Dark was slowly arising. Nothing disturbed him as he sat in the car, gun in his lap as he looked over his dashboard. But then there was yelling. Actual words, and he peeked through he slots of the car to see a young man (he could recognize any features), running. The creatures on the horizon. Oh shit. He mumured, and he sat up in his side as he started to conclude what he should do. Cursing again he swung the door open. Thankfully the man was quick to run and shut the door. He quickly turned around, see the creatures move around his car, now knowing people were inside. Why the hell are you out- He turned to his side, Junmyeon? You: Junmyeon felt like he could go into a panic attack at any moment, the banging and screeching filing his ears and making him feel almost dizzy with fear even if he knew that he was safe inside the car. But that left him with another fear: Just because he was safe inside an armored car, it didnt mean he was /safe/. He felt himself grimace when the person who had let him in start to scold him for being out so close to sunset but then... his name? The buzzing and screaming in his ears had him nearly missing it but that was certainly his name and that voice. Uncurling from himself, he slowly forced himself to look up at who was sitting in the drivers seat and after a second or two of staring through the darkness, his heart leapt into his throat. Y-Yifan? Oh, my god, he blurted out, pushing himself up to try to throw his arms around the other man. I- thought everyone was dead... Stranger: Yifan didnt move for a moment. He could blame it on the shock that this was a person he was familiar with. Someone that he knew before this whole thing started. You- He inhaled, the arms tightening around him, and he moved so they could at least touch each other more comfortably. Hey, your safe in here.. got you. He said quietly, taking more notice on the shaky figure Junmyeon was currently in. You: Junmyeon shuddered a little in Yifans arms, closing his eyes tightly. Despite the larger mans comforting words, he flinched each time there was a particularly loud bang or shriek outside the car. How long had it been since hed seen the other man? Itd been a month or two before the outbreak since hed gone back to China and had only just gotten back. In fact, he had been on his way to the airport in Seoul to pick him up when things had gone to shit. He never reached the airport. Hed lost track of the time that had passed since then. Months? A year or two? It felt like a lifetime. You have n-no idea how happy am to see you... Stranger: Yifan was used to the banging, or sounds that would come outside the car. It was something he got used to (not something he enjoyed), and he had faith that his car would at least hold up for safety. He pulled the other man closer, towards the center of the car and away from the window. 1 have idea. 1m feeling the same thing. He mumured, squeezing him. God, almost didnt let you in. 1m so happy your okay. You: (God, could you imagine if he didnt let him in and recognized his voice too late, screaming in pain because he was being attacked? *ugly sobbing*) When Yifan mentioned that hed nearly not helped him, Junmyeon shuddered again and closed his eyes. He was so, so thankful that Yifan had opted to help him. He wouldve been stuck out there, with those /things/... Surely, he wouldve been ripped apart moments after hed run passed his car. Swallowing thickly, he pulled back to look up at him with a shaky sigh. Have... Have you just been surviving out of a car? He couldnt imagine that. Surely, Yifan had a place to go... Stranger: Yifan didnt take his eyes off Junmyeon. He was settling on talking every inch of he other in and putting it into memory. Junmyeon obviously looked more scuffed, tired and rugged from he last time he saw him. He almost didnt look real. Yet, he was also looking at a angel. Maybe he was a bit lucky. Not just this car. He said softly. 1 have a place, but some times cant make it before night, and dont want to risk anything that could be following me. Today was one of those nights. was looking for some things. He pointed to the back of the car where a bag laid. Stranger: (That is very painful, no thank you....imagine his face when he realizes, oh geez) You: (Fuuuuuuuuuu--) It wasnt until he rubbed a hand over his face to try to wipe away the sweat and dirt there that he remembered the tumble hed suffered just before managing to get into the car. Cursing softly, he blinked down at his hands and then farther down at his bloodied knees. Flexing his hands, he chose to ignore it for now in favor of glancing into the back of the car to look at what Yifan was talking about. Thats smart... You d- dont want them following you home and finding a way in, he mumbled, looking back up at him. Stranger: Yifan nodded, and he didnt want to imagine a scenario like that. It hasnt happened since he found the place and fortified it. It was just as same as the car, but more dangerous since it couldnt move. It was worth being out a little late, realize. He gave a small, tired smile before reaching quickly to the back for the bag. Do you want some water? also have a few food bars, just tell me. He insisted. You: Some... Some water would be nice, Junmyeon admitted, shifting a little bit to be comfortable without putting too much space between them. God, he would likely be glued to Yifans side for the foreseeable future. He couldnt imagine himself doing anything otherwise. I think my stomachs still too... Im too worked up to eat anything. He didnt want to eat only to get sick from his anxiety and waste the food, after all. Ill eat in the morning, when we get back to your place. Stranger: Yifan dug through the bag and pulled out a water bottle. It was a bit dented in one side, but it did its job well. There was only about half the bottle filled, having drank from it slowly over the course of the day. He shifted his bag in his lap and handed it over to Junmyeon. Drink it slowly, and just...breathe. He spoke gently, and he placed a comforting hand on Junmyeons arm. You: Taking the water bottle he was offered, Junmyeon unscrewed the cap and took a couple small, tentative gulps. The sensation of clean, cool water washing down his abused throat had him moaning softly and closing his eyes briefly. Focusing on his breathing like Yifan urged, he kept his eyes shut for nearly a minute longer before he reopened them to smile tiredly at Yifan. I... thought Id never see you again. tried so hard that night to get across town to the airport to find you. ... hadnt forgiven myself for not being able to make it in time. got there a couple days later and looked all over for you... Stranger: A smile. Yifan wasnt expecting a smile. While Junmyeon always wanted to act strong, and reliable, he wasnt expecting one when he looked exhausted and lost. But if sent his chest tightening with a familiar. Oh, Junmyeon... He could imagine him searching the remains of the airport. You wouldnt have been safe at the airport, no safer then anywhere else, it was a terrible mess. was stuck inside the plan before the passengers decided to break out. There was so many people... lost my phone, then was trying to figure out what was happening. didnt know how Id find you.. You: It broke Junmyeons heart to imagine Yifan stuck on the airplane, isolated and confused with only panicked reports passengers were getting from their loved ones over text. If Yifan was there while the destruction that hed seen there happened, he could only imagine how awful it had to have been for him. Then again, probably no less horrifying then his own experiences. I noticed you lost your phone. , ah... found it, while searching the airport. was calling it over and over and came across it. thought... surely, surely that meant you were dead, he sighed, looking down briefly. Everyone else... The only people dont know for absolutely certain are dead are... Luhan, Chanyeol, and Sehun. All the others... Stranger: Yifan swallowed, but didnt look away. He remembered wishing he had his phone for days after. Wanting to look through it and see all the pictures that he had on there. Happy ones, ones of their friends crying on a birthday or some other occasion. What Id give to see all of them. He chuckled, not filled with humor, but with slight pain hes come to accept. The last things said to Chenyeol was scolding him for sending me some annoying pictures. You: Licking his lips, Junmyeon shifted to pull out his phone and hand it to him. I... pulled out your SD card and put it in my phone so could save all of your pictures and... and your music, so could keep hearing your voice, he admitted a bit sheepishly. Your phone was trashed anyway. The screen was shattered, couldnt believe it was still ringing, honestly. His own phone was broken, a big crack across the screen and several dents and scratches everywhere else. Between the two of us, we have pictures and videos of everyone... Im, heh, he paused to wipe stubbornly at his eyes. Its the only thing thats kept me sane, Im sure of it. Es-Especially after watching some of them die. Stranger: Yifans eyes widened at Junmyeons explanation. So, all the pictures and videos, they werent lost. His eyes moved to the cracked phone, and for a second, wanted nothing but to just hold it. It sounded quite silly. His eyes moved up when Junmyeon spoke again, taking in the others wet eyes. Who? He asked quietly, then paused and added. If thats- you dont...He sighed, and he reached forward, finally taking the to urge to just...touch the rough skin of Junmyeons cheek. You: Who? Junmyeon hesitated a moment, not sure if he wanted to recite what all hed seen, but when he felt Yifans hand on his cheek, he tipped his head into the touch and sucked ina shuddering breath. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun... They... They got on one of the helicopters trying to evacuate people. One of those things got a hold of the tail of it though before it took off and... It crashed into the bridge, he murmured. Yixing broke his leg and... the bleeding just wouldnt stop. The same night th-that happened, Jongdae was... torn apart and Minseok was bitten trying to rescue Yixing. He-- He turned later that night. Stranger: Yifan knew he wasnt prepared to hear what happened. Thats why it wasnt a surprise when his eyes began to get wet as Junmyeon explained what happened. They- He let out a evened breathe. Trying not to imagine Jongdaes yells of pain, or the desperation Yixing. 1m sorry wasnt here. Was the first thing that came to his mind. Maybe -...1m sorry. He whispered, not moving his hand. The sorry wasnt just his own guilt, but for both of them, losing their friends. You: It had been horrible for him. Junmyeon had lost almost everyone he loved over the course of a week. He hadnt been able to reach Chanyeol or Sehun and Luhan had been in China so he wasnt sure of his status. Hed found out months later that Zitao had survived the initial disaster but not very long afterwards; hed been taken in by a group of the wrong people and it didnt take long for them to get sick of the Chinese man and did away with him. Junmyeon only found out because hed ended up with them for a brief time and only narrowly escaped. Im sorry, too... Maybe... If youre still alive, maybe theres a chance well find Chanyeol and Sehun one day. Luhan, too. Stranger: Yifan didnt know if they could be that lucky. It was a grave, real thought, but maybe he shouldnt think like that so fast. He thought hed never see Junmyeon, anyone from the past, but here was the man that he was so fond of. 1 will hope for that everyday then. He whispered, giving a small nod of his head. We can do it together...1m not letting you go ever again. He ducked his head and gave a small mumble as he quickly rubbed his eyes. You: Youre going to get sick of me clinging to you like Baekhyun used to cling to all of us, Junmyeon gave a watery chuckle as he shifted to lean into him a little more heavily now that hed screwed the cap safely back on the water. He wanted to just curl up into Yifans arms and never move again. Now that some time had passed, the monsters outside had moved on and their haunting cries were in the distance, no where near as terrifying for Junmyeon now, so his heart rate was finally slowing and he was finally relaxing. Together. Stranger: Yifan nodded again, the corner of his lips tugging up in another smile. Together. He echoed, and he shifted his hand to gently press into Junmyeons dark hair. 1 dont get sick of you, if you dont get sick of me making sure your always with me. He added with a quiet laugh. You: wont ever, ever get sick of having you close, Junmyeon replied truthfully, smiling more as he tipped his head into Yifans hand. God, hed missed the feeling of having Yifans hands on him... Biting his lower lip, he squirmed as close as he could managed given the center console. Fuck, missed you so much, Yifan... thought Id be alone forever-- Hell, thought wouldnt even survive the night... Stranger: Yifan knew what he was going to down as soon as they got out of the car. He would go around and bring Junmyeon into the tightest hug, flushed together and never let go. 1 missed you, too. There wasnt a day when didnt think about you guys, about you, myeon. He whispered. You: (I think need to go to bed. You want to continue this somewhere?) Stranger: (Email okay?) You: (Sure. Whats yours?) Stranger: ( You: (awesome! will reply tomorrow!) Stranger: (Okay!!) You: (Night!) Stranger: (Night!)
Vmon, Minjoon, Jikook, Vkook, Nammin, Namjin, SeHo, Jinkook, Taejin, Yoonjin, Yoonmin, Krisho, Jinmin
Stranger: Heyy You: hey bestie Stranger: Yes you are on twitter Stranger: 100 Stranger: Because you say bestie haha You: ofc Stranger: wanna add you Stranger: Whats your name You: hold on You: depression_014 You: whats yours Stranger: Thats a sad name You: yea its ok Stranger: just added you Stranger: Larry You: LARRY IS SO REAL Stranger: IT IS You: lucas right? Stranger: Yep! You: just followed u Stranger: One of the only guys on stan twitter hah You: haha true Stranger: Where are you from? You: us Stranger: Love that Stranger: Im from The Netherlands You: thats so cool Stranger: Yeah sometimes You: cani ask a question Stranger: Ofcourse You: whos your fav Stranger: Niall You: #horandog4life Stranger: Stranger: Whole yours? Stranger: Whos You: Louis and niall Stranger: Yrah same Stranger: But Niall on 1 You: *claps* Stranger: Im gonna see Louis next year You: THATS SO COOL WISH Stranger: He will come to US next year Stranger: 100 You: whos ur fav dark larrie Stranger: No idea what that meansB3J You: it means a celebrity that ships larry but dosent say it but its obvious Stranger: Aah Stranger: love James Corden You: same and roman when he said louis styles Stranger: Oh yeah saw that on a yt video Stranger: love those videos You: same have watched the marathon Stranger: Same haha Stranger: But Ill have to go now, ttyl You: ttyl
harry styles, louis tomlinson, one direction
You: You:yes Stranger: fuck is that You: MY WALLPAPER Stranger: but Stranger: what is it You:a skeleton You: really really fucked up skeleton You: 3d modeling gone wrong You: stan himself Stranger: why do i wannna look at that You: are you like fucking your laptop or You: what Yo hat are you doing Yo s bouncing Stranger: typing You: JITTEEEEEEEEEEEEERY Stranger: its on my lap You: but You: its You: funny You: and no offense but like You: you dont look too exciting m You: are you drunk or just dead inside Stranger: both You: fuck You: you h ave it all Stranger: im trying to be dead on the outside You: but Stranger: i just need to keep drinking You: do you have the titty You: you cannot be complete without the titty
Stranger: hi Stranger: f16 You: Hi You: 13 and if you have a problem with let me no You: Period Stranger: PIER Stranger: F? Stranger: you and your lil ass attitude thinking your tough is so cute EH Stranger: Its past your bedtime .
Stranger: Hi, may ask a favour? GL You: Depending on what it is. -MH Stranger: happen to be a little bit tipsy. Just a bit. Im in Oxford and Ive missed the last train back. GL You: can arrange a car to pick you up if you wish.-MH Stranger: That would be absolutely great. Thank you. Im sorry. Dent judge me. GL You: Judge you on what matter? -MH Stranger: Ive had a rough day, took the first train at St Pancras and went into the first pub at the final destination. Im sorry. GL You: know that you wont appreciate my prying, but is everything alright? -MH Stranger: do appreciate it and Im not sure. GL You: Is there anything that is a major problem at the moment? -MH Stranger: Nothing we can do anything about. Just a really really horrible case. GL You: believe that recieved the file from it. It was difficult to read about. -MH Stranger: It was even worse to look at. Its always hard when kids are involved but this one was worse than ever. GL Stranger: And on top of that dont seem to have anyone to talk to about such things. GL You: It is difficult to deal with ones own problems when one has be the leader. It is rather lonely at the top. MH You: *has to be Stranger: It really is. You know that too, dont you? GL You: am afraid that do, one has the whole country to run and it does weigh on my shoulders. -MH Stranger: Do you have something you want to talk about? GL Stranger: We could be there for each other, you and . GL You: You wouldnt like me much. -MH You: We have barely spoken to another. -MH Stranger: like you. Of course do. GL You: You have barely spoken to me, we have only ever really spoken about my brother in the past. -MH Stranger: You were worried about him, that tells a lot about a person. GL You: He is my brother, of course am going to worry. -MH You: Even after all the grief that he has caused me over the years. -MH Stranger: Yes, well, just mean that know that youre not what people think. GL You: What do you think of me? -MH Stranger: think that youre caring and loving and generous and a gentleman. And wouldnt be saying all this if wasnt drunk but promise mean it. GL You: Oh. That was unexpected. -MH Stranger: Im sorry. How long do you think your car is going to take? Im really cold and wet. GL You: Stay inside the pub at the moment, shant be too much longer. Thankfully had a meeting not too far away from where you are today. -MH Stranger: Youre coming yourself? GL You: Of course. am afraid that am not driving the nicest car Im afraid. It is a personal car. -MH Stranger: dont care. Im glad youre coming. dont exactly look my best. GL You: am sure that you would look fine. Are you likely to be sick? Ive got bags in my car just incase. will make you pay for my car cleaning if you are. -MH Stranger: No. Wont happen. promise. GL You: You can stay over in my home for the evening if you wish? have plenty of spare rooms. -MH Stranger: didnt dare to ask but would like that very much. Thank you. GL You: It is not a problem, Gregory. can drop you off back in London in the morning. -MH You: can arrange some time off work for you if you wish. -MH Stranger: You dont have to. can take the train in the morning and might take some time off. GL You: am arriving back to London in the morning, it does save you a train fare and it does help to save the planet. -MH Stranger: Youre very sweet. GL You: am assuming that you are only saying that because of your consumption of alcohol. -MH Stranger: Yes but really mean it. GL Stranger: always think youre sweet dont usually say it. GL You: dont know what do that makes you think that about me. -MH Stranger: Well, it works. GL You: You wont tell anyone about this side of me? -MH have a reputation to keep up. -MH Stranger: Of course not. Im keeping it all to myself. GL You: do have a reputation for being the ice man. -MH Stranger: know. They dont know you at all. GL You: It is easier to be like that when it comes to work. Its easier to keep a distance. -MH Stranger: know but its a shame that no one gets to see how wonderful you are. GL You: Im nothing special. -MH Stranger: Do you really think that? GL You: know that have my intelligence but am nothing compared to my brother. -MH Stranger: Oh God, Mycroft, you should see yourself through my eyes. GL You: am not sure that it is a good idea for you to tell me this. -MH This could only lead to embarrassment for the two of us. -MH Stranger: Sometimes you have to take such risks. GL You: Gregory, am not what you want. -MH Stranger: You dont know what want. GL Stranger: And all apart from that we have already established that you have a faulty opinion about yourself. GL You: The country comes first. My life is dangerous and wont always be there when you need me. -MH Stranger: Then Ill wait. GL Stranger: And Im a fairly high-ranked police officer, most of that goes for me as well. GL You: It wont be fair on you to wait for me. -MH You: have tried relationships before, with it being partly long distance, it never works. -MH Stranger: You dont understand. GL You: dont understand what? -MH Stranger: That rather want to wait for you than to spend every minute of my life with someone else. GL You: really dont know what to say. -MH Stranger: Thats fine. You dont have to say anything. GL You: This is just so unexpected and dont know the answers. -MH Stranger: Then Ill wait. Its fine, Mycroft. know its been a bit much for one night. GL You: Its not that am not intrigued by your comments about me and what you have said. - MH You: This is just one of the few things that dont understand or know the answers to. -MH Stranger: Welcome to my life. Youll get there, dont worry. GL You: need more information to understand -MH You: Is it just sex that you are wanting? -MH Stranger: No. No, of course not. want the whole package. GL You: dont know why. You dont seem to have a motive such as interest in my money or my connections. -MH Stranger: You really want me to say it, dont you? Now, at the dead of night and in a text message at the first attempt. GL You: dont know what want you to say. -MH You: have been reflecting on a previous relationship. -MH Stranger: Im sorry, Mycroft. can assure you that my motives have nothing to do with those kinds of benefits. GL You: There was a man that was attached to, who used for me for my position. -MH You: had found him with my assistant in my office when was gone. We were arranged to get married. It is why show some hesitance. -MH Stranger: Arranged? Blimey, in 21st century London. Incredible. GL Stranger: care about you as a person, Mycroft. care very deeply about you. And think your assistant is very unattractive. GL You: That was my old assistant he was with, the last time checked, they had gotten married. -MH You: do find you to be an intriguing man and will admit that you are a handsome one, but you could do a lot more better than me. Im like a scarecrow with legs. -MH Stranger: dont know about the crows but think you are utterly irresistible. GL You: You flatter me too much. -MH Stranger: There is no such thing, Mycroft Holmes. GL You: Im just about at the pub. will meet you inside. -MH Stranger: Thank you. GL Stranger: The pub was quite deserted apart from a few regulars at the bar Greg was sitting on his bar stool leaning on the edge of the table that still had two empty pints on it. He pocketed his phone and smiled to himself. Who would have thought of this outcome? Not even Sherlock could have expected that. Mycroft Holmes. His knight in shining armour. He chuckled, his eyes still sore from the tears he had cried earlier. His heart was beating fast in anticipation and he felt lightheaded but quite sobered up. When the door opened he sat up straight and turned around on his stool to see if it was him.. You: Mycroft wrinkled his nose in disgust at the pub that he walked into, this wasnt his usual type of establishment. He prefered to drink at home alone, it was more pleasant than having to deal with drunk people who were often rude and unruly. He was doing this for Gregory, and he managed to locate him rather quickly, giving the other man his best smile as if he was trying to prove that he didnt spend the car journey ina panic about Gregorys confessions. The other man didnt look too intoxicated . Hello, Gregory, Mycroft greeted him, he wasnt too sure if he was meant to give the other a handshake or not. Stranger: Greg smiled broadly, Hi. Mycroft was nervous, he could tell. He wasnt looking him directly in the eyes, wasnt trying to read him like he normally would. You are the only one who calls me Gregory, do you know that. It usually bothers me but in this case it feels quite unique. He jumped off his stool and walked a few steps. Yes, definitely not drunk. Then he turned around to face him again. Thanks for doing this for me, I truly appreciate it. Come here. He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him gently, putting his head on his shoulder. Thank you, he whispered again. You: Mycroft needed to take a few minuted to process what was happening. It has been so long since he had someone hug him or even been that interested in giving him physical contact that was more than just a handshake. He stood there stiffly for a few moments before he mimicked the action that Gregory did on him. It felt nice, and it didnt even bother him that they were in public hugging. It was something that he had never done before. Im glad that you are alright, was a bit worried that you would be face down in your beer, he tried to joke. He was aware that it was probably awful, he was never good at this. Stranger: Greg chuckled, his hand still on Mycrofts shoulder. It is nice to know that you were worried about me but Im fine. probably shouldnt drive or shoot but apart from that am good. He took his coat and gestured towards the door. Unless youd like to have a drink first? He winked playfully. You: I have alcohol in the house, Mycroft tried to hide the disgusted look that he had for the bar when he noticed that there was a pile of crushed up crisps on the floor and that the wooden counter was needing a good polish. I could offer you a drink before you go to sleep. Stranger: Greg smiled. I dont need a drink. Neither do want a drink. Im fine now that youre here. Lets go. He led the way outside and looked around for a car. Where you worried that might have drowned myself or that might not have meant what texted you? He had to ask, he could not allow the topic to slip entirely for he would probably never be able to pick it up again once he had missed this chance. You: Mycroft didnt anything for the questions, the second option had gone through his head a few times. He believed that a part of it stemmed from his childhood when children would pretend to be his friend for a joke, and it happened in university when he had been asked out on a date once for a joke and was stood up. He guided Greg to a blue Fiat. It was his personal car, it wasnt anything too fancy but he liked it. He liked his conferences that were outside London, it meant that he could drive, he never had the opportunity to do so in London. Stranger: No reply, well then. Greg smiled as he circled the car tentatively stroking along the wing. He got in and waited for Mycroft to follow him. Thats a nice car. not what expected but really nice. It has personality, he smiled at Mycroft, like you. He hesitated before he continued. meant every word said earlier. Every word. will always mean them. He huffed a laugh. And now Ill leave it alone, Im sorry. dont want to make you feel uncomfortable. You: I do find what you said to be flattering, he admitted after a few moments of slipping into the car. He didnt look at Greg right away and he focused out of the window at the bins of the pub. It is just out of the sudden, you have never given me the impression that you were fond of me before, the last time we spoke, it was about my brother. Stranger: Greg turned towards him in his seat. know that, Mycroft. know. But those feeling are all but new to me. have felt them for a long time but would never have dared to hope that you might return any of them so never said anything. have faced death quite often in my job but seeing... that... makes you realise how quickly a life can be over and shouldt that teach us not to miss a chance to be happy? He felt a tear run down his cheek and he wiped it away. God, Im sorry, Im a mess. never meant to rush your fences. You: would like to get to you know you better, he confessed as he reached out to put a hand on Gregs shoulder in what he thought was a comforting gesture. would like to get to you know you better. You: *It means that you can change your mind about me, once you get to know me better. It is just difficult to be open and admit that am attracted to you. Stranger: Greg took his hand into his. know you, Mycroft. can see you, have seen you and wont change my mind. He kissed his hand. And you have just admitted that youre attracted to me. He smiled gently. Thats enough for me for now if thats all you can give. Like said, dont mind waiting. He kissed his hand again before he let go. Yo Im needing time to figure this out in my head, he had admitted quietly, There is so much that dont know and had pushed aside my feelings for men in the back of my mind and just focused on the country. It has been my priority and it will always be. He confessed, I will try to understand what is going in my head as soon as can. You: (Ive got to go but we can carry this through email, my address is Stranger: ((Yes, Id love to. Mine is )) Stranger: ((Would you send the log? Im on the wrong device. Ill answer with my reply)) You: (Sure that is not a problem. Ill send it over now. look forward to your reply.)
You: Hi Stranger: hbheohwhuebfrbhrbkhfeahlfeeh You: Fuck you You: Pussy bitch face You: :C Stranger: ohhh u cant fuck me You: Okay Ill get someone else to do it Stranger: well Ill take that as a compliment You: Well Im not giving it as a compliment so you cant Stranger: cuz pussies are beautifull uk You: No! love cock Stranger: bitch well ik am Stranger: cock are ugly and weird Stranger: so yea suits you Stranger: Imao You: NO! COCK THE BEST Yo . It looks good Yo . It feels good Yo . It tastes good You: 4. Cum cums out Stranger: UGHHHH Stranger: PUSSIES You: 5. Cum does not cum out of pussy unless cock already been in Stranger: they are the reason your hear end of the topic Stranger: what are dildos for You: When you dont have a cock to use Yo ildos almost as good You: No cum though b-; Stranger: its fine as long as u dont want unwanted pregnancies You: (that wasnt a typo, the emoticon is wearing an eyepatch) Stranger: whatever You: Cock goes in my ass so wont get pregnant Stranger: T-T Stranger: ura girl You: No. Stranger: then Stranger: well theirs no point to argue here if ur also a girl You: No, am aman Stranger: that mean man and man can have sex You: Yes it does Stranger: that also mean a man can insert his dick in a mans asshole Stranger: ughhh what the actual fuck You: Exactly, thats why love cock You: It can go in my asshole Stranger: umm whatever Stranger: but ur man crave for pussies Stranger: fact You: like pussy too but cock is better, cock is the best Stranger: Imao Stranger: no Stranger: pussies are delicate and beautifull You: And cocks are hard and destructive!!! You: Destructive to ny asshole!!! Stranger: they are like beautiful art You: Pussy doesnt do anything to my ass Stranger: but they do so much to ur cock You: So does my asshole You: My asshole is better than pussy because You: Its tighter You: It doesnt bleed (usually) You: It has a cock underneath it Stranger: well girls have asshole to Stranger: too* You: Yes, girl asshole is as good You: But man cock is the best Stranger: no no ur wrong You: Because it can go in either Man asshole or girl asshole or girl pussy You: Or man mouth or girl mouth Stranger: well basically they only have one work You: No, cocks have more than one use You: They can cum Stranger: they are useful as long as they have sperms You: They can piss You: They can be sounded Stranger: cum is useful when it has sperms You: Sperm is good You: love sperrm You: Sperm doesnt come from pussies Stranger: spermless cum is useless cum Yo kay, but it usually has sperm Yo Il admit pussy is better if cock has no cum (o) Stranger: no pussy no you You: No cock no you You: They go hand in hand You: Or cock in pussy hehe Stranger: no uterus no implantation Stranger: no fertilizartion Stranger: no child birth You: No sperm no fertilisation Stranger: THAT MEANS NO YOU Stranger: well fertilization is a two way thing You: Exactly Stranger: it requires ovum as much as it requires sperm You: Yeah, so in that aspect, cock and pussy are equally important You: But in the aspect of going into my ass, cock is more important Stranger: well now we are talking Stranger: well ur ass ur prob Stranger: in general both are imp Stranger: end of the topic You: Yes, prefer cock because pussy cant go in my ass You: Yes Im not arguing importance Stranger: well u told me before cocks are the best Stranger: which is absolutely WRONG Stranger: so You: Fair enough, wasnt thinking about usefulness when said that You: was thinking about how much want to slather over one Stranger: well it include all You: So yes, pussy and cock are equally as good Stranger: yeah You: Good to cum to a cumclusion Stranger: Imao You: God fucking love semen Stranger: doubt Stranger: mind telling me ur gender Stranger: no offense You: am a male Yo lo offense taken You: And yours? Stranger: female You: Okay, and you prefer pussy? Stranger: yes You: Epic 5 Stranger: in general Stranger: i prefer pussy Stranger: ikr You: would prefer pussy but it doesnt have cum ;-; Stranger: it does You: Well like cum with sperm in Stranger: well cum with ovum in You: Like an omelete? Stranger: wtf u can see ovum through naked eyes Stranger: if Im not wrong You: You can see through the white if eggs too You: So ovum cum (ill call it ovcum) isnt white and Salty? Stranger: Imao it is Stranger: cum has ovum just like sperm You: Its white? thought you said its see through Stranger: when did You: You said wtf ucan see ovum through naked eyes Stranger: my bad cant** You: Ohbh right Stranger: yes You: Does it come out when you orgasm? Stranger: well idk You: Hmm, idk if Ill convert to preferring pussy still You: Like cock can still go in my ass Stranger: not completely You: Yes it can? You: Why wouldnt it be able to Stranger: cuz ur cock is attach Stranger: attached* in fronyt Stranger: ughh Stranger: front* You: Not my own cock in my own ass, someone elses cock Stranger: eh okay You: Cock can also cum inside my ass Stranger: cock in asshole doesnt give any pleasure ig You: Theres the prostate You: Cock rubs the prostate through ass Stranger: wait You: Okay. Stranger: prostate okay You: Since you can rub It through ass, you do get pleasure from cock in ass Stranger: oh okay Stranger: but female doent have prostate gland Stranger: they have a diff one You: Yeah, cock in ass is best for men Stranger: ohh okayyy You: If was girl would prefer cock in pussy probably Stranger: eheh sure u would You: mean! might prefer pussy on pussy but idk, Im not a girl Stranger: wells issue only girls can know or feel Stranger: uj You: ?? Stranger: uk* You: Ohh, yeah guess so Stranger: yah You: And cock in ass only men can properly know or feel Stranger: fair Stranger: enough You: Yes, this argument has gone on long enough Stranger: yeah it was crazy You: Was a bit wild Stranger: ikr You: We didnt even get to discussing balls or tits Stranger: ohh damn yeah You: Luckily or it wouldve gone on for even longer Stranger: probably lol You: Though maybe we agree, think tits honestly Stranger: idk bout balls Stranger: but tits Stranger: they are amazing for sure You: Mhm gotta agree You: Balls might be better if they werent wrinkly Stranger: ikr You: And hairy too Stranger: ughh yes You: Hair is annoying, it tickles Stranger: umm okay Stranger: thats news You: Well like ball hair You: Because it can move loads Stranger: ahaan You: Im sorry have to go now, but this was a good conversation 2 Stranger: yea indeed Stranger: bye You: Byee :))
Stranger: hello f23 You: Im m20 Stranger: add me 99itsmarymoodyx0899 remove 99
You: are you a yee haw or haw yee kind of person Stranger: wow didnt know haw yee was a thing Stranger: i feel it in my bones You: oh no You: so you are a haw yee Stranger: maybe 50/50??? You: ill take that Stranger: which are you You: more of a yee haw tbh You: haw yee kinda feels like something a heretic would say Stranger: a what You: i probably spelt it wrong Stranger: can you yeehaw me plz You: Imao if you want me to i sure could You: yeeeeeecee hawwwwwwww Stranger: UGH YES You: yeee hawww Stranger: AHHHH YES DADDY You: yeeeeceeeeceeceececceeeeceeceececeece haaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww w Stranger: FUCK DONT STOP You: yee haww yee haww yee haww yee haww Stranger: *cumming* You: omfg You: you better be Stranger: i just did :) You: good You: yee haw Stranger: can we cuddle now You: yeah sure Stranger: NO STOP You: no more yee haw? Stranger: babie :) Stranger: no more plz its sensitive You: fine i wont do anymore Stranger: i can yeehaw u if you want You: thats okay Stranger: (HlU_W) You: thank you though Stranger: scratch my chin You: ill do whatever you want me to do Stranger: i like that You: i bet you would
You: M Stranger: Hi Stranger: F Stranger: Sup You: Horny ako Stranger: Same You: Really ? Stranger: Kaya lang i cant call or vm You: Hello Stranger: Or send noodles You: Yah its ok Stranger: Kaya madalas quiet me You: Age ? Stranger: Yaaaaay Stranger: 21 You: 22 You: Can u suck my dick Stranger: U sure want to start with that? Stranger: What about undressing You: Sige kiss kiss kita Stranger: So i can little by little see my food Stranger: Aaaack i cant HAHAHAbet ko too Stranger: Totoo :( You: Yeah babu hmm You: U want some fk irl hmm? Stranger: Gusto ko teast mo ko Stranger: Yes baby You: Shet Stranger: wanr ro feel you hard You: Lap lapin kita Stranger: Press harder You: Tapos exploit mo body mo You: Want me to spit in ur mouth ? Stranger: Yed pls You: Hmmm Stranger: Hmmmm You: Lamasin ko dede mk You: Ahhh shet Stranger: Duraan mo ko Stranger: Make me wet You: Duraan ko mouth mo Stranger: Yum You: Lamasin ko pwet mo while kissing u Stranger: Ugh You: Then dikit ko dick ko sayo Stranger: Let me get your tongue You: Hmmm Stranger: Yes pls Stranger: Diim mo pa You: Hmmmmm You: Shet Stranger: will slowly go down You: Ahh Stranger: Didilaan kita pababa You: Ahh yes Stranger: Tapos kakainin kitaaaa You: Ahh fuck Stranger: Do you want me to spit on you? You: Spit on my cock baby Stranger: There can you feel my hands now? You: Hawakan ko hair ml You: Shet oo baby Stranger: If thats not enough i will eat you na You: Ahh fuck Stranger: will lick the top of your dick Stranger: And i will slowly eat you You: Omg baby i love it Stranger: Cum ka lang ah dont be shy babe Stranger: got u You: Ahh fuck You: Im gonma cum in ur mouth Stranger: Feel free to control my head Stranger: Shet baby cum on my face please You: Ahh sure sampal ko titi ko sa face mo Stranger: Ugh You: Ahhhh Stranger: Tigas pa baby ah Stranger: Want mo ba ng boob job? Stranger: My boobs are dry You: Ahh sure baby Stranger: Nakulangan sa laway mo. Stranger: Need nya ng cum You: Fuck tit fuck Stranger: Lagay ko na babe ah Stranger: Slowly move You: Sige baby fuck Stranger: Or you want it rough? Stranger: Duraan mo babe pls You: Yeah baby Stranger: Para mas masarap You: Spits* Stranger: Cute talaga ng baby ko You: Spits on ut face too Stranger: Kakainin kita habang nasa dede ko titi mo You: Omg yesssssss Stranger: Bilisan mo pls Stranger: Im so excited for you You: Sige baby ko hmmmm fuck You: Fuckkkkk ahhhhhh Stranger: Gusto mo ba ng ganon baby? You: Ofcourse yes, baby You: Longtime no sex i need sex fuck Stranger: Deep throat mo ko please Stranger: miss you so muuuch Stranger: Papagurin kita Stranger: Uubusin natin yan You: May titi ka? Stranger: Wala Stranger: Raulo ba baby ah hahahaha Stranger: Gusto lang kita kainin You: Fuck Stranger: You are not moving e You: Nvm baby You: Ahhhh shit You: Suck me dry Stranger: Nag eenjoy ka ba? You: Ahhbh fuck You: Yeah baby im so hard rn Stranger: Baby ang saraaaaap Stranger: Shet pasok mo pa You: Fuck baby You: Sige hawakan ko ulo mo Stranger: Dahandahan Stranger: Plisssss Stranger: Guide my head You: Mouth fuck kita Stranger: So i can eat you properly Stranger: Yes please You: Ahhh fuck You: Ahhhhh Stranger: Cum ka lang ah? Stranger: Akin lahat yan You: Yeah baby You: Omg im in heaven Stranger: Didilaan kita baby You: Fuckkkkkkkk yeahh Stranger: Diin mo pls You: Duraan ko face mo Stranger: Bilisan mo pa Stranger: Yes please You: Fuck yeah Stranger: Nauuhaw na ko baby Stranger: need you You: Bunutin ko tite ko sabay sapalin kita You: Sabay palo ko titi ko sa face mo Stranger: Ugh Stranger: Shet You: Fuck Stranger: miss you You: Sabay pasok ko sa mouth mo You: Sagad ko deep inside Stranger: Wow baby ang sarap mo. You: Fuck yeah Stranger: Uuuugh Stranger: Gusto ko yung maduduwal ako baby You: Hawakan ko hair mo fuck ko mouth mo You: Yeah baby Stranger: Yes ugh You: Fuck ahhhhhhhh Stranger: Sigi lang baby You: Sagad ko hanggang dumikit balls ko sa baba mo You: Fuckkkkkk Stranger: Hawakan ko tite mo tapos kakainin kita Stranger: Bibilisan ko baby Stranger: Malapit ka na ba? You: Oo Stranger: Go harder baby You: Fuck baby You: Hmmmm i miss u Stranger: Shet baby im wet na Strange miss you too Stranger: miss your moves You: Fuck precum ako baby You: Ahhh shit Stranger: Cum ka lang baby sige lang Stranger: Pls cum at my face too You: Withdraw ko You: Sabay cum sa face mo Stranger: Ugh Stranger: Shet baby You: Hmmm Stranger: Sarap You: Jerk ko habang may lumalabad pa Stranger: Ayaw mo ba ipasom baby? todo na natin Stranger: Namiss naman kita e You: Fuck may tg ka lipat tayo babe Stranger: Ayaw Stranger: Im shy You: miss u my cum slut Stranger: Decent ako sa tg Stranger: miss you my cum warrior hehe Stranger: have never been this wet You: Pls baby i dont want to lose my cum slut Stranger: Kagagawan mo to Stranger: Kaya let me ride you Stranger: Pleeease You: Ok baby You: Higa nako Stranger: Higa ka lang Stranger: Gagapangin kita You: Abh fuvk Stranger: Do you mind mu pussy getting into your face? You: Sure baby You: Put that juicy pussy on my face Stranger: Bere i go baby You: Hmmmm You: So wet baby You: Look kalang sa cute kong face bay Stranger: Yes bb Stranger: want you to also feel my boobs You: Hawakan mo matangos kong ilong while im licking ur pussy Stranger: Na miss ka nila Stranger: Oh fuck You: Lamasin ko while eating u You: Hmmm Stranger: Ugh yes pls You: Slurp Stranger: My nipples are getting harder shet You: So wet namiss ko to Stranger: Ofc bebe You: My cock is getting harder Stranger: saved myself for you ;) You: Hmmmm You: Fuvk Stranger: Ah shet baby i have to take care of that You: Licking You: Hmmmmmm Stranger: Hmmmmm You: Fuck baby sarap Stranger: Uggggh shet Stranger: Saraaaaap Stranger: Uuuugh You: Pasok ko dila ko sa pepe mo You: Fuckkkkk Stranger: Yes ugh You: Then rub ko clit mo Stranger: Ah yes pls Stranger: Bilisan mo baby You: Fuck baby You: Weave ko dila ko pussy mo You: While rubbing ur clit You: Hmmm Stranger: Ah sarap baby You: Spit ako sa pussy mo. Stranger: Ang wet ko na lalo Stranger: Damn ang sarap You: Fuck i wanna feel u irl shit Yo Yo mmmmmm You: Spit ako sa pussy mo. Stranger: Faster baby Stranger: Ugh plase You: Sure babyy ahhh You: Sarap ng pussy mo Stranger: Gusto na kita maramdaman You: Fuck tinitigasan nako Yo uck sige baby You: Patong nako Stranger: Yes please Stranger: You can cum inside You: Tututok ko na titi ko Stranger: Kahit ilang beses pa You: Omg sure You: Buntisin kita? Stranger: Yes pls You: Palo palo ko titi ko You: Ahhh fuck Stranger: Fuck me baby You: Sabay lamasin ko suso mo Stranger: Pasok mo na You: Sige baby dahan dahan You: Hmmmm sikip Stranger: Baby this is my first time Stranger: Be gentle You: Ow shit for real You: Fuck kasya bato Stranger: Yes baby Stranger: Ofc You: Pilitin ko nalang Stranger: Pls You: Yan baby papasok ko nalang slowly Stranger: want you naaa You: Ill force it You: Fuckkkkkkkkkk Stranger: Duraan mo muna You: Spits You: While rubbing ur slit You: Dahan daham pinasok Stranger: Pasok mo na bb Stranger: Sheeet You: Ahhhhh Stranger: Sakit You: Fuck baby ur so tight You: Hmmmmmm Stranger: Pero lamang yung sarap igh ige lang baby baon mo pa You: Fuck force entry ko na baby Stranger: Sagad mo pls You: Ahhhhhh Stranger: Yeah pls You: Ill make u happy Stranger: Sheeeet You: Happy girl Stranger: Thank you bb You: Hmmmmm You: Im stretching u Stranger: Cum inside oki Stranger: Uuugh You: Fuck yeah You: Fuckkkkk Stranger: Ugh You: Ahhh lemme suck ur tits Stranger: Bb faster pls You: Ahhh shit You: Getting faster Stranger: Fuck i will hug u You: Hmmm fuck Stranger: Suffocate kita sa boobs ko You: Ahh shit ur scratching my back baby ahhhh You: Oh shit Stranger: Yes baby You: Ahhhhhhhh You: Fuvk You: Omg shit Stranger: Kaya mo pa baby? You: Ahbh fuck i cant last longer baby You: Ur so tight Stranger: Sige lang pls You: think im gonna cum Stranger: Bilisan mo pa You: Ahhhhhhh Stranger: Give it to me You: Ahhhbh fuck Stranger: Fuck baby You: Ahhhhhhhhhh Stranger: Ang saraqqp moo You: Baby i love u You: Ahhh fuck Stranger: Love you too You: Sarap shet Stranger: Ang dami You: Ahhhh fuvk You: Yummy Stranger: Gusto ko paa 😍 You: Add me baby Stranger: First time ko yon Stranger: Hahaha You: Gusto ko may communication tayo You: Dami ko pinutok Stranger: Ayaw madudyngisan pangalan ni akatsuki huhu Stranger: Kaya nga e ang sarap Stranger: Haneep You: Fuck gusto kita araw arawin Stranger: Patikim nga Stranger: Sayang naman yan You: Baby Stranger: Kiss ko lagi titi mo hahahaha Stranger: Yes baby? You: Sige Stranger: Ang dali ko pa naman itease You: Ahhh Stranger: Pustahan tayo, bukas ulit You: Baby tigasbpako Stranger: Pagkagising Stranger: Ah shet lets go You: San tayo nag uusap Stranger: Wala hahahaha ayoko e You: Baby Stranger: Now lang ako pumatol sa horny bb Stranger: Yes baby? You: wanna fuck u irl damn Stranger: Hehehe Stranger: Never seen a dick irl You: Wanna see mine? Stranger: Ayaaaw hahahaha You: Fuck Stranger: Gusto ko pag nandito ka na Stranger: Para maalagaan ko siya You: Saan Stranger: Charot maka saan ka You: Baby suck me Stranger: Yes baby Stranger: Drag me to your dick You: Yeah baby ill force u Stranger: Go rough control me Stranger: wouldnt mind You: Omg Stranger: Gusto ko yung maduduwal ako Stranger: Plsss You: 6.5 pa naman to baby Stranger: Pano omg? hahahahhaa cute mo baby Stranger: Go lang baby kaw naman yan Stranger: Kahit gaano ka kalaki welcome ka You: Ahh palaban baby ko gusto ko ya. Stranger: Hehehehe labyuu You: Lab yu You: Fuck come here Stranger: Tara sa ulit pls You: Milk me baby Stranger: Kiss kita You: Kiss hmmmm Stranger: Favorite ko talaga magsimula sa taas You: Fuck baby Stranger: Kakainin ko dila mo You: Ahhh shit Stranger: Tapos didilaan kita papuntang tenga Stranger: Tapos kakagatin kita You: Kikiliti ako baby hehe Stranger: You want that? Stranger: Im gonna kiss you slowly You: Yeah titigasan ako so nyan Stranger: Down to your stomach You: Hmmm kiss mo abs ko Stranger: Tapos i will play my tongue there Stranger: Dilaan ko abs mo You: Ahh fuck Stranger: Tapos kiss ko You: Hmmm You: Kikiliti ako Stranger: Hijigupin kita baby Stranger: Hahahaha You: Fuck sure baby Stranger: Papalapit na ko sayo baby You: Hmmmm Stranger: Hold my head baby You: Hawakan ko hair mo Stranger: will slowly kiss your dick Stranger: Tapos lalabas ko dila ko You: Ohhh god Stranger: Do yoy want me to hold you You: Hawakn ko hair mo Stranger: While sucking? You: Sure baby Stranger: Yeheeeey You: Kunwari i need to go na Stranger: Come to me baby closer You: But u want me to stay Stranger: Hahabulin kita syempre Stranger: Di pa tayo tapos You: Ahh wild fuck You: My gf material Stranger: Gusto mo lang subsobkita sa boobs koe Stranger: Bastos mo kinakain kitaaaa You: Ahh sorry baby Stranger: Bat ka aalis baliw kaaaa Stranger: Tigas mo pa kaya You: Sorry baby need ako sa work You: Tapos sinasuck mo lang Stranger: Awww i can work with u naman You: Tapos im trying to break off Stranger: Di ka makakaalis kung kakainin ka kita Stranger: Wtf ayusin mo You: cant move shit Stranger: Akin na You: Fuckkkkk Stranger: Hawakan ko dalawang kamay mo You: Fuck Stranger: Alam kong kaya mo ko pero di ka makakaalis Stranger: Kasi manghihina ka sa sarap Stranger: know you want this You: Ahhhj fuck You: Baby stop i need to go ughhj Stranger: Kaya di mo ko pinipigilan Strange ete Stranger: Cum on me first You: Ahhh fuck Stranger: Di ka aalis hanggat di ka napapagod Stranger: My mouth is dry na baby oh You: need my energy sa work baby ughhh Stranger: Im thirsty Stranger: will spare my energy naman to you Stranger: just want to feel you again You: Do dont want to drain me baby hmm You: You dont Stranger: Plssss Stranger: My nipples are getting hard You: Ill suck it hmmm Stranger: Oh shit pls Stranger: Wag ka na muna umalis You: Hmmm lick ko dede mo baby Stranger: Hand job kita habang dinidilaan mo nipples ko Stranger: Ang tigas mo baby You: Hmmmmmm. Omg Stranger: Bibilisan ko ah You: Sucking ur nipples Stranger: Shet uuuugh Stranger: Dyan ang sarap You: Hmmm lamas lamasin ko isa Stranger: Laruin mo nipples koo Stranger: Uuugh sheeeet You: Then Kabila lick ko din Stranger: Sarap You: Fuckkkk Stranger: Ugh Stranger: Nako baby basa na ko You: Then hawakan ko dalawa mong dede You: Tapos ipintin ko lick ko dalawa mong nipples Stranger: Uuugh Stranger: Tease me shet You: Fuck You: Im so hard omg You: Rub ko clit mo Stranger: Cooooch Stranger: Uuuuugh You: Fuck baby Stranger: Faster Stranger: Baby ang saraaap You: Rub ko pa while sucking ur tits Stranger: Ugh shit go You: Hmmmm Stranger: Bjte my nipples You: Bitting it You: Lalagay ako kiss marks Stranger: Ugh shey You: Hmmmmmm Stranger: Yes pls You: Tapos kiss kita Stranger: Mark your kisses Stranger: Aww Stranger: Love youu You: Love u baby Stranger: Pasok mo na baby You: Kiss ko cheeks mo You: Lick ko Stranger: can feel you naa Stranger: Ugh Stranger: Lick my neck too You: Lick You: Lagay ako kiss marks Stranger: Sige lang baby Stranger: Im yours lang naman You: Tpaos whisper ako sa ears mo. Stranger: Yes baby You: love u baby akin kalang Stranger: Love you too You: Tuwad kana baby Stranger: Sayo lang ako :))) You: Ahh yes Stranger: Sige baby You: Hmm ur so hot damn Stranger: Nakatuwad na ko baby You: Can i take a pic baby Stranger: am ready for you naaa Stranger: Yes ofc You: Ill vid Stranger: Fuck You: Slap ko ass mo Stranger: Aaaaah Stranger: Sarap You: Ur such a naughty girl Stranger: Slap harder You: Slaps * Stranger: Yes baby im naughty for you You: Fuck Stranger: Kaya ipasok mo na You: Look ka sa camera Stranger: Bubuntisin mo pa ko You: Sabay pasok ko Stranger: Hiiiii viewers You: Ahh shit livr tayo sa fb Stranger: Aaaaaaaaaagggh Stranger: Shet Stranger: Baby raulo ka You: Live ko ss group Yor Immn shhhh You: baby You: Ahhhbb Stranger: Shet aray Stranger: Pasok mo paa You: Fuvkkk baby You: Sikip mo Stranger: Patong mo camera Stranger: Hawak mo boobs ko while fucking You: Dumugo pussy mo You: Yeah Stranger: Hala baby Stranger: Pero masarap, tuloy mo lang You: While naka tuwad ka Stranger: Bilisan mo You: Hawakan ko dede mo You: Ahhhh Stranger: Ugh Stranger: Diinan mo hawak You: Sagad sa ttan mo Stranger: Aaaaaaagh You: Yan baby angat kana whik You: Fuck yeah Stranger: Bubuntisin mo ba ko? You: Oo baby Stranger: Putok mo pis You: Ur my cum bucket You: Fuck Stranger: Para akin ka lang You: My sex doll You: Ahhh puta Stranger: Ugh You: Fuck babh You: Shit You: Bilisan ko pa Stranger: You coming baby? Stranger: Yes Stranger: Diinan mo You: Fuck pa kita hanggang dumikit likod mo sa abbs ko You: Hmmm Stranger: Ugh You: Whlie im pinching ur nipples You: Tapos sagad sagad ahhh Stranger: Ugh baby ang sarap Stranger: Pls do not stop You: Fuck bulisan ko paa Stranger: Sheeeeet ang galing mo baby Stranger: Nakakabaliw You: Habang nag ba boucne pwet mo Stranger: Ang saraaap You: Fuck yewhhhhhhhhh Stranger: Ugh Stranger: Yes baby Stranger: Harder You: Tpaos kiss kita from behind Stranger: Shet baby ang sarap You: Sakalin kita habang ka talikod ka Stranger: Uuuugh shet Stranger: Choke mo ko You: Spits on ur face Stranger: Aaaaaaah ang saraaap ng laway mo You: While im shoving my cock Stranger: Cum on my face too rin pis You: Fuck Stranger: Sher baby You: Im gonna cum baby You: Fuck Stranger: Iputok mo sa loob baby You: Im near Stranger: Wag mo lalabas agad oara di sayang You: Sagad ko ss dyan mo Stranger: Bilisan mo pa baby You: Fuvkkkk Stranger: Yes pla Stranger: Buntusin mo ko You: Ahh ahit babyyy Stranger: Wag mo muna labas baby You: Fuck ok baby Stranger: Kiss muna kita Stranger: Galing naman ng baby koooo You: Sige baby hmmm You: Syempre gusto happy ang queen ko Stranger: Awww You: Sayo lang body ko Stranger: Bukasculit baby ah Stranger: Or kahit maaga You: How baby Stranger: Ay char lang You: Hmmmm Stranger: Did you enjoy baby? You: do i cummed 2 x Stranger: Ugh ang sarap Stranger: Galing mo napagsabay mo type ah You: Layo ng cum ko Stranger: Hahahahahahaha Stranger: Shet sayang Stranger: Lika pasok mo dito You: Pag sa pussy moto sure na buntis ka Stranger: Hahahahahahahaha You: Omg baby Stranger: No problem baby papa abort ko :p You: Ahh fuck Stranger: Para pwede mo ko buntisin lagi hahahaha You: Sure hahaha Stranger: Basta sagot mo You: Oo namam Stranger: Sipag kae You: Pwede nsman mag pis You: Pills Stranger: Hardworking ng baby ko Stranger: Yes ofc bb Stranger: Makakalimutin ako sa pills hehe You: Omg baby gusto pa kita ka chat Stranger: Gusto ko sinusubo mo pill sa akin Stranger: Para ganahan ako hahahaha Stranger: Baby late na You: Co lalagay ko mouth ko Stranger: Lagay mo sa tongue mo You: Then i spit it inside ur mouth Stranger: Shoot mo sa bibig ko Stranger: Ugh even beter You: Hmmm Stranger: Hehehe labyuu Stranger: Ano baby? You: love u sarap mo talaga baby You: love u Stranger: Di ka pa antok? Stranger: Come here na hug kita You: Mawawala kana ih Stranger: love you too leep ka muna Stranger: Or may gagawin ka pa? You: Can i get ur number atleast Stranger: Nope You: Aww huhu Stranger: Im super decent in person Stranger: Legit na first sex chat to hahaha You: Sarap naman ih save koto hihi Stranger: Wahahahaha Stranger: Marami ba pumapatol here baby? You: Not that much baby Stranger: Puro nagbebenta na ng nudes e Stranger: Sana alll You: Males madmai Stranger: hahahaha free no? You: Oo Stranger: Nudes ng lalaki HAHAHAHA Stranger: Ikaw di ka dor free ha Stranger: Akin lang yaaaaan :c You: Yeah baby Stranger: Ano ba fetish mo baby? You: Pussy You: Kainin ko yan Stranger: Hahahaha gago Stranger: Scenario Stranger: Come down here Stranger: Eat me You: Hmmm Stranger: Dami mo nilabas ang galing You: Nag finger ka baby? Stranger: Hahahah choz Stranger: Nope hehe You: Ano ginagawa mopo Stranger: Dazz why im tigh af Stranger: Wala i just helped you out ;) You: Can i fuck u hahaha Stranger: Nope. virgin pa ko You: San ka nag aaral baby Stranger: Secret You: Ok baby Stranger: Ano work mo baby? You: It specialist ako baby Stranger: Haneeep Stranger: Wfh po? You: Half aussy ako baby e You: Kaya ayun laki Stranger: Good for you Stranger: Kaya pala ang sarap Stranger: Can u be my graduation gift or something? Stranger: hahahahahaha goodnight baby You: Sure why not baby haha Stranger: Awww thank you 🤤 You: Aww good night sweetie You: Ingat ka dyan Stranger: Likewise You: love u Stranger: Love you too
Pup, Ust, Feu
Stranger: hey Stranger: 13f Stranger: how ru Strange play any sports Stranger: im swim team and school cricket Strange Stranger: im from melbourne u Stranger: haha k Stranger: who else with u Stranger: u wear the skins Stranger: do u wear the skins Stranger: like th leggings Strange r Stranger: compression shorts Stranger: no do u hav any Stranger: one sec Stranger: google compression shorts Stranger: for a picture of them Stranger: il get swim suit on Stranger: brb Strange google them Stranger: brb Strange bak il strip in a few for u Stranger: can u google them Stranger: for a picture of them Stranger: yes or no Stranger: go on then Stranger: u hav any Stranger: oh k Stranger: can u go to ur bedroom Strange close the blinds Stranger: and make ur bed Stranger: what Stranger: close ur blinds Stranger: u need ot me on ur bed Stranger: can u close ur blinds You: dont have any Stranger: u hav curtains You: no Stranger: k close ur door Strange grab a pillow Stranger: and go on the floor Stranger: go on the floor Stranger: k ly on ur stomach and put pillow under ur hips Stranger: il get a little wet fo ru Stranger: then u can watch me Stranger: get naked for u Stranger: take ur boxers off
Stranger: hello :) You: hi You: Male, Dom Stranger: f 29 sub You: M20. Would it tum you on to be a submissive servant fora handsome, muscular rich kid? Stranger: the rich part would be a bonus but ya You: Basically own you, and use you for whatever want Stranger: 50 shades of gray? :p You: Meh. can do better than that You: Id like to get to know you a bit first. Where ya from? What are your specific tum-ons? You: Im from NYC, like submissive, slutty girls who enjoy worshiping men and being degraded You: its hot Stranger: i agree it is hot sir. Women should recognize that we are second place to men You: Exactly. It just makes sense. Women are natural submissives, and just do better in general when they have a man to discipline them and own them Stranger: LEsbians and feminists irritate me by not understanding that You: bet you get tumed on by just imagining yourself on your knees, obeying commands Stranger: yes sir. making a man cum tums me on so much You: Its your purpose in life. Honestly if a man lets you near his cock its better than you deserve. Sluts are a dime a dozen Stranger: ij have a very dark fantasy of my lesbo sister being gang raped until she understand where her place wiht men are. fucking dyke Stranger: all women should be bi Stranger: primarily to use of men. but if men choose to, let their girls touch other girls Stranger: so they can watch You: Imagine someone breaking into your house when the two of you are there, alone. Finding the two of you, forcing your sister to her knees, smacking her in the face, raping her pussy. Breaking her until she begs for more while you watch. Stranger: mmm fuck yes Stranger: shed watch me as i rubbed my clit to the sight of her being raped You: Her mouth is open, she cant believe whats happening. She begs you to help her, but you just watch, admiring the powerful man in front of you, hoping he lets you suck his cock Stranger: can i touch myself sir? Stranger: holding my sister down. helping him get easier access to her holes. complimenting him and smacking her for not taking his cock You: You may touch yourself after you describe how you will convince this man to even look at your worthless body Stranger: id tell the man that my body is his to use in any number of senseless fucks he wants in any of my holes. get on my knees to beg him to use me as a cock sleeve and cum dump. You: Good girl. You can touch yourself now. Stranger: thank you sir You: Hed smirk at you, looking down at your pitiful, submissive self, and pull you up roughly by the neck, tearing off your shirt, watching your tits jiggle in your bra You: Your sister is still crying on the floor Stranger: mmm ya Stranger: my panties are soaked and my nipples are so hard You: Of course. This is what you dream of constantly. A powerful man who will make you his little slave bitch Stranger: mmmm yes sir You: Its not your choice. Its only natural fora woman to submit to a man. Women are weak sluts Stranger: all women needs a dog collar with owner tags You: Obviously. Youre nothing but property, just like a dog. But youre just much more expendable, since there are three billion of you in the world, much more than dogs Stranger: women are just the most conveinent cum dump You: Right. Women are basically a stupid set of holes to cum into. You just have to hope than theres a man who thinks it worth it for him to be your master instead of throwing you in the dumpster Stranger: oh fuck sir Stranger: makes me think how much i wanna be a house slut. just walking around naked wiht a collar on at all times. my master briging his friends over and see me on my knees by my master waiting for any request You: Theyd comment about you, laughing. Hey bro, your slaves looking a bit too cheerful today, dont you think? And theyd smirk and kick you in the ass as you crawl to your masters lap, bringing him his drinks Stranger: mmm as long as my master was happy with me Stranger: sir may i cum? You: You may cum after you tell me how you serve and worship your master while hes with his friends, how you show him that he owns you Stranger: Id only look at my master unless instructed otherwise. sitting close to him and smiling. Refreshing his drink for him and him alone unless told otherwise. clinging to his arm if hed let me You: Good girl. You understand that serving your master is about your general behavior, not just when youre sucking his cock. Cum for me, slut Stranger: mmmm thank you sir You: what would you do if your master ordered you to strip and dance for him and his friends? Stranger: id do it of course sir Stranger: letting his friends see my bouncing tits and round ass Stranger: such a big puddle of juice under me sir You: Ha, youre such a pathetic slut. Lets get back to your sister. What do you think is the correct punishment fora dyke like that? Stranger: public display of being raped Stranger: not allowed blothes as she walks outside at any time Stranger: clothes* You: Imagine her in the town square, a stone pillory closed over her hands and head, forcing her legs apart as her naked body is exposed to everyone. Shes crying and whimpering as her tits shake beneath her, but shes immobile and helpless. You: walk over to her, with you on a leash beside me, wearing only your collar. Stranger: mmmmmm Stranger: forgive me if this might sound a bit to far but could yonger girls watch? sit on al sides around her watching what happens to dykes You: push you face down roughly onto the ground, tying your leach to a pole. Your nipples rub against the hard surface of the road You: leash* You: They may watch, and touch themselves as they observe women in their rightful places You: Education is important Stranger: how old should the youngest of the girls be? You: 16. Girls who are younger than that should be leaming how to serve men in other ways, such as cooking and sewing Stranger: good choice sir. i always thought 10 girls are suited for handjobs and blowjobs You: Well Im sure that could be done under proper supervision. Getting an early start will only help them be better servants for men later on. Young girls should be training their throats to take cock, certainly You: It should be a social norm -- if two families get together for a meal or something, the women and girls should use their hands, mouths and pussies to serve the other men You: While the men talk about business or other important matters, too complex for the women Stranger: mmmmmm Stranger: may i start touching my pussy again sir? You: Is it wet again? Stranger: yes sir Stranger: it was never dry since we have been talking sir You: Attagirl. You may not touch your pussy right now. Take some time to think how you could be using it to serve aman. Stranger: yes sir Stranger: may i tease my nipples sir You: Imagine going with me, your master, to one of my friends houses for dinner. Youre under the table, naked, on your knees serving as my footrest. You: You may touch your nipples Stranger: thank you sir You: Youre anxiously trying not to drip all over the expensive carpet Stranger: itd be very hard to sir. being so close to your cock You: motion with my finger, and you bury your face in my crotch, rubbing your face against my cock through my pants. You: You may touch your pussy now Stranger: thannk you sir Stranger: my pussy would quiver as i nuzzled your cock through your pants wiht ym face You: You feel your ass press against my friends slave, as you both fight for the limited space under the table, both trying to please your masters. Stranger: i wouldnt want an inch away from your cock master Stranger: pushing my ass trying to get her away You: Im discussing the increase in value of the bonds Ive been investing in, and yawn for a moment, stretching, pressing my shoe against your face, so that your face is pressed between my foot and the floor. then give my buddy a wink, and we call you both out from under the table Stranger: id get up immediatly as i heard the command You: Alright sluts, youre going to make out for us. Go on that couch over there, and do a good job about it -- want your tits smashed against each other, fingering, nipples -- the whole shebang. Stranger: id smile wide and grab the other sluts hand to guide her to the couch Stranger: pulling her close in a log kiss our lips locking and tongues pressed together Stranger: my hand squeezing her large tits Stranger: her hand finds my dripping cunt Stranger: my clit is throbbing sir You: feel my cock harden at the display that you two slaves are giving us Stranger: i push her mouth to my breastds making her suck my nipples as she fingers my pussy You: Good. You may rub your clit for ten seconds now. Stranger: yes master You: command you to sit on the other girls face, showing you that your sexuality belongs to me, along with your body You: Youll enjoy cock when tell you to, and women when I tell you to You: feel my cock getting harder by the second, and try to decide how Im going to use you to relieve myself
sex slave
You: Sebastian frequented the same bar fairly regularly, mean what else did he really have to do now that hed been kicked out the army and was working in a bookstore just to get by. Generally, the nights ended in a disappointing shag where he was left the next morning in his bed wanting for a better fuck. Though last night was different, he knew that much, even if he didnt completely remember the events. The blonde woke late the next morning, his ass sore and his body covered in scratches as well as a few bruises. He smirked to himself and rolled over when he felt the ache though he frowned when the man hed been with was gone. He wasnt exactly shocked that his one night stand was gone though. What shocked him was the note that simply had a phone number on it. Sebastian rolled over and reached for his phone, typing the number into a new message before composing his text. That was some night. SM Stranger: Jim liked going out now and then. The music, the atmosphere, the bodies packed in close together. Clubs were his preference, but every now and then he had reason to take a walk down to one of the seedier establishments. In this case, the knowledge that a certain former military man had been known to frequent the place. Hed only wanted to have a look at him, maybe tease him a bit before bringing up the possibility of a job. Sleeping with the man had been entirely unexpected, but Jim had enjoyed himself thoroughly all the same. Regrettably, he had a meeting the next morning, though once he was out of it, he saw a message on his phone, and he grinned. It certainly ranks in my top ten list, yes. JM You: Well Im very glad to hear that. Just wish you were here to admire the work you did on my back. SM Stranger: Oh, admired it plenty before left. Thanks for your concern, though. JM You: Maybe next time youll make the bruises darker for me. SM Stranger: Next time? JM You: Dont tell me you dont want to fuck my ass again? SM Stranger: Ill think about it. JM You: You certainly seemed to enjoy it last night. SM Stranger: might have enjoyed it a bit too much. hadnt planned on going home with you. JM Your flat is atrocious by the way. JM You: And yet you did. SM Its just about all can afford. SM Stranger: Army pension only goes so far? JM You: And howd you know that? SM actually work in a bookshop as well, for the record, SM Stranger: You mentioned it last night. Colonel. JM You: Ex-Colonel, Im sure mentioned that too. SM Stranger: You did. JM Tell you what. Come by mine tonight and Ill show you what a proper flat looks like. JM You: Just give me an address and a time and Ill be there. SM Stranger: Conduit Street. Tall building near the north side. Youll know it when you see it. JM Top floor. Around ten. JM You: Im looking forward to it. SM Stranger: Of course you are. JM You: How could not? SM Stranger: Well. Any sane person wouldnt. JM You: Fair enough. SM Stranger: And wear something sexy. JM You: Have anything specific in mind youd like to see? SM Stranger: Nah. Surprise me. JM You: Will do. SM Stranger: Ill see you tonight, then. JM You: Yes you will. SM Stranger: ((paras?)) You: //yeah! did you want to start? Stranger: ((sure)) Jim couldnt remember the last time hed invited someone over to his flat. It generally wasnt safe, but he did plan on having Sebastian around quite a lot in the future, so he figured it wouldnt hurt. He went about making sure the place looked spotless. Hed never been that messy, but he was aiming to impress just now. Or, more accurately, to show the man just how much better life could be in Jims employ. He was finished by nine and found himself relaxing on his sofa, scanning emails while he waited for the man to arrive. You: Sebastian was definitely interested to see how the other man lived. Hed gotten the impression that Jim was definitely not in a place he generally would go when he met him at the bar. He had the day off and so he spent most of it in bed reading before he got up and showered, throwing his hair up in a towel as he looked at his scratched back and bruised ass in the mirror. He pulled on a pair of tight black jeans along with a plain white v-neck that let the chain of his dog tags stick out ever so slightly, pulling on his boots from the army before his leather jacket in the hopes that Jim would actually enjoy his outfit. He took a cab most of the way there, letting the driver drop him off at the corner before he walked the rest of the way to the tall building. He headed inside and went to the top floor, knocking on the door slightly nervously before stepping back. Stranger: Jim couldnt help grinning when he heard the knock, and he hopped up immediately to answer the door. Hed been wearing his usual clubwear the previous night. Skinny jeans, a tight t-shirt, but today hed worn a suit and hadnt bothered to change out of it. He opened the door and found the man standing there, looking absolutely fuckable. Delicious. Well, dont you look pretty, he teased. Come on in. Jim stepped out of the way to let Sebastian in before closing the door behind him. He didnt speak for a few moments, deciding to let the man absorb the penthouse first. It was large, sparsely decorated with contemporary furniture that Jim had bought solely because it was the exact opposite of everything hed had as a child. Expensive and almost entirely unnecessary. You: Sebastians lips quirked when he saw Jim in the suit though he made no comment on it when he stepped into the large flat, his eyes widening slightly as he took it all in. Well, can certainly see why youd say my flat is atrocious, especially compared to this. Quite a home youve got for yourself. And thats quite a suit, he commented, looking him over again as he took a few steps further into the space to keep examining it. Stranger: Jim followed Sebastian closely, watching as the man took it all in. Dont be ridiculous. Your flat /is/ atrocious. Doesnt take a penthouse to make me understand that. It was, in Sebastians defense, marginally better than the home Jim had grown up in. But that wasnt saying much really. Id offer you a drink, but Ive already decided want to see how much you can take entirely sober. You: Oh never said my flat was great. Its definitely not something ideal but, he shrugged before he turned back to face him with a smirk on his face. Ill be plenty fine without the drink. Im looking forward to seeing what you can do to me especially after last night, Sebastian said lowly, moving to shrug off his jacket. Im sure you can see some of your lovely work through this shirt. Stranger: Jim could, in fact. And he wasnt sure there was anything sexier than being able to see the redness through that thin fabric. He ran his fingers down the mans back and licked his lips. Hang up your jacket, sweetheart. dont like mess. He looked the man over again, eyes catching on the boots. Oh, he liked those. If this continued, theyd have to switch roles at some point. Jim might love causing pain, but he was more than eager to be on the receiving end now and then. Do you even remember what did to you last night? You were awfully out of it. You: Sebastian sucked in a breath when he felt Jims fingers on his back before he crossed the room to hang up his jacket on the coat rack before rejoining Jims side. remember a fair amount of it. Enough to know needed to see you again. Enough to remember begging you to fuck me and enough to remember begging for you to make my ass red, he admitted with a soft hum. Im looking forward to remembering all of tonight. Stranger: Jim chuckled. You do beg very well, he said. But think well go a little slower tonight. See how much fun I can get out of you before decide whether or not to make you my regular bitch. He took the mans jaw in one hand, holding it firmly. Of course, Sebastian was huge and could probably break Jim like a twig if hed wanted to. But it was already clear that Sebastian seemed to have more of a tendency toward playing the twig. Would you like that, Sebby? Would you like to be my bitch? You: Sebastian felt his heart rate pick up at the thought of being regularly fucked by the Irishman, swallowing thickly as he felt the blood rush to his cheeks. God, yes, he replied, his voice softer now as he looked down at the smaller man. He knew what most people thought of him based on his size. Its what lead him to having sad fucks whenever he picked anyone up from the bar. Make me yours, Jim, please. Stranger: Jim nodded. Good. He let go of the man, enjoying the blush he saw spreading over his cheeks. He liked that. Humiliation was, after all, an important part of any bitchs training. And in any event, it made Jims cock twitch inside his trousers. Ground rules first, though. If at any point you want out, youre welcome to leave. But we wont continue after that, ever. You take everything give you or you get nothing. Is that understood? You: Sebastian simply nodded his head once Jim released his jaw, the feeling of his fingers lingering there. understand, he answered, his eyes locked on Jim as his thoughts started to race in wonder. He wondered how many times Jim had done this and how many people walked out. He wasnt worried about not being able to handle him, really. Stranger: Jim had had a few people leave, given that ultimatum. He didnt care. It was a bit frustrating finding a pet that worked well with what he liked, but he did hope Sebastian would be one of the rare few who could take him on. Lets see. What else? If decide you arent performing adequately, reserve the right to kick you out myself. Essentially: do as youre told and do it enthusiastically, and we wont have a problem. You: dont think well have a problem then, Sebastian hummed, shifting his weight around on his feet as he let his eyes linger around the room, finally moving to fall back on Jim. Stranger: Jim smiled. Considering how well you did last night, no, dont think we will. He hadnt had a pet so promising in quite some time. It had been months since hed come across anyone worth dealing with for longer than a night. Get on your knees, he ordered. Nose to the ground, ass in the air. You: Sebastian didnt have to think twice listening to Jim, swiftly dropping onto his knees as he heard the rest of the instructions and moved to press the tip of his nose to the cool floor underneath him; Stranger: Jim walked around Sebastian, making a full circle, just admiring the view of having such a large man obey his instructions. He slapped the mans ass once, hard, though he doubted it made much of an impact. Tight jeans or not, the layer of fabric between their skin probably absorbed most of the impact. He came to stand in front of the man again. Clean my shoes, now. You: Sebastian kept his breathing even as he listened to Jim pace around him, wincing ever so slightly when he felt the impact of Jims hand on his bruised ass. He heard the command and let himself move to run his tongue along Jims shoes, keeping his eyes locked on his floor as the taste of leather quickly filled his mouth. Stranger: Jim stood still. He was a bit impressed. Sebastian was so obedient, even in something that couldnt possibly turn him on. Although, Jim had seen stranger things turn people on before. He waited a few moments before telling Sebastian to stop, and then examined his shoes. Hed only worn these once or twice, mostly saving them specifically for this purpose. But still, they were certainly cleaner. Well done, bitch, he praised, patting the man on his head. You: Sebastian didnt exactly enjoy cleaning the shoes in his mouth but he wasnt about to let his apathy towards it get in his way of becoming Jims pet. He hummed softly when he heard Jim praise him, running his tongue over his lips as he looked at the shoes that were now covered in his saliva. Stranger: Jim figured the man deserved some sort of reward after that, if only because Jim figured it might make him less likely to decide to leave if he had something to enjoy. He knelt down beside the man and reached beneath him, letting his fingers dance over his crotch for a few moments, just to tease him before pulling away and standing up again. Take your clothes off. But leave the dog tags on. like them. You: Sebastian nearly whined when Jims fingers brushed teasingly over his crotch but he choked it back, moving to push himself off of the floor to begin stripping. The blonde nearly dropped his shirt to the floor when he remembered the mans comment about not liking messes and decided against it, instead folding it neatly before setting it on the floor beside him where the rest of his clothing soon piled up. Stranger: Jim decided the floor was as good a place as any for Sebastians clothing just now. He toed off his own shoes but left the rest of his clothing on and began walking toward his room, motioning for Sebastian to follow. He hadnt exactly mapped the night out in his mind previously. Last night had been entirely spontaneous and Jim had the idea that that might have been what had made it so good. So he figured hed just go with his whims for tonight as well. Sebastian hadnt seemed to mind the night before, anyway. You: Sebastian trailed behind Jim silently, shivering slightly in the nude as he crossed the flat and continued to be amazed at just how large it was. He didnt doubt that they were headed to the bedroom, though his thoughts were rapidly trying to work out what was coming next with little success. He didnt mind not knowing though, he supposed that it made it all the more exciting and things were definitely already off to an interesting start. Stranger: ((Im sorry. have to go. This was great, though!))
mormor, Mystrade, Sherlock
Stranger: Hey sexy You: hey sexy You: keeheehee Stranger: aaaa You: roleplay roleplay? Stranger: You stinky Stranger: you Start You: i saw u hanging out with caitlyn yesterday You: what the fuck? Stranger: re Rebecca its not what you think You: i wont hesitate, bitch Stranger: shoots me You: you seriously thought i wouldnt find out you were fucking other girls You: you disgust me Stranger: gurl Stranger: it wasnt me You: i saw you You: with her You: and it was sexy but i feel so betrayed right now You: who the fuck do you think caitlyn is whore You: i want a divorce Stranger: Youre saying you want to be with my dog caitlyn You: no Stranger: you testy bish Stranger: festy Stranger: disgusting You: im saying i dont want to be with you Stranger: ah Stranger: how Stranger: how dare you You: i cant gandle the lying and the cheating its too much Stranger: even say such a thing Stranger: you simply cant You: i come home from work and theres fucking dog shit and dander all iver our bed ! You: who the fuck do you think has to clean it up everyday? Stranger: must tell you something You: what. Stranger: its wasnt caitlyns shit Stranger: it was mine You: even more reason why you should do your own fucking laundry Stranger: i just couldnt help myself You: jesus eist Stranger: it sprayed out You: you disgust me Stranger: everywhere Stranger all over the walls You: go to the fucking doctor or somehong Stranger: covered in shit You: im not a medical professional and i am also fed up with your bullcrap Stranger: have stomach problems Stranger: leave me be You: do i look like i fucking care Stranger: just like you have your fungus leg You: youre dodging the question You: j want a divorce and i want it now Stranger: you leave puss stains everywhere Stranger: you would live without me You: at least i take my antifungal tablets Stranger: wouldnt You: ij could and i will You: you wouldnt be able to live without me Stranger: you Only take them when feel like it You: man baby Stranger: its becoming a problem Stranger: puss baby You: i cant lwt you control my life and health like this anymore Stranger: youre the one acting like a child You: i need to get out of this shithole Stranger: it has to stop You: literal shithole You: im packing my bags Stranger: you mean my shitty sheets You: *packs my bags* Stranger: come back to bed and he can make love in our shit and puss You: no Stranger: ;lease baby Stranger: i need you You: ive already called stephanie and she agreed to let me stay with her until you sign your fucking divorce papers Stranger: i need to feel your puss on me You: also the house is in my name because youre unstable so i hope you find a nice homeless shelter Stranger: i will never do it Stranger: i wont leave You: one that might put ip with your constant unending diarrhoea Stranger: we payed together You: ican file a restraining order Stranger: its our house You: the house is in my name You: check the bank statements Stranger: but we payed half You: no Stranger: you little living slut You: you paid 100 out 1 million dollars Stranger: You have pussy sex with Stephanie youwhire You: you havent had a job since the day i met you what kind of delusion led you to believe you ever pitched in around here You: and you know what? maybe i will
corn, piss, twinkies, lemon
Stranger: hello You: hello stranger Stranger: what sciences do you like? You: anime science
Stranger: M You: Hi Stranger: Hey You: Whats your opinion on anti vaxxers Stranger: am one You: Ohhh ok can you explain why Stranger: Because the government can not force someone to get a vaccine they dont want You: Ok but do you believe that they do help people Stranger: There are no facts yet we will have to wait and see You: Ok so what about poliomyelitis You: Which was eradicated by a vaccine Stranger: What about it You: Well do you think that was fake as it was cured using a vaccine Stranger: wouldnt say it was fake but definitely preventable but now the vaccine worke Stranger: Works You: Ok so you do believe they can work Stranger: Yeah sure they CAN its about if they will You: Ok but isnt there a lot of evidence that show they work? Stranger: Not any long term You: Really? Stranger: No it just came out 😂 You: Ohhh are you talking about the COVID vaccine Stranger: Yeah what are you talking about? You: Just vaccines in general You: Lmao Stranger: Ohhh 😂😂 You: Ohh so whats your opinion on vaccines in general Stranger: Most that are made now do work for what they are supposed to but dont get them just because my immune system can fight it off Stranger: think infants and elderly should get them You: Yep understand that some people cant have vaccinations You: Ahh ok Yo fep You: Well thank you for your time Stranger: Yeah have fun You: Have a great day dude
You: Hello there! Stranger: girl are you a mirror? cause can see myself inside you You: Listen kid, you cant see shit through me
Stranger: hi You: Hey You: U like god Stranger: like most of the time Stranger: you You: Religion? Stranger: none Stranger: you You: Oh Yo worship Shive Guatma Jesus Chan You: *Shiva Stranger: dude, that sounds fun Stranger: tell me more You: He is the almighty being Stranger: okey You: Every Sunday instead of church we party Stranger: uuuu Stranger: thats fun You: And we offer him ice cream You: Very fun Stranger: wow You: Yep Stranger: im hooked You: Yeah dude its a blast Stranger: and what are his stances on like gender equality Stranger: and stuff like Igbtqabc and rasizm Stranger: and stuff You: He thinks that everyone is equal but if u sexist u bad You: And u get fed to his llamas Stranger: omg Stranger: he has llamas??? You: Yeah scary Stranger: BRILIANT E You: Ok cya spread the religion :) Stranger: and where do you party
Stranger: Hi Stranger: How are you? Stranger: Good lol you? Stranger: Sounds fun lol You: 49.197,235.105 Stranger: Ok Stranger: How you do it? Stranger: Ok Stranger: How old are you? Stranger: Oh cool, thought you were 13/14..1m 14 myself, thats ok? Stranger: Sadly no, it doesnt work for me Stranger: have snap Stranger: Its ok, whats your roblox? You: Denisdai5 Stranger: jdhot4u Stranger: Where you from? Stranger: Yes Stranger: Wth? lol Stranger: Just ignore it, not worth worrying about Stranger: What do you like to do for fun? Play sports? Stranger: Ahh ok Stranger: Hope all is ok Stranger: Ill add after if can get on, if do it now, Omegle will crash Stranger: No Stranger: Do you like girls or boys or both? If can ask Stranger: Thats ok, sorry if that was too personal Stranger: Not scared, just trying to be respectful Stranger: Thats ok You: 56.556.48.577 You: sd Yo You: dfsd You: fsd You: f You: df Stranger: Ahh ok lol fou should uncover the video again Stranger: And no, not showed to watch much TV Stranger: allowed* Stranger: Anyway, Ill go so can add you Stranger: Byee
You: hey :3 Stranger: Okay question You: yeah? Stranger: Do you like weird furry stuff? You: ...not anything in particular... why? Stranger: So you dont like furry porn? You: not really Stranger: Good You: lol Stranger: So what made you become a furry? You: i mean im 13 so i shouldnt be looking at it so dont You: pokemon and the welcoming fandom You: lol Stranger: Are you saying you like the Pokmon stuff? You: well yes but im getting intrested in regular furry stuff You: mainly comics You: i love good furry comics lol Stranger: Dont Stranger: Furries are pretty weird You: well yea, being in a fandom about anthro dogs is weird You: but its fun You: and i like it Stranger: Also Apparently sexualized animal furry stuff is being accepted now. That fandom is no place to be. Stranger: suggest another hobby you know? You: omfg im about to school you if you dont skip me You: indulging in furry porn is considered weird, amirite? Stranger: Yes You: well, what about regular porn? You: isnt that weird Stranger: If youre Christian then yes You: well what do you think of regular porn You: should it be allowed Stranger: think its fd up and not okay? You: ok You: understandable Stranger: No dead ass its almost entirely accepted now. You: but what im trying to get at is you should be able to enjoy whatever you want as long as your not hurting anyone or anything Stranger: k ow people think its a cool little thing, people like you. But trust me. bury myself in the community to learn about them and most of them admit to being into it You: well yes You: if theyre adults and they arent hurting anyone or anything whats the harm? Stranger: Just look at the latest post for that one YouTube channel thats got millions. They posted a video where they made sexy valentine art and it had the one dog furry thing in it. Stranger: A poor innocent animal head slapped ona sexualized body Stranger: And they said it was okay nobody said anything when they did that You: what are you trying to say exactly Stranger: Now to the point of hurting others, its sinful. And once you corrupt a world into thinking animal features are attractive its not you just screwing up your own life anymore. Meaning its out of your hands and youre sinning on others. Leading to the point that yes it does effect people. Stranger: And they should be punished for that. ts harmful he idea of it in itself isnt bad ut its what is has become thats bad Stranger: See my point. You: ...are you christian? Stranger: No, sin or no sin it effects others You: well how is it sinning You: when you make art of sexy animals? You: they call furry porn yiff btw Stranger: Yes what the furry community is teaching. You have realized how its less and less talked about Stranger: They just say people accuse them of being zoophiles, which know thats not true. know they dont do that. Stranger: But they hide behind that Stranger: When the real truth is most of them like that yiff stuff You: You: you didnt answer my question Stranger: Like Ive said more then half have admired to it You: how is it sinning Stranger: Answered it it the first sentence You: how its what the community is teaching? You: like how the community is teaching that its ok? You: you still there? Stranger: If you dont see it, youre retarded. This conversation is going nowhere. The point is theres no winning when youre apart of it. Now its acceptability and not talked about when a something as popular as helluva boss posts a sexualized dog, nobody says anything. Its pathetic and nothing a young developing kids mind should develop around. Its corrupt and disgusting. Like said theres no win. Be more useful dont waste this precious life on this. A furry once told me he believes hes going to die and be reincarnated as his fursona. know, pathetic. No hes not. Its not new, news. Its a delusion an ideology of sorts. You should pluralize nobody in are past got to do what they thought was fun. Stranger: So wake up and be more useful or kys. Stranger: Dead ass Stranger: Just trying to help
Stranger: F You: M22 Stranger: 18 You: Hey there Stranger: do u wanna role play? Stranger: hiiii You: Yess Id love to You: Do you have any ideas? Stranger: stepsister/stepbrother? You: Of course You: But dont tell me youre stuck in something ;) Stranger: ofc not ;) Stranger: do u want to start? Stranger: m Izzy btw You: Yes You: Cool! Im David You: Where you from Izzy? Stranger: UK You: Cool, Im from Germany Stranger: okay! :) You: So, its a very hot summer day You: came over to visit my dad with his new wife and daughter You: And right now 1m watching tv with Izzy Yo ere chilling on the couch You: My dad is at work and my stepmom is preparing for buying groceries You: She leaves the house can get you anything? she asks You: Ina very low voice, mockingly respond: yeah, maybe some good pussy. its so boring around here You: think Izzy heard me Stranger: can u get some beer *1 smirk at you* Stranger: oh fuck its really hot *I pull my top off, leaving me in just a bra You: try not to make it obvious but cant help but glare at your beatiful tits You: Im wearing shorts and a t-shirt Stranger: Hey, what time is it David hum You: Mm dunno, check your phone smartass respond mockingly Stranger: *I give you my middle finger and check my phone* shit whisper You: Heyy respond, what the fuck is that tone You: Better start behaving Stranger: shit shit shit shit, oh m gonna be so lateee. David please can u drive me to school, lve got fucking cheerleading practice * jump up and grab my uniform* You: What should do if you cant keep your schedule straight! You didnt even say the magic word. You know what it is, dont you? Stranger: dont care if didnt say the magic word, just a drive me there dick head or III have to drive myself You: The magic word is not that. It is.. start speaking in a sexy, low voice as approach you my unbelievably hot, well defined stepbrother, could you pleeeease drive me to my ultra hot, steaming cheerleader practice? You: see you in your uniform. Lets just say, get very excited Stranger: yeah well dont have the time to say that, can u please just drive me to school You: First, you have to say it stand in front of you and glare down at your skirt Stranger: oh my god. Fine. My unbelievably hot, well defined stepbrother, could you pleaseeeee drive me to my ultra hot, steaming cheerleader practice? * say seductively whilst smirking* Stranger: 1Il let you watch, just please drive meee You: Alright, dont break my word, IIl drive you turn to leave the room expecting youll follow me You: Oh what Id give to fuck one of you cheerleaders until you start to moan and scream say, slowly and seductively Stranger: Yeah okay, come on *! pull you towards the car* You: 1 think you know what were gonna do now say. We approach the car. You sit in the back, have a surprise for you Stranger: okay okay, just dont make me late *smirks* You: YouIl see. You take the backseat and walk around the car. Instead of sitting in the driver seat, come in from the other side to sit next to you Stranger: how are u supposed to drive if ur sitting in the back with me? You: 0h Im driving, but not this car point to the seats. point to you: Im driving this car approach you and lean in to kiss you on the neck Stranger: * move and sit on your lap, grinding my hips into yours* *i moan* You: You feel my dick growing in my shorts on your thinghs while caress your back with my fingertips and we start kissing You: run my tongue through your mouth slowly, in differing motions Stranger: oh fuckk whisper You: start going down on your neck You: massage it with my tongue while my hand run down to your bra clip Stranger: *i moan loudly* You: 0h fuck, never imagined d be fucking you out of all cheerleaders smile at you, you see my relief that youre on the same page Stranger: me neither moan, reach to take off your tshirt, and see your toned abs, and cant help but stare at them. You: Do you like what you see babe? help you taking my shirt off You: slowly approach your waist with my hands and start pulling up your top Stranger: lift my arms up for easier access You: All while kiss you softly on every spot of skin appearing You: pull your top over your head, leaving your tits in your bra staring at me You: go around with my hands and unclip your bra You: 1 have to warn you, sis. am in for a treat and Im not holding back Stranger: okay you have as long as you want, I can go to cheerleading practice next week moan You: Thought so You: start kissing your nipples You: flick my tongue across them as they jiggle Stranger: o- oh fuckk You: suck on them while wrapping my palms around your neck to choke you Stranger: whimper and moan, arch my back in delight You: kiss you on your mouth and then proceed to slide you to the front of my knees You: 1 wonder how long youve been waiting for this as untie the lace on my shorts Stranger: A long time smirk You: pull down my shorts and boxers, leaving a thick, throbbing penis exposed You: Due to our little game time, a little precum drips down the tip on my thigh You: would like nothing more than to have it carressed by beautiful, soft lips Stranger: oh f- fuck get up and get onto my knees, slowly swirl my tongue around your tip You: Mm, holy shit, f-fuck Stranger: start moving my mouth up and down your dick, going deeper and faster You: can barely talk, you take all my air Stranger: then start humming onto your dick, and massaging your balls You: A-ah, o-oh my god You: grab your head as you go down on my cock Stranger: *I gag on your cock as go deeper* You: hold your head down firmly as feel your spit running down Stranger: manage to say are you close daddy as i continue deepthroating you You: love the feeling of my tip running on your throat You: Im fucking close baby, youre so fucking talented You: pull your hair firmly and pull your head away from my dick You: You want that drip inside you baby? You wanna get pregnant on your own spit, huh? i grunt Stranger: giggle in response You: Alright, turn you around and am about to go in doggystyle You: lick my fingers and start pulling away your sexy skirt Stranger: moan and whimper, fuck me already daddy You: You want me to fuck you? Be careful what you wish for say as run my tip along the edge of your ass and then down to your cunt You: My wet dick runs across your pussy as slowly tease you Stranger: moan loudly please fuck me daddy beg and whine You: start shoving my cock halfway in Yo nd pulling it away Yo fery slowly You: start running my wet fingers into your bunhole slightly Stranger: moan loudly, not caring if anybody could hear us You: Now shove my dick completely in you ina fast, abrupt motion You: can feel your insides baby, its so warm and wet Stranger: oh fuck, holy shit moan You: start to fuck you, hard You: grab your waist tightly while taking you doggy Stranger: 1m close daddy moan You: keep fucking you like theres no tomorrow, then take out my dick You: Its throbbing so hard Stranger: wait why would you stop whine You: Do you want my cum on your face, you little slut7 You: 0r inside you? i say as i slap your cunt Stranger: yelp, inside me daddy You: pull you by the hair so that now you lay on your back You: lock down on you as slap my dick across your cunt Stranger: whimper and buck my hips up, wanting more You: put my hand tightly around your neck and start chocking you firmly, not the kids play from before You: As you yap for air run my dick inside your uterus You: go back and forth, out of my hips You: Im sliding my tip around inside you so it sees every corner of your beautiful body Stranger: let out a series of soft moans, as squirm under your touch You: You deserve this, you little bitch! You: You deserve to be choked by a real man You: All the while fucking you in your sexy cunt Yo slap you across the face while doing it You: Are you wet? Huh? Or do you need extra motivation? Stranger: whimper and then whisper, more motivation daddy You: grab your calves as keep going deep into you You: Do you still want to drive me to practice? Do you remember the magic word? Stranger: couldnt say anything, could only let out whimpers and moans You: also moan and roll back my eyes You: .. cant hold back.. my load Stranger: 1m close daddy moan You: Me too baby keep fucking you to make my burst worthwhile Stranger: 1m about to cu- let out a scream as cummed You: Oh fuck baby, Im gonna give it to youl You: My cock throbs and I let out my cum inside you You: Not giving a fuck Stranger: oh holy shit whisper You: 1 must say, have a great family You: sit down on the seat and let it sink in Stranger: hear a car pulling up in the driveway. 0h fuck mums back quickly got changed back into my cheerleader uniform You: pull you down to hide under the seats You: look at you and give you a kiss on the cheek Stranger: giggle and kiss you back on the lips You: As your mom leaves we slowly get up You: get dressed and sit in the drivers seat Stranger: Oh, was wondering if u cld drive me to a party tonight? say You: Of course will, you more than said the magic word You: turn on the car and we drive off to the party Stranger: giggle You: Nobody saw anything that day Stranger: at the party, go off with my friends and get drunk* You: look at you from the car as you go in Stranger: Can u pick me up at midnight shouted You: just laugh and smile and look at you You: Of course can, sis! shout Stranger: Okay bye You: See yaaa You: enjoyed our rp sooo much, Im really flashed Stranger: really me too!
Role play
You: hi Stranger: Been playing around with my nikon taking a cpl pictures but cant show any on here :( Stranger: jsut kidding Stranger: HAHAHA You: what u mean Stranger: Its a lot of bots here Stranger: Im just kidding lol Stranger: i just copied that on bots You: i hate people who shows nude Stranger: lol im not You: there are nude model Stranger: i hate those too You: who catfishes u Stranger: yeah You: what ur facebokk and massager name Stranger: can i have your first? You: htin aung lin You: dont send nudes Stranger: lol Stranger: im not sending nudes You: whats urs You: whats ur gender Stranger: Im female You: u types fast You: jam male Yo rage Yo am young You: very young Stranger: 19 You: younger than u think You: guess my age Stranger: 29: Stranger: HAHAHA You: no Stranger: what? You: its 10 You: dont blame me Stranger: lol your not You: yes iam You: iam 10 Stranger: hi hi there kid :P You: do play pubg mobile Stranger: nahhh You: any games Stranger: but im playing LOL You: what game You: what time is it Stranger: league of legends You: pc or mobile Stranger: its already 12:31 an Stranger: am You: its good Stranger: Lol Stranger: its PC You: its 11:10 pm Stranger: yea Stranger: you just need to register You: how big is the game Stranger: where you from? You: myanmar Stranger: ohhh You: i know u from usa Stranger: but im not ** You: maxico Stranger: no again Stranger: AHHAH You: then what Stranger: Oppsss tell your ages first AHHA You: what u mean Stranger: You not tell me your ages yet You: i have already tell u Stranger: but youre lying You: fine iam 20-10 Stranger: lol Stranger: just tell it to me You: 10 Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo You: You: lol Stranger: what?
Stranger: M bi You: F straight Stranger: Hi You: Yo whats up? Stranger: Im james, 24m Stranger: Not much you You: Brenda here, 39. Just looking to play a scene of some sort is all. Stranger: Id love that, any in mind? You: Not at the moment. You wanna discuss kinks first? Might point us in a direction. Stranger: Sounds good You: Awesome, whatre your kinks then? Stranger: Mine are bondage, anal, i love to eat ass and worship pussy.. i like submitting.. toys, public, groups Stranger: like to worship cock too but i feel like that doesnt apply here lol You: like drowning my submissive pets in pools of blood until they are snuffed out and their bodies linger in the liquid for all eternity. Stranger: Im in You: Sweet. Who starts? Stranger: Descriptions first? You: Ah, youre right! You: Shes about an 8/10 You: This was epic
Sex roleplay, Sexual roleplay
Stranger: M You: hi Stranger: Helli Stranger: Hello* You: who are you Stranger: Just a random stranger guy You: still there? Stranger: Yup Stranger: Teach u what? You: how do you fight the deepstate
Stranger: H You: hola xd Stranger: HOLA You: xd como estas Stranger: bien You: me alegro You: bye xd Stranger: chao
You: hi Stranger: hi You: hru Stranger: good Stranger: wby You: imok Stranger: u sad? You: maybe Stranger: same You: im only Stranger: sameeeee You: ok
Stranger: M14 You: f6 Stranger: Your 6? You: yes Stranger: Jesus You: whos that Stranger: Kid just go play with some linkin logs or something You: whats linkin logs Stranger: Just get off of here
You: hi Stranger: HEY Stranger: CAPS LOCK WHATS UP Stranger: MATCH MY ENERGY You: no Stranger: FUUUUCK You: please stop youre scaring me Stranger: YOURE A PUSSY You: im trans Stranger: BRUHHH You: oh how the turn tables Stranger: APOLOGIES RESPECT YOUR KIND . Stranger: THIS IS SO AWKWARD
You: hi Stranger: hi You: How are you? Stranger: f or m? You: God fucking damn it. Stranger: im ok Stranger: sorry You: Why cant you people just try having a nice conversation?
Stranger: love books, books are very good Stranger: Just killed a women feeling good You: Monkas You: monkeS Stranger: JSchlatt: Tubbo, whenever... its the craziest thing, whenever get close to you, its kinda like a... like a... like one of those conch shells. Its... can almost hear- Tubbo: You can hear the ocean...? JSchlatt: can... Well no, not the ocean, but can hear a bunch of... ... can hear a bunch of whining toddlers. Tubbo: Schlatt, thats- JSchlatt: Somehow upset... with me, and the- and the great things Im doing for this nation? Tubbo: All I- All suggested was that you just didnt tear down, yknow, the most important piece of history! JSchlatt: (talking over him) Bunch of whining- bunch of whiny, spoiled BRATS, Tubbo! ... Well leave the- Well leave the meth lab. But you gotta help with the rest of this stuff. And if hear one more peep, if come near you and put my ear up to you like a conch shell, and its- and all these voices arent just singing the praises... then were gonna have another conversation.
Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot
You: hey Stranger: hi You: How are you? Stranger: good Stranger: you? You: Im doing well. Bored. Got home a little while ago. Stranger: same Stranger: except ive been home for awhile You: Where do you live? Stranger: wa, you? You: OH You: Did you get home from work or out with friends? :) Stranger: neither haha Stranger: out doing like errands and whatnot. what about you? You: was with a couple friends. We decided to drink wine and carve pumpkins. Haha Stranger: duuude that sounds like fun. You: It was very nostalgic to carve a pumpkin, though didnt drink multiple glasses of wine when was a kid. Stranger: although more dangerous the more wine bottles that got emptied hahaha Stranger: i havent carved one yet this year. You: This is true. There was one casualty and one injury. :P Stranger: i actually dont remember the last time i carved a pumpkin, which is a bit sad. You: The casualty being the pumpkin my friend carved. Stranger: i hope that the casualty was a pumpkin Stranger: ok good haha. i was about to be worried for someonen Stranger: someone* You: Yes, the poor thing was a wreck after he was done. Stranger: hahahahaha You: cant say did any better. Stranger: well mean, thats sort of the beauty of jack-o-launturns isnt it? Stranger: after halloween you get to destroy them You: You know how some people do those really intricate carvings? Stranger: get out your aggression about cuffing season You: With the faces of people and whatnot? Stranger: mean, know that they do it. have no idea how. dont have that talent hahahaha You: Neither do , but always say, every year, that will try to do something more elaborate. You: never do. :P Stranger: You and me both. Stranger: although, like said, havent even carved a pumpkin this year. You: Haha. You need to first pick-up a carving knife and at least attempt to carve. You: Haha Stranger: you cannot fail if you do not try, like it. You: Hahaha Stranger: the motto i need to live my life by in general You: Thats definitely a foolproof model. Stranger: think it works for just about everything except for skydiving You: like trying new things, but think ill stay away from skydiving. You: like my feet planted on the ground in most situations. You: lol Stranger: yeah, same. dont necessarily mind heights, but doesnt seem like its for me. Stranger: Plus, dont know what happened or when it happened, but definitely get more anxious on flights now. never used to have that as a kid. You: dont mind flying, but if someones idea of fun is to push me from that plane and watch me rocket toward the ground, well, we have different ideas of fun. You: :P Stranger: But dont you think itd be fun to be the one pushing? :P You: *taps chin You: You might have a point there. You: might endeavor to push a couple people. Stranger: Maybe thats just the sadist in me, though. :P You: Im a softy, though. Id end up giving them a parachute. You: Im kind like that! Stranger: a couple specific people or just any couple of people? You: Thats a good question. Im not particularly fond of my neighbor at the moment. You: Maybe Ill push her and her boyfriend. Stranger: Why? What did he/she do Stranger: She* You: What doesnt this chick do! :P You: At the moment shes walking around in heels on hardwood floors above me. Stranger: hahahaha. You: And think she times herself to each room, running faster and faster while wearing heels. Stranger: Hey, maybe thats her fetish: heels on hardwood floors. Dont kink shame! You: There are short pauses in between, which imagine are moments in which she rests and jots down her time. You: LOL Stranger: Shes just waiting for heel-sprints to be an Olympic sport. shes trying to get ahead of the curve! You: suppose someone could be aroused by the sound of heels against hard wood floors. You: like the way you think! You: Good spin on a bad situation. Shes just revving her engine until she inevitably masturbates. You: lol Stranger: For which part the fetish, or the new Olympic sport? Hahaha Stranger: Yeah, but then you have to listen to her moan or whimper or whatever her thing is. You: wish there were emoji on here. What you said deserved a laugh emoji. That made me laugh out loud. Stranger: Which suppose could be either good or bad depending on your gender, orientation and sexual preferences. Stranger: Hahahaha, well guess that means my standup career may be going places. Stranger: My mother would be thrilled. You: If you are actually intending to be a stand- up, have so many questions! Stranger: mean, not necessarily. Ive done it a few times. You: love that! You: Howd it go? Stranger: have a friend that does it a lot more than me and he made me do a few mics with him. Stranger: Funny enough, he actually just moved to OH for grad school. Stranger: Well just moved as in moved this last summer, but same thing. You: Really? What part of this lovely state (said through gritted teeth)? Stranger: Hahaha. Columbus. For Ohio State You: moved here for internship, so can relate. Im from Chicago. Stranger: Oh, sorry. THE Ohio State. He insists we call it that haha. Stranger: Ooooh. What kind of internship You: Oh, OSU. Stranger: He asked, with actual interest, not the fake kind that most men at a bar have. You: Ive met a couple OSU people. They are WAY too enthusiastic about attending that school! Stranger: Well Im glad(?) to know hes not the only one way too excited about it. You: It is a cult, swear. You: My friend, his parents, and siblings all went there. Stranger: Dont worry, Im trying to save him. You: And their basement is colored in the school colors You: and a giant O is on the wall Stranger: Do they gather weekly to worship the oO? You: And they have a creepy sports shrine dedicated to the school. You: Yes, do they. Stranger: suppose thats called the tailgate. You: Tell me more about your stand-up interests? :) Stranger: Haha, mean, suppose there isnt much to tell. feel like Im not great at it (though that may just be a lack of self-confidence talking). Ive been sort of interested for years. Stranger: It was just my buddy who had done it for a long time that convinced me to finally do a mic with him. And its goddamn terrifying. Which is odd, because dont particularly have a hard time with public speaking. Like presentations for class or whatever have never freaked me out. You: Well, cant say Im an expert on how to make it big in stand-up, but Id go to see your show solely because you are cute You: Id come back if you were good. Haha Stranger: Well glad to know Ill have you for one show. ;P You: Okay, okay. Ill come back for a second show even if you bomb. You: Im a supportive person. You: That does sound terrifying, though. Id likely freeze. You: What material did you use? You: Like observational humor, sexual humor (the easiest of humor), political stuff? Stranger: think the thing thats so scary about doing standup versus presentations though, is that, its art, if that makes sense. And art comes from you, you know? Like, generally, with presentations, its all facts. Youre like saying, This thing happens because of the way the cells interact with the apheresis medicine. (Sorry, thats my bio degree/stem cell job talking). But with stand up...Youre presenting something, and idea that you came up with to a room full of strangers. And trying to tickle their funnybone. And its something that youve worked hard on and perfected. And if they dont laugh. Its almost like theyre saying that they dont like you. Stranger: And dont we all want to be liked? You: totally agree. Yeah, youre the one generating the material, so it is entirely different. You: And presentations can be boring, but still be interesting You: Stand-up ---not so much Stranger: dont know. do a lot, actually. That was also part of my problem. couldnt narrow it down. couldnt figure out the vibe wanted to go for. Observation and straightfaced like Demetri Martin? Horrific and deadpan like Anthony Jeselnik? Absurd, but introspective like Bo Burnham? Stranger: Yeah thats absolutely true. At least with presentations you usually learn something haha. You: Oh! Stranger: Im trying to think of some of my material. Its actually been a few years haha. You: Yeah, the more deadpan, dry delivery. Comedians like that are super funny. You: There is that lesbian woman...gosh what is here name You: lol Stranger: Yeah love it too. Especially about super dark stuff. You: Oh shit. need to look that up. Itll bug me Stranger: Im not sure haha. was trying to figure it out and thats not a lot to go on, sorry. :P You: Shes really funny, but at first youre thinking, Is this women just bad and awkward? You: But that is her genius. You: Tig Notaro Stranger: Oh Tig! Yeah! You: That is her name. Yor he makse me chuckle. You: Fortune is funny, too, but shes just ridiculous Stranger: Well plus, like shes talked about some crazy shit. Like, to my understanding, one of her specials was filmed right after she was diagnosed with (breast?) cancer. And she like opened her set with a joke about getting that news. Which is insane. Stranger: Not familiar with Fortune.4 You: Yeah, she has. She has already talked about her wife and children. Stranger: what the fuck was going on with my hair You: And her delivery is hilarious because it so harshly contrasts the material. You: think it looks good! You: You look good, trust me. Stranger: Yeah, thats what think like in delivery too. ww, youre too kind. :P You: know these things. Stranger: Im sure youre lovely as well. Although cant see you at the moment haha You: could be lovely, yes. could also be that bothersome troll who lives under the bridge and persists on heckling you and other sexy people. Stranger: You could be. But you dont heckle me. Probably. At least not at my comedy show. You come and are in awe of my grace and adorableness and (moderately) ok comedy. You: In a very true story. was up late working ona presentation for the trainees at the hospital and fell asleep on the couch. knocked my computer off the tv tray it was sitting on (cause Im fancy like that) and it struck the floor You: broke off the corner and my cam is kinda fucked up now Stranger: Yeah, was going to say, half of it mostly works. The other half looks like its being molested by one of the ThumbThumbs from Spy Kids. You: wouldnt dare heckle a comedian. Your kind is notorious for shredding hecklers. You: lol Stranger: Before you ask, Spy Kids 1, obviously. The second best in the trilogy. You: One joke and id be the laughing stock of the dark, seedy comedy club in the basement of corner grocery Stranger: Hahaha, well wish was that fast on the draw. If someone heckled me Id just be like, Hey, alright? Im a fragile soul. Stranger: But isnt being the laughingstock of the comedy club the point? Stranger: *Holds coffee with foot while rubbing chin* You: Wow. havent seen that movie in forrrrever Yor hat makes me feel old. You: *cowers from revelation Stranger: You dont have to tell me twice. You: How old are you? Stranger: 24 You: You had to think about it? You: lol Stranger: Man, had to think about that. Stranger: Yeah, haha. You: Im older than you. Stranger: Its reaching that point in my life where feel like my age no longer matters. You: Much older Im nearly a century older. Stranger: I know what you are. You: Lol Stranger: Say it. You: Im 29. Stranger: Like said, reaches that point where age no longer matters. Stranger: Psh. You: Hm. Stranger: Im like way older than 29 in dog years, so. You: Lol Yo hat reminds me of my exes dog bullet Yo orry, the dogs name was Bullet. You: went to his house and that dog was ancient. Stranger: But also the bullet put through that annoying fuckers head. You: Im pretty sure it lived during the Spanish Inquisition. Stranger: But did he expect it? You: It was blind, deaf, could barely eat, and couldnt walk. You: It was relegated to the bathroom floor Stranger: Holy shit. That barely counts as a dog anymore. You: walked into his house and he was showing me around. He walked into his kitchen and said, Oh, almost forgot. want you to meet my dog. Of course got all excited. love animals! You: He opens the bathroom door and his dog is lying in there on a towel You: You could literally see the horror on my face. Stranger: Poor old boy You: just stared at him and said, How old is...Bullet? You: Hes like 22 Stranger: Jesus. What kind of dog was Bullet? You: Needless to say, he was very upset when asked why they didnt put the poor thing down. You: He looked liked a hound dog. Stranger: Man. Thats...insane. didnt know that like any kind of dog could live that long. Stranger: Thats actually pretty sad. :/ You: Im sure it wasnt that old, but fuck. You: That dog was miserable. It looked miserable. Stranger: Still, theres a point at which you have to think about whether that dog is living for itself or living for you. And it isnt fair to ask it to live only for you. You: Wow. just brought down the mood. Maybe a sexy hair swoosh could dispel the mood You: lol You: think it worked! Stranger: Haha, it isnt long enough to do that anymore, dont think! Stranger: just have to brush it back, thats all can do anymore haha You: You have magical hair swooshing powers Stranger: was told this in my youth. By an old gypsy woman. You: Be sure to use that in your next comedy set. You: think people will appreciate it. Stranger: Then something about the world ending in fire and brimstone, some other boring shit, dont know. Stranger: Haha, Ill let them know it was your idea. ;P You: Have you ever heard of the Romani people? Stranger: Yes actually. You: Youre a smart guy! Stranger: almost took back what said, realizing that that isnt exactly ok to say anymore. You: was gonna share with you my wisdom to sound smart, but you already know. Stranger: My last name is actually a Romani name (so was told). You: Oh! Stranger: But yeah, wasnt sure how many other people knew that. Its one of the few horrific slang phrases for a group of people that you can still say today that no one bats an eye at. You: That is actually really cool! Stranger: It is. Until anyone tries to pronounce your last name haha You: actually randomly learned it in a course had in graduate school. You: My professor was all-knowing and told us about it. Stranger: Hahaha. Well see, now you really are the smart one because youve been to grad school and most certainly have not. You: really want to know your last name, but then wont get to know your first name You: So, will settle on being curious. You: like some mystery. Stranger: Also, if had to guess, there probably arent too many of us with my last name. Stranger: Out of interest, Im going to look it up with my state.. You: My last name is rather unique as well. You: It is a German name. When my family came over here they heard it pronounced and spelled it wrong. Stranger: Oh, guess there are more of us than expected Stranger: My people! You: So it is a German word, but just a random last name in the US. Stranger: Ive found that that tends to be a common thing. Stranger: Which is kind of sad that its so common Stranger: So, this internship you mentioned. Tell me about it! Im interested. You: You promise not to run if tell you? You: For whatever reason people get touchy when talk about it You: People literally stop talking to me. You: No joke. Stranger: kind of doubt itll phase me. You: Yes, can actually see that in just looking at you. like it! You: You seem like you have a very relaxed personality. You: It was a pre-doctoral internship. You: In Clinical Psychology Stranger: (However, know that, becasue think Im a funny guy, normally would next you, except that Im enjoying our conversation and would have no way to contact you and continue it. So wont do that. But if could would, if only because it would be funny to me.) You: Im not a post-doctoral fellow. You: *now Stranger: Oh thats cool. Stranger: believe thats actually what my friend in OH is going to grad school for. Stranger: feel bad, know its some kind of psych, but cant remember exactly what kind. Hes told me a few times and know that OSU has a very good program for it (like apparently the best in the country), but can never remember what it is. You: You would have nexted me like that ill- fated MTV series just to be funny? You: My feelings are crushed! lol Stranger: Well only if had a way to immediately contact you again to continue the conversation. Stranger: Unlike the ill-fated MTV series. You: They do. actually applied to their post-doc You: It was in their counseling center. My friend is currently there. Stranger: Look, you gotta understand that Im usually the kind of guy that texts his one night stands about 15 minutes after the walk out the door Stranger: (*** Mostly not true) You: LOL Stranger: Ill have to confirm with him that thats what hes studying. Stranger: Ill get back to you. ;P You: That doesnt sound like a bad thing. Stranger: In 5-7 business days. Stranger: Haha, depends on the other person in said one night stand. You: You can send your reply by carrier pigeon if youd like. You: Im bad at one night stands. You: Just plain awful at them. Stranger: It will actually come by a trusted courier with the healthiest horse around. You: never want to admit to myself it is a one night stand You: and hate the goodbye phase You: and never want to hurt anyones feelings Stranger: See, thats when you just have sex again. You: so end up telling them Ill call them You: or text them Stranger: And then slip out while theyre asleep. :P You: and do You: cause dont want them to be sad. You: Thats how end up with a few people thinking were going somewhere when were not. Stranger: Yeah, in fairness, havent really had many one night stands. You: Liar. Stranger: Its not usually my style. You: Youre too cute. Stranger: Hey, didnt say didnt have the opportunity. ;P You: Though guess that doesnt necessarily mean youre a sex hungry one-night stand fiend. Stranger: meeeeaaaannnn You: Lol Yo get it. Youre a man. You have needs. You: Actually, that kind of reminds me of something. Stranger: So what are you saying? That if Im ever in Ohio doing standup, youre going to try and come pick me up after the show? :P You: Not a segue, but saw an article written in rolling stones from a few years ago You: and some stuff on reddit Yo bout a guy who is diphallic Yor le has two dicks! Yo wo! You: And they both function Stranger: Oh yeah. u/double_dick_dude, think? You: YES! You: That is him! You: YES! Stranger: Dude was in a textbook, hahaha You: love that you know that. Haha. You: found myself attracted to the pictures, which then made me question myself. Stranger: They used the photo he used as proof from the AMA in a textbook talking about the...disorder? feel like thats the wrong word. Condition, suppose. You: had to close my computer and leave my apartment and run errands. didnt know what to think of myself. lol Stranger: Hey, if guys can want two girls at the same time, women can want two guys at the same time Stranger: Or one guy who is basically two guys You: lol Stranger: (Assuming that youre female) You: Didnt we establish Im the troll under the bridge? Stranger: Which isnt necessarily the right thing to do here. Stranger: Well assume that said troll has both asex and a gender haha You: Nope. Theyre asexual in every sense of the word. Stranger: They reproduce through mitosis or something? Hahaha You: No, will be honest at the sake of you clicking next. Though do want to say that have actually really enjoyed our conversation if that happens! You: Im a Stranger: Haha Ive enjoyed it as well. Stranger: It doesnt necessarily bother me. Stranger: (Also maybe fission would have been better to go with there than mitosis?) You: Good. Well, if it makes you comfortable, Im not an old troll jerking off. Troll as in old guys who troll the internet. You: Im just good at conversation. lol Stranger: Haha, well that much do appreciate knowing. Stranger: Theres enough of that on here as it is. You: Youre actually the first person who came up for me. You: And this is only the third time Ive ever been on here. Stranger: Oh really? You: Yeah. So, was glad you didnt next me You: By the way, did you get that MTV reference? Stranger: Well let me tell you, if youre looking for old, gross dudes jerking off for the whole world to see, youve come to the right place. Stranger: The Next thing? You: Ive seen some weird shit on here the first two times came on. Stranger: Hell yeah. barely remember it, but wasnt the concept of the show that they could like get out of the date whenever by basically just yelling NEXT! You: just wanted to meet random people and talk. talked to this cool woman from Paris You: And a guy from Australia. Stranger: Yeah its crazy the people that you meet on here. You: Yes. They were on the Next Bus Stranger: Although most everyone just nexts kind of endlessly. You: And people would come out and presumably have dates prepared for the person You: If the person didnt like them theyd say next Stranger: What was the one where they got money for every minute they stayed on the date and all the dates were awful You: It was very produced, very superficial, very dumb. Stranger: Oh Disaster Date, maybe You: know someone who was on that show, too. You: He is and was a moron. You: Cute, though. Stranger: Oh, no shit? Stranger: Haha, well isnt that usually what they want for the show? Cute, but pretty dumb? You: Yes! lol Stranger: sort of assume that thats the generic MTV casting call. You: He fit the mold perfectly! Stranger: Hahahaha Stranger: Im 50 of the way there! (Ill let you choose with 50 :P) You: He was really dumb. Like for real. never like to say that about people, but wow. You: lol You: Are you saying youre dumb? You: No. Hardly. Stranger: There always has to be a lower 50 percentile, right? Haha You: lol Stranger: And further there has to be the lowest 1 percentile. (Which think is actually the 99th percentile? Its been awhile since Ive done standardized tests) You: You honestly seem quite bright. You: And youre witty. Stranger: Like said, that standup career is just blossoming in front of me. You: Haha Stranger: Even if dont do that, though, Im pretty lucky in that being relatively bright, witty and cute can get you pretty far in life, as unfair as that tends to be. You: Ill be at your next show asking, Whos there? Stranger: Haha, well appreciate the candor and exuberance. Stranger: Hahahaha You: Are you genuinely planning to pursue comedy? You: Im curious. Stranger: Nah, probably not. At least not as a long term thing. Stranger: Like kinda mentioned work in stem cell at the moment. and the money is far too good for me to give it up haha Stranger: (Well sort of work in stem cell) You: Yes, remember blinking a couple times when you wrote that Stranger: Its not as cool as it seems. You: And thought, Wow. This guy must be really smart. Stranger: Nor as evil, depending upon your perspective on the matter. You: was originally pre-med in undergrad Yo the took a genetics course. You: Needless to say, my enthusiasm for chemistry and biology failed to help me in that class. You: actually wanted to be a geneticist. lol You: failed miserably at that goal. Well, didnt fail the class, but it was a lot harder than expected and not super fun. Stranger: Haha, not necessarily. My joke at work is that Im a glorified syringe pump. Stranger: Dude, couldnt do that. Stranger: Like Im a little tangential to the medical field, but could not do it. You: lol You: laughed out loud at the syringe pump thing Stranger: Well, not like doctor/nurse or anything. Stranger: Haha, well Im glad you enjoyed it. My boss didnt necessarily think it was as funny. You: Youre technically a scientist/researcher, though You: Right? Stranger: Yes. You: Thats so hot. lol You: Sorry, just had to say that. Stranger: Well, my official job title is Cell Technologist, but, effectively scientist, yes. You: Smart men are the best. Stranger: Hahaha. Were easier to come by than most people think. When we arent thinking with our dicks. You: Cell Technologist sounds much cooler! You: You need to go around saying that You: lol You: Just for funnsies. You: Yeah, said it. You: Funsies. Stranger: Haha, well Id MUCH rather be saying something like Public Health Scientist. But thats a few years of grad school that dont know that Im ready to do right now. You: Grad school is... You: hm. Stranger: A few years back a friend of mine got me saying Totes Mi-goats (not sure exactly how the would be spelled out) Stranger: Which we all started saying ironically. You: Dont want to discourage you, but also want to be truthful Stranger: Until it became very unironic. Stranger: Oh, no, know. Ive heard both wonderful and horrible stories. Stranger: Like said, Ive got the friend in it right now. And a good friend that work with too. You: say a lot of random words just to be funny and goofy. You: My friends and family are used to it now. Yo hey have accepted me. You: lol You: Im never serious, though. Stranger: Haha, they kind of have to, dont they? Stranger: Well suppose maybe not. But if they dont, theyre not the right kind of people, are they? You: answered a call from my mom by saying, Oh, Chello mother! You: And at my friends tonight indicated that was jelly of her kitchens size. You: Jelly, of course, being jealous. lol Stranger: Oh of course. You: Yes, suppose youre right. Stranger: would likely also be jelly. would like a bigger kitchen. Stranger: But alas, have what have. You: They do have to accept me. For not to accept me would be a crime. You: lol You: Do you live alone? You: One bedroom apartment? Stranger: Two bed.
Stranger: stan monsta x for clear skin You: Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul is the lomlw You: Omg yes
Stranger: M You: F You: 24 Stranger: Hru Stranger: M 26 Stranger: Hru? You: have big jiggly tits Stranger: Wow 3 Stranger: You have ft? Stranger: Hellloooo Stranger: i You: do have what Stranger: iMessage You: no Stranger: WhatsApp You: no Stranger: think you are the only one person in the planet doesnt have WhatsApp Stranger: 3 You: but have a youtube channel You: UCMbc10Opu95WnWxxHHzSkxhg Stranger: Ha haaaa Stranger: We cant continue our chatting on YouTube You: me and my nephew Yo ut you can see my tits You: on It Stranger: Bye Stranger: Not interested
You:m Stranger: hii Stranger: f here :p You: age? Stranger: 24 and you? :3 You: 19 Stranger: whats yourname? You: Matthew Stranger: hi matt! im sonia, nice to mett u Stranger: nice to matt you xD You: haha :))) You: love your tags You: you like big ones? Stranger: mmh yep :p but it takes really a lot to impress me ahah You: oh haha Yo hts your idel size? You: ideal* Stranger: its just a fantasy but 25 :p not that id really fit one like that ahah You: you mean 25 cm right? You: or 25 inches? Stranger: cm of course xD You: yup lol You: well You: i am pretty close to that You:iam 23... Stranger: ooh nice one ahah You: http:/ You: here it is if ya wanna take a look Stranger: woah its pretty thick 0.0 You: thanks You: http:/ Stranger: omg its the widest ive ever seen xD You: you serious? Stranger: yes u.q its so thick Stranger: and those balls... i bet u cum lots. You: well You: i cum quite a bit lol Stranger: like, how much?? You: i mean i can fill your mouth if we were to come down to that Stranger: ahah if we were to come down to that xD You: what was the biggest penis you have had? Stranger: my ex bf was like 20, but not as thick as you ug You: oh You: well enjoyed the chat You: buyt i have to go You: but* Stranger: thanks for sharing ahah jave a nice day/night
huge cock, huge dick
Stranger: Hey You: hi Stranger: How old are you You: darryl Stranger: Huh
You: Your boyfriend owes me an apology. AM (19) Stranger: Yeah right. What for? HH (18) You: hurt my hand punching him in the face. AM Stranger: Youre such an idiot. HH You: Thats what he said. AM Stranger: Whyd you punch him?! HH You: He was being an arsehole. AM Stranger: How? HH You: He opened his mouth. AM Stranger: Alex... Explain. HH You: He said some shit. It doesnt matter. just dont get what his problem is. AM Stranger: It really does Lex. Tell me what he said. HH You: He actually did call me an idiot. AM And a pathetic fuck-up. Etc, etc. AM Stranger: Oh. Why? What did you do to piss him off? SH Stranger: HH You: Thats what dont get. didnt fucking do anything. AM Stranger: He hates that were friends. SH Stranger: HH You: figured. Why, though? AM Stranger: No idea. Jealousy? HH You: Thats stupid. AM Stranger: know. HH You: Maybe you should tell him that. AM Stranger: You think havent? HH You: Right. AM Stranger: Youre still an idiot for punching him. HH You: Thanks. AM Stranger: Dont again. HH You: So, to summarize, he can insult me all he wants but Im not allowed to touch him? AM Stranger: Well Im going to yell at him. HH Stranger: And to be honest, youre smarter than he is. HH You: Obviously. AM Stranger: So stop acting like an idiot H Stranger: . You: He just pisses me off. AM Stranger: know. HH Stranger: Were you drunk when you punched him? HH You: No. AM Stranger: Brilliant, HH You: Would that have made it alright? AM Stranger: It wouldve made it a bit less bad. HH Stranger: When was the last time youve gotten into a sober fight? HH You: Year 10. Ben Scofield. kissed him and he had a bad reaction. AM Stranger: See? Now look what youve done. HH You: What /Ive/ done? Its my fucking fault your boyfriends so insecure? AM Stranger: You didnt have to hurt him!! HH You: Yeah well he hurt me first. AM Stranger: What else did he say? HH You: The only reason youre still friends is cause he pities you because of your little crush. AM Stranger: knew it! knew hed say that stuff to you. HH You: What? AM Stranger: You know its not true. You dont have to punch him. HH You: know. AM Stranger: Good. dont friend people out of pity. HH You: Hes actually been telling you Im madly in love with you? AM Stranger: He says it every once in a while. HH Stranger: Hes conviced. HH You: Why didnt you say something? AM Stranger: didnt believe it. HH You: But he does. You couldve at least mentioned it. AM Stranger: havent seen you in a while. HH You: Right. AM Stranger: Sorry. HH Stranger: dont see why it upsets you so much anyway. HH You: It doesnt. AM Stranger: Lets meet up HH You: Why? AM Stranger: want to see you. HH You: thought you were mad at me. AM Stranger: More mad at Ben. HH You: Really? AM Stranger: Course H You: Wanna get pizza? AM Stranger: Can come over to yours? HH You: Of course. AM You: got a new plant since you were here last. Just so youre not too shocked. AM Stranger: Bril, Maybe some beers? HH Is it marijuana? HH You: Got you covered. AM Its a succulent. Im pretending to be a responsible adult. AM Stranger: A succulent? Theyre impossible to kill, thank god. HH You: You have so much faith in me, Mush. AM Stranger: You killed my goldfish. will never forget. HH You: cant believe youre still bringing that up. AM Stranger: You didnt even realise until showed up to collect him. HH You: did offer to buy you a new one. AM Stranger: Youre so kind. HH You: At least it wasnt a puppy. AM Stranger: Christ. hH You: Im sorry killed your goldfish, Hamish. Will you ever forgive me? AM Stranger: Nope. Not unless you buy me lots of pizza tonight. HH You: Are you gonna throw in an extra forgiveness for punching your boyfriend? AM Stranger: Youll have to be a full on bartender for me all night for that. HH You: Deal. AM Stranger: Good good. HH You: Come over whenever. AM Stranger: Im on my way. HH You: Excellent. AM Stranger: (So sorry, gtg. Want to continue over email? ) You: (sure! My email is Stranger: (Awesome, Ill send you my reply!)
hamex, hamish watson holmes, alex moran moriarty, mormor, Sherlock
Stranger: Hi You: hi Stranger: Why are tou from You: tou is greek for of Stranger: Send pussy You: bob and vagane Stranger: Ya You: whichever will it be Stranger: Plsss You: sit the fuck down t series Stranger: Ya You: Im here to spill the real tea You: you cannot dethrone me from spot number 1 You: but you india you lose You: so best thing you havent won Stranger: need pussy You: when im through with you you will be completely fucking done Stranger: Ya Stranger: Im ready to fucking you You: cuz you only just begun You: review you You: 0 by bitch gone Stranger: Send your pussy Stranger: And me send my penis You: So come on T-Series, looking hungry for some drama You: Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna You: Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna T-Series aint nothing, but a bitch lasagna You: Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma Stranger: Putangina mo You: So who the hell is Bob and why you wanna kiss him? (ew) Im a blue eyes white dragon while youre just dark magician (oof) You: You got a fifth of the population in your nation but got nine-year-olds of worlds so hold your defecation (oops) You: Motu Patlu, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Stranger: Why are you from You: Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community You: No, papa, no, papa, yes, papa, Johnny Now down all of this sugar and lets throw this fucking party with some... Stranger: Hahahahah ok You: Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna T-Series aint nothing, but a bitch lasagna You: T-Series aint nothing, but a bitch lasagna Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna Stranger: Heyyy little bith You: Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch... T-Series aint nothing, but a bitch lasagna Hey! Stranger: So You: Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna T-Series aint nothing, but a bitch lasagna Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna Look at T-Series they just crying for their momma Hey! You: Bitch lasagna Hey! Bitch lasagna Stranger: need pussy plssss give me your pussyy Stranger: You: You got a population of 1.32 billion but most of ur videos cant even get to 1m You: SUB BOT! Stranger: Sub
You: hi Stranger: Hi You: you dont need jesus Stranger: do. You: why Stranger: Without Him would be lost. You: in what Stranger: In this dark and evil world You: they just angry You: and deluded Yo jont fear what people can do unto you Yo jo you mission on street You: or Stranger: Exactly, dont fear them because know that the Lord is on my side. You: so thats why you come to anon chat You: to missionary or? Stranger: No, sorry.
Stranger: Ayup You: Ayup home home Stranger: FUCKING BANANAS You: wanna fuck the brown m&m Stranger: PIGEON! NNNEEQOOOO You: Ohh just killed a woman feeling good Stranger: S to the to the a to the v You: 1 to the 2 to the 3 please get tommyinit off my screen Stranger: Hey Phil, want a pony for Christmas You: dont care were gonna die Stranger: The cold slap of reality Stranger: (how mentally ill do we both have to be remembering all of this) to You: The president lives in Waffle House
You: Please disconnect if youre on here for sexual reasons or if you do not live in London! Stranger: Oh, im horny f from london soz You: UGH! You: dont understand sexual humans. Stranger: Have you ever had sex? You: Im asexual. Stranger: Ah Stranger: Tgats You: All care about is getting cuddles. Stranger: Thats fair enough then Stranger: Im the opposite i love sex You: know. You:! dont get it. Stranger: What dont you get? You: Everything. You: Whats wrong with just getting cuddles? Stranger: Nothing i just like cuddles and more Stranger: The feeling of getting fucked is just too good for me You: see. You: There are a lot of males like you on here. Stranger: Yeah i know You: Theyre annoying. You: For you, bet theyre great. Stranger: Some are some arent Stranger: dont like the really old ones You: see. Stranger: 25 and under is what i go for You: see. Yo hats wrong with 26? You: Im 25. Stranger: Idk just a preference You: see. Stranger: So what now You: have no idea. You: Im going to assume due to our polar opposite sex drives anything romantic wouldnt work, Stranger: Agreed You: Yes. Stranger: Also im probably too young for you haha You: Anyway, have a few deal-breakers as it is. You: doubt that. Stranger: 14? You: Yes. You: You cant really be 14 though. You: Thats ridiculous... Stranger: am tho Stranger: Why? You: A 14 year old shouldnt be having sex. Stranger: Why not, You: If you have to ask youre not mature enough. Stranger: am? Stranger: Ive had sex and i like it You: Youre not. Stranger: Ive had it enough to know i like it You: Thats irrelevant, its also quite sad. Stranger: To you maybe not to me You: Not just to me, to everyone. Stranger: Not to me or the guys ive done it with You: Theyve all legally raped you. You: Youve legally been raped as you cant legally consent. Stranger: Lmao no You: Yes. You: According to the law, a 14 year-old cannot consent to sex. Stranger: Except i did consent You: Which is irrelevant as your consent isnt valid. Stranger: Doesnt matter You: Irt does. You: *It. You: Youre too immature to understand that youve been raped. Stranger: consented to having a nice thick cock stretch my pussy and i loved it You: You were raped. Yo 14 year old cannot consent to sex. You: Anyone who has had sex with you is a rapist. You: Its sad that you cannot see that.
Stranger: Okay Stranger: Yes Stranger: Yup You: whoa, a surprisingly high amount of people use memes as an interest Stranger: Yes Stranger: Its how to meet normal people You: otherwise you get a guy jacking off Stranger: Dont use anything else unless it is DankMemes, Meme or Memer Stranger: Yes Stranger: You see an old man jacking off Stranger: Or worse You: by the way You: do you like bionicles? Stranger: A man wearing make up that makes him look like edward sisccor hands and fucks a baby on cam Stranger: He made eye contact with the camera when he came to me You: did you actually run into that or did you see a youtube vid Stranger: That is not allowed on youtube man robs not even pornhub ince am underage and he was not You: you mean a doll or an actual baby Stranger: Luckily a doll You: phew Stranger: He probably wishes it was real Stranger: Anyway Stranger: How old ru? You: im 15 Stranger: 14 You: physically atleast Stranger: f or m? You: mentally im about as stable as an 8 year old cod player You: m Stranger: sexually identify as Stephanie from Lazy Town You: well people tell me im a male but i identify as a temmie from undertale Stranger: You are lucky btw Stranger: know you are okay You: why? Stranger: It is probably within this week die Stranger: So RIP me You: are the memes overflowing? Stranger: This is no joke Stranger: Apart from the lazy town thing You: i cant tell if youre being sarcastic Im not Stranger: But im real You: well you just made my life a bit sadder Stranger: No ive your life to the fullest please You: ofc i will Stranger: Dont ever feel sad You: watching memes on reddit Stranger: Because Stranger: We dont even know why we are here Stranger: Maybe Im in a coma right now and u dont even exist Stranger: Vise versa You: im pretty sure i exist You: and now i know youre sarcastic Stranger: No Stranger: Im not Stranger: Think about it You: holy fuck Stranger: could be in a coma You: youre right Stranger: Really You: if i didnt exist You: then Stranger: No You: do any of us exist? Stranger: Okay u might Strange ecause Stranger: am not like this Stranger: Because in dreams people are predictable Stranger: You are probably not apart of my sub- conscience You: not really because when i was dreaming once i went to get a glass of water and it turned into a plate Stranger: Well Stranger: Wow Stranger: Thanks You: my dreams are boring Stranger: In a dream felt love Stranger: The best dream have ever had Stranger: looked up at a girl who was smiling back down at me Stranger: And felt love Stranger: It wasnt about sex at all Stranger: wanted to always be with her You: the most love i ever felt was when my mom congratulated me for building a dirt shelter in minecraft Stranger: No man Stranger: Thats not love Stranger: think You: she hugged me You: crying Stranger: Because this was total love You: and shouting my name Stranger: really wanted to never leave her You: i get that Stranger: Youre meming me You: no j actually do feel like what youre saying is kinda true Stranger: would have done many things for her Stranger: Definitely die for her Strange et tortured Stranger: And it makes me sad dont feel like that about anyone in real life You: what do you think iam You: a psychiatrist? Stranger: If am really ina coma am not sure if want them to pull the plug or not Stranger: Well Stranger: failed my psychiatrist You: i cant tell what youre feeling now Stranger: She didnt help Stranger: She talked about herself alot Stranger: She talked to me through the bathroom door You: you know what? Stranger: And would get bored of her and sleep on the floor You: im gonna copy everything you said and put it into a youtube comment and adding like this if you cry everytime Stranger: And if found when my mum hid my phone which was rare. would go on my phone in there Stranger: For the hour Strange kay Stranger: Thats nice Stranger: But need to tell my story You: go on Stranger: Theres more You: holy fuck these ads Yo just wanna type You: you may go on Stranger: My mother just wasted her money on the psychiatrist You: how much money are we talking? Stranger: havent been to school since April Stranger: am now a year old since last went to school Stranger: Well about that didnt go in April Stranger: am not sure Stranger: Alot though Stranger: have heard You: did you just die? elp You: i guess you died You: time to go Stranger: go to a private school only because used to live in Greater London and house prices went uo so when we sold the house we had alot of money Stranger: now live somewhere else but dont want to say where Stranger: In case you save me You: how do i save you? Stranger: heard my head teacher basically got fired because they thought he had something to do with my depression Stranger: No man Stranger: It is better if stop living just want my story out there man Stranger: My last wish please You: im just gonna remind you that im gonna post this entire conversation on reddit Stranger: Like save all of this in a word document man Stranger: want to say more You: are you gonna leave Stranger: No one else knows man jo want to say more Stranger: havent asked my mum more on why he was forced to leave because of me Stranger: Because avoid my family You: who was he? You: your father? Stranger: My head teacher Stranger: No Stranger: The story with my father is also sad Stranger: And the places and lessons he has taught me have stayed with me You: ok dude i think youre forcing this to be too long Stranger: Like my sisters ex boyfriend Strange le meant alot to me man Stranger: He was the best Stranger: am not forcing Stranger: want my story out You: how much is left Stranger: saw the disrespect to the lower classes and it changed me You: cause its like 2am Stranger: will just get to the point then Stranger: Wait Stranger: 2am Your: j live in macedonia Stranger: You live in the same time zone as iam Stranger: okay You: i thought you lived in britain? Stranger: Before Stranger: But moved Stranger: Becuase my mum wasnt from there and my parents have been long divorced so she jsut got homesick now Stranger: We moved away last yeat Stranger: year Stranger: in november Stranger: Also Stranger: If u will post this Stranger: recommend Khary on soundcloud Stranger: Back to the story You: lol Stranger: am sad will never see the English side of my family again Stranger: My grandmother has a great house in the country side and i really liked that place Stranger: Will never see it again man Stranger: My grandfather rests there Stranger: He had altzhimers Stranger: He wasnt himself Stranger: never really knew the real him Stranger: Because during my lifetime he has always had it Stranger: He used to throw garbage and the spoons into the Brook (a small river thing) Stranger: Wander around the lovley manor which Was made in like the early 1700s Stranger: at night Stranger: You could hear him Stranger: And once i went to see him while he wandered Stranger: And he saw me Stranger: Looked like he had never seen his own grandson Stranger: He brought it up at breakfast the next day that he a saw a little boy last night You: now youre turning this into some kind of creepypasta Stranger: This is real Stranger: Its just annoying and sad to me was forced into this Stranger: Life needs a character creation Stranger: Maybe it does Stranger: And made a shit one on purpose Stranger: And creepy pastas are not real Stranger: This is Stranger: It hurt to see my grandmother cry at his funeral Stranger: Got so nervous and sad that day threw up on the train or coach there Stranger: dont remember the method of transport i used to get there Stranger: The person who had to clean that bathroom Stranger: feel sorry for them Stranger: There were 4 puke bursts Strange in came out my nsoe Stranger: nose Stranger: Some went on my jeans Stranger: My family doesnt have enough money for suits on funeral tho unlike my other family members Stranger: Even my father had a suit Stranger: But dont really get his money Your: i really thinkwe should wrap this up Stranger: Although he gave me 50 for my birthday months ago Stranger: havnt spent it kay message Stranger: used to got to football matches with my father Stranger: He has a virus or something am not sure what is is Stranger: it is Stranger: know what it is called Stranger: but i dont want to say Stranger: Because It makes knowing my identity easier to find out Stranger: And he is losing his ability to walk as we speak Stranger: used to help him when he was better and only needed a walking stick Stranger: My arm would ache for days after helping him Stranger: And this was every week Stranger: Because he had a season ticket Stranger: He taught me how to play football Stranger: When he could walk Stranger: thank him for that Stranger: It has given me joy Stranger: When helped him people would give me funny faces Stranger: Not to cheer me up but like to say hes a freak or something Stranger: They obviously havent experienced something like that in their family or to themselves to do that Stranger: But forgive them Stranger: Although they made me cry Stranger: never really cry You: Curse you, Perry the platypus! Stranger: Just moments do stand out Stranger: dont get that man
Stranger: HUGH MUNGUS WOT You: Papa Bless Stranger: indeed Stranger: God bless the cups You: You are the god Stranger: *fupa Stranger: AM SAINT HUGH MUNGUD. You: literally was just watching H3H3 Stranger: Lol Stranger: Thats weird You: like the last page is H3H3 You: if go back
You: taehyung is mine Stranger: ok You: good Stranger: i didnt care about him anyways tbh You: ok but tae is mine Stranger: ok idc Stranger: delusional 3 You: yeah You: only for tae Stranger: god, fans like you are disgusting You: why You: /cry Stranger: claiming that idols are yours when they are their own people. also, if you were joking, you couldve hinted at it or idk since there are people who actually think like this, so i cant tell between a joke and being serious anymore You: ... Stranger: damn, you werent joking then god.... You: but it was a joke because you took it so seriously that you moron You: xddd Stranger: damn, now imagine calling people morons just because they couldnt tell if it was a joke or not Stranger: looks like you cant read either Stranger: since i said Stranger: that there are people who actually think like this, so i cant tell whether people are joking or not anymore You: But you said that really said it, help you read Stranger: yeah, because i thought you were serious there You: then its your problem Stranger: its your problem for doing this in the first place Stranger: you shouldve known that there are going to be people who think youre serious Your: just said that its mine, why is that so wrong? Stranger: because he isnt only yours thats why You: help Stranger: god i hate armys so fucking much You: im not army You: im th stan hahahaha Stranger: still doesnt change my view on armys You: typical of kpopers Stranger: im not even surprised lol armys are the spawn of satan You: HSHSHSHSH You: ok but for the next one, dont bother like that You: have a tea sister Stranger: you should also somehow hint that youre joking, since like i said, there are people who actually think like that, so i cant even tell wheather people are joking or are seriously saying shit like that You: 2732 You: ok You: byee remember that taehyung is only minee
Stranger: hi You: hi Stranger: i do not hear u btw You: so where are u from Stranger: Canada u ? You: morocco You: do u kno it Stranger: no i heard it my uncle told me something about it a long time go but like a long time ago so i dont remaber Stranger: sorry i am bad at spelling at times You: its a nice place Yo 0 prbim You: are you a girlo a boy You: guy You: hhh Stranger: so how old ru (if i tell u mine you prob would skip me) Stranger: girl You: noooo wiil not Stranger: 13 You: cooool no prbim You: Im 18 Stranger: wow useally people just like skip me thank u for now skipping me You: so do you have a facebook or somhinge Stranger: i listen to weird things can u hear my music?? Stranger: i have only hangouts... You: ooh whatsapp instgram you are not social media? Stranger: not anymore Stranger: i got my phone token away Stranger: my dad lets me on the computer and im at my dads so good that iam at my dads house hahah Stranger: sorry i am singing i suck but whatever You: nooo just do what you want You: like you Stranger: do u know bts? You: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You: kpop Stranger: imma put them on Stranger: after this song Stranger: its weird but eh whatever Stranger: its called put iton me You: so what do you do in youre free time Stranger: hmm play soccer or gymnatics You: Coool You: can see your face Stranger: in a sec after this song ok Stranger: i know the words hard but i know it a bit Stranger: but only when the songs on ican sing it You: so siiing Stranger: i love them!!! You: do you watch korean drama Stranger: no ij dont think so maybe onces Stranger: i only no one part Stranger: this part You: do you know dean Stranger: sounds familler Stranger: i also am learning there dance move Stranger: this song i know a bit You: tap dean in youtube you will love it Stranger: later i like talking to u Stranger: later i mean You: so now can see your face Stranger: ok one sec need my glasses You: is my mic works Stranger: yes Stranger: idk my music is loud so maybe Stranger: do u know this sog Stranger: song Stranger: not this You: sooo you wear your glasses now Stranger: yeah for reading or using computer Stranger: the* Stranger: ill sing i know the words a bit You: but the music is too loud You: cant hear your voice Stranger: now? Stranger: i also know part of the dance thing You: show me Stranger: umm to shy. You: juuust do iiit You: pause the music will play a kpop music Stranger: ill show my face instead You: okaaay Stranger: hahaha ugly me! You: noooooo you pretty Stranger: eh ugly Stranger: also i know a song thats not k pop but i wanna se if u know it after u put on a song You: you hear the music Stranger: no You: now Stranger: i really love senpai Strange Stranger: its ok i guess You: ok so put your music You: ok dance Stranger: do u know this song You: you shouldnt hear this music haha Stranger: hahah eh its not the first i listend to it Stranger: this song You: do you listen to cardi B Stranger: one sec it went off You: or mik mille migos tayge You: tyga* Stranger: i think they sound familier You: gangsta music Stranger: thissong its annoying ot me after i listend to it to many times You: sii You: sing Stranger: iam You: how we can keep in contacte7 Stranger: do u have hangouts i do You: its like gmail or somthing Stranger: i can give ugmail Stranger: u* You: yaa ok Stranger: itss You: so your name is sarah Stranger: yeah ugly right You: nooco Stranger: hard to sing this part You: why your not confident You: believe in your self Stranger: on what You: your look your name Stranger: aww thanks! Stranger: also i love this song You: dance You: dance Stranger: shyim shy no matter what imma sing this songs You: go out from your comfort zone You: dance Stranger: i am shy to even sing for uso... You: sing something for adel Stranger: this is hard to sing all of the songs You: you know sing without music Stranger: theres rap song You: sing without music Stranger: umm... Stranger: after this maybe You: can you do the splite Stranger: i might mess up his is too boring so imm aput on on Stranger: song Stranger: a put* You: come on dance You: dance You: dance Stranger: whyyyyy You: do it Stranger: just doit Stranger: haha Stranger: idk You: yaaa Im here just to help you to go out you comfort zone Stranger: this si to fast to sing You: you know if you were in my city you will be the pretty girl here Stranger: thn i sing it without no prob Stranger: im getting there im starting to dance Stranger: i like talking to u:D You: coool me too You: exo Stranger: dope!! Stranger: rap monster i think You: yyyyyaaa You: think Ill go sleep Stranger: other friend went to sleep and iam really bored as fuck .... You: go out You: have fun Stranger: i cant You: make new friends Stranger: i have to stay home Stranger: nah.... Stranger: i had a nap and i am hyper like more awake You: you have netflix Stranger: yeah but i dont know the password... You: do you watch series Stranger: i watch anything thats good ut i cant so sucks ant u stay up longer plzzz?? ? PPh You: no prbim You: play somthing Stranger: play music cuz imma put a rap song on You: put anything you love love this song You: cardiii B Stranger: hahah yes You: she deliver a baby You: delivered* Stranger: do u know this gill You: noo Stranger: its catch me out girl do u know her?? Stranger: jake paul why did i put this You: really like your face You: put lil pump Stranger: o his brother You: gucci gang Stranger: oh my god i love this song Stranger: everyone in my school ssings that song You: you are in midile school You: ?? Stranger: gr 8 soon be in high school...*(kill me) Stranger: jk You: good do your best You: rocksaatr Stranger: my eyes might twich You: rock staaaaaaar You: yaaaaaaaaaaaaa Stranger: yahhhhhhh Stranger: my fv part is this You: soo do you think Yo an you come to morocco in the near future You: spelling sucks Stranger: i dont know maybe Stranger: mine does not yours liek your smile.... Stranger: like* You: meee cuz Im a English student Stranger: i have to learn French You: bonjoure You: comment va tu Stranger: i am ahbh fuck i lost my French now... You: its the second lang in my countries You: french Stranger: cool...! You: but hate it Stranger: i use to be in French class from grade 1 to 3 then gr 4 engislh so i lost my French You: j think 50 of Canadians talk farnch Stranger: twenty one pilots boi lol Stranger: well not mee Stranger: kinda You: streesed out is the best Stranger: i I---- never mind ij am not ga say the rest of what i was gonna say You: zombie You: zombie You: zombie Stranger: hahaha Stranger: i was gonna put something but imma not sy that... Stranger: i was gonna say i love u for no reason idk why hahaha You: do you listen to ed sheren You: hhhhhh love you to Stranger: yeah i do listen to him Stranger: i love this song You: mee eo but listen to it till hate it Stranger: i know i do to Stranger: do u know this song called friends Stranger: i love this song You: mashmello Stranger: ill sing it You: marshmello You: yaa and i forgot the singer Stranger: lol me too Stranger: anne marie You: yaaa Stranger: solo imma put another song im bored of pop songs You: avcii You: yaaa You: he died Stranger: really... You: yees You: RIP Stranger: i use to cry to this song i still do r shawen mandes runo mars handelier ris my best song Stranger: ok ill put that song after this ok? Stranger: ok fuck that song imma put it on now Stranger: i am sorta dancing You: think this is the longest omegle conversation have ever had Stranger: same Stranger: one sec ill be back ok You: take your time You: niice dress Stranger: sorry i was hot Stranger: thanks You: hhh for us here its 39 c its veryyy hot Stranger: wow i get hot easy so whatever t is now iam hotter then it is now Stranger: this song again........ Stranger: lol -im i catching feelings for u? 0-0 You: mee too swear You: whyy Stranger: idk .. Stranger: i really like u and i am catching feelings for u You: so what we can do Stranger: idk... You: oooh shiit fuck the distances Stranger: i Stranger: wait what You: the distance betwen us You: if m near you will hug you Stranger: yeh Stranger: but u might not want o if iam with my MOM servers she will kil u hahaha *kill i meant to put that Stranger: i also bit my glasses a lot so yeah hehe You: no prbim Ill do anything Stranger: i love chu!! Stranger: chu means u Stranger: i like to act like a baby sometimes You: waaa you amazing Stranger: ? Stranger: i think i am blushing Stranger: did they just say nigga? You: yaa your face turns red Stranger: in the song Stranger: ill reply it You: nigga means somthing in korien Stranger: they said leg up r something idk what they sidd!! Stranger: said You: nigga means you Stranger: oh. ok Stranger: i love u god i hope u dont mind me saying that... You: looove you to reaallly Stranger: i wish i was there so ican hug u and O.ummm... You: oohh me tooo Stranger: i wish...i was there soican kiss ui mean umm... You: oooohh that so sweet You: loove your shines You: your evrything You: whatever Stranger: i listend to this song to much thats hwy i know the words You: my friend a Always put that song Stranger: there i danced Stranger: for u Stranger: You: itll be awesome You: dance You: dance Stranger: i did cuie....(ugh i love uuu!!! Stranger: cutie** You: ooooh if can kiss you Stranger: *if u could be there to never mind ummm if i was there on top of u kissing u ahhhh! i said itt!!! Your i like your eyes oooh you make me high Stranger: hahahahahah You: realy have crush on you Strange You: yea*p Stranger: i do too:D Stranger: exo!!! is amazing You: yaaaaaaaa You: top Stranger: i wish i was there to be on top of u to kiss u and pin u to the wall to kiss u too You: oh yaa Stranger: i really like ua TEPEEEEEEEEEEDE EE EEE EEEEEEE EEE EEE You: we need to find a solution Stranger: i have one You: whaaat : i dont know if u want to bu tlike ute 1 like can we go out be together but like online date i really cant keep this in longer You: so how thats work Stranger: u like date but u like its online dating u know what i mean You: date 2.0 You: hhh coool Stranger: so u whats your answer cuz i want u do u want me???? want to be together ? You: yaaa for sure Stranger: rreally! You: yaaa Stranger: u make me smile...... Stranger: sometimes my eyes go grey idk why tho hahaha You: so how ican kiss you online You: :D Stranger: idk u can like do this *kisses u* its role playing things u want to do in real life but u do it onIne i do it everyday now Stranger: i love this song Stranger: wanna see something You: like what Stranger: hehe am starting to not be shy now 1 like imma about to not be shy soon You: coool love you as you are Stranger: do u know this song You: knew it Stranger: by the weekend You: yaaaa weekend he was in morocco last weak You: often You: often Stranger: sorry my laugh was weird You: jjits the best Your i liike u as you are Stranger: awww thankss Stranger: me to You: lets do something dirty Stranger: cyour cute sexy nie amazing cool awesome Stranger: hahah umm... Stranger: what u mean dirty? You: flache me your tites Stranger: unmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Stranger: i rather not but i would take my dress off and have my bra on but like . You: that will be awesome Stranger: but later i am lazy to get take You: im so sleepy You: if isee somthing maybe i weke up Stranger: i love ui i almost called u daddy oops! You: hhh oh really Stranger: hahahahahahahahahahahahahah Stranger: ys You: you are so charming Stranger: hahahah You: ninetendo You: zelda i looove it Stranger: why u so hot? You: and you are tooooccce You: go You: go Stranger: go were? You: keep what you are doing You: youu loviyyyy Stranger: omg love this song!! Stranger: and that was weird Stranger: i never show anyone with my hair messy your the first one ever You: loococcoccoccove you Stranger: i Stranger: u too You: ake your dress off Stranger: mbaby maybe later im cold Stranger: baby** Stranger: do u want me as badly as i do? You: You know just love keep loking at you Stranger: me too You: no think me who is want you so badlyyy Stranger: hehe Stranger: i love this song its weird Stranger: wanna know something i did before You: yaa whaat Stranger: when i was 9 i smoked then a long time ago i vaped Stranger: i wanted to try it out tho Stranger: oh god this song is weird You: oooh DONT like it You: but vaped just yeastrday Stranger: i did it cuz when i was 9 i smoked with my friend we stoled it from my other friends mom we were dumb then Stranger: i am never doing that tho You: but have a bad friends Stranger: same... You: want to see your body Stranger: ah Stranger: iam staring at u Stranger: god i am day dreming right now when i look at uiam in heaven Stranger: i am still lookingat u Stranger: looking at u* Stranger: ru looking at me i cant tell if u are cutie?! You: youuuso cuuuuuUUUtie Stranger: ur too You: will show you my body and you as well okay Stranger: i dont know Stranger: ru mad at me? You: toooo badd You: yaa Im ou that missed the workout for u You: know** Stranger: ? Stranger: this song make sme laugh You: you know that! missed the workout to stay You: with you Stranger: makes* Stranger: im sorry! Stranger: sorry You: nooo love you so baaad Stranger: me toococo!! Stranger: i am looking at u again You: meee tooo Stranger: haha u missed i was being weird Stranger: u looked away for a sec You: Im really hot Stranger: 0 Stranger: me too You: so Im gonna take my shirt off Stranger: ok Stranger: i dont mind my brother and my dad takes there shirt off for u its more diffrent Your: so its your turn Stranger: ok one sec then You: ok Stranger: see Stranger: i was hot yay now im not hot Stranger: haha i think u might b staring at me now You: like your smile Stranger: thanks You: want to kiss you Stranger: i want to too You: in the midlle of your chest Stranger: oh ok You: then in you neck You: your* Stranger: ok You: then in the chin You: the lips Stranger: right now y hair looks cute Stranger: my** Stranger: wanna see something You: saay You: see You: whaat Stranger: ill show u something with my eyes You: j cant You: hhhh that was weird Stranger: can u hear me laughing or no Strange ne sec Stranger: tell me if u laugh You: hhhh it was niiice Stranger: its try not to laugh god imma suck at it You: ok dont laugh Stranger: failed You: yaaaaaaaaa Stranger: dirty joke there.....didnt laugh You: juust love keep watching you Stranger: its hard not to laugh You: you are soooo beautiful Stranger: thank u You: you are soo adorable Stranger: thank u You: Im gonna get somthing to drink Stranger: ok Yor i You: im back Stranger: hi Stranger: mma put my shirt on ok brb You: nooo00000000 Stranger: sorry You: i feel bored Stranger: hmm want me to sing or like dance a bit while snging if im up to dancing Stranger: or do u want me to talk Stranger: for a bit You: want all of that Stranger: ok well ill talk so i can get that done You: or sing without a music Stranger: did u hear me You: ya of course You: but can you hear me Stranger: but at least u hear me You: yaaa can You: so sing Stranger: one min ill find a song trun it downa bit ok Stranger: i did this to my friend once she called me a bitch my old best friend so i did this Stranger: read between the line si said to her Stranger: read it do u get it You: can see your boobs Stranger: um no sorry Stranger: can u do this You: whaat Stranger: look at me Stranger: never mind i cant do it You: my bother can You: my brother can do this trick Stranger: ew i touched my eye You: dance Yo jance You: dacne Stranger: maybe You: go You: its a good song to dance Stranger: your hot.....and cute and i love your personality You: ooh thanks u Stranger: can u hear my better then the music You: nooo You: i perfer to hear u without the music Stranger: now You: yyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaa Stranger: this song is called idfc Stranger: one sec ima put on annyoing song u migh tknow idk You: ok Stranger: i hate this song im not singing this You: KENW IT You: forzen You: frozen Stranger: nd im singing it ol Stranger: i am such a baby to listen to y little pony You: no me to love it Stranger: i watch it still You: you turn me on You: idk know why Stranger: hahaha You: think m gonna dream about u Stranger: i watch my little pony so i know who it was and it was easy to fiind out her voice is easy to know Stranger: just like fire by pink You: i need to sleaap Stranger: but i dont want u to leave You: so what should do Stranger: i got an idea maybe i can talk and u can type so its more something t look forward to Stranger: ok ill dance a bit You: ok sexy dance Stranger: not sexy one but what there doing the parts i know ill do You: you should twerk Stranger: no thnk u lol haha You: do something sexy or i gonna go Stranger: b-but Stranger: fine but its nothing to do with dancing or anythingidk what ill do im scared i dont want u to go Stranger: see look at my hands You: is that sexy haha Stranger: no its just i dont want u to go Stranger: one sec i got it You: what You: o whats that the camera stoped Stranger: plz dont go Stranger: i am having axitey now plz dont go Stranger: when i get like i dont kmow what to do i get axeitey You: oh i love u whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Stranger: i get axeitey when i get to stressed or i dont kow what to do Stranger: ok i am relaxed Stranger: i almost cried Stranger: might cry idk why tho i get sad for now reason You: are you depressed Stranger: kinda You: ooh how sweet you are Stranger: my dad keeps breaking up with his girlfreind when i start to like them Stranger: and my family seem depressed Stranger: but im ok now! Stranger: i got help so im better! You: Ohbh Im follling in love Stranger: me too Stranger: my heart is beating fast for u You: waaaaw me too swear must see u Stranger: i love u You: coTUyUreTere eTere eTere eyere eye relene elere eyere errs ere lelere elere eT You: so is the gmail the only way that ican contact you Stranger: yess Stranger: but my dad is at work for until 8 and its 5524 Stranger: 3 hours left yagood Stranger: someotimes iact like a wolf Stranger: sometimes You: show me Stranger: and a baby Stranger: actting like a baby is what i like to do You: why why Stranger: why what? You: i loved u Stranger: i loe u to You: imagine dragons You: did you watch 13 reason why Stranger: a little of it Stranger: imma say something ok You: ok Stranger: my mom and her friend tells me this cuz iam born indecmber and my symbol is half horse and humen so they call me You: is that bother you Stranger: its a video of bts why do they hve to do this Stranger: there trying to make people like there teaseing people cuz how they do there dances You: yaa thats why hate them Stranger: there sexual like very sometimes You: thats normal You: do you dont love sex?? Stranger: what?? You: sex is somthing normaal Stranger: ik You: so sexual things Stranger: yeah ik You: you know somthing You: you u Il shock Stranger: wat.. You: or just foget about it Stranger: oops i kinda moaned idk why hahah You: hhh you know what Im gonna do right know Stranger: wat.. You: Im gonna go to the toilet and jerk off Stranger: i haad a feeling u were gonna do that You: why You: why Stranger: idk You: im horny i THINK Stranger: its the way u said it u know what im going to right now You: is that baad Stranger: hahahaha Stranger: no its not Stranger: if im laughing im doing a try not to lugh again Stranger: laugh Stranger: ru going to do it now?? so it can be done or later? You: Ill be right back Stranger: ok You: now i can take a shower and sleep in peace Stranger: hahaha You: what do you watch Stranger: watch what what i am watching now You: yyyya watching You: coool You: waaaaaaaaaaaw Stranger: what You: like your reaction Stranger: hahah You: im really neeed to sleeeeeep Stranger: awwwwwww OO. You: so You: need to go so goodbye Stranger: aww..... Stranger: why! You: Im so tired Stranger: hmm..... Stranger: i dont wanna go tho hmm You: but wont leave you Canadian singer hawen mandes You: it is in my blood Stranger: are u looking at me idk if ur You: now Stranger: i am trying to act cute idk why hahaha You: cuz ur cute Stranger: aww thank u:D Stranger: your my baby You: ocooh how cuute you are Stranger: hehe You: ooooohhh thhaaatt loook You: sam smith You: i have a bad memories with that song can you change it Stranger: same You: yaaa the best Stranger: haha it said daddy hahah lol You: he said sleeep Yo leeep You: i need sleeep Stranger: i know u need sleep but i dont want to gooo!! You: are you free tmrwo Stranger: yeah i think so You: so maybe we can talk tomorow in hangout Stranger: so so your endding it ??? like i mean the video thing Stranger: ? You: but i wont Stranger: your so adorable You: i need to see you face to face Stranger: haha You: do you think somtime we can met ech other Stranger: some day one time maybe yes Stranger: i have to do a dance for my brothers wedding and me and his girlfriend and other people are doing a supirse dance for him Stranger: this is one of the songs thats in it You: hahaha really is this a wedding song just thought of a song to put on ike were doing a dane for him and this song is it its different song together You: cooool 0 this the end You: for tody You: today Stranger: whyyyyy Stranger: i have one hour until my dad comes back You: so watch something good and have fun Stranger: well 2 hourss Stranger: can we at least text Stranger: on hangouts You: yaa for sure but not today Stranger: is it nigh ttime fo ru?? Stranger: or morning You: its 22.22 and a woke up at 6 You: so yaaa Stranger: oh Stranger: ugh i dont wanna hang up will miss u tooocooce much and ill start to panic uz i miss u Stranger: but ok i gue bye Stranger: good** You: ohh so that it byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye
You: hi Stranger: hi You: ingilish? Stranger: yes You: okay)) You: what is your name? Stranger: bella Stranger: and .liv You: elcanjo You: can i you kiss ? Stranger: no You: what? Stranger: no Stranger: Bella is straight You: you beatifully Stranger: thank u You: not at all You: where are you from? Stranger: cali You: i live baku)o
Stranger: hi Stranger: M You: Hello. Stranger: Male You: Mail. You: Prefer Femail? You: Or E mail, to be neutral. Stranger: do you have a vagna You: Thats an oddly personal question. Stranger: answer Stranger: i only want babies so need to know You: Babies? Woa, you are moving WAY to fast buck-o! Stranger: so you are a man You: mean, we just met! You: You should buy me dinner. You: Maybe get to know me a bit. Stranger: tell me if your a man You: In the words of an old Monty Python bit, Oh, youre no fun anymore!
You: merry christmas Stranger: thx merry christmas to you too You: thanks You: where are you from ? Stranger: #iran You: great You: can you guess where iam from ? Stranger: india You: omg !!! You: awesome You: (Y) Stranger: i am in the goa scene Stranger: how can ji not tell You: wow.. goa is a great place Stranger: yes the music too You: music like ? Stranger: i show you my tattoo You: wow You: nice You: tattoo You: which song did you like ??
Stranger: hi You: Hi Stranger: country? You: Fuck u Stranger: sure Stranger: country?
You: hey dude Stranger: Hey buddy You: whats up? Stranger: Not too much. Just relaxing. You? You: just got home from the gym Stranger: Thats awesome dude. just switched over to text char a few minutes ago. Was on cam chat for a while You: see anything nice? Stranger: A few tits. Haha. After a while just started straight up mooning people. Hahaha You: lololol Stranger: You ever do crazy shit like that bro? You: were you naked the whole time? Stranger: Nah had my boxers on. just turned around and yanked em down every time connected to someone new lol You: haha nice Stranger: Lucky for you we didnt cross paths lol. You would have gotten it too You: you have any tattoos? Stranger: Yeah got a few. What about you? You: a few You: what do you have? Stranger: have a skeleton on my right thigh, an owl on my right forearm and birds on a wire on my left forearm Stranger: You? You: owl on my back, last name down my side, fishing sleeve, pinup on my left arm, angel on my ribs Stranger: Thats awesome bro. want to get my full back done. Im just not sure what You: am going to be covered lol Stranger: Me too. Haha. How big is the owl on your back? You: full back Stranger: that sounds pretty cool. Ive got a few ideas for my back Im just trying to decide if want it to go down to my lower back or just go big and get it down to my butt You: you go shirtless a lot? Stranger: Yeah You: do the whole entire back Stranger: So down to my butt? You: yeah man Stranger: Ive always heard thats a painful area lol. How far down does your owl go? You: my whole entire back is inked, the owl is just the main event Stranger: That sounds pretty neat. Im thinking about getting an angel and demon kind of thing You: my dad has that actually, it is killer Stranger: Thats awesome. Dude it sucks we didnt meet in person. already kinda feel like were becoming best buddies You: fuck yeah bro You: you have any piercings? Stranger: Ive got one of my ears stretched. Used to have my nose pierced but took it out. You? You: ears, nose, and nipples Stranger: Thats pretty sweet. Dude we should get matching ink one of these days You: fuck yeah Stranger: The ultimate sign of brotherhood right there You: shit yeah You: what do your parents think about your tattoos and piercings? Stranger: My mom hates em but my dad is cool about it You: he have any? Stranger: Hes got one on his forearm You: what? Stranger: Its a German cross that his dad earned in the war You: sick Stranger: Yeah man. Dude what are we gonna get for our matching ink do you think? You: idk You: where do you want to get it? Stranger: think that would be the coolest thing ever to share the same tat You: agreed Stranger: Lmao how bout we just both get a smiley face on our asses Imao. You: how about a smiley face in our armpits? Stranger: Haha that works too bro. just thought the ass would make for a funnier story. Haha You: true but the pit is more bad ass Stranger: Works for me bro. As long as its something we do together to show our brotherhood You: and is more visible You: you think you can handle the pain? Stranger: Yeah man. Im a tough guy. You think you can handle it? You: fuck yeah You: you gotta get your nips pierced too man Stranger: What do you think your folks will say when we show them You: my pops will laugh his ass off and try to slap them You: hbu? Stranger: My old man would probably beat both of our butts bro. Haha You: lol Stranger: Like a couple of damn little kids. Haha You: you wear a lot of tank tops? Stranger: Thats pretty much all wear. Im either in a tank or going shirtless You: fuck yeah bro! You: same here my man Stranger: Hell yeah! Thats cuz were real men You: damn right Stranger: Just how we roll You: fuck yeah You: what do you drive? Stranger: $10 You: nice nice You: drive shirtless? Stranger: All the time bro. Up and down all the dirt roads just stirring up dust Stranger: Music blaring You: sounds great man You: what kind of music? Stranger: Country music mostly You: nice dude Stranger: What about you? You: Country too Stranger: Atta boy! You: you muscular or flabby? Stranger: ripped bro You: fuck yeah Stranger: Let me ask you something real quick bro Stranger: Whats your style in clothes normally? Whats a typical outfit for you? You: jeans and boots most of the time You: hbu? Stranger: Same here. That or a white tank and cargo shorts Stranger: And sometimes cant help but sag in my cargos You: usually a gray beater or a frat tank and jeans for me Stranger: Its crazy to me how similar we are brother You: you ina frat? Stranger: Used to be. quit college for a while though You: which one? Stranger: Pi Kappa Alpha You: nice dude Stranger: Yeah man. miss it like hell You: when are you going to get your nips pierced dude? Stranger: That depends. You gonna go with me bro? You: fuck yeah will Stranger: Sweet. It would be awesome to have my brother by my side when get it done You: damn right Stranger: Cheering me on the whole damn way too You: fuck yeah Stranger: What are we gonna do after get em done? You: im gonna give them a good twist Stranger: Cmon bro. Not the tit twister You: then we can go get some pussy Stranger: tell you what bro. Ill let you give em a good twist under one condition You: what? Stranger: You gotta take an atomic wedgie. Hahaha. Its only fair dude You: guess so Stranger: Haha. Youre sounding a little scared there brother You: haha nah Stranger: Youre gonna be wearing your damn boxers like a hat by time Im done. Haha You: haha damn Stranger: What you think bout that? You: what do you think your pops is going to say about you putting rings in your tits? Stranger: He wont be too happy but doubt he says much about it You: lol You: how are you going to tell him? Stranger: Just show up with my shirt off haha You: nice brah Stranger: You gotta walk up into the house with yours off right beside me bro Stranger: Thats how we roll You: fuck yeah man Stranger: Pops will probably laugh and tell you to stop corrupting his son. Haha You: we will convince him to get his pierced too lol Stranger: Good luck with that one. Lol You: got my uncle to get his done You: Only took about 20 minutes lol Stranger: Haha. What did you say? You: told him how awesome it felt when played with them and how many girls loved them, then how it didnt hurt at all to get them done and that they looked fucking badass You: then put clothespins on his nips to seal the deal Stranger: Haha thats awesome bro You: yeah dude Stranger: Something tells me that me, you, and all of the guys in your family are gonna be one big bro squad You: damn right Stranger: What do you think theyll say to you about me bro? You: you play any sports? Stranger: Yeah, football, soccer, and basketball You: they will think you are a long lost cousin lol You: what positions? Stranger: just play for fun. Not on a team or anything You: ok You: shirtless assume? Stranger: Its just important to me that your family likes me bro. hope thats cool by you Stranger: And you assumed correct lol You: they will without a doubt lol You: do you fish? Stranger: Yeah man. Not so much this past year because Ive been busy. But love to fish You: what about hunting? Stranger: Same deal, love it but havent got the chance to go in a while You: Paintball? Stranger: Hell yeah man You: what do you wear to paintball dude? Stranger: Usually just some shorts You: shit yeah Stranger: You? You: jeans Stranger: Thats awesome bro You: we all go shirtless, it is more fun that way You: hurts a fuckton more too Stranger: Yeah you aint kidding there You: but that is the best part Stranger: Lmao bro. You ever taken a paintball to the buttcheek? Haha. That shit stings You: ever taken a paintball to the armpit? Stranger: Nah. The arm, yeah. Not the armpit You: it hurts good Stranger: bet bro You: you ever ridden a motorcycle? Stranger: Yeah man. Used to own a Harley You: fuck yeah You: what kind? Stranger: Road king You: nice bro Stranger: Dude all us guys are gonna have a blast together You: fuck yeah You: you smoke? Stranger: You think theyd be down to find us a creek to take a dip in You: there are a ton of creeks around here Stranger: All us guys gotta get our trunks on and head out there one day man You: fuck yeah Stranger: Hell, Id probably end up skinny dippin You: haha You: you smoke man? Stranger: Occasionally. You? You: yeah dude You: what do you smoke? Stranger: Cigars mostly You: ever do any cigarettes? Stranger: Not so much anymore but if Im offered one Ill smoke it You: what about other drugs? Stranger: smoke pot and drink once ina blue moon but not much You: pills? Stranger: Nah You: good Stranger: Yeah dont mess with any of the hard stuff You: what else are we going to get pierced dude? Stranger: That depends. What do you want to get pierced? You: you are up to choose Stranger: Ive been thinking about getting my tongue pierced but havent decided yet You: nice You: are you getting bars or rings in your nips? Stranger: Rings probably. think they look cooler You: yeah dude Stranger: Dude the two of us are gonna be hitting up tattoo and piercing shops all the damn time Stranger: What do you think? Stranger: You still there bro?
You: hi You: f You: 17 Stranger: hyy.. You: florida Stranger: m 20 Stranger: ru virgin.. You: oh ur older You: um Stranger: iam not.. Your i lik 2 keep that 2 my self Stranger: life is short You: no Stranger: du u du any stuff like that.. hats is masturbate? You: i do not know this stuff Stranger: rubbing pussy to get orgasm.. Stranger: its nice feeling.. You: what orgasom Stranger: u cantry. Stranger: can u follow my instructions.. You: j think i wont Stranger: if u do one time.. u will do it again.. You: i wont Stranger: du u watch porn.. You: j will never masturbate Stranger: y You: or porn Stranger: y You: its inap Stranger: no mhann.. all watching it You: oh Stranger: ok wat is the problm You: well i dont wanna watch it Stranger: ican stop it if i get a reson.. You: no it fin Stranger: u do sex only aftr mrg right? Yo Yor never had sex You: som people hate it Stranger: du u hate it You: yes when u hav a baby the person leaves ul! Stranger: no.. You: yes Stranger: there is marriage Stranger: to not leav u.. You: oh You: dos it happon with gf and bf? Stranger: ur not going to be married? You: nerver Stranger: u r different.. i think... Stranger: then how will be ur life Stranger: wat u planing.. You: j will be a twitch streamer Stranger: sex is the most beautiful feeling in the world.. Stranger: u not feel it... so u dont know its value.. Your: i think i well go with onlyfans Stranger: fans? You: i heard onlyfans so imad an account Stranger: ooh isee.. You: a lot off people came Stranger: is it. You: som say they lik my boobs Stranger: lot of people hate sex? You: some Stranger: wat is the reson for ur hate ness.. Stranger: du u get abused.. You: no Stranger: in childhood.. You: can we stop talking about this pls? : there r someone like that.. k.. ur like.. Stranger: wat u like to talk.. You: idk Stranger: but am sad.. Yo You: ? Stranger: u rin wrong way.. Stranger: i cant.. get u right. You: ? Stranger: ok leav it. You: how u get me right? Stranger: am a medical student actully Stranger: future Dr. You: oh You: thats nice Stranger: to get u to marrage.. Stranger: yaa.. You: um no srry Stranger: its ok.. Stranger: wat is ur interesting to talk.. Stranger: du u like traveling You: idk Yor at U wanna talk about? You: no Stranger: wat u like.. You: just do onlyfans Stranger: ru a student. Stranger: pls explain.. You: all u do is show ur boobs and poof ur money Stranger: i dnt know that.. You: ? Stranger: yaa.. You: ? Stranger: people r like that.. You: ? Stranger: heyy.. leav.. it. You: ? Stranger: wat u studing You: yea You: so wat Stranger: wat is ur field of studing.. You: idk i dont know that stuff You: im n high school Stranger: ooh.. Stranger: du u have besties You: yea Stranger: they also hate marrage? You: yup Stranger: heyyy.. Stranger: for me.. 1 time.. You: ? Stranger: du masturbate You: no! Stranger: pls... You: never! Stranger: ok.. Stranger: wat u studing... science? You: yea Stranger: which subject du u like.. You: math Stranger: i like also... Stranger: which topic is going on.. You: hold up Yo om 1 knokig on my window You: im scard Stranger: y You: idk Stranger: ur from.. Stranger: i will wait.. You: he has a knife!!! Stranger: wat?? You: wat do i dol!! Stranger: ru in ur home?.. Stranger: heyy. Stranger: were ru.. You: do not call the police or your next You: got it? Stranger: wat? Stranger ru alone.. Stranger: make loud noice.. Stranger: dont open the door.. You: he stabbed me Stranger: u rtiping at the time when some one attack u Stranger: You: he left Stranger: ok.. Stranger: wat happend.. Stranger: who was that.. You: he stabbed my leg Stranger: 1 mina call Stranger: i will be back Stranger: hyy Stranger: ru in home.. You: s Yo Yo Yo Yo Youre You: You: p
You: F 14 Stranger: F-14B You: B? Stranger: Better variant of the F-14 tomcat Stranger: Better than the A You: Wtf Imao Stranger: The As TF30 engines are weaker than that of the engines on the F-14B Stranger: Idk, now you got me talking about fighter jets You: Youre weird Im so confused You: But you seem funny Stranger: Well, you said F 14 Stranger: Thats the first thing thought of You: You: It means girl 14 Stranger: Now know you mean sex, and age but. You: Stranger: It was the first thing though of. You: Lmaooo are you a dude You: And how old Stranger: Yeah Stranger: 17 You: Omg we should be bestiessss (as long as youre not a biden supporter) Stranger: Imao, Why should we be bestiessss? You: Idk need bestiesssss Im mad at mine Stranger: Thats unfortunate. You: Yes Stranger: Well, what made you come onto omegle You: Im bored Stranger: Yeah You: Wanna snap Stranger: Makes sense, am too. Anyway back to the F-14, The A variant had thrust issues with the Pratt and Whitney TF30 engines, so The Air Force asked Pratt and Whitney to make more powerful engines for the B variant. So they designed the F401 engine which was brand new and a prototype. They then installed the engine onthe F-14B You: Ohh uh thats very nice Stranger: dont really use snap. Lots of advertisements for ridiculous things. You: Yeah You: Whats your name Stranger: Matt, you? You: Sarah Stranger: Well, it has been a pleasure Sarah, am going to head out. It is dangerous here stay safe. You: Okay bye bestieeee Stranger: adios, See you in 4 years.
You: whaddup random person! Stranger: Hey Stranger: bored wbu? You: bored Yo istening to some piano Stranger: rlly? Stranger: actually can play the piano haha You: oh wow Yo love the piano Yo s my favorite instrument You: but i dont know how to play it, nor any other instruments Stranger: Nice! :D Stranger: Doesnt matter u dont have to Stranger: But mean its kind of nice if u can play some instruments You: yeah its amazing to see people playing You: the way they play instruments You: its like magic Stranger: Nice description! You: so do you play classical music mostly? You: what do you play on the piano Stranger: Well when started to play the piano most of the songs played were classic. Stranger: But now m able to play everything Stranger: if have the notes You: thats so cool You: do you do improvs? like listen to something and just play it? You: or are improvs a difficult thing to do? Stranger: can actually play without notes, means by myself and play my own melody and stuff Stranger: But not like listen to a song and play it exactly how it sounded Stranger: Improvs r definitely more difficult Stranger: You have to be able to know where the right notes are whereas playing with notes u just have to follow the composition You: that sounds very interesting Yo regret not learning piano at an early age Yo ut i might go for a try in the future You: never too late to learn right? Stranger: Ur absolutely right. If ur interested- do it! You: haha, what age did you start learning to play the piano? You: how many years have you been playing? Stranger: started to play when was 8 maybe 9 Stranger: Now m 19 (just turned 19) so 10-11 years :D You: wow, so many years Yo nd have you performed? You: in front of an audience or something You: congrats btw on turning 19, moving up in the world haha Stranger: Yeah have. The largest audience had so far was in front of 2000 people guess Stranger: thanks :D How old ru by the way? You: 2000...thats amazing You: its actually so cool to hear people talk about their experiences with music You: im 23 Your: a little bit older haha, 0 years of piano experience lol Stranger: Thank u, thats very nice of you :D Stranger: To be honest: ur the first one to be this interested in a topic like this! Stranger: So thank u for listening haha Stranger: Well, 23 is not that old at all Your i like music a lot so its always nice to talk to people about it haha You: so what do you usually play on a free day or during practice? do you have any preferences when playing? Stranger: dont means music in general. mean classical music and esp. the piano Stranger: In my free days like to play my own improvs the most. But during practice most classic Stranger: think both is nice, but if had to choose would choose my own ideas and melodies haha You: ohhh okay eah, its your own ideas coming to life You: like we always try to find to express our thoughts and emotions, but its so hard to do You: and you can do that, thats the closest thing we will ever get to experiencing magic in real life Stranger: Ur right Stranger: Cant say it better! You: haha well, im happy for you, you have an amazing gift, keep playing and never stop :) Stranger: So if u really want to learn how to play the piano, you should begin. You: yeah i should Stranger: will, thanks for the kind words. You: ive got to go now, it was very nice talking to you! Stranger: It was! Thanks you too! Stranger: Thank*
Stranger: (Single dad! Steve)) Im trying to find a nanny who is willing to live in and take care of my son. work odd hours and someone recommended this site to find somebody. We can set up a trial run if you would like before we decide anything else. My number and address will be given when you reply to this add. am looking forward to finding someone who doesn t mind living in my home. Steven Rogers. You: Hi Steven, Id be happy to come meet your son and see what the place is like. Let me know when a good time to meet would be, and we can work things out from there. Thanks, James B Bames Professional Child Care Services Stranger: Oh that sounds great, Im available any time this week. Heres my number and my address,Info Attached, just give me a call and we can set things up. Stranger: *Steven Rogers. You: do you wanna just skip to when they meet or at the house? Stranger: Thats fine You: should start? Stranger: (That would be fine with me)) You: ok You: Bucky hadnt had a full time, live-in job in a while, and if he was honest, he was a little nervous about it. The last family hed stayed with wasnt kind to him or the children, but at the time he didnt have anywhere else to go if he left. Hopefully this would be better though. From talking with Steve and getting to hear about the situation, it didnt seem too hard. There was only one kid, and Steve was out of the house most of the day so Bucky would be left with the basic housekeeping. He could handle that much. On the day theyd arranged to start his bit of a trial run, Bucky hesitated at the door, worrying if his neatly tied bun was. looking too sloppy. But it was too late to fix that or anything else, so he rang the doorbell. Stranger: Coming Steve called when he heard the doorbell and he wrangled his rambunctious three year old trying to destroy his living room at the moment. He tickled the little boy as he walked to the door, he had enjoyed talking to Bucky and the man seemed very competent and he was looking forward to getting back to work, it had been a rough year for Alex and himself since Peggy had walked out on them. He pulled open the door and gave a bright smile hoping he didnt look too much of a mess himself, You must be James, its nice to finally meet you in person. He said with a smile holding out his unoccupied hand. You: Nice to finally meet you too, Bucky smiled and shook the hand offered though his immediate attention was on the little boy. So this is Alex, huh? Hi bud, he hummed before looking up to meet Steves eyes and- shit. Sure, hed seen pictures of Steve from what theyd shared in starting out the arrangements, but they didnt do justice to how purely /gorgeous/ Steve was. He swallowed anxiously, but still put on a smile. So, do you mind showing me around? he asked. Stranger: Come on in, Im sorry its a bit of a disaster He said with a shy smile stepping back to let Bucky into the room and glancing at the mess Alex had made, Hi Came his sons small soft voice and he rubbed his leg as he stepped farther into the large house. Downstairs. is the living room, Alexs play room, the kitchen and my office. He said with a smile showing him the rooms. before taking him into the huge kitchen, Upstairs there are three rooms, my master suite, Alexs room and the guest bedroom which share a bathroom. He smiled and set Alex down but the little boy just cling to his leg peeking Shyly and Bucky. You: Dont worry about it, Ive been to homes with six kids, Bucky shrugged, following Steve in for the little tour. He looked around the kitchen when they got there and smiled to himself. There would be plenty of room to make whatever he wanted. Sounds good to me, he nodded with a smile, looking back to Steve. Is there anything else should know, or should go get my bags? he asked. Stranger: Only one other thing, Alex has some health issues, they arent severe but Youll likely have to take him to some doctors appointments and stuff. try to be off for all of that stuff but sometimes just cant get the time. He said biting his lip, he didnt like leaving it all out when they talked but most of the candidates he had spoken too, usually declined his offers once they found out. If thats okay, You can go get your bags and Ill show you the guest room. You: Oh. You didnt mention that before, Bucky said with a slight frown, but didnt seem to be bothered by it. He knelt down to where Alex was and smiled gently at him. Hey pal. Is it okay if stay here a while with you and your dad? he asked, hoping that asking the boys permission instead of just moving in would help ease any fears or worried Alex had about him. Just for a little while. Then you can decide if stay or not. Because you wanna know a secret? he asked in a pretend whisper. Youre actually the boss. So if you dont like me, just say so. Stranger: Im sorry, The last five people Ive spoken with bailed when they found out. He said with a sigh before smiling as Bucky kneeled in front of Alex and spoke, he held his breath a little and hoped Alex would answer, he had been so withdrawn lately and meeting all these new people didnt help. Alex eyes widened as Bucky asked him if he could stay and then said he was the boss, he giggled at that and nodded moving out from behind Steve, Buck he said with a grin patting his arm Stay. You: Bucky couldnt help the bright grin that spread across his face. This right here was why he was a nanny. Thanks, bud! High five! he said, holding his hand out. Once he finished with that, he stood up and smiled at Steve. Ill be right back. dont have too much. Then maybe you can show me how to make some of his favorite foods? Ive gotta know the guaranteed stuff, just in case everything goes wrong. Stranger: Alex baby, go ahead and go play while Daddy and Buck talk okay He said with a smile nodding to Bucky who ran out to get his things and Steve went into the kitchen to start lunch. Bucky, Your room is the last door on the left of the hall upstairs He called out when he heard the door close again. He heard Alex giggling in the next room and he leaned over the partition seeing him pushing the toy cars and motorcycles around the floor. You: Bucky went to get his two bags of luggage that held nearly everything he had. The rest of it was in his car, and if this didnt work out, thats where hed be sleeping until he found a new place. Once he got back inside, he went up to set his things down and at least unpack some clothes before he came back down to join Steve. So. What are we making today? he asked with a hum. Cooking was one of his favorite parts about fulltime gigs, and he always had fun leaming new recipes. Stranger: Alex isnt super picky and love to cook so we are making one of his current favorites, which is Chicken Quesadillas He said with a smile laying out all the ingredients. He loves chicken fingers, peanut butter, normal kid foods but then he also likes hamburgers and that sort of thing He said with a laugh, He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he sighed pulling it out before setting it down, he could call Tony back later. You: Bucky smiled and nodded. make a mean comdog, if do say so myself, he chuckled, moving to wash his hands at the sink. What do you need me to do to help? he asked. Does he have any allergies? Stranger: Not to food, or medications, but he has Asthma and seasonal Allergies that effect that. He said with a smile before setting out the press he used for the quesadillas and tumecd to look at him Lets see could you finish cooking the chicken up for me while call my partner back? He asked glancing at his phone which was lighting up again. You: Bucky nodded, making a mental note of that as he came over to help with the chicken. Of course. Let me know if you need anything else, he said quickly with a trained smile. Partner? Sure, Bucky knew that Steve was a single dad, but itd slipped his mind that he could be still dating someone else right now. Of course, it was silly for Bucky to get attached so quickly. He hadnt even been there a day, and he was worrying about his new clients love life. He sighed and went back to cooking, mentally kicking himself for being such an idiot. Stranger: My business partner He said with a small smile Tony and opened Avengers Cycles about six years ago and this is the longest Ive been gone from the building He said before grabbing his phone and stepping into the hall. He was tapping his foot as he waited for Tony to answer and he shook his head Hey Ton, Yes the new nanny is here No told you wont know until this weekend if Ill be back, Yes Im almost done With Furys concepts....Seriously those bikes were supposed to be finished three weeks ago! Oh God Put him on... He groaned rubbing the side of his head as he waited for one of their workers to get on the line. You: Had Bucky asked that aloud? He smiled back before focusing on the chicken, but he still kept an ear out for Alex in the next room. Business partner. So... no, it didnt matter if Steve was seeing anyone else. Steve was taking a while on the call, and Bucky figured it was important, so he went ahead to finish cooking the quesadillas with what they had ready out on the counter. Stranger: Dum dum, told you to call me if there was an issue, you know that Shield isnt exactly happy when things are late...Alright, alright Yes, Ill call them later and explain. Thanks Dum Dum He muttered before hanging up the phone with a sigh and moving back into the kitchen and smiling Sorry, swear the place would fall apart if it werent for Pepper, Tonys wife but shes on some woman holiday, so itis falling apart He said moving back over to help after peeking in on Alex who was frowning before popping up and running to Bucky tugging on his pant legs Pee pee He said looking a bit scared. You: Bucky looked down at Alex and tumed the stove off.Oh, sure bud. You want daddy to take you? he asked, seeing that Steve was done. Is he potty trained? he asked, arching an eyebrow as he ushered the boy back to his father. Stranger: We are almost there He said with a sigh Its been a bit tough He said scooping the boy up and walking down to the bathroom at the end of the hall, We usually do pretty good during the day but night time is still rough He called as he helped Alex pull his pants and pull up down and sat him on the toilet. You: Bucky nodded a little. Yeah, its a rough stage, he agreed before getting back to the food to finish cooking. Once Steve and Alex were back, he all but had the meal finished, setting it onto plates for everyone. Everyone hungry? he asked setting the dishes out on the dining table, that honestly looked like it hadnt been used for a real meal in ages. Stranger: Ungry Alex giggled as he sat in his chair and looked over at Steve who nodded too and smiled Thank you Bucky, this is such a help already. He said tunning his fingers through Alexs hair before smiling over at Bucky. You: Thats what Im here for, Bucky said modestly, sitting down with them to eat with a smile. Hope make it as good as daddy, he said to Alex before giving Steve a little wink. What the hell was that for? Bucky Teally needed to reel it in, but he couldnt help himself sometimes. Instead, he just focused on Alex and stuffing his own face instead of Steve. Stranger: Steve laughed a little and leaned down to take a couple of bites before blinking I think this is better than mine He said honestly and Alex nodded better! He laughed bouncing in his seat as he finished off his plate completely and banged his hands Thirsty Daddy he said looking at him Please You: Bucky smiled bashfully and shook his head. What do you wanna drink, bud? Ill go get it, he said, holding up a hand for Steve not to get up. Stranger: Milk He grinned swinging his little feet against the seat as he looked over at STeve Uncle Tony come visit soon? He asked looking at him I dont know sweetheart, Hes really busy but Ill talk to him okay He said with a smile ruffling his hair before finishing off his lunch. You: Bucky got up and got milk to drink for everyone, figuring it couldnt hurt. He brought it back to the table and sat Alexs cup in front of him. I take it that youre pretty close? mean, more than just regular business partners? he asked carefully. was probably a safe assumption considering that the boy had just called him uncle. Stranger: Tony and met in College, Hes been one of my best friends for a long time. He said with a smile taking the milk and taking a sip, was his best man and he was mine and we spend most holidays with Him and Pepper. He said with a small shrug, They are the only family have left besides Alex. You: Oh, Bucky said softly, glancing down to his milk. Maybe he shouldnt have asked if it was going to bring up sensitive family stuff. Still, he watched Alex eat, and he was glad that his cooking was a hit. Hed had to deal with plenty of picky eaters, so this was a relief. So... How long do you usually stay at work? Is ita daily commute, or do you sometimes stay over there? Stranger: Daily commute, its only about ten minutes from here but can work long hours especially if Im finishing designs for customers He said helping Alex down as he began to yawn I usually leave at about 7:30 and try to be home by 6 but sometimes it can be as late as midnight. He said with a shrug, especially now that know we are behind on a big deal, it could teally damage the company but its not our fault, They misprinted the design on one of the motorcycles. You: Bucky nodded with a small smile. That sounded doable. Motorcycles, huh? Youll have to show me some of your designs sometime, he said before finishing off his food. He noticed that Alex was looking a little sleepy and stood up to gather the dishes. Nap time? he guessed. Stranger: I can do that after get this guy settled for his nap He said with a smile before he walked upstairs and tucked Alex into his bed kneeling down beside him Love you buddy, have a good nap he said softly tubbing his head as he drifted off and he pushed himself up and walked back downstairs. So what made you get into child care Steve asked genuinely interested as he leaned against the door frame his arms crossed as he watched Bucky clean up. You: Oh. Guess it kinda came naturally to me, Bucky shrugged, glancing up from where he was washing the dishes in the sink. There werent many, so it wasnt much trouble. have a little sister and helped raise her growing up. And when she grew up and started a family, she let me help take care of her kids when was in a rough spot. guess kids just kinda give me something good to focus on, yknow? Theyre the future and all that. He finished up rinsing the dishes and set them on the counter since he didnt know where things went in the kitchen yet. Stranger: Thats really cool that your sister helped you out, Im an only child so never got that experience. wanted a big family He said quietly moving to dry the dishes and putting everything away showing Bucky where they went. Alex is such a joy, wish could give him brothers and sisters, think he would love it. You: Bucky watched quietly, leaning against the counter. Its not too late for that, he pointed out. I mean, dunno whats going on in your life and all, but Im pretty sure you could build up a new family if you wanted to. Stranger: Maybe someday but right now just want to focus on Alex and getting back into the groove at work, Ive been gone off and on for almost a year He said turing to look at him and feeling his heart stutter a little, he hadnt really noticed earlier how handsome Bucky was. havent even thought about dating, and doubt will for awhile. He shrugged before nodding to the hall, Come on down to my office, Ill show you some of the stuff Im working on and we can hash out details of your contract so its ready to go when we come to a decision but honestly think Youll be staying with us for awhile He said with a smile. You: Bucky followed him down the hall, still admiring the little details around the house. There were plenty of pictures of Alex, but almost none of Steve or any other family. He wondered how long it had been that way. Were the quesadillas that good? he joked, stepping into the office behind Steve. He had to admit though, it felt nice to have someone want him to stay after only a couple hours. Stranger: Yes they were He said with a grin looking over his shoulder before he moved to a filing cabinet and pulled out several large sketch books. The walls of the office were plastered with pictures of Alex and Steve, and Motorcycles as well as a few of his more prominent designs. There was a picture of Steve and Tony arms thrown over each others shoulders in front of a small shop that read Avengers Cycles in neon letters, and a picture of Steve as a child, skinny and sickly looking arms curled around the waist of a pretty brunette woman. You: Bucky looked at the pictures around the office, and finally felt like he could find a bit of Steve here. He stepped over to admire the ones of Steve and Alex, and saw who could only be the Tony mentioned earlier, and maybe Steves mother? It was hard to tell, but Bucky didnt feel like he knew Steve well enough to ask yet. So... take it you ride? Or do you just design them? he asked, finding an empty seat to take. Stranger: I ride, or used to, dont get to much with Alex he said with a shrug sitting down as he pulled out a standard contract and then opened up his sketch books, Tony is our engineer, and hes the one who actually puts the motorcycles all together but do the designs and all the details. He said turning the book to show him a sketch he had done for a client a few years. ago. You: Bucky looked at the sketch and was genuinely impressed. Oh, wow. This is incredible. You- you did this yourself? he asked, looking up to Steve in awe. Holy shit. Man, if couldve afforded one of these back in the day, wouldve loved it. Stranger: Steve chuckled blushing a little at the praise was an art major, Ive been drawing all my life He said with a shrug trying to calm down, it had been years. since he had been truly complimented on his work. This was the first bike did for an old friend... He said flipping the pages until he found the old style looking Motorcycle, that had a stylized design done in black on black. Stranger: The Shield logo You: Bucky reached out to run his fingers over the page. Its beautiful. Ill have to come see your shop sometime, he said, smiling at Steve softly. Oh, he was blushing! How sweet, he really did care about his work. Buckys expression softened and he looked back down to the sketches. I hope the project youre working on now goes well. Stranger: Youre more than welcome, Alex loves. coming up because then he gets to see all his friends He said with a small laugh flipping to the other book he pulled up the design, and bit his lip, it was more intricate than he had done before and the sizes of the pieces were all special made which is what had put them behind, Its not a big order just three motorcycles but they are completely custom made, and they misprinted my design on one and sized one of the others wrong. He said with a sigh looking at the design which was a red skull, with flames and stars. It had been an odd request but the group had agreed to his initial sum which was a good deal of money. You: All his friends are at a motorcycle shop? Bucky asked, arching an eyebrow. Havent you taken him to maybe a park, or even just the neighbors kids? He was distracted by the new design though and whistled low. Wow. Thats pretty. can see it not being easy though. Im sure youll get it worked out though. You: brb Stranget jo, we go to the park and stuff, but the nobogy in this neighborhood has kids near his age and Peggy was always the one that tried to find the groups to take him to. He said with a shrug looking down at the design again All my friends work with me, they all adore alex and dote on him, so he loves going to see m not saying that its bad that they get along with him. But hes growing and he should have some friends his own age. Ill look into any local activities for kids his age and see what we can find, Bucky said, paying more attention to Steve more. Youre a good dad, Steve. can tell already. And Im just here for when youve gotta take care of other stuff. Itll be fine, he said gently. Stranger: Steve gave a shy smile and picked at his sleeve Thank you, dont hear that often anymore. He said quietly looking up at him and biting his lip Peggy and I, we were good, when we started but then my business took off and we found out she was pregnant and it just seemed to break us, Im grateful Alex was so young when it happened, he wont remember the fighting. You: Bucky was quiet for a few long moments before he decided that he should try to comfort Steve even if they hardly knew each other. Listen. know some people feel like calling in a nanny is like giving up on being a parent or something, but its not. Youre just Tecognizing that you need some help, and its a lot better than leaving Alex on his own all day. You love him, and he loves you so much, he said, reaching to put his hand on Steves. Ill do my best to make this easier on you, okay? Ill take care of Alex and make sure hes happy. Well be best friends soon, Im sure. And you focus on what you need to. Dont worry about us. Stranger: Steve smiled a little and looked down at the hand on his own Thank you Bucky that means a lot truly He said turning his hand to give the others a light squeeze before he swallowed and pulled the contract forward, Alex needs friends his age, know he will be starting school in a couple of years and he is awkward whenever we meet new people, You are the first person hes really lightened up with on the first meeting. He smiled again and scrubbed his face, Why dont you look this over and make any changes you want. He said pulling out a totally different sketch book and pausing for a moment, I hope the salary is okay, Its a little less than what nannys usually ask for but Ive thrown in benefits through my company and theres bonuses too. You: Oh, really thats generous. Honestly, Im just glad for the place to stay, Bucky said honestly, taking the paperwork to look over. He could go visit Becca on holidays, and the benefits werent anything to tum down. So... How long were you thinking this will go? he asked carefully, glancing up to Steve. Hed had jobs. that were looking from a few months to a few years. And with the way Steve seemed wom down by things at work, Bucky wasnt sure how stable his own position would be. Stranger: was thinking we could do a year, with the opportunity to extend the contract if you wanted to stay on. He said looking up at him from the sketch he was doing almost absentmindedly, Or if it was better for you we could do six months and then revisit. You: A year is fine with me, if thats what youre looking for, Bucky said quickly, looking back to the forms. I dont see anything to change here. It looks fine. Theyd already gone over most of the basics over their emails, so most of what was left was actually starting. He reached for a pen on the desk and signed his name on the line before sliding it back over to Steve. I still count Alex as my boss though, he half teased. Stranger: Steve smiled and signed where he was supposed too before looking up at Bucky Alex is the boss, even of me He said with a laugh before he tucked the contract away and closed the sketch book, he wasnt really sure he want Bucky too see that he had been drawing him. So let me give you a proper tour of the house now that Alex is down for a bit. He said pushing himself up with a smile. Is your car totally Teliable? he asked Because if not can leave you mine and take my motorcycle to and from work. You: Bucky stood up after him and nodded a little. Its old, but its gotten me this far, he said with a shrug. If have any problems with it, Ill let you know. He smiled back at Steve, trying not to think about Steve on his motorcycle. One that he designed himself. Incredibly hot, but still in the back of Buckys mind, it scared him. He absently rubbed at the scar hidden under his shirt on his left arm and shoulder thinking about his own accident, but he forced a smile back on to follow Steve on the extended tour. Any places shouldnt go, aside from your room of course. Stranger: Nope nothings off limits, even my room you can go into if you need to for something, just knock if im home He said leaning him out to the garage where the washer and dryer were, as well as his suv and his motorcycle. Anything you need to do, your more than welcome, cleaning, shopping any thing like that, as long as know whats going on ahead of time Im cool with it. This is the backyard He said pushing open the door that led to a pretty spacious backyard with a playset and sand box, Alex loves coming outside when its nice but we have to be careful because of his asthma. You: Bucky looked out the door and stepped onto the porch, looking around. Wow. This is pretty nice, he smiled, looking back to Steve. Guess the motorcycles treat you pretty well. Well have tons of fun out here. Not much running, he promised, making a mental note to look up some games they could do outside that wouldnt be hard on the lungs. So tell me more about Alex. want to make sure we get along. Stranger: We do pretty well He said with a laugh before he leaned against the porch and looked up at the sky, Alex, loves cars and trains and trucks. He likes bedtime stories and cuddles and hes extremely smart but then so was his mom He said with a soft sigh You: And what, you just pull those designs out of your ass? Youre smart too, Bucky said, not liking how self- deprecating You: *Steve could be. Anything that definitely should avoid at all costs? Stranger: Not really, Hes pretty good about telling me when he doesnt like something but otherwise he is a pretty easy going kiddo. He said with a smile tuming to look at him Did you like the room? he asked You: Yes, its very nice, thank you again, Bucky said with a nod. I think Im going to like it here. Alex is a good kid, and youre not so bad yourself. He tried to play it off as a joke, but if he kept this up, it would be clear that it wasnt just being playful. So. Uh, what kinds of things do you expect to be done by the time you get home each day? he asked, wanting to change the subject. Stranger: Steve smiled as he walked back into the house Not much really, just if Im late make sure Alex is in bed, maybe have something for me to eat, its not a big deal if you dont can cook for myself when get home. He said with a shrug Clean up a bit maybe, Alex likes to destroy rooms He laughed You: Good thing Im a pro at cleaning rooms, Bucky smiled, following him back in. And Ill be sure to have something ready for you. If youve had a day that long, you deserve to have dinner made for you. He looked around, feeling a little more acquainted with the place. If you want to get back to your work, can go up to my room and finish unpacking. Ill keep an ear out if Alex wakes up, he offered. Stranger: That would be great thank you He said with a smile grabbing his phone from the counter and smiling at him again I really think this is going to work out well bucky, Im glad that you answered my ad He said before he went back to his office. You: Bucky felt the blush creeping up to his cheeks as Steve went back to the office. He sighed and leaned against the counter, silently reminding himself that he has a job to do and definitely shouldnt be falling for this guy. Even if he was beautiful and kind and talented and- right, never mind. He went up to his new room to sort his few possessions and flopped onto the bed, letting his hair free while he took a quick nap himself. Stranger: Steve sighed as he leaned against the door of his office, trying to get his thoughts under control, Bucky was gorgeous and sweet and Alex seemed to adore him. He sat down at his desk and tried to work on his sketches for work but eventually he pulled out the other sketchbook and went back to work on the sketch of Bucky. Eventually he heard Alex moving around in his room and he got up heading up the stairs. You: Bucky was still a little drowsy from his nap, but managed to get up to check on Alex when he heard the sounds. Hey Alex. You up from your nap too? he asked, coming over to sit on the floor next to the boy, messy hair flowing down to his shoulders. Whatcha doin there, bud? Stranger: Buck? He asked looking up as him with a smile Like He said tugging on the hair with a smile Play cars? He asked holding up the cars he was rolling around on the carpet. Yo ucky smiled back and nodded, taking a red car to join in with him. It was nice, just making engine sounds with him and running over the other toys with it. He hardly noticed when Steve finally got there. Stranger: Steve just stood in the doorway watching them play and he took it all in, Alex had instantly liked Bucky which wasnt something that happened usually, and as he looked Bucky over he smiled, He liked the messy hair. He took a step into the room and smiled sitting down in one smooth movement Can daddy play too little man? He asked smiling at Bucky as Alex handed him a truck and promptly ran over Steves hand with his car. Stranger: ((Brb)) You: Bucky looked a little embarrassed, feeling like he was a bit of a mess since hed just woken up. But it was nice to just let Alex be in charge of play time, and have Steve be there too. He could tell how close they were, and almost felt a little jealous of it. Of course, Steve was. his actual father and thats how kids always were, but still. Bucky could imagine getting that close to his own child one day, and then not have to leave after a few months or a year. Stranger: Steve smiled a little and looked over at Bucky who was very attentive to his son, he knew this was going to work as long as he could remember that Bucky was an employee and it wouldnt be smart to start to fall for him. Anything in particular you want for dinner Alex? He asked before the boy shook his head looking up at him Can we go ouside? He asked softly looking expectant. You: Bucky looked over to Steve. can make dinner if you two want to go out, he offered, setting the car down. I could even cook out there if you have a grill. But whatevers best for you. He looked up to Steve with a small smile, just wanting to make this little family do have a grill but cant guarantee its functional he said with a laugh shaking his head a bit as he looked over We have steaks and stuff Im pretty sure if not can give you some cash to run to the store. You:Oh no, dont mean to make it more difficult. can work with what we have here, and can just stay in the kitchen, Bucky said quickly, shaking his head. I can look through the fridge and see what there is. If theres. anything you want to request for tomorrow, can go to the store in the morning. Stranger: You dont have to stay inside Bucky, its a nice day and Im pretty sure the grill works Its just been awhile since used it myself. Stranger: He said looking over at him with a smile But we can look and see what we have first, and Ill make a list for tomorrow, know need food. He laughed grabbing Alexs shoes You: Bucky smiled back and nodded. Alright. Ill go on and see if can get it to work if you want to help Alex get ready, he offered, standing up to stretch. Stranger: Steve nodded watching Bucky stretch before he tured to his son and got him ready to go outside to play. They ambled downstairs after a little bit and Steve grabbed Alexs inhaler and they went outside. You: Bucky slipped his shoes on and went outside, pulling the cover off of the grill. It was a nice one, but it did look like it hadnt been used in a while. He tried the knobs, seeing what would start and if there were any leaks. It took a couple tries, but finally he got it to ignite. Alright. Steaks it is. Alex, do you want steak or something else? he asked with a smile, leaning over the railing on the patio to see them down on the grass. Stranger: Hamburger! Alex squealed bouncing around his dad before taking off for the play set and climbing up the side very carefully. Steve beamed up at Bucky before going over to play with Alex, his mind on Bucky and how well he already fit here. The house was. already starting to feel more like home. You: Bucky chuckled, having figured that something a little more kid-friendly would be on the menu anyway. He didnt mind it though, and he watched them play for another moment. He caught Steves gaze and glanced away bashfully before going back inside where he could blush in private. He went through the fridge to familiarize himself and find what hed need for the meal, and prepared what he could in the kitchen before he brought the meat and some pineapple slices out to the grill, starting the steaks on the grill before any of the smaller foods. Itd been a while since hed been able to cook like this, and it was nice to be outside and feel included. Stranger: Steve watched Alex play for awhile before he heard Bucky come back out and his gaze shifted to him, watching as he started cooking their food he smiled a little and pushed Alex on the swings. This was what he had intended for their home, a place where everyone felt loved and there was good food and good company. He would invite Tony and Pepper over soon, introduce them to Bucky, have a nice meal outside like they used too. You need any help Bucky? He called as Alex went over to the sandbox. You: Bucky glanced up from the grill, surprised. No one ever offered to help the nanny. He /was/ the help. Uh, no thanks. think Ive got it. You can stay with Alex, he called back with a little wave and a smile. The smile didnt fade as he flipped the steaks and started the little hamburger. Once the meat was all cooked, he quickly grilled the pineapple slices while the other food rested, and he set the little table on the patio. Hed taken the liberty of using some of the lemonade mix hed found inside as well. Dinners ready, he called. Stranger: Come on pup Steve said scooping Alex up and listening making sure he wasnt wheezy before he climbed the steps to the patio and smiled It smells. delicious Bucky He said with a smile settling Alex in his seat and moving to sit down as well ruffling the little boys hair and smiling over at Bucky. God he had forgotten what this was like, feeling like he was happy and content for the first time in a great long while. You: Bucky smiled and set a slice of pineapple on the burger with a little teriyaki sauce on it. Try this, and if you dont like it, Ill make you a new one, he promised. He took a couple extra slices for himself and set them on the side of his plate. Youre welcome to try some. Theyre really good, especially with a little of the sauce. But didnt wanna put it directly on a perfectly good steak, he said to Steve with a smile, hoping hed like it. Stranger: Alex nodded looking up at Steve who dutifully cut the hamburger in hand for him and then smiled at Bucky I love teriyaki He said before putting a few slices on his plate as well and watching as Alex took a bite. Alex chewed for a moment before he beamed over at Bucky Yummy! He said taking another bite happily, Steve settled down to eat and smiled licking his lips God this is amazing, think Im gonna let you cook all the time. You: Isnt that why youre keeping me around? Bucky half-teased, but was grinning wide. He was proud that hed managed to make two meals that everyone had liked so far. In his book that was a strong win. He took a bite of his own food, humming happily. Next time when have more time to prepare, Ill get a proper marinade for it, he mumbled. Hed have to figure out what kinds of tastes the two had. So far, they both seemed easy going and very sweet. Like father like son. Part of him wondered how anyone could walk out on such a loving family, but that wasnt Buckys place. Stranger: Steve smiled happily forgoing conversation to focus on the delicious food, this was exactly what he needed, the time to focus back on his work and making sure that Alex was happy and well adjusted. That sounds great Bucky really, and Ill make sure to make up list for the store, maybe we can make it a trip for all of us? He said with a shy smile. You: Bucky blinked in surprise. You want to come too? - okay, sure, he nodded, not wanting them to think he didnt want them. But hed usually been sent on errands to be out of the way while everyone else did their own more important things. A smile touched his lips again. Yeah, you can show me where you like to go, what kinds of things you prefer. Stranger: We dont do much here so really the trip out of the house will do us good He said with a smile and nodded That sounds great, really it will be nice to do some things before head back to work, need to pick up some things myself for work, need some new sketchbooks. He smiled biting his lip I think might pick up some paints as well, its been a long time since painted. You: So youre an artist beyond the workshop, huh? Bucky asked, idly sipping his lemonade while he watched Steve bite his lip. Youll have to show me some of your work. Maybe should have some in my room. Make it a little more cozy. He smiled, not Tealizing that he had a little bit of teriyaki sauce on his I told you was an art student, can use most mediums he said with a smile before seeing the sauce he reached over with his napkin and wiped it off, before freezing once he realized what he had done, ...Of course can show you some. He said his face turing bright red. Stranger: ((Im really sorry but it is getting really late, would you like to continue over email? You: sure friend! can send my reply there Stranger: (Awesome, mine is You: cool. Ill reply and send the log. sleep tight, Ive still got pizza to finish :P Stranger: (( yummy, have a good night!)
Stranger: Hello! M here. You: You find yourself in a dank, dark dungeon. Before you is a bloodthirsty beast, a 7 foot tall Gnoll. Its hyena-like jaw stretches open an unnatural amount as it charges toward you. What do you do? Stranger: Fling myself to the side to try and get out of its direct path, first Stranger: Am carrying anything? Torch maybe? You: You have your full dungeoneering kit, you aint no slouch. Sword, shield, bow, torch, and 10 feet of rope. You: You manage to dodge out of the way. The beast, surprised by your agility, is temporarily stunned! Stranger: Perfect! aim to wound the beast, going for whatever limb is closest to me with my sword. Itd be better to deter it than try to go immediately for a kill, think. You: You strike at a leg, disabling the Gnoll. It attempts to flee down the tunnel. Stranger: follow in its wake, trusting that it will know better than a safe passage through any traps that lie in wait. You: Excellent idea! You know that it has run in the direction of the treasure you seek, but you know not what dangers lie ahead. You: Due to its injury, you are able to keep pace if you so choose, but it is aware of your presence. You can keep up, or fall behind and try to follow at a distance. Stranger: don Stranger: t trust being able to see from a distance, so keep pace- sword at the ready. You: Very well. The beast continues to yelp and cackle all the while, alerting any potential allies to your presence, You: The tunnel splits, and the beast take the left side. Stranger: Do perceive any difference in the forked choices? You: The thin stream of sepsis you had been following flows to the right. The left hand path is wide, better maintained, and dry. Stranger: Left path, definitely. Stranger: Cant risk having to suddenly swim, think. You: Excellent. You keep the beast in sight. As you continue to make your way forward, you do managed to notice the creature avoiding a number of pressure plates and tripwires. These would have been much harder to see had you been traveling on your own. Stranger: give myself a mental pat on the back for being so cunning and cool. B) Stranger: And not to mention humble! You: After another minute of travel, the creature leads you into an wide open chamber! It leaps to the side as you exit the tunnel. Stranger: Do hear it continue moving? Or is it lying in wait? You: The space ahead of you has grown eerily silent. Stranger: H#rmmmmmm Stranger: call out, keeping my back to the cave just passed through for a sense of familiarity of space. Hello! Is anyone there? You: You wait for a moment and hear no reply. Stranger: soldier on forward, slowly. keep my arm high to try to illuminate in front of me with the torch. You: Torch in one hand, sword in another, you venture from the tunnel into the wide open chamber. You: You see a massive cistern. There is a massive circular whole in the middle and a number of heavy streams of water flow into from high up above you. You: There are 3 ledges along the wall, evenly spaced about 10 feet above you. One at 10 OClock, one at 2 OClock, and one directly above you. You: The Gnoll you had been following is nowhere to be seen. Stranger: Can reach into the cistern? You: The cistern is around 15 feet across. You can approach and look down into it if you like. Stranger: Oh, was thinking more of a basin. Hrm. You: This is a deep hole with streams of water flowing into it from high above. You cannot see more than a few feet down from where you are standing. Stranger: Can drink the water? want to drink the water. You: You hear the sound of hyenas laughing in the distance as you deliberate... You: Youll have to step forward to the edge of the cistern to reach out and fill your hands with water. Stranger: absolutely do that Stranger: Give me the forbidden sips You: Very well. You: The water is clean and clear rainwater from the storm you saw in the distance when you entered the dungeon. You: You stand on the edge of the cister, taking in the refreshing water. You: You hear something heavy drop down behind you! You: Then a second and a third! Stranger: :0! You: There are now Three (3!) Gnolls slowly and deliberately marching toward you. You: You have nothing but the wide open cistern behind you. You: One draws a curved sword. Two others draw bows. Stranger: Okay, so Stranger: How much distance are we talking? feel like a good shield fling is in order to nail one of the bow!gnolls Stranger: But not if theyre a big distance away You: The two bowgnolls have stopped about 15 feet from you as the one with the sword growls menacingly and continues to march toward you. You: You can probably throw your shield. Yo s farther than you have practiced, but within the realm of possibility. Stranger: Plan is: Throw shield, move in close to sword gnoll, put him between myself and one of the bow gnolls, and engage You: You throw the shield at the rightmost gnoll, and it rolls out of the way! You deal no damage, but you have a moment to react as the sudden movement distracts all three. You: You make a strike at the nearest Gnoll, swordboi. It narrowly avoids your strike You: In the next moment, you hear a sickening thud a an arrow slams into the back on the beast in front of you! Stranger: Yes!! Stranger: Gonna keep the momentum, and take the opportunity to strike at the swordboi who is probably distracted by the arrow while can. A hit to the core should do the trick? You: You stab the beast in the chest, and with a final rasping breath it falls to its knees. You: The gnoll you had thrown your shield at has recover and fires and arrow at you! You: Unprotected, the arrow strikes you in the knee. Stranger: ( Awh man, guess Im not an adventurer anymore :x ) You: You are not disabled, but you know that should you survive the endeavor, the long term consequences of this injury means your adventuring days are over. Stranger: Hahahahaha, perfect yes You: The right most gnoll draws and arrow as the leftmost draws one. You: lol draws and nocks You: rightboi is about to shoot you, leftboi is recovering. Stranger: Rightboi it is! put both hands on my sword for a running thrust at him, once my sword is retrieved from the swordlad You: You rush forward! You: (It is at this point will ask you your class. Fighter (sword specialty) ranger (bow speciality) or Knight (defence speciality) Stranger: Fighter, for sure. You: Sure enough. The gnoll releases its arrow. You move to dodge, but your injured knee impedes your movement. Another arrow strike you in your right shoulder as you FULLY DECAPITATE the beast before you. One Gnoll remains, and it has you in its sights. Stranger: Knowing that speed is no longer my strong suit, Im gonna try to intimidate the poor guy by chucking his buddys now removed head at him while roaring fiercely. You: Excellent! Your display has shaken the creatures confidence. Its shot goes wide. You have a moment while it reloads. Stranger: move in on the gnoll, aiming to sweep its legs out from under it (or nail a particularly nasty hamstring) while it fumbles about. You: You move in on the gnoll before it has full nocked and arrow. You: You can go for a killing blow or a non-fatal one. The creature is at your mercy. Stranger: Do these gnolls speak english? Am able to interrogate? You: Maybe? They seem to be reasonably intelligent, but you have not heard one speak english yet. Stranger: deliver a swift boot to the chest, to knock it cleanly on its ass. My sword poised ready at its throat to slice it clean open. Wheres the treasure? command from the poor creature. You: There is a look of both terror and recognition in its eyes. It seems to understand you. You: It is at this point will ask you, adventurer, what drives you? Love, treasure, or faith? Stranger: A combination of love and treasure. The kind of fighter who has a tab at every bar and a reputation among townsfolk twice as far. You: Very nice. The Gnoll points toward the ledge it had dropped down from, above the tunnel you entered through. Treasure there the beast says in a broken common tongue. Treasure there! Do not kill! Pups need! Stranger: nod in appreciation before delivering a heavy elbow to the gnolls head to knock it out for the time being. You: How very merciful. The ledge lies before you, 10 feet up the wall. Stranger: First, want to collect the belongings Ive strewn about the room to get back to sorts. Stranger: Also if have any use for the bows or extra swords, Id like to packrat those away as well. Stranger: Then! We set to climbing. You: You gather your shield. You also gather a few extra arrows and a sword. You: You find foothold to bring you a portion of the way to the ledge, but between the slimy algae that coats the walls and you injured knee and shoulder you can go no further. You: You do get high enough to see a new tunnel in the wall beyond the ledge, and a lantern above the arch of this tunnel. Stranger: // This has been great. Im gonna take off though. Happy trails mystery omegle DM!
You: hi Stranger: m Stranger: hey You: how ru Stranger: fine You: nice to meet u
You: Hi Stranger: HELLO You: Who are you You: 1m jack Stranger: BEEBE You: Genocide jack Stranger: oh crazy bitch
You: M Stranger: Hello Stranger: 38 f You: i m just 23 :( Stranger: So You: i thought u gonna leave after hearing that You: how r you Stranger: Age doesnt matter here Stranger: Name You: okay..if u say so You: im ravi You: how about you? Stranger: You are not interested? You: i m very cant a 23 yo virgin not be interested in a any girl You: teach me yaar You: talk to me pis Stranger: Ok ok Stranger: Roleplay? You: okay..tell me your dirtiest fantasy n we will do that You: mine You: is to Yo jo it with my professsor You: ;) Stranger: Hookup with some young guys Stranger: In shaadi function or any public place You: okay..lets do this..its my brothers marriage and u r his wifes elder sister You: we saw each other You: in some ceremony or something You: instant connection You: u let me to Yo secluded place You: j went behind You: u like a good little puppy Stranger: (wait wait this looks like romantic one) You: fuck i m getting all turned on You: thinking about it Stranger: (Im looking for some wild and dirty roleplay) You: like what Yor tell me You: then Stranger: Just kuch bhi Stranger: But not like pyar ho gya ya fir uss type ka nhi
You: hey there 34m Stranger: hey f 20 You: Im Andrew Stranger: hey Andrew in Lexi You: Pretty name Stranger: aww thanks You: So, what do you look like Lexi? Stranger: um i have dirty blonde hair blue eyes am 5 5 fit petite build, tan You: sounds cute. You: flyer? Stranger: aww thanks Stranger: you kno it:) You: nice, any chance you have a pic? Stranger: um id rather chat more first b4 i share pics You: cool cool You: So what all do you do for fun? Stranger: um i like to hang out with friends/party, workout, shop, travel You: cool. So partying? You a wild girl? Stranger: um i like to have my fun lo You: HEh, what kind of fun is that? Stranger: idk lol im just a tyical college girl You: So you like to fuck around :-P Stranger: like i said, i like to have fun lol You: Whats the wildest thing youve done? Stranger: hmm i gor butt naked at a frat party lol You: did you get fucked there? Stranger: later on in the night but not in front of everyone You: ever done a 3some? Stranger: for sure lol You: 2 guys? Stranger: yea and 2 girls You: ever been fucked in your uniform? Stranger: in my high school uniform yea You: nice, always wanted to do that with a girl. Stranger: yea guys seem to love that lol You: how many guys have had that privilege? Stranger: just 1 You: damn, lucky guy You: how many guys have you been with total? Stranger: ive had sex with 10 You: damn nice. Got a fav position? Stranger: um cowgirl id say lol You: um, chest size? lol Stranger: 32b You: wow, love b cups Stranger: there the best You: yep, any bigger just feels like a way You: waste Stranger: yea You: so, do you like talking aout this stuff? Stranger: yea kinda lol You: lol, tum you on a bit? Stranger: maybe a little You: so, when was your last time? Stranger: thurs night You: bf? Stranger: nope single You: nice, was he a new guy? Stranger: yea lol You: nice, whered you meet him? Stranger: a frat party You: was he good? Stranger: decent yea You: how many times you guys go? Stranger: 3 You: not bad, you get loud? Stranger: a little lol You: nice You: so whats the oldest youve been w/? Stranger: 40s You: damn, howd he get so lucky Stranger: idk lol he is one of my sorority sisters dads You: nice, he married? Stranger: yea You: nice, like fucking married guys? Stranger: kinda i kno its bad tho You: How many married guys have you fucked? Stranger: just him Yo Imm, where ya from? might need to make a visit - Stranger: lol texas You: damn, thats a long drive from Michigan You: but bet you wear a bikini all summer, dont you? Stranger: all summer? try all year You: damn You: nice You: But all the guys drool Stranger: lol yea ori wear less if im home alone You: little nudist? Stranger: a lot nudist lol You: nice You: so if youve only fucked 10 guys, how many cocks have you sucked? Stranger: no idea lol, a lot more You: nice You: so, um, any chance could see you? love getting to see gorgeous cheerleaders (which doesnt happen often) Stranger: you will have to eam it, you can guess which one iam from our cheer pic You: lol OK, what do get if win? Stranger: you get to know what 1 iam lol You: lol oh OK Stranger: https:/ centerforcampuslife/spiritsquads/images/cheer/161 7/ AllGirl1617_1 jpg You: Hmm, time to think Stranger: ok lol You: front row? Stranger: you just have to make ur pick, no clues lol You: front row, left Stranger: damn your good lol You: :-D You: dirty blond, nice and tan, fit, petite, perfect tits Stranger: i guess i was just a good descriptor lol, any other girls you were thinking might be me lol ? You: back row 2nd left or far right, but the left wasnt petite enough and the right wasnt dirty blonde Stranger: ok yea smart guessing tho lol You: you are the prettiest of the group Stranger: aww your just saying that:) You: nope, theres only 2 in that pic that would want. Front left and top right lol Stranger: really? only 2 youd fuck? You: maybe the 4 comers lol Stranger: lol ok interesting, guys always say the girl in thr front row, 2nd from the right is really hot You: shes OK You: so, whichis the sluttiest girl on the squad? Stranger: um the girl right over my left shoulder is a straight up whore lol Stranger: and the one i mentioned is similar to me, likes to have fun You: so what about the other comers? Stranger: top right comer has a bf , not wild Stranger: top left is a virgin lol You: and bottom right? Stranger: she likes to fuck You: you been with any of them? Stranger: 2 yea can u guess which lol You: bottom right and the one above you? Stranger: one above me is 1 You: front 2nd from right? Stranger: yup lol You: nice Stranger: solid guessing again lol You: am winning anything? Stranger: no lo You: aww You: was hoping for something in a bikini :-P Stranger: lol sorry:) You: So why havent you fucked in your college uniform yet? Stranger: im scared of guys ripping it You: ah You: so ever fuck in public? Stranger: yea when i skinny dipped You: nice, anyone watch? Stranger: yea well my cheer team in hs skinny dipped with the football team after we won state, soi everyone was kinda fucking You: how many guys you have then? Stranger: huh You: when you skinny dip, just fuck one guy or more than one? Stranger: just 1 You: suck any? Stranger: nno i woulda drowned lol You: haha You: whend you lose your cherry? Stranger: i was 15, after homecoming You: nice, was it good? Stranger: it hurt like hell lol You: how old was the guy? Stranger: 16 You: was he a virgin too? Stranger: no You: Whered it happen? Stranger: in his baasement lol You I You: so what was your best fuck ever? Stranger: a guy at school that i fucked for a couple months last year, just great at fucking lol You: like it rough? Stranger: omg i wish guys werent so scared to get rough You: how rough you like it? Stranger: like scratch me, pull my hair, spamk me You: cream pies? Stranger: ehh idk You: ever had it? Stranger: no You: Where do you like guys to cum? Stranger: my chest You: nice You: condom or pill? Stranger: im on the pill now You: so how hard is it to get with you? lol Stranger: depends on how many tequilla shots ive had lol You: how hard to get those in you? lol Stranger: ;lol now thats pretty easy You: so a bottle of tequilla, check Stranger: lol that would kill mw You: didnt say youd drink the whole thing Stranger: lol good You: body shots :-P Stranger: omg an old man like you knows body shots? You: old man? lol Stranger: loli said it You: lol well this old man wants to treat you nice and rouhg You: Lol you there Lexi? You: :-/
You: hiii Stranger: dj snake ft Jb Stranger: how are u doing You: m duin fine! wou? Stranger: pretty good You: whats urname? You: m joey Stranger: KAMAL but ma friend call me Lyrics Boy You: ohh nice Stranger: wbu ?? You: wait k You: m talking to ma mom lol Stranger: lol Stranger: tell her that m saying hi You: sure11 Stranger: well bro should go Stranger: cuz you take a long time You: ALMOST DONE LOL You: JOEY SANCHEZ Stranger: 06962109922 Stranger: 0696210922 Stranger: 213696210922 You: T. JOEL Stranger: https:/
Stranger: Y you sad You: idk guess Im just letting a girl play with my emotions and dont know how to stop it Stranger: Have you communicated Stranger: With her You: mean its really complicated but if actually talked with her about it feel like she would leave me and as much as she hurts me sometimes, idk if can live without her Stranger: understand Stranger: But Stranger: can tell you dont love yourself enough Stranger: If you did Stranger: You wouldnt let someone play with you like that Stranger: You need to value yourself enough Stranger: To not let ppl Stranger: Hurtyou You: youre right, Idk if Ive ever fully loved myself You: just see so much wrong in myself Stranger: What wrongs do you see? Stranger: Its important to love and respect yourself first, if you did then trust me this girl wouldnt even be topic of convo rn Stranger: Y dont you love yourself? You: Im just not as confident as id like to be, dont find myself good looking, Im incredibly awkward especially around girls, dont have many friends, dont know what want to do in my life, etc could go on forever Stranger: Ok well first thing you need to do Stranger: Is tell me Stranger: The good things about yourself Stranger: Are you a nice person? Stranger: Are you respectful Stranger: Etc Stranger: Write a list You: yeah thats something, see myself as a kind loyal person Stranger: Kind and loyal.. its very rare to meet a loyal person Stranger: You should be proud of that Stranger: Obvs youre trust worthy Stranger: Being trusted is far more important than being loved Stranger: Its more honourable in my opinion You: just have trouble trusting others Stranger: Id feel flattered if soemone trusted me more than love Stranger: Trust should be earned Stranger: You shouldnt trust anyone-everyone that easily Stranger: Let them in but not all the way You: dont know if Ive ever trusted someone in my life. mean not 100 Stranger: You need to realise that no one is perfect Stranger: Everyone has flaws Stranger: It takes time Stranger: Most importantly Stranger: Trust yourself Stranger: Love and respect yourslef Stranger: Self * Stranger: When you do all that Stranger: Ppl will know how to love and respect you too Stranger: You need to show ppl that youre not ordinary Stranger: Everyone is different Stranger: dont believe in mortality Stranger: So everyone is different and have their own right and wrongs You: just feel like my happiness depends on the happiness of others You: dont know how to go about loving myself Stranger: Like said Stranger: Write a list Strange in good things about yourself Stranger: Learn to love them Stranger: Appreciate them Stranger: The more you do that Stranger: The more itll show and ppl will want to love and appreciate too Stranger: This girl playing with your emotions.. thats not her fault. Youre letting her Stranger: If you respected loved yourself Stranger: She wouldnt be on your mind Stranger: You obvs dont Stranger: And thats very toxic Stranger: Dont let ppl walk all over you Stranger: No one deserves that You: the thing is dont think she knows its hurting me Stranger: You should leave her You: and Im afraid that if tell her shes gonna take it the wring way You: wrong Stranger: If she does then shes not the one.. Stranger: Shes not worth your stress fou need to value yourself enough Stranger: How does she play with your emotions ? Stranger: ? You: well dated this girl for almost a year and it had its ups and downs. weve had to take a break a few times but recently shes been coming to me and showing me all sorts of affection and then the next day she wont speak to me. during these times feel on top of the world but then she walks away and sink to the bottom You: but shes keeps coming back which makes me think she still cares about me Stranger: Youve let this girl take control over your life and thats so so bad Stranger: You need to cut her out Stranger: If she genuinely loved you Stranger: Shed be with you 24/7 Stranger: And not let you feel or think thsi way Stranger: She treats you this way because you let her Stranger: You need to stand up for yourself and let go Stranger: Move on Stranger: You should talk to her about it and see what she thinks You: just dont think id be able to live with myself after that. mean have no one else to rely on Stranger: Maybe she doesnt want you at all or maybe she does Stranger: And has trouble expressing atm Stranger: Youre not suppose to rely on anyone els buy yourself Stranger: Youre a man so act like one You: dont want to be alone in this world Stranger: You wont be alone Stranger: You dont even like this girl Stranger: It sounds like youre just emotionally attached Stranger: Shes giving you confidence Stranger: Thats wrong Stranger: Its not suppose to be like that Stranger: You should gain it from yourself Stranger: Not from others Stranger: Dont let ppl use you Stranger: Its not good for your mental health Stranger: ItIll hit you later in life You: how do you know all this stuff? feel like what youre saying is all right but I just dont know how to respond Stranger: It comes from experience Stranger: dont know enough tbh Stranger: still have a lot to learn Stranger: am Stranger: No different to you or thsi girl Stranger: Just trying to better myself everyday Stranger: You need to explore more Stranger: Travel and meet new/diff ppl Stranger: Youve been stuck in this bubble for so long you need to get out and try something different Stranger: Its the best way to move on Stranger: And grow mentally You: can tell you one more thing? Stranger: Yes Stranger: Ofc You: every time we talk she always says how she could never see me with another girl and it makes me feel guilty even though dont talk to other girls Stranger: Shes being selfish hats not love ove is scared and pure acred* he wouldnt be treating you like his Stranger: This Stranger: If she actually cared Stranger: Shes being very selfish he has too much control over you Stranger: You need to put an end to it Stranger: It can get very ugly You: feel like theres a detail Ive left out Stranger: Tell me Stranger: Theres no judging here You: this is a long distance relationship and Ive only seen her in person for like 2 weeks. She wants me to move out there with her but Im hesitant because of all thats been happening. like dont want to go all the way out there and have her leave me and Im stuck there Stranger: Youre letting a girl who doesnt respect you at all make hoj Stranger: You Stranger: Leave your home Stranger: And start a new life with her Stranger: Is she worth it Stranger: ? You: the time Ive spent with her was amazing and shes more committed when Im actually with her. thats why Im thinking the distance is whats making her act like this Stranger: Hmm Stranger: Thats a tough one Stranger: mean Stranger: If that was the case then youd be bad with communicating too Stranger: But maybe shes just good with phones Stranger: You should tell her how much it bothers you Stranger: If she doesnt show change Stranger: Or tries to Stranger: Then shes not worth it Stranger: If she doesnt change and make effort Stranger: Then ofc you should Stranger: Wait Stranger: None of that made snese Stranger: Sense Stranger: typed in wrong order Imao Stranger: Imesnt Stranger: If she changes after you tell her Stranger: Then you should do what makes you happy and move with her Stranger: If she doesnt change then dont waste your time with her You: what exactly am telling her again? Stranger: That her lack of communication is making you question her love for you Stranger: Can she try to communicate better Stranger: And be more expressive Stranger: Listen to her answers and understand them You: oh see Stranger: Wasnt that the issue ? Stranger: Tell her how you feel Stranger: Tell her that you feel like thsi isnt going anywhere cause she doesnt communicate enough etc Stranger: You want to make it work Stranger: But you dont think the feelings are mutual Stranger: Will she work on it Stranger: For you Stranger: Ask her these things You: got to write some of this stuff down Stranger: Just be honest and tell her how you feel Stranger: If she takes it the wrong way then shes not for you Stranger: Theres 9billion ppl . This Stranger: In Stranger: World Stranger: Dont let 1 girl ruin it for you Stranger: You have potential and a lot of time Stranger: Love yourself and dont rush in to things Stranger: Go with the flow You: guess another thing is that would be willing to move out with her if had some time but she wants me to do it as soon as possible Stranger: Then yo have to talk to her asap You: cause she is struggling with the long distance Stranger: If she thinks youre worthy of the stress Stranger: Then she will compromise You: thats essentially what told her but she said its hard You: thats what makes me think it might not work Stranger: think you need to sit down and have a deep convo Stranger: The fact that youre talking to a stranger about this and not her Stranger: Shows Stranger: That this cant be real Stranger: Or something great Stranger: YouIl only get the true answer from her You: thats the thing, she never wants to talk seriously You: she always cuts it short Stranger: Then why would you want to change your life for her You: Im more than willing to talk to her Stranger: think you want an emotional conndction Stranger: Connection Stranger: She wants physical connection Stranger: Attention Stranger: Ig Stranger: Talk to her about itore seriously Stranger: Let her go if she doesnt fight for you You: she used be able to talk to me but now there is a disconnect. Stranger: Talk to her about it Stranger: You have to You: one last thing Stranger: Thats the only way youIl know if she loves you or not Stranger: Yes? You: we recently got back together after being apart for a week or two, she texted me today saying that she thinks we rushed into another relationship and need to take some time. When should talk to her? would today or tomorrow be too soon? Stranger: Honestly Stranger: think you should leave her Stranger: Be the one to break it off Stranger: Ignore her Stranger: Move on Stranger: m telling you from a girls point of view Stranger: She likes you as a friend and is keeping you as a back up probs Stranger: Thats what it kinds like Stranger: Maybe shes doing it unintentionally Stranger: All know for certain is that she doesnt LOVE you You: think ill try to talk to her tomorrow and if things dont work out ill have to take more extreme measures You: my name is Liam btw You: thank you for taking the time to talk to me You: really appreciate it Stranger: Its been a pleasure Stranger: hope it works out for you Stranger: Whatever happens Stranger: Eveuthing happens for a reason Stranger: Dont hold on to this girl even if she rejects you etc Stranger: Just focus on yourself more Stranger: Good luck You: thank you, hope you have a good life :) have an ig account Centricfilms if youre interested in checking it out. its really the only way express myself You: goodbye stranger
Stranger: Before say anything else, have to know your favorite villain. You: Dabi Stranger: Great hello there You: Hello Lmao Stranger: Fave character overall? You: Kiri Stranger: Awe hell yeah hes so manly You: HELL YEA Stranger: Manliest man to ever man You: Ye s Stranger: pLEASE love him You: SamE Stranger: Hes the bestest boi You: Yas Stranger: What do you like most about him? You: That yes manly :) You: Hes* Stranger: Of course TwT You: Unu Stranger: How can you not appreciate the manliness You: Exactly Stranger: Whoever says they dont like Kiri is LYING You: YEP Stranger: Even the villains love him YourYes Stranger: Youve gotta be seriously fucked up to not like him You: Exactly You: How can u not like him Stranger: Like that should be illegal You: Yep Stranger: Death sentence You: Yep 7-7
You: sup Stranger: good afternoon memer You: Hi Stranger: owo uwu You: TwT Stranger: why you cryin Stranger: no cryin here You: Bc uwu and owo r toxic Stranger: dont you mean Stranger: towoxic You: r/punpatrol, YOURE UNDER ARREST!!! You: Wait You: remembered that have no jurisdiction on omegle You: Sry Stranger: cant r/ here homeboy You: k You: /b/ Stranger: youve just been UWUd Stranger: wait Stranger: a minute You: no u Stranger: no uwu You: no u Stranger: no uwo You: Uno reverse card! You: have all of them Stranger: i eat the card You: It papercuts your mouth, throat, esophagus, etc. Stranger: i shit blood immediately You: You then die of blood loss. Stranger: nice Stranger: exactly what i wanted You: Its ruled as suicide. Stranger: thats fine You: Y? Stranger: im dead it dont matter You: You revive during your funeral Stranger: i cum my pants You: And your gut still REALLY hurts of cuts You: Your puritan family is there, too. Stranger: i like the pain Stranger: i scream like im possessed You: Someone calls 555-5555 You: Who you gonna call? Stranger: mythbusters! Stranger: right? You: They blow you up during an episode, but you survive (barely) Stranger: i am angry that i survive You: You then gain immortality. Stranger: i watch as the world crumbles around me You: THEN you become mortal again. Stranger: i crumble into dust You: You fin You: Sry accidentally sent Stranger: i fin You: You find yourself in the soul stone. You: Thanos accidentally snapped 100 instead of 50. Stranger: aw hell yea You: Everyone there despises you with every fiber of their being. Stranger: nice Stranger: just like normal You: Except the one person YOU despise, who has a GIANT crush on you. You: And they take every opportunity to show it. Stranger: aw fuck Stranger: you evil man You: You fall asleep one night and wake up chained to a wall in their basement You: They come down completely naked. You: You realize that you dont have any clothes on either. Stranger: damn how did she catch me like that tf You: They have a GIANT smile on their face, and a hand FILLED with blue colored pills You: Theyre also a dude Stranger: wait why did your mom change genders You: No, its your stepdad. Stranger: i dont have a stepdad You: Its actually your moms bf Stranger: my mom doesnt have a bf You: She just got one Stranger: but shes dead Stranger: we all are Stranger: were in the soul stone You: Thats where this is happening. Stranger: you said it was who i despised the most you cant pick that for me You: Okay, as long as theyre male. Stranger: okay so its you You: Besides me Stranger: its you You: BESIDES ME!!! Stranger: you wanna fuck me just admit it You: No, want to make your life heck. Stranger: heck he says You: ? Stranger: ha You: OK, its not the person you most despise, its the ugliest Male you know of. You: Besides me Stranger: so its me You: Besides you as well Stranger: so im just gonna end up jerking off You: They arent you. You: They do, however, like guro and hentai. Stranger: shit so do i big boy You: Their version of guro, however, keeps you alive. Stranger: my favorite tbh You: But they sense your fetishes, and do the exact opposite. Its psychological guro. Stranger: oh yea i love mindfuckery You: They stop that because you like it, and put ona fur suit with brown stains. Stranger: hmm Stranger: i could learn to like it You: They keep changing it to avoid your mind adjusting You: Eventually, they take off rh You: Cops hit send Stranger: rh You: Eventually, they take off the suits head, and it was your gf trying to mess with you all along. Stranger: but im single :( You: Your evil ex You: Who genderbent themselves just for this. Stranger: damn dude
You: hi Stranger: Fulfill quite ladies internet so you can get yourself a chance to date them! examine these sample shots at this link You: fuck me
You: *begins approaching you* Stranger: * doesnt back down * You: *ls Rajang with a Glock* Stranger: * decides to back down *
Stranger: Well met! Stranger: Hello. You: hi Stranger: My greetings. You: Lifewise You: Likewise* Stranger: Justice demands retribution! You: why Stranger: Sorry that happened Stranger: The Elements Will Destroy You! You: But have done everything they asked of me Stranger: Mistakes were made Stranger: will be your death You: do not fear death You: Come at Me Stranger: Your soul shall suffer! You: My soul? Then you shall never have it Stranger: The pleasure is mine Stranger: My magic will tear you apart! You: My allies will deal with you Stranger: The pleasure is mine. You: You pleasure will be the death of you You: your Stranger: Hmm, Well Played Stranger: concede
You: Hey Stranger: Hi Stranger: M or f? You: IM A FUCKING DANDELION You: HBU Stranger: Imm You: YOU LOOKING FOR A GRILL ONLINE Stranger: Yeah You: Outdoor-Cooking-Grills/N-5yclvZbxaz You: think you need this site You: for some sweet, premium, grills Stranger: Is it free? You: a good grill is never free Stranger: Then forget it You: if you want girls, google images is your thing
You: Hi Stranger: Hey You: How u dude? Stranger: Sleepy AF but gotta stay awake to study Stranger: wbu? You: Word hard🙏🙏 You: Im fine now Stranger: Thanks Stranger: Oh thats nice You: Where u from? Stranger: Sri lanka Stranger: wbu? You: VietNam Stranger: Ohh Stranger: Thats nice Stranger: was born in Japan tho You: Thank🙏 Stranger: My parents arent japanese tho You: Sound great You: Now ure in japan or where? Stranger: nope moved here when was 7 You: Can you speak Japanese now? Stranger: Not much but kinda You: can speak a little. Stranger: Oh thats nice Stranger: So you speak chinese there mostly right? You: 私8#12392;8会8話8&#1237 5;ま8しょ8#12358; Stranger: Gomenmasen watshino keyboard wa Japanese nai des You: No i talk vietnamese Stranger: Ohhh Stranger: OHHHH Stranger: yeah forgot abt vietnamese You: 何8に8#12418;/な8&#1235 6; Stranger: 😂 You: 60 of Vietnamese has Chinese characters Stranger: Ohh ok You: In the past, we used Chinese characters Stranger: oh ok You: We now use Latin for Vietnamese pronunciation Stranger: Oh so vietnamese is written in latin? You: Yes Stranger: Oh ok ok Stranger: that must be easier You: But we are influenced by kanji Stranger: Oh ok see You: So how old ru? Stranger: 17 You: Oh im 19 and im learnin about It Stranger: Oh thats nice You: U m or f? Stranger: m You: Bro🙏🙏 Stranger: guess youre m too? You: Yes Stranger: Haha yeah bro Stranger: Imma go back to studying then You: Ok bro nice to meet u Stranger: U too bro Stranger: have a nice day!
You: bruh Stranger: Hey You: hi Stranger: Yeah bruh You: sup bruh Stranger: Not much bruh Stranger: Wbu bruh You: cool cool bruh You: samesies bruh Stranger: Sweet as bruh You: bruh Stranger: Yeh bruh You: how old is you bruh Stranger: 17 wbu bruh You: 16 bruh Stranger: Oh fuck thats way young bruh You: says you whos a year older bruh Stranger: m assuming youre a guy cuz Stranger: A guy whos a year younger is like 11 years younger bruh You: well you assumed wrong bruh Your iis a girl Stranger: Oh this is a lil gay now then aye You: youre a girl too bruh? Stranger: Sure am You: bruh. Stranger: Cya x You: bai
Stranger: M You: hi You: why here? Stranger: Hey Stranger: Bored Stranger: Just wanna meet someone new and have a good convo
You: hello Stranger: 28 m switch You: 13 M NiNtEnDo
You: hi Stranger: Hey You: can you repent? Stranger: Of what? Yo an you or not You: im not wasting time Stranger: Of what? You: why you refuse to answer Stranger: Its only fair you answer what you mean by repent You: so you cant You: what have you done You: and why You: how did it came to Stranger: Ask, and you will not receive. Seek, and you will not find You: but just tell why you did You: if you did Stranger: It was the will of God You: i cant understand you guys You: you had all Stranger: All is nothing Stranger: Wake up You: just because you dont want to die for truth? Stranger: God is not the truth Stranger: He is light, which is deceptive
You: M Stranger: F You: Age Stranger: Wbu first? You: Fine Stranger: Okay You: 16 You: Happy? Stranger: This is not a playground for kids You: lol You: Hey You: 1m sorry for being rude Stranger: Nah,, its okay You: :( Stranger: Kids are rebellious sometimes You: Wait Stranger: Im 17 btw You: You think 1m a kid now? Stranger: Yeah You: Wow You: That hurt Stranger: Lmao jk You: have feelings too Stranger: What anime are you into? Stranger: Well im sorry baby boy Stranger: Is that enough? You: Stranger: Do you want forehead kisses? You: Why baby boy? You: Yes pis Stranger: See,,, youre totally a baby You: guess You: You dont like babies? Stranger: Thats fine,,, i would like to give you a head pat You: Sorry Stranger: Why You: When said you dont like babies? Stranger: Its okay baby, theres no need to apologize You: At least you didnt call me daddy Stranger: You dont like being called daddy? You: do but lve never been called that and idk what my first reaction would be You: Its shocking to hear Stranger: Lol youre adorable You: Really? Stranger: Yeah i want to keep you in my pocket You: Ok 1m not short Stranger: Whats ur height? You: 511 lol You: Wbu Stranger: Bruuuh you are damn tall You: Not really Stranger: Im only 55 You: Oh now whos the baby? Stranger: Its still you of course You: Just because youre a year older than me Stranger: Not be youre much taller than me,,, that doesnt excuse u for being a baby You: Oh see Stranger: Do u have ig Stranger: gotta eat lunch You: Um You: Yeah You: Wait a sec Stranger: Cool,,, whats ur username? You: sheki_04 Stranger: Okok,, talk to you late Stranger: Later You: U sure? Stranger: Yeah You: Or are you playing with me? Stranger: promise Strange jo of course not Stranger: My dad is calling meto have lunch i gotta go You: Ok You: :D You: See ya later
Stranger: M You: F Stranger: Hi Strange ge Stranger: 16 You: 22 Stranger: U horny You: You dont say that to people you fucking retard Stranger: Ouch You: Youre literally illegal You: Its a felony for you to talk to me about that Stranger: And whos gonna snitch You: So dont fucking do it retard You: YOU COULD Stranger: wont Stranger: promise You: Dude you are such a fucking idiot youre asking me to commit a felony Stranger: Plz wont snitch You: How could a 16 year old child ever be worth being labeled a pedophile for the rest of your life You: Idiot Stranger: No one will know wont say anything You: Thats how it happens Imao You: Thats the only time you see teachers getting in trouble is because theyre 15 year old child they were having sex with decided to go tell the world Stranger: Look if even think about saying Ill kill myself You: And begging for it is the most unattractive thing Ive ever seen Stranger: Come on
You: hi Stranger: Stranger: You: 15 Stranger: cool Stranger: from where You: you Stranger: 12 Stranger: my sister 11 You: ok You: im from india You: where are u from Stranger: australia You: ok Stranger: are you alone? You: u look cute You: yes Stranger: cool Stranger: you are cute 2 You: hmm You: do you have a boy friend Stranger: no we single You: me too You: are u alone Stranger: just us 2 Stranger: anyone with you? You: no You: only me Stranger: ok Stranger: want to have some fun? You: yes Stranger: yay Stranger: so like naked fun? You: yes Stranger: ok cool Stranger: we like tht Stranger: that You: show me ur boobs Stranger: u want to see pussy You: yes Stranger: ok Stranger: can you take your shirt off first You: yes i will You: but show me ur boobs Stranger: we do pussy n butt first Stranger: :-) Stranger: ok i show now You: wow cool Stranger: dick? You: superb Stranger: please Stranger: thanks You: yeah nice Stranger: now me You: ur sisters hi how old ru You: super Stranger: dick please You: can u kiss each other
You: hi Stranger: hey You: sup Stranger: nothing much You: which country Stranger: usa You: cool Stranger: you? You: india Stranger: nice You: usa is great Stranger: yeah guess You: what do u do? You: are ua student Stranger: i go to collehe Stranger: *college You: what are you majoring in? Stranger: linguistics You: ohh,,, You: nice Stranger: you? You: computer science and statistics Stranger: interesting You: how old are u? Stranger: 19 You: me too Your: j just turned 19 a month ago Stranger: in june? You: in may Stranger: what day? You: 20 Stranger: oh im from may 7 You: cool You: so ura gemini Stranger: no taurus You: obh.. You: u have holidays now? You: or u have college Stranger: im in summer break You: me too You: m doing internship Stranger: cool where? You: are you a guy? Yo am interning in samsung Stranger: thats so cool You: in the file systems team Stranger: thats nice You: yeah Yor s nice over here You: but tomorrow is my last dat here You: in samsung Stranger: how you feeling? You: im feeling good. i learnt a lot here You: the people here are very hard working Stranger: that sgood You: are u a guy? Stranger: no im a irl You: obh.. Stranger: *girl Stranger: ican turn on my cam if you want You: sure if u wish to do so Stranger: ok but i dont look that presentable so im sorry You: dude You: looks dont matter Yo nd iam a stranger You: why do u even care Stranger: idk You: hii Stranger: hey You: how old ru? Stranger: 19 You: what is linguistics excatly? Stranger: you already asked that Stranger: oh its the scientific study of languages You: nice You: so u guys study many languages Stranger: there are many things in linguistics so like the phonetics Stranger: which is sounds Stranger: sentence structure, how one acquires languages, the history of langugaes and things like that You: i had a hard time learning english when i was small. Stranger: yeah it makes sense because its not pronounced the way its spelled Stranger: English is a very hard languages to learn if you are not a native speaker so its understandable You: and people asip You: also You: make fun of the accent Stranger: of the American accent or your accent? You: my accent Stranger: oh im sorry You: its okay You: it must be night in usa Stranger: yeah some people can be assholes Stranger: yeah its late You: u like to stay up late? Stranger: i cant sleep thats why Stranger: what about over there? You: its 14:30 Yo nd its raining like crazy You: so no office Stranger: ahh ok Stranger: so mid day ish You: yes. You: and theres nothing to do Stranger: and youre bored You: yeah You: i use omegle You: so i can learn more about diff peopple You: diff types of people Stranger: so what other people have you me Stranger: *met You: i met a person from belgium Yo nd he was very excited You: because they won their world cup match Stranger: oh really? my team lost so i stopped watching You: and i met some felllow indians but they were perverts You: i fee; You: i feel ashmaed of them Stranger: thats funny kinda Stranger: you where honestly the first person i met rn You:so u never used omegle before? Stranger: yeah but as in tonight You: obh.. am a boring person You: i only have like -4 friends Stranger: nah youre pretty interesting and not a pervert i hope so Stranger: how 04 You: i dont like to go out You: and all Stranger: *-4 You: i mean 4 Stranger: lol i feel that sometimes You: most people here are just weird You: as soon as they see a guy You: they just skip Stranger: lol yep thats why i had my cam off You: they only come here to do inappropriate things Stranger: bc some guys think that girls want to see them naked You: so were u able to see me when ur cam was off? Stranger: exactly Stranger: yeah Yor hh Yo had given an interview for rubrik company You: in usa Stranger: never heard of that company You: its a start up You: not very famous Stranger: ohh ok You: their interview was tough Stranger: i was thinking of the rubric cube for a secind Stranger: why so? You: but they were very polite in the rejection Stranger: thats nice at least You: they grilled me with technical questions for 1 hour Stranger: damn thats a long time You: ya. some companies are so unprofessional. they done even tell u that u have been rejected Stranger: oh yeah been there done that You: so do u work? You: or only study Stranger: not at the moment but i just gota new job today so hopefully i start working next week You: what is u r job? Stranger: cleaning at the moment since i needed a summer job bc i wont be here for long be im going back to my college campus in september Stranger: that was the only temporary job i could find You: Stranger: not really but at least i have a job You: you can use your skills to earn on the internet You: too Stranger: what skils? You: u know how to learn new languages right? You: u can write a blog, make a youtube channel Stranger: well i have only taken one class Stranger: so i dont know much You: obh... Stranger: lol a yt channel You: u live alone? Stranger: i live with my parents at the moment but in college i live alone with some roomates Stranger: you You: me too You: same Stranger: thats nice You: are you an extrovert You: ? Stranger: mmm yeah when i want to be Stranger: but at times i just feel like an introvert You: so you are an ambivert Stranger: never heard of that but yeah i guess You: you play chess? Stranger: ive never played You: bobby fischer is famous in america? You: right? Stranger: feel like ive heard that name You: Bobby Fischer was the first american who became world chess champion You: and he was quite a character Stranger: why do you say that? You: read his autobiography You: or watch the movie Yo pawn sacrifice You: you will know Stranger: ok will do You: also Stranger: so you like to read autobiographies Stranger: ? You: another american is gonna play the world championship this year You: Fabiano Caruana Stranger: yeah im not really knowledgeable about chess You: the match will be in St louis You: you live near that place You: m sure it will be all over the news in november Stranger: nop im far Your i like reading autobiographies You: u? Stranger: its not the first type of book i pick up but i am willing to read about certain peoples livrse Stranger: lives You: you should read wings of fire You: by Abdul Kalam Stranger: whats it about? You: its the life story of the first scientist president of india You: he was a newspaper seller Stranger: oh very well rounded then You: u like donald trump? Stranger: no You: he talks funny Stranger: hes not the brightest and hes racist Stranger: as a person of color i do not like him You: did u vote for him? Stranger: if i was of age in the elections i wouldnt have es stopped giving visa for us lol You: its very hard to get an american visa now Stranger: i was barely 17 during the elections so i wasnt able to vote Stranger: oh yeah i know Stranger: my family is trying to get visa to visit us but they cant You: you should come to india once You: its fun Stranger: why so? Your: its diverse You: very diverse Stranger: usa is very diverse as well You: i know You: but people are very formal in us Stranger really Stranger: ? You: ofc i wont say india is better You: that would be stupid Stranger: i mean i guess it depends where you go You: but the Indian subcontinent would be worth a visit. Stranger: yeah i bet there is a lot of culture in india and i like that You: there is You: but come with a group Stranger: the more the merrier? You: yes You: and try and do couchsurfing Stranger: ok ill keep that in mind Stranger: whats that? You: those big hotels willl just rip you off Stranger: ohhh ok got it You: u should get some rest Stranger: lol can you tell im alittle tired? You: yeah Stranger: im osrry You: u should sleep Stranger: nice meeting you You: same here You: good luck for the futre You: future Stranger: you too