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"dialogue": [
"French": "Bonjour!",
"English": "Good Morning, Good day!"
"French": "Comment allez-vous? (formal)",
"English": "How are you? / How are you doing?"
"French": "Je vais très bien. Merci. Et vous? (formal)",
"English": "I’m doing very well. Thank you. And you?"
"French": "Je vais bien",
"English": "I’m doing well"
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Bonsoir!",
"English": "Good Afternoon, Good evening!"
"French": "Comment vas-tu? (informal)",
"English": "How are you? (informal)"
"French": "Comment va-t-il?",
"English": "How is he?"
"French": "Comment va-t-elle?",
"English": "How is she?"
"French": "Comment vont-ils?",
"English": "How are they?"
"French": "Comment vont-elles?",
"English": "How are they?"
"French": "Tu ne vas pas bien.",
"English": "You’re not doing well/you’re not doing fine."
"French": "ils ne vont pas bien.",
"English": "They’re not doing fine/they’re not doing well."
"French": "Quoi de neuf?",
"English": "What’s up?"
"dialogue": [
"French": "Comment vous appelez-vous?",
"English": "How are you called? (formal)"
"French": "Je m’appelle Lauren.",
"English": "I’m called Lauren."
"French": "Et vous, quel est votre nom?",
"English": "And you, what is your name? (formal)"
"French": "Mon nom est Tamo.",
"English": "My name is Tamo."
"French": "Enchanté de faire votre connaissance.",
"English": "Pleased to meet you. (formal)"
"French": "Enchanté aussi.",
"English": "Pleased to meet you too."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Tu t’appelles Tamo.",
"English": "You are called Tamo. (informal)"
"French": "Elle s’appelle Lauren.",
"English": "She’s called Lauren."
"French": "Ils s’appellent Tamo et Lauren.",
"English": "They are called Tamo and Lauren."
"French": "Elles s’appellent Lauren et Jennifer.",
"English": "They’re called Lauren and Jennifer."
"dialogue": [
"French": "D’où venez-vous?",
"English": "Where are you from?"
"French": "Je viens de Yaoundé.",
"English": "I’m from Yaoundé/ I come from Yaoundé."
"French": "Bienvenue au Cameroun.",
"English": "Welcome to Cameroon."
"French": "Merci. Etes-vous marié?",
"English": "Thanks. Are you married?"
"French": "Oui, je suis marié.",
"English": "Yes, I am married."
"French": "Non, je ne suis pas marié.",
"English": "No, I’m not married."
"French": "Je suis célibataire.",
"English": "I’m single."
"dialogue_continued": [
"French": "D’où venez-vous ?",
"English": "Where are you from?"
"French": "je viens de Yaoundé. Et vous ?",
"English": "I come from Yaoundé. And you?"
"French": "je viens du Minnesota.",
"English": "I come from Minnesota."
"French": "Bienvenue au Cameroun.",
"English": "Welcome to Cameroon."
"French": "Merci. Est-ce que vous êtes marié ?",
"English": "Thanks. Are you married?"
"French": "Oui, je suis marié. Et vous ?",
"English": "Yes, I am married. And you?"
"French": "Non, je ne suis pas mariée. Je suis célibataire.",
"English": "No, I’m not married. I’m single."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Ils ne viennent pas des Etats-Unis.",
"English": "They don’t come from the United States."
"French": "Nous venons du Cameroun.",
"English": "We come from Cameroon."
"French": "Est-ce qu’elle vient de Douala ?",
"English": "Does she come from Douala?"
"French": "Vous êtes Camerounais.",
"English": "You’re Cameroonians."
"French": "Nous ne sommes pas Camerounaises.",
"English": "We are not Cameroonians (female)."
"French": "Il est Américain.",
"English": "He’s American."
"French": "Elle n’est pas Américaine.",
"English": "She is not American."
"French": "Tu ne viens pas du Gabon.",
"English": "You don’t come from Gabon/you’re not from Gabon. (informal)"
"French": "Il vient de l’Arizona.",
"English": "He comes from Arizona."
"French": "Nous sommes veuves.",
"English": "We’re widows. (female)"
"French": "Tu es veuf.",
"English": "You’re widower. (male)"
"French": "Est-ce que vous êtes divorcé ?",
"English": "Are you divorced?"
"French": "Il est fiancé.",
"English": "He’s engaged."
"dialogue": [
"French": "Quelle est votre profession ?",
"English": "What is your job ? (formal)"
"French": "Je suis enseignant. Et vous ?",
"English": "I’m a teacher. And you ?"
"French": "Je suis stagiaire du Corps de la Paix.",
"English": "I’m a Peace Corps trainee."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Quel est votre métier?",
"English": "What is your job? (formal)"
"French": "Que faites-vous dans la vie ?",
"English": "What do you do for a living? (formal)"
"French": "Elles sont stagiaires du Corps de la Paix.",
"English": "They’re Peace Corps trainees. (female)"
"French": "Jean est chauffeur de Taxi",
"English": "John is a taxi driver"
"French": "Est-ce que tu es banquier ?",
"English": "Are you a banker? (informal)"
"French": "Nadia n’est pas enseignante",
"English": "Nadia is not a teacher"
"French": "Ils sont policiers",
"English": "They are policemen"
"dialogue": [
"French": "A bientôt!",
"English": "See you soon!"
"French": "Aurevoir!",
"English": "Goodbye!"
"other_expressions": [
"French": "A demain.",
"English": "See you tomorrow!"
"French": "Bonne nuit.",
"English": "Good night."
"French": "Bonne journée.",
"English": "Have a good/nice day."
"French": "Bonne soirée.",
"English": "Have a good/nice evening."
"French": "A plus tard.",
"English": "See you later"
"French": "A demain.",
"English": "See you tomorrow"
"dialogue": [
"French": "une, deux, trois, quatre, cinq.",
"English": "One, two, three, four, five."
"French": "Nous avons cinq fenêtres.",
"English": "We have five windows."
"French": "Très bien. Combien de bancs est-ce que nous avons ?",
"English": "Very good. How many benches do we have?"
"French": "Nous avons vingt bancs.",
"English": "We have twenty benches."
"French": "Combien d’élèves est-ce que nous avons dans la salle de classe ?",
"English": "How many students do we have in the classroom?"
"French": "Nous avons quarante élèves.",
"English": "We have forty students."
"French": "Très bien. La leçon est terminée.",
"English": "Very good. The lesson is over."
"numbers_list": [
"French": "Un (1)",
"English": "One"
"French": "Deux (2)",
"English": "Two"
"French": "Trois (3)",
"English": "Three"
"French": "Quatre (4)",
"English": "Four"
"French": "Cinq (5)",
"English": "Five"
"French": "Six (6)",
"English": "Six"
"French": "Sept (7)",
"English": "Seven"
"French": "Huit (8)",
"English": "Eight"
"French": "Neuf (9)",
"English": "Nine"
"French": "Dix (10)",
"English": "Ten"
"French": "Onze (11)",
"English": "Eleven"
"French": "Douze (12)",
"English": "Twelve"
"French": "Treize (13)",
"English": "Thirteen"
"French": "Quatorze (14)",
"English": "Fourteen"
"French": "Quinze (15)",
"English": "Fifteen"
"French": "Seize (16)",
"English": "Sixteen"
"French": "Dix-Sept (17)",
"English": "Seventeen"
"French": "Dix-Huit (18)",
"English": "Eighteen"
"French": "Dix-Neuf (19)",
"English": "Nineteen"
"French": "Vingt (20)",
"English": "Twenty"
"other_numbers": [
"French": "Trente (30)",
"English": "Thirty"
"French": "Quarante (40)",
"English": "Forty"
"French": "Cinquante (50)",
"English": "Fifty"
"French": "Soixante (60)",
"English": "Sixty"
"French": "Soixante-Dix (70)",
"English": "Seventy"
"French": "Quatre-vingt (80)",
"English": "Eighty"
"French": "Quatre-vingt Dix (90)",
"English": "Ninety"
"French": "Cent (100)",
"English": "One hundred"
"French": "Deux cents (200)",
"English": "Two hundred"
"French": "Trois cents (300)",
"English": "Three hundred"
"French": "Quatre cents (400)",
"English": "Four hundred"
"French": "Cinq cents (500)",
"English": "Five hundred"
"French": "Six cents (600)",
"English": "Six hundred"
"French": "Sept cents (700)",
"English": "Seven hundred"
"French": "Huit cents (800)",
"English": "Eight hundred"
"French": "Neuf cents (900)",
"English": "Nine hundred"
"French": "Mille (1000)",
"English": "One thousand"
"French": "Un million (1 000 000)",
"English": "One million"
"French": "Un milliard (1000 000 000)",
"English": "One billion"
"dialogue": [
"French": "Bonjour. Combien coûte ce tas de tomates ?",
"English": "Good morning! How much does this pile of tomatoes cost?"
"French": "Il coûte 100 francs.",
"English": "It costs 100 francs."
"French": "C’est trop cher ! J’ai seulement 50 francs.",
"English": "It’s too expensive! I only have 50 francs."
"French": "Ce n’est pas le prix. Est-ce que vous pouvez ajouter de l’argent ?",
"English": "It’s not the price. Could you add some money? (formal)"
"French": "D’accord j’ajoute 25 francs.",
"English": "Ok. I add 25 francs."
"French": "Vous pouvez donner l’argent.",
"English": "You can give money. (formal)"
"French": "Merci!",
"English": "Thanks!"
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Est-ce que tu voudrais acheter du sel ?",
"English": "Would you like to buy some salt? (informal)"
"French": "C’est bon marché/ Ce n’est pas cher",
"English": "It is cheap / It isn’t expensive"
"French": "Le vendeur est gentil",
"English": "The seller is kind"
"French": "L’acheteur n’est pas impoli",
"English": "The buyer is not impolite"
"French": "Nous aimerions plus d’oignons",
"English": "We would like more onions"
"dialogue": [
"French": "Salut Adamou.",
"English": "Hello Adamou."
"French": "Salut Jennifer.",
"English": "Hello Jennifer."
"French": "Quelle heure est-il?",
"English": "What time is it?"
"French": "Il est huit heures du matin.",
"English": "It is eight a.m."
"French": "Oh ! Je suis en retard !",
"English": "Oh! I am late!"
"French": "Je dois partir !",
"English": "I must go."
"French": "N’oublie pas notre rendez-vous de dix-neuf heures.",
"English": "Don’t forget our appointment at seven p.m."
"French": "Pas de problème.",
"English": "No problem."
"French": "A ce soir.",
"English": "See you this evening."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Je prends le petit déjeuner à sept heures du matin.",
"English": "I have breakfast at seven a.m."
"French": "Le cours de langue commence à dix heures du matin.",
"English": "The language lesson starts at ten a.m."
"French": "La pause aura lieu à douze heures vingt (à midi vingt).",
"English": "Break will be at twelve twenty."
"French": "Je serai au restaurant à une heure de l’après-midi (à treize heures).",
"English": "I will be at the restaurant at one p.m."
"French": "Qu’est-ce-que tu fais à vingt heures ce soir?",
"English": "What are you doing at eight p.m. this evening?"
"French": "A minuit (à vingt-quatre heures) tout le village est endormi.",
"English": "The whole village is asleep at midnight."
"French": "Les enfants se lèvent à six heures moins le quart.",
"English": "Children wake up at a quarter to six."
"French": "Est-il déjà onze heures et quart ?",
"English": "Is it already a quarter past eleven?"
"French": "Si je pars tôt j’arriverai avant seize heures (quatre heures du soir)",
"English": "If I leave early, I will arrive before four p.m."
"French": "Mon frère va habituellement au lit à vingt trois heures. Il se couche donc très tard.",
"English": "My brother usually goes to bed at eleven p.m. Therefore he goes to bed very late."
"French": "Le stagiaire qui se lève à huit heures du matin arrive en retard en classe",
"English": "The trainee who wakes up at eight a.m. arrives late in class."
"French": "De huit heures à dix heures, il y a réunion des formateurs.",
"English": "From eight to ten o’clock, there is a trainers’ meeting."
"French": "Pendant la pause, je lirai mon journal.",
"English": "During the break, I will read my newspaper."
"LESSON 9: AGE": {
"dialogue": [
"French": "Aujourd’hui c’est mon anniversaire!",
"English": "Today is my birthday!"
"French": "Vraiment ! Quel âge avez-vous ?",
"English": "Really! How old are you? (formal)"
"French": "J’ai vingt cinq ans",
"English": "I’m twenty five years old."
"French": "Joyeux anniversaire!",
"English": "Happy birthday!"
"French": "Merci Beaucoup ! Et vous, quel est votre âge ?",
"English": "Thank you very much! And you, how old are you? (formal)"
"French": "Je suis plus jeune. J’ai vingt quatre ans.",
"English": "I’m younger. I’m twenty four years old."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Je suis plus âgé/vieux",
"English": "I’m older"
"French": "Demain, c’est mon anniversaire",
"English": "Tomorrow, it’s my birthday"
"French": "C’est un adolescent",
"English": "He’s a teenager"
"French": "Vous êtes adultes",
"English": "You are adults"
"French": "Je ne suis pas âgé/vieux",
"English": "I’m not old"
"dialogue": [
"French": "Fouda, quand me feras-tu visiter le marché ?",
"English": "Fouda, when will you have me visit the market? (informal)"
"French": "Lundi soir si tu veux.",
"English": "Monday afternoon if you want. (informal)"
"French": "Ce ne sera pas possible.",
"English": "It will not be possible."
"French": "J’irai avec mes amis à la bibliothèque.",
"English": "I will go to the library with my friends."
"French": "Jeudi soir alors?",
"English": "Thursday afternoon then?"
"French": "Je serai en train de faire du sport.",
"English": "I will be doing sport."
"French": "Et le samedi?",
"English": "What about Saturday?"
"French": "Sans problème.",
"English": "No problem."
"French": "Ainsi nous pourrons aller à l’église le dimanche matin.",
"English": "So we could go to church on Sunday morning."
"French": "D’accord!",
"English": "Okay!"
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Lundi je vais à l’école.",
"English": "I go to school on Monday."
"French": "Mardi tu ne vas pas au champ.",
"English": "You don’t go to the farm on Tuesday. (informal)"
"French": "Est-ce qu’elle va à l’hôpital mercredi ?",
"English": "Does she go to the hospital on Wednesday?"
"French": "Jeudi nous allons au cinéma.",
"English": "We go to the movie theatre on Thursday."
"French": "Vendredi vous n’allez pas chez le coiffeur.",
"English": "You don’t go to the barber’s on Friday."
"French": "Samedi ils vont aller à Bafoussam.",
"English": "They are going to Bafoussam on Saturday."
"French": "Dimanche ma famille fait le grand ménage.",
"English": "My family does the big cleaning on Sunday."
"dialogue": [
"French": "Ce matin, le soleil s’est levé très tôt.",
"English": "The sun rose very early this morning."
"French": "Oui, il fait beau temps.",
"English": "Yes, the weather is beautiful."
"French": "Hier il a plu toute la journée.",
"English": "Yesterday rain fell all day long."
"French": "Oh ! C’était un très mauvais temps",
"English": "Oh! It was a very bad weather."
"French": "Comme il fait chaud aujourd’hui, je vais me promener.",
"English": "Since it is hot today, I am going to go for a hike."
"French": "Je te souhaite beaucoup de plaisir.",
"English": "I wish you a lot of pleasure."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "Il fait très froid à l’Ouest du Cameroun",
"English": "It is very cold in West Cameroon."
"French": "Aujourd’hui, il fait du brouillard.",
"English": "It is foggy today."
"French": "Il ne neige jamais au Cameroun.",
"English": "It never snows in Cameroon."
"French": "En juillet le soleil brille presque tous les jours.",
"English": "In July the sun shines nearly everyday."
"French": "Il vente pendant l’orage.",
"English": "It’s windy during the storm."
"French": "Il y a deux saisons sèches et deux saisons pluvieuses.",
"English": "There are two dry seasons and two rainy seasons."
"French": "Les femmes vont au champ quand il fait jour.",
"English": "Women go to the farm during the daytime."
"French": "La nuit tombe vite cette saison.",
"English": "Night falls early this season."
"French": "La pluie tombe-t-elle tous les jours?",
"English": "Does rain fall everyday?"
"French": "Il fera beau temps demain.",
"English": "The weather will be fine tomorrow."
"dialogue": [
"French": "Bonjour, Madame.",
"English": "Good Morning Madam."
"French": "Bonjour, Monsieur.",
"English": "Good Morning Sir."
"French": "S’il vous plaît, où se trouve la boulangerie ?",
"English": "Where is the bakery, please? (formal)"
"French": "La boulangerie ? elle n’est pas très loin.",
"English": "The bakery? It is not too far."
"French": "Vous tournez à gauche, vous continuez tout droit jusqu’au carrefour.",
"English": "You turn left, you continue straight until the crossroads. (formal)"
"French": "Elle est près de la pharmacie.",
"English": "It is next to the drugstore."
"French": "Merci Mademoiselle.",
"English": "Thank you Miss."
"French": "Pas de quoi.",
"English": "You’re welcome/Not at all."
"other_expressions": [
"French": "De rien.",
"English": "Don’t mention."
"French": "Où est l’hôpital?",
"English": "Where is the hospital?"
"French": "Il y a des toilettes dans la gare ferroviaire.",
"English": "There are bathrooms at the train station."
"French": "Qu’est-ce que tu fais sous la table ?",
"English": "What are you doing under the table? (informal)"
"French": "La mosquée est située entre la poste et la station d’essence.",
"English": "The mosque is between the post office and the gas station."
"French": "Tu ne descends pas du car avant le carrefour.",
"English": "You don’t get off the bus before the crossroads. (informal)"
"French": "La gare routière est située un peu après le pont.",
"English": "The bus station is located a little bit after the bridge."
"French": "On ne prend pas le taxi devant le stade",
"English": "We/one cannot hire a taxi in front of the stadium."
"French": "Est-ce que nous devons aller derrière ce bâtiment ?",
"English": "Should we go behind this building?"