.file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic, @function omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 mov edx, DWORD PTR clkev[rip] lea rdi, clkev[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_POSTED[rip] call __omap_dm_timer_stop@PLT mov eax, DWORD PTR clkev[rip] mov ecx, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_POSTED[rip] lea rdi, clkev[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG[rip] cdq idiv DWORD PTR HZ[rip] neg eax mov edx, eax mov r12d, eax call __omap_dm_timer_write@PLT mov ecx, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_POSTED[rip] mov edx, r12d mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR[rip] lea rdi, clkev[rip] or esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST[rip] call __omap_dm_timer_load_start@PLT xor eax, eax pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic, .-omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic .globl clkev .bss .align 4 .type clkev, @object .size clkev, 4 clkev: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_POSTED .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_POSTED, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_POSTED, 4 OMAP_TIMER_POSTED: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG, 4 OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST, 4 OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR, 4 OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR: .zero 4 .globl HZ .align 4 .type HZ, @object .size HZ, 4 HZ: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic.c" .text .global __aeabi_idiv .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic, %function omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r4, .L4 ldr r6, .L4+4 ldr r2, [r4] ldr r1, [r6] mov r0, r4 bl __omap_dm_timer_stop ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r0, [r4] ldr r1, [r3] bl __aeabi_idiv ldr r1, .L4+12 rsb r5, r0, #0 mov r2, r5 ldr r3, [r6] mov r0, r4 ldr r1, [r1] bl __omap_dm_timer_write ldr r2, .L4+16 ldr r3, .L4+20 ldr ip, [r2] ldr r1, [r3] mov r2, r5 mov r0, r4 ldr r3, [r6] orr r1, ip, r1 bl __omap_dm_timer_load_start mov r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word clkev .word OMAP_TIMER_POSTED .word HZ .word OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG .word OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR .word OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST .size omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic, .-omap2_gp_timer_set_periodic .comm clkev,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_POSTED,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_LOAD_REG,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR,4,4 .comm HZ,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gp_timer_shutdown.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap2_gp_timer_shutdown, @function omap2_gp_timer_shutdown: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edx, DWORD PTR clkev[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_POSTED[rip] lea rdi, clkev[rip] call __omap_dm_timer_stop@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap2_gp_timer_shutdown, .-omap2_gp_timer_shutdown .globl clkev .bss .align 4 .type clkev, @object .size clkev, 4 clkev: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_POSTED .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_POSTED, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_POSTED, 4 OMAP_TIMER_POSTED: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gp_timer_shutdown.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap2_gp_timer_shutdown, %function omap2_gp_timer_shutdown: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 ldr r0, .L4+4 push {r4, lr} ldr r2, [r0] ldr r1, [r3] bl __omap_dm_timer_stop mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word OMAP_TIMER_POSTED .word clkev .size omap2_gp_timer_shutdown, .-omap2_gp_timer_shutdown .comm clkev,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_POSTED,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume, @function omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR clocksource_gpt_hwmod[rip] call omap_hwmod_enable@PLT mov ecx, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED[rip] mov edx, DWORD PTR omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load[rip] lea rdi, clksrc[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST[rip] or esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp __omap_dm_timer_load_start@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume, .-omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume .globl omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load .bss .align 4 .type omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load, @object .size omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load, 4 omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load: .zero 4 .globl clocksource_gpt_hwmod .align 4 .type clocksource_gpt_hwmod, @object .size clocksource_gpt_hwmod, 4 clocksource_gpt_hwmod: .zero 4 .globl clksrc .align 4 .type clksrc, @object .size clksrc, 4 clksrc: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED, 4 OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST, 4 OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR, 4 OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume, %function omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r3] bl omap_hwmod_enable pop {r4, lr} ldr r2, .L4+4 ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r0, [r2] ldr r1, [r3] ldr r2, .L4+12 ldr r3, .L4+16 orr r1, r0, r1 ldr r3, [r3] ldr r2, [r2] ldr r0, .L4+20 b __omap_dm_timer_load_start .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word clocksource_gpt_hwmod .word OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST .word OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR .word omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load .word OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED .word clksrc .size omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume, .-omap2_gptimer_clksrc_resume .comm omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load,4,4 .comm clocksource_gpt_hwmod,4,4 .comm clksrc,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_ST,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_CTRL_AR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend, @function omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED[rip] lea rdi, clksrc[rip] call __omap_dm_timer_read_counter@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR clocksource_gpt_hwmod[rip] mov DWORD PTR omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load[rip], eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp omap_hwmod_idle@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend, .-omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend .globl omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load .bss .align 4 .type omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load, @object .size omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load, 4 omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load: .zero 4 .globl clocksource_gpt_hwmod .align 4 .type clocksource_gpt_hwmod, @object .size clocksource_gpt_hwmod, 4 clocksource_gpt_hwmod: .zero 4 .globl clksrc .align 4 .type clksrc, @object .size clksrc, 4 clksrc: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED, 4 OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend, %function omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 push {r4, lr} ldr r1, [r3] ldr r0, .L4+4 bl __omap_dm_timer_read_counter pop {r4, lr} mov r2, r0 ldr r1, .L4+8 ldr r3, .L4+12 ldr r0, [r1] str r2, [r3] b omap_hwmod_idle .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED .word clksrc .word clocksource_gpt_hwmod .word omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load .size omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend, .-omap2_gptimer_clksrc_suspend .comm omap2_gptimer_clksrc_load,4,4 .comm clocksource_gpt_hwmod,4,4 .comm clksrc,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_NONPOSTED,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap_clkevt_idle.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap_clkevt_idle, @function omap_clkevt_idle: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov edi, DWORD PTR clockevent_gpt_hwmod[rip] test edi, edi jne .L4 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: jmp omap_hwmod_idle@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_clkevt_idle, .-omap_clkevt_idle .globl clockevent_gpt_hwmod .bss .align 4 .type clockevent_gpt_hwmod, @object .size clockevent_gpt_hwmod, 4 clockevent_gpt_hwmod: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap_clkevt_idle.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_clkevt_idle, %function omap_clkevt_idle: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r3, .L4 ldr r0, [r3] cmp r0, #0 bxeq lr b omap_hwmod_idle .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word clockevent_gpt_hwmod .size omap_clkevt_idle, .-omap_clkevt_idle .comm clockevent_gpt_hwmod,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap_clkevt_unidle.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap_clkevt_unidle, @function omap_clkevt_unidle: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov edi, DWORD PTR clockevent_gpt_hwmod[rip] test edi, edi jne .L7 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 call omap_hwmod_enable@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 lea rdi, clkev[rip] jmp __omap_dm_timer_int_enable@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_clkevt_unidle, .-omap_clkevt_unidle .globl clockevent_gpt_hwmod .bss .align 4 .type clockevent_gpt_hwmod, @object .size clockevent_gpt_hwmod, 4 clockevent_gpt_hwmod: .zero 4 .globl clkev .align 4 .type clkev, @object .size clkev, 4 clkev: .zero 4 .globl OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW .align 4 .type OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW, @object .size OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW, 4 OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap_clkevt_unidle.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_clkevt_unidle, %function omap_clkevt_unidle: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L7 ldr r0, [r3] cmp r0, #0 bxeq lr push {r4, lr} bl omap_hwmod_enable pop {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L7+4 ldr r0, .L7+8 ldr r1, [r3] b __omap_dm_timer_int_enable .L8: .align 2 .L7: .word clockevent_gpt_hwmod .word OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW .word clkev .size omap_clkevt_unidle, .-omap_clkevt_unidle .comm clockevent_gpt_hwmod,4,4 .comm clkev,4,4 .comm OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap_timer_add_disabled_property.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "status" .LC1: .string "disabled" .text .p2align 4 .type omap_timer_add_disabled_property, @function omap_timer_add_disabled_property: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 mov r12, rdi mov edi, 24 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov esi, DWORD PTR GFP_KERNEL[rip] call kzalloc@PLT test rax, rax je .L5 mov rbp, rax lea rdi, .LC1[rip] lea rax, .LC0[rip] mov QWORD PTR 8[rbp], rdi mov QWORD PTR 0[rbp], rax call strlen@PLT mov rsi, rbp mov rdi, r12 mov DWORD PTR 16[rbp], eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp of_add_property@PLT .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: .cfi_restore_state mov eax, DWORD PTR ENOMEM[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 neg eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_timer_add_disabled_property, .-omap_timer_add_disabled_property .globl GFP_KERNEL .bss .align 4 .type GFP_KERNEL, @object .size GFP_KERNEL, 4 GFP_KERNEL: .zero 4 .globl ENOMEM .align 4 .type ENOMEM, @object .size ENOMEM, 4 ENOMEM: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap_timer_add_disabled_property.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "status\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "disabled\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_timer_add_disabled_property, %function omap_timer_add_disabled_property: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r2, .L8 push {r4, lr} ldr r1, [r2] mov r4, r0 mov r0, #12 bl kzalloc subs r1, r0, #0 beq .L7 mov ip, #8 ldr r2, .L8+4 ldr r3, .L8+8 mov r0, r4 pop {r4, lr} stm r1, {r2, r3, ip} b of_add_property .L7: ldr r3, .L8+12 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L9: .align 2 .L8: .word GFP_KERNEL .word .LC0 .word .LC1 .word ENOMEM .size omap_timer_add_disabled_property, .-omap_timer_add_disabled_property .comm GFP_KERNEL,4,4 .comm ENOMEM,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_timer.c_omap_timer_update_dt.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "ti,omap-counter32k" .LC1: .string "ti,hwmods" .text .p2align 4 .type omap_timer_update_dt, @function omap_timer_update_dt: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 lea rsi, .LC0[rip] mov rbx, rdi call of_device_is_compatible@PLT test eax, eax jne .L5 mov rdi, rbx call omap_timer_add_disabled_property@PLT test eax, eax jne .L1 .L5: xor edx, edx lea rsi, .LC1[rip] mov rdi, rbx call of_get_property@PLT mov r8, rax xor eax, eax test r8, r8 je .L10 .L1: pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L10: .cfi_restore_state mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rbx] pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp omap_timer_add_disabled_property@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_timer_update_dt, .-omap_timer_update_dt .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_timer.c_omap_timer_update_dt.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "ti,omap-counter32k\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "ti,hwmods\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_timer_update_dt, %function omap_timer_update_dt: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r1, .L12 mov r4, r0 bl of_device_is_compatible cmp r0, #0 bne .L5 mov r0, r4 bl omap_timer_add_disabled_property cmp r0, #0 popne {r4, pc} .L5: mov r2, #0 mov r0, r4 ldr r1, .L12+4 bl of_get_property cmp r0, #0 beq .L11 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L11: ldr r0, [r4] pop {r4, lr} b omap_timer_add_disabled_property .L13: .align 2 .L12: .word .LC0 .word .LC1 .size omap_timer_update_dt, .-omap_timer_update_dt .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_usb-tusb6010.c_tusb_set_async_mode.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type tusb_set_async_mode, @function tusb_set_async_mode: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 xor esi, esi mov edx, 48 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 lea ebp, 3000[rdi] push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 3, -32 mov ebx, edi sub rsp, 80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 mov rax, QWORD PTR fs:40 mov QWORD PTR 72[rsp], rax xor eax, eax lea r12, 16[rsp] mov rdi, r12 call memset@PLT lea eax, -4000[rbx] mov DWORD PTR 28[rsp], ebp mov rdx, r12 mov DWORD PTR 20[rsp], eax add ebx, 4000 movabs rax, 30064771072300 lea rsi, tusb_async[rip] mov DWORD PTR 48[rsp], ebp lea rbp, 12[rsp] mov QWORD PTR 36[rsp], rax mov rdi, rbp movabs rax, 4294967596 mov DWORD PTR 16[rsp], 8000 mov DWORD PTR 24[rsp], 1000 mov DWORD PTR 32[rsp], ebx mov DWORD PTR 44[rsp], 7000 mov DWORD PTR 52[rsp], ebx mov QWORD PTR 56[rsp], rax call gpmc_calc_timings@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR async_cs[rip] lea rdx, tusb_async[rip] mov rsi, rbp call gpmc_cs_set_timings@PLT mov rcx, QWORD PTR 72[rsp] sub rcx, QWORD PTR fs:40 jne .L5 add rsp, 80 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .L5: .cfi_restore_state call __stack_chk_fail@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size tusb_set_async_mode, .-tusb_set_async_mode .globl tusb_async .bss .align 4 .type tusb_async, @object .size tusb_async, 4 tusb_async: .zero 4 .globl async_cs .align 4 .type async_cs, @object .size async_cs, 4 async_cs: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_usb-tusb6010.c_tusb_set_async_mode.c" .text .section .rodata.cst4,"aM",%progbits,4 .align 2 .LC0: .word __stack_chk_guard .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type tusb_set_async_mode, %function tusb_set_async_mode: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 56 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r1, #300 mov r2, #1000 push {r4, r5, lr} mov ip, #1 mov lr, #8000 add r3, r0, #2992 ldr r4, .L6 sub sp, sp, #60 add r3, r3, #8 ldr r4, [r4] str r4, [sp, #52] mov r4,#0 str r3, [sp, #16] str r3, [sp, #36] sub r3, r0, #4000 str r3, [sp, #8] add r0, r0, #4000 ldr r3, .L6+4 str r0, [sp, #20] str r0, [sp, #40] str r2, [sp, #12] str r1, [sp, #24] add r2, sp, #4 str r1, [sp, #44] mov r0, sp ldr r1, .L6+8 str lr, [sp, #4] str ip, [sp, #48] str r3, [sp, #28] str r3, [sp, #32] bl gpmc_calc_timings ldr r3, .L6+12 ldr r2, .L6+8 ldr r0, [r3] mov r1, sp bl gpmc_cs_set_timings ldr r3, .L6 ldr r2, [r3] ldr r3, [sp, #52] eors r2, r3, r2 mov r3, #0 bne .L5 add sp, sp, #60 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, pc} .L5: bl __stack_chk_fail .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word .LC0 .word 7000 .word tusb_async .word async_cs .size tusb_set_async_mode, .-tusb_set_async_mode .comm tusb_async,4,4 .comm async_cs,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_usb-tusb6010.c_tusb_set_sync_mode.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type tusb_set_sync_mode, @function tusb_set_sync_mode: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 xor esi, esi mov edx, 52 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 lea ebp, 3000[rdi] push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 3, -32 mov ebx, edi sub ebx, 4000 sub rsp, 80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 mov rax, QWORD PTR fs:40 mov QWORD PTR 72[rsp], rax xor eax, eax lea r12, 16[rsp] mov rdi, r12 call memset@PLT mov DWORD PTR 40[rsp], ebp mov rdx, r12 movabs rax, 4294967307100 mov QWORD PTR 16[rsp], rax lea rsi, tusb_sync[rip] movabs rax, 34359738369000 mov QWORD PTR 24[rsp], rax movabs rax, 21474836483 mov DWORD PTR 56[rsp], ebp lea rbp, 12[rsp] mov QWORD PTR 44[rsp], rax mov rdi, rbp movabs rax, 25769803779 mov DWORD PTR 32[rsp], ebx mov DWORD PTR 36[rsp], 1000 mov DWORD PTR 52[rsp], 7000 mov QWORD PTR 60[rsp], rax call gpmc_calc_timings@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR sync_cs[rip] lea rdx, tusb_sync[rip] mov rsi, rbp call gpmc_cs_set_timings@PLT mov rcx, QWORD PTR 72[rsp] sub rcx, QWORD PTR fs:40 jne .L5 add rsp, 80 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .L5: .cfi_restore_state call __stack_chk_fail@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size tusb_set_sync_mode, .-tusb_set_sync_mode .globl tusb_sync .bss .align 4 .type tusb_sync, @object .size tusb_sync, 4 tusb_sync: .zero 4 .globl sync_cs .align 4 .type sync_cs, @object .size sync_cs, 4 sync_cs: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_usb-tusb6010.c_tusb_set_sync_mode.c" .text .section .rodata.cst4,"aM",%progbits,4 .align 2 .LC0: .word __stack_chk_guard .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type tusb_set_sync_mode, %function tusb_set_sync_mode: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 64 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r2, #1000 mov r1, #3 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov lr, #6 mov r5, #8000 mov r4, #5 ldr ip, .L6 add r3, r0, #2992 sub sp, sp, #64 add r3, r3, #8 ldr ip, [ip] str ip, [sp, #60] mov ip,#0 sub r0, r0, #4000 ldr ip, .L6+4 str r3, [sp, #32] str r3, [sp, #48] ldr r3, .L6+8 str r0, [sp, #24] str r2, [sp, #12] str r2, [sp, #16] str r2, [sp, #28] str r1, [sp, #36] str r1, [sp, #52] add r2, sp, #8 ldr r1, .L6+12 add r0, sp, #4 str lr, [sp, #56] str ip, [sp, #8] str r3, [sp, #44] str r5, [sp, #20] str r4, [sp, #40] bl gpmc_calc_timings ldr r3, .L6+16 ldr r2, .L6+12 ldr r0, [r3] add r1, sp, #4 bl gpmc_cs_set_timings ldr r3, .L6 ldr r2, [r3] ldr r3, [sp, #60] eors r2, r3, r2 mov r3, #0 bne .L5 add sp, sp, #64 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L5: bl __stack_chk_fail .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word .LC0 .word 11100 .word 7000 .word tusb_sync .word sync_cs .size tusb_set_sync_mode, .-tusb_set_sync_mode .comm tusb_sync,4,4 .comm sync_cs,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_vc.c_omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling .type omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling, @function omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov r8d, edi push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 14, -16 mov rsi, QWORD PTR vc[rip+24] mov rcx, QWORD PTR vc[rip] mov rdi, QWORD PTR vc[rip+8] push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 13, -24 mov rdx, QWORD PTR OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET[rip] mov rax, QWORD PTR OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 12, -32 mov r12, QWORD PTR vc[rip+32] push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 6, -40 mov rbp, QWORD PTR vc[rip+16] push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 3, -48 mov rbx, QWORD PTR OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF[rip] cmp r8d, 129 je .L14 or rbx, rax mov r13, QWORD PTR 24[rsi] lea r14, 16[rsi] not rbx and rbx, rcx or rbx, rdx .L6: cmp rbx, rcx je .L7 .L4: mov rdi, rbx mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET[rip] call [QWORD PTR [r12]] mov QWORD PTR vc[rip], rbx mov rdi, QWORD PTR vc[rip+8] .L7: cmp rdi, r13 je .L12 mov rdi, QWORD PTR 8[r14] mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET[rip] call [QWORD PTR [r12]] mov QWORD PTR vc[rip+8], r13 .L12: mov rax, QWORD PTR vc[rip+16] .L5: cmp rax, rbp je .L1 mov esi, DWORD PTR OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET[rip] mov rdi, QWORD PTR [r14] call [QWORD PTR [r12]] mov QWORD PTR vc[rip+16], rbp .L1: pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L14: .cfi_restore_state or rdx, rax not rdx and rdx, rcx or rbx, rdx mov rax, rbx and rax, QWORD PTR OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF[rip] je .L3 mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rsi] cmp rcx, rbx je .L15 mov rbp, rdx mov r13, rdi mov r14, rsi jmp .L4 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L3: mov r13, QWORD PTR 8[rsi] mov r14, rsi jmp .L6 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L15: mov rax, rbp mov r14, rsi mov rbp, rdx jmp .L5 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling, .-omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling .globl vc .bss .align 32 .type vc, @object .size vc, 40 vc: .zero 40 .globl OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET .align 4 .type OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET, @object .size OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET, 4 OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET: .zero 4 .globl OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET .align 4 .type OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET, @object .size OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET, 4 OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET: .zero 4 .globl OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET .align 4 .type OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET, @object .size OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET, 4 OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET: .zero 4 .globl OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF .align 8 .type OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF, @object .size OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF, 8 OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF: .zero 8 .globl OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP .align 8 .type OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP, @object .size OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP, 8 OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP: .zero 8 .globl OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET .align 8 .type OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET, @object .size OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET, 8 OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET: .zero 8 .globl OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF .align 8 .type OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF, @object .size OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF, 8 OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_vc.c_omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling.c" .text .align 2 .global omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling, %function omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} ldr ip, .L14 ldr r4, .L14+4 ldr lr, .L14+8 ldr r3, .L14+12 cmp r0, #129 ldr r7, [r4, #16] ldr r2, [r4, #12] ldr r1, [r4] ldr ip, [ip] ldr r5, [lr] ldr r3, [r3] ldmib r4, {r0, r6} beq .L13 orr r5, r3, r5 bic r5, r1, r5 ldr r8, [r2, #12] orr r5, r5, ip add r9, r2, #8 .L6: cmp r5, r1 beq .L7 .L4: ldr r2, .L14+16 mov r0, r5 ldr r3, [r7] ldr r1, [r2] blx r3 ldr r0, [r4, #4] str r5, [r4] .L7: cmp r8, r0 ldreq r3, [r4, #8] beq .L5 ldr r2, .L14+20 ldr r3, [r7] ldr r1, [r2] ldr r0, [r9, #4] blx r3 ldr r3, [r4, #8] str r8, [r4, #4] .L5: cmp r3, r6 popeq {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} ldr r2, .L14+24 ldr r3, [r7] ldr r0, [r9] ldr r1, [r2] blx r3 str r6, [r4, #8] pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L13: ldr lr, .L14+28 orr r5, r5, ip bic r5, r1, r5 ldr ip, [lr] orr r5, r3, r5 tst r5, ip beq .L3 cmp r1, r5 ldr r1, [r2] moveq r3, r6 moveq r9, r2 moveq r6, r1 beq .L5 mov r6, r1 mov r8, r0 mov r9, r2 b .L4 .L3: mov r9, r2 ldr r8, [r2, #4] b .L6 .L15: .align 2 .L14: .word OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET .word vc .word OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP .word OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF .word OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET .word OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET .word OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET .word OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF .size omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling, .-omap3_vc_set_pmic_signaling .comm vc,20,4 .comm OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP2_OFFSET,4,4 .comm OMAP3_PRM_VOLTSETUP1_OFFSET,4,4 .comm OMAP3_PRM_VOLTCTRL_OFFSET,4,4 .comm OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_SEL_OFF,4,4 .comm OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_SLEEP,4,4 .comm OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_RET,4,4 .comm OMAP3430_PRM_VOLTCTRL_AUTO_OFF,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_vc.c_omap_usec_to_32k.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap_usec_to_32k, @function omap_usec_to_32k: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sal rdi, 15 mov esi, 1000000 jmp DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_usec_to_32k, .-omap_usec_to_32k .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_vc.c_omap_usec_to_32k.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_usec_to_32k, %function omap_usec_to_32k: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. asr r3, r0, #31 lsl r1, r3, #15 orr r1, r1, r0, lsr #17 mov r3, #0 ldr r2, .L3 lsl r0, r0, #15 b DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word 1000000 .size omap_usec_to_32k, .-omap_usec_to_32k .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_vc.c_omap_vc_config_channel.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type omap_vc_config_channel, @function omap_vc_config_channel: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov rax, QWORD PTR 8[rdi] mov r8, rdi mov edx, DWORD PTR [rax] and edx, DWORD PTR OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR 4[rax] je .L2 mov rdx, QWORD PTR vc_cfg_bits[rip] and esi, DWORD PTR [rdx] mov DWORD PTR 4[rax], esi .L2: mov ecx, DWORD PTR 8[rax] mov edi, DWORD PTR CFG_CHANNEL_MASK[rip] mov edx, DWORD PTR 12[rax] sal esi, cl sal edi, cl call [QWORD PTR [r8]] xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_vc_config_channel, .-omap_vc_config_channel .globl vc_cfg_bits .bss .align 8 .type vc_cfg_bits, @object .size vc_cfg_bits, 8 vc_cfg_bits: .zero 8 .globl OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT .align 4 .type OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT, @object .size OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT, 4 OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT: .zero 4 .globl CFG_CHANNEL_MASK .align 4 .type CFG_CHANNEL_MASK, @object .size CFG_CHANNEL_MASK, 4 CFG_CHANNEL_MASK: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_vc.c_omap_vc_config_channel.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_vc_config_channel, %function omap_vc_config_channel: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, [r0, #4] ldr r2, .L8 ldr ip, [r3] ldr r1, [r2] ldr r2, [r3, #4] tst ip, r1 ldrne r1, .L8+4 ldr ip, .L8+8 ldrne r1, [r1] ldr ip, [ip] ldrne r1, [r1] push {r4, lr} andne r2, r2, r1 ldr r1, [r3, #8] ldr r4, [r0] strne r2, [r3, #4] lsl r0, ip, r1 lsl r1, r2, r1 ldr r2, [r3, #12] blx r4 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L9: .align 2 .L8: .word OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT .word vc_cfg_bits .word CFG_CHANNEL_MASK .size omap_vc_config_channel, .-omap_vc_config_channel .comm vc_cfg_bits,4,4 .comm OMAP_VC_CHANNEL_DEFAULT,4,4 .comm CFG_CHANNEL_MASK,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_vc.c_omap_vc_post_scale.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl omap_vc_post_scale .type omap_vc_post_scale, @function omap_vc_post_scale: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 sub rdx, rcx mov rbx, rdi mov rdi, rdx call abs@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR [rbx] pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 imul eax, DWORD PTR [rsi] cdq idiv DWORD PTR 4[rsi] lea edi, 2[rax] jmp udelay@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size omap_vc_post_scale, .-omap_vc_post_scale .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_vc.c_omap_vc_post_scale.c" .text .global __aeabi_idiv .align 2 .global omap_vc_post_scale .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type omap_vc_post_scale, %function omap_vc_post_scale: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 sub r2, r2, r3 cmp r2, #0 ldr r3, [r0] rsblt r2, r2, #0 push {r4, lr} ldm r3, {r0, r1} mul r0, r2, r0 bl __aeabi_idiv pop {r4, lr} add r0, r0, #2 b udelay .size omap_vc_post_scale, .-omap_vc_post_scale .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_vp.c__vp_set_init_voltage.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type _vp_set_init_voltage, @function _vp_set_init_voltage: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 mov rbx, rdi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 mov rax, QWORD PTR 16[rbx] mov rbp, QWORD PTR 24[rdi] movsx edi, sil call [QWORD PTR [rax]] mov edi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] mov r13d, eax call [QWORD PTR [rbx]] mov rdx, QWORD PTR 8[rbp] movsx edi, BYTE PTR [rdx] movzx r12d, BYTE PTR 1[rdx] or r12d, edi or r12b, BYTE PTR 2[rdx] not r12d and r12d, eax call __ffs@PLT movsx edx, r13b mov esi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] mov ecx, eax sal edx, cl or r12d, edx movsx r13d, r12b mov edi, r13d call [QWORD PTR 8[rbx]] mov rax, QWORD PTR 8[rbp] mov esi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] movzx edi, BYTE PTR 2[rax] or edi, r12d movsx edi, dil call [QWORD PTR 8[rbx]] mov esi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] mov edi, r13d call [QWORD PTR 8[rbx]] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size _vp_set_init_voltage, .-_vp_set_init_voltage .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_vp.c__vp_set_init_voltage.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type _vp_set_init_voltage, %function _vp_set_init_voltage: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} mov r5, r0 ldr r3, [r0, #8] mov r0, r1 ldr r3, [r3] ldr r6, [r5, #12] blx r3 ldr r3, [r5] mov r7, r0 ldr r0, [r6] blx r3 mov r4, r0 ldr r2, [r6, #4] ldrb r0, [r2] @ zero_extendqisi2 ldrb r3, [r2, #1] @ zero_extendqisi2 ldrb r2, [r2, #2] @ zero_extendqisi2 orr r3, r0, r3 orr r3, r3, r2 bic r4, r4, r3 bl __ffs lsl r4, r4, #24 asr r4, r4, #24 orr r4, r4, r7, lsl r0 and r4, r4, #255 ldr r1, [r6] ldr r3, [r5, #4] mov r0, r4 blx r3 ldm r6, {r1, r3} ldrb r0, [r3, #2] @ zero_extendqisi2 ldr r3, [r5, #4] orr r0, r4, r0 blx r3 mov r0, r4 ldr r1, [r6] ldr r3, [r5, #4] blx r3 mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .size _vp_set_init_voltage, .-_vp_set_init_voltage .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_board-mss2.c_mss2_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type mss2_power_off, @function mss2_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR RSTOUTn_MASK[rip] call readl@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR RSTOUTn_MASK[rip] or eax, 4 mov edi, eax call writel@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR CPU_SOFT_RESET[rip] call readl@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR CPU_SOFT_RESET[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 or eax, 1 mov edi, eax jmp writel@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size mss2_power_off, .-mss2_power_off .globl RSTOUTn_MASK .bss .align 4 .type RSTOUTn_MASK, @object .size RSTOUTn_MASK, 4 RSTOUTn_MASK: .zero 4 .globl CPU_SOFT_RESET .align 4 .type CPU_SOFT_RESET, @object .size CPU_SOFT_RESET, 4 CPU_SOFT_RESET: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_board-mss2.c_mss2_power_off.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type mss2_power_off, %function mss2_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, .L4 ldr r4, .L4+4 ldr r0, [r5] bl readl ldr r1, [r5] orr r0, r0, #4 bl writel ldr r0, [r4] bl readl ldr r1, [r4] orr r0, r0, #1 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr} b writel .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word RSTOUTn_MASK .word CPU_SOFT_RESET .size mss2_power_off, .-mss2_power_off .comm RSTOUTn_MASK,4,4 .comm CPU_SOFT_RESET,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_common.h_mss2_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type mss2_init, @function mss2_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size mss2_init, .-mss2_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_common.h_mss2_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type mss2_init, %function mss2_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size mss2_init, .-mss2_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_db88f5281-setup.c_db88f5281_7seg_event.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type db88f5281_7seg_event, @function db88f5281_7seg_event: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov esi, DWORD PTR count.0[rip] xor edi, edi sal esi, 4 movsx rsi, esi add rsi, QWORD PTR db88f5281_7seg[rip] call writel@PLT mov eax, DWORD PTR count.0[rip] lea rdi, db88f5281_timer[rip] add eax, 1 and eax, 7 mov DWORD PTR count.0[rip], eax mov eax, DWORD PTR HZ[rip] lea esi, [rax+rax] movsx rsi, esi add rsi, QWORD PTR jiffies[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp mod_timer@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size db88f5281_7seg_event, .-db88f5281_7seg_event .local count.0 .comm count.0,4,4 .globl jiffies .bss .align 8 .type jiffies, @object .size jiffies, 8 jiffies: .zero 8 .globl db88f5281_timer .align 4 .type db88f5281_timer, @object .size db88f5281_timer, 4 db88f5281_timer: .zero 4 .globl db88f5281_7seg .align 8 .type db88f5281_7seg, @object .size db88f5281_7seg, 8 db88f5281_7seg: .zero 8 .globl HZ .align 4 .type HZ, @object .size HZ, 4 HZ: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_db88f5281-setup.c_db88f5281_7seg_event.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type db88f5281_7seg_event, %function db88f5281_7seg_event: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L4 ldr r4, .L4+4 ldr r3, [r3] ldr r1, [r4] mov r0, #0 add r1, r3, r1, lsl #4 bl writel ldr r3, [r4] ldr r1, .L4+8 ldr r2, .L4+12 ldr r1, [r1] ldr r2, [r2] add r3, r3, #1 and r3, r3, #7 str r3, [r4] ldr r0, .L4+16 add r1, r2, r1, lsl #1 pop {r4, lr} b mod_timer .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word db88f5281_7seg .word .LANCHOR0 .word HZ .word jiffies .word db88f5281_timer .size db88f5281_7seg_event, .-db88f5281_7seg_event .comm jiffies,4,4 .comm db88f5281_timer,4,4 .comm db88f5281_7seg,4,4 .comm HZ,4,4 .bss .align 2 .set .LANCHOR0,. + 0 .type count.4214, %object .size count.4214, 4 count.4214: .space 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323a_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "DNS-323: Triggering power-off...\n" .text .p2align 4 .type dns323a_power_off, @function dns323a_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_info@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF[rip] mov esi, 1 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size dns323a_power_off, .-dns323a_power_off .globl DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF .bss .align 4 .type DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF, @object .size DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF, 4 DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323a_power_off.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "DNS-323: Triggering power-off...\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type dns323a_power_off, %function dns323a_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, .L4 bl pr_info pop {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L4+4 mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r3] b gpio_set_value .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word .LC0 .word DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF .size dns323a_power_off, .-dns323a_power_off .comm DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323b_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "DNS-323: Triggering power-off...\n" .text .p2align 4 .type dns323b_power_off, @function dns323b_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_info@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF[rip] mov esi, 1 call gpio_set_value@PLT mov edi, 100 call mdelay@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF[rip] xor esi, esi add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size dns323b_power_off, .-dns323b_power_off .globl DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF .bss .align 4 .type DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF, @object .size DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF, 4 DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323b_power_off.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "DNS-323: Triggering power-off...\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type dns323b_power_off, %function dns323b_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r4, .L4 ldr r0, .L4+4 bl pr_info mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r4] bl gpio_set_value mov r0, #100 bl mdelay ldr r0, [r4] mov r1, #0 pop {r4, lr} b gpio_set_value .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF .word .LC0 .size dns323b_power_off, .-dns323b_power_off .comm DNS323_GPIO_POWER_OFF,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323c_phy_fixup.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type dns323c_phy_fixup, @function dns323c_phy_fixup: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS[rip] or DWORD PTR [rdi], eax xor eax, eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size dns323c_phy_fixup, .-dns323c_phy_fixup .globl MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS .bss .align 4 .type MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS, @object .size MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS, 4 MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323c_phy_fixup.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type dns323c_phy_fixup, %function dns323c_phy_fixup: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. mov r3, r0 ldr r1, .L3 ldr r2, [r0] ldr r1, [r1] mov r0, #0 orr r2, r2, r1 str r2, [r3] bx lr .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS .size dns323c_phy_fixup, .-dns323c_phy_fixup .comm MARVELL_PHY_M1118_DNS323_LEDS,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323c_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "DNS-323: Triggering power-off...\n" .text .p2align 4 .type dns323c_power_off, @function dns323c_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_info@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF[rip] mov esi, 1 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size dns323c_power_off, .-dns323c_power_off .globl DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF .bss .align 4 .type DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF, @object .size DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF, 4 DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_dns323-setup.c_dns323c_power_off.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "DNS-323: Triggering power-off...\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type dns323c_power_off, %function dns323c_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, .L4 bl pr_info pop {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L4+4 mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r3] b gpio_set_value .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word .LC0 .word DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF .size dns323c_power_off, .-dns323c_power_off .comm DNS323C_GPIO_POWER_OFF,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_kurobox_pro-setup.c_kurobox_pro_miconread.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type kurobox_pro_miconread, @function kurobox_pro_miconread: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 mov r13d, esi push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 xor r12d, r12d push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 mov rbp, rdi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 test esi, esi jle .L1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: mov ebx, 10 jmp .L6 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L18: mov edi, 1000 call udelay@PLT .L6: mov edi, DWORD PTR LSR[rip] call UART1_REG@PLT mov edi, eax call readl@PLT and al, BYTE PTR UART_LSR_DR[rip] jne .L17 sub ebx, 1 jne .L18 .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L17: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, DWORD PTR RX[rip] add r12d, 1 add rbp, 1 call UART1_REG@PLT mov edi, eax call readl@PLT mov BYTE PTR -1[rbp], al cmp r13d, r12d jne .L7 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size kurobox_pro_miconread, .-kurobox_pro_miconread .globl UART_LSR_DR .bss .type UART_LSR_DR, @object .size UART_LSR_DR, 1 UART_LSR_DR: .zero 1 .globl RX .align 4 .type RX, @object .size RX, 4 RX: .zero 4 .globl LSR .align 4 .type LSR, @object .size LSR, 4 LSR: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_kurobox_pro-setup.c_kurobox_pro_miconread.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type kurobox_pro_miconread, %function kurobox_pro_miconread: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} subs r9, r1, #0 mov r7, #0 ble .L1 ldr r6, .L17 ldr r5, .L17+4 ldr r10, .L17+8 sub r8, r0, #1 .L7: mov r4, #10 b .L6 .L16: mov r0, #1000 bl udelay .L6: ldr r0, [r6] bl UART1_REG bl readl ldrb r3, [r5] @ zero_extendqisi2 tst r0, r3 bne .L15 subs r4, r4, #1 bne .L16 .L1: mov r0, r7 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L15: ldr r0, [r10] bl UART1_REG bl readl add r7, r7, #1 cmp r9, r7 strb r0, [r8, #1]! bne .L7 mov r0, r7 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L18: .align 2 .L17: .word LSR .word UART_LSR_DR .word RX .size kurobox_pro_miconread, .-kurobox_pro_miconread .comm UART_LSR_DR,1,1 .comm RX,4,4 .comm LSR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_kurobox_pro-setup.c_kurobox_pro_miconwrite.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type kurobox_pro_miconwrite, @function kurobox_pro_miconwrite: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 test esi, esi je .L10 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 lea eax, -1[rsi] push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 3, -24 lea rbp, 1[rdi+rax] mov rbx, rdi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 jmp .L5 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: xor eax, eax call barrier@PLT .L5: mov edi, DWORD PTR LSR[rip] call UART1_REG@PLT mov edi, eax call readl@PLT and eax, DWORD PTR UART_LSR_THRE[rip] je .L4 mov edi, DWORD PTR TX[rip] add rbx, 1 call UART1_REG@PLT movzx edi, BYTE PTR -1[rbx] mov esi, eax call writel@PLT cmp rbx, rbp jne .L5 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 xor eax, eax pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .L10: .cfi_restore 3 .cfi_restore 6 xor eax, eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size kurobox_pro_miconwrite, .-kurobox_pro_miconwrite .globl UART_LSR_THRE .bss .align 4 .type UART_LSR_THRE, @object .size UART_LSR_THRE, 4 UART_LSR_THRE: .zero 4 .globl TX .align 4 .type TX, @object .size TX, 4 TX: .zero 4 .globl LSR .align 4 .type LSR, @object .size LSR, 4 LSR: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_kurobox_pro-setup.c_kurobox_pro_miconwrite.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type kurobox_pro_miconwrite, %function kurobox_pro_miconwrite: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 cmp r1, #0 beq .L10 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} sub r6, r0, #1 ldr r5, .L14 ldr r4, .L14+4 ldr r9, .L14+8 add r8, r6, r1 b .L5 .L4: bl barrier .L5: ldr r0, [r5] bl UART1_REG bl readl ldr r3, [r4] tst r0, r3 beq .L4 ldr r0, [r9] ldrb r7, [r6, #1]! @ zero_extendqisi2 bl UART1_REG mov r1, r0 mov r0, r7 bl writel cmp r6, r8 bne .L5 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L10: mov r0, #0 bx lr .L15: .align 2 .L14: .word LSR .word UART_LSR_THRE .word TX .size kurobox_pro_miconwrite, .-kurobox_pro_miconwrite .comm UART_LSR_THRE,4,4 .comm TX,4,4 .comm LSR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ls_hgl-setup.c_ls_hgl_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ls_hgl_power_off, @function ls_hgl_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov edi, DWORD PTR REBOOT_HARD[rip] xor esi, esi jmp orion5x_restart@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ls_hgl_power_off, .-ls_hgl_power_off .globl REBOOT_HARD .bss .align 4 .type REBOOT_HARD, @object .size REBOOT_HARD, 4 REBOOT_HARD: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ls_hgl-setup.c_ls_hgl_power_off.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ls_hgl_power_off, %function ls_hgl_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r3, .L3 mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r3] b orion5x_restart .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word REBOOT_HARD .size ls_hgl_power_off, .-ls_hgl_power_off .comm REBOOT_HARD,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_net2big-setup.c_net2big_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type net2big_power_off, @function net2big_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov edi, DWORD PTR NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF[rip] mov esi, 1 jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size net2big_power_off, .-net2big_power_off .globl NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF .bss .align 4 .type NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF, @object .size NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF, 4 NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_net2big-setup.c_net2big_power_off.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type net2big_power_off, %function net2big_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r3, .L3 mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r3] b gpio_set_value .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF .size net2big_power_off, .-net2big_power_off .comm NET2BIG_GPIO_POWER_OFF,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf, @function orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 15, -16 mov r15d, edx push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 14, -24 mov r14d, esi xor esi, esi push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 13, -32 mov r13d, r8d push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 12, -40 mov r12, r9 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 6, -48 mov ebp, ecx push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 .cfi_offset 3, -56 mov ebx, edi lea rdi, orion5x_pci_lock[rip] sub rsp, 24 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR PCI_CONF_ADDR[rip] mov edi, ebx mov DWORD PTR 12[rsp], esi call PCI_CONF_BUS@PLT mov edi, r14d mov ebx, eax call PCI_CONF_DEV@PLT mov edi, ebp or ebx, eax call PCI_CONF_REG@PLT mov edi, r15d mov r14d, eax call PCI_CONF_FUNC@PLT or ebx, DWORD PTR PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR 12[rsp] mov edi, ebx or edi, r14d or edi, eax call writel@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR PCI_CONF_DATA[rip] call readl@PLT cmp r13d, 1 je .L8 cmp r13d, 2 je .L4 .L6: mov DWORD PTR [r12], eax .L3: xor esi, esi lea rdi, orion5x_pci_lock[rip] call spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT mov eax, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL[rip] add rsp, 24 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: .cfi_restore_state and ebp, 3 lea ecx, 0[0+rbp*8] sar eax, cl and eax, 65535 jmp .L6 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: and ebp, 3 lea ecx, 0[0+rbp*8] sar eax, cl and eax, 255 mov DWORD PTR [r12], eax jmp .L3 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf, .-orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf .globl orion5x_pci_lock .bss .align 4 .type orion5x_pci_lock, @object .size orion5x_pci_lock, 4 orion5x_pci_lock: .zero 4 .globl PCI_CONF_DATA .align 4 .type PCI_CONF_DATA, @object .size PCI_CONF_DATA, 4 PCI_CONF_DATA: .zero 4 .globl PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN .align 4 .type PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN, @object .size PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN, 4 PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN: .zero 4 .globl PCI_CONF_ADDR .align 4 .type PCI_CONF_ADDR, @object .size PCI_CONF_ADDR, 4 PCI_CONF_ADDR: .zero 4 .globl PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL, @object .size PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL, 4 PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf, %function orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf: @ args = 8, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} mov r4, r0 mov r7, r1 ldr r0, .L9 mov r1, #0 mov r8, r2 mov r5, r3 ldr r6, [sp, #24] bl spin_lock_irqsave mov r0, r4 bl PCI_CONF_BUS mov r4, r0 mov r0, r7 bl PCI_CONF_DEV mov r3, r0 mov r0, r5 orr r4, r4, r3 bl PCI_CONF_REG mov r7, r0 mov r0, r8 bl PCI_CONF_FUNC ldr r3, .L9+4 ldr r2, .L9+8 ldr r3, [r3] ldr r1, [r2] orr r4, r4, r3 orr r4, r4, r7 orr r0, r4, r0 bl writel ldr r3, .L9+12 ldr r0, [r3] bl readl cmp r6, #1 beq .L8 cmp r6, #2 ldreq r3, .L9+16 andeq r5, r5, #3 lsleq r5, r5, #3 andeq r0, r3, r0, asr r5 ldr r3, [sp, #28] str r0, [r3] .L3: mov r1, #0 ldr r0, .L9 bl spin_unlock_irqrestore ldr r3, .L9+20 ldr r0, [r3] pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L8: and r5, r5, #3 lsl r5, r5, #3 ldr r3, [sp, #28] asr r0, r0, r5 and r0, r0, #255 str r0, [r3] b .L3 .L10: .align 2 .L9: .word orion5x_pci_lock .word PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN .word PCI_CONF_ADDR .word PCI_CONF_DATA .word 65535 .word PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL .size orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf, .-orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf .comm orion5x_pci_lock,4,4 .comm PCI_CONF_DATA,4,4 .comm PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN,4,4 .comm PCI_CONF_ADDR,4,4 .comm PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf, @function orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 15, -16 mov r15d, r8d push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 14, -24 mov r14d, esi xor esi, esi push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 13, -32 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 12, -40 mov r12d, edx push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 6, -48 mov ebp, ecx push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 .cfi_offset 3, -56 mov ebx, edi lea rdi, orion5x_pci_lock[rip] sub rsp, 24 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 mov r13d, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL[rip] mov DWORD PTR 12[rsp], r9d call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR PCI_CONF_ADDR[rip] mov edi, ebx mov DWORD PTR 8[rsp], esi call PCI_CONF_BUS@PLT mov edi, r14d mov ebx, eax call PCI_CONF_DEV@PLT mov edi, ebp or ebx, eax call PCI_CONF_REG@PLT mov edi, r12d mov r14d, eax call PCI_CONF_FUNC@PLT or ebx, DWORD PTR PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN[rip] mov esi, DWORD PTR 8[rsp] mov edi, ebx or edi, r14d or edi, eax call writel@PLT cmp r15d, 4 je .L8 cmp r15d, 2 je .L9 cmp r15d, 1 je .L10 mov r13d, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER[rip] .L3: xor esi, esi lea rdi, orion5x_pci_lock[rip] call spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT add rsp, 24 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 mov eax, r13d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: .cfi_restore_state mov rsi, QWORD PTR PCI_CONF_DATA[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR 12[rsp] call __raw_writel@PLT jmp .L3 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L9: mov esi, ebp mov edi, DWORD PTR 12[rsp] and esi, 3 add rsi, QWORD PTR PCI_CONF_DATA[rip] call __raw_writew@PLT jmp .L3 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L10: mov esi, ebp mov edi, DWORD PTR 12[rsp] and esi, 3 add rsi, QWORD PTR PCI_CONF_DATA[rip] call __raw_writeb@PLT jmp .L3 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf, .-orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf .globl orion5x_pci_lock .bss .align 4 .type orion5x_pci_lock, @object .size orion5x_pci_lock, 4 orion5x_pci_lock: .zero 4 .globl PCI_CONF_DATA .align 8 .type PCI_CONF_DATA, @object .size PCI_CONF_DATA, 8 PCI_CONF_DATA: .zero 8 .globl PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN .align 4 .type PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN, @object .size PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN, 4 PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN: .zero 4 .globl PCI_CONF_ADDR .align 4 .type PCI_CONF_ADDR, @object .size PCI_CONF_ADDR, 4 PCI_CONF_ADDR: .zero 4 .globl PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL, @object .size PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL, 4 PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL: .zero 4 .globl PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER, @object .size PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER, 4 PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf, %function orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf: @ args = 8, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} mov r4, r0 ldr lr, .L11 mov r6, r1 ldr r0, .L11+4 mov r1, #0 mov r9, r2 ldr r8, [lr] mov r5, r3 ldr r7, [sp, #32] bl spin_lock_irqsave mov r0, r4 bl PCI_CONF_BUS mov r4, r0 mov r0, r6 bl PCI_CONF_DEV mov r3, r0 mov r0, r5 orr r4, r4, r3 bl PCI_CONF_REG mov r6, r0 mov r0, r9 bl PCI_CONF_FUNC ldr r3, .L11+8 ldr r2, .L11+12 ldr r3, [r3] ldr r1, [r2] orr r4, r4, r3 orr r4, r4, r6 orr r0, r4, r0 bl writel cmp r7, #4 beq .L8 cmp r7, #2 beq .L9 cmp r7, #1 beq .L10 ldr r3, .L11+16 ldr r8, [r3] .L3: mov r1, #0 ldr r0, .L11+4 bl spin_unlock_irqrestore mov r0, r8 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L8: ldr r3, .L11+20 ldr r0, [sp, #36] ldr r1, [r3] bl __raw_writel b .L3 .L9: ldr r3, .L11+20 and r1, r5, #3 ldr r2, [r3] ldr r0, [sp, #36] add r1, r1, r2 bl __raw_writew b .L3 .L10: ldr r3, .L11+20 and r5, r5, #3 ldr r1, [r3] ldr r0, [sp, #36] add r1, r5, r1 bl __raw_writeb b .L3 .L12: .align 2 .L11: .word PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL .word orion5x_pci_lock .word PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN .word PCI_CONF_ADDR .word PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER .word PCI_CONF_DATA .size orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf, .-orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf .comm orion5x_pci_lock,4,4 .comm PCI_CONF_DATA,4,4 .comm PCI_CONF_ADDR_EN,4,4 .comm PCI_CONF_ADDR,4,4 .comm PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL,4,4 .comm PCIBIOS_BAD_REGISTER_NUMBER,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr, @function orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR PCI_P2P_CONF[rip] call readl@PLT mov ecx, DWORD PTR PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS[rip] and eax, DWORD PTR PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 sar eax, cl ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr, .-orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr .globl PCI_P2P_CONF .bss .align 4 .type PCI_P2P_CONF, @object .size PCI_P2P_CONF, 4 PCI_P2P_CONF: .zero 4 .globl PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS .align 4 .type PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS, @object .size PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS, 4 PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS: .zero 4 .globl PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK .align 4 .type PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK, @object .size PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK, 4 PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr, %function orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r3] bl readl ldr r2, .L4+4 ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r2, [r2] ldr r3, [r3] and r0, r0, r2 asr r0, r0, r3 pop {r4, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word PCI_P2P_CONF .word PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK .word PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS .size orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr, .-orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr .comm PCI_P2P_CONF,4,4 .comm PCI_P2P_BUS_OFFS,4,4 .comm PCI_P2P_BUS_MASK,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_rd_conf.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type orion5x_pci_rd_conf, @function orion5x_pci_rd_conf: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 15, -16 push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 14, -24 mov r14, r8 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 13, -32 mov r13d, ecx push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 12, -40 mov r12d, edx push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 6, -48 mov ebp, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 .cfi_offset 3, -56 mov rbx, rdi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 mov edi, DWORD PTR [rdi] call orion5x_pci_valid_config@PLT test eax, eax jne .L8 mov DWORD PTR [r14], -1 mov eax, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, ebp call PCI_FUNC@PLT mov edi, ebp mov r15d, eax call PCI_SLOT@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR [rbx] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 mov r9, r14 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 mov r8d, r13d pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov ecx, r12d mov edx, r15d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov esi, eax pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size orion5x_pci_rd_conf, .-orion5x_pci_rd_conf .globl PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .bss .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, @object .size PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, 4 PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_rd_conf.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type orion5x_pci_rd_conf, %function orion5x_pci_rd_conf: @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} mov r4, r0 sub sp, sp, #8 ldr r0, [r0] mov r7, r2 mov r6, r3 mov r5, r1 bl orion5x_pci_valid_config cmp r0, #0 bne .L2 mvn r2, #0 ldr r1, [sp, #32] ldr r3, .L6 str r2, [r1] ldr r0, [r3] add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L2: mov r0, r5 ldr r8, [r4] bl PCI_SLOT mov r4, r0 mov r0, r5 bl PCI_FUNC ldr r3, [sp, #32] mov r2, r0 str r3, [sp, #4] mov r1, r4 mov r0, r8 mov r3, r7 str r6, [sp] bl orion5x_pci_hw_rd_conf add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .size orion5x_pci_rd_conf, .-orion5x_pci_rd_conf .comm PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_valid_config.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type orion5x_pci_valid_config, @function orion5x_pci_valid_config: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 xor eax, eax push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 mov ebp, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 3, -32 mov ebx, edi call orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr@PLT cmp eax, ebx je .L2 .L6: mov r12d, 1 .L1: mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, ebp call PCI_SLOT@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax je .L4 .L7: cmp QWORD PTR orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode[rip], 0 je .L6 mov edi, ebp xor r12d, r12d call PCI_SLOT@PLT cmp eax, 1 setle r12b jmp .L1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: mov edi, ebp call PCI_FUNC@PLT test rax, rax je .L7 jmp .L1 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size orion5x_pci_valid_config, .-orion5x_pci_valid_config .globl orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode .bss .align 8 .type orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode, @object .size orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode, 8 orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_valid_config.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type orion5x_pci_valid_config, %function orion5x_pci_valid_config: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r4, r0 mov r5, r1 bl orion5x_pci_local_bus_nr cmp r0, r4 beq .L2 .L6: mov r4, #1 .L1: mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L2: mov r0, r5 bl PCI_SLOT subs r4, r0, #0 beq .L4 .L7: ldr r3, .L10 ldr r3, [r3] cmp r3, #0 beq .L6 mov r0, r5 bl PCI_SLOT cmp r0, #1 movgt r4, #0 movle r4, #1 b .L1 .L4: mov r0, r5 bl PCI_FUNC cmp r0, #0 beq .L7 b .L1 .L11: .align 2 .L10: .word orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode .size orion5x_pci_valid_config, .-orion5x_pci_valid_config .comm orion5x_pci_cardbus_mode,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_wr_conf.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type orion5x_pci_wr_conf, @function orion5x_pci_wr_conf: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 15, -16 push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 14, -24 mov r14d, r8d push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 13, -32 mov r13d, ecx push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 12, -40 mov r12d, edx push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 6, -48 mov ebp, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 .cfi_offset 3, -56 mov rbx, rdi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 mov edi, DWORD PTR [rdi] call orion5x_pci_valid_config@PLT test eax, eax jne .L8 mov eax, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, ebp call PCI_FUNC@PLT mov edi, ebp mov r15d, eax call PCI_SLOT@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR [rbx] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 mov r9d, r14d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 mov r8d, r13d pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov ecx, r12d mov edx, r15d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov esi, eax pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size orion5x_pci_wr_conf, .-orion5x_pci_wr_conf .globl PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .bss .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, @object .size PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, 4 PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_orion5x_pci_wr_conf.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type orion5x_pci_wr_conf, %function orion5x_pci_wr_conf: @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} mov r4, r0 sub sp, sp, #8 ldr r0, [r0] mov r7, r2 mov r6, r3 mov r5, r1 bl orion5x_pci_valid_config cmp r0, #0 bne .L2 ldr r3, .L6 ldr r0, [r3] add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L2: mov r0, r5 ldr r8, [r4] bl PCI_SLOT mov r4, r0 mov r0, r5 bl PCI_FUNC ldr r3, [sp, #32] mov r2, r0 str r3, [sp, #4] mov r1, r4 mov r0, r8 mov r3, r7 str r6, [sp] bl orion5x_pci_hw_wr_conf add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .size orion5x_pci_wr_conf, .-orion5x_pci_wr_conf .comm PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_pcie_rd_conf.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type pcie_rd_conf, @function pcie_rd_conf: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 15, -16 push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 14, -24 mov r14d, ecx push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 13, -32 mov r13d, edx push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 12, -40 mov r12d, esi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 6, -48 mov rbp, rdi mov edi, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 .cfi_offset 3, -56 mov rbx, r8 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 call PCI_SLOT@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] mov esi, eax call pcie_valid_config@PLT test rax, rax jne .L2 mov DWORD PTR [rbx], -1 mov r12d, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND[rip] .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state xor r15d, r15d lea rdi, orion5x_pcie_lock[rip] mov rsi, r15 call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT mov edx, r12d mov rsi, rbp mov r9, rbx mov edi, DWORD PTR PCIE_BASE[rip] mov r8d, r14d mov ecx, r13d call orion_pcie_rd_conf@PLT mov rsi, r15 lea rdi, orion5x_pcie_lock[rip] mov r12d, eax call spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT jmp .L1 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size pcie_rd_conf, .-pcie_rd_conf .globl orion5x_pcie_lock .bss .align 4 .type orion5x_pcie_lock, @object .size orion5x_pcie_lock, 4 orion5x_pcie_lock: .zero 4 .globl PCIE_BASE .align 4 .type PCIE_BASE, @object .size PCIE_BASE, 4 PCIE_BASE: .zero 4 .globl PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, @object .size PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, 4 PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_pcie_rd_conf.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type pcie_rd_conf, %function pcie_rd_conf: @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r6, [r0] sub sp, sp, #8 mov r4, r0 mov r0, r1 mov r5, r1 mov r8, r2 mov r7, r3 bl PCI_SLOT mov r1, r0 mov r0, r6 bl pcie_valid_config cmp r0, #0 bne .L2 mvn r2, #0 ldr r1, [sp, #32] ldr r3, .L6 str r2, [r1] ldr r4, [r3] mov r0, r4 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L2: mov r6, #0 ldr r0, .L6+4 mov r1, r6 bl spin_lock_irqsave ldr r3, [sp, #32] ldr r0, .L6+8 str r3, [sp, #4] str r7, [sp] mov r3, r8 mov r2, r5 mov r1, r4 ldr r0, [r0] bl orion_pcie_rd_conf mov r4, r0 mov r1, r6 ldr r0, .L6+4 bl spin_unlock_irqrestore mov r0, r4 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .word orion5x_pcie_lock .word PCIE_BASE .size pcie_rd_conf, .-pcie_rd_conf .comm orion5x_pcie_lock,4,4 .comm PCIE_BASE,4,4 .comm PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_pcie_rd_conf_wa.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type pcie_rd_conf_wa, @function pcie_rd_conf_wa: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 14, -16 mov r14d, edx push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 13, -24 mov r13, r8 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 12, -32 mov r12d, esi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 6, -40 mov rbp, rdi mov edi, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 3, -48 mov ebx, ecx call PCI_SLOT@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] mov esi, eax call pcie_valid_config@PLT test rax, rax je .L6 cmp r14d, 255 jle .L4 .L6: pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov DWORD PTR 0[r13], -1 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 mov eax, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND[rip] pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, DWORD PTR ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE[rip] mov r9, r13 mov r8d, ebx mov ecx, r14d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov edx, r12d mov rsi, rbp pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp orion_pcie_rd_conf_wa@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size pcie_rd_conf_wa, .-pcie_rd_conf_wa .globl PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .bss .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, @object .size PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, 4 PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: .zero 4 .globl ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE .align 4 .type ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE, @object .size ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE, 4 ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_pcie_rd_conf_wa.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type pcie_rd_conf_wa, %function pcie_rd_conf_wa: @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r8, [r0] sub sp, sp, #8 mov r4, r0 mov r0, r1 mov r5, r1 mov r6, r2 mov r7, r3 bl PCI_SLOT mov r1, r0 mov r0, r8 bl pcie_valid_config cmp r0, #0 beq .L4 cmp r6, #255 ble .L7 .L4: mvn r2, #0 ldr r1, [sp, #32] ldr r3, .L8 str r2, [r1] ldr r0, [r3] add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L7: ldr r3, [sp, #32] ldr r0, .L8+4 str r3, [sp, #4] str r7, [sp] mov r3, r6 mov r2, r5 mov r1, r4 ldr r0, [r0] bl orion_pcie_rd_conf_wa add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L9: .align 2 .L8: .word PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .word ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE .size pcie_rd_conf_wa, .-pcie_rd_conf_wa .comm PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND,4,4 .comm ORION5X_PCIE_WA_VIRT_BASE,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pci.c_pcie_wr_conf.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type pcie_wr_conf, @function pcie_wr_conf: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 15, -16 push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 14, -24 mov r14d, r8d push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 13, -32 mov r13d, edx push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 12, -40 mov r12d, esi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 6, -48 mov rbp, rdi mov edi, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 .cfi_offset 3, -56 mov ebx, ecx sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 call PCI_SLOT@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR 0[rbp] mov esi, eax call pcie_valid_config@PLT test rax, rax jne .L2 mov r12d, DWORD PTR PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND[rip] .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state xor r15d, r15d lea rdi, orion5x_pcie_lock[rip] mov rsi, r15 call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT mov edx, r12d mov rsi, rbp mov r9d, r14d mov edi, DWORD PTR PCIE_BASE[rip] mov r8d, ebx mov ecx, r13d call orion_pcie_wr_conf@PLT mov rsi, r15 lea rdi, orion5x_pcie_lock[rip] mov r12d, eax call spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT jmp .L1 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size pcie_wr_conf, .-pcie_wr_conf .globl orion5x_pcie_lock .bss .align 4 .type orion5x_pcie_lock, @object .size orion5x_pcie_lock, 4 orion5x_pcie_lock: .zero 4 .globl PCIE_BASE .align 4 .type PCIE_BASE, @object .size PCIE_BASE, 4 PCIE_BASE: .zero 4 .globl PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .align 4 .type PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, @object .size PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, 4 PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pci.c_pcie_wr_conf.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type pcie_wr_conf, %function pcie_wr_conf: @ args = 4, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r6, [r0] sub sp, sp, #8 mov r4, r0 mov r0, r1 mov r5, r1 mov r8, r2 mov r7, r3 bl PCI_SLOT mov r1, r0 mov r0, r6 bl pcie_valid_config cmp r0, #0 bne .L2 ldr r3, .L6 ldr r4, [r3] mov r0, r4 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L2: mov r6, #0 ldr r0, .L6+4 mov r1, r6 bl spin_lock_irqsave ldr r3, [sp, #32] ldr r0, .L6+8 str r3, [sp, #4] str r7, [sp] mov r3, r8 mov r2, r5 mov r1, r4 ldr r0, [r0] bl orion_pcie_wr_conf mov r4, r0 mov r1, r6 ldr r0, .L6+4 bl spin_unlock_irqrestore mov r0, r4 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND .word orion5x_pcie_lock .word PCIE_BASE .size pcie_wr_conf, .-pcie_wr_conf .comm orion5x_pcie_lock,4,4 .comm PCIE_BASE,4,4 .comm PCIBIOS_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_terastation_pro2-setup.c_tsp2_miconread.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type tsp2_miconread, @function tsp2_miconread: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 mov r13d, esi push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 xor r12d, r12d push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 mov rbp, rdi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 test esi, esi jle .L1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: mov ebx, 10 jmp .L6 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L18: mov edi, 1000 call udelay@PLT .L6: mov edi, DWORD PTR LSR[rip] call UART1_REG@PLT mov edi, eax call readl@PLT and al, BYTE PTR UART_LSR_DR[rip] jne .L17 sub ebx, 1 jne .L18 .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L17: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, DWORD PTR RX[rip] add r12d, 1 add rbp, 1 call UART1_REG@PLT mov edi, eax call readl@PLT mov BYTE PTR -1[rbp], al cmp r13d, r12d jne .L7 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size tsp2_miconread, .-tsp2_miconread .globl UART_LSR_DR .bss .type UART_LSR_DR, @object .size UART_LSR_DR, 1 UART_LSR_DR: .zero 1 .globl RX .align 4 .type RX, @object .size RX, 4 RX: .zero 4 .globl LSR .align 4 .type LSR, @object .size LSR, 4 LSR: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_terastation_pro2-setup.c_tsp2_miconread.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type tsp2_miconread, %function tsp2_miconread: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} subs r9, r1, #0 mov r7, #0 ble .L1 ldr r6, .L17 ldr r5, .L17+4 ldr r10, .L17+8 sub r8, r0, #1 .L7: mov r4, #10 b .L6 .L16: mov r0, #1000 bl udelay .L6: ldr r0, [r6] bl UART1_REG bl readl ldrb r3, [r5] @ zero_extendqisi2 tst r0, r3 bne .L15 subs r4, r4, #1 bne .L16 .L1: mov r0, r7 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L15: ldr r0, [r10] bl UART1_REG bl readl add r7, r7, #1 cmp r9, r7 strb r0, [r8, #1]! bne .L7 mov r0, r7 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L18: .align 2 .L17: .word LSR .word UART_LSR_DR .word RX .size tsp2_miconread, .-tsp2_miconread .comm UART_LSR_DR,1,1 .comm RX,4,4 .comm LSR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_terastation_pro2-setup.c_tsp2_miconwrite.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type tsp2_miconwrite, @function tsp2_miconwrite: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 test esi, esi je .L10 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 lea eax, -1[rsi] push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 3, -24 lea rbp, 1[rdi+rax] mov rbx, rdi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 jmp .L5 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: xor eax, eax call barrier@PLT .L5: mov edi, DWORD PTR LSR[rip] call UART1_REG@PLT mov edi, eax call readl@PLT and eax, DWORD PTR UART_LSR_THRE[rip] je .L4 mov edi, DWORD PTR TX[rip] add rbx, 1 call UART1_REG@PLT movzx edi, BYTE PTR -1[rbx] mov esi, eax call writel@PLT cmp rbx, rbp jne .L5 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 xor eax, eax pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .L10: .cfi_restore 3 .cfi_restore 6 xor eax, eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size tsp2_miconwrite, .-tsp2_miconwrite .globl UART_LSR_THRE .bss .align 4 .type UART_LSR_THRE, @object .size UART_LSR_THRE, 4 UART_LSR_THRE: .zero 4 .globl TX .align 4 .type TX, @object .size TX, 4 TX: .zero 4 .globl LSR .align 4 .type LSR, @object .size LSR, 4 LSR: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_terastation_pro2-setup.c_tsp2_miconwrite.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type tsp2_miconwrite, %function tsp2_miconwrite: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 cmp r1, #0 beq .L10 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} sub r6, r0, #1 ldr r5, .L14 ldr r4, .L14+4 ldr r9, .L14+8 add r8, r6, r1 b .L5 .L4: bl barrier .L5: ldr r0, [r5] bl UART1_REG bl readl ldr r3, [r4] tst r0, r3 beq .L4 ldr r0, [r9] ldrb r7, [r6, #1]! @ zero_extendqisi2 bl UART1_REG mov r1, r0 mov r0, r7 bl writel cmp r6, r8 bne .L5 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L10: mov r0, #0 bx lr .L15: .align 2 .L14: .word LSR .word UART_LSR_THRE .word TX .size tsp2_miconwrite, .-tsp2_miconwrite .comm UART_LSR_THRE,4,4 .comm TX,4,4 .comm LSR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init, @function ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+16], 0 mov QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], 0 mov QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 0 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init, .-ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 16 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 24 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 24 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init, %function ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. mov r2, #0 ldr r3, .L3 str r2, [r3, #8] str r2, [r3, #4] str r2, [r3] bx lr .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word ts78xx_fpga .size ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init, .-ts78xx_fpga_devices_zero_init .comm ts78xx_fpga,12,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_load.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "FPGA magic=0x%.6x, rev=0x%.2x\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_load, @function ts78xx_fpga_load: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE[rip] call readl@PLT lea rdi, .LC0[rip] movzx edx, al mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], eax shr eax, 8 mov esi, eax call pr_info@PLT xor eax, eax call ts78xx_fpga_supports@PLT xor eax, eax call ts78xx_fpga_load_devices@PLT mov r8, rax xor eax, eax test r8, r8 je .L1 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], -1 mov eax, DWORD PTR EBUSY[rip] neg eax .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_load, .-ts78xx_fpga_load .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 8 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 8 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 8 .globl TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE .align 4 .type TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE, @object .size TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE, 4 TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE: .zero 4 .globl EBUSY .align 4 .type EBUSY, @object .size EBUSY, 4 EBUSY: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_load.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "FPGA magic=0x%.6x, rev=0x%.2x\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_load, %function ts78xx_fpga_load: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L8 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r3] bl readl mov r3, r0 ldr r4, .L8+4 and r2, r3, #255 lsr r1, r3, #8 ldr r0, .L8+8 str r3, [r4] bl pr_info bl ts78xx_fpga_supports bl ts78xx_fpga_load_devices cmp r0, #0 mvnne r2, #0 ldrne r3, .L8+12 strne r2, [r4, #4] ldrne r0, [r3] rsbne r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L9: .align 2 .L8: .word TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE .word ts78xx_fpga .word .LC0 .word EBUSY .size ts78xx_fpga_load, .-ts78xx_fpga_load .comm ts78xx_fpga,8,4 .comm TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE,4,4 .comm EBUSY,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_load_devices.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_load_devices, @function ts78xx_fpga_load_devices: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 xor r12d, r12d cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], 1 je .L19 .L2: cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 1 je .L20 .L3: cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 je .L21 .L1: mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L19: .cfi_restore_state xor eax, eax call ts78xx_ts_rtc_load@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax je .L2 cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 1 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], 0 jne .L3 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L20: xor eax, eax call ts78xx_ts_nand_load@PLT test eax, eax je .L4 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 0 .L4: or r12d, eax cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 jne .L1 .L21: xor eax, eax call ts78xx_ts_rng_load@PLT test eax, eax je .L6 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 0 .L6: or r12d, eax mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_load_devices, .-ts78xx_fpga_load_devices .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 8 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 12 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 12 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_load_devices.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_load_devices, %function ts78xx_fpga_load_devices: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r4, .L22 ldr r3, [r4, #8] cmp r3, #1 movne r5, #0 beq .L19 ldr r3, [r4, #4] cmp r3, #1 beq .L20 .L3: ldr r3, [r4] cmp r3, #1 beq .L21 .L1: mov r0, r5 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L19: bl ts78xx_ts_rtc_load subs r5, r0, #0 movne r3, #0 strne r3, [r4, #8] ldr r3, [r4, #4] cmp r3, #1 bne .L3 .L20: bl ts78xx_ts_nand_load cmp r0, #0 movne r3, #0 strne r3, [r4, #4] ldr r3, [r4] orr r5, r5, r0 cmp r3, #1 bne .L1 .L21: bl ts78xx_ts_rng_load cmp r0, #0 movne r3, #0 orr r5, r5, r0 mov r0, r5 strne r3, [r4] pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L23: .align 2 .L22: .word ts78xx_fpga .size ts78xx_fpga_load_devices, .-ts78xx_fpga_load_devices .comm ts78xx_fpga,12,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_show.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "online" .LC1: .string "offline" .LC2: .string "%s\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_show, @function ts78xx_fpga_show: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 cmp QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 0 mov rdi, rdx js .L7 lea rax, .LC1[rip] lea rdx, .LC0[rip] cmove rdx, rax lea rsi, .LC2[rip] xor eax, eax jmp sprintf@PLT .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: movabs rax, 2925136524242786 mov QWORD PTR [rdx], rax mov eax, 7 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_show, .-ts78xx_fpga_show .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 8 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 8 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_show.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "online\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "offline\000" .align 2 .LC2: .ascii "borked\012\000" .align 2 .LC3: .ascii "%s\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_show, %function ts78xx_fpga_show: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L11 mov r0, r2 ldr r3, [r3] cmp r3, #0 blt .L7 ldreq r2, .L11+4 ldrne r2, .L11+8 ldr r1, .L11+12 b sprintf .L7: mov r2, #8 push {r4, lr} ldr r1, .L11+16 bl memcpy mov r0, #7 pop {r4, pc} .L12: .align 2 .L11: .word ts78xx_fpga .word .LC1 .word .LC0 .word .LC3 .word .LC2 .size ts78xx_fpga_show, .-ts78xx_fpga_show .comm ts78xx_fpga,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_store.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "FPGA borked, you must powercycle ASAP\n" .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC1: .string "online" .LC2: .string "offline" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_store, @function ts78xx_fpga_store: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 3, -32 test eax, eax js .L16 mov rbp, rdx lea rsi, .LC1[rip] mov rbx, rcx mov edx, 6 mov rdi, rbp mov r12d, 1 call strncmp@PLT test rax, rax jne .L17 .L4: mov eax, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] cmp eax, r12d je .L14 test eax, eax je .L18 xor eax, eax call ts78xx_fpga_unload@PLT .L7: test eax, eax js .L14 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], r12d .L14: mov rax, rbx .L1: pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L18: .cfi_restore_state call ts78xx_fpga_load@PLT jmp .L7 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L17: mov edx, 7 lea rsi, .LC2[rip] mov rdi, rbp xor r12d, r12d call strncmp@PLT test rax, rax je .L4 mov rax, QWORD PTR EINVAL[rip] neg rax jmp .L1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L16: lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_err@PLT mov rax, QWORD PTR EBUSY[rip] pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 neg rax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_store, .-ts78xx_fpga_store .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 4 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 4 .globl EINVAL .align 8 .type EINVAL, @object .size EINVAL, 8 EINVAL: .zero 8 .globl EBUSY .align 8 .type EBUSY, @object .size EBUSY, 8 EBUSY: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_store.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "FPGA borked, you must powercycle ASAP\012\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "online\000" .align 2 .LC2: .ascii "offline\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_store, %function ts78xx_fpga_store: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r7, .L17 ldr r6, [r7] cmp r6, #0 blt .L15 mov r5, r2 ldr r1, .L17+4 mov r2, #6 mov r0, r5 mov r4, r3 bl strncmp cmp r0, #0 beq .L9 mov r0, r5 mov r2, #7 ldr r1, .L17+8 bl strncmp subs r5, r0, #0 bne .L16 cmp r6, r5 beq .L8 .L5: cmp r6, #0 bne .L6 bl ts78xx_fpga_load .L7: cmp r0, #0 blt .L8 mov r0, r4 str r5, [r7] pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L9: mov r5, #1 cmp r6, r5 bne .L5 .L8: mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L6: bl ts78xx_fpga_unload b .L7 .L15: ldr r0, .L17+12 bl pr_err ldr r3, .L17+16 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L16: ldr r3, .L17+20 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L18: .align 2 .L17: .word ts78xx_fpga .word .LC1 .word .LC2 .word .LC0 .word EBUSY .word EINVAL .size ts78xx_fpga_store, .-ts78xx_fpga_store .comm ts78xx_fpga,4,4 .comm EINVAL,4,4 .comm EBUSY,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_supports.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "unrecognised FPGA revision 0x%.2x\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_supports, @function ts78xx_fpga_supports: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov esi, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] lea eax, -128[rsi] cmp eax, 8 ja .L2 movabs rax, 4294967297 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 1 mov QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], rax ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: mov eax, esi shr eax, 8 cmp eax, 137 je .L10 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 0 mov QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], 0 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L10: sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 movzx esi, sil lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_warn@PLT movabs rax, 4294967297 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 1 mov QWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], rax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_supports, .-ts78xx_fpga_supports .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 16 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 16 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 16 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_supports.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "unrecognised FPGA revision 0x%.2x\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_supports, %function ts78xx_fpga_supports: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r4, .L9 ldr r1, [r4] sub r3, r1, #128 cmp r3, #8 bls .L6 lsr r3, r1, #8 cmp r3, #137 beq .L8 mov r3, #0 str r3, [r4, #12] str r3, [r4, #8] str r3, [r4, #4] pop {r4, pc} .L8: ldr r0, .L9+4 and r1, r1, #255 bl pr_warn .L6: mov r3, #1 str r3, [r4, #12] str r3, [r4, #8] str r3, [r4, #4] pop {r4, pc} .L10: .align 2 .L9: .word ts78xx_fpga .word .LC0 .size ts78xx_fpga_supports, .-ts78xx_fpga_supports .comm ts78xx_fpga,16,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_unload.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "FPGA magic/rev mismatch\nTS-78xx FPGA: was 0x%.6x/%.2x but now 0x%.6x/%.2x\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_unload, @function ts78xx_fpga_unload: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE[rip] call readl@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] cmp esi, eax je .L2 mov ecx, eax movzx edx, sil movzx r8d, al shr esi, 8 shr ecx, 8 lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_err@PLT mov eax, DWORD PTR EBUSY[rip] mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], -1 neg eax .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state xor eax, eax call ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices@PLT mov r8, rax xor eax, eax test r8, r8 je .L1 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], -1 mov eax, DWORD PTR EBUSY[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 neg eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_unload, .-ts78xx_fpga_unload .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 8 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 8 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 8 .globl TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE .align 4 .type TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE, @object .size TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE, 4 TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE: .zero 4 .globl EBUSY .align 4 .type EBUSY, @object .size EBUSY, 4 EBUSY: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_unload.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "FPGA magic/rev mismatch\012TS-78xx FPGA: was 0x%.6x" .ascii "/%.2x but now 0x%.6x/%.2x\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_unload, %function ts78xx_fpga_unload: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L11 sub sp, sp, #8 ldr r0, [r3] bl readl ldr r4, .L11+4 ldr r1, [r4] cmp r1, r0 beq .L2 and r3, r0, #255 str r3, [sp] and r2, r1, #255 lsr r3, r0, #8 lsr r1, r1, #8 ldr r0, .L11+8 bl pr_err .L8: mvn r2, #0 ldr r3, .L11+12 str r2, [r4, #4] ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, pc} .L2: bl ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices cmp r0, #0 bne .L8 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, pc} .L12: .align 2 .L11: .word TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE .word ts78xx_fpga .word .LC0 .word EBUSY .size ts78xx_fpga_unload, .-ts78xx_fpga_unload .comm ts78xx_fpga,8,4 .comm TS78XX_FPGA_REGS_VIRT_BASE,4,4 .comm EBUSY,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices, @function ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+8], 1 je .L7 cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 1 je .L8 .L3: cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 je .L9 .L4: xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: .cfi_restore_state xor eax, eax call ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload@PLT cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip+4], 1 jne .L3 .L8: xor eax, eax call ts78xx_ts_nand_unload@PLT cmp DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 jne .L4 .L9: xor eax, eax call ts78xx_ts_rng_unload@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices, .-ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices .globl ts78xx_fpga .bss .align 8 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 12 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 12 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices, %function ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r4, .L10 ldr r3, [r4, #8] cmp r3, #1 beq .L7 ldr r3, [r4, #4] cmp r3, #1 beq .L8 .L3: ldr r3, [r4] cmp r3, #1 beq .L9 .L4: mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L7: bl ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload ldr r3, [r4, #4] cmp r3, #1 bne .L3 .L8: bl ts78xx_ts_nand_unload ldr r3, [r4] cmp r3, #1 bne .L4 .L9: bl ts78xx_ts_rng_unload mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L11: .align 2 .L10: .word ts78xx_fpga .size ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices, .-ts78xx_fpga_unload_devices .comm ts78xx_fpga,12,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl, @function ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 mov eax, edx push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 mov r12, rdi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 mov ebp, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 and eax, DWORD PTR NAND_CTRL_CHANGE[rip] jne .L9 .L2: cmp DWORD PTR NAND_CMD_NONE[rip], ebp jne .L10 add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L10: .cfi_restore_state mov esi, DWORD PTR [r12] add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov edi, ebp pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp writeb@PLT .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L9: .cfi_restore_state mov ebx, DWORD PTR NAND_ALE[rip] movzx eax, BYTE PTR NAND_NCE[rip] mov r13d, DWORD PTR TS_NAND_CTRL[rip] and ebx, edx and eax, edx and dl, BYTE PTR NAND_CLE[rip] shr ebx, 2 mov edi, ebx lea ebx, 0[0+rax*4] or ebx, edi mov edi, r13d or ebx, edx call readb@PLT movzx edi, bl mov esi, r13d and eax, -8 or edi, eax call writeb@PLT jmp .L2 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl .globl TS_NAND_CTRL .bss .align 4 .type TS_NAND_CTRL, @object .size TS_NAND_CTRL, 4 TS_NAND_CTRL: .zero 4 .globl NAND_NCE .align 4 .type NAND_NCE, @object .size NAND_NCE, 4 NAND_NCE: .zero 4 .globl NAND_CTRL_CHANGE .align 4 .type NAND_CTRL_CHANGE, @object .size NAND_CTRL_CHANGE, 4 NAND_CTRL_CHANGE: .zero 4 .globl NAND_CMD_NONE .align 4 .type NAND_CMD_NONE, @object .size NAND_CMD_NONE, 4 NAND_CMD_NONE: .zero 4 .globl NAND_CLE .align 4 .type NAND_CLE, @object .size NAND_CLE, 4 NAND_CLE: .zero 4 .globl NAND_ALE .align 4 .type NAND_ALE, @object .size NAND_ALE, 4 NAND_ALE: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl, %function ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L10 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r3, [r3] mov r6, r0 tst r2, r3 mov r5, r1 bne .L9 .L2: ldr r3, .L10+4 ldr r3, [r3] cmp r3, r5 popeq {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} mov r0, r5 ldr r1, [r6] pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} b writeb .L9: ldr r3, .L10+8 ldr r1, .L10+12 ldr r4, [r3] ldr r0, [r1] and r3, r2, #255 ldr r1, .L10+16 and r4, r4, r3 and r2, r2, r0 ldr r1, [r1] ldr r7, .L10+20 lsl r4, r4, #2 orr r4, r4, r2, lsr #2 and r3, r3, r1 ldr r0, [r7] and r4, r4, #255 orr r4, r4, r3 bl readb bic r0, r0, #7 ldr r1, [r7] orr r0, r0, r4 bl writeb b .L2 .L11: .align 2 .L10: .word NAND_CTRL_CHANGE .word NAND_CMD_NONE .word NAND_NCE .word NAND_ALE .word NAND_CLE .word TS_NAND_CTRL .size ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_cmd_ctrl .comm TS_NAND_CTRL,4,4 .comm NAND_NCE,4,4 .comm NAND_CTRL_CHANGE,4,4 .comm NAND_CMD_NONE,4,4 .comm NAND_CLE,4,4 .comm NAND_ALE,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready, @function ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR TS_NAND_CTRL[rip] call readb@PLT add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 and eax, 32 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready .globl TS_NAND_CTRL .bss .align 4 .type TS_NAND_CTRL, @object .size TS_NAND_CTRL, 4 TS_NAND_CTRL: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready, %function ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r3] bl readb and r0, r0, #32 pop {r4, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word TS_NAND_CTRL .size ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_dev_ready .comm TS_NAND_CTRL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_load.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "NAND could not be registered: %d\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_nand_load, @function ts78xx_ts_nand_load: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 lea rdi, ts78xx_ts_nand_device[rip] test eax, eax jne .L2 call platform_device_register@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax jne .L3 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 .L1: mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state call platform_device_add@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax je .L1 .L3: mov esi, r12d lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_info@PLT mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_nand_load, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_load .globl ts78xx_ts_nand_device .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_nand_device, @object .size ts78xx_ts_nand_device, 4 ts78xx_ts_nand_device: .zero 4 .globl ts78xx_fpga .align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 4 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_load.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "NAND could not be registered: %d\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_nand_load, %function ts78xx_ts_nand_load: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, .L11 ldr r0, .L11+4 ldr r3, [r5] cmp r3, #0 bne .L2 bl platform_device_register subs r4, r0, #0 moveq r3, #1 streq r3, [r5] beq .L1 .L3: mov r1, r4 ldr r0, .L11+8 bl pr_info .L1: mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L2: bl platform_device_add subs r4, r0, #0 bne .L3 mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L12: .align 2 .L11: .word ts78xx_fpga .word ts78xx_ts_nand_device .word .LC0 .size ts78xx_ts_nand_load, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_load .comm ts78xx_ts_nand_device,4,4 .comm ts78xx_fpga,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_unload.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_nand_unload, @function ts78xx_ts_nand_unload: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 lea rdi, ts78xx_ts_nand_device[rip] jmp platform_device_del@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_nand_unload, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_unload .globl ts78xx_ts_nand_device .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_nand_device, @object .size ts78xx_ts_nand_device, 4 ts78xx_ts_nand_device: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_nand_unload.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_nand_unload, %function ts78xx_ts_nand_unload: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r0, .L3 b platform_device_del .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word ts78xx_ts_nand_device .size ts78xx_ts_nand_unload, .-ts78xx_ts_nand_unload .comm ts78xx_ts_nand_device,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rng_load.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "RNG could not be registered: %d\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rng_load, @function ts78xx_ts_rng_load: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 lea rdi, ts78xx_ts_rng_device[rip] test eax, eax jne .L2 call platform_device_register@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax jne .L3 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 .L1: mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state call platform_device_add@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax je .L1 .L3: mov esi, r12d lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_info@PLT mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_rng_load, .-ts78xx_ts_rng_load .globl ts78xx_ts_rng_device .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rng_device, @object .size ts78xx_ts_rng_device, 4 ts78xx_ts_rng_device: .zero 4 .globl ts78xx_fpga .align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 4 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rng_load.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "RNG could not be registered: %d\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_rng_load, %function ts78xx_ts_rng_load: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, .L11 ldr r0, .L11+4 ldr r3, [r5] cmp r3, #0 bne .L2 bl platform_device_register subs r4, r0, #0 moveq r3, #1 streq r3, [r5] beq .L1 .L3: mov r1, r4 ldr r0, .L11+8 bl pr_info .L1: mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L2: bl platform_device_add subs r4, r0, #0 bne .L3 mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L12: .align 2 .L11: .word ts78xx_fpga .word ts78xx_ts_rng_device .word .LC0 .size ts78xx_ts_rng_load, .-ts78xx_ts_rng_load .comm ts78xx_ts_rng_device,4,4 .comm ts78xx_fpga,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rng_unload.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rng_unload, @function ts78xx_ts_rng_unload: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 lea rdi, ts78xx_ts_rng_device[rip] jmp platform_device_del@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_rng_unload, .-ts78xx_ts_rng_unload .globl ts78xx_ts_rng_device .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rng_device, @object .size ts78xx_ts_rng_device, 4 ts78xx_ts_rng_device: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rng_unload.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_rng_unload, %function ts78xx_ts_rng_unload: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r0, .L3 b platform_device_del .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word ts78xx_ts_rng_device .size ts78xx_ts_rng_unload, .-ts78xx_ts_rng_unload .comm ts78xx_ts_rng_device,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rtc_load.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "RTC could not be registered: %d\n" .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rtc_load, @function ts78xx_ts_rtc_load: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 lea rdi, ts78xx_ts_rtc_device[rip] test eax, eax jne .L2 call platform_device_register@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax jne .L3 mov DWORD PTR ts78xx_fpga[rip], 1 .L1: mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: .cfi_restore_state call platform_device_add@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax je .L1 .L3: mov esi, r12d lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call pr_info@PLT mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_rtc_load, .-ts78xx_ts_rtc_load .globl ts78xx_ts_rtc_device .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rtc_device, @object .size ts78xx_ts_rtc_device, 4 ts78xx_ts_rtc_device: .zero 4 .globl ts78xx_fpga .align 4 .type ts78xx_fpga, @object .size ts78xx_fpga, 4 ts78xx_fpga: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rtc_load.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "RTC could not be registered: %d\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_rtc_load, %function ts78xx_ts_rtc_load: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, .L11 ldr r0, .L11+4 ldr r3, [r5] cmp r3, #0 bne .L2 bl platform_device_register subs r4, r0, #0 moveq r3, #1 streq r3, [r5] beq .L1 .L3: mov r1, r4 ldr r0, .L11+8 bl pr_info .L1: mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L2: bl platform_device_add subs r4, r0, #0 bne .L3 mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L12: .align 2 .L11: .word ts78xx_fpga .word ts78xx_ts_rtc_device .word .LC0 .size ts78xx_ts_rtc_load, .-ts78xx_ts_rtc_load .comm ts78xx_ts_rtc_device,4,4 .comm ts78xx_fpga,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload, @function ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 lea rdi, ts78xx_ts_rtc_device[rip] jmp platform_device_del@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload, .-ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload .globl ts78xx_ts_rtc_device .bss .align 4 .type ts78xx_ts_rtc_device, @object .size ts78xx_ts_rtc_device, 4 ts78xx_ts_rtc_device: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_ts78xx-setup.c_ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload, %function ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r0, .L3 b platform_device_del .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word ts78xx_ts_rtc_device .size ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload, .-ts78xx_ts_rtc_unload .comm ts78xx_ts_rtc_device,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_common.c_picoxcell_setup_restart.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "snps,dw-apb-wdg" .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC1: .string "unable to setup watchdog restart" .section .rodata.str1.1 .LC2: .string "failed to remap watchdog regs" .text .p2align 4 .type picoxcell_setup_restart, @function picoxcell_setup_restart: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 xor esi, esi xor edi, edi lea rdx, .LC0[rip] call of_find_compatible_node@PLT xor edi, edi lea rsi, .LC1[rip] test rax, rax mov rbp, rax sete dil call WARN@PLT test rax, rax je .L5 pop rbp .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: .cfi_restore_state xor esi, esi mov rdi, rbp call of_iomap@PLT xor edi, edi lea rsi, .LC2[rip] pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 test eax, eax mov DWORD PTR wdt_regs[rip], eax sete dil jmp WARN@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size picoxcell_setup_restart, .-picoxcell_setup_restart .globl wdt_regs .bss .align 4 .type wdt_regs, @object .size wdt_regs, 4 wdt_regs: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_common.c_picoxcell_setup_restart.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "snps,dw-apb-wdg\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "unable to setup watchdog restart\000" .align 2 .LC2: .ascii "failed to remap watchdog regs\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type picoxcell_setup_restart, %function picoxcell_setup_restart: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r1, #0 push {r4, lr} mov r0, r1 ldr r2, .L5 bl of_find_compatible_node mov r4, r0 clz r0, r0 ldr r1, .L5+4 lsr r0, r0, #5 bl WARN subs r1, r0, #0 popne {r4, pc} mov r0, r4 bl of_iomap pop {r4, lr} mov r3, r0 clz r0, r0 ldr r2, .L5+8 ldr r1, .L5+12 lsr r0, r0, #5 str r3, [r2] b WARN .L6: .align 2 .L5: .word .LC0 .word .LC1 .word wdt_regs .word .LC2 .size picoxcell_setup_restart, .-picoxcell_setup_restart .comm wdt_regs,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_common.c_picoxcell_wdt_restart.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type picoxcell_wdt_restart, @function picoxcell_wdt_restart: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov rsi, QWORD PTR wdt_regs[rip] test rsi, rsi jne .L7 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS[rip] xor edi, edi add rsi, QWORD PTR wdt_regs[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT mov edi, 500 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp mdelay@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size picoxcell_wdt_restart, .-picoxcell_wdt_restart .globl wdt_regs .bss .align 8 .type wdt_regs, @object .size wdt_regs, 8 wdt_regs: .zero 8 .globl WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS .align 8 .type WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS, @object .size WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS, 8 WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS: .zero 8 .globl WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS .align 8 .type WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS, @object .size WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS, 8 WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS: .zero 8 .globl WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK .align 4 .type WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK, @object .size WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK, 4 WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_common.c_picoxcell_wdt_restart.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type picoxcell_wdt_restart, %function picoxcell_wdt_restart: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r4, .L5 ldr r3, [r4] cmp r3, #0 popeq {r4, pc} ldr r1, .L5+4 ldr r2, .L5+8 ldr r1, [r1] ldr r0, [r2] add r1, r3, r1 bl writel_relaxed ldr r3, .L5+12 ldr r1, [r4] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, #0 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed pop {r4, lr} mov r0, #500 b mdelay .L6: .align 2 .L5: .word wdt_regs .word WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS .word WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK .word WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS .size picoxcell_wdt_restart, .-picoxcell_wdt_restart .comm wdt_regs,4,4 .comm WDT_TIMEOUT_REG_OFFS,4,4 .comm WDT_CTRL_REG_OFFS,4,4 .comm WDT_CTRL_REG_EN_MASK,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_common.h_sirfsoc_pm_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_pm_init, @function sirfsoc_pm_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 xor eax, eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_pm_init, .-sirfsoc_pm_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_common.h_sirfsoc_pm_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_pm_init, %function sirfsoc_pm_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. mov r0, #0 bx lr .size sirfsoc_pm_init, .-sirfsoc_pm_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_hotplug.c_platform_do_lowpower.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type platform_do_lowpower, @function platform_do_lowpower: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 mov ebx, edi .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: #APP # 22 "AnghaBench/linux/arch/arm/mach-prima2/extr_hotplug.c_platform_do_lowpower.c" 1 dsb wfi # 0 "" 2 #NO_APP mov edi, ebx call cpu_logical_map@PLT cmp rax, QWORD PTR prima2_pen_release[rip] jne .L2 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size platform_do_lowpower, .-platform_do_lowpower .globl prima2_pen_release .bss .align 8 .type prima2_pen_release, @object .size prima2_pen_release, 8 prima2_pen_release: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_hotplug.c_platform_do_lowpower.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type platform_do_lowpower, %function platform_do_lowpower: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r4, r0 ldr r5, .L7 .L2: .syntax divided @ 22 "AnghaBench/linux/arch/arm/mach-prima2/extr_hotplug.c_platform_do_lowpower.c" 1 dsb wfi @ 0 "" 2 .arm .syntax unified mov r0, r4 bl cpu_logical_map ldr r3, [r5] cmp r0, r3 bne .L2 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L8: .align 2 .L7: .word prima2_pen_release .size platform_do_lowpower, .-platform_do_lowpower .comm prima2_pen_release,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_hotplug.c_sirfsoc_cpu_die.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl sirfsoc_cpu_die .type sirfsoc_cpu_die, @function sirfsoc_cpu_die: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 jmp platform_do_lowpower@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_cpu_die, .-sirfsoc_cpu_die .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_hotplug.c_sirfsoc_cpu_die.c" .text .align 2 .global sirfsoc_cpu_die .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_cpu_die, %function sirfsoc_cpu_die: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. b platform_do_lowpower .size sirfsoc_cpu_die, .-sirfsoc_cpu_die .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_platsmp.c_sirfsoc_boot_secondary.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_boot_secondary, @function sirfsoc_boot_secondary: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 mov ebp, edi xor edi, edi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 3, -24 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov esi, DWORD PTR clk_ids[rip] call of_find_matching_node@PLT test rax, rax je .L12 mov rdi, rax xor esi, esi call of_iomap@PLT mov QWORD PTR clk_base[rip], rax mov rbx, rax test rax, rax jne .L4 mov eax, DWORD PTR ENOMEM[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 neg eax ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, DWORD PTR sirfsoc_secondary_startup[rip] call __pa_symbol@PLT lea rsi, 700[rbx] mov edi, eax call __raw_writel@PLT mov rax, QWORD PTR clk_base[rip] mov edi, 1018125666 lea rsi, 696[rax] call __raw_writel@PLT xor eax, eax call mb@PLT lea rdi, boot_lock[rip] call spin_lock@PLT mov edi, ebp call cpu_logical_map@PLT lea rdi, prima2_pen_release[rip] mov DWORD PTR prima2_pen_release[rip], eax call sync_cache_w@PLT xor eax, eax call dsb_sev@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR jiffies[rip] mov ebx, DWORD PTR HZ[rip] add ebx, edi movsx rbx, ebx jmp .L5 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: xor eax, eax call smp_rmb@PLT cmp DWORD PTR prima2_pen_release[rip], -1 je .L9 mov edi, 10 call udelay@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR jiffies[rip] .L5: mov rsi, rbx call time_before@PLT test rax, rax jne .L8 .L9: lea rdi, boot_lock[rip] call spin_unlock@PLT mov eax, DWORD PTR ENOSYS[rip] mov edx, 0 neg eax cmp DWORD PTR prima2_pen_release[rip], -1 cmove eax, edx add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L12: .cfi_restore_state mov eax, DWORD PTR ENODEV[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 neg eax ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_boot_secondary, .-sirfsoc_boot_secondary .globl sirfsoc_secondary_startup .bss .align 4 .type sirfsoc_secondary_startup, @object .size sirfsoc_secondary_startup, 4 sirfsoc_secondary_startup: .zero 4 .globl prima2_pen_release .align 4 .type prima2_pen_release, @object .size prima2_pen_release, 4 prima2_pen_release: .zero 4 .globl jiffies .align 4 .type jiffies, @object .size jiffies, 4 jiffies: .zero 4 .globl clk_ids .align 4 .type clk_ids, @object .size clk_ids, 4 clk_ids: .zero 4 .globl clk_base .align 8 .type clk_base, @object .size clk_base, 8 clk_base: .zero 8 .globl boot_lock .align 4 .type boot_lock, @object .size boot_lock, 4 boot_lock: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_CPU1_WAKEMAGIC_OFFSET .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPU1_WAKEMAGIC_OFFSET, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPU1_WAKEMAGIC_OFFSET, 8 SIRFSOC_CPU1_WAKEMAGIC_OFFSET: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPU1_JUMPADDR_OFFSET .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPU1_JUMPADDR_OFFSET, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPU1_JUMPADDR_OFFSET, 8 SIRFSOC_CPU1_JUMPADDR_OFFSET: .zero 8 .globl HZ .align 4 .type HZ, @object .size HZ, 4 HZ: .zero 4 .globl ENOSYS .align 4 .type ENOSYS, @object .size ENOSYS, 4 ENOSYS: .zero 4 .globl ENOMEM .align 4 .type ENOMEM, @object .size ENOMEM, 4 ENOMEM: .zero 4 .globl ENODEV .align 4 .type ENODEV, @object .size ENODEV, 4 ENODEV: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_platsmp.c_sirfsoc_boot_secondary.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_boot_secondary, %function sirfsoc_boot_secondary: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r2, .L14 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r1, [r2] mov r7, r0 mov r0, #0 bl of_find_matching_node cmp r0, #0 beq .L12 mov r1, #0 bl of_iomap ldr r5, .L14+4 cmp r0, #0 str r0, [r5] bne .L4 ldr r3, .L14+8 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L4: ldr r3, .L14+12 ldr r4, .L14+16 ldr r0, [r3] bl __pa_symbol ldr r1, [r5] ldr r6, .L14+20 add r1, r1, #700 bl __raw_writel ldr r1, [r5] ldr r0, .L14+24 add r1, r1, #696 bl __raw_writel bl mb ldr r0, .L14+28 bl spin_lock mov r0, r7 bl cpu_logical_map mov r3, r0 mov r0, r4 str r3, [r4] bl sync_cache_w bl dsb_sev ldr r3, .L14+32 ldr r0, [r6] ldr r5, [r3] add r5, r0, r5 b .L5 .L8: bl smp_rmb ldr r3, [r4] cmn r3, #1 beq .L9 mov r0, #10 bl udelay ldr r0, [r6] .L5: mov r1, r5 bl time_before cmp r0, #0 bne .L8 .L9: ldr r0, .L14+28 bl spin_unlock ldr r3, [r4] cmn r3, #1 beq .L13 ldr r3, .L14+36 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L12: ldr r3, .L14+40 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L13: mov r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L15: .align 2 .L14: .word clk_ids .word clk_base .word ENOMEM .word sirfsoc_secondary_startup .word prima2_pen_release .word jiffies .word 1018125666 .word boot_lock .word HZ .word ENOSYS .word ENODEV .size sirfsoc_boot_secondary, .-sirfsoc_boot_secondary .comm sirfsoc_secondary_startup,4,4 .comm prima2_pen_release,4,4 .comm jiffies,4,4 .comm clk_ids,4,4 .comm clk_base,4,4 .comm boot_lock,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPU1_WAKEMAGIC_OFFSET,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPU1_JUMPADDR_OFFSET,4,4 .comm HZ,4,4 .comm ENOSYS,4,4 .comm ENOMEM,4,4 .comm ENODEV,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_platsmp.c_sirfsoc_secondary_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_secondary_init, @function sirfsoc_secondary_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 xor eax, eax mov DWORD PTR prima2_pen_release[rip], -1 call smp_wmb@PLT lea rdi, boot_lock[rip] call spin_lock@PLT lea rdi, boot_lock[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp spin_unlock@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_secondary_init, .-sirfsoc_secondary_init .globl prima2_pen_release .bss .align 4 .type prima2_pen_release, @object .size prima2_pen_release, 4 prima2_pen_release: .zero 4 .globl boot_lock .align 4 .type boot_lock, @object .size boot_lock, 4 boot_lock: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_platsmp.c_sirfsoc_secondary_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_secondary_init, %function sirfsoc_secondary_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mvn r2, #0 push {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L4 ldr r4, .L4+4 str r2, [r3] bl smp_wmb mov r0, r4 bl spin_lock mov r0, r4 pop {r4, lr} b spin_unlock .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word prima2_pen_release .word boot_lock .size sirfsoc_secondary_init, .-sirfsoc_secondary_init .comm prima2_pen_release,4,4 .comm boot_lock,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_memc_probe.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "unable to map memc registers\n" .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_memc_probe, @function sirfsoc_memc_probe: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdi] xor esi, esi call of_iomap@PLT mov DWORD PTR sirfsoc_memc_base[rip], eax test eax, eax je .L5 xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: .cfi_restore_state lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call panic@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_memc_probe, .-sirfsoc_memc_probe .globl sirfsoc_memc_base .bss .align 4 .type sirfsoc_memc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_memc_base, 4 sirfsoc_memc_base: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_memc_probe.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "unable to map memc registers\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_memc_probe, %function sirfsoc_memc_probe: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r1, #0 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r0] bl of_iomap ldr r3, .L6 cmp r0, #0 str r0, [r3] beq .L5 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L5: ldr r0, .L6+4 bl panic mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word sirfsoc_memc_base .word .LC0 .size sirfsoc_memc_probe, .-sirfsoc_memc_probe .comm sirfsoc_memc_base,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_pm_enter.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_pm_enter, @function sirfsoc_pm_enter: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR EINVAL[rip] neg eax cmp edi, 128 je .L9 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L9: sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 xor eax, eax call sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off@PLT xor eax, eax call outer_disable@PLT mov esi, DWORD PTR sirfsoc_finish_suspend[rip] xor edi, edi call cpu_suspend@PLT xor eax, eax call outer_resume@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_pm_enter, .-sirfsoc_pm_enter .globl sirfsoc_finish_suspend .bss .align 4 .type sirfsoc_finish_suspend, @object .size sirfsoc_finish_suspend, 4 sirfsoc_finish_suspend: .zero 4 .globl EINVAL .align 4 .type EINVAL, @object .size EINVAL, 4 EINVAL: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_pm_enter.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_pm_enter, %function sirfsoc_pm_enter: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 cmp r0, #128 beq .L9 ldr r3, .L10 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 bx lr .L9: push {r4, lr} bl sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off bl outer_disable ldr r3, .L10+4 mov r0, #0 ldr r1, [r3] bl cpu_suspend bl outer_resume mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L11: .align 2 .L10: .word EINVAL .word sirfsoc_finish_suspend .size sirfsoc_pm_enter, .-sirfsoc_pm_enter .comm sirfsoc_finish_suspend,4,4 .comm EINVAL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off, @function sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, DWORD PTR cpu_resume[rip] call __pa_symbol@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_pwrc_base[rip] mov edi, eax call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel@PLT xor eax, eax call sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE[rip] call sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off, .-sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off .globl sirfsoc_pwrc_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_pwrc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_pwrc_base, 8 sirfsoc_pwrc_base: .zero 8 .globl cpu_resume .align 4 .type cpu_resume, @object .size cpu_resume, 4 cpu_resume: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1 .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1, @object .size SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1, 8 SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE .align 4 .type SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE, @object .size SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE, 4 SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off, %function sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r3] bl __pa_symbol ldr r2, .L4+4 ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r1, [r2] ldr r3, [r3] add r1, r1, r3 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel bl sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source ldr r3, .L4+12 ldr r0, [r3] bl sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word cpu_resume .word sirfsoc_pwrc_base .word SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1 .word SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE .size sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off, .-sirfsoc_pre_suspend_power_off .comm sirfsoc_pwrc_base,4,4 .comm cpu_resume,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_PWRC_SCRATCH_PAD1,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_DEEP_SLEEP_MODE,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode, @function sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 mov ebx, edi mov rdi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL[rip] add rdi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_pwrc_base[rip] call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl@PLT lea edi, [rbx+rbx] mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL[rip] pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 mov r8d, eax mov eax, DWORD PTR SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_pwrc_base[rip] add eax, eax not eax and eax, r8d or edi, eax jmp sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode, .-sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode .globl sirfsoc_pwrc_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_pwrc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_pwrc_base, 8 sirfsoc_pwrc_base: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK .align 4 .type SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK, @object .size SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK, 4 SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL, @object .size SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL, 8 SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode, %function sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r6, .L4 ldr r5, .L4+4 ldr r2, [r6] ldr r3, [r5] mov r4, r0 add r0, r2, r3 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r1, [r6] ldr r3, [r3] ldr r2, [r5] bic r0, r0, r3, lsl #1 orr r0, r0, r4, lsl #1 add r1, r1, r2 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr} b sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word sirfsoc_pwrc_base .word SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL .word SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK .size sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode, .-sirfsoc_set_sleep_mode .comm sirfsoc_pwrc_base,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_SLEEP_MODE_MASK,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_PWRC_PDN_CTRL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source, @function sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov rdi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN[rip] add rdi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_pwrc_base[rip] call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_pwrc_base[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 or eax, 13 mov edi, eax jmp sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source, .-sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source .globl sirfsoc_pwrc_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_pwrc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_pwrc_base, 8 sirfsoc_pwrc_base: .zero 8 .globl X_ON_KEY_B .align 4 .type X_ON_KEY_B, @object .size X_ON_KEY_B, 4 X_ON_KEY_B: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN, @object .size SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN, 8 SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN: .zero 8 .globl RTC_ALARM1_B .align 4 .type RTC_ALARM1_B, @object .size RTC_ALARM1_B, 4 RTC_ALARM1_B: .zero 4 .globl RTC_ALARM0_B .align 4 .type RTC_ALARM0_B, @object .size RTC_ALARM0_B, 4 RTC_ALARM0_B: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_pm.c_sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source, %function sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, .L4 ldr r4, .L4+4 ldr r0, [r5] ldr r3, [r4] add r0, r0, r3 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl ldr r1, [r5] ldr r3, [r4] orr r0, r0, #13 add r1, r1, r3 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr} b sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word sirfsoc_pwrc_base .word SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN .size sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source, .-sirfsoc_set_wakeup_source .comm sirfsoc_pwrc_base,4,4 .comm X_ON_KEY_B,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_PWRC_TRIGGER_EN,4,4 .comm RTC_ALARM1_B,4,4 .comm RTC_ALARM0_B,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rstc.c_sirfsoc_reset_module.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_reset_module, @function sirfsoc_reset_module: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 cmp DWORD PTR SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM[rip], esi jg .L2 mov eax, DWORD PTR EINVAL[rip] neg eax ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 lea rdi, rstc_lock[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 mov r12d, 1 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 mov rbp, rsi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 lea ebx, 31[rbp] sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 call mutex_lock@PLT test ebp, ebp mov r13, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rstc_base[rip] cmovns ebx, ebp sar ebx, 5 sal ebx, 2 movsx rbx, ebx add r13, rbx mov rdi, r13 call readl@PLT mov ecx, ebp mov rsi, r13 sal r12d, cl or eax, r12d not r12d mov edi, eax call writel@PLT mov edi, 20 call msleep@PLT add rbx, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rstc_base[rip] mov rdi, rbx call readl@PLT mov edi, r12d mov rsi, rbx and edi, eax call writel@PLT lea rdi, rstc_lock[rip] call mutex_unlock@PLT add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 xor eax, eax pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_reset_module, .-sirfsoc_reset_module .globl sirfsoc_rstc_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_rstc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rstc_base, 8 sirfsoc_rstc_base: .zero 8 .globl rstc_lock .align 4 .type rstc_lock, @object .size rstc_lock, 4 rstc_lock: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM .align 4 .type SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM, @object .size SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM, 4 SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM: .zero 4 .globl EINVAL .align 4 .type EINVAL, @object .size EINVAL, 4 EINVAL: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rstc.c_sirfsoc_reset_module.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_reset_module, %function sirfsoc_reset_module: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L8 ldr r3, [r3] cmp r3, r1 bgt .L2 ldr r3, .L8+4 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 bx lr .L2: push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r4, r1 ldr r0, .L8+8 bl mutex_lock cmp r4, #0 add r3, r4, #31 movge r3, r4 ldr r5, .L8+12 asr r3, r3, #5 ldr r0, [r5] lsl r6, r3, #2 add r0, r0, r3, lsl #2 bl readl mov r3, #1 ldr r1, [r5] lsl r4, r3, r4 add r1, r6, r1 orr r0, r0, r4 bl writel mov r0, #20 bl msleep ldr r0, [r5] add r0, r6, r0 bl readl ldr r1, [r5] bic r0, r0, r4 add r1, r6, r1 bl writel ldr r0, .L8+8 bl mutex_unlock mov r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L9: .align 2 .L8: .word SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM .word EINVAL .word rstc_lock .word sirfsoc_rstc_base .size sirfsoc_reset_module, .-sirfsoc_reset_module .comm sirfsoc_rstc_base,4,4 .comm rstc_lock,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_RSTBIT_NUM,4,4 .comm EINVAL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rstc.c_sirfsoc_restart.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_restart, @function sirfsoc_restart: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov esi, DWORD PTR sirfsoc_rstc_base[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT[rip] jmp writel@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_restart, .-sirfsoc_restart .globl sirfsoc_rstc_base .bss .align 4 .type sirfsoc_rstc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rstc_base, 4 sirfsoc_rstc_base: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT .align 4 .type SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT, @object .size SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT, 4 SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rstc.c_sirfsoc_restart.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_restart, %function sirfsoc_restart: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r2, .L3 ldr r3, .L3+4 ldr r1, [r2] ldr r0, [r3] b writel .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word sirfsoc_rstc_base .word SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT .size sirfsoc_restart, .-sirfsoc_restart .comm sirfsoc_rstc_base,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_SYS_RST_BIT,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rstc.c_sirfsoc_rstc_probe.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "unable to map rstc cpu registers\n" .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_rstc_probe, @function sirfsoc_rstc_probe: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 xor esi, esi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 mov rbp, rdi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov r12, QWORD PTR [rdi] mov rdi, r12 call of_iomap@PLT mov DWORD PTR sirfsoc_rstc_base[rip], eax test eax, eax je .L8 mov eax, DWORD PTR sirfsoc_restart[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER[rip] mov QWORD PTR sirfsoc_reset_controller[rip], r12 xor r12d, r12d mov DWORD PTR arm_pm_restart[rip], eax call IS_ENABLED@PLT test rax, rax jne .L9 add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 mov eax, r12d pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L9: .cfi_restore_state lea rdi, sirfsoc_reset_controller[rip] call reset_controller_register@PLT add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 mov eax, r12d pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: .cfi_restore_state mov rdi, rbp lea rsi, .LC0[rip] call dev_err@PLT mov r12d, DWORD PTR ENOMEM[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 neg r12d mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rstc_probe, .-sirfsoc_rstc_probe .globl sirfsoc_rstc_base .bss .align 4 .type sirfsoc_rstc_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rstc_base, 4 sirfsoc_rstc_base: .zero 4 .globl sirfsoc_restart .align 4 .type sirfsoc_restart, @object .size sirfsoc_restart, 4 sirfsoc_restart: .zero 4 .globl sirfsoc_reset_controller .align 8 .type sirfsoc_reset_controller, @object .size sirfsoc_reset_controller, 8 sirfsoc_reset_controller: .zero 8 .globl arm_pm_restart .align 4 .type arm_pm_restart, @object .size arm_pm_restart, 4 arm_pm_restart: .zero 4 .globl ENOMEM .align 4 .type ENOMEM, @object .size ENOMEM, 4 ENOMEM: .zero 4 .globl CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER .align 4 .type CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER, @object .size CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER, 4 CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rstc.c_sirfsoc_rstc_probe.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "unable to map rstc cpu registers\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rstc_probe, %function sirfsoc_rstc_probe: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, [r0] mov r4, r0 mov r1, #0 mov r0, r5 bl of_iomap ldr r3, .L10 cmp r0, #0 str r0, [r3] beq .L9 ldr r3, .L10+4 ldr r1, .L10+8 ldr r2, [r3] ldr r4, .L10+12 ldr r3, .L10+16 ldr r0, [r1] str r2, [r3] str r5, [r4] bl IS_ENABLED cmp r0, #0 popeq {r4, r5, r6, pc} mov r0, r4 bl reset_controller_register mov r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L9: mov r0, r4 ldr r1, .L10+20 bl dev_err ldr r3, .L10+24 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L11: .align 2 .L10: .word sirfsoc_rstc_base .word sirfsoc_restart .word CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER .word sirfsoc_reset_controller .word arm_pm_restart .word .LC0 .word ENOMEM .size sirfsoc_rstc_probe, .-sirfsoc_rstc_probe .comm sirfsoc_rstc_base,4,4 .comm sirfsoc_restart,4,4 .comm sirfsoc_reset_controller,4,4 .comm arm_pm_restart,4,4 .comm ENOMEM,4,4 .comm CONFIG_RESET_CONTROLLER,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c___sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .type __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, @function __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 xor eax, eax mov ebp, edi call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE[rip] xor edi, edi add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT mov edi, ebp mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT mov edi, 1 mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT xor eax, eax call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync@PLT mov rdi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA[rip] pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 add rdi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] jmp readl_relaxed@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, .-__sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .globl sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, 8 sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c___sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl.c" .text .align 2 .global __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, %function __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r5, r0 ldr r4, .L4 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync ldr r3, .L4+4 ldr r1, [r4] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, #0 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r1, [r4] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, r5 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed ldr r3, .L4+12 ldr r1, [r4] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, #1 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync ldr r3, .L4+16 ldr r0, [r4] ldr r3, [r3] pop {r4, r5, r6, lr} add r0, r0, r3 b readl_relaxed .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA .size __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, .-__sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .comm sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_devm_regmap_init_iobg.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl devm_regmap_init_iobg .type devm_regmap_init_iobg, @function devm_regmap_init_iobg: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov rcx, rsi mov rdx, rdi lea rsi, regmap_iobg[rip] jmp devm_regmap_init@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size devm_regmap_init_iobg, .-devm_regmap_init_iobg .globl regmap_iobg .bss .align 4 .type regmap_iobg, @object .size regmap_iobg, 4 regmap_iobg: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_devm_regmap_init_iobg.c" .text .align 2 .global devm_regmap_init_iobg .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type devm_regmap_init_iobg, %function devm_regmap_init_iobg: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. mov r3, r1 mov r2, r0 ldr r1, .L3 b devm_regmap_init .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word regmap_iobg .size devm_regmap_init_iobg, .-devm_regmap_init_iobg .comm regmap_iobg,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_regmap_iobg_regread.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type regmap_iobg_regread, @function regmap_iobg_regread: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 mov edi, esi mov rbx, rdx call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl@PLT mov DWORD PTR [rbx], eax xor eax, eax pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size regmap_iobg_regread, .-regmap_iobg_regread .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_regmap_iobg_regread.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type regmap_iobg_regread, %function regmap_iobg_regread: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} mov r0, r1 mov r4, r2 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl mov r3, r0 mov r0, #0 str r3, [r4] pop {r4, pc} .size regmap_iobg_regread, .-regmap_iobg_regread .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_regmap_iobg_regwrite.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type regmap_iobg_regwrite, @function regmap_iobg_regwrite: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov edi, edx call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size regmap_iobg_regwrite, .-regmap_iobg_regwrite .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_regmap_iobg_regwrite.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type regmap_iobg_regwrite, %function regmap_iobg_regwrite: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r0, r2 push {r4, lr} bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .size regmap_iobg_regwrite, .-regmap_iobg_regwrite .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing, @function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 xor ebp, ebp lea rdi, rtciobrg_lock[rip] mov rsi, rbp call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT xor eax, eax call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync@PLT mov rsi, rbp lea rdi, rtciobrg_lock[rip] pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing .globl rtciobrg_lock .bss .align 4 .type rtciobrg_lock, @object .size rtciobrg_lock, 4 rtciobrg_lock: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing.c" .text .align 2 .global sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing, %function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r4, #0 ldr r5, .L4 mov r1, r4 mov r0, r5 bl spin_lock_irqsave bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync mov r1, r4 mov r0, r5 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr} b spin_unlock_irqrestore .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word rtciobrg_lock .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_besyncing .comm rtciobrg_lock,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel, @function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 xor eax, eax mov r12d, esi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 mov ebp, edi sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE[rip] mov edi, 241 add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT mov edi, r12d mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA[rip] mov edi, ebp add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp writel_relaxed@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel .globl sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, 8 sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel.c" .text .align 2 .global sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel, %function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r6, r1 mov r4, r0 ldr r5, .L4 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync ldr r3, .L4+4 ldr r1, [r5] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, #241 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r1, [r5] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, r6 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed ldr r3, .L4+12 ldr r1, [r5] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, lr} add r1, r1, r3 b writel_relaxed .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel .comm sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_WRBE,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_DATA,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_ADDR,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, @function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 mov r12, rdi lea rdi, rtciobrg_lock[rip] push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 xor ebp, ebp mov rsi, rbp sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT mov rdi, r12 call __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl@PLT mov rsi, rbp lea rdi, rtciobrg_lock[rip] mov r12, rax call spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 mov rax, r12 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .globl rtciobrg_lock .bss .align 4 .type rtciobrg_lock, @object .size rtciobrg_lock, 4 rtciobrg_lock: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl.c" .text .align 2 .global sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, %function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r6, #0 mov r4, r0 ldr r5, .L4 mov r1, r6 mov r0, r5 bl spin_lock_irqsave mov r0, r4 bl __sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl mov r4, r0 mov r1, r6 mov r0, r5 bl spin_unlock_irqrestore mov r0, r4 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word rtciobrg_lock .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_readl .comm rtciobrg_lock,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync, @function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 jmp .L2 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L3: xor eax, eax call cpu_relax@PLT .L2: mov rdi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL[rip] add rdi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call readl_relaxed@PLT test rax, rax jne .L3 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync .globl sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, 8 sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base: .zero 8 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync.c" .text .align 2 .global sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync, %function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} ldr r5, .L7 ldr r4, .L7+4 .L2: ldr r0, [r5] ldr r3, [r4] add r0, r0, r3 bl readl_relaxed cmp r0, #0 popeq {r4, r5, r6, pc} bl cpu_relax b .L2 .L8: .align 2 .L7: .word sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync .comm sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel, @function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 xor r13d, r13d push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 mov r12d, esi mov rsi, r13 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 mov ebp, edi lea rdi, rtciobrg_lock[rip] call spin_lock_irqsave@PLT mov esi, r12d mov edi, ebp call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel@PLT mov edi, 1 mov rsi, QWORD PTR SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL[rip] add rsi, QWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip] call writel_relaxed@PLT xor eax, eax call sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync@PLT pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 mov rsi, r13 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 lea rdi, rtciobrg_lock[rip] pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel .globl sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .bss .align 8 .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, 8 sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base: .zero 8 .globl rtciobrg_lock .align 4 .type rtciobrg_lock, @object .size rtciobrg_lock, 4 rtciobrg_lock: .zero 4 .globl SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL .align 8 .type SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL, @object .size SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL, 8 SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL: .zero 8 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel.c" .text .align 2 .global sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel, %function sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} mov r7, #0 mov r4, r0 mov r5, r1 ldr r6, .L4 mov r1, r7 mov r0, r6 bl spin_lock_irqsave mov r1, r5 mov r0, r4 bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_pre_writel ldr r2, .L4+4 ldr r3, .L4+8 ldr r1, [r2] ldr r3, [r3] mov r0, #1 add r1, r1, r3 bl writel_relaxed bl sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_wait_sync mov r1, r7 mov r0, r6 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} b spin_unlock_irqrestore .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word rtciobrg_lock .word sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .word SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL .size sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel, .-sirfsoc_rtc_iobrg_writel .comm sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base,4,4 .comm rtciobrg_lock,4,4 .comm SIRFSOC_CPUIOBRG_CTRL,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "unable to map rtc iobrg registers\n" .text .p2align 4 .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe, @function sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rdi] xor esi, esi call of_iomap@PLT mov DWORD PTR sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base[rip], eax test eax, eax je .L5 xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: .cfi_restore_state lea rdi, .LC0[rip] call panic@PLT xor eax, eax add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe, .-sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe .globl sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .bss .align 4 .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, @object .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base, 4 sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_rtciobrg.c_sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "unable to map rtc iobrg registers\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe, %function sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r1, #0 push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r0] bl of_iomap ldr r3, .L6 cmp r0, #0 str r0, [r3] beq .L5 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L5: ldr r0, .L6+4 bl panic mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L7: .align 2 .L6: .word sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base .word .LC0 .size sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe, .-sirfsoc_rtciobrg_probe .comm sirfsoc_rtciobrg_base,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am200epd.c_am200_cleanup.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am200_cleanup, @function am200_cleanup: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 mov rbp, rdi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 3, -24 xor ebx, ebx sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov edi, DWORD PTR RDY_GPIO_PIN[rip] call PXA_GPIO_TO_IRQ@PLT mov rsi, rbp mov edi, eax call free_irq@PLT jmp .L2 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L3: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx*4] add rbx, 1 call gpio_free@PLT .L2: mov rdi, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] call ARRAY_SIZE@PLT cmp eax, ebx jg .L3 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am200_cleanup, .-am200_cleanup .globl gpios .bss .align 8 .type gpios, @object .size gpios, 8 gpios: .zero 8 .globl RDY_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RDY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RDY_GPIO_PIN, 4 RDY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am200epd.c_am200_cleanup.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am200_cleanup, %function am200_cleanup: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r4, r0 ldr r3, .L7 ldr r5, .L7+4 ldr r0, [r3] bl PXA_GPIO_TO_IRQ mov r1, r4 bl free_irq mov r4, #0 .L2: ldr r0, [r5] bl ARRAY_SIZE cmp r0, r4 pople {r4, r5, r6, pc} ldr r3, [r5] ldr r0, [r3, r4, lsl #2] bl gpio_free add r4, r4, #1 b .L2 .L8: .align 2 .L7: .word RDY_GPIO_PIN .word gpios .size am200_cleanup, .-am200_cleanup .comm gpios,4,4 .comm RDY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am200epd.c_am200_init_gpio_regs.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "failed requesting gpio %s, err=%d\n" .text .p2align 4 .type am200_init_gpio_regs, @function am200_init_gpio_regs: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 xor ebx, ebx sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 jmp .L2 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpio_names[rip] lea r13, 0[0+rbx*4] mov esi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx*4] mov rax, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx*4] add rbx, 1 call gpio_request@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax jne .L12 .L2: mov rdi, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] movsx rbp, ebx call ARRAY_SIZE@PLT cmp eax, ebx jg .L5 mov edi, DWORD PTR LED_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi xor r12d, r12d call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR STDBY_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RST_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RDY_GPIO_PIN[rip] call gpio_direction_input@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR ERR_GPIO_PIN[rip] call gpio_direction_input@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_direction_output@PLT .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L12: .cfi_restore_state mov rax, QWORD PTR gpio_names[rip] mov rdi, QWORD PTR am200_device[rip] mov ecx, r12d lea rsi, .LC0[rip] mov edx, DWORD PTR [rax+r13] call dev_err@PLT lea eax, -1[rbp] test ebp, ebp je .L1 movsx rbx, eax mov eax, eax sub rbp, rax sal rbx, 2 lea rbp, -8[0+rbp*4] .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L6: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx] sub rbx, 4 call gpio_free@PLT cmp rbx, rbp jne .L6 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am200_init_gpio_regs, .-am200_init_gpio_regs .globl gpios .bss .align 8 .type gpios, @object .size gpios, 8 gpios: .zero 8 .globl gpio_names .align 8 .type gpio_names, @object .size gpio_names, 8 gpio_names: .zero 8 .globl am200_device .align 8 .type am200_device, @object .size am200_device, 8 am200_device: .zero 8 .globl STDBY_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type STDBY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size STDBY_GPIO_PIN, 4 STDBY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl RST_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RST_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RST_GPIO_PIN, 4 RST_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl RDY_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RDY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RDY_GPIO_PIN, 4 RDY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN, @object .size PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN, 4 PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl LED_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type LED_GPIO_PIN, @object .size LED_GPIO_PIN, 4 LED_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl ERR_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type ERR_GPIO_PIN, @object .size ERR_GPIO_PIN, 4 ERR_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am200epd.c_am200_init_gpio_regs.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "failed requesting gpio %s, err=%d\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am200_init_gpio_regs, %function am200_init_gpio_regs: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} mov r4, #0 ldr r6, .L12 ldr r7, .L12+4 b .L2 .L6: ldr r3, [r6] ldr r2, [r7] ldr r0, [r3, r4, lsl #2] ldr r1, [r2, r4, lsl #2] bl gpio_request subs r5, r0, #0 lsl r3, r4, #2 bne .L11 add r4, r4, #1 .L2: ldr r0, [r6] bl ARRAY_SIZE cmp r0, r4 bgt .L6 mov r5, #0 ldr r3, .L12+8 mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L12+12 mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L12+16 mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L12+20 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_input ldr r3, .L12+24 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_input ldr r3, .L12+28 mov r1, r5 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output .L1: mov r0, r5 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L11: ldr r2, [r7] ldr r1, .L12+32 ldr r2, [r2, r3] ldr r0, [r1] mov r3, r5 ldr r1, .L12+36 bl dev_err cmp r4, #0 sub r4, r4, #1 beq .L1 .L4: ldr r3, [r6] ldr r0, [r3, r4, lsl #2] sub r4, r4, #1 bl gpio_free cmn r4, #1 bne .L4 mov r0, r5 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L13: .align 2 .L12: .word gpios .word gpio_names .word LED_GPIO_PIN .word STDBY_GPIO_PIN .word RST_GPIO_PIN .word RDY_GPIO_PIN .word ERR_GPIO_PIN .word PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN .word am200_device .word .LC0 .size am200_init_gpio_regs, .-am200_init_gpio_regs .comm gpios,4,4 .comm gpio_names,4,4 .comm am200_device,4,4 .comm STDBY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm RST_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm RDY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm PCBPWR_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm LED_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm ERR_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am200epd.c_am200_share_video_mem.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am200_share_video_mem, @function am200_share_video_mem: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov rax, QWORD PTR am200_fb_info[rip] mov rdx, QWORD PTR [rax] cmp QWORD PTR 16[rdi], rdx jne .L6 mov rax, QWORD PTR 8[rax] cmp QWORD PTR 24[rdi], rax je .L10 .L6: xor eax, eax ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L10: sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov eax, DWORD PTR 8[rdi] mov QWORD PTR am200_board[rip], rdi mov DWORD PTR am200_board[rip+8], eax mov rax, QWORD PTR [rdi] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax] call try_module_get@PLT test eax, eax je .L11 xor eax, eax .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L11: .cfi_restore_state mov eax, DWORD PTR ENODEV[rip] neg eax jmp .L1 .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am200_share_video_mem, .-am200_share_video_mem .globl am200_fb_info .bss .align 8 .type am200_fb_info, @object .size am200_fb_info, 8 am200_fb_info: .zero 8 .globl am200_board .align 16 .type am200_board, @object .size am200_board, 16 am200_board: .zero 16 .globl ENODEV .align 4 .type ENODEV, @object .size ENODEV, 4 ENODEV: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am200epd.c_am200_share_video_mem.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am200_share_video_mem, %function am200_share_video_mem: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r2, .L12 mov r3, r0 ldr r2, [r2] ldr r0, [r0, #8] ldr r1, [r2] cmp r0, r1 bne .L6 ldr r2, [r2, #4] ldr r1, [r3, #12] cmp r1, r2 beq .L10 .L6: mov r0, #0 bx lr .L10: ldr r0, [r3] ldr r2, .L12+4 ldr r1, [r3, #4] push {r4, lr} ldr r0, [r0] str r3, [r2] str r1, [r2, #4] bl try_module_get cmp r0, #0 beq .L11 mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L11: ldr r3, .L12+8 ldr r0, [r3] rsb r0, r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L13: .align 2 .L12: .word am200_fb_info .word am200_board .word ENODEV .size am200_share_video_mem, .-am200_share_video_mem .comm am200_fb_info,4,4 .comm am200_board,8,4 .comm ENODEV,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_cleanup.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_cleanup, @function am300_cleanup: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 mov rbp, rdi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 3, -24 xor ebx, ebx sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 mov edi, DWORD PTR RDY_GPIO_PIN[rip] call PXA_GPIO_TO_IRQ@PLT mov rsi, rbp mov edi, eax call free_irq@PLT jmp .L2 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L3: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx*4] add rbx, 1 call gpio_free@PLT .L2: mov rdi, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] call ARRAY_SIZE@PLT cmp eax, ebx jg .L3 mov ebx, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] cmp ebx, DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip] jg .L1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: mov edi, ebx add ebx, 1 call gpio_free@PLT cmp DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip], ebx jge .L5 .L1: add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_cleanup, .-am300_cleanup .globl gpios .bss .align 8 .type gpios, @object .size gpios, 8 gpios: .zero 8 .globl RDY_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RDY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RDY_GPIO_PIN, 4 RDY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DB15_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DB15_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB15_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB15_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DB0_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DB0_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB0_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB0_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_cleanup.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_cleanup, %function am300_cleanup: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, lr} mov r4, r0 ldr r3, .L9 ldr r5, .L9+4 ldr r0, [r3] bl PXA_GPIO_TO_IRQ mov r1, r4 bl free_irq mov r4, #0 b .L2 .L3: ldr r3, [r5] ldr r0, [r3, r4, lsl #2] bl gpio_free add r4, r4, #1 .L2: ldr r0, [r5] bl ARRAY_SIZE cmp r0, r4 bgt .L3 ldr r3, .L9+8 ldr r5, .L9+12 ldr r4, [r3] ldr r3, [r5] cmp r4, r3 popgt {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L5: mov r0, r4 bl gpio_free ldr r3, [r5] add r4, r4, #1 cmp r3, r4 bge .L5 pop {r4, r5, r6, pc} .L10: .align 2 .L9: .word RDY_GPIO_PIN .word gpios .word DB0_GPIO_PIN .word DB15_GPIO_PIN .size am300_cleanup, .-am300_cleanup .comm gpios,4,4 .comm RDY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DB15_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DB0_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_get_hdb.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_get_hdb, @function am300_get_hdb: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 12, -16 mov edi, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 6, -24 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 3, -32 cmp DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip], edi js .L5 xor ebx, ebx xor r12d, r12d mov ebp, 1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: add edi, ebx call gpio_get_value@PLT mov ecx, ebx mov esi, ebp mov edx, r12d sal esi, cl mov edi, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] or r12d, esi test rax, rax mov eax, DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip] cmove r12d, edx add ebx, 1 sub eax, edi cmp eax, ebx jge .L4 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: .cfi_restore_state xor r12d, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov eax, r12d pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_get_hdb, .-am300_get_hdb .globl DB15_GPIO_PIN .bss .align 4 .type DB15_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB15_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB15_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DB0_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DB0_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB0_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB0_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_get_hdb.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_get_hdb, %function am300_get_hdb: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r5, .L12 ldr r8, .L12+4 ldr r2, [r5] ldr r3, [r8] sub r3, r3, r2 cmp r3, #0 blt .L5 mov r4, #0 mov r7, #1 mov r6, r4 .L4: add r0, r2, r4 bl gpio_get_value ldr r2, [r5] ldr r3, [r8] cmp r0, #0 orrne r6, r6, r7, lsl r4 sub r3, r3, r2 add r4, r4, #1 cmp r3, r4 bge .L4 mov r0, r6 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L5: mov r6, #0 mov r0, r6 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L13: .align 2 .L12: .word DB0_GPIO_PIN .word DB15_GPIO_PIN .size am300_get_hdb, .-am300_get_hdb .comm DB15_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DB0_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_get_panel_type.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_get_panel_type, @function am300_get_panel_type: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR panel_type[rip] ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_get_panel_type, .-am300_get_panel_type .globl panel_type .bss .align 4 .type panel_type, @object .size panel_type, 4 panel_type: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_get_panel_type.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_get_panel_type, %function am300_get_panel_type: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r3, .L3 ldr r0, [r3] bx lr .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word panel_type .size am300_get_panel_type, .-am300_get_panel_type .comm panel_type,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_handle_irq.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_handle_irq, @function am300_handle_irq: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov rdi, rsi call wake_up@PLT mov eax, DWORD PTR IRQ_HANDLED[rip] add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_handle_irq, .-am300_handle_irq .globl IRQ_HANDLED .bss .align 4 .type IRQ_HANDLED, @object .size IRQ_HANDLED, 4 IRQ_HANDLED: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_handle_irq.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_handle_irq, %function am300_handle_irq: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r0, r1 push {r4, lr} bl wake_up ldr r3, .L4 ldr r0, [r3] pop {r4, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word IRQ_HANDLED .size am300_handle_irq, .-am300_handle_irq .comm IRQ_HANDLED,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_init_board.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_init_board, @function am300_init_board: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 jmp am300_init_gpio_regs@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_init_board, .-am300_init_board .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_init_board.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_init_board, %function am300_init_board: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. b am300_init_gpio_regs .size am300_init_board, .-am300_init_board .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_init_gpio_regs.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1 .align 8 .LC0: .string "failed requesting gpio %s, err=%d\n" .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC1: .string "DB%d" .section .rodata.str1.8 .align 8 .LC2: .string "failed requesting gpio %d, err=%d\n" .text .p2align 4 .type am300_init_gpio_regs, @function am300_init_gpio_regs: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 14, -16 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 13, -24 mov r13, rdi push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 12, -32 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 6, -40 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset 3, -48 xor ebx, ebx sub rsp, 16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 mov rax, QWORD PTR fs:40 mov QWORD PTR 8[rsp], rax xor eax, eax jmp .L2 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpio_names[rip] lea r14, 0[0+rbx*4] mov esi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx*4] mov rax, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx*4] xor eax, eax add rbx, 1 call gpio_request@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax jne .L25 .L2: mov rdi, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] movsx rbp, ebx call ARRAY_SIZE@PLT cmp eax, ebx jg .L4 mov ebx, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] cmp ebx, DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip] jg .L5 mov rbp, rsp lea r14, .LC1[rip] jmp .L9 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L6: add ebx, 1 cmp DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip], ebx jl .L5 .L9: mov edx, ebx mov rsi, r14 mov rdi, rbp call sprintf@PLT mov rsi, rbp mov edi, ebx xor eax, eax call gpio_request@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax je .L6 mov rdi, QWORD PTR am300_device[rip] mov edx, ebx mov ecx, eax lea rsi, .LC2[rip] sub ebx, 1 call dev_err@PLT cmp DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip], ebx jg .L8 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L7: mov edi, ebx sub ebx, 1 call gpio_free@PLT cmp DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip], ebx jle .L7 .L8: mov rdi, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] call ARRAY_SIZE@PLT movsx rbp, eax .L3: mov edx, ebp sub edx, 1 js .L1 movsx rbx, edx mov edx, edx sub rbp, rdx sal rbx, 2 lea rbp, -8[0+rbp*4] .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L13: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpios[rip] mov edi, DWORD PTR [rax+rbx] sub rbx, 4 call gpio_free@PLT cmp rbx, rbp jne .L13 .L1: mov rax, QWORD PTR 8[rsp] sub rax, QWORD PTR fs:40 jne .L26 add rsp, 16 .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: .cfi_restore_state mov edi, DWORD PTR PWR_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR CFG_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, 1 call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR DC_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RD_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, 1 call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR WR_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, 1 call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR CS_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, 1 call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RST_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_direction_output@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RDY_GPIO_PIN[rip] call gpio_direction_input@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR IRQ_GPIO_PIN[rip] call gpio_direction_input@PLT mov ebx, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] cmp ebx, DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip] jg .L10 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L11: xor esi, esi mov edi, ebx add ebx, 1 call gpio_direction_output@PLT cmp DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip], ebx jge .L11 .L10: mov edi, DWORD PTR CFG_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, 1 xor r12d, r12d call gpio_set_value@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RST_GPIO_PIN[rip] xor esi, esi call gpio_set_value@PLT mov edi, 10 call msleep@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR RST_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, 1 call gpio_set_value@PLT mov edi, 10 call msleep@PLT mov rdi, r13 call am300_wait_event@PLT jmp .L1 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L25: mov rax, QWORD PTR gpio_names[rip] mov rdi, QWORD PTR am300_device[rip] mov ecx, r12d lea rsi, .LC0[rip] mov edx, DWORD PTR [rax+r14] call dev_err@PLT jmp .L3 .L26: call __stack_chk_fail@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_init_gpio_regs, .-am300_init_gpio_regs .globl gpios .bss .align 8 .type gpios, @object .size gpios, 8 gpios: .zero 8 .globl gpio_names .align 8 .type gpio_names, @object .size gpio_names, 8 gpio_names: .zero 8 .globl am300_device .align 8 .type am300_device, @object .size am300_device, 8 am300_device: .zero 8 .globl WR_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type WR_GPIO_PIN, @object .size WR_GPIO_PIN, 4 WR_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl RST_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RST_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RST_GPIO_PIN, 4 RST_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl RD_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RD_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RD_GPIO_PIN, 4 RD_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl RDY_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RDY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RDY_GPIO_PIN, 4 RDY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl PWR_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type PWR_GPIO_PIN, @object .size PWR_GPIO_PIN, 4 PWR_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl IRQ_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type IRQ_GPIO_PIN, @object .size IRQ_GPIO_PIN, 4 IRQ_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DC_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DC_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DC_GPIO_PIN, 4 DC_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DB15_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DB15_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB15_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB15_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DB0_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DB0_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB0_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB0_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl CS_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type CS_GPIO_PIN, @object .size CS_GPIO_PIN, 4 CS_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl CFG_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type CFG_GPIO_PIN, @object .size CFG_GPIO_PIN, 4 CFG_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_init_gpio_regs.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "failed requesting gpio %s, err=%d\012\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "DB%d\000" .align 2 .LC2: .ascii "failed requesting gpio %d, err=%d\012\000" .section .rodata.cst4,"aM",%progbits,4 .align 2 .LC3: .word __stack_chk_guard .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_init_gpio_regs, %function am300_init_gpio_regs: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 16 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, lr} ldr r3, .L26 sub sp, sp, #16 ldr r3, [r3] str r3, [sp, #12] mov r3,#0 mov r7, r0 mov r4, #0 ldr r6, .L26+4 ldr r8, .L26+8 b .L2 .L5: ldr r3, [r6] ldr r2, [r8] ldr r0, [r3, r4, lsl #2] ldr r1, [r2, r4, lsl #2] bl gpio_request subs r5, r0, #0 lsl r3, r4, #2 bne .L24 add r4, r4, #1 .L2: ldr r0, [r6] bl ARRAY_SIZE cmp r0, r4 bgt .L5 ldr r9, .L26+12 ldr r8, .L26+16 ldr r4, [r9] ldr r3, [r8] cmp r4, r3 bgt .L6 ldr r10, .L26+20 b .L10 .L7: ldr r3, [r8] add r4, r4, #1 cmp r3, r4 blt .L6 .L10: mov r2, r4 mov r1, r10 add r0, sp, #4 bl sprintf mov r0, r4 add r1, sp, #4 bl gpio_request subs r5, r0, #0 beq .L7 ldr r2, .L26+24 mov r3, r5 ldr r0, [r2] ldr r1, .L26+28 mov r2, r4 bl dev_err ldr r3, [r9] sub r4, r4, #1 cmp r3, r4 bgt .L9 .L8: mov r0, r4 bl gpio_free ldr r3, [r9] sub r4, r4, #1 cmp r3, r4 ble .L8 .L9: ldr r0, [r6] bl ARRAY_SIZE mov r4, r0 .L4: subs r4, r4, #1 bmi .L1 .L14: ldr r3, [r6] ldr r0, [r3, r4, lsl #2] sub r4, r4, #1 bl gpio_free cmn r4, #1 bne .L14 .L1: ldr r3, .L26 ldr r2, [r3] ldr r3, [sp, #12] eors r2, r3, r2 mov r3, #0 bne .L25 mov r0, r5 add sp, sp, #16 @ sp needed pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, pc} .L6: ldr r3, .L26+32 ldr r6, .L26+36 ldr r0, [r3] mov r1, #0 bl gpio_direction_output mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r6] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L26+40 mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L26+44 mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L26+48 mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L26+52 ldr r5, .L26+56 ldr r0, [r3] mov r1, #1 bl gpio_direction_output mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r5] bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, .L26+60 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_input ldr r3, .L26+64 ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_direction_input ldr r4, [r9] ldr r3, [r8] cmp r4, r3 bgt .L11 .L12: mov r0, r4 mov r1, #0 bl gpio_direction_output ldr r3, [r8] add r4, r4, #1 cmp r3, r4 bge .L12 .L11: mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r6] bl gpio_set_value mov r1, #0 ldr r0, [r5] bl gpio_set_value mov r0, #10 bl msleep mov r1, #1 ldr r0, [r5] bl gpio_set_value mov r0, #10 bl msleep mov r0, r7 bl am300_wait_event mov r5, #0 b .L1 .L24: ldr r2, [r8] ldr r1, .L26+24 ldr r2, [r2, r3] ldr r0, [r1] mov r3, r5 ldr r1, .L26+68 bl dev_err b .L4 .L25: bl __stack_chk_fail .L27: .align 2 .L26: .word .LC3 .word gpios .word gpio_names .word DB0_GPIO_PIN .word DB15_GPIO_PIN .word .LC1 .word am300_device .word .LC2 .word PWR_GPIO_PIN .word CFG_GPIO_PIN .word DC_GPIO_PIN .word RD_GPIO_PIN .word WR_GPIO_PIN .word CS_GPIO_PIN .word RST_GPIO_PIN .word RDY_GPIO_PIN .word IRQ_GPIO_PIN .word .LC0 .size am300_init_gpio_regs, .-am300_init_gpio_regs .comm gpios,4,4 .comm gpio_names,4,4 .comm am300_device,4,4 .comm WR_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm RST_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm RD_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm RDY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm PWR_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm IRQ_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DC_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DB15_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DB0_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm CS_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm CFG_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_set_ctl.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_set_ctl, @function am300_set_ctl: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 cmp sil, -127 je .L2 cmp sil, -126 je .L3 cmp sil, -128 je .L8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L2: mov edi, DWORD PTR DC_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, edx jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: mov edi, DWORD PTR WR_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, edx jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L3: mov edi, DWORD PTR CS_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov esi, edx jmp gpio_set_value@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_set_ctl, .-am300_set_ctl .globl WR_GPIO_PIN .bss .align 4 .type WR_GPIO_PIN, @object .size WR_GPIO_PIN, 4 WR_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DC_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DC_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DC_GPIO_PIN, 4 DC_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl CS_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type CS_GPIO_PIN, @object .size CS_GPIO_PIN, 4 CS_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_set_ctl.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_set_ctl, %function am300_set_ctl: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. cmp r1, #129 mov r3, r1 mov r1, r2 beq .L2 cmp r3, #130 beq .L3 cmp r3, #128 bxne lr ldr r3, .L8 ldr r0, [r3] b gpio_set_value .L3: ldr r3, .L8+4 ldr r0, [r3] b gpio_set_value .L2: ldr r3, .L8+8 ldr r0, [r3] b gpio_set_value .L9: .align 2 .L8: .word WR_GPIO_PIN .word CS_GPIO_PIN .word DC_GPIO_PIN .size am300_set_ctl, .-am300_set_ctl .comm WR_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DC_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm CS_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_set_hdb.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_set_hdb, @function am300_set_hdb: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov edi, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] cmp DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip], edi js .L6 push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 6, -16 mov ebp, esi push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 3, -24 xor ebx, ebx sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L3: mov ecx, ebx mov esi, ebp add edi, ebx add ebx, 1 sar esi, cl and esi, 1 call gpio_set_value@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR DB0_GPIO_PIN[rip] mov eax, DWORD PTR DB15_GPIO_PIN[rip] sub eax, edi cmp eax, ebx jge .L3 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L6: .cfi_restore 3 .cfi_restore 6 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_set_hdb, .-am300_set_hdb .globl DB15_GPIO_PIN .bss .align 4 .type DB15_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB15_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB15_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl DB0_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type DB0_GPIO_PIN, @object .size DB0_GPIO_PIN, 4 DB0_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_set_hdb.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_set_hdb, %function am300_set_hdb: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r7, .L7 ldr r6, .L7+4 ldr r0, [r7] ldr r3, [r6] sub r3, r3, r0 cmp r3, #0 poplt {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} mov r5, r1 mov r4, #0 .L3: asr r1, r5, r4 add r0, r0, r4 and r1, r1, #1 bl gpio_set_value ldr r0, [r7] ldr r3, [r6] add r4, r4, #1 sub r3, r3, r0 cmp r3, r4 bge .L3 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L8: .align 2 .L7: .word DB0_GPIO_PIN .word DB15_GPIO_PIN .size am300_set_hdb, .-am300_set_hdb .comm DB15_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm DB0_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_setup_irq.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .LC0: .string "AM300" .LC1: .string "request_irq failed: %d\n" .text .p2align 4 .type am300_setup_irq, @function am300_setup_irq: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 mov r13d, DWORD PTR IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING[rip] push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 mov r12d, DWORD PTR am300_handle_irq[rip] push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 3, -32 mov rbx, QWORD PTR [rdi] mov edi, DWORD PTR RDY_GPIO_PIN[rip] call PXA_GPIO_TO_IRQ@PLT mov esi, r12d mov r8, rbx mov edx, r13d mov edi, eax lea rcx, .LC0[rip] call request_irq@PLT mov r12d, eax test eax, eax jne .L8 mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_remember_state .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L8: .cfi_restore_state mov rdi, QWORD PTR am300_device[rip] mov edx, eax lea rsi, .LC1[rip] call dev_err@PLT mov eax, r12d pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_setup_irq, .-am300_setup_irq .globl am300_handle_irq .bss .align 4 .type am300_handle_irq, @object .size am300_handle_irq, 4 am300_handle_irq: .zero 4 .globl am300_device .align 8 .type am300_device, @object .size am300_device, 8 am300_device: .zero 8 .globl RDY_GPIO_PIN .align 4 .type RDY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RDY_GPIO_PIN, 4 RDY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .globl IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING .align 4 .type IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, @object .size IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, 4 IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_setup_irq.c" .text .section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",%progbits,1 .align 2 .LC0: .ascii "AM300\000" .align 2 .LC1: .ascii "request_irq failed: %d\012\000" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_setup_irq, %function am300_setup_irq: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, lr} ldr r3, .L9 ldr r4, [r0] sub sp, sp, #8 ldr r0, [r3] bl PXA_GPIO_TO_IRQ ldr r3, .L9+4 ldr r2, .L9+8 str r4, [sp] ldr r1, [r3] ldr r2, [r2] ldr r3, .L9+12 bl request_irq subs r4, r0, #0 bne .L8 mov r0, r4 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, pc} .L8: ldr r3, .L9+16 mov r2, r4 ldr r0, [r3] ldr r1, .L9+20 bl dev_err mov r0, r4 add sp, sp, #8 @ sp needed pop {r4, pc} .L10: .align 2 .L9: .word RDY_GPIO_PIN .word am300_handle_irq .word IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING .word .LC0 .word am300_device .word .LC1 .size am300_setup_irq, .-am300_setup_irq .comm am300_handle_irq,4,4 .comm am300_device,4,4 .comm RDY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .comm IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_wait_event.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type am300_wait_event, @function am300_wait_event: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 mov rbx, rdi mov edi, DWORD PTR RDY_GPIO_PIN[rip] call gpio_get_value@PLT mov edi, DWORD PTR [rbx] mov esi, eax call wait_event@PLT xor eax, eax pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size am300_wait_event, .-am300_wait_event .globl RDY_GPIO_PIN .bss .align 4 .type RDY_GPIO_PIN, @object .size RDY_GPIO_PIN, 4 RDY_GPIO_PIN: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_am300epd.c_am300_wait_event.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type am300_wait_event, %function am300_wait_event: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 ldr r3, .L4 push {r4, lr} ldr r4, [r0] ldr r0, [r3] bl gpio_get_value mov r1, r0 mov r0, r4 bl wait_event mov r0, #0 pop {r4, pc} .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word RDY_GPIO_PIN .size am300_wait_event, .-am300_wait_event .comm RDY_GPIO_PIN,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_cf_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_cf_init, @function balloon3_cf_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_cf_init, .-balloon3_cf_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_cf_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_cf_init, %function balloon3_cf_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size balloon3_cf_init, .-balloon3_cf_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_has.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .globl balloon3_has .type balloon3_has, @function balloon3_has: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 mov eax, DWORD PTR balloon3_features_present[rip] mov ecx, edi sar eax, cl and eax, 1 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_has, .-balloon3_has .globl balloon3_features_present .bss .align 4 .type balloon3_features_present, @object .size balloon3_features_present, 4 balloon3_features_present: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_has.c" .text .align 2 .global balloon3_has .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_has, %function balloon3_has: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. ldr r3, .L3 ldr r3, [r3] asr r0, r3, r0 and r0, r0, #1 bx lr .L4: .align 2 .L3: .word balloon3_features_present .size balloon3_has, .-balloon3_has .comm balloon3_features_present,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_irda_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_irda_init, @function balloon3_irda_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_irda_init, .-balloon3_irda_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_irda_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_irda_init, %function balloon3_irda_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size balloon3_irda_init, .-balloon3_irda_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_irq_handler.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_irq_handler, @function balloon3_irq_handler: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 13, -16 push r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 .cfi_offset 12, -24 mov r12, rdi push rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset 6, -32 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 .cfi_offset 3, -40 sub rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 mov edi, DWORD PTR BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG[rip] call __raw_readl@PLT and rax, QWORD PTR balloon3_irq_enabled[rip] mov rbp, rax .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L5: mov rdi, r12 call irq_desc_get_irq_data@PLT mov rdi, r12 mov r13, rax call irq_desc_get_chip@PLT mov rax, QWORD PTR [rax] test rax, rax je .L2 mov rdi, r13 call rax .L2: test rbp, rbp je .L3 .p2align 4,,10 .p2align 3 .L4: xor edi, edi call BALLOON3_IRQ@PLT mov rdi, rbp mov ebx, eax call __ffs@PLT lea edi, [rbx+rax] call generic_handle_irq@PLT lea rax, -1[rbp] and rbp, rax jne .L4 .L3: mov edi, DWORD PTR BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG[rip] call __raw_readl@PLT and rax, QWORD PTR balloon3_irq_enabled[rip] mov rbp, rax jne .L5 add rsp, 8 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pop rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pop r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pop r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_irq_handler, .-balloon3_irq_handler .globl balloon3_irq_enabled .bss .align 8 .type balloon3_irq_enabled, @object .size balloon3_irq_enabled, 8 balloon3_irq_enabled: .zero 8 .globl BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG .align 4 .type BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG, @object .size BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG, 4 BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_irq_handler.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_irq_handler, %function balloon3_irq_handler: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, lr} ldr r8, .L17 mov r6, r0 ldr r0, [r8] bl __raw_readl ldr r7, .L17+4 ldr r3, [r7] and r4, r0, r3 .L5: mov r0, r6 bl irq_desc_get_irq_data mov r5, r0 mov r0, r6 bl irq_desc_get_chip ldr r3, [r0] cmp r3, #0 beq .L2 mov r0, r5 blx r3 .L2: cmp r4, #0 beq .L3 .L4: mov r0, #0 bl BALLOON3_IRQ mov r5, r0 mov r0, r4 bl __ffs add r0, r5, r0 bl generic_handle_irq sub r3, r4, #1 ands r4, r4, r3 bne .L4 .L3: ldr r0, [r8] bl __raw_readl ldr r3, [r7] ands r4, r0, r3 bne .L5 pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, pc} .L18: .align 2 .L17: .word BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG .word balloon3_irq_enabled .size balloon3_irq_handler, .-balloon3_irq_handler .comm balloon3_irq_enabled,4,4 .comm BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_lcd_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_lcd_init, @function balloon3_lcd_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_lcd_init, .-balloon3_lcd_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_lcd_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_lcd_init, %function balloon3_lcd_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size balloon3_lcd_init, .-balloon3_lcd_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_leds_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_leds_init, @function balloon3_leds_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_leds_init, .-balloon3_leds_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_leds_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_leds_init, %function balloon3_leds_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size balloon3_leds_init, .-balloon3_leds_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_mask_irq.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_mask_irq, @function balloon3_mask_irq: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 push rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset 3, -16 mov ebx, DWORD PTR [rdi] xor edi, edi call BALLOON3_IRQ@PLT mov ecx, ebx mov edi, -2 pop rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 sub ecx, eax mov esi, DWORD PTR BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG[rip] rol edi, cl and edi, DWORD PTR balloon3_irq_enabled[rip] mov DWORD PTR balloon3_irq_enabled[rip], edi not edi jmp __raw_writel@PLT .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_mask_irq, .-balloon3_mask_irq .globl balloon3_irq_enabled .bss .align 4 .type balloon3_irq_enabled, @object .size balloon3_irq_enabled, 4 balloon3_irq_enabled: .zero 4 .globl BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG .align 4 .type BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG, @object .size BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG, 4 BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG: .zero 4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_mask_irq.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_mask_irq, %function balloon3_mask_irq: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 mov r3, r0 push {r4, lr} mov r0, #0 ldr r4, [r3] bl BALLOON3_IRQ mov ip, #1 ldr r2, .L4 sub r4, r4, r0 ldr r3, [r2] ldr r1, .L4+4 bic r3, r3, ip, lsl r4 mvn r0, r3 pop {r4, lr} ldr r1, [r1] str r3, [r2] b __raw_writel .L5: .align 2 .L4: .word balloon3_irq_enabled .word BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG .size balloon3_mask_irq, .-balloon3_mask_irq .comm balloon3_irq_enabled,4,4 .comm BALLOON3_INT_CONTROL_REG,4,4 .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_mmc_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_mmc_init, @function balloon3_mmc_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_mmc_init, .-balloon3_mmc_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_mmc_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_mmc_init, %function balloon3_mmc_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size balloon3_mmc_init, .-balloon3_mmc_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_nor_init.c" .intel_syntax noprefix .text .p2align 4 .type balloon3_nor_init, @function balloon3_nor_init: .LFB0: .cfi_startproc endbr64 ret .cfi_endproc .LFE0: .size balloon3_nor_init, .-balloon3_nor_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 10.5.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.5.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits .section .note.gnu.property,"a" .align 8 .long 1f - 0f .long 4f - 1f .long 5 0: .string "GNU" 1: .align 8 .long 0xc0000002 .long 3f - 2f 2: .long 0x3 3: .align 8 4:
.arch armv5t .eabi_attribute 20, 1 .eabi_attribute 21, 1 .eabi_attribute 23, 3 .eabi_attribute 24, 1 .eabi_attribute 25, 1 .eabi_attribute 26, 2 .eabi_attribute 30, 2 .eabi_attribute 34, 0 .eabi_attribute 18, 4 .file "extr_balloon3.c_balloon3_nor_init.c" .text .align 2 .syntax unified .arm .fpu softvfp .type balloon3_nor_init, %function balloon3_nor_init: @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0 @ link register save eliminated. bx lr .size balloon3_nor_init, .-balloon3_nor_init .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits