Holland coach Guus Hiddink blamed Kazakhstan's early goal for the problems his side faced breaking down the visitors before three goals in the last half-hour secured their first win of the Euro 2016 qualifying campaign. Holland dominated possession but surprisingly fell behind when Renat Abdulin's diving header from a corner in the 17th minute gave goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen no chance. The Kazakhstan defence was like a brick wall that held firm until goals by substitute Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, Ibrahim Afellay and a Robin van Persie penalty earned victory in Group A. Klaas-Jan Huntelaar (centre) celebrates with teammates after scoring Holland's equaliser . Guus Hiddink (centre) stands for the Dutch anthem with Danny Blind (left) and Ruud van Nistelrooy (right) 'We were thrown back by their only corner of the game. After the opening goal they lined up in a (wall-like) defence,' Hiddink told reporters. 'Then it is up to you to break through by executing a high-speed passing game, but that didn't always work. It is important not to panic. If you keep playing like that the goals will come sooner or later.' The final 30 minutes proved Hiddink right after a tactical change that was the turning point in the match. The hosts started with a traditional 4-3-3 after the 5-3-2 system former Holland coach Louis van Gaal successfully used at the World Cup in Brazil did not work in their opening Euro 2016 qualifier against the Czech Republic which they lost 2-1. The Dutch players celebrate Robin van Persie's goal that secured three points for Holland . Van Persie (right) and Leroy Fer (left) celebrate Van Persie's late penalty on Friday night . Hiddink added another striker when Huntelaar came on for defensive midfielder Nigel de Jong in the 55th minute. The Schalke captain paired up with national team skipper Robin van Persie up front and rewarded the coach by heading in a free kick six minutes after coming off the bench. Moments later Kazakhstan were reduced to 10 men when striker Baurzhan Dzholchiyev was dismissed for a tackle from behind on Afellay, who put the Dutch ahead with only eight minutes left to cap his return to the national team after 23 months. The Olympiakos Piraeus midfielder had been plagued by injury in the previous two seasons Which kept him out of the team. 'Afellay has had a difficult time. It is good to see he has found the way back up. I think he played with a great drive today,' said Hiddink. Van Persie wrapped up the win with a penalty in the 89th. Hiddink has only four days to determine whether he will stick to a 4-3-3 formation with their next European Championship qualifier against Iceland scheduled for Monday. (Editing by Ken Ferris)
Guus Hiddink described Kazakhstan's defence as 'like a brick wall' The Dutch coach went on to say they scored with their only corner . Hiddink made a tactical change for the last 30 minutes and it paid off . Huntelaar was brought on in the 55th minute and scored in the 62nd .
The U.S. State Department ratcheted up the online propaganda war on Wednesday, tweeting a photo composite showing four dead ISIS jihadis who it suggested were killed in overnight airstrikes in Syria – but later deleting it after MailOnline drew attention to the post. The 'Think Again Turn Away' program's Twitter account blasted out the image to its nearly 8,000 followers. The initiative's goal is to dissuade would-be jihadis, including so-called 'foreign fighters,' from joining up with ISIS. The U.S. government used the same account in recent weeks to distribute a mock ISIS recruiting video that lambasted the terror group for mass executions and the destruction of Muslim historical sites. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEOS . Advertising with an edge: The US State Department is using a Twitter account to frighten would-be ISIS recruits with images of dead jihadis – implying that any aspiring infidel-hunter could be the next casualty . Shock and awe in 140 characters: America's government is tweeting images like this one taken from the video feed of a drone in mid-attack . Trolling ISIS terrorists is more art than science, but generally includes a heavy dose of military hardware meant to strike fear into the hearts of Islamist radicals . Social media messaging has become a key element in the Obama administration's battle for hearts and minds in the Arab world, especially since ISIS – the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham – began distributing graphic beheading videos that way. State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Marie Harf told reporters on Sept. 5 that the anti-jihad campaign had already 'been appearing in Arabic for quite some time. We are doing more in English as well.' The messages are produced by the agency's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications as a pushback against Islamist terror groups that use online spaces to recruit militants and spread propaganda to young followers. Efforts from ISIS, in particular, have proven effective – and provide ample headaches to the agencies that comprise America's national security infrastructure. The terror army 'operates the most significant propaganda machine of any extremist group,' according to National Counterterrorism Center director Center Matt Olsen. One ISIS-linked Twitter account with nearly 10,000 followers claimed Tuesday night that the 'first victims of air strikes by US on Syria' were 'children and women.' Another tweeted news stories from dubious sources claiming French fighter jets mistakenly bombed Kurdish allies, killing 75 fighters in a friendly-fire cockup. Separately, a weeks-long Twitter campaign centered around the hashtag #AMessageFromISIStoUS spread a series of chest-puffing boasts, including direct threats against the U.S. homeland. That hashtag has since been taken over by Americans who now regularly taunt ISIS Islamists. The American government aims to initiate a similar turnabout on a much larger scale so fewer ISIS sympathizers will give in to the magnetic pull of a firefight in Iraq or Syria. About one-third of the 31,000 fighters available to ISIS today came to Syria and Iraq from other countries, including an estimated 2,000 from Europe and 100 from the United States. In a rare UN Security Council meeting that featured 15 heads of state – not just ambassadors – a unanimous vote advanced a plan to fight terrorism with new legal penalties against 'foreign fighters' UK Prime Minister David Cameron, left, addressed the UN Security Council summit on foreign terrorists after US President Barack Obama used the monthly-rotating gavel to hold the vote . America's messages are 'targeted at potential recruits [and] potential sympathizers,' Harf said, 'to show and expose the brutality of terrorist organizations, including ... ISIS.' The larger goal is 'to point out the fallacies of what they’re talking about, point out the inconsistencies, point out how this is contrary to Islam – and really make very clear what this group is so people don’t join it.' The U.S. and a group of nations, including some from the Arab world, began bombing ISIS targets in Syria on Monday. The Think Again Turn Away campaign's 'recruiting' video went viral three weeks ago; it used the group's own online propaganda footage to reposition murderous jihad as a foolish aspiration. Its opening scene showed a mosque being blown up, followed by a photo of a decapitated body. Viewers were told newly minted ISIS soldiers can learn ‘useful skills’ including bombing mosques with Muslims trapped inside, crucifying fellow Muslims and plundering public resources. It closed with a sarcastic slogan: ‘Travel is inexpensive, because you won't need a return ticket!’ Join today, a mocking State Department 'recruiting' video said, and you too could destroy a Mosque – as ISIS soldiers have done in their sectarian Muslim-on-Muslim holy war . Lampoon: The Obama administration's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications even poked fun at ISIS recruits for reportedly needing to bone up on their Islam basics before reporting for duty . Discouraging American 'foreign fighters' too: When these two Minnesota-based ISIS recruits turned up dead, the State Department hung their digital heads up for everyone in the US to see . On Wednesday in New York City, all 15 members of the United Nations Security Council approved a resolution that requires all 193 UN countries to prosecute anyone who travels abroad to help ISIS. The same rule will apply to people who finance global terror networks. Countries will also be expected to close their borders to their own citizens if they return home after fighting alongside the ISIS menace. President Barack Obama, who chaired the council meeting, said it would be 'legally binding.' But in reality the UN has no means of enforcing its resolutions, and relies largely on peer pressure and threats of country-to-country sanctions to keep nations in line.
'Think Again Turn Away' social media campaign aims to dissuade would-be jihadis from joining up with ISIS . It has already tweeted pics of airstrike gunsights, rocket launches and two Americans who were killed fighting with Islamist radicals . US State Department also created phony ISIS recruiting video showing the group bombing Islamic historical sites and crucifying fellow Muslims . After Tuesday night's airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, the State Department tweeted photos of four dead jihadis . Tweet called the bombings a 'major step towards getting [the] job done' UN Security Council unanimously approved a plan Wednesday to close borders to ISIS 'foreign fighters' and prosecute anyone traveling to fight alongside the terror network's soldiers .
The Air Force is preparing to court-martial a female nuclear missile launch officer on drug and obstruction-of-justice charges following an investigation that led to the disclosure of a separate exam-cheating scandal that implicated nearly 100 nuclear officers. Second Lieutenant Nicole Dalmazzi, 25, of the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, was the first missileer, as launch officers are called, known to have been charged since the drug investigation was made public in January. The investigation came to light on the same day that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel visited the headquarters of the Air Force's land-based nuclear missile force. Dalmazzi is a missile launch officer at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, home to a third of the U.S. Air Force's Minuteman 3 missile capability . Four missileers were subjects of the drug investigation, three were at Malmstrom and one at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. The twin disclosures of alleged exam cheating and illegal drug use accelerated a wave of embarrassing news about the nuclear missile corps, which has been beset with discipline problems, low morale, leadership lapses and resource shortages. Last month, Hagel announced plans for top-to-bottom changes in how the force is managed and operated. Ten days later he resigned, although Air Force officials said they were confident the reforms will move ahead. Dalmazzi was charged with illegal drug use and obstructing the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) probe by dyeing her hair to 'alter the results of potential hair-follicle drug tests,' according to Josh Aycock, a spokesman at Malmstrom. He would not elaborate on her alleged actions or the tests. He said her court-martial was scheduled for January 21. Efforts to reach Dalmazzi for comment on Tuesday were unsuccessful. The nuclear missile corps has been beset by embarrassing news over the past year, with Defense Secretary Hagel promising a shake-up of management and operations ten days before he resigned . The investigation began in August 2013 at Edwards Air Force Base in California. When investigators examined the cellphones of two airmen at Edwards they found text messages to or from 11 other Air Force officers at several other air bases. The text messages detailed 'specific illegal drug use that included synthetic drugs, ecstasy and amphetamines,' according to a report released in March that looked mainly at missileers' exam cheating but also traced a connection between the drug and cheating issues. Two of the 11 officers were assigned to Malmstrom; investigators determined that both had used personal cellphones to discuss illegal drug activity as well as answers to routine proficiency tests taken by all missileers, according to the March investigative report. That investigation focused on the exam cheating, whereas the drug probe was done separately as a criminal inquiry by the Office of Special Investigations, which has not publicly announced its results. Eventually the number of Malmstrom missileers implicated in the drug probe grew to three. The Air Force concluded that the exam cheating was confined to missileers at Malmstrom. Disciplinary action for the alleged cheating is being handled separately from the drug cases, although the Air Force has said that three officers at Malmstrom who were suspected of illegal drug activities also were alleged to have shared classified exam materials. On Tuesday, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said the OSI criminal probe is complete. 'We've made a big point about accountability,' James said. 'Standards are standards, and when people fail in integrity, service and excellence there are appropriate accountability measures. 'We've made a big point of that and that's true across the Air Force and it has been, of course, particularly true this past year in the ICBM community.' As a missileer Dalmazzi was trained to operate the Minuteman 3 missile, which is armed with a nuclear warhead and stands ready for launch on short notice from an underground silo that is electronically linked to a launch control center, also underground, where two missileers are on duty around the clock. Because of the sensitive nature of the job, with its many classified procedures and potential for costly mistakes, any allegation of drug use by missileers is concerning. A RAND Corporation report last year on workplace stresses for missileers and others in the nuclear missile corps found some suffering 'burnout.' It also found an elevated rate of behavioral issues, including domestic violence. Dalmazzi's 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom operates 150 of the Air Force's 450 Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs. The other 300 are evenly divided between Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota and F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. The Air Force also operates a fleet of nuclear-capable bomber aircraft.
Second Lieutenant Nicole Dalmazzi, 25, based at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, was the first missileer to be charged in investigation . Four missileers being investigated on drug allegations stemming from an exam-cheating scandal that implicated nearly 100 officers . Lt Dalmazzi dyed her hair to alter the results of a potential follicle drug test . Investigators found text messages revealing ecstasy and amphetamine usage across several bases . Defense Secretary Hagel's plans for a shake-up of operations to move ahead despite his resignation . Lt Dalmazzi's court-martial date set for January 21 .
When most children dress up as their favourite superhero, it is usually just to play imaginary games with their friends in the back garden. But for five-year-old Harley Renshaw, it is in order to help him be brave while he undergoes chemotherapy treatment for an aggressive form of childhood cancer. Harley was diagnosed with cancer in his kidney, lung, bone and neck just after starting primary school and had to have 14 sessions of chemotherapy lasting three months. Harley Renshaw, 5, had to undergo three months of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. During the treatment session he wore a mask (left) decorated like his favourite Ninja Turtle . While he was treated at The Christie Hospital, Manchester, he had to wear a special face mask which he decorated like his favourite Ninja Turtle to help him feel brave. Mother Stacey Parker, 23, and dad Oliver Renshaw, 25, said Harley had been amazing during his treatment, also making special beads of courage. Ms Parker said: 'Not once did he complain about going for treatment. He has a big scar right across his belly which he calls his "pirate scar". We couldn't be any prouder of our boy. 'He has had such a lot to deal with this year and he just takes it all in his stride and gets on with it. He is a true inspiration and he is our hero.' The family only discovered Harley was ill shortly after he started school, when his mother took him to a walk-in clinic with a pain in his stomach. He was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer, and was sent to Royal Manchester Children's Hospital to undergo pioneering treatment. He has since had 80 days of intensive chemotherapy and has had an operation to remove his kidney tumour. Harley was diagnosed with cancer in his kidney, lung, bones and neck after mother Stacey took him to a walk in clinic with a stomach pain. The five-year-old has also been given an award (left) A month later he was back at hospital for a stem cell transplant, fighting back from complications to return home for his fifth birthday, before undergoing 14 days of radiotherapy. He is now facing a further five months of treatment as he is given five rounds of immunotherapy. Stacey said: 'When we received Harley's diagnosis, we were in complete shock. Our world came crashing down and we were terrified. 'But not once did Harley complain about going for treatment. The hospital staff were amazed at how well he behaved during his radiotherapy and how he managed to keep so still.' Harley has now been awarded one of Cancer Research UK's Little Star Awards which acknowledges the unique challenges faced by youngsters who encounter cancer. Cancer Research UK is calling on people to nominate more Little Stars. The awards, in partnership with TK Maxx, are open to under-18s who have cancer or who have been treated for the disease in the last five years.
Harley Renshaw, 5, diagnosed with cancer after starting primary school . Disease is in his kidney and has spread to bones, neck and left lung . Went through three months of chemotherapy at a Manchester hospital . Made Ninja Turtle mask and courage beads in order to help him feel brave .
A young mother who lost her parents and sister to cancer has refused tests for the disease - because she fears being handed a death sentence. Diana Barrett, 22, has been advised to have checks after both her parents died from bowel cancer and her sister was killed by a brain tumour. But despite losing her entire family to the disease, the mum-of-one said she would rather live in blissful ignorance than be told she is doomed to develop the disease. 'I know people will think it is irresponsible but the truth is after everything that has happened to my family I am terrified at the prospect of what doctors might say,' she said. 'I would rather not know.' Brave Diana Barrett, 22, pictured with her one-year-old son, Darcy, has said she would rather not know if she is going to develop cancer . Miss Barrett, from Coleford, Gloucester, was only eight years old when her father Robert, 35, passed away from bowel cancer, aged 35, in 2001. Nine years later her mother, Tracey, 40, developed the same disease and died on Mother's Day in March 2009. In a final cruel twist, Miss Barrett's sister Sherrie developed a brain tumour in 2011 and lost her battle with the disease last year, aged 26. The mother to one-year-old Darcy, said: 'Nothing can prepare you for losing a mother or father but I lost everyone I loved so young. 'I've been dealt a bad hand but have managed to keep going. 'When I held Darcy in my arms for the first time I felt an overwhelming amount for love for him. 'He gives me a purpose in life. We're a little family but we're a happy one.' When their dad died, Miss Barrett was comforted by older sister Sherrie and the family briefly found happiness when mum Tracey met a new partner and had two more children. Miss Barrett's father Robert (right) died of bowel cancer in 2001 and her mother Tracey (left) died nine years later of the same disease . Miss Barrett (right) pictured with her sister, Sherrie, who died at just 26 after developing a brain tumour . Miss Barrett (front and centre) pictured with her mother, Tracey, sister, Sherrie, paternal grandmother, Gene, and father, Robert, during a family holiday to Disneyland . But in late 2007, when Miss Barrett was just 14, Tracey, 40, a doll maker, was diagnosed with colon cancer after she started having pains in her lower back. In the weeks that followed, her mum underwent keyhole surgery, radiotherapy and chemo. Tracey survived Christmas and died on Mother's Day in March 2009. She said: 'I was devastated. I couldn't believe I'd lost both my parents. It was impossible to take in and I started suffering from panic attacks.' The grieving sisters had happier news when Sherrie found out she was expecting her first child, but it was short-lived when 36 weeks into the pregnancy Sherrie started to suffer from severe headaches and an MRI scan revealed she had a brain tumour. She said: 'They told her she had a rare brain tumour the size of a pear. They said it was life-threatening and had to perform an emergency c-section so they could operate on the tumour.' Fortunately, her baby boy was delivered healthy weighing 7.3lbs. Miss Barrett herself fell pregnant in February 2013 after a whirlwind romance and while the pregnancy wasn't planned, she was thrilled and couldn't wait to start a family. She said: 'I was over the moon but also terrified to bring a baby into the world in case I or the baby suffered the same fate as my family.' Less than two weeks after Miss Barrett gave birth in November 2013, Sherrie died. 'It was the most difficult time of my life,' she said. Less than two weeks after Miss Barrett gave birth to her first child her sister, who she is pictured with as a child, died of a brain tumour . Miss Barrett says she does not think that it is 'healthy to know' if she is likely to develop cancer in the future . 'I would cry every day and felt scared and helpless. 'Not only would Darcy never know his granddad or grandmother, but now he would never know his aunty either. 'But I had to stay strong as I had a baby who depended on me.' Miss Barrett said her family's bad luck has baffled doctors who have advised her to undergo genetic testing, but she has refused because she fears the results. 'I don't think it's healthy to know,' she explained. 'If they told me it was likely I was going to develop cancer in the future it would be hard to carry on on a daily basis. 'Of course, I think about it every day - more now than ever that I am a mother - but I can't curl up and die, I have to keep going for the sake of my son. 'Every day I cherish and live my life to the full.'
Mother-of-one Diana Barrett lost both her parents and sister to cancer . Her parents both died from bowel cancer and her sister of a brain tumour . Medics have urged the 22-year-old to be tested for the killer disease . She has declined because she is 'terrified' of what doctors might say .
Just a day after the CIA chose to bypass a spy for their top position because of her waterboarding past, the name of the man they chose instead was leaked on Twitter despite his still being undercover. The government is remaining mum, but Francis Archibald is likely the next spy chosen to head the Central Intelligence Agency’s National Clandestine Service. ‘New head of #CIA clandestine service was head of #LatinAmerica Division since ca 2011. Francis ‘Frank’ Archibald, 57,’ tweeted former Washington Post assistant editor John Dinges on Wednesday. Leaked: The name of the man chosen as top CIA spy was leaked on Twitter Wednesday, though he remains undercover as the agency chief in Latin America . The leak was likely related to a report Tuesday that the post would be filled by the head of the CIA's Latin American Division, a former station chief in Pakistan who former officials said once ran the covert action that helped remove Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic from power. The top spy job was originally supposed to go to one of the agency’s highest-ranking women, an agent identified only as G. But cries rang out over ‘G’s’ heavy involvement with a secret CIA prison in Thailand where high-profile terrorist suspects were subjected to so-called enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding and sleep deprivation. The officer briefly ran a secret CIA prison where accused terrorists Abu Zubayada and Abd al-Nashiri were waterboarded in 2002, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials. Report: Former Washington Post reporter John Dinges tweeted that the next head spy will be Francis Archibald, and Jeff Stein (pictured) of And Magazine quickly confirmed . She was also a senior manager in the Counterterrorism Center helping run operations in the war on terror and served as chief of staff to Jose Rodriguez and helped carry out his order that the CIA destroy its waterboarding videos. That order prompted a lengthy Justice Department investigation that ended without charges. Shortly after Dinges’ tweet, reports Gawker, longtime intelligence reporter Jeff Stein confirmed Archibald’s pick in AND Magazine, in a report that also supports the claim that ‘G’ was passed over for her interrogation ties. ‘Most likely Archibald was chosen because there's not a whiff of scandal in his background, as far as we know,’ Stein wrote. ‘"Bland" is a word that comes to mind.’ The CIA, while announcing G’s bypassing, denied it was the veteran spy’s waterboarding past led to the decision. ‘The assertion she was not chosen because . of her affiliation with the (counter terrorism) mission is absolutely . not true,’ said CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood. Urged: The Senate Intelligence Committee's Dianne Feinstein reportedly asked the CIA not to appoint a previous pick, named 'G,' because of ties to torture . Professional: The CIA maintains director John Brennan, pictured, chose Archibald over G for reasons apart from G's 'counter terrorism' ties . Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the Senate Intelligence Committee's top Democrat, has criticized the interrogation program and personally urged CIA Director John Brennan not to promote G, according to a former senior intelligence briefed on the call. More than a decade after it last used waterboarding, an interrogation technique that simulates drowning, the CIA is still hounded by the legacy of a tactic that the U.S. government regarded as torture before the Bush administration authorized its use against terrorist suspects. Brennan's ties to the interrogation program delayed for years his nomination to lead the CIA and Feinstein wants the agency to declassify a 6,000-page report on the interrogation program. Government officials have neither confirmed nor denied Archibald's appointment.
Francis 'Frank' Archibald is reportedly the next CIA head honcho as previous pick, a woman called only 'G,' was labelled too controversial for her waterboarding past . Government officials have not confirmed the next leader of the CIA's National Clandestine Service will be Archibald, currently head spy in Latin America, because his identity is still supposed to be a secret .
Hundreds of mourners paid their last respects today to a young woman hailed as a hero, who suffered fatal injuries after intervening to help two teenage girls being harassed by a group of men. Tugce Albayrak had been in a coma since mid-November following an early-morning altercation in Offenbach, near Frankfurt. She died on Friday, her 23rd birthday, after her family gave permission to switch off her life support. Albayrak's funeral was held outside a mosque in Waechtersbach in central Germany. Her coffin, covered by a green cloth with Arabic script in gold, was placed on a stone table, flanked by German and Turkish flags. Turkey's ambassador to Germany and the Hesse state governor also attended the ceremony, conducted in both Turkish and German. Scroll down for videos . Tugce Albayrak's coffin stands outside a mosque during a funeral ceremony in Waechtersbach, Germany . Killed for standing up for what she believes in: Tuğçe Albayrak was left in a coma after she stepped in between two men who were harassing female students . Tugce Albayrak had been in a coma since mid-November following the altercation . The bravery of the Turkish-German woman triggered an outpouring of public sympathy in Germany. The country's president was among many who have lauded her as a role model. Hundreds of thousands have signed an online petition urging that Albayrak be posthumously awarded a national medal of honor. Albayrak and two friends came to the help of two teenage girls who were being harassed by several young men inside a bathroom in the McDonald's at about 4 a.m. on November 15. Later outside, one of the men allegedly hit Albayrak in the head, and she fell to the ground. A Serbian man, 18, is in custody over the attack. He is said to have admitted striking Albayrak. Preliminary autopsy results were inconclusive about whether the fatal blow was struck by the man or came from hitting the ground. Albayrak, a student at Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, hoped to become a high school German and ethics teacher. Her aunt, Reyhan Kes, told The Associated Press: 'She was a strong-minded girl. I believe she would have been a perfect teacher.' Albayrak was to be buried in the cemetery of her hometown in Bad Soden-Salmuenster, 8 kilometers (5 miles) from Waechtersbach. Circled is the suspect being blocked off from reaching Albayrak outside the fast food restaurant . However, the man eventually breaks through and strikes the university student on the head . The coffin is carried to the funeral ceremony . Hundreds of thousands have signed an online petition urging that Albayrak be posthumously awarded a national medal of honor . The Imam prays near Tugce Albayrak's coffin. She died on Friday, her 23rd birthday, after her family gave doctors permission to switch off her life support . Albayrak, a student at Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, hoped to become a high school German and ethics teacher . Albayrak's coffin, covered by a green cloth with Arabic script in gold, was placed on a stone table, flanked by German and Turkish flags . The bravery of the Turkish-German woman triggered an outpouring of public sympathy in Germany . Turkey's president was among many who have lauded Albayrak as a role model . Sorely missed: Albayrak's aunt described her as 'a strong-minded girl' Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Tugce Albayrak was attacked after standing up to men harassing two girls . She intervened after a group of men molested two teens in a McDonald's . Incident occurred in early hours of the morning in town near Frankfurt . Afterwards one of the men she'd stood up to allegedly struck her . Albayrak fell to the floor and never regained consciousness . She died on Friday after family allowed life support to be turned off . Albayrak's funeral was held outside a mosque in Waechtersbach .
The United States government is sending thousands of military troops to the west African nation of Liberia as part of the Obama administration's Ebola virus-response strategy, the White House said late Monday night. 'U.S. Africa Command will set up a Joint Force Command headquartered in Monrovia, Liberia, to provide regional command and control support to U.S. military activities and facilitate coordination with U.S. government and international relief efforts,' a statement from the White House press office said. 'A general from U.S. Army Africa, the Army component of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), will lead this effort, which will involve an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces.' Liberia is the hardest-hit of the four west African nations that have confirmed Ebola cases, accounting for more than one-half of the fatalities. The others are Sierra Leone, Guinea and, to a lesser extent, Nigeria. Scroll down for video . Even the littlest ones: Liberian Red Cross health workers wearing hazmat suits carry the body of a 18-month-old Ebola victim in Monrovia . AFRICOM is set to send 3,000 American military officers and enlisted personnel to Liberia soon . Modern-day lepers: In Liberia, suspected Ebola patients like this man (right) are seen most days lying near busy streets -- with most people terrified of touching them . Some of what America's armed personnel will do in Liberia is unclear. The White House said 'many' of them will be stationed at an 'intermediate staging base' where they will supervise the movement of medical staff, supplies and heavy equipment. AFRICOM already warns its own personnel that they should 'avoid nonessential travel to Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia.' And the Defense Department is concerned, one Pentagon official told MailOnline, about the public perceptions aroused when American G.I.s patrol ground zero in a disease outbreak that could plunge three or more countries into chaos if it worsens significantly. Combat soldiers and Marines 'will be on hand and ready for anything,' said the official, who has knowledge of some, but not all, of the Ebola-related planning. 'But hopefully it will be all logistics and hospital-building.' 'The president has ordered us to help, and we're eager to do it,' he said. 'Now it looks like we're going to be the lead dog, and that's bound to make a lot of people nervous. It's understandable.' 'But no one wants U.S. personnel enforcing someone else's martial law if things go south and the entire region is at risk.' 'At this point in a response like this, we would normally play a support role for USAID and the CDC,' he said, referring to the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The official spoke on condition of anonymity. The Fox News Channel reported on Sunday that the U.S. military's emphasis on Ebola prevention, driven by President Barack Obama, has stretched thin most if not all of its other missions. A senior military official told Fox that General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said at a recent meeting that 'the Department of Defense's number one priority is combating Ebola.' The network's source commented that 'we don't need to be taking planners away from the CT [counter-terrorism] mission, and that is what is going on.' Defense spending is down 21 per cent since 2010, the first fiscal year for which the Obama administration presided over the federal budget. But the president is insisting that the military carry much of the burden in Africa. 'National security': President Obama said during a recent NBC News interview that African Ebola might be a threat to the U.S. if it was not crushed out quickly, and allowed to mutate . State of the art: In America, the few known Ebola patients -- all of them flown home from Africa -- have been cared for in high-tech isolation pods like this one, shown during a biocontainment drill . Squalor: In Liberia, suspected Ebola patients often end up in the care of family members in conditions where poor sanitation and minimal medical care contribute to a township-wide downward spiral . In a Sept. 7 interview on NBC's 'Meet the Press,' he called it a 'national security priority.' 'If we don't make that effort now, and this spreads not just through Africa, but other parts of the world, there's the prospect then that the virus mutates, it becomes more easily transmittable, and then it could be a serious danger to the United States,” said Obama. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest fielded questions Monday about the threat that a mutated Ebola virus could endanger the American population. 'Right now,' Earnest said, 'the risk of an Ebola outbreak in the United States is very low. But that risk would only increase if there were not a robust response on the part of the United States.' 'And that's why the president – among other things – that's one of the things that's motivating the president to direct an aggressive response.' Obama will visit the CDC in Atlanta on Tuesday for a situation update, and to give a public speech about the need to regard Africa's public health crisis as a threat to the United States. Earnest's office said Monday night that military engineers would be on hand in Liberia to build makeshift hospitals, and that the American government 'will help recruit and organize medical personnel to staff them.' The Pentagon has also committed to construct and staff at least one 25-bed 'field-deployable hospital,' in Liberia, but The Washington Post reported last week that it will treat only infected health care workers – not civilian victims of the outbreak. Scary: LIberians have become accustomed to seeing hazmat-outfitted medics and burial workers in their neighborhoods, but American military troops will be an entirely different sight . The Ebola virus is spread through contact with bodily fluids, including blood, sweat and saliva. In some African cultures, preparing the dead for cremation involves physical contact with their remains -- something that has allowed the disease to spread quickly . The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps will send 65 administrators, clinicians and support staff to run the facility. That's a change from a week ago, when Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, told Reuters that the military would turn the field hospital over to the Liberian government after it was built. 'No U.S. personnel right now will be providing patient care,' Col. Warren said on Sept. 8. We are deploying the hospital facility, setting it up, stockpiling it. We'll turn it over to the government of Liberia and then the DoD (Defense Department) personnel will depart," he said. The World Health Organization says the current Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, a form of hemorrhagic fever, has infected more than 4,900 west Africans and killed at least 2,400, mostly in Liberia. The State Department purchased a shipment of 5,000 body bags for its USAID mission in Liberia last month. USAID is also procuring up to 160,000 hazmat suits for medical workers. The White House aid Monday night that USAID will soon airlift 130,000 of those 'sets of personal protective equipment' to health care workers in affected countries.
The Obama administration said late Monday night that the U.S. military will set up a command post in Monrovia, Liberia, the Ebola outbreak's epicenter . 'This effort ... will involve an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces,' according to the White House . Pentagon official says military will 'be the lead dog, and that will make a lot of people nervous. ... No one wants U.S. personnel enforcing someone else's martial law if things go south and the entire region is at risk' U.S. Africa Command warns servicemen and women: 'Avoid nonessential travel to Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia' Pentagon is drawing flak for sending 25-bed 'field-deployable hospital' that is meant to treat health care workers, not civilian victims . The U.S. president will travel to the CDC in Atlanta on Tuesday for a briefing about his government's efforts to stem the tide overseas .
Edinburgh Zoo is celebrating the birth of Rica, its first ever armadillo pup. The three-banded armadillo, a native to Brazil, was born to mum Rio and dad Rodar in August weighing just 0.1lb (81g). Keepers said the animal has rapidly 'grown in to her shell' and already weighs around 1lb (450g) -having grown more than five times her birthweight to the size of a grapefruit. New arrival: Edinburgh Zoo is celebrating the birth of Rica, its first ever armadillo pup (pictured). The three-banded armadillo, a native to Brazil, was born to mum Rio and dad Rodar in August weighing just 0.1lb (81g) Gareth Bennett, senior presentations keeper at Edinburgh Zoo, said the birth was an 'amazing achievement' as Rio and Rodar only arrived from Plock, in Poland, in March. 'This is the first birth of any armadillo species at Edinburgh Zoo, and it is amazing how quickly little Rica is growing up,' he said. The Brazilian three-banded armadillo has a blackish-brown armour plating, which covers its body, head and tail. The plating comes in the form of two domed shells which are separated by three armoured bands of flexible of skin, allowing the armadillo to roll up into a ball. Family affair: Keepers say the animal has rapidly 'grown in to her shell' and already weighs around 1lb (450g). Here Rica is pictured with her mum, Rio. 'You would never know that Rio was a first time mother as she is incredibly protective of Rica,' said Gareth Bennett, senior presentations keeper at Edinburgh Zoo . The Brazilian three-banded armadillo has a blackish-brown armour plating, which covers their body, head and tail. The plating comes in the form of two domed shells which are separated by three armoured bands of flexible of skin, allowing the armadillo to roll up into a ball. It has a great sense of smell, and uses it to find termites under the soil. The armadillo will thrust its nose into the soil and then use its tongue to reach its prey. The species reaches at most 20 inches (50cm) in length and about 3.3lbs (1.5kg). This has allowed it to survive 140 million years of evolution, but the creature is now listed as 'vulnerable' because it lost nearly 50 per cent of its habitat in the last 15 years. The species produces one single offspring each year, so populations are slow to recover when hit by loss of habitat. This has allowed it to survive 140 million years of evolution, but the creature is now listed as 'vulnerable' because it lost nearly 50 per cent of its habitat in the last 15 years. The Caatinga dry forest, where most of these armadillos live, once covered about 11 per cent of the Brazilian territory, and that has now been reduced to around six per cent. The species produces one offspring each year, so populations are slow to recover when hit by habitat loss. '[Rica] is just amazing to watch, always full of energy and scurrying about her surroundings like a perfectly formed miniature of a fully grown three banded armadillo,' said Mr Bennett. 'For her first few weeks she could not quite roll up into a perfect ball because of her huge claws and softer, smaller shell, but she has now grown into her shell and can quickly pack herself into the tightly sealed ball which adult three-banded armadillos are known for. 'You would never know that Rio was a first time mother as she is incredibly protective of Rica, constantly watching or carrying her, but mum is also very relaxed and has had no problem getting her new-born to suckle from her. A star is born: Rica becomes the zoo's fourth three-banded armadillo, along with parents and ten-year-old Dillon. Mr Bennett said the keepers discovered Rio was pregnant after discovering scratch marks on her back, and an ultrasound scan showed up a peanut-sized baby . Endangered: The Brazilian three-banded armadillo has a blackish-brown armour plating, which covers their body, head and tail. The plating comes in the form of two domed shells which are separated by three armoured bands of flexible of skin, allowing the armadillo to roll up into a ball . 'Rica remains off show for now but she is doing great and will soon be out meeting the public. They grow up very fast - she will reach maturity within a year.' Rica becomes the zoo's fourth three-banded armadillo, along with her parents and ten-year-old 'retired star' Dillon. Mr Bennett said the keepers discovered Rio was pregnant after discovering scratch marks on her back, and an ultrasound scan showed up a peanut-sized baby. 'When she first arrived at Edinburgh Zoo it did not take long for mum Rio to come out of her shell, very quickly becoming one of the stars of the Animal Antics hilltop shows, scurrying about through the feet of the audience,' he said. 'However, after a few months, we noticed a slight change in her body weight and a few scratch marks on her back. Putting two and two together we investigated with an ultrasound and were able to make out a peanut sized little armadillo shape. 'The family all lived together just after the birth, however in the wild all armadillo species are solitary animals. 'We recently had to take dad Rodar away as female armadillos are ready to mate again about two weeks after the birth and another offspring would have been a bit too much for Rio at this stage.' Back home: The Caatinga dry forest, where most of these armadillos live, once covered about 11 per cent of the Brazilian territory, and that has now been reduced to around six per cent .
Rica was born to mum Rio and dad Rodar in Scotland in August . She weighs around 1lb (450g) and is now the size of a grapefruit . Three-banded armadillos are native to the Caatinga forest in Brazil . Species are listed as 'vulnerable' as they have lost half their habitat .
var twitterVia = 'MailOnline'; . DM.later('bundle', function(){ . DM.has('shareLinkTop', 'shareLinks', { . 'id': '2069217', . 'title': 'Daniel the gas chamber miracle dog enjoys a new \'leash of life\' as guest on U.S. chat show', . 'url': '', . 'eTwitterStatus': ' via @' + twitterVia, . 'articleChannelFollowButton': 'MailOnline', . 'isChannel': false, . 'placement': 'top', . 'anchor': 'tl'}); . }); . 1 . View comments . DM.later('bundle', function(){ . DMS.Article.init('top'); . }); . He was the plucky canine who defied death after surviving a gas chamber when animal control workers tried to put him down. But after coming away from the chamber unscathed and finding a new home, Daniel the beagle has gone from strength to strength and is now even becoming a media star. The miracle dog was abandoned and was due to be put down by workers at the animal control facility in Florence, Alabama in a stainless-steel box. Happy tale: Daniel appears on the Anderson Cooper show with his delighted owners Joe and Jenny Dwyer . Miracle mutt: Daniel went through the gas-filled chamber in a stainless steel box but somehow survived and emerged wagging his tail . Daniel came out of the carbon monoxide-filled chamber wagging his tail however, and has since found a new home after his stay of execution. The brave newly-adopted pet, who was named after the biblical figure who survived the lion's den, made a television appearance on the Anderson Cooper chat show and looked in good health. He has been adopted by Jenny and Joe Dwyer, who rehomed the lucky beagle from Eleventh Hour Rescue, the organisation who took possession of him last month. About half of applications from people around the country seeking to adopt Daniel said they were not interested in adopting another dog if he was not available. As Daniel excitedly sniffed his way round the chat show set, owner Joe Dwyer, from Nutley, New Jersey, explained: 'As far as we know, he was put into the gas chamber with multiple other dogs. 'When they opened the door after the gas was let in, he came out with his tail wagging, and it's nothing short of a miracle. It's just unbelievable.' The couple adopted Daniel, who has gone to live with them and their four other dogs. Beagle: Daniel, who is better known as the 'Miracle Dog', sits still while waiting for a treat in the home of Mark and Jill Pavlik after surviving the gas chamber . Miracle: Jill Pavlik plays with Daniel moments after arriving home from work. The stray beagle mix cheated death in an Alabama dog pound . Mr Dwyer said he and his family had two ‘meet-and-greets’ with Daniel before being approved for adoption, and the dog has become fast friends with the Nutley family's other four pooches. They have two dachshunds, a beagle mix and a pit bull mix. ‘By Thursday evening they were all lying down together,’ he said. ‘It was wonderful to see.’ Only three animals have survived the gas chamber at the animal control facility in Florence in the past 12 years. 'Maybe God just had a better plan for this one,' city spokesman Phil Stevenson said. He said that the dog may have survived because his breathing was shallow thanks to a cold. Other variables that could allow a dog to survive include the number of animals placed in the chamber. 'Maybe we'll get a cosmetic surgeon to make all our dogs look like Daniel' In addition the concentration of carbon monoxide, whether the chamber is airtight or gas is leaking out and the health of the animal can also have an impact on improving their slim survival chances. At least 15 states, including New Jersey and New York, have banned carbon monoxide for euthanising shelter animals, but it is still a method used in many parts of the country.' Mr Dwyer added that Daniel wasn't put back in the chamber after defying the carbon monoxide because workers 'didn't have the heart to put him back in'. He added: 'They thought that possibly from the after-effects of the gas, he might die during the night. But the next morning he was still wagging his tail.'
Adoptive owners tell remarkable survival story on Anderson Cooper . One of only three hounds to survive animal control facility in 12 years .
No repeat of mistaken identity . Andre Marriner took charge of an Arsenal game for the first time since he wrongly sent off Kieran Gibbs instead of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain when they played Chelsea in March. During that match Oxlade-Chamberlain tipped Eden Hazard’s shot around the post with his hand, but the referee had a nightmare and showed the red card to Gibbs instead. He apologised for the mistake afterwards. Fortunately for Marriner, Gibbs started on the bench, so there was less chance of confusion. Andre Marriner books Southampton's Toby Alderweireld during Arsenal's win over Southampton . Marriner mistakenly sends off Kieran Gibbs in March after confusing him with Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain . Henry's wardrobe error . Arsenal legend Thierry Henry worried fans by wearing a ‘Spurs’ bobble hat soon after manager Arsene Wenger had hinted he would one day return to the club in some capacity. A video emerged on Wednesday of the former striker – who spent eight years at the club – wearing the hat as he said goodbye to his team-mates in the dressing room after his final match for New York Red Bulls. Not to fear, Arsenal fans. Henry has not switched allegiance to their north London rivals, it was actually a hat for NBA team San Antonio Spurs. Thierry Henry was spotted wearing a Spurs hat, but Arsenal fans need not be too worried . The head-gear, which the Arsenal legend wore in the Red Bulls dressing room, is a San Antonio Spurs hat . Podolski frustration . Outcast Lukas Podolski had to watch the start of the match from the bench again and will hold showdown talks with manager Arsene Wenger later this month. The Germany international is unhappy with his role in Wenger’s first-team plans and is open to leaving the club when the January transfer window opens. Podolski’s representatives plan to sit down with the Arsenal boss in the coming days to discuss his future. Lukas Podolski had to settle for a place on the bench again against Southampton as his future remains unclear .
Referee Marriner made no repeat of last season's mistaken identity . Gunners legend Henry was spotted wearing a San Antonio Spurs hat . Frustrated Podolski once again had to settle for a place on the bench .
Holed up in a printworks and surrounded by police, killers Said and Cherif Kouachi were unaware that commandos were being tipped off about their every move. For, hidden in a cardboard box just yards away was 27-year-old Lilian Lepere. And he was able to alert police about the location of the gunmen and the layout of the building. For more than six hours the graphic designer passed on crucial information until the siege ended in a bloody shootout as the terrorist brothers, who had vowed to die as martyrs, burst out from their lair all guns blazing and were mown down in a hail of bullets. Police commandos stormed the print works where the Charlie Hebdo gunmen were holed up with a hostage and the terrorist brothers burst out from their lair all guns blazing . A huge ball of fire erupted amid gunfire and explosions as French special forces shot dead the two Charlie Hebdo gunmen . From inside his claustrophobic hideout, Mr Lepere had first sent a text message to his father when the Kouachis took over the print works at Dammartin-en-Goele, a small town just north of Paris. He wrote: ‘I am hidden on the first floor. I think they have killed everyone. Tell the police to intervene.’ It is understood he was in a locked room. He continued to provide vital information to police and special forces via his phone as snipers took up position on surrounding rooftops and helicopters buzzed overhead. Lilian Lepere, 27, hid in a cardboard box as the Charlie Hebdo gunmen held a father-of-two hostage for eight hours . Mr Lepere emerged unscathed from the shootout and was taken to a psychological assessment unit where it is understood he was to be reunited with his family last night. A hostage held at gunpoint by the terrorists was also freed. The Kouachi brothers had been on the run since killing 12 journalists and police officers in a terror raid on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Wednesday. As the huge manhunt for them continued, they dumped their stolen getaway car and fled on foot into a forest 50 miles north of the capital. This morning they managed to evade the huge police dragnet and just after 8am hijacked a grey Peugeot 206 being driven by a woman teacher near Montagny-Sainte-Felicite, 30 miles north-east of Paris. Jean Paul Douet, the mayor of the village, said a colleague saw the men force the woman into the back seat. ‘She saw their weapons, and in particular their rocket-propelled grenade launcher,’ he said. The teacher was freed unhurt soon afterwards, then dozens of police cars began chasing the fugitives along the N2 highway towards Paris. During the chase, shots were exchanged. The brothers dumped their car and fled on foot to a family-run printing company on an industrial estate in Dammartin-en-Goele. They burst into the business – posing as armed police – and took the company’s boss hostage. Armed police surrounded the building and sealed off the town of 8,000 people. All businesses closed, nearly 1,000 children were evacuated from schools and the streets were left deserted except for lines of police vehicles and units of heavily armed officers clad in combat gear. Masked and helmeted troopers with automatic weapons were seen peering out of a blue helicopters buzzing overhead. Michel Carn, a resident, said: ‘The whole zone is surrounded. We are confined to our homes. ‘We can hear helicopters and there’s one currently hovering over my house.’ With so many low flying police and army helicopters, some flights were unable to land at Paris’s main Charles de Gaulle airport seven miles away. Incredibly, a salesman visiting the small print works office minutes after the gunmen seized it described an encounter with one of the fugitives – and even unwittingly shook his hand. ‘When I arrived my client came out with an armed man who said he was from the police,’ said the man, who gave his name only as Didier. Al Qaeda brothers Cherif (left) and Said Kouachi were both shot dead by police as they tried to fight their way out of the industrial building . The graphic designer was able to alert police about the location of the gunmen and the layout of the building . French special forces sharp shooters on a rooftop at the scene of the bloody siege which saw both brothers mown down in a hail of bullets . ‘My client told me to leave so I left. I was in front of the door. I shook [my client] Michel’s hand and I shook the hand of one of the terrorists.’ He said the black-clad man who was wearing a bullet-proof vest and carrying what looked like a Kalashnikov rifle told him: ‘Leave, we don’t kill civilians anyhow.’ He said: ‘That really struck me, so I decided to call the police. I guess it was one of the terrorists.’ As the standoff continued, police attempted to negotiate with the brothers but were told: ‘We are ready to die as martyrs.’ Officers also scrambled phone signals after the terrorists reportedly called with a criminal associate. As the siege continued, the town mayor’s office appealed on its website for residents to stay behind closed doors. Many workers were forced to stay huddled inside their offices and shops because it was too risky to venture onto the streets. The gunmen's hostage, named as the company's director Michel Catalano (circled), is believed to have been rescued alive . Mr Lepere's family and friends knew he had gone to work and tried in vain to reach him between 9 and 11am by phone and on Facebook . A police helicopter hovers over Création Tendance Découverte, on an industrial estate outside Paris . French gendarmerie intervention forces arrive at the scene in a Dammartin-en-Goele industrial zone . One of the pupils inside the Dammartin-en-Goele high school said by phone from inside, ‘We are scared’, adding: ‘We’ve called our parents to make sure they’re OK.’ A 60-year-old woman said her daughter worked close to the hostage scene. ‘My daughter told me, “Don’t be scared mummy, we’re well protected”. She was calm but me, I’m scared. I’m really scared,’ the woman said, sobbing. The siege ended at just after 3pm, as dusk fell. Commandos crept on to the roof of the building and set off a series of explosions before colleagues stormed in. At least two military helicopters containing special forces landed on the factory building, another in the grounds. Members of the GIGN (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group) hovering in a helicopter at the dramatic siege involving Charlie Hebdo gunmen . Defiant to the end, the terrorist brothers charged out firing Kalashnikovs at the security forces before being shot dead. Teenager Atlantis Farina, who lives close to the scene, was returning home when he heard explosions. ‘The ground here started shaking, that is what shocked me most,’ said the 17-year-old. ‘Then there was lots of what sounded like gunfire, it sounded like the suspects were firing back at the police. ‘There was smoke too – like they had thrown a grenade. ‘I am so glad it is over, it brought panic to the area. My mum was very worried, and I was quite scared too.’ Residents living closest to the printworks had been evacuated from their homes minutes earlier, sparking fears the terrorist may have had bombs. Alan Linck, a teacher who lives less than 100 yards from the scene, said: ‘They told us all to go. ‘Anti-vibration strips were fixed on the walls of the houses, I think because they were worried about a bomb explosion. I am very relieved it is all over.’
Lilian Lepere, 27, hid in a box during siege with Charlie Hebdo gunmen . He was initially trapped inside with father Pascal Lepère who then escaped . Graphic designer sent desperate text calling for police to take action . His intelligence input gave police a critical edge in timing the assault . Al Qaeda brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi were both shot dead by police . Hostage, Michel Catalano, is believed to have been rescued alive .
Islamic State militants are planning the creation of a 'cyber caliphate' protected by their own encryption software - from behind which they will launch massive hacking attacks on the U.S. and the West. Both Islamic State and Al Qaeda claim to be actively recruiting skilled hackers in a bid to create a team of jihadist computer experts capable of causing devastating cyber disruptions to Western institutions. They are now boasting it is only a matter of time before their plan becomes a reality. Scroll down for video . ISIS militants marching through the streets of Syria. The group now claim to be creating an army of hackers . The group boasts of its plans to create a 'cyber caliphate'. Pictured are ISIS forces preparing for battle in Iraq . Junaid Hussain, who was jailed two years' ago for hacking personal information from Tony Blair, is thought to be spearheading the ISIS cyber team's activities from Syria where he fled to last year . Fox News reported the terror groups were using social media to attract more computer-savvy young recruits. Thought to be among those working within the organisation's cyber team is British jihadist Junaid Hussain, who escaped to Syria while on police bail last year. Hussain, 20, was jailed in 2012 for hacking into former Prime Minister Tony Blair's gmail account and posting the details online. Steve Stalinsky, an executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute, told Fox News: 'They are forward thinking and are experimenting with hacking. In the future, the jihadists' cyber army's activities will become a daily reality.' It was reported the possible targets of the jihadists' cyber attacks will be the websites of U.S. government organisations, energy companies, transport systems and banks. Islamic State is noted for its use of advanced technology and social media on a scale unprecedented for such rebel groups. Tweets posted by British cyber jihadist Junaid Hussain from the Middle East, using an alias . Large numbers of Islamic State fighters are young, highly educated Westerners who are fighting the holy war with sophisticated backgrounds and training with digital technology. Militants' use of Twitter and Facebook allows them to target an entire new generation of young possible recruits, while the beheading videos of James Foley and Steven Sotloff were created using skilled video and audio editing techniques. Meanwhile, president Barack Obama has announced U.S. airstrikes on Islamic State targets will extend into Syria. In a four-point plan laid out last night the U.S. leader announced coming airstrikes in both countries, additional support for Iraqi army units, counter-terrorism activities to hamstring ISIS, and renewed humanitarian aid for victims of ISIS militants. President Barack Obama pictured during yesterday's announcement U.S. airstrikes will extend into Syria . 'This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist,' Obama vowed, referring to ISIS by its alternate name, 'using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground.' A senior Pentagon official confirmed that 'the U.S. military is ready to conduct direct action against ISIL targets in Syria.' Britain has already drawn-up extensive plans to support the US that includes airstrikes and UK Special Forces forming ‘advisory’ training teams to instruct Kurdish fighters how to use heavy machine guns ‘gifted’ by Britain this week. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the advance of Islamic State poses a ‘clear and immediate’ threat to British national security.
Islamic State boasting of its plans to create a sophisticated cyber army . Plans to use 'cyber caliphate' to launch attacks on banks and governments . British hacker once jailed for cyber attack on PM thought to be involved . Comes as President Obama announces air strikes will extend into Syria .
If you're going to learn to box, then why not be taught by the best? Pop star Justin Bieber has been picking up the tricks of the trade from Floyd Mayweather Jnr who took him on the pads in his Las Vegas gym. Bieber has long been part of Mayweather's considerable entourage and has been nicknamed 'Moneybags' by the pound-for-pound No 1. VIDEO: Scroll down to watch Floyd Mayweather and Justin Bieber in the ring . Floyd Mayweather takes Justin Bieber on the pads for a workout in his Las Vegas gym . Bieber throws a jab as he is given a workout by the best boxer in the world . Bieber has long been part of Mayweather's sizeable entourage and is often ringside for his fights . Mayweather laces up Bieber's gloves before giving him a training session in the ring . The 20-year-old is shown boxing from a southpaw stance and throws several jabs as he takes a break following his latest tour. Mayweather, meanwhile, has revealed he is considering putting on a show in London later this year having visited the city as part of a whistle-stop European tour. 'I went back to Paris before going to London, England to look at some different venues because I'm looking to do a show out there in December,' he told 'Not me, but Mayweather Promotions.' A video of Mayweather being accosted by a woman in a Brixton barbers went viral after she claimed not to know who he was. 'There's a lot of people that may not know who Floyd Mayweather is,' he added. 'You must realize this, there's a difference between me and any other athlete. 'You have to pay extra money to see me; you can watch them for free. You can just turn on any local cable or satellite network and see athletes, but with me, you have to pay.' Bieber celebrates with Mayweather's belts after his victory over Miguel Cotta in 2012 . Bieber was also with Mayweather for his victory over Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez last year . Mayweather has yet to announce his next opponent as he enters the final two fights of his Showtime deal. His win over Marcos Maidana in their rematch last month took his record to 47 victories from as many fights. British speedster Amir Khan is among those hoping to get the call but Mayweather looks unlikely to accept a fight with Manny Pacquiao. He rubbished comments from his dad, who doubles as his trainer, which suggested a long-awaited clash with his rival would definitely happen.
Floyd Mayweather took Justin Bieber on the pads in his gym . The pop star has long been part of Mayweather's inflated entourage . He has been given the nickname 'Moneybags' by the boxer . Mayweather has yet to announce his opponent for his next fight in May . Revealed his promotional company is looking to put a show on in London .
Troubled AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd was taken to court by police on Thursday after breaching his bail conditions in relation to the charges against him of threatening to kill and drug possession. Rudd was filmed being handcuffed by police next to a black sports car by the side of Cameron Road, on the North Island of New Zealand and was then taken to the local station. However, his lawyer Paul Mabey told Daily Mail Australia that Rudd is now back out on bail. ‘He’s appeared on a breach of bail by speaking to a witness and has been rebailed. He’s been to court and gone home,’ Mr Mabey said. Scroll down for video . AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd is lead to a police car by the side of Cameron Road, on the North Island of New Zealand . Troubled Rudd leaves Tauranga District Court after he was detained by police on Thursday . No charges were made against Rudd on Thursday. The Bay of Plenty Times reported his other lawyer Craig Tuck told Judge Paul Geoghegan his client acknowledged that he had breached the condition by having contact with a police witnesses at a local shop. Rudd is due back in court on February 10 and now has a further bail condition - he must not take illegal drugs. In November, Rudd was charged with attempting to procure a murder. That charge was dropped a day later, but the drummer has entered not guilty pleas on charges of threatening to kill, possessing cannabis and possessing methamphetamine. Rudd admitted to breaching his bail conditions by speaking to a witness . Rudd gives a thumbs up as he leaves District Court on Thursday . The only Australian-born member of AC/DC, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame in 2003 with other members of the band. He had moved to New Zealand in 1983 after he was told to leave the group, but he rejoined them in 1994. Settling in Tauranga, he opened a restaurant where staff later took a case to the Employment Relations Authority. After appearing in court recently to answer charges of threatening to kill and drug possession he jumped onto the back of a minder after leaving the building and took a piggy-back ride along the pavement. His bizarre behaviour raised eyebrows. Rudd jumped onto the back of a minder after leaving court recently . The AC/DC drummer is pictured here gesturing to members of the media after leaving Tauranga District Court on November 26 . Rudd is due back in court on February 10 and now has a further bail condition - he must not take illegal drugs . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Rudd was driven to a police station in Tauranga on Thursday . An onlooker filmed a video of the rocker being placed in handcuffs . Earlier this week he pleaded not guilty to charges of threatening to kill and possession of methamphetamine . In court on Thursday Rudd was given a new bail condition - he must not take illegal drugs .
An ostrich caused traffic chaos in this country lane after racing alongside cars at speeds of more than 40mph. The escaped bird was seen dashing past more than 20 cars on the main road between the villages of Rusthall and Speldhurst in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, yesterday. Adult ostriches can run up to 60mph and grow to more than 9ft-tall, and while this youngster is just over 2ft-tall, it was still able to run at more than 40mph, according to locals. An escaped ostrich caused traffic chaos after it was seen dashing past more than 20 cars on this country lane in Tunbridge Wells . Motorists slammed on the brakes after spotting the flightless bird running up and down the busy main road - causing queues of more than 20 minutes between 8.30am and 9am. Jokers have now set up a Twitter account for the bird called TWellsOstrich. Posts include: 'Time to hit the road! Watch out for me this morning' and 'I'm very tired from running around Tunbridge Wells all day!' Other posts include 'There I was confidently gambolling down the road and everyone started staring at me. I don't know why', and 'I am a free range Ostrich I have you know'. Local resident Colin Grant, 45, said: 'It was dashing around pretty fast - when I first saw it it overtook me and I was doing about 30mph, so it must have been going at 40mph plus. 'It was a very curious sight - it must have escaped from an ostrich farm nearby.' Adult ostriches can run up to 60mph and grow to more than 9ft-tall, and while this youngster (left) is just over 2ft-tall, it can still run at more than 40mph, according to locals (right, file picture) The Tunbridge Wells Ostrich has even gained a following on Twitter . One motorist caught in the queue said: 'There was a queue of about 20 cars pulled over and I assumed it was a lorry coming down. 'I noticed a couple of people getting out of their cars and others leaning out of their windows and taking pictures.' He added: 'Then I saw this young perky ostrich confidently gambolling down the road, with its funny gait. 'It came right up to our window and looked at us but I only managed to get the first shot on my phone.' The police and local council were alerted to the incident. The ostrich is a large flightless bird native to Africa which can ran at speeds of up to 60mph . It is not the first time an exotic animal has been seen on the loose in Britain. In October and November last year wild wallabies were caught in Highgate Cemetery. The first was caught in October by the RSPCA while a second was found two weeks later. It is believed that someone dumped both marsupials in Highgate Woods and that they made their way to the famous cemetery. The ostrich is a large flightless bird native to Africa which can ran at speeds of up to 60mph. The largest living species of bird, they can weigh between 10 and 20 stone and also lay the largest eggs of any living bird. They also have a long lifespan for birds - in captivity, ostriches have lived as long as 62 years and seven months. On the African savanna however they may face a number of predators including lions, leopards and hyenas. But their extraordinary running power means they are often able to outrun most predators, other than the cheetah.
Bird was seen dashing past more than 20 cars at speeds of up to 40mph . Motorists forced to slam on the brakes after spotting escaped animal . The bird now even has its own Twitter account telling followers of escapades .
A Texas school district has banned a football team T-shirt with the slogan 'Shhhhhhh just let it happen' after questions over whether the message could also have a rape innuendo. The issue came up after Arlington Martin High School's bi-monthly newspaper raised concerns about the shirt in a staff editorial. The shirt was designed by senior football team members and printed by the football booster club. It reads 'Martin Football' in big gray letters above an image of a Native American man that represents the school's Warrior mascot. Scroll down for video... Double meaning? An editorial in the school newspaper suggested that the slogan also implied rape rather than just power on the football field . Taking charge: The Warrior Post's editor-in-chief Jerred Osterman, 18, a Martin senior, said that the paper's staff was motivated to write its editorial after a female student had concerns over the T-shirt . Checking it: Osterman said neither he nor his staff questions the motivation of the players or their message of team unity behind the shirt — only the wording of the message and how it might be perceived. To the left of the man is a pirate flag, with a skull and crossbones, along with the words 'We take what we want,' and below the flag is the phrase 'Shhhhhhh just let it happen.' The editorial read: 'The shirt's main message is to state the player's idea that there is no need for the opponent to put up a fight in letting our team take the ball away from them . 'Can this saying be easily misunderstood? Yes. Though it certainly was not the goal of the shirt, its slogan connotes rape culture. This is not what we want to display as a slogan for our Varsity football program,' the editorial reads. The Warrior Post's editor-in-chief Jerred Osterman, 18, a Martin senior, told NBC 5 that the paper's staff was motivated to write its editorial after a female student approached a news staff member with concerns over the T-shirt. Martin coach Bob Wager and booster club president Kevin White said they never considered the message on the shirt to be potentially inappropriate . 'It's inappropriate, and it's not something that you want to represent Martin with,' Osterman said. School sensitivities: How the article appeared in the Warrior Post - the school newspaper . Growing population: 280 children go to school at the Arlington Martin High School in Arlington, Texas . 'It's inappropriate, and it's not something that you want to represent The Martin School with,' Osterman said. The coach of the team, Bob Wager, said that they did not consider the shirt to be inappropriate or offensive in any way adding that they would never have allowed it to be made or worn. He said it referred to 'the act of piracy, taking what you want. What we want is the football'. School district spokeswoman Leslie Johnston said that officials believed the team had not intended to be offensive but that the t-shirts had been banned. 'Certainly the booster club and the coaches, nobody construed it in that manner,' said Leslie Johnston, director of communications for Arlington ISD, who estimates that around 50 of the shirts were printed. 'They were never intended or thought to have any meaning other than a football-related meaning — taking yardage, the ball.' 'They just thought it was a football shirt. And when that was pointed out, that it could be taken in that way the students have, they are no longer wearing them.'
School in Texas has banned students from wearing its football team's t-shirts, following concerns that they promote rape culture . Arlington Martin High School football seniors wore the shirts for team unity . They include the phrases: 'We take what we want' and 'Shhhhhhh, just let it happen'
Google is expanding its presence in Los Angeles with the $120 million purchase of a dozen acres of vacant land in the Playa Vista area on the city's west side. The parcel is zoned for nearly 900,000 square feet of commercial space that could house offices or studios, the Los Angeles Times reports. The plot is next to a historic hangar where aviator Howard Hughes built his famous 'Spruce Goose' airplane. Google also was expected to lease the hangar, which recently housed soundstages for movie and television, according to the newspaper. Acres: Google is expanding its presence in Los Angeles with the $120 million purchase of a dozen acres of vacant land in the Playa Vista area on the city's west side . Google: The parcel Google purchased is zoned for nearly 900,000 square feet of commercial space that could house offices or studios holding as many as 6,000 workers . City Councilman Mike Bonin, who represents the area, said the purchase 'brands Playa Vista as the tech and innovation capital of Los Angeles.' The Mountain View-based tech giant wouldn't detail its plans for the properties. Last year Microsoft opened a 20,000-square-foot space in Playa Vista, a neighborhood near major freeways, several neighborhoods and Los Angeles International Airport. Facebook has operations nearby, as do other major media companies and ad agencies. Three years ago, Google opened a campus in Venice, where it leased 100,000 square feet in three buildings for about 600 employees. One of those buildings is the famous Binoculars Building, a three-story office on Main Street designed by architect Frank Gehry. 'Spruce Goose':The plot is next to a historic hangar where aviator Howard Hughes built his famous 'Spruce Goose' airplane . A Google spokeswoman said the company, which typically likes to expand near its existing properties, will continue to rent the 69,000-square-foot Binoculars Building. Google views the Playa Vista land purchase as a long-term investment and has no particular design in mind for the site, she told the Times. Google also rents a 41,000-square-foot video production facility for subsidiary YouTube in a renovated former Hughes building in Playa Vista. Google already has bought or rented about 6.2 million square feet of space this year in the San Francisco Bay Area, bringing its total there to 15 million square feet, according to real estate brokerage statistics cited by the Times.
Google purchased 12 acres of land in Los Angeles for $120 million that could hold as many as 6,000 workers . The plot is next to a historic hangar where aviator Howard Hughes built his famous 'Spruce Goose' airplane . The parcel is zoned for nearly 900,000 square feet of commercial space that could house offices or studios .
Deputy PM Nick Clegg says he is 'delighted' by their arrival . The first giant pandas to arrive in Britain for 17 years touched down at Edinburgh Zoo yesterday after an  11-hour flight from China on a specially-chartered jet. Now, as Sunshine and Sweetie settle into their luxury enclosure and eager fans clamour to see them, hopes are high they could produce the first ever panda cub born on British soil. Here, JOHN NAISH looks at what lies in store for these very special creatures . . . A pair of international celebrities completed their much-anticipated . move to Edinburgh last night, where they are now occupying £275,000 . suites and having their organic food flown in from the Continent. They were met on Scottish soil by photographers, dignitaries and . crowds of flag-waving locals clamouring for a glimpse of them. Earlier . this week, a website selling tickets to see the pair crashed due to the . demand. But, in a departure from the usual celebrity script, the new arrivals are a pair of  giant pandas. Scroll down for video . Safe landing: Chinese panda Yang Guang arrives at Edinburgh Airport yesterday afternoon on a specially chartered flight . Peering out: The panda named Tian Tian is unloaded from a plane at Edinburgh Airport. The pair are the first giant pandas to arrive in the UK for more than 17 years . Sunshine, left, and Sweetie, right, settle in at Edinburgh Zoo. They arrived at the zoo from a conservation centre in Sichuan, China, on a private Boeing 777F flight dubbed the ‘FedEx Panda Express’ Yesterday, female Tian Tian (meaning Sweetie) and male Yang Guang . (Sunshine) arrived in Edinburgh Zoo from a conservation centre in . Sichuan, China, on a private Boeing 777F flight dubbed the ‘FedEx Panda . Express’, along with a vet and two animal handlers. They are on loan from China for the next ten years. Bagpipes played . as the bears were carried carefully from the aircraft in individual . crates, each labelled ‘one panda’ and taken to Edinburgh Zoo. Tian Tian and Yang Guang have been put in enclosures designed by . animal psychologists, which come complete with dens, private pools, a . viewing platform and a room where the pandas will be given health . check-ups. The new arrivals are unloaded from their Panda Express plane following an 11-hour journey from China . New home: Yang Guang is unloaded from the freight aircraft by two FedEx staff members . Welcome: People waited with anticipation to receive Tian Tian and and Yang Guang as their plane touched down . The enclosure also has a specially built ‘love tunnel’ where the two . can meet if they are feeling amorous, and a nursery for any offspring. Zoo bosses believe the pandas will attract more than a million extra . visitors, and a baby panda would see numbers boom even further - . although any cubs would be  the property of China. Already there is eager adulation from the panda-mad public. Earlier . this week, the zoo’s ticket website was unable to cope with the ‘sheer . influx’ of people trying to book tickets and crashed. But then this pair are rare treasures: these are the first pandas in . the UK for 17 years, since London Zoo hosted Bao Bao and Ming Ming in . the early Nineties. And the bears will need to be popular in order to fund their keep. The zoo is paying the Chinese around £636,000 a year for the privilege . of having them. It also needs to buy them £70,000 worth of bamboo a . year. The bears will now have a fortnight to settle in before being put on . show to the public. Although they have come as a pair, they will have . separate rooms as solitary pandas only meet to mate once a year. Excited: A youngster wore a panda hat and joined hundreds of other well-wishers to catch a first sighting of the giant bears at the airport . Their new living quarters are five-star. The animals love to clamber, . so each has a climbing frame that will enable them to see each other . over the tops of their enclosures. The animal psychologists also designed the accommodation to simulate . their natural habitat. Small caves are intended as outdoor bedrooms. There are his ’n’ hers ponds and shaped rocks that act like . panda-recliners, so they can lie back to chew on their bamboo. Alison Maclean, the pandas’ head-keeper, is delighted with the . enclosure’s design. ‘It’s perfect,’ she says. ‘The visitors have huge . viewing panels, both looking into the interior and exterior of the . enclosures. It’s virtually soundproof, so the pandas won’t get . disturbed.’ Pandas spend much of their time munching - as much as 14 hours a day . chewing bamboo. Each year, they will eat up to 18,000kg (over 39,000lb) of the stuff - around 20 three-metre stems a day. This is no ordinary . bamboo, either. Most of it will be imported from a specialist organic . grower on a plantation just outside Amsterdam. After all, you don’t want to let pandas get hungry. They can get very . bearish. In 2009, for example, a giant panda killed eight sheep in a . village near a nature reserve in Leshan in China. First sight: Chinese panda Yang Guang at Edinburgh Airport . Arrival: Giant pandas Tian Tian (Sweetie) and Yang Guang (Sunshine) arrive at Edinburgh Airport on the FedEx Panda Express . Touch down: The FedEx Panda Express lands at Edinburgh Airport . In captivity, they have been known to maul humans. Even when . well-fed, pandas are not completely herbivore. Around one per cent of . their diet is carnivore — popular snacks are rats, mice and insects. The one mod-con the pandas should not need is climate control. The . weather in Edinburgh is very similar to that of their native Sichuan . Province. With all the right conditions, Edinburgh’s zoo keepers hope that the pampered pandas will be in the mood for love. The conservation purpose of their decade-long stay is to produce offspring that can be returned to the wild. Ten years is a significant proportion of a captive panda’s lifespan: . they are normally expected to live for 30 years. Both are now eight. Hopes are high that their stay will prove fruitful: Tian Tian and . Yang Guang have both successfully mated before, but with other partners. While pandas are notoriously difficult to mate in captivity, Tian Tian . and Yang Guang are said to stand a better chance than most of producing . young. The ‘boisterous’ male, Yang Guang, is said to be better endowed . than the average panda. He has already sired a string of cubs in the . Ya’an reserve in China, where both pandas were born and raised. And although Tian Tian, has been described as ‘a very quiet and nervous character’, she has given birth to two cubs. Through the keyhole: Yang Guang is seen eating bamboo branches through a whole of the FedEx container transporting the pair to Edinburgh . Nervous flyer? Yang Guang is fed with apples in the minutes before being loaded onto the plane to Scotland . Heavy load: Giant panda Yang Guang is hauled onto the plane at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport, ready for his trip to Scotland . Special delivery: The FedEx Panda Express has special livery for the flight . Hugh Roberts, chief executive of the Scottish zoological society, . said he was ‘very confident’ the pandas would become the first in . Britain to breed naturally. ‘They both know what to do and that’s a . start,’ he said. ‘I don’t think Yang Guang’s sexual prowess is in . doubt.’ Nevertheless, the last British attempt ended in an acrimonious . divorce: London Zoo’s Bao Bao and Ming Ming fought savagely and had to . be separated. Bao Bao was sent to Berlin Zoo in 1993 and Ming Ming . returned to China in 1994. Their predecessors had fared little better. In 1974, the Conservative . prime minister, Edward Heath, attempted to lighten the gloom of a . Britain struck by economic crisis by bringing over Chia-Chia and . Ching-Ching, in what was considered a coup of ‘panda diplomacy’ with the . Communist regime. But although the pair were loved by visitors to London Zoo, they didn’t seem to love each other, and were cubless to the end. Loaded up: Tian Tian sat peacefully in a cage, before being taken to the airport . Pandas’ problems are exacerbated by the female’s very short period of . fertility. Jennifer Butler, a spokeswoman for Edinburgh zoo, says: . ‘They only have a period of three days a year when the female is . receptive. Within this, there is only a window of between 24 and 48 . hours when she is fertile.’ Worse still, male pandas can prove lackadaisical. In 2007, keepers at . Northern Thailand’s Chiang Mai Zoo resorted to sitting a male called . Chuang Chuang in front of a TV showing raunchy videos of bears mating in . an attempt to spark his interest. The chief veterinarian, Kanika . Limtrakul, was disappointed to admit ‘Chuang Chuang seemed indifferent’ to the films. If Edinburgh does hit the panda cub jackpot, then it would prove a . welcome boost to conservation efforts: there are as few as 1,600 giant . pandas in central China. Farewell party: A Chinese woman sees off the pandas, who will have an extended stay in Edinburgh . Fragile cargo: The bears are loaded into special crates before boarding a plane heading for Edinburgh . Not everyone is a supporter, however. Chris Packham, the BBC wildlife . presenter, has said pandas should be allowed to die out and the money . spent on conserving them should go on other species. His words outraged . the Chinese and threatened the loan deal for Tian Tian and Yang Guang. But if a rare cub is produced, Edinburgh can expect an unprecedented . frenzy because there is something about these creatures that pulls the . heart strings. For example, a video on YouTube entitled Baby Panda . Sneezing has been viewed 190 million times. If such an adorable creature were to be born in Edinburgh, the . visitor bonus to the nation would certainly not be worth sneezing at. Bring me Sunshine: Giant pandas Sweetie and Sunshine arrived in Scotland after a 5,000-mile journey from China . Bulking up: Sunshine pictured tucking into some bamboo in his enclosure before embarking on his journey . Going the distance: Sweetie and her mate Sunshine will be the first pandas to live in the UK for 20 years .
Arrival of pair hailed as 'significant chapter' in relationship between China and the UK . The pair are first giant pandas to arrive in Britain for nearly 20 years . They will live at Edinburgh Zoo for at least a decade . Deputy PM Nick Clegg says he is 'delighted' by their arrival .
Most 19-year-old boys can only dream of living a billionaire’s lifestyle of fast cars, superyachts, luxury mansions and parties with the stars. But for tycoon’s son Rufus Caudwell, it is a nightmare that has left him housebound for years with agoraphobia. Rufus – the son of Phones 4u founder John Caudwell – may have developed the anxiety disorder as a result of his parents’ divorce and the pressure of living in the shadow of his phenomenally successful father. Scroll down for video . Billionaire businessman John Cauldwell, left and his son Rufus, right, who suffers from agoraphobia . He has lived with its crippling effects since 2006, when Mr Caudwell made his fortune by selling his mobile phone empire for £1.5billion. The business made headlines earlier this week after it was forced into administration. Rufus claims that despite being treated by experts and psychiatrists, he may never be cured so he can enjoy his father’s lifestyle. The teenager is appearing on a television show to explain how his life has been affected by his father’s immense wealth – and by his own illness. Speaking on Jon Richardson Grows Up on Channel 4 with his sister Libby about the luxury and opportunity Mr Caudwell’s success offers, he said: ‘We will never quite live up to dad, whatever we do. We will never quite get there. ‘We almost feel guilty that we have this. You think, “What have I done? Why do I deserve this?”. It is the luck of the draw. I just happened to be born from a certain set of parents.’ Similar concerns caused Libby, 26, to ask her 61-year-old father to cut off her allowance two years ago. John Caudwell, with his girlfriend Claire Johnson . Mr Caudwell separated from Rufus’s mother Kathryn in 2001 after nearly three decades of marriage. They had three children – Rufus, Libby and their sister Rebekah. The tycoon lives with his partner Claire Johnson and their young son Jacobi in a Grade I-listed mansion in Staffordshire and a five-storey mansion in London’s Mayfair. He often entertains his celebrity friends and supporters of his charity for disabled youngsters, Caudwell Children, such as the Duchess of York, Rod Stewart, Robbie Williams, Joan Collins, Sir Bruce Forsyth, Elizabeth Hurley, Peter Andre and Boris Becker. But Mr Caudwell’s star-studded lifestyle clearly intimidates Rufus. He tells comedian Richardson: ‘I can’t quite understand the life my father leads because it is so glamorous. I just sit there on Facebook in my bedroom. He is desperate for me to live this life with him and it is incredibly frustrating for him.’ Libby adds: ‘The stuff dad does! There are ski chalets and boats. Dad has got an unbelievable life and Rufus has not been to any of it.’ Agoraphobia, which affects up to 450,000 Britons, makes sufferers feel extreme anxiety in situations others take for granted, such as leaving the house or taking public transport. It is often brought on by a traumatic experience. Professor Kevin Gournay, from the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, and the Priory Hospital, said youngsters can be affected if their parents separate or a parent is a high-flier – both of which apply to Rufus. Professor Gournay added: ‘The stresses of divorce could trigger agoraphobia. It’s fair to say the children of parents who are in the limelight – high achievers – are often under terrific pressure to emulate their parents. That can lead to anxiety, which can lead to agoraphobia.’ For Rufus, it means days spent alone in his bedroom playing video games or using social media. Revealing how his life has been affected, he said: ‘I suffer from – and I have done for about eight or nine years – agoraphobia. Which is basically a phobia of leaving the house. That has been the biggest part of my life. At the moment it is an achievement if I can go four minutes in the car out of the house. ‘A normal day, depressingly, is devoid of much purpose. I just wake up when I want to. I will lie in bed for an hour, maybe get up and play some Xbox. There have been times when I have not been able to leave my bedroom. For the past eight years on and off that has pretty much been my life. ‘For once in his life [my father] can’t really make an impact. I have had numerous therapists, but I don’t think anyone can cure me. It is all down to me.’
Rufus Caudwell, son of billionaire businessman John has agoraphobia . The condition has left him housebound for the past nine years . The anxiety disorder may have been brought on by his parent's divorce . Jon Richardson Grows Up will be screened at 10.35pm on Monday.
Mr O'Leary insisted the erotic movies would be visible only on personal devices, rather than screened on the back of Ryanair plane seats . The boss of budget airline Ryanair wants to launch a pay-per-view pornography service for passengers to watch during flights, it has been claimed. Ryanair chief Michael O'Leary said he hopes to launch an app for the airline where travellers can watch sex scenes on their iPads or smartphones while in the air. The planned service would also allow Ryanair passengers to gamble and play games, as well as watch erotic movies, according to The Sun. Mr O'Leary told the paper: 'I'm not talking about having it on screens on the back of seats for everyone to see. It would be on handheld devices. 'Hotels around the world have it, so why wouldn't we?' But the move raises the prospect of passengers watching porn films with children sitting barely feet away. Ryanair said the pornography plans would take at least a year to introduce on their flights, as establishing a cost-effective way of having a solid broadband connection on their planes would be a major obstacle. It is not the first controversial proposal for the airline from its outspoken chief executive. Last month he said he was looking at removing all but one toilet from his planes to put in extra seats. While he has previously proposed charging passengers for using the toilet in-flight. The latest brainwave from the budget airline boss was revealed as Ryanair bucked airline industry gloom by raising its full-year net profit forecasts by 10 per cent to £377m. The airline, which carried 75m passengers last year, raised its guidance despite a 37 per cent surge in jet fuel prices to £778m during the first six months of the year. On the up: Ryanair bucked airline industry gloom by raising its full-year net profits .
Airline boss: 'Hotels have it, why wouldn't we?' Service would be provided via passengers' iPads .
Per Mertesacker hailed an important response to Tuesday night's results after Arsenal's late winner against Southampton. Alexis Sanchez's 89th-minute goal saw off the 10-man Saints - depleted by Toby Alderweireld's injury after they had used all of their substitutes - and kept Arsenal in touch with the Premier League's top four. Manchester United, fifth-placed surprise package West Ham and under-performing Liverpool all won on Tuesday, as did leading pair Chelsea and Manchester City elsewhere on Wednesday. The towering Per Mertesacker of Arsenal celebrates with Alexis Sanchez, who won the game for the Gunners . Arsenal beat Southampton after they were reduced to 10 men through injury with all three substitutions used . Burnley 1-1 Newcastle United . Leicester City 1-3 Liverpool . Manchester United 2-1 Stoke City . Swansea City 2-0 QPR . Crystal Palace 0-1 Aston Villa . West Brom 1-2 West Ham . And Mertesacker told BT Sport: 'We needed that win desperately because everyone won yesterday so we were a bit under pressure. We just kept going, we always believe in ourselves. 'They were unlucky, they were one man down because of an injured player, but we deserved it because we kept going.' The win was Arsenal's third in succession, following those against Borussia Dortmund and West Brom, and their German defender said: 'We want to continue that run and be more consistent, especially in the Christmas period. We have potential, everyone knows, but we have to show it.' Southampton manager Ronald Koeman believed Alderweireld's injury left his side struggling at the crucial moment. The win was Arsenal's third in a row after beating Borussia Dortmund and West Brom recently . Sanchez celebrates giving Arsenal an 89th-minute lead against Southampton on Wednesday night . 'If you lose a match in the last few minutes, it's always frustrating,' he said. 'It was a good reaction after last Saturday (losing 3-0 to Manchester City), we had our chances but we were a bit unlucky with the injuries. 'After the third change, Alderweireld had a hamstring injury and then it was 11 against 10, and that made the difference. 'It's no points today but if we keep playing this way, no problem.' Goalkeeper Fraser Forster had kept Southampton on level terms with excellent saves from Danny Welbeck and substitute Olivier Giroud in the second half. And Koeman said: 'Fraser had two or three great saves in the second half, (the save from) the header of Giroud was amazing, but it was not enough.' Southampton goalkeeper Fraser Forster had kept Southampton on level terms with excellent saves . VIDEO Koeman unhappy with second half performance .
Arsenal beat Southampton at the Emirates on Wednesday night . Alexis Sanchez scored an 89th-minute winner against the 10-man Saints . Per Mertesacker believes it was needed following pressure from Tuesday .
Where the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson, Terry Venables and Alan Pardew have failed, Sam Allardyce has succeeded. It’s hard to believe Teddy Sheringham has spent the past six years out of the game. But here he is back at West Ham United, wrapped up to the nines in his training gear after leading a coaching session at chilly Chadwell Heath. The former England striker is back in football. Not that he looks like he has ever been away. Teddy Sheringham reveals why he decided to take time away from football following his retirement . TEDDY on... BIG SAM . I couldn’t have asked to work with a better boss for my first real impression of what managerial life is like. He’s been very open with me and I’ve got the utmost respect for that. He’s very experienced. TEDDY on... CARROLL . It’s not now or never for Andy. He’s getting there and he’s a still very young man in footballing terms. He has surprised me in how good his finishing is. But he’s got to take that on to the pitch. With a cool head, he’ll get goals. TEDDY on... DOWNING . I’ve loved working with him. I can’t believe he only had one goal last year and one the previous season. He’s an outstanding talent... phenomenal. He’s got every finish in the book, so he should be scoring goals. Sheringham still looks as fit and sharp as he did throughout the golden years of a career in which he played until 40, a record age for an outfield Premier League player. West Ham fans drool at the way Sheringham zips the ball around during pre-match warm-ups. Up in the stands the talk turns to whether he could still do a job on the pitch. So what has kept Sheringham away so long? ‘It’s all about timing,’ he says. ‘I saw Alan [Pardew] out in Germany last summer - West Ham and Newcastle crossed paths as we were in the same tournament - and he was like, “What are you doing here?” So I said, “I don’t know, what am I doing here?” ‘Quite a few managers have tried to get me on that path of taking my badges and doing coaching. Terry Venables always told me that I need to be involved, not just for myself but for football. Sir Alex always said to me “get your badges done because you’ll love it”. 'It was the same with Pards when he came to West Ham. My view was that I was either a player or a coach or a manager. It’s black or white for me. But the gaffer’s call in the summer was just perfect timing and the scenario was, too — on a part-time basis.’ Sheringham claims the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson and Terry Venables tried to get him into coaching . The 48-year-old chats with Sportsmail's Matt Lawless at West Ham's Chadwell Heath training ground . Sheringham spends two days a week working with West Ham, three if there is a home match. And having just returned from a sun-kissed week in Dubai, it’s an arrangement that suits him to a tee. Despite their defeat by Everton last weekend, West Ham have started this season with a bang. They have scored twice as many goals (20) as they managed last season in the opening 12 games and sit just one point below the top four. Survival is no longer up for discussion. The talk is of Europe as they eye the ultimate send-off before moving to the Olympic Stadium. Sheringham, 48, who had three years as a player at West Ham, refuses to take the credit, but ultimately he wants to be the man calling the shots at the top. ‘I’m loving it. Really loving it,’ he says. ‘It has been very different. I’m on the other side of the fence and it’s a big change. The situation with myself and Sam was: “Look come in two days a week and see what happens and if you don’t like it, we’ll part our ways”. Sheringham had spells at many clubs including Nottingham Forest (left) Portsmouth (centre) and Colchester . Sheringham spent three years as a player at West Ham between 2004 and 2007 . The former frontman revealedTerry Venables (right) encouraged him to take his coaching badges . Former West Ham boss Alan Pardew (centre) also believed Sheringham should go into management . ‘But if I’m going to do it, I want to be the best I can. I’m an all or nothing type of bloke. And I hope that will take me into management. That’s the way I’m feeling. I want to go full steam ahead. ‘I’m a coach at the moment but I’d like to be a manager.’ So how has he it found it working with the likes of Andy Carroll, Stewart Downing and Enner Valencia? ‘The players have been very good towards me,’ says Sheringham. ‘I’ve played here, been around the place before and scored goals. But it’s a little bit different trying to explain that to other people. Sheringham has been putting on training sessions for the likes of Andy Carroll (left) and Diafra Sakho . The former England international believes it's 'now or never' for Hammers frontman Carroll . Hammers boss Sam Allardyce called Sheringham in the summer to ask if he would return as a coach . ‘It’s about getting to know those players. It’s not just about putting on a session. It’s about talking to the players and finding out where they are - discover their mindset - because that’s crucial. I was a little bit apprehensive about coming in and putting on my first session because I don’t know how it’s going to go. ‘They’re looking at me and probably thinking, you’re this ex-player who’s been around and knows his stuff. Well, go on then... show us what you can do. And it’s a bit like, well I’ve never put on a session before! West Ham are currently sixth in the Premier League table with 18 points from 12 games . Sheringham believes West Ham winger Stewart Downing is an 'outstanding talent' ‘It’s a little bit of trial and error. If you put on two or three bad sessions, they’ll soon be saying, “No thanks. I’ll go and do my shooting with someone else”. Touch wood, it has not been like that.’ Sheringham draws on the experiences of playing under George Graham, Brian Clough, Venables, Ferguson, Glenn Hoddle and Harry Redknapp. ‘Cloughie and Fergie were great, but didn’t really coach much. But then there’s George Graham. At Millwall, he would put on a shooting session and show us exactly what he wanted. ‘It was unbelievable at the time for a 19-year-old boy. I was like “Oh, wow”. Shooting, heading, volleying. He was fantastic. And you’d think, “Right, so that’s what you want me to do,” and you’d try and emulate it. Sheringham believes Sir Alex Ferguson was the manager he played under, but 'didn't really coach much' Sheringham believes the way some Newcastle fans treated Pardew was 'disgusting' ‘I’ve tried to take some of that experience into it. ‘I was lucky to have so many great coaches, great managers that I worked under and at the right stage of my career as well. ‘You try and think about what would they have said to me at that particular time - what would he have done. But I’ve had a few bad ones along the way too. I’ve seen first-hand the wrong way to do things. You can’t have it all good. Despite fans calling for him to be sacked, Pardew's side are now on a run of six successive victories . Roberto Martinez (left) and Allardyce patrol the touchline during Everton's win against West Ham . Sheringham admits that he will have to be thick-skinned if he is to take up a management role . Andy Carroll is on the cover of West Ham's programme for Saturday's game with Newcastle . ‘And this is the thing with the boys at Manchester United. They worked under Sir Alex Ferguson and that’s all they know. ‘He was the best, without a doubt, as a manager. But they’ve not sampled the bad managers. They’ve not sampled the ups and downs. I’ve been in and around pretty much every scenario in football.’ Pardew’s Newcastle visit West Ham on Saturday looking for their seventh straight win — all on the back of heavy criticism from supporters who campaigned for him to be sacked. ‘Some of it was disgusting,’ says Sheringham. ‘You wouldn’t wish it upon your worst enemy. ‘It was the same for Sam with some of the stick that he’s taken. But they are thick-skinned these managers. You look at them and think, “How are you taking that?” In no other job in the world would you get people barracking in your ear. 'They’ll be trying to concentrate on the pitch but all they can hear is thousands of people all around screaming, “You’re useless”. How does that work? So you have to take your hat off and applaud them for doing a good job.’ One day people may applaud Sheringham, the manager, for doing a good job too. The full interview with Teddy Sheringham appears in the Official West Ham United programme for the game against Newcastle. Also inside, Andy Carroll talks about how he has changed his lifestyle and Les Ferdinand looks back on his career with both clubs. You can order a copy from or download a digital issue – complete with exclusive video content – from 9am on matchday.
Teddy Sheringham discusses his new role as a West Ham coach . Former striker has spent six years away from football . 48-year-old revealed he his 'really loving'  Hammers coaching role . Sam Allardyce called Sheringham in the summer to offer the job .
Rickie Lambert wants Steven Gerrard to sign the contract on offer from Liverpool and end his career at the club. The striker, a lifelong Liverpool fan, hopes Gerrard will not let his contract come to an end and leave in the summer. Gerrard has become a rare one-club player but will be able to talk to clubs outside of England from the start of next year. Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard is in his final year of contract at the club . Brendan Rodgers speaks to skipper Gerrard during the win at Leicester . The Liverpool skipper proved his worth to the club once more at Leicester on Tuesday night, capping off a fine display with a goal in the Reds' 3-1 win. Lambert said: ‘We are desperate to keep Stevie. It’s his and the club’s decision but I think he needs to stay at Liverpool for the rest of his life. Stevie is his own man but he is Mr Liverpool. ‘He has got more than enough in the tank. He is still one of the best players around.’ Rickie Lambert (front right) has urged Liverpool and Gerrard to come to an agreement . Gerrard (right) was instrumental in Liverpool's 3-1 Premier League win at Leicester on Tuesday night .
Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard is in the final year of his contract . Reds boss Brendan Rodgers has offered him a new deal at the club . Gerrard scored Liverpool's second in their 3-1 win at Leicester on Tuesday .
Violent sex offender Christopher Charles Gardner has been found by police after breaking free last night from his GPS tracking device . Violent tattooed sex offender Christopher Charles Gardner has just been found by police after being on the run since late Thursday night when he broke off his GPS tracking device. The 29-year-old offender was arrested in New South Wales Friday morning after being last seen in the Wacol area, a suburb of Brisbane, Queensland where he had been living in contingency housing. He remains in custody. Police reported the dangerous sex offender missing Friday morning but it is believed the dangerous sex offender broke free Thursday night. Gardner was under supervision by correction officers since July 6 2012 under the Dangerous Prisoners Sexual Offenders Act 2003 and was due to expire in 2017. He served seven years in jail for rape, attempted rape, indecent assault and deprivation of liberty and posed a threat to anyone who approached him. Queensland police warned the public to steer clear of the dangerous sex offender and have urged people not to approach him. Gardner who has been described as having multiple tattoos over his body, shaven blonde hair with a purple streak, fair complexion and blue eyes. The 180-centimetre tall offender weighs approximately 88-kilos and has a tattooed dot under his right eye, 'CP' 'Marlina' and 'Cherise' on his arms, 'Jamal', a cross and ying yang symbol on his legs and a scar below his left knee. Anyone with information should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24 hours a day. Christopher Charles Gardner, 29, was last seen in the Wacol area, a suburb of Brisbane, Queensland where he had been living in contingency housing after serving seven years in jail for rape .
Christopher Charles Gardner has been just found in NSW by police . The violent offender was last seen in Wacol, the suburb of Brisbane where he had been living . He served seven years in jail for rape and assault and has been under supervision since 2012 . Police urged the public to not approach this dangerous man . Has a tattooed dot under his right eye and tattoos covering his arms and legs .
He’s the 7-foot son of a Melbourne car mechanic who made it big in the US after he became the first Australian player to be drafted number one overall in the NBA. His skills on the court have not only landed the 30-year-old a place on Californian basketball team the Golden State Warriors but a $14 million-a-year salary to play with. So what does Andrew Bogut spend his cash on? Australian basketball star Andrew Bogut plays for Californian team the Golden State Warriors . Bogut, who was born to Croatian immigrants Mišo and Ankica and grew up in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills, now lives in a luxurious home in Walnut Creek, California, which he paid for straight-up. He told sport’s website ESPN his most expensive habit is his passion for muscle cars. Bogut said his most prized possession is his '69 Ford Mustang Boss 429, as part of his huge car collection that includes ‘about six in the States, about 10 in Australia’. ‘They're older, muscle, antique-type cars. I don't buy new Bentleys and that kind of c**p,’ he told ESPN. 'Good to come home from the road trip to this,' Bogut said of his vintage Camaro car . Andrew Bogut wrote on Twitter: 'Good to have #blackfalcon over for some billards. Notice how many of @hbarnes stripes are left on the table? #ouch'. He bought the table for $225 . He claims to spend roughly $2,000 a week on expenses such as food and drink, transport and shopping – including feeding his two Siberian husky dogs. In October, he had a new $225 billiard table installed in his house and told ESPN: ‘The table weighs like 600 pounds­ - it took two or three guys to take it out of storage and put it together in the living room. I'll happily cough up the cash instead of hurting my back.’ Bogut grew up in Melbourne playing AFL and tennis in addition to basketball. One of Bogut's two Siberian husky dogs that he lives with in California . Bogut has his very own pinball machine at home in the house he paid for in cash . At 15-years-old he was cut from the Victoria junior state representative team but he did not give up on his dreams and later went on to attend the Australian Institute of Sport. He led the Australian team that won the 2003 FIBA Junior World Championships before moving to Salt Lake City in Utah to play college basketball in the States, going on to begin his successful and lucrative NBA career. Last year, Bogut revealed how he finds it hard to let new people close to him because he worries about their possible ulterior motives. 'Unpacking some boxes and came across some old photos! My very first car! #Lplates #VRBerlina,' Bogut wrote on Twitter . 'Glad I got these babies through customs coming back from China! #childhooddream,' he wrote alongside a photo of some nunchucks . He told the Herald Sun: 'The last thing I want to do is lose all my money, everything I worked hard for. 'Unfortunately for me there is more bad because what I make is public and, where money is involved, the bad people come out. 'Everyone knows what I earn, so everyone sees me as a walking dollar sign.' Back home in Australia, Bogut has used some of his earnings to develop a basketball academy in his Carrum Downs, Melbourne. The Andrew Bogut Basketball Academy, which opened in 2011, is open to Juniors currently playing representative basketball from Under 12 to Under 20 age groups. Matt Barnes of the Los Angeles Clippers goes up for a shot against Andrew Bogut .
Bogut, 30, grew up in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills . He now owns a house in California which he paid for in cash . He has two Siberian husky dogs and around 16 cars but isn't 'extravagant' Bogut previously revealed he thinks 'everyone sees me as a walking dollar sign'
The will of legendary director Mike Nichols was filed in Manhattan Surrogate’s Court Wednesday. Nichols, who passed away last month at the age of 83 from cardiac arrest, left his $20million fortune to his wife, newscaster Diane Sawyer, and three children, Max, Daisy and Jenny Nichols. Beyond that, only a few specific gifts were detailed. Scroll down for video . Final will : Mike Nichols (above with wife Diane Sawyer, son max and daughter Jenny) will was filed on Wednesday, with his $20m fortune going to wife Diane and his children Daisy, Jenny and Max . In charge: Nichols' wife Diane Sawyer was also named the executor of his will . According to Page Six, 'a J.F. Herring painting will go to his son Max Nichols and his wife will get all his tangible property including furnishings, automobiles and clothing.' The will was signed last May, and Nichols appointed Sawyer as the executor. Sawyer will also likely continue to live at their penthouse on New York City's tony Fifth Avenue and keep their vacation home on Martha's Vineyard. Nichols had a long and illustrious career in show business, getting his start as a comedy duo with Elaine May before going on to become one of the greatest directors of all time. He is one of just a few people to have collected a Grammy, Emmy, Tony and Oscar, for works including the film The Graduate, the play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and the television special Angels in America. Art: Nichols' son Max (above) will also receive a J.F. Herring painting . At the time of his death he was preparing to direct Meryl Streep as Maria Callas in a film version of Master Class for HBO. Streep, a longtime friend, had worked with Nichols on Silkwood, Heartburn, Angels in America and Postcards From the Edge. She was just one of the many actors who came to remember him following his passing, a sign of the special bond he shared with those he worked with over the years. Said Streep of Nichols, 'An inspiration and joy to know, a director who cried when he laughed, a friend without whom, well, we can't imagine our world, an indelible irreplaceable man.'
The will of Mike Nichols was filed in a Manhattan court on Wednesday . The director, one of only a few people to win a Grammy, Emmy, Tony and Oscar, left his $20m fortune to wife Diane Sawyer and his three children . Nichols passed away at the age of 83 in November as the result of a cardiac arrest .
Alexis Sanchez scored another crucial goal for Arsenal at the Emirates, just as as all appeared to be lost against Southampton. The Chile international hauled Arsenal from the depths of despair once more and it did not go unnoticed. Fraser Forster appeared to be a thorn in the Gunners side but Sanchez popped up with a late,late winner and Twitter did not hesitate to show its relief that he managed to do so. Alexis Sanchez scored an 89th minute winner for Arsenal against Southampton at the Emirates Stadium . Sanchez is mocked up as Daniel Sturridge in his trademark celebration for Liverpool . The Arsenal squad look around as Alexis Sanchez appears to dig them out of another hole . Arsene Wenger offers Alexis Sanchez some instructions but he seems to know what he is doing . The Arsenal crest is amended to show how important Alexis Sanchez is to the club . Alexis Sanchez appears to be carrying the whole weight of the Arsenal team this season .
Alexis Sanchez scored in the 89th minute against Southampton . Arsenal secured a 1-0 win to move them up to sixth place in the Premier League on 23 points . Sanchez, a £30m summer buy, hit his tenth Premier League goal .
For months its brutality has been documented in propaganda designed to frighten the world into considering its terrorist cause. But footage of life under the rule of ISIS has revealed the lasting effects of the group's barbarity, with women and children strolling past the decapitated bodies of Syrian soldiers in the city of Raqqa without giving them a second glance. Unaffected by the sight of the decaying corpses, civilians do not even acknowledge the men's impaled heads positioned on fences across the city which has become a recruiting hub for extremists. Scroll down for video . Another day of terror at the hands of ISIS: Civilians walk past bodies lying across the pavements in Raqqa seemingly unaffected by the horrors being carried out . The decapitated bodies of Syrian soldiers were left scattered in the streets of Raqqa by ISIS fighters . Heads impaled on spikes look down on the city's pavements in a constant reminder of the group's barbarity . It is among the most gruesome hallmarks of life under the group's control since jihadis stormed President Assad's army and took hold earlier this year. The video, filmed in July, offers a rare glimpse into civilian life since ISIS launched a campaign of terror against Syria and Iraq. Scattered corpses lie on pavements and roads with some tied to fencing, their severed heads stuck between their legs, as black-clad ISIS fighters patrol the streets. In other parts of the town preachers urge children, with black balaclavas disguising their innocent faces, to disobey their parents and join the militant group. 'I swear to god we will see a caliphate based on the prophecy. Be with the state or you will be the ones who get killed,' a man threatened one group of silent youngsters to a backdrop of the group's ominous flag. While the corpses of President Assad's troops will be removed within three days, the threat of death is enduring for everyone else, one civilian revealed. 'They hate to see the murder but they cannot speak because of fear,' one civilian living in the city told MailOnline. Soldiers decapitated bodies were tied to fences with their trousers around their knees in the horrifying images . The corpses were removed within three days though it is not known where they were taken, a civilian revealed . By-passers do not raise an eyebrow at the horrific scenes with ISIS fighters patrolling the city's streets . As American and Arab forces continue to bomb ISIS strongholds across Syria and Kurdish forces sustain a ferocious defence of the Turkish border, Raqqa remains under the sinister rule of extremists. Among the most prolific images of terrorist fighters are those taken in the city which has been rendered a 'ghost town' by fanatics patrolling the streets in black uniforms and balaclavas. Footage of young soldiers brandishing machine guns and walking in single file emerged online as early as January this year, while the civilian website Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently offers a backlog of the atrocities residents have been subjected to. Just this month a 17-year-old was crucified in the town's centre, alleged to have taken photographs of jihadis in action. Several weeks ago photographs emerged of ISIS fighters splashing around in hotel swimming pools and dining in expensive restaurants while the town's hospitals shut down and children were banished to training camps. Meanwhile residents home have been ravaged by what effects the airstrikes have had on the area. 'Our city will be destroyed, we will pay with our blood,' one resident said, adding: 'It will be a very big war, and in big wars, the civilian will pay.' Of the cameraman who captured the disturbing images, he said: 'It is possible the Daash (ISIS) (will) kill him on this.' Earlier this month another civilian revealed how extremists were living like royalty in the town while ordinary residents plunged further into poverty. Using a pseudonym he revealed how jihadis had taken control of the town's food supplies and marched through its mostly deserted streets waving the group's flag. Since the haunting footage was taken in summer, insiders say the city has quietened with the fear of airstrikes at the hands of American and Arab forces imminent. Once heaving with rows of ISIS soldiers, a member of the group, Raqqa Is Being Silently Slaughtered, likened its streets to a ghost town in a recent online post. American and Arab forces have launched a series of airstrikes on areas they consider ISIS strongholds including the border town of Kobane, where Kurdish fighters continue to wage bloody warfare on the group. A picture taken in June shows an ISIS fighter jubilantly brandishing the terror group's flags through the deserted streets of Raqqa . Young soldiers in balaclavas and black uniforms patrol the streets of Raqqa with guns earlier this year . Life has become easier for fighters in Raqqa under Islamic State rule, with jihadists rewarded with higher salaries and bonuses while civilians plunge further into poverty . Dozens have been buried in the Turkish town of Suruc as the battle for Kobane, once considered an ISIS stronghold, rages on. At the beginning of the month jihadis approached the town from the desert, planting their flag on Tilsehir hill. Yesterday, after weeks of bloody conflict and devastating air strikes, it was replaced by a yellow Kurdish flag in one of the first signs of hope for fighters defending the border. But with so many refugees having fled the grasp of fanatics in recent months, dozens have died alone with no traces of family available to their comrades. An estimated 1.6million refugees have crossed the border into Turkey since fanatics took hold of more towns earlier this year. Tilsehir Hill, where the black flag of ISIS stood triumphantly for weeks, was obliterated by an American-Arab airstrike earlier this week . Praying for peace: Hundreds of mourners in the Turkish town of Suruc gather to bury Kurdish fighters who perished in the battle for Kobane .
WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT IN THE BELOW IMAGES AND VIDEO . Footage filmed in Raqqa shows decapitated corpses scattered in street . Syrian soldiers' heads have been impaled on spikes as a message to civilians . Civilians walk past scenes of unimaginable horror seemingly unaffected .
At the end of Arsenal's 1-0 win over Southampton on Wednesday, the spotlight focused on Arsene Wenger's strikeforce. How can he get Danny Welbeck to improve after missing a host of chances against Saints? How much longer can he rely on Alexis Sanchez to get Arsenal out of jail? Should he get Thierry Henry at the club as a coach, passing on his expertise, as soon as possible? Everyone, it seemed, had forgotten about one of the World Cup winners missing from Arsenal's ranks. Mesut Ozil watched Arsenal beat Southampton and gave his approval of the result by saying 'job well done' Mesut Ozil (centre) in action for Arsenal against Tottenham earlier in the Premier League season . Alexis Sanchez (right) fires past Fraser Forster (centre) of Southampton to win all three points for Arsenal . But playmaker Mesut Ozil watched his team break down Ronald Koeman's side and while the performance had plenty of room for improvement, the result got his seal of approval. 'Job well done' he put, alongside a picture of him watching the game wrapped up in a blanket as winter sets in across England. Ozil was ruled out of action for 12 weeks with a knee injury at the start of October and Arsenal will no doubt be hoping he can return to top form when he returns in the new year.
Injured Mesut Ozil watches on as Arsenal beat Southampton 1-0 . Alexis Sanchez scored the decisive goal in the 89th minute for Arsenal . Ozil was ruled out for around 12 weeks in October with a knee injury .
Manuel Pellegrini has fired a warning to Premier League leaders Chelsea by declaring that his champions are back to their title-winning best. Manchester City were impressive 4-1 winners at Sunderland last night with Sergio Aguero (two), Steven Jovetic and father-to-be Pablo Zabaleta on target. They fell behind to Connor Wickham’s 19th-minute effort on the ground where they have been beaten 1-0 on their last four visits. VIDEO Scroll down for Manuel Pellegrini: We are returning to our form from last season . Sergio Aguero drives home Manchester City's first goal to equalise at the Stadium of Light in their 4-1 win . Pellegrini returns the ball to the pitch as his City side, he says, returned to the form that won last year's title . But Aguero soon drew them level before teeing up Jovetic for a second. Zabaleta – who married fiancée Christel during the summer - celebrated news of her pregnancy with a classy third after the break and Aguero then stole in for his 19th of the season. It keeps the gap to Chelsea – 3-0 winners over Spurs – at six points. Pellegrini said: 'I think we are returning to the performances we had last season. I think if we continue playing this way of course we will fight for the title, but I think three or four other teams will also be there.' Another masterful performance from Aguero drew qualified praise from Pellegrini, who was keen to stress the team effort which enabled his side to end their run of four consecutive 1-0 defeats at the Stadium of Light. Stevan Jovetic makes it 2-1 as his shot ends almost directly behind 6ft 8in keeper Costel Pantilimon . Aguero (left) and Jovetic (right) after the former set up the latter for their second goal of the match . Pellegrini said: 'He is an important player but it is not just Sergio Aguero - we play in a way that it is very useful for him to score but it is important for him not just to think about scoring but to play for the team. 'There are a lot of good strikers but I said before the last game that I am sure he is one of the best five players in the world because he is not just scoring, he is playing very well.' Meanwhile Pellegrini had encouraging news on captain Vincent Kompany, who has been ruled out for at least a week with a hamstring injury and is in a race against time to be fit for the crucial UEFA Champions League clash with Roma next Wednesday. Pellegrini added: 'Vincent is improving and maybe it is not such a serious injury as we thought at the beginning - but he needs to see the whole week and we will see what happens with him.' Manuel Pellegrini warmly greets Aguero as his star striker is replaced in the 74th minute . Pablo Zabaleta celebrates his second half goal, City's third, with a gesture to his pregnant wife Christel . Sunderland boss Gus Poyet admitted his side could have no complaints about the manner of City's victory but rued his side's inability to hold on to their early lead for more than two minutes. Poyet said: 'Sergio is unique and at this moment in time he is one of the top three on-form strikers. He has performed week in, week out whether it is against us or Bayern Munich and it shows. 'I can't have too many complaints - they were better than us in every aspect of the game. We started well and had a chance before we scored our goal, but then Aguero appears from nowhere and does something special.' Connor Wickham opens the scoring for Sunder but that's where the good news ended for the hosts . Poyet admitted his side's gruelling fixture schedule told against City, coming so soon after a gutsy goalless draw against Chelsea at the weekend. He added: 'It's hard on us to play these two games consecutively and the physical demands were a lot. 'We thought before the game we would be on the same level and we would be able to compete - but we were not.'
Manchester City beat Sunderland 4-1 at the Stadium of Light . Manual Pellegrini said his City side can challenge for the title . He said: 'I think if we continue playing this way ... we will fight for the title' Sergio Aguero again drew praise for his work beyond his two goals . Black Cats boss Gus Poyet said: 'They were better than us in every aspect'
The Baltimore Ravens say they didn't write a script for Ray Rice and Janay Rice during their joint news conference on May 23. In an interview this week on the 'Today' show, Janay Rice said the team suggested to her that she apologize for her involvement in the February incident in which Ray punched her in an elevator. Janay Rice also said the Ravens gave the couple 'a general script' for the news conference. Janay Rice told Today: 'I was ready to do anything that was going to help the situation. Help the way we looked in the media, help his image, help obviously his career. They told us earlier that week we would do the press conference, and I was fine with it.' Denial: Despite what Janay Rice told Today, the Baltimore Ravens deny they ever asked her to apologize during her joint news conference with abusive husband Ray Rice in May . 'I was basically ... not doing what I was told, but at the same time, I didn't think it was completely wrong for me to apologize because at the end of the day, I got arrested, too. So I did something wrong, too. Not taking any light off of what Ray did because I agree with everybody else. It was wrong.' Kevin Byrne, Senior Vice President of Public and Community Relations for the Ravens, said in a statement Wednesday that the team provided talking points to Ray, but not Janay. 'At no time prior to the May 23 session did we provide talking points, a script or suggested script to Janay or speak with her about the press event,' Byrne wrote. 'We did not recommend or suggest to Ray or Janay that she apologize in any way.' After Ray Rice told the Ravens he wanted Janay to speak to the media at the news conference, Byrne said he asked the running back 'on two different days if Ray wanted me to speak with Janay in advance of the press session. Both times, Ray declined and said: 'She's good. She knows what she wants to say.' Janay Rice told Today that the Baltimore Ravens gave both her and Ray Rice a script and told her to apologize at their joint press conference . Meanwhile, Troy Vincent, the NFL's executive vice president for football operations, conceded that the case involving Ray Rice was handled poorly. 'The commissioner (Roger Goodell) has acknowledged those mistakes,' Vincent told a packed hearing by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. 'We failed. This is all part of our evaluation as we look at a new personal conduct policy ... But we learned from those mistakes.' Representatives of the four major U.S. sports were on hand at the hearing on domestic abuse although none of the commissioners were present and only one of the top players' union officials, Michele Roberts of the National Basketball Association. Domestic abuse has been a flashpoint issue ever since the NFL's handling of the Rice case, in which Goodell suspended the former Baltimore Ravens running back for twogames for knocking out his fiancée, who later became his wife. Only when graphic video emerged showing him knocking out his then-fiancee did the Ravens release him and the NFL suspend him indefinitely. Repealing the NFL's tax-exempt status and favorable anti-trust position was discussed by the senators should the league fail to implement an effective domestic abuse policy. Kevin Byrne, Senior Vice President of Public and Community Relations for the Ravens, said in a statement Wednesday that the team provided talking points to Ray, but not Janay . 'When young people see athletes committing acts of violence, and when those acts are excused, glossed over, and given pathetically weak punishments, they learn that domestic violence is not taken seriously,' said Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal. Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat, said he knew of six NBA players who were charged with domestic violence recently but not sanctioned by the league because there were no convictions. 'The Commissioner (Adam Silver) has acknowledged that we need to do more in this issue in terms of discipline going forward,' said Kathleen Behrens, the NBA's executive vice president for social responsibility. 'Mostly in terms of due process and not really relying on the criminal justice system,' she added. Vincent, who played in the NFL for 15 years, broke down when discussing his childhood. 'Domestic violence was a way of life in my home growing up,' he said. 'My brother and I watched helplessly numerous times as my mother was beaten and knocked unconscious while we dialed 911.' 'We saw how she struggled to seek help and find the courage to say 'no more'.' Domestic abuse has been a flashpoint issue ever since the NFL's handling of the Rice case, in which Goodell suspended the former Baltimore Ravens running back for two games for knocking out his fiancée, who later became his wife.Only when graphic video emerged showing him knocking out his then-fiancee did the Ravens release him and the NFL suspend him indefinitely .
The Baltimore Ravens say they didn't write a script for Ray Rice and Janay Rice during their joint news conference on May 23 . However, this week on 'Today', Janay Rice said the team gave her talking points and suggested she apologize for her involvement in the incident . The team denied this Wednesday and said they provided talking points to Ray Rice only .
Ever wondered if you're akin to the rest of the fans who support your team? Well thanks to a survey from YouGov you can discover if you like the same food, hobbies as well as a lot more. Based on a sample size of 608 fans, below Sportsmail have picked out 12 of the most eye-catching responses from West Ham supporters. Over 600 West Ham fans were surveyed as part of the YouGov questionnaire . What are their favourite foods? Bizarrely, the survey found that West Ham fans enjoy roast pigeon as their favourite dish, followed by a good curry. What are their favourite hobbies? Hammers supporters spend their spare time painting, gardening and reading non-fiction books. What pet are they most likely to own? They are most likely to own fish. What are their political views? West Ham fans would tend to vote for right-leaning parties. Personality-wise what are they like? West Ham fans are caring about the environment, easy-going and pretty thoughtful but on occasion their mind can wander back to the good old days. What car are they most likely to drive? West Ham fans are most likely to be seen driving around in a Ford. What are their top five favourite movies? Among a West Ham fan's DVD collection would be the Japanese Manga film Akira, Looper, The Incredible Hulk, Gone Girl and, intriguingly, the Muppets Most Wanted. What are their top five favourite TV shows? A real mixed bag on the box with BBC quiz show Only Connect, gorge-fest Man V. Food, Twin Peaks, The Sweeney and Big Brother. What are their top five favourite music artists? A nice retro twist on the iPod (or tape deck) with Adam Ant, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Dandy Warhols, Neil Diamond and Caro Emerald featuring. Who are their top five favourite celebrities? Hammers fan and rabble-rouser Russell Brand, Sky Sports presenter Georgie Thompson, East End hard man Ray Winstone, BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker and American actor Vincent Price. Who are the top people they follow on Twitter? The Gavin and Stacy and Two Pints actress Sheridan Smith, Aussie comedian Adam Hills, political commentator Iain Dale and former Really Wild Show presenter Chris Packham. What newspapers and magazines do they prefer to read? West Ham fans generally read The Sun and, apparently, Metal Hammer magazine.
Results based on a survey from YouGov who asked 608 West Ham fans . They enjoy watching quiz show Only Connect, painting and gardening . Adam Ant, Dandy Warhols and Echo & The Bunnymen are fave musicians .
Arsene Wenger praised the fighting spirit of Alexis Sanchez after the Chile striker fired Arsenal to a 1-0 Barclays Premier League victory over Southampton at the Emirates Stadium. Sanchez pounced in the 89th minute for his 14th goal in 22 appearances since his summer arrival from Barcelona as the Gunners narrowed the gap on the top four to two points. 'Alexis is one of the players who had to dig deep, but he still had such desire to fight. He always finds something special to get a goal,' Arsenal boss Wenger said. VIDEO Scroll down for Arsene Wenger: Sanchez finds something special to get a goal . Alexis Sanchez shows his delight after his 10th Premier League goal of the season against Southampton . Sanchez tapped home from close range in the 89th minute to snatch maximum points for Arsenal . 'It's difficult to find examples of someone who has settled at a club so quickly. He arrived in July and now it's December. 'When you look at the number of goals he has and the impact he has on the team, it's fabulous.' Arsenal benefited from the 65th-minute arrival of Olivier Giroud, whose physical presence made the difference when Saints had been reduced to 10 men after Toby Alderweireld limped off with a hamstring injury. Alderweireld's exit came after Saints had used their three permitted substitutes. Arsenal players gather around 'fighter' Sanchez (second right) after his dramatic late winner . 'Olivier's physical presence made a difference,' Wenger said. Arsenal's hopes of exposing Southampton as top-four imposters looked destined to be dashed by a goalless draw until Sanchez's late intervention and Wenger was relieved to be able to reflect on a third successive victory. 'We deserved that because we gave very few chances away and had more chances than Southampton and because we kept a clean sheet,' Wenger said. 'It was a bit hard to get going at the start because we'd given a lot against Dortmund and West Brom. This was our third game in (eight) days. Arsene Wenger hails the 'fight' in Sanchez but says it was Olivier Giroud's physical presence that made a significant difference when he came off the bench . Wenger admitted he felt the Emirates crowd getting nervous after they lost their last match at home . 'We had to dig deep against a good team that is very well organised. We had to be patient and wait for our chances. 'We have the right attitude and a good solidarity in the team, a good focus, and that's a good basis for us. 'It was important to win because we lost our last home game and you could see the crowd was nervous.' Southampton manager Ronald Koeman admitted the departure of Alderweireld with six minutes to go encouraged Arsenal to pour forward in search of the winner. 'For the first hour we were outstanding and our team gave a very good reaction after the loss last Sunday,' Koeman said. Saints goalkeeper Fraser Forster looks on in despair as he is finally beaten in an outstanding display . Ronald Koeman was pleased with his side's first hour coming off a heavy defeat by Manchester City . VIDEO Koeman unhappy with second half performance . 'We were unlucky with the injuries and that gave Arsenal the motivation to bring more in the last 10 minutes, pressing with 11 players against 10 players. 'Toby couldn't play on. If it's a kick on the ankle you can ask them to play on, but it was a hamstring problem. You can't continue with a hamstring injury. 'Our goalkeeper Fraser Forster was outstanding but it wasn't enough to keep a clean sheet.' Jack Cork and Dusan Tadic also suffered respective ankle and groin injuries.
Alexis Sanchez scored in the 89th minute to snatch victory for Arsenal . Chilean converted simple chance to take three points from Southampton . Arsene Wenger praised his July buy's ability to dig deep when it matters .
After weeks of hard work organising the Invictus Games, Prince Harry finally got to celebrate his 30th birthday last night with a black tie event at Clarence House. The royal has been too busy making sure his pet project went off without a hitch in recent weeks to properly mark the milestone date. But he enjoyed a party befitting a prince at the royal residence opposite Buckingham Palace last night - with a special performance from singer Ellie Goulding. His brother Prince William joined the celebration but Harry's pregnant sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge, who has been suffering from severe ante-natal sickness, had to stay away. Scroll down for video . Prince Harry, left, celebrated his 30th birthday with a black-tie event featuring Ellie Goulding, right . Guests arrive at Clarence House last night for a black-tie party to celebrate Prince Harry's 30th birthday . Security was tight for the party, with policemen checking in guests wearing formal evening dress . Police protecting the gates wave through a Land Rover as the Prince's friends arrive for the event last night . With his father, Prince Charles, and step-mother, the Duchess of Cornwall, on holiday in Scotland, the party-loving prince was given the run of their London residence. The birthday boy drove himself in through the rear entrance to the house at 7.20pm with his protection officer by his side in the top-of-the-range Audi. But it was unlikely, given Harry’s fondness for a good time, that he would be driving himself home to Kensington Palace again. His brother, Prince William, arrived shortly afterwards, also driving himself in a brand new Range Rover. Most of Harry’s guests drove up through the gates in their car, pressing a printed invitation with a cypher on the top up against the window to a waiting police office for identification. Several arrived by foot, however, wearing a mixture of suits and tuxedos and evening dresses. Singer Ellie Goulding - who performed at William and Kate’s wedding reception - was said to have played at the bash. Guests arrive at Clarence House, which Prince Charles allowed Harry to use while he is away in Scotland . A guest shows their much sought-after invitation to a policeman at the back gates of Clarence House last night . The party was a welcome break for Harry, who has been busy organising the Invictus Games this month . The Prince of Wales allowed Prince Harry to use Clarence House to host the formal event last night . Sources said she would be singing an ‘intimate acoustic’ set of some of her best-known hits, such as Lights and Burn, as well as a few special requests from Harry. The singer and the prince have become firm friends, hugging and posing for photographs backstage at the closing concert of the prince’s Invictus Games on Sunday. On Monday night - which was Harry’s actual birthday - Ellie tweeted a picture of a sunset and wrote: ’Gorgeous sunset tonight. Happy Birthday H.’ Rumours that Harry was having a ski resort-themed party at Kensington Palace organised by Kate and her former party-planner sister, Pippa Middleton, at the weekend appear to have been wide of the mark. But the party was still a well-deserved pat on the back for Harry after the phenomenal success of the Invictus Games, his Paralympic-style competition for injured servicemen which could be rolled out worldwide. The birthday party came amid rumours that Harry's romance with ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas is back on. The pair are said to have watched new romantic comedy Sex Tape at the Odeon in Kensington, west London together, five months after their relationship was said to have ended. Harry's birthday fell at the end of the Invictus Games, where he is said to have shared 'a beer' with competitors . The party came amid rumours Harry's romance with ex-girlfriend Cressida Bonas, pictured together during a rugby match in March 2014, is back on .
Prince Harry was given Clarence House for the night by Prince Charles . Prince William drove himself to the party, but sickly Kate stayed at home . Ellie Goulding sang at the black-tie event hosted for friends and dignitaries . Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were on holiday in Scotland .
In the skies over Britain in the summer of 1940, the German Dornier 17 was an all too familiar sight. But few examples of the Battle of Britain bomber survived the fall of Nazi Germany and some 70 years later military historians say there is only one left. That unique aircraft has finally been raised from the bottom of the English Channel in the biggest salvage operation of its kind in British waters. It will eventually be restored and go on display as an ‘evocative and moving’ reminder of the young men of both sides who lost their lives in the battle for air supremacy in 1940. Scroll down for video . Rising leviathan: The Dornier 17 aircraft is lifted from waters of the English Channel. It was shot down during the 'Battle of Britain' in 1940 by RAF Boulton-Paul Defiant fighters. Two of its four-man Luftwaffe crew were killed as it crashed into the sea, but the other two were captured by the British and became prisoners of war . Artefact: The team watches as the aircraft is painstakingly lifted out of the sea. Aviation enthusiasts are excited because the bomber is in 'remarkable condition' The wreck was salvaged from 50ft of water on Goodwin Sands, off the Deal coast in Kent, after a three week delay because of strong winds. Despite being shot down and spending more than 70 years under the sea, it is said to be in remarkable condition. It crashed after being attacked by RAF Hurricane fighters on August 26, 1940, at the height of the Battle of Britain. Two of its four-man crew were killed and the other two became prisoners of war. The Do 17 – nicknamed the ‘flying pencil’ because of its narrow fuselage – was one of the principal bombers used by the Luftwaffe in the early years of the war, including during the Blitz. The recovery of the aircraft from the seabed is a £600,000 project by the RAF Museum in North London. Its team were able to raise the aircraft  by placing metal cables around the strongest part of the frame and lifting it whole. Success: Earlier attempts to raise the craft from the sea bed were thwarted by high winds but the project finally came to fruition today. Some parts of the aircraft fell into the seas as it was being raised, but the RAF Museum tweeted that these parts will be recovered by divers. The wings and engines are intact, amazingly . Recovery: Workers secure the remains of the crashed Dornier , the only surviving one of its type. It is known as the 'pencil bomber' because of its extremely thin fuselage . In the air once more: Despite the nearly 73 years it has lain on the sea floor, the German bomber is in remarkable condition, with the wings and engine still attached . Rise: A salvage worker stands next to one of the Luftwaffe bomber's water-damaged engines Rise: A salvage worker stands next to one of the Luftwaffe bomber's water-damaged engines. It will soon go on display at the RAF Museum in London . From the depths: The Second World War Dornier 17 aircraft is lifted from waters of the English Channel today. It was first detected at Goodwin Sands in 2008 . In action: A Dornier bomber similar to the one which crashed into the sea during the Battle of Britain. The planes were 52ft long with a wingspan of 59ft, and could carry 2,000lb of explosives while manned by a crew of four. None of the aircraft were believed to have survived for long after the end of the Second World War . Peter Dye, of the RAF Museum, said: ‘The discovery and recovery of the Dornier is of national and international importance. The aircraft is a unique and unprecedented survivor from the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. ‘It will provide an evocative and moving exhibit that will allow the museum to present the wider story of the Battle of Britain and highlight the sacrifices made by the young men of both air forces. It is a project that has reconciliation and remembrance at its heart. Experts say that apart from being covered with barnacles and teeming with marine life, the Dornier is largely intact. The undercarriage tyres remain inflated although the propellers were damaged when the aircraft crashed. Chris Goss, a writer on the Luftwaffe, said the discovery of the plane was a ‘fantastic find’. He said: ‘This aircraft is going to be the only one of its type in existence. This aircraft is complete and therefore its price from a historical viewpoint is invaluable.’ The plane was found on Goodwin Sands by divers in 2008. Sonar scans by the RAF Museum, Wessex Archaeology and the Port of London Authority confirmed its identity. The recovery was backed by a National Heritage Memorial Fund grant of £345,000. A two-year restoration will take place at the RAF Museum’s site in Cosford, Shropshire, and it will later go on display at the RAF Museum in Hendon, North London. Delight: The bomber will eventually be housed at the RAF Museum in Hendon, North London . Underwater images of the WW2 Dornier lying in 50ft of water off the Kent coast. It is the only surviving World War Two Nazi bomber to be raised from its watery grave in the English Channel . Under the sea: The Dornier Do 17 bomber lay off the coast of Kent and is remarkably well-preserved. Even the tyre pressure of the landing wheels is believed to be intact .
German bomber has lain in English Channel since the Battle of Britain . Part of £350,000 project to retrieve the plane and display it at the RAF Museum . Aircraft is in 'remarkable condition' and the wings and engines are intact . Museum staff say they are 'delighted' that the plane is out of the water . It was shot down by fighter pilots in the Battle of Britain in 1940 .
Vincent Kompany is almost certain to miss Manchester City’s Champions League group decider at Roma. The skipper suffered a hamstring injury during Sunday’s 3-0 win at Southampton and missed Wednesday’s 4-1 victory at Sunderland. He is out of this weekend’s visit of Everton and is unlikely to make the squad for the trip to the Italian capital next Wednesday. VIDEO Scroll down for Manuel Pellegrini: Kompany is improving but we will see this week . Vincent Kompany is almost certain to miss Manchester City’s Champions League group decider at Roma . Kompany suffered a hamstring injury during Sunday’s 3-0 win at Southampton and missed Sunderland . City boss Manuel Pellegrini said: ‘Vincent is improving and maybe the injury wasn’t as serious we thought at the beginning. ‘He needs this whole week to see what happens. I don’t think we will see him against Everton on Saturday. I don’t know if he has a chance to play against Roma, we will see. ‘Sometimes those types of injuries can be a month out, but it’s still difficult for him to recover in 10 days.’ Kompany is likely to miss the visit to Roma for City's Champions League group decider .
The Manchester City skipper suffered a hamstring injury at Southampton . Vincent Kompany missed City's 4-1 win against Sunderland on Wednesday . Kompany will miss the visit of Everton to the Etihad on Saturday .
Looking at these photos, they could easily be from a film reel salvaged from 60 years ago. But these images were actually taken this weekend at holiday camp in Norfolk during the Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender. Devotees of the 1950s' revival packed their vintage clothes into their Cadillacs and descended on the Seacroft Holiday Camp for the biannual event. Twice a year, fans of rock 'n' roll, . rockabilly, rockin' blues of the 1950s and Americana gather at the . sleepy resort of Hemsby to dress up in period clothing and re-live the . era over four days. All dolled up: Rock and Roll devotees dance the night away in clothing typical of the 1940s and 50s at the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . Rocking out: Classic cars line up for a cruise to Great Yarmouth during the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . Popular: The biannual festival, which has now been going for 25 years, celebrated its 50th event this weekend . Rock around the clock: A couple hit the dance floor to practice moves of the era such as hop, bop, jive and Rock 'n' Roll . A festival-goer smokes a cigarette in a classic car ahead of a rally to Great Yarmouth at the biannual festival . Lori Barker, pictured left, poses at the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender which transforms the seaside resort twice a year . Going all out: A reveller with an impressive quiff chalks his cue as he plays pool in a bar designed in a 1950s theme . Riding in style: A vintage 1940s Chrysler Dodge parked outside a seaside casino in Norfolk during the Hemsby Rock n' Roll Weekender . In the driver's seat: A festival-goer in an old transit van at the Rock and Roll festival which attracts nostalgia fans from all over the UK . Bands play music of the era and devotees hit the dance floor to hop, bop, jive and rock 'n' roll. The event has been running since 1988 - making this Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender the festival's 50th. Rockabilly, which emerged from the Southern United States in the early 1950s, is thought to be one of the earliest styles of rock and roll music. The term came from rock 'n' roll and hillbilly, the latter being a reference to the country music that contributed strongly to the style's development. The popularity of the style waned in the 1960s but it is thought to have enjoyed a major revival in the late 1970s and early 1980s that has lasted to the present day, often within a rockabilly subculture. Live performance: A musical act performs at the Rock n' Roll festival at Seacroft Holiday Camp in Hemsby . Turning back time: Lori Barker wears her red hair in a retro 1950s style to match her dress and earrings . Setting the scene: The setting sun is reflected in the wing mirror of a classic American car covered in rain in Hemsby during the festival . Miss Outerlimitz: A Miss Hemsby contestant takes to the stage during a beauty pageant at the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . Classic motorbike: Two Rock and Roll fans ride a Triumph motorbike, which were first made in 1902, to the festival in Hemsby . Something for all tastes: Fans brought classic cars dating between the 1940s and the 1950s to the biannual event . Young talent: Rock and Roll pianist and singer Lewis Jordan Brown, aged 11, entertains festival-goers at the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . In for the long haul: The event lasts four days with many of the attendees staying in retro chalets in the seaside resort . Go Grease Lightning, go: A car enthusiast checks under the bonnet of a classic car at the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . Collectors item: A classic Triumph motorcycle parks up during the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . Old school glamour: Perfectly groomed hair, red lips and eye-liner were the order of the day at the retro weekend festival . Ready to rock: Groups of festival-goers dressed in retro leather jackets and motorcycle gear for the festival . In costume: Rock and Roll devotees Lori Barker, pictured left, and Yvette Hillebrandt, pictured right, pose at the 50th Hemsby Rock 'n' Roll Weekender . Back in time: Two gentlemen drive towards the Seacroft Holiday Camp in Hemsby to re-live the 1940's and 50's for the weekend .
Hundreds of 1950s' revival fans attend the biannual event at Seacroft Holiday Camp in Norfolk every year .
Ringo Starr and his wife, former Bond Girl Barbara Bach, are trying to unload a big portion of their real estate. Just last week, Starr put his palatial country estate in Surrey, England on the market for over $20million, and now it seems like he is also trying to find a buyer for his Colorado ranch. That property has been listed at $3.85million, making it the second time the famed Beatles drummer has tried to sell the property in two years. Scroll down for video . On the market: Ringo Starr is selling his Colorado ranch for $3.85million . Moving on: Star and wife Barbara Bach (above) are said to spend little time at their Colorado residence . Second time's the charm: Starr tried to sell the property for the same amount last year . Tranquil: The ranch is located in Woody Creek, 30 minutes outside Aspen . Starr's ranch, located about 30 minutes outside Aspen in Woody Creek on 15.8 acres, sits on the banks of the Roaring Fork River. There are three bedrooms, a living room that features vaulted ceilings, exposed wood beams and a neat rock fireplace, and a kitchen with, according to Curbed, 'pretty blue tile countertops.' There is also a horse pasture on the grounds. Lush grounds: The property sits on 15.8 acres and has a horse pasture . Interior: It also has three bedrooms and a large living room . Big money: Starr bought the property in 1991 for just under $1.2million . Nature: The ranch sits on the banks of the Roaring Fork River . Starr tried to sell the property last year as well for the same exact price, a big step up from the $1.164million he paid for it in 1991. The Surrey estate meanwhile is a 17th-century mansion that sits on 200 acres of land, and was purchased for just $3.1million by Starr in 1999. That means he is set to take home over $17million should it sell for its asking price. There is an indoor pool, a screening room, a helipad, five reception rooms, a spa, and eight bedrooms and seven bathrooms spread out across the 18,332-square-feet. For sale: Starr is also selling his estate in Surrey for $20million . The couple say they are unloading the properties as they are mainly living between their flat off the King’s Road in London and their American residence in California. 'We have spent 15 years at Rydinghurst and will always have wonderful memories of our time there. It is a beautiful home with some very special features, but we are, reluctantly, unable to spend as much time there as we would wish,' Starr told The Sunday Times. ‘With commitments in American and our family all in England, we will continue to divide our time between Los Angeles and London.’
Ringo Starr has just listed his Colorado Ranch for $3.85million, the same price he tried to sell it for last year . He bought the property for just under $1.16million in 1991 . He is also trying to sell his Surrey estate in England for over $20million, far more than the $3million he paid in 1999 . he and his wife, Bond Girl Barbara Bach, say they will split their time between a London apartment and home in California .
Jose Mourinho watched his Chelsea team mercilessly sweep aside Tottenham at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday, but the three points may take their toll on his team. As the Premier League leaders travel Newcastle on Saturday looking to maintain their unbeaten start to the seaon, Nemanja Matic and possibly Gary Cahill could be missing. Cahill has formed a stern partnership in the centre of Chelsea's defence with John Terry but was taken off at the half time interval against Tottenham after a nasty clash of heads with Jan Vertonghen. Gary Cahill (right) and Jan Vertonghen stay down after clashing heads in Chelsea's game with Tottenham . Vertonghen (left) and Cahill both needed medical attention and Cahill was substituted . Nemanja Matic has stood out all season for Chelsea and will be missed when they play Newcastle . Furthermore, Nemanja Matic received his fifth yellow card of the season for pulling the shirt of Tottenham forward Harry Kane. Matic has been earning rave reviews for his defensive midfield role at Chelsea and was formidable again as Tottenham were beaten. As Chelsea look to take their fearsome start to the season into December's Christmas fixtures, they will be aware that the last time they visited Newcastle, they sank to a 2-0 defeat.
Chelsea eased to a 3-0 victory over Tottenham at Stamford Bridge . But Gary Cahill had to be substituted at half time after a clash of heads . Nemanja Matic had his fifth booking of the season and will be suspended .
Andres Iniesta scored once and provided two assists to help Barcelona romp to a 4-0 rout of third-tier Huesca in the last 16 of the Copa del Rey on Wednesday. Ivan Rakitic opened the scoring for Barcelona in the 12th minute when he struck a free kick into the top left corner beyond Huesca goalkeeper Daniel Jimenez's reach. Iniesta, who returned from an injury sustained in his team's 3-1 loss at Real Madrid on Oct. 25, netted four minutes later after he latched onto Rakitic's pass. Barcelona team-mates celebrate Andres Iniesta's goal during a 4-0 win against Huesca in the Copa del Rey . Andres Iniesta (left) captained a young side and played an influential part in the outcome of the game . Huesca (4-2-3-1): Jimenez Lopez, Álvarez, Moreno Hernández, García Fernández, Morillas, Ferrández Pomares (Esnáider 73'), Ros, Camacho Barnola, Gassama (Sebastián 57'), Del Pino Ramos (Cabezas Chounavelle 62'), Misut . Subs not used: Gálvez Burgos, Chueca Agoiz, . Booked: Moreno Hernández . Barcelona (4-3-3): Stegen; Douglas, Bartra, Mathieu (Miguel 64'), Adriano; Samper, Rakitic (Sergi 64'), Iniesta; Pedro, Munir (Ramirez 76'), Rafinha. Subs not used: Montoya, Masip . Booked: Mathieu . Scorers: Rakitic 12', Iniesta 16', Pedro 39', Rafinha 72' 'We're confident in what we do and I think this will take us closer to success,' said Iniesta. 'Our effectiveness and the way we played this game made us feel quite relaxed,' he said. 'What's important is that the players who are in the squad are well equipped to play because titles aren't won by just five or six, but by a whole team.' Barcelona reserve goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen made an athletic save from Tyronne del Pino in the 32nd and looked solid throughout the match. Pedro Rodriguez controlled Iniesta's pass, ran forward and unleashed a powerful shot inside the near post in the 39th before Rafinha deflected his shot off Alex Garcia into goal for Barcelona's fourth in the 72nd. Elsewhere, Atletico Madrid swept to a 3-0 victory over third-tier L'Hospitalet. France midfielder Antoine Griezmann broke the deadlock in the 67th minute of the first leg match when he headed home defender Jesus Gamez's cross from the right. Gabriel Fernandez converted a penalty in the 81st after Atletico's attacking midfielder Alessio Cerci was held by Agustin Fernandez as he advanced in the area. Cristian Rodriguez struck the third from outside the area in the second minute of stoppage time. Iniesta (centre) congratulates Ivan Rakitic after the Croatia midfielder opened the scoring with a free-kick . Spain international Pedro (left) raced on to Iniesta's disguised pass to score Barcelona's third goal . Young Barcelona striker Munir El Haddadi (left) was given a chance to impress with many stars rested . Barcelona youngster Rafinha celebrates after completing the rout with a deflected shot in the second half . Barcelona players celebrate after practically  securing their passage into the next round . Malaga drew 1-1 with Deportivo La Coruna. Ignacio Camacho scored the opener for Malaga in the 11th from an assist by Luis Alberto and Deportivo forward Jose Verdu equalized in the 68th. Also, Granada beat Andalusian rival Cordoba 1-0 thanks to a goal by Colombian forward Jhon Cordoba in the 24th. In another match, Sevilla routed Sabadell 5-1 with striker Iago Aspas scoring a four-minute hat trick.
Barcelona defeated Huesca 4-0 in first-leg of last 32 Copa del Rey clash . Ivan Rakitic opened the scoring with a 25-yard curling free-kick . Andres Iniesta doubled Barca's lead with a sliced effort on the break . Iniesta set up his Spain team-mate Pedro for the Catalan club's third . Youngster Rafinha completed the rout with a deflected shot after half time .
Premier League players should count themselves lucky they’re not fighting on the frontline in Iraq and Afghanistan before whinging about the busy Christmas schedule. That’s the very direct message from Mark Noble, who has told his fellow professionals to put up or shut up as those in the top flight face the most hectic month in the calendar. Clubs are playing seven games between now and New Year – something to have drawn heavy criticism from Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal; the Dutchman is unhappy that he can’t spend time with his wife and children. Mark Noble says the busy festive fixtures are a tradition that shouldn't be changed . But for Noble, who has a young son, while not being able to enjoy the festivities with family is an obvious drawback, it pales into insignificance when compared with others. ‘You think about soldiers out in Afghanistan or Iraq and they are not with their families and they are getting bullets fired at them whereas we are playing in the Premier League,’ Noble said. ‘You have got to put it in perspective really. ‘It is hard if you have got family and kids and you have to leave them on Christmas Day to go and train but listen, we are a small minority of lucky players. The midfielder has broken West Ham’s Premier League appearance record . ‘We have obviously worked hard for this, but we are lucky enough to have the ability to play in the Premier League. 'You have to take the good with the bad and if you have to play over Christmas you have to. We have a good life and playing football over Christmas is not the worst thing in the world.’ Noble – who has broken West Ham’s Premier League appearance record – tempered any suggestion that Sam Allardyce’s side are capable of maintaining their charge towards European qualification. Noble and his team-mates go into December in a European spot after a flying start to the season . But they are flying and go into Tuesday night’s game at West Brom on the back of beating in-form Newcastle at the weekend. ‘It is natural for expectations to go up. We are in a good position. If we can keep going the way we are going, who knows?’ he added. ‘To think, we are only ten points from the bottom. Everyone keeps beating everyone.’
Hammers face hectic period of seven games in the next month . Sam Allardyce's side enter December among the European places . Noble has recently broken West Ham's Premier League appearance record .
Carl Froch's dream of a career-defining night in Las Vegas against Julio Cesar Chavez Jnr is closer to becoming a reality. The super middleweight world champion, who last fought in May when he knocked out George Groves at Wembley, has long craved a fight in Sin City. And his promoter Eddie Hearn is confident a deal can be reached for him to take on Chavez in March after productive talks with the Mexican's advisor Al Haymon. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Eddie Hearn talk about Carl Froch vs Julio Cesar Chavez Jnr . Carl Froch has been out of action since knocking out George Groves at Wembley in May . Froch defended his WBA and IBF titles with his ninth-round win over his British rival at the home of football . 'I'm more hopeful than ever that the fight will happen, hopefully at the end of March,' he told Sportsmail. 'There's a dispute between Chavez and Top Rank but the kid's got to fight. Sooner or later that will be resolved and when it does, I believe Froch-Chavez will be made.' Froch has until December 31 to decide he wants to vacate his IBF title or face mandatory challenger James DeGale. 'We have to make a decision and Froch can either ask for an exemption, fight DeGale or vacate,' Hearn added. Chavez (left) is in dispute with his promoter but Eddie Hearn is confident the fight can be made for next year . Chavez is an icon in Mexico and would ensure Froch gets his big night in Las Vegas before he retires . 'As far as Carl is concerned, he's not phoning me up every day asking me if it's done. I phoned him last night and told him to get his running shoes ready just incase. 'He's ready to go, he's been studying Chavez and he's walking around 10lb over the limit already. 'The only time scale comes from the pressure from the IBF and the fact we represent James. 'We will be transparent with them and Carl will too. He doesn't need to hold on to belts. 'I think you'll see something being delivered in the next few weeks.'
Carl Froch is desperate to fight in Las Vegas before his career ends . The world champion could face Julio Cesar Chavez Jnr . Promoter Eddie Hearn has revealed the fight could happen in March . Froch must decide by December 31 if he wants to vacate his IBF title .
It may be too soon to give up the day job, but Wayne Rooney took to the stage at Manchester United's Christmas party to give everyone a taste of his singing voice. The England captain posted an Instagram picture of himself belting out a song with the house band while his teammates enjoyed a festive evening out at The Place in Manchester on Wednesday. Rooney, a known fan of artists including Ed Sheeran and the Stereophonics, had a concentrated expression on his face while clicking his fingers by his side - and accompanied the picture with the caption: 'My turn to do a song at the @manchesterunited Christmas party!' In another post from the evening, Rooney is pictured possibly enjoying another player's efforts from the dance floor as his wife Coleen and players including Darren Fletcher and Ashley Young laugh in the background. VIDEO Scroll down to Watch United WAGs leaving Christmas party in Manchester . Wayne Rooney sings with the band on stage at Manchester United's Christmas party . The Manchester United captain takes to the dance floor with wife Coleen (third left) Rooney is a known indie music lover - and even has a Sterephonics inspired tattoo on his right arm . After a dire start to their season under Louis van Gaal, few would have expected to see the United players smiling so brightly come December. But here they are, after four consecutive Premier League wins, grinning from ear to ear with something to celebrate at their annual Christmas Party. Striker Robin van Persie donned a big curly-haired wig, seemingly mocking his team-mate Marouane Fellaini, in a happy snap with the Belgium midfielder and back-up keeper Anders Lindegaard. Robin van Persie wears a wig in this Christmas Party snap with Anders Lindegaard and Marouane Fellaini . Lindegaard and Fellaini were 'looking after' 19-year-old Adnan Januzaj at the dinner . The Place is a Grade II listed building which was a former railway warehouse built back in 1867. In 1998 it was transformed into The Place Aparthotel but kept many of the key features. The most expensive bottle of wine on the menu is Chateauneuf du Pape at £35.95 and a bottle of Champagne Pol Roger will set you back £165 . 'Great xmas dinner with the boys!' Van Persie posted on Instagram. The players and their partners enjoyed a night of live music, singing and a disco until the early hours of Thursday morning. Lindegaard was also confident teen star Adnan Januzaj was in good hands with himself and Fellaini 'looking after' the 19-year-old as they celebrated their season's turnaround in form. Meanwhile, Radamel Falcao and his wife Lorelei Taron were beaming as they await the arrival of their first baby. Also at the party, among others, were Chris Smalling and his partner, ex-page three girl Sam Cooke, Daley Blind and girlfriend Candy-Rae Fleur and Phil Jones and girlfriend Kaya Hall. As the players and their partners headed home from the night out, the women clutched goodie bags from cosmetic company Jo Malone. Radamel Falcao poses with his pregnant wife Lorelei Taron on Wednesday night . Ashley Young puts an arm around fellow midfielder Juan Mata as Anderson sits behind the duo . England and United defender Chris Smalling and his girlfriend Sam Cooke were also in the festive spirit . Louis van Gaal and assistant manager Ryan Giggs leave United's Christmas party at The Place . Giggs sits in the car as wife Stacey lies down on his lap . Jonny Evans leaves the United party with a red wine stain on his shirt . Jonny Evans' wife Helen heads home as does Kaya Hall, Phil Jones' other half . United defender Phil Jones leaves the Christmas party with his girlfriend Kaya Hall . Jessie Lingard and girlfriend (left) look in good spirits as did Tyler Blacket and his girlfriend . Wayne Rooney leaves United's Christmas party in the back of a car . Falcao holds hands with his pregnant wife Lorelei Taron as they leave the party . Robin van Persie is all smiles as he and wife Bouchra leave the Christmas party . David de Gea is hugged as he gets into a taxi at the end of the night . Angel di Maria and partner Jorgelina Cardoso leave their first Manchester United Christmas party . Di Maria and his partner Jorgelina head home in a Lamborghini . Luke Shaw looks in good spirits as he leaves the Christmas party as Juan Mata heads for a taxi . Young United stars Andreas Pereira and James Wilson leave the seasonal shindig . Daley Blind and girlfriend Candy-Rae Fleur leave The Place . Adnan Januzaj, Anders Lindegaard and Marouane Fellaini leave The Place in Manchester together . Anderson heads home alone while goalkeeper Ben Amos leaves hand in hand with girlfriend Dani Emery . Sam Cooke and boyfriend Chris Smalling head home after the festive party . Michael Carrick and wife Lisa head home as do Rafael and his wife Karla . United started the season with a home defeat against Burnley before draws against Sunderland and Burnley, either side of an embarrassing defeat by League One MK Dons in the Capital One Cup. But now, while not totally convincing, United have overcome Crystal Palace, Arsenal, Hull and Stoke on Tuesday night in their last four games and are now fourth in the Premier League table. A Southampton side coming off the back off back-to-back defeats by Manchester City and Arsenal await United on Monday before games against Liverpool, Newcastle and Tottenham over the festive period.
Manchester United's Christmas party held at The Place on Wednesday . Wayne Rooney posted a picture of himself singing with the band on stage . Robin van Persie wore a big wig seemingly mocking Marouane Fellaini . United have won four consecutive Premier League games but face Southampton, Liverpool, Newcastle and Tottenham in December .
The eldest daughter of former Dallas Cowboys star Pettis Norman would have celebrated her 50th birthday Wednesday, but on Monday she was found shot dead inside her downtown Dallas apartment. The body of Sharneen 'Shawn' Norman was discovered by officers performing a welfare check at around 5pm. The woman's family, including her father, contacted police after having been unable to reach her by phone for several days. Scroll down for video . Slain: Sharneen 'Shawn' Norman, 49, was discovered murdered inside her Dallas apartment Monday evening . Shocking find: Police performing a welfare check discovered Miss Norman shot dead inside her apartment at 222 Browder Street in Dallas . Dallas police say Miss Norman, a former Sony Music Entertainment executive, died from a gunshot wound and her death has been ruled a homicide, reported Dallas Morning News. Pettis Norman, 75, a former Cowboys tight end, said his daughter's apartment in the DP&L Flats building at 222 Browder Street showed no evidence of forced entry. Miss Norman met up with her father and younger sisters on Thanksgiving Day for an early birthday celebration. Then on Friday she went to Pettis Norman's home to talk about their family business, a hair product company called Liquid Love, which she had been running from her apartment. In an interview with MyFox DFW, an emotional Mr Norman recalled how on the eve of his daughter's birthday he talked to her about how people in their family lived long lives. Reflecting upon the upcoming milestone in his daughter’s life, Norman told her that she still had many years ahead of her and urged her to live them well. Heartbroken: Former NFL star Pettis Norman, 75, became concerned for his eldest daughter, Shawn, after failing to reach her for several days . Miss Norman, who was divorced and had no children, moved to Dallas from New York two years ago . Shawn Norman graduated from Howard University and worked as an executive at Sony Music Entertainment handling promotions in New York City. About two years ago, Miss Norman moved back to Dallas and joined her father’s business. She was briefly married in the 1990s but had no children and lived alone. The woman was said to be very close to her father and sisters, calling and texting them every day and meeting up with her dad 4-5 times a week. Pettis Norman, a Georgia native and graduate of Johnson C. Smith University, was drafted by the Cowboys in 1962 and played for the Dallas team until 1970. He also spent two seasons with the San Diego Chargers before retiring in 1973. NFL legend: Norman, a Georgia native, spent 11 years playing for the Dallas Cowboys (left) and the San Diego Chargers (right) Entrepreneur: After retiring from the NFL in 1973, Norman (pictured in No 84 jersey) became a successful businessman . In his later life, Norman reinvented himself as a successful businessman in a wide variety of ventures, including fast food franchises, real estate, beauty products and conventicle stores. Norman’s grandson, Alex Norman, currently plays defensive tackle for the Texas Longhorns.
Sharneen 'Shawn' Norman, 49, found dead from gunshot wound inside her Dallas home Monday evening . Norman, eldest daughter of former Dallas Cowboys tight end Pettis Norman, lived alone after moving from New York to Dallas in 2012 . Death has been ruled a homicide, even though her apartment showed no signs of forced entry .
The Princes of Wales has condemned the 'horrendous and heartbreaking' persecution of religious minorities around the world and called on faith leaders to work together to enable religious freedom. In a video address played at the House of Lords, the Prince spoke of his anguish at the plight of Christianity in the Middle East, the region of its birth. The heir to the throne also urged faith leaders to ensure believers have respect for other religions instead of remaining ‘silent’ over the suffering of minorities. Scroll down for video . The Princes of Wales has spoken out about the 'horrendous and heartbreaking' persecution of religious minorities around the world . Prince Charles made the remarks in a video message which was recorded ahead of the publication of a report which says Christians are the 'most persecuted religious minority'. Describing religion as central to ‘our future as a free society’, he said the 'horrendous' events in Iraq and Syria had brought the subject of religious persecution 'to the forefront of the world's news' - but that it spread far wider. He said: 'The horrendous and heart-breaking events in Iraq and Syria have brought the subject of religious freedom and persecution to the forefront of the world's news. 'We have learnt with mounting despair of the expulsion of Christians, Muslims and Yazidis from towns and cities that their ancestors have occupied for centuries. 'Sadly, incidents of violence in Iraq and Syria are not isolated. They are found throughout some, though not all, of the Middle East; in some African nations; and in many countries across Asia.' He added: 'It is an indescribable tragedy that Christianity is now under such threat in the Middle East – an area where Christians have lived for 2,000 years, and across which Islam spread in 700 AD, with people of different faiths living together peaceably for centuries. 'It seems to me that our future as a free society – both here in Britain and throughout the world – depends on recognising the crucial role played by people of faith.' Suggesting 'several tangible courses of action', Prince Charles said faith leaders have a 'responsibility to ensure that people within their own tradition respect people from other faith traditions'. He added: 'We have yet to see the full potential of faith communities working together. In the video, Prince Charles describes the work he has undertaken to 'encourage dialogue and greater understanding between different faith traditions' He said the 'horrendous' events in Iraq and Syria had brought the subject of religious freedom and persecution 'to the forefront of the world's news' but that it spread far wider . 'Such efforts aimed at peace and mediation are possible. The report from Aid to the Church in Need highlights the example of a Muslim Imam, a Catholic Archbishop and a Protestant Minister coming together to form an inter-religious peace group in the Central African Republic. 'These seeds of hope can germinate even in nations and regions torn apart by war and violence.' He also called on governments to do their best to uphold Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights upholding the freedom of religion. But he said that this is often challenged, even in the West, adding: 'Sadly, in many other countries, an absence of freedom to determine one's own faith is woven into the laws and customs of the nation.' The Prince has become one of the most high-profile names to speak out about the persecution of Christians. Last December, he held a reception in Clarence House in response 'to the growing plight of Christians threatened by persecution in the Middle East. Having listened to their concerns, I did my best to highlight the gravity of the crisis.' In September he wrote a letter to Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako, stating that he was 'heartbroken' by the situation in Iraq, and explaining that he had sent a cheque to Aid to the Church in Need to help their work in the Middle East. This winter the charity is launching its biggest ever drive to provide shelter, food and education to 120,000 displaced Iraqi Christians in the Kurdish-controlled north of the country. The report by Aid to the Church in Need includes an introduction by Dr Paul Bhatti, brother of murdered Pakistani minister for minorities, Shabhaz Bhatti. The report concludes that of 196 countries in the world, 81 countries – or 41 percent – are identified as places where religious freedom is impaired, either 'high or medium', or is in decline. Of the others, 18 per cent were 'of concern' and the remaining 41 per cent included 'no concerns'. The heir to the throne made the remarks about religious freedom in a recorded video message for the charity Aid to the Church in Need . Prince Charles's comments come as a Christian couple were beaten to death and burned in a brick kiln in Pakistan for allegedly desecrating the Koran. The killing took place in the kiln where the couple worked in the town of Kot Radha Kishan in eastern Punjab province, police said. The attack is the latest to target minorities in Pakistan for alleged blasphemy. Under Pakistan's blasphemy laws, anyone accused of insulting Islam or the Prophet Mohammed can be sentenced to death. However, the laws are often used to settle personal scores and target minorities. Shahbaz Sharif, the top elected official in the province, has ordered a probe into the incident. 'The horrendous and heart-breaking events in Iraq and Syria have brought the subject of religious freedom and persecution to the forefront of the world's news. 'We have learnt with mounting despair of the expulsion of Christians, Muslims and Yazidis from towns and cities that their ancestors have occupied for centuries. 'Sadly, incidents of violence in Iraq and Syria are not isolated. They are found throughout some, though not all, of the Middle East; in some African nations; and in many countries across Asia. 'Thankfully, despite this bleak picture, there are inspirational people of different faiths joining together to overcome division and hatred. 'It is a well established principle of inter-faith dialogue that we judge each other by the best expressions of our faith, rather than our worst. 'Over several decades, I have been working to encourage dialogue and greater understanding between different faith traditions. Indeed, last December, I hosted a reception at Clarence House in response to the growing plight of Christians threatened by persecution in the Middle East. 'Having listened to their concerns, I did my best to highlight the gravity of the crisis. In February, during a visit to the Middle East, I attended an inter-faith dialogue which included key Christian and Muslim scholars and clergy during which we discussed the Christian-Muslim relationship. 'It is an indescribable tragedy that Christianity is now under such threat in the Middle East, an area where Christians have lived for 2,000 years and across which Islam spread in 700AD with people of different faiths living together peaceably for centuries. 'It seems to me that our future as a free society – both here in Britain and throughout the world – depends on recognising the crucial role played by people of faith. 'And of course religious faith is all the more convincing to those outside the faith when it is expressed with humility and compassion, giving space to others whatever their beliefs. 'With this in mind I would like to suggest several tangible courses of action which I believe might be helpful. 'First and foremost, rather than remaining silent, faith leaders have a responsibility it seems to me to ensure people within their own tradition respect people from other faith traditions. 'We have yet to see the full potential of faith communities working together, however, to do this effectively requires not only maturity in one's own faith but also in essential humility. 'I believe that to speak to another faith tradition and to defend those who follow it, it is profoundly helpful to speak from the core of one's own core spiritual experience. 'My own Christian faith has enabled me to speak to and to listen to people from other traditions including Islam and, as Pope Francis has recently said, such interfaith dialogue is a necessary condition for peace in the world and should be seen as a duty for all Christians, as well as for believers from other religious communities. 'Such efforts aimed at peace and mediation are possible. The report from Aid to the Church in Need highlights the example of a Muslim Imam, a Catholic Archbishop and a Protestant Minister coming together to form an inter-religious peace group in the Central African Republic. 'These seeds of hope can germinate even in nations and regions torn apart by war and violence. 'Secondly it is essential that governments honour their duty to uphold the right of people to practice their faith. 'Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of human rights is clear in stating this right includes the right to change one's religion or belief. Yet even in the west this right is often challenge . 'Sadly, in many other countries, an absence of freedom to determine one's own faith is woven into the laws and customs of the nation.'
Heir to the throne made plea for leaders of all world faiths to work together . He said events in Syria and Iraq had highlighted religious persecution . Added it was a 'tragedy' that Christianity is under such threat in Middle East . Urged people to 'respect people from other faith traditions' to create peace . He made remarks in a video message which was played at House of Lords . Came ahead of report which says Christians are most persecuted religious minority .
Jose Mourinho insisted Chelsea’s comfortable win over Tottenham proves his side can cope without Diego Costa. The Spain international was suspended for Wednesday night’s clash, but the Blues hardly missed their first-choice striker as Didier Drogba produced a virtuoso display. And even when Drogba was substituted in the second half, his replacement Loic Remy scored an exceptional goal to seal victory. VIDEO Scroll down for Jose Mourinho: Didier Drogba is remarkable, he's a team player . Jose Mourinho (far left) watches Chelsea take on Tottenham while Diego Costa watches (centre, far right) Didier Drogba filled in for Costa on Wednesday night and scored during Chelsea's 3-0 win over Tottenham . ‘We need Costa, but I think our mentality is the right mentality,’ said Mourinho. ‘We don’t have a player? We don’t cry about it. You give confidence to the others and the others respond in the best way.’ Costa is available for Saturday’s clash against Newcastle, meaning match-winner Drogba could find himself back on the bench at St James’ Park. However, Chelsea will be without key midfielder Nemanja Matic, who picked up his fifth yellow card of the season on Wednesday night, through suspension. But like the Blues coped without Costa, Mourinho insists his table-toppers can deal without their midfield lynchpin this weekend. ‘Matic is suspended? No problem, no problem,’ said Mourinho . Drogba celebrates scoring against Tottenham as the Blues went on to record a 3-0 win over their rivals . Chelsea will be without Nemanja Matic at Newcastle, who picked up his fifth yellow card of the season . ‘We’ll play another one, like Diego Costa. Did you remember Diego Costa tonight? I didn’t. We give confidence to the other people. ‘We don’t cry when somebody cannot play. Obviously Matic is playing fantastically well for us. But that’s the way we think. To forget him. ‘December is a difficult month and it’s almost impossible for players to play every game this month - certainly later in the month so I have to change some players. ‘Of course, Diego Costa is already rested and now Matic is suspended for one game so he will be rested.’ Spurs still haven’t won at Stamford Bridge since 1990, where Gary Lineker scored the winner - and Mourinho joked: 'I think Lineker is happy with that.’ Meanwhile, Spurs manager Mauricio Pochettino insisted his players believed they could end their 24-year Stamford Bridge hoodoo. ‘If you watch the game again, I think the answer is easy: we believed,’ said the Argentine. ‘We showed we believed we could get a positive result, but this is football. The first chance they created, they scored. The second chance, the second goal.’ Loic Remy celebrates making it 3-0 to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge against Tottenham . Remy helped fill in for Costa at Stamford Bridge with fellow striker Drogba on Wednesday night .
Diego Costa was suspended for Wednesday night's clash against Spurs . Chelsea beat their London rivals 3-0 at Stamford Bridge . Didier Drogba and Loic Remy were the strikers on the score-sheet .
A couple in New York wandered into a reporter's live shot from Wednesday night's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting then thought it would be funny to re-enact the final moments of Eric Garner's life. The outrageous prank is made all the more shocking by the fact that WPIX reporter Allison Kaden was on the scene to report on the protest at the ceremony. As she described the night's peaceful demonstration, a man in a suit and a woman noticed they were on camera. Scroll down for video . Shocking: Allison Kaden of WPIX in New York was covering the protests of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony when the couple pictured behind her used the opportunity to mock Eric Garner, it appears . Threw her hands up: The man in the suit first noticed the camera, but the woman threw her hands in the air, as Eric garner did just before his death, after it dawned on her what her companion was doing . The man grabbed the woman around the neck and then, as it dawned on the woman what her friend was doing, she played along and put her hands up. They both then laughed and walked off camera. Kaden finished her segment non-the-wiser. The in-studio anchors didn't seem to notice, either. However, the folks at Deadspin picked up on the sick joke and the angry comments were sure to follow. With good reason. Garner died following his altercation with police due, at least in part, to the chokehold put on him by Officer Daniel Pantaleo. The couple laugh as they scuttle out of the shot and WPIX reporter Allison Kaden finishes her segment non-the-wiser . The tree lighting ceremony came just hours after a grand jury decided not to indict a Pantaleo in Garner's  videotaped chokehold death. Mayor Bill de Blasio canceled his scheduled appearance to meet with elected officials and activists on Staten Island as citywide protests started to gather steam. Police presence was heavy as hundreds of protesters stood behind rows of police barricades jamming the sidewalks on Fifth Avenue within sight of the holiday revelers. A block away on Sixth Avenue, police in riot gear faced off with protesters behind metal barricades. But the annual tradition went on as planned. 'Never my intention': The police officer who a New York grand jury chose not to indict in the death of Eric Garner (left) has spoken out to reveal the pain he feels in the wake of the 43-year-old father of six's death. At right, the aftermath of Pantaleo's chokehold .
Allison Kaden of WPIX in New York was covering the protests of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony . After man and woman wandered into her shot, the man grabbed the woman around the neck as the woman put her hands up in the air . Both the man and woman laughed and scurried away as Kaden finished her report .
A simple test could help ensure asthmatic children get the right amount of medication to help prevent future asthma attacks. The test can accurately measure levels of inflammation within the urine that give warning signs of an imminent attack. Research led by Queen Mary University of London could result in a ‘transformational’ step to preventing worsening symptoms, hospital admissions and deaths. The research led by Queen Mary University could help prevent worsening symptoms, hospital admissions and deaths. (file picture) The UK has one of the highest rates of childhood asthma symptoms in the world, affecting 1.1 million children. One in 11 British children in the UK has asthma, the most common long term condition in childhood. Researchers reviewed 73 children aged 7-15 years to investigate the most efficient and non-invasive way of finding the optimum level of anti-inflammatory treatment for asthma. They analysed levels of prostaglandin metabolites - chemicals released by immune cells that are activated in asthma - in the urine. One of the ‘protective’ prostaglandins was greatly reduced in those children who went on to have an asthma attack within three months, giving an early warning of a worsening condition. Testing was carried out among children with asthma on days when they had no symptoms, and the researchers counted the number of days when they received medical attention or missed school due to asthma symptoms. These urine samples were compared with those of children who did not have asthma. The findings by the QML researchers, in partnership with Jagiellonian University Medical School in Krakow, Poland, are being presented today (thurs) at The British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting (must credit) in London. Dr Rossa Brugha, co-author of the report and Clinical Research Fellow at Queen Mary University of London hospital, said ‘The key factor in treating children with asthma is to tailor their medicine accurately, ensuring the right amount of anti-inflammatory medication is being prescribed. ‘This simple urine test provides an accurate way to assess chemical markers in the child’s urine, which show the level of inflammation caused by the asthma. ‘When children see their GP for their annual review, we hope that this test can help indicate the level of steroid medication they actually need. Dr Samantha Walker from Asthma UK said the research was 'promising' ‘If implemented it will help the child to manage their asthma more effectively and hopefully reduce the number of asthma attacks.’ Dr Bernard Higgins, Chairman of the British Thoracic Society Executive Committee, and consultant lung specialist at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle said ‘GPs manage a large number of children with asthma throughout the UK - and this simple test could help them to prescribe tailored treatment. ‘Most of all this is good news for the well-being of our children with asthma, but attacks of asthma are expensive to treat and if this helps us prevent them it could also save vital NHS resources.’ Asthma is a condition that affects the airways – the small tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways, the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten and become narrower, and the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and starts to swell, causing difficulty in breathing and other symptoms.. Dr Samantha Walker, Director of Research and Policy at Asthma UK, said ‘Asthma is a complex condition that affects 1 in 11 children in the UK, yet years of research underfunding means it still remains a relative mystery. ‘The development of a simple test that can be used to accurately identify children at risk of an asthma attack and then to get them on the right dose of the right treatment could be transformational in preventing attacks; this research is a promising step in that direction. ‘Parents of children with asthma now need to see more investment in asthma research like this so that life-changing breakthroughs become a reality. We need to keep children with asthma healthy and out of hospital.’
The UK has one of the highest childhood asthma rates in the world . The condition affects 1.1 million UK children - or one in 11 . The urine test measures levels of inflammation that warns of attack . Research was carried out by Queen Mary Hospital London . It is due to be presented to the British Thoracic Society .
Click here for Chris Wheeler's match report from the Stadium of Light . Manuel Pellegrini has fired a warning to league leaders Chelsea by declaring that his champions are back to their title-winning best. Manchester City were impressive 4-1 winners at Sunderland on Wednesday night with Sergio Aguero (2), Steven Jovetic and father-to-be Pablo Zabaleta on target. They fell behind to Connor Wickham’s 19th-minute effort on the ground where they have been beaten 1-0 on their last four visits. VIDEO Scroll down for Manuel Pellegrini: We are returning to our form from last season . Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero equalises with a ferocious strike against Sunderland . Aguero's strike had Sunderland sub Jozy Altidore flinching and exclaiming: ‘Oh my God!’ But Aguero soon drew them level before teeing up Jovetic for a second. Zabaleta – who married fiancée Christel during the summer - celebrated news of her pregnancy with a classy third after the break and Aguero then stole in for his 19th of the season. The striker's thumping shot was so powerful that it took Sunderland substitute Jozy Altidore by surprise – the American could be seen flinching before exclaiming: ‘Oh my God!’ It keeps the gap to Chelsea – 3-0 winners over Spurs – at six points. And Pellegrini said: ‘We are returning to the form we showed last season, especially after we beat Bayern Munich (3-2 last month). Aguero blasted the ball into the top corner past Sunderland goalkeeper Costel Pantilimon . Steven Jovetic rifled the second through Pantilimon's legs as City went 2-1 ahead . ‘There is trust in the team, it is different now, we are getting our normal performances. When the team plays that way, with one touch, moving the ball quickly, we are going to return to being a top team.’ He went on: ‘Finally we have won here. For the last four years we couldn’t do it. We repeated the performance we showed against Southampton last weekend (won 3-0) and I’m very happy about that.’ Of Aguero, who won applause from the home crowd when he was substituted late on, he added: ‘I don’t know if there is a better striker in Europe. There are a lot of good strikers, but in the last few games I think he has shown he is one of the best five players in the world. It’s not just that he is scoring, he is also playing very well generally.’ Zabaleta waits for Pantilimon to go down before calmly dinking his shot over the keeper for the third . Pablo Zabaleta celebrates scoring City's third by putting a ball under his shirt - a gesture to his pregnant wife Christel . Chelsea could only draw 0-0 at Sunderland at the weekend but remain odds-on favourites for the title. Pellegrini, though, insists it is ridiculous to determine the champions before Christmas. ‘I’ve always said it is impossible to know who is going to be champions at this time of year when you still have to play 24 games,’ he said. ‘If we continue playing in this way, I’m sure we will be in the fight for the title. Chelsea are also playing very well, but I don’t think it will just be two teams fighting for the title. There will be three or four teams fighting for the title. Manchester United have won their last four games and Arsenal are coming again.’ Pantilimon is helpless as Aguero scores Manchester City's fourth goal on Wednesday night . Hot shot Aguero has now scored 19 goals this season for Manchester City . SUNDERLAND (4-1-4-1): Pantilimon 5.5; Vergini 5.5, O'Shea 6, Coates 5, Reveillere 5; Cattermole 6; Buckley 5.5, Larsson 7, Rodwell 5.5, Wickham 6.5 (Alvarez 67mins, 6); Fletcher 6 (Altidore 5.5, 55) Subs not used: Bridcutt, Brown, Cabral, Gomez, Mannone . Scorer: Wickham 19 . Booked: Cattermole . MANCHESTER CITY (4-2-3-1): Hart 6; Zabaleta 7, Boyata 6.5, Demichelis 6.5, Clichy 6.5; Toure 6.5, Fernandinho 7; Navas 7.5, Nasri 7 (Pozo 84), Jovetic 6.5 (Milner 6.5, 55); Aguero 9 (Lampard 6, 74) Subs not used: Cabellero, Angelino, Sagna, Fernando . Scorers: Aguero 21, 71; Jovetic 39; Zabaleta 55 . Booked: Boyata . Referee: Craig Pawson 7 . MOTM: Aguero . Attendance: 41, 152 . Click here for the sustained build-ups to Manchester City's goals, including the equaliser and the first of Sergio Aguero's double (above), along with heat maps and other key stats from the Stadium of Light in Sportsmail's brilliant Match Zone . P.S. Sunderland should have been awarded a penalty when Manchester City defender Martin Demichelis pulled back Steven Fletcher . VIDEO City were better in all aspects - Poyet . Premier League are due to discuss issue of penalty-area grappling and shirt pulling after Our ‘Hands Off In The Box’ campaign .
Sergio Aguero’s thumping shot was so powerful that it took Sunderland sub Jozy Altidore by surprise . Match report: Sergio Aguero sublime as Stevan Jovetic and Pablo Zabaleta chip in to break Black Cats curse . Player ratings: Sergio Aguero and Jesus Navas star in resounding Manchester City victory . Match zone: Ruthless Sergio Aguero double inspires City to comeback victory .
When an off-duty officer from Texas visited an older woman during a well-being check, she never imagined they'd for a lasting friendship and that he'd be helping her shop for Thanksgiving groceries six-months later . Officer John Holder of the DeSoto Police Department helped 73-year-old Dorothy Shepard brave the Thanksgiving shopping crowds at a Walmart store in DeSoto and a shopper managed to snap a heartwarming photo of the unlikely pair. The police department posted the photo on their Facebook page and over 700 people liked the photo and just days later they were interviewed by WFAA-8. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO . Act of Kindness: Officer John Holder of the DeSoto, Police Department was 73-year-old Dorothy Shepard braved the Thanksgiving shopping crowds at a Walmart store in DeSoto . 'A citizen took this picture of Officer John Holder helping an elderly lady shop for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. Officer Holder took it upon himself to help and did this on his own time. Great job Officer Holder!!' said the post along with the photo. Holder told reporters that he met Shepard after visiting her home for a wellness check after she'd had neck and back surgeries and then offered her his cell number should she ever need any more help. Shepard said she was floored by Holder's kindness. 'I was so surprised that I started rambling,' she told WFAA-8. 'He listened and he was patient.' Ever since the day they met the two have become friends and when Holder is not working he drives Shepard in his squad car to doctors’ appointments and helps her out in any way he can. Friends: Ever since the day they met the two have become friends and when Holder is not working he drives Shepard in his squad car to doctors’ appointments and helps her out in any way he can . 'He said, 'I'll give you my cell phone; if you ever need anything, call me,'''Shepard recalled. 'And as it turns out, the next day I did need a ride!' 'I know police officers, but I never expected him to be that kind, and to go out of [his] way. He's just tremendous,' Shepard added. Prior to the photo being taken Holder says he didn't tell people that he'd been helping Shepard. Now he says he's been inundated with with appreciation after the photos surfaced and says he feels blessed especially with all the negative attention the media shining on police in recent days. 'I thought it was pretty amazing, all the great comments on there, since law enforcement is often seen in a negative light,' Holder said.
Officer John Holder of the DeSoto, Texas, Police Department helped 73-year-old Dorothy Shepard shop for Thanksgiving dinner . Holder met Shepard after visiting her home for a wellness check after she'd had neck and back surgeries and then offered her his help . 'I know police officers, but I never expected him to be that kind, and to go out of [his] way. He's just tremendous,' Shepard said .
A young boy battling terminal cancer got the thrill of a lifetime this weekend when he scored a touchdown in his first ever football game. Liam Myrick, a six-year-old from Houston, Missouri, who is fighting stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma, got a chance to play for the Mountain Grove Mighty Mite football team, and serve as an honorary team captain for the day. Even better, with the help of his new teammates, he also managed to run in a touchdown from 15-yards out. Big day: Liam Myrick (above with football) scored a touchdown at his first ever football game over the weekend . Fighter : Liam (above) has been battling stage 4 cancer since he was just three-years-old . Unfortunately, the excitement was short lived, as moments later the young boy was forced to take medication for his pain. Since being diagnosed at the age of 3, Liam has undergone 14 rounds of intravenous chemotherapy, two bone marrow transplants, 20 rounds of radiation and nine major surgeries his mother, Shawna Myrick, told 'His cancer is growing again and there’s not a lot that they can do because he has fluid around his heart, and the one kidney he has left is starting to fail as well as his live,' she added. The Myrick family says they got a call from Mighty Mite coach Jerry Elliot last week, saying the team would like to honor Liam at a game. Score: Moments after his big touchdown celebration, Liam was forced to take medication for his pain . Horrible news: Doctors have said that due to Liam's low energy levels the young boy does not have much time left . Helping hand: Liam's parents have set up a page where people can donate to their son's treatment . He ran through the banner with the other boys at the start of the game, participated in the coin toss, and then scored his big touchdown. 'It’s probably one of the coolest memories we’ve had,' Shawna said. Doctors have told the family that due to Liam's low energy levels, they don't think he has much time left. The family has set up a Facebook page where people can donate to help offset the cost of Liam's treatments and care here.
Liam Myrick, a six-year-old battling terminal cancer, scored a touchdown at his first football game this weekend . The young boy from Houston, Missouri, was asked to serve as an honorary captain and play for his local football team, the Mountain Grove Mighty Mite . Moments after his big score, he had to take medication for his pain .
These days we pick up a packet of frozen prawns from the supermarket almost without thinking. They’re healthy, flavour-some and cheap enough to count as an affordable treat, perhaps on a skewer for a barbecue or daintily arranged for a dinner party starter. If we give even a moment’s thought about where they come from we probably imagine a sun-burnished fisherman skilfully tossing his nets out into the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean or South China Sea before hauling in his valuable catch. Nothing, I’m afraid, could be further from the truth. Intensively farmed: Jumbo tiger prawns are not so appealing after seeing the putrid factories where feed is processed for the prawn farms . As an environmental journalist, I’ve visited Thailand, the world’s leading exporter of farmed king prawns, many times to investigate the prawn trade, and what I discovered is so horrifying I will never eat another king prawn again. Every aspect of this trade is stomach churning: from the putrid factories that process the feed to the prawn farms that pollute the oceans. Welcome to the rotting, stinking and very dangerous world of the prawn trade, a world where industrial fishing boats exploit illegal slave labour to harvest the so-called ‘trash fish’ on which the prawns are fed and leave devastating environmental damage in their wake. I began my investigation aboard the trawlers that plunder the seas to provide the feed for the prawn farms along Thailand’s shoreline. While on board, I discovered that trafficked labourers from Burma and Cambodia are forced to work 20 hours a day, seven days a week, on boats where they are often beaten, abused, even killed by unscrupulous skippers. These men suffer appalling treatment — some even dying on ship and having their bodies tossed casually overboard — just so we can taste king prawns in a lunchtime sandwich or Friday night curry. The damage to our oceans is also devastating. Watching a haul of trash fish being . pulled over the side of a Thai fishing boat is a heart-breaking sight: a . muddy mess of seaweed and rocks mixed with a vast variety of small or . juvenile sea creatures: crabs, starfish, sponges and small fish that . will not get the chance to grow any bigger. 'Horrifying': Jim Wickens says that now he has seen Thailand's king prawn trade first hand, he will never eat a one again . It was a sight I had to get used to as I worked undercover on these boats. My technique for getting aboard was a dangerous one. More than once I had to throw myself into the sea so that a passing trash fish boat was obliged to ‘rescue’ me. From my vantage point on deck, I saw how this grisly industry operates at first hand. Every few hours, a whistle would sound and a net would be hauled up from the depths, raised above the deck and, on a signal from the captain, the contents spilled out. Panicked marine creatures including sea snakes, baby octopus, sea horses, puffer fish and pretty pink crabs would scurry across the deck, only to be crushed underfoot and shovelled up into a heap before being thrown into the hold. These trawlermen employ one of the most environmentally damaging forms of commercial fishing to be found anywhere in the world: bottom trawling. This practice, which sees the nets weighted down so that they sink to the sea bed, is enormously destructive. Entire tranches of marine life are effectively swept away and habitats and ecosystems that might have been there for centuries are destroyed. Breeding populations of many marine species are being all but destroyed and with them the futures of local fishermen who, until the arrival of the bottom trawlers, had been harvesting sustainable catches of local fish for decades. But no longer. Back on deck, the often enslaved crews, who are tricked into coming to Thailand by the false promise of generous wages, are woken by the deafening blare of an air horn mounted above their cramped sleeping quarters. Exhausted, but too frightened to disobey an order, they stumble to the deck to sort through the latest trash fish catch. It’s only really the rocks and the weed that go over the side; everything else is shovelled into an already stinking hold. Many of these boats do have ice-controlled holds, but they are reserved for commercially valuable catches. The trash fish go straight into a filthy compartment where, with boats often at sea for days at a time, they soon start to rot. Damage: The Thai fishing trade leaves serious environmental damage in its wake and pollution in the ocean . By the time they return to port, the stench from these holds is almost unimaginable and there are regular reports of crewmen fainting and even dying after they’ve been sent into the holds to help with unloading, only to be overcome by the toxic fumes. These men are often at sea for months, even years at a time, thanks to the unscrupulous practice of transferring crew from a returning vessel loaded with fish, to an empty trawler setting out. In such harsh working conditions, where disobedience is often met with a beating from a metal pipe or even a bullet, suicides are common and murders not unknown. One crewman I spoke to had been shot at four times and had seen at least one crewmate killed. These desperate men are dying unnoticed, far out at sea, hundreds of miles from their homes and family.Once the trawlers return to port, the commercially valuable fish are unloaded first and sold at the dockside market. Putrid: The king prawns are fed on 'trash fish' It is only later in the day, when the market has cleared and the port almost seems to have shut down, that the trash fish trucks arrive. Time and again, I witnessed the boats’ stinking holds being unloaded and their rotting cargo shovelled into ten-tonne dumper trucks. From here, it is a very smelly ride to an industrial processing plant, where the feed destined for prawn farms is produced. It is produced amid swarms of flies, temperatures that can approach 38C and a sweltering humidity of 100 per cent. The stench is foul. Load upon load of putrid fish and decaying marine creatures is poured into fetid storage containers. Every now and then you spot the eye of a beautiful coral fish or the glint of a long-dead starfish as the noxious mess is crushed and passed through a series of ovens until the final product — fish flour — is obtained. Transformed into pellets, this is then driven to the prawn farms that have all but destroyed Thailand’s mangrove forests. If you’d driven down the coast of the Gulf of Thailand 20 or 30 years ago you’d have seen mile after mile of these flooded forests, an incredible breeding ground for fish and a natural barrier that protected Thai farmers and their land from tsunamis. Today, however, most of these forests are gone. In their place is mile after mile of prawn ponds, their valuable contents protected by high fencing and security lighting. In these ponds, prawns are farmed on an industrial scale to meet booming demand from consumers in North America and Europe. In Britain, we consume about 85,000 tonnes of prawns a year, two-thirds of which are warm-water prawns like those farmed in Thailand. The trade is worth £450 million in Britain alone. Prawns need brackish, slightly salty water, which is why former mangrove forests that have been cleared of their trees and cut off by sluices from the sea are ideal. But prawns also need feeding — a lot of feeding. Spend a day peering through one of those security fences and you’ll see men coming out every few hours to toss another bucket of ‘feed’ to the growing prawns. I watched from the side of one prawn pond as they prepared to harvest the fattened prawns. The sluices were opened and the prawns caught in a filter as the water drained out. They are beheaded and frozen in minutes but, in many cases, the filthy lagoon water, a grim cocktail of several months’ worth of excreta and food waste, is simply washed out into what’s left of the surrounding mangrove forests or straight out to sea. Concerned about Thailand: In Hugh's Fish Fight, TV chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall went to examine farmed King Prawns, at Asia's biggest prawn market near Bangkok . Thailand does have marine conservation laws designed to protect both its coastal waters and specially designated marine conservation reserves. But these are poorly policed and routinely ignored by ruthless commercial fishing fleets whose only concern is short-term profit at any cost. Meanwhile, thousands of miles from this marine destruction, we unthinkingly bite into a delicious skewer of tiger prawns, perhaps coated with garlic butter. But what are the alternatives to industrially produced prawns? Some certification schemes for so-called ‘responsibly produced’ prawns do exist, and marginal improvements to farming practices are beginning to take place. But in my research I have found that none of the certification schemes properly address the damage being done to local communities or the destruction to the marine environment caused by trash fishing. King prawns can also be produced organically. Naturally, this makes them very expensive for supermarket customers. But even organic prawn farming usually requires the destruction of wild mangrove forest — even if trash fishing has been avoided. As consumers, however, we can look elsewhere. There are cold-water prawns from the North Atlantic, which currently account for about one-third of all prawns eaten in this country. Dublin Bay prawns from the Irish Sea  — most of which are currently exported to France as langoustine — are another alternative. Neither, however, is currently available as cheaply or conveniently as Thailand’s tiger prawns. The only answer, I believe, is to stop eating warm-water king prawns altogether. I, for one, don’t want slave labour and the destruction of the ocean mixed in with my prawn cocktail. Do you?
'I'll never eat a king prawn again' says Wickens after seeing Thai prawn trade . The environment is left devastated and polluted by unscrupulous trawlers . Trafficked labourers from Burma and Cambodia work in appalling conditions .
The US Navy has launched an investigation into allegations that some of the first female sailors to serve on submarines were secretly videotaped in the shower by a male serviceman. According to an incident report written last month, the unsuspecting women were recorded bathing and changing aboard the ballistic missile submarine USS Wyoming. A 24-year-old second class petty officer allegedly made the videos over the past year and distributed them among his male colleagues. Violated: US Navy has launched investigation into allegations that some of the first women to serve on the USS Wyoming were secretly videotaped in the shower by a male sailor . Vile act: A 24-year-old second class petty officer is accused of recording at least three women while they were showering on undressed aboard the Ohio-class ballistic missile sub . The clips were said to depict at least three servicewomen in the shower and in various states of undress aboard the Wyoming - an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine with its homeport in Kings Bay, Georgia, reported the Navy Times. The first female sailors were introduced to American subs beginning in 2011 as part of a concerted integration effort, which has been labeled a success by the Navy. The privacy violation scandal comes at an especially sensitive time as Navy officials are preparing to integrate Virginia-class attack submarines. Come January, six female officers will join the crews of USS Virginia and USS Minnesota, according to a statement issued in October 2013 by Vice Admiral Michael Connor, commander of Submarine Forces. A ballistic missile sub such as the USS Wyoming typically has 15 officers and 140 enlisted crew members on board. Officers of both sexes use the same bathing facilities, but whenever a woman is in the shower she is expected to put up a sign indicating her presence inside, and her male comrades must wait until she comes out before entering. Trailblazers: USS Wyoming was among the first submarines to welcome female officers in 2011 . Smooth sailing: The integration of ballistic missile submarine crews, which got under way in 2010, has been labeled a success by the Navy . According to Navy Times, some of the women depicted in the videos are unhappy with the way Navy brass has been handling the incident. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service has launched a probe into the matter, and a spokeswoman for Submarine Group 10 in Kings Bay said the Navy would hold those involved accountable. The man accused of videotaping his female colleagues has not been named in the November 14 incident report, but he has been described as a petty officer assigned to Trident Training Facility. Investigators were first tipped off about the videos last month by an officer from another submarine who received the recordings. The USS Wyoming was at the forefront of the integration effort, welcoming a dozen female supply and line officers in 2011. A retired supply officer who was in charge of mentoring the new arrivals recalled how on the first day of their tenure she was approached by a male sailor who asked her: 'Where are the females?' ‘I looked at him and said, “All right, let's get one thing straight: They're not females, they're junior officers on this boat, they're division officers, and you will address them as Ensign So-and-So, and you can tell everybody else on the boat, ‘" she told the paper. Poor timing: The videotape scandal comes at a time when Navy officials are preparing to introduce female sailors to Virginia-class attack subs . In an ABC News story from May 2012, female submariners talked in glowing terms about how smoothly the integration has been going, and how their biggest challenge was becoming junior officers. ‘Outside of being female on a submarine, all of us are trying to qualify, all of us are trying to support the ward room and trying to be a team member. That is challenging, in itself,’ Ensign Abigail Holt said at the time. Female officers now serve on at least seven subs. By 2020, the Navy will allow enlisted female sailors to serve on submarines as well. Since the Navy lifted its ban on female submariners in 2010, at least 43 women have joined the service.
US Navy has launched investigation into alleged privacy violations aboard ballistic missile submarine USS Wyoming . A 24-year-old second class petty officer accused of recording at least three female services showering or undressed over past year . USS Wyoming was among first submarines in the Navy to welcome female officers in 2011 . Beginning in January, Navy is expected to integrate Virginia-class attack submarines .
A plane flying from Nigeria to London had to make an emergency landing on a Spanish island when a woman gave birth in business class. Ujunwa Eneh Ozeh, who turned 31 today, went into labour at 36,000 feet while flying from her home town of Abuja, Nigeria's capital, to London Heathrow, despite only being 26 weeks pregnant. The pilot of the British Airways flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Palme de Mallorce, in the Balearic Islands, where the mother and baby, who has been called Michael, were rushed to the island's Son Espases hospital. Scroll down for video . Ujunwa Ozeh was on a British Airways flight when she went into labour at only 26 weeks pregnant . The Boeing 777 was flying from Abuja, Nigeria, to London Heathrow but had to make an emergency landing in Palma de Mallorca . An example of a flatbed in a BA flight's Club Class section, where Mrs Ozeh gave birth . While Mrs Ozeh will be discharged on Monday, Michael is currently in the intensive care unit and will remain in hospital until August, around his original due date, so he can develop properly. Mrs Ozeh said: 'I don't have any other option than to stay here on the island. My baby needs me to just hang in there for him until it is safe for him to come home with me.' The mother-of-two was travelling with her one-year-old daughter Nnedinma and was planning to catch a connecting flight from London to Washington, USA, where she was taking the little girl for vacation. Nnedinma was born in the United States but Mrs Ozeh is insistent she was not retuning the country to have Micheal. She said: 'I was going for the summer, Michael was not due until August, there is no way I would be able to stay in the United States until August. I had a return ticket to Nigeria booked for May 28, so I intended to stay for a few weeks and then go home.' When her water broke, fellow passengers alerted the cabin crew who put out a call for doctors over the intercom. A female doctor, currently unidentified, was onboard and able to oversee the birth with the help of flight crew, who are trained in birthing procedures. At first, the housewife at first refused to believe she had gone into labour so early. It used to be the case that a baby born on board a British ship or aircraft would automatically get British citizenship. This was based on a UN directive aimed at minimising the number of people in the world without a registered state. However, . the British Nationality Act 1981, stated that any such baby, born after . January 1, 1983, would not be granted British citizenship unless at . least one parent already held it. Mrs Ozeh said: 'I just wasn't thinking that I could be in labour, I couldn't imagine it. When the doctor told me that the baby was coming I went into total shock, I can't really remember, I wasn't able to think clearly.' Once the plane had touched down, mother and baby were raced to hospital where they are stable. Mrs Ozeh said: 'I am fine and healthy and the doctor said that Michael is doing pretty well, that it's looking good and he is trying to survive.' Her husband, Kaycee Ozeh, a local businessman in Nigeria, is now scurrying to get a visa so he can travel to be with his wife and children. Mrs Ozeh said she had never thought the baby would come so early, or would not have attempted travelling. Ujunwa Ozeh and baby Michael was rushed to hospital after the plane landed on the island of Palma de Mallorca, pictured. Michael is currently in the ICU and will be kept in hospital until August . She said: 'Right now, [Mr Ozeh] doesn't have a Spanish visa but I need him to come here. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get out of the hospital, I'm completely in the dark. I need my husband because I don't know the next step to take.' Under BA regulations, pregnant woman can . fly on their planes until the end of their 36th week, or 32nd week if . carrying more than one baby. Once the emergency was dealt with, the plane continued on to the UK, arriving only thirty minutes late. A spokesman for British Airways said: 'Our cabin crew, who are trained in birthing procedures, assisted with the delivery of a baby on board our flight from Abuja. 'The Captain diverted the aircraft to Palma so that mum and baby could be taken to hospital. 'We are in touch and will continue to provide any support and help we can. 'We wish the mother and her little one all the very best.'
Ujunwa Ozeh, 31, went into labour at only 26 weeks pregnant while on a BA flight from Nigeria to London . The plane made an emergency landing on the island of Palma de Mallorca so the woman and newborn could receive medical attention . They both remain in hospital but are stable . Once the emergency was dealt with the flight continued Heathrow, arriving only thirty minutes late .
Professor Lennart Bengtsson, who claims his research on global warming is being 'covered up' A scientific study which suggests global warming has been exaggerated was rejected by a respected journal because it might fuel climate scepticism, it was claimed last night. The alarming intervention, which raises fears of ‘McCarthyist’ pressure for environmental scientists to conform, came after a reviewer said the research was ‘less than helpful’ to the climate cause. Professor Lennart Bengtsson, a research fellow at the University of Reading and one of five authors of the study, said he suspected that intolerance of dissenting views on climate science was preventing his paper from being published. ‘The problem we now have in the climate community is that some scientists are mixing up their scientific role with that of a climate activist,’ he told the Times. Prof Bengtsson’s paper suggests that the Earth’s environment might be much less sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously thought. If he and his four co-authors are correct, it would mean that carbon dioxide and other pollutants are having a far less severe impact on climate than green activists would have us believe. The research, if made public, would be a huge challenge to the finding of the UN’s Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that the global average temperature would rise by up to 4.5C if greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were allowed to double. The paper suggested that the climate might be less sensitive to greenhouse gases than had been claimed by the IPCC in its report last September, and recommended that more work be carried out ‘to reduce the underlying uncertainty’. The five contributing scientists submitted the paper to Environmental Research Letters – a highly regarded journal – but were told it had been rejected. A scientist asked by the journal to assess the paper under the peer review process reportedly wrote: ‘It is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of “errors” and worse from the climate sceptics media side.’ Prof Bengtsson, 79, said it was ‘utterly unacceptable’ to advise against publishing a paper on the political grounds. He said: ‘It is an indication of how science is gradually being influenced by political views. The reality hasn’t been keeping up with the [computer] models. Professor Bengtsson currently works for the Meteorology department at the University of Reading . ‘If people are proposing to do major changes to the world’s economic system we must have much more solid information.’ Next year the UN hopes to broker an international agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol which would impose legally binding targets on every country. The last attempt, at the Copenhagen conference in 2009, ended in disaster, with recriminations flying and all chances of a deal in tatters. The Paris conference in December 2015 is thought by many politicians to be the last realistic chance for a deal to be made if disastrous climate change is to be averted. A controversy at this stage risks putting the science which underpins the negotiations at doubt, something many - not least politicians in Britain and the US - will be keen to avoid. The publisher of the Environmental Research Letters journal last night said Professor Bengtsson’s paper had been rejected because it contained errors and did not sufficiently advance the science. A spokesman for IOP Publishing said: ‘The paper, co-authored by Lennart Bengtsson, was originally submitted to Environmental Research Letters as a research Letter. ‘This was peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers, who reported that the paper contained errors and did not provide a significant advancement in the field, and therefore failed to meet the journal’s required acceptance criteria. ‘As a consequence, the independent reviewers recommended that the paper should not be published in the journal which led to the final editorial decision to reject the paper.’
Professor Lennart Bengtsson claims his study on global warming has been rejected as it might fuel climate scepticism . Says he suspects an intolerance of dissenting views on climate science . Paper suggests that climate is less sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously thought .
The Houston Sheriff's office got a hand in busting local drug dealers last Friday thanks to a supplier with a poor memory for addresses. Police arrested three individuals and seized narcotics with an estimated street value of $100,000 after a neighbor received a FedEx package of cocaine, heroin and meth and called police. Busted: Sheriff's deputies found a stockpile of narcotics and weapons during a raid on a northwest Houston home, arresting Leslie Peck (left), 32, Stephanie Adams, 30 (center) and Michael Taylor (right), 45 . Sheriff Adrian Garcia said a resident from a quiet neighborhood in northwest Houston received a FedEx package that had been incorrectly addressed. When they opened it, they found cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin, and tipped police anonymously through Harris County's mobile app, the Houston Chronicle reports. When sheriff's deputies raided the intended address, they found an astonishing variety of drugs and weapons. Among the narcotics found in the bust were marijuana, cocaine, morphine, LSD, steroids, black tar heroin and codeine, as well as cancer medications police believe were stolen from a pharmacy. Busted! drugs and paraphernalia seized after a package containing heroin and other drugs was delivered to the wrong Houston address and the resident notified authorities . Among the narcotics found in the bust were marijuana, cocaine, morphine, LSD, steroids, black tar heroin and codeine, as well as cancer medications . Narcotics: A package containing heroin and other drugs delivered to the wrong Houston address . Staggering: When sheriff's deputies raided the intended address, they found an astonishing variety of drugs and weapons . Police arrested three individuals and seized narcotics with an estimated street value of $100,000 after a neighbor received a FedEx package of cocaine, heroin and meth and called police . The sheriff's office estimated that the street value of the seized narcotics was $100,000 and said they also found $6,700 in cash on hand in the home. Police say they also seized an arsenal of shotguns, handguns and an AR-15 outfitted with a military-grade night scope, along with scales and baggies. During the bust, police found one of the suspects, Stephanie Adams, 30, using meth while her 5-year-old daughter slept in the other room. Adams and the other two suspects, Michael Taylor, 45, and Leslie Peck, 32, are being held on narcotics and weapons charges. The Houston Sheriff's office said that the supplier who shipped the package is not yet in police custody. Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia speaks at a news conference announcing the recovering of guns, drugs and cash taken during an October 2014 bust that began when a package was delivered to the wrong address . Police say they also seized an arsenal of shotguns, handguns and an AR-15 outfitted with a military-grade night scope .
The shipment of drugs was addressed to a neighbor, who tipped police . When deputies raided the suspected home, they found a stash of narcotics with an estimated value of $100,000 . Deputies also discovered an arsenal of shotguns and handguns, and an AR-15 with a military-grade scope .
Tiny quantities of anti-depressants flushed down our sinks and toilets are having a dramatic effect on the behaviour and biology of crustaceans. Scientists are becoming increasingly aware that common drugs including Prozac and Sertraline are ending up in our seas and rivers via human waste treatment plants. The research found even low concentrations of these drugs are causing the creatures to change colour, grow larger or spawn more regularly. Researchers claim aquatic wildlife, such as the spot prawn pictured, can be affected by exceedingly small amounts - as little as one nanogramme per litre - of prescription drugs. The research found even low concentrations of these drugs can cause creatures to change colour, grow larger or spawn more regularly . A range of antidepressants aimed at pets with behavioural problems could become available in the UK later this year. Prozac-style drugs would help benefit 80 per cent of Britain's eight million dogs, according to a recent study. The research found that the idiosyncrasies of man’s best friend, such as chasing their tail relentlessly and barking at the door even if nobody is there, are often born from psychological problems such as anxiety and phobic behaviour. And in some cases, a lower concentration affected the creatures more than a higher dose. ‘There is a staggering list of prescription drugs passed from humans to wastewater treatment plants and into receiving streams, estuaries, or oceans by direct consumption, metabolism, and excretion, or by toilet flushing of old prescriptions,’ said Dr Alex Ford, a marine biologist from the University of Portsmouth. ‘Marine invertebrates, such as amphipod shrimp become more active and increase their speed of movement, while freshwater snails display altered reproduction, and some lose their ability to attach to surfaces. ‘Some bivalve species, such as zebra mussels, were induced to spawn when exposed to anti-depressants. Researchers claim a staggering number of prescription drugs, including Prozac, stock image pictured, are being passed from humans to wastewater treatment plants and into streams, estuaries, or oceans by direct consumption, metabolism, and excretion, or by toilet flushing of old prescriptions . Some bivalve species, including zebra mussels, pictured left, are induced to spawn when exposed to antidepressants. Marine invertebrates, such as amphipod shrimp become more active while freshwater snails, pictured right, display altered reproduction and some lose their ability to attach to surfaces . Dr Ford added that just as antidepressants affect hormones such as serotonin in the human brain, many biological functions within invertebrates are similarly under the control of serotonin. ‘In many invertebrates, serotonin controls the release of certain pigments, causing the creature to change colour and recent studies have shown that anti-depressants can alter colour changes in cuttlefish. The drugs can also affect growth, feeding and metabolism,’ he said. ‘What we now know is they can be affected by exceedingly small amounts, as little as one nanogram per litre - the equivalent of dropping a few grains of the compound into an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Just as anti-depressants affect hormones such as serotonin in the human brain, many biological functions within invertebrates are similarly under the control of serotonin. For example, in invertebrates such as the cuttlefish, pictured, serotonin controls the release of certain pigments, causing the creature to change colour . ‘Although concentrations observed in our rivers and estuaries are very small, it's worrying that an increasing number of studies have shown that these incredibly small concentrations can dramatically alter the biology of the organisms they come in contact with.’ Dr Ford said the release of human pharmaceuticals into aquatic ecosystems is an environmental problem we should consider seriously. ‘A body of evidence is building that suggests anti-depressants at concentrations currently found in surface, waste and groundwater are sufficient to cause a wide variety of effects. ‘This is despite the fact that reports indicate these types of drugs take up only 4 per cent of the known pharmaceuticals detected in the environment.’ The research is published in the journal Aquatic Toxicology.
A 'staggering' amount of drugs are being flushed into seas and rivers . These include antidepressants such as Prozac and Sertraline . Lower than expected concentrations are affecting the behaviour and biological make-up of aquatic creatures . Shrimps move faster, while snails lose the ability to attach to surfaces . Other effects include changing colour, growing larger and spawning more .
The Colonial-style home where Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza lived with his mother now belongs to the town after local officials agreed to buy it for $1. Mary Ann Jacob, head of the Newtown Legislative Council, says the council voted on Wednesday to accept ownership of the house. It was deeded to the town by a bank that owned it. Jacob says any decision on how to use the property would come later and would involve the Board of Selectmen. Belongs to Newton: The Colonial-style home where Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza lived with his mother now belongs to the town . Mass shooter: Twenty-year-old Lanza shot his mother Nancy Lanza to death at the house before killing 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012 . Twenty-year-old Lanza shot his mother Nancy Lanza to death at the house before killing 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. Adam Lanza killed himself at the school as police arrived. Some Newtown residents have said they'd like to see the property torn down and replaced with a park or nature preserve. NBC reports that the colonial home, built in 1998, was priced at $366,540 in 2012. Killed: Adam Lanza killed his mother Nancy Lanza at the home before executing the school shooting .
The Colonial-style home where Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza lived with his mother now belongs to the town . In 2012 Lanza, 20, shot his mother Nancy Lanza to death at the house before killing 20 first-graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary . Some Newtown residents have said they'd like to see the property torn down and replaced with a park or nature preserve . The colonial home, built in 1998, was priced at $366,540 in 2012 .
Prominent civil activist Cornel West has been arrested in Ferguson, Missouri as more than 1,000 people march through the city to rally against police violence. The Princeton University philosopher and author was hauled away in handcuffs as protesters called for the arrest of a white police officer who shot dead unarmed teen Michael Brown in August. He was one of at least 50 detained by officers at the demonstrations which went on late into the night. Ahead of his arrest, West told a crowd at Saint Louis University on Monday: 'It's a beautiful thing to see people on fire for justice but I didn't come here to give a speech. I came here to go to jail.' He added that he wanted to help the black youth get their voices heard. Arrest: Philosopher Cornel West, left, and another man are taken into custody after performing an act of civil disobedience at the Ferguson, Missouri police station on Monday as hundreds others continue to march . Speaking out: West ,a Princeton-educated philosopher and civic activist, is caught in a scuffle with police . Rally: Ahead of his arrest, he was pictured marching through the streets of Ferguson with other protesters . March: Protesters march to the police station with crosses with the names of black men who have been killed . 'The larger system has been victimizing and coming at them,' he said. West joined hundreds of protesters taking part in the 'Ferguson October' rally. The Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, a Boston-based minister and activist, was also arrested, MSNBC reported. The protesters are calling for the arrest of a white police officer, Darren Wilson, who killed Brown. Last week, another black teenager, Vonderrit Myers Jr., also died at the hands of a white police officer - further inflaming tensions. On Sunday, at least 17 protesters were arrested by police in riot gear for refusing to disperse during a spontaneous sit-in at a convenience store. Officers said protesters threw rocks, while cops responded with pepper spray, witnesses said. Just hours later, on Monday morning, hundreds of protesters descended on Saint Louis University campus and announced they were there to stay. Hands up: A police officer grabs a protester during the demo outside the police station on Monday . Reaching out: Members of the clergy and other demonstrators protest outside the Ferguson police station . Emotional: A member of the clergy sobs during a prayer calling for an end to racial injustice during the protest . Cuffed: Demonstrators are arrested following a show of civil disobedience outside the police station . Understanding: A woman who identified herself as Dragonfly gets a hug from Ferguson police Sergeant Michael Wood after sharing her fear of police brutality with Wood during the demo on Monday . Powerful: Pastor Charles Burton lies on the driveway of the police station as a chalk drawing is made as a memorial to Michael Brown on Monday . Victim: A police officer stands over a chalk outline representing shooting victim Michael Brown on Monday . The shootings - which police say came after altercations with the young men - have cast a spotlight on the state of race relations in the U.S. two years after black 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot dead by a Florida neighborhood watch officer in another high-profile incident in 2012. This morning's march on the university campus - which was far larger than previous overnight marches in Ferguson - was the first of what was expected to be a series of acts of civil disobedience around the region on Monday, the New York Times reported. As they walked through the streets, they shouted: 'Indict, convict, put the killer cops in jail, the whole damn system is guilty as hell.' When they reached the campus, they announced they were staging a sit-in. 'As of right now, this is our spot,' a protest leader beside the clock tower on the campus said at 2am on Monday. 'We're not going anywhere. This is our land. Everybody get comfortable.' Anger: Demonstrators listen to speakers during a rally on the campus of Saint Louis University early on Monday as they call for an indictment of Darren Wilson, the officer who shot dead unarmed teen Michael Brown . Ready to fight: Demonstrators listen to speakers during a rally on the campus of Saint Louis University on October 13. The rally came after a weekend of sit-ins and protests against police violence . Determined: Vonderrit Myers Sr., whose son was shot dead by an off-duty police officer last week, speaks to demonstrators who marched onto the campus of Saint Louis University on Monday morning . Speaking out: Demonstrators march through the streets on October 13 in St Louis, Missouri . March: West, center, and Joshua Williams, 18, right, march arm-in-arm with protesters towards the St. Louis University campus where protesters announced they were staging a sit-in . Vonderrit Myers Sr., whose son was shot dead in Shaw last Wednesday, told the crowd, 'You make my heart easier,' before he held a four-minute moment of silence. Sunday's arrests were in the same neighborhood where the second shooting occurred. St. Louis police spokeswoman Schron Jackson said 17 people . had been arrested for unlawful assembly early on Sunday at the . parking lot of the QuikTrip convenience store. But Mervyn Marcano, who is handling media relations for a group . that provides jail support for protesters, said at least 19 . people had been arrested. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson tweeted that protesters were throwing rocks at the police - but the . protesters responded on Twitter that they had not thrown anything. Witnesses transmitting live video from the small overnight . protest in the Shaw neighborhood - where Myers was gunned down - showed a few dozen . people sitting on the ground outside the convenience store. Protests: Demonstrators protesting the shootings kneel before police on Sunday, when 17 arrests were made . Sit-in: About 50 protesters seeking justice for the Michael Brown and Vonderrit D. Myers shootings at the hands of police officers conduct a sit-in outside a QuikTrip convenience store on Sunday . In custody: A demonstrator is arrested by police in riot gear in St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday . A demonstrator protesting the shooting deaths reacts to a self defense spray used by police in riot gear . A demonstrator uses a bottle of milk as he reacts to a self defense spray used by police in riot gear . Face to face: Protesters stand in front of police outside the Ferguson police station on Saturday . Thousands of people took to the streets of the midwestern US city of St Louis to protest police tactics in the wake of the racially charged shooting of an unarmed black teenager . Defense: Civil rights organizations and people from around the country are in St Louis for the protests . Witnesses said some people were hit with pepper spray and what appeared tohave been tear gas, though that could not be confirmed. Last Wednesday, an off-duty white officer working for a . security firm shot dead 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers Jr. in the . Shaw neighborhood in what police described as a firefight. There were no reports of arrests at protest rallies on . Saturday that drew thousands of people. The police have largely . adopted a non-confrontational stance and protest organizers work . to maintain order and a non-violent approach. The mother of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old shot dead onAugust 9 by white officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, walked at thefront of a rally on Saturday evening in the suburb of Ferguson. Call for justice: Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, left, gunned down 18-year-old Michael Brown, right, on August 9. Brown was unarmed when he was shot but Wilson has not been charged with a crime . Second death: Vonderrit Myers Jr., 18, was shot dead by an off-duty police officer in Shaw last Wednesday . Taunts: Demonstrators taunt officers in riot gear as they protest the shooting death of Brown in August . A group of about 200 marched on a QT (QuikTrip) in the Grove district, where some briefly staged a sit-in. A police car was attacked, prompting at least 10 arrests, and tear gas was released to disperse the crowd . Lesley McSpadden, who has criticized Ferguson police, has . only rarely participated in protests. She eventually left the . group, which grew to over 1,000 people and moved on to Ferguson . police headquarters. Brown's death triggered a national uproar in August over . police accountability and protesters have called for the arrest . and prosecution of Wilson. A grand jury is . now considering the case. At the culmination of the Ferguson march on Saturday night, . protesters shouted insults at a line of police in helmets and . shields, with some demonstrators wearing bandanas or scarves . over their faces. But there were no arrests or violence, a . police spokesman said. Fighting back: The two deaths have cast a spotlight on fraught race relations in the United States . Not giving up: People march in protest of the shootings on Saturday during the weekend of rallys . Marching on: Another image shows protesters outside the Ferguson Police Department on Friday . Earlier on Saturday, thousands of protesters in downtown St. Louis marched and rallied at a plaza, where organizers included . Hands Up United, an activist group that emerged after Brown's . death. Union members, gay rights activists and people from the . Occupy movement joined in. Civil rights organizations and . protest groups had invited people from across the United States . to join vigils and other weekend events in the St. Louis area. 'This isn't going to stop until there is change with police . and black youth,' said Tory Russell, a founder of Hands Up . United.
West was arrested outside the Ferguson police station on Monday as protesters staged rallies for 'Ferguson October', at least 50 detained . Protesters are calling for justice in the face of recent police violence . Two black teens have been shot dead by St Louis-area officers in recent months: Michael Brown, 18, in August and Vonderrit Myers, 18, last week . Early Monday, hundreds marched through St Louis and descended on Saint Louis University's campus and announced they intend to stay . Protesters threw rocks at police early on Sunday, police say - while witnesses said cops responded with tear gas . Early Monday, hundreds marched through St Louis and descended on Saint Louis University's campus and announced they intend to stay . On Saturday, protesters - who have come from across the country to St Louis - marched for justice for Brown but no arrests were made .
Brent Taylor, a 23-year teaching veteran, was ordered to review a hygiene course by the principal at Scootney Springs Elementary School . The parents of an 8-year-old student at a school in Washington state are unhappy after their son was ordered to unclog a toilet with his bare hands. The incident happened on November 6 at Scootney Springs Elementary School in the small city of Othello. The third-grader said he reported the blocked toilet and teacher Brent Taylor told him to clear it with his hands. ‘It’s nothing I haven’t done before,’ Taylor reportedly told the student. Artie and Lisa Adams said they learned of the incident when they asked their son about his day at school. ‘He said everything was good, but my teacher made me put my hand inside the toilet. We were like, “What?’” Artie Adams told KEPR. The parents complained and the school principal reprimanded Taylor and ordered the 23-year teaching veteran to review a hygiene course. Taylor had taken the same course just two months ago. He also received a warning letter. Othello Superintendent George Juarez has said he stands by the principal's decision and he doesn’t plan to investigate the incident further. The Adams family are unhappy at what they consider to be too lax a punishment. ‘He did get made fun of, kids did see this happen and he’s not going to go to that school,’ Lisa Adams told KEPR. The boy has since transferred to another school. Artie and Lisa Adams are unhappy after teacher Brent Taylor ordered their 8-year-old son to unclog a toilet with his bare hands . The Adams' 8-year-old son has left Scootney Springs Elementary School in Washington state as a result of the incident .
Artie and Lisa Adams are unhappy after teacher Brent Taylor ordered their 8-year-old son to unclog a toilet with his hands . 'It's nothing I haven't done before,' Taylor told the student . The principal at the elementary school in Othello, Washington, ordered the 23-year teaching veteran to take a hygiene course . The boy's parents are unhappy about the punishment and have transferred their son to another school .
Didier Drogba rolled back the years as Chelsea maintain their six point lead at the Premier League summit with victory over Tottenham. And Jose Mourinho opened the door to the veteran striker staying another season at Stamford Bridge after his vintage display against Mauricio Pochettino’s men. The Ivorian made one and scored another as Chelsea maintained their unbeaten start to the season. VIDEO Scroll down for Jose Mourinho: Didier Drogba is remarkable, he's a team player . Didier Drogba shared this picture of the Chelsea players celebrating the Tottenham win in the dressing room on his Instagram account . Didier Drogba gets ahead of Jan Vertonghen to put Chelsea two up just three minutes after Hazard's goal . The irrepressible striker celebrates his goal by the corner flag and the match was as good as done . Lloris is beaten by Drogba's shot for Chelsea's second goal as Tottenham conceded two in three minutes . Drogba, by contrast, was very happy and rushed to the corner flag to celebrate his goal . Didier Drogba salutes to the Chelsea fans after extending his side's lead at Stamford Bridge against Totenham . CHELSEA (4-2-3-1): Courtois 6.5; Ivanovic 6.5, Cahill 6 (Zouma 46min, 6), Terry 7, Azpilicueta 6.5; Fabregas 7 (Mikel 76), Matic 7; Willian 6.5, Oscar 7, Hazard 7.5; Drogba 8 (Remy 67, 6.5). Substitutes not used: Cech, Luis, Schurrle, Salah. Scorers: Hazard 19, Drogba 22, Remy 73. Booked: Matic . TOTTENHAM (4-2-3-1): Lloris 5; Chiriches 4.5, Fazio 5.5, Vertonghen 5.5, Davies 6; Mason 5.5 (Paulinho 58, 5), Bentaleb 6.5; Lamela 6 (Soldado 74, 5), Eriksen 6, Lennon 6 (Chadli 58, 5); Kane 7. Substitutes not used: Kaboul, Vorm, Dier, Naughton. Booked: Chiriches. Man of the match: Didier Drogba. Referee: Mike Dean 6.5. Attendance: 41, 518. Ratings by SAMI MOKBEL at Stamford Bridge . Didier Drogba scored Chelsea's second goal - for more from the clash at Stamford Bridge CLICK HERE for our brilliant Match Zone . Mourinho lavished praise on his match-winner, admitting he is keen to hand Drogba another 12 month deal when his current contract expires in the summer. ‘He’s remarkable. First of all he’s a team player, after that, he’s one of these with an old days mentality,’ said Mourinho. ‘He’s not selfish, not vain, a humble guy who plays and fights for the team. ‘Is this his last season? I don’t know. It must be his decision. He came here to stay, I want him to stay, the club want him to stay. Drogba cries out in pain after being caught by Lamela towards the end of the first half . Jose Mourinho hopes Drogba stays at the club after his contract expires at the end of the season . Eden Hazard puts the ball past Tottenham keeper Hugo Lloris to give Chelsea the lead . Hazard begins to wheel away as the Spurs No 1 wears an anguished look as they both see the ball go in . ‘It will be his decision when he decides to stop as a player. Something personal.’ ‘The important thing is he is here and will finish his career with Chelsea. It looks, for me, that he’s going to stay doing other things when he finishes his career.’ Meanwhile, Mourinho insisted Chelsea’s comfortable win over Tottenham proves his side can cope without Diego Costa. The Spain internationals was suspended for last night’s clash, but the Blues hardly missed their first-choice striker as Drogba produced a virtuoso display. Loic Remy makes it 3-0 to Chelsea with a right-foot finish six minutes after coming on for Drogba . The hosts' keeper Thibaut Courtois can only watch as, luckily for him, the ball hits the angle of post and crossbar and bounces out . VIDEO Mourinho hails 'important' victory . And even when Drogba was substituted in the second half, his replacement Loic Remy scored an exceptional goal to seal victory. ‘We need Costa, but I think our mentality is the right mentality,’ said Mourinho. ‘We don’t have a player? We don’t cry about it. You give confidence to the others and the others respond in the best way.’ Costa is available for Saturday’s clash against Newcastle, meaning match-winner Drogba could find himself back on the bench at St James’ Park.
Didier Drogba scored Chelsea's second during the 3-0 win over Tottenham at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday . The Ivorian signed a one-year contract with the club in the summer, but Jose Mourinho wants him to stay . It was Drogba's fifth goal since returning to the club where he enjoyed so much success during his first spell . And Mourinho insisted the win shows that his side can cope without Diego Costa, who was suspended .
A German religious forum took an unexpected turn yesterday when three topless protesters had to be dragged out of the building. The Berlin Islam Week event, held in one of the city's town halls, was stopped in its tracks by members of extreme protest group Femen, who charged into the hall with slogans attacking 'religious oppression' and Sharia law daubed on their bodies. Photographs from the moment the women were dragged out by policemen show a bemused-looking woman filming the event on her phone as unimpressed guests look on. Disturbance: One of the three Femen protesters is held on the ground by a policeman as a woman records the event on her phone . Protest: Three protesters from Femen stormed the stage at Berlin's Islam Week event . 'Dialogue': The women were dragged out of the event, at a Berlin town hall, after revealing their stridently anti-Islam views . Other images show the three on stage during a discussion, where speakers were confronted with the messages written on their bodies and also on banners which they waved above their heads while shouting. Femen, which began in Eastern Europe, is notorious for using nudity to promote their message of female emancipation and protest against governments and organisations with which they disagree. Berlin Islam Week is open to atheists and those of other religions as well as Muslims, according to promotional material, which describes the event as 'an important part of inter-religious dialogue process '. The description says this year's event aimed to 'provide a platform for exchange and to strengthen dialogue' and mentioned talks with 'religious, inter-religious , social and historical themes.' A spokesman for the event said that guests reacted 'appropriately' to the 'act of provocation' and continued the event afterwards. Coverage: The group has generated significant attention in recent years with its topless protest . Disruption: The three women, one of whom was said to have once been a Muslim herself, complained about Sharia law and 'religious oppression' Event: Berlin Islam Week is said to be a platform for discussion between religions . Following the event, Femen posted a statement online which attacked the Muslim system of law and claimed that the event was part of a culture which 'is responsible for many crimes'. It said: 'Femen is outraged that the city of Berlin offered a public platform and support to the community that openly spreads inhuman ideology and calls for violence and incitement...' 'Femen calls western government [sic], do not ignore the fact that the violent form of Islam found its niche in the western democratic society. It operates in the parallel world in the midst of our society and is responsible for many crimes.' 'We want to encourage all women to free themselves from patriarchal structures! You are worth as much as your fathers and brothers, you have a right to physical integrity, you have a right to make your own decisions, you have a right to self-determination, to love and freedom!' Following the event, a spokesman for Berlin Islam Week told MailOnline: 'Although [the protest] was intended as an act of deliberate . provocation, we did not defer to it. 'The audience, mainly from the Muslim . community, reacted to the disturbance appropriately, so that we all were very . quickly able to eventually continue the program of the Islam Week.' Femen has described it aims as 'fighting patriarchy in its three manifestations - sexual exploitation of women, dictatorship and religion.' Posts: After the event, Femen attacked the Berlin local government for lettings its buildings be used for Islam Week . Dragged out: Femen has often courted controversy by disrupting events with its messages . History: A Femen protester can be seen here last year confronting Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel . The group has shot to fame in recent years after sending its topless activists to disrupt high-profile events and political leaders. Last year Russian president Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel were confronted with a topless protester at a trade fair in Hanover. In September Femen members caused further controversy by storming the catwalk at Paris Fashion Week during a show by designer Nina Ricci. More recently, the group, which was founded by a Ukrainian, has mounted protests outside the Crimean parliament in Simferopol after the referendum which saw the region transferred from Ukraine to Russia.
Three protesters disrupted the event in a Berlin town hall yesterday . Photographs show activists being dragged away by German police . They were covered in slogans attacking Sharia law and 'religious oppression' Bemused onlookers filmed the event on their phones .
Zinedine Zidane has been suspended from coaching for three months as a consequence of not having the required Level 3 qualification demanded by Spanish authorities. The former World Cup winner served as Carlo Ancelotti's assistant with the Real Madrid first team in 2013 before taking charge of the Castilla B team, although his assistant Santiago Sanchez was named as head coach. However, following an official complaint lodged with the country's football federation, Competition Committee judge Francisco Rubio has decided to ban Zidane and Sanchez from coaching for three months. Zinedine Zidane has been handed a three-month ban from coaching Real Madrid's B team . The Frenchman has complained at his treatment after Spanish authorities lodged an official complaint . Zidane acted as Carlo Ancelotti's (R) first team assistant before taking charge of Castilla this season . Rubio accepted a complaint lodged by Miguel Galan, president of Spain's national training center for football coaches. Madrid announced in June that Zidane, who played at the club from 2001 until retiring in 2006, would coach its reserve team this season. However, Galan complained that Zidane lacked the appropriate qualifications to do so, and Rubio agreed. The former Madrid star currently carries a UEFA A Licence, equivalent to a Level 2 qualification. He escaped a six-month ban but must now obtain the 3rd level of his French coaching qualifications by April 2015. The 42-year-old had previously complained at the treatment he has received over the matter. He told Le Figaro: 'I have no regrets about having taken my qualifications in France. It's still amazing that there are also so few people to defend me and explain that I did not have special privilege. 'I did not circumvent the difficulty - but some took the opportunity to spit on me.' Zidane scores the winning goal for Real Madrid with a memorable volley in the 2002 Champions League final . Zidane was fined and banned for three games after headbutting Marco Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup final . It is not the first time that the Frenchman has fallen foul of authorities - having been banned for three games and fined £3,260 following his infamous headbutt on Italy defender Marco Materazzi that saw him sent off in the 2006 World Cup final. Real Madrid have 10 working days to appeal against the decision with the Competition Committee’s appeals tribunal, and could also be taken to Spain’s Administrative Court for Sport. As a final resort, an appeal could be made to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. In response to the sanction handed down by the Competition Committee to the Real Madrid Castilla's head coach and second coach, Santiago Sánchez and Zinedine Zidane respectively, Real Madrid C. F. would like to outline the following: . 1. The club's absolute disagreement with the decision, not least of all because Zinedine Zidane has been authorised by the French Football Federation to work as a head coach in the category Real Madrid Castilla currently find themselves in, as the certificate issued by said Federation from 13 October 2014 states. 2. Real Madrid will pursue every available legal avenue so that this decision is overturned.
Zinedine Zidane has been banned from coaching Real Madrid's B team . The France legend took charge of Castilla after acting as Carlo Ancelotti's first team assistant in 2013 . The former World Cup winner must now complete level 3 of his French coaching qualifications before returning .
Prawn lovers face paying much higher prices this Christmas because of a global shortage. Stocks of cold-water prawns have plunged and wholesale prices have risen 40 per cent in recent weeks. This is partly due to cold weather in Canada and Greenland earlier in the year, which hindered trawlers, and follows a huge reduction in catches over the past three years. Prawn lovers face paying much higher prices this Christmas because of a global shortage . Experts warn prices will continue to rise for several months. Randall Jennings, managing director of supplier Royal Greenland, said his firm is unable to accept any more orders for prawns due to the crisis. ‘This is an industry-wide problem affecting all suppliers,’ he said. Stocks of cold-water prawns have plunged and wholesale prices have risen 40 per cent in recent weeks . ‘All stocks in the market are very low and prices are increasing rapidly. 'We are doing all we can to fulfil current orders and to prevent a situation like this occurring again. 'Reduced fishing should help to protect future stock, and we are actively looking to increase our access to North Atlantic stock and processing facilities to help us avoid being in this situation again.'
Prawn lovers face paying much higher prices because of a global shortage . This is partly due to cold weather in Canada and Greenland earlier this year . Experts warn prices will continue to rise for several months .
Sunderland fans who made the 630-mile round trip to see their side humiliated 8-0 by Southampton are set to receive just £24 each in compensation from the players. In the aftermath of their embarrassing defeat, goalkeeper Vito Mannone vowed to speak to his team-mates about refunding the 2,600 supporters who made the journey. Many had paid £152.50 for a return train ticket, but they are set to receive just £24 to cover the cost of the ticket for the game and not their rail fare. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Gus Poyet label the defeat the most embarrassing of his career . Sunderland fans were left stunned as their side was thrashed 8-0 by Southampton on Saturday . Sunderland had already subsidised away tickets – which originally cost £34 – to save each supporter £10 as part of their Away Supporters’ Initiative. The logistics of working out how much each fan was owed depending on how they got to St Mary’s Stadium would prove too complicated to refund them for travel. The worst moment of the afternoon was when Santiago Vergini scored one of the own goals of the season with a first-time volley, from the edge of the box, past his own goalkeeper. That goal, in only the 12th minute, set the tone for the game before Sunderland capitulated to one of the worst defeats in Premier League history. Graziano Pelle celebrates the fifth goal with Dusan Tadic as Southampton ran riot . But the defender has apologised to the club’s supporters and admitted his mistake had a huge impact on the way the game went. Vergini said: ‘I take full responsibility for this and after my error the game really did change. ‘The account we gave of ourselves was embarrassing. We have to look forward now and try to improve for the following game. ‘I thank the fans for their excellent support as always and I would really like to say sorry to them for the very poor account we have given of ourselves. ‘The first step is to accept the errors we committed and we have to be aware that we are responsible for what happened here.’
Sunderland were hammered 8-0 by Southampton at the weekend . The club plan to refund fans the £24 they paid for their ticket . But fans will not have their travel costs refunded . Some supporters paid £152.50 for the return train journey .
When it comes to choosing our favourite theme parks, it seems the old ones are the best. Blackpool Pleasure Beach has topped a holidaymakers' poll of the best amusement parks in the UK and even held its own in Europe, to be voted into the top 10 alongside Disneyland Paris and PortAventura in Spain. Blackpool's Sandcastle Waterpark also proved a favourite with travellers - being placed eighth in a list of best European water parks. Scroll down for video . Making a splash: Blackpool Pleasure Beach was voted the best theme park in the UK . While the Lancashire coastal resort - famous for its rollercoaster the Big One - was the UK's top entry in the best European theme parks, Paultons Park, home of Peppa Pig World, at Romsey in Hampshire, also made the list. The attraction came second in the UK behind Blackpool Pleasure Beach and 10th in Europe overall, while Alton Towers failed to make it into the top 10 European attractions at all. Instead, the Staffordshire Park took 12th place in Europe, and four other UK attractions made it into the European amusement park top 25. Drayton Manor in Tamworth in Staffordshire was 13th, Thorpe Park in Chertsey in Surrey 14th, Brighton Pier in Sussex 18th and Fishers Farm in Wisborough Green in Sussex 21st. Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Paultons Park were first and second in the best UK amusement park list, with Alton Towers third, Drayton Manor fourth and Thorpe Park fifth. 1. Blackpool Pleasure Beach2. Paultons Park, home of Peppa Pig World, Romsey, Hampshire3. Alton Towers, Farley, Staffordshire4. Drayton Manor, Tamworth, Staffordshire5. Thorpe Park, Chertsey, Surrey6. Brighton Pier, Brighton7. Fishers Farm Park, Wisborough Green, West Sussex8. Sundown Adventureland, Retford, Nottinghamshire9. GreenWood Forest Park, Y Felinheli, Gwynedd, Wales10. Adventure Island, Southend-on-Sea, Essex . 1.    Europa-Park, Rust, Germany2.    PortAventura Park, Salou, Spain3.    Walt Disney Studios Park, Marne-la-Vallee, France4.    Disney Land Park, France5.    Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen, Denmark6.    Gardaland Park, Castelnuovo del Garda, Italy7.    Zoomarine Algarve, Guia, Portugal8.    Efteling, Kaatsheuvel, The Netherlands9.    Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Blackpool, United Kingdom10.    Paultons Park, Home of Peppa Pig World, Romsey, United Kingdom . New heights: Blackpool's famous rollercoaster The Big One is at its Pleasure Beach theme park . Family favourite: Poultons Park, which is home to Peppa Pig World, also made it into the top 10 attractions in Europe . The world's top amusement park was Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida, while the leading water park was Siam Park in Tenerife, which also topped the European water park table. Europe's best amusement park was Europe-Park in Rust, Germany. Blackpool Pleasure Beach managing director Amanda Thompson said: 'We are thrilled to be named the UK's best amusement park. Beating off the competition: Europa-Park n Germany was voted the best theme park in Europe . 'We pride ourself on offering the best experience for a great day out.' TripAdvisor spokesman James Kay said: 'Blackpool Pleasure Beach is not just the country's best-rated amusement park, it is also one of the cheapest for a family day out among the UK top 10, proving that great value often trumps bigger rides in the eyes of consumers.
Lancashire attraction voted ninth best amusement park in Europe . Poll of holidaymakers named it the UK's best amusement park . Blackpool's Sandcastle Waterpark voted into top 10 European water parks .
'Painful lessons': Twenty-year-old Aimee Costello (pictured) died after taking the former legal high M-Cat on a night out last year . A coroner issued a stark warning today about the 'savage legacy' of a former legal high known as M-Cat after a young woman died from taking the drug. Aimee Costello, 20, snorted the class B drug after drinking vodka and Red Bull on a night out. The following day, she complained that her heart 'felt funny' before collapsing and dying. Two of her former friends were handed suspended prison sentences today after they admitted supplying her the drug, which is also called mephedrone. Assistant Deputy Coroner Kevin McLoughlin recorded a verdict of non-dependent abuse of drugs and warned: 'Inquests can draw painful lessons from tragedy and I hope this tragic story does that. 'I hope the lesson here is that these people seemed to have no appreciation that their actions were putting themselves at risk. 'Other people tempted to take M-Cat must realise that they might not be alive at the end of the day. 'Young people can be very cavalier about death, but their thoughts may change if they know the devastating effects Aimee's death has left upon her family. 'It is indeed a savage legacy.' An inquest in Leeds, West Yorkshire, heard that the night before her death on April 4 last year , Aimee had gone to a friend's house, where the two had drunk vodka and red bull before going out to a club. At around 2am, Aimee arrived at Jessica Hooks's house where another friend, Kirstie McInnes, was already there. The four snorted M-Cat, which was initially distributed as a so-called legal high before it was banned in 2010 following calls from campaigners. Hooks told the inquest yesterday: 'In the afternoon, she kept saying that her heart felt funny. She was catching her breath. 'At around 5.30pm we were just sitting round watching TV when Aimee just flopped down. At first, we thought she was joking, but then she started fitting. 'I grabbed her and she just flopped. She went really grey. I think she was unconscious. 'We all just freaked out. We laid her on the floor. Kirstie rang for an ambulance and they were telling her how to do CPR.' Scroll down for video . Friends: Jessica Hooks (left) has pleaded guilty to supplying a class B drug and Kirstie McInnes (right) has admitted to the concern and supply of a class B drug . An ambulance was called and despite . working on Aimee for half-an-hour she did not respond, so they took her . to St James's Hospital, where she was met by her frantic mother, who had . been informed. She was pronounced dead at 8.40pm. A court heard today that after Aimee's death, Hooks began to clear the house of evidence, ringing the dealer to come and collect the rest of his supply, which he did. But her 'unsophisticated' efforts did not stop police from finding the drugs bag and 'glossy catalogues' which had been used to snort the drugs. Hooks also sent a text to another friend who had been at the party, asking them to 'get Aimee's phone', but the police had already arrived and seized the phone along with other evidence. The pair later gave statements to the police claiming the drugs had arrived with Aimee. Warning: Aimee complained that her 'heart felt funny' the day after drinking vodka and snorting M-Cat . Jonathan Sharp, prosecuting, said that after further investigations both defendants were arrested and made full admissions. Hooks, 21, pleaded guilty to supplying a . class B drug and McInnes, 22, admitted to the concern and supply of a . class B drug. Both also admitted perverting the course of justice. They sobbed in the dock as they were handed prison sentences of ten and six months respectively, both suspended for 18 months, at Leeds Crown Court. Judge Geoffrey Marson QC told them: 'If ever a case demonstrated the dangerousness of even class B drugs this is it. 'Many people seem to think that drugs like this, of the M-cat genre, are harmless. They are dangerous. And as this case demonstrates they can kill.' A statement released by Aimee's parents Phillip and Heather after the case said: 'We have recently had the first anniversary of our beautiful youngest daughter Aimee and we are still in shock and disbelief that she is gone. 'To say we are devastated is an understatement and the thought that we will never see her again has left us broken. 'The loss of our bright, bubbly and loving girl has ripped our family apart and we, her sisters, and wider family, will never recover from it. 'She is our first thought on waking and our last thought before sleep. She was a beautiful, fun-loving and caring girl who we miss very much. 'We hope that Aimee's death will serve as a warning against so-called party drugs as they can kill just as easily as drugs that are traditionally regarded as dangerous.'
Aimee Costello collapsed after taking former legal high after a night out . Snorted the drug after drinking vodka and Red Bull and going to a club . Coroner: 'Other people tempted to take M-Cat must realise that they might not be alive at the end of the day' Two former friends handed suspended jail terms for supplying the drug .
A prehistoric sea creature that swam the oceans almost 250 million years ago has been dug up near Shanghai in China. It's believed to be the first amphibious ichthyosaur - reptiles that could live both in and out of the water - filling an important gap in evolution. The predators roamed Earth at the time of the dinosaurs and moved to the water after starting out as land creatures. A prehistoric fossil has been found at the Yangtze River near Shanghai. An expert says it could be the first amphibious ichthyosaur (illustrated). These were reptiles that could live both in and out of the water. If confirmed it would fill an important gap in evolution. The predators roamed Earth at the time of the dinosaurs . However, there were no fossils marking this transition until the new species was unearthed. The ancient marine reptile, with seal-like flippers, may have been adapted to life on the land as well as in the sea, scientists believe. Its relatives were dolphin-like creatures that swam in the oceans at the time of the dinosaurs. They are thought to have had terrestrial ancestors, but previously no fossils had come to light marking the transition of ichthyosaurs from land to sea. The Permian-Triassic extinction, which occurred around 250 million years ago, was one of the biggest catastrophes that caused a majority of the land and aquatic species to become extinct and is more commonly known as the 'Great Dying'. The causes that triggered the event have remained a mystery. Some scientists have suggested the mass extinction was caused by an asteroid strike or a volcanic eruption in the area now known as Siberia. They claim this led to a significant rise in greenhouse gas emissions and caused the mass extinction of Earth’s species. Research from earlier this year, however, suggested that microbes began belching out the greenhouse gas methane - which is about 20 per cent more potent than carbon dioxide. These fumes could have suddenly spurted from the oceans and wiped out the huge number of animals. Whatever the cause, the event is known to have wiped out 96 per cent of species on Earth. Today, all life is descended from the 4 per cent of species that survived. 'Now we have this fossil showing the transition,' said lead scientist Professor Ryosuke Motani, from the University of California. At 1.5ft (0.46 metres) long, Cartorhynchus lenticarpus was also the smallest known ichthyosaur. Ichthyosaurs - meaning fish-lizards - ranged greatly in size and could grow up to 30ft (nine metres) long. Superficially they resembled today's dolphins and whales. They were very different to Cartorhynchus with sharp teeth in long jaws and big eyes. They had four crescent-shaped fins, a stabilising dorsal fin and a fish-like tail with two lobes. Its fossil remains were dated from the start of the Trisassic period about 248 million years ago and were found in Chaohu near the Yangtze River about 150 miles (240km) from Shanghai in China. As well as big flippers, Cartorhynchus had flexible wrists which would have been essential for movement on the ground. While most ichthyosaurs have long beak-like snouts, the new specimen possessed a short nose that may have been adapted to suction feeding. Its body also contained thicker bones than other ichthyosaurs. This supports the theory that most marine reptiles that left the land first grew heavier to help them swim through rough coastal waves. The fossil remains were dated from the start of the Trisassic period about 248 million years ago and were found in Chaohu near the Yangtze River about 150 miles (240km) from Shanghai in China (shown) Called Cartorhynchus lenticarpus it is the smallest known ichthyosaur. The fossil (shown) dates back 248 million years, four million years after the 'Great Dying' mass extinction event that wiped out 96% of species. These animals moved to the water after being land creatures but until now no fossil marked this transition . The animal lived about four million years after the worst mass extinction in history, shedding light on how life on Earth survived. The Permian-Triassic extinction, known as the 'Great Dying', wiped out 96 per cent of all species and may have been linked to global warming. Scientists have wondered how long it took for animals and plants to recover after such destruction - particularly since the extinction was associated with global warming and ocean acidification. Understanding how reptiles such as this survived could be important for our own future, according to Professor Motani. 'This was analogous to what might happen if the world gets warmer and warmer,' he said. 'How long did it take before the globe was good enough for predators like this to reappear? 'In that world, many things became extinct, but it started something new. These reptiles came out during this recovery.'
A prehistoric fossil has been found at the Yangtze River near Shanghai . An expert says it could be the first amphibious ichthyosaur . These were reptiles that could live both in and out of the water . If confirmed it would fill an important gap in evolution . The predators roamed Earth at the time of the dinosaurs and moved to the water after starting out as land creatures . There were no fossils marking this transition until this species was found . Called Cartorhynchus lenticarpus, it is the smallest known ichthyosaur . The fossil dates back 248 million years - four million years after a mass extinction event called the 'Great Dying' that wiped out 96% of species .
A devout Christian bed and breakfast owner who refused a bed to a gay couple was today ordered to pay them more than £3000 in compensation. Michael Black, 64, and his partner John Morgan, 59, began a legal battle soon after they were told they could not sleep together at the £75-a-night Swiss Bed and Breakfast in Cookham, Berkshire in March 2010. Owner Susanne Wilkinson told a court she was serious about her Christian beliefs and had also stopped unmarried heterosexual couples from sharing a double bed. Case: Gay couple Michael Black, 62 and John Morgan, 56, from Brampton, Cambridgeshire, pictured after their court victory yesterday, had their address posted online . Disagreement: Christians Susanne and Mike . Wilkinson refused to let gay couple Michael Black and John Morgan share a . room at their B&B . But a judge at Reading County Court ordered her to pay £3,600 in damages for discriminating directly against the couple, who have been together for eight years. Michael and John’s claim, funded by pressure group Liberty, was made under the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 and argued that it was unlawful for a person providing services to the public to discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation. Michael and John’s claim was made under the new Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007, which outlaws discrimination in the provision of goods, facilities, services, education and public functions on the grounds of sexual orientation. So, for example, a shopkeeper cannot refuse to sell goods to someone because they are gay. Previously, it was legal to refuse to serve homosexuals. In 2009 registrar Lillian Ladele, who refused to conduct civil partnership ceremonies because they were against her Christian beliefs, was ruled to have broken the law by Appeal Court judges. The landmark case was the most important legal test yet in the struggle between Christians and the gay rights lobby. In 2010 Chris Grayling, then Shadow Home Secretary but now Justice Secretary in the Coalition Cabinet, said Christian bed and breakfast owners . should be allowed to turn away homosexual couples. The Shadow . Home Secretary said that while hotels should not discriminate against . gays, Christians should be able to refuse anyone who offended their . faith from entering their homes, prompting a backlash. After the ruling Mrs Wilkinson, who lives with husband Mike, said: 'Naturally, my husband and I are disappointed to have lost the case and to have been ordered to pay £3,600 in damages for injury to feelings. 'We have the option to appeal and we will give that serious consideration. 'We believe a person should be free to act upon their sincere beliefs about marriage under their own roof without living in fear of the law. 'Equality laws have gone too far when they start to intrude into a family home. 'People’s beliefs about marriage are coming under increasing attack and I am concerned about people’s freedom to speak and act upon these beliefs. 'I am a Christian, not just on a Sunday in church, but in every area of my life - as Jesus expects from his followers. 'That’s all I was trying to do and I think it’s quite wrong to punish me for that especially after enduring over two years of vile abuse and threats. 'We find this a strange justice in a society that aspires to be increasingly tolerant.' Mrs Wilkinson's legal costs were paid by The Christian Institute, a national charity that endeavours to protect the civil liberty of Christians. Spokesperson Mike Judge said: 'Mrs Wilkinson’s B&B is a business but it’s also a family home. 'The law should be more flexible in allowing people to live according to their own values under the own roof. Scene: The Swiss Bed & Breakfast property in Cookham, owned by Mr & Mrs Wilkinson, that was caught up in the discrimination row . 'A bit more balance is needed rather than allowing one set of rights to automatically suppress another.' In 2008 civil partners Martin Hall and Steven Paddy launched a county court claim against Peter and Hazelmary Bull, the owners of the Chymorvah Private Hotel in Cornwall. They won £3,600 in damages because their human rights were breached by the guesthouse’s refusal to give them a double room, but the case is now going to appeal at the Supreme Court. Peter and Hazelmary Bull were ordered to pay £3,600 to a gay couple they would not let stay in their guesthouse, but are now taking their battle to the Supreme Court . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
In 2010 gay couple Michael Black and John Morgan were turned away from a Berkshire B&B because of the beliefs of the devout Christian owner . They went to court under equality legislation, claiming they had been discriminated against by Susanne Wilkinson . Now they have been awarded more than £3,000 in compensation after a court hearing today . Mrs Wilkinson said people should be 'free to act upon their sincere beliefs' and is considering an appeal .
A Grinch of a gunman is still on the loose one year after shooting a man dressed as Santa in the back. Last Christmas Eve, Xavier Hawkins of Washington D.C. put on a Santa suit to hand out toys to needy children at an annual event sponsored by Toys for Tots and his then-employer, Interstate Moving. He was just approaching the children when, while he was on camera being filmed by a local news station, he was shot in the back with a pellet gun. Scroll down for video . Shot Santa: Xavier Hawkins (above) was handing out presents to needy children last Christmas Eve when he was shot in the back . Going down: The entire incident was captured by a news crew following him . Aftermath: Though the pellet gun did not cause physical harm to Hawkins, he suffered from PTSD in the aftermath, and the gunman is still on the loose . Hawkins can then be seen groaning as he falls to the ground, while one child looks on in horror. Now, Hawkins is telling ABC 7, the news team that was there when this horrific event occurred, how difficult his year has been since this shooting. 'When I felt the burning, I knew I was shot. That first instinct in my mind before I said anything was I'm going to die,' he said. And while the physical injuries were manageable for Hawkins, the emotional and psychological ones were not in the aftermath of this incident. Back at it: Despite what happened, Hawkins says he will still dress up as Santa this year . 'I thought people were out to get me. Why did somebody shoot me? Are they following me?' he said. He eventually was forced to leave his job, and a doctor diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder. 'I try to think back and look at it and the reality is, I could have been dead,' he said. These days, Hawkins is back to volunteering and helping out those less fortunate though, dedicating all his time to helping out st his church and its daycare center. And he's even getting ready to put the Santa costume back on to pass out gifts at church this year.
Xavier Hawkins was shot in the back with a pellet gun on Christmas Eve last year as he passed out toys to needy children dressed as Santa Claus . The Washington D.C. resident suffered from post traumatic stress afterwards and was forced to leave his job . Even though the incident happened on camera, the gunman still has not been caught .
The first picture of Facebook founding president Sean Parker with his new bride, singer-songwriter Alexandra Lenas, has been released. Photographed in the story-book forest surroundings of Big Sur, California, the $10 million wedding took place in front of 300 friends and family members and the theme has been compared by many to the HBO show, 'Game of Thrones'. Looking every inch the happy couple, . the Internet entrepreneur who is estimated to be worth $2 billion is now . officially hitched to the mother of his young daughter after his . wedding at the swanky Ventana Inn & Spa. Expensive wedding: Former Facebook president and Napster co-founder Sean Parker, right, has been fined $2.5 million after his $10 million wedding on Saturday . The ceremony and reception featured . opulent decorations including a ruin, a waterfall and long feast style tables. 'Forget . what you heard about Sean Parker's wedding,' friend John Perry Barlow . tweeted following the ceremony. 'It [was] elegant, tasteful, and . magical.' They 'have just been enormously generous to their friends. We are all very grateful', he wrote. The bride, 24, wore a dress that appears similar to Daenerys Targaryen from the hit HBO show. Parker, 33, is believed to have . shelled out $10 million to turn a boutique hotel into what looks like a . movie set, equipped with outfits for . guests designed by the costume designer for the Lord of the Rings . movies. One source told the New York Post . that guests 'entered down a long trail and came to a big gate and . entered this other world in a forest there'... They made the forest come . alive.' The ceremony was officiated by Unitarian Universalist minister John A. Buehrens. Stunning: Singer-songwriter Alexandra, 24, looks radiant in this photograph taken by a friend . Lavish: The couple's wedding cake can be seen among the forest setting at the celebrations in Big Sur . Ahead of the big day: One guest snapped a photograph of the rehearsal dinner the night before . The extensive guest list included Sting and his wife Trudie, . Allison Williams, Emma Watson, Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl, . Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich, Perry and Etty Farrell and Lucian Grainge. Jacqueline Laurita, from the Real Housewives of New Jersey, also attended the event and shared photographs of the lavish hotel on Twitter. 'Words can not even describe how beautiful the wedding I went to yesterday was,' she gushed. 'Nothing like I've ever seen. I felt like I was in a fairy [tale].' The political world was represented by . California Attorney General Kamela Harris, Lt. Gov Gavin Newsom and . Newark Mayor Cory Booker. Lenas' gown was by Elie Saab, while Parker, 33, the couple's infant . daughter Winter Victoria and the guests were dressed by Academy . Award-winning costume designer Ngila Dickson. Location: The tech star constructed an over-the-top movie-like set at The Ventana Inn in Big Sur, California, pictured . Estate: They used two terraces at The Inn. Ahead of the wedding, staff said guests would experience the 'essence of romance' Venue: A landscaping firm built fake ruins, waterfalls, ponds and bridges at The Inn for the wedding . Outside: The wedding cars are seen outside the venue, which was filled with $1 million worth of flowers . Getting ready: This image shows guests preparing for the wedding rehearsal dinner . Designer Ken Fulk, caterer Paula . LeDuc . and designer Preston Bailey, who designed the flowers, all helped . coordinate the massive affair. Mark Seliger was the photographer. Guests enjoyed cake from Perfect Endings as well as music by Loreena McKennitt and The Good The Bad and The Ginger. Parker . had previously denied the Game of Thrones theme on his Twitter account, . but admitted they would be instructing guests on what to wear. 'Just . because we don't trust our guests to dress themselves properly doesn't . mean we want them to look like #GoT characters,' he wrote in April. 'Academy . award winning costume designer Ngila Dickson is creating gorgeous, . inspiring, and unique designs that are both modern and whimsical.' Lovebirds: Sean Parker and Alexandra Lenas (pictured at the Charity Water gala in October 2012) said 'I Do' on Saturday before 300 guests at Big Sur . Warm weather: Victoria Lenas, sister of the bride, Alexandra Lenas enjoys brunch before the wedding with breathtaking views of the California coast . He hired a landscaping company to . build fake ruins, waterfalls, man made ponds, bridges and a gated . cottage in the surrounding woods at the hotel, sources told TMZ in . April. The venue included two terraces that . are used for weddings, that offer 'privacy and an uninterrupted 50-mile . view of the Big Sur coastline to the south,' according to its website. The Inn boasts its design is mean to 'complement nature and encourage guests to experience the essence of romance.' Residents in the California community have been less than thrilled with the attention Parker's spectacle has attracted. The California Coastal Commission . reportedly was called in to investigate whether the inn had procured the . proper permits for the wedding-related construction, the San Jose Mercury News reported. Picturesque: This image across the water on the California coast shows the site of the wedding . Beautiful: The California Coastal Commission was called in to investigate whether the inn had procured the proper permits for the wedding-related construction . 'We're . pretty used to celebrities being in Big Sur. But for this one, they've . basically built a movie set to have their wedding,' Stan Russell, head of the city's chamber of commerce, told the paper. Russell said the construction will go . away after the Saturday bash and expects the attention the town . receives could actually help the wedding industry in the city. 'The . wedding planners in Big Sur are planning ahead for 2014 already, . because they're booked. People want to come and see what all of the . excitement's about,' Russell said. Guests were expected to enter through a $600,000 gate, . dance on a $350,000 floor and walk past more than $1 million worth of . plants and flowers, the gossip website site. The New York Post reported that the save-the-date cards for the June 1 wedding look like wizard scrolls. Ideal setting: Sean Parker married his girlfriend on Saturday before 300 guests at the Ventana Inn in Big Sur . Celebration: The entrepreneur has spent an estimated $10 million to construct the extravagant, Game of Thrones-themed setting for his nuptials . Business: The town's chamber of commerce expects that Parker's extravagant ceremony could spark a wedding boom in the California town . 'There is a chance the wedding could end up looking like an episode of Game of Thrones,' an insider told the Post. Game of Thrones is a popular Medieval fantasy TV show on HBO that features knights and dragons and sorcery. Parker . is worth an estimated $2 billion after becoming the founder of Napster . and other tech start-ups and working with Facebook creator Mark . Zuckerberg during the early days of the social network. The internet . guru is most famous for his portrayal in the movie Social Network, which . details the role he played in the beginnings of Facebook. Justin Timberlake played him in the Oscar-winning movie. Parker proposed to Lenas, a . singer-songwriter, in February after she gave birth to the couple's . daughter, Winter Victoria Parker. Extravagant: The billionaire entrepreneur was hit with the fine after he hired a landscaping company to build fake ruins, waterfalls, man made ponds, bridges and a gated cottage in the surrounding woods at the hotel . Location: Big Sur, California is an easy distance for Parker's A-list guests from Silicon Valley and Hollywood .
Facebook founding president married singer-songwriter Alexandra Lenas . The lavish $10 million ceremony took place in forest surroundings of Big Sur, California . The Napster creator, estimated to be worth $2 billion, spared no expense and wedding decorations included a ruin and a waterfall . Among the 300 guests were Sting and his wife Trudie, . Allison Williams,  Emma Watson, and Newark Mayor Cory Booker .
Police had 'three contacts' with suspect Elliot Rodger before a mass shooting on Friday night in Isla Vista that left seven dead and thirteen injured. Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said on Saturday that police had conducted a 'welfare check' on 22-year-old Rodger on April 30. Police spokeswoman Kelly Hoover has said the wellness check will be reviewed as authorities continue their investigation. SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO . Three contacts: Sheriff Bill Brown, center, said that police had 'three contacts' with Rodger prior to the Friday night shooting . Wellness check: Police conducted a wellness check for Rodger on April 30 - but that check is expected to be reviewed as part of the investigation . Apartment: An investigators' van leaves an apartment complex where suspect Elliot Rodger lived, and where it is believed that he stabbed his three roommates, before he allegedly went on a shooting spree that killed 6 people and injured 13 . 'Retribution': Elliot Rodger posted a video to social media in which he outlined his plan for 'retribution' for being rejected by women . On January 15, 2014, Rodger made a citizen's arrest when his roommate allegedly . stole three candles from him worth $22, Brown said. Rodger also . called police on July 31, 2013 and claimed to be the victim of assault, . Brown said, though police believe Rodger may have actually been the aggressor. No charges were filed. Attorney Alan Shifman earlier told reporters that the Rodger family called police several weeks ago after being alarmed by YouTube videos 'regarding suicide and the killing of people' that Rodger had been posting. Police interviewed Rodger and found him to be a 'perfectly polite, kind and wonderful human,' but noted that he had few friends and no girlfriend, he added. Police did not find a history of guns. Rodger downplayed his family's concerns for his mental state, saying he was having difficulties with his social life and was planning to drop out of Santa Barbara City College. The responding deputies gave him some advice and information on where to seek help, and left. In a 140-page manifesto, Rodger described in detail the day police knocked his door. 'I had the striking and devastating fear that someone had somehow discovered what I was planning to do, and reported me for it,' he wrote. The 22-year-old expressed fear that officers would search his home and find his multiple firearms and writings outlining his plans, and stop him from exacting revenge n his 'enemies' by locking him up. The officers, however, found the suspect ‘courteous and shy,’ and left. Rodger allegedly stabbed his three . roommates before he went on a shooting spree in his BMW and killed six people and injuring thirteen. He was found dead due to a gunshot wound in his vehicle. He is reportedly the son of Peter Rodger, who was an assistant director for The Hunger Games. Shocking events: A young woman examines bullet holes in the aftermath of the horrific shooting in Isla Vista . Crime scene: Elliot Rodger's black BMW can be seen along with a mangled bike in Isla Vista where seven people are dead following a shooting spree . The day before the shooting, Rodger shared a video on YouTube which detailed plans for a 'day of retribution.' 'Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity,' Rodger says in the video. 'Against all of you. For the last eight years of my life, ever since I hit puberty, I’ve been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires. All because girls have never been attracted to me.' 'I will punish all of you for it,' he later says in the video before laughing.  'On the day of retribution, I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up blond slut I see inside there. All those girls that I’ve desired so much. They would have all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them. While they throw themselves at these obnoxious brutes.' Later in the video, Rodger goes on to describe himself as 'the superior one' and 'the true alpha male.' Near campus: The shootings took place close the the UC Santa Barbara campus . Horrified: Students survey the scene after the shooting that claimed seven lives . Dystopian fantasy: Elliot Rodger (seen left) is the son of Peter Rodger, assistant director for The Hunger Games (seen second left), about an annual televised death match. Elliot Rodger is seen here at the film's 2012 premiere with Sylvester Stallone (right) Privileged: Rodger seen here in his BMW, the number plates of which match the vehicle from which he shot and killed six people . College terror: Police investigate the bloody scene . Chase: Rodger crashed his BMW after he was pursued by police . Premeditated attack: Police and emergency personnel tend to a victim at the scene of a drive-by shooting in Isla Vista, a neighborhood of Santa Barbara, California May 23 . 'Work of a madman': Police investigate a scene after a mass shooting near the campus of the University of Santa Barbara in Isla Vista .
Elliot Rodger, 22, went on a shooting rampage in Isla Beach, killing six and injuring thirteen . Rodger died from a gunshot wound to the head that was apparently self-inflicted . Reportedly stabbed his three roommates before the shooting rampage . Police had 'three contacts' with Rodger prior to the mass shooting . Elliot Rodger's family contacted police last week out of concern over disturbing videos he posted . Officers interviewed him on April 30 and found him to be a 'perfectly polite, kind and wonderful human' Rodger made a citizen's arrest of his roommate in January 2014 when he allegedly stole three candles . Rodger also called police in July 2013 and said he was the victim of assault, though police believe he may actually have been the aggressor . He posted a video to social media Thursday in which he rants about how women have rejected his advances .
They are the feminists famous for staging topless protests, with Vladimir Putin, Paris Fashion Week and Germany's Next Top Model among those treated to a bare-breasted display. Now founder member and leader of FEMEN France, Inna Shevchenko, 23, has thrown open the doors of the organisation's Paris HQ to a British film crew. Shevchenko, who was given political asylum in France last year, has masterminded the expansion of the feminist organisation, adding branches in Canada, Germany and Israel to the original Ukrainian movement. Scroll down for video . Protest: Shevchenko leads a FEMEN protest in Paris against Government plans to toughen abortion laws . But despite catapulting the movement to international prominence, Shevchenko says much more still needs to be done. 'When they ask me how [FEMEN] started, I say I have a big reason because I was born as a woman in this time and in this society,' she elaborates. 'And at some point, you look around and you understand that you don't want to . live like your mother, you don't want to live like your aunt, you don't . want to live like your neighbours. 'You want something different but you . don't know what because no one told you that there was something different. 'At the beginning it was just anger inside and we still keep it inside and it's growing with every new action - it's growing.' Militant: Shevchenko at FEMEN's Paris HQ and right, taking a chainsaw to a wooden cross in central Kiev . Leaders: Inna (centre) with fellow FEMEN leaders, Sacha Shevchenko (left) and Oksana Shachko (right) 'Actions' over the last year have included an angry protest against violence during a pro-Russian rally in the Crimean city of Simferopol, mobbing Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during a visit to a polling station and interrupting anti-abortion rallies in Canada and Spain. Other targets have included Russia's President Putin (still a favourite), religious groups of all denominations and prostitution. Shevchenko herself is no stranger to any of them, and is regularly to be found in the thick of the action, topless and daubed with painted slogans. 'We're using topless style of protest to show that women are protesting,' she explains of the group's famous bare-breasted protests. The method even extends to the internet with Putin (yes, him again) becoming the target of a slew of topless photos, each featuring the legend: 'F*** YOU PUTIN!' It's an approach that can sometimes prove controversial, as Shevchenko herself knows only too well after being forced to flee Ukraine following a stunt that provoked the ire of authorities and church groups alike. Angry: Shevchenko, pictured right, says she and activists from FEMEN will continue for as long as they're angry . Fighting back: Italian police drag a FEMEN activist protesting about Silvio Berlusconi's behaviour away . No to fashion: A pair of FEMEN activists stormed the Nina Ricci catwalk during Paris Fashion Week last autumn . 'One year ago I chainsawed through an eight-metre wooden cross in the middle of main square in Kiev,' she remembers fondly. 'We . were protesting about the connection between the garments of church and the . influence of religion on society.' But her protest, which made headlines around the world, would have serious consequences for the then fledgling campaigner. 'One morning I woke up . because I heard the secret service knocking on the door,' she reveals. 'I was kind . of ready for that situation and I . left the country through the window, through the balcony of my . apartment. Thrown out: A pair of FEMEN activists are manhandled by guards after storming Germany's Next Top Model . Plastic: An activist bearing the slogan, 'Life in Plastic is Not Fantastic', outside the Barbie House in Germany . Protest: A FEMEN activist is dragged away after a protest during a pro-Russia rally in Simferopol in Crimea . 'It was on the first floor and I had my passport and mobile . telephone and since that day I didn't come back to Ukraine.' Her flight left her cut off from friends and family in Ukraine, although the bullish Shevchenko says being part of FEMEN makes up for the separation. 'It's not my job, what I do,' she explains. 'It's not my job, it's my life. I'm activist more than daughter of . someone and I'm activist more than, I don't know, friend of someone and . I'm activist more than girlfriend of someone. 'It's not my job, it's my life. That's it. How many times do I have to repeat it?' Inna Shevchenko appears on Outsiders with Darren McMullen, Friday at 10pm on National Geographic Channel.
Inna Shevchenko, 23, is one of the founder members of FEMEN . Russia's President Putin is a favourite target and was mobbed in Germany . Putin has recently found his Twitter feed flooded with topless abuse . Shevchenko says she is still angry and more protest is planned . Targets include prostitution, domestic violence, homophobia and fascism .
Defiant: Portugal's Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho defied calls for him to resign last night following the resignation of several key coalition government figures in a row over austerity measures . Portugal's financial markets nosedived today amid fears that repayments on its £64billion bailout could soon become unsustainable as the government looked set to collapse following a spat over the country's austerity programme. Share prices dropped by around six per cent in early trading alarming investors and reigniting concerns that the eurozone's strategy for dealing with the financial crisis is flawed. The market dip came as Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho defied calls to resign last night after the resignations of key ministers in a spat over austerity. Portuguese Foreign Minister Paulo Portas, . the leader of the junior party in the center-right coalition . government, quit on Tuesday in protest against plans to continue with . tax hikes and pay and pension cuts. The previous day, Finance Minister Vitor . Gaspar walked out, saying he lacked political and public support for his . austerity strategy. Portugal is locked into a program of tough budget cuts demanded by its fellow euro countries, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund in return for a 78 billion euro (£66 billion) bailout two years ago. Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission President, said he was following the situation 'with concern'. Leaders of the 17 European Union nations that share the euro currency, known as the eurozone, have insisted on cuts in countries like Portugal that have a heavy debt burden. But Portugal is now facing the likely prospect of austerity-inspired strife of the kind that has dogged Greece and compelled it to ask for a second bailout. As well as drawing criticism from opposition parties, trade unions and business leaders, the austerity program has been a drag on Portugal's economy and unemployment is stuck at 17.6 percent. Drop: Portugal's main PSI 20 stock index plunged 6.4 per cent to 5,177 in late morning trading Wednesday . Outcry: Portugal's strict austerity measures following the bailout has sparked protest in the past including the 'Invasion of the Parliament', pictured, back in October last year . If Portugal doesn't abide by the . austerity program, its bailout creditors could halt the disbursement of . funds, potentially leaving it unable to pay what it owes. Worried: European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has said he is watching developments in Portugal with 'concern' That . development 'could trigger a sovereign default and potential removal . from the eurozone, with contagion spreading across to Greece, a country . that is currently struggling to secure its next tranche of aid money,' Ishaq Siddiqi of ETX Capital said today. Portugal's main PSI 20 stock index plunged 6.4 per cent to 5,177 in late morning trading Wednesday. Another indicator of investor confidence in a country, the interest rate on Portugal's benchmark 10-year bond, hit 7.39 per cent - up from 5.23 per cent in May but nonetheless lower than the 9.77 per cent it was at this time last year. Passos Coelho, the prime minister, said in a nationally televised address that he will fight to keep his Cabinet together, 'but resolving the problem doesn't only depend on me.' He said he will speak to Portas, head of the Popular Party, in an attempt to resolve their differences. Portas did not say whether he would pull his party out of the government - a step which would leave Passos Coelho without the majority in Parliament he needs to enact his policies. Antonio Seguro, leader of the main opposition Socialist Party who has called for new elections, was due to meet later Wednesday with President Anibal Cavaco Silva. The head of state has the power to dissolve Parliament and call a ballot, though he has expressed reluctance to take that course.
Portugal's main stock index plunged by more than six per cent this morning . The fall follows calls for Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho to resign . Two key figures in the coalition government quit in austerity measures row . Mr Passos Coelho has vowed to fight to keep the coalition alive .
British mum Rachel Rounds caused quite a stir by announcing the reason her husband still fancied her is because he didn't attend the birth of their child. As someone who specialises in advising people on sex and relationships, I am obviously going to champion the benefits of sex. But I'm also fully aware there are times when sex - very necessarily - gets put on the backburner and takes not just second, but last place on the priority list. Scroll down for video . Tracey says that when it comes to labour, women need their partners support more than ever and it is cowardly for partners to opt out of going to the birth of their child . If you're grieving the loss of a parent, stressed to death at work, sick or surviving on one hour's sleep a week with a screaming baby, who the hell even thinks about having sex, let alone makes the effort? I'd also suggest that when your partner is writhing in agony giving birth, bargaining with Satan to sell her soul in return for just one minute's break from the pain of pushing a watermelon-sized object through a space the size of an orange, this is also not a time when thinking about your sex life is foremost in your mind. Most women are terrified giving birth. Not just a little bit nervous but paralysed with fear. Isn't this the one time when it really should be all about you? Tracey says that men aren't the only ones who have to move past the gory aftermath of childbirth . Imagine this scenario: You're being wheeled into the labour ward, petrified, and your partner - the person who is supposed to love and support you though sickness and health and surely through giving bloody birth - hangs back and says, 'Um, honey. Actually, do you mind if I sit this one out? I know you're about to experience the worst pain imaginable but it might put me off having sex the next time we have it'. Would you look him in the eyes, take his hand and say, 'Of course I understand. Come back when the baby's been washed and powdered and I've got my make-up on and in a sexy nightie.' Or would you use your last minute of cohesive thought to call a divorce lawyer and invite them into the delivery room so you can sign the papers in between pushing out the baby? Call me callous but think I'd be going for option two. Tracey says that when it comes to the birth of your child, sex should be the last thing on your mind . Of course it's going to be traumatic for men when her ladybits - usually a source of pleasure - suddenly transform into something that causes pain and are, indisputably, not at their most attractive. Get over it. Men aren't the only ones who have to move past the gory mess that is childbirth and go back to thinking of the vagina as somewhere that nice things happen. Women have to deal with it, too. Women also have to deal with rather a lot of other things to do with pregnancy and birth in order to feel like sex again. Shifting the baby weight and trying to feel sexy three sizes larger than they were, coming to grips with stretch marks and a body that's shifted and changed after lugging around a baby for months aren't exactly easy to move past. Neither is trying to find the motivation to have sex after having had one hour's sleep a week for the last four months. I get the argument for men not watching the birth. I've read the letters I get from men saying there are ramifications and it does take a while for those images to disappear and for him to reconcile what's happened before enjoying sex again. But, seriously, surely it's not too much to ask that men are grown up enough to be able to rationalise that the vagina has two functions: one for pleasure and one to deliver babies? After all, you pee out of your penis and also have sex with that. There appears to be no problem with mentally compartmentalising there. Why can't you do the same with her vagina? I'm not unsympathetic to men in relation to their experience of pregnancy, birth and parenting. I know lots of men feel sidelined by it all and like someone stole their wife after the baby is born. Men have told me it feels like they're replaced and that they suddenly lost their best friend, partner and sex partner and in her place was a woman who seems there purely to service the child. But she's been the one to have to put up with periods, pregnancy and birth and will shoulder the lion's share of the parenting. Surely it's not too much to ask for you to be able to cope with a little blood and messiness, to be by her side when she most needs you? Check out Tracey's books and product ranges at .
Earlier this week Daily Mail writer Rachel Rounds said the reason her sex life was still in tact was because her partner hadn't seen her give birth . Tracey Cox is not impressed and says sex is not important at this point . Alongside grief and poor health, post pregnancy should be a no sex zone .
From fish and chips at the seaside, to exploring castles and forests, or just skimming stones, they are the simple things which give us the most pleasure. All these and many more are contained in a guide produced by England’s national tourist board which aims to provide inspiration for bank holiday outings. Some 2,000 parents were asked to share and celebrate their favourite traditional activities, attractions and days out with VisitEngland. Sunset: Picnicking on the shores of Windermere in the Lake District, Cumbria made the list of pleasures . Dining out: People said they really enjoy a fish supper on Blackpool Pier, Lancashire . Simple pleasures: Cornwall is one of the places Brits remember most from their childhood according to VisitEngland. Here, surfers crowd Polzeath Beach . The result is a list of 25 excursions . which hark back to a bygone age when the great outdoors was considered . the ultimate place for a fantastic day out. Enjoying . a fish supper on Blackpool Pier tops the list, followed by afternoon . tea in Devon and picnicking on the shores of Windermere in the Lake . District. Boating on the . Norfolk Broads, fossil-hunting on the Isle of Wight, marvelling at . Stonehenge and going blackberry picking also figure in the charming . list. Others like trying to make the Queen's Guard laugh at Buckingham Palace . Negotiating the maze . at Hampton Court Palace was the only activity from London to make the . top ten, although trying to make the Queen’s guards laugh at Buckingham . Palace is at number 13. The . ‘Simple Pleasures’ campaign was inspired by Winnie-the-Pooh and aims to . encourage modern families to get outdoors. The guide features drawings . in the style of EH Shepard, who illustrated the AA Milne books about the . bear’s innocent adventures. Sarah . Bates, publishing director at Egmont, said: ‘Winnie-the-Pooh shares . many a simple adventure with his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood so he . is the perfect character to remind us how to enjoy the simple pleasures . England has to offer.’ Pooh . makes it into the list himself: number 17 is playing Pooh Sticks at the . real Hundred Acre Wood –  Ashdown Forest in East Sussex. Another . activity sweet-toothed Pooh would doubtless approve of –visiting a . honey farm – is at number 19. Rock-pooling in Cornwall, camping in the . New Forest and riding a narrow boat through Birmingham’s canals also . feature. Overall, the . South-West of England came out on top as the area that offers the best . opportunity to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, closely followed by the . South-East and the Midlands. Parents who took part in the study also . highlighted just how precious quality family time is, with more than a . third saying they enjoy at least one family outing a month. A list of 25 activities inspired by A.A. Milne's tales of Winnie-the-Pooh . Going round the maze at Hampton Court Palace was the only activity from the capital to make the top 10 .
Families were asked what life's simple pleasures were for them . Among the answers were dining al fresco, negotiating mazes and camping . The survey was inspired by A.A. Milne's tales of Winnie-the-Pooh .
The mother of the two Chechnyan brothers suspected of setting off two bombs at the Boston Marathon was arrested last year for allegedly stealing $1,600 worth of clothes from an upscale department store. Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, 45, was charged with two counts of malicious/wanton damage and defacement to property after allegedly swiping the merchandise from a Lord & Taylor in Natick, Mass. in June 2012. She also spoke today to proclaim that her son's didn't plant the bombs and that they are ''100 per cent innocent.' Scroll down for video . Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva, mother of the terrorist suspect brothers Dzokhar and Tamerlan, said her sons' are '100 per cent innocent' Zubeidat K. Tsarnaeva's two sons have been accused of planting the two bombs that exploded at the Boston Marathon on Monday. She was arrested last year for allegedly shoplifting from a Lord & Taylor . Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev is still on the loose after being identified as one of the Boston Marathon bombers . Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended Bunker Hill Community College . and was studying to become an engineer but took a year off to pursue . boxing. He is a two-time Golden Glove champion . 'This is a set up, my son would never ever carry out such terror attack,' she said Friday. She went on to say: 'FBI knew everything what my son was doing, told me he was serious leader, that they were afraid of him.' Mrs Tsarnaeva went on to say that Dzhokhar was raised in the US and . insisted that 'no one ever talked about terror' in their house. She stole $1,624 in women's clothes, according to a story. Her sons allegedly left two bombs, packed with ball bearings and other materials, near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday. The terror attack left three dead and 183 injured. They were captured on CCTV by a different Lord & Taylor store on Boylston Street. The FBI released those CCTV images of the two brothers Thursday evening and later that night Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed in a shootout with law enforcement in Watertown, Mass. A police officer was shot dead near the campus for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her other son, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is still on the run and considered by authorities to be armed and extremely dangerous. Law enforcement gather near the scene of the shootout that killed Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev late Thursday night . Tamerlan reportedly had a bomb strapped to his chest when he was killed while he and his brother robbed a 7-Eleven, tried to steal an SUV and threw explosives at police officers. They used the carjacking victim's debit car to withdraw $800 from an ATM. The entire city of Boston is on lock down with residents warned to stay indoors, public transport shut down and a no-fly zone around the city. A transit police officer was critically wounded in the exchange of gunfire with the suspects. Dzhokhar A Tsarnaev is believed to be a legal immigrant to the U.S., who arrived in the country one year ago from the Russian region of Chechnya which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars. The 19-year-old, who attended Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, is an amateur wrestling champion. The older brother attended Bunkerhill Community College and was studying to become an engineer but took a year off to pursue boxing. They reportedly entered the United States with family in 2002 or 2003 and Tamerlan became a legal permanent resident in 2007. The older brother Tamerlan attended Bunker Hill Community College and was studying to become an engineer but took a year off to pursue boxing. He is a two-time Golden Glove champion. This is one of the Boston bombing suspects, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, has been described as 'normal' by those who knew him . Dzhokhar was born in Kyrgyzstan. The family, which also included two daughters, Bella and Amina, had the status of refugees at the time they moved to Russia. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev went to a school in Makhachkala, the capital city of the Republic of Dagestan, between 1999-2001. His former teachers at his first school described him as a 'normal child' today. ‘He arrived at our school in the first form and departed in the second,’ Irina Bandurina, the secretary at Makhachkala’s School No.1, told RT. Dzhokhar was born in Kyrgyzstan and was a successful wrestler in high school . ‘They arrived from Kyrgyzstan and departed to the US. I’m telling you they lived here for a year. Not the whole year. They arrived at the school in 2001 and departed in March 2002 … There were four of them – two sisters and two brothers… It’s written here that they are from Kyrgyzstan.’ A friend of Dzokhar, Eric Machado told CNN the 19-year-old was just a 'normal American kid.' 'There was no evidence that would lead us to believe he was capable of any of this,' he said. An uncle of the Boston bombing suspects said who died early Friday morning said Tamerlan was a 'loser.' Ruslan Tsarni said that Tamerlan 'deserved it.' 'I wish they never existed,' Mr Tsarni, who lives in Maryland, told local Boston station WBZ. He had not spoken to the boys since 2009 and said that he did not recognize them when he saw the photos released by the FBI on Thursday evening. 'I'm wordless... shocked,' Mr Tsarni said. 'They do not deserve to exist on this earth.' Ruslan called Tamerlan a 'loser', he described his younger nephew Dzhokhar as a quiet kid. The suspects' uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, spoke to the media and implored his nephew on the run to turn himself in. He also railed against his relatives for bringing shame on their family and country . Anzor Tsarnaev, father of the two suspects, said his boys 'could never have done this' These CCTV images were released Thursday evening by the FBI. Tamerlan engaged in a shootout with law enforcement later that night and died . One of their sisters, who lives in New Jersey, said, 'They were great people. I never would have expected it. 'They are smart – I don’t know what’s gotten into them,' adding that her younger brother is 'an amazing child.' The sister, who declined to give her name to the Newark Star-Ledger, said she sympathized with her brothers' victims. 'I’m not okay – no one is okay right now. I’m hurt for everyone who has been hurt. I’m sorry for all the people who are hurt and for all the people who lost their lives.' Several former classmates described Dzhokhar as a friendly, smart kid, and they said they were shocked that he was part of the pair who killed three and injured more than 180 in the marathon bombings on Monday. An unidentified friend told CNN that he 'hung out, went to parties, smoked some weed... its not like he's some foreign dude.' A different uncle, Alvi Tsarni, who lives closeby in Boston was visibly upset when he spoke about his nephews. 'I don't believe any of my nephews are involved in this horrible incident,' Alvi Tsarni told the Boston CBS affiliate WBZ. 'If he did this I'm sorry too. It's crazy, it's not possible. I can't believe it. Who can do this stuff?' The family tree is unclear, though the Associated Press spoke with the boys' father Anzor Tsamaev who lives in an area of Russia called Makhachkala. 'My son is a true angel,' Anzor said. 'Dzhokhar is a second-year medical student in the U.S. He is such an intelligent boy. We expected him to come on holidays here.' The boys' aunt, Maret, is a surgeon who lives in Canada. She used to be in Chechnya and her acts as a battlefield surgeon are described in a book.
Mom charged in June 2012 for shoplifting from the upscale department store . Her sons were caught on CCTV from a different Lord & Taylor along the marathon route . Tamerlan, 26, was killed Thursday night after shootout with law enforcement . Dzhokhar is still on the run and considered armed and very dangerous .
Obese patients and smokers face an immediate ban on routine operations according to a major NHS clinical commissioning group. Patients in Devon will be told today that if they have a body mass index of more than 35 (morbidly obese), they will be required to lose either five per cent of their weight or reduce their BMI to under 35 before they undergo surgery. Smokers will have to have given up eight weeks before any planned operation in a bid to slash heath costs and improve clinical outcomes. The North Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group is one of the largest groups in the country hand as almost 900,000 patients served by 130 GP practices. Scroll down for video . Obese patients and smokers in Devon face an immediate ban on routine operations. People with a BMI of more than 35, they will be required to lose either five per cent of their weight or reduce their BMI to under 35. Smokers will be forced to prove they have quit for eight weeks before any operation (file image) In a statement it said: 'The CCG decided that for those patients undergoing hip and knee operations with a body mass index of more than 35 (morbidly obese) they patient would be required to have a BMI of under 35 or to lose five per cent of their weight before planned surgery, whichever is the lesser weight loss.' The new restrictions will be extended to all non-urgent surgical procedures, however, it will not apply to cancer treatment or urgent cases. The statement added: 'The CCG also confirmed that it would not be restricting IVF treatment or Caesarean sections on medical grounds at this time. 'The quit smoking and the BMI requirements will be introduced with immediate effect.' Patients who have already been given a date for surgery will not be affected by the policy change although they will be offered support in losing weight or quitting smoking. Dr Tim Burke, chair of the NEW Devon CCG said: 'All of these temporary measures relate to planned operations and treatments, not those which must be done as an emergency or to save lives. 'Clinicians have carefully reviewed a number of measures, taking into account the impacts of their temporary withdrawal to decide which we will implement. 'We recognise that each patient is an individual and where their GP or consultant feels that there are exceptional circumstances we will convene a panel of clinicians to consider the case. 'We will continue to keep people informed about our decisions around the measures.' Dr Burke said that he was being forced to curtail some services because the CCG is currently running a deficit of £14.5 million. The new restrictions imposed by the North Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group will affect all non-urgent surgical procedures, including hip and knee operations (file image) He said he was now going to restrict access to second hearing aids as well as certain expensive drugs. He said: 'Other measures encourage patients to take steps themselves to reduce their risks from surgery and to improve their outcomes, such as losing weight and stopping smoking. 'As part of the review we looked at how long a person should stop smoking for before surgery and based on that evidence we have increased the previously discussed time of six weeks to eight weeks. 'We don’t under estimate how difficult it will be for some people to lose weight or stop smoking and we will continue to support them. If they are able to do this it will also have long term health benefits for them. 'We are committed to being open about what we are considering and how the decisions are being made. We are publishing our decisions and producing information for the patients affected about the available treatment options for them. 'The CCG has a legal duty to live within its financial resources and the prioritisation of services is helping us to do that.' It is understood that the CCG is expecting a new range of cuts.
NHS chiefs have banned obese people and smokers from routine surgery . Almost one million in the south west will be subject to the new rules . Obese people will have to lose weight before undergoing routine surgery . Smokers will have to stop for at least eight weeks before their operation . The experimental plan has been introduced by the NHS across Devon . The Clinical Commissioning Group needs to make £14.5m in cost savings .
An Austrian girl has said she feels she 'can really be free' among the radicals of the so-called Islamic State, six months after leaving her her parents with a note saying she would die for Allah. Asked about the routine of life in IS stronghold Raqqa, Sabina Selimovic, 15, said: 'I like to eat. The food here is very similar to Austria even if it's mainly halal food. 'But you can get ketchup here, Nutella and cornflakes.' Scroll down for video . A picture believed to show Sabina Selimovic, 15, with jihadi fighters in Syria: An interview given by the Austrian teenager saying how she feels 'she can really be free' among the extremists may have been given at gunpoint . Don't look for us. We will serve Allah – and we will die for him': Samra Kesinovic, 17, left, and Sabina, right, left the Austrian capital in April leaving a note for their parents explaining they had gone to join the jihad in Syria . Austrian anti-terror agents believe the interview given by Sabina, who is now married to a jihadi fighter, was probably carried out at gunpoint. Weeks earlier friends and family of Sabina said she had told them in online conversations she regretted leaving Vienna for Syria and wanted to come home. Sabina and her friend Samra Kesinovic, 17, left the Austrian capital in April, leaving a note telling their parents they had gone to fight in Syria. They come from Bosnian refugee families who settled in Austria after the former Yugoslavia collapsed into ethnic warfare in the 1990. Born in Austria, it is believed they radicalised through a local mosque. But the later claim Sabina wanted to leave and come back to Austria had reportedly infuriated ISIS leaders, who are waging a constant propaganda war to attract new recruits. Anti-terrorism police in the girls' homeland said it is almost certain she would have been ordered to publicly disavow what she had said. It is believed both Samra and Sabina married IS fighters soon after arriving in Syria. The two couples initially lived in the same room but the 15-year-old has reportedly now moved out to a different flat. Speaking by SMS messages to French weekly Paris Match, Sabina denied claims she was pregnant and insisted she was enjoying life in Syria, where she felt free to practise her religion in a way that she did not in Austria. The magazine did manage to confirm the teenager had only been allowed to speak to them with the permission of her husband, who was in the room as she wrote her answers. She said after arriving to Turkey from Austria they crossed over the border into Syria on foot. They ended up in the city of Raqqa, she said, after arriving in the country with nothing other than the clothes they were wearing. Sabina said her husband was a soldier and added: 'Here I can really be free. I can practice my religion. I couldn't do that in Vienna.' Jihadi brides: The two girls in their new life in a pic they posted online . Looking over the Euphrates: Sabina said she and Samra had ended up in the Islamic State stronghold Raqqa . Radical chic: Sabina and Samra could be prosecuted if they do ever manage to return to Austria . In Vienna, experts who studied the transcript of Sabina's interview said it was almost certain she had been forced to speak to the magazine by her husband, who was a fighter in the ISIS-terrorist militia. The experts, who preferred to remain anonymous, said the story which went all round the world about the pair wanting to leave had done a lot of damage to the ISIS campaign. It was clear they were trying to put that right, the experts said. Sabina and Samra could be prosecuted if they do ever manage to return to Austria. Austrian police who are looking into the circumstances of the girl's disappearance have also compiled a dossier about the girls' links with terrorist groups. Before leaving the country Sabina and Samra had started lecturing schoolmates in Vienna about their lifestyle and were suspected behind a vandalism attack on their school calling for jihad. When they disappeared, their parents found notes in their bedrooms saying 'Don't look for us. We will serve Allah – and we will die for him'.
Sabina Selimovic spoke via text message to Paris Match magazine . Austrian anti-terror agents believe she spoke under duress . She and Samra Kesinovic ran away to join Islamic State in April .
The Manhattan madam accused of running a multimillion dollar prostitution empire from an Upper East Side apartment has been remanded in custody after a court heard her network of wealthy clients made her a 'significant flight risk'. Anna Gristina will remain in prison because a judge agreed that the 'high-worth individuals' she allegedly serviced might help her try to flee the United States to a safe haven. Gristina’s ‘black book’ of clients, . stretching back 15 years, contains the names of powerful figures in . politics, law enforcement, law, banking and entertainment, as well as . several ‘ultra-wealthy’ Europeans, say prosecutors. Prosecutors suggested they would be . likely attempt to stop embarrassing revelations about themselves coming . to light, rather let justice run its course. Charged: Anna Gristina, 44, appeared in Manhattan Supreme Court yesterday in a formal suit and glasses, a far cry from the sultry pose in the half-naked pictures with her husband . The court also heard that British-born Gristina, known in the industry as 'Anna Scotland', had a fund specially set up to help her flee justice. The 44-year-old, who appeared wearing handcuffs, managed only a weak smile to her husband in the gallery as she made a ten-minute appearance in Manhattan’s Supreme Court today, and blew him a kiss as she was led back to the cells. She also appeared anxious and tried to hide her face from photographers, according to DNAInfo. Wearing a herringbone pattern black and white jacket and black trousers, her blonde hair was unkempt and she looked more like a librarian than a wealthy vice madam. An indictment was also handed down today on the mother-of-four. She has pleaded not guilty to one count of prostitution in the third degree and will now face a trial. Husband of ten years Kelvin Gorr told the New York . Daily News as he left court today: 'We are just a great family... and my wife means everything . to me. I feel heartbroken.' It was also revealed today that authorities are investigating links between Gristina and a woman who worked as a recruiter for a high-end matchmaking service that pairs wealthy men with polished women, according to DNAInfo. Suspect: Jaynie Mae Baker, 30, is wanted by police for questioning as they believe she may have been involved in the prostitution ring . Jaynie Baker's profile on the VIP Life's website, for which she finds eligible wealthy bachelors . Jaynie Mae Baker, 30, from Brooklyn, who works for dating service VIP Life, is wanted by police for questioning. They believe she is an associate of Gristina. Her Facebook page says she co-hosted a fundraiser for a Texas-based animal shelter called Shelby Shelter with Gristina last year at a West Village night club. Anna Gristina's second husband Kelvin Gorr said he was 'heartbroken' as he left court today . The 30-year-old acts as a contractor who refers men to VIP Life, for which she receives a finder's fee. The agency only lists men who are serious about long-term relationships and shuns women who are only interested in men for their money. Founder of VIP Life Lisa Clampitt told DNAInfo Baker was a 'sweet young woman' who would never be involved in anything illegal. Vincent Parco, an investigator working for her legal team who was in court, said Gristina 'was running a marketing website and was meeting investors but it did not work out. Her husband is looking after the children and they are OK.' During the hearing Gristina’s lawyer Richard Siracusa sought to have the $3million she would have to post if she wanted bail - $1million in cash and a $2million surety - lowered in exchange for her wearing an ankle bracelet. So far she has not posted the huge sum and is being held in the notorious Riker’s Island prison in New York. Wealthy: The brothel was run from an East 78th Street apartment where residents said a steady stream of beautiful young women would come and go . Mr Siracusa said: 'My client has extremely high bail. She has no record, she has four children...she has a home for rescued animals. 'For someone who came into court charged with one count of criminal prostitution this is far in excess of what would be necessary to keep her coming back to court. 'The District Attorney has her passport...The $1m to $2m bail puts her in a special category as some one who is a heinous criminal and that carried over when she goes into the jails. 'It is not an easy existence there.' Peter Gleason, left, co-attorney for Anna Gristina who is charged with promoting prostitution, is joined by private investigator Vincent Parco . Charles Linehan, prosecuting for the Manhattan District Attorney, told the court that 'the risk of flight is very high here' and that nothing had changed from Gristina’s last court appearance in February. He said: 'She has high-worth individuals she counts among her friends and clients that we believe have an interest in not having this case go forward and are in a position to help her flee the jurisdiction. 'We have evidence she has money squirreled away so that in the event of this happening she could use to flee the jurisdiction. The risk of flight is very high here.' He added that during a previous police investigation - apparently a reference to the 2008 prostitution bust which snared former New York governor Eliot Spitzer - she had fled to Montreal where she has an apartment. Kristin Davis, a New York madam who supplied Spitzer with prostitutes, has alleged it was the former governor himself who tipped off someone working for Gristina’s business, Fleur d’Elite, about a sting on escort agencies – prompting the British woman to flee temporarily to Canada. Linehan explained it was thought she would do the same ‘at the moment’ she was discovered, although she had been arrested before being able to do so. Judge Juan Merhcan agreed there was a 'significant' risk of her fleeing and ordered she remain in custody. He said: 'It seems that $2million bail and $1million cash is appropriate given the risk of flight so I am not going to modify the bail.' Gristina, a suburban soccer mom who moved to New York 20 years ago from her native Edinburgh, was arrested after a five-year investigation during which . undercover police taped more than 100 hours of audio where she bragged . about her high-end clients, how she had contacts in law enforcement who . would tip her off and even how she used underage girls for some of the . trysts, according to explosive court documents. The divorcee lives in suburban Monroe, north of New York City, with her children and a number of rescue animals. - Neighbour . The five-year-long investigation was run by a Manhattan district attorney's office unit that pursues cases against police and other uniformed city workers, according to a transcript of her February 23 arraignment. A co-defendant has yet to be arrested and has not been identified. During hundreds of hours of surveillance, Gristina was heard saying that 'she has connections in law enforcement who are poised to help her out, to let her know if there is trouble on the front that she needs to be concerned about', District Attorney Charles Linehan said, according to the court transcript. Neighbours say a steady stream of young women - usually of Eastern European descent - would come and go from the second-floor apartment, as did a number of suited business men. Jailed: Gristina is being held at Rikers Island prison on $2million bond and is considered a flight risk because she has a British passport and a home in Canada . Gristina boasted she had 'business contacts world-wide' which are thought to include powerful . politicians, top-law enforcement, influential lawyers, bankers, . entertainment execs and Fortune 500 businessmen, according to the New York Post. The . DA also said Gristina had not reported any income to the government in a . number of years so she will likely be charged with tax evasion as well. When . she was arrested on February 22, she was meeting with an unnamed investment . banker at his Morgan Stanley office for a meeting to try to raise money . to finance what prosecutors believe may be . an online start-up that would match prostitutes with wealthy men. Investigator Parco claimed she had been trying to set up a legitimate dating website aimed at rich clients. Morgan Stanley representatives did not immediately respond to an email on Monday evening. Prosecutors have up to 100 hours of . video and audio recordings in the case, which they cultivated through . informants and undercover operations, Linehan told the judge last month. Ex-husband: Dario Gristina, a Conservative Republican Candidate for NYS Assembly, said he divorced Anna years ago and knew nothing of the allegations. He has since remarried and has six children, left . Minors were involved in some of the encounters Gristina arranged, the prosecutor said. He cited information from at least one eyewitness account - a confidential informant who was one of Gristina’s prostitutes. Defence lawyers dismissed reports that she had provided underage girls as ‘disgusting’. According to the Daily News, the escort service offered clients a three-tiered pricing system. Costs . ranged from $1,000 for the 'Dream Model girls', $1,500 for 'Calendar . Girls, fashion models and budding actors', and $2,000 and up for the . 'Ultimate Elite Model' category. Mohammed Azad, 32, who owns a restaurant in the building where Gristina allegedly operated her brothel, told the Post: 'I see people in and out coming over . here, sometimes many in one day. I always see young . fashionable women, always under 30. They don’t live here.' Facebook post: Gristina reveals she has had an apartment in New York for the last 15 years - the length of time she is alleged to have been running the brothel . When police arrived at her upscale suburban home, no one was at home but a number of animals including pigs, pit bulls and wild boars were roaming around the property. On her Facebook page, she has many pictures of her pigs and often posts about them on other pig-lover's walls. In August last year, she wrote to one friend: 'I hate going to the city. I have had an apartment for 15 years and I only visit like once a month.' Her ex-husband Dario Gristina, a Conservative Republican Candidate for NYS Assembly, told the Daily News: 'We divorced a long time ago, I am surprised.' Italian-born Gristina married second wife Teresa ten years ago. He has six children but it is unclear how many of them are shared with his first wife. Do you know this woman? Call the news desk on 020 7938 6000 or email [email protected] .
Anna Gristina boasted about making millions in her 15 years running the brothel from an Upper East Side apartment . Claimed she had police connections who would tip her off . Husband said he is 'heartbroken' Authorities searching for other woman who they suspect is involved .
It has generally been agreed that northern Africa underwent desertification about 3 million years ago, leading to the formation of the Sahara. But now scientists at it may be twice as old as thought, with desertification starting around 7 million years ago. Climate simulations suggest the shrinking of the Tethys Sea coupled with the uplift of the Arabian peninsula weakened the summer monsoon, forming the vast desert that exists today much longer ago than thought. Research led by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research in Bergen, Norway suggests the age of the Sahara desert (shown) is double previous estimates. Evidence had suggested that some dunes in Chad, part of the Sahara desert, were as much as 7 million years old . The research, published in Nature, was co-authored by Dr Zhongshi Zhang, a palaeoclimatologist at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research in Bergen, Norway. The evidence comes partially from dune deposits in northern Chad that were estimated to be seven million years old. Other studies also found evidence for extended dry spells in the region starting eight million years ago. The reason why this was so was not known, but now Dr Zhang says he may have an answer. His team’s climate simulations suggest a gradual rearrangement of land masses in northern Africa. The Sahara desert is one of the largest deserts in the world and covers more than 3.5 million square miles (9 million square km) - 10 per cent of the African continent. It is bordered by the Red Sea in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the west . The desert covers parts of several African nations including Algeria, Chad, Egypt and Sudan. About a quarter of the desert is made of dunes, with some of them reaching more than 150 metres (500 ft) in height. One permanent river runs through the Sahara today - the Nile. One particular shift was thought to occur in the Tethys Sea that once bordered northern Africa. The sea gradually shrunk around seven to 11 million years ago, and it’s thought this may have weakened the African summer monsoon. The uplift of the Arabian peninsula was also thought to play a part. The quelling of the monsoon would in turn have weakened westerly winds, shifting a flow of moisture from the tropical Atlantic further south. This suggests the desertification, and ultimately the formation of the Sahara desert, may have formed earlier than thought. ‘Not only did the Tethys shrinkage alter the mean climate of the region, it also enhanced the sensitivity of the African monsoon to orbital forcing, which subsequently became the major driver of Sahara extent fluctuations,’ the researchers write. ‘These important climatic changes probably caused the shifts in Asian and African flora and fauna observed during the same period.' Climate simulations suggest the shrinking of a body of water called the Tethys Sea (shown) may have weakened the African summer monsoon. This led to the desertification of northern Africa earlier than thought. The Sahara desert is one of the world's largest deserts and covers about 10 per cent of the African continent .
Research led by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research in Bergen, Norway suggests the age of the Sahara desert is double previous estimates . Evidence had suggested that some dunes in Chad, part of the Sahara desert, were as much as 7 million years old . But it had been thought the Sahara desert was only 3 million years old . Now climate simulations suggest the shrinking of a body of water called the Tethys Sea may have weakened the African summer monsoon . This led to the desertification of northern Africa earlier than thought . Today the Sahara desert is one of the world's largest deserts and covers about 10 per cent of the African continent .
A group of New York artist may have created the weirdest take on the Rylstone and District Women's Institute naked calendar. Since the Yorkshire matrons stripped off for charity in 1999, there have been no shortage of nude calendars. We've seen a string of naked firemen, semi-clad sports teams, stripped vets and even bare technology wizards, but this has to rank as one of the most bizarre. Artists from Art F City have posed naked as pandas for their calendar in a bid to raise funds to keep their blog going . The saucy shoot was done by Rachel Stern and features notable artists, dealers and writers . Artists from Art F City have posed naked as pandas for their calendar in a bid to raise funds to keep their blog running. Entitled 'Artists as Pandas in the Nude,' and photographed by Rachel Stern,  it is said to feature notable artists, dealers and writers. The saucy shoot was reportedly inspired by the switching off of the popular 'panda cam' at  Smithsonian's National Zoo in Washington, US. The live feed of the zoo's famous resident, Mei Xiang, went down just days after she delivered her cub Bao Bao, due to a US Government shut down last year. In a bid to beat the blackout the artists performed panda related activities 24-hours-a-day, which they then streamed live on their website. 'The whole thing was so absurd, so we decided to livestream ourselves blogging while dressed like pandas,' Paddy Johnson, AFC's founder and editor, told the LA Times. This inspired the nude calender that is priced £31 ($50) dollars from the Art F City website. The group were inspired by the switching off of the popular 'panda cam' at Smithsonian's National Zoo . The naked calendar is priced at £31 or $50 dollars and aims to raise funds to keep the groups blog going .
Calendar has been created by artists from New York based Art F City . Models are said to be notable artists, dealers and writers . The group were inspired by the switching off of 'panda cam' at zoo .
A broke former footballer who masqueraded as Chelsea loanee Gael Kakuta in order to fund a luxury lifestyle of champagne, women, fast cars and shopping sprees was jailed for four years on Wednesday. Medi Abalimba, 24, was once a promising star, earning up to £4,000-a-week and was once sold to Derby County for £1.2million and. But his career bombed after he struggled to recover from an injury. Unwilling to give up his celebrity life, he began breaking into lockers at the private health club in Camden, where he was a member, in order to steal credit card details. Medi Abalimba, 24 (left), has been jailed for four years after duping bars, restaurants, luxury stores and five-star hotels out of thousands of pounds by pretending to be Chelsea player Gael Kakuta . Abalimba was caught after trying to buy £20,000 worth of goods at Selfridges in the Trafford Centre (pictured) Blues winger Kakuta on his sixth loan spell at Chelsea after joining Rayo Vallecano . He would then go on spending sprees in luxury shops, five-star hotels and trendy nightclubs pretending to be winger Kakuta - who is on his sixth loan spell from Chelsea with Real Vallecano - while using the card details to pay. During one incident he duped starstruck staff into running up a £25,000 bar tab on Cristal champagne in one London club claiming 'he was a Premier League star and good for the money.' He also ran up a £12,000 bill at three luxury London hotels, took a bar in Manchester for another £5,000, scrounged suites in luxury apartment complexes and spent £11,000 on limousines. On another occasion he took four star-struck girls from Manchester on a £1,100 helicopter tour over London before having them stay with him at an £800-a-night rented mansion in Berkshire, which he falsely claimed was his home. He also used another woman’s credit cards to rack up a £4,633 bill at a spa and to hire a Range Rover at a cost of £2,397. Abalimba took four girls on a £1,100 helicopter ride over London, before inviting them back to a £800-a-night mansion in Berkshire, saying it was his home . Abalimba was caught after he attempted to buy clothing worth more than £20,000 from Selfridge's at the Trafford Centre near Manchester - even practising his football skills inside while browsing. After being arrested, he claimed his one-time massive weekly wage left him with a 'wholly unrealistic' understanding of money. Abalimba was born in the Congo and had begun his career as a midfielder in the youth teams of Crystal Palace and Fulham, before moving to Southend United where he was paid £1,000-a-week at just 16 years old. He attracted attention from several Premier League clubs early in his career and was given trials at Manchester United and Manchester City. At Liverpool, he played for the reserves while the then manager Rafa Benitez watched from the stands and eventually signed for Derby County in 2009 for £1.2m. He was paid £4,000 a week and received an appearance fee of £1,000 as a substitute, and £2,000 for starting a match. But his career was curtailed by injury and he was sent to Oldham Athletic on a free transfer in January 2011 having failed to make a competitive appearance. In August 2012 he was signed by Farnborough Town with a wage of just £300-a-week and was forced to supplement his income with part-time work as a taxi firm controller. Fearing his friends would dump him, he turned to fraud in order to keep up the illusion of wealth. He called venues in advance, pretending to be Kakuta’s agent and advising them of his imminent arrival before using 'compromised' credit cards to pay for goods and services. He took friends for a night out in London where he duped staff at the Cirque du Soir burlesque club in Soho into giving him champagne after convincing them he had put his credit card behind the bar. When a waiter could not find the card, Abalimba said he was a Premier League footballer and showed the server photos of himself posing in football shirts with Premier League stars. He then racked up the five-figure bar tab entertaining a table of 10 guests, buying bottles of champagne which cost up to £5,000 each - even offering to buy bubbly for a man at the next table. In all he ordered two jeroboams of Cristal, each equivalent to four regular bottles, and used a microphone to invite the entire club back to his house for a party. At the end of the night, it was discovered he could not pay the bill and police arrived to arrest him. Abalimba once ran up a £25,000 bar tab in a London club, buying two jeroboams of Cristal champagne, telling bar staff he was 'good for the money (pictured, Abalimba is arrested) Kakuta (right) trains alongside former Chelsea team-mate Nicolas Anelka in 2009 . At the time he claimed he had been given a credit card by his French football club but was given a six-month suspended sentence. Just months later he phoned a trendy club in Manchester and put on an American accent, pretended to be the agent for Gael Kakuta and asked for a table. Throughout the the evening he posed as Kakuta to order champagne worth £2,600. At the end of the night claimed he had left his wallet in a limousine and told staff he had his credit card details over the phone. He also enjoyed drinks at several nightclubs and restaurants including the acclaimed Gilgamesh, run by head chef Ian Pengelley, where he ran up a bill of £8,000 for 20 of his friends. Kakuta had temporary spells at Fulham, Bolton, Dijon, Vitesse and Lazio . The payment, made using stolen credit card details, was authorised and Abalimba then pre-paid more than £2,000, telling staff he would return. The next night he drank champagne with friends before leaving in a chauffeur driven Bentley GT. Last July Abalimba went to Selfridges in the Trafford Centre where he chose more than £20,000 worth of clothing only to claim he could not pay with his credit card as it had been damaged. He later phoned the store to try and make a payment over the phone using the stolen credit card details. But just as a chauffeur was sent to collect the goods, a store detective became suspicious and withheld the items. Police traced Abalimba to a mansion where he had been staying and he later told police he regularly broke into lockers at a sports club in Camden using master keys, and used his phone to photograph members’ credit card details. It emerged that in London he ran up huge bills during hotel stays, including £7,000 at the Corinthia hotel, £3,000 at Mandarin, £2,000 at Millennium Hotel and £1,400 at Bulgari Hotel. Officers found his fingerprints on a pair of Harvey Nichols shoes the fraudster had attempted to give out as a tip. In Manchester he deceived hotels including Park Inn, Worsley Marriott and the Great John St Hotel. He also attempted to book £4,206 worth of rooms at The Midland but was thwarted by extra security checks by staff there. He also tried to fraudulently obtain a £9,000 Rolex watch from a jeweller. At Manchester Crown Court, Abalimba, who is currently living in west London admitted three charges of fraud, taking a Range Rover without consent and making off without paying for £104 worth of petrol and asked for 19 other offences to be considered. After the case Sgt Adam Cronshaw of Greater Manchester Police said: 'Having spoken with many of the victims in this case it appears that Abalimba is a charming and charismatic individual who was able to call on his previous football experience and the fact he bears some resemblance to the real Gael Kakuta to deceive them. 'He was able to trick most people he came across and grew in confidence the longer the charade continued. He became so skilled in lies and deceit that his character went from being plausible to unquestionable. Kakuta made four loan appearances for Bolton Wanderers while on loan in 2011 . Kakuta (second left) made seven appearances for Fulham while on loan at Craven Cottage . 'Abalimba told us that many of his victims treated him so differently because they thought he was a celebrity footballer. Unfortunately this trust and goodwill was misplaced. 'While I have some sympathy for the way his career was curtailed, there can be no excuses for the persistent and deliberate frauds that have left numerous people and businesses out of pocket. 'I’m glad we were able to catch him and prevent further loss to other potential victims as he showed no signs of halting his activity. 'I hope more businesses are now aware of this scam and have the necessary security measures in place to prevent similar occurrences.' Police said the latest frauds totalled £163,000 but with no assets or cash to his name there is no opportunity for financial compensation to be paid to victims.
Medi Abalimba, 24, once earned £4,000-a-week as a promising footballer . His career flopped because of injury so he turned to crime . He went on spending sprees pretending to be Chelsea winger Gael Kakuta . Abalimba was caught after trying to buy £20,000 of goods from Selfridges . Kakuta on his sixth loan spell at Chelsea after joining Rayo Vallecano .
A new test could be used to warn if smokers are likely to develop lung cancer. Scientists have discovered that cells taken from the mouth and nose react differently to infrared light in people vulnerable to the disease. The results of these tests could help target CT scans more effectively - and potentially lead to earlier diagnosis and improved outcomes for lung cancer patients in the future. Compared with some other types of cancer, the outlook for lung cancer has not improved greatly over the decades. Scroll down for video . Scientists have discovered a test that could warn smokers if they are likely to develop lung cancer. They discovered cells taken from the mouth and nose react differently to infrared light in people vulnerable to developing the disease . Only 10 per cent of patients will live for five years or more from being diagnosed. This is mainly due to the disease being diagnosed at a late stage. Professor Sam Janes, from University College London, said: 'This non-invasive test can help identify those who are at greatest risk within adult smokers, and may help target CT screening far more effectively. 'Our vision for the future is that smokers could get a test in the GP or pharmacy, swab their mouth or nose, and the sample is then sent off for analysis. The earlier lung cancer is detected the better the outcome. ' Patients who develop lung tumours may have subtle abnormalities in all cells in their lungs, mouth and nose. This signature of abnormality can be seen – very subtly – by shining light on the cells. The cells reflect or refract the light differently when compared to those who do not have lung cancer. Professor Janes added: 'Tobacco smoke exposure seems to cause a different type of injury to cells in those that go on to develop lung cancer. 'If we can use this detection system early enough maybe we can spot lung cancer at a much earlier stage or even inform whether an individual is at risk of lung cancer. 'Our study, using infrared light to examine such cells for the first time, revealed that the cells of smokers with lung cancer could be differentiated from those without lung cancer with an accuracy of 80 per cent.' The scientists studied samples from 76 smokers, half of whom had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Lung cancer can remain dormant for 20 years before it is triggered into an aggressive form of the disease, a study has warned. The first genetic mutations which cause the cancer could go undetected for up to two decades before additional faults trigger cancer cells to grow rapidly. During this expansion there is a surge of different genetic faults appearing in separate areas of the tumour. Each distinct section evolves down different paths - meaning that every part of the tumour is genetically unique. Researchers hope the new discovery will lead to earlier detection. Two-thirds of patients are diagnosed with advanced forms of lung cancer, when treatments are less likely to be successful. Over 40,000 people are diagnosed with the disease each year, but fewer than a tenth survive for at least five years after being diagnosed. Previous research had shown that the way very pure light generated by a synchrotron particle accelerator is scattered by human cells may indicate the presence of the disease. Further work showed that infrared light can produce the same results in a laboratory setting. Professor Janes, a member of the British Thoracic Society, added: 'Our vision for the future is that smokers could get a test in the GP or pharmacy, swab their mouth or nose, and the sample is then sent off for analysis. 'The earlier lung cancer is detected, the better the outcome.' The research was presented at the British Thoracic Society's Winter Meeting in London. Next the scientists plan to analyse samples from a larger population and monitor participants over time to see how many develop lung cancer. The results could help identify which patients should be referred for CT (computed tomography) X-ray scans. The work was funded by the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. In lung cancer, cells in the lungs start to multiply in an uncontrolled way, forming a growing area called the primary cancer or primary tumour. This is a malignant cancer that can cause symptoms such as a persistent cough, coughing up blood, and shortness of breath. Another study, also by University College London, supported the need for screening and early diagnosis. The study highlighted that patients with no symptoms have better chances of a cure from lung cancer than those who are diagnosed later and with symptoms. A five year study revealed that 61 per cent of patients treated surgically for lung cancer were diagnosed 'incidentally' through investigations performed by other specialties in the hospital. The patients who came to hospital with cancer-related symptoms had a significantly higher chance of dying from cancer. Compared with some other types of cancer, the outlook for lung cancer has not improved greatly over the decades. Pictured, is a human lung cancer cell under a microscope . Professor Janes added: 'This research clarifies the need for early screening, as certain forms of lung cancer can only be surgically treated in the earliest stages. 'More needs to be done to reach those in the community with have high risk factors, and encourage early screening to detect lung cancer as quickly as possible.' The sooner we can treat, the better the chance of survival for these patients.' Dr Penny Woods, Chief Executive of the British Lung Foundation, said: 'Being able to screen people with a higher risk of developing lung cancer, such as people who smoke, before they present with symptoms, could potentially help us save the lives of thousands of people. 'Late presentation and diagnosis are key reasons for the very poor survival rates from this disease, which are worse in the UK than in Europe and the US. 'Diagnosing lung cancer at an earlier stage could greatly improve the chances of successful treatment and, therefore, survival. 'Studies such as this further emphasise the need for more investment in lung cancer research, funding for which is significantly lower than for most other forms of the disease. The greater the investment, the greater our chances of achieving more potentially landmark breakthroughs such as this'.
Test involves looking at cells from the mouth and nose under infrared light . Cells in people vulnerable to lung cancer react differently to this light . Results of tests could help target CT scans more effectively, experts said . Scientists' vision is for smokers to be tested in a GP practice or pharmacy . Outlook for lung cancer has not improved greatly over the decades . In the UK, only 10% of patients will live for 5 years after being diagnosed .
Sculpted with mud into dramatic horn shapes or intricately braided and covered with hundreds of brightly coloured beads - the eye-catching hairstyles worn by the tribal women of Angola are practically works of art. Bursting with colour and decorated with beaded diamond and bow shapes, buttons and shells, the fascinating styles are the result of thousands of years of tradition. Mario Gerth, 38, from Erfurt, Germany, captured the images when he travelled to the African nation, which shares a southern border with Namibia. Scroll down for video . A young woman of the Mumuhuila tribe from southern Angola wears waist-length beaded strands of blue, green and red woven into her hair . The banker and photographer says: 'African hairstyles are ever-changing, yet deeply rooted in a shared past stemming from tribal traditions. 'Every tribe has its own style, and then within one tribe we can find even more styles - for men, woman, children, for those who have been widowed, and many more. 'Hairdressing in Africa is always the work of trusted friends or relatives. 'Hair in the hands of an enemy is believed to become an ingredient in the production of a dangerous "medicine" that would injure the owner. 'I found this aspect very interesting.' Married Mumuhuila women from southern Angola wear huge, heavy vilanda necklaces made from hundreds of beads day and night . Travelling to southern Angola, Mario visited the Mumuhuila and Mucawana tribes and was able to photograph a collection of different hairstyles. The women he pictured are known to spend several hours each morning making themselves as beautiful as possible, and their first task is to take care of their hair. Mario says: 'Using elements such as butter, oil, cow dung and herbs, these fascinating women can create a style out of almost everything. 'Beads, shells and colours from stones help them to create their masterpieces. A unique hairstyle worn by a woman from the Mumuhuila tribe, from southern Angola, where mud is used to turn hair into stiff horn shapes . A woman of the southern Angolan Mucawana tribe, left, wears a kapapo headdress made of waste materials, while, right, a young Mumuhuila girl wears a colourful beaded wig that indicates she has had her first period but is not yet ready for marriage . Married women of the Mumuhuila tribe wear these immense, weighty neck-pieces fashioned from hundreds of multi-coloured beads . 'For example, the Mumuhuila people of Angola use mud in their hair to imitate stiff horns.' Gerth admits to being fascinated by the 'inexhaustible wealth' of hairstyles that 'know no limits' in their elegance. 'Upon seeing my pictures people start thinking about their own hair,' he says. 'They think about things, like what is it telling the world, such as: "can I transfer a message with my own hairstyle?"' Married Mumuhuila women wear an ostrich feather in their hair, left, while a young girl wears a vikeka necklace from puberty until marriage .
Mario Gerth, 38, from Erfurt, Germany, visited the Mumuhuila and Mucawana tribes in southern Angola . Banker and photographer discovered African hairstyles are ever-changing, yet deeply rooted in tribal traditions . Wearing a rich and colourful beaded wig means a woman has had her first period but is not ready for marriage . Girls wear a vikeka necklace from puberty until they marry a man, which may take up to five years . The married women of the Mumuhuila tribe wear an ostrich feather on their heads to show their status .
A top Russian diplomat has accused the U.S. of trying to use sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine to engineer a regime change in Moscow. 'It is hardly a secret that the goal of the sanctions is to create social and economic conditions to carry out a change of power in Russia,' said deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov. 'There will be no easy or fast way out of this.' Under pressure: Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Francois Hollande, France's president, on Saturday. Moscow believes U.S. sanctions are an attempt to engineer regime change . Russian President Vladimir Putin has struck a belligerent tone in his relations with the West, particularly over the crisis in Ukraine and the gradual spread eastwards of Nato. His inner circle has been personally targeted by economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the EU, touted as an attempt to erode support for his policies at the highest level in Russia. Speaking in the lower house of Russia's parliament, Mr Ryabkov told deputies relations between Moscow and Washington were in a deep chill and were likely to remain so if sanctions continued. Ties between Russia and the U.S. took a dive this year as the Cold War-era foes traded accusations following a coup which brought to power a new pro-West government in Ukraine. Russia responded by annexing the Ukrainian province of Crimea, site of a major Russian naval base, while partisans seized towns in the east and refused to recognise Kiev's new regime. Holy place: Mr Putin and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, right, visit the renovated Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh at the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve in St Petersburg . Tragedy: A grave of an unknown soldier killed fighting for the airport outside the rebel-held city of Donetsk, east Ukraine. The airport itself has been totally destroyed in fighting between rebels and government forces . Well armed: Pro-Russian separatists ride on a tank at the town of Khartsyzk, east of Donetsk. Nato and Kiev say that Russia has been providing material support, including weapons and manpower, to the insurgency . Kiev and Nato have accused Russia of providing material support to the insurgency, while Moscow has accused the West of helping to engineer Ukraine's coup and supporting fascist groups which now hold positions in government. Last week the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution that would authorise President Barack Obama to openly send weapons to the Kiev government. Although that still needs approval from the Senate, it would mark a serious escalation of the conflict. President Putin has portrayed Western sanctions as an attempt to contain Russia and punish it for becoming strong and independent, an opinion echoed by influential Russian media. In his state-of-the-nation address last week, the Russian president accused the the West of ‘trying to build a new Iron Curtain’. He claimed Russia was asserting its ‘sovereignty and national pride’ over its dealings with neighbouring Ukraine – and said his country’s survival depended on it. Also well armed: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko shakes hands with a soldier from a mechanised infantry brigade as he presented the unit with 100 units of heavy arms, including tanks and helicopters . Soon to be even better armed: Last week the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution that would authorise President Barack Obama to openly send weapons to the Kiev government . Claiming the West wanted to see a Yugoslav-style ‘collapse and dismemberment’ of Russia, he said: ‘This has not happened. We did not allow it. ‘Hitler also failed when, with his hateful ideas, he was going to destroy Russia, throw us back behind the Urals. Everyone should remember how it ended.’ An opinion poll released by the independent Levada research group on Monday showed 74 per cent of Russians have negative views of the U.S. Levada said the figures marked the lowest point in Russians' attitudes towards the United States since 1990, the year before the Soviet Union collapsed .
Deputy foreign minister makes comments in speech to Russian parliament . U.S. and EU sanctions have been designed to target Putin's inner circle . Comes as Russian public opinion of U.S. is near record lows .
A cloud of shifting shape and speed that had many meteorologists baffled has turned out to be a swarm of butterflies migrating for the winter. Weather workers in St. Louis, Missouri were vexed last week when they noticed a cloud on their radar that was heading south and kept forming into a variety of odd shapes. One of those odd shapes, oddly enough, was the shape of a giant butterfly. Scroll down for videos . What are the odds: The cloud, which kept changing size and speed and baffled most meteorologists, was even shaped like a butterfly on the radar (above) Winter break: What appeared to be a large cloud over St. Louis, Missouri was actually a swarm of Monarch butterflies (above) heading South for the winter . The National Weather Service was eventually able to conclude that this was an immense swarm of Monarch butterflies making their annual trip down to the mountains of Mexico for the winter months. They shared this news, and how it is these delicate winged creatures were detected as a cloud, on their Facebook page last week. The sheer size of this swarm is also good news as America's Monarch population has been in decline over the past few years due to habitat loss and extreme weather. Bigger and better: The size of the swarm of butterflies is good news for the species, whose numbers had begun to drop recently in America due to habitat loss and extreme weather . The orange and black beauties will now fly thousands of miles south and, hopefully, make the trip back north come Spring. As for the western United Sates population of Monarchs, they never actually leave the country, heading from the Rocky Mountains to sunny California come winter.
A large cloud over St. Louis that kept changing size and speed turned out to be a swarm of Monarch butterflies . They were making their annual trip south for the winter, travelling thousands of miles to the mountains of Mexico . The size of the swarm is good news for the species, who numbers had been dropping recently due to habitat loss and extreme weather .
Goodyear has created a range of tyres (stock image) that monitor the pressure of tyres and automatically inflates them using just a regulator and a tube . Inflating your tyres too much can cause them to tear, while not having enough pressure can lead to punctures and damage to the suspension. With this in mind, Goodyear has created tyres that monitor pressure, and automatically inflate using just a regulator and a tube. If the regulator senses the pressure dropping it opens a valve to let air in, and this pumps up the tyre to the correct pounds per square inch (PSI). All the components of the AMT system, including the pump, are contained within the tyre. Correctly inflated tyres can save fuel as well as lead to carbon dioxide reductions, while increasing the life of the tyre. Ohio-based Goodyear began developing the Air Maintenance Technology (AMT) in 2011 and will now start testing the tyres on trucking fleets in the US and Canada over the next 18 months. ‘This is an important milestone in the development of AMT for the commercial trucking marketplace,’ said Joseph Zekoski, Goodyear’s chief technical officer. ‘The tyres equipped with AMT have performed well in testing, and we are pleased that so many of our fleet customers were eager to collaborate with us in the next phase of testing.’ The system uses a so-called peristaltic pump technology to automatically maintain tyre pressure. This pressure is programmed in before the tyres are fitted, and is based on the individual car or truck’s PSI. The system (illustrated) uses a so-called peristaltic pump technology to automatically maintain tyre pressure. An internal regulator senses when the pressure drops below the specified PSI, which then opens to allow air into the pumping tube. As the tyre rolls, it flattens the tube pushing air through the valve and into the tyre . An internal regulator senses when the inflation pressure drops below the specified PSI, which then opens to allow air into the pumping tube. The system uses a so-called peristaltic pump technology to maintain tyre pressure. This pressure is programmed in before the tyres are fitted, and is based on the individual car or truck’s PSI. An internal regulator senses when the inflation pressure drops below the specified PSI, which then opens to allow air flow into the pumping tube. As the tyre rolls, it flattens the tube pushing air through the valve and into the tyre cavity to inflate it to the optimised pressure. As the tyre rolls, it flattens the tube pushing air through the valve and into the tyre cavity to inflate it to the optimised pressure. The Department of Energy’s Office of Vehicle Technology has given $1.5 million to help research, develop and test the AMT system for commercial vehicle tyres. According to Goodyear, tyre-related costs are the single largest maintenance item for commercial vehicle fleets. Only 44 percent of all truck tyres are within five PSI of their target pressure, and 7 per cent are underinflated by 20 PSI or more. ‘The phase of [AMT] testing will go a long way in helping us determine when we can make this technology available in the commercial tyre marketplace,’ continued Mr Zekoski. Earlier this month, the company also a long haul drive tyre in North America, called the Goodyear Fuelmax LHD G505D, designed to save fuel.
Goodyear began developing the Air Maintenance Technology in 2011 . It will now start testing the tyres on trucking fleets in the US and Canada . A regulator senses when inflation pressure drops below the specified PSI . Regulator then opens to allow air flow into the pumping tube . As the tyre rolls, it flattens the tube and pushes air into the valve . This air flows into the tyre cavity and inflates it to the optimised pressure .
CLICK HERE to find out all you need to know about 15-year-old Norwegian sensation Martin Odegaard . Norway coach Per-Mathias Högmo has urged 15-year-old starlet Martin Odegaard to resist a move to the Premier League. The Stromsgodset midfielder is part of Hogmo's squad for this week's Euro qualifiers. He has already spent time training at Manchester United and his father met with United officials at the end of last season. Liverpool and AS Monaco have also posted scouts on a regular basis to monitor his progress. But Hogmo said: ‘He has already made his debut with the national team, but also at club level, he will have to take a step forward. Martin Odegaard in action on his Norway debut against United Arab Emirates in Europe . The 15-year-old has been urged to resist the overtures from big clubs by his national team manager . 'He is a special talent, but it is not easy to say what would be the next best move. He has two choices. 'Whether he goes to a mid-range club that helps his development, such as Ajax, or he goes directly to an absolute top club. 'You can see that most players that take the second route don't usually succeed.’ Norway boss Per-Mathias Hogmo (centre) says Odegaard should move to a 'mid-range club' for his progress .
The highly-rated 15-year-old has been linked with moves to Manchester United, Liverpool and Monaco . Became the youngest senior Norway international ever when he made his debut against the United Arab Emirates in August . But national team coach Per-Mathias Hogmo has urged him to resist a move to a big team . Instead backs the Stromsgodset midfielder to eventually move to a 'mid-range club' to aid his development . Odegaard called up for Euro 2016 qualifiers against Bulgaria and Malta this month and doesn't turn 16 until December .
An Iowa man has been arrested after he allegedly used a McChicken sandwich to attack his pregnant wife on Tuesday. Marvin Tramaine Hill II, 21, told police that he threw the burger at his wife 'because he doesn't like them' after she woke him up at 1pm with one she had bought for him. According to police after he woke he hurled the McChicken sandwich at her, picked it up and then fired the snack at her again. Attack: Marvin Tramaine Hill II has been arrested and detained after allegedly attacking his wife with a McChicken sandwich . Snack: The popular burger is on McDonald's $1 and More menu list and Hill's wife alleged bought one for him prompting his temper tantrum . Hill is then alleged to have followed his wife to the bathroom where she had gone to clean herself up and then shoved the bun into her face. When officers arrived at his home when his wife called 911, Hill claimed that his wife assaulted him, but found mayonaise on her shirt and face when they went to speak to her. They saw that her nose was swollen and despite Hill trying to show them cellphone footage of his encounter, they arrested him and charged him with simple domestic assault. According to the Des Moines Register, after viewing the video, officers believed that Hill was trying to engineer another fight with his wife to make her seem the aggressor. Hill is currently being held in Polk County Jail without bond.
Marvin Tramaine Hill's wife woke him at 1pm with the lunch time snack . He then allegedly attacked her with it, throwing it at her repeatedly . Police found her with mayonnaise on her face and shirt .
After sorting through millions of queries in 2014, Yahoo says Las Vegas was the most searched destination on its website this year. The popular search engine says the city of sin is still in with its users, who are lured to the Nevada desert for its casinos, gigs and exotic nightlife. From one extreme to the next, debaucherous Las Vegas was followed by Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, a family-friendly destination that attractions holidaymakers with its beaches on the South Atlantic coast, top-notch golf courses and shopping. On The Strip: Las Vegas was the most searched destination on Yahoo in 2014 . Hit me: Las Vegas lures tourists with its casinos, entertainment and exotic nightlife . Coastal cities proved to be a big hit with Yahoo users, as New Orleans, Atlantic City, New Jersey and Key West, Florida rounded out the top five. They were followed by Ocean City in Maryland, Santa Barbara and San Diego in California, Virginia Beach and San Francisco. Yahoo says leisure destinations dominated its top ten, with New York and Chicago failing to make the cut. This year’s list is almost a mirror image of the top ten from 2013, with the top three – Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach and New Orleans – remaining unchanged. Life's a beach: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina ranked second on the top ten list . Welcome to the party: Ocean City, Maryland is the only newcomer on this year's list . The only new addition to the 2014 list was the beach town of Ocean City. As for getting there, budget carrier Southwest Airlines was the most searched airline on Yahoo! in 2014, followed by United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and US Airways. They were followed by a handful of smaller carriers – Spirit Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Allegiant Air, Frontier Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines. The most searched hotels were Marriott, Hilton, Best Western, Hyatt, Wyndham, Sheraton, Holiday Inn, Starwood, Hampton Inn and Sandals Resorts.
Leisure destinations proved to be a big hit with Yahoo! users . This year’s list is almost a mirror image of the top ten from 2013 . Top three - Las Vegas, Myrtle Beach, New Orleans - remains unchanged . Ocean City, Maryland is the only newcomer .
A grandmother-of-six has a eyebrow raising hobby - knitting penis-shaped blankets. Holly Stewart, 59, wants to bring humour and art together to shun the typical stereotypes about old ladies. Her craftmanship is on display at a US art gallery and some of the 'exhibits' are more than five-foot long. Scroll down for video . Missouri grandmother Holly Stewart, pictured, enjoys working with cloth and 'frequently thinks about penises' Ms Stewart said her work was designed to challenge male dominance and question the power of men . She also wanted to show that grandmothers can knit more exciting things than socks and blankets . The grandmother-of-six, from Missouri, said: 'My favourite medium to work with is cloth and I frequently think about penises. 'I wanted to use these together and create something alluring and iconic. 'Quilting is a craft that women of a certain age are expected to employ - I did just that except instead of blankets I knit penises and scrotums.' Using techniques she learned at the Kansas City Art Institute, Ms Stewart created beaded, sequinned and pinned penises. An exhibition called HollyPolyester: Local Grandmother Quilts Giant Penises is taking place at the UMKC Gallery of Art in Kansas City, Missouri throughout September. Ms Stewart said that people don't always identify immediately the subject of her various artworks . The penises are in various sizes from a few inches up to several feet in length and come in various colours . Ms Stewart has made her artworks in a range of fabrics giving each a different tactile experience . Ms Stewart ran the exhibition to showcase the work she had done for her MA thesis in fibre and surface design. She hopes her work will help people talk about gender, sexuality, sex and aging as well as change attitudes to the elderly and sex. Ms Stewart said: 'I want people to see my work and ask questions about male dominance and the power of men. 'People first see them and they think they are granny's knick knacks but disguising the penises as soft toys makes people laugh and certainly makes them talk.' Some of Ms Stewart's extensive range of extravagant  penises are more prickly than others . The artworks would make the ideal soft furnishing gift for most modern families with a sense of humour .
Holly Stewart from Missouri likes knitting giant man-sized penises . The 59-year-old grandmother has put on an exhibition of her artworks . She said: 'My favourite medium is cloth and I frequently think about penises' The exhibition is part of Ms Stewart's MA thesis in fibre and surface design . Some of her giant members are more than five foot in length .
Christmas television has become as important to the modern festive season as roast turkey and gift giving. But audiences this year will be left with a distinct feeling of déjà vu, with nearly two-thirds of programmes on the country’s major channels being repeats, believed to be the highest total ever. Across BBC1, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4, 63 percent of programmes during the two week period from December 20 and January 2 will have been seen before, including vintage hits such as Dad’s Army, The Vicar of Dibley and Morecambe & Wise. This is up from a reported 47.5 percent for the same period last year. The broadcasters will show a combined total of 670 hours, or nearly four weeks’ worth, of repeats in the fortnight between December 20 and January 2, even recycling episodes of game shows such as Pointless . But it was the BBC which found itself facing particular criticism yesterday after it emerged 62 percent of the festive output on BBC1 and BBC2 will be repeats. Campaigners claimed people do not pay the licence fee to watch programmes ‘for the umpteenth time’ and said the corporation must deliver better value for money. The 315 repeats broadcast by BBC1 and BBC2 in the two-week period total 331 hours of reused content and include Only Fools and Horses, Eastenders, Blackadder and even repeats of game shows such as Pointless. The worst offender was again BBC2 - with 74 percent of programmes being repeats, a figure equivalent to last year - prompting accusations the corporation is failing licence fee payers by not providing enough new shows. On Saturday, December 20, Christmas University Challenge and Rik Mayall Lord of Misrule are the only original shows in the channel’s 21 hour schedule. Last night, a spokesman for The TaxPayer’s Alliance said: ‘“Viewers will be left wondering why the cost of a TV Licence is not coming down when they are being subjected to more and more repeats. Amusing as it is, Licence fee payers will question why it costs £145 a year to watch Dad’s Army for the umpteenth time - if they wanted to watch it on endless repeat, they could buy the DVDs. The BBC has to focus on delivering better value for money or sympathy for the TV tax will continue to wane.’ The Royle Family is one of the 315 repeats broadcast by BBC1 and BBC2 in the two-week period total 331 hours of reused content . ITV are broadcasting vintage sitcom Birds of a Feather . Excluding news bulletins, between Saturday December 20 and Friday January 2, 62 per cent of the corporation’s output will be repeats, up from just under sixty percent last year, with 315 of the 511 scheduled shows having been seen before by audiences. Among the tried and tested family favourites will be The Two Ronnies, Mrs Brown’s Boys, and old episodes of Antiques Road Trip and Flog It! These figures compare to 57 percent for ITV and 72 percent for Channel 4, where viewers will be able to almost daily re-watch comedies such as The Simpsons and Fraiser. Broadcasters are also delving into the back catalogue for films keep families entertained, with the likes of Sister Act, Calendar Girls and The Eagle Has Landed filling the BBC schedules, with only 18 of the 112 films set to air on BBC1 and BBC2 having not appeared on the channels before. Despite mounting concerns they are failing to provide enough new programming over the festive period, the broadcasters said they had ensured peak-time viewing hours were dominated by new shows. A BBC spokesman added: ‘The BBC invests more in television at Christmas than any other UK broadcaster. Well over 90% of programmes in peak time on BBC1 will be brand new, including Roald Dah’s Esio Trot, Harry Hill’s Professor Branestawm and the final two episodes of Miranda, plus specials from Doctor Who, Call the Midwife, Mrs Brown’s Boys and Still Open All Hours. There are some carefully chosen repeats in the mix including family favourites and much loved treats from previous years including Royle Family and Vicar of Dibley.’
63 per cent of programmes on major channels will be repeats . Vintage hits will include Dad's Army and Morecambe and Wise . Broadcasters will show combined total of 670 hours of repeats . BBC1 and BBC2 will broadcast 315 re-runs over two week period . BBC claims it invests more in Christmas TV than other broadcasters .
The misogynistic character was officially killed off by his creator last month after a storm of accusations over sexism. However, Daniel O'Reilly's Dapper Laughs could soon be coaxed out of retirement after making the nominees for Best Breakthrough Act at next February's Brit Awards. The comedian from Clapham, south London, is on the longlist along with more than 90 other acts after his single Proper Moist made it into the Top 20 in the singles chart earlier this year . Scroll down for video . Dapper Laughs is on long list of candidates for Best Breakthrough Act for his song Proper Moist . The Dapper Laughs character was axed after thousands of Britons petitioned to have his show banned from ITVBe. The nomination has been awarded on a technicality - bands and solo artists are eligible for a place on the list if they have had a single or album in the Top 40 in the past year. The only official rule preventing an artist getting onto the list is a nomination for a Brit Award or track in the charts in a previous year. Neither the death of a character, nor causing the offence of a nation, are enough to get Dapper Laughs blacklisted from the category. A Brit Awards spokesman told the Independent: 'Bands are eligible for British Breakthrough Act category if they have had an Official Charts Company Top 40 single and/or artist album chart success in the current eligibility period. Tracey Emin has designed the winners' trophy for the Brit Awards 2015 . 'They are not eligible if they have previously been nominated in any Brit Award category (excluding Critics’ Choice) or had an Official Charts Company Top 30 single and/or artist album prior to the period.' A panel of music industry experts will be whittling the current longlist down to five for the shortlist. The public are then able to choose from the final list in an online vote in the weeks running up to the music event. Given that Proper Moist includes lyrics such as, 'If she's looking at me but playing with her hair, By the end of the night she'll need a wheelchair,' it is unlikely that the family-friendly Brits panel will be nominating Dapper for his musical efforts at the 2015 awards. And even if he was given one of the coveted shortlist slots, it is unknown whether Daniel O'Reilly would turn up at London's O2 for the ceremony. Daniel O'Reilly announced he was killing off Dapper Laughs on Newsnight in November . In November, the Londoner declared 'Dapper Laughs is gone,' on BBC's Newsnight after a wave of negative headlines about his comedy routine. In the same week, the huge backlash against his sexist jokes, which include telling men 'Just show her your penis' and 'If she cries, she’s just playing hard to get,' also saw ITV announce that it would no longer commission his programme On The Pull. He said at the time: 'I didn't think that so many people would end up seeing it. 'In the end it became very popular and I kind of got a bit carried away with it, to be honest with you. 'It's wrong but, to me, I didn't see it as me who was saying it, I was creating this character and I was really pushing the boundaries with this character because it was popular. 'I thought that the people that were viewing it were saying this is ridiculous and laughing at it.' At 2014's Brit Awards, the award was given to the band Bastille.
Dapper Laughs is on long list of candidates for Best Breakthrough Act . All British artists with debut single in Top 40 in last year are included . He is one of more than 90 acts on the long list for the 2015 category .
A German newspaper has risked a royal upset by publishing a  photograph of the Duchess of  Cambridge’s bare bottom. The picture was taken during Kate’s recent tour of Australia when a gust of wind briefly caught her dress – and her flimsy underwear did not offer much protection. Now tabloid newspaper Bild am Sonntag has published the image beneath a series of tasteless headlines. Scroll down for video . Privacy: The Duchess of Cambridge is at the centre of a new privacy row after Bild in Germany published a picture of her bottom, alongside images of reality TV star Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe . It ran the photograph alongside . pictures of US reality television star Kim Kardashian and her sister . Khloe, famed for their shapely bottoms, with the caption: ‘Khloe, Kim . and Kate – backsides which have moved us these past few days.’ The . breach of privacy comes less than two years after the Duke and Duchess . launched legal action against a French magazine that printed topless . photographs of Kate on holiday. The . latest photograph was taken as the Duchess boarded a helicopter to . Sydney after an official tour of the Blue Mountains with Prince William . last month. The couple had . been visiting Winmalee, a small community where 195 homes were . destroyed in the worst bush fires in a decade, as part of a three-week . tour Down Under. Royal tour: The picture was taken while the couple were visiting the Blue Mountains in Australia in April . Incident: Kate's dress was blown upwards by the blades of a helicopter when the Duke and Duchess arrived in Winmalee in the Blue Mountains . As the wind . from the helicopter’s rotor blades lifted Kate’s £295 Diane Von . Furstenberg wrap dress, an opportunistic photographer captured the . moment and touted it around international newspapers. It was reportedly sold to the ‘highest bidder’ after British papers refused to print it. First published in the Bild’s Sunday paper, it also appeared on its website, accompanied by crude captions. Beside the offending picture were the words: ‘Thank the wind for the insight into the royal household. Summer style: Kate in the £295 Diane Von Furstenberg dress she was wearing at the time . ‘On Sunday, photos appeared which show our favourite Duchess Kate, 32, in the Australian Blue Mountains. ‘The . royal helicopter rotor blades swirled up the air so that Kate’s summer . dress began blowing upwards – affording us a glimpse of her beautiful . bum. ‘Never have we been so thankful to a helicopter for creating such a wind.’ The . Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been dragged into a series of . privacy rows with the foreign press in recent years after photographs . were published of Kate in a bikini  while she was pregnant, and topless . while on honeymoon. In . February last year, Italian and Australian magazines published . photographs of Kate with her bump on display while she walked along a . beach on the secluded Caribbean island of Mustique. And in September . 2012, the Duke  and Duchess launched  legal action for breach of . privacy against the publishers of Closer magazine in France after it . printed topless photographs of Kate. A . French photographer took the pictures on a long lens from a road, while . Kate and William stood on the balcony of a rural chateau in Provence. Kate . and William’s lawyer, Aurelien Hamelle, claimed the couple had suffered . a ‘grotesque breach of privacy’ and felt ‘violated’ during a ‘highly . intimate moment during a scene of married life’. It is also not the first time Bild newspaper has risked the wrath of the royals. In 1994, it ran photographs of the Prince of Wales naked  on a balcony while on holiday near Avignon, in the south  of France. The . images of Charles, with just a white dressing-gown draped over his . shoulder, were taken by a French photographer using a long lens. The . prince, who was 45 at the time, was described as ‘hunky like a Greek . statue’ by Bild. The Duchess . of Cambridge is no stranger to Marilyn Monroe-style wardrobe . malfunctions, and had struggled to control the hem of her red dress as . she stepped off a plane in windy Wellington, New Zealand, while holding . Prince George at the start of their tour last month. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been dragged into a series of privacy rows with the foreign press in recent years. Above, the Daily Mail, September 2012 . Ordeal: In 2012 French Closer (left) printed topless pictures of Kate, while in 2013 Chi (right) in Italy published pictures of the Duchess in a bikini while pregnant . Her . navy skirt blew up in the breeze at a charity event in London in . November, and she nearly revealed too much in a floral dress as she . arrived at Brisbane airport in 2012. She . also narrowly avoided a wardrobe disaster at Calgary airport in . September 2011 when her Jenny Packham yellow frock was caught by a . sudden gust of wind. But despite a string of such incidents, Kate has yet to take a leaf out of the Queen’s book. Her . Majesty’s skirts are always fitted at the hem with small lead curtain . weights, which cost just £1.50 for a pack of four, to prevent the royal . hemline from flying away in a gust of wind. A Kensington Palace spokesman declined to comment on the photograph last night. Historic: The publication of the topless photos prompted the Royal couple to sue over their privacy for the first time - securing a ruling, pictured, preventing further distribution of the images .
Photograph published alongside bottoms of Khloe and Kim Kardashian . Taken during Kate's recent tour of Australia when gust of wind hit dress . Images, refused by British media, were reportedly sold to 'highest bidder' European magazines have printed topless and pregnant pictures of the Duchess in the past .
Donald Sterling’s ex-assistant V. Stiviano claims the former L.A. Clippers owner is gay and that she spent three years acting as his beard so no one would suspect his true sexuality. Stiviano, who gained national notoriety earlier this year due to her alleged sexual relationship with Sterling, made the bombshell allegation in documents filed at the Los Angeles Superior Court on Thursday in answer to a prior lawsuit filed by Sterling’s wife, Shelly Sterling. In her original lawsuit, Shelly had accused Stiviano of taking gifts from the Sterling Family including a Ferrari, $240,000 in cash and a $1.8 million house on the outskirts of Beverly Hills in exchange for sexual favors. Scroll down for audio . Donald Sterling’s ex-assistant V. Stiviano claims the former L.A. Clippers owner is gay and that she spent three years acting as his beard so no one would suspect his true sexuality . Stiviano denies those allegations and even claims that Shelly Sterling was well aware of the exact nature of the relationship between Donald Sterling and Stiviano. ‘V.S. was D.T.S’s beard for three years prior to the filing of suit,’ the answer claimed. ‘V.S. is informed and believes that (Sterling) is a homosexual and enjoys sexual acts and or sexual congress with males.’ The answer said that Shelly Sterling was ‘acutely aware of his orientation and condoned’ his behavior, including his decision to give ‘gifts, money and other properties’ to Stiviano for her public companionship, reports the Daily News. Stiviano also says that she ‘was not ever a sexual partner’ of Donald Sterling. In her original lawsuit, Shelly Sterling accused Stiviano of taking gifts from the Sterling Family including a Ferrari, $240,000 in cash and a $1.8 million house on the outskirts of Beverly Hills in exchange for providing Donald with sexual favors . She also states that the gifts are considered separate property, not 'marital or community property,' because they were purchased with funds earned by Donald after separation or 'estrangement' from her wife. Stiviano also filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit against the Sterlings on Thursday. She claims they slandered her in the media by calling her a thief and saying she embezzled money and property from Donald. 'She’s delusional,’ Sterling’s lawyer, Max Blecher, told The Daily News. The drama began in April when a recording surfaced of Donald Sterling berating Stiviano for bringing black men to Clippers games. The audio spurred the NBA to ban Sterling for life and fine him $2.5 million. Stiviano also filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit against the Sterlings on Thursday, claiming they slandered her in the media by calling her a thief and saying she embezzled money and property from Donald . Shelly, his wife of 58 years, then took control of a family trust and negotiated a record $2 billion sale of the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Shelly Sterling said she was initially given her husband's blessing to sell the team and he praised the deal she reached. When it came time to sign it at the end of May, however, Sterling said he would not sell and would sue the league. Ballmer officially became the new owner of the Los Angeles Clippers on Tuesday.
Donald Sterling's ex-assistant V. Stiviano claims the former L.A. Clippers owner is gay and that she spent three years acting as his beard . The bombshell allegation came in documents filed on Thursday in answer to a prior lawsuit filed by Shelly Sterling . She had accused Stiviano of taking gifts from the Sterling Family including a $1.8 million house on the outskirts of Beverly Hills . Stiviano has also filed a $10 million defamation lawsuit against the Sterlings claiming they slandered her in the media by calling her a thief .
An American health care worker who may have been infected with Ebola has been flown to a specialist center in the United States to be tested. The patient, who had been aiding efforts in west Africa, will be monitored at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. Emory was the first hospital to treat Americans who had contracted the virus while working in Ebola-struck areas. Scroll down for video . An American health care worker who has working in west Africa will be tested for Ebola at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta . The hospital houses a specialized isolation unit that handled four of the 10 Ebola patients previously treated in the U.S. A hospital spokeswoman confirmed the patient was being flown in yesterday, but did not reveal any details. 'An American health care worker from West Africa who may have been exposed to the Ebola virus is being transferred to Emory University Hospital's Serious Communicable Diseases Unit for monitoring and observation to see if an infection has been acquired,' the medical center said in a statement. 'We do not have a time of arrival and cannot share more details out of respect for patient privacy and in accordance with the patient's wishes.' On Tuesday, U.S. health officials designated 35 hospitals across the nation as Ebola treatment centers . The news comes after federal officials designated 35 hospitals across the United States, including Emory, as Ebola treatment centers. The Ebola outbreak ravaging west Africa has claimed 6,070 lives, according to the latest WHO update, with the vast majority of deaths in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. To date, 10 people have been treated for Ebola in the United States, of whom eight -- all Americans -- survived. On Tuesday, a patient was admitted to Massachusetts General Hospital and tested for Ebola due of previous visits to areas where Ebola was rife and symptoms of the disease were present. The patient tested positive for malaria but although an initial test for Ebola came back negative, doctors have yet to rule it out, reported The Boston Globe. Dr. David Hooper, chief of Mass. General's infection control unit, said: 'We have to be absolutely sure before we finish up here.' He explained the first test sometimes fails to detect the virus and a patient can only be declared clear is a second test a few days later also comes back negative. A patient admitted to Massachusetts General Hospital this week tested positive for malaria and an initial test for Ebola came back negative, but doctors have not yet ruled it out .
The health worker, who had been aiding efforts in Ebola-struck region, will be monitored at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta . The hospital, which houses a specialized isolation unit, treated the first Americans who contracted the virus while working abroad . News comes after health officials declared 35 hospitals across the country Ebola treatment centers .
Tragic: Faces keyboardist Ian McLagan, 69, died in hospital on Wednesday after suffering a stroke on Tuesday . Rolling Stones collaborator and Faces keyboardist Ian McLagan has died. The keyboardist passed away in hospital in Austin, Texas, at the age of 69 on Wednesday after suffering a stroke just the day before. A message on his website stated: 'It is with great sadness and eternal admiration that we report the passing of rock and roll icon Ian McLagan. 'Ian was a member of the Small Faces and Faces and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012. He died today, December 3, 2014, surrounded by family and friends in his adopted hometown of Austin, TX, due to complications from a stroke suffered the previous day. He was 69 years old. 'His manager Ken Kushnick says, "He was a beloved friend to so many people and a true rock n roll spirit, His persona and gift of son impacted the music across oceans and generations." 'Ian's artistry, generosity and warmth of spirit touched countless other musicians and music fans around the world. His loss will be felt by so many. 'Ian was scheduled to begin a North American tour on Wednesday, opening for labelmate Nick Lowe.' After the Faces - who changed their name from the Small Faces in 1969 when Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood joined - split in 1975, Ian began working as a session musician playing with artists including Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg, Bruce Springsteen and Chuck Berry. Close: Ian attended the wedding of Ronnie's daughter Leah in 2008 and the Rolling Stones rocker has revealed his devastatoin on Twitter . Tribute; Ronnie paid tribute to both Ian and Rolling Stones saxaphonist Bobby Keys, who died at the age of 76 . Billy was among the first to pay tribute to the musician, hailing Ian as one of the 'greatest players' in British rock. He tweeted: 'I have lost a dear friend and British rock has lost one of its greatest players. RIP Ian McLagan'. Ronnie - whose Rolling Stones saxophonist Bobby Keys also died this week - used social media to express his sadness. Alongside images of praying hands, he wrote: 'God bless Bobby and Mac (sic)' Steve Jones, guitarist with the Sex Pistols, tweeted: 'Sorry to hear Ian McLagan died today, he and the faces was a big part of my teens.' New Faces: [From left] Ian Mclagan, Kenney Jones, Ronnie Lane and Steve Marriott were in the New Faces together . Kenney Jones, McLagan's bandmate, said he is 'completely devastated' at the news, adding, 'I know this goes for Ronnie and Rod also.' McLagan went onto record and perform with the Rolling Stones, playing on the band's 1978 album Some Girls, including the organ solo on the hit single Miss You. He released several solo albums, including a tribute to his Small Faces bandmate Ronnie Lane in 2008. McLagan was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2012. Ian - whose wife Kim Kerrigan passed away in 2006 - was surrounded by friends and family when he died. He and Kim didn't have any children but her daughter Amanda, from her marriage to The Who's Keith Moon, previously lived with them. Kim died in a traffic accident near their home in Austin, Texas on 2 August 2006 at the age of  57. Tribute: Ronnie Wood paid tribute to his Faces bandmate Ian McLagan, after the keyboardist died on Wednesday in hospital at the age of 69 . Talent: Ian's talent has been praised by some of the biggest names in music .
Died in hospital one day after suffering a stroke . Ronnie Wood took to Twitter to pay tribute to his Faces bandmate . Billy Bragg and Steve Jones also posted tweets about the musician .
Tottenham head coach Mauricio Pochettino defended Vlad Chiriches after his mistake gifted Besiktas a last-gasp leveller in the Europa League. Until the dying embers of the game, it had looked like Spurs would win the Group C encounter thanks to Harry Kane's fine 20-yard strike in the first half. Goalkeeper Hugo Lloris would have taken the majority of praise for the victory after a wonderful display, although he was eventually beaten by a nonchalant, late Demba Ba penalty. Tottenham defender Vlad Chiriches capped a poor performance by giving away 89th minute spot-kick . Chiriches is given a yellow card after conceding a late penalty for handling the ball in the penalty area . Demba Ba scored a last-gasp penalty to earn Besiktas a point from their Europa League tie with Tottenham at White Hart Lane . The former Chelsea striker Demba Ba slotted home his 89th-minute penalty at White Hart Lane to deny Tottenham victory . Chiriches capped a poor performance by giving away the 89th minute spot-kick with a foolish handball when trying to make amends for an initial air kick, although Pochettino defended the Romania international after the 1-1 draw. 'In football you always can make a mistake,' the former Argentina defender said. 'It was an unlucky action, a difficult action in this moment. 'He made one mistake after another mistake, but we need to accept it because this is football. 'I am very disappointed, I am angry, I am frustrated and all that you want to say, but it is 1-1 in the end. 'We conceded in the last minute, which is very disappointing, and maybe frustrating. It is hard to accept this.' Edgar Davids was in attendance at White Hart Lane for Tottenham's Europa League clash with Besiktas . Former Chelsea and Newcastle striker Demba Ba battles with Tottenham defender Vlad Chiriches for possession of the ball . Harry Kane fires home from long range to give Tottenham the lead in the 27th minute at White Hart Lane . Harry Kane runs away to celebrate his goal that gave Tottenham the lead over Besiktas in their Europa League encounter . Harry Kane is congratulated by Ben Daves and Roberto Soldado after giving Tottenham the lead . Not willing to apportion the blame to Chiriches, Pochettino was equally reserved when offered the chance to single Lloris out for praise. 'It is important to have a goalkeeper like him or Michel Vorm or Brad Friedel,' the Spurs head coach said. 'They have a lot of experience and they are top class. 'Yes, he produced two or three big saves and I liked their goalkeeper because he produced two big saves too. It was 1-0 and if we scored the second goal, then we kill the game. 'When the game is open and they have the opportunity, they have the chance and we let them open the game, but it is okay. It is football and we need to accept that.' Besiktas counterpart Slaven Bilic was more forthcoming with praise for Lloris after the match, calling the goalkeeper 'one of the best' in the world after this display. Besiktas' Olcay Sahan attempts an ambitious, acrobatic volley at goal which flew just wide of the far post . Tottenham manager Mauricio Pochettino and Besiktas boss Slaven Bilic give their teams instructions from the touchline . Hugo Lloris denies Demba Ba from point-blank range, one of his many crucial saves for Tottenham . However, he saved his biggest compliments for his team after they fought back to secure a deserved draw at White Hart Lane. 'Well, it was, even for the neutrals, a good game of football,' the former Everton and West Ham defender said. 'Like every coach when your team is participating in a good game, we are happy. If the result comes with that, you are more happy, of course, but at least you are happy because you made the spectators happy. 'I don't want to sound big-headed but for every team that comes to White Hart Lane and takes a point, it is a good point. No matter what the team is, Manchester United, Besiktas, whatever - nobody is favourite here apart from Tottenham. 'The only thing I am not happy with is the result because we dominated from the first minute. 'We were basically excellent apart from the chances that we created but didn't score and it was so frustrating to go in at half-time 1-0 down. 'We were so good that I told them 'don't lose your head, just keep passing, keep passing, keep passing. It will come' - and then it came.' Demba Ba made no mistake with the penalty, coolly slotting past the helpless Tottenham goalkeeper Hugo Lloris . Demba Ba celebrates in front of the jubilant Besiktas supporters after securing a point for the Turkish side . Tottenham manager Slaven Bilic acknowledges the travelling support after the final whistle . Tottenham goalkeeper Hugo Lloris and Besiktas goalkeeper Demba Ba embrace after the final whistle .
Tottenham defender Vlad Chiriches capped a poor performance by giving away 89th minute spot-kick . Demba Ba scored 89th-minute penalty for Besiktas to earn them a draw at White Hart Lane . Harry Kane had earlier given Spurs the lead with a long-range strike into bottom corner .