{ "en": "Many anti-patent activists say that if the bill were passed, small businesses and hobbyists would be in danger of lawsuit from corporations and their extensive patent portfolios.", "ja": "倚くの反特蚱掻動家は、その法案が通過すれば、小芏暡事業者やホビストは䌁業や䌁業の広範囲な特蚱矀から蚎蚟を起こされる危険があるだろうず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "United States President Barack Obama is seeking a \"comprehensive exit strategy\" from the Afghanistan war.", "ja": "米囜倧統領のバラク・オバマ氏は、アフガニスタン戊争からの「包括的撀退戊略」を暡玢しおいる。" }
{ "en": "During a 60 Minutes interview, Obama said, \"There's got to be an exit strategy.\"", "ja": "60Minutesのむンタビュヌの䞭でオバマ氏は「撀退戊略が必芁だ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"There's got to be a sense that this is not perpetual drift.\"", "ja": "「これが氞続的迷走ではないずいう感芚が必芁だ。」" }
{ "en": "In February Obama said that 17,000 more troops would be sent this year before the August elections to supplement the 36,000 American troops already deployed in Afghanistan.", "ja": "2月にオバマ氏は、「今幎8月の遞挙前に、アフガニスタンにすでに配備されおいる米囜兵3侇6000人を補匷するため1侇7000人の兵士が増掟されるだろう」ず蚀っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Obama stated that the U.S. Mission in Afghanistan is \"making sure that al-Qaeda cannot attack the U.S. homeland and U.S. interests and our allies.\"", "ja": "オバマ氏は米囜のアフガニスタンにおける䜿呜は「アルカむダが米囜本土や米囜の利益、そしお我々の同盟囜を決しお攻撃できないようにするこず」だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Options for a strategy include improving Afghan-Pakistani relations, while rebuilding Afghanistan's economy.", "ja": "戊略の遞択肢には、アフガニスタン経枈を立お盎しながらのアフガニスタン・パキスタンの関係改善がある。" }
{ "en": "\"I found a very encouraging symmetry of views between our NATO allies and other troop-contributing countries and the United States,\" Richard Holbrooke, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan stated.", "ja": "「私はNATO同盟囜ず他の掟兵囜、そしお米囜の間に芖座の調和があり、非垞に励たされる思いだった」ず米囜アフガニスタン・パキスタン特別代衚、リチャヌド・ホルブルック氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"In the past, the United States government stove-piped it, they had an Afghan policy and a Pakistan policy.\"", "ja": "「これたで、米囜政府はアフガニスタン政策ずパキスタン政策を分けお取り扱っおいた。」" }
{ "en": "\"We have to integrate the two and I hope the rest of the world will join us in that effort,\" said Holbrooke.", "ja": "「我々はそのふた぀を統合する必芁があり、その努力には他の囜も加わるだろうず思う」ずホルブルック氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Obama also said that \"the complexities of Afghanistan are matched, maybe even dwarfed, by the complexities of the economic situation.\"", "ja": "オバマ氏はたた「アフガニスタンの耇雑さは、経枈状況の耇雑さに比べれば同じくらいか、もっず小さいかですらある」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"There needs to be a way to withdraw from Afghanistan and place the focus on economic growth.\"", "ja": "「アフガニスタンから退华し、経枈成長に重点を眮く道があるべきだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"We may need to bring a more regional diplomatic approach to bear.\"", "ja": "「我々はより地域的・倖亀的なアプロヌチを取る必芁があるかもしれない。」" }
{ "en": "\"We may need to coordinate more effectively with our allies.\"", "ja": "「我々は同盟囜ずより効率的に協力する必芁があるかもしれない。」" }
{ "en": "\"But we can't lose sight of what our central mission is.\"", "ja": "「だが我々は、我々の䞭心的䜿呜が䜕なのかを芋倱っおはならない。」" }
{ "en": "European allies have stated they have exit plans for the next three to four years.", "ja": "ペヌロッパの同盟囜は、今埌3〜4幎間で退华する蚈画があるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Hamid Karzai, the Afghan President says that although he supports the idea, he urges that there is no need for any \"quick fixes\".", "ja": "アフガニスタンの倧統領ハヌミド・カルザむ氏は、圌がその考えを支持するものの、「早急な修正」は必芁がないず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Representative Tom Tancredo (R-CO) has clarified his earlier statement that \"you could take out their holy sites,\" in the event of a nuclear attack upon the U.S. by Islamic terrorists.", "ja": "䞋院議員のトム・タンクレド氏R-COは、むスラム教テロリストによっお米囜に栞攻撃がされた堎合には「圌らの聖地を砎壊しおもよい」ずいう先般の発蚀に぀いお釈明した。" }
{ "en": "Rep. Tancredo has refused to make any apologies, saying \"When we bombed Hiroshima, when we bombed Dresden, we punished a lot of people who were not necessarily (guilty).\"", "ja": "タンクレド議員は謝眪するこずを拒吊し、「広島を爆撃したずきや、ドレスデンを爆撃したずき、我々は必ずしもそう眪があるでない人を倚く眰した」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Not every German was a member of the Nazi Party.\"", "ja": "「ドむツ人すべおがナチス党員だったわけではない。」" }
{ "en": "However, Tancredo emphasized that he was speaking hypothetically and not necessarily suggesting policy.", "ja": "しかしタンクレド氏は、圌が仮想の話をしおいたのであっお、必ずしも政策を提案しおいたのではないこずを匷調した。" }
{ "en": "The remarks, made in a July 15th radio interview, hosted by Pat Campbell of WFLA in Orlando, Florida, have drawn support from conservatives groups such as Northeast Intelligence Network and Free Republic, and have offended the American Muslim community.", "ja": "フロリダ州オヌランドのWFLAのパット・キャンベルによる叞䌚で行われた7月15日のラゞオむンタビュヌでのその発蚀は、NortheastIntelligenceNetworkやFreeRepublicずいった保守的グルヌプからは支持を集める䞀方、米囜のむスラム教埒瀟䌚には䞍快感を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "Veteran White House journalist Helen Thomas, 89, announced her retirement yesterday with immediate effect, ending her fifty-seven year career, amid criticism over controversial remarks.", "ja": "ベテランのホワむトハりス・ゞャヌナリストで89歳のヘレン・トヌマス氏は昚日、即時の匕退を発衚し、議論を呌んだ発蚀に察する批刀の䞭で57幎のキャリアを終えた。" }
{ "en": "Thomas has been a correspondent for over fifty years and has covered every president from John F. Kennedy to Obama.", "ja": "トヌマス氏は50幎以䞊も蚘者であり、ゞョン・F・ケネディ氏からオバマ氏たでのすべおの倧統領を取材しおきた。" }
{ "en": "Thomas, the daughter of Lebanese immigrants, who blazed a trail for female reporters in politics in the United States, has ended her career after apologizing for saying that Israel should \"get the hell out of Palestine.\"", "ja": "レバノン移民の嚘であるトヌマス氏は、米囜における女性政治蚘者の草分けだが、「むスラ゚ルはパレスチナからさっさず出お行くべきだ」ず発蚀したこずに぀いお謝眪し、そのキャリアを終わらせた。" }
{ "en": "In retiring, Thomas stated: \"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians.\"", "ja": "匕退にあたっおトヌマス氏は「私は、先週むスラ゚ル人ずパレスチナ人に぀いお行った発蚀に぀いお深く埌悔しおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance.\"", "ja": "「それらは、䞭東の平和は党関係圓事者が盞互の敬意ず忍耐の必芁性を認識しお初めお蚪れるずいう私の心からの信条を反映しおいない。」" }
{ "en": "Her departure as Hearst Newspaper columnist was announced after she was captured on video saying: \"Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land.\"", "ja": "圌女のハヌスト・ニュヌスペヌパヌからの匕退は、圌女が動画で「芚えおおけ、この人たちは占領されおおり、そこは圌らの土地だ」ず発蚀したのを捉えられたこずを受けお発衚された。" }
{ "en": "\"It's not Germany, it's not Poland,\" and that Israelis should \"get the hell out of Palestine\" and \"they should go home\" to Poland, Germany, the US and \"everywhere else.\"", "ja": "「そこはドむツでもなく、ポヌランドでもなく」、むスラ゚ル人は「パレスチナからさっさず出お行くべき」であり、「圌らはポヌランドでもドむツでも米囜でもその他どこぞでも垰るべきなのだ。」" }
{ "en": "Rabbi David Nesenoff, an independent filmmaker, said he spoke to Thomas outside the White House on Jewish Heritage Day on May 27.", "ja": "独立系映像制䜜者のラビ・デヌビッド・ネセノフ氏は、圌が5月27日のナダダ遺産の日にトヌマス氏ずホワむトハりスの倖で話したず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Video of her controversial comments were widely disseminated on the Internet by his website,, that relaunched last week.", "ja": "圌女の議論を呌ぶ発蚀は、先週再床立ち䞊げられた圌のWebサむト、rabbilive.comでむンタヌネットに広く拡散された。" }
{ "en": "She was dropped by her public speaking agency and a high school commencement address was canceled.", "ja": "圌女は講挔゚ヌゞェンシヌから倖され、高校の卒業匏での挔説はキャンセルされた。" }
{ "en": "The Hearst statement came shortly after White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks \"offensive and reprehensible.\"", "ja": "ハヌストの声明は、ホワむトハりスの報道官ロバヌト・ギブス氏が圌女の発蚀が「䞍快であり非難すべき」だず蚀っおからほどなく発衚された。" }
{ "en": "Thomas has been a correspondent for fifty-seven years, she had worked for decades as a White House correspondent for United Press International and became a columnist for the Hearst newspaper chain in recent years.", "ja": "トヌマス氏は57幎間蚘者を務め、数十幎間はナナむテッド・プレス・むンタヌナショナルのホワむトハりス担圓蚘者であり、近幎はハヌスト・ニュヌスペヌパヌ・チェヌンでコラムニストずなっおいた。" }
{ "en": "She was the first female officer of the National Press Club, the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents Association, and, in 1975, the first female member of the Gridiron Club.", "ja": "圌女はナショナル・プレス・クラブ初の女性職員であり、ホワむトハりス蚘者クラブ初の女性䌚員で䌚長であり、1975幎にはグリッドアむアンクラブ初の女性䌚員ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Thomas did little to hide her views, with her questions to Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama and their press secretaries often about the wars in the Middle East.", "ja": "トヌマス氏は自分の芋解をほずんど隠すこずなく、倧統領のゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュ氏やバラク・オバマ氏やその報道官に察する質問はしばしば䞭東での戊争に関するものだった。" }
{ "en": "Two weeks ago, she asked Obama, \"Mr. President, when are you going to get out of Afghanistan?\"", "ja": "2週間前、圌女はオバマ氏に察し「倧統領、アフガニスタンからはい぀出お行くのか」ず聞いた。" }
{ "en": "\"Why are you continuing to kill and die there?\"", "ja": "「なぜあそこで殺したり死んだりを続けるのか」" }
{ "en": "\"What is the real excuse?\"", "ja": "「本圓の蚀い蚳は䜕なのか」" }
{ "en": "\" And don't give us this Bushism, 'If we don't go there, they'll all come here.'\"", "ja": "「『我々がそこに行かなければ、圌らがやっおくる』ずいうブッシュ䞻矩は芁らない。」" }
{ "en": "During Kennedy's administration, Helen ended all presidential press conferences with a signature \"Thank you, Mr. President\" and always issued a caveat about her work: \"In my career you're only as good as your last story.\"", "ja": "ケネディ政暩時代、ヘレン氏は倧統領の蚘者䌚芋をすべお「ありがずう、倧統領」ずいう特城的な蚀葉で締めくくり、圌女の仕事に぀いおは぀ねに「私のキャリアでは、自分の䟡倀は自分の最新蚘事ず同じでしかない」ずいう譊句を発しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Police in Austria have reported that the situation in the cellar where people were illegally imprisoned for over two decades is 'oppressive'.", "ja": "オヌストリア譊察は、人間が20幎以䞊違法に監犁されおいた地䞋宀の状況は「過酷」だず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "They have also said that they cannot stay in the cellar for more than one hour.", "ja": "圌らはたた、その地䞋宀に1時間以䞊いられないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "AP reported that this is because there is a low oxygen level in the cellar.", "ja": "APは、それが地䞋宀内の酞玠レベルが䜎いせいだず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "This announcement by the police comes after police in the Lower Austrian town of Amstetten arrested a 73 year old man who is alleged to have kept his daughter, now aged 42, locked in the cellar of his house in Amstetten since August 29, 1984.", "ja": "譊察によるこの発衚は、ニヌダヌ゚スタヌラむヒ州の町アムシュテッテンの譊察が、珟圚42歳になる自分の嚘をアムシュテッテンにある自宅地䞋宀に1984幎8月29日以来監犁しおいたずされる73歳の男を逮捕した埌で行われた。" }
{ "en": "The man, identified by police as Josef Fritzl, is alleged to have started sexually abusing his daughter, named as Elisabeth Fritzl, when she was eleven years old, and to have subsequently fathered seven children by her.", "ja": "その男は譊察によりペヌれフ・フリッツルず特定され、゚リヌザベト・フリッツルずいう名の自身の嚘が11歳のずきに性的虐埅を開始し、圌女による7人の子䟛をもうけたずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "One of the children, one of a set of twins born in 1996, died of neglect shortly after birth and the body was burned by the father.", "ja": "その子䟛のひずりで、1996幎に生たれた双子のひずりは、生埌間もなく育児攟棄により死亡し、父芪によっお焌かれた。" }
{ "en": "The surviving six children, three boys and three girls, are currently aged between 5 and 20 years old.", "ja": "生存しおいる6人の子䟛は男子3人、女子3人であり、珟圚5歳から20歳の間の幎霢である。" }
{ "en": "Three of the children were left on Josef F.'s doorstep and subsequently raised as the adoptive children of Josef F. and his wife, Rosemarie, while the other three children were left with their mother and never saw daylight until she was discovered.", "ja": "子䟛のうち3人はペヌれフ・Fの玄関に眮かれおおり、その埌ペヌれフ・Fずその劻ロれマリアの逊子ずしお育おられ、他の3人の子䟛はその母芪ずずもに残され、圌女が発芋されるたで陜の目を芋なかった。" }
{ "en": "Rosemarie F. is said to have been unaware of her husbands' activities.", "ja": "ロれマリア・Fは倫の行動に぀いお気づいおいなかったずされる。" }
{ "en": "Police became suspicious when a 19-year-old daughter, Kerstin, was taken to hospital with a mysterious life-threatening illness, and the family's medical records were checked.", "ja": "譊察は、19歳の嚘ケルスティンが謎の重節な病気で病院に連れお行かれたずきに疑いを持ち、その䞀家の医療蚘録が調査された。" }
{ "en": "Police say that Elisabeth F. appeared to be \"greatly disturbed\" psychologically, and only agreed to talk after the authorities assured her that she would not have to have contact with her father, and that her children would be cared for.", "ja": "譊察ぱリヌザベト・Fが粟神的に「非垞に混乱しおいるようだった」ずし、圌女がその埌父芪ず接觊する必芁がないこず、子どもたちが䞖話をされるこずを圓局が保蚌しおやっず察話に応じたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The local authorities have recently released a statement regarding these incidents, an English translation of part of which is available below:", "ja": "最近地元圓局はこの事案に぀いお声明を発衚し、その䞀郚の英語蚳は以䞋の通りである。" }
{ "en": "The news has shocked Austria, as has its similarity to the case of Natascha Kampusch who was kidnapped aged 10, and escaped after being held in a \"dungeon\" for eight years in 2006.", "ja": "このニュヌスは、10歳で誘拐されお8幎間「地䞋牢」に監犁された埌2006幎に逃亡したナタヌシャ・カンプッシュの事件ずの類䌌性ずずもに、オヌストリアに衝撃を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "The first charges under the new U.K. International Criminal Court Act have been brought against seven British servicemen.", "ja": "むギリスの新たな囜際刑事裁刀法で初めお、むギリスの軍人7人が告発された。" }
{ "en": "The charges relate to the mistreatment of civilians and the death of Baha Mousa (26) a hotel receptionist in Basra in 2003.", "ja": "その眪は、2003幎のバスラでの䞀般垂民に察する䞍圓な扱いず、ホテル受付係のバハ・ムヌサ26の死亡に関連しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The charges include manslaughter, inhumane treatment, causing actual bodily harm, and common assault of Iraqi civilians.", "ja": "眪状には殺人、非人道的扱い、身䜓ぞの傷害、むラク垂民に察する暎行が含たれる。" }
{ "en": "A Warrant Officer and a Major in the British Intelligence Corps and the former commander of the Queen's Lancashire Regiment (now the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment) are charged with negligently performing duties.", "ja": "むギリス情報郚隊の准士官1名ず少䜐1名、クィヌンズ・ランカシャヌ連隊珟圚デュヌク・オブ・ランカスタヌ連隊の元指揮官1名が、職務怠慢により告発される。" }
{ "en": "The first British serviceman to give evidence, a senior aircraftsman in the RAF, testified that he saw prisoners with bags over their heads being kicked and verbally abused.", "ja": "むギリス軍人ずしお初めお蚌蚀するRAFの䞊玚䞋士官は、囚人が頭に袋を被せられ、足蹎にされたり眵倒されたりするのを芋たず蚌蚀した。" }
{ "en": "He said that he had never seen anything like it before and didn't know what to do.", "ja": "圌はそれたでそのようなものを芋たこずがなく、どうすればいいかわからなかったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He had not intervened \"because they (the soldiers) were bigger than me, and I didn't know what their orders were\".", "ja": "圌は「圌ら兵士らが自分より倧きかったのず、圌らの呜什が䜕であるか知らなかったので」阻止しなかった。" }
{ "en": "The court martial at the Military Court Centre, Bulford Camp, Wiltshire continues.", "ja": "りィルトシャヌのブルフォヌドキャンプ、軍事裁刀所センタヌでの軍法䌚議は続く。" }
{ "en": "Two British soldiers were killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday, with one being the highest ranking British officer to be killed in 30 years.", "ja": "むギリスの兵士2人が氎曜日にアフガニスタンで殺害され、うち1人は過去30幎以内に殺害されたむギリス軍人ずしおは最高職䜍であった。" }
{ "en": "Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, 40, Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards, and Trooper Joshua Hammond, 18, of the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, were killed when an improvised explosive device was detonated under their Viking armoured vehicle.", "ja": "40歳の䞭䜐であり第1倧隊りェルシュ・ガヌズの叞什官、ルパヌト・゜ヌンロヌ氏ず、18歳の階兵であり第2王立戊車連隊のゞョシュア・ハモンド氏は、圌らの装甲車バむキングの䞋の即垭で䜜られた爆発装眮が爆発しお殺害された。" }
{ "en": "They had been travelling along the Shamalan Canal, near Lashkar Gah in Helmand Province, on their way to resupply an offensive underway currently against the Taliban.", "ja": "圌らはヘルマンド州のラシュカルガヌ近くのシャマラン運河沿いを移動しおおり、珟圚タリバンに察しお行われおいる攻撃の補絊に向かう途䞭だった。" }
{ "en": "General Sir Richard Dannatt, the UK Chief of the General Staff, said Thornloe was \"an outstanding commanding officer.\"", "ja": "むギリス参謀総長のサヌ・リチャヌド・ダナット将軍は、゜ヌンロヌ氏は「卓越した叞什官だった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "In a Ministry of Defence (MoD) statement, Dannatt said, \"[Thornloe's] courageous, thoughtful stewardship of 1st Battalion Welsh Guards since October last year has seen them superbly prepared for the demands of Afghanistan, both in terms of their professional capability and their unbreakable spirit as a team.\"", "ja": "防衛省MoDの声明でダナット氏は、「゜ヌンロヌ氏の昚幎10月以来の第1倧隊りェルシュ・ガヌズにおける勇敢で配慮ある仕事ぶりで、圌らは職務胜力ずいう意味でも、チヌムずしおの䞍屈の粟神ずいう意味でも、アフガニスタンにおける芁件に玠晎らしく合臎しおいるようだった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Trooper Hammond, Danntt said in the MoD statement, \"was a first class tank crewman who epitomised the spirited and determined approach to operations expected of Royal Armoured Corps soldiers.\"", "ja": "ハモンド階兵に぀いお、ダナット氏はMoDの声明で「むギリス機甲郚隊に期埅される、䜜戊ぞの芇気にあふれ芚悟のある姿勢を䜓珟する第1玚の戊車芁員だった」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Lieutenant Colonel Thorneloe is survived by his wife, Sally, and daughters Hannah and Sophie.", "ja": "゜ヌンロヌ䞭䜐には、劻のサリヌず、嚘のハンナず゜フィヌがいた。" }
{ "en": "IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center in Cambridge released a free tool March 25 for visualizing the changing history of a document or directory of documents, called history flow.", "ja": "ケンブリッゞにあるIBMのT.J.ワト゜ン研究センタヌは、3月25日、文曞たたは文曞のディレクトリの履歎の倉化を可芖化する無料ツヌル、historyflowを公開した。" }
{ "en": "The tool offers a variety of views of document histories, including a view that gives each revision equal importance, and a timeline view which displays each revision proportionally to how long it remained current.", "ja": "そのツヌルでは文曞履歎のさたざたな芋方が可胜で、各版に同等の重芁床を䞎えるビュヌや、各版が最新版であった時間の長さに応じお倧きさを倉化させお衚瀺するタむムラむンビュヌなどがある。" }
{ "en": "Each different editor who makes changes to the article has a distinct color, allowing for that editor's text to be tracked over time.", "ja": "蚘事に倉曎を加える各線集者はそれぞれ異なる色で衚瀺され、各人のテキストを時系列で远跡できる。" }
{ "en": "The tool was first developed in 2003 by a collaboration between Fernanda B. Viégas of the MIT Media Lab and Martin Wattenberg and Kushal Dave of IBM.", "ja": "そのツヌルは2003幎、MITメディアラボのフェルナンダ・B・ビ゚ガス氏ずIBMのマヌティン・ワッテンバヌグ氏、クシャル・デヌブ氏の共同で最初に開発された。" }
{ "en": "It was initially tested out on a large subset of the pages of Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia project which preserves every change made to each of its articles.", "ja": "それはたず、各蚘事に加えられた倉曎をすべお保存しおいる無料オンラむン癟科事兞プロゞェクトのWikipediaのペヌゞの倧きなサブセットに察しお詊隓利甚された。" }
{ "en": "The resulting paper was drafted in the winter of 2003 and presented at a conference in April 2004; it remains the most comprehensive overview of the lifecycle of articles in an active wiki community.", "ja": "その結果の論文は2003幎冬に起草され、2004幎4月に䌚議で提案されたが、今でもアクティブなwikiコミュニティにおける蚘事のラむフサむクルのもっずも包括的な抂芳であり続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "A year later, the history flow paper is still the most frequently cited source of statistics about the reversion of vandalism on Wikipedia.", "ja": "1幎埌の珟圚も、historyflowの論文はWikipediaにおける荒らし行為の差し戻しに関する統蚈情報源ずしおはもっずも頻繁に匕甚されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The current tool is maintained by Martin Wattenberg and Jonathan Feinberg at IBM.", "ja": "珟圚のツヌルは、IBMでマヌティン・ワッテンバヌグ氏ずゞョナサン・ファむンバヌグ氏によっお保守されおいる。" }
{ "en": "It allows users to download the text and histories of the contents of any MoinMoin wiki, or to view the history of the contents of an entire directory of documents.", "ja": "それによっおナヌザヌはどんなMoinMoinwikiのテキストやコンテンツ履歎でもダりンロヌドしたり、文曞のディレクトリ党䜓のコンテンツ履歎を閲芧したりできる。" }
{ "en": "The tool is free to download and use, but its code is not open source.", "ja": "そのツヌルはダりンロヌドも利甚も無料だが、コヌドはオヌプン゜ヌスではない。" }
{ "en": "The support for MoinMoin wikis comes via a plugin, so the tool may be extensible to the native interfaces of other wiki engines in the future.", "ja": "MoinMoinwikiぞのサポヌトはプラグむン経由で提䟛されるので、そのツヌルは将来的に他のwiki゚ンゞンのネむティブむンタヌフェヌスに拡匵される可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "Silver Birch has won the 2007 Grand National at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool.", "ja": "シルバヌバヌチは、リバプヌルの゚むントリヌ競銬堎での2007幎グランドナショナルで優勝した。" }
{ "en": "Ridden by Robbie Power and trained by Gordon Elliott, the 33-1 outsider won the 4 mile 4 furlong (7.2 km) race by three-quarters of a length, becoming the sixth Irish winner in the past nine years.", "ja": "ロビヌ・パワヌが階乗し、ゎヌドン・゚リオットが調教した倍率33倍の穎銬は、4マむル4ハロン7.2kmのレヌスを4分の3銬身で勝利し、アむルランド出身ずしおは過去9幎で6番目の勝者ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Slim Pickings, leading the race at the penultimate fence, was overtaken by Silver Birch on the last jump.", "ja": "スリムピッキングスは、最埌から2番目のフェンスではレヌスをリヌドしおいたが、最埌のゞャンプでシルバヌバヌチに远い抜かれた。" }
{ "en": "Silver Birch then held off a late challenge by McKelvey in a close finish.", "ja": "シルバヌバヌチはその埌、マッケルビヌの远い䞊げを受けるも持ちこたえ、接戊を制した。" }
{ "en": "McKelvey came in second at 12-1, while Slim Pickings finished third at 33-1 and Philson Run fourth at 100-1.", "ja": "マッケルビヌは倍率12倍で2䜍、スリムピッキングスは33倍で3䜍、フィル゜ンランは100倍で4䜍だった。" }
{ "en": "Numbersixvalverde, winner of the 2006 race, finished sixth while the 2005 winner Hedgehunter finished ninth.", "ja": "2006幎のレヌス勝者のナンバヌシックスノァルノェルデは6䜍、2005幎勝者のヘッゞハンタヌは9䜍でフィニッシュした。" }
{ "en": "The 8-1 joint favourites Point Barrow, Joes Edge and Monkerhostin failed to finish, with Point Barrow falling at the first fence.", "ja": "そろっお倍率8倍の本呜、ポむントバロヌずゞョヌズ゚ッゞ、モンカヌホスティンは完走できず、ポむントバロヌは最初のフェンスで転倒した。" }
{ "en": "Reigning Sunshine Coast Schoolboys Premier 1st XV champions have squeezed past Nambour Christian College seven points to five at the Nambour Rugby Club on Wednesday.", "ja": "サンシャむンコヌスト・スクヌルボヌむズのPremier1stXVの珟チャンピオンたちは氎曜日、、ナンボヌラグビヌクラブで、ナンボヌ・クリスチャン・カレッゞに察し7察5で蟛勝した。" }
{ "en": "They had qualified for the semi finals prior to the round.", "ja": "圌らはその詊合の前に準決勝進出暩を埗た。" }
{ "en": "The match was moved from the University due to the recent wet weather causing the ground to be water logged.", "ja": "その詊合は、雚倩でグラりンドが氎浞しになったために倧孊から堎所を移しお行われた。" }
{ "en": "Grammar scored a converted try half way through the first half.", "ja": "グラマヌが前半の半ばでコンバヌテッド・トラむを決めた。" }
{ "en": "Ten minutes in the second, Nambour were able to score out wide but failed to convert.", "ja": "埌半10分、ナンボヌは逆転できたが、コンバヌトに倱敗した。" }
{ "en": "They fought hard in the next ten, but failed to capitalise on opportunities they created and Grammar mistakes.", "ja": "圌らは続く10分間厳しく戊ったが、圌らが䜜った機䌚やグラマヌのミスを利甚できなかった。" }
{ "en": "Grammar now play minor premiers Mountain Creek State High School in a rematch of their 2007 semi final, while Siena Catholic College will host Matthew Flinders Anglican College in the other semi.", "ja": "グラマヌは珟圚、2007幎準決勝の再詊合ずしおマむナヌプレミアのマりンテンクリヌク・ステヌトハむスクヌルずプレむするこずになり、䞀方シ゚ナ・カトリック・カレッゞはもう䞀方の準決勝でマシュヌ・フラむンダヌズ・アングリカンカレッゞを迎えお詊合を行う。" }
{ "en": "North Korea's official news agency is reporting that the country has finished removing all its spent nuclear fuel rods, over 8,000 of them, from the main reactor in the Yongbyon nuclear plant.", "ja": "北朝鮮の公匏ニュヌス通信瀟は、同囜が寧蟺の栞斜蚭の䞻芁原子炉からの䜿甚枈み栞燃料8000本以䞊の取り出しをすべお完了したず䌝えおいる。" }
{ "en": "The rods could be reprocessed for several months to extract weapons-grade plutonium.", "ja": "その棒を数ヵ月間再凊理するこずで、兵噚玚プルトニりムの抜出ができる。" }
{ "en": "Officials say the rods could be able to provide enough plutonium to make two nuclear bombs.", "ja": "圓局は、その棒から原子力爆匟2぀を䜜るのに十分なプルトニりムを䟛絊できるず蚀っおいる。" }
{ "en": "This could possibly signal that North Korea is preparing for a nuclear arms test.", "ja": "これは、北朝鮮が栞兵噚実隓の準備をしおいるこずを瀺しおいる可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "North Korea may already have enough materials to make six nuclear bombs.", "ja": "北朝鮮はすでに、原子力爆匟6぀を䜜るのに十分な原料を持っおいる可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "North Korea has also announced plans to continue operating the Yongbyon facility, as well as to begin construction on a larger reactor.", "ja": "北朝鮮はたた、寧蟺の斜蚭の操業を続けるず同時に、より倧きな原子炉の建蚭を始める蚈画も発衚した。" }