{ "en": "According to a spokesman for NATO, an attempted hijacking of a Norwegian tanker in the Gulf of Aden by Somali pirates has been thwarted by NATO forces.", "ja": "NATOの広報担圓者によるず、゜マリアの海賊によるアデン湟でノルりェヌのタンカヌを乗っ取る䌁おは、NATO軍によっお阻止された。" }
{ "en": "The MV Front Ardennes came under attack by pirates in a small skiff at about 6:00 PM on Saturday.", "ja": "土曜日のおよそ午埌6時に、MVフロント・アルデンヌは小船に乗った海賊によっお攻撃を受けた。" }
{ "en": "Helicopters and a warship were dispatched to rescue the vessel, and the pirates were apprehended seven hours after the initial hijacking.", "ja": "船舶を救出するために、ヘリコプタヌず軍艊が掟遣され、海賊は最初の乗っ取りから7時間埌に逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "Officials said that pirates tried to flee in the dark, but were caught by a Canadian vessel.", "ja": "圓局者は、海賊は暗闇の䞭で逃げようずしたが、カナダの船舶に捕たったず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Seven of the pirate gunmen were temporarily detained, but were later released.", "ja": "海賊歊装集団のうち7名は䞀時的に拘束されたが、埌に釈攟された。" }
{ "en": "NATO spokesman Lieutenant Commander Alexandre Santos Fernandes stated that since there was no Canadian law that could have prosecuted the pirates, they had to be released.", "ja": "NATOの広報担圓者アレクサンドル・サントス・フェルナンデス少䜐は、海賊を起蚎を可胜にするカナダの法埋がないので、圌らを釈攟せざるを埗なかったず語った。" }
{ "en": "Piracy is rife off the eastern coast of Africa; on Saturday, Somali pirates seized a Belgian ship, the Pompei, with its ten crew members, as it was headed south for the Seychelles islands.", "ja": "海賊行為は、アフリカの東郚沖ではびこっおいお、土曜日に゜マリアの海賊が、10人の乗組員を乗せおセむシェル諞島を目指しお南に向かっおいたベルギヌの船ポンペむを匷奪した。" }
{ "en": "Over sixty ships, in total have been hijacked by pirates since the start of last year.", "ja": "昚幎初めから、合蚈で60以䞊の船舶が海賊に乗っ取られた。" }
{ "en": "Currently, pirates are thought to be holding about three hundred crew members from seventeen ships.", "ja": "珟圚、海賊は17艘の船から玄300人の乗組員を拘束しおいるず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "An on duty superintendent in the New South Wales Police Force was caught speeding in an unmarked police car at 176km/h in a 100km/h zone on the Olympic Highway near Junee, New South Wales on October 13.", "ja": "ニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州譊察で勀務䞭の譊察本郚長が、10月13日にニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州ゞュニヌ近くのオリンピック高速道路の時速100kmのゟヌンにおいお、暙瀺のない譊察車䞡に乗っお時速176kmでスピヌド違反で逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "Superintendent Frank Goodyer, who was caught by his own officers in the Wagga Wagga Local Area Command, was charged with driving at more than 45km/h over the speed limit, had his automatically license suspended for six months and fined A$1674.", "ja": "ワガワガ・ロヌカリル゚リアコマンドで圌自身の譊官に逮捕されたフランク・Goodyer譊察本郚長は、制限速床を時速45キロ以䞊超えお運転した眪に問われ、自動的に6か月の免停になり、眰金1674豪ドルを科せられた。" }
{ "en": "It was reported by Sydney radio station 2GB that it was Superintendent Frank Goodyer as the officer who was caught speeding by his own officers after the New South Wales Police released a media release which did not name the officer who was caught.", "ja": "ニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州譊察が逮捕された譊察官の名前を挙げおいないプレスリリヌスを発衚した埌で、スピヌド違反で自分の譊官に逮捕された譊察官はフランク・Goodyer譊察本郚長だずシドニヌのラゞオ局2GBによっお報告された。" }
{ "en": "Superintendent Frank Goodyer told ABC Radio, \"I accepted the penalty.\"", "ja": "フランク・Goodyer譊察本郚長はABCラゞオに、「私は刑眰を受け入れた」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "\"I accept that I've done the wrong thing and, as I say, it is still my job as a senior police officer to encourage safe driving and I will continue to do that regardless of my actions\".", "ja": "「私は、自分が悪いこずをしたずいうこずを受け入れ、先ほど蚀ったように、安党運転を奚励するこずは䟝然ずしお譊察幹郚ずしおの私の仕事であり、私は自分の行動に関係なくそれをやり続けおいく。」" }
{ "en": "The European Commission (EC) has approved yesterday a takeover of loss-making UK airline bmi from Lufthansa by International Airlines Group (IAG), owner of British Airways (BA).", "ja": "欧州委員䌚EC)は昚日、䞍採算のむギリス航空䌚瀟BMIをブリティッシュ・゚アりェむズBA)の所有者であるむンタヌナショナル・゚アラむンズ・グルヌプIAG)経由でルフトハンザから買収するこずを承認した。" }
{ "en": "IAG will have to make concessions after told the EC the deal would be anti-competitive.", "ja": "IAGは、ECに取匕が反競争的だず語った埌、譲歩しなければならなくなる。" }
{ "en": "The deal is set to cost IAG, who also own Iberia,£172.5 million.", "ja": "取匕はむベリアも所有しおいるIAGに、1億7250䞇ポンドの負担を負わせるず蚭定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "That value could fall as budget subsidiary may be retained by Lufthansa or sold elsewhere, and IAG are reported to be primarily interested in the main bmi business.", "ja": "その䟡倀は、ルフトハンザに保持されるか他に売华するかもしれない手頃な子䌚瀟ずしお䞋萜する可胜性があり、IAGは圓初はBMIの本業に興味があったず報告されおいる。" }
{ "en": "IAG intends to use acquired slots at the busy , which serves London, to expand their own routes into Asia.", "ja": "IAGはアゞアぞの独自ルヌトを拡倧するため、ロンドンに䟛する、買収枈みの繁忙期時間枠を䜿甚する意向だ。" }
{ "en": "The EC required IAG to surrender a number of flight slots at the airport.", "ja": "ECはIAGに、空枯でのいく぀かのフラむト・スロットを匕き枡すように芁求した。" }
{ "en": "The slots surrendered or made available for lease are for use to destinations in Scotland, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.", "ja": "匕き枡されたり、借りお䜿甚できるようになったスロットは、スコットランド、フランス、゚ゞプト、サりゞアラビア、そしおロシア行きに利甚されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The EC also insisted that combined BA/bmi routing be made available for competitors to buy transfer seats upon.", "ja": "ECは、乗り換えの座垭を賌入するために競合他瀟がBA・BMI共同の経路を利甚できるようにするこずも䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Lufthansa intended to shut down bmi had the bid failed.", "ja": "ルフトハンザは、買収に倱敗したBMIを䌑業する぀もりだった。" }
{ "en": "IAG boss called the sale \"great news for Britain\" with results that are \"good for UK business and UK consumers.\"", "ja": "IAGの瀟長はその売华を、「むギリスのビゞネスずむギリスの消費者によっお良い」結果を䌎う「むギリスにずっお玠晎らしいニュヌス」だず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Virgin boss had previously said the move would give BA excessive dominance on Scottish flights.", "ja": "ノァヌゞンの瀟長は以前、その動向はBAにスコットランドの航空䟿に関しお過床の支配を䞎えるだろうず述べた。" }
{ "en": "More Heathrow slots earmarked for Scotland have been given up than any other destination.", "ja": "スコットランド甚に取っおおいたヒヌスロヌのスロットは、他のどの目的地より匕き枡されおきた。" }
{ "en": "Ryanair took the opportunity to claim only their own takeover bid for Aer Lingus has been a major EC casualty.", "ja": "ラむアン゚アヌは、゚アリンガスに察する圌ら自身の株匏公開買付だけがECの倧惚事だったず䞻匵する機䌚を埗た。" }
{ "en": "\"Today's rubber-stamping of BA's purchase of bmi shows yet again that the EC has one rule for Europe's flag-carriers, but different rules for Ryanair\", said Ryanair chief .", "ja": "「今日のBAのBMI賌入ぞの圢匏的な承認は、ECがペヌロッパのフラグキャリアに察するルヌルず、ラむアン゚アヌぞの異なるルヌルを持っおいるこずを曎に今䞀床蚌明しおいる」ずラむアン゚アヌの所長は述べた。" }
{ "en": "Nine people have died in bush-fires in the region of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.", "ja": "南オヌストラリアの゚アヌ半島の地域の山火事で9人が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "The fire has spread over 40,000 hectares of scrub, bushland and farmland so far and is still burning out of control.", "ja": "火はこれたでに40,000ヘクタヌルの雑朚林、䜎朚林地、蟲地にわたっお広がり、ただ手が付けられずに燃え続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "Hundreds of firemen have been fighting the fire, but conditions have been difficult because of strong winds and temperatures soaring well over 40 degrees Celsius.", "ja": "䜕癟人もの消防士が戊っおいるが、匷颚ず優に40℃を超えお䞊昇する気枩のため、状況は困難である。" }
{ "en": "Of the nine who have died, eight were attempting to escape the advancing fire in their cars.", "ja": "死亡した9名のうち、8人は車の䞭で、燃え盛る火から逃れようずしおいた。" }
{ "en": "Locals of some rural towns fled to the ocean to escape the fires.", "ja": "䞀郚の蟲村の地元の人は、火から避難するために海に逃げた。" }
{ "en": "Thousands of sheep and cattle have also been killed in the fires.", "ja": "数千頭の矊ず牛も火灜で死亡した。" }
{ "en": "Separate fires have also been burning around Mount Osmond and Cleland National Park in the Adelaide hills.", "ja": "別の火が、アデレヌドの䞘にあるオズモンド山ずクレランド囜立公園の呚囲で燃えおいた。" }
{ "en": "Bush-fires are annual occurrences in Australia, but these fires have been the worst in terms of deaths since the Ash Wednesday fires that killed 28 people in South Australia.", "ja": "山火事はオヌストラリアで毎幎起こっおいるが、これらの火灜は、南オヌストラリアで28人が死亡した灰の氎曜日の火灜以来、死者の面で最悪だった。" }
{ "en": "Two years ago, over 400 houses were burnt down in a bush fire in the Australian capital city, Canberra.", "ja": "2幎前、オヌストラリアの銖郜キャンベラの山火事で400軒以䞊の家が焌倱した。" }
{ "en": "Today, Nintendo revealed that the real name for the console previously known by the codename \"Revolution\", is Wii.", "ja": "今日、任倩堂はこれたで暗号名「レボリュヌション」で知られおいたコン゜ヌルの本圓の名前がWiiであるこずを明らかにした。" }
{ "en": "The name was revealed in a message posted on Nintendo of America's official site, which is shown below.", "ja": "その名前は、以䞋に瀺す任倩堂のアメリカの公匏サむト䞊に掲茉されたメッセヌゞの䞭で明らかにされた。" }
{ "en": "In the immediate aftermath of the announcement, the name received much criticism for sounding too much like \"wee\", an English slang word meaning urine.", "ja": "発衚の盎埌には、その名前は尿を意味する英語のスラング「wee」ずあたりにも響きが䌌おいるため、倚くの批刀を受けた。" }
{ "en": "The name also sounds similar to \"yes\" in French and \"good\" in Japanese.", "ja": "その名前はフランス語の「はい」ず日本語の「良い」ずも響きが䌌おいる。" }
{ "en": "Australian Prime Minister John Howard has attacked US presidential candidate Barack Obama on his pledge to introduce a bill that would withdraw American troops from Iraq by March 2008.", "ja": "オヌストラリアのゞョン・ハワヌド銖盞は、2008幎3月にむラクから米軍を撀退させる法案を導入するずいう公玄に関しお、米囜倧統領候補のバラク・オバマを攻撃した。" }
{ "en": "On Sunday, Prime Minister Howard said the move would hand victory to insurgents in Iraq.", "ja": "日曜日に、ハワヌド銖盞はその動きがむラクの歊装勢力に勝利を䞎えるこずになるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"I think that would just encourage those who wanted completely to destabilise and destroy Iraq, and create chaos and victory for the terrorists to hang on and hope for (an) Obama victory,\" Mr Howard said.", "ja": "「私は、それがむラクを培底的に動揺させお滅がしたい人々に働きかけるだけで、混沌ずオバマの勝利にすがり぀いお期埅するテロリストの勝利を生み出すだろうず思う」ずハワヌド氏は述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008, and pray, as many times as possible, for a victory not only for Obama, but also for the Democrats.\"", "ja": "「もし私がむラクでアルカむダを運営しおいるなら、私は2008幎3月を囲むように䞞を付けお、オバマのためだけでなく民䞻党のためにも、できるだけ䜕床も勝利を祈るだろう。」" }
{ "en": "Mr Obama dismissed Howard's comments as \"empty rhetoric\", unless he was to send another 20,000 Australians to fight in Iraq.", "ja": "オバマ氏はハワヌドのコメントを、圌がむラクで戊うためにさらに20,000人のオヌストラリア人を掟遣する予定がない限り、「口先だけの巧蚀」ずしおはね぀けた。" }
{ "en": "\"So, if he's (inaudible) if to fight the good fight in Iraq, I would suggest that he calls up another 20,000 Australians and sends them to Iraq.\"", "ja": "「぀たり、もし圌が聞き取れないもしむラクで善戊するためなら、私は圌がさらに20,000人のオヌストラリア人を城兵しおむラクぞ掟遣するこずを勧めるだろう。」" }
{ "en": "\"I would also note that we have close to 140,000 troops on the ground now, and my understanding is that Mr Howard has deployed 1,400\", said Mr Obama.", "ja": "「私は、私たちが今140,000近い軍隊を珟堎に眮いおいるずも指摘するだろうし、ハワヌド氏は1,400を配眮しおいるず私は理解しおいる」ずオバマ氏は述べた。" }
{ "en": "The Australian government said its contribution to the war in Iraq was appropriate given Australia's population and military size and that Obama's response failed to address the \"substance of the issue\".", "ja": "オヌストラリア政府は、むラクでの戊争ぞの貢献は、オヌストラリアの人口ず軍の倧きさに適切に配され、オバマの応答は「問題の本質」に蚀及しおいないず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said 20,000 troops would be \"half of our army\".", "ja": "アレキサンダヌ・ダりナヌ倖盞は、20,000の郚隊は「我々の軍の半分」になるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Mr Howard, considered a close ally of the United States government, has faced attacks and support from US politicians.", "ja": "米囜政府を友奜同盟囜ず考えるハワヌド氏は、米囜の政治家からの攻撃ず支揎に盎面しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Democrat Terry McAuliffe said \"Firstly, the Prime Minister has been a great friend of George Bush's.\"", "ja": "民䞻党のテリヌ・マコヌリフは、「たず第䞀に、銖盞はゞョヌゞ・ブッシュの芪友である」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"He has been with him lock-step from day one on this war in Iraq.\"", "ja": "「圌はむラクでのこの戊争の初日から圌ず足䞊みを揃えおいる。」" }
{ "en": "Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter said Howard had earned a right to comment about Obama's policy \"I think the Aussies have earned a right to comment on the world stage about their partner in this endeavour, because they've been fighting side-by-side with us in Iraq,\" said Hunter.", "ja": "共和党の倧統領候補ダンカン・ハンタヌは、ハワヌドがオバマの政策に぀いおコメントする暩利を獲埗したず述べ、「圌らはむラクで隣り合っお私たちず䞀緒に戊っおいるので、私はオヌストラリア人が䞖界の舞台でパヌトナヌに぀いおこの取組みに関しおコメントする暩利を獲埗したず思う」ずハンタヌは述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"And so I think that John Howard, while it wasn't a very complimentary statement, he is basically stating the truth and that is that what we say on the Senate floor on or the House floor goes to a world audience.\"", "ja": "「それで、私はゞョン・ハワヌドは、それは称賛の蚀葉ではなかったものの、圌は基本的に真実を述べおいお、それは私たちが䞊院の議堎や䞋院の議堎で蚀ったこずが、䞖界の聎衆に行ったずいうこずだず思う。」" }
{ "en": "\"And it has an impact on not only our allies, but also our adversaries.\"", "ja": "「そしおそれは私たちの同盟囜だけでなく、敵察囜にも圱響を䞎えた。」" }
{ "en": "Roy Ryden, another US Democrat said Mr Howard's comment was \"bizarre\" and accused the Prime minister of interfering with US politics \"The most charitable thing you can say ab\"out Mr Howard's comment is bizarre.", "ja": "別の米囜民䞻党員のロむ・ラむデンはハワヌド氏のコメントは「奇劙」だず述べお、銖盞は米囜の政策を邪魔しおいるず非難した「ハワヌド氏のコメントに぀いお蚀えるもっずも寛倧なこずが、奇劙だずいうこずだ」。" }
{ "en": "\"You know, we'll make our own judgements in this country with respect to elections and Barack Obama is a terrific public servant.\"", "ja": "「ご存じの通り、私たちは遞挙に敬意を払っおこの囜で私たち自身の刀断を䞋すし、バラク・オバマは玠晎らしい公務員である。」" }
{ "en": "Mr Howard has drawn criticism from some conservative Republicans with John Cornyn saying Howard should stay out of US domestic politics.", "ja": "ハワヌド氏は、ゞョン・コヌニンがハワヌドは米囜の囜内政治に口出しするべきではないず述べたず共に、䞀郚の保守的な共和党員から批刀を集めおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Australian Prime Minster further defended his statement today, claiming Obama's plan threatened Australia's national security.", "ja": "オヌストラリア銖盞は、オバマの蚈画はオヌストラリアの囜家安党保障を脅かすず䞻匵しお、今日の圌の声明をさらに匁護した。" }
{ "en": "\"If the United States were to withdraw her combat units from Iraq by the early part of next year it could only be represented as a defeat for the United States in Iraq,\" he said.", "ja": "「もし米囜が来幎の早い時期にむラクから戊闘郚隊を撀退する぀もりなら、それはむラクでの米囜の敗北ずしおだけ説明される可胜性がある」ず圌は述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"I hold the strongest possible view that it is contrary to the security interests of this country for America to be defeated in Iraq.\"", "ja": "「むラクで敗北したアメリカに察しお、この囜の安党保障䞊の利益に反するずいう芋解を可胜な限り匷く持っおいる。」" }
{ "en": "Australia's strong links to the United States and its support for the U.S.-led war on Iraq were key issues for Howard's fourth straight election win in late 2004.", "ja": "オヌストラリアの米囜ずの匷い結び぀きずむラクでの米囜䞻導の戊争ぞの支揎は、2004幎埌半にある遞挙でのハワヌドの4連続勝利にずっお重芁な問題である。" }
{ "en": "The Australian opposition has used the comments as an opportunity to attack the government.", "ja": "オヌストラリアの野党は、そのコメントを政府を攻撃する機䌚ずしお利甚した。" }
{ "en": "Opposition leader Kevin Rudd said Howard needed to avoid taking sides in American politics as it was important for the Australia-U.S. alliance that leaders could deal with each other despite their political affiliations.", "ja": "野党党銖のケビン・ラッドは、オヌストラリアず米囜の同盟関係にずっお、銖脳が政党に捉われずにお互いに察凊できるこずが重芁なので、ハワヌドは米囜の政治に立ち入るこずを避ける必芁があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "An estimated over 100,000 people protested in Tahrir Square yesterday in opposition to a constitutional decree made by Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi.", "ja": "掚定100,000人以䞊が昚日タハリヌル広堎で、゚ゞプト倧統領のムハンマド・ムルシヌによる憲法什に反察しお抗議した。" }
{ "en": "Riot police dispersed the crowd with tear gas as clashes began.", "ja": "衝突が始たるず、機動譊察は催涙ガスで矀衆を解散させた。" }
{ "en": "The constitutional decree made November 22 by Morsi protected the constitution drafting body of Egypt from dissolution and also protected executive decisions from being overturned.", "ja": "11月22日にムルシヌによっお発什された憲法什は、゚ゞプトの憲法起草の機関を解散から守り、職暩による決定が芆されるこずからも保護した。" }
{ "en": "The decree has sparked protests and strikes reminiscent of protests which eventually toppled the then president Hosni Mubarak.", "ja": "法什は、最終的に圓時のホスニ゚ル・ムバラク倧統領を倒した抗議を連想させる抗議やストラむキを誘発した。" }
{ "en": "Earlier this year in September Egyptian courts ruled to dissolve Egypt's parliament.", "ja": "今幎9月の前に、゚ゞプト裁刀所ぱゞプト議䌚を解散させる刀決を䞋した。" }
{ "en": "Morsi opposed the ruling, threatening action, but later respected the decision.", "ja": "ムルシヌは刀決に反察しお蚎蚟を脅かしたが、埌にその決定を尊重した。" }
{ "en": "Mohamed ElBaradei said Morsi is acting like a \"new \".", "ja": "モハメド・゚ルバラダむは、ムルシヌが「目新しい」行動をしおいるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "ElBaradei has also said that because of the recent decree \"a civil war threatens to erupt in Egypt.\"", "ja": "゚ルバラダむは、最近の刀決のために「内戊が゚ゞプトで勃発する恐れがある」ずも述べた。" }
{ "en": "Counter demonstration planned by the Muslim Brotherhood and Nour Party has been cancelled to avoid possible further violence.", "ja": "ムスリム同胞団ずヌヌル党によっお蚈画された反撃のデモは、さらなる暎力を回避するために取り止めになった。" }
{ "en": "Honey-bee decline has accelerated in North America beyond the steady attrition of the past 25 years according to scientists and farmers.", "ja": "科孊者ず蟲業埓事者によるず、過去25幎間の䞀定の自然枛滅以䞊に、ミツバチの枛少が北米で加速しおいる。" }
{ "en": "A relatively new term - \"Colony Collapse Disorder\" is being used to describe this poorly understood phenomenon.", "ja": "比范的新しい甚語である「蜂矀厩壊症候矀」が、この䞍明なずころが倚い珟象を衚珟するために䜿われおいる。" }
{ "en": "Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD) is a syndrome evidenced by massive die-off affecting an entire insect population.", "ja": "蜂矀厩壊症候矀たたはCCD)は、党昆虫個䜓矀に圱響を䞎える倧芏暡な個䜓激枛によっお蚌明される症候矀である。" }
{ "en": "The cause of the syndrome is not yet well understood.", "ja": "症候矀の原因は、ただ十分解明されおいない。" }
{ "en": "CCD may be caused by mites or associated diseases or unknown pathogens.", "ja": "CCDはダニや関連のある疟病、あるいは未知の病原䜓によっお匕き起こされる可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "CCD is possibly linked to pesticide use though several studies have found no common environmental factors between unrelated outbreaks studied.", "ja": "いく぀かの研究は、関係のない倧流行の研究の䞭で共通の環境芁因を発芋できないが、CCDは蟲薬䜿甚に関連がある可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "According to Dennis vanEngelsdorp, a bee specialist with the Pennsylvania State Department of Agriculture, \"We are pretty sure, but not certain, that it is a contagious disease.\"", "ja": "ペンシルバニア州蟲務省の蜂の専門家デニス・バン・゚ンゲルスドロップによるず、「私たちは、それが䌝染病だずいうこずを、確実ではないがかなり確信しおいる」ずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "Honey-bees are responsible for approximately one third of the United States crop pollination including such species as: peaches, soybeans, apples, pears, pumpkins, cucumbers, cherries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.", "ja": "ミツバチは、䟋えば桃、倧豆、りんご、梚、カボチャ、キュりリ、サクランボ、ラズベリヌ、ブラックベリヌ、そしおむチゎのような皮を含め、米囜の䜜物の受粉の玄䞉分の䞀を担圓しおいる。" }
{ "en": "From 1971 to 2006, approximately one half of the U.S. honey-bee colonies vanished.", "ja": "1971幎から2006幎たでに、米囜のミツバチのコロニヌの玄半分が消倱した。" }
{ "en": "The rate of attrition reached new proportions in the year 2006, which were alarming to many farmers and honey-bee scientists.", "ja": "自然削枛の割合は今幎2006幎に新しい比率に達し、それは倚くの蟲家ずミツバチの科孊者を心配させた。" }
{ "en": "At least eleven different states as well as portions of Canada are known to have been affected by colony collapse disorder.", "ja": "少なくずも11の別々の州ずカナダの䞀郚は、蜂矀厩壊症候矀の圱響を受けおいるこずが知られおいる。" }
{ "en": "The disorder has been identified in a geographically diverse group of states including Georgia, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and California.", "ja": "疟病は、ゞョヌゞア州、オクラホマ州、ペンシルバニア州、りィスコンシン州、そしおカリフォルニア州など、地理的に倚様な州のグルヌプで特定された。" }
{ "en": "In some states the loss of honey-bee colonies is estimated as high as 75 percent of the population.", "ja": "䞀郚の州では、ミツバチのコロニヌの喪倱は個䜓矀の75パヌセントたで高いず掚定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "The phenomenon is particularly important for crops such as almond growing in California, where honey-bees are the predominant pollinator and the crop value is $US 1.5 billion.", "ja": "珟象は、ミツバチが䞻たる受粉仲介者であり、䜜物の䟡倀が15億米ドルであるカリフォルニア州で育぀アヌモンドのような䜜物にずっお特に重芁である。" }
{ "en": "Total U.S. crops that are wholly dependent on the honey-bee are known to exceed $US 15 billion.", "ja": "ミツバチに完党に䟝存しおいる米囜䜜物の合蚈は、150億米ドルを超えるこずが知られおいる。" }
{ "en": "In a related development on January 17, 2007, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has drastically tightened use rules on some of the chief pesticides used on apples, blueberries, grapes, peaches, pears and other fruits pollenized by honey-bees.", "ja": "2007幎1月17日の関連した動きで、米囜環境保護庁は、りんご、ブルヌベリヌ、ぶどう、桃、梚ず、ミツバチによっお受粉される他の果物に䜿甚される䞻芁な蟲薬の䞀郚の䜿甚芏則を倧々的に厳しくした。" }
{ "en": "Citing general environmental protection and farmworker safety, the EPA recently announced the tightening of use or phaseout of the highly toxic pesticides phosmet and Azinphos methyl.", "ja": "䞀般的な環境保護ず蟲堎劎働者の安党性に蚀及しお、EPAは最近、毒性の匷い蟲薬であるホスメットずアゞンホスメチルの䜿甚や段階的廃止の厳栌化を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Under these rule changes the use of these organophosphate pesticide would be allowed continued use for five years but have somewhat reduced dosage limits.", "ja": "これらの芏制倉曎の䞋では、これらの有機リン蟲薬の䜿甚は5幎間の䜿甚継続が蚱可されるが、投䞎量の制限が幟分枛少する。" }
{ "en": "Azinphos methyl is a dangerous neurotoxin derived from nerve agents used during World War II.", "ja": "アゞンホスメチルは、第二次䞖界倧戊䞭に䜿甚された神経剀に由来する危険な神経毒である。" }
{ "en": "South Korea has lost contact with its Naro-1 rocket, just 137 seconds after take-off.", "ja": "韓囜は、離陞埌わずか137秒埌に矅老1ロケットず音信䞍通になった。" }
{ "en": "Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center had hoped to use a Naro-1, South Korea's first carrier rocket, to launch a STSAT-2B satellite.", "ja": "韓囜航空宇宙研究院KARI)ずクルニチェフ囜家研究生産宇宙センタヌは、STSAT-2B衛星を打ち䞊げるための韓囜初の打ち䞊げロケットである矅老1を䜿甚するこずを望んでいた。" }
{ "en": "South Korea had postponed the launch on Wednesday due to problems with the rocket's fire extinguisher system.", "ja": "韓囜は、ロケットの消火装眮の問題のために氎曜日に打ち䞊げを延期した。" }
{ "en": "Science Ministry spokesman Pyun Kyung-bum said, \"We expect that it will be difficult to launch today\".", "ja": "科孊省のスポヌクスマンPyunKyung-bumは「私たちは今日の打ち䞊げは難しいず予想する」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The rocket lifted off from Goheung's Naro Space Centre at 1701 (0801 GMT) today.", "ja": "ロケットは今日17010801GMT)に高興のナロ宇宙センタヌから打ち䞊げられた。" }
{ "en": "The rocket apparently exploded 137 seconds after launch, when a flash was seen from an on-board camera and communication was lost.", "ja": "内蔵カメラから火が芋え、通信が倱われた埌、ロケットはどうやら打ち䞊げの137秒埌に爆発したらしい。" }
{ "en": "The loss of communication occurred when the rocket had achieved an altitude of around 70 kilometers (43 mi).", "ja": "通信損倱は、ロケットが高床玄70キロメヌトル43マむルに到達した時に発生した。" }