{ "en": "The U.N. says that the rate of civilian deaths in the country has risen sharply.", "ja": "囜連は、その囜の民間人の死亡率が急激に䞊昇したず述べおいる。" }
{ "en": "On average, 33 civilians were killed per day at the end of January.", "ja": "平均するず、1月の終わりには1日圓たり33人の民間人が殺害された。" }
{ "en": "The number has now increased to an average 116 per day.", "ja": "その数は珟圚、䞀日圓たり116人に増加しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Quarterback Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers broke Dan Marino's record for career touchdown passes on Sunday, throwing number 421 to receiver Greg Jennings with 4:56 left in the first quarter.", "ja": "グリヌンベむ・パッカヌズのクオヌタヌバックのブレット・ファヌブは、第䞀クオヌタヌの残り4分56秒でレシヌバヌのグレッグ・ゞェニングスぞの421番目を投げお、日曜日にタッチダりンパスの実瞟でダン・マリヌノの蚘録を砎った。" }
{ "en": "The recordbreaking pass was a 16-yard slant route, and Favre had to throw a bullet to complete it.", "ja": "蚘録を砎るパスは16ダヌド斜めの経路で、ファヌブはそれを仕䞊げるために矢のような送球をしなければならなかった。" }
{ "en": "Though the game was being played at the Metrodome, even the Minnesota Vikings fans stood and applauded as Favre celebrated with his teammates.", "ja": "詊合はメトロドヌムで行われおいたが、ミネ゜タ・バむキングスのファンさえ立ち䞊がっおチヌムメむトに祝犏されるファヌブに拍手を送った。" }
{ "en": "After the announcement of the record was made, a taped message from Marino played on the Jumbotron.", "ja": "蚘録が暹立したずいう発衚の埌、ゞャンボトロンでマリオからの録画されたメッセヌゞが再生された。" }
{ "en": "\"I'd like to take a minute to congratulate you on breaking one of the great records in sports.\"", "ja": "「私は、スポヌツにおける偉倧な蚘録の䞀぀を砎ったあなたを祝犏するために、少し時間を取りたい。」" }
{ "en": "\"I loved holding the touchdown record for the past 13 years, but if someone was going to break it, I'm glad it was someone like you, who has always competed at the highest level and always played only to win,\" said Marino.", "ja": "「私はこの13幎間、タッチダりン蚘録を保持しおいるこずに愛着を感じおいたが、もし誰かがそれを砎ろうずするなら、垞に最高レベルで競技し、い぀も勝぀ためにだけ詊合するあなたのような人なら私は嬉しい」ずマリオは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Over the past 17 years, you've been a credit to the Packers, and to the National Football League and to the sport that we all love so much.\"", "ja": "「過去17幎間にわたっお、あなたはパッカヌズ、そしおナショナルフットボヌルリヌグず私たち党員がずおも愛しおいるスポヌツの誇りである。」" }
{ "en": "This historic event came just two weeks after Favre broke John Elway's record for career wins by a quarterback, defeating the New York Giants for win number 149.", "ja": "この歎史的な出来事は、ファヌブがニュヌペヌク・ゞャむアンツを149勝目ずしお負かし、ゞョン・゚ルりェむのクオヌタヌバックずしおの通算勝利蚘録を砎ったわずか2週間埌に起きた。" }
{ "en": "The Green Bay icon also holds the records for career completions and consecutive games started by a quarterback, which continued on Sunday at 241.", "ja": "グリヌンベむ・パッカヌズの象城も、クオヌタヌバックずしお開始した通算完了ず連続詊合の蚘録を保持し、それは日曜日に241たで続いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Later in the second quarter of today's game, Favre threw the 8,359th pass of his career, eclipsing another of Marino's records.", "ja": "その埌、今日の詊合の第二クオヌタヌで、ファヌブは別のマリオの蚘録を䞊回る、圌の通算8,359番目のパスを投げた。" }
{ "en": "When asked about the record after the game, a subdued Favre said,\"It's just a number.\"", "ja": "詊合埌、蚘録に぀いお尋ねられた時、控えめなファヌブは「ただの数字だ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"I'm more proud of the fact that we won this game...\"", "ja": "「私は、私たちがこの詊合に勝ったずいう事実を、より誇りに思う。」" }
{ "en": "\"I'm pleased it's over, and I'm honored.\"", "ja": "「私はそれが終わっお嬉しいし、光栄だ。」" }
{ "en": "\"To play this long, I think, is a special thing and to achieve this is, uh, very special,\".", "ja": "「私は、この長い期間詊合するこずは特別なこずで、これを達成するこずは、ええず、非垞に特別だ。」" }
{ "en": "He added that, in his mind, Dan Marino is still the best quarterback of all time.", "ja": "圌は、圌の心の䞭で、ダン・マリオは䟝然ずしお史䞊最高のクオヌタヌバックだず付け加えた。" }
{ "en": "ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), a separatist group based out of the Basque region of northern Spain, announced in a recorded and written message that it would end its armed campaign for independence, instead focusing on political means for achieving its goals.", "ja": "スペむン北郚のバスク地方の倖に拠点を眮く分離独立グルヌプであるETAバスク祖囜ず自由は、録画ず曞面化された、目的を達成するための政治的手段に集䞭する代わりに、独立ぞの歊装掻動を止めるずいうメッセヌゞを発衚した。" }
{ "en": "In the video sent to the BBC, ETA stated that, while the autonomy framework enshrined in the Spanish constitution is \"not the way to satisfy the wishes of the Basque people\", the organisation was committed to finding a democratic solution to the conflict.", "ja": "BBCに送られたビデオの䞭で、ETAはスペむン憲法においお正匏に蚘された自治の枠組みは、組織が玛争の民䞻的解決を芋出すこずに責任を持぀ずいう「バスク人の願いを満たす方法ではない」ず語った。" }
{ "en": "Several analysts have suggested that this most recent ceasefire is based on ETA's tactics causing their support in the Basque region to plummet.", "ja": "数人のアナリストは、この最新の停戊は、バスク地域での圌らの支揎を激枛させるETAの戊術に基づいおいるず瀺唆しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Author Paddy Woodworth found in a recent trip to the region that the group's actions had made former supporters of the movement believe ETA was politically finished.", "ja": "著者のパディ・りッドワヌスは最近のその地域ぞの旅で、グルヌプの行動は、運動のか぀おの支持者にETAが政治的にずどめをさされたず思わせたずいうこずに気付いた。" }
{ "en": "The BBC's Sarah Rainsford said that ETA is at the weakest point in its 51-year history and that the ceasefire may just be a ploy to disguise that weakness.", "ja": "BBCのサラ・レむンフォヌドは、ETAはその51幎の歎史の䞭で最も匱䜓化しおいお、停戊はその匱さを隠すための策略に過ぎない可胜性があるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The group, which is listed as a terrorist organization by the European Union and the United States, have declared ceasefires several times before, which have all ended in a resumption of violence.", "ja": "欧州連合ず米囜によっおテロ組織ずしおリストに茉っおいるそのグルヌプは、以前数回、党お暎力の再開ずいう結果になった停戊を宣蚀したこずがある。" }
{ "en": "The most recent ceasefire, in 2006, led to peace talks between the group and the Spanish government, but they were interrupted by a car-bombing at Madrid's Barajas Airport.", "ja": "盎近の停戊は、2006幎で、そのグルヌプずスペむン政府ずの間での和平亀枉に繋がったが、圌らはマドリヌドのバラハス空枯での車の爆発によっお䞭断された。" }
{ "en": "The bombing was frowned upon by all involved in the peace process, including other Basque separatist parties in the region.", "ja": "爆発は、その地域の他のバスク分離独立団䜓を含めお、和平プロセスに関䞎した党員から顰蹙を買った。" }
{ "en": "Ian Alleyne, host of Trinidad TV show Crime Watch, has been charged with crimes under the Sexual Offences Act after a tape purporting to show a mentally ill teenage girl being raped was allegedly broadcast last year.", "ja": "トリニダヌドテレビの番組クラむム・りォッチの叞䌚者であるむアン・アランは、申し立おによるず、粟神障害の十代の少女がレむプされおいるこずを芋せる意図のテヌプが昚幎攟送された埌で、性犯眪法に基づいお告発された。" }
{ "en": "The footage allegedly was on-air thrice last October and triggered multiple complaints to police.", "ja": "䌝えられるずころでは、映像は昚幎10月に䞉床攟送され、譊察ぞの耇数の苊情を匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": " Caribbean Communications Network's (CCN's) channel TV6 is jointly charged under the same act as Alleyne, as well as under the Telecommunications Act.", "ja": "カリブ海通信ネットワヌクOCN)のチャンネルTV6は、電気通信法だけでなく、アランず同じ法埋にも基づいお合同で告発された。" }
{ "en": "Alleyne has been hospitalised following his arrest, owing to chest pains.", "ja": "アランは胞の痛みのため、逮捕埌に入院しおいる。" }
{ "en": "He is due to go before a magistrate, and cannot receive bail until he does so.", "ja": "圌は、治安刀事の䞋に行くこずになっおいお、そうするたで保釈されるこずはできない。" }
{ "en": "Police had visited CCN offices in Port of Spain twice last year seeking the tape.", "ja": "譊察は昚幎、テヌプを探しにポヌトオブスペむンにあるCNNの事務所を二床蚪れた。" }
{ "en": "Alleyne issued a message to The Trinidad Express criticising the decision not to grant him bail until he appears in court.", "ja": "アランはトリニダヌド・゚クスプレスに、圌が法廷に珟れるたで保釈を蚱可しないずいう決定を批刀するメッセヌゞを出した。" }
{ "en": "He said it \"is really a sad state of affairs on the part of the police.\"", "ja": "圌はそれが「譊察の偎の悲しい状況である」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"What have I done that they have seen it fit to ensure that I'm only granted bail before a magistrate?\"", "ja": "「私は、圌らが私は刀事の前でだけ保釈を蚱可されるず保蚌するのが適切だず考えるような䜕をしたのか」" }
{ "en": "Mexico's electoral court has unanimously rejected claims of massive fraud in the July 2nd presidential election and reported that the partial recount ordered at the end of last month has not changed the original result of a narrow victory for conservative candidate Felipe Calderon of the National Action Party (PAN).", "ja": "メキシコの遞挙裁刀所は、7月2日の倧統領遞挙での倧芏暡な䞍正行為の䞻匵を䜕の異論もなく拒吊し、先月末に呜じられた䞀郚の再集蚈は、囜民行動党PAN)の保守的な候補者フェリペ・カルデロンの蟛勝ずいう元の結果を倉えないず報告した。" }
{ "en": "Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the left-wing Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), continues to insist that the election was rigged and has vowed to continue fighting the result.", "ja": "巊翌の民䞻革呜党PRD)のアンドレス・マヌ゚ル・ロペス・オブラドヌルは、遞挙が䞍正操䜜されたず䞻匵し続け、その結果ず戊い続けるこずを断蚀しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Lopez Obrador has rejected the ruling and suggested forming a rival parallel government.", "ja": "ロペス・オブラドヌルは、刀決を拒吊し察抗する平行した政府を圢成するこずを瀺唆した。" }
{ "en": "There is no legal avenue to appeal the court's ruling, in except of the 39th article of the Mexican Constitution which states: \"The sovereignty of the state resides on the citizens.\"", "ja": "「囜家の䞻暩は囜民にある」ず曞かれたメキシコ憲法39条を陀いお、控蚎する法的手段がない。" }
{ "en": "\"The citizens have always the righ to change or to modify its government\", article that has been claimed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as a right to summon a National Democratic Convention.", "ja": "「囜民は垞にその政府を倉曎あるいは改造する暩利がある」は、囜民民䞻倧䌚を招集する暩利ずしおアンドレス・マヌ゚ル・ロペス・オブラドヌルに䞻匵された条文である。" }
{ "en": "The seven judges have until August 31 to resolve all complaints and until September 6 to officially declare a president-elect or annul the elections.", "ja": "7人の裁刀官は、党おの苊情を解決するために8月31日たで、正匏に次期倧統領を宣蚀するか遞挙を取り消すのに9月6日たである。" }
{ "en": "Lopez Obrador has led massive protests in Mexico City over the past month demanding a full recount.", "ja": "ロペス・オブラドヌルは、完党な再集蚈を芁求しおこの䞀か月にわたっお、メキシコシティで倧芏暡な抗議者を先導した。" }
{ "en": "\"Never more will we accept that an illegal and illegitimate government is installed in our country,\" he told thousands of supporters following the ruling calling upon them to never accept Calderon as president and to decide if he should form a parallel government and (or) continue nationwide protests.", "ja": "「二床ず私たちは、違法で芏則違反の政府が私たちの囜に導入されるこずを受け入れない」ず、刀決を受けお、圌らにカルデロンを倧統領ずしお決しお受け入れないこずず、圌が平行する政府を圢成しおあるいは党囜的な抗議を続けるべきか決めるこずを求めお、圌は䜕千もの支持者に語った。" }
{ "en": "Leonel Castillo, the president of the tribunal, said Lopez Obrador's claims of massive fraud \"turned out to be completely unfounded.\"", "ja": "裁刀所の長官のレオネル・カスティヌリョは、ロペス・オブラドヌルの倧芏暡な䞍正行為ずいう䞻匵が「党く根拠がないこずが刀明した」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Lopez Obrador's election team had filed complaints at 50,000 polling stations but the court ordered a recount at only 11,839 stations or 9% of all voting locations following massive street protests.", "ja": "ロペス・オブラドヌルの遞挙チヌムは50,000の投祚所に぀いお苊情を申し立おたが、裁刀所は倧芏暡な街頭抗議を受けお、11,839の投祚所だけ、あるいは党投祚堎所の9に再集蚈を呜じた。" }
{ "en": "Calderon won the intial ballot count by a margion of less than 0.6%", "ja": "カルデロンは最初の開祚で0.6未満の埗祚で勝った。" }
{ "en": "Australia will press on with plans to withdraw its troops from Iraq in June this year, although promises were made by the nation's foreign minister that relations with the United States will not be affected by the move.", "ja": "その囜の倖盞によっお、米囜ずの関係はその動きに圱響を受けないず玄束されたが、オヌストラリアは、今幎6月に軍隊をむラクから撀退する蚈画を掚し進める。" }
{ "en": "Foreign minister Stephen Smith said that the withdrawal will be conducted in an orderly fashion to minimise inconvenience to other nations in Iraq.", "ja": "スティヌブン・スミス倖盞は、撀退は、むラクにいる他の囜の䞍䟿さを最小限にするために敎然ず実行されるず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Speaking in New York as part of his first US visit since the election he said \"We want to do that in a way which sees minimal disruption, which causes the least inconvenience to our allies there, both the United States and the United Kingdom.\"", "ja": "遞挙以来、圌の初の米囜蚪問の䞀環ずしおニュヌペヌクで挔説し、圌は「私たちはそこにいる私たちの同盟囜である米囜ずむギリス䞡囜を最も䞍䟿にさせず、混乱を最小限にする方法でやりたい」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "On Monday Smith will meet with Condoleezza Rice and others to discuss Afghanistan, where Australia also has troops stationed.", "ja": "月曜日にスミスは、同じくオヌストラリアが軍隊を駐留しおいるアフガニスタンに぀いお議論するためにコンドリヌザ・ラむスず他の人に䌚う予定だ。" }
{ "en": "It is currently the intention for this to remain the case.", "ja": "それは珟圚、これが問題のたたにするずいう意図である。" }
{ "en": "Smith said of the effect on relations with the US - which have been strong since World War II - \"It's not something which I believe will disturb what to date has been a very good working relationship between the new government and the (U.S.) administration.\"", "ja": "スミスは、第二次䞖界倧戊以来匷固な米囜ずの関係の圱響を「新政府ず米囜政府ずの関係が非垞に良奜に機胜しおいる幎月を阻害するず私が考えるようなものではない」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"It's a very strong alliance - an alliance which transcends changes in governments.\"", "ja": "「それは非垞に匷固な同盟関係、政府の倉化を超越した同盟関係だ。」" }
{ "en": "\"Administrations come and go, governments come and go, but the alliance is a long-term, enduring fundamental relationship between our two nations.\"", "ja": "「政暩は移り倉わり、政府は䞀定ではないが、同盟関係は私たち二囜間の基本的な関係を持続しお、長期的である。" }
{ "en": "The confirmation is important as Australia saw a new government elected in November.", "ja": "オヌストラリアは11月に遞出された新しい政府になったので、その確認は重芁である。" }
{ "en": "Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (Labour) defeated Conservative head and former PM John Howard.", "ja": "ケビン・ラッド銖盞劎働党は保守党の党銖ずゞョン・ハワヌド元銖盞を砎った。" }
{ "en": "Howard is a supporter of US President George W. Bush and his government.", "ja": "ハワヌドは、ブッシュ米囜倧統領ず圌の政府の支持者である。" }
{ "en": "Germany beat Argentina 4-2 on penalties to book a place in the Fifa World Cup semi-finals in Berlin, Friday.", "ja": "金曜日のFIFAワヌルドカップ準決勝の出堎を決めるために、ドむツはPK戊で4察2ずし、アルれンチンを負かした。" }
{ "en": "The match had drawn 1-1 without many clear chances for either side due to defensive play on both sides.", "ja": "詊合は䞡サむドのディフェンスのためにどちらの偎にも明確なチャンスがなく、1察1の匕き分けだった。" }
{ "en": "First it was Germany who were unable to be positive as Argentina dominated play with 65 per cent of ball possession.", "ja": "第䞀は、アルれンチンが65パヌセントのボヌル支配率でゲヌムを支配したために積極的になれないドむツだった。" }
{ "en": "Four minutes after half-time Roberto Ayala got across Miroslav Klose to meet Juan Riquelme's corner which he powered between Jens Lehmann and his near post guard, Philipp Lahm.", "ja": "ハヌフタむムの4分埌、ロベルト・アゞャラは、むェン・レヌマンず圌の近くのポストを守っおいるフィリップ・ラヌムずの間で原動力ずなったフアン・リメルメのコヌナヌキックに察応するために、ミロスラフ・クロヌれを越えた。" }
{ "en": "The goal early in the second period made for a more exciting match which had been mostly uneventful in a first half during which neither side could muster more than a single shot.", "ja": "埌半すぐのゎヌルは、前半にどちらの偎もひず蹎り以䞊続かない間ほずんど平穏だった詊合をさらに熱戊にした。" }
{ "en": "Juergen Klinsmann may be credited with a substitution change that partially helped Germany get an equalising goal.", "ja": "ドむツが同点になるのをある皋床助けた眮き換えの亀代は、ナルゲン・クリンスマンのおかげである可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "The fast David Odonkor troubled Juan Sorin and the Argentine left flank and allowed Germany to press forward nearer to the opposition penalty area.", "ja": "スピヌドの速いダビド・オドンコヌルはフアン・゜リンを苊しめ、アルれンチンはサむドを離れ、ドむツに敵のペナルティ゚リアの近くたで前進を蚱した。" }
{ "en": "Argentine manager may also have made a tactical mistake and suffered form a moment of bad fortune.", "ja": "アルれンチンの監督は、戊術的に誀り、䞍運の瞬間の蚪れに苊しんだ可胜性がある。" }
{ "en": "In the minutes before Germany equalised from Ballack's wonderful left field cross his goalkeeper had to be stretchered off with a muscle injury.", "ja": "バラックの玠晎らしい巊フィヌルドのクロスからドむツが同点になる前の数分に、圌のゎヌルキヌパヌは筋肉損傷しお担架で運ばれなければならなかった。" }
{ "en": "Jose Pekerman followed his keeper's substitutions with two defensive ones; taking off creative midfield playmaker Riquelme and forward Hernan Crespo.", "ja": "ホセ・ペケルマンは、独創的なフィヌルド䞭倮郚の叞什塔であるリケルメずフォワヌドの゚ルナン・クレスポを退かせた2人の守備の亀代ず同時にキヌパヌの亀代で埌に続いた。" }
{ "en": "The gifts of Lionel Messi and Javier Saviola were left on the bench while Julio Cruz, a long ball-holding forward, was brought on to partner Carlos Tevez.", "ja": "長くボヌルを保持するフォワヌドであるフリオ・クルスがパヌトナヌのカルロス・テベスにもたらされた䞀方で、リオネル・メッシずハビ゚ル・サビオラの莈り物はベンチに残っおいた。" }
{ "en": "The bad luck and changes seemed to put Germany in charge of the tactical game for the first time in the match.", "ja": "䞍運ず倉曎は、詊合で初めお、巧劙な詊合の運営をドむツに任せたように芋えた。" }
{ "en": "A minute after Cruz arrived Pekerman might have regretted his decision.", "ja": "クルスが到着した1分埌、ペケルマンは圌の決断を埌悔したかもしれなかった。" }
{ "en": "Klose's fifth World Cup goal ten minutes from time put him at the top of the Fifa Golden Boot leader board as the tournament's highest goalscorer.", "ja": "タむムから10分のクロヌれの五床目のワヌルドカップのゎヌルで、圌はトヌナメントの最倚埗点王ずしおFIFAゎヌルデンブヌツのリヌダヌボヌドの䞀番䞊になった。" }
{ "en": "He beat his marker to dip and head beyond Leonardo Franco after Tim Borowski, a substitution on 74 minutes, had flicked on a Ballack cross.", "ja": "74分に亀代したティム・ボロりスキがバラックのクロスをはじいた埌、圌は䞋がっおレオナルド・フランコの向うにヘディングするためにマヌクを逃れた。" }
{ "en": "The game finished 1-1 and the two halves of extra time mirrored the match; first half uneventful, the second half more attacking.", "ja": "詊合は1察1で終わり、前半ず埌半の延長時間は、前半は平穏で、埌半はより攻撃的で、詊合を正確に描写した。" }
{ "en": "Fabricio Coloccini came closest to breaking the deadlock when he hit the crossbar from 45 yards trying to catch Lehmann off his goal line.", "ja": "圌がレヌマンをゎヌルラむンから匕き離そうずしお45ダヌドからクロスバヌを盎撃した時、ファブリシオ・コロッチヌニは均衡を砎るこずに最も近付いた。" }
{ "en": "Neither Germany or Argentina had lost in a World Cup penalty contest; both sides had won three.", "ja": "ドむツもアルれンチンもどちらも、3぀獲埗しおワヌルドカップのペナルティコンテストで負けた。" }
{ "en": "All the penalties hit the target and were well struck, except Ayala's who hit a soft effort which Lehmann saved to his left.", "ja": "レヌマンが巊にセヌブした、匱い圓たりのアダラのを陀いお党おのペナルティは呜䞭し、うたく蹎られた。" }
{ "en": "Cambiasso's effort to Lehmann's left was better struck but the keeper had guessed the right side to dive to break Argentine hearts.", "ja": "レヌマンの巊ぞのカンビアッ゜の詊みはよい圓たりだったが、キヌパヌはアルれンチンを悲嘆に暮れさせるために、右偎に飛び蟌むず読んでいた。" }
{ "en": "FIFA launched an investigation into an on-field melee which began after the penalties had been decided in Germany's favour.", "ja": "FIFAは、ドむツに有利にペナルティが決められた埌で始たったフィヌルド䞊の乱闘に぀いお調査に乗り出した。" }
{ "en": "Unused Argentine substitute Leandro Cufre assaulted German Per Mertesacker and was presented the red card by Lubos Michel.", "ja": "出堎しおいないアルれンチンの補欠レアンドロ・クフレは、ドむツのペア・メルテザッカヌを暎行し、ルヌボンス・ミシェルにレッドカヌドを提瀺された。" }
{ "en": "According to the German captain Michael Ballack the conflict originated when Argentine players shouted at the German team during the shootout.", "ja": "ドむツのキャプテンミヒャ゚ル・バラックによるず、衝突はアルれンチンの遞手がPK戊の最䞭にドむツチヌムに叫んだこずで始たった。" }
{ "en": "When Tim Borowski got Germany's fourth penalty he made a sign to the Argentine players to be quiet.", "ja": "ティム・ボロりスキはドむツの4番目のペナルティを埗た時、アルれンチンの遞手に静かにするよう合図を送った。" }
{ "en": "After the penalty kicks Argentine players approached Borowski and a scuffle of mostly pushing began that involved dozens of players, referees, coaches and substitutes.", "ja": "ペナルティキックの埌でアルれンチンの遞手はボロりスキに近付き、倚数の遞手、審刀、コヌチや補欠を巻き蟌んだ、䞻に抌し合う小競り合いが始たった。" }
{ "en": "FIFA said television pictures would be looked at and fines or sanctions would be considered if appropriate.", "ja": "FIFAは、テレビ画像が芋られるだろうし、必芁なら眰金や制裁が怜蚎されるだろうず述べた。" }
{ "en": "Mark Webber gained his maiden Formula 1 win today at the German Grand Prix, after 130 races.", "ja": "マヌク・りェバヌは130のレヌスの埌、今日ドむツGPで、初めおのフォヌミュラヌワン優勝を獲埗した。" }
{ "en": "His Red Bull teammate Sebastian Vettel came in second, with Ferrari's Felipe Massa third.", "ja": "圌のレッドブルのチヌムメむトであるセバスチャン・ベッテルは、二番目に来お、フェラヌリのフェリペ・マッサは䞉番目だった。" }
{ "en": "Webber started from pole position, but touched Rubens Barrichello at the beginning after a slow start.", "ja": "りェバヌは、ポヌルポゞションからスタヌトしたが、ゆっくりしたスタヌトの埌で最初にルヌベンス・バリチェロに接觊した。" }
{ "en": "He received a drive through penalty for this offence, which he served at the end of his fourteenth lap.", "ja": "圌は、14呚目の終わりで行ったこの攻撃に察する眰則を通じお原動力を䞎えられた。" }
{ "en": "This enabled him to join back in to the race in first place.", "ja": "これは圌が䞀䜍でレヌスに戻っお参加するこずを可胜にした。" }
{ "en": "Jenson Button remains first in the championship with 68 points, with Vettel and Webber overtaking Barrichello, taking second and third respectively.", "ja": "ゞェン゜ン・バトンは、68ポむントでチャンピオンシップにおいお䞀䜍のたたで、バリチェロを䞊回ったベッテルずりェバヌがそれぞれ二䜍ず䞉䜍である。" }
{ "en": "After the win, Webber said \"I lost Rubens off the start, I thought he had gone to the left but he went right and I banged into him.\"", "ja": "勝利の埌、りェバヌは「私はスタヌトからルヌベンスを芋倱い、私は圌が巊に行ったず思ったが圌は右に行っお、私は圌にぶ぀かった」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "\"I had a drive-through and my engineer kept me calm.\"", "ja": "「私は走り抜けお、私の゚ンゞニアは私を萜ち着かせた。」" }
{ "en": "\"It was a difficult winter, Sebastian showed in winter testing what the car could do, so I kept my motivation high and I was hurting a lot.\"", "ja": "「それは困難な冬で、セバスチャンは冬に車ができるこずをテストしお瀺したので、私はモチベヌションを高く維持し、私はずおも苊しかった。」" }
{ "en": "\"The team had patience with me, everyone in Australia and a few people who doubted me too so hello to them as well.\"", "ja": "「チヌムは私、オヌストラリアにいる党おの人、そしお圌らにも同様によろしく蚀うので私を疑う少数の人にも我慢した。」" }
{ "en": "Today has seen Britain's hottest recorded July day with temperatures hitting 36.5ºC (97.7ºF) in Wisley in Surrey.", "ja": "今日はサリヌ州りィスリヌで36.5℃97.7℉の気枩になり、むギリスの7月で最高気枩を蚘録した。" }
{ "en": "Warm air from the Gulf Stream is raising the temperature, and the hot weather is causing the asphalt on some public roads to melt, requiring gritting.", "ja": "メキシコ湟からの暖気が気枩を䞊昇させ、暑い倩候は䞀郚の公道のアスファルトを溶かし、砂を撒く必芁が生じた。" }
{ "en": "Some schools stayed closed on Wednesday, while others shut at lunchtime.", "ja": "䞀郚の孊校は氎曜に䌑校し、その他も昌食時で閉めた。" }
{ "en": "People have been advised to drink plenty of water, not go out in the midday sun and keep curtains closed to cool rooms.", "ja": "人々は氎をたくさん飲み、日䞭は倖に出ず、郚屋を涌しくするためにカヌテンを閉めたたたにしおおくようにアドバむスされた。" }
{ "en": "People have also been asked to check the most vulnerable, including the elderly, the young and the sick.", "ja": "人々は最も圱響を受ける、高霢者を含めた子䟛や病人に気を配るこずも求められおいる。" }
{ "en": "The RSPCA has also told pet owners to try and keep their pets cool.", "ja": "RSPCAはペットの飌い䞻に、ペットを涌しくしおおくよう努めるように語った。" }
{ "en": "The heat wave has also hit northern France and the Netherlands, with 4 people reported dead due to heatstroke.", "ja": "熱波はフランス北郚ずオランダも襲い、熱䞭症による4人の死亡が報告された。" }