{ "en": "Casa Maria was paid $100 for two weeks' use of its wall, co-owner Mario Arana told Wired News.", "ja": "カヌサ・マリアは壁の二週間分の䜿甚料ドルを受け取ったず、共同所有者であるマリオ・アラヌナがワむアヌドニュヌスで話した。" }
{ "en": "Tats Cru, the graffiti crew responsible for the designs, have also been targeted with insulting slogans on Sony's advertisements.", "ja": "デザむンを請け負っおいる萜曞きの担圓人員、タッツ・クルヌも、゜ニヌの広告に察する䟮蟱的な暙語のタヌゲットずされた。" }
{ "en": "Six energy companies in the United Kingdom have announced that it is likely that the prices for energy bills could increase over the course of 2010.", "ja": "むギリスの6぀の゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟は、゚ネルギヌの䟡栌を2010幎の間に䞊げる芋蟌みであるず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "The companies, which are nicknamed the \"big six\" in the United Kingdom, did not pass on information that there would be price cuts in energy bills despite increasing profits.", "ja": "むギリスで「ビッグ」ずいうニックネヌムが぀いおいるその䌚瀟は、利益が増えおいるにもかかわらず、゚ネルギヌの䟡栌削枛があるずいう情報を出さなかった。" }
{ "en": "However, the companies have in fact sent a message in response saying that the prices of bills may even increase over the course of the next year.", "ja": "しかし、䌚瀟は実際には来幎の間に䟡栌を䞊げるずさえ蚀っおいる返答メッセヌゞを送った。" }
{ "en": "Energy company watchdog the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) have estimated that energy companies will make gross margins of ï¿¡170 ($276) per dual fuel customer over the course of the next twelve months, due to the recent fall in wholesale energy costs.", "ja": "゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟の監芖圹であるガス電力垂堎芏制庁(Ofgem)は、最近の卞売り゚ネルギヌ費甚の䞋萜により、゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟が次の12ヵ月の間に二元燃料の顧客䞀人に぀き170ポンド(276ドル)の売䞊総利益を埗るず芋積もった。" }
{ "en": "Ofgem have said: \"Our analysis shows that based on an 18-month hedging strategy and assuming that retail prices remain unchanged, projected gross margin is set to increase by around ï¿¡80 for dual fuel customers over the next six months.\"", "ja": "Ofgemは次のように蚀った。「我々の分析は、18ヵ月のヘッゞ戊略に基づき、小売䟡栌が暪這いのたたであるずするず、芋積もった売䞊総利益は次の6ヵ月の間に二元燃料の顧客䞀人あたりおよそ80ポンド増加するず定たるずいうこずを瀺しおいる。」" }
{ "en": "The \"big six\" energy companies in the United Kingdom are British Gas, E-on, Npower, Scottish and Southern Energy, Scottish Power, and EDF Energy.", "ja": "むギリスの「ビッグ」゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟は、BritishGas、E-on、Npower、ScottishandSouthernEnergy、ScottishPower、EDFEnergyである。" }
{ "en": "British Gas stated: \"Prices [are] likely to remain at historically high levels, and in fact likely to increase as non-commodity costs rise ever upwards.\"", "ja": "BritishGasは次のように述べた。「䟡栌は歎史的に高いレベルにずどたりそうで、非必需品の䟡栌がさらに高くなるに連れ、実際、䟡栌も䞊がりそうである。」" }
{ "en": "EDF Energy said: \"[We] would of course be prepared to reduce tariffs if market conditions allowed.\"", "ja": "EDFEnergyは次のように述べた。「我々は垂況が蚱すならば、関皎を枛らす準備ができるだろう。」" }
{ "en": "Scottish Power stated: \"There are no immediate signals that would indicate a fall in retail prices for this winter, and risks of an increase next year.\"", "ja": "ScottishPowerは次のように述べた。「今幎の冬に向けた小売䟡栌の䞋萜や、来幎の倀䞊げの危険性を即時に瀺すものは䜕もない。」" }
{ "en": "Scottish & Southern Energy commented: \"With forward annual wholesale prices significantly higher, and with upward pressures in terms of distribution, environmental and social costs, seeking to avoid an increase between now and the end of 2010 is an important goal.\"", "ja": "Scottish&SouthernEnergyは次のようにコメントした。「幎間の卞倀がこれから先かなり高くなり、配垃、環境的、瀟䌚的な経費に関する圧力が高たる䞭、経費が掛かる珟圚から2010幎の末たでの間で倀䞊げを避けようずするこずが重芁な目的である。」" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, a study by Consumer Focus in early September 2009 suggested that \"energy companies were overcharging customers by ï¿¡100 ($162) every year.\"", "ja": "その䞀方で、ConsumerFocusによる幎の月前半の調査によれば、「゚ネルギヌ䌚瀟は毎幎、顧客からポンドドル䜙蚈に城収しおいる」ずのこずである。" }
{ "en": "A spokesperson for Ofgem said that there was no evidence of any cartel in operation, or evidence of profiteering.", "ja": "Ofgemの広報担圓者は掻動䞭のどんなカルテルの蚌拠も䞍圓な利益を獲埗した蚌拠もないず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The spokesperson commented: \"It is up to the companies themselves to decide whether to cut their bills.\"", "ja": "広報担圓者は次のようにコメントした。「請求額を倀䞋げすべきかどうかを決めるのは䌚瀟自身による。」" }
{ "en": "\"Consumer Focus data suggests that Scottish Power has increased dual fuel prices by the most since 2003 - up 148% - while decreasing prices by 0.6% so far this year.\"", "ja": "「ConsumerFocusデヌタによれば、ScottishPowerは二元燃料䟡栌を2003幎以降最高148%䞊げ、䞀方今幎たでで0.6%䟡栌を䞋げおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"RWE's Npower has increased tariffs by 132% since 2003, but has reduced bills by 2.7% in 2009.\"", "ja": "「RWEのNpowerは2003幎以降132%関皎を増やしたが、2009幎に2.7%請求額を枛らした。」" }
{ "en": "The University of California, Berkeley announced that one of its graduate students, Michael Park, rediscovered on May 24 the Mount Diablo buckwheat, a plant not sighted since 1936 and believed to have been extinct.", "ja": "カリフォルニア倧孊バヌクレヌ校は「倧孊院生の䞀人であるマむケル・パヌクが5月24日にMountDiablobuckwheaを再発芋した」ず発衚した。怍物は1936幎以降目撃されおおらず、絶滅したず思われおいた。" }
{ "en": "Found nearly 30 miles east of San Francisco, Park [aged 35] identified the small pink flowering plant said to resemble baby's breath during a routine visit to the mountain.", "ja": "サンフランシスコのほが30マむル東で芋぀け、パヌク[35æ­³]は、毎日山に通う䞭で、赀ちゃんの息に䌌おいるず蚀われる小さなピンクの顕花怍物を特定した。" }
{ "en": "The significance of the find drew comparisons to the recent discovery of the Ivory-billed woodpecker in Arkansas earlier this year in April.", "ja": "この発芋の重芁性は、今幎初めの月にアヌカン゜ヌで象牙色のくちばしのキツツキが芋぀かった最近の発芋ず比范される。" }
{ "en": "The exact location of the flowering plant is, for now, being kept secret.", "ja": "その顕花怍物の正確な䜍眮は、今のずころ、秘密ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Several botanists have confirmed it along with the nearly dozen or so other plants.", "ja": "数人の怍物孊者が、〜皋の他の怍物ず共にそれを確認した。" }
{ "en": "The property is being preserved by the Save Mount Diablo conservation group operating in the Mount Diablo State Park.", "ja": "その土地はマりントディアブロ州立公園を運営しおいるSaveMountDiabloconservationgroupによっお、保護されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Mohammed Bouyeri, a radical Islamist who was a member of the Hofstad Network, was sentenced to life in prison by a court in Amsterdam for the killing of the controversial filmmaker Theo van Gogh in November 2004.", "ja": "HofstadNetworkのメンバヌで急進的なむスラム教埒であった、モハンマド・ボりむェリは、2004幎11月、論争の的ずなる映画補䜜者テオ・ノァン・ゎッホを殺した眪でアムステルダムの法廷によっお終身刑を宣告された。" }
{ "en": "Van Gogh was ambushed on an Amsterdam street and shot repeatedly in the chest before Bouyeri stabbed him and slit his throat.", "ja": "ノァン・ゎッホはアムステルダム通りで埅䌏せされ、繰り返し胞を撃たれた埌、ボりむェリは圌を刺しお、圌ののどを切り開いた。" }
{ "en": "The judgment said that Bouyeri showed \"complete disregard for human life\" and butchered Van Gogh \"mercilessly\".", "ja": "ボりむェリは”人の生呜を完党に無芖し”、ノァン・ゎッホを”情け容赊なく”屠殺したずいう刀決が䞋された。" }
{ "en": "Bouyeri, a 27 year who holds joint Dutch-Moroccan citizenship, claimed he acted on behalf of Islam.", "ja": "オランダずモロッコの二重垂民暩を持぀27歳のボりむェリは、自分はむスラム教のために行動するず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "He made a confession in the courtroom and vowed he would \"do it again\" if he had the chance.", "ja": "圌は法廷で癜状をし、チャンスがあれば「再びそれをする」だろうず誓った。" }
{ "en": "Van Gogh had been a staunch critic of Islam and its perceived mistreatment of women.", "ja": "ノァン・ゎッホは、むスラム教ずその䞭で認識されおいる女性に察する虐埅に察し、䞀貫しお批刀しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Van Gogh directed several movies critical of Islam, most notably Submission in which verses of the Qur'an were written on naked women's bodies.", "ja": "ノァン・ゎッホはむスラム教に批刀的ないく぀かの映画を監督しおいるが、最も有名なのはサブミッションで、その䞭ではコヌランの詩句が裞の女性の䜓に曞かれおいる。" }
{ "en": "Severe flooding in the island nation of Fiji has killed eight people and forced thousands to evacuate.", "ja": "フィゞヌの島囜の激しい措氎で8人の呜が奪われ、数千人が避難を匷いられた。" }
{ "en": "The flooding is mainly in the western part of the country's main island, Viti Levu, where most of the resorts hosting international travellers are located.", "ja": "措氎は䞻に囜の䞻芁な島、ビティレブの西郚で起きたが、そこには、海倖からの旅行者をもおなす行楜地の倧郚分がある。" }
{ "en": "Fiji's National Disaster Office has advised all tourists still in the country to prepare for more bad weather and possibly more flooding.", "ja": "フィゞヌのNationalDisasterOfficeは、すべおの芳光客に曎に悪くなる倩候ずたた来る可胜性のある措氎に備え、ただ囜にいるように勧告した。" }
{ "en": "Fiji's chief of disaster management Aisea Qumihajelo said in a statement, \"There's another depression heading toward Fiji within the next two days and that will bring an additional threat.\"", "ja": "「次の2日以内にフィゞヌに向かっおくる䜎気圧があり、それが曎なる脅嚁をもたらすだろう」ず、フィゞヌの灜害管理長であるAiseaQumihajeloは声明の䞭で述べた。" }
{ "en": "The government of Fiji's military dictator Frank Bainimarama declared a state of emergency in the city of Nadi, the country's tourist centre, and other parts of western Viti Levu.", "ja": "フィゞヌの軍事独裁者FrankBainimarama政府は、囜の芳光地であり、西ビティレブの他の地域の郜垂であるナディで、非垞事態を宣蚀した。" }
{ "en": "Over 6,000 people have evacuated the area and are now in one of Fiji's 144 evacuation centers sheltered from the storm.", "ja": "6,000人以䞊がその地域から避難しお、珟圚、フィゞヌの144の避難所のうちの1぀で、嵐から保護されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Government sources have reported that at least six people have been killed by floodwaters, and two people were crushed by a landslide.", "ja": "政府筋は「少なくずも6人が措氎の氎で呜を奪われ、2人は地滑りによっお朰された」ず䌝えた。" }
{ "en": "The flood has affected many of the rural areas of the island, washing out sugar cane crops across the area and damaging roads and bridges.", "ja": "措氎はその地域䞀垯のサトりキビの収穫物を冠氎させ、道ず橋に損害を䞎え、島の蟲村地垯の倚くに圱響を及がした。" }
{ "en": "\"Widespread flooding, including severe flooding of major rivers and streams, is expected on Wednesday and Thursday.\"", "ja": "「䞻芁な川や氎路での激しい措氎を含む広範囲にわたる措氎は、氎曜日ず朚曜日に予想されおいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"The western division is likely to be worse affected once again,\" said Fiji's director of meteorology, Rajendra Prasad.", "ja": "「西偎の地域は曎に悪いこずにもう䞀床圱響を受けそうだ」ず、フィゞヌ気象局長、ラゞェンドラ・プラサヌドは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Rescue efforts, led by the government and the Red Cross, have begun especially in rural and heavily-flooded areas.", "ja": "政府ず赀十字が䞻導の救助䜜業は、特に地方ず浞氎が酷い地域で始たった。" }
{ "en": "Vetaia Dokonivalu, a local resident from Ba, a hard-hit town, commented, \"It was really frightening.\"", "ja": "激しい打撃を受けた町であるバから来た地元の居䜏者、VetaiaDokonivaluは「それは、本圓に恐ろしかった」ずコメントした。" }
{ "en": "\"We watched as the doors of our homes were forced open by the water.\"", "ja": "「私達は、家のドアが氎でこじ開けられるのを、目の圓たりにした。」" }
{ "en": "\"We saw our belongings being swept out of the houses.\"", "ja": "「私達は、私たちの持ち物が家から流されお出お行くのを芋た。」" }
{ "en": "This flooding has also caused a food crisis in some parts.", "ja": "この氟濫は、いく぀かの地域で食糧危機も匕き起こした。" }
{ "en": "Isimeli Tukana, a health official, said, \"People need to collect as much rainwater as possible and drink as much of this as possible.\"", "ja": "IsimeliTukana防疫官は「人々はできるだけ倚くの雚氎を集めお、これらをできるだけ倚く飲む必芁がありたす」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"Watch out for food from supermarkets especially from the towns of Ba, Nadi, Sigatoka and Rakiraki.\"", "ja": "「スヌパヌマヌケットからの食物、特にバ、ナンディ、シガトカ、ラキラキの町からの食物がないか気を付けお䞋さい。」" }
{ "en": "\"Our health inspectors will be doing their rounds as soon as the water goes down.\"", "ja": "「氎が匕いたらすぐに、健康怜査官が芋回りをする予定です。」" }
{ "en": "According to the Fiji Retailers Association, the storm has caused over a million dollars worth of damage to Fiji's businesses.", "ja": "フィゞヌRetailers協䌚によるず、嵐はフィゞヌの䌁業に100䞇ドル盞圓以䞊の損害をもたらした。" }
{ "en": "At 07:00 UTC today (19:00 NZST, local time), the polls closed in the New Zealand general election, 2005.", "ja": "今日、協定䞖界時で07:00(珟地時間のニュヌゞヌランド暙準時で19:00)に、2005幎のニュヌゞヌランド総遞挙の投祚が幕を閉じた。" }
{ "en": "Turnout was strong, turnout results are predicted to be to be higher than the 2002 turnout (77%)", "ja": "投祚者は倚く、投祚率の結果は2002幎の投祚率(77%)より高くなるず予枬されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Under New Zealand's MMP system, parties must win either a electorate seat or 5% of the party vote to win a seat in the 120-seat, parliament.", "ja": "ニュヌゞヌランドの小遞挙区比䟋代衚䜵甚制では、党は、120の議垭の䞭で垭を埗るためには遞挙区の議垭かたたは党の埗祚を5%勝ち取らなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Preliminary election results will be on Wikinews as they come through it is expected that all votes will be counted by 11:30 UTC (23:30 NZST)", "ja": "すべおの祚が協定䞖界時で11:30ニュヌゞヌランド暙準時で23:30たでに開祚されるず予想されおおり、終わり次第予備遞挙結果はりィキニュヌスにアップされる。" }
{ "en": "The official results are expected to be available by Saturday, 1 October 2005, on the Chief Electoral Office 2005 General Election Results website", "ja": "公匏な結果は2005幎10月1日土曜日たでに䞻芁な遞挙事務所の2005幎総遞挙結果りェブサむトで、芋られるこずになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "The three armed robbers entered the museum half an hour before closing.", "ja": "3人の歊装した匷盗犯は、閉通する30分前に、矎術通に入った。" }
{ "en": "One man with a pistol forced employees to the ground while the other two men stole the paintings.", "ja": "ピストルをもった1人の男が埓業員を地面に抌し付け、その間に他の2人の男が絵を盗んだ。" }
{ "en": "The four paintings are worth a total of 163 million US dollars.", "ja": "4぀の絵は、合蚈で1億6300䞇米ドルの䟡倀がある。" }
{ "en": "It's said that it would be hard to sell the stolen paintings on the open market due to the popularity of the paintings.", "ja": "絵は人気がある為に䞀般垂堎で盗たれた絵を売るのは難しいだろうず蚀われおいる。" }
{ "en": "There is a reward of 90 thousand US dollars for the artwork.", "ja": "この芞術䜜品には9䞇米ドルの報奚金がある。" }
{ "en": "The robbers, who were still at large, stole the paintings Sunday from the E.G. BÃŒhrle Collection, one of Europe's finest private museums for Impressionist and , police said.", "ja": "「匷盗は、ただ逃走䞭だが、印象掟ずポスト印象掟の芞術䜜品があるペヌロッパの最もすばらしい個人矎術通の1぀であるE.G.ビュヌレコレクションから日曜日に絵を盗んだ」ず譊察は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "It was the largest art robbery in Swiss history and one of the biggest ever in Europe, said Marco Cortesi, spokesman for the Zurich police.", "ja": "「それはスむスの歎史䞊最倧で、ペヌロッパでは最倧玚の芞術品の匷盗だった」ずマルコ・コルテシ、チュヌリッヒ譊察の代衚者は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He compared it to the theft in 2004 of Edvard Munch's The Scream and Madonna from the Munch Museum in Norway.", "ja": "圌はそれを幎にノルりェヌのムンク矎術通から盗たれたムンクの”叫び”ず゚ドバルドの聖母マリア像ず比范した。" }
{ "en": "Last week, Swiss police reported that two Pablo Picasso paintings were stolen from a Swiss exhibition near Zurich.", "ja": "先週、スむス譊察は「パブロ・ピカ゜の絵点がチュヌリッヒ近郊のスむスの展芧䌚から盗たれた」ず発衚した。" }
{ "en": "Fires continue to burn in Greece on Monday destroying everything in their path.", "ja": "月曜日、火はギリシャで行く手すべおを砎壊し、燃え続けおいる。" }
{ "en": "Death toll has exceeded 60 with daily Greek newspapers Kathimerini and Ta Nea reporting 61 and 63 deaths respectively.", "ja": "死者数は60人を超え、日刊ギリシア新聞KathimeriniずTaNeaがそれぞれ61人、63人の死者を報告しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Ancient Olympia, birthplace of the Olympics, was also threatened but firefighters kept the site safe.", "ja": "オリンピックの発祥地である叀代オリンピアにも脅嚁が及んだが、消防士はこの堎所の安党を守った。" }
{ "en": "The new museum of Olympia was saved in the last minute but part of the ancient stadium was not spared.", "ja": "オリンピアの新しい博物通は最埌の瞬間に守られた。しかし、叀代スタゞアムの䞀郚は救えなかった。" }
{ "en": "The Greek Government has offered a €1 million reward for anyone providing information which leads to the arrest of an arsonist.", "ja": "ギリシア政府は、攟火犯の逮捕に぀ながる情報を提䟛した者には誰でも100䞇ナヌロの報酬を䞎えた。" }
{ "en": "Rescuers were today sending a pod of 13 pilot whales back into the ocean at Geographe Bay, near to Busselton, south of Perth, in Western Australia.", "ja": "今日、救助隊は13匹のゎンドりクゞラの小矀を西オヌストラリアのパヌス南郚、バッセルトン近郊のゞオグラフィヌ湟の海に送り返しおいた。" }
{ "en": "Six additional members of the pod had died during the stranding, including at least one calf.", "ja": "少なくずも匹の幌獣を含んだ、小矀の䞭の曎に匹が、座瀁しおいる間に死んだ。" }
{ "en": "More than 300 people were watching as the whales set out to sea following a 30 hour rescue effort.", "ja": "30時間の救助䜜業の埌でクゞラたちが海に向かっお出発する様子を300人以䞊が芋おいた。" }
{ "en": "Several power boats and a spotter plane were escorting the surviving whales towards Cape Naturalist, in an operation expected to take several hours.", "ja": "数時間かかるこずが予想される掻動の䞭で、いく぀かの電動ボヌトず偵察飛行機は、生き残っおいるクゞラたちがナチュラリスト岬ぞ向かうのに付き添った。" }
{ "en": "Western Australian State Government Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM) officers feared that the whales could become stranded again.", "ja": "西オヌストラリア州政府囜土自然保護局(CALM)の圹員は、クゞラが再び座瀁するかもしれないこずを恐れた。" }
{ "en": "One CALM officer, Neil Taylor, told ABC News dozens of his colleagues and community volunteers had helped the whales survive throughout the night.", "ja": "1人のCALM圹員、ニヌル・テむラヌは「䜕十人もの圌の同僚ず地域のボランティアがクゞラが生き残るのを䞀晩䞭助けた」ずABCニュヌスで話した。" }
{ "en": "\"The vet has checked them all and given them some antibiotics yesterday, last thing before dark,\" he had told the Australian national broadcaster.", "ja": "「獣医がそれら党郚をチェックしお、昚日、日が暮れる前にそれらにいく぀かの抗生物質を䞎えた」ず圌はオヌストラリアの囜営攟送局に話した。" }
{ "en": "\"I think the plan is that the vet will be there again [today] and will give them some vitamins to kick them along before they actually take their swim out to sea.\"", "ja": "「獣医が[今日]再びそこに来お、それらが実際に自分たちで泳いで海に出る前に、それらが蹎っお前に進めるようにいく぀かのビタミンを䞎えるずいう蚈画だず私は思う。」" }
{ "en": "Two diplomats within the Romanian Embassy to Moldova have been declared personae non gratae due to the incompatibility between their activity and the diplomatic status they are holding.", "ja": "モルドノァのルヌマニア倧䜿通内にいる2人の倖亀官は、圌らの掻動ず持っおいる倖亀的地䜍が合っおいない為、奜たしくない人物ず宣蚀された。" }
{ "en": "In line with a press statement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI), on Wednesday, December 12, Romanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Moldova Filip Teodorescu was invited to the MFAEI.", "ja": "倖務省ずペヌロッパの統合(MFAEI)によっおなされるプレス声明に則しお、12月12日氎曜日に、ルヌマニアの特呜倧䜿ずモルドノァの党暩倧䜿、FilipTeodorescuは、MFAEIに招かれた。" }
{ "en": "\"The Foreign Ministry considers such an act as inimical, totally unjustified and incompatible with Romania’s permanent constructive and cooperative attitude towards Moldova,\" the Romanian Foreign Ministry says in a communique releases in reaction...", "ja": "「倖務省は、そのような行為を䞍郜合で、党く䞍圓でモルドノァに察するルヌマニアの倉わるこずのない建蚭的で協調的な態床ず盞容れないず思っおいる」ず、ルヌマニア倖務省はcommuniquereleasesで返答しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"I expected many of the problems in our relations to disappear after Romania joined the EU,\" said Vladimir Voronin President of Moldova, \"but relations between Moldova and Romania have not changed.\"", "ja": "「ルヌマニアがEUに加わった埌、私は私たちの関係に察する問題の倚くが消えるず思っおいたした」ず、りラゞミヌル・りォロヌニン・モルドノァ倧統領は蚀った。「しかし、モルドノァずルヌマニアの関係は、倉わらなかった。」" }
{ "en": "\"All those statements are so stupid they don't deserve criticism.\"", "ja": "「それらの声明のすべおはずおもばかげおいお批評に倀しない。」" }
{ "en": "Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association (TEPCA), an environmental organization set to promote environmental hazard warnings on electromagnetic radiation, protested over the potential health impact of electromagnetic radiation as Ying-jeou Ma, President of the Republic of China, visited this show on the 2nd Day of 2008 WiMAX Expo Taipei (June 3).", "ja": "銬英九䞭華民囜倧統領がWiMaxEXPO台北2008の2日目(6月3日)にこのショヌを蚪問した際、電磁攟射の環境に察する危険性の譊告を促進するために䜜られた環境組織である台湟電磁攟射公害防止協䌚(TEPCA)は電磁攟射の朜圚的な健康ぞの圱響に぀いお抗議した。" }
{ "en": "\"Base stations of WiMAX are unnecessary in Taiwan! The governmental people didn't care about the living and health of the public!\" strongly stated Jiau-hua Chen, Chairman of TEPCA during the protest.", "ja": "「WiMaxの基地局は、台湟には䞍必芁だ政府の人間は、垂民の生掻ず健康に぀いお気に掛けおいない」ずTEPCA議長であるJiau-huaChenは抗議䞭に匷く述べた。" }
{ "en": "The on-site rate of electromagnetic radiation was firmly higher than the international standards as some experts examined at the showground, according to the Taiwan Hakka Television.", "ja": "台湟客家テレビによれば、䜕人かの専門家が展芧䌚堎で怜査した珟堎での電磁攟射の率は、囜際暙準より確固ずしお高かった。" }
{ "en": "In addition, the TEPCA strongly appealed the governments and organizers to announce the place of base stations for health and safety issue.", "ja": "これに加えお、TEPCAは政府ずオヌガナむザヌに、健康ず安党問題のために基地局の堎所を発衚するよう匷く蚎えた。" }
{ "en": "As a result of the protest, not only the information security, but also environmentalists disputed the future of WiMAX.", "ja": "抗議の結果、情報セキュリティだけでなく、環境保護䞻矩者もWiMAXの将来に異議を唱えた。" }
{ "en": "Nonetheless the national health system of Sierra Leone demands payment for all treatment with simple consultations costing as much as 25 days of income.", "ja": "それにもかかわらず、シ゚ラレオネの囜家保健制床は、簡単な蚺察が䌎ったすべおの凊眮に察し、収入の25日分の支払いを芁求する。" }
{ "en": "According to Action Against Hunger the number of children with acute malnutrition has reached almost twice the level of the WHO's emergency threshold of 2% in the Moyamba district of Sierra Leone.", "ja": "ActionAgainstHungerによるず、急性栄逊倱調の子䟛たちの数は、シ゚ラレオネのモダンバ地区で、WHOの緊急状態かどうかの限界のレベルである2のほが2倍に達した。" }
{ "en": "The Los Angeles Times writes that Sierra Leone, in spite of decades of foreign aid, has not yet increased the standard of living of its people considerably and 60% of the public spending of Sierra Leone come from other governments and nonprofit organizations.", "ja": "ロサンれルスタむムズは「シ゚ラレオネは、数十幎に及ぶ察倖揎助にもかかわらず、人々の生掻氎準は未だに盞圓には䞊がっおおらず、シ゚ラレオネの公共支出の60%は他囜の政府ず非営利団䜓から来おいる」ず曞いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Since 2002 the country received $1 billion in aid but the infant mortality rate is almost the highest in the world, lower than Angola but higher than Afghanistan.", "ja": "2002幎以降、同囜は10億ドルの揎助を受けおいる。しかし、乳児死亡率はほが䞖界で最も高く、アンゎラより䜎いが、アフガニスタンより高い。" }
{ "en": "The newspaper further reports that the United Nations state that 1 in 8 Sierra Leonean women die giving birth, as compared to 1 in 4,800 in the United States and that life expectancy in Sierra Leone is merely 41 years while in Bangladesh life expectancy reaches 60 years.", "ja": "新聞は曎に「4,800人のうちの1人であるアメリカ合衆囜ず比范しお、8人のうちの1人のシ゚ラレオネの女性が出産の際に呜を萜ずしおおり、バングラデシュの寿呜が60歳に達する䞀方、シ゚ラレオネの寿呜はただ41歳であるず囜連が述べおいる」ず報じおいる。" }
{ "en": "The government of Sierra Leone had expressed its intend to abolish user fees for women and children with a new plan for a fairer health care system that was to be revealed on the Sierra Leone Investment and Donor Conference, which was held in London on November 18 and 19.", "ja": "シ゚ラレオネ政府は11月18日ず19日にロンドンで開かれたシ゚ラレオネInvestmentandDonorConferenceで明らかにされるこずになっおいたより公平な健康管理システムの為の新しい蚈画により、女性ず子䟛たちに察する受益者負担金を廃止する぀もりであるこずを衚明した。" }
{ "en": "\"The Sierra Leone government has publicly stated its commitment to abolish user fees, and the UK government and other donors have promised to help,\" said Seco Gerard, advisor at Medecins Sans Frontieres’s analysis and advocacy unit.", "ja": "「シ゚ラレオネ政府は受益者負担金を廃止するず公玄し、そしお、英政府ず他の提䟛者は揎助するこずを玄束した」ず、囜境なき医垫団の分析匁護団䜓のアドバむザヌであるSecoGerardは蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"What is crucial now is that Sierra Leone actually receives the necessary funding and technical assistance to realise this objective.\"", "ja": "「今、重芁なこずはシ゚ラレオネがこの目的を実珟するために必芁な資金提䟛ず技術協力を実際に受けるこずだ。」" }
{ "en": "\"It is time that words are being followed up by concrete action.\"", "ja": "「蚀葉に具䜓的な行動が䌎うべき時が来おいる。」" }
{ "en": "\"If not, people who could otherwise be saved will continue to die needlessly every day.\"", "ja": "「もしそうしなければ、そうでなければ救われた人々が、毎日䞍必芁に死に続けるこずになる。」" }
{ "en": "The Telegraph reports that president Bai Koroma was also hoping to secure a significant increase in aid donations with his new health plan.", "ja": "通信は「バむ・コロマ倧統領はたた、圌の新しい健康蚈画に察する助成寄付金のかなりの増加を確保するこずを望んでいた」ず報じおいる。" }
{ "en": "While Germany declined to support president Bai Koroma’s \"Agenda for Change\" and urged to give more consideration to women's welfare the country received support from the European Union, DFID, UNIPSIL, World Bank, IFAD and the African Development Bank.", "ja": "ドむツがバむ・コロマ倧統領の”倉化のための協議事項”を支持するのを蟞退し、女性の犏祉に察しおより深く考慮するように促した間、同囜は欧州連合、DFID、UNIPSIL、䞖界銀行、IFAD、アフリカ開発銀行からのサポヌトを受けた。" }
{ "en": "From the pledges of $850 million the government of Sierra Leone was hoping for only about $300 millions could be secured, with attached conditionalities concerning the use of funding.", "ja": "シ゚ラレオネの政府が望んでいた8億5000䞇ドルの公玄のうち、わずかおよそ3億ドルが、資金の運甚に関する融資条件付きで、確保できた。" }
{ "en": "In a presentation at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development in Freetown the Unicef representative for Sierra Leone, Mr. Mahimbo Mdoe, expressed gratitude about a pledge of about $1.3 million conveyed by the Ambassador of Japan to Sierra Leone, His Excellency Mr. Keiichi Katakami, and about earlier donations to UNICEF-Sierra Leone in the past years, amounting to over $20 million.", "ja": "フリヌタりンで行われた財務省のプレれンテヌションではシ゚ラレオネのナニセフ代衚MahimboMdoeはシ゚ラレオネの日本倧䜿、片䞊慶䞀閣䞋によっおもたらされたおよそ130䞇ドルの公玄ず、合蚈で2000䞇ドル以䞊に達した今たでのナニセフ‐シ゚ラレオネぞの初期の寄付に察しお感謝の意を衚明した。" }