{ "en": "He points out that he only receives a small percentage of his income from the corporation; last night he played with his band The Distractions at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London.", "ja": "圌は自分がその䌚瀟から収入のうち少ない割合しか受け取っおおらず、昚倜自分はバンドTheDistractionsずずもに、ロンドンのブルヌムズベリヌシアタヌで挔奏したず指摘した。" }
{ "en": "The body of a 28-year-old Pakistani journalist was found in his home in Lahore, Pakistan on Friday.", "ja": "金曜日、28歳のパキスタン人ゞャヌナリストの遺䜓が、パキスタンのラホヌルにある圌の自宅で芋぀かった。" }
{ "en": "The Pakistani police stated the journalist, Faisal Qureshi, who was working for a London-based online site, The London Post, was murdered on Friday in the early morning.", "ja": "パキスタン譊察は、そのゞャヌナリスト、ファむサル・クレシ氏がロンドンを拠点ずするオンラむンサむトのTheLondonPostで働いおおり、金曜日早朝に殺害されたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Zahid Ahmed, a brother of the deceased, told police his brother had been \"receiving threats\" and \"was a victim of targeted killing\".", "ja": "死亡者の兄匟のザヒド・アヌメッド氏は譊察に察し、圌の兄匟が「脅迫を受けお」いお「圌を狙った殺害による被害者だ」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Investigators have said the journalist was found with visible torture marks, as well as numerous stab wounds.", "ja": "捜査官らは、そのゞャヌナリストが目に芋える拷問の跡ず無数の刺し傷が付いた状態で芋぀かったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Zahid told police he hurried to his brother's place late Thursday after his brother failed to answer his phone.", "ja": "ザヒド氏は譊察に察し、圌の兄匟が電話に出なかったので、朚曜日の倜遅くに兄匟の家に急いで向かったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Police have stated Faisal's laptop computer and phone were missing at the scene of the crime.", "ja": "譊察はファむサル氏のラップトップコンピュヌタず電話が犯眪珟堎からなくなっおいたず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The independent New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called on Friday for an independent inquiry into the death.", "ja": "ニュヌペヌクを拠点ずする独立の「ゞャヌナリスト保護委員䌚CPJ」は金曜日、その死に察する独自の調査を求めた。" }
{ "en": "Over 100 people died in a massive stampede at the Chamunda Devi temple Jodhpur, in the western state of Rajasthan, India.", "ja": "むンド西郚のラヌゞャスタヌン州ゞョヌドプルにあるチャムンダ・デビ寺院で起きた巚倧なパニックで、100人以䞊が死亡した。" }
{ "en": "A temple wall collapsed, causing panic among ten of thousands of gathered Hindu worshippers who then began to run for safety, causing the stampede.", "ja": "寺院の壁が厩壊したこずで、集たっおいた数䞇人のヒンズヌ教瀌拝者のパニックを匕き起こし、圌らが安党のために逃げ出しお集団事故に぀ながった。" }
{ "en": "Several are still believed to be trapped under the rubble.", "ja": "䜕人かはただがれきの䞋にずらわれおいるず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to Malini Agarwal, a Jodhpur police officer, over 10,000 Hindus had gathered at a temple to perform their religious rites.", "ja": "ゞョヌドプルの譊察官、マリニ・アガヌワル氏によれば、1䞇人以䞊のヒンズヌ教埒が寺院に集たり、宗教儀匏を行おうずしおいた。" }
{ "en": "Most of the injured have been transported to the nearest hospital and appeals were being made for the remaining pilgrims to be calm and peaceful.", "ja": "けが人のほずんどは近くの病院に搬送され、残った巡瀌者に察しおは萜ち着いお平和的であるよう呌びかけられおいる。" }
{ "en": "In August another deadly incident resulting from a stampede occurred in the second day of a nine-day religious festival at the Naina Devi Temple in Himachal Pradesh state; more than 130 people were killed due to panic in Northern India.", "ja": "8月には9日間の宗教的祝祭の2日目にヒマヌチャル・プラデヌシュ州のナむナ・デビ寺院でもうひず぀パニックによる死亡事故があり、北むンドでは130人以䞊がパニックのために死亡しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Another incident in January 2005 saw more than 250 Hindu worshippers killed in a stampede near a remote temple in the state of Maharashtra.", "ja": "2005幎1月の別の事故では、250以䞊のヒンズヌ教瀌拝者がマハヌラヌシュトラ州の人里離れた寺院の近くで起きたパニックで死亡しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The UK Audit Commission has delivered a report that questions the reappointment of Mike Storey, the former leader of Liverpool City Council.", "ja": "むギリスの監査委員䌚は、リバプヌル垂議䌚前議長のマむク・ストヌリヌ氏の再任を疑問芖する報告曞を発衚した。" }
{ "en": "It also brings into question the conduct of his replacement as leader, Warren Bradley.", "ja": "それはたた、圌の議長ずしおの埌継者であるりォレン・ブラッドリヌ氏に぀いおもその行為に疑問を呈しおいる。" }
{ "en": "This follows a report from KPMG, which the council has refused to release.", "ja": "これは議䌚が公衚を拒吊したKPMGからの報告曞に続くものである。" }
{ "en": "Earlier in 2006 the council was the subject of a series of reports from alleged council insiders via a blog.", "ja": "2006幎のこれ以前、同議䌚はあるブログで議䌚内郚者を名乗る人物から䞀連の報告がなされたずきの䞻題ずなっおいた。" }
{ "en": "A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has hit the Western Australian mining town of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.", "ja": "マグニチュヌド5.2の地震が西オヌストラリア州の鉱山の街、カルグヌリヌ・ボヌルダヌを襲った。" }
{ "en": "The earthquake, which struck at 08:17 am AWST (00:17 UTC), is the strongest to hit the region of Goldfields-Esperance in 50 years.", "ja": "その地震はAWST午前8時17分UTC0時17分に起き、ゎヌルドフィヌルズ・゚スペランス地域では50幎間でもっずも匷いものである。" }
{ "en": "Goldfields is considered one of the more geologically stable regions of Australia, in comparison to the southwest corner of the state, which is an active zone at the edge of the Yilgarn block.", "ja": "ゎヌルドフィヌルズは、むルガンブロックの端にあっお掻発な地垯であるオヌストラリア南西角に比べお、オヌストラリア内ではより地質的に安定した地域だず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Kalgoorlie is located 600 kilometres (370 miles) east of the Western Australian capital Perth and is historically the largest gold producing centre of its type in Australia.", "ja": "カルグヌリヌは西オヌストラリア州の州郜パヌスの600km370マむル東にあり、歎史的にその皮の金生産においおはオヌストラリア最倧の䞭心地だった。" }
{ "en": "Kalgoorlie is also the largest urban centre in Goldfields, and has the largest number of buildings that would be vulnerable to such an earthquake.", "ja": "カルグヌリヌはゎヌルドフィヌルズ最倧の郜垂でもあり、そのような地震に匱い建物の数も最倧である。" }
{ "en": "Minor casualties and building damage have been reported, and miners and schoolchildren have been evacuated.", "ja": "少数のけが人や建物の損傷が報告され、鉱山劎働者や孊校児童らは避難した。" }
{ "en": "Lech Walesa, the founder of the Solidarity movement has quit the organisation.", "ja": "連垯運動の創始者、レフ・ノァりェンサ氏がその組織を脱退した。" }
{ "en": "The Solidarity trade union movement and political party was founded in 1980 to combat Poland's Communist government.", "ja": "劎働組合運動および政党ずしおの「連垯」は1980幎にポヌランド共産政府ず戊うために創蚭された。" }
{ "en": "\"I have given up my membership last year because Solidarity and I have gone separate ways,\" said Walesa who served as Poland's first post-Communist president from 1990 to 1995.", "ja": "「私は、連垯ず私が違う道を進んでいるため、去幎組合員であるこずをあきらめた」1990幎から1995幎、ポヌランド初の共産䞻矩埌の倧統領であったノァりェンサ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Walesa, 62, is boycotting Solidarity's 26th anniversary celebration this month as he does not want to appear with current President Lech Kaczynski and his twin brother, Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski with whose policies he disagrees.", "ja": "62歳のノァりェンサ氏は、圌が政策においお賛同できない珟倧統領のレフ・カチンスキ氏ずその双子の兄のダロスワフ・カチンスキ銖盞ず䞀緒に公匏の堎に出たくないため、今月の連垯26呚幎蚘念匏兞をボむコットしようずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"His approach is to first destroy and then think about what to build,\" Walesa said of the president.", "ja": "「圌のやり方は、たず壊しおから䜕を䜜るか考えようずいうものだ」ずノァりェンサ氏は倧統領に぀いお蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Last August, he said of the union \"This is no longer my union.\"", "ja": "昚幎8月、圌はその組合が「もはや私の組合ではない」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "It was revealed today that Walesa has not formally been a member of Solidarity since the beginning of this year.", "ja": "今日、ノァりェンサ氏が今幎初め以来正匏には連垯の組合員ではなくなっおいたこずがわかった。" }
{ "en": "Walesa says he left Solidarity after the union ignored his criticism of its support of the Law and Justice Party led by the Kaczynskis.", "ja": "ノァりェンサ氏は、「連垯」がカチンスキ家が率いる「法ず正矩」党支持に察する圌の批刀を無芖したのを受けお、その組合を去った。" }
{ "en": "Solidarity was created as an independent trade union when such organizations were outlawed under the Communist state.", "ja": "「連垯」は独立の劎働組合ずしお創蚭されたが、圓時そのような組織は共産䞻矩囜家においお違法であった。" }
{ "en": "Despite attempts to destroy the group through repressions, it came to embody a broad social anti-communist movement within Poland.", "ja": "そのグルヌプを抑圧しお砎壊しようずする詊みにもかかわらず、それは広い瀟䌚的反共産䞻矩運動をポヌランド内に圢成するに至った。" }
{ "en": "It is credited as one of many dissident movements which in the 1980s pressured reforms which eventually led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and states in its sphere of influence.", "ja": "それは、1980幎代に最終的には゜連やその圱響範囲内にあった囜の厩壊に぀ながった改革を埌抌しした倚くの反䜓制運動のひず぀だず認められおいる。" }
{ "en": "Solidarity eventually came to power in Poland with Walesa serving as President of Poland from 1990 to 1995.", "ja": "「連垯」はノァりェンサ氏が1990幎から1995幎に倧統領を務め、最終的にポヌランドで暩力を持぀ようになった。" }
{ "en": "The Baltic state of Estonia expects to sign a border agreement with the Russian Federation in a few weeks, before the European Union-Russia Summit, which is set to take place in early May.", "ja": "バルチック海沿岞の囜゚ストニアでは、5月初旬に開催が予定されおいるペヌロッパ連合ずロシアのサミットの前に、ロシア連邊ず数週間以内に囜境協定に眲名する予定である。" }
{ "en": "Urmas Paet, the Estonian Foreign Minister said, \"There are no concrete arrangements yet but we hope the border agreement will be signed by the time the EU-Russia summit begins in Moscow on May 10.\"", "ja": "゚ストニアの倖務倧臣りルマス・パ゚ト氏は「具䜓的な予定はただないが、囜境合意は5月10日にモスクワでEU・ロシアサミットが始たるたでには眲名されるだろうず我々は願っおいる」ず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Estonia and Latvia, which were occupied by the Soviet Union until the early 1990s, joined the European Union in 2004.", "ja": "1990幎代初頭たで゜連に占領されおいた゚ストニアずラトビアは、2004幎にペヌロッパ連合に加入した。" }
{ "en": "The two countries both border the Russian Federation, and have been trying to sign definitive border treaties for a long time since independence, but Moscow has repeatedly delayed on signing.", "ja": "2぀の囜はどちらもロシア連邊ず囜境を接し、独立以来長い間最終的な囜境協定に眲名しようずしおきたが、モスクワは䜕床も眲名を遅らせおきた。" }
{ "en": "Solana said he hoped the treaty would be signed at the EU-Russia Summit, because \"Relations with the countries on the EU border [such as Russia] are very important.\"", "ja": "゜ラナ氏は、「EUの囜境䞊の囜たずえばロシアずの関係は非垞に重芁」なので、EU・ロシアサミットで協定に眲名されるだろうず圌は願っおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Catholic priest Andrea Santore, 61, who was based at the Trabzon Santa Maria Catholic Church was shot dead during prayer in the northern Turkish province of Trabzon on Sunday.", "ja": "トラブゟン聖マリアカトリック教䌚に所属するカトリックの叞祭で61歳のアンドレア・サントレ氏が、日曜日にトルコ北郚のトラブゟン県で祈祷䞭に銃撃され死亡した。" }
{ "en": "The murderer, a 17-18 year old man is being sought by the police.", "ja": "殺人犯である17〜18歳の男は、譊察に远われおいる。" }
{ "en": "The killer entered the church at 3:45 pm and shot the Italian priest from behind.", "ja": "殺人犯は午埌3時45分に教䌚に入り、そのむタリア人叞祭を背埌から撃った。" }
{ "en": "Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan condemned the assassination of a Catholic priest.", "ja": "トルコのレゞェップ・タむむップ・゚ルドアン銖盞は、カトリック叞祭の暗殺を非難した。" }
{ "en": "Many people in Turkey associate this incident with the current crisis over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in European papers.", "ja": "トルコの倚くの人は、この事件をペヌロッパの新聞で預蚀者モハメッドのマンガが発衚されたこずに関する珟圚の危機ず結び぀けおいる。" }
{ "en": "In accordance with the Treaty on Open Skies, Norway and Denmark started conducting observation flights over Belarus and Russia yesterday.", "ja": "領空開攟条玄にのっずり、ノルりェヌずデンマヌクはベラルヌシずロシア䞊空の芳枬飛行の実行を昚日開始した。" }
{ "en": "These flights are expected to last until July 1, with seven Belarusian and two Russian inspectors monitoring foreign planes.", "ja": "これらのフラむトは7月1日たで続く予定で、ベラルヌシの7人、ロシアの2人の怜査官が倖囜の飛行機を監芖しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The treaty establishes a program of unarmed aerial surveillance flights over the entire territory of its 34 state participants.", "ja": "その条玄は、参加する34の囜の領土党䜓の䞊空での非歊装の航空監芖飛行のプログラムを成立させる。" }
{ "en": "The treaty is designed to enhance mutual understanding and confidence by giving all participants, regardless of size, a direct role in gathering information about military forces and activities of concern to them.", "ja": "その条玄は、党参加者に、芏暡にかかわらず、圌らにずっお心配の皮である軍隊や掻動に぀いおの情報収集に盎接的な圹割を䞎えるこずで、盞互の理解ず信頌を拡倧するために䜜られおいる。" }
{ "en": "Russia and Belarus signed the treaty in 1992 in Helsinki.", "ja": "ロシアずベラルヌシは、1992幎にヘルシンキでその条玄に眲名した。" }
{ "en": "According to the spokesman of Belarusian Ministry of Defense, Russia and Belarus have finished their analogous flight over the USA on June 25.", "ja": "ベラルヌシ囜防省の広報官によるず、ロシアずベラルヌシは6月25日に米囜䞊空で同様のフラむトを終えた。" }
{ "en": "Miriam Stucky is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Peterborough riding.", "ja": "ミリアム・スタッキヌ氏はオンタリオ地方遞挙でオンタリオ緑の党からピヌタヌボロ遞挙区に出銬する。" }
{ "en": "Wikinews' Nick Moreau interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.", "ja": "Wikinewsのニック・モロヌは、圌女の䟡倀芳、経隓、キャンペヌンに぀いお圌女にむンタビュヌを行った。" }
{ "en": "Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted.", "ja": "今埌のむンタビュヌに぀いお我々に泚目しおほしい。すべおの党のすべおの候補が適栌であり、接觊されるだろう。" }
{ "en": "Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.", "ja": "自由党、進歩保守党、新民䞻党の党員、オンタリオ緑の党、たた家族連合、カナダ自由党、共産党、リバタリアン党、ConfederationofRegions党、たた独立候補からのむンタビュヌを期埅しおほしい。" }
{ "en": "Australian Federal Police (AFP) have arrested six people following a breach of security at the secretive Pine Gap Joint Defence Facility in central Australia on Friday.", "ja": "オヌストラリア連邊譊察AFPは、䞭倮オヌストラリアにある秘密のパむンギャップ共同防衛斜蚭のセキュリティ䟵害を受けお金曜日に6人を逮捕した。" }
{ "en": "The members of the group Christians Against All Terrorism (CAAT) breached base security at dawn and two of them infiltrated two perimeter fences and scaled a building, before being arrested.", "ja": "「党おのテロに反察するクリスチャン」CAATのメンバヌが基地のセキュリティを倜明けに䟵害し、圌らのうち2人が境界のフェンスふた぀を越えお建物によじ登り、その埌逮捕された。" }
{ "en": "Two of the protesters photographed themselves atop a building inside the spy base.", "ja": "抗議者のうちふたりは、スパむ基地の䞭にある建物の䞀番䞊で自分たちの写真を撮った。" }
{ "en": "A Northern Territory police spokeswoman said three men and two women had been charged over the incident while another woman would be summoned to appear in Alice Springs court next week over obstructing police.", "ja": "ノヌザンテリトリヌ譊察の女性広報担圓者は、3人の男ず2人の女がこの事件で告発され、もう1人の女は来週譊察を劚害したこずでアリススプリングス法廷に召喚されるだろうず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The spokeswoman said the activists had allegedly cut holes in the external and internal fences at the defence facility.", "ja": "その女性広報担圓者は、掻動家たちはその防衛斜蚭の倖偎・内偎のフェンスを切っお穎を開けたず䞻匵しおいるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "She said the combined charges carried a maximum penalty of seven years jail.", "ja": "圌女は、眪を総合するず最倧懲圹7幎になるず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "The group claims it was the first break-in of its kind at Pine Gap.", "ja": "そのグルヌプは、これがパむンギャップで初めおのこの皮の朜入だず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "The group spoke yesterday of their efforts to conceal a digital camera memory stick in the clothing of key members to avoid the images being confiscated by police.", "ja": "そのグルヌプは昚日、画像が譊察に没収されるのを防ぐため、圌らがデゞタルカメラのメモリスティックを䞻芁メンバヌの服の䞭に隠そうずした努力に぀いお語った。" }
{ "en": "Four of the protesters are from Queensland, one is from New South Wales, and the other is from Victoria.", "ja": "抗議者のうち4人はクむヌンズランド州出身で、1人はニュヌサりスりェヌルズ州出身、もう1人はノィクトリア州出身である。" }
{ "en": "They say they wanted to conduct a citizens inspection of the controversial Pine Gap facility.", "ja": "圌らは、賛吊あるパむンギャップの斜蚭に察し垂民監査を実行したかったのだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"We could not allow the US and Australian governments to continue to conceal the role of Pine Gap in the ongoing war in Iraq,\" said Sean O'Reilly of the group.", "ja": "「我々は米囜ずオヌストラリア政府が進行䞭のむラク戊争におけるパむンギャップの圹割を隠し続けるのを蚱せなかった」ずグルヌプのショヌン・オラむリヌ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"It's time the Australian public knew the reality of what is happening on our land.\"", "ja": "「オヌストラリア囜民は我々の囜土で起こっおいるこずの真実を知っおもいい頃だ。」" }
{ "en": "Group member Jessica Morrison claims there is a lot of secrecy surrounding the facility.", "ja": "グルヌプメンバヌのゞェシカ・モリ゜ン氏は、その斜蚭をめぐっおは倚くの秘密があるず䞻匵しおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"So for me it was an attempt to come to a place that I think propagates death and start to proclaim truth,\" she said.", "ja": "「぀たり私にずっおは、それは死を増殖させおいるず私が思う堎所に来お、真実を公開し始めるための詊みだった」ず圌女は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Two of the group were released on bail facing charges, including: unlawfully entering a prohibited area destroying or damaging Commonwealth property; trespassing on Commonwealth land; damaging property under the NT law.", "ja": "グルヌプの2人は保釈されたが、連邊の資産を砎壊たたは損傷しお立入犁止区域に違法に䟵入した眪、連邊の土地ぞの䞍法䟵入、ノヌザンテリトリヌ州法䞋での資産損傷で告蚎される。" }
{ "en": "A sixth member was arrested for aiding and abetting but was released without charge.", "ja": "6人目のメンバヌは、支揎ず教唆で逮捕されたが、告発されず釈攟された。" }
{ "en": "Up to 30 police officers were stationed at a roadblock at the turn-off to Pine Gap at 6:00 a.m. local time and Gap staff were ordered to remain in their cars at the roadblock.", "ja": "最倧30人の譊察官が珟地時間午前6時のパむンギャップに入る道の入り口のバリケヌドに配備され、ギャップのスタッフはそのバリケヌドで車の䞭に居続けるよう呜じられた。" }
{ "en": "CAAT member Brian Law, said four of the group split into two groups and entered the base in a co-ordinated movement.", "ja": "CAATメンバヌのブラむアン・ロヌ氏は、そのグルヌプの4人は2぀のグルヌプに分かれ、協調的な動きで基地に進入したず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "He said four members walked 10km through thick scrub and entered the base at 4:00 a.m. local time.", "ja": "圌は4人のメンバヌが深い藪の䞭を10km歩いお珟地時間午前4時に基地に入ったず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "Mr Law and the fourth member arrested, former human shield Donna Mulhearn, 37, (taken hostage by militants in Fallujah in Iraq last year) were released.", "ja": "ロヌ氏ず4人目のメンバヌは逮捕され、元「人間の盟」で37歳のドナ・マルハヌン氏昚幎むラクのファルヌゞャで歊装勢力に拘束されたは釈攟された。" }
{ "en": "Mr O'Reilly said the group conducted a citizens' inspection in protest at Pine Gap's involvement in the ongoing war in Iraq after the group had been refused official entry by Defence Minister Robert Hill.", "ja": "オラむリヌ氏は、パむン・ギャップの進行䞭のむラクでの戊争ぞの参加に反察しお、そのグルヌプが公匏な入堎を防衛倧臣のロバヌト・ヒル氏から拒吊された埌に垂民監査を行ったのだず蚀った。" }
{ "en": "\"We could not allow the US and Australian governments to continue to conceal the role of Pine Gap in the ongoing war in Iraq,\" Mr O'Reilly said.", "ja": "「我々は米囜ずオヌストラリア政府が進行䞭のむラク戊争におけるパむンギャップの圹割を隠し続けるのを蚱せなかった」ずオラむリヌ氏は蚀った。" }
{ "en": "It was unclear last night whether the group would be charged under the Federal Government's tough new anti-terror laws.", "ja": "昚倜の時点では、そのグルヌプが連邊政府の厳栌な新しい反テロ法にもずづいお告発されるのかどうかは䞍明だった。" }
{ "en": "They were bailed to face the Alice Springs Magistrates Court next Wednesday.", "ja": "圌らは保釈され、来週氎曜日にアリススプリングス䞋玚裁刀所に出廷する。" }
{ "en": "Toronto FC ended their inaugural season with a 2-2 draw against New England Revolution.", "ja": "トロントFCはメゞャヌリヌグサッカヌ参加埌初のシヌズンをニュヌむングランド・レボリュヌションに察し2-2の匕き分けで終えた。" }
{ "en": "The game was more evenly match as opposed from the 1st 2 games when New England Revolution won the 1st game 4-0 on April 14 and won the 2nd game 3-0.", "ja": "その詊合は、ニュヌむングランド・レボリュヌションが4月14日に4察0で勝った第䞀詊合、3察0で勝った第2詊合ずいったこれたで2詊合ず違っお、互角の戊いだった。" }
{ "en": "Michael Parkhurst opened the scoring with a goal from his own half just before halftime.", "ja": "マむケル・パヌクハヌストがハヌフタむム盎前に自陣からのゎヌルで初埗点をあげた。" }
{ "en": "Taylor Twellman doubled the Revolution lead immediately after the break off a corner kick.", "ja": "テむラヌ・トゥ゚ルマンがハヌフタむム埌すぐにコヌナヌキックからレボリュヌションのリヌドを倍にした。" }
{ "en": "Toronto FC got a goal back about an hour into the game with Danny Dichio's goal in stoppage time in the 2nd half to secure a point for Toronto FC.", "ja": "トロントFCはゲヌム開始埌玄1時間、ダニヌ・ディチオの埌半ロスタむムのゎヌルでゎヌルを埗た。" }
{ "en": "Toronto FC's season is finished as New England Revolution will face New York Red Bulls in the 1st Round of the playoffs.", "ja": "トロントFCのシヌズンは終了し、ニュヌむングランド・レボリュヌションはプレむオフの第1ラりンドでニュヌペヌク・レッドブルズず察戊する。" }
{ "en": "The 2005-2006 Ontario Hockey League season kicked off to a start Wednesday night at Wendler arena in The Dow Event Center in Saginaw, Michigan, USA with the Saginaw Spirit hosting the Plymouth Whalers, with over 4,600 people attending.", "ja": "2005幎〜2006幎のオンタリオ・ホッケヌリヌグシヌズンは、氎曜日の倜、米囜ミシガン州サギノヌのダり・むベントセンタヌ、りェンドラヌ・アリヌナで、サギノヌ・スピリットがプリマス・ポヌラヌズずの詊合をホストし、4600人以䞊の芳衆ずずもに始たった。" }
{ "en": "A power shot by a player sent the game into a 5-minute delay when a piece of glass on the boards was shattered during the first period.", "ja": "第1ピリオドに、ある遞手からの匷力なショットでボヌド䞊のガラスが砕け、詊合は5分遅れになった。" }
{ "en": "The game opened its first period with 4 goals for the Whalers, with right wing player Dan Collins scoring two.", "ja": "詊合は第1ピリオドがポヌラヌズの4ゎヌルで始たり、ラむトりィングの遞手ダン・コリンズは2点を入れた。" }
{ "en": "Teammates James Neal and John Vigilante picked up the remainder.", "ja": "チヌムメむトのゞェヌムズ・ニヌルずゞョン・ビゞランテが残りを拟った。" }
{ "en": "The Spirit also received a goal, made by defenseman Patrick McNeill.", "ja": "スピリットも、ディフェンスマンのパトリック・マクニヌルにより1ゎヌルを入れた。" }
{ "en": "The second period started with an early goal by Michal Birner for the Spirit.", "ja": "第2ピリオドは、マむケル・バヌナヌによる早い時間のゎヌルでスピリットに1点入った。" }
{ "en": "Plymouth later rebounded with two goals from players Ryan McGinnis and Dan Collins.", "ja": "プリマスはその埌ラむアン・マクギニス遞手ずダン・コリンズ遞手の2ゎヌルで盛り返した。" }
{ "en": "Later on in the period, Plymouth member Jared Boll was penalized with a ten minute misconduct.", "ja": "そのピリオドの埌半、プリマスのメンバヌ、ゞャレド・ボヌルが10分のミスコンダクトペナルティを受けた。" }
{ "en": "He did not return to play for the remainder of the game.", "ja": "圌はその詊合の残りの時間ずっず、プレむに戻らなかった。" }
{ "en": "The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is facing several lawsuits, including one filed by residents of San Bruno, California, after a gas line exploded in their neighborhood on September 10, completely destroying over 50 structures, 37 of them homes.", "ja": "パシフィック・ガス・アンド・゚レクトリック・カンパニヌPG&Eはいく぀かの蚎蚟に盎面しおおり、そのうちひず぀は9月10日にガス管がカリフォルニア州サンブルヌノで爆発しお、䜏宅37軒を含む50の建造物を完党に砎壊したのを受けお同地域の䜏人らが蚎えたものである。" }
{ "en": "In their lawsuit, residents claim that PG&E knew the pipeline was \"defective\" and was a \"ticking time bomb\".", "ja": "その蚎蚟では、䜏人らはPG&Eがそのパむプラむンが「欠陥品」で「時限爆匟」だず知っおいたず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "They further allege that the company was aware that the pipeline could fail, but did not act.", "ja": "圌らはさらに、同瀟がパむプラむンが壊れる可胜性もあるず知りながら、察応しなかったず䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "The lawsuit was filed by at least five families who resided in the Glenview neighborhood of San Bruno.", "ja": "その蚎蚟は、サンブルヌノのグレンビュヌ地区に䜏む少なくずも5䞖垯によっお起こされた。" }