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<s> DOING BUSINESS IN KOREA Much of the existing research looks at the outflow of companies and people fromKorea to foreign countries, whilst less is known about foreign firms and workersin Korea. Considering the immense interest of both academics and practitioners inthe business opportunities in Korea, this book provides a comprehensive overviewof doing business in Korea and recommendations on how foreign companies andindividuals can succeed in this market.This book covers a wide range of relevant topics, including the Korean businessenvironment, market entry into Korea, management issues and entrepreneurshipin Korea. This is a must-read for anyone interested in or already doing business inKorea.Fabian Jintae Froese is Chair Professor of Human Resource Management andAsian Business at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and Editor-in-Chief ofAsian Business & Management. Previously, he was Professor of International Businessat Korea University. He obtained a doctorate in International Management fromthe University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and another doctorate in Sociology fromWaseda University, Japan. His research interests lie in international human resourcemanagement and cross-cultural management. His work has been published injournals such as the British Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, theJournal of Organizational Behavior and the Journal of World Business. “Fabian J. Froese’s Doing Business in Korea is one of the most comprehensive booksdescribing dynamic Korean business and management today. The updated contentsand cases about Korean business will be ideal learning materials for graduatestudents. The book could also serve as an excellent reference for foreign managersand executives interested in learning about Korean market environment and Koreancompanies. I find this book interesting, updated, and insightful.”– Mannsoo Shin, Professor of International Business,Korea University Business School, Korea“This new book is a very welcome addition to a sparse literature for a trio ofreasons. First, it is edited by a leading and well-respected academic grounded inpractice in the area. Second, its three-part structure comprehensively locates thekey issues of management and market entry in the crucial operating environment.Third, interesting cases are provided.”– Professor Chris Rowley, Kellogg College, University of Oxford &Cass Business School, City, University of London, Editor,Asia Pacific Business Review“The book includes what all foreign executives need to know and can be consideredas a deep source of information.That is why the book is a must for all newly arrivedexecutives in order to get quickly on-boarded to run a business successfully inKorea. Doing Business in Korea is also valuable for people being here on the groundfor some years, as it makes your picture complete.”– Christoph Heider, President of the EuropeanChamber of Commerce in Korea“Korea has been considered one of the most challenging markets for foreigncompanies and individuals to achieve a good outcome. This book offers a veryuseful guidance for them to better understand not only the contexts but also thestrategies and the practices that will bring success in conducting business in Korea.”– Yongsun Paik, Director of the Center for Asian Business,Professor of International Business & Management,Loyola Marymount University, USA DOING BUSINESSIN KOREA Edited by Fabian Jintae Froese First published 2020by Routledge2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RNand by Routledge52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business© 2020 selection and editorial matter, Fabian Jintae Froese; individualchapters, the contributorsThe right of Fabian Jintae Froese to be identified as the author of theeditorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has beenasserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designsand Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced orutilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, nowknown or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or inany information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writingfrom the publishers.Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks orregistered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanationwithout intent to infringe.British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication DataA catalogue record for this book is available from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataA catalog record for this book has been requestedISBN: 978-1-138-54943-2 (hbk)ISBN: 978-1-138-54944-9 (pbk)ISBN: 978-1-351-00047-5 (ebk)Typeset in Bemboby Apex CoVantage, LLC CONTENTS List of figuresList of tablesList of abbreviationsList of contributors1 Introduction: Korea – land of great opportunitiesFabian Jintae Froese viiixxixiii1 PART I Business environment 7 2 Economic environmentYou-il Lee and Richard Lee 9 3 Political environment: between systemicinformality and attempted formalityJitendra Uttam 24 4 Cultural environment: cultural context, informalnetworks, and Yongo41Sven Horak vi Contents PART II Market access 59 5 Market entry: inbound FDI into KoreaIn Hyeock (Ian) Lee 61 6 Exporting to KoreaJustin Paul and Hyunji Lee 81 7 Cross-border M&As in South KoreaYi Yang and Yong Suhk Pak 97 8 Learning from KoreaMartin Hemmert 118 PART III Marketing and managing in Korea 135 9 Marketing in KoreaFabian Jintae Froese and Sarah Reckelkamm 137 10 Human resource management in KoreaJinxi Michelle Li and Fabian Jintae Froese 153 11 Expatriates in Korea: live to work or work to live?Samuel Davies and Fabian Jintae Froese 170 12 Establishing a start-up business in Korea asa foreign entrepreneurStephan Gerschewski 188 Index204 FIGURES Inmaek, Yongo, and Yonjul – interrelatedness and the possibledevelopment path of a relational tieRelational interaction context of individuals and contextualsInbound M&As in South Korea (by volume)Inbound M&As in South Korea (by value)Top sectors of inbound M&As in South Korea (by volume)Top sectors of inbound M&As in South Korea (by value)Top bidders of inbound M&As in South Korea (by value)Inbound M&As from the US to South Korea (by value)Inbound M&As from the US to South Korea (by volume)Outbound M&As in South Korea (by value)Outbound M&As in South Korea (by volume)Top sectors of outbound M&As in South Korea (by value)Top sectors of outbound M&As in South Koreafrom 2015 to 2018Top targets of outbound M&As in South Korea (by value)Top targets of outbound M&As in South Korea(by value), 2017–2018Foreign investment procedures in KoreaKorea’s technology exports by industry, 2016Foreign companies with R&D activities in Korea by homecountry and industry, 2012Ease of adoption and attractiveness of Korean managementpractices across business environmentsCurrency exchange ratesAdvertising expenditure in South Korea (by medium) 48499999100101102103103104104105106107108110120123127142146 viii Figures Elderly population and wage peak systemExpatriate adjustment U-curveIndustry sectors in Korea from the 1960s to 2000sHow foreigners can do business in KoreaEstablishing a business using the start-up visa system in Korea 162173189194196 TABLES Classic Confucian virtues and moral norms43Yongo in descriptive terms47Ethical assessment of engaging in local networking52Inbound FDI into Korea62Inbound FDI into Korea by region64Inbound FDI into Korea by key countries65Inbound FDI into Korea by industry65Inbound FDI into Korea by region in manufacturing66Inbound FDI into Korea by region in service67Inbound FDI into Korea by country of origin68Inbound FDI into Korea by subnational region of destination70Inbound FDI into Korea by ownership71Inbound FDI into Korea with full ownership by region72Inbound FDI into Korea by investment purpose73Inbound FDI into Korea for establishing offices by subnationalregion74Inbound FDI into Korea for establishing factories by75subnational regionInbound FDI into Korea for M&As by subnational region75Science and technology indicators of selected countries, 2015119Development of Korea’s technology trade120Prices for selected products of Nike in Korea, the United149States, and GermanySummary of HRM in Korea155Employee involvement activities in Korean companies158Compensation systems in Korean companies160 x Tables 10.411. Labor-management committees and industrial relations in KoreaTypical expenses of a corporate expense from Munich to SeoulThe development of Korea’s export items from 1970 to 2009Number of SMEs in KoreaEase of doing business 161180190192193 ABBREVIATIONS 4PsCSADJEOIKDBFBAFDIFETLFIPLFSAFTAGDPGNIGNPGSCHRHRMHQIBICTISIKICKOSDAQKOTRAKRWM&AMNE product, promotion, price, placecountry-specific advantage(Kim) Dae-jungexport-oriented industrializationKorea Development Bankfair transactions in franchise business actforeign direct investmentforeign exchange transaction lawforeign investment promotion lawfirm-specific advantagefree trade agreementgross domestic productgross national incomegross national productglobal start-up centerhuman resourceshuman resource managementheadquartersinternational businessinformation communication technologyimport substitution industrializationKorea Innovation CenterKorean Securities Dealers Automated QuotationsKorea Trade-Investment Promotion AgencyKorean Wonmergers and acquisitionsmultinational enterprise xii Abbreviations MOCIE (Korea)MOTIE (Korea)NGONIPAPCTPE&SEPSPDR&DSIESMETMTUSD Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and EnergyMinistry of Trade, Industry, and Energynon-government organizationNational IT Promotion AgencyPatent Cooperation Treatypolitical, economic, and social environmentPeople’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracyresearch and developmentself-initiated expatriatesmall and medium-sized enterprisetechnology, media, and telecomUS dollars CONTRIBUTORS Samuel Davies is a research associate and doctoral candidate at the Chair of HumanResource Management and Asian Business at the University of Göttingen, Germany. His research interests lie in the interface of (international) human resourcemanagement and organizational behavior and characteristics of and issues vital tointernationally mobile employees, as well as domestic employees, drawing on socialpsychology and other surrounding social sciences. His work has been published ininternational academic journals including the International Journal of Human ResourceManagement.Fabian Jintae Froese is Chair Professor of Human Resource Management andAsian Business at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and Editor-in-Chief ofAsian Business & Management. Previously, he was a Professor of International Business at Korea University. He obtained a doctorate in International Managementfrom the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, and another doctorate in Sociologyfrom Waseda University, Japan. His research interests lie in international humanresource management and cross-cultural management. His work has been published in journals such as the British Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, the Journal of Organizational Behavior and the Journal of World Business.Stephan Gerschewski is Lecturer in International Business and Strategy at HenleyBusiness School, University of Reading, UK. He is also Programme Director forthe degree programme BA International Management and Business Administrationwith French/German/Italian/Spanish (IMBA) at University of Reading. Prior tomoving to Henley Business School, he worked as Assistant Professor of International Business at two major universities in South Korea: Hankuk University ofForeign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul and Hannam University in Daejeon. His researchinterests mainly relate to international entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized xiv Contributors enterprises SMEs and export strategies of firms. His work has been published invarious academic journals, including the Journal of World Business, International Business Review, International Small Business Journal, Multinational Business Review andThunderbird International Business Review.Martin Hemmert is Professor of International Business at Korea University. Hisresearch interests include international comparative studies of management systems, innovation systems and entrepreneurial ecosystems, organizational boundariesof firms and interorganizational research collaborations. He has published severalbooks, including most recently The Evolution of Tiger Management: Korean Companiesin Global Competition (Routledge, 2018) and numerous articles in journals such asthe Journal of Product Innovation Management, the Journal of World Business, ResearchPolicy and Technovation.Sven Horak is Associate Professor at The Peter J. Tobin College of Business of St. John’s University in New York City, where he researches and teaches in the area ofinternational management and organization. Most of his research focuses on therole informality plays in human interactions at the dyadic, group and network level,predominantly in an international context. By drawing on insights from the neighboring social sciences, in particular economic and organizational sociology, socialpsychology and ethics, his work advances knowledge on the anatomy of informalinstitutions and how they moderate managerial behavior.Hyunji Lee is a graduate student at the University of Göttingen. She has worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management and AsianBusiness.In Hyeock (Ian) Lee is Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy in the Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago. He has published inleading journals such as Regional Studies, the Journal of Business Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, the Journal of International Management and SmallBusiness Economics, among others. He currently serves as an editorial board memberof Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, the Journal of International Management and AsianBusiness & Management. Prior to joining academia, he was Deputy Director at theMinistry of Trade, Industry & Energy in Korea for eight years.Richard Lee is Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of South Australia (UniSA). Prior to joining UniSA in 2007, Richard spent 15 years managingsales and marketing functions with Asian IT/telecommunication companies. Hisresearch expertise and publications are mainly in international and ethnic marketing, with particular focus on Asian markets. Richard has also won several industrygrants that focus on how Australian SMEs can capitalize on FTAs and on enhancingthe export competitiveness of Australian food and wine companies. His teaching Contributors xv experience includes consumer behavior, marketing planning, customer relationshipmanagement and market research.You-il Lee is Associate Professor of International Business at the University of South Australia (UniSA). He has published widely in leading journals in the areas ofAsian Studies, Asian business management and Asian political economy. He has hadconsiderable experience in advising companies and government departments ona range of Asian business environment and various policy issues. He has met withmore than 200 CEOs of multinational corporations over the years and currentlyteaches on Asian political economy, Asian community and cross-cultural management as part of the UniSA Business School’s 5-star MBA and International MBAprograms.Jinxi Michelle Li is Associate Professor in the College of Business at Gyeongsang National University, South Korea. She received her PhD in management fromEwha Womans University, South Korea, and her master’s in Speech Communication from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, US. She was a consultantin POMIC (POSCO Management & Innovation Consulting) and a researcherin Hyundai Research Institute. Her research interests include cultural adjustment,cross-cultural training programs and organizational culture, among others. Herpapers have appeared in the Journal of Organizational Change Management, International Area Studies Review and Tourism Management Perspectives.Yong Suhk Pak is Professor of International Business at Yonsei University. He is also Director of Institute of East and West Studies, one of the oldest research centers atYonsei University. He was Associate Dean of the MBA programs at Yonsei Schoolof Business and was the editor of the International Business Journal, which is published by the Korean Academy of International Business. His research interest beganwith the conventional IB topic of foreign market expansion strategies, expandedinto the knowledge management of international joint ventures and post-mergerintegration of cross-border M&As and now focuses on global mindset and globaltalent management. He has published more than a dozen articles in the leading IBjournals such as Management International Review, Journal of World Business and International Business Review.Justin Paul is Professor at the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, US. He previ- ously served as Associate Professor with the University of Washington, US, andNagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan. He has published four textbooks, including Export-Import Management (2nd edition). He has published morethan 25 articles in refereed journals such as International Business Review, HarvardBusiness Review, The International Trade Journal, International Journal of Consumer Studies, the Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Marketing Intelligence & Planning andthe Journal of Consumer Marketing. xvi Contributors Sarah Reckelkamm is a graduate student at the University of Göttingen. She hasworked as a research assistant at the Chair of Human Resource Management andAsian Business.Jitendra Uttam is Assistant Professor at India’s Jawaharlal Nehru University and teaches East Asian affairs at the School of International Studies. His research focuseson political economy/capitalism of East Asia. Holding a PhD from Seoul NationalUniversity, Korea, he has wide-ranging publications, including two recent books,The Political Economy of Korea:Transition,Transformation and Turnaround and Varieties ofCapitalism in Asia: Beyond the Developmental State, co-authored with David Hundt.His other publications include “Economic Growth in India and China: A Comparative Study” for the journal International Studies and “Korea’s New Techno-ScientificState: Mapping a Strategic Change in the Developmental State” in China Report.Yi Yang is Assistant Professor of International Business at Gachon University anda researcher at Yonsei Business Research Institute. Her research topics and publications have focused on the post-merger management of cross-border M&As,competence and growth of MNEs from emerging markets, localization strategiesof MNEs and international human resource management. She teaches internationalstrategy and international management and has practical business experience participating and advising Chinese firms about cross-border M&As of Korean biotechand cosmetics firms. 1INTRODUCTIONKorea – land of great opportunitiesFabian Jintae Froese In the 1960s, South Korea (henceforth Korea) was a poor and relatively unknowncountry, with a GDP per capita of US$158, which was similar to most Africancountries at the time (World Bank, 2015). However, Korea has achieved tremendous and rapid economic growth within the last few decades, the so-called miracle of the Han River. Nowadays, Korea is an established member of the OECDand boasts the 11th-largest economy in the world, with a GDP per capita ofUS$38,260, similar to Italy or Spain (World Bank, 2017). Unlike most WesternEuropean countries, Korea’s economy continues to grow substantially with an average of 3.1% during the last ten years (World Bank, 2018). The Korean economy iswell connected internationally, having developed 15 free-trade agreements with 52countries, including ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Countries), EuropeanUnion (28 countries), India, and New Zealand. Korea is currently ranked fifthworldwide for exports worth US$573 billion and imports worth US$478 billion(World Trade Organization, 2017). All this makes Korea an attractive destination forforeign companies.Korea is particularly strong in manufacturing and high technology. Huge investments in R&D and infrastructure have provided the basis for this development.In 2016, Korea spent about 4.3% of its GDP on research, well ahead of the US(2.5%), China (2.0%), and the EU (1.9%) (van Nooden, 2016). Furthermore, Koreahas the highest average internet connection speed in the world (Statista, 2018),and 99.2% of all households have access to broadband internet (Ramirez, 2017).E-commerce plays an important role in Korea. Large Korean conglomerates, socalled chaebols, such as Samsung and Hyundai have emerged in this environmentand have become world leaders. Samsung, the largest chaebol, accounts for morethan 20% of the entire market value of the Korean Stock Exchange and accountsfor around 15% of Korea’s entire economy (Ullah, 2017). 2 Fabian Jintae Froese Beyond business, Korea has gained worldwide attention through its media andentertainment. Korean music and TV dramas have started a ‘Korean wave’, anincrease in the global popularity of Korean culture, particularly within Asia. Forinstance, the music video ‘Gangnam Style’ has been watched over 3 billion times onYouTube. The boy band EXO claimed the number one spot on Billboard’s WorldMusic chart, and the band Super Junior remained on top of the music charts inTaiwan for more than two years (Culture trip, 2018). This remarkable success inrecent years has attracted a huge influx of foreign companies, workers, students, andtourists, into Korea. In response, universities around the globe have initiated and/or expanded programs on Korean studies. For instance, the University of Tuebingen, Germany, launched a Korean Studies program in 2010 and currently employs14 teaching staff, including three professors, teaching 399 students (University ofTuebingen, 2019).In short, there is a huge interest in doing business in Korea, yet the academicand non-academic literature is still somewhat lagging behind. Numerous booksand articles have analyzed the economic development of Korea (e.g., Uttam,2014; Lee, 2016). If international business is concerned, the majority of researchhas focused on the international activities of Korean companies (e.g., Hemmert,2018). However, much less research has looked at foreign business in Korea (forexceptions, see, e.g., Bader et al., 2018; Froese, 2010). To conduct business in aforeign country successfully, it is imperative to understand the underlying businessenvironment; otherwise, companies may fail. For instance, Walmart failed to adaptto local preferences and eventually had to retreat from Korea. Korea has a uniquebusiness environment and the political, legal, and cultural environments differ substantially from those in the rest of the world. The political and legal environments were influenced by the US, Germany, and Japan, but they developed theirown characteristics along the way. The culture is influenced by Confucianism andemphasizes seniority and personal relations while also embracing Western featuresin recent years (Froese et al., 2008). These topics are covered in this book.The purpose of this book is to provide insights into and recommendations forhow foreign companies and individuals can succeed in Korea. Thus, this bookcovers a wide range of relevant topics, including the Korean business environment,market entry into Korea, and management issues in Korea. The book will be usefulfor investors, organizations, managers, and students interested in doing business oralready doing business in/with Korea. Researchers interested in doing research onforeign companies and workers in Korea might also find this book a useful resourcein obtaining a broad understanding. The contributors to this book are well-knownscholars based in America, Asia, Australia, and Europe, further demonstrating theglobal reach and interest in doing business in Korea. Outline of volumeThe book is divided into three parts. Part I provides an overview of the economic,political, and cultural environments that shape the way of doing business in Korea. Introduction 3 This is an important foundation to better understand why and how to do businessin Korea. Part II covers market access into Korea and specifically focuses on exporting and M&A, two common entry modes, and how foreign companies can learnfrom Korea. Part III discusses typical management issues that foreign companiesand managers face in Korea, including marketing, human resource management,and expatriate management. Furthermore, since a substantial proportion of foreignstudents and adults in Korea find employment through starting their own business,we also have a chapter on how to found a company. Part I: business environmentThe following chapter, Chapter 2, provides a historical overview of the recent economic development in Korea. You-il Lee and Richard Lee, both from the University of South Australia, Australia, structure their overview into the three phases from1960 until today. The first phase focuses on state-led international trade development through export-oriented industrialization between the 1960s and 1990s. Thesecond phase sees a neo-liberal, market-oriented development enabling FDI inflowsand international trade through free-trade agreements starting from the late 1990s.The third phase describes the present period of Korea as an industrialized nation.This chapter is very important for understanding the Korean economic structure.Chapter 3, written by Jitendra Uttam from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India,introduces the Korean political environment. This chapter focuses on two eventsthat shaped the political and social landscape in Korea: the Asian financial crisis in1997 and the political crisis in 2016, which resulted in the impeachment of theKorean president. While the triggers were different, both events reduced the influence of the government in business. This chapter provides important insights intothe role of formal and informal institutions in Korean business.Chapter 4 explains the unique features of the Korean culture relevant to doingbusiness in Korea. The cultural environment of South Korea is typically regardedas being shaped by Confucian ideals, a low level of trust, and a high degree of collectivism. Sven Horak, St. John’s University, US, introduces a more focused viewby redefining trust viewed through the lens of informal networks, which characterize Korean society. Social ideals in Korea can be described as simultaneouslyindividualistic and collectivistic. This chapter provides practical implications thatare important for the management of expatriates in connection to ethical behavior. Part II: market accessChapter 5 analyzes FDI inflows into Korea. In Hyeock (Ian) Lee, Loyola University, US, analyzes a large data set to demonstrate the pattern of FDI inflow andexplain such patterns. Findings show that inbound FDI into Korea has consistentlyincreased over the studied period, mainly coming in from Asia-Pacific countriesand often within the service industries and in the greater Seoul area. Based on theanalysis, this chapter provides important managerial and policy implications. 4 Fabian Jintae Froese Chapter 6 is dedicated to exporting, as the majority of foreign firms do businessin Korea via exports. Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico, USA, and HyunjiLee, University of Goettingen, Germany, discuss the advantages and disadvantagesof direct versus indirect exporting. Furthermore, the chapter provides an analysis ofthe typical challenges foreign firms encounter in Korea. Based on their analysis, theauthors give suggestions for how foreign firms can prepare themselves and implement direct and indirect exporting to Korea.Chapter 7, written by Yong Suhk Pak and Yi Yang, Yonsei University, Korea,introduces both inbound and outbound cross-border M&As of Korean firms,including deal cases, value, location, and industry distributions. Moreover, thechapter discusses the main regulations and foreign investment guidance and theprocedures for foreign companies acquiring Korean firms. Given that the successand failure of cross-border M&As will be decided during the integration phase,this chapter provides a contextual analysis, paying particular attention to languageand cultural challenges. The authors provide important managerial implications forforeign companies integrating Korean target companies.Chapter 8 discusses how foreign companies can learn from Korea. First, MartinHemmert, Korea University, Korea, describes the strengths of Korean companies.Technical knowledge in knowledge-intensive industries, such as semiconductorsand mobile communications, as well as certain managerial practices, might be particularly interesting for foreign companies. Close relationships and rich communication channels are also important for absorbing knowledge. Technological andmanagerial learning is often first conducted most effectively via foreign companies’local subsidiaries in Korea, which may subsequently transfer the knowledge theyhave absorbed to other locations. Part III: marketing and managing in KoreaChapter 9 focuses on marketing in Korea. Fabian Jintae Froese and Sarah Reckelkamm, both from the University of Goettingen, Germany, introduce international marketing strategies and current consumer trends in Korea. Guided bythe ‘4Ps’, this chapter critically analyzes whether and how alterations in termsof product/services, price, promotion, and place are important to success in theKorean market. The chapter provides important managerial implications for howforeign companies could modify their products and services to better reach Koreanconsumers.Chapter 10, written by Jinxi Michelle Li, Gyeongsang National University,Korea, and Fabian Jintae Froese, University of Goettingen, Germany, deals withHRM in Korea. First, the chapter overviews typical human resource managementpractices prevalent in Korea. Then, the chapter discusses typical human resourcemanagement challenges and possible solutions, also providing important recommendations for how foreign companies can attract, recruit, and manage Korean talent.Chapter 11, written by Samuel Davies and Fabian Jintae Froese, both from theUniversity of Goettingen, Germany, is devoted to expatriate management. This Introduction 5 chapter focuses on highly skilled employed foreigners who do not intend to livein Korea permanently, so-called expatriates. This chapter discusses the major challenges and opportunities for expatriates in Korea. Dealing with a different culture,language, understandings of work–life balance, and social exclusion can complicateexpatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment. Preparation, high motivation, cultural intelligence, and a supportive family can help alleviate these challenges. This chapter provides practical implications for potential and current expatriates as well asorganizations wishing to employ expatriates in Korea.Chapter 12 provides an overview of how foreign entrepreneurs can start a business in Korea, including the rules and regulations and general advice on doingbusiness in Korea. Stephan Gerschewski, University of Reading, UK, begins byoutlining the general SME sector in Korea and then examines key industries thatare attractive for foreigners to start up their businesses. In addition, the chapteranalyzes how foreign entrepreneurs can do business in Korea, including the legaltypes of businesses, visa types for foreigners, start-up incubators for foreigners, andkey tax information for foreign start-ups. ReferencesBader, K., Froese, F. J., & Kraeh, A. 2018. Clash of cultures? German expatriates’ work-lifeboundary adjustment in South Korea. European Management Review, 15: 357–374.Culture trip. 2018. The 10 most popular K-Pop artists and bands. Accessed 15March 2019.Froese, F. J. 2010. Success and failure
Doing Business in Korea
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11045, 669, 29907, 465, 15197, 4523, 29892, 4412, 29892, 3014, 310, 4517, 29892, 14059, 29892, 2887, 423, 14328, 15197, 13957, 30015, 1576, 3143, 7805, 825, 599, 9117, 6704, 3145, 817, 304, 1073, 322, 508, 367, 5545, 294, 263, 6483, 2752, 310, 2472, 29889, 7058, 338, 2020, 278, 3143, 338, 263, 1818, 363, 599, 15141, 11977, 4258, 329, 3145, 297, 1797, 304, 679, 9098, 373, 29899, 3377, 287, 304, 1065, 263, 5381, 8472, 297, 29968, 487, 29874, 29889, 1938, 292, 15197, 297, 19109, 338, 884, 21114, 363, 2305, 1641, 1244, 373, 278, 5962, 1454, 777, 2440, 29892, 408, 372, 3732, 596, 7623, 4866, 3178, 29994, 28840, 940, 1241, 29892, 7178, 310, 278, 7824, 1451, 314, 495, 310, 422, 15667, 297, 19109, 30015, 29968, 487, 29874, 756, 1063, 5545, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 18066, 292, 2791, 1691, 363, 9117, 2388, 273, 583, 322, 15724, 304, 6176, 263, 1781, 21957, 29889, 910, 3143, 16688, 263, 1407, 1509, 1319, 27323, 363, 963, 304, 2253, 2274, 451, 871, 278, 3030, 29879, 541, 884, 266, 16444, 1845, 583, 322, 278, 23274, 393, 674, 6963, 2551, 297, 7512, 292, 5381, 297, 19109, 3178, 29994, 612, 549, 11445, 2621, 638, 29892, 15944, 310, 278, 7817, 363, 20021, 15197, 29892, 1184, 29888, 6329, 310, 4623, 15197, 669, 15057, 29892, 3410, 29891, 2963, 6182, 16476, 3014, 29892, 8278, 13, 3970, 4214, 350, 3308, 8895, 1799, 1177, 476, 29949, 1525, 29909, 13, 3853, 1573, 491, 10629, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 13, 6730, 6369, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 1609, 20829, 5485, 29906, 4815, 19256, 29892, 3833, 880, 4815, 29892, 1976, 292, 9176, 29892, 9471, 265, 438, 29990, 29896, 29946, 29871, 29946, 29934, 29940, 392, 491, 20829, 5485, 29945, 29906, 478, 3825, 29890, 2782, 18874, 29892, 1570, 3088, 29892, 23526, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29955, 24254, 5485, 338, 385, 527, 2158, 310, 278, 12537, 669, 5845, 6431, 29892, 385, 1871, 29874, 5381, 30211, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 9262, 322, 6920, 616, 4383, 29892, 10629, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 29936, 5375, 305, 481, 2153, 29892, 278, 17737, 29560, 1576, 1492, 310, 10629, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 304, 367, 15659, 408, 278, 4148, 310, 278, 15204, 616, 5518, 29892, 322, 310, 278, 15717, 363, 1009, 5375, 10708, 2153, 29892, 756, 1063, 9294, 287, 297, 15017, 749, 411, 13926, 29871, 29955, 29955, 322, 29871, 29955, 29947, 310, 278, 14187, 1266, 29892, 12037, 29879, 392, 4121, 1237, 3185, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 29889, 3596, 10462, 21676, 29889, 1939, 760, 310, 445, 3143, 1122, 367, 2062, 524, 287, 470, 9483, 1133, 470, 4422, 3368, 297, 738, 883, 470, 491, 738, 27758, 29892, 28310, 29892, 470, 916, 2794, 29892, 1286, 5203, 470, 1244, 7045, 11817, 287, 29892, 3704, 6731, 542, 2270, 292, 322, 16867, 29892, 470, 297, 1384, 2472, 8635, 470, 5663, 16837, 1788, 29892, 1728, 10751, 297, 5007, 3166, 278, 9805, 414, 29889, 5323, 2310, 935, 8369, 29901, 10969, 470, 17266, 403, 2983, 1122, 367, 1020, 2310, 17862, 470, 9573, 287, 1020, 2310, 17862, 29892, 322, 526, 1304, 871, 363, 29769, 322, 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1274, 7680, 2187, 4713, 262, 1288, 3896, 7734, 13, 29916, 2236, 1976, 1030, 1403, 800, 13, 6720, 8426, 29923, 313, 29968, 487, 29874, 29897, 29924, 2891, 8673, 313, 29968, 487, 29874, 29897, 9312, 1164, 5690, 3301, 1783, 4162, 29987, 1660, 29925, 5550, 8353, 29987, 29928, 5425, 2890, 2303, 29911, 11490, 3308, 29928, 13, 8140, 6020, 310, 422, 15667, 29892, 12157, 719, 29892, 322, 24836, 8140, 6020, 310, 27226, 29892, 12157, 719, 29892, 322, 15163, 29887, 948, 265, 29899, 29887, 6170, 358, 13013, 27325, 13315, 9705, 8194, 29353, 11457, 296, 3189, 16453, 6479, 271, 1478, 27298, 936, 29892, 17407, 29892, 322, 5264, 5177, 15666, 1991, 30010, 29879, 4956, 333, 279, 537, 363, 3455, 12654, 7606, 4432, 25804, 690, 2842, 322, 5849, 1311, 29899, 2344, 29875, 630, 1518, 25054, 1078, 29885, 497, 322, 18350, 29899, 29879, 1891, 3896, 558, 275, 2650, 3049, 3002, 29892, 5745, 29892, 322, 4382, 510, 3308, 17208, 13, 22412, 3960, 29933, 2692, 24125, 13, 22966, 2491, 3589, 583, 338, 263, 5925, 25836, 322, 11619, 284, 14020, 472, 278, 24193, 310, 12968, 6848, 15057, 322, 20021, 15197, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 28703, 4289, 29892, 9556, 29889, 3600, 5925, 20017, 3804, 297, 278, 5067, 310, 313, 14168, 1288, 29897, 5199, 620, 473, 29883, 11422, 5049, 322, 8674, 1288, 6030, 322, 21862, 310, 322, 5626, 27131, 304, 14168, 362, 635, 10426, 22873, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 21849, 22873, 29892, 11580, 373, 5264, 567, 3376, 3002, 322, 916, 18830, 5264, 21195, 29889, 3600, 664, 756, 1063, 6369, 297, 14168, 1288, 21567, 21824, 1338, 3704, 278, 4623, 8237, 310, 12968, 18981, 27107, 29889, 29943, 370, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 338, 24193, 11386, 310, 12968, 18981, 15057, 322, 2887, 713, 15197, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 28703, 4289, 29892, 9556, 29892, 322, 14059, 29899, 262, 29899, 1451, 2575, 310, 2887, 713, 15197, 669, 15057, 29889, 4721, 16604, 29892, 540, 471, 263, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 472, 19109, 3014, 29889, 940, 7625, 263, 11619, 403, 297, 4623, 15057, 3166, 278, 3014, 310, 624, 29889, 402, 5442, 29892, 28806, 29892, 322, 1790, 11619, 403, 297, 5329, 3002, 3166, 399, 1463, 29874, 3014, 29892, 5546, 29889, 3600, 5925, 20017, 3804, 297, 6121, 5199, 10314, 10643, 322, 4891, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 10643, 29889, 3600, 664, 756, 1063, 6369, 297, 21824, 1338, 1316, 408, 278, 4908, 8237, 310, 15057, 29892, 12968, 18981, 15057, 29892, 278, 8237, 310, 9205, 466, 1288, 1522, 16300, 322, 278, 8237, 310, 2787, 15197, 29889, 7789, 16711, 402, 7092, 809, 2574, 338, 365, 522, 9945, 297, 4623, 15197, 322, 3767, 8963, 472, 4114, 2330, 16890, 3335, 4523, 29892, 3014, 310, 21439, 29892, 10261, 29889, 940, 338, 884, 7835, 1004, 15944, 363, 1552, 7426, 19607, 350, 29909, 4623, 15057, 322, 15197, 23303, 2541, 5176, 29914, 29954, 3504, 29914, 10512, 713, 29914, 15495, 728, 313, 7833, 5688, 29897, 472, 3014, 310, 21439, 29889, 22096, 6454, 21081, 304, 4114, 2330, 15197, 4523, 29892, 540, 3796, 408, 4007, 22137, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 472, 1023, 4655, 4946, 1907, 297, 4275, 19109, 29901, 379, 804, 2679, 3014, 310, 27755, 16972, 313, 29950, 29965, 9998, 29897, 297, 922, 5059, 322, 13889, 314, 3014, 297, 360, 3660, 1324, 265, 29889, 3600, 5925, 1639, 9197, 14364, 29279, 304, 6121, 23440, 1600, 332, 3527, 29892, 2319, 322, 18350, 29899, 29879, 1891, 13, 26560, 2866, 1091, 29560, 13, 5893, 558, 4637, 317, 2303, 29879, 322, 5609, 16650, 583, 310, 13734, 1516, 29889, 3600, 664, 756, 1063, 6369, 15939, 681, 21567, 21824, 1338, 29892, 3704, 278, 8237, 310, 2787, 15197, 29892, 4623, 15197, 13957, 29892, 4623, 18285, 15197, 8237, 29892, 9683, 262, 1288, 15197, 13957, 322, 1349, 5062, 18513, 4623, 15197, 13957, 29889, 22628, 20863, 29885, 814, 338, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 472, 19109, 3014, 29889, 3600, 690, 2842, 20017, 3160, 6121, 5734, 1230, 11898, 310, 10643, 6757, 29892, 24233, 362, 6757, 322, 23440, 1600, 332, 616, 321, 3944, 973, 29879, 29892, 8674, 1288, 24371, 974, 13734, 1516, 322, 1006, 6388, 466, 1288, 5925, 11465, 800, 29889, 940, 756, 6369, 3196, 12733, 29892, 3704, 1556, 10325, 450, 382, 4068, 310, 323, 4087, 15057, 29901, 22467, 3831, 273, 583, 262, 12002, 24620, 654, 313, 24254, 5485, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 322, 12727, 7456, 297, 21824, 1338, 1316, 8717, 354, 8237, 310, 10969, 512, 13715, 362, 15057, 29892, 278, 8237, 310, 2787, 15197, 29892, 10550, 15644, 322, 8364, 586, 362, 29889, 29903, 854, 6912, 557, 338, 6853, 403, 11386, 472, 450, 5310, 435, 29889, 22354, 262, 6346, 310, 15197, 310, 624, 29889, 13, 11639, 30010, 29879, 3014, 297, 1570, 3088, 4412, 29892, 988, 540, 5925, 267, 322, 6860, 267, 297, 278, 4038, 310, 14168, 1288, 10643, 322, 13013, 29889, 7849, 310, 670, 5925, 8569, 267, 373, 266, 1489, 280, 1871, 2877, 13582, 297, 5199, 22060, 472, 278, 13475, 26538, 29892, 2318, 322, 3564, 3233, 29892, 11965, 5817, 10835, 297, 385, 6121, 3030, 29889, 2648, 11580, 373, 1663, 5861, 515, 278, 12307, 292, 5264, 21195, 29892, 297, 3153, 17407, 322, 8674, 1288, 5374, 3002, 29892, 5264, 567, 3376, 3002, 322, 11314, 1199, 29892, 670, 664, 3061, 2925, 7134, 373, 278, 385, 8678, 29891, 310, 1871, 284, 2611, 5008, 29879, 322, 920, 896, 17768, 403, 8455, 616, 6030, 29889, 26322, 348, 2397, 9371, 338, 263, 10591, 403, 8368, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 28703, 4289, 29889, 2296, 756, 3796, 13, 294, 263, 5925, 20255, 472, 278, 24193, 310, 12968, 18981, 15057, 322, 20021, 16890, 3335, 29889, 797, 379, 4099, 1698, 313, 29902, 273, 29897, 9371, 338, 6853, 403, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 322, 3767, 8963, 297, 13, 1552, 751, 262, 6468, 4523, 310, 15197, 29892, 4309, 29891, 2963, 3014, 10059, 29889, 940, 756, 6369, 297, 25369, 21824, 1338, 1316, 408, 16208, 16972, 29892, 278, 8237, 310, 15197, 10550, 29892, 7159, 17896, 4103, 7387, 373, 22557, 15057, 29892, 278, 8237, 310, 4623, 15057, 322, 18285, 16890, 3335, 12884, 1199, 29892, 4249, 4045, 29889, 940, 5279, 19700, 408, 385, 6920, 616, 7613, 4509, 974, 14447, 558, 1600, 332, 3527, 24134, 669, 29124, 625, 29892, 278, 8237, 310, 4623, 15057, 322, 20021, 16890, 3335, 669, 15057, 29889, 22096, 304, 22960, 16274, 423, 29892, 540, 471, 26721, 29891, 15944, 472, 278, 8140, 6020, 310, 27226, 29892, 12157, 719, 669, 24836, 297, 19109, 363, 9475, 2440, 29889, 25627, 538, 9371, 338, 6853, 403, 11386, 310, 4485, 15133, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 4275, 8314, 313, 8110, 8132, 467, 22096, 304, 22960, 853, 29875, 8132, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29892, 6123, 10398, 29871, 29896, 29945, 2440, 767, 351, 886, 2122, 322, 9999, 292, 3168, 411, 20021, 13315, 29914, 15494, 27820, 362, 14582, 29889, 3600, 690, 2842, 17924, 895, 322, 25964, 526, 14364, 297, 6121, 322, 11314, 7823, 9999, 292, 29892, 411, 3153, 8569, 373, 20021, 2791, 1691, 29889, 6123, 756, 884, 2113, 3196, 13661, 629, 1934, 393, 8569, 373, 920, 9870, 317, 2303, 29879, 508, 7483, 675, 373, 383, 29911, 2887, 322, 373, 427, 5403, 3277, 1552, 5609, 5100, 277, 20193, 310, 9870, 9687, 322, 19006, 14582, 29889, 3600, 18819, 13, 1323, 1091, 29560, 13, 29916, 29894, 13, 735, 546, 5597, 7805, 21691, 6030, 29892, 9999, 292, 18987, 29892, 11962, 9443, 21895, 322, 9999, 5925, 29889, 3492, 29899, 309, 9371, 338, 6853, 403, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 13, 29903, 2438, 8314, 313, 8110, 8132, 467, 940, 756, 6369, 17644, 297, 8236, 21824, 1338, 297, 278, 10161, 310, 2887, 713, 16972, 29892, 20021, 5381, 10643, 322, 20021, 8604, 26504, 29889, 940, 756, 750, 3200, 1241, 519, 7271, 297, 25228, 292, 14582, 322, 5874, 5840, 1860, 373, 29874, 3464, 310, 20021, 5381, 5177, 322, 5164, 8898, 5626, 29889, 940, 756, 1539, 411, 5514, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 14645, 24768, 310, 1773, 262, 1288, 17266, 800, 975, 278, 2440, 322, 5279, 371, 14520, 373, 20021, 8604, 26504, 29892, 20021, 7881, 322, 4891, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 10643, 408, 760, 310, 278, 853, 29875, 8132, 15197, 4523, 30010, 29879, 29871, 29945, 29899, 8508, 341, 5688, 322, 4623, 341, 5688, 8860, 29879, 29889, 29967, 262, 5389, 3375, 1808, 2718, 338, 6853, 403, 11386, 297, 278, 6346, 310, 15197, 472, 402, 4099, 24733, 574, 13, 27325, 3014, 29892, 4275, 19109, 29889, 2296, 4520, 902, 1963, 29928, 297, 10643, 515, 29923, 1332, 29874, 399, 290, 550, 3014, 29892, 4275, 19109, 29892, 322, 902, 5835, 30010, 29879, 297, 5013, 5309, 22365, 362, 515, 14234, 17066, 3014, 29174, 4909, 29892, 3148, 29889, 2296, 471, 263, 8799, 13027, 349, 6488, 2965, 313, 24815, 3217, 15057, 669, 512, 13715, 362, 2138, 499, 292, 29897, 322, 263, 5925, 261, 262, 9665, 870, 1794, 10550, 8907, 29889, 2439, 5925, 20017, 3160, 16375, 10365, 358, 29892, 19128, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 6694, 11104, 322, 8674, 1288, 9257, 29892, 4249, 4045, 29889, 2439, 29886, 21321, 505, 7470, 297, 278, 8237, 310, 9205, 466, 1288, 10726, 15057, 29892, 4623, 18320, 16972, 13957, 322, 6371, 1608, 15057, 9034, 1103, 3145, 29889, 29979, 549, 2166, 29882, 29895, 14371, 338, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 472, 612, 265, 344, 29875, 3014, 29889, 940, 338, 884, 13, 17392, 272, 310, 8907, 310, 6932, 322, 3122, 16972, 29892, 697, 310, 278, 23947, 5925, 1644, 414, 472, 29979, 265, 344, 29875, 3014, 29889, 940, 471, 6853, 403, 23263, 310, 278, 341, 5688, 11104, 472, 612, 265, 344, 29875, 4523, 974, 15197, 322, 471, 278, 6920, 310, 278, 4623, 15197, 8237, 29892, 607, 338, 6369, 491, 278, 22467, 10355, 310, 4623, 15197, 29889, 3600, 5925, 4066, 4689, 2541, 278, 28557, 15731, 11261, 310, 9117, 9999, 13184, 16650, 583, 29892, 17832, 8941, 278, 7134, 10643, 310, 6121, 14002, 9712, 1973, 322, 1400, 29899, 1050, 914, 27925, 310, 4891, 29899, 11466, 341, 29987, 2887, 322, 1286, 8569, 267, 373, 5534, 3458, 842, 322, 13149, 1997, 284, 296, 10643, 29889, 940, 756, 6369, 901, 1135, 263, 24231, 7456, 297, 278, 8236, 15731, 29926, 2905, 1338, 1316, 408, 15057, 4623, 13957, 29892, 8237, 310, 2787, 15197, 322, 4623, 15197, 13957, 29889, 14084, 262, 3739, 338, 11386, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 21810, 26421, 29892, 3087, 8699, 29892, 3148, 29889, 940, 758, 1403, 29899, 13, 5794, 6766, 408, 6853, 403, 11386, 411, 278, 3014, 310, 7660, 29892, 3148, 29892, 322, 29940, 4425, 3761, 3014, 310, 422, 15667, 669, 15197, 29892, 5546, 29889, 940, 756, 6369, 3023, 1426, 12733, 29892, 3704, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 15057, 313, 29906, 299, 12203, 467, 940, 756, 6369, 3036, 621, 273, 29871, 29906, 29945, 7456, 297, 2143, 406, 287, 21824, 1338, 1316, 408, 4623, 15197, 13957, 29892, 22221, 16890, 3335, 13957, 29892, 450, 4623, 27226, 8237, 29892, 4623, 8237, 310, 2138, 4680, 16972, 29892, 278, 8237, 310, 4649, 737, 292, 669, 2138, 4680, 15538, 29892, 4485, 15133, 3159, 28286, 669, 1858, 9450, 322, 1552, 8237, 310, 2138, 4680, 4485, 15133, 29889, 13, 29916, 1403, 2866, 1091, 29560, 13, 29903, 279, 801, 830, 384, 295, 29895, 4850, 338, 263, 10591, 403, 8368, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 28703, 4289, 29889, 2296, 756, 1287, 287, 408, 263, 5925, 20255, 472, 278, 24193, 310, 12968, 18981, 15057, 322, 2887, 713, 15197, 29889, 29967, 277, 25404, 501, 698, 314, 338, 4007, 22137, 11386, 472, 7513, 30010, 29879, 435, 1450, 801, 279, 29880, 284, 2448, 29882, 582, 3014, 322, 13, 371, 14520, 6932, 20021, 19469, 472, 278, 4523, 310, 4623, 16972, 29889, 3600, 5925, 8569, 267, 265, 8604, 26504, 29914, 5030, 2410, 1608, 310, 6932, 14325, 29889, 21771, 292, 263, 1963, 29928, 515, 922, 5059, 3086, 11574, 537, 29892, 19109, 29892, 540, 756, 9377, 29899, 29878, 9776, 25964, 29892, 3704, 1023, 7786, 8277, 29892, 1576, 25137, 12884, 29891, 310, 19109, 29901, 4300, 654, 29892, 4300, 5404, 322, 9603, 11316, 322, 9586, 20850, 310, 12415, 2410, 1608, 297, 14325, 29901, 18502, 898, 278, 14650, 284, 4306, 29892, 1302, 29899, 8921, 287, 411, 4699, 379, 870, 29873, 29889, 29950, 275, 916, 25964, 3160, 1346, 29923, 4599, 293, 402, 798, 386, 297, 7513, 322, 7551, 29901, 319, 28663, 1230, 29301, 30024, 363, 278, 8955, 4623, 16972, 322, 1346, 29968, 487, 29874, 30010, 29879, 1570, 1920, 305, 1217, 29899, 29903, 15566, 928, 2792, 29901, 341, 20304, 263, 3767, 1845, 293, 10726, 297, 278, 14650, 284, 4306, 30024, 297, 7551, 13969, 29889, 29979, 29875, 27583, 338, 4007, 22137, 11386, 310, 4623, 15197, 472, 402, 496, 265, 3014, 322, 29874, 5925, 261, 472, 612, 265, 344, 29875, 15197, 10550, 8907, 29889, 2439, 5925, 23820, 322, 25964, 505, 21309, 373, 278, 1400, 29899, 1050, 914, 10643, 310, 4891, 29899, 11466, 341, 29987, 2887, 29892, 2388, 300, 663, 322, 14321, 310, 341, 8186, 29879, 515, 11176, 3460, 2791, 1691, 29892, 1887, 2133, 16650, 583, 974, 341, 8186, 29879, 322, 6121, 5199, 6503, 10643, 29889, 2296, 6860, 267, 6121, 710, 8963, 322, 6121, 10643, 322, 756, 15031, 5381, 7271, 5221, 1218, 322, 25228, 292, 10013, 13734, 1516, 1048, 4891, 29899, 11466, 341, 29987, 2887, 310, 22467, 4768, 866, 305, 392, 6776, 2527, 1199, 13734, 1516, 29889, 13, 29896, 10192, 1672, 14849, 9838, 29968, 487, 29874, 785, 2982, 310, 2107, 28602, 1907, 29943, 370, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 13, 797, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29879, 29892, 4275, 19109, 313, 29882, 663, 1454, 386, 19109, 29897, 471, 263, 6460, 322, 13774, 9815, 13509, 29892, 411, 263, 402, 11191, 639, 2117, 2028, 310, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29945, 29947, 29892, 607, 471, 2788, 304, 1556, 11715, 2798, 2722, 472, 278, 931, 313, 14058, 10253, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 467, 2398, 29892, 19109, 756, 14363, 14586, 355, 681, 322, 10952, 17407, 14321, 2629, 278, 1833, 2846, 1602, 3076, 29892, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 3737, 10792, 310, 278, 7169, 6163, 29889, 2567, 328, 1036, 29892, 19109, 338, 385, 7841, 4509, 310, 278, 438, 29923, 6530, 392, 1045, 19416, 278, 29871, 29896, 29896, 386, 29899, 27489, 342, 26504, 297, 278, 3186, 29892, 411, 263, 402, 11191, 639, 2117, 2028, 310, 3308, 29938, 29941, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29953, 29900, 29892, 2788, 304, 12730, 470, 13616, 313, 14058, 10253, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 853, 4561, 1556, 10504, 15654, 273, 10916, 29892, 19109, 30010, 29879, 26504, 18172, 304, 6548, 23228, 368, 411, 385, 6588, 310, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29995, 2645, 278, 1833, 3006, 2440, 313, 14058, 10253, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 467, 450, 22467, 26504, 338, 5872, 6631, 2836, 362, 635, 29892, 2534, 8906, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3889, 29899, 3018, 311, 8571, 4110, 411, 29871, 29945, 29906, 2798, 2722, 29892, 3704, 319, 1660, 2190, 313, 29254, 362, 310, 317, 449, 15879, 20021, 3917, 2722, 511, 7824, 19986, 313, 29906, 29947, 10916, 511, 7513, 29892, 322, 1570, 13450, 29889, 19109, 338, 5279, 26642, 18615, 11526, 8157, 363, 29586, 7088, 3148, 29938, 29945, 29955, 29941, 24464, 322, 24802, 7088, 3148, 29938, 29946, 29955, 29947, 24464, 29898, 14058, 27226, 9205, 2133, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 2178, 445, 3732, 19109, 385, 13978, 573, 12551, 363, 1079, 647, 14582, 29889, 29968, 487, 29874, 338, 10734, 4549, 297, 12012, 3864, 322, 1880, 15483, 29889, 379, 5710, 13258, 1860, 297, 390, 29987, 29928, 322, 22035, 12425, 505, 4944, 278, 8405, 363, 445, 5849, 29889, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 19109, 10398, 1048, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29941, 29995, 310, 967, 402, 11191, 373, 5925, 29892, 1532, 14432, 310, 278, 3148, 29898, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29995, 511, 7551, 313, 29906, 29889, 29900, 29995, 511, 322, 278, 19007, 313, 29896, 29889, 29929, 10997, 313, 3703, 1939, 13183, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 467, 16478, 29892, 11354, 801, 294, 278, 9939, 6588, 8986, 3957, 6210, 297, 278, 3186, 313, 9513, 2079, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 511, 392, 29871, 29929, 29929, 29889, 29906, 29995, 310, 599, 26850, 505, 2130, 304, 7300, 4980, 8986, 313, 29934, 314, 533, 29920, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 29923, 29899, 22529, 13582, 385, 4100, 6297, 297, 19109, 29889, 8218, 479, 22467, 378, 3820, 12392, 1078, 29892, 17874, 4212, 10329, 774, 3775, 29892, 1316, 408, 317, 28935, 322, 9665, 870, 1794, 505, 11176, 3192, 297, 445, 5177, 392, 505, 4953, 3186, 20251, 29889, 317, 28935, 29892, 278, 10150, 10329, 22480, 29892, 15303, 363, 3036, 621, 273, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 4152, 9999, 995, 310, 278, 22467, 10224, 24004, 322, 15303, 1454, 2820, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29995, 310, 19109, 30010, 29879, 4152, 26504, 313, 29965, 29880, 8083, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 13, 29906, 13, 29943, 370, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 13, 29933, 1032, 898, 5381, 29892, 19109, 756, 17515, 3186, 8157, 8570, 1549, 967, 5745, 322, 296, 13946, 358, 29889, 22467, 4696, 322, 5648, 8541, 294, 505, 4687, 263, 5129, 29968, 487, 273, 10742, 30010, 29892, 385, 262, 1037, 559, 297, 278, 5534, 5972, 537, 310, 22467, 9257, 29892, 10734, 2629, 14325, 29889, 1152, 8758, 29892, 278, 4696, 4863, 5129, 29954, 574, 8588, 22135, 30010, 756, 1063, 20654, 975, 29871, 29941, 24464, 3064, 373, 3492, 13425, 29889, 450, 8023, 3719, 8528, 29949, 17049, 278, 1353, 697, 9758, 373, 15615, 30010, 29879, 2787, 21238, 8727, 29892, 322, 278, 3719, 5670, 15897, 9488, 373, 2246, 310, 278, 4696, 24469, 297, 29911, 1794, 11440, 363, 901, 1135, 1023, 2440, 313, 27926, 17487, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 467, 910, 22567, 2551, 297, 276, 1760, 2440, 756, 13978, 287, 263, 12176, 4414, 1314, 310, 9117, 14582, 29892, 17162, 29892, 8041, 29892, 322, 29873, 473, 2879, 29892, 964, 19109, 29889, 512, 2933, 29892, 4946, 1907, 2820, 278, 15482, 915, 505, 14511, 630, 322, 29914, 272, 17832, 11104, 373, 22467, 11898, 29889, 1152, 2777, 29892, 278, 3014, 310, 323, 434, 29890, 4289, 29892, 9556, 29892, 15241, 263, 22467, 16972, 1824, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 322, 5279, 3710, 417, 952, 29896, 29946, 18819, 13925, 29892, 3704, 2211, 25718, 943, 29892, 18819, 29871, 29941, 29929, 29929, 8041, 313, 11574, 537, 310, 29911, 434, 29890, 4289, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 467, 797, 3273, 29892, 727, 338, 263, 12176, 4066, 297, 2599, 5381, 297, 19109, 29892, 3447, 278, 21567, 392, 1661, 29899, 562, 1943, 13076, 12845, 338, 1603, 10579, 11755, 3460, 5742, 29889, 405, 4680, 681, 8277, 392, 7456, 505, 29537, 287, 278, 17407, 5849, 310, 19109, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 1696, 501, 698, 314, 29892, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29936, 9371, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 467, 960, 6121, 5381, 338, 15041, 29892, 278, 13638, 310, 5925, 5349, 21309, 373, 278, 6121, 14188, 310, 22467, 14582, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 1696, 20863, 29885, 814, 29892, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 467, 2398, 29892, 1568, 3109, 5925, 756, 5148, 472, 9117, 5381, 297, 19109, 313, 1079, 29916, 1441, 29879, 29892, 1074, 29892, 321, 29889, 29887, 1696, 350, 1664, 634, 394, 1696, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29936, 25022, 968, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 467, 1763, 7512, 5381, 297, 263, 1079, 647, 4234, 8472, 29892, 372, 338, 10112, 1230, 304, 2274, 278, 14407, 5381, 20944, 29936, 6467, 29892, 14582, 1122, 4418, 29889, 1152, 2777, 29892, 5260, 28402, 5229, 304, 7744, 517, 1887, 5821, 2063, 322, 10201, 750, 304, 22162, 271, 515, 19109, 29889, 19109, 756, 263, 20498, 774, 375, 3335, 5177, 322, 278, 8604, 29892, 11706, 29892, 322, 16375, 23136, 1163, 23228, 368, 515, 1906, 297, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 3186, 29889, 450, 8604, 322, 11706, 23136, 892, 28482, 491, 278, 3148, 29892, 9556, 29892, 322, 5546, 29892, 541, 896, 8906, 278, 29875, 4708, 21862, 3412, 278, 982, 29889, 450, 9257, 338, 28482, 491, 10811, 29884, 28445, 1608, 322, 7278, 294, 7093, 16336, 537, 322, 7333, 5302, 1550, 884, 7232, 945, 292, 10504, 5680, 262, 7786, 2440, 313, 29943, 307, 968, 634, 394, 1696, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 467, 4525, 23820, 526, 10664, 297, 445, 3143, 29889, 1576, 6437, 310, 445, 3143, 338, 304, 3867, 1663, 5861, 964, 322, 6907, 800, 363, 3525, 9117, 14582, 322, 15724, 508, 9269, 297, 19109, 29889, 6549, 29892, 445, 3143, 1111, 874, 263, 9377, 3464, 310, 8018, 23820, 29892, 3704, 278, 22467, 5381, 5177, 29892, 28549, 6251, 964, 19109, 29892, 322, 10643, 5626, 297, 19109, 29889, 450, 3143, 674, 367, 5407, 1454, 13258, 943, 29892, 25700, 29892, 767, 18150, 29892, 322, 8041, 8852, 297, 2599, 5381, 470, 284, 2040, 2599, 5381, 297, 29914, 2541, 19109, 29889, 10550, 414, 8852, 297, 2599, 5925, 373, 1079, 647, 14582, 322, 17162, 297, 19109, 1795, 884, 1284, 445, 3143, 263, 5407, 6503, 262, 4017, 292, 263, 7300, 8004, 29889, 450, 17737, 29560, 304, 445, 3143, 526, 1532, 29899, 5203, 816, 324, 1503, 2729, 297, 6813, 29892, 14325, 29892, 8314, 29892, 322, 4092, 29892, 4340, 9004, 1218, 278, 10945, 6159, 322, 4066, 297, 2599, 5381, 297, 19109, 29889, 13, 3744, 1220, 310, 7977, 1576, 3143, 338, 13931, 964, 2211, 5633, 29889, 3455, 306, 8128, 385, 975, 1493, 310, 278, 17407, 29892, 20087, 936, 29892, 322, 16375, 23136, 393, 8267, 278, 982, 310, 2599, 5381, 297, 19109, 29889, 13, 25898, 13, 29941, 13, 4013, 338, 385, 4100, 22778, 304, 2253, 2274, 2020, 322, 920, 304, 437, 5381, 262, 19109, 29889, 3455, 1944, 18469, 9999, 2130, 964, 19109, 322, 10816, 8569, 267, 373, 5609, 292, 322, 341, 29987, 29909, 29892, 1023, 3619, 6251, 18893, 29892, 322, 920, 9117, 14582, 508, 5110, 3166, 19109, 29889, 3455, 4786, 5353, 267, 15662, 10643, 5626, 393, 9117, 14582, 392, 767, 18150, 3700, 297, 19109, 29892, 3704, 9999, 292, 29892, 5199, 6503, 10643, 29892, 392, 1518, 25054, 403, 10643, 29889, 16478, 29892, 1951, 263, 23228, 18618, 310, 9117, 18082, 1237, 322, 16157, 29879, 297, 19109, 1284, 5703, 358, 1549, 6257, 1009, 1914, 5381, 29892, 705, 884, 505, 263, 16385, 373, 920, 304, 1476, 263, 5001, 29889, 13, 7439, 306, 29901, 5381, 5177, 1576, 1494, 16385, 29892, 23040, 29871, 29906, 29892, 8128, 263, 15839, 975, 1493, 310, 278, 7786, 17407, 5849, 297, 19109, 29889, 887, 29899, 309, 9371, 322, 6123, 9371, 29892, 1716, 515, 278, 3014, 310, 4275, 8314, 29892, 8314, 29892, 3829, 1009, 975, 1493, 964, 278, 2211, 29540, 515, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 2745, 9826, 29889, 450, 937, 8576, 8569, 267, 373, 2106, 29899, 839, 6121, 11302, 5849, 1549, 5609, 29899, 12236, 287, 18408, 2133, 1546, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29879, 322, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 29889, 4525, 1116, 8576, 18553, 263, 452, 29877, 29899, 492, 495, 284, 29892, 9999, 29899, 12236, 287, 5849, 427, 17961, 383, 4571, 297, 1731, 29879, 392, 6121, 11302, 1549, 3889, 29899, 3018, 311, 8571, 4110, 6257, 515, 278, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 29889, 1576, 4654, 8576, 16612, 278, 2198, 3785, 310, 19109, 408, 385, 18408, 1891, 5233, 29889, 4013, 16385, 338, 1407, 4100, 363, 8004, 278, 22467, 17407, 3829, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29941, 29892, 3971, 491, 435, 277, 25404, 501, 698, 314, 515, 435, 1450, 801, 279, 29880, 284, 2448, 29882, 582, 3014, 29892, 7513, 29892, 524, 3518, 778, 278, 22467, 8604, 5177, 29889, 910, 16385, 8569, 267, 373, 1023, 1741, 303, 2455, 528, 10501, 278, 8604, 322, 5264, 24400, 297, 19109, 29901, 278, 20021, 18161, 24161, 297, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 322, 278, 8604, 24161, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 607, 20601, 297, 278, 527, 412, 25117, 310, 278, 29968, 487, 273, 6673, 29889, 5806, 278, 23660, 892, 1422, 29892, 1716, 4959, 12212, 278, 9949, 310, 278, 5874, 297, 5381, 29889, 910, 16385, 8128, 4100, 1663, 5861, 938, 10323, 6297, 310, 11595, 322, 1871, 284, 21561, 297, 22467, 5381, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29946, 18568, 278, 5412, 5680, 310, 278, 22467, 9257, 8018, 304, 2599, 8262, 3335, 297, 19109, 29889, 450, 16375, 5177, 310, 4275, 19109, 338, 12234, 17878, 294, 1641, 528, 10501, 491, 10811, 29884, 28445, 1957, 1338, 29892, 263, 4482, 3233, 310, 9311, 29892, 322, 263, 1880, 7426, 310, 6314, 440, 1608, 29889, 317, 854, 6912, 557, 29892, 624, 29889, 2259, 30010, 29879, 3014, 29892, 3148, 29892, 4547, 778, 263, 901, 21309, 1776, 1609, 337, 1753, 2827, 9311, 24774, 1549, 278, 301, 575, 310, 1871, 284, 14379, 29892, 607, 2931, 675, 22467, 12459, 29889, 10307, 1957, 1338, 297, 19109, 508, 367, 5439, 408, 21699, 513, 23352, 4695, 322, 6314, 440, 4695, 29889, 910, 16385, 8128, 15031, 2411, 5795, 393, 598, 4100, 363, 278, 10643, 310, 1518, 25054, 1078, 297, 3957, 304, 11314, 936, 6030, 29889, 13, 7439, 1944, 29901, 9999, 2130, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29945, 16455, 10947, 383, 4571, 297, 1731, 29879, 964, 19109, 29889, 512, 379, 4099, 1698, 313, 29902, 273, 29897, 9371, 29892, 4309, 29891, 2963, 3014, 29892, 3148, 29892, 16455, 10947, 263, 2919, 848, 731, 304, 22222, 278, 4766, 310, 383, 4571, 297, 1731, 322, 4548, 7420, 1316, 15038, 29889, 10987, 886, 1510, 393, 297, 9917, 383, 4571, 964, 19109, 756, 5718, 2705, 262, 1037, 1463, 975, 278, 12399, 3785, 29892, 14364, 6421, 297, 515, 14325, 29899, 29925, 562, 928, 10916, 392, 4049, 2629, 278, 2669, 6397, 2722, 322, 297, 278, 7621, 922, 5059, 4038, 29889, 16564, 373, 278, 15916, 29892, 445, 16385, 8128, 4100, 8455, 616, 322, 8898, 2411, 5795, 29889, 13, 29946, 13, 29943, 370, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 13, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29953, 338, 16955, 304, 5609, 292, 29892, 408, 278, 13638, 310, 9117, 13734, 1516, 437, 5381, 262, 19109, 3025, 29586, 29889, 26408, 3739, 29892, 3014, 310, 21810, 26421, 29892, 8278, 29892, 322, 9665, 348, 2397, 3226, 29872, 29892, 3014, 310, 2921, 300, 1259, 264, 29892, 9556, 29892, 5353, 278, 25486, 322, 766, 17263, 19771, 974, 1513, 23797, 26377, 5609, 292, 29889, 16478, 29892, 278, 16385, 8128, 385, 7418, 310, 1552, 15662, 18066, 267, 9117, 13734, 1516, 11735, 297, 19109, 29889, 16564, 373, 1009, 7418, 29892, 278, 5150, 943, 2367, 10529, 363, 920, 9117, 13734, 1516, 508, 19012, 6053, 322, 2334, 1513, 322, 26377, 5609, 292, 304, 19109, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29955, 29892, 3971, 491, 612, 549, 2166, 29882, 29895, 14371, 322, 612, 29875, 27583, 29892, 612, 265, 344, 29875, 3014, 29892, 19109, 29892, 524, 3518, 778, 1716, 297, 9917, 322, 714, 9917, 4891, 29899, 11466, 341, 29987, 2887, 310, 22467, 13734, 1516, 29892, 18271, 5376, 4251, 29892, 995, 29892, 4423, 29892, 322, 13661, 18822, 29889, 12808, 29892, 278, 27349, 5353, 267, 278, 1667, 1072, 8250, 322, 9117, 13258, 358, 27323, 322, 278, 771, 1133, 1973, 363, 9117, 14582, 10695, 8491, 22467, 13734, 1516, 29889, 11221, 393, 278, 2551, 392, 10672, 310, 4891, 29899, 11466, 341, 29987, 2887, 674, 367, 8459, 2645, 278, 13465, 8576, 29892, 1366, 16385, 8128, 263, 3030, 950, 7418, 29892, 5146, 292, 3153, 8570, 304, 4086, 392, 16375, 18066, 267, 29889, 450, 15717, 3867, 4100, 8455, 616, 2411, 5795, 363, 1079, 647, 14582, 3990, 1218, 22467, 3646, 14582, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29947, 5353, 267, 920, 9117, 14582, 508, 5110, 515, 19109, 29889, 3824, 29892, 6502, 29950, 331, 29885, 814, 29892, 19109, 3014, 29892, 19109, 29892, 16612, 278, 9324, 29879, 310, 22467, 14582, 29889, 7141, 3049, 936, 7134, 297, 7134, 29899, 524, 6270, 6397, 2722, 29892, 1316, 408, 3031, 4144, 2199, 943, 392, 10426, 7212, 800, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 3058, 8455, 616, 23274, 29892, 1795, 367, 10734, 8031, 363, 9117, 14582, 29889, 23186, 21702, 322, 8261, 12084, 18196, 526, 884, 4100, 363, 17977, 10549, 7134, 29889, 8364, 5996, 322, 12847, 616, 6509, 338, 4049, 937, 18043, 1556, 17583, 3025, 9117, 14582, 30010, 2997, 11684, 8819, 4314, 297, 19109, 29892, 607, 1122, 17602, 6782, 278, 7134, 896, 17532, 17977, 2580, 304, 916, 14354, 29889, 13, 7439, 4786, 29901, 9999, 292, 322, 767, 6751, 297, 19109, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29929, 8569, 267, 373, 9999, 292, 297, 19109, 29889, 10629, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 322, 19235, 830, 384, 295, 29895, 4850, 29892, 1716, 515, 278, 3014, 310, 2921, 300, 1259, 264, 29892, 9556, 29892, 14944, 6121, 9999, 292, 16650, 583, 322, 1857, 21691, 534, 1975, 297, 19109, 29889, 2088, 2618, 491, 1552, 5129, 29946, 29925, 29879, 30010, 29892, 445, 16385, 3994, 1711, 16455, 10947, 3692, 322, 920, 10551, 800, 297, 1840, 578, 29888, 3234, 29914, 9916, 29892, 8666, 29892, 22360, 29892, 322, 2058, 526, 4100, 304, 2551, 297, 278, 29968, 487, 273, 9999, 29889, 450, 16385, 8128, 4100, 8455, 616, 2411, 5795, 363, 920, 1079, 647, 14582, 1033, 6623, 1009, 9316, 322, 5786, 304, 2253, 6159, 22467, 25978, 414, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 3971, 491, 29779, 5389, 3375, 1808, 2718, 29892, 402, 4099, 24733, 574, 3086, 3014, 29892, 29968, 487, 29874, 29892, 322, 10629, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 29892, 3014, 310, 2921, 300, 1259, 264, 29892, 9556, 29892, 316, 1338, 411, 20938, 29924, 297, 19109, 29889, 3824, 29892, 278, 16385, 975, 7406, 15662, 5199, 6503, 10643, 29886, 1461, 1575, 758, 791, 296, 297, 19109, 29889, 1987, 29892, 278, 16385, 5353, 267, 15662, 5199, 620, 473, 29883, 11422, 5049, 18066, 267, 322, 1950, 6851, 29892, 884, 13138, 4100, 6907, 800, 363, 920, 9117, 14582, 508, 13978, 29892, 1162, 9216, 29892, 322, 10933, 22467, 24242, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 3971, 491, 15316, 3589, 583, 322, 10629, 713, 435, 524, 3660, 25022, 968, 29892, 1716, 515, 278, 11574, 537, 310, 2921, 300, 1259, 264, 29892, 9556, 29892, 338, 24600, 304, 1518, 25054, 403, 10643, 29889, 910, 13, 25898, 13, 29945, 13, 27349, 8569, 267, 373, 10712, 2071, 24455, 15723, 9117, 414, 1058, 437, 451, 24042, 304, 5735, 262, 19109, 9410, 2705, 29892, 577, 29899, 13998, 1518, 25054, 1078, 29889, 910, 16385, 5353, 267, 278, 4655, 18066, 267, 322, 28602, 1907, 363, 1518, 25054, 1078, 297, 19109, 29889, 897, 12818, 411, 263, 1422, 9257, 29892, 11675, 29892, 2274, 886, 310, 664, 29994, 19264, 17346, 29892, 322, 5264, 429, 10085, 508, 752, 5926, 4548, 25054, 1078, 30010, 4891, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 10365, 358, 29889, 4721, 862, 362, 29892, 1880, 17385, 362, 29892, 16375, 21082, 29892, 322, 263, 2304, 573, 3942, 508, 1371, 4788, 1403, 403, 1438, 18066, 267, 29889, 910, 16385, 8128, 15031, 2411, 5795, 363, 7037, 322, 1857, 1518, 25054, 1078, 408, 1532, 408, 6388, 17063, 6398, 292, 304, 5703, 1518, 25054, 1078, 297, 19109, 29889, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29896, 29906, 8128, 385, 975, 1493, 310, 920, 9117, 23440, 1600, 1295, 508, 1369, 263, 5381, 297, 19109, 29892, 3704, 278, 6865, 322, 1072, 8250, 322, 2498, 9848, 373, 2599, 8262, 3335, 297, 19109, 29889, 2443, 16711, 402, 7092, 809, 2574, 29892, 3014, 310, 21439, 29892, 10261, 29892, 16410, 491, 449, 1915, 292, 278, 2498, 317, 2303, 17535, 297, 19109, 322, 769, 4392, 1475, 1820, 6397, 2722, 393, 598, 13978, 573, 363, 9117, 414, 304, 1369, 701, 1009, 5381, 267, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 278, 16385, 24209, 10947, 920, 9117, 23440, 1600, 1295, 508, 437, 5381, 297, 19109, 29892, 3704, 278, 11706, 8768, 310, 5381, 267, 29892, 1998, 29874, 4072, 363, 9117, 414, 29892, 1369, 29899, 786, 5528, 431, 4097, 363, 9117, 414, 29892, 322, 1989, 8818, 2472, 363, 9117, 1369, 29899, 14340, 29889, 13, 1123, 10662, 29933, 1664, 29892, 476, 1696, 25022, 968, 29892, 383, 29889, 435, 1696, 669, 19387, 14797, 29892, 319, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 2233, 1161, 310, 4185, 1973, 29973, 5332, 1518, 25054, 1078, 30010, 664, 29899, 29880, 361, 774, 618, 653, 10365, 358, 297, 4275, 19109, 29889, 7824, 15057, 13957, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29901, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29955, 29994, 29941, 29955, 29946, 29889, 27926, 17487, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 450, 29871, 29896, 29900, 1556, 5972, 476, 29899, 12310, 17906, 322, 22706, 29889, 2045, 597, 1552, 29883, 12896, 3626, 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"in managing foreign acquisitions in South Korea andJapan: Lessons from Renault, General Motors and (...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"ified by the dominance of Korean smartphone products. In 2017, Samsung and LG combined held more th(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"for businesses to bypass formal rules butignoring informal commitments and obligations given to pol(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"create a visible, transparent and accountable institutional mediation.There have been various attem(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"-for-performance systems on employee attitudes towardorganizational commitment. Because Korea is re(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"., & Hampden-Turner, C. 1998. Riding the Waves of culture: Understandingcultural diversity in globa(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"boundFDI projects within a host country after they decide to enter the foreign market.Although most(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
". Location specificity and the transferability of downstream assetsto foreign subsidiaries. Journal(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
"ifferent business culture – hierarchy Gapeul relationshipKorea is a very hierarchical society. Ac(...TRUNCATED)
Doing Business in Korea
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