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Sounds like a failure of parenting and blaming others for their failure. Shouldn't this be considered accidental suicide?
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We only use the justice dept for such occasions when somebody like bush or reagan are keeping the seat warm. When its obooba its a free for all no rules apply. Notice that lynch is silent. What a major bimbo she turned out to be
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This makes absolutely no sense at all, but someone flagged the following comment: "Walrus also become infected with toxoplasmosis. Make mine well-done, please..." Please tell me how is this "offensive" enough to trigger the Robot Censor?
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In Ontario my electric bill averages out at 18 cents per kwh. In Quebec, it averages at 8 cents The ten cent difference is simply incredible, and almost entirely due to the failings of the McGuinty and Wynne régimes. Why has Ontario not imported electricity from Quebec can best be attributed to some combination of stupidity, ignorance, incompetence and corruption. The mitigating factor for these governments has been matched by stupidity, incompetence and ignorance on the part of the opposition, as well as the ingrained voting patterns of denizens of the GTA. The current leader of the PC (Politically Correct? Progressive but not necessarily Conservative, or Conservative but not necessarily Progressive?) thinks that the sun has nothing to do with climate change, while some of us think that climate change has been going on for a very long time and that governments are not accountable for the weather. The bottom line is that the province is led by dimwits, and they are very good at it.
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I'm glad white felons are allowed to carry guns now.
Interesting view. The point you make about the clear evidence of a corrupt Zuma is one which also amazes me in that such an individual should never have been within the leadership space at all, but it also speaks to something that I think is happening and this is that corruption has been part and parcel of democratic South Africa - the Guptas have been wheeling and dealing with the political class since 94 so my take is that it's a case of exceeding the acceptable amount of corruption that inevitably forms part of the relationship between government and business to the point where the offending 'eye' must be plucked out, and/or it's really a question of a hostile takeover of the economy - taking it out of the hands of those who have controlled it ( as described by the Gupta's PR firm- WMC) and of course placing in the hands of another cabal - the narrative of 'radical economic transformation' however has a hook so let us wait and see what tomorrow brings.
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There's absolutely no imagination in the play calling. Does Mccoy even watch other teams' plays?
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I guess she knows unhinged when she sees it.
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The salient point. Brown looks extremely stiff and there are constantly leaks that he'll abolish the sex ed curriculum and so on; on top of that, the Trillium Party is bleeding away members that want a harder-right agenda. When will Conservatives at the fed and prov level simply leave people to live their lives whilst campaigning on a balanced budget platform? Dear lord, if they lose this next election, they need to do a complete review of their party structure and strategy.
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And now we know why, Theodore Roosevelt(R) sent the U.S. Army into President Grant's(R) Yellowstone. Just like sending in Sherman(R) to burn Atlanta(D). "and all persons who shall locate or settle upon or occupy the same, or any part thereof, except as hereinafter provided, shall be considered trespassers and removed therefrom. https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/anps/anps_1c.htm
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Loucks, never stop nailing him!
Actually it is very "precedented." She did what George W. Bush and Colin Powell did, and actually Colin Powell advised her to do it that way. She took their advice because the public didn't care when they did it, why should they care if she did? So if you are looking for precedent, there it is. Waiting for you to call for their imprisonment any second now.
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The deleted link that the G&M doesn't want you to see. CNN exposed for fabricating false Russia narrative for ratings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdP8TiKY8dE
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The conclusion that "swing" states would lose importance is not consistent with the objective of the National Popular Vote concept. The swing states are important because they have a high population now and would continue to have high population with a purely popular vote election. In fact, given the current slight advantage the electoral college gives to low population states, which would be lost under the purely popular vote method, swing states would become relatively more important. I find the drive to tinker with the system that has served us well for over 200 years based on discontent over Trump to be unfortunate. Naturally, the democrats support this move because the small population western states tend to vote Republican and they have a slightly higher weight in the electoral college.
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Or maybe a Walmart greeter since that is about as authentic as he gets.
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He lost as the side kick running with the incumbent. What makes you think he wins solo?
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I am sorry that you think I was serious. That is in your head, not mine, but thanks. I laughed at your post the first time, no reason to read it again.
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This is exactly why I voted for him.
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"I don’t blame the Boy Scouts of America for inviting President Donald Trump to speak at the National Scout Jamboree. But I would blame the BSA’s leaders if they ever invited him back." Bingo! And the same goes for the Girl Scouts and any other youth organization. Trump is a disgrace and unworthy of addressing any of them.
"I'm not a Trump supporter, but I am a supporter of people like Stella & her right to be heard." I support Stella's right to be heard, but her voice is just talking down those that disagree with her and talking crap about younger people. Then she wants us all to get along as long as that means all agreeing with her positions. Typical Trumping. What I do not support is your lying. You are a Trump supporter. You post every piece of right wing propaganda that I see online. You quote things from Fox, Drudge, Breitbart, and sometimes even infowars, all the while claiming independence. You are not an independent. You are a parrot just repeating right wing talking points.
We have no idea if anyone in the Trump Campaign took money from the Russians, yet we do know that Clinton Foundation and Billy the Rapist received millions from Russian special interests.
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This budget is mysandrist and treats Canadian female voters like prostitutes.
So it is okay to push Native Americans onto reservations, steal their land, kill of their major food source because of what you say. Think again, all that was done to the Native Americans was to steal their land. That land is still under the control of the US, and taken illegally, by force, and under the gun. That is how the west was won.
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Trump is putting Canada / U.S. relations in the rough. Anything that diverts Trump from governing can't be all bad.
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" 'old-boy' attitudes and connections." I must admit that Dan Boyn is the self proclaimed expert on all things "Old Boy".
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You misspelled the PM's first name, ConcernedCanadian.
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Do waste your time and money on visiting the USA right now................
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I hope it does, too. But Guam and the Philippines do not have the security Western countries have (Ireland doesn't face North Korea; Philippines has a dictator, is dealing with China's expansion in the China Sea). Maybe the churches there will be more open. We can hope.
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As RRSP contribution room is only available to those with income, I presume that you were not only in school, but working as well.
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I'm not sure what article you are referring to...this article was written by a woman, Phyllis Zagano. The catechism, though it may strictly teach that divorce and remarriage is prohibited, was written by men and is or was their interpretation at one point in time, ultimately a time that people lived much shorter lives and women were property of their husbands with little or no rights. In addition, women were often a part of arranged marriages and were expected to remain chaste even under domestic abuse and the philandering actions of their husbands. And frankly, Jesus even said that divorce was not allowed except in the case of adultery. I wonder how many divorces are the result of adultery? What Francis has said is that those who have been divorced and remarried, especially when children are involved and some length of time has passed, maybe, just maybe, they have been punished enough and may gain strength by given access to the Eucharist, the source and summit of our life.
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Exactly and without the jet noise from the OLF, the development pressures would be huuuugggeeee.
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Good the dairy outfit has long profited off consumers. Time for us to have 2.00 gallons of milk just like the USA and cheaper cheese as well. You ever see Dairy farmers? They are loaded to the gills, driving Cadillac escalades and 80k trucks and take yearly family vacations!
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As I read this piece i ask my self what was the purpose? Here is the truth President Trump has done nothing of substance, nothing to make the lives of Americans or any one in the world better. He has gone back on virtually every campaign pledge. He STILL has not released his tax returns which contrary to people like you matters. Rolling back regulation is nothing to brag about they were put in place to protect PEOPLE from business. He lives in a constant state of conflict of interest beginning with his constant residence at Mira Lago. Now wants to push through a massive tax cut for himself. He tried to push through a health care law that was worse not better than the ACA. Has he created any jobs? made healthcare more affordable? Cut the deficit? Done anything except hold rallies. Like he said being president is hard.
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Your idiot japing aside, let me ask you - how does abortion in any way equate with expulsion of persons who will pay for your retirement and health care? OK, I get it, you're trying to reclaim the moral high ground you abdicated by insisting these young people, better than you, better than your kids, be kicked out of the USA. So your high horse is judging women who get abortions. Gosh Bill, I don't think that covers it. In either case your desire means nothing. But now you have shown that you would interfere with the lives of people on two fronts. You think you're some sort of good person I bet. You are not. We all are lucky that you have no power over the rest of us.
I wait for Mr. Chenny's articles with anticipation, like I have been waiting to own an E type all my life. Alas had to be satisfied with a TR2. Thank you for your columns Peter
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Hmm. Love your stuff, Megs, but can't follow you here. NONE of that sounds harmless! Maybe not life-destroying but also not harmless. C. "All I can say is that most of the abuse my friends and I have encountered has been relatively harmless.... being trailed on the street at night, dates who wouldn't desist until we got really angry, a few flashers on the subway or in public parks who sometimes also masturbated, men who rubbed against us on the streetcar, bosses who tried to kiss us when we were teenage waitresses, a handful of overly friendly colleagues, someone's dad who made a pass when we were underage."
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He resigned because of p.c. pressure whether you like it or not.
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Sure they're required to do an investigation, but lacking clear evidence and the proper means to obtain clear evidence( as per the last sentence in the article candidly stated ) taking action, however well intentioned, put's them in a precarious position if it is a “he said, she said” (typical) kind of situation. It's a societal issue that's been dumped on higher-ed because they take federal dollars via a law originally designed to prevent sexual discrimination in athletics has been bloated( as happens to so many federal laws). I think we're going in circles here, there's nothing more for me to add.
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<"To assume that you can ascribe an ulterior motive to this man's work is to assume something you cannot possibly know."> Who said it was a conscience "ulterior" motive? Have a read of John 15:22 and Romans 1:24. The mind, body and soul cannot be compartmentalised.
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It's amazing when the Left Wingers get an opening to renew their feebly founded attacks. Don't let the facts get in the way just keep yelling loud enough and long enough - that strategy worked in many fascist & Communist regimes - to convince people of the "truth".
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So, you'd like to force undocumented folks to birth American citizens? Kids born to undocumented folks automatically are American citizens.
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You're a troll faking someone else's account. Get out.
We are blessed to live in an age of technology, in that buyers do not actually come here to see where they will be moving. With virtual reality like #Matterport 3D virtual tours. Condos in Toronto can be viewed like this http://Bit.ly/CondoTour. Less than 5% of purchases in Toronto are to foreign investors. Come join us in Toronto, go to school, raise your family, bring our parents. Make Canada better!
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Allie, heard you're in the running to be a tackling dummy. Hang around these guys and they'll knock your socks off!
You should read the article.
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This statistic 'shocked' you? Well, after affirmative action, inflated scores on SAT tests, quotas for enrollment, for all of these groups, what did you really expect? Are you that stupid yourselves? Probably. Liberal numbskulls.
Poor vision by the CEO's. Don't they realize they have a greater voice INSIDE than by throwing a hissy and leaving?
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Amazon would never come to Canada. PR backlash would hurt them. 50000 jobs to a foreign nation Trump would be saying. I would pick Boston or Austin Texas.
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I can't argue with most of these predictions. Our looney is going to 65 cents so, depending which side of the border you operate from it's probably not very good. Jays didn't sign Encarnaciin because at $80 million for 4 years which he rejected it's really $100 million Canadian funds. Jays simply can't afford what Eddies agent hoped for. Seriously, Trump won't have very much of an economic impact until year two . Then Canada will sweat economically. And our interest rates will finally go up , maybe by a full point. About time?
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Way to step up Northrim! Now that is an Alaskan bank! Way to step down Wells Fargo! Your lack of honesty is obvious. Your "We could care less" attitude is not appreciated in Alaska. I guess that doesn't matter to you. I see the main branch in Fairbanks is shutting its doors and then only the small location near the Bentley Mall and the hard to get into, harder to get out of location at University Avenue and Geist Road will be it in Fairbanks. Heck, close one more and it will be just like most of your one bank locations in Alaska.
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Run them on courtview if you're curious -- you'll see that they both have many prior criminal convictions.
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This was written by a robot.
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This left's hate and delusion is embodied in this comment. See them for what they are.
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Washington state has over a hundred years of damage to salmon habitat to over come... ... the real question is are the people really willing to commit to it...
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What clearly is happening is Putin has hypnotized Trump and is doing Putin's bidding. Russians are also using Vulcan mind probes on people. This is very very scary and all of mankind is in danger. Has to be true i heard it on CNN !
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I'll gladly call myself a 'Redskin' over that wishy-washy overly generic "Native American" term any day. This term is far more derogatory than Redskin has been, or ever will be. Na·tive A·mer·i·can - a member of any of the aboriginal peoples of the western hemisphere. Gee, that means I from the west side of the planet versus the east side of the planet. That's just one step above being a human. I want to be referred to with a little more distinction than just what side of the planet I originated from. Let me ask you this - Would rather be a Rose or flowering fauna? However, I guess I shouldn't complain too much anymore because Caucasian people are no longer 'white' they are now refereed to as 'Non-Hispanic.'
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"I will gladly finish my Legislative work by the Wednesday deadline,if you deposit $100,000 in my offshore Cayman Island bank account today.."
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Relax Cydney, Too much cafine perhaps....
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Next Up; Reject, at UCIDA v. NMFS. The Polar Pen Classics, when you can't read Magnusen-Stevens, you could be a Stevens. The FBI conducted a second search on the legislative office of Republican State Senator Ben Stevens on September 18, 2006, seizing among other items documents related to the proposed natural gas pipeline and the oil and gas tax law which had been discussed in the Alaska Legislature during the regular and two special legislative sessions in 2006, as well as items related to his work on the Senate Ethics Committee and documents related to fisheries.
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It's been discussed my entire life. Be interesting to compare the "it's too expensive" estimated cost in the early '80s to the money spent "fixing" the Seward over that time.
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He will be able to look through the trees that line the park and see the dozens of inebriated vagrants illegally camping a few yards away. Should the rain subside he'like even observe thier rutualistic mating dance stumble out onto the bike path where they swerve erratically and yell obscenities at the families passing by.
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All the left has is their POUTrage.
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"...most U.S. cities these days are poor and torn by racial strife." No, most US cities are not. You can look it up. The US Geological Survey and US Census publish data on the more than 35,000 cities in the US. There is no chance Amazon will choose to relocate to St. Louis.
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The much bigger issue is why we allow people to incorporate at all. Historically, the notion of incorporating businesses was motivated by encouraging people to invest in new ventures. Over time, incorporating has become a way to protect people (i.e. investors, owners, managers, and employees) from suits arising from the negative impacts of a business or enterprise. Does this not make it easier for enterprises to make unsound decisions regarding negative externalities?
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That's a hard one to call. Is it borderline sensationalized reporting or actual news? If this wass public event, then I could see it being news. Personally, I really didn't want to see it, but I did on CivilBeat, and no other news source. Before all of Kenoi's P-Card issues and legal issues, I always remembered him (and kept him in the highest regard) from an outstanding and incredibly memorable commencement speech he gave a few years back to HPU students. I was energized and moved by his words, and I t had me thinking he was going to be Governor one day. Best wishes to him and his ohana as he goes through the stuff to come.
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Not so sure women need to be socialized.........being physically weaker they (there are exceptions, of course!), so men have always been the hunters and defenders. Even primate females want the strongest male, the best hunter, partly to protect them from all the other males. So most women innately don't want men who are weaker and poorer than them thus, in various ways, they "marry up".
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So----Cardinal Burke was not demoted? Bishops who lived a little too "lavishly" for the style of Pope Francis were not removed or demoted? Pope Francis has not demoted bishops for not towing the line he wants towed? If none of that is demotion or punishment for not towing the line, what do you consider demotion and punishment? Besides, you miss my point. Under Benedict XVI and JPII the liberals celebrated dissidence. Now, all of a sudden they demand obedience. What I am wondering is on what basis they demand obedience? Why should Conservatives obey Pope Francis when liberals disobeyed JPII and Benny?
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How does a spiritual leader get a personal fortune of over a billion dollars? (hint: it's not spiritual) What was this "spiritual leader" asking from our Prime Minister? What did they talk about? More money for his pet religious projects from Canadian taxpayers? More access to his followers to immigrate to Canada? Like his father his adoration of Castro and Communist China, this rather bizarre adoration of the Aga Khan is too much. Mixing religion and politics like this is not acceptable. Keep our country away from your infantile personal views
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Quit voting for the Liberals on the Rock........I just do not understand the mentality out there on the east coast. The Liberals could cut your throats and you would still vote for them.
whelp, another terrorist with a machete at The Lourve screaming "allahu akbar". I'm guessing he reads a Quran not a Bible.
I quite agree with you. This same lobby group want compensation if supply management is removed. I think we have compensated this greedy group long enough and no additional/reward compensation is warranted!
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It's important that we keep a Republican led Congress...because the last thing we need is for anything to get done.
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Nothing like a pronunciation guide, ADN. Otherwise, I think this will hurt tourism. Barrow is known far and wide. Utqiagvik is not.
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Paying for another's choice to live in a flood zone is as stupid as paying for gender reassignment in the military.